“Popular Official Guide == TO = The Pew York ‘Zoological Park “WILLIAM ees Se Se. D. Geener and General Curator WITH “MAPS, PLANS AND ILLUSTRATIGNS Rew Bork Zoological Society ONLY AUTHORIZED GUIDE Priges25'Cents~ o ‘oe BISON EDITION. ‘COMPLETELY REVISED AND EXTENDE Cornell Mniversity Library THE GIFT OF ae Calc. ornell University Libra olin,anx OL 6 i "ALBINO8 WOIDOIOOZ “A ‘N 'L06t ‘LHDIYAdOD “A*N ‘O1V4adNG “SHXOM dNYHLHON-BM3HILVN SHL eC Bae SNNINGIL "HO emoqueeg ‘KD > ** eT ‘sasnoy wiqey FA AT ‘osmoH] VMUgED'****'* g ‘rvlAy youd AWM ns oo “"aq ‘sued FIOM EI IF ‘sdoq etaierg Z f°" 6F ‘TTeVUIS ‘esnopy 190, - | a El PIM ‘s4oqINT, GH" *** Lg ‘wo aveg avjog a‘ """"**** OL ‘PAN ‘10eT £o n * Ze ‘a[od We}OL ZI" OF ‘AWAY JuBSECU FW" Eg ‘MOTLET ‘100d +H" “spawA osloqwoy, ¢D"* ‘299[9YS ‘WOL[IAtT JD's ‘CHIS pus sIXV ‘100q SW ‘9T ‘CI ‘¢D ‘§a CH * 1€ ‘s[0od 1990 2 H** uvowemy ‘100d ‘CO "WNW “AM ‘89°11QL € 1° €F ‘asnoyy youysO Z d-0 T ‘o1IBisy ‘109qy 90° "+ ‘aonnyg Avaqng 6 a” verse] ‘AteSINNT ZI” 6§ ‘esnoyy [aut FH “7 % ‘S.3UN0| VpOs FI FF deayg ursjunoyy ¢o°'**'*** F ‘Aurdyy ‘asup FH 82 “ApIg so1aseg € H~ teeeeserses Gp Oy GE S[VULLUY AULAO1INg, €a "ZT ‘lood worry BIS “{eurg ‘asnoy{ [wuIMeyY 9 ¢* ‘ ‘paozy ORY NET GI’ * "Gp eugyg Suryoou GI" "* “Lp yoay a1pAT 9 W ‘osnoy] Qvog ga’ ****9 ‘s[wunay Suply 21° "og ‘asnoyT BUIBITT ¢ f° sreesees Te TOSI GI°'*"'*** OF Queinesoy € 7 *" GT ‘asnoyy worry € @ **L ‘oerery ‘osnoy pri” 7H '** FE ‘osnopy etndey ZI" F ‘ULequnoyy ‘s780x) Z enby ‘osnoy pag. uowsogG [°" V FF ‘aaT, 8, Woooovy ZO “7 *** eg ‘sued xo # D ee pee BTS sotreess wee OsnoH FAST 19/[aoyo0y “UreunoT BIOGUT [eordo[orgT xuf]T pus tung ¢/N ZH Za" OED * 6% ‘puog 1eavogr iq ‘surujunog ¢ H “** jo ‘sua rag F ‘edu Jur4jq ee’ g ‘osnoyy edojajyuy 98 ‘loog 20y02TTTV ‘1g eduey AIG § A cg ‘OsNOH UeySETY 0% ‘esnoy queydargy F M's" Spig uoyBysmIMpy “MaVd ‘TVDIDOTOOZ MAYOA MAN K a d £ a Q ce. 3 oD <7) a) q ” F _ w 5 ‘i 5 PST bg! B y a te) f é 3 iad z pz i > ina feo } Ma| aD : % t EG I ven ) 2 2 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031278264 “‘GUVdOaT NVICNI POPULAR OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE New York Zoological Park By WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, Sc.D. Director and General Curator WITH MAPS, PLANS AND ILLUSTRATIONS TENTH EDITION—OCTOBER 1, 1909 NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 11 WALL STREET, NEW YORK 1st Edition, October, 1899 — 3000 2d « May, 1900 — 5000 3d ie December, 1900— 5000 4th - October, 1901 — 3000 5th * June, 1902 — 10000 6th = re 1903 — 10000 7th iS e 1904 — 15000 8th - He 1906 — 7000 9th os 1907 — 30000 10th a October, 1909 — 30000 CopyrIGHT, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907 and 1909 NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY Preface The publication of this revised and extended edition of the Guide to the Zoological Park was purposely delayed a year, in order to make the work more complete. By slightly anticipating the completion of the Elephant House, Zebra Houses and Eagle Aviary, and including them herein, we are now able to offer a Guide Book to the Zoological Park as practically completed. The visitor is