CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY “iia Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. From Vol. I, Life, Journals and Corre- spondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler, LL. D., by his grandchildren, William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler. BuLLeTIN No. 7. 1903. REPRODUCTION SeEriEs, No. 4 BULLETIN of the LLOYD LIBRARY of BOTANY, PHARMACY, anp MATERIA MEDICA J. U.& CG. LLOYD CINCINNATI, OHIO REPRODUCTION SERIES, No. 4 AN ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS, NATURALLY. GROWING IN THIS PART OF AMERICA, BOTANICALLY ARRANGED BY THE REV. MANASSEH CUTLER, F. A. A. AND M. 8. AND MEMBER OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY AT PHILADELPHIA. Copyright secured according to law. REV. MANASSEH CUTLER, LL. D. These biographical notes introduce the author of the first treatise on New England Botany. This treatise antedated by two years the “Materia Medica Americana” of Johann David Schépf, which, the first work on general American Medicinal Plants, constituted Bulletin No. 6 of the Lloyd Library. Reverend Manasseh Cutler was born May 13, 1742, on a farm known as the Killingly Farm, situated on the line dividing Connecticut from Rhode Island. Indeed, this state line passed through the Cutler homestead. He was the third of a family of three daughters and two sons, being the elder of the sons. His family was of Puritan stock, the earliest American Cutler ancestor being James Cutler, who emi- grated from Norfolkshire, England, to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay in its early settlement. The father of Manasseh was Hezekiah Cutler; the mother, Susannah Clark, whose father was one of the early surveyors of Windham County, Connecticut. Both were re- ligious, industrious, economical, of exemplary character, firm in the faith of stern Puritanism, and under this influence young Manasseh be- came imbued with the principles which marked his after life. Early life on the farm led to health and a study of nature; New England country schools led to intellectual development ; Puritanism of inherit- ance and instruction led to frugality and determination. Under the personal care of Rev. Mr. Brown he prepared for and entered Yale in 1761, where he graduated “with high honors” in 1765. His inclination being scientific, he became very proficient in astronomy, meteorology, and botany, which attainments served him well in after years, especially when, after leaving Yale, he began to teach school. July 27, 1766, he united with the Church of which his tutor, Mr. Brown, was pastor, and September 7, 1766, married Miss Mary Balch. He 6 Rev. ManasseH Cutter, LL. D. now engaged in merchandizing, removed to Martha’s Vineyard, and opened a store at Edgartown. Here he fitted out whaling vessels, conducted business, and even practiced law before the Court of Common Pleas. In 1768 he received his Master’s degree from Yale,* and began to study for the ministry, completing his course in Dedham, Connecticut, under the direction of his father-in-law, Rev. Thomas Balch. He was ordained pastor of the Church at Ips- wich, Massachusetts, September 11, 1771, and made excursions as a preacher throughout New England. During his travels’ Dr. Cutler collected plants for his herbarium, taking also much interest in agri- culture and horticulture. January 31, 1781, he was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. At this time he was intently engaged on his botany, and in his memoirs he relates how he read all the works within his reach connected with the subject, and by special request was loaned from Harvard “Dr. Hill’s Natural History.” The letter soliciting the favor being of interest in connection with this Bulletin, is reproduced, as follows : “To the Honorable and Reverend, the Corporation of Harvard College: ‘‘GENTLEMEN,—Permit me to represent to your Honorable and Reverend Board that I have been endeavoring, with considerable labor ° and pains, to investigate the botanical characters of such Trees and Plants as may fall under my observation, which are indigenous to this part of America, and have not been described by Botanists ; also to make out a Catalogue of those which are found growing here, but have been found in other parts of the World, and therefore need no botanical description ; and of such as have been propagated here, but are not the spontaneous production of the Country. An attempt of this kind, which I am not sensible has yet been undertaken, will be necessary to furnish materials for a Natural History of the Country, in which we are, at present, very defitient. “But I find myself unable to prosecute my Plan for want of some of the latest botanical Publications, not only for determining, with more * The Batchelor’s and Master’s degrees were conferred on Dr. Cutler in the usual manner, and are recorded in the usual manner. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred in September, 1789, and the diploma issued 1791. This diploma is lost. Rev. ManasseH Curt ter, LL. D. 7 accuracy, the botanical characters of Trees and Plants, but especially for ascertaining those which have already been discovered and de- scribed. I have sent to Europe for several books, and particularly for Dr. Hill’s Natural History, but none. of them could be procured. I can not find that any of those books, which will be of much advantage, are anywhere in this State, except in the College Library. “I therefore beg leave to request that your Honorable and Rev- erend Board will grant me the favor of Dr. Hill’s Natural History from the College Library for a short time, and I will be accountable for the careful usage and safe return of it to the Library again, and will pay whatever sum shall be required for the use of it. Such a favor will confer a very special obligation on, Gentlemen, “Your most obedient and most humble servant, «MM. Curren, “IpswicH, JANUARY 18, 1781.” Dr. Cutler, having his manuscript ready, went to Boston, Sep- tember 2, 1785, to meet a Committee of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, delivered to them his paper, and in 1785 the con- tribution appeared in the transactions of that body. This work is herewith presented in facsimile as Reproduction Bulletin No. 7 of the Lloyd Library. Manasseh Cutler was a man of culture, of affairs, of deeds. He was close to all the conspicuous men of Massachusetts in his day, in Science, Religion and Politics, and corresponded with scientists and statesmen both in America and abroad. Among his botanical corre- spondents and associates were such men as Professor C. S. Rafinesque, Professor B. S. Barton, Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, and others of that date concerned in American botany. His broadening opportunities and his educational principles led him ever to take a patriotic part in the mo- mentous times upon the Colonies at that period, and we accordingly find him in the seat of war, helping and preaching among the Colonial troops. Finally (1787) came the work of his life best known and most important, the “Ohio Company” formed for the purpose of purchas- ing land for a Western Colony. This resulted in the settlement of 8 Rev. Manassen Cutter, LL. D. Marietta and that vicinity. In this the part taken by Manasseh Cutler is history, and needs no coniment from us other than that it was through his personal efforts that the grant was procured from Congress and the further statement that in the annals of that Western Settle- ment history accords to Manasseh Cutler the most conspicuous position. The sensational trial of Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Lobelia fame, oc- curred in 1809, it being claimed that two children (1808) and a young man (1809) were by him sweated to death with a decoction of that plant, Dr. Cutler, being called as an expert, decided that the drug exhibited to the court was Marsh Rosemary, and not Lobelia, which evidence, because of Dr. Cutler’s reputation, cleared Thomson in the face of overwhelming contra-evidence. Felt’s History of Ipswich, Massachusetts, thus described Manasseh Cutler : “In person Dr. Cutler was of light complexion, above the common. stature, erect and dignified in his appearance. His manners were gentlemanly ; his conversation easy and intelligent. As an adviser he was discerning and discreet.” The portrait fronting our Bulletin No. 7 is reproduced from the two volumes, ‘Life, Journals and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cut- ler, LL. D., by his grandchildren, William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler,” piling the data of this brief biography. Dr. Cutler died at Hamilton, Massachusetts, July 28, 1823. Te. he ses and these volumes have been freely consulted in com- An account of some of the vegetable Produc- tions, naturally growing in this Part of America, botanically arranged. By the Rev. Manasseh Cut- ler, F. A. A. and M.S. and Member of the Philo- sopical Society at Philadelphia. 396 Mr. CuTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, XXIV. Ax account of some of the vegetable Productions, na- turally growing in this Part of America, botanically arranged. By the Rev. ManassEH Cutter, 7. A. A. and M. S. and Member of the Philosophical Society at Philadelphia. N an infant country, where nature has been liberal in her productions, and internal resources are greatly wanted, few objects can be of greater importance than natural history. Yet, unhappily, there is no branch of useful knowledge we have so little cultivated. The cultivation of this branch of science will — open to our view the treasures we possess unenjoyed; and must eventually tend to the security and welfare of our citizens, the extension of their commerce, and the improvement of those arts which adorn and embellish life. The little progress we have made in exploring the fossil king- dom, is sufficient to convince us, that the bowels of the coun- try are well stored with minerals and other useful fossils; which are capable of being improved, not only for the benefit of indi- viduals, but as national advantages. We have, perhaps, as great a variety of indigenous plants, as any country produces, in a similar climate. But a great part of them have never been so far noticed as to receive even a trivial name. Canada and the southern states, beside the attention paid to their productions by some of their own inhabitants, have been visited by eminent botanists from Aurofe. But a great part of that extensive tract of country, which lies between them, including several degrees of latitude, and exceedingly diversi- fied in its surface and soil, seems still to remain unexplored. The almost total neglect of botanical enquiries, in this part of the country, may be imputed, in part, to this, that Botany has botanically arranged. 397 has never been taught in any of our Colleges, and to the difficulties that are supposed to attend it; but principally to the mistaken opinion of its inutility in common life. This opinion being so generally prevalent, it may be necessary to observe, that, tho’ all the medical properties and ceconomical uses of plants are not discoverable from these characters by which they are systemati- cally arranged; yet the celebrated Lzzneus has found, that the virtues of plants may be, in a considerable degree, and most safe- ly, determined by their zatural characters: for plants of the same zatural class are in some measure similar; those of the same zatural order have a still nearer affinity ; and those of the same genus have very seldom been found to differ in their me- dical virtues. Thus, according to the sexual system, plants of the second order in the third class are all esculent, affording food for men, beasts or birds: and no one species of all those nume- rous genera have been found to be poisonous. The starry plants of the first order in the fourth class are chiefly diuretic. The rough-leaved plants of the fifth class and first order are mucilaginous ; but those of a disagreeable taste and smell, most- ly berry-bearing plants, are more or less corrosive and poison- ous. The umbelliferous plants, growing in dry places, are aromatic and stimulative, but in wet ground, often poisonous. Plants of the sixth class have roots, according to their smell or taste, either esculent or poisonous. The plants with horned anthere of the eighth and tenth classes are astringent, and their berries acid and esculent. All the pulpy fruit of the twelfth class may be eaten with safety. Plants of the thirteenth class are chiefly poisonous: but those of the first order in the four- teenth are odoriferous, cephalic and resolvent; and none of them are poisonous. Nor is there any poisonous plant belong- Ing 398 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, ing to the fifteenth class: they are generally called antiscorbu-~ tic. Those of the sixteenth, with many filaments, are muci- laginous and emollient. The seventeenth has no poisonous. plant; but the seeds, which are food for men and other ani- mals, are farinaceous and flatulent. Those of the nineteenth are chiefly bitter; and those of the twenty-fourth are mostly: suspected or dangerous plants. From the want of botanical knowlege, the grossest mistakes. have been made in the application of the Exglish names of Ew-. ropean plants, to those of America. Many of our most com- mon vegetables are generally known, and some of them fre- quently prescribed for medical purposes, by the names of plants. that are entirely different, belonging to other classes, and possess-. ed, no doubt, of different properties. Botanical enquiries will enable us to rectify these mistakes, and to distinguish the seve-. ral species of European or other foreign plants from those that: are peculiar to America. We have it, also, in our power, from the recent settlement of the country, to determine, with great certainty, what vegetable. productions are indigenous, and prevent those doubts and dis- putes hereafter, which have frequently taken place among bo-. tanists in old countries. For it is very improbable that any exotic plants are become so far naturalized as not to be distin-. guishable from the natives. Was the theory of this science united with its practical uses, and employed in procuring the necessaries, and adding to the- conveniences and ornaments of life, the vulgar opinion of its. being merely speculative would be removed, and could not fail. of engaging a more general attention. For it is well known that the economical uses of the vegetable kingdom are exceed-- ingly- botanically arranged. 399 ingly numerous; not only furnishing food and medicine for man and beast, materials for agriculture, and various arts and manufactures, and for many of the delights and ornaments of life; but it supplies important articles of commerce, and, in some countries, is the greatest source of internal wealth. We are, no doubt, yet ignorant of many productions well adapted to most, or all, of those purposes. The native Indians were acquainted with the peculiar proper- ties of certain vegetable productions, which if thoroughly un- derstood by the present inhabitants, might be made extensively useful, both in physic, arts and manufactures, and new branches of commerce. Their materia medica seems to have consisted of few articles; these were certain plants, powerful in their operation, and sometimes producing sudden and surprising effects upon the_ human body. These savages seem to have had better ideas of the medical virtues of plants, than some who have imagined that vegetables, fit only for food, were the most proper for medi- cine; and that combining a great number of the most com- mon plants, might be a remedy for almost every disease. Vege- tables called poisonous are capable of producing great and sud- den alterations in the human body: May not many of them be found, upon accurate and well-judged experiments, like some chymical poisons, to be the best medicines? The Indians had discovered effectual antidotes against the venom of rattle-snakes, which must have been a discovery of great importance to them, and may, possibly, be reckoned among their greatest improve- ments in the knowledge of medicine. Mr. Ca¢esby mentions a fact, which he says was well attested, of an Indian’s daubing himself with the juice of the purple bindweed, a species of the convolvulus, and then handling a rattle-snake with his naked hands, without receiving any injury. The 400 Mr. CuTiER’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, These natives were, likewise, possessed of the art of dyeing deep and most permanent black, red and yellow colours. These colours were given to bone, horn, porcupine quills and other hard substances, which still appear, unimpaired, on some of their ornaments and utensils. The Spaniards are said to have procur- ed from the Calfornian Indians, the art of dyeing the best black ever yet known. The plant they employ in this dye is called the cascalote, a small shrub, which abounds in that country, and may probably be found within the limits of the United States. However desirable the knowledge of our vegetable produc- tions may be, our progress must be slow, until men, versed in this science, can devote their time to the investigation of them. Some advances may be made by individuals collecting the pro- ductions of their own neighbourhood, and transmitting accounts of them, from time to time, to the Academy. How much a correspondence of this kind has done, in perfecting the history of the Brztsh plants, will appear from the numerous botanical papers published in the transactions of the Royal Society. As there has never been a description given of the indigenous plants in this part of the country, and it being one of the ends of the institution of this Academy to promote the knowledge of natural history, I take the liberty of communicating an ac- count of some of those which have fallen under my observation. They are arranged according to the Lzzu@an system ; and the generic characters, where they were found to correspond, are re- ferred to Limneus’s description in the fifth edition of his Genera Plantarum: The characters of the species, where there was an agreement, are taken from the tenth edition of the Systema Nature. A few synonyms from other authors are given, and more botanically arranged. 