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There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003216821 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES IN SCIENCE NUMBER 2 PAPERS ON BACTERIOLOGY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS BY FORMER STUDENTS OF HARRY LUMAN RUSSELL MADISON 1921 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES NUMBER 16 SCIENCE NO. 2 JUNE, 1921 PRICE, ONE DOLLAR Published bi-monthly by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin Entered as second class matter August 31, 1919, at the postoffice ht Madi- son, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, Authorized September 17, 1918. No. 1. The Fishes of Lake Valencia, Venezuela, by A. S: Pearse. 52 p. Fifty cents. No. 2. Papers on Bacteriology and Allied Subjects, by Former Students of Harry Luman Russell. 200 p. $1.00. DEAN HARRY LUMAN RUSSELL UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES SCIENCE NUMBER 2 PAPERS ON BACTERIOLOGY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS BY FORMER STUDENTS OF HARRY LUMAN RUSSELL MADISON 1921 DEDICATED TO BACTERIOLOGIST DEAN HARRY LUMAN RUSSELL BY HIS FORMER STUDENTS ON THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DOCTORATE CONTENTS A Review of the Scientific Work of Harry Luman Russell Together with a List of his Books and Scientifie Pa- pers. E.G. Hastings, M.S. ’99 . ; The Development of City Milk Supply Problems H. A. Harding, B.S. ’96, M.S. ’98 ‘ The Resistance of Mold Spores to the Action of Sonlight, John Weinzirl, B.S. 796, M.S. 799, Ph.D. ’06 The Influence of the Plane of Nutrition upon the Per- centage of Fat in Milk and the Properties of the Fat. C. H. Eckles, Graduate Student ’96—’97 Characteristics and Distribution of the Colon-Aerogenes Group. L. A. Rogers, Graduate Student, ’97—’98 The Identity of American and French Sporotrichosis. D. J. Davis, B.S. 798 : The Significance of Yeasts and Oidia in Pasteuived But- ter. F.W. Bouska and J. C. evant Graduate Students, *01-’02 The Action of Certain Bactesa on ihe Nececnons Mate. rial of Sewage. EL. G. Birge, B.S. . The Detection of eee Mill, W. D. Frost, Ph.D. 03 . F The Investigation of Drinking Water Supplies H. A. Whittaker, Ph.G. ’03, B.A. ’06 The Milk Supply of Chieago. A. L. Amott, B.S.A. 708 The Bacteriology of Ice Cream. B. W. Hammer, B.S.A. ’08 30 60 131 139 151 164 170 182 FOREWORD In June 1917 the twenty-fifth anniversary of Dean H. L. Russell’s doctorate was celebrated by a complimentary break- fast. As a part of the exercises, it was announced that a quarter century volume by certain of his students would be published in his honor. Most of the manuscripts were re- ceived June 1, 1918, but war-time conditions have delayed the completion of this task until now. It is hoped, however, that the unavoidable delay will not lessen the pleasure which the volume will bring to either the teacher or his students. H. A. Harpina, E. G. Hastrnes, W. D. Frost. Committee. A REVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC WORK OF H. L. RUSSELL E. G. Hastines It is impossible to present in a few pages an adequate statement of the work of him in honor of whom this volume is issued. In most of the fields that engaged his attention, as a member of the Wisconsin Experiment Station staff, the work was of a pioneer nature and has served as a foundation for the work of others who were to follow, making a more detailed study of the varied fields. The University of Wisconsin has been fortunate in the loyalty of its staff and in the cooperation that has existed be- tween its various departments. The work presented by Dr. Russell in many of his papers was done in association with colleagues in other departments of the College of Agriculture. Chief among these collaborators may be mentioned Dr. 8S. M. Babcock whose knowledge of the chemistry of the dairy supplemented and indeed made possible much of the work in dairy bacteriology, a subject that is as much chemical as biological in nature. Men are creatures of circumstances. Their careers are governed largely by their associations. One of the great factors in directing the future of the subject of this sketch was his father, a medical man by education, a scholar by nature, who realized the value of a university education and who made possible the years of graduate study. H. L. Russell was born on March 12, 1866, son of E. Fred Russell and Lucinda Estella Russell. He entered the University of Wisconsin in 1884, recciving his bachelor’s degree in 1888. Another important factor in the determination of the future career of the student was the presence in the University of Wisconsin of William Trelease, now in charge of the depart- ment of botany in the University of Illinois. Dr. Trelease 10 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES had been attracted by the new subject, the new science of bacteriology, that was developing so rapidly under the tutelage of Pasteur and Koch. ‘The thesis submitted to Harvard University in 1884 by Professor Trelease for his doctorate was entitled Observations on Several Zooglea and Related Forms. It involved a study of the growth of cer- tain bacteria on potato. The interest of Professor Trelease in bacteriology led him to introduce it into his courses in botany. Dr. Trelease left the University in 1885 and his work fell to the then professor of zoology, President E. A. Birge, under whose guidance the student was to receive his introduction to bacteriology. Two years were spent in grad- uate study at the University of Wisconsin. During this period the first paper was prepared. It was entitled Pre- lininary Observations on the Bacteria of Ice from Lake Mendota, and was published in 1889. In those days two laboratories were attracting all students who wished to become bacteriologists, that of Robert Koch at the University of Berlin and that of Louis Pasteur in the Institute which bears his name. The years of 1890-1891 and 1891-1892 were spent in these laboratories and at the Zoological Station at Naples where the data were collected for the first ex- tensive paper which was published in the Zeitschrift fiir Hy- quene in 1892 under the title Untersuchungen tiber im Golf von Neapel lebende Bakterien. On returning to this country a year was spent under Dr. William H. Welch of Johns Hopkins University. By this university the doctor’s degree was granted in 1893. The thesis submitted for the degree was entitled Bacteria in their Relation to Vegetable Tissue. It was published in the Johns [Hopkins Hospital Reports in 1893. At that time the idea was almost universal that the overshadow- ing importance of bacteria in milk lay in their relation to the health of the consumer. A portion of this fear of germ life arose from the feeling that since certain germs cause definite diseases, all germs must be dangerous. The faulty logic in this reasoning is too evident to need discussion. The nightshade is truly a poisonous plant while its near relative, the potato, is one of our most important sources of food. The fact that the death rate of babies is highest during the hot months when the germ content of the milk supply is also highest early led to the belief that the high germ content * The details of the preparation of these standards were worked out by James D. Brew under the general direction of the author. 2H. L. Russell, The Source of Bacterial Infection and the Relation of the Same to the Keeping Qualities of Milk in Annual Report, Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta., 11 (1894), pp. 150-165, 1895. 38 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES of milk was responsible for the death of the babies. However, the results from the most careful studies of this subject fail to substantiate this view. Park,2* in studying conditions in New York, found that while under tenement house conditions high germ content milk and fatalities among the babies were commonly associated there were likewise present many other factors inimical to the health of the baby. On the other hand in baby hospitals where the germ content of the milk supply was uniformly high but good general care was given the babies, their health was satisfactory. Williams?’ later made a careful study of all baby deaths during one year in Roches- ter, N. Y. He concluded that the milk supply could be directly connected with only a small portion of such deaths. Price,”® by instructing the mothers, reduced the baby death rate in Detroit to a low level without changing the character of the milk supply. On the other hand, it is generally agreed that bottle-fed babies are prone to digestive disturbances which are usually attributed to something connected with the milk since that is practically their sole source of nourishment. It has often been asserted that these digestive troubles were due to the presence of large numbers of germs in the milk. On the other hand, when these same ailing infants are placed upon a diet of milk containing immense numbers of germs, their digestive disturbances usually promptly vanish. This would seem to dispose of the argument that their original trouble was duc to the mere presence in milk of large numbers of germs. Logically, the next suggestion is that the difficulty with the babies is due, not to the germs themselves, but to the changes which the germs bring about in the milk. The 2... H. Park and L. E. Holt, Report upon the Results with Different Kinds of Pure and Impure Milk in Infant Feeding in Tenement Houses and Institutions in New York City, Dept. of Health, City of N. Y., Am. Rept. (1902), pp, 275-299, 1904. 7 J. R. Williams, A Study of Infant Mortality in Rochester. The Rela- lion of Market Milk Thereto in N. Y. Med. Jour., July 18, 1912. *“W. H. Price, Some Statistics Regarding Infant Mortality. in Aw. Repl,, Int. Asso, Dairy and Milk Inspectors, 3, pp. 95-108, 1915. DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 39 marked improvement in the health of ailing infants when fed upon sour milk is commonly attributed to a difference in the kinds of germs present in the milk consumed before and after the improvement with a corresponding difference in the character of the changes produced in the milk by these germs. So far as studies have been made, there is shown surpris- ingly little qualitative difference in the bacterial flora of the ordinary public milk supply when carrying a high germ con- tent and the flora of the milk which has acknowledged ther- apeutic value in the treatment of sick babies. There are, of course, quantitative differences in that the total number of germs in the therapeutic milk is much higher and this in- erease in numbers is largely in germs with marked acid-form- ing tendencies. Too little is yet known of the chemical products of bacterial action in milk to justify conclusions, but the known ability of milk compounds to absorb or otherwise neutralize small amounts of bacterial by-products suggests that many of them may be cared for in this way. Acid is the most evident by- product of this bacterial action but this is most abundant in the therapeutic milks. Failing to find a satisfactory explanation for the illness of children in the number of germs involved or in any of their recognizable by-products, it seems logical to seek for other explanations of the constantly observed coincidence of high germ content milk supplies and baby sickness. A part of the diarrheal diseases of children is undoubtedly due to the action of specific dysentery organisms. No tech- nique is available by which the presence of these organisms in milk can be readily determined but pasteurization offers the same protection against them as against other pathogenic organisms. Experience in the feeding of domestic animals has abun- dantly demonstrated that an animal accustomed to a uniform dict is markedly disturbed by sudden changes in its ration. It ig an axiom in the feeding of dairy cows that changes in the amount or character of their ration should be made gradually. The gratifying improvements which have followed 40 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES the district nurse system of instructing mothers in uniform and regular feeding of babies suggests that babies respond similarly to like physiological stimuli. In the feeding of calves it is observed that calves like the human infant thrive when fed uniformly upon sweet milk or when fed uniformly upon sour milk but that diarrhea appears promptly when a system of feeding sweet milk is varied by an occasional feeding of sour milk. While frankly admitting the danger of reasoning by analogy, the similarity of the factors observed and of the results obtained in the feeding of calves and of babies strongly suggests that in both cases diarrheal conditions result from sudden changes in the acid reaction of the diet. If this rea- soning is correct, a satisfactory supply of baby milk is char- acterized among other things by a constant acid reaction. Under ordinary conditions the reaction which will be most satisfactory is approximate neutrality. If the above explanation of the evil results attending the use of occasional samples of partially sour milk is accepted, it © offers an excellent reason for insisting that the public milk supply shall have such a keeping quality as to maintain an essentially unchanged reaction during the time which would ordinarily elapse before its consumption. Since the increase in acid reaction of milk is due to the growth of bacteria, the problems of keeping quality are prob- lems of limiting the entrance and activity of germ life and of measuring the activity of the germs which enter. The work of Dr. Russell, above referred to,2° is one of the earliest inquiries as to the source of the bacteria which enter the milk and this type of inquiry has been continued by a number of his students. In connection with this series of studies it has developed that the barn and barn conditions exert surprisingly little influence upon the germ content of milk.*° While in a few instances the udder flora heavily See footnote 25. HH. A. Harding, G. L. Ruehle, J. K. Wilson and G. A. Smith, The Effect of Certain Dairy Operations upon the Germ Content of the Milk, Bulletin 365, N. Y. Asr. Exp. Sta., 1913. , M. J. Prucha and H. M. Weeter, Germ Content of Milk as Influenced by the Factors at the Barn, Bulletin 199, Tl, Agr. Exp. Sta t9i7. i DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 41 infect the milk,*t under ordinary conditions the contamina- tion of the milk arises almost exclusively from the utensils in which it is handled.2?, Among the utensils the milking machine,** where it is used, the shipping can, and the cooling and bottling machinery at the milk plant are ordinarily the principal sources of this contamination. The problem of a suitable test for the keeping quality of milk is not a3 simple as might at first appear. Since the keeping quality of milk depends upon germ life, the number of germs present has been suggested as the logical measure of keeping quality, and this idea has been accepted by a considerable number of municipalities. However, there seems to be no basis for an agreement as to the maximum number of bacteria to be used as a standard of proper keeping quality. Actual municipal standards vary from as low as 50,000 per ec. c.** to as high as 2,000,000 per c. ¢.** A very practical difficuity with bacterial standards is the extreme variations which occur in determining the germ content of milk even under the most favorable conditions. This was most strikingly illustrated in a comparative test made under the direction of Dr. H. W. Conn and conducted cooperatively in four laboratories in New York City. These studies showed that occasionally plate determinations made from milk approximately sour indicated a lower germ content than other plate determinations made from certified milk, 31K, G. Hastings and C. Hoffman, Bacterial Content of the Milk of Indi- vidual Animals, Research Bulletin 6, Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1909. H. A. Harding and J. K. Wilson, A Study of the Udder Flora of Cows, Tech. Bul. 27, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1913. 2M. J. Prucha, H. M. Weeter and W. H. Chambers, Germ Content of Milk as Influenced by the Utensils, Bulletin 204, Ill. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1918. %F,. C. Harrison, Machine-drawn Milk Versus Hand-Drawn Milk in Cent. F. Bak., II. Abt. 5, 183-189, 1899. E. G. Hastings and C. Hoffman, Bacterial Control of Machine-drawn and Hand-drawn Milk in Annual Report, Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta., 24 (1907), 214-222. See also Cent. f. Bak. II. Abt. 22, 222-231, 1908. H. A. Harding, J. K. Wilson and G. A. Smith, Milking Machines: Effect of Method of Handling on the Germ Content of Milk. Bulletin 317, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1909. 34 Bacteriological Standards for Milk, U. 8S. Public Health Reports, 29, pp. 1218-1221, 1914. 33 Limit for potable milk set by ordinance at St. Louis, Mo. 42 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES although the real germ content was vastly higher in the sour milk. It should be noted that this is a comparison of the results from individual plates and that the average from a considerable number of simultancous plate determinations gave more logical results. A study of the above data by Dr. Reitz showed that the results of approximately twenty-five simultaneous plate determinations should be averaged to give results which are satisfactorily accurate.** Ordinary labora- tory studies are made with four to six simultaneous plates*’ but routine municipal determinations are frequently based upon the count from single plates. In the face of the demon- strated variability of bacterial plate counts, the use of the results from single plates in municipal laboratories is ex- tremely unsatisfactory. Another stumbling block in the way of bacterial plate standards is the fact that there are so few municipalities equipped with men and facilities for making as accordant plate counts as those discussed above. The number of cities in the United States thus properly equipped is considerably iess than the number which have already adopted such muni- cipal standards. Any standard of keeping quality which is to be a satisfactory aid in measuring the keeping quality of city milk must be much more widely applicable than standard bacterial plate counts are at present. The ‘‘little plate’? method suggested by Frost?* meets some of these ob- jections but as yet has not been commonly employed. The direct microscopic estimation of the bacteria in milk has a number of advantages over the plate count among which are the quickness with which it can be made and the relatively *® Data presented by H. L. Reitz and H. A. Harding to the Laboratory Section of the \mer. Public Health Association at the Rochester meetins, 1914, “TM. J, Prucha and H. M. Wecter, Bul. 199, Ill. Agr. Exp, Sta., p. 31, 1917. *“W. D, Frost, Rapid Method of Counting Bactcria in Milk in Sei, 42, pp. 255-256, 1915; Comparison of a Ranid Method of Counting Bacteria in Milk with the Standard Plate Method in J. of Inf. Dis., 19, pp. 2738-287, 1916; A Rapid Method of Counting Bacteria in Milk and Other Richly Seeded Materials in J. Amer. Med. Asso. 66, pp. 889-890, 1916; Counting the Living Bacteria in Milk—A Practical Test in J. of Bact., 2, pp. 567- 583, 1917: Improved Technique for the Micro or Little Plate Method of Counting Bacteria in Milk in J. of Inf. Dis.. 28, pp. 176-184, 1921, DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 43 small expense for laboratory equipment.®® Among its limita- tions the fact that it is not readily applicable to milk of low germ content nor to pasteurized milk are the most important. As acid formation is the most prominent objectionable feature in milk of poor keeping quality it has been suggested as a measure of keeping quality. Studies of acid develop- ment in milk show that at the temperatures to which milk is ordinarily exposed during delivery and in the household, changes in acidity occur at first so slowly as to appear of little significance but that later acidity imereases very rapidly.° As a result milk at the time of delivery may be so little changed as to show on titration a normal acidity and yet be sour before the lapse of twenty-four hours. A simple and on the whole fairly satisfactory test of keep- ing quality may be made by holding a sample of milk at a definite temperature for a definite time and then examining for acid and flavors. This test has the merit of not requiring apparatus more complicated than a good ice chest and facili- ties for the titration of acidity. It is a test which is within the financial possibilities of any municipality which has suf- ficient funds to provide an inspector to collect and observe milk samples. Tue PROBLEM OF INSPECTION Attention has already been drawn to the fact that a city can learn little about the actual condition of its milk supply until it provides some form of inspection, but much of the value of such information depends upon the form of in- spection provided. Until about 1900 city milk inspection consisted almost ex- clusively of the collection and examination of samples within the municipality. At succeeding periods attention was focused upon skimming and watering as affecting the food 32, S. Reed and J. D. Brew, Counting Bacteria by Means of the Mi- croscope, Tech. Bul. 49, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1916. 40, G. Hastings and A. C. Evans, 4 Comparison of the Acid Test and the Rennet Test for Determining the Condition of Milk for the Cheddar Type of Cheese, Cire. 210, U. S. D. A., Bureau of A. I., 1913. 44 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES value, upon cleanliness and upon the germ content as affecting keeping quality and also as an index of healthfulness. After 1900 in milk inspection work attention was shifted from the city to the country. This shift was made possible by the development of the dairy score card.** The dairy score card was originally an attempt to assign such values to the equipment and methods employed in the dairy that the resulting score would give a correct index of the general desirability of the dairy. A dairy scoring 100 would be one in which all items were ideal. The score of actual dairies varied greatly but ordinary producing dairies had an average score of less than 50% which at once suggested that they were open to considerable improvement. There is little question but that the quality of milk is deter- mined by two general factors, heredity and environment; the former determines the food value of the milk and the latter controls healthfulness, cleanliness, and keeping quality. The score cards paid no attention to the food value of the milk but took account of the environmental factors. While Cairy svore cards were originally designed as measures of the general desirability of dairies, as such it is easy to sce how in the absence of better standards the dairy score was taken by health officials as an index of the quality of the milk produced from the dairy. The application of this new mcans of rating and improving milk supphes seemed so fascinatingly simple that the New York City Department of Health was given an initial appropriation of $100,000 with which to begin the system of farm inspection. The keen interest in this form of farm inspection lasted about a devade. During this time it was shown that when the dairy score became of financial importance to the producer, either because he was offered a bonus for high scores or be- cause he would be excluded from the market if his score was 4tWm. C. Woodward, Ann. Rept. of the Health Officer, Dist. of Colum- bia, 25 (1903-4), p. 27, 1904. Another card independently proposed by Dr. R. .A. Pearson, Feb. 25, 1905. 42 Geo. M. Whitaker, The Extra Cost of Producing Clean Milk, Ann, Rept. of Bureau, 26 (1909), pp, 119-131, 1911. DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 45 too low, he changed the conditions of production as profound- ly as financial conditions seemed to warrant. ** The decline in popularity of the score card as the basis for farm inspection may be ascribed to two general factors. The first was connected with the matter of germ life in milk. The period during which interest in the germ content of milk practically overshadowed other phases of milk quality in the minds of health officials was practically coincident with the period of interest in dairy score cards. At the time the score cards were formulated there was little available information as to just how bacteria most commonly found their way into milk. This question soon thereafter received careful study and unfortunately for the score cards these studies showed that the avenues through which the great bulk of the germ life enters the milk*+ had been given slight emphasis on the score cards. The correctness of this conclusion was shown by a separate line of inquiry through which it was demon- strated that there was no observable relation between the germ life present in the milk of dairies and the score of these dairies on any of the score cards in general use.** It is entirely con- ecivable that in the light of added knowledge regarding the sources of bacteria in milk, new and better score cards might be formulated. A second set of facts has militated even more strongly against farm inspection. Mention has been made of the large appropriation with which New York City initiated its farm inspection. However, it soon became evident that with this appropriation it would not be possible to inspect all the farms furnishing milk to that city more than once per year. A survey of the general situation showed that only under ex- ceptional conditions could funds be made available to provide “H. A, Harding and J. D. Brew, The Financial Stimulus in City Milk Production, Bul. 363, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1913. 44M. J. Prucha, H. M. Weeter and W. H. Chambers, Germ Content of Milk. II. As Influenced by the Utensils, Bul. 204, I]. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1918. J.D. Brew, Milk Quality as Determined by Present Dairy Score Cards, Bul. 398, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1915. 46 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES for more than two farm inspections per year.** On the other hand the studies of germ life referred to above have shown that the factors controlling the germ content of the milk change twice per day on each farm. Under such cireum- stances little can be accomplished toward controlling the germ content of milk by the amount of farm inspection which the health officials find to be financially possible. The need of effective supervision of milk supples is unques- tioned. Farm inspection failing to provide this supervision, attention is returning to an inspection of the milk itself. As a matter of fact, if the consumer can assure himself that the milk as delivered to him is in satisfactory condition, he has very little interest in the preceding details. The four questions which he is accustomed to ask regarding a milk are the following :*” Is it rich? (The problem of food value) Is it safe? (The problem of healthfulness) Is it clean? (The problem of cleanliness) Is it sweet? (The problem of keeping quality) The housewife commonly estimates the richness of the milk by the depth of the cream in the neck of the bottle. The food value of milk cannot be adequately expressed by any single measurement because in addition to its value as a source of energy, it has an important relation to growth and health. However, in comparing the relative food values of two samples of normal milk, the net calories of energy contained are per- haps the best basis for comparison. There are at present available only a few analyses of milk of known purity and these analyses grouped according to their fat content are eviven in Table I. 4H. Lloyd, Report of Committec on Cost of Dairy and Milk Inspec- tion, Ann, Rept., Int. Asso. of Dairy and Milk Insp., 7, 42-47, 1919. 