Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. See ee “Bat wie, COOL THE AFRICAN GORILLA IN HIS NATIVE HAUNT. Page 2. The Popular Natural History THE POPULAR # NATURAL HISTORY By The REV. J. G. WOOD, M. A. Author of ‘‘The Illustrated Natural History’? and ‘‘The Illustrated Natural History of Man.” WITH 600 ILLUSTRATIONS BY WOLF, ZWECKER, WEIR, COLEMAN AND OTHERS A. L. BURT COMPANY -x ost ost ot st PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK PREFACE. Ir is now just twenty-five years ago when I was asked to write, for the use of the young, a book on Zoology which should be tolerably comprehensive, intelligible, and free from the conventional errors which had been handed down from one writer to another. Since that time the book has passed through many editions and now takes an entirely new shape, embodying the most recent discoveries in zoology, being much enlarged in size, and illustrated with many addi- tional engravings. If it should be as well received as its predecessors I shall be most satisfied. J. G W. : INTRODUCTION. In order to understand any science rightly, it needs that the student should proceed to its contemplation in an orderly manner, arranging in his mind the various portions of which it is composed, and endeavouring, as far as possible, to follow that classification which best accords with nature. The result of any infringement of this rule is always a confusion of ideas, which is sure to lead to misapprehension. So, in the study of living beings, it is necessary to adhere to some determinate order, or the mind becomes bewildered among the countless myriads of living creatures that fill earth, air, and water. As a general arranges his army into its greater divisions, and each division into regiments and companies, so does the naturalist separate the host of living beings into greater and smaller groups. The present state of zoological science gives five as the number of divisions of which the animal kingdom is composed. These are called Vertebrates, Molluscs, Articulates, Radiates, and Protozoa. Of each of these divisions a slight description will be given, and each will be considered more at length in its own place. ist. The VERTEBRATES include Man and all the Mammalia, the Birds, the Reptiles, and the Fish. The term Vertebrate is applied to them because they are furmshed with a succession of bones called “ vertebre,” running along the body and forming a support and protection to the nervous cord that connects the body with the brain by means of numerous branches. 2nd. The MOLLUusCaA, or soft-bodied animals, include the Cuttle-fish, the Snails, Slugs, Mussels, &c. Some of them pessess shells, while others are entirely destitute of such defence. Their nervous system is arranged on a different plan from that of the Vertebrates. They have no definite brain, and no real spinal cord, but their nerves issue from certain masses of nervous substance technically called ganglia. 3rd. The ARTICULATES, or jointed animals, form an enormously large division, comprising the Crustaceans, such as the Crabs and Lobsters, the Insects, Spiders, Worms, and very many creatures so different from each other, that it is scarcely possible to find any common characteristics. 4th. The next division, that of the RADIATED animals, is so named on account of the radiated or star-like form of the body, so well exhibited in the Star-fishes and the Sea-anemones. 5th. The PROTOZOA, or primitive animals, are, as far as we know, devoid of internal organs or external lin bs, and in many of them the signs of life are so feeble, that they can scarcely be distinguished from vegetable germs. B 2 QUADRUMANA, ; The Sponges and Infusorial Animalcules are familiar examples of this division. VERTEBRATES. The term Vertebrate is derived from the Latin word vertere, signifying a to turn” ; and the various bones that are gathered round and defend the spinal cord are named vertebrz, because they are capable of being moved upon each other in order to permit the animal to flex its body. MAMMALIA, The vertebrated animals fall naturally into four great classes. These four classes are termed MAMMALS, BIRDS, REPTILES, and FISHES,—their pre- cedence in order being determined by the more or less perfect development of their structure. QUADRUMANA ; OR, THE MONKEY TRIBE, The QUADRUMANOUS, or Four-handed animals, are familiarly known by the titles of Apes, Baboons, and Monkeys. nN The APES are at once distinguished from the other Quadrumana by the absence of those cheek-pouches which are so usefully employed as temporary larders by those monkeys which possess them; by the total want of tails, and of those callosities on the hinder quarters which are so conspicuously characteristic of the baboons. The first in order, as well as the largest of the Apes, is the enormous ape from Western Africa, the GORILLA. The first modern writer who brought the Gorilla before the notice of the public seems to be Mr. Bowdich, the well-known African traveller ; for it is evidently of the Gorilla that he speaks under the name cf Ingheena. The natives of the Gaboon and its vicinity use the name Gina, when mentioning the Gorilla. The many tales, too, that are told of the habits, the gigantic strength, and the general appearance of the Ingheena, are precisely those which are attributed to the Gorilla. The outline of the Gorilla’s face is most brutal in character, and entirely destroys the slight resemblance to the human countenance which the full form exhibits. As in the Chimpansee, an ape which is placed in the same genus with the Gorilla, the colour of the hair is nearly black; but in some lights, and during the life of the animal, it assumes a lighter tinge of greyish brown, on account of the admixture of variously coloured hairs. On the top of the head and the side of the cheeks it assumes a grizzly hue. The length of the hair is not very great, considering the size of the animal, and is not more than two or three inches in length. As to the habits of the Gorilla many conflicting tales have been told, and many have been the consequent controversies. In order to settle the disputed questions, Mr. Winwoode Reade undertook a journey to Western Africa, where he remained for a considerable time. After careful investigation, he sums up the history of the animal as follows :— “The ordinary cry of a Gorilla is of a plaintive character, but in rage it is a sharp, hoarse bark, not unlike the roar of the tiger. Owing to the negro propensity for exaggeration, I at first heard some very remarkable stories about the ferocity of the Gorilla ; but when I questioned the real hunters, I found them, as far as I could judge, like most courageous men, modest, and rather taciturn than garrulous. Their account of the ape’s feroc'ty scarcely bears out those afforded by Drs. Savage and Ford. They deny that the THE GORILLA, 3 Gorilla ever attacks man without provocation. ‘Leave Njina alone, they say, ‘and Njina leave you alone.’ But when the Gorilla, surprised while feeding or asleep, is suddenly brought to bay, he goes round ina kind of half-circle, keeping his eyes fixed on the man, and uttering a complaining, uneasy cry. GORILLA.—( Tvoglodytes Gorilla). If the hunter shoots at him, and the gun misses fire, or if the ape is wounded, he will sometimes run away ; sometimes, however, he will charge, with his fierce look, his lowered lip, his hair falling on his brow. He does not, how- ever, appear to be very agile, for the hunters frequently escape from him. B2 4 THE CHIMPANSEE. “His charge is made on all-fours: he seizes the offensive object, and, dragging it into his mouth, bites it. The story of his crushing a musket- barrel between his teeth is general, and a French officer told me that a gun was exhibited at the French settlements in the Gaboon, twisted ‘comme une papillote.”’ This, however, is not very wonderful, for the cheap Birmingham guns, with barrels made of ‘sham-dam-skelp’ iron, which are sold to the natives, might easily be bent and twisted by a strong-jawed animal. I heard a great deal about men being killed by Gorillas, but wherever | went I found that the story retreated to tradition. That a man might be killed by a Gorilla I do not affect to doubt for a moment, but that a man has not been killed by one within the inemory of the living, I can most firmly assert. ' “T once saw a man who had been wounded by a Gorilla. It was Etia, the Mchaga hunter, who piloted me in the forests of Ngumbi. His left hand was completely crippled, and the marks of teeth were visible on the wrist. I asked him to show me exactly how the Gorilla attacked him. I was to be thehunter, he the Gorilla. 1 pretended to shoot at him. He rushed towards me on all-fours, and seizing my wrist with one of his hands, dragged it to his mouth, bit it, and then made off. So, he said, the Njina had done to him. Itis by these simple tests that one can best arrive at truth among the negroes. That which I can attest from my own personal experience in my unsuccessful attempts to shoot a Gorilla, is as follows :—I have seen the nests of the Gorillas, as I have described them ; I cannot say positively whether they are used as beds, or only as lying-in couches. I have repeatedly seen the tracks of the Gorillas, and could tell by the tracks that the Gorilla goes habitually on all-fours.” CLOSELY connected with the preceding animal is the large black ape which is now well known by the name of CHIMPANSEE. This creature is found in the same parts of Western Africa as the Gorilla, being very common near the Gaboon. It ranges over a considerable space of country, inhabiting a belt of land some ten or more degrees north and south of the torrid zone. The title zZger, or black, sufficiently indicates the colour of the hair which envelops the body and limbs of the Chimpansee. The tint of the hair is almost precisely the same as that of the gorilla, being nearly entirely black ; the exception being a few whiter hairs scattered thinly over the muzzle. It is a remarkable fact that the Chimpansees are partly groundlings, and are not accustomed to habitual residence among the branches of trees. Although these apes do not avail themselves of the protection which would be afforded by a loftier habitation, yet they are individually so strong, and collectively so formidable, that they dwell in security, unharmed even by the lion, leopard, or other members of the cat tribes, which are so dreaded by the monkey tribes generally. The food of these creatures appears to be almost entirely of a vegetable nature, and they are very unprofitable neighbours to any one who has the mis- fortune to raise crops of rice, or to plant bananas, plantains, or papaus, within an easy journey of a Chimpansee settlement. Asis the case with many of the monkey tribes, the animat will eat food of a mixed character when it is living in a domesticated state Many specimens have been brought to Europe, and some to England ; but this insular climate seems to have a more deleterious effect on the constitu- tion of this ape than even on that of the other Quadrumana. As long as they resist the untoward influence of our climate, the specimens which we have known have always been extremely gentle and docile. Taught by the instinctive dread of cold, they soon appreciate the value of clothing, and learn to wrap themselves up in mats, rugs, or blankets, with perfect THE CHIMPANSEE. 5 gravity and decorum. Dress exercises its fascinations even over the ape, for one of these animals has been known to take such delight in a new and handsome costume, that he repudiated the previous dress, and, in order to \ i (Ray Ss : i Kas NS \\ X { KS : re : NY " NI i AN THE CHIMPANSEE.—( 7roglodytes niger.) guard against the possibility of reverting to the cast-off garment, tore it to shreds. The head of the Chimpansee is remarkable for the large development of the ears, which stand prominently from the sides of the head, and gives a curiously peculiar expression to the contour of the head and face. THE ORANG-OUTAN. The ORANG-OUTAN is a native of Asia, and only to be found upon a small portion of that part of the globe. Borneo and Sumatra are the lands most 6 THE ORANG OUTAN. favoured by the Orang-outan, which inhabits the woody districts of thosc islands, and there rules supreme, unless attacked by man. THE ORANG-OUTAN. —(Stmia Satyrus.) There seems to be at least two species of this animal that are found in Borneo, and some zoologists consider the Gumatran ape to be a third species. The natives distinguish the two Bornean species by the names of Mias- kassar and Mias-pappan, the latter of which animals is the Szmza satyrus, so well represented in the engraving. j The walk of the Orang-outan is little better than an awkward hobble, and the creature shuffles along uneasily by help of its arms. The hands are placed on the ground, and are used as crutches in aid of the feet, which are often raised entirely from the ground, and the body swung through the arms, THE GIBBONS. 7 Sometimes it bends considerably backwards, and throwing its long arms over its head, preserves its equilibrium by their means. Among the trees the Orang-outan is in its element, and traverses the boughs with an ease and freedom that contrasts strongly with its awkward movements when on the ground. It has a curious habit of making for itself a temporary resting-place, by weaving together the branches so as to make a rude platform or scaffold on which it reposes. The powerful limbs of the animal enable it to execute this task in a very short time. The adult male animal is singularly hideous in aspect, owing much of its repulsiveness to the great projection of the jaws and the callosities that appear on the cheeks, As is the case with all the larger apes, it becomes sullen and ferocious as it approaches its adult state, although in the earlier years of its life it is docile, quiet, and even affectionate. Several young specimens have been brought to Europe, and were quite interesting animals, having many curious tricks, and exhibiting marks of strong affection to any one who treated them kindly. One of these animals learned to take its meals in a civilized manner, using a spoon, or a cup and saucer, with perfect propriety. When brought to colder climates than that of its native land, the animal covets warmth, and is fond of wrapping itself in any woollen clothes or blankets that it can obtain. On board ship it has been known to rob the sailors or passengers of their bedding, and to resist with much energy any attempt to recover the stolen property. In its native woods the Orang-outin seems to be an unsocial animal, de- lighting not in those noisy conversazzones which rejoice the hearts of the gregarious monkeys and deafen the ears of their neighbours It does not even unite in little bands of eight or ten as do many species, but leads a comparatively eremitical existence among the trees, sitting in dreamy indo- lence on the platform which it weaves, and averse to moving unless impelle.l by hunger, anger, or some motives equally powerful. When it does move, it passes with much rapidity from tree to tree, or from one branch to another, by means of its long limbs, and launches itself through a considerable dis- tance, if the space between the branches be too great for itsreach of arm. The hair of the Orang-outan is of a reddish chestnut hue, deepening here and there into brown. The texture of the hair is coarse, and its length varies according to the part of the body on which it is placed. Over the face, back, breast, shoulders, and arms, it falls in thick profusion, becoming especially long at the elbow-joint, where the hairs of the upper and fore-arm meet. The face is partly covered with a beard, which seems to increase in size as the animal grows older. The hair of the face takes a lighter tinge of red than that of the body, and merges the red or auburn tint in the brown, on the inside of the limbs. Ata little distance the face appears to be black ; but if examined closely, is found to present a bluish tint. THE GIBBONS. The GIBBONS possess, although in a small degree, those singular callosi- ties on the hinder quarters which are so conspicuous in the baboon family, and assume such strange tints. The Gorilla, Chimpansee, and the Orangs are entirely destitute of these peculiarities, but the Gibbons