Sti ieetataty re 0 ‘) MONCH trletriclatete iy ctecratnl fate “FW hehe ett i anh nid ee Pat sh aclbsip shai ba ‘a Bees aii cat ate a peta riteny oe rs agi ayoraentteR x oi) ey} sratapabsaid e paki bueah by Pra aret ti " Cy (BASS: de thw hots Heth Aah st ‘aspen x i soa Ht hp hue rate elisin ho Ah As I See ual oats id Ms eth vain ib tthe RH tenat a MATA DCR Sten aytaci itp nn why oy et Wh iid i gaia Nein bit ps tctytate! seater 4am) ne retsetsatig taken MA We a a 'P th annt Frkewn) ih scout ws sibs ne » fray) Hens hes wie 7 Hate ine itt yon pe 4 Phebe My) " i ws " 1; and R = mass of the substances of refuse), multiplies all these sub- stances and preserves to them their original proportions. Destruction however, or at least certain destructions, act separately on each of these substances and alter the pro- portions of the mixture and consequently the characters of the plastid.” 2°% From this it appears that LeDantec attributes all variations which the plastids or organisms in general can undergo, to total or partial destructions of the dif- ferent, particular plastic substances (a) already present, but never to the production of new plastic substances. The numbers and characters of plastic substances, which participate in the formation of the complex substance of the plastid or rather of the organism in general, may be different in different species. The difference between different species and between different individuals of the same species, would consist only in the proportions in which the special plastic substances (a) peculiar to this species, are united. “We are inclined to regard the living substances of the plastids as mixtures of different plastic substances, the substances (a). The species of the plastids would be determined by the nature or quality of these plastic substances; their individual peculiarities, their person- ality, would depend upon the proportions of the mixture of these specific plastic substances. In the same way we must regard the individual substances in the higher organisms as characterized by a mixture in definite proportions of #87 6 Dantec: Traité de Biologie. P. 93. 270 Theories Treating of Inheritance the living substances characteristic of their species. We are able in this way to present even a mathematical defini- tion of the personality of a given individual of a species, to a certain extent an arithmetical personal description of this individual, namely the list of co-efficients of the mixture of his specific substances.” 2°4 The proportions of this mixture persist unaltered in all cells of the same organism. Upon this mixture depends the quality of the chemical reactions, i. e. of the molecular movements; upon these latter again depend the molar movements or osmotic currents of nutritive and excretive material; upon the molar movement finally depends the form of each plastid as well as that of the most complicated organism: “Tt is absolutely useless to suppose, in the egg which produces man, other characters present than for example those of a simple hepatic or epithelial assimilative ele- ment, determining by this assimilation the molar move- ments around it. These molar movements associated with the movements which result from assimilation in neighboring elements, and also with the existence of the skeleton such as is constituted in a thenceforth unchange- able form from the moment of its first anlage, determine the conditions of local equilibrium from which the local form of the body results. Analogously as soon as a human element (the fecundated egg) is capable of liv- ing by itself alone, the molar movements, which assimila- tion provokes first in this element alone and later in all which are derived from it, determine the successive forms of the growing mass arising from assimilation. The phenomenon appears from the outside then to be 24 Le Dantec: Ibid. P. 267. Le Dantec 271 quite otherwise than as though this element had assimi- lated without being isolated, as though for example it had belonged to a man in process of growth. It would then have been the destiny of this element, thanks to the combined “dynamisms” of the neighboring elements, to build up a part of the man, but not a whole man.” 2° Finally the transformations to which the living sub- stance would be forced by the constraint of external influences may be hereditary, i. e. can take place anew in the descendant organism without any further need of the action of the same constraint, because they would alter the living substance itself in a corresponding way, so that it adapts itself to the new conditions of equilibrium : “If assimilation were the only possible phenomenon of living matter there would not take place any alteration of the living substance through external influences; but upon the truly vital phenomena of assimilation are super- imposed as we have seen phenomena of destruction, and the co-operation of these two phenomena can result in changes in the nature of the substance, in the definite proportions of the mixture forming it; thus education can modify heredity.” “Since the form is the result of the molar move- ments of the metabolism of all cells of the body, a variation imposed on the form reacts upon these molar movements by which again the molecular movements in the interior of the cell are determined. Then in con- sequence of this form imposed on the body mass, there will occur within the cells phenomena of destruction, i. e., of variation. The variations may take any direction 2066 Te Dantec: Ibid. P. 257—258. 272 Theories Treating of Inheritance whatever; but natural selection (which acts in each cell of the organism among the different plastidular varia- tions) intervenes and fixes only those which are adapted to the new conditions of equilibrium.” ?