CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM The Dent. of Zoology Palade University Library QL 53.H Ti of zoology. iil mann Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF A00L0G ¥ FOR USE IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES BY N. A. HARVEY Head Department Science, Chicago Normal School Pres. Dept. Science, Nat'l Educational Ass’n, 1901 WESTERN PUBLISHING HOUSE CHICAGO ae COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY WESTERN PUBLISHING HOUSE Zoology-—1-1 ROBT 0, LAW co. PRINTERS ANO BINDERS cHicaao PREFACE. Almost every text-book on logic draws the majority of its illus- trations of logical processes from the development of the subject matter of the natural sciences. The natural sciences most clearly manifest the universal method of discursive thought; therefore, it is difficult to overestimate their importance as an element in edu- cation. Of all the natural sciences, zodlogy is the one which can be used with the greatest economy of effort to give the mind facility in certain fundamental activities which lie at the foundation of all processes of logical thinking. As the writer conceives it, the pedagogical content of zodlogy consists in training the pupil to gather knowledge at first hand and to get clear ideas of the objects studied, and in exercising his mind in its power of abstraction, concrete analysis, discrimination, com-, parison, generalization, arid ldgical definition and in the recognition of logical identity. The results of the study conducted under the influence of such a conception are likely to be very different from what they would be if it were believed that the knowledge of a few animals is the chief end sought. To leave zodlogy out of a course of instruction is to omit the training of the mind in. these directions, or to accomplish the same result by a much greater ex- penditure of energy in another subject than would be necessary in this. Just as the benefit derived from the study of algebra is not to be looked for in the information conveyed in the answers to the problems that the student so laboriously solves, and the value of the study of Latin comes not from the knowledge of the historical facts that the pupil learns while reading the Latin language, so the value of the study of zodlogy does not depend upon the knowledge, of animals that the student acquires, but rather upon the power that the student acquires while gaining that knowledge. A commendable text-book on zodlogy for high schools must concern itself, then, not so much with the development of the sub- ject as with the development of the human mind. This book is 3 4 PREFACE. written fyom a pedagogical standpoint, and is intended to point out so carefully the content of the subject, and to indicate so clearly a method by which the content may be realized, that no teacher and no pupil who follows the plan here indicated can fail to realize a large part of the value to be derived from the study of elementary zodlogy. There are at least three stages in the study of zodlogy. First, . the one in which the student learns how to study and how to utilize zoological material. Knowledge of facts is a very subordinate aim in this stage, and the method of acquiring knowledge is very im- portant. This is the stage of greatest educational value, and is but little transcended in highschool work. Itistheintroductory stage, and justifies the name of Introduction for this book. The second stage is the onein which knowledge of facts is the chief end sought. It is essentially a reading stage. The student must read every- thing about the subject, or that part of the subject to which he turns his attention. The third stage is one in which the student undertakes original investigation and adds to the world’s stock of knowledge. This analysis shows us that the work of the introductory stage must be largely laboratory work. The writer fails to see how very much good can be obtained from the study of a science that is not pursued in this way. Even the reading of books is not to be rec- ommended, unless they deal with phases of the subject that are not investigated in the laboratory, although in a few instances it has seemed impracticable to avoid giving some information in the text that might be derived from the study of the specimen itself. In this book it is intended to combine the advantages of Natural History study with laboratory work in such a way that neither shall detract from the value of the other. Under the head of ‘‘Addi- tional Facts’’ are stated life relations and habits of the animals studied which cannot be determined from an examination of their structure. Completeness or fullness in this respect is neither at- tempted nor desired, but enough is given to stimulate observation. The natural history text is limited to the animal forms studied in the laboratory, or to closely related animals, for it is very doubt- ful whether the reading about animals foreign to one’s locality or experience is at all conducive to observation. The principal emphasis is laid upon the branch of Arthropods, and the subject of insects is treated first. This is done deliber- ately and after much thought and trial of other ways. The first PREFACE, 5 insects studied represent different families. By a comparison of these insects we generalize and rise to the conception of an Order. The next insects studied represent orders, and by a comparison of their resemblances we proceed to the conception of a Class. The table of differences enables us to frame a logical definition of each order. The next animals studied represent not orders, but classes. By a comparison of all these animals, we generalize and rise to the conception of a Branch. The next animals studied represent branches, and a similar process of the mind leads to the conception of a Kingdom. It might be possible to use Vertebrates instead of Arthropods for the purpose .of forming a conception of the less comprehensive groups, but the inconvenience would be greater. Near the seashore it might be possible to use Mollusks instead of Arthropods as the beginning of the work, but certainly not with such satisfactory assurances of success. Because of the importance of vertebrate dissection in the study of human physiology, more attention is given to the Vertebrates than is really demanded by the logical development of the plan. The importance of Protozoa in the discussion of philosophic ques- tions leads toa treatment of the subject seemingly inconsistent with the rest of the book, but which it is believed will prove an advantage to the users. Certain philosophic principles are discussed, when occasions arise demanding their treatment, but nothing is touched upon that does not grow directly out of the laboratory work. Such are the topics of Protective Coloration, Mimicry, Protective Resemblance, Vestigial Organs, von Baer’s Principle, Homology of Parts, Meta- morphosis, Variation, Development, Economic Effect, Parasitism, Senses and Sense Organs. Enough work is suggested to occupy the time of a class one period each day for one year of nine months. Ifa shorter time is given to the study, the teacher may make a selection in one of two ways. He may lay the emphasis upon a smaller number of groups, or upon a smaller number of animals in each group. According to the second plan, a good selection would be to study only the grasshopper, butterfly, beetle, housefly, crawfish, rabbit, clam, earth- worm, starfish, hydra, sponge, paramcecium. The writer considers it more advantageous to limit the study to Arthropods if the time is very short. This book is the outcome of ten years’ experience in teaching 6 PREFACE. elementary zodlogy to large classes, and everything indicated in it has stood the test of class-room work many times. It will be found serviceable in a laboratory that is well equipped for work, but is especially designed for those high schools whose equipments are the most meager and whose only hope of obtaining better facilities for teaching lies in making a success of the work with the facilities they already have. The illustrations are nearly all of microscopic objects, and the only purpose in inserting them is to assist pupils that have not the opportunity to use a compound _microscope. Special attention is called to the forms of the tables of resem- blances and differences, and to the demonstration of the homology of the mouth parts of the grasshopper (page 66), to the treatment of von Baer’s Principle (page 99), to the three series (page 103), and to the demonstration of rank among animals (page 167). Gratefulacknowledgments for valuable suggestions are rendered to Prof. S. A. Forbes and Dr. Frank Smith of the University of Illinois, to President Howard Ayers of the University of Cincinnati, and to Dr. Frank J. Hall of the Kansas City Medical College. SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS. PAGE DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS........c:.ceceee ee ceee ceeteeeeeeeenceecreneesereere 9 CHAPTER I.—THE GRASSHOPPER ..... 10. cece cee ee ects cece eset eeeeeeeeee 13 Laboratory directions—Pronunciation lists—The living grasshop- per—Microscopic objects: compound eye, crop, air tubes, eggs, and muscle— The young grasshopper— Examination questions— Review topics—Additional facts: the skeleton, molting, metamorphosis, senses, respiration, injuries to farm crops—Groups of animals—Rules for naming. CHAPTER II.—OTHER ORTHOPTERA. ait SSA ath. reteateres jo teeanea The cricket—Laboratory directions dditional facts: color, ositor, deposition of the eggs—Microscopic objects: spiracle, gizzard, le on the wing—The katydid—Laboratory directions—Additional facts —The walking-stick—Laboratory directions—Additional facts: protec- tive resemblance—Table of differences between the grasshopper, cricket, katydid, and walking-stick—Table of resemblances —Additional facts about the Orthoptera. CHAPTER III.— OTHER INSECTS...............05- Signa Geayebibesisia ae 318 Wsieeaien daaaite The butterfly—Laboratory directions—The caterpillar—Laboratory directions—The chrysalis and cocoon—Laboratory directions—The moth —Laboratory directions—Table of differences between a butterfly and a moth—Microscopic object: scales of a moth—Additional facts about Lepidoptera: metamorphosis, mouth parts and their homology, mim- icry, silk, injurious Lepidoptera—The beetle—Laboratory directions— Additional facts—The giant water bug—Laboratory directions—Addi- tional facts—The cicada—Laboratory directions—Additional facts: the seventeen year cicada, injuries produced by Hemiptera, parthenogenesis —The house fly—Laboratory directions—Microscopic objects: proboscis, labelle, lancets and palpi, foot, wing—Additional facts—The dragon fly —Laboratory directions—Additional facts—The bumblebee—Laboratory directions— The wasp— Laboratory directions — Microscopic objects: tongue of a bee, tongue of a wasp, sting of a wasp, hooks on the hind wing—Additional facts about Hymenoptera: metamorphosis; social organization; honey, nectar, pollen, and wax; use of the sting and poison; cross fertilization of plants; warning coloration; habits of solitary wasps; intelligence of ants—List of orders of insects—Pronun- ciation lists—Table of differences between insects—Table of resemblances —Logicl definition- Definition of each order—Review topics on insects —General considerations about insects: how to collect and preserve insects. CHAPTER IV.—ARACHNIDA AND MYRIAPODA.......... 2 cceeee cece eee ee The spider—Laboratory directions— Daddy longlegs—Laboratory directions—Additional facts about Arachnida—The centipede—Labora- tory directions— Thousand legs— Laboratory directions — Similarity between a caterpillar and a myriapod—Additional facts about myria- pods: habits of life, homology of the maxillipeds, demonstration of the homology between the legs and the mandibles of a grasshopper. CHAPTER V.—CRUSTACEA....... 000 ce settee nee cee etter cette nett t et eee: The crawtish—Laboratory directions—Internal structure—The living crawfish —The sow bug — Cyclops — Daphnia —Additional facts about 32 61 68 8 SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS. Crustaceans—Review topics—Table of differences between a grasshopper, spider, centipede, and crawfish—Table of resemblances—Definition of an Arthropod. CHAPTER VI.—THE FISG.......... cee cece ete cee e een cence eeee seen nana nes Laboratory directions —The live minnow—Additional facts about the fish: orders, method of breathing, action of gills, method of distri- bution, single circulation, homology of the air bladder—Review topics- Vocabulary. CHAPTER: VIl—BATRACHIA sevice mera ve een chee aecomaaae The frog—Laboratory directions— Additional facts: method of breathing, circulation—Microscopic object: blood corpuscles—The toad— Table of differences between a toad and a frog—Tadpole —Laboratory directions—Comparison of a tadpole and a fish—Demonstration of von Baer’s principle--The three series: ontogenetic, phylogenetic, taxo- nomic—Review topics on the frog. CHAPTER VIII.—BiRDS AND REPTILES... The pigeon—Laboratory directions—Feathers—An egg—Table of differences between a pigeon and a fish—Additional facts: feathers, wing muscles, teeth, circujlation, breathing, embryology, egg, air space, migration—Review topics on the pigeon—The turtle—Laboratory direc- tions—Table of resemblances between a turtle and a pigeon—Additional facts—Archeopteryx. ences between a grasshopper and a rabbit—Additional facts about mam- mals: teeth, injuries, rabbits in Australia, checks on increase, pressure on subsistence, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest -Addi- tional facts about vertebrates: amphioxus, notochord, vestigial organs. CHAPTER X.—OTHER INVERTEBRATES... 22.0. ..0006 cece cece eee beens The fresh-water clam—Laboratory directions—Suggestive ques- tions—Facts about the clam—The oyster—Table of differences between the oyster and the clam—Table of resemblances—The snail—Laboratory directions--Table of differences between the clam and the snail—Table of resemblances—Facts about the snail—Microscopic object: odonto- phore—The earthworm--Laboratory directions--Facts about the earth- worm: breathing, locomotion, life habits, other worms--Microscopic object: cross section--Table of differences between a caterpillar and an earthworm—The starfish--Laboratory directions--Facts about the star- fish: bilateral symmetry, water-pipe system--Review topics on the clam, snail, earthworm, and starfish—Fresh-water hydra—Laboratory directions—Facts about the hydra—Fresh-water sponge—Laboratory directions—Facts about the sponge--Protozoa: vorticella, carchesium, epistylis, stentor, paramcecium, amoeba--Table of resemblances among vorticella, stentor, paramcecium, amoeba—-Concept of a protozoan—Facts about the protozoa: practical immortality, reproduction, undifferenti- ated cell—Table of resemblances among rabbit, clam, grasshopper, earthworm, starfish, hydra, sponge, and paramoecium--Concept and definition of an animal—Differential table showing addition of organs to the different groups--Demonstration of rank among animals--Logical definition of each branch—-General review topics. CHAPTER XI.—COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL .............- (With Suggestions upon its Management in the Class.) CHAPTER XIL--CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS.......... . 91 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF LO O TOG Y. DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS. The value of this work to you will depend largely upon how much of it is done without assistance. You are to acquire definite and exact information. of the objects studied for the sake of learning how to acquire definite and exact information of objects in general. The solution of a problem in algebra is valuable not for the information acquired in the answer, but for the power acquired in learning how to find the answer. The information about each specimen studied should be obtained from the specimen itself as far as such information can be thus obtained. It is a mis- take to go to reference books, or to ask your neighbor or your teacher, for information about the specimen that the specimen itself can tell you. Some things the specimen cannot tell. Under the head of ‘‘ Addi- tional Facts,’’ this book states some of the things about the animals studied which the specimens can- not tell. After an animal form has been studied, it is a good thing to read about it, but the reading should follow and not precede the laboratory study. 9 10 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. You should keep in a notebook a faithful record of all your observations. Each observation should be written out in full, in ink, at the time it is made, in order that it shall be as complete as possible. ‘‘Writ- ing makes an exact man.’’ Do not try to make crude notes on a scratch-book and copy the notes afterward. Your book may thus become a copy-book, but it will not be a notebook. Sometimes an erroneous obser- vation will be recorded. Insuch acase, the correction should be recorded in the notebook just when it is discovered, with the statement that an erroneous observation has been recorded on a certain preceding page. Nothing should be copied into the notebook from another book. It should contain only the record of your personal observations. The drawings should be the best that you are capable of making. It will be found the most satis- factory to make the drawings with India ink, on good smooth paper, using a fine-pointed pen. The draw- ings should be line drawings, and every line should represent something on the object, and not be put in merely for looks. Drawing is a method of study, and everything that is studied should be drawn. The drawings, like the notes, should be made while the object is before you. Do not copy pictures from books. Copied pictures are worse than useless for purposes of this study. There are two kinds of questions that you will be disposed to ask. One is a proper kind and one is an improper kind. For example, on the grasshopper you may be disposed to ask, ‘‘ Where is the labial palpus?’’ This is an improper question. It means that you have somehow got hold of a name, and now are asking some one to show you the thing that fits it. The proper reply to your question is to say, ‘‘Ask the grasshopper.’’ The other kind of question is a proper one. You say, ‘‘I have found something DIRECTIONS TO STUDENTS. 11 here. What is it?’’ You have found the thing. The name is not printed upon it, of course, and as the name is merely something that has been agreed upon by men to designate that thing, it must be given to you either by your book or by your teacher. In all your work you must regard the animal as a living thing. It is not true that you are studying merely a dead form. On the grasshopper we study the eyes, because he sees with them; we study the antenne, because he feels with them; the mouth parts, because he bites with them; the spiracles, because he breathes with them; the wings, because he flies with them; and so with every other struc- ture that we study, it has some use or some mean- ing in the life of the animal, and it is a part of our work to see what that meaning is and to see how all the parts work together to enable the animal to live the life that he leads. Wherever possible, of course, the living animal is to be studied in its home. The purpose of the laboratory directions in this book is to direct your study and not to give informa- tion. It is very difficult not to give too much infor- mation in the laboratory directions, but the attempt has been made to avoid it. Much of the benefit to be derived from the study of zodlogy can be obtained from the study of the specimen even though you be supplied with the most meager apparatus. The hand lens seems to be the only piece of apparatus that is absolutely indispen- sable, although a better equipment will contribute very much to the efficiency of your work. You ought to have a copy of the text-book to guide you in the work, a specimen of the object to be studied, a note- book, and pen and ink with which to record your observations and make your drawings; you ought 12 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. also to have a set of dissecting instruments, consisting of a lens, a scalpel, a pair of small, sharp-pointed scissors, and a pair of fine-pointed forceps; you should also have a dissecting dish, a small jar or wide-mouthed bottle for preserving your alco- holic material from day to day, a towel, and a piece of soap. Suggestions about the collection and preservation of material and laboratory devices and management will be found in a chapter near the end of the book. CHAPTER I. THE GRASSHOPPER. 1. Distinguish the head, thorax, and abdomen. These are called the body divisions. The Head. 2. Find the antenne. How many segments in each? 3. Find the compound eyes. Your lens will show only some fine lines running criss-cross over the sur- face. . 4. Find three simple eyes (ocelli) on the head. 5. See the upper lip (labrum). Raise it. Cut it off. Examine the under side. Draw. 6. See the mandibles, or true jaws. Pry them apart. In what direction do they move? Pull one off. Examine. Draw. 7. Below the mouth is the labium, or lower lip. Is it a single appendage, or two united? 8. Find the labial palpi, attached to the labium. How many segments in each? 9. Find the maxille. These consist of three pieces each :— (a) Maxillary palpus. How many segments? (b) A spoon shaped piece, the galea.” (c) The lacinia, or maxilla proper. How many points has it? 10. Draw the head, as seen from the side. As seen from the front. 13 14 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. The Thorax. 1. Locate the three parts of the thorax. The front one is the prothorax. This has no wings. The middle one is the mesothorax. The hind one is the metathorax. 2. Find a small opening just above the second pair of legs. This is a breathing pore, or spiracle. Find another in the soft skin between the pro- and mesothorax. ; 3. How does the prothorax differ from the meso- and metathorax? What is the advantage of the con- solidation of the meso- and metathorax? The Wings. 1. Spread out the fore and hind wings on the right side of the body. Draw both in this position. 2. To what part of the thorax is each wing at- tached? 3. Find the veins which constitute the framework of the wings. 4. State the difference between the fore and the hind wing, with reference to size, shape, color, texture, folding, use, position when at rest and when in motion. The Legs. 1. Examine one of the hind legs. To what part of the thorax is it attached? 2. Find a short segment close to the body, the coxa. 3. Find the large segment (femur). The next seg- ment is the tibia. See the spines behind. What is their use? The end of the leg is the tarsus. How many segments has it? Study the feet. 4. Examine the joint between the tibia and the femur. Draw the whole leg. THE GRASSHOPPER. 15 5. Study one of the front legs in the same way. Note especially the foot. State how the front leg dif- fers from the hind one. Draw. 6. In how many ways can a grasshopper travel? What difference in the use of the front legs and the hind legs? ‘7. Remove the legs and wings and draw the tho- Trax, as seen from the side. As seen from below. The Abdomen. 1. Locate the tergum, which is the upper or dorsal side of the body; the sternum, which is the ventral or - lower side ; and the pleurum, which is the lateral part between the sternum and the tergum. See the two grooves along the sides. 2. Count the segments of the abdomen. The last two do not go entirely around. 