I~ (W245 Gurnell University Library Ithaca, Nem York The date shows when this volume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian. fe Wah HOME USE RULES All Books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to bor- row books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and Tepairs. Limited books must be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from epccogc town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as JA soelsatapasadagnersexsserese “ee possible, For special pur- = tL Mi 1) poses they are given out for a limited time. ~ Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the benefit of other persons. 7 Bopks of special value ahd sift, baok’, when the Wishes it, are not al- to circulate. jaders are asked to re- port all cases of books marked or mutilated. Do not deface books by marks and writing. QH 368. His 1879 erry Wii olin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024755187 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. THE EVOLUTION OF MAN: A’ POPULAR EXPOSITION OF THE PRINCIPAL POINTS OF HUMAN ONTOGENY AND PHYLOGENY. - FROM THE GERMAN OF ERNST HAECKEL, PROFESSOR IN TNE UNIVERSITY OF JENA, ’ AUTHOR OF “THE HISTORY OF CREATION,” ETO. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1879. / CORNELL ee Soe Ne CONTENTS OF VOL. II. —\_o— PAGE List of Plates ri ee oes ove aes ats xiil List of Woodcuts ues + see ue eee wee xiv List of Genetic Tables weet eee von ee XV CHAPTER XV. THE DURATION OF HUMAN TRIBAL HISTORY. Comparison of Ontogenetic and Phylogenetic Periods of Time.—Dura- tion of Germ-history in Man and in Different Animals.—Extreme Brevity of the Latter in Comparison with the Immeasurable Long Periods of Tribal History.—Relation of this Rapid Ontogenetic Modification to the Slow Phylogenetic Metamorphosis.—Hstimate of the Past Duration of the Organic World, founded on the Relative Thickness of Sedimentary Rock-strata, or Neptunian Formations. —The Five Main Divisions in the Latter: I. Primordial, or Archilithic Epoch. IT. Primary, or Paleolithic Epoch. III. Second- ary, or Mesolithic Epoch. IV. Tertiary, or Czenolithic Epoch. V. Quaternary, or Anthropolithic Epoch.—The Relative Duration of the Five Epochs.—The Results of Comparative Philology as Explaining the Phylogeny of Species.—The Inter-relations of the Main Stems and Branches of the Indo-Germanic Languages are Analogous to the Inter-relations of the Main Stems and Branches of the Vertebrate Tribe.—The Parent Forms in both Cases are Extinct.—The Most Important Stages among the Human An- cestral Forms.—Monera originated by Spontaneous Generation. —Neceggity of Spontaneous Generation eae ae ara | CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVI. THE ANCESTRY OF MAN. I. From tur Moyera To THE GASTRMA. Relation of the General Inductive Law of the Theory of Descent to The the Special Deductive Laws of the Hypotheses of Descent.—Incom- pleteness of the Three Great Records of Creation: Palsontology, Ontogeny, and Comparative Anatomy.—Unequal Certainty of the Various Special Hypotheses of Descent.—The Ancestral Line of Men in Twenty-two Stages : Eight Invertebrate and Fourteen Verte- brate Ancestors.—Distribution of these Twenty-two Parent-forms in the Five Main Divisions of the Organic History of the Earth.— First Ancestral Stage: Monera.—The Structureless and Homo- geneous Plasson of the Monera.—Differentiation of the Plasson into Nucleus, and the Protoplasm of the Cells——Cytods and Cells as Two Different Plastid-forms.—Vital Phenomena of Monera.— Organisms without Organs.—Second Ancestral Stage: Amoebeo. —One-celled Primitive Animals of the Simplest and most Un- differentiated Nature.—The Ameeboid Egg-cells.—The Egg is Older than the Hen.—Third Ancestral Stage: Syn-Ameeba, Ontogeneti- cally reproduced in the Morula.—A Community of Homogeneous Amoeboid Cells.—Fourth Ancestral Stage: Planza, Ontogénetically reproduced in the Blastula or Planula.—Fifth Ancestral Stage: Gastrzea, Ontogenetically reproduced in the Gastrula and the Two- layered Germ-disc.—Origin of the Gastreea by Inversion (invagi- natio) of the Planea.—Haliphysema and Gastrophysema.—Extant Gastroeads eee tee bee tee see aes CHAPTER XVII. THE ANCESTRAL SERIES OF MAN. Il. From Tur Primitive Worm To THE SKuLLEp ANIMAL. Four Higher Animal Tribes are descended from the Worm Tribe. —The Descendants of the Gastrea; in one direction the Parent Form of Plant-Animals (Sponges and Sea-Nettles), in the other the Parent Form of Worms.—Radiate form of the former, Bilateral form of the latter.—The Two Main Divisions of the Worms, Acelomi and Celomati: the former without, the latter with, a Body Cavity and Blood-vessel System.—Sixth Ancestral Stage: Archelminthes, most nearly allied to Turbcllaria.—Descent of the PAGE 34 CONTENTS. vil PAGE Coolomati from the Accelomi.—Mantled Animals (Tunicata) and Chorda-Animals (Chordonia).—Seventh Stage: Soft-Worms (Scole. cida).—A Side Branch of the latter: the Acorn-Worm (Balano- glossus).—Differentiation of the Intestinal Tube into Gill-intes- tine and Stomach-intestine.—Highth Stage: Chorda-Animals (Chor- donia).—Ascidian Larva exhibits the Outline of a Chorda-Animal.— Construction of the Notochord.—Mantled Animals and Verte- brates as Diverging Branches of Chorda-Animals.—Separation of Vertebrates from the other Higher Animal Tribes (Articulated Animals, Star-Animals, Soft-bodied Animals).—Significance of the Metameric Formation.—Skull-less Animals (Acrania) and Skulled Animals (Craniota).—Ninth Ancestral Stage: Skull-less Animals. —Amphioxus and Primitive Vertebrate-—Development of Skulled Animals (Construction of the Head, Skull, and Brain).—Tenth Ancestral Stage: Skulled Animals, allied to the Cyclostomi (Myzi- noide and Petromyzonide) ... arr eee vee we 7 CHAPTER XVIII. THE PEDIGREE OF MAN. III. From tH Primitive FisH to tHE AMNIOTIC ANIMAL. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates,—The Characteristic Qualities of the Double-nostrilled and Jaw-monthed: the Double-Nostrils, the Gill-arch Apparatus, with the Jaw-arches, the Swimming- bladder, the Two Pairs of Limbs.—Relationship of the Three Groups of Fishes: the Primitive Fishes (Selachii), the Ganoids (Ganoides), the Osseous Fishes (Teleostei).—Dawn of Terrestrial Life on the Eartb.— Modification of the Swimming-bladder into the Lungs.—Intermediate Position of the Dipneusta between the Primitive Fishes and Amphibia.—The Three Extant Dipneusta (Protopterus, Lepidosiren, Ceratodus).—Modification of the Many- toed Fin of the Fish into the Five-toed Foot.-—Causes and Effects of the latter.—Descent of all Higher Vertebrates from a Five-toed Amphibian.—Intermediate Position of the Amphibians between the Lower and Higher Vertebrates.—Modification or Metamorphosis of Frogs.—Different Stages in Amphibian Metamorphosis.—The Gilled Batrachians (Proteus and Awolotl)—The Tailed Batrachians (Salamanders and Mud-fish)—Frog Batrachians (Frogs and Toads).—Chief Group of the Amnion Animals, or Amniota (Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals).—Descent of all the Amniota from a Common vili CONTENTS. PAGE Lizard-like Parent-form (Protamnion).—First Formation of the Allantois and of the Amnion.—Branching of the Amnion Animalz in Two Lines: on the one side, Reptiles (and Birds), on the other side, Mammals eee ee wie aes aes « 107 CHAPTER XIX. THE PEDIGREE OF MAN. IV. From tue Primitive MAMMAL To THE APR. The Mammalian Character of Man.—Common Descent of all Mammals from a Single Parent-form (Promammalian).—Bifurcation of the Amnion Animals into Two Main Lines: on the one side, Rep- tiles and Birds, on the other, Mammals.—-Date of the Origin of Mammals: the Trias Period.—The Three Main Groups or Sub- classes of Mammals: their Genealogical Relations.—Sixteenth Ancestral Stage : Cloacal Animals (Monotremata, or Ornithodelphia). —The Extinct Primitive Mammals (Promammalia) and the Extant Beaked Animals (Qrnithostoma).—Seventeenth Ancestral Stage: Pouched Animals (Marsupialia, or Didelphia).—Extinct and Extant Pouched Animals.—Their Intermediate Position between Mono- tremes and Placental Animals.—Origin and Structure of Placental Animals (Placentalia, or Monodelphia).—Yormation of the Pla- centa.—The Deciduous Embryonic Membrane (Decidwa).—Group of the Indecidua and of the Deciduata.—The Formation of the Decidua (vera, serotina, refleca) in Man and in Apes.—Eighteenth Stage: Semi-apes (Prosimiw).—Nineteenth Stage: Tailed “Apes (Menocerca).—Twentieth Stage : Man-like Apes (Anthropoides).— Speechless and Speaking Men (Afali.. Homines) ove +. 140 CHAPTER XX, THE HISTORY OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE EPIDERMIS AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Animal and Vegetative Organ-systems —Original Relations of these to the I'wo Primary Germ-layers.—Sensory Apparatus.— Constituents of Sensory Apparatus: originally only the Exoderm, or Skin-layer ; afterwards, the Skin-covering specialized from the Nerve-system. —Double Function of the Skin (as a Covering and as Organ of CONTENTS. 1x PAGE Touch).—Outer Skin (Epidermis) and Leather-skin (Cortum).— Appendages of the Epidermis: Skin-glands (Sweat-glands, Tear- glands, Sebaceous Glands, Milk-glands); Nails and Hair.—The Embryonic Wool-covering.—Hair of the Head and of the Beard.— Influence of Sexual Selection.—Arrangement of the Nerve-system. —Motor and Sensory Nerves.—Central Marrow: Brain and Dorsal Marrow.—Constitution of the Human Brain: Large Brain (Cere- brum) and Small Brain (Cerebellwm).—Comparative Anatomy of the Central Marrow.—Germ-history of the Medullary-tube.—Sepa- ration of the Medullary-tube into Brain and Dorsal Marrow.— Moditication of the Simple Brain-bladder into Five Consecutive Brain-bladders: Fore-brain (Large Brain, or Cerebrum), Twixt- brain (“Centre of Sight”), Mid-brain (“Four Bulbs”), Hind-brain ‘(Small Brain, or Cerebellum), After-brain (Neck Medulla).—Various Formation of the Five Brain-bladders in the various Vertebrate Classes.—Development of the Conductive Marrow, or “ Peripheric Nervous System” .., “ae eu sae oes .» 190 CHAPTER XXI. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE-ORGANS. Origin of the most highly Purposive Sense-organs by no Preconceived Purpose, but simply by Natural Selection—The Six Sense-organs and the Seven Sense-functions.—All the Sense-organs originally Developed from the Outer Skin-covering (from the Skin-sensory Layer).—Organs of the Pressure Sense, the Heat Sense, the Sexual Sense, and the Taste Sense.—Structure of the Organ of Scent. —The Blind Nose-pits of Fishes.—The Nasal Furrows change into Nasal Canals.—Separation of the Cavities of the Nose and Mouth by the Palate Roof.—Structure of the Hye.—The Primary Eye Vesicles (Stalked Protuberances from the Twixt-brain)— Inversion of this Eye Vesicle by the Crystalline Lens, separated from the Horn-plate.—Inversion of the Vitreous Body.—The Vas. cular Capsule and the Fibrous Capsule of the Eyeball.—Eyelids. —Structure of the Ear.—The Apparatus for Perception of Sound : Labyrinth and Auditory Nerve.—Origin of the Labyrinth from the Primitive Ear Vesicles (by Separation from the Horn-plate).— Conducting Apparatus of Sound: Drum Cavity, Ear Bonelets, and Drum Membrane.—Origin of these from the First Gill-opening and the Parts immediately round it (the First and Second Gill- arch).—Rudimentary Outer Har.—Rudimentary Muscles of the Ear-shell dite oe sik ee si6 w. 233 The CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANS OF MOTION. Motive Apparatus of Vertebrates.—These are constituted by the Passive and Active Organs of Motion (Skeleton and Muscles).— The Significance of the Internal Skeleton of Vertebrates.—Struc- ture of the Vertebral Column.—Formation and Number of the Vertebrac.—The Ribs and Breast-bone.—Germ-history of the Verte- bral Column.—The Notochord.—The Primitive Vertebral Plates.— The Formation of the Metamera.—Cartilaginous and Bony Verte- brae.—Intervertebral Discs.—Head-skeleton (Skull and Gill-arches). —Vertebral Theory of the Skull (Goethe and Oken, Huxley and Gegenbaur).—Primitive Skull, or Primordial Cranium.—Its Forma- tion from Nine or Ten Coalescent Metamera.—The Gill-arches (Ribs of the Head).—Bones of the Two Pairs of Limbs.—Develop- ment of the Five-toed Foot, adapted for Walking, from the Many- toed Fin of the Fish.—The Primitive Fin of the Selachians (Archipterygium of Gegenbaur).—Transition of the Pinnate into ‘ the Semi-pinnate Fin.—Atrophy of the Rays or Toes of the Fins.— The Many-fingered and Five-fingered Vertebrates.—Comparison of the Anterior Limbs (Pectoral Fins) and the Posterior Limbs (Ventral Fins).—Shoulder Girdle and Pelvis Girdle—Germ-history of the Limbs.—Development of the Muscles sas vee tee CHAPTER XXIII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTESTINAL SYSTEM. Primitive Intestine of the Gastrula.—Its Homology, or Morpho- logical Identity in all Animals (excepting the Protozoa).—Survey of the Structure of the Developed Intestinal Canal in Man.—The Mouth-cavity.—The Throat (pharynx) —The Gullet (esophagus).— The Wind-pipe (trachea) and Lungs.,—The Larynx.—The Stomach. —tThe Small Intestine.—The Liver and Gall-bladder.—The Ventral Salivary Gland (pancreas).—The Large Intestine.—The Rectum.— The First Rudiment of the Simple Intestinal Tube.—The Gastrula of the Amphioxus and of Mainmals.—Separation of the Germ from the Intestinal Germ Vesicle (Gastrocystis)—The Primitive Intes- tine (Protogaster) and the After Intestine (Metagaster).—Secondary Formation of the Mouth and Anus from the Outer Skin.—Develop- ment of the Intestinal Epitheliam from the Intestinal-glandular Layer, and of all other parts of the Intestine from the Intestinal- fibrous Layer.—Simple Intestinal Pouch of the Lower Worms.— PAGE 273 CONTENTS. xi Differentiation of the Primitive Intestinal Tube into a Respiratory se and a Digestive Intestine.—Gill-intestine and Stomach-intestine of the Amphioxus and Ascidian.— Origin and Significance of the Gill- openings.—Their Disappearance.—The Gill-arches and the Jaw- Skeleton.—Formation of the Teeth—Development of the Lungs from the Swim-bladder of Fish.—Differentiation of the Stomach.— Development of the Liver and Pancreas.—Differentiation of the Small and Large Intestines.—Formation of the Cloaca .., ew 311 CHAPTER XXIV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Application of the Fundamental Law of Biogeny.—The Two Sides.— Heredity of Conservative Organs.—Adaptation of Progressive Organs.—Ontogeny and Comparative Anatomy complementary of each other.—New “Theories of Evolution” of His.—The “En- velope Theory” and the “ Waste-rag Theory.”—Main Germ and Supplementary Germ.—Formative Yelk and Nutritive Yelk.—Phy- logenetic Origin of the latter from the Primitive Intestine.—Origin of the Vascular System from the Vascular Layer, or Intestinal- fibrous Layer.—Phylogenetic Significance of the Ontogenetic Suc- cession of the Organ-systems and Tissues.—Deviation from the Original Sequence ; Ontogenetic Heterochronism.—Covering Tissue. —Connective Tissue.—Nerve-muscle Tissue.—Vascular Tissue.— Relative Age of the Vascular System.—First Commencement of the Latter ; Coeloma.—Dorsal Vessel and Ventral Vessel of Worms. —Simple Heart of Ascidia.+Atrophy of the Heart in the Am. phioxus.—Two-chambered Heart of the Cyclostoma.—Arterial Arches of the Selachii—Double Auricle in Dipneusta and Am- phibia.—Double Ventricle in Birds and Mammals.—Arterial Arches in Birds and Mammals.—Germ-history (Ontogeny) of the Human Heart.—Parallelism of the Tribal-history (Phylogeny) ... ve 818 CHAPTER XXV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS. Importance of Reproduction.—Growth.—Simplest Forms of Asexual Reproduction: Division and the Formation of Buds (Gemmation).— Simplest Forms of Sexual Reproduction: Amalgamation of Two Differentiated Cells; the Male Sperm-cell and the Female Egg-cell. —Fertilization.—Source of Love.—Original Hermaphroditism ; CONTENTS. Later Separation of the Sexes (Gonochorism).—Original Develop- ment of the Two Kinds of Sexual Cells from the Two Primary Germ-layers.—The Male Exoderm and Female Entoderm.—Develop- ment of the Testes and Ovaries.— Passage of the Sexual Cells into the Colom.—Hermaphrodite Rudiment of the Embryonic EHpi- thelium, or Sexual Plate——Channels of Exit, or Sexual Ducts.— Egg-duct and Seed-duct.—Development of these from the Primitive Kidney Ducts.—Excretory Organs of worms.—‘ Coiled Canals ” of Ringed Worms (Annelida).—Side Canals of the Amphiovus.— Primitive Kidneys of the Myxinoides.—Primitive Kidneys of Skulled Animals (Craniota).—Development of the Permanent Secondary Kidneys in Amniota.—Development of the Urinary Bladder from the Allantois.—Differentiation of the Primary and Secondary Primitive Kidney Ducts.—The Miillerian Duct (Egg-duct) and the Wolffian Duct (Seed-duct).—Change of Position of the Germ-glands in Mammals.—Formation of the Egg in Mammals (Graafian Fol- licle).—Origin of the External Sexual Organs.—Formation of the Cloaca.—Hermaphroditism in Man... site vee 33 CHAPTER XXXVI. RESULTS OF ANTHROPOGENY. Review of the Germ-history as given.—Its Explanation by the Funda- mental Law of Biogeny.—Its Causal Relation to the History of the Tribe.— Rudimentary Organs of Man.—Dysteleology, or the Doc- trine of Purposelessness.—Inheritances from Apes.—Man’s place in the Natural System of the Animal Kingdom.—Man as a Vertebrate and a Mammal.—Special Tribal Relation of Men and Apes.— Evidences regarding the Ape Question.—The Catarhina and the Platyrhina.—The Divine Origin of Man.—Adam and Eve.—History of the Evolution of the Mind.—Important Mental Differences within a Single Class of Animals.—The Mammalian Mind and the Insect Mind.—Mind in the Ant and in the Scale-louse (Coccus).—Mind in Man and in Ape.—The Organ of Mental Activity: the Central Nervous System.—The Ontogeny and Phylogeny of the Mind.— The Monistic aud Dualistic Theories of the Mind.—Heredity of the Mind.—Bearing of the Fundamental Law of Biogeny on Psychology. —Influence of Anthropogeny on the Victory of the Monistic Philo- sophy aud the Defeat of the Dualistic—Nature and Spirit.—Natural Science and Spiritual Science.—Conception of the World reformed by Anthropogeny £5 Siw Notes. Remarks and References to Literature oee Ss InpDEX eis see Se ies ee es PAGE 388 LIST OF PLATES. Plate XII. (between p. 130 and p. 131). The Australian Mud- fish (Ceratodus Foster’) ... «. Explanation Plate XIII. (between p. 130 and p. 131). The Mexican Axolotl (Siredon pisciformis) and the European Land-salamander (Salamandra maculata) aie .. Explanation Plate XIV. (between p. 180 and p. 181). Four Catarhines (Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Orang, Negro) .. Explanation Plate XV. (between p. 188 and p.189). Pedigree of Man Explanation PAGE 118 129 181 184 LIST OF WOODCUTS. FIGURE 163. Moneron (Protameba) 164. Bathybius, primitive slime 165. Monerula of Mammal 166. Cytulaof Mammal. . 167. Amceba . . . . 168. Amoeboid egg-cell . . 169. Original egg-cleavage 170. Mulberry-germ (Morula) . 171. Germination of Monoxenia 172, 173. Magosphera 174-179. Gastrula of various animals P i . 180, 181. Haliphysema . 182, 183. Ascula of a Sponge . 184,185. A Gliding-worm (Rhabdocelum) 186. Acorn-worm (Balanoglos- sus). . . . 187. Appendicularia . . 188. Ascidia . . ° . 189. Amphioxus . . . 190. Lamprey (Petromyzon) 191,192. Shark (Selachii) 193. Larval Salamander . 194, Larval Frog (Tadpole) oe PAGE | FIGURE 46 | 195, 196. Beaked Animal (Orni- 49 thorhynchus) and its 51 skeleton . . 51 | 197. Pouched Animal (Marsu- 53 pial) with young . 53 | 198. Human ege-membranes . 55 | 199. Semi-ape (Lori) 55 | 200. Human germ with its 57 membranes . . . 60 | 201. Humanuterus, navel-cord, and embryo . . 65 | 202. Head of Nose-ape 67 | 203. Tailed Ape (Sea-cat) 68 | 204, Skeleton of Gibbon * 205. Skeleton of Orang-outang &0 | 206. Skeleton of Chimpanzce . 207. Skeleton of Gorilla . 86 | 208. Skeleton of Man . x 90 | 209. Gastrula of Gastrophy- 90- sema . : 91 | 210. Germ-layers of Earth- 103 worms : i 113 | 211. Nerve-system of Gliding- 127 worm . . . 127 | 212 Human skin-covering . PAGE LIST OF WOODCUTS. FIGURE 213, Epidermis cells. . 214. Tear-glands . . . 215, 216. Milk-glands 217, 218. Central marrow of humanembryo . 219. Human brain . . . 220. 7 Sh 0218 . . 221-223. Lyre-shaped embryo Chick . . : : 224-226. The five brain-blad. ders of the human germ 227. The five brain-bladders of Craniota ‘ . . 228. Brain of Shark . . 229. Brain of Frog. . ° 230. Brain of Rabbit . : 231. Nose of Shark Z - 232-236. Development of the face in embryo Chick . 237. Nose and mouth cavities. 238-240. The face in the humanembryo . . 241. Humaneye . . . 242. Development of the eyes 243. in 2 244, Human auditory passage 245. Humanauditory labyrinth 246-248. Development of the ear : 7 7 . 249, Primitive skull with ear- vesicles . « 250. Rudimentary ear-muscles 251, 252. Human skeleton . 253. Human vertebral column 254. Neck-vertebra F : 255, Breast-vertebra ° 256. Lumbar-vertebra . . PAGE 201 202 203 210 212 213 218 220 222 222 222 224 241 243, 246 247 250 253 256 260 263 264, 264 270 279 280 281 281 281 FIGURE 257. Portion of notochord 7 258-260. Growth of the primi- tive vertebral series in embryo Chick. . 261. Longitudinal section of breast-vertebra . . 262. 263. 264. 265. Transverse section of same Intervertebral disc . é Human skull . ‘ * Head skeleton of Primi- tive Fish ‘ . Primitive skull of Man . Skeleton of finof Ceratodus Skeleton of fin of Acan- thias . . * Skeleton of fin of Primi- tive Fish . Skeleton of hand of Frog Skeleton of hand of Gorilla Skeleton of human hand . Skeleton of hand of Mam- mal ‘ ; * Gastrula of Olynthus Human stomach . i 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272, 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278, Gastrula of Amphioxus . Gastrula of Mammal 279. Human germ with yelk-sac and allantois . 280. Intestine of Turbellaria . 281. 282. 283. 284, Intestine of Ascidia ‘ Intestine of Amphiorus . Scales of Shark . 285. Intestine of embryo Dog with the intestinal glands . . . Intestine with allantois . Intestine of human germ, 286. 287. &V PAGE 286 288 290 291 291 292 296 297 302 302 302 302 302 302 306 313 317 321 321 324 327 327 328 332 334 338 339 xvi LIST FIGURE 288. Liver of haman germ 289. Nail-tissue .: 5 * 290. Intestinal epithelium . 291, Jelly-like tissue . . 292. Cartilaginous tissue 293. Neuro-muscular cells a 294. Nerve-tissue . . . 295. Muscle-tissue . i * 296. Vascular tissue . . 297. Blood-cells . , 298. Blood-vessels of a Worm. 299. Head with blood-vessels of Fish . ‘ 3 p 300-302. Arterial arches 303-306. ” 7 3 307-3810. Development of the heart. . . : 311-314. Development of the heart . . . . 315. Transverse section through Haliphysema . OF WOODCUTS, PAGE 342 362 362 363 363 364 364 364 365 365 371 375 377 378 380 382 393 FIGURE 316. Rudiments of Urogenitalia 317. Primitive kidney of Bdello- stoma . . 318. Earliest primitive kidney rudiments. . . 319, 320. Primitive kidneys of Mammals. . . 321. Development of urogeni- tal system . . . 322, 323. my ” 324-326. 55 ” 327. Female sexual organs of Beaked Animal (Orni- thorhynchus) : . 328. Change of position of both kinds of sexual glands in human beings . 329. Development of the homan external sexual organs 330. Human egg-follicles . PAGE 400 406 408 409 414 415 416 418 422 426 TABLE XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXTI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVIUI. XXVIII. LIST OF GENETIC TABLES. Systematic Survey of paleontological periods ay Systematic Survey of paleontological formations Systematic Survey of the thickness of the forma- tions ae eee Pedigree of Indo- Gemnanis langwages Srvteniatic Survey of the most important stages 3 in the animal ancestral line of Man ie Systematic Survey of the five first stages in the evolution of Man (phylogenetic, ontogenetic, sys- tematic) : Systematic Survey of the ply logenctis ayetene of che animal kingdom ‘ oe Monophyletic “pedigree of ‘the priate ition Systematic Survey of the phylogenetic system of Vertebrates .. Sey oes Monophyletic pemigeee of Wanebrakes Systematic Survey of the periods of human fribal history ‘ Systematic Survey of the piplowenets sapebea at Mammals, founded on the Gastreea Theory Monophyletic pedigree of Mammals aie Pedigree of Apes Systematic Survey of the organ- aaa of the ainin body Systematic sieves of the ‘phylogenetic history of the human skin-covering Systematic Survey of the phylogenetic history of the human nerve-system * eee 120 121 184 187 188 189 194 229 230 XXXI. XXAXIT. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXYV. XXXVI. XXXVI. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XLII. XLIV. LIST OF GENETIC TABLES. Systematic Survey of the ontogeny of the skin and nerve systems aes Systematic Survey of the phylogeny of the en nose , Systematic Saray of thd oktosedy of the en eye “Systematic Survey of the phylereny of the human ear atin oe nd wes ae Systematic Survey of the ontogeny of the human ear a iss wai ae oe Systematic Survey of the constitution of the human skeleton .. Systematic Survey of the phylogeny of the inten skeleton Systematic Survey of the gimetitution of ihe human intestinal system Systematic Survey of the phylogeny of the hear intestinal system Systematic Survey of the sea nonee: sponding rs age, of the human tissue-groups (ohyloganstic sequence of the tissues) oe Systematic Survey of the sequence, seeamaing tia age, of the human organ-systems (phylogenetic sequence of the organs) Systematic Survey of the phylogeny of ihe human vascular system . Systematic Survey of the pislopeny of the foanrian heart Systematic Survey ee ‘the vonlagies of Worms, Articulated Animals (Arthropoda), Soft-bodied Animals (Mollusca), and Vertebrates ... Systematic Survey of the phylogeny of the lima urinary and sexual organs Systematic Survey of the homologies of ‘the sexual organs in the two sexes of Mammals we eee PAGE 232 249 258 267 268 278 309 330 346 366 367 384 385 387 428 431 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. CHAPTER XV, THE DURATION OF HUMAN TRIBAL HISTORY. Comparison of Ontogenetic and Phylogenetic Periods of Time.—Duration of Germ-history in Man and in Different Animals.—Extreme Brevity of the Latter in Comparison with the Immeasurable Long Periods of Tribal History.—Relation of this Rapid Ontogenetic Modification to the Slow Phylogenetic Metamorphosis.—Estimate of the Past Duration of the Organic World, founded on the Relative Thickness of Sedimentary Rock-strata, or Neptunian Formations.—The Five Main Divisions in the Latter: I. Primordial, or Archilithic Epoch. II. Primary, or Paleolithic Epoch. ITI. Secondary, or Mesolithic Epoch. IV. Tertiary, or Ceenolithic Epoch. V. Quaternary, or Anthropolithic Epoch.—The Relative Duration of the Five Epochs.—The Results of Comparative Philology as Explaining the Phylogeny of Species.—The Inter-relations of the Main Stems and Branches of the Indo-Germanic Languages are Analogous to the Inter-relations of the Main Stems and Branches of the Vertebrate Tribe.—The Parent Forms in both Cases are Extinct, — The Most Important Stages among the Human Ancestral Forms.— Monera originated by Spontaneous Generation.—Necessity of Sponta- neous Generaticn. “Tn vain as yet has it been attempted to draw an exact line of demarcation between historic and prehistoric times; the origin of man and the period of his first appearance pass back into indefinable time; the so-called archaic age cannot be sharply distinguished from the present age. This is the fate of all geological, as of all historical periods. The periods which we dis- tinguish are, therefore, more or less arbitrarily defined, and, like the divisions 2 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. in systematic natural history, can only serve to bring the subject of our study better before us and to render it more manageable; but not to mark real distinctions between different things.’—Brrnuarp Corra (1866). OvuR comparative study of the Anatomy and Ontogeny of the Amphioxus and the Ascidian has afforded us aid, the value of which can hardly be over-estimated, towards acquiring a knowledge of human Ontogeny. For in the first place we have in this way filled up, as regards Anatomy, the wide chasm which in all previous systems of the animal kingdom existed between Vertebrates and Inverte- brates ; and in the second place, in the germ-history of the Amphioxus we have recognized primordial phases of de- velopment, which have long disappeared from the Ontogeny of Man, and which have been lost in accordance with the law of abridged heredity. Of special importance among theso phases of development is the Archigastrula, the ori- ginal, genuine Gastrula-form which the Amphioxus has retained up to the present time, and which re-appears in the same form in low invertebrate animals of the most diverse classes. The germ-history of the Amphioxus and the Ascidian has, therefore, so far perfected our direct knowledge of human genealogy, that, notwithstanding the incompleteness of our empiric knowledge, there is no essential gap of any great moment in the pedigree. We may, therefore, at once proceed to our task, and, aided by the ontogenetic and comparative-anatomical materials at our command, may reconstruct the main outlines of human Phylogeny. The immense importance of the direct application of the funda- mental biogenetic ‘law of the causal connection between Ontogeny and Phylogeny now becomes evident. But, before TIME REQUIRED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAN. 3 beginning this task, it will be well to note a few other general facts which may enable us better to understand the phenomena we are about to study. Firstly, it may not be out of place to insert a few remarks as to the duration of time during which Man was developing from the animal kingdom. The first thought that occurs to the mind when we consider the facts in question, is of the immense difference between the duration of the germ-history of Man on the one hand, and of his tribal history on the other. The brief period in which the Ontogeny of the human individual takes place, bears no proportion to the infinitely long period required for the Phylogeny of the human tribe. The human individual requires nine months for its perfect development from the fertilized egg-cell to the moment at which it is born and quits the mother’s body. The human embryo, therefore, passes through the whole course of its development in the brief space of 40 weeks (usually in exactly 280 days). Each man is really older by this period than is usually assumed. When, for example, a child is said to be 9} years old, he is in reality 10 years old. For individual existence does not begin at the moment of birth, but at the moment of fertilization. In many other Mammals the duration of the embryonic development is the same as in Man, e.g.,the Ox. In the Horse and the Ass it is somewhat longer, viz., from 43 to 45 weeks; in the Camel it is 13 months. In the largest Mammals the embryo requires a much longer time for its complete formation within the maternal body; in the Rhinoceros, for instance, 1} year, in the Elephant 90 weeks. In the latter case, therefore, gestation lasts more than twice as long as in Man—for 4 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. nearly a year and three quarters. In the smaller Mammals, the duration of embryonic development is, on the contrary, much shorter. The smallest Mammals, the Harvest Mice, develop fully in 3 weeks; Rabbits and Hares in 4 weeks ; Rats and Marmots in 5 weeks; the Dog in 9, the Pig in 17, the Sheep in 21, and the Stag in 36 weeks. Development is yet more rapid in Birds. The Chick, under normal con- ditions of incubation, requires only 3 weeks, or just 21 days for its full development. The Duck, on the other hand, takes 25, the Turkey 27, the Peacock 31, the Swan 42, and the New Holland Cassowary 65 days. The smallest of all Birds, the Humming-bird, quits the egg after the twelfth day. It is, therefore, evident that in Mammals and in Birds the duration of development within the egg-membranes stands in a definite relation to the size of body attained by each vertebrate species. But the latter is not the sole determin- ing cause of the former. There are many other circum- stances which influence the duration of individual develop- ment within the membranes of the ege.6 ; In all cases, however, the duration of the Ontogeny appears infinitely brief when compared with the enormous, the infinitely long period during which the Phylogeny, or gradual development of the ancestral series, took place. This period is not to be measured by years and centuries, but by thousands and millions of years. Many millions of years must indeed have elapsed while the most perfect vertebrate organism, Man, gradually developed from the primeval one-celled ancestral organism. The opponents of the development theory, who regard this gradual develop- ment of Man from lower animal forms, and his original descent from a one-celled primitive animal as incredible, DURATION OF HUMAN GERM-HISTORY. 5 do not reflect that the very same marvel actually recurs before our eyes in the short space of nine months during the embryonic development of each human individual. The same series of multifariously diverse forms, through which our brute ancestors passed in the course of many millions of years, has been traversed by every Man during the first 40 weeks of his individual existence within the maternal body. All changes in organic forms, all metamorphoses of animal and plant forms, appear to us all the more remark- able and all the more wonderful in proportion as they occur more rapidly. When, therefore, our opponents pronounce that the past development of the human race from lower animal forms is incredible, they must regard the embryonic develop- ment of the human individual from the simple egg-cell as far more wonderful in comparison. This latter process—the ontogenetic modification—which takes place before our eyes, must appear more wonderful than the phylogenetic modifi- cation, in proportion as the duration of the tribal history exceeds that of the germ-history. For the human embryo must pass through the whole process of individual develop- ment, from the simple cell up to the many-celled perfect Man, with all his organs, in the brief space of 40 weeks. On the other hand, we may assign many millions of years for the accomplishment of the analogous process of phyloge- netic development—the development of Man’s ancestors from the simplest one-celled form. As regards these phylogenetic periods, it is impossible to fix approximately their length in hundreds or in thousands of years, or to establish any absolute measure of their duration. But the researches of geologists have long since 6 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. enabled us to estimate and compare the relative durations of the various periods of the earth’s organic history. The most direct standard for determining the relative duration of geological periods is afforded by the thickness of the so- called Neptunian strata or sedimentary rock, @.¢., all those strata which have been deposited, as mud, at the bottom of the ocean, or under fresh water. These stratified sedi- mentary rocks—limestone, clay, marl, sandstone, slate, ete— which constitute the great mass of mountain-chains, and which are often several thousand feet in thickness, afford us data for estimating the relative lengths of the various periods of the earth’s history. For the sake of completeness, I must say a few words as to the development of the earth as a whole, briefly indicating a few of the more prominent facts relating to this matter. At the very outset we are confronted with the weighty fact, that life originated on our planet at a certain definite period, This is a proposition that is no longer gainsaid by any competent geologist. We now know for certain that organic life upon our planet actually began at a certain time, and that it did not exist there from eternity, as some have supposed. The indisputable proofs of this are furnished, on the one hand, by physico-astronomical cos- mogeny; on the other, by the Ontogeny of organisms. Species and tribes, like individuals, do not enjoy a perpetual life” They also had a beginning. The time which has elapsed since the origin of life upon the earth up to the present time (and with this period of time alone we are here concerned) we call the “history of the organic earth,” as distinguished from the “history of the inorganic earth” which embraces the period before the origin of organic life. THE FIRST DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC LIFE. 7 With regard to the latter, we first obtained clear ideas from the natural philosophical researches and computations of the great critical philosopher, Immanuel Kant, and on this point I must refer the reader to Kant’s “ Allgemeine Natur-| geschichte und Theorie des Himmels” and to the numerous Cosmogenies which treat the subject in a popular style. We cannot here dwell upon questions of this kind. The organic history of the earth could begin only when water in fluid drops existed upon its surface. For the very existence of all organisms, without any exception, depends on water in the fluid state, their bodies containing a con- siderable amount of the same. Our own body, in its fully developed state, contains in its tissues 70 per cent. of water and only 30 per cent. of solid matter. The amount of water is still greater in the body of the child, and is greatest of all in the embryo. In early stages of development the human embryo contains more than 90 per cent. of water, and not 10 per cent. of solid matter. In low marine animals, especially in the Medusee, the body contains even more than 99 per cent. of water, and not even one per cent. of solid matter. No organism can exist and perform its vital functions without water. Without water there is no life. Water in the fluid state, which is, therefore, in- dispensable for the existence of life, could not, however, appear upon the earth until after the temperature of the surface of the fiery globe had sunk to a certain point. Before this it existed only in the form of steam. As soon, however, as the first drop of water in a fluid state was precipitated by cooling from the envelope of steam, it began its geological action, and from that time to this it has effected continual changes in the modification of the hard 24 8 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. crust of the earth. The result of this unceasing work of the water, which in the form of rain and hail, of snow and ice, of rushing torrent and surging wave crumbles and dis- solves the rocks, is the formation of ooze. As Huxley says, in his excellent “Lectures on the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature,” the most important fact in the past history of our earth is ooze, and the question as to the history of the past ages of the world resolves itself into a question as to the formation of ooze. All the stratified rocks of our moun- tainous formations were originally deposited as ooze at the. bottom of the waters, and only afterwards hardened into solid stone. As has already been said, it is. possible, by bringing together and comparing the various rock-strata from many places on the surface of the earth, to obtain an approximate conception of the relative ages of these various strata. Geologists have long agreed that there is an entirely definite historical sequence of the various formations. The various groups of strata which lie one over another correspond to. successive periods in the earth’s organic history, during which they were deposited in the shape of mud at the bottom of the sea. Gradually this mud was hardened into solid rock. The latter, by alternate upheaval and depres- sion of the surface of the earth, was lifted above the water, and assumed the form of mountains. Four or five main periods in the earth’s organic history, answering to the larger and smaller groups of these sedimentary rock-strata, are usually distinguished. These main periods are sub- divided into numerous subordinate or lesser periods. From twelve to fifteen of the latter are usually assumed. (Cf. ; Tables XII. and XIII, pp. 11, 12.) The relative thick- GEOLOGICAL TIME. 9 ness of the various groups of strata affords the means of approximately estimating the relative length of these various divisions of time. Of course we cannot say, “In a hun- dred years on the average a stratum of a certain thick- ness (say two inches) is deposited, and therefore a rock- stratum of a thousand feet in thickness is 600,000 years old.” For different rock-formations of equal thick- ness may have occupied periods of very various length in their deposition and consolidation. From the thickness _ of the formation we may, however, approximately judge of the relative length of the period during which it was formed. Of the four or five main periods of the earth’s organic history, our acquaintance with which is indispensable for our Phylogeny of the human race, the first and oldest is known as the Primordial, Archizoic, or Archilithie Epoch. If we estimate the total thickness of all the sedimentary strata as averaging about 130,000 feet, then 70,000 feet belong to this first epoch-—more than one half. From this and other circumstances we may conclude that the corresponding Primordial or Archilithic Epoch must alone have been con- siderably longer than the whole long period between the close of the Archilithic and the present time. Probably the Primordial Epoch was much longer than might appear from the ratio of 7 : 6, which we have given. This Epoch is divided into three sub-periods, known as the Laurentian, Cambrian, and Silurian, corresponding to the three principal groups of sedimentary rock-strata which constitute the Archilithic rocks. The enormous length of time required for the forma- tion at the bottom of the primordial sea of these gigantic strata, of over 70,000 feet in thickness, must, at all events, - 10 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. have been many millions of years. During that time there came into existence by spontaneous generation the oldest and simplest organisms—those in which life began upon our planet—viz., the Monera. From these, one-celled plants and animals first developed—the Amcebee and many kinds of Protista. During this same Archilithie Epoch, also, all the invertebrate ancestors of the human race developed from these one-celled organisms. We draw this conclusion from the fact that towards the close of the Silurian period a few remains of fossil Fishes are already to be found, viz, Selachians and Ganoids. These are, however, much more highly organized and of later origin than the lowest Vertebrates (the Amphioxus), or than the various skull-less Vertebrates allied to Amphioxus, which must have lived during this time. The latter must necessarily have been preceded by all the invertebrate ancestors of man. Hence we may characterize this entire epoch as the “age of man’s invertebrate ancestors;” or, with special reference to the oldest representatives of the Vertebrate tribe, as the “age of Skull-less Animals.” During the whole Archilithic Epoch the inhabitants of our planet consisted exclusively of aquatic forms; at least, no remains of terrestrial animals or plants dating from this period have as yet been found. A few remains of land-dwelling organisms which are some- times referred to the Silurian Period, are Devonian. The Primordial Epoch was followed by the Palzolithic, Paleeozoic, or Primary Epoch, which is also separable into three sub-periods: the Devonian, the Carboniferous, and the Permian. During the Devonian Period the Old Red Sand- stone, or Devonian system was formed; during the Car- boniferous, those great beds of coal were deposited which TABLE XII. Systematic Survey of the Palzontological Periods, or the Greater Divisions in the History of the Organic Earth. I. First Epoch: The Archilithic, or Primordial Epoch. (Age of Skull-less Animals and Seaweed Forests.) 1. The Older Archilithic Epoch or Laurentian Period. 2. The Middle Archilithic Epoch a5 Cambrian Period. 8. The Later Archilithic Epoch 33 Silurian Period. II. Second Epoch: The Paleolithic, or Primary Epoch. (Age of Fishes and Fern Forests.) 4, The Older Palzolithic Epoch or Devonian Period. 5. The Middle Palzolithic Epoch 35 Coal Period. 6. The Later Paleolithic Epoch in Permian Period. Ill. Third Epoch: The Mesolithic, or Secondary Epoch. (Age of Reptiles and Pine Forests, Conifere.) 7. The Older Mesolithic Epoch or Triassic Period. 8. The Middle Mesolithic Epoch i Jurassic Period. 9. The Later Mesolithic Epoch rm) Chalk Period. IV. Fourth Epoch: The Cenolithic, or Tertiary Epoch. (Age of Mammals and Leaf Forests.) 10. The Older Czenolithic Epoch or Eocene Period. 11. The Middle Czenolithic Epoch 3 Miocene Period. 12. The Later Ceenolithic Epoch 6 Pliocene Period. V. Fifth Epoch: The Anthropolithic, or Quaternary Epoch. (Age of Man and Cultivated Forests.) 18. The Older Anthropolithic Epoch or Ice Age, Glacial Period. 14. The Middle Anthropolithic Epoch x Post Glacial Period. 15. The Later Anthropolithic Epoch 5 Period of Culture. (The Period of Culture is the Historic Period, or Period of Tradition.) ( TABLE XIII. Systematic Survey of the Paleontological Formations, or the Fossiliferous Strata of the Earth’s Crust. 12 ) Rock-Groups. Systems, Formations. | Synonyms of Formations, V. Quaternary : Group, XIV. Recent 36. Present Upper alluvial or (Alluvium) 35. Recent Lower alluvial Anthropolithic ) XIII. Pleistocene ( 34. Post glacial Upper diluvial (Anthropozoic) (Diluvium) 33. Glacial Lower diluvial groups of strata XII. Pliocene 32. Arvernian Upper pliccene Iv. Pi tary (New tertiary) ; 31. Sub-Appenine | Lower pliocene yr XI. Miocene 30. Falunian Upper miocene (Middle tertiary) 7 29. Limburgian | Lower miocene Coole X. Bocens 28. Gypsum Upper eocene a ; groups of strata \ (Old tertiary) 27. Nummulitie | Middle eocene . London clay Lower eocene 25. White chalk | Upper cretaceous 24. Green sand Middle cretaceous lL. 8 d TX. Cretaceous. 23. Neocomian Lower cretaceous Gro aga 22. Wealden The Kentish Weald Ps 21. Portlandian | Upper oolite mete) vitnere | 3 Se eee esi) ; 18. Lias Lias formation groups OF stray a 17. Keuper Upper trias VII. Trias 16. Muschelkalk | Middle triag 15. Bunter sand | Lower trias VI. Permian ( 14, Mepiats Upper Permian eg Si sal sand 1 (Zechstein) TUNar grown y Bone) 13. Red sandstone | Lower Permian 12. Carboniferous | Upper carbonifer- Pale otitis V. Carboniferous sandstone ous (Coal) 11. Carboniferous | Lower carbonifer- (Palzeozoic) limestone on ous Beatin ol airs IV. Devonian 10. Pilton Upper Devonian \(Old) red sand- 9. Ilfracombe Middle Devonian stone) 8. Linton Lower Devonian ; 7. Ludlow Upper Siluria: I. Pp Group IIL. Silurian } 6. Wenlock Middle Silurian 5. Llandeilo Lower Silurian Archilithic II. Cambrian ; - pablo Upper Cambrian (Archizoic) ongmynd Lower Cambrian groupsof strata\ I. Laurentian { L Tepeanoe Upper Laurentian . Ottawa Lower Laurentian GEOLOGICAL PERIODS. 13 supply us with our principal fuel; in the Permian, the New Red Sandstone, the Magnesian Limestone (Zechstein), and the Cupriferous Slate were formed. The approxi- mate thickness of this entire group of strata is esti- mated at 42,000 feet at most; some geologists make it somewhat more, others considerably less. In any case, this Paleolithic Epoch, taken as a’ whole, is consider- ably shorter than the Archilithic, but yet is considerably longer than all the following Epochs taken together. The strata, deposited during this Primary Epoch supply fossil animal remains in great abundance; besides numerous species of Invertebrates we find also very many Verte- brates—Fishes preponderating. As early as the Devonian, and even during the Carboniferous and the Permian Periods, there existed so great a number of Fishes, espe- cially Primitive Fishes (Sharks) and Ganoids, that we may designate the entire Palzeolithic Period as the Age of Fishes. The Paleozoic Ganoids See are represented by a large number of forms. But even during this period some Fishes began to accustom themselves to living upon the land, and thus gave rise to the Amphibian class. Even in the carboniferous system we find fossil remains of Amphibia—the earliest terrestrial and air-breathing animals. In the Permian Period the variety of these Amphibia becomes greater. To- wards its close the first Amnion-animals, the tribal ancestors of the true higher Vertebrate classes, seem first to appear. These are a few lizard-like animals, of which the Protero- saurus from the Cupriferous Slate at Eisenach is the best known. The appearance of the most ancient Amnion Animals (Amniota), to which the common parent-form of 14 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals must have belonged, seems in fact to be referred by these oldest reptilian remains back to the close of the Paleolithic Epoch. During this Epoch the ancestors of the human race must accordingly have been represented, first by true Fishes, then by Mud-Fishes (Dipneusta) and Amphibia, and finally by the oldest Amnion Animals, the Protamnia. After the Paleolithic Epoch comes a third main division of the earth’s organic history, known as the Mesolithic, or Secondary Epoch. This is again distinguished into three subdivisions—the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous Periods. The approximate thickness of the strata-groups, formed during these three Periods from the beginning of the Triassic down to the end of the Cretaceous Period, amounts in all to about 15,000 feet, not one half the thick- ness of the Paleolithic deposits. During this Epoch a very great and varied development took place in all divisions of the animal kingdom. In the vertebrate tribe especially a number of new and interesting forms developed. Among Fishes the Osseous Fishes (Telcostet) now first appear. But the Reptiles surpass all others both in numbers and in diversity of species—the most remarkable and the most familiar forms being the gigantic extinct Dragons (Dino- saurians), the Sea-Dragons (Halisaurians), and the Flying Lizards (Pterosaurians). In reference to this predominance of the reptilian class this time is known as the age of reptiles. But the class of Birds also developed during this period, undoubtedly originated from a branch of the lizard-like Reptiles. This is shown by the similar embryology of Birds and of Reptiles, by their Comparative Anatomy, and also by the fact that we know of fossil birds with toothed jaws FAUNA OF THE GEOLOGICAL PERIODS. 15 and with lizard’s tail, belonging to this period (Odon- tornis Archcopteryx). Finally, it was during this period that there appeared upon the scene that most perfect and, for us, most important vertebrate class, the mammalian class. The oldest fossil remains of these have been found in the most recent Triassic strata, viz, molar teeth of a small insectivorous Pouched Animal (Marsupial). Numer- ous remains occur somewhat later in the Jura system, and a few in the chalk. All the remains of Mammals from this Mesolithic Epoch with which we are acquainted belong to the low Pouched Animal division; and among these were undoubtedly the ancestors of Man. On the other hand, not a single undisputed relic has yet been discovered throughout all this period of one of the higher Mammals (Placentalia). This last division, of which Man is a member, did not develop till later, in the immediately subsequent Tertiary Epoch. The fourth main division of the history of the organic earth, the Tertiary, Caenozoic, or Czenolithic Epoch, was of much shorter duration than the preceding. For the strata deposited during this period are in all only about 3000 feet in thickness. This Epoch, also, is divided into three sub- divisions, known as the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene Periods. During these periods the most diverse develop- ment of the higher classes of plants and animals took place and the fauna and flora of our globe now approached nearer and nearer to their present character. The most highly developed class of animals, that of Mammals, now attained pre-eminence. This Tertiary Epoch may, therefore, be called the age of Mammals. The most perfect section of this class, the Placental Animals, among which is Man, 16 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. now first appeared. The first appearance of Man—or to speak more correctly—the development of man from the most nearly allied ape-form, dates probably either from the Miocene or the Pliocene Period,—from the middle or the latest section of the Tertiary Epoch. Perhaps, as is assumed by others, Man strictly so-called, i.e, Man gifted with language, first developed from the speechless man-like Apes, in the subsequent Anthropolithie Age. At all events, the perfect development and distribution of the various races of Man dates from the fifth and last main division of the organic history of the earth, and hence this Epoch has been called the Anthropolithic, or Anthro- pozoic, and also the Quaternary Epoch. It is true that, in the present imperfect state of our palzeontological and prehistoric knowledge, we cannot solve the problem as to whether the development of Man from the nearest allied Ape-forms took place in the beginning of this Anthropolithic Epoch, or as early as the middle or towards the close of the preceding Tertiary Epoch. This much, however, is certain, that the true development of human culture dates only from the Anthropolithie Epoch, and that this latter con- stitutes only an insignificantly small section of the entire enormous period of time occupied in the development of the organic earth. When we reflect upon this, it appears absurd to speak of the brief span of man’s period of cul- ture as “the world’s history.” This so-called History of the World does not amount approximately to even one- half per cent. of the length of those enormous periods which have passed away from the beginning of the earth’s organic history down to the present time. For this World’s THE “ AGE OF MAN.” 17 History, or more correctly, History of People, is itself only the latter half of the Anthropolithic Epoch, while even the first half of this Epoch must be reckoned. as a prehistoric period. Hence this last main period, reaching from the close of the Czenolithic Epoch to the present time, can only be called the “age of man,”. inasmuch as the diffusion and differentiation of the different species and races of man, which have so powerfully influenced all the rest of the organic population of the globe, took place during its course. Since the awakening of the human consciousness, human vanity and human arrogance have delighted in regarding Man as the real main-purpose and end of all earthly life, and as the centre of terrestrial Nature, for whose use and service all the activities of the rest of creation were from the first defined or predestined by a “wise providence.” How utterly baseless these presumptuous anthropocentric conceptions are, nothing could evince more strikingly than a comparison of the duration of the Anthropozoic or Quater- nary Epoch with that of the preceding Epochs. For even though the Anthropolithie Epoch may embrace several hun- dreds of thousands of years, how small is this time when compared with the millions of years that have elapsed since the beginning of the world’s organic history down to the first appearance of the human race ! If the entire duration of the organic history of the earth, from the generation of the first Monera down to the present day, is divided into a hundred equal parts, and if then, corresponding with the relative average thickness of the intervening strata-systems, the respective percentages are 18 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. assigned to the relative durations of the five main divisions or Epochs, the latter will be found to be about as follows :— I. Archilithic, or archizoic (primordial) Epoch “ - 53.6 II. Paleolithic, or palzeozoic (primary) Epoch . - 382.1 III. Mesolithic, or mesozoic (secondary) Epoch “e - 116 IV. Cenolithic, or cenozoic (tertiary) Epoch . . 2.3 VY. Anthropolithic, or anthropozoic (quaternary) tigeake, 0.5 Total ... 100.0 The relative durations of the five main epochs of the earth’s organic history, are yet more clearly seen in the opposite Table (XIV.), in which the relative thicknesses of the strata systems deposited within these Epochs is repre- sented on a scale corresponding to their actual depths. This table shows that the period of the so-called History of the World forms but an inconsiderable span in comparison with the immeasurable duration of those earlier epochs during which Man did not exist upon this planet. Even the great Cenozoic Epoch, the so-called Tertiary Epoch, during which the Placental Animals, the higher Mammals, developed, includes but little more than two per cent. of the whole enormous duration of the organic history of the world. And now before we turn to our proper phylogenetic task ; before, guided by our knowledge of ontogenetic facts and by the fundamental law of Biogeny, we attempt to trace step by step the history of the paleontological evo- lution of our animal ancestors, let us turn aside for a short time into another and apparently very different and very -emote department of science, a general review of which will make the solution of the difficult problems which now rise before us very much easier. The science is that ( 19 ) TABLE XIV. Systematic Survey of the Neptunian fossiliferous strata of the earth with reference to their relative sectional thickness (130,000 feet circa). IV. Ceenolithic Strata, circa 3000 feet. Pliocene, Miocene, Eocene. III. Mesolithic Strata. Deposits of the Secondary Epoch, circa 15,000 feet. IX. Chalk System. VIII. Jurassic System. Smee e meet enaee nee nee ences tessecneeces VII. Triassic System II. Paleolithic Strata. Deposits of the Primary Epoch, circa 42,000 feet. VI. Permian System. V. Coal System. Lee eOn ree nee ee eer ene eee eee Hi teeeeeeaeeee IV. Devonian System. I. Archilithic Strata, Deposits of the Primordial Epoch, circa, 70,000 feet. III. Silurian System, circa 22,000 feet. II. Cambrian System, circa 18,000 feet. I, Laurentian System, circa 30,000 feet. 20 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. of Comparative Philology. Ever since Darwin, by the theory of Natural Selection, infused new life into Biology, and raised the fundamental question of development in every branch of science, attention has frequently and from very different quarters been called to the remarkable parallelism, which exists between the evolution of the various human languages and the evolution of organic species. The comparison is quite justifiable and very instructive. Indeed it is hardly possible to find an analogy better adapted to throw a clear light on many obscure and difficult facts in the evolution of species, which is governed and directed by the same natural laws which guide the course of the evolution of language. All philologists who have made any progress in their science, now unanimously agree that all human languages have developed slowly and by degrees from the simplest rudiments. On the other hand, the strange proposition which till thirty years ago was defended by eminent au- thorities, that language is a divine gift, is now universally rejected, or at best defended only by theologians and by people who have no conception of natural evolution. Such brilliant results have been attained in Comparative Philology that only one who is wilfully blind can fail to recognize the natural evolution of language. The latter is necessarily evident to the student of nature. For speech is a physio- logical function of the human organism, developing simul- taneously with its special organs, the larynx and the tongue, and simultaneously with the functions of the brain. It is, therefore, quite natural that in the history of the evolution of languages, and in their whole system, we should find the same correlations as in the history of the evolution of organic species and in their whole system. The various METHOD OF COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY. 21 larger and smaller groups of speech-forms, which are distin- guished in Comparative Philology as primitive languages, fundamental languages, parent languages, derived languages, . dialects, patois, etc., correspond perfectly in their mode of development with the various larger and smaller groups of organisms classed in systems of Zoology and Botany as tribes, classes, orders, families, genera, species, and varie- ties of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. The relations between these various systematic groups, or categories, are in both cases identical; moreover, evolution follows the same course in one case as in the other. This instructive comparison was first elaborated by one of the most eminent of German philologists, one who, unfortunately, died pre- maturely—August Schleicher, not only a philologist but also a learned botanist. In his more important works, the Com- parative Anatomy and evolutionary history of languages is treated by the same phylogenetic method which we employ in the Comparative Anatomy and evolutionary history of animal forms. He has especially applied this method to the Indo-Germanic family of languages; and in his little treatise on “The Darwinian Theory and the Science of Language” (“Die Darwin’sche Theorie und die Sprach- wissenschaft ”), he illustrated it by means of a synoptical pedigree of the Indo-Germanic family of languages. If the formation of the various branch languages which have developed from the common root of the primitive Indo-Germanic tongue is studied with the aid of this pedi- gree, a very clear idea of their Phylogeny will be acquired. At the same time it becomes evident how entirely analogous is the evolution of the greater and lesser groups of the Vertebrates, which have sprung from the one common root- 22 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. form of the primitive Vertebrates. The primitive Indo- Germanic root-tongue first separated into two chief stems: the Slavo-Germanie and the Ario-Romanic main-trunks. The Slavo-Germanic then branched into a primitive German and a primitive Slavo-Lettic tongue. Similarly, the Ario- Romanic split up into a primitive Arian and a primitive Greeco-Romanic language (p. 23). If we continue our examination of this pedigree of the four primitive Indo- Germanic languages, we find that the primitive Germanic tongue divided into three chief branches—a Scandinavian, a Gothic, and a Teutonic branch. From the Teutonic branch proceeded, on the one hand, High German, and, on the other hand, Low German, to which latter belong the various Friesian, Saxon, and Low German dialects. Similarly, the Slavo-Lettic tongue developed first into a Baltic and a Slavonic language. From the Baltic spring the Lettic, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian dialects. The Slavic, on the other hand, give rise, in the South-east, to the Russian and the South Slavic dialects, and, in the West, to the Polish and Czech dialects. Turning now to the other main stem of the Indo- Germanic languages and its branches—the primitive Ario- Romanic—it is found to develop with the same luxuriance. The primitive Greeco-Romanic language gave rise, on the one hand, to the Thracian language (Albanian Greek), and on the other, to the Italo-Keltic. From the latter in turn sprung two divergent branches—in the South, the Italian branch (Romanic and Latin), and in the North, the Keltic, from which arose all the different British (Old British, Old Scottish, and Irish’ and Gallic tongues. The numerous Tranian and Indian dialects branched out in the same way from the primitive Arian language. tC 2a3 TABLE XV. Pedigree of the Indo-Germanic Languages. Anglo-Saxons High Germans Lithuanians Ancient Prussians Low Germans Letts Netherlanders Soe Poe | Ancient Saxons ——_., -—" Baltic Races Saxons Friesians Sorbians Polish Czechs | Low Germans | Scandinavians t Sel si TO aati Goths Germans South Sclaves | Primitive Germans Ancient British South-east Sclaves Ancient Scotch Trish Romans | Gauls claves 4 5 \ Latins Gaels ——d | Brittanese _-—_—" Sclavo-Letts eereL Italians Kelts vn = ils Sclavo-Germans Italo-Kelts Albanese Greeks Primitive Thracians Indians Iranians Arians Greco-Romans Na Ario-Romans at Indo-Germans 24 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. A close study of this pedigree of the Indo-Germanic languages is, in many respects, of great interest. Com- parative Philology, to which we are indebted for our know- ledge of this subject, thus shows itself to be a true science— a natural science. It, indeed, long ago anticipated in its own province the phylogenetic method with the aid of which we now attain the highest results in Zoology and and in Botany. And here I cannot refrain from remarking how much to the advantage of our general culture it would be if the study of languages (which is undoubtedly one of the most powerful means of culture) were comparatiwely prosecuted; and if our cut and dried Philology were re- placed by a living, many-sided, comparative study of lan- guages. The latter stands in the same relation to the former as the living history of organic evolution does to the lifeless classification of species. How much deeper would the interest taken in the study of language by the students in our schools be, and how much more vivid would be the results if even the first elements of Comparative Philology were taught instead of the distasteful composi- tion of Latin exercises in Ciceronian style ! I have entered with this detail into the “Comparative Anatomy” and the history of the evolution of languages, because it is unsurpassed as a means of illustrating the Phylogeny of organic species. We find that in structure and in development these primitive languages, parent languages, derived languages, and dialects, correspond exactly like the classes, orders, genera, and species of the animal kingdom. The “natural system” is in both cases phylogenetic. Just as Comparative Anatomy, Ontogeny, and Paleontology afford certain proof that all Vertebrates, MAN DESCENDED FROM EXTINCT FORMS. 25 whether extinct or extant, are descended from a common ancestral form, so does the comparative study of the dead and living Indo-Germanic language absolutely convince us that all these languages have sprung from a common origin. This monophyletic view is unanimously adopted by all linguists of importance who have studied the question, and who are capable of passing a critical judgment upon it.’ The point, however, to which I would specially call your attention in this comparison between the various branches, on the one hand, of the Indo-Germanic language, and, on the other, of the vertebrate tribe, is that the direct descendants must never be confounded with the collateral lines, nor the extinct with the extant forms. This mistake is often made, and results in the formation of erroneous notions of which our opponents often take advantage in order to oppose the whole theory of descent. When, for instance, it is said that human beings are descended from Apes, the latter from Semi-apes, and the Semi-apes from Pouched Animals (Marsupialia), very many people think only of the familiar living species of these different mammalian orders, such as are to be found stuffed in our museums. Now, our opponents attribute this erroneous view to us, and, with more craft than judgment, declare the thing impossible ; or else they ask us as a physiological experiment to transform a Kangaroo into a Semi-ape, this into a Gorilla, and the Gorilla into a Man. Their demand is as childish as the conception on which it is founded is erroneous; for all these extant forms have varied more or less from their common parent-form, and none of them are capable of pro- ducing the same divergent posterity which were really produced thousands of years ago by that parent-form.” 26 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. There is no doubt that Man is descended from an extinct mammalian form, which, if we could see it, we should certainly class with the Apes. It is equally certain that this primitive Ape in turn descended from an unknown Semi-ape, and the latter from an extinct Pouched Animal. But then it is beyond a doubt that it is only in respect of essential internal structure, and on account of their similarity in the distinctive anatomical characters of the order, that all these extinct ancestral forms can be spoken of as members of the yet extant mammalian orders. In external form, in generic and specific characters, they must have been more or less—perhaps even greatly—different from all living repre- sentatives of the orders to which they belonged. For it must be accepted as a quite universal and natural fact in phylogenetic evolution that the parent-forms’ themselves, with their specific characters, became extinct at a more or less distant period. Those extant forms which come nearest to them, yet differ from them more or less, perhaps even very essentially. Hence in our phylogenetic researches and in our comparative view of the still living divergent descendants all we can undertake to do is to determine how far the latter depart from the parent-form. We may quite confidently assume that no single older parent-form has reproduced itself without modification down to our time. We find this same state of things on comparing various extinct and living languages, which have sprung from one common primitive tongue. If, from this point of view, we examine the genealogical tree of the Indo-Germanic languages, we may conclude, on @ priori grounds, that all the earlier primitive languages, fundamental languages, and ancestral languages, from which the living dialects are COMPARATIVE METHODS OF PHILOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. 27 descended in the first or second degree, have been extinct for a longer or shorter period. And this is the case. The Ario-Romanic and the Sclavo-Germanic tongues have long been altogether extinct, as are also the primitive Arian and Greeco-Romaniec, the Sclavo-Lettic, and primitive Germanic languages. Some even of the languages descended from these have also long been dead, and all those of the Indo- Germanic branch which are yet extant, are akin only in so far as they are divergent descendants of common parent- forms. Some have diverged from this ancestral form more, others less. This easily demonstrable fact very well illustrates analogous facts in the descent of vertebrate species. Phy- logenetic “Comparative Philology,” as a powerful ally, sup- ports phylogenetic “ Comparative Zoology.” The former can, however, adduce far more direct evidence than the latter, because the paleontological materials of Philology, the ancient monuments of extinct tongues, have been far better preserved than the palzeontological materials of Comparative Zoology, the fossil bones of vertebrates. The more these analogous conditions are considered, the more convincing is their force. We shall presently find that we can trace back the genealogical line of Man, not only to the lower Mammals, but even to the Amphibia, to the shark-like Primitive Fishes, and even far below these, to the skull-less Vertebrates allied to the Amphioxus. It must be remembered this does not mean that the living Amphioxus, Shark, or Amphibian accu- rately represent the outward appearance of the parent-forms of which we speak. Still less does it mean that the Amphioxus, or the Shark of our day, or any extant species 28 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. of Amphibian is an actual parent-form of the higher Ver- tebrates and of Man. On the contrary, this important assertion must be clearly understood to mean, that the living forms, which have been mentioned, are side branches, which are much more nearly allied, and similar to the extinct common parent-forms, than any other known animal forms. In their internal characteristic structure they remain so similar to the unknown parent-forms, that we should class them both in one order, if we had the latter-before us in a living state. But the direct descendants of the primitive forms have never remained unmodified. Hence it is quite impossible that among the living species of animals we should find the actual ancestors of the human race in their characteristic specific forms. The essential and charac- teristic features, which more or less closely connect living forms with the extinct common parent-forms, are to be found in the internal structure of the body, not in the external specific form. The latter has been much modified by adaptation. The former has been more or less retained by heredity. Comparative Anatomy and Ontogeny indisputably prove that Man is a true Vertebrate, so that the special genealo- gical line of Man must of course be connected with that of all those Vertebrates which are descended from the same common root. Moreover, on many definite grounds, sup- plied by Comparative Anatomy and Ontogeny, we must assume only one common origin for all Vertebrates— a monophyletic descent. Indeed, if the theory of descent is correct, all Vertebrates, Man included, can only have descended from a single common parent-form—from a single primitive Vertebrate species. The genealogical line of the Vertebrates, therefore, is also that of Man. AMQBOID ANCESTORS. 29 Our task of ascertaining a pedigree of Man thus widens into the more considerable task of constructing the pedigree of all the Vertebrates. This is connected, as we learned from the Comparative Anatomy and Ontogeny of the Amphioxus and of the Ascidian, with the pedigree of the Invertebrate animais, and directly with that of the Worms, while no con- nection can be shown with the genealogy of the indepen- dent tribes of the Articulated Animals (Arthropoda), Soft- bodied Animals (Mollusca), and Star-animals (Echinoderma). As the Ascidian belongs to the Mantled Animals (Tunicata), and as this class can only be referred to the great Worm tribe, we must, aided by Comparative Anatomy and Onto- geny, further trace our pedigree down through various stages to the lowest forms of Worms. This necessarily brings us to the Gastrzea, that most important animal form in which we recognize the simplest conceivable prototype of an animal with two germ-layers. The Gastreea itself must have ori- ginated from among those lowest of all simple animal forms, which are now included by the name of Primitive Animals (Protozoa). Among these we have already considered that primitive form which possesses most interest for us—the one-celled Amceba, the peculiar significance of which depends on its resemblance to the human ege-cell. Here we have reached the lowest of those impregnable points, at which the value of our fundamental law of Biogeny is directly found, and at which, from the embryonic evolutionary stage, we can directly infer the extinct parent-form. The amceboid nature of the young egg-cell, and the one-celled condition in which each Man begins his existence as a simple parent- cell or cytula-cell, justify us in affirming that the oldest ancestors of the human race (as of the whole animal kingdom) were simple amceboid cells. 30 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. Tere arises another question : “ Whence, in the begin- ning of the organic history of the earth, at the commence- ment of the Laurentian period, came the earliest Amcebee ?” To this there is but one reply. Like all one-celled organ- isms, the Amcebee have originally developed only from the simplest organisms know to us, the Monera. These Monera, which we have already described, are also the simplest con- ceivable organisms. Their body has no definite form, and is but a particle of primitive slime (plasson)—a little mass of living albumen, performing all the essential functions of life, and everywhere met with as the material basis of life. This brings us to the last, or perhaps the first question in the history of evolution—the question as to the origin of the Monera. And this is the momentous question as to the prime origin of life—the question of spontaneous generation (generatio spontanea or cequivoca). We have neither time, nor indeed have we any occasion, to discuss at length the weighty question of spontaneous generation, On this subject I must refer you to my “History of Creation,” and, especially, to the second book of the Generelle Morphologie, and to the discussion on Monera and spontaneous generation in my “Studien iiber Moneren und andere Protista.” 1 I have there stated my own views on this important subject in very great detail. Here I will only say a few words on the ob- scure question as to the first origin of life, and will answer it so far as it concerns our radical conception of the history of organic evolution. In the definite, limited sense in which I maintain spontaneous generation (gene- ratio spontanew) and assume it as a. necessary hypo- thesis in explanation of the first beginning of life upon SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. 31 the earth, it merely implies the origin of Monera from inorganic carbon compounds. When animated bodies first appeared on our planet, previously without life, there must, in the first place, have been formed, by a process purely chemical, from purely inorganic carbon combinations, that very complex nitrogenized carbon compound which we call plasson, or “ primitive slime,” and which is the oldest material substance in which all vital activities are embodied. In the lowest depths of the sea such homogeneous amorphous protoplasm probably still lives, in its simplest character, under the name of Bathybius.8” Each individual living particle of this structureless mass is called a Moneron. The oldest Monera originated in the sea by spontaneous generation, just as crystals form in the matrix. This assumption is required by the demand of the human understanding for causality. For when, on the one hand, we reflect that the whole inorganic history of the earth proceeds in accordance with mechanical laws and without any intervention by creative power, and when, on the other hand, we consider that the entire organic history of the world is also de- termined by similar mechanical laws ; when we see that no supernatural interference by a creative power is needed for the production of the various organisms, then it is certainly quite inconsistent to assume such supernatural creative interference for the first production of life upon our globe. At all events we, as investigators of nature, are bound at least to attempt a natural explanation. At present, the much agitated question of spontaneous generation appears very intricate, because a large number of very different, and in part quite absurd, conceptions are included under the term “spontaneous generation,” and 25 32 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. because some have supposed that the problem could be solved by means of the crudest experiments. The doctrine of spontaneous generation cannot be experimentally refuted. For each experiment with a negative result merely proves that under the conditions (always very artificial) supplied by us, no organism has been produced from inorganic combina- tions. Neither can the theory of spontaneous generation be experimentally proved unless great difficulties are over- come ; and even if in our own time Monera were produced daily by spontaneous generation—as is very possible—yet the absolute empiric proof of this fact would be extremely difficult—indeed, in most cases impossible. He, however, who does not assume a spontaneous generation of Monera, in the sense here indicated, to explain the first origin of life upon our earth, has no other resource but to believe in a supernatural miracle; and this, in fact, is the questionable “standpoint still taken by many so-called “exact naturalists,” who thus renounce their own reason. Sir William Thomson has indeed tried to avoid the necessary hypothesis of spontaneous generation by assuming that the organic inhabitants of our earth originally de- scended from germs which proceeded from the inhabitants of other planets, and which, with fragments of the latter, with meteorites, accidentally fell on to the earth. This hypothesis has met with much applause, and was even supported by Helmholtz. Friederich Zoellner, an acute physicist, has, however, refuted it in his excellent natural- philosophical work “Ueber die Natur der Cometen,” a critical book containing most valuable contributions to the history and theory of knowledge.” Zoellner has plainly shown that the hypothesis is unscientific in two respects— MONERA ALONE PRODUCED BY SPONTANEOUS GENERATION. 33 firstly, in point of logic, and secondly, in its scientific tenor (p. xxvi). At the same time he rightly shows that the hypothesis of spontaneous generation, in the sense which we have defined, is the “condition necessary to the conceiv- ability of nature in accordance with the laws of causality.” In conclusion, I repeat, with emphasis, that it is only in the case of Monera—of structureless organisms without organs—that we can assume the hypothesis of spontaneous generation. Every differentiated organism, every organism composed of organs, can only have originated from an undifferentiated lower organism by differentiation of its parts, and consequently by Phylogeny. Hence, even in the production of the simplest cell we must not assume the pro- cess of spontaneous generation. For even the simplest cell consists of at least two distinct constituent parts; the inner and firmer kernel (nucleus), and the outer and softer cell-substance or protoplasm. These two distinct parts can only have come into being by differentiation of the homogeneous plasson of a moneron and of a cytod. It is for this very reason that the natural history of Monera is of the highest interest ; for it alone can remove the principal difficulties which beset the question of spontaneous genera- tion. The extant Monera do afford us organless and struc- tureless organisms, such as must have originated by spon- taneous generation at the first beginning of organic life upon the earth. CHAPTER XVI. TIE ANCESTRY OF MAN. I. From tax Monera To THE GASTREA Relation of the General Inductive Law of the Theory of Descent to the Special Deductive Laws of the Hypotheses of Descent.—Incompleteness of the Three Great Records of Creation: Palaeontology, Ontogeny, and Comparative Anatomy.—Unequal Certainty of the Various Special Hypotheses of Descent.—The Ancestral Line of Men in Twenty-two Stages: Hight Invertebrate and Fourteen Vertebrate Ancestors.—Distri- bution of these Twenty-two Parent-forms in the Five Main Divisions of the Organic History of the Earth.—First Ancestral Stage: Monera.— The Structureless and Homogeneous Plasson of the Monera.—Differen- tiation of the Plasson into Nucleus, and the Protoplasm of the Cells.— Cytods and Cells as Two Different Plastid-forms.—Vital Phenomena of Monera.—Organisms without Organs.—Second Ancestral Stage : Amcebee.—One-celled Primitive Animals of the Simplest and most Un- differentiated Nature.— The Amceboid Egg-cells.—The Egg is Older than the Hen.—Third Ancestral Stage: Syn-Amoeba, Ontogenetically repro- duced in the Morula.—A Community of Homogeneous Amceboid Cells.— Fourth Ancestral Stage: Planza, Ontogenetically reproduced in the Blastula or Planula.—Fifth Ancestral Stage: Gastraea, Ontogenetically reproduced in the Gastrula and the Two-layered Germ-disc.—Origin of the Gastrea by Inversion (invaginatio) of the Planza.—Haliphysema and Gastrophysema,—Extant Gastreeads. “Now, very probably, if the course of evolution proves to be so very simple, it will be thought that the whole matter is self-evident, and that research is hardly required to establish it. But the story of Columbus and the egg is daily repeated; and it is necessary to perform the experiment INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE METHODS. 35 for one’s self. How slowly progress is made in the knowledge even of self- evident matters, especially when respectable authorities disagree, I myself have experienced sufliciently.”—Kart Ernst Bazr (1828). GUIDED by the fundamental law of Biogeny and by the sure records of creation, we now turn to the interesting task of examining the animal parent-forms of the human race in their proper sequence. To ensure accuracy, we must first become acquainted with the various mental operations which we shall apply in this natural-philosophical research. These operations are partly of an inductive, partly of a deductive nature; partly conclusions from numerous particular experiences to a general law; partly conclusions from this general law back to particular ex- periences. Tribal history as a whole is an inductive science; for the whole theory of descent, as an indispensable and most essential part of the whole theory of evolution, is entirely founded on inductions. From all the biological incidents in plant life, in animal life, and in human life, we have derived the certain inductive conception that the whole of the or- ganic inhabitants of our globe originated in accordance with one single law of evolution. To this law of evolution, La- marck, Darwin, and their successors gave definite form in the theory of descent. All the interesting phenomena ex- hibited by Ontogeny, Paleontology, Comparative Anatomy, Dysteleology, Chorology, the Gkology of organisms, all the important general laws, which we infer from multitudinous phenomena of these different sciences, and which are most intimately connected together, are the broad inductive data from which is drawn the most extensive inductive law of Biology. Because the innate connection between all 36 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. these infinitely various groups of phenomena in these dif- ferent departments becomes explicable and comprehensible solely through the theory of descent, therefore this theory of evolution must be regarded as an extensive inductive law. If we now really apply this inductive law, and with its help seek to discover the descent of individual organic species, we must necessarily form phylogenetic hypotheses, which are of an essentially deductive nature, and which are inferences from the general theory of descent back to indi- vidual particular cases. These special deductive conclusions are, however, in accordance with the inexorable laws of Logic, as justifiable, as necessary, and as indispensable in our department of knowledge as the general inductive conclusions of which the whole theory of evolution is formed. The doctrine of the animal parent-forms of man- kind is al.o a special deductive law of this kind, which is the logical conclusion from the general inductive law of the theory of descent.184 As is now very generally acknowledged, both by the adherents of and the opponents of the theory of descent, the choice, in the matter of the origin of the human race, lies between two radically different assumptions: We must either accustom ourselves to the idea that all the various species of animals and plants, Man also included, ori- ginated independently of each other by the supernatural process of a divine “creation,” which as such is entirely removed from the sphere of scientific observation—or we are compelled to accept the theory of descent in its entirety, and trace the human race, equally with the various animal and plant species, from an entirely simple primzeval parent- form. Between these two assumptions there is no third FAITH OR SCIENCE. 37 course. Either a blind belief in creation, or a scientific theory of evolution. By assuming the latter, and this is the only possible natural-scientific conception of the universe, we are enabled, with the help of Comparative Anatomy and Ontogeny, to recognize the human ancestral line with a certain approximate degree of certainty, just as is more or less the case with respect to all other organisms. Our previous study of the Comparative Anatomy and Ontogeny of Man, and of other Vertebrates, has made it quite clear that we must first seek the pedigree of mankind in that of the vertebrate tribe. There can be no doubt that (if the theory of descent is correct) Man has developed as a true Vertebrate, and that he originated from one and the same common parent-form with all other Vertebrates. This special deduction must be regarded as quite certain, correct- ness of the inductive law of the theory of descent being of course first granted. No single adherent of the latter can raise a doubt about this important deductive conclusion. We can, moreover, name a series of different forms of the vertebrate tribe, which may be safely regarded as the repre- sentatives of different successive phylogenetic stages of evolution, or as different members of the human ancestral line. We can also prove with equal certainty that the vertebrate tribe as a whole originated from a group of low invertebrate animal forms; and among these we can again with more or less certainty recognize a series of members of the ancestral chain. We must, however, at once expressly say that the cer- tainty of the different hypotheses of descent, which are founded entirely on special deductive inferences, is very unequal. Several of these conclusions are already fully 38 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. established ; others, on the contrary, are most doubtful; in yet others, it depends upon the subjective proportion of the knowledge of the naturalist and on his capability of draw- ing conclusions, what degree of probability he will accord to them. It is, at all events, necessary thoroughly to dis- tinguish between the absolute certainty of the general (inductive) theory of descent, and the relative certainty of the special (deductive) hypothesis of descent. We can never in any case prove the whole ancestral line of an- cestors of an organism with the same certainty with which we regard the theory of descent as the only scientific expla- nation of the organic forms. On the contrary, the special proof of all separate parent-forms must always remain more or less incomplete and hypothetical. That is quite natural. For all the records of creation upon which we rely are in a great measure incomplete, and will always remain incomplete; just as in the case of Comparative Philology. Above all, Paleontology, the most ancient of all records of creation, is in the highest degree incomplete. We know that all the petrifications with which we are acquainted form but an insignificantly small fragment of the whole number of animal forms and plant forms which have ever existed. For each extinct species obtained by us in a petrified condition, there are at least a hundred, probably thousands of extinct species which have left no trace of their existence. This extreme and most deplorable defectiveness of the palaeon- tological record of creation, upon which it is impossible to insist too strongly, is very easily accounted for. The very conditions under which organic remains become petrified necessitate it. It is also partly explicable as the result of INCOMPLETENESS OF THE BIOLOGICAL RECORDS. 39 an imperfect knowledge in this department. It must be remembered, that far the greater proportion of the rock strata which constitute the mountain masses of the surface of the earth is not yet unfolded to us. Of the count- less petrifications which are hidden in the huge moun- tain chains of Asia and Africa, we know but a few small samples. Part of Europe and of North America has alone been more minutely explored. The whole of the petri- factions accurately known and in our collections do not amount to a hundredth part of those which really exist in the crust of the earth. In this respect we may, therefore, expect a rich harvest of discoveries in the future. But, in spite of this, the paleontological record of creation (for reasons which I have amply explained in Chapter XV. of my “Natural History of Creation”) will always remain extremely incomplete. Not less incomplete is the second, most important record of creation, that of Ontogeny. For the Phylogeny of the individual it is the most important of all. Yet, it also has its great defects, and often leaves us in the lurch. In this matter, we must distinguish quite clearly between palin- genetic and kenogenetic phenomena, between the original, inherited evolution and the later, vitiated evolution. We must never forget that the laws of abridged and vitiated heredity frequently disguise the original course of evolution beyond recognition. The reproduction of the Phylogeny in the Ontogeny is but rarely tolerably complete. The earliest and most important stages of germ-history are usually the most abridged and compressed. The youthful ‘evolutionary forms have in turn often adapted themselves to new conditions, and have thus been modified. The 490 THE EVOLUTION OF MAN. struggle for existence has excited an equally strong modify- ing influence upon the various independent and yet un- developed young forms, as upon the developed and mature forms. Therefore, in the Ontogeny of the higher animal _ forms, the Phylogeny has been very greatly limited by Keno- genesis ; as arule, only a blurred and much vitiated picture of the original course of evolution of their ancestors now lies before us in the Ontogeny. Only with great precaution and judgment dare we infer the tribal history directly from the germ-history. Moreover, the germ-history itself is known to us only in the case of very few species. Lastly, the highly important record of creation afforded by Comparative Anatomy is unfortunately very incomplete, and for the simple reason, that the number of extant animal species forms but a very small fragment of the whole number of different animal forms that have existed from the beginning of the organic history of the world to the present time. The total sum of the latter may safely be estimated at several millions. The number of those animals the organizat®n of which has at present been investigated by Comparative Anatomy is very small in pro- portion. The more extended investigations of the future will, here also, open up unexpected treasures. In view of this evident and natural incompleteness of the most important records of creation, we must of course take good care, in the tribal history of Man, not to lay too great weight on single known animal forms, nor with equal certainty to consider all the stages of evolution which come under our consideration, as parent-forms. On the contrary, in hypothetically arranging our ancestral line, we must take good care to remember that the single hypothetical UNEQUAL VALUE OF THE “ ANCESTRAL STAGES.” 41 parent-forms are of very diverse values in relation to the certainty of our knowledge. From the few remarks which, while speaking of the Ontogeny, we made as to the corre- sponding phylogenetic forms, it will have been understood that some germ-forms may with certainty be regarded as reproductions of corresponding parent-forms. We recog- nized the human egg-cell and the parent-cell which results from the impregnation of the latter as the first and most important form of this kind. From the weighty fact that the egg of the human being, _like the egg of all other animals, is a simple cell, it may be quite certainly inferred that a one-celled parent-form once existed, from which all the many-celled animals, Man in- cluded, developed. . A second very significant germ-form, which evidently reproduces a primeval parent-form, is the germ-vesicle (Blastula), a simple hollow sphere, the wall of which con- sists of a single cell-stratum.