47H. A, Harding, R. S. Reed, W. A. Stocking and E. G. Hastings, What is Meant by Quality in Milk. Circ. 205, Ill. Aer. Exp. Sta., 1919. Also published by the N. Y. and Cornell Agr, Exp. Stations. DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 47 TABLE I.—ENERGY VALUES OF MILKS 48 Carbo- ; Food Calories Calories Totas Protein Fat hydrates | substance per per calories per quart* gram quart per quart 1. 2 3 4 5 6 te per cent per cent per cent grams calories calories calories 2.648 25.87 4 103.48 3.00 29.31 9 263.79 4.596 44.90 4 179.60 546.87 3.068 29.96 4 119.84 3.498 34.18 9 307.62 4.908 47.90 4 191.60 619.06 3.044 29.74 4 118.96 3.994 39.02 9 351.18 4.875 47.62 4 190.52 660.66 2.082 30.11 4 120.44 4.516 44.12 9 397.08 4.958 45.44 4 193.76 711.28 3.62 35.37 4 141.48 5.048 49.32 9 443.88 4.922 48.09 4 192.36 77.72 3.7413 36.57 4 145.28 5.534 54.07 9 486.63 4.93 48.17 4 192.68 825.59 3.992 39.00 4 156.00 5.94 58.03 9 522.27 4.878 47.66 4 190.64 868.91 4.12 40.25 4 161.00 6.50 63.52 9 571.68 4.90 47.87 4 191.48 924.16 4.22 41.23 4 164.92 7.00 68.39 9 615.51 4.84 47.29 4 189.16 969.59 *In computing these values, 977 grams have been used as the weight of one quart of milk. This is the weight of a quart of milk of specific gravity 1.0323, or nearly the average specific gravity of milk. The use of the minimum or maximum limits of specific gravity of normal milk (1.029-1.085) would change the values so slightly as to be negligible in so far as the purpose of this circular is concerned. The figures given in Table I show that accompanying an increase of fat from 3 per cent to 7 per cent, there is a cor- responding increase in net calorific value from 546.87 to 40, R. Overman, Food Values and Dairy Products, Cire. 235, Ill. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1919. 48 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES 969.59 calories or an increase of approximately 105 calories with each increase of 1 per cent fat. The use of the calo- rimeter, however, is too technical even for inspection work, From the above data it is evident that the use by the house- keeper of the fat content as an index of food value is correct in principle though the method of estimation is necessarily crude. The Babcock test for fat determination is both simple and accurate with the added advantage that the test itself is well understood and the necessary apparatus is ordinarily at hand. Accordingly, the fat content is in all particulars well adapted to serve as an index of food value of milk as it is delivered to the consumer. The safety of the milk as delivered may be about equally well guaranteed in either of two ways; by frequent inspection of the health of the cows and people concerned in its pro- duction and handling, or by proper pasteurization and pro- tection from reinfection. Safeguarding the milk by means of health inspection of cattle and men adds from 3 to 5 cents per quart to the cost of the milk while the expense of pasteur- ization varies from about 1 cent per quart in small quantities to about 1, cent per quart in laree quantities. Under such conditions it is not strange that practically all the actual advance in safeguarding municipal milk supplies has been made through the adoption of pasteurization. Where pasteur- ization is relied upon to make milk safe from germs of in- fectious diseases, there should be a requirement of tempera- ture recording devices in connection with the process and a freyuent inspection to ascertain that the apparatus is in proper working condition and that the milk is properly pro- tected after pasteurization. The housewife is aware that when a bottle of milk is un- disturbed for some time the dirt in the milk settles to the bottom and she accordingly looks at the bottom of the bottle to determine the cleanliness of the milk, In inspection work the amount of insoluble dirt in milk as delivered to the con- sumer may be estimated very aceurately by means of the sediment. test. ‘ DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 49 There can be no question regarding the relative ease and accuracy with which the above outlined examinations will give the facts regarding the food value, freedom from germs of infectious diseases, and cleanliness of a sample of milk. How- ever, there is not the same agreement regarding the possibility of determining the keeping quality. There are at present no means available for quickly measuring the keeping quality of milk except in samples which are rapidly approaching an undesirable condition. In such samples titration of the acidity may indicate their condition and in the case of un- pasteurized milk a microscopic examination is even more useful. However, the results from both such examinations of some milk samples may seem favorable and still the milk may not remain sweet for twenty-four hours under household conditions. In the absence of any test which will immediately yield the desired information in the case of pasteurized milk, recourse may be had either to the bacterial count or to the observation of a sample of the milk itself. Since the question at issue is the ability of the milk to remain sweet and in satisfactory condition for twenty-four or at most forty-eight hours, this fact can be determined from the sample of the milk itself quite as quickly as the bacterial count can be determined from the standard plates. The examination of the sample has the added advantage that it does not require as extensive equip- ment nor as delicate manipulation. Most important of all, it gives precisély the information desired while the bacterial count even when accurately determined must first be trans- lated before it can be of service. Following the plan above outlined it is practicable to collect samples of the milk as delivered to the consumer and from the examination of such samples, supplemented by some inspection of pasteurization plants, determine the food value, healthfulness, cleanliness, and keeping quality of the milk supply. 50 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES GrapvIng MILK An accurate answer regarding the richness, safety, cleanli- ness, and sweetness of a sample of milk is the real beginning of successful milk inspection. However, inspection presup- poses the existence of standards of quality, and in every other line of merchandise these standards are arranged so as to recognize classes or grades corresponding to market demands, The idea of grading milk is not a new one, as in 1866 in England*® regulations were promulgated recognizing two grades of milk, one adapted to city trade and one to manu- facturing purposes. Suggestions for grading the city milk supply began to be made in New York City before 1907 but the first official grading of a municipal milk supply in this country was probably that at Geneva, N. Y. in 1907.°° A plan of grading the milk supply of New York City went into effect in January, 1912.°1. This plan established a number of commercial grades and required that each bottle of milk bear the designation of its grade. The Milk Commission appointed by a philanthropic organization called the New York Milk Committee in 1912 °° recommended a plan for milk grading which was essentially an amplification of the pre- vious New York City plan. The grading plans of the city of New York and of the Milk Commission have been based mainly upon the results obtained from dairy scores and the bacterial count of the milk. It should also be noted that both of these plans for grading recognize the importance of pasteurization. As already explained no relation has been demonstrated between the dairy scores as actually obtained and the quality of the milk while bacterial counts are at best only an indirect way of measuring the keeping quality of the milk. The city of New York has continued with its 4H. N. Parker, City Milk Supply, p. 370. SoH. A. Harding, Publicity and Payment Bases on Quality as Factors in Improving a City Milk Supply, Bul. 337, N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1911. aW. H. Park, The Future Milk Supply of New York City, Ann. Proc. Amer. Asso. Med, Milk Com., 5, pp. 99-108, 1911. °2 First Report of the Commission on Milk Standards Appointed by the New York Milk Committee, Public Health Reports 27, pp. 673-700, 1912. DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 51 experiments in milk grading, and in 1913 milk grading was extended to include the state of New York. Encouraged by these attempts milk grading has been undertaken by munici- pal and private enterprise in various cities in a number of states. In 1912 the Official Dairy Instructors Association or, as it is now called, the American Dairy Science Association, through a committce, undertook to determine the essential facts in milk quality. In its first formal report in 1917,°* this committee defined quality in milk and indicated how grades might be so-constituted as to conform to market needs. The markets in the large cities and in the smaller towns present somewhat different problems. In both, the main need is for a moderately rich, safe, clean, sweet milk which will be satisfactory for adults and for children. This may well be characterized as ‘‘table milk.’’ In both there is a limited de- mand for an extra attractive grade of milk which is usually somewhat richer, perhaps a little cleaner, and has an increased keeping quality. This may be referred to as ‘‘special’’ or “baby milk.’’ On the other hand there is on both markets a considerable amount of milk which does not come up to the standard for ‘table milk.’’ In the large cities its most common deficiency is keeping quality induced by age or careless handling. In the small town healthfulness is usually the point to be criti- cised since in such places pasteurization is the exception rather than the rule. Such milk is either undesirable or unsafe, depending upon the nature of its deficiency, and still in either case it is ordinarily well adapted to cooking purposes. Such milk might be characterized as ‘‘cooking milk.’’ It is common for milk reformers to insist that any system of classification which contemplates the sale of unsafe milk is unsound but any workable system of classification must take account of market conditions as they exist. Again, cook- ing milk as here discussed is safe for cooking purposes. Any plan which contemplates accurate labeling is at least a step % See footnote 47. 52 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES in the right direction, and as promptly as the local situation makes this possible the objection can be met by an ordinance requiring the proper pasteurization of all of the local milk supply. Until this point in the development is reached, the situation is not made any safer where unsafe milk is sold without a label than it would be if the unsafe milk were ex- pressly labeled ‘‘cooking milk.’’ On the other hand, in such communities the proper use of the ‘‘table milk’’ label would guide at least the most intelligent to the use of a safe supply and permit the authorities to indicate to the public that ‘‘eookine milk’’ was not safe for general use. «As an illustration of the way the qualities of food value, healthfulness, cleanliness, and keeping quality may be used in establishing grades of milk the following is quoted from ‘an ordinance adopted by the city of Champaign, Illinois, May 191s. GRADING OF MILK Section 16. On and after June 1st, 1918, all milk sold in bottles in the City of Champaign must state on its label its com- mercial grade and must be true to grade according to the follow- ing definition of grade, provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as applying to certified milk as supervised by the Champaign County Medical Milk Commission. Two grades of milk shall be recognized, viz.: iable milk and cooking milk. TABLE MILK Table milk as used in this ordinance is defined as milk having the following qualities: Food Value: Butter fat content at least 3 per cent. A higher butter fat content may be stated upon the container. When s0 stated it must be as indicated upon the container. (A reason- able variation or tolerance from the statement on the container will be permitted, provided the fat content is at least 3 per cent.) Healthfulness: As resulting from pasteurization at 140 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit for thirty minutes or from a physical and tuberculin test of the cattle, and a medical examination of those who come in contact with the milk during its production. The tuberculin test and the medical examinations must be made by a person or persons approved by the Health Officer. Complete DEVELOPMENT OF CITY MILK SUPPLY PROBLEMS 53 records of all tuberculin tests and medical examinations must be promptly filed with the Health Officer. Cows must not be ad- mitted to the herd until after they have passed the physical ex- amination and tuberculin test. Tuberculin tests of the herd must be repeated annually and wherever any animals re-act they must be promptly removed from the herd and in such cases the tuberculin test be repeated within an interval of- six (6) months. Cleanliness: As indicated bv a sediment test showing not more than 3 milligrams per pint. The amount of sediment to be determined by comparison with a scale formed by passing through a cotton filter, milk in which the designated amount of powdered carbon has been suspended. Keeping Qualities: Sufficient to remain sweet and in a satis- factory condition for 24 hours at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as de- livered to the consumer, COOKING MILK Cooking milk as used in this ordinance is defined as milk having the following qualities: Food Value: Butter fat content at least 2 percent. A higher butter fat content may be stated upon the container. When so stated it must be as indicated upon the container. (A reason- able variation or tolerance from the statement on the container will be permitted, provided the fat content ig at least 3 per cent.) Cleanliness: As indicated by a sediment test of not more than 6 milligrams to the pint. The content to be determined by a comparison with a scale formed by passing through a cotton filter, milk in which the designated amount of powdered carbon has been suspended. Keeping Qualities: Sufficient to remain sweet and in a satis- factory condition for twenty-four (24) hours at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, as delivered to the consumer. This ordinance is not suggested as a model but rather as an illustration of the adaptation of milk grading to a city where the authorities are desirous of indicating the safe milk upon the general market and at the same time are unwilling to require that all the milk be made safe. Today city milk supplies utilize approximately one-half of the milk produced in the United States. The problems con- nected with city milk include a large part of those con- nected with the dairy and its products. 54 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES When Dr. Russell entered upon his duties as bacteriologist to the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station in 1893 practically all of these problems were unsolved. During the succeeding quarter of a century, the rapid growth of the cities has demanded a growing milk supply and the problems have arisen in rapid suecession. This Pioneer Bacteriologist in person and through his students has taken an honorable part in the solution of these problems. THE RESISTANCE OF MOLD SPORES TO THE ACTION OF SUNLIGHT JOHN WEINZIRL The present paper is one of a serie§ on the action of light on microorganisms, and grew directly out of the work on the action of light on bacterial spores. In that paper it was shown that bacterial spores resist the action of direct sun- light from two to eight hours, i. e., they show about sixty times the resistance of non-spore-bearing bacteria. Having found bacterial spores to be highly resistant, it was quite natural to inquire how this resistance compares with that of mold spores. The simple method devised for making the exposures has not been tried on mold spores so far as the writer is aware and it seemed worth while to extend it into this field. The method has previously been described at length;? briefly stated, it consists in first making a suspension of the spores in water or physiological salt solution; from this suspension a droplet is spread upon a small slip of sterile paper (1 x 3 em.) contained in a sterile petri dish; for this purpose the standard platinum loop used by bacteriologists works very well; the infected paper slips are first dried, then exposed to the sun in a petri dish without the presence of any medium. This avoids all disturbing factors such as germination, forma- tion of disinfectants, and the excessive absorption of the chem- ical rays by the medium. The plates are exposed on wire trays raised about 16 inches above the floor, and are held so that the sun’s rays fall as nearly vertically as practicable. After being exposed a given length of time the inoculated slips are transferred by means of a sterile forceps to a suitable medium, nutrient agar being very satisfactory. If the surface of the medium is dry, then it is well to add a few drops of bouillon. 1American Journal of Public Health, 4, 11, p. 969, 1914. 2 Journal Infectious Diseases, Sup. No, 3, p. 128, 1907. 56 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES For the work with molds an agar containing the nutrient salts, potato broth, and cane sugar gives excellent growths, although ordinary nutrient agar serves nearly as well. For obtaining the spores it is well to use a culture a month or two old. Controls were always employed to determine whether the inoculations were successful. Two controls, one made at the beginning and the other one at the end of the ex- periment, were sometimes made but this is scarcely necessary for mold spores possess a remarkable resistance against desicca- tion. CuLtTuRES UsEp Representatives of the more common molds were employed in the trials. A black mold of as yet undetermined species represented the Mucoraceae; Aspergillus niger, Aspergil- lus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Oidium lactis and Penicillium glaucwim were the other forms used. All the forms are exceedingly common and were obtained from the air or from decayed fruits, excepting the Otdiwm which was isolated from milk. Aspergillus fuinigatus was included be- cause of its pathogenic powers for animals. The following tables present the results when the spores of these molds were exposed to direct sunlight. ‘TABLE I.—MUCOR SP. | Time Exposed (hours) Date | Age of Culture Growth No growth Mareh 27, 1915. Se ee a ae ee Diy Shy Be JUDE 285. OIG, we ws wendy seats Taye 107. ** 2, 4, 6G, 10 RESISTANCE OF MOLD SPORES TO SUNLIGHT 57 TABLE II.—ASPERGILLUS NIGER | Time Exposed (hours) Date Age of Culture . | Growth No growth SMMG: 21, AQIS visreccraieciee a senretamioe are 60 days......... | JUNE Q8's5 WIG: cares. oo each sais Ge OS crete deaje PRATIOS 2G), LOU Dis casita yess, See. tpayhdht yee ovacesetae GS FP ayes trees PUY 94), WS cance ine or eens aes 13. ee mgieles NTT YS LU “TOTS scree atece caiscetese scnisiens Ne esa at chase AML, VB “LOT Dias at Sade aye dade eure aaeee tal Be OE aden eecedes TABLE III.—ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS | 1 Time Exposed (hours) Date Age of Culture | Growth No growth June 21, 60 dayS......... Dg SON Gecscescrseortcedvestee eciienn Sear rar ine ere S June 28, Gy Genre Dy Ag Gy WO senearessl| paantarnreenrs 5 June 29, of O8F Eo aoe os | 95 Uy. 1 AS icoxeeull svat sae ae July 4, HT op.7 > Sonesta BD aise eccianee pas 18, 27 July 10, i: aha ee H WBive cvsucenrtanmed aren 28, 36, 47, 58 July 18, Be SR ashe Sats 1; We Bly. Ae eval eosin we ee: TABLE IV.—ASPERGILLUS NIDULANS Time Exposed (hours) Date Age of Culture Growth No growth Maren 227). VOU os ceisiesscene abe eis 17 daySseveeccs Dogs Doig. Bala wicseaccessa | tacts aso Beorandnaontle she June 28, Se sasaad Sos bis Pe Ay {ic TOiersescrnle te wewenatntorns ee June 29, ee (oes 6 PGA Re een eee eT CR July 4, se Bie DB: BG BTecpearstessilie sariencetesacoveeans oem tees July 10, fs 185 °235; 96y, 475; G8) vonermince de os a9 July 18, es Fe QO DY. 5 1h Da case sso: clbiccasatseantiaynalt SS Se 58 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES TABLE V.—OIDIUM Time Exposed (hours) Date Age of Culture Growth No growth June 21, 3915 July 10, 1915 July 18, 1915 TABLE VI—PENICILLIUM GLAUCUM ime Exposed (hours) Date Age of Culture Growth No growth September 30, 1918................ 2 October 25, 1913 October 30, 1913.. i “35 DMLY AG's TOIR. iG 64 crsiciendie daa aisle TS RO esc toltanen An examination of the above tables shows that the mold spores possess an extraordinary resistance to direct sunlight. This resistanee was so unexpected that in the earlier trials the cultures were exposed for only a few hours; this time was gradually lengthened until in the last trials the exposure was continuous for four or five days during the long days of July, and vet Aspergillus niger and nidulans never failed to grow. The other species showed some irregularities, but possessed remarkable endurance. The irregularities may be due to a failure to infect the paper strips, for in no other way can we explain the discrepancy in the case of Aspergillus fumigatus which withstood 42 hours of exposure one time and only 18 hours in an earlier trial. It is diffieult to explain this extraordinary resistance of mold spores as compared with bacterial spores which rarely survive more than five hours. The fact that these spores are colored suggests that this pigment exerts a protective influence; RESISTANCE OF MOLD SPORES TO SUNLIGHT 59 doubtless this is true in a measure, but there still remains the fact that Oidiwm with colorless spores also shows remarkable resistance. The fact that mold spores are relatively lighter than other spores would suggest that they have succeeded better in elim- inating water from their protoplasm and hence are better able to resist adverse agents. How far this may really enter into the explanation it is difficult to say. The results help to explain the prevalence of mold spores in air where they greatly preponderate over bacterial spores. While bacterial spores can resist the action of sunlight but a few hours, mold spores can resist this action for days. Indeed, it is doubtful whether sunlight is able to kill mold spores. SUMMARY Spores of the following molds were exposed to direct sun- light on paper slips in glass petri dishes: Mucor Asper- gillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Oidium, Penicillium glaucum. The results show that mold spores are able to withstand 58 hours or five days of continual exposure to the intense rays of a summer sun. Apparently, sunlight possesses slight, if any, germicidal powers upon mold spores. This fact helps to explain the greater prevalence of mold spores than bacterial spores in air, for the latter are killed usually within five hours. THE INFLUENCE OF THE PLANE OF NUTRITION UPON THE PERCENTAGE OF FAT IN MILK AND THE PROPERTIES OF THE FAT C. H. Eckues It is a well-known fact that the percentage of fat present in milk is subject to wide variations. ‘Among the most im- portant causes known to be responsible for these variations are breed of animal, stage of lactation and the individuality of the animal dependent upon heredity. In addition the author has found ¢ertain other factors not previously recog- nized to be of considerable importance. Among these are seasonal variations,’ fatness of the cow at parturition,’ and plane of nutrition." Although -the second and third factors are not identical, they are closely related and some material concerning both is included in the present paper. The fat percentage of milk may be increased decidedly above the normal for the animal concerned for a short time after parturition, and imereased to a less extent for a longer period, provided the animal has been fed on a high plane of nutrition for a sufficient time previous to parturition to make it possible for a large amount of fat to be deposited in the body tissues and that the plane of nutrition following parturition is reduced to a point below the actual requirements ot the body. The underfeeding following parturition does not necessarily result from feed being purposely withheld by the feeder but because the animal when in high flesh at the 1C, H. Eckles, Jahrezeitliche Schwankugen des prozentischen Fettge- haltes in Kuhmilch in Milchwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt, Heft 11, pp. 488-502, 1909. 4 Ibid., Influence of Fatness of Cow at Parturition on Per Cent of Fat in Milk, Bulletin 100, Mo. Agr. Exp. Station, 1912. °C. H. Eckles and L. S, Palmer, Influence of the Plane of Nutrition of the Cow Upon the Composition and Properties of Milk and Butter Fat. Overfeeding, Research Bulletin 24, p. 35; Underfeeding, Bulletin 25, P. 106, Mo. Agri. Exp. Station, 1916. INFLUENCE OF THE PLANE OF NUTRITION UPON MILK 61 beginning of lactation does not appear to be able to consume sufficient feed to supply the heavy demands upon her body. Our attention was first attracted to this factor by the results of an experiment carried out for another purpose. A Jersey cow was fed very liberally with grain for several months before calving in order to have her excessively fat. Immediately after parturition she was put upon a ration, estimated from feeding standards to be sufficient to maintain her body weight allowing nothing for milk production. The surprising part of the result was that the cow continued to give practically the same amount of milk, 18-24 lbs. a day for the thirty days she was kept on this ration. The con- tinued production of milk on a ration sufficient only for maintaining the body strongly supports the theory now generally accepted that milk secretion, at least in the early stages of lactation, is the result of the action of a hormone which stimulates the udder into activity. The nutrients necessary for the milk production unquestionably were taken from her body as evidenced by a decline in weight of nearly four pounds daily. The point that especially attracted our attention, however, was the fact that the fat percentage in the milk during this period of underfeeding was abnormally high and that it declined within twenty-four hours after the ration of the cow. was increased to a point where sufficient nutrients were supplied for both maintenance and milk production. These data are shown in Table I. It will be noted that the average fat content for the thirty days of underfeeding was 6.01 per cent while the average for the entire year, which was normal for the animal, was 4.8 per cent. The experiment was repeated with similar results with a Holstein cow. The average fat percentage for the year with this animal was 2.99 and during a period of under- feeding seven days after calving the fat content was 4.47 per cent. In order to secure further data on this subject an experi- ment was conducted with another Holstein cow. This animal was fed a very heavy grain ration for over a year resulting 62 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES TABLE I.—EFFECT OF UNDERFEEDING UPON THE PER CENT OF PAT IN MILK Jersey Cow No. 20 Days Per cent Yield Grain Alfalfa Weight after calving fat of milk fed hay fed Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 2 4.37 22.2 3.5 7 830 4 5.80 20.9 3.5 7 807 6 6.89 22.3 8.5 7 790 8 7.21 23.1 3.5 7 187 10 6.60 22.6 3.5 7 785 12 5.86 21.5 3.5 7 780 14 6.82 20.0 3.5 7 765 16 6.00 19.1 3.5 7 755 18 5.07 21.8 3.5 7 755 20 4.94 17.2 3.5 7 730 22 6.37 19.0 3.5 7 730 24 6.82 19.6 3.5 7 725 26 5.70 19.1 3.5 7 720 28 6.26 17.8 3.5 7 720 5.60 19.9 8.5 7 710 32 5,53 20.4 5.5 ll 690 34 4,74 24.4 7 11 710 36 4.28 25.4 7 14 710 38 4.49 25.0 7 lt 720 40 4.45 25.0 7 14 710 42 3.98 27.2 7 14 715 44 4.83 26.7 ve lk 740 46 4.27 26.1 8 16 700 48 3.80 25.9 8 16 735 50 4.23 27.0 8 16 747 DOE alll Sh sreth adsanejadbared 25.6 8 16 725 54 | 4.01 25.7 8 16 715 56 4.47 23.7 8 16 720 58 4.37 24.3 8 16 740 in her being ‘excessively fat at parturition. Beginning ten days after the birth of the calf, this cow in seven days pro- duced 291 pounds of milk containing 5.1 per cent of fat. Her average for the entire milking period of eleven months was 3.2, During the year she was fed a normal ration for a dairy cow, resulting in her being in a moderate condition only at the time of next parturition. Beginning the same interval after calving as before she produced 224 pounds of milk in seven days with an average fat percentage of 3.63. The average for the entire milking period was 3.00 per cent. INFLUENCE OF THE PLANE OF NUTRITION UPON MILK 63 These results are corroborated by a large number of data from other experimental animals which will not be given here. Other evidence on this point is found in the reports of official tests of dairy cattle as reported by the various breed associations. All interested in the practical phases of dairy husbandry are familiar with the immediate application which followed the publication of the factst regarding the possibility of increasing the richness of the milk by these means and the astonishing results that have been obtained in seven day tests of dairy cows in recent years as a result. It is well known that the great increase in butterfat yield in these tests is due largely to a decidedly higher fat percentage. For example ia 1903 the cow, Sadie Vale Concordia, held the Holstein butter fat record for seven days with a yield of 694.3 lbs. of milk containing 3.52 per cent of fat.* The record up to 1917 is 730 lbs. milk containing 5.54 per cent of fat. At the same time there is no evidence of any appreciable raise in the average fat percentage for the breed. The average fat percentage reported by the Holstein Association for the highest twenty-five cows in seven day tests is 5.1. The aver- age for the highest twenty-five yearly records is 3.96. The practical use of this means of greatly increasing the butterfat production temporarily has resulted in an entirely new basis of fixing value for breeding stock among certain of the dairy breeds. The question may be raised whether it is not normal re- gardless of the state of flesh of the animal for the fat per- centage to be high during the first four weeks after parturition followed by a decline to a lower level. Data are also at hand showing this is not the case. In Table II are found data giving the fat content by weeks in the milk of cows that were in a moderate state of flesh at parturition. It will be noted that there is a constant rise in the fat percentage from the be- ginning and that the average for the year is decidedly higher 4C, H. Eckles, 4 New Factor Influencing the Per Cent of Fat in Cows’ Milk in Hoard’s Dairyman, 40, 28, p. 696, Aug., 1909. 6 Holstein Friesian Yearbook, 3, p. 93, 1903. ® Hoard’s Dairyman, 48, 1, p. 14, Jan., 1917. 64 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES than in the beginning of the lactation period which is exactly the reverse of that found when the animals are in a fat con- dition, TABLE II—SHOWING FAT CONTENT NORMAL TO LOW IN BEGINNING OF LACTATION PERIOD Cows Moderate to Thin in Flesh Time No. 57 No. 215 No, 304 No. 59 No. 55 No, 307 after calving Weeks : hn eres pene ie) 2 3.0 3 3.2 £ 3.2 3.15 5 4.0 3.1 6 4.4 3.2 i 4.7 3.2 3 4.5 3.0 " 4.2 3.2 10 5.6 3.2 i es 3.2 i 2 4.6 3.30 | Months 4 5G 3.2 4.0 5.6 4.7 3.30 5 a8 Leal 5.2 6 5.8 3.5 5.3 vi 5.2 3.4 5.3 ‘ 5.3 3.6 5.0 9 5.5 238 5.1 10 5.1 3.2 11 5.1 229 5 nn aterener ere es Jed Year 5.33 3.29 4.01 5.11 lS |aswtiwaenais We are also able to present data showing the effects of underfeeding upon the fat percentage are not confined to the interval immediately following calf birth. Table III gives the results for Jersey Cow 62 beginning at a point 96 days in milk. It will be seen that there was almost an immediate rise in the fat percentage when the ration was reduced below the requirements and that the fat declined again as soon as the ration was raised. INFLUENCE OF THE PLANE OF NUTRITION UPON MILK 65 TABLE III EFFECT OF UNDERFEEDING—ADVANCED LACTATION Jersey Cow No. 62 Date Per cent Pounds Live Energy Energy of fat of milk weight supplied required Therms herms 4.6 ; 16.9 930 10.00 11.80 4.5 16.3 930 10.00 11.58 4.9 15.6 915 7.00 11.24 4.8 14.6 910 7.00 10.85 5.5 14.8 900 7.00 10.86 5.7 15.1 890 7.00 10.91 5.5 14.6 870 4.66 10.60 5.9 14.8 865 4.66 | 10.43 6.1 13.6 865 4.66 10.21 5.6 12.9 855 4.66 9.88 6.0 13.5. 855 4.66 10.11 6.5 13.1 845 4.66 9.91 5.7 12.9 835 4.66 9.71 6.2 12.9 835 4.66 9.77 5.6 12.9 840 4.66 9.81 5.8 13.3 830 4.66 9.89 5.2 12.8 850 4.66 9.83 5.4 12.0 830 4.66 9.42 5.7 12.8 815 10.00 9.62 4.3 13.1 845 10.00 9.91 4.8 14.5 855 10.00 10.47 4.3 15.2 855 10.00 10.73 4.1 15.3 830 10.00 10.92 4.5 16.1 880 10.00 11.21 Table IV gives similar data for Jersey Cow 2, beginning 100 days after parturition. It will be seen that the results are the same as for Cow 62. When the ration was dropped suddenly on the fifth day there was an immediate rise in the fat content followed by a decline when the ration was again raised. Outside the publications of the author, and his co-worker, Dr. L. S. Palmer, the only reference to be found in the litera- ture regarding the relation of underfeeding to the fat content of milk is by Lusk who conducted a brief experiment with a goat. He reports that the fat content of the milk was in- creased during two days when the goat received no feed. In explanation, Lusk advances the theory that when suf- 5 66 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES ficient sugar is not oxidized in the cells the sugar hungry cells attract fat. Dextrose is converted into milk sugar in the mammary gland and cannot then be burned in the or- ganism; the mammary c¢cll becoming a sugar hungry cell attracts large amounts of fat which is present in the blood. TABLE IV EFFECL OF UNDERFEEDING—ADVANCED LACTATION Jersey Cow No, 2 Date Per cent Pounds Live Energy Energy of fat of milk weight supplied required 'Therms Therms: APTA yore essa necaie < 4.8 11.9 870 15.76 9.69 Died cicesoavennise 4.4 11.3 &70 15.76 9.47 Oe 4.5 10.9 870 13,53 9.32 DOngatite@ anes 5.8 11.1 865 10.58 9.36 eM ye eerie se aie 5.4 10.6 842 9.07 9.05 Dia rotate 5.5 10.7 840 &.32 9.07 DR cispeadinettes deo 5.4 10.8 855 9.47 9.20 ON Se as Bieta 5.0 10.9 860 11.27 9.26 Uda alas ces sae 4.7 10.7 852 11.98 9.14 Mays Disccasgs nd tti fs 5.0 13.5 852 15.78 9.79 D Sati siatsactate sa 5.2 Tel 850 15.75 9.27 The author in connection with Dr. L. 8. Palmer has given some attention to the question of the cause of this increase in fat content which accompanies underfceding. aw a " s 5 o irs sid poi 4 Parry tr fray toon) eas earn as ear 2 2 s 3 8 a i. 9) 08 Q 2 are ge fe fa 38 ae eG 8 2 & > = 2 3 c a 8 < x rs) Fig. 1 In making the frequency polygons shown in Fig. 1, the liquefying and non-liquefying cultures have been separated and the percentages calculated for the two groups separately. The proportion of liquefying cultures was so small that it was necessary to make the calculations in this way. While this distinction may seem to ascribe an undue importance to the liquefaction of gelatin it follows the usual enstom and is probably justified. 81 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP Miilanids|had-siint | aeue= SI’ Fer 6O'T |Sl'S [IGF |29°2 Jase |IG'F [es’s lens GL tie Fe LOL is eae stor, GOS |FLOL [G8 Lb jou Oo SINE AS paler 2 T § 9 ras LG cf cs 16 To SL t c & 4 I hae nae ra rye 6g OVE 9 “‘DIT-TON FULL |GP'L GPL {LA'S JAC°RT TLS |ZFIT |LA' JIL [See joker fo ROE JGR TL GGFR TD Poot pers GFL eBoy aL T T ; $1 Il 8 is ; $ To fcetfecce e I ae Cee eens res Pees I Pee Ceres eee DIT oe TL |9T* OT 08 9° |aL°S ODS |9GF j9G'L Jet's |ze'F [98° ‘OFS [GET [96° *9 ages cs (eh'G 09°6 |G" TF |S6° él I T g las 20 pe 1g OF cs 16 Te ie 4 ° F L G ‘e 09 9G O° | apeee teers. [810.L 5 bal nN fe ie i eS I bx pe i i S ae in a a a tn S & é = a ~ os) to at © I an i x) bo e y 3 ey Pee ae hae Re Be a ae | | ee a a ae ae La me! So © o uN a in > oo is n 2 a) wo x a on ~ we to - 200 OLLVY *H:*00 Ad SHYALTIAO JO NOLLAAINLSIA I aTavii 82 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES This figure shows these 615 culturcs in three distinct groups based on the relation of the volume of carbon dioxide and hydrogen produced. By far the larger number produced carbon dioxide and hydrogen in almost equal amounts, thus giving a ratio of approximately 1:1. The average was CO,H.=1.06, with only an occasional culture giving less CO, than H, and comparatively few varying appreciably on the other side of the mean. It was observed that as the technique of the gas determinations became more refined, the variation in the gas ratio became less, and it is probable that the greater part of the variation shown for this group is in the determinations rather than in the fermentation. The volume of gas produced by this group is relatively small. From 10 ¢. «. of 1 per cent dextrose broth about 14 ¢. ¢. of gas was produced. Of the 350 cultures giving the 1.06 ratio only 3 liquefied gelatin. These will be considered later with the liquefying cultures. Distinetly separated from this group so far as the gas ratio is concerned is a second type characterized by the pro- duction of considerably more CO, than H,, by a wider range of ratio, and by a greater variation in the gas ratio of in- dividual cultures. Nearly all of the liquefying cultures be- long in this group. A study of the tables and figures im some of our previous papers will show that the actual amount of hydrogen produced is nearly constant throughout these two groups and that the increase in the ratio is brought about almost entirely by a larger produetion of carbon dioxide. In our first paper’ we suggested, as a possible explanation of the remarkable constancy of the B. coli ratio of CO,,/H,— 1.06 and the variation found in the aerogenes ratio, that the equal volumes of carbon dioxide and hydrogen were produced by a fermentation common to both groups while in the aerogenes group there occurs an additional and in- dependent fermentation producing carbon dioxide only. Clark has shown that while an increase of sugar in the medium has no appreciable effect on the relation of CO, to H, © Loc, cil, CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 83 in the gas produced by the low ratio group, a similar change’ in the composition of the medium materially affected the gas ratio of the high ratio group by increasing the CO,. The possibility of distinct fermentations, one producing CO, and H, in equal parts and one producing CO, independently of the hydrogen, is strengthened by the fermentation observed in the third group which gives carbon dioxide only and for which the ratio may, for convenience, be designated by the- «sign. Only twelve cultures of this type were found, but the unusual end product of their fermentation entitles them to consideration as a separate type. The statement by Burton and Rettger® that we believe that the two reactions are mutually dependent does not express the opinion we have held on this subject. On the contrary we have found considerable evidence to lead us to believe that these fermentations were independent. Burton and Rettger have taken a similar view and have elaborated an hypothesis to account for. the two fermentations. They assume that in one fermentation nearly equal volumes of carbon dioxide and hydrogen are produced with sufficient acidity to suppress the second fermentation when the former predominates. In the second fermentation butylene glycol is fermented with the formation of considerable quantities of gas and acetyl- methyl-carbinol, the substance giving the Voges-Proskauer reaction. Since the end products of the reaction are not acid in their character, a proteolysis is permitted and sufficient ammonia to account for the alkaline reaction sometimes ob- served is produced. CORRELATION OF OrHER CHARACTERS WITH THE Gas Ratio The ‘‘Methyl red test.’’—It has been shown by Michaelis and Marcora’ that the growth of a colon culture ceases when a certain hydrogen ion concentration is reached. This re- ‘lL. V. Burton and L. F. Rettger, Correlations in the Colon-Aerogenes Group in Jour. Inf. Dis., 21, 2, pp. 162-195, 1917. 7L. Michaelis and F. Marcora, Die Stuerproduktivitit des Bacterium Coli in Ztschr. f. Immunvititsforsch. uw. exper. Therap., Orig., 14, 2, pp. 170-173, 1912. 84 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES lation of hydrogen ion concentration to growth has been worked out in considerable detail for this group by Clark and Lubs® and was made the basis of the ‘‘methyl red test.”’ The exact point at which growth stops is dependent in some measure on the buffer effect of the medium and, therefore, is constant only under fixed conditions. If the buffer and fermentable constituents of the medium are properly pro- portioned, the limiting hydrogen ion concentration is reached and the fermentation stops. If, on the other hand, the sugar content is low and the buffer action high, the sugar may be entirely fermented without raising the hydrogen ion con- centration to the point at which fermentation stops. In this ease the reaction ‘‘reverts’’ to the alkaline side. This action is very well illustrated by chart I of Clark and Lubs’ paper. It is pointed out, in this paper, that this ‘‘reversion’’ cannot be due to the production of ammonia as has been commonly assumed. Unpublished work of Ayers and Rupp of this laboratory has shown that this phenomenon is brought about by two simul- taneous, but independent, fermentations. While the sugar is being fermented, a secondary fermentation is converting the salts of the acids, which are the end products of the first fermentation, to gases, carbonates and other products. The reaction at any given time is dependent on the relative rates at which these two fermentations are progressing. The change from an acid reaction toward the alkaline side is not due, as has been assumed, to a neutralization by ammonia from a protein decomposition but to an actual decrease in the acids through a secondary fermentation and in some measure to a neutralization by carbonates which appear as end products of the decomposition of the acid salts. The work of Harden,” Harden and Walpole,?° and Thomp- * Loe cit, ’ Arthur Harden, The Chemical Action of Bacillus Coli Communis and Similar Organisms on Carbohydrates and Allied Compounds in Jour. Chem. Soc, (London, 1901), 79, pt. 1, pp. 610-628. 1” A. Harden and G. 8S, Walpole, Chemical Action of Bacillus Lactis Aero- genes (Escherich) on Glucose and Mannitol; Production of 2: 3-Butylene- glycol and Acetylmethylcarbinol in Proc, Roy. Soc. (London, 1906), Ser. 3, 77, pp. 399-405. ’ CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 85 son™ shows that the acids formed by the accepted types of B. coli, and B. aerogenes are identical but that the amounts of these acids produced by B. coli are less than those pro- duced by B. aerogenes. The results obtained by Ayers and Rupp show that the final difference is due primarily to dif- ferences in the rates of the various fermentations. In the low ratio type the acid formation proceeds faster than the fermentation of the acid salts and a hydrogen ion concentra- tion which inhibits growth may be reached. In the high ratio group the fermentation of the acids is more rapid and the initial acid reaction may be converted into an alkaline one. With these facts before us it is easier to explain the more complicated and more variable gas evolution of the high ratio group. By carefully adjusting the amount of sugar and the buffer action, Clark and Lubs?? devised a medium in which the low ratio cultures reached the limiting hydrogen ion concentra- tion while the high ratio cultures fermented the greater part of the sugar without reaching this point, thus permitting a reversion of the reaction toward the alkaline side. The Py value of 5.0 — 4.8 (Sorensen’s scale), reached very uniformly by the low ratio group, gives a red color with methyl red while the high ratio cultures are uniformly yellow. Nearly all of our cultures have been subjected to this test and it has been found to agree with the gas determination in every case. With only a few cultures was there any question as to the reaction and in these cases it was found that there was some abnormality in the gas ratio which would justify classing these cultures as atypical. Other workers who have used this test have also found it a reliable method of distinguishing between the B. coli and B. acrogencs type, but some, who have considered it less reliable than the Voges-Proskauer test, have apparently failed to realize that it was designed to in- 11 James Thompson, The Chemical Action of Bacillus Cloacae (Jordan) on Glucose and Mannitol in Proc. Roy. Soc. (London, 1912), Ser. B, 84, pp. 500-504. "122°.W. M, Clark and H. A. Lubs, Improved Chemical Methods for Differ- entiating Bacteria of the Coli-Aerogenes Family in Jour. Biol. Chem., 30, 2, pp. 209-234, 1917. 86 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIUS dicate the nature of the fermentation which would take place under certain very definite conditions. A variation in the medium, even in the kind of pepton, may change the buffer action so much that the test no longer serves the purpose for which it was designed. For this reason, Clark and Lubs,¥ in a second paper, have proposed a synthetic medium which will obviate this difficulty. Properly speaking the methyl red test cannot be considered as a character correlated with the gas ratio. By indicating the group to which the culture belongs, the necessity for de- termining the gas ratio is obviated. The chemical changes producing the reactions on which the test depends are the changes which produce the distinet gas ratio and the two are thus merely indicators of a fundamental difference in the course of the fermentation. The methyl] red test is so designed that if it is properly manipulated it must be correlated with the gas ratio. The Voges-Proskauer test.—MacConkey and Clemesha considered a positive Voges-Proskauer test as one of the characters which distinguished B. aerogenes from B. coli. This view was confirmed by Levine,* and Johnson and Levine,” observed that there was a very high negative correlation be- tween the methyl red test and the Voges-Proskauer test. In our own work we did not use the Voges-Proskauer test at first but after the appearance of Levine's paper, 374 cultures which were then available were subjected to this test. The results, which have been reported by Clark and Lubs,’® show a perfeet correlation between the gas ratio, the methyl red~ test and the Voges-Proskauer test. In some cases, however, the reaction was so faint and disappeared so quickly that without careful observation it would have been overlooked. The formation of acetyl-anethyl-earbinol is not directly de- + Loe. Cit, “Max, Levine, Preliminary Note on the Classification of Some Lactose Iermenting Bacteria in Jour, Bact., 1, 6, pp. 619-621, 1916. “B. R. Johnson and Max. Levine, Characteristics of Coli-like Microor- yanisms from the Soil in Jour, Bact., 2, 4, pp. 379-401, 1917. “W. M. Clark and H. A. Lubs, Improved Chemical Methods for Differ- entiating Bacteria of the Coli-Aerogenes Family in Journal Biol, Chem, 30, 2, pp. 209-224, 1917. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 87 pendent on the fermentation which produces the gas and it is, therefore, additional and important evidence of the validity of the distinction between the high and low ratio groups. Indol.—The formation of indol has always been associ- ated more closely with the fceal or B. coli type than with B. aeroyenes. The correctness of this assumption is indicated by the results shown in Table II and Fig. 2. Over 90 per cent of the low ratio cultures formed indol against 26 per cent for the high ratio cultures. This characteristic is evi- dently subject to some variation and the percentage of posi- tive results obtained depends in some measure on the technique adopted. TABLE IL PHYSIOLOGICAL REACTION OF NON-LIQUEFYING CULTURES, ALL SOURCES CO Low Ratio High Ratio Ilz Number | Per cent Number Per cent i INO! wacsss tee eaeite Gaaead Ga + 372 92.30 72 26.66 = 31 7.69 198 73.383 Saccharose ..............-. + 157 39.05 248 91.85 > 245 FAY. 94 22 3.14 Raffinose .........6-2200 00s + 173 43.14 \ 246 90.77 _ 228 36.85 25 9.22 SEACH: .ceseisscreisis seccasseaaieiaines + 24 6.16 133 50.57 _ 365 93.83 130 49.42 TONER desler cayenne Ee + 1 .29 16 7.30 _ B42 99.70 189 92.19 Mannitol] .......-.-.0+-.46+ + aT 99.00 171 64.77 — 4 99 93 35.22 GI GOTO] cee nadie esses + o2t 93.58 140 68.63 _ oy 6.41 64 31.37 SACI: |. 24. disor eaty + 197 74.06 255 95.86 _— 6) 25.93 11 4.13 DileitOl, se snciotsionye sete + 205 51.25 86 Shs — 195 48.75 185 68.26 Adonitol .......-..0eee ee ree + 53 15.45 137 49.28 — oo) $4.54 141 50.71 A perfect correlation with the more basic characters could not be expected but so far as the evidence goes it forms another distinction between the low and high ratio group. 88 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES The fermentation of carbohydrates and alcohols—In con- sidering the ability of these cultures to utilize different sources of carbon some consideration must be given to the difficulty sometimes encountered in determining if a fermentation has actually taken place. With the ordinary culture and most of the sugars and alcohols there is no difficulty in determining fermentation either by the gas formation, the change in titratable acidity, or in hydrogen ion concentration. With some cultures the reaction is obscured by a weak evolution of gas or a rapid reversion of the reaction. Gelotin - $82 =106 and P- Gelatin - 524215 -3.0 Vand Pr 400 80 60 40 20 +#[- 20 40 60 80 00 100 80 60 40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 100% Indol. es Saccharose, Roffinose. Starch. Inutin. Leal bd ree eee eee Bee [eee (| Mannitol. pats acti ee een! Serer Palle Glycerol, a [ka ‘ae ee eed peed ee ee Salicin. bi iS - Dutcitol. erated Adonito/. vend cnet tarebfeciedl feos Eee) eee ee | a L N Fig. 2 In most of the sugars the change in reaction is rapid and distinct but in some of the alcohols, notably glycerol, the fermentation is so slow that it may be in doubt for many days. We have considered an evolution of gas in the absence of any apparent change in acidity or an appreciable change in acidity without evident gas formation as fermentations. Figure 2 shows that while there is no perfect correlation, there is a distinct difference in the fermentative ability of the two groups. The cultures of the high ratio group almost without exception ferment saccharose and raffinose while only about 40 per cent of the low ratio group utilize these sugars. Starch is also utilized much more commonly by the high ratio cultures. On the other hand, more of the low ratio cultures ferment the aleohols mannitol, glycerol and duleitol than is the case with the high ratio group. This does not hold for adonitol which seems to be more available for the high ratio type. he percentage of cultures fermenting the glucoside CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 89 salicin is slightly higher for the high ratio group. Only a very few cultures of either group are able to utilize inulin. These results agree in a general way with those reported by Burton and Rettger’*” and Johnson and Levine,™ except that the latter found a higher percentage of glycerol fer- menters among the Voges-Proskauer plus cultures. They give no data for mannitol. In summarizing these observations we may say that the greater fermentative ability of the high ratio group is shown in the volume of the gas formed, the extent of the decomposition usually effected, and in the range of material available for fermentation. While the correla- tions are not perfect, they indicate an additional real differ- ence between the two groups. Subdivision of the low ratio or B. coli group.—It has been customary to divide B. coli into two varieties designated as communis and communior on the basis of the fermentation of saccharose. This classification has been partially followed by Kligler,+® but Levine *° has made of this V and P- group six species, including one which is still further subdivided into two varieties. A major division is made on the ability to ferment saccharose, and the specific and varietal distinctions on motility and the fermentation of salicin correlated with dulcitol and glycerol. Burton and Rettger™* suggest three species of which one liquefies gelatin and two, designated as communior and communis, are distinguished by the saccha- rose fermentation. The data on which Levine’s separation is based are not given and, as we did not include motility in our observations, we are unable to apply his classification to our cultures. Without admitting the validity of basing specific differences on the fermentation of a single sugar we have separated the low ratio cultures in the usual way as shown in Table III and Fig. 3. The low ratio liquefiers, which probably agreed with 1 Loc. cit. 18 Loc. cit. 27, J. Kliger, Studies on the Classification of the Colon Group in Jour. Inf. Dis., 15, 1, pp. 187-204, 1914. 2° Loe. cit. 21 Loe. cit. 90 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES Burton and Rettger’s group 1V included only three cultures and are omitted. There is no difference in the proportion of cultures forming indol in the two groups. Raffinose is fer- mented by nearly all of the cultures fermenting saccharose and is fermented by only a very few of the cultures which do not ferment saccharose, but considering the chemical relation of these two sugars. this high correlation becomes of minor significanee. The percentage of cultures fermenting glycerol and salicin is slightly higher in the saccharose group but the difference is so shght that it has no significance. On the whole, these data furnish no sound basis for separating the low ratio group into species. ‘TABLE IIL OHARACTERISTICS OF LOW RATIO, GELATIN NEGATIVE CULTURES Saccharose Saccharose (positive) (negative) Number Per cent Number Per eent ENOL gasvcsnsseis epnegs cave + 145 91.19 197 90.78 = 14 8.80 20 9.21 Raf OS@ -5.c5:5.s:ocenesasanrniie + 153 96.22 29 13.30 = 6 3.77 189 86.69 SUARCH A¢c6¢-densacn mio eels + 18 12.08 20 9.21 = 131 87.91 197 90.78 TMU IIAE a seeoticesephoras aah aditkantgecnsaenied + 1 0.75 0 0.00 — 131 99.25 186 100.00 Manvitol sseswsissac aces + 158 99.37 2u4 98.16 = 1 62, 4 1.88 GIy. Cer Ol | mistavecenscusrenpane mentees + 120 90.90 176 4.62 _— 12 9.09 10 5.87 PS BTCITS aveiasssise deonanseacostesaraneacbroane + 62 80.51 109 66.87 = 15 19.48 ot 33,12 DICH OL) inintenarsasyirscens + 118 74.21 91 42,12 = 41 25.78 125 57.87 PTT asic asosnd nants oorcadicieaine + 8 6.10 49 26.48 123 93.80 186 73.51 The idea of making species or even varieties on a single fermentation seems to us a very questionable one. A. fer- mented sugar is merely a source of carbon and, while the fer- mentation may be a constant reaction, it does not represent CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 1 a fundamental difference, especially if it ig not correlated with other reactions. So far as data are available, the low ratio or B. coli group appears to be a very definite and cir- cumseribed entity and there is no apparent reason for separating it into specics. Varicties on the basis of saccha- rose fermentation might be recognized but the need for these is not very evident. Gelatin— SPt=106 Vand P- . Saccharose + Saccharose — 100_80 60 40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 1/00 100 80 60 40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 /00 Indol, Raffinose. Starch Inulin, Mannitol, Glycerol. Salicin, Dulertol. Sole Aa me, he epee es aren) Pee ep Lio Peeoaboass Adomtol. L a glace ete) Fig. 3 Subdivisions of the high ratio group—tThe high ratio or aerogenes type shows more evidence of being a heterogeneous group capable of subdivision into species than the group just considered. Johnson and Levine,?