3. Find spiracles, or breathing holes, along the upper edge of the side grooves. How many? : 4. Find the ear, on the first ring of the abdomen, under the wings. Is there a spiracle on this segment also? 5. If your specimen is a female, find the ovipositor, consisting of four parts, at the end of the abdomen. Draw. If your specimen is a male, the end of the abdo- men will be blunt and you will find two hooks (cerci) above it. Draw. 6. How many segments in the abdomen? How many in the thorax? How many pairs of paired ap- pendages on the head? If each pair of appendages indicates a segment, how many segments in the head? How many segments make up the entire body? 7. Draw a side view of the entire grasshopper. 8. You ought now to have a drawing of the whole grasshopper, two views of the thorax, two views of the 16 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. head, a drawing of each of the mouth parts, antenne, ocelli, two legs, wings, and ovipositor. 9. What color is your grasshopper? Is this color an advantage? Would it be well for the grasshopper if it were bright red or blue or yellow? Are all grasshoppers the same color? Why? 10. Copy the following words into your notebook. Spell, pronounce, and tell what each word means. ab do’/men pro tho’rax thd’rax més’o thd’rax an tén’ne mét’a thé’rax 1a’brum c6x’a 1a/bi um tro ehin’ter max il'la fé/mur mix'il lary pal’pus tibia o ¢él'lus tir'sus spir’a cle 0 vi pos'i tor min’di ble gér’Gi 11. What do grasshoppers eat? Are they inju- rious to crops? Why are they not injurious every year? How many kinds of grasshoppers can you collect? 12. Cana grasshopper feel? See? Hear? Smell? Taste? With what organs can he smell? Taste? 13. How does a grasshopper escape from his enemies? What enemies? 14. How long does a grasshopper live? Internal Structure. 1. Cut off the wings of a grasshopper that has been freshly killed. Pin it, back upward, on cork, in a dissecting dish full of water. The cork must be sheet cork, weighted down with lead so as to sink in the water. THE GRASSHOPPER. 17 Stick one pin through the tip of the abdomen, and another through the femur of each hind leg. Cut with scissors just through the body wall, along each side of the body from the tip of the abdomen to the head. With forceps, lift the flap between the cuts, scraping away the tissues below it with the scalpel. Study. 2. Find the air sacs along each side. How many? 8. Find the air tubes, or trachee. Trace them to the spiracles. If the grasshopper has been preserved in alcohol, the trachez and air sacs will not show very plain; but in a freshly killed specimen they will be filled with air and will show as silvery white tubes. 4. Find the large muscles in the thorax that move the wings. 5. If your specimen is a female, see the ovaries and the eggs. How many eggs? How arranged? What shape? 6. Trace the oviduct from the ovaries to the ovipositor. 7. Thrust a blunt probe into the mouth. It passes through the esophagus into the crop. 8. Find some double cone-shaped pouches just be- hind the crop. These are the gastric ceca. How many? 9. Find the stomach. 10. Trace the intestine. 11. Draw the alimentary canal, showing cesopha- gus, crop, ceca, stomach, and intestine. 12. Notice in the body many small red threads. These are the urinary tubules. They are excretory organs. 18. Carefully remove the digestive organs and look for the nervous system lying along the floor of the abdomen. Trace it through the thorax. 14. Is the nerve cord double or single? Find lit- tle knots (ganglia) on the nerve cord. How many ganglia in the abdomen? How many in the thorax? 18 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 15. See the nerves branching off from the ganglia. 16. In the head, between the compound eyes, find the supra-cesophageal ganglion. Find the optic nerves leading from this to the eyes. Trace the two parts of the nerve cord from the supra-csophageal ganglion around the cesophagus to the infra-cesophageal gan- glion below the cesophagus. 17. Make a complete drawing of the nervous system. 18. What drawings have you made? 19. Copy the following words into your notebook ; spell; pronounce. Tell to what each term is applied. w@ sdph’a gus gin’gli on o’va ry gis’trie ovz’ca tra’ehe x ’vi duct in tés’tine w@ so phig’e al tri na ry Questions to be Answered by Observing a Live Grass- hopper. 1. Watch the breathing. What movement is visible in the abdomen? 2. Observe a spiracle. Does it open and shut? 3. In what order are the legs moved while walking? 4. Why does the grasshopper spit out ‘‘ molasses ’’? 5. Does the grasshopper have as good means of breathing as man? Of locomotion? Of seeing? To the Teacher. The purpose of this study of the grasshopper is to train the pu- pil to get knowledge at first hand and to get clear ideas of the object studied, to give him practice in concrete analysis, and to train him to use the mind in its power of abstraction. This purpose will be defeated if he be told too much, if he besent to books of reference, or be allowed to find an answer to the questions proposed by asking another person. Itisnot the knowledge gained that is of value, but the power acquired in gaining the knowledge. If the knowledge be acquired in the wrong way, there can be but little gain in power. THE GRASSHOPPER. 19 Microscopic Objects. When viewed with a mi- croscope, the surface of a compound eye is seen to be marked off into little spaces called facets. These facets are six sided, crowded closely together, and each eye contains from six to ten thousand facets. Each fac- et seems in some way to represent a simple eye. CROP OF GRASSHOPPER. If the crop of a grasshopper be split open, it will be seen to be composed of two layers. The inner layer has many sharp-pointed teeth upon its surface, arranged in rows or groups. The teeth aid in tear- ing the food to pieces. EGGS OF GRASSHOPPER, Each egg is seen to be en- closed in a sac, the mouth of which opens into the oviduct. In the smaller end or tip of the sac will be found two or three immature eggs in various stages of develop- ment, 20 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. AIR TUBES (TRACHE-®) OF GRASS- HOPPER, The trachez branch freely and ramify throughout all parts ofthe body. Each trachea appears to be composed of a fine thread wound spirally around the tube. MUSCLE FIBERS FROM THORAX OF GRASSHOPPER, The muscle is composed of slender fibers, each of which is marked by the transverse stria, which are always consid- ered indicative of voluntary muscle. The Young Grasshopper. 1. Examine the young old one. sasshopper as you did the 2. Notice the body divisions, head, antennie, eyes, ocelli, labrum, mandibles, labium, labial palpi, max- ill, maxillary palpi, thorax, wings, legs, abdomen, spiracles, and ears. 3. Find, especially, differences in the eyes, wings, and legs. Suggested Examination Questions on the Grasshopper. 1. How many body segments in the body of a grasshopper? 2. Name all the mouth parts of a grasshopper. 3. Draw the leg, naming all parts. THE GRASSHOPPER. 21 4. State differences between the fore and the hind wing. 5. How many pairs of spiracles on the body of the grasshopper? On what segments do they occur? 6. Name all parts of the digestive system. 7. Where are the ears situated? 8. Describe and draw the nervous system. 9. Describe the position and structure of the an- tenne. 10. How many eyes has the grasshopper? Where are they located with reference to each other? Review Questions on the Grasshopper. How many segments in the abdomen? How many spiracles on the abdomen? What are the parts of a single segment? How many segments in the thorax? What appendages does each segment bear? State the differences between the fore and the hind wing. Name all the parts of the leg. Where is the ear? How many segments in the tarsus? 10. Describe the eyes. 11. Describe the antenne. 12. Name all the mouth parts. 13. How many pairs of paired appendages on the head? What are they? 14. How many head segments do they represent? 15. How many segments in the entire body of the grasshopper. 16. What constitutes the skeleton? 17. In what respects does the body of a grasshopper differ from the body of a man? 18. Name all the parts of the digestive system. 19. Where is the crop? OOM SOR wor 22 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 20. Describe the teeth in the crop. 21. How many gastric ceca? What is their use? 22. Is the intestine straight? 23. Where are the ovaries? 24. What shape are the eggs? 25. In what are the eggs enclosed? 26. How many eggs did you find in the ovary? 27. Did you see any immature eggs? 28. How do the eggs escape from the body? 29. What is the oviduct? 30. What is the ovipositor? How is it used? 31. What are the urinary tubules? 32. What are the internal breathing organs? 33. Describe the structure of an air tube. 34. From what do the air tubes run? 35. Describe the branching of an air tube. 36. To what parts of the body do the air tubes run? 37. Is the grasshopper’s system of breathing as good as ours? 38. Where is the nervous system? 39. Of what does the nervous system consist? 40. Is the nerve cord double or single? 41. How many ganglia in the body? 42. Where are the largest muscles? Additional Facts About the Grasshopper. The skeleton of the grasshopper consists of the hard parts of the body, and these are on the outside. It is therefore called an exoskeleton. It is composed of a substance somewhat like horn, which is called chitin. The teeth in the crop are composed of the same material. The hard parts of the body are on the outside, and growth cannot take place grad- ually. Increase in size of the body cannot increase the size of the hard skeleton. So, when a grasshopper is growing up to full size, it sheds its skeleton four or THE GRASSHOPPER. 23 fivetimes. This process is called molting, and is quite easily observed. The grasshopper hangs head down- ward from a twig, post, or some other support. The skin, or skeleton, splits open on the back, and the grasshopper comes out, leaving the old skeleton of every part of its body ; eyes, antenne, legs, etc. The process of molting requires about half an hour, and after the process the legs are very weak and the body very soft. Fora day or two the grasshopper grows rapidly, and then ceases to grow until the next molt. When a grasshopper is hatched from the egg, it resembles somewhat the old one. In all its molting, it still resembles the mature grasshopper. On this account it is said to have an incomplete or direct metamorphosis. The metamorphosis of an insect is the series of changes that it undergoes from the egg to the mature form. q The grasshopper breathes through spiracles which open into the trachew, or air tubes through which air is conveyed to all parts of the body. There is, then, no need for blood to serve as a conveyer of air to the tissues of the body, nor to carry carbon dioxide away from the tissues. So we find that the blood in a grasshopper is very small in quantity and is white in color. It has no red corpuscles. There is a slender tube lying along the back which contains some blood and is called a heart. It is rather difficult to discover in a dead specimen. Each facet of the compound eye probably repre- sents in some way a single eye. If all the facets of the eye were covered up except one, the grasshopper could still see with that one. The shape of the com- pound eye is such that some of the facets are directed upward, some downward, some forward, and some backward. It would seem that the grasshopper is well provided with means for seeing, but it is very doubtful 24 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. whether a grasshopper can see an object or not with a compound eye. It can discern color and movement very well, but these eyes can probably not define an object to its sight. The ocelli probably enable the grasshopper to see an object, but it must be one that is very close to the eye if it can be seenatall. It must be within half an inch or less of the eye. Without any doubt, the grasshopper can feel. The antenne and palpi are usually regarded as feeling organs. It seems certain that the grasshopper can hear, for it can make a noise, and it has an organ on the abdomen that seems to have the structure of an ear. An insect that makes a noise must be supposed to have some means of hearing similar noises that other in- sects of the same kind make. We judge from the food that the grasshopper chooses that it can taste. Whether it tastes with the tongue or palpi we are un- able to say. It is probable that the sense of smell is very different from ours. Our sense of smell is located in the air passages of the nose. We should expect to find the grasshopper’s nerves of smell reaching the surface at the spiracles, but such does not seem to be the case. It may be that the sense of smell, or what corresponds to it, is located at the base of the antenne. The food of the grasshopper consists of the leaves of plants. The extent of injury grasshoppers do to crops depends entirely upon their numbers. In 1874 and 1875 grasshoppers were so numerous that they destroyed all the crops in the greater part of the states of Kansas and Nebraska, and in some parts of Missouri, Iowa, and adjoining states. The grasshopper that did this injury is the kind known as Melanoplus spretus. It is somewhat like the locust mentioned in the Bible. Grasshoppers are prevented from becoming too numerous by various enemies, or checks. One enemy of the grasshopper is the silky locust mite. It is a very bright red, eight-legged creature, and is often found THE GRASSHOPPER. 25 clinging to the bodies of either the young or the old grasshoppers. In the early spring, before grasshop- per eggs are hatched, this mite finds the holes where eggs of grasshoppers have been laid, and eats the eggs. Hair worms are sometimes found in the intestines of grasshoppers, and so, also, are the larve of some Tachina flies. Such animals as the silky locust mite, hair worm, and Tachina flies, that live upon the bodies of other living animals, are called parasites. The weather, no doubt, in some seasons, kills many grass- hoppers, and they are subject, also, to contagious fungous diseases. It usually happens that after a season in which grasshoppers have been very numer- ous, the following season will have very few. The eggs of the grasshop- per are laid in holes in the ground. The female grass- hopper digs with her oviposi- tor a hole the length of the abdomen, and deposits in it amass of eggs, forty or fifty in a bunch. a, grasshoppers ovipositing; D, egg case extracted; c,eggs; d, egg case in the ground; c, egg case in process of deposition; f, hole in GRASSHOPPERS LAYING EGGS (AFTER RILEY) which eggs haye been laid. In general, the grasshopper has a color that renders it inconspicuous in the place where it usually lives. Some grasshoppers, that like to live in the roads, are dust-colored. Others, that are usually found among dried grass, are mottled brown. Because the grass- hopper is generally concealed or rendered inconspic- uous by its color, it is said to be protectively colored. Some grasshoppers live through the winter, but most of them live not more than three months. They die of old age before winter comes. 26 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Names. The grasshoppers that you have studied are indi- viduals. Individuals that are much alike constitute a species. Species that are much alike constitute a genus. Genera that are much alike constitute a family. We may make up a table like this :-— Individual. Species. Genus. Family. All grasshoppers belong to the family Acridide. In order that we shall know what kind of grass- hopper or other animal or plant we are talking about, they have been given names. A few of the most im- portant rules for naming are here stated. I. The name of every animal or plant consists of two parts, the name of the genus and the name of the species. The name of the genus should always be written first, and should always begin with a capital letter. The name of the species should usually begin with a small letter. Il. The name of every animal or plant should be Latin, or have the Latin form. When this system of naming was proposed, all scholars knew Latin. It would be impossible for all scientific men to agree upon German or English or French, or any other living language. i Ill. The name that is first given to an animal or plant is the one by which it shall be known, if that name is tenable. A name is not tenable if the same name has been previously applied to some other animal or plant. Usually, the name of the man who first described the insect and gave it its name is written after the name. This is called the Authority and is often quite necessary to distinguish the insect. CHAPTER II. THE CRICKET. 1. Examine the cricket as you did the grasshopper. See the body divisions, head, antennze, eyes, ocelli, labrum, labium, labial palpi, mandibles, maxille, maxillary palpi, thorax, wings, legs, coxa, femur, tibia, tarsus, abdomen, and spiracles. 2. Find the ear, which is on the tibia of the fore leg. 3. Find the stylets, which are at the end of the. abdomen. 4. If your specimen is a female, notice the long, slender ovipositor, between the stylets. Of how many parts is it composed? Why is this ovipositor so differ- ent from that of the grasshopper? 5. Study the spiracles. How many? 6. If your specimen is a male, look on the under side of the outer wing for a large cross-vein. Can you find teeth upon it? With this the cricket makes his chirping noise. 7. Can acricket fly? Some kinds have the inner wings very small. Additional Facts About the Cricket. The cricket is black, or dark brown, and lives in dark places, coming out only at night. It is therefore protectively colored. The antennz are very much longer and more slender than are the antenne of the grasshopper, and probably in its dark crevice the cricket must depend upon his sense of feeling more 27 28 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. than the grasshopper does. The stylets, also, are or- gans for feeling. The ovipositor is very long and slender. The eggs are laid in acrevice or hole already provided. The cricket does not make the hole. The cricket belongs to the family Gryllide. The family is named from the genus Gryllus, of which the two most common species are abbreviatus, with short inner wings, and luctuosus, with long wings. Microscopic Objects. The edges of the spiracles are seen to be composed of two lips hardened with chitin. From the edges of the lips, fine hairs grow inward, which serve to prevent dust or other foreign particles en- tering the trachex. SPIRACLE OF CRICKET. Behind the stomach will be found a small spherical body, the gizzard. This is composed of two layers, the inner one of which has six series of leaflike chitinous teeth. GIZZARD OF CRICKET, THE KATYDID. 29 The cross- vein on the outer wing of the male cricket is provided with a set of teeth, which, by rub- bing over the vein of the other wing, produces the cricket’s chirp. WING FILE OF MALE CRICKET. THE KATYDID. 1. Examine the katydid as you did the grass- hopper. See all the organs. 2. Where is the ear? 3. Find the apparatus with which he makes the sound ‘‘ Katydid.”’ 4. Find the ovipositor. Is it straight or curved? Of how many parts is it composed? Additional Facts. The katydids are light green colored, like the leaves among which they live. They are protectively colored. The legs are more slender, and the whole body is more loosely joined together than that of the grasshopper. This may be associated with the fact that the katydid does not fly so far nor so rapidly as the grasshopper does. The eggs of the katydid are laid upon or in the edges of leaves, or sometimes between the bark and stem of a shrub or twig. The katydid belongs to the family Locustidee. 30 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. THE WALKING STICK. 1. Find the parts on the walking stick that you found on the grasshopper. Are any parts missing? 2. Can you find any ears? Has it any means of making a noise? 3. The abdomen of the female is thicker than that of the male. The male has a spine on the femur of the hind leg that is much larger than the spine on the female. Is your specimen a male or a female? 4, What enables the walking stick to escape from its enemies? Additional Facts. The walking stick represents the family Phasmide. The only species common throughout the United States is Diapheromera femorata. The walking stick feeds on the leaves of trees and bushes. It resembles the twigs so closely that when resting upon the bushes it is very difficult to see. This resemblance of an animal to some other object is called protective resemblance. Make a table after the following form, showing the differences between the grasshopper, cricket, katydid, and walking stick. Grass- A - Walkin; hopper. Cricket. Katydid. Stick. g Acridide. | Gryllide, | Locustidiw. | Phasmide. Ear.... a Locomotion ............ Wektaewts eiakeaes THE WALKING STICK. 31 Make a table in the following form, stating the resemblances concerning the eyes, antenne, etc., of the grasshopper, cricket, katydid, and walking stick. all have two compound eyes all have one pair of antennz all have two pairs of jaws jaws move sideways have three body divisions three thoracic segments Grasshopper two pairs of wings (except the walking stick) Cricket three pairs of legs Katy did segmented abdomen Walking Stick | all lay eggs jointed appendages incomplete metamorphosis external chitinous skeleton white blood double nerve cord and ganglia breathe by spiracles There are two other families which are very simi- lar to the insects previously studied. These are the Blattide, represented by the Cockroach, and the Man- tide, represented by the praying Mantis. All these families are so much alike that they are grouped together, and the group is called an order. The name of the order is Orthoptera. The name means straight wings, and the order was named from the outer wings of the grasshopper. The name is not a good one, for the walking stick has no wings at all, but is so much like the grasshopper in other respects that it must be put into the same order. The Orthoptera all have biting mouth parts and incomplete metamorphosis. CHAPTER III. THE BUTTERFLY. Any butterfly will do for this study, but the large, brownish red butterfly with black wing veins (Anosia plexippus) is a good one. 1. Find the body divisions. 2. On the head, find the eyes, labial palpi, an- tenn, and sucking tube. To what organs on the grasshopper does the sucking tube correspond? Are there any other mouth parts? Are there ocelli? 3. Study the legs. Are all alike? Identify all the parts. Of what use are the legs? 4, Study the wings. To what is each attached? How are they held when at rest? Which side of the wing is exposed to view when the butterfly is resting? 5. Scrape some dust off the wings. This dust consists of scales which cover the wings and the body. Examine a piece of the wing with your lens. The scales may be seen overlapping each other like the shingles on a roof. 6. At the base of the fore wing, find an appendage covered with scales or hair. This is the patagium, or shoulder lapper. 7. Make a drawing of the veins of the wing. The central cell, from which several veins seem to start, is called the discal cell. 8. How many segments in the abdomen? Are there spiracles? How many? 82 THE CATERPILLAR. 33 THE CATERPILLAR. 1. Can you distinguish any body divisions? Is the head distinguishable from the rest of the body? 2. Are there antenne on the head? Eyes? Man- dibles? Palpi? 3. How many segments behind the head? Are there spiracles? How many? 4. How many legs do you find? What difference in the legs? 5. The kind of legs in front are the true legs. On what segments are they borne? 6. The kind of legs behind are false legs, or pro- legs. On what segments are they borne? Examine carefully the tip of each of the prolegs. 