Tan ul New Yurk State Cullege of Agriculture At Qoruell University Ithaca, N. Y. Library A Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003171323 PRACTICAL RABBIT KEEPING (above) Young Belgian Hare Buck (below) Mother and Daughter—Blue Imperials PRACTICAL RABBIT KEEPING BY EDWARD I. FARRINGTON Author of “The Home Poultry Book.’? oc NEW YORK ROBERT M. McBRIDE & CO. 1919 Copyright, ro19 by ROBERT M. McBRIDE & COMPANY Printed in the United States oy Amentea. (Second Printing August, 1919) Published June, 1919 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I Wuy To Raise RappBitrs.§ . . . . I II ALitrre Rappitr Hisrory . . .. . 9 III Tue Best Raspirs For Meat . . . 16 IV Tue So-catteD Fancy RapBirs. . . 24 V Rassits as Pets ForRCHILDREN. . . 4! VI Howto Becin Raspit Keeping. . . 46 VII Houses, Hurcues AND YARDS . . «85, VIII Tue GeneraL Care OF RaBBITS . . . 74 IX Wuatanp Howto Freep . . . . 80 X Srmpre Rutes For BREEDING . . . 96 XI Raistnc THE YOUNG Stock . » « TO XII Exurerrinc anp SELLING . . . «TIS XIII PREPARING RABBITS FoRTHE TABLE. . 125 XIV Rassir Furs AND THEIR VALUE. . . 136 XV Wuen Razsits Are Out oF ConpiTion. 146 APPENDIX a. i> Sep. “wey cl cae -