* following the earlier ‘sug- gestions of Levine,?* have two species, in one of which all cultures are motile and nearly all liquefy gelatin while in the other all are immotile and nearly all fail to liquefy gelatin. They have also a V and P— group which otherwise resembles the aerogenes type and which they consider as intermediate between coli and aerogenes. Burton and Rettger™ have three groups, one of which is a liquefying spore former, one a non- spore forming gelatin liquefier of the cloacae type and one a non-liqueficr of the aerogenes type. In our collection from grains we found evidences of four high ratio groups including one of 40 liquefying cultures and one of 90 non-liquefiers with 4 Loc. cit. 3 Loc. cit. 4 Loe. cit. 92 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES nearly identical characters. The other two included only a few cultures and were of doubtful validity. The value of divisions based on the liquefaction of gelatin may be very properly questioned. It is well known that the ability to exerete a proteolytic enzym may be lost and Burton and Rettger think that there may be an error in determina- tions which do not permit an incubation period longer than 20 days. If the fact of gelatin liquefaction can be established, there is no doubt that it indicates a distinct evolution in methods of obtaining food supply and consequently has tax- onomie significance. The indications are that the liquefiers of our high ratio group have other characters in common which separate them from the non-liquefiers and we have ac- cordingly considered them separately. Gelatin - SO - 15-3.0 “and P+ Aaonite + Adonite — 700_80_ ov 40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 100 100 80 _G)I_40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 100% Indo! Saccharose, Roffinose. Starch tnulin Mannitol. Glycerol. Salicin. Dulcitol. Fig. 4 While there is a considerable range in the gas ratio of the high ratio group, the variation under different conditions and between cultures otherwise identical is so great that this character cannot be safely used for further subdivision. Many groupings on the basis of substances fermented are possible. The correlation of adonitol fermentation with a definite source has suggested the use of this character as a possible indicator of a line of demarcation. The differences in the two groups formed in this way are shown by Fig. 4, which is based on data given in Table IV. The adonite + cultures are more active in every way than the adonite — cultures, and are especially so in fermenting CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 93 starch and mannitol. It is entirely possible that this differ- ence is due to the fact that nearly all of the adonite + cul- tures were freshly isolated from feces while the adonite — cultures came for the most part from dried grains. To ac- count for these differences in this way, it is necessary to assume that the fermentative abilities of aerogenes become attenuated by exposure to unfavorable conditions. While there is some circumstantial evidence to support this view, it is by no means established. On the evidence of the fermentative reactions these varieties have only a little more substantial basis than the communis and communior of the B. coli group, but, as will be pointed out later, they may serve a useful purpose in indicating the probable source of the organism. TABLE IV CORRELATION OF ADONITOL FERMENTATION WITH OTHER PHYSIO- LOGICAL CHARACTERS Adonitol Adonitol (positive) (negative) Number Per cent Number Per cent IMAG! stencils ss snseaseetees + 61 44.20 9 7.20 _ 17 55.79 116 92.80 Saccharose ................ + 139 100.00 104 82.53 _ 0 0.00 22 17.46 Raffinose .................. + 139 100.00 105 83.33 _ 0 0.00 21 16.66 Stareh: sjsscshaeciisicenioivens + 78 59.09 26 21.13 _ 54 40.89 97 78.86 WOUND ei tcccecsieesey oes. + 7 7.52 9 8.41 _ 86 92.47 98 91.58 Mannitol “oct ti awee eieow sa + 132 97.05 p 41 32.80 _ 4 2.94 84 67.21 Glycerol: ose ey sek secede + 76 82.60 62 58.48 _ 16 17.39 44 % 41.50 SAliCIN assis sien veges + 131 99.24 117 93.60 _ 1 75 8 6.40 DuleltOl ee ccssersa sai cn desnemare + 42 30.43 22 17.59 _- 96 69.56 103 82.40 94 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES Tue Liguerying CULTURES Fieure 1 shows that while there are liquefying cultures in all of the gas ratio groups, a large percentage of them form a mode which is quite distinct from that of the non-liquefying high ratio cultures. In other words, the cultures with a very high ratio are nearly all liquefiers. On account of the method of ealeulating percentages, the relative numbers of liquefying cultures are exaggerated. The ratio of approximately 1.06 was given by only three hquefying cultures, a number so small that they have not been considered at this time. 502-00 £92 » 1§~30 100_80 60 40 20 +|~ 20 40 60 80 /00 100 80 60 40 20 +|- 20 40 60 80 K T Indol. Saccharose| Roffinose. |___ oF mse Lactose, Starch, Inulin, Mannitol. Glycerol. Saheim, Laila) wef Dute:tol, Adonitol. | By Peres ee Fig. 5 An additional mode over the infinity ratio marks a phys- iclogically distinet group. A comparison of Fig. 5 with Fig. 2 shows that in fermentation reactions, the high ratio liquefy- ine cultures do not differ in a very marked degree from the high ratio non-liquefiers. Indol, saccharose, raffinose, inulin, elycerol, salicin and dulcitol are fermented in about the same way by the two groups. Starch is fermented more actively hy the non-liquefiers, and mannitol by the liquefiers. Tf, how- ever, we necept the arrangement shown in Fig. + we find that the liquefiers do not agree with either the adonitol + or adoni- tol — types. The liquefiers differ decidedly from the adonitol + type in indol formation, and in the fermentation of adoni- tol and stareh, and from the adomtol— type in the fermenta- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 95 tion of mannitol. The lactose fermcnting lqucfiers have always been grouped together as B. cloacue, and we are inclined to favor the retention of this arrangemeut until more conclusive evidence can be produced to support a revision. Although we have only a small number of cultures which produce only CO, in the anaerobic fermentation of dextrose, this character indicates such a fundamental physiological de- parture from the type that we have had no hesitation in putting them in a class by themselves. Active liquefaction of gelatin and the fact that 8 of the 12 cultures included in this group failed to ferment lactose sug- gests the identity of this type with the proteus group. The three striking characteristics of the proteus group are the failure to ferment lactose, the liquefaction of gelatin and the formation of characteristic swarming colonics in gelatin. Two-thirds of our cultures agree with the first character and all with the second. he typical colony of proteus on gelatin, according to the original description by Hauser,’ has second- ary colonies which appear in the medium around the original colony. Evidently many cultures are classed as proteus which are not known to form this peeuliar type of colony. Herter and Ten Broeck?* mention one culture which did not form swarming colonics until it had been passed rapidly through a series of milk tubes and then plated on dextrose gelatin. We studied the colony fermentation of twenty-five liquefy- ing eultures on 5 per cent gelatin at 20°C. There was a great variation in the type of colony, and even in different colonies by the same culture on a single plate. Only a few of these twenty-five cultures formed what could be described as typical proteus colonies. In most cases the colony was round, with asmooth margin and without out-growths of any kind. Lique- faction appeared slowly, and the margin of the colony would be unliquefied. There were many exceptions to this, some of which are shown in Fig. 6. At @ is shown a single strand 23 Gustav. Hauser, (ber Féulnissbacterien u. deren Beziehungen cur Sep- ticemie, Leipzig, 1885. 2 C, A. Herter and C. Ten Broeck, A Biochemical Study of Proteus Vul- saris Hauser in Jour. Biol. Chem., 9, 6, pp. 491-511, 1911. 96 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES more highly magnified than the other figures in the cut. The plate became filled with secondary colonies of this kind con. nected by almost microscopic filaments. At d is another type in which the colony is almost entirely filament with an oc. casional bud-like colony. The filament formation is fre. quently limited to fringe-like outgrowths on the margin, as, Fig. 6 shown by the sections of liquefying colonies at ¢ and f. Some- times on a plate filled with smooth, round, solid colonies, an occasional colony like b or gy may develop. The type of colony from an individual culture may be variable and, on a single plate, may be found solid smooth colonies, large colonies liquefying in the center, and almost any one of the colonies shown in Fig. 6. Sub-cultures have been made from the dif- ferent types of colonies of a single culture, but these sub- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 97 cultures were identical in all their reactions. So far as the evidence obtained from these twenty-five cultures goes, there 1s no relation between the type of colony and the fermenta- tion of lactose or the gas ratio. It seems that the tendency to ‘form outgrowths is an expression of an attempt to push out into the medium where conditions are more favorable. Some strains have developed this tendency to a greater extent than others, but it is very evident that it could not be placed on a par with physiological characters for taxonomic purposes. The infinity group liquefies gelatin more actively than the cloacae group, but its fermentative ability, as shown in Fig. 5 is less. A comparison based on only twelve cultures must be tentative, but some of the differences are of special interest. This is the only group in which the correlation between sac- charose and raffinose is not nearly perfect. The amount of gas formed from dextrose by the infinity group is usually much less even than that obtained from the low ratio cultures. Traces of gas and a slight change in the hydrogen ion concentration sometimes observed in lactose broth indicate that there may be a feeble fermentation of this sugar by those cultures classed as lactose negative. The general characters of the cultures of the infinity group identify them with the proteus type. While a few of them differ from the usual conception of protcus by fermenting lactose, it seems to us that the nature of the fermentation as indicated by the end products is so much more basic than the nature of the material fermented that the separation into species should be made on the gas ratio rather than on the failure to ferment lactose. .A number of cultures sent to us from other laboratories as proteus failed to ferment lactose but gave the carbon dioxide-hydrogen ratio of the aerogenes group. It has been customary to include in the colon-aero- genes group only cultures that ferment lactose. This is largely a matter of convenience and there is no good reason why dextrose + lactose — ecnltures should not be included. 7 28 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES THE DIsrriBsuTION OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP When physiological or morphological characters are cor- related with a definite habitat, their taxonomie significance is greatly increased. The restriction of species of the higher animals to a more or less definite habitat is too well known to need discussion. Among the plants this relation is even more marked and the fungi are sometimes limited in their habitat to a single species of host plants. The source of the various tentative groups into which we have divided our 689 cultures should be in a way a test of the validity of this grouping. The distribution of these groups according to their origin is shown in Table V and Figure 7. TABLE V SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF CULTURES ACCORDING TO ORIGIN Human Bovine Water Milk Grains Type Feces i Feces No.|Per cent||No.)Per cent||No.;Per cent||No.|Per cent||No.|Per cent CO: —--- 106 Sacech. + .......... 23 14.45 86 54.08 27 16.98 21 13.20 2 1.25 He COs —--,1.06 Saech, — .......... & 38.07 61 27.98 32} 14.67 37 | 16.97 5 2.99 He CO2 —--- 1.5-3.0 Adonite + ....) 46} 33.09 1 71 46 | 33.09 32 | 23.02 14 | 10.07 He i Cis -—- 1.5-3.0 Adonite — ....| 0 ]......... OF ba as a segs 14 13.59 12 «(11.65 77 | 74. COz CO: Gel. liquef. aati SS na Gee cak 10) leas ce veers Of sag neat oh 4 83.35 1 8.33 7} 58.83 He | COz | a Gel. liquef. —--- 1.53.0 ...... 0, lnurnames He Oo ase ian 9 15.51 11 18.96 85; 65.51 He | This collection eannot be taken as accurately representing the relative distribution, because in some eases the isolation was selective, as, for instanee, when a special attempt was made to get high ratio cultures from feces. No attempt was made to isolate liquefiers and the results may be misleading in that CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 99 they show no liquefiers in feces where they no doubt oveur in small numbers. Water aud milk can hardly be considered as the habitat of bacteria of this kind. They occur and multi- ply there, but these fluids ust be looked upon as carriers into which the bacteria have been intrcduced from some other source. This statement will probably hold also for erains which may be merely carrying soil or fecal organisms mechanically. Grains coz “aa 7106, Saccharose,+ Soa =106, Saccharose.— $92 =15-30 Adonitol. + $04 =/5-30 Adonitol— Gel. liquel $Pz=00 Gel. iquef $92=15-30 the most striking feature brought out by Fig. 7 is the very great preponderance of the low ratio groups in feces, and especially in bovine feces from which, in spite of the fatt that a special effort was made to isolate high ratio cultures, only a single one was obtained in 150 cultures isolated. They were more frequent in the human feces, although B. coli was in great preponderance there also. There was great variation in individuals and it is difficult to say what the proportion of LB. coli to B. aerogenes would be, but it would probably vary from 10 to 1 to 100 to 1. This seems to agree with the earlier work which touches on this point. MacConkey,?’ in 241 cultures from human feces, found none that were V and P+. Ferreira, Horta and Parades?* found 8 V and P+ cultures in 117 from human feces. Clemesha”® says that aerogenes (V and P-++) cultures oceur very rarely in feces. This all confirms our conclusions 2 Alfred MacConkey, Lactose-fermenting Bacteria in Feces in Jour. Hyg., 5 3) pe. 333-379, 1905, 2A. Ferreira, A. Horta and C. Parades, Recherches sur le B. coli com- munis de Vintestin de Vhomme in Archiv. du Real Inst. Bact. Camara Pestana, 2, fac. 2, pp. 153-197, 1908. 22°W. W. Clemesha, The Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics, London, 1912. 100 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES that the predominant organism of the intestinal tract is the low ratio or B. coli type. Figure 7 indicates that the saccharose fermenting type is more common in bovine than in human feces. It is not safe, however, to put too much weight on this deduction. If we were to assume that the failure to ferment saccharose in- dicated human origin, we would be obliged to conclude that a majority of the B. coli cultures from milk came from human feces. Unequal rates of multiplication by’ the different types may completely rearrange the original relations. The origin of the cultures of the two groups into which non- liquetying high ratio cultures have been divided is perhaps of some significance. Of the 139 adonitol+ cultures, 33 per cent were from human feces, 33 per cent from water, 23 per cent from milk and only 10 per cent from grains. On the other hand, 74 per cent of the adonitol— cultures were from grains and none at all from feces. In other words, all of the high ratio non-liquefying cultures from feces fermented adonitol while nearly all of those from grains failed to fer- ment this alcohol. If we assume that the 14 adonitol + cultures found on grains came originally from feces, we have a sharp distinction between the fecal and non-fecal types. In water and milk the fecal tvpe predominates. It is not surprising that this should be so since the greater part of the colon- aerogenes cultures isolated from waters would naturally come from samples more or less infected with fecal matter. It may seem peculiar that so large a percentage of the fecal type occurred in milk while they were very rare in bovine feces, but this anomaly may perhaps be accounted for by the difference in rates of growth of different types. Mr. Ayers has observed that while high ratio cultures will not be found in bovine feces by the usual methods of plating, milk infeeted with this material and incubated at a low temperature for twenty- four hours may contain laree numbers of this type. It will, no doubt, be suggested that the adonitol— eultures are merely feeal cultures which have become attenuated through existence under the unfavorable conditions found in the soil, on the surface of grains, or in water. We have no CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 101 evidence supporting or controverting this theory. If the loss of ability to ferment adonitol is effected only after many generations under the new conditions, it is only another way of saying that a variety has been created by a change of en- vironment. If the change takes place in the original cells, it may be considered as an indication of the remoteness of the contamination. While none of the liquefying cultures in this collection were isolated from feces there is no doubt that they occur there under certain circumstances. Ford*®® reports the oc- currence of B. cloacae in feces. Clemesha* says that B. clo- acae may be present in human feces in numbers as high as 15 or 20 per cent of the total. MacConkey* found occasional gas forming liquefiers in feces. On the other hand, nearly one half of the coli-like organisms isolated from soil by John- son and Levine*®* were liquefiers. Unless we assume that the liquefiers of this group are more resistant to unfavorable con- ditions than the other types and therefore persist longer in water and in the soil it is evident that the principal source of B. cloacae and B. proteus is outside of the intestinal tract. CoNCLUSIONS It may be considered as established by the results reported here, supported as they are by the observations of many other investigators, that B. coli (low ratio) and B. aerogenes (high ratio) are very distinct types. This is based on: (1) a fundamental difference in the course of the fermentation. Carbohydrates are fermented more readily by B. aerogenes and B. cloacae with a secondary rapid fermentation of the by-product, resulting in a greater production of CO, and a decrease in acidity.. The fermentation brought about by %°W. W. Ford, Classification of Intestinal Bacteria in Jour. Med. Res., 6, 1, pp. 211-219, 1901. "1°W. W. Clemesha, The Bacteriology of Surface Waters in the Tropics, London, 1912. 32 Alfred MacConkey, Further Observations on the Differentiation of Lac- tose-fermenting Bacilli with Special Reference to those of Intestinal Origin in Jour. Hyg., 9, 1, pp. 86-103, 1909. %3 Loc. cit. 102 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES B. coli is of a similar nature, but the primary and secondary fermentations proceed at different rates and the end products are different from those produced by B. acrogenes. (2) With this are correlated various other characters, particularly a higher percentage of indol formers in B. coli and the forma- tion of acetyl-methyl-carbinol by B. aerogenes. (3) There is also correlated with these physiological differences a difference in habitat. B. coli is the characteristic gas-forming organism cf animal feces and is commonly found elsewhere only in localities recently contaminated with fecal matter. B. aero- genes and B. cloacae, on the other hand, occur rarely in bovine feces and in relatively small numbers in human feces, but are common in soil and materials contaminated with soil. B. coli is probably of specifie rank and the subdivisions usually made on the basis of saecharose fermentation should not be looked upon as more than varieties of doubtful validity. It is possible to make two similar varieties of B. aerogencs on the basis of the fermentation of adoritol. This character is givcn an added significance by a high correlation with habitat. All of the aerogenes cultures from feces fermented adonitol while a large percentage of those from grains were adonitol negative. The distinction between B. acrogceues and B. cloacae, beyond the liquefaction of gelatin, is not very sharp, but everything considered B. cloacne should be a separate species. A small group of cultures distinguished by the liquefaction of gelatin, the fermentation of dextrose with the formation of CO, only, and the fermentation of saccharose but usual failure to ferment lactose is evidently identical with B. pro- teus. The failure to ferment lactose, usually considered the distinguishing character of B. proteus, does not coincide perfectly with the more fundamental character indicated by the single gascous end product of the fermentation. The unusual colony formation commonly looked upon as peculiar to proteus is probably shared with some B. cloacae cultures. A more logical separation between B. proteus and B. cloacae would be on the end products of the fermentation rather than on the nature of the material fermented. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON-AEROGENES GROUP 103 B. cloacae may be considered as the stem from which the other members of the group have sprung. By its vigorous habits of growth, the wide range of substances from which it is able to obtain its supply of carbon and its ability to ex- crete proteolytic enzymes, it is able.to thrive under the sapro- phytic conditions in which it is found. B. aerogenes has lost the proteolytic ability and acquired semi-parasitic habits. B. coli is still more parasitic in its habits, is more restricted in its range of carbon supply, and is further removed from B. cloacae and B. aerogenes by the loss of the carbinol reaction and by the development of the ability to form indol. Still more parasitic in their habits and correspondingly more re- moved from B. cloacae by their physiological characters are B. enteritides, B. typhosus and B. dysenteriae. Removed from B. cloacae in the opposite direction is B. proteus which has developed the proteolytic ability but lost in the utilization of carbohydrates both in the range of materials fermented and in the extent of the fermentation. THE IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS* Davin JoHN Davis INTRODUCTION The reason for presenting this subject at this time will no doubt be deemed adequate by those who have followed the literature on sporotrichosis during the past several years. This disease is known to be relatively common in France, the number of cases observed now running into the hundreds. In America the disease is being commonly reported in both man and horses; the number of human cases now closely ap- proximates a hundred, and several extensive outbreaks in horses in different localities have been observed. The disease is known under the name of Sporotrichosis in both countries. In France and generally on the continent, also in certain other parts of the world, the cause is given as the Sporotrichum beurmanni. In the United States the causal organism is generally but not uniformly recognized as Sporo- thrir schenckii. Certain writers here, now and then, refer to the organism from American cases as Sporotrichum beur- manni or as Sporotrichum schenckii-beurmanni. The impres- sion is general on the continent and especially in France that the American and French organisms are distinct and that we have to do with two different though closely related dis- eases. It is my purpose in this paper to analyse the existing data and to present certain new data bearing upon this matter of the identity or non-identity of these two infections. This discussion does not concern other distinct varieties of Sporotricha either pathogenic or non-pathogenic. The ex- istence of these is recognized. Many saprophytic sporotricha * rom the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, University of Illinois ; College of Medicine, Chicago. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 105 grow in the soil, in water, and under other conditions; certain varieties are pathogenic for plants. Infection with varieties pathogenic for man, excepting the two here under consideration, are apparently very rare. The following are mentioned in this connection. Sporotrichum dori, an organism isolated from a human case and very imperfectly described by Dor in 1906, was evidently a different organism morphologically, culturally, and in its pathogenicity for animals. The culture has been lost and rio similar organism has since been found. Sporotrichum indicum, an organism described by Castellani in 1908, was isolated from two cases of sporotrichosis in Cey- lon. It is impossible now to compare them with other varie- ties since these cultures have also been lost. From the orig- inal description given by Castellani it is clear that the or- ganisms are very similar to, if not identical with, the French and American varieties. He says that ‘‘it closely resembles Sporotrichum beurmanni; the mycelial threads are somewhat larger, between 2 and 3 microns wide; spores roundish (3 to 5 microns in diameter) or oval (4 to 5 microns long and 3 to 4 microns in breadth). Colonies on maltose agar may be of various colors,—greyish, light brownish, dark brownish, black’’.t There are no differential characteristics here that are important and I am inclined to believe these strains are identi- cal with the American variety of Schenck. De Beurmann and Gougerot provisionally classify it as Sporotrichum beur- manni var. indicum. Sporotrichum gougeroti is an organism isolated from a case in France by Gougerot who thought it different from the Beurmann type in several respects, chiefly in macroscopic growth and pigment production. De Beurmann and Goug- erot observed one case only. The Sporotrichum jeanselmei was isolated by Jeanselme and Chevallier in 1910 from a human case and a second case appeared as an experimental infection accidentally obtained in the laboratory from the culture of the first case. According to de Beurmann and Gougerot this organism is very similar 1Castellani & Chalmers, Manual of Tropical Medicine, London, 1910. 106 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES to Sporotrichum beurmanni, deed identical with certain pleo- morphic forms of the latter. They make the significant state- ment in this connection: ‘‘Plusicurs de ses pléomorphismes s‘identifient au Sporotrichum Sehenki et au Sporotrichum Beurmanni, voire méme au Sporotrichum Gougeroti. Cette unification dans les pléomorphismes est la meilleure preuve dune commune origine de ces germes.’’ Their position seems to be that this organism, the American organism Sporo- trichum = schenchii, and the Sporotrichum beurmanni were originally one and the same organism, and certain strains later developed pleomorphic characteristics leading to new varieties. A new pathogenie sporotrichum, Sporotrichum councilinani, described very recently by Wolbach, Sisson and Meier? of Boston was found in a case of acute arthritis of the knee fellowing injury. From their deseription it appears quite different from all other strains of Sporotricha. They summarize the distinguishing features as follows: ‘‘(1) its pleomorphic growth, characterized by a free aerial growth of hyphae; (2) the abundant spore formation, large size of the spores and absence of lateral spore clusters, and (3) the occurrence in lesions as septate, branching filaments.’’ The last character is especially significant. The clinical history and the character of the lesion in the patient are also of in- terest and are possibly of importance for differential purposes. For the purpose of this paper [ think we may eliminate Sporotrichum dori as being quite diffarent from the other sporotr:vha; also Sporotrichum councitinant, The very rare cases of so called Sporotrichum indicum, Sporotrichum jean- selmet and Sporotrichum gougeroti ave much more closely re- lated to Sporotrichum beurmanni, the first two indeed being probably identical with it. The existence of these very rare varicties is here recognized but this fact is only indirectly re- lated to the main question at issue here, namely, the possible identity of the organisms causing sporotrichosis as commonly observed in America and in France. In the further analysis of this question it will be desirable 2 Journal of Medical Research, 36, p. 837, 1917. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 107 to discuss briefly the history of sporotrichosis in America and France and also in the other countries where it has been ob- served. SPOROTRICHOSIS IN NortTH AMERICA $ The recorded history of this disease in America is brief and simple. In 1898 Schenck® reported a case of chronic subcutaneous abscesses from which he isolated in pure culture a fungus which grew readily on artificial media and which was identified by Dr. Erwin F. Smith of the U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture as belonging to the genus Sporotricha. The or- ganism was found to be distinctly pathogenie for mice and dogs and from the characteristic lesions the same fungus was recovered pure. Thus, in the first case observed, all of Koch’s laws were fulfilled. Illustrations of the human lesions, cul- tures, and microscopic appearance of the fungus accompany the paper of Schenck. In 1900 Hektoen and Perkins‘ observed and very carefully described a second case in which the fungus was isolated in pure culture and its pathogenicity for various animals deter- mined. They were able to confirm the results of Schenck and after a careful comparison of the fungi from both cases con- cluded that they were identical. Schenck also examined their strain and pronounced it identical with his organism. They definitely named this organism Sporothrix schenckii at this time. Therefore it is to be noted that in two of the most prominent medical publications of the time, an accurate clinical, pathological, bacteriological, and experimental de- scription of this disease appeared. A case reported in 1899 by Brayton® agreed clinically with the case of Schenck and of Hektoen. The organism was not detected however and cultures were not made. Definite state- ments as to the nature of the infection cannot be made though it was probably a case of sporotrichosis. - Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 9, p. 286, 1898. ‘Jour. of Exp. Med., 5, p. 77, 1900. * Indianapolis Med. Jour., 18, p. 272, 1899. 108 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES The next report from America was that of Duque® in Cuba in 1908.7 Duque reported three cases that clinically were disseminated, gummatous sporotrichosis. They were treated surgically and in two the amputation of an extremity was resorted to without result. Under treatment of iodide of potassium they all responded promptly and made complete recoveries in periods of from one to two months. Details concerning the diagnosis are not given. Duque states that the diagnosis was made by a careful examination of the pus but does not say whether or not cultures were made. From the clinical and therapeutic data we should judge that these cases were sporotrichosis, but the lack of more complete pathological data prevents further analysis. Burlew* in 1909 observed a case of sporotrichosis of the disseminated gummatous type in a farm laborer in Santa Anna, California. Both legs and the face were involved. The organism was cultured and identified as the Sporothrix schen- ck. From this year (1909) to the present time the number of cases recognized and reported has increased rapidly so that “American Jour, Dermat. and Gen, Urin. Dis., 12, p. 240, 1908. ™The period of eight years lapsing between the reports of Hektoen and Perkins and those of Duque, Burlew, Hyde and Davis, ete., in which no cases appeared has been’commented upon by de Beurmann and Gougerot. Bull. et Mem. de la Soc. Med. des Hospit. de Paris, 35, p. 798, 1910. They infer that sporotrichosis in North America had practically been forgotten and that only after attention had been called to this disease through the Jater work of the French did Americans begin again to recognize this dis- ease. There is little truth in this statement. Naturally the large amount of work that was being done by the French between 1906 and 1908 did at- tract attention in America. However, it is surely not correct to state that the disease had been forgotten here when men like Hektoen, Welch, Smith and others, who had recognized or seen the disease and the fungus, coi- tinued to engage in active work in pathology. The real reason no doubt was the fact that the disease in the human is restricted as we shall pres- ently see, almost entirely to the valley of the Missouri River. This lo- cality in the central and western portion of the country, especially at that time, was not developed medically and naturally only the cases which drifted out of the region to medical centers would be apt to be detected. Such apparently was true of the cases of Schenck and of Hektoen and Perkins. In later years when men like Sutton and others worked in that locality cases were recognized in much larger numbers. ® South. Calif. Pract., 24, p. 1, 1909. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 109 now they can no longer be considered rare. Ruediger’ gathered together and analysed all the cases in the United States in 1912. He found 57 in which the diagnosis had been made with reasonable certainty. Since then the literature each year has furnished a considerable number of additional reports. Many cases have no doubt not been recorded in the literature. The writer is aware of several in which cultures were obtained and identified as Sporothrixr schencku but never reported. Ruediger called attention to the interesting fact that the disease oceurred chiefly in the Missouri River Valley. Five- sixths of the 57 cases were from this locality,—the others being scattered more or less diffusely over the country. North Dakota, which furnished 22 authentic cases, seems to be the chief focus of human infection in this country. Kansas has also furnished a large number of cases. A map showing the location of the cases in the United States accompanies Ruedi- ger’s paper and brings out strikingly the geographical dis- tribution. However, K. F. Meyer?’ has more recently analysed the data, especially those dealing with the relation of animal and human sporotrichosis in this country. He shows that ag new cases appear it becomes increasingly evident that the disease is widely distributed, though certain localities like the Missouri River valley furnish the great majority of the cases. It has been reported from the following states: Mis- souri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Virginia, West Vir- ginia, Ohio, New Jersey, District of Columbia, South Dakota, North Dakota, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Montana and Michigan. Two cases have been reported from Canada. Sporotrichosis has appeared in horses in several localities in the United States. The disease was recognized clinically in horses some time before it was accurately studied bacter- iologically in this animal. Horses were found in 1908 or be- fore in North Dakota suffering from what was then taken to be mycotie lymphangitis. From the description and the ° Jour. of Inf. Dis., 12, p. 193, 1912. wy, A, M, A., 65, p. 579, 1915. 110 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES illustrations given in the Second Annual Report (1908) of the Live Stock Sanitary Board to the Governor of North Dakota, it is evident that clinically these horses were afflicted with sporotrichosis. Furthermore, organisms obtained from these Dakota horses were declared to be identical by the Bureau of Animal Industry in Washington with the organisms from certain horses afflicted with a similar disease in Penn- svlvania, from which an organism was isolated and clearly shown to be the Sporothrir schencktt. The Dakota organism was at first taken to be Succharomyces farciminosus, the cause of lymphangitis in horses as deseribed by Tokishike and Pallin, Through the comparative studies of Paige, Frothingham and Paige, and also of the writer, of the organisms isolated from the Pennsylvania horses and an organism isolated from a human case from North Dakota by the writer, it was shown that the organisms were without question identical. This established the first vlear identity of the organism from lesions in horses and in the human and showed too that it was ap- parently identical with the Sporotrichum schenckii as described by Schenck, Hektoen and others. Kk. F. Meyer™ has also recently studied this disease in horses. He concludes that spontaneous sporotrichosis in this animal is very common, especially in two localities, Penn- sylvania and North Dakota. He cites a ease of accidental laboratory infection in man as proof of the pathogenicity of equine strains for the human. The evidence collected, how- ever, does not support the theory that sporotrichosis is very frequently transmitted from horse to man in the United States. His opinion is that the Sporotrichum schenckii, Sporo- trichum beurmanni, the organisms from mules and horses in Madagascar, and the South American strains are all identical. He proposes the use of the term Sporotrichian schenckii-beur- mann for all. 1 Loc. cit. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 111 SPOROTRICHOSIS IN FRANCE In France the history of this disease begins with the report of a case by de Beurmann and Gougerot in 1903. Apparently they completely overlooked the work of the American in- vestigators published several years earlier and thinking they had discovered a new organism they submitted it to Matruchot and Ramond who identified it as a sporothrix and in 1905, in a note to the Biological Society of Paris, named it Sporo- trichum beurmannt, A second case was observed in France in 1906 by de Beurmann and Gougerot and later they identified other cases and made numerous extensive and admirable studies on all phases of the disease.1?, New cases rapidly ac- cumulated in the French literature and it was soon evident that the disease in that country was not rare. It was observed also in the dog and the horse, the organisms being identical with that from the human. It is to be noted that not until 1906 did the French learn of the American cases and of the Sporothrix schenckii. French workers generally contend that the Sporotrichum beurmanni is different from the Sporothrix schencku. SPOROTRICHOSIS IN SouUTH AMERICA In 1907 Lutz and Splendore™* in San Paulo in Brazil were the first workers to recognize spontaneous sporotrichosis in lower animals. They observed the disease in both gray and white rats. They also reported five human cases from the same locality. They noted that the disease in rats was transmitted through bite wounds usually on the extrem- ities or tail and following an initial lesion a generalized infection would result. Transmission from the rat to man, while probable, was not demonstrated. These studies, it should be noted, were made independently, the work of Ameri- ean and French investigators not being known to them until some time later. The organism as described by them cor- 22 De Beurmann et Gougerot, Les Sporotrichoses, Paris, 1912. 18 Cent. fiir Bact., 45, p. 631, 1907. 112 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES responds in detail with the North American variety and de Beurmann and Gougerot have examined it and pronounced it identical with the French strains. This identity has been conceded by Lutz and Splendore. Balino and Marco del Pont't in 1907 discovered a case of this disease in Buenos Ayres, and Greco,’® also in 1907, one from Uruguay. Greco suggested calling his organism Sporo- thrichum schenckii-beurmanne. According to him it agrees with the organisms of both Schenck and de Beurmann. Other cases have since appeared in South America. SPOROTRICHOSIS IN MADAGASCAR On the island of Madagascar Carougeau’® in 1908 found this infection in mules and in horses. It is a common disease there. Clinically and pathologically it agrees in every way with the disease as it appears in man. It is either a dis- seminating or an ascending gummatous sporotrichosis and responds promptly to potassium iodide. Carougeau repro- duced the disease experimentally in the mule by intravenous injection. He reports a human infection in a veterinarian who punctured himself while operating on a sick mule. He clearly differentiates this infection from the closely related but more serious one of Saccharomyces farciminosus. The sporotrichum from the mules was carefully described by Carougeau and agrees with WSporotrichum schenckit. De Beurmann and Gougerot have identified it with the French organism and this identity has been acknowledged by Carou- geau, As to distribution, then, sporotrichosis is practically a world-wide disease having now been noted in North America, South America, Europe, Madagascar and probably India. The chief focus in Europe is France but cases have been ob- served also in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, England, Belgium and Spain. In North America, as already stated, it is largely confined to the Missouri River Valley. “Argentina Med., 2, p. 23, 1908. % Argentina Med., 45, p. 699, 1907. “Bull. et. Mem, de la Soc. Med. de Hopit. de Paris, 84, p. 507, 1909. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 113 Animal susceptibility is rather general, the spontaneous disease having appeared in man, horse, mule, dog and rat. It has been observed as an accidental infection in man. Ex- perimentally it has been produced in a large number of the lower animals, the rat being probably the most susceptible and useful animal for this purpose. A STATEMENT OF THE QUESTION At their request, Hektoen in 1906 sent to de Beurmann and Gougerot at Paris a culture of the American organism which he had isolated seven years before. After studying and com- paring this organism with their strains they declared that the American and French strains were different and they con- tinued to retain the name of Sporotrichum beurmanni for the French fungus and to use the term Sporotrichum schencku for the North American strains. It is to be noted, too, that de Beurmann and Gougerot and their French colleagues con- sidered the South American strains, the Madagascar strains, the German, Austrian and other strains, all of which were described after their work, as identical with the French organism. In 1910 the writer took to Gougerot in Paris a strain iso- lated by himself from a typical human case from North Dakota and reported later by Hyde and Davis.*7 I received from him and also from Sabouraud at that time strains isolated from cases in France and called by them Sporotrichum beur- manu. I also obtained from Hektoen a culture of his sporo- trichum which he had preserved from his case of 1899, a culture of which, as stated above, he had sent to de Beur- mann and Gougerot in 1906. De Beurmann, Gougerot and I, therefore, have French strains, American strains and the original Schenck-Hektoen strain for comparison. In order to simplify and limit the discussion as far as possible I will make the following statement: first, excluding for the time being the Schenck-Hektoen strains, we may consider all the later strains, except Sporotrichum councilmani, isolated in N Jour. of Cut. Dis., 28, p. 321, 1910. 8 114 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES the United States from man and horses by numerous workers ineluding the writer identical with each other. My own work as well as the work of K. F. Meyer, Sutton, Ruediger, Page, Frothingham, Paige, and others, all tend to confirm this point. The strains have usually been designated as Sporotrichum schencki. Again excluding Sp. dori, Sp. jeauselmet and Sp. gougeroti in France, all the French strains of sporothricha are admitted by all, both French and Americans, to be alike. They have been designated Sporotrichum beurmanmi by the French. Gougerot in a publication’® made after examining the American cultures which I gave him in 1910 admits that they are identical with the French strains but different from the old Schenck-Hektoen cultures. In another article on this subject he writes as follows: ‘‘Hyde & Davis bezeichnen also Sp. Schencki einen Parasiten welchen uns Davis ubermittelt hat und der zweifellos identisch mit dem sp. Beurmanni ist.’’ A further statement in the same paper on this point is as follows: Die Beantwortung der aufgeworfenen Frage lasst drei Méglich- keiten zu: (1) Der Stamm Hektoen-Gougerot des Sp. Schencki stellt den- Typus des Sp. Schencki dar; das Sp. Beurmanni muss von ihm unterschieden werden, steht ihm jedoch nahe und stammt von dem- selben Urstamme ab wie er. (2) Sp. Schencki und Sp. Beurmanni stammen beide von ein und demselben Urstamme ab; sie zeigen zwar gegenwartig einige Verschiedenheiten, sind aber durch Zwischenglieder, wie z. B. den Stamm von Hyde & Davis, miteinander verbunden. (3) Der Stamm Hektoen-Gougerot des Sp. Schencki ist ein fest gewordener pleomorpher Vertreter dés Sp. Schencki und von den Stammen “Schencki initial” und “Hektoen initial” unterschieden. Es ist jedoch unméglich, auf Grund unserer Kenntnisse von diesem Stamm das echte Sp. Schencki zu _ beurteilen, weil leizeres sich vollkommen vom Stamm MHektoen-Gougerot unter- scheidet und beispielsweise durch den Stamm Hyde-Davis vertre- ten ist. Da aber der Stamm Hyde-Davis mit dem Sp. Beurmanni identisch ist, so mtissen das Sp. Schencki und das Sp. Beurmanni ebenfalls identisch sein. * Sporotrichosis Nord Americans: Bull. et Mem. de la Soc. Med. de Hop. de Paris, 35, p. 798, 1910. * Gougerot, Kolle & Wasserman, Handbuch der Pathogenen Microorgan- ismen, 2 Auflage, 5, 225, 1913. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 115 Die Frage kann nur entschieden werden durch Vergleich der Original-kulturen von Schenck und Hektoen. Entschliesst man sich, diese dritte Hypothese einer Unitat des Sp. Schencki und des Sp. Beurmanni anzunehmen, so wurde trotzdem die Tatsach® bestehen bleiben, dass dieser Parasit in zwei Typen sich darstal- len kann; als Sp. Schencki, der seltener Typus, welcher einzig von den amerikanischen Forschern im Jahre 1898 and 1900 be- schrieben worden und von welchem der Stamm MHektoen-Gou- gerot eine Abart bildet (Sp. Schencki-Beurmanni var. Schencki), und schliesslich als Sp. Beurmanni, ein sehr verbreiteter Typus, der zum ersten Mal von Matruchot & Ramond im Jahre 1903- 1905 und spater im Jahre 1906 von Beurmann & Gougerot studiert worden ist (Sp. Schencki-Beurmanni var. Beurmanni.) From the above statements it is evident that Gougerot him- self concedes the identity of the French and the later Amer- ican strains and I entirely agree with him on this point. I have examined several French strains very carefully and compared them with later American strains from man and horses without noting any essential points of difference. Ad- mitting then that the French strains and the later American strains are identical, the question resolves itself into a com- parison of the disease and organisins as observed by Schenck and by Hektoen on the one hand and the French and later American disease and organisms on the other. These latter, it is to be noted, are conceded to be identical with the strains from South America, Madagascar, and the other foci men- tioned above. If it is shown that they are identical with the Schenck-Hektoen strain, they should all be called Sporo- trichum schenckit. If they are different, they would be called Sporotrichwn beurmanim and the strains of Schenck and Hek- toen would remain as isolated and unique organisms differing from all other described sporotricha. CoMPARISON OF THE Two CASES OF SPOROTRICHOSIS OBSERVED By SCHENCK AND BY HEKTOEN AND PERKINS WITH THE LATER AMERICAN CASES Clinically these two cases were typical ascending gumma- tous sporothrichosis identical in every way with the many cases observed later by the French and by many observers 116 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES here in the United States. No one, so far as I know, has at- tempted to differentiate them on clinical grounds. Therapeutically they responded promptly to potassium iodide as did the later French and American cases. The morbid anatomy and histology in the human were, so far as studied, the same in the two types, the Jesions being those of a chronic abscess. In experimental atimals the lesions produced by the two types are identical as admitted by Gougerot. Bacteriologically there is greater opportunity to detect minute or subtle differences should they be present and these we shall consider in detail. In the cases of Schenck and of Hektoen and Perkins, the organisms were not seen in the human tissues or in the pus. In experimental animals the organisms appeared as oval and elongated forms with ocea- sional round forms. They stained with Gram. In no way did they differ from the forms seen in tissues infected with organisms of the French strains. I have made a special study?° of the tissue forms in experimental animals using strains from France and from America as well as the Schenck- Hektoen strain. No differences could be detected between them. When these various strains are grown in animal fluids, blood ete., in the test tube, elongated forms similar to those seen in the tissues are produced and here again no differences between the various strains were noted. The question of the virulence of the various strains may not be of any importance in differentiation since this property is such a variable one. However, it may be stated that the Schenck-Hcktoen strain even after years of artificial culture is still about as virulent for rats as are the freshly isolated strains of the French type. According to the paper of Schenck, these organisms were virulent for mice and dogs. Hektoen and Perkins produced lesions in mice, dogs, rats and guinea pigs (slight). As far as these results are comparable with those obtained with the French and later American strains, they agree in all essential points. We now come to a discussion of the morphological and cultural characteristics, both microscopic and macroscopic, of “ Davis, Jour. Infect. Diseases, 12, p. 458, 19138. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 117 the organisms and in doing this it begomes necessary to state in detail the differences which the French workers have pointed out between Sporotrichwm schenckti and Sporotrichum beur- manint since they very largely center around these properties. They have been stated succinctly by de Beurmann and Gougerot in their article on North American sporotrichosis** and in order to avoid misstatements I quote as follows: Sporotrichum Beurmanni Cultures difficiles, mais possi- bles 4 38 degrés. Optimum 22 a 30 degrés: donc developpement plus lent. Sporotrichum Schenckii Cultures facile & 38 degrés. Optimum 30 4 38 degrés: donc developpement plus rapide. Aspect macroscopique des cultures sur gelose glycosée peptoneé de Sabouraud (milieu d’épreuve). Pigmentation rapide et com- pléte. Colonies toujours trés colorées, de teinte chocolat ou noire. Circonvolution 4 la facon des circonvolutions celebrales. Pigmentation trés lent, le plus souvent inconstante ou absente. Colonies peu colorées ou blanches le plus souvent. Sillons presque rectilignes di- vergeants & partir d’un centre comme des vallées du cone d’un volcan. Aspect microscopique des cultures sur lames séches et en gouttes pendantes. Filaments myceliens de 2 u de large plus rectilignes, quelquefois agrégés, mais surtout enchevé- tres, non paralleles. Spores de 3 sur 5 a 6 u, trés nombreuses, inserées sur de longs filaments ou 4 l’extrémité de filaments lateraux courts ou longs. 2 Loe. cit. Chlamydospores. Filaments myceliens de 2 u de large plutét curvilignes, onduleux, presque toujours agrégés et paralleles en fais- ceaux, sans enchevetrement habituel. Spores trés rares, souvent méme absentes, inserées le long et surtout a Tlextrémité de longs filaments. Peu ou pas de conidiophores courts lateraux. Pas de chlamydospores con- nues. 118 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES Caractéres biologiques (Blanchetiere et Gougerot). Fait fermenter la saccharose. Fait fermenter la lactose. Ne semble pas faire ferment- Ne semble pas faire ferment- er la lactose, ete. er la saccharose, etc. Matruchot has stated the differences more in detail but since all the essential points are covered by the above outline it will not be necessary to state them again. I shall take up these points in order and attempt to analyze them in the light of data from both American and French sources. First, as to the optimum temperature for growth, Schenck states that for his organism it was between 20°C. and 387° C. Hektoen says it would seem to be about 37° C. Growth is much slower at 20° C. My own experiments have not con- vinced me that there is any appreciable or constant difference in optimum growth temperature between Sp. schencku and Sp. beurmanni. Slight differences are often: observable be- tween various strains of sporotricha. In growing many cul- tures side by side, including the original Sp. schencku, growth was most rapid and most abundant at temperatures from 28° C. to 32° C. Variation in optimum growth temperatures is common in fungus organisms of this type. They are not delicate in this respect and small differences should not be unduly emphasized as differentiating features. In the outline quoted above de Beurmann and Gougerot have next emphasized certain points concerning the ma- croscopie characters on special media of the cultures which in their opinion are important in differentiation. These points center chiefly round the fact that sporotricha generally are especially prone to change and modify their eultural prop- erties on artificial media, a character referred to as pleomor- phism. This is so important and so much has been made of cultural differences in distinguishing Np. schenckii and Sp. bewrmanni that I must discuss it somewhat in detail. First, the colonies may in a great variety of wavs alter their pigmentation, the tints changing through various shades of brown and black; portions or all of the culture may be pure white. These changes may or may not be permanent. I IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 119 have for some time made a study of chromogensis”’ in these cultures and have now some pure white strains which sprang from deeply pigmented cultures. Indeed, from the culture I received from Gougerot of Paris, a white colony appeared which has remained pure white and smooth, and though tested on numerous media of the most favorable sort (carrot, potato, Sabouraud medium), remains pure white. Passage through a rat for six weeks did not alter it. It has now passed through twenty-four generations without change. The black colonies continue to produce pigment as usual. Similar alterations have been observed in other strains. Distinct and similar changes have been noted in the Schenck-Hektoen strain but they are less marked. It is interesting to note Gougerot’s statement”? in this connection: ‘‘Par exception nous avons eu des pléomorphismes blanes qui sont trestis irreductibles ; ils étaient associés & des pléomorphismes de surface et ces pléomorphismes complexes donnaient un Sporotrichum Beur- manni, identique d’aspect au Sporotrichum Schenckii.’’ A second pleomorphism relates to form of growth, smooth- ness, wrinkling, ete. Colonies tend to lose their irregular and corrugated surface and become smooth and leathery in appearance. This is a common change in strains of sporo- tricha which can be brought about, at least to some extent, in all strains by suitable culture, especially on ill adapted media. A third is the tendency to form on the surface growth hair- like processes or finely pointed spines. This is seen quite commonly and is a striking feature of many cultures of the original Schenck-Hektoen strain. A fourth pleomorphic change is the appearance of a powdery growth covering part or all of the media. The color 13 variable and may range from black through brown to pure white. This alteration is largely dependent on surface de- posits of spores. " It is to be emphasized that these pleomorphic changes above noted are common. In some strains they are far more fre- quent than in others, but probably occur in all strains at 2 Davis, J. Tif. Diss 11, pe 174, 1915. 2 Les Sporotrichoses, Paris, p. 91, 1912. 120 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES times. They are variable but often fixed and permanent. They are so manifold in character that cultures show a great variety of appearances and two strains identical at first may later through these changes become quite different in appear- ance. De Bewmann and Gougerot state in their monograph on page 1383 (Les Sporotrichoses) that they have observed strains of Sporotrichum beurimanni (notably of the race alpha), through pleomorphic change, become identical with Sporotrichum schenckti. Others have become identical with Sporotrichum jeanselmet ov have even simulated Sporotrichum gouyeroti. Again certain strains have reverted to short forms comparable to yeast or blastomycetes. My own work also con- firms in general the above observations of de Beurmann and Gougerot. I have noted veast-like forms in certain strains and a great many changes in pigmentation and other morpho- logical appearances, some of which are fluctuating, others are apparently permanent. In the light, then, of the above facts it seems to me that dis- tinctions of these sporotricha based on pigmentation become valueless because of these easy and striking fluctuations. So, too, surface convolutions and forms simulating the cone of a voleano are factors which change under conditions favoring pleomorphism. Under microscopic aspect of cultures on slides and in hang- ing drop in their outline de Beurmann and Gougerot consider especially spore formation. They have repeatedly stated that in cultures of Sporotrichum schenckii the spores are rare or even at times absent on the filaments. This is true, at least, of certain cultures that develop little or no pigment. As a dif- ferentiating feature, however, this point is not necessarily significant. I have noted other strains, especially the non- pigmented ones, which show this same characteristic. This dearth of spores in the strain of Sporotrichum schenckii which they examined was, I think, no doubt due to a pleomorphic change. It is important to note the fact, which they have not referred to in their publications, that in the original articles of both Schenck and Hektoen and Perkins several photo- graphs of unstained organisms show the mycelium with spores attached to the sides and ends in great abundance. I think IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 121 these photographs are conclusive on this point and show that no doubt a change occurred later in these cultures resulting in a strain bearing fewer spores. Spore formation is extreme- ly variable as de Beurmann and Gougerot admit. Further- more in their monograph they state that the white pleo- morphic forms—those approaching the type of Sporotrichum schenckti—are very poor in spores, certain ones becoming entirely devoid of them. I wish again to emphasize this point as practical proof that changes did result in this strain from the time it was first described and the time, some seven years later, when it was sent to de Beurmann by Hektoen. Further- more, de Beurmann and Gougerot write ** that Hektoen stated in his letter when transmitting the culture that it seemed to have lost its power of producing spores as compared with the preceding generations. This, I believe, is definite proof of a change which no doubt occurred on artificial media and which these writers have used to differentiate the Sporotrichum beurmanni from Sporotrichum schencku. Original organisms and original descriptions should be compared for this pur- pose, not organisms changed through growth on artificial media. As to chlamydospores, de Beurmann and Gougerot state that Sporotrichum beurmanm forms them while the Sporotri- chum schenckii does not. Matruchot also makes this state- ment. I discussed this matter in a special paper some time ago”’ and showed that, at least under certain conditions, the Sporotrichum schenckii readily forms typical chlamydospores. This was especially true on media poor in nutrient material. K. F. Meyer?* confirmed my results in this respect noting chlamydospore formation not only in the original Sporotri- chum schenckii but also in the many strains of sporotricha which he isolated from horses in the United States. With reference to the arrangement of mycelial filaments, it may be stated that this is a property decidedly pleomorphic, and with the appearance of the pleomorphic alterations noted 4 Bull. et. Mem. de la Soc. Med. des Hop., Paris, 35, p. 745, 1910. % Jour. Inf. Dis., 15, p. 4838, 1914. * Jour. of Inf. Dis., 16; pe 399, 1915, 122 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES above on artificial media the mycclial filaments may run in straight or curved bundles with little entangling. As to biological characters the fermentation reactions of these organisms are apparently not very uniform or definite. Gougerot says that Sporotrichum beurmanni ferments saccha- rose but not lactose, whereas Sporotrichum schenckiu ferments lactose, but not saccharose. He states, however, that he does not know whether these properties are fixed for all strains and for the pleomorphic forms. Greco noted that his strain from South America failed to ferment lactose, saccharose and mannite. This does not agree with the fermentation reactions for Sporotricham bewrmanni as given by de Beurmann and Gougerot but they nevertheless classify the South American strains as Sporotrichum beurmanm. At the same time they use this difference in the fermentation of lactose and saccha- rose to differentiate Sporotrichum beurmanni from Sporo- trichum schenckii. Meyer and Aird?’ have made a careful study of the fer- mentation of American strains and of Sporotrichum beur- manni. They were not able to confirm the finding of Blanchetiére and Gougerot that Sporotrichum schenckii fer- mented lactose. Furthermore, they found the fermentation of saccharose irregular. They state that ‘‘in considering these results purely from a differential diagnostic viewpoint it is quite evident that it cannot be used for this purpose and the fermentation of carbohydrates is just as little a criterion of the type of sporotrichum as is the absence of pleomorphism and the chlamydospore formation’’. Their conclusions are so definite and so relevant that I quote them: The differentiation of pathogenic sporotricha into two distinct species by means of the fermentation of carbohydrates, is impos- sible. The reactions are not fixed and are as inconstant as the many variations noted in the formation of chlamydospores and, frequently, in pleomorphism. There does exist however an ap- parent relation between the pigmentation of the sporotrichum strains and the ability of these strains to ferment saccharose. The alpha and beta types are the most active fermenters. 7 Jour, of Inf. Dis., 16, p. 399, 1915. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 123 This and other evidence, which will be presented elsewhere, make it apparent that the American sporotricha—of which we studied thirty-five strains—have, in many respects, type char- acters in common with Sporothrix beurmanni. In the light of de Beurmann’s and Gougerot’s work, some of the American strains are doubtless Sporothrix beurmanni, and it is not per- missible to call such strains ‘‘Sporothrix schenckii’’ merely for the sake of simplicity. The discussion of de Beurmann and Gougerot (28) on this subject can now also in our opinion, be satisfactorily closed, namely: that Sporothrix schenckii, Hektoen- Gougerot strain, is an absolutely fixed type. The true Sporothrix schenckii is represented however by all of the recently isolated strains. Inasmuch as most of these strains are undoubtedl; identical with Sporothrix beurmanni, the Sporothrix schenckii is identical with the Sporothrix beurmanni. The American strains of pathogenic sporotricha are therefore best classified as one species. Sporothrix schenckii-beurmanni (as suggested by Greco.) Having now completed the discussion of the several points of differentiation quoted above from de Beurmann and Gouge- rot, I shall next briefly consider certain other similarities of the French and American strains of sporotricha that deserve mention, it seems to me, in a discussion of their possible iden- tity. Slight and otherwise insignificant differences between organisms may be determined often by differences in serum reactions in varying concentrations. In the study of this group of organisms, Widal and Abrami showed that positive agglutination occurred in patient’s serum in dilu- tions often of 1/400 or 1/500 or even higher. This has been confirmed by several workers. For differential purposes they noted that patients suffering with other mycelial infections like actinomycosis, nocardiosos, ete., give a positive but much lower agglutination. Gougerot and Caraven noted that the serum of a case of hemisporosis agglutinated in dilution of 1/400. This was evidently exceptional. The writer immunized rabbits with several strains of sporothrix for a*period of about 8 months. The strains in- cluded Sporotrichum schenckii obtained from Hektoen, Sporo- Bull. et Mem. de la Soc. Med. de Hop. de Paris, 26, p. 9, 1908. 124 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES trichum beurmanni from Gougerot of Paris, a sporotrichum isolated by K. F. Meyer from a horse in the United States, and a strain isolated in 1909 by the writer from typical sporotri- chosis in a man from North Dakota. The sera of the various rabbits were tested with the homologous organisms and also with other strains. It was found that agglutination appeared quite uniformily in the dilutions of serum varying from about 1/320 to 1/640. In most instances a slightly higher agglutination appeared in the homologous ‘sera but this was not always the case. The several strains tested could not be differentiated by these interagglutination tests in animals. Similar tests were made with serum from a human case in which agglutination with the homologous organism occurred at 1/160. Here again the original Sp. schenckii and Sp. beurmanne were agglutinated at approximately the same dilu- tion, namely, 1/160. The controls were negative. Wilder and McCullough” studied the serum from a case of sporotrichosis of the eye. Tests for agglutinins and opsonins in the serum of the patient against several strains of sporo- tricha, including the infecting strain, the original Schenck- Hektoen strain, a French strain, an equine strain from Mever, and two other American strains from typical cases, revealed no specific differences in the antibody content of the serum. The reaction of complement fixation is positive in cases of sporotrichosis but it seems less reliable than that of agglutina- tion. The studies of Widal and Abrami and other French workers have shown that the results are very definite but that an infection with many other mycoses (actinomycosis, hemis- porosis, discomycosis, ete.) will also give a positive test. A priort, then, one would not expect this test to be useful in differentiating strains of sporotricha. J. J. Moore*®® in our laboratory has made such studies, finding a definite fixation in human serum from a case of sporotrichosis using the homol- ogous organism. He obtained similar results when antigens made from the various other strains, including Sporotrichum schencku, Sporotrichum beurmanni and an equine strain, were 27. A. M. A., 62, p. 1156, 1914. % Jour. Inf. Dis., 28, p. 252, 1918. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 125 used. He concluded that these organisms are identical so ‘far as this test is concerned. Bloch** in 1909 was the first to obtain a positive skin re- action in a case of sporotrichosis though some work had been done along this line by de Beurmann and Gougerot in 1906 without definite results. Bloch used a ‘‘sporotrichosine’’ ex- tracted from a broth culture. The reaction was very definite. French workers, especially de Beurmann, and Gougerot and Chopin, about the same time took up this work, using in- tracutaneous injections of extracts of the killed organisms in salt solution and obtained positive results. The reaction, however, was shown by them not to be absolutely specific. Other mycoses (actinomycosis, oosporosis, saccharomycosis, ex- ascosis, at times tuberculosis) responded so that the method was useful according to them only for the differentiation of a rather large group. From their data, one would conclude that this method could have no value for differentiating closely related organisms belonging to the genus sporotricha. Recently Moore and the writer tested a human case of typical sporotrichosis with a sporotrichosine consisting of killed sporothrix in salt solution. The patient was tested both when receiving and not receiving potassium iodide. A very distinct skin reaction was obtained with the sporotrichosine made from the original Sporotrichum schencku and also from a strain of Sporotrichum beurmanni obtained from Gougerot. No differences were noted in these reactions which were very definite and measured 5 to 7 centimeters across. Controls with ‘“‘blastomycine’’ made in exactly the same way from a blastomycecte isolated from a typical case of blastomycosis did not give a positive reaction in this patient. Sporotricho- sine injected into the skin of the patient with blastomycosis gave no reaction; nor did he react to his own blastomycine. Agar alone in 1% per cent suspension injected into persons when taking potassium iodide (t. i. d. 10 grains) gave a definite reaction but was not nearly as pronounced as that given by the ‘‘sporotrichosine’’. Normal persons receiving potassium iodide (t. i. d. 10 grains) reacted no stronger to Beihefte zur Med. Klinik, Basel, 8, p. 179, 1909. 126 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES sporotrichosine than before the iodide had been administered to them. In either case the dermal reaction measured from 5 to 15 mm. whereas the sporotrichosine reaction in the patient measured 5 to 7 em. While, therefore, a striking reaction may be elicited in these cases with sporotrichosine, it probably cannot be considered sufficiently specific to be of value for differentiating these or- ganisms. But it is to be noted that patients taking or not taking potassium iodide may react intradermally to these various strains of sporotricha and not to strains of blastomy- ces prepared in exactly the same way. Whether or not all cases will so react we do not know. SuMMaRY AND DISCUSSION It appears that the first case of sporotrichosis was reported by Schenck in 1898. The second case was reported in 1900 by Hektoen and Perkins and the organism definitely identified lv comparison with that isolated by Schenck. Hektoen named the organism Sporothrix schencki. In 1903 de Beurmann and Gougerot reported the first case in France and the organism was named by Matruchot and Ramond Sporotrichum beurmanni. The work of the Ameri- can investigators published several years previously was not known to the French workers. On comparing the American strain sent to them by Hek- toen in 1906, seven years after its isolation, de Beurmann and Gougerot pointed out certain differences between this strain and their recently isolated strain. They noted certain differ- ences also between their own strains (strains a, b, ¢) but con- tended that these differences were not sufficient to justify ere- ating a new species. But the differences between their strains and Sporotrichim schenchii were sufficient, they contended. to justify a new species. The organisms, isolated later in North America and those found in South America and in Madagascar, they claim are the same as their organism, Sporo- trichum beurmanni. These were all isolated after they dis- covered and named the organism in France. IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 127 It is pointed out that sporotricha, French, American and other strains, are especially subject to undergo pleomorphic changes, some of which are transient while others are fixed and permanent. De Beurmann and Gougerot themselves have ealled especial attention to this and admit that some of the pleomorphic alterations in the macroscopic growth of certain strains render them identical with the strain of Sp. schenckii as it exists today. Furthermore, Hektoen has stated that the culture as sent to them had changed in the seven year interval on artificial media especially in its ability to produce spores. This change is not an uncommon one in both American and French strains and no doubt was associated with other pleo- morphic changes. Yet de Beurmann and Gougerot and also Matruchot used this loss of ability on artificial media to form spores as a differentiating characteristic from their own Sporo- trichum beurmanni though they observed this same change in strains of the latter. There can be no doubt that pleomor- phic changes took place in Sporotrichum schenckii; and this is borne out also by the photographs in both Schenck’s and Hektoen’s papers which clearly show that at first both strains produced spores in large numbers. Changes in pigmentation are common in all strains of sporo- tricha; poorly or non-pigmented strains may arise from deeply pigmented strains and remain fixed. One would scarcely classify such an organism as sporotrichum on the basis of such a fluctuating character as pigmentation, though this property is mentioned by them as an important differentiating one. The statements of de Beurmann, Gougerot and Matruchot that the Sporotrichum schencktt (original) does not form chlamydospores must be considered erroneous. Under suitable conditions these structures have been observed by the writer, and these results were confirmed by Meyer, not only in the original Schenck-Hektoen strain but in many other American strains from both man and horses. The attempt to differen- tiate Sporotrichum schencku and Sporotrichum beurmanni on this basis must therefore be given up. The fermentation of sugar is quite inconstant. It is diffi- eult to understand why de Beurmann and Gougerot would use 128 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES the differences in the fermentation of lactose and saecharose as a distinguishing feature between the American and French or- ganisms since they say that not all their strains fermented saccharose. Meyer and Aird have shown conclusively the in- constancy in fermentative powers of not only many American strains but also of different French strains. They conclude it is impossible to differentiate sporotricha into two distinct species by means of the fermentation of carbohydrates. These results have been confirmed by the writer. Greco’s observa- tion on a South American strain does not agree with those of de Beurmann and Gougcrot on French strains. Specific serum and dermal tests are probably of limited value in differentiating these closely related organisms though they may furnish important data for the basis of a group relationship. So far as the results indicate they show no dif- ferences between the French and American strains. From the above analysis it would seem that the basis upon which French investigators differentiate the Sporotrichumn schenckiit and Sporotrichwn beurmanni is, to say the least, very inadequate. On account of the pleomorphism of this organism there is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of sight and unimportant differences in order to create new species. It is of course true that no two strains are eractly identical. De Beurmann and Gougerot noted that certain of their strains manifested fixed pleomorphic changes that made them appear identical with the original Sporotrichum schenchii. Yet they did not suggest that these strains be ealled Sporotrichum schenckti. Concerning these slight dif- ferences, especially in organisms of this type, it would seem that it would be wise to assume a conservative attitude and to refrain as much as possible from the use of new and un- necessary terms. The question arises in connection with an organism of this kind, as it arises so frequently in biology, what differences are sufficient to warrant the creation of a new variety or species? Where shall the line be drawn between varieties since no two cultures of sporotricha are absolutely identical in every dctail and strains are ever prone to these striking IDENTITY OF AMERICAN AND FRENCH SPOROTRICHOSIS 129 changes? To this the answer must be made that this is largely a conventional matter and often it is impossible to state clearly where the line of demarcation should lie. But this I wish to point out, that it is evidently not proper or scien- tific to use pleomorphism, or any other character for that mat- ter, as a basis for the classification of an early American strain, and not use it in the classification of French strains or later American strains. In résumé, I believe we are justified in stating that the dif- ferences between the American strains, including the original cultures of Schenck and of Hektoen, and the French strains of de Beurmann, Gougerot and others, are easily explained as pleomorphic variations and therefore are insignificant. Fur- thermore, the disease, clinically, pathologically, experiment- ally, and therapeutically, is admitted by all to be identical in France and in America. The above statements being true, according to the rules of botanical nomenclature the organisms in both countries should be called by the name first given to them in 1900 by Hektoen, namely, Sporotrichum schenckun. The fact that de Beurmann rediscovered the organism several years later deserves no consideration so far as determining nomenclature is concerned. As regards the use of the compromise term Sporotrichum schenckit-beurmanni, suggested first by Greco of South Amer- ica and more recently concurred in by Meyer in this country, it may be said that this is objectionable because it not only introduces a long cumbersome term but it is not in accord with the rules of botanical nomenclature. There is obviously therefore but one legitimate term for this organism, namely Sporotrichum schenckii. It should be pointed out that even though one maintains that the small differences noted between the pleomorphic forms of the Schenck-Hektoen strain and the other sporotri- cha are sufficient to justify a species distinction, the important fact remains that the hundreds of strains of sporotricha found in France and in North America are alike. This is admitted by both sides of the controversy. Therefore, which- ever view of the original Schenck-Hektoen strain is taken by 9 130 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES the French, the identity of sporotrichosis, excluding the very rare strains mentioned earlier in the paper, in France and America must be admitted. One is as justified in making this statement as in saying tuberculosis in France and in America is identical. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF YEASTS AND OIDIA IN PASTEURIZED BUTTER ; F. W. Bouska anp J. C. BRown The original object of pasteurization in buttermaking was to produce a better immediate flavor by controlling fermenta- tions. The aim was to destroy undesirable microorganisms as well as microorganisms whose efféct is unknown. By means of a pure culture of selected lactic acid bacteria (starters), regulated temperatures, and the acid test, the desired flavor was to be developed. In more recent times it was discovered that pasteurization greatly improved the keeping quality of creamery butter made from cream which had soured spontan- eously on the farm. A considerable part of American butter is now made from such cream. The succession of sweet milk by sour cream as a source of creamery butter is a result of economic conditions on the farm. Some farmers think that the expense of hauling milk to the creamery every day is too great. So they skim the milk at home and deliver the cream twice a week in the winter and three times a week in the sum- mer. The skim milk thus derived has the best feeding value because it is warm and sweet. But the cream obtained by this farm method is usually sour. It became our lot to design methods of making butter from spontaneously soured cream and to overcome butter defects that sometimes occur here. While our experience, investigations, and results apply prin- cipally to sour cream, it will be seen that in some respects a general application can be made. Butter which has a good flavor when churned but develops a bad flavor at low temperatures within one month has poor keeping quality. Properly made pasteurized butter scoring 90 will, in current commerce, remain eatable to the last morsel. In cold storage it scores 89 to 90 at the end of seven to ten months. We have known churnings of butter to score 90 at the end of eighteen months. 132 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES A quicker test is made hy storing small samples at 60° to 70° F. A very poor keeper develops a bad flavor within three days. A good keeper, such as is usually made, scores 89 to 90 at the end ot two weeks. It became our problem to ascertain the cause of poor keep- ing and to find a remedy for it. Bacteriological philosophy of the keeping quality of butter has exerted an exaggerated influence in every sphere of butter-making. For a time we accepted the impression from Sayre, Rahn and Far- rand? that only yeasts can tolerate the well nigh saturated solution of salt which is the watery part (brine) of butter. To our disappointment, we did not find any connection be- tween yeasts and a very long and serious epidemic of fishy butter. Never present in great numbers, sometimes absent, they practically did not multiply in the course of time. At the beginning of 1913 we thought that by ascertaining the number of yeasts and Oidia (lactis) in butter we could foretell its keeping quality. We made a study of the cold storage of 177 lots of butter from a number of states. As the butter went into cold storage, the commercial judge made his predictions according to the quality of the butter and previous experience with the creamery. We predicted from the number of veasts and Oidia. At the end of the storage season the predictions were compared with the final quality of the butter. We predicted that 39 lots would keep well. Only five (13 per cent) of these kept poorly. The judge pre- dicted that 83 lots would keep well. Twenty-four (29 per ect) of these came out poor. But our way selected so few good keepers that a vold storage could not have made a living by our method. We now know that under American creamery conditions keeping quality is due to acidity, elimination of buttermilk, pasteurization, and proper working, The deterioration of butter is mainly the result of physical or biochemical causes. An indirect part may be played by micro-organisms. These bacteriological attempts taught us how to make counts of yeasts and Oidia. We found that vatfuls and churnfuls 1 Technical Bulletin, No. 1, Michigan Experiment Station. YEASTS AND OIDIA IN PASTEURIZED BUTTER 133 of raw spontaneously soured cream always contained from 10,000 to 100,000 yeasts (per ec. ¢.) and not quite so many Oidia. In the winter the numbers are smaller with the Oidia often preponderating. Properly pasteurized cream, right from the pasteurizer, never contains yeasts or Oidia. Here, then, is the test for pasteurized cream and pasteurized butter ! But cream off the cooler, in the cream vat, in the churn, and the resulting butter, showed many veasts and Oidia. The first and last cream issuing out of flash pasteurizers was not pasteurized and had to be diverted by a by-pass till a pasteur- izing temperature had been reached and maintained for sev- eral minutes. The last cream had to be heated in a can or held over till the next pasteurization. The outlet of re- tarding and pasteurizing vats formed a long pocket in which cream escaped pasteurization. This pipe was shortened. Raw cream dripped into the pasteurized cream from pipes and conductors that had conveyed the raw cream. These were removed. Raw cream splashed upon the sides and cover of a vat escapes pasteurization and is usually washed into the churn with the hose. This is partly overcome by rinsing with hot water or hot cream during pasteurization. No amount of scrubbing of utensils or pipes will produce good bacteriological results. This must be completed by sterilizing by means of hot water or live steam. Permanent steam connections on cream pipes give the best results. The packing glands of vats, pumps, and churns and the wood of churns, as they are today, are difficult to sterilize and furnish some of the yeasts and Oidia. Sometimes the starter becomes contaminated and introduces yeasts and Oidia. It is easy to see how laymen handling both raw cream and pasteurized products may contaminate the latter with their hands, ther- mometer, dipper, and measuring stick. In December, 1912, in one plant we began yeast and Oidia counts in a eubie centimeter of butter. The totals ranged from two to fifty. In August, 1913, the counts declined to ten or less. We continued improving methods and equip- ment and educating the men, and by July, 1916, we reduced the counts to zero to five. This efficiency is now main- 134 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES tained by 10 per cent of the plants; 20 per cent of the fifty plants on which we have reeords are below 10. The majority of them have less than six months’ education. As they learn, we hope for better results. By means of written directions and photographs, creamery workers are instructed how to take samples of butter. (see Fig. 1.) They have proved quite dependable. For transporting we use small metal capped Fig. 1.—Soimpling butter for yeast and mold count. vaseline jars sterilized in parchment wrappers. Butter is nearly always sampled in the churn by means of a scalded teaspoon. Prints and tubs are sampled by removing inner portions by means of scalded knife, spatula, or trier. Enam- eled or copper syrup pitchers are used for collecting a com- posite sample of a day's churnines. The Hd on the pitcher automatically drops down and prevents possible contamina- tion. Samples of salted butter sent by mail or stored for a week do not show any multiplication. Unfortunately, yeasts and Oidia multiply rapidly in unsalted butter. Counts of sweet butter over 24 hours old are unreliable. YEASTS AND OIDIA IN PASTEURIZED BUTTER 135 Whey agar is prepared as follows: Skimmilk is warmed to about 100° F., acidified with lactic or hydrochloric acid, coagulated with rennet or pepsin, the curd is cut, allowed to settle and then heated to 115° C. in the autoclave, the whey is filtered off through cotton, neutralized, made up with 1.5 per cent agar, 1 per cent peptone, and filtered. In plating, 1 ¢. ¢. of sterile 1 per cent tartaric acid solution (by weight) is placed in the petri dish. Then 1 ¢. ¢ or 1 gram of the material to be analyzed is introduced. With this is mixed 10 ¢. ¢. of the agar. In two or three days at room temperature the yeast colonies are about 3 mm. in diameter, Fig. 2.—Yeasts and Oidia (Left) 1 ¢. ¢. of inefficiently pasteurized cream plated in pened tartaric acid agar. (Right) In 1 ¢. ¢. of butter plated in whey tartaric acid raised, moist, and glistening. The Oidium colonics are about 1 to 3 em. in diameter, dry and velvety. One soon learns to recognize them at once with the unaided eve (see Fig 2). Mixed colonies occur, but they do not affect the practical interpretation of the count. Colonies of bacteria seldom reach such a size as to interfere. Occasional air molds are regarded as an accidental contamination unless they recur in considerable numbers in the subject from the same source. Professor Lund has suecessfully used beerwort and lactic acid instead of whey and tartaric acid. Where obtainable, the wort is more convenient than whey. We have not made any study of the species or races of yeasts and Oidia that occur here. We are unable to give any 136 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES interpretation of a large proportion of yeasts and a small proportion of Oidia and vice versa. Only the sum total has a meaning. The yeasty are more persistent. To simplify the language for laymen we call Oidium lactis ‘‘mold’’. On the basis of the record made by a number of good plants we have adopted an arbitrary commercial standard of ten or less. This is as good work as the best men are able to do. A count of thirty or more means one or more of the following defects: Failure of pasteurization, i. e., in temperature, in time, or by contamination; lack of cleanliness or of sterility of utensils and conduits; or contaminated starter. In every case where we made a personal survey where the count exceeded 30 we demonstrated that one of these defects existed to such a degree that the laymen could easily see it when it was pointed out to them. By mail and without making personal trips we have corrected many defects. That we detected dirty eream pipes 500 miles beyond our eyesight and caused them to be cleaned is one of the wonders of our uninitiated. When testing pasteurization or when searching for defects, we present a survey of the plant by means of the graphic re- ‘port shown here (sce Fig. 3). This maps out the course of the material through the plant and shows where defects occur. In the case exhibited here yeasts and molds in the pasteurized products made their first appearance in the churn, thereby proving it to be the source of contamination. If the cream were the original source of yeasts and molds, then the butter would contain much fewer than the cream because the drainage of the buttermilk aud washing of the butter eliminate the larger part of them. But since the churn was the source of the yeasts, their number increased the longer the materials remained in the churn. The working of the butter expelled more yeasts than the churning because the fixtures of the worker are the main refuge of yeasts. These churns were old and difficult to sterilize. Nevertheless this exhibit is ex- cellent work and far above the average. Other conditions being favorable, a butter having only a few yeasts and molds is a safer hazard for long distance ship- ments and for storage. Indeed, our records show that the YEASTS AND OIDIA IN PASTEURIZED BUTTER 137 ereameries that have the best commercial reputation for their butter also have the lowest yeast and mold counts. We must acknowledge that in this case good all around methods con- tribute to both results. At the plant where we made our original study we have observations on a large part of its stored make of 1912. Twenty-five per cent of this kept poorly. No. 1 Receiving Yat Aoidifiers 1,950,000 ,000 Putrefiers Count failed 0 Uolae. 307000 No. 4 First Cream out Total 1,050 ,060,000 Yeasts None | Molds None No. 2 Pasteurizer Total Acidifiers None Putrefiers Count fetled Yeasts” None Molda None lo. 5 Last Cream out Neutral 1,000 Total 1,000 —— | Yeasts None | Molds None No. 7 Vat Total Yeasts Bone Molda Bone No, 6 Starter Totel —— Yeasts one | Molds None No. @ Churn (cream) Total Yeasts 2 Molds one Total 2 Efficiency of pasteurizetion 99.99% .No. 3 Butter | Acidifiers 20,000 Putrefiers Count failed Yeasts 2 Kolds 1 Total 20,003 Fig. 3.—Bacteriological Survey of the Creamery, May 15, 1917. By F. W. Bouska. The commercial storage referred to above is another case and there 43 per cent of the butter did not keep. In 1915 at the original plant 1.75 per cent of the storage spoiled. But in 1916 only 1/15 of one per cent did not keep. During this time big improvements in every facility that affects keeping quality were made. There is no way of ascertaining how much credit for keeping quality should be awarded to each facility. All men in any way associated with the making of this butter 138 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES concur in giving a fair share of credit to the yeast and mold counts. The conditions of pasteurization that yield good results by our test are considerably above the usual hygienic and board of health requirements. Moreover, plating a whole e. ¢. of butter gives a test one hundred times as exacting as plating 1/100 of ac. ec. Pasteurized butter yielding a low yeast and mold count therefore has a clean bill of health. If butter that purports to be pasteurized contains hundreds of yeasts or molds, we would hesitate to say that the pasteurization that produced it fulfilled hygenic or commercial requirements. Nor could we positively say that it is lawfully entitled to be branded ‘‘Pasteurized butter’’. We cannot form even a conjecture of the meaning of large or small numbers of yeasts and molds in raw butter. It is not uncommon to find hundreds of yeasts and molds in raw butter that enjoys the very best commercial reputation. Our investigations and observations cover approximately 153,000,000 pounds of creamery butter. THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON THE NITROGENOUS MATERIAL OF SEWAGE KE. G. BirGe Edward Grant Birge was born April 24, 1881, at Leip- zig, Germany, at which time his father was studying at the University of Leipzig. Educated in the public schools at Madison, Wisconsin, graduating from the high school in 1899. Entered the University of Wisconsin in the fall of that year where he took the premedical course, graduating in 1903. Entered Johns Hopkins, graduating with the M. D. degree in 1907. For three years was bacteriologist with the Sewerage Commission of the city of Baltimore, going from there to Altoona, Pennsylvania, where he became bacteriolo- gist for the Pennsylvania railroad. In the fall of 1912 he went to Harvard Medical School as assistant to Dr. Milton J. Rosenau in the department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. -In 1914 he went to Florida as State Bacteriologist where he remained until the United States went into the war. In April, 1917, he volunteered with the Medical Re- serve Corps and was given the commission of Captain. He was sent to Fort Oglethorpe in August of that year where he remained for nearly a year. From there he was sent to Camp Beauregard, Louisiana, and then to Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, North Carolina. He re- ceived his discharge in August, 1919, going immediately to the University of Iowa as Professor of Bacteriology and State Epidemiologist, which position he filled until his death from influenza on February 4, 1920. The bio-chemical work which has been done on sewage in the past has been confined almost entirely to the changes taking place in the various forms of filter beds. We have then considerable information concerning bacterial action in the filter beds, but our knowledge of this action in the septic tank is in a more chaotic state. What little we know is the ‘“mass action”’ of all organisms, bacterial and otherwise, which play a role in the preparation of sewage for further treat- ment. The primary object of this paper, which must be considered as preliminary, is to determine what certain individual species 140 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES of bacteria do chemically when allowed to act on sewage in pure cultures singly or mixed. It was hoped that something could be shown which would justify us in trying to control the bacterial flora in large masses of sewage under treatment. It was also expected that the results would enable us to say what we might expect if certain groups or species of bacteria proved to be present in predominant numbers. It is reasonable to assume that mere numbers of micro-or- ganisms do not guarantee any definite chemical action. It is only when certain species or groups are predominant that a definite chemical change may be predicted or expected. At the present time we can make no prediction of that sort, be- cause it is not known what bacteria or groups of bacteria are responsible for those changes which are considered desirable. In the past, work on putrefaction and decomposition has been confined largely to the study of the nitrogenous material, although there are certain other cycles which, as Fuller’ points out, must be quite as carefully studied. In conformity with past work along this line, it was decided to study the nitrogen cycle. Clark,” in his report on a somewhat similar investigation done at the Lawrenee Experiment Station in Massachusetts, points out that there are five lines of action, i. e., putrefaction, nitrification, de-nitrification, nitrogen liberation, and nitro- gen fixation. While undoubtedly all five of the processes go on simultaneously, the process which predominates depends entirely upon conditions present. His work was done in con- nection with the nitrification in filter beds, but it is reasonable to suppose that much the same thing would hold true for septic tanks, except that the conditions are such, usually, that putrefactive action is more likely to predominate, especially in the one story type of tank. At the beginning of this work it was assumed that the most likely change in composition would be an increase in the free ammonia content, and a corresponding decrease in those de- composition products represented by the organic nitrogen, 1Fuller, Sewage Disposal, p. 47. ?Clark, Report of the Mass. State Board of Health, p. 244, 1904. THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON SEWAGE 141 with little or no change in either the nitrites or nitrates. In order to bring about conservation of the higher oxidation products of nitrogen, it is essential that sufficient oxygen be present so that the micro-organism is not forced to reduce these substances to support life. I believe that at the present time it is considered wise to have as much residual oxygen as possible in the septic tank. I found, as I will point out later, that the action of certain bacteria, in fact of nearly all of the particular species studied, was much more dependable under aerobic than anaerobic conditions. METHODS Tlie methods used simulated natural conditions as much as possible in laboratory experiments on a small scale. In order to use sewage as a culture medium it is necessary to sterilize it, and any method of sterilization changes the chemical com- position of the sample. It is therefore necessary to select that method which produces a minimum change. Chemical methods are naturally out of the question, because of their ineffectiveness in bringing about complete sterility without a great excess of the chemical, which would have an inhibiting action on the bacteria subsequently added. The incomplete- ness of sterilization by chemical means has been shown by Lederer and Hommon? in their paper before the American Public Health Association, at the meeting of 1910. If the gross solid material is filtered out, the sewage can be sterilized by heat, without greatly affecting the chemical composition. While there is a small difference in composition between the unsterilized and sterilized sewage, the differences in the flasks of sterilized sewage made up from the same large sample are so slight as to be negligible. The sewage used was filtered through cotton to remove the gross solid material, put into liter flasks and sterilized at 120° C. (15 pounds pressure) in the autoclave for 45 minutes. Two sets of flasks were made up at a time for each series. To > Lederer and Hommon, Journal American Public Health Association, I (New Series), p. 267, 1911. 142 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES one set, paraffin oil was added to give anaerobic conditions and one was left without the oil to favor aerobic conditions. In each set there was one flask which acted as a control. The changes in those flasks which were inoculated with bacteria were compared with this control, after making allowances for difference in composition and errors in methods. In eonnection with the dissolved oxygen content, the pre- liminary work brought out several interesting facts. It was found that the heat of sterilization would in itself drive off the greater amount of the dissolved oxygen, but that the flasks which were not treated with paraffin oil would pick up oxygen rapidly, even at the temperature of the incubator, 37.5° C. On the other hand those which had been treated with paraffin oil continually lost what little dissolved oxygen there was left. There is no doubt but that the unsaturated hydrocarbons of the oil extracted the dissolved oxygen, and did it so rapidly that at the end of twenty-four hours there was not, for all practical purposes, any left. The flasks were inoculated twenty-four hours after steriliza- tion with 1 ¢. e. of a twenty-four hour bouillon culture of the bacteria to be studied and incubated at 37.5° C. for twenty- four hours. They were then analysed for free ammonia, or- ganic nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates according to the Standard Methods for Sewage Analysis. Sewage.—The sewage was obtained from the Ward Street Pumping Station of the Metropolitan System of Boston, and was a typical domestic sewage. The district served by this pumping station was mainly residential. There was probably a small amount of manufacturing wastes and some storm water. Care was taken to obtain the samples at the same time each day, so that the sewage would have a similar composition throughout the work. Bacteria.—The bacteria chosen for the work were not iso- lated from the sewage itself. It was thought better to use bacteria of known stock, typical of those groups which are normally found in sewage. For this reason B. coli, B. cloacae, B. pyocyaneus, B. proteus, B. mesentericus var. ruber and B. subtilis were selected. All of these have been reported as THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON SEWAGE 143 having been isolated from or are representative of groups normally occurring in sewage. The bio-chemistry of these bacteria, when grown on artifi- cial media, shows that they possess characteristics which, theoretically at least, should be of value in breaking down a complex organic substance such as sewage. The only excep- tion to this statement is possibly the power of B. coli to reduce nitrates. It will also be recalled that all of them are faculta- tive anaerobes. The action of the bacteria when grown in mixed cultures brought out two. very interesting points. One was the behavior of B. coli. Invariably in the anaerobic flasks it was com- pletely overgrown in the twenty-four hour period. Under aerobic conditions it overgrew B. pyocyaneus, but was over- grown by other bacteria. The other fact was that both B. proteus and B. subtilis over- grew the other bacteria in the proportion of three to one under all conditions. When these two were grown together they about balanced each other at the end of the twenty-four hour period. THE ACTION OF PURE CULTURES The action of pure cultures was studied under two conditions of temperature, at 37.5° C. and at room temperature. A summary of the results follows: B. coliThere was a marked tendency to decrease the nitrites and nitrates, with a very decided decrease in the organic nitrogen. This was more marked in the anaerobic flasks than the aerobic flasks, and was much more vigorous at 37.5° C. There was very little action on the free ammonia, although the general tendency was to decrease it. It was noted that the correction for the amount of organic nitrogen added to the sample in the bouillon tended to give, in all of the experiments, a reduction of the organic nitrogen. This was studied in the hope that some intermediate decom- position products might be found to account for it. At the present time I am unable to explain it in any other way than 144 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES that the standard methods may tend to give results too low, and that possibly some of the nitrogen is liberated. B. cloacae.—In general it may be said that this micro-or- ganism did not materially differ from B. col. The greatest action was on the nitrites and nitrates, which were decreased markedly in both the anaerobic and aerobic flasks. There was also a decided tendency to decrease the amount of free am- monia, although this was not constant. B. pyocyaneus.—At 37.5° C. the action was irregular. At times the nitrites and nitrates were increased and under ap- parently the same conditions they were decreased. The same holds true for the free ammonia and organic nitrogen. There was nothing to indicate that the oxygen content of the samples had any effect on the action. At room temperature the action on the free ammonia and organie nitrogen had the same irregular tendencies that were noted above. This irregularity was also noted in the aerobic flasks in connection with the nitrites and nitrates. In the anaerobic flasks the nitrates were decreased with an increase in the ni- trites. This increase and decrease nearly balanced. B. proteus.—This also showed a marked irregularity in its action at 37.5° C. At room temperature the action was more constant, the free ammonia being increased with a correspond- ing decrease in the organic nitrogen. The nitrates were in- creased with a corresponding decrease in the nitrites. This activity was more marked in the anaerobic than in the aerobic flasks, and I believe that with this micro-organism, better results can be obtained under anaerdbic, or nearly anaerobic conditions, than where the oxygen content is relatively high. B. mesentericus var. ruber.—This has nearly the same characteristics as the previous micro-organism, the action being irregular in the experiments conducted at 37.5° C. while those at room temperature were more constant, especially under anaerobic conditions. At the lower temperature the free ammonia was increased and the organic nitrogen was decreased. The nitrites were, in the majority of the experi- ments, increased, with no changes noted in the nitrates. Under THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON SEWAGE 145 aerobic conditions at room temperature, both the nitrites and nitrates were increased, while the organie nitrogen was de- creased. These changes did not balance, leaving a large defi- cit in the organic nitrogen which has not been satisfactorily accounted for. B. subtilis—This micro-organism gave really consistent results. They were obtained under aerobic conditions and confined themselves to the free ammonia and the organic nitrogen. There was in all of the experiments an increase in the free ammonia with a decrease in the organic nitrogen that practically balanced it. This activity was relatively very great, amounting to as much as eight parts per million at 37.5° C. and two parts per million at room temperature. In regard to the nitrites. and nitrates, the tendency was more often to decrease than to increase them, but this action was not constant. Under anaerobic conditions the action of the bacteria was regular at 37.5° C., both the free ammonia and the organic nitrogen being decidedly decreased with an increase in the nitrites and nitrates, the latter being very decided. At room temperature the action was not so marked and in general followed that of the aerobic conditions, showing an increase in the free ammonia and a decrease in the organic nitrogen. From the results which were obtained, I believe that this micro-organism and the entire group of allied micro-organisms will bear much careful study in their relation to the bacterial processes in the purification of sewage. The action of mixed cultures.—I have already pointed out that in mixed cultures B. coli was completely overgrown in the anaerobic flasks, and way overgrown by all of the bac- teria in the aerobic flasks, with the exception of B. pyocyaneus. Also that B. subtilis and B. proteus (vulgarus) overgrew the other bacteria in both sets of flasks, When grown together they about balanced each other. The fact that the chemical action very closely followed the predominating bacteria was extremely intcresting. The action was in certain cases, as I will point out later, very dif- ferent in the aerobic and anaerobic flasks with the same 10 146 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES bacteria. This difference was particularly noticeable when B. subtilis and B. coli were grown with other bacteria. It was to be expected that the chemical results of these ex- periments would follow in a general way the influence of the predominating bacteria, although the action of the other or- ganisms was at times apparent. The time of incubation was in some cases evidently too short for the predominating bacter- ium to manifest itself chemically. This was plainly evident where more than two bacteria were inoculated into one flask. In these cases also it is to be noted that B. cola dropped out of sight in twenty-four hours in both sets of flasks. In those flasks where all of the bacteria were grown together the over- growth of B. proteus and B. subtilis was apparent, but it was not sufficient to markedly affect the chemical results. A sum- mary of the results follows: B. coli and B. cloacae.—I have pointed out previously that these two organisms have almost. the same action on sewage. The results when grown together are quite different from what might be expected, especially in the aerobic flasks. Here the free ammonia was increased with a corresponding decrease in the organic nitrogen. The nitrites were also de- creased. No changes were noted in the nitrate content. Ap- parently the presence of B. coli was a decided advantage in the early part of the incubation period, since it was greatly overgrown in twenty-four hours. The overgrowth in the anaerobic flasks was probably much quicker than in the aerobic flasks, and was much more com- plete. The chemical changes noted in this set of flasks are those of a pure culture of B. cloacae, the only exception being that neither the nitrites or nitrates were attacked. B. coli and B. mesentericus var. ruber.—The changes here are those due almost entirely to B. mesentcricus var. ruber, especially in the anaerobic flasks. In the aerobic flasks the small number of B. coli present af- fected the results so that they were very irregular. B. coli and B. pyocyaneus.—In spite of the fact that B. coli overgrew B. pyocyaneus, there were no changes which could be attributed to either micro-organism. Evidently B. NS THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON SEWAGE 147 colt established itself so late in the incubation period that the little chemical effect it might have had was not apparent. B. coli and B. proteus.