are found to possess them, although the callosities are very small, and hidden by the fur from a casual view. As in the great apes, the arms of the Gibbons are of enormous length, and endowed with exceeding power of muscle, though the strength which resides in these largely-developed limbs is of a different character. ‘ 8 THE AGILE GIBBON. All the Gibbons are gifted with voices as powerful as their limbs, and the creatures seem to lose few opportunities of exercising lungs or limbs. The cry which these animals utter is a singular one, loud and piercing, and has been represented by the syllables “ wou-wou,” which duplex combination of intonations is often used as a general name common to the whole family. Some writers express the sound by the words “ oa-oa,” and others as “ woo- woo,” among which the reader is left to choose. Of the habits of the Gibbons in a wild state very little is known, as they are shy in their nature, and by means of their wonderful agility escape among the trees ina manner that baffles pursuit or observation. As to the species which is represented in the accompanying engraving, it seems to be the most active of this agile family, and well deserves the name that has been given to it. Rather more has been noticed of this wonderful creature, and a further insight into its habits has been gained, by means of a female specimen, which was captured, and brought safely to London, where it lived for some time. _ In their native woods, these animals are most interesting to the observer, if he is only fortunate enough to get near them without being seen by the vigi- lant creatures. A good telescope affords an excellent mode of watching the customs of animals that are too timid to permit a human being to come near their haunts. When startled, the Agile Gibbon flits at once to the top of the tree, and then, seizing the branch that seems best adapted to its purpose, it swings itself once or twice to gain an im- petus, and launches itself through the air like a stone from a sling, gaining its force very much on the same principle. Seizing another branch, towards which it had aimed itself, and which it reaches with unerring certainty, the creature re- peats the process, and flings itself with ease through distances of thirty or forty feet, flying along as if by magic. Those who have seen it urging its flight over the trees, have compared its actions and appear- ance to those of a bird. Indeed, these creatures seem to pass a life that is more aerial than that of many birds, putting out of ques- tion the heavy earth-walking birds which have not the power of rais- ing themselves from the ground even if they had the will. The colour of this species is ex- tremely variable, and as may be seen by reference to the figure the offspring is not necessarily of the same colour as the parent. This differ- ence of tint is not solely caused by age, for it frequently happens that a cream-coloured mother has a dark infant, and vice versdé. Of the specimens in the British Museum, hardly any two are alike in the tint of their soft woolly fur. Some are nearly black, some are brown, and some are of a light cream colour. A VERY different group of animals now comes before us, separated even by the outer form from the ares, AGILE GIBBON.—(Avlobates agiiés.) THE SIMPAI. 9 The chief distinction which strikes the eye is the presence of a tail, which is of some length, and in several species, among which we may mention the SImPAI itself, is extremely long and slender in proportion to the body. The arms of these animals are not of that inordinate length which is seen in the limbs of the apes, but are delicate and well proportioned. The hinder paws, or hands, are extremely slender, their thumbs being short, and, as will be seen by reference to the engraving, are twice the length of the fore-paws. Some of these monkeys are furnished with small cheek-pouches, while others appear to be destitute of these natural pockets. The callosities of the hinder quarters are well shown. In this group of the Quadrumana, the characteristics of the apes disap- pear, and the animals betray more clearly their quadrupedal nature. Very seldom do they assume the erect attitude, preferring to run on all fours like a dog, that being their legitimate mode of progression. Even when they do stand on their hind feet, the long tail at once deprives them of that grotesque semblance of the human form, which is so painfully exhibited in the tail-less THE SIMPAI.—(Presbytes melalophos.) apes. Besides these external distinctions, there are many remarkable peculiari- ties in the anatomy of the internal organs, which also serve to settle the position of the animal in the order of nature. Among these internal organs, the stomach displays the most remarkable construction, being very large, and divided into compartments that bear some resemblance to those in the stomach of ruminating animals. These monkeys are distributed through several parts of the world, the Simpai making its residence in Sumatra. This is a beautiful little animal, and is pleasing both for elegance of shape and the contrasting tints with which its fur is decorated. The prevailing colour of the body is a light-chestnut, with a perceptible golden tinge showing itself when the light falls obliquely on the fur. The inside of the limbs and the abdomen are not so bright as the rest of the body, but take a most sober tint of grey. At the top of the head the hair is straight, and is set on nearly perpendicularly, so as to form a narrow crest, The colour of the crest, 10 THE HOONUMAN AND PROBOSCIS MONKEY. together with that of a narrow band .running over the eyes and temples, is bleele From this conspicuous peculiarity, the Simpai 1s also called the Black-crested Monkey. The name _ Presbytes ae nifies an old man, and is == given to these monkeys on ECG / account of the wizened, old- Wor Z— fashioned aspect of their Sy countenances. The term “melalophos” is literally “black-crested,” and there- fore a very appropriate name for this species. The length of this animal, measured from the nose to the root of the tail, is about twenty inches, and that of the tail itself is not very far from three feet. Its fur is very soft and glossy. A well-known example of this group of monkeys is ENTELLUS.—(Presbytes Entellus.) the HOONUMAN or ENTEL- Lus. This is a consider- ably larger animal than the Simpai, as the adult Hoonuman measures three or four feet from the nose to the root of the tail, and the tail itself rather exceeds the body in length. The colour of this monkey when young, is a grey- ish brown, excepting a dark brown line along the back and over the loins. As the animal increases in years, the fur darkens in colour, chiefly by means of pee hairs that are inserted at intervals. The face, hands, and fret are black. It is a native of India, and, fortu- nately for itself, the mythological reli- gion is so closely connected with it that it lives in perfect security. Monkeys are never short-sighted in spying out an ad- vantage, and the Entellus monkeys are no exception to the rule. Feeling them- selves masters of the situation, and knowing full well that they will not be punished for any delinquency, they take up their position in a village with as much complacency as if they had built it themselves. They parade the streets, they mix on equal terms with the inha- bitants, they clamber over the houses, they frequent the shops, especially those of the pastrycooks and fruit-sellers, keep- ing their proprietors constantly on the watch. The PROBOSCIS MONKEY, or KAHAU, = At is pee ed called, on account of its cry bearing some resemblance to that word, is an i i and probably of several neighbouring countries. ; It sage Cae the engraving, an animal of very unattractive features, principally on eK: KAHAU.—(Presbytes carvatus.) THE COLOBUS. Ir of its enormously lengthened nose. This feature does not present itself in perfection until the Kahau has reached its maturity. In size, the Kahau is about equal to the Hoonuman, and seems to be an active animal, leaping from branch to branch, through distances of fifteen feet or more. For the preternatural ugliness of the countenance the Kahau is partially compensated by the beautiful colouring of its fur, which is thick, but not woolly, nor very long. The principal colour in the body is a bright chestnut red : the sides of the face, part of the shoulders, and under part of the body being of a golden yellow. Arich brown tint is spread over the head and between the shoulders; the arms and legs taking a whiter tinge than the shoulders. iN URSINE COLOBUS.—(Colobus ursinus). THE COLOBUS. THE scientific name which is given to this genus of monkeys explains—as is the proper office of names—one of the leading peculiarities of the animals. The title “Colobus” is a Greek word, signifying “stunted,” or “ maimed,” and is given to these animals because the thumbs of the two fore-limbs giye but little external indication of their presence, so that the hand consists merely of four fingers. They are exclusively African animals. They are rather handsome creatures, and their hair is sufficiently long and silky to be valuable as a fur. The Ursine, or Bearlike Colobus, is so named because the general colour of its long black fur, and the form of the monkey itself, with the exception of the tail, has something of the bearish aspect. The cheeks and chin of this animal are covered with white hair; there is a white patch on the hind legs ; and, with the exception of a few inches at its root, which retain the black hue 12 THE WHITE:NOSE MONKEY AND THE GRIVET. ' ; F ll of the body, the tail is of a beautiful white, terminated witha. & and fu white tuft. ne : The little animal, the White-Nose Monkey of Western. Africa, is a curious i i ; ‘ch it is indebted to the i uaint conceit, for which it 1s inde 1e fe ee rr fringe of white hairs that surrounc 5 i e, and the conspicuous white ee the nose, which has earned for it the title of White-Nose. As is so often the case in these animals, the under side of the body and inside of the limbs is of a much lighter tint than the upper portions. This distinction is peculiarly well marked in the long tail, which is nearly black above, and beneath takes a greyish hue. It isa very graceful little creature, playful, but petulant and coquettish, disliking to be touched, but fond of notice and nuts, and often balanced in curious perplexity between its coy shyness and the charms of an offered WHILE-NOSE MONKEY.—(Cercopithecus dainty. When in perfect health, it Petaurista.) is seldom still, but flits with light grace from one spot to another, per- forming the most difficult muscular efforts with exquisite ease, and profoundly sensible -of the admiration which its pretiy antics never fail to excite in the spectators. Itis by no means a large animal, its head and body only measuring fifteen or sixteen inches, the tail being little short of two feet in length. We now arrive at a group of small monkeys with exceedingly long names. The term “Cercopithecus” is composed from two Greek words, signifying “ tailed ape.” It is worth notice that the word “ monkey” is derived from the name of one of this group, the Mona. The diminutive of Mona is Monikin, the transition from which word to our “monkey ” is sufficiently evident. The GRIVET, or TOTA, as it is called by some writers, is of a sombre green colour; the green being produced by alternate rings of black and yellow on each hair. The limbs and tai! are of a greyer tint than the rest of the body, the yellow portion of the hair being changed to a dull white. The inside of the limbs and the abdomen are slightly tinged with white. In the male ani- mal the canine teeth are rather protuberant, showing themselves beyond the lips. The naked skin of the face, ears, and palms, is black, dashed with that deep violet hue that is found in so many of the monkeys. At each side of the head the white hairs stand out boldly, whisker fashion, and give a very lively character to the head. It is an African animal, and common in Abyssinia. The left hand figure of the group on the next page represents the GREEN MONKEY, sometimes called the Callithrix, or Beautiful-haired Monkey, on account of the exquisitely delicate marking of each separate hair. The insice of the limbs is nearly white, as is the under surface of the body, and the outer side of the limbs takes a greyish tinge. The hairy fringe that grows eee oa of the face is of a delicate golden yellow. is monkey is a native of Senegal and the neighbouring par i frequently brought to this country. 8 s § parts, and is THE GREEN MONKEY AND THE VERVET. 13 The VERVEr is the last of the figures. This is rather a variable animal in point of colour, some specimens being decidedly pale, while others assume a blackish hue. In general, the colour of the animal is as follows. The GRIVET.— (Cercopithecus Engythithia.) prevailing tint of the fur is much the same as that of the Grivet, to which animal the Vervet bears a strong resembiance. The head, the throat, and =— ZF ape: GREEN MONKEY. VERVET. (Cercopithecus sabeus.) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus.) breast are of a light dun, the paws being very dark. In the male Vervet the canines are rather long, and show their points beyond the lips. MACAQUES. The various species of monkeys which are ranged under the common title of MACAQUES are mostly well-known animals ; being plentiful in their native lands, and frequently domesticated both in their own and ia foreign countries, : 14 THE MAGOT, OR BARBARY APE. The animal which is shown in the opposite engraving is one of the best known of the monkey tribe ; as it is tolerably hardy, it endures the change- able and chilly European climates better than most of its race. As its name implies, it is a native of Barbary, where it is found in great numbers, but has also been naturalized upon the Rock of Gibraltar. The fa BO : ei A Oa oN AYE SAW PU, MAGOT, OR BARBARY APE.—(Macacus Jnnuus), ‘Gibraltar MaGoTs are frequently mentioned in books of travel, and display great ingenuity in avoiding pursuit and discovering food. They keep to the most inaccessible portions of the rock, and scamper away hurriedly on the slightest alarm. But with the aid of a moderately good telescope, theit move- ments may be watched, and are very amusing. This monkey is not very widely spread, for, with the exception of the Rock of Gibraltar, it seems to be confined to Northern Africa. It is not a very large animal, as the full-grown males only measure about a yard in length, and the females are rather smaller. The general size of the Magot is about that of an ordinary bull-terrier dog. The colour of the fur is tolerably uniform, differing chiefly in depth of shade, and is of a clear greyish tint. Its walk on level ground is rather awkward, the animal making use of feet and hands for that purpose; but it climbs with ease and agility up trees or rocks, and in a domesticated state is fond of running up and down ropes, and swinging itself about in its cage. One of the last of the Macaques which we shall notice in this work is the monkey which is well known under the name of WANDEROO, or OUANDEROO, - as it is sometimes written, THE WANDEROO, 15 This very singular animal is a native of the East Indies, and is found commonly enough in Ceylon. The heavy mass of hair that surmounts the head and envelops the entire face gives it a rather dignified aspect, reminding the observer of the huge peruke under whose learned shade the great legal chiefs consider judgment. The hair on the top of the head is black, but WANDEROO. —(Silenus veter). the great beard that rolls down the face and beneath the chin is of a grey tint, as if blanched by the burden of many years. In some instances this ae roeni almost entirely white, and then the Wanderoo looks very venerable indeed. : From the form of the tail, which is of a moderate length, and decorated with a hairy tuft at its extremity, the Wanderoo is also known by the name of the Lion-tailed Baboon. ' The greater part of the fur of this animal is of a fine black, but the colour assumes a lighter hue on the breast and abdomen. The callosities on the hinder quarters are of a light pink. It is not a very large animal, being rather less than three feet from the nose to the tip of the tail. In the absence of a tail, and in general form, the BLACK MACAQUE bears some resemblance to the Magot, but in colour and arrangement of hair, it is entirely distinct from that animal. The tint of the fur is as deep a black as that of the Budeng, or Black Colobus. Both these monkeys are possessed: of crests which give a peculiar character to the whole aspect. That of the Black Colobus, however, is reverted forward, and curves to a point over the forehead, while that of the 16 THE BLACK MACAQUE AND THE BABOONS. animal before us rises from the head and bends backward over the neck in a manner not unlike that of the cockatoo, ; BLACK MACAQUE.—(Macacus niger). Like the Magot, the Black Macaque has been called an ape by some writers, and a baboon by others, on account of the apology for a tail with which its hinder quarters are terminated, but not decorated. It is an inhabitant of the Philippines and the neighbouring countries. BABOONS, OR DOG-HEADED MONKEYS. A well-marked group of animals now come before us, popularly known by the name of BABOONS. Sa ae One distinguishing characteristic of these creatures is that ‘the nostrils are situated at the extremity of the muzzle, instead of lying nearly flat upon its base, and just under the eyes, as in the apes and other quadrumanous animals. The muzzle, too, is peculiar in its form, being, as it were, cut off abruptly, leaving a round and flattened extremity. Of the Dog-headed Baboons, the species which is most celebrated for its feats of prowess is the well-known animal called the CHACMA, or URSINE BABOON. _ This animal, when it has attained its full age, equals in size a large mastiff or an ordinary sized wolf; while, in bodily strength and prowess, it is a match for any two dogs that can be brought to attack it. The Chacma is a most accomplished robber, executing his burglaries openly whenever he knows that he will meet with no formidable opposition, and having recourse to silent craft when there are dogs to watch for trespassers, and men with guns te shoot them. With such consummate art do these animals plan, and with such admir- able skill do they carry out their raids, that even the watchful band of dogs THE CHACMIA, 7) is comparatively useless; and the cunning robbers actually slip past the vigi- lant sentries without the stirring of a grass blade or the rustling of a dried twig, to give notice to the open ears of the wakeful but beguiled sentries. FEw animals present a more grotesque mixture of fantastic embellishments and repulsive ferocity than the baboon which is known under the name of MANDRILL. The colours of the rainbow are emblazoned on the creature’s form, but always in the very spots where one would least expect to see them. A bright azure glows, not in its “ eyes of heavenly blue,” but on each side of its THE CHACMA.—( Cynocephalus porcarius.) nose, where the snout is widely expanded, and swollen into two enormous masses. The surfaces of these curious and very unprepossessing projections are deeply grooved, and the ridges are bedizened with the cerulean tint above mentioned. Lines of brilliant scarlet and deep purple alternate with the blue, and the extremity of the muzzle blazes with a fiery red like Bardolph’s nose. That all things should be equally balanced, the opposite end of the body is also radiant with chromatic effect, being plenteously charged with a ruddy violet, that is permitted to give its full effect, by the pert, upright carriage of the tail, c 16 THE MANDRILL. The general colour of the fur is of an olive brown tint, fading into grey on the under side of the limbs, and the chin is decorated with a small yellow pointed beard. The muzzle is remarkable for a kind of rim or border, which is not unlike the corresponding part in a hog, and is well shown in the engraving. The ears are small, devoid of fur, and of a black colour with a tinge of blue. Only the male Mandrill possesses these strange adornments in their full beauty of size and colour, the females being only gifted with “he blue tint upon the muzzle, and even that is of a much less brilliant hue than in the male. THE MANDRILL.—(C,zocephalus Mormon.) . In this country the Mandrill is seldom seen to equal a tolerably large terrier in size, but in its native land a full-grown male measures more than five feet when standing upright, a stature which equals, if not exceeds, that of the Chacma. In its native land the usual food of the Mandrill is of a vegetable nature, although, in common with the rest of the Baboons, it displays a great liking for ants, centipedes, and similar creatures. The tail of this animal is a remarkable feature, if it may be so termed, in AMERICAN MONKEYS, 19 the general aspect of the baboon. It is short, set high on the back, and curved upwards in a manner that is most singular, not to say ludicrous, in the living animals, and conspicuously noticeable in the skeleton. ; It is a very common animal in its own country, but on account of its great strength, cunning, and ferocity, is not so often captured as might be expected. Even when a specimen is made prisoner, it is generally a very young one, which soon loses in captivity the individuality of its being, and learns to accommodate itself to the altered circumstances among which it is placed. ANOTHER well-known species of the Dog-headed Baboons is the PAPION, an animal of rather a more : refined aspect than the Chacma, or, more pro- perly speaking, not quite so brutal. The face, although un- attractive enough, is yet not so repulsive as that of the Chacma, and the colours are rather more bright than those of that animal. Great reverence was paid to these creatures, and specially to certain selected individuals which were fur- nished with a safe home in or near their temples, liberally fed while living, and honourably embalmed when dead. Many mum- mied forms of these ba- boons have been found in the temple caves of Egypt, swathed, and spiced, and adorned, just as if they had been human beings. Some authors say that the Thoth Baboon was an object of worship among the Egyptians, but hardly with sufficient reason. Various animal forms were used as visible living emblems of the attributes of deity and the qualities of the human intellect, but were no more objects of idolatrous worship than the lion of England or the eagle of America. The fur of the Papion is of a chestnut colour; in some parts fading intoa sober fawn, and in others warmed with a wash of ruddy bay. The paws are darker than the rest of the body. When young, it is of a lighter hue, and deepens in colour until it reaches its full age. In the prime of existence its colours are the lightest, but as years begin to lay their burden on the animal, the hairs begin to be flecked with a slight grizzle, and, in process of time, the snows of age descend liberally, and whiten the whole fur with hoary hairs. THE PAPION.—(Cynocephalus Sphinx.) AMERICAN MONKEYS. WE have now taken a rapid survey of the varied forms which the Quadru- mana of the Old World assume; forms so diversified that there hardly seems to be scope for further modifications. Yet the prolific power of nature C2 20 THE COAITA. is so inexhaustible, that the depth of our researches only brings to view objects of such infinite variety of shape that the mind is lost in wonder and admiration. We will now take some of the Quadrumana of the New World. The CoaITA, or QUATA, as the word is frequently written, is one of the best known of this group of animals, which are called by the name of SPIDER MONKEYS on account of their long sprawling limbs, and their peculiar action while walking. The name “Ateles,” which is given to the entire genus to which this animal belongs, signifies “imperfect,” and has been applied to the creatures because the fore-paws are devoid of useful thumbs. Sometimes that member is almost entirely absent, and in other instances it only just shows itself. The Spider Monkeys are also remarkable for the long and prehensile tail. With such singularly delicate sense of touch is it furnished, that it almost seems to be possessed of the power of sight, and moves about among the branches with as much decision as if there were an eye in its tip. Should the monkey discover some prize, such as a nest of eggs, or any little dainty, which lies in a crevice too small for the hand to enter, it is in nowise discon- certed, but inserts the end of its tail into the cranny, and hooks out the desired object. There is a beautiful formation of the tail of this creature, by means of which the grasp of that member re- tainsits hold evenafterthe death of the owner. If a Spider Monkey be mor- tally wounded and not killed outright, it curls its tail round a branch, and thus suspended yields up its life. The tail does not lose its grasp when the life has departed ; and the dead monkey hangs with its head down- wards until decomposition sets in and the rigid muscles are relaxed. The Coaita is by no means a large animal, measuring very little ‘more than a foot from the nose to the root of the tail, while the tail itself is two feet in length. Its colour is very dark and glossy ; so dark, indeed, as to be almost black. The hair varies CoaITa.—(Ateles Paniscus.) much in length and density. Onthe back and the outside of the limbs it hangs in long drooping locks, forming a thick covering through which the skin cannot be seen. But on the abdomen the hair is quite scanty, and is so thinly scattered that the skin is plainly visible. The skin of the face is of a dark copper colour. ANOTHER example of this wonderful group of monkeys is -found in the MARIMONDA ; an inhabitant, like the last-named animal, of Central Ame- rica, and found in greatest numbers in Spanish Guiana, where, according to Humboldt, it fills the place of the Coaita. The general shape, the formation of its limbs, and the long prehensile tail, point it out at once as another of the Spider Monkeys, It is certainly a very appropriate name for these animals. Their heads are so small, their bodies so short, their limbs so slender, and their tail so limb-like, that the mind EW \' 3 Be aa THE MARIMONDA. 21 unconsciously draws a parallel between these monkeys and the long legged spiders that scuttle so awkwardly over the ground, and are so indifferent respecting their complement of legs. _ The resemblance holds good even when the monkey is at rest, or when it only appears before the eye in an illustration. But when the creature begins to walk on level ground, and especially if 1t be hurried, its clumsy movements are so very spider-like, that the similitude is ten times more striking. Be it remarked, that both creatures are supposed to be placed in uncongenial circumstances. The spider is deft and active enough among the many threads of its air-suspended nets, as is the monkey among the slight twigs of the air-bathed branches. But when both animals are subjected to circumstances which are directly opposed to their natural mode of existence, they become alike awkward, and alike afford subjects of mirth. — 7 SN eth bine MARIMONDA.—( Aféeles Belzebuth.) The mode by which a Spider Monkey walks on level ground is rather singular, and difficult to describe, being different from that which is employed by the large apes. They do not set the sole of either paw, or hand, flat upon the ground, but, turning the hinder feet inwards, they walk upon their outer sides. The reverse process takes place with the fore-paws, which are twisted outwards, so.that the weight of the animal is thrown upon their inner edges. ‘ it will easily be seen how very awkward an animal must be which is forced to employ so complicated a means for the purpose of locomotion. Although the Spider Monkey has been known to walk in a manner much more steady than that of any other monkey, yet this bipedal progression was only em- ployed for a few paces, and with a haven of rest in view in the shape of a window-sill, on which the creature could rest its hands. The tail is also curled over the head, like the letter S, by way of a balance, J 22 THE URSINE HOWLER. In captivity, the Marimonda is a gentle and affectionate animal, attaching itself strongly to those persons to whom it takes a fancy, and playing many fantastic gambols to attract their attention, Its angry feelings, although per- haps easily roused, do not partake of the petulant malignity which so oftun characterises the monkey race, and are quite free from the rancorous vengeance which is found in the baboons. Very seldom does it attempt to bite, and even when such an event does take place, it is rather the effect of sudden terror than of deliberate malice. On account of its amiable nature it is often brought into a domesticated state, and, if we may give credence to many a traveller, is trained to become not only an amusing companion, but a useful servant. The colour of this animal varies much, according to the age of the indi- vidual. When adult, the leading colour is of a uniform dull black, devoid of the glossy lustre which throws back the sunbeams from the coaita’s furry mantle. On the back, the top of the head, and along the spine, the hair is of a dense, dead black, which seems to have earned for the animal the very inapposite name with which its nomenclators have thought fit to dedecorate the mild and amiable Marimonda. P The throat, breast, inside of the limbs, and the under side of the tail are much lighter in tint, while in some individuals a large, bright chestnut patch covers the latter half of the sides. It seems to be of rather a listless character, delighting to bask in the sun’s rays, and lying in the strangest attitudes for hours without moving. One of the postures which is most in vogue is achieved by throwing the head back with the eyes turned up, and then flinging the arms over the head. The position in which this animal is depicted in the illustration is a very favourite one with most of the Spider Monkeys. THE animal which is here engraved is an example of the celebrated group of HOWLING Mon- KEYS, cr ALOUATTES, as they are termed by some naturalists, whose strange customs have been so often noticed by travellers, and whose reverberating cries rend their ears. Little chance is there that the Howling Monkeys should ever fade from the memory of anyone who has once suffered an unwilling mar- tyrdom from their mourn- ful yells. Several species of Howl- ing Monkeys are known to science, of which the = ARAGUATO, as it is called URSINE HOWLER.—(Mycetes ursinus.) in its own land, or the URSINE HOWLER, as it is popularly named in this country, is, perhaps, the commonest and most con- spicuous. It is larger than any of the New World monkeys which have hitherto been noticed ; its length being very nearly three feet when it is fully grown,,and the tail reaching to even a greater length. The colour of the fur is a rich reddish brown, or rather bay, enlivened by THE CAPUCIN. 23 a golden lustre when a brighter ray of light than usual plays over its surface. The beard which so thickly decorates the chin, throat, and neck, is of a deeper colour than that of the body. Few animals deserve the name which they bear so well as the Howling Monkeys. Their horrid yells are so loud, that they can be heard plainly although the animals which produce them are more than a mile distant ; and the sounds that issue from their curiously-formed throats are strangely simu- lative of the most discordant outcries of various other animals—the jaguar being one of the most favourite subjects for imitation. Throughout the entire night their dismal ululations resound, persecuting the ears of the involuntarily wakeful traveller with their oppressive pertinacity, and driving far from his wearied senses the slumber which he courts, but courts in vain. In order that an animal of so limited a size should be enabled to produce sounds of such intensity and volume, a peculiar structure of the vocal organs is necessary. The instrument by means of which the Howlers make night dismal with their funestral wailings, is found to be the “hyoid bone,” a portion of the THE CAPUCIN.—(Cebus Apella ) form which is very slightly developed in man, but very largely in these monkeys. In man, the bone in question gives support to the tongue and is attached to numerous muscles of the neck. In the Howling Monkeys it takes a wider range of duty, and, by a curious modification of structure, forms a bony drum which communicates with the windpipe and gives to the voice that powerful resonance which has made the Alouattes famous. The CAPUCIN MONKEYS, an example of which is here given, are active little animals, lively and playful. In habits, all the species seem to be very similar, so that the description of one will serve equally for any other. In consequence of their youth and sportive manners they are frequently kept in a domesticated state, both by the native Indians and by European settlers. Like several other small monkeys, the Capucin often strikes up a friendship for other animals that may happen to live in or near its home, the cat being one of the most favoured of their allies. Sometimes it carries its familiarity so far as to turn the cat into a steed for the nonce, and, seated upon her back, to perambulate the premises. More unpromising subjects for equestrian exercise have been pressed into the service by the Capucin. Humboldt 24 THE BLACK YARKE, mentions one of these creatures which was accustomed to catch a pig every 1uorning, and, mounting upon its back, to retain its seat during the day. Even while the pig was feeding in the savannas its rider remained firm, and bestrode its victim with as much pertinacity as Sinbad’s old man of the sea. There is some difficulty in settling the species of the Capucins, for their fur is rather variable in tint, in some cases differing so greatly as to look like another species. The general tint of the CAPUCIN is a golden olive, a whiter fur bordering the face in some individuals, though not in all. There are several monkeys known by the name of Sakis, among which are reckoned the Cuxio, a rather odd little animal, and two other species, which are easily distinguished from each other by the colour of their heads, A “\) C \ / Mie J) BLACK YARKE.—(Pithecta leucocephala.) The first of these animals is the BLACK YARKE, or WHITE-HEADED Sak], and the other the CACAJAO, or BLACK-HEADED SAKI. The former of these Sakis is a rather elegant creature in form, and of colour more varied than those of the Cuxio. As will be seen from the accom- panying engraving, the head is surrounded with a thick and closely-set fringe of white hair, which is rather short in the male, but long and drooping in the female. The top of the head 1s of a deep black, and the remainder of the body and tail is covered with very long and rather coarse hair of a blackish- brown. Under the chin and throat the hairs are almost entirely absent, and the skin is of an orange hue. Beside the difference of length in the facial hairs of the female Yarke there are several distinctions between the sexes, which are so decided as to have caused many naturalists to consider the male and female to belong to THE DOUVROUCOULL 25 different species. The hair ofthe female Yarke is decorated near the tip with several rings of a rusty brown colour, while the hair of the male is entirely devoid of these marks. The natural food of these animals is said to consist chiefly of wild bees and ‘their honeycombs. Perhaps the long furry hair with which the Sakis are covered may be useful for the purpose of defending them from the stings of the angry insects. On account‘ of the full and bushy tail with which the members of this group are furnished, they are popularly classed together under the title of Fox-tailed Monkeys. THE term “ Nyctipithecus,” or Night-monkey, which is used as the generic title of the DOUROUCOULLI, refers to its habits, which are more strictly noctur- nal than those of the animals heretofore mentioned. The eyes of this little creature are so sensitive to light, that it cannot endure the glare of day, and only awakes to activity and energy when the shades of night throw their welcome veil over the face of nature. DOUROUCOULL.—(Wyctipithecus trivergatus.) In its wild state, it seeks the shelter of some hollow tree or other darkened place of refuge, and there abides during the hours of daylight, buried in a slumber so deep that it can with difficulty be aroused, even though the rough hand of its captor drag it from its concealment. During sleep, it gathers all its four feet closely together, and drops its head between its fore-paws. It seems to be one of the owls of the monkey race. The food of this Douroucouli is mostly of an animal nature, and consists chiefly of insects and small birds, which it hunts and captures in the night season. After dark, the Douroucouli awakes from the torpid lethargy in which it has spent the day, and, shaking off its drowsiness, becomes filled with life and spirit. The large dull eyes, that shrank from the dazzling rays of the sun, light up with eager animation at eventide; the listless limbs are instinct with fiery activity, every sense is aroused to keen perception, and the creature sets off on its nightly quest. Such is then its agile address, that it can capture 26 THE MARIKINA. even the quick-sighted and ready-winged flies as they flit by, striking rapid blows at them with its little paws. The general colour of the Douroucouli is a greyish-white, over which a silvery lustre plays in certain lights. The spine is marked with a brown line, and the breast, abdomen, and inside of the limbs are marked with a very light chestnut, almost amounting to orange. The faceis remarkable for three very distinct black lines, which radiate from each other, and which have earned for the animal the title of “Trivergatus,” or “ Three-striped.” There are but very slight external indications of ears, and in order to expose the organs of hearing, it is necessary to draw aside the fur of the head. On account of this peculiarity, Humboldt separated the Douroucouli from its neighbours, and formed it into a distinct family, which he named “ Adtes,” or “ Earless.” MARIKINA.—(Jacchus Rosalia.) Guiana and Brazil are the countries where this curious little animal is found. Although by no means an uncommon species, it is not taken very plentifully, on account of its monogamous habits. The male and its mate may often be discovered sleeping snugly together in one bed, but never in greater numbers, unless there may be a little family at the time. Its cry is singularly loud, considering the small size of the animal which utters it, and bears some resemblance to the roar of the jaguar. Besides this deep-toned voice, it can hiss or spit like an angry cat. mew with something of a cat-like intonation, and utter a guttural, short, and rapidly-repeated bark. The fur is used for the purpose of covering pouches and similar articles. AMONG the various members of the monkey tribe there is hardly any species that can compare with the exquisite little MARIKINA, either for grace of form, or soft beauty of colour, THE MARMOSET. 27 The hair with which this creature is covered is of a bright and lustrous chestnut, with a golden sheen playing over its long glossy locks. To the touch, the fur of the Marikina is peculiarly smooth and silken ; and from this circumstance it is sometimes called the Silky Monkey. Both-for the texture and colour of the hair, the name is happily chosen, for the tint of the Marikina’s fur is just that of the orange-coloured silk as it is wound from the cocoon, while in texture it almost vies with the fine fibres of the unwoven silk itself. Another name for the same animal is the Lion Monkey, because its little face looks out of the mass of hair like a lion from out of his mane. The colour of the hair is nearly uniform, but not quite so. On the paws it darkens considerably, and it is of a deeper tint on the forehead and the upper surface of the limbs than on the remainder of the body. Some speci- mens are wholly of a darker hue. In no place is the fur very short ; but on the head, and about the shoulders, it is of very great length in proportion to the size of the animal. The Marikina is rightly careful of its beautiful clothing, and is fastidious to a degree about preserving its glossy brightness free from stain. Whether when wild, it keeps its own house clean, or whether it has no house at all, is not as yet accurately ascertained; but in captivity, it requires that all cleansing shall be performed by other hands. This slothfulness is the more peculiar, because the creature is so sensitive on the subject, that if it be in the least neglected, it loses its pretty gaiety, pines away, and dies. It is fond of company, and can seldom be kept alone for any length of time. The food of the Marikina is chiefly composed of fruits and insects; but in captivity, it will eat biscuit and drink milk. It is a very timid animal, unable to fight a foe, but quick in escape and adroit in concealment. Its voice is soft and gentle when the animal is pleased, but when it is excited by anger or fear, it utters a rather sharp hiss. The dimensions of the Marikina are much the same as those of the following animal. THE beautiful little creature which is so well known by the name of the MARMOSET, or OUISTITI, is a native of Guiana. The fur is long and exquisitely soft, diversified with bold stripes of black upon a ground of white and reddish yellow. The tail is long and full; its colour is white, encircled with numerous rings of a hue so deep that it may almost be called -black. A radiating tuft of white hairs springs from each side of the face, and contrasts well with the jetty hue of the head. On account of the beauty of its fur, and the gentleness of its demeanour when rightly treated, it is frequently brought from its native land and forced to lead a life of compelled civilization in foreign climes. It is peculiarly sensitive to cold, and always likes to have its house well furnished with soft and warm bedding, which it piles up in a corner, and under which it delights to hide itself. The Marmosets do not seem to be possessed of a very large share of intelligence, but yet are very engaging little creatures if kindly treated. They are very fond of flies and other insects, and will often take a fly from the hand of the visitor. One of these animals, with whom I struck up an acquaintance, took great pleasure in making me catch flies for its use, and taking them daintily out of my hand. When it saw my hand sweep over a doomed fly, the bright eyes sparkled with eager anticipation ; and when I approached the cage, the little creature thrust its paw through the bars as far as the wires would permit, and opened and closed the tiny fingers with restless impatience. It then insinuated its hand among my closed fingers, and never failed to find and capture the imprisoned fly Generally, the Marmoset preserves silence; but if alarmed or irritated, it 28 LEMURS, gives vent to a little sharp whistle, from which it has gained its name of Ouistiti. It is sufficiently active when in the enjoyment of good health, climbing and leaping about from bar to bar with an agile quickness that reminds the observer of a squirrel, MARMOSET.—( Yacchus vulgaris.) Its food is both animal and vegetable in character; the animal portion being chiefly composed of various insects, eggs, and, it may be, an occasional young bird, and the vegetable diet ranging through most of the edible fruits. A tame Marmoset has been known to pounce upon a living gold fish and to eat it. In consequence of this achievement, some young eels were given to the animal, and at first terrified it by their strange writhings, but in a short time they were mastered and eaten. The length of the full-grown Marmoset is from seven to eight inches, exclusive of the tail, which measures about a foot. LEMURS. THE form of the monkeys which are known by the name of LEMURS is of itself sufficient to show that we are rapidly approaching the more quadru- pedal mammaalia. The head of all the Lemurs is entirely unlike the usual monkey head, and even in the skull the distinction is as clearly marked as in the living being. Sharp, long, and pointed, the muzzle and jaws are singularly fox-like, while the general form of these animals, and the mode in which they walk, would lead a hasty observer to place them among the true quadrupeds. Yet, on a closer examination, the quadrumanous characteristics are seen so plainly, that the Lemurs can but be referred to their proper position among, or rather at the end of, the monkey tribe. The word Lemur signifies “a night-wandering ghost,” and has been applied to this group of animals on account of their nocturnal habits, ang THE SLENDER LORIS. 29 their stealthy noiseless step, which renders their progress almost as inaudible as that of the unearthly beings from whom they derive their name. The RuFFED LEMUR is one of the handsomest of this family, challenging a rivalship even with the Ring-tailed Lemur in point of appearance. The texture of the fur is extremely fine, and its colour presents bold con- trasts between pure white and jetty: blackness. The face of the Ruffed Lemur is black, and a fringe of long white hairs stands out like a ruff round the face. As is the case with all the Lemurs, it is a native of Madagascar and of the ad- jacent islands, and seems to take the place of the ordin- ary monkeys. Of all the Lemurs this species is the largest, its size equalling that of a moderately RUFFLED LEMUR.—(Lemur Macaco.) grown cat. Its voice is a sepulchral, deep roar, peculiarly loud, considering the size of the animal, and can be heard at a great distance in the stilly night. The SLENDER LorRIS is a small animal, measuring only nine inches in length, and possessed of limbs so delicately slender as to have earned for it its popular name. Its colour is grey, with a slight rusty tinge, the under portions of the body fading into white. Round the eyes, the fur takes a darker hue, which is well contrasted by a white streak running along the nose. Small though it be, and apparently without the power to harm, it is a terrible enemy to the birds and in- sects on which it feeds, and which it captures “like Fabius, by delay.” Night, when the birds are rest- ing with their heads snugly sheltered by their soft feathers, is the time when the Loris awakes from its daily . ion slumbers, and stealthily sets forth SLENDER LoRIs.—(Loris gracilis.) on its search. Its movements are so slow and silent, that not a sound falls on the ear to indicate the presence of a living animal. Alas for the doomed bird that has attracted the fiery eyes of the Loris! With movements as imperceptible and as silent as the shadow on the dial, paw after paw is lifted from its hold, advanced a step and placed again on the bough, until the destroyer stands by the side of the unconscious victim. Then, the hand is raised with equal silence,until the fingers overhang the bird and nearly touch it. Suddenly the slow caution is exchanged for light- 30 THE SLOW-PACED LORIS. ning speed, and with a movement so rapid that the eye can hardly follow it, the bird is torn from its perch, and almost before its eyes are opened from slumber, they are closed for ever in death. The SLOW-PACED LORIS, or KUKANG, is very similar in its habits to the animal just mentioned, but differs from it in size, colour, and several parts of its form. The fur is of a texture rather more woolly than that of the Slender Loris, and its colour has something of a chestnut tinge running through it, although some specimens are nearly as grey as the Slender Loris. As may be seen from the engraving, a dark stripe surrounds the eyes, ears, and back of the head, reaching to the corners of the mouth. From thence it runs along the entire length of the spine. The colour of this dark band is a deep chestnut. It is rather larger than the preceding animal, being a little more than a foot in length. In the formation of these creatures some very curious structures are found, among which is the singular grouping of arteries and veins in the limbs. KUKANG, OR SLOW-PACED LORIS.—(Ayelacebus Favarincus.) Instead of the usual tree-like mode in which the limbs of most animals are supplied with blood—one large trunk-vessel entering the limb, and then branching off into numerous subdivisions—the limbs of the Loris are furnished with blood upon a strangely modified system. The arteries and veins, as they enter and leave the limb, are suddenly divided into a great number of cylindrical vessels, lying close to each other for some distance, and giving off their tubes to the different parts of the limb. It is possible that to this formation may be owing the power of silent movement and slow patience which has been mentioned as the property of these monkeys, for a very similar structure is found to exist in the sloth. THE AVAHT, OR INDRI. 31 The tongue of the Loris is aided in its task by a plate of cartilage, by which it is supported, and which is, indeed, an enlargement of the tendinous band that is found under the root of the tongue. It is much thicker at its base than at the extremity, which is so deeply notched that it seems to have been slit with a knife. It is so conspicuous an organ that it has been often described as a second tongue. The throat and vocal organs seem to be but little developed, as is consistent with the habits of an animal whose very sub- sistence depends upon its silence. Excepting when irritated, it seldom or never utters asound ; and even then its vocal powers seem to be limited to a little monotonous plaintive cry. In captivity this Loris appears to be tolerably omnivorous, eating both animal and vegetable food, preferring, however, the former. Living animals best please its taste, and the greatest dainty that can be afforded to the creature is a small bird, which it instantly kills, plucks, and eats entirely, the AVAHI, OR INDRI.—(Judris laniger.) bones included. Eggs are a favourite food with it, as are insects. It will take butcher’s meat, if raw, but will not touch it if cooked in any way. Of vegetable substances, sugar appears to take its fancy the most, but it will eat fruits of various kinds, such as oranges and plantains, and has been known to suck gum arabic. : ANOTHER curious inhabitant of Madagascar is the INDRI, or AVAHI, a creature that has sometimes been considered one of the lemurs, and placed among them by systematic naturalists. From the curled and woolly hair with which the body is covered it derives its name of “ Laniger,” or Wool- bearer. Just over the loins and partly down the flanks, the soft wool-like hair takes a firmer curl than is found to be the case in any other part of the body or limbs. It is but a small animal, the length of its head and body being only a foot, andits tail nine inches. The general colour of the fur is a 32 THE TARSIER, lightish brown, with a white stripe on the back of the thigh, and a tinge of chestnut in the tail. In some individuals a rusty red, mingled with a yellow hue, takes the place of the brown ; and in all the under parts are lighter than the upper. Its face is black, and the eyes are grey, with a greenish light playing through their large orbs. The name Indri is a native word, signifying, it is said, “man of the woods.” Its voice is not very powerful, but it can be heard at some distance. Itis of a melancholy wailing character, and has been likened to the cry of a child. THERE are two animals which bear a close resemblance to each other, namely, the Galago of Madagascar and the little animal which is here figured. The ears, however, are not so large as those of the Galago, and the tail is less thickly covered with fur, being almost devoid of hair, except at its extremity, where it forms a small tuft. On reference to the figure, it will be seen that TARSIER.—( Zarsius spectrum.) the hands are of extraordinary length, in proportion to the size of the crea- ture. This peculiarity is caused by a considerable elongation of the bones composing the “ Tarsus,” or back of the hands and feet, and has earned for the animal the title of TARSIER. This peculiarity is more strongly developed in the hinder than in the fore-paws. The colour of the Tarsier is a greyish-brown, with slight olive tint washed over the body. A stripe of deeper colour surrounds the back of the head and the face and forehead are of a warmer brown than the body and limbs It is a native of Borneo, Celebes, the Philippine Islands, and Banca. From the latter locality it is sometimes called the Banca Tarsier. Another of the titles by which it is known is the Podji. It is a tree-inhabiting animal, and skips among the branches with little quick leaps that have been likened to the hoppings of a frog. In order to give the THE AYE-AYE. 33 little creature a firmer hold of the boughs about which it is constantly leap- ing, the palms of the hands are furnished with several cushions. The backs of the hands are covered with soft downy fur, resembling the hair with which the tail is furnished. Excepting on the hands and tail, the fur is very thick and of a woolly character, but at the root of the tail, and at the wrists and ankles, it suddenly changes to the short downy covering. THE true position of that very rare animal the AYE-AYE seems very doubt- ful, some naturalists placing it in the position which it occupies in this work, and others, such as Van der Hoeven, considering it to form a link between the monkeys and the rodent animals, the incisor teeth bearing some resem- blance to those of the rodents. ; bn Ahi Hh W Ke ‘K\ \\ \ i AYE-AYE. —(Cheiromys Madagascariensis.) These curious teeth are extremely powerful, and are very decply set in the jawbones, their sockets extending nearly the entire depth of the bone. They are used just like the rodent teeth, the animal biting deeply into the trees, and so laying bare the burrows of various wood-boring grubs, The colour of the animal is a dull black on the upper portions of the body, the under parts, as well as the cheeks and throat, being of a light grey. The paws are nearly black. The fur of the body is thickly set, and is remarkable for an inner coating of downy hair of a golden tint, which sometimes shows itself through the outer coating. On the tail the hair is darker than on the body, greater in length, and in texture much coarser. The tail, which is jetty black, seems to be always trailed at length, and never to beset up over the D # THE COLUGO. body like the well known tail of the squirrel. The ears are large, and nearly destitute of hair. : ; . The natural food of the Aye-aye, like that of the preceding animals, is of a mixed character, the creature eating fruits and insects indiscriminately. But in its wild’state it is said to search the trees for insects as well as fruits, and to drag their larve from their concealment by means of its delicate fingers. The fine specimen in the Zoological Gardens, however, does not touch in- sects, but feeds on a mixture of honey and hard-boiled eggs beaten into a paste and moistened with milk. Still she uses her teeth freely on the branches that are placed in her cage, and very soon cuts them to pieces, as if COLUGO.—(Galeopithecus volans.) in search after grubs. She is very active, and climbs about the cage or on the branches, in almost any position. Like the squirrel, she covers herself with her bushy tail when in repose. It is a nocturnal animal like the Galagos and Lemurs, and seeks its prey by night only, spending the day in sleep, curled up in the dark hollow of a tree, or in some similar spot, where it can retire from view and from light. As is shown by the scientific name of the Aye-aye, it is a native of Mada- gascar, and even in that island is extremely scarce, appearing to be limited to the western portions of the country, and to escape even the quick eyes of the natives. BATS. 35 The eyes are of a brownish yellow colour, and very sensitive to light, as may be expected in a creature so entirely nocturnal in its habits. It is not a very small animal, measuring almost a yard in total length, of which the tail occupies one moiety. THE strange ail which is known by the name of the FLyING LEMUR, or COLUGO, affords an intermediate link of transition between the four-handed and the wing-handed mamunals. ; ; By means of the Jargely-developed membrane which connects the limbs with each other, and the hinder limbs with the tail, the Colugo is enabled to leap through very great distances, and to pass from one bough to another with ease. This membrane is a prolongation of the natural skin, and is covered with hair on the upper side as thickly as any part of the body, but beneath it is almost naked. When the creature desires to make one of its long sweeping leaps, it spreads its limbs as widely as possible, and thus converts itself into a kind of living kite, as is shown in the figure. By thus presenting a large surface to the air, it can be supported in its passage between the branches, and is said to vary its course slightly by the movement of its arms. It is said that the Colugo will thus pass over nearly a hundred yards, Among other bat-like habits, the Colugo 1s accustomed to suspend itself by its hinder paws from the branch of a tree, and in this pendent attitude it sleeps. Its slumbers are mostly diurnal, for the Colugo is a night-loving animal, and 1s seldom seen in motion until the shades of evening draw on. But on the approach of night, the Colugo awakes from its drowsiness, and unhooking its claws from the branch on which it has hung suspended during the hours of daylight, sets off on its travels in search of food. It is found in many of the islands that belong to the Indian Archipelago, and is tolerably common. The colour of the fur is very uncertain, even in the same species, some specimens being of a light brown, others of a grey tint, more or less deep ; while many individuals have their fur diversified with irregular marblings or stripes, or spots of different shades and tints. - The Colugo is by no means a small animal, as, when it is full grown, it equals a large cat in size. CHEIROPTERA ; OR, WING-HANDED ANIMALS, POPULARLY CALLED BATS. IN general form the Bats are clearly separated from any other group of animals, and by most evident modifications of structure, can be recognised by the most cursory glance. The first peculiarity in the Bat form which strikes the eye. is the wide —..d delicate membrane which stretches round the body, and which is used in the place of the wings with which birds are furnished. In order to support this beautiful membrane, \» extend it to its requisite width, and to strike the air with it for the purposes of flight, the bones of the fore-part of the body, and especially those of the arms and hands, undergo a singular modification. The finger-bones are strangely disproportioned to the remainder of the body, the middle finger being considerably longer than the head and body together. The thumb is very much shorter than any of the fingers, and furnished with a sharp and curved claw. By means of this claw, the Bat is enabled to proceed along a level surface, and to attach itself to any object that may be convenienc. The lower portions of the body and limbs are singularly small in proportion D2 36 : THE VAMPIRE BAT. to the upper limbs. The legs are short and slender, and so arranged that the feet are rather turned outward, for the purpose of using their sharp claws freely. A kind of slender and spur-like bone is seen to proceed from the heel of each foot. The VAMPIRE BAT is a native of Southern America, and is spread over a large extent of country. It is not a very large animal, the length of its dy and tail being only six inches, or perhaps seven in large specimens, and the spread of the wing two feet, or rather more. The colour of the Vampire’s fur is a mouse tint, with a shade of brown. Many tales have been told of the Vampire Bat, and its fearfula Ks upon sleeping men—tales which, although founded on fact, were so sadly exag- gerated as to cause a reaction in the opposite direction. It was reported to come silently by night, and to search for the exposed toes of a sound sleeper— its instinct telling it whether the intended victim were thoroughly buried in sleep. Poising itself above the feet of its prey, and fanning them with its extended wings, it produced a cool atmosphere, which, in those hot climates, aided in soothing the slum- ber into a still deeper repose. The Bat then applied its needle-pointed teeth to the upturned foot, and inserted them into the tip of a toe with such adroit dexterity that no pain was caused by the tiny wound. The lips were them brought into action, and the blood was sucked until the Bat was satiated. It then dis- gorged the food which it had just taken, and began afresh, continuing its al- ternated feeding and dis- gorging, until the victim THE VAMPIRE BAT.—(Vampyrus spectrum.) perished from sheer loss of blood. For a time this statement gained dominion, but after a while was less and less believed, until at last naturalists repudiated the whole story as a “ travel- ler’s tale.” However, as usual, the truth seems to have lain between the two extremes ; for it is satisfactorily ascertained, by more recent travellers, that the Vampires really do bite both men and cattle during the night, but that the wound is never known to be fatal, and in most instances causes but little inconvenience to the sufferer. When they direct their attacks against mankind, the Vampires almost invariably select the foot as their point of operation, and their blood-loving propensities are the dread of both natives and Europeans. With singular audacity, the Bats even creep into human habitations, and seek out the exposed feet of any sleeping inhabitant who has incautiously neglected to draw a coverlet over his limbs. ONE of the most common, and at the same time the most elegant, of the British Cheiroptera, is the well-known LONG-EARED Bart. This pretty little creature may be found in all parts of England; and on account of its singularly beautiful ears and gentle temper has frequently been tamed and domesticated. I have possessed several specimens of this Lat, THE LONG EARED BAT. 37 and in every case have been awarded for the troubie by the curious little traits of temper and disposition which have been exhibited. ; ’ One of my Bat favourites was captured under rather peculiar cir- cumstances. ‘ It had entered a grocer’s shop, and to the consternation of the grocer and his assistant had got among the sugar loaves which were piled on an upper shelf. So terrible a foe as the Bat (nearly two inches long) put to rout their united forces, and beyond poking at it with a broom as it cowered behind the sugar, no attempts were made to dislodge it. At this junc- ture my aid was invoked ; and I accordingly drew the Bat from its hiding-place. It did its best to bite, but its tiny teeth could do no damage even to a sensitive skin. The Bat was then placed in an empty mouse-cage, and soon be- came sufficiently familiar to eat and drink under observation. It would never eat flies, although many of these insects were offered, anu seemed to prefer small bits of raw Se et beef to any other food. It was a LONG-EARED BAT. —(Pleistus Communis.) troublesome animal to feed, for it would not touch the meat unless it were freshly cut and quite moist ; forcing me to prepare morsels fit for its dainty maw six or seven times daily. It spent the day at the top or on the side of its cage, being suspended by its hinder claws, and would occasionally descend from its eminence in order to feed or to drink. While eating, it was accustomed to lower itself from the cage roof, and to crawlalong the floor until it reached the piece of meat. The wings were then thrown forward so as to envelop the food, and under the shelter of its wings the Bat would drop its head over the meat and then consume it. On account of the sharp surface of its teeth, it could not eat its food quietly, but was forced to make a series of pecking bites, something like the action of a cat in similar circumstances. It would drink in several ways, some- times crawling up to the water vessel and 2 putting its head into the water, but usually HEAD “OB LONG-EARED: BAT: lowering itself down the side of the cage until its nose dipped in the liquid. When it had thus satisfied its thirst, it would re-ascend to the roof, fold its wings about itself, and betake itself to slumber once more. I kept the little animal some time, but it did not appear to thrive, having, in all probability, been hurt by the broom-handle which had been used so freely against it, and at last was found dead in its cage from no apparent cause. Although dead, it still hung suspended, and the only circumstance that appeared strange in its attitude was, that the wings drooped downwards instead of being wrapped tightly round the body. In the attitude of repose, this Bat presents a most singular figure. The wings are wrapped around and held firmly to the body ; the immense ecais 38 THE FLYING FOX, OR KOUSSETTE, are folded back, and the pointed inner ear, or “tragus,” stands boldly out giving the creature a totally different aspect. ” THE Bats which have heretofore been mentioned feed on animal substances, FLYING FOX, OR ROUSSETTE.—(Pteropus rubricollis.) insects appearing to afford the principal nutriment, and raw meat or fresh blood being their occasional luxuries. But the Bats of which the accompany- ing engraving is an example, are chiefly vegetable feeders, and, in their own land, are most mischievous among the fruit-trees, THL CAT (RIDE, 39 They are the largest of the present Bat tribe, some of them measuring neaily five feet in expanse of wing. Their popular name is FLYING FOXES, a term which has been applied to them on account of the red, fox-like colour of tlic fur, and the very vulpine aspect of the head. Although so superior in size to the Vampires, the Flying Foxes are not to be dreaded as personal enemies, for, unless roughly handled, they are not given to biting animated beings. But though their attacks are not made directly upon animal life, they arc of considerable importance in an indirect point of view, for they are aimed against the fruits and other vegetable substances by which animal life is sustained. I have often seen the Kalong engaged in eating fruit. It would accept a slice of apple or pear, while suspended by its hind legs. It then bent its head upwards, brought its winged arms forward so as to enclose head and in together, and then would devour its meal with a series of snapping ites. The Kalongs do not seem to care much for dark and retired places of abode ; and pass the day, which is their night, suspended from the trunks of large trees, preferring those which belong to the fig genus. On these boughs they hang in vast numbers, and by an inexperienced observer might rea‘ily be taken for bunches of large fruits, so closely and quietly do they hang. If disturbed in their repose, they set up a chorus of sharp screams, and flutter about in a state of sad bewilderment, their night-loving eyes being dazzled by the hateful glare of the sun. FELIDE ; OR, THE CAT TRIBE, THE beautiful animals which are known by the general name of the CAT Tribe now engage our attention. With the exception of one or two of the enigmatical creatures which are found in every group of beings, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, the Cats, or FELID& as they are more learnedly termed, are as distinct an order as the monkeys or the bats. Pre-eminently carnivorous in their diet, and destruc- trive in their mode of obtaining food, their bodily form is more exquisitely adapted to carry out the instincts which are implanted in their nature. All the members of the Cat tribe are light, stealthy, and silent of foot, quick of ear and eye, and swift of attack. Most of them are possessed of the power of climbing trees or rocks, but some few species, such as the LION, are devoid of this capability. Of the magnificent and noble creatures called LIONS, several species are reported to exist, although it is thought by many experienced judges that there is really but one species of Lion, which is modified into permanent varieties according to the country in which it lives. The best known of these species or ‘varieties is the SOUTH AFRICAN LION, of whom so many anecdotes have been narrated. The colour of the Lion is a tawny yellow, lighter on the under parts of the body, and darker above. The ears are blackish, and the tip of the tail is decorated with a tuft of black hair. This tuft serves to distinguish the Lion from any other member of the Cat tribe. The male Lion, when fully grown, is furnished with a thick and shaggy mane of very long hair, which falls from the neck, shoulders, and part of the throat and chin, varying in tint according 40 THE LION. to the age of the animal, and possibly according to the locality which it inhabits. The Lioness possesses no mane, and even in the male Lion it is not properly developed until the animal has completed his third year. When fully grown, the male Lion measures some four feet in height at the shoulder, and about eleven feet in total length. The Lioness is a smaller animal than her mate, and the difference of size appears to be much greater than really is the case, because she is devoid of the thick mane which gives such grandeur and dignity to her spouse. In the attack of large animals, the Lion seldom attempts an unaided assault, but joins in the pursuit of several companions. Thus it is that the stately giraffe is slain by the Lion, five of which have been seen engaged in the chase of one giraffe, two actually pulling down their prey, while the other three were waiting close at hand. ‘he Lions were driven off, and the neck of the giraffe was found to be bitten through by the cruel teeth of the assailants. Owing to the uniform tawny colour of thé Lion’s coat, he is hardly distin- guishable from surrounding objects even in broad daylight, and by night 1 « = Se THE LION.—(Leo barbarus.) walks secure. Even the practised eyes of an accomplished hunter have been unable to detect the bodies of Lions which were lapping water at some twenty yards’ distance, betraying their vicinity by the sound, but so blended in form with the landscape, that they afforded no mark for the rifle even at that short distance. Upon the African continent the Lion reigns supreme, sole monarch over the feline race. But in Asia his claims to undivided royalty are disputed by the TIGER, an animal which equals the Lion in size, strength, and activity, and certainly excels him in the elegance of its form, the grace of its move- ments, and the beauty of its fur. The range of the Tiger is not so widely THE TIGER. 41 spread as that of the Lion, for it is never found in any portions of the New World, nor in Africa, and, except in certain districts, is but rarely seen even in the countries where it takes up its residence. Some portions of country there are, which are absolutely infested by this fierce animal, whose very appearance is sufficient to throw the natives into a state of abject terror. In its colour the Tiger presents a most beautiful arrangement of markings and contrast of tints. On a bright tawny yellow ground, sundry dark stripes are placed, arranged, as may be seen by the engraving, nearly at right angles with the body or limbs. Some of these stripes are double, but the greater number are single dark streaks. The under parts of the body, the chest, throat, and the long hair which tufts each side of the face, are almost white, and upon these parts the stripes become very obscure, fading gradually into the light tint of the fur. The tail is of a whiter hue than the upper portions of the body, and is decorated in like manner with dark rings. : So brilliantly adorned an animal would appear to be very conspicuous «mong even the trees and bushes, and to thrust itself boldly upon the view. But THE TIGER. —(7igris regalis.) there is no animal that can hide itself more thoroughly than the Tiger, or which can walk through the underwood with less betrayal of its presence. The vertical stripes of the body harmonize so well with the dry, dusky jungle grass among which this creature loves to dwell, that the grass and fur are hardly distinguishable from each other except by a quick and experienced eye. A Tiger may thus lie concealed so cleverly, that even when crouching among low and scanty vegetation it may be almost trodden on without being seen. . The Tiger is very clever in selecting spots from whence it can watch the approach of its intended prey, itself being crouched under the shade of foliage or behind the screen of some friendly rock. It is fond of lying in wait by the side of moderately frequented roads, more particularly choosing those 42 THE LEOPARD. spots where the shade is the deepest, and where water may be found at hand wherewith to quench the thirst that 1t always feels when consuming its prey. From such a point of vantage it will leap with terrible effect, seldom making above a single spring, and, as a rule, always being felt before it is seen or heard. It is a curious fact that the Tiger generally takes up his post on the side of the road which is opposite his lair, so that he has no need to turn and drag his prey across the road, but proceeds forward with his acquisition to his den. Should the Tiger miss his Jeap, he generally seems bewildered and ashamed of himself, and instead of returning to the spot to make a second attempt, sneaks-off discomfited from the scene of his humiliation. The spots where there is most danger of meeting a Tiger, are the crossings of nullahs, or the deep ravines through which the watercourses run. In these localities the Tiger is sure to find his two essentials, cover and water. So apathetic are the natives, and so audacious are tne Tigers, that at some of these crossings aman or a bullock may be carried sff daily, and yet no steps will be taken to avert the danger, with the excepti 1 of a few amulets suspended about the person. Sometimes the Tigers seem to take a panic, and make a general emigration, leaving, without any apparent reason, the spots which they had Jong infested, and making a sudden appearance in some locality where they had but seldom before been seen. Many modes are adopted of killing so fearful a pest as the Tiger, and some of these plans are very ingenious—such as the spring-bow, which is discharged by the movements of the animal itself; the pitfall, f-om which it cannot escape ; the leaves smeared with bird lime, by which the Tiger blinds itself, and so falls an easy prey ; the fall-trap, and many others. Among Europeans, however, the Tiger is hunted in due form, the sportsmen being mounted on elephants, and furnished with a perfect battery of loaded rifles. The shell bullet, which explodes as it enters the body, has come much into vogue. The Tiger is a capital swimmer, and will take to the water with perfect readiness, either in search of prey, or to escape the pursuit of enemies. It swims rather high in the water, and therefore affords a - »d mark to those who are quick of aim. The natatory abilities are by no means small, and while swimming it can strike out with its paws most effectively, inflict- ing deep wounds wherever its outspread talons made good their aim. So cunning is the animal, that if there should be no cause for hurry, it will halt on the river’s brink, and deliberately put its paw into the water, so as to ascer- tain the force of the stream. This point being made clear, it proceeds either up or down the river, as may best suit its purpose, and so makes allowance for the river stream or the ocean tide. UNLIKE the Tiger, which is confined to the Asiatic portion of the world, the LEOPARD is found in Africa as well asin Asia, and is represented in America by the Jaguar, or, perhaps more rightly, by the Puma. This animal is one of the most graceful of the graceful tribe of Cats, and, although far less in dimensions than the tiger, challenges competition with that animal in the beautiful markings of its fur and the easy elegance of its movements. It is possessed of an accomplishment which is not within the powers of the lion or tiger, being able to climb trees with singular ability, and even to chase the tree-loving animals among their familiar haunts. On account of this power, it is called by the natives of India “ Lakree-baug,” or Tree-tiger. Even in Africa it is occasionally called a “ Tiger,” a confusion of nomenclature which is quite bewildering to a non-zoologist, who may read in one book that there are no tigers in Africa, and in another may peruse a narrative of a tiger-hunt at the Cape. Similar mistakes are made with regard to the American Felidae, not to mention the numerous examples of miscalled THE LEOPARD—THE OUNCE. 43 animals that are insulted by false titles in almost every part of the globe. For in America the Puma is popularly known by the name of the Lion, or the Panther, or “ Painter” as the American forester prefers to call it, while the Jaguar is termed the “ Tiger.” In Africa the Leopard is well known and much dreaded, for it possesses a most crafty brain, as well as an agile body and sharp teeth andclaws. It commits sad depredations on flocks and herds, and has suf- ficient foresight to lay up a little stock of provisions for a future day. When attacked, it will gene- rally endeavour to slink away, , and to escape the observation of its pursuers; but if it is wounded, and finds no means LEOPARN.—(Leopardus varius.) of eluding its foes, it becomes furious, and charges at them with such determinate rage, that, unless it falls a victim to a well-aimed shot, it may do fearful damage before it yields up its life. In consequence of the ferocity and courage of the Leopard, the native African races make much of those warriors who have been fortunate enough to kill one of these beasts. In its own country the Leopard is as crafty an animal as our British fox; and, being aided by its active limbs and stealthy tread, gains quiet admission into many spots where no less cautious a creature could plant a step without giving the alarm. It is an inveterate chicken-stealer, creeping by night into the hen-roosts, in spite of the watchful dogs that are at their posts as senti- nels, and destroyingin one fell swoop the entire stock of poul- try that happen to be collected under that roof. Even should they roost out of doors they are no less in danger, for the Leopard can clamber a pole or tree with marvellous rapidity, and with his ready paw strike down the poor bird before it is fairly awakened. There are two titles for this animal, namely the Leopard and Panther, both of which creatures are now acknow- ledged to be but slight varie- : ties of the same species. The ee OUNCE, however, which was a a once thought to be but a OUNCE. —(Leopardus uncia.) longer-haired variety of the Leopard, is now known to be truly a separate species. In general appearance it bears a very close resemblance to the leopard, but may be distinguished from that animal by the greater fulness and rough- 4 THE ¥AGUAR. ness of its fur, as well as by some variations in the markings with which it is decorated. The spots exhibit a certain tendency to form stripes, and the tail is exceedingly bushy when compared with that of a leopard of equal size. The general colour of the body is rather paler than that of the leopard, being a JAGUAR.-~(Leopardus Onca.) greyish white in which a slight yellow tinge is perceptible. The Ounce is an inhabitant of some parts of Asia, and specimens of this fine animal have been brought from the shores of the Persian Gulf. In size, it equals the ordinary leopard of Asia or Africa. PASSING to the New World, we find the feline races well represented by THE PUMA. 45 several most beautiful and graceful creatures, of which the JAGUAR is the largest and most magnificent example. Closeiy resembling the leopard in external appearance, and in its arboreal habits, it seems to play the same part in America as the leopard in the trans- atlantic continents. It is a larger animal than the leopard, and may be dis- tinguished from that animal by several characteristic differences. In the first place, across the breast of the Jaguar are drawn two or three bold black streaks, which are never seen in the leopard, and which alone serve as an easy guide to the species. But the chief point of distinction is found in a small mark that exists in the centre of the dark spots which cover the body and sides. In many instances this central mark is double, and, in order to give room for it, the rosettes are very large in proportion to those of the leopard. Along the spine runs a line, or chain, of black spots and dashes, extending from the back of the head to the first foot, or eighteen inches of the tail. In its native land the Jaguar ranges the dense and perfumed forests in search of the various creatures which fall victims. to its powerful claws. The list of animals that compose its bill of fare isa large and comprehensive one, includ- ing horses, deer, monkeys, capybaras, tapirs, birds of various kinds, turtles, lizards, and fish ; thus comprising examples of all the four orders of verte- brated animals. Nor does the Jaguar confine himself to the vertebrates. Various shell-fish, insects, and other creatures fall victims to the insatiate appetite of this ravenous animal. FEW animals have been known by such a variety of names as the PUMA of America. Travellers have indifferently entitled it the American Lion, the Pan- ther, the Couguar, the Car- cajou (which is an entirely different animal), the Gou- azoura, the Cuguacurana, and, many other names. Itis rather a large animal, but, on account of its ‘small head, appears to be a less powerful creature than real- ly is the case. The total length of the Pum iis about six feet and a half, of which thetail occupies rathermore than two feet. The tip of the tail is black, but is des- titute of the long tuft of black hair which is so cha- racteristic of the lion. The colour of the Puma is a uniform light tawny tint, deeper in some indi- viduals than in others, and fading into a greyish. white on the under parts. It is remarkable that the young Puma displays a gradual change in its fur, nearly in the same way as has been narrated of the lion cub. While the Puma cubs are yet in their first infancy, their coat is marked with several rows of dark streaks extending along the back and sides, and also bears upon the neck, sides, and shoulders many dark spots resembling those of the ordi- nary leopard. But, as the animal increases in size, the spots fade away, and, when it has attained its perfect development, are altogether lost in the uniform tawny hye of the fur, : 46 ZHE TIGER CATS. The flesh of this animal is said, by those who have made trial of it, to bea pleasant addition to the diet scale, being white, tender, and of good flavour. When taken young, the Puma is peculiarly susceptible of domestication, and has been known to follow its master just like a dog. The hunters of the Pampas are expert Puma slayers, and achieve their end either by catching the bewildered animal with a lasso, and then galloping off with the poor creature hanging at the end of the leather cord, or by flinging the celebrated dolas—metal balls or stones fastened to a rope—at the Puma, and laying it senseless on the ground with a blow from the heavy weapon. Many of the members of the large genus Leopardus are classed together under the title of OCELOTS, or, more popularly of TIGER CaTs. They are all most beautiful animals, their fur being diversified with brilliant contrasts of a dark spot, streak, or dash upon a lighter ground, and their actions filled with easy grace and elegance. The common OCELOT is a native of the tropical regions of America, where it is found in some profusion. In length it rather exceeds four feet, of which the tail occupies a considerable portion. Its height averages eighteen inches. The ground colour of the fur is a very light greyish fawn, on which are drawn partially broken bands of a very deep fawn colour, edged with black, running along the line of the body. The band that extends along the spine is unbroken. On the head, neck, and the inside of the limbs, the bands are broken up into spots and dashes, which are entirely black, the fawn tint in their centre being totally merged in the deeper hue; the ears are black, with the ex- ception of a conspicuous white spot upon the back and near the base of each ear. Owing to the beauty of OCELOT. the fur, the Ocelot skin is in great request for home use and exporta- tion, and is extensively employed in the manufacture of various fancy articles of dress or luxury. ee Inits habits the Ocelot is quick, active, and powerful, proving itself at all points a true leopard, although but in miniature. ; ; The eye of the Ocelot is a pale yellowish brown, and tolerably full, with the linear pupil smaller than is found in the ordinary Felide. ; There are several species of these pretty and agile animals, among which the most conspicuous are the Common, the Grey, and Painted Ocelots, and the Margay, or Marjay,,as it is sometimes called, The habits of these ani- mals are very similar. . Although so gentle in its demeanour when domesticated as to have earned for itself the name of “ AZétis,” or “ placid,” the Chati is, when wild, a suffi- ciently destructive animal. Itis not quite so large as the ocelots, with which creatures it is a compatriot. : The colour of the Chati resembles that of the leopard, only is paler in general hue. The dark patches that diversify the body are very irregular— those which run along the back are solid, and of a deep black, while those which are placed along the sides have generally a deep fawn-coloured centre, Towards the extremity of the tail, the spots change into partial rings, which nearly, but not quite, surround the tail, All specimens, however, are not THE CHATI. 47 precisely alike, either in the colour or the arrangement of the markings, but those leading characteristics which have just been mentioned may be found in almost every individual. : ; When at large in its native woods, it wages incessant and destructive war- fare against small quadrupeds and birds, the latter creatures being its favourite prey. The Chati is a vexatious and expensive neighbour to any one who may keep fowls, for it seems to like nothing so well as a plump fowl, and is unceasing in its visits to the henroost. It is so active and lithe an animal that it can climb over any palisade, and msinuate itself through a surprisingly small aperture ; and it is so wary and cautious in its nocturnal raids, that it generally gives no other indication of its movements than that which is left next morning by the vacant perches, and a few scattered feathers flecked with blood-spots. ' ; : During the day it keeps itself closely hidden in the dark shades of the forest, sleeping away its time until the sun has set, and darkness reigns over its world. It then awakes from its slumber, and issues forth upon its de- structive quest. On moonlight nights, however, it either stays at home, or THE CHATI.—(Leopardus mitis.) confines its depredations to the limits of its native woods, never venturing near the habitations of man. Stormy and windy nights are the best adapted for its purpose, as it is sheltered from sight by the darkness, and from hearin by the rushing wind, which drowns the slight sounds of its stealthy footsteps. On such nights it behoves the farmer to .cep a two-fold watch, and see weil to his doors and windows, or he may chance to find an empty henroost in the morning. In two years, no less than eighteen of these animals were caught by a land- owner within a space of five miles round his farm, so that their numbers must be truly great. They do not congregate together, but live in pairs, each pair seeming to appropriate its own hunting-ground. In captivity it is a singularly gentle, and even affectionate, animal, possessed of most engaging habits, and full of pretty graceful tricks. One of these creatures, which was captured by the above-mentioned landowner, became 48 THE DOMESTIC CAT. so entirely domesticated that it was permitted to range at liberty. But, although so gentle and tractable towards its owner that it would sleep on the skirts of its master’s gown, its poultry-loving habits were too deeply implanted to be thoroughly eradicated, and it was quietly destructive among his neigh- bours’ fowls. This propensity cost the creature its life, for the irritated farmers caught it in the very deed of robbing their henroosts, and killed it on the spot. The native name for the Chati is Chibiguazu. It was found by experiment- ing on the captured Chatis, that the flesh of cats and of various reptiles was harmful to their constitution. Cat’s-flesh gave them a kind of mange, which soon killed them, while that of snakes, vipers, and toads caused a continual and violent vomiting, under which they lost flesh and died. Fowls however, and most birds, were ravenously devoured, being caught by the head, and killed by a bite and a shake. The Chatis always stripped the feathers from the birds before beginning to eat them. FEw of the Felidz are so widely spread or so generally known as the WILD Cat. It is found not only in this country, but over nearly the whole of Europe, and has been seen in Northern Asia and Nepaul. THE CAT.—(Felis domestica.) Whether the Wild Cat be the original progenitor of our domestic cat 1s still a mooted point, and likely to remain so, for there is no small difficulty in bringing proofs to bear on such a subject. There are several points of dis- tinction between the wild and the domestic cat; one of the most decided differences being found in the shape and comparative length of their tails. As may be seen from the accompanying figure, the tails of the two animals are easily distinguished from each other. The upper figure represents the tail of the domestic cat, which is long, slender, and tapering, while the lower represents the tail of the Wild Cat, which is much shorter and more bushy. In the eyes of any one who has really examined CATS’ TAILS. and can support the character of the Domestic Cat, she must appear to be a sadly calumniated creature. She is generally contrasted with the dog, much to her disfavour. His docility, affectionate disposition, and forgiveness of injuries ; his trustworthy THE CANADA LYNX. 49 character, and his wonderful intellectual powers, are spoken of, as truly they deserve, with great enthusiasm and respect. Rat these amiable traits of character are brought into violent contrast with sundry ill-conditioned qualities which are attributed to the Cat, and wrongly so. The Cat 1s hell up to reprobation as a selfish animal, seeking her own comfort and dis- regardful of others ; attached only to localities, and bearing no real affection for her owners. She is said to be sly and treacherous, hiding her talons in her velvety paws as long as she is in a good temper, but ready to use them upon her best friends if she is crossed in her humours. Whatever may have been the experience of those who gave so slanderous a character to the Cat, my own rather wide acquaintance with this animal has led me to very different conclusions. ‘The Cats with which I have been most familiar have been as docile, tractable, and good-tempered as any dog could be, and displayed an amount of intellectual power which would be equalled by very few dogs, and surpassed by none. RETURNING once more to the savage tribe of animals, we come to a small, but clearly-marked group of Cats, which are distinguishable from their f-line relations by the sharply-pointed erect ears, decorated with a tuft of hair of varying dirnensions. These animals are popularly known by the title of LynxeEs. In all the species the tail is rather short, and in some, such as the Peeshoo, or Canada Lynx, it is extremely abbreviated. By name, if not by sight, the common LyNxX of Europe is familiar to us, and is known as the type of a quick-sighted animal. The eyes of the Lynx and the ears of the “ Blind Mole” are generally placed on a par with each other, as examples of especial acuteness of either sense. The European Lynx is spread over a great portion of the Continent, being found in a range of country which extends from the Pyrenees to Scandinavia. It is also found in the more northern forests of Asia. The usual colour of the Lynx is a rather dark grey, washed with red, on which are placed sundry dark patches, large and few upon the body, and many and small on the limbs. On the body the spots assume an oblong or oval shape, but upon the limbs they are nearly circular. The tail of the Lynx is short, being at the most only seven or eight inches in length, and sometimes extending only six inches. The length of the body and head is about three feet. The fur of the Lynx is valuable for the purposes to which the feline skin is usually destined, and commands a fair price in the market. Those who hunt the Lynx for the purpose of obtaining its fur, choose the winter months for the time of their opera- tions, as during the cold season the Lynx possesses a richer and a warm- er fur than is found upon it during the warm summer months. The New World possesses its ex- amples of the Lyncine group as well as the Old World, and even in the (ale S cold regions of North America are- canapa tynx.—(Lyncus Canadensis.) presentative of these animals may be found. This is the CANADA LyNx, commonly termed the “Peeshoo” by the French colonists, or even dignified with the title of Ze Chaz. The hair of this animal is longer than that of its southern relatives, ana 15 generally of a dark grey, flecked or besprinkled with black. & to THE CHETAH, The limbs of this Lynx are very powerful, and the thick heavily made feet are furnished with strong white claws that are not seen unless the fur be put aside. It is not a dangerous animal, and, as far as is known, feeds on the. smaller quadrupeds, the American hare being its favourite article of diet. _ While running at speed it presents a singular appearance, owing to its peculiar mode of leaping in successive bounds, with its back slightly arched, and all the feet coming to the ground nearly at the same time. It is a good swimmer, being able to cross the water for a distance of two miles or more. Powerful though it be, it is easily killed by a blow on the back, a slight stick being a sufficient weapon wherewith to destroy the animal. The flesh of the Peeshoo is eaten by the natives, and is said, though devoid of flavour, to be agreeably tender. The range of this animal is rather extensive, and, in the wide district where it takes up its residence, is found in sufficient plenty to render its fur an important article of commerce. The length of this animal slightly exceeds three feet. Botte tena : The CHETAH, YOUZE, or HUNTING CAT, as it is indifferently named, is, like the leopard, an inhabit- ant of Asiaand Africa. It is rather a large animal, ex- ceeding an ordinary leopard in stature. The title “jubata,” or crested, is given to the Chetah on account of a short, mane-like crest of stiff long hairs which passes from the back of the head to the shoulders. The Chetah is one of those animals which gain their living by mingled craft and agility. Its. chief food is obtained from the various 2 deer and antelopes which CHETAH.—(Gueparda jubata.) inhabit the same country, and in seizing and slaying its prey no little art is required. The speed of this animal is not very great, and it has but little endurance ; so that an antelope or a stag could set the spotted foe at defiance, and in a quarter of an hour place themselves beyond his reach. But itis the business of the Chetah to hinder the active and swift- footed deer from obtaining those invaluable fifteen minutes, and to strike them down before they are aware of his presence. In order to obtain this end, the Chetah watches for a herd of deer or antelopes, or is content to address himself to the pursuit of a solitary indi- vidual, or a little band of two or three, should they be placed in a position favourable for his purpose. Crouching upon the ground so as to conceal himself as much as possible from the watchful eves of the intended prey, the Chetah steals rapidly and silently upon them, never venturing to show him- self until he is within reach of a single spring. Having singled out one individual from the herd, the Chetah leaps upon the devoted animal and dashes it to the ground. Fastening his strong grip in the throat of the dying animal, the Chetah laps the hot blood, and for the time seems forgetful of time or place. Of these curious habits the restless and all-adapting mind of man has taken advantage, and has diverted to his own service the wild destructive INTERVIEW WITH TWO CHETAHS. 51 properties of the Chetah. In fact, man has established a kind of quadru- pedal falconry, the Chetah taking the place of the hawk, and the chase being one of earth and not of air. The Asiatics have brought this curious chase to great perfection, and are able to train Chetahs for this purpose in a wonderfully perfect manner. When a Chetah is taken out for the purpose of hunting game, he is hooded and placed in a light native car, in company with his keepers. When they . perceive a herd of deer, or other desirable game, the keepers turn the Chetah’s head in the proper direction, and remove the hood from his eyes. The sharp-sighted animal generally perceives the prey at once, but if he fails so to do, the keepers assist him by quiet gestures, No sooner does the Chetah fairly perceive the deer than his bands are loosened, and he gently slips from the car. Employing all his innate artifices, he approaches the game, and with one powerful leap flings himself upon the animal which he has selected. The keepers now hurry up, and take his attention from the slaughtered animal by offering him a ladleful of its blood, or by placing before him some food of which he is especially fond, such as the head and neck of a fowl. The hood is then slipped over his head, and the blinded animal is conducted patient and unresisting to the car, where he is secured until another victim may be discovered. The natural disposition of this pretty creature seems to be gentle and placid, and it is peculiarly susceptible of domestication. It has been so completely trained as to be permitted to wander where it chooses like a domestic dog or cat, and is quite as familiar as that animal. Even in a state of semi-domestication it is sufficiently gentle. One sleek and well-conditioned specimen with which I made acquaintance behaved ina very friendly manner, permitting me to pat its soft sides, or stroke its face, and uttering short self- sufficient sounds, like the magnified purr of a gratified cat. Unfortunately, the acquaintance was rudely broken up by an ill-conditioned Frenchman, who came to the front of the cage, and with his stick dealt the poor animal a severe thrust in the side. The Chetah instantly lost its confident expression, and was so irritated by this rough treatment that it would not permit a repe- tition of the former caresses. Some time ago, while engaged in examining the larger Felide, I wished to investigate the structure of the Chetah’s foot, some persons having said that its claws were retractile like those of the cat, while others stated that they were constructed like those of the dog. So I went into the Chetahs’ cage at the Zoological Gardens, and rather to the surprise of the animals. Thinking that the Cat tribe were tolerably alike in disposition, and supposing that if I went up to either of them they would be alarmed, I sat down with my back against the wall, and quietly waited, taking no notice whatever of the Chetahs. In a short time the curiosity of the cat-nature overcame distrust, the two Chetahs came closer and closer, until at last the male, who was larger and stronger than his mate, began to sniff at my hand with outstretched neck, Finding that no harm ensued, he came a little closer, and I began to stroke his nose lightly. This he rather liked, and before long I was able to stroke his head, chin, neck, and back, the animal being as pleased as a-cat would have been. Presently he came and.gat down by me, and I then got from his neck to his legs, just as Rarey used to “ gentle” a horse. , The next move was to lift up his foot and put it down again, and then, taking hold lightly of his wrist, to press the fore-finger on the base of the claws so as to press them from their sockets. This rather startled him, and with a sharp hissing sound he struck smartly forwards, As he struck, I slipped my hand up his leg, so that the blow was ineffectual, and presently Ez 52 THE STRIPED HYANA, made another attempt. He now found out that no harm was intended, and in a very short time I had his paw on my knee, and was allowed to push out the claws as I liked, proving that they were as retractile as those of a cat. The oddest part of the proceeding was, that he appropriated me to himself, and would not allow his mate to come near me, exemplifying the jealousy of all animals when brought into contact with man. The spots which so profusely stud the body and limbs are nearly round in their form and black in their tint. Excepting upon the face there seem to be no stripes like those of the tiger, but upon each side of the face there is a bold black streak which runs from the eye to the corner of the mouth. The hair about the throat, chest, and flanks is rather long, and gives a very determinate look to the animal. The Chetah is known as an inhabitant of many parts of Asia, including India, Sumatra, and Persia, while in Africa it is found in Senegal and at the Cape of Good Hope. HYANAS. The group of animals which are so well known by the title of HY NAS, are, although most repulsive to the view, and most disgusting in their habits, the very saviours of life and health in the countries where they live, and where there is necessity for their existence. In this land, and at the present day, there is no need of such large animals as the Hyzenas to perform their necessary and useful task of clearing the earth from the decaying carcases which cumber its surface and poison its air, for in our utilitarian age even the very hairs from a cow’s hide are turned to account, and the driest bones are made to subserve, many uses. In those countries, as well as in our own, there are carnivorous and flesh- burying insects, which consume the smaller animal substances; but the rough work is left to those industrious scavengers the Hyzenas, which con- tent themselves with the remains of large animals. In the semi-civilized countries of Africa and Asia, the Hyzna is a public benefactor, swallowing with his accommodating appetite almost every species of animal substance that can be found, and even crushing to splinters between his iron jaws the bones which would resist the attacks of all other carnivorous animals. Useful as is the Hyzena when it remains within its proper boundaries, and restricts itself to its proper food, it becomes a terrible pest when too numerous to find sufficient nourishment in dead carrion. Incited by hunger, it hangs on the skirts of villages and encampments, and loses few opportunities of making a meal at the expense of the inhabitants. It does not openly oppose even a domestic ox, but endeavours to startle its intended prey, and cause it to take to flight before it will venture upon an attack. In order to alarm the cattle it has a curious habit of creeping as closely as possible to them, and then springing up suddenly just under their eyes. Should the startled animals turn to flee, the Hyzna will attack and destroy them ; but, if they should turn to bay, will stand still and venture no farther. It will not even attack a knee-haltered horse. So it often happens that the Hyzena destroys the healthy cattle which can run away, and is afraid to touch the sickly and maimed beasts which cannot flee, and are forced to stand at bay. The STRIPED HyYNA is easily to be distinguished from its relations by the peculiar streaks from which it derives its name. The general colour of the fur is a greyish brown, diversified with blackish stripes, which run along the ribs and upon the limbs. A large singular black patch extends over the front of the throat, and single black hairs are profusely scattered among the “gs THE CIVET. 53 fur. When young, the stripes are more apparent than in the adult age, and the little animal has something of a tigrine aspect about its face. In proportion to its size, the Hyzena possesses teeth and jaws of extraordi- nary strength, and between their tre- mendous fangs the thigh-bones of an ox fly in splinters with a savage crash that makes the spectator shudder. The muzzle is but short, and the rough thorn-studded tongue is used, like that of the feline groups, for rasp- ing every vestige of flesh from the bones of the prey. The SPOTTED HyNa, or TIGER WOLF, as it is generally called, is, for a Hyeena, a fierce and dangerous ani- mal, invading the sheepfolds and cattle- pens under the cover of darkness, and doing in one night more mischief than can be remedied in the course of years. The spots, or rather the blotches with which its fur is marked, are rather scanty upon the back and sides, but upon the legs are much more clearly marked, and are set closer together. The paws are nearly black. The Tiger Wolf is celebrated for the strange unearthly sounds which it utters when under the influence of strong excitement. The animal is otten called the “ Laughing Hyzna” on account of the maniacal, mirthless, hy- sterical laugh which it pours forth, accompanying these horrid sounds with the most absurd gestures of body and limbs. During the time that the creature is engaged in uttering these wild fearful peals of laughter, it dances about in a state of ludicrously frantic excitement, running backwards and forwards, rising on its hind legs, and rapidly gyrating on those members, nodding its head repeatedly to the ground ; and, in fine, performing the most singular antics with wonderful rapidity. STRIPED OR CRESTED HY/ENA. (Hyena striata.) CIVETS. The CIVET, sometimes, but wrongly, called the Civet Cat, is a native of Northern Africa, and is found plentifully in Abyssinia, where it is eagerly sought on account of the peculiarly scented substance which is secreted in certain glandular pouches. This Civet perfume was formerly consi- dered as a most valuable medicine, and could only be obtained at a very high price ; but in the present day it has nearly gone out of fashion as a drug, and holds its place in com- merce more as a simple perfume than as a costly panacea. The substance which is so prized : : on account of its odoriferous quali- civET.—(Viverra Civetia.) ties is secreted in a double pouch, which exists under the abdomen, close to the insertion of the tail. As this curious production is of some value in commerce, the animal which furnishes the precious secretion is too valuable to be killed for the sake of its scent- 64 THE GENETTS. pouch, and is kept in a state of captivity, so as to afford a continual supply of the odoriferous material. The claws of the Civet are only partially retractile. The eyes are of a dull brown, very protuberant, and with a curiously changeable pupil, which by day exhibits a rather broad linear pupil, and glows at night with a brilliant emerald refulgence. The body is curiously shaped, being considerably flat- tened on the sides, as if the animal had been pressed between two boards. Altogether, the Civet is a very handsome animal, the bold dashing of black and white upon its fur having a very rich effect. The face has a curious appearance, owing to the white fur which fringes the lips, and the long pure white whisker hairs of the lips and eyes. When young it is almost wholly black, with the exception of the white whisker hairs and the white. fur of the lips. GENETTS. A small, but rather important, group of the Viverrine animals, is that the members of which are known by the name of the GENLTTS. These crea- Ss Sq y Wi Buus CHED GENETT.—(Genetla Zigrina.) tures are all nocturnal in their habits, as are the civets, and, like those ani- mals, can live on a mixture of animal and vegetable food, or even on vegetable food alone. The Genetts possess the musk-secreting apparatus which much resembles the pouch of the civet, although in size it is not so large, nor daes it secrete so powerfully smelling a substance as that of the civets. The best known of these animals is the COMMON, or BLOTCHED GENETT, an inhabitant of Southern Africa and of various other parts of the wor!d, being found even in the south of France. It is a very beautiful and graceftl animal, and never fails to attract attention from an observer. The generel colour of the fur is grey, with a slight admixture of yellow. Upon this groundwork dark patches are lavishly scattered, and the full, furry ‘tail is ccvered with alternate bands of black and white. The muzzle would be cn- THE ICHNEUMONS. 55 tirely black but for a bold patch of white fur on the upper lip, and a less decidedly white mark by the nose, The feet are supplied with retractile claws, so that the animal can deal a severe blow with its outstretched talons, or climb trees with the same ease and rapidity which is found in the cat tribe. VERY different from the Genetts in its appearance is the CACOMIXLE, although it is closely allied to them. It is remarkable as being a Mexican representative of the Genett group of animals, although it can hardly be considered as a true Genett or a true Moongus. The colour of this animal is a light uniform dun, a dark bar being placed like a collar over the back of the neck. In some specimens this bar is double, and in all it is so narrow that when the animal throws its head backwards the dark line is lost in the lighter fur. Along the back runs ri 2 CACOMIXLE.—(Bassaris Astuta.) a broad, singular, darkish stripe. The tail is ringed something like that of the Ringed Lemur, and is very full. The term Cacomixle is a Mexican word, and the animal is sometimes called by a still stranger name, “ Tepemaxthalon.” The scientific title “ Bassaris ” is from the Greek, and signifies a fox. ICHNEUMONS. The ICHNEUMONS appear to be the very reptiles of the mammalian ani- mals, in form, habits, and action, irresistibly reminding the spectator of the serpent. The sharp and pointed snout, narrow body, short legs, and flexible form, permit them to insinuate themselves into marvellously small crevices and to seek and destroy their prey in localities where it might well deem itself secure. _ The common Ichneumon, or Pharaoh’s Rat, as it is popularly but most improperly termed, is plentifully found in Egypt, where it plays a most useful part in keeping down the numbers of the destructive quadrupeds and dange- 56 THE MOONGUS. rous reptiles. Small and insignificant as this animal appears, it is a most danzerous foe to the huge crocodile, teeding largely upon its eggs. Snakcs, rats, lizards, mice, and various birds fall a prey to this Ichneumon, which will painfully track its prey to its hiding-place, and wait patiently for hours until it makes its appearance, or will quietly creep up to the unsuspecting animal, anu flinging itself boldly upon it destroy it by rapid bites with its long sharp teeth. Taking advantage of these admirable qualities, the ancient Egyptians were wont to tame the Ichneumon, and admit it to the free range of their houses. The colour of this animal is a brown, plentifully grizzled with grey, each hair being ringed alternately with grey and brown. The total length of the aninial is about three feet three inches, the tail measuring about eighteen ICHNEUMON.—( Herfestes Ichneumon.) inches, The scent-gland of the Ichneumon is very large in proportion to the size of its bearer, but the substance which it secretes has not as yet been held of any commercial value. The claws are partially retractile. The word Ichneumon is Greek, and literally signifies “ a tracker.” The Mooncus, sometimes called the INDIAN ICHNEUMON, is, in its Asiatic home, as useful an animal as the Egyptian Ichneumon in Africa. In that country it is an indefatigable destroyer of rats, mice, and the various reptiles, and is on that account highly valued and protected. Being, as are Ichneumons in general, extremely cleanly in manners, and very susceptible of domestication, it is kept tame in many families, and does good service in keeping the houses clear of the various animated pests that render an Indian town a disayreeable and sometimes a dangerous residence. In its customs it very much resembles the cat, and is gifted with all the inquisitive nature of that animal. When first introduced into a new locality it runs about the place, insinuating itself into every hole and corner, and sniffing curiously at every object with which it comes in contact. Even in its aes feck. THE CRYPTOPROCTA. 57 wild state it exhibits the same qualities, and by a careful observer may be seen questing about in search of its food, exploring every little tuft of vegeta- tion that comes in its way, running over every rocky projection, and thrusting its sharp snout into every hollow. Sometimes it buries itself entirely in some little hole, and when it returns to light drags with it a mole, a rat, or some such creature, which had vainly sought security in its narrow domicile. While eating, the Ichneumon is very tetchy in its temper, and will very seldom endure an interruption of any kind. In order to secure perfect quiet while taking its meals, it generally carries the food into the most secluded hiding-place that it can find, and then commences its meal in solitude and darkness. The colour of the Moongus is a grey, liberally flecked with darker hairs, so as to produce a very pleasing mixture of tints. It is not so large an animal as its Egyptian relative.