oA, Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http:/Awww.archive.org/details/cu31924090314984 R.W.Shufeldt, pinx. Ackermann & Co: LithS Boston. ANATOMY OF PIGEON. = ee ee Coue's Key N.ABirds. kK, ¥ | NortH American Birps. CONTAINING A CONCISE ACCOUNT OF EVERY SPECIES OF LIVING AND FOSSIL BIRD AT PRESENT KNOWN FROM THE CONTINENT NORTH OF THE MEXICAN AND UNITED STATES BOUNDARY, INCLUSIVE OF GREENLAND AND LOWER CALIFORNIA, WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED GENERAL ORNITHOLOGY: AN OUTLINE OF THE STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS; AND FIELD ORNITHOLOGY, A MANUAL OF COLLECTING, PREPARING, AND PRESERVING BIRDS. Che Fourth Lvrition, ‘EXHIBITING THE NEW NOMENCLATURE OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION, AND INCLUDING DESCRIPTIONS OF ADDITIONAL SPECIES, ETC. By ELLIOTT COUES, A.M., M.D., PH.D., Late Captain and Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army and Secretary U. S. Geological Survey ; Vice-President of the American Ornithologists’ Union, and Chairman of the Committee on the Classi ‘ion and N. 1 of North A i Birds; Foreign Member of the British Ornithologists’ Union ; Corresponding Member of the Zodlogical Seciety of London ; Member of the National Academy of Sciences, of the Faculty of the National Medical College, of the Phi ical and Biological ieties of Washing of the General Council of the Theosophical Society of India, etc. \ PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. BOSTON: ESTES AND LAURIAT, 1894. OONITH Qe GST C2eS (B04 a Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by F. W. PuTNAM AND ELLIotr COUEs, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by F. W. PuTNAM AND ELLIOTT COUEs, fo In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Copyright, 1882, 1884, and 1887, By Estes AND LAURIAT. UNIVERSITY PRESS: Joun Witson AnD Son, CAMBRIDGE. Go SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, NESTOR OF AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS, Chis Mork, BEARING TO OTHERS THE. TORCH RECEIVED FROM HIM IN EARLIER DAYS, is Devdtcated, CONTENTS. —@——_ PAGE PTOURE cs saa Se SS aS es, acs: eae Bs Vee Gen a a eels Sy et Mase ae “ore, Be 1 DEDICATION ie) Tar Mah 26) Bk. ae ee) GS. a GP Si ah a ee el ee. Se CONTENTS IS ee Ge. ee RE ees Sn el eo Ge eee a i ae a eee v Histontcan PREFACE. se 1 ee ee ee ee te et we ee ee ew) Kt ! PART I. FIELD ORNITHOLOGY. § 1. Implements for collecting, and theirpse . . . . - 1 ee ee ee ee 1 § 2 Dogs . . Baad Se is lak Ag mr der cween ia! gta. leh BP Ee <9 9 § 3. Various suggestions and alottins for fidldework Be WEE ee eo Heke a OG § 4. Hygiene of collectorship. . - 2 ee ee eee ee ee ee ee OD § 5. Registration and labelling . . . SB iae ae! a. - 21 § 6. Instruments, materials, and fixtures fot j preparing : etelains Ry Toate es ar Riowoen see “OB §7. Howtomakeabirdskin. © 2. 1 1 ee ee ee eee ee ee 8 § 8. Miscellaneous particulars a GRO Be ah ae Se ae ed Bs al 45 § 9. Collection of nests andeggs . - - 6 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee BO §10. Care ofacollection . 6 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee BM PART II. GENERAL ORNITHOLOGY. § 1. Definition of birds . . . . fo ee See ee GS ee a. DD) § 2. Principles and practice of toustiicattats i ree teh ae ee en Ry Gor are aes OD §:3. Definitions and descriptions of the exterior parts of binds Sie ele, GaP ial copia) 4, es", BQ) a. Ofthe feathers, or plumage . - - - + ee ee ee we ew ew ee 8B &. The topography of birds . © 6 6 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee OT 1. Regions of the body - - - ee 6 ee ee ee ee ee ee OM 9. Of the members ; their parts and nee @