—In pure culture both of these bacteria had a slight and irregular chemical action. However, when grown together, the changes in composition were regu- lar and consistent. In both the aerobic and anaerobic flasks there was an increase in the free ammonia and a decrease in the organic nitrogen. No changes were noted in either the nitrites or nitrates. B. coli and B. subtilis—In the aerobic flasks the changes were those of a pure culture of B. subtilis, 1. e., an increase in the free ammonia and a corresponding de- crease in the organic nitrogen. Except in one case where there was a slight increase in the nitrites, neither the nitrites or nitrates showed any change. As I have noted, neither of the bacteria has a regular chemical action at 37.5° C. under aerobic conditions. How- ever, when grown together there is an increase in the free ammonia and a decided decrease in the organic nitrogen. This increase and decrease balanced each other. Neither the nitrites nor nitrates were affected in any way. Just what the explanation for this condition is, I am unable to say at the present time, as B. cola was completely overgrown. B. subtilis and B. cloacae.—In the aerobic flasks, in which B. subtilis markedly overgrew B. cloacae, the chemical changes were typical of B. subtilis. The free ammonia was in- creased with corresponding decrease in the organic nitrogen. The nitrates were decreased with an increase in the nitrites. In the anaerobic flasks where the overgrowth of B. subtilis was not apparent, the chemical changes were in the main those of B. cloacae, differing from those of the pure culture in the tendency towards increasing the nitrites and nitrates. B. subtilis and B. mesentericus var. ruber.-—In the aerobic flasks the action was irregular, resembling that of B. mesen- tericus var. ruber. Both the nitrites and nitrates were in- creased. In the anaerobic flasks the free ammonia was increased with a corresponding decrease in the organic nitrogen and 148 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES nitrites. The nitrates were unaffected. This, except for the decrease in the nitrites, follows very closely what was found under similar conditions for B. mesentericus var. ruber in pure cultures. The cultures, however, showed a considerable overgrowth of B. subtilis. B. subtilis and B. pyocyaneus.—In both sets of flasks the bacteria grew practically equally well. In the aerobic flasks the free ammonia aud the organic nitrogen were decreased, while the nitrites and nitrates were both increased. In the anaerobic flasks the free ammonia was increased with a deercase in the organic nitrogen and nitrites. The ni- trates were unaffected. B. cloacae and B, mesentericus var. ruber.—B. mesenteri- cus var. ruber overerew B. cloacae in both sets of flasks. In the acrobic flasks the chemical action was more irreg- ular than was found for B. mesentericus var. ruber in pure culture, but in general coincided very closely to it. The most marked effect was on the nitrites and nitrates. The nitrates were decreased with an inerease in the nitrites. Tn the anaerobie flasks the action was much more typical of B. mesentericus var. ruber, the free ammonia being in- creased with a decrease in the organic nitrogen. The nitrates were decreased and the nitrites were inereased. B. cloacae and B. proteus.—The action of these bacteria was very irregular and typical of neither. This was true for both the anaerobic and aerobic flasks. The nitrites were generally inereased. Jn one experiment all of the nitrogen was reduced in amount. B. proteus and B. mesentericus var. ruber.—In the anacrobie flasks the tendeney was to decrease both the free ammonia and the organie nitrogen, while the nitrites and nitrates were increased, These results follow those obtained from B. proteus more closely than B. mesentericus var, ruber. The cultures showed a slight overgrowth of B. proteus in the anaerobic flasks. B. pyocyaneus, B. proteus, B. pyocyaneus and B. mesen- tericus var. ruber.—Neither of these gave results in either set of flasks. THE ACTION OF CERTAIN BACTERIA ON SEWAGE 149 The chemical results in those experiments in which four of the bacteria were inoculated into one flask were very ir- regular and disappointing. The time of incubation was ap- parently insufficient for any one or any combination of the bacteria to establish themselves chemically. In the experiments in which all of the bacteria were in- oculated into one flask there was but one change worthy of note. That was the increase in the nitrates in all of the ex- periments. This was found under both aerobic and anacrobie conditions,—amounting in one instance to six parts per mil- lion. There was a decided decrease in the rest of the nitrogen present. SumMaRY AND CoNCLUSIONS 4 Certain bacteria have been studied to determine their effect upon sewage. Those selected were B. coli, B. cloacae, B. pyo- cyaneus, B. vulgaris, B. mesentericus var. ruber, and B. sub- tilis. They were selected because they represent aerobic types which are found frequently or constantly in sewage. The effects of these bacteria were studied in fresh sewage, filtered and sterilized by heat at 120° C. (15 pounds pressure) for forty-five minutes. They were studied under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, also in pure and in mixed cultures. Particular attention was paid to the changes in free ammonia, organic nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates. Bacteriologically it was shown that B. coli was completely overgrown under anaerobic conditions in the twenty-four hour period. Under aerobic conditions it was able to overgrow B. pyocyaneus, but was overgrown by the rest of the bacteria studied. When grown in pure cultures, with the exception of B. proteus, the bacteria gave more constant results under aerobic than anaerobic conditions. B. subtilis showed a marked ammonifying power through- out the work under aerobic conditions. Under anaerobic con- ditions it regularly decreased the free ammonia and organic nitrogen content, increasing the nitrites and nitrates, especi- ally the latter. 150 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES B. coli and B. cloacae had a decided reducing action on both the nitrites and nitrates. Under some conditions, as yet undetermined, they reduced the free ammonia content also, B. proteus had a considerable ammonifying power under anaerobic conditions. This was very slight under aerobic conditions, and was more constant at room temperature than at 37.5° C. The action of B. pyocyaneus and B. mesentericus var. ruber was irregular under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The experiments with mixed cultures showed that the chemical changes followed very closely those of the predomi- nant bacteria in pure culture. Those experiments which did not follow this rule, and in which there was a decided pre- dominance of one micro-organism, showed that the bacteria had become predominant too late in the incubation period to effect a chemical change. B. coli and B. cloacae, B. coli and B. proteus gave more constant results when grown in mixed than when grown in pure cultures. These were the only instances of an appar- ently true symbiotic relationship. The results of the experiments in which more than two bacteria were grown in mixed culture showed that the in- cubation period, twenty-four hours, was too short to allow any one micro-organism of any group of bacteria to establish it- self chemically. The work has shown that we will be able to predict what the changes in the chemical composition of sewage are going to be if a group or species of bacteria are predominant. The results of this work would certainly not justify us in attempting to control the bacterial flora of the septic tanks. However, I am strongly convinced that in the future this course will be attempted. I again wish to emphasize the results obtained from B. subtilis, Everything indicates that this organism may be made to play a most important réle in the treatment of sew- age. THE DETECTION OF PASTEURIZED MILK W. D. Frost The necessity for pasteurizing all milk destined to be used as human food is becoming more and more firmly established ag the dangers from the use of raw milk are more generally recognized. But in order to further safeguard the public health it is necessary to control the methods of pasteurization. The range of temperatures permissible in pasteurization is very narrow. In order to render a milk safe it must be heated above the thermal death point of Bacillus tuberculosis. Only a few degrees above this necessary temperature the physical properties of milk are altered. The cream line is changed and a ‘‘cooked taste’? may be acquired. Both of these changes lessen the commercial value of the milk. Hence there is con- stant temptation for the milk dealer to underheat his milk. Public health authorities must therefore be constantly on the alert to prevent the sale of underheated or improperly pasteurized milk. How determine whether or not milk has been properly pasteurized? So far as I know the milk analyst is helpless unless he makes use of the method discussed here. It is true, of course, that various methods have been sug- gested. One of these proposes to regulate the temperature and time of holding in pasteurization. To this end certain municipalities require the use of automatic thermoregulators and recorders on all pasteurizing apparatus. A bacteriological test tells whether or not a milk is high or low in bacteria, but cannot always, by any means, indicate the thoroughness of the process of pasteurization. Other tests have been advo- cated which depend upon the changes which the protein under- goes in heated milk. These have not proved applicable in practice. Still others have been suggested which depend on the presence of oxidizing enzymes in milk. Of these, 152 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES Storch’s test is generally regarded as the most satisfactory. This test, however, as is well known, can be used only on milk heated from 78° to 80° GC. (172.4° to 176° F.). It cannot, therefore, be applied to milk heated to the temperature em- ployed for pasteurization in this country now. A microscopic test was devised by me and described in a paper by Frost and Ravenel in 1911.4. Two features of this method inter- fered with its usefulness. One was the difficult technic and the other was the fact that the stain safranin clotted the milk unless added with the greatest care. So far it has been pos- sible to avoid this danger only by diluting the stain, and in this case the action of the dye is largely neutralized. In 1915 I proposed the method under discussion in this article in a preliminary paper. This was described somewhat more in detail in a paper read before the International Milk Dealers’ Association in October, 1916.2 The practical results that may be obtained by its use are described in a paper by Miss Moore and me.? It is here proposed to discuss this method in a somewhat more adequate way. Bopy CELLS In MILK There occur in cow's milk under all conditions a variable number of body cells or leucocytes. There are at least two kinds: the mononuclear and the polymorphonuclear varieties. The latter ones are of chief interest here. Whether or not these cells are leucocytes from the blood which have escaped through the gland walls or are cells from the walls of the mammary gland, given off at the time of milking, is a ques- tion on which histologists are not agreed. 1 Frost and Ravenel, A Microscopie Test for Heated Milk in Proc, Am. Assn. Med, Milk Comanissions, p. 127, 1911. 2W. 1). Frost, A Microscopic Test for Pasteurized Milk in Jour, Am. Med. Assu., 44, pp. 821-822, March 6, 1915. 3°W. D. Frost, Milk Dealer, p. 84, Dec., 1916. *W. D. Frost and Genevieve D, Moore, The Cellular Test for Pustewr- dared Milk in Dairy Science. THE DETECTION OF PASTEURIZED MILK 153 Lacking definite evidence to the contrary and in keeping with common practice, these cells will be referred to as leu- cocytes. The variety which is of service in this study is histologically described as follows: Polymorphonuclear or polynuclear leucocytes constitute the form more frequently encountered (in normal blood), and prob- ably represent the fully developed condition of the white blood- cell. These elements are distinguished by the variously distorted nucleus, which, being fairly rich in chromatin, presents a striking figure in stained preparations. The nuclei appear imperfectly separated into variously disposed segments, so that they recall the letters O, S, U, V, Z, etc. The segments usually retain connec- tion by delicate threads of chromatin; exceptionally these bridges become broken, in which case the term polynuclear is appro- priate. Occasionally cells may be observed containing granules which stain deeply with eosin. Such eosinophilic leucocytes probably represent the final phase of development.’ PRINCIPLES INVOLVED Wet process.—In attempting to differentiate between raw and pasteurized milk, I have® shown that when certain stains are put into milk and allowed to act wet, there is a distinct difference in the way in which the stain acts on the cells in the pasteurized milk and on the cells in the raw milk. When the proper amount of stain is used, the cells in the raw milk are not stained at all, while the nuclei of the cells in the pasteurized milk are well stained. If the stain should be ‘too concentrated, the nuclei of the cells in the raw milk may be stained, but only slightly, while those in the pasteur- ized milk are always deeply stained. The staining of the pasteurized cells and the failure to stain the cells in the raw milk is to be explained on the theory that the heat of pasteurization is sufficient to ‘‘fix’’ (in the histological sense) the protoplasm of the leucocytes and thus make staining possible. Brief description—The method may be briefly described as follows: The milk to be tested is mixed with an equal 5 Pierson, Textbook of Normal Histology, sixth edition, p. 106. ® Loe. cit. , 154 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES quantity of a special methylene blue stain in a specially pre- pared centrifuge tube. The stain and milk are thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for at least ten minutes. The sediment is thrown onto the cork by whirling the tube in a centrifuge. The sediment is carefully spread on a micro- scopical glass slide. This smear is allowed to air dry with- out coming in contact with water at any time. When dry it is examined under the microscope with a low power and later with the oil immersion objective. DetaiLs or MretHop Preparation of stain—Various stains have been tested out: safranin, methylene green, dahlia, thionine and methylene blue. On the whole methylene blue seems to be the stain best adapted to the test. Practically all of the work has been done with the German dye (Gruebler), but several American made dyes have been tested recently and have proved to be entirely satisfactory. At first quite concentrated solutions were used. Small quantities of these were added to larger volumes of milk. _ While this method produced satisfactory results, there was a tendency for these dyes to curdle the milk, and when this happened the test was worthless. I have found gradually that this danger can be overcome by using a more dilute stain and adding larger proportions of it to the milk. It is quite essential to the proper working of the test that the right amount of the dye be added to the milk. Fortunately this is indicated by the color of the milk. When methylene blue in any concentration is gradually added to milk the color becomes a deeper and deeper blue, un- til quite suddenly it becomes a ‘‘cadet blue’’. This deep blue color seems necessary to the proper working of the test. It may be arrived at in any way, but there is less danger of causing a precipitation if the dye is added to the milk in a weak solution. To make the solution needed, 1.5 grams of the methylene blue powder is added to a liter of distilled water. I have THE DETECTION OF PASTEURIZED MILK 155 usually allowed this to stand in the 37° C. incubator for sev- eral hours (over night) and then filtered it through paper. Such a stain when added to milk, part for part, should pro- duce a ‘‘cadet blue’’. Some powdered dyes may need to be used in greater concentration, others, especially the medicinal methylene blue, in smaller quantities. This solution seems to be quite permanent and most of my evidence indicates that it keeps indefinitely. Mixing stain and milk.—The addition of the dye to the milk can be done in any convenient way. At first I put the milk in a flask or beaker and added concentrated stain slowly while the milk was kept moving by a rotary motion of the vessel. When a weaker solution as recommended above is used, the method of combining them is quite immaterial except that it is never safe to drop the milk into the dye. It is better to add the dye to the milk. The mixing should be thoroughly done. Time of action of stain.—The action of the stain requires several minutes and it has been my practice to mix the stain with the milk and then allow it to act for ten or fifteen minutes before it is centrifuged. A longer action up to one hour is not injurious, but if the stain is allowed to stand too long in con- tact with the milk the cells of the raw milk may take on the stain, but even under these conditions a careful study of such cells would enable one to recognize the difference between them and the cells of properly pasteurized milk. Centrifugation—Any form of centrifuge tube can be used for collecting the sediment. The most convenient are those which have a rubber stopper at the lower end because of the ease with which the sediment can be removed. At first I used the Stewart-Slack tubes, but lately I have made a larger tube of the same style. In this way I always get an abundance of cells for examination, and avoid the use of a special head on the centrifuge. The tubes are made from three-eighth inch glass tubing and are four inches long. One end is plugged with a rubber stopper (No. 00), the other is left open. These tubes can be put into the ordinary head of any centrifuge. The centrifuge should be run long enough 156 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES and at'sufficiently high speed to throw down most of the leu- cocytes without injuring them, e. g., 2,000 r. p. m. for ten min- utes. Spreading of sediment.— When the tubes are taken out of the centrifuge, the fat layer at the top of the tube is loosened, the milk and stain mixture poured out, the cork re- moved, and the sediment on it carefully spread on a glass slide, as one would make a blood smear. It must always be berne in mind, however, that water cannot be used to spread the smear, as this violates the principles involved and in- variably causes the cell nuclei to take up the stain, even in raw milk. Microscopical examination of smears.—The smears arc first examined with the low power (16 mm. lens). In the raw milks the background, or the entire microscopic field, is stained blue, the depth of the stain depending upon the thickness of the film: in this blue background appear numerous clear areas. The smaller of these are fat globules. The larger ones may be large fat globules or clusters of the same, but usually they are the leucocytes of the milk, Occasionally there are the deeply stained mononuclear leucocytes. The general impression one gets from these preparations is a blue field, which tends to be uniform, and in which there are a number of holes or clear places. : The smears of the pasteurized milk, on the other hand, do not have the background as deeply stained as do the smears from the raw milk, although in thick portions it may be quite blue. The nuclei of the leucocytes here are always stained and their volor is deeper than that of the background. The area immediately surrounding the cells usually takes the stain deeply and shades off into the color of the background, forming what I have called a ‘‘dark halo’’. Because of the lighter color of the field, the fat globules do not stand out as they do in the raw milk. The most prominent objects here are the leucocytes with their darkly stained nuelei. The cells are noticeably smaller in the pasteurized than they are in the raw milk. THE DETECTION OF PASTEURIZED MILK 157 Even a cursory examination of the two smears shows.a dis- tinct and easily recognizable difference between the smear from the heated milk and that from the raw milk. __ To examine the cells more closely, the oil immersion ob- jective is used. The oil may be put direetly onto the dried smear, or the preparation may be mounted in Canada balsam under a cover glass. The polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the raw milk, under the high powers of the microscope, are practically all colorless, but with some experience it is not difficult to recognize them. Usually they are quite regular in outline and large, i. e., about twelve microns in diameter. The nu- clear material, if differentiated at all, is poorly defined and if stained it is of a light greenish-blue color. Occasionally there are leucocytes in raw milks, and in some more than others, which take the stain. Whether or not these are dead cells has not been determined. Even if quite deeply stained the leucocytes in raw milk are distinetly different from those in pasteurized milk, in that the nuclear material is more spread out and less densely stained. The nuclei of the raw cells are usually integral with a definite isthmus connecting the lobes. The leucocytes from properly pasteurized milks have their nuclei deeply stained, and the different portions are frequently rounded up into definite fragments so that the cells appear to be polynuclear rather than polymorphonuclear. They aver- age about seven microns in size. The depth of the stain and the amount of shrinking vary somewhat with the degree of heat applied. By way of summary it may be repeated that: The effect of heat on the leucocytes, so far as this test is concerned, is twofold. It alters the shape and size of the cells, and changes their staining reactions. The shape of the cell is probably gradually changed as the degree of heat increases, and the shrinking begins to appear at a lower temperature than that used for pasteurization; but the ‘‘fixing’’ of the nuclear material. which makes possible the absorption of the stain, seems to take place definitely at practically the same temperature as that nec- 158 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES essary for the pasteurization of milk, namely, at from 60 to 63°C, (140-145°F.) 7 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Illustrations: The results of this method of staining are shown in Plates I and II, Figures 1 to 26. These drawings are all made under an oil immersion lens and by means of the camera lucida. Figures 1 to 4 show cells in the raw milk. Here the back- ground is stained, while the cells remain clear or unstained. In Fig. 5 the milk was heated to 58° C. (137° F.) for 20 minutes and in Fig. 6 to 60° Co. (140° F.). Here the poly- morphonuclear leucocytes have their nuclei lightly stained. Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the cells in milk that has been pasteurized at 63° C. (145° F.) for 20 minutes. The nuclei are all deeply stained and the segments well rounded off and the fragments discrete. Fig. 10 shows cells from milk heated to 65° C. (150° F.), and Fig. 11 shows cells from milk heated to 70° C. (158° F.). Figures 10 and 12 show the bacteria well stained. Figures 13 to 18 represent groups of leucocytes selected from various fields to show variations in form, size, and staining reaction at the various temperatures indicated. Ex- eept for the raw milk, no attempt has been made to represent the background. Figures 19 and 20 are the results obtained by applying a counter stain to the preparations obtained by the staining with methylene blue in the usual way. The advantage of the counter stain is that it brings out or differentiates the leu- cocytes in the raw milk. (The preparations are made in the usual way and when the smears are dry, they are immersed for a few seconds in a 1 per cent solution of orange G in aleohol (95 per cent) and examined after drying without washing. ) Figures 21 and 22 are from preparations made by a method suggested by Traum.® Jn this method the cells are separated ‘ Loc. cit. ®J. Traum, Laboratory Methods to Improve Milk in Amer. Jour, Vet. Med, 10, 717, 1915. THE DETECTION OF PASTEURIZED MILK 159 by centrifugal force, smeared on slides, dried, and fixed with formalin. The staining of this dried, fixed film is done with a one-half saturated aqueous solution of methylene blue. The nuclei of the cells in the raw milk stain well (Fig. 21). They appear as if drawn out and there is frequently no indi- cation of cell body, the area around the nuclei fusing into the background. If a cell body is observed it has a reticulated ap- pearance. In pasteurized milk, on the other hand, the nuclei of these cells are smaller, more compact, stain deeper, and the cells which are considerably smaller, are outlined by a clear, circular zone around the nucleus. The difference is noticeable when com- paring raw milk with milk heated to 60° for 30 minutes and is very marked if the milk has been heated to 63° for 30 minutes. Figures 23 to 26 represent preparations made from raw milk (23), pasteurized at 58° C. (24), 60° C. (25), and 63° C. (26) and stained with Wright’s blood stain. The milk sedi- ment was spread on slides, dried, and then stained in the usual way. Derails oF PROCESS Stain of background.—The body of the smear, probably the casein or milk serum, takes the stain in a varying degree. In raw milk the background is usually found to be dark and continuous. By this is meant that the entire smear is stained deeper than the nuclei of the leucocytes which are imbedded in it. Usually these are not stained at all. Whether it is actually dark or light depends very evidently upon the thick- ness of the film and this unfortunately cannot be controlled. In well pasteurized samples the stain of the background is found to be light and variable. By this is meant that the stain in the background is lighter than the nuclei of the con- tained leucocytes. It is variable in that it is usually darker about the leucocytes, forming a more or less distinct ‘‘dark halo’’ about them. Stain in cells—In raw milk the leucocytes are unstained and in the typical preparations appear as clear areas in a dark blue field. They are easily differentiated from the fat glob- ules by their larger size and more or less irregular outline. 160 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN STUDIES Frequently there is a tinge of blue to them so that there is just a suggestion of the nuclear structure of the cell visible. A few cells even in perfectly fresh milk may have their nuclei stained but less densely and compactly than in pasteurized milk. In the pasteurized milk, on the other hand, the nuclei are definitely stained, usually dark blue, while the background is lighter. The difference is striking and perfectly charac- teristic. Outline of leucocytes.—The outline of the cells in raw milk is irregular. This is probably due to protrusions or pseudopodia although certain authors have hesitated to accept these eells as leucocytes because they do not show evidence of aineboid movement. The irregular outlines, as shown in the figures of raw milk, are noticeable, however, especially in Figures 4 and 13. In the heated milk the outline of the cells usually appears more regular. Under the influence of heat the cells have rounded up. There is no constant difference between these cells under the two conditions, however, and some observers have even regarded the heated cells as the more irregular. The irregularity of the heated cells may, however, be due to quite a different cause, namely, shrinkage. Nuclear fragments.—Only the polymorphonueleated cells are of value in this test. In a raw cell it is usual for the nu- cleus to be single but variously shaped (or polymorpho), while in the heated milks there is a pronounced tendeney for the nuclei to become separated and thus the eclls become poly- nucleated. The nucleus or its fragments are much more compact and demarkated in the heated than in the raw samples. Size of the leucocytes.—