not to understand, however, that with the completion of the features named above nothing more will remain to be done. An institution of this kind never reaches a state of absolute completion, with no further possibilities of improvement. But the building of boundary walls, and the rebuilding of temporary entrances, are mat- ters of small amount in comparison with the completion of a grand series of installations for animals, and buildings for public comfort. Few indeed are the persons who know, or who ever will know, the extent to which both the general design and the details of the Zoological Park have been originated, and hammered out of the raw materials. From the inception of the undertaking, the work of development has involved a continuous struggle to meet new conditions. Although precedents and models for things to be done were sought far and wide, in all save a very few instances, our needs were so peculiar, and so different from those of other zoological gardens and parks, we have found really very little that we could copy. The abundant-room idea on which the Zoological Park was founded, and our desire for the full utilization of the works of nature, have from the first taxed the creative faculties of the Society to the ut- most. It has been gratifying to find in other zoological estab- lishments a number of features which we could utilize here, thereby saving ourselves something in the eternal grind of invention and experiment, and we have gladly made prom- inent mention of such cases. While it is possible to complete the equipment of animal installations, for a Zoological Park, and fill them with fine collections, the demand for more animals is continuous. v vi PREFACE Our wild creatures are not immortal; and, like human be- ings, they live out their allotted lives and pass away. The great majority do not perpetuate themselves in captivity, and the depleted ranks must be filled by new gifts and new purchases. Gifts of specimens, and funds for pur- chases, must constantly be forthcoming. The Executive Committee makes grateful acknowledg- ment of the loyal and generous support it has constantly received from the Board of Managers and the members of the Zoological Society, and from the Government of the City of New York. Thanks to a judicious union of these forces, the development of the Zoological Park has gone forward rapidly and satisfactorily. Although the actual period of construction has been remarkably short for so vast an undertaking, everything constructed is of the most per- manent character. It is only just to note the fact that while the Zoological Park is an institution of national in- terest and importance, and free to all the world, with the exception of a few gifts of animals it has been created and is maintained wholly by the citizens of the City of New York. The State has contributed nothing. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Contents Page Statistics of the Zoological Park........... 0. cece cece eee eee x Origin ess. Re ee ee ee UES SD Eee OS REE RE ES 1 IMG an'S: Of (ACCESS 12.25 sos ctavsicudicsovstaranartoiantreta catey sa sauetar Bler Oraaxelsyaaie da catab onan 4 PRATT S VOT 5 ci5 So siesta esetyavalie coca ah pccscel eval oo aratavele aissceree tase ovata gien elaee aun Mees 4 Physical Aspect of the Grounds............ cece eect eee cere eens 9 MAMMALS. Mle: ABis One ie /oaia.a-gsscatertes Gress Sintered weaves Gok ese bere aise ee een we 15 Mountain= Sheep VT cies acne egeas.or 18 aged sloloustacd eviuaoegvosentied anehavatece 18 ‘The Antelope: HOUSE: saieis e-cavsee banc haces wretee wewticn are arewisbraswce orale aoarslts 23 The :‘Small-Deer ‘HOuse: cifecwsis eva cioiiinds eee hees seaweed sae 30 The: Mountains Goat, i055. gci ica. can ye cacievdis h weeeine sash atemledsliguar tere evans 36 The: Prong-Horned: Amtelope® 22. accessscsaid-a dean dwalele cis bias 8 tata bacae 37 The: Camels: scccccpicueke serene sae eeeet ee water hemes 40 The Llamas and their relatives ........ 0... cece eee ee eee eens 41 The North American, Deer: Awcsseciscesesiaes iatederd's ween wederay ouetarore weal 42 The: Zebra: HOUSES: s:. sss eiaee ss ocd Sees cw eased ooo el eae ca Se 47 The Asiatic and European Deer ............. 02. ee eee eee eee eee 50 Ma Or lglON., EL OUS CS devas scaieiesers sieves sosserte oa Piece ees hcacok eed Wie Ene Himeanee eRe 54 The: Sea-Lion) Pooles..c04 Seine wine ote bale ek eae ees See ee 60 APNE: PRIN ACE! THOUS Os cero scvanscereuttarsevsva%e screcdzcid asain Reonaceratal oteral s Guoseceyeleoouens 63 The: Hlephant: HOUSE ivscsevdie te wscverevess wievena suena acuta d Sie Wie weve eae wees 3 The: Wolves and: POX€S: 3.4 d.4.2egs sa ieee seas Sao ee eM eee Bae 83 THO OTECT POOLS <6: carniciinccaiaiais aieracareteanecetere us Gueittaa ter nuclauenalouseadesi dio eons 85 The Small-Mammal House................ccecsecececnccecnces 87 The Pumas ‘and .LyYNkeS: aan hs wieve va feet cuedls Get eaem ees Geek 99 The Burrowing Rodents: sccic vee ceca ea ed eee oleae bese e nae e 100 THO. Prairle-DOZS Aioeccascece suotucess seen crt fo sore Soeaaraiaat- wether ave heonra wiateuers mucwue 102 The Bear Dems iid ssusecaceee atl ah eras goa Sabo aleaueve, Sal ep assrens Audie aa as dees, © 103 IPHE2BeAV.er OMG <.crsedere cusp ce ane ier oe ieiieiar ai daw ae ae Ne eA ease enero eaee 112 BIRDS The: Duck Aviaty s.ac isos wise uae ee een chee Oe eae bet ee ee ae 115 THE OM yin ge CABO goss sce socuive ates Sauce ee aca es Geer aS eS ee eiens Blaha haw eeacees 120 Tho Aquatic Bird. HOUSE: ic i.3 sctechdscsdecd 4 ceed Guana Hort take a ei Gee reeae 125 Wild Turkey: Bnclosure’ i020 aces arenes ain caae aes Saleem eee ees 130 The. Large. Bird-HoOuse:s is skiccsssisie sae weweeg ee aves dees wines eae 130 Wilda wile Rom: bic caieracectets 6 silener e's odaed a stereo nade venta ah onemmnetarecaratertet 136 The: Pheasant AViary tastescdccccon nsleuddn Saale aie Pad sraacaaiele wees wanes 136 The: Ostrich: House s.c-.ses fesse ss es sis SS see a eae See ei aos eae Scanner 142 THE) Cranes: siscrsecue-sceotee eee Qs Med Sicarcoiny ewes Sewanee Slade a ediavan weak 147 REPTILES. The Reptile. HOUSe cic uve s fiona ag tyacteetacesns be coratene Cieybe's ¢ wucreueselerelaiers 151 The Tortoises and Lizards: si cccccain. need WaNen ween me ed Rees 153 The Alligators and Crocodiles ............. ccc cece eee eens 156 TG SORpents cals «dost e' Ss eussetiate avsias aaron Dhodhaderd Seausudual oip:sliathe 6 /Ore cero aigayors 159 MAPS. Map of Zoological Park (COVEr)......... 