A HI ST TOR uY A. | in 1 the WE: PERN e' HEMISPHERE ® 4 9 r : + * 4 f " oN - ’ Pf eh + % . ro) “ps ae ' et aa : > As CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Cornell University Lib: QE 881.843 won ei 3 1924 004 446 211 essr Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924004446211 A HISTORY OF LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK » BOSTON - CHICAGO - DALLAS ATLANTA - SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limrrep LONDON - BOMBAY » CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Lrp. TORONTO *9OBI ULBYINOS ay} JO oN} Uo sAVY AVUI sv ‘ssaTIIEY STyUBYds[a ayL *(2quinjoo| spydajq) yuRYydey— ue Jo ssvo1ed ay} UO (snIIULOL4{DI uopopiwg |) Ist jy, 4}00j-s1qeg| pue (Snuip| SlUDD) S®ATOAA JUTTDH| : BIUIOSTTVO ULeYYNOS UI [OOd-1v} 9UBD0}SId[q YW -— ‘TOMIdSILNOUT A HISTORY OF LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE BY WILLIAM B. SCOTT Pu.D. (Heidelberg), Hon. D.Sc. (Harvard & Oxford), LL.D. (Univ. of Pennsylvania) BLAIR PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND PALZONTOLOGY IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY ILLUSTRATED WITH 32 PLATES AND MORE THAN 100 DRAWINGS BY BRUCE HORSFALL » Neto Bork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1913 All rights reserved EN, CoryRicut, 1913, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published November, 1913, Norwood Press J. 8. Cushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. DE Dedicated TO MY CLASSMATES HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN anp FRANCIS SPEIR IN MEMORY OF A NOTABLE SUMMER AFTERNOON IN 1876 AND IN TOKEN OF FORTY YEARS’ UNCLOUDED FRIENDSHIP Speak to the earth and it shall teach thee. — Jos, xii, 8. Can these bones live ? — EZEKIEL, xxxvii, 3. PREFACE OnE afternoon in June, 1876, three Princeton undergraduates were lying under the trees on the canal bank, making a languid pretence of preparing for an examination. Suddenly, one of the trio remarked: “I have been reading an old magazine article which describes a fossil-collecting expedition in the West; why can’t we get up something of the kind?” The others replied, as with one voice, “ We can; let’s do it.” This seemingly idle talk was, for Osborn and myself, a momentous one, for it completely changed the careers which, as we then believed, had been mapped out for us. The random suggestion led directly to the first of the Princeton paleontological expeditions, that of 1877, which took us to the “ Bad Lands” of the Bridger region in southwestern Wyoming. The fascination of discovering and exhuming with our own hands the remains of the curious creatures which once inhabited North America, but became extinct ages ago, has proved an enduring delight. It was the wish to extend something of this fascinating interest to a wider circle, that occasioned the preparation of this book. The western portion of North America has preserved a marvel- lous series of records of the successive assemblages of animals which once dwelt in this continent, and in southernmost South America an almost equally complete record was made of the strange animals of that region. For the last half-century, or more, many workers haye codperated to bring this long-vanished world to light and to decipher and interpret the wonderful story of mammalian development in the western hemisphere. The task of making this history intelligible, not to say interesting, to the layman, has been one of formidable difficulty, for it is recorded in the successive modifications of the bones and teeth, and without some knowledge of osteology, these records are in an unknown ix x PREFACE tongue. To meet this need, Chapter III gives a sketch of the mammalian skeleton and dentition, which the reader may use as the schoolboy uses a vocabulary to translate his Latin exercise, referring to it from time to time, as may be necessary to make clear the descriptions of the various mammalian groups. Techni- cal terms have been avoided as far as possible, but, unfortunately, it is not practicable to dispense with them altogether. The appended glossary will, it is hoped, minimize the inconvenience. No one who has not examined it, can form any conception of the enormous mass and variety of material, illustrating the history of American mammals, which has already been gathered into the various museums. A full account of this material would require many volumes, and one of the chief problems in the preparation of this book has been that of making a proper selection of the most instructive and illuminating portions of the long and com- plicated story. Indeed, so rapid is the uninterrupted course of discovery, that parts of the text became antiquated while in the press and had to be rewritten. As first prepared, the work proved to be far too long and it was necessary to excise several chapters, for it seemed better to cover less ground than to make the entire history hurried and superficial. The plan of treatment adopted involves a considerable amount of repetition, but this is perhaps not a disadvantage, since the same facts are considered from different points of view. The facts which are here brought together have been ascer- tained by many workers, and I have borrowed with the greatest freedom from my fellow labourers in the field of paleontology. As every compiler of a manual finds, it is not feasible to attribute the proper credit to each discoverer. Huxley has so well explained the situation in the preface to his “ Anatomy of Vertebrated Ani- mals,” that I may be permitted to borrow his words: “I have intentionally refrained from burdening the text with references ; and, therefore, the reader, while he is justly entitled to hold me responsible for any errors he may detect, will do well to give me no credit for what may seem original, unless his knowledge is sufficient to render him a competent judge on that head.” PREFACE xi A book of this character is obviously not the proper place for polemical discussions of disputed questions. Whenever, there- fore, the views expressed differ widely from those maintained by other paleontologists, I have attempted no more than to state, as fairly as I could, the alternative interpretations and my own choice between them. Any other course was forbidden by the limitations of space. It is a pleasure to give expression to my sincere sense of grati- tude to the many friends who have helped me in an unusually laborious undertaking. Professor Osborn and Dr. Matthew have placed at my disposal the wonderful treasures of the American Museum of Natural History in New York and in the most liberal manner have supplied me with photographs and specimens for drawings, as well as with information regarding important dis- coveries which have not yet been published. Dr. W. J. Holland, Director of the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, has likewise gen- erously provided many photographs from the noble collection under his charge, kindly permitting the use of material still undescribed. To Professor Charles Schuchert, of Yale University, I am also indebted for several photographs. The figures of existing animals are almost all from photographs taken in the New York and London zodlogical gardens, and I desire to thank Director Hornaday, of the Bronx Park, and Mr. Peacock, of the London garden, for the very kind manner in which they have procured these illustrations for my use. The photographs have been modified by painting out the backgrounds of cages, houses, and the like, so as to give a less artificial appear- ance to the surroundings. To my colleagues at Princeton I am under great obligations for much valuable counsel and assistance. Professor Gilbert van Ingen has prepared the maps and diagrams and Dr. W. J. Sinclair has devoted much labour and care to the illustrations and has also read the proofs. Both of these friends, as also Professors C. H. Smyth and E. G. Conklin and Drs. Farr and McComas, have read various parts of the manuscript and made many helpful sugges- tions in dealing with the problems of treatment and presentation. xii PREFACE For thirteen years past I have been engaged in the study of the great collections of fossil mammals, gathered in Patagonia by the lamented Mr. Hatcher and his colleague, Mr. Peterson, now of the Carnegie Museum. This work made it necessary for me to visit the museums of the Argentine Republic, which I did in 1901, and was there received with the greatest courtesy and kind- ness by Dr. F. Moreno, Director, and Dr. Santiago Roth, of the La Plata Museum, and Dr. F. Ameghino, subsequently Director of the National Museum at Buenos Aires. To all of these gentle- men the chapters on the ancient life of South America are much indebted, especially to Dr. Ameghino, whose untimely death was a great loss to science. It is earnestly to be hoped that the heroic story of his scientific career may soon be given to the world. Finally, I desire to thank Mr. Horsfall for the infinite pains and care which he has expended upon the illustrations for the work, to which so very large a part of its value is due. While the book is primarily intended for the lay reader, I can- not but hope that it may also be of service to many zodlogists, who have been unable to keep abreast of the flood of palonto- logical discovery and yet wish to learn something of its more significant results. How far I have succeeded in a most difficult task must be left to the judgment of such readers. Princeton, N.J., June 1, 1918. CONTENTS CHAPTER I METHODS oF INVESTIGATION — GEOLOGICAL CHAPTER II MeErHops OF INVESTIGATION — PALZONTOLOGICAL CHAPTER III THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA CHAPTER IV THE SKELETON AND TEETH OF MAMMALS CHAPTER V Tue GEOGRAPHICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAS TIMES CHAPTER VI Tue GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAMMALS . CHAPTER VII In CENOZzOIC Tae SuccEssIVE MAMMALIAN Faunas OF NortH AND SoutH AMERICA CHAPTER VIII History OF THE PERISSODACTYLA . CHAPTER IX History OF THE ARTIODACTYLA CHAPTER X History OF THE PROBOSCIDEA ‘ : F xiii PAGE 29 50 61 99 135 192 288 358 xiv History History History History History HIstTory History OF OF OF OF OF OF OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XI THE fAMBLYPODA AND {CONDYLARTHRA . . CHAPTER XII THE tToxoponTia (oR fNOTOUNGULATA) CHAPTER XIII THE {LITOPTERNA AND tASTRAPOTHERIA - CHAPTER XIV THE CARNIVORA CHAPTER XV THE PRIMATES : , F : 3 F ‘ CHAPTER XVI THE EDENTATA . ‘ ‘ * = z CHAPTER XVII THE MARSUPIALIA : - ‘ . F ‘ CHAPTER XVIII Moves oF MAMMALIAN EVOLUTION GLOSSARY INDEX t+ Extinct. PAGE 443 461 489 516 577 589 624 645 665 675 A HISTORY OF LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE A HISTORY OF LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE CHAPTER I METHODS OF INVESTIGATION — GEOLOGICAL THE term Mammal has no exact equivalent in the true vernacular of any modern language, the word itself, like its equivalents, the French Mammifére and the German Séduge- thier, being entirely artificial. As a name for the class Linneus adopted the term Mammalia, which he formed from the Latin mamma (i.e. teat) to designate those animals which suckle their young; hence the abbreviated form Mammal, which has been naturalized as an English word. ‘‘ Beast,’ as employed in the Bible, and ‘‘Quadruped”’ are not quite the same as mammal, for they do not include the marine forms, such as whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, or the flying bats, and they are habitually used in contradistinction to Man, though Man and all the forms mentioned are unquestionably mammals. In attempting to frame a definition of the term Mammal, it is impossible to avoid technicalities altogether, for it is the complete unity of plan and structure which justifies the in- clusion of all the many forms that differ so widely in habits and appearance. Mammals are air-breathing vertebrates, which are warm-blooded and have a 4-chambered heart; the body cavity is divided into pleural and abdominal chambers by a diaphragm ; except in the lowest division of the class, the young are brought forth alive and are always suckled, the milk glands being universal throughout the class. In the great majority of mammals the body B 1 2 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE is clothed with hair; a character found in no other animals. In a few mammals the skin is naked, and in still fewer there is a partial covering of scales. The list of characters common to all mammals, which distinguish them from other animals, might be indefinitely extended, for it includes all the organs and tissues of the body, the skeletal, muscular, digestive, ner- vous, circulatory, and reproductive systems, but the two or three more obvious or significant features above selected will suffice for the purposes of definition. While the structural plan is the same throughout the entire class, there is among mammals a wonderful variety of form, size, appearance, and adaptation to special habits. It is as though a musician had taken a single theme and developed it into endless variations, preserving an unmistakable unity through all the changes. Most mammals are terrestrial, living, that is to say, not only on the land, but on the ground, and are herbivorous in habit, subsisting chiefly or exclusively upon vegetable substances, but there are many departures from this mode of life. It should be explained, however, that the term terrestrial is frequently used in a more comprehensive sense for all land mammals, as distinguished from those that are aquatic or marine. Monkeys, Squirrels, Sloths and Opossums are examples of the numerous arboreal mammals, whose structure is modified to fit them for living and sleeping in the trees, and in some, such as the Sloths, the modification is carried so far that the creature is almost helpless on the ground. An- other mode of existence is the burrowing or fossorial, the animal living partly or mostly, or even entirely underground, a typical instance of which is the Mole. The Beaver, Muskrat and Otter, to mention only a few forms, are aquatic and spend most of their life in fresh waters, though perfectly able to move about on theland. Marine mammals, such as the Seals and Whales, have a greatly modified structure which adapts them to life in the sea. Within the limits of each of these categories we may note METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 3 that there are many degrees of specialization or adaptation to particular modes of life. Thus, for example, among the marine mammals, the Whales and their allies, Porpoises, etc., are so completely adapted to a life in the seas that they cannot come upon the land, and even stranding is fatal to them, while the Seals frequently land and move about upon the shore. It should further be observed that mammals of the most diverse groups are adapted to similar modes of existence. Thus in one ‘natural group or order of related forms, occur terrestrial, burrow- ing, arboreal and aquatic members, and the converse state- ment is of course equally true, that animals of similar life- habits are not necessarily related to one another, and very frequently, in fact, are not so related. Among the typically marine mammals, for example, there are at least three and probably four distinct series, which have independently be- - come adapted to life in the sea. Before attempting to set forth an outline of what has been learned regarding the history of mammalian life in the western hemisphere, it is essential to give the reader some con- ception of the manner in which that knowledge has been ob- tained. Without such an understanding of the methods em- ployed in the investigation the reader can only blindly accept or as blindly reject what purports to be the logical inference from well-established evidence. How is that evidence to be discovered ? and how may trustworthy conclusions be derived from it? The first and most obvious step is to gather all possible in- formation concerning the mammals of the present day, their structure (comparative anatomy), functions (physiology), and their geographical arrangement. This latter domain, of the geographical distribution of mammals, is one of peculiar signif- icance. Not only do the animals of North America differ radi- cally from those of Central and South America, but within the limits of each continent are more or less well-defined areas, 4 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE the animals of which differ in a subordinate degree from those of other areas. The study of the modern world, however, would not of itself carry us very far toward the goal of our inquiries, which is an explanation, not merely a statement, of the facts. The present order of things is the outcome of an illimitably long sequence of events and can be understood only in proportion to our knowledge of the past. In other words, it is necessary to treat the problems involved in our inquiry historically; to trace the evolution of the different mammalian groups from their simpler beginnings to the more complex and highly specialized modern forms; to determine, so far as that may be done, the place of origin of each group and to follow out their migrations from continent to continent. While we shall deal chiefly, almost exclusively, with the mammals of the New World, something must be said regard- ing those of other continents, for, as will be shown in the sequel, both North and South America have, at one time or another, been connected with various land-masses of the eastern hemi- sphere. By means of those land-connections, there has been an interchange of mammals between the different continents, and each great land-area of the recent world contains-a more or less heterogeneous assemblage of forms of very diverse places of origin. Indeed, migration from one region to another has played a most important part in bringing about the present distribution of living things. From what has already been learned as to the past life of the various continents and their shifting connections with one another, it is now feasible to analyze the mammalian faunas of most of them and to separate the indigenous from the immigrant elements. Among the latter may be distinguished those forms which are the much modified descendants of ancient migrants from those which arrived at a much later date and have undergone but little change. To take a few examples from North America, it may be said that the Bears, Moose, Caribou and Bison are late migrants from the Old World; that the Virginia and Black- METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 5 tailed Deer and the Prong-horned Antelope are of Old World origin, but their ancestors came in at a far earlier period and the modern species are greatly changed.from the ancestral migrants. The Armadillo of Texas and the Canada Porcupine are almost the only survivors, north of Mexico, of the great migration of South American mammals which once invaded the northern continent. On the other hand, the raccoons and several families of rodents are instances of indigenous types which may be traced through a long American ancestry. Fully to comprehend the march of mammalian development, it thus becomes necessary to reconstruct, at least in outline, the geography of the successive epochs through which the developmental changes have taken place, the connections and separations of land-masses, the rise of mountain ranges, river and lake systems and the like. Equally significant factors in the problem are climatic changes, which have had a profound and far-reaching effect upon the evolution and geographical spread of animals and plants, and the changes in the vegetable world must not be ignored, for, directly or indirectly, animals are dependent upon plants. To one who has paid no atten- tion to questions of this kind, it might well seem an utterly hope- less task to reconstruct the long vanished past, and he would naturally conclude that, at best, only fanciful speculations, with no foundation of real knowledge, could be within our reach. Happily, such is by no means the case. Geology offers the means of a successful attack upon these problems and, although very much remains to be done, much has already been accomplished in elucidating the history, especially in its later periods, with which the story of the mammals is more particularly concerned. It is manifestly impossible to present here a treatise upon the science of Geology, even in outline sketch. Considerations of space are sufficient to forbid any such attempt. Certain things must be taken for granted, the evidence for which may be found in any modern text-book of Geology. For example, 6 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE it is entirely feasible to establish the mode of formation of almost any rock (aside from certain problematical rocks, which do not enter into our discussion) and to determine whether it was laid down in the sea, or on the land, or in some body of water not directly connected with the sea, such as a lake or river. With the aid of the microscope, it is easy to discriminate voleanic material from the ordinary water-borne and wind- borne sediments and, in the case of the rocks which have solidified from the molten state, to distinguish those masses which have cooled upon the surface from those which have solidified deep within the earth. While the nature and mode of formation of the rocks may thus be postulated, it will be needful to explain at some length the character of the evidence from which the history of the earth may be deciphered. First of all, must be made clear the method by which the events of the earth’s history may be arranged inchronological order, for a history without chronology is unintelligible. The events which are most significant for our purpose are recorded in the rocks which are called stratified, bedded or sedimentary, synonymous terms. Such rocks were made mostly from the débris of older rocks, in the form of gravel, sand or mud, and were laid down under water, or, less extensively, spread by the action of the wind upon a land- surface. Important members of this group of rocks are those formed, more or less completely, from the finer fragments given out in volcanic eruptions, carried and sorted by the wind and finally deposited, it may be at great distances from their point of origin, upon a land-surface, or on the bottom of some body of water. Stratified or bedded rocks, as their name implies, are divided into more or less parallel layers or beds, which may be many feet or only a minute fraction of an inch in thickness. Such a division means a pause in the pro- cess of deposition or a change in the character of the material deposited over a given area. Owing to the operation of gravity, the layers of sediment are spread out in a horizontal METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 7 attitude, which disregard the minor irregularities of the bottom, just as a deep snow buries the objects which lie upon the surface. A moment’s consideration will show that, in any series of stratified rocks which have not been greatly disturbed from their original horizontal position, the order of succession or superposition of the beds must necessarily be the chronological order of their formation. (Fig. 1.) Obviously, the lowest beds must have been deposited first and therefore are the oldest of the series, while those at the top must be the newest or youngest and the beds intermediate in position are inter- mediate in age. This inference depends upon the simple prin- ciple that each bed must have been laid down before the next succeeding one can have been deposited upon it. While this is so clear as to be almost self-evident, it is plain that such a mode of determining the chronological order of the rocks of the earth’s crust can be of only local applicability and so far as the beds may be traced in unbroken continuity. It is of no direct assistance in correlating the events in the history of one continent with those of’ another and it fails even in com- paring the distinctly separated parts of the same continent. Some method of universal applicability must be devised before the histories of scattered regions can be combined to form a history of the earth. Such a universal method is to be found in the succession of the forms of life, so far as that is recorded in the shape of fossils, or the recognizable remains of animal and vegetable organisms preserved in the rocks. This principle was first enunciated by William Smith, an English engineer, near the close of the eighteenth century, who thus laid the foundations of Historical Geology. In the diagram, Fig. 2, is reproduced Smith’s section across England from Wales to near London, which shows the successive strata or beds, very much tilted from their original horizontal position by the upheaval of the sea-bed upon which they were laid down. The section pictures the side of an imaginary gigantic trench cut across the island and was constructed by a LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE g @ 18 2| 6 g ) 2 $ 3 2! 2] g2] 8 52] 8 3 | 5 OS|us wes, ats OGS ImZz! «Fé q s Ol’ os @ ® & £ = o Oe) 2) ee z EY) s 2 | 8 par 5 a a 0 3 ] v - a ary q all : aae Wee 3 8 boat =-ar 7 3 hema faa n 1 3 om Ol oe aa=n = $ aye a LU a ) LK pg fast fue oe ee ¢ oO tH) ac} Ld a) fam fhe Oo Wk 3 | a) aus < a bed fey Fa bt i Q rl ° Lt hd 4) 4 = oO HW Hb 2 i. 3 nm m nL | J FE} > 7 a Lt Ly LY s ‘oon A oes | n I e= an =| = a ee iy a. ~ o LS by [> Q on loo ‘S Ly hey 2 oO D =>] ro a Haag a oe LI 3 ays : AS) Uae 8 - ® Lo tol bd mn 5 ey J uu 6 8 — — be [a J L ] Le a] H E Lord u METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 9 simple geometrical method from the surface exposures of the beds, such as mining engineers continually employ to map the underground extension of economically important rocks, and shows how an enormous thickness of strata may be studied from the surface. The older beds are exposed at the western end of the section in Wales and, passing eastward, successively later and later beds are encountered, the newest appearing at the easternend. Very many of the strata are richly fossiliferous, and thus a long succession of fossils was obtained in the order of their appearance, and this order has been found to hold good, not only in England, but throughout the world. The order Fic. 2.— William Smith’s section across the south of England. The vertical scale is exaggerated, which makes the inclination of the beds appear too steep. N.B. The original drawing is in colors, which are not indicated by the dotted strata. of succession of the fossils was thus in the first instance actually ascertained from the succession of the strata in which they are found and has been verified in innumerable sections in many lands and is thus a matter of observed and verifiable fact, not merely a postulate or working hypothesis. Once ascertained, however, the order of succession of living things upon the earth may be then employed as an independent and indispensable means of geologically dating the rocks in which they occur. This is the paleontological method, which finds analogies in many other branches of learned inquiry. The student of manuscripts discovers that there is a development, or regular series of successive changes, in handwriting, and from the hand- writing alone can make a very close approximation to the date of a manuscript. The order in which those changes came about 10 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE was ascertained from the comparative study of manuscripts, the date of which could be ascertained from other evidence, but, when once established, the changes in handwriting are used to fix the period of undated manuscripts. Just so, the succession of fossils, when learned from a series of superposed beds, may then be employed to fix the geological date of strata in another region. Similarly, the archeologist has observed that there is an evolution or development in every sort of the work of men’s hands and therefore makes use of coins, inscriptions, objects of art, building materials and methods, etc., to date ancient structures. In the German town of Trier (or Tréves) on the Moselle, the cathedral has as a nucleus a Roman structure, the date and purpose of which had long been matters of dispute, though the general belief was that the building had been erected under Constantine the Great. In the course of some repairs made not very long ago, it became necessary to cut deep into the Roman brickwork, and there, embedded in the undisturbed mortar, was a coin of the emperor Valentinian II, evidently dropped from the pocket of some Roman bricklayer. That coin fixed a date older than which the building cannot be, though it may be slightly later, and it well illustrates the service rendered by fossils in determining geo- logical chronology. Other methods of making out the chronology of the earth’s history have been proposed from time to time and all of them have their value, though none of them renders us independent of the use of fossils, which have the pre-eminent advantage of not recurring or repeating themselves at widely separated inter- vals of time, as all physical processes and changes do. An organism, animal or plant, that has become extinct never returns and is not reproduced in the evolutionary process. Great and well founded as is our confidence in fossils as fixing the geological date of the rocks in which they occur, it must not be forgotten that the succession of the different kinds of fossils in time was first determined from the superposition of METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 11 the containing strata. Hence, it is always a welcome con- firmation of the chronological inferences drawn from the study of fossils, when those inferences can be unequivocally estab- lished by the succession of the beds themselves. For example, in the Tertiary deposits of the West are two formations or groups of strata, called respectively the Uinta and the White River, which had never been known to occur in the same region and whose relative age therefore could not be determined by the method of superposition. Each of the formations, however, has yielded a large number of well-preserved fossil mammals, and the comparative study of these mammals made it clear that the Uinta must be older than the White River and that no very great lapse of time, geologically speaking, occurred between the end of the former and the beginning of the latter. Only two or three years ago an expedition from the American Museum of Natural History discovered a place in Wyoming where the White River beds lie directly upon those of the Uinta, thus fully confirming the inference as to the relative age of these two formations which had long ago been drawn from the comparative study of their fossil mammals. The paleontological method of determining the geological date of the stratified rocks is thus an indispensable means of correlating the scattered exposures of the strata in widely separated regions and in different continents, it may be with thousands of miles of intervening ocean. The general principle employed is that close similarity of fossils in the rocks of the regions compared points to an approximately contemporaneous date of formation of those rocks. This principle must not, however, be applied in an offhand or uncritical manner, or it will lead to serious error. In the first place, the evolutionary process is a very slow one and geological time is inconceivably long, so that deposits which differ by some thousands of years may yet have the same or nearly the same fossils. The method is not one of sufficient refinement to detect such relatively small differences. To recur to the illustration of the develop- LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE 12 SHY AM 9Y} Jo UorpIsodep oy} 109Je Buoy] yNO podred sea Aa]]eA a i 3 biting THI UL ‘Woy, useajaq uoneredas ay} Suryreul aury uayouq ‘AAvay oy} ‘ezUI sy} JO sovjINS poroyzveM PUB UIOM ay} UO pozIsOdep a1aM spoq JOATY OY M OY ‘“BuIMOAY “OD YUOMIAI ‘Ya0Ig ee se Nae ee METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 13 ment in handwriting, the paleographer can hardly do more than determine the decade in which a manuscript was written ; no one would expect him to fix upon the exact year, still less the month, from the study of handwriting alone. As is the month in recorded human history, so is the millennium in the long course of the earth’s development. In the second place, there are great differences in the con- temporary life of separate regions and such geographical differ- ences there have always been, so far as we can trace back the history of animals and plants. A new organism does not originate simultaneously all over the world but, normally at least, in a single area and spreads from that centre until it encounters insuperable obstacles. Such spreading is a slow process and hence it is that new forms often appear in one re- gion much earlier than in others and in the very process of ex- tending their range, the advancing species may themselves be considerably modified and reach their new and distant homes as different species from those which originated the movement. Extinction, likewise, seldom occurs simultaneously over the range of a group, but now here and now there in a way that to our ignorance appears to be arbitrary and capricious. The process may go on until extinction is total, or may merely result in a great restriction of the range of a given group, or may break up that range into two or more distinct areas. Of such incomplete extinctions many instances might be given, but one must suffice. The camel-tribe, strange as it may appear, originated in North America and was long con- fined to that continent, while at the present day it is repre- sented only by the llamas of Seuth America and the true camels of Asia, having completely vanished from its early home. ‘These facts and a host of similar ones make plain how necessary it is to take geographical considerations into account in all problems that deal with the synchronizing of the rocks of separate areas and continents. Properly to estimate the significance of a difference in the 14 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE fossils of two regions and to determine how far it is geographical, due to a separation in space, or geological and caused by separa- tion in time, is often a very difficult matter and requires a vast amount of minute and detailed study. Once more, the princi- ple involved is illustrated by the study of manuscripts. Down to the time when the printing press superseded the copyist, each of the nations of Europe had its own traditions and its more or less independent course of handwriting development. A great monastery, in which the work of copying manuscripts went on century after century, became an independent geo- graphical centre with its particular styles. Thus the pale- ographer, like the geologist, is confronted by geographical prob- lems as well as by those of change and development in general. In addition to the method of geologically dating the rocks by means of the fossils which they contain, there are other ways which may give a greater precision to the result. Climatic changes, when demonstrable, are of this character, for they may speedily and simultaneously affect vast areas of the earth’s surface or even the entire world. From time to time in the past, glacial conditions have prevailed over immense regions, several continents at once, it may be, as in one instance in which India, South Africa, Australia, South America were involved. The characteristic accumulations made by the ,glaciers in these widely separated regions must be contempora- neous in a sense that can rarely be predicated of the ordinary stratified rocks. Such climatic changes as the formation and disappearance of the ice-fields give a sharper and more definite standard of time comparisons than do the fossils alone, and yet the fossils are in turn ‘needed to show which of several possible glacial periods are actually being compared. Again, great movements of the earth’s crust, which involve vast and widely separated regions and bring the sea in over great areas of land, or raise great areas into land, which had been submerged, may also yield more precise time-measure- ments, because occurring within shorter periods than do METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 15 notable changes in the system of living things. Such changes in animals and plants may be compared to the almost imper- ceptible movement of the hour-hand of a clock, while the re- corded climatic revolutions and crustal movements often supply the place of the minute-hand. It is obvious, however, that if the hour-hand be wanting, the minute-hand alone can be of very limited use. There have been a great many vast submer- gences and emergences of land in the history of the earth, and only the fossils can give us the assurance that we are comparing the same movement in distant continents, and not two similar movements separated by an enormous interval of time. It may thus fairly be admitted that it is possible to arrange the rocks which compose the accessible parts of the earth’s crust in chronological order and to correlate in one system the rocks of the various continents. The terms used for the more important divisions of geological time are, in descending order of magnitude, era, period, epoch, age or stage, and the general scheme of the eras and periods, which is in almost uniform use throughout the world, is given in the table, which is arranged so as to give the succession graphically, with the most ancient rocks at the bottom and.-the, latest at the top. Quaternary period Tertiary period Cretaceous period Mesozoic era Jurassic period Triassic period Permian period Carboniferous period Devonian period Silurian period Ordovician period Cambrian period Algonkian period Archean period Cenozoic era Paleozoic era Pre-Cambrian eras 16 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE It must not be supposed that all the divisions of similar rank, such as the eras, for example, were of equal length, as measured by the thickness of the rocks assigned to those divi- sions. On the contrary, they must have been of very unequal length and are of very different divisibility. The Pre-Cambrian eras, with only two periods, were probably far longer than all subsequent time, and all that the major divisions imply is that they represent changes in the system of life of approximately equivalent importance. It is impossible to give any trustworthy estimate of the actual lengths of these divisions in years, though many attempts to do so have been made. All that can be confidently affirmed is that geological time, like astronomical distances, is of in- conceivable vastness and its years can be counted only in hundreds of millions. To discuss in any intelligible manner the history of mammals, it will be necessary to go much farther than the above table in the subdivision of that part of geological time in which mammalian evolution ran its course. As mammals repre- sent the highest stage of development yet attained in the animal world, it is only the lattar part of the earth’s history which is concerned with them; the earlier and incomparably longer portion of that history may be passed over. Mammals are first recorded in the later Triassic, the first of the three periods which make up the Mesozoic era. They have also been found, though very scantily, in the other Mesozoic periods, the Jurassic and Cretaceous, but it was the Cenozoic era that witnessed most of the amazing course of mammalian develop- ment and diversification, and hence the relatively minute sub- divisions necessary for the understanding of this history deal only with the Cenozoic, the latest of the great eras. In the subjoined table the periods and epochs are those which are in general use throughout the world, the ages and stages are those which apply to the western interior of North America, each region, even of the same continent, requiring a METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 17 different classification. The South American formations are given in a separate table, as it is desirable to avoid the appear- ance of an exactitude in correlation which cannot yet be at- tained. CENOZOIC ERA Recent epoch Quaternary period } Pleistocene epoch = Glacial and Inter- glacial stages. Pliocene epoch Miocene epoch Tertiary period Oligocene epoch Eocene epoch Paleocene epoch Continuing the subdivision of the Tertiary period still farther, we have the following arrangement : TERTIARY PERIOD (North America) Upper Wanting Middle Blanco age Pliocene Thousand Creek age Lower | Snake Creek age Republican River age Upper Loup Fork age Miocene {Middle Deep River age Lower Arikaree age Upper John Day age Lower White River age Upper Uinta age Eocene Middle Bridger age Wind River age Wasatch age [Upper Torrejon age Lower Puerco age Oligocene Lower Paleocene | Fort Union Cc 18 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE This is arepresentative series of the wide-spread and manifold non-marine Tertiary deposits of the Great Plains, but a much more extensive and subdivided scheme would be needed to show with any degree of fullness the wonderfully complete record of that portion of the continent during the Tertiary period. A much more elaborate table will be found in Pro- fessor Osborn’s ‘“‘Age of Mammals,” p. 41. There are some differences of practice among geologists as to this scheme of classification, though the differences are not those of principle. No question arises concerning the reality of the divisions, or their order of succession in time, but merely as to the rank or relative importance which should be attributed to some of them, and that is a very minor consideration. Much greater difficulty and, eee much more radical differences of interpretation arise when the attempt is made to correlate or synchronize the smaller subdivisions, as found in the various continents, with one another, because of the geographical differences in contemporary life. Between Eu- rope and North America there has always been a certain pro- portion of mammalian forms in common, a proportion that was at one time greater, at another less, and this community renders the correlation of the larger divisions of the Tertiary in the two continents comparatively easy, and even in the minor subdivisions very satisfactory progress has been made, so that it is possible to trace in some detail the migrations of mammals from the eastern to the western hemisphere and vice versa. Such intermigrations were made possible by the land-bridges connecting America with Europe across the Atlantic, perhaps on the line of Greenland and Iceland, and with Asia where now is Bering Strait. These connections were repeatedly made and repeatedly broken during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras down to the latest epoch, the Pleistocene. By comparing the fossil mammals of Europe with those of North America for any particular division of geological time, METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 19 it is practicable to determine whether the way of intermigra- tion was open or closed, because separation always led to greater differences between the faunas of the two continents through divergent evolution. Correlation with South America is exceedingly difficult and it is in dealing with this problem that the widest differences of opinion have arisen among geologists. Through nearly all the earlier half of the Tertiary period the two Americas were separated and, because of this separation, their land mammals were utterly different. Hence, the lack of elements common to both continents puts great obstacles in the way of establish- ing definite time-relations between their geological divisions. Only the marine mammals, whales and dolphins, were so far alike as to offer some satisfactory basis of comparison. When, in the later Tertiary, a land-connection was established between the two continents, migrations of mammals from each to the other began, and thenceforward there were always certain elements common to both, as there are to-day. In spite of the continuous land between them, the present faunas of North and South America are very strikingly different, South America being, with the exception of Australia, zodlogically the most peculiar region of the earth. In the following table of the South ‘Reason Cenozoic, the assignment of the ages to their epochs is largely tentative, especially as regards the more ancient divisions, and repre- sents the views generally held by the geologists of Europe and the United States; those of South America, on the contrary, give an earlier date to the ages and stages and refer the older ones to the Cretaceous instead of the Tertiary. CENOZOIC ERA (South America) Recent epoch Quaternary period ; Pleistocene epoch —Pampean Beds, Brazilian caverns 20 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE Monte Hermoso age Pliocene epoch Catamarca age Parand age Santa Cruz age Patagonian age Deseado age (Pyrothe- Oligocene epoch rium Beds) Astraponotus Beds Casa Mayor age (Noto- stylops Beds) Tertiary period {Miocene epoch Eocene epoch The Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits are most widely dis- tributed over the Pampas of Argentina, but the former occur also in Ecuador, Brazil, Chili, and Bolivia. The other forma- tions cover extensive areas in Patagonia, and some extend into Tierra del Fuego. We have next to consider the methods by which past geo- graphical conditions may be ascertained, a task which, though beset with difficulties, is very far from being a hopeless under- taking. As has already been pointed out, it is perfectly possible for the geologist to determine the circumstances of formation of the various kinds of rocks, to distinguish terrestrial from aquatic accumulations and, among the latter, to identify those which were laid down in the sea and those which were formed in some other body of water. By platting on a map all the marine rocks of a given geological date, an approximate estimate may be formed as to the extension of the sea over the present land for that particular epoch. It is obvious, however, that for those areas which then were land and now are covered by the sea, no such direct evidence can be obtained, and only indirect means of ascertaining the former land-connections can be employed. It is in the treatment of this indirect evi- dence that the greatest differences of opinion arise and, if two maps of the same continent for the same epoch, by separate authors, be compared, it will be seen that the greatest dis- METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 21 crepancies between them are concerning former land-connec- tions and extensions. The only kind of indirect evidence bearing upon ancient land-connections, now broken by the sea, that need be con- sidered here is that derived from the study of animals and plants, both recent and fossil. All-important in this connection is the principle that the same or closely similar species do not arise independently in areas between which there is no con- nection. It is not impossible that such an independent origin of organisms which the naturalist would class as belonging to the same species may have occasionally taken place, but, if so, it must be the rare exception to the normal process. This principle leads necessarily to the conclusion that the more recently. and broadly two land-areas, now separated by the sea, have been connected, the more nearly alike will be their animals and plants. 'Such islands as Great Britain, Sumatra and Java must have been connected with the adjacent mainland within a geologically recent period, while the extreme zodlogical peculiarity of Australia can be explained only on the assumption that its present isolation is of very long standing.| The princi- ple applies to the case of fossils as well as to that of modern animals, and has already been made use of, in a preceding section, in dealing with the ancient land-connections of North America. It was there shown that the connection of this continent with the Old World and the interruptions of that connection are reflected and recorded in the greater or less degree of likeness in the fossil mammals at any particular epoch. Conversely, the very radical differences between the fossil mammals of the two Americas imply a long-continued separa- tion of those two continents, and their junction in the latter half of the Tertiary period is proved by the appearance of southern groups of mammals in the northern continent, and of northern groups in South America. Inasmuch as the connection between North and South America still persists, the geology of the Isthmus of Panama 22 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE should afford testimony in confirmation of the inferences drawn from a study of the mammals. Of course, the separating sea did not necessarily cross the site of the present isthmus.; it might have cut through some part of Central America, but a glance at the map immediately suggests the isthmus as the place of separation and subsequent connection. As a matter of fact, isthmian geology is in complete accord with the evidence derived from the mammals. Even near the summit of the hills which form the watershed between the Atlantic and the Pacific and through which the great Culebra Cut passes, are beds of marine Tertiary shells, showing that at that time the land was completely submerged. This does not at all preclude the possibility of other transverse seas at the same period ; indeed, much of Central America was probably under the sea also, but the geology of that region is still too imperfectly known to permit positive statements. When several different kinds of testimony, each inde- pendent of the other, can be secured and all are found to be in harmony, the strength of the conclusion is thereby greatly increased. Many distinct lines of evidence support the inference that North and South America were com- pletely severed for a great part of the Tertiary period. This is indicated in the clearest manner, not only by the geological structure of the Isthmus and by the mammals, living and extinct, as already described, but also by the fresh- water fishes, the land-shells, the reptiles and many other groups of animals and plants. The distribution of marine fossils may render the same sort of service in elucidating the history of the sea as land-mammals do for the continents, demonstrating the opening and closing of connections between land-areas and between oceans. The sea, it is true, is one and undivided, the continental masses being great islands in it, but, nevertheless, the sea is divisible into zodlogical provinces, just as is the land. Temperature, depth of water, character of the bottom, etc., are factors that METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 23 limit the range of marine organisms, as climate and physical barriers circumscribe the spread of terrestrial animals. Pro- fessor Perrin Smith has shown that in the Mesozoic era Bering Strait was repeatedly opened and closed, and that each opening and closing was indicated by the geographical relationships of the successive assemblages of marine animals that are found in the Mesozoic rocks of California and Nevada. When the Strait was open, the coast-line between North America and Asia was interrupted and the North Pacific was cooled by the influx of water from the Arctic Sea. At such times, sea-animals from the Russian and Siberian coasts extended their range along the American side as far south as Mexico, and no forms from the eastern and southern shores of Asia accompanied them. On the other hand, when the Strait was closed, the Arctic forms were shut out and the continuous coast-line and warmer water enabled the Japanese, Indian, and even Mediter- ranean animals to extend their range to the Pacific coast of North America. A comparison of the marine fishes of the two sides of the Isthmus of Panama shows an amount and degree of difference between the two series as might be expected from the length of time that they have been separated by the upheaval of the land. In working out the geographical conditions for any particular epoch of the earth’s history, it is possible to go much farther than merely gaining an approximate estimate of the distribu- tion of land and sea; many other important facts may be gathered from a minute examination of the rocks in combina- tion with a genetic study of topographical forms. By this physiographical method, as it is called, the history of several of the great mountain-ranges has been elaborated in great detail. It is quite practicable to give a geological date for the initial upheaval and to determine whether one or many such series of movements have been involved in bringing about the present state of things. Similarly, the history of plains and plateaus, hills and valleys, lake and river systems, may be ascertained, 24 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE and for the earth’s later ages, at least, a great deal may be learned regarding the successive forms of the land-surfaces in the various continents. It would be very desirable to ex- plain the methods by which these results are reached, but this could hardly be done without writing a treatise on physiog- raphy, for which there is no room in this chapter. We must be permitted to make use of the results of that science without being called upon to prove their accuracy. No factor has a more profound effect in determining the character and distribution of living things than climate, of which the most important elements, for our purpose, are temperature and moisture. One of the most surprising results of geological study is the clear proof that almost all parts of the earth have been subjected to great vicissitudes of climate, and a brief account of the evidence which has led to this un- looked for result will not be out of place here. The evidence of climatic changes is of two principal kinds, (1) that derived from a study of the rocks themselves, and (2) that given by the fossils of the various epochs. So far as the rocks laid down in the sea are concerned, little has yet been ascertained regarding the climatic conditions of their formation, but the strata which were deposited on the land, or in some body of water other than the sea, often give the most positive and significant information concerning the circumstances of climate which prevailed at the time of their formation. Cer- tain deposits, such as gypsum and rock-salt, are accumulated only in salt lakes, which, in turn, are demonstrative proof of an arid climate. A salt lake could not exist in a region of normal rainfall and, from the geographical distribution of such salt-lake deposits, it may be shown that arid conditions have prevailed in each of the continents and, not only once, but many times. As a rule, such aridity of climate was relatively local in extent, but sometimes it covered vast areas. For example, in the Permian, the last of the Palzozoic, and the Triassic, the first of the Mesozoic periods (see Table, p. 15) nearly all the METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 25 land-areas of the northern hemisphere were affected, either simultaneously or in rapid succession. Until a comparatively short time ago, it was very generally believed that the Glacial or Pleistocene epoch, which was so remarkable and conspicuous a feature of the Quaternary period, was an isolated phenomenon, unique in the entire history of the earth. Now, however, it has been conclusively shown that such epochs of cold have been recurrent and that no less than five of these have left unmistakable records in as many widely separated periods of time. When the hypothesis of a great ‘‘Ice Age”’ in the Pleistocene was first propounded by the elder Agassiz, it was naturally received with general incredulity, but the gradual accumula- tion of proofs has resulted in such an overwhelming weight of testimony, that the glacial hypothesis is now accepted as one of the commonplaces of Geology. The proofs consist chiefly in the characteristic glacial accumulations, moraines and drift- sheets, which cover such enormous areas in Europe and North America and, on a much smaller scale, in Patagonia, and in the equally characteristic marks of glacial wear left upon the rocks over which the ice-sheets moved. Many years later it was proved that the Permian period had been a time of gigantic glaciation, chiefly in the southern hemisphere, when vast ice-caps moved slowly over parts of South America, South Africa, Australia and even of India. The evidence is of precisely the same nature as in the case of the Pleistocene glaciation. In not less than three more ancient periods, the Devonian, Cambrian, and Algonkian, proofs of glacial action have been obtained. While the rocks themselves thus afford valuable testimony as to the climatic conditions which prevailed at the time and place of their formation, this testimony is fragmentary, missing for very long periods, and must be supplemented from the information presented by the fossils. As in all matters where fossils are involved, the evidence must be cautiously used, for 26 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE hasty inferences have often led to contradictory and absurd conclusions. When properly employed, the fossils give a more continuous and complete history of climatic changes than can, in the present state of knowledge, be drawn from a study of the rocks alone. For this purpose plants are particularly useful, because the great groups of the vegetable kingdom are more definitely restricted in their range by the conditions of temperature and moisture than are most of the correspondingly large groups of animals. Not that fossil animals are of no service in this connection; quite the contrary is true, but the evidence from them must be treated more carefully and criti- cally. To illustrate the use of fossils as recording climatic changes in the past, one or two examples may be given. In the Cretaceous period a mild and genial climate prevailed over all that portion of the earth whose history we ‘know, and was, no doubt, equally the case in the areas whose voolomy remains to be determined. The same conditions extended far into the Arctic regions, and abundant remains of a warm-temperate vegetation have been found in Greenland, Alaska and other Arctic lands. Where now only scanty and minute dwarf willows and birches can exist, was then a luxuri- ant forest growth comprising almost all of the familiar trees of our own latitudes, a most decisive proof that in the: Cretaceous the climate of the Arctic regions must have been much warmer than at present and that there can have been no great accumu- lation of ice in the Polar seas. Conditions of similar mildness obtained through the earlier part of the Tertiary. In the Eocene epoch large palm-trees were growing in Wyoming and Idaho, while great crocodiles and other warm-country reptiles abounded in the waters of the same region. It is of particular interest to inquire how far the fossils of Glacial times confirm the inferences as to a great climatic change which are derived from a study of the rocks, for this may be taken as a test-case. Any marked discrepancy be- tween the two would necessarily cast grave doubt upon the METHODS — GEOLOGICAL 27 value of the testimony of fossils as to climatic conditions. The problem is one of great complexity, for the Pleistocene was not one long epoch of unbroken cold, but was made up of Glacial and Interglacial ages, alternations of colder and milder conditions, and some, at least, of the Interglacial ages had a climate warmer than that of modern times. Such great changes of temperature led to repeated migrations of the mammals, which were driven southward before the advancing ice-sheets and returned again when the glaciers withdrew under the influence of ameliorating climates. Any adequate discussion of these complex. conditions is quite out of the question in this place and the facts must be stated in simplified form, as dealing only with the times of lowered temperature and encroaching glaciers. The plants largely fail us here, for little is known of Glacial vegetation, but, on the other hand, a great abundance of the fossil remains of animal life of that date has been collected, and its testimony is quite in harmony with that afforded by the ice-markings and the ice-made deposits. Arctic shells in the marine deposits of England, the valley of the Ottawa River and of Lake Champlain, Walruses on the coast of New Jersey, Reindeer in the south of France, and Caribou in southern New England, Musk-oxen in Kentucky and Arkansas, are only a few examples of the copious evidence that the climate of the regions named in Glacial times was far colder than it is to-day. I have thus endeavored to sketch, necessarily in very meagre outlines, the nature of the methods employed to re- construct the past history of the various continents and the character of the evidence upon which we must depend. Should the reader be unconvinced and remain sceptical as to the possi- bility of any such reconstruction, he must be referred to the numerous manuals of Geology, in which these methods are set forth with a fulness which cannot be imitated within the limits of a single chapter. The methods are sound, consisting as they do merely in the application of “‘systematized common 28 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE sense”’ (in Huxley’s phrase) to observed facts, but by no means all applications of them are to be trusted. Not to mention ill-considered and uncritical work, or inverted pyramids of hypothesis balanced upon a tiny point of fact, it should be borne in mind that such a complicated and difficult problem as the reconstruction of past conditions can be solved only by successive approximations to the truth, each one partial and incomplete, but less so than the one which preceded it. CHAPTER II METHODS OF INVESTIGATION — PALHONTOLOGICAL PALZONTOLOGY is the science of ancient life, animal and vegetable, the Zodlogy and Botany of the past, and deals with fossils. Fossils are the recognizable remains or traces of animals or plants, which were buried in the rocks at the time of the formation of those rocks. In a geological sense, the term rock includes loose and uncompacted materials, such as sand and gravel, as well as solid stone. Granting the possibility of so determining the relative dates of formation of the rocks, that the order of succession of the fossils in time may be ascertained in general terms, the question remains: What use, other than geological, can be made of the fossils? In dealing with this question, attention will be directed almost exclusively to the mammals, the group with which this book is concerned. As a preliminary to the discussion, something should be said of the ways in which mammals became entombed in the rocks in which we find them. In this connection it should be remembered that, however firm and solid those rocks may be now, they were originally layers of loose and uncompacted material, deposited by wind or water, and that each layer formed in its turn the surface of the earth, until buried by fresh accumulations upon it, it may be to enormous depths. One method of the entombing of land-mammals, which has frequently been of great importance, is burial in volcanic dust and so-called ash, which has been compacted into firm rock. During a great volcanic eruption enormous quantities of such finely divided material are ejected from the crater and are spread out over the surrounding country, it may be for dis- 29 30 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE tances of hundreds of miles. Thus will be buried the scattered bones, skeletons, carcasses, that happen to be lying on the sur- face ; and if the fine fragments are falling rapidly, many animals will be buried alive and their skeletons preserved intact. A modern instance of this is given by the numerous skeletons of men and domestic animals buried in the volcanic ash which overwhelmed Pompeii in 79 a.p. Pliny the Younger, who witnessed that first recorded eruption of Vesuvius, tells us in a letter written to Tacitus, that far away at Misenum, west of Naples, it was often necessary to rise and shake off the falling ashes, for fear of being buried in them. In the Santa Cruz formation of Patagonia (see p. 124), which has yielded such a wonderful number and variety of well-preserved fossils, the bones are all found in volcanic dust and ash compacted into a rock, which is usually quite soft, but may become locally very hard. The Bridger formation of Wyoming (p. 110) and the John Day of eastern Oregon (p. 116) are principally made up of volcanic deposits ; and no doubt there are several others among the Tertiary stages which were formed in the same way, but have not yet received the microscopic study necessary to determine this. Much information concerning the mammalian life of the Pleistocene, more especially in Europe and in Brazil (p. 211), has been derived from the exploration of caverns. Some of these caves were the dens of carnivorous beasts and contain multitudes of the bones of their victims, as well as those of the destroyers themselves. Others, such as the Port Ken- nedy Cave, on the Schuylkill River above Philadelphia, the Frankstown Cave in central Pennsylvania, the Conard Fissure in Arkansas, are hardly caverns in the ordinary sense of the word, but rather narrow fissures, into which bones and car- casses were washed by floods, or living animals fell from above and died without being able to escape. The bones are mostly buried in the earth which partially or completely fills many caverns and may be covered by a layer of stalagmite, derived METHODS — PALAXONTOLOGICAL 31 from the solution and re-deposition of the limestone of the cavern-walls, by the agency of percolating waters. A mode of preservation which is unfortunately rare is ex- emplified by the asphaltic deposits near Los Angeles, at Rancho La Brea, which have been very fully described by Professor J. C. Merriam of the University of California. The asphalt has been formed by the oxidation and solidification of petro- leum, which has risen up through the Pleistocene rocks from the oil-bearing shales below. At one stage in the con- version of petroleum into asphalt, tar-pools of extremely viscid and adhesive character were, and still are, formed on the surface of the ground; and these pools were veritable traps for mam- mals and birds and for the beasts and birds of prey which came to devour the struggling victims. ‘The manner in which tar or asphalt pools may catch un- suspecting animals of all kinds is abundantly illustrated at the present time in many places in California, but nowhere more strikingly than at Rancho La Brea itself, where animals of many kinds have frequently been so firmly entrapped that they died before being discovered, or if found alive were extri- cated only with the greatest difficulty. As seen at this locality, the tar issuing from springs or seepages is an exceedingly sticky, tenacious substance which is removed only with the greatest difficulty from the body of any animal with which it may come in contact. Small mammals, birds, or insects running into the soft tar are very quickly rendered helpless by the gummy mass, which binds their feet, and in their struggles soon reaches every part of the body. Around the borders of the pools the tar slowly hardens by the evaporation of the lighter constituents until it becomes as solid as an asphalt pave- ment. Between the hard and soft portions of the mass there is a very indefinite boundary, the location of which can often be determined only by experiment, and large mammals in many cases run into very tenacious material in this intermediate zone, from which they are unable to extricate themselves.” 32 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE The foregoing account refers to what may actually be observed at the present time; in regard to the Pleistocene, Professor Merriam says: “In the natural accumulation of remains at the tar pools through accidental entangling of ani- mals of all kinds, it is to be presumed that a relatively large percentage of the individuals entombed would consist of young animals with insufficient experience to keep them away from the most dangerous places, or with insufficient strength to extricate themselves. There would also be a relatively large percentage of old, diseased, or maimed individuals that lacked strength to escape when once entangled. In the census of remains that have been obtained up to the present time the percentages of quite young, diseased, maimed, and very old individuals are certainly exceptionally large. ... In addi- tion to the natural accumulation of animal remains through the entangling of creatures of all kinds by accidental encoun- tering of the tar, it is apparent from a study of the collections obtained that some extraordinary influence must have brought carnivorous animals of all kinds into contact with the asphalt with relatively greater frequency than other kinds of animals. In all the collections that have been examined the number of carnivorous mammals and birds represented is much greater than that of the other groups. ... Whenever an animal of any kind is caught in the tar, its struggles and cries naturally attract the attention of carnivorous mammals and birds in the immediate vicinity, and the trapped creature acts as a most efficient lure to bring these predaceous animals into the soft tar with it. It is not improbable that a single small bird or mammal struggling in the tar might be the means of en- trapping several carnivores, which in turn would naturally serve to attract still others. ... In the first excavations earried on by the University of California a bed of bones was encountered in which the number of saber-tooth and wolf skulls together averaged twenty per cubic yard.” ! 1 Memoirs of the University of California, Vol. I, pp. 209-211. METHODS — PALZ ONTOLOGICAL 33 As the animals were thus entombed alive, it would be ex- pected that a large number of complete skeletons would be preserved, but this is not the case: ‘‘connected skeletons are not common.” This scattering and mingling of the bones were due partly to the trampling of the heavier animals in their struggles to escape, but, in more important degree, to the movements within the tar and asphalt. In arid and semi-arid regions great quantities of sand and dust are transported by the wind and deposited where the winds fail, or where vegetation entangles and holds the dust. Any bones, skeletons or carcasses which are lying on the surface will thus be buried, and even living animals may be suffocated and buried by the clouds of dust. An example of such wind-made accumulations is the Sheridan formation (Equus Beds, see p. 131), which covers vast areas of the Great Plains from Nebraska to Mexico and contains innumerable bones, especially of horses. In this formation in northwestern Kansas, Professor Williston found nine skeletons of the large peccary ({Platygonus leptorhinus), lying huddled together, with their heads all pointing in the same direction, and in the upper Miocene (p. 121) of South Dakota Mr. Gidley discovered six skeletons of three-toed horses ({Neohipparion whitneyt) crowded together, killed and buried probably by a sandstorm. Similar illustrations might be gathered from many other parts of the world. Swamps and bogs may, especially under certain conditions, become the burial places of great numbers of animals, which venture into them, become buried and are unable to extricate themselves. Especially is this true in times of great drought, when animals are not only crazed with thirst, but very much weakened as well, and so unable to climb out of the clinging mud. In an oft-quoted passage, Darwin gives a vivid description of the effects of a long drought in Argentina be- tween the years 1827 and 1830. ‘‘During this time so little D + Extinct. 34 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE rain fell, that the vegetation, even to the thistles, failed; the brooks were dried up, and the whole country assumed the appearance of a dusty high road.” ‘I was informed by an eyewitness that the cattle in herds of thousands rushed into the Parana, and being exhausted by hunger they were unable to crawl up the muddy banks, and thus were drowned. The arm of the river which runs by San Pedro was so full of putrid carcasses, that the master of a vessel told me that the smell rendered it quite impassable. Without doubt several hundred thousand animals thus perished in the river; their bodies when putrid were seen floating down the stream; and many in all probability were deposited in the estuary of the Plata. All the small rivers became highly saline, and this caused the death of vast numbers in particular spots; for when an animal drinks of such water it does not recover. Azara describes the fury of the wild horses on a similar occasion, rushing into the marshes, those which arrived first being overwhelmed and crushed by. those which followed. He adds that more than once he has seen the carcasses of upwards of a thousand wild horses thus destroyed. .. . Subsequently to the drought of 1827 to 1832, a very rainy season followed, which caused great floods. Hence it is almost certain that some thousands of the skeletons were buried by the deposits of the very next year.” ! In the arid and desolate regions of the interior of South Australia is a series of immense dry lakes, which only occasionally contain water and ordinarily ‘‘are shallow, mud-bottomed or salt-encrusted claypans only.” One of these, Lake Calla- bonna, is of great interest as having preserved in its soft mud many remains of ancient life, of creatures which were mired in the clay and destroyed, as has been described by Dr. E. C. Stirling. ‘There is, however, compensation for the unpromis- ing physical features of Lake Callabonna in the fact that its bed proves to be a veritable necropolis of gigantic extinct 1Voyage of a Naturalist, Amer. ed., pp. 133-134. METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 35 marsupials and birds which have apparently died where they lie, literally, in hundreds. The facts that the bones of in- dividuals are often unbroken, close together, and, frequently, in their proper relative positions, the attitude of many of the bodies and the character of the matrix in which they are embedded, negative any theory that they have been carried thither by floods. The probability is, rather, that they met their deaths by being entombed in the effort to reach food or water, just as even now happens in dry seasons, to hundreds of cattle which, exhausted by thirst and starvation, are unable to extricate themselves from the boggy places that they have entered in pursuit either of water or of the little green herbage due to its presence. The accumulation of so many bodies in one locality points to the fact of their assemblage around one of the last remaining oases in the region of desiccation which succeeded an antecedent condition of plenteous rains and abundant waters.” It is a very general experience in collecting fossil mammals to find that they are not evenly or uniformly distributed through the beds, but rather occur in ‘“‘pockets,” where great numbers of individuals are crowded together, while between the “‘pockets’”’ are long stretches of barren ground. It is equally common to find the bones thickly distributed in cer- tain layers, or beds, and the layers above and below entirely wanting in fossils. The reasons for this mode of occurrence have been partially explained in the foregoing paragraphs, but the reason differs for each particular mode of entombment. The important part played by drought in causing such ac- cumulation of closely crowded bodies in swamps and mud- holes is indicated in the quotations from Darwin and Stirling ; but similar accumulations may take place on hard ground, as was observed in central Africa by Gregory. ‘‘Here and there around a water hole we found acres of ground white with the bones of rhinoceroses and zebra, gazelle and ante- lope, jackal and hyena. ... These animals had crowded 36 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE around the dwindling pools and fought for the last drops of water.”’1 Even in normal seasons springs and water holes and the drinking places in streams are the lurking places of beasts of prey and crocodiles, so that great accumula- tions of bones are made around these spots. A succession of unusually severe winters frequently leads to great mortality among mammals, as happened in Patagonia in the winter of 1899, when enormous .numbers of Guanaco perished of starvation on the shore of Lake Argentine, where they came to drink. Bones which are exposed on the surface of the ground decay and crumble to pieces in the course of a very few years; and if they are to be preserved as fossils, it is necessary that they should be buried under sedimentary or volcanic deposits. Several such modes of burial have been described in the fore- going paragraphs, but there are other and equally important methods, which remain to be considered. The deposits made by rivers are often extremely rich in fossils, and most of the Tertiary formations of the Great Plains are now ascribed to the agency of rivers. The flood-plain of a stream, or that part of its basin which is periodically over- flowed, is gradually built up by the layers of clay and silt thrown down by the relatively still waters of the flooded area, and scattered bones, skeletons or carcasses that may have been lying on the ground before the freshet are buried in the deposits. Bones covered up in this manner frequently show the marks of teeth of rodents or carnivores which have gnawed them when lying exposed. Deposits made in the stream- channels, where the current was swiftest, are of coarser materials such as gravel and sand, and these often contain the skeletons of animals which were drowned and swept downward by the flooded stream. When the Bison (the mistakenly so-called Buffalo) still roamed in countless herds over the western plains, immense numbers of them were drowned in the upper Missouri 1J. W. Gregory, The Great Rift Valley, p. 268. METHODS — PALHZONTOLOGICAL 37 River by breaking through the ice, when they attempted to cross at times when the ice had not attained its winter thickness, or was weakened by melting in the spring. No doubt, the bed of that river contains innumerable bones of the Bison. Fre- quently, too, animals are caught in quicksands and, unable to escape, are buried in the soft mass; fossil skeletons which are preserved in sandstones in an erect or standing position are usually to be interpreted in this manner. The sedimentary accumulations formed in lakes and ponds sometimes yield fossil bones or skeletons in considerable numbers, which have, for the most part, been derived from the carcasses of animals carried into the lake by streams. A newly drowned mammal sinks to the bottom and, if sufficient sediment be quickly deposited upon it, it may be anchored there and fossilized as a complete skeleton. Otherwise, when distended by the gases of putrefaction, the body will rise and float on the surface, where it will be attacked and pulled about by croco- diles, fishes and other predaceous creatures. As the bones are loosened in the course of decomposition, they will drop to the bottom and be scattered, now here, now there, over a wide area. Land mammals are rarely found in marine rocks, or such deposits as were made on the sea-bottom; but the remains of marine mammals, whales, porpoises, dolphins, seals, etc. are often found in large numbers. In principle, the method of entombment is the same as in the case of lakes, but currents may drift to some bay or cove multitudes of carcasses of these marine mammals. At Antwerp, in Belgium, incredible quanti- ties of such remains have been exposed in excavations and in all probability were drifted by currents into a quiet and shal- low bay, which was subsequently converted into land. While the foregoing account by no means exhausts the various methods of accumulation and burial of the skeletons and scattered bones of mammals, it covers the more important of these methods sufficiently for a general understanding of 38 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE the different processes. In whatever manner the preservation may have been effected, there is great difference in the rel- ative abundance and completeness among the fossils of the various kinds of mammals which were living at the same time and in the same area. It need hardly be said, that the more abundant any species was, the better was the chance of its being represented among the fossils; hence, gregarious species, living in large herds, were more likely to be preserved than those which led a solitary existence, or were individually rare. Most of the hoofed mammals are and apparently always have been gregarious, and are therefore much better represented among the fossils, and are, in consequence, better known than the beasts of prey, which, of necessity, were individually less numerous and. generally solitary in habits. Not only this, but large and medium-sized mammals, with strong and heavy bones, were better fitted to withstand the accidents of entomb- ment and subsequent preservation than small creatures with delicate and fragile skeletons. The mere dead weight of over- lying sediments often crushes and distorts the bones, and the movements of uplift, compression, folding and fracture, to which so many strata have been subjected, did still further damage to the fossils. The percolating waters, which for ages have traversed the porous rocks, often attack and dissolve the bones, completely destroying the minute ones and greatly injuring those which are massive and. strong. In consequence of all those accidents it frequently happens that only the teeth, the hardest and most resistant of animal structures, and it may be the dense and solid jaw-bones, are all that remain to testify of the former existence of some creature that long ago vanished from the earth. Very many fossil mammals are known exclusively from the teeth, and it is this fact which makes the exact study of teeth so peculiarly important to the palx- ontologist. In view of all these facts, it is not surprising that con- cerning the history of many mammalian groups we have but METHODS — PALHZONTOLOGICAL 39 scanty information, or none at all, while in the case of others the story is wonderfully full and detailed. The latter are, very generally, the groups which were not only numerically abundant at: all stages of their history, but also had skeletons that were strong enough to resist destruction; while the. groups as to which there is little or no information are chiefly of small and fragile animals, or such as were always rare. For example, a great deal has been learned regarding the de- velopment of horses and rhinoceroses in North America, but the history of the tapirs is very unsatisfactorily known, be- cause, while horses and rhinoceroses were common, tapirs were solitary and rare. In Europe bats have been found in the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene, and there is no reason to suppose that they were not equally ancient and equally abundant in America; but none have been found in the western hemisphere in any formation older than the Pleistocene. All things considered, the extraordinary fact is, not that so many forms have irretrievably perished, but that so much has been preserved, escaping all the chances of destruction. As to the degree of preservation in fossil mammals, we have to do almost entirely with bones and teeth. With very rare exceptions, and those all of late geological date, the viscera, muscles, skin, hair, horns, hoofs and claws have been com- pletely destroyed and have vanished without leaving a trace. In northern Siberia the gravel soil is permanently frozen to a depth of several hundred feet and contains the intact carcasses of elephants and rhinoceroses of Pleistocene date and notably different from any species of these animals now in existence. Sometimes such a carcass is disinterred from a bluff by the cutting action of a stream and is in a state of nearly complete preservation, with hide, hair and flesh almost as in an animal freshly killed. From these remains it has been learned that the {Mammoth was an elephant densely covered with hair and wool, just as he was depicted in the carvings and cave-paintings t Extinct. 40 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE of Pleistocene Man in Europe, where {Mammoth bones have been abundantly found, and also that there were Siberian rhinoceroses similarly protected against the cold. tMammoth remains with hide and flesh, but much less complete, have like- wise been found in Alaska. In a cavern in southern Patagonia an expedition from the La Plata Museum discovered, with the remains of a gigantic, extinct tground-sloth, large pieces of the skin still covered with hair and affording most welcome information as to the colouration of these most curious animals. The skin had been preserved from decay by deep burial in dry dust. Mummies of Pleistocene rodents have been found in the dry caves of Portugal, whereas in the ordinary caves which are damp or wet, only bones are preserved. Unfortunately, as has been said, such instances of complete preservation are very rare, and none are known of mammals more ancient than those of the Pleistocene epoch. In general, it may be said that the higher the geological antiquity of a skeleton is, the greater is the chemical alteration which it has undergone. Bones of Pleistocene or later date have, as a rule, suffered little change beyond the loss of more or less of their animal matter, the amount of such loss depending chiefly upon exposure to the air. Bones which, for thousands or tens of thousands of years, have been buried in dense cave- earth, in an antiseptic peat-bog, or in asphalt, are often per- fectly sound and fresh when taken up. Skeletons of the ante- cedent (Tertiary) period are, on the other hand, very frequently petrified; that is to say, the original substance of the bones has been completely removed and replaced by some stony material, most commonly lime or flint. This substitution took place very gradually, molecule by molecule, so that not only is the form of the bone or tooth most accurately reproduced, but the internal, microscopic structure is perfectly retained and may be studied to as great advantage as in the case of modern animals. t Extinct. METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 41 While, save in the rarest instances, only the hard parts of fossil mammals remain to testify of their structure, very im- portant information as to the size, form and external character of the brain may be secured from ‘‘brain-casts,”’ which may be natural or artificial, The pressure of the mud, sand or other material, in which the fossil was embedded, filled up all openings in the skeleton and, as the brain decayed and dis- appeared, its place was taken by this material, which subse- quently hardened and solidified and quite accurately reproduces the external form and character of the brain. When a fossil skull is exposed and shattered by weathering, the natural brain-cast often remains intact, and a great many such speci- mens are in the collections. An artificial cast is made by saw- ing open the cranial cavity, cleaning out the stony matrix , which fills it and then pouring liquid gelatine or plaster of Paris into the cavity. These artificial casts are often quite as satisfactory as the natural ones. As has been shown above, the history of the mammals is recorded, save.in a very few instances, in terms of bones and teeth and, to the uninitiated, it might well seem that little could be accomplished with such materials. However, it is the task, and the perfectly feasible task, of paleontology to make these dry bones live. It is a current and exceedingly mischievous notion that the paleontologist can reconstruct a vanished animal from a single bone or tooth and, in spite of repeated slayings, this delusion still flourishes and meets one in modern literature at every turn. No doubt, much of the scepticism with which attempts to restore extinct animals are met by many intelligent people is traceable to the wide- spread belief that such off-hand and easy-going methods are used in the work. So far from being able to make a trust- worthy reconstruction from a few scattered bones, competent paleontologists have been sometimes led completely astray in associating the separated parts of the same skeleton. More than once it has happened that the dissociated skull and feet 42 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE of one and the same animal have been assigned to entirely different groups, just because no one could have ventured, in advance of experience, to suppose that such a skull and teeth could belong to a creature with such feet. In all these cases (and they are few) the error has been finally corrected by the discovery of the skeleton with all its essential parts in their natural connection. While the number of complete skeletons of Tertiary mam- mals as yet collected is comparatively small, it is often possible to construct a nearly complete specimen from several imperfect ones, all of which can be positively shown to belong to the same species. Such composite skeletons are almost as useful as those in which all the parts pertain to a single individual, though in making the drawings it is not easy to avoid slight errors of proportion. It must not be supposed that no success- ful restoration of missing bones is practicable ; on the contrary, this can often be done very easily, but only when all the essential parts of the skeleton are known. Even if an unlimited number of perfect skeletons were available, of what use would they be? A skeleton is a very different looking object from a living animal, and how is it possible to infer the latter from the former? Do the many restorations of extinct mammals which this book owes to the skill of Mr. Horsfall and Mr. Knight deserve any other con- sideration than that due to pleasing, graceful or grotesque fancies, with no foundation of solid fact? 'To answer these questions, it is necessary first to consider the relations of the bony structure to the entire organism and then to discuss the principles in accordance with which the restorations have been made. The skeleton is far from being merely the mechanical frame- work of the animal. Such a frame-work it is, of course, but it is much more than that ; it is the living and growing expres- sion of the entire organism and is modified, not only by age, but by the conditions of the environment and accidental cir- METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 43 cumstances as well. The bones of the same individual differ very materially in early youth, maturity and old age; so long as the animal lives, its bones are perpetually changing, slowly it is true, but with ready response to needs. Not only that, but dislocated bones may and frequently do develop entirely new joints, and their internal structure is remodelled to meet the requirements of stresses differing in character or direction from those of normal, uninjured bones. The general form and proportions of any.mammal are determined chiefly by its muscular system and this may be directly and confidently inferred from its skeleton, for the muscles which are of im- portance in this connection are attached to the bones and leave their indelible and unmistakable mark upon them. In any good text-book of anatomy this extremely intimate relation of bone and muscle is made clear; and it is shown how each attachment of muscle, tendon and ligament is plainly indicated by rough lines, ridges, projections or depressions, which speak a language intelligible enough to those who have learned to interpret it. Given the skeleton, it is no very difficult task to reconstruct the muscular system in sufficient detail. Further, the teeth afford valuable information as to the food, habits and appearance of the animal, for the bulk of the viscera, a significant element in the general form, is principally con- ditioned by the character of the diet. Beasts of prey, which live by catching and devouring other animals, have a certain likeness to one another, even though they are in no wise related, except as all mammals are. The Thylacine, or so-called “Tasmanian Wolf” (Thylacynus cynocephalus), a marsupial and related to the opossums, is deceptively like the true wolves in appearance, although be- longing to an order (Marsupialia) almost as widely separated from that to which the wolves belong (Carnivora) as two mammalian groups well can be. This resemblance is as clearly indicated by the skeletons as by the living animals themselves, though the fundamental. differences of structure which dis- 44 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE tinguish the marsupial from the carnivore are no less clearly displayed. Large herbivorous mammals too, though referable to very different orders, bear a strong resemblance to one another, the characteristic differences, so far as the living animal is concerned, appearing chiefly in the head. It was this general likeness that induced Cuvier to form his order, ‘‘Pachyder- mata,” which comprised elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopota- muses, tapirs, etc., animals that are now distributed into no less than three separate orders; aside from the head, all of these forms are quite distinctly similar in appearance. Of course, the external features, such as ears, tail, skin and hair, are most important factors in the general make-up of any mammal; and, as to these matters, the fossils leave us largely in the lurch, save in the all too rare cases, like the Si- berian {Mammoth, in which these external features are actually preserved. Two artists may so restore the same animal as to result in two very different pictures, and no one can posi- tively decide between them; just as two modern mammals, which are closely related and have very similar skeletons, may yet differ markedly in outward appearance, because of the different character of the skin, as do, for example, the Bornean and Indian rhinoceroses. Yet even in dealing with purely external features, we are not left altogether to conjecture. Ears of unusual size or form frequently leave some indication of this on the skull, and the presence or absence of a proboscis can nearly always be inferred with confidence from the char- acter of the bones of the nose and muzzle. The length and thickness of the tail may be generally directly deduced from the caudal vertebre, but whether it was close-haired and cylindrical, or bushy, or tufted at the end, or flat and trowel- shaped, as in the Beaver, is not determinable from the bones alone. Most uncertain of all the characters which determine outward appearance are the hair and the pattern of colouration ; the Horse and Zebra differ much more decidedly in the living METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 45 form than their skeletons would lead one to expect, as do also the Lion, the Tiger and the Leopard. The curious and ex- ceptional colour-pattern of the Okapi, that remarkable giraffe- like animal but lately discovered in the equatorial forests of western Africa, could never have been inferred from a study of the skeleton alone. However, even in the problem of colour- patterns there is more to go upon than sheer guess-work, for certain definite principles of animal colouration have been ascertained ; the great difficulty lies in the application of these principles to a particular case. It is quite certain that the naked, hairless skin is never primitive, but always a compara- tively late acquisition and, in many mammalian orders, is not found at all. Aside from a few domesticated animals, this type of skin occurs only in very large herbivorous mammals living in warm climates, such as elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, in a few burrowers, and in marine mammals, like the walruses, whales, porpoises, etc. Useful hints as to the colouring of ancient and extinct forms may be gathered from —= 72 BRUCE HORSPALL ims A Si i 7 Fic. 4. — Wild sow and pigs, showing the uniform colour of the adult and stripes of the young. 46 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE a study of series of living animals, such as lizards and butter- flies, in which the development of a definite scheme of coloura- tion may be followed step by step. Young animals very fre- quently retain more or less distinct traces of the ancestral colouration, which disappear in the adult, for the develop- ment of the individual is, in some respects at least, an abbre- viated and condensed recapitulation of the history of the species. In many mammals which, in the adult condition, have a solid body-colour, the young are striped or spotted, a strong indi- cation that these mammals were derived from striped or spotted ancestors. Thus, the Wild Boar has a uniform body-colour in the full-grown stage, but the pigs are longitudinally striped ; many deer are spotted throughout life, as in the Fallow Deer, the Axis Deer of India and others, but the great majority of the species, including all the American forms, have uniform colouration, while the fawns are always spotted. Lion cubs Fic. 5.— Fawns of the Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Compare with Fig. 83, p. 167. (By permission of the N. Y. Zoélog. Society.) are also spotted and the adults have a uniform tawny colour, and many such examples might be given. The study of colouration among existing animals has led to the conclusion that in mammals the primitive colour- METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 47 pattern was that of stripes, either longitudinal or transverse and more probably the former. In the second stage these bands break up into spots, which still show the longitudinal arrangement and may be either light on a dark ground, or dark on a light ground. In a third stage the spots may again coalesce into stripes, the course of which is at right angles to that of the original stripes, or the spots may disappear, leaving a uniform body-colour, lighter or white on the belly. These changes of colour-pattern have. not proceeded at a uniform rate in the various mammalian groups, or even within the same group, for an all-important factor is the mode of life of the particular animal. In general, it may be said that the scheme of colour is such as to render its possessor inconspicuous, or even invisible, and many a creature that seems to be very conspicuous and striking in a museum case can hardly be seen at all when in its natu- ral surroundings. Thus, Arctic mammals and birds, in their — yy¢. ¢.—apirus terrestris, 3 days old. winter dress, are white; desert Compare with Fig. 137, p. 320. (By 5 permission of W.S. Berridge, London.) animals are tawny or sandy- brown ; forest animals are frequently striped or spotted ; while those that live on open plains are more commonly of uniform colouration. There are exceptions to these rules, but they hold good for the most part. From careful comparative study of the teeth and skeletons a clew may be gained as to the habits of animals and from the habits something may be inferred as to the colouration. It would, however, be misleading to claim a greater au- thority for these attempts at restoring a long-vanished life than can fairly be ascribed to them. The general form and proportions of the head, neck, body, tail, limbs and feet may be deduced with a high degree of accuracy from the skeleton, 48 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE while the external characters of skin, hair and colouration are largely conjectural, but not altogether imaginary. It cannot be doubted that among the extinct mammals were many which, owing to some uncommon growth of subcutaneous fat, or some unusual local development of hair, were much more curious and bizarre in appearance than we can venture to represent them. If, for example, the Camel, the Horse, the Lion and the Right Whale were extinct and known only from their skeletons, such restorations as we could make of them would assuredly go astray in some particulars. The Camel would be pictured without his hump, for there is nothing in the skeleton to suggest it; the forelock, mane and characteristic tail of the Horse and the Lion’s mane would certainly not be recognized ; while the immense development of blubber in the head of the Whale gives to it a very different appearance from that which the skull would seem to indicate. Such cases are, however, ex- ceptional and restorations made by competent hands from complete skeletons probably give a fair notion of the appearance of those animals when alive. It will thus be sufficiently plain that the work of restora- tion is beset with difficulties, but that there is no good ground for the uncritical scepticism which summarily rejects the re- sults as being purely fanciful, or for the equally uncritical credulity which unhesitatingly accepts them as fully and in- contestably accurate. It is altogether likely that one of the main sources of error consists in making the extinct animal too closely resemble some existing species which is selected as a model. Too much space has perhaps been devoted to the problem of restoring the external form of these extinct mammals, a problem which, after all, is of distinctly subordinate impor- tance. The most valuable results which may be gained from a study of these fossil mammals are the answers which they afford to the great questions of relationship, classification and genetic descent, and the light which they throw upon the METHODS — PALZONTOLOGICAL 49 processes of evolution and the course of geographical arrange- ment. The bones and teeth afford admirable means of tracing the gradual steps of modification by which the modern mammals have arisen from very different ancestors and of following their wanderings from region to region and continent to continent. It is to these questions that most of the subse- quent chapters are devoted. CHAPTER III THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA THE terminology and nomenclature of science form a great barrier, which only too often shuts out the educated layman from following the course of investigation and keeping abreast of the discoveries in which he may be particularly interested. No more frequent and heartfelt complaint is uttered than that which decries the ‘‘scientific jargon,” and one might be tempted to think that this jargon was a superfluous nuisance, delib- erately adopted to exclude the uninitiated and guard the secrets of the temple from the curious intruder. As a matter of fact, however, this terminology, though an unquestionable evil from one point of view, is an indispensable implement of investigation and description. Ordinary language has far too few words for the purpose and most of the words that might be used lack the all-important quality of precision. The vernacular names of animals and plants are notoriously inexact and, even when not inaccurately employed, are not sufficiently refined and destinctive for scientific use. This is pre-eminently true of the New World, where the European settlers gave the names of the creatures with which they had been familiar at home to the new animals which they found in the western hemisphere. Some of these names, such as deer, wolf, fox, bear, are accurate enough for ordinary purposes, while others are ludicrously wrong. The bird that we call the Robin is altogether different from his European namesake, and the great stag, or Wapiti, is commonly called ‘‘Elk,” a name which properly belongs to the Moose. In short, it is impossible to gain the necessary accuracy and abundance of vocabulary 50 CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 51 without devising an artificial terminology, drawn chiefly from Greek and Latin. In dealing with fossils, the difficulty of nomenclature be- comes formidable indeed. ‘The larger and more conspicuous mammals of the modern world are more or less familiar to all educated people, and such names as rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, kangaroo, will call up a definite and fairly accurate image of the animal in question. For the strange creatures that vanished from the earth ages before the appearance of Man there are no vernacular names and it serves no good pur- pose to coin such terms. To the layman names like Uinta- therium or Smilodon convey no idea whatever, and all that can be done is to attempt to give them a meaning by illustration and description, using the name merely as a peg upon which to hang the description. The system of zodlogical classification which is still in use was largely the invention of the Swedish naturalist Linneus, who published it shortly. after the middle of the eighteenth century. As devised by Linnzus, the scheme was intended to express ideal relationships, whereas now it is employed to express real genetic affinities, so far as these can be ascertained. The Linnzan system is an organized hierarchy of groups, arranged in ascending order of comprehensiveness. In this scheme, what may be regarded as the unit is the species, a concept around which many battles have been waged and concerning which there is still much difference of opinion and usage. Originally a term in logic, it first received a definite meaning in Zodlogy and Botany from John Ray (1628-1705) who applied it to indicate a’group of animals, or plants, with marked common characters and freely interbreeding. Linnzus, though not always consistent in his expressions on the subject, regarded species as objective realities, concrete and actual things, which it was the naturalist’s business to discover and name, and held that they were fixed entities which had been separately created. This belief in the fixity and objective 52 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE reality of species was almost universally held, until the publica- tion of Darwin’s ‘‘Origin of Species’ (1859) converted the biological world to the evolutionary faith, which declares that the only objective reality among living things is the individual animal or plant. According to this modern conception, a species may be defined as signifying a ‘‘ grade or rank assigned by systematists to an assemblage of organic forms which they judge to be more closely interrelated by common descent than they are related to forms judged to be outside the species ”’ (P. Chalmers Mitchell). The technical name of a species, which is either in Latin, or in latinized form, is in two words, one of which designates the genus (see below) and the other the particular species of that genus, as, for example, Equus caballus, the species Horse, EF. przewalskii, the Asiatic Wild Horse, EH. asinus, the species Ass, etc. In order to identify a species, the genus to which it belongs must be stated, hence the term, binomial system of nomenclature, which Linneus introduced, becoming ¢ri- nomial when the name of a subspecies is added, a modern re- finement on the older method. A very large species (7.e. one which is represented by great numbers of individuals), extending over a very large area, is often divisible into groups of minor rank, as varieties, geographical races or subspecies. Taking the species as the unit in the scheme of classification, the varieties and subspecies may be considered as fractions. There is great difference of usage among writers on sys- tematic zodlogy in the manner of applying the generally ac- cepted concept of species, some making their groups very much more comprehensive than others, according as they are “‘lumpers”’ or ‘‘splitters,” to employ the slang phrase. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are no fixed and definite criteria, by which a given series of individuals can be surely distinguished as a variety, a species or a genus; it is a matter for the judgment and experience of the systematist himself. The individuals of a species may differ quite widely among CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 53 themselves, provided that they are all connected by inter- gradations, and the more or less constant varieties or sub- species are to be distinguished from the individual variants, which are inconstant and fluctuating. No two specimens agree exactly in every particular, but if a very large suite of them be compared, it will be found that the great majority depart but little from the average or norm of the species, and the wider the departure from the norm, the fewer the indi- viduals which are so aberrant. Taking so easily measured a character as size, for example, and measuring several hundred or a thousand representatives of some species, we see that a large majority are of average size, a little more or a little less, while very large or very small individuals are rare in propor- tion to the amount by which they exceed or fall short of the norm. Subspecies or varieties are marked by differences which are relatively constant, but not of sufficient importance to entitle them to rank as species. A group of the second rank is called a genus, which may contain few or many species, or only asingle one. In the latter case the species is so isolated in character that it cannot prop- erly be included in the same genus with any other species. A large genus, one containing numerous species, is frequently divisible into several subgenera, each comprising a group of species which are more similar to one another than they are to the other species of the genus. The third of the main groups in ascending order is the family, which ordinarily consists of a number of genera united by the possession of certain common characters, which, at the same time, distinguish them from other genera, though a single isolated genus may require a separate family for its reception. Just as it is often convenient to divide a genus into subgenera, so families containing many genera are usually divisible into subfamilies, as indicative of closer relationships within the family. The name of the family is formed from that of the genus first described or best known, with the 54 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE termination -ide, while that for the subfamily is ne. To take an example, all the genera of cats, living and extinct, are assembled in the family Felide (from the genus Felis) which falls naturally into two subfamilies. One of these, the Feline, includes the true cats, a very homogeneous group, both the existing and the extinct genera; the other subfamily, that of the highly interesting series of the ‘‘Sabre-tooth Tigers,” called the {Machairodontine, comprises only extinct forms. The fourth principal rank or grade is the order, distin- guished by some fundamental peculiarity of structure and usually including a large number of families. Some of the orders, however, contain but a single family, a single genus, or even, it may be, a single species, because that species is in important structural characters so unlike any other that it cannot properly be put into the same order with anything else. Such isolation invariably implies that the species or genus in question is the sole survivor of what was once an extensive series. As in the case of the family and the genus, it is often necessary: to recognize the degrees of closer and more remote affinity by the use of suborders. Existing Artiodactyla, or even-toed hoofed animals, an enormous assemblage, may con- veniently be divided into four suborders: (1) Suina, swine and the Hippopotamus; (2) Tylopoda, the ‘Camel and Llama; (3) Tragulina, ‘‘mouse-deer,”’ or chevrotains; (4) Pecora, or true ruminants, deer, giraffes, antelopes, sheep, goats, oxen, etc. In nearly all of the orders such subordinal divisions are desirable and it is frequently useful to employ still further subdivisions, like superfamilies, which are groups of allied families within the suborder, sections and the like. In the Linnzan scheme, the next group in ascending rank is the class, which includes all mammals whatsoever, but the advance of knowledge has made it necessary to interpolate several intermediate grades between the class and the order, which, in the descending scale, are subclass, infraclass, cohort, + Extinct. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 55 superorder and others, while above the class comes the sub- kingdom of Vertebrata, or animals with internal skeletons, which includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes. A word should be said as to the conventions of printing technical names. The names of all species are, in American practice, printed in small letters, but many Europeans write specific terms which are proper nouns or adjectives with a capital. Generic, family and all groups of higher rank are always written with a capital, unless used in vernacular form, e.g. Artiodactyla and artiodactyls. It is also a very general custom to give capitals to vernacular names of species, as the Mammoth, the Coyote, the Black Bear. Genus and species are almost invariably in italics, groups of higher rank in roman. Such a scheme of classification as is outlined above has a decidedly artificial air about it and yet it serves a highly use- ful purpose in enabling us to express in brief and condensed form what is known or surmised as to the mutual relationships of the great and diversified assemblage of mammals. The scheme has been compared to the organization of an army into company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army corps, etc., and there is a certain obvious likeness ; but the differences go deeper, for an army is an assemblage of similar units, mechanically grouped into bodies of equal size. A much closer analogy is the genealogical or family tree, which graphically expresses the relationships and ramifications of an ancient and wide-spread family, though even this analogy may easily be pushed too far. Blood-relationship is, in short, the under- lying principle of all schemes of classification which postulate the theory of evolution. The system of Linnzus, as expanded and improved by modern zoélogists, has proved itself to be admirably adapted to the study of the living world; but it is much more difficult to apply it to the fossils, for they introduce a third dimension, so to speak, for which the system was not designed. This 56 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE third dimension is the successive modification in time of a genetically connected series. The cumulative effect of such modifications is so great that only very elastic definitions will include the earlier and later members of an unbroken series. In attempting to apply the Linnean system to the successive faunas (i.e. assemblages of animals) which have inhabited the earth, paleontologists have employed various devices. One such method is to classify each fauna without reference to those which precede and follow it, but this has the great draw- back of obscuring and ignoring the relationships, to express which is the very object of classification. Another and more logical method is to treat species and genera as though they belonged to the present order of things, for these groups, particularly species, were relatively short-lived, when regarded from the standpoint of geological time, and either became so modified as to require recognition as new species and genera, or died out without leaving descendants. Groups of higher rank, families, orders, etc., are treated as genetic series and include the principal line or stock and such side-branches as did not ramify too widely or depart too far from the main stem. Under the first arrangement, the horses, a long history of which has been deciphered, would be divided into several families ; under the second, they are all included in a single family. One of the most interesting results of palzontological study is the discovery that in many families, such as the horses, rhinoceroses and camels, there are distinct series which in- dependently passed through parallel courses of development, the series of each family keeping a remarkably even pace in the degree of progressive modification. Such a minor genetic series within a family is called a phylum, not a very happy selection, for the same term had been previously employed in a much wider sense, as equivalent to the subkingdom. In both uses of the term the underlying principle, that of genetic series, is the same ; the difference is in the comprehensiveness of meaning. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 57 It must be admitted that no method, yet devised, of apply- ing the Linnzan scheme to the fossils is altogether satisfactory, and indeed it is only the breaks and gaps in the paleontological record which makes possible any use of the scheme. Could we obtain approximately complete series of all the animals that have ever lived upon the earth, it would be necessary to invent some entirely new scheme of classification in order to express their mutual relationships. In the present state of knowledge, classification can be made only in a preliminary and tentative sort of way and no doubt differs widely from that which will eventually be reached. So far as the mammals are concerned, part of the problem would seem to be quite easy and part altogether uncertain. Some mammalian groups appear to be well defined and entirely natural assemblages of related forms, while others are plainly heterogeneous and artificial, yet there is no better way of dealing with them until their history has been ascertained. The mutual relations of the grand groups, or orders, are still very largely obscure. The class Mammalia is first of all divided into two sub- classes of very unequal size. Of these, the first, PROTO- THERIA, is represented in the modern world by few forms, the so-called Duck-billed Mole (Ornithorhynchus paradoxrus) and Spiny Anteaters (Hchidna) of Australia. They are the lowest and most primitive of the mammals and retain several structural characters of the lower vertebrates. Their most striking characteristic is that the young are not brought forth alive, but are hatched from eggs, as in the reptiles, birds and lower vertebrates generally. The second subclass, EUTHERIA, which includes all other mammals, is again divided into two very unequal groups or infraclasses. One of these, DrpELPHIA, contains but a single order, the Marsupialia, or pouched mammals, now in existence, and is also very primitive in many respects, though far more advanced than the Prototheria. The young, though born alive, 58 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE are brought forth in a very immature state and, with the excep- tion of one genus (Perameles) the foetus is not, attached by a special structure, the placenta, to the womb of the mother. Like the Prototheria, the Marsupials, which were once spread all over the world, are at present almost entirely confined to Australia and the adjoining islands, the Opossums of North and South America, and one small genus (Cenolestes) in the latter continent being the exceptions to this rule of distribution. The second and vastly larger infraclass, the MoNoDELPHIA, is characterized by the placenta, a special growth, partly of foetal and partly of maternal origin, by means of which the unborn young are attached to the mother and nourished during the foetal period; they are born in a relatively mature state and are generally able to walk immediately after birth and resemble their parents in nearly all respects. The vast assemblage of placental mammals, which range over all the continents, are divided into numerous orders, most of which appear to be natural groups of truly related forms, while some are but doubtfully so and others again are clearly unnatural and arbitrary. As has already been pointed out, the mutual relationships of these orders, as expressed in groups of higher than ordinal rank, offer a much more difficult problem, chiefly because our knowledge of the history of mam- mals is most deficient just where that history is most important and significant, namely, in its earlier portion. In many in- stances, the evolution of genera and families may be followed out within the limits of the order in a very convincing way, but very rarely can the origin of an order be demonstrated. When the history began to be full and detailed,the orders had nearly all been established, and, until the steps of their diver- gence and differentiation can be followed out, their mutual relationships can be discussed only from the standpoint of their likenesses and differences. In the valuation of these, there is much room for difference of opinion, and such difference is not lacking. On the other hand, concerning the number CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 59 and limits of the orders themselves there is very general agreement. In the following table only the major groups are included and those which are extinct are marked with a dagger (f). The scheme is almost identical with that given in Professor Osborn’s ‘‘ Age of Mammals,” the few points in which I should prefer a somewhat different arrangement being waived in the interests of uniformity and avoidance of confusion. A few changes are, however, made in matters which I regard as too important to ignore. I. Susctass PROTOTHERIA. Egg-laying Mammals. 1. ORpDER f PROTODONTA. 2. ORDER MONOTREMATA, e.g. the Duck-billed Mole and Spiny Anteaters. II. Susctass EUTHERIA. Viviparous Mammals. A. InrracLtass DIDELPHIA. Pouched Mammals. 1. OnpER t TRICONODONTA. 2. OrpER MARSUPIALIA. a. SUBORDER Polyprotodonta. Opossums, carnivorous and insectivorous Marsupials. b. SUBORDER Diprotodonta. Herbivorous Marsupials; Kangaroos, etc. c. SuBoRDER f Allotheria. B. Inrractass MONODELPHIA. Placental Mammals. AA. Consort UNGUICULATA. Clawed Mammals. 1. OrpER | TRITUBERCULATA. 2. OrpER INSECTIVORA. Insect-eating Mammals. a. SUBORDER Lipotyphla, e.g. Moles, Hedgehogs, Shrews, etc. b. SuBorDER t Hyopsodonta. c. SuBORDER f Proglires. d. SUBORDER Menotyphla, e.g. Tree and Jumping Shrews. . ORvER ¢ TILLODONTIA. | . ORDER DERMOPTERA. The Flying Lemur. . ORDER CHIROPTERA. Bats. . ORDER CARNIVORA. Beasts of Prey. a. SuBORDER { Creodonta. Primitive Flesh-eaters. b. SuBORDER Fissipedia. Wolves, Bears, Weasels, Cats, etc. c. SUBORDER Pinnipedia. | Marine Carnivores — Seals and Walruses. 7. ORDER RODENTIA. Gnawing Mammals. a. SUBORDER Duplicidentata, e.g. Hares, Rabbits, Pikas. O om 60 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE BB. ‘CC. b. SuBoRDER Simplicidentata, ¢.g. Squirrels, Marmots, Beavers, Rats, Mice, Porcupines, etc. 8. OnpER {| THENIODONTIA. 9. OnDER EDENTATA. a. SUBORDER Pilosa. Hairy Edentates, eg. Sloths, Ant- eaters, etc. b. SUBORDER Loricata. Armoured Edentates, e.g. Armadil- los, t Glyptodonts. 10. OrpDER PHOLIDOTA. Scaly Anteaters or Pangolins. 11. OnpER TUBULIDENTATA. The Aard Vark. - Conort PRIMATES. Mammals with nails. 12. OnpDER PRIMATES. a. SUBORDER Lemuroidea. Lemurs. b. SuBORDER Anthropoidea. Monkeys, Apes, Man. Conort UNGULATA. Hoofed Mammals. 13. OrpER f CONDYLARTHRA. 14. OrpER | AMBLYPODA. 15. ORDER ARTIODACTYLA. Even-toed Hoofed Mammals. a. SUBORDER f{ Artiodactyla Primitiva. b. SuBoRDER Suina. Swine, Peccary, Hippopotamus. c. SUBORDER Tylopoda. Camels, Llama, Guanaco. d. SuBoRDER Tragulina. Mouse-deer or Chevrotains. e. SUBORDER Pecora, e.g. Deer, Antelopes, Sheep, Oxen, etc. 16. ORDER PERISSODACTYLA. Odd-toed Hoofed Mammals. a. SUBORDER Chelodactyla, e.g. Horses, Tapirs, Rhi- noceroses, etc. : b. SuBoRDER'f Ancylopoda. f Chalicotheres. 17. OrDER PROBOSCIDEA. Elephants and } Mastodons. 18. OrpDER | BARYTHERIA. 19. OrpER | EMBRITHOPODA. 20. Orper SIRENIA. Sea-cows and Dugongs. 21. OrpER HYRACOIDEA. Conies. 22. OrpER t TOXODONTIA, a. SUBORDER {| Toxodonta. b. SuBoRDER t+ Typotheria. c. SuBORDER f{ Entelonychia. d. Susorper f Pyrotheria. 23. OrpER | ASTRAPOTHERIA. 24. OrpER t LITOPTERNA. DD. Conort CETACEA. Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises. 25. Onper t ZEUGLODONTIA. 26. ORDER ODONTOCETI. Toothed Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises. 27. ORDER MYSTACOCETI. Whalebone Whales. CHAPTER IV THE SKELETON AND TEETH OF MAMMALS WITH very rare exceptions, and those only of the latest geological period (Quaternary), the fossil remains of mammals consist only of bones and teeth. The evolutionary changes, so far as these are preserved, are recorded therefore in terms of dental and skeletal modifications. To render these changes intelligible, it is necessary to give some account of the mam- malian skeleton and teeth, with no more use of ‘technical language than is unavoidable; ordinary speech does not furnish a sufficient number of terms, nor are most of these sufficiently precise. With the aid of the figures, the reader may easily gain a knowledge of the skeleton which is quite adequate for the discussion of fossil series, which will follow in the subsequent chapters. I. Tue SKELETON I. The most obvious distinction of the skeletal parts is into axial and appendicular portions, the former comprising the skull, backbone or vertebral column, ribs and breastbone or sternum, and the latter including the limb-girdles, limbs and feet. In the axial skeleton only the ribs and certain bones of the skull are paired, but in the appendicular all the bones are in pairs, for the right and left sides respectively. The skull is a highly complex structure, made up of many parts, most of which are immovably fixed together, and per- forming many functions of supreme importance. In the first place, it affords secure lodgement and protection for the brain and higher organs of sense, those of smell, sight and hearing, 61 62 LAND MAMMALS IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE and second, it carries the teeth and, by its movable jaws, enables these to bite, to take in and masticate food. The portion of the skull which carries the brain, eyes and ears, is called the cranium, and the portion in front of this is the face, the boundary between the two being an oblique line drawn immediately in front of the eye-socket (Fig. 7).