oS th nena 3 1924 ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HoME ECONOMICS CORNELL UNIVERSITY EVERETT FRANKLIN PHILLIPS BEEKEEPING LIBRARY BULLETIN No. 431 , Conéribution from the Bureau of Timer L. O. HOWARD, Chief “ \ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER February 9, 1917 =e SACBROOD By G. F. WHITE Expert, Engaged in the Investigation of Bee Diseases é gt ae Page “Gntroduction . . 2 6 «0 ee ee © ~~ 1 | Resistance of Sachrood Virus to Direct , anes) Seceane ees est eS es 2 Sunlight When Dry ‘Name of the Diseas se « « © « 4 | Resistance of Sacbrood Virus to Direct Appearance of Healthy Brood at the Age Sunlight When Suspended in Water . “"@t Which it DiesofSachbraod . .. . 6 | Resistance of Sach Virus to Direct ik Spiestuns of Sac rood 2. 2 2 ew 10 Besitant When Suspended in Honey . Cause ofSachbrood. . . . . 2. = = 24 Length of Time omg Sacbrood Virus. Re- Vee Lhe of Sacbrood Upon a mains Virulent in Honey oak cad ju, had 30 |. Resistance of Sacbrood Virusto thePres- amount of ‘Virus Required to Prodace ' ence of Fermentative Processes ._. _the Disease, and the Rapidity of its Resistance of Sacbrood_ Virus to Fer- 31 mentation in Diluted Honey at Out- 1 ods Used in Making Experimental door Temperatare . » Tnoculations 32 | Resistance of S: Sacbrood Virusto thePres- Mgans for for the Destruction of the Virus of ence of Putretactive Processes le eo s 34 | Resistance of Sacbrood Virus to Carbolic Hent serena to Destroy Sacbrood Acid a a ‘When ended In Water’ . . 34 | Modes: of Transmission of Sacbrood +; to Destroy Sacbrood Diagnosis of Sacbrood . . « « « = + ay Suspended in Glycerine . 865 | Prognosia ecuired™ to Destroy Sacbrood Relation of These Studies io the Treat- hay Sespended tn Honey - « 36 | ment of Sacbrood . . . + 2 e's « 6 of Sachrood Virua to Drying poorest rb gai oe eae oF oe a $23 WSS Sa UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. 431 Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology L. O. HOWARD, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER February 9, 1917 SACBROOD. By G. F, Waite, Experi, Engaged in the Investigation of Bee Dimer CONTENTS. Introduction 2.6. seein. 2 sescneses aoeesee es 1 | Resistance of sacbrood virus to direct sunlight Historical account ....... 2 WHEN: GEY eee -oioitcie rinse en ssueieseiisSeieeis 38 Name of the disease 4 | Resistance of sacbrood virus to direct sunlight Appearance of healthy brood at theageat which when suspended in water..............-.... 39 it dies of s#ebr00d wx. :1o4 ce susseeeeeeweawe 6 | Resistance of sacbrood virus to direct sunlight Symptoms of sacbrood .. . 10 when suspended in honey...........-..--+-. 40 Cause of sacbrood.........--..-.----02-e-- eee 24 ) Length of time that sacbrood virus remains Weakening effect of sacbrood upon a colony... 30 virulentin honey. ........---...2.--....eee-e 40 Amount of virus required to produce the dis- Resistance of sacbrood virus to the presence of ease, and the rapidity of its increase......... 31 fermentative processes. ...-......---..-.000-- 41 Methods used in making experimental inocula- —_—(| ‘Resistance of sacbrood virus to fermentation in HONS scseswera neste pe eeeeeeeieneeeeenes 32 diluted honey at outdoor temperature....... 42 Means for the destruction of the virus of sac- Resistance of sacbrood virus to the presence of F EGO ans cisic aha Sicfsiccdsindags Ses citissociaveas apaieglbe cine, 34 putrefactive processes. ......-..2-.-6--2 2.0 ee 43 Heating required to destroy sacbrood virus | Resistance of sacbrood virus to carbolic acid... 44 when suspended in water......-..-...-..... 34 | Modes of transmission of sacbrood...........-. 46 Heating required to destroy sacbrood virus Diagnosis of sacbrood.......-......---...ee005 48 when suspended in glycerine................ BO | PPORMOSIS soccsskis comands 2: ence eres meamaee 49 Heating required to destroy sacbrood virus Relation of these studies to the treatment of when suspended in honey.......-........--. 36 SACDEOOG sais isi53 2 2 7 7 Fie. 3.—End view of cell capped. The cap is convex, being recently constructed. (Origi- nal.) is also concave on the inside, making it convex on the outside. When freshly constructed the sur- | face of the cap (fig. 3) is smooth and and entire and shows considerable convexity. Later, not infrequently Fic. 2.—Empty arimee cell cut in half along it is found to be less convex and the long axis of the cell, showing cocoons (C) somewhat irregular . The cap should ee areca Sepae remain normally for the most part two walls which paseo floor (F) of entire (fig. 8). While this is the rule, the cell. Enlarged about 8 diameters. there are exceptions toit. The bee- Qian keeper is familiar with the appear- ance which suggests that it had not been entirely completed (fig. 11; Pl. II, 6). The long axis of the cell is nearly horizontal, the bottom of the cell being normally only slightly lower than the mouth. The long axis measures approximately one-half inch, while the perpendicular dis- tance between any two diametrically opposite side walls is approx- imately one-fifth of an inch. The side walls are each approximately one-tenth of an inch wide.. It is in such a cell, then, that the brood of the age at which it cies of sacbrood is found. 8 BULLETIN 431, U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. APPEARANCE OF A HEALTHY LARVA AT THE AGE AT WHICH IT DIES OF SACBROOD. The symptoms which differentiate sacbrood from the other brood diseases are to be found primarily in the post-mortem appearances of the larve dead of the disease. As an aid in interpreting the description of these appearances a description of the healthy larve is first made. i Larve' that die of sacbrood do so almost invariably after capping and at some time during the four days just preceding the change in form of the maturing bee to that of a true pupa. During the first two days of this prepupal period the larva moves about more or less in the cell and spins a cocoon. It is then com- paratively quiet for about two days, lying on its dorsal side and ex- AT MT PT Fic. 4.—Lateral view of healthy worker larva showing the normal position within the cell, For conven- ience of description the length is divided into thirds—anterior third (AT), middle third (MT) and posterior third (PT). Enlarged about 8 diameters. (Original.) 7 tended lengthwise in the cell. At the close of this two-day period of rest, as a result of the metamorphosis going on, the larva changes very rapidly to a true pupa, assuming the outward form of an adult bee. Although many larve die of sacbrood during the first two days cr active period, of the 4-day prepupal period, by far the greater number of deaths occur during the last two days, the period of rest. A healthy larva at this resting period of its development is chosen, therefore, for description. As dead worker larve are the ones usually encountered in sacbrood and the ones almost invariably chosen in discussing the symptoms of the disease, the worker larva is here described. The normal larva lies extended in the cell (fig. 4) on its dorsal side, motionless, and with its head pointing toward the mouth of the cell. Its posterior or caudal end lies upon the bottom of the cell, 1 As beekeepers usually refer to the brood at this age as “larve,” the term is used here to designate the developing bee at this stage of its growth. SACBROOD. 9 while its extreme anterior or cephalic end extends almost to the cap and roof. The length of the larva is approximately one-half inch, being nearly that of the cell. Its two lateral sides cover about one- half each of the two lateral walls. The width of the larva is approxi- mately one-fifth of an inch, being the distance between the two lateral walls of the cell. The dorsal portion of the larva lies against the floor of the cell, being more or less convex from side to side and also from end to end. Tts ventral surface is convex from side to side, and is, generally speak- ing, concave from end to end. Considerable empty space is found between the larva and the roof of the cell. The spiracles are visible. The glistening appearance, characteristic of a larva before capping, very largely disappears after capping. Although larve at this age might be thought of as white, they are in fact more or less bluish white in color. Itis possible to remove a healthy larva at this age from the cell without rupturing the body wall, but care is required in doing so. For purposes of description it is con- venient to divide the length of the larva into three parts. These may be denom- inated the anterior (AT), middle (MT), and posterior thirds (PT). Anterior third.—On removing the cap from a ‘cell the anterior cone-shaped See : portion of the larva is seen (fig. 5; Pl. ae aoe ee Can Ie ae ee 1 wes torn and turned aside with forceps. En- ft @) ay pee oe paler ce _larged about 8 diameters. Original.) angle in the roof of the cell, but is not in contact with the roof or the cap. Transverse segmental markings are to be seen. Along a por- tion of the median dorsal line there is frequently to be observed a narrow transparent area. A cross section of this third is circular in outline. The anterior third passes rather abruptly into the middle third. At their juncture on each lateral side, owing to a rapid increase in the width of the larva at this’ point; there is presented the appear- ance of a “shoulder.” Middle third.—This third (figs. 6 and 4; Pl. IT, m) lies with its dorsal portion upon the floor of the cell,.its axis being nearly horizontal. The ventral surface is convex from side to side, and is considerably below the roof of the cell. This upper surface is crossed from side to side by well-marked furrows and ridges representing segments of the larva. These furrows and ridges produce a deeply notched appearance at the lateral margins. In some of the segments a trans- verse trachea may be seen appearing as a very fine, scarcely per- 58574°—Bull. 431—17-—2 10 BULLETIN 431, U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ceptible, white line. Sometimes there may be seen a narrow area along the median line of the ventral surface that is more nearly trans- parent than the remaining portion of the surface. This area may extend slightly into the anterior and posterior thirds. It is similar in appearance to the one on the dorsal side, but less distinct. A cross section of this third is slightly elliptical in outline. The middle third passes more or less gradually into the posterior third. The juncture on the ventral surface is indicated by a wide angle formed by the ventral surfaces of these two thirds. Posterior third.—In form the pos- terior third (figs. 6 and 4) is an im- perfect cone, the axis of which is directed somewhat upward from the horizontal. This third occupies the bottom portion of the cavity of the cell. Its dorsal surface lies upon the bottom wall, with the extreme caudal end of the larva extending to the roof of the cell (fig. 4). The third is marked off into segments by ridges and furrows similar to, but less regular than, those of the middle third. TISSUES OF A HEALTHY LARVA AT THE AGE AT WHICH IT DIES OF SACBROOD. — We i \ SSSSSss Upon removing a larva in the late larval stage and puncturing its body wall lightly, a clear fluid almost water-like in appearance flows out. This fluid consists chiefly of larval blood. By heating it, or by treat- ing it with any one of a number __ Fig. pears Bae pees from of different reagents, a coagulum is formed in it. Upon rupturing the body wall sufficiently, the tissues of the larva flow out as a semiliquid mass. The more nearly solid portion of the mass appears almost white. ‘This portion is suspended in a thin liquid, chiefly blood of the larva. A microscopic examination shows that the cellular elements of the mass are chiefly fat cells. Many fat globules suspended in the liquid tend to give it a milky appearance. SYMPTOMS OF SACBROOD. The condition of a colony depends naturally upon the condition of the individual bees of which it is composed. In the matter of diseases in practical apiculture the beekeeper is interested primarily in the SACBROOD. 11 colony as a whole, and not in individual bees. Therefore, in describ- ing the symptoms of a bee disease, the colony as a whole should be considered as the unit for description, and not the individual bee. A symptom of disease manifested by an individual bee, broadly con- sidered, is, in fact, alsoacolonysymptom. The symptoms of sacbrood as described in this paper are, therefore, those evidences of disease that are manifested ‘by a colony affected by the disease. It has been found that sacbrood can be produced in a healthy colony by feeding it a suspension in sirup of crushed larvz dead of the disease. With sacbrood thus produced in ex- perimental colonies the symptoms of the disease have been studied, and the description of these symptoms given here is based chiefly upon observations made in these experimental studies. The facts thus obtained are in accord with those observed in numerous sam- ples of the disease sent by beekeepers from various localities in the United States for diagnosis. They are in ac- cord, furthermore, with the symptoms as they have been observed in colonies in which the disease has appeared, not through experimental inoculation but naturally. The symptoms of sacbrood which would ordinarily be observed through a more or less casual examination of the disease will first be considered. It must be remembered that the brood is susceptible to the disease, but that the adult bees are not. SYMPTOMS AS OBSERVED FROM A CASUAL EXAMINATION, Fic. 7.—Larva dead of sacbrood lying in the 7 cell as viewed from above and at an angle. The presence of dead brood is usually — tt may have been dead a month. Cap of the first symptom observed. Anirreg- — Guiremoved Oy Tees. Tnlarged sbout & ularity in the appearance of the brood , ; nest (PI. I, figs. 1 and 2; Pl. IV) frequently attracts attention early in the examination. The strength of a colony in which the disease is present is often not noticeably diminished. Should a large amount of the brood become affected, however, the colony naturally becomes weakened thereby, the loss in strength soon becoming appreciable. Brood that dies of the disease does so almost invariably in capped cells, but before the pupal 12 BULLETIN 431, U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. stage is reached. It is rare to find a pupa dead of sacbrood (Pl. I, zz). The larve: that die (fig. 7) are found lying extended lengthwise with the dorsal side on the floor of the cell. They may be found in capped (fig. 8) cells or in cells which have been uncapped (fig. 9), as bees often remove the caps from cells containing dead larve. Caps that are not removed are more often en- tire, yet not infrequently they are found to have been punctured by the bees. Usually only one puncture is found in a cap (Pl. II, d), but there may be two (fig. 10) or even more (Pl. II,f). The punctures vary in size, sometimes approximating that of a pinhead, although usually smaller, and are often irregular in Pu, 8nd view of npotcll ic ouéline, Sometimes a cap (fig. 11, lar to the one shown in figure 9. The cap Pl. II, b) has a hole through it which pene sani ters, (Oniba om suggests by its position and uniform circumference that it has never been completed. Through such an opening (fig. 11; Pl. IT, e) or through one of the larger punctures the dead larva may be seen within the cell. A larva recently dead of sacbrood is slightly yellow. Thecolorina few days changes to brown. Theshade deepens as the process of decay con- tinues, until it appears in some in- stances almost black. Occasionally for a time during the process of decay the remains present a grayish appear- ance. In sacbrood, dufing the process of decay, the body wall of the dead larva (figs. 7 and 9) toughens, permit- ting the easy removal of the re- mains intact from the cell. The content of the saclike remains, dur- ing @ certain period of its decay, is ,. Bae rene ee watery and granular in appearance. larva dead of sacbrood. The sage th Much of the time the form of the oe the same as in figure 8. remains is quite similar to that of a healthy larva. If the dead larva is not removed, its surface through evaporation of its watery content, becomes wrinkled, dis- torting its form. Further drying results in the formation of the PLATE I. @' ae “elas | Bul. 431, U.S, Dept. of Agriculture. 7 See ,sivite a ventral view of all three face markings of the anterior third are SSE re ne ee eee approximately those of the normal larva. When a change in the position is observed, however, the extreme anterior end of the larva— the apex of this cone-like third—having settled somewhat, does not approach so near the roof of the cell as does that of a healthy larva. It is sometimes found also that this cone-like third is deflected more or less to one side or the other. Middle and posterior thirds.—The changes from the normal that have taken place in these two thirds are similar and can, therefore, be described together. The yellowish tint is here observed. The trans- verse ridges and furrows are still well marked (fig. 13). The trans- SACBROOD. 15 verse trachese under slight magnification may be distinctly seen. The narrow, somewhat transparent area present along the ventral median line of the healthy larva is still to be seen in this stage of the decay. The lateral and posterior margins are still deeply notched and are frequently found to appear quite transparent. This appear- ance is due to a watery looking fluid beneath the cuticular portion of -the body wall. Sometimes only the remnant of a larva (fig. 14; Pl. II, ww) dead of sacbrood is found in the cell. Such remnants vary in size. The Fie. 14.—First stage: Portion of a larva dead of sacbrood, showing a more or less transverse roughened surface from which the bees have removed a portion of the larva piecemeal. (Original.) : Fia. 15.—Second stage: Dorsal view of an- ‘terior third of a larva dead of sacbrood. (Original. ) : surface left from the removal of tissues is somewhat roughened, indicating that the removed portion has been taken away piecemeal, and is more or less transverse to the larva. Consistency of the larva in the first stage.—The cuticular portion of the body wall, which chiefly constitutes the sac that characterizes the disease sac- brood, is less easily broken at this time than in the healthy larva. When the body wall is broken the tissues of the larva, which constitute the contents of the sac, flow out. This fluid tissue mass is less milky in appearance than that from a normal larva. The granular character of the con- tents of the sac which is marked in later stages of decay is already in evidence. By microscopic examination the granular appearance is found to be due chiefly to fat cells. Condition of the virus in the first stage.—When larve of this stage are crushed, suspended in sirup, and fed to healthy bees, a large 16 BULLETIN 431, U. §. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. amount of sacbrood is readily produced, showing that the larval re- mains in this stage are particularly infectious. This is an important fact, as it is the stage of decay at which the larva is frequently re- moved piecemeal from the cell. SEconpD STAGE. The color of the decaying larva has changed from the yellowish hue of the first stage to a brownish tint. The yellow, however, has not Fic. 17.—Third stage: Dorsal view of an- terior third of larva dead of sacbrood, (Original.) yet in all cases entirely disappeared. Anterior third—The shade of brown is deeper in the anterior third (fig. 15; PL. II, 7) ag arule than in the other two thirds. On the ventral surface of the anterior third there are sometimes present minute, very dark, nearly black areas, appearing little more than mere points. Upon dissecting away the molt skin, these areas are found to be associated with the developing head and thoracic appendages of the bee. The position of the anterior third in this stage has changed only slightly from that observed in the preceding one. The apex is farther from the roof of the cell (Pl. II, 2). The deflection is more marked and is seen in a greater number of larva. The surface markings have not changed materially. Middle and posterior thirds.—The changes that have occurred in each of these two thirds are still similar and can, therefore, again be described together. Fig. 16.—Second stage: Larva dead of sacbrood, ventral view. (Original.) SACBROOD. 17 The ventral surface of these two thirds (fig. 16, Pl. II, 0) is less con- vex from side to side. The ridges and furrows, representing the seg- ments, are less pronounced. The lateral margins are still deeply notched. The prominent angle seen on the ventral side of a healthy larva, at the juncture of the middle and posterior thirds, has given place to a wider one in this stage of decay. The clear subcuticular fluid frequently observed at. the lateral and posterior margins of lar- vee dead of this disease is here increased in quantity. Consistency of the contents of the sac.—The cuticular sac is now more readily observed and less easily broken. The decaying contents con- sist of a more or less granular-appear- ing mass suspended in a watery ap- pearing fluid, the mass possessing a slightly brownish hue. The micro- scopic examination shows that the granular appearance is due to the presence of decaying tissue cells, chiefly fat cells, which are changing slowly as the decay of the larva goes on. ‘ Condition of the virus.—The results of inoculations show that the remains of larve at this stage of decay are still in some instances infectious. The amount of infection produced when such larve are used in making in- oculations is very much less, how- ever, than when larve in the first stage are used. Tarrp Sraae. The color of the dead larva of this stage is quite brown, that of the an- Fie. 18.—Third stage: Larva dead of sacbrood, terior third being a deeper shade than en ee that of the other two thirds. An indication that the remains are drying is observed in the wrinkling of the surface that is beginning to be in evidence. . Anterior third.—The color of the anterior third is a deep brown. This third still preserves its conelike form (figs. 17 and 9; Pl. II, 4), the distance of the apex from the roof of the cell being still further increased. This may equal one-fourth or more of the diameter of the mouth of the cell. The surface markings are still quite similar to those of a healthy larva with the exception that evidences of drying are present. §8574°—Bull. 431—17—8 18 BULLETIN 431, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Middle third.—While the color of the middle third is similar to and often approaches in its shade that of the anterior, very frequently it is considerably lighter. The ventral surface of this third (figs. 18 and 7) is less convex from side to side than in the preceding stage, and the segmental markings, while still plainly visible, are less pro- nounced. The notches along the lateral margins are also less pro- nounced. Posterior third.—The color of the posterior third (figs. 18 and 7; Pl. II, p) equals or exceeds in depth of shade that of the middle third and sometimes equals that of the anterior third. The surface markings are still pronounced and much resemble those of the normal larva. That the watery content of the sac is being lessened through evapo- ration is evidenced by the diminution of the quantity of the watery- Kg te Fig. 19.—Third stage: Larva dead of sacbrood, lateral view. (Original. ) appearing substance seen at the lateral margins of the middle and posterior thirds and by the wrinkling of the cuticular sac. These wrinkles are small and numerous. The lateral view of the larva in the third stage (fig. 19) shows that it still maintains, in a general way, the form and markings of the normal larva (fig. 4). The turgidity is gone, although the position in the cell is very much as it is in the healthy larva. Consistency of the sac and its contents.—It is the appearance of the remains of the larva in the third stage of the decay that best character- izes the disease, sacbrood. The cuticular sac is now quite tough, permitting the removal of the larva from the cell with considerable ease and with little danger of its being torn. The content of the sac is a granular mass, brownish in color and suspended in a comparatively small quantity of a more or less clear watery-appearing fluid. Upon microscopic examination the mass is found to consist of decaying tissues, chiefly fat cells. Condition of the virus in the third stage—When the larval remains in this stage of decay are crushed and fed in sirup to healthy colonies no sacbrood is produced, indicating that the dead larve at this stage SACBROOD. 19 are not infectious. The status of the virus in this stage is not defi- nitely known, but the facts thus far obtained indicate that it is probably dead. Fourtra Srace. The brown color of the larval remains has further deepened, the anterior third being much darker as a rule than the other two-thirds. The marked evidence of drying now present might be said to charac- terize this stage. Anterior third.—The color is a very deep brown, often appearing almost black. As a result of drying, the apex of this conelike third Fig. 20.—Fourth stage: Remains of larva dead of sacbrood. (Original.) is often nearer the roof of the cell in ‘this stage than in the preceding one. As aresult it has also been drawn inward from the mouth of the cell. The surface markings seen in the normal larva are in this stage (fig. 20; PI. II, &) of decay almost obliter- ated through the wrinkling of the surface, due to drying. Middle third.—This third ig de- Fig. 21.—Fourth stage: Remains of Jarva dead éide dly brown, but lighter fa sbnde of sacbrood, ventral view. (Original. ) than the anterior third. The ventral surface (fig. 21; Pl. II, q) is slightly concave from side to side. The segmental markings are still to be seen, but are not at all prominent. The notched lateral mar- gins extend upon the side walls of the cell. The subcuticular fluid so noticeable in some of the earlier stages has disappeared through evaporation. The effect of drying is very noticeable, causing a marked wrinkling of the surface. Posterior third.—The posterior third (Pl. II, g) may or may not be darker than the middle third, but it-is not darker than the anterior 20 BULLETIN 431, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. third. ‘The effect of the drying on this third is quite perceptible also. The surface markings and notched margin of the normal larva are still indicated in the decaying remains, but are much less pronounced. The subcuticular fluid is no longer in evidence. Consistency of the contents of the sac.—Upon tearing the sac, the contents are found to be less fluid than in preceding stages. The decaying tissue mass is still granular in appearance. As the drying Fig. 22.—Fifth stage: Scale, or larval re- mains, in sacbrood as seen on looking into the cell. (Original.) proceeds further the contents of the sac become pastelike in consistency. Condition of the virus in the fourth stage.—As in the preceding stage, the larval remains in the fourth stage do not seem to be infectious. Firrn Stace. Fig. 23.—Fifth stage: Scale, or larval remains, The dead larva in this last sta: ge in sacbrood viewed at an angle from above. : (Original.) has lost by evaporation all of its coi moisture, leaving the dry, mummylike remains known as the ‘‘scale.” Anterior third.—The anterior third (fig. 22; Pl. II, 1) through dry- ing is retracted from the mouth of the cell, with the apex drawn still deeper into the cell and raised toward its roof. This third is greatly wrinkled, and, being of a very dark-brown color, presents often an almost black appearance. Middle third——The middle third (fig. 23; Pl. II, 7), is deeply concave from side to side and may show remnants of the segmental markings of the larva. The surface is often roughened through drying. Sometimes both longitudinal and transverse trachew are SACBROOD. 21 plainly visible. The margin frequently presents a wavy outline cor- responding to the original furrows and ridges of the lateral margin of the larva. Posterior third.—The posterior third (figs. 23 and 24) extends upon the bottom of the cell, but does not completely cover it. A lateral view of the scale (fig. 24) shows that it is turned upward anteriorly and drawn somewhat toward the bottom of the cell. The ventral surface is concave, often roughened, and directed somewhat forward. ‘This margin, like that of the middle third, has a tendency toward being irregular. : The scale.—The scale can easily be removed intact from the cell. (Pl. TI, x.) Indeed, when very dry, many of them can be shaken from the brood comb. When out of the cell, they vary markedly in appearance. The anterior third is of a deeper brown than the the other two thirds as a rule. The dorsal side of the middle and | iF UittitionionuiaHiMesunaosvoutll!Z Yi fj YY WWW 1 Dp | { TIA . ssi il gee | ee, | | i Zz | A RO ZB \ a RT ANAM MN aa) ZG 4 Fic. 24.—Scale, or larval remains, in position in cell cut lengthwise, lateral view. (Original.) posterior thirds is shaped to conform to the floor of the cell, being in general convex, with a surface that is smooth and polished. The margin is thin and wavy. The anterior third and the lateral sides of the middle and posterior thirds being turned upward, the ventral sur- face being concave, and the posterior side being convex, the scale in general presents a boatlike appearance and could be styled ‘“gondola- shaped.” ‘This general form of the scale has been referred to by beekeepers as being that of a Chinaman’s shoe. When completely dry, the scale is brittle and may easily be ground to a powder. Condition of the virus in the scale.—The scales in sacbrood, when fed to healthy bees, have shown no evidence of being infectious. The length of time that dead larve are permitted by the bees to remain in the cells before they are removed varies. They may be removed soon after death, they may remain until or after they have become a dry scale, or they may be removed at any intervening stage in their decay. Not infrequently they are permitted to remain to or 22 BULLETIN 431, U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. through the stage described above as the third stage (figs. 7, 9, 17, and 18; Pl. Ij, p). That the dead larve are allowed to remain in the cells often for weeks is in part the cause of the irregularity ob- served in the appearance of the brood combs (p. 11). (Pls. I, IV.) APPEARANCE OF THE TISSUES OF A LARVA DEAD OF SACBROOD. The gross appearance of a larva during its decay after death from sacbrood has just been described. The saclike appearance of the remains, with its subcuticular watery-like fluid and its granular content, can better be interpreted by knowing something of the microscopic structure of the dead larva. A section through a larva (fig. 25, A) dead of sacbrood shows that the fat tissue constitutes the greater portion of the bulk of the body. The fat cells (FC) are comparatively large. In the prepared section when considerably magnified (C) they are seen to be irregular in outline, with an irregular-shaped nucleus (Nu). Bodies stained black, more or less spherical in form and varying in size, are found in them. The presence of these cells is the chief cause for the granular appearance of the contents of larve dead of sacbrood. This appearance has often been observed by beekeepers and is a well- recognized symptom of sacbrood. In the section (A) may be seen a molt skin (C,), which is at a con- siderable distance from the hypodermis (Hyp). Another cuticula (C,) is already quite well formed and lies near the hypodermis. Be- tween these two cuticule (C, and C,) during the earlier stages of decay there is a considerable space (‘intercuticular space” ) (IS). This space is filled with a watery-looking fluid. That the fluid is not water, but that it is of such a nature that a coagulum is formed in it during the preparation of the tissues for study, is shown by the presence of a coagulum in the sections. The body (B, A) wall of the larva is composed of the cuticula (C,), the hypodermis (Hyp) and the basement membrane (BM). The hypodermal cells may be present in the mass content of the larval remains. These cells are comparatively small. Similar ones are to be found in the tracheal walls (Tra). These cells, however, make up only a small portion of the contents of the sac. There are many other cellular elements to be found in the decaying mass of larval tissues, some of which contribute to this granular ap- pearance. Among these are the cenocytes (Oe), cells (D) larger than the fat cells, but comparatively few in number. These are found among the fat cells, especially in the ventral half of the body. The cenocytes in the prepared tissues are irregular in outline, having a nucleus regular in outline. The cytoplasm is uniformly granular and does not contain the black staining bodies found in the fat cells (C). \ SACBROOD. 93 Fi. 25.—The tissues of a worker larva after being dead of sacbrood about one week. A, cross section, semidiagrammatic, of the abdomen in the region of the ovaries, showing a recently cast cuticula, or molt skin (C2), a newly formed cuticula (C;), the hypodermis (Hyp), the stomach (St), the ovaries (Ov), the heart (Ht), the ventral nerve cord (VNC), the dorsal diaphragm (DDph), tracheze (Tra), ceno- cytes (Oe), and fat cells (FC). Between the cuticula C2 and the cuticula C; is a considerable intercu- ticular space (IS). B repfesents the body wall in this pathological condition, showing the cuticula Cs and the cuticula C1, both bearing spines (SC, and SC), and the intercuticular space (IS) in which is found evidence of a coagulum formed from the fluid filling the space by the action of the fixing fluids. The remainder of the body wall, the hypodermis (Hyp), and the basement membrane (BM) are also shown. C, fat cell with irregular outline, irregular nucleus (Nu), and deep staining bodies-(DSB). D, cenocyte with uniformly staining cytoplasm, and with a nucleus (Nu) having a uniform outline. E, 2 portion of the stomach wall showing the epithelium (SEpth) during metamorphosis, it being at this time quite columnar in type, and the musculature (M). (Original.) . 24 BULLETIN 431, U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The molt skin (C,) is probably the one that is shed normally about three days after the larva is capped. The cuticula (C,), already quite well formed, is probably the one which normally would have entered into the formation of the molt skin that is cast at the time the larva or semipupa changes to a pupa. The molt skin (C,) constitutes for the most part the sac which is seen to inclose the decaying larval mass in sacbrood, the cuticula (C,) probably assisting somewhat at times. The presence of the subcuticular fluid is made more intelli- gible by these facts. Larve dying of sacbrood at an earlier or later period in their development will present an appearance varying somewhat from that just described. Contrasted with the stomach (midintestine or midgut) of a feeding larva, the stomach (A, St) of a larva at the age at which it dies of sac- brood is small. The cells lining the wall of the organ vary con- siderably in size and shape, depending upon the exact time at which death takes place. In contrast to the low cells of the stomach wall in younger larvee, the cells (E, SEpth) at this later period are much elon- gated. These cells would also at times be found in the decaying granular mass present in the larval remains. The various organs of the body contribute to the cellular content of the decaying larval mass. At the period at which the larva dies of sacbrood, the cellular changes accompanying metamorphosis are particularly marked. This condition introduces various cellular ele- ments into the decaying larval mass. The granular mass from the larval remains in sacbrood is, therefore, a composite affair. Upon examining the mass microscopically, it will be found that the granular appearance is due for the most part to fat cells suspended in a liquid. The liquid portion seems to be chiefly blood of the larva, or, at least, derived from the blood, although augmented most probably by other liquids of the larva and possibly by a liquefaction of some of the tissues present. The granular mass suspended in a watery fluid, as a symptom of sacbrood, is by these facts rendered more easily understood. CAUSE OF SACBROOD. Doolittle (1881), Jones (1883), Simmins (1887), Root (1892 and 1896), Cook (1902), Dadant (1906), and others through their writ- ings have pointed out the fact that there are losses sustained from sacbrood. There has been no consensus of opinion, however, as to the infectiousness of the disease. On this point Dadant (1906) writes: Whatever may be the cause of this disease (so-called Pickled Brood), and although it is to a certain extent contagious, it often passes off without treatment. But, as colonies may be entirely ruined by it, it ought not to be neglected. SACBROOD, 25 In the quotation Dadant expresses the belief that the disease is an infectious one. This view has been proved by recent studies to be the correct one. Since the disease is one of.a somewhat transient nature, often subsiding and disappearing quickly without treatment, and is quite different in many ways from the foulbroods, it is not strange that some writers should have held that it is not infectious. PREDISPOSING CAUSES. Beekeepers have known for many years certain facts concerning the predisposing causes of sacbrood. Recent studies have added others relative to sex, age, race, climatic conditions, season, and food as possible predisposing factors in the causation of the disease. Age.—The results of the studies suggest that adult bees are not directly susceptible to the disease. Pupe are rarely affected (Pl. II, zz). If one succumbs to the disease, it is quite soon after trans- formation from the larval stage. Primarily it is the larve that are susceptible. When a larva dies of the disease, it does so almost invariably after capping, and usually during the 2-day period immedi- ately preceding the time for the change to a pupa. Sex.—Worker and drone larve may become infected. Queen larve apparently are also susceptible, although this point has not yet been completely demonstrated. Race.—No complete immunity against sacbrood has yet been found to exist in any race of bees commonly kept in America. That one race is less susceptible to the disease than another may be said to be probable, although the extent of such immunity has not been established. The question: ‘‘ What race of bees is there in the diseased colony ?”’ was asked beekeepers sending samples of diseased brood. Out of 140 replies received from those sending sacbrood samples,’ 53 reported hybrids, 49 reported Italians, 21 reported blacks, and 17 reported Italian hybrids. These replies show that the bees commonly kept by American beekeepers are susceptible, although their relative suscepti- bility is not shown. The bees which have been inoculated in the experimental work on sacbrood have been largely Italians or mixed with Italian blood. Blacks have also been used. No complete immunity was observed in any colony inoculated. That the blacks are more susceptible than strains having Italian blood in them is suggested by some of the results. Facts concerning the problem of immunity as relating to bees are yet altogether too meager to justify more definite state- ments. is : Climate.—Historial evidence strongly suggests that sacbrood is found in Germany (Langstroth, 1857), England (Simmins, 1887), 58574°—Bull. 431—17-—4 26 BULLETIN 431, U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and Switzerland (Burri, 1906). Beuhne (1913) reports its presence in Australia, and Bahr (1915) has encountered a brood disorder among bees in Denmark which he finds is neither of the foul broods. He had examined 10 samples of it but had not studied it further. He says it may be sacbrood. About 400 cases of sacbrood have been diagnosed by Dr, A. H. McCray and the writer among the samples of brood received for examination at the Bureau of Entomology. Period of Date of inoculation. fermen- Results of inoculation. ' tation. Days. PO Os TD sya ices atte vip sscw waomininiel? 1 | Sachrood produced. Sept. 11, 1915. a 2 Do. D 3 Do. 4 Do. 3 | No disease produced. 5 Do. 5 Do. Hf Do. 9 Do. 13 Do. 34 Do. 51 Do. 85 Do. 87 Do. 90 Do. 244 Do. 1Theresultsrecorded for 1914 were obtained with a suspension of crushed larve, in various stages of decay, in sirup made from about equal parts Water and sugar. From the results of experiments recorded in Table TX it will be noted that the virus of sacbrood was destroyed in from three to five days in the presence of fermentation in 10 per cent canesugar (saccharose) | at room temperature. J As the rapidity of fermentative processes varies with the temperature present, it is natural to sup- Fig, 33.—Test tube hi hi : ‘red f a ° f bearing acotton plug, Pose that the time required for the destruction o used in testing the ef? ¢he virus will vary. From experiments it is found fect of fermentation, . : 2 . putrefaction, and dis) that at incubator temperature the time is slightly infecting agents on less, and at outdoor temperature it is somewhat the virus of sacbrood. (Original.) greater than at room temperature. RESISTANCE OF SACBROOD VIRUS TO FERMENTATION IN DILUTED HONEY AT OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE. Employing the egg test’ as used by beekeepers in diluting honey for the purpose of making vinegar, it is found that it requires about 1 This test is applied in the following manner: Water is added to honey until an egg placed in the mixture nearly submerged, the surface remaining above the liquid being only about as large as a 10-cent piece. SACBROOD. 43 four volumes of water to one of ripened honey to obtain the strength recommended. The honey solution by volume, therefore, is about 20 per cent honey. A suspension of the virus of sacbrood in such a solution is dis- tributed in test’ tubes placed in an empty hive body and allowed to ferment at outdoor temperature. After periods reckoned in days colonies are inoculated as was done in case of the sugar solutions described above. The following results were obtained from the experiments performed: TaBLE X.—Resistance of sacbrood virus to fermentative processes ina 20 per cent honey solution at outdoor temperature. Time of Date of inoculation. fermen- Results of inoculation. tation. Days. E Bane ocd produced. Do. No disease produced. 0. Sansone is} 5 > In the presence of fermentative processes taking place in a 20 per cent honey solution at outdoor temperature it will be observed that the virus of sacbrood in the experiments recorded in Table X was destroyed in six days. The outdoor temperature during these experiments was quite warm. Had it been cooler, the time for the destruction of the virus would have been somewhat increased. In the making of vinegar it may be concluded that the virus of sacbrood, should it be present in the honey used, would be destroyed in a com- paratively short time as a result of fermentation. ~ RESISTANCE OF SACBROOD VIRUS TO THE PRESENCE OF PUTREFACTIVE PROCESSES. Larve containing the virus of sacbrood are crushed and suspended in water. A small quantity of soil is added. The suspension is strained and distributed in test tubes. These are allowed to stand at room temperature in a state of putrefaction. After periods reckoned in days colonies free from the disease are inoculated, each with the contents of a single tube added to sirup. From experiments of this kind the results following have been obtained. 44 BULLETIN 431, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TaBLy XI.—Resistance of sacbrood virus to putrefaction. Time of 7 7 Date of inoculation. putrefac-| Results of inoculation. tion. | Days. 1 | Sacbrood produced. 2 Do. 3 Do. 3 Do. 4 Do. ‘ 5 Do, 5 Do. . 7 Do. 9 Do. 7 | No disease produced. 10 Do. | 14 Do. 14 Do. 16 Do. From Table XI it will be noted that the virus of sacbrood was destroyed in the experiments recorded in from 7 to 10 days. As in the case of fermentation, so in the case of putrefaction, it is to be expected that the time for the destruction of the virus will vary appreciably with the temperature at which the putrefactive processes take place. RESISTANCE OF SACBROOD VIRUS TO CARBOLIC ACID. Larve recently dead of sacbrood are crushed and strained. This larval mass is diluted with carbolic acid in aqueous solution. About 10 parts of carbolic acid to 1 part of the larval mass is used. This suspension is distributed in test tubes and allowed to stand at room temperature. Each tube contains the virus from. about 15 larve. After periods, reckoned in days, colonies free from disease are inocu- lated, each with the contents of a single tube added to sirup. Carbolic acid solutions of 4, 1, 2, and 4 per cent were used in mak- ing the suspensions. The following results were obtained from the experiments: TABLE XII.—Resistance of sacbrood virus to carbolic acid. Strength Time in Date of inoculation. Pr a| Suspen- | Results of inoculation. used. sion. Per cent.| Days. ; 4 1 | Sachbrood produced. 4 16 Do. 4 24 Do. 4 38 | No disease produced. pa 50 Do. i] gs] be 0. Sept. 3, 1914..... 1 1 | Sacbrood produced. Sept. 18, 1914... be 16 Do. June 23, 1915. 1 25 | Do. Sept. 17, 1915 1 38 | No disease produced. Aug. 12, 1915 1 50 Do. ‘Aug. 21, 1915 1 50 Do. June 4, 1915... . 1 251 Do. SACBROOD. 45 TasLe XII.—Resistance of sacbrood virus to car bolic acid—Continued. Strength | time in Date of inoculation.. of car. | suspen- | Results of inoculation. bolic ad sion, used. | : Per cent. | ' Days. 2 1 | Sacbrood produced. 2 16 Do. 2 25 Do. 2 38 | No disease produced. 2 42 Do. 2 50 | Do. a Hours DUNG 23} VOU BD sscsccteer coe osetia ons Sein el Lol ae 4 3 | Sacbrood produced. THUY hy SOM ec eae secon ord vd un ciReIRW Hoa abe hore eaee 4 7 Do. Days. FUNC: 28 OLE oon iwinaisae none eeceem eth eoneeceeeeees 4 25 | No disease produced. AUG. 12, LOG ss casevcie cis cae scanners sue eeceieled ate ewomelgete 4 50 Do. From the preliminary results recorded in Table XII it will be observed that the virus of sacbrood shows a marked resistance to the disinfecting power of carbolic acid. Under the conditions of the experiments the virus resisted its action for more than three weeks in 4, 1, and 2 per cent aqueous solutions. These results lead naturally to a consideration of the effect of drugs on the virus of sacbrood in the treatment of the disease. On this point complete data are yet wanting. While the disinfecting power of a compound, as shown in experi- ments such as those described above for carbolic acid, may indicate something as to the value of the compound as a drug, it does not necessarily prove its value. More definite proof is gained through feeding colonies with the virus suspended in honey medicated with the drug, and then continuing to feed the inoculated colonies with honey similarly medicated daily thereafter until the time for the appearance of the disease. To illustrate the nature of experiments which are being conducted to determine the value of drugs in the treatment of sacbrood, experi- ments with quinine and carbolic acid are here referred to. A colony was fed the virus of sacbrood suspended in honey and water, equal parts, to which was added 5 grains of the bisulphate of quinine to one-half pint of diluted honey, and on each of the five days following the inoculation the same colony was fed diluted honey containing no virus, but medicated with quinine in the same way. On the seventh day following the inoculation with the virus there was found to be a large quantity of sacbrood produced in the colony so inoculated and treated. A similar experiment in which carbolized honey was used gave like results. These experiments, although not furnishing conclusive proof, do indicate something of what might be expected from the use of quinine or carbolic acid as a drug in the treatment of sacbrood. 46 BULLETIN 431, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Technically the foregoing studies should be thought of as being preliminary. Questions relating to virulence of the virus, resistance of the bees, technique, and many other factors contribute to make results such as these vary. For practical purposes, however, they are sufficiently complete. In estimating the time necessary for the destruction of the virus in practical apiculture by any of the fore- going tables of results it should be emphasizéed that the time element should be somewhat increased, inasmuch as the conditions present in the experiments were more favorable for its destruction than would ordinarily be the case in practice. MODES OF TRANSMISSION OF SACBROOD. The transmission of a brood disease must be thought of as taking place (1) from diseased to healthy brood within a colony and (2) from © a diseased colony to a healthy one. The manner in which sacbrood is spread naturally depends directly upon the modes by which the virus of the disease is transmitted. As is shown experimentally, the virus of sacbrood produces the disease when it is added directly to the food of young larve or when it is mixed with sirup and fed to a colony. From this fact it is fair to assume that sacbrood may result whenever the food or water used by the bees contains the living virus of the disease. Bees have a tendency to remove diseased or dead larve from the cells. When the removal is attempted about the time of death, it is done piecemeal. Each fragment removed from such a larva, if fed to a young healthy larva within a week, would most likely produce sacbrood in the larva. Within the hive, therefore, the dis- ease may be transmitted to healthy larve more or less directly in this way. Just what becomes of these bits of tissue removed from the dis- eased larve, however, is not known. If it were the rule that the tissues of the dead larva after being removed in fragments were fed unaltered to the young healthy larve within two weeks after its removal, it would seem that the disease would increase rapidly in the colony as a result. Such an increase, however, is unusual, the tendency in a colony being in most cases toward a recovery from the disease. This fact leads one to think of other possibilities regarding the destiny of the infected tissues removed as fragments from the dis- eased larve. If the infective material were fed to the older larve, death probably would not result. Should it be used by adult bees as food for themselves, the likelihood of the transmission of the dis- ease under such circumstances would apparently be very materially reduced. If the infective material were stored with the honey and SACBROOD. 47 did not reach the brood within a month or six weeks, it is not prob- able that the disease would be transmitted under such circumstances (p. 41). Should the dead larve or any fragments of them be car- ried out of the hive, the virus would have to be returned to the hive, as a matter of course, before further infection of the brood could take place from such infective material. It is left to be considered in what way the infective material if removed from the hive might be returned to the brood and infect it. Should any material containing the virus reach the water sup- ply of the bees, or the flowers visited by the bees, it is within the range of possibility that some of the living virus might be returned to the hive and reach healthy young larve. While out of the hive, however, the virus must withstand certain destructive agencies in nature. Under more or less favorable cir- cumstances it would withstand drying alone for a few weeks (p. 37), but if exposed to the sun it might be destroyed in a few hours. (p 38). If the virus were subjected to fermentation it might be destroyed within a week (p 48), and if subjected to putrefaction, within two weeks (p. 44). t The experimental evidence indicates that the virus, once out of the hive and freed from the adult bees removing it, during the warmer seasons of the year, at least, has but little chance of being returned to the hive and producing any noticeable infection. In the experimental apiary (Pl. III) a large number of colonies have been heavily infected with sacbrood through experimental inoculation; and no infection was observed to have resulted in the uninoculated colonies. If throughout the main brood-rearing season the usual source of infection were the flowers or the water supply, a quite different result would be expected. Tentatively it may be concluded, therefore, that the probability of the transmission of the virus of sacbrood by way of flowers visited by bees, practically considered, is quite remote, being, however, to a limited extent theoretically possible. It would seem that there is a greater likelihood of the water supply being a source of infection than flowers. The chances for infection ‘from this source, should it occur at all, would be greater in the spring, as at such a time the quantity of infective material in dis- eased colonies is greater, increasing the chances that some of it might be carried to the water supply and contaminate it, and fur- thermore, the destructive agencies in nature are at this time less ’ efficient. Bees drifting or straying from infected colonies to healthy ones must be thought of as possible transmitters of the disease. That the disease is not spread to any great extent in this way is evidenced 48 BULLETIN 431, U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. by the fact that colonies in the apiary that were not inoculated experimentally remained free from disease, although many colonies in the apiary were heavily infected at the time. Sacbrood has a tendency to weaken a colony in which it is present. Frequently this weakness is noticeable and often marked. Rob- bing, which occurs not infrequently at such a time, results in the transmission of the virus, to some extent at least, directly to healthy colonies. Robbing, therefore, must always be considered as a prob- able means of transmission. The modes of transmission of sacbrood within the colony and from colony to colony, as will be seen, are not by any means completely determined. In what way the sacbrood virus is carried over from one brood-rearing season to another is one of the many problems con- cerning this disease that are yet to be solved. The foregoing facts, accompanied by the brief discussions, it is hoped, will throw some light upon this important phase of the study—the transmission of this disease—and will serve as an aid to later researches. DIAGNOSIS OF SACBROOD. The diagnosis of sacbrood can be made from the symptoms already described (p. 10). The colony may or may not be noticeably weak- ened. The adult bees are normal in appearance. Scattered here and there on the brood frame among the healthy brood are found dead larve in the late larval stage. Usually there are only a few of them, ‘yet sometimes there are many. These larve may be in capped or uncapped cells. When found in uncapped cells, however, the cap- pings had already been removed by the bees after the death of the larvee. The cap over a dead larva in a cell may be found punctured or not. The brood possesses no abnormal odor, or practically none. The post-mortem appearances of larve dead of the disease are espe- cially valuable in making the diagnosis. The larva is found extended lengthwise in the cell and on its dorsal side. Throughout the period of decay it will be found to maintain much of the form and markings of a healthy larva of the age at which it died. Soon after death the larval remains are slightly yellow. After a period they assume a brownish tint. Since the brown color deepens as the process of decay and drying takes place, the remains may be found having any one of a number of shades of brown. They may appear at times almost black. ~ After death the cuticular portion of the body wall becomes tough- ened, permitting the easy removal of the larva intact from the cell. When removed, the saclike appearance of the remains becomes easily apparent. Upon rupturing the cuticular sac the contents are found to be a brownish, granular-appearing mass suspended in a compara- SACBROOD. 49 tively small quantity of more or less clear liquid. The scales formed by the drying of the decaying remains are easily removed from the cells. After becoming quite dry many of them indeed can be shaken from the brood comb. Upon crushing larvee which have been found dead for some time but not yet dry, a marked unpleasant odor will be noticed if the crushed mass is held near the nostrils. Microscopically no microorganisms are to be found in the decay- ing remains of the larve. Cultures made from them are also neg- ative. Differential diagnosis.—Sacbrood must be differentiated from the other brood diseases. American foulbrood may be recognized by the peculiar odor of the brood combs when the odor is present. The body wall of the larval and pupal remains is easily ruptured, and the decaying mass becomes viscid, giving the appearance popularly referred to as ‘‘ropiness.’’ The scale adheres quite firmly to the floor of the cell. The presence of Bacillus larve in the brood dead of the disease is a positive means by which it may be differentiated from sacbrood. European foulbrood may be recognized by the fact that the larvee as a rule die while coiled in the cell and before an endwise position is assumed. Inthe majority of instances, therefore, death takes place before the cells are capped. The saclike appearance characterizing the dead larve in sacbrood is absent. The granular consistency of the decaying mass is absent also. Microscopically, a large number of bacteria are found in larve dead of European foulbrood, but are absent in larve dead of sacbrood. The presence of Bacillus pluton is a positive means by which European foulbrood may be recognized. Bacillus alvei and other species may also be present. Sacbrood must also ebe differentiated from other conditions re- ferred to as chilled brood, overheated brood, and starved brood, which occasionally are encountered. This can be done by a compar- ison of the symptoms presented by these different conditions with the symptoms of sacbrood, and the history of the cases. Some of the larve dead from these conditions will be found to have died while yet coiled in the cell. This fact suggests some condition other than sacbrood. When dying later, the saclike remains characterizing sac- brood are not present in conditions other than sacbrood. PROGNOSIS. The tendeney in a colony affected with sacbrood is to recover from the disease. Colonies which during the spring months show the pres- ence of more or less disease, by midsummer or earlier may, and very 50 BULLETIN 431, U. S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. frequently do, contain no diseased brood. Experimentally it is pos- sible to destroy a colony by feeding it repeatedly the virus of sac- brood, and beekeepers report that the disease sometimes destroys colonies in their apiaries. The percentage of colonies, however, that actually die out as a direct result of the disease is small. The weak- ening of the colony in the spring of the year not only reduces or entirely eliminates the profits on it for the season, but may also cause it to be in a weakened condition on the approach of winter. Whether a larva once infected ever recovers from the disease is not known. Reasoning from what is known of the diseases of other ani- mals and man, one would expect that a larva may recover from sac-° brood infection. It is known that many larve, both worker and drone, do die. From the information thus far obtained it does not appear that a queenless colony would be likely to remain so as a con- sequence of the disease. As to the prognosis of the disease in a colony it may be said, there- fore, that it is very favorable for the continued existence of the colony. As to the economic losses to be expected from the disease, the present studies suggest that they may vary from losses that are so light as not to be detected upon examination to losses that may equal the entire profits of the colony for the year. Indeed, at times the death of the colony takes place as a result of the disease. RELATION OF THESE STUDIES TO THE TREATMENT OF SACBROOD. An earlier paper (White, 1908) contains a brief general discussion of the relation existing between the cause of bee diseases and the treatment of them. The general remarks made in it apply also to sacbrood. No doubt the beekeeper in studying the results given here has already observed relations existing between them and points which should be incorporated in methods for treatment. Mention- ing a few of them here may serve to suggest still others. That the weakness resulting in a sacbrood colony is due to the death of worker larve; that adult bees are not susceptible to the disease; that queenlessness is rarely to be expected as a sequence of the disease; that the disease may be produced with ease at any time of the year that brood is being reared; that it occurs at all seasons, but is more frequently encountered in the spring; that it - is found in localities differing widely as to food and climatic con- ditions; and that no complete racial fimmunity to the disease has yet been found are facts concerning the predisposing causes of sac- brood which beekeepers will at once recognize as bearing a close rela- tion to the methods by which the disease should be treated. As sacbrood can not occur in the absence of its exciting cause (a filterable virus), a knowledge of this cause is of special importance in the treatment of the disease. SACBROOD. 51 That sacbrood is very frequently encountered; that it is infectious, but that it is more benign in character than malignant; that it does not spread rapidly from one colony to another; that colonies manifest a strong tendency toward self-recovery from the disease; that this tendency is stronger after midsummer; that the disease may so weaken a colony during the early brood-rearing season that the profits from it may be much reduced, or even rendered nil; and that the disease may indeed destroy the colony are facts which must be considered in devising logical methods for its treatment. That the virus of sacbrood remains virulent in larve dead of the disease for less than one month; that it remains virulent in honey approximately one month; that when mixed with pollen it ceases to be virulent after about one month; and that in drying no virulence is to be expected after one month, are facts that account in a large measure for the strong tendency to recover from the disease manifested by the colony and that furnish information concerning the use of combs from sacbrood colonies. From the results it may be concluded that it is better, theoretically, to store combs from sacbrood colonies for one or two months before they are again used, provided such storing - entails no particular inconvenience or financial loss to the beekeeper. Further experiments show that brood frames from badly-infected colonies may be inserted into strong, healthy ones, and cause thereby very little infection and consequently only a slight loss. This is especially true after the early brood-rearing season of the year is past. Since this can be done, it is quite probable that the practical beekeeper will find that this disposition of the combs will be the preferable one to make. At any event, it is comforting to know that it is never necessary to destroy the combs from sacbrood colonies on account of the disease. The experimental results here given regarding the destruction of the virus through heating, fermentation, putrefaction, drying, and direct sunlight should assist materially in the solution of the problem of the transmission of sacbrood, and. should be found helpful in de- vising efficient methods for the treatment of the disease. Toward disinfecting agents it is shown that the virus of sacbrood possesses, in some instances at least, marked resistance. These and. other experimental results thus far obtained indicate that the use of any drug in the treatment of the disease should not be depended upon until such a drug has been proved to be of value. No fear need be entertained in practical apiculture that the disease willbe transmitted by the hands or clothing of the operator, by the tools used about the apiary, through the medium of the wind, or by the queen. It would seem at all times superfluous in the case of sacbrood to flame or burn the inside of the hive or to treat the ground about a hive containing an infected colony. 52 BULLETIN 431, U. S, DEPARTMENT: OF AGRICULTURE. There is but little danger that the disease will be transmitted by way of flowers visited by bees from sacbrood colonies and later from healthy ones. Theoretically, it is possible that the disease may be transmitted through a contamination of the water supply by bees from sacbrood colonies. Whether infection ever takes place in this way, however, is not yet known. If the disease is ever transmitted in this way, it would seem that it is more likely to take place in the spring of the year than at any other season. While there is yet much to be learned about sacbrood, it is hoped that by carefully considering these studies the beekeepers will be aided in devising efficient and economical methods for its treatment. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. The following summary and statements of conclusions seem to be _ justified as a result of the investigations recorded in this paper: (1) Sacbrood is an infectious disease of the brood of bees. (2) Adult bees are not susceptible to the disease. (3) The infecting agent causing sacbrood is of such a nature that it passes through the pores of a fine clay filter. It is therefore a filterable virus. (4) A colony may be inoculated by feeding it sirup or honey con- taining the virus. (5) The quantity of virus contained in a single larva récently dead of the disease is sufficient to produce quite a large amount of sacbrood in a colony. (6) The period from time of inoculation to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease—the incubation period—is approxi- mately six days, being frequently slightly less. (7) By inoculation the disease may be produced at any season of the year that brood is being reared. (8) The disease is more often encountered during the first half of the brood-rearing season than during the second half. (9) It occurs among bees in localities having as wide a range of climatic conditions, at least, as are found in the United States. (10) The course of the disease is not greatly affected by the char- acter or quantity of the food obtained and used by the bees. (11) Larval remains recently dead of the disease prove to be very infectious when fed to bees. Dead larvee which have been in the brood comb more than one month are apparently noninfectious. (12) Colonies possess a strong tendency to recover from the disease without treatment. (13) The virus of sacbrood suspended in water and heated to 138° F. (59° C.) was destroyed in 10 minutes. Considering the vary- ing factors which enter into the problem, the minimum temperature necessary to destroy this virus when applied for 10 minutes should SACBROOD. 53 be found at all times to lie somewhere between the limits of 131° F. (55° C.) and 149° F. (65° C.). (14) When the virus of sacbrood is suspended in honey it may be destroyed by heating the suspension for 10 minutes at approximately 158° F. (70° C.). (15) The virus resisted drying at room temperature for approxi- mately three weeks. (16) The virus when dry was destroyed by the direct rays of the sun in from four to seven hours. (17) The virus when suspended in water was destroyed by the direct rays of the sun in from four to six hours. (18) The virus when suspended in honey was destroyed by the direct rays of the sun in from five to six hours. (19) The virus when suspended in honey and shielded from direct sunlight remained virulent for slightly less than one month at room temperature during the summer. (20) The virus was destroyed in approximately five days in the presence of fermentative processes taking place in 10 per cent sugar solution at room temperature. (21) In the presence of fermentative processes going on in 20 per cent honey solution at outdoor temperature the virus of sacbrood was destroyed in approximately five days. (22) In the presence of putrefactive processes the virus remained virulent for approximately 10 days. (23) The virus will resist 4 per cent, 1 per cent, and 2 per cent aqueous solutions of carbolic acid, respectively, for more than three weeks, 4 per cent being more effective. (24) Neither carbolic acid nor quinine as drugs should at present be relied upon in the treatment of sacbrood. (25) Varying factors entering into many of the problems discussed in this paper tend to vary the results obtained. In such problems the results here given must be considered from a technical point of view as being approximate only. They are sufficiently exact for application by the beekeeper, but to insure the destruction of the virus in practical apiculture the time element indicated from these experiments as sufficient should be increased somewhat. LITERATURE CITED. (1) Bane, L. 1915. Sygdomme hos Honningbien og dens Yngel. Meddelelser fra den Kgl. Veterinzer-og Landboh¢jskoles Serumlaboratorium, XXXVIT, 109 p., 11 fig. (2) Beugye, F. R. 1913. Diseases of bees. In Jour. Dept. Agr. Victoria, v.11, pt. 8, p. 487-493, 4 fig. (3) Burrr, R. . 1906. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen itber die Faulbrut und Sauerbrut der Bienen. 40 p., 1 pl.,1 fig. Aaran, Switzerland. 54 BULLETIN 431, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (4) Coox, A. J. 1904. The Bee-Keeper’s Guide or Manual of the Apiary. ed. 18, 543 p., 295 fig. Chicago. (5) DoourttLe, G. M. 1881. Foul brood. Jn Gleanings in Bee Culture, v. 9, no. 3, p. 118-119. (6) Dapant, C. P. 1908, Diseases of Bees. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee. 575 p. (p. 487), 229 fig. Hamilton, Ill. (7) Howarp, Wm. R. 1896. A new bee disease—pickled brood or white fungus. Jn Amer. Bee Jour., v. 36, no. 37, p. 577, 6 fig.; also in ABC of Bee Culture, 1903, p. 157-158. 1898. Pickled brood and bee paralysis. In Amer. Bee Jour., v. 38, no. 34, p. 530-531. (9) Jongs, A. D. 1883. Symptoms of foul brood. Jn The American Apiculturist, v. 1, no. 4, p. 79-80. (10) Ktiastemer, J. 1910. Zusammenstellung der Ergebnisse des vom Mai 1903 bis Dezember 1909 untersuchten, faulbrutverdaéchtigen. Wabenmaterials. In Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, Yahrg. 33, no. 4, p. 187-189. (11) Lanestrrota, L. L. 1857. A practical Treatise on the Hive and Honey-Bee. ed. 2, 534 p. (p. 275 ), illus. (12) [Editorial.] 1892. Is it a new bee disease? Something that resembles foul brood, its causes and cure not definitely known. Jn Gleanings in Bee Culture, v. 20, no. 15, p. 594-595. (8) (13) 1896. Dead brood—what is it? -How distinguished from foul brood. In Gleanings in Bee Culture, v. 24, no. 16, p. 609-610. (14) Root, A. I. and E. R. 1913. ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture. 717 p., illus. Medina. Pickled brood and its cause, p. 250. (15) Smumins, S. ‘ 1887. Foul brood, dead brood. Jn British Bee Jour., v. 15, no. 270, p. 371- 372; also in Canad. Bee Jour., v. 3, no. 28. p. 576-577. (16) Warts, G. F. ; 1904. The further investigation of the diseases affecting the apiaries in the State of New York. Jn 11th Ann. Rpt. Comr. Agr. N. Y., 1903, p. 103-114. (17) : 1908. The relation of the etiology (cause) of bee diseases to the treatment. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent. Bul. 75, pt. 4, p. 38-42. (18) : 1913. Sacbrood, a disease of bees. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent. Circ. 169. 5 p.; Sackbrut. Eine Bienenkrankheit. A translation by Dr. M. Kiigtenmacher. Berlin-Steglitz. (19) 1914. Destruction of germs of infectious bee diseases by heating. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 92, 8 p. (p. 4). PUBLICATIONS OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELATING TO BEE CULTURE. AVAILABLE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION BY THE DEPARTMENT. Honeybees: Wintering, Yields, Imports, and Exports of Honey. (Department Bul- letin 325.) Treatment of Bee Diseases. (Farmers’ Bulletin 442.) Bees. (Farmers’ Bulletin 447.) Comb Honey. (Farmers’ Bulletin 503.) Honey and Its Use in the Home. (Farmers’ Bulletin 653.) Outdoor Wintering of Bees. (Farmers’ Bulletin 695.) FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Destruction of Germs of Infectious Bee Diseases by Heating. (Department Bulletin 92.) Price 5 cents. Temperature of Honeybee Cluster in Winter. (Department Bulletin 93.) Price 5 cents. Temperature of Bee Colony. (Department Bulletin 96.) Price 5 cents. Rearing of Queen Bees. (Entomology Bulletin 55.) Price 5 cents. Laws in Force Against Injurious Insects and Foul Brood in United States. (Ento- mology Bulletin 61.) Price 25 cents. Report of Meeting of Inspectors of Apiaries, San Antonio, Tex., November 12, 1906. (Entomology Bulletin 70.) Price 15 cents. Miscellaneous Papers on Apiculture. (Entomology Bulletin 75, 7 parts.) Price 30 cents. Production and Care of Extracted Honey; Methods of Testing for Beekeepers. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 1.) Price 5 cents. Wax Moths and American Foul Brood. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 2.) > Price 5 cents. Bee Diseases in Massachusetts. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 3.) Price 5 cents. Relation of Etiology (Cause) of Bee Diseases to Treatment. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 4.) Price 5 cents. Brief Survey of Hawaiian Bee Keeping. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 5.) Price 15 cents. “ Status of Apiculture in United States. (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 6.) Price 5 cents. f Bee Keeping in Massachusetts, (Entomology Bulletin 75, part 7.) Price 5 cents. Contents and Index to Entomology Bulletin 75. Price 5 cents. Historical Notes on Causes of Bee Diseases. (Entomology Bulletin hes Price 10 cents. Behavior of Honey Bee in Pollen Collecting. (Entomology Bulletin 121.) Price 5 cents. Anatomy of the Honey Bee. (Entomology Technical Series [Bulletin] 18.) Price 20 cents. © Brood Diseases of Bees. (Entomology Circular 79.) Price 5 cents. Occurrence of Bee Diseases in United States, Preliminary Report (with List of Pub- lications of Agriculture Department on Bee Diseases). (Entomology Circular 138.) Price 5 cents. Manipulation of Wax Scales of Honey Bee. (Entomology Circular 161.) Price 5 cents. Sacbrood, a Disease of Bees. (Entomology Circular 169.) Price 5 cents. Porto Rican Beekeeping. (Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 15.) Price 5 cents. : ' 3 Hawaiian Honeys. (Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 17.) Price 5 cents. 55 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ‘WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers __ Syracuse, N. Y, PAT. JAN 24, 1908