Goruell University Library Dthaca, New Pork COMSTOCK MEMORIAL LIBRARY ENTOMOLOGY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF a FUND GIVEN BY THE STUDENTS OF JOHN HENRY COMSTOCK PROFESSOR OF ENTOMOLOGY 1915 Cornell University Libra Tin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu3 1924024534756 A COURSE OF PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. A COURSE OF PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY BY \e? ow" T. H, HUXLEY, LL.D, Sec. RS, ASSISTED BY H. N. MARTIN, BA, MB, D.Sc. FELLOW OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. London: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1875. [All Rights reserved.} Mn ly woe Ae} Cambridge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. oars \ Vrcwr yon oa vs Mew (ALYY CAPT n om! { Own Taleweder Tidy PREFACE. Very soon after I began to teach Natural History, or what we now call Biology, at the Royal School of Mines, some twenty years ago, I arrived at the conviction that the study of living bodies is really one discipline, which is divided into Zoology and Botany simply as a matter of convenience; and that the scientific Zoologist should no more be ignorant of the fundamental phenomena of vegetable life, than the scien- tific Botanist of those of animal existence. Moreover, it was obvious that the road to a sound and thorough knowledge of Zoology and Botany lay through Morphology and Physiology; and that, as in the case of all other physical sciences, so in these, sound and thorough knowledge was only to be obtained by practical work in the laboratory. M. b vi PREFACE. The thing to be done, therefore, was to organize a eourse of practical instruction in Elementary Biology, as a first step towards the special work of the Zoologist and Botanist. But this was forbidden, so far as I was concerned, by the limi- tations of space in the building in Jermyn Street, which possessed no room applicable to the purpose of a labora- tory; and I was obliged to content myself, for many years, with what seemed the next best thing, namely, as full an ex- position as I could give of the characters of certain plants and animals, selected as types of vegetable and animal organiza- tion, by way of introduction to systematic Zoology and Pale- ontology. In 1870, my friend Professor Rolleston, of Oxford, pub- lished his “Forms of Animal Life.” It appears to me that this exact and thorough book, in conjunction with the splendid appliances of the University Museum, leaves the Oxford student of the fundamental facts of Zoology little to desire. But the Linacre Professor wrote for the student of Animal life only, and, naturally, with an especial eye to the conditions which obtain in his own University; so that there was still room left for a Manual of wider scope, for the use of learners less happily situated. In 1872 I was, for the first time, enabled to carry my own notions on this subject into practice, in the excellent rooms provided for biological instruction in the New Buildings at PREFACE. vil South Kensington. In the short course of Lectures given to Science Teachers on this occasion, I had the great advantage of being aided by my friends Dr Foster, F.R.S., Prof. Ruther- ford and Prof. Lankester, F.R.S., whose assistance in getting the laboratory work into practical shape was invaluable. Since that time, the biological teaching of the Royal School of Mines having been transferred to South Kensing- ton, I have been enabled to model my ordinary course of instruction upon substantially the same plan. The object of the present book is to serve as a laboratory guide to those who are inclined to follow upon the same road. A number of common and readily obtainable plants and ani- mals have been selected in such a manner as to exemplify the leading modifications of structure which are met with in the vegetable and animal worlds. A brief description of each is given; and the description is followed by such detailed instructions as, it is hoped, will enable the student to know, of his own knowledge, the chief facts mentioned in the ac- count of the animal or plant. The terms used in Biology will thus be represented by clear and definite images of the things to which they apply; a comprehensive, and yet not vague, conception of the phenomena of Life will be obtained; and a firm foundation upon which to build up special know- ledge will be laid. The chief labour in drawing up these instructions has vill PREFACE. fallen upon Dr Martin. For the general plan used, and the de- scriptions of the several plants and animals, I am responsible; but I am indebted for many valuable suggestions and criti- cisms from the botanical side to my friend Prof. Thiselton Dyer. T. H. H. Lonpon, September, 1875. CONTENTS. I. YEAsr. General characters—Fermentation—A ppearances of yeast under the micro- scope—Structure of yeast cells—Chemical composition—Mode of multiplication —Growth in Pasteur’s fluid—Physiology of yeast—Laboratory work. p. I—10. II. Prorococcus. Habitat—Histological structure—Modes of multiplication—Dependence on light—Physiology of Protococcus—Motile stage—Laboratory work. p. r1—16. If. PrRoreus ANIMALCULE. COLOURLESS BLOOD CORPUSCLES. Ames — Habitat — Movements — Structure — Chemical composition — Effects of temperature and electric shocks—Encystation—CoLOoURLESS BLOOD CORPUSCLES—Mouvements—Structure—The influence of various reagents on them—Physiology of Ameba. Laboratory work. ; + p. 17-23. IV. Bacteria. Form and structure—Movements—Spirillum volutans—Stationary stage— Zoogloea—Growth in Pasteur’s fluid—Relation to putrefaction—Power of resisting desiccation—Laboratory work, —. , : . + p. 2428, x CONTENTS. Vv. . Moo.ps. Fungi—Their spores—PrnicibtL1uM—Habitat—General characters—Form and structure—Development—Mucor—Habitat—Form and structure—Deve- lopment, asexual and sexual—Alternation of generations—Mucor Torula— Laboratory work. : : 5 : - é - Pp. 29—40. VI. STONEWORTS. Habitat and general characters—Development—Mode of growth and micro- scopicstructure—Protoplasmic movements—Organs of reproduction—Physiology —Laboratory work. . ; 3 d é Pp. 41—53. VII. Tue Bracken Fern. Habit—Structure, gross and microscopic—The various tissues—Mode of growth—Development— Prothallus—Sexual organs—Alternation of genera- tions—Laboratory work. . ‘ , é 4 ‘ ‘ » Pp. 54-67. VIII. Ture Brean Puant. Habit— General structure—Development and mode of growth—Sexual organs—Homology with the reproductive organs of the Fern—Physiology— Laboratory work. a 3 : - : : . 3 + p. 68—85: IX. Tue Bett ANIMALCULE. Habit and distribution —Anatomy—Movements— Contractile vesicle — Ingestion—-Modes of multiplication— Encystation—Laboratory work. p- 86—g4. X. FRESH-WATER POLYPES. Habit and form—Naked eye appearances—Mode of feeding—Multiplication Microscopic structure — Relationships to simpler plants and animals — Laboratory work. i : : . : ‘ + Pp. 95—I03. CONTENTS. xl XI. THE FRESH-WATER MussEL. General structure—Respiratory organs—Alimentary organs—Circulatory system—Excretory organs—Reproductive organs—Development—Laboratory work. ‘ : 3 5 5 ‘i . + Pp. 104—I121. XII. THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH AND THE LOBSTER. Habitat—General structure—A ppendages—Segments—Alimentary canal— Circulatory organs. —Respiratory organs—The Green glands—Nervous system —Sense organs— Reproductive organs—Development— Laboratory work. p. 122—151. XIII. Tue Froa. General characters—Development—Specific characters of Rana temporaria and &. esculenta—The pleuroperitoneal cavity and the alimentary canal—The neural canal and the cerebro-spinal axis—Objects seen on transverse sections at various points—Comparison with lobster—The skeleton—The digestive system—The blood and lymph vascular systems—The ductless glands—The respiratory organs—The urinary organs—The generative organs—The nervous system—The sense organs—Laboratory work. ‘ + ps 182—257. APPENDIX . : . , p- 258. YEAST (Torula or Saccharomyces Cerevisic). YEAST is a substance which has been long known on account of the power which it possesses of exciting the process termed JSermentation in substances which contain sugar. If strained through a coarse filter, it appears to the naked eye as a brownish fluid in which no solid particles can be discerned. When some of this fluid is added to a solution of sugar and kept warm, the mixture soon begins to disengage bubbles of gas and become frothy; its sweetness gradually disappears ; it acquires a spirituous flavour and intoxicating qualities; and it yields by distillation a light fluid—alcohol (or spirits of wine) which readily burns. When dried slowly and at a low temperature, yeast is reduced to a powdery mass, which retains its power of exciting fermentation in a saccharine fluid for a considerable period. If yeast is heated to the temperature of boiling water, be- fore it is added to the saccharine fluid, no fermentation takes place; and fermentation which has commenced is stopped by boiling the saccharine liquid. A saccharine solution will not ferment spontaneously. If it begins to ferment, yeast has undoubtedly got into it in some way or other. If the yeast is not added directly to the saccharine fluid, but is separated from it by a very fine filter, such as porous earthenware, the saccharine fluid will not ferment, although the filter allows the fluid part of the yeast to pass through into the solution of sugar. M. 1 2 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [. If the saccharine fluid is boiled, so as to destroy the efficiency of any yeast it may accidentally contain, and then allowed to come in contact only with such air as has been passed through cotton wool, it will never ferment. But if it is exposed freely to the air, it is almost sure to ferment sooner or later, and the probability of its so doing is greatly increased if there is yeast anywhere in the vicinity. These experiments afford evidence (1) that there is some- thing in yeast which provokes fermentation, (2) that this something may have its efficiency destroyed by a high tem- perature, (3) that this something consists of particles which may be separated from the fluid which contains them by a fine filter, (4) that these particles may be contained in the air; and that they may be strained off from the air by causing it to pass through cotton wool. Microscopic examination of a drop of yeast shews what the particles in question are. Even with a hand-glass, the drop no longer appears homogeneous, .as it does to the naked eye, but looks as if fine grains of sand were scattered through it; but a considerable magnifying power (5—600 diameters) is necessary to shew the form and structure of the little granules which are thus made visible. Under this power, each granule (which is termed a Torula) is seen to be a round, or oval, transparent body, varying in diameter from 5 < oth to aad th of an inch _ a). The Torule are either single, or associated in heaps or strings. Each consists of a thin-walled sac, or bag, containing a semi-fluid matter, in the centre of which there is often a space full of a more clear and watery fluid than the rest, which is termed a ‘vacuole. The sac is comparatively tough, but it may be easily burst, when it gives exit to its contents, (on the average about ——. 1.] YEAST. 3 which readily diffuse themselves through the surrounding: fluid. The whole structure is called a ‘cell;’ the sac being the ‘cell-wall’ and the contents the ‘protoplasm.’ When yeast is dried and burned in the open air it gives rise to the same kind of smell as burning animal matter, and a certain quantity of mineral ash is left behind. Analysed into its chemical elements, yeast is found to contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium; the last four in very small quanti- ties. These elements are combined in different ways, so as to form the chief proximate constituents of the Torula, which are (1) a Protein compound, analogous to Casein, (2) Cellulose, (3) Fat, and (4) Water. The cell-wall contains all the Cellulose and a small proportion of the mineral matters. The protoplasm contains the Protein compound and the Fat with the larger proportion of the mineral salts. These Torule are the ‘particles’ in the yeast which have the power of provoking fermentation in sugar; it is they which are filtered off from the yeast when it loses its effi- ciency by being strained through porous earthenware; it is they which form the fine powder to which yeast is reduced by drying, and which, from their extreme minuteness, are readily diffused through the air in the form of invisible dust. That the ZTorule are living bodies is proved by the manner in which they grow and multiply. If a small quantity of yeast is added to a large quantity of clear saccharine fluid so as hardly to disturb its transparency, and the whole is kept in a warm place, it will gradually become more and more turbid, and, after a time, a scum of yeast will collect, which may be many thousand, or million, times greater in weight than that which was originally added. If the Torule are examined as this process of 1—2 4 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [1. multiplication is going on, it will be found that they are giving rise to minute buds, which rapidly grow, assume the size of the parent Torula, and eventually become detached; though, generally, not until they have developed other buds, and these yet others. The Yorule thus produced by gem- mation, one from the other, are apt long to adhere together, and thus the heaps and strings mentioned, as ordinarily occurring in yeast, are produced. No Torula arises except as the progeny of another; but, under certain circumstances, multiplication may take place in another way. The Torula does not throw out a bud, but its protoplasm divides into (usually) four masses, each of them surrounds itself with a cell-wall, and the whole are set free by the dissolution of the cell-wall cf the parent. This is multiplication by endogenous division. As each of the many millions of Torule which may thus be produced from one Yorula has the same composition as the original progenitor, it follows that a quantity of Protein, Cellulose and Fat proportional to the number of Torule thus generated, must have been produced in the course of the operation. Now these products have been manufactured by the Torule out of the substances contained in the fluid in which they float and which constitute their food. To prove this it is necessary that this fluid should have a definite composition. Several fluids will answer the pur- pose, but one of the simplest (Pasteur’s solution) is the following. Ammonium Tartrate (C,H,(N H,),0)). Potassium Phosphate (KH,PO,). Calcium Phosphate — (Ca,P,O,). Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO,). In this fluid the Torudce will grow and multiply. But it 1] YEAST. 5 will be observed that the fluid contains neither Protein nor Cellulose, nor Fat, though it does contain the elements of these bodies arranged in a different manner. It follows that the Torula must absorb the various substances contained in the water and arrange their elements anew, building them up into the complex molecules of its own body. This is a property peculiar to living things. The Yorula being alive, the question arises whether it is an animal or a plant. Although no sharp line of demarcation can be drawn between the lowest form of animal and of veget- able life, yet Torula is an indubitable plant, for two reasons. In the first place, its protoplasm is invested by a continuous cellulose coat, and thus has the distinctive character of a vegetable cell. Secondly, it possesses the power of construct- ing Protein out of such a compound as Ammonium Tartrate, and this power of manufacturing Protein is distinctively a vegetable peculiarity. Zorula then is a plant, but it contains neither starch nor chlorophyll, it absorbs oxygen and gives off carbonic anhydride, thus differing widely from the green plants. On the other hand, it is, in these respects, at one with the great group of Fungi. Like many of the latter, its life is wholly independent of light, and in this respect, again, it differs from the green plants. Whether Zorula is connected with any other form of Fungi is a question which must be left open for the present. It is sufficient to mention the fact that under certain circum- stances some Fungi (e. g. Mucor) may give rise to a kind of Torula different from common yeast. The fermentation of the sugar is in some way connected with the living condition of the Torwla, and is arrested by all those conditions which destroy the life of the Torula and prevent its growth and reproduction. The greater part of the sugar is resolved into Carbonic anhydride and Alcohol, the elements of which, taken together, equal in weight those of the 6 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [I. sugar. A small part breaks up into Glycerine and Succinic acid, and one or two per cent. is not yet accounted for, but is perhaps assimilated by the Torule. This is the more probable as Torule will grow and multiply actively in a solution in which sugar and Ammonium Nitrate replace the Ammonium Tartrate of the former solution, in which case the carbon of the Protein, Cellulose and Fat manu- factured, must be obtained from the sugar. Moreover, though oxygen is essential to the life of the Torula, it can live in saccharine solutions which contain no free oxygen, appearing, under these circumstances, to get its oxygen from the sugar. It has further been ascertained that Zorule flourish remarkably in solutions in which sugar and pepsin replace the Ammonium Tartrate. In this case, the nitrogen of their protein compounds must be derived from the pepsin; and it would seem that the mode of nutrition of such Torule approaches that of animals. LABORATORY WORK. Sow some fresh baker’s yeast in Pasteur’s fluid* with sugar and keep it in a warm place: as soon as the mixture begins to froth up, and the yeast is manifestly increasing in quantity, it is ready for examination. 1 Pasteur’s fluid : Potassium Phosph. Pree, Calcium Phosph. ......... ~ Magnesium Sulphate Ammonium Tartrate [Cane sugar .............. s WAOr s,s; iss tot oeetestanemucerier gee The sugar is to be omitted when Pasteur’s fluid ‘without sugar” is ordered. Pasteur himself used actual yeast ash; the above constituents give an imitation ash, which, with the ammonium salt and sugar, answers all practical purposes, 1] YEAST. 7 A. MorpHoLoey. 1. ie) Spread a little out, on a slide, in a drop of the fluid, and examine it with a low power (4 inch objective) without a cover-glass. Note the varying size of the cells, and their union into groups. Cover a similar specimen with a thin glass and exa- mine it under a high power (4 or better ¢ objective. Hartnack, No. 7 or 8, Oc. 3 or 4). Note the size (measure), shape, surface and mode of union of the cells. b. Their structure: sac, protoplasm, vacuole. a. Sac; homogeneous, transparent. 8. Protoplasm; less transparent; often with a few clear shining dots in it. y. Vacuole ; sometimes absent; size, position. é The relative proportion of sac, protoplasm, and vacuole in various cells. Draw a few cells carefully to scale. 3. Run in magenta solution under the cover-glass. (This is readily done by placing a drop of magenta solution in contact with one side of the cover-glass, and a small strip of blotting paper at the opposite side.) a. Note what cells stain soonest and most deeply, and what part of each cell it is that stains: the sac is unaffected; the protoplasm stained; the vacuole un- stained, though it frequently appears pinkish, being seen through a coloured layer of protoplasm. Burst the stained cells by placing a few folds of blotting paper on the surface of the cover-glass and pressing smartly with the handle of a mounted needle: note the torn empty and colourless, but solid and un- ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [I. crushed transparent sacs; the soft crushed stained protoplasm. Repeat observation 3, running in iodine solution instead of magenta. The protoplasm stains brown; the rest of the cell remains unstained. Note the absence of any blue coloration ; starch is therefore not present. Treat another specimen with potash solution, running it in as before: this reagent dissolves out the proto- plasm, leaving the sac unaltered. [Sow a few yeast-cells in Pasteur’s solution in a moist chamber and keep them under observation from day to day; watch their growth and multiplication. ] [Endogenous division: take some yeast which has been grown in Pasteur’s solution at a temperature below 20° C.; spread it out in a thin layer on fresh cut potato slices or on some plaster of Paris, and place with wet blotting paper under a bell-jar: examine trom day to day with a very high power (800 diam.) for ascospores, which will probably be found on the fifth or sixth day.] B. PHYSIOLOGY. (Conditions and results of the vital activity of Torula.) 1. aes oe [e. Sow a fair-sized drop of yeast in— Distilled water. 10 per cent. solution of sugar in water. Pasteur’s fluid without the sugar. Pasteun’s fluid with sugar. Mayer’s pepsin solution’. ] 1 Mayer’s solution (with pepsin) = Dibydropotassic phosphate............ o'r grm. ~ 1.] YEAST. 9 Keep all at about 35° C., and compare the growth of the yeast, as measured by the increase of the turbidity of the fluid, in each case. “a” will hardly grow at all, “b” better, “oe” better still, “d’’ well, and “e” best of all. Note that bubbles of gas are plentifully evolved from both the solutions which contain sugar. That any growth at all takes place,in the case of experi- ments @ and b,is due to the fact that the drop of yeast added contains nutritious material sufficient to provide for that amount of growth. 2. Prepare two more specimens of “d” and keep one in a cold—the other in a warm (35°C.) place, but otherwise under like conditions. Compare the growth of the yeast in the two cases; it is much greater in the specimen kept warm. 3. Prepare two more specimens of d”; keep both warm, but one in darkness, the other exposed to the light : that in the dark will grow as well as the other; sun- light is therefore not essential for the growth of Torula. 4. Sow some yeast-cells in Pasteur’s solution in a flask, the neck of which is closed by a plug of cotton wool, and heat to 100°C. for five minutes; then set it aside; no signs of vitality will afterwards be mani- fested by the yeast in the flask; it is killed by ex- posure to this temperature. 5. [Take two test tubes; in one place some yeast, with Pasteur’s solution containing sugar; in the other place baryta water, and then connect the two test tubes by tightly fitting perforated corks and a bent tube passing from above the surface of the fluid in the first tube to the bottom of the baryta water in the second; pass a narrow bent tube, open at both ends, through the cork of the baryta water 10 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. he tube, so that its outer end dips just below the surface of some solution of potash’. All gas formed in the first tube will now bubble through the baryta water in the second, and, from thence, any that is not absorbed will pass out through the potash into the air. An abundant precipitate of barytic carbonate will be formed which can be collected and tested. The fermenting fluid, therefore, evolves car- bonie anhydride. } 6. [Grow some yeast in Pasteur’s solution (with sugar), in a nearly closed vessel (say a bottle with a cork through which a long narrow open tube passes): as soon as the evolution of gas seems to have ceased, distil the fluid in a water bath and condense and collect the first fifth that comes over: redistil this after saturation with potassic carbonate, and test the distillate for alcohol by its odour and inflammability, and by the sulphuric acid and potassic dichromate test. | 7. [Determine that heat is evolved by a fluid in which active alcoholic fermentation is going on. Place 200 ce. of fresh yeast in a flask, and add 1 litre of Pasteur’s fluid with sugar: put another litre of the fluid alone in a similar flask, cover each flask with a cloth and place the two side by side in a place protected from draughts. When gas begins to be actively evolved from the yeast-containing solution, take the temperature of the fluid in each flask with a good thermo- meter; the temperature of the one in which fermentation is going on will be found the higher.] 1 The object of the potash is to shield the baryta water from any car- bonic acid that may be in the atmosphere, Il. PROTOCOCCUS (Protococeus pluvialis). Ir the mud which accumulates in roof-gutters, water- butts, and shallow pools, be collected, it will be found to contain, among many other organisms, specimens of Pro- tococcus. In one of the two conditions in which it occurs, Pro- tococcus is a spheroidal body -_ to a of an inch in diameter, composed, like TZorula, of a structureless tough transparent wall, inclosing viscid and granular protoplasm. The chief solid constituent of the cell-wall is cellulose. The protoplasm contains a nitrogenous substance, doubtless of a proteinaceous nature, though its exact composition has not been determined, and indications of starchy matter are some- times to be found init. Either diffused through it, or collected in granules, is a red or green colouring matter (Chlorophyll). Individual Protococct may be either green or red; or half greer and half red; or the red and green colours may coexist in any other proportion. In addition to the single cells, others are found divided by partitions, continuous with the cellulose wall, into two or more portions, and the cells thus produced by fission become sepa- rate, and grow to the size of that form from which they started. Tn this manner Protococcus multiplies with very great rapidity, Multiplication by gemmation in the mode observed in Torula is said to occur, but is certainly of rare occurrence. 12 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [II. The influence of sunlight is an essential condition of the growth and multiplication of Protococcus; under that in- fluence, it decomposes carbonic anhydride, appropriates the carbon, and sets oxygen free. It is this power of obtaining the carbon which it needs from carbonic anhydride, which is the most important distinction of Protococcus, as of all plants which contain chlorophyll, from Yoruwla and the other Fungi. As Protococcus flourishes in rain-water, and rain-water contains nothing but carbonic anhydride, which it absorbs along with other constituents of the atmosphere, ammonium salts (usually ammonium nitrate, also derived from the air) and minute portions of earthy salts which drift into it as dust, it follows that it must possess the power of constructing protein by rearrangment of the elements supplied to it by their compounds. Torula, on the other hand, is unable to construct protein matter out of such materials. Another difference between Torula and Protococcus is only apparent: Torula absorbs oxygen and gives out carbonic anhydride; while Protococcus, on the contrary, absorbs carbonic anhydride and gives out oxygen. But this is true only so long as the Protococcus is exposed to sunlight. In the dark, Protococcus, like all other living things, undergves oxidation and gives off carbonic anhy- dride; and there is every reason to believe that the same process of oxidation and evolution of carbonic anhydride goes on in the light, but that the loss of oxygen is far more than covered by the quantity set free by the carbon-fixing apparatus, which is in some way related to the chlorophyll. The still condition of Protococcus, just described, is not the only state in which it exists. Under certain circumstances, a Protococcus becomes actively locomotive. The protoplasm withdraws itself from the cell-wall at all but two points, where it protrudes through the wall in the form of long vibratile filaments or cilia, and by the lashing of these cilia ‘ II.] PROTOCOCCUS, 13 the cell is propelled with a rolling motion through the water. The movement of the cilia is so rapid, and their substance is so, transparent and delicate, that they are invisible until they begin to move slowly, or are treated with reagents, such as iodine, which colour them. Not unfrequently the cell-wall eventually vanishes, and the naked protoplasm of the cell swims about, and may undergo division and multiplication in this state. Sooner or later, the locomotive form draws in its cilia, becomes globular, and, throwing out a cellulose coat, returns to the resting state. For reasons similar to those which prove the vegetable nature of Zorula, Protococcus is a plant, although, in its locomotive condition, it is curiously similar to the Monads among the lowest forms of animal life. But it is now known that many of the lower plants, especially 1 in the group of Algae, to which Protococcus belongs, give rise, under certain circum- stances, to locomotive bodies propelled by cilia, like the loco- motive Protococcus, so that there is nothing anomalous in the case of Protococcus. Like the yeast-plant, Protococcus retains its vitality after it has been dried. It has been preserved for as long as two years in the dry condition, and at the end of that time has resumed its full activity when placed in water. The wide distribution of Protococcus on the tops of houses and elsewhere, is thus readily accounted for by the transport of the dry Protococct by winds. 14 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [1I. LABORATORY WORK. A. MorpPHOLoGy. a. Resting or stationary Protococcus. 1. Spread out some of the green matter in water, and put on a cover-glass. Examine first with a low, and then with a high power. Note the size, form, struc- ture, and colour of the cells. Size ; (measure)—very variable. Form; more or less spheroidal, with individual varia- tions. Structure ; sac—protoplasm—sometimes a vacuole-— sometimes apparently a nucleus. (Compare Torula, I. A. 2. 6.) Colour ; generally green—sometimes red—sometimes half and half—sometimes centre red, periphery green—the colouring matter always in the pro- toplasm only—most frequently diffused, but sometimes in distinct granules. 2. Note especially the following forms of cell— a. The primitive or normal form. Roundish cells, with a cellulose sac, and unseg- mented granular contents. Draw several carefully to scale. Apply the methods of mechanical and chemical analysis detailed for Torula. (I. A. 3. 4. 5.6.) Note that iodine in some cells produces a blue coloration (? starch). Treat a specimen with iodine solution and then with sulphuric acid (75 per cent.): the sac will become stained blue. I1.] d. a B. PROTOCOCCUS. 15 Cells multiplying by fission : Simple fission. The protoplasm divides into two segments and then forms a_ partition dividing the sac; the halves either separate at once, and each rounds itself off and becomes an independent cell; or one or both halves again divide, in a similar way, before they separate, and so three or four new cells are produced. Cells multiplying by budding, like Torula; rare. b. Motile stage. a. Mount a drop of water containing motile Proto- B. coccus, and examine with a high power. Note the minute, actively locomotive green bodies, of which two varieties can be distinguished. Small, green, pear-shaped cells. Run in iodine, which stains them and also kills them and stops their movements: note then the absence of any distinct sac, and the: two cilia attached to the narrower end. A form larger than the last and apparently intermediate to it and the still cells. Kill and stain with iodine as before. Note the central granular coloured (protoplasmic) portion—the loosely enveloping unstained sac —the two cilia prolonged from the protoplasm through an opening in the sac. c. Try to find specimens in which the movements are becoming sluggish, and see the cilia in motion. 16 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. {i1. [B. Puysroxoey. Get some water that is quite green from containing a large quantity of Protococcus; introduce some of it into two tubes inverted over mercury, and pass a smal] quantity of carbonic anhydride into each: keep one tube in the dark and place the other in bright sunlight for some hours. Then measure the gas in each tube and after- wards introduce a fragment of caustic potash into each ; the gas from the specimen kept in the dark will be more or less completely absorbed (= carbonic anhydride), that from the other will not be absorbed by the potash alone, but will be absorbed on the further introduction of a few drops of solution of pyrogallic acid (=oxygen). Protococcus, there- fore, in the sunlight, takes up carbonic anhydride and evolves oxygen. A comparative experiment may be made with a third tube containing water but no Protococcus. | ITT. THE PROTEUS ANIMALCULE (Ameba). COLOURLESS BLOOD CORPUSCLES. Amcebe are minute organisms of very variable size which occur in stagnant water, in mud, and even in damp earth, and are frequently to be obtained by infusing any animal matter in water and allowing it to evaporate while exposed to direct sunlight. An Ameba has the appearance of a particle of jelly, which is often more or less granular and fluid in its central parts, but usually becomes clear and transparent, and of a firmer consistency, towards its periphery. Sometimes Amcebec are found having a spherical form and encased in a structureless sac, and in this encysted state they exhibit no movements. More commonly, they present incessant and frequently rapid changes of form, whence the name of “ Proteus Animalcule” given to them by the older observers; and these changes of form are usually accompanied by a shifting of position, the Amoeba creeping about with considerable activity, though with no constancy of direction. The changes of form, and the movements, are effected by the thrusting out of lobe-lke prolongations of the peripheral part of the body, which are termed pseudopodia, sometimes from one region and sometimes from another. Occasionally, a particular region of the body is constantly free from pseu- M. 2 18 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [III dopodia, and therefore forms its hindmost part when it moves. Each pseudopodium is evidently, at first, an extension of the denser clear substance (ectosarc) only ; but as it enlarges, the central, granular, more fluid substance flows into its interior, often with a sudden rush. In some Amcbe a clear space makes its appearance, at intervals, in a particular region of the ectosarc, and then disappears by the rapid approach of its walls. After a while, a small clear speck appears at the same spot and slowly dilates until it attains its full size, when it again rapidly disappears as before. Sometimes two or three small clear spots arise close together, and run into one another to form the single large cavity. The structure thus described is termed the contractile vesicle or vacuole, and its rhythmical systole and diastole often succeed one another with great regularity. Nothing is certainly known respecting its function, nor even whether it does or does not communicate with the exterior, and thus pump water into and out of the body of the Amba, though there is some reason to think that this may be the case. Very frequently one part of the Ameba exhibits a rounded or oval body, which is termed the nucleus. This structure sometimes has a distinctly vesicular character, and contains a rounded granule called the nucleolus. The gelatinous body of the Amaba is not bounded by anything that can be properly termed a membrane; all that can be said is, that its external or limitary layer is of a somewhat different constitution from the rest, so that it acquires a certain appearance of distinctness when it is acted upon by such reagents as acetic acid, or when the animal is killed by raising the temperature to 45° C. Physically, the ectosarc might be compared to the wall of a soap-bubble, which, though fluid, has a certain viscosity, which not only 111. ] THE PROTEUS ANIMALCULE. 19 enables its particles to hold together and form a continuous sheet, but permits a rod to be passed into or through the bubble without bursting it; the walls closing together, and recovering their continuity, as soon as the rod is drawn away. It is this property of the ectosare of the Ameba which enables us to understand the way in which these animals take in and throw out again solid matter, though they have neither mouth, anus, nor alimentary canal. The solid body passes through the ectosarc, which immediately closes up and repairs the rent formed by its passage. In this manner, the Amebe take in the small, usually vegetable, organisms, which serve them for food, and subsequently get rid of the un- digested solid parts. The chemical composition of the bodies of the Amebe has not been accurately ascertained, but they undoubtedly consist, in great measure, of water containing a protein com- pound, and are similar to other forms of protoplasm. They absorb oxygen and give out carbonic acid, and the presence of free oxygen is necessary to their existence. When the medium in which they live is cooled down to the freezing point their movements are arrested, but they recover when the temperature is raised. At a temperature of about 35°C. their movements are arrested, and they pass into a condition of “heat-stiffening,” from which they recover if that tempera- ture is not continued too long; at 40° to 45° C. they are killed. Electric shocks of moderate strength cause Amebe at once to assume a spherical still form, but they recover after a while. Strong shocks kill them. Not unfrequently, an active Amoeba becomes still spon- taneously, acquires a rounded form, and secretes a structure- less case or cyst, in which it remains enclosed for a shorter or longer period. If Amebe are not to be found, their nature may be understood by the examination of bodies, in many respects 2—2 20 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [11. very similar to them, which occur in the blood of all verte- brate and most invertebrate animals, and are known as the ‘colourless corpuscles.’ They are to be met with in abun- dance in a fresh-drawn drop of human blood. In such a drop, after the red corpuscles have run into rolls, irregular bodies will be seen here and there in the meshes of the rolls. If one of these bodies is carefully watched it will be seen to undergo changes of form of the same character as those exhibited by Amebe, and these motions become much more active if the drop is kept at the temperature of the body by means of a hot stage. Each corpuscle is, in fact, a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus, and the protoplasm sends out pseudopodia which are strictly comparable to those of Amabe. The colourless corpuscles, however, possess no contractile space. The colourless corpuscles of the blood of some of the cold-blooded vertebrates, such as Frogs and Newts, may be kept alive for many weeks in serum properly protected from evaporation; and if finely divided colouring matter, such as indigo, is supplied to them, either in the body or out of it, they take it into their interior in the same way as true Ameoebee would. In the earliest condition of the embryo, the whole body is composed of such nucleated cells as the colour- less corpuscles of the blood; and the colourless corpuscles must be regarded as simply the progeny of such cells, which have not become metamorphosed, and have retained the characteristics of the lowest and most rudimentary forms of » animal life. The Ameba is an animal, not because of its contractility or power of locomotion, but because it never becomes inclosed within a cellulose sac, and because it is devoid of the power of manufacturing protein from bodies of a comparatively simple chemical composition. The Ameba has to obtain its protein ready made, in which respect it resembles all true III. ] THE PROTEUS ANIMALCULE. 21 animals, and therefore is, like them, in the long run, depend- ent for its existence upon some form or other of vegetable life. LABORATORY WORK. Place a drop of water containing Amebe on a slide, cover with a cover glass, avoiding pressure, and search over with + inch obj.: having found an Ameeba, examine with a higher power. 1. Size: differing considerably in different specimens. Measure. 2. Outline: irregular, produced into a number of thick rounded eminences (pseudopodia) which are constantly undergoing changes: sketch it at intervals of five seconds. 3. Structure: a. Outer hyaline border (ectosarc), tolerably sharply marked off: granular layer (endosarc) inside this, gradually passing into a more fluid central part. b. Nucleus: (absent in some specimens) ; a roundish more solid-looking particle, which does not change its form. c. Contractile vesicle : in the ectosarc note a roundish clear space which disappears periodically, and after a time reappears ; its slow diastole—rapid systole. Not present in all specimens. d. Foreign bodies (swallowed); Diatom cases, Des- madre, &e. 22 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [qu 4. Movements: a. Watch the process of formation of a pseudopodium. A hyaline elevation at first ; then, as it increases in size, currents carrying granules flow into it. b. Locomotion: watch the process,—a pseudopodium is thrown out, and then the rest of the body is gradually drawn up to it. c. If the opportunity presents itself watch the pro- cess of the ingestion of solid matters. d. [Observe the movements on the hot stage; warmth at first accelerates the movements, but as the tem- perature approaches 40° C. they cease, and the whole mass remains as a motionless sphere. | e. [Effects of electrical shocks on the movements. | 5. Mechanical Analysis: crush. The whole collapses, ex- cept sometimes the nucleus, and even that after a time disappears: there is no trace of a distinct resisting outer sac. 6. Chemical Analysis: Treat with magenta and iodine. The whole stains, and there is no unstained enveloping sac. Iodine as a rule produces no blue coloration ; when blue specks become visible it is probable that the starch which they indicate has been swallowed. 7. [Look for encysted specimens: and for specimens which are undergoing fission. ] 8. Another form of Ameeba is not unfrequently found which differs from that just described in being much less coarsely granular, and in having no well-defined ectosare and endosarc, and also in having much longer, more slender and pointed pseudopodia. 1. ] THE PROTEUS ANIMALCULE. 23 B. Wuire BLoop-CorPusciEs, (human). Prick your finger and press out a drop of blood: spread out on a slide under a coverslip, avoiding pressure, and surround the margin of the coverglass with oil. Neglect the pale yellow homogeneous (red) corpuscles, and examine the much less numerous, granular, colourless, ones. Note their— 1. Size: (measure). Form: changing much like that of the Amceba, but less actively. Draw at intervals of ten seconds. 3. Structure: Some more and some less granular; but no distinct ectosarc, endosarc, and vacuole as in the Ameba. Nucleus rarely visible in the fresh state. No contractile vesicle. 4. Treat with dilute acetic acid: the granules are cleared up, and a nucleus is brought into view in a more or less central position. Ifthe acetic acid has been too strong the nucleus will be constricted and otherwise distorted. 5. Stain with magenta, and iodine; the whole becomes coloured, the nucleus most intensely. 6. Place on the hot stage, and gradually warm up to 50°C. The movements are at first rendered more active, but ultimately cease, the pseudopodia-like processes being all retracted and the whole forming a motionless sphere. Let the specimen cool again ; the movements are not resumed; the protoplasm having passed into a state of permanent coagulation or rigidity. 7. Repeat the above observations on the white blood- corpuscles of the frog or newt. iv, BACTERIA. UNDER the general title of Bacterium a considerable variety of organisms, for the most part of extreme minuteness, are included. They may be defined as globular, oblong, rod-like or spirally coiled masses of protoplasmic matter enclosed in a more or less distinct structureless substance, devoid of chloro- phyll and multiplying by transverse division. The smallest are not more than th of an inch in diameter, so that 1 30000 under the best microscopes they appear-as little more than mere specks, and even the largest have a thickness of little more than 70000 a 00 th of an inch, though they may be very long in proportion. Many of them have, like Protococcus, two conditions —a still and an active state. In their still con- dition, however, they very generally exhibit that Brownian movement which is common to almost all very finely divided solids suspended in a fluid. But this motion is merely oscillatory, and is readily distinguishable from the rapid translation from place to place which is effected by the really active Bacteria. In one of the largest forms, Spirillum volutans, it has been possible to observe the cilia by which the movement is effected. In this there is a cilium at each end of the Iy.] BACTERIA. 25 spirally coiled body. No such structure, however, can be made out in the straight Bacteria, and it remains doubtful whether they possess cilia which are too fine to be rendered visible by our microscopes, or whether their movements are due to some other cause. Many forms, such as the Vibriones, so common in putrefying matters, appear obviously to have a wriggling or serpentiform motion, but this is an optical de- lusion. In this Bacterium, as in all others, the body does not rapidly change its form; but its joints are bent zig-zag-wise, and the rotation of the zig-zag upon its axis, as it moves, gives rise to the appearance of undulatory contraction. A cork- screw turned round, while its point rests against the finger, gives rise to just the same appearance. Bacteria, in the still state, very often become surrounded by a gelatinous matter, which seems to be thrown out by their protoplasmic bodies, and to answer to the cell-wall of the resting Protococcus. This is termed the Zooglea form of Bacterium. Bacteria grow and multiply in Pasteur’s solution (without sugar) with extreme rapidity, and, as they increase in number, they render the fluid milky and opaque. Their vital actions are arrested at the freezing point. They thrive best in a temperature of about 30°C. but, in most fluids, they are killed by a temperature of 60°C. (140° F.). In all these respects Bacteria closely resemble Torule ; and a further point of resemblance lies in the circumstance that many of them excite specific fermentative changes in substances contained in the fluid in which they live, just as yeast excites such changes in sugar. All the forms of putrefaction which are undergone by animal and vegetable matters are fermentations set up by Bacteria of different kinds. Organic matters freely exposed to the air are, in themselves, nowise unstable bodies, and, if due precautions have been taken to exclude Bacteria, they do not 26 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Iv. putrefy, so that, as has been well remarked, “putrefaction is a concomitant not of death, but of life.” Bacteria, like Torule and Protococct, are not killed by dry- ing up, and from their excessive minuteness they must be carried about still more easily than Zorule are. In fact there is reason to believe that they are very widely diffused through the air, and that they exist in abundance in all ordinary water and on the surface of all vessels that are not chemically clean. They may be readily filtered off from the air, however, by causing it to pass through cotton wool. LABORATORY WORK. 1. Infuse some hay in warm water for half an hour— filter, and set aside the filtrate: note the changes which go on in it—at first clear, in 24 or 36 hours it becomes turbid; later on, a scum forms on the sur- face and the infusion acquires a putrefactive odour. 2. Rub some gamboge down in water and examine a drop of the mixture with a high power: avoid all currents in the fluid and watch the Brownian move- ments; note that they are simply oscillatory—not translative. 3. Take a drop of fluid from a turbid hay infusion— and examine it, using the highest power you have; in it will be found muititudes of Moving Bacteria. Note their— a. orm; elliptic or rodlike—sometimes forming short (2—8) jointed rows. Iv.] d. BACTERIA. 27 Size; breadth, very small but pretty constant ; length, varying, but several times greater than - their breadth.: measure. Structure ; an outer more transparent layer enve- loping less transparent matter: in the compound forms the envelope alone appears where two joints come in contact, so that the rod looks as if made up of alternating transparent and more opaque substances Movements ; some vital, and some purely physical (Brownian). The former various but progressive : the latter, a rotatory movement round a sta- tionary centre; study it in a drop of boiled infusion in which the Bacteria are all dead. Treat with iodine—only the more opaque parts stain; probably then we have to do with protoplasm, enve- loped in non-protoplasmic matter. Resting Bacteria. (Zoogloea-stage.) a. Examine the scum from the surface of a hay infusion; it exhibits myriads of motionless Bac- teria, embedded in gelatinous material. Treat with iodine; the Bacteria stain as before: the gelatinous uniting material remains un- stained, Mixed with the Bacteria proper, both in the pellicle and the fluid beneath, may be found the following forms of living beings. a. Micrococcus. Bodies much like Bacteria, but short and rounded, and occurring singly, or in bead-like rows. They may be found free or in a Zoogloea stage. “I ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Iv. b. Bacillus. Threads composed of straight cylindri- cal joints much longer than those of Bacteria, but of a similar structure: they are always free- swimming. c. Vibrio. Like Bacillus, but with bent joints. d. Spirillum. Elongated unjointed threads rolled up into a more or less perfect spiral: frequently two spirals intertwine. In some of the largest forms a vibratile cilium can be made out on each end of the thread. e. Spirochete. Much like spirillum, but longer and with a much more closely rolled spiral. A very actively motile but not common form, Examine various putrefying fluids for Bacteria and related organisms. Place some fresh-made hay infusion in three flasks; boil two of them for three or four minutes, and while one is boiling briskly stop its neck with a plug of cotton-wool: leave the necks of the other two flasks unclosed, and put all three away in a warm place. a. Ina day or two abundant Bacteria will be found in the unboiled flask. b. In the boiled but unclosed flask Bacteria will also appear, but perhaps not quite so soon as in a. c. In the flask which has been boiled and kept closed Bacteria will not appear, if the experiment has been properly performed, even if it be kept for many months. Vv. MOULDS (Penicillium and Mucor). Torula, Protococcus and Ameba are extremely simple con- ditions of the two great kinds of living matter which are known as Plants and Animals. No plants are simpler in structure than Zorula and Protococcus, and the only animals which are simpler than Amabe, are essentially Amabw devoid of a nucleus and contractile vesicle. Moreover, how- ever complicated in structure one of the higher plants may be in its adult state, when it commences its existence it is as simple as Torula or Protococcus, or at most as Torula or Pro- tococcus would be if it possessed a distinct nucleus; and the whole plant is built up by the fissive multiplication of the simple cell in which it takes its origin, and by the subsequent growth and metamorphosis of the cells thus produced. The like is’ true of all the higher animals. They commence as nucleated cells, essentially similar to Amcebe, and colourless blood-corpuscles, and their bodies are constructed by aggre- gations of metamorphosed cells, produced by division from the primary cell. It has been seen that Torula and Protococcvs, similar as they are in structure, are distinguished by certain important physiological peculiarities ; and the more compli- cated plants are divisible into two series, one produced by the growth and modification of cells which have the physiological peculiarities of Zorula and contain no chlorophyll, while the 30 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v. other, and far larger, series present chlorophyll, and have the physiological peculiarities of Protococcus. The former series comprises the Fungi, the latter all other plants; only a few parasitic forms among these being devoid of chlorophyll. The Fungi take their origin in spores, a kind of cells, which, however much they may vary in the details of their structure, are essentially similar to Torulew. Indirectly or directly, the spore gives rise to a long tubular filament, which is termed a hypha, and out of these hyphe the Fungus is built up. One of the commonest Moulds, the Penicillium glaucum, which is familiar to every one from its forming sage-green crusts upon bread, jam, eld boots, &c. affords an excellent and easily studied example of a Fungus. When examined with a magnifying glass, the green appearance is seen to be due, in great measure, to a very fine powder which is detached from the surface of the mould by the slightest touch. Beneath this lies a felt-work of delicate tubular filaments, the hyphe, forming a crust like so much blotting-paper, which is the mycelium. From the free surface of the crust innumerable hyphe project into the air and bear the green powder. These are the aérial hyphe. On the other hand, the attached surface gives rise to a like multitude of longer branched hyphe, which project into the fluid in which the crust is growing, like so many roots, and may be called the submerged hyphe. If the patch of Penicillium has but a small extent relatively to the surface on which it lies, multitudes of silvery hyphe will be seen radiating from its periphery and giving off many submerged, but few or no vertical, or sub- aérial, branches. Submitted to microscopic examination, a hypha is seen to be composed of a transparent wall (which has the same ‘characters as the cell-wall of Torula) and proto- plasmic contents, which fill the tube formed by the wall, and present large central clear spaces, or vacuoles. At intervals, v.] MOULDS. 31 transverse partitions, continuous with the walls of the tube, divide it into elongated cells, each of which contains a correspondingly elongated protoplasmic sac, or primordial utricle. The hyphee frequently branch dichotomously; and, in the crust, they are inextricably entangled with one another ; but every hypha, with its branches, is quite distinct from every other. Those aérial hyphe which are nearest the periphery of the crust end in simple rounded extremities ; but the others terminate in brushes of short branches, and each of these branches, as it grows and elongates, becomes divided by transverse constrictions into a series of rounded spores arranged like a row of beads. The spores formed in this manner are termed conidia. At the free end of each fila- ment of the brush the conidia become very loosely adherent, and constitute the green powdery matter to which re- ference has been made. Examined separately, a contdium is seen to be a spherical body, composed of a transparent sac, enclosing a minute mass of protoplasm, in all essential respects similar to a Zorula. If sown in an appropriate medium, as for example Pasteur’s solution, with or without sugar, the contdiwm germinates. Upon from one to four points of its surface an elevation or bulging of the cell-wall and of its contained protoplasm appears. This rapidly in- creases in length, and, continually growing at its free end, gives rise to a hypha, so that the young Penacillium assumes the form of a star, each ray being a hypha. The hyphe elongate, while side branches are developed from them by out- growths of their walls; and this process is repeated by the branches, until the hyphe proceeding from a single conidium. may cover a wide circular area, as a patch of mycelium. When, as is usually the case, many conidia germinate close together, their hyphe cross one another, interlace, and give rise to a papyraceous crust. After the hyphe have attained a certain length, the protoplasm divides at intervals, and 32 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v. transverse septa are formed between the masses thus divided off from one another. But neither in this, nor in any other Fungus, are septa formed in the direction of the length of the hypha. Very early in the course of the development of the . mycelium, branches of the hyph extend downwards into the medium on which the mycelium grows; while, as soon as the patch has attained a certain size, the hyphe in its centre give off vertical aérial branches, and the development of these goes on, extending from the centre to the periphery. The outgrowth of pencil-like bunches of branches at the end of these takes place in the same order; and these branches, becoming transversely constricted as fast as they are formed, break up into conidia, which are ready to go through the same course of development. The conidia may be kept for a very long time in the dry state, without their readiness to germinate being in any way impaired, and their extreme minuteness and levity enable them to be dispersed and carried about by the slightest currents of air. The persistence of their vitality is subject to nearly the same conditions of temperature as that of yeast. Not unfrequently Zorule make their appearance, in abun- dance, among the hyphe and conidia of Penicillium, and appear to be derived from them; but it is still a disputed point, whether they are so or not. If some fresh horse-dung be placed in a jar and kept moderately warm, its surface will, in two or three days, be covered with white cottony filaments, many of which rise vertically into the air, and end in rounded heads, so that they somewhat resemble long pins. The organism thus produced is another of the Winigl aie mould termed Mucor mucedo. Each rounded head is a sporangium; the stalk on which it is supported rises from one of the filaments which ramify in * MOULDS. 33 the substance of the horse-dung, and are the hyphe. Each hypha is, as in Penicillium, a tube provided with a tough thickish structureless wall, which is partly composed of cel- lulose, and is filled by a vacuolated protoplasm. In old specimens, transverse partitions, continuous with the walls of the hyphe, may divide them into chambers or cells. The stalk of the sporangium is a hypha of the same structure as the others. The wall of the sporangium is beset with minute asperities composed of oxalate of lime, and it contains a great number of minute oval bodies, the spures. held together by a transparent intermediate substance. When the spo- rangium is ripe, the slightest pressure causes its thin and brittle coat to give way, and the spores are separated by the expansion of the intermediate substance, which readily swells up and finally dissolves, in water. The greater part of the wall of the sporangium then disappears, but a little collar, representing the remains of its basal part, frequently adheres to the stalk. The cavity of the stalk does not com- municate with that of the sporangium, but is separated from it by a partition, which bulges into the cavity of the sporangium, forming a central pillar or projection. This is termed the columella and stands conspicuously above the collar, when the sporangium has burst and the spores are evacuated. The spores are oval and consist of a sac, having the same composition as the wall of the hypha, which incloses a mass of protoplazm. When they are sown in an appropriate medium, as for example in Pasteur’s solution, they enlarge, become spheroidal, and then send out several thick prolonga- tions. Each of these elongates, by constant growth at its tree end, and becomes a hypha, from which branches are given off, which grow and ramify in the same way. As all the ramifying hyphe proceed from the spore as a centre, their development gives rise, as in Penicillium, to a delicate M. 3 BE: ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v. stellate mycelium. At first, no septa are developed in the hyphe, so that the whole mycelium may be regarded as a single cell with long and ramified processes, and the Mucor, at this stage, is an unicellular organism. From near the centre of the mycelium a branch is given off from a hypha, rises vertically, and after attaining a certain length ceases to elongate. Its free end dilates into a rounded head, which gradually increases in size, until it attains the dimensions of a full-grown sporangium ; and, at the same time, the proto- plasm contained in this head becomes separated from that in the stalk by a septum, which is curved towards the cavity of the sporangium, and constitutes the columella. The wall of the sporangium, thus formed, becomes covered externally with a coat of oxalate of lime spines. As the sporangium increases in size, its protoplasmic contents become marked out into a large number of small oval masses, which are close together, but not in actual contact. Each of these masses next becomes completely separate from the rest, surrounds itself with a cellular coat, and becomes a spore; while the pro- toplasm not thus used up in the formation of spores, appears to give rise to the gelatinous intermediate substance, which swells up in water, referred to above. The walls of the spores become coloured, and that of the sporangium gradually thins, until it is reduced to little more than the outer crust of oxalate of lime. The sporangium now readily bursts, and the spores are separated by the swelling and eventual dissolution of the gelatinous intermediate matter. Sporangia, in which spores are produced by division of the protoplasm, are com- monly termed ascz, and the spores receive the name of asco- spores. There appears to be no limit to the extent to which the Mucor may be reproduced by this process of asexual develop- ment of spores, by the fission of the contents of the sporang- ium; nor does any other mode of multiplication become vi MOULDS, 35 apparent, so long as the mould grows in a fluid medium and is abundantly supplied with nourishment. But when growing in nature, in such matters as horse- dung, a method of reproduction is set up which represents the sexual process in its simplest form. Adjacent hyphe, or parts of the same hypha, give off short branches, which become dilated at their free ends, and approach one another, until these ends are applied together. The protoplasm in each of the dilated ends becomes separated by a septum from that of the rest of the branch ; the two cells thus formed open into one another by their applied faces, and their protoplasmic contents becoming mixed together, form one spheroidal mass, to the shape of which the coalesced cell-membranes adapt themselves. This process of conjugation evidently represents that of sexual impregnation among higher organisms, but as there is no morphological difference between the moditied hyphe which enter into relation with one another, it is impossible to say which represents the male, and which the female, element. The product of conjugation is termed a zygospore. Its cellulose coat becomes separated into an outer layer of a dark blackish hue, the exosporium, and an inner colourless layer, the endosporium. The outer coat is raised into irregular elevations, to which corresponding elevations of the inner coat correspond. Placed in favourable circumstances, the zygospore does not immediately germinate; but, after a longer or shorter period of rest, the exosporium and the endosporium burst, and a bud-like process is thrown out, which, usually, grows only into a very short unbranched hypha. From this hypha a vertical prolongation is developed, which becomes converted into.a sporangium, such as that already described, whence spores are produced, which give rise to the ordinary stellate mycelium. Thus, Mucor presents what is termed an “ alter- nation of generations”. The zygospore resulting from a 3—2 39 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v. sexual process developes into a rudimentary mycelium, with a single sporangium which constitutes the first generation (A). This gives rise, by the asexual development of spores in its sporangium, to the second generation (B), represented by as many separate Mucores as there are spores. The second generation (B) may give rise sexually to zygospores and so reproduce the generation (A); but, more usually, an indefi- nite series of generations similar to (B) are produced from one another asexually, before (4) returns. When Mucor is allowed to grow freely at the surface of a saccharine liyuid, it takes on no other form than that de- scribed; but, if it be submerged in the same liquid, the mode of development of the younger hyphe becomes changed, They break up, by a process of constriction, into short lengths, which separate, acquire rounded forms, and at the same time multiply by budding after the manner of Torule. Coincidentally with these changes, an active fermentation is excited in the fluid, so that this “ Mucor-Torula,” function- ally as well as morphologically, deserves the name of ‘ yeast,’. If the Mucor-Torula is filtered off from the saccharine solution, washed, and left to itself in moist air, the Torule give off very short aérial hyphee, which terminate in minute sporangia. In these a very small number of ordinary mucor spores is developed, but, in essential structure, both the sporangia and the spores resemble those of normal J/ucor. v.] MOULDS. 37 LABORATORY WORK. J, PENICILLIUM. Prepare some Pasteur’s fluid, and leave it exposed to the air in saucers in a warm place: if Penicillium spores are at hand add a few to the fluid in each saucer: if spores cannot be obtained, the fluid, if simply left to itself, will probably be covered with Penicilliwm in ten days or a fortnight. Sometimes, however, the fluid will overrun with Bacteria, to the exclusion of everything else. And very frequently other moulds, such as Aspergillus, or Mucor, may appear instead of or along with Penicillium. 1. NAKED-EYE CHARACTERS. Note the powdery-looking upper surface, white in young specimens, pale greenish in older, and later still becoming dark sage-green : the smooth pale under surface: the dense tough character of the mycelium. 2. HIsTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. a. The mycelium. a. Tease a bit out in water, and examine first with low, and then with a high power: it is chiefly made up of interlaced threads or tubes—the a. Hyphe. Note their diameter (measure)—form —subdivisions (cells)—dichotomous mode of branching—and structure : the external homo- geneous sac; the granular less transparent pro- toplasm; the small round vacuoles. Draw. 38 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. ly. B. The intermixed Torule. Note their size and number. b. Hold a bit of the mycelium between two pieces of carrot, and cut a thin vertical section with a sharp razor: mount in water and examine with low and high power. b. The submerged hyphe. Small branched threads hanging down from the under surface of the mycelium: repeat the observations 2. &. a. a. c. The aérial hyphe and conidiophores. Tease out in water a bit from the surface of one of the greenish patches; observe the difficulty with which water wets it. Examine with low and high power. Note ;— a. The primary erect hypha. 8. Its division into a number of branches. y. The division of the terminal branches by con- strictions into a chain of conidia. Draw. d. The conidia. a. Their Stze (measure). Form ; spherical. Structure ; sac, protoplasm, vacuole. b. Stain with magenta and iodine. ce. Treat another specimen with potash. e. The germination of the Conidia, and building up of the Mycelium. a. Sow some conidia in Pasteur’s fluid in a watch-glass ; protect from evaporation, and watch the development MOULDS. 39 of the mycelium (examine the surface with a low power); then the formation of aérial ny pls finally the production of new conidia. [Sow conidia in Pasteur’s fluid in a moist chamber, and watch from day to day; note the formation of eminences at one or more points on a conidium; the elongation of these eminences to form hyphe ; the branching and inter- lacement of the hyphe. } B. MUCOR MUCEDO. 1. ty 4) Place some fresh horse-dung under a bell-jar and keep moist aud warm; in from 24 to 48 hours its surface will nearly always be covered by a crop of erect aérial mucor-hyphe, each ending in a minute enlargement (sporangiunr) just visible with the un- assisted eye: it is this first crop of hyph and spor- anges which is to be examined. Snip off a few of the hyphe with a pair of scissors, mount in water, and examine with 1 inch obj. a. Large unbranched hyphe, each ending in a spherical enlargement (sporangzwm). Examine with { obj. The hyphe. a. Their size; they greatly exceed the hyphe of Penicillium both in length and diameter. B. Their structure; homogeneous sac, granular protoplasm, vacuoles: septa absent except close to the sporange. y. Treat with iodine and magenta; the proto- plasm is stained. 40 6. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v. Treat another specimen with Schultze’s solu- tion; the wall is stained violet. b. The sporangia or asci. Examine with } obj. a. b. C. Their size and form. Their structure. The homogeneous enveloping sac covered by irregular masses of calcic oxalate. The granular protoplasmic contents: un- segmented in some; divided into a great number of distinct oval masses (ascospores) in others. The projection into the sporangial cavity of the convex septum (columella) which separates the hypha from the sporange. The collar projecting around the base of the columella of burst sporangia. Stain some with iodine; others with Schultze’s solution. c. The ascospores. he » 2 BD 8B Crush some ripe asci by gentle pressure upon the cover-glass. Examine with $ obj. The size of the ascospores (measure). Their form ; cylindrical and elongated. Their structure. Stain with iodine and magenta. VI. STONEWORTS (Chara and Nitella). THESE water-weeds are not uncommonly found in ponds and rivers, growing in tangled masses of a dull green colour. Each plant is hardly thicker than a stout needle, but may attain a length of three or four feet. One end of the stem is fixed in the mud at the bottom, by slender thread-like roots, the other floats at the surface. At intervals, appendages, consisting of leaves, branches, root-filaments, and reproductive organs, are disposed in circles, or whorls. In the middle and lower parts of the plant these whorls are disposed at considerable and nearly equal distances ; but, towards the free upper end, the intervals between the whorls diminish, and the whorled appendages themselves become shorter, until, at the very summit, they are all crowded together into a terminal bud, which requires the aid of the microscope for its analysis. The parts of the stem, or aais, from which the append- ages spring are termed nodes ; the intervening parts being internodes. When viewed with a hand-magnifier the inter- nodes exhibit a spiral striation. In Chara, each internode consists of a single, much-elongat- ed cell, which extends throughout its whole length, invested by a cortical layer, composed of many cells, the spiral ar- rangement of which gives rise to the superficial marking which has been noted. And this multicellular structure is continued from the cortical layer, across the stem, at each node. The stem therefore consists of a series of long, axial cells, contained in as many closed chambers formed by the 42 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [VI small cortical cells. The nodes are the multicellular parti- tions between these chambers. The branches are altogether similar in structure to the main stem. The leaves are also similar to the stem, so far as they consist of axial and cortical cells, but they differ in the form and_ proportions of these cells, as well as in the fact that the summit, or free end, of the leaf is always a much-elongated pointed cell. The branches spring from the re-entering angle between the stem and the leaf, which is termed the azilla of the leaf; and, in the same position, at the fruiting season of the plant are found the reproductive organs. These are of two kinds, the one large and oval, the sporangia or spore- fruits, the other smaller and globular, the antheridia Both, when ripe, have an orange-red colour, and are seated upon a short stalk. If a growing plant be watched, it will be found that it constantly increases in length in two ways. New nodes, internodes, and whorls of appendages are constantly be- coming obvious at the base of the terminal bud; and these appendages increase in size and become more and more widely separated, until they are as large and as far apart as in the oldest parts of the plant. The appendages at first consist exclusively of leaves and root-filaments (rhizords), and it is only when these have attained their full size that branches, epore-fruits and antheridia are developed in their axilla. Sometimes rounded cellular masses appear in the axillee of the leaves, and, becoming detached, grow into new plants. These are comparable to the bulbs of higher plants. If the innermost part of the terminal bud, which con- stitutes the free end of the axis, or stem, be examined, it will be found to be formed by a single nucleated cell, separated by a transverse septum from another. Beneath this last follows another cell, which has already undergone wi.) STONEWORTS. 43 division into several smaller cells by the development of longitudinal septa. This is the most newly-formed node. Below this again is a single cell, which is both longer and broader than those at the apex, and is an internodal cell. Below it follows another node, composed of more numerous small cells than in the first. Some of the peripheral cells of this node are undergoing growth and division, and thus give rise to cellular prominences, which are the rudiments of the first whorl of leaves. In the still lower parts of the stem the internodal cells get longer and longer, but they never divide. The nodal cells, on the other hand, multiply by division, but do not greatly elongate. From the first, the nodal cells overlap the internodal cell, so as to meet round its equator, and thus completely invest it externally. And, as the internodal cell grows and elongates, the overlapping parts of the nodes increase in length and become divided into internodal and nodal cells, which take on a spiral arrangement, and thus give rise to the cortical layer. Thus the whole plant is composed of an aggregation of simple cells; and, while it lives, new nodes and internodes are continually being added at its summit, or growing point. The internodal cells which give rise to the centre of the stem undergo no important change, except great increase of size, after they are once formed. The nodal cells, on the contrary, undergo division with comparatively little in- crease in size. And out of them, the nodes, the cortical layer, and all the appendages, are developed. In all the young cells of Chara a nucleus of relatively large size is to be seen imbedded in the centre of the protoplasm, which is motionless, and is inclosed in a struc- tureless cell-wall, containing cellulose. As the cell grows larger, the centre of the protoplasm becomes occupied by a watery fluid, and its thick periphery, which remains applied against the cell-wall, constitutes the wall of a sac, or 44 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [vI. primordial utricle, mm which the nucleus is imbedded. In the larger cells the primordial utricle is readily detached and made to shrivel up into the middle of the cell by treatment with strong alcohol. Numerous small green bodies—chlorophyll grains—are imbedded in the outer, or superficial, part of the primordial utricle. And they increase in number by division, as the cell enlarges. These chlorophyll grains are composed of proto- plasmic matter, which frequently contains starch granules, and is impregnated with the green colouring substance. During life, the layer of the primordial utricle which lies next to the watery contents of all the larger cells is in a state of incessant rotatory motion, while the outermost layer which contains the chlorophyll grains is quite still. In the large cells, so long as the nucleus is discernible, it is carried round with the rotating stream. The antheridium is a globular spheroidal body with a thick wall, made up of eight pieces, which are united by interlocking edges. The four pieces which make up the hemi- sphere to which the stalk of the antheridium is attached, are foursided, the other four are triangular. From the centre of the inner, concave face of each piece a sort of short process, the handle or manubriwm, projects into the cavity of the hollow sphere. At the free end of the manubrium is a rounded body, the capitulum, which bears six smaller, second- ary capitula ; and each secondary capitulum gives attachment to four long filaments divided by transverse partitions into a multitude (100 to 200) of small chambers. Thus, there may be as many as 20,000 to 40,000 chambers in each antheridium (8 x 6 x 4x 100 or x 200). The several pieces of which the wall of the antheridium is composed, the manubrium, the capitula, the secondary capitula and the chambers of the filaments, are all more or less modified cells, as may be proved by tracing the antheridia from their earliest condition, as vi] STONEWORTS. 45 small processes of the nodal region, to their complete form. The cells of the filaments are, at first, like any other cells; but, by degrees, the protoplasm of each becomes changed into a thread-like body, thicker at one end than at the other, and coiled spirally like a corkscrew. From the thin end two long cilia proceed; and, when the cells are burst, and the antherozooids are set free, they are propelled rapidly, with the small end forwards, by the vibration of the cilia. These antherozooids answer to the spermatozoa of animals, and represent the male element of the Chara. The sporangia or spore-fruits are borne upon short stalks, the end of which supports a large oval central cell; five spirally disposed sets of cells invest this, an aperture being left between the investing cells at the apex of the sporangium. When the antheridia attain maturity they burst, the anther- ozooids are set free, and swarm about in the water. Some of them enter the aperture of the sporangium, and, in all probability, pierce the free summit of the oval central cell, and enter its protoplasm; but all the steps of this process of impregnation have not been worked out. The result, however, is, that the contents of the central cell become full of starchy and oily matter; the spiral cells forming its coat acquire a dark colour and hard texture, and the sporangium, detaching itself, falls into the mud. After a time, it germinates; a tubular process, like a hypha, protrudes from its open end, and almost immediately gives off a branch, which .is the first root (compare the germination of the spore of a fern below). The hypha-like tube elongates, and becomes divided transversely into cells, the protoplasm of which developes chlorophyll. Very soon, the further growth of this pro-embryo is arrested. But one of the cells, which lies at some distance below the free end of the pro-embryo, undergoes budding, and gives rise to a set of leaves (which are not arranged in a whorl), amidst 46 ELEMENTARY BICLOGY. [VI. which a bud appears, which has the structure of the terminal bud of the adult Chara stem, and grows up into a new Chara. We have then, in Chara, a plant which is acrogenous (or grows at its summit), and which becomes segmented by the development of appendages, at intervals, along an axis; which multiplies, asexually by bulb-like buds, and also multi- plies sexually by means of the antherozooids (male elements) and central cells of the sporangia (female elements); in which the first product of the germination of the impregnated ovicell is a hypha-like body, from which the young Chara is developed by the gemmation and growth of one cell; so that there is a sort of alternation of generations, though the alternating forms are not absolutely distinct from one another. Chara flourishes in pond-water under the influence of sunlight, and by the aid of its chlorophyll, so that its nu- tritive processes must be the same as those of Protococcus, From its complete immersion, and the absence of any duct- like, or vascular tissues, it is probable that all parts absorb and assimilate the nutriment contained in the water; and that, except so far as the reproductive organs are concerned, there is a morphological differentiation of organs, unac- companied by a corresponding physiological differentiation. Mitella is a rarer plant than Chara, and is simpler in structure, its axis being devoid of the vertical layer. In other respects, however, it is very similar to Chara, and its structure is more easily made out. [The Characew, or plants belonging to the genera Chara and Nitella, are found in all parts of the world, and are in many respects closely allied to the Alyce, or water-weeds. But no Algee are provided with an axis and appendages possessing a similar structure, or following the same law of growth, nor have any similar reproductive organs. The antherozooids of the Characee are, in fact, similar to those of the mosses, from which however the Characee differ widely in all other respects. ] vi] STONEWORTS. 47 LABORATORY WORK. A. NAKED-EYE CHARACTERS. Note the slender elongated axis (stem); the whorled appendages (leaves); the nodes and internodes ; the shortening of the latter towards the apex of the stem; the rhizoids. a. The roots; small; serving chiefly for attachment, the plant getting most of its nutrition, through other parts, from matters dissolved in the water. b. Lhe leaves; their sub-divisions (leaflets); their form, size, &e. ce. The spore-fruits and antheridia; their position, size, form, colour. Draw a portion including two or three internodes. B. HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE, a, The stem. J. Examine the outside of a fresh internode with a low power, or a pocket-lens, to see the spirally arranged cortical cells. 1S Hold a bit of fresh stem between two pieces of carrot, or imbed it in paraffin, and, with a sharp razor, cut thin transverse and longitudinal slices through nodes and internodes. Note the cavity of the large central cell (medullary or internodal cell) in the internodes; the cortical cells, set on obliquely round the medullary cell; the nodal cells, and the interruption of the central cavity at the nodes. we Examine similar sections in specimens treated with spirit, and also preparations made by teasing or press- ing out in glycerine bits of stem from chromic-acid (0-2 per cent.) preparations: make out in these,— ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. : [VI The nodal, internodal, and cortical cells. The wall (sac), protoplasmic layer (primordial utricle), nucleus, and vacuole of each cell. (The nucleus, is not always to be found in old cells.) Draw. Examine sections from the fresh stem to make out the points detailed in B.a.3. 8. The protoplasm and nucleus are difficult to see. Note the chlorophyll- granules. (See B. b. y.) Stain sections of the fresh stem with iodine, and magenta: note the results. b. The leaves. Examine fresh and chromic-acid specimens, a. B. The large uncovered terminal cell. Then a series of internodal cells, separated from one another and covered in by nodal cells: the sac, protoplasm, nucleus, and vacuole of each. The chlorophyll: collected into oval granules, and arranged so as to leave an oblique uncoloured band round each cell; the position of these granules in’ the more superficial layer of the protoplasm. The protoplasmic movements (see C. a.). The terminal bud. Dissect out chromic-acid specimens as far as pos- sible with needles, and then press gently out in glycerine. Note in different specimens— 71.] d. M. STONEWORTS. 49 a. The terminal or apical cell: a. Its form: hemispherical, the rounded surface free; the flat surface attached to the cell below it. B. Structure: sac, protoplasm, nucleus; no vacuole present. Sometimes two nuclei; preliminary to division. 8. Its mode of division; across the long axis of the stem, giving rise to two superimposed nucleated cells. b. The further fate of the new cells which are successively segmented off from the terminal cell; work back in your specimens from the terminal cell. a. The new cells are successively nodal and inter- nodal; the latter enlarge, develope a large vacuole, and ultimately form the medullary cells of the internodes; they never divide. 8B. The nodal cells divide freely, and do not increase much in size; they form the nodes, and the cortical cells. c. The development of leaves: by the multiplication and outgrowth of nodal cells. Their growth at the base, the terminal leaf-cell soon attaining its full size and not dividing. d. The development of branches; from nodal cells in leaf-axils, which take on the character of ter- minal cells. The spore-fruits. Examine fresh, under a low power. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [v a. Made up externally of five twisted cells, bearin at their apices five smaller, not twisted cells, 8. Cut sections from imbedded specimens, an examine with a high power: make out th large central nucleated cell; the fatty an starchy matters contained in it; stain wit iodine. y. Press out chromic acid specimens in glycerine make out the above points (d. a. 8). 6. Examine chromic acid specimens for youn; spore-fruits, and press them out in glycerine make out in the youngest the five roundisl cells surrounding a central one; then in olde specimens the elongation, and twisting of th external cells, and the separation of their apice as five distinct cells. e. The Antheridia. a. Examine, with a low power, a ripe (orange coloured) one. a. Make out its external dentated cells. 8. Tease out a ripe antheridium in water; an examine with a high power; note the flat dentated, nucleated external cells; the cylin drical cell (manubrium) springing perpendicu larly from the inner surface of each; th roundish cell (capitulum) on the inner end o the manubrium; the six secondary capitul attached to the capitulum; the thread-lik filaments (usually four) proceeding from ead of the secondary capitula, vi] b. B. STONEWORTS. 51 The structure of these threads; each consists of a single row of cells, containing in unripe specimens nucleated protoplasm ; in older spe- cimens each contains a coiled-up antherozooid. The antherozooids. Their form and structure; thickened at one end and granular; tapering off gradually to- wards the other end which is hyaline, and has two long cilia attached to it. The movements in water of ripe anthero- zovids. [Sometimes Chara cannot be obtained, when Nitella, another genus of the same natural order, and of similar habit and structure, can. Nearly all the points above described for Chara can be made out in Nitella, with the following differences: the cortical cells of the stem and leaves are absent, and, in the commoner species, the plant is not hardened by calcareous deposit; the branches arise, not one from a whorl of leaves, but two ; and the five twisted cells of the spore-fruit are each capped by two small cells, instead of one.] C. PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENTS IN VEGETABLE CELLS. a. Chara. Take a vigorous-looking fresh Chara or Nitella-cell (say the terminal cell of a leaf), and examine it in water with a high power. Note the superficial layer of protoplasm in which the chlorophyll lies; it is stationary: focus through this layer and examine the deeper one; note the currents in it, marked by the granules they carry along: their direction; in the long axis of the cell, wp one side and down the other, the boundary of the two currents being marked 4—2 'B2 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ VI. by the colourless band, in which no movements occur. Try to find the nucleus; it has usually disappeared in cells in which currents have com- menced, but when present is passive and carried along by them. Sometimes it is very difficult, on account of the incrustation of the leaf-cells of Chara, to make out the protoplasmic movements in them; if this is found to be the case, the manubrial cells from an antheridium should be used instead. Tradescantia, Examine in water, with a high | power, the hairs which grow upon the stamens: they consist of a row of large roundish cells, each’ with sac, protoplasm, nucleus, and vacuolar spaces. Note the protoplasm; partly forming a layer (primordial utricle) lining the sac, and heaped up round the nucleus, and partly forming bridles running across the cell in yarious di- rections from the neighbourhood of the nucleus and from one part of the protoplasm to another; observe the currents in these bridles; from the nucleus in some, towards it in others. Vallisneria, Take a leaf beginning to look old; split it into two layers with a sharp knife and mount a bit in water; examine with a high power. Note the larger rectangular cells, be- longing to the deeper layers, with well-marked currents in them, which carry the chlorophyll granules round and round inside the cell-wall. If no currents are seen at first, gently warm the leaf by immersing it for a short time in water heated to a temperature between 30° and 35°C, vI.] d. STONEWORTS. 53 Anacharis. Take a yellowish-looking leaf: mount in water and examine with a high power; the phenomena observed are like those in Vallisneria. They are best observed in the single layer of cells at the margin of the leaf. Nettle-hair. Mount an uninjured hair in water with the bit of leaf to which it is attached (it is essential that the terminal recurved part of the large cell forming the hair be not broken off) ; examine with the highest available power ‘ currents carrying along very fine granules will be seen in the cell, their general direction hemg that of its long axis. VI. THE BRACKEN FERN (Péeris aquilina). THE conspicuous parts of this plant are the large green leaves, or fronds, which rise above the ground, sometimes to the height of five or six feet, and consist of a stem-like axis or rachis,from which transversely disposed offshoots proceed, these ultimately subdividing into flattened leaflets, the pinnules. The rachis of each frond may be followed for some distance into the ground. Its imbedded portion acquires a brown colour, and eventually passes into an irregularly branched body, also of a dark-brown colour, which is commonly called the root of the fern, but is, in reality, a creeping underground stem, or rhizome. From the surface of this, numerous fila- mentous true roots are given off. Traced in one direction from the attachment of the frond, the rhizome exhibits the withered bases of fronds, developed in former years, which have died down; while, in the opposite direction, it ends, sooner or later, by a rounded extremity beset with numerous fine hairs, which is the apex, or growing extremity, of the stem. Between the free end and the fully formed frond one or more processes, the rudiments of fronds, which will attain their full development in following years, are usually found. The attachments of the fronds are nodes, the spaces between two such successive attachments, internodes. It will be observed that the internodes do not become crowded VII] THE BRACKEN FERN, 55 towards the free end, and there is nothing comparable to the terminal bud of Chara with its numerous rudimentary appendages. When the fronds have attained their full size, the edges of the pinnules will be observed to be turned in towards the underside, and to be fringed with numerous hair-like pro- cesses which roof over the groove, inclosed by the incurved edge. At the bottom of the groove, brown granular bodies are aggregated, so as to form a streak along each side of the pinnule. The granules are the sporangia, and the streaks formed by their aggregation, the sort. Examined with a magnifying glass, each sporangium is seen to be pouch-shaped, like two watch-glasses united by a thick rim. When ripe, it has a brown colour, readily bursts, and gives exit to a number of minute bodies which are the spores. : The plant now described is made up of a multitude of cells, having the same morphological value as those of Chara, and each consisting of a protoplasmic mass, a nucleus and a cellulose wall. These cells, however, become very much modified in form and structure in different regions of the body of the plant, and give rise to groups of structures called tissues, in each of which the cells have undergone special modifications. These tissues are, to a certain extent, recog- nizable by the naked eye. Thus, a transverse section of the rhizome shews a circumferential zone of the same dark brown colour as the external epidermis, inclosing a white ground substance, interrupted by variously disposed bands, patches, and dots, some of which are of the same dark-brown hue as the external zone, while others are of a pale yellowish-brown. The dark brown dots are scattered irregularly, but the major part of the dark brown colour is gathered into two narrow bands, which lie midway between the centre and the circumference. Sometimes the ends of these bands are 56 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [vl united. Inclosed between these narrow, dark-brown bands are, usually, two elongated, oval, yellowish-brown bands ;' and outside them, lie a number of similarly coloured patches, one of which is usually considerably longer than the others, A longitudinal section shews that each of these patches of colour answers to the transverse section of a band of similar substance, which extends throughout the whole length of the stem; sometimes remaining distinct, sometimes giving off branches which run into adjacent bands, and sometimes uniting altogether with them. At a short distance below the apex of the stem, however, the colour of all the bands fades away, and they are traceable into mere streaks, which finally disappear altogether in the semi-transparent gelatinous substance which forms the grow- ing end of the stem. Submitted to microscopic examination, the white ground substance, or parenchyma, is seen to consist of large polygonal cells, containing numerous starch granules; and the circumferential zone is formed of somewhat elongated cells, the thick walls of which have acquired a dark-brown colour, and contain little or no starch. The dark-brown bands, on the other hand, consist of cells which are so much elongated as almost to deserve the name of fibres and constitute what is termed sclerenchyma. Their walls are very thick, and of a deep-brown colour; but the thickening has taken place unequally, so as to leave short, obliquely directed, thin places, which look like clefts. The yellow bands, lastly, are vascular bundles. Each consists, externally, of thick-walled, elongated, parallel-sided cells, internal to which lie elongated tubes devoid of protoplasm, and frequently containing air. In the majority of these tubes, and in all the widest, the walls are greatly thickened, the thickening having taken place along equidistant transverse lines. The tubes have become flat- tened against one another, by mutual pressure, so that they are five- or six-sided; and, as the markings of their flattened vit.] THE BRACKEN FERN, 57 walls simulate the rounds of a ladder, they have been termed scalariform ducts or vessels. The cavities of these scalariform ducts are divided at intervals, in correspondence with the lengths of the cells of which they are made up, by oblique, often perforated, partitions. Among the smaller vessels, a few will be found, in which the thickening forms a closely wound spiral. These are spiral vessels. The rachis of a frond, so far as it projects above the surface of the ground, is of a bright green colour; and, in transverse section, it presents a green ground-substance, inter- rupted by irregular paler markings, which are the transverse sections of longitudinal bands of a similar colour. There are no brown spots or bands. Examined microscopically, the ground-substance is found to be composed of polygonal cells containing chlorophyll. These are invested superficially by an epidermis, composed of elongated cells, with walls thick- ened in such a manner as to leave thin circular spots here and there. Hence, those walls of the cells, which are at right angles to the axis of vision, appear dotted with clear spots; while, in those walls of which transverse sections are visible, the dots are seen to be funnel-shaped depressions. The pale bands are vascular bundles containing scalari- form and spiral vessels. The outer layer investing each is chiefly formed of long hollow fibres with very thick walls, and terminating in a point at each end. These scleren- chymatous fibres have oblique cleft-like clear spaces, pro- duced by interruptions of the process of thickening in their walls. The vascular bundles, the green parenchyma, and the epidermis are continued into each pinnule of the frond. The epidermis retains its ordinary character on the upper side of the pinnule, except that the contours of its component cells become somewhat more irregular. On the under side, many hairs are developed from it, and the cells become ns ELEMENTARY BLOLOGY, [var stnetlarly moditied tn form, their walls being thrown oul tito Tobes, whieh interlock with Chose of adjacent cells, Between many of these cells an oval space is left, forming a channel of communication between the titerior of the frond and the exterior, ‘Phe opening of this space is) sar mounted by two rentform cells, the coneaviltes of whieh are darned towards one another, while ther ends are in coutaet. The opening tefl between the applied concave Fhees is ak sfomate; and, as the sfometes are present in Immense iimbers, there is a free commatiniention between the outer air and the dafercedfadar passages which exist in the substinee of the frond. Phase cells af the green parenchyma of the frond whieh form the iaferior half of its thickness, tn thet, are irregularly elongated, and) frequently produced: inte several processes, or stellate, hey come into contied with adjacent: cells only by comparatively small parts oof there stafaees, or by ¢ho ends of these processes, They thus bound) passages between the eelks, difercedlutay passages, Which are full of air, and are in commotntention with strihay, bat narrower, passives, which extend through- out Che substunce of the plant, The vascular bundles break up in the pinnules, and follow the course of the so ealled vevus which are visible Upon Tis surties ; duets being continued: ito their ultimate ramitien ions, The rootlets prosent an outer coat of epidermis, enclosing petrenchy mia traversed by ac eentral vascular bundle. ‘They inerease Tn leneth by the division and subdivision of the eolls at the growing point, but this potat is net situated ab the very surfiee of the rootlet, as the growing poi at the evCremiby of the rhizonie isy butts covered hy a eap of eclls. When the spores ave sown tpen danip earth, ora tile, or aoship oof vhiss, and hopt thoroughly moist and warm, they germinate, Hach gives rise bon tubular, hy phaclike, prolongs. VIL] THE BRACKEN FERN. 59 tion, which developes a similar process, the primitive rootlet, close to the spore. The hypha-like prolongation, at first, undergoes transverse division, so that it becomes converted into a series of cells. Then, the cells at its free end divide longitudinally, as well as transversely, and thus give rise to a flat expansion, which gradually assumes a bilobed form, and becomes thickened, in some parts, by division of its cells in a direction perpendicular to its surface. The protoplasm of these cells developes chlorophyll granules, whereby the bilobed disk acquires a green colour; while numerous simple radicle fibres are given off from its under surface, and attach the little plant, which is termed a prothallus or prothallium, to the surface on which it grows. The prothallus attains no higher development than this, and does not directly grow into a fern such as that in which the spores took their origin; but, after a time, rounded or ovoidal elevations are developed, by the outgrowth and division of the cells which form its under aspect. Some of these are antheridia. The protoplasm of each of the cells contained in their interior is converted into an antherozooid, somewhat similar to that of Chara, but provided with many more cilia. The antheridium bursts, and the antherozooids, set free from their containing cells, are propelled through the moisture on the under surface of the prothallus by their cilia. The processes of the second kind acquire a more cylin- drical form, and are called archegonia. Of the cells which are situated in the axis of the cylinder, all disappear but that which lies at the bottom of its cavity. This is the embryo cell, and when the archegonium is fully formed, a canal leads from its summit to this cell. The antherozooids enter by this canal, and impregnate the embryo cell. The embryo cell now begins to divide, and becomes converted into four cells; of these, the two which lie at the deepest part of the cavity of the archegonium subdivide and 60 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ VII. ultimately form a plug-like, cellular, mass, which imbeds itself firmly in the substance of the prothallus. Of the remaining two cells, which also undergo subdivision, one gives rise to the rhizome of the young fern, while the other becomes its first rootlet. It appears probable that the plug-like mass absorbs nutritive matter from the prothallus, and supplies the rhizome of the young fern, until it is able to provide for itself. As the rhizome grows, and developes its fronds, it rapidly attains a size vastly superior to that of the prothallus, which at length ceases to have any functional importance, and dis- appears. Thus Pterts presents a remarkable case of the alternation of generations. The large and complicated organism com- monly known as the “Fern” is the product of the impreg- nation of the embryo cell by the antherozooid. This “ Fern,” when it attains its adult condition, developes sporangia; and the inner cells of these sporangia give rise, by a perfectly asexual fissive process, to the spores. The spores when set free germinate; the product of that germination is the incon- spicuous and simply cellular prothallus; an independent organism, which nourishes itself and grows, and on which, eventually, the essential organs of the sexual process—the archegonia and antheridia—are developed. Each impregnated embryo cell produces only a single “fern,” but each “fern” may give rise to innumerable pro- thallia, seeing that every one of the numerous spores de- veloped in the immense multitude of sporangia to which the frond gives rise, may germinate. vit] THE BRACKEN FERN. 61. LABORATORY WORK. A. THE FERN-PLANT ; ASEXUAL GENERATION, a, External characters. a. The brown underground stem or rhizome: its nodes and internodes, b. The roots springing from the rhizome. c. The leaves or fronds arising from the rhizome at intervals. a. The great amount of subdivision of the frond: its main axis (rachis) ; the primary divisions or pinne ; the ultimate divisions or pinnules. 8. The sori; small brown patches along the mar- gin of the under surface of some of the pin- nules, d, The nodes and internodes of the rhizome. The absence of a terminal bud on it. b. The rhizome. 1. Cut it across and draw the section as seen with the naked eye. a. The outer brownish layer (epidermis and sub- epidermis.) b. The yellowish-white substance (parenchyma) form- ing most of the thickness of the section. c. The internal incomplete brown ring (sclerenchyma) imbedded in the parenchyma. d. The small patches of sclerenchyma scattered about in the parenchyma outside the main sclerenchymatous ring. 19 é. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [VII The yellowish tissue (vascular bundles) lying inside and outside the ring of sclerenchyma. Cut a longitudinal section of the rhizome: make out on the cut surface b. 1. a. bc. dd. Cut a thin transverse section of the rhizome, mount in water and examine with 1 inch obj. a d. The single layer of much thickened epidermic cells, The small opaque angular contours of the sub- epidermic cells (external sclerenchyma). The large polyhedral more transparent paren- chymatous cells. The small opaque angular contours of the cells of the internal sclerenchyma, The great openings of the ducts and vessels in the fibro-vascular bundles. Draw the section. Examine with } obj. a. b. a. The epidermis : its thick-walled cells. The parenchyma : its large thin-walled cells: their sac, protoplasm and nucleus: the great number of starch granules in them. The various patches of sclerenchyma, made up of thick-walled angular cells. The vascular bundles. Note in each:— Outside, a single layer of cells containing no starch-granules (sheath-cells). Vit] or é. THE BRACKEN FERN. 63 Within the sheath-cells a layer of small paren- chymatous cells containing starch. Within the last layer come the bast-cells ; small rectangular cells with slightly thickened walls, and arranged in several rows. Within the bast layer, come one or more rows of larger thin-walled cells, The cross sections of the vessels: their greatly thickened walls, and large central cavity con- taining no protoplasm. Scattered here and there, in the spaces between the angles of the vessels, are small parenchyma- tous cells containing starch-granules. Treat with iodine: the protoplasm stained brown ; the starch-granules deep blue, rendering some of the cells quite opaque and almost black-looking. Cut a thin longitudinal section of the stem and examine with 1 inch and then with $ obj. Make out the various tissues described in 3 and 4, a. The epidermis and parenchyma, much as in the transverse section. The sclerenchyma is seen to be made up of greatly elongated cells, tapering towards each end. The vascular bundles ; note in them— The sheath-cells and parenchyma much as in the transverse section. The vessels: elongated tubes presenting cross partitions at long intervals. Two forms of vessel will be seen, viz. scalariform vessels, ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. {vir with regular transverse thickenings on their walls and spiral vessels, less numerous than the last form: with a continuous spiral thickening on their walls. y. The bast-cells: seven or eight times as long as they are broad, and terminating obliquely at each end. 6. The elongated larger cells (4. d. 6.): they have very slightly thickened walls and no scalariform markings. [Cut off half an inch of the growing end of the stem, imbed it in paraffin upside down, and cut a series of transverse sections: examine them with the microscope, beginning with those farthest from the growing point. At first the various tissues described in 3 and 4 will be readily recognisable ; as the sections nearer the growing point are examined they will be less distinct, and close to the growing point the whole section will be found to be composed entirely of parenchymatous closely fitting cells.] [c. The leaf. Imbed a leaf in paraffin and cut a thin vertical section: examine with 1 inch obj. It will be found to be constructed essentially on the same plan as the leaf of the bean. (VIIT.)] d. The reproductive organs. Examine a sorus with 1 inch obj. without a cover-glass. It is composed of a great number of minute oval bodies, the sporangia. Scrape off some sporangia and mount in water: ex- amine with 1 inch obj. a. Their form: they are oval biconvex bodies borne on a short stalk. I1.] THE BRACKEN FERN. 65 b. Their structure: composed of brownish cells, one row of which has very thick walls, and forms a marked ring (annulus) round the edge of the sporange. c. Their mode of dehiscence (look out for one that has opened): by a cleft running towards the centre of the sporange from a point where the annulus has torn across, 8. Burst open some sporangia by pressing on the cover- glass: examine with } obj. the spores which are set free. a. Thetr size: measure. b. Their form: somewhat triangular. [c. Lhetr structure ; a thick outer coat, a thin inner coat, protoplasm, and a nucleus: crush some by pressure on the cover-glass. | 3. THE PROTHALLUS; SEXUAL GENERATION. Prothalli may be obtained by sowing some spores on a lass slide, and keeping them warm and very moist for about hree months. They are small deep green leaf-like bodies. a. The Prothallus. 1. Transfer a prothallus to a slide, and mount it in water with its under surface uppermost. Examine with 1 inch obj. a. Its form: a thin kidney-shaped expansion from which, especially towards its convex border, a number of slender filaments (rootlets) arise. b. Its structure. a. The leafy expansion: it consists throughout most of its extent of a single layer of. polyhe- 5 66 i; ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [vir dral chlorophyll-containing cells, but at parts it is more than one cell thick. B. The rootlets: composed of a series of cells which contain no chlorophyll. The antheridia and archegonia: these can just be seen with an inch objective as minute eminences on the under surface of those parts of the prothallus which consist of several layers of cells. b. The reproductive organs. These are to be found by examining the under surface of the prothallus with $ obj. The antheridia. Most numerous near and among the rootlets. a. b. Their form: small hemispherical eminences. Their structure: made wp of an outer layer of cells containing a few chlorophyll-granules and through which can be seen a number of smaller cells which occupy the centre of the organ: in the latter cells, in ripe antheridia, spirally coiled bodies (antherozooids) can be indistinctly seen. The antherozooids. Some of these are sure to be found swimming about in the water if a number of ripe prothalli are examined. a. Small bodies, coiled like a corkscrew, thick at one end, and tapering towards the other, which has a number of cilia attached to it. To the — thicker end of the antherozooid is often attached a rounded mass containing colourless granules. Treat with iodine; this stains them and stops ft THE BRACKEN FERN. 67 their movements so that their form can be more distinctly seen. 3. The archegonia. Most numerous towards the concave border of the prothallus. a. Their form: chimney-shaped eminences with a small aperture at the apex. Their structure: composed of a layer of trans- parent cells, containing no chlorophyll, arranged in four rows, and surrounding a central cavity which extends into the cushion formed by the thickened part of the prothallus (a. 1. 6. a). In this cavity lies, in young specimens, a large nucleated granular basal cell, with two or three smaller granular cells above it in the narrow upper part of the cavity; in older specimens this upper part is empty, forming a canal leading down to the basal cell. 4, Examine young Fern in connexion with its prothallus. VITI. THE BEAN-PLANT. (Vicia faba.) In this, which is selected as a convenient example of a Flowering Plant, the same parts are to be distinguished as in the Fern; but the axis is erect and consists of a root imbedded in the earth and a stem which rises into the air. The appendages of the stem are leaves, developed from the op- posite sides of successive nodes; and the internodes become shorter and shorter towards the summit of the stem, which ends in a terminal bud. Buds are also developed in the axils of the leaves, and some of them grow into branches, which repeat the characters of the stem; but others, when the plant attains its full development, grow into stalks which support the flowers; each of which consists of a calyx, a corolla, a staminal tube and a central pistil; the latter is terminated by a style, the free end of which is the stigma. The staminal tube ends in ten filaments, four of which are rather shorter than the rest; and the filaments bear oval bodies, the anthers, which, when ripe, give exit to a fine powder, made up of minute pollen grains. The pistil is hollow ; and, attached by short stalks along the ventral side of it, or that turned towards the axis, is a longitudinal series of minute bodies, the ovules. Each ovule consists of a central conical nucleus, invested by two coats, an outer and an inner. Opposite the summit of the nucleus, these coats are per- forated by a canal, the micropyle, which leads down to the 1] THE BEAN-PLANT, 69 icleus. The nucleus contains a sac, the embryo sac, in hich certain cells, one of which is the embryo cell, and ie rest endosperm cells, are developed. A pollen grain »posited on the stigma, sends out a hypha-like prolongation, ie pollen tube, which elongates, passes down the style, and ventually reaches the micropyle of an ovule. Traversing 1e micropyle, the end of the pollen tube penetrates the ucleus, and comes into close contact with the embryo sac. ‘his is the process of impregnation, and the result of it ; that the embryo cell divides and gives rise to a cellular mbryo. This becomes a minute Bean-plant, consisting of a adicle or primary root; of two, relatively large, primary saves, the cotyledons; and of a short stem, the plumule, on ‘hich rudimentary leaves soon appear. The cotyledons now aerease in size, out of all proportion to the rest of the em- ryonic plant; and the cells of which they are composed be- ome filled with starch and other nutritious matter. The cleus and coats of the ovule grow to accommodate the en- arging embryo, but, at the same time, become merged into an nvelope which constitutes the coat of the seed. The pistil nlarges and becomes the pod; this, when it has attained its ull size, dries and readily bursts along its edges, or decays, etting the seeds free. Each seed, when placed in proper con- litions of warmth and moisture, then germinates. The cotyle- lons of the contained embryo swell, burst the seed coat, and, yecoming green, emerge as the fleshy seed leaves. The nutri- jous matters which they contain are absorbed by the plumule ind radicle, the latter of which descends into the earth and yecomes the root, while the former ascends and becomes the stem of the young bean-plant. The apex of the stem retains, chroughout life, the simply cellular structure which is, at Grst, characteristic of the whole embryo; and the growth n length of the stem, so far as it depends on the addition of iew cells, takes place chiefly, if not exclusively, in this part. 70 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [vin The apex of the root, on the other hand, gives rise to a root-sheath, as in the Fern. The leaves cease to grow by cell multiplication at their apices, when these are once formed, the addition of new cells taking place at their bases. The tissues which compose the body of the Bean-plant are similar, in their general characters, to those found in the Fern, but they differ in the manner of their arrangement. The surface is bounded by a layer of epidermic cells, within which, rounded or polygonal cells make up the ground- substance, or parenchyma, of the plant, extending to its very centre in the younger parts of the stem and in the root; while, in the older parts of the stem, the centre is occupied by a more or less considerable cavity, full of air. This cavity results from the central parenchyma becoming torn asunder, after it has ceased to grow, by the enlargement of the peripheral parts of the stem. Nearer to the circumference than to the centre, lies a ring of woody and vascular tissue, which, in transverse sections, is seen to be broken up into wedge-shaped bundles, by narrow bands of parenchymatous tissue, which extend from the parenchyma within the circle of woody and vascular tissue (medulla or pith) to that which lies outside it. Moreover each bundle of woody and vascular tissue is divided into two parts, an outer and an inner, by a thin layer of small and very thin-walled cells, termed the cambium layer. What lies outside this layer belongs to the bark and epidermis ; what lies inside it, to the wood and pith. The great morphological distinction between the axis of the Bean and that of the Fern lies in the presence of this cambium layer. ~The cells composing it, in fact, retain their power of multiplication, and divide by septa parallel with the length of the stem, or root, as well as transverse to it. Thus new cells are continually being added, on the inner side 71t1.] THE BEAN-PLANT. aL f the cambium layer, to the thickness of the wood, and on the outer side of it, to the thickness of the bark; and the wxis of the plant continually increases in diameter, so long as , ihis process goes on. Plants in which this constant addition io the outer face of the wood and the inner face of the bark iakes place, are termed exogens. At the apex of the stem, and at that of the root, the rambium layer is continuous with the cells which retain ihe capacity of dividing in these localities. As the plant is chickest at the junction of the stem and root, and diminishes ihence to the free ends, or apices, of these two structures, ihe cambium layer may be said to have the form of a double sone. And it is the special peculiarity of an exogen to possess his doubly conical layer of constantly dividing cells, the upper md of which is free, at the growing point of the terminal yud of the stem, while its lower end is covered by the root- ‘ap of the ultimate termination of the principal root. The most characteristic tissues of the wood are dotted lucts and spiral vessels, the spiral vessels being particularly vbundant close to the pith. The bark contains elongated tber or bast cells; but there are no scalariform vessels such is are found in the Fern. Stomates are absent in the epidermis of the root: they we to be found, here and there, in the epidermis of all the rreen parts of the stem and its appendages, but, as in the Tern, they are most abundant in the epidermis of the under ide of the leaves. As in the Fern, they communicate with ntercellular passages, which are widest in the leaves, but ‘xtend thence throughout the whole plant. The difference between a flowering plant, such as the 3ean, and a flowerless plant, such as the Fern, at first sight \ppears very striking, but it has been proved that the two are yut the extreme terms of one series of modifications. The 72 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Vio anther, for example, is strictly comparable to a sporangium. The pollen grains answer to the male spores of those flower- less plants in which the spores are of distinct sexes—some spores giving rise to prothallia which develope only anthe- ridia, and others to prothallia which develope only arche- gonia; instead of the same prothallia producing the organs of both sexes, as in Pteris. And the pollen tube corresponds with the first hypha-léke process of the spore. But, in the flowering plants, the protoplasm of the pollen tube does not undergo division and conversion into a prothallus, from which antheridia are developed, giving rise to detached fertilizing bodies or antherozooids, but exerts its fertilizing influence without any such previous differentiation. The connecting links between these two extreme modifications are furnished, on the one hand, by the Conifers, in which the protoplasm of the pollen tube becomes divided into cells, from which, however, no antherozooids are developed; and the Club- mosses, in which the protoplasm of the male spores (= pollen grains) divides into cells which form no prothallus, but give rise directly to antherozooids. On the other hand, the embryo sac is the equivalent of a female spore: the endosperm cells, which are produced from part of its protoplasm, answer to the cells of a prothallus; while the embryo cell of the flowering plant corresponds with the embryo cell contained in the archegonium of the prothallus. In the development of the female spore of the flowering plant, therefore, the free prothallus and the arche- gonia are suppressed. Here again, the intermediate stages are presented by, the Conifers and the Club-mosses. For, in the Conifers, the protoplasm of the embryo sac gives rise to a solid prothallus-like endosperm, in which bodies called corpuscula, which answer to the archegonia, are formed; and in these the embryo cells arise; while, in some of the Club-mosses, there are female spores distinct from the male VIII] THE BEAN-PLANT. 73 spores, and the prothallus which they develope does not leave the cavity of the spore, but remains in it like an endosperm. The physiological processes which go on in the higher green plants, such as the Fern and the Bean, resemble, in the gross, those which take place in Protococcus and Chara. For such plants grow and flourish if their roots are im- mersed in water containing a due proportion of certain saline matters, while their stem and leaves are exposed to the air, and receive the influence of the sun’s rays. A Bean-plant, for instance, may be grown, if supplied through its roots with a dilute watery solution of potassium and calcium nitrate, potassium and iron sulphate, and mag- nesium sulphate. While growing, it absorbs the solution, the greater part of the water of which evaporates from the ex- tensive surface of the plant. In sunshine, it rapidly decom- poses carbonic anhydride, fixing the carbon, and setting free the oxygen; at night, it slowly absorbs oxygen, and gives off carbonic acid; and it manufactures a large quantity of pro- tein compounds, cellulose, starch, sugar and the like, from the raw materials supplied to it. It is further clear that, as the decomposition of carbonic anhydride can take place only under the combined influences of chlorophyll and sunlight, that operation must be con- fined, in all ordinary plants, to the tissue immediately be- neath the epidermis in the stem, and to the leaves. And it can be proved, experimentally, that fresh green leaves possess this power to a remarkable extent. On the other hand, it is clear that, when a plant is grown under the conditions described, the nitrogenous and mineral sonstituents of its food can reach the leaves only by passing from the roots, where they are absorbed, through the stem to the leaves. And, at whatever parts of the plant the nitro- 74 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [VIII genous and mineral constituents derived from the roots are combined with the carbon fixed in the leaves, the resulting compound must be diffused thence, in order to reach the deep-seated cells, such for instance as those of the cambium layer and those of the roots, which are growing and multi- plying, and yet have no power of extracting carbon directly from carbonic anhydride. In fact, those cells which contain no chlorophyll, and are out of the reach of light, must live after the fashion of Toruda; and manufacture their protein out of a material which contains nitrogen and hydrogen, with oxygen and carbon, in some other shape than that of carbonic anhydride. The analogy of Torula suggests a fluid which contains in solution, either some ammoniacal salt com- parable to ammonium tartrate, or a more complex compound analogous to pepsin. Thus, the higher plant combines within itself the two, physiologically distinct, lower types of the Fungus and the Alga. That some sort of circulation of fluids must take place in the body of a plant, therefore, appears to be certain, but the details of the process are by no means clear. There is evidence to shew that the ascent of fluid from the root to the leaves takes place, to a great extent, through the elon- gated ducts of the wood, which not unfrequently open into one another by their applied ends, and, in that way, form very fine capillary tubes of considerable length. The mechanism by which this ascent is effected is of two kinds; there is a pull from above, and there is a push from below. The pull from above is the evaporation which takes place at the surface of the plant, and especially in the air passages of the leaves, where the thin-walled cells of the parenchyma are surrounded, on almost all sides, with air, which communicates directly with the atmosphere through the stomates. The push from below is the absorptive action which takes place at the extremities of the rootlets, and vilt.] THE BEAN-PLANT, 75 which, for example, in a vine, before its leaves have grown in the spring, causes a rapid ascent of fluid (sap) absorbed from the soil. A certain portion of the fluid thus pumped | up from the roots to the surface of the plant doubtless exudes, laterally, through the walls of the vessels (the thin places which give rise to the dots on the walls of these structures, especially favouring this process), and, passing from cell to cell, eventually reaches those which contain chlorophyll. The distribution of the compound containing nitrogen and carbon, whatever it may be, which is formed in the chlorophyll-bearing cells, probably takes place by slow diffusion from cell to cell. The supply of air, containing carbonic anhydride, to the leaves and bark is effected by the abundant and large air passages which exist between the cells in those regions. But it can hardly be doubted that all the living protoplasm of the plant undergoes slow oxidation, with evolution of carbonic anhydride; and that this process, alone, takes place in the deeper seated cells. The supply of oxygen needful for this purpose is sufficiently provided for, on the one hand, by the minute air passages which are to be found between the cells in all parenchymatous tissues; and on the other, by the spiral vessels, which appear always to contain air under normal circumstances, in the woody bundles. The replace- ment of the oxygen of the air thus absorbed, and the removal of the carbonic anhydride formed, will be sufficiently provided for by gaseous diffusion. From what has been said, it results that, in an ordinary plant, growing in damp earth and exposed to the sunshine, a current of fluid is setting from the root towards the surface exposed to the air, where its watery part is for the most part evaporated; while gaseous diffusion takes place, in the contrary direction, from the surface exposed to the air, through the air passages and spiral vessels which extend 76 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [vir from the stomates to the radicles; the balance of exchange being in favour of oxygen, in all the chlorophyll-bearing parts of the plant which are reached by the sunlight, and in favour of carbonic anhydride, in its colourless and hidden regions, At night, the evaporation diminishing with the lowering of the temperature, the ascent of liquid becomes . very slow, or stops, and the balance of exchange in the air passages is entirely in favour of carbonic anhydride; even the chlorophyll-bearing parts oxydizing, while no carbonic anhydride is decomposed. LABORATORY WORK. a. General characters. a. The erect central main axis (root and stem). The branches : some, mere repetitions of the main axis; others, modified and bearing flowers. The nodes and internodes. d. The appendages. a. Rootlets. 8. Foliage leaves. y. Floral leaves. b. The root. a. Its main central portion (axis). b. The irregularly arranged rootlets attached to the axis. c. The absence of chlorophyll in the root. voit] Cc. THE BEAN-PLANT. 77 The root-sheath, covering the tip of each rootlet: this is difficult to get whole out of the ground in the bean, but is readily seen by examining the roots of duckweed (Lemna) with 1 inch obj. In the latter plant it consists of several layers of cells forming a cap on the end of the root, and ending abruptly with a prominent rim some way up it. The stem. Erect, green, four-cornered with a ridge at each angle ; not woody; the gradual shortening of the internodes towards its apex. Cut a thin transverse section of the stem, through an internode ; note its central cavity, and the whitish ring of fibro-vascular bundles in it, which is harder to cut than the rest: mount in water and examine with 1 inch obj.: note— a. The medullary or pith-cavity in the centre of the section. The pith-cells, around the central cavity: large and more or less rounded (parenchyma) : some- times with dotted walls from spots of local thin- ness on them. The epidermis: composed of a single layer of somewhat squarish-looking cells, containing no chlorophyll. Beneath the epidermis several layers of large rounded cells containing chlorophyll (parenchyma of the bark). The medullary rays: radiating rows of paren- chymatous cells uniting 6 and d: not quite con- 78 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ VIII, tinuous, being interrupted by the cambium zone (Ff ¥)- The fibro-vascular bundles, lying between the medullary rays; commencing at the side nearest the pith, note— The large openings formed by the transverse sections of the spiral vessels and ducts. The small thick-walled wood-cells, wedged in between the vessels. The cambium zone; granular-looking, and composed of small angular thin-walled cells. The kber-layer: in cross section it seems composed of rounded cells with much thickened walls. Draw the section. Cut a transverse section through a node, and compare it with that through the internode. Cut a thin longitudinal section through part of an internode (if necessary the bit of stem may be im- bedded in paraffin first), and mount it in water; working from the medullary cavity outwards, note the following layers, using at first a low power. a The pith-cells: much as in the transverse sec- tion. The spiral vessels: elongated tubes with a spiral thickening on their walls. The wood-cells: elongated and with much thick- ened walls. The dotted ducts: much like b, but the thickening not deposited in the form of a spiral. 7III.] THE BEAN-PLANT. 79 e. Thecambium zone: made up of cloudy-looking, small, angular, thin-walled cells. fj. Laber-cells; fusiform and thick-walled. g. More parenchymatous cells: containing chloro- phyll. h. Epidermis: composed apparently of cubical colourless cells: here and there the opening of a stomate (d. 4. 8.) may be seen, Draw the section. 5. Compare the transverse and longitudinal sections together, making out the corresponding parts in each. 6. Put on a high power, and examine each of the above- mentioned tissues carefully. 7. Stain with iodine: note the cell-walls ; the protoplasm —its presence or absence, and relative quantity in the various tissues; the swceler of the cells; starch- granules in some, stained deep blue by the iodine. d. The leaves. 1. Their form and composition. a. Each leaf consists of a number of different parts, VIZ.— a. The stalk or petiole. The four to six oval leaflets attached laterally to the stalk. y. The pair of small leaf-like expansions (stipules) at the base of the petiole, §. The rudimentary tendril terminating the pe- tiole, 80 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ VIII. 2. The histological structure of a leaflet. 6 a. C. g, Imbed a leaflet in paraffin or hold it hetween two bits of carrot or turnip and cut a thin section from it, perpendicular to its surfaces. Let the section lie in water a few minutes to drive the air out of its intercellular spaces, and then mount it in water, and examine with 1 inch objective. Begin at the upper surface (marked out by its more closely packed cells), and work through to the lower. Note— The colourless epidermic layer—consisting of a single row of cells; the openings here and there in it (stomata). Beneath the upper epidermis come elongated chlorophyll-containing cells, set on perpendicu- larly to the surface. Then come irregularly branched (stellate) cells forming the lower half of the leaf-substance; these also contain chlorophyll. The epidermic layer of the lower surface; like a. The intercellular spaces, through the whole thickness of the leaf: the direct communication of some of them with stomata. Here and there sections of ribs or veins : make out in them the same elements as in c. 2. f. Draw. Treat with iodine: make out the sac, proto- plasm (primordial utricle), nucleus and vacuole of the cells: the starch-granules. 11] THE BEAN-PLANT. 81 d. Peel off a strip of epidermis from a leaf and ex- amine with a low power: note— The large close-fitting cells, with irregularly wavy margins and no chlorophyll, which chiefly make up the epidermis. The openings here and there in it (stomata) ; the two curved, chlorophyll-containing cells bounding each stomate. Gently pull a midrib in two across its long axis; note the fine threads uniting the two broken ends; cut them off with a sharp pair of scissors, mount in water and examine with 4 or 4 ob- jective: they will be found to consist of partially unrolled spiral vessels. e. The flower. 1. Its general structure. a. Borne on a short stalk (peduncle). b. Composed of four rows or whorls of organs. a. B. Yy- é The external green cup-like calya. Inside the calyx the corolla: the most con- spicuous part of the flower. Inside the corolla the stamens. Within the stamens the pistil. 2. The calyx. A cup terminated at its free edge by five prominent points, two dorsal, and three ventral: the five small midribs running along it (one to the end of each of the points) represent the free ends of five sepals, which are united below, 6 82. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Vii 3. The corolla. a YY Composed of five pieces or petals. On the dorsal side, a single large piece (veail- lum) expanded at its free end and folded over the rest. On the sides, two oval pieces (the alc), each attached by a distinct narrowed stalk (unguis), The inferior part of the corolla (carina), com- posed of two oval pieces united along their lower edge but readily tearing apart. 4, The stamens. a. Ten in number, each consisting of a stalk-like part, the filament, terminated by a small knob, the anther. The union of the filaments for three-fourths of their length to form the stamen-tube: the. sharp bend of the filaments towards the upper side at the point where they separate from one another, Tease out an anther in water and examine with 4 obj.: there will be found numerous— Pollen-grains: small oval bodies, with pro- jections on them in the equatorial region. The anther of a bean is so small that sections cannot be made of it without considerable skill: the structure of an anther can however be easily made out by imbedding one from a tiger-lily in paraffin or holding it between two bits of carrot, cntting transverse sections, mounting in: water and examining with 1 inch obj. THE BEAN-PLANT. 83 It contains four chambers, two on each side of the continuation of the filament, and in each chamber lie numerous pollen-grains. 5. The pistil. a. It is found by tearing open the stamen-tube: it is a long green tapering body, somewhat flattened laterally and ending in a point (the style) which bears a tuft of strong hairs. Slit it open carefully: in it lies a central cavity, containing a number of small oval bodies, the ovules, attached along its ventral side by short pedicles. It is difficult to get a section of a bean-ovule, but its essential structure may be readily made out by making thin transverse sections of the ovary of a large lily (where the ovules are closely im- bedded in a large quantity of parenchyma) and examining with 1 inch obj. The central cellular portion of the ovule (nucleus) made up of a large number of cells, Its two coats, an inner (primine) and outer (secundine). The small passage (micropyle) leading through the coats down to the nucleus. In some specimens, a large cavity (the embryo- sac) will be seen in the nucleus just opposite the micropyle. In the embryo-sac may be seen some small granular cells (the embryo- cell and endosperm cells). 6—2 84 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [viit. f. The seeds. Soak some dried beans in water for twenty-four hours ; they will slightly swell up and be more readily ex- amined than when dry. a. Note the black patch on one end of the bean, ' marking where the stalk (funiculus) which fixed it in the pod was attached to it. b. Having wiped all moisture off the bean gently press it while observing that part of the black patch which is next its broader end: close to the patch a minute drop of fluid will be observed to be pressed out through a small opening, the micropyle. c. Carefully peel off the outer coat (testa) of the seed: the two large fleshy cotyledons will be laid bare. d. Joining the cotyledons together will be found the rest of the embryo: it consists of a conical part (the radicle) lying outside the cotyledons, with its apex directed towards the point where the micropyle was; and of the rudiments of the stem and leaves (plumule) lying between the cotyledons. g. The process of fertilization. This is difficult to follow in the bean; but by using different plants for the observation of its various stages it is fairly easy to observe all its more important steps. 1. A plant well adapted for seeing the penetration of the pollen-tube into the stigma and style is the Evening Primrose (Gnothera biennis). Detach the style from the flower and hold the club- _ shaped stigma between the finger and thumb of the THI] 1 THE BEAN-PLANT. 85 left hand. Moisten it with a drop of water and then make with a wetted razor several successive cuts through it. This will divide the stigma into several slices. Spread these out on a glass slide with a needle in water and examine the thinnest, after put- ting on a covering-glass. The triangular grains of pollen will be seen sending out from one angle a tube into the stigmatic tissue, which is easily seen from its slight difference in colour. The entrance of the pollen-tube into the micropyle can be readily made out in some species of Veronica. The common V. Serpyllifolia—often to be found in shady places on lawns—is well adapted for the pur- pose. A flower should be taken from which the corolla has just dropped. Dissect out the minute ovary and using the dissecting microscope open with a needle one of its two cells in a drop of water; remove the mass of ovules and gently tease them apart. Then put on a covering-glass and examine with a low power till an ovule is found which shews the entry of the pollen-tube. The addition of dilute glycerine will make the ovule more transparent so that after some time the embryo-sac can be seen and the progress of the pollen-tube into the ovule followed. The young fruit of Campanula (especially the com- mon Canterbury Bells of gardens, Campanula Mediwm) is convenient for examining the embryo-sac. It is only necessary to cut thin transverse sections of the fruit and examine in water. Some of the ovules cut through will allow the embryo-sac to be seen, and in fortunate sections the embryo-vesicle and the end of the pollen-tube in contact with the embryo-sac. IX. THE BELL-ANIMALCULE (Vorticella). THE great majority of those animal organisms which are more complex than Ameba, begin their existence as simple nucleated cells, having a general similarity to Ameba; and the single nucleated cell which constitutes the whole animal in its primitive condition divides and subdivides until an aggregation of similar cells is formed. And it is by the. differentiation and metamorphosis of these primitively similar histological elements that the organs and tissues of the body are built up. But in one group, the Jnfusoria, the protoplasmic mass which constitutes the germ does not undergo this process of preliminary subdivision, but such structure as the adult animal possesses is the result of the direct metamorphosis of parts of its protoplasmic substance. Hence, morphologically, the bodies of these animals are the equivalents of a single cell; while, physiologically, they may attain a considerable amount of complexity. The Infusoria abound in fresh and salt waters, and make their appearance in infusions of many animal and vegetable substances, their germs either being contained in the sub- stances infused, or being wafted through the air. Their diffusion is greatly facilitated by the property which many of them possess of being dried, and thus reduced to the condition of an excessively light dust, without the destruction x] THE BELL-ANIMALCULE. 87 f their vitality; while their rapid propagation is, in the nain, due to their power of multiplying by division, with ex- raordinary rapidity, when duly supplied with nourishment. [he majority are free and provided with numerous cilia by vhich they are incessantly and actively propelled through ‘he medium in which they live; but some attach themselves 0 stones, plants, or even the bodies of other animals. A ew are parasitic, and the bladder and intestines of the Frog wre usually inhabited by several species of large size. The Bell-animalcules are Infusoria which are fixed, isually by long stalks, to water-plants, or, not unfrequently, o the limbs of aquatic Crustacea. The body has the shape f a wine-glass with a very long and slender stem, provided rith a flattened disc-like cover. What answers to the rim f the wine-glass is thickened, somewhat everted, and richly iliated, and the edges of the disc are similarly thickened nd ciliated. Between the thickened edge of the cover, or eristome, and the edge of the disc, is a groove, which, at one oint, deepens and passes into a wide depression, the vesti- ulum. From this a narrow tube, the esophagus, leads into ae central substance of the body, and terminates abruptly nerein; and when fecal matters are discharged, they make aeir way out by an aperture which is temporarily formed in ae floor of this vestibule. The outermost layer of the sub- vance of the body is denser and more transparent than the ast, forming a cuticula. Immediately beneath the cuticle it ' tolerably firm and slightly granular, and this part is dis- nguished as the cortical layer; it passes into the central ibstance, which is still softer and more fluid. In the undisturbed condition of the Bell-animalcule, the em is completely straightened out; the peristome is everted, id the edges of the disc separated from the peristome; the astibule gaping widely and the cilia working vigorously. ut the least shock causes the disc to be retracted, and the 88 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x edge of the peristome to be curved in and shut against it, so as to give the body a more globular form. At the same time, the stem is thrown into a spiral, and the body is thus drawn back towards the point of attachment. If the dis- turbing influence be continued, this state of retraction per- sists; but if it be withdrawn, the spirally coiled stem slowly straightens, the peristome expands, and the cilia resume their activity. In the interior of the body, immediately below the disc, a space, occupied by a clear watery fluid, is seen to make its appearance at regular intervals—slowly enlarging until it attains its full size and then suddenly and rapidly dis- appearing by the approximation of its walls. This is the contractile vesicle. Whether it has any communication with the exterior or not and what is its function, are still open questions. If the Bell-animalcule is well fed, one or more watery vesicles of a spheroidal form, each containing a certain portion of the ingested food, will be seen in the soft central mass of the body. And by mixing a small quantity of finely divided carmine or indigo with the water in which the Vorticelle live, the manner in which these food-vesicles are formed may be observed. The coloured particles are driven into the vestibule by the action of the cilia of the peristome and the adjacent parts and gradually accumulate at the inner end of the gullet. After a time the mass here heaped together projects into the central substance of the body, surrounded by an envelope of the accompanying water; and then suddenly breaks off, as a spheroidal drop, hence- forward free in. the soft central substance. In some Bell- animalcules, the food-vesicles thus formed undergo a move- ment of circulation, passing up one side of the body, then crossing over below the disc and descending on the other side. Sooner or later the contents of these vesicles are digested, and the refuse is thrown into the vestibule by an Ix. ] THE BELL-ANIMALCULE. 