°¢ We would just remark here, that the alteration undergone by the molar movements within each cell will be different in the different cells. For it would be incom- prehensible how in the very complex structure of the organism, a local change of form, imposed by external agents, could induce quite identical alterations in the molar movements of all the other cells of the body indiscriminately. Consequently the alterations of the liv- ing substance which internal natural selection preserves as fittest will likewise be different in different cells. How then can there be any question of the survival, in con- sequence of this internal natural selection, of one single plastidular variation identical at all points of the organism? LeDantec, like Hertwig, has recourse to the example of immunization. But as we have already seen, this case is quite different from the more or less local changes of form, which individuals experience in consequence of particular functional adaptations. In the case of immuni- zation the transforming cause, i. e. antibacterion, is the same for all cells. In the case of a morphological alteration on the contrary the transforming cause, that is, as we would concede it, the variation experienced by the molar movement concerned, is different in each cell. Even if one were willing to assume an identical variation of the living substance at all points of the organism indiscriminately, that would not explain the 2°67 e Dantec: Ibid. P. 270, 208. Le Dantec 273 law of the repetition of phylogeny by ontogeny, as we have already had occasion to remark in connection with the similar hypotheses of Spencer, Hertwig and several others. This requires, as we have seen, the conception of the addition of a new substance to all those formerly present. All variations of the organism are ascribed by LeDantec, as we have already seen, to total or partial destruction of some of the different plastic substances (a), which make up the living substance, whereby their quantitative proportions become changed; but never to the formation of new plastic substances. Likewise dif- ferent species would differ from one another in the number and quality of the plastic substances (a). From this it follows: 1, that no further development can be effected by any given living matter, if the number of its substances has become very small, and thus an abso- lute inalterability must be established as soon as this number is reduced to one; 2, that the development of the species can have been produced only by successive total destructions of an always greater number of these plastic substances; 3, that the further a species is devel- oped, the smaller therefore must be the number of the plastic substances which form its respective living matter. One would thus arrive at the absurdity, that the simpler the living substance is the more complex must be the organisms formed from it. Finally LeDantec, like Spencer, Hertwig and the others is unable to explain histological differentiation by this supposed similarity of living substance in all parts of the organism: “A muscular element differs entirely from a nervous epithelial element, and these differences are manifested 274 Theories Treating of Inheritance not only in the form of cells but also in their mode of activity. Now what is the nature of these differences? We do not know. Are they physical in character? That would be hard to believe, because of the difference of the chemical excreta of these elements. If the dif- ferences are of chemical nature they must leave uninjured the hereditary patrimony (the living substance similar at all points of the organism). Now it is entirely impos- sible that quantitative variations can be produced in the elements, and leave untouched a quantitative character already present. Perhaps there is properly speaking no quantitative variation, but only a modification in the nature of the non-living accessory substances which fill out the aggregate at different points of the organism according to the special conditions obtaining at these points. To all these questions we have as yet no answer.” 207 Before we leave this investigator we must bring up one last point, namely: the logical necessity which forces him to regard the living substance as similar at all points of the organism. According to him, this conception is a logical consequence of the inheritance of acquired characters which he holds as a fact already proved beyond a doubt. For, says he, let us consider any given morphological variation acquired by the organisin and transmissible to its descendant. And let us assume that the hereditary patrimony, i. e. the living substance (@ ), originally common to all elements of the individual by descent from the egg, can, under the influence of the morphological variation experienced by the latter, have been replaced, here by a different substance ( @), there *°7Le Dantec: Ibid. P. 461—462. Le Dantec 275 by another substance ( 7) and so on, in such a way that the whole of the “dynamism” existing in this hetero- geneous mass, finds its expression in a form of equili- brium F, which preserves accurately, without any need of further constraint, those forms of equilibrium which the individual had acquired in consequence of the com- pulsion of external influences. “Tf that were so,” continues LeDantec, “this form could not be hereditary. For the substance @ produces the form F only with the assistance of cells of the sub- stances y and 6 , which are simultaneously present in other elements of the altered individual, and no one of these substances which does not belong to the sum total of the elements is by itself a consequence of the total form F. If then one detaches from this form a few pieces capable of reproducing themselves, these pieces endowed with different substances or heritages will give rise to different individuals, namely to individuals or groups of cells like those whose total constituted the form F, but of which none had this form. There is thus absolutely no reason existing why any one of these individuals should take the form F. If then observation teaches us that acquired characters can be inherited we are thus obliged to suppose that in the case in which they are hereditary they were acquired by the parent organism in a homogeneous manner.” 2°* Thus if it were possible to explain this inheritance and at the same time to accept, nevertheless, the most complete diversity of the substances constituting individ- ual parts of the organism, LeDantec would be perhaps the first to. renounce with joy his single individual sub- 208T e Dantec: Ibid. P. 294—205. 276 Theories Treating of Inheritance stance, similar throughout the whole organism, which as he himself states, makes histological differentiation at least inexplicable. THEORIES OF CHEMICAL DEVELOPMENT In his fundamental work “The Struggle of the Parts of the Organism,” and therefore at a time, before Roux had yet reached the preformistic view of idioplasm or germ plasm which he later very clearly adopted, and which in many respects is like the conception of Weis- mann; when also he still considered development to be rather the complex result of a long series of purely chemical phenomena, and nevertheless had not yet wel- comed Weismann’s theory of the non-inheritance of acquired characters as a deliverance from a nightmare, at that time he sought to explain this inheritance in the following way: First he notes that the germ plasm although it be- comes separated at the very commencement of develop- ment from the organism in process of formation, “remains nevertheless dependent upon and in relation with this organism; for it must be fed and grow and multiply and to that end it receives its nourishment from its parent by chemical metabolism, and might still be influenced in its own nature in this way.” ?°° He supposes further that on the one hand each structural formation may be conditioned by certain spe- cial, chemical relations, and vice versa that each variation of form which the adult organism undergoes through functional adaptation produces in its turn a certain *°°Roux: Der Kampf der Teile im Organismus. P. 60. Theories of Chemical Development 297 special chemical change. This chemical change would later become transmitted to the germ plasm by means of the metabolism.??° One can not rightly comprehend here, how a special chemical modification, produced in the germ plasm by a change of form in the adult organism, can later give rise to such a development by that germ plasm as to reproduce the same change of form at the proper time in the new organism. If the chemical variation cor- responding to a definite change of form were provoked by the germ plasm in the new organism only at the time when this latter reached the same age and conse- quently a state of being which would be the same in its entirety as that of the parent organism when this given variation of form supervened in it, and were confined to the same limited zone in which this chemical variation was produced in that parent organism, then the concep- tion of an actual reversibility of the phenomena would not be in itself at all impossible, that is it would not be impossible that the same chemical phenomenon might provoke in the new organism the same variation of form by which it had itself been produced in the parent orgar~ ism. But in our case on the contrary this chemical varia- tion, no matter whether it transforms the whole chemical composition of the germ plasm or only a part, will com- mence to act upon the new organism immediately, at the very commencement of its development, and will modify therefore not merely a limited part of the cells of the organism, but all the cells without exception. How then could this same chemical change, which operates immedi- ately at the commencement of development and conse- 21°Roux: Ibid. P. 61. 278 Theories Treating of Inheritance quently upon all stages of development and upon all cells of the organism, call forth the same result as if it had come to act upon only a very definite point and at a very definite time of the development of this organ- ism? It seems to us that we ought much rather to conclude that these results must be very different and that with them there can be no question of any similarity whatever. This impossibility of explaining the inheritance of acquired characters by Roux’s earlier theory is not limited to it alone, but pertains to all theories of chemical develop- ment in general. And the fault lies not only in the above mentioned impossibility of the reversibility of the phenomena of inheritance which we have just considered but also in a still more generally characteristic circum- stance, which is likewise common to all these theories of chemical development, and which we have elsewhere already stated for other theories. And it is mostly from it that this impossibility of reversibility comes. It con- sists in this, that according to all of these theories as soon as the germinal substance has once given the initial impulse to development it is unable to exercise even the slightest influence upon the further course of this develop- ment. If thus the reins by which development is directed are let fall, and each bond severed which connects the changes of the soma with those of the germ and vice versa, then it is impossible to conceive how this union could later be re-established, as soon as the need was felt of transmitting to the germ and fixing in it the requisite variation, corresponding to that which appeared in the soma as the result of a new functional adaptation. Hofmeister’s theory can be considered as an especially typical example of this complete abandonment of develop- Theories of Chemical Development 279 ment to itself, which constitutes the great defect of all theories of chemical development. This investigator believes that the chemical activity of the cell is due in general to colloidal ferments which are contained within them and of which each is destined for a special chemical process. He admits thereby the existence of numerous colloidal ferments in cells with multiple chemical processes, and he sees in ontogeny the result of a series of chemical reactions which follow one another according to the principle of fructifying causality : “During the development of the embryo there takes place a chemical differentiation parallel with the morpho- logical differentiation. The formation of new chemical anlagen indicates the appearance of different ferments at definite stages of embryonal development.”—“One could hardly form a better idea of the chemical transformations going on during the early development of the embryo than by supposing that at first only a very small number of ferments become active, and that these transform existing material into new substance, among which pro- ferments or ferments of another kind appear, through which the first then become annihilated, and which become supplanted in their turn by a new generation of ferments which they have themselves produced and so on until the cycle of new chemical formations requisite for the history of the race is run through. The epigenesis of form would be then only the expression of the epigenesis of chemical forces.” 2" We shall pass over the fact that all these theories of chemical development have yet to explain the connection 11F1ofmeister: La chimie de la cellule. Revue générale des sciences; Aug. 15, 1902. P. 730—73I. 280 Theories Treating of Inheritance between each chemical and the corresponding morpho- logical stage of development; for this morphological character of different chemical reactions has not so far been observed in any phenomena of the inorganic world, since it has absolutely no analogue in the process of crystallization which is a property of the molecular struc- ture of already formed, stable substances, that is of substances in perfect statico-chemical equilibrium. But we may mention the fact—and after all which has been said above no further proof of it is required—that the fundamental phenomena, such as the regeneration of amputated organs, the occasional reappearance especially in crosses of atavistic characters long since disappeared, and especially the ontogenetic repetition of phylogeny and the inheritance of acquired characters, not only find no explanation in all these hypotheses of chemical development but are on the contrary absolutely irrecon- cilable with them. Darwin, Galton, DeVries, Weismann It would be useless for our purpose to tarry especially over any one of these four theories, the underlying idea of all being the same identical conception of preformistic germs. The progressive elaboration of this idea which has proceeded gradually from the first to the last of these theories presents however the following noteworthy phenomenon. Preformistic germs, which were devised by Darwin, one could well say, chiefly for the purpose of accounting for the inheritance of acquired characters, were then deprived by Galton in great part but not com- pletely of this property, and finally with DeVries, and still more with Weismann became themselves the greatest difficulty for accepting that inheritance. Darwin. 281 Of Darwin’s pangenesis it is necessary here to men- tion only the conception that the sexual or reproductive organs in general were not so much the place of refuge to which the germ plasm withdrew immediately after its separation from the soma at the very commencement of development, as rather the containers of the germinal substance continually produced and secreted by other parts of the organism lying without these organs, so that they build up as it were the sexual or reproductive cells out of this valuable material thus received and accumulated.?12 In Darwin’s hypothesis this conception of the repro- ductive organs as mere glands for the reception and giving up again of the germinal substance was intimately associated, although in its essence quite separate and independent, with his further conception of the free circulation of the gemmules throughout the organism; and he supposes, as is known, that these gemmules were produced and secreted continuously during the adult state by all somatic cells indiscriminately—by those already present as well as by those just appearing in consequence of a new functional adaptation. Now if Galton by his experiments on the transfusion of blood from a rabbit of one species to the blood vessels of another belonging to a related species, has provoked a thoroughly justifiable doubt of this supposed circulation of gemmules, especially in so far as it was carried on in the blood vessels, the original idea remained nevertheless unshaken, that is that the germinal substance is assembled in the sexual glands after it has been formed in some real place of origin external to them. 212Darwin: The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domesti-+ cation. II. P. 370, 379. 282 Theories Treating of Inheritance Because of the fact that the theory of Darwin derives the germinal substance from all parts of the soma. rather than from one well defined region of it, its partisans could certainly not object to these experiments that they leave the conception still possible that the germinal sub- stance might perhaps be transmitted from such a special well defined region to the sexual organs only along certain very definite special ways, which might be quite different from the blood vessels. And on account of the nature and properties attributed to the gemmules they would be still less able to advance the conjecture that a substance might possibly be reproduced at a distance, quite like another substance, by the direct influence of the latter, by means of some other means of connection of such nature that it would not require any real and proper material trans- mission. From this the conclusion may be drawn, that all theories which do not exclude or perhaps even include one or the other of these two hypotheses upon the manner of transmission or upon the means of reproduction at a distance of the germinal substance, are completely justi- fied in accepting Darwin’s conception of the sexual glands, acording to which the latter have nnly the func- tion of receiving and accumulating a substance the real origin of which is outside these organs. In the case of Galton we shall recall only that he was the first who introduced the theory that stirp,—i. e., the germ plasm consisting of numerous germs or of gem- mules which remain behind after the extrusion of the particles concerned directly in the formation of the new organism—separated itself entirely from the soma immediately, at the commencement of development. Through this separation of the stirp from the soma he opened the way which later led necessarily to the uncon- Galton; DeVries; Weismann 283 ditional rejection of the inheritance of acquired char- acters. Nevertheless he did not immediately venture to go so far but continued to admit as a sort of concession that in the adult organism a gemmule might occasionally escape from the somatic cell, which had produced it and was also its customary abode, even though this cell had been only shortly before acquired in consequence of a new functional adaptation; then this gemmule might be taken up by the reproductive organs and become likewise a part of the stirp and the acquired character which had ap- peared in the somatic cells might thus be inherited.?!3 In the case of DeVries we should remark that he assumes that the germinal substance, that is the sum total of the pangens, is present equally in all nuclei only be- cause he, as we have also seen in the case of Driesch, took it for granted that nuclear divisions are qualitatively equal. If then a nucleus of a somatic cell acquired new pangens, as a consequence of a new local functional adaptation, then they would have to remain in the place where they arose and could not enter the reproductive cells also. And so much the more since he also asserts that the substance which will later actually form the sexual cells separate itself from the soma immediately, at the commencement of development, and passes along cer- tain “Keimbahnen,” which may be recognized, chiefly because upon them the greater part of the pangens remain inactive.?14 In respect to Weismann we remark once again that in consequence of a more rigorous logical elaboration of the doctrine of prefotmistic germs, which has convinced him 218Galton: A Theory of Heredity. Journ. of the Anthropo- logical Institute. January 1876. P. 342—343. 214De Vries: Intracellulare Pangenesis. P. 188—180. 284 Theories Treating of Inheritance of the necessity of regarding them as bound up with one another into a rigid structure, he has been led, through the conception of these preformistic germs which was forced upon him by particulate inheritance, to deny most energetically every possibility of the inheritance by the germ of characters which the soma had acquired by functional adaptation. Weismann admits, it is true, that sometimes external influences acting uniformly upon the whole organism, like temperature and other such things, can alter the deter- minants of the soma and the corresponding determinants of the germ at the same time and in the same direction; as occurs for example in the determinants of the wing scales of the butterfly Polyommatus phlaeas, whose color changes as we have seen when it is transported to a warmer climate. But the cases which permit of this ex- planation, which resembles in many respects the above discussed diplogenesis of Cope,—the only cases which Weismann admits,—are limited by this investigator to so small a number, and are also of so peculiar a kind that it would be wrong to assert that he held less determinedly to his earlier stand as an opponent of the Lamarckian theory. We may point out however, the following contradic- tions. He admits inheritance in unicellular organisms while he denies it in the pluricellular and thinks he can justify this by saying simply that as the unicellular divide always into two equal halves they need only preserve what they have acquired, in order to transmit it unaltered to the new individuals. But this is not right. For new functional adaptations acquired by the anterior end of the infusorian Stentor, for instance the acquisition of “Mem- branelles” by the peristome in consequence of the fusion Weismann 285 of several cilia, would then become transmitted only to that one of the two new individuals to which the anterior part falls in the division, and could in no wise be trans- mitted to the other individual in which this anterior part is formed anew. If one assumes on the contrary, that transmission goes on by means of the nuclei, and can therefore proceed equally into both of the two newly forming individuals, one could not then understand, wherein the transmission of somatic modifications in the unicellular animals, which is accomplished by means of a part of the organism containing in itself no membranelles and quite distinct from them, would differ from the trans- mission of any modification experienced by any organ of a pluricellular organism, which likewise goes on by means of a fragment containing no part of the modified organ and quite distinct from it. So much the more since the substantial identity of the complex unicellular with the pluricellular organisms, which we have already discussed above, corresponds also with a substantial identity in their development, as is shown by the fact that the funda- mental biogenetic law of the repetition of phylogeny by ontogeny is followed in the development of unicellular animals also, as for example, in the formation of the new frontal field in the division of Stentor coereleus.?’® And in relation to all these theories with preformistic germs from Darwin to Weismann we might mention once more the insurmountable difficulties that would be encountered if one were required to explain by them this very fundamental law, either in unicellular or pluricellu- lar organisms. This impossibility and the fact that in the 218Johnson: A contribution to the Morphology and Biology of the Stentors. Journ. of Morphol.; vol. VIII, No. 3, Boston, U. S.A, Ginn, August 1893. P. 519. 286 Theories Treating of Inheritance end the acceptance of these germs has led necessarily to systems which reject the inheritance of acquired char- acters concur to prove, although more proof is certainly no longer necessary after all the other considerations which we have developed in an earlier chapter, that the very idea of these preformistic germs is untenable, as is thus every theory founded upon them. However limited the number of theories or hypoth- eses selected by us, and however rapid and brief the critical exposition which we have made of them, it seems to us nevertheless that it is unnecessary to proceed further with our examination. For it has shown us that among the principal theories, which up to the present have been devised to explain the inheritance of acquired characters, none has accomplished this difficult task, and it has already served another purpose for which chiefly we undertook it. This purpose consisted on the one hand in bringing to light in other theories the most suggestive and fruitful ideas put forward; on the other hand in deter- mining the conditions which are necessary and sufficient to render possible the inheritance of acquired characters, and a critical examination of concrete theories already developed has certainly helped to put these conditions in evidence better than simple reflection upon them could have done. If we take a look over the road which we have thus far traveled we see that among these conditions those which have appeared to us as the essential and fundamental ones are the three following: 1. All the manifold physical, chemical, morphologi- cal, and physiologic variations, which can appear in the most different parts of the organism, are to be ascribed Conditions Necessary for Inheritance 287 to specific alterations of a single form of energy, so that the latter appears, as it were, the common denominator for these variations that are quite unlike in nature and whose combination or separation is thus permitted as often as required. 2. The determinative influence which the germ sub- stance in its totality exerts upon the soma cannot be limited to the first-moment of the first cleavage of the egg but must persist throughout the whole of ontogeny up to the adult condition, so that the germinal substance never as it were loses touch with the soma, but rather remains in a continual state of reciprocal action and reaction with it. 3. The influence exerted by the soma in this way must be reversible, that is the germ substance must be influenced in such a way that it can call forth again at the proper moment, at the numberless different points of the soma of the new organism, all the same, respective, special, somatic conditions by whose complex modes of being the germ substance itself was already influenced in the parent organism in so special a way. This last condition which alone implies in itself the whole question of inheritance falls again into two parts. First the germ substance must be influenced always in such a way that it is capable of giving back at the required moment the same influence, qualitatively identical but in the reverse direction, which it had already experienced as the single resultant of all the elementary somatic in- fluences to which this germinal substance was simulta- neously subjected in the preceding organism. Second: the germ substance which thus gives back again the influence, by which it was influenced, qualitatively identical but in reverse direction, must be localized at a 288 Theories Treating of Inheritance single definite point of the organism, which is always the same, both when the parent soma exerts its influence upon the germ substance which it contains, and also when the latter exerts upon the new organism its own determina- tive ontogenetic influence. It is therefore our task now to investigate in the following chapter whether the centroepigenetic hypothesis already set forth above really satisfies all these conditions and is consequently capable of really affording the ade- quate explanation for the inheritance of acquired characters, which we seek, CHAPTER SEVEN THE CENTROEPIGENETIC HYPOTHESIS AND THE EXPLANA- TION OF INHERITANCE AFFORDED BY IT. As we said at the end of the third chapter, when the end of development is reached, and there comes with it a cessation of the steady activation by the central zone of new specific potential elements, there is also a cessation of the perturbing action which that zone had up till then exercised upon the dynamic equilibrium of each onto- genetic stage; so that the organism attains at that moment the final equilibrium of the adult state. But we should note that a new perturbing influence can now come into play, namely, the functional stimulus in the widest sense with all its innumerable variations. In the same manner, we said, as the perturbing action of the central zone had formerly upset the equili- brium which was but just formed, and so provoked the passage of the organism to a new ontogenetic state, so now each lasting change of the functional stimulus by disturbing the dynamic equilibrium of the adult state, will induce another general distribution of nervous energy. Consequently each cell of the entire organism or of cer- tain portions of the organism will now be traversed by a nervous flux which is specifically different from that be- fore existing, and specifically different in different cells. In each nucleus of these cells, we continued, a par- 289 290 Explanation of Inheritance ticular specific potential element will consequently be formed and deposited, which will be added to the element or elements already present. All these elements, new as well as old, deposited in the somatic nuclei, will, however, be lost with the death of the individual; and those alone will escape this destruction which are deposited in the germinal substance of the central zone. The lasting variation of the functional stimulus will thus have had for its total effect, in so far as the species is concerned, the simple addition of a new specific potential element to the germinal substance. Arrived at this point, we reserved for one of the following chapters the examination of the manner in which this new element would act in the ontogeny of the next following organism. It is then with this examina- tion that we must now occupy ourselves in the present chapter. We should first dwell a little more in detail upon this hypothesis, which we mentioned only in passing in con- nection with the posthumous action, or “Nachwirkung,” of the nucleus in enucleated fragments of unicellular forms. We mean the hypothesis that the substance which constitutes each specific element, and which is cap- able of giving as discharge a single well-determined specific nerve-current, is also the same and only substance which this specific nerve-current can in its turn form and deposit. This should not appear so very strange to us, since the inorganic world itself presents a phenomenon similar in certain respects. The substance which actually con- stitutes the charge of ordinary electric accumulators is capable of giving back inversely, during its discharge, the same kind of energy which it had previously received, Accumulators of Specific Nervous Energy 291 and by which it had itself been deposited, namely the continuous electric current. The most important differ- ence consists in this, that an electric accumulator is capable of restoring always only one and the same kind of energy, but not solely such or such intensity of current. It constitutes, for that reason, only a generic potential element; but such accumulators would attain the com- pleteness of specific potential elements—receiving and restoring instruments of the greatest delicacy—if one could make it possible that each one of them should re- ceive and restore only a single definite intensity of current. The similarities and differences which nerve currents present, in comparison with electric currents, quite war- rant us in assuming in nerve currents some of the properties of electric currents, and in attributing at the same time to the first other properties which the electric do not possess, provided these qualities are not incom- patible with the others. It is known that, if we designate by E the electro- motor force of an accumulator or of any electro-chemical generator, it can furnish currents of any intensity i whatever, according to the resistance R of the circuit, according to the equation i=E/R. Thus,—even though the terms of motor force, of resistance, of intensity, or more generally of specificity, transferred from electric to nervous currents are very indefinite—we may very well venture, nevertheless, as a preliminary trial hypothesis, to attribute to nervous currents as among the properties which they might have analogous to electric currents precisely those contained in this equation. As it involves nothing incompatible with the prop- erties expressed by this equation, we may imagine a nervous accumulator, constituted by a given substance 292 Explanation of Inheritance capable of being produced and deposited solely by a current of a definite intensity or specificity, and at the same time capable of producing, by its decomposition, this current only, of the same intensity or specificity i is that of the charge. This accumulator, then, will discharge itself and produce this current as often as its nervo-motive force, which we may still call E, is sufficiently great to overcome the respective resistance, according to the equation: E=iR. Finally, we can assume that the magnitude of this nervo-motive force, is proportional to the quantity or mass of the substance which has been gradually deposited and accumulated, as if the successive infinitesimal deposits of this substance were innumerable little Leyden jars ar- ranged in serial order. Then the greater the mass of the specific substance of this nervous accumulator the greater in proportion will be the resistance which its dis- charge will be able to overcome. At the same time, this accumulator, capable of surmounting by its current of a fixed intensity i a given resistance R, will be capable also of surmounting every other resistance less great than R; for to effect that, it will suffice that it be not the total quantity of material at disposal that enters into action, but only a portion more or less large, so as to furnish for each resistance R’