401 more might have been added, had it been consistent with the limits of the paper. Some additional description of most of them, the times of flowering and places of growth, were thought necessary. Those plants which appear not to agree with the es- sential generic characters of any known genus, are inserted without any generic names, but the natural characters of the fructification are particularly described. Such as appeared doubtful are dis- tinguished by a mark of interrogation. The English names are those by which the plants have been called either here or in other parts of the world, except, in a few instances, where no trivial name was known. The medical and ceconomical uses which are mentioned, are inserted from the best private infor- mation that could be obtained, or selected from good authori- ties; many of them, in particular, from a late ingenious and useful publication by Witham Withering, M. D. entitled, “The botanical arrangement of 4rztzsh plants.” In giving this account of indigenous plants, I have had op- opportunity of investigating only those which were found grow- ing within the compass of a few miles; except a small num- ber that happend to be noticed at a greater distance. Many others have been observed, but the limits of this paper did not admit their being inserted. The generic characters of these plants were minuted from fresh blossoms in full bloom, with the aid of a microscope, and with as much attention as the lit- tle leisure I have had for botanical enquiries would admit. But not having examined any of them, for any other purpose than mere amusement, until the last summer, I doubt not errors will be found in this arrangement, which more time and further examination might have prevented. This I hope will be ad- mitted as some apology, by every experienced botanist, who Cec knows 402 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, knows how much time is necessary for investigating and ar- ranging a considerable number of plants in a part of the coun- try never before explored. Ipswich, January 26, 1784. MONANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. SALICORNIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. ro. Salicornia articulis apice compressis emarginatis bistdis. Syst. Nat. Kal geniculatum annuum, Park. GLASSWORT. Saltwort. Marsh Samphire. The stem grows about eight or ten inches high: the main stem divides itself into numerous branches. It is found on the sea-shore. Blos- soms in September. In Europe a fossil alkali is obtained from the ashes of this plant, which is in great request for making glass and soap. It is said to make a pickle little inferior to samphire. DIGYNTIA. BLITUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 14. Blitum capitellis spicatis terminalibus. Syst. Nat. Chenofo- diomorus. Boerh. BLITE. Several stems rise from the same root, running in- to many short ramifications. Leaves oblong and obtuse. Blos- soms extremely small; green with a yellow anthera. The smell is considerable, resembling Savix. About Parker-river bridge, in Mewbury. August. DIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. LIGUSTRUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 18. PRim. Privet. A shrub. Leaves in pairs. Blossoms white. Berries black. In Zyxn, Not very common in a wild state. June. It botanically arranged. 403 It makes excellent hedges. The berries, gathered as soon as they are ripe, dye wool and silk of a good and durable green, with the addition of alum. CIRCAEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 24. Circea caule adscendente, racemo unico. Syst. Nat. ENCHANTERS NIGHTSHADE. Blossoms variegated. Among bushes in a moist, rich soil. July. VERONICA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 25. Veronica racemts lateralibus: pedicellis pendulis, foliis lineart- bus tntegerrimis. Syst. Nat. PIMPERNEL. Brooklime. Water Speedwell. Blossoms whit- ish or purplish. In swamps. June—July. Veronica. ONE FLOWER. Stem somewhat procumbent. Leaves orbi- cular ; opposite on short pedicles. Blossoms solitary, support- ed on short flower stalks rising from the axil/@ of the leaves: they are small; white, striated with purple. By the way-side. May—July. GOLDENPERT. The caltx consists of one leaf; tubular. The limb deeply divided into five ovate, acuminated segments ; with two small leaves growing on the outside of the cup, op- posite the two upper sinuses. Corolla one petal ; tube very long; angular; border divided into four circular, ‘patent, emarginated segments; lapping. The upper segment largest; the lower smallest. Stamina two short filaments rising from the tube, near together, below the upper segment ; shorter than the tube. Anthere circular ; flattish; adhering together. Germen ovate. Cees Stile 404 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables. Stele cylindrical ; erect ; of the length of the Stamina. Stzgma concave ; circular; bent downward. Capsule ovate; two cells ; two valves. Seeds numerous; very small. The stem round; erect. Leaves strap-shaped; opposite ; entire. Blossoms single; on flower-stalks rising from the ax- tlle of the leaves; yellow. Around the shore of Wenham pond. August. BASTARD-PEPPERGRASS. The caltx consists of a perian- thium of four erect, concave leaves; the margin coloured; two of them larger, which stand opposite. Deciduous. Corolla none. Stamina two subulated filaments with anthere; stand opposite ; of the length of the calix. Axthere simple. There are four other shorter filaments without antherz ; one on each of the sides of the fertile filaments. Germen circular; com- pressed; emarginated. S¢z/e very short. Stzgma blunt and jagged. Capsule circular; compressed; emarginated; two cells ; four valves. Two flat seeds, the edges tumid. Stems round; branched. Radical leaves deeply indented ; stem leaves lanceolate and slightly serrated. Blossoms very small ; on fruit-stalks forming a long open spike at the extremities of the branches. Borders of fields. July—Sept. UTRICULARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 29. Utricularia nectario contco. Syst. Nat. Lentebularia. Ray. Syn. Millefolium aquaticum flore luteo galericulato. Park. BLADDERWORT. Common hooded Milfoil. The roots are very small, swimming in the water, and seem scarcely to touch the ground. They send off numerous branched fibers, beset with small membranaceous bladders, appearing like black seeds. Blossoms yellow. Ponds with a muddy bottom. August. Utricularia botanically arranged. 405 Utricularia nectario carinato. Syst. Nat. PURPLE BLADDERWORT. Lesser hooded Milfoil, The roots are jointed. Bladders less than the former species. Blossoms pale yellow. In muddy ponds. August. VERBENA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 30. Verbena diandra spicis longis, calicibus aristatis, foliis ovatis serratis. Syst. Nat. VERVAIN. Simplers Joy. The stems are quadrangular. Leaves stand opposite. Blossoms in a long close spike ; pale blue. Common by road-sides. July—Sept. There are two or three varieties of this species of the Verbena very common. It is said that the Surgeons of the American army, at a cer- tain period when a supply of medicine could not be obtained, substituted a species of the Verbena for an emetic and expecto- rant, and found its operation kind and beneficial. LYCOPUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 31. Lycopus folits equaliter serratis. Syst. Nat. WATER HOREHOUND. Gipsie. The stem four cornered. Leaves opposite. Blossoms whitish; surrounding the stem at the joints. Borders of meadows. August. This plant has been mistaken for a species of the Veronica. and is generally known by the name of Pau/’s Betony. It is said the juice will give a permanent colour to linen, wool and silk, that will not wash out. TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. IRIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 57. Iris corollis imberbibus, germinibus trigonis, caule anciptte. Syst. Nat. BLUE-FLAG. 406 Mr. CuTLEr’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, BLUE-FLAG. ‘The leaves are sword-shaped. Blossoms blue variegated with white, yellow and purple. In wet meadows. June. A decoction of the fresh roots is a powerful cathartic, and will sometimes produce evacuations when other means fail ; but it is too drastic for common use. The juice of the fresh roots may be given in doses of 60 or 80 drops every two hours. Dr. Withering says the fresh roots of the yellow water flag have been mixed with food of swine bitten by a mad dog, and they escaped the disease, when others, bitten by the same dog, died raving mad. The root loses most of its acrimony by drying. XYRIS? Linn. Gen. Plant. 59. VELLOWEVED-GRASS. The corolla consists of three ovate, patent, entire petals. The claws narrow; of the length of the calix. Nectaria three filiform filaments between the petals, longer than the calix, terminating in numerous long hairs. Three very short /i/aments rising from the petals in the mouth of the blossom. Capsule membranaceous; one cell; three valves; oblong; compressed on one side. The other parts agree with Lznu@us’s description. The stem flattish; naked; erect. Radical leaves narrow; tapering to a point. Blossoms in an head on the summit of the stem ; bright yellow. On banks of ponds. August. CYPERUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 61. Cyperus culmo triquetro, umbelle spicults capitatis oblongis sessilibus, tnvolucris longissimts serrato-asperis? Syst. Nat. GALANGALE. In open swamps. August. SCIRPUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 62. Scirpus culmo terett nudo, spicts ovatis pluribus pedunculatis terminalibus. Syst. Nat. BULLRUSH. botanically arranged. 407 BULLRUSH. In ponds and rivers. August. When properly cured it makes very neat bottoms to chairs ; but they will be much stronger mixed with the leaves of the cat’s tail flag, though somewhat coarser. Scirpus culmo triguetro nudo acuminato, panicula spict's conglo- merata lateralt. Syst. Nat. THREE CORNERED RUSH. Banks of ponds and rivers. Aug. ERIOPHORUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 63. Eriophorum culms foliosts leretibus, folits plants, spica errecta. Syst. Nat. Gvamen juncoides lanatum alterum danicum. Park. COTTONGRASS. Pussy. Mossy meadows. May. The down of the heads has been used for stuffing pillows and making wicks of candles. The indigenous grasses of the second order are numerous, but the limits of this paper would not admit of their being in- serted. A description of these and other native grasses may be the subject of another paper. TRIGYNIA. MOLLUGO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 99. Mollugo folits verticillates cunetformibus acutrs, caule subdiviso decumbente, pedunculis untflorts. Syst. Nat. Mullugo folits sepius septents lanceolatis. Gronov. CARPEI-WEED. Stem divided into numerous branches, spreading on the ground. Blossoms greenish white ; in clusters. at the joints. About pathways. July. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. ARUM Americanun, dete folio. Catesb. Nat. Hist. SCUNK CABBAGE. Scunkweed. The calix consists of a very large, permanent Sfatha; of a thick, porous substance, ap- proaching- 408 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, proaching to an ovate form; open on one side, and bellied out on the opposite; the margin auriculated at the base, and some- what twisted at the apex. The Spadzx within the Spatha. The florets numerous, placed around the receptacle in an oval form ; and are so compact as to appear like a solid body, thick set with small, regular protuberances on its surface. No Cadzx. Corolla four erect, very thick, narrow, obtruncated petals. Stamina four flattish filaments rising from the receptacle ; longer than the corolla. Anthere oblong. Germen convex. Stile cylindrical ; rather longer than the stamina. Stzgma bifid. Seeds large ; roundish ; single ; inclosed within the receptacle. The first appearance of this singular plant is the flower. After the flower is arrived to a state of perfection, the leaves appear at a small distance from the flower stalk, in a conic form, very closely rolled together. As they rise they expand; nearly ovate; supported on foot stalks. The plant has no stem. The globe of flowers is nearly of the colour of the spatha, which is beautifully variegated with scarlet and yellow. Com- mon in swamps and borders of meadows. April—May. This plant, which is found native no where but in Worth- America, has been considered by botanists as a species of the Arum. But the florets are hermaphrodite, having each of them distinct and perfect corolla, stamina and pistil. It therefore be- longs to the first order of this class, and is to be arranged among the aggregate flowers with a common perianthium. The fruc- tification so essentially differs from all the genera of this order, it must, undoubtedly, be considered as a new genus. The vulgar name, by which it is, here, generally known, is taken from its very rank and disagreeable smell, nearly resembling that of a scunk or polecat. The botanically arranged. 409 The roots dried and powdered are an excellent medicine in asthmatic cases, and often give relief when other means are in- effectual. It may be given with safety to children as well as to adults ; to the former, in doses of four, five or six grains, and to the latter, in doses of twenty grains and upwards. It is given in the fit, and repeated as the case may require. This knowledge is said to have been obtained from the Indians, who, it is likewise said, repeat the dose after the paroxism is gone off, several mornings, then miss as many, and repeat it again ; thus continuing the medicine until the patient is perfectly recovered, It appears to be antispasmodic, and bids fair to be useful in many other disorders. “In collecting the roots particular care ought to be taken that the whzte hellebore, or poke root, which some people call scunk weed, be not mistaken for this plant, as the consequence might be fatal. There is an obvious distinction— the hellebore has a stalk, but the scunk cabbage has none. CEPHALANTHUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 105. Cephalanthus folits opposites ternisgue. Syst. Nat. GLOBE-FLOWER SHRUB. Pond Dogwood. Button Bush, The florets form a perfect globe, and when the fruit stalk is separated it does not readily appear in what part of the globe it was in- serted. The blossoms are snow-white, fragrant and beautiful when in full bloom. Common in watery swamps and pond- holes. July—August. HEDYOTIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. rro. Hedyotis folits lineart-lanceolatis, caule herbaceo dichotomo, pedunculis geminis. Syst. Nat. VENUS PRIDE. Blossoms white or bluish. It spreads over pastures and fields, in large beds, and gives them a white ap- pearance. May—June. Ddd MITCHELLA. 410 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, MITCHELLA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 126. PARTRIDGEBERRY. The stems trailing. Leaves orbicular- cordate; opposite, with large white veins. Blossoms white. In thick woods and swamps. June—July. PLANTAGO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 133. Plantago, folits ovatis glabris, scapo tereti, spica floseults im- bricatis. Syst. Nat. PLANTAIN. Common near roads and foot-paths. June— July. The leaves are applied, by the common people, to inflamed sores and swellings. The bruised leaves they apply to fresh cuts. Plantago folis lanceolato-ovatis pubescentibus subdenticulatrs, spicis laxis pubescentibus, scapo angulato. Syst. Nat. VIRGINIA PLANTAIN. In grass land. Not common. May —June. Plantago folits semicylindracets integerrimts bast lanatzs, scapo tervett. Syst. Nat. SEA PLANTAIN. In salt marshes. July. It is said to be cultivated and sown with clover in Morth- Wales in Great-Britain, and greedily eaten by horses and cows: but Zzxn@us says, that. cows are not fond of it. SANGUISORBA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 136. Sangursorba spies longissimts. Syst. Nat. Pimpinella maxima. Cornutus. AMERICAN BURNET. Snakeweed. The leaves are winged ; very long. The small leaves serrated. The filaments and an- therze are white. In rich moist ground. July—September. Its botanically arranged. 4II Its growth is generally luxuriant, and makes good fodder for cattle. CISSUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 137. Cissus folits ovatis nudis setaceo—serratis. Syst. Nat. PIGEON-BERRY BUSH. The shrub grows six or eight feet high. Leaves opposite. Blossoms in broad-topped spikes ; white. Common on the banks of brooks and rivers. June. Pigeons feed on the berries, which has been the occasion of its trivial name. MEADOW BLUEBELLS. The calix is a permanent perianthi- um of one leaf; tubular. Tube quadrangular; limb divided into four acute, erect segments. The corolla one petal. Tube between funnel and bell-shaped; longer than the calix; di- vided into four roundish, patent segments, with ciliated mar- gins. NVectarza four prominent glands in the base of the co- rolla. Stamina four triangular, erect filaments ; inserted into the corolla, and of the length of the calix. Axthere oblong ; erect. Germen oblong; within the tube. Séz/e short. Stzg- ma bifid; flat; circular. Capsule oblong, quadrangular ; one cell; four valves. Seeds numerous; ovate; adhering to the angles of the capsule. The stem nearly round; erect; branched. Leaves ovate ; opposite ; half embracing the stem. Blossoms large; single ; terminating; bright blue. In moist land. Not common. September. The blossoms open about ten o'clock in the morning, and close by two in the afternoon. CORNUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 139. Cornus herbacea, ramis nullis. Syst. Nat. Ddd 2 CORNEL. 412 Mr. CuTiEr’s Account of indigenous Vegetables. CORNEL. Dogberry. The stem is quadrangular. Leaves oval; opposite. From the axzl/e of the upper leaves, two other leaves are sent off, spreading laterally, which give the ap- pearance of six leaves at a joint. Blossoms white. In wood- land. May—June. OLDENLANDIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 143. DOGWOOD. The leaves are ovate; acuminated. Blossoms in broad-topped spikes; white. In swamps and banks of rivers. July. DIGYNIA. HAMAMELIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 155. WITCH-HAZEL. The leaves are nearly inversly ovate. Blos- soms yellow : stand three or four together on short flower stalks. In loamy land. Sept.—October. This singular shrub does not commonly bloom until its leaves are destroyed by frost, when its numerous blossoms make a gay and agreeable appearance ; and continue until the weather be- comes very cold, often until snow falls. The germen endures the severity of our winters uninjured; for the fruit does not ripen until the next September, the time of its blossoming again, when ripe fruit and blossoms will be found on the same tree. The Indians considered this tree as a valuable article in their materia medica. They applied the bark, which is sedative and discutient, to painful tumors and external inflammations. A cataplasm of the inner rind of the bark, is found to be very ef- ficacious in removing painful inflammations of the eyes. The bark chewed in the mouth is, at first, somewhat bitter, very sensibly astringent, and then leaves a pungent, sweetish taste, which will remain for a considerable time. The specific qua- lities. botantcally arranged, 413 lities of this tree seem, by no means, to be accurately ascer- tained. It is, probably, possessed of very valuable properties. CUSCUTA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 156. Cuscuta floribus pedunculatis. Syst. Nat. DODER. Devil's Guts. Among flax. July. This plant is well known to farmers, who often have their fields of flax greatly injured by its twining about the stalks. It is parasitical. When it has ascended the stalk of flax, or what- ever plant is next to it, a number of very small papille are sent off from the inner surface of the vine, which insinuate them- selves into the bark of the plant. The root then decays, and it receives its nourishment from the plant which it twines about. The whole plant is bitter; and it affords a pale reddish colour. TRAILING COCKSPUR. Calix none; except the corolla be called the calix. Corolla one petal; flat; coloured without and within. Limb deeply divided into four ovate acuminated segments. Deciduous. Stamzna four short, filiform, erect filaments ; standing upon the corolla. Axzthere globular. Ger- men below; double. Stiles two; erect; passing through the base of the corolla. Stzgmata globular. Two seeds, or nuts, contained in a rind thick set with hooked spines. The generic characters of this plant approach those of the Aphanes, but seem so essentially to differ as not to admit its be- ing placed under that genus, The stem trailing ; four square; the edges tumid, and beset with short, hooked spines. Leaves lanceolate; six at a joint. Blossoms reddish white; placed in the axz//@ of the leaves. Borders of brooks and ditches. August. UPRIGHT 414. Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, UPRIGHT COCKSPUR. Stems erect; quadrangular. Leaves ovate; four at a joint. Stem-leaves rough: somewhat woolly. Blossoms white. Open wood land. June. TETRAGYNTIA. POTAMOGETON. Linn. Gen. Plant. 160. Potamogeton folits oblongo-ovatis petiolates natantibus. Syst. Nat. Fontalts major latifolia vulgaris. Park. PONDWEED. Blossoms in spikes; yellowish. In ponds and rivers. August. The leaves afford an agreeable shade to pickerel. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. CYNOGLOSSUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 168. Cynoglossum staminibus corolla brevioribus, folits lato—lanceo- latis tomentosts sesstlibus. Syst. Nat. HOUNDSTONGUE. Blossoms pale blue. Road sides in Ded- ham. July. It has a very disagreeable smell. Dr. Withering observes, that both the root and leaves have been suspected to possess narcotic properties ; but that others will not admit the fact. SYMPHYTUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 170. Symphytum folits ovato—lanceolatis decurrentibus. Syst. Nat. Symphytum magnum, Rati. Syn. COMFREY. Blossoms yellowish white. In moist land. Not common growing wild. June. It is cultivated in gardens ; and though it is sometimes found growing wild, there seems to be some doubt whether it be in- digenous. The botanically arranged. A415 The roots are much used by the common people for sprains. They are glutinous and mucilaginous. The leaves give a grate- ful flavour to cakes and panadoes. CORTUSA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 181. Cortusa calyctbus, corollam excedentibus. Syst. Nat. BEARSEAR SANICLE. The stems are round; erect. Leaves oblong in pairs. Blossoms yellow. In moist ground. July. HOTTONIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 186. Flottonia peduncules verticillato—multifioris. Syst. Nat. Mzt- lefolium aquaticune floridum seu viola aquatica. Park. Hottonia. Boerh. WATER VIOLET. Featherfowl. Leaves winged, spreading on the surface of the water in a stellate form. Blossoms white. In standing waters and ditches. May—June. LYSIMACHIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 188. Lysimachia folits quaternts subsessilibus, pedunculis guaternis untfiort~s. Syst. Nat. VELLOW WILLOWHERB. Pimpernel. Loosestrife. Stem round; hairy. Leaves ovate. Blossoms bright yellow. In wood land. June. MEADOWSWEET. Moneywort. Stems erect. Leaves ob- long; five or six at a joint; marked with white or red specks. Blossoms single; on long flower stalks; yellow. Borders of meadows, or brooks. June. ANAGALLIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 189. Anagallis foliis indivisis, caule procumbente. Syst. Nat. Anagallis flore pheniceo. Park. PIMPERNEL. Blossoms red. In clayey ground. June. Anagallis 416 Mr, Cutter’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Anagallis folits sinuatis. Syst. Nat. GROUNDSTAR. Blossoms white, tinged with red. Amongst grass by the way side. May—Aug. AZALEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 195. Azalea foltts ovatis, corollis pilosts, staminibus longissimts. Syst. Nat. AMERICAN HONEYSUCKLE. Swamp Pink. Blossoms in a kind of tuft at the termination of the branches. They are white ; but the deep red globules at the ends of the hairs on the corolla and stamina give the appearance of a red tinge. Common in low, swampy land. June. This shrub, when in full bloom, makes an elegant appear- ance. The blossoms are fragrant, and have been made into conserves. It is easily propagated in gardens, and may doubt- less be improved by cultivation. We have few exotic flower- ing shrubs superior to it. CONVOLVULUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 198. Convolvulus folits sagittatis utringue acutis, pedunculis unt- floris. Syst. Nat. BINDWEED. Small Convolvulus. Blossoms white or striped. In corn fields. July. Convolvulus folits sagittates postice truncatis, peduncults tetra- gonis untfiorts. Syst. Nat. Convolvulus major albus. Park. GREAT CONVOLVULUS. ‘Two floral leaves close to the calix. Blossoms white; or white and red. Common in hedges, and by stone walls. July. Catesby, in his history of the Carolinas, mentions an Indian who daubed himself with the juice of a species of the Convolvulus, and then handled a rattlesnake without receiving injury. Scammony. botanically arranged. 417 Scammony, Dr. Withering says, is the inspissated juice of a species of Convolvulus so much resembling this, that they are with difficulty distinguished. Can it then, says he, be worth while to import Scammony from A/efpo, at a considerable an- nual expence, when a medicine, with the very same properties, grows spontaneously in many of our hedges? If the prepa- ration of Scammony would be a saving to Exgland, it must certainly be a much greater to America, in proportion to the quantity used. Besides, as the imported Scammony is often very impure, and as there is so much difference in the purgative vir- tue of some masses of it, and that of others, that it is seldom to be depended upon alone in extemporaneous practice, might it not be prepared here much purer, and be more uniform in its virtue? Notwithstanding the roots of the Convolvulus is a very acrid purgative to the human race, hogs will eat it in large quantities without any ill effects. IPOMOEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 199. Ipomoea folits cordatis integerrimis glabris laconosis, peduncu- lis biftorts. Syst. Nat. AMERICAN JASMINE. Leaves stand opposite. Blossoms yellow, tinged with red. Among hazel bushes. Very rare. July. AMERICAN TEA, he caltx a very small permanent rim, surrounding the receptacle; scarcely visible. Corolla one pe- tal; tubular. Limb divided into five acuminated segments ; rolled inward. Mectaria five hooded petals, with long, fili- form claws, inserted into the corolla below the sinuses of the segments; erect; longer than ‘the segments of the corolla. Stamina five subulated filaments standing upon the corolla just Eee below 418 Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, below the petals of the nectarium. Antherz globular; co- vered by the hooded petals of the nectarium. Germen above; globular. S¢z/e cylindrical; erect; shorter than the stamina. Stigma trifid. Capsules three; each one cell; one valve. Seeds one in each cell; ovate compressed. Stems woody. Leaves ovate; serrated; acuminated. Blos- soms in long, terminating, open spikes; snow white. By fences, and among bushes in loamy land. July. The leaves of this shrub have been much used by the com- mon people, in some parts of the country, in the room of /x- dia tea; and is, perhaps, the best substitute the country affords. They immerse the fresh leaves in a boiling decoction of the leaves and branches of the same shrub, and then dry them with a gentle heat. The tea, when the leaves are cured in this way, has an agreeable taste, and leaves a roughness on the tongue somewhat resembling that of the bohea tea. CAMPANULA? Linn. Gen. Plant. 201. Campanula folits subovatis integerrimts, caulibus diffusis. Syst. Nat. VENUS LOOKING-GLASS. Blossoms yellow. On high land. July. pHYTEUMA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 203. Phyteuma capitulo subfolioso, foliis omnibus lanceolatis. Syst. Nat. RAMPION. Blossoms white with blue veins. Moist land. July. LONICERA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 210. Lonicera racemts terminalibus, folits serratis. Syst. Nat. HONEYSUCKLE. Bastard Cherry. Blossoms yellow, tinged with red. Among bushes in loamy land. June. VERBASCUM. botanically arranged. 419 VERBASCUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 217. Verbascum foliis decurrentibus utringue tomentosis. Syst. Nat. MULLEIN. Blossoms in long terminating spikes; yellow. Common in old fields. July. Verbascum folits amplexicaulibus oblongis glabris, pedunculis solitartis. Syst. Nat. MOTH MULLEIN. Blossoms yellowish white. By the road sides in Lynn. July. DATURA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 218. Datura pericarpiis spinosis erectis ovatis. Syst. Nat. APPLEPERU. Stramonium. Thornapple. Blossoms white with a tinge of purple. The upper leaves have been observed to rise up and enclose the blossoms at night. Common by the way sides. August. This plant is said to be an exotic, and that it is not found growing at any great distance from the sea. The seeds taken internally bring on delirium; large doses would, no doubt, prove fatal. The leaves applied to the feet, or part affected, have been found efficacious in removing spasms; and applied in cataplasms give ease in external inflammations. An ointment prepared from the leaves gives ease likewise in external inflamma- tions and hemorrhoids. The Lazxburgh College direct an ex- tract to be prepared by evaporating the expressed juice of the leaves. Its medical properties undoubtedly merit attention. None of the herbivorous animals will eat it. Hyoscyamous. Linn. Gen. Plant. 219. Flyoscyamus folis amplexicaulibus. Syst. Nat. HENBANE. Blossoms purple and brown; clammy. Com- mon amongst rubbish, and by road sides. July. Eee2 The 420 Mr. Cuter’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, The seeds, the leaves, and the roots, Dr. Withering observes, are all poisonous. Madness, convulsions, and death, are the general consequence. In a smaller dose, they occasion giddi- ness and stupor. The Edinburgh College order the expressed juice of the plant to be evaporated to an extract. In this state, the Doctor supposes, it may be advantageously joined with opi- um, where the effects of that medicine are desirable, and cos- tiveness is to be avoided. There is no doubt, he says, of its being a useful medicine under proper management. The dose is from half a scruple to half a dram. It is said, that the leaves scattered about a house will drive away mice. SOLANUM. Linn. Gen, Plant. 224. Solanum caule inermi frutescente flexuoso, folits supertoribus hastatis, racemtis cymosts. Syst. Nat. BITTER-SWEET. Blossoms purple, with spots of white. Common about fences in moist land. June. Boerhaave says, it is a medicine far superior to China and Sarsaparilla as a sweetner and restorative. Lzuncus says, an in- fusion of the young twigs is an admirable medicine in acute rheumatisms, inflammations, fevers, and suppression of the lochia. Dr. A/z// says, he has found it very efficacious in the asthma. Solanum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis ovatis dentato—angulatis, umbellis nautantibus. Syst. Nat. NIGHTSHADE. Blossoms white. Berries black. Common among rubbish. July. Dr. Withering says, from one to three grains of the leaves infused in boiling water, and taken at bed time, occasions a copious perspiration ; increases secretions by the kidneys, and generally botantcally arranged. 421 generally purges more or less the following day. These pro- perties, judiciously applied, render it capable of doing essential service in several diseases. But its effects on the nervous system are so uncertain, and sometimes so considerable, that it must ever be administered with the greatest caution. The leaves ap- plied externally, ease pain and abate inflammations. TIVERTWIG. American Mezerion. The generic characters do not entirely agree with the Solanum; but they approach nearer to this than any other genus. Stems woody ; twining about shrubs or trees; branched. Leaves ovate; serrated ; acuminated. Blossoms greenish white. Berry pale red. In hedges and wood land. June. It is used with success in discussing indurated tumors. Far- mers apply it to swellings in cows bags. Physicians of distin- guished characters say, that the roots answer as valuable a pur- pose, in venereal cases, as the Mezerion. RiBES. Linn. Gen. Plant. 247. Ribes inerme, racemts pilosis, floribus oblongis. Syst. Nat. BLACK CURRANT. Blossoms yellowish. Berries black. It is rarely found growing naturally here, but is cultivated in gardens. In some parts of the eastern country it is said to be found in great plenty, particularly near Kennebeck-river. A jelly made of the fruit is celebrated in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for curing very bad kinds of sore throat. It has been found to answer very well here, parti- cularly in that species of the sore throat in which the tonsils suppurate. It ought to be applied early and frequently. When the fruit could not be obtained, an infusion of the bark, sweet- ened with honey, and used as a gargle, has proved beneficial. Dr. 422 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Dr. Withering says, the juice of the berries is frequently boiled down into an extract, with the addition of a small propor- tion of sugar, which is called rob, and is much used in sore throats, but chiefly in those of the inflammatory kind. An in- fusion of the young roots is useful in fevers of the eruptive kind; and in the dysenteric fevers of cattle. The fruit is often put into rum instead of black cherries. The tender leaves will give a tinge to rum nearly resembling brandy. Ribes ramis aculeatis, petiolorum cilus pilosis, baccis hirsutes. Syst. Nat. GOOSE BERRY. Blossoms greenish white. Berries redish, or white. Common in moist hedges, and banks of ditches. May. The fruit is very agreeable, either as nature presents it, or made into a jelly. It is much used in tarts. An equal weight of picked Goose Berries and pure sugar put over the fire, will spontaneously separate a liquor which becomes a most agreeable jelly. The fruit of the wild Goose Berry may be greatly im- proved by cultivation. HEDERA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 249. Fledera foliis ovatis lobatisque. Syst. Nat. Hedera trifolia Canadensis. Corn. POISON IVY. Blossoms white, with purple or black veins. Berries black. Common in moist hedges and meadows. June. It ascends trees adhering by numerous linear tendrils, which are sent off from the body of the stem, insinuating their sharp ends into the bark of the tree.. It produces the same kind of inflammations and eruptions, in certain constitutions, as the poison wood tree. A milky juice exudes from the stalks and leaves, botanically arranged. 423 leaves, which will stain linen a deep and unfading black. This juice is said to have been used by the Indians in staining the hardest substances a deep and permanent black. Country peo- ple employ it in making ink. Some have supposed its proper- ties are not inferior to those of the Fapan varnish tree.—It is undoubtedly worthy of attention. fledera foliis guinatis ovatis serratis. Syst. Nat. WOODBINE. Ivy. Blossoms greenish white. Berries dark brown, Moist wood land. July. It is planted by walls and buildings, upon which it will as- cend, supporting itself by a singular kind of degitate tendrils. vitis. Linn. Gen. Plant. 250. Vitis foliis cordatis dentato—serratis utringue nudis. Syst. Nat. GRAPE. Blossoms white. Berries white or purple. Com- mon in moist land, and swamps. DIGYNTIA. apocynuM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 269. Apocynum caule rectiusculo herbaceo, folits ovatis utringue gla- bris, cymis terminalibus. Syst. Nat. DOGSBANE. Umbrella weed. Blossoms white, striped with red. Borders of wood land. July. Apocynum caule erecto frutescente, foliis lanceolato—ovalius, corollis acutis: fauce villosis, Syst. Nat. RIVER SWALLOWWORT. Blossoms yellowish white. At Winnipesoket-falls, in Providence-river. July. ascLepias. Linn, Gen. Plant. 270. Asclepias folits lanceolato—elliptisis, caule simpli glabro, nec- tart corniculis conniventibus. Syst. Nat. SILKWEED. 424 Mr. CuTLEr’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, SILKWEED. Blossoms redish. Common by the road sides, and in pastures. July. The seeds are contained in large pods, and are crowned with white down, extremely fine and soft, resembling silk, which has occasioned the name of Silkweed. It may be carded and spun in- to an even thread, which makes excellent wickyarn. The candles will burn equally free, and afford a clearer light than those made of cotton wicks. They will not require so frequent snuffing, and the smoke of the stuff is less offensive. The texture of the down is weak, but sufficiently strong for dipped candles. If greater strength should be necessary, a small quantity of cotton wool may be mixed with the down. Large quantities may be easily collected, and the tallow-chandlers might, doubtless, be supplied for less than half the price of cotton yarn. Asclepias folits ovates subtus villosts, caule simplect, umbellas erectts, nectartts resupinatis. Syst. Nat. INDIAN HEMP. Blossoms redish. In moist land. July. The fibres of the bark are strong, and capable of being wrought into a fine soft thread; but it is very difficult to sepa- rate the bark from the stalk. It is said to have been used by the Indians for bow-strings. Asclepias folits lanceolatis glabrts, caule simplice, umbelles erectts lateraltbus solttaras. Syst. Nat. SWALLOWWORT. Blossoms white. About fences in moist land. July Asclepias folits lanceolates, caule superne dtviso, umbelles terminaltbus congestis. Syst. Nat. MONEYWORT. Blossoms purple. In old fields. July. CHENOPODIUM. botanically arranged. 425 CHENOPODIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 273. Chenopodium folits ovates dentatts acutts, racemts ramosts nudts, Syst. Nat. ' SOWBANE. Fruit green or reddish. About barns. August. SALSOLA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 275. .Salsola herbacea decumbens, foltzs subulates spinosts scabris, calyctbus marginatts axtllartbus. Syst. Nat. KELPWORT. Blossoms greenish. On the sea shore. Sep- tember. Salsola herbacea erecta, folits subulatts spinosts levibus, calycibus ovates. Syst. Nat. GLASSWORT. Blossoms greenish. On the sea shore. July. ULMUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 281. Ulmus foltts duplicato-serratis: bast nequaltbus. Syst. Nat. ELM. Blossoms in broad-topped spikes. Bark of the trunk cracked and rough. In loamy land. April. A decoction of the inner bark, drank freely, is said to carry off the water in dropsies. The bark dried and ground to powder, hath been mixed with meal, in Vorway, to make bread in times of scarcity. Elmus folits equaliter serrates: bast nequalibus. Syst. Nat. SMALL ELM. Common in moist land and swamps. GOLDEN VINE Calix a perianthium with five small, obtuse segments. Corolla one petal ; bell-shaped. Limb divided into five obtuse, patent segments. Stamzna five erect filaments in- serted into the corolla at the sinuses of the segments. Axthere Fff simple. 426 Mr, CuTLER’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, simple. Germen large; globular. Stzdes two; very short. Stigmata simple. Capsule globular; two cells; four valves. Seeds two; globular. The stem is of the size of a pack-thread; twining. It is parasitical ; attaching itself to whatever vegetable is next to it, by numerous papilla. It has many branches. No leaves. Blossoms in bunches; placed in the axz//e of the branches ; snow white. Common in hedges, and among bushes in moist ground, July. SANICULA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 289. Santcula folis radicaltbus composttes,; foltolts ovates. Syst. Nat. SANICLE. Blossoms greenish. By stone walls, and among bushes. June. LASERPITIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 306. Laserpitium foltolts trelobes encists. Syst. Nat. GREAT LASERWORT. Wild Angelica. Blossoms white. On high land. Not common. June. ANGELICA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 309. Angelica foltts equalibus ovatts enctso—serratis. Syst. Nat. ANGELICA. American Masterwort. Blossoms greenish white. Borders of fields in moist land. July. It is warm, acrid and aromatic. The stems are frequently. candied by the country people. SIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 310. Stum folits pennates, umbellrs terminaltbus. Syst. Nat. WILD PARSLEY. Water parsnip. Blossoms white. In watery places. July. TRIG YNIA. botanically arranged. 427 TRIGYNIA. RHUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 331. Rhus folits pinnatis ovatis acuminatis serratis subtus tomentosts. Syst. Nat. HAIRY SUMACH. Blossoms greenish white. Fruit scarlet. About fields. July. Rhus folits pinnatis serratis lanceolatis utringue nudis, Syst. Nat. VELVET SUMACH. Blossoms greenish white. Fruit in large, ovate, close panicles; crimson. Common in a loamy soil. July. Rhus folits pinnatis integerrimis, petiolo membranaceo articu- lato. Syst. Nat. DWARF SUMACH. Blossoms greenish white. Panicles open. Fruit pale red. In rocky ground. July. These species of Sumach are moderately astringent. An in- fusion of the berries, sweetened with honey, is sometimes used for a gargle in sore throats, and for cleansing the mouth in putrid fevers. The country people employ them in several kinds of dyes. With copperas or vitriol they give a good black; but it soon grows rusty. They are used in the preparation of Morocco and other leather. Carver says, the Indians, in order to render their tobacco more agreeable in smoking, mix with it equal quantities of the leaves of Sumach, Rhus foliis pinnatis integerrimis, petiolo integro. Syst. Nat. Arbor Americana alatis folits succo venenato. Plukenet. Toxzco- dendron folits alatis, fructu purpureo pyriformt sparso. Catesby. POISON WOOD. Swamp Sumach. Blossoms whitish. Panicles open. Fruit yellowish; small ; pair-shaped. Common in swamps. June. 3 Fff2 The 428 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, The milky juice stains linen a dark brown. The whole shrub is, in a high degree, poisonous to certain constitutions. The poison will be communicated by touching or smelling any part of the shrub. In about forty-eight hours inflammation appears on the surface of the skin, in large blotches; principally on the extremities, and on the glandulous parts of the -body. Soon after, small pustules rise in the inflamed parts, and fill with watery matter, attended with very considerable burning and itching. In two or three days the eruptions suppurate ; after which the inflammation subsides, and the ulcers heal in a short time. It operates, however, somewhat differently in dif- ferent constitutions ; and what is singular, some constitutions are incapable of being poisoned with it at all. It has been observed, that persons of irritable habits are the most liable to receive it. Rhus folits ternatis: foltolts petiolates ovatis nudts integerrimis, caule radicante. Syst. Nat. CREEPING iVY. Blossoms whitish, In meadows. June. The juice will stain linen a deep black. It is less poisonous than the Poison Wood. The Abbé Sauvages stained linen a black colour with the juice of the Zoxzcodendron Caroliniarum foliis pinnatis, floribus minimis herbaceis, which it retained, notwithstanding a great number of washings in lye. The juice adhered, without the least acrimony, to the cloth, with more force than any other known preparation. The Abbé Mazeas made trial of the juice of the Hledera trifolia Canadensis. Corn. The instant, he says, the cloth was exposed to the sun, it became the finest black he had ever seen. It was put into a boil of soap, and after being dried, botanically arranged. 429 dried, into a strong lye of ashes, but neither of them made the least alteration. Mr. Philip Miller says, the American Toxico- dendron, with the juice of which the Abbé Sauvages stained his linen, is the same species of plant from which the inhabi- tants of Yapan procure the varnish with which they stain all their utensils: and recommends it to the inhabitants of the (then) American colonies to collect this varnish, which, he says, may not only produce much profit to themselves, but also become a national advantage. But Mr. Yohkn E//is insists upon there being a difference in their specific characters. [Phz/os. Trans. Royal Society. Vol. xlix, p. 157, 161, 866. ] The leaves of some of our Poison Wood trees are entirely simi- lar to Dr. Kempfer’s figure of the Sztz, vel Setz dsju, vulgo urus seu urus nokt. Arbor vernictfera legitima folio pinnato, Fuglandis Fructu, recemoso Cuceris facte: and the only difference between the leaf of one species of our Sumach and the leaf of the varnish tree, raised from seeds sent to the Royal Society, is, that the middle part, and not the base of the leaf of Sumach, is serrated. Considering the great profits that have accrued from the varnish tree, to the two large empires of Chzuza and Fupan, and the advantages of a deep, permanent and incorrosive black dye, it must be thought worth while to make experiments on all our species of the Hedera and Rhus. If we should fail of success with respect to the native plants, there can be no doubt but that the varnish tree of ¥apan, could the seeds be procured in a vegetitive state, would flourish in Amerzca. VIBURNUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 332. Viburnum folits cordatis serratis venosts subtus tomentoszs. Syst. Nat. MEALTREE. 430 Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, MEALTREE. Blossoms white. Berries black. In moist wood land. June. Viburnune folits lobatis, petiolis glandulosts. Syst. Nat. WATER ELDER. Blossoms white. Berries red. In Gloucester, in wet land. June. CASSINE? Linn. Gen. Plant. 333. Cassine foliis oblongis serratzs, Syst. Nat. WINTERBERRY. The number of filaments is from five to seven, and the number of seeds equal to the number of filaments. Blossoms white. Berries red, and generally remain on the shrub through the winter. In swamps. June, SAMBUCUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 334. Sambucus cymis quinquepartitis, caule arboreo. Syst. Nat. ELDER. Blossoms white. Berries black. In swamps, and moist land. May. Dr. Withering observes, that the inner green bark is purga- tive, and may be used with advantage where acrid purgatives are requisite. In small doses it is diuretic, and hath done eminent service in obstinate glandular obstructions, and in dropsies. If sheep that have the rot are placed in a situation where they can get at the bark and the young shoots, they will soon cure them- selves. The leaves are purgative like the bark, but more nause- ous. The inner bark and leaves are ingredients in several cool- ing ointments. A decoction of the flowers, taken internally, is said to promote expectoration in pleurisies. If the flowers are fresh gathered, they loosen the belly. Externally, they are used in fomentations to ease pain and abate inflammation. They will give a flavour to vinegar. A rob prepared from the berries botanically arranged. 431 berries is a gentle opener, and promotes perspiration. An infu- sion of the dried berries is given to children. The flowers kill turkeys, and the berries are poisonous to poultry. The fresh leaves laid round young cucumbers, melons or cabbages, are a good preservative against worms and insects. It is said, if tur- nips, cabbages, fruit trees or corn, (which are subject to blights: from a variety of insects) are whipped with the green leaves and branches of Elder, the insects will not attack them. The green leaves are said to drive away mice. ALSINE. Linn. Gen. Plant. 342. Alsine petalis bipartites, foliis ovato—cordatis. Syst. Nat. CHICKWEED. Leaves opposite. Blossoms white ; open about nine in the morning, and close at noon. Common in gardens, and rich cultivated ground. June—September. If it be boiled when young, it can hardly be distinguished from spring spinach. What is called the sleep of plants is very apparent in the Chickweed. At night the leaves approach, in pairs, so near as to inclose, within their upper surface, the rudiments of the young shoots and the ends of the branches. As the dew goes off in the morning they expand. PENTAGYNTIA. ARALIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 346. Aralia caule petiolisque aculeata, foliolts tnermibus villosts. Syst. Nat. BERRY-BEARING ANGELICA. Shot Bush. Pigeon Weed. Blossoms white. Berries black. Common in new plantations. July. Aralia caule folioso herbaceo levi. Syst. Nat. PETTYMORREL. 432 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, PETTYMORREL. Life of Man. Blossoms greenish white. Berries black. In moist, rich wood land. July. It is aromatic. The berries give spirits an agreeable flavour. The bark of the root and berries are a good stomachic. It is said to have been much used by the Indians for medical pur- poses. Arata, SARSAPARILLA. The roots extend a long way just under the surface of the ground. Stems naked; divided into three leaf- stalks. Leaves ovate; acuminated; serrated ; three or five on a leaf-stalk, in a winged form. Blossoms in a globular umbel, rising from the axz/le of the leaf-stalks; white. Berries red. Common in loamy wood land. May. The roots are aromatic and nutritious. They have been found beneficial in debilitated habits. It is said the Indians would sub- sist upon them, for a long time, in their war and hunting ex- cursions. They make an ingredient in diet drinks. STATICE? Linn. Gen. Plant. 348. Statice caule nudo paniculato tereti, foliis levibus. Syst. Nat. MARSH ROSEMARY. Blossoms blue. Common in marshes. July. The roots are powerfully astringent. A decoction of them is given, and used as a gargle, with success, in cankers and ul- cerated sore throats. DROSERA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 351. Drosera scapis radicatis, folits orbiculatis. Syst. Nat. SUNDEW. Rosa Solis. Blossoms white. In mossy mea- dows. July—August. The botanically arranged. 433 The whole plant is sufficiently acrimonious to erode the skin. But Dr. Withering says, some ladies know how to mix the juice with milk, so as to make it an innocent and safe application to remove freckles and sunburn. The juice will destroy warts and corns. If the juice be put into a strainer, through which the warm milk from the cow is poured,- and the milk set by for a day or two to become acescent, it acquires a consistancy and tenacity—neither the whey nor the cream will separate. In this state it is used by the inhabitants in the north of Sweden, and called an extremely grateful food. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PONTEDERIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 361. Pontederia folits cordatis, floribus spicatis. Syst. Nat. PICKERELWEED. Blue Spike. Blossoms blue. Common on the borders of ponds and rivers. July. LILIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 371. Litium foliis verticillatis, floribus reflexis, corollis revolutis. Syst. Nat. MARTAGON. Curl-flowered Lily. Blossoms yellow, spotted with black. In ZYawnton, and very common in the state of Rhode-I[sland. July—August. Lilium folits verticillatss, floribus reflexis, corollis campanulats. Syst. Nat. VELLOW LILY. Blossoms yellow, with black spots. Com- mon in meadows. July—August. Lilium foliis verticillatis, flore erecto, corolla campanulata. Syst. Nat. Ggg RED LILY. 434 Mr. Cutter’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, RED LILY. Blossoms red, spotted with black. Common on borders of meadows. July. UVULARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 373. Uvularia folits sessilibus. Syst. Nat. BELLWORT. Sweetsmelling Solomon's Seal. Jacob’s Ladder. Blossoms whitish. Common in wood land. May. The young shoots may be eaten as asparagus. The roots are nutritious, and are used in diet-drinks. ORNITHOGALUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 377. Ornithogalum scapo anguloso diphyllo, pedunculis umbellates simplicibus. Syst. Nat. BETHLEMSTAR. Blossoms yellow. Common in grass land and amongst bushes. May. The bulbous roots are nutritious and wholesome. It makes beautiful edgings for borders in gardens. CONVALLARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 383. Convallaria folits amplexicaulibus plurimis, racemo terminalt simplict ? Syst. Nat. SOLOMON’s SEAL. Leaves alternate, and are rather sessile than embracing the stem. Blossoms white. Berries red, or black. In rich wood land. May. The young shoots may be eaten as asparagus. The roots are nutritious. Convallaria folits cordatis. Syst. Nat. HAREWORT. Adder's Tongue. One radical leaf; two stem- leaves. Blossoms white. Berries red. Common amongst bushes in moist land. May. In this plant we have an instance of the wrong application of an English name.—lIt is called Adder’s Tongue, and mistaken for botanically arranged. 435 for one of the ferns, which is known by that name in England. ALETRIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 387. Aletris floribus erectis. Syst. Nat. UNICORN. Blossoms white. On high land in AddAngsly, in the state of Connecticut. July. It is said to be useful in chronic rheumatisms. ACORUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 392. SWEET FLAG. Spicewort. The leaves are thick; narrow; two-edged. Blossoms greenish Common in watery places. July. The roots and blossoms are aromatic and pungent. The dried roots are carminative. They are frequently grated into water, and given to children for pain in the stomach and bowels. The Zurks candy the roots, and think they are a preservative against contagion. BERBERIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 399. Berberis pedunculis racemosts. Syst. Nat. BARBERRY. Pipperidge Bush, Blossoms yellow. Common. July. The berries are used for pickles. Boiled with sugar, they form a most agreeable jelly. They are used likewise as a dry sweet-meat, and in sugar-plumbs. An infusion of the bark in white wine is purgative. The roots boiled in lye dye wool yellow. In Poland, they dye leather of the most beautiful yellow with the bark of the root. The inner bark of the stems dyes linen of a fine yellow, with the assistance of alum. It is said, that rye and wheat will be injured by this shrub, at the distance of three or four hundred yards; but only when it is Ggg2 in 436 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, in blossom, by means of the farina fecundans being blown upon the grain, which prevents the ears from filling. TRIGYVNIA. RUMEX. Linn. Gen. Plant. 407. Rumex floribus hermaphroditis : valvulis integris graniferts, folis lanceolatis undulatis acutis. Syst. Nat. CURLED DOCK. In fields. July. Rumex floribus hermaphroditis: valvulis dentatis nudts, pedicellis plants reflexts. Syst. Nat. NARROW DOCK. About barns and in fields. July. The roots of both these species are somewhat cathartic. The seeds are said to have been given with great advantage in the dysentery. The fresh roots bruised and made into an ointment, or decoction, cure the itch. Rumex floribus hermaphroditis: valvulis integerrimis nudis folis cordats glabris acutis. Syst. Nat. WATER DOCK. In muddy bottom brooks. Not common. July. The Indians used this root with great success in cleansing foul ulcers. It is said they endeavored to keep it a secret from the Europeans. Dr. Withering says, he saw an ill-conditioned ulcer in the mouth, which had destroyed the palate, cured by washing the mouth with a decoction of this root, and drink- ing a small quantity of the same decoction daily. Not having opportunity to examine this plant since Dr. Withering’s Botany came into my hands, the circumstances he mentions, respecting the American and British species, have not been particularly attended to. At the time it was examined, it appeared to correspond with the specific characters of Linnaeus, which are here given. Rumex botanically arranged. 437 Rumex flortbus dtotces, foltts oblongis sagtttats. Syst. Nat. .SORREL. Common in old fields. June. MELANTHIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 410. Melanthium petalts unguzculatis. Syst. Nat. QUAFFIDILLA. Blossoms greenish yellow. In moist ground. Not common. May. MEDEOLA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 411. Medeola folits vertictllatts, ramis tnermtbus. Syst. Nat. INDIAN CUCUMBER. Blossoms greenish yellow. In rich wood land. June. The roots, which are of a conic form, are esculent and of an agreeable taste. The Indians made them a part of their food. POLYGYNIA. ALISMA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 418. Alisma folits ovatis acutis, fructebus obtuse trigonis. Syst. Nat. WATER PLANTAIN. Blossoms white, with yellow anthere. In wet places. June. HEPTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. TRIENTALIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 419. Trientalts foltts lanceolatis integerrimzs, Syst. Nat. WINTERGREEN. Blossoms white. Common in wood land. May. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. RHEXIA, Linn. Gen. Plant. 423. Rhexta folits sesstlibus serratis, Syst. Nat. ROBINHOOD. 438 Mr. CuTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, ° ROBINHOOD. Leaves hairy. Blossoms pale red. In moist ground. July—August. OENOTHERA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 424. Oenothera foltts ovato—lanceolatis plants, caule levi sub- velloso. Syst. Nat. SUNDROP. Blossoms in a kind of spike; yellow. They - open about eleven o'clock, and, commonly, not more than one on the same day. In wet meadows. June. Oenothera hirta, foltts supra glabris. Syst. Nat. PRIMROSE. Leaves oblong; serrated. Blossoms in a large spike ; terminating ; yellow. Common in old fields. July. This plant is very generally known by the name of Scadzous, and seems to have been mistaken for the Scabzosa arvensts of Linneus. No species of Scaézous has been found native in this part of the country. EPILOBIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 426. Eptlobtum folets sparsts lineart—lanceolatis. Syst. Nat. WILLOWHERB. Stamina erect. Blossoms in a long diffuse spike; purple. By fences in moist land. July. Eptilobtum folies opposttts lanceolatts tntegerrimts, petalts emargtnatis, caule erecto. Syst. Nat. MEADOW WILLOWHERB. Blossoms reddish. Moist land. July. VACCINIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 434. The species of this genus are generally known, and are too many to admit a particular description in this paper. The fol- lowing are indigenous. The botanically arranged. 439 The Black Whortleberry. The Lilberry or Blueberry, These shrubs are low when they grow on high land, but tall in swamps. The White Whortleberry. The Red Whortleberry. The fruit of these species are agreeable to children, either eaten by themselves, or in milk, or in tarts and jellies. The Choke Whortleberry. The fruit is unpalatable; but its great degree of astringency may, one day or other, recommend it to the at- tention of physicians. The Craneberry, or Mossberry. These berries make an agreeable tart. By drying them a little in the sun, and then putting them in a close vessel, or stopping them up in dry bottles, they may be kept good for many years. TRIGYNTIA. POLYGONUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 445. Polygonum caule simplictssimo monostachyo, folits ovatis in betzolum decurrentibus. Syst. Nat. BISTORT. Snakeweed. Blossoms red. In wet meadows. August. The root is said to be one of the strongest vegetable astrin- gents. Polygonum floribus hexandris semidigynis, folits lanceo- latis, stepulrs submuticts. Syst. Nat. ARSMART. Water Pepper. Blossoms white. Common both in dry and moist land. August. It occasions severe smarting when rubbed on the flesh. The taste is acrid and burning. It dyes wool yellow. Dr. Wether- wg says, it cures little aphthous ulcers in the mouth.—That the ashes mixed with soft soap is a nostrum, in a few hands, for dissolving the stone in the bladder; but perhaps not pre- ferable to other caustic preparations of the vegetable alkali. Polygonum 440 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Polygonum flortbus hexandrts, digynts, spices ovato-oblongts, foltes lanceolatis, stipulis ciliatds. Syst. Nat. HEARTSEASE. Spotted Arsmart. The leaves have a dark spot on their upper surface, in form of a crescent. Blossoms reddish white. Common about barns. August. It will dye woollen cloth yellow, after the cloth has been dipped in a solution of alum. Polygonum flortbus octandris trigynts axillartbus, folt’s lanceolatts, caule procumbente herbaceo. Syst. Nat. KNOTGRASS. Blossoms reddish white. Common by the road sides. June—September. Polygonum foltts sagtttates, caule aculeato. Syst. Nat. SICKLEWEED. Bearded Arsmart. Blossoms white, tinged with red. In wet meadows. August. Polygonum folizs cordates, caule volubzle, floribus planius- cults. Syst. Nat. BLACK BINDWEED. Wild Bean. Blossoms greenish white. About barns and in corn fields. July—August. ENNEANDRIA. MONOGVYNIA. LAURUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 452. Laurus folits enervits ovates utrinque acutzs integris annuts. Syst. Nat. FEVER BUSH. Blossoms yellowish. Berries red. Common in moist land. May. This shrub is aromatic. A decoction of the small twigs makes an agreeable drink in slow fevers, and is much used by the country people. It is said the Indians esteemed it highly for its medicinal virtues. Laurus botanically arranged. 441 Laurus folis trelobus tntegrisque. Syst. Nat. SASSAFRAS. Blossoms greenish white. Common in loamy land. May. It is generally a shrub, but sometimes grows into a large tree. The leaves fall early. The bark of the tree is aromatic, and has been substituted by people in the country for spice. It is said, that bedsteads made of this wood, will never be infested with bugs. It is said to be an excellent diuretic and diapho- retic, and therefore efficacious in obstructions of the viscera, cachexies, scorbutic complaints and in the venereal disease. An infusion of the bark of the roots makes a grateful drink. A very pungent, hot oil is extracted from it, which is said to pos- sess most of the virtues of the wood. It has been exported in considerable quantities to Europe. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PANTHEON. American Senna. The Caézx, if properly any, a narrow bushy border. Corolla three petals standing in a pa- pilionaceous form. Vexzllum very large; erect ; slightly divid- ed into three segments. Ale narrow ; obtuse; as long as the vexillum. Carzna none. Stamzna ten filaments; erect; se- parate ; longer than the corolla. Axthere orbicular. Germen ovate; hairy. S¢z/e cylindrical; longer than the stamina. Stigma capitate ; sending off several long hairs. Capsu/e ovate; five valves ; five cells. Seeds many; small. It is a small shrub. Leaves spear-shaped, and do not com- monly appear until the shrub is in full bloom. Blossoms in tufts at the termination of the branches; bluish purple, cloud- Hhh ed 442 Mr. CuTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, ed with dark red. It makes an elegant appearance amongst flowering shrubs in gardens. On the declivity of hills near swamps. May. MONOTROPA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 477. Monotropa caule untfloro, flore decandro, Syst. Nat. BIRDSNEST. Blossoms yellow. About Great Ossapy pond, in the state of New-Hampshire. July. JUSSLAZEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 478. WOOD PLANTAIN. Rattle-Snake Plantain. The germen within the corolla. The other characters agree with Lznnaus’s description. The stems are erect, with only one or two small leaves ; five petals in the flowers. Radical leaves large ; ovate ; slightly indented ; spreading on the ground. Blossoms in open spikes; terminating; greenish white. In rich wood land. June. It is said to cure the bite of a rattle-snake, by applying the chewed leaves to the wound, and swallowing a quantity of the juice. It commonly grows plentifully near their dens. Where- ever these dangerous serpents haunt, nature seems to have pro- vided an effectual antidote against their venom. KALMIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 482. Kalmia folits ovatis, corymbts terminaltbus. Syst. Nat. GREA1 LAUREL. Wintergreen. Spoonhaunch. Blossoms white, tinged with red. In moist, rocky pastures. June— July. The Indians are said to have made small dishes, spoons, and other utensils, out of the roots. They are sometimes employ- ed by people in the country for similar purposes. They are large, of botanically arranged. 443 of a soft texture, and easily wrought when green; but when thoroughly dry, become very hard and smooth. Under culti- vation it makes a most beautiful flowering shrub. Kalmia folits lanceolatis, corymbts lateralibus. Syst. Nat. WINTERGREEN. Dwarf Laurel. Ivy. Lambhkill. It is an ever-green. Blossoms variegated. Common in cold, wet land. June—July. If the leaves are eaten by sheep, they prove fatal. Some have supposed, it is not owing to any poisonous, but an indi- gestive quality in the leaves, occasioned by the large quantity of resin they contain. Others say, that, in many instances, none of the leaves are found in the stomach, but evident marks of corosive poison. It makes an elegant appearance, properly disposed amongst other flowering shrubs, in a border. But its being so common, and the disadvantage it usually appears under in a wild state, have prevented its being introduced into gar- dens. ANDROMEDA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 485. Andromeda racemts secundis nudis, corotlis rotundo-ovatis. Syst. Nat. WHITE PEPPERBUSH. Blossoms white. Common in swamps. June. It is generally called Oszer, which is the English name of the Salix viminalis of Linneus, one of the species of the Wet low. It is used for fish-flakes, and, as the wood is very hard and durable, is one of the best shrubs employed for that pur- pose. Andromeda. GARDROBE. Bog Ever-green. Fruit-stalks single; in the axille of the leaves. Corolla ovate. Leaves lanceolate; al- " Hhha2 ternate. 444 Mr. CuTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, ternate. Blossoms pendent; white. Common in fens and quagmires. April—May. ARBUTUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 488. Arbutus caule erecto, folits glabris integerrimis, baccis poly- spermis. Syst. Nat. FOXBERRY. Checkerberry. Blossoms white. Berries red. Common in pine and shrub oak land. It blooms in July and August, but the fruit is not ripe until the next spring. It is in a very small degree aromatic. The leaves are much celebrated by the common people as a diuretic and sweetner of the blood, but are of very little efficacy. It makes an ingre- dient in their diet-drinks. The berries are rather of an agree- able taste, and are sometimes eaten by children in milk. CLETHRA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 489. SWEET PEPPERBUSH. A shrub. Leaves inversely ovate ; serrated. Blossoms in long spikes ; terminating; white. Com- mon in moist land and swamps. July—August. PYROLA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 490. Pyrola staminibus adscendentibus, prstillo declinato. Syst. Nat. CONSUMPTION-ROOT. Blossoms white. In wood land. July. Pyrola floribus racemosts dispersts, staminibus pistillisque rectis. Syst. Nat. RHEUMATISM-WEED. Blossoms pale red. In wood land. It abounds near Whzte-Mountazns. It is said to have been considered by the Indians as an effec- tual remedy in rheumatisms. FALSEVINE. botanically arranged. 445 FALSEVINE. ‘he caézx is a permanent perianthium of one leaf; bell-shaped. Limb divided into ten small, unequal, erect segments. Coroé/a five narrow, patent petals; inserted into the mouth of the cup. Stamina ten subulated filaments; longer than the corolla. Axthere oblong. Germen above ; globular. Stile cylindrical; shorter than the cup. Stigma capitate and jagged. Capsule globular; three cells; three valves. Seeds many ; small; ovate. The stem is angular; reclining. If the end touches the ground it takes root. Leaves spear-shaped ; entire. Blossoms on short flower-stalks rising from the axz//z of the leaves; deep purple. In wet meadows, and on the borders of ponds and rivers. July. This plant, if it be eaten in large quantities, will occasion abortion in all kinds of herbivorous animals. It is frequently mowed with meadow-grass, and seems to be grateful food in the winter to all sorts of cattle. But in some instance it has deprived farmers of almost all the increase of their stock in the spring. Those who are acquainted with its baneful effects, are careful to separate it from their hay, when they rake it. DIGYNIA. SAXIFRAGA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 494. Saxifraga folits lanceolatis denticulatis, caule nudo panrculato, floribus subcapitatis, Syst. Nat. GOLDEN SAXIFRAGE. Blossoms redish. TRIGYNIA. CUCUBALUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 502. Cucubalus calycibus subglobosis glabris reticulato-venosis, cap- sulis trilocularibus, corollis subnudis. Syst. Nat. CAMPION. 446 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, CAMPION. Bladder Behen. Bellweed. Blossoms white. On borders of fields in Lynn. July. STELLARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 504. Stellaria foliis lineartbus integerrimis, floribus paniculatis. Syst. Nat. STITCHWORT. Blossoms in panicles; white. Amongst bushes. May. / ARENARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 505. Arenaria folus filtformibus, stipulis membranaceis vaginan- tibus. Syst. Nat. SANDWORT. Blossoms redish white. On the sea shore. August. Arenartia folits ovatts nervosis sesstlibus acutis. Syst. Nat. SPURRY. Blossoms white. In wood land. July. PENTAGYNIA. OXALIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 515. Oxalis scapo untfloro, folizs ternatrs, radice sguamosa articula- ta. Syst. Nat. WOOD SORREL. Cuckow-Bread. Sour Trefowl. In rainy weather the leaves stand upright, but in dry weather they hang down. Blossoms yellow. In shady places. May—August. Dr. Withering says, the expressed juice depurated properly evaporated, and set in a cool place, affords a chrystalline acid salt in considerable quantity, which may be used wherever ve- getable acids are wanted. The London College directs a con- serve to be made with the leaves beaten with thrice their weight of fine sugar. The juice is gratefully acid. An infusion of the leaves is an agreeable liquor in ardent fevers. SPERGULA. botanically arranged. 447 SPERGULA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 319. Spergula folits verticillatis, floribus pentandris. Syst. Nat. PINEY. Spurry. Blossoms white. In cultivated ground, especially among flax. August. DECAGYNTIA. PHYTOLACCA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 521. Phytolacca floribus decandris. Syst. Nat. GARGET. Cuntcum. Skoke. American Nightshade. Blos- soms white, tinged with red. Berries black. Common by road sides. July. The juice of the berries gives a fine purple tincture to paper, but it soon fades. The berries are employed in dyes by the country people, but the colours are not lasting. They would make a most beautiful purple dye, if some method could be found for fixing the colour. The roots are emetic and cathar- tic. An ounce of the dried root, infused in a pint of wine, and given to the quantity of two spoonfuls, frequently operates very kindly as an emetic. In some cases it is preferable to most other emetics, as it hardly alters the taste of the wine. The roots are applied to the hands and feet in ardent fevers. Farriers give a decoction of them to drench cattle, and apply them, in form of poultice, for discussing tumors. The young shoots boiled, are hardly to be distinguished from spinach, and are nutritious and wholesome. Poultry are fond of the berries ; but, if eaten in large quantities, will give their flesh a disagreeable flavour. DODECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PORTULACA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 531. Portulaca foliis cunetformibus floribus sesstlibus, Syst. Nat. PURSLANE. The number of the stamina are inconstant. Blossoms yellow. In corn-fields. July. It 448 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, It is eaten as a pot-herb, and esteemed by some as little in- ferior to asparagus. LYTHRUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 532. Lythrum foliis alternis lineartbus, floribus hexandris. Syst- Nat. WILD HYSSOP. Grasspoly. Blossoms purple. In wet land. June—July. DIGYNIA. AGRIMONIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 534. Agrimonia foliis caulinis pinnatis: foliolis undigue serratis : omnibus minutes tnterstinctis, fructibus hispidis. Syst. Nat. AGRIMONY. The number of stamina from five to twelve. Blossoms on long terminating spikes; yellow. By fences. July. It is said the Indians used an infusion of the roots in inflam- matory fevers, with great success. Dr. /77z// says, an infusion of six ounces of the crown of the root in a quart of boiling water, sweetened with honey, and half a pint of it drank three times a day, is an effectual cure for the jaundice. He advises to begin with a vomit, afterwards to keep the bowels soluble, and to continue the medicine as long as any symptoms of the disease remains. ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PRUNUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 546. Specific descriptions under this genus, as well as that of the Vaccinium, are, for the same reasons, omitted. The trees and shrubs found growing naturally, are known by the following names. The botanically arranged. 449 The Beach, or Sea-Stde Plumb. There are several varieties of this species growing plentifully on Plumb-Island. The fruit of some of them, when fully ripe, is well-tasted. They are easily propagated in gardens, by planting the stones in a mix- ture of beach sand and loam, and will produce fruit in two or three years. The Black Cherry Tree. It is common, grows large, and the wood, which is smooth and hard, is used by cabinet-makers in many kinds of work. They have the art of giving it a stain which approaches the colour of mahogany. The fruit is rather indifferent in its natural states but might probaby be greatly improved by cultivation. It is infused in rum and brandy for the sake of giving them an agreeable flavour. An infusion or tincture of the inner bark is given with success in the jaundice. The Small Black Cherry. The tree is small and shrubby, and the fruit not so well flavoured as the large black cherry. The lack Choke Cherry. A low shrub. The Large Red Cherry. A small tree. The Dwarf Red Cherry. A very low shrub. The Red Choke Cherry. A shrub. The Smadl Pale Red Cherry. A small tree, and the fruit hard and ill- tasted. The last-mentioned cherry tree abounds, where land has been cleared, in the new plantations near Whzte-Mountains, but is rarely, if at all, found in the forests. Some have asserted, that this species of cherry tree is not found in that part of the coun- try, except in places where the native growth has been destroyed. In land, where there is no kind of cherry trees after the old growth, which consists chiefly of spruce, pine, beach and birch, (exceedingly tall and large) has been fell and burnt on the ground, there springs up, the next summer, an immense Lag number 450 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, number of these cherry trees. By what means are they pro- duced? The doctrine of equivocal, or spontaneous generation, has long been exploded. Nature has not formed the seeds for being wafted by the wind. Can it be supposed such vast num- bers were scattered by birds? Or, upon this supposition, is there not difficulty in conceiving, that neither the long period of time which most of them must be supposed to have laid in the ground, nor the intense heat, occasioned by burning such prodigious piles of wood, should destroy their vegetive quality ? DIGYNIA. CRATAEGUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 547. Crategus foliis cordatis repando-angulatis serratis glabris. Syst. Nat. : HAWTHORN. Blossoms white. Fruit red. In dryland. May. It is said that an ardent spirit may be distilled from the fruit. Crategus folits lanceolato-ovatis serratis glabris, ramis spt- nosts. Syst. Nat. THORNBUSH. Blossoms white. Fruit red. Common in hedges. . May. PENTAGYNIA. PYRUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 550. Pyrus folits serratis, floribus corymbosis. Syst. Nat. BASTARD PEAR. Funiper. A shrub which blooms very early in the spring, commonly before other trees are leaved out. Blos- soms white. The fruit is redish, small, nearly round, and well tasted. It ripens in June; but birds are so fond of it that they rarely suffer it to remain until it is ripe. It is eaten by chil- dren in milk. Common in moist land. SPIRAEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 554. Spirea foliis lanceolatis obtusts serratis nuadis, floribus duplicato- vacemosis. Syst. Nat. MEADOW. botanically arranged. 451 MEADOW SWEET. Blossoms white, tinged with red. In moist pastures. August. Spirea foliis lanceolatis inequaliter serratis subtus tomentosis, floribus duplhicato-racemosis. Syst. Nat. QUEEN OF THE MEADOWS. Blossoms red or purple. In moist pastures. July+August. POLOGYNTA. ROSA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 556. Rosa germinibus globosis hispidis, pedunculis subhispidis, caule aculets stipularibus, petiolis aculeatis. Syst. Nat. WILD ROSE. Dog Rose. Blossoms red. Berry pale red. Common in moist land. June. The blossoms gathered before they expand, and dried, are astringent ; but when full blown, are purgative. This species is generally preferred for conserves. A perfumed water may be distilled from the blossoms. The pulp of the berries, beat up with sugar, makes the conserve of hepps of the London dispensatory. The dried leaves of every species of rose have been recommended as a substitute for /zaza tea, giving out a fine colour, a sub-astringent taste, and a grateful smell. RUBUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 577. Rubus foltis guinato-pinnatis ternatisgue, caule aculeato, petr- olis canaliculatis. Syst. Nat. RASPBERRY. Blossoms white. Berry pale red. Common by stone walls. June. The fruit is sub-acid, cooling and extremely grateful. If it be made into sweet-meat, with sugar, or formented with wine, the flavour is improved. It is eaten in milk, and with cream and sugar. Dr. Withering says, it dissolves the tartarous con- [42 cretions 452 Mr. CurTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, cretions of the teeth; but for this purpose it is inferior to the strawberry. Rubus foliis ternis subtus tomentosis, caule aculeato, petiolis teretibus. Syst. Nat. BRAMBLE. Upright Brier. Blossoms white.. Berry dark brown. In hedges. June. Rubus folits ternatis subnudis: laterahibus bilobts, caule acu- leato terett. Syst. Nat. SMALL BRAMBLE. Blackberry Brier. Dewberry. Blossoms white. Berry black. Common in old fields. June. Rubus foliis quinato-digitats ternatisgue, caule petiolisque acu- leatts. Syst. Nat. SOWTEAT. Bumblekites. Blossoms white. Berries black. In hedges, and by fences. May—June. The fruit is pleasant to eat, and communicates a fine flavour to red wine. It is frequently infused in brandy and rum. The green twigs are said to be of great use in dying woollen, silk and mohair black. Rubis folits digitatis denis quinis ternatisque, caule tnermt. Syst. Nat. SUPERB RASPBERRY. Blossoms large; in panicles; petals purple; anthere yellow. Berry redish yellow. In high land on the declivity of hills. It grows plentifully in the new-plan- tations at the northward. June—September. The fruit is much larger and more delicious than the com- mon raspberry. It is easily cultivated in gardens; and the large size of the leaves and blossoms give it an elegant appearance. Ripe fruit and blossoms are commonly found on the same pani- cles. Rubus botanically arranged. 453 keubus folits simplicibus cordatis lobatis, caule aculeato decum- bente. Syst. Nat. BLACKBERRY. Blossoms white. Berry black. Common in old fields. May. The fruit is well tasted. Children are fond of them in milk. They are infused in rum and brandy, and give them a flavour little inferior to that of black cherries. FRAGARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 558. Fragaria flagellis reptans. Syst. Nat. STRAWBERRY. Blossoms white. Berry red. In fields and pastures. May. The fruit in its uncultivated state, if the soil be rich, is large and well tasted, but may be greatly improved by culture. The white fruited, double flowering, and other varieties, are pro- duced by cultivation. It is sub-acid, cooling, and may be eaten in large quantities without offending the stomach. Dr. W- thering says, they promote perspiration, impart a violet smell to the urine, and dissolve the tartarous incrustations upon the teeth. People afflicted with the stone or gout have found great relief by using them very freely. Hoffman says, he has known con- sumptive people cured by them. They are universally esteem- ed a most delicious fruit, either eaten alone, or with sugar or milk. POTENTILLA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 559. Potentilla foliis pinnatis serratis, caule repente. Syst. Nat. MARSH TANSEY. Silverweed. Blossoms yellow. Borders of marshes. June. Potentilla foliis quinatis, caule repente, pedunculis unifiorrs. Syst. Nat. CINQUEFOIL. 454 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, CINQUEFOIL. Fivefinger. Blossoms yellow. In old fields. June. It is mildly astringent and antiseptic. A decoction of it is used as a gargle for loose teeth and spungy gums. GEUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 561. Geum floribus erects, fructu globoso: artstis unctnates nudts, foltts ternatzs. Syst. Nat. BENNET. Common Avens. Herb-Bennet. Blossoms white or yellow. By fences and borders of fields. July. Dr. Withering says, the roots gathered in the spring, before the stem grows up, and put into ale, give it a pleasant flavour, and prevent its growing sour. Infused in wine it is a good sto- machic. When it grows in warm dry situations, its taste is mildly austere and aromatic. Geum floribus nutantibus, fructu oblongo: artistes plumosts. Syst. Nat. WATER AVENS. Throatroot. Cureatl, Blossoms purplish. In boggy meadows. May. The root is powerfully astringent. A decoction of it has been used, with good success, as a gargle, and a drink, in in- flammed and ulcerated sore throats, and cankers. It is said, that the powdered root will cure tertian agues, and that it is much used by the Caxadzans for that purpose. POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. ACTAZA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 568. Actea racemo ovato, fructibus baccatts. Syst. Nat. CHRISTOPHER. Baneberrzes. Blossoms white. Berry red. In wood land and shady places. May. The botanically arranged. 455 The berries are exceedingly poisonous. Dr. Withering says, the plant is powerfully repellant ; and that the root is useful in some nervous cases, but it must be administered with caution. It is said, that toads, allured by the foetid smell of this plant, resort to it. SANGUINARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. BLOODROOT. Puccoon, Leaves roundish; deeply indented. Stems naked ; supporting single flowers. Blossoms white. In rich wood land. April. When the fresh root is broken, a juice issues, in large drops, resembling blood. The Indians used it for painting themselves, and highly esteemed it for its medical virtues. It is emetic and cathartic, but must be given with caution. An infusion of the root in rum or brandy makes a good bitter. If it be planted in rich shady borders, it flourishes well in gardens; and the large leaves and blossoms make an agreeable appearance soon after the frost is out of the ground. CHELIDONIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 572. Chelidoneum peduncults umbellates. Syst. Nat. CELANDINE. Blossoms yellow. Common by fences and amongst rubbish. June—August. This plant is very acrimonious. The juice destroys warts, and cures ringworms. Diluted with milk, it is said to consume white opake spots upon the eyes. SARRACENIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 578. Sarracenia folits gibbis. Syst. Nat. SARRACENE. Stde-Saddle Flower. HHallow-leaved Plant. The leaves are tubular, somewhat resembling the horn of an ox inverted. The aperture at the top is horizontal and circular, with 456 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, with a broad patent, foliaceous appendage, extending two-thirds of the way round it. A similar appendage runs down the con- cave side to the root. The cavities of the leaves are large, and generally contain a quantity of water. They seem to be de- signed by nature for reservoirs, from which the plants may be constantly supplied with moisture. The stems are erect and naked. Blossoms single, terminating and reclining; petals red; the stigma, which covers the disk, redish green. In moist land, especially in fens and quagmires. May—June. NYMPHAZA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 579. ‘ Nymphaea calyce magno pentaphyllo. Syst. Nat. WATER VELLOW LILY. Toad Lily. Blossoms yellow. In ponds and rivers. June. Nymbhea folits cordatis tntegerrimis, calyce quadrifido. Syst. Nat. POND LILY. Water Lily. Blossoms white. In ponds and rivers. July. The flowers open about seven in the morning, and close about four in the afternoon. A conserve is made of the leaves of the blossoms. The roots of both species are much used, in form of poultices, for producing suppuration in boils and painful tu- mors, and are vey efficacious. The root of the water yellow lily is generally preferred. Dr. Withering says, the roots ot the pond lily are used in /reland, and in the island of Jura, to dye a dark brown. BIXA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 581. BASS WOOD. WhiteWood. Suggumug. The stigma is quad- rifid. Blossoms white. In woods. Not common. July. This botamically arranged. 457 This tree is of a middling size, and the wood very white and soft. When it is perfectly dry it swims on the water like cork. It is used by turners for making bowls, trenchers and dishes, CISTUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 598. Castus herbaceus exstepulatus, folits omnibus alternts lanceo- lattes, caule adscendente. Syst. Nat. AMERICAN CISTUS. Little Sunflower. Blossoms yellow, and the disk commonly turned towards the sun from morning until night. In dry pastures. June. PENTAGYNIA. AQUILEGIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 605. Aguilegza nectarits rectts, stamtntbus corolla longtoribus. Syst. Nat. COLUMBINE. Hfoney Horns. Blossomsred. Amongst rocks in dry land. May. Cultivation renders it equal in beauty to any of the exotic columbines. It makes an elegant appearance among them, and adds to the variety in flower-borders. NIGELLA? Linn. Gen. Plant. 606. GOLDENTHREAD. Mouth Root. The number of petals from five to seven; commonly six. Mecfarta six cups; supported on filament nearly as long as the stamina. Germzna from three to seven ; commonly six. The rpots thread-shaped; running; bright yellow. Leaves grow by threes; circular; scolloped. Stems erect; naked. Blossoms solitary ; terminating; white. Common in swamps. May. . The roots are astringent, and of a bitterish taste. Chewed in the mouth they cure apthas and cankerous sores. It is fre- quently an ingredient in gargles for sore throats. Kkk POLYGYNIA. é 458 Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, POLYGYWNIA. ANEMONE, Linn. Gen. Plant. 614. Anemone foltts trilobts integerrimzs. Syst. Nat. LIVERWORT. Blossoms white, tinged with red. In woods and shady places. April. Anemone pedunculo nudo, seminebus subrotundts hirsutes. Syst. Nat. WHITE ANEMONE. Blossoms white. Amongst bushes, and in shady places. May. Anemone seminibus acutes, foltolts incests, caule unzfioro. Syst. Nat. WOOD ANEMONE. Blossoms white, tinged with purple. In woods and newly-cleared land. May. CLEMATIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 616. Clemates folits ternates, foltolis cordatis serrato-angulatis, scandentibus. Syst. Nat. TRAVELLER's JOY. Virgin's Bower. Blossoms white. Banks of brooks and river's. July. RANUNCULUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 619. Ranunculus foltts radicalibus rentformibus crenatis sublo- batts, caulints tripartztes lanceolotis entegerrimts caule multe- floro. Syst. Nat. PILEWORT. Burwort. Blossoms yellow. By fences. Sep- tember. Ranunculus foltts radicalibus subrotundo-cordatts crenatts ; caulinus digzttates dentates, caule multifloro. Syst. Nat. CROWFOOT. Buttercup. Goldilocks. Blossoms yellow. Common in moist pastures and fields. June—July. The whole plant is acrid. The blossoms cure warts and corns. CALTHA. botanically arranged. 459 CALTHA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 623. MEADOW-BOUTS. Cowslips. March Marigold. Stems branch- ed. Leaves kidney-shaped. Blossoms yellow. In brooks and watery places. April—May. Many people esteem it a good pot-herb. Dr. Withering says, the flowers gathered, and preserved in salted vinegar, are a good substitute for capers. The juice of the flowers boiled, with the addition of alum, stains paper yellow. It has been suppos- ed, that the remarkable yellowness of butter in the spring, is caused by this plant: but Boerhaave says, if cows eat it, it will occasion such inflammation, that they generally die. DIDYNAMIA. GYMNOSPERMIA. TEUCRIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 625. Teucrium foliis ovatis inequaliter serratis, racemtis terminalt- bus. Syst. Nat. GERMANDER. Wood Sage. Blossoms white, tinged with red. Near Dummer Academy. Not common. July. NEPETA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 629. Nepeta floribus spicatis: verticillis subpedicellatss, folis pe- trolatis cordatis dentato-serratis. Syst. Nat. CATMINT. Catnip. Blossoms pale purple, or blue. About barns and fields. July. An infusion of the plant, especially of the blossoms, is grate- ful to the stomach, and a mild carminative, but of no great efficacy. Dr. Withering says, an infusion of it is deemed a spe- cific in chlorotic cases. It is much used by the country people here in the same cases. Cats are remarkably fond of this plant. Mr. Miller says, they eat it until it produces a kind of drunk- enness, and then tear it to pieces with their claws. 5 Kkk2 BETONICA. 460 Mr. CutTier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, BETONICA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 631. Betonica spica interrupta, corollaram lacinia labit intermedia emerginata? Syst. Nat. HEAD BETONY. The middle segment of the lower lip of the blossom is toothed. Blossoms purple. Woods and fields. July —August. Dr. Withering says, the fresh leaves intoxicate, and the dry leaves excite sneezing ;—that it is smoked as tobacco ; and that the roots provoke vomiting. MENTHA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 633. Mentha floribus spicatis, foltis oblongis serratis. HORSE MINT. Blossoms blue. By brooks, and in wet mea- dows. July. Mentha spicis solitaris interrupts, folits lanceolatis serratis sesstlibus. Syst. Nat. SPEAR MINT. Blossoms purplish red. In moist ground. August. It has a more agreeable flavour than the Horse Mint, and is preferred for culinary and medical purposes. The juice of the leaves, boiled up with sugar, is formed into tablets. The leaves make an agreeable conserve. The distilled waters, both simple and spiritous, are generally esteemed pleasant. The essential oil and distilled waters are considered as carminative. They are given with success for removing sickness at the stomach. Mentha floribus capitatis, foliis ovatis serratis petiolatis, sta- mintbus corolla longioribus. Syst. Nat. WATER MINT. Blossoms pale red. By brooks and rivers. August. Mentha botanically arranged. 461 Mentha floribus verticillatis, foliis ovatis obtusis suberenatis caulebus subteretibus repentibus, Syst. Nat. PENNYROYAL. Stamina pale purple. In pastures and fields. July—September. The expressed juice, with sugar, is given in the hooping cough. An infusion of the plant and the distilled water are antispasmodic, and are prescribed in hysterical cases. GLECOMA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 634. Glecoma foltts rentformibus crenatis. Syst. Nat. GROUND IVY. Gill-go-over-the-Ground. Robin-run-away. A decoction of the leaves is esteemed by the common peo- ple a remedy for the jaundice. Dr. Withering says, the leaves are thrown into the vat with ale, to clarify it, and give it a fla- vour: and that ale thus prepared, is often drank as an antiscor- butic. The expressed juice mixed with wine, and applied morning and evening, it is said, will destroy white specks upon horses eyes. The plant is also said to be hurtful to horses, if they eat it in large quantities. GALEOPSIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 637. Galeopsis internodits caulinis superne incrassatis, verticillrs summys subcontiguis. Syst. Nat. ALLHEAL. Hemp-leaved Dead-Nettle. Blossoms purple. By the road side. Gloucester. August. STACHYS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 638. Stachys verticillis sexfloris, foliis cordatis petiolatrs. Syst. Nat. CLOWNHEAL. Hedge Nettle. Blossoms purple, spotted with white. By fences and amongst bushes. July—August. It has a fceted smell, and toads are thought to be fond of liv- ing under its shade. It will dye yellow. MARRUBIUM. 462 Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, MARRUBIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 640. Marrubium dentibus calycinis, setacets uncinatis. Syst. Nat. HOREHOUND. Blossoms white. By road sides, and among rubbish. July. Dr. Withering observes, that it was a favourite medicine with the ancients in obstructions of the viscera—In large doses it loosens the belly. He says, that it is the principal ingredient in the Negro Cesar’s remedy for vegetable poisons.—That a young man, who had occasion to take mercurial medicine, was thrown into a salivation, which continued for more than a year. Every method that was tried to remove it, rather increased the com- plaint. At length Zzz@us prescribed an infusion of this plant, and the patient got well in a short time. LEONURUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 641. Leonurus folits caulints lanceolatis trilobis. Syst. Nat. MOTHERWORT. Blossoms purplish, Among rubbish. July —August. Leonurus folits ovatis lanceolatisque serratis, calycibus sessilt- bus spinosts, Syst. Nat. MARRUBY. Lion’s Tatl. Blossoms redish. By fences in moist land. Not common. July. ORIGANUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 645. Origanum spicts subrotundis paniculatis conglomeratis, bractets calyce longtoribus ovatis. Syst. Nat. WILD MARJORAM. Blossoms purple. Amongst brambles by fences. July. It. is warm and aromatic. Dr. Withering says, the essential oil is so acrid that it may be considered as a caustic, and is much used with that intention by farriers. A little cotton wool moist- ened botanically arranged. 463 ened with it, and put into the hollow of an aching tooth, fre- quently relieves the pain. The dried leaves make an exceed- ingly grateful tea. The tops of the plant dye purple. DRACOCEPHALUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 648. Dracocephalum floribus spicatis, folits lanceolatis serratis. Syst. Nat. DRAGON’s HEAD. The middle segment of the lower Izp the largest ; intire. Blossoms variegated with red and white. By stone walls in Dedham. July. TRICHOSTEMA? Linn. Gen. Plant. 652. Trichostema staminibus longissimts exertis. Syst. Nat. WILD LAVENDER. Great Pennyroyal. The upper lip divid- ed into two erect segments ; compressed. The lateral segments of the dower ip erect ; nearly similar to the segments of the up- per lip; middle segment larger; club-shaped; convex; re- flected. Stzgma bifid; reflected. Blossoms solitary ; termi- nating ; purple. In old fields. August—September. SCUTELLARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 653. Scutellaria foliis sessilibus ovatis: tnferroribus obsolete serratis ; superioribus integerrimis. Syst. Nat. HOODWORT. Blossoms blue. By fences in Saxdwich. Aug. Scutellaria folits cordato-oblongis acuminatis serratis, spicts subnudis. Syst. Nat. TALL HOODWORT. Blossoms pale blue. In open wood land in Weymouth. August. ANGIOSPERMIA. EUPHRASIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 659. Euphrasia foliis linearibus serratis: supertoribus integerrimis. Syst. Nat. EVEBRIGHT. 464 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, EVEBRIGHT. Mouthwort. Blossoms blue. Amongst low bushes. July. It has been in repute for recovering impaired eye-sight. MELAMPYRUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. Melampyrum corollis hiantibus. Syst. Nat. COW-WHEAT. Blossoms yellowish white. In woods. June. CHELONE. Linn. Gen. Plant. 666. Chelone folits lanceolatis serratis : summits oppositis. Syst: Nat. CHELONE. Fish-head. Snake-head. Blossoms in spikes ; white. Common by fences and amongst bushes in moist land. August. ANTIRRHINUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 668. Antirrhinum foliis lanceolatis obtusts alternis, caule ramosissimo diffuso. Syst. Nat. TOAD-FLAX. Blossoms purple. In fields and road sides. June—August. Antrrhinum folits linearibus alternis, corollis hiantibus : labio infertore explanato. Syst. Nat. SNAP-DRAGON. Fluellin. Blossoms yellow, with a mixture of scarlet. Common by road sides in Lyun and Cambridge. June—July. The seed of a species of the Antirrhinum, nearly resembling this plant, and not at all superior in beauty, is imported by our seed-sellers, and is common in curious flower-gardens. SCROPHULARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 674. Scrophularia folis cordats serratis acutis bast rotundatis, caule obtusangulo, Syst. Nat. FIGWORT. Blossoms purplish, with a small segment, re- sembling a lip, in their mouths. By fences in wet land. Aug. The botanically arranged. 465 The plant has a rank smell and bitter taste. It is said, that swine that have the scab are cured by washing them with a de- coction of the leaves. DIGITATIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 676. Digttatis calycints foliolis ovatis acutis, corollis obtusis: labio supertore tntegro. Syst. Nat. FOX-GLOVE. Hornwort. Blossoms red. In moist land. Aug. This is another plant which has been mistaken for Paul’s Be- tony, a species of the Veronica. BIGNONIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 677. TRUMPET-FLOWER. Yellow Fasmine. Stems round; erect. Leaves lanceolate; opposite; irregularly serrated. Blossoms solitary; on short flower-stalks rising from the axle of the leaves ; yellow. On the borders of fields, and in open woods. July. This plant has also been called Paul's Betony. WOOD BETONY. The cafx a perianthium of one leaf; tu- bular. Border entire; sloped. Corolla one petal; gaping. Tube twice the length of the calix. Upper lip helmet-shaped, with two awns. Lower lip reflected; three concave segments, the middle one smaller. Stamina four filiform filaments, (two a little shorter than the other two) concealed by the upper lip. Anthere cloven. Germen ovate; compressed. Side filiform ; longer than the stamina. S#gma obtuse. Capsule ovate ; acumi- nated; compressed; with two cells and two valves. Seeds ovate ; several. Stems erect. Leaves lanceolate ; deeply divided in a pinna- ted form; the divisions serrated. Blossoms in spikes; yellow. Common in rich wood land. June. E11 MIMULUS. 466 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables MIMULUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 7or. MAIDENWORT. Stems angular; branched. Leaves lanceo- late; slightly serrated; opposite; half embracing the stalk. Blossoms solitary ; on long flower-stalks rising from the axle of the leaves; blue. By fences in moist land. August. TETRADYNAMIA. SILICUL OS. MYAGRUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 713. Myagrum siliculis ovatis pedunculatis polyspermis. Syst. Nat. CAMLINE. Blossoms yellow. In fields amongst flax. June. THLASPI. Linn. Gen. Plant. 719. Thlaspi siliculis obcordatis, folits radicalibus pinnatifidis. Syst. Nat. MITHRIDATE. Shepherd’s Purse. Shepherd's Pouch. Blos- soms white. In corn fields, and about barns. April—June. COCHLEARIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 720. Cochlearia folits radicalibus subrotundis, caulinis oblongis, sub stnuatis, Syst. Nat. SCURVY-GRASS. Blossoms white. On highland. Not com- mon in a wild state, but is frequently cultivated in gardens. May—June. It is acrimonious ; and the acrimony is said to reside in a very subtile essential oil. It is frequently eaten by country people as a sallad. Writers on sea-voyages give high encomiums on the Scurvygrass for its antiscorbutic virtues. Dr. Withering says, it is a powerful remedy in the pituitous asthma, and in what Sydenham calls the scorbutic rheumatism. A distilled water and a conserve is prepared from the leaves. The juice is pre- scribed along with that of oranges, by the name of antiscor- butic juices, Cochlearia botanically arranged. 467 Cochlearia folits radicalibus lanceolatis integerrimis, caulinis subsinuatis. Syst. Nat. SEA SCURVYGRASS. The leaves are fleshy. Blossoms white. On the sea shore and in marches. May—June. This is more acrimonious than the former species. It has a pretty full taste of sea salt, as well as the volatile alkali. Cochlearia folits lanceolatis amplexicaulibus dentatis. Syst. Nat. HORSE-RADISH. Blossoms white. In rich soil in moist land. Not common in an uncultivated state. June—July. It is so rarely found where it has not been cultivated, that it may possibly be doubted whether it be indigenous. The scraped roots are much used at tables as a condiment, and for many culinary purposes. It has been found a powerful stimu- lant in paralytic cases, and is useful as a diuretic in dropsies. A distilled water is prepared from it. A strong infusion is emetic. SILIQUOSA. ; CARDAMINE. Linn. Gen. Plant. 727. Cardamine folits pinnatis extipulatis, foltolis lanceolatis obtusts, floribus corollatis. Syst. Nat. LADYSMOCK. Blossoms white. Near small brooks. Not common. May—June. Cardamine folits pinnatis: foliolis lanceolatis bast unidentats. Syst. Nat. IMPATIENT. Impatient Ladysmock. Blossoms yellowish white. By springs in mountainous land. Very rare. May. SISYMBRIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 728. Sisymbrium stliquis declinatrs, folis pinnatrs : foltoles sub- cordatis. Syst. Nat. bits WA TERCRESS. 468 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, WATERCRESS. Blossoms white. In springs and running brooks of water. May. It is an early and wholesome spring sallad, and is used as a pot-herb. Dr. Wethering says, it is an excellent antiscorbutic and stomachic, with less acrimony than the scurvygrass. It is an ingredient in the antiscorbutic juices. SINAPIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. Stnapts stliquis glabris tetragonts. Syst. Nat. BLACK MUSTARD. Blossoms pale yellow. Common about barns. June. The imported mustard, so common at tables, and which is generally preferred to our own, is the pulverized seed of this species ;—the difference consists only in the preparation of the powder, The seeds unbruised are frequently given in palsies and chronic rheumatisms, and are found beneficial. They may be taken in the quantity of a table-spoon full, or more, and will gently relax the bowels. Rheumatic pains in the stomach are often relieved by taking them in brandy. The powdered seeds, with crumbs of bread and vinegar, are made into cataplasms, and applied to the soles of the feet in fevers, when stimulants are necessary. They are also topically applied in fixed rheumatic and sciatic pains. Dr. Withering says, wherever we want a strong stimulus, that acts upon the nervous system without ex- citing much heat, we know none preferable to the mustard seed. An infusion of the seed, given in large quantities, vomits ; but in smaller doses, operates as an aperient and diuretic. Mustard whey, with wine, is used as a drink in fevers. Its acrimony is said to consist in an essential oil. RAPHANUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 736. Raphanus stliquis teretibus articulatis levibus untlocular- zbus. Syst. Nat. CHARLOCK. botanically arranged. 469 CHARLOCK. Blossoms white or yellow. Common amongst rye, barley and flax. June—August. It is often very injurious to grain; and when it has once got into the ground it is extremely difficult to extirpate. The seeds will remain in the ground many years, in a vegetive state, after it is swarded over with grass, and will grow when the ground is again plowed up. Dr. Withering says, in wet seasons it grows in great quantity amongst the barley in Szweden ; and the common people, who eat barley bread, are afflicted with very violent convulsive complaints in those provinces, and in those seasons wherein this plant abounds. MONODELPHIA. DECANDRIA. GERANIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 746. Geranium peduncults subtrifiorts, foltts cordatis crenato- zncists subuillosts, caulibus procumbentibus. Syst. Nat. SEA CRANESBILL. Blossoms pale red. In marshes and on the sea shore. June—July. Geranium peduncults bifloris, calyctbus tnflatis, postallo longissimo. Syst. Nat. COMMON CRANESBILL. Blossoms purple. By stone walls and borders of fields. May—July. The root is astringent, and frequently used in gargles for cankerous sores in the mouth and throat. Geranium peduncults bifloris, calycibus prlosts decemangu- latts. Syst. Nat. MOUNTAIN CRANESBILL. Herb-Robert. Stockbill. Blos- soms pale red. Amongst rocks in high land. June—July. It is considerably astringent, and smells somewhat like musk. A decoction of the plant has been known to give relief in cal- culous 470 Mr. Currer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, culous cases. It is given to cattle when they make bloody water. POLYANDRIA. ALTH/EA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 749. Althea folits simplicebus tomentosts. Syst. Nat. MARSH-MALLOW. Blossoms purplish white. In marshes on Martha’s Vineyard. August. : It is common in gardens, where it is cultivated for its medi- cal virtues. The whole plant is mucilaginous, but the muci- lage abounds most in the roots. It is much used in cataplasms and fomentations as an emollient. An infusion, or decoction, is commonly ordered in all cases which require mild mucilagi- nous substances. MALVA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 751. Malva caule repente, foltts cordato-orbiculatts obsolete quin- quelobates. Syst. Nat. MALLOW. Blossoms white, tinged with purple. Common about barns. June—September. DIADELPHIA. OCTANDRIA. POLYGALA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 761. Polygala flortbus tmberbebus oblongo-capttatts, caule erecto herbaceo stmpltcissimo, foltts lanceolates acutzs. Syst. Nat. MILKWORT. Blossoms red and yellow. Common in moist fields. August—September. This plant is generally called Low Centaury, and has, pro- bably, been mistaken for a species of the Gentzana. Polygala. LONG-SPIKED MILKWORT. Stems erect; branched. Leaves lanceolate. Blossoms in long terminating spikes; pale red. In moist land. Not common. August. DECANDRIA. botanically arranged. 471 DECANDRIA. GENISTA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 766. Gentsta folits lanceolates glabris, ramis striates teretabus erectts. Syst. Nat. GREENWOOD. Dyers Weed. Wood Waxen. Blossoms yel- -low. In pastures between New-Mzlls and Salem. June. The blossoms afford a yellow colour. The powdered seeds operate as a mild purgative. A decoction of the plant is diuretic. ZESCHYNOMENE. Linn. Gen. Plant. 760. LEsthynomene caule hisprdo, leguminum articults semtcor- datts bractets cordatzs ctltatis, stipults utrinque lanceolatzs. Syst. Nat. TOOTH-PODDED BEAN. Blossoms pale red. On the borders of fields. August. LUPINUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 774. Lupinus calyctbus alternis appendiculates : labio supertore bipartito, nfertore tntegro. Syst. Nat. LUPINE. Blossoms blue. In corn fields, in the state of Con- nectecut. June—August. | ROBINIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 775. Robinia peduncults subdivists, folits pinnatts, flortbus foltolo mazjorzbus. Syst. Nat. LOCUST-TREE. Blossoms white. In the woods in the south- ern states—only by cultivation here. June. The wood, when green, is of a soft texture, but becomes very hard when it is thoroughly dry. It is as durable as the best white oak, and esteemed preferable for carriage axletrees, trannels for ships, and for many other mechanic purposes. It makes excellent fuel, and its shade is less injurious to grass than _ that of most other trees. It may be propagated with great ease and to very advantageous purposes. ” ? ear PISUM. 472 Mr. Cutrer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, PISUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 779. Pisum petiolts supra planiuscults, caule angulato, stipules sagtttatis, peduncults multiflorts. Syst. Nat. SEA PEA. Blossoms pale red and purple. On sandy beaches near the sea. July—August. They are esculent. Pisum petiolts decurrentebus membranacers diphyllis pedun- cults untflores. Syst. Nat. PIED PEA. Blossoms red, purple and white. In rich moist land. June—July. OROBUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 780. Orobus pinnatts ovatis stipulis semisagittatis integerrimis, caule simplict. Syst. Nat. PEASELING. Blossoms purple. Near Mew-Mills in Dan- vers. June—July. Oribus foliis pinnatis lanceolatis, stipults semisagittatis integer- rimus, caule simplice. Syst. Nat. WOOD PEAS. Heath Peas. Blossoms red and yellow. In shrub-oak and pine land. July. It is said, that the roots, when boiled, are savory and nutri- tious—Ground into powder, they may be made into bread.— That they are held in high esteem by the Highlanders in Scot land. who chew them as people do tobacco, and find that they prevent the uneasy sensation of hunger. They imagine, that they promote expectoration, and are very efficacious in curing disorders of the lungs. They know how to prepare an intoxi- cating liquor from them. Orobus caulibus decumbentibus hirsutis ramosis. Syst. Nat. WOOD PEASELING. Blossoms redish white. Borders of wood land. July. LATHYRUS. botanically arranged. A473 LATHYRUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 781. Lathyrus peduicutlis multifloris, cirrhis diphillis » foliolis ova- Libus, internodits nudis. Syst. Nat. VETCHLING. Blossoms purple. Sandy beaches. July. Lathyrus pedunculis multifloris, cirrhis polyphyllis, stipults ova- tis: bast acutis. Syst. Nat. CHICKLING PEAS. Blossoms purple and white. In Salem, near the sea. July. VICIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 782. Vicia leguminibus pedicellatis subguaternis erectis, foliolis ovatis entegerrimis - extertoribus decrescentibus. Syst. Nat. VETCH. Blossoms purple. Borders of fields. July. INDIGOFERA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 794. L[ndigofera leguminibus horizontalibus terectibus, foliis pinnatis ternatisque? Syst. Nat. INDIGOWEED. Blossoms yellow. Common in pastures and woods. July—August. A durable pale blue may be obtained from the leaves and small branches. Fomentations of the plant, it is said, will abate the swelling, and counteract the poison in the bite of rattle-snakes. TRIFOLIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 802. The indigenous species of this genus are too numerous to admit of a particular description. Several of them are general- ly known, viz. The Melilot Clover. The Creeping Clover. The White Honeysuckle. The Red Honeysuckle. The Yellow Clover. The Woolly-headed Clover, or Chuckle-head. The Tall Treforl. MEDICAGO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 805. GROUND NUT. The germen is rolled inwards, but the pod becomes nearly strait, containing several kidney-shaped seeds. Mmm Stems 474. Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Stems twining. Blossoms in clusters, placed in the axle of the leaves; red or red and white. Common in loamy wood land. July. The roots are roundish and esculent, and were eaten by the Indians. POLYADELPHIA. POLYVANDRIA. HYPERICUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 808. Hypericum floribus trigynis: petatis calyce sublongioribus, folits ovali-oblongis obtusis semiamplexicaulibus, caule tereti. Syst. Nat. TUTSAN. All Saint’s Wort. Blossoms pale red. Moist land. August. Hypericum floribus trigynis, caule quadrato herbaceo. Syst. Nat. St. PETER’s WORT. Blossoms yellow. Moist meadows. July. Hypericum floribus trigynis, caule ancipiti, folits obtusis pel- lucido-punctatrs. Syst. Nat. St. JOHN’s WORT. Blossoms yellow. In fields. July—Aug. The small dots upon the leaves, which appear like so many perforations, are said to contain an essential oil. The leaves are given to destroy worms. The flowers tinge spirits and oil of a fine purple colour. SYNGENESIA. POLGAMIA A:QUALIS. SONCHUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 813. Sonchus pedunculis hispidis, floribus racemosis, foliis lyrato-has- tatis. Syst. Nat. SOWTHISTLE. Blossoms purple. On ditch banks. August —September. LACTUCA. botanically arranged. 475: LACTUCA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 814. Lactuca folits laciniato-ensiformibus dentatis inermibus. Syst. Nat. WILD LETTUCE. Milkweed. Blossoms yellow. About barns. and fields. August—September. The milky juice is said to possess the properties of opium. It may be collected in shells, dried by a gentle heat, and made into pills. PRENANTHES. Linn. Gen. Plant. 816. Prenanthes flosculis plurimis, floribus nutantibus subumbellatzs, foliis hastato-angulatis. Syst. Nat. IVYLEAF. Ivy-leafed Wild Lettuce. Snake-weed. Blossoms white. By stone walls in rich moist land. August. LEONTODON. Linn. Gen. Plant. 817. Leontodon calyce inferne refiexo. Syst. Nat. DANDELION. Blossoms yellow. Grass land. May—Sept. The leaves, early in the spring, are much esteemed as a pot- herb and in sallads. It is sometimes transplanted into gardens, and blanched like endive. The Fvench eat the roots and leaves with bread and butter. It is in a considerable degree diuretic. Boerhaave had a great opinion of the utility of this and other lactescent plants in obstructions of the viscera. The expressed juice is said to have been given, to the quantity of four ounces, three or four times a day. HIERACIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 629. Hieracium caule multifloro, foliis lyratis glabris, calyce pedun- culisgue hispidis. Syst. Nat. HAWKWEED. Blossoms yellow. About barns and rubbish. August. 6 Mmm 2 fheracium 476 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Lheracium caule erecto multifloro, folits lanceolatis dentatts, peduncults tomentosis. Syst. Nat. RATTLE-SNAKE PLANTAIN. Foor Robin's Plantain. Blos- soms pale yellow. The radical leaves are of a reddish colour, and spread on the ground like plantain. In woods. June—Aug. It is said to have been considered by the Indians as an infalli- ble cure for the bite of rattle-snakes. They chewed the leaves in the mouth, and, after swallowing part of the juice, applied them to the wound. This is, probably, the plant which Car- ver says the Indians were convinced was such a powerful anti- dote, that for a trifling bribe of spiritous liquors, they would at any time permit a rattle-snake to drive his fangs into their flesh. CREPIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 819. Crepis tnvolucrts calyce longioribus: sguamis setacets sparsts. Syst. Nat. BLUE SUCCORY. Blossoms blue. Fields in Cambridge. July. It is said to be a good stomachic. Crepis tnvolucris ovatis concavis obtusis patentibus. Syst. Nat. YELLOW SUCCORY. Blossoms yellow. Wood land. August. ARCTIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 830. Arctium folits cordatis inermibus petiolatis. Syst. Nat. BURDOCK. Blossoms purple. About barns. July—Aug. The young stems boiled, divested of the bark, are esteemed little inferior to asparagus. They are also eaten raw with oil and vinegar. Dr. Withering says, a decoction of the roots is esteemed, by some very sensible physicians, as equal, if not su- perior, to that of sarsaparilla. SERRATULA. botanically arranged. 477 SERRATULA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 831. Serratula foliis lanceolatis, sguamis calycinis apice membrana- cers obtusis patults coloratis, floribus terminalibus. Syst. Nat. DEVIL’s BIT. The root appears as if bitten off. Blossoms purple. Old fields. August—September. In Exgland, a plant of the fourth class is called Devil’s Bit, the Scabzosa succisa. Linn. Morsus diaboli vulgaris, flore pur- pureo. Park. An infusion of the roots of this plant, in a close vessel, has been found very serviceable in scrophulus complaints. CARDUUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 832. Carduus foliis sinnatis decurrentibus: margine spinosts, caly- ctbus pedunculatis solitarits-erectis villosts. Syst. Nat. WELTED THISTLE. Blossoms pale red. Road sides. July. Carduus folits sessilibus bifariam pinnatifidis : lacinis alternts erectis, erectis, calycibus globosts villosis. Syst. Nat. STAR THISTLE. Friar's Crown. Blossoms purple. In pas- tures. July—August. Carduus folits pinnatif~idis spinosis sesstlibus, caule tnermi, flort- bus solitarits. Syst. Nat. LADIES THISTLE. Blossoms purple. Road sides, July. Carduus folits lanceolatis dentatrs amplexicaulibus - spinulrs in- egqualibus ciliatis, caule tnermt. Syst. Nat. VELLOW THISTLE. Blossoms yellow. In Chelsea. June. The flowers of thistles have the property of rennet in curd- ling milk. CARLINA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 836. Carlina caule multifloro corymboso, floribus terminalibus. Syst. Nat. FIRE-WEED. Blossoms white. It abounds in new plantations ‘where the ground has been burnt over. Aug. BIDENS. 478 Mr. CuTLer’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, BIDENS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 840. Bidens folits pinnatis serratis glabris, seminibus erectis, caly- cibus frondosts, caule levi. Syst. Nat. HARVEST-LICE. Cuckold. Blossoms yellow. In corn fields. September. EUPATORIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 842. Eupatoriun folus quaternis scabris lanceolato-ovatis inequaliter serratts petiolatis rugosis. Syst. Nat. LIVER-HEMP. Honesty. Hemp Agrimony. Blossoms pale red. In moist land, by brooks and rivers. July—August. Dr. Withering says, an infusion of an handful of it, vomits and purges smartly. An ounce of the root, in decoction, is a full dose. In smaller doses the Duéch peasants take it as an al- terative and an antiscorbutic. F Eupatorium foliis connatrs tomentosis. Syst. Nat. THOROUGH-WAX. Blossoms white. In moist land. July— August. The Bupleurum rotundifolium. Linn. The Perfoliata vulga-: vis. Park. of the fifth class, is called Thorough-wax in Eng- land. An infusion of the leaves is a powerful emetic. AGERATUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 843. Ageratum folits ovatis crenatis obtusis, caule glabro. Syst. Nat. MEADOW SUNFLOWER. Blossoms yellow. In wet meadows. September. STAZHELINA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 844. Stehelina folis subtrigonis, squamis calycinis crenatis. Syst. Nat. PRICKLY DEVIL’s-BIT. Blossoms purple. On Winter-Hill in Charlestown. July—August. POLYGAMIA botanically arranged. 479 POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. TANACETUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 848. Tanacetum folits bipinnatis serratis, Syst. Nat. TANSEY. Blossoms yellow. Pastures. August. The leaves are frequently used to give a colour and flavour to pudding. Fresh meat may be preserved from the attacks of the flesh-fly, by rubbing it with this plant. It is considered as a warm deobstruent bitter. The /izx/anders are said to obtain a green dye from it. ARTEMISIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 849. Artemisia folits compositis multifidis, floribus subglobosis pendu- lis: receptaculo villoso. Syst. Nat. WORMWOOD. Blossoms brownish white. Road sides, and amongst rubbish. July—August. The leaves and flowers are well known to be bitter, and to resist putrefaction. They are made a principle ingredient in an- tisceptic fomentations. ‘The roots are warm and aromatic. The plant affords a considerable quantity of essential oil, by distilla- tion, which is used both internally and externally to destroy worms. Fomentations, or cataplasms of the leaves are some- times applied to the bellies of children in obstinate worm cases. An infusion of the leaves is said to be a good stomachic, and with the addition of fixed alkaline salt, a powerful diuretic in dropsical cases. Linn@us has mentioned two cases, wherein an essence, prepared from this plant, and taken for a considera- ble time, prevented the formation of stones in the ‘kidneys and bladder—the patients forbearing the use of wine and acids. If women, that suckle, take an infusion of this plant, it makes their milk bitter. The leaves put into sour beer, soon destroy the acescency. ‘Artemisia 480 Mr. Cutier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Artemisia folits pinnatifidis planis incists subtus tomentosis, ra- cemis simplicibus, floribus ovatis: radio guinguefloro. Syst. Nat. MUGWORT. Blossoms purplish. Borders of fields. Aug. Dr. Withering says, in some countries it is used as a culinary aromatic. A decoction of it is taken by the common people to cure the ague. GNAPHALIUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 850. Gnaphalium folits semiamplexicaulibus enstformibus repandis obtusis utringue pubescentibus, floribus conglomeratis. Syst. Nat. CATSFOOT. Woolly Mouse-Ear. Blossoms yellowish white. Road sides. August. Gnaphalium folits decurrentibus obtusis mucronatis utringue to- mentosts plants. Syst. Nat. LIFE-EVERLASTING. Blossoms white. In pastures and fields. September. NONE-SO-PRETTY. Stems herbaceous; branched. Leaves ovate ; slightly serrated; sessile; alternate. Blossoms in broad topped spikes; redish purple. Female florets in the circum- ference, and without petals. ERIGERON. Linn. Gen. Plant. 855. Lrigeron ramis lateralibus multifloris, calycibus sguarrosis. Syst. Nat. FLEABANE. Florets in the circumference white; those in the center purple. By fences. August. Evigeron caule floribusque paniculatis. Syst. Nat. MEADOW FLEBANE. Florets in the circumference white ; those in the center yellow. Moist land. August—September. Erigeron peduncults alternis untfloro, Syst. Nat. ROSEBETTY. Blossoms in the circumference purple ; those in the center yellow. By fences. August—Sept. TUSSILAGO. botanically arranged. 481 TUSSILAGO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 856. Lussilago scapo imbricato unifloro, foliis subcordatis angulatis denticulatis. Syst. Nat. COLTSFOOT. Blossoms yellow. About barns. April. Dr. Withering says, the leaves are the basis of the British herb tobacco.—They are somewhat austre, bitterish, and mu- cilaginous to the taste. They have been much used in coughs and consumptive complaints. Dr. Cxdlen has found them to do considerable service in scrophulous cases.—He gives a decoc- tion of the dried leaves, and finds it succeed where sea-water has failed. SENECIO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 857. Senecio corollis radiantibus, foliis enstformibus acute serratis subtus subvillosis, caule stricto? Syst. Nat. GROUNDSEL. Stanchbood. Blossoms in branched particles ; white. Borders of corn fields. August—October. This plant has been found very efficacious in stopping her- morrhages in certain persons, subject to a very singular kind of constitutional bleeding, when other means have failed. If the bleeding be occasioned by the rupture of internal blood-vessels, they drink a strong decoction of the plant; if it be external, they both drink the decoction, and apply to the wound the fresh leaves bruised, or the dried plant in form of a poultice. ASTER. Linn. Gen. Plant. 858. Aster folits linearibus integerrimts, caule paniculato. Syst. Nat. BUSHY ASTER. Florets in the circumference white, tinged with red; in the center yellow. By fences. September. Aster foliis linearibus acutis integerrimis, caule corymboso ra- mosissimo. Syst. Nat. Nnn DWARF ASTER. 482 Mr. Curtier's Account of indigenous Vegetables, DWARF ASTER. Florets in the circumference purple ; in the center yellow. In hedges. August. Aster folits lanceolatis integerrimts semiamplexicaulbus, floribus confertis terminalibus, pedunculis nudis, caule hispido. Syst. Nat. NEW-ENGLAND ASTER. Florets in the circumference pur- ple; in the center yellow. Borders of fields. Aug.—Sept. SOLIDAGO. Linn. Gen. Plant. 859. Solidago paniculato-corymbosa, racemis recurvatis, floribus ad- scendentibus, folits trinervits subserratis seabris. Syst. Nat. ROUGH-LEAVED GOLDENROD. Blossoms yellow. Borders of fields. August. Solidago paniculato-corymbosa, racemis recurvis, floribus ad- scendentibus, foliis enerviis, subintegerrimis. Syst. Nat. SMOOTH-LEAVED GOLDENROD. Blossoms yellow. Bor- ders of fields. August. Solidago caule obliguo, pedunculrs erectis foliolatis ramosts, folis lanceolatis integerrimis. Syst. Nat. MARSH GOLDENROD. Blossomsyellow. Borders of marshes. August. INULA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 860. Inula folits ovatis rugosis subtus tomentosis, calycum squamis ovatis. Syst. Nat. ELECAMPANE. Blossoms yellow. Road sides. August. Dr. Withering says, the root is esteemed a good pectoral. Dr. “7il7 says, he knows, from his own experience, that an in- fusion of the fresh root, sweetened with honey, is an excellent medicine in the hooping cough. CHRYSANTHEMUM. botanically arranged. 483 CHRYSANTHEMUM. Linn. Gen. Plant. 866. Chrysanthemum foliis amplexicaulibus oblongis : superne ser- ‘rats; inferne dentatis. Syst. Nat. WHITE WEED. Goldens. Daisie. Florets in the circumference white ; in the center yellow. In fields and pastures. _May— June. The young leaves may be eaten as sallad. It is very in- jurious to grass land. ANTHEMIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 876. Anthemis receptaculis conicis: palets setacets, seminibus nudts. Syst. Nat. MAY-WEED. Florets in the circumference white; in the center yellow. Road sides. June—August. It is said to be grateful to toads, and very ungrateful to bees. ACHILLEA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 871. Achillea foliis bipinnatis nudis: lacinits linearibus dentatrs. Syst. Nat. YARROW. Blossoms white. In dry pastures. June—Aug. Dr. Withering says, the flowers yield an essential oil :—that the leaves are celebrated by the materia medica writers for & va- riety of purposes, but they are little attended to at present. POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA. HELIANTHUS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 877. Flelianthus foliis oppositis sessilibus ovato-oblongis trinervis pa nicula dichotoma. Syst. Nat. ROUGH-LEAVED SUNFLOWER. Blossoms yellow. Borders of fields. August—September. It is, in a considerable degree, astringent. A decoction of the plant is much esteemed by the common people in diarrhzas. RUDBECKIA ? Linn. Gen. Plant. 878. AMERICAN GLOBE AMARANTHUS. The leaves lanceolate ; alternate; sessile; downy. Stems woolly. Blossoms globular. Nnn2 Barren 484 Mr. Curier’s Account of indigenous Vegetables, Barren florets numerous; entire; white.—Fertile florets small ; yellow. They stand in a broad-topped spike. The blossoms are durable after they are taken off. It makes a pretty appear- ance in flower borders. In high, rich pastures. Aug.—Oct. COREOPSIS. Linn. Gen. Plant. 879. Coreopsis folits pinnatis serratis, radio florum diversicolore. Syst. Nat. ’ MEADOW CUCKOLD. Blossoms yellow, red, and white. In wet meadows. August. MONOGAMIA. LOBELIA. Linn. Gen. Plant. 897. Lobelia caule erecto, foliis lanceolato-linearibus obtustusculis at- ternis integerrimis, racemo terminalt, Syst. Nat. SPINET. Blossoms blue. In moist grass land. June—July. Lobelia caule erecto, folits lanceolatis serratis spica terminal. Syst. Nat. AMERICAN PRIDE. Blossoms scarlet. Borders of brooks and rivers. August. Lobelia, EMETICWEED. ‘The leaves oblong; slightly serrated; ses- sile ; alternate ; on the upper surface numerous tubercles. Stems branched. Blossoms solitary; in a kind of spike; pale blue. Common in dry fields. August. The leaves chewed in the mouth are, at first, insipid, but soon become pungent, occasioning a copious discharge of saliva. If they are held in the mouth for some time, they produce giddiness and pain in the head, with a trembling agitation of the whole body: at length they bring an extreme nausea and vomiting. The taste resembles that of tarter emetic.