7. What changes would have to be made in the body of a caterpillar in order to make a butterfly out of it? 8. Describe the color, hairs, and anything else you see on the caterpillar. 9. The caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or of a moth. 10. The butterfly or the moth has an indirect or complete metamorphosis. THE CHRYSALIS AND COCOON. 1. If the chrysalis and cocoon of the large moth, Samia cecropia, can be obtained, it will serve for this study very well. If not, any other chrysalis will do. 2. Study the shape and mode of attachment of the cocoon. Draw. 3. Do you find a hole at one end of the cocoon? Toward which end of the twig is the hole? 4. Cut open the cocoon along one side. Of how many layers is it composed? How do the layers differ? 34 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 5. The material of which the cocoon is composed is silk. Silk originates as a liquid in some glands in the caterpillar, which open near the maxillew. It is drawn out ina fine thread which hardens when ex- posed to the air. 6. Study the chrysalis. Note its size and shape. Draw. 7. Can you distinguish body divisions? Abdom- inal segments? Spiracles? Wings? Antenne? Sucking tube? 8. Perhaps in the cocoon you can find the cast-off skin of the caterpillar. 9. The chrysalis is the pupa of a butterfly or of a moth. Butterflies do not make cocoons. THE MOTH. 1. Study a moth as you did a butterfly. Note all the differences you see in the antenne, size of the body, position of the wings when at rest. 2. Make a table of differences between a butterfly and a moth, according to the following form :— BUTTERFLY. MOTH. ATG OWNER fs coh hte vB cass EMRGS S|” disney eae 18h, SARA cusped a iSa eo oO Reeve are Thickness of the body .......]............ dhs cassava arbre adits GICs, 3 Made Position of the wings at rest.|..........00. eeepc eee eee te eee ) & £110) | K-pn diurnal nocturnal COC GOB 5 ee 5 jours rem eateetnec rc ieaal| Sealy aerate a Sec atas. peeve) | “aycuG cenana, 41h core dveeeeal Additional Facts. In the growth of a butterfly, or of a moth, there are four stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butter- fly or moth. The caterpillar is called the larva; the chrysalis is called the pupa; and the mature butterfly or moth is called the imago. This kind of metamor- THE MOTH. 35D phosis is called a complete metamorphosis, for the stages are very distinct from each other. It is also called indirect, because the butterfly or inoth reaches its mature form by a roundabout way, through the several stages. Microscopic Object. The color of the wings depends upon the color of the scales. Scales of several different shapes may be found upon the wing of a butterfly. SCALES OF CECROPIA MOTH. The butterfly has sucking mouth parts. The suck- ing tube is composed of two parts which are homol- ogous to the maxille of the grasshopper. Two or- gans are said to be homologous when they bear the same relation to their respective bodies, no matter how different the organs may be in appearance or use. In this case, one pair of organs on the grasshopper has been developed as a pair of jaws, and we call them maxille. The same organs have been developed on the butterfly as a sucking tube. It is this sameness that constitutes the homology. We know that two organs are homologous by their having the same posi- tion or the same structure. The labial palpi and the sucking tube are the only mouth parts the butterfly has. Indications of the 36 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. other mouth parts may be found on the butterfly, but these organs never become functional in the imago. They are said to be vestigial. In the Samia cecropia, and other moths of the family Bombycide, all the mouth parts are rudimentary or vestigial. They are unable to eat anything while in the imago state. They do not live; they die. The Samia cecropia will die within about five days after it comes from the cocoon. Its eating has all been done by the caterpil- lar. The only function of the imago is to lay eggs and reproduce the species. We shall find many examples of vestigial organs. They seem to be organs which are retrograding, or having once been functional in the history of the species, have ceased to be so. ‘Anosia plexippus furnishes a good example of the form of protective coloration that is called mimicry. The butterfly itself is not concealed by its color. It is very conspicuous. But it is quite distasteful to birds and other insect-eating animals. Its conspicuousness is an advantage to it, for when the birds know what it is they will let it alone. But there is another butterfly, Basilarchia archip- pus, which closely resembles the plexippus in color. It can be distinguished by a black streak across the hind wing. This butterfly is not at all distasteful to birds ; but birds, being deceived by its resemblance to plexippus, seldom catch it. The archippus is said to resemble, or imitate, or mimic the plexippus. Struc- turally, the two butterflies are very different, and no other species of the genus Basilarchia is colored like this one. Numerous examples of mimicry may be found among insects. All silk of commerce is produced by the caterpillar of the silk worm (Bombyx mori). The cocoon of the Samia cecropia is larger and contains more silk, but it cannot be reeled, in consequence of being fastened to a twig or some other solid support. THE BEETLE. 37 Among the moths and butterflies are found some very injurious insects. The injuries are all done by the larve. Among them we may mention the clothes moth, cotton worm, bollworm, tobacco moth, tomato moth, tent caterpillar, codling moth, and gypsy moth. The codling moth is the moth whose larva appears as a white worminthecoreof anapple. The gypsy moth is very destructive to forest trees in Massachusetts. Butterflies and moths belong to the order Lepi- doptera. The name means scaly wings. All the Lepidoptera have sucking mouth parts and complete metamorphosis. THE BEETLE. 1. Identify the body divisions. 2. Find the eyes, antenne, labium, labial palpi, mandibles. 3. Identify the parts of the leg. An extra joint, between the coxa and the femur, willbe seen. This is called the trochanter. How many segments in the tarsus? Do all the tarsi have the same number? 4. Study the wing. How does the fore wing differ from the hind wing? The fore wings are here called elytra. What is their use? 5. How does the hind wing fold up? 6. Draw the wings, both open and closed. 7. How many segments in the abdomen? Do you find spiracles? How many? 8. Make a drawing of the larva of the beetle. Does the beetle have a complete or an incomplete metamorphosis? 9. Draw a full page ventral view of a beetle, show- ing all the parts. Additional Facts. The beetle belongs to the order Coleoptera. This is one of the largest orders of insects. The name 38 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. means sheath ‘wings, and it is so called from the character of the fore wings. There are probably 25,000 species of beetles. All have biting mouth parts and complete metamorphosis. Among the beetles are many injurious insects. We may mention the wire worms, which are larvee of click beetles, and the curculios, the wood borer, the carpet beetle, and the Dermestids, or fur beetles. Beetles are found almost everywhere. Some live in the water, some in the ground, some in decayed wood, and some on leaves. Some are predaceous and prey upon other insects. THE GIANT WATER BUG. Find the body divisions. Find the compound eyes. Are there ocelli? Find the antenne. Draw. Find the sucking tube. Is it segmented? How many segments? ‘To what is it homologous? 5. In a groove on the upper side of the sucking tube, find a hair-like organ. Of how many parts is it composed? To what must these parts be homologous? 6. Find a pointed flap lying on top of the groove which conceals the hair-like organ, or punctorial bristle. From its position, to what must it be homol- ogous? 7. Study the wings. What peculiarity has the front pair? Draw. 8. Notice how the wings lock together when folded on the back. Find the little knob fitting into a groove on the edge of the thorax, that holds the wings down to the body. See how the fore and hind wings are held together when the wings are spread. Draw. 9. Identify the parts of the legs. How does the hind leg differ from the fore leg? Is the femur of the fore leg grooved or smooth? gobo THE CICADA. 39 10. What peculiarity has the prothorax? 11. Study the abdomen. How many segments? Do you find any spiracles? Where? 12. Cut off the wings and find the nerve cord. How does the nervous system differ from that of the grasshopper? 13. Look at the larva and say whether the giant water bug has a direct or an indirect metamorphosis. Additional Facts About the Giant Water Bug. The giant water bug lives in ponds, and flies around at night. It is attracted in great numbers to electric lights, and is sometimes called the electric- light bug. There are two kinds, the Belostoma americanum, in which the femur of the fore leg is grooved to receive the tibia, and Benacus griseus, in which the front femur is not grooved. The giant water bug is quite destructive to min- nows and young fish, piercing them with its beak. Parasites are frequently found on giant water bugs, one of the most commen forms being Hydrachna belostome. A smaller insect, Zaitha fluminea, much like the giant water bug, and living in the same situations, may be used for this study. The squash bug is also very good. THE CICADA. 1. Identify the body divisions. 2. Study the eyes, ocelli, antenne. 3. Examine the mouth parts. See the punctorial bristle. Of how many parts is it composed? 4. Notice the wings. How do they differ from the wings of the giant water bug? 5. Study the legs. How does the first pair differ from the other legs? 40 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 6. If your specimen is a male, note the air sac in each side of the dorsal surface of the abdomen. See the thin plates on the ventral side of the abdomen, which are used in producing the sound. 7. If your specimen is a female, study the oviposi- tor carefully. 8. Draw the entire insect. Additional Facts About the Cicada. Either the seventeen year Cicada, or the common harvest fly, may be used in making this study. There are very few insects that live longer than the sev- enteen year cicada. It lives under the ground as a larva or pupa for seventeen years, then suddenly makes its appearance in May or June, transforms to the imago stage, lives for three or four weeks, lays its eggs, and dies. The eggs are laid in a groove cut by the female in the young twigs of trees. The eggs hatch and the larve drop to the ground, in which they disappear and are seen no more for seventeen years. The twigs in which the eggs are laid frequently die from the injury received, and as a result much dam- age is done, especially to fruit trees. There are in this country about twenty-three broods of the seventeen year locusts, so that at least one brood is likely to appear somewhere in the United States every year. There is also a thirteen-year form, of which several small broods exist in the United States. Thecommon harvest fly, or dry fly, Cicada pruinosa, lives only two years. The Cicadas are noticeable for the very loud noise they make. Under ordinary conditions, the song of a single Cicada can be heard for at least a mile. The Cicada and the giant water bug represent two divisions of the order Hemiptera. All the insects of this order have the sucking mouth parts and incom- THE CICADA. 41 plete metamorphosis. The pupa of the Cicada is very unlike the imago, but as is the case with the pupa of other Hemiptera, it has no period of in- activity. The name Hemiptera means half wings, and refers to the texture of the different parts of the fore wings on the giant water bug, or still better, the squash bug. The name for the order is not a good one, for some of the insects of this order have no wings; in some, as in the Cicada, the wings are uniform in texture through- out. The order is now commonly separated into two divisions: Heteroptera, represented by the giant water bug; and Homoptera, represented by the Cicada. Among the Hemiptera we. find some of the strangest forms known among insects. Especially is this true of the tree hoppers, the wheel bug, and the water scorpion. We find also among the Hemiptera some of the most destructive insects. In some years the chinch bug has destroyed crops, principally of wheat and corn, whose value would amount to many millions of dollars. It produces the injury by piercing the stalk of the plant with the beak and sucking out the juices. Among the plant lice, especially, we find examples of a method of reproduction that is quite unusual among animals so highly organized. In nearly all animals, the individuals are male and female. Ordi- narily, the eggs of the female will not hatch, or pro- duce young, unless they are fertilized by the male. But we find that several generations of plant lice may be produced in one season without fertilization by any male. This process of reproduction without fertilization by a male is called Parthenogenesis. Generally, at the close of a summer a sexual genera- tion is produced and fertilization occurs in the ordinary way. 42 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. THE HOUSE FLY. 1. Identify the body divisions. 2. On the head, find the eyes, ocelli, antennie. Draw the antenne. 3. Examine the so-called ‘‘ tongue,’’ or proboscis. Identify the palpi, the labelle, or large flap at the tip, the sheath, and the lancets within the sheath. 4. Identify the segments of the leg. Study the foot carefully. Draw. 5. Find the wings. How many? See the back- ward extension of the wing, which is called the alula, or winglet. Study and draw the wing carefully. 6. Back of the wing, find on each side a knob borne on a stalk. These knobs are known as the balancers. Judging from their position, to what are they homologous? — 7. Are there spiracles on the thorax? 8. How many segments has the abdomen? How many spiracles do you find? 9. The larva is called a maggot. Where can it be found? What kind of metamorphosis has the fly? Microscopic Objects. With the exception of the max- illary palpi, the mouth parts of the fly are modified into a pro- boscis which constitutes a suck- ing and piercing organ. When not in use, it is folded up under the head. PROBOSCLTS OF FLY, THE HOUSE FLY. 43 The labelle consist of a mass of tissue through which run_ spirally-coiled rods radiating from a horse- shoe-shaped rim. The la- belle are probably homol- ogous to the labial palpi, and the palpi are maxillary pilpi. LABELL2 OF HOUSE FLY’'S PROBOSCIS. The horseshoe-shaped rim seems to constitute the end of the sheath, and through its opening the lancets work. The sheath is homologous to the labiuin. The lancets are enclosed in the sheath, and are homol- ogous to the maxilla. They are moved up and down by two chitinous rods to which muscles are attached. LANCETS AND PALPI OF HOUSE FLY, (Labelle removed.) The lancets pierce the skin of an animal, and the labellee and sheath constitute a sucking organ by which the blood is drawn from the puncture. 44 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. The foot consists of two pads thickly beset with minute hairs, and two hooks. No thoroughly sat- isfactory explanation has been given of how a fly sticks to a vertical surface of glass. FOOT OF FLY. The wing of any insect is composed of veins, and spaces bounded by veins. These spaces are called cells. The large vein forming the front margin of the wing is called the costal vein. The vein marked 1 is the auxili- ary vein; 2,3, 4,5, and6 are the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth longitudi- nal veins. The short cross- vein between 4 and Sis the middle transverse vein; the short vein between 5 and 6 is the hinder transverse WING OF FLY. vein. The cells A, B, and C are called the first, second, and third costal cells; D is the mar- ginal cell; E is the sub-marginal cell; F, K, and TL are the first, second, and third posterior cells; G is the discal cell; H is the first, or large, basal cell. The cells and veins of the wing are of the greatest importance in determining the families and species of flies. The veins of a fly’s wing may be homologized with the veins of the wing of almost any other insect. THE HOUSE FLY. 45 Additional Facts About Flies. The house fly belongs to the order Diptera. The name means two wings. The balancers represent another pair of wings in a rudimentary condition, so that flies really have the same number of wings that other insects do. All diptera have sucking mouth parts and a com- plete metamorphosis, although in some members of the order, as the mosquito, the pupa is active. The larva of a fly is called a maggot. It is usually found in decaying animal matter. The mosquito lays its eggs in a bunch, which floats on the sur- face of the water. The egg hatches into a wiggler, which swims in the water, coming to the surface to breathe. It breathes through air tubes opening in the tail. The pupa is quite different from the larva, being a club-headed wiggler, living also in the water. Some flies lay their eggs in the tissues of plants. The tissues then swell up around the egg, making a gall in which the larva and pupa live and undergo their transformations. These flies are called gall gnats. Among the Diptera we find some of the most annoying insects. House flies, cow flies, bot flies, mosquitoes, and gnats, may be mentioned. The Hessian fly is exceedingly injurious to wheat, its injuries entailing a loss of many thousands of dollars every year to the farmers of the United States. It is among the Diptera that we find the greatest number of examples of protective mim- icry. There are flies that closely resemble bees, bumblebees, wasps, hornets. In many cases the re- semblance is so close that experienced collectors are deceived. 46 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. THE DRAGON FLY. 1. Identify the body divisions. 2. Study the eyes, antenne, mandibles, maxilla, palpi. 3. Study the wings. Note the pterostigma, near the tip, and the short cross-vein, the nodus, near the ~ base. Count the cells and long veins. Draw. 4. Identify the parts of the leg. 5. How many segments in the abdomen? Do you find spiracles? Is there any sting? 6. Draw the larva. What kind of metamorphosis has the dragon fly? Additional Facts About the Dragon Fly. The dragon fly belongs to the Linnean order Neuroptera. The name means nerve wings, and is given because of the great number of veins in the wings. In some parts of the country it is called devil’s darning-needle, and is said to sew up the ears of bad children; but the devil has a proprietary interest in so many of these insects that the name is not sufficiently distinctive. ‘It is also called snake doctor, from the fact that it is frequently seen hover- ing over the body of a dead snake, and so some people suppose it is restoring the dead snake to life. Really, it is engaged in catching the flies that are attracted 1o the body of the dead snake. A better name is mosquito hawk, for it is among insects what a hawk is among birds. It is probably the strong- est and swiftest flier among insects. Whether it is a larva, @ pupa, or an imago, it is the enemy of the mosquito. The eggs are laid in the water, and there the dragon fly undergoes all its transformations until it reaches the imago stage. There are two kinds of dragon flies. ™HE BUMBLEBEE. AT One is represented by the Agrionide, in which the wings of the imago fold together on the back, and whose larva breathes through thin leaf-like gills at the tail. The other kind is represented by the Libel- lulide, whose wings do not fold and whose larva looks something like the larva of the giant water bug. The metamorphosis is complete, although the pupa has no resting stage. This old order, Neuroptera of Linnzus, has been broken up into five or six orders by more recent wri- ters. It is probably better to call the order to which the dragon fly belongs Odonata. THE BUMBLEBEE. 1. Find the body divisions. How many segments in the abdomen? How is the abdomen joined to the thorax? Can you find any indications of extra seg- ments on the thorax? 2. Describe and draw the eyes, ocelli, mandibles, antennze. How many segments in the antenne? 3. The other mouth parts are the tongue, maxille, and labial palpi. The tongue is the hairy organ. The labial palpi terminate in two short segments. Can you find any trace of rudimentary maxillary palpi? 4. Study the wings. See how the fore and hind wings fasten together. Examine the front edge of the hind wing for hooks that fasten the wings together. 5. Homologize the parts of the leg. See the flat ‘pollen basket ’’ on the tibia of the hind leg. Itisa smooth, shiny surface surrounded by stiff hairs. Is any pollen sticking to it? 6. What is honey? Where do the bees get it? What is pollen? Where obtained? For what used? What is wax? How obtained? 48 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 7. Study the sting. The sting consists of a sheath and tio lancets connected with a poison bag. At the end of the abdomen, find two palpi. 8. What is a queen? A drone? A worker? Of what use is the bumblebee’s color? THE WASP, OR HORNET. 1. Look onthe wasp for the same things you found on the bumblebee, noting all differences. 2. Note, especially, the tongue. Draw. 3. Draw the larva. The pupa. What kind of metamorphosis has the wasp? 4. The sting is more easily studied than that of the bee. Draw. 5. Study and describe the wasp’s nest. The mud dauber’s nest. Microscopic Objects. The tongue of the bee is Yr a slender, hairy organ. It Pose . J rx . 4 consists of a slender carti- . 4 laginous rod and a muscular 4; \\| sheath, The sheath is merely folded around the rod, and is not joined at the edves. The labial palpi are recog- nized by being segmented. Two short segments at the Me tip, one longer segment next, and then a still longer segment constituting the Pawnee Soe 1 ete principal part of the palpus. TONGUE, MAXILL#, AND PALPI The maxilla are broader OF HONKY BEB, fe and flatter than the palpi. Near the bend of the maxille can be seen the rudiments of the maxillary palpi, THE WASP, OR HORNET TONGUE OF WASP. The sting of a wasp or bee con- sists of a sheath and two lancets. The lancets are barbed at the tips and are moved up and down by muscles in the wound that the sheath makes. Near the sting are two palpi by which the wasp is able to feel what it is stinging. HOOKS ON HIND WING OF WASP. 49 The tongue of the wasp is very different from that of the bee. It is muscular, forked, and cov- ered with hairs. STING OF WASP. There are about twenty hooks on the front edge of the hind wing. These hook over a vein on the fore wing, and the two wings act together as one. 50 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Additional Facts About Bees, Ants, and Wasps. Ants, bees, and wasps belong to the order Hy- menoptera. The name means membrane wings, and is applied to those insects because the wings are mostly membrane, having very few veins. The metamor- phosis iscomplete, the larva and pupa both being help- less, living in a cell and being attended by the mature insects until all their transformations are completed. They must be classed with the insects having sucking mouth parts, although the mandibles are used for biting also. The social organization is very complex. Among the bumblebees and hive bees there are three kinds of individuals : the queens, or females ; the drones, or males; and the workers, which are sometimes called neuters but really are undeveloped females. .The queens lay the eggs. The presence of the drones is necessary, to fertilize the eggs; and the workers, which constitute the most numerous class, attend to storing honey, making wax, and feeding the young bees. Honey is obtained from flowers. Nectar, when it is gathered, contains more water, more essential oils, and less formic acid, than honey. When a cell is filled with honey, formic acid is added to the honey from glands in the head, and the cell is capped over with wax. Formic acid is the same poison that is ejected by the sting, and it acts as a preservative of the honey. Honey that is taken before the cells are capped over will usually ferment and spoil. Pollen is the pollen of the flower, and is gathered to feed the young bees. Wax, from which honeycomb is made, is secreted by the bees from glands which open on the abdomen. When making wax, some of the bees re- main stationary in the hive and are fed honey by other bees. They eat about twenty-one pounds of honey for svery pound of wax they secrete. The workers take BEES, ANTS, AND WASPS. 