ype Seay ers Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924090301825 THE PEOPLE'S LIBRARY SELBORNE GILBERT WHITE EDITOR'S NOTE It was in 1771 that Gilbert White pro- jected the book that was to make his own name, and that of the quiet Hampshire village of Selborne, famous for ever. He wrote to Pennant in that year with fond delight of his scheme to produce “a natural history of my native parish, an annus historico- naturalis, comprising a journal for a whole year, and illustrated with large notes and observations."” But it was not until eighteen years had elapsed—in 1789—that the im- mortal Natural History of Selborne was published. Those were quiet, leisurely times, when hurry and hustle were unknown, and the kindly scholar of Selborne made his observa- tions undisturbed by the doings of the great world that lay beyond “ the cool sequestered vale” of his life. A sincere lover of Nature, he was content to watch and admire the doings of the inhabitants of copse and field, making notes diligently of their ways and habits. Truly a charming personality, this Father of Nature Study. It was his great hope that his book “ might induce more able naturalists to write the history of various districts.” That the time would come when every village child would be taught to study and observe as he did was beyond his vision —but such is undoubtedly the outcome of his delightful work. Gilbert White was born at Selborne in 1720; at nineteen he went to Oxford, where he remained until 1752. He returned to his native village in 1755, and died there in 1793. = aN g Va WS tr YE ve : : Su. N