Peter stat pmeroret? Seat ip a: Maan ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY DATE DUE tyke LH PRINTED INUSA Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. MAWN VAuUCT NP [650 L74x 1$S9 AMVUSTT ALISUZAINN TISNYO9 ee) — s 5 eo §| jooosoquvoy |S. 8... .222/5 E, g EE =} -u00 msiq | 2 ee eeetn 3 IN 3B ssoUsIGE p rd fen] Jo do13aq uvayy Sribe1 sr rHOol sy io} aly o am one lo he + % - * g13 TW | Gt Ba BRS |S als ro) eo oo i zg “BUNUN UBOW |B HQ BER 5 Q o aD eo a Fy “BUIIXB YY UBT x. oH ves 1288 8 “GOON IB AINISIOW |anasow gonoo g| go costog uvow | BSREE BBRSS . |S = “Woon yw ssandigq |EBSSAUS BSSss,is fs} JO eeldeq uveyy | aoa a rs [-j . 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Hygrom. “HOON 12 AINISIOW Jo dalgeq uBsoyy ‘UOON 10 ssautsiq. Jo volseq usa 0-0 |1000 56 | 988 0-0 |1000 6-0! 749 Thermometer. “BIpoW “BUITUTT UBO}T “CUIXB Way 50°3 | 28-0 | 39-1 47:0 | 42°5 | 44-7 54'5 | 38-0 | 46-2 West. Hygrom, ‘COON 18 GIN BIO; Jo aoigeq usayy “WOON 18 ssousIG JO sa1g0q Uva 6-2 | 788 Thermometer. TIpOW “RUITOLTY Uva}T “BUNIXB]Y UBOT 1 8 5. 7 South West. Hygrom. “NOON 78 oInjIsIopy jo valgeq uve ‘WOON 12 ssaudiqg jo ea13aq wayyy 471 859 | 59-4 | 43-2| 51:3 Thermometer. “SIPS “BUNTY Teo LSHPSSENS RBS S8aResa5 “BUNTXBY Uva} 60-4 | 44-2 | 52:2 South. Hygrom. “UOON 7B OANISIOPL jo oaidog uBeyy “WOON 10 ssauAIg jo aalgeq uveyy 4.2! 877 Thermometer. “BPO wUIUIY UTA TL “BUIIXB Uva} 1831 September October November - December - ' 59-1 | 43°7 | 514 Means OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURS. 135 As to temperature in the open air, unconnected with atmospherical humidity, there seems to be no means of regulating or modifying it to any consider- able extent. In some respects, however, we have even this powerful agent under our control; but, in order to exercise such control, it is necessary to un derstand correctly the theory of what is called radia- tion, which cannot be better explained than in the words of Mr. Daniell. ‘The power of emitting heat in straight lines in every direction, independently of — contact, may be regarded as a property common to all matter; but differing in degree in different kinds of matter. Coexisting with it, in the same degrees, may be regarded the power of absorbing heat so emitted from other bodies. Polished metals and the fibres of vegetables may be considered as placed at the two extremities of the scale upon which these pro- perties in different substances may be measured. If a body be so situated that it may receive just as much radiant heat as itself projects, its temperature remains the same; if the surrounding bodies emit heat of greater intensity than the same body, its tem- perature rises, till the quantity which it receives ex- actly balances its expenditure, at which point it again becomes stationary ; and if the power of radiation be exerted under circumstances which prevent a return, the temperature of the body declines. Thus, if a thermometer be placed in the focus of a concave me- tallic mirror, and turned towards any portion of the sky, at any period of the day, it will fall many de- grees below the temperature of another thermometer 136 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. placed near it, out of the mirror; the power of radia- tion is exerted in both thermometers, but to the first all return of radiant heat is cut off, while the other receives as much from the surrounding bodies, as it- self projects. This interchange amongst bodies takes place in transparent media as well as in vacuo; but in the former case, the effect is modified by the equalising power of the medium. “Any portion of the surface of the globe which is fully turned towards the sun receives ‘more radiant heat than it projects, and becomes heated; but when, by the revolution of the axis, this portion is turned from the source of heat, the radiation into space still continues, and, being uncompensated, the temperature declines. In consequence of the different degrees in which different bodies possess this power of radiation, two contiguous portions of the system of the earth will become of different temperatures; and if on a clear night we place a thermometer upon a grass-plat, and another upon a gravel walk or the bare soil, we shall find the temperature of the former many degrees below that of the latter. The fibrous texture of the grass is favourable to the emission of the heat, but the dense surface of the gravel seems to retain and fix it. But this unequal effect will only be perceived when the atmosphere is unclouded, and a free passage is open into space; for even a light mist will arrest the radiant matter in its course, and return as much to the radiating body as it emits. The intervention of more substantial obstacles will of course equally prevent the result, and the balance of temperature OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 137 will not be disturbed in any substance which is not placed in the clear aspect of the sky. A portion of a grass-plat under the protection of a tree or hedge, will generally be found, on a clear night, to be eight or ten degrees warmer than surrounding unsheltered paris; and it is well known to gardeners, that less dew and frost are to be found in such situations, than in those which are wholly exposed.” (Hort. Trans., vi. 8.) These laws plainly direct us to the means we are to employ to moderate . atmospherical temperature. A screen, of whatever kind, interposed between the sun and a plant, intercepts the radiant heat of the sun, and returns it into space; and thus, in addition to the diminution of perspiration by the removal ofa part-of the stimulus that causes it, actually tends to lower the temperature that surrounds the plant. In like manner, the interposition of a screen, however slight, between a plant and the sky, intercepts the radiant heat of the earth; and, instead of allowing it to pass off into space, returns it to the ground, the temperature of which is maintained at a higher point than it otherwise would be. Hence it is that plants growing below the deep projecting eaves of houses, or guarded by a mere coping of thatched hurdles, suffer less in winter than if they were fully exposed to the sky. It is also obvious from what has been stated, that plants growing upon grass will be exposed to a greater degree of cold in winter than such as grow upon gravel: but it does not therefore follow that hard 138 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES, gravel is, with respect to vegetation, a better coating for the surface of the ground than turf; it has its dis- advantages as well as its advantages, and the former probably outweigh the latter. In superior heating power is its only advantage ; the objections to it are, its dryness in summer, and its comparative imper- meability to rain, so that it causes the force of per- spiration to be inversely as the absorbing power of the roots. It is well known that blackened surfaces absorb heat much more than those of any other colour; and it has been expected that the effect of blackening gar- den walls, on which fruit trees are trained, would be to accelerate the maturation of the fruit; but notwith- standing a few cases of apparent advantage, one of which, of the Vine, is mentioned in the Horticultural Transactions, vol. iii. p. 380, this has been, in general, found either not to happen at all, or to so smal] an extent as not to be worth the trouble. It is true, that so long as the wall is so little covered by the branches and leaves of a plant, the absorbent power of the blackened surface is brought into play; but this effect is lost as soon as the well becomes covered with foliage. In the early spring, however, before the leaves appear, the flowers are brought rather more forward than would otherwise be the case; and in the autumn the wood certainly becomes more completely ripened, a result of infinite consequence in the north- ern parts of the country. It is rather to a judicious choice of soil and situa: tion that the gardener must look for the means of OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 189 softening the rigour of climate. Wet tenacious soils are found the most difficult to heat or to drain, and they will, therefore, be the most unfavourable to the operations of the gardener; extremely light sandy soils, on the other hand, part with their moisture so rapidly, and absorb so much heat, that they are equally unfavourable; and it is the light loamy soils, which are intermediate between the two extremes, that, as is well known, form the best soil for a gar- den. Situation is, however, of much more conse- quence than soil, for the latter may be changed or improved, but a bad (that is, cold) situation is incur- able. Cold air is heavier than warm air, and, conse- quently, the stratum of the atmosphere next the soil will be in general colder than those above it. When, therefore, a garden is placed upon the level ground of the bottom ofa valley, whatever cold air is formed upon its surface remains there, and surrounds the herbage; and, moreover, the cold air that is formed upon the sides of low hills rolls down into the valley as quick- ly as it is formed. Hence the fact which to many seems surprising, that what are called sheltered places are, in spring and autumn, the coldest. We all know that the Dahlias, Potatoes, and Kidneybeans of the sheltered gardens in the valley of the Thames, are killed in the autumn by frosts whose effects are un- felt on the low hills of Surrey and Middlesex.* Mr. * [A contrary effect is experienced in the valleys of our large rivers and lakes in the United States. On the banks of the Hudson a margin of land from half a milc to a mile in width on each side ig very effectually protected from the late spring and early autumnal 140 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. Daniell says he has seen a difference of 30°, on the same night between two thermometers, placed, the one in a valley, and the other on a gentle eminence, in favour of the latter. Hence, he justly observes, the advantages of placing a garden upon a gentle slope must be apparent; ‘‘a running stream at its foot would secure the further benefit of a contiguous sur- face not liable to refrigeration, and would prevent any injurious stagnation of the air.” In addition to this, it has been said that, to obtain the most favourable conditions of climate in this country, a garden should have a south-eastern expo- sure. This, however, has been recommended, I think, without full consideration. It is true that in such an exposure the early sunbeams will be re- ceived; but, on the other hand, vegetation there would be exposed to several unfavourable actions. There would be little protection from easterly winds, which, whether south-east or north-east, are the coldest and driest that blow; in the next place an exposure to the first sun of the morning, is very prejudicial to garden productions that have been frozen by the radiation of the night; it produces frosts; while beyond that limit vegetation is blackened by them. In autumn the warm vapour which rises on a cold night from so large a surface probably protects the adjacent shores: and even when moderate frosts actually occur, the morning fog, which lasts an hour or two, by softening the sun’s rays and causing a gradual thaw, often prevents any injurious result to vegetation. Some of our large inland lakes, the surfaces of which are never frozen, have a decided effect upon the local climate, rendering it much more mild than it otherwise would be—A. J. D.] OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE, 141 a sudden thaw, which, as gardeners well know,* causes the death of plants which, if slowly thawed, would sustain no inconvenience from the low temper- ature to which they had been exposed.t It is proba- ble, as I have elsewhere endeavoured to show, that this singular effect may be accounted for as follows :— “Jn such cases, it may be supposed that the air, forced into parts not intended to contain it, is expanded violently, and thus increases the disturb- * See Hort. Trans., iii, 43. + [In the northern and eastern sections of the Union many beau- tiful shrubs and plants, which are the ornaments of our gardens in summer, but perish if exposed to the rigorous cold of winter, are easily preserved upon this principle. The first impulse of the novice in gardening is to place such half-hardy plants (as the more delicate China Roses, Carnations, dc.) in some warm sheltered spot, open to the genial rays of the sun in winter: a practice invariably followed by their destruction. Our sun, even in mid-winter, often shines with great brightness, and the thawing and distension of the tissue of tender plants which therefore follows causes certain death, If, on the contrary, the same species are placed in « cool shaded aspect, or, what is preferable, if they are shielded from the sun by a loose covering of straw, mats, or even boards, and thus kept from thawing except in the most gradual manner, they will be found to have sustained no injury whatever. We have seen a large num- ber of the choicest Camellias preserved without any artificial heat through a cold winter, when the mereury ranged below zero for seve- ral weeks, simply by covering them with a common glazed frame, well clothed with mats to, exclude the direct rays of the sun, or pre- vent sudden variations of temperature. For the same reason, or- chards of Peach trees in the middle States, on the cold north sides of hills, are often more vigorous and of greater longevity than those in a full southern aspect: the heat of our summers being sufficient to ripen their fruit and wood in such situations, while they are thus secured from the evils of great and sudden changes of temperature in winter. A. J. DJ 142 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. ance already produced by its expulsion from the proper air cavities; while, on the other hand, when the thaw is gradual, the air may retreat by degrees from its new situation without producing additional derangement of the tissue. It is also possible that leaves from which their natural air has been expelled by the act of freezing, may, from that circumstance, have their tissue too little protected from the evapo- rating force of the solar rays, which, we know, pro- duce a specific stimulus of a powerful kind upon those organs.” (Hort. Trans., n. s., ii. 805.) In our glazed houses, we have full control over the state of the atmosphere, as regards both its moisture and temperature, by means familiar to every gar- dener; but the manner of applying those means, and the causes that oppose their action, deserve to be the subject of inquiry. It will have been seen, from what has been already stated upon that subject, that in general, in warm countries, the air is occasionally at least, if not per- manently, filled with vapour to a much greater extent than in northern latitudes,* and, as in our glazed houses we cultivate exclusively the natives of warm countries, it is also obvious that, as a general rule, the air of such houses requires, at certain periods, to be damper than that of the external air. Those periods * “Captain Sabine, in his meteorological researches between the tropics, rarely found at the hottest period of the day so great a dif- ference as 10° between the temperature of the air and the dew- point: making the degree of saturation about -730, but most fre- quently 5° or ‘850; and the mean saturation of the air could not have exceeded ‘910.” (Daniell.) OF. ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 143 are when vegetation is most active. Onthe other hand countries nearer the equator are subject to seasons of dryness, the continuance of which is often much greater than anything we know of here in the open air, and consequently artificial means must also be adopted to bring about, in glazed houses, that state of things at particular periods; namely, those of the repose of plants. These facts afford abundant proof of the necessity of regulating the moisture of the atmosphere with due precision. By throwing water upon the pavement of glass houses, by means of open tanks of water, by reser. voirs placed upon them, by syringing, and by other contrivances,* the quantity of water in the air may be easily increased, even up to the state of saturation. But there are some circumstances, easily overlooked, which interfere very seriously with this power, and which, it may be conceived, may reduce it very much below the expectations of the cultivator. The most unsuspected of these is the destruction of aqueous vapour, by the hot, dry, absorbent surface of flues. The advantages derived from hot-water pipes, or steam pipes, over brick flues, are so well known, as not to require any evidence to prove the fact. Gardeners explain the difference in the action of the two, by saying that the dry heat produced by hot-water pipes is sweeter than that given off by flues; which is not a very intelligible expression. The fact * A discharge of steam into a glazed house has occasionally been employed; but the method requires much attention on the part of \he operator, and seems inferior to other contrivances. 144 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. is, that the air of houses heated by flues is, under equal circumstances, much drier than that where hot- water pipes are employed ; because the soft-burnt clay of the brick flues robs the air of its moisture, while the unabsorbent surface of iron pipes abstracts nothing. Another source of dryness is the coldness of the glass roof, especially in cold weather, when its tem- perature is lowered by the external air, in conse- quence of which the moisture of the artificial atmo- sphere is precipitated upon the inside of the glass, whence it runs down in the form of “drip.” Mr. Daniell observes that the glass .of a hot-house, at night, cannot exceed the mean of the external and internal air; and, taking them at 80° and 40°, 20 degrees of dryness are kept up in the interior, or a degree of saturation not exceeding °528. To this, in a clear night, we may add at least 6° for the effects of radiation, to which the glass is particularly exposed, which will reduce the saturation to -424; and this is a degree of drought which must be very prejudicial. It will be allowed that this is not an extreme case, and much more favourable than must frequently occur during the winter season. Some idea, he adds, may be formed of the prodi- giously increased drain upon the functions of a plant, arising from .an increase of dryness in the air, from the following consideration:—If we suppose the amount of its perspiration, in a given time, to be 57 grains, the temperature of the air being 75° and the dew-point 70°, or the saturation of the air being ‘849, OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 145 the amount would be increased to 120 grains in the same time, if the dew-point were to remain station- ary, and the temperature were to rise to 80°; or, in other words, if the saturation of the air were to fall to ‘726. (Hort. Trans. vi. 20.) It is well known that the effect of maintaining a very high temperature in hot-houses at night, during winter, is frequently to cause the leaves to wither and turn brown, as if scorched or burnt; and this is apparently owing to the dryness of the air, in consequence of the above causes. It is evident that the mode of preventing this dry- ing of the air by the cold surface of a glass roof will be, either by raising the temperature of the glass, which can only be effected by drawing a covering of some kind over our houses at night, so as to intercept radiation, or by double glass sashes; or else by keeping the temperature of the air of the house as low as possible, consistently with the safety of the plants, and so diminishing the difference between the temperature of the external and internal air. A bad system of ventilation is another cause of the loss of vapour in the atmosphere of glazed houses, to which reference will be made in the succeeding chapter. It is, in all appearance, to the attention that, since the appearance of Mr. Daniell’s paper, in 1824, upon this subject, has been paid to the atmospherical mois- ture of glazed houses, that the great superiority of modern gardeners over those of the last generation is mainly to be ascribed ; there are, however, traces of 7 146 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. the practice at a much earlier period, although, from not understanding the theory of the practice, no general improvement took place. In the year 1816, an account was laid before the Horticultural Society of a very successful mode of forcing grapes and nec- tarines, as practised by Mr. French, an Essex farmer, with very rude materials, and under unfavourable circumstances. It is not a little remarkable, that, although Mr. French himself correctly referred his success to the skilful management of the atmospheri- cal moisture of his forcing-houses, the subject was so little understood at that time, that the author of the account not only shrank from adopting the opinion, but evidently, from the manner in which he speaks of Mr. French’s explanation, had no idea of its just- ness. The method itself is sufficiently remarkable to deserve being extracted. “ About the beginning of March, Mr. French com- mences his forcing, by introducing a quantity of new long dung, taken from under the cow-cribs in his straw yard; being principally, if not entirely, cow dung, which is laid upon the floor of his house, extending entirely from end to end, and in width about six or seven feet, leaving only a pathway between it and the back wall of the house. The dung being all new at the beginning, a profuse steam arises with the first heat, which, in this stage of the process, is found to be beneficial in destroying the ova of insects, as well as transfusing a wholesome moisture over the yet leafless branches; but which would prove injurious, if permitted to rise in so great a OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 147 quantity when the leaves have pushed forth. Ina few days, the violence of the steam abates as the buds open, and in the course of a fortnight the heat begins to diminish ; it then becomes necessary to carry in a small addition of fresh dung, laying it in the bottom, and covering it over with the old dung fresh forked up: this produces a renovated heat, and a moderate exhalation of moist vapour. In this manner the heat is kept up throughout the season, the fresh sup- ply of dung being constantly laid at the bottom in order to smother the steam, or rather to moderate the quantity of exhalation ; for it must always be remem- bered, that Mr. French attaches great virtue to the supply of a reasonable portion of the vapour. The quantity of new dung to be introduced at each turn- ing must be regulated by the greater or smaller degree of heat that is found in the house, as the sea- son or other circumstances appear to require it. The temperature kept up is pretty regular, being from 65 to 70 degrees.” (Hort. Trans., i. 245.) In this case, which attracted much attention at the time, it is evident that the success of the practice arose principally out of two circumstances; firstly, the moisture of the atmosphere was skilfully main- tained in due proportion to the temperature; and, secondly, a suitable amount of bottom heat was secured. Thisis, as will be elsewhere remarked, the principal cause of the advantages found to attend the Dutch mode of forcing. The reporter upon Mr. French’s practice speaks with surprise of the rudeness of the roof of his forcing-houses, and of the nume- 148 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. rous openings into the air through the laps of the glass and the joints of the sashes; but these were points of no importance under the mode of manage- ment adopted. The impossibility of preserving any plants except succulents, in a healthy state, for any long period, in a sitting-room, is evidently owing to the impracticabi- lity of maintaining the atmosphere of such a situation in a state of sufficient dampness.* An excess of dampness is indispensable to plants, in a state of rapid growth, partly because it prevents the action of perspiration becoming too violent, and partly because under such circumstances a considera- ble quantity of aqueous food is absorbed from the atmosphere, in addition to that obtained by the roots. But it is essential to observe that, when not in a state of rapid growth, a large amount of moisture in the air will be prejudicial rather than advantageous to * And the success of those who do, in spite of the adverse cireum- stances, succeed in raising fine plants in sitting-rooms, will usually be found to be owing to their taking great pains to keep the leaves in a healthy condition by frequently syringing or washing them with a sponge. One of the most successful parlor-plant amateurs we ever knew, gave her plants “a bath,” as she called it, twice a week. Removing them into a large closet and laying them on their sides in a flat tub, she cleaned every pore of the upper and under sides of the leaves by a very severe syringing with warm water. The plants gained health, not only by the cleansing and the absorp- tion of moisture, but by the motion of the stems and branches caused by dashing water on them from the syringe, which in a good degree compensated for the absence of wind-motion, s0 beneficial to the growth of all trees and plants in the open air. A. J. D. OF ATMOSPHERICAL TEMPERATURE. 149 a plant; if the temperature is at the same time high, excitability will remain in a state of continued action, and that rest which is necessary (113) will be with- held, the result of which will be an eventual destruc- tion of the vital energies. But, on the other hand, if the temperature is kept low while the amount of atmospherical moisture is considerable, the latter is absorbed, without its being possible for the plant to decompose it; the system then becomes, in the younger and more absorbent parts, distended with water, and decomposition takes place, followed by the appearance of a crop of microscopical fungi; in short, that appearance presents itself which is techni- cally called * damping off.” The skilful balancing of the temperature and mois- ture of the air, in cultivating different kinds of plants, and the just adaptation of them to the various seasons of growth, constitute the most complicated and diffi- cult part of a gardener’s art. There is some danger in laying down any general rules with respect to this subject, so much depends upon the peculiar habits of species, of which the modifications are endless. It may, however, I think, be safely stated, that the fol- lowing rules deserve especial attention :— 1. Most moisture in the air is demanded by plants when they first begin to grow, and least when their periodical growth is completed. 2. The quantity of atmospheric moisture required by plants is, ceteris paribus, in inverse proportion to the distance from the equator of the countries which they naturally inhabit. 150 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. 3. Plants with annual stems require more than those with ligneous stems. 4, The amount of moisture in the air most suitable to plants at rest is in inverse proportion to the quan- tity of aqueous matter they at that time contain. (Hence the dryness of the air required by succulent plants when at rest.) CHAPTER IV. OF VENTILATION, By far the larger number of gardeners attach great importance to preserving the power of ventilating their houses abundantly, without perhaps sufficiently considering the nature of the plants they have to ma- nage; and, as has been justly enough said, by sup- posing that plants require to be treated like man himself, they consult their own feelings rather than the principles of vegetable growth. There can be no doubt, however, that the effect of excessive ventila- tion is more frequently injurious than advantageous ; and that many houses, particularly hot-houses, would be more skilfully managed, if the power of ventilation possessed by the gardener were much diminished. Animals require a continual renovation of the air that surrounds them, because they speedily render it impure by the carbonic acid given off, and the oxygen OF VENTILATION. 151 abstracted by animal respiration. But the reverse is what happens to plants; they exhale oxygen during the day, and inhale the carbonic acid of the atmo- sphere, thus depriving the latter of that which would render it unfit for the sustenance of the higher orders of the animal kingdom; and, considering the manner in which glass houses of all kinds are constructed, the buoyancy of the air in all heated houses, would enable it to escape in sufficient quantity to renew it- self as quickly as can be necessary for the main- tenance of the healthy action of the organs of vege- table respiration: It, therefore, is improbable that the ventilation of houses in which plants grow is necessary to them, so far as respiration is concerned. Indeed, Mr. Ward has proved that many plants will grow better in confined air, than in that which is often changed. By placing various kinds of plants in cases, made, not indeed air-tight, for that is impossible with such means as can be applied to the construction of a glass house, but so as to exclude as much as possible the. admission of the external air, supplying them with a due quantity of water, and exposing them fully to light, he has shown the possibility of culti- vating. them without ventilation, with much more success than usually attends ordinary glass-house management. In forcing-houses, in particular, it will be evident from what is about to follow, that ventilation, under ordinary circumstances, in the early spring, must be productive of injury rather than benefit. Many gar- deners now admit air very sparingly to their vineries 152 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. during the time that the leaves are tender, and the fruit unformed. Some excellent stoves have no pro- vision at all for ventilation; and we have the direct testimony of Mr. Knight as to the disadvantage of the practice in many cases to which it has been commonly applied. It may be objected, says this great horticulturist, that plants do not thrive, and that the skins of grapes are thick, and other fruits without flavour, in crowd- ed forcing-houses: but in these it is probably light, rather than a more rapid change of air, that is want- ing; for, ina forcing-house which I have long de- voted almost exclusively to experiments, I employ very little fire heat, and never give air till my grapes are nearly ripe, in the hottest and brightest weather, further than is just necessary to prevent the leaves being destroyed by excess of heat. Yet this mode of treatment does not at all lessen the flavour of the fruit, nor render the skins of the grapes thick; on the contrary, their skins are always most remarkably thin, and very similar to those of grapes which have ripened in the open air. (Hort. Trans., ii. 225.) While, however, the natural atmosphere cannot be supposed to require changing in order to adapt it to the respiration of plants, it is to be borne in mind that the air of houses artificially heated may be rendered impure by the means employed to produce heat. Sulphurous acid gas escapes from brick flues, am- moniacal vapour from fermenting manure, and there may be many unsuspected sources of the introduction of vaporous impurities; an inconceivably minute OF VENTILATION. 158 quantity of which is enough to deteriorate the air, so far as vegetation is concerned. Drs. Turner and Christison found that 75455 of sulphurous acid gas destroyed leaves in forty-eight hours; and similar effects were obtained from hydro-chloric or muriatic acid gas, chlorine, ammonia, and other agents, the presence of which was perfectly undiscoverable by the smell. We also know that the destructive pro- perties of air poisoned by corrosive sublimate, per- haps by its being dissolved in the vapour of a hot- house, are not at all appreciable by the senses. Ventilation is necessary, then, not to enable plants to exercise their respiratory functions, provided the atmosphere is unmixed with accidental impurities ; but to carry off noxious vapours generated in the arti- ficial atmosphere of a glazed house, and to produce dryness, or cold, or both. When the external air is admitted into a glazed house containing a moist atmosphere, it, under ordi- nary circumstances, is much colder than that with which it mixes; the heated damp air rushes out at the upper ventilators, and the drier cold air takes its place; the latter rapidly abstracts from the plants and the earth, or the vessels in which they grow, a part of their moisture, and thus gives a sudden shock to their constitution, which cannot fail to be injurious. This abstraction of moisture is in proportion to the rapidity of the motion of the air. But it is not mere- ly dryness that is thus produced, or such a lowering of temperature as the thermometer suspended in the interior of the house may indicate; the rapid evapo- 7T* 154 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES, ration that takes place upon the admission of dry air produces a degree of cold upon the surface of leaves, and of the porous earthen pots in which plants grow, of which our instruments give no indication. To counteract these mischievous effects, many contri- vances have been proposed, in order to ensure the introduction of fresh air warm and loaded with mois- ture, such as compelling the fresh air to enter a house after passing through pipes moderately heated, or over hot-water pipes surrounded by a damp atmo- sphere, and soon; the advantages of which, of course, depend upon the objects to be attained. If ventilation is merely employed for the purpose of purifying the air, as is often the case in hot-houses and in dung-pits, it should be effected by the intro- duction of fresh air, damp and heated. If itis only for the purpose of lowering the tempera- ture, as in green-houses, or in the midst of summer, the external air may be admitted without any precautions. But it is very commonly required in the winter, for the purpose of drying the air in houses kept at that season at alow temperature; such, for instance, as those built for the protection of Heaths, and many other Cape and New Holland plants: in these cases it should be brought into the house as near the tem- perature of the house as possible, but on no account loaded with moisture. One of the principal reasons for drying the air of such houses, is to prevent the growth of parasitical fungi, which, in the form of mouldiness, constitute what gardeners technically call “damp.” These productions flourish in damp air at OF VENTILATION. 155 a low temperature, but will not exist either in dry cold air or in hot damp air. If the air of cool green- houses is allowed to become damp, the fungi imme- diately spring up on the surface of any decayed leaves, or other matter which may be present, when they spread rapidly to the young and tender parts of living plants; and when this happens, they consume the juices, choke the respiratory organs, and speedily destroy the object they attack. Ventilation is also required in the winter in such places as dung-pits or frames, especially those in which salad, cucumbers, and similar plants are grown. In those cases the object is to dry the. air, in order that the plants may not absorb more aqueous par- ticles than they can decompose and assimilate. Although plants of this kind will bear a high degree of atmospherical moisture in summer, when the days: are long and the sun bright, and when, consequently, (66, 67,) all their digestive energies are in full acti- vity, yet they are by no means able to endure the same amount in the short dark days of winter, when, from the want of light, their powers of decomposition or digestion are comparatively feeble. Hence, no doubt, the advantage of growing winter cucumbers in forcing-houses, instead of dung-frames. One of the causes of success in the Dutch method of winter forcing is, undoubtedly, their avoiding the necessity of winter ventilation, by intercepting the excessive vapour that rises from the soil, and which would otherwise mix with the air. For this purpose they interpose screens of oiled paper between the 156 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. earth and the air of their houses, and in their pits for vegetables, they cover the surface of the ground with the same oiled paper, by which means vapour is effec- tually intercepted, and the air preserved from exces- sive moisture. In forcing-houses, ventilation is thought to be required at the time when the fruit is ripening, for the purpose of increasing the perspiration of the plants, and, consequently, of assisting in the elabora- tion of the secretions to which fruit owes its flavour; but, even for this, its utility is perhaps overrated, and it is quite certain that it may be easily carried to excess; for if it is so powerful as to injure the leaves by over-drying the air, an effect the reverse of what was intended will be produced; that is to say, the quality of the fruit will be deteriorated (64, 75). Upon this subject Mr. Knight has made the following observations :—‘' A less humid atmosphere is more advantageous to fruits of all kinds, when the period of their maturity approaches, than in the earlier stages of their growth; and such an increase of ven- tilation at this period, as will give the requisite degree of dryness to the air within the house, is highly beneficial, provided it be not increased to such an extent as to reduce the temperature of the house much below the degree in which the fruit had pre- viously grown, and thus retard its progress to matu- rity. The good effect of opening a peach-house, by taking off the lights of its roof during the period of the last swelling of the fruit, appears to have led many gardeners to overrate greatly the beneficial OF VENTILATION. 157 inflxence of a free current of air upon ripening fruits ; for I have never found ventilation to give the proper flavour or colour to a peach, unless that fruit was, at the same time, exposed to the sun without the inter- vention of glass; and the most excellent peaches I have ever been able to raise were obtained under circumstances where change of air was as much as possible prevented, consistently with the admission of light (without glass), to a single tree.” (Hort. Trans., ii, 227.) It is not improbable that one of the advantages of ventilation depends upon a cause but little adverted to, but which certainly requires to be well considered. It was an opinion of Mr. Knight, that the motion given to plants by wind is beneficial to them by ena- bling their fluids to circulate more freely than they otherwise would do; and in a paper printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1803, p. 277, he addu- ces, in support of his opinion, many experiments and observations; of which the following is sufficiently striking :— “The effect of motion on the circulation of the sap, and the consequent formation of wood, I was best able to ascertain by the following expedient. arly in the spring of 1801, I selected a number of young seedling Apple trees, whose stems were about an inch in diameter, and whose height between the roots and first branches was between six and seven feet. These trees stood about eight feet from each other; and, of course, a free passage for the wind to act on each tree 158 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. was afforded. By means of stakes and bandages of hay, not so tightly bound as to impede the progress of any fluid within the trees, I nearly deprived the roots and lower parts of the stems of several trees of all motion, to the height of three feet from the ground, ‘leaving the upper part of the stems and branches in their natural state. In the succeeding summer, much new wood accumulated in the parts which were kept in motion by the wind; but the lower parts of the stems and roots increased very little in size. Remov- ing the bandages from one of these trees in the fol- lowing winter, I fixed a stake in the ground, about ten feet distant from the tree, on the east side of it; and I attached the tree to the stake at the height of six feet, by means of a slender pole, about twelve feet long; thus leaving the tree at liberty to move towards the north and south, or, more properly, in the segment of a circle, of which the pole formed a radius; but in no other direction. Thus circum- stanced, the diameter of the tree from north to south in that part of its stem which was most exercised by the wind exceeded that in the opposite direction, in the following autumn, in the proportion of thirteen to eleven.” Now, if the effect of motion is to increase the quantity of wood in a plant, it is evident that ventila- tion, which causes motion, must tend to produce a healthy action in the plants exposed to it; and such a state must also be favourable to the developement of all those secretions upon which the organisation of flowers, the setting of fruit, and the elaboration of OF SEED-SOWING, 159 colour, odour, flavour, &c., so much depend. Some suggestions by Mr. Knight, as to the manner in which this result can be artificially produced, will be found in the Hort. Trans., vol. iv. p.2and 8: but the sub- ject has yet attracted little attention. (See also Hort. Trans., new series, i. 34.) CHAPTER V. OF SEED-SOWING. WHEN a seed is committed to the earth, it under- goes certain chemical changes (14) before it can de- velope new parts and grow. These changes are brought about by heat and water, assisted by the ab- sence of light. In many seeds the vital principle is so strong, that to scatter them upon the soil, and to cover them slightly with earth, are sufficient to ensure their speedy germination; but in others the power of growth will only manifest itself under very favour-. able conditions; it is, therefore, necessary to consider well upon what the circumstances most suitable to germination depend. Moisture is necessary, but not an unlimited quan- tity. Ifseed is thrown into water and exposed to a proper temperature, the act of germination will take place; but, unless the plant is an aquatic, it will speedily perish ; no doubt because its powers of respi- 160 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. ration are impeded, and itis unable to decompose the water it absorbs, which collects in its cavities and be- comes putrid. There must, therefore, be some amount of water, which to the dormant as well as the vegetating plant is naturally more suitable than any other; and experience shows that quantity to be just so much as the particles of earth can retain around and among them by the mere force of attraction. To this is to be ascribed the advantage derived from those mixtures of peat, loam and sand, which gar- deners prefer for their seedlings; the peat and sand together keep asunder the particles of loam which would otherwise adhere and prevent the percolation of water ; the loam retains moisture with force enough to prevent its passing off too quickly through the wide interstices of sand and peat. If, during the de- licate action of germination, the changes that the seed undergoes take place without interruption, the young plant makes its appearance in a healthy state; but, if by irregular variations of heat, light and moisture, the progress of germination is sometimes accelerated and sometimes stopped, the fragile machinery upon which vitality depends may become so much de- ranged as to be no longer able to perform its actions, and the seed will die. Itis for the purpose of secur- ing uniformity in these respects, that we employ, in delicate cases, the steady heat of a gentle hot-bed, shaded; and, in all cases whatever, the assistance of a coating of earth scattered over the seed. Under what depth of earth seed should be buried must always be judged of by the experience of a gar- OF SEED-SOWING. 161 dener: but it should be obvious that minute seeds, whose powers of growth must be feeble in proportion to their size, will bear only a very slight covering; while others, of a larger size and more vigour, will be capable, when their vital powers are once put in action, of upheaving considerable weights of soil. As, however, the extent of this power is usually un- certain the judicious gardener will take care to em- ploy, for a covering, no more earth than is really necessary to preserve around his seeds the requisite degree of darkness and moisture.* Hence the com- mon practices of sowing small seeds upon the surface of the soil, and covering them with a coating of moss, which may be removed when the young seedlings are found to have established themselves. In other cases very minute seeds are mixed with sand before they are sown. The latter practice is not, however, merely for the sake of covering the seed with the smallest possible quantity of soil, but has for its object the separation of seeds to such a distance, that when they germinate they may not choke upeach other. If seedlings, like other plants, are placed so near together that they * It may, perhaps, be as well to notice, in this place, an erroneous opinion, not uncommonly entertained, that seeds must be “well” buried in order that the young plants, when produced, may have “ sufficient hold of the ground.” The fact is, that a seed, when it begins to grow, plunges its roots downwards and throws its stem upwards from a common point, which is the seed itself; and, con- sequently, all the space that intervenes between the surface of the soil and the seed is occupied by the base of the stem, and not by roots. 162 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. either exhaust the soil of its organisable matter, or overshadow each other so as to hinder the requisite quantity of light, some will die in order that the remainder may live; and this, in the case of rare seeds, should, of course, be guarded against very carefully. With regard to the temperature to which a seed should be subjected, in order to secure its germina- tion, this, undoubtedly, varies with different species, and depends upon their peculiar habits, and the tem- perature of the climate of which they are native. So far as general rules can be given upon such a subject, it may be stated that the temperature of the earth most favourable for germination is 50° to 55° for the seeds of cold countries, 60° to 65° for those of “green- house plants,” and 70° to 80° for those of the torrid zone. No seed, however, has been known to refuse to germinate in the last mentioned temperature, al- though those to which such a heat is necessary will not, in general, grow in a healthy manner in a lower temperature. We have no exact experiments upon this subject, except in a few cases recorded by Messrs Edwards and Colin, by whom there is a very valu- able set of observations upon the temperatures borne by certain agricultural seeds (Annales des Sciences, new series, vol. v. p. 5), the result of which may be thus stated :— At 446°, Wheat, Barley, and Rye could germinate. 95°, in water, for three days, four-fifths of the Wheat and Rye, and all the Barley, were killed. 104°, in sand and earth, the same seeds sustained the tempera- ture for a considerable time, without inconvenience. OF SEED-SOWING. 163 At 118°, under the same circumstances most of them perished. 122°, ditto ditto, all perished. But it was found that, for short periods of time, a rnuch higher temperature could be borne. At 143°6°, in vapour, Wheat, Barley, Kidneybeans, and Flax retain- ed their vitality for a quarter of an hour; but in 27} mi- nutes, the three last died at a temperature of 125°6°. 167°, in vapour, they all perished. 167°, in dry air, they sustained no injury. It will be presently seen that some seeds will bear a much higher temperature. The foregoing observations apply to seeds in a per- fect state of health; when they have become sickly or feeble, from age or other causes, some precautions become necessary, to which, under other circum- stances, no attention requires to be paid. When the vital energies of a seed are diminished, it does not lose its power of absorbing water, but it is less capable of decomposing it (14). The conse- quence of this is, that the free water introduced into the system collects in the cavities of the seed, and pro- duces putrefaction; the sign of which is the rotting of the seeds in the ground. The remedy for this is to present water to the seed in such small quantities ata time, and so gradually, that no more is absorbed than the languid powers of the seed can assimilate; and to increase the quantity only as the dormant powers of vegetation are aroused. One of the best means of doing this is, to sow seeds in warm soil tolerably dry ; to trust for some time to the moisture that exists in such earth, and in the atmosphere, for the supply re- 164 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES, quired for germination ; and only to administer water when the signs of germination have become visible ; even then the supply should be extremely small. If this is attended to, carbonic acid is very slowly form- ed and liberated, the chemical quality of the contents of the seed is thus insensibly altered, each act of respi- ration may be said to invigorate it, and by degrees it will be brought to a condition favourable to the assi- milation of food in larger quantities. Mr. Knight used to say that these effects were produced in no way so well as by enclosing seeds between two pieces of loamy turf, cut smooth, and applied to each other by the underground sides; such a method is, however, scarcely applicable to any except seeds of consider- able size.* Other expedients have occasionally been had re- course to successfully. Where seeds are enclosed in a very hard dry shell, it is usually necessary to file it thin, so as to permit the embryo to burst through its integuments when it has begun to swell. Under natu- ral circumstances, indeed, no such operation is prac- tised: but it is to beremembered that such seeds will have fallen to the ground as soon as ripe, and before their shell acquired the bony hardness that we find after having become dry. Sometimes it has been found useful to immerse * The sowing of very small and delicate seeds in the open air should be deferred until the season is so far advanced, that all pro- bable danger from cold weather is past. Suspending a shingle or board over the place where they are sown, by laying it upon bricks placed edgewise, until the first leaves are perfectly formed, will be found a great advantage in sowing all delivate seeds. A. J. D. OF SEED-SOWING,. 165 seeds in tepid water until signs of germination mani- fest themselves, and then to transfer them to earth: but this process cannot be applied with advantage to seeds in an unhealthy state; and it is only of use to healthy seeds, by accelerating the time of growth, a practice which may, in out-door crops, be sometimes desirable when applied to seeds which, like the Beet, the Carrot, or the Parsnep, will, in dry seasons, lie so long in the ground without germinating, that they become a prey to birds or other animals. Of late years, the singular practice has been intro- duced of boiling seeds, to promote germination. This was, I believe, first recommended by Mr. Bowie, who stated, in the Gardener's Magazine, vol. viii. p. 5, (1882,) that ‘he found the seeds of nearly all leguminous plants germinate more readily by having water heated to 200°, or even to the boiling point of Fahrenheit’s scale, poured over them, leaving them to steep and the water to cool for twenty-four hours.” Subse- quently, the practice has been adopted by other per- sons with perfect success; and, some years ago, seed- lings of Acacia lophantha were exhibited before the Horticultural Society by the late Mr. Thomas Cary Palmer, which had sprung from seeds boiled for as much as five minutes. I am also acquainted with other cases, one of the more remarkable of which was the germination of the seeds of the Raspberry, picked from a jar of jam, and which must therefore have been exposed to the temperature of 230°, the boiling point of syrup. It is difficult to understand in what way so violent an action ean be beneficial to any 166 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. thing possessing vitality; the fact, however, is cer- tain. As such instances of success are confined to seeds with hard shells, it is possible that the heated fluid may act in part mechanically by cracking the shell, in part as a solvent of the matters enclosed in the seed, and in part as a stimulant. Mr. Lymburn, nurseryman at Kilmarnock, has lately called attention to the effect produced upon germinating seeds by alkaline substances. He states that experiments made by Mr. Charles Maltuen, and narrated in Brewster's Journal of Sctence, having shown that the negative or alkaline pole of a galvanic battery caused seeds to germinate in much less time than the positive or acid pole, he was induced to observe the effects on seeds of acetic, nitric, and sul- phuric acids, and also of water rendered alkaline by potash and ammonia. ‘In the alkaline, the seeds vegetated in thirty hours, and were well developed in forty; while in the acetic and sulphuric they took seven days; and, even after a month, they had not begun to grow in the acetic.” This experiment led to others upon lime; ‘a very easily procured alkali, and which he inferred to be more efficient than any other from the well-known affinity of quick or newly slacked lime for carbonic acid. Lime, as taken from the quarry, consists of carbonate of lime, or lime united to carbonic acid; but, in the act of burning, the carbonic acid is driven off; and hence the great affinity of newly slacked lime for carbonic acid. He depended, therefore, upon this affinity, to extract the carbon from the starch, assisted by moisture” (Gard. OF. SEED-SOWING. 167 Mag., xiv. 74); and it is stated that the results were exceedingly striking. Old Spruce Fir seed, which would scarcely germinate at two years old, produced a fine healthy crop when three years old, having been first damped and then mixed with newly. slacked lime; and, under the same treatment, an average crop of healthy plants was obtained when the seed was four years old. Unfortunately, the manner in which the original experiments upon acids and alka- lies were conducted is not explained, (it is to be presumed that the water employed was only acidu- lated with the acids spoken of,) and I am not aware of the experiments having been repeated.—The last method of promoting germination, to which it is necessary to advert, is the mixing seeds with agents that have the power of liberatingoxygen. It has been shown (14) that a seed cannot germinate until the car- bon with which it is loaded is to a considerable extent removed; the removal of this principle is effected by converting it into carbonic acid, for which purpose a. large supply of oxygen is required. | Under ordi- nary circumstances, the oxygen is furnished by the decomposition of water by the vital forces of the seed ; but, when those forces are languid, it has been proposed to supply oxygen by some other means. Humboldt employed a dilute solution of chlorine, which has a powerful tendency to decompose water and set oxygen at liberty, and, it is said, with great success. Oxalic acid has also been used for the same purpose. Mr. Otto, of Berlin, states that he employs oxalic 168 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. acid to make old seeds germinate. The seeds are put into a bottle filled with oxalic acid, and remain there till the germination is observable, which generally takes place in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours; when the seeds are taken out, and sown in the usual manner. Another way is to wet a woollen cloth with oxalic acid, on which the seeds are put, and itis then folded up and kept in a stove; by this method small and hard seeds will germinate equally as well as in the bottle. Also very small seeds are sown in pots and placed in a hot-bed; and oxalic acid, much diluted, is applied twice or thrice a day till they begin to grow. Particular care must be taken to remove the seeds out of the acid as soon as the least vegeta- tion is observable. Mr. Otto found that by this means seeds which were from twenty to forty years old grew, while the same sort, sown in the usual manner, did not grow at all (Gard. Mag., viii. 196): and it is asserted by Dr. Hamilton (Jd, x. 368, 453,) and others, that they have found decided advantages from the employment of this substance. Theoretically it would seem that the effects described ought to be produced, but general experience does not confirm them; and it may be conceived that the rapid abstrac- tion of carbon, by the presence of an unnaturally large quantity of oxygen, may produce effects as injurious to the health of the seed as its too slow destruction in consequence of the languor of the vital principle. The length of time that some seeds will lie in the ground, under circumstances favourable to germi- OF SEED-SAVING. 169 nation, without growing, is very remarkable, and inexplicable upon any known principle, If the Haw- thorn be sown immediately after the seeds are ripe, a part will appear as plants the next spring; a larger number the second year; and stragglers, sometimes in considerable numbers, even in the third and fourth seasons. Seeds of the genera Ribes, Berberis, and Peeonia, have a similar habit. M. Savi is related by De Candolle to have had, for more than ten years, a crop of Tobacco from one original sowing; the young plants having been destroyed yearly, without being allowed to form their seed. This matter does not, perhaps, concern the theory of horticulture, for theory is incapable of explaining it; but it is a fact that it is useful to know, because it may prevent still living seeds from being thrown away, under the idea that, as they did not grow the first year, they will never grow at all. CHAPTER VI. OF SEED-SAVING. THE maturation of the seed being a vital action indispensable to the perpetuation of a species, is, in wild plants, guarded from interruption by so many wise precautions, that no artificial assistance is requir- ed in the process; but in gardens, where plants. are often enfeebled by domestication, or exposed to con- 170 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. ditions very different from those to which they are subject’in their natural state, the seed often refuses to ripen, or even to commence the formation of an embryo. In such cases, the skill of gardeners must aid the workings of nature, and art must effect that which the failing powers of a plant are unable to bring about of themselves. Sterility is a common malady of cultivated plants ; the finer varieties of fruit, and all double and highly cultivated flowers, being more frequently barren than fertile. This arises from several different causes. The most common cause of sterility is an unnatural developement of some organ in the vicinity of the seed, which attracts to itself the organisable matter that would otherwise be applicable to the support of the seed. Of this the Pear, the Pine-apple, and the Plantain are illustrative instances. The more deli- cate varieties of Pear, such as the Gansel’s Bergamot and the Chaumontelle, have rarely any seeds; of Pine-apple, none, except the Enville now and then, have seeds, and that variety, though a large one, is of little value for its delicacy, and probably ap- proaches nearly to the wild state of the plant; of Plantains, few, except the wild and crabbed sorts, are seedful. The remedy for this appears to be, in with- holding ‘from such plants all the sources from which their succulence can be encouraged. If, in conse- quence of any predisposition to form succulent tissue (on which the excellence of fruit much depends), the organisable matter of the plant be once diverted trom feeding the seed to those parts in which the succu- OF SEED-SAVING. 171 lence exists, it will continue, by the action of endos- mose, to be attracted thither more powerfully than to any other part, and the effect of this will be the starvation of the seed: but a scanty supply of food, an unhealthy condition of the plant itself, or with- holding the usual quantity of water, will all check the tendency to luxuriance, and therefore will favour the developement of the seed, whose feeble attracting force is, in that case, not so likely to be overcome by the accumulation of attracting power in the neigh- bouring parts. Thus we see the Pine-apples are more frequently seedful under the bad cultivation of the Continent, than in the highly kept and skilfully managed pineries of England. Abstraction of branches, in the neighbourhood of fruit, has also been occasicnally found favourable to the formation of seed; evidently because the food that would have been conveyed into the branches, having no outlet, is forced into the fruit. Another cause of sterility is the deficiency of pollen (87) in the anthers of a given plant, as in vegetable mules (88), which usually partake of the spermatic debility so well known in similar cases in the animal kingdom. It has often been found that sterility of this kind is cured by the application, to the seedless plant, of the vigorous pollen of another less debilitated variety. In some plants, such as Pelargoniums, when culti- vated, the anthers shed their pollen before the stigma is ready to receive its influence, and thus sterility re- sults. All such cases are provided for, by employing 172 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. the pollen of another flower. (See Sweetin the Gar. dener’s Magazine, vii. 206.) An unfavourable state of the atmosphere obstructs the action of pollen, and thus produces sterility. Pollen will not produce its impregnating tubes in too low a temperature, or when the air is charged with moisture; neither, in the absence of wind or insects, have some plants the power of conveying the pollen to the stigma, their anthers having no special irrita- bility, and only opening forthe discharge of the pollen, not ejecting it with force. If we watch the Hazel, or any of the Coniferous order, in which the enormous quantity of pollen employed to secure the impregna- tion of the seed renders it easy to see what happens, it will be found that no pollen is scattered in damp cold weather; but, in a sunny, warm, dry morning, the atmosphere surrounding such plants is, in the im- pregnating season, filled with grains of pollen dis- charged by the anthers. In wet springs the crops of fruit fail, because the anthers are not sufficiently dried to shrivel and discharge their contents, which remain locked up in the anther cells till the power of impregnation is lost. In vineries and forcing-houses generally, into which no air is admitted to disturb the foliage, nor any artificial means employed for the same end, and when the season is too early for the presence of bees, flies, and other insects, the grapes will not set: and in the frames of melons and cucum- bers, from which insects are excluded, no seed is formed unless the pollen is conveyed by hand, from those flowers in which it is formed, to others in which OF SEED-SAVING. 173 the young fruit alone is generated. In all cases of this kind, the remedy for sterility is obvious enough where plants exist in an artificial.condition ; but, when they occur in the orchard or the flower- sails in the open air, science suggests no assistance. It sometimes happens that particular parts of plants, distant from the fruit, are so constructed as to attract to themselves the food intended for the fruit, and thus to prevent the formation of seed. For example :— The early varieties of Potato do not readily produce seed, owing to the abstraction by their tubers of the nutritive matter required for the support of the seed. Mr. Knight found that by destroying the tubers in part, as they formed, seeds were readily procured from such varieties.* But perhaps the most frequent cause of sterility is the monstrous condition of the flowers of many cul- tivated plants. It has been fully explained (84) that the floral organs of plants are nothing more than leaves, so modified as to be capable of performing special acts, for particular purposes; but they are not capable of performing those acts any longer than they retain their modified condition; and therefore the stamens cannot secrete pollen, when, by acciden- tal circumstances, they are changed into leaves, as happens in double flowers; then, there is nothing * Vice versa, the produce of the potatoes may be much increased by plucking off the blossoms, in which case the nutritive matter which would have been expended upon them and the berries, or fruit, serves to increase the size of the tubers, for which alone the plant is cultivated. This fact, so perfectly consistent with theory, has been completely confirmed by experiment. 174 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. to fertilise the stigma, and, of course, no seed is pro- duced. Or the carpels themselves may be converted into leaves, and have lost their seed-bearing property. Double flowers in the latter case cannot possibly bear seed; but in the condition first mentioned they may, and often do. To bring this about, the cultivator plants in the vicinity of his sterile flowers others of the same species, in which a part at least of the stamens are perfect, and they furnish a sufficiency of pollen for the impregnation of the other flowers in which there are no stamens. In some cases, principally in those of Composite flowers, the seed is formed and advanced towards perfection, and then decays; this is owing to the flower heads of such plants being composed, in a great measure, of soft scales, absorbent and retentive of moisture, to which, in their own country, they are not exposed in the fruiting season, but by which they are affected under the hands of the cultivator. When the heads of such flowers are soaked with moisture, which they cannot get rid of, the scales rot, and decay spreads to all the other parts, and thus the production of seed is prevented. The Chinese Chrysanthemum is a familiar instance of this, Such plants seed rea- dily if the flower heads are kept warm and dry; and it is thus that the sterile Chrysanthemum has been made seedful; that is to say, by growing it in a dry warm winter border, protected from showers by a roof of glass, or by using some such means of guard- ing it; or by rearing it in a warm dry climate. When seeds are freely produced, it is not altoge- OF SEED-SAVING. 175 ther a subject of indifference in what way they are saved, if it is desired that their progeny should be the most perfect that can be obtained. Weak seeds produce weak plants, and therefore recourse should be had, in all delicate cases, to artificial means for giving vigour to the seed. Jn general, the cultivator trusts to his eye for separating the plumpest and most completely formed seeds; or to floating them in water, selecting only the heavy grains that, sink, and rejecting all those which are buoyant enough to float. But the energy of the vital principle in a seed may be, undoubtedly, increased by abstracting neighbouring fruits, by improving the general health of the parent plant, by a full exposure of it to light, and by pro- longing the period of maturation as much as is con- sistent with the health of the fruit. It is a constant rule that seedlings take after their parents, an unheal- thy mother producing a diseased offspring, and a vigorous parent yielding a healthy progeny in all their minute gradations and modifications; and this is so true, that, as florists very well know, semi-double Ranunculi, Anemones, and similar flowers, will rarely yield double varieties, while the seeds of the latter as unfrequently give birth to semi-double degenerations. Independently of these things, it is indispensable that the seed of a plant, when saved, should be perfectly ripe, if it is intended to be laid by for future sowing. The effect of ripening is to load the seed with carbon in the form of starch, or some such substance (102), and to deprive it of water, conditions necessary for its preservation: but, if a seed is gathered before 176 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. being ripe, these conditions are not secured; and, in proportion to the deficiency ofcarbon and superabun- dance of water, is the seed liable to perish. The complete maturation of the seed is, however, a disadvantage, when it has to be sown immediately after being gathered; for the embryo is formed, and capable of germinating, long before the period of greatest maturity. There are two periods in the latter part of the organisation of a seed which, although separated by no limits, require to be distin- guished. The first is that when the embryo is com- pleted; and the second is when nature has, in ad- dition, furnished it with the means of maintaining its vitality for a long period. It is just as capable of growing at the expiration of the first period as of the second ; it will do so immediately if committed to the ground, and we see it actually happening to Peas, Beans, Corn, and other field crops, in wet summers ; but, at the end of the second period, it cannot germi- nate till it has relieved itself of all the carbon which, during that period, was deposited in its tissue. If seeds are to be preserved for a length of time, a state of complete dryness is so necessary to them that it has been recommended to increase it by artificial means: not, however, by the application of heat, or by any process like that of kiln-drying, for that would destroy their vitality ; but by some of those chemical processes which dry the atmosphere without raising its temperature. It occurred to Mr. Livingstone, that air made dry by means of sulphuric acid might be advantageously employed for this purpose, and he OF SEED-PACKING. 177 says that the success of his experiments was com- plete. He placed the seeds to be dried in the pans of Leslie’s ice machine, and carefully replaced the receiver without exhausting the air; small seeds were sufficiently dried in one or two days, and the largest seeds in lessthan a week. (ort. Trans., iii. 184.) Other contrivances might easily be adopted. Muri- ate of lime, for instance, which has the property of absorbing the moisture of the atmosphere, might, per- haps, be employed with advantage in drying the air in which seeds are placed after being gathered. The reason why it is so important that seeds which have to be long kept should be thoroughly dried, is, partly because seeds have the power of decomposing water, which causes the commencement of germina- tion (14), and, if this happens while they are cut off from the other means of existence, the process of growth must be stopped, and their death will follow and, in part, from the tendency of vegetable matter in contact with water to putrefy, if the actions of life are not in play. CHAPTER VII. OF SEED-PACKING. Ir seldom happens that seeds are sown as soon as they are ripe: it is sometimes desirable that they g* 178 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. should be preserved. for long periods of time: the power of conveying them for great distances, through various climates, is oneof those upon which man most depends for the improvement of the horticultural re- sources of all countries; and for this purpose large sums are annually expended, both by governments and individuals. It is, therefore, an object of the first importance to ascertain, what is not well understood, as it would seem, namely, the causes by which the destruction of the germinating power of seeds is effected; for it is only by doing this that their pre- servation can be secured. Seeds are probably possessed of different powers of life, some preserving their vital principle through centuries of time, while others have but an epheme- ral existence under any circumstances. The reasons for this difference are unknown to us, and apparently depend upon a first cause, over which we have, therefore, no control; but the fact of great longevity in some seeds is certain, and there seems no reason why the conditions which enable them to preserve their germinating power for long periods of time should not be discovered and imitated. Without admitting such doubtful cases as those of seeds preserved in mummies having germinated, there are many instances of seminal longevity about which there can be no doubt. Books contain an abundance of instances of plants having suddenly sprung up from the soil obtained from deep excavations, where the seeds must be supposed to have been buried for ages. Professor Henslow says that in the fens of Cambridge- OF SEED-PACKING. 179 shire, after the surface has been drained and the soil ploughed, large crops of white and black mustard invariably appear. Miller mentions a case of Plan- tago Psyllium having sprung from the soil of an ancient ditch which was emptied at Chelsea, although the plant had never been seen there in the memory of man. De Candolle says that M. Gerardin succeed- ed in raising Kidneybeans from seed at least a hun- dred years old, taken out of the herbarium of Tourne- fort; and I have myself raised Raspberry plants from seeds found in an ancient coffin, in a barrow in Dor- setshire, which seeds, from the coins and other relics met with near them, may be estimated to have been sixteen or seventeen hundred years old. In these cases, the only circumstances that we can conceive to have operated must have been such a de- gree of dryness as prevented the decomposition of the seed on the one hand, and the excitement of its germi- nating powers on the other, a moderately low tempe- rature, and in some of them the exclusion of air; for moisture, beat, and communication with the air, are necessary to enable seeds to grow (14). The tendency of moisture exposed to the air, and in contact with inert vegetable matter, such as a torpid seed, is by de- grees to produce decay, which rapidly spreads to the neighbouring parts. But, if the vitality of a seed is excited by a fitting temperature, the moisture with which it is in contact is then decomposed, the oxygen so obtained combines with the carbon of the seed, and forms carbonic acid, which flies off, and by degrees re- duces the amount of carbon lodged in the tissue of the 180 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. seed to that which is best suited for the growth of the embryo (103) ; then, if the embryo is so situated that it cannot obtain from the surrounding medium food upon which to subsist, its germination stops, and, being de- prived of its carbon, the safeguard of its vitality is re- moved, and it perishes. If, however, the amount of moisture in contact with a seed is very small, as in the dry earth at the bottom of a tumulus for instance, the temperature at the same time low, and the access of at- mospheric air cut off, neither putrefaction nor germi- nation is likely to occur. If seeds are exposed to a high temperature in dryness, they will not perish un- less the temperature rises beyond anything likely to occur under natural circumstances. Edwards and Colin found that even wheat, barley, and rye, inhabit- ants of temperate countries, would bear when dry 104° for a long time without injury, although they died in three days in water at 95°; and a much higher pro- longed temperature may be expected to produce no ill effect upon seeds inhabiting hotter countries. There is no apparent reason why the exposure of dry seeds to the air should destroy vitality, unless the ex- posure is very much prolonged; nor have we any evidence to show that it does, so long as they remain dry. The way in which the atmosphere would act injuriously upon dormant seeds is, by its oxygen ab- stracting their carbon; and it was formerly supposed that the carbonic acid extricated by germinating seeds was formed in this way. But the very valuable ob- servations and experiments of Messrs. Edwards and Colin (see Comptes rendus de l’ Académie des Sciences, OF SEED-PACKING. 181 vil. 922,) show that carbonic acid is formed by the as- sistance of the oxygen obtained by the decomposition of water. If we apply these considerations to the plans usually employed for preserving artificially the vitality of seeds, we shall find them offer a ready explanation of the success that attends some methods of packing, and the constant failure of others. The great object of those who have devised means of packing seeds for distant journeys has, in general, been to exclude the air, and all other considerations have been subordinate to this. Enclosure in bottles hermetically sealed, in papers thickly coated with wax, in tin boxes, andsimilar contrivances, have been resorted to with this object in view: but no advan- tage can be derived from excluding the air, and the disadvantage is very great; for the effect of exclud- ing the air is to include whatever free moisture seeds may contain or be surrounded by; this moisture is sufficient, in high temperatures, either to deprive the seed of its carbon of preservation, or to induce decay of the tissue, especially of the seed-coats, which have no vitality themselves, and in either case the embryo perishes. Packing in charcoal has been recommended, it is difficult to say why; and experience shows what might have been anticipated, that it produces no other effect than packing in earth or other dry non-con- ducting material. Clayed sugar has been employed, and, as it is said, occasionally with advantage; but I have seen no in- 182 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. stance of success, and, on the contrary, its tendency to absorb moisture from the air till it becomes capable of fermenting, is in itself an objection to the employ- ment of this substance. The most common method of packing is to enclose seeds in paper, to surround parcels of such papers with envelopes of the same material, and to enclose the whole in a deal box. It is in this manner that seedsmen usually despatch their orders to India, and other distant parts of the world. The evils of this method have been pointed out by Dr. Falconer, in the Proceedings of the Horticultural Society, vol. i. p. 49. “On one occasion,” he says, “I received from England a large assortment of garden vegetable seeds, from a London seedsman. They were packed in the thick dark brown paper which is generally used by grocers and seedsmen, and which, for the facility of folding, is usually in a somewhat damp state. The packages were nailed up in a large wooden box, with numerous folds of this paper, and the box was then hermetically sealed in a tin case; it then found its way into the ship’s hold. The damp paper, which in the temperature of England, say at 50°, would have mat- tered little, became an important agent when the ship got into the tropics; at about 80° the damp became a hot vapour, and, when the seeds reached me, I found them all in a semi-pulpy and mildewed state.” Upon the whole, the only mode which is calculated to meet all the circumstances to which seeds are ex- posed during a voyage is to dry them as thoroughly as possible, enclose them in coarse paper, and to pack OF PROPAGATION BY EYES AND KNAURS. 183 the papers themselves very loosely in coarse canvass bags, not enclosed in boxes, but freely exposed to the air; and to insure their transmission in some dry well-ventilated place. Thus, if the seeds are origi- nally dried incompletely, they will become further dried on their passage; if the seed paper is damp, as it almost always is, the moisture will fly off through the sides of the bags, and will not stagnate around the seeds. It is true that, under such circumstances, the seeds will be exposed to the fluctuations of tempera- ture, and to the influence of the atmosphere; but nei- ther the one nor the other of these is likely to be pro- ductive of injury to the germinating principle. The excellence of this method I can attest from my own observation. Large quantities of seeds have been annually transmitted from India for many years, doubtless gathered with care, it is to be presumed prepared with every attention to the preservation of the vital principle, and certainly packed with all those precautions which have been erroneously supposed to be advantageous ; the hopelessness of raising plants from such seeds has at length become so apparent, that many persons have altogether abandoned the attempt, and will not take the trouble to sow them when they arrive. But the seeds sent from India by Dr. Falconer, packed in the manner last described, ex- posed to all the accidents which those first mentioned can have encountered, have germinated so well, that we can scarcely say that the failure has been greater than if they had been collected in the south of Europe. I have no doubt that the general badness of the 184 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. seeds from Brazil, from the Indian Archipelago, and from other intertropical countries, is almost always to be ascribed to the seeds having been originally in- sufficiently dried, and then enclosed in tightly packed boxes, whence the superfluous moisture had no means of escape. For seeds containing oily matter, which are pecu- larly liable to destruction (by their oil becoming rancid ?), ramming in dry earth has been found advan- tageous; as in the case of the Mango. CHAPTER VIII. OF PROPAGATION BY EYES AND KNAURS. THE power of propagating plants by any other means than that of seeds depends entirely upon the presence of leaf-buds (fiz. 16), or, as they are technical- OF PROPAGATION BY EYES AND KNAURS. 185 ly called, “eyes” (52), which are in reality rudimentary branches in close connexion with the stem. All stems are furnished with such buds, which, although held together by a common system, have a power of inde- pendent existence under fitting circumstances; and, when called into growth, uniformly produce new parts, of exactly the same nature, with respect to each other, as that from which they originally sprang. Under ordinary circumstances, an eye remains fix- ed upon the stem that generates it. There it grows, sending woody matter downwards over thealburnum, and a new branch upwards, clothed with leaves, and perhaps flowers: but it occasionally happens that eyes separate spontaneously from their mother stem, and when they fall upon the ground they emit roots and become new plants (p. 29. jig. 8). This happens in several kinds of Lily, and in other genera. Man has taken advantage of this property, and has discovered that the eyes.of many plants, if separated artificially from the stem and placed in earth, will, under favourable circumstances, produce new plants, just as such eyes would have done if they had spon- taneously disarticulated ; hence the system of propa- gation by eyes, an operation employed only to a limited extent in actual practice, but which in theory seems applicable to all plants whatever. The only species very generally so increased are the Potato and the Vine. Of the latter, the eye, with a small portion of the stem adhering to it, is commonly taken as the means of obtaining young plants; being placed in earth, with a bottom heat of 75° or 80°, and kept in 186 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. a damp atmosphere, it speedily shoots upwards into a branch, and at the same time establishes itself in the soil by the developement of the requisite quantity of roots. In order to insure success in this operation upon the Vine, it is only necessary that the eye should be dormant, and that a small piece of well- ripened wood should, as has been already stated, be separated with it; it will then grow in much the same way and under the same circumstances as a seed. There is no doubt that many plants could be thus multiplied just as easily as the Vine, but it is equally certain that a far larger number cannot be so increas- ed. The reason of this is, probably, that such eyes are not sufficiently excitable, and that consequently they decay before their vital energies are roused; and, in addition, that they do not contain within themselves a sufficient quantity of organisable matter upon which to exist until new roots are formed, capa- ble of feeding the nascent branch. Mr. Knight’s explanation of this, although in part applicable to cuttings only, yet seems to deserve being introduced in this place. ‘Every leaf-bud is well known to be capable of extending itself intoa branch, and of becoming the stem of a future tree; but it does not contain, nor is it at all able to prepare and assimilate, the organisable matter required for its extension and development. This must be derived from a different source, the alburnous substance of the tree, which appears the reservoir, in all this tribe of plants, in which such matter is deposited. I found avery few grains of alburnum to be sufficient to sup- OF PROPAGATION BY EYES AND KNAURS. 187 port a bud of the Vine, and to occasion the formation of minute leaves and roots: but the early growth of such plants was extremely slender and feeble, as if they had sprung from small seeds; and the buds of the same plant, wholly detached from the alburnum, were incapable of retaining life. The quantity of alburnum being increased, the growth of the buds increased in the same proportion; and when cuttings of a foot long, and composed chiefly of two-years old wood, were employed, the first growth of the buds was nearly as strong. as it would have been, if the cuttings had not been detached from the tree. The quantity of alburnum in every young and thriving tree, exclusive of the Palm tribe, is proportionate to the number of its buds; and if the number of these were, in any instance, ascertained and compared with the quantity of alburnous matter in the branches and stem and roots, it would be found that nature has always formed a reservoir sufficiently extensive to supply every bud. But those of a cutting, under the most favourable circumstances, must derive their nutriment from a more limited and precarious source ; and it is therefore expedient that the gardener should, in the first instance, make the most ample provision conveniently within his power for their maintenance, and that he should subsequently attend very closely to the economical expenditure of such provision.” (Horticultural Transactions, ii. 115.) In the Potato the requisite provision of organisa- ble matter is always secured, in consequence of the great difficulty of separating an eye of that plant, 188 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES, without fragments of the amylaceous tuber adhering to it. The provision of alimentary matter may, however, be, in some cases, disadvantageous, by promoting too great a development of stems and leaves, of which the Potato itself is an instance. Theoretically, the more nutritive matter there is for the eyes, the greater crop there will be, ceteris paribus, and so there probably is of leaves and stems; and it would seem that whole potatoes should be more advantageous to plant than sets. But I have proved, by a series of numerous experiments, that the weight of potatoes per acre is greater, under equal circumstances, from sets than from whole tubers, by upwards of from seven cwt. to three tons per acre; and considerably more, on com- parison of the clear produce, after deducting the weight of sets employed in both cases. (Hort. Trans. n. 8.1. 445, and it. 156.) In these instances, I sup- posed the rankness of the vegetation from the whole tubers to be the cause of the diminished crop, for the stems were unable to support themselves, and were blown about, laid, and broken by the wind. While, however, in such plants as the Potato, all the eyes were equally capable of forming new tubers, it is found by experience that they do so with differ- ent degrees of rapidity, according to the age of that part of the stem or tuber which furnishes them. It is stated by a writer in the Gardener's Magazine (vol. i. p. 406), that it is well known in Lancashire to some cultivators of the Potato, “that different eyes germi- nate, and give their produce, or become ripe, at times OF PROPAGATION BY EYES AND KNAURS. 189 varying very materially, say several weeks, from each other; some being ripe or fit for use as early as the middle of May, and others not till June or July. This will be understood by reference to the accompanying sketch. The sets nearest the extremity of the Potato (fig. 17, a) are soonest ripe, and in Lancashire, are planted in warm places in March or the beginning of April, and are ready for the market about the 12th or 15th of May. The produce of the next sets (6) is ready in about a fort- night after, and that from the root end (c and d) still later. These roots and sets (from 0 to d) are usually put together, and the extremity of the root end is thrown aside for the pigs.” This fact, if correctly stated, shows, not that the youngest eyes, or those nearest the point of the Potato, are the ripest, which is impossible, but that they ‘are more excitable, and consequently grow more rapidly than those at the middle or base. Besides the cases of propagation by eyes now men- tioned, there is another of which a notice is given by Signor Manetti (Gardener's Magazine, vii. 663), as practised in Italy upon the Olive. It appears that, from old Otive trees, certain knots or excrescences, called wovoli, are cut out of the bark, of which a por- tion is left adhering to them, and being planted, grow into young Olive trees. Of these I have no further account; but it is evident that the uovoli are no other than our knaurs, already spoken of (53) under the 190 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. name of embryo buds ; concretions found in the bark of many, and probably of all, trees, and supposed to have been adventitious buds developed in the bark, and, by the pressuré of the surrounding parts, forced into those tortuous woody masses in the shape of which we find them. They, in general, present an oblong or conical form, are sometimes collected into clusters, and usually exhibit little or no appearance * of a tendency to further growth. It is, however, not uncommon to find them lengthening into branches as is shown in a Poplar, for which I am indebted to Sir Oswald Mosley; and although they have never yet been used for the purposes of propagation, except in the case of the Olive, there seems to be no reason why they should not be so employed, if any neces- sity were to arise for them. The real amount of their powers of growth is unknown, and would be a good subject of investigation. CHAPTER IX. OF PROPAGATION BY LEAVES. In the beginning of the last century, Richard Bradley, a Fellow of the Royal Society, published a translation from the Dutch of Agricola, of a book upon the propagation of plants by leaves; in which it was asserted that, by the aid of a mastic invented by the author, the leaves of any plant, dipped at the OF PROPAGATION BY LEAVES. 191 stalk end into this preparation, would immediately strike root; and the book was adorned with copper- plates exhibiting both the process and its result, in the form of fields stuck full of Orange leaves grow- ing into trees. Although this work was very absurd, yet it proba- bly originated in the discovery that the leaves of some plants will grow under special circumstances ; a fact often supposed to be much more rare than it really is. In Professor Morren’s French Transla- tion of my Outlines of the First Principles of Horticul- ture, Rochea falcata* is named as producing adventi- tious buds (58) from the upper side of its leaves ; and the Orange, the Aucuba, and the Fig, as other instances of leaves which will multiply their species (p. 152); the power of Bryophyllum to do the same thing is familiar to every one. Hedwig found the leaves of the Crown Imperial, put into a plant-press, produce bulbs from their surface. There is a well- known case of the same effect having been observed in Ornithogalum thyrsoideum. M. Auguste de St. Hilaire mentions an instance of leaf-buds generated by fragments of the leaves of ‘ Theophrasta,” which had been buried by M. Neumann, chief gardener at the Garden of Plants at Paris, and:of young Dro- seras -furnished by the leaves of Drosera intermedia. Mr. Henry Cassini is said to have seen young plants produced by the leaves of Cardamine pratensis ; Eng- lish botanists know that offsets spring from the mar- gins of the leaves of Malaxis paludosa; in our stoves * See, also, De Candolle’s Physiologie Végétale, ii. 672. 192 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. we see Ferns of many kinds, especially Woodwardia radicans, propagating themselves by offsets from the leaves; Mr. Turpin tells us that floating fragments of Watercress leaves, cut up by a species of Phryga- nea for its nest, “produce presently from their base, and below the common petiole, at first two or three colourless roots, then in their centre a small conical bud, green, in which are found, or rather from which successively arise, all the aérial parts of a new Water- cress plant, while the roots multiply and lengthen.” (Comptes rendus, 1839, sem. 2, 488.) Mr. Flourens also mentions a case of Purslane, whose leaves, divided into three, produced as many new plants, each having a root, stem, and leaves. In the Zrans- actions of the Horticultural Society, is an account of a Zamia each of whose scales produced a new plant, when the central part of the stem was decayed. Finally, the following case is named in the same work (vol. v. p. 442,) by Mr. Knight :— “Tn an early part of the summer, some leaves of Mint (Mentha piperita), without any portion of the substance of the stems upon which they had grown, were planted in small pots, and subjected to artificial heat, under glass. They emitted roots, and lived more than twelve months, having assumed nearly the character of the leaves of evergreen trees; aud upon the mould being turned out of the pots, it was found to be everywhere surrounded by just such an inter- woven mass of roots as would have been emitted by perfect plants of the same species. These roots pre- sented the usual character of those organs, and con- OF PROPAGATION BY LEAVES. 193 sisted of medulla, alburnum, bark, and epidermis; and as the leaf itself, during the growth of these, in- creased greatly in weight, the evidence that it gene- rated the true sap which was expended in their for- mation appears perfectly conclusive.” ‘In our gardens, we know of many other cases of the same kind. Hoya is a common instance, and three others are here. figured (jig. 18); viz., Gesnera (a), 194 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. Clianthus puniceus (5), Gloxinia speciosa (c). In these, and all such cases, the first thing that happens is an excessive development of the cellular tissue, which forms a large convex “callus” at the base; from which, after a time, roots proceed; and by which eventually a leaf-bud, the commencement of a new stem, is generated. It is not surprising that leaves should possess this quality, when we remember that every leaf does the same thing naturally while attached to the plant that bears it; that is to say, forms at its base a bud which is constantly axillary to itself. Leaves, however, have not been often employed as the means of pro- pagating a species; and it is probable that most leaves, when separated from their parent, are incapa- ble of doing so, for reasons which we are not as yet able to explain. The most common case of their em- ployment is in the form of the scales of a bulb, which will, with some certainty, produce new plants under favourable circumstances. Those circumstances are, a strong bottom heat, moderate moisture, and a rich stimulating soil, When plants are produced by leaves under ordinary circumstances, the conditions most favourable to their doing so are of the same nature. A moderate amount of moisture prevents their dying from perspiration or perishing from decay ; a good bottom heat stimulates their vital forces, and causes them to exercise what- ever power they possess; and, in addition, they are covered by a slightly shaded bell glass, which main- tains around them an atmosphere of uniform humi- OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 195 dity, and, at the same time, cuts off the approach of those direct solar rays, which, acting as a stimulus to perspiration, would have a tendency to exhaust the leaves of their fluid before they could organize, at their base, the new matter from which the leaf-bud is evidently produced. CHAPTER X. OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. THIs, which is the most common of all modes of artificial propagation except grafting, depends upon essentially the same principle as propagation by eyes; that is to say, the pieces of a plant called cuttings possess a power of growth in consequence of their bearing leaf:buds or eyes upon their surface. In striking by eyes, we have the great difficulty to en- counter of keeping the eye active till it has organised roots with which to feed itself; the earth furnishes such a supply unwillingly or unsuitably, nature in- tending that the bud should, in the first instance, be supported by the soluble nutriment ready prepared and lodged in its immediate vicinity, in the pith or some other part of the stem. For this reason, cut- tings, which consist of eyes and the part containing their proper aliment, usually strike root more freely than eyes by themselves, This being so, it is plain that a cutting is only capa- ble of multiplying a plant when it bears buds upon its 196 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. surface; and as the stem is the only part upon which buds certainly exist, so the stem is the only part from which cuttings should be prepared. And again, as the internode, or that space of the stem which intervenes between leaf and leaf, has no buds, their station being confined to the axil of the leaves, a cutting pre- pared from an internode only is as improper as one from the root. It is no doubt true, that we constantly propagate plants from pieces of what are called roots, as in the Potato, or the Scir- pus tuberosus (fig. 19); but such roots are, in reality, the kind of stem called a tuber (51); and, in like manner, other cases of similar propagation are also successful, because the part called a root is, in reality, an underground stem covered with the rudi- ments of leaves, to each of which an eye belongs. The Rose, the Lilac, and many other plants, have subterranean stems, cuttings of which will there- fore answer the purpose of propagation. It will also occasionally happen, that, owing to unknown causes, morsels of the true root will generate what are called adventitious buds; and hence we do occasionally see the root employed for propagation, as in Cydonia japonica ;* but these are rare and ex- * Also the Paper Mulberry, the Paulownia, &e A. J.D. OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 197 ceptional cases, and by no means affect the general rule. Mr. Knight attempted to account for this, by supposing that the powers which roots of various forms, and cuttings, and other detached parts of plants, possess of emitting foliage, “ are wholly, and in all cases, dependent upon the presence of true sap previously deposited within them.” (Hort. Trans., v. 242.) But this is a very obscure expression, and does not seem to throw any light upon the subject. When the vine grows in a very warm damp stove, its stem emits roots into the air; the same thing hap- pens to the Maize on the lower part of its stem; and in these and all such cases, the roots are found to be emitted from buds. Hence it has been inferred that the roots of a plant are as much productions of buds as branches are, and that the stem is nothing more than a, collection of such roots held together under the form of wood and bark. The present is not the place for a renewal of this discussion, for the arguments in favor of and opposed to which, the reader is referred to my Introduction to Botany, 3d edit. p. 309, &. It is sufficient here to remark that the question turns upon whether the buds and leaves actually them- selves produce roots, or merely furnish the organis- able matter out of which roots are formed; and that, therefore, for the purpose of horticulture, either the one or the other is equally capable of explaining the facts connected with cuttings.* * The following curious fact, recorded by Mr. Livingstone, which seems to have escaped observation, deserves to be mentioned here :— “The Pterocarpus Marsupium, one of the most beautiful of the large 198 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. As far as physiology can explain the operation of propagation by cuttings, it appears that roots are formed by the action of leaves; that branches are de- veloped from the buds; and that the buds are main- tained by the suitable aliment stored up in the stem. Every thing beyond this seems to be connected with specific constitutional powers, of which science can give no explanation. In considering what conditions are most favourable to the maintenance of a cutting in the state required, in order to enable it to become a young plant, it will be most convenient, in the first place, to examine the rationale of some one method which is known to be successful. For this purpose, the following detail, by trees of the East Indies, and which grows in the greatest perfection about Malacea, affording, by its elegant wide-expanding boughs, and thick-spreading pinnated leaves, a shade equally delightful with the far-famed Tamarind tree, is readily propagated by cuttings of all sizes, if planted even after the pieces have been cut for many months, notwithstanding they appear quite dry, and fit only for the fire. I have witnessed some of three, four, five, six, and seven inches in diameter, and ten or twelve feet long, come to be fine trees ina few years. While watching the transformation of the log into the tree, I have been able to trace the progress of the radicles from the buds, which began to shoot from the upper part of the stump a few days after it had been placed in the ground, and marked their progress till they reached the earth. By elevating the bark, minute fibres are seen to descend contemporaneously as the bud shoots into a branch. In a few weeks these are seen to interlace each other. In less than two years the living fibrous system is complete; in five years no vestige of its log origin can be perceived; its diameter and height are doubled, and the tree is in all respects as elegant and beautiful as if it had been produced from seed.” (Hort. Trans., iv. 226.) OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 199 Mr. Knight, of his mode of striking the Mulberry, is selected :— ‘A considerable number of cuttings were taken from the most vigorous bearing branches of a Mul- berry tree, in the middle of November, 1812, and were immediately reduced to the length adapted to small pots, in which I proposed them ultimately to be planted, and which were between four and five inches deep. Each cutting was composed of about two parts of two-years-old wood, that is, wood of the preceding year, and about one third of yearling wood, the pro- duce of the preceding summer; and the bottom of each was cut so much aslope, that its surface might be nearly parallel with that of the bottom of the pot in which it was to be placed. “The cuttings were then inserted in the common ground, under a south wall, and so deeply immersed in it, that one bud only remained visible above its surface ; and in this situation they remained till April. At this period the buds were much swollen, and the upper ends of the cuttings appeared similar to those of branches which had been shortened in the preced- ing autumn, and become capable of transmitting any portion of the ascending fluid. The bark at the lower ends had also begun to emit those processes which usually precede the production ofroots. The cuttings were now removed to the pots to which they had been previously fitted, and placed in a moderate hot- bed; and a single bud only of each cutting remained visible above the mould, and that being partially co- vered ; and in this situation they vegetated with so 200 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES much vigour, and emitted roots so abundantly, that I do not think one cutting in a hundred would fail, with proper attention. Some of the pots were placed round the edges of a melon bed, which affords a very eligible situation where a few plants only are want- ed.” (Horticultural Transactions, ii. 117.) In this case success appears to have depended upon the fol- lowing circumstances :— 1. The cuttings were prepared in November, at the’ end of the season of growth, when all the organisable matter required for the cutting was formed, and locked up in the proper places in itsinterior. It was not necessary, therefore, to take any means of insur- ing a further supply of aliment. But had it been otherwise, that is to say, if the cuttings had been pre- pared in the summer, in the midst of their growth, it would have been indispensable to allow a leaf or two to remain attached to the upper end of the cutting, to assist in the formation of alimentary matter. 2. Although but one eye was allowed to grow, yet the cuttings themselves were four or five inches long, and they consisted, to the extent of two thirds, of two-years-old wood. By this means the quantity of food for the nascent branch was intended to be so great as to insure it against suffering from an inade- quate supply, until it had formed roots. ‘The im- portance of this has already been shown by Mr. Knight in a previous part of this Book. 3. The cuttings were taken off in November, and not in the spring.* This gave them time to form * [Taking off the cuttings in November is unquestionably the OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 201 granulations of cellular substance or the lower or wounded end, before the powers of absorption by the alburnum were aroused, and so to protect themselves against a too copious supply cf aqueous matter before the growing bud could dispose of it by its leaves (64). This protection is afforded by the thinnest stratum of new cellular tissue, which covers over the ends of the wounded vessels, and acts as a vital filter through which all the crude food must pass from the soil. 7 4, The lower end of the cuttings was so divided as to be parallel with the bottom of the pot; and it appears from the context, although it is not expressly so stated, that this end was to touch the bottom of the pot.» The importance of this precaution is well known; cuttings of the Lemon and Orange, which are by no means willing to strike if it is neglected, become young plants readily if it is attended to; and in all difficult cases it is had recourse to. The object of it seems to be to place the absorbent or root end of the cutting in a situation where, while it is com- pletely drained of water, it may, nevertheless, be in better practice in so mild a climate as that of England; and is pre- ferable, even in this country, with all very hardy shrubs, as the Currant, &e. But in the case of those which are more tender in the bark, as some of the varieties of the common Althea, the severe frost of our winters often seriously injures or destroys the cuttings. When of moderate size, they are also liable to be thrown out by the heaving of the ground in spring: we therefore generally prefer early spring planting, for cuttings, But they often succeed best when they are taken off in November, kept in damp mould in the cellar through the winter, and carefully planted in March or April. a0 DB) g* 202 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. the vicinity of a never-failing supply of aqueous vapour. If it were surrounded by earth, water would readily collect about it in a condensed state, and the vessels being all open in consequence of being cut through, would rise at once into the interior; but the application of the root end immediately to the earthen bottom of the pot, with which it is so cut as to be nearly parallel, necessarily prevents any such accumulation and introduction of water, unless over- watering is allowed, and this all good gardeners will take care to avoid. An ingenious plan of Mr. Forsyth’s is intended to answer this purpose rather more perfectly. He puts a small sixty pot (jig. 20, a d) into one of larger size, having first closed up the bot- tom of the former with clay (a); then having filled the bottom of the outer pot with crocks, he fills up the sides (ec c) with propagating soil, in which his cuttings are so placed that their root ends rest against the sides of the inner pot; the Jatter is then filled with water, which passes very slowly through the sides until it reaches the cuttings. (See Gardener's Magazine, vol. xi. p. 564.) In many cases, especially in striking such plants as Heaths, gardeners employ a stratum of silver sand, placed immediately over the earth in which such plants OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 203 love to grow. The cuttings are inserted into the sand, but so near the earth that the roots, presen. after their emission, find themselves in it, and conse- quently in contact with a source of food. This sand answers the same purpose as placing the root end of the cutting in contact with the pot, and is an ingeni- ous device for doing that with small cuttings, which cannot be conveniently done otherwise except with large ones. 5. The cuttings are eventually placed in a hot- bed. This is for the purpose of giving them a stimu- lus at exactly that time when they are most ready to receive it. Had they been forced at first in bottom heat, the stimulus would have been applied to cut- tings whose excitability had not been renovated (118), and the consequence would have been a deve- lopement of the powers of growth so languid, that they probably would not have survived the coming winter: but, the stimulus being withheld till the cut- tings are quite ready for growth, it tells with the utmost possible effect. In addition to these comments upon an excellent mode of striking cuttings of many kinds, it is neces- sary to add some observations upon the object of additional precautions often taken by gardeners. Cuttings are covered by bell glasses, whose edge is pressed into the earth. This is for the purpose of preserving a uniform degree of humidity in the atmosphere breathed by the cuttings. It is gene- rally necessary to leave one or more leaves upon a cutting, in order to generate organisable matter, 204 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. and to assist in the formation of roots; but this is a very delicate operation, for, if the leaf is allowed to suffer by excessive perspiration, the cuttings must necessarily perish (75). To maintain a steady saturat- ed atmosphere around a cutting stops this danger, and hencetheuse of abell glass. A double glass has been lately recommended (fig. 21); butif this precaution is of any value, it must be, not because it main- tains an even temperature, which is injurious rather than useful, but because it prevents condensation upon the inner bell glass, and the con- sequent abstraction of atmospheric moisture, and pro- bably acts at the same time as a kind of shade. Notwithstanding the precaution of covering cut- tings with a bell glass, shade is also necessary, as a further security against perspiration ; for light acts as a specific stimulus (71), whose effects are very diffi- cult to counteract. It must, however, be employed with great caution; for, if there is not light enough, the leaves attached to the cuttings cannot form that organisable matter out of which roots are produced. All gardeners know that the root end of a cutting should be close below a leaf-bud; this is to facilitate the emission of roots by the buds, which emission must necessarily take place with greater or less diffi- culty in proportion as their exit is facilitated or imped- ed by the pressure of bark on them.* * [The amateur will find it advantageous to take off the cutting, when delicate or short, close up to the main stem, so as to preserve the collar or enlarged portion of wood at the base of the branch. OF PROPAGATION BY CUTTINGS. 205 No further precautions are taken with cuttings, nor does it at first sight appear possible to suggest any; nevertheless, the enormous constitutional dif- ference among plants is such, that, while numerous species will strike without any difficulty under almost any circumstances, with the wood ripe or half-ripe, just formed or aged, there are many others which no art has yet succeeded in converting into plants; and it is-by no means uncommon to find that, out of a potful of cuttings of the same species, apparently all alike and subjected to exactly the same treatment, one will grow and the remainder fail. Itis, therefore, one of the most probable of all things, that the prin- ciples of striking cuttings are still very imperfectly understood, and that this is one of the points of horticulture in which there is the greatest room for improvement. It may be worthy of inquiry whether bell glasses of different colours will not produce different effects upon cuttings, in consequence of their different power of transmitting light. It has been shown by Dr. Daubeny, in a very interesting paper in the Philoso- phical Transactions for 1836, page 149, that glass of different colours exercises very different effects upon the plants exposed to the rays of solar light passing through it; that both the exhalation and absorption of moisture by plants, so far as they depend upon the influence of light, are affected in the greatest degree This consists of a collection of latent buds or fibres, from which roots are emitted with much greater facility than from any other portion. A. J. D.] 206 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES, by the most luminous rays; and that all the functions of the vegetable economy, which are owing to the presence of this agent, follow in that respect the same law. In these experiments, it was ascertained that the glass employed admitted the passage of the rays of light in the following proportions: Transparent. Orange. Red. Blue. Purple. Green. Luminous rays 7 6 4 4 3 5 Calorifie rays q 6 5 8 4 2 Chemical rays vi 4 0 6 6 3 M. Decaisne found, during some experiments to ascertain the effect of light in causing the production of colouring matter in the Madder plant, that when the lower parts of a plant were inclosed in cases glazed at the side with transparent green, red, or yel- low glass, the leaves and stem of the part surrounded by red glass became pallid, and exhibited signs of suffering in a greater degree than under the other colours, but all were affected more or less.* (Hecher- ches sur la Garance, p. 23.) We, however, require very different experiments from any yet instituted, before we can proceed to draw practical conclusions as to the relative effects upon plants of glass of different colours. We do not know what the effect is of the calorific and chemical rays, and therefore we cannot say what may be the advan- tage or disadvantage of their action upon plants. As, however, the object of the cultivator is to protect * The nature of these experiments has been misapprehended in the translation, by Mr. Francis, of Meyen’s Report on Vegetable Physiology, for 1837, p. 51. OF PROPAGATION BY LAYERS AND SUCKERS. 207 his cuttings from too much light, and at the same time to give them enough to enable them to perform their digestive functions steadily, there can be little doubt that transparent glass is inferior to that of ano- ther colour. Ula Pilar gobs OF PROPAGATION BY LAYERS AND SUCKERS. Wirt regard to layers, there is but little which it is necessary to say regarding them, if what has been stated respecting eyes, leaves, and cuttings, has been rightly understood and well considered. A layer isa branch bent into the earth, and half cut through at the bend, the free portion of the wound being called “a tongue.” Itis, in fact, a cutting only partially se- parated from its parent. The object of the gardener is to induce the layer to emit roots into the earth at the tongue. With this view he twists the shoot half round, so as to injure the wood-vessels ; he heads it back so that only a bud or two appears above ground; and, when much nicety is requisite, he places a handful of silver sand round the tongued part; then pressing the earth down with his foot, so as to secure the layer, he leaves it without further care. The intention of both tongueing and twisting is to prevent the return of sap from the layer 208 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. into the main stem, while a small quantity is allowed to rise out of the latter into the former; the effect of this being to compel the returning sap to organize it- self externally as roots, instead of passing downwards below the bark as wood. The bending back is to assist in this object, by preventing the expenditure of sap in the formation, or rather completion, of leaves ; and the silver sand is to secure the drainage so neces- sary to cuttings. In most cases, this is sufficient; but it must be obvious that the exact manner in which the layering is effected is unimportant, and that it may be varied according to circumstances. Thus, Mr. James Munro describes a successful method of layering brittle-branched plants by simply slitting the shoot at the bend, and inserting a stone at that place (Gardener's Maga- zine, ix. 302): and Mr. Knight found that, in cases of difficult _ rooting, the process is facilitated by ringing the shoot just below the tongue, about midsummer, when the leaves upon the layers had acquired their full growth (Hort. Trans., 1. 256); by which means he prevented the passage , of the returning sap further downwards than the point in- tended for the emission of roots. It will sometimes happen that OF PROPAGATION BY LAYERS AND SUCKERS. 209. the branch of a plant cannot be conveniently bent downwards into the earth; in such cases, the earth may be elevated to the branch by various contri- vances, as is commonly done by the Chinese. (jig. 22.) When this is done, no other care is necessary than that required for layers, except to keep the earth surrounding the branch steadily moist. Suckers are branches naturally thrown up by a plant from its base, when the onward current of growth of the stem is stopped. Every stem, even the oldest, must have been once covered with leaves; each leaf had a bud in its axil; but, of those buds, few are developed as branches, and the remainder remain latent or perish. When the onward growth of a plant is arrested, the sap is driven to find new out- lets, and then latent buds are very likely to be deve- loped; in fact, when the whole plant is young, they Inust necessarily shoot forth under fitting circum- stances; the well-known effect of cutting down a tree is an exemplification of this. Such branches, if they proceed from under ground, frequently form roots at their base, when they are a means of propagation ; and, in the case of the Pine-apple, they are made use of for the same purpose, although they do not emit roots till they are separated from the pa- rent. Gardeners usually satisfy themselves with tak- ing from their Pine-apple plants such suckers as are produced in consequence of the stoppage of onward growth by the formation of the fruit: but these are few in number, and not at all what the plant is capable of yielding. Instead of throwing away the 210 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. “stump” of the Pine apple, it should be placed in a damp pit, and exposed to a bottom heat of 90° or thereabouts, when every one of the latent eyes will spring forth, and a crop of young plants be the re- sult. Mr. Alexander Forsyth, a very sensible writer upon these subjects, pointed this out some years since in the Gardener’s Magazine (xii. 594); and there can be no doubt that his observations upon the folly of throwing away stumps are perfectly correct both in theory and practice. The practice of scarring the centre of bulbs, the heads of Echinocacti and such plants, and the crown of the stem of species like Litteea geminiflora, in all which cases suckers are the result, is explicable upon the foregoing principles. CHAPTER XIL OF PROPAGATION BY BUDDING AND GRAFTING. THESE operations consist in causing an eye or a cutting of one plant to grow upon some other plant, so that the two, by forming an organic union, become a new and compound individual. The eye, in these cases, takes the name of bud, the cutting is called a scion, and the plant upon which they are made to grow is named the stock. Propagation by eyes and cuttings is, therefore, the same as budding and graftmmg, with this important OF PROPAGATION BY BUDDING AND GRAFTING. 211 difference, that in the one case the fragments of a plant are made to strike root into the inorganic soil, and to grow on their own bottom, as the saying is, while in the other they emit the equivalent of roots into liv- ing organic matter. In like manner, the operation of inarching, or causing the branch of one plant to remain attached to its parent, and at the same time to grow upon the branch of another tree, is analogous to layering. The objects of these operations are manifold. Many plants, such as the Pear and the Apple, will bud or graft freely, but are difficult to strike from cuttings. Species which are naturally delicate become robust when “worked” on robust stocks; and the conse- quence is a more abundant production of flowers and fruit; thus the more delicate kinds of Vines produce larger and finer grapes when worked upon such coarse, robust sorts as the Syrian and Nice. The Double yellow Rose, which so seldom opens its flowers, and whieh will not grow at all in many situations, blos- soms abundantly, and grows freely, when worked upon the common China Rose. (See Hort. Trans. v. 370.) The peculiar qualities of some plants can only be preserved by working: this is especially the case with certain kinds of variegated Roses, which retain their gay markings when budded, but become plain if on their own bottom. (Jb. 492.) Fruit may be ob- tained from seedling plants by these processes much earlier than by any others, and thus many years’ un- certain expectation may be saved : indeed, Mr. Knight ascertained that it is possible to transfer the blossom- 212 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. buds of one plant to another, so as to obtain flowers or fruit from them immediately. He thus fixed on the Wild Rose the flower-buds of Garden Roses, “and these buds, being abundantly supplied with nutriment, afforded much finer roses than they would have done had they retained their natural situation.” He repeated many similar experiments upon the Pear and Peach trees with similar success; but, in the case of the Pear, he found that if the buds were inserted earlier than the end of August or begin- ning of September, they became branches and not flowers. The manner in which these operations may be practised is exceedingly various, and an abundance of fanciful methods have been devised, for an account of which the reader is referred to Thouin’s Mono- graphie des Greffes; to the article “Greffe” by the same author, in the Nouveau Cours complet d’ Agriculture, &c., edition of 1822; to Lou- don’s Encyclopedia of Garden- ing, part ii.; and to the Gar- dener’s Magazine, vol. x. p. 305. I shall only -here de- scribe the commoner and more important methods. BuDDING consists in intro- ducing a bud of one tree, with a portion of bark adhering to it, below the bark of ano- ther tree. In order to effect OF PROPAGATION BY BUDDING. 218 this, a longitudinal incision is made through the bark of the stock down to the wood, and is then crossed at the upper end by a similar cut (fig. 28, a), so that the whole wound resembles the letter T. Then from the scion is pared off a bud with a portion of the bark (fig. 28, 6), and the latter is pushed below the bark of the stock until the bud is actually upon the naked wood of the stock; the upper lips of the wound in the stock and that of the bud are made to coincide, the whole are fastened down by a ligature, and the operation is complete. By these means we gain the important end of bringing in close contact a considerable surface of young organising matter. The organisation of wood takes place on its exterior, and that of bark on its interior surface, and these are the parts which are applied to each other in the operation of budding; in addition to which the stranger bud finds itself, in its new position, as freely in communication with ali- mentary matter, or more so, than on its parent branch. A union takes place of the cellular faces, or horizon. tal system, of the stock and bark of the bud, while the latter, as soon as it begins to grow, sends down the woody matter, or vertical system, through the cellular substance. In consequence of the horizontal incision, the returning sap of the scion is arrested in its course, and accumulates a little just above the new bud, to which it is gradually supplied as it is required. Sometimes the whole of the wood of the bud below the bark is allowed to remain; and, in that case, coniact between the organising surfaces of the stock 214 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. and scion does not take place, and the union of the two is much less certain: as it is, however, usually practised with tender shoots before the wood is con- solidated, the contact spoken of is of less moment. Tn all cases, a portion of the wood of the bud must be left adhering to it, or the bud will perish ; because its most essential part is the young woody matter in its centre, and not the external surface, which is a mere coating of bark.* In the Agricultural Journal of the Pays Bas for October, 1824, it is recommended to reverse the usual mode of raising the bark for inserting the buds, and to make the cross cut at the bottom of the slit, instead of at the top, as is generally done in Britain. The bud is said rarely to fail of success, because it receives abundance of the descending sap, which it cannot receive when it is under the cross cut. This explanation is unintelligible, and there is no ap- parent advantage in the method; it is, however, practised by the orange-growers of the South of France. Mr. Knight was accustomed on some occasions to employ two distinct ligatures to hold the bud of his Peach trees in its place. One was first placed above the bud inserted; and upon the transverse section * [This is the universal opinion, but it is not always practically true; for if the operation be performed at a favorable period, when the tree abounds with sap, the space left by extracting the woody matter will be almost immediately filled by a new deposit. But leaving the wood in the bud, in working fruit-trees, is the general and most successful practice. A. J. D.] OF PROPAGATION BY BUDDING. 215 through the back; the other, which had no further office than that of securing the bud, was employed in the usual way. As soon as the bud had attached itself, the ligature last applied was taken off: but the other was suffered to remain. The passage of the , sap upwards was in consequence much obstructed; and buds inserted in June began to vegetate strongly in July: when these had afforded shoots about four inches long, the remaining ligature was taken off to permit the excess of sap to pass on* and the young shoots were nailed to the wall. Being there properly ex- posed to light, their wood ripened well, and afforded blossoms in the succeeding spring. Flute-budding (fig. 24) is not practised in this country, but de- serves to be mentioned. It consists of peeling off a ring of bark from the stock, just below a terminal bud; replacing it by a similar ring, with a bud or two upon it, taken * Nurserymen and others find this tyifg with double ligature of great service in budding the plum. The difficulty in working this tree arises from the tendency of the upper part of the bud to curl up and detach itself after the ordinary single tie is taken off, and the union apparently complete. By leaving on the upper ligature a fortnight after the lower one, this tendency to rupture is prevented, and the upper bandage may then be removed with safety, and before the bud has been excited into growth. A. J. D. 216 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. from a scion; and binding down the whole. This is performed only in the spring, and has the advan- tage of being so contrived that the stranger bud is placed immediately below that part of a branch where processes of organisation are most active, namely, below a central bud of the stock; and from occupying all the circumference, it must necessarily receive the whole of the alimentary and organised matter sent downwards by that bud. It isemployed in Bavaria for the Mulberry.* (See Gard. Mag. v. 425.) In GRAFTING no attempt is made to apply the inner surface of the bark of a scion to the outer sur- ™, face of the wood of the stock ; but the contact m™ is effected by the wood of the two, and their @ bark only joins at the edges. Whip-grafting (fig. 25) is the commonest kind; it is per- formed by heading down a stock, then paring one side of it bare for the space of an inch or so, and cutting down obliquely at the upper end of the pared part, towards the pith; the scion is levelled obliquely to a length corresponding with the pared surface of the stock, and an incision is made into it near the upper end of the wound obliquely up- wards, so as to form a “tongue,” which is forced into the corresponding wound in the stock ; care is then taken that the bark of the scion is exactly adjusted to that of the stock, and the two are bound firmly together. * [The success of thia practice will be found to depend mate- OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 217 Here the mere contact of the two enables the sap flowing upwards through the stock to sustain the life of the scion until the latter can develope its buds, which then send downwards their wood; at the same time the cellular system of the parts in contact unites by granulations ; and, when the wood descends, it passes through the cellular deposit, and holds the whole toge- ther. The use of “tongueing” is merely to steady the scion, and to prevent its slipping. The advantage of this mode of grafting is the quickness with which it may be performed; the disadvantage is, that the sur- faces applied to each other are much smaller than can be secured by other means. It is, however, a great improvement upon the old crown-grafting, still em- ployed in the rude unskilful practice of some Conti- nental gardeners, but expelled from Great Britain ; which consists of nothing more than heading down a stock with an exactly horizontal cut, and splitting it through the middle, into which is forced the end of a scion cut into the form of a wedge; when the whole are bound together. In this method the split in the stock can hardly be made to heal without great care: the union between the edges of the scion and those rially upon choosing the exact time or seasgn for performing the operation. In some trees, if it be attempted a few days earlier or later than « certain period, the operator will experience great difficulty in effecting that which might have been done with the greatest ease at a more favourable moment. The bark of the stock should part very readily on introducing the budding-knife; the young wood from which the buds are taken should also be in pro- per condition, not too young, as it would not have sufficient consis- tency, but just when assuming the appearance of ripening. A. J, D.] 10 218 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. of the stock is very imperfect, because the bark of the former necessarily lies upon the wood of the latter, except just at the sides; and, from the impossibility of bringing the two barks in contact, neither the ascending nor descending cur- rents of sap are able freely to intermin- ja gle. This plan, much improved by cut- = ting out the stock into the form of a wedge, instead of splitting it, may, however, be advantageously employed for such plants as Cactaceze (fig. 26), the parts of which, owing to their succulence, readily form a union with each other. A far better method than whip-graft- 27 ing, but more tedions, is saddle-graft- ing (fig. 27); in which the stock is pared obliquely on both sides till it be- comes an inverted wedge, and the scion is slit up the centre, when its sides are pared down till they fit the sides of the stock. In this method, the great- est possible quantity of surface is brought into contact, and the parts are mutually so adjusted, that the ascend- ing sap is freely received from the stock by the scion, while, at the same time, the descending sap can flow freely from the scion into the stock. Mr. Knight, in describing this mode of operating, has the following observations : “The graft first begins its efforts to unite itself to OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 219 the stock just at the period when the formation of a new internal layer of bark commences in the spring ; and the fluid which generates this layer of bark, and which also feeds the inserted graft, radiates in every direction from the vicinity of the medulla to the external surface of the alburnum. The graft is, of course, most advantageously placed when it presents the largest surface to receive such fluid, and when the fluid itself is made to deviate least from its natu- ral course. This takes place most efficiently when (as in this saddle-grafting) a graft of nearly equal size with. the stock is divided at its base and made to stand astride the stock, and when the two divisions of the graft are pared extremely thin, at and near their lower extre- mities, so that they may be brought into close contact with the stock (from which but little bark or wood should be pared off) by the ligature.” (Hort. Trans. v. 147.) To ex- ecute saddle-grafting properly, thescion and ¥ stock should, be of equal size: and, where |} that cannot be, a se- cond method, in which | the scion may be much ‘a rll 220 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. smaller than the stock, bas been described by the same great gardener. This (jig. 28) is practised upon small stocks almost exclusively in Here- fordshire; but it is never attempted till the usual season of grafting is past, and till the bark is rea- dily detached from the alburnum. The head of the stock is then taken off, by a single stroke of the knife, obliquely, so that the incision commences about the width of the diameter of the stock below the point where the medulla appears in the section, and ends as much above it, upon the opposite side. The scion, or graft, which should not exceed in dia- meter half that of the stock, is then to be divided longitudinally, about two inches upwards from its lower end, into two unequal divisions, by passing the knife upwards, just in contact with one side of the medulla. The stronger division of the graft is then to be pared thin at its lower extremity, and intro- duced, as in crown-grafting, between the bark and wood of the stock; and the more slender division is fitted to the stock upon the opposite side. The graft, consequently, stands astride the stock, to which it attaches itself firmly upon each side, and which it covers completely in a single season. Grafts of the Apple and Pear rarely ever fail in this method of grafting, which may be practised with equal success with young wood in July, as soon as it has become moderately firm and mature.* * A very neat and satisfactory mode of propagating fruit trees when large stocks are not at hand, is to take small pieces of the roots of the proper kinds of stocks and graft the scions on these OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 221 In all these methods, and in every other that could be named, it is indispensable that similar parts should be brought as much as possible into contact; for the more completely this is accomplished, the more cer- tain is the operation to succeed. It is undoubtedly true, that, as the cellular system of a tree is diffused through its whole diameter (43, 46), it is impossible to apply a scion to a stock without their cellular sys- tems coming in contact; and, therefore, it might ap- pear indifferent whether bark is applied to bark and alburnum to alburnum, or whether the bark is adapt- ed to the wood and the latter to the liber. But it is always to be remembered that each of these parts has special modifications of its own, which modifications require contact with parts similarly modified, in or- der to unite readily and firmly; and also, that, al- roots, by common whip grafting. Then plant them at once, cover- ing the point of union about two inches under the surface of the soil. Small seedling apple stocks, one year old, even if only the thickness of the graft, answer perfectly well in this manner. The apple tree is propagated in American nurseries, by millions every year, by grafting the roots, or rather the stocks headed down to an inch or so above the crown of the root, splitting them, and inserting the scion sloped to a wedge shape in the common mode of cleft grafting. The two year seedling stocks used for this purpose, are usually lifted in the autumn, and buried in a cellar for this pur- pose. The grafts are inserted in winter by the fire-side; when grafted, the scion is held firm by a bit of matting bound round the stock, the latter is then packed away in the cellar till spring. Then the grafts are planted out in rows in the nursery, and by autumn they have grown from three to six feet high. As the earth covers the graft-wound no grafting clay or wax is needed, and the whole, except planting, is done in winter, when labor is least valuable. AJ. D. 222 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. though the cellular horizontal system, through which union by the first intention takes place, may be alive on all parts of the section of a branch, yet that it isin the bark, and in the space between the bark and wood, that its developement is most rapid, and its tendency to growth most easily excited and main- tained. It is not, however, to be supposed that these opera- tions can be performed indifferently, between any two species, although such was formerly so general a belief that it was asserted that roses became black when grafted on Black Currants, and oranges crim- son if worked on the Pomegranate.* In point of fact, the operations are successful in those cases only where the stock and scion are very nearly allied ; and the degree of success is in proportion to the degree of affinity. Thus, varieties of the same species unite the most freely, then species of the same genus, then genera of the same natural order; beyond which the power does not extend, unless, in the case of parasites like the Mistletoe, which grow indifferently upon totally different plants. For instance, Pears work freely upon Pears, very well on Quinces, less willing- ly on Apples or Thorns, and not at all upon Plums or Cherries; while the Lilac will take on the Ash, and the Olive on the Phillyrea, because they are plants of the same natural order. M. De Candolle * Et steriles platani malos gessére, valentes Castanez fagos, ornusque incanuit albo Flore pyri, glandemque sues fregére sub ulmis, Georg. lib. ii. OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 223 even says that he has succeeded, notwithstanding the great difference in their vegetation, to work the Lilac on the Phillyrea, the Olive on the Ash, and the Bignonia radicans on the Catalpa; but plants so ob- tained are very short-lived. For some curious parti- culars upon this subject, see Physiologie Végétale, p. 788, &e. There are two cases apparently at variance with this law; both of which require explanation. 1. Columella asserts that, by a particular manner of grafting, the Olive may be made to take upon the Fig tree, and his words have been repeated by many writers; but Thouin proved, experimentally, that no such union will take place, and that where success appears to attend Columella’s operation, it is owing to the scion rooting into the soil, independently of the Fig stock (see Mémoire sur la prétendue Greffe Columelle), and becoming a layer. 2. Mention is made by Pliny of a tree in the gar- den of Lucullus, which was so grafted as to bear pears, apples, figs, plums, olives, almonds, grapes, &c.; and at this day the gardeners of Italy, especially of Genoa and Florence, sell plants of Jasmines, Roses, Honey- suckles, &., all growing together from a stock of Orange, or Myrtle, or Pomegranate, on which they say they are grafted. But this is a mere cheat, the fact being that the stock has its centre bored out, so as to be made into a hollow cylinder, through which the stems of Jasmines and other flexible plants are easily made to pass, their roots intermingling with those of the stock; after growing for a time, the hori- 224 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. zontal distension of the stems forces them together, and they assume all the appearances of being united. Such plants are, of course, very short-lived. From what has been now stated, it may be easily conceived that the choice of the stock on which a given plant is to be worked is by no means a matter of indifference, but that the operation may be serious- ly affected by the skill with which the most suitable stock is selected. If, indeed, we had no other object in view in grafting than to unite one plant to ano- ther, that object would doubtless be best attained by using the same species, and even a similar variety of the same species, for both stock and scion; the ends of grafting and budding are, however, much beyond this, and it often happens that the species to which a scion belongs, or the nearest variety, is the worst on which it can be worked. It is, indeed, sometimes asserted that the stock exercises little influence over the scion, but this is so great an error that it cannot be too distinctly contradicted. This subject has al- ready been adverted to, but it now requires more special consideration. One of the first objects of budding and grafting, is to multiply a given species or variety more readily than is possible by any other method. If this is the only purpose of the cultivator, that stock will obvi- ously be the best which can be most readily procur- ed; and hence we see, in the ordinary practice of the nurseries, the common Plum taken as a stock for Peaches and Apricots, the Wild Pear and Crab for Pears and Apples, and so on. When there is a diffi- OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 225 culty in procuring a suitable stock, pieces of the roots of the plant to be multiplied are often taken as a sub- stitute, and they answer the purpose perfectly well; for the circumstance which hinders the growth of pieces of a root into young branches ‘s merely their want of buds: if ascion is grafted upon a root, that deficiency is supplied, and the difference between the internal organisation of a root and a branch is so trifling as to oppose no obstacle to the solid union of the two. Mr. Knight was the first to show the possibility of grafting scions upon roots. An account of his me- thod of doing this was given at a very early period of the existence of the Horticultural Society (June, 1811), and he at the same time suggested the possibi- lity of the practice being applied to grafting scarce herbaceous plants upon the roots of their commoner congeners; an operation now commonly practised with the Dahlia, Peony, and other plants of a similar kind; and lately a method of multiplying Combre- tum purpureum by similar means has been pointed out in the Proceedings of the Horticultural Society, i. 40. Mere propagation is, however, by no means the only object of the grafter; another and still more im- portant one is, to secure a permanent union between the scion and stock, so that the new plant may grow as freely and as long as if it were on its own bottom under the most favourable circumstances. If this is not attended to, the hopes of the cultivator will be frustrated by the early death of his plant. 10* 226 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. Whenever the stock and graft or bud are not per- fectly well suited to each other, an enlargement is well known always to take place at the point of their junction, and generally to some extent either above or below it. Thisis particularly observable in Peach trees which have been budded, at any considerable height from the ground, upon Plum stocks; and it appears to arise from the obstruction which the de- scending sap of the Peach tree meets with in the bark of the Plum stock; for the effects produced, both upon the growth and produce of the tree, are simi- lar to those which occur when the descent of the sap is impeded by a ligature, or by the destruc- tion of a circle of bark. In course of time this difference between the scion and stock puts an end to the possibility of the ascending and de- scending fluids passing into each other, and the death of the scion is the result. In all the cases I have seen, this has arisen from the power of hori- zontal growth in the stock and scion being different; and I doubt whether it ever proceeds from any other cause. For example: the Hawthorn and the Pear are so nearly allied that the latter may be easily work- ed upon the former; the Hawthorn is, however, a slow-growing bush or small tree; the Pear is a large forest tree of rapid growth; and the Pear will grow an inch in diameter while the Hawthorn is growing half an inch. This last circumstance, if the difference in the rate of growth or in other respects is not excessive, may be taken advantage of for particular purposes. When OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 227 trees grow too large for asmall garden, it is desirable to dwarf them; and when they are naturally unfruit- ful, to render them productive; both which effects result, at the same time, from grafting them upon stocks that grow slower than themselves. Thus the Apple is dwarfed by grafting on the Paradise stock, and the Pear by the Quince. The physiological ex- planation of trees dwarfed by being compelled to grow upon a stock which compels their descending sap to accumulate in the branches has been already given (85). Instead of repeating it here, I take the following paragraph from the paper by Mr. Knight, “ On the Effects of Different Kinds of Stocks in Graft- ing,” published in the Horticultural Transactions, ii. 199. “The disposition in young trees to produce and nourish blossom buds and fruit is increased by this apparent obstruction of the descending sap; and the fruit of such young trees ripens, I think, somewhat earlier than upon other young trees of the same age, which grow upon stocks of their own species; but the growth and vigour of the tree, and its power to nourish a succession of heavy crops, are diminished, apparently, by the stagnation, in the branches and stock, of a portion of that sap which, in a tree grow- ing upon its own stem, or upon a stock of its own species, would descend to nourish and promote the extension of the roots. The practice, therefore, of grafting the Pear tree on the Quince stock, and the Peach and Apricot on the Plum, where extensive growth and durability are wanted, is wrong; but it is 228 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. cligible wherever it is wished to diminish the vigour and growth of the tree, and where its durability is not thought important. “When,” adds this great gardener, ‘much diffi- culty is found in making a tree, whether fructiferous or ornamental, of any species or variety, produce blossoms, or in making its blossoms set when pro- duced, success will probably be obtained in almost all cases by budding or grafting on a stock which is nearly enough allied to the graft to preserve it alive for a few years, butnot permanently. The Pear tree affords a stock of this kind to the Apple; and I have obtained a heavy crop of Apples from a graft which had been inserted in a tall Pear stock only twenty months previously, in a season when every blossom of the same variety of fruit in the orchard was destroy- ed by frost. The fruit thus obtained was externally perfect, and possessed all its ordinary qualities; but the cores were black and without a single seed; and every blossom had certainly fallen abortively, if it had been growing upon its native stock. The expe- rienced gardener will readily anticipate the fate of the graft; it perished in the following winter. The stock, in such cases as the preceding, promotes, in propor- tion to its length, the early bearing and early death of the graft.” It is sometimes desirable to increase the hardiness of a variety, and grafting or budding appears to pro- duce this effect to a certain extent, not, indeed, by the stock communicating to the scion any of its own power of resisting cold, but by the stock being better OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 229 suited to the soil of latitudes colder than that from which the scion comes, and consequently requiring a lower bottom-heat to arouse its excitability. Mr. Knight, indeed, denies the fact, because “the root which nature gives to each seedling plant must be well, if not best, calculated to support it;” and it is so, under the circumstances in which the species was first created; but, without this addition, the paragraph quoted in inverted commas is specious only, not just. Probably, in Persia, the native country of the Peach, that species, or its wild type the Almond, is the best stock for the former fruit; because the temperature of the earth (see 117, 118, 119, and Book II. Ch. L.) is that in which it was created to grow. But ina climate like that of England, the temperature of whose soil is so much lower than that of Persia, the Plum, on which the Peach takes freely, is a hardy native, and suited to such soil, and its roots are aroused from their winter sleep by an amount of warmth unsuited to the Peach. And experience, in this case, completely confirms what theory teaches; for, although there may be a few healthy trees in this country growing upon Almond stocks, it is perfectly certain that the greater part of those which have been planted have failed; while, in the warm soil of France and Italy, it is the stock upon which the old trees have, in almost all cases, been budded. Tn determining upon what kind of stock a given fruit tree should be grafted, it is important to be aware that certain species prefer particular soils and dislike others, for reasons which are not susceptible 230 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. of explanation. In the case of the common stocks employed for the propagation of the Apple, Pear, Peach, and Cherry, it was found by Mr. Dubreuil, an intelligent gardener at Rouen, that in the chalky gardens about that city neither the Plum nor the wild Cherry would succeed for stone fruit, nor the Doucin or Quince stock for Pears and Apples; but that the Crab suited the Apple, the wild Pear the cultivated Pear, the Almond the Peach, and the Ma- haleb the Cherry. I formerly witnessed the result of those experiments while in progress, and I well remember the sickly state of his peaches and Cherries grafted on Plum and Cherry stocks in the calcareous borders of the rampart gardens of Rouen, and the healthiness of the same fruit trees in the same garden, when worked upon the Almond and the Mahaleb, while the latter were unhealthy in their turn in the borders composed artificially of loam. The result of this experiment has been mentioned in the Hort. Trans.., iv. 566, and is as follows :— Loamy Soil. Chalky. Light.* Apple Doucin Crab Doucin. Pear Quince Wild Pear Quince. Plun Plum Almond Almond. Cherry Wild Cherry Mahaleb Wild Cherry.+ As this work treats exclusively of those operations in gardening which can be explained upon known * That is, with an admixture of sand and decayed vegetable matter. + By Wild Cherry here is meant Mazzard, and not our Wild Cherry. A. J.D, OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 231 principles of vegetable physiology, all further refer- ence to the question of stocks ought, in strictness, to be dismissed at this stage. It may be as well, however, to add that there are some well-attested facts relating to the preference of particular varieties for one kind of stock rather than another, which we cannot explain, but which are so important in practice as to deserve to be studied carefully. There appears to be no doubt that, as is asserted by Mr. Knight and others (Hort. Trans., ii. 215; Gard. Mag., vii. 195), the Apri- cot succeeds better on its own species than on the Plum. The nurserymen know very well that what they call French Peaches, such as the Bourdine, Belle Chevreuse, and double Montague, will only take on the. Pear Plum, while other varieties prefer the Muscle Plum; and a variety called the Brompton suits them all equally well, making handsome trees, which are, however, uniformly short-lived.* The Lemon is also found to be a better stock for the Orange than its own varieties. It is not merely upon the productiveness or vigour of the scion that the stock exercises an influence; its effects have been found to extend to the quality of the fruit. This may be conceived to happen in two ways—either by the ascending sap carrying up with it into the scion a part of the secretions of the stock, or by the difference induced in the general health of a scion by the manner in which the flow of ascending and descending sap is promoted or retarded by the * See G. Lindley’s Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden, p. 299. 232 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. stock. In the Pear, the fruit becomes lighter coloured and smaller on the Quince stock, than on the wild Pear, still more so on the Medlar; and in these two instances the ascent and descent of sap is obstructed by the Quince more than by the wild Pear, and by the Medlar more than by the Quince. Similar effects are produced in the Apple by the Paradise and Sibe- rian Bittersweet stocks. Mr. Knight mentions such differences in the quality of his Peaches. His garden contained two trees of the Acton Scott variety, ‘one growing upon its native stock, the other upon a Plum stock, the soil being similar and the aspect the same. That growing upon the Plum stock, afforded fruit of a larger size, and its colour, where it was exposed to the sun, was much more red; but its pulp was more coarse, and its taste and flavour so inferior that he would have denied the identity of the variety, had he not with his own hand inserted the buds from which both sprang.” (Hort. Trans., v. 289.) In addi:ion to a judicious adaptation of the bud or scion to the stock, there are other circumstances to which it is necessary to attend, in order to insure the success of the operation. It has already been seen (p. 180), that the youngest buds of the Potato are more excitable than those more completely matured; and the same appears to be true of the bud im other fruits. ‘The mature bud,” says Mr. Knight, “ takes imme- diately with more certainty, under the same external circumstances: it is much less liable to perish during winter; and it possesses the valuable property of rarely or never vegeteting prematurely in the sum- OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. . 233 mer, though it be inserted before the usual period, and in the season when the sap of the stock is most abundant. I have, in different years, removed some hundred buds of the Peach tree from the forcing- house to luxuriant shoots upon the open wall; and I have never seen an instance in which any of such buds have broken and vegetated during the summer and autumn; but when I have had occasion to reverse this process and to insert immature buds from the open wall into the branches of trees growing in a Peach-house, many of these, and in some seasons all, have broken soon after being inserted, though at the period of their insertion the trees in the Peach-house had nearly ceased to grow.” (Hort. Trans., iii. 136.) This property was turned to practical account by Mr. Knight in budding the Walnut. Owing to the excitability of its buds, this tree is difficult to work, because its buds exhaust all their organisable and ali- mentary matter before any adhesion can be formed between themselves and the stock; but by taking the small, fully matured, and little developed buds, found at the base of the annual shoots of this plant, time is given for an adhesion between them and the albur- num before they push forth, and then they take freely enough. (See Mort. Trans., iii. 135.) Buds should either be inserted when the vegeta- tion of a plant is languid, or growth above the place of insertion should be arrested by pinching the ter- minal bud; otherwise the sap, which should be directed into the bud, in order to assist in its adhe- sion, is conveyed to other places, and the bud 234 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. perishes from starvation. For similar reasons, when a bud begins to grow, having firmly fixed itself upon the stock, the latter should be headed back nearly as far as the bud, so as to compel all the ascending cur- rent of sap to flow towards it; otherwise the buds of the stock itself will obtain that food which the stranger bud should be supplied with. In grafting also it is always found that a union be- tween the scion and the stock takes place most readily when the latter is headed down ; but thisis not the only point to attend to. The scion should always be so pre- pared that a bud is near the point of union between itself and the stock, because such a bud, as soon as it begins to grow, proceeds to furnish wood which assists in binding the two together. The scion should be more Lackward in its vegetation than the stock, because it will then be less excitable; otherwise its buds may begin to grow before a fitting communication is esta- blished between the stock and scion, and the latter will be exhausted by its own vigour: if, on the con- trary, the stock is in the state of incipient growth, and the scion torpid, granulations of cellular tissue will have time to form and unite the wound, and the scion will become distended with sap forced into it from the stock, and thus be able to keep its buds alive when they begin to shoot into branches. In order to assist in this part of the operation, a “ heel” is some- times in difficult cases left on a scion, and inserted into a vessel of water, until the union has taken place; or, for the same purpose, the scion is bound round with loose string or linen with one end steeped OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 235 in water, so as to secure a supply of water to the scion by the capillary attraction of such a bandage. IndvsJ, the ordinary practice of surrounding the scion snd stock at the point of contact with a mass of grafting clay is intended for the same purpose; that is to say, to prevent evaporation from the surface of the scioa, and to afford a small supply of moisture ; and henw, among other things, the superiority of clay over tue plasters, mastics, and cements, occasion- ally employed, which simply arrest perspiration, and can never assiss in communicating aqueous food to the scion. Here also muss be noticed certain practices, which experience shows to be important, of which theory of- fers no obvious explanation. Mr. Knight, for exam- ple, asserts that cutungs taken from the trunks of seedling old trees grow much more vigorously than those taken from the extremities of bearing branches; and it is an undoubted fact that the Beech, and other trees of a similar kind, cannot be grafted with any success, unless the scions are made of two-years’-old wood; one-year-old wood generally fails. What is called herbaceous grafting, or Tschudy grafting, depends so entirely upon the same princi- ples as common grafting, that a separate notice of it is hardly necessary. Nevertheless, as itis sometimes very useful, a few words may be given to it. When two vigorous branches cross each other, and press together, so as not to move, they will often form an organic union ; if two apples press together, or if two cucumbers are forced to grow side by side in a space 236 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. so small] as to compel them to touch each other firmly, they also will grow together; and herbaceous graft- ing is merely an application to practice of this power of soft and cellular parts to unite. In order to secure success, the scion and stock, being pared so as to fit together accurately, are firmly bound to each other, without being crushed; parts in full vegetation, and abounding in sap, are always chosen for the opera- tion, such as the upper parts of annual shoots, near the terminal bud; perspiration is diminished by the removal of some of the leaves of both stock and scion, and by shading (71); and by degrees, as the union becomes secured, buds and leaves are removed from the stock, in order that all the sap possible may be impelled into the scion. This method, if well managed, succeeds completely in about thirty days, and is use- ful as a method of multiplying lactescent, resinous, and hard-wooded trees, which refuse to obey more common methods. Baron de Tschudy succeeded in this way in working the Melon on the Bryony (both Cucurbitaceous plants), the Artichoke on the Car- doon (both Cynaras), Tomatoes on Potatoes (both Solanums), and so on. The following account of managing Conifer, where herbaceous grafting is used, is taken from the Gardener's Magazine, vol. il. p. 64, and sufficiently explains the practice :— “The proper time for grafting pines is when the young shoots have made about three quarters of their length, and are still so herbaceous as to break like a shoot of asparagus. The shoot of the stock is then broken off about two inches under its terminating OF PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING. 237 bud; the leaves are stripped off from twenty to twenty-four lines down the extremity, leaving, how- ever, two pairs of leaves opposite, and close to the section of fracture, which leaves are of great import- ance. The shoot is then split with a very thin knife between the two pairs of leaves (jig. 29, a,) and to the depth of two inches. The scion is then prepared (0): the lower part, being stripped of its leaves to the length of two inches, is 29 cut, and inserted in the usual manner of cleft- grafting. They may also be grafted in the lateral manner (c.) The graft is tied with a slip of woollen, and a cap of paper is put over the whole, to protect it from the sun and rain. At the end of fifteen days this cap is removed, and the ligature at the end of a month; at that time also the two pairs of leaves (a), which have served as nurses, are removed. The scions of those sorts of pines which make two growths in a season, or, as the technical phrase is, have a second sap, produce a shoot of five or six inches in the first year ; but those of only one sap, as the Corsican Pine, Weymouth Pine, &c., merely ripen the wood grown before grafting, and form a strong terminating bud, which in the following year produces a shoot of fifteen inches, or two feet.” 238 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. With regard to INARCHING, which was probably the most ancient kind of grafting, because it is that which must take place accidentally in thickets and forests, it differs from grafting in this, that the scion is not severed from its parent, but remains attached to it until it has united to the stock to which it is tied and fitted in various ways; the scion and stock are therefore mutually independent of each other, and the former lives uponits own resources, until the union is completed. In practice, a portion of the branch of a scion is pared away, well down into the alburnum; a cor- responding wound is made in the branch of a stock ; tongues are made in each wound so that they will fit into each other; and the liber and al- burnum of the two being very accu- rately adjusted, the whole are firmly bound up; grafting clay is applied to the wound, and the plants operated upon are carefully shaded; in course of time the wounds unite, and then the scion is severed from its parent. Gardeners consider this the most cer- tain of all modes of grafting, but it is troublesome, and only practised in dif- ficult cases. The circumstances most conducive to its success are, to stop the branch of both stock and scion under operation, so as to obtain an accumula- tion of sap, and to arrest the flow of sap upwards; to moderate the motion of OF PRUNING. 239 the fluids by shading; to head back the stock as far as the origin of the scion, as soon as the union is found to be complete; and at the same time to re- trench from the scion a part of its buds and leaves, so that there may not be a too rapid demand upon the stock, while the line of union is still imperfectly con- solidated. A method of propagating Camellias, (jig. 30,) by putting the end or heel of a scion into a vessel of water, mentioned in the Gardener's Magazine, ii. 33, is essentially the same as inarching. The water communicated to the scion through the wounded end supplies it with that food which, under natural cir- cumstances, would be derived from the roots of the plant to which it belongs.* CHAPTER XIII. OF PRUNING. “Ta taille est une des opérations les plus import- antes et les plus délicates du jardinage. Confiée * One of our most experienced gardeners propagates the camellia with great facility, by whip grafting small seedling stocks and plunging the pots in the bone-black of the sugar refineries, covering the graft entirely with this fine loose material. This not only pre- serves an uniform state of moisture about the graft, but it seems to exert some specific action upon the growth of new wood, doubtless from the action of the phosphate of lime in the bone-black. The luxuriance of the young grafts raised in this way is very remark- able. A. J.D. 240 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. communément a des ouvriers peu instruits, observée dans les résultats d’une pratique trop souvent irré- fiéchie, elle a di nécessairement trouver des détrac- teurs méme parmi les physiologistes. Tl en efit sans doute été autrement, si on l’avait étudiée dans les jardins du petit nombre de praticiens qui ont su de nos jours la bien comprendre. Sagement basée sur les lois de la végétation, elle contribue, entre leurs mains, non seulement 4 régulariser la production des fruits, 4 en obtenir de plus beaux, mais encore 4 prolonger l’ex- istence et la fécondité des arbres.” Nothing can be more just than these words, addressed to the Horticultural Society of Paris, by their President, M. Héricart de Thury; and, if they do not apply with as much force to our gardeners as to those of France, they do most fully to our forest- ers. The quantity of timber that a tree forms, the amount and quality of its secretions, the brilliancy of its colours, the size of its flowers, and, in short, its whole beauty, depend upon the action of its branches and leaves, and their healthiness (64). The object of the pruner is to diminish the number of leaves and branches; whence it may be at once understood how delicate are the operations he has to practise, and how thorough a knowledge he ought to possess of all the laws which regulate the action of the organs of vege- tation. If well directed, pruning is one of the most useful, and, if ill-directed, it is among the most mis- chievous, operations that can take place upon a plant. OF PRUNING. 241 ‘When a portion of a healthy plant is cut off, all that sap which would have been expended in sup- porting the part removed is directed into the parts which remain, and more especially into those in the immediate vicinity of it, Thus, if the leading bud of a growing branch is stopped, the lateral buds, which would otherwise have been dormant, are made tosprout forth; and, if a growing branch is shortened, then the very lowest buds, which seldom push, are brought into action: hence the necessity, in pruning, of cut- ting a useless branch clean out; otherwise the remo- val of one branch is only the cause of the production of a great many others. This effect of stopping does not always take place immediately; sometimes its first effect is to cause an accumulation of sap in a branch, which directs itself to the remaining buds, and organises them against a future year. In ordi- nary cases, it is thus that spurs or short bearing- branches are obtained in great abundance. The growers of the Filbert, in Kent, procure in this way greater quantities of bearing wood than nature unas- sisted would produce; for, as the filbert is always borne by the wood of a previous year, it is desirable that every bush should have as much of that wood as can be obtained, for which everything else may be sacrificed; and such wood is readily secured by observing a continual system of shortening a young branch hy two thirds, the effect of which is to call all its lower buds into growth the succeeding year; and thus each shoot of bearing wood is compelled to produce many others. The Peach, by a somewhat 11 242 APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES. similar system, has been made to bear fruit in unfa- vourable climates (Hort. Trans., ii. 366); and every gardener knows how universally it is applied to the Pear, Apple, Plum, and similar trees.* LEveni the Fig-tree has thus been rendered much more fruitful than by any other method. ‘ Whenever,” says Mr. Knight, “a branch of this tree appears to be extending with too much luxuriance, its point, at the tenth or twelfth leaf, is pressed between the finger and thumb, without letting the nails come in contact with the bark, till the soft succulent substance is felt to yield to the pressure. Such branch, in consequence, ceases subsequently to elongate; and the sap is repulsed, to be expended where it is more wanted. A. fruit ripens at the base of each leaf, and during the period in which the fruit is ripening, one or more of the lateral buds shoots, and is subsequently sub- jected to the same treatment, with the same result. When I have suffered such shoots to extend freely to their natural length, I have found that a small part of them only became productive, either in the same [* Nothing is more general, of late years, than complaints of the short period of productiveness in the Peach tree, throughout the Middle States, Although this is often owing tothe worm, which girdles the tree at the root, yet the almost total neglect of pruning is a frequent cause of sterility and decay. When left to itself the interior of the head of the tree becomes filled with small dead branches, and the trunk and larger limbs bark-bound and moss- covered: the whole tree is enfeebled; leaves are only produced at the extremity of the long branches, and the fruit borne, if any, is comparatively worthless. By pursuing the practice reeommended in the text, the trees may be preserved for a long time in a high state of vigour and productiveness,