51 the wax away as fast as it is secreted and build it up into honeycomb. The sting serves. as a means of de- fense. The barbs on the lancets account for the fact that the sting is so frequently found in the wound, and the fact that the poison is an acid indicates that am- monia or a solution of soda in water, applied quickly, is a remedy, because either of these will neutralize an acid. The bumblebee gathers honey especially from red clover and from thistles. The tongue of the hive bee is too short for the tubes of these flowers. When a bumblebee visits many flowers of clover in succes- sion, some of the pollen of one flower, by sticking to the hairy tongue, is brought into contact with the stigma of another flower. In this way bumblebees bring about cross fertilization of the flowers. This cross fertilization is necessary to the continuous pro- duction of red clover. Without it, very little seed will be produced. Frequently two crops of clover are produced in one year. The first crop is usually cut for hay. It has very little seed, as there are few bumblebees so early in the year. The second crop has an abundance of seed, as there are many bumble- bees late in the season. When clover was introduced into Australia, it pro- duced no seed, and the fields had to be seeded every second year with imported seed. But bumblebees were introduced, and now the clover produces plenty of seed. Other insects besides bees aid in the cross fertiliza- tion of plants. Wasps, butterflies, moths, and flies of certain families, fertilize different kinds of flowers. The bumblebee is colored yellow and black, a very conspicuous combination, and it is frequently seen on clover blossoms, which furnish a contrast that is even more conspicuous. ‘The bee, then, is not concealed by its color. The color of the ‘bee is said to be a warn- ing color. It is a danger signal to other animals. 52 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. It is an advantage to the bumblebee to be thus col- ored, for other animals, aware of its stinging power, will let the bee alone if they know where it is. The drone bumblebee has no sting. In some species, however, it is even more yellow and flaunts a more conspicuous danger signal than the stinging bumblebee. The conditions of mimicry are found in the drone bumblebees. Wasps are of two kinds, the social and the solitary. The social wasps have the same three kinds of indi- viduals that are found among the bees. They build nests like honeycomb, with six-sided cells, out of paper. The true social wasps build these combs in sheltered places, and put no covering over them. The hornet builds the same kind of paper nest, but surrounds the nest with a paper envelope. The paper is made from disintegrated woody fiber, ob- tained from weather-beaten boards or sticks of wood. The young are reared in these cells. The wasps themselves eat vegetable food, but they feed the young upon the bodies of other insects. The solitary wasps either dig holes in the ground or build nests of mud which they place in some shel- tered position. As soon as a cell is built, the wasp provisions it with the bodies of other animals, such as spiders, caterpillars, cicadas, etc. Each kind of wasp selects a particular kind of animal with which to provision its nest. The wasp, having found a spider, for example, stings it in a ganglion of the nervous system on the ventral side of the body. If a caterpillar is the object of attention, the sting is thrust into nine or ten of the ganglia. The slender pedicel of the wasp, by which the abdomen is attached to the thorax, enables it to reach around to the under side of the spider or the caterpillar and sting it in the proper place. The effect of this sting is to. paralyze the victim, not to killit. It is then carried to the nest BEES, ANTS, AND WASPS. 53 and packed in the cell. Sometimes ten or fifteen spi- ders, all paralyzed, are packed into one cell. Even if they should die, as they must after awhile, the preserva- tive effect of the formic acid is sufficient to keep the bedies from decay. The egg is then laid, and the nest sealed up. The wasp larva hatches, eats the food prepared in advance for it, and finally breaks out of its mud cell amature wasp. The solitary wasps have only two kinds of individuals, male and female. In some respects, the ants represent the highest degree of insect intelligence. Not only have they the same three classes in a colony that the bees and wasps have, but in some cases there is a fourth class, the soldiers, whose only business is to fight, defending the nest or attacking other colonies. It has long been known that certain kinds of ants make forays upon the nests of other kinds, whose larvee they carry off and rear in their own nests to serve as slaves. It is also known that certain ants keep in their nests and care for certain plant lice which secrete a sweet liquid much appreciated by the ants. Such plant lice are called ants’ cows. Other insects are found in ants’ nests, and we are unable to account for their presence except by likening them to our own domestic animals. The agricultural ant of Texas is known to clear off a piece of ground from 6 to 8 feet in diameter, keep down the weeds, allowing a kind of grass known as ant rice to grow, gather the grains of rice when they are ripe, store them away in granaries, and bring them out to dry when they get wet. It has not been seen to plant thé rice, but some people believe that it does so. The leaf-cutting ant of Central America is known to cut pieces of leaves and carry them into a nest, where they ferment and form a hotbed in which springs up a kind of fungus that furnishes the princi- pal food of the ants. 54 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. These are some of the facts that are relied upon by some to show that in amount of intelligence ants rank next to man. Orders of Insects. Copy into your notebook, spell, and pronounce, the following words :— Or thop'te ra Te mip’te ra Lep i ddp'te ra Dip’te ra Co le op'te ra Hy me nop’te ra Neu rop’te ra These seven orders are the orders of insects as established by Linnzeus. Recent entomologists make the following divisions :— Thys a nii'ra—spring tails Eph e mér’ i da—may flies Od o na&’ ta—dragon flies Ple cép’te ra—stone flies Cor ro dén’tia—book lice I sép'te ra—white ants Mal léph'a ga—bird lice Ku plex dp'te ra-—earwigs Or thop'te ra—grasshoppers Phy sdp’o da—thrips He mip’te ra—giant water bugs Neu rép‘te ra—corydalis, ant lions Me cdp’te ra—scorpion flies Tri ehdp'te ra—caddice flies Lep i dop'te ra—bntterflies, etc. Dip'te ra—house flies, ete. Siph o nip'te ra—fleas Co le op'te ra—beetles IIy me nép’te ra—bees, wasps, ants ORDERS OF INSECTS. rare) Make a table of differences among the seven orders of insects, according to the following form :— : : 2 i od me * 5 —s ox s a ne rs] a) ou 25 ai 5 Be |@5/o5/28 ae oS 2s oe ge | ss l\o= 25 83 Se 2 |Ssles|23 = pet} os om Soles D as so [can 3 ei a \ee eas Bo S Be Af lanlee o~ A a Aa) at ae oO WAR BS ie. scciciicge sin: wtegebinete| Seoaesietancan sell caidabeauecin| wedbaannedi[adenmaleteeis[esiaibs Mouth parts...... biting .|.... .... sucking |......)...... Metamorphosis .. |........... Bits ie Saieh lsstitehende eg fowigeeal ates Larva........ eee nymph|caterpillar |........... sauprg ees [ancbete | eaten PUp@isiss wise snce ACLIVE .| ice swersirnesse: inactive]............[eeeceepeeeee Make a table of resemblances among the seven orders of insects, after the following form :— 2 compound eyes 1 pair of antepnze 2 pairs of jaws 2 pairs of wings Grasshopper 3 pairs of legs House fly jointed appendages Butterfl ‘ MA segmented abdomen Beetle 3 body divisions Giant water bug 17 body segments Dragon fly breathe by spiracles Bumblebee reproduce by eggs double nerve cord and ganglia chitinous exoskeleton white blood Compare this table with the one on page 31. What characters found in that table are omitted in this one? Orders which are alike constitute a class. These seven orders agree in the many characteristics ex- pressed in the table of resemblances. They constitute aclass. The name of this class is Insecta. An in- sect, then, is an animal having all the characteristics 56 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. mentioned in the table of resemblances. This is not a good definition, but it will do until we can make a better one. When we say of a thing, ‘‘ This is an insect,’’ we mean that it possesses all the character- istics mentioned in this table of resemblances. Logical Definition. A Lepidopter is an insect having scaly wings, sucking mouth parts, complete metamorphosis, whose larva is called a caterpillar, and whose pupa is inactive. This is called a logical definition. Its predicate noun is the name of the class to which the order belongs, and the modifying characteristics are the differences which separate the order Lepidoptera from the other orders of the class Insecta. Now, from your table of differ- ences, make a similar definition of each of the other orders of the same class. To the Teacher. The purpose of making these tables of resemblances and differ- ences is to train the mind in its power of discrimination, compari- son, generalization, and logical definition. Tle tables should be. made hy the pupils,"as far as possible without reference to those in the book, which are inserted merely to show how to make such tables and how to use them. Review Topics on Insects. 1. Name the seven orders of insects. Give examples of each. 2. What is meant by metamorphosis? 3. Name four stages in the metamorphosis of insects. 4. What is molting? 5. Show the necessity for molting. 6. Describe a compound eye. 7. What are ocelli? 8. What are antennse? REVIEW TOPICS ON INSECTS. 57 Tue Dragon Fty. . Where does a dragon fly live? . Where does it lay its eggs? . Describe the larva. . What mouth parts has a dragon fly? . What kind of wings has a dragon fly? . What is the pterostigma? The nodus? . How many segments in the abdomen? What does a dragon fly eat? THe Grant WatTER Bua. . To what order does a giant water bug belong? . What kind of antennz has it? . Describe the mouth parts. To what is each homologous? . Tell how the wings fasten. . Describe the wings . What peculiarity have the fore legs? . What peculiarity have the hind legs? What is peculiar about the nerve cord? Tue House Fty. . Describe the antenne. Describe the eyes. Describe the mouth parts. Indicate the homol- ogies. Where are the lancets? Of what use are they? Of what use are the palpi? . Describe the wings. . What are the balancers? The winglets? Describe the foot. . Where are the eggs laid? What other insects belong to the same order as the house fly? . What is the larva called? 58 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Tue Beerie. . Describe the antenne. . Describe the mouth parts. . Name all the parts of the leg. . Describe the wings. What are the elytra? . How do the inner wings fold? . Where are the spiracles? . Describe the metamorphosis. . What is the larva called? Tue ButterRrty. . What mouth parts has the butterfly? . To what is the sucking tube homologous? . Describe the wings. . Describe the legs. . Describe the metamorphosis. . What is the larva called? The pupa? . What is a cocoon? . Tell what you know of the mouth parts of Cecropia. . State five differences between butterflies and moths. Tue BUMBLEBEE. . Describe the antenne. . Describe the eyes. . Tell what you can of the mandibles. . Describe the other mouth parts. Describe the wings. Describe the legs. . Describe the sting. . What is the use of the sting? . What is pollen? Wax? Honey? . Tell of the social organization of bees. . Describe the metamorphosis. . Tell of the nests of paper wasps. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT INSECTS. 59 66. Tell of the nest habits of mud wasps. 67. Discuss the intelligence of ants. GENERAL. 68. Tell how an insect breathes. 69. What is meant by homologous parts? 70. What are vestigial organs? 71. What is protective coloration? 72. What is mimicry? Give examples. 73. How does the resemblance to Anosia protect Basilarchia? 74. Of what is the skeleton of an insect composed? How is it joined together? 75. Describe the nervous system. 76. What senses and sense organs have insects? Some General Considerations About Insects. There are about 250,000 species of insects already known and described, and these are perhaps not more than one-tenth of the species that exist. With the probable exception of some classes of Protozoa, the insects constitute the largest class of animals, both in individuals and in species. Some insects are useful to man. Shellac, cochineal, gall nuts, silk, beeswax, and honey, are produced by them. The greatest benefit, however, is derived from their assistance in fertilizing plants. Insects do much injury to mankind. Besides the personal discomforts arising from such insects as flies, mosquitoes, etc., the injury that insects do to crops in the United States each year is very great. Mr. Riley once estimated it at $300,000,000 per year. The study of insects is called Entomology. In studying insects, it is quite helpful to collect and pre- serve them. An insect net is useful for collecting many kinds of insects. The net should be about 60 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. eighteen inches deep, and may be made of India linen, cheese cloth, bobinet, Swiss, or mosquito bar. For a handle, fasten a stick like a broom handle to a hoop about ten inches in diameter made of stout wire. When an insect is captured, it is killed by dropping it into a cyanide bottle. A cyanide bottle may be made from any wide-mouthed bottle. In the bottom of the bottle is placed about half an ounce of potassium cyanide, which is a most deadly poison. This is covered with sawdust well shaken down, over which some plaster of Paris mixed with water is then poured until a smooth surface is obtained. The bottle shouid be left open until the plaster of Paris is dry. It should then be stopped up, when the fumes of the cyanide, rising through the porous plaster of Paris, will fill the bottle, killing any insect that may be dropped into it. After an insect is killed, it shouldbe pinned. The pins used for this purpose are insect pins, which are long, slender, very sharp-pointed, and have round heads. Beetles are pinned through the right elytron. The wings of butterflies and moths should be spread out and held in position on a setting board until they becomedry. A setting board is a board with a groove in the middle to receive the body of the insect while the wings lie flat on the side. The wings should be drawn forward until the hind edges of the fore wings are in a straight line. A good book for the study of insects is Comstock’s Manual of Entomology. Much valuable information about insects may be found in the United States Agricultural Reports and in the reports of the various state entomologists. There is no one book that will enable one to determine the species of every insect he may find, nor even all the species of any one order. A series of tables for the determination of the family to which an insect belongs may be found at the back of this book. CHAPTER IV. THE SPIDER. 1. How many body divisions? What may they be called? 2. How many legs? To what are they attached? How many segments in each leg? Homologize the parts with the segments of the leg of the grass- hopper. If you find an extra segment, it may be called patella. 38. Which pair of legs-is the longest? Examine the foot. Draw. 4. Find the eyes. How many? Draw. 5. Find the mandibles, with their poison fangs. Draw. 6. Find the maxille. See the palpi. If the palpi are swollen, it indicates a male. Are there antenne? 7. At the tip of the abdomen, on the under side, note the spinnerets. How many? Of what is each composed ? 8. Near the base of the abdomen on the ventral side of the female, find a hollow, curved tube, the epigynum. Draw. 9. Near the epigynum, find on each side an open- ing into the breathing organs, which may be called air gills, or lung sacs. THE DADDY LONGLEGS. 1. Identify the body divisions. 2. Where are the eyes? How many? What kind? 61 62 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 3. Identify the mouth parts. Draw one of each pair. 4. How many legs? To what attached? Which is the longest pair? How many segments in each? 5. Examine the foot. How can such slender legs be adapted to this animal’s habits of life? 6. How many segments in the abdomen? Do you find the means of breathing? 7. What kind of food does this animal eat? How does it get food? How can it escape from its enemies? 8. Of the animals that you have studied, which one most nearly resembles the daddy longlegs? 9. Make a table of differences between the spider and the daddy longlegs. Additional Facts About the Spider and the Daddy Longlegs. The spider and the daddy longlegs are taken to represent the class Arachnida. The spider belongs to one order, the Araneina, and the daddy longlegs to another order, the Phalangidea. The daddy longlegs catches small insects which it finds on various kinds of clustered flowers, or in other places. Its favorite method of hunting is to run about over the tops of thickly clustered shrubs or weeds. Clumps of Symphoricarpus, or wolf-berry, are favorite localities. For this habit, the long legs and small body are admirably adapted. Spiders are provided with a large fang on each mandible, which folds up when not in use. It is hol- low and is connected with a gland in the head. It is called a poison fang, and the spider is generally sup- posed to be a very poisonous creature. The writer has caught hundreds of spiders with the naked hand, and has been bitten but twice, by two particularly THE CENTIPEDE. 63 vicious looking spiders. In neither case was there any indication of a poisonous effect. Such is the testi- mony also of almost every other experimenter with spiders. Some spiders spin webs. The web is of silk, and comes out as a liquid from numerous tubes which constitute the spinnerets. It hardens upon exposure to the air. There seems little probability of making use of spider web in a commercial way, although the French government is making elaborate experiments in regard toit. Hach spider would have to be kept in a cage by itself, for when several are put together, some of them will eat the others until only one is left. This would make spider silk very expensive. The webs are sometimes of quite intricate patterns. When an insect flies into one of the webs, the watch- ful spider hurries out and wraps it about with silk, thus completely entangling it, and then proceeds to eat the soft parts of the captive. Some small spiders are enabled to travel long dis- tances upon the webs they weave, which are buoyed up and drifted about by the air. The jumping spiders make no webs, but seize their prey by jumping upon it. They are very active. Among nearly all spiders, the female is the larger. The eggs of spiders are laid in a mass which, in some species, is surrounded by a covering of silk and either carried around by the spider or fastened to a tree or other support. The metamorphosis is direct. THE CENTIPEDE (Scolopocryptops. ) 1. Are there any body divisions? Identify the head distinctly. 2. Are there any eyes? What kind? 64 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 3. How many antenne? How many segments in each? 4. Find the mandibles. Are the things you take to be mandibles, true mandibles? Are they on the head? Are they jointed? 5. You may cail this pair of mandible-like appen- dages the maxillipeds, or foot jaws. 6. Find and identify the true mouth parts. Draw one of each pair. 7. How many body segments behind the head? What does each segment bear? How do the legs on the first segment differ from those on the other segments? How do the legs on the last segment dif- fer from the other legs? 8. Do you find spiracles? On what segments? How many? 9. Do you see any way to explain why an insect’s jaws move sideways? THE THOUSAND LEGS. (Polydesmus. ) 1. Are there any body divisions? Identify the head clearly. 2. Find and draw one of each pair of mouth parts and antenne. 3. Find the eyes. Are they simple or compound? How arranged? Compare with the eyes of a cater- pillar. 4. How many segments in the body? How many pairs of legs? Hold this fact until we study the earthworm. 5. How many segments on each leg? Are all the legs alike? Draw one. 6. Do you find spiracles? How many? 7. In what respects does a caterpillar resemble a thousand legs? ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT THE MYRIAPODS. 65 Make a table of differences between a butterfly and a caterpillar, and in a parallel column compare the thousand legs, in this manner :— Butterfly. Caterpillar. Thousand Legs. Body divisions..| 8.............. Db sesitei ada soles lead nae ees ates By OS oeisieee ce compound ....) groupof simple|................ Wings s eesti |i Bak ee) sce TONG: iid. sitiiaconitie ss a ahieeele See ak oe Mouth parts....| sucking. . ...| biting.........)............00e- Food. ......... liquid......... BOLIC cits cetautsianea le ag baisedeesa¥e. tetuaety ties Locomotion ....| fly ............ CRAWL sconces vesctos lira seergiaiianecee a area ere Body Coverings.| scales........ hair or naked...|................ { long and oes and in- Antenne....... 1 knobbed ... conspicuous].........-...464% From the similarities manifested by the foregoing table, you will probably conclude that a caterpillar re- sembles a thousand legs more closely than it does a but- terfly. Additional Facts About the Myriapods. The centipede and thousand legs are taken to rep- resent the class Myriapoda. The centipedes belong to the order Chilopoda; and the thousand legs belong to the order Chilognatha. Make a table of differences between the two. The centipede from which the outline is made, Scol- opocryptops sexspinosus, is a small animal and is found throughout the eastern and southern parts of the United States. It is found usually under stones and logs which lie on the ground. Its food is principally earthworms, which it pursues into their burrows. It is very active, and the strong maxillipeds enable it to obtain a very firm hold on the body of the earthworm. The hind pair of legs is directed backward, thus fur- nishing it an anchor which will prevent its being dragged along by the muscular efforts of the earthworm. Living entirely in dark places, it has no need for eyes, and the name Scolopocryptops indicates their absence. 66 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. The centipede is a very active and a very vicious little creature. The usual way of catching one is to seize it quickly with the fingers as soon as the stone is turned over. In such a case, the centipede tries to bite, and frequently succeeds. No poisonous effects, however, have ever been experienced by the writer, who must have been bitten a hundred times. The large centipede of the southwestern states, Scolopendra, is two or three times as long as the Scolopocryptops, but resembles it closely in every structural respect. The maxillipeds are remarkable organs. They are located on a segment behind the head. They are jointed. In both position and structure, they agree with the legs. They must be homologous tolegs. But they work sideways, like jaws, and are used as jaws. The jaws (mandibles) have the same position they do. So we must conclude that maxillipeds are homologous to jaws. But by the axiomatic proposition that things which are homologous to the same thing are homolo- gous to each other, the mandibles of a centipede must be homologous to the legs of a centipede. But the mandibles of a centipede are clearly homologous to the mandibles of a grasshopper. Therefore it seems clear that the mandibles of a grasshopper are homolo- gous to the legs of a grasshopper. We may illustrate the homologies by a diagram :— GRASSHOPPER. CENTIPEDE. jaws = = jaws ll I } fn Y maxillipeds I Il i legs <5 — legs Therefore, ctc. ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT MYRIAPODS. 67 This enables us to understand more clearly what is meant by homology, and to explain why we count one body segment in the head for each pair of paired appendages, and so determine that the body of the grasshopper is composed of seventeen body segments. This also enables us to explain why the mandibles of the grasshopper move sideways. The appendages are paired on each segment, and so are brought to oppose each other, just as the two hands of a man together seize upon an object to hold it or to lift it up. To the Teacher. The utility of the study of homology is to train the mind to perceive logical identity. The homology of the maxillipeds and the demonstration of the identity of the jaws of a grasshopper with the legs is an important lesson, and should be carefully prepared and worked out. CHAPTER V. THE CRAWFISH. 1. How many body divisions? The front one is called the head thorax, or cephalothorax. Find a cross groove separating what might be called the head from the thorax. This is called the cervical groove. 2. Find the pointed projection in front. This is called the rostrum. 3. The entire covering of the cephalothorax is called the carapace. 4. How many segments in the abdomen? The middle piece of the tail fin is the telson. Is there any reason for calling it a segment? 5. To which segment are the side pieces of the tail fin attached? 6. Separate the third segment of the abdomen from the second and fourth. Remove the interior contents. Examine. The dorsal part of the ring is the tergite. (Compare with the name tergum of the grasshopper.) The ventral part of the ring is the sternite. The side pieces are the pleurites. 7. The appendages are the swimmerets. Observe that each swimmeret is composed of a main stalk and two branches. 8. The main stalk is the protopodite. The outer branch is the exopodite. The inner branch is the endopodite. 9. Do the side pieces of the tail fin have this structure? Are they swimmerets? 68 THE CRAWFISH. 69 10. If the swimmerets on the first and second seg- ments of your specimen are large, it is a male; if they are small it is a female. The Cephalothorax. 1. Lift up the free edge of the carapace. This part of the carapace is the gill cover, or branchioste- gite. Inside are the gills. 2. How many pairs of legs? 3. Examine one of the hind pair of legs. Of how many segments is it composed? Draw. 4. Examine the third pair of legs. Draw. 5. Examine the first pair of legs. Draw. 6. Find the third, second, and first pairs of maxil- lipeds. Draw one of each pair. Can you find a main stalk and two branches? 7. Find the second and first pairs of maxille. Draw one of each. 8. Find the mandibles. Find the mandibular palpus. How many segments has it? If you pull off the mandibles, you will probably find the large mus- cles which move them. 9. Find the gills. Draw one. How many gills? What appendages bear gills, and how many gills be- long to each of these gill-bearing appendages? 10. In the front of the gill chamber, find the gill scoop, or scaphognathite. To what appendage is it attached? What is its use? What separates the gills from the gill scoop? 11. Find the antennze. Can you discover a main stalk and two branches? The two branches are very unlike each other. Draw. 12. Find the antennules, or little antenne. Can you find the main stalk and two branches? The two branches are very similar. 13. Find the ears, or otocysts, on the upper side of the basal joint of the antennules. 70 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 14. Find the eyes. Are they simple or compound? See how they can move. Are they on stalks, or are they sessile? 15. How many pairs of paired appendages has a crawfish? If each pair of appendages indicates a seg- ment, how many segments in the body of a crawfish? Is any segment of the body withouta pair of appendages? 16. Put a piece of the shell into strong vinegar or other acid. If bubbles arise, it indicates that the shell is composed in part of lime. The Internal Structure. 1. Carefully remove the carapace and pin the crawfish, back upward, under water. 2. Find the heart. Note its shape and position. Draw. 3. Find one artery leading backward, and three leading forward. To what organs do the forward arteries go? 4. Find holes, like slits, in the heart. How many? 5. Find the stomach. Trace the passage from the mouth to the stomach. Is it behind or in front of the heart? Is it in the head or in the thorax? 6. Slit open the stomach. Examine the inside. Find three teeth, which constitute the principal part of the grinding apparatus. Draw. 7. Trace the intestine to its outlet. 8. Distinguish other organs: liver, green gland, and reproductive organs. 9. See the muscles in the abdomen which bend and straighten it. Which muscle bends it, and which muscle straightens it? The bending muscle is the flexor, and the straightening muscle is the extensor. Which muscle is the larger? ; 10. Separate the two parts of the flexor muscle and find the nerve cord in the floor of the abdomen. THE SOW BUG. 71 Isitdouble? How many ganglia do you count? Draw a portion of the cord with its ganglia and nerves. 11. Trace the nerve cord through the thorax. Find where it passes around the esophagus. Find a ganglion above and below. The Live Crawfish. 1. How does a crawfish move when swimming? With what organ does he swim? How does he walk? 2. How does a crawfish breathe? Where does the water go into the gill chamber? Where does it come out? What makes the water flow over the gills? Puta small drop of ink in the water near the hinder edge of the carapace. Look for it to appear near the mouth. 3. Does a crawfish cast off its shell? Where does a crawfish live? Is there more than one kind of crawfish in our vicinity? 4. Why can a crawfish live out of water longer than a fish? 5. Where are the eggs borne? Do the young crawfishes look like the old ones? THE SOW BUG. 1. Locate the head, thorax, and abdomen. How many segments in the thorax? In the abdomen? 2. On the head, find theeyes. Are they stalked or sessile? Simple or compound? 3. Find the antenne. How many segments? How many pairs of antenna? 4. How many pairs of jaws? Draw one of each pair. Are there palpi? 5. Find the legs. How many pairs? Do all the pairs extend in the same direction? How many seg- ments in each leg? Draw. 6. Find the gills, under the abdomen. How many? 7. Test the shell with acid. Is there any lime in it? ~I Ww INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. THE CYCLOPS. 1. See the carapace. How many segments has the thorax? 2. Seetheeye. Isit compound? Is it moy- able? 3. How many joints in the antennee? 4. How many seg- mentsin theabdomen? How does itend? How any spines at the tip? CE CLOES: 5. If your specimen is a female, note the external ovisacs. Trace the in- testine. THE DAPHNIA. 1. See the shell. Is it Rage mee plain or reticulate? 2. Seetheeye. [sitsimple or compound? Movable or not? Notice the eye muscles. 3. Trace the intestine. See the broad cavity above the intestine. If your speci- men is a female, you will probably find eggs in it. 4. Find the heart. BAe & 5. Is there a spine at the SRR posterior end of the abdomen? 6. Draw the antenne carefully. Noter.—Daphnia and cyclops are too small to be satisfactorily studied without a compound microscope. The student, however, ought to become familiar with the general appearance of each as seen by the unaided eye and with the simple lens. ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT THE CRUSTACEANS. 73 A Additional Facts about the Crustaceans. The crawfish introduces us to a different mode of breathing ; that is, by means of gills. Breathing, or respiration, consists essentially of an exchange of gases. The tissues of the body need to be furnished with oxygen. This oxygen must come indirectly from the air. When oxygen reaches the tissues of the body, some of it is used in doing work or in gener- ating heat. The result in either case is the produc- tion of carbon dioxide, which must be removed from the body. In the crawfish, the blood carries the carbon dioxide from the tissues, where it is generated, to the gills. The water which flows over the gills contains oxygen, which it has absorbed from the air. The blood carrying carbon dioxide flows into the gill filaments, where it is separated from the oxygen con- tained in the water by only a thin, moist membrane, which is the outer layer of the gill filament. Under these conditions, the carbon-dioxide carried by the blood leaves the blood and passes through the gill membrane into the water, and the oxygen in the water leaves the water and passes through the gill membrane into the blood. In order that this exchange of gases may take place, the gill membrane must be kept moist. A crawfish can live out of water as long as its gills are moist. This will enable us to see the advantage of the gill covering. It prevents the rapid drying out of the gill and enables the crawfish to live some time out of water. If necessary, the crawfish can travel overland from pond to pond. There must be oxygen in the water. Water that has been boiled has had all the absorbed oxygen driven off. So crawfishes cannot live in boiled water unless it has absorbed oxygen since the boiling. Water that has given up its oxygen to the gills must 74 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. be removed, and fresh water must take its place. There is a necessity for the production of a current of water over the gills. This is brought about by the action of the gill scoop, situated in front of the gills. The gill scoop, when working rapidly, moves about three times in a second, and produces a current from backward to forward. Since this is the direction of the current of water over the gills, it is an advantage in breathing for the crawfish to swim backward. The movement back- ward assists the current flowing over the gills. So, also, when crawfishes lie in a running stream, they will usually lie with their heads down stream. The blood in crawfiishes is white, and it exists in considerable quantity. When a legof a live crawfish is cut off, the blood flows freely from the wound. It contains an abundance of white corpuscles, but no red ones such as we shall find in vertebrates. Some kinds of crawfishes dig holes from the sur- face of the land downward several feet, usually piling the excavated dirt around the mouth of the burrow, forming a chimney. These holes generally reach downward to the water, and are most numerous in low places, from the surface of which the water has almost or quite disappeared. Crawfishes molt as insects do. They molt about five or six times the first year of their lives, and usually molt once each year thereafter. A crawfish may live to be twelve years old. All crawfishes living in the eastern and central part of the United States belong to the genus Cam- barus, and have seventeen gills on each side of their body. English crawfishes, and those of California, have eighteen gills on each side and belong to the genus Astacus. The crawfish is the fresh-water lobster. In gencral appearance, and in everything except size, the crawfish REVIEW QUESTIONS. 75 and lobster are very nearly alike. A crab differs from a crawfish in the fact that the abdomen is very much reduced in size and is folded under the cephalothorax. The sow bug belongs to an order called Tetrade- capoda, or fourteen-footed crustaceans. The gills are leaf-like plates situated under the abdomen. The animal lives in damp places, although most members .of the order are truly water animals. Daphnia, Cyclops, and Cypris belong to the order Entromostraca. They are all very small crustaceans, are found abundantly in our lakes and ponds, and furnish a part of the food for young fishes. The order is now divided into three groups, called Copepoda, Cladocera, and Ostracoda, represented by Cyclops, Daphnia, and Cypris, respectively. Review Questions. THe CRAWFISH. What are the body divisions of the crawfish? What is the cervical groove? Where is the rostrum? Where is the telson? How many segments in the abdomen? What is the carapace? Name all the appendages of the crawfish? Are the eyes stalked or sessile? What appendages bear gills? How many gills does each of the gill-bearing ap- pendages have? 11. What is the gill scoop? What is its use? 12. To what is the gill scoop attached? 13. Describe the function of the gills. 14. How is a current of water produced over the gills? What makes it flow? Describe its course. 15. What is the typical form of an appendage? Name the three principal parts. =v SO AID OB 29 PO INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. . Describe the two pairs of antenne. . Where are the ears? . How distinguish the male from the female? . How many body segments? What indicates the number? . Which body segment bears no appendage? . What pairs of legs are furnished with pincers? . Where is the stomach? . Describe the nerve cord. How many ganglia? . Where is the heart? How does the blood get into the heart? . What kind of blood has the crawfish? . What muscles enable the crawfish to swim? . Why does the crawfish swim backwards? . How is a crawfish enabled to stay so long out of water? . Where are the eggs carried? . Of what is the shell composed? . What is meant by the molting of a crawfish? TuE SPIDER. . How many body divisions has the spider? . How is the web produced? . What is silk? Where are the spinnerets? . How many legs has the spider? What are the breathing organs? . How many eyes has the spider? Are they simple or compound? Tue CENTIPEDE. . How many body segments has the centipede? . Where are the maxillipeds borne? . Where does the centipede live? What is its food? . Is there any difference between the thorax and the abdomen? . How does a centipede differ from a caterpillar? CLASSES OF ARTHROPODA. 77 Make a table of differences between the grasshop- per, spider, centipede, and crawfish, after the follow- ing plan :— Grasshopper. Insecta. Spider. Arachnida. Centipede. Myriapoda. | Crawfish. Crustacea. Body divisions . Exoskeleton ..... Antenne Eyes Body segments . ‘Breathing ...... Number of legs. Wings. ........ Locomotion .... Habitat Make a table of resemblances among the grass- hopper, spider, centipede, and crawfish, according to the following plan :— all have exoskeletons jointed appendages meen white blood ie tipede reproduce by eggs Crawfish jaws move sideways composed ,of body segments double nerve cord and ganglia Compare this table with the table on page 55. Have any new resemblances been discovered? Have any resemblances on page 55 been omitted? Look for omitted resemblances in your table of differ- ences. The grasshopper, spider, centipede, and crawfish represent four classes of animals that resemble each other in the particulars indicated in the table. They are grouped together, and the group is called a Branch. The name of the branch to which these animals be- long is Arthropoda. It is named from the jointed appendages. 78 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Logical Definition. An insect is an arthropod which is composed of sev- enteen body segments grouped into three body divisions ; has a chitinous exoskeleton, one pair of antennee, and two sessile compound eyes; breathes by spiracles which open into trachexr ; has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings ; can move by flying ; and lives in the air. From your table of differences, make a logical definition of an arachnid, a myriapod, and a crusta- cean. CHAPTER VI. THE FISH. Almost any kind of fish will do for this study. These directions are written for the perch or the sun- fish. 1. Measure the length, from the tip of the snout to the base of the tail. Measure the depth, the great- est distance between dorsal and ventral sides ; width, the greatest thickness from right to left; length of the head, from the tip of the snout to the tip of the bony part of the flap on the side of the body. How many times is the depth, the width, and the length of the head, contained ih the length of the fish? 2. Find the caudal fin, at the tail; the dorsal, on the back; anal fin, the single fin below. These are the unpaired or median fins. 3. The pectoral fins are the front pair of paired fins. The ventral fins are the hind pair of paired fins. 4. Study each fin. Find two kinds of fin rays, and a membrane covering therays. Is the membrane double or single? 4. The stiff, pointed rays are the spinous rays. The others are the soft rays or jointed rays. How many rays of each kind has each fin? D. III., 10, means that the dorsal fin (D) has three (III.) spinous rays, and ten (10) soft rays. So indicate the number and kind of rays in each fin. 6. Study the rays. Dothey branch? Draw care- fully one of the soft rays. Sketch each fin. 79 80 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. The Eyes. 1. Are the eyes movable? Are there eyelids? In what direction can this fish see? What parts of the eye can you see? 2. Find the anteorbital bone in front of the eye, and the suborbital below it. 3. Insert your finger into the mouth and find out whether there is a bone between the mouth and the eyeball. The Nostrils. How many nostrils (nares) are there, and how are they situated? Do they open into the mouth? Of what use are they? The Mouth. 1. See how the jaws open. Note the shape of the mouth, when it is open and when it is closed. 2. The bones in the upper lip are the premaxil- laries. How many? 3. Observe the backward extension of the premax- illary on top of the snout. 4. Do the premaxillaries bear teeth? 5. Observe the bones just back of the premaxil- laries. These are the maxillaries. Do they have teeth? What is their shape? 6. Find a small patch of teeth in the roof of the mouth. These are borne on a bone called the vomer. 7. Find two bones (palatine bones) along the sides and a little way back of the vomer. Do they have teeth? “ 8. The front bone of the lower jaw is the dentary. Does it have teeth? 9. Examine the tongue. Can it be thrust out of the mouth? Does it bear teeth? 10. Can you find teeth anywhere else in the mouth? THE FISH. 81 The Gill Covers. 1. The gill covers are composed of four bones, the opercular bones. : . 2. The upper back one is the opercle. The upper front one is the preopercle. The lower back one is the subopercle. The other bone is the interopercle. 3. Look below the opercular bones for the bran- chiostegal membrane, which is supported by the bran- chiostegal rays. How many rays are there? Draw the external appearance of the gill covers ; 4. See the narrow part of the body between the branchiostegal rays. This is the isthmus. The Gills. 1. Raise one gill cover and find the gills. Find the bone which supports a gill. This is the gill arch. The small threads attached to it are the gill filaments. 2. The spaces between the gill arches are the gill clefts. How many gill arches? How many gill clefts? How many rows of gill filaments on each gill arch? 3. Find the gill rakers on the front side of the gill arches. Are all the arches supplied with them? On which*gill are they the longest? A. Find a red line, the gill artery, along the base of the gill filament. 5. Find a red spot, like a gill, on the inside sur- face of the operculum. It is a false gill, or pseudo- branchia. The Scales. 1. How are the scales arranged? Is there a cover- ing (epidermis) over the scales? Pull a scale out of a yellow or black spot. In what is the color? 2. Examine one of the scales after it has been pulled out. Notice radiating strize running from the edge. 82 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 3. Notice concentric strie running around the edge. 4, Which is the anterior and which the posterior edge of the scale? 5. Note fine teeth on the posterior edge of the scale. Draw. 6. Find a distinct line running along the sides of the body lengthwise. This is the lateral line. 7. Pull one scale out of the lateral line. Ex- amine carefully. How does it differ from other scales? 8. How many scales in the lateral line? The Body Cavities. 1. Find the opening of the intestine, in front of the anal fin. Cut through the body wall carefully from the anal opening to the isthmus. Cut away as much of the body wall on the left side as you can without injuring the internal organs. 2. Notice the silvery lining of the body cavity. This is the peritoneum. 3. Find a membranous partition near the front of the body cavity. This is the false diaphragm. The part of the body cavity in the front of it is the peri- cardial cavity. The part behind it is the abdominal cavity. 4. In the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity, find a thin membrane. ‘This isthe air bladder. Does the peritoneum cover it? Does it have any connection with the mouth or stomach? The Digestive Organs. 1. Identify as well as you can the esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, spleen. 2. What is the shape of the stomach? Where does THE FISH. 83 the cesophagus enter it? Where does the intestine leave it? 3. Find the pyloric ceca, at the place where the intestine leaves the stomach. How many? Scrape away the fat and examine one carefully. 4. Trace the intestine. How many turns does it make? Notice the thin membrane (mesentery) which holds the loops of the intestine together. Where is it attached? Do you find any tubes running in it? 5. How many lobes has the liver? Where is it attached? 6. Find the bile sac, on one of the lobes. Is there a connection between the bile sac and the intestine? Draw. What is the use of the bile sac? 7. Identify the spleen. This is a small, red body back along the intestine. The Reproductive and Excretory Organs. 1. Identify the reproductive organs, male or female. Ifa female, the ovaries will show the eggs. 2. Is there a tube leading from the reproductive organs? Where does it open? 3. Find the kidneys. They are dark, slender bodies along the roof of the abdominal cavity. 4. Trace the kidneys backward to the urinary bladder. Where is the outlet? The Circulation. 1. Identify the heart. The larger, angular por- tion is the ventricle. The softer, irregular portion is the auricle. 2. Find the venous sinus, a dark, thin-walled sac extending back from the auricle and in front of the false diaphragm. Can you find its opening into the auricle? 3. Find the hepatic vein, passing from the liver 84 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. through the false diaphragm into the venous sinus. Are there other veins entering? 4. Find the arterial bulb in front of the ventricle. Trace the branchial aorta from the arterial bulb until it branches into the branchial arteries, one to each gill arch. 5. Trace one branchial artery along the gill arch until it enters the dorsal aorta. 