6. cece cece eee e eee e ees 2 Sketch. Map, New: Yorke ies. sccces-oe da vreaietenieteron cya eae os alee aye oa 3 Sketch Map, Vicinity of Park ............ cece eee cece eee eee 5 Index........ decal forebears’ “es oat one ere erin havin 025 tlohenesd ca loitavencopaarate wasee Se oes 167 I lustrations Page Tian TeGOP ard): sexes sce:seera ie ddasiew Has wee ares etantlne side's Frontispiece Rocking Stone and Restaurant ........... cece eee ee cee ete eens xii Dining -Room, Restaitants ince. oavuvescve 39 chin sa Gulasisuurawe Sees 6 Mle: Wl yin Cage > sar: seissssatavece woe ciayn cave eaves meaiattace olaya oro preey eversverde'eleve« 10 Phe“Boat-HOuse: sees vicsrseceroucccsee tes vie cde Sawin Be aN a See 12 AMOTICAN: BISON sce diets Gseasecerc ses GCS Goward & SOR alg Mis deuauareteleaare 16 Buropean: Bison vse). eatin sce kee ne seek SRR eo Waa ar a avd tent reer 17 Himalayan. “Van crac os cesar aid eces ous ae atseme eanarmun os Sees meee 22 Sardinian, MOURN cjcsecsrec cuvece 4ccoesscosn wide Gos eteneoe sane Wah loi ane Dhgee sib. 23 INublan: Girattesaciccureaists ie stacesacy umes Sonal POC aaa css eeti nalts 25 White-Pailed Gin «Severe cnsonis otter galeria ae actos) ieee eins DE aa ee ean 27 White Mountain: (Goats: Soyac cd ascoe esc dscctemreaiend aaa Ses e ae wean 3 GrantiseZe Dray weiss ss oak ea ts eas De SAN owe turssaete 48 PrjeQvalsk y HOSES) oo scic as acer cass see ein d eeosac ation eae eee a Ma ee. Gee eae 49 Barbary Asn: ce.sk.cckada. ca ciated sald tue Widived wkesee-o aieee Oe Adan oSunan 55 LULA sa Scents ces" va vsisarral eve val tesile, a lastolen m Gave eavles aval atcehiat oanealsldrie fantctacteaico: asa ee ellen ates Seite s 57 Primate HOUSE 2cticve tise este ie ee cciania’ octoui en Baier e Ge waeiacda eater 62 Orang-Utan .......... Ehig 01s elishensy nie canbe aieteae ee eels eeu veete tel See een 66 CHUM ANZ CO sa eciecedlecteatiens ees adute, ecw Way Hm Oa adew I Shae aN ce eead SCE alae 68 Gelada Baboon ...... a vse ag Re a el Soe Ca earen NeMELED Bae ESS a Uh SCS Ee 70 Reéd-Headed: (Maneabev ote ccciccacn gs, ohaue goa rdedetse ayaa eee, Suny aiue aleve Sesleri 71 FRAMES, THO MIAUL 5 aiats cee vasa tay cats ave sasteneileees ares bee aiteh ene wean td Galera ter emtiav/ecaral anes 72 Indian. Blephant sesecwersa. Bare Wis cues essere es ae ein Siero ieee ae 74 ALPIGAN: RDINOCELOS® ecix-2ie aseatsdesieveus avec h 2b aia aries ola Reeas Seatac 17 i & Gy 0 oY} BY 04 fo 0 f= RRR aN erst RP ot Pay PE PRR at eae ert re 78 South. American “Tapio x. < dgle sei ee Sis ee cows Sa ea ea Sloane Svea 79 SPAS TVA EV INVA WO ILE oa cs rca ere Os we canon Seezua tion 8c cn don sted olicnaessee lactase ayonters Cameo ueneteetone va 82 VOUNS LeO DAT de cgics kaw Gromveareroton srwcetuh earainsonete weNGie aon e welaneecaion 86 OCelOb ier ane rats Dean Bena ears sian bee Be Reseed os cater ne eaters 88 oe naa a ee cee Ge Re LE es aA eee 90 ALPIGAN “POLrGUPIMG: ei cecnswce- avers eres ow wesc goo teeaee ath Aiea rose eramecuah eter euliore 93 Canada POrcwpine: