FUERTES ROOM CORNELL LAB of ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY at Sapsucker Woods a Illustration of Bank Swallow by Louis Agassiz Fuertes Tore ages Fee ee ‘Whi acti ‘Laboratory of Ornithology 23 Sapsucker Woods Road iAthaca, New York 14850 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http :/Awww.archive.org/details/cu31924022544484 THE POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLANTS. THE POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLANTS BY CHARLES DARWIN, LL.D., F.R.S. ASSISTED BY FRANCIS DARWIN WITH ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1897 Aire Fuerte & OK a “D3 \347 357 101 Authorized Edition. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION 2... 6k wee ete tee Page 1-9 CHAPTER I. Tue Crrcumnutatine Movements or SEEDLING PLaNTs, Brassica oleracea, circumnutation of the radicle, of the arched hypo- cotyl whilst still buried beneath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when ereet—Circumuu- tation of the cotyledons—Rate of movement—Analogous obser- vations on various organs in species of Githago, Gossypium, Oxalis, Tropzolum, Citrus, Aésculus, of several Leguminous and Cucurbitaceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen, Stapelia, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Beta, Ricinus, Quercus, _ Corylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalaris, Zea, Avena, Nephrodium, and Selaginella .. .. .. «. 10-66— CHAPTER IL GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE MOVEMENTS AND GROWTH OF SEEDLING Puants. Generality of the circumnutating movement—Radicles, their cir- cumnutation of service—Manner in which they penetrate the ground—Manner in which hypocotyls and other organs break through the ground by being arched—Singular manner of ger- mination in Megarrhiza, &.-—Abortion of cotyledons—Cireum- nutation of ‘hypocotyls and epicotyls whilst still buried and arched—Their power of straightening themselves— Bursting of the seed-ccats—Inherited effect of the arching process in hypo- vi CONTENTS. gean hypocotyls—Circumnitation of hypocotyls and epicotyle when erect—Circumnutation of cotyledons—Pulvini or joints of cotyledons, duration of their activity, rudimentary in Oxalis corniculata, their development—Sensitiveness of cotyledons to light and consequent disturbance of their periodic movements— Sensitiveness of cotyledons to contact.. .. .. Page-67-128 CHAPTER ITI. SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX oF THE RapICcLE To CoNnTACT AND TO OTHER IkRITANTS. Manner in which radicles bend when they encounter an obstacle in the soil—Vicia faba, tips of radicles highly sensitive to con- tact and other irritants—Effects of too high a temperature— Power of discriminating between objects attached on opposite sides— Tips of secondary radicles sensitive — Pisum, tips of radicles sensitive—Effects of such sensitiveness in overcoming geotropism — Secondary radicles — Phaseolus, tips of radicles hardly sensitive to contact, but highly sensitive to caustic and to the removal of a slice—Tropazolum—Gossy pium—Cucurbita —Raphanus— Aésculus, tip not sensitive to slight contact, highly sensitive to caustic—Quercus, tip highly sensitive to contact— Power of discrimination—Zea, tip highly sensitive, secondary radicles—Sensitiveness of radicles to moist air—Summary of chapter ., .. 0. we we wees =~: 1 29-200 CHAPTER IV. Tue CircumnutTaTing MovEMESTS OF THE SEVERAL PARTS OF Mature Puants. Circumnutation of stems: concluding remarks on—Circumnutation of stolons: aid thus afforded in winding amongst the stems of surrounding plants—Circumnutation of flower-stems—Circume nutation of Dicotyledonous leaves—Singular oscillatory move- ment of leaves of Dionzea—Leaves of Cannabis sink at night— Leaves of Gymnosperms—Of Monocotyledons—Cryptogams— Ccncluding remarks on the cireumnutation of leaves: generally tise in the evening and sink in the morning ., .. 201-262 CONTENTS. vil CHAPTER V. Mopirizp CirncUMNUTATION: CLImBina PLants; EPINasTio AND Hyponastic Movements, Circumnutation modified through ianate causes or through the action of external conditions—Innate causes—Climbing plants; simi- larity of their movements with those of ordinary plants; in- creased amplitude; occasional points of difference—Epinastic growth of young leaves—Hyponastic growth of the hypocotyls and epicotyls of seedlings—Hooked tips of climbing and other plants due to modified circumnutation—Ampelopsis tricuspidata —Swmithia Pfundii—Straightening of the tip due to hyponasty— Epinastic growth and circumnutation of the flower-peduncles of Trifolium repens and Oxalis carnosa.. .. .. Page 268-279 CHAPTER VIL. Mopiriep CrrcumnurtatTion: SLEEP on Nyotirropio Movements, THEIR USE: SLEEP oF CoTyLEDons. Preliminary sketch of the sleep or nyctitropic movements of leaves —Presence of pulvini—The lessening of radiation the final cause of nictritropic movements—Manuver of trying experiments on leaves of Oxalis, Arachis, Cassia, Melilotus, Lotus and Marsilca, and on the cotyledons of Mimosa—Concluding remarks on radia-~ tion from leaves—Small differences in the conditions make a great difference in the result—Deseription of the nyctitropic position and movements of the cotyledons of various plants— List of species—Concluding remarks—Independence of the nyctitropic movements of the leaves and cotyledons of the same species—Reasons for believing that the movements have been acquired fora special purpose .. .. .« « .«. 280-316 CHAPTER VII. Moviriep CrrcumnutatTion: Nyctirroric on SueEP MovEMENTS or LravEs. Conditions necessary for these movements—List of Genera and Families, which include sleeping plants—Description of the movements in the several Gencra—Oxalis: leaflets folded ut Vu CONTENTS. night—Averrhoa: rapid movements of the leatlets—Porlieria : leaflets close when plant kept very dry—Tropevlum: leaves de not sleep unless well illuminated during day—Lupinus: various modes of sleeping—Melilotus: singular movements of terminal leaflet—Trifolium—Desmodium: rudimentary lateral leaflets, movements of, not developed on ycung plants, state of their palvini—Cassia : complex movements of the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at ni.-ht—Mimosa pudica: compounded move- ments of leaves, effect of darkness—Mimosa albida, reduced leaflets of—Schrankia: downward movement of the pinna— Marsilea: the only cryptogam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Nyctitropism consists of modified cir- cumnutation, regulated by the alteruations of light and darkness —Shape of first true leaves «ove we ee) Page 817-417 CHAPTER VIII. MopiFIED CIRCUMNUTATION: MOVEMENTS EXCITED BY LIGHT. Distinction between heliotropism and the effects of light on the periodicity of the movements of leavcs—Heliotropic movements of Beta, Solanum, Zea, and Avena—Heliotropic movements towards an obscure light in Apios, Brassica, Phalaris, Tropso- lum, and Cassia—Apheliotropic movements of tendrils of Big- nonia—Of flower-peduncles of Cyclamen—Burying of the pods —Heliotropism and apheliotropism moditied forms of cireumnu- tation—Steps by which one movement is converted into the other—Transversal-heliotropismus or diaheliotropism infinenced by epinasty, the weight of the part and apogeotropism—A pogeo- tropism overcome during the middle of the day by diaheliotro- pism—Effects of the weight of the blades of cotyledons—So- called diurnal sleep—Chlorophyll injured by intense light— Movements to avoid intense light.. .. .. .. .. 418-448 CHAPTER IX. SENSITIVENESS OF PLaANTs TO LiGnt: ITS TRANSMITTED EFFECTS, Uses of he 'iotropism—lInsectivorous and climbing plants not helic- tropic—Same organ heliotropic at one age and not at another-- Extraordinary sensitiveness of some plants to light—The effects CONTENTS. 1x of light do not correspond with its intensity—Eftccts of previous illumination—Time required for the action of light—A fter-effects of light—Apogeotropism acts as soon as light fails—Aceuracy with which plants bend to the light—This dependent on the Llumination of one whole side of the part—Localised sensitive- ness to light and its transmitted effects—Cotyledons of Phalaris, manner of bending—Results of the exclusion of light from their tips—Effects transmitted beneath the surface of the ground— Lateral illumination of the tip determines the direction of the curvature of the hase—Cotyledons of Avena, curvature of basal part due to the illumination of upper part—Similar results with the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta—Radicles of Sinapis aphelio- tropic, due to the sensitiveness of their tips—Concluding remarks and summary of chapter—Means by which circumnutation has been converted into heliotropism or apheliotropism Page 449-492 CHAPTER X. MopirieD CiRCUMNUTATION : MOVEMENTS EXCITED BY GRAVITATION. Means of observation—Apogeotropism—Cytisus—Verbena—Beta —Gradual conversion of the movement of circumnutation into apogeotropism in Rubus, Lilium, Phalaris, Avena, and Brassica —Apogeotropism retarded by heliotropism—Effected by the aid of joints or pulvini—Movements of flower-peduncles of Oxalis— Gencral remarks on apogeotropism—Geotropism—Movements of radicles—Burying of seed-capsules—Use of process—T'ifolium subterraneum — Arachis — Amphicarpaa — Diagcotropism — Conclusion .. 0 «eee we a a 493-522 CHAPTER XI. LOCALISED SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION, AND ITS TRANSMITTED EFFEcts. General considerations—Vicia faba, effects of amputating the tips of the radicles—Regeneration of the tips—Effects of a short ex- posure of the tips to geotrojic action and their subsequent amputation—Fffects of amputating the tips obliquely—Effects of cauterising the tips—Effects of grease on the tips—Pisum x CONTENTS. sativum, tips of radicles cauterised transversely, and on theit upper and lower sides—Phaseolus, cauterisation and grease on the tips—Gossypium—Cucurbita, tips cauterised transversely, and on their upper and lower sides—Zea, tips cauterised—Con- eluding remarks and summary of chapter—Advantages of the sensibility to geotropism being localised in the tips of the radicles 4, 0 .. 4. ue ae we eee Page 28-545 CHAPTER XII Summary axp Coxctupine Remarks, Wature of the circumnutating movement—History of a germinating seed—The radicle first protrudes and circumnutates—Its tip highly sensitive—Emergence of the hypocotyl] or of the epicotyl from the grcund under the form of an arch—Its circumnutation and that of the cotyledons—The seedling throws up a leaf- bearing stem—'he circumnutation of all the parts or organs— Modified circumnutation—Epinasty and hyponasty—Movements of climbing plants—Nyctitropic movements—Movements excited by light and gravitation—Localised sensitiveness—Resemblance between the movements of plants and animals—-The tip of the radicle acts likea brain... ww ee we we |B 4G+57B INDEX: os ae kee wi ae a a eye we TEBE THE MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS. INTRODUCTION. Tue chief object of the present work is to describe and connect together several large classes of move- ment, common to almost all plants. The most widely prevalent movement is essentially of the same nature: as that of the stem of a climbing plant, which bends successively to all points of the compass, so that the tip revolves. This movement has been called by Sachs “revolving nutation;” but we have found it. much more convenient to use the terms cirewmnutation. and cireumnutate. As we shall have to say much. about this movement, it will be useful here briefly to. describe its nature. If we observe a circumnutating stem, which happens at the time to be bent, we will say towards the north, it will be found gradually to bend more and more easterly, until it faces the east ;. and so onwards to the south, then to the west, and: back again to the north. If the movement had beer quite regular, the apex would have described a circle, or rather, as the stem is always growing upwards, a circular spiral. But it generally describes irregular elliptical or oval figures; for the apex, after point- ing in any one direction, commonly moves back to the opposite side, not, however, returning along the same line. Afterwards other irregular ellipses or ovals are successively described, with their longer 2 INTRODUCTION. axes directed to different points of the compass, Whilst describing such figures, the apex often travels in a zigzag line, or makes small subordinate loops or triangles. In the case of leaves the ellipses are generally narrow. Until recently the cause of all such bending move- ments was believed to be due to the increased growth of the side which becomes for a time convex ; that this side does temporarily grow more quickly than the concave side has been well established ; but De Vries has lately shown that such increased growth follows a previously increased state of turgescence on the convex side.* In the case of parts provided with a ‘so-called joint, cushion or pulvinus, which consists of an aggregate of small cells that have ceased to increase in size from a very early age, we meet with ‘similar movements; and here, as Pfeffer has shown f and as we shall see in the course of this work, the increased turgescence of the cells on opposite sides is not followed by increased growth. Wiesner lenies in certain cases the accuracy of De Vries’ con- vlusion about turgescence, and maintains{ that the increased extensibility of the cell-walls is the more important element. That such extensibility must accompany increased turgescence in order that the part may bend is manifest, and this has been insisted on by several botanists ; but in the case of unicellular plants it can hardly fail to be the more important element. Or: the whole we may at present conclude that in- “Sachs first showed ‘‘Lehr- 19, 1879, p. 839. buch, &c., 4th edit. p. 452) the t ‘Dee Perioidisclen Bewegun- intimate connection b. tween tur- gen der Blattorgane,’ 1X75. gescence and growth. For De } ‘Untersuchungen iiber den Wries’ interesting essay,‘ Wachs- Heliotropismus,’ Sitzb. der kh ‘thumskriimmungen mehrzelliger Akad. der Wissenschaft. (Vienna). Organe,’ see ‘ Bot. Zeitung,’ Dec. Jan. 1880. INTRODUCTION. 3 creased growth, first ov one side and then on another, is a secondary effect, and that the increased tur- gescence of the cells, together with the extensibility of their walls, is the primary cause of the movement of circumnutation.* In the course of the present volume it wil] be shown that apparently every growing part of every plant is continually circumnutating, though often on a small scale.’ Even the stems of seedlings before they have broken through the ground, as well as their buried radicles, circumnutate, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permits. In this universally pre- sent movement we have the basis or groundwork for the acquirement, according to the requirements of the plant, of the most diversified movements. Thus, the great sweeps made by the stems of twining plants, and by the tendrils of other climbers, result from a mere increase in the amplitude of the ordinary movement of circumnutation. The position which young leaves and other organs ultimately assume is acquired by the circumnutating movement being increased in some one direction. The leaves of various plants are said to sleep at night, and it will be seen that their blades then assume a vertical position through modified circumnutation, in order to protect their upper surfaces from being chilled through radiation. The movements of various organs to the light, which are so general throughout the vegetable kingdom, aud occasionally from the light, or transversely with respect to it, are all modified * See Mr. Vines’ excellent dis. Naturkunde in Wiirtemberg,’ cussion (‘ Arbeitcn des Bot. Insti- 1874, p. 211) on the curious move- tuts in Wiirzburg? B. II. pp 142, ments of Spirogyra, a plant con- 143, 1878) on thisintricate subject. _ sisting of a single row of cells,.ara Hofmeister’s observations (‘Jul- valuable in relation to this subject. reschrifte des Vereins fir Vaterl. 4 INTRODUCTION. forms of circumnutation; as again are the equally prevalent movements of stems, &c., towards the zenith, and of roots towards the centre of the earth. In accordance with these conclusions, a considerable diffi- culty in the way of evolution is in part removed, fur it might have been asked, how did all their diversificd movements for the most different purposes first arise ? As the case stands, we know that there is always movement in progress, and its amplitude, or direc- tion, or both, have only to be modified for the good of the plant in relation with internal or external stimuli. Besides describing the several modified forms of circumnutation, some other subjects will be discussed. The two which have interested us most are, firstly, the fact that with some seedling plants the uppermost part alone is sensitive to light, and transmits an influ- ence to the lower part, causing it to bend. If there- fore the upper part be wholly protected from light, the lower part may be exposed for hours to it, and yet does not become in the least bent, although this would have occurred quickly if the upper part had been excited by light. Secondly, with the radicles of seed- lings, the tip is sensitive to various stimuli, espe- cially to very slight pressure, and, when thus excited, transmits an influence to the upper part, causing it to bend from the pressed side. On the other hand, if the tip is subjected to the vapour of water proceeding from one side, the upper part of the radicle bends towards this side. Again it is the tip, as stated by Ciesielski, though denied by others, which is sensitive to the attraction of gravity, and by transmission causes the adjoining parts of the radicle to bend towards the centre of the earth. These several cases of the effects of contact, other irritants, vapour, light, and the INTRODUCTION. 5 attraction of gravity being transmitted from the ex- cited part for some little distance along the organ in question, have an important bearing on the theory of all such movements. Terminology.—A brief explanation of some terms which will be used, must here be given. With seedlings, the stem which supports the cotyledons (i.e. the organs which represent the first leaves) has been called by many botanists the hypocotyledonous stem, but for brevity sake we will speak of it merely as the hypocotyl: the stem immediately above the cotyledons will be called the epicotyl or plumule. The radicle can be distinguished from the hypocotyl only by the presence of root-hairs and the nature of its covering. The meaning of the word circumnu- tation has already been explained. Authors speak of positive and negative heliotropism,*—that is, the bending of an organ to or from the light; but it is much more convenient to confine the word helivtropism to bending towards the light, and to designate as a;helivtropism bending from the light. There is another reason for this change, for writers, as we have observed, occasionally drop the adjectives positive and negative, and thus introduce confusion into their discussions. Déiahelio- tropism may express a position more or less transverse to the light and induced by it. In like manner positive geotro- pism, or bending towards the centre of the earth, will be called by us geotropism ; apogeotropism will mean bending in opposition to gravity or from the centre of the earth; and dia- jeotropism, a position more or less transverse to the radius of the earth. The words heliotropism and geotropism properly mean the act of moving in relation to the light or the earth; but in the same manner as gravitation, though defined as “the act of tending to the centre,” is often used to express the cause of a body falling, so it will be found convenient occasionally to employ heliotropism and geotropism, &c., as the cause of the movements in question. The term epinusty is now often used in Germany, and implies that the upper surface of an organ grows more quickly than the * The highly useful terms of Frank; see his remarkable ‘ Bei- Heliotropism and Geotropism triage zur Pflanzenphysiologie, were first used by Dr. A. B. 1868. 6 INTRODUCTION. lower surface, and thus causes it to bend downwards. Hypo nasty is the reverse, and implies increased growth along the lower surface, causing the part to bend upwards.* Methods of Observation—The movements, sometimes very small and sometimes considerable in extent, of the various organs observed by us, were traced in the manner which after many trials we found to be best, and which must be described. Plants growing in pots were protected wholly from the light, or had light admitted from above, or on one side as the case might require, and were covered above by a large horizontal sheet of glass, and with another vertical sheet on one side. A glass filament, not thicker than a horsehair, and from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch in length, was affixed to the part to be observed by means of shellac dissolved in alcohol. The solution was allowed to evaporate, until it became so thick that it set hard in two or three seconds, and it never injured the tissues, even the tips of tender radicles, to which it was applied. To the end of the glass filament an excessively minute bead of black sealing-wax was cemented, below or behind which a bit of card with a black dot was fixed to a stick driven into the ground. The weight of the filament was so slight that even small leaves were not perceptibly pressed down. Another method of obser- vation, when much magnification of the movement was not required, will presently be described. The bead and the dot on the card were viewed through the horizontal or vertical glass-plate (according to the position of the object), and when one exactly covered the other, a dot was made on the glass-plate with a sharply pointed stick dipped in thick Indian-ink. Other dots were made at short intervals of time and these were after- wards joined by straight lines. The figures thus traced were therefore angular; but if dots had been made every 1 or 2 minutes, the lines would have been more curvilinear, as occurred when radicles were allowed to trace their own courses on smoked glass-plates. To make the dots accurately was the sole difficulty, and required some practice. Nor could this be done quite accurately, when the movement was much magnified, such as 30 times and upwards; yet even in this case the general course may be trusted. To test the accuracy of the above method of observation, a filament was fixed to an * These terms are usedinthe ‘ Wiirzburg Arbeiten” Heft ii sense given them by De Vries, 1872, p. 252, : INTRODUCTION. v4 inanimate object which was made to slide along a straight edge and dots were repeatedly made on a glass-plate; when these were joined, the result ought to have been a perfectly straight line, and the line was very nearly straight. It may be added that when the dot on the card was placed half-an-inch below or behind the bead of sealing-wax, and when the glass- plate (supposing it to have been properly curved) stood at a distance of 7 inches in front (a common distance), then the tracing represented the movement of the bead magnified 15 times. Whenever a great increase of the movement was not required, another, and in some respects better, method of observation was followed. This consisted in fixing two minute triangles of thin paper, about 5); inch in height, to the two ends of the attached glass filament; and when their tips were brought into a line so that they covered one another, dots were made as before on the glass-plate. If we suppose the glass-plate to stand at a dis- tance of seven inches from the end of the shoot bearing the filament, the dots when joined, will give nearly the same figure as if a filament seven inches long, dipped in ink, had been fixed to the moving shoot, and had inscribed its own course on the plate. The movement is thus considerably magnified ; for instance, if a shoot one inch in length were bending, and the glass-plate stood at the distance of seven inches, the move- ment would be magnified eight times. It would, however, have been very difficult to have ascertained in each case how great a length of the shoot was bending; and this is indispensable for ascertaining the degree to which the movement is magnified. After dots had been made on the glass-plates by either of the above methods, they were copied on tracing paper and joined by ruled lines, with arrows showing the direction of the movement, The nocturnal courses are represented by straight broken lines. The first dot is always made larger than the others, so as to catch the eye, as may be seen in the diagrams. The figures on the glass-plates were often drawn on too large a scale to be reproduced on the pages of this volume, and the proportion in which they have been reduced is always given.* Whenever it could be approximately told how much the move- ment had been magnified, this is stated. We have perhaps * We are much indebted to he has reduced and engraved our Mr. Cooper for the care with which diagrams. 2 8 INTRODUCTION. introduced a superfluous number of diagrams; but they take up less space than a full description of the movements. Almost all the sketches of plants asleep, &c., were carefully drawn for us by Mr. George Darwin. As shoots, leaves, &c., in circumnutating bend more and more, first in one direction and then in another, they were necessarily viewed at different times more or less obliquely ; and as the dots were made on a flat surface, the apparent amount of movement is exaggerated according to the degree of obliquity of the point of view. It would, therefore, have been a much better plan to have used hemispherical glasses, if we had possessed them of all sizes, and if the bending part of the shoot had been distinctly hinged and could have been placed so as to have formed one of the radii of the sphere- But even in this case it would have been necessary afterwards to have projected the figures on paper; so that complete accuracy could not have been attained. From the distortion of our figures, owing to the above causes, they are of no use to any one who wishes to know the exact amount of movement, or the exact course pursued; but they serve excellently for ascertaining whether or not the part moved at all, as well as the general character of the movement. ' In the following chapters, the movements of a con- siderable number of plants are described; and the species have been arranged according to the system adopted by Hooker in Le Maout and Decaisne’s ‘ De- scriptive Botany.’ No one who is not investigating the present subject need read all the details, which, however, we have thought it advisable to give. To save the reader trouble, the conclusions and most of the more important parts have been printed in larger type than the other parts. He may, if he thinks fit, read the last chapter first, as it includes a summary of the whole volume; and he will thus see what points interest him, and on which he requires the full evidence. Finally, we must have the pleasure of returning om INTRODUCTION. 9 sincere thanks to Sir Joseph Hooker and to Mr. W. Thiselton Dyer for their great kindness, in not only sending us plants from Kew, but in procuring others from several sources when they were required for our observations ; also, for naming many species, and giving us information on various points. 10 OIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Caar. L CHAPTER I. THE CrrocmnuTaTinec Movements or SEEDLING PLANTS. Brassica oleracea, circumnutation of the radicle, of the arched hypo- cotyl whilst still buried beneath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when erect—Circumnutation of the cotyledons—Rate of movement—Analogous observations on various organs in species of Githago, Gossypium, Osxalis, Tro- peolum, Citrus, Asculus, of several Leguminous and Cucurbita- ceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen. Stapel‘a, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Beta, Ricinus, Quercus, Corylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalaris, Zea, Aveua, Nephro- dium, and Selaginella, THE following chapter is devoted to the circum- nutating movements of the radicles, hypocotyls, and cotyledons of seedling plants; and, when the coty- ledons do not rise above the ground, to the movements of the epi.otyl. But in a future chapter we shall have to recur to the movements of certain cotyledons which sleep at night. Brassica oleracea (Crucifere).—Fuller details will be given with respect to the movements in this case than in any other, as space and time will thus ultimately be saved. Radicle—A seed with the radicle projecting ‘05 inch was fastened with shellac to a little plate of zinc, so that the radicle stood up vertically; and a fine glass filament was then fixed near its base, that is, close to the seed-coats. The seed was surrounded by little bits of wet sponge, and the move- ment of the bead at the end of the filament was traced (Fig. 1) during sixty hours. In this time the radicle increased in length from ‘05 to "ll inch. Had the filament been attached at first close to the apex of the radicle, and if it could have re- mained there all the time, the movement exhibited would have Ouar. I, BRASSICA. 11 been much greater, for at the close of our observations the tip, instead of standing vertically upwards, had become bowed downwards through geotropism, so as almost to touch the zine plate. As far as we could roughly seer by measure- ments made with compasses on other seeds, the tip alone, for a length of only =, to zig of an inch, is acted on by geotropism. But the trac- ing shows that the basal part of the radicle continued to circumnutate irregularly dur- ing the whole time. The actual extreme amount of movement of the bead at the end of the filament was nearly Fig 1. 05 inch, but to what extent the movement of the radicle was magnified by the fila- Brassca oleriacea: circumnutation of radicle, traced on horizontal glass, from 9 a.M. Jan. 31st to 9 P.M. Feb. 2nd. Movement of bead at end of filament magnified about 40 times. ment, which was nearly 3 inch in length, it was impossible to estimate. Another seed was treated and observed in the same manner, but the radicle in this case protruded ‘1 inch, and was not Fig, 2. an Brassica oleracea: circumnutating and geotropic movement of radicle, traced on horizontal glass during 46 hours. fastened so as to project quite vertically upwards. The filament was affixed close to its base. The tracing (Fig. 2, reduced by half) shows the movement from 9a.m. Jan. 31st to 7 a.m. Feb. 2nd; but it continued to move during the whole of the 12 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. I. Qnd in the same general direction, and in a similar zigzag manner, From the radicle not being quite perpendicular when the filament was affixed geotropism came into play at once; but the irregular zigzag course shows that there was growth (probably preceded by turgescence), sometimes on one and sometimes on another side. Occasionally the bead remained stationary for about an hour, and then probably growth occurred on the side opposite to that which caused the geotropic curva- ture. In the case previously described the basal part of the very short radicle from being turned vertically upwards, was at first very little affected by geotropism. Filaments were affixed in two other instances to rather longer radicles protruding obliquely from seeds which had been turned upside down; and in these cases the lines traced on the horizontal glasses were only slightly zigzag, and the movement was always in the same general direction, through the action of geotropism. All these observations are liable to several causes of error, but we believe, from what will hereafter be shown with respect to the move- ments of the radicles of other plants, that they may be largely trusted. Hypocotyl.—The hypocotyl protrudes through the seed-coats as a rectangular projection, which grows rapidly into an arch like the letter U turned upside down q; the cotyledons being still enclosed within the seed. In whatever position the seed may be embedded in the earth or otherwise fixed, both legs of the arch bend upwards through apogeotropism, and thus rise vertically above the ground. As soon as this has taken place, or even earlier, the inner or concave surface of the arch grows more quickly than the upper or convex surface; and this tends to separate the two legs and aids in drawing the cotyledons out of the buried seed-coats. By the growth of the whole arch the cotyledons are ultimately dragged from beneath the ground, even from a considerable depth; and now the hypocotyl quickly straightens itself by the increased growth of the concave side. Even whilst the arched or doubled hypocotyl is still beneath the ground, it cireumnutates as much as the pressure of the sur- rounding soil will permit; but this was difficult to observe, because as soon as the arch is freed from lateral pressure the two legs begin to separate, even at a very early age, before the arch would naturally have reached the surface. Seeds were allowed to germinate on the surface of damp earth, and after they had fixed themselves by their radicles, and after the, as yet, only Cuap. L BRASSICA. 13 slightly arched hypocotyl had become nearly vertical, a glass filament was affixed on two occasions near to the base of the basal leg (i.e. the one in connection with the radicle), and its movements were traced in darkness on a horizontal glass. The result was that long lines were formed running in nearly the plane of the vertical arch, due to the early separation of the two legs now freed from pressure; but as the lines were zigzag, showing lateral movement, the arch must have been circum- nutating, whilst it was straightening itself by growth along its inner or concave surface. : A somewhat different method of observation was next followed: Fig. 3. Brassica oleracea: cireumnutating movement of buried and arched hypo- cotyl (dimly illuminated from above), traced on horizontal glass during 45 hours. Movement of bead of filament magnified about 25 times, and here reduced to one-half of original scale. as soon as the earth with seeds in a pot began to crack, the surface was removed in parts to the depth of-2 inch; and a filament was fixed to the basal leg of a buried and arched hypo- cotyl, just above the.summit of the radicle. The cotyledons were still almost completely enclosed within the much-cracked seed-coats ; and these were again covered up with damp adhesive soil pressed pretty firmly down. The movement of the filament was traced (Fig. 3) from 11 a.m. Feb. 5th till 8 a.m. Feb. 7th. By this latter period the cotyledons had been dragged from beneath the pressed-down earth, but the upper part of the hypocotyl still formed nearly a right angle with the lower part. The tracing st ows that the arched hypocoty] tends at this early 14 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar.-1 age to circumnutate irregularly. On the first day the greater movenient (from right to left in the figure) was not in the plane of the vertical and arched hypocotyl, but at right angles to it, or in the plane of the two cotyledons, which were still in close contact. The basal leg of the arch at the time when the filament was affixed to it, was already: bowed considerably backwards, or from the cotyledons; had the filament been affixed before this bowing occurred, the chief movement would have been at right angles to that shown in the figure. AG'40'a.m.27t* Coty'edon umbilicus: circumnutation of stolon, traced from 11.15 a.m Aug. 25th to 11 a.m. 27th. Plant illuminated from above. Th terminal internode was +25 inch in length, the penultimate 2°25, ana the third 3°0 inches in length. Apex of stolon stood at a distance of 5°75 inches from the vertical glass ; but it was not possible to ascertain how much the tracing was magnified, as it was not known how great a length of the internode circumnutated. the terminal portion soon began to bend downwards and con- tinued to do so until noon. Therefore a straight line, very nearly as long as the whole figure here given (Fig. 89), was first traced on the glass; but the upper part of this line has not been copied in the diagram. The curvature occurred in the middle Cnar. 1V. CIRCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 221 of the penultimate internode; and its chief seat was at the distance of 14 inch from the apex; it appeared due to the weight of the terminal portion, acting on the more flexible part of the internode, and not to geotropism. The apex after thus sinking down from 9.10 a.m. to noon, moved a little to the left; it then rose up and circumnutated in a nearly vertical plane until 10.85 p.m. On the fullowing day (26th) it was ob- Fig. 90, ou! ames 1°30! 855 > 2 85am 6°40'a.m.20® 520’, re 1'a.me~ 6°40'um.27 Cotyledon umbilicus: circumnutation and downward movement of another etolon, traced on vertical glass, from 9.11 a.m. Aug. 25th to 11 a.M. 27th. Apex close to glass, so that figure but little magnified, and here reduced to two-thirds of original size. served from 6.40 a.m. to 5.20 p.m., and within this time it moved twice up and twice down. On the morning of the 27th the apex stood as high as it did at 11.30 4m. on the 25th. Nor did it sink down during the 28th, but continued to circumnutate about the same place. Another stolon, which resembled the last in almost every 222 CIRCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Cuar. IY, respect, was observed during the same two days, but only twa inches of the terminal portion was allowed to project freely and horizontally. On the 25th it continued from 9.10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. to bend straight downwards, apparently owing to its weight (Fig. 90); but after this hour until 10.35 p.m. it zigzagged. This fact deserves notice, for we here probably see the combined effects of the bending down from weight and of circumnutation. The stolon, however, did not circumnutate when it first began to bend down, as may be observed in the present diagram, and as was still more evident in the last case, when a longer portion of the stolon was left unsupported. On the following day (26th) the stolon moved twice up and twice down, but still con- tinued to fall; in the evening and during the night it travelled from some unknown cause in an oblique direction. We see from these three cases that stolons or runners circumnutate in a very complex manner. The lines generally extend in a vertical plane, and this may probably be attributed to the effect of the weight of the unsupported end of the stolon; but there is always some, and occasionally a considerable, amount of lateral movement. The circumnutation is so great in amplitude that it may almost be compared with that of climbing plants. That the stolons are thus uided in passing over obstacles and in winding between the stems of the surrounding plants, the observations above given render almost certain. If they had not circumnutated, their tips would have been liable to have been doubled up, as often as they met with obstacles in their path ; but as it is, they easily avoid them. This must be a considerable advantage to the plant in spreading from its parent-stock ; but we are far from supposing that the power has been gained by the stolons for this purpose, for circumnutation seems to be of universal occurrence with all growing parts; but it is not improbable that the amplitude of the movement may have been specially increased for this purpose. Cuai IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF FLOWER-STEMS. 223 CIRCUMNUTATION OF FLOWER-STEMS. We did not think it necessary to make any special observations on the circumnutation of flower-stems, these being axial in their nature, like stems or stolons ; but some were incidentally made whilst attending to other subjects, and these we will here biiefly give. A few observations have also been made by other botanists. These taken together suffice to render it probable that all peduncles and sub-peduncles cir- cumnutate whilst growing. Oxalis carnosa.— The peduncle which springs fromm the thick and woody stem of this plant bears three or four sab-peduncles. Fig. 91. Oxalis carnosa : flower-stem, feebly illuminated from above. its cireumnuta tion traced from 9 a.m. April 13th to 9 a.m. 15th, Summit of flower 8 inches beneath the horizontal glass, Movement probably magnified about 6 times, A filament with little triangles of paper was fixed within the calyx of a flower which stood upright. Its movements were observed for 48h.; during the first half of this time the flower was fully expanded, and during the second half withered. The figure here given (Fig. 91) represents 8 or 9 ellipses. Although the main peduncle circumnutated, and described one large and 224 CIRCUMNUTATION OF FLOWER-STEMS Cuar. IV two smaller ellipses in the course of 24 h., yet the chief seat of movement lies in the sub-peduncles, which ultimately bend vertically downwards, as will be described in a future chapter. Tho peduncles of Oxalis acelosellu likewise bend downwards, and afterwards, when the pods are nearly mature, upwards; and this is effected by a circumnutating movement. It may be seen in the above figure that the flower-stem of O.carnosa circumnutated during two days about the same spot. On the other hand, the flower-stem of U. sensitiva undeigoes a strongly marked, daily, periodical change of position, when kept at a proper temperature. In the middle of the day it stands vertically up, or at a high angle; in the afternoon it sinks, and in the evening projects horizontally, or almost horizontally, rising again during the night. This movement continues from the period when the flowers are in bud to when; as we believe, the pods are mature: and it ought perhaps to have been included amongst the so-called sleep-movements of plants. A tracing was not made, but the angles were measured at successive periods during one whole day; and these showed that the movement was not coutinuous, but that the peduncle oscillated up and down. We may therefore conclude that it cireumnutated. At the base of the peduncle there is a mass of small cells, forming a well-developed pulvinus, which is exteriorly coloured purple and hairy. In noother genus,as far as we know, is the peduncle furnished witha pulvinus. The peduncle of U. Ortegesit behaved differently from that of VU. sensitiva, for it stood at a less angle above the horizon in the middle of the day, than in the morning or evening. By 10.20 p.m. it had risen greatly. During the middle of the day it oscillated much up and down. Trifolium subterraneum.—A filament was fixed vertically to the uppermost part of the peduncle of a young and upright flower-head (the stem of the plant having been secured to a stick); and its movements were traced during 36 bh. Within this time it described (see Fig. 92) a figure which represents four ellipses; but during the latter part of the time the peduncle began to bend downwards, aud after 10.30P.m. on the 24th it curved so rapidly down, that by 6.45 a.m. on the 25th it stood only 19° above the horizon. It went on circumnutating in nearly the same position for two days. Even after the flower-heads bave buried themselves in the ground they continue, as will hereafter be shown, to circumnutate. It will also be seen in the next chapter that the sub-peduncles of the separate flowers of Cuar. IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF FLOWER-STEMS. 225 Trifolium repens cireumnutate in a complicated course during several days. I may add that the gynophore of Arachis hypogea, Fig. 92. 110'.20pm.24F Y t Trifolium subterrancum: main flower-peduncle, illuminated from above, circumnutation traced on horizontal glass, from 8.40 a.m. July 23rd to 10.30 p.m. 24th. which looks exactly like a peduncle, circeumnutates whilst growing vertically downwards, in order to bury the young pod in the ground. The movements of the flowers of Cyclamen Persicum were not observed ; but the peduncle, whilst the pod is forming, increases much in length, and bows itself down by a circumnutating movement. A young peduncle of Maurandia semperflorens, 1} inch' in length, was carefully observed during a whole day, and it made 43 narrow, vertical, irregular and short ellipses, each at an average rate of about 2 h. 25 m. An adjoining peduncle described during the same time similar, though fewer, ellipses.* According to Sachs f¢ the flower-stems, whilst growing, * ‘The Movements and Habits 1875 p. 68. of Climbing Plants,’ 2nd edit., ¢ ‘ Text-Book of Botany,’ 1875, 226 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Caap. IV. of many plants, for instance, those of Brassica napus, revolve or circumnutate; those of Allium porrwm bend from side to side, and, if this movement had been traced on a horizontal glass, no doubt ellipses would have been formed. Fritz Miiller has described * the spontaneous revolving movements of the flower- stems of an Alisma, which he compares with those of a climbing plant. We made no observations on the movements of the different parts of flowers. Morren, however, has observed ¢ in the stamens of Sparmannia and Cereus a “ fren-issement spontané,” which, it may be suspected, is a circumnutating movement. The circumnutation of the gynostemium of Stylidium, as de- scribed by Gad,t is highly remarkable, and apparently aids in the fertilisation of the flowers. The gynostemium, whilst spon- taneously moving, comes into contact with the viscid labellum, to which it adheres, until freed by the increasing tension of the parts or by being touched. We have now seen that the flower-stems of plants belonging to such widely different families as the Crucifere, Oxalide, Leguminose, Primulacesw, Scro- phularinee, Alismacee, and Liliacez, circumnutate ; and that there are indications of this movement in many other families. With these facts before us, bearing also in mind that the tendrils of not a few plants consist of modified peduncles, we may admit without much doubt that all growing flower-stems circumnutate. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES: DICOTYLEDONS. Several distinguished botanists, Hofmeister, Sachs, Pfeffer, De Vries, Batalin, Millardet, &c., have ob- p. 766. Linneus and Treviranus (according to Pfeffer, ‘Die Pe- riodischen Bewegungen,’ &c., p. 162) state that the flower-stalks of many plants ovcupy different positions by night and day, and we shall s e in the chapter on the Sle-p of Plants that th’s im- plies cireumnutation. * ‘Jenaische Zeitsch.,” B. v. p. 133. + “N. Mem. de l’Acad R. de Bruxelles,’ tom. xiv. 1841, p. 3. t ‘Sitzungbericht des bot. Ve- reins der P. Brandenburg,’ xxi p. 84. Cu..v IV. DICOTYLEDUNS. 227 served, and some of them with the greatest care, the periodical movements of leaves; but their attention has been chiefly, though not exclusively, directed to those, which move largely and are commonly said to sleep 1t night. From considerations hereafter to be given, plants of this nature are here excluded, and will be treated of separately. As we wished to ascer- tain whether all young and growing leaves cireumnu- tated, we thought that it would be sufficient if we observed between 30 and 40 genera, widely distributed throughout the vegetable series, selecting some un- usual forms and others on woody plants. All the plants were healthy and grew in pots. They were illuminated from above, but the light perhaps was not always sufficiently bright, as many of them were ob- served under a skylight of ground-glass. Except in a few specified cases, a fine glass filament with two minute triangles of paper was fixed to the leaves, and their movements were traced on a Fig. 93. vertical glass (when not stated (es, to the contrary) in the manner x already described. I may repeat that the broken lines represent the nocturnal course. The stem was always secured to a stick, close to the base of the leaf under observation. ‘The ar- rangement of the species, with Surracenia purpurea: cireum- the number of the Family ap- nutation of young pitcher, a traced from 8 A.M. July 3rd pended, is the same as in the to 10.15a.m. 4th. Temp. case of stems. 17°-18° C, Apex of pitcher 20 inches from glass, so movement greatly mag- (1.) Sarracenia purpurea (Sarra- nified. iia . cenes, Fam. 11).—A young leaf, or pitcher, 83 inches in height, with the bladder swollen, but with the hood not as yet open, had a filament fixed transversely 228 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap.: IV. across its apex ; it was observed for 48 h., and during the whole of this time it cireumnutated in a nearly similar manner, but to a very small extent. The tracing given (Fig. 93) relates only to the movements during the first 26 h. Fig. 94+ Glaucten luteum: circumnuta- tion of young leaf, traced from 9.30 a.m. June 14th to 8.30 a.m. 16th. Tracing not much magnified, as apex of leaf stood only 53 inches from the glass. (2.) Glauctum luteum (Papave- races, Fam. 12).—A youns; plant, bearing only 8 leaves, hal a fila- ment attached to the youngest leaf but one, which was 3 inches in length, including the petiole. The circumnutating movement was traced during 47h. On both days the leaf descended from before 7 a.m. until about 11 am., and then ascended slightly during the rest of the day and the early part of the night. During the latter part of the night it fell greatly. It did not ascend so much during the second as during the first day, and it descended considerably lower on the second night than on the first. This difference was probably due to the illumination from above having been insufficient during the two days of observation. Its course during the two days is shown in Fig. 94. (8.) Crambe maritima (Crucifere, Fam. 14).—A leaf 93 inches in length on a plant not growing vigorously was first observed. Its apex was in constant movement, but this could hardly be traced, from being sosmall in extent. The apex, how- ever, certainly changed its course at least 6 times in the course of 14h. A more vigorous young plant, bear- ing only 4 leaves, was then selected, and a filament was affixed to the midrib of the third leaf from the base, which, with the petiole, was 65 inches in length. The leaf stood up almost vertically, but the tip Cuap. IY. DICOTYLEDONS. 229 was deflected, so that the filament projected almost horizontally, and its movements were traced during 48 h. on a vertical glass, as shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 95). We here plainly see that the leaf was con- . woe : ee Fig. 95. tinually circumnutating ; ; = but the proper periodicity 640%m.264 m of its movements was dis- \ turbed by its being only Sams SX dimly illuminated from eer: above through a dduble { “y 10220'p.m.2af skylight. We infer that \ this was the case, because H two leaves on plants grow- ' ing out of doors, had their H angles above the horizon y measured in the middle \ of the day and at 9 to i about 10 p.m. on succes- sive nights, and they were found at this latter hour to have risen by an average angle of 9° above their mid-day position: on the following morning y they fell to their former i position. Now it may be 6°50 a.m 244 observed in the diagram that the leaf rose during the second night, so that it stood at 6.40 a.m. higher than at 10.20 p.m. on the Crombe maritima: circumnutation of leaf, preceding night; and this disturbed by being insufficiently illumi- may bo attributed to the ttl from sore, toad trom 750 4 leaf adjusting itself tothe — 154 inches from the vertical glass, so that dim light, coming exclu- the tracing was much magnified, but is sively from above. here reduced to one-fourth of original scale. (4.) Brassica oleracea (Cruciferee).—Hofmeister and Batalin * state that the leaves of the cabbage rise at night, and fall by day. We covered a young plant, bearing 8 leaves, under a large bell-glass, placing it in the same position with respect to the \ 7250'a.m.23°2 \ \ \ * ¢ Flora,’ 1873, p. 437 230 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV light in which it had long remained, and a filament was fixed at the distance of °4 of an inch from the apex of a young leaf nearly 4 inches in length. Its movements were then traced during three days, but the tracing is not worth giving. The Jeaf fell during the whole morning, and rose in the evening and during the early part of the night. The ascending and descend- ing lines did not coincide, so that an irregular ellipse was formed each 24h. The basal part of the midrib did not move, as was ascertained by measuring at successive periods the angle which it formed with the horizon, so that the movement was confined to the terminal portion of the leaf, which moved through an angle of 11° in the course of 24 h., and the distance travelled by the apex, up and down, was between °8 and ‘9 of an inch. In order to ascertain the effect of darkness, a filament was fixed to a leaf 54 inches in length, borne by a plant which after forming a head had produced a stem. The leaf was inclined 44° above the horizon, and its movements were traced on a vertical glass every hour by the aid of a taper. During the first day the leaf rose from 8 a.m. to 10.40 P.m. in a slightly zigzag course, the actual distance travelled by the apex being 67 of aninch. During the night the leaf fell, whereas it ought to have risen; and by 7 a.m. on the following morning it had fallen ‘23 of an inch, and it continued falling until 9.40 a.m. It then rose until 10.50 pm., but the rise was interrupted by one considerable oscillation, that is, by a fall and re-ascent. During the second night it again fell, but only to a very short distance, and on the following morning re-ascended to a very short distance. Thus the normal course of the leaf was greatly disturbed, or rather completely inverted, by the absence of light; and the movements were likewise greatly diminished in amplitude. We may add that, according to Mr. A. Stephen Wilson,* the young leaves of the Swedish turnip, which is a hybrid between B. oleracea and rapa, draw together in the evening so much “that the horizontal breadth diminishes about 30 per cent. of the daylight breadth.” Therefore the leaves must rise con- siderably at night. (3.) Dianthus caryophyllus (Caryophyllee, Fam. 26).— The * ‘Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh,’ see Darwin, ‘ Animals and Plants vol. xiii. p. 32, With respect to under Domestication,’ 2nd edit the origin of the Swedish turnip, vol. i. p. 344. Caar. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 231 terminal shoot of a young plant, growing very vigorously, was selected for observation. The young leaves at first stand up vertically and close together, but they soon bend outwards and downwards, so as to become horizontal, and often at the same time a little to one side. A filament was fixed to the tip of a young leaf whilst still highly inclined, and the first dot was made on the vertical glass at 8.30 a.m. June 13th, but it curved downwards so quickly that by 6.40 am. on the following morning it stood only a little above the horizon. In Fig. 96 Fig. 96 ie mah H i H / i i] 6°50! a.m 16% 0°30 p.m 15% Dianthus caryophyllus: circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 10.15 P.M. June 13th to 10.35 p.m. 16th. Apex of leaf stood, at the close of our observations, 8% inches from the vertical glass, so tracing not greatly magnified. The leaf was 53 incheslong. Temp. 153°-17}° C. the long, slightly zigzag line representing this rapid downward course, Which was somewhat inclined to the left, is not given: but the figure shows the highly tortuous and zigzag course, tcgether with some loops, pursued during the next 2} days. As th: leaf continued to move all the time to the left, it is evident that the zigzag line represents many circumnutations. (6.) Camellia Japonica (Camelliacese, Fam. 82).—A youngish leaf, which together with its petiole was 23 inches in length and which arose from a side branch on a tall bush, had a filament attached to its apex. This leaf sloped downwards at an angle of 40° beneath the horizon. As it was thick and rigid, and its 16 232 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV petiole very short, Fig. 97. \\ Camellia Japonica: cir- cumnuutation of leaf, traced from 6.40 A.M. June 14th to 6.50 am. 15th. Apex of leaf 12 inches from the ver- tical glass, so figure considerably mag- nified. Temp. 16° 163° C, much movement could not be expected Nevertheless, the apex changed its course completely seven times in the course of 113 h., but moved to only a very small distance. On the next day the movement of the apex was traced during 26 h. 20 m. (as shown in Fig. 97), and was nearly of the same nature, but rather less complex. The movement seems to be periodical, for on both days the leaf cireumnutated in the forenoon, fell in the afternoon (on the first day until between 3 and 4 p.m., and on the* second day until 6 p.m.), and then rose, falling again during the night or- early morning. In the chapter on the Sleep of Plants we shall see that the leaves in several Malvaceous genera sink 6°50'a.m.t6th Be 6°.30'p.m.164 Fig. 98. 9°. 30’ a.m.t4th 10°. 25’pmish Pelargonium zonale: circumnutation and downward movement of young leaf, traced from 9.30 a.m. June 14th to 6.30 p.m. 16th. Apex of leaf 93 inches from the vertical glass, so figure moderately magnified. Temp. 15°-16}° C. at night; and as they often do not then occupy a vertical position, especially if they have not been well illuminated during Cuap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 233 the day, it is doubtful whether some of these cases onght not to have been included in the present chapter. (7.) Pelargonium zonale (Geraniaceew, Fam. 47).— A young leaf, 1; inch in breadth, with its petiole 1 inch long, borne on a young plant, was observed in the usual manner during 61 h.; and its course is shown in the preceding figure (Fig. 98). During the first day and night the leaf moved downwards, but circumnutated between 10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. On the second day it sank and rose again, but between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. it circumnutated on an extremely small scale. On the third day the circumnutation was more plainly marked. (8.) Cissus discolur (Ampelidex, Fam. 67).—A leaf, not nearly full-grown, the third from the apex of Fig. 99. a shoot on a cut-down plant, was observed during 31 h. 30 m. (see Fig. 99). The day was cold (15°-16° C.), and if the plant had been observed in the hot-house, the circumnutation, though plain enough as it was, would probably have been far more con- spicuous. (9.) Vicia faba (Leguminose, Fam. 75)—A young leaf, 3:1 inches in length, measured from base of petiole to end of leaflets, had a filament affixed to the midrib of one of the two ter- minal leaflets, and its movements were traced during 513 h. The filament fell ae" all morning (July 2nd) till 3 p.m., and Cissus discolor « cire ; coler : circumnu- then rose greatly till 10.35 p.m.; but tation of leaf, traced the rise this day was so great, com- from 10.35 am. May pared with that which subsequently ee pe a ¢ pex of leaf 82 inches occurred, that it was probably due in from the vertical glass, part to the plant being illuminated 7 from above. The latter part of the course on July 2nd is alone given in the following figure (Fig. 100). On the next day (July 8rd) the leaf again fell in the morning, then circumnu- tated in a conspicuous manner, and rose till late at night; but the movement was not traced after 7.15 p.m., as by that time the filament pointed towards the upper edge of the glass. During the latter part of the night or early morning it again fell in the same manner as before. 234 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cnap. IV As the evening rise and the early morning fall were unusually large, the angle of the petiole above the horizon was measured at the two periods, and the leaf was found to have risen 19° Fig. 100. 648’ a.n.3 72, 6° 45'a.m. 410° 15'a.m 4% 72 15'p.m. 2d Vécia fabs; circumnoutation of leaf, traced from 7.15 p.m. July 2nd te 10.15 a.m. 4th. Apex of the two terminal leaflets 73 inches from the vertical glass. Figure here reduced to two-thirds of original scale. Temp. 17°-18° C. between 12.20 p.m. and 10.45 p.m., and to have fallen 23° 30 between the latter hour and 10.20 a.m. on the following morning. The main petiole was now secured to a stick close to the base Cuar. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 235 of the two terminal leaflets, which were 1°4 inch in length; and the movements of one of them were traced during 48h. (see Fig. 101), The course pursued is closely analogous to that of the whole leaf. The zigzag line between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 P.n. on the second day represents 5 very small ellipses, with their Fig. 101. 10°30 ame £0°40'a.m. 4! Vicia faba: circumnutation of one of the two terminal leaflets, the maia petiole having been secured, traced from 10.40 a.m. July 4th to 10.30 a.m 6th. Apex of leaflet 63 inches from the vertical glass, Tracing here reduced to one-half of original scale. Temp, 16°-18° C. longer axes differently directed. From these observations it follows that both the whole leaf and the terminal leaflets undergo a well-marked daily periodical movement, rising in the evening and falling during the latter part of the night or early morning ; whilst in the middle of the day they generally circumnutate round the same small space. 236 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LMAVES. Cuar. IV (10.) Acacia retinoides (Leguminose).—The movement of a young phyllode, 23 inches in length, and inclined at a consider- able angle above the horizon, was traced during 45 h. 30 m.; but in the figure here given (Fig.102), its cireumnutation is shown during only 21h. 30m. During part of this time (viz., 14 h. 30m.) the phyllode Fig 102, described a figure re- Cm presenting 5 or 6 small ellipses. The actual amount of movement in a ver- tical direction was °3 inch. The phyllode rose considerably be- tween 1.30 p.m. and 4pm., but there was no evidence on either day of a regular pe- riodic movement. (11.) Lupinus spe- ciosus (Leguminose). —Plants were raised from seed purchased under this name. This is one of the species in this large genus, the leaves of which do not sleep at night. The petioles rise direct from the ground, and are from 5 to 7 inches in length, A filament was fixed to the midrib of one of the longer leaflets, and the movement of the whole leaf was traced, as shown in Fig. 103. In the course of 6 h. 30 m. the filament went four times up and three times down. A new tracing was then begun (not here given), and during 123 h. the leaf moved eight times up and seven times down; so that it described 7} ellipses in this time, and this is an extraordinary rate of movement. The summit of the petiole was then secured Acacia retino‘des : cir- cumnutation of a young _ phyllode, traced from 10.45 aM. July 18th to 8.15 am. 19th. Apex of phyllode 9 inches from the vertical glass; temp. 165°-172° C. Fig. 103, Lupinus speciosus: cir- cumnatation of leaf traced on vertical glass, from 10.15 a.M. to 5.45 P.M.3 ie., during 6 h. 30 m. to a stick, and the separate leaflets were found to be continually zircumnutating. Cnap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 237 (12.) Echeveria stolonifera (Crassulacee, Fam. 84).—The older leaves of this plant are so thick and fleshy, and the young onea so short and broad, that it seemed very improbable that any circum- nutation could be detected. A fila- ment was fixed to a young upwardly inclined leaf, ‘75 inch in length and 28 in breadth, which stood on the outside of a terminal rosette of leaves, produced by a plant growing very vigorously. Its movement was traced during 8 days, as here shown (Fig. 104). The course was chiefly in an upward direction, and this may be attributed to the elongation of the leaf through growth; but we see that the lines are strongly zigzag, and that ai occasionally there was distinct cir- / cumnutation, though on a very smal] Lcheveria stolonifera: circum scale nutation of leaf, traced > from 8.20 a.m. June 25th (13.) Bryophyllum (vel Calunchee) to 8.45 a.m. 28th. Apex calycinum (Crassulacese).— Duval- of leaf 124 inches from the Jouve (‘Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, 8/85, 0 ise bs aa Feb. 14th, 1868) measured the dis- 930 94)9G tance between the tips of the upper pair of !eaves on this plant, with the result shown in the following Table. It should be noted that the measurements on Dec. 2nd were made on a different pair of leaves :— Fig. 104. 8 aM. 2 P.M. 7 PM. Nov. 16 . - 15mm . . . 25mm... (?) gp 1D we ow we 4B 55 . . . 60, » » » 48mm. Dec. 2 22) yy et AB we, 58 BB We see from this Table that the leaves stood considerably further apart at 2 p.m. than at either 8 a.m. or 7 P.M.; and this shows that they rise a little in the evening and fall or open in the forenoon. (14.) Drosera rotundifolia (Droseracex, Fam. 85).—The move- ments of a young leaf, having a long petiole but with its tentacles (or gland-bearing hairs) as yet unfolded, were traced during 47h.15m. The figure (Fig. 105) shows that it cireumnutated largely, chiefly in a vertical direction, making two ellipses each 238 Cuar. IV. day. On both days the leaf began to descend after 12 or 1 o'clock, and continued to do so all night, though to a very unequal distance on the two occasions. We therefore thought that the movement was periodic; but on observ- ing three other leaves during several successive days and nights, we found this to be an error; and the case is given merely as a caution. On the third morning the above leaf occupied almost exactly the same position as on the first morning; and the tentacles by this time had unfolded sufficiently to project at right angles to the blade or disc. The leaves as they grow older generally sink more and more downwards. The movement of an oldish leaf, the glands of which were still secreting freely, was traced for 24 h., during which time it continued to sink a CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Fig. 105, At 25p m7) \,10°40'pm8 Drosera rotundifolia: circumnutation of young leaf, with filament fixed to back of blade, traced from 9.15 A.M. June 7th to 8.30 a.M. June 9th. Figure here reduced to one- half original scale. little in a slightly zigzag line. On the following morning, at 7 am., a drop of a solution of carbonate of ammonia (2 gr. to 1 oz. of water) was placed on the disc, and this blackened the glands and in- duced inflection of many of the tentacles. The weight of the drop caused the leaf at first to sink a little; but immediately afterwards it began to rise in a somewhat zigzag course, and continued to do so till 3p.m. It then circumnutated about the same spot on a very small scale for 21 h.; and during the next 21 h. it sank in a zigzag line to nearly the same level which it had held when the ammonia was first administered. By this time the tentacles had re-expanded, and the glands had recovered their proper colour. We thus learn that an old leat nap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 239 circumnutates on a small scale, at least whilst absorbing car- bonate of ammonia ; for it is probable that this absorption may stimulate growth and thus re-excite circumnutation. Whether the rising of the glass filament which was attached to the back of the leaf, resulted from its margin becoming slightly inflected (as generally occurs), or from the rising of the petiole, was not ascertained. In order to learn whether the tentacles or gland-bearing hairs circumnutate, the back of a young leaf, with the innermost tentacles as yet incurved, was firmly cemented with shellac to a flat stick driven into compact damp argillaceous sand. The plant was placed under a microscope with the stage re- moved and with an eye-piece micrometer, of which each division equalled 53, of an inch. It should be stated that as the leaves grow older the tentacles of the exterior rows bend outwards and downwards, so as ultimately to become deflected considerably beneath the horizon. A tentacle in the second row from the margin was selected for observation, and was found to be moving outwards at a rate of <4, of an inch in 20 m., or y35 of inch in 1 h. 40 m.; but as it likewise moved from side to side to an extent of above 54, of inch, the move- ment was probably one of modified circumnutation. A tentacle on an old leaf was next observed in the same manner. In 15 m. after being placed under the microscope it had moved about yJ55 Of an inch. During the next 72 h. it was looked at repeatedly, and during this whole time it moved only another too Of an inch ; and this small movement may have been due to the settling of the damp sand (on which the plant rested), though the sand had been firmly pressed down. We may there- fore conclude that the tentacles when old do not circumnutate ; yet this tentacle was so sensitive, that in 23 seconds after its gland had been merely touched with a bit of raw meat, it began to curl inwards. This fact is of some importance, as it appa- rently shows that the inflection of the tentacles from the stimulus of absorbed animal matter (and no doubt from that of contact with any object) is not due to modified circumnutation. (15.) Dioncea muscipula (Droseraceze).—It should be premised that the leaves at an early stage of their development have the two lobes pressed closely together. These are at first directed back towards the centre of the plant ; but they gradually rise up and soon stand at right angles to the petiole, and ultimately in nearly a straight line with it. A young leaf, which with the 240 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar, IV petiole was only 1:2 inch in length, had a filament fixed exter- nally along the midrib of the still closed lobes, which projected at right angles to the petiole, In the evening this leaf com- Fig. 106. Donea muscipuia: cir- cumnutation of a young and expanding leaf, traced on a hori- zontal glass in dark- ness, from noon Sept. 24th to 10 a.m. 25th. Apex of leaf 133 inches from the glass, so tracing consider- ably magnified. pleted an ellipse in the course of 2h. On the following day (Sept. 25th) its move- ments were traced during 22 h.; and we see in Fig. 106 that it moved in the same general direction, due to the straightening of the leaf, but in an extremely zigzag line. This line represents several drawn-out or modified ellipses. There can therefore be no doubt that this young leaf cireumnu- tated, A rather old, horizontally extended leaf, with a filament attached along the under side of the midrib, was next observed during 7h. It hardly moved, but when one of its sensitive hairs was touched, the blades closed, though not very quickly. A new dot was now made on the glass, but in the course of 14h. 20 m. there was hardly any change in the position of the filament. We may therefore infer that an old and only moderately sensitive leaf does not circum- nutate plainly; but we shall soon see that it by no means follows that such a leaf is absolutely motionless. We may further infer that the stimulus from a touch does not re-excite plain circumnu- tation. Another full-grown leaf had a filament attached externally along one side of the midrib and parallel to it, so that tlie fila- ment would move if the lobes closed. It _ Should be first stated that, although a touch on one of the sensi- tive hairs of a vigorous leaf causes it to close quickly, often almost instantly, yet when a bit of damp meat or some solution of carbonate of ammonia is placed on the lobes, they close so slowly that generally 24 h. is required for the completion of the act. The above leaf was first observed for 2 h. 30 m.,, and did not circumnutate, but it onght to have been observed for a Onap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS 241 longer period ; although, as we have seen, a young leaf com- pleted a fairly large ellipse in 2h. A drop of an infusion of raw meat was then placed or the leaf, and within 2 h. the glass filament rose a little; and this implies that the lobes had begun to close, and perhaps the petiole to rise. It continued to rise with extreme slowness for the next 8 h. 30m. The position of the pot was then (7.15 p.m., Sept. 24th) slightly changed and an additional drop of the infusion given, and a new tracing was begun (Fig. 107). By 10.50 p.m. the filament had risen only a little more, and it fell during the night. On the follow- ing morning the lobes were closing more quickly, and by 5 p.m. it was evident to the eye that they had closed considerably ; by 8.48 p.m. this was still plainer, and by 10.45 p.m. the marginal spikes were interlocked. The leaf fell a little during the night, and next morning (25th) at 7 am. the lobes were completely shut. The course pursued, as may be seen in the figure, was Fig. 107. 48pm 10°45’ pm.254 ; Spm. Ys vamos? Cb. 25% Diona.1 musciwda : closure of the lobes and circumnutation of a full-grown leaf, whilst absorbing an infusion of raw meat, traced in darkness, from 7.15 P.M. Sept. 24th to 9 a.m. 26th. Apex of leaf 8} inches from the vertical glass. Figure here reduced to two-thirds of original scale. strongly zigzag, and this indicates that the closing of the lobcs was combined with the circumnutation of the whole leaf, and there cannot be much doubt, considering how motionless the leaf was during 2 h. 30 m. before it received the infusion, that the absorption of the animal matter had excited it to cireumnutate. The leaf was occasionally observed for the next four days, but was kept in rather too cool a place; nevertheless, it continued to circumnutate to a small extent, and the lobes remained closed. It is sometimes stated in botanical works that the lobes close or sleep at night; but this is an error. To test the statement, vary long glass filaments were fixed inside the two lobes of three leaves, and the distances between their tips were measured in the middle of the day and at night; but no difference could be detected. The previous observations relate to the movements of the whole leaf, but the lobes move independently of the petiole, and 242 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. seem to be continually opening and shutting to a very small extent. A neurly full-grown leaf (afterwards proved to be highly sensitive to contact) stood almost horizontally, so that by driving a long thin pin through the foliaceous petiole close to the blade, it was rendered motionless. The plant, with a little triangle of paper attached to one of the marginal spikes, was placed under a microscope with an eye-piece micrometer, each division of which equalled 54, of an inch. The apex of the paper-triangle was now seen to be in constant slight move- ment; for in 4h. it crossed nine divisions, or ;85 of an inch, and after ten additional hours it moved back and had crossed x$o in an opposite direction. The plant was kept in rather too cool a place, and on the following day it moved rather less, namely, 535 in 3 h., and ;2, in an opposite direction during the next 6 h. The two lobes, therefore, seem to be constantly closing or opening, though to a very small distance; for we must remember that the little triangle of paper affixed to the marginal spike increased its length, and thus exaggerated somewhat the movement. Similar observations, with the important difference that the petiole was left free and the plant kept under a high temperature, were made on a leaf, which was healthy, but so old that it did not close when its sensitive hairs were repeatedly touched, though judging from other cases it would have slowly closed if it had been stimulated by animal matter. The apex of the triangle was in almost, though not quite, constant movement, sometimes in one direction and sometimes in an opposite one; and it thrice crossed five divisions of the micrometer (i.e. ;3, of an inch) in 30 m. - This movement on so small a scale is hardly comparable with ordinary circumnutation; but it may perhaps be compared with the zigzag lines and little loops, by which the larger ellipses made by other plants are often interrupted. In the first chapter of this volume, the remarkable oscillatory movements of the circumnutating hypocotyl of the cabbage have been described. The leaves of Dionwa present the same phenomenon, which is a wonderful one, as viewed under a low power (2-inch object-glass), with an eye-piece micrometer of which each division (;4, of an inch) appeared as a rather wide space. The young unexpanded leaf, of which the circumnutating movements were traced (Fig. 106), had a glass filament fixed perpendicularly to it; and the movement of the apex was observed in the hot-house (temp. 84° to 86° F.), with light admitted only from above, and with any lateral currents of air Cuap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 243 excluded. The apex sometimes crossed one or two divisions of the micrometer at an imperceptibly slow rate, but generally it moved onwards by rapid starts or jerks of +2,5 or rsa, and in one instance of +5 of an inch. After each jerk forwards, the apex drew itself backwards with comparative slowness for part of the distance which had just been gained; and then after a very short time made another jerk forwards. Four conspi- cuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations. As far as we could judge, the advancing and retreating lines did not coincide, and if so, extremely minute ellipses were each time described. Sometimes the apex remained quite motionless for a short period. Its general course during the several hours of observation was in two opposite directions, so that the leaf was probably circumnutating. An older leaf with the lobes fully expanded, and which was afterwards proved to be highly sensitive to contact, was next observed in a similar manner, except that the plant was exposed to a lower temperature ina room. The apex oscillated forwards and backwards in the same manner as before; but the jerks for- ward were less in extent, viz. about ~3,5 inch; and there were longer motionless periods. As it appeared possible that the movements might be due to currents of air, a wax taper was held close to the leaf during one of the motionless periods, but no oscillations were thuscaused. After 10 m., however, vigorous oscillations commenced, perhaps owing to the plant having been warmed and thus stimulated. Thecandle was then removed and before long the oscillations ceased ; nevertheless, when looked at again after an interval of 1h. 30m., it was again oscillating. The plant was taken back into the hot-house, and on the following morning was seen to be oscillating, though not very vigorously. Another old but healthy leaf, which was not in the least sensitive to a touch, was likewise observed during two days in the hot-house, and the attached filament made many little jerks forwards of about 7255 or only 55 of an inch. Finally, to ascertain whether the lobes independently of the petiole oscillated, the petiole of an old leaf was cemented close to the blade with shellac to the top of a little stick driven into the soil. But before this was done the leaf was observed, and found to be vigorously oscillating or jerking; and after it had been cemented to the stick, the oscillations of about +25 of an inch stil] continued. On the following day a little infusion 244 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar IV of raw meat was placed on the leaf, which caused the lobes tc close together very slowly in the course of two days; and the oscillations continued during this whole time and for the next two days. After nine additional days the leaf began to open and the margins were a little everted, and now the apex of the glass filament remained for long periods motionless, and then moved backwards and forwards for a distance of about +5, of an inch slowly, without any jerks. Nevertheless, after warming the leaf with a taper held close to it, the jerking movement recommenced. This same leaf had been observed 2} months previously, and was then found to be oscillating or jerking. We may therefore infer that this kind of movement goes on night and day fora very long period ; and it is common to young unexpanded leaves and to leaves so old as to have lost their sensitiveness to a touch, but which were still capable of absorbing nitrogenous matter. The phenomenon when well displayed, as in the young leaf just described, is a very interesting one. It often brought before our minds the idea of effort, or of a small animal struggling to escape from some constraint. (16.) Lucalyptus resinifera (Myrtacer, Fam. 94).—A young leaf, two inches in length together with the petiole, produced by a lateral shoot from a cut-down tree, was observed in the usual manner, The blade had not as yet as- sumed its vertical position. On June 7th only a few observations were made, and the tracing merely showed that the leaf had moved three times upwards and three downwards. On the following = ; day it was observed more fre- Fucaljptus resinifera : circumnu- 3 tation of a leaf, traced, A, from quently; and two tracings were 6.40 aM. tol p.m. June 8th; made (see A and B, Fig. 108), as oe eee ae poe a single one would have been too from the horizontal! ies 8 complicated. The apex changed figures considerably magnified, its course 13 times in the course of 16h., chiefly up and down, but with some lateral movement. The actual amount of movement in any one direction was small. (17.) Daklia (garden var.) (Composite, Fam. 122).—A fine young Fig. 108. Duar, IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 245 leaf 5% inches in length, produced by a young plant 2 feet high, growing vigorously in a large pot, was directed at an angie ot about 45° beneath the horizon. On June 18th the leaf descended from 10 a.m. till 1135 a.m. (see Fig. 109); it then ascended greatly till 6 p.m., this ascent being probably due to the light Fig. 109. P40 amt1I™ 10 25° ‘pmis® 120 cre **8° 10m, 20% 0 ofm.18% os an. ft Dahha: circumnutation of leaf, traced from 10 A M. June 18th to 8.10 a.n, 20th, but with a break of Lh. 40 m. on the morning of the 19th, as, owing to the glass filament pointing too much to one side, the pot had to ke slightly moved ; therefore the relative position of the two tracings is somewhat arbitrary. The figure here given is reduced to one-fifth of the original scale. Apex of leaf 9 inches from the glass in the line of its inclination, and 43 in a horizontal line. coming only from above. It zigzagged between 6 p.m. and 10.35 p.m., and ascended a little during the night. It should be remarked that the vertical distances in the lower part of the diagram are much exaggerated, as the leaf was at first deflected beneath the horizon, and after it had sunk downwards, the filament pointed in a very oblique line towards the glass. Next 246 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. day the leaf descended from 8.20 a.m. till 7.15 p.m, then zigzagged and ascended greatly during the night. On the morning of the 20th the leaf was probably beginning to descend, though the short line in the diagram is horizontal. The actual distances travelled by the apex of the leaf were considerable, but could not be calculated with safety. From the course pursued on the second day, when the plant had accommodated itself to the light from above, there cannot be much doubt that the leaves undergo a daily periodic movement, sinking during the day and rising at night. (18.) Mutisia clematis (Composite).—The leaves terminate in tendrils and circumnutate like those of other tendril-bearers; but this plant is here mentioned, on account of an erroneous statement * which has been published, namely, that the leaves sink at night and rise during the day. The leaves which behaved in this manner had been kept for some days in a northern room and had not been sufficiently illuminated. A plant therefore was left undisturbed in the hot-house, and three leaves had their angles measured at noon and at 10 p.m. All three were inclined a little beneath the horizon at noon, but one stood at night 2°, the second 21°, and the third 10° higher than in the middle of the day; so that instead of sinking they rise a little at night. (19.) Cyclumen Persicwum (Primulacee, Fam. 135)—A young leaf, 1:8 of an inch in length, petiole included, produced by an old root-stock, was observed during three days in the usual manner (Fig. 110). On the first day the leaf fell more than after- wards, apparently from adjusting itself to the light from above. On all three days it fell from the early morning to about 7 p.m., and from that hour rose during the night, the course being slightly zigzag. The movement therefore is strictly periodic. It should be noted that the leaf would have sunk each evening a little lower down than it did, had not the glass filament rested between 5 and 6 p.m. on the rim of the pot. The amount of movement was considerable; for if we assume that the whole leaf to the base of the petiole became bent, the tracing would be magnified rather less than five times, and this would give to the apex a rise and fall of half an inch, with some lateral movement. This amount, however, would not attract attention without the aid of a tracing or measurement of some kind. * «Tho Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants,’ 1875, p. 118 Onapr. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 247 Q0.) Allamanda Schottii (Aprcynex, Fam. 144).—The young leaves of this shrub are elongated, with the blade bowed so much Fig. 110. 9 6 45 amo ao sdamss 6°40’ a.m, 54 \ \ Tpms C5 pm 4h Cyclamen Persicum : circumnutation of leaf, traced from 6.45 A.M. June 2n¢ to 6.40 a.m. 5th, Apex of leaf 7 inches from the vertical glass. downwards as almost to form a semicircle. The chord—that is, a line drawn from the apex of the blade to the base of the petiole—of a young leaf. 43 inches in length, stood at 2.50 p.m op 17 248 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV Dee, 5th at an angle of 13° beneath the horizon, but by 9.30 p.m. Fig. 111. ( (Petunia violacea: downward move- ment and circumnutation of a very young leaf, traced from 10 A.M. June 2nd to 9.20 a.m. June 6th. N.B.—At 6.40 A.M. on the 5th it was necessary to move the pot a little, and a new tracing was begun at the point where two dots are not joined in the diagram. Apex of leaf 7 inches :from the vertical glass. Temp. wenerally 173° C. the blade had straightened itself so much, which implies the raising of the apex, that the chord now stood at 37° above the horizon, and had therefore risen 50°. On the next day similar angular measurements of the same leaf were made; and at noon the chord stood 36° be- neath the horizon, and 9.30 p.m. 34° above it, so had risen 394°. The chief cause of the rising movement lies in the straighten- ing of the blade, but the short petiole rises between 4° and 5°. On the third night the chord stood at 35° above the horizon, and if the leaf occupied the same position at noon, as on the previous day, it had risen 71°. With older leaves no such change of curvature could be detected. The plant was then brought into the house and kept in a north-east room, but at night there was no change in the curvature of the young leaves; so that previous expo- sure to a strong light is appa- rently requisite for the periodi- cal change of curvature in the blade, and for the slight rising of the petiole. (21.) Wigandia (Hydroleacee, Fam. 149).—Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of this plant rise in the evening; but as we do not know whether or not the rising is great, this species ought perhaps to be classed amongst sleeping plants. Onap. Iv. DICOTYLEDONS. 249 (22.) Petunia violacea (Solanew, Fam. 157)—A very young leaf, only 3 inch in length, highly inclined upwards, was observed for four days. During the whole of this time it bent outwards and downwards, so as to become more and more nearly hori- zontal. The strongly marked zigzag line in the figure on p. 248 (Fig. 111), shows that this was effected by modified circum- nutation ; and during the latter part of the time there was much ordinary circumnutation on a small scale. The movement in the diagram is magnified between 10 and 11 times. It exhibits a clear trace of periodicity, as the leaf rose a little each evening ; but this upward tendency appeared to be almost conquered by the leaf striving to become more and Fig. 112, more horizontal as it grew older. The angles which two older leaves formed together, were measured in the even- ing and about noon on 3 successive days, and each night the angle de- creased a little, though irregularly. (23.) Acanthus mollis (Acanthacer, Fam. 168).—The younger of two leaves, 2' inches in length, petiole included, produced by a seedling plant, was observed during 47 h. Early on each of the three morn- ings, the apex of the leaf fell; and it continued to fall till 3 p.m, on / the two afternoons when observed. re After’3 p.m. it rose considerably, and / continued to rise on the second night until the early morning. But on the first night it fell instead of rising, and’ we have little doubt that this was owing to the leaf being very young and becoming through epi- nastic growth more and more hori- zontal; for it may be seen in the diagram (Fig. 112), that the leaf stood on a higher level on the first than on the second day. The leaves of an allied species (A. spinosus) certainly Acanthus mollis : circumnuta- tion of young leaf, traced from 9.20 a.m. June 14th to 8.30 a.m. 16th. Apex of leaf 11 inches from the vertical glass, so movement considerably magnified. Figure here reduced to one- half of original scale. Temp. 15°-16}° C. .vose every night; and the rise between noon and 10.15 p.M., when measured on one occasion, was 10°. This rise was chiefly 250 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cnar. IV. or exclusively due to the straightening of the blade, and not to the movement of the petiole. We may therefore conclude that the leaves of Acanthus circumuutate periodically, falling in the morning and rising in the afternoon and night. (24.) Cannabis sativa (Cannabinee, Fam. 195).—We have here the rare case of leaves moving downwards in the evening, but not to a sufficient degree to be called sleep.* In the early morning, or in the latter part of the night, they move upwards. For instance, all the young leaves near the summits of several stems stood almost horizontally at 8am. May 29th, and at 10.30 p.m. were considerably declined. On a subsequent day two leaves stood at 2P.m. at 21° and 12° beneath the horizon, and at 10 p.m. at 38° beneath it. Two other leaves on a younger plant were horizontal at 2 P.m., and at 10 p.m. had sunk to 36° beneath the horizon. With respect to this downward movement of the leaves, Kraus believes that it is due to their epinastic growth. He adds, that the leaves are relaxed during the day, and tense at night, both in sunny and rainy weather. (25.) Pinus pinaster (Conifer, Fam. 223).—The leaves on the summits of the terminal shoots stand at first in a bundle almost upright, but they soon diverge and ultimately become almost horizontal. The movements of a young leaf, nearly one inch: in length, on the summit of a seedling plant only 3 inches high, were traced from the early morning of June 2nd to the evening of the 7th. During these five days the leaf diverged, and its apex descended at first in an almost straight line; but during the two latter days it zigzagged so much that it was evidently cireumnu- tating. Thesame little plant, when grown to & height of 5 itches, was again observed during four days. A filament was fixed transversely to the apex of a leaf, one inch in length, and which had already diverged considerably from its originally upright position, It continued to diverge (see A, Fig. 113), and to descend from 11.45 a.m. July 31st to 6.40 am. Aug. Ist On August Ist it cireumnutated about the same small spac, and again descended at night. Next morning the pot was moved nearly one inch to the right, and a new tracing was begun (B), From this time, viz., 7 a.m. August 2nd to 8.20 a.m. on the 4th * We were led to observe this Ficra, 1879, p. 66. We regret that plant by Dr. Carl Kraus’ paper, we cannot fully understand parts ‘ Beitrigze zur Kentnissder Bewe- _ of this paper. gungen Wacksender Laubblitter,’ i Cua. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 251 the leaf manifestly circumnutated. It does not appear from the diagram that the leaves move periodically, for the descending course during the first two nights, was clearly due to epinastic UW’45' a.m, 318* Fig. 113. A. B. 6°40 cm. 6°40'amse (ono Pinus pinaster: circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 11.45 a.m, July 31st to 8.20 am. Aug. 4th. At 7 A.M. Aug. 2nd the pot waa moved an inch to one side, so that the tracing consists of two figures. Apex of leaf 143 inches from the vertical glass, so movements much magnified, growth, and at the close of our observations the leaf was not nearly so horizontal as it would ultimately become. Pinus austriaca.—Two Icaves, 3 inches in length, but not 202 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. quate fully grown, produced by a lateral shoot, on a young tree 3 feet in height, were observed during 29h. (July 31st), in the same manner as the leaves of the previous species. Both these Fig. 114. —— Oycas pectinata: circum- nutation of one of the terminal leaflets, traced from 8.30 a.M. June 22nd to 8 aM. June 24th. Apex of leaflet 7% inches from the ver- tical glass, so tracing not greatly magnified, and here reduced to one-third of original scale; temp. 19°-21°C, leaves certainly circumnutated, making within the above period two, or twe and a half, small, irregular ellipses. (26.) Cycas pectinatu (Cycadese, Fam 224).— A young leaf, 114 inches in length, of which the leaflets had only recently become uncurled, was observed during 47h. 30m. The main petiole was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets. To one of the latter, 33 inches in length, a filament was fixed; the leaflet was much bowed downward, but as the terminai part was upturned, the filament projected almost horizontally. The leaflet moved (see Fig. 114) largely and periodically, for it fell until about 7 p.m. and rose during the night, falling again next morning after 640 am. The descending lines are in a marked manner zigzag, and so probably would have been the ascending lines, if they had been traced throughout the night. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES: MonocorTyLepons. (27.) Canna Warscewiczit (Cannacee, Fam. 2).—The movements of a young leaf, 8 inches in length and 38: in breadth, produced by a vigorous young plant, were observed during 45 h, 50m., as shown in Fig. 115, The pot was slided about an inch to the right on the morning of the 11th, as a single figure would have been too complicated; but the two figures are continuous in time. The movement is periodical, as the leaf descended from the early morning unti) about 5p.m., and ascended during the rest of the evening and Cuap. IV. MONOCOTYLEDONS. 253 part of the night. On the evening of the 11th it circumnutated on a small scale for some time about the same spot. Fig. 115. A. B. Canna Warscewiczti: cireumnutation of leaf, traced (A) from 11.30 a.m June 10th to 6.40 a.st, 11th; and (B) from 6.40 a.m. 11th to 8.40 a.m. 12th. Apex of leaf 9 inches from the vertical glass. (28.) Iris pseudo-acorus (Iridew, Fam. 10).—The movements of a young leaf, rising 13 inches above the water in which the plant grew, were traced as shown in the figure (Fig. 116), during 27 h. 30 m. It manifestly circumnutated, though only to a small extent. On the second morning, between 6.40 a.m. and 2 p.m. (at which latter hour the figure here given ends), the apex changed its course fivetimes. During the next 8 h. 40 m. it zigzagged much, and descended as far as the lowest dot in the figure, making in its course two very small ellipses; but if these lines had been added to the diagram it would have been too complex. (29.) Crinum Capense (Amaryllidee, Fam. 11).—The leaves of this plant are remarkable for their great length and narrowness: one was measured and found to be 53 inches long and Fig. 116. Tris pseudo-acorus ; circume nutation of leaf, traced from 10.30 A.M. May 28th to 2 P.M. 29th. Tracing continued to 11 P.m., but not here copied. Apex of leaf 12 inches beneath the horizontal glass, so figure considerably mag- nified. Temp. 15°-16° C. only 1:4 broad at the base. Whilst quite young they stand up almost vertically to the height of about a fvot; afterwards 254 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuaar. IV. their tips begin to bend over, and subsequenily hang vertically down, and thus continue to grow. A rather young leaf was selected, of which the dependent tapering point was as yet only 55 inches in length, the upright basal part being 20 inches high, though this part would ultimately become shorter by being more bent over. enter by the windows being opened at the same time that the blinds were pulled up, so that in spite of the sun shining on the plant the temperature was not raised. The effect of an increase of temperature in diffused light 1a * In all the diagrams 1 mm.in ment. In Figs.-133 and 134 the the horizontaldirection represents temperature is represented (along oue minute of time. Each mm. tle ordinates) in the scale of 1 in the vertical direction repre- mm. to each 0°1°C. In Fig sents one degree of angular move- 135 cach mm. equals 02° B, Cuar. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 333 shown in Fig. 135. The temperature began to rise at 11.35 A.M. (in consequence of the fire being lighted), but by 12.42 a marked fall had occurred. It may be seen in the diagram that when the temperatuie was highest there were rapid oscillations Fig. 134, = a fo) ro) cu Averrhoa bilimbi: aneular movements of leaflet during a change from bright illumination to shade; temperature (broken line) remaining nearly the same. of small amplitude, the mean position of the leaflet being at the time nearer the vertical. When the temperature began to fall, the oscillations became slower and larger, and the mean position of the leaf again approached the horizontal. The rate of oscil- lation was sometimes quicker than is represented in the above diagram. Thus, when the temperature was between 31° and ‘oanqeroduiy Jo aduvyo ayy swoys aUI] Taxorq ayy, ‘ewes oy} Suyuremer 4ySty t amnqeseduray Jo esueyo ve SULINP yayee] yo quoWaAcUL IE[NZUE : squypg DOYL.aAP Cuap. VIL. Z jo) — foal = =) Zz — lm) =) o =] _ oO =) iS] a & — =) fo) = Cuar. Vil. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 335 32° C., 14 oscillations of a few degrees occurred in 19m. On the other hand, an oscillation may be much slower ; thus a leaflet was observed (temperature 25° C.) to rise during 40 m. before it fell and completed its oscillation. Porlieria hygrometrica (Zygophyllex) —The leaves of this plant (Chilian form) are from 1 to 1} inches in length, and bear as many as 16 or 17 small leaflets on each side, which do not stand opposite one another. They are articulated to the petiole, and the petiole to the branch by a pulvinus. We must premise that apparently two forms are confounded under the same name: the leaves on a bush from Chili, which was sent to us from Kew, bore many leaflets, whilst those on plants in the Botanic Garden at Wirzburg bore only 8 or 9 pairs; and the whole character of the bushes appeared some- what different. We shall also see that they differ in a remarkable physio- logical peculiarity. On the Chilian plant the petioles of the younger leaves on upright branches, stood horizontally during the day, and at night sank down vertically so as to depend parallel and close to the branch beneath. The petioles of rather older leaves did not become at night vertically depressed, but only highly inclined. In one instance we found a branch which had grown perpendicularly downwards, and the petioles on it moved in the same direction relatively to the branch as just stated, and therefore moved up- wards. On horizontal branches the younger petioles likewise move at night in the same direction as before, that is, Fig. 136. Policria hygrometrica : cir: cumnutation and nycti- tropic movements of pe- tiole of leaf, traced from 9.35 am. July 7th to about midnight on the 8th. Apex of leaf 73 inches from the vertical glass. Temp. 193°-205°C, towards the branch, and are consequently then extended hori- zontally; but it is remarkable that the older petioles on the 336 Cuap. VIL MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. same branch, though moving a little in the same direction, also bend downwards; they thus occupy a somewhat different posi- tion, relatively to the centre of the earth and to the branch, from that of the petioles on the upright branches. With respect to the leaflets, they move at night towards the apex of the petiole until their midribs stand nearly parallel to it; and they then lie neatly imbricated one over the other. Thus half of the upper surface of each leaflet is in close contact with half of the lower surface of the one next in advance; and all the leaflets, except- ing the basal ones, have the whole of their upper surfaces and half of their lower surfaces well protected. ‘Those on the oppo- site sides of the same petiole do not come into close contact at night, as occurs with the leaflets of so many Leguminose, but are separated by an open furrow; nor could they exactly coincide, as they stand alternately with respect to one another. The circumnutation of the petiole of a leaf ¢ of an inch in length, on an upright branch, was observed during 46 h., and is shown in the preceding diagram (Fig. 186). On the first morning, the leaf fell a little and then rose until 1 p.m, and this was probably due to its being now illuminated through a skylight from above; it then circumnutated on a very small scale round the same spot until about 4 p.m., when the great evening fall commenced. During the latter part of the night or very early on the next morning the leaf rose again. On the second day it fell during the morning till 1 p.m., and this no doubt is its normal habit. From 1 to 4 p.m. it rose in a zigzag line, and soon afterwards the great evening fall commenced. It thus completed a double oscillation during the 24h. The specific name given to this plant by Ruiz and Pavon, indi- cates that in its native arid home it is affected in some manner by the dryness or dampness of the atmosphere.* In the Botanic Garden at Wirzburg, there was a plant in a pot out of doors which was daily watered, and another in the open ground which was never watered. After some hot and dry weather there was a great difference in the state of the leaflets on these two plants; those on the unwatered plant in the open ground remaining half, * «Systema Veg. Flore Peru- vianw et Chilensis,’ tom. i. p. 95, 1798. We cannvt understand the wccount given by the authors of the behaviow: of this plant in its native home There is much about its power of foretell:ing changes in the weather; and it appeurs asif the brightness of the sky largely determined the open- ing and closing of the leaticts. Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 337 or even quite, closed during the day. But twigs cut from thie bush, with their ends standing in water, or wholly immersed in it, or kept in damp air under a bell-glass, opened their leaves though exposed to a blazing sun; whilst those on the plant in the ground remained closed. The leaves on this same plant, after some heavy rain, remained open for two days; they then became half closed during two days, and after an additional day were quite closed. This plant was now copiously watered, and on the following morning the leaflets were fully ex- panded. The other plant growing in a pot, after having been exposed to heavy rain, was placed before a window in the Labo- ratory, with its leaflets open, and they remained so during the daytime for 48 h.; but after an additional day were half closed. The plant was then watered, and the leaflets on the two following days remained open. On the third day they were again half closed, but on being again watered remained open during the two next days. From these several facts we may conclude that the plant svon feels the want of water; and that as soon as this occurs, it partially or quite closes its leaflets, which in their then imbricated eondition expose a small surface to evaporation. It is therefore probable that this sleep-like movement, which occurs only when the ground is dry, is an adaptation against the loss of moisture. A bush about 4 feet in height, a native of Chili, which was thickly covered with leaves, behaved very differently, for during the day it never closed its leaflets. On July 6th the earth ix the small pot in which it grew appeared extremely dry, and it was given a very little water. After 21 and 22 days (on the 27th and 28th), during the whole of which time the plant did not receive a drop of water, the leaves began to droop, but they showed no signs of closing during the day. It appeared almost incredible that any plant, except a fleshy one, could have kept alive in soil so dry, which resembled the dust on aread. On the 29th, when the bush was shaken, some leaves fell off, and the remaining ones were unable to sleep at night. Jt was therefore moderately watered, as well as syringed, late in theevening. On the next morning (80th) the bush looked as fresh as ever, and at night the leaves went to sleep. It may be added that a small branch while growing on the bush was enclosed, by means of a curtain of bladder, during 13 days in a large bottle half full of quicklime, so that the air within must have been intensely dry ; yet the leaves on this branch did not suffer in the 338 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cnar. VI least, and did not close at all during the hottest days. Another trial was made with the same bush on August 2nd and 6th (the soi! appearing at this latter date extremely dry), for it was exposed out of doors during the whole day to the wind, but the jleaflets showed no signs of closing. The Chilian form therefore differs widely from the one at Wirzburg, in not closing its leaflets when suffering from the want of water; and it can live for a surprisingly long time without water. Tropeolum majus (?) (cultivated var.) (Tropeoles).—Several plants in pots stood in the greenhouse, and the blades of the leaves which faced the front-lights were during the day highly inclined and at night vertical; whilst the leaves on the back of the pots, though of course illuminated through the roof, did not become vertical at night. We thought, at first, that this difference in their positions was in some manner due to heliotropism, for the leaves are highly heliotropic. The true explanation, however, is that unless they are well illu- minated during at least a part of the day they do not sleep at night; and a little difference in the degree of illumination deter- mines whether or not they shall become vertical at night. We have observed no other so well-marked a case as this, of the influence of previous illumination on nyctitropic movements. The leaves present also another peculiarity in their habit of rising or awaking in the morning, being more strongly fixed or inherited than that of sinking or sleeping at night. The move- ments are caused by the bending of an upper part of the petiole, between 4 and 1 inch in length; but the part close to the blade, for about + of an inch in length, does not bend and always remains at right angles to the blade. The bending portion does not present any external or internal difference in structure from the rest of the petiole. We will now give the experiments on which the above conclusions are founded. A large pot with several plants was brought on the morning of Sept. 3rd out of the greenhouse and placed before a north-east window, in the same position as before with respect to the light, as far as that was possible, On the front of the plants, 24 leaves were marked with thread, some of which had their blades hori- zontal, but the greater number were inclined at about 45°, heneath the horizon; at night all these, without exception, becume vertical. Early on the following morning (4th) they reassumed their former positions, and at night again became vertical. On the 5th the shutters were opened at 6.15 a.m.. and Cuap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 339 by 8.18 a.m., after the leaves had been illuminated for 2 h. 3 m., and had acquired their diurnal position, they were placed in a dark cupboard. They were looked at twice during the day and thrice in the evening, the last time at 10 30 p.m., and not one had become vertical. At 8 a.m. on the following morning (6th) they still retained the same diurnal position, and were now replaced before the north-east window. At night all the leaves which had faced the light had their petioles curved and their blades vertical; whereas none of the leaves on the back of the plants, although they had been moderately illuminated by the diffused light of the room, were vertical. ‘They were now at night placed in the same dark cupboard; at 9 a.m. on the next morning (7th) all those which had been asleep had reassumed their diurnal position. The pot was then placed for 3h. in the sunshine, so as to stimulate the plants; at noon they were placed before the same north-east window, and at night the leaves slept in the usual manner and awoke on the following morning. At noon on this day (8th) the plants, after having been left before the north- east window for 5 h. 45 m. and thus illuminated (though not brightly, as the sky was cloudy during the whole time), were replaced in the dark cupboard, and at 3 p.m. the position of the leaves was very little, if at all, altered, so that they are not quickly affected by darkness; but by 10.15 p.m. all the leaves which had faced the north-east sky during the 5h. 45m. of illumination stood vertical, whereas those on the back of the lant retained their diurnal position. On the following morning (9th) the leaves awoke as on the two former occasions in the dark, and they were kept in the dark during the whole day; at night avery few of them became vertical, and this was the one in- stance in which we observed any inherited tendency or habit in this plant to sleep at the proper time. That it was real sleep was shown by these same leaves reassuming their diurnal posi- tion on the following morning (10th) whilst still kept in the dark. The pot was then (9.45 a.m. 10th) replaced, after having been kept for 86 h. in darkness, before the north-east window; and at night the blades of all the leaves (excepting a few on the back of the plants) became conspicuously vertical. At 6.45 a.m. (11th) after the plants had been illuminated on the same side as before during only 25m., the pot was turned round, so that the leaves which had faced the light now faced the interior of the room, and not one of these went to sleep at night; 340 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cap. VIL. whilst some, but not many, of those which had formerly stood facing the back of the room and which had never before been well illuminated or gone to sleep, now assumed a vertical posi- tion at night. On the next day (12th) the plant was turned round into its original position, so that the same leaves faced the light as formerly, and these now went to sleep in the usual manner. We will only add that with some young seedlings kept in the greenhouse, the blades of the first pair of true leaves (the cotyledons being hypogean) stood during the day almost horizontally and at night almost vertically. A few observations were subsequently made on the circum- nutation of threc leaves, whilst facing a north-east window; but the tracings are not given, as the leaves moved somewhat towards the light. It was, however, manifest that they rose and fell more than once during the daytime, the ascending and descending lines being in parts extremely zigzag. ‘The nocturnal fall commenced about 7 p.m., and the leaves had risen consider- ably by 6.45 a.m. on the following morning. Leguminose.—This Family includes many more genera with sleeping species than all the other families put together. The number of the tribes to which each genus belongs, according to Bentham and Hooker’s arrangement, has been added. Crotolaria (sp. ?) (Tribe 2).—This plant is monophyllous, and we are informed by Mr. T. Thiselton Dyer that the teaves rise up vertically at night and press against the s‘em. Lupinus (Tribe 2)—The palmate or digitate leaves of the species in this large genus sleep in three different manners. One of the simplest, is that all the lcaflets become steeply in- clined downwards at night, having been during the day ex- tended horizontally. This is shown in the accompanying figures (Fig. 187), of a leaf of L. pilosus, as seen during the day from vertically above, and of another leaf asleep with the leaflets inclined downwards. As in this position they are crowded together, and as they do not become folded like those in the genus Oxalis, they cannot occupy a vertically dependent position ; but they are often inclined at an angle of 50° bencath the horizon. In this species, whilst the leaflets are sinking, the petioles rise up, in two instances when the angles were measured to the extent of 23°. The leaflets of L. sub-carnosus and arboreus, which were horizontal during the day, sank down at night in nearly the same manner ; the former to an angle of 38°, and the latter of 36°, beneath the horizon: but their peticles Cuap. VI. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 341 did not move in any plainly perceptible degree. It is, however, quite possible, as we shall presently see, that if a large number of plants of the three foregoing and of the following species Fig. 137. A. Tupinus pilosus: A, leaf seen from vertically above in daytime; B, leaf asleep, seen laterally at night. were to be observed at all seasons, some of the leaves would be ‘found to sleep in a different manner. In the two following species the leaflets, instead of moving downwards, rise at night. With LZ. Hartwegii some stood at noon at a mean angle of 36° above the horizon, and at night at 51°, thus forming together a hollow cone with moderately steep sides. The petiole of one leaf rose 14° and of a second 11° at night. With ZL. luteus a leaflet rose from 47° at noon to 65° above the horizon at night, and another on a distinct leat rose from 45° to 69°. The petioles, however, sink at night to a small extent, viz., in three instances by 2°, 6°, and 9° 30’. Owing to this movement of the petioles, the outer and longer leaflets have to bend up a little more than the shorter and inner ones, in order that all should stand symmetrically at night. We shall presently see that some leaves on the same individual plants of L. luteus sleep in a very different manner. We now come to a remarkable position of the leaves when asleep, which is common to several species of Lupines. On the same leaf the shorter leaflets, which generally face the centre of the plant, sink at night, whilst the longer ones on the opposite side rise; the intermediate and lateral ones merely twisting on their own axes. But there is some variability with respect to which leaflets rise or fall. As might have been expected from such diverse and complicated movements, the 342 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VI’. base of each leaflet is developed (at least in the case of L. luteus) into a pulvinus. The result is that all the leaflets on the game leaf stand at night more or less highly inclined, or even quite vertically, forming in this latter case a vertical star. This occurs with the leaves of a species purchased under the name vf Fig. 138 c Tuginus pubescens: A, leaf viewed laterally duri: g the day; B, same leaf at night; C, another leaf with the leaflet forming a vertical star at night. Figures reduced. 1. pub scens ; and in the accompanying figures we see at A (Fig. 138) the leaves in their diurnal position; and at B the same plant at night with the two upper leaves having their leaflets almost vertical. At C another leaf, viewed laterally, is shown with the leaflets quite vertical. It is chiefly or exclusively the youngest leaves which form at night vertical stars. But there Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 343 1s much variability in the position of the leaves at night on the same plant; some remaining with their leaflets almost horizontal, others forming more or less highly inclined or vertical stars, and some with ali their leatlets sloping downwards, as in our first class of cases. It is also a remarkable fact, that although all the plants produced from the same lot of seeds were identical im appearance, yet some individuals at night had the leaflets of all their leaves arranged so as to form more or less highly inclined stars; others had them all sloping downwards and never forming a star; and others, again, retained them either in a horizontai position or raised them a little. We have as yet referred only to the different positions of tne leaflets of L. pubescens at night; but the petioles likewise differ in their movements. That of a young leaf which formed a highly inclined star at night, stood at noon at 42° above the horizon, and during the night at 72°,so had risen 30°. The petiole of another leaf, the leaflets of which occupied 1 similar position at night, rose only 6°. On the other hand, the petiole of a leaf with all its leaflets sloping down at night, fell at this time 4°. The petioles of two rather older leaves were subse- quently observed ; both of which stood during the day at exactly the same angle, viz., 50° above the horizon, and one of these rose 7°—8°, and the other fell 3°—4° at night. We meet with cases like that of L. pubescens with some other species. On a single plant of /. mutabilis some leaves, which stood horizontally during the day, formed highly inclined stars at night, and the petiole of one rose 7°. Other leaves which likewise stood horizontally during the day, had at night all their leaflets sloping downwards at 46° beneath the horizon, but their petioles had hardly moved. Again, L. luteus offered a still more remarkable case, for on two leaves, the leaflets which stood at noon at about 45° above the horizon, rose at night to 65° and 69°, so that they formed a hollow cone with steep sides. Four leaves on the same plant, which had their leaflets horizontal at noon, formed vertical stars at night; and three other leaves equally horizontal at noon, had all their leaflets sloping down- wards at night. So that tle leaves on this one plant assumed at night three different positions. Though we cannot account for this fact, we can see that such a stock might readily give birth to species having widely different nyctitropic habits. Little more need be said about the sleep of the species of Lu- pinus; several, namely, L. polyphyllus, nanus, Menziesti, speciosus, 23 B44 MODIFIED CIRUUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIE. and «lbifrons, though observed out of doors and in the green- house, did not change the position of their leaves sufficiently at night to be said to sleep. From observations made on two sleeping species, it appears that, as with Topavium majus, the leaves must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep at night. For several plants, kept all day in a sitting-room with north-east windows, did not sleep at night; but when the pots were placed on the following day out of doors, and were bronght in at night, they slept in the usual manner. The trial was repeated on the following day and night with the same result. Some observations were made on the circumnutation of the leaves of L. luteus and arb.reus, It will suffice to say that the leaflets of the latter exhibited a double oscillation in the course of 24h.; for they fell from the early morning until 1015 a.m., then rose and zigzagged greatly till 4 p.m., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. By 8 a.m. on the following morning the leaflets had risen to their proper height. We have seen in the fourth chapter, that the leaves of Lupinus sprciosus, which do not sleep, circumnutate to an extraordinary extent, making many ellipses in the course of the day. Cytisus (Fribe 2), Trigonella and Medicago (Tribe 3).—Only Fig, 139. Medicago marina A. leaves during the day; B, Icaves asleep at night. a few observations were made on these three genera. The petioles on a young p'ant, about a foot in height, of Cytisus fragrans rose at night, on one occasion 23° and on another 33°. The three leaflets’ als) hend upwards, and at the same time Onav. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 345 approach each other, so that the base of the central leaflet overlaps the bases of the two lateral leaflets. They bend up so much that they press against the stem; and on looking down on one of these young plants from vertically above, the lower surfaces of the leaflets are visible; and thus their upper surfaces, in accordance with the general rule, are best protected from radiation. Whilst the leaves on these young plants were thus behaving, those on an old bush in full flower did not sleep at night. Trigonelia Cretica resembles a Melilotus in its sleep, which will be immediately described. According to M. Royer,* the leaves of Medicago maculata rise up at night, and “se renversent un peu de maniére 4 presenter obliquement au ciel leur face in- ferieure.” A drawing is here given (Fig. 189) of the leaves of M. marina awake and asleep; and this would almost serve for Cytisus fragrans in the same two states. Melilotus (Tribe 3).—The species in this genus sleep in a remarkable manner. The three leaflets of each leaf twist through an angle of 90°, so that their blades stand vertically at night with one lateral edge presented to the zenith (Fig. 140). We shall best understand the other and more complicated move- ments, if we imagine ourselves always to hold the leaf with the tip of the terminal leaflet pointed to the north. The leaflets in becoming vertical at night could of course twist so that their upper surfaces should face to either side; but the two lateral leaflets always twist so that this surface tends to face the north, but as they move at the same time towards the terminal leaflet, the upper surface of the one faces about N.N.W., and that cf the other N.N.E. The terminal leaflet behaves differently, for it twists to either side, the upper surface facing sometimes east and sometimes west, but rather more commonly west than east. The terminal leaflet also moves in another and more remarkable manner, for whilst its blade is twisting and becoming vertical, the whole leaflet bends to one side, and invariably 1o the side towards which the upper surface is directed; so that if this. surface faces the west the whole leaflet bends to the west, until it comes into contact with the upper and vertical surface of the western lateral leaflet. Thus the upper surface of the terminal and of one of the two lateral leaflets is well protected. The fact of the terminal leaflet twisting indifferently to either * - Annales des Sc. Nat. Bot.’ (5th series), ix. 1868, p. 368. 346 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. : Cuap. VIL side and afterwards Lending to the same side, seemed to us so remarkable, that we endeavoured to discover the cause. We imagined that at the commencement of the movement it might be determined by one of the two halves of the leaflet being a little heavier than the other. Therefore bits of wood were gummed on one side of several leaflets, but this produced no effect; and they continued to twist in the same direction as Fig. 140. Cc. Melilotus officinalis: A, leaf during the daytime. B, another leaf asleep. C, a leaf asleep as viewed from vertically above; but in this case the terminal leaflet did not happen to be in such close contact with the lateral one, as is usual. they had previously done. In order to discover whether the same leaflet twisted permanently in the same direction, black threads were tied to 20 leaves, the terminal leaflets of which twisted so that their upper surfaces faced west, and 14 white threads to leaflets which twisted to the east. These were ob- served occasionally during 14 days, and they all continued, with a single exception, to twist and bend in the same direction; for Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 347 oue leaflet, which had originally faced east, was observed after 9 days to face west. The seat of both the twisting and bending movement is in the pulvinus of the sub-petioles. We believe that the leaflets, especially the two lateral ones, in performing the above described complicated movements generally bend a little downwards; but we are not sure of this, for, as far as the main petiole is concerned, its nocturnal move- ment is largely determined by the position which the leaf happens to occupy during the day. Thus one main petiole was observed to rise at night 59°, whilst three others rose only 7° and 9°. The petioles and sub-petioles are continually circum- nutating during the whole 24 h., as we shall presently see. The leaves of the following 15 species, M. officinalis, suaveolens, parviflora, alba, infesta, dentutu, gracilis, sulcata, elegans, ccerulea, petitpierreana, macrorrhiza, Italica, secundiflora, and Taurica, sleep in nearly the same manner as just described; but the bending to one side of the terminal leaflet is apt to fail unless the plants are growing vigorously. With Jf. petitpierreana and secundiflora the terminal leaflet was rarely seen to bend to one side. In young plants of M. Italica it bent in the usual manner, but with old plants in full flower, growing in the same pot and observed at the same hour, viz., 8.30 p.m., none of the terminal leaficts on several scores of leaves had bent to one side, though they stood vertically ; nor nad the two lateral leaflets, though standing vertically, moved towards the terminal one. At 1030 p.m., and again one hour after midnight, the terminal leaflets had become very slightly bent to one side, and the lateral leaflets had moved a very little towards the terminal one, so that the position of the leaflets even at this late hour was far from the ordinary one. Again, with M. Taurica the terminal leaflets were never seen to bend towards either of the two lateral leaflets, though these, whilst becoming vertical, had bent towards the terminal one. The sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet in this species is of unusual length, and if the leaflet had bent to one side, its upper surface could have come into contact only with the apex of either lateral leaflet; and this, perhaps, is the meaning of the loss of the lateral movement. The cotyledons do notsleep at night. The first leaf consists of a single orlicular kaflet, which twists at night so that the blade stands vertically. It is a remarkable fact that with /. Taurica, and in a somewhat less degree with M. macrorrhiza and petit- pierrcana, all the many small and young leaves produced during 348 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Crap. VIL the early spring from shoots on some cut-down plants in the greenhouse, slept in a totally different manner from the normal one; for the three leaflets, instead of twisting on their own axes so as to present their lateral edges to the zenith, turned upwards and stood vertically with their apices pointing to the zenith. They thus assumed nearly the same position as in the allied genus Trifolium; and on the same principle that embryological characters reveal the lines of descent in the animal kingdom, so the movements of the small leaves in the above three species of Melilotus, perhaps indicate that this genus is descended from a form which was closely allied to and slept like a Trifolium. Moreover, there is one species, MM. messanensis, the leaves of which, on full-grown plants between 2 and 8 feet in height, sleep like the foregoing small leaves and like those of a Trifolium. We were so much surprised at this lattcr case that, until the flowers and fruit were examined, we thought that the seeds of some Trifolium had been sown by mistake instead of those of a Melilotus. It appears therefore probable that M. messanensis has either retained or recovered a primordial habit. The circumnutation of a leaf of M. officinalis was traced, the stem being left free; and the apex of the terminal leaflet described three laterally extended ellipses, between 8 a.m. and 4p.m.; after the latter hour the nocturnal twisting movement commenced. It was afterwards ascertained that the above movement was compounded of the circumnutation of the stem on a sinall scale, of the main petiole which moved most, and of the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet. The main petiole of a leaf having been secured to a stick, close to the base of the sub- petiole of the terminal leaflet, the latter described two small ellipses between 10.30 4am.,and2pm. At 7.15 p.m, after this same leaflet (as well as another) had twisted themselves into their vertical nocturnal position, they began to rise slowly, and continued to do so until 10.35 p.m., after which hour they were no longer observed. As M. messunensis sleeps in an anomalous manner, unlike that of any other species in the genus, the circumnutation of a terminal leaflet, with the stem secured, was traced during two days. On each morning the leaflet fell, until about noon, and then began to rise very slowly; but on the first day the rising movement was interrupted between 1 and 3 p.m. by the formation of a laterally extended ellipse, and on the second day, at the game time, by two smaller ellipses. The rising movement then Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 3419 recommenced, and became rapid late in the evening, when the leaflet was beginning to go to sleep. The awaking or sinking movement had already commenced by 6.45 a.m on both mornings. Trifolium (Tribe 3).—The nyctitropic movements of 11 species were observed, and were found to be closely similar. If we select a leaf of 7. repens having an upright petiole, and with the three leaflets expanded horizontally, the two lateral leaflets will be seen in the evening to twist and approach each other, until their upper surfaces come into contact. At the same time they bend downwards in a plane at right angles to that of their former position, until their midribs form an angle of about 45° with the upper part of the petiole. ‘[his peculiar change of position requires a considerable amount of torsion in the pul- vinus. The terminal leaflet merely rises up without any twist- Fig. 141. Trifolium repens: A, leaf during the day; B, leaf asleep at night. ing, and bends over until it rests on and forms a roof over the edges of the now vertical and united lateral leaflets. Thus the terminal leaflet always passes through an angle of at least 90°, generally of 130° or 140°, and not rarely—as was often observed with J. subterraneum—of 180°. In this latter casc the terminal leaflet stands at night horizontally (as in Fig. 141), with its lower surface fully exposed tothe zenith. Besides the difference in the angles, at which the terminal leaflets stand at night in the individuals of the same species, the degree to which the lateral leaflets approach each other often likewise differs. We have seen that the cotyledons of some species and not of others rise up vertically at night. The first true leaf is generally unifoliate and orbicular; it always rises, and either stands verti- cally at night or more commonly bends a little over so as to expose the lower surface obliqnely to the zenith, in the same manner as does the terminal leaflet of the mature leaf. But it does not twist itself like the corresponding first simple leaf of Melilotus. 350 MODIFLED CIRCUMNUTATION, Cuar. VIL With 7. Punnonicum the first true leaf was generally unifoliate, but sometimes trifoliate, or again partially lobed and in an intermediate condition. Circumnutation—Sachs described in 1863* the spontaneous up and down movements of the leaflets of 7. ‘ncarnatum, when kept in darkness. Pfeffer made many observations on the similar movements in 7. pratense.t He states that the terminal leaflet of this species, observed at different times, passed through angles of from 30° to 120° in the course of from 13 to4h. We observed the movements of ZY. subterraneum, resupinatum, and repens. Trifolium subterranerm.—A petiole was secured close to the base of the three leaflets, and the movement of the terminal loaflet was traced during 263 h., as shown in the figure on the next page. Between 6.45 am.and 6 p.m. the apex moved 8 times up and 3 times down, completing 3 ellipses in 11 h.15 m. The ascending and descending lines stand nearer to one anothcr than is usual with most plants, yet there was some lateral motion. At 6 p.m. the great nocturnal rise commenced, and on the next morning the sinking of the leaflet was continned until 8.80 a.m., after which hour it circumnutated in the manner just described. In the figure the great nocturnal rise and the morning fall are greatly abbreviated, from the want of space, and are merely represented by a short curved line. The leaflet stood horizontally when at a point a little beneath the middle of the diagram; so that during the daytime it oscillated almost equally above and beneath a horizontal position. At 8.30 a.m. it stood 48° beneath the horizon, and by 11.80 a.m. it had risen 50° above the horizon; so that it passed through 98° in 8h. By the aid of the tracing we ascertained that the distance travelled in the 3 h. by the apex of this leaflet was 1:03 inch. If we look at the figure, and prolong upwards in our mind’s eye the short curved broken line, whieh repre- sents the nocturnal course, we see that the latter movement is merely an exaggeration or pro'ongation of one of the diurnal ellipses. ‘The same leaflet had been observed on the previous day, and the course then pursued was almost identically the same as that here described. * ¢ Flora,’ 183, p. 497. + ‘Die Period, Bewegungen, 1875, pp. 35, 52. Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES, Trifolium respinatum.—A plant left entirely frec before a north-east win- dow, in such a position that a terminal leaflet projected at right angles to the source of the light, the sky being uniformly clouled all day. The movements of this leaflet were traced during two days, and on both were closely similar. Those executed on the second day are shown in Fig. 143. The obliquity of the several_lines is due partly to the manner in which the leaflet was viewed, and partly to its having moved a little to- wards the light. From 7.50 a.m. to 8.40 a.m, the leaflet fell, that is, the awakening movement was continued. It then rose and moved a little late- rally towards the light. At 12.30 it retrograded, and at 2.30 resumed its original course, having thus completed a small ellipse during the middle of the day. In the even- ing it rose rapidly, and by 8 a.m. on the following morning had returned to exactly the same spot as on the previous morning. The line representing the nocturnal course ought to be extended much higher up, and is here abbreviated into a short, 351 was placed ("68 inch in length), traced (rom glass, and movement, as here shown, Plant illuminated from above; temp. 16°~17° C, 0 9.15 AM. 5th. Apex of leaf 3 inches from the vertical circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet reduced to one-half of original scale. Trifolium subterraneum : 6.45 am. July 4th t magnified 52 times, 352 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL curved, broken line. The terminal leaflet, therefore, of this species described during the daytime only a single additional ellipse, instead of two ad- Fig. 143. ditional ones, as in the case of TZ. subterranewm. But we should remember that it was shown in the fourth chapter that the ; stem circumnutates, as no y doubt does the main petiole * and the sub-petioles; sa that the movement repre- sented in fig. 143 is a com- pounded one. We tried to observe the movements of a leaf kept during the day in darkness, but it Trifolium resupinatum: circumnutation began to go to pe P after and nyctitropic movements of the ter- 2h. 15 m., and this was minal leaflet during 24 hours, well pronounced after 4 h. 80 m. Trifolium repens—A stem was secured close to the base of a moderately old leaf, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was observed during two days. This case is interesting solely from the simplicity of the movements, in contrast with those of the two preceding species. On the first day the leaflet fell between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., and on the second between 7 a.m. and1lpm. Qn both days the descending course was somewhat zigzag, and this evidently represents the circumnutating move- ment of the two previous species during the middle of the day. After 1 p.m., Oct. Ist (Fig. 144), the leaflet began to rise, but the movement was slow on both days, both before and after this hour, until4 p.m. The rapid evening and nocturnal rise then commenced. Thus in this species the course during 24h. consists of a single great ellipse; in 7. resupinatum of two ellipses, one of which includes the nocturnal movement and is much elongated; and in T. subterranenm of three ellipses, of which the nocturnal one is likewise of great length. Securigera coronilla (Tribe 4).—The leaflets, which stand opposite one another and are numerous, 1ise up at night,.come into close contact, and bend backwards at a moderate angle towards the base of the petiole. Cuar VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 353 Lotus (Tribe 4).—The nyctitropic movements of 10 species in this genus were observed, and found to be the same, The main petiole rises a little at night, and the three leaflets rise till they become vertical, and at the same time approach each other. This was conspicuous with L, Jacobeus, in which the leaflets are almost linear. In most of the species the leaflets rise so much as to press against the stem, and not rarely they become inclined a little inwards with their lower surfaces exposed obliquely to the zenith. This was clearly the case with L. major, as its petioles are unusually long, and the leaflets are thus enabled to bend further inwards. The young leaves on the summits of the stems close up at night so much, as often to resemble large buds. The stipule-like leaflets, which are often of large size, rise up like the other leaflets, and press against the stem (Fig. 145). All the leaficts of L. Gebelii, and pro- bably of the other species, are provided at their bases with distinct pulvini, of a yellowish colour, and formed of very small cells. The circumnutation of a terminal leaflet of L. periyrinus (with the stem secured) was traced during two days, but the movement was so simple that it is not worth while to give the diagram. The leaflet fell slowly from the early morning till about 1 p.m. It then rose gradually at first, but rapidly late in the evening. Fig. 144, \ ) , oe, Y ae . Trifolium repens : circum nutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown terminal leaflet, traced on a ver- tical glass from 7 A.M. Sept. 30th to 8 a.m. Oct. Ist. Nocturnal course, represented by turved broken line, much ab- breviated. It occasionally stood still for about 20 m. during the day, and sometimes zigzagged a little. The movement of one of the basal, stipule-like leaflets was likewise traced in the same manner and at the same time, and its course was closely similar to that of the terminal leaflet. In Tribe 5 of Bentham and Hooker, the sleep-movementa of species in 12 genera have been observed by ourselves and 854 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar VII others, but only in Robinia with any care. Psoralea acaulis raises its three leaflets at night; whilst Amorpha fruticosu,* Dalea alopccuroid:s, and Indigofera tinctoria depress them. Duchartre ¢ states that Tephrosia caribeea is the sole example of “ folioles couchées le long du petiole et vers la base;” but a Fig. 145. A. B. Lotus “C: eticus : A, stem with leaves awake during the day; B, with leaves asleep at night. SS, stipule-like leaflets. similar movement occurs, a8 we have already seen, and shall again see in other cases. Wistaria Sinensis, according te Royer,t ‘“abaisse les folioles qui par une disposition bizarre sont inclinées dans la méme feuille, les supérieures vers le * Ducharte, ‘léments de t ‘Ann. des Sciences, Nats, Botanique,’ 1867, p. 849. Bot.’ (Sth series), ix. 1868. + Ibid., p. 347. Cuap. VILL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 395 sommet, les inférieures vers la base du petiole commun;” but the leaflets on a young plant observed by us in the green- house merely sank vertically downwards at night. The leaficts are raised in Spherophysa salsola, Colutea arborea, and a —— Cassia pubescens: A, wpper part of plant during the day ; B, same p aut at night. Figures reduced from photographs. movements of this species, compared with those of the former species, consists in the leaflets not rotating nearly so much; 872 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL therefore their lower surfaces face but little outwards at night. The petioles, which during the day are inclined only a little above the horizon, rise at night in a remarkable manner, and stand nearly or quite vertically. This, together with the dependent position of the leaflets, makes the whole plant won- derfully compact at night. In the two foregoing figures, copied from photographs, the same plant is represented awake and asleep (Fig. 155), and we see how different is its appearance. Cassia mimosvides—At night the numerous leaflets on each leaf rotate on their axes, and their tips move towards the apex of the leaf; they thus become imbricated with their lower surfaces directed upwards, and with their midribs almost parallel to the petiole. Consequently, this species differs from all the others seen by us, with the exception of the following one, in the leaflets not sinking down at night. A petiole, the movement of which was measured, rose 8° at night. Cassia Barclayana.—The leaflets of this Australian species are numerous, very narrow, aud almost linear. At night they rise up alittle, and also move towards the apex of the leaf. For instance, two opposite leaflets which diverged from one another during the day at an angle of 104°, diverged at night only 72°; so that each had risen 16° above its diurnal position. The petiole of a young leaf rose at night 34°, and that of an older leaf 19°, Owing to the slight movement of the leaflets and the consider- able movement of the petiole, the bush presents a different appearance at night to what it does by day; yet the leaves can hardly be said to sleep. The circumnutating movements of the leaves of C. floribunda, cealliantha, and pubescens were observed, each during three or four days; they were essentially alike, those of the last-named species being the simplest. The petiole of C. floribunda was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and a filament was fixed along the midrib of one of them. Its movements were traced from 1P.m. on August 13th to 8.30 am. 17th; but thoss during the last 2 h. are alone given in Fig. 156. From 8 a.m. on each day (by which hour the leaf had assumed its diurnal posi- tion) to 2 or 8 P.M., it either zigzagged or circumnutated over nearly the same small space; at between 2 and 3 p.m. the great evening fall commenced. The lines representing this fall and the early morning rise are oblique, owing to the peculiar manner in which the leaflets sleep, as already described. After the leaflet was asleep at 6 P.m., and whilst the glass filament hung Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 373 perpen ticularly down, the movement of its apex was traced until 10.30 p.m.; and during this whole time it swaycd from side to side, completing more than one ellipse. Bauhinia (Tribe 15).— Fig. 156 The nyctitropic movements of four species were alike, and were highly peculiar. A plant raised from seed sent us from South Brazil i by Fritz Miiller, was more ; especially observed. The leaves are large and deeply nvtched at their ends. At night the two halves rise up and close completely / together, like the opposite ; leaflets of many Legumi- nose. With very young plants the petioles rise con- i siderably at the same time; one, which was inclined at noon 45° above the hori- i zon, at night stood at 75°; / it thus rose 30°; another i Ww rose 34°. Whilst the two F halves of the leaf are closing, i the midrib at first sinks vertically downwards and afterwards bends _ back- wards, so as to pass close A sO Apex of leaflet 53 inches from the e 33 inches long, Temp. 16°-174°C. Figure reduced to one-half cireunmutation and nyctitropic movement of a terminal leaflet (1% inch in length) traced from 8.30 a.M. to same hour on following morning. Main petiol xc along one side of its own i = upwardly inclined petiole; f a ed the midrib being thus di- Py fees rected towards the stemor / yf SS 8 axisof the plant. Theangle / Bese which the midrib formed ;, SEES with the horizon was mea- # & sured in one case at dif- ferent hours: at noon it stood horizontally; late in the even- ing it depended vertically; then rose to the opposite side, and at 10.15 p.m. stood at only 27° beneath the horizon, being dirccted towards the stem. It had thus travelled through 153° 374 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL. Owing to this movement—to the leaves being folded—and to the petioles rising, the whole plant is as much more compact at night than during the day, as a fastigiate Lombardy poplar is compared with any other species of poplar. It is remarkable that when our plants had grown a little older, viz., to a height of 2 or 8 feet, the petioles did not rise at night, and the midribs of the folded leaves were no longer bent back along one side of the petiole. We have noticed in some other genera that the petioles of very young plants rise much more at night than do those of older plants. Tamarindus Indica (Tribe 16).—The leaflets approach or roeet each other at night, and are all directed towards the apex of the leaf. They thus become imbricated with their midribs parallel to the petiole. The movement is closely similar to that of Hematoxylon (see former Fig. 153), but more striking from the greater number of the leaflets. Adenanthera, Prosopis, and Neptunia (Tribe 20),—With Ade- nanthera pavonia the leaflets turn edgeways and sink at night. In Prosopis they turn upwards. With Neptunia oleracea the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same pinna come into contact at night and are directed forwards. The pinne them- selves move downwards, and at the same time backwards or towards the stem of the plant. The main petiole rises. Mimosa pudica (Tribe 20).—This plant has been the subject of innumerable observations; but there are some points in rela- tion to our subject which have not been sufficiently attended to. At night, as is well known, the opposite leaflets come into contact and point towards the apex of the leaf; they thus be- come neatly imbricated with their upper surfaces protected. The four pinne also approach each other closely, and the whole leaf is thus rendered very compact. The main petiole sinks down- wards during the day till late in the evening, and rises until very early inthe morning. The stem is continually circumnu- tating at a rapid rate, though not to a wide extent. Some very young plants, kept in darkness, were observed during two days, and although subjected to a rather low temperature of 57°-—59° F., the stem of one described four small ellipses in the course ot 12h. We shall immediately see that the main petiole is like- wise continually circumnutating, as is each separate pinna and each separate leaflet. Therefore, if the movement of the apex of any one leaflet were to be traced, the course described would be compounded of the movements of four separate parts. Cuap. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 375 A filament had been fixed on the previous eveiing, longi- tudinally to the main petiole of a nearly full-grown, highly- sensitive leaf (four inches in length), the stem having been secured to a stick at its base; and a tracing was made ona vertical glass in the hot-house under a high temperature. In the figure given (Fig. 157), the first dot was made at 8.80 a.m. August 2nd, and the last at 7 P.m.on the 3rd. During 12 h.on the first day the petiole moved thrice downwards and twice upwards. Within the same length of time on the second day, it moved five times duwn- wards and four times upwards. As the ascending and descend- ing lines do not coincide, the petiole manifestly circumnu- tates; the great evening fall and nocturnal rise being an exaggeration of one of the cir- cumnutations. It should, how- ever, be observed that the pe- tiole fell much lower down in the evenings than could be seen on the vertical glass or is represented in the diagram. After 7 p.m. on the 38rd (when the last dot in Fig. 157 was made) the pot was carried into a bed-room, and the petiole was found at 12.50 a.m. (i.e. after midnight) standing almost up- i right, and much more highly 6pm. andi pmard inclined than it was at 10.40 ; ; p.m. When observed again at sialic pudica aera pe ar] 4 a.m. it had begun to fall,and —{ioje, traced during 34 h. 30 mo continued falling till 6.15 a.m., after which hour it zigzagged and again circumnutated. Similar observations were made on another petiole, with nearly the same result. On two other occasions the movement of the main petiole 25 Fig. 157, 376 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII was observed every two or three minutes, the plants being kept at a rather high temperature, viz., on the first occasion at 77°—81° F., and the filament then described 23 ellipses in 69 m. On the second occasion, when the temperature was 81°—86° F., it made rather more than 8 ellipses in 67 m. Therefore, Fig. 157, though now sufficiently complex, would have been in- comparably more so, if dots had been made on the glass every 2 or 3 minutes, instead of every hour or half-hour. Although the main petiole is continually and rapidly describing small ellipses during the day, yet after the great nocturnal rising movement has commenced, if dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes, as was done for an hour between 9.30 and 10.30 pm. (temp. 84° F.), and the dots are then joined, an almost abso- lutely straight line is the result. To show that the movement of the petiole is in all proba- bility due to the varying turgescence of the pulvinus, and not to growth (in accordance with the conclusions of Pfeffer), a very old leaf, with some of its leaflets yellowish and hardly at all sensitive, was selected for observation, and the plant was kept at the highly favourable temp. of 80° F. The petiole fell from 8 am. till 10.15 a.m., it then rose a little in a somewhat zigzag line, often remaining stationary, till 5 p.m, when the great evening fall commenced, which was continued till at least 10 p.m. By 7 a.m. on the following morning it had risen to the same level as on the previous morning, and then descended in a zigzag line. But from 10.30 a.m. till 4.15 p.m. it remained almost motionless, all power of movement being now lost. The petiole, therefore, of this very old leaf, which must have long ceased growing, moved periodically ; but instead of circum- nutating several times during the day, it moved ouly twice down and twice up in the course of 24h., with the ascending and descending lines not coincident. It has ulready been stated that the pinne move independently of the main petiole. The petiole of a leaf was fixed to a cork support, close to the point whence the four pinne diverge, with a short fing filament cemented longitudinally to one of the twc terminal pinuse, and a graduated semicircle was placed close beneath it. By looking vertically down, its angular or lateral movements could be measured with accuracy. Between noon and 4.15 pu. the pinna changed its position to one side by only 7°; but not continuously in the same direction, as it moved four times to one side, and three times to the opposite side, Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 377 in one instance to the extent of 16°. This pinna, therefoie, circumnutated. Later in the evening the four pinne approach each other, and the one which was observed moved inwards 59° between noon and 6.45 p.m. Ten observations were made in the course of 2h. 20m. (at average intervals of 14 m.), between 4.25 and 6.45 p.m.; and there was now, when the leat was going to sleep, no swaying from side to side, but a steady inward movement. Here therefore there is in the evening the same conversion of a circumnutating into a steady movement iu one direction, as in the case of the main petiole. It has also been stated that each separate leaflet circum- nutates. A pinna was cemented with shellac on the summit of a little-stick driven firmly into the ground, immediately beneath a pair of leaflets, to the midribs of both of which excessively fine glass filaments were attached. This treatment did not injure the leaflets, for they went to sleep in the usual manner, and long retained their sensitiveness. The movements of one of them were traced during 49 h., as shown in Fig. 158. On the first day the leaflet sank down till 11.30 a.m., and then rose till late in the evening in a zigzag line, indicating circum- nutation. On the second day, when more accustomed to its new state, it oscillated twice up and twice down during the 24h. This plant was subjected to a rather low temperatura, viz., 62°-—64° F.; had it been kept warmer, no doubt the move- ments of the leaflet would have been much more rapid and complicated. It may be scen in the diagram that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide; but the large amount of lateral movement in the evening is the result of the leaflets bending towards the apex of the leaf when going to sleep. Another leaflet was casually observed, and found to be con- tinually circumnutating during the same length of time. The circumnutation of the leaves is not destroyed by their being subjected to moderately long continued darkness; but the proper periodicity of their movements is lost. Some very young seedlings were kept during two days in the dark (temp. 57°—59° F.), except when the circumnutation of their stems was occa- sionally observed; and on the evening of the second day the leaflets did not fully and properly go to sleep. The pot was then placed for three days in a dark cupboard, under nearly the same temperature, and at the close of this period the leaflets showed no signs of sleeping, and were only slightly sensitive to a touch. On the following day the stem was cemented to a 378 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL stick, and the movements of two leaves were traced on a vertical glass during 72h. The plants were still kept in the dark, ex- cepting that at each observation, which lasted 3 or 4 minutes, Fig. 158, 10° 0'a nish M30. Mimosa pudica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of a leaflet (with pinna secured), traced on a vertical glass, from 8 a.m. Sept. 14th to 9 a.M. 16th. they were illuminated by two candles. On the third day the leaflets still exhibited a vestige of sensitiveness when forcibly pressed, but in the evening they showed no signs of sleep. Nevertheless, their petioles continued to cireumnutate distinctly, Caap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 379 although the proper order of their movements in relation to the day and night was wholly lost. Thus, one leaf descended during the first two nights (i.e. between 10 p.m. and 7 A.m. next morn- ing) instead of ascending, and on the third night it moved chiefly in a lateral direction. The second leaf behaved in an equally abnormal manner, moving laterally during the first night, descending greatly during the second, and ascending to an unusual height during the third night. With plants kept at a high temperature and exposed to the light, the most rapid circumnutating movement of the apex of a leaf which was observed, amounted to 325 of an inch in one second; and this would have equalled 3 of an inch in a minute, had not the leaf occasionally stood still. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as ascertained by a measure placed close to the leaf) was on one occasion nearly 3 of an inch in a vertical direction in 15 m.; and on another occasion & of an inch in 60 m.; but there was also some lateral movement. Mimosa albida.*—The leaves of this plant, one of which is here figured (Fig. 159) reduced to 2 of the natural size, present some Fig. 159. Mimosa albida : leaf seen from vertioally above. interesting peculiarities. It consists of a long petiole bearing only two pinne (here represented as rather more divergent than is usual), each with two pairs of leaflets. But the inner * Mr. Thistleton Dyer informs Linn. Soc.,’ vol. xxx. p. 390) to us that this Peruvian plant(which be “the species or variety which was sent to us from Kew) is con- most commonly represents the sidered by Mr. Bentham (Trans. _sensitiva of our gardens.” 380 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar, VIL basal leaflets are greatly reduced in size, owing probably to the want of space for their full development, so that they may be considered as almost rudimentary. They vary somewhat in size, and both occasionally disappear, or only one. Neverthe- less, they are not in the least rudimentary in function, for they are sensitive, extremely heliotropic, cireumnutate at nearly the same rate as the fully developed leaflets, and assume when asleep exactly the same position. With M. pudica the inner leaflets at the base and between the pinne are likewise much shortened and obliquely truncated; this fact was well seen in some seedlings of M. pudica, in which the third leaf above the cotyledons bore only two pinne, each with only 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one was less than half as long as its fellow; so that the whole leaf resembled pretty closely that of MW. albida. In this latter species the main petiole termi- nates in a little point, and on each side of this there is a pair of minute, flattened, lancct-shaped projections, hairy on their margins, which drop off and disappear soon after the leaf is fully developed. There can hardly be a doubt that these little projections are the last and fugacious representatives of an additional pair of leaflets to each pinna; for the outer one is twice as broad as the inner one, and a little longer, viz. ~4, of an inch, whilst the inner one is only $58 long. Now if the basal pair of leaflets of the existing leaves were to become rudimen- tary, we should expect that the rudiments would still exhibit some trace of their present great inequality of size. The con- clusion that the pinne of the parent-form of M. albida possessed at least three pairs of leaflets, instead of, as at present, only two, is supported by the structure of the first true leaf; for this consists of a simple petiole, often bearing three pairs of leaflets. This latter fact, as well as the presence of the rudiments, both lead to the conclusion that M. albida is descended from a form the leaves of which bore more than two pairs of leaflets. The second leaf above the cotyledons resembles in all respects the leaves on fully developed plants. When the leaves go to sleep, each leaflet twists half round, so as to present its edge to the zenith, and comes into close contact with its fellow. The pinne also approach each other closely, so that the four terminal leaflets come together. The large basal leaflets (with the little rudimentary ones in contact with them) move inwards and forwards, so as to embrace the outside of the united terminal leaflets, and thus all eight leaflets Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 881 (the rudimentary ones included) form together a single vertical packet. The two pinne at the same time that they approach each other sink downwards, and thus instead of extending hori- zontally in the same line with the main petiole, as during the day, they depend at night at about 45°, or even at a greater angle, beneath the horizon. The movement of the main petiole seems to be variable; we have seen it in the evening 27° lower than during the day; but sometimes in nearly the same position. Nevertheless, a sinking movement in the evening and a rising one during the night is probably the normal course, for this was well-marked in the petiole of the first-formed true leaf. The circumnutation of the main petiole of a young leaf was traced during 2? days, and was considerable in extent, but less complex than that of Mf, pudica. The movement was much more lateral than is usual with circumnutating leaves, and this was the sole peculiarity which it presented. The apex of one of the terminal leaflets was seen under the microscope to travel 2, of an inch in 3 minutes. Mimosu marginata.—The opposite leaflets riso up and approach each other at night, but do not come into close contact, except in the case of very young leaflets on vigorous shoots. Full-grown leaflets circumnutate during the day slowly and on a small scale, Schrankia uncinata (Tribe 20).—A leaf consists of two or three pairs of pinne, each bearing many small leaflets. These, when the plant isasleep, are directed forwards and become imbricated. The angle between the two terminal pinne was diminished at night, in one case by 15°; and they sank almost vertically down- wards. The hinder pairs of pinne likewise sivk downwards, but do not converge, that is, move towards the apex of the leaf. The main petiole does not become depressed, at least during the evening. In this latter respect, as well as in the sinking of the pinne, there is a marked difference between the nyctitropic movements of the present plant and of Mimosa pudica. It should, however, be added that our specimen was not in a very vigorous condition. The pinne of Schrankia aculeata alse sink at night. Acacia Farnesiana (Tribe 22).—The different appearance pre- sented by a bush of this plant when asleep and awake is won- derful. The same leaf in the two states is shown in the following figure (Fig. 160). The leaflets move towards the apex of the pinna and become imbricated, and the pinne then look like bits of dangling string. The following remarks and measurements B82 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL do not fully apply to the small leaf here figured. The pinne move forwards and at the same time sink downwards, whilst the main petiole rises considerably. With respect to the degree of movement: the two terminal pinnee of one specimen formed together an angle of 100° during the day, and at night of only 38°, so each had moved 31° forwards. The penultimate pinne during the day formed together an angle of 180°, that is, they stood in a straight line opposite one another, and at night each had moved 65° forwards. The basal pair of pinne were directed Fig. 160. & ( iS ONE NAINA ZS Diy Ag MT Gi, Wy) Le Gee A. B. Acacia Farnesiana, A, leaf during the day; B, the same leaf at night. during the day, each about 21° backwards, and at night 38° forwards, so each had moved 59° forwards. But the pinne at the same time sink greatly, and sometimes hang almost perpen- dicularly downwards. The main petiole, on the other hand, rises much: by 8.80 p.m. one stood 34° higher than at noon, and by 6.40 a.m. on the following morning it was still higher by 10°; shortly after this hour the diurnal sinking move- ment commenced. The course of a nearly full-grown leaf was traced during 14 h ; it was strongly zigzag, and apparently Cua. VIL, SLEEP OF LEAVES. 383 represented five ellipses, with their longer axes differently directed. Albizzia lophantha (Tribe 23).—-The leaflets at night come into contact with one another, dnd are directed towards the apex of the pinna. The pinne approach one another, but remain in the same plane as during the day; and in this respect they differ much from those of the above Schrankia and Acacia. The main vetiole rises but little. The first-formed leaf above the coty- ledons bore 11 leaflets on each side, and these slept like those on the subsequently formed leaves; but the petiole of this first leaf was curved downwards during the day and at night straightened itself, so that the chord of its arc then stood 16° higher than in the day-time. Melaleuca ericceefolia (Myrtacee).—According to Bouché (‘ Bot. Zeit., 1874, p. 359) the leaves sleep at night, in nearly the same manner as those of certain species of Pimelia. G@nothera mollissima (Onagrariee).—According to Linnzus (‘Somnus Plantarum’), the leaves rise up vertically at night. Passiflora gracilis (Passiflorace).—The young leaves sleep by their blades hanging vertically downwards, and the whole length of the petiole then becomes somewhat curved downwards. Externally no trace of a pulvinus can be seen. The petiole of the uppermost leaf on a young shoot stood at 10.45 a.m. at 383° above the horizon; and at 10.30 p.u., when the blade was verti- cally dependent, at only 15°, so the petiole had fallen 18°. That of the next older leaf fell only 7°. From some unknown cause the leaves do not always sleep properly. The stem of a plant, which had stood for some time before a north-east window, was secured to a stick at the base of a young leaf, the blade of which was inclined at 40° below the horizon. From its position the leaf had to be viewed obliquely, consequently the vertically ascending and descending movements appeared when traced oblique. On the first day (Oct. 12th) the leaf descended in a zigzag line until late in the evening; and by 8.15 a.m. on the 18th had risen to nearly the same level as on the previous morning. A new tracing was now begun (Fig. 161). The leaf continued to rise until 8.50 a.m., then moved a little to the right, and afterwards descended. Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. it circumnutated, and after the latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. At 7.15 p.m. it depended vertically. The dotted line ought to have been prolonged much lower down in the figure. By 6.50 a.m. on the following morning (14th) ihe 38t MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII. leaf had risen greatly, and continued to rise till 7.50 a.m., after which hour it redescended. It should be observed that the lines traced on this second morning would have coincided with and confused those previously traced, had not the pot been slided a very little to the left. In the evening (14th) a mark was placed behind the filament attached to the apex of the leaf, and its movement was carefully traced from 5 p.m. to 10.15 Pu. Fig. 161, Passiflora gracilis: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf traced on vertical glass, from 8.20 A.M. Oct. 18th to 10 a.m. 14th Figure reduced to two-thirds of original scale. : Between 5 and 7.15 p.m. the leaf descended in a straight line, and at the latter hour it appeared vertically dependent. But between 7.15 and 10.15 p.m. the line consisted of a succession of steps, the cause of which we could not understand; it was, however, manifest that the movement was no longer a simple descending one. Siegesbeckia orientalis (Composite).—Some seedlings were raised in the middle of winter and kept in the hot-house; they flowered, but did not grow well, and their leaves never showed any signs of sleep. The leaves on other seedlings raised in May were horizontal at noon (June 22nd), and depended at a consi: Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 3885 derable angle beneath the horizon at 10 p.m. In the case of four youngish leaves, which were from 2 to 2} inches in length, these angles were found to be 50°, 56°, 60°, and 65°. At the end of August, when the plants had grown to a height of 10 to 11 inches, the younger leaves were so much curved downwards at night that they might truly be said to be asleep. This is one Fig. 162. Nicotiana glauca: shoots with leaves expanded during the day, and asleep: at night. Figures copied from photographs, and reduced. of the species which must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for on two occasions when plants were kept all day in a room with north-east windows, the leaves did not sleep at night. The same cause probably accounts for the leaves on our seedlings raised in the dead of the winter not sleeping. Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of another species (S. Jorullensis ?) hang vertically down at night. 386 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL Tj} omea cerulea and purpurea (Convolvulacee). —The lcaves on very young plants, a foot or two in height, are depressed at night ww tLpmio™ 3 pin 10" S10'am1g® hi, Nicotiana tabacum : circumnutation and nyc- titropic mov ement of a leaf (5j inches in lagth), traced on a vertical glass, from é pm. July 1 of leaf 4 inches from glass. Figure reduced to one-half 18}° ©. Oth to 8.10 a.m. 13th. Apex Temp. 174$°- original scale. to between 68° and 80° beneath the horizon; and some hang quite vertically downwards. On the following morn- ing they again rise into a horizontal position. The petioles become at night downwardly curved, either through * their entire length or in the upper part alone; and this apparently causes the depression of the blade. It seemg necessary that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for those which stood on the back of a plant before a north-east window did not sleep. Nicotiana tabacum (var. Virginian) and glauca (Solanese).—The young leaves of both these species sleep by bendinh vertically up- wards. Figures of two shoots of N. glauca awake and asleep (Fig. 162), are given on p 885 : one of the shoots, from which the photo- graphs were taken, was accidentally bent to one side. At the base of the petiole of N. tabacum, on the outside, there is a mass of cells, which are rather smaller than elsewhere, and Oxav. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 387 have their longer axes differently directed from the cells of the parenchyma, and may therefore be considered as forming a sort of pulvinus. A young plant of N. tabacum was selected, and the circumnutation of the fifth leaf above the cotyledons was observed during three days. On the first morning (July 10th) the leaf fell from 9 to 10 a.m., which is its normal course, but rose during the remainder of the day; and this no doubt was due to its being illuminated exclusively from above; for properly the evening rise does not commence until 8 or 4 p.m. In the figure as given on p. 386 (Fig. 163) the first dot was made at 3 p.m.; and the tracing was continued for the following 65 h. When the leaf pointed to the dot next above that marked 3 p.m. it stood horizontally. The tracing is remarkable only from its simplicity and the straightness of the lines. The leaf each day described a single great ellipse; for it should be observed that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide. On the evening of the 11th the leaf did not descend quite so low as usual, and it now zigzagged alittle. The diurnal sinking move- ment had already commenced each morning by 7 4.m. The broken lines at the top of the figure, representing the nocturnal vertical position of the leaf, ought to be prolonged much higher up. Mirabilis longiflora and jalapa (Nyctaginez).—The first pair of leaves above the cotyledons, produced by seedlings of both these species, were considerably divergent during the day, and at night stood up vertically in close contact with one another. The two upper leaves on an older seedling were almost horizontal by day, and at night stood up vertically, but were not in close contact, owing to the resistance offered by the central bud. Polygonum aviculare (Polygonez).—Professor Batalin informs us that the young leaves rise up vertically at night. This is likewise the case, according to Linnzus, with several species of Amaranthus (Amaranthacez); and we observed asleep move- ment of this kind in one member of the genus. Again, with Chenopodium album (Chenopodiez), the upper young leaves ot some seedlings, about 4 inches in height, were horizontal or sub-horizontal during the day, and at 10 p.m. on March 7th were quite, or almost quite, vertical. Other seedlings raised in the greenhouse during the winter (Jan. 28th) were observed day and night, and no difference could be perceived in the position of their leaves. According to Bouché (‘ Bot. Zeitung,’ 1874, p. 359) the leaves of Pimelia linoides and spectabilis (Thymelex) sleep at night. 388 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap, VIL Euphorbia jacqguinieflora (Buphorbiacee).— Mr. Lynch called our attention to the fact that the young leaves of this plant sleep by depending vertically. The third leaf from the summit (March 1]th) was inclined during the day 30° beneath the horizon, and at night hung vertically down, as did some of the still younger leaves. It rose up to its former level on the following morning. The fourth and fifth leaves from the summit stood horizontally during the day, and sank down at night only 38°. The sixth leaf did not sensibly alter its position. The sinking movement is due to the downward curvature of the petiole, no part of which exhibits any structure like that of a pulvinus. Early on the morning of June 7th a filament was fixed longitudinally to a young leaf (the third from the summit, and 28 inches in length), and its movements were traced on a vertical glass during 72 h., the plant being illuminated from above through a skylight. Each day the leaf fell in a nearly straight line from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., after which hour it was so much inclined downwards that the movement could no longer be traced; and during the latter part of each night, or early in the morning, the leaf rose. It therefore circumnutated in a very simple manner, making a single large ellipse every 24 h., for the ascending and descending lines did not coincide. On each successive morning it stood at a less height than on the previous one, and this was probably due, partly to the increasing age of the leaf, and partly to the illumination being insufficient ; for although the leaves are very slightly heliotropic, yet, accord- ing to Mr. Lynch’s and our own observations, their inclination during the day is determined by the intensity of the light. On the third day, by which time the extent of the descending movement had much decreased, the line traced was plainly much more zigzag than on any previous day, and it appeared as if some of its powers of movement were thus expended. At 10 p.m. on June 7th, when the leaf depended vertically, its move- ments were observed by a mark being placed behind it, and the end of the attached filament was seen to oscillate slowly and slightly from side to side, as well as upwards and downwards. Phyllanthus Niruri (Euphorbiaces).— The leaflets of this plant sleep, as described by Pfeffer,* in a remarkable manner, apparently like those of Cassia, for they sink downwards at night and twist round, so that their lower surfaces are turned * ¢Die Period, Beweg.,’ p. 159, * Guar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES 389 outwards. They are furnished, as might have been expectod from this complex kind of movement, with a pulvinus. GYMNOSPERMS. Pinus Nordmanniana (Coniferee).—M. Chatin states* that the leaves, which are horizontal during the day, rise up at night, so as to assume a position almost perpendicular to the branch froma which they arise; we presume that he here refers to a horizontal branch. He adds: “En méme temps, ce mouvement d’érection est accompagné d’un mouvement de torsion imprimé & la partie basilaire de la feuille, et ponvant souvent parcourir un arc de 90 degrés.” As the lower surfaces of the leaves are white, whilst the upper are dark green, the tree presents a widely different appearance by day and night. The leaves on a small tree in a pot did not exhibit with us any nyctitropic move- ments. We have seen in a former chapter that the leaves of Pinus pinaster and Austriuca are continually circumnutating. MoNocoTYLEDoNs. Thalia dealbata (Cannacess).—The leaves of this plant sleep by turning vertically upwards; they are furnished with a well- developed pulvinus. It is the only instance known to us of a very large leaf sleeping. The blade of a young leaf, which was as yet only 13} inches in length and 63 in breadth, formed at noon an angle with its tall petiole of 121°, and at night stood vertically in a line with it, and so had risen 59°. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as measured by an orthogonic tracing) of another large leaf, between 7.30 a.m. and 10P.m., was 10} inches. The circumnutation of two young and dwarfed leaves, arising amongst the taller leaves at the base of the plant, was traced on a vertical glass during two days. On the first day the apex of one, and on the second day the apex of the other leaf, described between 6.40 a.m. and 4 pm. two ellipses, the longer axes of which were extended in very different directions from the lines representing the great diurnal sinking and nocturnal rising movement. Maranta arundinacea (Cannaceze).—The blades of the leaves, which are furnished with a pulvinus, stand horizontally during * «Comptes Rendus,’ Jan. 1876, p. 171. 390 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII the day or between 10° and 20° above the horizon, and at night vertically upwards. They therefore rise between 70° and 90° at night. The plant was placed at noon in the dark in the hot- house, and on the following day the movements of the leaves were traced. Between 8.40 and 10.30 a.m. they rose, and then fell greatly till 1.37 p.m. But by 3p.m. they had again risen a little, and continued to rise during the rest of the afternoon and night; on the following morning they stood at the same level as on the previous day. Darkness, therefore, during a day and a half does not interfere with the periodicity of their movements. On a warm but stormy evening, the plant whilst being brought into the house, had its leaves violently shaken, and at night not one went to sleep. On the next morning the plant was taken back to the hot-house, and again at night the leaves did not sleep; but on the ensuing night they rose in the usual manner between 70° and 80°. This fact is analogous with what we have observed with climbing plants, namely, that much agitation checks for a time their power of circumnutation ; but the effect in this instance was much more strongly marked and prolonged. Colocasia antiquorum (Caladium esculentum, Hort.) (Aroides), —The leaves of this plant sleep by their blades sinking in the evening, so as to stand highly inclined, or even quite vertically with their tips pointing to the ground. They are not provided with a pulvinus. The blade of one stood at noon 1° beneath the horizon; at4.20 p.m., 20°; at 6p.m., 48°; at 7.20 p.m.,69°; and at 8.30 P.m., 68°; so it had now begun torise; at 10.15 p.m. it stood at 65°, and on the following early morning at 11° beneath the horizon. The circumnutation of another young leaf (with its petiole only 35 inches, and the blade 4 inches in length), was traced on a vertical glass during 48 h.; it was dimly illuminated through a skylight, and this seemed to disturb the proper perio- dicity of its movements. Nevertheless, the leaf fell greatly during both afternoons, till either 7.10 pm. or 9 p.m., when it rose a little and moved laterally. By an early hour on both mornings, it had assumed its diurnal position. The well-marked lateral movement for a short time in the early part of the night, was the only interesting fact which it presented, as this caused the ascending and descending lines not to coincide, in accord- ance with the general rule with circumnutating organs. The movements of the leaves of this plant are thus of the most simple kind; and the tracing is not worth giving. We have seen that in another genus of the Aroidez, namely, Pistia, the Cnar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 391 leaves rise so much at night that they may almost be said te sleep. ' Strephium floribundwm* (Graminee) — The oval leaves are provided with a pulvinus, and are extended horizontally or declinéd a little beneath the horizun during the day. Those on tho upright culms simply rise up vertically at night, so thet their tips are directed towards the zenith. (Fig. 164) Fig. 164. Strephium floribundum: culms with leaves during the day, and when aslzep atnight. Figures reduced. Horizontally extended leaves arising from much inclined or almost horizontal culms, move at night so that their tips point towards the apex of the culm, with one lateral marzin directed towards the zenith; and in order to assume this position the leaves have to twist on their own axes through au angle of nearly 90°. Thus the surface of the blade always stands vertically, whatever may be the position of the midrib or of the leaf as a whole. The circumnutation of a young leaf (2°3 inches in length) was traced during 48 h. (Fig. 165). The movement was remarkably simple; the leaf descended from before 6.40 a.m. until 2 or 2.50 p.m, and then rose so as to stand vertically at about 6 P.m., descending again late in the night or in the very early morning. * A. Brongniart first observed a Soc. Bot. de France,’ tom. vii that the leaves of this plant and 1860, p. 470. of Marsilea sleep: see ‘ Bull. de 26 892 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL Om the second day the descending line zigzagged slightly. As Fig. 165. r Strephium floribundum : cireamnu- ’ tation and nyctitropic movement of a leaf, traced from 9 a.m. June 26th to 8.45 a.m. 27th ; filament fixed along the midrib. Apex of leaf 8} inches from the vertical giass; plant illuminated from above. Temp. 23}°-243° C. usual, the ascending and de- scending lines did not coincide. On another occasion, when the temperature was a little higher, viz., 22° 263° C., a leaf was observed 17 times between 8.50 Am. and 12.16 p.m.; it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times in this in- terval of 8 h. 26 m., and de- scribed two irregular triangles and a half. The leaf, therefore, on this occasion circumnutated rapidly and in a complex manner. ACOTYLEDONS. Marsilea quad. ifoliuta (Mar- sileacez). —The shape of a leaf, expanded horizontally during the day, is shown at A (Fig. 166). Each leaflet is provided with a well-developed pulvinus. When the leaves sleep, the two terminal leaflets rise up, twist half round and come into con- tact with one another (B), and are afterwards embraced by the two lower leaflets (C); so that the four leaflets with. their lower surfaces turned outwards form a vertical packet. The curva- ture of the summit of the petiole of the leaf figured asleep, is merely accidental. The plant was brought into a room, where the temperature was only a little above 60° F., and the movement of one of the leaflets (the petiole having been secured) was traced Cuar VI SLEEP OF LEAVES. 393 during 24h. (Fig. 167). The leaf fell from the early morning till 1.50 p.m., and then rose till 6 p.u., when it was asleep. A A. B Cc, arsilea quadrifolia'a: A, leaf during the day, seen from vertically above B, leaf beginning to go to sleep, seen laterally; C, the same asleep. Figures reduced to one-half of natural scale. vertically dependent glass filament was now fixed to one of the terminal and inner leaflets; and part of the tracing in Fig. 167, after 6 P.M., shows that it continued to sink, making one zigzag, until 10.40 p.m. At 6.45 a.m. on the following morning, the leaf was awaking, and the filament pointed above the vertical glass, Fig. 167. G’p.m. 8°45am7® L50'pm. Marsilea juadrifoliatu ; circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaflet traced on vertical glass, during nearly 24 h. Figure reduced to two- thirds of original scale. Plant kept at rather too low a temperature. but by 8.25 am. it occupied the position shown in the figure. The diagram differs greatly in appearance from most of those previously given; and this is due to the leaflet twisting and moving laterally as it approaches and comes into conta:t with 394 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII its fellow. The movement of another leaflet, when asleep, was traced between 6 p.m. and 10.85 p.m., and it clearly cir- cumnutated, for it continued for two hours to sink, then rose, and then sank still lower than it was at 6 p.m. It may be seen in the preceding figure (167) that the leaflet, when the plant was subjected to a rather low temperature in the house descended and ascended during the middle of the day in a somewhat zigzag line; but when kept in the hot-house from 9am. to3 p.m. at ahigh but varying temperature (viz., between 72° and 83° F.) a leaflet (with the petiole secured) circumnutated rapidly, for it made three large vertical ellipses in the course of the six hours. According to Brongniart, Marstlea pubescens sleeps like the present species. These plants are the sole cryptogamic ones known to sleep. Summary and Concluding Remarks on the Nyctitropic or Sleep-movements of Leaves.—That these movements are in some manner of high importance to the plants which exhibit them, few will dispute who have ob- served how complex they sometimes are. Thus with Cassia, the leaflets which are horizontal during the day not only bend at night vertically downwards with the terminal pair directed considerably backwards, but they also rotate on their own axes, so that their lower surfaces are turned outwards. The terminal leaflet of Melilotus likewise rotates, by which movement one of its lateral edges is directed upwards, and at the same time it moves either to the left or to the right, until its upper surface comes into contact with that ot the lateral leaflet on the same side, which has like- wise rotated on its own axis. With Arachis, all four leaflets form together during the night a single vertical packet; and to effect this the two anterior leaflets have to move upwards and the two posterior ones forwards, besides all twisting on their own axes. In the genus Sida the leaves of some species move at night througk an angle of 90° upwards, and of others Crap. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 395 through the same angle downwards. We have seen a similar difference in the nyctitropic movements of the cotyledons in the genus Oxalis. In Lupinus, again, the leaflets move either upwards or downwards; and in some species, for instance DL. luteus, those on one side of the star-shaped leaf move up, and those on the opposite side move down ; the intermediate ones rota- {ing on their axes ; and by these varied movements, the whole leaf forms at night a vertical star instead of a horizontal one, as during the day. Some leaves and leaflets, besides moving either upwards or downwards, become more or less folded at night, as in Bauhinia and in some species of Oxalis. The positions, indeed, which leaves occupy when asleep are almost infinitely diversified ; they may point either vertically upwards or downwards, or, in the case of leaflets, towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, or in any inter- mediate position. They often rotate at least as much as 90° on their own axes. The leaves which arise from upright and from horizontal or much inclined branches on the same plant, move in some few cases in a different manner, as with Porlieria and Strephium. The whole appearance of many plants is wonderfully changed at night, as may be seen with Oxalis, and still more plainly with Mimosa. A bush of Acacia Farnesiana appears at night as if covered with little dangling bits of string instead of leaves. Excluding a few genera not seen by ourselves, about which we are in doubt, and excluding a few others the leaflets of which rotate at night, and do not rise or sink much, there are 37 genera in which the leaves or leaflets rise, often moving at the same time towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, and 32 genera in which they sink at night. The nyctitropic movements of leaves, leaflets, and B06 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cnar. VII petioles are effected in two different ways ; firstly, by alternately increased growth on their opposite sides, preceled by increased turgescence of the cells; and secondly by means of a pulvinus or aggregate of small cells, generally destitute of chlorophyll, which become alternately more turgescent on nearly opposite sides; and this turgescence is not followed by growth except during the early age of the plant. A pulvinus seems to be formed (as formerly shown) by a group of cells ceasing to grow at a very early age, and therefore does not differ essentially from the surrounding tissues. The cotyledons of some species of Trifolium are pro- vided with a pulvinus, and others are destitute of one, and so it is with the leaves in the genus Sida. We see also in this same genus gradations in the state of the development of the pulvinus; and in Nicotiana we have what may probably be considered as the commencing development of one. The nature of the movement is closely similar, whether a pulvinus is absent or present, as is evident from many of the diagrams given in this chapter. It deserves notice that when a pulvinus is present, the ascending and descending lines hardly ever coincide, so that ellipses are habitually described by the leaves thus provided, whether they are young or so old as to have quite ceased growing. This fact of ellipses being described, shows that the alternately increased turgescence of the cells does not occur on exactly opposite sides of the pulvinus, any more than the increased growth which causes the movements of leaves not furnished with pulvini. When a pulvinus is present, the nyctitropic movements are continued for a very much longer period than when such do not exist. This has been amply proved in the case of cotyledons, and Pfeffer has given observations to the same effect with respect Cuar. VII SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 397 to leaves. We have seen that a leaf of Mimosa pudica continued to move in the ordinary manner, though somewhat more simply, until it withered and died. It may be added that some leaflets of Trifolium pratense were pinned open during 10 days, and on the first evening after being released they rose up and slept in the usual manner. Besides the long con- tinuance of the movements when effected by the aid of a pulvinus (and this appears to be the final cause of its development), a twisting movement at night, as Pfeffer has remarked, is almost confined to leaves thus provided. It is a very general rule that the first true leaf, though it may differ somewhat in shape from the leaves on the mature plant, yet sleeps like them ; and this occurs quite independently of the fact whether or not the cotyledons themselves sleep, or whether they sleep in the same manner. But with Phaseolus Row- burghii the first unifoliate leaves rise at night almost sufficiently to be said to sleep, whilst the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically at night. On young plants of Sida rhombefolia, only a few inches in height, the leaves did not sleep, though on rather older plants they rose up vertically at night. On the other hand, the leaves on very young plants of Cytisus fragrans slept in a conspicuous manner, whilst on old and vigorous bushes kept in the greenhouse, the leaves did not exhibit any plain nyctitropic move- ment. In the genus Lotus the basal stipule-like leaflets rise up vertically at night, and are provided with pulvini. As already remarked, when leaves or leaflets change their position greatly at night and by complicated movements, it can hardly be doubted that these must be in some manner beneficial to the plant. If so, we 398 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION Oxap. VIE must extend the same conclusion to a large number of sleeping plants; for the most complicated and the simplest nyctitropic movements are connected together by the finest gradations. But owing to the causes spe- cified in the beginning of this chapter, it is impossible in some few cases to determine whether or not certain movements should be called nyctitropic. Generally, the position which the leaves occupy at night indi- cates with sufficient clearness, that the benefit thus derived, is the protection of their upper surfaces from radiation into the open sky, and in many cases the mutual protection of all the parts from cold by their being brought into close approximation. It should be remembered that it was proved in the last chapter, that leaves compelled to remain extended horizontally at night, suffered much more from radiation than those which were allowed to assume their normal vertical position. The fact of the leaves of several plants not sleeping unless they have been well illuminated during the day, made us for a time doubt whether the pro- tection of their upper surfaces from radiation was in all cases the final cause of their well-pronounced nyctitropic movements. But we have no reason to suppose that the illumination from the open sky, during even the most clouded day, is insufficient for this purpose; and we should bear in mind that leaves which are shaded from being seated low down on the plant, and which sometimes do not sleep, are likewise protected at night from full radiation. Nevertheless, we do not wish to deny that there may exist cases in which leaves change their position considerably at night, without their deriving any benefit from such movements. Although with sleeping plants the blades almost Cuav. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 399 always assume at night a vertical, or nearly vertical pusition, it is a point of complete indifference whether the apex, or the base, or one of the lateral edges, is directed to the zenith. It is a rule of wide generality, than whenever there is any difference in the degree of exposure to radiation between the upper and the lower surfaces of leaves and leaflets, it is the upper which is the least exposed, as may be seen in Lotus, Cytisus, Trifolium, and other genera. In several species of Lupinus the leaflets do not, and apparently from their structure cannot, place themselves vertically at night, and consequently their upper surfaces, though highly inclined, are more exposed than the lower; and here we have an exception to our rule. But in other species of this genus the leaflets succeed in placing themselves vertically; this, however, is effected by a very unusual movement, namely, by the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same leaf moving in opposite directions. It is again a very common rule that when leaflets come into close contact with one another, they do so by their upper surfaces, which are thus best protected. In some cases this may be the direct result of their rising vertically; but it is obviously for the pro- tection of the upper surfaces that the leaflets of Cassia rotate in so wonderful a manner whilst sinking downwards; and that the terminal leaflet of Melilotus rotates and moves to one side until it meets the lateral leaflet on the same side. When opposite leaves or leaflets sink vertically down without any twisting, their lower surfaces approach each other and some- times come into contact; but this is the direct and inevitable result of their position. With many species of Oxalis the lower surfaces of the adjoining leaflets are pressed together, and are thus better protected 400 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION, Cuar. VIL than the upper surfaces; but this depends merely ou each leaflet becoming folded at night so as to be able to sink vertically downwards. ‘The torsion or rotation of leaves and leaflets, which occurs in so many cases, apparently always serves to bring their upper surfaces into close approximation with one another, or with other parts of the plant, for their mutual protection. We see this best in such cases as those of Arachis, Mimosa albida, and Marsilea, in which all the leaflets form together at night a single vertical packet. If with Mimosa pudica the opposite leaflets had merely moved upwards, their upper surfaces would have come into contact and been well protected; but as it is, they all successively move towards the apex of the leaf; and thus not only their upper surfaces are pro- tected, but the successive pairs become imbricated and mutually protect one another as well as the petioles. This imbrication of the leaflets of sleeping plants is a common phenomenon. The nyctitropic movement of the blade is gene- rally effected by the curvature of the uppermost part of the petiole, which has often been modified into a pulvinus; or the whole petiole, when short, may be thus modified. But the blade itself sometimes curves or moves, of which fact Bauhinia offers a striking instance, as the two halves rise up and come inte close contact at night. Or the blade and the upper part of the petiole may both move. Moreover, the petiole as a whole commonly either rises or sinks at night. This movement is sometimes large: thus the petioles of Cassia pubescens stand only a little above the horizon during the day, and at night rise up almost, or quite, perpendicularly. The petioles of the younger leaves of Desmodium gyrans also rise up ver- tically at night. On the other hand, with Amphi- Cuap. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 401 carpea, the petioles of some leaves sank down as much as 57° at night; with Arachis they sank 39°, and then stood at right angles to the stem. Gene- rally, when the rising or sinking of several petioles on the same plant was measured, the amount differed greatly. This is largely determined by the age of the leaf: for instance, the petiole of a moderately old leaf of Desmodium gyrans rose only 46°, whilst the young ones rose up vertically; that of a young leaf of Cassia floribunda rose 41°, whilst that of an older leaf rose only 12°. It is a more singular fact that the age of the plant sometimes influences greatly the amount of movement; thus with some young seedlings of a Bau- hinia the petioles rose at night 30° and 34°, whereas those on these same plants, when grown to a height of 2 or 3 feet, hardly moved at all. The position of the leaves on the plant as determined by the light, seems also to influence the amount of movement of the petiole; for no other cause was apparent why the petioles of some leaves of Melilotus officinalis rose as much as 59°, and others only 7° and 9° at night. In the case of many plants, the petioles move at night in one direction and the leaflets in a directly opposite one. Thus, in three genera of Phaseolee the leaflets moved vertically downwards at night, and the petioles rose in two of them, whilst in the third they sank. Species in the same genus often differ widely in the movements of their petioles. Even on the same plant of Lupinus pubescens some of the petioles rose 30°, others only 6°, and others sank 4° at night. ‘The leaflets of Cassia Barclayana moved so little at night that they could not be said to sleep, yet the petioles of some young leaves rose as much as 34°. These several facts ay parently indicate that the movements 402 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL of the petioles are not performed for any special pur- pose; though a conclusion of this kind is generally rash. When the leaflets sink vertically down at night and the petioles rise, as often occurs, it is certain that the upward movement of the latter does not aid the l-aflets in placing themselves in their proper posi- tion at night, -for they have to move through a greater angular space than would otherwise have been necessary. Notwithstanding what has just been said, it may be strongly suspected that in some cases the rising of the petioles, when considerable, does beneficially serve the plant by greatly reducing the surface exposed to radiation at night. If the reader will compare the two drawings (Fig. 155, p. 371) of Cassia pubescens, copied from photographs, he will see that the dia- meter of the plant at night is about one-third of what it is by day, and therefore the surface exposed to radiation is nearly nine times less, A similar conclusion may be deduced from the drawings (Fig. 149, p. 858) of a branch awake and asleep of Des- modium gyrans. So it was in a very striking manner with young plants of Bauhinia, and with Ozals Ortegesit, We are led to an analogous conclusion with respect to the movements of the secondary petioles of certain pinnate leaves. The pinne of Mimosa pudica con- verge at night; and thus the imbricated and closed leaflets on each separate pinna are all brought close together into a single bundle, and mutually protect one another, with a somewhat smaller surface exposed to radiation. With Albizziu lophantha the pinne close together in the same manner. Although the pinne of Acacia Farnesiana do not converge much, they sink downwards. Those of Nepiunia oleracea likewise Cuap. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 403 move downwards, as well as backwards, towards the base of the leaf, whilst the main petiole rises. With Schrankia, again, the pinne are depressed at night. Now in these three latter cases, though the pinne do not mutually protect one another at night, yet after. having sunk down they expose, as does a dependent sleeping leaf, much less surface to the zenith and to radiation than if they had remained horizontal. Any one who had never observed continuously a sleeping plant, would naturally suppose that the leaves moved only in the evening when going to sleep, and in the morning when awaking; but he would be quite mistaken, for we have found no exception to the rule that leaves which sleep continue to move during the whole twenty-four hours; they move, however, more quickly when going to sleep and when awaking than at other times. That they are not stationary during the day is shown by all the diagrams given, and by the many more which were traced. It is troublesome to observe the movements of leaves in the middle of the night, but this was done in a few cases; and tracings were made during the early part of the night of the movements, in the case of Oxalis, Amphicarpma, two species of Erythrina, a Cassia, Passiflora, Euphorbia and Marsilea; and the leaves after they had gone to sleep, were found to be in constant movement. When, however, opposite leaflets come into close contact with one another or with the stem at night, they are, as we believe, mechanically prevented from moving, but this point was not sufficiently investigated. When the movements of sleeping leaves are traced during twenty-four hours, the ascending and descend- ing lines do not coincide, except occasionally and by accident for a short space; so that with many plants a 404 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Caar. VIL. single large ellipse is described during each twenty-four hours. Such ellipses are generally narrow and ver- tically directed, for the amount of lateral movement is small. That there is some lateral movement is shown by the ascending and descending lines not coinciding, and occasionally, as with Desmodium gyrans and Thalia dealbata, it was strongly marked. In the case of Meli- lotus the ellipses described by the terminal leafiet during the day are laterally extended, instead of ver- tically, as is usual; and this fact evidently stands in relation with the terminal leaflet moving laterally when it goes to sleep. With the majority of sleeping plants the leaves oscillate more than once up and down in the twenty-four horrs; so that frequently two ellipses, one of moderate size, and one of very large size which includes the nocturnal movement, are described within the twenty-four hours. For instance, a leaf which stands vertically up during the night will sink in the morning, then rise considerably, again sink in the afternoon, and in the evening reascend and assume its vertical nocturnal position. It will thus describe, in the course of the twenty-four hours, two ellipses of unequal sizes. Other plants describe within the same time, three, four, or five ellipses. Occasionally the longer axes of the several ellipses extend in different directions, of which Acacia Farnesiana offered a good instance. ‘The following cases will give an idea of the rate of movement: Oxalis acetosella completed two ellipses at the rate of 1 h. 25 m. for each; Marsilea quadrifoliata, at the rate of 2h.; Trifolium subterraneum, one in 3 h. 80 m.; and Arachis hypogea, in 4 h. 50 m. But the number of ellipses described within a given time depends largely on the state of the plant and ou the conditions to which it is exposed. It often hap- pens that a single ellipse may be described during one Cuar. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 405 day, and two on the next. Erythrina corallodendron made four ellipses on the first day of observation and only a single one on the third, apparently owing to having been kept not sufficiently illuminated and perhaps not warm enough. But there seems likewise to be an innate tendency in different species of the same genus to make a different number of ellipses in the twenty-four hours: the leaflets of Trifolium repens made only one; those of T. resupinatum two, and those of T. subterraneum three in this time. Again, the leaflets of Oxulis Plumiertt made a single ellipse; those of O. bupleurifolia, two; those of O. Valdiviana, two or three; and those of O. acetosella, at least five in the twenty-four hours. The line followed by the apex of a leaf or leaflet, whilst describing one or more ellipses during the day, is often zigzag, either throughout its whole course or only during the morning or evening: Robinia offered an instance of zigzagging confined to the morning, and a similar movement in the evening is shown in the diagram (Fig. 126) given under Sida. The amount of the zigzag movement depends largely on the plant being placed under highly favourable conditions. But even under such favourable conditions, if the dots which mark the position of the apex are made at consider- able intervals of time, and the dots are then joined, the course pursued will still appear comparatively simple, although the number of the ellipses will be increased; but if dots are made every two or three minutes and these are joined, the result often is that all the lines are strongly zigzag, many small loops, triangles, and other figures being also formed. This fact is shown in two parts of the diagram (Fig. 150) of the movements of Desmodium gyrans. Strephiwm floribundum, observed under a high temperature, 406 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuav VIL made several little triangles at the rate of 43 m. for each. Mimosa pudica, similarly observed, de- scribed three little een in 67 m.; and the apex of a leaflet crossed 53,5 of an inch in a second, or 0:12 inch in a mifematé, The leaflets of kyerrlioa made a countless number of little oscillations when the temperature was high and the sun shining. The zigzag movement may in all cases be considered as an attempt to form small loops, which are drawn out by a prevailing movement in some one direction. The rapid gyrations of the little lateral leaflets of Des- modium belong to the same class of movements, somewhat exaggerated in rapidity and amplitude. The jerking movements, with a small advance and still smaller retreat, apparently not exactly in the same line, of the hypocotyl of the cabbage and of the leaves of Dionza, as seen under the microscope, all probably come under this same head. We may suspect that we here see the energy which is freed during the incessant chemical changes in progress in the tissues, converted into motion. Finally, it should be noted that leaflets and probably some leaves, whilst describing their ellipses, often rotate slightly on their axes; so that the plane of the leaf is directed first to one and then to another side. This was plainly seen to be the case with the large terminal leaflets of Des- modium, Erythrina and Amphicarpeea, and is probably common to all leaflets provided with a pulvinus. With ~espect to the periodicity of the movements of sleeping leaves, Pfeffer* has so clearly shown that this depends on the daily alternations of light and darkness, that nothing farther need be said on this * ‘Die Periodischen Bewegungen der Blattorgane,’ 1875, p. 80, et passim. Caap. VII SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 407 head. But we may recall the behaviour of Mimosa in the North, where the sun does not set, and the complete inversion of the daily movements by artificial light and darkness. It has also been shown by us, that although leaves subjected to darkness for a mode- rately long time continue to circumnutate, yet the periodicity of their movements is soon greatly dis- turbed, or quite annulled. The presence of light or its absence cannot be supposed to be the direct cause: of the movements, for these are wonderfully diversified even with the leaflets of the same leaf, although all have of course been similarly exposed. The move- ments depend on innate causes, and are of an adaptive nature. The alternations of light and darkness merely give notice to the leaves that the period has. arrived for them to move in a certain manner. We: may infer from the fact of several plants (Tropeolum, Lupinus, &c.) not sleeping unless they have been well. iJuminated during the day, that it is not the actual decrease of light in the evening, but the contrast between the amount at this hour and during the early part of the day, which excites the leaves to modify their ordinary mode of circumnutation. As the leaves of most plants assume their proper: diurnal position in the morning, although light be: excluded, and as the leaves of some plants continue to: move in the normal manner in darkness during at least a whole day, we may conclude that the periodi- city of their movements is to a certain extent in- herited.* The strength of such inheritance differs * Pfeffer denies such inherit- ‘‘Nachwirkung,” or the after- ance; he attributes (‘ Die Period. Bewegungen,’ pp. 30-56) the periodicity when prolonged for a day or two in darkness, to 27 effects of light and darkness. But we are unable to follow his train of reasoning. ‘There doea not seem to be any more reason fox 408 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII much in different species, and seems never to be rigid ; for plants have been introduced from all parts of the world into our gardens and greenhouses; and if their movements had been at all strictly fixed in relation to the alternations of day and night, they would have slept in this country at very different hours, which is not the case. Moreover, it has been observed that sleeping plants in their native homes change their times of sleep with the changing seasons. * We may now turn to the systematic list (p. 320). This contains the names of all the sleeping plants known to us, though the list undoubtedly is very imperfect. It may be premised that, as a general rule, all the species in the same genus sleep in nearly the same manner. But there are some ex- ceptions; in several large genera including many sleeping species (for instance, Oxalis), some do not sleep. One species of Melilotus sleeps like a Tri- folium, and therefore very differently from its con- ‘geners; so does one species of Cassia. In the genus Sida, the leaves either rise or fall at night; and with Lupinus they sleep in three different methods. Re- turning to the list, the first point which strikes us, is that there are many more genera amongst the Legu- minose (and in almost every one of the Leguminous tribes) than in all the other families put together; and we are tempted to connect this fact with the great attributing such mov ments to this cause than, for instance, the in- herited habit of winter and summer wkcat to grow best at different seasons; fir this habit is lost after a few years, like the ‘movements of leav:s in darkness -after a few days. No doubt some effict must be produced on the seeds hy the long-continucd culti- vation of the pareut-plants under difterent climates, but no one pro- bably would call this the “ Nach- wirkung ” of the climates, = Pfeffer, ibid., p. 46. Cuap VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 405 mobility of the stems and leaves in this family, as shown by the large number of climbing species which it contains. Next to the Leguminose come the Mal- vacee, together with some closely allied families. But by far the most important point in the list, is that we meet with sleeping plants in 28 families, in all the great divisions of the Phanerogamic series, and in one Cryptogam. Now, although it is probable that with the Leguminosz the tendency to sleep may have been inherited from one or a few progenitors and possibly so in the cohorts of the Malvales and Chenopodiales, yet it is manifest that the tendency must have been acquired by the several genera in the other families, quite independently of one another. Hence the ques- tion naturally arises, how has this been possible ? and the answer, we cannot doubt, is that leaves owe their nyctitropic movements to their habit of cir- cumnutating,—a habit common to all plants, and everywhere ready for any beneficial development or modification. It has been shown in the previous chapters that the leaves and cotyledons of all plants are continually moving up and down, generally to a slight but some- times to a considerable extent, and that they describe either one or several ellipses in the course of twenty- four hours; they are also so far affected by the alter- nations of day and night that they generally, or at least often, move periodically to a small extent; and here we have a basis for the development of the greater nyctitropic movements. That the movements of leaves and cotyledons which do not sleep come within the class of circumnutating movements cannot be doubted, for they are closely similar to those of hypocotyls, epicotyls, the stems of mature plants, and of various other organs. Now, if we take the simplest 410 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL case of a sleeping leaf, we see that it makes a single ellipse in the twenty-four hours, which resembles one described by a non-sleeping leaf in every respect, except that itis much larger. In both cases the course pursued is often zigzag. As all non-sleeping leaves are inces- santly circumnutating, we must conclude that a part at least of the upward and downward movement of one that sleeps, is due to ordinary circumnutation; and it seems altogether gratuitous to rank the remainder of the movement under a wholly different head. With a multitude of climbing plants the ellipses which they describe have been greatly increased for another pur- pose, namely, catching hold of a support. With these climbing plants, the various circumnutating organs have been so far modified in relation to light that, differently from all ordinary plants, they do not bend towards it. With sleeping plants the rate and amplitude of the . movements of the leaves have been so far modified in relation to light, that they move in a certain direction with the waning light of the evening and with the increasing light of the morning more rapidly, and to a greater extent, than at other hours But the leaves and cotyledons of many non-sleeping plants move in a much more complex manner than in the cases just alluded to, for they describe two, three, or more ellipses in the course of a day. Now, if a plant of this kind were converted into one that slept, one side of one of the several ellipses which each leaf daily describes, would have to be greatly increased in length in the evening, until the leaf stood ver- tically, when it would go on circumnutating about the same spot. On the following morning, the side of another ellipse would have to be similarly increased in length, so as to bring the leaf back again into its diurnal position, when it would again circumnutate Cuar. VII SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 411 until the evening. If the reader will lock, for in- stance, at the diagram (Fig. 142, p. 351), representing the nyctitropic movements of the terminal leaflet of Trifolium subterraneum, remembering that the curved broken lines at the top ought to be prolonged much higher up, he will see that the great rise in the evening and the great fall in the morning together form a large ellipse like one of those described during the daytime, differing only in size. Or, he may look at the diagram (Fig. 103, p. 236) of the 34 ellipses described in the course of 6 h. 35 m. by a leaf of Lupinus spectosus, which is one of the species in this genus that does not sleep; and he will see that by merely prolonging upwards the line which was already rising late in the evening, and bringing it down again next morning, the diagram would represent the movements of a sleeping plant. With those sleeping plants which describe several ellipses in the daytime, and which travel in a strongly zigzag line, often making in their course minute loops, triangles, &c., if as soon as one of the ellipses begins in the evening to be greatly increased in size, dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes and these are joined, the line then described is almost strictly rectilinear, in strong contrast with the lines made during the day- time. This was observed with Desmodium gyrans and Mimosa pudica. With this latter plant, moreover, the pinne converge in the evening by a steady move- ment, whereas during the day they are continually converging and diverging to a slight extent. In all such cases it was scarcely possible to observe the difference in the movement during the day and even- ing, without being convinced that in the evening the plant saves the expenditure of force by not moving laterally, and that its whole energy is now expeaded 412 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION, Cuap. VIL in gaining quickly its proper nocturnal position by a direet course. In several other cases, for instance, when a leaf after describing during the day one or more fairly regular ellipses, zigzags much in the evening, it appears as if energy was being expended, so that the great evening rise or fall might coin- cide with the period of the day proper for this movement. The most complex of all the movements performed by sleeping plants, is that when leaves or leaflets, after describing in the daytime several vertically directed ellipses, rotate greatly on their axes in the evening, by which twisting movement they occupy a wholly different position at night to what they do during the day. For instance, the terminal leaflets of Cassia not only move vertically downwards in the evening, but twist round, so that their lower surfaces face outwards. Such movements are wholly, or almost wholly, confined to leaflets provided with a pulvinus. But this torsion is not a new kind of movement introduced solely for the purpose of sleep; for it has been shown that some leaflets whilst describing their ordinary ellipses during the daytime rotate slightly, causing their blades to face first to one side and then to another. Although we can see how the slight periodical movements of leaves in a vertical plane could be easily converted into the greater yet simple nyctitropic movements, we do not at present know by what graduated steps the more complex movements, effected by the torsion of the pulvini, have been acquired. A probable explanation could be given in each case only after a close investigation of the movements in all the allied forms. From the facts and considerations now advanced we may conclude that nyctitropism, or the sleep of leaves Cuap. VIL MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. 413 and cotyledons, is merely a modification of their ordi- nary circumnutating movement, regulated in its period and amplitude by the alternations of light and dark- ness. The object gained is the protection of the upper surfaces of the leaves from radiation at night, often combined with the mutual protection of the several parts by their close approximation. In such (ee > lL A. B. Cc. Vicia faba. state of radicles which had been extended horizontally for 23h. 30 m.: A, B, C, tips touched with caustic; D, E, F, tips uncaute- rised. Lengths of radicles reduced to one-half scale, but by an accident the beans themselves not reduced in the same degree. A, B,C (Fig 196), were still horizontal, whilst the three control specimens had become within 8 h. slightly geotropic, and strongly so (D, EB, F) in 23h. 30m. A dot had been made on all six radicles at 10 mm. from their tips, when first placed horizontally. After the 23 h. 30m. this terminal part, originally 10 mm. in length, had increased in the cauterised specimens to a mean length of 17:3 mm., and to 15°7 mm. in the control radicles, as shown in the figures by the unbroken transverse line; the dotted line being at 10 mm. from the apex. The con- trol or uncauierised radicles, therefore, had actually grown less 582 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuar. XL than the cauterised; but this no doubt was accidental, fot radicles of different ages grow at different rates, and the growth of different individuals is likewise affected by unknown causes. The state of the tips of these three radicles, which had been cauterised for a rather longer time than usual, was as follows: the blackened apex, or the part which had been actually touched by the caustic, was succeeded by a yellowish zone, due probably to the absorption of some of the caustic; in A, both zones together were 1:1 mm. in length, and 1:4 mm. in diameter at the base of the yellowish zone; in B, the length of both was only 0 7 mm., and the diameter 0’7 mm.; in C, the length was 0°8 mm., and the diameter 1:2 mm. Three other radicles, the tips of which had been touched with caustic during 2 or 8 seconds, remained (temp. 58°-59° F ) horizontal for 23h.; the control radicles having, of course, become geotropic within this time. The terminal growing part, 10 mm. in length, of the cauterised radicles had increased in this interval to a mean length of 24°5 mm., and of the controls to a mean of 26mm. A section of one of the cauterised tips showed that the blackened part was 0°5 mm. in length, of which 0:2mm. extended into the vegetative point; and a faint dis- coloration could be detected even to 1°6mm. from the apex of the root-cap. In another lot of six radivles (temp. 55°-57° F.) the three control specimens were plainly geotropic in 83 h.; and after 24 h. the mean length of their terminal part had increased from 10 mm. to21mm. When the caustic was applied to the three cauterised specimens, it was held quite motionless during 5 seconds, and the result was that the black marks were ex- tremely minute. Therefore, caustic was again applied, after 83 h., during which time no geotropic action had occurred. When the specimens were re-examined after an additional interval of 153 h., one was horizontal and the other two showed, to our surprise, a trace of geotropism which in one of them soon afterwards became strongly marked; but in this latter specimen the discoloured tip was only 2mm. in length. The growing part of these three radicles increased in 21h. from 10 mm. to an average of 16°5 mm. It would be superfluous to describe in detail the behaviour of the 10 remaining cauterised radicles. The corresponding control specimens all became geotropic in 8h. Of the cauterised, 6 were first looked at after 8h., and one alone showed a trace Cuar. Xl. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS: VICL‘ 533 of geotropism ; 4 were first looked at after 14h., and one alone of these was slightly geotropic. After 23-24h.,5 of the 10 were still horizontal, 4 slightly, and 1 decidedly, geotropic. After 48h. some of them became strongly geotropic. The cauterised radicles increased greatly in length, but the measurements are not worth giving. As five of the last-mentioned cauterised radicles had become in 24h. somewhat geotropic, these (together with three which were still horizontal) had their positions reversed, so that their tips were now a little upturned, and they were again touched with caustic. After 24h. they showed no trace of geotropism; whereas the eight corresponding control specimens, which had like- wise been reversed, in which position the tips of several pointed to the zenith, all became geotropic ; some having passed in the 24h. through an angle of 180°, others through about 135°, and others through only 90°. The eight radicles, which had been twice cauterised, were observed for an additional day (i.e. for 48 h. after being reversed), and they still showed no signs of geotro- pism. Nevertheless, they continued to grow rapidly; four were measured 24h. after being reversed, and they had in this time increased in length betweon 8 and 11 mm.; the other four were measured 48 h. after being reversed, and these had increased by 20, 18, 23, and 28 mm. In coming to a conclusion with respect to the effects of cauter- ising the tips of these radicles, we should bear in mind, firstly, that horizontally extended control radicles were always acted on by geotropism, and became somewhat bowed down- wards in 8 or 9h.; secondly, that the chief seat of the curvature lies at a distance of from 8 to 6mm. from the tip; thirdly, that the tip was discoloured by the caustic rarely for more than 1mm. in length; fourthly, that the greater number of the cau- terised radicles, although subjected to the full influence of geotropism during the whole time, remained horizontal for 24 h., and some for twice as long; and that those which did become bowed were so only in a slight degree; fifthly, that the cau- terised radicles continued to grow almost, and sometimes quite, as well as the uninjured ones along the part which bends most, And lastly, that a touch on the tip with caustic, if on one side, far from preventing curvature, actually induces it. Bearing all these facts in mind, we must infer that under normal conditions the geotropic curvature of the root is due to an influence trans- mitted from the apex to the adjoining part where the bending ASPs SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuap. XL takes place; and that when the tip of the root is cauterised it is unable to originate the stimulus necessary to produce geotropic curvature. As wu had observed that grease was highly injurious to some plants, we determined to try its effects on radicles. When the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena were covered with grease along one side, the growth of this side was quite stopped or greatly checked, and as the opposite side continued to grow, the cotyledons thus treated became bowed towards the greased side, This same matter quickly killed the delicate hypocotyls and young leaves of certain plants. The grease which we employed was made by mixing lamp-black and olive oil to such a con- sistence that it could be laid on in a thick layer. The tips of five radicles of the bean were coated with it for a length of 3 mm., and to our surprise this part increased in length in 23 h. to 7°1mm.; the thick layer of grease being curiously drawn out. It thus could not have checked much, if at all, the growth of the terminal part of the radicle. With respect to geotropism, the tips of seven horizontally extended radicles were coated for a length of 2 mm., and after 24h. no clear difference could be perceived between their downward curvature and that of an equal number of control specimens. The tips of 33 other radicles were coated on different occasions for a length of 8 mm.; and they were compared with the controls after 8h., 24h., and 48h. On one occasion, after 24h., there was very little difference in curvature between the greased and control specimens; but generally the difference was unmistakable, those with greased tips being considerably less curved downwards. The whole growing part (the greased tips included) of six of these radicles was measured and was found to have increased in 23h. from 10 mm. to a mean length of 17°7 mm.; whilst the corresponding part of the controls had increased to 20°83 mm. It appears there- fore, that although the tip itself, when greased, continues to grow, yet the growth of the whole radicle is somewhat checked, and that the geotropic curvature of the upper part, which was free from grease, was in most cases considerably lessened. Pisum sativum.—Five radicles, extended horizontally over water, had their tips lightly touched two or three times with dry caustic. These tips were measured in two cases, and found to be blackened for a length of only half a millimeter. Five other radicles were left as controls. The part which is most bowed through geotropism lies at a distance of several millimeters from Cuar. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS: PHASEOLUS. 535 the apex. After 24 h., and again after 32 h. from the commence- ment, four of the cauterised radicles were still horizontal, but one was plainly geotropic, being inclined at 45° beneath tke- horizon. The five controls were somewhat geotropic after 7 h. 20m., and after 24 h. were all strongly geotropic; being inclined. at the following angles beneath the horizon, vz., 59°, 60°, 65°, 57°, and 48°. The length of the radicles was not measured in cither set, but it was manifest that the cauterised radicles had. grown greatly. The following case proves that the action of the caustic by itself does not prevent the curvature of the radicle. Ten radicles were extended horizontally on and beneath a layer of damp friable peat-earth; and before being extended their tips were touched with dry caustic on the upper side. Ten other radicles similarly placed were touched on the lower side; and this would tend to make them bend from the cauterised side; and therefore, as now placed, upwards, or in opposition to geotropism. Lastly, ten uncauterised radicles were extended horizontally as controls. After 24 h. all the latter were geotropic; and the ten with their tips cauterised on the upper side were equally geotropic; and. we believe that they became curved downwards before the con-- trols. The ten which had been cauterised on the lower side presented a widely different appearance: No. 1, however, was. perpendicularly geotropic, but this was no real exception, for on. examination under the microscope, there was no vestige of a coloured mark on the tip, and it was evident that by a mistake it had not been touched with the caustic. No.2 was plainly geotropic, being inclined at about 45° beneath the horizon; No.3. was slightly, and No.4 only just perceptibly geotropic; Nos. 5 and 6 were strictly horizontal; and the four remaining ones were bowed upwards, in opposition to geotropism. In these four cases the radius of the upward curvatures (accoiding to Sachs’ cyclometer) was 5mm.,10mm., 30 mm.,and 70mm. ‘This cur-. vature was distinct long betore the 24h. had elapsed, namely, after 8h. 45m. from the time when the lower sides of the tips were touched with the caustic. Phaseolus multiflorus.—EHight radicles, serving as controls, were extended horizontally, some in damp friable peat and some in damp air. They ail became (temp. 20°-21° C.) plainly geo- tropic in 8h. 30 m., for they then stood at an average angle of 63° beneath the horizon. A rather greater length of the radicle is bowed downwards by geotropism than in the case of Vicia fuba 85 ‘ 536 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuar. XI. that is to say, rather more than 6mm. as measured from the apex of the root-cap. Nine other radicles were similarly extended, three in damp peat and six in damp air, and dry caustic was held trans erscly to their tips during 4 or 5 seconds. Three of their tips were afterwards examined: in (1) a length of 0°68 mm. was discoloured, of which the basal 0:186 mm. was yellow, the apical part being black; in (2) the discoloration was 0°65 mm. in Jength, of which the basal 0-04 mm. was yellow; in (3) the dis- coloration was 0°6 mm. in length, of which the basal 0:13 mm. was yellow. Therefore less than 1 mm. was affected by the caustic, but this sufficed almost wholly to prevent geotropic action; for after 24 h. one alone of the nine cauterised radicles became slightly geotropic, being now inclined at 10° beneath the horizon ; the eight others remained horizontal, though one was curved a little laterally. The terminal part (10 mm. in length) of the six cauterised radicles in the damp air, had more than doubled in length in the 24 h., for this part was now on an average 20°7 mm. long. The increase in length within the same time was greater in the control specimens, for the terminal part had grown on an average from 10 mm. to 26°6 mm. But as the cauterised ‘adicles had more than doubled their length in the 24 h., it is manifest that they had not been seriously injured by the caustic. We may here add that when experimenting on the effects of touching one side of the tip with caustic, too much was applied at first, and the whole tip (but we believe not more than 1 mm. in length) of six horizontally extended radicles was killed, and these continued for two or three days to grow out horizontally. Many trials were made, by coating the tips of horizontally extended radicles with the before described thick grease. The geotropic curvature of 12 radicles, which were thus coated for a length of 2 mm., was delayed during the first 8 or 9 h., but after 24 h. was nearly as great as that of the control speci- mens. The tips of nine radicles were coated for a length of 3 mm., and after 7 h. 10 m. these stood at an average angle of 80° beneath the horizon, whilst the controls stood at an average of 54°. After 24 h. the two lots differed but little in their degree of curvature. In some other trials, however, there was a fairly well-marked difference after 24 h. between those with. greased ‘tips and the controls. The terminal part of eight control speci- mens increased in 24 h. from 10 mm. to a mean length of Cuar. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS; CUCURBITA. 537 24°3 mm., whi!st the mean increase of those with greased tips was 20°7 mm. The grease, therefore, slightly checked the growth of the terminal part, but this part wes not much injured; for several radicles which had been greased for a length of 2 mm. continued to grow during seven days, and were then only a little shorter than the controls. The appearance presented by these radicles after the seven days was very curious, for the black grease had been drawn out into the finest longitudinal strie, with dots and reticulations, which covered their surfaces for a length of from 26 to 44 mm., or of 1 to 1:7 inch. We may therefore conclude that grease on the tips of the radicles of this Phaseolus somewhat delays and lessens the geotropic curvature of the part which ought to bend most. Gossypium. herbaceum—tThe ralicles of this plant bend, through the action of geotropism, for a length of about 6 mm. Five radicles, placed horizontally in damp air, had their tips touched with caustic, and the discoloration extended for a length of from 2 tol mm. They showed, after 7 h. 45 m. and again after 23 h., not a trace of geotropism; yet the terminal portion, 9 mm. in length, had increased on an average to 15°9 mm. Six control radicles, after 7h. 45 m., were all plainly geotropic, two of them being vertically dependent, and after 23 h. all were vertical, or nearly so. Cucurbita ovifera.—A large number of trials proved almost useless, from the three following causes: Firstly, the tips of radicles which have grown somewhat old are only feebly geo- tropic if kept in damp air; nor did we succeed well in our experiments, until the germinating seeds were placed in peat and kept at a rather high temperature. Secondly, the hypocotyls of the seeds which were pinned to the lids of the jars gradually became arched; and, as the cotyledons were fixed, the movement of the hypocotyl affected the position of the radicle, and caused confusion. Thirdly, the point of the radicle is so fine that it is difficult not to cauterise it either too much or too little. But we managed generally to overcome this latter difficulty, as the following experiments show, which are given to prove that a touch with caustic on one side of the tip does not prevent the upper part of the radicle from bending, Ten radicles were laid horizontally beneath and on damp friable peat, and their tips were touched with caustic on the upper side. After 8h. all were plainly geotropic, three of them rectangularly; after 19 h. 588 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuar. XI. all were strongly geotropic, most of them pointing perpen- dicularly downwards. Ten other radicles, similarly placed, had their tips touched with caustic on the lower side; after 8 h. three were slightly geotropic, but not nearly so much. so as the least geotropic of the foregoing specimens; four remained hori- zontal; and three were curved upwards in opposition to geo- tropism. After 19 h. the three which were slightly geotropic had become strongly so. Of the four horizontal radicles, one alone showed a trace of geotropism; of the three up-curved radicles, one retained this curvature, and the other two had become horizontal. The radicles of this plant, as already remarked, do not succeed well in damp air, but the result of one trial may be briefly given. Nine young radicles between ‘3 and ‘5 inch in length, with their tips cauterised and blackened for a length never exceeding 3 mm., together with eight control specimens, were extended horizontally in damp air. After an interval of only 4h. 10 m. all the controls were slightly geotropic, whilst not one of the cauterised specimens exhibited a trace of this action. After 8 h. 35 m., there was the same difference between the two sets, but rather more strongly marked. By this time both sets had increased greatly in length. The controls, however, never became much more curved downwards; and after 24h. there was no great difference between the two sets in their degree of curvature. Eight young radicles of nearly equal length (average ‘36 inch) were placed beneath and on peat-earth, and were exposed to a temp. of 75°-76° F. Their tips had been touched transversely with caustic, and five of them were blackened for a length of about 0°5 mm., whilst the other three were only just visibly dis- coloured. In the same box there were 15 control radicles, mostly about ‘36 inch in length, but some rather longer and older, and therefore less sensitive. After 5 h., the 15 control radicles were all more or less geotropic: after 9 h., eight of them were bent down beneath the horizon at various angles between 45° and 90°, the remaining seven being only slightly geotropic: after 25 h. all were rectangularly geotropic. The state of the eight cauterised yadicles after the same intervals of time was as follows: after 5 h. one alone was slightly geotropic, and this was one with the tip only a very little discoloured: after 9 h. the one just mentioned was rectangularly geotropic, and two others were slightly so, and these were the three which had been scarcely Cuap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS: ZEA. 539 affected by the caustic; the other five were still strictly hori- zontal. After 24h. 40 m. the three with only slightly discolourcd tips were bent down rectangularly; the other five were not in the least affected, but several of them had grown rather tor- tuously, though still in a horizontal plane. The eight cauterised radicles which had at first a mean length of ‘36 inch, after 9 h. had increased to a mean length of ‘79 inch; and after 24 h. 40 m. to the extraordinary mean length of 2 inches. There was no plain difference in length between the five well cau- terised radicles which remained horizontal, and the three with slightly cauterised tips which had become abruptly bent down. A few of the coutrol radicles were measured after 25 h., and they were on an average only a little longer than the cauterised, viz., 2:19 inches. We thus see that killing the extreme tip of the radicle of this plant for a length of about 0°5 mm., though it stops the geotropic bending of the upper part, hardly interferes with the growth of the whole radicle. In the same box with the 15 control specimens, the rapid geo- tropic bending and growth of which have just been described, there were six radicles, about ‘6 inch in length, extended hori- zontally, from which the tips had been cut off in a transverse direction for a length of barely 1 mm. These radicles were examined after 9 h. and again after 24 h. 40m., and they all remained horizontal, They had not become nearly so tortuous as those above described which had been cauterised. The radicles with their tips cut off had grown in the 24 h. 40 m. as much, judging by the eye, as the cauterised specimens. Zea muys.—The tips of several radicles, extended horizontally in damp air, were dried with blotting-paper and then touched in the first trial during 2 or 3 seconds with dry caustic; but this was too long a contact, for the tips were blackened for a length of rather above 1 mm. They showed no signs of geo- tropism after an interval of 9 h., and were then thrown away. In a second trial the tips of three radicles were touched for a shorter time, and were blackened for a length of from 0°5 to 0°75 mm.: they all remained horizontal for 4h., but after 8 h. 30 m. one of them, in which the blackened tip was only 0°5 mm. in length, was inclined at 21° beneath the horizon. Six con- trol radicles oll became slightly geotropic in 4 h., and strongly so after 8h. 30 m., with the chief seat of curvature generally between 6 or 7 mm. from the apex. In the cauterised specimens, the terminal growing part, 10 mm. in length, increased during 040 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuar. XI. the 8 h. 30 m. to a mean length of 13 mm.; and in the controle to 143 mm. In a third trial the tips of five radicles (exposed to a temp. of 70°-71°) were touched with the caustic only once and very slightly ; they were afterwards examined under the microscope, and the part which was in any way discoloured was on an average ‘76 mm, in length. After 4h. 10 m. none were bent; after 5 h, 45 m., and again after 23 h. 30 m., they still remained horizontal, excepting one which was now inclined 20° beneath the horizon. The terminal part, 10 mm. in length, had in- creased greatly in length during the 23 h. 30 m., viz., to an average of 26 mm. Four control radicles became slightly geo- tropic after the 4 h. 10 m., and plainly so after the 5 h, 45 m, Their mean length after the 23 h. 80 m. had increased from 10 mm. to31_mm. Therefore a slight cauterisation of the tip checks slightly the growth of the whole radicle, and manifestly stops the bending of that part which ought to bend most under the influence of geotropism and which still continues to increase greatly in length. Concluding Remarks.—Abundant evidence has now been given, showing that with various plants the tip of the radicle is alone sensitive to geotropism; and that when thus excited, it causes the adjoining parts to bend. The exact length of the sensitive part seems to be somewhat variable, depending in part on the age of the radicle; but the destruction of a length of from less than 1 to 1:5 mm. (about th of an inch), in the several species observed, generally sufficed to prevent any part of the radicle from bending within 24 h., or even for a longer period. The fact of the tip alone being sensitive is so remarkable a fact, that we will here give a brief summary of the foregoing experiments, - The tips were cut off 29 horizontally extended radicles of Vieta faba, and with a few exceptions they did not become geotropic in 22 or 23 h., whilst unmutilated radicles were always bowed downwards in 8 or 9h. It should be borne in mind that the mere act of cutting Cyar. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS: CONCLUSION. 541 off the tip of a horizontally extended radicle does not prevent the adjoining parts from bending, if the tip has been previously exposed for an hour or two to the influence of geotropism. The tip after amputation is sometimes completely regenerated in three days; and it is possible that it may be able to transmit an impulse to the adjoining parts before its complete regeneration. The tips of six radicles of Cucurbita ovifera were amputated like those of Vicia faba; and these radicles showed no signs of geotropism in 24h. ; whereas the control specimens were slightly affected in 5 h., and strongly in 9 h. With plants belonging to six genera, the tips of the radicles were touched transversely with dry caustic ; and the injury thus caused rarely extended for a greater length than 1 mm., and sometimes to a less distance, as judged by even the faintest discoloration. We thought that this would be a better method of destroying the vegetative point than cutting it off; for we knew, from many previous experiments and from some given in the present chapter, that a touch with caustic on one side of the apex, far from preventing the adjoining part from bending, caused it to bend. In all the following cases, radicles with uncauterised tips were observed at the same time and under similar circum- stances, and they became, in almost every instance, plainly bowed downwards in one-half or one-third of the time during which the cauterised specimens were observed. With Vicia faba 19 radicles were cau- terised; 12 remained horizontal during 23-24 h.; 6 became slightly and 1 strongly geotropic. Eight of these radicles were afterwards reversed, and again touched with caustic, and none of them became geo- tropic in 24 h., whilst the reversed control specimens became strongly bowed downwards within this time. 542 SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION. Cuar. XI. With Piswm sativum, five radicles had their tips touched with caustic, and after 32 h. four were still horizontal. The control specimens were slightly geotropic in 7h. 20 m., and strongly so in 24h. The tips of 9 other radicles of this plant were touched only on the lower side, and 6 of them remained horizontal for 24 h., or were upturned in opposition to geotropism ; 2 were slightly, and 1 plainly geotropic. With Phaseolus multiflorus, 15 radicles were cauterised, and 8 re- mained horizontal for 24h.; whereas all the controls were plainly geotropic in 8h. 30m. Of 5 cauterised radicles of Gossypium herbaceum, 4 remained horizontai for 23 h. and 1 became slightly geotropic; 6 control radicles were distinctly geotropic in 7h.45m. Five radicles of Cucurbita ovifera remained horizontal in peat-earth during 25 h., and 9 remained so in damp air during 83 h.; whilst the controls became slightly geotropic in 4 h.10m. The tips of 10 radicals of this plant were touched on their lower sides, and 6 of them remained horizontal or were upturned after 19 h., 1 being slightly and 3 strongly geotropic. Lastly, the tips of several radicles of Vicia, faba and Phaseolus multiflorus were thickly coated with grease fora length of 3 mm, This matter, which is highly injurious to most plants, did not kill or stop the growth of the tips, and only slightly lessened the rate of growth of the whole radicle; but it generally delayed a little the geotropic bending of the upper part. The several foregoing cases would tell us nothing, if the tip itself was the part which became most bent; but we know that it is a part distant from the tip by some millimeters which grows quickest, and which, under the influence of geotropism, bends most. We have no reason to suppose that this part is injured by the death or injury of the tip; and it is certain Cuap. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS : CONCLUSION. 543 that after the tip has been destroyed this part goes on growing at such a rate, that its length was often doubled inaday. We havealso seen that the destruction of the tip does not prevent the adjoining part from bending, it this part has already received some influence from the tip. As with horizontally extended radicles, of which the tip has been cut off or destroyed, the part which ought to bend most remains motionless for many hours or days, although exposed at right angles to the full influence of geotropism, we must conclude that the tip alone is sensitive to this power, and trans- mits some influence or stimulus to the adjoining parts, causing them to bend. We have direct evidence of such transmission ; for when a radicle was left extended horizontally for an hour or an hour and a half, by which time the supposed influence will have travelled a little distance from the tip, and the tip was then cut off, the radicle afterwards became bent, although placed perpendicularly. The terminal portions of several radicles thus treated continued for some time to grow in the direction of their newly-acquired curva- ture; for as they were destitute of tips, they were no longer acted on by geotropism. But after three or four days when new vegetative points were formed, the radicles were again acted on by geotropism, and now they curved themselves perpendicularly downwards. To see anything of the above kind in the animal kingdom, we should have to suppose that an animal whilst lying down determined to rise up in some par- ticular direction ; and that after its head had been cut off, an impulse continued to travel very slowly along the nerves to the proper muscles ; so that after several hours the headless animal rose up in the predeter- mined direction. As the tip of the racicle has been found to be the 544 fENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION Cuap. XI part which is sensitive to geotropism in the members of such distinct families as the Leguminose, Malvaceae, Cucurbitaceee and Graminew, we may infer that this character is common to the roots of most seedling plants. Whilst a root is penetrating the ground, the tip must travel first; and we can see the advantage of its being sensitive to geotropism, as it has to deter- mine the course of the whole root. Whenever the tip is deflected by any subterranean obstacle, it will also be an advantage that a considerable length of the root should be able to bend, more especially as the tip itself grows slowly and bends but little, so that the proper downward course may be soon recovered. But it appears at first sight immaterial whether this were effected by the whole growing part being sensitive to geotropism, or by an influence transmitted exclusively from the tip. We should, however, remember that it is the tip which is sensitive to the contact of hard objects, causing the radicle to bend away from them, thus guiding it along the lines of least resistance in the soil. It is again the tip which is alone sensitive, at least in some cases, to moisture, causing the radicle to bend towards its source. These two kinds of sensitiveness conquer for a time the sensitiveness to geotropism, which, however, ultimately prevails. Therefore, the three kinds of sensitiveness must often come into antagonism ; first one prevailing, and then another; and it would be an advantage, perhaps a necessity, for the interweighing and reconciling of these three kinds of sensitiveness, that they should be all localised in the same group of cells which have to transmit the command to the adjoining parts of the radicle, causing it to bend to or from the source of irritation. Finally, the fact of the tip alone being sensitive to Car. XI. TRANSMITTED EFFECTS: CONCLUSION. 648 the attraction of gravity has an important bearing on the theory of geotropism. Authors seem generally to look at the bending of a radicle towards the centre of the earth, as the direct result of gravitation, which is believed to modify the growth of the upper or lower surfaces, in such a manner as to induce curvature in the proper direction. But we now know that it is the tip alone which is acted on, and that this part trans- mits some influence to the adjoining parts, causing them to curve downwards. Gravity does not appear to act in a more direct manner on a radicle, than it does on any lowly organised animal, which moves away when it feels some weight or pressure. 546 SUMMARY AND Cuap. XII, CHAPTER XII Sommary anp Conctupine Remarks, Nature of the circumnutating movexent—History of a germinating seed— The radicle first protrudes and cireumnutates—Its tip highly sensilive—Emergence of the hypocotyl or of the epicutyl from the ground under the form of an arch—Its circumnutation and that of the cotyledons—The seedling throws up a leaf-bearing stem—The circumnutation of all the parts vr organs—Modified circumnutation—Epinasty and hyponasty—Movements of climbing plants —Nyctitropic movements—Movements excited by light and gravitation -— Loealised sensitiveness —Resemblance between the movements of plants and animals—The tip of the radicle acts like a brain. Ir may be useful to the reader if we briefly sum up the chief conclusions, which, as far as we can judge, have been fairly well established by the observations given in this volume. All the parts or organs in every plant whilst they continue to grow, and some parts which are provided with pulvini after they have ceased to grow, are continually circumnutating. This movement commences even before the young seedling has broken through the ground. The nature of the movement and its causes, as far as ascertained, have been briefly described in the Introduction. Why every part of a plant whilst it is growing, and in some cases after growth has ceased, should have its cells rendered more turgescent and its cell-walls more extensile first on one side and then on another, thus inducing circumnutation, is not known. It would appear as if the changes in the cells required periods of rest. Cwap, XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 547 In some cases, as with the hypocotyls of Brassica, the leaves of Dionza and the joints of the Gramine, the circumnutating movement when viewed under the microscope is seen to consist of innumerable small oscillations. ‘The part under observation suddenly jerks forwards for a length of 002 to ‘001 of an inch, and then slowly retreats for a part of this distance; after a few seconds it again jerks forwards, but with many intermissions. The retreating movement appa- rently is due to the elasticity of the resisting tissues. How far this oscillatory movement is general we do not know, as not many circumnutating plants were observed by us under the microscope; but no such movement could be detected in the case of Drosera with a 2-inch object-glass which we used. The pheno- menon is a remarkable one. The whole hypocotyl of a cabbage or the whole leaf of a Dionea could not jerk forwards unless a very large number of cells on one side were simultaneously affected. Are we to sup- pose that these cells steadily become more and more turgescent on one side, until the part suddenly yields and bends, inducing what may be called a micro- scopically minute earthquake in the plant; or do the cells on one side suddenly become turgescent in an intermittent manner; each forward movement thus caused being opposed by the elasticity of the tissues ? Circumuutation is of paramount importance in the life of every plant; for it is through its modification that many highly beneficial or necessary movements have been acquired. When light strikes one side of a plant, or light changes into darkness, or when gravitation acts on a displaced part, the plant is enabled in some unknown manner to increase the always varying turgescence of the cells on one side; so that the ordinary circumnutating movement is 548 SUMMARY AND Cnap. XII modified, and the part bends either to or from the exciting cause; or it may occupy a new position, as in the so-called sleep of leaves. The influence which modifies circumnutation may be transmitted from one part to another. Innate or constitutional changes, independently of any external agency, often modify the circumnutating movements at particular periods of the life of the. plant. As circumnutation is uni- versally present, we can understand how it is that movements of the same kind have been developed in the most distinct members of the vegetable series. But it must not be supposed that all the movements of plants arise from modified circumnutation ; for, as we shall presently see, there is reason to believe that this is not the case. Having made these few preliminary remarks, we will in imagination take a germinating seed, and con- sider the part which the various movements play in the life-history of the plant. The first change is the protrusion of the radicle, which begins at once to circumnutate. This movement is immediately modi- fied by the attraction of gravity and rendered geo- tropic. The radicle, therefore, supposing the seed to be lying on the surface, quickly bends downwards, fol- lowing a more or less spiral course, as was seen on the smoked glass-plates. Sensitiveness to gravitation re- sides in the tip; and it is the tip which transmits some influence to the adjoining parts, causing them to bend. As soon as the tip, protected by the root- vap, reaches the ground, it penetrates the surface, if this be soft or friable; and the act of penetration is apparently aided by the rocking or circumnutating movement of the whole end of the radicle. If the sur- face is compact, and cannot easily be penetrated, then Cuar. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 549 the seed itself, unless it be a heavy one, is displaced or lifted up by the continued growth and elongation of the radicle. But in a state of nature seeds often get covered with earth or other matter, or fall into crevices, &c., and thus a point of resistance is afforded, and the tip can more disily penetrate the ground. But even with seeds lying loose on the surface there is another. aid: a multitude of excessively fine hairs are emitted from the upper part of the radicle, and these attach themselves firmly to stones or other ob- jects lying on the surface, and can do so even to glass; and thus the upper part is held down whilst the tip presses against and penetrates the ground. The attachment of the root-hairs is effected by the lique- faction of the outer surface of the cellulose walls, and by the subsequent setting hard of the liquefied matter. This curious process probably takes place, not for the sake of the attachment of the radicles to superficial objects, but in order that the hairs may be brought into the closest contact with the particles in the soil, by which means they can absorb the layer of water sur- rounding them, together with any dissolved matter. After the tip has penetrated the ground to a little depth, the increasing thickness of the radicle, together with the root-hairs, hold it securely in its place; and now the force exerted by the longitudinal growth of the radicle drives the tip deeper into the ground. This force, combined with that due to transverse growth, gives to the radicle the power of a wedge. Even a growing root of moderate size, such as that of a seedling bean, can displace a weight of some pounds. It is not probable that the tip when buried in compact earth can actually circumnutate and thus aid its downward passage, but the circumnutating movement wili facilitate the tip entering any lateral , 550 SUMMARY AND Cuar, XII or oblique fissure in the earth, or a burrow made by an earth-worm or larva; and it is certain that roots often run down the old burrows of worms. The tip, however, in endeavouring to circumnutate, will con- tinually press against the earth on all sides, and this can hardly fail to be of the highest importance to the plant ; for we have seen that when little bits of card- like paper and of very thin paper were cemented on opposite sides of the tip, the whole growing part of the radicle was excited to bend away from the side bearing the card or more resisting substance, towards the side bearing the thin paper. We may therefore feel almost sure that when the tip encounters a stone or other obstacle in the ground, or even earth more compact on one side than the other, the root will bend away as much as it can from the obstacle or the more resisting earth, and will thus follow with unerring skill a line of least resistance. The tip is more sensitive to prolonged contact with an object than to gravitation when this acts obliquely on the radicle, and sometimes even when it acts in the most favourable direction at right angles to the radicle. The tip was excited by an attached bead of shellac, weighing less than doth of a grain (0°33 mg.) ; it is therefore more sensitive than the most delicate ten- dril, namely, that of Passiflora gracilis, which was barely acted on by a bit of wire weighing =5th of a grain. But this degree of sensitiveness is as nothing compared with that of the glands of Drosera, for these are excited by particles weighing only 7g4+qp of a grain. The sensi- tiveness of the tip cannot be accounted for by its being covered by a thinner layer of tissue than the other parts, for it is protected by the relatively thick root-cap. It is remarkable that although the radicle bends away, when one side of the tip is slightly touched Cnap. XIL CONCLUDING REMARKS. 551 with caustic, yet if the side be much cauterised the injury is too great, and the power of transmitting somo influence to the adjoining parts causing them to bend, is lost. Other analogous cases are known to occur. After a radicle has been deflected by some obstacle, geotropism directs the tip again to grow perpendicu- larly downwards; but geotropism is a feeble power, and here, as Sachs has shown, another interesting adaptive movement comes into play; for radicles at. a distance of a few millimeters from the tip are sensitive to prolonged contact in such a manner that they bend towards the touching object, instead of from it as occurs when an object touches one side of the tip. Moreover, the curvature thus caused is abrupt; the pressed part alone bending. Even slight pressure suffices, such as a bit of card cemented to one side. Therefore a radicle, as it passes over the edge of any obstacle in the ground, will through the action of geo- tropism press against it; and this pressure will cause the radicle to endeavour to bend abruptly over the edge. It will thus recover as quickly as possible its normal downward course. Radicles are also sensitive to air which contains more moisture on one side than the other, and they bend towards its source. It is therefore probable that they are in like manner sensitive to dampness in the soil. It was ascertained in several cases that this gensitiveness resides in the tip, which transmits an influence causing the adjoining upper part to bend in opposition to geotropism towards the moist object. We may therefore infer that roots will be deflected from their downward course towards any source of moisture in the soil. Again, most or all radicles are slightly sensitive to light, and, according to Wiesner, generally bend a little 35 DEQ SUMMARY AND Cuar. X11 from it. Whether this can be of any service to them is very doubtful, but with seeds germinating on the surface it will slightly aid geotropism in directing the radicles to the ground.* We ascertained in one instance that such sensitiveness resided in the tip, and caused the adjoining parts to bend from the light. The sub-aérial roots observed by Wiesner were all apheliotropic, and this, no doubt, is of use in bringing them into contact with trunks of trees or surfaces of rock, as is their habit. We thus see that with seedling plants the tip of thc radicle is endowed with diverse kinds of sensitiveness ; and that the tip directs the adjoining growing parts to bend to or from the exciting cause, according to the needs of the plant. The sides of the radicle are alsc sensitive to contact, but in a widely different manner. Gravitation, though a less powerful cause of move- ment than the other above specified stimuli, is ever present; so that it ultimately prevails and determines the downward growth of the root. The primary radicle emits secondary ones which project sub-horizontally ; and these were observed in one case to circumnutate. Their tips are also sensitive to contact, and they are thus excited to bend away from any touching object; so that they resemble in these respects, as far as they were observed, the primary radicles. If displaced they resume, as Sachs has shown, their original sub-horizontal position; and this apparently is due to diageotropism. The secondary radicles emit tertiary ones, but these, in the case of the bean, are not affected by gravitation ; consequently they protrude in all directions. Thus the general * Dr. Karl Richter, who has in Wien,’ 1879, p. 149), states that especially attenled to this subject apheliotropism does not aid ra “K. Akad. der Wissenschalten dicles in penetrating the ground, Crar. XII CONCLUDING IEMARKS. 55@ arrangement of the three orders of roots is ex2ellently adapted for searching the whole soil for nutriment. Sachs has shown that if the tip of the primary radicle is cut off (and the tip will occasionally be gnawed off with seedlings in a state of nature) one of the secondary radicles grows perpendicularly down- wards, in a manner which is analogous to the upward growth of a lateral shoot after the amputation of the leading shoot. We have seen with radicles of the bean that if the primary radicle is merely compressed instead of being cut off, so that an excess of sap is directed into the secondary radicles, their natural con- dition is disturbed and they grow downwards. Other analogous facts have been given. As anything which disturbs the constitution is apt to lead to reversion, that is, to the resumption of a former character, it appears probable that when secondary radicles grow downwards or lateral shoots upwards, they revert to the primary manner of growth proper to radicles and shoots. With dicotyledonous seeds, after the protrusion of the radicle, the hypocotyl breaks through the seed- coats; but if the cotyledons aré hypogean, it is the epicotyl which breaks forth. These organs are at first invariably arched, with the upper part bent back parallel to the lower; and they retain this form until they have risen above the ground. In some cases, however, it is the petioles of the cotyledons or of the first true leaves which break through the seed-coats as well as the ground, before any part of the stem protrudes; and then the petioles are almost invariably arched. We have met with only one exception, and that only a partial one, namely, with the petioles of the twe first leaves of Acanthus candelabrum. With Delphinium nudicaule the petioles of the two cotyledons are com- 554 SUMMARY AND Cuar. XIL pletely confluent, and they break through the ground as an arch; afterwards the petioles of the successively formed early leaves are arched, and they are thus enabled to break through the base of the confluent petioles of the cotyledons. In the case of Megarrhiza, it is the plumule which breaks as an arch through the tube formed by the confluence of the cotyledon- petioles. With mature plants, the flower-stems and the leaves of some few species, and the rachis of . several ferns, as they emerge separately from the ground, are likewise arched. The fact of so many different organs in plants of many kinds breaking through the ground under the form of an arch, shows that this must be in some manner highly important to them. According to Haberlandt, the tender growing apex is thus saved from abrasion, and this is probably the true explana- tion. But as both legs of the arch grow, their power of breaking through the ground will be much in- creased as long as the tip remains within the seed- coats and has a point of support. In the case of monocotyledons the plumule or cotyledon is rarely arched, as far as we have seen; but this is the case with the leaf-like cotyledon of the onion; and the crown of the arch is here strengthened by a special protuberance. In the Graminee the summit of the straight, sheath-lixe cotyledon is developed into a hard sharp crest, which evidently serves for breaking through the earth. With dicotyledons the arching of the epicotyl or hypocotyl often appears as if it merely resulted from the manner in which the parts are packed within the seed; but it is doubtful whether this is the whole of the truth in any case, and it cer- tainly was not so in several cases, in which the arch- ing was seen to commence after the parts had wholly Caae, XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 555 escaped from the seed-coats. As the arching occurred in whatever position the seeds were placed, it is no doubt due to temporarily increased growth of the nature of epinasty or hyponasty along one side of the part. As this habit of the hypocotyl to arch itself appears to be universal, it is probably of very ancient origin. It is therefore not surprising that it should be in- herited, at least to some extent, by plants having hypogean cotyledons, in which the hypocotyl is only slightly developed and never protrudes above the ground, and in which the arching is of course now quite useless. This tendency explains, as we have seen, the curvature of the hypocotyl (and the conse- quent movement of the radicle) which was first observed by Sachs, and which we have often had to refer to as Sachs’ curvature. The several foregoing arched organs are continually circumnutating, or endeavouring to circumnutate, even before they break through the ground. As soon as any part of the arch protrudes from the seed-coats it is acted upon by apogeotropism, and both the legs bend upwards as quickly as the surrounding earth will permit, until the arch stands vertically. By continued growth it then forcibly breaks through the ground; but as it is continually striving to circumnutate this will aid its emergence in some slight degree, for we know that a circumnutating hypocotyl can push away damp sand on all sides. As soon as the faintest ray of light reaches a seedling, heliotropism will guide it through any crack in the soil, or through an entangled mass of overlying vegetation; for apogeotropism by itself can direct the seedling only blindly upwards. Hence probably it is that sensitiveness to light resides in the tip of the cotyledons of the Graminex, and in §56 SUMMARY AND Cuar, XII the upper part of the hypocotyls of at least some plants. As the arch grows upwards the cotyledons are dragged out of the ground. The seed-coats are either left behind buried, or are retained for a time still enclosing the cotyledons. These are afterwards cast off merely by the swelling of the cotyledons. But with most of the Cucurbitaces there is a curious special contrivance for bursting the seed-coats whilst beneath the ground, namely, a peg at the base of the hypocotyl, projecting at right angles, which holds down the lower half of the seed-coats, whilst the growth of the arched part of the hypocotyl lifts up the upper half, and thus splits them in twain. A somewhat analogous structure occurs in Mzmosa pudica and some other plants. Before the cotyledons are fully ex- panded and have diverged, the hypocotyl generally straightens itself by increased growth along the con- cave side, thus reversing the process which caused the arching. Ultimately not a trace of the former curvature is left, except in the case of the leaf-like cotyledons of the onion. The cotyledons can now assume the function of leaves, and decompose carbonic acid; they also yield up to other parts of the plant the nutriment which they often contain. When they contain a large stock of nutriment they generally remain buried beneath the ground, owing to the small development of the hypocotyl; and thus they have a better chance of escaping destruction by animals. From unknown causes, nutriment is sometimes stored in the hypocotyl or in the radicle, and then one of the cotyledons or both become rudimentary, of which several instances have been given. It is probable that the extraordi- nary manner of germination of Megarrhiza Californica, Cuar. XIL CONCLUDING REMARKS. 557 Ipomea leptophylla and pandurata, ard of Quercus virens, is connected with the burying of the tuber-like roots, which at an early age are stocked with nutri- ment; for in these plants it is the petioles of the cotyledons which first protrude from the seeds, and they are then merely tipped with a minute radicle and. hypocotyl. These petioles bend down geotropically like a root and penetrate the ground, so that the true root, which afterwards becomes greatly enlarged, is buried at some little depth beneath the surface. Gra- dations of structure are always interesting, and Asa Gray informs us that with Ipomea Jalappa, which likewise forms huge tubers, the hypocotyl is still of considerable length, and the petioles of the cotyledons are only moderately elongated. But in addition to the advantage gained by the concealment of the nutritious matter stored within the tubers, the plumule, at least in the case of Megarrhiza, is protected from the frosts of winter by being buried. With many dicotyledonous seedlings, as has lately been described by De Vries, the contraction of the parenchyma of the upper part of the radicle drags the hypocotyl downwards into the earth; sometimes (it is said) until even the cotyledons are buried. The hypo- cotyl itself of some species contracts in a like manner. It is believed that this burying process serves to protect the seedlings against the frosts of winter. Our imaginary seedling is now mature as a seedling, for its hypocotyl is straight and its cotyledons are fully expanded. In this state the upper part of the hypocotyl and the cotyledons continue for some time to circumnutate, generally to a wide extent relat. vely to the size of the parts, and at a rapid rate. But seedlings profit by this power of movement only when it is modified, especially by the action of light and 058 SUMMARY AND Cuar. XII. gravitation ; for they are thus enabled to move more rapidly and to a greater extent than can most mature plants. Seedlings are subjected to a severe struggle for life, and it appears to be highly important to them that they should adapt themselves as quickly and as _perfectly as possible to their conditions. Hence also it is that they are so extremely sensitive to light and gravitation. The cotyledons of some few species are sensitive to a touch; but it is probable that this is only an indirect result of the foregoing kinds of sen- sitiveness, for there is no reason to believe that they profit by moving when touched. Our seedling now throws up a stem bearing leaves, and often branches, all of which whilst young are con- tinually circumnutating. If we look, for instance, at a great acacia tree, we may feel assured that every one of the innumerable growing shoots is constantly describ- ing small ellipses; as is each petiole, sub-petiole, and leaflet. The latter, as well as ordinary leaves, gene- rally move up and down in nearly the same vertical plane, so that they describe very narrow ellipses. The flower-peduncles are likewise continually circum- nutating. If we could look beneath the ground, and our eyes had the power of a microscope, we should see the tip of each rootlet endeavouring to sweep small ellipses or circles, as far as the pressure of the sur- rounding earth permitted. All this astonishing amount of movement has been going on year after year since the time when, as a seedling, the tree first emerged from the ground. Stems are sometimes developed into long runners or stolons. These circumnutate ina conspicuousmanner,and are thus aided in passing between and over surrounding obstacles. But whether the circumnutating movement has been increased for this special purpose is doubtful Cuar. XIL CONCLUDING REMARKS. 559 We have now to consider circumnutation in a modified form, as the source of several great classes of movement. The modification may be determined by innate causes, or by external agencies. Under the first head we see leaves which, when first unfolded, stand in a vertical pcsition, and gradually bend downwards as they grow older. We sce flower-peduncles bending down after the flower has withered, and others rising up; or again, stems with their tips at first bowed downwards, so as to be hooked, afterwards straighten- ing themselves; and many other such cases. These changes of position, which are due to epinasty or hyponasty, occur at certain periods of the life of the plant, and are independent of any external agency. They are effected not by a continuous upward or downward movement, but by a succession of small ellipses, or by zigzag lines,—that is, by a circum- nutating movement which is preponderant in some one direction. Again, climbing plants whilst young circumnutate in the ordinary manner, but as soon as the stem has grown to a certain height, which is different for different species, it elongates rapidly, and now the amplitude of the circumnutating movement is im- mensely increased, evidently to favour the stem catch- ing hold of a support. The stem also circumnutates rather more equally to all sides than in the case of non-climbing plants. This is conspicuously the case with those tendiils which consist of modified leaves, as these sweep wide circles; whilst ordinary leaves usually circumnutate nearly in the same vertical plane. Flower-peduncles when converted into tendrils have their circumnutating movement in like manner greatly increased. We now come to our second group of circumnu- 560 SUMMARY AND Cuar. X1L tating movements—those modified through external agencies. The so-called sleep or nyctitropic move- ments of leaves are determined by the daily alterna- tions of light and darkness. It is not the darkness which excites them to move, but the difference in the amount of light which they receive during the day and night; for with several species, if the leaves have not been brightly illuminated during the day, they do not sleep at night. They inherit, however, some tendency to move at the proper periods, indepen- dently of any change in the amount of light. The movements are in some cases extraordinarily complex, but as a full summary has been given in the chapter devoted to this subject, we will here say but little on this head. Leaves and cotyledons assume their noc- turnal position by two means, by the aid of pulvini and without such aid. In the former case the movement continues as long as the leaf or cotyledon remains in full health ; whilst in the latter case it continues only whilst the part is growing. Cotyledons appear to sleep in a larger proportional number of species than do leaves. In some species, the leaves sleep and not the cotyledons ; in others, the cotyledons and not the leaves; or both may sleep, and yet assume widely different positions at night. Although the nyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons are wonderfully diversified, and sometimes differ much in the species of the same genus, yet the blade is always placed in such a position at night, that its upper surface is exposed as little as possible to full radiation. We cannot doubt that this is the object gained by these movements; and it has been proved that leaves exposed to a clear sky, with their blades compelled to remain horizontal, suffered much more from the cold than others which were allowed to assume Onar XII CONCLUDING REMARKS. 561 their proper vertical position. Some curious facts have been given under this head, showing that hori- zontally extended leaves suffered more at night, when the air, which is not cooled by radiation, was prevented from freely circulating beneath their lower surfaces ; and so it was, when the leaves were allowed to go to sleep on branches which had been rendered motionless. In some species the petioles rise up greatly at night, and the pinne close together. The whole plant is thus rendered more compact, and a much smaller surface is exposed to radiation. That the various nyctitropic movements of leaves result from modified circumnutation has, we think, been clearly shown. In the simplest cases a leaf describes a single large ellipse during the 24 h.; and the movement is so arranged that the blade stands vertically during the night, and reassumes its former position on the following morning. The course pursued differs from ordinary circumnutation only in its greater amplitude, and in its greater rapidity late in the evening and early on the following morning. Unless this movement is admitted to be one of circumnu- tation, such leaves do not circumnutate at all, and this would be a monstrous anomaly. In other cases, leaves and cotyledons describe several vertical ellipses during the 24h.; andin the evening one of them is increased greatly in amplitude until the blade stands vertically either upwards or downwards. In this position it con- tinues to circumnutate until the following moruing, when it reassumes its former position. These move- ments, when a pulvinus is present, are often compli- cated by the rotation of the leaf or leaflet; and such rotation on a small scale occurs during ordinary cir- cumnutation. The many diagrams showing the move- ments of sleeping and non-sleeping leaves aud coty- 562 SUMMARY AND Cuap. XII ledons should be compared, and it will be seen that they are essentially alike. Ordinary circumnutation is converted into a nyctitropic movement, firstly by an increase in its amplitude, but not to so great a degree as in the case of climbing plants, and secondly by its being rendered periodic in relation to the alterna- tions of day and night. But there is frequently a distinct trace of periodicity in the circumnutating movements of non-sleeping leaves and cotyledons. The fact that nyctitropic movements occur in species distributed in many families throughout the whole vascular series, is intelligible, if they result from the modification of the universally present movement of circumnutation ; otherwise the fact is inexplicable. In the seventh chapter we have given the case of a Porlieria, the leaflets of which remained closed all day, as if asleep, when the plant was kept dry, appa- rently for the sake of checking evaporation. Some- thing of the same kind occurs with certain Graminee. At the close of this same chapter, a few observations were appended on what may be called the embryology of leaves. The leaves produced by young shoots on cut-down plants of Melilotus tawrica slept like those of a Trifolium, whilst the leaves on the older branches on the same plants slept in a very different manner, proper to the genus; and from the reasons assigned we are tempted to look at this case as one of reversion to a former nyctitropic habit. So again with Desmo- dium gyrans, the absence of small lateral leaflets on very young plants, makes us suspect that the imme- diate progenitor of this species did not possess lateral leaflets, and that their appearance in an almost rudi- mentary condition at a somewhat more advanced age is the result of reversion to a trifoliate predecessor. However this may be, the rapid circumnutating or Cuapr. XIL. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 563 gyrating movements of the little lateral leaflets, seem to be due proximately to the pulvinus, or organ of movement, not having been reduced nearly so much as the blade, during the successive modificatious through which the species has passed. We now come to the highly important class of movements due to the action of a lateral light. When stems, leaves, or other organs are placed, so that one side is illuminated more brightly than the other, they bend towards the light. This heliotropic movement. manifestly results from the modification of ordinary circumnutation ; and every gradation between the two movements could be followed. When tke light was dim, and only a very little brighter on one side than on the other, the movement consisted of a succession of ellipses, directed towards the light, each of which approached nearer to its source than the previous one. When the difference in the light on the two sides was somewhat greater, the ellipses were drawn out into a strongly-marked zigzag line, and when much greater the course became rectilinear. We have reason to believe that changes in the turgescence ot the cells is the proximate cause of the movement of circumnutation; and it appears that when a plant is unequally illuminated on the two sides, the always changing turgescence is augmented along one side, and is weakened or quite arrested along the other sides. Increased turgescence is commonly followed by increased growth, so that a plant which has bent itself towards the light during the day would be fixed in this position were it not for apogeotropism acting during the night. But parts provided with pulvini bend, as Pfeffer has shown, towards the light ; and here growth does not come into play any more than in the ordinary cirenmuutating movements of pulvini. 564 SUMMARY AND Cuar. XIL Heliotropism prevails widely throughout the vege- table kingdom, but whenever, from the changed habits of life of any plant, such movements become injurious or useless, the tendency is easily eliminated, as we see with climbing and insectivorous plants. Apheliotropic movements are comparatively rare in a well-marked degree, excepting with sub-aérial roots. In the two cases investigated by us, the movement certainly consisted of modified circumnutation. The position which leaves and cotyledons occupy during the day, namely, more or less transversely to the direction of the light, is due, according to Frank, to what we call diaheliotropism. As all leaves and cotyledons are continually circumnutating, there can hardly be a doubt that diaheliotropism results from modified circumnutation. From the fact of leaves and cotyledons frequently rising a little in the evening, it appears as if diaheliotropism had to conquer during the middle of the day a widely prevalent tendency to apogeotropism. Lastly, the leaflets and cotyledons of some plants are known to be injured by too much light; and when the sun shines brightly on them, they move upwards or downwards, or twist laterally, so that they direct their edges towards the light, and thus they escape being injured. These paraheliotropic movements cer- tainly consisted in one case of modified cirtumnuta- tion; and so it probably is in all cases, for the leaves of all the species described circumnutate in a con- spicuous manner. This movement has hitherto been observed only with leaflets provided with pulvini, in which the increased turgescence on opposite sides is not followed by growth ; and we can understand why this should be so, as the movement is required only for a temporary purpose. It would manifestly be dis- Crap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 565 advantageous for the leaf to be fixed by growth in its inclined position. For it has to assume its former horizontal position, as soon as possible after the sun has ceased shining too brightly on it. The extreme sensitiveness of certain seedlings to light, as shown in our ninth chapter, is highly remark- able. The cotyledons of Phalaris became curved towards a distant lamp, which emitted so little light, that a pencil held vertically close to the plants, did not cast any shadow which the eye could perceive on a white card. These cotyledons, therefore, were affected by a difference in he amount of light on their two sides, which the eye could not distinguish. The degree of their curvature within a given time towards a lateral light did not correspond at all strictly with the amount of light which they received; the light not being at any time in excess. They continued for nearly half an hour to bend towards a‘lateral light, after it had been extinguished. They bend with remarkable precision towards it, and this depends on the illumination of one whole side, or on the obscura- tion of the whole opposite side. The difference in the amount of light which plants at any time receive in comparison with what they have shortly before re- ceived, seems in all cases to be the chief exciting cause of those movements which are influenced by light. Thus seedlings brought out of darkness bend towards a dim lateral light, sooner than others which had pre- viously been exposed to daylight. We have seen several analogous cases with the nyctitropic move- ments of leaves. A striking instance was observed in the case of the periodic movements of the cotyledons of a Cassia; in the morning a pot was placed in an obscure part of a room, and all the cotyledons rose up closed: another pot had stood in the sunlight, and 566 SUMMARY AND Cuar. X11 the cotyledons of course remained expanded; both pots were now placed close together in the middle of the room, and the cotyledons which had been exposed to the sun, immediately began to close, while the others opened; so that the cotyledons in the two pots moved in exactly opposite directions whilst exposed to the same degree of light. We found that if seedlings, kept in a dark place, were laterally illuminated by a small wax taper for only two or three minutes at intervals of about three- quarters of an hour, they all became bowed to the point where the taper had been held. We felt much surprised at this fact, and until we had read Wiesner’s observations, we attributed it to the after-effects of the light; but he has shown that the same degree of curvature in a plant may be induced in the course of an hour by several interrupted illumina- tions lasting ‘altogether for 20 m., as by a continuous illumination of 60 m. We believe that this case, as well as our own, may be explained by the ex- citement from light being due not so much to its actual amount, as to the difference in amount from that previously received; and in our case there were repeated alternations from complete darkness to light. In this, and in several of the above specified respects, light seems to act on the tissues of plants, almost in the same manner as it does on the nervous system of animals. There is a much more striking analogy of the same kind, in the sensitiveness to light being localised in the tips of the cotyledons of Phalaris and Avena, and in the upper part of the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta; and in the transmission of some influence from these upper to the lower parts, causing the latter to bend towards the light. This influence is also trans- Caar. XII. CONCLUDING REMARES. 567 mitted beneath the soil to a depth where no light enters. It follows from this localisation, that the lower parts of the cotyledons of Phalaris, &c., which normally become more bent towards a lateral light than the upper parts, may be brightly illuminated during many hours, and will not bend in the least, if all light be excluded from the tip. It is an interest- ing experiment to place caps over the tips of the cotyledons of Phalaris, and to allow a very little light to enter through minute orifices on one side of the caps, for the lower part of the cotyledons will then bend to this side, and not to the side which has been brightly illuminated during the whole time. In the case of the radicles of Sinapis alba, sensitiveness to light also resides in the tip, which, when laterally illuminated, causes the adjoining part of the root to bend apheliotropically. Gravitation excites plants to bend away from the centre of the earth, or towards it, or to place them- selves in a transverse position with respect to it. Although it is impossible to modify in any direct manner the attraction of gravity, yet its influence could be moderated indirectly, in the several ways described in the tenth chapter; and under such circumstances the same kind of evidence as that given in the chapter on Heliotropism, showed in the plainest manner that apogeotropic and geotropic, and probably diageotropic movements, are all modified forms of eircumnutation. Different parts of the same plant and different species are affected by gravitation in widely different degrees and manners. Some plants and organs exhibit hardly a trace of its action. Young seedlings which, as we know, circumnutate rapidly, are eminently sensi- tive; and we have seen the hypocotyl of Beta bending 37 568 SUMMARY AND Cuar. XT. upwards through 109° in 3h. 8m. The after-effects of apogeotropism last for above half an hour; and horizontally-laid hypocotyls are sometiines thus car- ried temporarily beyond an upright position. The benefits derived from geotropism, apogeotropism, and diageotropism, are generally so manifest that they need not be specified. With the flower-peduncles of Oxalis, epinasty causes them to bend down, so that the ripening pods may be protected by the calyx from the rain. Afterwards they are carried upwards by apogeotropism in combination with hyponasty, and are thus enabled to scatter their seeds over a wider space. The capsules and flower-heads of some plants are bowed downwards through geotropism, and they then bury themselves in the earth for the protection and slow maturation of the seeds. This burying process is much facilitated by the rocking movement due to circumnutation. In the case of the radicles of several, probably of all seedling plants, sensitiveness to gravitation is confined to the tip, which transmits an influence to the adjoining upper part, causing it to bend towards the centre of the earth. That there is transmission of this kind was proved in an interesting manner when horizontally extended radicles of the bean were exposed to the attraction of gravity for 1 or 14 h., and their tips were then amputated. Within this time no trace of curva- ture was exhibited, and the radicles were now placed pointing vertically downwards; but an influence had already been transmitted from the tip to the adjoining part, for it soon became bent to one side, in the same manner as would have occurred had the radicle remained horizontal and been still acted on by geo- tropism. Radicles thus treated continued to grow out horizontally for two or three days, until a new tip was Cuap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 569 reformed ; and this was then acted on by geotropism, and the radicle became curved perpendicularly down. wards, It has now been shown that the following important lasses of movement all arise from modified circum- uutation, which is omnipresent whilst growth lasts, and after growth has ceased, whenever pulvini are present. These classes of movement consist of those due to epinasty and hyponasty,—those proper to climbing plants, commonly called revolving nutation, —the nyctitropic or sleep movements of leaves and cotyledons,—and the two immense classes of move- ment excited by light and gravitation. When we speak of modified circumnutation we mean that light, or the alternations of light and darkness, gravitation, slight pressure or other irritants, and certain innate or constitutional states of the plant, do not directly cause the movement; they merely lead to a tempo- rary increase or diminution of those spontaneous changes in the turgescence of the cells which are already in progress. In what manner, light, gravita- tion, &e., act on the cells is not known; and we will here only remark that, if any stimulus affected the cells in such a manner as to cause some slight tendency in the affected part to bend in a beneficial manner, this tendency might easily be increased through the preservation of the more sensitive indi- viduals, But if such bending were injurious, the tendency would be eliminated unless it was over- poweringly strong; for we know how commonly all characters in al] organisms vary. Nor can we see any reason to doubt, that after the complete elimination of a tendency to bend in some one direction under a certain stimulus, the power to bend in a directly 570 SUMMARY AND Cuap. XII opposite direction might gradually be acquired through natural selection.* Although so many movements have arisen through modified circumnutation, there are others which appear to have had a quite independent origin; but they do not form such large and important classes. When a leaf of a Mimosa is touched it suddenly assumes the same position as when asleep, but Briicke has shown that this movement results from a different state of turgescence in the cells from that which occurs during sleep ; and as sleep-movements are cer- tainly due to modified circumnutation, those from a touch can hardly be thus due. The back of a leaf of Drosera rotundifolia was cemented to the summit of a stick driven into the ground, so that it could not move in the least, and a tentacle was observed during many hours under the microscope; but it exhibited no circumnutating movement, yet after being mo- mentarily touched with a bit of raw meat, its basal part began to curve in 23 seconds. This curving movement therefore could not have resulted from modified circumnutation. But when a small object, such as a fragment of a bristle, was placed on one side of the tip of a radicle, which we know is continually circumnutating, the induced curvature was so similar to the movement caused by geotropism, that we can hardly doubt that it is due to modified circumnu- tation. A flower of a Mahonia was cemented to a stick, and the stamens exhibited no signs of circum- nutation under the microscope, yet when they were lightly touched they suddenly moved towards the pistil. Lastly, the curling of the extremity of a tendril when * See the remarks in Frank’s 91, &c.), on natural selection in Die wagerechte Richtung ven connection with geotropism, helio Pflunzentheilen’ ‘1870, pp. 90, tropism, &e. Crap. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 571 touched seems to be independent of its revolving 01 circumnutating movement. This is best shown by the part which is the most sensitive to contact, circum- nutating much less than the lower parts, or apparently not at all.* Although in these cases we have no reason to believe that the movement depends on modified cir- cumnutation, as with the several classes of movement described in this volume, yet the difference between the two sets of cases may not be so great as it at first appears. In the one set, an irritant causes an increase or diminution in the turgescenve of the cells, which are already in a state of change; whilst in the other set, the irritant first starts a similar change in their state of turgescence. Why a touch, slight pressure or any other irritant, such as electricity, heat, or the absorption of animal matter, should modify the turgescence of the affected cells in such a manner as to cause movement, we do not know. But a touch acts in this manner so often, and on such widely distinct plants, that the tendency seems to be a very general one; and if beneficial, it might be increased to any extent. In other cases, a touch produces a very different effect, as with Nitella, in which the protoplasm may be seen to recede from the walls of the cell; in Lactuca, in which a milky fluid exudes; and in the tendrils of certain Vitacee, Cucurbitacee, and Bignoniacez, in which slight pressure causes a cellular outgrowth. Finally, it is impossible not to be struck with the resemblance between the foregoing movements of plants and many of the actions performed uncon- sciously by the lower animals.t With plants an * For the evidence on this pp. 173, 174. head, see the ‘Movements and + Sachs remarks to nearly the Habits of Climbing Plants, 1875, same effict: “Dass sich dic le - 572 SUMMARY AND Cuap. XII astonishingly small stimulus suffices; and even with allied plants one may be highly sensitive to the slightest continued pressure, and another highly sensi- tive toa slight momentary touch. The habit of moving at certain periods is inherited both by plants and animals; and several other points of similitude have been specified. But the most striking resemblance is the localisation of their sensitiveness, and the transmis- sion of an influence from the excited part to another which consequently moves. Yet plants do not of course possess nerves or a central nervous system; and we may infer that with animuls such structures serve only for the more perfect transmission of impressions, and for the more complete intercommunication of the several parts. We believe that there is no structure in plants more wonderful, as far as its functions are concerned, than the tip of the radicle. If the tip be lightly pressed or burnt or cut, it transmits an influence to the upper adjoining part, causing it to bend away from the affected side; and, what is more surprising, the tip ean distinguish between a slightly harder and softer object, by which it is simultaneously pressed on oppo- site sides. If, however, the radicle is pressed by a similar object a little above the tip, the pressed part does not transmit any influence to the more distant parts, but bends abruptly towards the object. If the tip perceives the air to be moister on one side than on the other, it likewise transmits an influence to the upper adjoining part, which bends towards the source of moisture. When the tip is excited by light (though bende Pflanzensulstanz derart lich, wie die verschiedenen Sinnes- innexlich differenzirt, dass ecin- nerven des Thiere’ (‘ Arbiilen zelne Theile mit spccifischen des Bot. Inst. in Wiirzburg, Bad, Energien ausgeriistct sind, ahn- ii. 1879, p. 282). Cuar. XII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 573 in the case of radicles this was ascertained in only a single instance) the adjoining part bends from the light ; but when excited by gravitation the same part bends towards the centre of gravity. In almost every case we can clearly perceive the final purpose or advan- tage of the several movements. Two, or perhaps more, of the exciting causes often act simultaneously on the tip, and one conquers the other, no doubt in accord- ance with its importance for the life of the plant. The course pursued by the radicle in penetrating the ground must be determined by the tip; hence it has acquired such diverse kinds of sensitiveness. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle thus endowed, and having the power of directing the movements of the adjoining parts, acts like the brain of one of the lower animals; the brain being seated within the anterior end of the body, receiving impressions from the sense-organs, and directing the several movements, INDEX. ABIES, A. Abies communis, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot. 187 — pectinata, effect of killing or injuring the leading shoot, 187 — _, affected by Heidium elatinum, 188 Abronia umbellata, its single, deve- loped cotyledon, 78 ——, rudimentary cotyledon, 95 —,, rupture of the seed coats, 105 Abutilon Darwinii, sleep of leaves and not of cotyledons, 314 — , nocturnal movement of leaves, 823 Acacia Farnesiana, state of plant when awake and asleep, 381, 382 ——, appearance at night, 395 nyctitropic movements of pinne, 402 ——,, the axes of the ellipses, 404 lophantha, character of first leaf, 415 — retinoides, circumnutation of young phyllode, 236 Acanthosicyos horrida, nocturnal movement of cotyledon 304 Acanthus candelabrum, inequality in the two first leaves, 79 -—, petioles not arched, 553 —— latifolius, variability in first leaves 79 e— mollis, seedling, manner of breaking through the ground, 78, 79 —, circumnutation of young leaf, 249, 269 —— spinosus, 79 — movement of laves, 249 y AMPHICARPGA. Adenanthera pavonia, nyctitropie movements of leaflets, 374 Zecidium elatinum, effect on the lateral branches of the silver fir, 188 ZEsculus hiprocastanum, movementa of radicle, 28, 29 ——,, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 172-174 Albizzia lophantha, nyetitropic move- ments of leaflets, 383 , of pinne, 402 Allium cepa, conical protuberance on arched cotyledon, 59 , circumnutation of basal half of arched cotyledon, 60 —, mode of breaking through ground, 87 ——, straightening process, 101 —— porrum, movements of flower- stems, 226 Alopecurus pratensis, joints affected by apogeotropism, 503 Aloysia cttriodora, circumnutation of stem, 210 Amaranthus, slec p of leaves 387 —- caudatus, noctural movement of cotyledons, 307 Amorpha fruticosa, sleep of leaflets, 354 Ampelopsis trieuspidata, hyponastic movement of hooked tips, 272- 275 Amphicarpea monoica, circumnuta- tion and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 265 ——, effect of sunshine on leaflets, 445 —-, geotropic movements of 520 INDEX. 575 ANODA. Anoda Wrightii, sleep of cotyledons, 302, 312 ——, of leaves, 324 ——,, downward movement of coty- ledons, 444 Apheliotropism, or negative helio- tropism, 5, 419, 432 Apios graveolens, heliotropic move- ments of hypocotyl, 422-424 tuberosa, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 368 Apium graveolens, sleep of cotyle- dons, 305 —, petroxelinum, sleep of cotylc- dons, 30+ Apogeotropic movements effected by jeints or pulvini, 502 Apogeotropism, 5, 494; retarded by heliotropism, 501 ; concluding re- marks on, 507 Arachis hypogea, circumnutation of gynophure, 225 —, effects of rad’ation on leavis, 289, 29:3 ——, movements of leaves, 357 ——,, rate of movement, 404 , circumnutation of vertically dependent young gynopliores, 519 , downward movement of the same, 519 Arching of various organs, impor- tance of, to secdling plants, 87, 88; emergence of hypocotyls or epicotyls in the form of an, 553 Asparagus officinalis, circumnuta- tion of plumules, 60-62. , effect of lateral light, 484 Asplenium trichomanes, movement in the fruiting fronds, 257, n. Astragalus uliginosus, movement of leaticts, 355 dvena sativa, movement of cotyle- dons, 65, 66. —-—, sensitiveness of tip of radicle to moist air, 183 —-, heliotropic movement and cir- cumnutation of cotyledon, 121,422 , Sensitiveness of cotyledon toa lateral lizht, 477 ——, young sheath-like cotyledons strongly apogeotropic, 499” BRASSICA. Avena sativa, movements of oldish cotyledons, 499, 500 Averrhoa bilimbi, leaf asleep, 330 —, angular movements when going to sleep, 331-345 —-, leaflets exposed to bright sunshine, 447 Azalea Indica, circumnutation of stem, 208 B. Bary, de, on the effect of the Auci- dium on the silver fir, 188 Batalin, Prof, on the nyctitropic movements of leaves, 283; on tlie sleep of leaves of Sida napaa, 322; on Polygonum aviculare, 387; on the effect of sunshine on leaflets of Oxalis acetosella, 447 Bauhinia, nyctitropic movements, 373 —,movementsof petioles of young seedlings, 401 —, appearance of young plants at night, 402 Beta vulgaris, circumnutation of hypocotyl of seedlings, 52 —, movements of coty!edons, 52, , effect of light, 124 , nocturnal movement of coty- ledons, 307 » heliotropic movements of, 420 —, transmitted cffect of light on hypucotyl, 482 ——, apogeotiopic movement of hypocotyl, 496 Bignonia capreolata, apheliotropic movement of tendrils, 432, 450 Bouché on Melaleuca ericcefolia 383 Brassica napus, cireumnutation ot fluwer-stem~, 226 Brass.ca oleracea, circumnutatior of seedling, 10 —, of radicle, 11 —, geotropic movement of radicle, 11 INDEX. BRASSICA, Brassica oleracea, movement of buried and arched hypocotyl, 13, 14, 15 ——, conjoint circumnutation of Fxpecaty! and cotyledons, 16, 17, 1 -——, of hypocotyl in darkness, 19 —, of a cotyledon with hypocotyl secured to a stick, 19, 20 -——, rate of movemvnt, 20 —, ellipses described by hypo- cotyls when erect, 105 —, movements of cotyledons, 115 ——, —— of stem, 202 ——, — of leaves at niyht, 229, 230 ——., sleep of cotyledons, 301 —, cireumnutation of hypocotyl of seedling plant, 425 ——, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of hypocotyls, 426 —, effect of lateral light on hypo- cotyls, 479-482 —, apogeotropic movement of hypocotyls, 500, 501 Brassica rapa, movements of leaves, 230 Brongniart, A., on the sleep of Strephium floribundum, 391 Bruce, Dr., on the sleep of leaves in Arerrhoa, 330 Bryophyllum (vel Calanchoe) calyei- num, movement of leaves, 237 Cc. Camellia Japonica, circumnutation of leaf, 231, 232 Candolle, A. de, on Trapa natans, 95; on sensitiveness of coty- ledons, 127 Canna Warscewiczii, circumnuta- tion of plumules, 58, 59 —, of leaf, 252 Cannabis sativa, leaves, 250 , nocturnal movements of coty- ledons, 307 movements of CASSIA, Cannabis sativa, sinking of the young leaves at night, 444 Cassia, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 369 Cassia Barclayana, nocturnal move- ment of leaves, 372 , slight movement of leaflets,40L — calliantha, uninjured by ex- posure at night, 289, n. —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 371 —, circumnutating movement of leaves, 372 —— corymbosa, cotyledons sensi- tive to contact, 126 , nyctitropic movement of lvaves, 369 floribunda, use of sleep move ments, 289 ——, effect of radiation on the leaves at night, 294 —, circumnutating and nycti- tropic movement of a terminal leaflet, 372, 373 —-, movements of young and older leaves, 400 —— florida, cotyledons sensitive to contact, 126 ——,, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —— glauca, cotyledons sensitive to coutact, 126 ——., sleep of cotyledons, 308 —— levigata, effect of radiation on leaves, 289, n. —— mimosoides, movement of coty- ledons. 116 ——,, sensitiveness of, 126 ——, sleep of, 308 —,, nyctitropic leaves, 372 ——, effect of bright sunshine on cotyledons, 446 —— neglecta, movements cf, 117 —, effect of light, 124 ——., sensitiveness of cotyledong movement of —— nodosa, non-sensitive cotyle dons, 126 ——,, do not rise at nixht, 308 —— pubescens, non-sensitive coty ledons, 126 INDEX 677 OASBIA, Cassia pubescens, uninjured Sy ex- posure at night, 293 ——, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —-, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 371 —, circumnutating movement of leaves, 372 —, nyctitropic petioles, 400 —, diameter of plant at night, 402 sp.(?) movement of cotyledons, 6 movement of tora, circumnutation of coty- ledons and. hypocotyls, 34, 35, 109, 308 —, effect of light, 124, 125 —, sensitiveness tv contact, 125 . —, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of hypocotyl, 431 —., hypocotyl of scedling slightly heliotropic, 454 ——, apogeotropic movement of old hypocotyl, 497 ——, movement of hypocotyl of young seedling, 510 Caustic (nitrate of silver), effect of, on radicle of bean, 150, 156; on the common pea, 160. Cells, table of the measurement of, in the pulvini of Oxalis corniculata, 120; changes in, 547 Centrosema. 305 Ceratophyllum demersum, ments of stem, 211 Cereus Landbeckii, its rudimentary cot) ledons, 97 speciossimus, circumnutation of stem, 206, 207 Cerinthe major, circumuutation of hypocotyl, 49 ——,, of cotyledons, 49 ——, ellipses described by hypo- cotyls when erect, 107 — effect of darkness, 124 Chatin, M., on Pinus Nordman- niana, 389 Chenopodium move- album, sleep of ORINUM. leaves, but not of cotyledons, 314, 19 Chenopodium album, movement of leaves, 387 Chlorophyll injured by bright light, 446 Ciesielski, on the scnsitiveness of the tip of the radicles, 4, 523 Circumuutation, meaning explained 1; modified, 263-279; and helio- tropism, relation between, 435; of paramount importance to every plant, 547 Cissus discclor, circumnutation of leaf, 233 Citrus aurantium, circur uutaticon of epicoty], 28 ——,, unequal cotyledons, 95 Clianthus Dumpieri, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297 Cobeea scandens, cireumnutation of, 270 Cohn, on the water se-reted by Lathrva squamaria, 86, n.; on the movement of leaflets of Oxa- lis, 447 Colutea arborea, nocturnal move- ment of leaflets, 355 Conifere, circumnutation of, 211 Coronilla rosea, leaflets asleep, 355 Corylus avellana, cireumnutation of young shoot, cmitted from the epicotyl, 55, 56 —, arcl:ed epicotyl, 77 Cotyledon umbilicus, circumnuta- tion of stolons, 219, 220 Cotyledons, rudimentary. 94-98; circumnutation of, 109-112; noc- turnal movements, 111, 112; pul- vini or joints of, 112-122; dis- turbed perivdic movements by light, 123; sensitiveness of, to contact, 125; nyctitropic move- meuts of, 283, 297; list of edty- ledons which rise or sink at night, 300; concluding remarks on their movemeuts, 311 Crambe maritima, circumnutation of leaves, 228, 229 Crinum capense, shape af leaves, 253 572 INDEX. CRINUM, Crinum capense, circumnutation of, 254 Crotolaria (sp.?), sleep of leaves, 340 Cryptogams, circumnutation © of, 257-259 Cucumis dudaim, movement of coty- ledons, 43, 44 — ,, sleep of cotyledons, 30£ Cucurbita aurantia, movement of hypocotyl, 42 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 304 — ovifera, geotropic movement of radicle, 38, 39 —, circumnutation of arched hypo- eotyl, 39 —, of straight and vertical hypo- cotyl, 40 ——, movements of cotyledons, 41, 42, 115, 124 —, position of radicle, 89 —, rupture of the seed - coats, 102 ——, cireumnutation of hypocotyl when erect, 107, 108 —, sensitiveness of apex of ravli- ele, 169-171 ——, cotyledons vertical at night, —, not affected by apogevtropism, 509 ——, tips cauterised transversely, ‘ Curvature of the radicle, 193 Cycas pectinata, cireumnutation of young lcaf, whilst emerging from the ground, 58 ——-, first leaf arched, 78 —, circumnutation of terminal leaflets, 252 Cyclanen Persicum, movement of ectzledon, 46 —, undeveloped cotyledons, 78, 96 -—, cireumnutation of peduncle, 225 ——, —, of leaf, 246, 247 ——, downward apheliotropic move- ment of a flower peduncle, 433- 435 DESMODIUM. Cyclamen Persicum, burying of th. pods, 433 Cyperus alternifolius, circumnuti- tion of stem, 212 —, movemcnt of stem, 509 Cytisus fragrans, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 37 —, sleep of leaves, 344, 397 —, apogotropic movement of stem, 494-49 D. Dahlia, circumnutation of young leaves, 244-246 Dalea alopecuroides, leaflets de- pressed ai nigi.t, 354 Darkness, effect of, on the move- ment of Icaves, 407 Darlingtonia Californica, its leaves or pitchers aphefiotropic, 450), n. Darwin, Charles, on Maurundia semperflvrens, 225; on the Swedish turnip, 230, n.; movements of climbing plants, 266 271; the heliotropic movement of the ten- drils of Bignonia capreolata, 433; revolution of climbing plints, 451; on the curling of a tendril, 570 : —, Erasmus, on the peduncles of Cyclamens, 433 —, Francis, on the radicle of Sinapis alba, 486; on Hygrosco- pic seeds, 489, n. Datura — stramonium., nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 Delpino, on cotyledons of Cheero- phyllum and Corydalis, 96, x. Delphinium nudicaule, mode of breaking through the ground, 80 , continent petioles of two coty- ledons, 553 Desmodium gyrans, movemcnt of leaflets, 257, n. , position of leaves at night. 5 —, sleep of leaves, not of coty ledons, 314 1 ——. ceircumnutation and nyeti- INDEX 579 DESMODIUM. ype movement of leaves, 358— Desmodium gyrans, movement of lateral leaflets, 361 ——. jerking of leaflets, 362 ——,, nyctitropic movement of peti- oles, 400, 401 ——, diameter of plant at night, 402 e —, lateral movement of leaves, 404 —, zigzag movement of apex of leaf, 405 ——, shape of lateral leaflet, 416 vespertilionis, 364, n. Deutzia gracilis, circumnutation of stem, 205 Diageotropism, 5; or transverse- geotropism, 520 Diahcliotropism, 5; or Transversal- Heliotropismus of Frank, 419; influenced by epinasty, 439; by weight and apogeotropism, 440 Dianthus caryophyllus, 230 , circumnutation of young leaf, 231, 209 Dicotyledons, circumnutation wide- ly spread among, 68 Dionzcea, oscillatory movements of leaves, 261, 271 Dionea museipula, c:rcumutation of young expanding leaf, 239, 240 — , closure of the lobes and cir- cumnutation of a full-grown leaf, 241 —, oscillations of 242-244 Diurnal sleep 419 Drosera Capens’s, structure of first- formed leaves, 414 rolundifilia, movement of young leat, 237, 238 —, of the tentacles, 239 -——, sensitiveness of tentacles, 261 shape of leaves, 414 —,, leaves not heliotropic, 450 ——, leaves circumnutate largely, 454 ——. sensitiveness of 570 EUCALYPTUS. Duchartre on Tephrosia caribea, 354; on the nyctitropic movemc nt of the Cassia, 369 Doval-Jouve, on the movements of Bryophyllum calycinum, 237; of the narrow leaves of the Grami- nce, 413 Dyer, Mr. Thiselton, on the leaves of Crotolaria, 340 ; on Cassia flori- bunda, 369, n., on the absorbent hairs on the buried flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 517 E. Echeveria stolonifera, circumnuta- tion of leaf, 237 Echinocactus viridescens, its rudi- mentary cotyledons, 97 Echinocystis lobata, movements of tendrils, 266 —, apogeotropism of teudrile, 510 Elfving, F., on the rhizomes of Sparganium ramosum, 189; on the diageotropic movement in the rhizomes of some plants, 521 Elymus arenareus, leaves closed during the day, 413 Embryology of leaves, 414 Engelmann, Dr., on the Quercus virens, 85 Epinasty, 5, 267 Epicotyl, or plumule, 5; manner of breaking through the ground, 77; emerges from the ground under the form of an arch, 553 Erythrina caffra, sleep of leaves, 367 corallodendron, movement of terminal leafict, 367 erista-galli, effect of tem perature on sleep of leaves, 318 tropic movement of leaflets, 367 Eucalyptus resinifera, circumnutar tion of leaves, 244 circumnutation and nyeti- terminal INDEX. - EUPHORBIA. Euphorbia jacquinexflora, nycti- tropic movement of leaves, 388 ¥. Flahault, M., on the rupture of seed-coats, 102-104, 106 Flower-stems, circumrutation of, 223-226 Fragaria Rosacea, circumnutation of stolon, 214-218 Frank, Dr, A. B., (he terms Helio- tropism and Geotropism, first used by him, 5,7.; radicles acted on by geotropism, 70, n.; on the stolons of Fragaria, 215; periodic and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 284; on the root-leaves of plants kept in darkness, 443; on pulvini, 485; on natural selection in connection with geotopten, heliotropism, &c., 57! —, on Transversal-Heliotropis- mus, 419 Fuchsia, cireumnutation of stem, 205, 206 a. Gazania_ ringens, circumnutation of stem, 208 Genera containing sleeping plants, 820, 321 Geotropism, 5; effect of, on the primary radicle, 196; the reverse of apogeotropism, 512: effect on the tips of radicles, 543 Geranium cinereum, 304 Endressit, 304 — Ibericum, nocturnal movement of sotyledons, 298 — - Richardsoni, 304 -~ - rotundifolium, nocturnal move- ment of cotyledon, 304, 312 ——- subcaulescens, 304 Germinvating seed, history of a, 548 : GYMNOSPERMSB. Githago segetum, cireumnutation of hypocotyl, 21, 108 ——, burying of hypocotyl, 109 ——, seedlings feebly illuminated, 124, 128 ——,, sleep of cotyledon, 302 —, leaves, 321 Glaucium luteum, ciycumnutation of young leaves, 228 Gleditschia, sleep of leaves. 368 Glycine hispida, vertical sinking of leaflets, 366 Glycyrrhiza, leaflets depressed at night, 355 Godlewskl, Emil, on the turge- scence of the cells, 485 Gooseberry, effect of radiation, 284 Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton), circumnutation of hypocotyl, 22 ——, movement of cotyledon, 22, 23 ——,, sleep of leaves, 324 —— arboreum (?), sleep of cotyle dons, 303 Braziliense, nocturnal move- ment of leaves, 32+ ——, sleep of cotyledons, 303 —— herbaceum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 168 ——, radicles cauterised trans- versely, 537 —— maritimum, nocturnal move- ment of leaves, 324 Gravitation, movements excited by, 567 Gray, Asa, on Delphinium nudi- caule, 80; on Megarrhiza Cali- fornica, 81; on the movements in the fruiting fron-ls of Asplenium trichomanes, 257; on the Amphi- carpea monoica, 520 ; on the Ipomea Jalappa, 557 Grease, effect of, on radicles and their tips, 182, 185 Gressner, Dr. H., on the cotyledons of Cyclamen Persicum, 46, 77° on hypocotyl of the same, 96 Gymnosperms, 389 INDEX. 581 HABEBLANDT. H. fiaberlandt, Dr., on the protube- rance on the hypocotyl of Allium, 59; the importance of the arch to seedling plants, 87; sub- aerial and subterranean cotyle- dons, 110, n.; the arched Lypo- cotyl, 554 Hemat.aylon Campechianum, noc- turnal movement of leaves, 368, 369 Hed: ra_ helix, stem, 207 Hedysarum coronarium, nocturnal movements of leaves, 356 Helianthemum prostratum, geotro- pic movement of fluwer-heads, 518 Helianthus annuus, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 45 —, arching of hypocotyl, 90 —, nocturnal movement of coty- ledons, 305 Heliotropism, 5; uses of, 449; a modified form of cireumnutution, 490 Helleborus niger, mode of breakiug through the ground, 86 Hensen, Prof., on roots in worm- burrows, 72 circumnutation of Henslow, Rev. G., on the coty- ledons of fhalaris Canariensis, 62 Hofmeister, on the curious move- ment of Spirogyra, 3, 259, n.; of the leaves of Pistia strativtes, 255; of cotyledons at night, 297 ; of petals, 414 —— and Batalin on the movements of the cabbage, 229 STooker, Sir J., on the effect of light on the pitchers of Sarracenia, 450 ‘ Hypocotyl, 5; manner of breuk- ing through the ground, 77; emerges under the form of an arch, 553 Hypocotyls and Epicotyls, circum- TPOMA, nutation and other movements when arched.98; power of straight- ening themselves, 100; rupture of the seed-coats, 102-106; illus- tration of, 106; circumnutation when erect, 107; when in dark 108 Hyponasty, 6, 267 I. Iberis umbellata, movemeut of stem, 202 Illumination, effect of, on the sleep of leaves, 398 Imatophyllum vel Clivia (ap. ?), movemeut of leaves, 255 Indigofera tinctoria, leaflets do- pressed at night, 354 Inheritance in plants, 407, 491 Insectivorous and climbing plants not heliotropic, 450; influence of light on, 488 Ipomea bona nox, arching of hypo- cotyl, 90 ——, nocturnal position of coty- ledons, 306, 312 cerulea vel Pharbitis nil, circumnutation of seedliigs, 47 , movement of cotyledons, 47- 49, 109 ——, nocturnal movements of coty- ledons, 305 * ——,, sleep of leaves, 386 ——, sensitiveness to light, 451 . the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 —, coccinea, position of coty- ledons at night, 306, 312 — leptophylla, mode of breaking through tle ground, 83, 8+ —, arching of the petioles of the cotyledons, 90 —-, difference in sensitiveness to gravitation in different parts, 509 —, extraordinary manner of gor mination, 557 INDEX. TPOMCEA. Ipomea pandurata, manner of ger- mination, 84, 557 —— purpurea (vel Pharbitis his- pida), nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305, 312 — , sleep of leaves, 386 ——, sensitiveness to light, 451 —, the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 Tris pseudo-acorus, circumnutation of leaves, 253 Trmisch, on cotyledons of Ranun- culus Ficaria, 96 | Ivy, its stems heliotropic, 451 kK. Kerner on the bending down of pe- duncles, 414 Klinostat, the, an instrument de- vised by Sachs to eliminate geo- tropism, 93 Kraus, Dr. Carl, on the underground slioots of Triticum repens, 189; on Cannabis sativa, 250, 307, el ; on the movements of leaves, 18 L. Lactuea scariola, sleep of cotyle- dons, 305 Lagenaria vulgaris, circumnutation of seedlings, 42 2—, of cotyledons, 43 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 304 Lathrza squamaria, mode of breaking through the ground, 85 —, quantity of water secreted, 85, 86, n. Tathyrus nissolia, circumnuta- tion of stem of young seedling, ——, ellipses described by, 107, 108 Leaves, circumnutation of, 226- LOTUS. 262; dicotyledons, 226-252; mo nocotyledons, 252-257 ; nyctitro- pism of, 289; their temperature af- fected by their position at night, 294; nyctitropic or sleep move- ments, 315, 394; periodicity of their movements inherited. 407; embryology of, 414; s.-called diurnal sleep, 445 Leguminosz, sleep of cotyledons, 308; sleeping species, 340 Le Maout and Decaisne, 67 Lepidium sativum, sleep of cotyle- dons, 302 Light, movements excited by 418, 563; influence on most vegetable tissues, 486; acts on plant as on the nervous system of animals, 487 Lilium auratum, circumnutation of stem, 212 ,apogeotropie movement of stem, 498, 499 Linneus, ‘Somnus Plantarum,’ 280; on plants sleeping, 320; on the leaves of Sida abutilon, 324; on Ginothera mollissima, 383 Linum Berendieri, nocturnal move- ment of cotyledons, 298 —— usitatissimum, circumuutation of stem, 203 Lolium perenne, joints affected by apogeotropism, 502 Lonicera brachyroda, hooking of tho tip, 272 , sens'tiveness to light, 453 Loomis, Mr., on the movements in the fruiting fronds of Asplentum trichomanes, 257 Lotus aristata, effect of radiaticn on leaves, 292 —— Creticus, leaves awake ard asleep, 354 — Gebelii, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 308 “so provided with pulvini, —— Jacobzus, movements of coty ledons, 35, 109 ——, pulvini of, 115 INDEX. 583 LOTUS. Lctus Jacobzus, movements at night, 116, 121, 124 ; , development of pulvini, 122 ——, sleep of cotyledons, 308, 313 -—, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 353 major, sleep of leaves, 352 —— perigrinus, movement of leaf- lets, 353 Lunularea vulgar ts, cireumnutation of fronds, 258 Lupinus, 340 albifrons, sleep of leaves, 344 — Hartwegii, sleep of leaves, 341 luteus, cireumnutation of coty- ledons, 38, 110 , effect of darkness, 124 Lupinus, position of leaves when asleep, 341 —, different positions of leaves at night, 343 , varied movements of leaves and leaflets, 395 Menziesii, sleep of leaves, 343 —— mutabilis, sleep of leaves, 343 nanus, sleep of leaves, 343 —— pilosus, sleep of leaves, 340, 1 — polyphyllus, sleep of leaves, 343 — pubescens, sleep of leaves by day and night, 342 , position of: petioles at night, 343 -——, movements of petioles, 401 -— speciosus, circumnutation of leaves, 236 Lynch, Mr. R., on Pachira aqua- tica, 95, .; sleep movements of Averrhoa, 330 XM. Maranta arundinacea, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389-391 —, after much agitation do not sleep, 319 38 MELILOTOS. Marsilia quadrifoliata, effect of ra- diation at night, 292 , circumnutation and nycti- tropic movement of leaflets, 392- 304 » Yate of movement, 404 Martins, on radiation at night, 284, n. Masters, Dr. Maxwell, on the lead- ing shoots of the Coniferz, 211 Maurandia semperflorens, cireamnu- tation of peduncle, 225 Medicago maculata, nocturnal posi- tion of leaves, 345 marina, leaves awake and asleep, 344 ' Meehan, Mr., on the effect of an Aecidium on Portulaca oleracea, 189 Megarrhiza Californica, mode of breaking through the ground,. 81 ——, germination described by Asa. Gray, 82 , singular manner of germina-- tion, 83, 556 Melaleuca ericcefolia, sleep of leaves, 383 Melilotus, sleep of leaves, 345 alba, sleep of leaves, 347 cerulea, sleep of leaves, 347 dentata, effect of radiation ai night, 295 —— elegans, sleep of leaves, 347 gracilis, sleep of leaves, 347 infesta, sleep of leaves, 347 Italica, leaves exposed at: night, 291 , Sleep of leaves, 347 —— macrorrhiza, leaves exposed at night, 292 ——,, sleep of leaves, 347 —— messanensis, sleep of leaves on full-grown and young plants, 348, 416 officinalis, effect of exposure of leaves at night, 290, 296 , nocturnal movement of leaves, 346, 347 ——,, circumnutation of leaves, 348 , movement of petioles, 401 584 INDEX. MELILOTUS. Melilotus parviflora, sleep of caves, 347 — Petitpirrreauu, leaves exposed at night, 291, 296 —-, sleep of leaves, 347 —- secundiflora, sleep of leaves, 347 —— swaveolens, leaves exposed at night, 291 ——, sleep of leaves, 347 ——- sulcata, sleep of leaves, 347 — Taurica, leaves exposed at night, 291 , sleep of leaves, 347, 415 ‘Methods of observation, 6 Mimosa albida, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 —, not sensitive to contact, 127 ——., sleep of cotyledons, 308 , rudimentary leaflets, 364 —, nyctitropic movements of leaves, 379, 380 —., circumnutation of the main petiole of young leaf, 381 -——, torsion, or rotation of leaves and leaflets, £00 -——, first true leaf, 416 , effect of bright sunshine on basal leaflets, 445 marginata, nyctitropic move- ments of leaflets, 381 pudica, movement of coty- ledons, 105 —, rupture of the seed-coats, 105 —, circumnutation of cotyledons, 109 : —, pulvini of, 113, 115 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 ——, hardly sensitive to contact, 127 -—, effect of exposure at night, 293 ; -—, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297 -—, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, circumnutation and nycti- tropic movement of main petiol2, 374-378 —, of leaflels, 378 NEPTUNIA. Mimosa albida, cireumnutation and nyctitropic movement of pinus, 402 —, number of ellipses describe2 in given time, 406 , effect of bright sunshine on leaflets, 446 Mirabilis jalapa and longiflora, nocturnal movements of cotyle- dons, 307 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 387 Mohl, on heliotropism in ten- drils, stems, and twining plants, 451 Momentum-like movement, the ac- cumulated effects of apogeo- tropivm, 508 Monocotyledons, sleep of leaves, 389 - Monotropa hypopitys, mode of breaking through the ground, 86 Morren, on the movements of stamens of Sparmannia and Cereus, 226 Miiller, Fritz, on Cassia tora, 34; on the circumnutation of Linum usitatissimum, 203; movements of the flower-stems of an Alisma, 226 Mutisia clematis, leaves, 246 , leaves not heliotropic, 451 movement of N. Natural selection in connection with geotropism, heliotropism, &e., 570 Nephrodium molle, circumuutation of very young frond, 66 , of older frond, 257 -—, slight movement of fronda 509 Neptunia oleracea, sensitiveness to contact, 128 ——,, nyctitropic movement of leaf: lets, 374 ——,, of pinnss, 402 INDEX. 585 NICOTIANA. Nicotiana glauca, sleep of leaves, 385, 386 —, circumnutation of leaves, 386 Nobbe, on the rupture of the seed- coats ina seedling of Martynia, 105 Nolana prostrata, movement of seed- lings in the dark, 50 ——., circumuutation of seedling, 108 3 Nyctitropic movement of leaves, 560 Nyctitropism, or sleep of leaves, 281; in connection with radia- tion, 286; object gained by it, 413 0. Observati: n, methods of, 6 Gnothera mollissima, sleep of leaves, 383 Opuntia basilaris, conjoint circum- nutation of hypocotyl and coty- ledon, 44 ——, thickening of the hypocotyl, 96 ——, circumnutation of hypccotyl when erect, 107 ——,, burying of, 109 Orange, seedling, circumnutation of, 510 Orchis pyramidalis, complex move- ment of pollinia, 489 Ozxalis acetosella, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224 —, effects of exposure to radia- tion at night, 287, 288, 296 , circumnutation and nycti- tropiz movement in full-grown leaf, 326 — , circumnutation of leaflet when asleep, 327 ——, rate of circumnutation of leaflets, 404 -——, effect of sunshine on leaflets, 447 — , circumnutation of peduncle, 506 OXALIS, Oxalis acetosella, seed-capsules, only occasionally busied, 518 — _ articulatu, nocturnal muve ments of cotyledons, 307 ——_ (Biophytum) sensitiva, ra pidity of movement of cotyledons during the day, 26 —,, pulviuus of, 113 ——, cotyledons vertical at night, 116, 118 bupleurifolia, circumnutation of foliaceous petiole, 328 , nyctitropic movement of ter- minal leaflet, 329 carnosa, circumuutation of flower-stem, 223 , epinastic movements of flower- stem, 504 ——, effect of exposure at night, 288, 296 , movements of the flower-pe- duncles due to upoyeotropism and other forces, 503-506 corniculata (var. cuprea), movements of cotyledons, 26 , Tising of cotyledons, 116 —, rudimentary pulviui of coty- ledons, 119 ——, development of pulvinus, 122 , effect of dull light, 124 ——, experiments on leaves at night, 288 —— floribunda, pulvinus of coty- ledons, 114 —-, nocturnal 307, 313 fragrans, sleep of leaves, movement, 118, — Ortegesii, circumnutation of flower stems, 224 —, sleep of large leaves, 327 —., diameter, of plant at nigh‘, 402 — , large leaflets affected by bright sunshine, 447 — Plumierii, sleep of leaves, 327 purpurea, exposure of leaflets at night, 293 — rosea, ciicumnutation of coty leduns, 23, 24 586 INDEX. OXALIS, Oxalis rosea, pulvinus of, 113 ——, movement of cotyledons at night. 117, 118, 307 , effect of dull light, 124 —, non-sensitive cotyleduns, 127 sensitiva, movement of coty- ledons, 109, 127, 128 , circumnutation of flower-stem, 224 , nocturnal movement of coty- ledons, 307, 312 —, sleep of leaves, 327 — tropeoloides, movement of co- tyledons at night, 118, 120 —— Valdiviana, conjoint circum- nutation of cotyledons and hypo- cotyl, 25 ——,, cotyledons rising vertically at night, 114, 115, 117, 118 ——,, non-sensitive cotyledons, 127 —,, nocturnal movement of coty- ledon, 307, 312 — ,, sleep of leaves and not of co- tyledons, 315 —, movements of leaves, 327 P. Pachira aquatica, unequal cotyle- dons, 95, n. Pancratium littorale, movement of leaves, 255 Paraheliotropism, or diurnal sleep of leaves, 445 Passiflora gracilis, cireumnutation and nyctitropic movement of lraves, 383, 384 ——, apogeotropic movement of tendrils, 510 , sensitiveness of tendrils, 550 Pelargonium zonale, cirzumnutation of stem, 203 ——,and downward movement of young leaf, 232, 233, 269 Petioles, the, rising of, beneficial to plant at night, 402 Petunia violacea, downward move- PHASEOLUS. ment and cireumnutation of very young leaf, 248, 249, 269. Pfeffer, Prof., on the turgescence of the cells, 2; on pulvini of leaves, 113, 117; sleep movements of leaves, 280, 283, 284; nocturnal rising of leaves of Malva, 324; movements of leaflets in Desno- dium gyrans, 358; on Phyllan- thus Niruri, 388; influence of a pulvinus on leaves, 396; periodic movements of sleeping leaves, 407, 408; movements of petals, 414; effect of bright sunshine on leaflets of Robinia, 445; effect of light on parts provided with pul- vini, 463 Phalaris Canariensis, movements of old seedlings, 62 , circumnutation of cotyledons, 63, 64, 108 . heliotropic movement and cir- cumnutation of cotyiedon towards a dim lateral light, 427 ——, sensitiveness of cotyledon to light, 455 , effect of exclusion of light from tips of cotyledons, 456 , manner of bending towards light, 457 ——. effects of painting with Indian ink, 467 —, transmitted effects of light, , lateral illumination of tip, 470 ——,, apogeotropic movement of the sheath-like cotyledons, 497 ——., change from a straight up- ward apogeotroyic course to cir- cumnutation, 499 , apogeotropic movement of cotyledons, 500 Phaseolus Hernandesii, nocturnal movement of leaves and leaficts, 368 caracalla, 93 , nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 ——,, effect of bright sunshine op leaflets, 446 INDEX. 587 PHASEOLUS. Phaseolus multiflorus, movenent of radicles, 29 ——, of young radicle, 72 —~——,, of liypocotyl, 91, 93 , 8eusitiveness of apex of radicle, 163-167 ——, to moist air, 181 -—, cauterisation and grease on the tips, 535 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 ——., nyctitropie movement of the first unifoliate leaves, 397 — Roxburghii, effect of bright sunshine on first leaves, 445 —., vulgaris, 93 ——, sleep of leaves, 318 ——, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 368 Phyllanthus Niruri, sleep of leaf- lets, 388 — linoides, sleep of leaves, 387 Pilocereus Hvulletiit, rudimentary cotyledons, 97 Pimelia spectabilis, sleep of leaves, 387 Pincers, wooden, through which the radicle of a bean was allowed to grow, 75 Pinus austriaca. circumnutation of leaves, 251, 252 — Nordmanniana, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389 — pinaster, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 56 —, movement of two opposite cotyledons, 57 —, circumnutation of young leaf, 250, 251 —-, epinastic dowuward move- ment of young leaf, 270 Fistia strativtes, movement of loaves, 255 Pisum sativum, sensitiveness of upex of radicle, 158 ——, tips of radicles cauterised transversely, 534 Plants, sensitiveness to light, 449; hygroscopic movements of, 489 QUERCUS. Plants, climbing, circumnutation of, 261; movements of, 55) » mature, circumnutation of. 201-214 Pliny on the sleep-movements af plants, 280 Plumbago Capensis, civeumnutation of stem, 208, 209 Poinciana Gilliesii, sleep of leaves, 368 Polygonum aviculare, leaves vertical at night, 387 convolvulus, sinking of the leaves at niglit, 318 Pontederia (sp.?), circumnutation of leaves, 256 Porlieria hygrometrica, circum- nutation an nyctitropie move- ments of petiole of leaf, 335, 336 ——, effect of watering, 336-338 ——,, leaflets closed during the day, 413 Portulaca oleracea, efiect of Aici- dium on, 189 Primula Sinensis, conjoint circum- nutation of hypocotyl and coty- ledon, 45, 46 Pringsheim on the injury to chloro- phyll, 446 Prosopis, nyctitropic movements of. leatiets, 374 Psoralea acaulis, nocturnal move- ments of leaflets, 354 Pieris aquilina, rachis of, 86 Pulvini, or joints; of cotyledons, 112-122; influence of, on the movements of cotyledons, 313; effect cn nyctitropie movements, 396 Q. Quercus (American sp.), cireumnu-~ tation of young stem, 53, 54 robur, movement of radicles, 54, 55 ——, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 174-176 INDEX. QUERCUS. Quercus virens, manner of germina- tion, 85, 557 . R. Radiation at night. effect of, on laves, 284-286 Radicles, manner in which they penctrate the ground. 69-77 ; cir- cumnutation of, 69; experiments with split sticks, 74; with wooden pincers, 75 ; sensitiveness of apex to contact and other irri- tants, 129; of Vicia faba, 132- 158; various experiments, 135- 140; summary of results, 143-151; power of an irritant on, com- pared with geotropism, 151-154 ; sensitiveness of tip to moist air, 180; with greased tips, 185; effect of killing or injuring the primary radicle, 187-191; curvature of, 193; affected by moisture, 198; tip alone sensitive to geotropism, 549; protrusion and circumnutation ina germina- ting seed, 548; tip highly sen- sitive, 550; the tip acts like the brain of one of the lower animals, 573 -——, secondary, sensitiveness of the tips in the bean, 154; become vertically geotropic, 186-191 Ramey on the movements of the cotyledons of Mimosa pudica, and Clianthus Dampieri at night, 297 Ranunculus Ficaria, mode of breaking through the grvund, 86, 90 —-—, single cotyledon, 96 , eftcet of lateral light, 484 Haphanus sativa, 8 nsitivencss of apex of radicle, 171 , sleep of cotyledons, 301 Rattan, Mr., on the germination of the seeds of Megarrhiza Califor- nica, 82 Relation between circumnvtation and heliotropism, 435 SACHS. Reseda odorata, hypocotyl of seed. ling slightly heliotropic, 454 Reversion, due to mutilation, 190 Rhipsalis cassytha, radimentery co- tyledons, 97 Ricinus Borboniensis, circumnuta- tion of arched hypocotyl, 53 Robinia, effect of bright sunshine on its leaves, 445 — pseudo-acacia, leaflets vertical at night, 355 Rodier, M., on the movements of Ceratophyllum demersum, 211 Royer, Ch., on the sleep-movements of plants, 281, ».; on the sleep of leaves, 318 ; the leaves of Medi- cago maculata, 345; on Wistaria Sinensis, 354 Rubus idous (hybrid) circumnuta- tion of stem, 205 ——, apogeotropic movement of stem, 498 Ruiz and Pavon, on Porlieria hy- grometrica, 336 ; Sacus on “ revolving nutation,” 1; intimate connection between tur- gescence and growth, 2,”.; coty- ledon of the onion, 59; adapta- tion of root-hairs, 69 ; the move- ment of the radicle, 70, 72, 73; movement in the hypocotyls of the bean, &., 91; sensitiveness of radieles, 131, 145, 198; sensi- tiveness of the primary radicle in the bean, 155; in the com- mon pea, 156; effect of moist air, 180; of killing or injuring the primary radicle, 186, 187; circumnutation of flower-steins, 225; epinasty, 268; movement of leaflets of Trifolium incar- natum, 350; action of light in modifying the periodic move- ments of leaves, 418; on geotro- pism and heliotropism, 436, n.: on Tropeolum majus, 458° INDEX. 589 SARRACENIA,. on the hypoentyls slightly helio- tropic, and stems strongly aphe- liotropic of the ivy, 453; he- liotropism of radicles, 482; ex- periments on tips of radicles of bean, 523, 524; curvature of the hypocotyl, 555 ; resemblance between plants and animals, 571 Sarracenia purpurea, circumnuta- tion of young pitcher, 227 Sazifraga sarmentosa, _ circum- nutation of an inelined stolon, 218 Schrankia aculeata, nyctitropic movement of the pinne, 381, 403 uncinata, nyctitropic move- ments of leaflets, 381 Securigera coronillu, nocturnal movements of leaflets, 352 Seed-capsules, burying of, 518 Seed-coats, rupture of, 102-106 Seedling plants, circumnutating movements of, 10 Selaginella, circumnutation of, 258 Kraussié (?), cireumnutation of young plant, 66 Sida napea, depression of leaves at night, 322 —-, no pulvinus, 322 retusa, vertical rising of leaves, 322 rhombifolia, sleep of cotyledons, 308 — _, sleep of leaves, 314 , vertical rising of leaves, 322 — _, no pulvinus, 322 ——, circumnutation and nycti- tropic movements of leaf of young plant, 322 ——, nyctitropic leaves, 397 Siegesbeckia orientalis, sleep of leaves, 319, 384 Sinapis alba, lypocotyl bending to- wards the light, 461 —-, transmitted effect of light on radicles, 482, 483, 567 , growth of radicles in dark- ness, 486 movement of STAPELIA, Sinapis ntyra, sleep of cotyledons, 301 Smilaz aspera, tendrils aphelio- tropic, 451 Smithia Pfundii, cotyledons, 127 , hyponastic movement of the eurved summit of the stem, 274- 276 » cotyledons not sleeping at night, 308 , vettical movement of leaves, 6 non ~ sensitive —— sensitiva, sensitiveness of coty- ledons to contact, 126 —, sleep of cotyledons, 3208 Sophora chrysophylla, leatlets rise at night, J68 Solanum dulcamara, circumuuta- ting stems, 266 —— lycopersicum, movement of hypocotyl, 50 —,, of cotyledons, 50 ——, effect of darkness, 124 ——,, rising of cotyledons at night, 306 —, heliotropie movements of hypocotyl, 421 —, effect ofan intermittent light, 457 , rapid heliotropism, 461 pulinacanthum, circumnu- tation of arched hypocotyl, 51, 100 , of cotyledon, 51 , ellipses described by hypo- cotyl when erect, 107 ——, nocturnal movement of coty- ledons, 306 Sparganium ramosum, rhizomes of, Spherophysa salsola, leaflets, 355 Spirogyra princeps, movements of, rising of 2. Stahl, Dr., on the effect of ei- dium on shoot, 189; on the in- fluence of light on swarm-spores, 488, n. Stapelia sarpedon, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 46, 47 590 INDEX. STAPELIA. Stapelia sarpedon, minute coty- ledons, 97 Stellaria media, nocturnal move- ment of leaves, 297 Stems, circumnutation of, 201-214 Stolons, or Runners, circumnuta- tion of, 214-222, 558 Strasburger, on the effect of light on spores of Hematoceus, 455, x. ; the influence of light on the swarm-spores, 488 Strawberry, stolons of the, circum- nutate, but not affected by mode- rate light, 454 Strephium floribundum, circumnu- tation and nyctitropic movement of leaves, 391, 392 T. Tamarindus Indica, nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 374 Transversal - heliotropismus (of Frank) or diaheliotropism, 438 Trapa natans, unequal cotyledons, - 95, n. Tecoma radicans, stems aphelio- tropic, 451 Tephrosia caribea, 354 Terminology, 5 Thalia dealbata, sleep of leaves, 389 — ., lateral movement of leaves, 404 Trichosanthes anguina, action of the peg on the radicle, 104 ——,, nocturnal movement of coty- ledons, 304 Trifolium, position of terminal leaf- lets at night, 282 — globosum, with hairs protecting the seed-bearing flowers, 517 glomeratum, movement of cotyledons, 309 -— incarnatum, cotyledons, 309 — Pannonicum, shape of firs’ true leaf, 350, £15 movemert of TRITICUM. Trifolium pratense, leaves esposed at night, 293 repens, circumnutation cf flower-stem, 225 ——,, circumnutating and epinastic movements of flower-stem, 276- 279 » ayctitropic movement of leaves, 349 —, cireumnutation aud nycti- tropic movements of terminal leaflets, 352, 353 » Sleep movements, 349 — resupinatum, no pulvini to cotyledons, 118 ——,, circumnutation of stem, 204 —, effect of exposure at niyht, 295 —, cotyledons not rising at night, 118, 309 , circumnutation and nycti- tropic movements of terminal leaflets, 351, 352 strictum, movements of coty- ledons at night, 116, 118 —, nocturnal and diurnal move- ments of cotyledons, 309-311, 313 —, movement of the left-nand cotyledon, 316 subterraneum, flower-heads, 71 —, of cotyledons at night, 116, 118, 309 —., circumnutation of flower-stem, 224, 225 , circumnutation and nycti- tropic movements of leaves, 350 —,number of ellipses in 24 hours, 405 ee its flower Leads, 513, movement of ——, downward movement of pe- duncle, 515 . cireumnutating movement of peduncle, 516 a Cretica, sleep of leaves, 4 Triticum repens, wndergroun} a of, become apogvotropia, INDEX. 591 TRITIOUM, Triticum vulgare, sensitiveness of tips of radicle to moist air, 184 Tropeolum majus (?), sensitiveness of apex of radicle to contact, 167 ——, circunmutation of stem, 204 —, influence of illumination on nyctitropic movements, 338-340, 344 —, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of epicotyl of a young seedling, 428, 429 , of an old internode towards a lateral light, 430 , stems of very young plants highly heliotropic, of old plants slightly apheliotropie, 453 — , effect of lateral light, 484 — minus (?), circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, 27 U. Ulex, or gorse, first-formed leaf of, 415 Uraria lagopus, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 365 Vaucher, on the burying of the flower-heads of Trifolium sub- terraneum, 513; on the protec- tion of seeds, 517 Verbena melindres (?), cireumnuta- tion of stem, 210 , apogeotropic movement of stem, 495 Vv. Vicia. faba, circumnutation of ra- dicle, 29, 30 , of epicotyl, 31-33 ——, curvature of hypocotyl, 92 , sensitiveness of apex of ra- dicle, 132-134 ——, of the tips of secondary ra- dic es, 154 -——, of the primary radicle above the apex, 155-158 , various experiments, 135-143 ——, summary of results, 143-151 ——,, power of an irritant on, com- WILSON. pared with that of geotropism, 151-154 Vicia faba, circumnutation of leaves, 233-235 ——, circumnutat.on of terminal leaflet, 235 ——,, effect of apogeotropism, 444 —, effvct of amputating the tips of radicles, 523 ——, regeneration of tips, 526 —, short exposure to geotropic action, 527 . — , effects of amputating the tips obliquely, 528 ——,, of cauterising the tips, 529 ——, of grease on the tips, 534 Vines, Mr., on cell growth, 3 Vries, De, on turgescence, 2; on epinasty and hyponasty, 6, 267, 268; the protection of hypo- cotyls during winter, 557 ; stolons apheliotropic, 108; ihe nycti- tropic movement of leaves, 283; the position of leaves influeuced by epinusty, their own weight and apogeotropism, 440; apozeotro- pism in petioles and midribs, 443; the stolons of strawberries, 45+ ; the joinis or pulvini of the Gra- minex, 502 Ww. Watering, effect of, on Porlieria hygrometrica, 336-338 Wells, ‘Essay on Dew,’ 284, . Wiesner, Prof., on the circumnuta- tion of the hypocotyl, 99, 100; on the hooked tip of climbing stems, 272; observations on the effect of bright sunshine un chlorophyll in leaves, 446; the effects of an intermittent light, 457; on aérial roots, 486; on special adaptations, 490 Wigandia, movement of leaves, 248 Williamson, Prof, on leaves of Drosera Capensis, 414 Wilson, Mr. A. §., on the move nents of Swedish turnip leaves, 230, 298 592 INDEX. WINELER. Wiukler on the protection of seed- lings, 108 Wistaria Sinensis, leaticts depressed at night, 354 —, circumnutation with lateral light, 452 Z. Zea Mays, circumnutation of coty- ledon, 64 ZUKAL. Zea Mays, geotropic movement ci radicles, 65 ——, sensitiveness of apex of ra- dicle to contact, 177-179 ——, secondary radicles, 179 heliotropic movements of seedling, 64,421 ~ —, tips of radicles cauterised, 539 Zukal, on the movements of Spiru- lina, 259, n. THE END.