89 aperture which exists only at the moment of extrusion of the feeces, and is indistinguishable at any other time. A portion of the substance of the body, which is slightly different in transparency and in its reactions to colouring substances from the rest, is called the nucleus or. endoplast. It is elongated and bent upon itself into a crescentic or horse- shoe shape. The Bell-animalcules multiply in two ways; partly by longitudinal fission, when a bell becomes cloven down the middle, each half acquiring the structure previously possessed by the whole; and partly by gemmation from the endoplast, in which latter case the endoplast divides and one or more of the rounded masses thus separated are set free as loco- motive germs. Sometimes a rounded body, encircled by a ring of cilia but having otherwise the characters of a Vorticella bell, is seen to be attached to the base of the bell of an ordinary Vorticella. It was formerly supposed that these were buds but it appears that they are independent individuals, which have attached themselves to that to which they adhere and are gradually becoming fused with it, so that the two will form one indistinguishable whole. It is probable that this “con- jugation” has relation to a sexual process. Under certain circumstances a Vorticella may become encysted. The peristome closes and the bell becomes con- verted into a spheroidal body, in which only the nucleus and the contractile vesicle remain distinguishable. This sur- rounds itself with a structureless envelope or cyst, from which, after remaining at rest for a longer or shorter time, the Bell-animalcule may emerge and resume its former state of existence. In thus passing into a temporary condition of rest many of the other Infusoria resemble Vorticella. The two genera of Infusoria which most commonly occur in the Frog are Nyctotherus and Balantidium. Both are free 90 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Ix. and actively locomotive, and the former is particularly re- markable for its relatively large size and semilunar contour, and for the length and distinctness of its curved cesophagus. Balantidium is pyriform, and has a very short cesophageal depression. LABORATORY WORK. A. Examine duckweed roots, conferve, &c, with 1 inch objective avoiding pressure; having found a group of Vorticelle note the following pomts with a higher power. 1. In the extended state of the animal. a, The body. a. Its size (measure). b. Form; broadly speaking, that of an inverted bell: note— a, The prominent everted rim (peristome). 8. The flattened central disc projecting above the peristome. y. The cilia fringing the disc. 6. The depression between the peristome and disc. e. The mouth of the chamber (vestibulwm) into which the cesophagus and anus open, in the hollow between the peristome and disc. c. Structure :-— a. The thin, transparent, homogeneous external layer (cutzcle). Ix. ] THE BELL-ANIMALCULE, 91 The granular layer (cortical layer) inside the cuticle. [Its fine transverse striation. ] - The central more fluid part, not sharply marked off from £. The various clear spaces (alimentary vacuoles) in it, containing foreign (swallowed) bodies (Diatoms, Protococcus, &c.). The contractile vesicle; its position, in the cortical layer just beneath the disc; its systole and diastole. The nucleus; an elongated curved body in the cortical layer; sometimes nearly homogeneous, sometimes more distinctly granular. The nu- cleus is usually indistinguishable until after treatment with iodine (4). The gullet; sometimes seen in optical trans- verse section as a clear round space; some- times seen sidewise as a canal opening above on the disc, and ending abruptly below in the body-substance.' b. The stalk. Its length and diameter (measure). Its structure; the external homogeneous layer (sheath) continuous with the cuticle ; the highly refractive centre (avis) generally surrounded with granules, and continuous with the cortical layer of the bell. 2. In the retracted state. The body. Its form; pear-shaped; rounded off above; no disc or peristome visible. 92 ¥: ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Ix. The clear transverse space near the top, indica- ting the interval between the retracted disc and the rolled-in peristome. In this space the cilia can frequently be seen moving. Structure; as in 1. ac. b. The stalk ; thrown into corkscrew-like folds. The movements of Vorticella. Compare especially the regularity, definiteness and rapidity of some of them with the slow and irregular movements of Amoeba. (IIL) a. [B. The ciliary movement. Examine the cilia carefully; delicate homoge- neous processes; their length, diameter and form ; their position. The continuity of the cilia with the cortical layer.] The function of the cilia; their rapid move- ments, alternately bending and straightening: the co-ordination of these movements; they work in a definite order; note the currents produced in the neighbouring water (if ne- cessary introduce a few particles of carmine under the coverslip); the sweeping of small bodies down the gullet. The movements of the contractile vesicle (see III. A. 3.¢). Tolerably regular rhythmic distension and collapse (diastole and systole). The currents in the central parts of the body carry- ing round the swallowed bodies. (Compare VI. C.) The movements of the animal as a whole. (4 inch or $ inch obj.) 1x.] THE BELL-ANIMALCULE. 93 ‘Its extreme irritability; it contracts on the slightest stimulation: often without any ap- parent cause. The movements which occur in contraction ; the coiling up of the stalk ; the rolling in of the disc. The rapidity of these movements. The mode of re-expansion ; the stalk straightens first; then the peristome is everted; finally the disc and its cilia are protruded. 4. Stain with iodine or magenta; the cuticle uncoloured —the rest stained; the nucleus especially becomes deeply coloured. 5. Treat with acetic acid; the contents soon disappear (except perhaps some swallowed bodies)—the cuticle later or not at all. 6. Note the following points in various specimens— a. ly. (3. Multiplication by fission ; a bell partially divided into two by a vertical fissure starting from the disc. Two complete bells on one stalk; the result of completion of the fission. The development of a basal circlet of cilia by one or both of these bells. Free swimming unstalked bells (detached bells from B).] Conjugation ; the attachment of a small free swim- ming bell to the side of a stalked one. | Encystation ; the body contracted into a ball and surrounded by a thickened structureless layer, the contractile vesicle being persistently dilated. ] 94 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [rx B. Other forms closely allied to Vorticella which may be met with, and which will do nearly as well for exami- nation, are ;— a. Hpistylis, Bell-shaped animals growing on a branched non-contractile stalk. b. Carchesium. A form very like Vorticella but borne on a branched contractile stalk. c. Cothurnia. An almost sessile form, provided with a cup or envelope into which the bell can be re- tracted. [The activity of the movements of the free Infusoria interferes with the complete examination of the living animal. It is well therefore to add a little osmic acid solution to the drop of water under examination. This kills such Infusoria as Paramecium, Nyctotherus and Balantidium instantly, without destroying the essential features of their organization. ] Ss THE FRESHWATER POLYPES (Hydra viridis and H. fusca). IF a waterweed, such as duckweed, from a pond, is placed in a glass and allowed to remain undisturbed for a short time, minute gelatinous-looking bodies of a brownish or green colour may frequently be found attached to it, or to the sides of the glass. They have a length of from 1 to } of an inch, and are cylindrical or slightly conical in form. From the tree end numerous delicate filaments, which are often much longer than the body, proceed and spread out with a more or less downward curve, in the water. If touched, these threads, which are the tentacles, rapidly shorten and together with the body shrink into a rounded mass. After a while,: the contracted body and the tentacles elongate and resume their previous form. These are Polypes, the brown ones belonging to the species termed Hydra fusca, the green to that called H. viridis. The polypes usually remain at- tached to one spot for a long time, but they are capable of crawling about by a motion similar to that of the looping caterpillar; and, sometimes, they detach themselves and float passively in the water. When any small animal, such as a water-flea, swim- ming through the water comes in contact with the tentacles, it is grasped, and conveyed by their contraction to the 96 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x. aperture of the wide mouth, which is situated in the middle of the circle formed by the bases of the tentacles, It is then taken into a cavity which occupies the whole interior of the body; the nutritive matters which it contains are dissolved out and absorbed by the substance of the: Hydra; andthe innutritious residuum is eventually cast out by the way it entered. Small pieces of meat, brought within reach of the tentacles, are seized, swallowed and digested in the same manner. If a Hydra is well fed, bud-like projections make their appearance upon the outer surface of the body. Thesé gradually elongate and become pear-shaped. At the free end a mouth is formed; and around it minute processes are developed and grow into tentacles; and thus a young Hydra is formed by gemmation from the parent. This young Hydra becomes detached sooner or later and leads an independent existence; but, not unfrequently, new buds are developed from other parts of the parent before the first is detached, and the progeny may themselves begin to bud before they attain independence. In this manner, temporarily compound organisms may be formed. Experiments have shewn that * these animals may be cut into halves or quarters and that each portion will repair its losses, and grow up into a perfect Hydra; and there is reason to believe that this process of fission sometimes occurs naturally. The Hydra multiplies by budding through the greater part of the year; but in the summer projections of the surface appear at the bases of the tentacles’6 er nearer the attached end of the body. Within the former (testes) great numbers of minute particles, each moved by a vibratile cilium, are developed and are eventually set free. Functionally, these answer to the antherozooids of plants and they are termed spermatozoa. The enlargement formed near the attached end of the Al THE FRESH-WATER POLYPES, 97 olype may be single, as in Hydra viridis, or as many as eight ray be found in other species. It becomes much larger han the testis and is the ovary. Within it is developed single large egg, or ovum. This ovum, which is a huge ucleated cell, is impregnated by the spermatozoa and |) undergoes division into two parts. Each of these again di- ides into two; and so on, until the ovum is broken up into number of small embryo-cells. The mass of embryo-cells hus formed becomes surrounded with a thick, usually tuber- ulated or spinous, case; and, detaching itself from the body, orms the ‘egg,’ from which a new Hydra is developed. Microscopic examination shews that the body of the Tydra is a sac, the wall of which is composed of two nembranes, an outer (ectoderm), and an inner (endoderm). Che tentacles are tubular processes of the sac, and therefore re formed externally by the ectoderm and lined internally ny the endoderm. Both the endoderm and the ectoderm ire made up of nucleated cells; the inner ends of those f the ectoderm being prolonged into delicate fibres, which ‘un parallel with the long axis of the body on the inner ace of the ectoderm. The green colour of the Hydra viridis ‘esults from the presence of chlorophyll grains imbedded n the protoplasm of the cells. In both the ectoderm and the endoderm the protoplasm of the cells contains very singular bodies,—the so-called irticating capsules, threed-cells, or nematocysts—which are nval bags, with thick and elastic walls, containing a spirally oiled-up filament which is unrolled suddenly on the lightest pressure and then presents the appearance of a long jlament attached to the capsule, and often provided with chree recurved spines near its base. As similar capsules of a arger size are the agents by which many of the jelly fishes sting severely, just as nettles do when they are handled, there s every reason to believe that the thread-cells of the Hydra a M, ‘ me org A i 98 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [X, exert a like noxious influence upon the small animals which serve as their prey. Thus, Hydra is essentially a cellular organism like one of the lower plants, but differs from them morphologically in the fact that its cells are not inclosed within cellulose walls; and physiologically, in the dependence of these cells for their nutrition upon ready formed protein matter. The function of the chlorophyll granules contained in the endoderm of the green Hydra, and of the brown or orange-coloured particles in the endoderm of the other species, is wholly unknown. The Hydra, again, may be compared to an aggregate of Amobe, which are arranged in the form of a double-walled sac and have undergone a certain amount of metamorphosis, It is possible that the longitudinal fibres connected with the cells of the ectoderm may be specially contractile, and re- present muscles; but, however this may be, each cell has its own independent contractility. No trace of a special nervous system has yet been discovered, and the manner in which the actions of the different parts of the Hydra are combined to a common end, as in locomotion and the seizing of prey, - is not understood. The Hydra has none of the special apparatuses which are termed sense-organs, or glands. The cavity of thé body. alone represents a stomach and intestine; there are no organs of circulation, respiration or urinary secretion; the products of digestion being doubtless transmitted, by im- bibition, from cell to cell, and those of the waste of the cells exuded directly into the surrounding water. a. THE FRESH-WATER POLYPES. 99 LABORATORY WORK. Put in a beaker some water containing bodies to which Hydre are attached and place the beaker in a window not exposed to direct sunlight: in the course of some hours many Hydre will be found attached to that side of the glass which is turned towards the light. Note their size, form, colour, mode of attach- ment and movements, Transfer a Hydra, by means of a pipette, on to a slide; cover in plenty of water with a large coverslip, and examine with linch obj. Note— Form. a. The base (so called foot): a flattened disc; nar- rower or wider than the body according to the state of extension of the latter. 8. The body proper: cylindrical, varying much in length and diameter with the state of exten- sion of the animal; its conical free end, with an opening (mouth) in it. It is often difficult to see the mouth in this way, especially in the green species. It is readily seen however if a Hydra be placed in a drop of water, without a coverslip, and be watched with an inch objec- tive until it turns its anterior end up towards the observer. y. The tentacles: ranged round the mouth their number and shape; their varying length and diameter ; the knob-like eminences on them. 7—2 100 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x. The testes: small conical colourless eminences below the point of attachment of the tentacles, The ovary: a larger rounded colourless promi- nence near the base: there may be more than one. The buds: young Hydre, of various sizes and stages of development, attached to the sides of the parent. Either 6. e. or € or all of seis may be absent in some specimens. b. Structure. a. The animal evidently composed of two layers, an outer, ectoderm, and inner, endoderm, the latter alone containing chlorophyll in the green species: the ectoderm is marked out into areas, and may with care be seen to be composed of distinct cells, though this is a little difficult to make out in fresh specimens. The body-cavity: difficult to make out in the green species, frequently visible in the brown ones as a darker central patch with which the mouth-opening is continuous ; the extension of the body-cavity into the tentacles. “Note cor- puscles floating along inside them when they are extended. c. Movements. a. The general contractility of the animal; it is constantly either extending or shortening its body and tentacles, and so altering its form and place. Its irritability ; slight pressure or other stimu: | lus immediately causes it to. contract. el THE FRESH-WATER POLYPES. 10L 3. Examine with a high power: try to make out the different cells of the ectoderm— : a. Large somewhat conical nucleated cells, with the broader end turned outwards. 8. Smaller rounded cells packed between the deep ends of the larger ones. y. The nematocysts: small oval capsules, with a filament coiled up inside them, which are dispersed through the ectoderm in the interior of its component cells. 4, Treat with magenta: note the staining of the cells, the emission of the thread-cells, and the protrusion of their threads: three chief forms of thread-cell— a, ‘An oval capsule with a filament many times its own length attached to one end, and three short processes radiating from the base of the thread, 8. Smaller thread-cells, without the radiating pro- cesses and with a short thread. y. Cells like 8. but with a much longer thread. Imbed in paraffin a Hydra which has been hardened in chromic or osmic acid‘ and cut sections from it; or lay a prepared Hydra on a glass slide and with a razor cut off transverse slices; having obtained by either method a number of thin sections mount them in glycerine and make out— Or 1 When a Hydra is placed in the above hardening fluids it nearly always contracts so much as to make it difficult to cut sections. If it be first killed, by placing it in a small quantity of water and when it has ex- panded adding some boiling water, fairly extended specimens for hardening san usually be obtained, ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x. a. The large and small cells of the ectoderm and its thread-cells, their arrangement and rela- tions. (3.) B. The cells of the endoderm: large, nucleated, with a flattened base and a rounded free end: their arrangement in a single layer. y. The thin intermediate layer (muscular stratum) between ectoderm and endoderm. 6.. The body cavity. Tease out in water a specimen which has been treated with weak chromic acid (0. 12) or with osmic acid: make out the various cells already described: notice branched tails proceeding from the narrower ends of the larger ectoderm cells. Tease out a fresh Hydra in water and observe the various cells. Note the amcboid movements exhibited by some, and the single cilium attached to other (endoderm) cells. ] Gently flatten out a testis in water by pressure on the coverslip, and examine with a high power. According to its state of maturity the following contents will be found in it— a. A collection of the smaller ectoderm cells. 8. The same but having lost their nucleus and become hyaline. y. Cells otherwise like @. but with a long filament proceeding from them. 8. Ripe spermatozoa: bodies consisting of a very small oval head to which a very delicate fila- ment is attached, and which should they get free swim about in the water by the movements of this filament. They may frequently be seen in motion within the unruptured testis. x] THE FRESH-WATER POLYPES. 103 9. Press out an ovary: according to its stage of develop- ment there will be found in it— a B. Simply ectoderm cells with an unusual prepon- derance of the smaller form. Imbedded among cells like a, one which has become larger and clearer than the rest, and possesses a distinct central clear spot in it. Considerable aggregation of granular proto- plasm round this cell, so as to form a body consisting of a granular protoplasmic mass, in which is imbedded a clear round vesicle which again contains a distinct rounded dot. The ripe ovum. Consisting of a great irregu- larly branched mass of protoplasm (vitellus), in which is a clear space (germinal vesicle) con- taining another body (the germinal spot). The segmented ovum: composed of a large number of small cells. Its thick capsule, rough on its external surface. XI. THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL (Anodonta Cygnea). UNDER the name of ‘ Fresh-water Mussel’ two distinct kinds of animals, which are not unfrequently abundant in our ponds and rivers, are included; namely, the Anodonta and two or three kinds of Unio. The Anodonta is chosen for special study here, but what is said about it applies very well to all parts of Unio except the shell. The animal is inclosed in a shell composed of two pieces or valves, which are lateral, or right and left, in relation to the median plane of the body. The more rounded and broader end is anterior, the more tapering, posterior. If placed in a vessel of water, at the bottom of which there is a tolerably thick layer of soft mud or sand, and left quite. undisturbed, the Anodonta will partially bury itself with its anterior end directed obliquely downwards; and the valves will separate at their ventral edges for a short distance. At the edges of this ‘gape’ of the shell the thickened margins of a part of the contained body which is called the mantle, become visible, and between them a large, whitish, fleshy, tongue-shaped structure—the foot—not unfrequently protrudes, and is used to perform the sluggish movements of which the Anodon is, capable. If some finely divided colouring matter, such as indigo, is dropped into the water, so as to fall towards the . xr] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 105 gape, it will be seen to be sucked in; while, after a short time, a current of the same substance will flow out from an opening between the two edges of the mantle on the dorsal side of the posterior end of the body; and these ‘inhalent’ and ‘exhalent’ currents go on, so long as the animal is alive and the valves are open. Any disturbance, however, causes the foot, if it was previously protruded, to be retracted, while the edges of the mantle are drawn in and the two valves shut with great force. On the other hand, in a dead Anodonta the valves always gape, and if they are forcibly shut spring open again. The reason of this is the presence of an elastic band, which unites the dorsal margins of the two valves, for some dis- tance, and is put on the stretch when the valves are forcibly brought together. During life they are thus adducted by the contraction of two thick bundles of muscular fibres, which pass from the inner face of one valve to that of the other, one at the anterior and the other at the posterior end of the body, and are called the anterior and posterior adductors. The animal can be extracted from the shell without damage, only by cutting through these muscles close to their attachments. It is bilaterally symmetrical, the foot proceed- ing from the middle of its ventral surface; the mouth is median and situated between a projection, which answers to the under surface of the anterior adductor muscle, and the superior attachment of the foot. On each side of the mouth are two triangular flaps with free pointed ends—the labial palpi—and behind these, on each side, two broad, plate- like organs, with vertically striated outer surfaces, are visible. These are the gills or branchice. In the dorsal region, the integument is soft and smooth; on each side, it is produced into two large folds, the lobes of the mantle or palliwm, which closely adhere to the inner surface of the valves of the shell, and end, ventrally, in the thickened margins already mentioned. They pass into one another in 106 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XI front of the mouth; at the sides, they are united with the dorsal edges of the outer gill-plates; and, behind, they extend upwards and on to the dorsal face of the body, before finally passing into one another above, and in front of, the anus, which is small, tubular, prominent and median. Thus the anus is inclosed in a part of the cavity bounded by the two mantle lobes, which is relatively small and shallow, and is termed the cloacal chamber ; while the gills, the foot, and the palps, hang down into the relatively large branchial chamber, which occupies the space between the mantle-lobes for the rest of their extent. It is the prolongation of the margins of the former cavity which gives rise to the tubular anal siphon seen in so many Lamellibranchs; while the ventral or branchial siphon is a similar prolongation of the margins of the branchial chamber. The dorsal siphon is the channel through which the exhalent currents pass; the ventral, that for the inhalent currents. The currents are produced and kept up by the action of the cilia which abound upon the gills. The latter are per- forated by innumerable small apertures, and the chambers contained between the two lamelle of which each gill is formed, are in communication, above, with the cloacal chamber. The cilia work in such a way as to drive the water in which the animal lives from the outer surface of each gill towards its interior. Hence the current which sets from the branchial to the cloacal chamber. The current of water which is thus continually drawn into the branchial chamber carries with it minute organisms, Infusoria, Diatoms and the like, and many of these are swept to the fore part of the branchial chamber, where they enter the mouth, and are propelled by the cilia which line its cavity into the alimentary canal. The latter presents a short and wide gullet, a stomach surrounded by hepatic follicles, a long intestine coiled upon itself, im» a somewhat complicated x1] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 107 manner, and, finally, a rectum, which lies in the middle line of the dorsal aspect of the body, traverses the pericardium and the heart which lies therein, and finally ends in the anus. As the mouth is below and behind the anterior adductor and the rectum passes in front of and above the posterior adductor, it is clear that the alimentary canal, as a whole, lies between the two adductor muscles. Digestion, that is solution of the proteinaceous and other nutritive matters contained in food, is effected in the stomach and intestine; and the nutritious fluid, thus formed, transudes through the walls of the alimentary cavity and passes into the blood contained in the blood-vessels which surround it. This blood is thence carried into a large sinus, which occupies the middle line of the body under the pericardium and between the organs of Bojanus (see Laboratory work 5), and receives the greater part of the blood returning from all parts of the body. From this median vena cava, branches are given off to the gills and open into the extensive vascular network which those organs contain. From this, again, trunks lead towards the pericardium and open into one or other of the two auricles of the heart, which communicate by valvular apertures with the ventricle. The ventricle gives off two aortic trunks, one of which, the anterior, runs forwards in the middle line, above the rectum, while the other runs backwards, below the rectum. From these two aorte branches are given off which divide into smaller ramifications for the different regions of the body, and for the viscera, and finally terminate in channels which answer to the capillaries of the higher animals. The pericardial cavity, in which the heart is lodged, is situated in the posterior half of the dorsal region of the body. Through its thin dorsal wall, and, still better, when it is care- fully laid open, the heart can be seen beating. The auricles contract and, after them, the ventricle ; the wave-like contrac- 108 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [xr tion of the latter being much the more easily visible. The lips of the auriculo-ventricular apertures are so disposed that the blood is impeded from flowing back into the auricles, when the ventricles contract, and is forced out, either forwards or backwards, through the two aorte. From these it finds its way to the capillaries, and returns from them to the vena cava; whence it is carried, through the organs of Bo- janus, to the branchie. Here it becomes purified of carbonic anhydride, and receives oxygen from the water in which the branchiz are plunged; and it is finally brought back in an arterialized condition to the heart. The heart is therefore systemic and propels aerated blood. The majority of the vessels which convey the blood from the vena cava to the branchiaz, traverse the walls of the dark- coloured organ—the organ of Bojanus—which has already been mentioned ; and it is probable that they here part with their nitrogenous waste matters—the organ of Bojanus, in all probability, playing the part of a kidney. The cavity of the organ of Bojanus communicates, on the one hand, with the pericardium, and, on the other, with the exterior, by an aperture which is situated close to the attachment of the inner gill to the walls of the body. Thus the cavity of the pericardium communicates directly with the exterior, though by a roundabout way. But it also communicates directly with the venous system, by sundry small apertures placed in the anterior part of its floor, Hence it must contain a mixture of blood and water. The blood of the Anodonta is colourless, and contains colourless corpuscles, which resemble those of Man in struc- ture and present the same Amcebiform movements. The nervous system of the Anodonta consists of three pairs of yellow ganglia; the cephalic, situated at the sides of the mouth; the pedal, placed in the foot; and the parieto- splanchnic, on the under face of the posterior adductor muscle. XU] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 109 They are united by commissural cords which connect the cephalic ganglia with one another, and with the pedal and parieto-splanchnic ganglia, respectively. The only sense organs which have been discovered, are a pair of auditory vesicles, connected by nervous cords with the pedal ganglia. F The sexes are distinct. The testes and ovaria are similar in character, being racemose glands, which, in the breeding season, occupy a great part of the interior of the body. There is one gland on each side, opening by a minute aperture close to that of the organ of Bojanus. The spermatozoa have minute, short, rod-like bodies, to which a long, filamentous, active ctliwm is attached, and, thrown off in enormous numbers, make their way out with the exhalent currents. The ova are spherical, and the vitelline membrane is produced at one point into a short open spout-like tube, with a terminal aperture, the micropyle, through which, in all probability, the spermatozoon makes its entrance. When fully formed, multitudes of these ova pass out of the oviducal aperture and become lodged in the chambers of the gills, particularly the external gill, which is frequently completely distended by them. Here they are hatched, and give rise to embryos, which are so wholly unlike the parent Anodonta, that they were formerly thought to be parasites, and received the name of Glochidium. The embryo Anodonta is provided with a bivalve shell. Each valve has the form of an equi- lateral triangle united by its base with its fellow, by means of an elastic hinge, which tends to keep the two wide open. The apex of the triangle is sharply incurved, and is produced into a strong serrated tooth, so that when the valves ap- proach, these teeth are directed towards one another. The mantle is very thin, and the inner surface of each of its lobes presents three papille, terminated by fine pencils of 110 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x1 hair-like filaments. What appears to be the oral aperture is wide, and its margins are richly ciliated. There is a single adductor muscle and a rudimentary foot, from which one or two long structureless filaments, representing the byssus of the sea-mussel, proceed. These byssal filaments become entangled with one another and tend to keep the ‘Glochidia’ in their places. After a time the larval Anodonte leave the body of the parent, and attach themselves to floating bodies—very com. monly to the tails of fishes—by digging the incurved points of their valves into the integument in the latter case, and holding on by them as if they were pincers. In this situa- tion they undergo a metamorphosis; the gills are developed, the foot grows, the auditory vesicles become conspicuous in it, and the young Anodon at length drops off and falls into its ordinary habitation in the mud. LABORATORY WORK. 1. In the natural state of the animal only the shell or exoskeleton is visible, or this may be slightly open, and then the edge of the membrane lining it (the mantle) may be visible. Raise one valve of the shell, by separating the mantle from it with the handle of a scalpel, and then cutting through two strong bodies (the adductor muscles), one at each end of the animal, which run from one valve of the shell to the other and prevent their separation. The two valves will now be united only by their ligament. 2. General form and structure. a. Inthe animal nowlaid bare maybe distinguished— a. A dorsal border turned towards the hinge of the shell, and nearly straight. x1] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 111 A curved ventral border, opposite’ the dorsal. , A wider anterior end. A narrower posterior end. A right and left side. b. The mantle or pallium. a. B. A bilobed semitransparent membrane, one lobe lining each valve of the shell. The continuity of the two lobes on the dorsal side of the animal; their separation along most of its ventral side, where each forms a thick yellowish free border. ; The union of the two pallial lobes, for a short distance, towards the posterior part of their ventral border, The rudimentary dorsal and ventral siphons, separated from one another at the point of union y. and each marked out by a part of the mantle-edge covered by short hair-like processes: the dorsal siphon completely closed below and forming a narrow oval slit; the ventral siphon open below and continuous with the cleft between the ventral edges of the mantle-lobes. The branchial or pallial chamber: turn back the ventral edge of that mantle-lobe from which the shell has been removed: a chamber is thus exposed into which the ventral siphon and the cleft continuous with it, lead. C. a. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY, [XL The cloacal chamber: pass a probe through the dorsal siphon; it will enter a small chamber, separated from the pallial chamber by a par- tition which unites the hinder part of the two inner gills (¢, £.). The contents of the pallial chamber. The foot: a large, yellowish, somewhat plough- share-shaped mass, in the middle line; its apex directed forwards and ventrally, towards the front of the cleft between the mantle-lobes, The gills or branchie: two lamellar bodies on each side of the foot, but reaching farther back than it does: the outer gill on each side, at- tached to the mantle-lobe; the inner, attached to the foot in front, but farther back separated by a cleft from it; and behind the foot, united across the middle line with its fellow so as to form a partition separating the cloacal from the pallial chamber. The labial palps: a pair of small triangular processes on each side, in front of the gills and on the dorsal end of the anterior edge of the foot. The mouth: each labial palp is continuous with its fellow across the middle line, and between the lip-like ridges thus formed, lies the wide mouth-opening, The anterior and posterior adductor muscles: if the reflected mantle-lobe be turned down again, the oval divided ends of the adductor muscles can be seen. They appear to perforate the mantle. @ 2 a aL. THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 118 Now remove the animal completely from its shell, by detaching the other mantle-lobe from the valve to which it is fixed, and cutting through the attachments of the adductor muscles to that valve. The thick dorsal border of the animal and the continuity of the mantle-lobes will now be more readily made out than they could be previously (2. b. 8.). The heart. a. On the dorsal border of the animal is a clear space, where the mantle is very thin and covers in a cavity filled with fluid. This cavity is the pericardium, and through its walls the heart can be seen beating. Pin the Anodon out in water between two pieces of loaded cork, or paraffin, so that its dorsal border is upwards, a mantle-lobe spread over each bit of” cork, and its foot and gills hanging down between the two pieces: then carefully cut away the dor- sal side of the pericardium without injuring the heart. The heart will now be exposed; it is a yellow- ish transparent sac, exhibiting regular contrac- tions and composed of a median and two lateral’ chambers. The ventricle, or median chamber ; an oval sac, from each end of which a large vessel (antervor and posterior aorta) is continued; running through the middle of the ventricle is seen part of the alimentary canal. All parts of the wall of the ventricle do not contract to- gether; but a sort of wave of contraction ’ 8. . 114 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XI. passes, from one end of it to the other, like the peristaltic contraction of the intestine in one of the higher animals. The auricles ; one of these will be seen on each side if the ventricle be gently pushed out of the way: each is a somewhat pyramidal sac, con- tinuous with the ventricle at the apex of the pyramid. 5. The organs of Bojanus. a. b. Divide the alimentary canal at the posterior part of the pericardiac chamber and turn it and the heart forwards, so as to lay bare the floor of the pericardium. Running along the middle line of this floor will be seen a large blood-sinus, the great vena cava; on each side of this, the floor is formed by the roof of a transparent sac (the non-glandular part of the organ of Bojanus), through which is seen a dark brown mass (the glandular part of the organ of Bojanus). At the extreme front end of the pericardiac floor, immediately under the point at which the in- teste enters the cavity, will be found a pair of oval openings; pass into each a bristle, tipped with a small knob of sealing-wax to prevent it from perforating a passage for itself: the opening will be found to lead to a channel which runs along the glandular part of the organ of Bojanus. Remove carefully the thin transparent roof of the non-glandular part of the organ of Bojanus, on one side, so as to lay bare the portion of the glandular THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 115 part which lies within the non-glandular: the bristle will be found to leave the passage in the glandular portion by an aperture, which puts it in communication with the non-glandular part, and is situated on the upper side of the glan- dular part, opposite the posterior end of the peri- cardium. The glandular part extends back some way beyond this point ; but it is imbedded closely in the neighbouring tissues, and is not contained in the loose non-glandular sac, which reaches back no farther than the posterior end of the pericar- dium. Examine the floor of the non-glandular part, at its anterior end: in it will be found a small aperture ; gently push a guarded bristle through this: then turn the animal over, and detach the front end of the inner gill on the same side, from the foot. The bristle will be found to have passed out by an aperture (external opening of the organ of’ Bojanus) which lies just above the attachment of the gill to the body. 6. The gills or branchiz. a. Cut out one of the gills and examine it; it will be found to consist of two lamelle united by their ventral edges and enclosing a central cavity, which opens into the cloacal chamber. The cavity be- tween the lamelle is subdivided by transverse partitions, which pass from one lamella to the other. Carefully cut out a bit of the wall of the gill-sac on one side; mount in water and examine with 1 inch obj. The outer surface will be seen to be 8—2 116 7% ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XI formed by parallel vertical bars, containing pairs of short rods; the inner face being formed by a meshwork of large vessels, perforated by wide apertures, Examine with a higher power : the margins of each cleft will be found covered with large active cilia, The nervous system. The cerebral ganglia. These will be found by carefully dissecting away the bases of the labial palps and the integument on the dorsal side of the mouth. They are two in number and each about the size of a pin’s head, but somewhat angular in form. The commissures connected with the cerebral ganglia are— A short cord uniting the two ganglia across the middle line over the mouth. A cord, the cerebro-pedal commissure, which runs downwards and backwards from each and becomes continuous with that which runs forwards from the pedal ganglion of the same side (7. b. 8.). A long slender cord which passes directly backwards from each beneath the organ of Bojanus and joins the parieto-splanchnic gan- glia of the same side (7. ¢.). The pedal ganglia. Lay the animal on one side and proceed gently to scrape away the tissues of the foot at about the junction of its anterior with its middle x1.] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 117 third. The pedal ganglia will thus be brought into view. They are a pair of deep-orange- coloured oval bodies, each rather larger than a big pin’s head ; they are applied to one another in the middle line. 8. From each ganglion one commissural cord (a. 8.) passes forwards and upwards to the cerebral ganglion of its side, and branches are given off to the muscles of the foot and to the auditory organ, c. The parieto-splanchnic ganglia. a This pair are readily found by turning the animal on its dorsal side, and dissecting away the integument from the ventral surface of the posterior adductor muscle. 8. ‘Trace forwards from each the cord (a. 8.) which runs to the cerebral ganglion of the same side. It is easy to follow the commissure so long as it lies in the region of the organ of Bojanus— difficult further on. Wea The auditory organ. a. This is rather difficult to dissect out in Anodon: it is a small sac which may be found by tracing back the posterior cord given off from the pedal ganglion, to a branch of which it is attached. There is usually an auditory vesicle connected with each pedal ganglion. b. Ifa fresh Cyclas* be obtained, and its foot re- moved, mounted in water, and examined with 1 Cyclas cornea—a small fresh-water lamellibranchiate mollusk. 118 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XI. 1 inch obj. the auditory sac can readily be seen with a constantly trembling particle, the otolith, in it. 9. The alimentary canal. a, This must be dissected out in another Anodon, as it has been partially removed with the ventricle of the heart. Pass a guarded bristle into the mouth as far as it will readily go, and then lay open the alimentary canal along it, with a pair of scissors. Then push the bristle gently a little farther on, and follow it with the scissors, and so on, until the whole canal is opened. The alimentary canal first runs towards the dorsal side for a short way (awsophagus), lying on the ventral side of the anterior adductor muscle: it then dilates into a small squarish sac (the stomach); behind the stomach it continues asa long narrow tube, the intestine; this turns abruptly down, be- hind the stomach, into the foot; then curves up in the foot to near its dorsal border; then bends abruptly down again, towards the ventral part of the foot, where it makes another turn and runs up to the anterior end of the pericardium ; thence it runs back as a straight tube (the rectum), first through the ventricle of the heart, and then (passing on the dorsal side of the posterior ad- ductor muscle) along the dorsal side of the cloacal chamber, in which it ends in an opening, the anus, placed on a prominent papilla. On the sides of the stomach lies a brownish glan- dular mass, the liver. x1] THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 119 a, Tease out a bit of the liver in water, and ex- amine with } obj. It is composed of branched cecal tubes lined by a layer of brownish epi- thelial cells, 10. Reproductive organs. a The animals are dicecious, but the reproductive organs are similarly constructed in both sexes: they vary much in size with the season, being large in winter and spring, but small at other times. b. Close to the external opening of the organ of Bojanus will be found another small opening on each side, this is the generative opening. c. From the generative opening can be traced back a duct, which divides into many cecal branches which lie in the upper part of the foot. 11. Muscular system. a. This is most readily dissected out in a specimen which has been hardened in spirit. The chief muscles are: a. The anterior and posterior adductor muscles which pass directly from one valve of the shell to the other. These have already been seen. 8. The posterior retractor of the foot: this can readily be found, on each side, running into the foot from its attachment to the shell in front of the posterior adductor muscle. y. The anterior retractor of the foot: this runs from its attachment to the shell- behind the anterior adductor muscle, into the front of the foot. b. 12. a. b. C. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. .; [x I The intrinsic foot-muscles: forming the greater part of the ventral portion of that organ. Small muscles attached to each mantle-lobe, at some little distance from its swollen free edge and fixed to the shell along a linear impression, which runs from one adductor to the other and is termed the pallial line. Tease out in glycerine a bit of one of.the mus- cles which has been treated with 0°58 chromic acid solution. Examine with 4 inch obj. It is composed of spindle-shaped flattened cells, in each of which lies an elongated nucleus: the substance surrounding the nucleus is clear, but the rest of the cell is granular and contains a great number of small particles arranged pretty definitely in transverse rows. While these mus- cular fibres agree in form with those of smooth muscles, in minute structure they approach striped muscles, The shell or exoskeleton. Its two hardened lateral pieces or valves; each with a straight dorsal and a curved ventral edge, and an anterior larger and posterior smaller end: note the soft uncalcified ventral edge of each valve. The umbo ; asmall blunt eminence on the dorsal border of each valve near its anterior end. The ligament: an elastic uncalcified part of the exoskeleton behind the umbones, uniting the two valves and tending to keep their ventral edges slightly separated. XI] d. a, THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL. 121 The markings on the shell. External markings. The outside of the shell is greenish brown, and on it are seen a number of concentric lines generally parallel to the margin of the shell, and more numerous to- wards the ventral edge. Internal markings. The interior of the valve is white and iridescent: on it are seen, near the dorsal border, two oval marks, the anterior and posterior adductor impressions. Joining the two adductor impressions is a curved line, the pallial impression, which marks where the muscles of the edge of the mantle were fixed to the shell. In front of the posterior adductor impression is seen a small mark, indicating where the posterior retractor muscle was fixed. Extending from each adductor impression towards the umbo is a fainter, gradually taper- ing impression, which may be followed into the cavity of the umbo, and indicates the successive attachments of the adductor muscles, as the animal has increased in size. 13. In the breeding season, examine the contents of the testis for spermatozoa, and those of the ovary for ova, Note the micropyle of the latter. If the outer gill appear to be thick and distended, it will be found full of the larve of the Anodon,— Glochidium. Note the characters of their shells and the entangled filaments, or byssus, with which they are provided. XII. THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH (Astacus flu- viatilis) AND THE LOBSTER (Homarus vul- gars). THE Crayfish and the Lobster are inhabitants of the water, the former occurring in many of our rivers and the latter abounding on the rocky parts of the coasts of the European seas. They are bilaterally symmetrical animals, provided with many pairs of limbs, among which the large prehensile ‘claws’ are conspicuous. They are very active, walking and swimming with equal ease and sometimes propelling themselves backwards or forwards, with great swiftness, by strokes of the broad fin which terminates the body. They have conspicuous eyes, mounted upon moveable stalks, at the anterior end of the head; and two pairs of feelers, one pair of which are as long as the body, while the other pair are much shorter. The body and limbs are invested by a strong jointed shell, or exoskeleton, which is a product of the subjacent epidermis, and consists of layers of membrane which remain soft and flexible in the interspaces between the segments of the body and limbs, but are rendered hard and dense elsewhere by the deposit of calcareous salts; the exoskeleton is deeply tinged with a colouring matter Switch turns red when exposed to the action of boiling water. The body pre- o X11] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 123 sents an anterior division—the cephalothoraz—covered by a large continuous shield, or carapace ; and a posterior division— the abdomen—divided into a series of segments which are moveable upon-oge another in the direction of the vertical median plane, so that the abdomen can be straightened out, in extension ; or bent into a sharp curve, in flexion. Of these segments there are seven. The anterior six are the somites of the abdomen, and each of them has a pair of appendages attached to its ventral wall. The seventh bears no appen- dages and is termed the telson. The anus is situated on the ventral aspect, beneath the telson and behind the last somite. A groove on the surface of the carapace, which is termed the cervical suture, separates an anterior division, which belongs to the head or cephalon, from a posterior division which covers the thorax; and the thoracic division of the carapace further presents a central region, which covers the head, and wide lateral prolongations, which pass down- wards and: cover the sides of the thorax, their free ven- tral edges being applied against the bases of the thoracic limbs. These are the branchiostegites. Each roofs over a wide chamber in which the gills are contained and which communicates with the exterior, below and behind, by the narrow interval between the edge of the branchiostegite and the limbs. Anteriorly and inferiorly, the branchial chamber is prolonged into a canal, which opens in front and below at the junction of the head with the thorax. In this canal ~ there lies a flat oval plate—the scaphognathite—which is attached to the second pair of maxille and which plays a very important part in the performance of the function of respiration. Of the thoracic limbs themselves there are eight pairs, and, on the ventral face of the body, the lines of demarcation between the eight somites to which these limbs belong may be observed. There is no trace of any correspond- ing divisions in the carapace of the Lobster ; but, in the Cray- 124 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [xin fish, the last thoracic somite is incompletely united with those which precede it. The four posterior pairs of thoracic limbs are those by which the animal walks and are termed the ambu- latory legs. The next pair is formed by the great claws or chelw. The anterior three pairs are bent up alongside the mouth and are moved to and from the median line so as to play the part of jaws, whence they are termed foot-jaws or masillipedes. The external or third pair of these mazxilli- pedes are much stouter and more like the ambulatory limbs than the rest, and the inner edges of their principal joints are toothed. The innermost or first pair of maxillipedes are broad, foliaceous and soft. When these foot-jaws are taken away, two pairs of soft foliaceous appendages come into view. They are attached to the hinder part of the cephalon and are the jaws or mazille. The second, or outermost, is produced, externally, into the scaphognathite, which will be seen to lie in a groove which separates the head from the thorax laterally and is the cervical groove. Anterior to these maxille lie the two very stout mandibles. Between their inner toothed ends is the wide aperture of the mouth, bounded, in front, by a soft shield-shaped plate, the labrum; and behind, by another soft plate, divided by a deep median fissure into two lobes, which is the metastoma. Thus far, the surfaces of the somites to which the appendages are attached look downwards, when the body is straightened out and the carapace is directed upwards. But, in front of the mouth, the wall of the body to which the appendages are attached is bent up, at right angles to its former direc- tion, and consequently looks forwards. This bend of the ventral wall of the body is the cephalic flexure. In corre- spondence with this change of position of the surface to which they are attached, the three pairs of appendages of the somites which lie in front of the mouth are directed either forwards, or forwards and upwards. The posterior XII. | THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 125 pair consists of the long feelers or antennw: the next, of the short feelers or antennules; and the most anterior is formed by the short subcylindrical stalks (ophthalmites), on the ends of which the eyes are situated. This enumeration shews that the Lobster and Crayfish have six pairs of abdominal appendages—the swimmerets ; eight pairs of thoracic appendages (four pairs of ambulatory limbs, one pair of chele, three pairs of maxillipeds), and six pairs of cephalic appendages (two pairs of maxille, one pair of mandibles, one pair of antenne, one pair of antennules, one pair of eyestalks), making in all twenty pairs of append- ages. In correspondence with the number of appendages the body consists of twenty somites; of which six remain moveable upon one another to form the abdomen, while the other fourteen are united to form the cephalothorax. The branchiostegite is an outgrowth of the dorsolateral region of the confluent thoracic somites. The serrated rostrtm which ends the carapace is a fixed median prolongation of the dorsal wall of the anterior cephalic somites; while the telson is a moveable median prolongation of the dorsal wall of the sixth abdominal somite. The labrum and the meta- stoma are median growths of the sterna of the przoral and post-oral somites. Thus the whole skeleton in these animals may be con- sidered as a twentyfold repetition of the ring-like somite with its pair of appendages, which is seen in its simplest form in one of the abdominal somites. Moreover, notwithstanding the great variety of functions allotted to the various ap- pendages, the study of the details of their structure (see Laboratory work) will shew that they are all reducible to modifications of a fundamental form, consisting of a basal joint (protopodite) with three terminal divisions (endopodite, exopodite, epipodite). As has been already said, the Lobster and Crayfish are 126 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [X11 bilaterally symmetrical; that is to say, a median vertical plane passing through the mouth and anus divides them into two similar halves. This symmetry is exhibited not merely by the exterior of the body and the correspondence of the paired limbs, but extends to the internal organs; the alimen- tary canal and its appendages, the heart, the nervous sys- tem, the muscles and the reproductive organs, being disposed so as to be symmetrical in relation to the median vertical plane of the body. The wide gullet leads almost vertically into the spacious stomach, and both are lined by a chitinous continuation of the exoskeleton. The stomach is divided by a transverse con- striction into a spacious cardiac, and a much smaller pyloric division, from which latter the intestine passes. The walls of the anterior half of the cardiac sac are thin and membranous, but, in the posterior half, they become calcified so as to give rise to a gastric skeleton of considerable complexity. The chief part of this skeleton consists of a median dorsal T-shaped ossicle, the cross-piece of which forms a transverse arch, while its Jong median process extends backwards in the middle line, and is connected with a very strong tooth, which projects into the gastric cavity in front of the aperture of communication between the cardiac and pyloric divisions of the stomach. The ends of the transverse arch are articulated with two lateral pieces, each of which bears a similar tooth. The extremities of these antero-lateral pieces again are arti- culated with postero-lateral pieces, which unite with a cross- piece which arches over the roof of the pyloric division of the stomach. In this manner a sort of hexagonal frame with moveable joints is formed, and the median dentigerous piece projects backwards so far, as to end below the posterior cross- piece. It is connected with this, however, by a short ossicle which ascends obliquely forwards and is articulated with the x11] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 131 of the limbs and the consequently increased formation of carbonic anhydride. The mode and place of the excretion of nitrogenous waste is not yet clearly made out, but it seems probable that two large green glands which lie in the cephalon close to the bases of the antennz are renal organs. Each gland encircles the neck of a large thin-walled sac which opens by a short canal upon the ventral face of the basal joint’ of the antenna. The nervous system consists of a chain of thirteen ganglia—united by longitudinal commissures—lodged in the median line of the ventral aspect of the body, from which nerves are given to the organs of sense, to the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and to the integuments; and of a visceral nervous system, developed chiefly upon the stomach. Of the thirteen ganglia, the most anterior lies in the cephalon, close to the attachments of the three anterior pair of appendages, and gives branches to them and to the visceral nervous system. Itisusually termed the brain or the suprawso- phageal ganglion. It is connected by two commissural cords, which pass on each side of the gullet, with a larger ganglionic mass, which is called the subwesophageal ganglion. This occu- pies the region of the hinder part of the cephalon and the an- terior part of the thorax, and gives off nerves to the maxille and the three pair of maxillipeds. Five other ganglia lie in the five somites which bear the chele and the ambulatory limbs, and there is one for each abdominal somite, the last of these being the largest of the six. The longitudinal commissures between the abdominal ganglia are single; but, in the thorax, the commissures are double, and the ganglia themselves show more or less evident indications of being double. And there is reason to believe that these thirteen apparent ganglia really represent twenty pairs of primitive ganglia, one pair for each somite; the: 9-2 132 _ ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [err three pair of prxoral ganglia having coalesced into the brain ; and the five which follow the mouth having united into the subcesophageal mass. The only organs of special sense which are recognizable in the Lobster and Crayfish are eyes and auditory organs. The eyes are situated at the extremities of the eyestalks, or ophthalmites, which represent the first pair of appendages of the head. The rounded end of the eyestalk presents a, clear, smooth area of somewhat crescentic form, divided into a great number of small four-sided facets. This area cor-. responds with the cornea, which is simply the ordinary chitinous layer of the integument become transparent. The inner face of each facet of the cornea corresponds with: the outer end of an elongated transparent slightly conical, hody—the crystalline cone—the inner end of which passes into a relatively long and slender connective rod, by which it is. united with a spindle-shaped transversely striated body— the striated spindle. The inner extremity of this again is connected with the convex surface of the dilated cushion- shaped ganglionic termination of the optic nerve. The respec- tive striated spindles, connective rods and crystalline cones, thus radiate from the outer surface of the terminal ganglion to the inner surface of the cornea, and each is separated from its neighbour by a nucleated sheath, parts of which are deeply. pigmented. Nothing is accurately known as to the manner in which the function of vision is performed by the so-called compound eye which has just been described. The inner and, outer faces of the corneal facets are flat and parallel. They therefore cannot play the part of lenses; and, if they could, there is no trace of nerve endings so disposed as to be. affected by the points of light gathered together in the foci. of such lenses. Morphologically, the cones, connective rods. and striated spindles, are in many ways analogous to those_ be X11] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. T33 elements of the retina of the Vertebrata which make. up the layers of rods and cones and the granular layers. These structures are properly modifications of the epidermis; ‘inasmuch as the cerebral vesicle, of which the retinal vesicles are outgrowths, are involutions of the epidermis of the embryo, and, morphologically speaking, the free ends of the rods and cones of the vertebrate eye are, as in the crustacean, turned outwards. It seems probable, therefore, that the crustacean eye is to be compared to the retina alone of the vertebrate eye, and that vision is performed as it would -be by the retina deprived of its refractive adjuncts. The auditory organ of the Lobster and Crayfish is situated in the basal joint of the antennule, on the dorsal surface of which a small slit-like opening, protected by numerous hairs, is to be seen. The chitinous layer of the integument is invaginated at this opening, and’ thus gives rise to a small ‘flattened sac lodged in the interior of the antennule. One side of this sac is in-folded so as to pro- duce a ridge, which projects into the cavity of the ‘sac, ‘and is beset with very fine and delicate hairs. The auditory nerve enters the fold, and its ultimate filaments reach the bases of these hairs. The sac contains water in which minute particles of sand are suspended. The sexes are distinct in the Lobster and Crayfish. The external characters of the males and females and the form of the reproductive organs are described in the Laboratory work. The impregnated ova are attached in great numbers, by a viscid secretion of the oviduct, to the hairs of the swim- -merets, where they undergo their development. A Lobster -with eggs thus attached, is said by the fishermen to be ‘in berry. In the Crayfish, the embryo passes through all the stages which are needed to bring it very near to the form of the adult before it leaves the egg: but, in the Lobster, ‘1384 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Xt the young, when hatched, are larvee extremely unlike the ‘parent, which undergo a series of metamorphoses in order ‘to attain their adult condition. The larve may frequently be obtained by opening the eggs of a ‘hen-lobster’ in ‘berry.’ They have a rounded carapace, two large eyes, a jointed ‘abdomen devoid of appendages; and the thoracic limbs are ‘provided with long exopodites. The ordinary growth, no less than the metamorphoses of the Lobster and Crayfish, are accompanied by periodical castings of the outer, chitinous, layer of the integument. After each such ecdysis, the body is soft and the animal re- tires into shelter until the ‘shell’ is reproduced. LABORATORY WORK. 1. General external characters, The animal is covered by a dense exoskeleton: in it are readily recognised the following parts :— a. The body proper: a, Its anterior unsegmented portion (cephalotho- raz): the great shield-like plate (carapace) covering the back and sides of the cephalotho- rax; the groove across the carapace (cervical suture) marking out the line of junction of head proper and thorax: the anterior prolonga- tion of the carapace to form the frontal spine. 8. The posterior segmented portion (abdomen): its seven divisions; the anterior six much like. one another; the most posterior (telson) different from the rest. X11] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 135 @ 5. The great number of jointed limbs (appendages) attached to the ventral aspect of the body: their varying characters in different regions. c. The external apertures of the body. a. The mouth; seen by separating the append- ages beneath the head. The anus; a longitudinal slit beneath the telson. y. The paired genital openings: in the male, on the first joints of the last pair of appendages of the thorax: in the female, on the first joints of the last thoracic appendages but two. [8. The openings of the auditory organs.[ <<. 8° ~ 4] «. The openings of the green glands, ~~ 35"’7~': These will be more readily found when the ap- pendages on which they are situated have been separated. See 21. fand g.] ie) Examine carefully the third abdominal segment or somite and its appendages. a. The segment proper: arched above; flattened below. . a. Its dorsal part (tergum), with an anterior smooth portion overlapped by the preceding segment in extension of the abdomen, and a posterior rougher part overlapping part of the succeed- ing segment. B. ‘The ventral surface of the segment: united with the corresponding portions of the preced- ing and succeeding segments by a flexible membrane. 1 6 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [sit y. The point of union of the appendages with the somite. 5. The sternum: that portion of the ventral sur- face of the somite which lies between the points of attachment of the appendages. e. The epimeron: the portion of the ventral surface which lies on each side external to the attach- ment of the appendage. This region is very short and passes almost directly into the inner walls of the pleuron. ¢ The downward extension (plewron) of the lateral walls of the somite formed by the pro- longation of the tergum and epimeron:. the smooth facet on the anterior half of the pleuron where it is overlapped by the one in front. b. The appendages or swimmerets: one on each side: the structure of each— a. The short eesinica basal portion Copii: dite), consisting of a. shorter proximal and a longer distal piece. ‘8. The antero-posteriorly flattened elongated la- melle attached to the distal joint of the protopodite, an inner (endopodite) and outer (exopodite). The fourth and fifth abdominal segments: closely resembling the third. The sixth abdgminal segment: its modified append- ages. xIr.] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 137 a The protopodite: represented by a single short strong joint. (In the lobster there is an in- complete basal joint.) B. The exopodite and endopodite: wide plates fringed with sete: the exopodite divided into two portions by a transverse joint. The telson. A flattened plate bearing no appendages: sub- divided by a transverse joint (it is undivided in the lobster) : the membranous character of the greater part of the ventral surface of its anterior division. The tazl-fin ; formed by the telson and the append- ages of the sixth abdominal segment. The second abdominal segment. Closely resembling the third in the female: in the male its appendages are modified: the protopodite and basal joint of endopodite much elongated, and the latter produced into a plate rolled upon itself so as to form a demicanal, concave inwards. (In the lobster the endopodite is produced inwardly, into an oval process.) The first abdominal segment: its appendages; rudi- mentary in the female (it has only one instead of two terminal divisions in the lobster): in the male consisting of a single plate rolled in upon itself. (In the lobster the single terminal division has the form of a flat scoop or a narrow spoon with its concave side turned inwards.) The structure of the cephalothoraz. a, Note again the carapace, with its avontal spine and cervical suture. 138 10. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XII. Turn the animal over and note the very narrow sterna between the points of attach- ment of the thoracic appendages. The last thoracic somite is not ankylosed with the rest in the crayfish. In the lobster it is. Raise with a pair of forceps the free edge of the lateral part of the carapace which lies just over the bases of the thoracic appendages, and is termed the branchiostegite: note that it is formed by the large united pleura of the thoracic segments, and overlaps a chamber in which the gills lie. Note the plane in which the sterna of the anterior three somites of the animal (marked out by their appendages) lie—it is nearly at right angles to the plane of the remaining sterna of the cephalothorax— so that their appendages are directed forwards in- stead of downwards. Cut a vertical section of a piece of the exoskeleton which has been decalcified by lying in 12 chromic acid solution for a few days. a. It will be seen to be composed of a large number of parallel laminz which are thicker towards the outer part. The lamine are marked by ill- defined parallel lines which run perpendicular to the surface, and which give their edges a striated appearance. The outermost layer is more trans- parent than the rest and wants this striation. The epidermis lying beneath the innermost of the above laminz is composed of ill-defined branched ‘nucleated granular cells: the outermost giving off a large number of short processes which end in XII.] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 139 clubbed ends and penetrate a short way into the exoskeleton. fee eae Peas pam 11. The respiratory organs. Remove now the branchio- 12. _ stegite on one side and examine the gills: they are 18 in number, arranged in two sets. a [3 Six are attached to the epipodites of some of the appendages (2nd and 3rd mazxillipedes, chelz, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd pair of ambulatory limbs). The remaining 12 are fixed to the sides of the body, and each consists of a central stem giving off a number of delicate filaments, Cut away the gills, noting the two large chan- nels in the stem of each, and observe the cervical groove at the front of the gill-chamber with the scaphognathite (21. d. a.) lying in it. In the lobster there are 20 gills on each side, arranged as in the crayfish, except that there are 14 on the side of the body.] Circulatory organs. Immerse the animal in water with its ventral surface downwards: cut away care- fully with a pair of scissors the dorsal part of the carapace which lies behind the cervical suture and that part of the wall of the thorax from which the gills have been removed. A chamber (the pericardial sinus) is thus laid bare in which lies a polygonal sac, the heart. a \ The six openings from the sinus into the heart ; two superior, two inferior, and two lateral: pass bristles into them. The arteries arising from the heart; five anterior, one (ophthalmic) single’ in the middle line, the others (antennary and hepatic) 140 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [xit. in pairs; one, the sternal, the largest of all, given off from the posterior end. Cut away the terga of the abdominal somites and follow back the superior abdominal branch of the sternal artery, removing carefully the muscles ‘ which lie over it in the abdominal region. It will be seen as a transparent tube lying in the middle line on the intestine (14. b.), or in the female lobster separated from it anteriorly by -the. posterior ends of-the two ovaries. It gives off branches from its upper side to the muscles over it, and also a pair of branches which run out laterally in the intervals between each pair of so- mites. In the sixth abdominal somite it termi- nates by splitting up into three or four large branches which pass in a radiating manner into the telson. On account of the small size of the crayfish this artery is difficult to dissect in it. The sternal artery presents an enlargement at its commencement just where the above branch arises from it. It then passes vertically downwards to- wards the ventral surface, passing on one side of the intestine. Its subsequent course must be fol- lowed later (15). 13. Reproductive organs.. These differ considerably in the crayfish and the lob- They lie partly beneath the heart, which must therefore be removed or pushed on one side in order _tosee them. Both animals are unisexual. » Of the crayfish. The testis. A trilobed yellowish mass: two of its lobes are larger than the third and pass for- XIL.] b. a THE .FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH.. 141 wards side by side in the middle line: the third lobe is directed backwards. The two vasa deferentia arise just where the posterior lobe of the testis meets the two ante- rior. Each is narrow near the gland, but widens as it proceeds back from it, and becoming ex- tremely convoluted, finally ends at the genital opening on its own side (l.c.y.). Trace the course of the vas deferens on that side from which the thoracic wall has been removed (12). Tease out a bit of the testis in ‘water, and ex- amine with $ obj: it will be seen to be com- posed of sacculated tubes. In it or in the vas deferens some of the spermatozoa may. be found: they are motionless and have the form of nucle- _ ated cells provided with radiating processes. The ovary is a gland in shape and. colour very similar to the testis of the male. From it two short oviducts arise and pass almost directly downwards to the genital openings (1. ¢.¥.). Of the Lobster. The testes are two long tubes which lie partly in the thorax and partly in the abdomen. Their posterior portions meet in the middle line, but in front they diverge, and about one fourth the length of each from its anterior end a short transverse branch unites the two. The vas deferens arises a little in front of the middle of each testis and passes without convo- lutions towards the genital opening., Its distal half is dilated. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XL Tease out a bit of the testis in water and ex- amine with } obj. for spermatozoa. They are motionless, and consist of an elongated cell from one end of which three rigid pointed processes radiate. The ovaries of the lobster are also elongated and lie partly in the thorax and partly in the abdomen, above the alimentary canal (14). Each is a black mass, on the exterior of which minute rounded eminences (indications of the contained ova) can be seen. Near their ante- rior ends they lie in contact in the middle line, and for a short distance their substance is ‘con- tinuous. An oviduct arises from each ovary a little in front of its middle, and passes directly to the genital opening of its own side (1. c. 7.). 14. Alimentary organs. a. a Remove the dorsal part of the carapace in front of the cervical suture, and there will then be laid bare, in front of the position of the heart, a large sac—the stomach ; pass a probe into it along the gullet, through the mouth-opening which lies between the mandibles. Trace back the tubular intestine from the stomach to. the anus. It dilates near the latter in the lobster. In the crayfish it presents a small cecal diverticulum close to the,stomach, and in the lobster one near the anus. — Examine the liver. It is an elongated soft pale-yellow mass lying in each side of the cephalo-thorax, and opening Br, ¥ XIL.] 15. THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 143° by a duct on each side at the point where the intestine joins the stomach. 8. Tease out a bit of the liver in water; it is made up of branched cxcal tubes, which when examined microscopically are seen to be lined by a layer of cells (epithelium). d. Carefully remove the alimentary canal, cutting the gullet through close to the stomach. a, Open the latter under water and make out in it the constriction which divides it into an anterior (cardiac) portion and a_ posterior (pyloric). 8. The supporting bars and the hairs in the stomach, and the calcifications of its lining membrane. Now trace the sternal artery (removing the ali- mentary canal and the genital organs), until it enters a passage (sternal canal) formed by ingrowths of the exoskeleton near the ventral surface oe the animal. Just before entering this the sternal artery gives off the inferior abdominal branch, which runs back along the middle line of the abdomen immediately inside the sterna of the somites. Trace this branch back removing the muscles which cover it. By this proceeding the abdominafpart of the nervous chain will be exposed. It lies immediately above the blood- vessel and is not to be injured. 16. The nervous system. aha a. Find the supracsophageal ganglion in front of the gullet. B. The circumesophageal commissures passing back from it. 144 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. (Xan. y. Follow back these commissures, cutting away the hard parts (forming the roof of the sternal canal) which come in the way; they lead to a chain of six ganglia, lying along the floor of the cephalothorax, and united by double cords (commissures). Lying in the sternal canal be- neath the ganglia may be seen une _ sternal artery (15). 5. Follow back the single cord proceeding from the last thoracic ganglion to the* abdomen, removing any muscles which come in the way: it will lead toa chain of six ganglia, one for each abdominal ‘segmént, united by single cords. ° i 17. The green gland. A soft greenish mass lying on 18. 19. - 20. each side in the extreme front part of the cephalo- thoracic cavity: pass a fine bristle into it from the opening of its duct on the basal joint of the endo- podite of the antenna (21. f). : Tease out a bit of muscle in water and examine it microscopically: note-its structure ;-it is made up of fibres, marked by regularly alternating transverse lighter and darker bands. Tease out a bit of perfectly fresh nerve-cord in water and stain with magenta or hematoxylin. , a. Composed of slender fibres of varying size, each consisting of a structureless outer wall, on which are nuclei at intervals, surrounding a clear or, sometimes, finely g granular or obscurely fibrillated central axis, Tease out in water a ganglion which has been treated with osmic acid. a. THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 145 & Composed of large oval branched cells, each con- sisting of a granular mass in which lies a clear round nucleus, containing a nucleolus, The appendages, Beginning with the sixth abdomi- nal segment, remove with forceps the appendages of the body and arrange them in order on a piece of cardboard. ‘The abdominal appendages have been already described; note the following points in the remainder, working from behind forwards. a vy - The four posterior thoracic appendages (ambu- latory appendages). The most posterior: elongated and _ seven- jointed, the joints working in different planes so that the limb as a whole can move in any direction : the joints have the following names; the proximal, short and thick, coxopodite ; the next, small and conical, basipodite ; next, cylin- drical and marked by an annular constriction, . ischtopodite; the next, longer, meropodite ; then successively, the carpopodite, propodite, and dactylopodite. The next ambulatory leg: generally similar to the preceding, but possessing, attached to the coxopodite, a long membranous flattened appendage (epzpodite) which ascends into the gill-chamber : it bears a gill The next anterior ambulatory leg: differing from the Jast only in having its propodite prolonged so as to be opposable to the dac- tylopodite and form a pair of forceps (chelce). The most anterior ambulatory leg: resembling y. closely and, like it, bearing a gill. 10 b. C. d. y. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [Xu1. The great chele: closely resembling .the last appendage in structure, but much larger and more powerful ; it carries a gill. The three maxillipedes. The most posterior: its short thick basal joint (protopodite): the three prolongations articulated to it; the external (epipodite) a curved elongated lamina lying in the branchial chamber and bearing a gill; the middle one (exopodite) long, slender and many-jointed; the internal one (endopodite) several-jointed and much resembling one of the ‘ambulatory limbs. The middle maxillipede: much like a. but with a less stout endopodite. The anterior maxillipede ; protopodite, exopo- dite and epipodite much like those of @. but smaller and the epipodite bearing no gill; the endopodite flattened and foliaceous. The ambulatory limbs, great chela, and max- illipedes together constitute the appendages of the thorax; we now come to those of the head proper. The two mactlle. The posterior: its basipodite and endopodite essentially like those of the anterior maxilli- pede; the epipodite and exopodite united and forming a wide oval plate (scaphognathite) which lies at the anterior end of the gill- chamber (11. ¥.). "SIL | h, THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 147 8. Anterior maxilla: epipodite and exopodite undeveloped: the endopodite foliaceous. The mandible. Its strong toothed basal joint (protopodite) bearing a small appendage (the palp) which represents the endopodite; the epipodite and exopodite unrepresented. The antenna. Its two-jointed basal portion (proto- podite) bearing a flattened plate (the rudimentary exopodite) and a long multiarticulate filament (the endopodite): the opening of the green gland (17) on the oral side of the basal joint of the proto- podite. The antennula. Its large trigonal basal joint ( protopodite), bearing a pair of jointed filaments (endopodite and exopodite): the opening of the auditory organ (24) in the midst of a minute hairy tuft on the basal joint. The ophthalmites or eye-stalks. Short two-jointed appendages representing only the basipodite. . Now work back over the 20 pairs of appendages and compare each with the second maxillipede: all may be supposed to be derived from it by suppression, coalescence or special change of form; it is what is called a typical ‘appendage. a a es: Structure of the Hye. a. Take the eye of a lobster which has lain four or five days in 0°5 per cent. solution of chromic acid and then twenty-four hours or more inalcohcl. Ex- amine its surface with one inch obj. with reflected light. It will be seen to be marked out into a 10—2 148 i ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XII great number of minute square areas or facets, each of which shews faint signs of furrows crossing . it diagonally from corner to corner. Imbed the eye and cut a number of sections from it perpendicular to its surface: mount in glycerine and examine with one inch objective. If the section has passed through the middle of the eye it will be seen to present a central mass (optic ganglion) from which a number of lines appear to radiate to the facets on the surface. These radiating lines (which are obscured here and there by pigmented layers) are indications of the striated spindles, connective rods and crystalline cones. Examine your thinnest section with a high power, or tease out one of your thicker ones in gly- cerine. Beginning at the exterior make out suc- cessively—' The cornea, answering to one of the superficial facets. Its flat outer and slightly convex inner surface. Immediately beneath the cornea there will be seen (in good specimens) a slightly granular layer. The crystalline cone, an angular transparent body which is usually obscured by pigment. If this is the case, another section must be mounted in dilut -austic potash, which removes the pigment. Behind the crystalline cone comes the con- nective rod. It is widest in front where it joins the cone but narrows posteriorly where it is continuous with the striated. . X11] THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 149° spindle. If fresh eyes be treated with osmic acid and then teased out, each of these rods can be split up into four fibres. The striated body is fusiform and presents well-marked transverse striations. Besides these coarse striations, however, much finer ones can be seen by careful examination witha high power. The outer ends of these spindles correspond in position to the second of the pig- mented layers seen with the low power (8. a.): they are best seen in specimens treated with dilute caustic potash. Beneath the striated spindles is a perforated membrane through which the spindles pass to become continuous with the optic ganglion. From their ends pass nerve-fibres which run inwards in a converging manner and among which nerve-cells are here and there scattered. Within: the ganglion ‘are several concentric pigmented bands. If the section has passed back along the optic nerve two obliquely placed lenticular masses will be seen among its fibres. Passing back from the cornea to the optic ganglion is a membrane investing each cone, rod, and spindle. It is on this that most of the pigment lies which causes the two outer dark bands. Over the rodsethe pigment is wanting and there the membrane is seen to possess oval nuclei. 24, The Auditory organ. This lies in the basal joint of the antennule and is best examined in the lobster. The upper surface of 150 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. ~- [XIL this basal joint is flat posteriorly and joins in front at an angle a rounded anterior portion. It bears several tufts of hairs: one of these is very small and lies at the inner side: of the flattened surface, just at the angle where it meets the rounded part; among these hairs is the opening into the auditory sac, through which a bristle can easily be passed. a. ¢C. Take a fresh antennule from a lobster and cut away the under surface of its basal joint. A chi- tinous transparent sac will readily be found in it, among the muscles &c.; this is the auditory sac and is about 4 of an inch long. Carefully dissect itout. If this sac be held up to the light a little patch of gritty matter will be seen on its under surface near the aperture to the exterior. Behind this can be seen a curved opaque line; behind this, and concentric with it, a shorter brownish streak, Cut out carefully the part of the sac which bears these streaks: mount in sea-water or sodic chloride solution and examine with one inch objective. The white line will be seen to answer to a ridge on the apex of which is a row of large hairs, and both on the brown patch and on the opposite side of the main row will be seen scattered groups of smaller hairs. Examine with 4 obj. Each of the hairs seen with the lower power is now seen to be covered over its whole surface with innumerable very fine secondary hairs; these are shortest near the base of the primary hair. Towards its base each of the primary XI “THE FRESH-WATER CRAYFISH. 151 hairs is constricted and then dilates into a . bulbous enlargement which is fixed to the wall of the sac. The brown patch is seen to owe its colour to a single layer of polygonal epithelial cells con- taining pigment granules. By focussing through this epithelial layer a number of parallel slightly granular bands is seen passing up, one to the base of each hair in the main rew on the top of the ridge. At the base of the hair to which it runs, each band is constricted and, entering the bulbous enlarge- ment of the hair, joims a small hemispherical swelling within it. If a fresh auditory sac be put in 1 per cent. solution of osmic acid for half an hour, and then laid for twenty-four hours in distilled water and examined, each of the granular bands mentioned above is seen to consist of a bundle of fine fibres which swell out into fusiform enlargements at intervals. A great part of the whole interior of the audi- tory sac of the lobster is covered with very fine hairs which can only be seen with a high power. Epithelium is absent except the pig- mented patch above mentioned. The auditory sac in the crayfish is very similar to that in the lobster, and may be examined in a similar way. It is however not so good, both oa account of its smaller size and because the audi- tory hairs, although longer, are collected in a close tuft, which makes it more difficult to see the manner of their insertion. XIII. THE FROG (Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta). THE only species of Frog indigenous in Britain is that termed the ‘common’ or ‘Grass Frog’ (Rana temporaria), while, on the Continent, there is, in addition to this, another no less abundant species, the hind-limbs of which are considered a delicacy, whence it has received the name of the ‘Edible Frog’ (Rana esculenta). Unless the contrary be expressly stated, the description here given applies to both species. The Edible Frog is usually larger than the other, and is therefore more convenient for most anatomical and physiolo- gical purposes. In the body of the Frog the head and trunk are readily distinguishable ; but there is no tail and no neck, the con- tours of the head passing gradually into those of the body, and the fore-limbs being situated immediately behind the head. There are two pairs of limbs, one anterior and one posterior. The whole body is invested by a smooth moist integument, on which neither hairs, scales, nor other forms of exoskeleton are visible; but hard parts, which constitute the endoskeleton, may readily be felt through the integument in the head, trunk and limbs. The yellowish ground-colour of the skin is diversified by patches of a more or less intense black, brown, greenish, or reddish-yellow colour, and, in the Grass Frog, ‘there is a large, deep brown or black patch on each side of the head, XII] THE FROG. 153 behind the eyes, which is very characteristic of the species. The coloration of different frogs of the same species differs widely; and the same frog will be found to change its colour, becoming dark in a dark place, and light if exposed to the light. The body of the Frog presents only two median aper- tures, the wide mouth and the small cloacal aperture. The latter is situated at the posterior end of the body, but rather on its upper side than at its actual termination. It is commonly termed the anus, but it must be recollected that it does not exactly correspond with the aperture so termed in the Mammalia. The two nostrils, or external nares, are seen at some dis- tance from one another upon the dorsal aspect of the head, between the eyes and its anterior contour. The eyes are large and projecting, with well-developed lids, which shut over them when they are retracted; and, behind the eye, on each side of the head, there is a broad circular area of integument, somewhat different in colour and texture from that which surrounds it; this is the outer layer of the membrane of the tympanum, or drum of the ear. The fore-legs are very much shorter than the hind-legs. Each fore-limb is divided into a brachium, antebrachium and manus, which correspond with the arm, fore-arm and hand in Man. The manus possesses four visible digits which answer to the second, third, fourth, and fifth fingers in Man. There is no web between the digits of the manus. The hind-legs are similarly marked out into three divi- sions, femur, crus, and pes, of which the femur answers to the thigh, the crus to the leg, and the pes to the foot, in Man. The pes is remarkable not only for its great relative size as a whole, but for the elongation of the region which answers to the tarsus in Man. It will be observed, however, that there is no projecting heel. There are five long and 154 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XII. slender digits, which correspond with the five toes in Man, and: are united together by thin extensions of the integu- ment constituting the web. The innermost and shortest auswers to the hallua, or great toe, in Man. At the base of the hallux, the integument of the sole presents a small horny prominence, and sometimes there is a similar but smaller: elevation on the outer side of the foot: but there are no nails upon the ends of any of the digits of either the pes or the manus. Thickenings, or callosities, of the integument, however, occur beneath the joints of the digits, both in the pes and the manus. During the breeding season, the integument on the palmar surface of the innermost digit of the manus, in the male, becomes converted into a rough and swollen cushion, which, in the Grass Frog, acquires a dark-brown or black colour. The Frog, when at rest, habitually assumes a sitting pos- ture much like that of a dog or cat. Under these circum- stances the back appears humped, the posterior half being inclined at a sharp angle with the anterior half. The ver- tebral column, however, will be found to be straight, and the apparent hump-back arises, not from any bend in the vertebral column, but from the manner in which the long iliac bones are set on to the sacrum. The walk of the Frog is slow and awkward, but it leaps with great force, by the sudden extension of the hind-limbs, and it is an admirable swimmer. In a living Frog, the nostrils will be seen to be alter- nately opened and shut, while the integument covering the under side of the throat is swollen out and flattened. The alternate pumping in and expulsion of the air needed for the Frog’s respiration is connected with these movements. The upper eyelid of the Frog is large and covered with ordinary pigmented integument, and it has very little mobility. XIU] . THE FROG. ; 15! What performs the function of the lower eyelid in Man, is < fold of the integument of which very little is pigmented anc which is, for the most part, semi-transparent, so as to re semble the nictitating membrane of a bird rather than ar ordinary lower lid. If the surface of the cornea be touched the eyeball is drawn inwards under the upper lid, whicl descends a little, at the same time as the lower lic ascends over the ball, to meet the upper lid and close the eye. As is well known, Frogs emit a peculiar croaking sound their vocal powers being more especially manifested in the breeding season, when they collect together at the surface o ponds, pools and sluggish streams, in great numbers. At thi: season, which commences in the early spring for the Gras: Frog, but much later on in the year for the Edible Frog, the male seeks the female and, clasping her body tightly witk his fore-limbs, remains in this position for days or ever weeks, until her ova are discharged, when he fecundates ther by a simultaneous out-pouring of the seminal fluid. Shortly after the eggs pass into the water, the thin layer of viscid albumen, secreted by the oviduct, with which each egg is surrounded, swells up by imbibition and, with that which surrounds the others, it gives rise to a gelatinous mass in which the eggs remain imbedded during the early stages of their development. The development of the eggs is closely dependent upon temperature, being greatly accelerated by warmth and re- tarded by cold. The process of yelk-division, which com- mences within a few hours of impregnation; is readily observed when the eggs are examined as opaque objects under a low power of the microscope. While still within the egg the embryo assumes the form of a minute fish, devoid of limbs and with only rudiments of gills, but provided with two adhesive discs on the ventral side of the head behind the mouth, 156 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XuI. After leaving the egg, the young acquires three pairs of external branchie having the form of branched filaments, at- tached to the sides of the hinder part of the head. Narrow clefts in the skin at the roots of the branchize lead into the back of the throat. Water taken in at the mouth passes out by these branchial clefts. The animal crops the aquatic plants on which it lives, by means of the horny plates with which its jaws are provided. In the Tadpole, as the larval Frog is called, the intestine, which is relatively longer than in the adult, is coiled up like a watch-spring in the abdominal cavity. A membranous lip, the surface of which is beset with numerous horny papille,. surrounds the mouth, and the muscular tail acquires a large relative size. The eyes, the nasal and auditory organs become distinct, but no limbs are at first visible. A fold of the integument in the hyoidean region, called the opercular membrane, now grows back over the external gills and unites with the integument covering the abdomen, leaving only a small aperture on the left side, through which the ends of the external gills of that side may, for some time, be seen to protrude. The external gills atrophy and are suc- ceeded functionally by short processes developed from the opposing faces of the branchial clefts—the internal branchie. The rudiments of the limbs appear, rapidly elongate and take on their characteristic shape, the hind pair only being at first visible on account of the anterior pair being hidden under the opercular membrane. The lungs are developed and, for a time, the tadpole breathes both by them and by its internal gills. As the legs grow the tail shortens and, at last, is re- presented merely by the pointed end of the body; the gape elongates until the angle of the mouth lies behind the eye, instead of a long way in front of it, as in the tadpole; the labial membrane and. the horny armature of the mouth disappear, while teeth are developed in the upper jaw and.on X11] THE FROG. 15% the vomers; the intestine becomes less and less coiled as, no: growing at the same rate as the body, it becomes relatively shorter; and the animal gradually changes its diet from vegetable to animal matters—the perfect Frog being insecti: vorous. The two species, Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta, ar distinguishable by the following external characters. Ih Rana temporaria, the interspace between the eyes is flat o: slightly convex, and its breadth is usually greater than, o: at least equal to, that of one of the upper eyelids. Th diameter of the tympanic membrane is less than that of th eye, often much less. The horny elevation on the outer sid of the pes is small or absent, and that on the inner i flattened and has a rounded margin. A patch of dart colour extends from the eye backwards over the tympani: membrane. The males have the cushion on the radial sid of the manus black, and they are devoid of vocal sacs. In Rana esculenta, on the other hand, the interspace be: tween the eyes is usually concave and narrower than thc breadth of one of the eyelids, The diameter of the tym panic membrang’is as great as that of the eye. The horn} elevation on the inner side of the pes is elongated, com. pressed and brought to a blunt edge, so as almost to resembk a spur, and a small outer elevation is constantly present -There is no patch of colour atthe sides of the head, suck as exists in Rana temporaria, and the cushion of the inne digit in the male is not black. The males have a large pouch on each side of the head, behind the angle of the jaw communicating with the cavity of the mouth, and, wher .they croak, these pouches becoming dilated assume the form of spherical sacs. Having thus become acquainted with the general characte and life-history of the Frog, and with those features of its 158 ‘ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XIII. organization which are visible to the naked eye and without dissection, its structure may next be studied in detail. If the abdomen be laid open, it will be found to enclose a cavity in which some of the most important viscera,—the stomach and intestine, the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the lungs, the kidneys and urinary bladder, and the repro- ductive organs—are contained. As this cavity answers to those of the pleurze and of the peritoneum in the higher animals, it is termed the pleuroperitoneal cavity; and the soft smooth membrane which lines it and covers the contained viscera is the pleuroperitoneal membrane. The vertebral column traverses the middle of the roof of this cavity, and the layer of pleuroperitoneal membrane which lines each lateral wall of the cavity, passes downwards on each side of the vertebral column and joins its fellow in the middle line to form a thin sheet, the mesentery, which sus- pends the intestine. In the triangular interval left between these two layers before they unite, a wide canal—the subverte- bral lymph sinus—the dorsal aorta, and the chain of sympa- thetic ganglia, are situated. The dorsal moiety of the anterior end of the pléuroperi- toneal cavity is occupied by the gullet, which places the mouth in communication with the stomach. Beneath the gullet the peritoneal cavity is separated only by a thin partition from a chamber, the pericardium, which contains the heart. The posterior face of the partition is constituted by the peri- toneum, its anterior face by a membrane of similar character, the pericardial membrane, which lines the pericardium and is reflected on to the heart, in the same way as the peritoneum lines the peritoneal cavity and is reflected on to the intestine. A layer of the muscular fibres which enter into the walls of the abdomen, is continued inwards at the anterior boundary of the pleuroperitoneal cavity and is attached to the sides of the cesophagus and to those of the pericardium, thus consti- XL] THE FROG. 159 tuting a rudimentary diaphragm ; which, it will be observed, is situated in front of the lungs, and not behind them, as in the higher animals. Thus, in the trunk, on the ventral side of the vertebral column, the body presents two cavities, one large posterior pleuroperitoneal cavity, and one small, anterior to the fore- going, the pericardial cavity, and neither of these communi- cates directly with the exterior, though in the female there is an indirect communication by the oviducts. On the ventral side of the head, the very wide mouth opens into a spacious buccal cavity, the roof of which is hard and firm, while the floor is soft and flexible, except so far as the middle of it is occupied by a broad, flat, for the most part ‘gristly plate, the body of the hyoid bone. Within the lips -the upper jaw is beset with numerous sharp small teeth, and two clusters of similar teeth are to be seen in the fore part of the roof of the mouth; the latter, being attached to the bones termed the vomers, are the vomerine teeth, while the former, attached to the premazille and mazille, are maxillary teeth. The lower jaw or mandible bears no teeth. At the sides of the clusters of vomerine teeth are the apertures termed posterior nares, by which the nasal chambers communicate with the mouth. At the sides of the back part of the throat two wide passages, the Mustachian recesses, lead into the tympanic cavities, which are closed externally by the tympanic membranes. In the male Rana esculenta the small apertures of the vocal sacs are seen on the inner side of each ramus of the javv, close to the angle of the gape and nearly opposite the Eustachian recesses. In the middle of the back of the throat is the opening of the cesophagus, closed by the approximation of its sides except during deglutition, while in the median line of the hinder part of its floor lies a longitu- dinal slit, the glottis, A fleshy tongue, bifurcated and free at its posterior end, is attached anteriorly to the middle part 160 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XIII of the lower jaw. In a state of rest, therefore, it lies on the floor of the mouth with its free end turned backwards, and one point on each side of the glottis. The gullet, after traversing the diaphragm, passes into the elongated stomach. At its posterior end this narrows and joins the slender small intestine. Though short, this is too long relatively to the length of the abdominal cavity to lie straight in it. It is, therefore, thrown into sundry folds which are suspended to the dorsal wall of that cavity in the manner before described. Finally, the small intestine enters the suddenly dilated short large intestine, and this opens into a chamber with muscular walls, the cloaca, the external aperture of which has been already mentioned. Thus the alimentary canal is a tube which traverses the body from the oral to the anal apertures; and the heart, en- closed in the pericardium, is situated in the middle line on ‘the ventral side of the alimentary canal. Separated from the pleuroperitoneal and oral cavities by the bodies of the vertebrae and the hard roof of the oral chamber which continues the direction of these forwards, is an elongated cavity, widest in the head but becoming very narrow posteriorly, which is closed on all sides by the bony and other elements of the head and spinal column. This is the neural cavity and contains the brain and spinal cord, which together constitute the cerebro-spinal nervous axis. The neural cavity is lined by a serous membrane resembling the peritoneum and the pericardium, and this arachnoid membrane is reflected on to and covers the contained cerebro-spinal axis, so that the latter is related to it as the heart is to the pericardial membrane. The cerebro-spinal nerves which are given off from the brain and spinal cord pass to their destination through the boundary walls of the neural cavity. A transverse section of the head in the region of the eyes XII.] THE FROG. 161 will shew, in the middle line, a dorsal cavity in which the anterior part of the cerebro-spinal axis, the brain, is contained, separated by the solid floor of the skull from a ventral cavity, the mouth. A transverse section of the abdomen will shew a dorsal cavity containing the posterior part of the cerebro-spinal | axis, the spinal cord, separated by the solid floor of the ver- tebral column from a ventral cavity containing the ali- mentary canal and continuous with that of the mouth. But the backward continuation of the alimentary canal is embraced by the large pleuroperitoneal chamber, of which there is no indication in the head. On comparing the transverse section of the abdomen of the Frog with a transverse section of the middle of the body of the Lobster, it will be seen that while the chief nervous centre is on one side of the alimentary canal and the heart on the opposite side in both cases, there is no solid and com- plete partition between the nervous centre of the Lobster and the alimentary canal. Moreover, the face of the body on which the nervous centre lies, is that on which the Lobster naturally rests, while in the Frog it is the reverse. The limbs are turned towards the neural side in the Lobster and away from it in the Frog, and the like difference obtains between all Vertebrata and all Arthropoda. Using the term skeleton, in its broadest sense, for the framework which protects, supports and connects the various parts of the organism, it consists in the Frog of four kinds of tissue; the Horny, the Osseous, the Cartilaginous and the Con- nective, Moreover, the hard parts are either developed in the integument, constituting an exoskeleton, or they are deeper seated and belong to the endoskeleton. Leaving aside a question that may arise as to the nature of some of the cranial bones, the exoskeleton in the Frog is M. ll 162 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [X1II. almost absent, being represented only by the horny coating of the calcar. The endoskeleton, on the contrary, is well developed and, as in all the higher Vertebrata, may be distinguished into an axial and an appendicular portion. The axial endoskeleton consists of the notochord, the spinal column and the skull. The appendicular endoskeleton occurs in the limbs and in the pectoral and pelvic arches to which they are attached. Tn the order of development, the endoskeleton is at first represented by the notochord alone; secondly, nascent con- nective tissue and cartilage are superadded to the notochord ; thirdly, these acquire their special characters ; fourthly, they become replaced by bone. The process of conversion or replacement indicated under the last head is very incomplete, even in the adult Frog, in which remains of the notochord are to be found in the centres of the vertebre; and the cartilage, of which the greater part of the skeleton at one period of larval ex- istence was composed, to a great extent persists. Such cartilage is found forming the free surfaces of the bodies of the vertebra, the extremities of the caudal style (urostyle) and the ends of the transverse processes; and it enters largely into the sternum. In the skull, the para- sphenoid’, vomers, parieto-frontals, nasals, premaxille, max- ille, jugals, squamosals, and the bony elements of the man- dible may be .removed by maceration, leaving behind the primitive cartilaginous skull, or Chondro-craniwm, altered only so far as parts of it have been replaced by bone. It furnishes a floor, side walls and roof to the brain-case, interrupted only by a large space (called a fontanelle) covered 1 See Laboratory work, D.C, for the structure of the bony skull (osteo- cranium), which should be thoroughly understood before any attempt is made to study the cartilaginous skull or chondro-cranium. XIII] THE FROG. 163 in by membrane, which lies in the inter-orbital region under the parieto-frontals, and by the foramina for the exit of the cranial nerves. It consists entirely of cartilage, except where the exoccipitals, the pro-otics, and the sphenethmoid invade its substance. In front of the septum of the anterior cavity of the sphenethmoid, it is continued forward between the two nasal sacs, as the cartilaginous partition between the nasal cavities (septum narium), from which are given off, dorsally and ventrally, transverse ale of cartilage which furnish a roof and a floor, respectively, to the nasal chambers, Of these, the floor is the wider. The dorsal and ventral ale pass into one another where the chondro-cranium ends anteriorly and give rise to a truncated terminal face, which is wide from side to side, narrow from above downwards, and convex in the latter direction. The lateral angles of this truncated face are produced outwards and forwards into two flattened pree-nasal processes; these widen externally and end by free edges which support the adjacent portions of the premaxille and maxille. From the ventral face, just behind the truncated anterior end of the chondro- cranium, spring two slender cartilages, the rhinal processes. Each of these inclines towards the middle line and ends against the middle of the posterior face of the ascending pro- cess of the premaxilla by a vertically elongated extremity. An oval nodule of cartilage is attached to the posterior face of the dorsal end of the ascending process of the premaxilla, and serves to connect it with the rhinal process. On the dorsal face of the chondro-cranium, just above the point of attachment of the rhinal processes, the external nasal aper- tures are situated, and the outer and posterior margins of each of these apertures are surrounded and supported by a curious curved process of the cartilaginous ala—the alinasal process. Where the sphenoidal and the ethmoidal portions of the sphenethmoid meet, a stout, transverse, partly osseous 11—2 164 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XIII. and partly cartilaginous bar is given off, which is perforated at its origin by the canal for the orbito-nasal nerve. It then narrows, but becoming flattened from above downwards, rapidly widens again, and its. axe-head-like extremity abuts against the inner face of the maxilla. The anterior angle of the axe-head is free ; the posterior angle is continued back into a slender cartilaginous pterygoid rod which bifurcates posteriorly. The outer division passes into the ventral crus of the suspensorium. The inner division is the pedicle of the sus- pensorium; it articulates by a joint with the anterior face of the broad lateral process of the hinder part of the chondro- cranium, which contains the auditory labyrinth and is termed the periotic capsule. The Suspensorium is a rod of cartilage, which lies between the squamosal and the pterygoid bones and, at its distal end, articulates with Meckel’s cartilage which forms the core of the ramus of the mandible. At its dorsal end it divides into two divergent processes or crura, of which the ventral crus has already been said to be continuous with the pterygoid. The dorsal crus, on the other hand, passes up- wards and, curving backwards, becomes attached to the dorsal part of the outer face of the periotic capsule. Meckel’s cartilage, articulated to the free end of the sus- pensorium, is unossified throughout the greater part of its extent, no osseous articulare being developed; but, at its symphysial end, each cartilage becomes ossified, and forms the mento-Meckelian element of the mandible. The slender, cartilaginous band (cornu of the hyoid) by which the body of the hyoid is attached to the skull, is con- nected with the periotic cartilage immediately in front of and below the fenestra ovalis. The pectoral and pelvicarches (see Laboratory work D.e.g.) are, in the young state, undivided cartilages on each side, and the development of bone in and upon them does not really destroy this continuity, the cartilage persisting at the ends of XIII] THE FROG. 165 the bones and between them, in the glenoidal and acetabular cavities. In like manner, the bones of the limbs consist originally of merely cartilaginous models of the perfect bone; but, as development proceeds, the middle of the cartilaginous model commonly becomes invested by a sheath of true bone, while a calcareous deposit takes place in the cartilage close to its growing extremities. As the bone grows, the superadded sheath invades the middle of the cartilage and more or less replaces it; while the terminal portions of cartilage continue to grow and enlarge and the calcareous deposit within them increases, without however reaching their surfaces. Thus one of the larger adult limb-bones, the femur, consists of a median shaft of perfect bone, and of two terminal cones of cartilage, containing calcified epiphyses, inclosed within and more or less overlapping the hollow ends of the shaft. The general disposition of the parts which are seen in the mouth has already been described. Teeth are found attached only to the premaxille, maxill and vomers. They are small, with recurved and pointed crowns. New teeth are constantly being developed in the gum to replace those which are worn out or broken away. And as they attain their full size these teeth become anky- losed to processes of the subjacent bone. The gullet passes without change of diameter into the stomach, which lies on the left side of the abdominal cavity and is nearly as long as it. The stomach narrows posteriorly and the almost tubular pyloric portion bends round sharply and passes into the duodenum. A slight constriction marks the pylorus. The duodenum runs forwards parallel with the stomach, so that with the latter it forms a sort of loop. At its anterior end it passes into the rest of the small intestine (ileum), which is coiled up into a sort of packet and lies 166 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ xl. on the right side of the abdominal cavity, being held in its place by a mesenteric fold of the peritoneum. From the comparatively narrow neck of the packet, the small intestine proceeds backwards in the middle line and opens into the anterior end of the dilated large intestine or colon and rectwm. The inner wall of the stomach is raised up into a number of strong longitudinal folds which project into its cavity and give it a stellate appearance in transverse section. Much more delicate continuations of these folds are continued into the small intestine and are there joined by transverse folds. The opening of the ileum into the colon is valvular, its edges projecting backwards into the cavity of the colon. On the dorsal aspect, this presents a slight forward dila- tation, which may be regarded as a rudiment of a caecum. The liver is very large, and is divided into two lobes united by a mere bridge, dorsally and anteriorly. The left lobe is further subdivided into two. The gall bladder is attached to the posterior and dorsal face of the right lobe. The biliary duct opens into the duodenum, at some distance behind the pylorus, and its termination is embraced by the base of the slender pancreas. The rounded spleen lies in the mesentery, projecting more to the left than to the right side, just above the point at which the duodenum passes into the ileum. The apparatus of circulation in the Frog consists of the blood and lymph vessels and their contents. The lymph is a colourless fluid containing colourless nucleated corpuscles which exhibit amceboid movements: it is contained partly in large spaces immediately beneath the integument; in the pleuroperitoneal cavity and pro- bably in the other serous cavities; and, partly, in capillaries and larger trunks which are interlaced with and accompany the blood-vessels. The largest of the trunks is the great XII1.] THE FROG. 167 sub-vertebral lymph-sinus, which lies between the layers of the root of the mesentery and communicates by small pores with the pleuroperitoneal cavity. There are four lymph-hearts. The blood consists of a colourless plasma which contains colourless corpuscles, similar to those of the lymph, and in addition a great number of oval nucleated red corpuscles. It is contained in the blood-vessels, which consist of capilla- ries, arteries and veins, the two latter being connected on the one side by the capillaries and, on the other, by the heart into which they open. The lymphatics and the blood-vessels are brought into connexion with one another by communica- tions between the anterior lymph-hearts and the innominate veins, and between the posterior lymph-hearts and the iliac veins. The heart is connected with the walls of the pericardium, on which spots of pigment may be observed, by the vessels which enter and leave it and by a slender band which passes from the dorsal face of the base of the ventricle to the posterior and dorsal wall of the pericardial chamber. The heart consists of four readily distinguishable seg- ments, (1) the sinus venosus, (2) the atriwm, (3) the ventricle, and (4) the truncus arteriosus, disposed in such a manner that the sinus venosus, which is the hindermost division, lies in the middle line on the dorsal aspect of the heart: the atrium is also median and on the dorsal side, but is in front of the sinus venosus; the ventricle is median, ventral and posterior; and the truncus passes obliquely forwards from the right side of the ventricle and is ventral and anterior. The heart therefore may be compared to a tube divided by con- striction into four portions and bent somewhat into the shape of an S. The sinus venosus receives on each side, in front, a large vein, the vena cava superior; while behind the, usually single, vena cava inferior opens into it, It opens by a valvular 168 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [x11 aperture into the atrium. The latter shews no signs of division externally, but, internally, it is divided by a delicate partition, the septum of the auricles, into a smaller left auricle and a larger right auricle. The sinus venosus opens into the atrium, to the right of the septum and therefore into the right auricle. Into the left auricle, the common pulmonary vein, a small trunk formed by the junction of the veins from the right and left lungs, opens. At its posterior end the atrium opens by the auriculo- ventricular aperture into the ventricle. A small valve, prevented from flapping back by fine ten- dinous cords, exists on each side of this aperture, and the septum of the auricles is continued back upon the faces of these valves and ends by a free edge between them, thus dividing the auriculo-ventricular aperture itself into two openings. The walls of the sinus and of the atrium are very thin. Those of the ventricle, on the other hand, are thick and spongy, only a comparatively small, transversely elongated, clear cavity being left at the anterior end or base of the ventricle. At the right extremity of this is the aperture which leads into the truncus arteriosus. Three semilunar valves, which open from the ventricle into the truncus, sur- round this opening.’ The walls of the truncus arteriosus are thick and mus- cular, though not nearly so thick as those of the ventricle. At its anterior end it appears to divide into two trunks, which diverge and immediately leave the pericardium to pass on to the sides of the gullet. The elongated undivided part is the pylangium, the terminal part common to the divergent trunks is the synangiwm. The former is divided throughout its length by a sort of fold which is attached to the dorsal wall while its opposite edge is free. Three semi- lunar valves separate the pylangium from the synangium, in XII] THE FROG. 169 which are the openings, posteriorly, of the pulmonary ar- teries, anteriorly of the carotid trunks; while, at the sides, the cavity of the synangium opens into those of the right and left aortic arches. The apparently simple branches into which the truncus arteriosus divides, are, in fact, each made up of three separate trunks, the pulmo-cutaneous trunk behind, the aortic arch in the middle and the carotid trunk in front. When the heart is in action, the sinus venosus, the atrium, the ventricle and the truncus arteriosus contract in the order in which they have just been named. Each contracts as a whole, so that the two auricles are emptied simultaneously. The blood from each is forced into the corresponding half of the spongy cavity of the ventricle so that the right half of the ventricle contains venous blood _ and the left arterial blood. When the systole of the ventricle takes place, the blood which is first driven into the truncus arteriosus (the opening of which is, as has been seen, at the right end of the cavity) is therefore venous. It fills the conus arteriosus and, finding least resistance in the short and wide pulmonary vessels, passes along the left side of the median valve into them. But as they become distended and less resistance is offered elsewhere, the next portion of blood, consisting of the venous and arterial blood which have mixed in the middle of the ventricle, passes on the right side of the longitudinal valve into the aortic arches. And, as the truncus becomes more and more distended, the longi- tudinal valve, flapping over, tends more and more completely to shut off the openings of the pulmonary arteries and to prevent any blood from flowing into them. Finally, the last portion of blood from the ventricle, representing the completely arterialized blood of the left auricle which is the last to arrive at the opening of the truncus, passes into the carotid trunks and is distributed to the head. 170 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XIII. The principal vessels of the Frog are disposed as fol- lows :— A. Arteries. 1, The system of the anterior aortic arch (carotid trunk). a. Lingual artery—to the tongue. b. Carotid artery—to the interior of the skull and the brain. The system of the middle aortic arch (aortic trunks). a. Vertebral and subclavian—to the vertebral co- lumn, and to the fore-limb. Msophageal to the gullet. b. Cceliaco-mesenteric (given off from the left arch, or from the dorsal aorta, at, or beyond, the junc- -tion of the two arches). a. Coeliac to stomach and liver. 8. Mesenteric to intestine and spleen. c. Branches of the dorsal aorta to the adrenal and renal organs, to the genital organs and to the muscles of the back. d. The terminal branches of the dorsal aorta (com- mon tac); each of these gives off hypogastric arteries to the bladder and walls of the abdomen and is continued as the femoral artery into the leg. The system of the posterior aortic arch (pulmo- cutaneous trunk). a, Pulmonary artery to the lungs. b. Cutaneous artery to the dorsal integument. XII] B. Veins. THE FROG. 171 1, The system of the swperior cava formed on each side by the union of the vena innominata, the sud- clavian and the eaternal jugular. a. Internal jugular vein: leaves the skull by the jugular foramen, and brings back blood from the brain, spinal cord and anterior vertebral region. Subscapular: returns the blood from the brachium and shoulder. These two veins (a and 6) unite to form the vena tnnominata. The musculo-cutaneous vein, receiving the blood of the surface of the head (except the mandibular and hyoidean regions) and that of the back of the trunk—passes forwards between the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen. The brachial vein receives blood from the ante- brachium and manus. These (c and d) unite to form the subclavian vein. The veins of the mandibular region and those of the tongue unite into the eaternal jugular vein. ; 2. The system of the inferior cava, formed by the union of the renal, genital and hepatic veins. a. The femoral vein from the front of the leg, and— The scvatic vein from the back of the leg, pour their blood into a trunk which lies in the lateral wall of the pelvis and may be termed the pelvic vein ; the dorsal end of this becomes— Or ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XUI. c. The common iliac vein, which passes to the outer edge of the kidney and is distributed to that organ, whence the blood is carried to the vena cava inferior by the renal veins. d. The dorso-lumbar vein, which lies along the transverse processes of the vertebra and receives blood from the walls of the abdomen and from the interior of the spinal canal, opens into the common iliac. ; . The system of the anterior abdominal vein, formed by the union of the ventral ends of the pelvic veins (2. b). It receives blood from the urinary bladder and the walls of the abdominal cavity, and at its anterior end divides into two branches—a right and a left. These branches go to the corresponding lobes of the liver, the left receiving a large communicating branch from the gastric division of the vena porte. The system of the vena porte formed by the union of two veins; one, gastric, which brings back the blood from the stomach, the other, Keno-intestinal, which returns that from the spleen and intestines. [Hence the right lobe of the liver and part of the left lobe are supplied with systemic venous blood, more or less mixed with gastric venous blood, while only part of the left lobe is supplied with intestinal venous blood. Besides this venous blood, it must be recollected that the liver receives arterial blood by the hepatic artery. | The system of the pulmonary vein, formed by the union of the veins of the right and left lungs. In addition to the apparatus of the circulation of the blood, the Frog possesses two pairs of lymph-hearts. These XI1.] THE FROG. 173 are contractile muscular sacs, which are connected on the one hand with the lymphatic vessels and on the other with large veins in their neighbourhood; and which pump the lymph contained in the wide lymphatic vessels and in the pleuro- peritoneal cavity of the Frog, into these veins. The anterior lymph-hearts are situated close to the trans- verse processes of the third vertebra, below the edge of the scapula; the posterior pair lie one on each side of the uro- style, and their pulsations may be observed by carefully watch- ing the integument in this region in a living Frog. The Zhymus gland is a small rounded body situated immediately behind the suspensorium, in a position corre- sponding to the dorsal ends of the obliterated branchial arches. The Thyroid gland appears to be represented by two or more oval bodies, which are found attached to the lingual vessels and between the aortic and pulmo-cutaneous trunks. The Adrenal glands are yellow bodies imbedded in the ventral face of the kidney. The slit-like glottis of the Frog is formed by the apposi- tion of two longitudinal folds of the mucous membrane of the mouth, each of which contains a cartilage of similar form. These cartilages are the arytenoid cartilages. They are articulated with an annular cartilage (laryngo-tracheal) which supports the wall of the very short chamber which represents the larynx and trachea. When the two folds of the glottis are divaricated, there are seen between them two mem- branous pouches, the free edges of which meet in the middle line, while anteriorly and posteriorly they pass into the mucous membrane which lines the faces of the longitudinal folds. These are the vocal ligaments, and the slit between 174 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XIII. them is what answers to the glottis in Man. It is by their vibration that the croak of the Frog is produced. Laterally the laryngo-tracheal chamber opens into the lung of each side. The lung is a transparent oval sac, some- what pointed posteriorly, which lies at the side of the cesophagus in the dorsal region of the abdominal cavity. It is covered by a layer of the pleuroperitoneal membrane which represents the visceral layer of the pleura in the higher animals. The wall of the pulmonary sac is produced inwards so as to give rise to septa, which are much more prominent and more numerous in the anterior than in the posterior part of the lung and divide the periphery of the cavity into numerous air-cells, on the walls of which the ramifications of the pulmonary artery are distributed. The lungs are elastic, the distended lung collapsing sud- denly when it is pricked, and they contain abundant muscu- lar fibres. Inspiration is effected in the Frog by a buccal force-pump. The mouth being shut and the external nostrils open, the floor of the mouth is depressed, and the buccal cavity fills with air. The nostrils being then shut, the hyoid, and with it the floor of the mouth, is raised, the aperture of the gullet being at the same time closed. Thus the air is forced through the glottis and distends the lungs. In ordinary expiration, the elasticity of the lungs and the pressure of the surrounding viscera probably suftice to expel the air; but this operation may be powerfully aided, firstly by the contraction of the intrinsic muscular fibres of the lungs; secondly, by the contraction of the muscles of the lateral and ventral regions of the abdominal wall; and thirdly, by the contraction of those muscular fibres which enter into the diaphragm; as all these actions tend, either directly or indirectly, to diminish the capacity of the lungs. It is essential to inspiration that the mouth should be Xu] THE FROG. 175 shut, and it is said that frogs may be asphyxiated by keeping their mouths open. In addition to its principal pulmonary apparatus of re- spiration, the Frog has a secondary respiratory apparatus in its moist and delicate skin. A considerable amount of venous blood is, in fact, constantly supplied to this organ by the large cutaneous branch of the pulmo-cutaneous artery. It has been experimentally ascertained that frogs in which the lungs have been extirpated will continue to live and respire for a considerable time, especially at a low temperature, by means of the skin. The kidneys are elongated and flattened from side to side, and are kept in their places by the continuation of the peri- toneum over their ventral faces. The ducts of the kidneys pass from about the junction of the middle and posterior thirds of the outer edge of each kidney and, approaching as they pass backwards, open by two small closely approximated slit-like apertures in the posterior wall of the cloaca. The urinary bladder is a large bilobed sac, opening poste- riorly, by a wide median aperture, into the anterior end of the cloaca, on the ventral side of the rectum. The testes are spheroidal yellowish bodies situated in front of the kidneys and enveloped in peritoneum, a fold of which, forming a sort of testicular mesentery or mesorchium, passes into that which covers the ventral face of the kidney. The delicate vasa efferentia of the testes may be seen travers- ing this fold to enter the substance of the kidney. They communicate with the urinary tubules, and thus the duct of the kidney serves not only as the duct of the urinary excretion but as the vas deferens. The spermatozoa of Rana esculenta have thick and cylin- drical heads, while those of Rana temporaria are linear. The ovaria are broad lamellar organs, very large and 176 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [ XIII. much folded and plaited in the breeding season. The in- terior of each is hollow, and is divided into several chambers. ‘Innumerable ovisacs, containing dark-coloured ova, are scat- tered through the substance of the ovary and give rise to projections upon the inner surface of the ovarian chamber | as they become fully developed. . The oviducts are long convoluted tubes situated on each side of the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity to which they are connected by peritoneal folds ; each curves over the outer face of the root of the lung. Their anterior ends are very slender, and terminate by open mouths at the sides of the pericardium, between the attachment of the diaphragm and the lobe of the liver. The fold of peritoneum which serves as a ligament, holding the lobe of the liver to the dia- phragm, cesophagus and posterior wall of the pericardium, in fact constitutes the outer lip of the oviducal aperture. For the greater part of their length their walls are thick and glandular, and swell up when placed in water. Posteriorly, the oviduets dilate into capacious thin-walled chambers and end, close together, by openings which are situated in the dorsal wall of the cloaca immediately in front of the aper- tures of the ureters. Each ovum, when ripe, consists of a structureless vitelline membrane, inclosing a vitellus, within which is a germinal vesicle, containing several ‘germinal spots.’ One half of the vitellus is deeply coloured, the other pale. The actions of the different parts of the organism of the Frog are coordinated with one another and brought into relation with the external world by means of the muscular and nervous systems and the organs of sense. The muscles consist partly of striped and partly of un- striped fibres, the former being confined to the muscles of the head, trunk and limbs and the heart, while the latter XIII] THE FROG. Vi are found in the viscera and vessels. An account of the di position of the muscles in the hind-limb will be found in #] Laboratory work. The nervous system is conveniently divisible into ty parts, the cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic. The cerebr spinal nervous system again consists of the brain, or encephi lon, with its nerves, and the spinal cord, or myelon, with i nerves. The encephalon lies in the cranial cavity, which it near fills, and is divisible into the hind-brain, the mid-brain ax the fore-brain, which last again comprises three division; the thalamencephalon, the cerebral hemispheres, and tl olfactory lobes. The greater part of the hind-brain is formed by tl medulla oblongata, which is the continuation of the myel forwards and presents, on its dorsal aspect, a triangular cavit the apex of which is directed backwards. It is roofed ov by a thick and very vascular membrane (choroid plexus), #1 inner surface of which presents transverse folds on either sic of a median longitudinal ridge. The cavity is the four ventricle ; it communicates behind with the central canal the myelon, while, in front, it narrows into a passage whic connects the fourth ventricle with the cavities anterior to : The thick lateral ridges of nervous substance at the sid of the fourth ventricle, which represent the restiform bod pass, in front, into the outer extremities of a short bro tongue-shaped plate, convex ventrally and concave dorsall which overhangs the anterior part of the fourth ventricl and is the cerebellum. In front of this, the dorsal moiety of the mid-brain formed by two oval bodies, the long axes of which a directed inwards and backwards. These are the optic lobe When laid open, each is seen to contain a cavity or ventric with an opening on its inner face. These openings lead in M. 12 178 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [SxrIr:: a short passage, which communicates with the iter a tertio ad- quartum ventriculum, as the canal which leads, through the mesencephalon, from the fourth to the third ventricle is termed. The floor of this canal is formed by the thick prin- cipal mass of the cerebro-spinal axis. It exhibits a median longitudinal depression or raphe, and in this region represents the crura cerebri. In front of the mid-brain comes the hinder division of the fore-brain, or thalamencephalon, which is very distinct in the Frog and contains a median cavity, the third ventricle. On each side, the cavity of the third ventricle is bounded by a thick mass of nervous matter into which the crura cerebri pass. These are the optic thalami. Dorsally, the walls of the third ventricle are very thin and easily torn through, except behind, where there is a thick transverse band of nervous substance, the posterior commissure. From the fore part of the roof of the third ventricle, a delicate process proceeds to the pineal gland—an ovate body lodged between the posterior parts of the cerebral hemispheres. The front part of the floor of the ventricle, on the other hand, is produced into a bilobed process directed backwards, which is the infundibulum, This is connected below with the pitwi- tary body. In front of this is seen the commissure of the optic nerves. Anteriorly, the third ventricle is bounded by the thick lamina terminalis which contains the anterior commissure. On each side, between this and the peduncle of the pineal gland, is a small aperture, the foramen of Munro, which leads into a cavity in the interior of the cerebral hemisphere—the lateral ventricle. The hemispheres are elongated bodies, broader behind than in front, where they are marked off only by a slight constriction from the olfactory lobes. The outer wall of the ventricle, though relatively thick, presents nothing which can XII] THE FROG. 17 be called a distinct corpus striatum. The inner wall forr one or two convex projections into the ventricle. In the bases of the olfactory lobes the forward continu< tion of the ventricular cavity is very narrow and the lobe become nerve-like, cords, which leave the skull and sprea out on the posterior faces of the olfactory sacs. The inner faces of the hemispheres are quite free an separated by a cleft, the great fissure, but the inner facc of the commencements of the olfactory lobes are closel united together, giving rise to a kind of corpus callosum. There are ten pairs of cranial nerves ordinarily so calle though it is to be recollected that the first and second pai are proved, by their development, to be lobes of the brain, 1. Olfactoria. The olfactory lobes are what answer to the so-calle olfactory nerves of the higher Vertebrata. They a distributed exclusively to the olfactory sacs. 2. Optict. These diverge from the base of the brain in front the infundibulum. They are originally outgrowths the thalamencephalon which secondarily become co nected with the optic lobes. Of the remaining cranial nerves five pairs leave the ski in front of the auditory capsules, while one pair enters thc capsules and two pairs pass out behind the capsules, The preauditory nerves are the following. 3. Motores oculorum arise from the front part of the floor of the mid-brz and are distributed to all the muscles of the e except the external rectus, the superior oblique a the retractor bulbi. 12— 180 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. [XIIt. 4. Pathetici arise from the floor of the mid-brain and pass out, on the dorsal aspect of the brain, between the cerebellum and the optic lobes. They are distributed to the supericr oblique muscles of the eye. Trigemint take their origin in the front part of the floor of the hind-brain and, passing out at its sides, each dilates into a yellow enlargement—the Gasserian ganglion— which lies, in front of the auditory capsule, in the foramen of the pro-otic bone by which the nerve, after leaving the ganglion, passes out of the skull. This ganglion is connected with the trunk of the sixth and seventh nerves and with the anterior end of the sympathetic, and some of the branches which appear to be given off from it really belong to the sixth and the seventh nerves. Beyond the ganglion, the nerve divides into three main branches, the orbito-nasal, the palatine and the masillo- mandibular. The orbito-nasal (usually termed the first division of the fifth nerve) is distributed : a. To the external rectus. b. To the retractor of the bulb, (These branches (a and 6) belong to the sixth nerve.) c.