6. Trace the dorsal aorta along the back as far as you can. 7. Is the heart single or double? Is it respiratory or systemic? Describe the course of the blood from the ventricle until it gets back to the ventricle again. The Nervous System. 1. Cut off the head, scrape away the flesh, and slice off the top of the skull to see the brain. 2. Notice the cellular tissue above the brain. 3. The largest pair of lobes you see in the brain are the optic lobes. 4. In front of the optic lobes, find the pair of cer- ebral hemispheres, or cerebrum. 5. In front of the cerebrum, find two much smaller lobes, the olfactory lobes. Trace the olfactory nerves from the olfactory lobes forward. 6. Behind the optic lobes, notice the undivided cerebellum. 7. Behind the cerebellum, find the medulla ob- longata, which is continuous with the spinal cord. 8. Find the optic nerves, below the cerebral and olfactory lobes. Trace them to the eyes. Do they unite? From which lobe does the nerve come that goes to the right eye? 9. Can you find small nerves (spinal nerves) branching from the spinal cord? How far back does the spinal cord extend? ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT THE FISH. 85 The Skeleton. 1. Clean the flesh from one of the bones of the spinal column. 2. Note the central portion (centrum). What shape is it on the ends? 3. Note the spinous processes. The one on the back is the neural spine. See the opening through which the spinal cord passed. 4, How many pairs of ribs has your fish? How are the ribs attached to the backbone? 5. To what are the fin rays attached? The Live Minnow. 1. How does the fish swim? What is the chief organ of locomotion? 2. What is the chief use of each one of the fins? 3. Notice the action of the mouth and gill covers. Do both mouth and gill covers move at the same time? Why does the fish move his jaws so constantly? 4. Why does the fish generally lie with head up stream? Why does a fish die when it is taken out of the water? 5. Will these minnows ever grow larger? How many kinds of fishes do you know? How many kinds are on sale in the markets? 6. Do fishes ever rain down? Additional Facts About the Fish. The fishes represent the class Pisces. There are four groups of this class. Each group may be called an order, although each has been subdivided into several orders since the first division was made. The bony fishes belong to the order Teleostei. The sharks belong to the order Selachii, the sturgeon and garpike belong to 86 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. the order Ganoidei, and the Australian, African, and South American lung fishes belong to the order Dipnoi. The Selachians have a skeleton that is cartilaginous throughout, while the skeleton of the Ganoids and of the Dipnoi is partly cartilaginous and partly bony. The tail is the principal organ of locomotion. The other fins serve mainly to balance the fish, keeping it upright and guiding it in its course through the water. The pectoral and ventral fins are homologous to the fore and hind limbs of a dog or other mammal. Usually the pectoral fins are in front of the ventral fins, but this is not always so. When the ventrals are anterior to the pectorals, their ventral nature can be recognized by their being closer together and nearer the median line of the fish than the pec- torals. The vertebrae are concave at both ends. The spaces between the ends are filled with a cartilaginous sub- stance which represents the notochord. The noto- chord is a cartilaginous rod which is found in the early life of every vertebrate, occupying the place of the backbone. In the sturgeon, and in other fishes with cartilaginous skeletons, the notochord persists throughout life; but in the bony fishes generally, as well as in all other vertebrates, bony vertebree take the place of the notochord. Usually, the tail fin is two-lobed and the lobes are of equal size. The spinal column ends at the place in which the tail fin begins. Such a tail is called homocercal. But in the sharks, and in some other fishes, the backbone seems to run out into one of the lobes of the tail, making that lobe much larger than the other. Such a tail is called heterocercal. The fish breathes by gills, as the crawfish does. The water, however, goes over the gills from the front, instead of from behind. It enters the mouth when the mouth is open, and the closing of the mouth forces ADDITIONAL FACTS ABOUT THE FISH. 87 it out over the gills and under the gill covers. If a fish were to have its mouth propped open, it could not produce this current, and so would very likely suffocate. Since the current of water is backward over the gills, it is easier for the fish to breathe when it is fronting up stream. If it were held with the head down stream in a swiftly flowing current, it would have great difficulty in breathing. So, in running water, fishes generally lie with their heads up stream, and they swim up stream in preference to swimming down. In this way fishes are distributed to small streams, and at the time of a heavy rain, when furrows and ditches are filled with water, they may reach ponds that on ordinary occasions have no outlet, or may even be stranded on places that are dry when the rain is over. This is a sufficient explana- tion for most of the stories that we hear of fishes raining down. The blood is red. It consists of many red corpus- cles and a smaller number of white corpuscles floating in a liquid called the plasma. Each red corpuscle has a small body in the center called the nucleus. The blood of a fish has the same temperature as the water in which it lives. As the water in which a fish lives is generally colder than our bodies, and so feels cold to our hands when we put them into it, we say that the fish is cold blooded. The heart consists of one auricle and one ventricle. Such a heart is said to be single. The blood is sent forward to the gills. In consequence of the fact that all the blood is sent from the heart to the breath- ing organs, the heart is said to be a respiratory heart. When a fish is taken out of the water, it can live only so long as the gills are kept moist. When the gills dry out, as they do very soon, the membrane of the gills cannot exchange the respiratory gases, and the fish dies of suffocation. The gills of a fish are not 88 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. so well protected against drying out as are the gills of a crawfish, so a fish cannot usually live so long out of water as a crawfish can. From the gills the blood is gathered into the dorsal aorta, through which it is distributed to the body gen- erally. It returns from the body through veins to the auricle. Since no part of the blood, after leaving the heart, can return to the place from which it started without passing both through the breathing organs and through some part of the system, the circulation is said to be complete. The air bladder is homologous to a lung, although in our common fishes it is not a breathing organ. It is filled with gases secreted from the blood, and serves to make the body of the fish have the same specific gravity as the water in which it lives. If the muscles along the sides of the body contract, the air bladder is compressed, thus occupying less space, which action increases the specific gravity of the fish, enabling it to sink more readily. In the perch, the air bladder is attached to the walls of the body cavity. In the suck- ers, and in many other fishes, it lies free in the body cavity and is divided into two portions by a constric- tion around the middle. In the garpike, and in the ganoids generally, the air bladder contains many blood vessels and communicates with the esophagus by a short tube through which air can enter it. In these fishes, it serves as a partial lung and is of use in breathing. In the Dipnoi, or lung fishes, it is so efficient that, when necessary, the use of gills can be dispensed with, and the fishes are thus enabled to withstand for some time a complete drying up of the ponds in which they live. In the perch, and in most bony fishes, the air blad- der represents an organ that is in a state of retro- gression. Instead of becoming more lung-like, it is becoming less so. REVIEW TOPICS ON THE FISH. 89 The scales on the fish represent the exoskeleton. The bony skeleton inside, to which we refer when we speak of the skeleton, is the endoskeleton. The scales are entirely distinct from this. The scales along the lateral line are perforated, allowing communication with a series of lateral line sense organs, whose nature is not satisfactorily known. Perhaps their function is somewhat similar to that of the ear. In the skin are located many muciparous glands which furnish a secretion that lubricates the fish in its passage through the water. This is what makes a freshly caught fish feel so slippery. In the catfish, and in many other kinds, the skin is naked and the exoskeleton is undeveloped. In the sturgeon, the exoskeleton is developed as a series of bony plates. Review Topics on the Fish. Name all the fins of a fish. Describe the structure of a fin. What are the two kinds of fin rays? How are the scales arranged? What is the lateral line? How many scales in the lateral line? What is the principal organ of locomotion? Name the opercular bones. Describe the structure of a gill. State the direction of the water as it goes over the gills. 11. What makes the water flow over the gills? 12. What does the fish breathe? 13. Why does a fish lie with its head up stream? 14. Describe the course of the blood through the body, naming all parts of the heart. 15. Is the circulation double or single? 16. Is the circulation complete or incomplete? 17. What is the false diaphragm? rary SWHMOAIRBAP WHE i . What are the pyloric ceca? What kind of blood has the fish? . Why is a fish said to be cold blooded? . Sketch the brain, naming all the parts in their order. . Sketch a vertebra, naming all the parts. INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY Vocabulary of a Fish. Words to be pronounced, spelled, and defined with reference to the specimen studied. ddér’sal vén'tral snout spi’nous cau'dal ho mo g@r’eal het er o ¢ér'eal inal pée'to ral pre mitx’il la ry dén'ta ry vo'mer pil’a tine o pér'ele bran ehi 6s'te gal gill stri'e ep i dér’mis lat’er al line per i to né’um he pitt'‘le vein gtil'let ge'eal stom’ach pneu mo gis’trie nerve py lor'ie ge’ea més’en ter y spleen o'va ry a'vi duet kid’neys di’a phragm vén'tri ele au'ri ele vée'nous si’nus ar té’ri al bulb a or'ta phar yn ge’al teeth ver'te bree gén'trum net'ral spine me dil’la ob lon gi’ta ger e bél’lum Sp'tie lobes gér’e brum ol fie'to ry lobes periecir'dial eiv'i ty fil'a ment CHAPTER VII. THE FROG. 1. Find the eyes, nostrils, mouth. Has the frog a neck? How many eyelids? 2. Find the ears. Notice the white spot in the center. 3. Has the frog teeth? If so, where? Examine the tongue. Where attached? Is it forked or not? Of what use is the tongue? 4. Study the legs. How do the fore and hind legs differ? How many toes on each? 5. The parts of the fore leg are arm, forearm, and hand. 6. The parts of the hind leg are thigh, leg, and foot. 7. Notice the color and texture of the skin. Internal Structure. 1. Remove the skin from the ventral side and cut through the body wall. Is there any diaphragm? 2. Identify the liver, stomach, intestine, heart, and lungs. 3. Beginning at the stomach, trace the intestine its entire length. 4. Notice the mesentery, which holds the intestine in place. In the mesentery, near the stomach, find the pancreas. 5. How many lobes has the liver? Find the bile sac. 6. In the mesentery, posteriorly, find the spleen. 91 92 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. 7. If your specimen is a female, find the ovary with its much contorted oviduct leading to the cloaca. 8. In many specimens you will find slender masses of fat. These are the fat bodies. 9. Find the kidneys, which are elongated dark bodies near the hind part of the backbone. From the. kidneys, trace tubes, the ureters, backward to the urinary bladder. 10. Notice the lungs. Trace the trachea from the larynx to the lungs, observing the bronchial tubes. 11. Notice the great size of the lung cells, and the small number of them which constitute a lung. 12. Find the heart. Find where the aorta divides into two branches, the right and the left aorta. Find the three principal branches into which each aorta divides: the carotid, leading to the head; the pulmo- cutaneous, leading one part to the lungs and the other to the skin ; and the aorta proper, which leads to the rest of the body generally. 13. Trace the right and left aorta until they come together, forming the dorsal aorta. Continue until you find the iliac arteries, which lead to the hind legs. 14. Find the veins which bring the blood back to the heart. 15. How many cavities are there in the heart? 16. Make a diagram of the frog’s circulation. The Nervous System. 1. Find all the nerves you can that run from the spinal cord to the body cavity. 2. Notice the brachial plexus, sending nerves to the fore legs. 3. Notice the plexus of nerves going to the hind legs. Trace the principal nerve (sciatic) as far as you can. 4. Cut away the top of the skull, exposing the brain. Identify the following parts: optic lobes, THE FROG. 93 which form the widest part of the brain; cerebrum, consisting of two elongated lobes in front of the optic lobes; olfactory lobes, very small, in front of the cerebrum ; olfactory nerves, running under the ol- factory lobes to the nostrils; cerebellum, very small, lying behind the optic lobes; medulla oblongata, con- tinuing into the spinal cord. 5. Trace the optic nerves to the eyes. The Skeleton. 1. Has the frog ribs? How many yvertebre has it? 2. Notice the three long bones at the back of the spinal column. The middle one is called the urostyle. The bone on each side of it is called the ilium. What makes the frog look humpbacked? 3. Identify the bones of the fore leg and the shoulder girdle. The bone in front, on the ventral side, is the sternum. Of how many pieces is it composed? 4. The dorsal part of the girdle is composed of the scapule. The cartilaginous portion is called the supra-scapula. Note the two coracoid bones, and the two clavicles in front of them, all extending from the sternum to the scapula. 5. The first bone in the arm is the humerus. The next is the bone of the fore-arm, the radius. The bones of the hand are the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges. 6. Study the bones of the hind leg. Identify the femur, the tibia, the tarsal bones, the metatarsals, and phalanges. 7. Examine the skull. Is the lower jaw attached directly to the skull? 8. Observe the movement of the skull in nodding. A rounded prominence on the skull, fitting into a con- cavity of the first vertebra, is called a condyle. Do you find one or two condyles? 94 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY, Additional Facts About the Frog. The frog breathes by lungs, but the lung capacity is small in consequence of the small number and large size of the air cells. Blood is plentifully supplied to the skin by a branch of the pulmo-cutaneous artery. The skin is naked, and when moist, an exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen can take place through it quite readily. This supplements the lung breathing. This accounts in part for the fact that frogs are usually found near a pond or stream of water. When the ground or grass is wet, however, frogs often go long distances from a pond. A frog confined in a dry place, without water, will soon die. Small frogs and toads are sometimes seen hopping over the ground in great numbers, usually after a rain, and this has led to a belief that frogs and toads rain down. The true explanation is that a great num- ber of tadpoles have been developed in a near-by pond or some other body of water, and are just ready to move out from the pond. They seize upon the time of a rain, when the ground and grass and atmosphere are very moist, to leave the place of their develop- ment for some place where food can be more easily secured. The heart has three chambers: two auricles and one ventricle. Only impure, or carbonated blood, is poured into the right auricle, and oxygenated blood, which comes from the lungs, into the left auricle. The two kinds mix in the ventricle, but by a curious arrangement of valves in the beginning of the aorta, the greater portion of the blood that goes to the lungs is that which comes from the right auricle, and the greater part that goes to the system is that which comes from the left auricle. This kind of circulation, in which pure and impure blood mix in the heart, is called a double, incomplete circulation. THE FROG. 95 The two branches into which the aorta separates come together behind the heart, forming one dorsal aorta. large and elliptical in outline, and each is provided with a nucleus. With a compound microscope the movement of blood corpuscles can be seen in the capillaries of the web of a frog’s foot. It can also be observed in the tail of a tad- pole, in the tail fin of a minnow, and in the mesentery of a living frog or toad. Even with a simple lens some movement may be ob- served. The corpuscles of the blood are ony [3 Se =| BLOOD CORPUSCLES OF FROG. The intestine opens into a short, wide sac called the cloaca, which receives also the oviducts and the tubes from the kidneys. The long bones of the legs terminate in cartilaginous caps which are easily sep- arated from the rest of the bones. The frog is without any ribs or diaphragm. In man, these are the organs by means of which the air is taken into the lungs. The frog must breathe in another way. Under the throat or jaw is a large, flat muscle called the mylohyoid muscle. When this muscle is depressed, the cavity of the mouth is enlarged, and air rushes in through the nos- trils. The nostrils are then closed, either by valves in the openings, or by the tip of the tongue, or by both, and the mylohyoid muscle is raised. The air is thereby forced down into the lungs. The process is repeated, air coming from the lungs and mingling in the mouth with fresh air from the out- side. If a frog’s mouth were propped open, could he breathe? os XN 96 INTRODUOTION TO ZOOLOGY. THE TOAD. Study a toad in the same way that you did a frog. Make a table of differences, as follows :— Frog. Toad Sins cere. sy SMOOLBs ccs s Keer meriorsss WAEbY” vicewiessiere oars Hind legs.......... SULONG 3% cea) a nme weak ....--.... go Vane Habitat ............ near water ........... on land .isceee snes. BPS sexcansa a uses in a glairy mass...... laid in strings... .... Tadpoles. ......... lighter colored... ..... black, small ......... Additional Facts About the Toad. The toad is very similar to the frog in general ap- pearance, but its body is thicker, its legs shorter and weaker. Its skin is warty and it is not confined to proximity to water. The skin is furnished with glands, from which a disagreeable liquid may be ejected when the toad is excited by danger or fear of danger. While the liquid is not poisonous, it is suffi- ciently disagreeable to be fairly effective as a means of defense. There is no foundation for the common juvenile belief that handling toads will make warts on a person’s skin. The toad generally remains con- cealed under a stone or doorstep or other suitable object in the daytime, and begins active operations in the early evening. It catches earthworms, caterpil- lars, beetles, and other insects. The tongue is quite extensible, and is attached in front, the free tip lying back in the mouth. This arrangement allows it to be extended farther than it could be if it were fastened at the back,as the human tongue is. It is covered with a slimy, sticky secretion that causes an insect to stick toit when brought into contact with it. The toad catches insects by darting its sticky tongue out upon them. Itis avery skillful marksman, and THE TADPOLE. 97 seldom misses its aim. Collectors of insects often examine the stomachs of toads, finding in them some kinds of beetles the collectors themselves have over- looked. Every toad is a valuable assistant to crop growers, and it should not be killed, except when needed for other purposes. Upon the approach of winter, frogs and toads conceal themselves either in the mud at the bottom of a pond, or in a hole in the ground. Here they remain all winter, without eat- ing, or breathing very much. On the approach of spring, they come out of their winter quarters prepared for another summer’sactivity. Stories of living toads having been found embedded in rocks, where they have lain for thousands of years, are probably all un- true. None have been satisfactorily authenticated. The Tadpole. 1. Notice the shape of the body. In what direction (laterally, or vertically,) is the tail flattened? 2. See the mouth. Is it large or small? Has the tadpole eyelids? Has it legs? 3. Notice the intestine. Cut through the body wall and examine it. How long is it? Is it longer, or shorter, than the intestine of a frog? Remove it. 4. See the gills. How many? Draw. 5. Find the heart. Trace the artery to see whether it goes to the gills or to the system. How many chambers has the heart? 6. Examine a large tadpole. Which pair of legs begins to grow first? What becomes of the tail? What do tadpoles eat? 7. What is the difference between toad tadpoles and frog tadpoles? 8. What is the difference between toad eggs and frog eggs? 98 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Make.a table of differences between a frog and a tadpole. After this has been made, make another column to the table for the statement of the character- istics of a fish. In how many characteristics is the tadpole unlike the frog and like the fish? What is the strongest statement you can make about the similarities of the tadpole and the fish? { Frog. Tadpole. Fish. Shape.......... froP@ei ke: cainnieawisies| sceees eee yall ees Gethanele Rat Breathing...... lungs Mouth. ....... Appendages.... Padhiccss” a even Heart..... 3 Circulation .... Locomotion ... Eyelids .. Intestine . Food..... ees Habitat ........ Review Questions on the Frog. 1. How many eyes has a frog? How many eyelids? With which does it wink? 2. Is there a third eyelid? 3. Are the eyes movable? 4. Has the frog a neck? 5. Where are the nostrils? Do they open into the mouth? 6. Describe the ears. What is the white spot in the ear? 7. Has the frog teeth? 8. Where is the tongue attached? 9. Is the tongue forked or round? 10. Of what use is the tongue? How does the frog seize its food? . Is the skin covered? po ron VON BAER’S PRINCIPLE. 99 . What is the difference between the fore and the hind legs? . How many toes on each foot? . What are the parts of the fore leg? Of the hind leg? . Is there a diaphragm? . Are there any ribs? . How does a frog breathe? . What organs in the body cavity? . What shape is the stomach? . How many lobes has the liver? . Is there a bile sac? . Is there a cloaca? . What tube leads air into the lungs? . Where is the larynx? . What is the size of the Jung cells? . How many chambers has the heart? . Describe the aorta. . What branches does the aorta give off? . What veins bring blood back to the heart? . How many vene cave? . What veins unite to form each? . Name all the parts of the brain. . What nerves did you see? . How many spinal nerves? . How many roots has each nerve? . How many vertebrae? . Name the bones of the pelvic girdle. . Name the bones of the shoulder girdle. . How many condyles? . Where is the mylohyoid muscle? . What are the breathing organs of a tadpole? Von Baer’s Principle. When the frog eggs are first laid, each consists of a single cell. Under proper conditions, the egg cell 100 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. divides into two cells nearly equal to each other in size. These two cells divide again, thus forming four cells nearly equal in size. This process continues, each cell dividing into two, until the whole mass of the ege consists of many cells. At this stage, and for some time afterward, there is nothing in the appearance of the egg itself that would indicate whether the egg is to develop into a vertebrate or into an invertebrate. Its vertebrate characteristics do not begin to appear until after it has manifested the characteristics of an invertebrate animal. In fact, we may say that at one stage of its existence, the tadpole, or frog, manifests all the char- acteristics of an invertebrate. For our present pur- pose, we may say that it passes through the same stages that a worm does, for we may take a worm as being a typical invertebrate. Later, the vertebrate characteristics begin to ap- pear, but it is not yet afrog. It begins to show red blood, a two-chambered heart, and gills, and blood goes from the heart to the gills just as it does ina fish. In fact, it is a fish. Afterward the four legs appear, while the tadpole still keeps its tail. If we compare the tadpole in this stage with the salamander, we see that the two are almost identical, both being tailed Batrachians. But the tadpole goes on to an- other stage. Its tail disappears and it becomes a frog. We may arrange the steps as follows :— Table of Stages in the Development of a Frog. Invertebrate. Fish. Batrachian. Batrachian. Single Tailed Tailless Animal Cell. | Dye ae worm ....| tadpole | salamander.. | LTO siete VON BAER’S PRINCIPLE. 101 If we study the development of any animal, we find a similar series of changes, except that the devel- opment does not always stop with the batrachian. The rabbit, for example, begins as a single animal cell,anegg. It next shows the characteristics of an invertebrate, a worm. Then it comes to have a two- chambered heart and rudimentary gills, like a fish. Next the heart becomes three-chambered and lungs are developed, as in a frog oraturtle. There is so much resemblance between reptiles and batrachians that the two classes of animals are sometimes placed in one group. The reptile is the best type of this group, which would include batrachians, reptiles, and birds. We may say, then, that the rabbit, at one time in its history, is a reptile. But it does not stop here. The heart becomes four-chambered, its body becomes covered with hair, it acquires teeth, and comes to have the characteristics of a mammal. Let us put these facts into a table :— Table of Stages in the Development of a Mammal. Single Animal Cell. Invertebrate. | Vertebrate. | Reptile. Mammal. fish; 3. | reptile. | mammal... This is called the ONToGENETIC OR EMBRYOLOGIC SERIEs. If we take all the animals that now exist and arrange them in the order of their complexity, placing the simplest first, we shall have another series. The simplest animals are one-celled animals. They consist of a single animal cell, thus corresponding in complexity to an egg. The next degree of complexity is represented by the invertebrates. This is a very large group 102 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. of many degrees of complexity. As we have yet studied only one branch, we shall take the inverte- brates as a whole and let them be represented by a worm. The simplest class of vertebrates is the fish. The next group of vertebrates, representing a greater degree of complexity, is the group which includes batrachians, reptiles, and birds. We may take the reptiles as representing this group. The animals of greatest complexity are repre- sented by the mammals, of which we take the rabbit as a type. Arranging these living animals in a series, we shall have the following :— Table of Animals Now Living. 1 2 : 3 4 5 Protozoa. | Invertebrates. Fishes. Reptiles. | Mammals. Egg......-- WONT cine n caved iS reptile..... | mammal... This is called the ZodLocic on TaxoNoMIc SERIES. Next, if we take the animals that have existed and arrange them in the order of their appearance upon the earth, we shall find that the first animals which appeared were undoubtedly protozoans. Each one consisted of a single animal cell. Therefore, they were comparable in complexity to an egg. The next group of animals to appear were inverte- brates. One great period of time is called the Age of Invertebrates. We may let the worm represent the animals which appeared at that time. Another geologic period is called the Age of Fishes, which succeeded immediately the Age of Invertebrates. Then followed the Age of Reptiles, and finally the Age of Mammals. VON BAER’S PRINCIPLE. 103 Putting these facts into a table, we have another series :— Table of Animals Arranged in the Order of their Appearance upon the Earth. 1 2 3 Protozoa. | Invertebrates. | Fishes. A 4 Reptiles. | Mammals. WOLD sis oiccticns ade fish... | reptile .... | mammal... This is called the GEroLocic oR PHYLOGENETIC SERIES. Now putting these Taree Series together, we shall have the following arrangement :— Ontogenetic or Em- bryologic Series ..Jegg .... ...... worm. | fish |reptile |mammal Zodlogic or Taxo- nomic Series. ....|protozoan; egg worm | fish |reptile |mammal Geologic or Phylo- genetic Series. ..|protozoan; egg worm | fish [reptile |mammal We see that there is a complete correspondence in the three series. This is what makes men believe that the higher orders of animals in the history of the earth have been developed from the lower, and that each animal represents in its development (Ontogeny) the history of the race from which it is descended. This last statement is known as von Barr’s PRINCIPLE. CHAPTER VIII. THE PIGEON. 1. Identify the head, beak, and upper and lower mandibles. Can the upper mandible move without moving the skull? 2. Find the nostrils. Insert the head of a pin into the nostrils, to see where they open into the mouth. 3. Observe the swollen membrane, beneath which the nostrils open on the outside. 4. Find the tongue and notice its peculiarities. At the base of the tongue, notice an opening into the windpipe. It is the glottis. 5. See the eyes. How many eyelids do you find? The transparent one is the nictitating mem- brane. In what direction does it move? What is its use? Is there anything homologous to it in your own eye? 6. Find the ears. What peculiarity of the feathers around the ear? Draw the head. The Legs. 1. The segment of the leg next to the body is the thigh. Its bone is the femur. 2. The bone of the leg, or drumstick, is the tibia. 3. The next part of the leg is the tarsus. Is it feathered? Which joint corresponds to the knee? Does a knee ever bend backward? 4. How many toes on each foot? How arranged? 104 THE PIGEON. 105 How many bones, exclusive of claw, in the hind toe? In the inner toe? Middle? Outer? 5. What is the covering of the toes and the tarsus? The Wings. 1. Find three parts of the wing; viz., the arm, forearm, and hand. 2. The large feathers growing on the hand are pri- maries. Those on the forearm are secondaries. If any large feathers grow on the arm, they are called tertiaries. 3. How many primaries are there? How many secondaries? 4. Observe that one side of the primaries is larger than the other. Which side overlaps? Why? 5. Find smaller feathers covering the bases of the primaries and secondaries. These are the wing cov- erts, upper and lower. 6. Find the thumb, which bears one primary, the spurious primary. Has it any coverts? 7. Count the tail feathers. Find the upper and lower tail coverts. 8. The bunches of large feathers on the shoulders are the scapulars. The Body. Pick the pigeon, preserving some of the feathers for future study. 1. Do you find anything besides feathers on the body? 2. Are the feathers arranged in rows, or are they scattered promiscuously over the body? Are there any places where there are no feathers? Can you recognize any down? Any pin feathers? What are pin feathers? 3. See the oil gland on the dorsal side of the tail. What is its use? 106 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. The Internal Structure. 1. Insert a tube into the mouth and inflate the crop. Carefully remove the skin and inflate again. 2. Loosen the crop from the neck and breast. 3. Find the windpipe, or trachea. Describe its structure. bs 4. On each side of the neck is a vein and a white cord. The cord is the pneumogastric nerve. The vein is the jugular vein. 5. Insert the tube into the glottis and inflate the lungs. Observe the swelling of the whole body, and the inflation of the thin-walled air sac in front of the breast bone. Other sacs can be seen just behind the breast bone. 6. Find the ridge of bone along the breast of the pigeon. This is the keel of the sternum. 7. Cut the large muscle of the breast loose from the sternum. The muscle is the pectoralis major. Loosen it all around except at the frontend. Find the white cord (tendon) by which it is attached in front. To what is it attached? What motion is pro- duced when the pectoralis major is pulled? 8. Find the pectoralis minor, or subclavian mus- cle, directly under the pectoralis major. Loosen it, except in front. Trace the tendon to its insertion. What motion is produced when the pectoralis minor is pulled? 9. Scrape the flesh from the breast bone and from the bones in front. Find the wish bone. It consists of the homologues of two clavicles united. Remove it and draw. 10. Find the coracoid bones, extending from the sternum to the shoulder. What is the use of the cora- coid bones and the clavicles? 11. Remove the sternum carefully, clean it, and draw, THE PIGEON. 107 12. Do you find a diaphragm? 13. Find the gizzard. Describe it. 14. The part of the intestine nearest the gizzard is the duodenum. 15. In along loop formed by the duodenum, find the pancreas. 16. Trace the intestine, tearing it loose from a thin, transparent membrane (mesentery) that holds it in place. 17. Find two very short side branches (ceca) near the end. In some kinds of birds the ceca are very long. 18. Find the cloaca, which is the widened termi- nation of the intestine. 19. Find the glandular stomach, in front of the gizzard. See the esophagus leading into it. 20. Remove the glandular stomach, gizzard, and intestine. Examine the gizzard. Open it. Observe its contents and its lining. Of what use is the giz- zard? 21. See the liver. How many lobes? Has it a gall bladder? 22. Can you find the spleen? This is a small red body attached to the right side of the crop. The Circulation. 1. Find the heart. Notice the thin sac (pericardi- um) enclosing it. 2. Find the large artery, the aorta, running for- ward from the heart. What branches does the aorta give off, and where does each go? Toward which side of the pigeon does the aorta turn after leaving the heart? 3. The left subclavian is the name of the artery which goes to the left wing. The left carotid is the one which goes to the head. It branches off from the 108 NTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. left subclavian. Find also the right subclavian and the right carotid. Trace the aorta backward, where it is called the dorsal aorta. 4, Find veins leading the blood to the heart. The one from the liver is the vena cava inferior. Find two others coming from the front, right and left vene cavee superiores. 5. Find the artery which carries the blood to the lungs. This is the pulmonary artery. Find veins which carry the blood back from the lungs. These are pulmonary veins. How many are there? 6. Cut off all the arteries and veins as far from the heart as youcan. Identify the parts of the heart. 7. Find the two auricles, right and left. What tube enters each auricle? 8. Identify the two ventricles, right and left. What arteries leave each ventricle? 9. Make a complete drawing of the heart and blood vessels. The Reproductive Organs. 1. In the back, find the ovaries in the female, or two white oval bodies, the testes, in the male. 2. Find a tube leading from the reproductive organs to the cloaca. In the female, this is called the oviduct. 3. In the posterior part of the back, find the kid- neys, two dark colored, irregular bodies. Find tubes leading from the kidneys to the cloaca. The Respiratory Organs. 1. Find the trachea, or windpipe. Describe its structure. How many rings of cartilage has it? 2. Find the larynx, at the top of the trachea. 3. Find the two bronchial tubes, at the bottom of the trachea. THE PIGEON. 109 4. Find the syrinx, or lower larynx, at the place where the two bronchial tubes divide. The song of the bird is produced in the syrinx. 5. Inflate the lungs by means of a tube inserted into the trachea. Are the lungs free, or attached to the back? What holds them in place? What causes air to go into the lungs? ea The Skull. t 1. Separate the head from the neck, and scrape as much flesh from it as you can. 2. Find the large hole at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord runs. This is the occipital foramen. 3. In front of the occipital foramen, find a round- ish, convex knob or surface. This is the occipital condyle. Is there one, or more than one? 4. See how the lower jaw joins the skull. The very small bone by which the lower jaw articulates with the skull is the quadrate bone. 5. Find a slender bone along the lower edge of the upper mandible. This is the jugal or maxillary bone. Where is it attached at each end? 6. When the lower jaw is depressed, what effect does the motion have upon the quadrate bone? Upon the jugal bone? Upon the upper mandible? 7. Draw the skull, showing all the above men- tioned parts. 8. Separate two or three vertebre from the neck. Clean and draw them. The Nervous System. 1. Find the spinal cord in the neck. Do you find the roots of any nerves? 2. Look into the body cavity, near the backbone, 110 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. between the ribs, for nerves. How many pairs do you find? 3. Find nerves leading from the spinal cord to the wings, and to the legs. Howdo these nerves com- pare in size with other spinal nerves? 4. Slice off the top of the skull and expose the brain. Make out the following parts: the cerebrum, in front, consisting of two lobes separated by a deep groove; the cerebellum, undivided, behind ; the optic lobes, at the sides, below the cerebrum and cerebellum. 5. Lift up the brain and see the optic nerves run- ning to the eyes. Do they cross? Do they unite with each other? 6. Draw the brain. The Feathers. 1. Study one of the large wing feathers. The hollow rounded part is the calamus, or quill. The ex- panded part is the vane. The central portion of the vane is the rhachis. The small divisions on each side of the rhachis are the barbs. 2. Examine a few of the barbs. See the barbules, interlacing between the barbs. These hold the barbs in position. 3. Do you find any barbules on the down? 4, Draw a feather. An Egg. 1. Note the shape, size, and smoothness of the shell. Are the two ends alike? 2. Break the shell and examine the lining. Of how many layers is the lining composed? In which end is the air bubble? 3. Is the ‘‘ white ’’ all alike, or is there more than one kind? THE PIGEON. 111 4. Observe a thin membrane, the vitelline mem- brane, around the yolk. 5. Notice two twisted strings, the chalaze, run- ning from the vitelline membrane in the white. 6. In the yolk, notice the nucleus. clear through? Does it extend 7. In the nucleus, see the nucleolus. Make a table showing differences between a pigeon and a fish, thus :— Fish. Pigeon GONETING cts, ssa onsale teeiene bette cattenrnGni aul lew wionantmnare weg oa APPCNdAPeS inca Ges aws leea nto esaes aileate eee Senses RADIA bias eich ssa altn’ Wows coat cree sarge a all weg emeainedte ez eee 4% Locomotion cxéi06 oc aeqis| ewes = SUITIVEI, pezteroeds = a — Arqgeuuss a a = TRL} RTI wieysds sno -AIOU JOUTY — = = = -SIp ‘SUeVZ.10 OATJSOSIp eqeredes = a = = cs AYTABO ~~ = =a _ = Apoq Moypoy s33e Aq = = = = = = sonpordat {s[jeo AueuL = ae ay a = = SOTISTIOJOR e i = i _ _ = -IBYO [VUILUB *BVIG9IIIA “epodo1yjry *BOSNTIOTAL “"SOULIO A VIVULIOPOMIYOM] “BIV1IOIUITHH *R19TIIOF *R0Z0J01g “q1qqey ‘rad doyssery) WRID “ULIOMUIIET “YsyaRys “eIpAH ‘asuodg “mM1ND WRIeT SMOT[OJ SB ‘sTRUITUR Jo SdNOIS UOIEYIP It} OF SURSIO Jo VOTJIPPL OY} SULMOYS O[qeq B OYLIAL 168 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. An examination of the foregoing table shows us what is meant by a more complex structure. In gen- eral, each animal named in the table possesses the positive characteristics of the several animals preced- ing it and some special peculiarities of its own. We are ready also from a study of this table to make a logical definition of each branch; e.g., an Arthropod is an animal that iscomposed of many cells, has ahollow body cavity and separate digestive system, is bilaterally symmetrical, has specialized breathing organs, jointed appendages, and an exoskeleton. Compare this definition with the one derived from the table of resemblances on page 77. Have we learned anything about the grasshopper since we ceased studying it? GENERAL REVIEW TOPICS. Define Ontogenetic series. Define Phylogenetic series. Define Taxonomic series. What is a notochord? What is meant by homologous organs? What is meant by bilateral symmetry? What is radial symmetry? What is a parasite? How many methods of breathing have you found? 10. What is the essential process in breathing? 11. What is the essential organ in breathing? 12. How many methods of locomotion have you found? 13. What is meant by protective resemblance? 14. What is meant by mimicry? 15. What are warning colors? 16. What classes of animals have no nervous system? 17. What are vestigial organs? Give examples. 18. What methods of escape from their enemies do animals employ? OID OU 8 pO GENERAL REVIEW TOPICS. 169 . What different kinds of covering have animals? What is meant by metamorphosis? . What are the principal groups in classification? . What is von Baer’s Principle? . What is meant by Natural Selection? . What is meant by The Survival of the Fittest? . What animals are useful to man? Z . What animals are injurious to man? State the rules for naming animals. . What methods of reproduction have you found? . What is parthenogenesis? What is hermaph- roditism? CHAPTER XI. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL, WITH SUGGESTIONS UPON ITS MANAGEMENT IN THE CLASS. The following chapter is designed to aid teachers and pupils in collecting and preserving material for class use. It is given as the.result of ten years’ expe- rience with large classes, during which many devices have been tried and many failures recorded. Every device suggested here has been successfully employed. GRASSHOPPERS.—About five grasshoppers will be needed for each pupil in the class. These are best collected in the early fall. The large Melanoplus dif- ferentialis is easily collected in some places. An in- sect net will usually be needed to collect them. The grasshoppers should be killed by dropping them im- mediately into a bottle of alcohol. They should after- wards be transferred to such jars as Mason fruit jars and kept in strong, clear alcohol. CrickEets.—One for each pupil in the class will be sufficient. They should be searched for by turning over boards, stones, logs, and bunches of grass. They can be captured by hand or by anet. They should be preserved in alcohol, in the same manner as grass- hoppers. Katypips.— Sometimes they can be obtained around electric lights. Usually they can be captured on low bushes, such as willows, or in the meadow grass. In general, all insects are most satisfactorily preserved in strong alcohol. 170 COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL. 171 WALKING sTICKs can be found in most places in the United States on low bushes. Sometimes they will be found very abundantly over a limited area, as on a sin- gle tree or a small number of trees. No net is needed for their capture. BUTTERFLIES are usually plentiful over flowers or in a clover field. Occasionally the Anosia are in very great numbers for two or three days ata time. They should be killed in a cyanide bottle, or by pouring a few drops of chloroform or gasoline along the sides of the abdomen. They should be preserved dry. A piece of paper about five inches square is folded cor- nerwise, one of the edges turned over, and the butter- fly dropped in. A fold of the other edge closes the triangle. Forty-eight hours before the butterflies are needed for use the paper triangles containing them are sprinkled heavily with water and placed in a tin box with an air tight cover. The dried tissues will then relax and the butterflies will be as useful as if freshly caught. It will be found necessary to raise caterpillars to obtain chrysalids, although in some places cocoons of such moths as Cecropia may be cut from the trees. Caterpillars are also to be preserved in strong alcohol. BEETLEs may be found by turning over logs and stones. Some kinds, such as Harpalus, are frequently found in great numbers under electric lights. Grubs must be searched for by digging up the ground. In early spring the grubs are frequently numerous in meadows. SquasH BuGs can usually be found wherever squash vines grow. In August or September is the best time to look for them. GIANT WATER BUGS are most easily collected from under electric lights. They may be drawn from shal- low ponds with a minnow seine, and a very similar bug, though smaller, Zaitha fluminea, is found abun- dantly in similar places. TD. INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Dragon Friigs of the larger kind are hard to cap- ture in quantities. Smaller species of Agrion may be used instead of the larger Libellulide. The larvee may be dragged from a pond with a minnow seine or a dip net. It is very advantageous to have a wire net for dip- ping specimens from the water. A hemispherical fly screen, such as is sometimes used for covering table dishes is very convenient for this purpose, when soldered to the wire hoop of an insect net. BUMBLEBEES are easily captured in a clover field. They are most abundant in early fall. They are most easily captured in an insect net, although on a cool morning a net is superfluous. Every farm boy knows how to jug bumblebees. When a nest is found, a jug containing a small quan- tity of water is unstopped and set near the opening of the nest. The nest is then stirred up lively with a pole, and the operator retires with celerity to a safe distance. The bumblebees that come out of the nest, finding no one to attack, will begin to settle down, but instead of returning to the nest, most of them will go by pairs into the jug. Hornets may be captured by closing the aperture of the nest and injecting chloroform until all commo- tion ceases. Mud nests should be procured whenever they are finished. If necessary, wasps may be collected from the flowers. HovusE FLIES may be most easily secured from a wire trap. SPIDERS may be captured with the hands. There is no danger from a spider bite, and spiders very seldom bite. The brilliant Argiope riparia is frequently found in great numbers along hedges or on low bushes where cattle and other stock are not allowed to run. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL. 173 CENTIPEDES may be found by turning over flat stones or logs, or pulling loose the bark from dead and decaying stumps and trees. CRAWFISH may be captured with a minnow seine, or caught with bait. A piece of liver as large as a man’s fist is tied to a string and thrown into the stream. Crawfish cluster over it and cling to it, even when drawn above the water. A net or dredge gently slipped under the combination of liver and crawfish will prevent the escape of many. Crawfish should be boiled before being put into strong alcohol. Sow sues are to be looked for under boards or other articles that lie on the ground. They are found only in damp places. TADPOLES are collected from ponds in early spring. It is well to collect a supply of toad eggs, frog eggs, young tadpoles that show the gills, larger tadpoles for dissection, and tadpoles that show the legs in various stages of development. If some frog eggs or toad eggs are discovered that are freshly laid, or better, if a female is confined in a jar at the time when the eggs are deposited, the different stages in the egg develop- ment may be obtained. Two-celled, four-celled, eight- celled, sixteen-celled, and thirty-two-celled stages are all easily recognized with a simple lens. Toad eggs and all other soft material are best pre- served in formalin. This can be obtained from drug stores for about sixty cents a pound. Four per cent of formalin has been found a very satisfactory strength for laboratory use. Dilute one pound of formalin with about twenty-four pounds of water. Put it into fruit jars and drop frog eggs, tadpoles, and such ma- terial intoit. This effective preservative for less than twenty-five cents a gallon. Frogs and toads are preserved also in formalin. FisH may be captured in the fishing season and preserved in the same way, but if the school is near a i174 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. market, it will be found better to purchase them fresh when they are needed. For the proper preservation of vertebrate material while it is being studied, two plans may be used. Usually it will be found advantageous to study verte- brates in the winter, that being the most convenient time for procuring and preserving the material. A large ice box will be found very convenient to keep the specimens in from day to day. If the weather is warm, the ice box may have ice to keep the specimens cool. If the weather is very cold, the ice box may serve to keep the specimens from being frozen too hard, while still cold enough to be preserved. A more satisfactory way, however, is to preserve the vertebrate specimens in one per cent formalin. Each day at the close of the study period the speci- mens are put into a large receptacle, like a wash boiler, galvanized iron bucket, or any other article of that nature. The next day they must be taken out and distributed, work being resumed where it had been left off. Specimens preserved in this way will need to be tagged. Small strips of zinc written on with a lead pencil and tied to the specimen with a pining have proved very satisfactory. The principal objection to such use of formalin is that it bleaches out the blood vessels, making them difficult to trace; but it rather improves the muscles and nervous system. For the satisfactory handling of vertebrate mate- rial, some large iron pans like baking bans (which can be procured very cheap) will be found convenient. Eartuworms should be procured fresh if possible ; but they may be preserved in formalin. CLAMS AND OysTERS can be bought in the market ; but if available markets are not near, fresh-water COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL. 175 clams, snails, and slugs should be collected and pre- served in four per cent formalin. A supply of shells should be kept for the purpose of identifying the principal parts before beginning to study the struc- ture of the body. STARFISH must be procured from the seashore. They are usually preserved in formalin, and will keep indefinitely. The usual cost is about two dol- lars per dozen. FRESH-WATER SPONGES must be collected late in the fall; September and October are the best months. Until this season, the gemmules are not matured and the growth has not reached its maximum. For most purposes it is sufficient to dry them and then preserve them from the dust in boxes. To study the flesh and cellular structure, they should be preserved in forma- lin or very strong alcohol. Absolute alcohol is the best preservative of sponges when careful dissection is intended. Sponges should be dropped into abso- lute alcohol as soon as collected. Hypras, DAPHNIA, CYPRIS, CYCLOPS, VORTICELLA, PARAMECIUM, STENTOR, AND AM@BA would better be obtained in a fresh condition. This means that, as a general thing, these animals would better be studied in the spring or in the fall, Aquaria once stocked with them and kept in the schoolroom will usually furnish a fairly good supply of one or all of these forms. A jar, with a handful of hay put into it and let stand from year to year, will usually show several forms of protozoa, including vorticella and paramecium. It is better to keep all aquaria covered. - This prevents the growth of a screen of bacteria which is destructive to most other life in the aquaria. If this be done, the water will not need any changing. Pupils should be encouraged to collect their own material and material for the class whenever possible. 176 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. There is nothing like making the acquaintance of an animal at home; but the wise teacher will always have a supply of material on hand from which he may draw when the exigencies of the occasion demand it. Alcohol for laboratory use may be obtained from any distillery in half-barrel or barrel quantities with- out paying the internal revenue tax. Permission must be obtained from the government through the internal revenue collector for the district, and a bond for double the amount of the tax must be filed with him to insure the legitimate use of the alcohol. Each pupil should be provided with a lens, a pair of forceps, a pair of scissors, and a sharp knife or scalpel. These can be obtained for about one dollar. It is most profitable for the school to furnish these instruments. Each pupil should also have a dissecting dish, an alcohol cup, a pair of dissecting needles, a towel, and a piece of soap. A candy tray which can be bought for ten cents makes a very good dissecting dish. A small museum jar with a tight fitting lid makes a good alcohol cup, but a wide mouthed bottle with a tight cork may be substituted. A screw capped oint- ment bottle does very well. The dissecting needles may be made by thrusting the eye end of a sewing needle into the end of a pine stick, whittled into the shape of a lead pencil. A notebook in which the pupil records his observations and drawings is indispensable. A small collection of illustrative material will be found of great help. A collection of insects, showing the most common forms in the immediate vicinity, will be useful and capable of arousing great interest. The insects should be killed in a cyanide bottle, pinned with insect pins, and preserved in an insect case. A cigar box with a layer of sheet cork tacked COLLECTING AND PRESERVING MATERIAL. 177 in the bottom serves very well for some purposes. Spool cases, which can be obtained for a small amount of money, are more convenient. These should be prepared by lining the bottoms of the drawers with sheet cork and covering the surface of the cork with white paper ruled into squares. The squares aid very much in the arrangement of the different species. The entire drawer should be covered with a pane of glass supported by a small piece of wood at each cor- ner. A lump of camphor kept in each drawer will effectually protect its contents from destruction by moths and dermestes. A better method, though more expensive, is to buy Comstock boxes and use the block system of keeping collections. The wings of butterflies should be spread on a set- ting board. This is made by nailing two smooth pine boards, $ of an inch thick and two feet long, about # of an inch apart. The space between them is covered by sheets of cork. This forms a grooved board with the bottom of the groove lined with cork. The butterfly is pinned through the thorax with an insect pin. This pin is stuck into the cork at the bot- tom of the groove. The wings are drawn out at the sides so that the hind edges of the fore wings form a straight line across the board. Strips of paper are then pinned to the board across the wings to fasten them in position until they become dry. Individual specimens of spiders, myriapods, and insect larvae may be kept in homeopathic vials, pre- served in strong alcohol. Snail shells are best preserved in small boxes, or in homeopathic vials if the shells are very small. Much advantage will be derived from a series of mounted slides of parts of insects such as are figured in this book. If one knows exactly what to look for, a good deal of the structure can be made out with the hand lens. Such slides are easily prepared. Put the 178 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. object (for example, the tongue of a fly) into strong alcohol. This should be either absolute (one hundred per cent is always preferred) or ninety-eight per cent, or even ninety-five per cent. It should then be placed on a glass slip 1x3 inches and covered with clove oil. In afew minutes the excess of clove oil should be removed with a blotter, and the object covered with a drop of Canada balsam made liquid with xylol. A cover glass is then placed on the slide, with the object in the center, and pressed down with a clamp like a spring clothes pin. In a few days the balsam near the edges will be dry, and any excess may be scraped off with a knife. The principal dif- ficulties will be to use alcohol strong enough to remove all the water, and ¢o avoid the inclusion of a bubble of air in the balsam. If only one compound microscope can be had, it may be made very serviceable to a whole class by means of a porte lumiere. This is easily and cheaply made as follows: Set a board twenty inches wide across a window, under the sash. Cut a hole four inches in diameter near one edge of this, and in this hole mount a double convex lens having a focus of about twelve inches. The lens is the condenser. Directly under the lens, near the bottom of the board, cut a slit large enough to allow another board six inches wide and # inch thick to pass. Let this transverse board extend about a foot outside the room. Fasten it firmly. On the outer end of the board, mount a mirror 9x12 inches in such a manner that it can be turned in two directions. Small iron rods running from the mirror frame to the inside of the window board may be used to turn and hold it. The mirror is used to reflect sunlight upon the condenser. This concentrates the rays of light toa point at the focus, To take out the rays of heat, a tank composed of two plates of glass separated at the HOMEMADE PORTE LUMIERE. 179 ends and bottom by a thick rubber tube and clamped together, is filled with a saturated solution of alum and set in front of the condenser. A microscope is set on the transverse board so that the front of the object glass shall be at or near the focus of the condenser. An object is placed upon the stage, the mirror of the microscope is turned out of HOMEMADE PORTE LUMIERE. (Arranged for projecting microscopic objects.) the way, the tube is placed horizontally, and the image is projected upon a wall or screen and focused by the microscope adjustment. The room of course must be darkened. Screens made of carpet paper or black calico are very effective; but if regular opaque shades mounted on rollers can be procured, of course they are to be preferred. With this instrument, a microscopic object is seen by a whole class at once in its natural colors. Moving objects, such as_proto- 180 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. plasm, crustaceans, vinegar worms, blood corpuscles in the tail of a minnow or in the web of a frog’s foot, are shown as easily as with a mounted slide. Small glass tanks, made by cementing rubber ends and bottom to two glass slips for sides, are useful for showing living animalcules. A picture of such an apparatus, which cost, all told, $1.50, exclusive of the microscope, is here given. It has been found very effective and useful. MICROGRAPHIC CAMERA, (Arranged for showing a microscopic object to several persons at once.) Another device for showing an object to a class is easily available, and a picture “of this also is given. This device,called a micrographic camera, was designed and used for photographing from a microscope, but it was found to be very useful also for showing an ob- ject to half a dozen persons at once, and has been used for that purpose. MICROGRAPHIC CAMERA. 181 A starch box, by means of a piece fastened to its side, is clamped to an upright piece supported on a base. The top of the starch box holds a piece of ground glass in aframe. In the bottom of the box is a hole large enough to receive the tube of a microscope. To use the apparatus, an object is placed on the stage, the mirror reflects sunlight up the tube, the im- age appears on the ground glass, and is focused by the microscope adjustment. Half a dozen pupils can see the object at once if a large cloth be thrown over the heads of the whole group, thus excluding much of the light. : CHAPTER XII. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. The classification of animals is in a very unsatis- factory condition. There is no general agreement among naturalists concerning it. The following ar- rangement of the principal groups of animals will serve as a kind of background, or map of the animal Kingdom, in which the student may locate the ani- mals he has studied and see the extent of untraveled territory. BRANCH I. PROTOZOA. Single-celled animals. CLASS 1. Rhizopoda.—Amceba. 2. Sporozoa.—All parasitic. 3. Flagellata.—Each animal is provided with a ' flagellum, or large vibrating hair. 4. Infusoria.—Vorticella, Paramcecium, etc. BRANCH II. PORIFERA. Sponges. CLASS 1. Calcarea.—Spicules calcareous. 2. Cornacuspongia.—Fresh-water and commercial sponges. 8. Spiculispongia.—Uniaxial or tetra-axial siliceous sponges. 4. Hyalospongia—Six-rayed siliceous spicules. BRANCH III. C@LENTERATA. Animals with a per- manent body cavity. CLASS 1. Hydromedusce.—Hy dra. 2. Scyphomedusee.—Jelly fishes. 3. Anthozoa.—Corals. 4. Ctenophora. Ctenophores. 182 CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 183 BRANCH IV. HLCHINODERMATA. Rough skinned animals. CLASS 1. Crinoidea.—Crinoids, mostly extinct. Asteroidea.—Starfish. Echinoidea.—Sea urchin. Holothuroidea.—Sea cucumber. BRANCH V. VERMES. Worms. CLASS 1. Platyhelminthes.—Flat worms. irae 09 2. Nematelminthes.—Thread worms. 3. Rotatoria.—Rotifers. 4. Polyzoa. 5. Brachiopoda.—Have shells, like a clam. 6. Tunicata. 7. Nemertina. 8. Enteropneusta. 9. Gephyrea. 10. Annulata.—Earthworm, leech. BRANCH VI. MOLLUSCA. CLASS 1. Lamellibranchiata.—Clam, oyster. 2. Gasteropoda.—Snail. 3. Cephalopoda.—Squid. BRANCH VII. ARTHROPODA. Jointed appendages. CLASS 1. Crustacea. ORDER 1. Cirripedia.—Barnacles. 2. Entomostraca.—Cyclops, etc. 3. Tetradecapoda.—Sow bug, etc. 4. Decapoda.—Crawfish. CLASS 2. Myriapoda. ORDER 1. Chilognatha.—Have two pairs of legs to each segment. 2. Chilopoda.—Centipede. CLASS 3. Arachnida. ORDER 1. Acarina.—Ticks and mites. 2. Pedipalpi.—Daddy longlegs. 3. Araneina.—Spiders. CLASS 4. Insecta. ORDER 1. Neuroptera.—Dragon fly. Orthoptera.—Grasshopper. Hemiptera.—Squash bug. Coleoptera.—Beetle. Diptera.—House fly. Lepidoptera.—Butterfly. Hymenoptera.—Bumble bee. SEO tS 184 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. BRANCH VIIL VERTEBRATA. CLASS 1. Pisces. ORDER 1. Leptocardii.cAmphioxus. 2. Marsipobranchii.—Lamprey. 3. Elasmobranchit.—Sharks and 1ays. 4. Ganoidei.—Garpike. 5. Teleostei.—Nearly all common fishes. CLASS 2. Batrachia. ; ORDER 1. Proteida.—Persistent gills. Proteus. 2. Urodela:—Salamander. 3. Anura.—Frog and toad. CLASS 3. Reptilia. ORDER 1. Ophidia.—Snakes. 2. Lacertilia,—Lizards. 3. Chelonia.—Turtles. 4. Crocodilia.—Alligator. CLASS 4. Aves. ORDER 1. Cursores.—Ostrich. 2. Steganopodes.—Cormorant, pelican. 3. Pygopodes.—Loon. 4. Longipennes.—Gulls. 5. Tubinares.—Petrel. 6. Anseres.—Geese and ducks. 7. Herodiones.—Herons. 8. Paludicole.—Marsh birds. Crane. 9. Limicole.—Shore birds. Snipe. 10. Raptores.—Hawks and owls. 11. Psittaci.—Parrots. 12. Gallince.—Chickens and turkeys. 13. Columbee.—Pigeons. 14. Coecyges.—Cuckoos. 15. Picit.—Woodpeckers. 16. Machrochires.-Humming birds. 17. Passeres.—Sparrows, etc. CLASS 5. Mammalia. ORDER 1. Monotremata.—Ornithorhynchus. Marsupialia,—Opossum. Edentata.—Sloth. Rodentia.—Rabbit. Insectivora.—Hedgehog, mole. Cheiroptera.—Bat. Cetacea.—Whales and dolphins. Sirenia.—Manatee. Proboscidea.—Elephant. Ungulata.—Horse, cow. Carnivora.—Cat, dog. Primates.—Monkeys, man. a SYeranERwe me toe CHAPTER XIII. ANALYTICAL TABLES, FOR DETERMINING THE FAMILIES OF INSECTS. How to Use the Tables. The purpose of the following tables is to enable a student to find the family to which an insect belongs. Their principal value is to direct the attention of the student to the morphological differences that separate families from each other. Morphological differences are not of the greatest importance, and in some instances may seem very trivial, but they enable us to designate, easily and clearly, families that differ widely from each other in habits, life history, and economic importance. The study of type forms of animals is not sufficient in itself to give us any idea of the wealth of animal life that exists around us. Particularly is this true of insects, with their 250,000 species already described. A very little time devoted to the determination of insect families will add largely to our appreciation of their importance. Although tables for six orders are given, it is not expected that one class will try to master all of them. It is better for one class or one student to confine himself to the insects of one order until a satisfactory familiarity with the insects of that order has been acquired. In many instances it will be found very difficult 185 186 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. to render a proper decision where an alternative is offered. There are two reasons for this: First, the student may not know the meaning of the terms employed, or have a satisfactory image of the things they represent. A study of the glossaries and the structure of the insect will help to overcome this diffi- culty. Second, the distinguishing mark is often one of comparison, expressed by longer, shorter, thicker, slender, somewhat, etc. This can be aided only by comparison of many insects, and will be overcome by experience. Every teacher and every student ought to know how to use a set of analytical tables. That in itself is a valuable acquisition. Let us study how to use these. Weshould always make a careful examination of the specimen in hand before turning to the tables. Suppose each student has a beetle in hand. The first division of the Coleoptera is marked— A—Head not distinctly prolonged into a beak. It is or it is not prolonged. If it is prolonged, we omit all divisions under A— and go to AA—; but if it is not prolonged, we read the next division,— B—Hind tarsi with the same"number of joints as the others. The hind tarsus either has or has not the same num- ber as the others, so we say ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘ No,’’ accord- ing as it agrees or disagrees with the characterization in B—. If we decide ‘‘ No,’’ we turn at once to— BB—Front and middle tarsi 5-jointed; hind tarsi 4-jointed. If our previous decision was right, it must fit here. Then we read— C—Anterior coxal cavities closed behind. They are either closed or open. If open, we omit all intervening divisions and go at once to— CC—Anterior coxal cavities open behind. ANALYTICAL TABLES. 187 Next we go to the first division under CC—, which is— D—Head not suddenly and strongly constricted at the base. We must determine first what is meant by suddenly and strongly constricted at the base, and here some known examples will help us greatly. Suppose we decide that the head is suddenly and strongly con- stricted. Wesay ‘‘No,’’ to D—and proceed to DD—. The first division under DD— is— E—Lateral sutures of the thorax distinct; base as wide as the elytra. If we say ‘‘No’’ to this, we go to— EE—Lateral sutures of the thorax wanting. The first division under this is— F—Tarsi perfect, with distinct claws; eyes normal; prothorax at the base narrower than the elytra. An examination of F—, FF—, and FF F— shows that the narrow prothorax distinguishes F— from FF—, and the eyes normal, with distinct claws, distinguishes F— from FFF—. Suppose we say ‘‘ Yes’’ to this character, we go to— G—Hind coxee not prominent. If we decide that the hind cox are prominent, we go to GG—, the first division of which is— H—Claws simple; head horizontal. If we say ‘‘No’”’ to this, we go to— HH—Claws cleft or toothed; front of head vertical,— and at the end of this line we find, in parenthesis, the name of the family, Meloide, which is the family of blister beetles, all of which have a very curious life history. Half a dozen beetles traced through in this way will give us a very fair understanding of the tables. The names of ‘the families all end in —idz, and the accent falls on the syllable just before this termination. 188 INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. Table for Determining the Orders of Insects. A- Mouth parts fitted for biting. B—Yore and hind wings of dilferent textures. : f C—Fore wings hard and horny, not useful for flying; hind wings mem- branous, naked, folding longitudinally and Pee Beetles. (Coleoptera.) CC—Iore wings leathery, sometimes wanting; hind wings membranous, folding longitudinally; direct metamorphosis..... _+++-(Orthoptera.) BB—Fore and hind wings similar in texture, but seldom folding. (Neuroptera.) AA—Mouth parts fitted for sucking, lapping, or piercing. : B—Wings only two, hind wings rudimentary.........-..6. sees e eee (Diptera. ) BB—Wings four. C—Wings clear with few veins; biting mandibles present. (Hymenoptera.) CC—Wings scaly; mouth parts a long, coiled sucking tube. (Lepidoptera. ) CCC-—Wings either membranous, or front pair horny at the base; mouth WATH @ JOINTEM DEKE: ies ieioieis saiesie.sie doe! sie'bibr0 wis nie bin-8ie 0/8 carey (Hemiptera. ) Table for Determining the Families of Orthoptera. A—Hind legs enlarged and fitted for leaping. B—Antennee much shorter than the body; ovipositor short; auditory organ OD: ther AbA omen www wis Sohecwn wy bis Maha 3.9) sates . ..(Acrididee.) BB—Antennz much longer than the body; auditory organ on the fore legs. C—Tarsi composed of three segments; abdomen with long, hairy anal sty- lets; color generally brown or black. Crickets .............. (Gryllidee.) CC—Tarsi composed of four segments; anal stylets short; ovipositor flat or sword-shaped; color generally green. Katydids......... (Locustidee.) AA—Hind legs not fitted for leaping; tarsi of five segments. B—Fore legs enlarged and fitted for grasping; head transverse, wider than the thorax; thorax greatly elongated.... 0... .... seen ae eee ee (Mantide.) BB—Legs all nearly alike and fitted for walking; head exposed and not especially wider than the thorax; body greatly elongated. Walking STICK Shee Guin, (hae aes Aine, nt chen thss hada > sides cee abenrie Wr tyaaE ae. Teme Phasmide.) BBB—Legs alike and used for locomotion; head concealed beneath the shield- shaped prothorax; body flattened. Cockroaches........... (Blattidee.) Table for Determining the Families of Hemiptera. (Arranged by permission from Comstock’s Entomology.) A—Beak jointed; with or without wings. B—First pair of wings thickened at the base, thinner at the tip. C—Antenne shorter than the head, and nearly or quite concealed in a cavity beneath the eyes. D—Hind tarsi without claws. E—Fore tarsi_flattened, with a fringe of hairs on the edge, and without claws. Head overlapping the prothorax................. (Corisidee. ) EE—Fore tarsi of the usual form, and with two claws; head inserted in the: protheran: