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Y Am e Mali + ae nn ie ei. open Nun mr met satte rl 5 . > .. wore fi M an ok a a Ord м rh у т vi W Pen A | HAIE Я re и к me $ | 1 h bs у AV ALT here LA ne vn Aa: EN ee HR в Y Le CA ES A E CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPH Y FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9 1966 Compiled by FAO, Fishery Resources and Exploitation Division Biological Data Section Editor ERDOGAN F. AKYUZ Assistant Editors HILDE BERNABEI and STANISLAW RUTKOWICZ Published by permission of THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS by TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD., RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C.4, ENGLAND Made and printed in England by WARREN € SON LTD. (a subsidiary company of Taylor & Francis Ltd.) THE WYKEHAM PRESS WINCHESTER CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES World List Abbreviation: Curr. Bibliogr. aquat. Sci. Fish. Contents of Vol. 9, Parts 1 to 7 Explanation of Coverage and Arrangement Editorial Note 2% EN Errata 9-001er to 9-014er Addenda 9-001ad de “Es References 9-01001 to 9-07597: General (Oceanography, Limnology, and Fisheries) Physical Oceanography and Limnology Plankton Benthos Fishing Aquatic Stocks Miscellaneous and Auxiliaries . The Indexes covering References 9-01001 to 9-07597 are bound with Parts 8 to 12 in Section 2. Pages Ex 1 to Ex 2 N1toN2 Er 1 to Er 2 Ad1toAd2 9 (1) : : 67-69 9 (3) : 9 (4): : 249-250 9 (6) : 9 (7) : ENG UNE : 70-78 9 (3) : 9 (4): : 250-256 9 (6): 9 (7) : 9 (1) : : 79-82 9 (3) : : 203-206 : 256-257 9 (6) : 9 (7) : 9 (1) : 9 (2) : 9 (3) : : 206-216 9 (5) : : 339-351 9 (7) : 9 (1) : : 93-97 9 (3) : : 217-226 : 270-271 9 (6) : : 402-403 9 (1) : : 97-115 9 (3) : 9 (4): : 271-287 9 (6): : 404-418 : 49-65 9 (2): 9 (3): 9 (4) : : 287-308 9 (6): 9 (7) : 9 (2) 9 (5) 9 (2) 9 (5) 9 (2) 9 (4) 9 (5) 9 (4) 9 (6) 9 (2) 9 (4) 9 (5) 9 (7) 9 (2) 9 (5) 9 (7) 9 (1) 9 (5) 1-2 131-135 191-196 309-313 371-375 3-7 135-144 196-202 314-334 375-385 8-12 144-149 335-339 385-388 12-26 83-92 149-169 257-269 388-402 27-30 169-172 352-355 30-49 172-188 227-245 355-366 116-130 188-189 245-247 367-370 418-423 IE y O E OR | A « tam Е ¿ EAS À изо © ВУ О АЙ beds day rán 4" 2 agg a мы els г. EA ANT : E | Tid (lm ies s о м у du an IA AI оны Er“ | \ Ge e á re bé u uN a ZEN \ _ т $ ter ae y a an ie A e = ree al = << = — =. A u. à 18 = aie ee ave SY == = + A 7 o р » Y ¡"TOO = y 4 р o y À | # 4 у . | | IL sf © | Cine Didi о ет NOAA В \ | LYS LA] | Е os IS E 4 № CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9. Errata and Addenda to "Explanation of Coverage and Arrangements" QD A AAA > o a CONTENTS Under Section 4, "Annotations and Treatment of Special Cases”, delete e title of sub-section 4.6 and enter the following in its stead : 4.6 References to meeting documents 1. Scope and Coverage of Bibliography Amend the 3rd sentence of the final paragraph on page 3(1):Ex 3 as follows : "Certain DOTIOULCAIM | s sices ceso emos +++ $ these are given in the following list." Delete the last four sentences of the final paragraph on pages 3(1):Ex 3 and Ex 4, starting from "There are Others ..... * Substitute the "List of periodicals the contents of which are entered completely" with the following new list : List of Periodicals the contents of which are entered completely (Tables of contents of these periodicals are reproduced in "Current Contents in Marine Sciences") LIST OF JOURNALS Advances in Marine Biology Annales Biologiques Archiv fúr Fischereiwissenschaft Archivio di Oceanografia e Limnologia Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Beitrage zur Meereskunde Berichteder Deutschen Wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Meeresforschung Biological Bulletin. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Bollettino di Pesca, di Piscicultura e di Idrobiologia Botanica Marina Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection Bulletin of Marine Science Cahiers de Biologie Marine Cahiers ORSTON - Octanographic Deep-Sea Research and Oceanographical Abstracts Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift | Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Helgolander Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen Indian Journal of Fisheries International Hydrographic. Review Investigación Pesquera 9: Ex 1 Journal du Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Exploration de la Mer Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada Journal of Geophysical Research Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Journal of Marine Research Kieler Meeresforschungen Limnology and Oceanography Marine Geology Marine Sciences Instrumentation Meddelelser fra Danmarks Fiskeri - og Havundersogelser Netherlands Journal of Sea Research Oceanography and Meteorology Okeanologiia Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Texas Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan Rapports et Procès-verbaux des Réunions. Commission Internationale pour 1'Exploration Scientifigue do la Mer Méditerrante Revue Algologique Sarsia Sedimentology Tellus Trudy Instituta Okeanologii, Akademiia Nauk, SSSR Trudy Vsesoiuznogo Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo Khoziaistva i Okeanografii Verdffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven Zeitschrift fur Fischerei und deren Hilfswissenschaften 3. References 3.1 Authors Names and abbreviations of Organizations and Projects Insert in alphabetic order the following : AGU American Geophysical Union 4. Annotations and Treatment of Special Cases 4.6 References to films, filmstrips, patents and meeting documents Amend the present title of sub-section 4.6 to read 3 "4.6 References to meeting documents" Under sub-section 4.6 delete paragraphs 4 to 7, starting from "Films are entered ..ooooooooo.. № 9 : Ex 2 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9 - EDITORIAL NOTE The compilers of "Current Bibliography for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries" (CBASF) are making a great effort to bring it up-to-date by the end of 1966. 1% will then be current in the sense that articles will be selected from the periodicals searched regularly, indexed, and printed, within a few months of the periodicals being published, and it will thus be much more useful to the scientific community it aims to serve. To achieve this end the following measures are being taken : The CBASF has until now been type-set so that time-consuming and expensive proof-reading of references and indexes was necessary. Starting with the present volume (Volume 9) the printers are being provided with tape-typewriter generated final copy for direct off-set printing. The previous policy was to include references to all articles dealing with aquatic sciences and fisheries. During recent years, however, there has been a considerable increase in the publication of papers, especially in marine science. Likewise the institutions collaborating in the preparation of the Current Bibliography have increased in number as a result of which the input has reached a peak number of 15,000 references per annum. This number is too high for FAO to process with the limited staff and funds at present available for this project. For the time being, at least, therefore, entries to CBASF must be made selectively, rather than comprehensively. Entries will be restricted according to the following criteria, which will be modified as experience warrants : - Omission of irrelevant articles, hitherto designated by the letter symbol "X", contained in periodicals the contents of which were entered completely in CBASF (listed in Curr.Biblphy aquat.Sci.Fish., 3(1):Ex 4). In view of the fact that a current contents service will be provides for readers by the issue of "Current Contents in Marine Sciences"=/it is not thought that duplication in CBASF was justified. In "Current Contents" will be reproduced the tables of contents of about 50 primary journals which will include almost all the "X" periodicals; — omission of references to ephemeral material and to papers marginal to the aims of CBASF; - reduction in references to legislation to an essential minimum. The complete collection of references to legislation which are prepared by the FAO Legislation Research Branch are, however, retained in the Biological Data Section and are part of the source material consulted to answer enquiries from subscribers on this subject; - references to literature on geological oceanography are effectively disseminated to oceanographers through the media of other specialized abstracting journals, and CBASF coverage does not in any case include y a new periodical to appear in April 1966 in response to a recommendation by the Working Group on Abstracts and Bibliographies in Marine Science established by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research of ICSU. DNA many of the periodicals containing a great number of references to such papers. Thus, since full coverage cannot be given to this subject, entries of such references are being reduced to make space for more relevant material in aquatic sciences and fisheries. | - references to films, filmstrips and patents are completely eliminated from the Bibliography starting with the present volume. However, references to films of general fisheries interest are brought together in the List of Films and Filmstrips issued and distributed each year by FAO Department of Fisheries, Fishery Intelligence and Reports Office. Subscribers interested in receiving this list should write to that Office. In addition to the above criteria it is planned for future volumes (probably from Volume 11 on) drastically to reduce the scale of annotation. The details of this change will be announced later, but it is expected to be achieved in such a way that the quality of indexes will not be impaired (indexes are at present made on the basis of information in titles plus annotations) and that the reader will still be given some guidance, beyond the information in the title alone, as to his possible interest in a parti- cular paper. Production of CBASF will continue to be computer-oriented in principle. It is hoped that eventually the compilers will again have access to an appropriate computer facility when the information now being stored on paper tape could readily be retrieved, and the extra services formerly provided by ASIRC re-instated. The compilers believe that they have anticipated correctly the need for a current service to the scientific community, and hope that the measures taken to achieve the desired speed in production will not prove inconvenient to subscribers. Observations and suggestions from users — both the working scientists, and librarians and research Directors - are welcomed as a basis for further improvement. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC Author: Reference: Title: Author: 1960 VOLUME 9 — ERRATA 9-001er to 9- 014er Should read Should read fresh fish should SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Saenz, W. & D.L. Dubrow (17):4 p. should read read 1961 trash fish Annotation: En Nikol'skii, G.V., 1944. CR 61-11739. Subject area Subject area Main Kain subject subject subject subject subject subject subject should read relevance: relevance: heading: heading: heading: heading: heading: heading: heading: uF should read FG should read Presently in appear under Presently in appear under Presently in appear under Presently in appear under Presently in appear under Presently in appear under Presently in appear under 9:Er 1 secticn section section section section section secticn section section section section section section section 4 № M M should should should should should should should 9-001er (8-03317) 9-002er (61-11739) 9-003er (8-10016) 9-CO4er (5-04516) 9-CO5er (8-06054) 9=006er (8-03226) 9-007er (8-05292) 9-008er (8-05293) 9-009er (8-05294) 9-010er (8-05296) 9—011ег (8-05315) 9-012er (8-05324) Main subject heading: Main subject heading: Presently in section 5 should appear under section 6 Presently in section 6 should appear under section 5 9:Er 2 9-01 3er (8-05325) 9-014er (8-12361 to 812379) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9 ADDENDA 9-001ad Author: Stangenberg-Oporowska, K. (1961) 9-001ad (8-03138) DAN u Y q N y Р Ñ ul a { м 11 RO Br pa A UL DAS e u wi 4 \ WT AZ » 4 A | y | | y E | Г ve e 4 = ‘ : $ ЭТ А > J 4 | y na | y | à \ i т я J y m1 | о CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 1—REFERENCES 9-01001 to 9-01599 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Travis, W. (1961)BC 9-01001 M London, George Allen € Unwin Ltd., 181 p. Shark for sale : Beliaev, G.M. & 9-01002 M M.E. Vinogradov (1961) Zool.Zh., 40(2):303-8 Zoologicheskie issledovaniia v 31-m reise ekspeditsionnogo sudna VITIAZ (Zoological research during the 31st voyage of the expeditionary vessel VITIAZ) A summary is given of the research carried on during the lst voyage in the Indian Ocean, October 1959-April 1960. BA 37A(6)21318. Beliaev, G.M. & 9-01003 M M.E. Vinogradov (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), №. 190491 Zoological research during the 315% voyage of the expeditionary vessel VITYAZ En 9-01002. BA 37A(6)21318. Azhazha, V.G. (1961) 9-01004 M Priroda, Moskva, 50(7):81-7 (The blue curtain separates: the scientific journeys of the SEVERIANKA). Ru Fishes, food, submarines, naval research laboratories, ocean bottom, marine biology, underwater object locators, sonar equipment. 9 (1) Azhazha, V.G. (1961)BC JPRS: 10547, 17 p. The blue curtain separates: the scientific journeys of the SEVERYANKA 9-01005 M En 9-0100k. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Green, J. (1960) Nature,Lond., 168(4753):810-1 Physiological carcinology 9-01006 M Re 60-3818. India. Ministry of Food & Agriculture (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(2):46 p. Detailed summary of reports on marine and inland fisheries developments, biological, technological and socio-economic studies in progress, technical assistance projects 9-01007 M ANON. (1962) Mach.Design, 34(30):110-2 FLIP - stern standing ship stabilizes deep-sea research instruments 9-01008 M FLIP (Floating laboratory instrument platform), developed at University of California for ocean underwater acoustic measurements, can be towed into place in a horizontal position and then swung into a vertical attitude by flooding. In 30 ft waves motion of vessel should be only 3 ft and side-to-side motion 1 degree. IA 18(3)1829. Hadzi, J. (1963)c 9-01009 MG London, Pergamon Press, 504 р. The evolution of the Metazoa Introduces new interpretation of origin of Metazoa, and of the course of phylogenetic development, larvae of Cnidaria, origin of Turbellaria, classes of Polymeria. Fox, H.M. & G. Vevers 9-01010 MF (1960 )BC New York, The Macmillan Co., 246 p. The nature of animal colours Canada. Fisheries Research 9-01011 MF Board of (1963) Rep.biol.Sta., St.Andrews, 1962/1963 Co 8-02033. Indie. Ministry of Food & 9-01012 MF Agriculture (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(3):43 p. Detailed summary of reports on marine and inland fisheries developments, biological, technological and socio-economic studies in progress, technical assistance projects Includes 9-01295 to 9-01300. Abercrombie, M. € 9-01013 MF J. Brachet (Ed.) (1962)BC New York, Academic Press, 389 p. Advances in morphogenesis Contains 9-01203 and 9-01430. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kerkut, G.A.(Ed.) (1963)c 9-01014 MP London, Pergamon Press, 250 p. Problems in biology - Vol. 1 Volume presents account of invertebrate respiratory pigments and bioelectric potentials. Contains 9-01599 Smyth, H.R. (1962)BC 9-01015 F New York, The Macmillan Co., 292 p. Amphibians and their ways Rhodesia & Nyasaland, 9-01016 F Federation of (1961) Rep.Scy Minist.Agric.Rhod.Nyasal., 1960, 256 p. Contains section on fisheries research in the report of the Henderson Research Station, p. 114-5. Refers to Tilapia. Rhodesia. & Nyasaland, 9-01017 F Federation of (1962) Rep.Scy Minist.Agric.Rhod.Nyasal., 1961, 241 р. Incl. report of Henderson Research Station - under Dept. Research & Specialist Services - which contains section on fisheries; refers to publicity & education, extension, development, publications & meetings, surveys, stocking of bass, culture of carp, trout & tilapia; technology; fish culture & pig rearing; work at Savory dam. Refers to fish- culture also under Dept. Conservation & Extension. Co 9-01016. Cragg, J.B. (Ed.) (1962)8C 9-01018 G London, Academic Press, 203 p. Advances in ecological research. Vol. 1 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Laevastu, T. (1963)A 9-01019 M Rep.Hawaii Inst.Geophys., (29):15 p. Energy exchange in the North Pacific; its relations to weather and its oceanographic consequences. Part 1. Formulas and nomographs for computation of heat exchange components over the sea Ivanoff, A. € 9-01020 M J.-L. Moreuil (1963) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 256(22):4711-2 Au sujet de la répartition des luminances Sous-marines au voisinage immédiat de la direction apparente du soleil (On the distribution of the submarine luminosity in the immediate vicinity of the apparent direction of the sun) Preliminary note on the results of underwater observations in the western Mediterranean. Medcof, J.C. (1962)A 9-01021 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):877-89 Possible effects of Passamaquoddy power project on clams, scallops and shipworms in Canadian waters Trites, RW. € 9=01022 M D.G. MacGregor (1962)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):895-919 Flow of water in the passages of Passamaquoddy Bay measured by the electromagnetic method Gilmartin, M. (1962) 9-01023 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):921-74 Annual cyclic chenges in the physical oceanography of a British Columbia fjord Distributional patterns of salinity, temperature, density, dissolved oxygen & Climate are presented, & used to analyze the circulation pattern & replenishment mechanism of fjord waters. 9 (1) Trites, R.W. (1962)A J-Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):975-7 9-01024 M Temperature and salinity in the Quoddy Region of the Bay of Fundy Das, N. & S.N. Tibbo (1962)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):981-3 9-01025 M On the feeding and growth of young herring (Clupea harengus L.) in captivity Olsen, S. (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):211-9 9-01026 M Observations on sound scatterers in Newfoundland waters A sound scattering layer in the warm surface water or at the depth of the summer thermo- cline has frequently been observed off the southern & western coasts of Newfoundland. The scatterers have not been identified, but are most likely of biological nature. An observation of a diurnal vertical migration of a deeper scattering layer is reported. Chevrier, J.R. & R.W. Trites (1960)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):743-62 9-01027 M Drift-bottle experiments in the Quoddy region, Bay of Fundy IHB (1965) Int.hydrogr.Rev.Suppl., 6:122 р. 9-01028 м Contains hydrographic surveying operational reports and two papers dealing with theo- retical studies, Cooper, L.H.N. ( 1961) Bact.Proc., 61:48 On the chemical hydrology of the sands and waters of Langston Harbour, near Portsmouth, England BA 39E(3)9193. Abstr. only. 9-01029 M BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Oppenheimer, С.Н. & 9-01030 M R.A. Ward (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:49 Release and capillary movement of phosphorus in exposed tidal sediments BA 39E(3)9232. Abstr. only. Tressler, W.L. (1960) J.Wash.Acad.Sci., 50(5):1-13 Oceanographic and hydrographic observations at Wilkes IGY Station, Antarctica 9-01031 M BA 39E(3)9260. Mauchline, J. € 9-01032 M W.L. Templeton (1963)A Nature, Lond., 198(1061):623-6 Dispersion in the Iricn Sea of the redio- active liquid effluent from Windscale works of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority Iakovlev, G.N. (1960)B Probl.Arkt.i Antarkt., (3):65-76 Snezhnyi pokrov ne dreifuiushchikh 1'dakh tsentral 'noi Arktiki (The snow cover on the drifting ice of the central Arctic) 0-01033 M Yakovlev, G.N. (B.J. Hobson, 9-01034 M Transl.) (1961)BC AnMetSoc-T-R-377, unpag., 20 p. The snow cover on the drifting ice of the central Arctic En 9=01033 . Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Knauss, J.A. € 9-01035 M B.A. Taft (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4878):376-7 Measurements of currents along the equator in the Indian Ocean Summarizes results made by ARGO of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. HyGrographic stations € current measuring stations were occupied. ; 9 (1) Rochford, D.J. (1963) Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):1-23 Mixing trajectories of intermediate depth waters of the south-east Indian Ocean as determined by a salinity frequency method 9-01036 M Description of a new method for detection of water masses and for tracing their mixing paths. The method consists of diagramatic analysis of frequency distribution of salinity values; comparison of results from this method is made with results from the core method. Dal Pont, G., B. Newell 9-01037 M & J. Staniforth (1963)A Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):37-43 Comparison of the strychnidine and hydrazine methods for the estimation of nitrate in seawater Kawasaki, N. (1962) 9-01038 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):87-92 (On the easily soluble nitrogen from the mud in Matsushima Bay). Ni En Tabulation of data on composition of muds from this bay. Nagasaki Marine Observatory (1960) J.met.Res., Tokyo, 12(5):261-95 (Research on the tidal phenomena in Ariake Bay by a hydraulic model (Part 1)). Ni En 9-01039 M Description of the model and its ancillary equipment, including circuits of various electrical components; results of experiments with the model to test the positioning of proposed dyke to reduce tidäl amplitude. Nagasaki Marine Observatory 9-01040 M (1961) Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, 196(11): (Research on the tidal phenomena in Ariake Bay by a hydraulic model (Part 1)). Ni En CR 9-01039. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kinoshita, M. (1960) 9-01041 M J.met.Res., Tokyo, 12(8):518-23 (Notes on the forecasting of gustwindstorms in the east China Sea and off Kyushu in winter - general report on gustwindstorms (Part 1)). Ni En 25 cases of gustwindstorms in the east China Sea and off Kyushu observed during the gustwindstorm project (winter in 1955 and 1957 to 1959) have been analyzed. Some empirical suggestions useful for establishing a proper forecasting method have been described. Kinoshita, M. (1961)A 9-01042 M Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, 198(11): (Notes on the forecasting of gustwindstorms in tne east China Sea and off Kyushu in winter - general report on gustwindstorms (Part 1)). NL. En CR 9-01041. Nagasaki Marine Observatory 9-01043 M (1960) J.met.Res., Tokyo, 13(2):83-100 (Research on the tidal phenomena in Ariake Bay by a hydraulic model (Part 2)). Ni En Report of further experiments with model. Co 9-01039. Nagasaki Marine Observatory 9-01044 M (1961)A Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, 201(11): (Research on the tidal phenomena in Ariake Bay by a hydraulic model (Part 2)). Ni En CR 9-01043. Japan Meteorological 9-01045 M Agency (1961)A Results mr.Obsns, Tokyo, (27):257 p. Tebulated physical-chemical and bioiogical deta January-June, 1960, in N.Pacific Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, 202(11), 1961. 9(1) ANON. (1963) Engineering, Lond., 195(5047):62 Speeding measurements of ocean temperatures 9-01046 M Bathythermographic slug, made by EMI-Cossor Electronics Ltd., Canada, can be dropped from an aircraft; acoustic signals representing temperature are transmitte« to a sonobuoy transmitter, which if necessary can also be dropped by aircraft. IA 18(3)1830. Snodgrass, J.M. (1962) 9-01047 M Commun.& Electron.,N.Y., (63):348-50 Long-range outlook for oceanographic velemetering Problems of wavelength allocation in U.S.A. IA 18(3)2072. Dubov, V.P. (1962)A 9-01048 M JPRS:12075, unpag. 14 p. Model studies of Aral Sea seiches En 58-6936. Available from Office of Technicel Services, Department of Commerce, Washington D.C. U.S. Department of Conmerce. 9-01049 M Office of Technical Services (1962)c | SB-497, 24 р. Oceanography Lists 371 reports and translations. Covers research on marine physics; sound, temperature, and pressure measurements; structure of ocean depressions; underwater photography; marine biology; use of the bathythermograph; arctic drifts; underwater sound; ocean currents; ocean bottom topography and sediments. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington D.C. Nikoleev, D.S. & E.I. Efimova (1963)A Geokhimiia, (7):678-88 К voprosu opredeleniia vozrasta zhelezo- margantsovykh konkretsii Indiiskogo i 9-01050 M Tiknogo okeanov (On the age determination of ferro-manganic nodules of the Indian and Pacific Oceans). En Herlinveaux, R.H. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):1-37 Oceanography of Saanich Inlet in Vancouver Island, British Columbia 9-01051 MF Saanich Inlet is a fjord having submerged sill at the entrance, behind which there is a deep basin. The properties of the water have been observed from time to time from 1927 through 1960. The resulting data are reviewed to provide representatve values € structures of temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen content & sound velocity for each month throughout the year. Lane, R.K. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):45-91 A review of the temperature and selinity structures in the approaches to Vancouver Island, British Columbia 9-01052 MF Oceanographic date gathered along the west coast of Vancouver Island since 1933 have been examined in an effort to derive an eppreciation of oceanographic processes in this region. Von Englhardt, W. (1960)BC 9-01053 MF Berlin, Springer Verlag, 207 p. Der Porenraum der Sedimente (The pore space in sediments) Loewengart, S. (1961) 9-01054 MF Bull.Res.Coun.Israel (G), 10(1-4):183-206 The major source of the salinity of waters in Israel BA 37A(6)21307. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Khrgian, A.K. (1962)B Met.i Gidrol., (6):10-4 & 58-62 (The all-union cloud year (and) publications of the scientific research institutions of the hydrometeorological service for 1961 - Continuation). Ru 9-01055 MF Khrgyan, А.К. (1962)BC 9-01056 MF JPRS:14677 The all-union cloud year (and) publications of the scientific research institutions of the hydrometeorological service for 1961 - Continuation En 9-01055. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Ebel, W. (1962) 9-01057 Е Tech.Rep.Gr.Lakes Fish.Comm., (4):19-26 A photoelectric amplifier as a dye detector A dye detector, based on a modified photoelectric amplifier, was built & tested for timing water movement. Lenhard, G. W.R. Ross & A. du Plooy (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(3):223-40 A study of methods for the classification of bottom deposits of natural waters 9-01058 F A number of methods used to determine chemical, physical & biochemical properties of soils have been applied to bottom sediments from the Apies River near Pretoria. Bezler, Г.Г. & М.А. Trifonova (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 200606 Data on the distribution of oxygen in the Rybinsk reservoir 9-01059 F En 6-10104. | BA 39E(3)9274. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Butorin, N.V. (1960) 9-01060 Е Biull.Inst.Biol.Vodokhr., 8/9:67-71 O protochnosti zony podpora Kuibyshevskogo vodokhranilishcha (The flow of current at the dam of the Kuibyshev reservoir) BA 39E(3)9275. Butorin, N.V. (1961) 9-01061 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 20D610 The flow of current at the dam of the Kuibyshev reservoir En 9-01060. BA 39E(3)9275. Klein, L. (1964) 9-01062 F Chem.& Ind., 21:866-74 _ Stream pollution and effluent treatment Green, G.H. & 9-01063 F F.J. Andrew (1961) Progr. Rep.int.Pacif.Salm.Fish.Comm., 8:1-76 Limological changes in Seton Lake resulting from hydroelectric diversions BA 37A(6)21366. Shuvalov, V.S. (1959) 9-01064 F Trud.Soveshch.Probl.Biol.vnutr.Vod, 6:34-40 Opyt primeneniia radioaktivnogo kal 'tsiia (Ca45) pri izuchenii mineral'nogo udobreniia prudov (An experiment in the use of radioactive calcium (Ca45) in studying the mineral fertilization of reservoirs) BA 37A(6)21387. Shuvalov, V.S. (1961) 9-01065 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), №. 120676 An experiment in the use of radioactive calcium (Cak5) in studying the mineral fertilization of reservoirs En 9-01064. BA 37A(6)21387. 9(1) Burke, K. (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4880) :568-9 Dissolved gases in East African lakes 9-01066 F Compares composition of dissolved gases from Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika with that from Kivu and suggests that the latter dissolved gas of volcanic origin. Timofeeva-Resovskaia, E.A., 9-01067 F N.V. Timofeev-Resovskii & E.A. Gileva (1962) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, (6):1437 (Specific accumulators of individual radioisotopes among freshwater organisms). Ru Determines ratio of concentrations of an element in organism & in water, of 19 different radioisotopes by 32 spp. of fresh- water animals from low concentrations of these radioisotopes in water. Timofeeva-Resovskaya, E.A., N.V. 9-01068 Е Timofeev-Resovskii & E.A. Gileva (1962) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR (En Transl.biol.Sci.Sec.), Specific accumulators of individual radio- isotopes among freshwater organisms En 9-01067. Eberly, W.R. (1961) 9-01069 F Proc.Ind.Acad.Sci., 70:51 Oxygen production in some lakes in northern Indiana BA 39A(1)617. Abstr. only. Thomas, M.P. (1963) Advanc.Sci., Lond., 19(81):439 The vertical migration of the freshwater zooplankton 9-01070 Е Leviel, В. (Comp.) (1960)BC 9-01.071 FG London, Н.К. Elliot, Ltd, 561 р. Water treatment handbook Mainly a systematic & detailed account of the various processes used in treating water for domestic & industrial supply. NE 1955 Leviel, R. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PLANKTON Vannucci, M. (1962) 9-01072 M Contr.Inst.oceanogr.S.Paulo (Occanozr.biol.), (3):28 p. Preliminary results on the study of the zooplankton standing stock off the south Brazilian coast at 25 lat. S. Pr Assesses roughly the standing stock of zooplankton in order to determine the order of magnitude of the standing stock, its annual & seasonal fluctuations if any, € he principal factors that mey affect its amount & distribution. Stefánsson, U. (1963) 9-01073 M Rit Fiskid., 4(1):35 р. The AEGIR redfish larvae exveditions to the Irminger Sea in May 1961 - Oceanographical observations Mainly a data report on the oceanographic observations made during investigations on the spatial distribution of spawning redfish & their larvae. Bursa, A.S. (1961) 9-01074 M Bact.Proc., 61:47 Phytoplankton successions in the Canadian Arctic BA39E(3)9190. Abstr. only. Motoda, S. & T. Kawamura (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:39 Light assimilation curves of surface phytoplankton in the North Pacific №2 N-61 N 9-01075 M BA 39E(3)9230. Abstr only. 9 (1) Wood, E.J.F. (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:39 Some relations of phytoplankton to environmen 9-01076 M ВА 39Е(3)9268. Abstr. only. Anteunis, A., N. Fautrez- Firlefyn € J. Fautrez (1961) Exp.Cell Res., 25(2):463-5 Formation de la premiére ébeuche du blastocéle dans l'oeuf d'Artemia salina (Zarly blastocoel formation in the egg of Artemia salina) 9-01077 M BA 38E(2)7894. Thomas, L.R. (1963) 9-01078 M Nature, Lond., 198(4876) :208 Phyllosoma larvae associated with Medusae Reports that phyllosoma larvae of the scyllarid lobster Ibacus have been found intimatel y associated with semaeostome medusae Pelagia panopyra in Sydney Harbour. States that the association could provide the phyllosoma with protection, transportation & possibly food. Tranter, D.J. (1963) 9-01079 M Nature, Lond., 198(4886) : 1179-80 Comparison of zooplankton biomass determination: by Indian Ocean standard net, juday net and Clarke-Bumpus sampler Compares the sampling methods & reports the essential characteristics of these nets € their dimensions. George, J.D. (1963) 9-01080 M Nature, Lond., 199(4889):195 Behavioural differences between the larval stages of Cirriformia tentaculata (Montagu) from Drake's Island (Plymouth Sound) and from Southampton water Larval stages from the first region are pelagic € from the latter demersal. 1 Ponomareva, L.A. (V.O. Pahn, Transl.) (1962)c >» Euphausids of the Sea of Japan feeding on the Copepoda 9-01081 M Feeding takes place primarily in the upper 20-meter layer of water, although part of them, 2-year-olds, feed also at a greater depth, both in winter & in spring, primarily in the evening & at night. In addition to being omnivorous, euphausids are also predators. En 1954 Ponomareva, L.A. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Weshington 25, D.C. De Vincentiis, М. € 9-01082 M E. Urbani (1961) R.C.Ist.Sci.Univ.Camerino, 2(3):293-6 L'assunzione di ossigeno dei naupli di Artemia salina Leach, diploide e tetraploide (Oxygen uptake by diploid and tetraploid nauplii of Artemia salina Leach). It En ВА 38E(5)20646. Geiger, S.R. (1963) 9-01083 M Nature, Lond., 198(1883 ) :908-9 Ophiopluteus ramosus between Iceland and Newfoundland Reports the occurrence of larvae sampled by continuous plankton recorder, & discusses the origin & transport of larvae by Gulf Stream. Humphrey, G.F. (1963) 9-01084 M Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):24-36 Seasonal variations in plankton pigments in waters off Sydney Report of weekly determinations of pigments and of examination of the relations between the observed values for pigments, chemical characteristics of the water and certain characteristics of the plankton communities. PLANKTON 9 (1) Odate, K. (1962)A 9-01085 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):93-103 (On the properties of zooplankton in the north- eastern sea region along the Pacific coast of Japan). Ni En Raymont, J.E.G. (1963)C 9-01086 M London, Pergamon Press, 525 p. Plankton and productivity in the oceans Chapter headings: Salinity; The phytoplankton; Production - plant plankton and seaweeds; Bacteria of the sea and regeneration processes; Food cycles - bottom fauna and nekton; Mixing processes in the oceans; Gases of biological importance in the oceans; Factors affecting primary production. Voronina, N.M. (1962)B 9-01087 M Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 58 (On the surface zooplankton of the Indian Ocean). Ru Voronina, N.M. (W.G. Van Campen, 9-01088 M Transl.) (1962)C Honolulu, Hawaii, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, 20 p. On the surface zooplankton of the Indian Ocean Plankton of Indian Ocean well studied from systematic point of view; with regard to distribution, it hes until recently been very little studied. Collections of 318% cruise of research vessel VITIAZ (1959-60) in northern half of ocean in winter have provided much material. Surface plankton was collected with a pelagic trawl of Savilov's design. En 9-01087. Lursinsap, A. (1962) 9-01089 M Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Com., (51):4 р. Preliminary survey of marine plankton found in the Gulf of Thailand List of important species taken in cruises during 1961 with indication of the locations at which each species was most abundant. 10 Boonprakob, U. (1962) 9-01000 M Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (56): :6 p. Preliminary results of fish egg survey in the Gulf of Thailand Planktonic eggs probably of Rastrelliger, Stolephorus, Trichiurus, Fistularia, Dussumieria and several types of clupeoids are described from the Gulf of Thailand. Hue, J.S. (1962) 9-01091 M Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (46):3 р. Notes on the plankton and its collection in the seas adjacent to Korea A list of important species of plankton in the Korean waters. Holmes, R.W. (1961) 9-01092 MF Bact.Proc., 61:38 Size fractionation of Cl4 labelled natural phytoplankton communities BA 39E(3)9209. Abstr. only. Semina, G.I. (1959) 9-01093 MF Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 36:73-91 Raspredelenie fitoplanktona v Kronotskom zalive (The distribution of phytoplankton in the Kronotsk Bay) BA 39E(3)9248. Semina, G.I. (1961) 9-01094 MF Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 15V22 The distribution of phytoplankton in the Kronotsk Bay En 9-01093. BA 39E(3)9248. Bitiukov, E.P. (1960) 9-01095 MF Zool.Zh., 39(12):1783-9 Ob ekologii Limnocalanus grimaldii (Guerne) Finskogo zaliva (The ecology of Limocalanus Lee i (Guerne) in the Gulf of Finland). BA 37A(6)21320. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bityukov, E.P. (1961) 9-01096 MF Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 11059 The ecology of Limocalanus grimaldii (Guerne) in the Gulf of Finland En 9-01095. BA 37A(6)21320. Goldman, C.R. (1960) Ecol.Monogr., 30(2) :207-30 Primary productivity and limiting factors in three lakes of the Alaska Peninsula 9-01097 Е An investigation to measure & compare the primary productivity of certain Oncorhynchus nerka nursery areas, € determine what factors were limiting. The C14 technique was utilized for both bioassay of nutrient limiting factors & direct measurement of primary productivity. Beach, N.W. (1960) 9-01098 F Ecol.Monogr., 30(4):339-57 A study of the planktonic rotifers of the Ocqueoc River system, Presque Isle County, Michigan The ecology of rotifers in an entire small river system. De Lépiney, L. (1962)A 9-01099 F Hydrobiologia, 20(3):213-6 Contribution à la connaissance des copépodes de la région parisienne (Contribution to the knowledge of copepods of the Paris region) De Lépiney, L. (1962)A 9-01100 F Hydrobiologia, 20(3):217-22 Sur l'élevage de copépodes au laboratoire (On the raising of copepods in the laboratory) PLANKTON 11 Smirnov, N.N. (1962) 9-01101 F Hydrobiologia, 20(3):280-94 Eurycercus lamellatus (0.F. Müller) (Chydoridae, Cladocera): field observations and nutrition Results of field observations on the spatial & seasonal distribution of E. lamellatus in the Volga water reservoirs are communicated. The second part of this paper contains data on the growth & nutrition based on field & experimental material. Field material is 606 quantitative samples collected on 185 stations from the Ivankovo Reservoir to the Volga Delta. FiB:wcb Vasilteva, G.L. & 9-01102 F 0.M. Kozhova (1960) Biull.Inst.Biol.Vodokhr., 8/9:5-8 Nekotorye dannye o bakterio-, fito 1 zooplanktone Irkutskogo vodokhranilishcha v gode ego obrazovaniia (1957-1958 gg.) (Some data on the bacterio-, phyto- and zooplankton of the Irkutsk reservoir in the year of its formation, 1957-1958) BA 39E(3)9290. Vasil'eva, G.L. € 9-01103 F O.M. Kozhova (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 200612 Some data on the bacterio-, phyto- and zooplankton of the Irkutsk reservoir in the year of its formation, 1957-1958 En 9-01102. BA 39E(3)9290. Paganelli, A. (1960) 9-01104 Е R.C.Ist.Sci.Univ.Camerino, 1(1):39-46 Ricerche preliminari sul fitoplancton del lago di Bolsena (Preliminary research on phytoplankton of lake of Bolsena). It En ВА 37A(6)21377. 9 (1) Rukhliadev, Iu.P. (1961) 9-01105 F Zool.Zh., 40(4):490-7 Udel'nyi ves zooplanktona v obshchem stoke Volgi pri nenarushennom gidrologicheskom rezhime (Mass of zooplankton in the total flow of the Volga as an undisturbeä hydrological system). En BA 37A(6)21365. Rukhlyadev, Yu.P. (1961) 9-01106 F Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 190513 Mass of zooplankton in the total flow of the Volga as an undisturbed hydrological system En 9-01105. BA 37A(6)21385. Aleksandrova, L.P., A.V. 9-01107 F Kanygina € P.I. Pobegailo (1959) Trud.Soveshch.Probl.Biol.vnutr.Vod, 6:485-9 Rezul'taty biologicheskogo i khimicheskogo issledovanii Magnitogorskogo vodokhranilishcha (Results of a biologic and chemical investigation of the Magnitogorsk reservoir) BA 37A(6)21361. Aleksandrova, L.P., A.V. 9-01108 F Kanygina € P.I. Pobegailo (1961) Referet.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), №. 82669 Results of a biologic and chemical investigation of the Magnitogorsk reservoir En 9-01107. BA 37A(6)21361. Vertebnaia, P.I. (1960) 9-01109 F Trud .vsesoiuz.gidrobiol.Obshch., 10:8-24 Nabliudeniia nad intensivnost'iu fotosinteza i dykhaniia planktona Kliaz'minskogo vodokhranilishcha kanala imeni Moskvy (Observations on the rate of photosynthesis and respiration of plankton of the Kliazminskii reservoir of the Moscow canal ) BA 37A(6)21391. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Vertebnaya, P.I. (1960) 9-01110 F Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 17V16 Observations on the rate of photosynthesis and respiration of plankton of the Klyazminskii reservoir of the Moscow canal En 9-01109. BA 37A(6)21301. Sorokin, Iu.I. (1961) Mikrobiol., Moskva, 30(2):289-93 (Role of chemosynthesis in the production of organic matter in reservoirs. 5. Photo- synthesis and chemosynthesis in the Bays of Kuibyshev reservoir). Ru 9-01111 F Co 61-03625. BA 38A(4)12834. Krishnamoorthi, B. (1963) 9-01115 M Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(B), 57(3):195-208 Gross morphology and histology of nephridia in four species of polychaetes Srinivasan, V.V. & 9-01116 M S. Krishnaswamy (1963) Life Sci., (3):149-51 Observations on the chemical composition of Martesia fragilis No attempt hitherto made to study in detail the chemical composition of wood-boring pholads. Percentage of water, nitrogen, protein, lipids & glycogen of Martesia en important wood destroying lamellibranch is presented. Specimens were collected from floating timber pieces collected off Madras coast. Sorokin, Yu.I. (1961) 9-01112 F Mikrobiol., Moskva (En Transl ), 30(2):258-61 Role of chemosynthesis in the production of organic matter in reservoirs. 5. Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis in the bays of Kuibyshev reservoir En 9-01111. BA 38A(4)12834. Buetow, D.E. (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4889) :196-7 Linear relationship between temperature and uptake of oxygen in Euglena gracilis 9-01113 F Investigates the effects of various incubation temperatures on the rate of respiration of Euglena. Philipose, M.T. (1960) 9-01114 Е In 8-01224:272-91 Freshwater phytoplankton of inland fisheries ВА. 39A(1)624. BENTHOS 9 (1) Knudsen, J.W. (1960) Ecol.Monogr., 30(2):165-85 Aspects of the ecology of the California pebble crabs (Crustacea: Xanthidae) 9-01117 M The natural history of the more common members of the family. McIntyre, A.D. (1963) 9-01118 M Nature,Lond., 197(4867):616 Pogonophora from British coastal waters A sub-littoral faunistic survey of the Scottish West coast has produced specimens of the genus Siboglinum. Buchanan, J.B. & J.D. Woodley (1963) Nature, Lond., 197(4867):616 Extension and retraction of the tubefeet of ophiuroids 9-01119 M Demeusy, N. (1963) 9-01120 M C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 256(22):4762-4 Influence des facteurs saisonniers sur la réalisation de la puberté au sein d'une population de Carcinus maenas L. de côtes de la Manche (Influence of the seasonal factors on the attainment of puberty in a population of Carcinus maenas L. of the Channel coast) Prel. note based on observations made in Luc-sur-Mer (Calvados). Roushdy, Н.М. & 9-01121 M V.K. Hansen (1960)A Nature, Lond., 188(4749): 517-8 Ophiuroids feeding on phytoplenkton Monniot, C. (1962) Vie et Milieu, 13(3):397-432 Les Microcosmus des côtes de France (The Microcosmus of the coasts of France) 9-01122 M A catalogue giving synonyms, descriptions & a key to the identification of the sp. of the genus. Juchault, P. (1962) Vie et Milieu, 14(3):433-L40 Une nouvelle espèce d'isopode aselotte de Banyuls-sur-Mer Jaeropsis legrandi n. sp. (A new species of isopod of Banyuls-sur-Mer Jaeropsis legrandi n. sp.) 9-01123 M Describes the sp. and compares it with others of Jaeropsis. BENTHOS 9 (1) 13 Sentz, E. (1962)A 9-01124 M Vie et Milieu, 14(3):441-52 Etude morphologique des Serpulidae Hydroides norvegica (Gunnerus) et Serpula concharum Langerhans et de leurs formes intermédiaires (Morphological study of Serpulidae Hydroides norvegica (Gunnerus) and Serpula concharum Langerhans and their intermediate forms) Gallardo, A. (1962) Gayana (Zool.), (7):9 p. Deséripcion de una nueva especie de Ampelisca (Amphipoda) (Description of a new species of Ampelisca (Amphipoda) ) 9-01125 M A. araucana found in benthic semplings in Gulf of Arauco, Chile. Predominant sp. of soft-bottom infauna where it is an important fishfood. Description of sp. with comparison to relative A. mexicana Barnard, Stuardo, J. (1962) 9-01126 M Gayana (Zool.), (5):9 р. Caecum chilense, nuevo moiusco para Chile (Caecum chilense, new mollusc for Chile) Described as a new sp. found on the west coast of South America, at Concepción, Chile. No other sp. of this genus recorded on this coast farther south than Panama. Stuardo, J. (1962) Gayana (Zocl.), (6-1):11 р. 1. Sobre el género Limopsis y la distri- bución de L. jousseaumei (Mabille y Rochebrune, 1889) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) (On the genus Limopsis and the distribution of L. jousseaumei (Mabille y Rochebrune, 1889)- Mollusca: Bivalvia) 9-01127 M 1 spp. of genus recorded in Chilean waters, all in deep waters. Synonymy € geographic distribution € photographs of specimens are given. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Stuardo, J. (1962) 9-01128 M Gayana (Zool.), (6-2):9 p. 2. El comensalismo de Allopetrolisthes spinifrons (H. Milne Edwards) (Conmensalism of Allopetrolisthes spinifrons (H. Milne Edwards) Commensalism between porcellanid crab & the sea anemone Phymactis clematis observed on exposed rocky shores of the province of Concepción, Chile. Allen, M.B. (1961) 9-01129 M Bact.Proc., 61:34 Nitrogen fixing microorganisms in the sea BA 39E(3)9177. Abstr. only. Beliaeva (Sechkina), T.V. (1961) Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 46:231-46 Diatomovye v poverkhno stnom sloe osadkov severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Diatoms in the surface layer of sediment in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean) 9-01130 M Based on the analysis of materials gathered during the l4th, 19th, 20th, & 2lst voyages of the expedition ship VITIAZ. Tables are given for the. occurrence of the sp. & the marine € neritic spp. are characterized ecologically & geographically. BA 39£(3)9181. Beliaeva (Sechkina), T.V. (1962) 9-01131 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 4V30 Diatoms in the surface layer of sediment in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean En 9-01130. BA 39E(3)9181. Burkholder, P.R. (1961) 9-01132 M Bact.Proc., 61:36 Some nutritional relationships among microbes of sea sediments BA 39E(3)9189. Abstr. only. 9 (1) Demny, T.C., I.M. Miller € Н.В. Woodruff (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:46 Occurrence of variety of actinomycetes isolated from marine materials 9-01133 M BA 39E(3)9194. Abstr. only. Ellis, D.V. & 9-01134 M R.T. Wilce (1961) Arctic, 14(4):224-35 Arctic and subarctic examples of intertidal zonation Subarctic populations have a midlittoral zone dominated by Balanus balanoides & fucoids, bordered by infralittoral & supralittoral fringes. BA 39E(3)9195. Gunkel,W. & 9-01135 M C.H. Oppenheimer (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:49 Experiments regarding the sulfide formation in sediments of the Texas Gulf coasts ВА 39Е(3)9201. Abstr. only. Jones, G.E. (1961) 9-01136 M Bact.Proc., 61:46 Suppression of bacterial growth by sea water BA 39E(3)9213. Abstr. only. Kohn, A.J. (1961) 9-01137 M Bios, 32(3):113-26 The biology of atolls ВА 39Е(3)9215. Kriss, А.Е. & Т.М. Mitskevich 9-01138 M (1961) Mikrobiol., Moskva, 30(1):110-2 O raspredelenii nitevidnogrozdevidnykh mikroorganizmov (Krassilnikoviae) v glubinakh morei i okeanov (Distribution of filamentous cluster micro- organisms (Krassilnikoviae) in the depths of seas and oceans) I.N. Mitskevich (1961) Mikrobiol., Moskva(En Transl.), 30(1):102-4 Distribution of filamentous cluster microorganisms (Krasil'nikoviae) in the depths of seas and oceans En 9-01138. BA 39E(3)9217. Lear, D.W. (1961) 9-01140 M Bact.Proc., 61:47 Occurrence and significance of chitinoclastic bacteria in pelagic waters and zooplancton BA 39E(3)9221. Abstr. only. Lebedeva, M.N., E.J. Anistshenko 9-01141 M J.A. Gorbenko (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:45 Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria in some seas of the Mediterranean basin BA 39E(3)9222. Abstr. only. Lindblom, G.P. (1961) 9-01142 M Bact.Proc., 61:37 The distribution of major organic nutrients in marine sediments BA 39E(3)9224. Abstr. only. Liston, J. & 9-01143 M R.R. Colwell (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:47 Host and habitat relationship of marine commensal bacteria BA 39E(3)9225. Abstr. only. Pramer, D., A.F. Carlucci & 9-01144 M P.V. Scarpino (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:45 The bactericidal action of sea water BA 39E(3)9238. Abstr. only. BENTHOS 15 Pratt, D. € 9-01145 M M. Austin (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:47 9 (1) Osmotic regulation of the growth rate of marine bacteria BA 39E(3)9239. Abstr. only. Pshenin, L.N. (1961) 9-01146 M Bact.Proc., 61:41 Distribution and ecology of azotobacter in the Black Sea ВА 39E(3)9241. Abstr. only. Saz, A.K. & S.W. Watson (1961) 9-01147 M Bact.Proc., 61:58 Antistaphylococcal activity of sea water ВА 39E(3)9247. Abstr. only. Senta, T. (1962) 9-01148 M Seiro-Seitai, 10(2):68-78 Studies on floating seaweeds in early summer around Oki Islands and larvae and juveniles of fish accompanying them Sebastes inermis & Girella punctata were most common. BA 39E(3)9249. Shchapova, T.F. & 9-01149 M V.B. Vozzhinskaia (1960) Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 34:123-46 Vodorosli litorali zapadnogo poberezh'ia Sakhalina (Algae of the littoral of the western coast of Sakhalin) BA 39E(3)9250. Shchapova, T.F. & 9=01150 M V.B. Vozzhinskaya (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl. No. 20V22 Algae of the littoral of the western coast of Sakhalin En 9-01149. BA 39E(3)9250. 16 Sieburth, J.M. (1961) 9-01151 M Bact.Proc., 61:44 Bacterial habitats in the Antarctic environment BA 39E(3)9251. Abstr. only. Vishniac, W. (1961) Bact.Proc., 61:34 Role of autotrophic bacteria in the turn-over of sulphur in the ocean 9-01152 M BA 39E(3)9265. Abstr. only. Watson, S.W. (1961) 9-01153 M Bact.Proc., 61:34 Autotrophic nitrification in the oceans BA 39E(3)9266. Abstr. only. Wood, E.J.F. (1961) 9-01154 M Bact.Proc., 61:38 The relative importance of groups of algae and protozoa in marine environments in the south-western Pacific BA 39E(3)9267. Abstr. only. Zhirmunskii, A.V. (1960) Tsitologiia, 2(6):675-91 Issledovaniia temperaturnykh adaptatsii bespozvonochnykh Iuzhno-Kitaiskogo moria (Studies on temperature adaptations of invertebrates in the southern Chinese Sea) 9-01155 M ВА 39E(3)9270. Zhirmunskii, A.V. (1961) 9-01156 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 12D666 Studies on temperature adaptations of invertebrates in the southern Chinese Sea En 9-01155. BA 39E(3)9270. Zhukova, A.I. (1961) 9-01157 M Bact.Proc., 61:49 Quantitative value of bacteria in the nutrition of mrine invertebrates BA 39E(3)9271. Abstr. only. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Segerstrale, S. (1960) 9-01158 M Comment.biol., Helsinki, 23(2):1-72 Investigations on Baltic populations of the bivalve Macoma baltica (L.). 1. Introduction. Studies on recruitment and its relatıon to depth in Finnish coastal waters during the period 1922-1959. Age and growth ВА 39£(3)1246k. Aketa, K. (1961) Embryologia, 5(4):397-405 Studies on the production of the fertilization acid in sea urchin eggs. 1. Acid production at fertilization and activation, and the effect of some metabolic inhibitors 9-01159 M When the eggs of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Pseudocentrotus depressus, Temnopleurus toreumaticus $ Anthocidaris crassispina, are fertilized, a rapid production of acid can be observed by the measurement of the pH shift of the surrounding sea water. BA 39E(3)12586. :Jes Haino, К. & J.C. Lan (1961) 9-01160 M Embryologia, 5(4):376-83 Some quantitative aspects of the acrosomal reaction to jelly substance in the sea urchin Spermatozoa of Pseudocentrotus depressus & Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus were exposed to grade concentration of dissolved egg jelly substance, & samples examined under an electron microscope for occurrence of the acrosome reaction. ВА 39E(3)12594. :Jes Kojima, K.M. (1961) 9-01161 M Embryologia, 5(4):369-75 Cyclic changes of the cortex and the cytoplasm of the fertilized and the activated sea urchin egg. 3. Susceptibility of artificially activated eggs to cleavage-inducing action of hypertonic, DNP- and NaN3- sea water Hypertonic treatment is effective for parthenogenesis of eggs of Pseudocentrotus depressus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, Temnopleurus toreumaticus € Anthocidaris crassispina, not only when it is given soon after membrane formation but also when given at early part of the monaster stages, which appear cyclically after membrane formation. BA 39E(3)12595. Beliaev, G.M., N.G. Vinogradova 9-01162 M & Z.A. Filatova (1960) Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 41:106-22 Issledovanie donnoi fauny glubokovodnykh vpadin iuzhnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (The investigation of benthic fauna in the deep-water depressions of the southern Pacific Ocean) From Nov. 1957 to Feb. 1958 the expedition ship VITIAZ took 9 benthos probes using the Sigsbi-Gorbunov trawl at a depth of from 2 to 10.7 km in the deep-water depressions of Tonga, Kermadek, & the New Hebrides. BA 37A(6)21319. :Jgs Belyaev, G.M., N.G. Vinogradova € Z.A. Filatova (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 9D485 The investigation of benthic fauna in the deep-water depressions of the southern Pacific Ocean 9-01163 M En 9-01162. BA 37A(6)21319. Golikov, A.N. (1960) Zool.Zh., 39(10):1485-8 Rasprostranenie i izmenchivost' briukhonogogo molliuska Neptunea despecta (Linné) kak pokazatel' rezhima vod 9-01164 M (Distribution and variability of the gastropod mollusk Neptunea despecta (Linné) as an indicator of the aqueous conditions). En BA 37A(6)21333. Golikov, A.N. (1961) 9-01165 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 11D22 Distribution and variability of the gastropod mollusk Neptunea despecta (Linné) as an indicator of the aqueous conditions En 9-0116\. BA 37A(6)21333. Kuderskii, L.A. (1960) Zool.Zh., 39(6):826-31 O predpolagaemom ugnetenii bespozvonochnykh s álitel'nym zhiznennym tsiklom v Belom more (The suggested suppression of invertebrates with a long life cycle in the White Sea). En 9-01166 M ВА 37A(6)21338. 9 (1) BENTHOS Kuderskii, L.A. (1961) 9-01167 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 11D613 The suggested suppression of invertebrates with a long life cycle in the White Sea En 9-01166. BA 37A(6)21338. Baskin, R.J. & K. Allen (1963) 9-01168 M Nature, Lond., 198(4879) :448-50 Regulation of respiration in the molluscan heart Experiments on Tivella stultorum maintained in a circulating sea-water system. Meadows, P.S. & G.B. Williams (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(14880):610-1 Settlement of Spirorbis borealis Daudin larvae on surfaces bearing films of micro-organisms 9-01169 M Account of experiments which show that larvae of Spirorbis borealis settles more readily on films developed in the presence of diatoms and their associated bacteria than on those developed in the presence of a green flagellate. Garth, J.S. (1961) Zoologica, N.Y., 46(3):133-59 Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. 45. Non-intertidal brachygnathous crabs from the west coast of tropical America. 2. Brachygnatha Brachyrhyncha 9-01170 M BA 38E(2)7901. Svirenko, E.G. (1960) 9-01171 M Trud.vsesoiuz.gidrobiol.Obshch., 10:224-6 K voprosu o pitanii chernomorskikh balianusov (The problem of the nutrition of Black Sea barnacles) Basic food of Balanus improvisus & B. eburneus consisted of Diatomaceae; at times peridineans & copepods were found. BA 38E(2)7913. 17 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Svirenko, E.G. (1961) 9-01172 M Referat.Zh. En Transl.), No. 12081 The problem of the nutrition of Black Sea barnacles En 9-01171. BA 382(2)7913. Tasaki, K., A.C. Norton & 9-01173 M Y. Fukada (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4886) :1206-8 Regional and directional differences in the lateral spread of retinal potentials in the octopus Reports that for the deep response there is a spread of positivity toward the centre of the retina & a spread of negativity toward the periphery. Rojas, E. & M. Luxoro (1963) 9-01174 M Nature, Lond., 199(4888) :78-9 Micro-injection of trypsin into axons of squid Presents results of 5 experiments conducted on giant axons. Clench, W.J. € 9-01175 M R.D. Turner (1962)B Spec.Publ.Acad.nat.Sci.Philad., (6):218 p. New names introduced by H.A. Pilsbry in the Mollusca and Crustacea Savilov, A.I. (1962)BC DSIR, NLL M. 4886, 13p. Comparison of the growth of mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the White Sea and Sea of Okhotsk 9-01176 M En 1954 Savilov, A.I. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Orlov, O.Iu. & 9-01177 M A.L. Bygov (1962)B Priroda, Moskva, 51(3):115-8 (Soviet study on the eyesight of squids). Ru 9 (1) Orlov, O.Iu. & 9-01178 M A.L. Bygov (1962)BC JPRS:13756, unpag., 12 p. Soviet study on the eyesight of squids En 9-01177. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Makarov, V.V. (F.D. Por, 9-01179 M Transl.) (1962)c PL 480 Smi., 283 p. Crustacea, Vol. 10, No. 3, Anomura Deals with anatomy, the external morphology, ecology, economic importance, phylogeny of the groups. En 1938 Makarov, V.V. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Polykarpov, G.G. (1962) 9-01180 M Dokl.Aked.Nauk SSSR (En Transl.biol.Sci.Sec.), 140(1-6):770-2 Stability of coefficients of accumulation of strontium-90, yttrium-91, and cerium-144 in marine algae Account of experiments to determine if the coefficients of accumulation obtained in various cases are comparable. Uses Cystoseira barbata & Ulva rigida. En 62-02528. Srinivasan, К.5. (1960) 9-01181 M In 6-0122k:219-L2 Distribution patterns of marine algae in Indian seas BA 39A(1)607. ANON. (1961) 9-01182 M Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 46:264 р. Biologicheskie issledovaniia moria (Bentos) (Biologic studies of the sea - Benthos) BA 39A(1)610. ANON. (1961) 9-01183 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 24D792K Biologic studies of the sea - Benthos En 9-01182. BA 39A(1)610. Mnning, R.B. (1962) 9-01184 M Proc.biol.Soc.Wash., 75:215-22 Seven new species of stomatopod crustaceans from the northwestern Atlantic Taxonomic description of Squilla chydaea, S. discors, S. randalli, Lysiosquilla campechiensis, L. enodis, L. schmitti, L. floridensis. Hamabe, M. (1963) 9-01185 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.lab., (11) :53-63 (Exhaustion process of the genital organs of common squid, Ommastrephes sloani pacificus). Ni En Description of degeneration of various organs after reproductive activities. Ito, K. (1963) 9-01186 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11) :65-76 (A few studies on the ripeness of eggs of zuwai-gani, Chionoecetes opilio). Ni En Study of spawning season and incubation period in this crab found on the south- western trawling ground. Estimate of Fecundity. Ito, K. (1963)A 9-01187 M Bull. Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):117-8 (Record of occurrence of Sepia longipes Sasaki off Tajima district in the southern Japan Sea). Ni Tsukuda, N. (1963) 9-01188 M Bull.Japen Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):109-15 (Studies on the pigment of a deep sea prawn, Pandalus borealis Kröyer. 1. Identification and concentration of pigments). Ni En Cromatographic separation of pigments, their idenitty and concentration. BENTHOS 9 (1) 19 Oguro, C. (1962) 9-01189 M Crustaceana, 4(2):85-92 On the physiology of melanophores of the marine isopod, Idotea japonica. 3. The role of the eyes in background response. De Experimental determination of melanophore expansion on experimental animals of which some were fully- and some partially-blinded. Mechanism of the background response is discussed. Co 61-13232. Wisely, B. (19€3) 9-01190 M Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):60-9 Detection and avoidance of a cuprous oxide antifouling paint by bivalve and gastropod larvae (Mollusca) The reactions of the larvae of 7 spp. of molluscs to a cuprous oxide antifouling paint were investigated in the laboratory. These included larvae of the bivalves Mytilus planulatus Lamarck, Lasaea australis Lamarck, one other unidentified bivalve sp., and four other unidentified gastropods. Wisely, В. (196 3) 9-01191 M Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):44-59 Effects of antifouling paints on settling larvae of the bryozoan Bugula neritina L. External anatomy, attachment, and metamorphosis of larvae are outlined briefly. Behaviour of the larvae in the presence of copper antifouling and control paint surfaces is described. Kott, P. (1963) 9-01192 M Aust.J.Mar.Freshw.Res., 14(1):70-118 The ascidians of Australia. №. Aplouso- branchiata Lahille: Polyclinidae Verrill (continued) Systematic review of tne aplousobranch family Polyclinidae and includes discussions on the relationships of Indo-Pacific and West Pacific species of the family. 37 species taken from Australian waters are described, of which 15 are new. Their geographical distribution is briefly discussed. Co 8-11110. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kan=no, E. (1962) 9-01193 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):114-20 (Artificial discharge of reproductive substence of Mollusca caused by repeated stimulation of temperature). Ni En Experiments on the artificial discharge of spawn by the mollusc Chlamys farreri nipponensis under stimulus of temperature. Kurogi, M., K. Akiyama 9-01194 М 8 S. Sato (1962) Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):121-6 (Influences of light on the growth and maturation of Conchocelis-thallus of Porphyra. 1. Effect of photoperiod on the formation of monosporangia and liberation of monospores). Ni En Experimental results. Kurogi, M. & S. Sato 1962) 9-01195 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):127-37 (Influences of light on the growth and maturation of Conchocelis-thallus of Porphyra. 2. Effect of photoperiods on the growth and maturation of Conchocelis- thallus of P. tenera Kjellman). Ni En Experimental results presented in tables and figures. Co 9-01194. Kurogi, M. and S. Sato (1962) 9-01196 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):138-56 (Influences of light on the growth and maturation of Conchocelis-thallus of Porphyra. 3. Effect of photoperiod in the different species). Ni En Experimental resuits presented in tables and figures. Co 9-01195. 9 (1) Sano, T. & R. Maniwa (1962) 9-01197 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):79-86 (Studies on the environmental factors having an influence on the growth of Haliotis discus hannai). Ni En Results of a study of oxygen consumption by this sp. having regard for light and dark or its absence, water temperature, chlorinity and concentration of ammonia-N. Ohoshiro, H. (1961) 9-01198 M Sgrui, 9(2):53-6 (Notes on Chamedoris orientalis). Ni En Morphological notes. Issued also as: Contr.Dep.Fish.Kyushu Univ., (7) 1961. Yoshida, T. (1961) Jap.J.Ecol., 11(5):191-4 (A brief study on the Sargassum vegetation around Ushibuka, west Kyushu, Japan). Ni En 9-01199 M Notes on distribution with depth. Issued also as: Contr.Dep.Fish.Kyushu Univ., (7) 1961. Murayams, K. & 9-01200 M Y. Yamashita (1962) J.Fac.Sci.Hokkaido(6), 15(1):123-36 The effects of barium, strontium and TEA ions on the production of action potentials in the cheliped muscle of the crayfish Experimental results of indirect stimulation of the muscle through its nerve and of direct stimulation of muscle fibres under various conditions established by perfusion with solutions containing the indicated ions. Issued also as: Contr.zool.Inst.Fac.Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (566). Watanabe, Y. (1962) 9-01201 M J.Fac.Sci.Hokkaido(6), 15(1):103-10 Location of synaptic action in an abdominal ganglion of the crayfish by aid of histological methods Attempt to find the correspondence between the synaptic responses and the ganglion structure. Issued also as: Contr.zool.Inst.Fac.Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (571). Redmond, J.R. (1963) Science, 139(3561) :1294-5 Bohr effect: Absence in a molluscan hemocyanin Hemocyanin of Diodora aspera shows no Bohr effect within the pH range 6.88 to 7.84. The pH of normal blood of Diodora is lower than that of many other marine molluscs. Reverberi, G. (1962)BC 9-01203 M In 9-01013 The embryology of ascidians Fischer-Piette, E., 9-01204 M J.M. Gaillard & B.L. James (1963) Cah.biol.mar., 4:1-22 Études sur les variations de Littorina saxatilis. 5. Sur des cas de variabilité extreme (Study on the variations of Littorina saxatilis. 5. Based on some cases of extreme variability). Fr En Fr En De Authors, having examined hundreds of populations around the European Atlantic coast found two in which variation in shell colour was very much greater than in the others: at Rubna-na-Feing, Scotland and at Castoul-Plage, Brittany. Problems arising from these observations suggest an interesting programme for further study. 9-01202 M BENTHOS 9 (1) 21 Amoureux, L. (1963) Cah.Biol.mar., 4:23-32 Etude des teneurs en oxygéne dans les eaux interstitielles de 1'Aber de Roscoff (Study on the oxygen content in the interstitial waters on the "Aber of Roscoff"). En De 9-01205 M Methods of sampling and titration are explained and discussed critically. Results obtained during three different seasons in the year are shown. A comparison is made between the different concentrations of oxygen and the distribution of some Annelida Polychaetae: Leiochone clypeata, Lanice conchilega, Nerine cirratulus and Arenicola marina. Bobin, G. & M. Prenant (1963) 9-01206 M Cah.Biol.mar., 4:33-H6 Bugula cilis Busk. Remarques sur la valeur specifique de l'ovicelle chez les bugules (Bryozoaires Chilostomes) (Bugula gracilis Busk. Remarks on the specific value of the ovicell in the bugulas (Bryozoa Cheilostomata)). En Based on samples collected in Roscoff, the authors complete the description of this discussed species, and point out that it distinctly differs from the American species B. turrita (Desor). FAO:mr Fauré-Fremiet, E., P. Favard 8 N. Carasso (1963) Cah.Biol.mar., 4:61-3 Images électroniques d'une microbiocénose marine (Electronic images of a marine microbiocenosis) 9-01207 M Describes micrographies of phoretic communities of various microorganisms living on Cancer pegurus. 22 Korotkova, G.P. & 9-01208 M M.A. Gelihovskaie (1963) Cah.Biol.mar., 4:47-59 Recherches expérimentales sur le phénomène de polarité chez les éponges calcaires du type ascon (Experimental research on the polarity phenomenon in the calcarous sponge). De Ru Results of experiments on Leucosolenia complicata and L. variabilis. The mechanisms of integration are discussed. Bocquet, C. (1963) 9-01209 M Cah.Biol.mar., 4:65-79 Remarques morphologiques et systématiques sur le crabe Tritodynamia atlantica (Th. Monod )(Asthenognathus atlanticus Th. Monod), présent dans la région de Roscoff (Remarks on the morphology and systematics of the crab Tritodynamia atlantica (Th. Monod) (Asthenognathus atlanticus Th. Monod), found in the district of Roscoff). En De The differential features of T. atlantica and of the two other species, actually described, of the genus Tritodynamia are discussed and precised. Uschakov, P.V. (1963) Cah.Biol.mar., 4:81-9 Quelques particularités de la bionomie benthique de 1'antarctique de l'est (Some peculiarities of the benthic bionomy of the eastern Antarctic). En Ru 9-01210 M Based on material collected by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition of 1955-1958 on the OB. The vertical distribution of the bottom communities is discussed. Making comparison between the Arctic and the Antarctic basins, the author explains the difference in the composition and distribution of the bottom communities in both basins as dependent on the peculiar structure of the Antarctic shelf. FAO:mr Moore, D.R. (1962) 9-01211 M Quart.J.Fla Acad.Sci., 25(1):70-2 An ophiurian shoal on the Mississippi coast Ophiophragmus wurdemani. Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, (376). 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Stringer, B.L. (1963) Nature, Lond., 197(4867):621-2 Embryology of the New Zealand Onchidiidae and its bearing on the classification of the group 9-01212 MF Scott, D.M. € W.F. Black (1960)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):763-74 Studies on the life-history of the ascarid Forrocaecum decipiens in the Bras d'Or lakes, Nova Scotia, Canada 9-01213 MF Bolitho H. (Ed.) (1960)BC 9-01214 MF London, Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 174 р. The glorious oyster Cole, H.A. (1960) Nature, Lond.Suppl., 188(4753):813 Oysters: their biology and gastronomy 9-01215 MF Ве 61-01621, 9-01214. Mohr, J.L. et al. (1961) 9-01216 MF Arctic, 14(4):210-23 The marine nature of Nuwuk Lake and smell ponds of the peninsula of Point Barrow, Alaska BA 39E(3)9283. Hohn, M.H. (1961) 9-01217 MF J.Wat.Poll.Contr.Fed., 33(1):48-53 Determining the pattern of the diatom flora A procedure to reduce the effort required to characterize the diatom population of various waters using the Catherwood diatometer is described. BA 37A(6)21368. Carriker, M.R. (1961) 9-01218 MF J.Elisha Mitchell sci.Soc., 77(2):168-241 Interrelation of functional morphology, behavior, and autecology in early stages of the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria BA 38A(k4)128k4. Kawahara, T. (1963) Nature, Lond. ,198(4877) :301 Invasion into Japanese waters by the European barnacle Balanus improvisus 9-01219 MF Darwin Reports occurence of sp. in liegoya, Ise Bay, Oosaka Bay and Kii Channel. Singh, S.B. (1962)A 9-01220 MF Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (15):6 p. Preliminary experiments on the relative manurial values of some aquatic weeds as composts Coineau, N. (1963) 9-01221 Е C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 256(22):4729-31 Présence du sous-ordre des Ingolfiellidea Reibisch (Crustacea Amphipoda) dans les eaux souterraines continentales de France (Presence of the sub-order Ingolfiellidea Reibisch (Crustecea Amphipoda) in the continental underground waters of France) Describes Ingolfiella catalanensis n.sp. collected in the western Pyrenees - south of France - discusses systematics & biogeographic problems. McCombie, A.M. (1960)A 9-01222 Е J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):871-94 Actions and interactions of temperature, light intensity and nutrient concentration on the growth of the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardi Dangeard Kemat, N.D. (1962) 9-01223 Е Hydrobiologia, 20(3):248-79 Chlorophyceae of Ahmedabad, India 126 taxa are recorded incl. 8 new spp., 8 new varieties, & 2 new forms. BENTHOS 9 (1) 23 Tuzet, O. & R. Connes pote) 9-01224 Е Vie et Milieu, 14(3):467-70 Spicules anormaux d'une variété écologique d'Ephydatia fluviatilis L. (Abnormal spicules of an ecological variety of Ephydatia fluviatilis L.) Note of occurrence of the sp. with reference to variance in number of spicules. Picard, J.Y. (1962) 9-01225 F Vie et Milieu, 14(3):471-505 Contribution a la connaissance de la faune psammique de Lorraine (Contribution to the knowledge of the interstitial fauna of Lorraine) Describes the physico-chemical characteristics of the area studied & lists the spp. observed with notes on their environment. Coineau, N. (1962) 9-01226 Е Vie et Milieu, 14(3):507-20 Salentinella delamarei, nouvel amphipode Gammaridae des eaux phréetiques du Tech (Pyrénées-orientales) (Salentinella delamarei new amphipod Gammaridae of the phreatic waters of Tech, eastern Pyrenees) À taxonomic description of the sp. Hayes, F.R. (1961) 9-01227 F Bact.Proc., 61:48 The role of bacteria in the mineralization of phosphorus in lakes BA 39E(3)9280. Abstr. only. Hedrick, L.R. (1961) 9-01228 F Bact.Proc., 61:59 Effect of temperature upon toxicity of Lake Michigan water to Shigella sonnei BA 39E(3)9281. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Koshova, O.M. & 9-01229 F Suzuki, S. & 9-01235 F E.A. Kazantseva (1961) H. Nimura (1961) Mikrobiol., Moskva; 30(1):113-7 Jap.J.Ecol., 11(2):59-62 (Seasonal changes in numbers of bacterial (The microbiological studies of the lakes of plankton in waters of Lake Baikal). Ru Volcano Bandai. 6. The microbial populations in the Akanuma lake group). Ni En BA 37A(6)21371. Co 61-13513. BA 37A(6)21390. Koshova, О.М. & 9-01230 F E.A. Kazantseva (1961) Mikrobiol., Moskva (En Transl.), 30(1):105-8 Kane, H.E. (1961) 9-01236 F Seasonal changes in numbers of bacterial J.sediment.Petrol., 31(4):627 plankton in waters of lake Baikal Occurrence of Rangia cuneata Gray and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) in Sabine En 9-01229. Lake, Texas-Louisiana ВА 37A(6)21371. ВА 38A(4)12814. Lubyanov, I.P. (1961) 9-01231 F Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Trensi.), Ko. =; Takeucht, A. & Ne 9-01237 F The effect of industrial waste waters on the Takeuchi (1963) benthic fauna of the Dnieper reservoir En 61-10527. BA 37A(6)21372. Nature, Lond., 198(4879):490-1 Glutamate-induced depolarization in crustacean muscle Studies the site of action of tne glutamate in Cambarus clarkii muscle by electrophoresis. Merkosian, A.K. (1959) 9-01232 Е Trud.Soveshch.Probl.Biol.vnutr.Vod, 6:139-45 Produktivnost' bentosa oz. Sevan (The productivity of the benthos of Lake Sevan) ВА 37A(6)21374. Bovejerg, R.V. (1961) 9-01238 F Amer.Zool., 1(3):345 Mechanisms isolating two species of crayfish Orconectes virilis & 0. immunis. BA 38E(2)7899. Abstr. only. Markosyen, А.К. (1961) 9-01233 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol. The productivity of the benthos of Lake Sevan En 9-01232. ВА 37A(6)21374. En Transl.), No. 80665 Lynch, J.E. (1960) 9-01239 F Proc.U.S.nat.Mus., 112(3447):549-61 The fairy shrimp Branchinecta campestris from northwestern United States (Crustacea: Phyllopoda ) Description of Branchinecta campestris from alkaline ponds in eastern Wasnington € Suzuki, S. (1961 -01234 Е xl et) ? 3 Wyoming, with a discussion of characters Jap.J.Ecol., 11(1):1-4 delo a С $ separating it from other American spp. of (Ecological studies on aquatic fungi in the lake of Volcano Nikko). Ni En BA 37A(6)21389. Branchinecta, BA 38E(2)7905. 9 (1) Dobrokhotova, K.V. (1962)C 9-01240 Е A-1340, 18 p. Chareal algae in coenoses of hydromacrophytes Surveys of the chareal algae - Characeae, Thallophyta - of Kazakhstan SSR with special attention given to the ecology of forms living in zones normally occupied by aquatic angiosperms. 21 spp. known from the area are listed & briefly described. Chara aspera, C. kirghisorum, & C. strigosa are new to Kazakhstan. En 1953 Dobrokhotova, K.V. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. ¿sjhn Nichiporovich, A.A., V.E. 9-01241 Е Semento & M.G. Vladimirova (1962)C A-1363, 24 p. Intensification of photosynthetic productivity of the unicellular algee culture En 8- 06256. Available on loan from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 29; D.C, Perfil'ev, P.P. (P.V. DePorte, 9-01242 F Transl.) (1961)BC NIH No. 8-6-61, unpag., 25 p. Anatomy of mosquito larvae En 1928 Perfil'ev, P.P. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 22, D.C. Fedorov, V.D., S.G. Kushner & M.M. Telichenko (1962)B Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk. (biol.), (2):160-5 Vzaimootnosheniia vodoroslei i mikroorganizmov. 1. Vliianie razvivaiush- chikhsia kul'tur protokokkevykh vodoroslei Chlorella vulgaris i Scenedesmus obliquus na vyzhivaemost' kisechnoi palochki (On the mutual effect of algae and micro- organisms, Pt. 1: Effect of the developing cultures of protococcus algae, Chlorella vulgaris € Scenedesmus obliquus, on the survival of Escherichia coli) 9-01243 Е BENTHOS 9 (1) Fedorov, V.D., S.G. Kushner & 9-012k4 F M.M. Telitchenko (1962)BC A-1364, 14 р. On the mutual effect of algae and micro- organisms. Pt. 1: Effect of the developing cultures of protococcus algae, Chlorella vulgaris & Scenedesmus obliquus, on the survival of Escherichia coli Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Kordyum, F.A., Z.V. Lazurkevich 9-01245 Е & L.G. Zharova (1962)B Mikrobiol.Zh., 24(4):61-3 Prosta metodika perevirki bakteriologichnoi chistoti kul'tur odnoklitinnykh vodoroslei, a takozh vyiavlennia bakterial 'nykh mutantiv (A simple procedure for checking the bacteriological purity of cultures of unicellular algae and detecting bacterial mutants) Kordyum, F.A., Z.V. Lazurkevich 9-01246 Е & L.G. Zharova (1962)BC A-1367, 4 р. A simple procedure for checking the bacteriological purity of cultures of unicellular algae and detecting bacterial mutants En 9-01245. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 22, D.C. Vledimirov, V.L. (1962) 9-01247 F Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR (En Transl.biol.Sci.Sec.), 10(1-6):892-3 Morphology and development of eggs of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Norámann, 18320 dubois, 1936 - causative agent of black spot in fish En 62-02821. 25 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Vladimirov, V.L. (1962) 9-01248 Е Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, (6):1473 (Morphology and biology of the miracidium of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordman, 1832) Dubois, 1936 - causative agent of black spot in fish). Ru Vladimirova, K.S. (1961)BC 9-01253 F RTS 2005, unpag., > p. A new species of blue-green alga En 9-01252. Available from Office of Technical Services, Dep. of Commerce, Washington, 25 D.C. Vladimirov, V.L. (1962) 9-01249 F Dokl .Akad.Nauk SSSR (En Transl.biol.Sci.Sec.), 140(1-6):894-6 Morphology and biology of the miracidium of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordman, 1832) Dubois, 1936 - causative agent of black spot Radke, M.G., L.S. Ritchie € 9-01254 Е F.F. Ferguson (1961) in fish Amer.J.trop.Med.Hyg., 10(3):370-3 En 9-01248. Demonstrated control of Australorbis glabratus We by Marisa cornuarietis under field conditions in Puerto Rico Masiuk, N.P. (1959)B 9-01250 F Ukr.bot.Zh., 16(1):87-98 Flora protokokovykh deiakykh stavkiv zakhidnoukraiins'kogo Polissia (The Protococcineae flora in some ponds of west-Ukrainian Polesie). Uk Bryce, D. (1963) 9-01255 Е Advanc.Sci., Lond., 19(81):439 Chironomidae (non-biting midges) from fresh- Masiuk, N.P. (1961)c 9-01251 Е uam RIS 1953, Unpag. 21 p. The Protococcineae flora in some ponds of west-Ukrainian Polesie Alege, lakes, ecology, growth, identification, marine biology, classification. En 9-01250. Available from Office of Technical Services, Dep. of Commerce, washington, 25, D.C. Ramachandran, V. (1962) 9-01256 F Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (14):8 р. The method and technique of using anhydrous Vladimirova, K.S. (1961) 9-01252 F j trol Ukr.bot.Zh., 18(1):96-8 ammonia for aquatic weed contro > . t = С т di ho Re ee Uk Describes the toxic effect on submerged aquatic = E ' =e vegetation of sub-surface application of gase- р la ous ammonia and discusses briefly the effect of ni za the gas on aquatic organisms. Indications are given of a possible selective effect in the mortality of fish in treated ponds. 9 (1) Braga, A.S. (1962) 9-01257 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr., S.Paulo, 12(2):39-61 Métodos de compilacdo e computac&o de dados estatísticos de desembarque de pescado no pêrto do Santos (Methods of compilation and computation of fish landing statistics in Santos). Eu (En Explains the purposes of the fishery research program under development in Santos, S. Paulo, Brazil, & methods of collecting fishery statistics. Presents analysis of statistical data. ANON. (1963) 9-01258 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(2):38-40 Whaling vessels in operation in season 1962/ 63. En Wo Numbers of catchers & floating factories of the USSR fleet. Kurogane, K. & T. Nemoto (1963) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(4):89-104 The influence of meteorological factors on the Antarctic whaling 9-01259 M Based on the data collected through Japanese Whaling expeditions in the Antarctic during seasons from 1958 to 1961, influences of the meteorological conditions on the number of baleen whale catches have been analysed. Among many meteorological factors, wind force, visibility & duration of the daylight time are examined as those affecting the whaling operations, which usually last from January till sometime in March. Ci 9-11328. ANON. (1963) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(4):107-13 Pelagic whaling in the Antarctic, season 1962/ 63. m Wo 9-01260 M Tebular information on: number of catchers, catch of blue whale units per: season, catcher day, week; production of whale & sperm oil. 9 (1) 27 FISHING ANON. (1963 )A 9-01261 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(4):113-4 Catch reports. The summer season 1962 Southcott, B.A. et al. (1960) 9-01262 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):811-4 Keeping quality of Pacific coast dogfish. 2 Squalus suckleyi were stored in individual polyethylene bags at 0,5 & 10 C; a control group of fish was iced. Viable bacterial counts, pH, ammonia & trimethylamine were determined daily. Pronounced ammoniacal odours were noted with only a few samples & were generally strongly masked by putrid odours. Doucet, W.F. (1960) 9-01263 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):815-70 Economic study of the herring fishery of Charlotte County, New Brunswick, 1956-1957 It contains: (a) a detailed account of the capital investment & income position of the fishermen who were engaged in the herring fishery during the years 1956 & 1957; (b) some evaluation of the economic effects which the construction of hydro-electric power dams in Passamaquoddy Bay would have on the herring fishery of the area. Ouchi, A. (1963)A 9-01264 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):129-32 (The bottom fish fauna on the Hyotan and Mukoze Banks in the northern Japan Sea). Ni Tiews, K.F.W. (1958) Fhilipp.J.Fish., 6(2):216 p. Report to the government of the Philippines on mrine fishery resources 9-01265 M Review of the organisation of fisheries research in the Philippines and of various programmes Geveloped with the assistance of the author as an expert under the Expanded Technical Assistance Programme. Recommendations are made on various aspects of this field of work. 28 Jones, K.T.W. (1963) 9-01266 M Industr.Electron., 1(4):191-4 The Metron depth sounder Instrument takes a sounding every 1 1/2 s and displays true depth for each sounding. IA 18(3)2043. Campbell, J.R. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1998 Sound -measuring set 9-01267 M Transistorized battery-operated instrument for underwater acoustic measurements at frequencies of 50 to 70,000 c/s. ТА 18(3)2048. ANON. (1963) 9-01268 M Mensaj.agric., 152:47 El Peru: Primero del mundo en Pesca (Peru: the world's first fishing country) Discusses the growth of the Peruvian fishing industry in recent years. TA 18(5)k1214. Kuriyan, G.K., V.C. George 9-01269 M & T.R. Menon (1962)A Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coumn., (24):3 р. Design and operation of the so-called 'Thangu-Vala' - a single boat seine Lekshmi, A. et al. (1962)A 9-01270 M Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (23):4 р. Studies on frozen storage of prawns Nayar, M.R. et al. (1962)A 9-01271 M Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.FishiCoun., (19):5 p. Storage characteristics of prawns held in crushed ice and chilled sea water Kvaran, E. (1962)A 9-01272 M Symp . Pep. Indo-Pacif .Fish.Coun., (4):7 р. Maintenance of small marine engines 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kim, C.H. (1962)A 9-01273 M Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (38):4 р. Modern experiment of the trawler YAMATOMARU in the regular waves Miyamoto, H., S.D. Deshpande 9-01274 M & N.A. George (1962)A Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (29):8 p. Recent development in trewl-fishing for shrimps with trawls from small mechanised boats on the west coast of Peninsula India Satyanarayana, A.V.V., G.K. Kuriyan € R.S. Nair (1962)A Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (28):6 р. Commercial prawn trawling gear of Cochin (India) 9-01275 M Elson, P.F. (1962) 9-01276 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):93-100 The pollett apron seine A 2-man block seine about 16 feet long, modified for studying populations of small fish in the shallow, rapid salmon streams of eastern Canada, is discussed. ANON. (1963) 9-01277 MF Selec.agric., 18(203):94 A pesca no Brasil (Brazilian fisheries). Pr Statistics of production & value of fish, shellfish & other aquatic animals, FAO (1961)c 9-01278 MF Rome, 372 p. Futura evolución de la producción y utilización de la harina de pescado. Vol. 2 (Future developments in the production and utilization of fish meal) Es 61-10935. Alvarez, J. et al. (1961)BC 9-01279 MF Mexico D.F., Instituto Mexicano de Recursos Neturales Renovables, №21 р. Los recursos naturales de Mexico. 3. Estado actual de las investigaciones de hidrobiologfa y pesca (Natural resources of Mexico. 3. Actual status of investigations in hydrobiology and fishing) Chidambaram, К. (1962)A 9-01280 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (42):7 р. Fishery co-operatives of Gujarat Ro, J.D. (1962)A 9-01281 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (49):9 р. Government financial assistance schemes for fishery industry Kamasastri, P.V. € D.R. Rao 9-01282 MF (1962)A Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (21):3 р. Some observations on the nitrogenous losses in the wet reduction processes Prabhu, P.V. et al. (1962)A 9-01283 MF Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (22):4 p. Investigations on dehydration of some commercial fish in India Chidambaram, K. (1962) 9-01284 MF Symp.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (2):34 p. Development of mechanised fishing fleets in the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council region Ro, J.D. (1962)A 9-01285 MF Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (55):6 р. Studies concerning fish and use of rubber-tyre fish containers FISHING 9 (1) 29 Suriyong, K., P. Nitayachin 9-01286 MF & G.N.S. Rao (1962)A Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (41):5 р. Chilling of fish in Thailand Tavaranusorn, P. (1962)A 9-01287 MF Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Comn., (31):6 р. Fishery cooperatives in Thailand Suwananonta, S. (1962)A 9-01288 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (33):Ё р. Fisheries stetistics of Thailand Tavaranusorn, Р. (1962)A 9-01289 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (30):4 р. Fisheries credit Tavaranusorn, P. (1962)A 9-01290 MF Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (32):6 p. Planning for fisheries development and fisheries administration Kim, K.H. (1962) 9-01291 MF Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (№5):3 р. Production of oysters in Korea An account of the oyster industry in Korea including production of cultivated oysters, current status of research projects and control of natural waters. Chidambaram, K. (1962)A 9-01292 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (43):6 т. Fish marketing in Cujarat 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Taveira, C.G. (1963) Gaz.Agric.Angole, 7(7):455-8 O peixe de "chana". Curiosidades sobre a pesca no Moxico (Fish of the "chana". Peculiarities of fishing in Moxico). Pr 9-01293 F Describes method where natives of the Moxico district in Angola dam off low parts of the land with an earthern dam in the begiming of the rainy season. At distances varying from 3 to 10 m small openings are made in which baskets, made of cane or grass are placed, in which fish are ceught when the water runs out. TA 18(5)k1213. Kaweta, S. (1962) 9-01294 Е Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (17):9 p. Preliminary experiments and various field applications of fish pumps Preliminary experiments and field observations in regard to reactions to the current caused by a suction pump with notes on various field applications of fish pumps. Choudhury, R.L.R. (1962)A The layout for small fishing vessels 9-01295 X Gnanadoss, D.A.S. (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull,, 9(3):5-10 Fishing boat mechanism in Madras State 9-01296 X Kuriyan, G.K. & P.J. Cecily (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(3):11-14 Characteristics of cotton twines of 20 count yarn for fishing nets 9-01297 X Kuriyan, G.K. & 9-01298 X K. Radhalakshmy (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(3):15-21 Hemp twines for fishing nets Satyanarayana, A.V.V. € G.K. Kuriyan (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(3):22-30 On the characters of fishing floats 9-01299 X Kuriyan, G.K., S.G. Nayar & M. Vanaja (1962)A Indian Fish.Bull., 9(3):31-43 Experiments on preservation of fishing net twines 9-01300 X AQUATIC STOCKS Nakamura, E.L. (1962) Copeia, (3):499-505 Observations on the behavior of skipjack tuna, Euthynnus pelamis, in captivity 9-01301 M Observations on feeding & schooling behavior, color, swimming, growth, injuries € mortalities. 9 (1) Iversen, E.S. & D.C. Tabb (1962) 9-01302 M Copeia, (3):544-8 Subpopulations based on growth and tagging studies of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Florida Analyses of subpopulations were made using growth € tegging data from several locations along the coast of Florida - Cocoa, Flamingo, Fort Myers, Cedar Key, & Apalachicola -. Growth rates from these areas show differences that suggest subpopulations of this sp. AQUATIC STOCKS 31 Limbaugh, C. (1962) 9-01303 M Copeia, (3) :549-55 Life history and ecological notes on the tubenose, Aulorhynchus flavidus, a hemibranch fish of western North America Study of breeding behavior € other life ways, teking into consideration similarity of habits of sp. to those of sticklebacks. Breder, C.M., Jr. (1962) 9-01304 M Copeia, (3):561-7 On the significance of transparency in osteichthid fish eggs and larvae Considers some aspects of the conditions of transparency. MacAskie, Т.В. € 9-01305 M C.R. Forrester (1962) Copeia, (3):646 Pacific leatherback turtles (Dermochelys) off the coast of British Columbia Hirth, H. F. (1962) 9-01306 M Copeia, (3):647-8 Cloacal temperatures of the green and hewksbill sea turtles Hess, P.W. (1962) 9-01307 M Copeia, (3):653-6 Notes on some sharks in the western North Atlantic and Bahama areas Notes on distribution, food & reproduction of Carcharhinus longimanus, C. leucas, Galeocerdo cuvieri, & Prionace glauca. DeWitt, H.H. (1962) 9-01308 M Copeia, (3):657-9 On the probable identity of Macrias amissus, a deep-water notothenioid fish from the Chilean coast 9 (1) Skud, B.E. (1962) 9-01309 M Copeia, (3):659-61 Measurements of a white shark, Carcharodon carcharies, taken in Maine waters Orton, G.L. (1962) 9-01310 M Copeia, (3):664-5 Corrected list of published vertebral counts for certain eels (Apodes) Vazzoler, A.E.A. de M. (1962) 9-01311 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr., S.Paulo, 12(2):5-38 Sobre a primeira maturag&o sexual e destruigäo de peixes imaturos (On the first sexual maturity and destruction of immature fish). Pr En Demonstrates results obtained in studies of the size and age of first sexual maturity for some of the more important commercial spp. landed at Santos, and gives some information about destruction of immature fish caused by Brazilian and foreign vessels fishing from Santos. ANON. (1963) 9-01312 M Agric.Newslett.Neth., March:1-4 Lobster fishing and the lobster trade Hiatt, RW. € 9-01313 M D.W. Strasburg (1960) Ecol.Monogr., 30(1):65-127 Ecological relationships of the fish fauna on coral reefs of the Marshall Islands A study, conducted at Bikini, Arno & Eniwetok atolls from 1947-55, of the food, feeding habits & ecology of 233 spp. A food web depicting energy flow in a coral reef ecosystem is presented. Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Hawalil, (128). FAO: jgs Lupo, C. & 9-01314 M G. Chieffi (1963) Nature, Lond., 197(4867) :596 Oestrogens and progesterone in ovaries of the marine teleost Conger conger 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Templeman, М. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):811-4 Record of the oceanic puffer, Lagocephalus lagocephalus (L.), family Tetraodontidae, from Newfoundland 9-01315 M A female specimen 60 cm long, was collected alive on Aug. 26, 1961 on the beach at Point Verde, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland; this is apparently the first record of this sp. in the western Atlantic. Pike, G.C. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):815-38 Migration and feeding of the gray whale (Eschrichtius gibbosus) 9-01316 M Observations of gray whales from the coast of British Columbia, Washington, & Alaska are compared with published accounts in order to re-assess knowledge of migration & feeding of the American herd. Lasker, R. (1962)A 9-01317 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):867-75 Efficiency and rate of yolk utilization by developing embryos and larvae of the Pacific sardine Sardinops caerulea (Girard) Templeman, W. & 9-01318 M H.J. Squires (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):891-4 Record of the blue ling, Molva byrkelange (Walbaum), from the Newfoundland area A female specimen of European ling, 115 cm long, caught in Hermitage Bay, Nfld., has been identified as Molva byrkelange Walbaun, first record of this sp. from the western Atlantic. Graham, T.R. (1962)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):985-8 A relationship between growth, hatching and spawning season in Canadian Atlantic herring 9-01319. M 9 (1) Robins, C.R. (1962) Copeia, (3):487-98 Studies on fishes of the family Ophidiidae. 7. The Pacific species of Lepophidium 9-01320 M Five spp. of Lepophidium are recognized in the eastern Pacific from Peru to Baja California. The synonymy, range, & brief description of each are provided. New notes are given for the related genus & sp., Brotuloides emmelas. A key identifies the eastern Pacific sp. of Lepophidium & Brotuloides & tne genus Genypterus. CR 61-02124, 60-5205, 59-5677, 59-3479. FAO:hr McKenzie, R.A. & 9-01321 M S.N. Tibbo (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):133-68 Herring fishery in southern New Brunswick Analyses of weir catches of Clupea harengus L. show no significant relationship between average catches inside Passamaquoddy Bay & catches in outside areas for the same year. Weirs inside Passamaquoddy Bay are more efficient € catch about twice as many herring per weir as those outside the bay. Martin, W.R. (1960) 9-01322 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):169-73 Predicted effects of proposed tidal power structures on groundfish catches in Charlotte County, N.B. Predicts that the construction of power structures will have no measurable effect on landings of: Pollachius virens (L.); Melanogranmus aeglefinus (L.); Gadus callarias (L.); Urophycis tenuis (Mitch.); flounders, mainly Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walb.); and Sebastes marinus (L.). McCracken, F.D. (1960) 9-01323 M Studies of haddock in the Passamaquoddy Bay region From tagging experiments it appears that stocks of Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.) appear to result from annual migrations into the bay in early summer. Forecasts effects of power structures on the stocks. AA A AQUATIC STOCKS Lambert, D.G. (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):235-43 The food of the redfish Sebastes marinus (L.) in the Newfoundland area 9-01324 M Samples of redfish stomachs were analysed both qualitatively & quantitatively. In the sampled area the most important items of the diet of these fish are amphipods, fish & euphausians. There is a change in the diet of the redfish related to size. The redfish feeds on pelagic organisms & not on benthic forms. Fleming, A.M. (1960) 9-01325 M J.Fish:Res.Bd Can., 17(6):775-809 Age, growth and sexual maturity of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Newfoundland area, 1947-1950 e, growth & sexual mturity relationships of cod from various parts of the area, when analyzed in the light of tagging experiments, meristic studies, parasite studies € hydro- graphic information, suggest the existence of at least Ш relatively distinct divisions in the cod population of the area, between which there is only limited intermingling. Bilinski, E. (1960)A 9-01326 M J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):895-902 Biosynthesis of trimethylemmonium compounds in aquatic animals. 1. Formation of trimethylamine oxide and betaine from C-14 labelled compounds by lobster (Homarus americanus ) Co 8-13244. Tibbo, S.N. € 9-01327 M J.E. Henri Legaré (1960)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):933-42 Further study of larval herring (Clupea herengus L.) in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine Williams, H.H. (1960)A 9-01328 M Nature, Lond., 188(4749):514-6 The intestine in members of the genus Raja end host-specificity in the Tetraphyllidea D 9 (1) 33 Rees, W.J. (1960) 9-01329 M Nature, Lond.Suppl., 188(4753) :833-4 Dangerous marine animals A semi-popular, well-ill. handbook on marine animals that bite, sting or are poisonous to eat. Re 59-7486. Manier, J.-F. & 9-01330 M R. Ormières (1962) Vie et Milieu, 14(3):453-66 Arundinuia galatheae n. sp. et Toeniella gelathese n. sp. trichomycètes eccrinacées parasites de Galathea strigosa L. (Crustacés décapodes) (Arundinula gelatheae n. sp. and Toeniella alatheae n. sp., trichomycetes Eccrinales parasites of Galathea strigosa L., Crustacea - Decapoda) A study of stomach and rectum parasites and their various types of reproduction. Nomura, H. (1962) 9-01331 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr., S. Paulo, 12(1):7-32 Consideragoes sObre amostragem de peixes marinhos (2) (Considerations on sampling of marine fishes - 2). Fr En Gives methods & results of biological sampling of Macrodon ancylodon landed in Santos, S. Paulo, Brasil. Со 61-07255. Richardson, Т.О. & 9-01332 М Е.Р. dos Santos (1962) Bol.Inst.oceanogr., S.Paulo, 12(1):33-52 Note on the selectivity of meshes used by the Santos fishing fleet. Pr Relationship between total length & girth of 7 spp.: Micropogon furnieri, Macrodon ancylodon, Cynoscion petranus, Isopisthus rvipinnis, Bairdiella ronchus, Paralonchurus brasiliensis & Larimus breviceps, are expressed in the form of fitted regressions. 34 Vazzoler, G. (1962) 9-01333 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr., S.Paulo, 12(1):53-102 Söbre a biologia da corvina da costa sul do Brasil (On the biology of corvina of the southern Brazilian coast). Pr( En Presents first results obtained on length/ frequency distribution, age & growth, & the relations length/weight, length/girth, & girth/weight, of Micropogon furnieri, a fish of the family Sciaenidae caught off the Brazilian coast. Fields, H.M. (1962) Fish.Bull., U.S., 62(207):189-222 Pompanos (Trachinotus spp.) of south Atlantic coast of the United States 9-01334 M Presents the results of a study of the early development of Trachinotus carolinus, T. falcatus € T. glaucus incl. descriptions & ill. of the young, discussion of pigmentation ontogeny € growth, seasonal occurrence of the young on the Georgia coast, & natural history notes. Pushkareva, N.F. (1960) 9-01335 M Izv. tikhookean.nauch. -issled.Inst.ozer.rech. ryb.Khoz., 46:79-94 Meterialy po plodovitosti i razvitiiu polovykh produktov scumbrii (Data on fecundity and development of the sexual products in the mackerel) ВА 39E(3)9373. Pushkareva, N.F. (1961) 9-01336 M Referat.Zh. (Biol. )(En Transl.), No. 240536 Data on fecundity and development of the sexual products in the mackerel Fertility of Pneumatophorus japonicus Houttuyn varied significantly depending on length, weight & age of the fish. En 9-01335. BA 39E(3)9373. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lacroix, G. & A. Marcotte (1961) Wat.canad., 88(10):225-36 Variations régionales et saisonnières de l'alimentation de la morue (Gadus morhua L.), à l'entrée de la Baie des Chaleurs (Regional and seasonal variations of the food ingested by the codfish at the entrance of the Bey of Chaleur) 9-01337 M CR 62-06633. BA 38A(4)12865. Bouligand, Y. (1960) Crustaceana, 1(3):258-78 Notes sur la famille des Lamippidae, Premiére partie (Notes on the family Lamippidae. 1.) 9-01338 M Mediterranean spp. of Lamippidae, copepod endoparasites of octocorals, are revised. BA 38E(2)7897. Bouligand, Y. (1961) Crustaceana, 2(1):40-52 Notes sur la famille des Lamippidae, 2e partie (Notes on the family Lamippidae. 2.) 9-01339 M L. faurei, parasitic on the octocorals Alcyonium Parerythropodium, & Eunicella, is described in detail. L. faurei rolandiae is described. Lamippe brementi de Zulueta £ & L. papillifera de Zulueta are synonyms of Lamippina aciculifera (de Zulueta). Co 9-01338. BA 38E(2)7898. :Jgs Best, Р.В. & 9-01340 M J.L. Bannister (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4888) :89 Functional polyovuly in the sei whale Balaenoptera borealis Lesson Records occurrence of two foetuses in the same cornu but within separate foetal membranes. AQUATIC STOCKS 35 Druzhinin, A.D. (1960) 9-01341 M Izv.tikhookean.nauch. -issled.Inst.ryb.Khoz., 16 :243-6 Zametki o nekotorykh rybakh, obitaiushchikh u beregov o. Sakhalina (Notes on some fishes living near the coast of Sakhalin) | Observations on Pleurogrammus azonus & Leuciscus brandti. ВА 40A(3)8959. Druzhinin, A.D. (1961) 9-01342 M Referat.Zh. (Biol. )(En Transl.), No. 20D417 Notes on some fishes living near the coast of Sakhalin En 9-01341. ВА 40A(3)8959. Hitoshi, К. (Н.С. Kim, 9-01343 M Transl.) (1959)C Unpag., 19 р. The secular variation of the total length of spring herring Clupea pallasii C. & У. in the western coast of Hokkaido Studies variation of the total length of spring herring in the western coast of Hokkaido for year classes from 1907 to 1947 by using the moving average by > years. En 28-3804B0. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. :sjh Svetovidov, A.N. (W.J. Walters 9-01344 M & V. Walters, Transl.) (1962)c 304 p. Fishes, vol. 9, No. k: Gadiformes Monographic survey of the gadoids of the world. Special attention is given on osteologically based morphology, taxonomy to the spp. level, & world-wide distribution patterns. Notes are also incl. on such topics as the lower taxonomic levels, commercial importance, biology, & synonymy of the group. En 1948 Svetovidov, A.N. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. :sjh 9 (1) Tikhomirov, E.A. (1962) 9-01345 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 31215 The distribution and migration of seals in (Soviet) far-eastern waters Results of observations from sealing boats & airplanes on the seasonal migrations of Phoca largha, Erignathus barbatus, and Histriophoca fasciata in the sea of Okhotsk - 1956-1959 - and the Bering Sea - 1957-1958. En 8-05435. ВА 39A(1)675. Andriiashev, A.P. (1961) 9-01346 M Referat.Zn. En Transl.), No.22D367 A survey of gobies of the genus Artediellus Jord. (Pisces, Cottidae) in tne Bering Sea Gives a key to the sp. of Artediellus for the Bering Sea & contiguous waters, precises some sp. characteristics, € establishes the separate status of A. ochotensis as apart from A. pacificus. En 62-02633. BA 38E(5)20729. Barsukov, V.V. (1961) 9-01347 M Zool.Zh., 40(3):462-5 O srokakh smeny zubov u atlanticheskikh zubatok (Anarhichadidae ) (Times of the replacement of teeth in the Atlantic blenny, Anarhichadidae). En BA 36E(5)20730. Barsukov, V.V. (1961) 9-01348 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 20D367 Times of the replacement of teeth in the Atlantic blenny, Anarhichadidae Anarhichas lupus, A. minor, A. latifrons were exemined for replacement of teeth. En 9-01347. BA 38E(5)20730. 36 Haneda, Y. (1961) Sci. Rep.Yokosuka Mus., 6:45-50 (A preliminary report on two new luminous fish from Bombay and Hong Kong). Ni En 9-01349 M In Coilia dussumieri - Engraulidae - from Bombay & Collichthys lucidus - Sciaenidae - from Hong Kong, the luminous organs are distributed on the keel muscle & along the lower body part as well. BA 38E(5)20738. Smith, J.L.B. (1962) Ichthyol.Bull., (26):505-11 The rare "furred-tongue" Uraspis uraspis (Gunther) from South Africa, and other new records from there 9-01350 M Systematic notes on Uraspis, key to identification of its sp. Joseph, D.C. (1962) Fish Bull., Sacramento, (119):54 р. Growth characteristics of two southem California surffishes, the California corbina and spotfin croaker, family Sciaenidae 9-01351 M Age & growth, monthly growth, time of annulus formation, relationship of total annual growth to water temperature, food habits of Menticirrhus corbina & Roncodor stearusi. FiB:hr Nomure, H. (1962)A 9-01352 M Contr.Inst.oceanogr.S.Paulo Oceanogr.biol., (2):4 p. Length-weight tables of some fish species from southern Brazil. Pr Watanabe, K. (1963) 9-01353 M Bull.Ja Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):33-45 (Intermingling of the northern and the southern subpopulation of sardine in the Tsushima Current region of Japan). Ni En Identification of subpopulations on the basis of geographical variations of vertebral count in the O-group and determination of the intensity of intermingling of various age groups with respect to place and time. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ogata, T. (1963) 9-01354 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):47-52 (Tagging on the Alaska pollack in the Japan Sea. 3. Results since May 1959). Ni En Tagging of Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogranma Pallas), flathead flounder (Hippoglossoides dubius Schmidt) and zuwaigani (Chionoecetes opilio 0. Fabricius) off Echizen point, Fukui Pref., of Alaska pollack, cod (Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius) and fluke (Glyptocephalus stelleri Schmidt) off Yanagata Pref. and Alaska pollack in cold water regions of the Japan Sea. Co 61-05937. :glk Okachi, I. (1963) 9-01355 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):9-21 (Studies on the distribution and structure of the fish fauna in the Japan Sea by catch statistics. 2. Supplement of seasonal distribution and fishing condition of the bluefin tuna). Ni En Tabulation of data on catch composition and catching rates by locality and month. Co 60-21 06. :81k Okachi, I. (1963) 9-01356 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):23-32 (Studies on the distribution and structure of the fish fauna in the Japan Sea by catch statistics. 3. Type of migration). Ni En Preparation of sine curve disgrams, of which the ordinate shows migration range and the abscissa shows the months of year, in order to identify migration patterns and to examine variations in these patterns and the relation of these variations with environmental conditions. Co 9-01355. Ogawa, Y., K. Ogawa & S. Kano (1963) 9-01357 M Bull.Ja Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):77-84 Some information concerning atka fish, Pleurogrammus azonus, in the southwestern region of Japan Sea). Ni En Data on size composition of catch, sex ratio, sexual maturity, stomach contents and feeding behaviour. | | AQUATIC STOCKS 37 Ogawa, Y. (1963) 9-01358 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):85-90 (Some notes on the young kujime, Agrammus agrammus). Ni En Morphological characteristics, feeding behaviour and spawning season. Fukataki, H. (1963) 9-01359 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):91-100 (Pelagic egg balloons from the western North Pacific referrable to Sebastolobus macrochir (Gtinther) ). Ni En Description of two egg masses spawned by fish of this sp. Notes on the characteristics of the egg, distribution of the sp. and estimate of its fecundity. Okiyama, M. (1963) 9-01360 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):101-8 Larvae and young of the witch flounder, Glyptocephalus stelleri (Schmidt) at metamorphosis stages. Ni 111. morphological description and comparison of several features of juvenile stages of Glyptocephalus stelleri with Glyptocephalus cynoglossus. Nishimura, S. & Y. Ogawa (1963) 9-01361 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):119-22 Two new records of anomalous coloration in Japanese heterosomata with a summary of known records 111. notes on Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck and Schlegel) and Hippoglossoides dubius (Schmidt) with summary of known records of anomalous coloration of Japanese flat fishes. Oguro, C. (1961) 9-01362 M Annot.zool.jap., 34(1):43-8 On the neurosecretory system of two parasitic isopods, Argeia pugettensis Dana and Athelges japonicus Shiino Morphological and histological description. Issued also as: Contr.Akkeshi Mar.biol.Sta., (110): 9 (1) Hotta, H. (1962) 9-01363 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):51-66 Diagnostic study of fishes in stomachs of piscivors - 1. Ni 111. descrivtion of the skeletons of 14 spp. of fish belonging to € families with a view to use of these descriptions for che identification of fish fragments in the stomach contents of fisn-eating fish. Kawai, H. & M. Sasaki (1962) 9-01364 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):1-27 (On the hydrographic condition accelerating the skipjack's northward movement across the Kuroshio front). Ni En Presents data on the oceanographic conditions associated with skipjack migration and proposes a method of predicting the iocation of the main skipjack fishing ground during the northward movement. Kawasaki, T. & M. Anraku (1962) 9-01365 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):33-44 (On the abundence and its fluctuation of the skipjack and albacore migrating to “the neighbouring seas of Japan. 1.). Ni En Calculation of a population index for the population as a whole and for the 3 year age- group, and examination of changes in these indices, especially in relation with catch. Kawasaki, T. & M. Asano (1962) 9-01366 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):45-50 (Biological comparison between the Pacific tunas. Part 3). Ni En Examination of various mechanisms of segregation. Co 62-03800. Odate, 5. (1962) 9-01367 M Bull.Tonoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):67-93 (Distribution of larvae of the saury, Cololabis saira (Brevoort), in the surrounding Sea of Japan). Ni En Classification of the larvae into groups and plotting on charts of the distribution of the larvae in these stages. 38 Odate, S. (1962) 9-01368 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):94-105 (Study on the larvae of fishes in tne north-eastern sea area along the Pacific coast of Japan. Part 2. Carangidae jack-mackerel, scads and yellow-tails). Ni En Report on the geographic distribution of samples obtained of the larvae of spp. within these groups. Co 8.08099. Sato, Y. € Y. Ishito (1962) 9-01369 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):106-13 (Growth of the bottom-fish in the rearing condition. 1. The relation between growth and food consumption of a babagarei, Microstomus achne (Jordan & Starks)). Ni En Presents the results of rearing this sp., permitting the formulation of a conclusion relating the daily growth rate to the daily feeding rate. Yao, M. (1962) 9-01370 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (20):28-32 (Skipjack biting by the mthematical estimate). Ni En Discusses a formula relating the number of skipjack caught to the duration of operations, number of fish per school and a coefficient relating to the feeding intensity of the skipjack. Odate, S. (1962) 9-01371 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):63-70 (Study on the larvae of fishes in the north- eastern sea area along the Pacific coast of Japan. Part 3. Takabe (butter-fish), Labracoglossa argentiventris Peters). Ni En Notes on time and place of capture of larvae of this sp., and on growth rate of the larvae. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Odate, S. (1962) 9-01372 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):38-49 (Analysis of population of the saury, basing on the vertebral character. Part 1. On the number of vertebrae of the saury caugnt in the fall fishing season). Ni En Analysis of data on the number of vertebrae of Cololabis saira (Brevoort) caught in the fishing season. Hotta, H. (1962) 9-01373 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):1-20 (Fluctuations in the abundance of saury on the north-eastern sea area in Japan). Ni En Examination of the characteristics of annual fluctuation in the composition of tne commercial catch of Cololabis saira in autumn in the north-eastern sea area of Japan. Hotta, H. (1962) 9-01374 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):50-6 (The parasitism of saury (Cololabis saira) infected with parasitic Copepoda, Caligus macarovi Gussev, during fishing season in 1961). Ni En Examination of the variation of intensity of infestation by the parasite. Ishito, Y. (1962) Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):7-8 (Studies on the migration of the slime-flounder Microstomus achne (Jordan et Starks), in the north-eastern sea area of Japan). Ni En 9-01375 M бы dd Study of the migration of this sp. through tagging operations and from observations of the seasonal variation in maturity. Fukushima, S. (1962) 9-01376 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.res.Lab., (21):21-37 (On the relation between the pattern of the Kuroshio Current in spring and summer and the saury fishing conditions in fall). Ni En Describes 4 types of situations with regard to oceanographic conditions and. the condition of the saury fishery. AQUATIC STOCKS Yamamıra, Y. & 5. Muto (1962) 9-01377 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (21):57-62 (Studies on the phototaxis of the saury in relation to the vitamin A of the eye and the other organs). Ni En Data on the distribution of vitamin A in various parts of the body. Negasaki, F. (1961) 9-01378 M Coll.Repr.Tokei Fish.Res.Lab., 36(B-365) Population study on the fur seal herd Estimation of sustainable yield on basis of analysis of bull count and size of commercial kill, estimation of pup production from tag recovery results and data on growth rate, pregnancy and mortality. Saishu, K. (1963) 9-01379 M Bull.Seikei Fish.Res.Lab., (26):16k p. (The interspecific relations concerning occupancy of space by bottom fishes in the East China and Yellow Seas. Competition and predation). Ni En Analysis of records of catch per haul of various spp. of bottom fish taken by two-boat trawls. The analysis is made chiefly by examination of regression curves for each pair of spp. relating density of the spp. to an index of their mixing. The types of curves obtained are classified with regard to various aspects of the biology of the sp. Omura, H. (1962) 9-01380 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):1-5 Bryde's whale occurs on the coast of Brazil Ill.report of occurrence with table of body proportions. Omura, H. (1962) 9-01381 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):7-18 Further informtion on Bryde's whale from the coast of Japan Notes on external features, movements, foetal growth, sexual condition, age and stomech contents of the whales taken. 9 (1) Ichihara, T. (1962) 9-01382 M Sci. Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16) :47-60 Prenatal dead foetus of baleen whales List of dead fostuses and notes and illustrations; discussion of the rate of resorption. Sinclair, J.G. (1962) 9-01383 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):83-7 An early dolphin embryo (Stenella coeruleoalbus) in serial sections Illustrations and discussion of the serial sections. Uda, M. (1962) 9-01384 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo; (16):105-19 Subarctic oceanography in relation to whaling and salmon fisheries The relation, to whaling and salmon fishing grounds, of submarine topography, currents, water masses and vertical circulation in the North Pacific. Nishiwaki, M. (1962) 9-01385 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):19-28 Ryukyuan whaling in 1961 General notes on the whaling season, Composition of catch with respect to size, body colour and blood type. Assessment of the condition of the stock of humpback whales. Nishiwaki, M. (1962) 9-01386 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):61-77 Mesoplodon bowdoini stranded at Akita Beach, Sea of Japan Ill. description of the specimen with detailed measurements of the skull, certain of the vertebrae and other bones. 39 40 Nishiwaki, M. (1962) 9-01387 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):79-82 Observation on two mandibles of Mesoplodon Illustrations with measurements. Nemoto, T. (1962) 9-01388 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):89-103 Food of baleen whales collected in recent Japanese Antarctic whaling expeditions Discussion ofthe distribution of various food spp. found in the stomachs of whales, and of the distribution of baleen whales. Nemoto, T. (1962) 9-01389 M Sci. Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16):29-34 A secondary sexual character of fin whales Note on the protuberance of the tip of the snout of upper jaws of male fin whales as a secondary sexual character. Omura, H. et al. (1962) 9-01390 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (16) :35-45 Osteological note of a sperm whale Description and measurement of various bones. Shelbourne, J.E. (1963) 9-01391 M Nature, Lond., 198(4875):74-5 A marine fish-rearing experiment using antibiotics Account of experiments to test effect of antibiotic treatment during incubation of Pleuronectes platessa eggs. Chirastit, C. (1962) 9-01392 M Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (52):7 p. Progress report on tagging experiments of chub-mackerel (Rastrelliger neglectus) in the Gulf of Thailand Report of tagging operations dealing chiefly with recoveries and the deductions to be made from these. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tange, M. (1962) 9-01393 M Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (6):10 р. Pearl culture in Japan Account of the historical development of pearl culture and description of the process for producing cultured pearl and of the structural characteristics of the present pearl culture industry. Deshpande, S.D. (1962)A 9-01394 M Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (26):17 р. An account of 'Dara' (Polydactylus indicus Shaw) fishery of the Bombay coast with particular reference to the fishing method by bottom-drift nets Bae, D.H. (1962) 9-01395 M Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (47):10 р. A summary report on some major marine fisheries resources of Korea Spawning season and grounds, age and other biological data of a number of Korean fish, such as Pacific mackerel, corvina, shrimp and Alaska pollack. :8lk Kim, K.H. (1962) 9-01396 M Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (44):4 р. Major shellfish culture (excluding oysters) in Korea Lists the major species of commercial shell- fish except oysters, briefly indicating governmental policy towards development and tabulating production 1958-1961. Piavis, G.W. (1962) Copeia, (3):652-3 Exposure of several developmental stages of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, to selective larvicides 9-01397 MF Results of a study to determine the effect of some larvicides on developing embryos & various larval stages of the sp. AQUATIC STOCKS Collette, B.B. (1962) Copeia, (3):659 The status of the Bermuda fish population of Jenkinsia 9-01398 MF Breder, C.M., Jr., (1962) Copeia, (3):662-3 Interaction between the fishes Mugil and Lagodon 9-01399 MF Perlmtter, A. (1962) 9-01400 MF Copeia, (3):663-4 Predation of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, on the Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus Harris, R.H.D. (1962)A 9-01401 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):113-26 Growth and reproduction of the loongnose sucker Catostomus catostomus (Forster), in Great Slave Lake Grodzinski, Z. (1961)BC 9-01402 MF Warsaw, State Publishers in Agriculture & Forestry, 319 p. Anatomia i embriologia ryb (The anatomy and embryology of fishes). Ellis, D.V. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):137-48 Preliminary studies on the visible migrations of adult salmon 9-01403 MF Describes the techniques developed for observing and recording the behavior of migrating adult salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka and O. kisutch, in British Columbia. Lander, R.H. (1962) 9-01404 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):159-71 A method of estimating mortality rates from charge in composition Exemines the problem of estimating mortality rates from knowledge of catch & of the change in composition caused by selective fishing on one of two classes of a closed population. 9 (1) febb, D.C., D.L. Dubrow & R.B. Manning (1962) Tech.Ser.Fla Ва Conserv., (39):81 р. The ecology of northern Florida Bay and adjacent estuaries 9-01405 MF Smith, B.R. & 9-01406 MF A.L. Mclain (1962) Tech.Rep.Gr.Lakes Fish.Comm., (4):1-18 Estimation of the brook and sea lamprey ammocete populations of three streams Estimates based on marking experiments with subcutaneous dyes. Stevenson, J.C. (1962) 9-01407 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):735-810 Distribution and survival of herring larvae (Clupea pallasi Valenciennes) in British Columbia waters Concludes that the principal cause of death in Pacific herring larvae is traceable to their passive transport by inshore water currents to the open sea, & the number of larvae that are not so transported in any particular year determines the strenghh of the resulting year-class. Prakash, A. (1962) 9-01408 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):851-66 Seasonal changes in feeding of coho and chinook (spring) salmon in southern British Columbia waters Food study based on the stomach analyses of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and O. kisutch collected from the various localities along the southern British Columbia coast revealed that herring followed by crustaceans formed the most important items of the diet of the two spp. Parker, R.R. (1960) 9-01409 MF J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):199-210 Critical size and maximm yield for chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Instantaneous natural mortality rate is estimated from tagging & recovery data & compared with instantaneous relative growth rates for each life history type of chinook salmon. 41 42 Anderson, R.C. € 9-01410 MF N. Bourne (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):291-3 Note on Pontonema vacillatum Leidy 1855 (Nematoda: Oncholaimidae) from soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) Srivastava, P.N. (1960) 9-01411 MF Nature, Lond., 108(4749):512-3 Influence of thyroid on radiophosphorus metabolism in fish Experiments to determine whether the thyroid had any control over the mineral metabolism in Salmo salar L. FAO: jgs ANON. (1960) 9-01412 MF Nature, Lond., 188(4753):773-4 The grey seal and British fisheries Incl. an account of the exploitation of Halychoerus grypus. Shearer, W.M. & E. Trewavas (1960) Nature, Lond., 188(4753):868 A Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Scottish waters 9-01413 MF Records the migration, & notes some features of its biology. Mentions the transfer of Pacific salmon eggs, chiefly pink salmon, from Sakhalin Island north of Japan to the rivers of the Kola Peninsula. Mansueti, R.J. (1961) 9-01414 MF Chesapeake Sci., 2(3/4):142-205 Movements reproduction, and mortality of the white perch, Roccus americanus, in the Patuxent estuary, Maryland BA 38A(4)12870. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Jefferts, K.B., P.K. Bergman 9-01415 MF & H.F. Fiscus (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4879):460-2 A coded wire identification system for macro-organisms Describes a system for identification of macro-organisms which has been applied to the Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sp,). A small segment of ferromagnetic wire, coded in one of several fashions, is implanted in muscle or cartilage, and its presence is determined through the external effects of a permanent magnetic moment impressed on the wire segment. Yamaguti, 5. (1961)BC 9-01416 MF London, Interscience Publishers, 1261 p. Systema helminthum Compilation concerning 62 families, 114 subfamilies and 732 genera of nematodes arranged according to the five classes of vertebrate hosts - fishes, Amphibia, Reptilia, birds, mammals. Diagnoses and keys are provided for the identification and separation of orders, families, subfamilies and genera, and specific names are listed along with data concerning hosts, geographic localities, questions of synonymy and other information; ill. arranged in 102 plates, references to the original literature, and an index. Stroganov, N.S. (M. Roublev, 9-01417 MF Transl.) (1962)BC PL-480 Int., 108 p. Physiological adaptability of fish to the temperature of the surrounding medium En 1956 Stroganov, N.S. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Zaitsev, A.V. (1962) 9-01418 MF Dokl.Aked.Nauk SSSR (En Transl.biol.Sci.Sec. À 10(1-6):833-6 The structure and stete of the thyroid gland in femles of the kura sturgeon (Acipenser glildenstadti persicus borodin) before, during, and after spawning Account of observations concerning the structural & functional changes in the thyroid glands. States that thyroid hormone plays a specific part at all stages of propagation & regulates the transition of these fish into the spawning state under both natural & artificial conditions. CR 62-02710. FAO:efa AQUATIC STOCKS Adrov, M.M. (1965) 9-01419 MF 9022.56 The thermal regime of the Barents Sea and the acclimatization of the pink salmon From: Problems of the exploitation of the fishery resources of the White Sea and the inland waters of Karelia 1963 (1) :26-32. Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England, Zanandrea, G.S.J. (1961) Evolution, 15(4):523-34 Studies on European lampreys 9-01420 MF BA 38E(5)20752. Antonov, A.E. (1960) 9-01421 MF Trud.baltiis.nauch-issled.Inst.morsk.ryb.Khoz., :10-21 Prognozirovanie srokov zakhoda salaki v Vislinskii zaliv i nechale ee neresta (Prediction of the time of entry of the herring Clupea harengus membras L. into the Vislinsk Bay and of the beginning of its spawning) Analysis of the influence of water temperature on the time of spawning of the herring. A number of empirical equations are given which make tt possible to predict the time when the herring will enter the Vislinsk Bay, and the beginning of their spawning. BA 37A(5)16962. :sjs Antonov, A.E. (1961) 9-01422 MF Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), №. 12D421 Prediction of the time of entry of the herring Clupea harengus membras L. into the Vislinsk Bay and of the beginning of its spawning En 9-01421. BA 37A(5)16962. 9 (1) Yamanaka, I. (1963) 9-01423 MF Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):1-7 (Note on the effects of catching non-maturing sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in view of the availability). Ni En Examination of catch per unit effort data for the calculation of natural mortality and yield per recruit under the condition of capture of immature fish contrasted with the condition of protection of immature fish. Kasahara, S. (1963)A 9-01424 MF Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):123-4 (A case of the piebald sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), found from the western North Pacific). Ni Ouchi, A. & M. Kuroiwa (1962)A 9-01425 MF Bull.Ja Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):125-7 (The aberrant body color found in the pink salmon, Oncorynchus gorbuscha). Ni Kuhn, H.J., P. Moser & М. Kuhn 9-01426 MF (1962) Pfliigers Arch.ges.Physiol., 275(3):231-7 Haarnadelgegenstrom als Grundlage zur Erzeugung hoher Gasárticke in der Schwimmblase von Tiefseefischen (Hairpin countercurrent as basis for production of higher gas pressures in swim bladder of deep sea fish). En Lactic acid content of blood in rete mirabile of the eel was measured before and after punctation of the swim bladder. Askew, R.R. (1963) 9-01427 MF Advanc.Sci., Lond., 19(81) :438 Parasitism in the Arthropoda 43 44 Popham, E.J. (1963) 9-01428 MF Advanc.Sci., Lond., 19(81):439 Biology of fresh and brackish waters Sutcliffe, D.W. (1963) 9-01429 MF Advanc.Sci., lond., 19(81):4ho Insects and selt water Devillers, Ch. (1962)BC 9-01430 MF In 9-01013 Structural and dynamic aspects of the development of the teleostean egg Fujinaga, M. (1962) 9-01431 MF Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (59):2 р. Culture of Kuruma-shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) Notes on the equipment for cultivation and the cultural practices for rearing larvae and post-larvae. Rebanal, H.R. (1962) 9-01432 MF Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (54):3 p. The elevation of a swempland based on the tidal datum and its importance in selecting sites for chanos fishponds projects Description of a method for determination of the appropriate elevation for milk fish ponds in relation with tidal characteristics of each situation. Bhimachar, B.S. (Ed.) (1962) 9-01433 MF Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (40):17 р. Information on prawns from Indian waters. Synopsis of biological data Brief review of available biological informat- ion on the marine, brackish and freshwater prawns and shrimps of India. Estimates of commercial production are given, with a brief outline of culture practices. A bibliography of 70 titles, from 1905 to 1962 is appended. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Branson, B.A. (1962) Copeia, (3):532-9 Observations on the breeding tubercles of some Ozarkian minnows with notes on the barbels of Hybopsis 9-01434 F The arrangement of nuptial tubercles is compared in Notropis pilsbryi » N. rubellus, Dionda nubila, Hybopsis biguttata & H. x- punctata. An attempt is made to correlate the distribution of these structures with the breeding behavior & ecology of the sp. Some remarks are incl. on the morphology of barbels in Hybopsis x-punctata, H. biguttata, H. micropogon, H. aestivalis & others. Saksena, V.P. (1962) 9-01435 Е Copeia, (3):539-В\ e post-hatching stages of the red shiner, Notropis lutrensis Hetching occurred from 57 to 72 hours from the time of spawning at temperatures varying from 77 to 82 degrees F. At hatching, the prolarva was 4.7 mm, total length & had red pigment in the blood & melanophores on the body & in the eyes. It had 19 myomeres before the vent & 14 behind. Four days were required for the prolarva to change into a post- larva & 30 days for the postlarva to change into the juvenile stage. Distler, D.A. € 9-01436 Е A.L. Metcalf (1962) Copeia, (3):556-61 Etheostoma pellididorsum, a new percid fish from the Caddo River system of Arkansas Etheostoma pallididorsum, subgenus Oligoce- halus, is described & compared with E. cragini, the darter which it most closely resembles. The paleback darter is known only from the headwaters of Caddo (Ouachita) River system, whereas E. cragini is endemic to the Arkansas River system; the spp. differ in details of squamtion, pigmentation, & shape. AQUATIC STOCKS Roberts, N.J. & 9-01437 F H.E. Winn (1962) Copeia, (3):567-70 Utilization of the senses in feeding behavior of the johnny darter, Etheostoma nigrum Tests using vials of live worms, dead worms, & worm extract demonstrated that feeding responses - the peck - by darters are primarily elicited by visual cues of movement. Fish responded slightly uo olfactory cues. A correlation exists between the use of the visual sense € the structure of the brain in the johnny darter. FAO:hr Saxena, S.C. (1962) 9-01438 Е Copeia, (3):656-7 On the pelvic girdle and fin of a hill stream sisorid fish, Pseudecheneis sulcatus Barr, T.C., Jr. € 9-01439 F R.A. Kuehne (1962) Copeia, (3):662 The cavefish, Amblyopsis 5 northern Kentucky laea, in Oshima, M. (1961)B 9-01440 Е Studies on the chars found in Japanese waters Thurston, C.E. (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):39-44 Physical characteristics and chemical composition of two subspecies of lake trout 9-01441 Е Cristivomer namaycush in Lake Superior vary greatly in amount of fatty constituents - oil - & 2 distinct varieties are recognized; these are considered to represent 2 distinct sub- spp.: Cristivomer (or Salvelinus) namaycush namaycush & C. п. siscowet. Hochachke, P.W. & 9-01442 Е A.C. Sinclair (1962) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):127-36 Glycogen stores in trout tissues before and after stream planting Changes in the glycogen reserves of epaxial & heart muscle of Salmo gairdneri, were followed after streem planting. 9 (1) Scott, D.P. (1962) 9-01443 Е J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(1):149-56 Radioactive caesium as a fish and lamprey mark Experiments to test radioactive caesium-137 as a fish & lamprey ammocoete mark are described. Deminatti, M. (1963)A 9-01444 F C.R.Aced.Sci., Paris, 256(23) :4987-90 Recherches sur le test histochimique de la méthylation appliqué à l'étude de la préhypophyse chez Carassius auratus (Research on the hystochemical test of the methylation when applied ta the study of the prehypophysis in Carassius auratus) Sykhoverkhov, F. & R. Krymova (1961)B Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):18-9 (Effect of cobalt salt on the growth of carp). Ru 9-01445 Е Sykhoverkhov, F. & В. Krymova (d.u. 1961? )BC MIWL:1071, 7 p. De invloed van kobaltzouten op de groei van karper (Effect of cobalt salt on the growth of carp). Ne 9-01446 Е Ne 9-01445. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Crossman, E.J. (1962)A J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 19(5):979-80 Predator-prey relationship in pikes (Esocidae) 9-01447 Е 45 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Battle, H.I. € 9-01448 F W.M. Sprules (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):245-66 A description of the semi-buoyant eggs and early developmental stages of tne goldeye, Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque) They are bathypelagic or semi-buoyant, a cneracteristic which is rare among freshwater fishes. Prehatching developmental stages, incl. the multicellular blastoderm, the 41- & the 5l-somite embryos, early larvae & postlarval young fish are described. Vladykov, V.D. (1960)A 9-01419 F J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(2):267-88 Description of young ammocoetes belonging to two species of lampreys: Petromyzon marinus & Entosphenus lamottenii Muir, B.S. (1960) 9-01450 Е J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):919-27 Comparison of growth rates for native and hatchery-stocked populations of Esox masquinongy in Nogies Creek, Ontario Recent techniques have contributed to a ‚more accurate determination of age by the scale method € a new growth curve for the maskinonge has been constructed. A reduction in the annual growth increment for tagged fish ranges from 25%, age 4, to 80%, age 6, of that attained by untagged fish. Ricker, W.E. (1960) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can., 17(6):929-32 A population of dwarf coastrange sculpins (Cottus aleuticus) 9-01451 F In Cultus Lake, British Columbia, it inhabits deep water, grows slowly to a maximum length of about 50 mm in 3 or 4 years, & spawns in the lake throughout the summer, It was taken abundantly from the stomachs of Dolly Varden char; other fish eat it only rarely. Its summer food is plankton & microbenthos. 9 (1) Swift, D.R. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(3):241-7 Activity cycles in the brown trout (Salmo trutta Lin.) 9-01452 P Annual & diurnal activity cycle for 4 naturally feeding brown trout separately confined in netting cages on the bed of Windermere is described. Iles, R.B. (1960) 9-01453 Р Nature,Lond., 188(4749):516 External sexual differences and their significance in Mormyrus kannume Forskal. 1775 Trewavas, E. & 9-01454 P P.H. Greenwood (1960) Nature, Lond., 188(4753):868-9 Interspecific hybrids of Tilapia Discussion of hybridisation. Ci 60-9995, 571029. Compte, A.S. (1962) 9-01455 Е Vie et Milieu, 14(3):604-6 Un odonato nuevo para España Brachythemis leucosticta (Bum.) (A new Odonata for Spain Brachythemis leucösticta (Burm.)) A note on occurrence & brief description of specimens. Wagner, W.C. & 9-01456 F T.M. Stauffer (1962) Pap.Mich.Acad.Sci., 47:235-45 The population of sea lamprey larvae in East Bay, Alger County, Michigan Lange, №.0. (1960) 9-01457 F Trud.Inst.Morf.Zhiv., 28:5-40 Etapy razvitiia plotvy v razlichnykh ekologicheskikh usloviiakh (Developmental stages of the roach in various ecologic conditions) Rutilus rutilus sp. BA 39E(3)9350. AQUATIC STOCKS 47 Lange, N.0. (1961) 9-01458 F Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 20339 Developmental stages o the roach in various ecologic conditions En 9-01457. BA 39E(3)9350. Hobbs, H.H., Jr. & 9-01459 F M. Walton (1961) Trans.Amer.micr.Soc., 80(4):379-84 Additional new ostracods from the Hiwassee drainage system in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee Entocythere falcata infecting Cambarus longulus longirostris, C. striatus, & Orconectes erichsonianus is widespread in the Hiwassee drainage system; whereas Entocythere hiwasseensis, infesting C. bartonii bartonii & an undescribed subsp. of C. montatus, appears to be restricted to the upper reaches of the Nottely € Hiwassee rivers. BA 39E(3)12307. Bogatova, I.B. (1961) 9-01160 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 1D34 The role of Apus cancriformis Schäffer as a pest in ponds used for rearing sturgeon En 60-7451. BA 38A(4)12842. Bukirev, A.I. & 9-01461 F G.F. Kostarev (1961) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 200386 Age and growth of the bream in the Kama reservoir Critical discussion of the work of previous investigators. En 61-10538. BA 38A(4)12843. Gery, J.R. (1963) 9-01462 Е Nature, Lond., 198(4879) :502-3 Paired frontal foramina in living teleosts: Definition of a new family of characoid fishes, the Crenuchidae The South American genera Crenuchus and Poecilocharax are raised to family rank. 9 (1) Templeton, W.L. & 9-01463 F V.M. Brown (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4876) :198-200 Accumulation of calcium and strontium by brown trout from waters in the United Kingdom Gives data on the accumulation of stable calcium & strontium in bone & muscle of Salmo trutta. Davies, P.M.C. (1963) 9-01464 Е Nature, Lond., 198(4881):707 Food input and energy extraction efficiency in Carassius auratus Experiment conducted suggests {nat there is an optimum level of nutrition at which the greatest proportion of available energy is extracted. Lissmann, H.W. & 9-01465 Е K.E. Machin (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4888) :88-9 Electric receptors in a non-electric fish (Clarias) Measures sensitivity of Clarias to low frequency pulse trains. Anisimova, I.M. (1961) 9-01466 F Vop.Ikhtiol., 17:39-46 Izmenenie gonad belorybitsy v prednerestovyi period (Changes in the gonads of the inconnu (Stenodus leucichtys) in the pre-spawning period) ВА 38A(4)128h0. Anisimova, I.M. (1961) 9-01467 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 200369 Changes in the gonads of the inconnu (Stenodus leucichtys) in the pre-spawning period En 9-01466. BA 38A(4)128h0. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES A Yamamoto, T.S. (1962) 9-01474 Е Chirkova, Z.N. (1960) 9-01468 Е J.Fac.Sci.Hokkaido(6), 15(1):148-56 Biull.Inst.Biol.Vodokhr., 8/9:42-3 Activation of dog salmon egg by heavy metal Snetok v Gor'kovskom i Kuibyshevskom ions vodokhranilishchakh (Smelt in the Gorkov and Kuibyshev Experimental test of the possibility of reservoirs) activation of the eggs BA 3840A(3)8958. Also issued as: Contr.zool.inst.Fac.Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (574). Chirkova, Z.N. (1961) 9-01469 F Berg, L.S. (Ronen, O., Transl.) 9-01475 F Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), №. 20D423 (1962)Ac Smelt in the Gorkov and Kuibyshev reservoirs PL-180 Smi., 504 p. Freshwater fishes of the USSR and adjacent En 9-01468. countries BA 40A(3)8958. Luzhin, B.P. (1961) En L.S. Berg 1948/49. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington D.C. 9-01470 F Izv.Akad.Nauk kirgiz.SSR(biol.), 1(4):97-101 Ob akklimatizatsii leshcha v ozere IssykKul' (Acclimatization of BA 4OA(3)8970. bream in Lake IssykKul') Morisaburo, T. (Kim, H.C., 9-01476 F Transl.) (1959)c unpag. Тр. On the stock of spring herring in Hokkaido Statistical analysis which shows that the variation of the yield of spring herring is resulted mainly by the oceanographical conditions of fishing ground. Luzhin, B.P. (1961) 9-01471 Е En Morisaburo, T. 1948. Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 4D525 Available from Office of Technical Services, Acclimatization of bream in Lake IssykKul' Department of Commerce, Washington D.C. En 9-01470. BA 40A(3)8970. Tan, A.-C. (1963) 9-01477 Е Burrage, В.В. (1961) 9-01472 Е China reconstructs, 12(2):15 Trans.Kans.Acad.Sci., 64(4):357-9 African silver carp reared in China Notes on some captive minnows, Pimephales promelas Rafinesque BA 38E(5)20732. Reviews introduction of Tilapia mossambica into minland China, special measures taken to keep the fish alive during the winter. TA 18(5)k1215. Orges, G. (1961) 9-01473 F Ling, S.W. (1962) 9-01478 Е Ciencia y Nat., 4(1):3-6 Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Cown., (57):15 р. Hallazgo de peces de los géneros Xiliphius Studies on the rearing of larvae and juveniles y Hoplomyzon en el sistema del Amazonas. end culturing of adults of Macrobrachium Descripción de una nueva especie rosenbergi (De Man) (Discovery of fish and Hoplomyzon in the Amazon system. of the genera Xiliphius Description of the eggs, larvae » Juveniles Description of a new species) and young, of the experimental work in ВА 38E(5)20746. culturing these stages and in developing a technique for rearing them and for culturing the adults. 9 (1) MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Soong, M.K. (1962) 9-01479 F Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (58):7 p. A note on the pond culture of Puntius javanicus Blkr in the Federation of Malaya Zoogeography of the species, history of its importation for pond culture in the Federation of Mlaye end experiments in controlling its spawning. Alikunhi, H.K., K.K. Sukumaran 9-01480 Е & S. Parameswaran (1962) Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (16):22 р. Induced spawning of the Chinese grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus (C. & V.) and the silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (С. & V.) in ponds at Cuttack, India Discusses sexual maturation of these carps in ponds and describes procurement of mature gonads by injection of pituitary extract and the rate of hatching and subsequent survival and growth of fry obtained by these induction methods. Pongsuwana, U. (1962) 9-01481 Е Tech. Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., :11 р. Progress of ricefield fish culture in Thailand Reviews recent development of fish culture in ricefields in Thailand and describes the results of the experiments carried out in the central and northern regions of Thailand, on single species as well as mixed species fish culture in rice fields. 49 Han, H.S. (1962) 9-01482 F Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (48):5 p. resent status of fish culture in Korea Fish culture practices in Korea. Food for fish in ponds, hatching of common and crucian carp, fish culture in paddy fields, use of fertilizers, development of river basins and Tilapia culture. Sterba, G. (Tucker, W.D. 9-01483 F Transl.) (1962)С London, Vista Books, Longacre Press, 878 p. Freshwater fishes of the world Provides basic data on the identification and aquarium biology of some 1,300 species of freshwater fishes which have, at some time or other, been introduced into aquarist circles. The species are illustrated, either by line-drawings or in half-tone or colour photographs. Specific descriptions are arranged in families grouped into Regan's classification of the higher categories. Each family is given a distribution map and a broad outline of its characters, both morphological and ecological, the former confined to superficial characters readily seen in the living fish. For each species there are notes on distribution, meristic characters, details of colour, notes on its ecology in aquaria and remarks on its biology in nature. En 60-8108. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (273):11004-5 Arréte royal rendant obligetoire la décision du 24 août 1962 de la Commission paritaire nationale de la pêche maritime attribuant une allocation complémentaire de vacances pour l'ennée 1962 au personnel navigant de la pêche maritime. - 26 novembre (Royal order giving compulsory effect to the decision of 2% August 1962 of the National Arbitration Commission for Sea Fisheries granting a supplementary holiday allowance to sea fishermen for 1962). Fr Ne 9-01484 M 9 (1) Bermuda. Laws, 9-01485 M Statutes, etc. (1963)C Separate publication, 7 p. The fisheries regulations, 1963. - 22 March 1963 Made under the agricultural act, 1930. Comprehensive regulations concerning maintenance of register of fishermen, restriction on use of fishing nets, restrictions on taking fish, closed seasons, fishing methods, etc. The fisheries regulations, 1953, are revoked. Cameroon, Federal Republic of 9-01486 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroon, (16):899-950 Ordinance 62-0F-30 relating to the Cameroon merchant shipping code. - 31 March 1962. En Fr Extensive provisions, covering the establishment of fishing zones, sea fishing, safety at sea, status of seamen, etc. Cameroon, Federal Republic of 9-01487 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroon, (19):1136-40 Order 130, fixing the conditions for exercising the profession of Cameroon seaman and the terms and conditions governing the issue of professional seamen's cards and books. - Ó September 1962. En Fr Made under ordinance No. 62-0F-30 of 31 March 1962 establishing the Cameroon merchant shipping code. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Can.Gaz.(II), (1):6 SOR:63-2. Order in council P.C. 1962-1802 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act. - 20 December 1962 9-01488 M For the herring fishing season ending the Sth of February, 1963, only, herring may be fished for, caught or killed by means of purse-seines or trawl-nets on the lower east coast of Vancouver Island sub-district until 55,000 tons are taken & on the middle east coast of Vancouver Island sub-district until 20,000 tons are taken. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Can.Gaz. (11), (1):6 DORS/63-2. Décret C.P. 1962-1802 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Colombie-Britannique en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 20 décembre 1962 (SOR/63-2. Order in council P.C. 1962-1802 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act. - 20 December 1962) 9-01489 M Fr 9-01488. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (2):37 SOR/63-16. Order in council P.C. 1963-10 amending the seal protection regulations made under the fisheries act. - January 1963 9-01490 М Amendments in respect of sport fishing in certain areas & in respect of destruction of grey seals & harbour seals. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (2):37 DORS/63-16. Décret C.P. 1963-10 modifiant le reglement pour la protection des phoques en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries. - 3 janvier 1963 (SOR/63-16. Order in council P.C. 1963-10 amending the seal protection regulations made under the fisheries act. - January 1963) 9-01491 M Fr 9-01490. Germany. Federal Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl., Bonn, (II), (8):157-70 Gesetz zu dem Ubereinkommen vom 24. Januar 1959 ther die Fischerei im Nordostatlantik. - 19. März 1963 (Act relative to the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention of 24 January 1959. - 19 March 1963) 9-01492 M Ratification of the convention, Ivory Coast. Laws, 9=01493 M Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Côte d'Ivoire, special(38):917 Loi №. 62-254 du 31 juillet 1962 modifiant l'article 108 du code de la marine marchande (Act No. 62-254 amending article 108 of the merchant marine code. - 31 July 1962) Amends act No. 61-349 of 9 November 1961 to allow fishing vessels of over 25 tons to take on board foreign experts for training purposes. Valid for five years. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 51 Madagascar. Laws, 9-01494 M Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Repub.malgache, (266) :39 Décret No. 62-665 portant modification des articles 6 et 7 du décret No. 62-213 du 18 mai 1062 réglementant le contrôle de salubrité et des. conditions de conservation des produits de la mer d'origine animale destinés à la consomation. - 27 décembre 1962 (Decree No. 62-665, amending articles 6 and 7 of decree No. 62-213, of 18 May, 1962, regulating the sanitary inspection and the control of the conditions of preservation of sea produce of animal origin for human consumption. 27 December 1962) Prohibits the fishing, sale, transport, etc. of crayfish during the breeding season, of females carrying eggs, & of animals under the prescribed sizes. Netherlands. Laws, 9-01495 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Ned.Steatscourant, (6):1 Directie van de visserijen Nr. Vi. 4812. Ontheffing verbod vissen met het kornet in het Veerse Meer. - 4 januari 1963 (Order No. Vi. 4812 on exemptions from prohibitions relative to drag-net fishing in the Veerse Meer. - 4 January 1963). Ne Suspends prohibitions until 31 December 1963, or until otherwise ordered. Norway. Laws, 9-01496 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Overensk.Fremm.Stater, (7):408-17 Fiskerioverenskomst mellom Norge og Sovjetsamveldet, undertegnet i Moskva 16. april 1962 (Fisheries treaty between Norway and the Soviet Union, signed in Moscow on 16 April 1962). No Permits fishing in the zones between 6 & 12 nautical miles from territorial base lines. Extensive regulations. The treaty, which came into force on 1 August 1962, is valid until 31 October 1970. 9 (1) Norway. Laws, 9-01497 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid., (40):813 Resolusjon om endring av pera. 3 i bestem. om saltvannfiskeriene - minstemaal for fisk. - 16. november 1962 (Resolution amending para. 3 of the regulations under the salt water fisheries act - minimum size of fish. - 16 November 1962). No Amends regulations of 22 December 1955 in respect of minimum size of certain fish. Norway. Laws, 9-01498 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid., (41):825 Resolusjon om endr. av para. 11 i bestem. om saltvannfiskeriene - maskevidden i ngter. - 23. november 1962 (Resolution amending para. 11 of the regulations under the salt water fisheries act relative to mesh size in nets. - 23 November 1962). No Replaces minimum mesh sizes for the taking of certain fish, shrimps € shellfish. Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid., (43):855-6 Lov om endring i lov av 28. juni 1952 om avgift paa hermetikk til fordel for fellesreklame og laboratorium for hermetikkindustrien. - 7. desember 1962 (Act amending act No. 8 of 28 June 1952, concerning a tax on canned food for the benefit of collective publicity and a laboratory for the canning industry. - 7 December 1962). No 9-01499 M Amends para. 2: a tax of 0,5% on export & home consumption of canned fish & seafood is paid to a fund for covering operating expenses of the research laboratory of the caming industry. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Peru. Laws, 9-01500 М Statutes, etc. (1962) Peruano, (6495):2 Decreto-ley No. 14265 por el que se grava con soles oro 25 la tonelada corta de anchoveta que ve extrae con fines industriaies. 24 de diciembre de 1962 (Decree-law Wo. 11265 placing a tax of 25 gold soles on the short ton of anchovy collected for industrial purposes. - 2): December 1962) To be paid by tnose fishing anchovies. Portugal. Laws, 9-01501 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (153):943-52 Decreto-lei No. 44 455: aprova, para ratificag&o, a Convençäo das pescarias do Nordeste do Atlantico, assinada em Londres em 24 de Janeiro de 1959. - 6 de Julho de 1962 (Decree law No. 44 455 approving, for ratification, the North East Atlantic Fisheries Convention signed at London on 24 January 1959. - 6 July 1962). Pr Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (177):1039-64 Decreto-lei No. 190: aprova, para ratificag&o, a convengä&o sobre o mar territorial e a zona contígua, a convengfo sobre o alto mar, a conveng&o sobre a pesca e a сопвегуасйо dos recursos biológicos do alto mar, а conveng&o sobre a plataforma continental e o protocolo de assinatura facultativa relativo à regularizacäo obrigatória das diverg@ncias, aprovados na l.a Conferencia de Direito do Mar, realizada em Genebra em 1958, e assinados em 28 de outubro do mesmo ano. - 3 de agosto de 1962 (Decree law №. 44 490 approving for ratification the convention on the territorial 9-01502 M sea and the contiguous zone, the convention on the high seas, the convention on fishing and the conservation of the living resources of the high seas, the convention on the continental shelf and the optional protocol of signature concerning compulsory settlement of disputes approved at the First Conference on the Law of the Sea held at Geneva in 1958 and signed on 28 October 1958. - 3 August 1962).. Pr Portugal. Laws, 9-01503 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (208):1212 Decreto-lei No. 44 562: introduz alteracdes na lista de produtos submetidos ao regime do artigo 3 da conveng&o que institui a Associaçäo Europeia de Comércio Livre, aprovada pelo decreto-lei No. 43 769. - 10 de setembro de 1962 (Decree law No. 44 562 making alterations to the list of products subject to the provisions of article 3 of the convention esteblishing the European Free Trade Association approved under decree law No. 43 769. - 10 September 1962). Br Covers marine plant meals, etc. Portugal. Laws, 9-01504 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (227):1314 Declarac&o: de terem sido, por despacho do Secretário de Estado do Comércio, mantidos para a campanha de 1962-1963 os ргесоз e características do bacalhau salgado seco nacional e de proced@ncia estrangeira constantes da declarag&o inserta no Diário do Gov., Lisboa, (263), de 12 de novembro de 1960, e fixados pelas portarias n.os 13 1492, 14 199, 17 469 e 17 415. 20 de setembro de 1962 (Declaration to the effect that the Secretariat of State for Trade has issued an order maintaining for the 1962-1963 season the prices and characteristics of national and foreign dried salted cod as laid down in the declaration appearing in the Diário do Gov., Lisboa, (263), of 12 November 1960 and fixed under orders Nos. 13 492, 14 199, 17 469 and 17 415. - 20 September 1962). Pr South Africa, Republic of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.S.Afr., (411):6-10 Government notice No. 18: amendment of regulations made under the sea fisheries act, 1940. - 4 January 1963. En Af 9-01505 M Repeals & replaces part IV on protection of fish & size limits & schedule H on fees peyable for permits at fishing harbours. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 53 Spain. Laws, 9-01506 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (283):16715 Orden de 13 de noviembre de 1962 por la que, por analogia con lo dispuesto en orden ministerial de 22 de enero de 1992, se autoriza la descarga y almacenamiento de pescado en los depósitos frigorifícos de la Ciudad del Cabo o en otros extranjeros y el reembarque de la pesca con destino a España en buques de bandera extranjera (Order authorizing by analogy with the provisions of the ministerial order of 22 January 1952, the unloading and storage of fish in cold storage in Cape Town and other foreign cold storage facilities and the re -embarkation of the fish for Spain on ships flying foreign flags. 13 November 1962) The order of 22 January 1952 contains Similar provisions in respect of Saint-Pierre Island. Spain. Laws, 9=01507 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (283):16716 Orden de 15 de noviembre de 1962 por la que se establece que los beneficios fiscales de la ley 147/1961, de 23 de diciembre, podrán concederse a las empresas pesqueras españolas independientemente de que sea o no benefi- ciarias de los préstamos por dicha ley (Order establishing that the tax benefits provided for under act No. 147 of 23 December 1961 may be granted to Spanish fishing concerns irrespectively of whether they are beneficiaries of the loans provided for under that act. - 15 November 1962) Act No. 147 provides for the rehabilitation & protection of the fishing fleet. Spain. Laws, 9-01508 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol .ofic.Estado, Madr., (275):16288 Decreto 2904/1962, de 15 de noviembre de 1962, por el que se regula la administración de los fondos de formación profesional néutico-pesquera (Decree No. 2904 regulating the administration of the sea fisheries professional training funds. - 15 November 1962) Such funds shall be administered by the central board of the economic pilotage fund (Junta Central del Fondo Económico de Practicajes). Spain. Lews, 9-01509 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol .ofic.Estado, Madr., (295):17504 Resolución de la Dirección General de Comercio Exterior por la que se autoriza la venta en puertos extranjeros de pesca capturada en altura por barcos pesqueros españoles. - 24 de noviembre de 1962 (Resolution of the Directorate General of External Trade authorizing the sale in foreign ports of fish caught on the high seas by Spanish fishing vessels. - 24 November 1962) An authorization of the seid directorate general is required in each case & for each fishing season. Spain. Laws, 9-01510 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (295):17504-5 Resolución de la dirección general de comercio exterior por la que se establece el régimen de exportación de los pescados, crustáceos y moluscos. - 24 de noviembre de 1962 (Resolution of the directorate general of external trade establishing the export system for fish, crustaceans and molluscs. - 24 November 1962) Detailed provisions concerning export licences. Spain. Laws, 9-01511 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (3):56 Resolución de la dirección general de expansión comercial por la que se autoriza que las salazones, semi-conservas y conservas de pescado objeto de regulación por la orden ministerial de 27 de julio de 1961 - Boletín Oficial del Estado de 26 de agosto de 1961 - elaboradas con anterioridad a primero de enero de 1963 y que no reúnan los requisitos de las mencionadas disposiciones relativas a formatos y leyendas, podrán ser objeto de exportación hasta tanto no se regule esta materia de otra forma. - 22 de diciembre de 1962 trade expansion authorizing the export of salted, semi-preserved and preserved fish products regulated under the ministerial order of 27 July 1961 - B.O.E. of 26 August 1961 - prepared prior to 1 January 1963 which do not meet the requirements of the said order with respect to format and markings, so long as no other regulations are issued in that connection. - 22 December 1962) 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (310):18269-73 Ley 60/1962, de 24 de diciembre, por la que se regulen los auxilios, salvamentos, remolques, hallazgos y extracciones merítimos (Act No. 60 regulating assistance, salvage, towing, discoveries and extractions at sea. - 24 December 1962) Extensive provisions. Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol .ofic.Estado, Madr., (310):38297-8 Ley 93/1962, de 24 de diciembre, sobre sanciones a las infracciones que en materia de pesca cometan las embarcaciones extranjeras en aguas territofiales o jurisdiccionales españolas (Act No. 93 relative to penalties for fishing violation by foreign vessels in Spanish territorial and jurisdictional waters. 21 December 1962) Forbids fishing by foreign vessels in jurisdictional waters interpreted as extending 6 nautical miles out from the low water mark on the Spanish shore. Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (313):18454-5 Orden de 26 de diciembre de 1962 por la que se establecen normas para la distribu- ción de los créditos correspondientes a la finuelidad de 1964, en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la ley de renovación y protección de la flota pesquera, de 23 de diciembre de 1961 (Order laying down rules for distribution of the 1964 credits, in pursuance of the provisions of the act for the rehabilitation and protection of the fishing fleet of 23 December 1961 - 26 December 1962) Detailed provisions repealing € replacing provisional rules laid down by order of 19 January 1962. Ad 8-04583. 9-01512 M 9-01513 M 9-01514 M 9 (1) Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (13):623 Orden de 10 de enero de 1963 por la que se extiende el régimen de comercio libera- lizado a los países que se mencionan (Order extending the liberalized trade System to certain countries. - 10 January 1963) 9-01515 M The countries are Brazil, Cyprus, Ecuador, Nigeria, Federation of Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Liberia,' Nicaragua, Peru, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, Thailand, Trinidad, Tobago & South Vietnam. The goods incl. fisheries products. Spain. Laws, 9-01516 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (26):1650-64 Orden de 16 de enero de 1963 por la que se clasifican en polígonos de cultivo de moluscos los correspondientes a las provin- cias marítimas de La Corufia, Vigo y Villagarcía (Order classifying molluscs cultivation zones in the maritime provinces of La Coruña, Vigo and Villagarcía. - 16 January 1963) Detailed description of such zones, made under decree of 30 November 1961. Ad 8-04611. Sweden. Laws, 9-01517 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Svensk FörfSaml., (537-544) :1544-5 Kungl. maj:ts kungUrelse Nr 540 angaende Bndrad lydelse av 7 och 13 para. kungUrelsen den 19 mj 1961 (nr 154) om statsbidrag till fiskares byggnader i vissa fall. - 5 oktober 1962 (Royal order No. 540, amending arts. 7 and 13 of royal order No. 154 of 19 May 1961, relating to the state subsidy for fishermen's housing in certain areas. - 5 October 1962). Sv Concerns loans for improvements. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 55 U.K. Laws, Statutes, 9-01518 M etc. (1963) Statut.Instrum.U.K., (235):5 р. The sea-fishing industry (fishing nets) order 1963, made under the sea-fishing industry act 1933. - 6 February 1963 Supersedes the sea-fishing industry - fishing nets - order 1962. Nets used for fishing such Spp. as herring € shrimps may have a mesh smaller then the minimum prescribed for other purposes. Ad 62-06795. U.S. Treaties, 9-01519 M etc. (1961) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5200):77 p. Ratification by the President of the United States of America of the convention on the high seas done at Geneva on 29 April 1958. - 24 March 1961 The convention entered into force on 30 September 1962. U.S. Treaties, 9-01520 M etc. (1962) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5207):3 р. Agreement effected by exchange of notes between the United States of America and Japan concerning sanitary practices in processing shellfish for shipment. - 24 October 1962 Uniform sanitation principles will be applied to the production and handling of all fresh or frozen oysters, clams and mussels intended for shipment between the two countries. U.S. Treaties, 9-01521 M etc. (1962) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5128):17 p. Âgreement for the establishment of the Indo- Pacific Fisheries Council, as amended by the ninth session of the Indo Pacific Fisheries Council at Karachi, Pakistan - 6-23 January 1961 - and approved by the llth session of the FAO Conference at Rome, Italy, 4-24 November 1961. - Undated Also incorporates the amendments adopted on 17 December 1958 by the council at the eigth session, Colombo. Venezuela. Laws, 9-01522 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Gac.ofic.Venezuela, (27.034) :200.865-6 Resolución por la cual se declara época de veda la pesca o captura de tortugas en las zonas que en ella se determinan. - 20 de diciembre de 1962 (Resolution declaring a closed period for the fishing and capture of turtles in the zones mentioned. - 20 December 1962) To protect turtles from extinction. Applies to areas of the Pararuma Islands, Playa Blanca, Cabullarito & beaches in the neighbourhood of those islands in the Orinoco River. Is valid for 5 years. ANON. (1963 )A 9-01523 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(2):33-8 Norway's position with regard to the International Whaling Convention. En No ANON. (1963) 9-01524 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 52(2):43-4 The International Whaling Commission. En No Regulations of humpback whale catches. Morris, P.A. (1962)BC 9-01525 M New York, The Ronald Press Co., 294 p. Nature study at the seashore: exploring with your camera Duvanin, А.Т. (1960 )BC 9-01526 M Leningrad, Prilivi v More:222-6 (Tides in the sea: bibliography). Ru Duvanin, A.I. (Slesser, M. 9-01527 M Transl.) (1961)BC HO-133, unp@ag., 12 р. Tides in the sea: bibliography En 9-01526. Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. 56 Plourde, A.J. (1962) 9-01528 M Proc.Instrun.Soc.ämer., 17(2):4 р. Measurement comoatibiiity among navy standards and calibration laboratories Discussion of measurement audit of U.S. Navy standards leboratcries. IA 18(3)1376. Hart, Р. (1962) Proc. Instrum.soc.Amer., 17(1):4 р. "Carla", sea water and instruments 9-01529 M Effect of flooding by sea water of Texas division of Dow Chemical Co. is reported and subsequent recovery of instruments is described. IA 18(3)1384. Belgium, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit,belge, (235):9115-44 Loi portant approbation de l'accord concernant l'établissement d'une partie du tarif douanier commun relative aux produits de le liste G, prévue au traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne, de l'annexe contenant les taux des droits fixés pour les produits de la liste G, des protocoles et de l'acte final, signés à Rome, le 2 mars 1960, 21 septembre 1962 (Act approving the agreement concerning the establishment of a part of the common customs tariff for products in list G provided for in the treaty establishing the European Economic Community, approving the annex containing the rates of duty fixed for products in list G and the protocols and final act signed at Rome on 2 March 1960. - 21 September 1962). Fr № 9-01530 MF Applies also to fish & fisheries products. ¡AD BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (244):9495-513 Arrêté ministériel soumettant à licence 1' importation de certaines marchandises. - 25 octobre 1962 (Ministerial order subjecting the import of certain goods to a licence requirement. - 25 Octobér 1962). ES de 9-01531 MF Applies to all imports into Belgium by individuals who do not have their main place of residence in either Belgium or Luxemburg & imports of all goods from Hong Kong & Japen, € Albania, Eastern Germany, Bulgaria, Mainland China, North Korea, Hungary, Outer Mongolia, Poland, Roumania, Czechoslovakia, U.S.S.R. & North Vietnam. Also incl. a list of products incl. fish & fisheries products listed in a long Annex. Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (244):2513-37 Arrêté ministériel soumettant à licence l'exportation de certaines marchandises. - 25 octobre 1962 (Ministerial order subjecting certain goods to an export licence requirement. - 25 October 1962). Fr № 9-01532 MF Incl. a long list of products, incl. fish & fish products. Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (256):10114-5 Arrêté royal modifiant l'arrêté royal du 28 décembre 1961 établissant un droit spécial a l'importation de certains produits agricoles et alimentaires. - 9 novembre 1962 (Royal order amending the royal order of 28 December 1961 establishing a special import duty on certain agricultural and food products. - 9 November 1962). Fr Ne 9-01533 MF Deletes fish meals, etc. used in the preparation of animal feeds. Brazil. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1961) Diário ofic., Rio de J., (53):3149-51 Portaria No. 114 aprovando tabela de precos de productos. - 31 de agósto de 1961 (Order No. 114 fixing prices for certain products. - 31 August 1961). Pr 9-01534 MF Incl. fisheries products. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 57 Cameroon, Federated State of 9-01535 MF East. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroun orient., (2):38-9, suppl. Loi 62-11 du 26 décembre 1962 réglementant la chasse et la pêche sur le territoire du Cameroun oriental (Act No. 62-11 regulating hunting, shooting and fishing throughout East Cameroon. - 26 December 1962) General legislation on the subject. Chile. Laws, 9-01536 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.463) :347 Decreto número 23 por el que se autoriza a la empresa pesquera Austral S.A. para trasladar desde Dichato a Iquique una planta de harina de pescado. - 9 de enero de 1963 (Decree No. 23 authorizing the "Empresa Pesquera Austral S.A." to transfer a fish meal plant from Dichato to Iquique. - 9 January 1963) Applies to a plant with a capacity of 150 tons of raw material per day. Chile. Laws, 9-01537 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.192):610-1 Decreto numero 115 por el que se reemplazan las letras F) y G) del artículo 1 del decreto supremo No. 1.584, de 1934, expedido por el ex Ministerio de Fomento. - 26 de febrero de 1963 (Decree No. 115 replacing article 1 (f) and (8) of supreme decree No. 1.584 of 1934 issued by the former Ministry of Development. - 26 February 1963) Regulates closed periods for the catch of certain molluscs to coincide with natural breeding seasons. Congo. Federal Republic of. 9-01538 MF Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.cong., (27):286-9 Arrêté ministériel du 12 octobre 1962, modifiant l'arrêté du 25 mars 1961 relatif à la fixation des prix mexima des produits importés (Ministerial order amending the order of 25 March 1961, relating to the fixing of ceiling prices on imported products. 12 October 1962) Wholesale € retail prices of a wide variety of foodstuffs, incl. fish, Crustacea & molluscs. 9 (1) Denmark. laws, 9-01539 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (III):22 Nr. 19. Bekendtgprelse om aendring i bekendtggrelse om udfgrsel af fisk og fiske- varer. - 24. januar 1963 (Order No. 19, amending the order concerning the export of fish and fish products. - 24 January 1963). Da Adds Israel to the list of countries sub- joined to Ministry of Fisheries' order No. 282 of 8 August 1962 concerning export of fish & fish products. Denmark. Laws, 9-01540 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (111):26 Nr. 23. Bekendtggrelse om forhgjelse af mindstemaalet for aal i alle ferske vande med afl¢b til Limfjorden. - 28. Januar 1963 (Order No. 23 concerning an increase of minimum size for eel in all fresh waters flowing into Limfjord. - 28 January 1963). Da The minimum size of 345 mm for eel is raised to 380 mm for the said waters. Finland. Laws, 9-01541 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Finl.Författnsaml., (380-7):766-7 Lag N:o 381 om #ndring av tulltariffen. - 13 juli 1962 (Act No.381, amending the customs tariffs. - 13 July 1962). Sy Amending import tariffs, inter alia, on fish products. France. Laws, E 9-01542 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Répub.f ., (305):12680-733 Décret No. 62-1573 du 22 décembre 1962 modifiant les tarifs des droits de douane d'importation (Decree No. 62-1573, amending the import customs duty tariffs. - 22 December 1962) Covers numerous foodstuffs, incl. fish & fish products. 58 Germany, Eastern. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) GesBl.dtsch.dem. Repub . (III), (4):73-82 Anordnung Nr. 233 Über Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Standards. - 3. Dezember 1962 (Order No. 223 relative to standards in the German Democratic Republic. - 3 December 1962) 9-01543 MP Incl. fish € fish products, € frozen sea fish. The text of the standards is not given. Ireland. Laws, 9-015 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Iris Oifigiuil, (16):172 Bye-law No. 511, made under the fisheries acts, 1959 and 1962, relating to No. 13 or Ballyshannon district. - 20 February 1963. En Ge Prohibits fishing for salmon or trout with any fishing engine other than rod & line in certain waters. Ireland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Iris Oifigiuil, (18):195 River Slaney (angling) bye-law No. 512, 1963 made under the fisheries acts, 1959 and 1962.- 27 February 1963. En Ga 9-01545 MF Angling in which any lure other than artificial fly is employed is, during the periods specified, prohibited in certain waters. Itely, Laws, 9-01546 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Gazz.uff.Repub.ital., (312):1-47, ordinary suppl. Legge 12 agosto 1962, n. 1637: approvazione del protocollo tra l'Italia e la Svizzera concernente l'entrata in vigore delle nuove concessioni tariffarie e 1'abrogazione dell'avenant del 14 luglio 1950 al trattato di commercio 27 gennaio 1923 e relativi scambi di note (Act. No. 1637, approving the protocol between Italy and Switzerland concerning the entry into force of the new tariff concessions, and abrogating the protocol of 14 July 1950 to the trade treaty of 27 January 1923, and exchange of notes relative thereto. - 12 August 1962). It Covers fish, Crustacea & Molluscs. -9(1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Italy. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Gazz.uff.Repub.ital., (25):428-9 Legge 31 dicembre 1962, n. 1846: esonero daziario per determinate merci originarie e provenienti dalla Libia per il periodo dal 1 gennaio 1962 al 31 dicembre 1964 (Act No. 1846, exempting from customs certain goods originating in and shipped from Lybia, for the period 1 January 1962 - 9-01547 MF 31 December 1963. - 31 December 1962). It Covers fish & fish products, incl. fish meal, Luxembourg. Laws, 9-01548 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Mém. Luxemb. (A), (56):1003-4 Reglement grand-ducal du 13 octobre 1962 modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 8 Janvier 1962, établissant un droit spécial à l'importation de certains produits agricoles et alimentaires (Grand ducal regulation amending the grand ducal regulation of 8 January 1962 establishing a special import duty on certain agricultural and food products. - 13 October 1962) Eliminates fish meals & powiers & molassed sugar feed preparations & other animal feeds containing fish meals or powders from the list shown in the grand ducal regulation of 8 January 1962. Ad 8-03560. Luxembourg. Laws, 9-01549 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (59):1035-6 Réglement ministériel du 25 octobre 1962 concernent le repeuplement des cours d'eau affectionnés par les salmonidés (Ministerial regulation relative to the restocking of water courses habitually frequented by Salmonidae) Lists the rivers to which this measure applies & the number of fish to be thrown into them. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (63) :1065-102 Reglement ministériel du 14 novembre 1962 Sur l'accord concernant l'établissement d'une partie du tarif douanier commun relative aux produits de la liste G, prévue au traité instituant la Communauté économique européenne, de l'annexe contenant les taux des droits fixés pour les produits de la liste G, des protocoles et de l'acte final, signé à Rome, le 2 mars 1960 (Ministerial regulation on the agreement Conceming the establishment of a part of the common customs tariff for products in list G as provided rot in the treaty establishing the European Economic Of duty fixed for the products on list G; of the protocols, & the final act, signed at Rome on 2 March 1960. - 14 November 1962) 9-01550 MF Applies to a long list of goods incl. fisheries Products. Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (70):1168-80 Réglement ministériel du 20 décembre 1962 relatif au tarif des droits d'entrée (Ministerial regulation relative to the import duty tariff. - 20 December 1962) 9-01551 MF Applies to a long list of products, incl. fish & fisheries products. Malaya, Federation of Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Malaya Govt Gaz., (2):145-53, act suppl. E AAA No. 8. Fisheries act, 1963: an act to consolidate and amend the law relating to fisheries and to make provisions for matters incidental thereto. - 21 January 1963 9-01552 MF Basic fisheries act. Provisions concerning administration matters, protection of fisheries, licences, offences, etc. 9 (1) Netherlands. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Steatsblad, Den Hag, text 529:1157-60 Besluit van 14 december 1962, houdende toepassing van de vestigingswet bedrijven 1954 ten aanzien van de groothendel in vis (vestigingsbesluit groothandel in vis) (Decree on organization of wholesale trade in fish: decree relative to the application of the act of 1954 on the organization of trade as regards wholesale trade in fish. - 14 December 1962). Ne 9-01553 MF Extensive provisions. Norway. Laws, 9-01554 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid., (42):835 Bestem. om mskevidden i fiskeposer laget av kunstfibre. - 29. november 1962 (Regulations concerning mesh sizes in fish nets made of synthetic fibre. - 29 November 1962). No Nets made of synthetic fibre other than polyester or polyamid fibre & not containing manila or sisal fibre. Paraguay. Laws, 9-01555 MF Statutes, etc. (1961) Gaceta ofic.Paraguay, (146bis):7-16 Decreto No. 19.857 por el cual se pone en vigencia, a partir del 1 de enero de 1962, la "lista nacional" negociada en la Primera Conferencia de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio. - 30 de Diciembre de 1961 (Decree No. 19.857 giving effect as from 1 January 1962 to the national list of Paraguay as negociated at the First Conference of the Latin American Free Trade Association. - 30 December 1961) Covers fish & fish products. Portugal. Laws, 9-01556 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (1), (160):978-9 Portaria No. 19 270: fixa os valores para a cobranga dos direitos de exportac&o referentes a mercadorfas sujeitas a tributag&o ad valorem (Order No. 19 276 fixing the export duty rates on goods subject to ad valorem charges. - 14 July 1962). Pr Applies to long list of products, incl. fish & fish products, fishmeal, etc. 59 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (1), (186):1101-2 Decreto-lei No. 44 508: designa as mercadorias provenientes das provincias ultramarinas que säo livres, a partir de 1 de janeiro de 1963, de direitos aduaneiros de importagfo no continente e ilhas adjacentes. ~ 14 de agosto de 1962 (Decree law No. 44 508 designating the goods from the overseas provinces which, with effect from 1 January 1963, shall be free from customs import duties into continental Portugal and adjacent islands. - 14 August 1962). Br 9-01557 MF Incl. fish, Crustacea & molluscs. Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (189):1124 Decreto No. 4 523: organiza os servigos do Instituto das Indústrias de Pesca de Angola e do Fundo de Apoio ás Indústrias de Pesca. - 18 de agosto de 1962 (Decree No. 44 523 organizing the Fishing Industries Institute of Angola and the Fishing Industries Support Institute. - ‘ 18 August 1962). Pr 9-01558 MF Detailed staffing given in an annex. Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (a44+):1378-84 Declarac&o: de terem sido aprovadas as listas das proibigdes e condicionamentos especiais de importag&o de mercadorias. - 2 de outubro de 1962 (Declaration to the effect that the lists of special import and export prohibitions and conditions for merchandise have been approved. 2 October 1962). BY 9-01559 MF Long list of products, incl. fish & fisheries products. 9 (1) Portugal. Laws, 9-01560 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (248):1408 Portaria No. 19 463: inclui os estabele- cimentos de peixaria na 3.a classe da tabela anexa &s instrugSes aprovadas pela portaria No. 6065 (licenciamento dos estabelecimentos insalubres, incómodos, perigosos ou tóxicos). - 27 de outubro de 1962 (Order No. 19 463 including fish-mongers establishments in the 3rd class of the table annexed to the instructions approved under order No. 6065 - licencing of unhealthy, uncomfortable, dangerous and toxic establishments. - 27 October 1962). Pr Order No. 6065 was issued on 30 March 1929. Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (271):1573-4 Decreto-lei No. 728: permite a amortizacäo em dez anuidades, a contar do terceiro ano da emissäo, das obrigagdes que o fundo de гепоуасйо e de apetrechamento da indústria da pesca vier a emitir ao abrigo da autorizag&o conferida pelo decreto-lei No. 42 518. - Autoriza a Direcg&o-Geral da Fazenda Pública a proceder desde já á emissäo da Е geral represen- tativa da 6.a série de obrigagdes do empréstimo de renovag&o e de apetrechamento da indústria da pesca, no montante de 24 000 000 escudos. - 24 de novembro de 1962 (Decree law No. 44 728 permitting the amortization in 10 annual instalments starting from the 3rd year of issue, of the bonds issued by the fishing industry renovation and supplies fund under decree law No. 42 518 and also authorizing the Directorate General of Public Finance to proceed forthwith with the issue of the 6th series of bonds of the fishing industry renovation and supplies loan for an amount of 2% million escudos. - 24 November 1962). Pr 9-01561 MF MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 61 Spain. Laws, 9-01562 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol .ofic.Estado, Maár., (277):16416 Orden por la que se concede al instituto de Crédito para la Reconstrucción Nacional una dotación especial de 400 millones de pesetas con destino & crédito pesquero. - 7 de noviembre de 1962 (Order granting to the Credit Institut for National Reconstruction a special appro- priation of 400 million pesetas for fisheries credit. - 7 November 1962) Loans shall be for a maximum of 70% of value of craft & amortizeble over 15 years. Spain. Laws, 9-01563 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (281):16616 Orden de 13 de noviembre de 1962 por la que se dictan normas para la concesión de préstamos de carácter extraordinario con destino a la construcción de embarcaciones pesqueras (Order laying down rules for the grant of extraordinary loans for the construction of fishing vessels. - 13 November 1962) Ur to 70% of value of craft, amortizable over 15 years. ANON. (1963) 9-01564 MF Nature, Lond., 198(4877):250-1 Application of science and technology for the benefit of the less-developed areas Contains sections on natural resources, energy, water and river basin development, fishery resources and production, agriculture. Blackwelder, R.E. € 9-01565 MF R.M. Blackwelder (1961) Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, LOL р. Directory of zoological taxonomists of the world Directory compiled in: 1) the systematic section, arranged by phyla € classes & taxonomists listed under each heading in alphabetic order with indication of their speciality in geological time periods, zoogeographical regions & general ecological habitats; 2) alphabetical address sections, containing names of all persons with indications whether or not they are willing to make identification on requests. Uchihashi, K., H. Shimamıra & 9-01566 MF A. Honda (1963)A Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (11):133-4 (A modified method of celloidin Pal-weigert staining for the continuous histological preparation of fish brain). Ni New South Wales. Laws, 9-01567 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz,N,S,.W,, (5):80 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of waters of Murray River, County of Hume. - 2 January 1963 Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the specified inland waters, from 12 December 1962 to 11 December 1967. FAO. Legislation Branch and 9-01568 F Land and Water Development Division (1963) Rome, FAO, 117 p. Groundwater legislation in Europe Working paper prepared for the Fifth Session Sub-Commission on Land and Water Use, European Commission on Agriculture, Madrid, Spain, 20-23 March 1963. New South Wales. Laws, 9-01569 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gez,N,S,W., (14):386 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to the waters of Lake Macquarie, County of Northumberland, - 16 January 1963 Proh*bits, in the described waters, the taking of fish by: (a) nets of every description, except dip or scoop nets prescribed by regulation 25 for the capture of prawns only; (b) prawn nets only аз prescribed by regulations 21 £ 139, (c) meshing nets only as prescribed by regulation 23, respectively, from 1 February 1963 to 31 January 1968. 62 Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (263):11549-50 Arrêté ministériel interdisant la capture du huchon jusqu'au 31 décembre 1963. - 13 décembre 1962 (Ministerial order forbidding the taking of tne huch, Salmo nucho, until 31 December 1963. - 13 December 1962). Fr № With a view to protecting this sp. recently introduced into Belgian rivers. Cnile, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.464):358 Decreto número 49 por el que se prohibe la pesca con redes en el lago Vichuquén. - 22 de enero de 1963 (Decree No. 49 prohibiting fishing with nets in the Lake of Vichuquén. - 22 January 1963) To protect fish in the lake & give them an opportunity for normal reproduction. Finland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Finl.Förfatinsaml., (392-8) :804 Lantbruksministeriets beslut N:o 398 om användning av faangstredskap av metalltraad- snät inom vissa vattendragsomraaden. - 19 juli 1962 (Order No. 398 concerning use of fishing tackle of metal net within certain water- course areas. - 19 July 1962). Sv The provisions of order No. 476 of 1960, authorizing the use of fishing tackle of metal wire net with mesh of at least 25 mm in certain areas extended until further notice to the watercourse areas of Vetil, Esse, Lappo & Kyro brooks. Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (233):1336-46 Decreto №. 44 623: aprova o regulamento da lei No. 2097, que promulga as bases do fomento piscícola nas águas interiores do pais. - 10 de outubro de 1962 (Decree No. 44 623 approving the regulation to act No. 2097 specifying basic principles for the promotion of fish breeding in Portuguese internal waters. - 10 October 1962). Pr 9-01573 Е Extensive provisions of a technical & administrative nature, made under act No. 2097 of June 1959. 9-01570 F 9-01571 F 9-01572 Е 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Southern Rhodesia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Sth. Rhod.Govt Gaz., (8), suppl. notice (82): 3 p. ses Rhodesia government notice No. 82 of 1963 relating to the Lake Kariba fish (Levy) order, 1963, made under the Lake Kariba fish (Levy) act, 1962, No. 61 9-01574 F Specifies conditions under which a levy shall be paid on any fish obtained in Lake Kariba and taken elsewhere in the colony for the purpose of trade or business. Southern Rhodesia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Sth.Rhod.Govt Gaz., (8), suppl. notice (83): > р. Southern Rhodesia government notice No. 83 of 1963 relating to the fish conservation - purchasing of fish: Kariba controlled fishing area - regulations, 1963, made under the fish conservation act, 1960, No. 4 9-01572 F Provisions in respect of licences to purchase fish for resale. Southern Rhodesia. Laws, 9-01576 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Sth.Rhod.Govt Gaz., (9), suppl.notice (95):1 p. Southern Rhodesia government notice No. 95 of 1963 relating to the fish conservation: declaration of Ngwenya Dam fishing reserve pursuant to the fish conservation act, 1960, No. 44 In respect of all spp. and sizes of fish. Spain. Laws, 9-01577 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (287):17038 Decreto 3067/1962 de 29 de noviembre de 1962, sobre modificación arancelaria de la partidas 03.01 (Decree No. 3067 amending the customs tariff on item No. 03.01. - 29 November 1962) Applies to fresh & frozen fish. Tuna is free from duty & the rate on the remainder is 20%. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 63 Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (12):531-8 Resoluciôn de la direcciôn general de comercio exterior por la que se relacionan los grupos de mercancías que quedan incluidos en el régimen de licencia global de exportación. - 15 de diciembre de 1962 (Resolution of the directorate general for foreign trade listing the groups of goods for inclusion in the overall export licence system. - 15 December 1962) 9-01578 MF Incl. fish, Crustacea & molluscs. Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (22):1348-50 Resolucion de la dirección general de comercio exterior por la que se establecen los cupos globales de importación para el año 1963. - 19 de enero de 1963 (Resolution of the directorate general for foreign trade establishing global import quotas for 1963. - 19 January 1963) 9-01779 MF Incl. fish meal. Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (22):1347-8 Decreto 73/1963, de 24 de enero, de modi- ficación arancelaria de la partida 03.01 (Decree No. 73 amending customs tariff item No. 03.01. - 24 January 1963) 9-01580 MF 15% duty on frozen tuna, 20% on frozen fish & none on fresh or chilled fish. Sweden. Laws, 9-01581 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Svensk Förfseml., (453-4):1201-4 Kungl. maj:ts instruktion Nr 453 för statens lokala fiskeriadministration. - 28 juni 1962 (Royal instruction No. 453, concerning local administration of fishing. - 28 June 1962). Sv The state's local fishery administration, being the chief authority under the fisnery board, consists of: the Fishery Intendents' Organization, the State's Fishery Engineer, the State's Fish Breeding Institutions € the State's Experimental Institute for Fishery. 9 (1) U.S. Laws, Statutes, 9-01582 MF etc. (1962) Fed.Reg.U.S., (246):12619-20 Title 50 CFR: wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1: Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior - Part 33: sport,fishing. Para. 33.5 Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Arrowwood, Long Lake, Lower Souris, Tewankon & Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuges, North Dakota). - 12 December 1962 Temporary provisions, valid until 12 March 1963, concerning spp. permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing, etc. U.S. Laws, 9-01583 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Fed.Reg.U.S., (249):12754-8 Title 50 CFR: wildlife and fisheries - chapter 1: Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior - Part 33: sport fishing. Para. 33.5 Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Bear River migratory bird refuge, Utah; Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico; Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico; Buffalo Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Texas; Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Texas; Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona & California; Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, Kansas; Havasu Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona & California; Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado; Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge, Texas; National Elk Refuge, Wyoming; Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming; Salt Plains, Tishomingo, Washita, € Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuges, Oklahoma). - 17 December 1962 Temporary provisions, valid until 31 December 1963, concerning spp. permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, etc. 64 Uruguey. Laws, 9-01584 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Diario ofic., Montevideo, (16552):619-A- 25-A Decreto por el que se fijan los precios CIF - promedio - para la importación de las mercaderías que se detallan, manteniéndose los recargos que se establecieron. - 13 de diciembre de 1962 (Decree fixing the average c.1.f. prices for the import of the goods listed, maintaining the charges established. - 13 December 1962) Applies to long list of goods incl. fisheries products. Sldde&ek, ‘V. (1962) Eydrobiologia, 20(3):295-308 The sixth conference of Czechoslovakian hydrobiologists 9-01585 F Brief account of meeting with abstracts of 52 lectures. Contains: Motivation of the need of the standardization of hydröbacteriological methods, by V. Mucha & I. Daubner; Saprobity system, by У. Slädelek; The trial balance of the organic matter in waters, by J. Bulflek; Criteria for evaluation of water quality in water supply reservoirs, by У. RahéGkové ; The evaluation of the reservoir water quality by means of the glass-slide method, by A. Slédeëkové; Comparison of the production of the dredged and non dredged sections of fishponds, by Z. Brandl & M. Straókraba; Saponates, detergents and water organisms, by J. Svec; Radioactivity as a new tendency in the biological water research. Plotnikov, N.A., G.V. Bogomolov 9-01586 Е & G.N. Kamenski (М. Laronde, Transl.) (1962) вс Paris, Gauthier-Villars & Co., 194 р. Ressources en «_ux souterraines. Classi- fication et methodes d'evaluation (Resources of underground waters. Classification and evaluation methods) French trensl. of the standard Russian text on underground water resources exploitation prepared under the auspices of UNESCO. Describes various categories of underground resources, the influence of the mode of exploitation on the scale of reserves, and the additional relevance of hydrogeology and the ultimate use of the water, and methods of determining the quality and quantity of different types of underground resources. 9 (1) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bürgler, J. (1962) Technica, (15):1099-102 (Electronic apparatus for water supplies). De Commercially available, self-balancing d.c. bridge for remote indication and control of water level. IA 18(3)1812. Bartlett, M.S. & N.E. Please (1963) Biometrika, 50(1/2):17-21 Discrimination in the case of zero mean differences Examines special situation in cases of unequal dispersion where the mean differences between 2 groups are all zero. Jolly, G.M. (1963) Biometrika, 50(1/2):113-28 Estimates of population parameters from multiple recapture data with both death and dilution - deterministic model 9-01589 Deals with the general case, when a deterministic survival rate is assumed. WMO. Working Group on Terminology (1959)BC Geneva, 521 ». International meteorological vocabulary. Provisional edition 9-01590 Bloss, W.E. (1962) 9-01591 Proc.Instrum.Soc.Amer., 17(2):5 p. Selective calibration: an economical approach to calibration In selective calibration, apparatus is calibrated only in range of intended use. IA 18(3)1374. :FAO:sjh 9-01587 F 9-01588 G G G TS TT , MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Mandel, J. (1962) 9-01592 G Proc.Instrum.Soc.Amer., 17(2):5 p. Intercomparisons of laboratory test results Some statistical aspects of evaluation of test methods are examined. IA 18(3)1375. Darmody, W.J. (1962) Proc.Instrum.Soc.Amer., 17(1):4 p. Tolerances, measurements, and costs 9-01293 G Relation between calibration tolerances and costs is examined. IA 18(3)1377. Diehl, V.E. (1962) 9-01594 G Proc. Instrum.Soc.Amer., 17(2):7 р. An analysis of a calibration and maintenance program - internal operation vs outside vendor Report of a study of calibration services previously provided by a cuntractor and of the advantages of carrying out work internally. IA 18(3)1378. Schneider, D.E. (1962) 9-01595 G Proc. Instrum.Soc.Amer., 17(2): р. Measurement uncertainty Conservative methoá of error analysis of measurement results. IA 18(3)1380. 9 (1) 65 Wenger, P. (1962) 9-01596 G Industr.atom., 6:93-7 (Whole-body counters). Fr Characteristics and applications of whole-body counters capable of evaluating gamma activity emitted by entire organism. IA 18(3)1466. Lafuma, J. (1962) 9-01597 G J.Radiol.Electrol., 43:408 (New scanning techniques for smell animals). Fr ТА 18(3)1469. Lafuma, J. (1962) J.Radiol.Electrol., 43:409 (Precise determination of the radioactivity of a living animal). Fr 9-01598 G Whole-body counting device. IA 18(3)1467. Jones, J.D. (1963)BC In 9-01014 The functions of the respiratory pigments of invertebrates 9-01599 в 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (1) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 3—REFERENCES 9-02001 to 9-02598 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Laktionov, А.Р. (1962) Okeanologiia, 2(4):758-66 N.M. Knipovich, zhizn'i deiatel'nost' (N.M. Knipovich, life and activity) 9-02001 M Biography of Russian fisheries biologist (1862-1939) who worked much in Arctic waters. Shcherbekov, D.I, (Ed.) et al, (1962)BC Moscow Sovetskiye ekspeditsii 1959 goda (Soviet expeditions of 1959) 9-02002 M Contains 9-02003. Altukhov, K.A. (1962)B In 9-02002. Issledovaniia Belomorskoi biologicheskoi stentsii (Investigations of the White Sea biological station) 9-02003 M Blore, T. (1963) 9-02004 M _ Fish, Newslett,Aust, 22(7):22-3, 27 Britain's new DISCOVERY Technical notes on the construction and equipment of this new research vessel, 9 (2) Australia, CSIRO. Division 9=02005 M of Fisheries & Oceanography (1962) Oceanogr,Cruise Rev., (5):255 р. Oceanographical observations in the Pacific Ocean in 1960 H.M.A.S. GASCOYNE cruises G 1/60 and G 2/60 Objectives, itirerary and scientific personnel of the cruises, Description of methods of collection and analysis of samples, Data sheets and tables for hydrology (deen and surface sampling), primary production, pigments, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and figures of results in hydrology and primary production, Australia, CSIRO, Division 9-02006 M of Fisheries & Oceanography (1963) Oceanogr, Cruise Rev, , (6):115 р. Oceanographical observations in the Pacific Ocean in 1960 H.M.A.S. GASCOYNE cruise с 3/60 Objectives, itinerary and scientific personnel of the cruise, Description of methods of collection and analysis of samples. Data sheets for hydrology (deep and surface sampl- ing), benthos topography and current observations, 3 68 Australia, CSIRO, Division 9-02007 M of Fisheries & Oceanography (1963) Ocernogr,Cruise Rep,, (3):352 г. Ocearographical observations in the Indian Ocean in 1960 Н.М.А.5. DIAMANTINA cruise Dm 2/60 Objectives, itinerary and scientific personnel of the cruise, Description of methods of collection and analysis of samples, Data sheets and tables for hydrology (deep and surface sampling), primary production, pig- ments, phytoplankton and zooplankton, with figures representing results in hydrology and primary production, Australia, CSIRO. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1961) Rep, Mar, biol, Lab,C.S,1,R,0,, (32):56 р. F.R.V. DERWENT HUNTER 9-02008 Scientific reports of DERWENT HUNTER cruises 1-10 inclusive in 1959, giving for each itinerary for the cruise, summary of results and diagrams and sections representing temperature, salinity and other data, Australia, CSIRO, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1963) Rep. Mar, biol,Lab.C,S,I.R.O,, (33):25 р. F.R.V. DERWENT HUNTER 9-02009 Scientific reports of DERWENT HUNTER cruises 11-15 inclusive in 1959 and 1-4 inclusive in 1960, giving for each itinerary for the cruise, summary of results and diagrams aná sections representing temperature, salinity and other data, ANON. (1963) New Scient,, 17(322):142 New German research ship to start trials in spring 9-02010 M Short notice on METEOR II; Contains brief information on equipment, laboratories, crew. Tait, J.B. (1963) New Scient,, 17(324):246 West Germany's part in oceanographic research 9-02011 M Letter commenting on the new German research ship which will start her trials in spring. CR 9-02010, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Riedl, в. (1963)C Hamburg, Verlag Paul Parey, 640 р. Fauna und Flora der Adria (Flora and fauna of the Adriatic), De 9-02012 M Systematically arranged handbook on all the major groups of plants and animals, including coastal or dune forms and sea beds, Much biological information is contained within the classificatory framework with data on distribution ecology, larval forms and development, together with hints on collection, preservation and examinetion of material, The book is lavishly supplied with black and white illustrations, line drawings and colour plates, FAO :cmhh Dietz, R.S. (1963) In 9-02064:497-515 Bathyscaphs and other deep submersibles for oceanographic research 9-02013 M Under section Oceanographical miscellanea reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Diving chambers; Bathyscaphs; Diving saucer; Buoyant-hulled deep ships or bathynauts; Deep-research vessel (D,R.V.); Remote underwater manipulator (RUM). Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, Iudkin, 1.1. (1962)BC Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 351 p. Ikhtiologiia (Ichtyology) 9-02014 MF Lth revised ed, Ceylon (1962) Rep, Ceylon/FAO, 1958/60:29 p. Incl, short sections on fisheries € on river basin development. 9-02015 MF GFCM (1962) 9-02016 МР. Inform, Bull, gen, Fish, Coun,Medit. , (23):42 p. co 62-06320. GENERAL GFCM (1962) | 9-02017 MF Inform, Bull, zen, Fish, Coun,Medit. , (23):47 p. Fr 9-02016, Macfadyen, A. (1963)C 9-02018 MF London, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., 344 nv, Animel ecology - aims and methods First part of the book deals with the ecology of individuals and relates the animal to its onysical, plant and animal environment, Distribution and animal metabolism are also discassed, The second nert is on single soeries ponulations which deals with collecting methods and the estimation of animal numbers, demogrephy, ronmistior. rezulation and the biomass and metebolism of povulations, Third pert is où the application of vopulation ¿dynamics where a dozen miscellaneous ecological investizations are selected and provides a detziled report on each and discusses their general significance in relation to theories of population regulation, NE 55-3430, Fiatt, В.М. (1963)C 83-02019 MF Washington, D,C., American Institute of Biological Sciences, 220 p, World directory of hydrobiological and fisheries institutions Result of project of AIBS hydrobiology committee and IUBS international conference on marine biological leboratories, with assistance of UNESCO and FAO, Gives, alphabetically by countries, account of leboratories, often ill., with address, facilities, senior scientists, activities, Publications, year founded, accessible environments and accomodation for visiting scientists, Thompson, М.Р. (1962) In 9-02437:1-36 The research program of the Fisheries research institute in Bristol Bey, 1945-58 9-02020 MF Lagler, K.F., J.E. Bardach & R.R. Miller (1962)c New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 545 p. Ichthyology: The study of fishes 9-02021 MF А textbook drawing its exemples primarily from the American fauna. Covers; major groups of fishes, anatomy, physiology, genetics and evolution, systemtic and nomenclature and ecology, and zoogeography. Includes a systematic and subject index. 9 (2) 69 Johnson, T.W., Jr, and F.K. Sparrow, Jr. (1961)C Weinheim, J, Cramer, 668 p. Fungi in oceans and estuaries 9-02022 MF Textbook, Describes in detail groups of fungi, occurence and geographic distribution, collection, isolation and culture, and preservation, Discusses generel biological activities, physiology, ecology and economic significance, Incl, chapter on descriptive terminology and systematic account, Van Riper, J.E. (1963)C McGraw-Hill Book Co., 637 р. Men's physical world 9-02023 MF A gecgraphy book. Includes two chapters on minerzl and water resources and a chapter entitled "The realm of the sea" based on material derived from the science of oceanography, yet within its geographical context, ANON. (1963) New Scient,, 18(343):602 Теке becomes a laboratory 9-02024 MF Short notice on a testing station of the US Office of Naval Research in Lake Seneca to calibrate and detect faults in transducers and experiments with sonars, Benson, L. (1962)C 9-02025 в New York, The Ronald Press Company, ВОВ р. Plent texonomy. Methods and principles A text book presenting the dynamic application of taxonomic methods and principles and the rules of nomenclature, herbarium studies, field observations; Collection of data from microrganic morphology, paleobotany and their inter- relationships with biogeography, chemistry, plant physiology and ecology, cytogenetica; Synthesis of data; Classification; Choice of names, Appends a full bibliographic list, 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Nelepo, B.A. (Tarassenko, 9-02026 M Transl.) (1962)BC CEA Transl. No. R 1469, unpag., 16 p. Détermination des coefficients de diffusion turbulente dans la mer, à l'aide de traceurs radioactifs (Determining the coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the ocean with the help of radioactive indicators) Fr 1960 Nelepo, В.А. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington eos Dee Sysoev, N.N, et al. (1961)B 9-02027 M Okeanologiia, 1(6):1079-84 & 1089-96 (Selected articles). Ru Contents: New auto-recorders for anchored buoy stations, by N,N, Sysoev; Trial check of oceanographic work from a helicopter, by V.L, Tsurikov; First Atlantic expedition of Academy of Sciences USSR (Earth Sciences - Oceanography, TT, Vol.8, №, 8) оп ЗЕВСЕТ VAVILOV € PETR LEBEDEV, by Т.Е. Mikhal'tsev; Sixth scientific research voyage Of submarine SEVERIANKA, by М.Т. Ryzhenko et al. Sysoev, М.М. et al. (1962)BC 9-02028 M (DSIR) NIL M.6310, unpag., 17 p. Oceanology 1961, Vol. 1, No. 6: selected articles En 9-02027. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, DIOS Lisitsyn, A.P. (1962)BC 9-02029 M Unpag., 11 p. Distribution of authigenous silica in the bottom deposits of the western pert of the Bering Sea En 1955 Lisitsyn, A.P. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 255 DIC: 9 (2) Veselov, K.E. et al. (1961)B 9-02030 M Prikl,Geofiz., (29):136-67 (Gravimetric surveying with steble sea gravimeters in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Pacific Ocean (and) the processing of the readings of overdamped gravimeters during measurements at sea), Ru Veselov, К.Е. et al. (1962)ВС 9-02031 M JPRS:13293, unpag., 40 р. Gravimetric surveying with stable sea gravimeters in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Pacific Ocean (and) the processing of the readings of overdamped gravimeters during measurements at sea En 9-02030, Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Bruevich, S.V. € 9-02032 M S.V. Lyutsarev (1962)C Unpag., 4 р. C02 content of the atmosphere above the Pacific and Indian oceans, and in the region of the Black Sea Descriptors: carbon dioxide, atmosphere, Pacific Ocean, Black Sea, chemical analysis, oceanographical data, En 61-10837. Available from the Office of Technicel Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Nagasaki Marine Observatory 9-02033 M (1962) Oceanogr. $ Met., Nagasaki, (12) Comp. reprints of 9-02035, 9-02036, 9-02037, 9-02038. Japan Meteorological Agency (1962) 9-02034 M Results mar, Obsns, Tokyo, (30):326 p. Tabulated physical, chemical and biologicel data July - December 1961, in N, Pacific PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Fukuoka District Meteorological 9-02035 M Observatory, Nagasaki Marine Observatory & Seventh Regional Maritime Safety Headquarters, Maritime Safety Agency (1962) Tech.Rep.JMA, (13) (Report on the gustwindstorms project in the area of the East China Sea, the Kyushu District and its adjacent seas in the period of 1957 to 1959). Ni En Analysis of 18 cases using surface, aerological adiabatic and other kinds of supplementary charts to determine the relation between gust- windstorm, instability line or cyclone in mesoscale and various local phenomena. Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, (12)1962. Contr. 208. Fukase, S. (1962) 9-02036 M Results JARE, (15):53-110 Oceanographic condition of surface water between the south end of Africa and Antarctica, Ni Tabulation of horizontal distribution of physical and chemical elements, of plankton observed and of the numbers of each of 92 spp. of diatoms taken, leading to identifi- cation of a convergence near №0 degrees S, and identification of 4 water masses in the area, Issued also as: Oceanogr, € Met,, Nagasaki, (12)1962, Contrib. 203. Nagayama, M. (1961) 9-02037 M J,met,Res,, Tokyo, (14):36-148 (Evaluation of maximum possible precipitation over the catchment area of Isahaya Bay), Ni En Using data on wind velocity, surface dew- point temperature, path of typhoons and on rainfall mekes preliminary attempt to estimate maximum possible amount of orographic compon- ent of precipitation due to typhoon and non- orographic precipitation by storm transposit- ion, Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met,, Nagasaki, (12)1962, Contrib, 204, Seto, T. (1961)A 9-02038 M J.met,Res,, Tokyo, 14(6):55-9 (On the weather minimum at Kumamoto Airport). Ni Issued also as Contrib, 205 Oceanogr.& Met,, Nagasaki, (12) 1962, 9 (2) 71 Hamada, S. € R. Hamada (1963) 9-02039 M Bull,Seikei Fish,Res.Lab., (28):19-55 (A study of sea=mud in the East China and the Yellow Seas, 2. On the granule size and the distribution of total nitrogen end ignition loss of the mud of the trawling grounds), Ni En Identification of the location of large mud areas in this region and of the character istics of these muds, Tsujita, T. (1963) 9-02040 M Bull, Seikai_Fish,Res.Lab,, (28):57-68 The fishery oceanography of the East China Sea and Tsushima Strait, 2, On the character- istics and fluctuations of the cold water masses in view point of the production oceanography Generalised picture of water masses and their formation in the East China Sea, and examination of the relstion between these water masses and the distribution of the biomass index of each sp. of fish taken in trawl fishing, Co 581132. Hanzawa, M. (1962) 9-02041 M Oceanogr.Mag., 14(1):1-14 Studies on the inter-relationship between the sea and the atmosphere (Part 5). Sea surface temperature anomalies in connection with the incoming incident radiation anomalies Values of total incident incoming solar radiation are calculated on monthly basis for 5 degrees latitude 5 degrees longitude squares over the period 1911-1935, and anomalies of these values are then considered in relation with simultaneous variation in oceanic conditions. Co 60-1697, 59-4603, 59-3203. Terada, K., H. Futi € 9-02042 M M. Miyazaki (1962) Oceanogr, Mes. , 14(1):43-62 Storm surge forecasting method and tele- metering, recording, printing and indicating system of tide and other elements - so called "call system" - in Japan Description of equipment, 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Watanabe, K. (1962) 9-02043 M Oceanogr.Mag., 14(1):15-28 Summary of sea ice conditions off the coast of Hokkaido - study on sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea (1) Examination or the processes leading to the appearance of ice off the coast, extension of its distribution, and its retreat. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item №, 1963. Watanabe, K. (1962) Oceanogr.Mag., 14(1):29-41 Drift velocities of ice measured from air and separately computed values of their wind- induced and current-induced components - study on sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea (2) 9-02044 M Description of a method of separately computing wind-induced and current-induced drift of ice, with practical computation of a wind-factor and a deflection angle of the wind-induced drift. Co 9-02043. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item 5, 1963. Ueno, T. (1962) Oceanogr Mag, , 14(1):63-72 The "component hour" in Darwin's method for the harmonic analysis of tides 9-02045 M Examination of Darwin's method for the harmonic analysis of tides with partciular examination of the cases where the component hour is longer or shorter than the solar hour, Polikarpov, G.G. & V.N.Ivanov (1962) Radiobiologiia, 2:207-10 (Accumulation of radioactive strontium and yttrium in eggs of marine fish), Ru 9-02046 M NSA 16(21)28723. 9 (2) Osterberg, C. (1962) Science, 138:529-30 Fallout radionuclides in euphausids 9-02047 M Radioenalyses by gamma-ray spectrometry on 37 samples of Eurhausis, pacifice from network of stations off Oregon coast in November 1961 and in March and April 1962 are compared to show the variation in concentration of zirconium=95 and niobium-95, ruthenium-103, and cerium-141 with time and location, NSA 17(1)47. Lavrenchik, V.N, et al, (1962) Atom,Energiia, 13:25-30 (The beryllium-7 concentration in the atmosphere anove the Atlantic Ocean), Ru 9-02048 M Geogravhic distribution of isotope measured during period from March to July 1961 by apparatus carried by MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV in geographic range from 48 degrees North to 30 degrees South latitudes. NSA 16(24A)32718. Lavrenchik, V.N, (1962) Atom,Energiia, 13:72-3 (The distribution of cerium-144 and ruthenium-106 above the Atlantic Ocean), Ru 9-02049 M Oceanographic research ship OB! which left Kaliningrad in November 1958 collecting samples of radioactive dust during cruise, NSA 16(24A)32719, Fozzy, P. (1962) Ind,Res,, 4(8):27-31 Atomic waste disposal 9-02050 M Common methods of disposal (burial and sea storage) and their disadvantages are discussed together with suggested methods (drilling holes in ocean floor and hydraulic fracturing). NSA 16(24A)34145, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 73 Hureau, J.C. (1962) 9-02051 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(5):412-26 Observations hydrologiques en Terre Adélie de Janvier 1961 à Janvier 1962 (Expéditions polaires françaises, missions Р.Е. Victor) (Hydrographical observations at Adelie Land from January 1961 to January 1962. (French polar expeditions, Р.Е. Victor missions)) Description of methods used, tabulation of some climatic data, discussion of the evolution of sea-ice in 1961 and tabulation of temperature and salinity data, Fukuoka, J. (1962) Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap,, 6(2):9-30 An analysis of hydrographical condition along the Tsushima warm current in the Japan Sea 9-02052 M Anslvsis based on data from the years 1032-11 and 1950-8 civing a description of the general features of the Tsushima warm current and of the periodicity of hydrographical conditions in the Japan Sea, Hidaka, K. (1962) 9-02053 M Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., 6(2):1-8 A computation of non-linear equatorial flow Computation of velocity components at or very close to the equator by reducing non-linear dynamical equations to a system of difference equations. Issued also as: Coll.Repr.Ocean.Res.Inst., Univ. Tokyo. 1: Contr. 2, 1962. Miyake, У. & Y. Sugiura (1962) 9-02054 M Rec,oceanogr.Wks Jap,, (Spec.6):219-21 Vertical distribution of CO2 in air and Ocean near sea surface Examination of field observations made at Suruga Bay 1960-61, 9 (2) Nakamura, A. (1962) 9-02055 M Rec, oceanopr,Wks Jap,, 6(2):31-57 On the surface oceanographic observations across the North Pacific Ocean in winter, 1959-1960, and in summer and autumn, 1960 Report of eir, sea surfaces and sub-surface temperatures, chlorinity and temperature- chlorinity relations observed on voyages by various vessels, some in eastward and some in westward direction. Nakano, M. & S. Unoki (1962) 0-02056 M Rec,oceanogr.Wks Jap, (Svec.6):169-214 On the seiches (the secondary undulations of tides) along the coasts of Japan Analysis of field data on the seiche with regard to its period, wave-height, duration and seasonal variation, Ishibashi, M., T. Fujinaga 8 T, Kuwamoto (1962) Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., (Spec.6):215-8 Chemical studies on the ocean (Part 89), Fundamental investigation on the dissolution and deposition of molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium in the sea 9-02057 M Exverimental study of the coprecipitation of these elements with artificially prepared ferric hydroxide in solutions of artificial seawater at various hydrogen ion concentrations, СВ 9-02196. Ishibashi, М., 5. Veda У. Yamamoto (1962) Rec, oceanogr,Wks Jap., 6(2):169-76 Studies on the utilization of shallow-water deposits (continued), On the cadmium content of shallow-water deposits 9-02058 M Tabulation of results of examination of 139 shallow water deposits and 23 deposits from various small islands around Honshu, CR 61-00554 and 61-00159, 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ishibashi, М. € F, Morii (1962) Rec, oceanogr.Wks Jap,, 6(2):163-8 Chemical studies on the shallow-sea-water deposits (continued) 9-02059 M Tabulation of results of analysis of some LO samples (muds and sands) with regard to amount of various chemical compounds, Baker, В.Н. € J.A. Miller (1963 )A Nature, Lond,, 199(4891):346-8 Geology and geochronology of the Seychelles Islands and structure of the floor of the Arabian Sea 9-02060 M Broida, S. (1962) 9-02061 M Bull,Mar,Sci.Gulf Caribb,, 12(1):168 Florida straits transports: April 1960 - January 1961 Issued also as: (355). Contr.Mar,Lab.Univ,Miami, Fukai, R., Н. Suzuki € K. Watanabe (1962) Bull.Inst,oc&anogr.Monaco, (1251):16 р. Strontium-90 in marine orgenisms during the period 1957-1961, Fr 9-02062 M Issued also as: Radioactiv,Sea, (1). Banse, K. (1960) 9-02063 M Kieler Meeresforsch,, 16(2):214-20 Bemerkungen zu meereskundlichen Beobachtungen vor der Ostküste vor: Indien (Remarks on oceanographic observations off the east coast of India). De En A literature survey. 9 (2) Hill, М.М. (1963)c New York, John Wiley & Sons, 554 p, The sea - Ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas. Vol, 2, The composition of sea-water, Comparative and descriptive oceanography | The second of three volumes consisting of reviews of new thoughts and ideas on the composition of sea water, Comparative and descriptive oceanography. Co: 8- 12012. Contains 9-02013, 9-02064 to 9-02078, 9-02092, 9-02126 to 9-02130, 9-02262, 9-02416, 9-02417, 9-02064 M Goldberg, E.D, (1963) In 9-0206k:3-25 The oceans as a chemical system 9-02065 M Under section Chemistry reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters- The composition of sea-water; Reactivities of the elements; Chemical reaction in the Oceans and the compositions of the end- products; Space and time distributions of the elements. Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, Redfield, A.C., B.H. Ketchum 8 Р.А. Richards (1963) In 9-02064:26-77 The influence of organisms on the composition of sea-vater 9-02066 M Under section Chemistry reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - The biochemical cycle; The biochemical circulation, Incl, bibliographic references to mejor works on the subject, Miyake, Y. (1963) 9-02067 M In 9-02064:78-87 Artificial radioactivity in the sea Under section Chemistry reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Artificial radioactivity in oceanic waters; Enrichment of radioactive substances in marine products; Artificial radioactivity as a tracer of water movements in the ocean; Disposal of radioactive waste in the ocean, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Broecker, W. (1063) 9-02068 M In 9-02064:88-108 Radioisotones and larse-scale oceanic mixing Under section Chemistry reviews ideas end observations on the subject in chapters - Useful isotopes; Steedy-state distribution of 1№С; Oceanic mixing models; Industrial CO2 effect; 226Ra distribution; 90Sr distribution; Non-steady-state conditions, Incl, bibliorrephic references to major works on the snbtiect, Carritt, D.E. (1963) In 9-02064 :109-23 Chemical instrumentation 9=02069 M Under section Chemsitry reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chepters - Chlorinity, salinity, density and related properties; Water tagging and tracer techniques Measurement of dissolved fasses, Incl, bibliogranhic references to major works on the subject, Herdman, Н.Р.Р. (1963) In 9-0206l1:124-7 Water sempling and thermometers 9-02070 M Under section Chemistry reviews ideas and Observations on the subject in chapters - Samoling; Thermometry. Incl. bibliographic referencés to major works on the subject, Belser, W.L, (1963) In 9-02064:220-31 Bioassay of trace substances 9-02071 M Under section Fertility of the oceans reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Vitamins; Amino acids; Purines and pyrimidines; Perspectives, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, Knauss, J.A. (1963) In 9-02064:235-52 Equatorial current systems 9-02072 M Under section Currents reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Methods of study of ocean currents; Gross circulation pattern; A two-layer ocean - the thermocline; Zonal flow - geostrophic currents; Meridional flow - upwelling. Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. 9 (2) 75 Wooster, W.S. € J.L. Reid, Jr. (1963) In 9-02061:253-80 Eastern boundary currents 0-02073 M Under section Currents reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Common features of eastern boundary currents; Coastal upwelling; Poleward eastern boundary currents; Biological implications, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. Deacon, G.E.R. (1963) In 9-02064:281-96 The southern ocean 9-02074 M Under section Currents reviews ideas end observations on the subject in chaoters - Topography; Oceanographic data; Wind zones; The water-masses; Climatology and zoo- geography; Nutrient salts; Future needs, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, Volkmann, G.H. (1963) In 9-020611:297-302 Deep=current measurements using neutrally buoyant floats 9-02075 M Under section Currents reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chepters - The pinger; Measurements, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. Knauss, J.A. (1963) In 9-02064 :303-5 Drogues and neutral-buoyant floats 9-02076 M Under section Currents reviews ideas and observations on the subject, Incl, bibliogra- phic references to major works on the subject, von Arx, W.S. (1963) In 9-02064:325-45 Applications of the gyropendulum 9-02077 M Under section Currents reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - The gyropendulum; The problem of time variations. Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pattullo, J.G. (1963) In 9-02064 :185.96 Seasonal changes in sea-level 9-02078 M Under section Oceanographical miscellanea reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chanters - The observed seasonal variations; Factors influencing varietions in sea-level, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, Sisler, F.D. (1963) 9-02079 M New Scient., 16(318):696-7 Improving the fertility of the Mediterranean Suggests that by "dredging" the Straits of Gibraltar, incoming Atlantic water might be drawn from the deeper layers of the Atlantic which are somewhat richer and thus the fertility of the Mediterranean Sea would be increased. Deacon, G.E.R. (1962) New Scient,, 16(319):723 Oceanogranhy: sea waves and deep currents 9-02080 M Short note included in "Reviews of progress in 1969", Sisler, Е.П. (1963) New Scient,, 17(320):39 Enriching the Mediterranean 9-02081 M Correction to a previous letter, CR 9-02079, Lyon, W. (1963) New Scient,, 18(343):587-591 The submarine and the Arctic Ocean 9-02082 M The opening up of the polar basin by the nuclear submarine has intensified the study of sea ice; The complex mechanical behaviour of sea ice is being tested under experimental conditions in the Submarine Research Facility at San Diego, 9 (2) ANON, (1961) Met.i Gidrol., (7):52=5 & 58 (Selected articles), Bu 9-02083 MF Descriptors: Meteorology, hydrology, bibliography, oceanography, Contents: Literature on meteorology, hydrology & oceanography for 1960, 2, Articles published in the journals € periodic issues; Results of the conference at the Irkutsk Hydrometeorological Observatory, by M.S. Furman, ANON, (1961)BC JPRS:11200, unpag., 14 p, Meteorology and hydrology, 1961, No, 7: selected articles 9-02084 MF En 9-02083. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C, Levi, E, (1963) 9-02085 MF С.В.Асаа.5с1., Paris, 256(2lı) :5176-8 Sur l'analyse des hydrogrammes (on the analysis of the hydrograms) Preliminary note on a mathematical method of analysis, Ikematsu, W. et al, (1963) 9-02086 MF Bull,Seikai Fish,Res,Lab,, (28):1-23 (The toxic effect of pentachlorophenate, a herbicide, on aquatic organisms), N En Laboratory experiments to examine the assumption that mortalities of fish and shellfish on the coast of the Ariake Sea, Kyushu, were caused by this herbicide, Lethal concentrations of this herbicide for the experimental animals and plants were determined, Connolly, Т.Е. (1962)c 9-02087 MF Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Lab., 75 p. Bibliography on nuclear reactor fuel reprocessing and waste disposal. Volume 8. Waste treatment and disposal 451 references on the disposal and treatment of radioactive wastes - books, bibliographies, symposia, journals and contractors' topical references published from 1955 to the present. NSA 16(22)31346. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Fukuo, Y. (1962) 9-02088 MF Rec. oceanosr Wks Jap., (Spec.6):161-8 Or the exchange of water and the productivity of a hey with special reference to Tanahe Bay (1) Examination of the relation of rainfall and chlorinity, rainfall and salinity deficit, tidal mixing, plankton population and salinity deficit and monthly mean variations of various quantities, Co 61-00140, Tatsımoto, М. € С.С. Patterson (1963) Nature, Lond,, 199(1891):350-2 Concentrations of common lead in some Atlantic and Mediterranean waters and in snow 9-02089 MF Records concentrations of lead in surface waters anc escribes these to industrial conteminetion, mainly lead tetraethyl serosols, Also analyses samples of rural snow, Privol'nev, T.I. (1963) 9-02090 MF Porogov3ia kontsentretsiia kislorode у vode dlia ryb pri raznylh temperaturekh (Threshold oxygen concentration in water, endurable to fishes at various temperatures) Dorrestein, R. (1960) 9-02001 MF Verh, geol, -mijnb.Genoot.Ned.Kolon, (zeo1, ), 19:39-42 Einige klimatologische und hydrologische Daten für des Ers-Estusrium (Some climatologicel and hydrological data for the Ems estuary), Ne Camercn, М.М. & D,W, Pritchard (1963) In 9-02064:306-2l. Estuaries 9-02002 Under section Currerts reviews ideas and Observations on the subject in chapters - Definition of estuaries; General consider- ations; Estuarine circulation patterns; Some veriations on the estuarine sequence; Flushing in estuaries; Dynamics of estuaries; Kinematic description of the distribution of properties in an estuary, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, 9 (2) Strelkov, E. (1959) 9-02093 F In "Biol.Osnovy Rybnoe Khoz.", Tomsk, Tomskii Univ. :131-4 Vliianie kolebanii urovala reki Tomi na chislennost! nekotorykh vidov ryb (The effect of fluctuations in the level of the Tom' River on the numbers of certain species of fishes) BA №0А(3)8989. Strelkov, E. (1961) 9-02094 Е Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl.), №. 4D527 The effect of fluctuations in the level of the Tom' River on the numbers of certain species of fishes En 9-02093. BA 40A(3)8989. Samarina, A.V. (1960) Trud,vsesoiuz, gidrobiol,Obshch., 10:158-69 Nekotorye dannye o produktsi kisloroda pri fotosinteze v ozere Baikal (Some data on the production of oxygen during photosynthesis in Lake Baikal) BA 388(6)21467. Samarina, A.V, (1961) Referat.Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl, ), №. 19v21 Some data on the production of oxygen during photosynthesis in Lake Baikal En 9-02095. BA 38E(6)21467. Pugliese, A. (1961) R,C,Ist,lombardo, 95B:216-31 (Concentration of radioactivity present in the principal species of eatable fish from Lake Maggiore), It NSA 17(7)10349, 9-02095 F 9-02097 F 77 9-02096 Е 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lvovich, А.Т, (1063)B 9-02098 Е Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geogr.), (3):35-44 Problema okhrany rek i vodoemov ot zagriazneniia stochnymi vodami (Problem of the protection of rivers and reservoirs from pollution by sewage) Kashiwada, K. & D. Kakimoto 9-02099 F (1962) Mem, Fac,Fish, Kagoshima, 11(2):158-64 (Studies on organic compounds in natural weter - 1, On the folic acid content in inland water). Ni En Microbioassay using Streptococcus faecalis R PR mare ann so. as test organism, Eisenbud, M. (1963)C 9-02100 F New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 438 p. Environmental radioactivity Concerned with the behaviour of radioactive substances after they enter the environment. Foster, R.F. & D, MeConncn (1962)c Richland, Wash. , Hanford Atomic Products Operation, 24 т, Relationshivs between the concentration of radionuclides in Columbia River water and fish 9-02101 F USPHS, Division of Radiological Health (1963) Radiol,Hlth Data, 4(6):277-329 9-02102 F Contains section on 'water' tabulating data for the month December 1962 for redioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc, 9 (2) Germeny, Federal Republic. 9-02103 MF Bundesminister fllr Atomkernenergie (1961)C Bad Godesberg Umweltradioaktivitat und Strahlenbelastung. Bericht IV/61 (Environmental radioactivity and radiation burden. Report IV/61) A report on content of radioactive materials in air, water, soil, and food and on the radiation burden of the population of the Federal Republic of Germany, Surveillance of radiation in air and environment, in surface water and waste water, in drinking water, in sea water and in food chains is discussed, NSA 16(24A)32721. Nehring, D. (1962) Dtsch Fisch ,-Ztg,, 9(2):46-51 Wäschereiabwässer und Fische (Laundry sewage and fish) 9-02104 F Describes common detergent compounds and their effect on fish. Czeczura, В, (1950) Acta hydrobiol.Kraków, 1(2):109-22 On oxyzen minimum and maximum in the metalimnion of Rajeród Lakes, Pl 9-02105 F Work on two lakes giving data on oxygen temperature oxidation capacity of phytoplankton chlorophyll, collected in 1957 and 1958, Suggests that the depth of the compensation point determines the depth of oxygen maxima and minima, Klein, L, et al, (1963)C Butterworth and Co,, 156 т. River pollution 2: causes and effects (Aspects of river pollution, 1957, Chaps. 1-8 revised) 9-02106 F New sections on radioactivity and thermal pollution and on synthetic detergents, Includes a critical review of studies on fish by J.R.E. Jones and a chapter on biological aspects by Н.А, Hawkes. Contains an account of the historical and legal background, a discussion of the nature, causes end the biological, biochemical and physico- chemical effects of pollution in rivers. 79 PLANKTON Savilov, A.I. (1961)B Trud,Inst,Qkeanol., 45:223-39 (Distribution of the ecological forms of sailfish, Salleemen velella lata Ch, & Eys, and Portuguese men-of-war, Physalia utriculus (La Martiniére) Esch, in the northern Pacific), Ru 9-02107 M Savilov, А.Т. (1963)BC JPRS:17431, unvag., 24 р. Distribution of the ecological forms of sailfish, Salleemen velella lata Ch. & Eys, and Portuguese men-of-war, Physalia utriculus (La Martiniére) Esch, in the northern Pacific 9-02108 M En 9-02107, Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, DC, Subrahmanyan, R. (1960) In 8-01224:292-301 Phytoplankton of the waters of the west coast of India and its bearing on fisheries 9=02109 M BA 39E(2)4680, Colebrook, J.M. (1063) 9-02110 M Bull. Mar,Ecol, , 6(1):17-30 Continuous plankton records: Annval variations in the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus, 1948-1959 A detailed analysis is described of the spatial variation in the annual fluctuations of the abundence of Calanus finmarchicus in the collections with the continuous plankton recorder in the North Sea and the north- eastern Atlantic for the years 1948-1950, 9 (2) Cooper, С.А. & 9-02111 M D.C.T. Forsyth (1963) Bull.Mar,Ecol,, 6(1):31-8 Cortinvous plarkton records: Contribution towards a plankton atlas of the North Atlantic and the North Sea, Part 7: The seasonal and annual distributions of the pteropod Pneumodermopsis Keferstein Material collected during 1948 to 1961 with continvous plankton recorders and small plankton indicators has been used to describe the distributions of Pneumodermopsis paucidens and P, ciliata, Atlas charts show the seasonal and annual features of the distribut- ions at a depth of 8 to 10 m, in the North Atlantic and North Sea, Enomoto, Y. (1963) 9-02112 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(1):1-6 Studies on the food base in the Yellow and the East China Seas. 2. Plankton survey in winter of 1957 Tabulation of spp. collected. С о 8-11058. (1963) 9-02113 М Bull,Jap,Soc.sci.Fish., 29(1):11-3 Studies on the food base in the Yellow and the East China Seas - 3, Notes on some dominant zooplankton Enomoto, У. Notes on body size, maturity and distribution Of certain spp, Co 9-02112, Pope, Е.С. (1963) Aust,nat,Hist,, 14(6):193 Jelly-fish stings in the summer of 1962-63 9-02114 M Note on skin rash caused by Catostylus mosaicus, Pelagia рапоруга and Cyanea cavillata, 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Wisely, В. & С. Purday (1963) 9-02115 M Tuatara, 11(1):20-6 A culture method for marine diatoms and flagellates Preparation of media, methods of sub-culturing, desirable culture conditions and report of results of observations of the growth of 4 elgal spp. obtained by use of the method described. Uchida, Т. € Z. Nagao (1063) 9-02116 M Annot.zo01.jap., 36(2):83-91 The metamorphosis of the scyphomedusa, Aurelia limbata (Brandt) Description of development of the scyphomeduse from the egg and the budding of the scyphomedusa, strobilation, the ephyra and metamorphosis of the ephyra, rot also as: Contr.Akkeshi Mar.biol.Sta,, 121). Ishida, T. (1963) 9-02117 M Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):73-4 (A new quantitative sampler for large crustacean plankton), Ni En Description of a large streamer type plankton sampler designed for sampling large crustacean plankton. Saisho, T. (1962) 9-02118 M Mem, Fac. Fish.Kagoshima, 11(2):174-8 Notes on the early development of a scyllarid lobster, Perribacus antarcticus (Lund) Early three stages of Parribacus antarcticus, a scyllarid lobster, are described, The newly hatched out larvae were reared in the laboratory. The larvae passed through several distinctly defined phyllosoma stages at first, Some notes on the first stage phyllosoma of other forms of the scyllaridae and their development are given, Repelin, В. (1962) 9-02119 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(4):321 Sur le présence de Periphyllopsis braueri en Atlantique Sud (Scyphomeduse Periphyllidae) (On the presence of Perivhyllopsis braueri in the South Atlantic (Periphyllid, Scyphomedusa) ) Origin of specimens and general characters. 9 (2) Wood, E.J.F. (1963) 9-02120 M Tech.Pap.Div,Fish.C.S.T,R.O., (14):55 р. Dinoflagellates in the Australian region, 2. Recent collections Records 190 spp. of dinoflagellates that have been found in Australian waters since 1954, and includes Indian Ocean spp. collected by H.M.A.S. DIAMANTINA, 16 new spp. have been described. Wood, E.J.F. (1963) 9-02121 M Rep, Div, Fish,Oceanogr,C,5.1.R,0, , (28):55 p. Check-list of dinoflagellates recorded from the Indian Ocean Tabulation of reports in literature of localities in the Indian Ocean at which each sp. was observed, Scheltema, R.S. (1963) 9-02122 M Cceanus, 10(3):2-9 Larvae in the open sea Discussion of the problems involved in the identification of larval forms, found in plankton, of organisms living on the bottom of the sea, Tanaka, O. & F. Koga (1962) 9-02123 M Rec,oceanogr.Wks_Jan,, (Spec. 6):1-20 The fundamental investigation of the biological productivity in the north-western sea area of Kyushu - 2. Study on plenkton productivity in the neighbouring waters of Genkai -Nada region Distribution of zooplankton biomass in the water column from surface to bottom with data on macroplankton, fish eggs and larvae and on phytoplankton taken at the same time, and data on qualitative and quantitative changes of chlorophyll content, Co 61-13337. :glk Posta, A. (1963)A 9-02124 M Cah,Biol.mer,, 4:201-10 Relation entre l'évolution de quelques tintinnides de la rade de Villefranche et la température de l'eau (Relation between the evolution of some Tintinnoinea of the bay of Villefranche and the temperature of the water), En De PLANKTON 81 Wormelle, R.L. (1962) 9-02125 M Bull,Mer,Sci.Gulf Caribh,, 12(1):95-136 A survey of the standing crop of plarkton of the Florida Current. 6, A study of the distribution of the pteropods of the Florida Current Issued also as: (361). Contr.Mar,lab.Unjv,Miami, Nielsen, E.S. (1963) In 9-02064:129-64 Productivity, definition and measurement 9-02126 M Under section Fertility of the oceans reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Definitions; Methods for measuring primary production; The relation between the rate of gross production and net production below a surface unit; Transparency of the water versus organic production; The significance of single individual measure- ments of primary production; The influence of weather conditions, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. Provasoli, L. (1963) In 9-020614:165-219 Organic regulation of phytoplankton fertility 9-02127 M Under section Fertility of the oceans reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Data from chemical analysis; Organic products of algae and bacteria; Nutritional requirements of marine algae; Crustacea and organic solutes; Data from biological analysis of sea-water, Incl, bibliographic references to mejor works on the subject, Ryther, J.H. (1963) In 9-02064:347-80 Geographic variations in productivity 9-02128 M Under section Biological Oceanography reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Incident radiation; Transpar- ency; Nutrients; Latitudinal variations in the stability of surface water; Product- ivity of the major oceanic regions; Hydrodynamic features which influence productivity; Plankton production in coastal and inshore waters; Production of benthic plant communities, Incl, biblio- graphic references to major works on the subject, (a 9 (2) Johnson, М.М. & Е. Brinton 0-02129 M (1963) In 9-02064:381-414 Biological species, water-masses and currents Under section Biological oceanography reviews ideas and observations or the subject in chavters - Water-messes and biological species; Water currents and biological species. Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. Riley, GIA (1963) In 9-02064:438-63 Theory of food-chain relations in the ocean 9-02130 M Under section Biological oceanogrephy reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Mathematical models of plankton populations; Comblex versus simple models; Prognosis for methematical models; Higher elements of the food chain, Incl, bibliosraphic references to major works on the subject, Williamson, D.I. (1963) Bull,Mar,Ecol,, 6(1):1-15 An automatic plankton sampler 9-02131 MF The instrument is designed for horizontal towing; it takes up to twenty consecutive samples, each covering 3.3 or 4,3 sea-miles (6.0 or 8.0 km.) and filtering №85 or 630 gel. (2.18 or 2,84 cu.m.) of water according to the type of log-rotator used to drive the mechanism, Jeffries, H.P. (1962) Limnol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):354-64 Succession of two Acartia species in estuaries 9-02132 MF In New England and Middle Atlantic estusries Acartia clausi, a winter-spring copepod, and A. tonsa, a summer-fall form, alternate in cycles of dominance. Between 11 and 18 degrees C, intermediate temperatures for reproduction of both species, tonsa was favored because it appeared less sensitive to brackish water than clausi. BA k0(6)21569. 82 Bogoslovskii, A.S. (1961) Zool,Zh., 40(4):602-4 Sistematika, geograficheskoe rasprostranenie, 9-02133 F i mesta obitaniia kolovratok Brachiomus nilsoni Ahlstrom i v, bennini (Leissling) (The taxonomy, geographic distribution, and habitat of the rotifers Brachiomus nilsoni Ahlstrom and Brachiomus bennini (Leissling) ), En BA 38E(L4)16292, Bogoslovskii, A.S. (1961) 9-02134 Е Referat, Zh, (Biol, ) (En Transl,), №. 20D22 The taxonomy, geographic distribution, and habitat of the rotifers Brachiomus nilsoni Ahlstrom and Brachiomus bennini (Leissling) En 9-02133 . BA 38E(4)16292, Kimball, R,F, € Т. Vogt-Koehne (1962) Ехр.Се11 Res., 28:228-38 Effects of radiation on cell and nuclear growth in Paramecium aurelia 9-02135 F NSA 17(7)10408, Skreb, У. & L, Bevilacqua (1962) Exp,Cell Res,, 28:430-2 (Photorestoration of fragments of irradiated amoeba.) , Fr 9-02136 F NSA 17(7)10410, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pourriot, R. (1963) 9-02137 F C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 256( 24) :5216-9 Influence de rythme nycthéméral sur le cycle sexuel de quelques rotiféres (Influence of the nycthemeral rythm on the sexual cycle of some Rotifera) Preliminary note dealing with observations in vitro of Notommata copeus, N. codonella and Trichocerca rattus. Kurohagi, T. (1962) 9-02138 F Sci,Rep,Hokkaido Salm,Hatch,, (17):99-105 (A note on the plankton of Kurilskoe Lake, southern Kamchatka Peninsula, collected in early August 1961), Ni En Note on the identification of 19 plankton spp. (plant and animal) taken in a vertical haul from 150 m to surface, Archibald, А.В. et a1.(1963) 9-02139 F Biochem,J,, 88:444-51 Studies on the metabolism of the Protozoa = 10, The molecular structure of the reserve polysaccharides from Ochromonas malhamensis and Peranema trichophorum Czeczuga, B. (1959) 9-02140 F Acte hydrobiol,, Kraków, 1(3-4):173-85 Phytoplanktondynemik in den Dojlidy Teichen (Phytoplankton dynamics in the Dojlidy ponds). PA Provides an account of the phytoplankton of the ponds previous to a programme of manuring, and gives statistics on carbon assimilation, chlorophyll concentration and the uptake of oxygen and inorganic nitrogen. 83 BENTHOS Levi, C. (1961) Arch,Zool,exp.gen., 100(2):127-50 Eponges intercoditales de Nha Trang (Viet Nam) (Intertidal sponges from Nha Trang, Viet Nam) 9-02141 M New spp, are Suberites lobulata, Ptilocaulis flexibilis, Halichondria symbiotica, Cellius amboinensis, & Spongionella monoprocta. Specimens of Aaptos aaptos, because of their original black color, merit consideration as a variety nigra of this cosmopolitan sp, BA 37E(4)16093, Squires, D.F. (1961) 9-02142 M Amer.Mus.Novit., 2046:1-48 Deep sea corals collected by the Lamont Geological Laboratory. 2. Scotia Sea corals Ecology, zoogeography & systematics are given. Sphenotrochus gardineri & Balanophyllia malouinensis are described as new. Co 60-4564. BA 37E(6)24860. Couillard, P., D. Larrivee € L, Archambault (1961) Nat.caned,, 88(12):321-3 Sur un spécimen hermaphrodite de l'oursin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (0.Р. Muller) (An hermaphroditic specimen of the sea urchin 5. droebachiensis, О.Р. Muller) 9-02143 M A large specimen, 65 mm diameter & 40 rm high, was collected May 26, 1961 at the Station de Biologie Marine, Grande-Riviére, P.Q. ВА 38Е(№)1657. Cook, 9.5. & А.Р. Rieck (1962) 9=02144 M J,cell,comp,Physiol., 59(1):77-84 Studies on photoreactivation in gametes and zygotes of the sand dollar, Echinarachnius parme BA 39E(2)8498, 9 (2) Millard, М.А.Н. (1962) Ann,S Afr.Mus., №6(11):261-319 The Hydrozoa of the south and west coasts of South Africa, 1, The Plumulariidae 9-02145 M Problems of taxonomy are discussed, with a diagram showing possible evolutionary trends in HALOPTERINAE which is created for genera with cauoine hydrothecae & related forms, based on Halopteris. Characters of this & 3 other subfamilies of the Plumulariidae are summarized, with list of. spp. incl. in each, BA 40E(3)12752. Arbuzöva, К.5. € V.V. Patrikeev (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(4):688-90 O prikreplenii chernomorskikh balianusov (Balanus improvisus Darwin i B. eburneus Gould (The attachment pf Black Sea acorn barnacles Balanus improvisus Darwin and B. eburneus Gould) 9-02146 M Arbuzova, K.S. & 9-02147 M У.У. Patrikeev (1962) Referat,7h, (Biol, )(En Trans1.), №. 6Zh30 The attachment of Black Sea acorn barnacles Balanus improvisus Darwin and В. eburneus Gould En 9-02146, ВА №0Е(3)12758. Barnard, J.L., R.J. Menzies € 9-02148 M М.С. Baëescu (1962)C New York, Columbia Univ.Press, 222 p. Abyssal Crustacea, (Vema Research Series, No. 1.) ВА L0£(3)12759. Kamshilov, M.M. (1963) 9-02149 M Dokl,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 150(6):1363-5 Vliianie ul'trafioletovykh luchei na mikrobiotsenozy morskikh prosteishikh (The effect produced ‘by ultra-violet rays on microbiocoenoses of marine Protozoa) 84 Sveshnikov, У.А. (1963) Dokl,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 150(6):1393-6 O tipakh lochinok polikhet (P.) (Types of Polychseta larvae) 9-02150 M Gol'din, M.I. (1960)B Nauka i Zhizn', 27(9):37-40, 50 (Deep sea microbes), Ru 9-02151 M Gol'din, M.I. (1961)BC JPRS-4634, 31 р. Deep sea microbes 9-02152 M En 9-02151, Available from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D,C, Petelin, V.P. (1961) Okeanclosiia, 1(1):143-8 Novyi metod vodnogo mekhanicheskogo analiza morskikh osadkov (A new method of hydrous particle-size analysis of marine sediments) 9-02153 M Petelin, V.P. (1962)BC 17 Po A new method of hydrous mechanical analysis of marine sediments 9-02154 M En 9-02153. Aveilable from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Giovannozzi-Sermanri, @., В. Masironi & I. Cacciari (1962) Int,J,Radiat,Biol., 5:485-91 Physiological effects of tritiated water on Rhodotorula gracilis as influenced by cystamine 9-02155 M The effects of tritium-emitted beta-radiations were tested on the germination time, the period of lag, the cellular permeability, & the respiratory quotient of В. gracilis treated with tritiated water in the presence of different concentrations of cystamine, NSA 17(5)5719. 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kliuge, G.A. (1962) 9-02156 M ‘ Opred,Faune SSSR, (76):584 р. a Mshanki severnykh morei SSSR ' (Sponges of the northern seas of the USSR) Systematics, Les ds Kusakin, 0.G. (1962)B 9-02157 M Trud,zool,Inst,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 30:66-109 K faune Munnidae (Isopoda, Asellota) dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR (Munnidae (Isopoda, Asellota) of the far eastern seas of the USSR) Kusakin, 0.6. (1962) 9-02158 M Trud,zool,Inst,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 30:17-65 K faune Janiridae (Isopoda, Asellota) morei SSSR (Janiridae (Isopoda, Asellota) of the seas of the USSR) New species described from Soviet far eastern and northern seas, Lécher, P. (1963) C.R.Acad, Sci. , Paris, 257(2):521-3 Contribution à l'étude chromosomique de Jaera marine syei Bocquet (Isopode Asellote) (Contribution to the chromosomic study of Jaera marina syei Bocquet (Isopoda Assellidae)) 9-02159 M Observations on material collected in Hafcabia (Basque coast). Gaillard, J.-M. (1963) 9-02160 M C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(25):5419-21 Valeur annuelle et rythme saisonnier, sous différentes latitudes, de la croissance chez Monodonta lineata (da Costa) (Mollusque prosobranche), Longévité probable de cette espèce (Annval growth and seasonal rythm, under various latitudes, of the growth of Monodonta lineata (da Costa) (Mollusca Prosobranchiate). | Probable longevity of this species) Deals with observations made on material collected in Roscoff and Socoa (French Atlentic coast), Lallier, В. (1963)A. 9-02161 M C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(25):5409-12 Effets de substances poiycationiques sur la détermination embryonnaire de l'oeuf de l'oursin Paracentrotus lividus (Effects of the polycatonic substances on the determination of the embryo in egg of the see urchin Paracentrotus lividus) Peyriére, M, (1963) C.R.Aced,Sci., Paris, 257(2):730-2 Les plästes et l'amidon floridéen chez quelques rhodophycées (The plasts and the floridean starch in some Phodonrvcsae ) 9-02162 M Preliminary rote dealing with research on Aa turas ny m Corr 7 1 7 Polysiphonis elongata and Ceramium echionotum. Gaillard, J, (1963) C,R,Acnd,Sci,, Paris, 257(3):725-9 Sur le mode de croissance des plantules de Taonia atomaria (Woodw) J.Ac. (Dictyotales) (On the type of growth of the sprout of Taonia atomaria (Woodw) J.Ag. (Dictyoteles)) 9-02163 M Preliminery note desline with observations on material collected ir Arcachon, Jénsson, 5. (1963) 9-02164 м C.R.Aced.Sci., Paris, 256(21):5187-9 Sur quelques veriations de cycle de développement dans la famille des Acrosivhoniacées (On some variations in the life cycle of the family of Acrosiphoniacee) Results obtained in Heligoland by Kormmarn are reviewed on the basis of previous observations by him in Roscoff (Atlantic, France). Horie, S. et 21. (1963) Bull, Jap, Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):37-43 (Oceanographic survey on the distribution of Takikawa's so-called pathogenic halophilic bacteria). Ni En 9-02165 M Descrivtion of method of isolation of the organisms and indication of means of grouping them. Investigation of the nature of distribution of these groups in the sea, Kawabata, T, (1963)A Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):44-51 (Studies on the Takikawa's so-called pathogenic halophilic bacteria - 1, Effect of culturing conditions on the organisms upon lethality for mice), Ni En 8 T. Kozima 9-02166 M BENTHOS 9 (2) 85 Kawabata, T. € T, Kozima 9-02167 M (1963 )A Bull,Jap.Soc.scei,Fish., 29(1):52-7 (Studies on the Takikawa's so-called pathogenic halophilic bacteria - 2. Effect of various treatments of the organisms and the addition of bile salts upon the lethality for mice), Ni En Co’ 9-02166. Tsurura, Н. (1062) 9-02168 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci,Fish,, 28(12):1149-54 The uptake cf raäioruthenium by several kinds of littorel seaweed Measurement. of the uptake under aquarium conditions and examination of the state of the mıclide in sea water, Renault, L, & M,A, France (1963 )A C.R,Acad,Sci., Paris, 257(1):252-4 Double spermatogenése d'un type rouveau chez Trivia arctica (Montagu) (Mollusave gastéronode prosobranche ) (Double spermatogenesis of a new tyne in Trivia arctica (Montagu) (Mollusca Gasteropoda Prosobranchiata)) 0-02169 M Aymes, Y. (1963)A C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(1):268-9 Origine, croissance et rôle blastogénétique des crampons adhésifs du bryozaire Bugula neritina (Origin, growth and blastogenetic importance of the adhesive stalks of the bryozoan Bugula neritina) ©-02170 M Durchon, М. € Е. Schaller (1963) 9-02171 M С.В.Асаа.5с1,, Paris, 256(26) :5615-7 Application de la méthode de culture organotypique aux recherches endocrinologiques chez les annélides polychétes. (Application of the organotype culture method to endocrinological research in Annelida Polychaeta) Preliminary note on experiments of culture of parapoda of Nereis pelagica L,, Platynereis dumerilii Aud,, Perinereis cultrifera Grube and N, diversicolor O,F, Müller. 86 Chassard, C. (1963) 9-02172 M C.R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(26):5630-3 Effets chromatiques à long terme de l'ablation des pédoncules oculaires chez Leander serratus (Crustacé décanode ) (Long term chromatic effects of the removal of the eye stalks in Leander serratus (Crustacea Decapoda) ) Suehiro, S. (1962) 9-02173 M Sei, Bull Fac, Agric Kyushu, 20(1):101-5 (Studies on the marine yeasts - 2, Yeasts isolated from Thalassiosira subtilis (marine diatom) decayed in flasks), Ni En Experimentel culture of bacteria and veests on collections of diatoms taken by Plankton net ard stored in flasks, CR 9-091 37» Kurate, Н. (1963) 9-02174 M Bull, Hokkaido Fish.Res.lab., (26):81-5 | (Erolo7y of shrimps on the eel-grass bed. 1. Spirontocaris propugratrix). Ni En Determination of the season of greatest egg carriage, time of liberation of larvae, growth rate, time of maturation, mortalit and feeding. Kurata, Н. (1963) 9-02175 M Bull Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):86-91 (Ecology of shrimps on the eel-grass bed, 2. Leander macrodactylus and others). Ni En Determination with regard to Learder macrodactylus of the time of carrying eggs, growth rate, food habits and nocturnal activities, with notes on spawning habits of other species, Co 9-0217k4. Kurate, Н. (1963) 9-02176 М Bull Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):92-6 (Ecolosrsy of shrimps on the eel-grass bed. 3. Shrimps in relation to their environment), Ni En Examination of the abundance of the various life-history forms of the shrimps and the seasonal abundance of eel-grass vegetation, Со 9-02175. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nizamuddin, M. (1963) Pacif.Sci., 17(2):243-5 Studies on the green alga, Udotea indica A. € E.S. Gepp, 1911 9-02177 M Description of the reproductive orgens of the sp. and of the zooids produced in these organs. Grounds for naming the sp. as the type of a new genus UDOTEA are given. Yoshida, T., T. Sawada & M, Higeki (1963) Pacif,Sci,, 17(2):135-44 Sargassum vegetation growing in the sea around Tsuyazaki, North Kyushu, Japan 9-02178 M Description of the survey area and an account of the stratal structure of Sargassum community and distribution of spp., and of the vegetational cover, Issued also as: Contr,Dep,Fish.Kyushu Univ. Kurata, Н. (1963) 9-02179 M Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res,Tab,, (26):75-80 Limb loss and recovery in the young king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica). Ni En Statistical examination of the incidence of limb loss and of recovery rates at ecdysis, Roche, J., S. André & 9-02180 M S. Salvatore (1960) Comp, Biochem,Physiol., 1:286-92 (Metabolism of iodine (1131) and formation of iodinated scleroprotein (gorgonine) of the corneous skeleton of Eunicella verrucosa (Pallas)), Fr Gorgons immersed in sea-water containing +racer-doses of №1131 concentrate iodides, NSA 16(24A)32697. Balavoine, P. (1961) 9-02181 M Bull,Mus,Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(1):109-13 La faune de bryozoaires pontiléviens du Renauleau pres Brigné (Maine-et-Loire) (The pontilevien bryozoan fauna at Renauleau near Brigné (Maine-et-Loire)) List of spp. observed, with synonomies of original and subsequent discriptions. Cherbonnier, G. (1961) 9-02182 Bull,Mus.Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(1):132-6 Holothuries récoltées par A, Gallardo dans la baie de Nha-Trang (Sud Viet-nam) (suite) (Holothurians collected by A. Gallardo in the Bay of Nha-Treng (Southern Vietnam) Morphological description of _ Aphelodactyla australis (Semper) and Protankyra asymmetrica (Ludwig). Cherbonnier, G. (1961) 9-02183 M Bull,Mus,Hist.net,, Paris, 33(6):611-5 Deux nouvelles espèces d'holothuries dendrochirotes des côtes brésiliennes (Two new species of dendrochirote holothurians from the Brazilian coast) Morphological descriptions of Euthyonidiella dentate and Trachythyone crassipeda, Dechancé, M. & J, Forest 9-02184 M (1962) Bull.Mus,Hist,nat, , Paris, 34(4):293-307 Sur Anapagurus biocorniger A. Milne Edwards et E,L, Bouvier et A, petiti sp. nov. (Crustacea Decapoda Paguridae) On Anapagurus bicorniger A, Milne Edwards and Е.Т.. Bouvier and A, petiti sp. nov, (pagurid decapod Crustacea) ) Morphologicel descriptions with lists of specimens examined and taxonomic comparison between spp. and description of the glaucothoea of the two spp, Forest, J. (1962) 9-02185 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 34(5):365-70 Sur un Dardanus des Hawaii et de Madagascar, D. brachyops sp. nov. (Crustacea Paguridea Diogenidae ) (On a Dardanus of Hawaii and Madagascar, D. brachyops sp. nov. (diogenid pagurid crustacean)) Morphological description and taxonomic comparison. Salvat, B. (1961) 9-02186 M Bull.Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(5):524-31 Récoltes malacologiques de М. В. Battistini sur les plages soulevées de Madagascar (Malacological collections made by M.R. Battistini on the raised beaches of Madagascar) List of 121 spp. BENTHOS 87 Stephenson, W. & M. Rees 9-02187 M (1961) Bull,Mus.Hist,nat, , Paris, 33(4):421-7 Sur deux nouveaux crustacés Portunidae Indo-Pacifiques (Two new Indo-Pacific portunid crustaceans) Morphological description of Thalamita corrugata sp. nov,, and Portunus guinotae sp, nov. Mivier-Durivault, А. (1961) 9-02188 M Bull ,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(3):322-5 Sur un nouvel alcyonaire: Parerythropodium bosphorense (Оп a new alcyonarian, Parerythropodium bosphorense) Morphological description, Tixier-Durivault, A. (1961) 9-02189 M Bull,Mus,Hist,net,, Peris, 33(4):428-33 CRASSOPHYLLUM cristatum р. gen, et п. SD., type d'un genre de Pteroedidae (Pennatulacea) (CRASSOPHYLLUM cristatum п. gen. and п. SP., type of a genus of Pteroedidae (Pennatulacea)) Morphological description with examination of systematic position, Weinstein, F. (1961) 9-02190 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(2):208-12 Présence à Banyuls-sur-mer (Р.О.) de Halacarus bisulcus Viets (Presence of Halacarus bisulcus at Banyuls-sur-mer (Р.О.)) Morphological description of this sp. previously described from Bergen in 1927. Bowen, V.T. (1963) 9-02191 M Oceanus, 10(3):14-7 Nature's beauty - Acantharia Popular note on the distribution and taxonomy of this group. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kawakami, I, (1062) 0-02192 М Rec, oceanozr.Wks Jan., (Spec.6):133-4 Studies on Mollusca, with snecial reference to some improvements in pearl cultivation Notes on techniques. Ko, Y., Y. Murakami & К. Daiku (1962) Rec,oceanogr,Wks Jap, , (Svec.6):113-19 The biology of the commensal copepods in Japanese marine bivalves 9-02193 M Record of the finding of two new copepod spp. taken from several bivalves, together with record of observations on the occurr- ence of all commensal copepod spp. in 25 spp. of bivalves. Miyake, 5, К. Sakai & S. Nishikewa (1962) Rec. oceanogr.Wks Jap,, (Spec.6):121-31 A fauna-list of the decapod Crustacea from the coasts washed by the Tsushima warm current 9-02104 M A list of 300 spp. with indication for each of the localities where it is observed, Segawa, S. et al. (1963) 9-02195 M Rec. Oceanogr.Wks Jap,, (Spec.6):153-9 Some comments on the movement of the floating seaweeds Floating seaweeds labeled with post-cards Were released from the near shore of North Kyushu, and their drift movement was inferred from recovery sites of cards and was compared with the movement of drift bottles, Ishibashi, М., Т. Yamamoto 8 Р. Morii (1962) Rec,oceanogr,Wks Jap,, 6(2):157-62 Chemical studies on the ocean (parts 85) chemical studies on the seaweeds (11), Copper content in seaweeds 9-02196 M Tabulation of measurement of copper content of 66 samples of 40 spp. of brown, green and red seaweeds, CR 61-00131, 61-00132, 61-00135 and 61-00136, 9 (2) Kikuchi, Т. (1962) 9-02197 M Rec,oceanogr.Wks Jap., (Spec.6):135-16 An ecological study on animal community of Zostera belt, in Tomioka Bay, Amakusa, Kyushu (2). Community composition (2) Decapod crustaceans Seasonal fluctuations in the population of the main spp. Significance of Zostera as a habitat, seasonal fluctuations of biomass, shrimps as food of fishes and determination of the pviparous season of shrimps, Co 61-13352. Truchot, J.-P, (1963) Cah,Biol,mar,, 4:121-72 Etude faunistique et écologique des amphipodes des faciès rocheux intertidaux de Roscoff (Faunistic and ecological study of the Amphipoda of the facies of intertidal rocks in Roscoff), En De 9-02198 M The variations in the populations are studied qualitatively, with regard to various factors of the environment; a classification of the biotopes is proposed, Thiébold, J.-J. (1963)A Сан. Biol,mar, , 4:183-92 Différenciation sexuelle précoce et sensibilité aux hormones androgènes d'un caractère sexuel somatique: le rein antérieur chez la petite rousette, Scyliorhinus caniculus L. (Early sexual differentiation and sensitivity to androgenic hormones of a sexual somatic 9-02195 м character: the anterior kidney in dogfish, Scyliorhinus caniculus L.). En De Fauré-Fremiet, Е. (1963) 9-02200 M Cah,Biol,mar,, 4:193-99 CONCHOSTOMA LONGISSIMUM n.g. n.sp., cilié trichostome psammobie (CONCHOSTOMA LONGISSIMUM n.g. n.sp., a sand trichostomian ciliate), En De Description based on specimens collected on Concarneau beach, L'Hardy, J.-P. (1963) Cah,Biol.mar,, 4:219-31 Note sur l'anatomie d'ANCTSTRORHYNCHUS ISCHTRUS n.g., n.sp. (turbellarie calyptornynque Gnathorhynchidae) et sur ses rapvorts avec le genre Gnathorhynchus (Note on the anatomy of ANCISTRORHYNCHUS ISCHNURUS n.g., r.sp. (Tirbellaria Kalyptorhynchia Gnathorhynchidae) and on the relations with the genus Gnathorhynchus). En De 9-02201 M The genus is defined on material collected in the littoral sands of Roscoff (Finistère). Dawson, E.Y. (1962) 9-02202 M Allan Hancock Pacif,Exped,, 26(1):207 р. Marine red algae of Pacific Mexico, 7. Ceramiales: Ceramiaceae, Delesseriaceae Includes new species in Antithamnion, Callithamion, Pleonosporium, Phycodrys, and Cryptopleura, CR 62-0250k, BAgr. 27(6)46660, Thomas, L.P., D.R, Moore & R.C. Work (1961) Bull.Mer,Sci.Gulf Carib>., 11(2):191-7 Effects of hurricane Donna on the turtle grass beds of Biscayne Bay, Florida 9-02203 M Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ,.Miami, (316), Chapman, V.J. (1962) 9-02204 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb,, 12(1):137-67 Respiration studies of mangrove seedlings - 1. Material and some preliminary experiments Issued also as: (364), Contr,Mar,Lab.Univ.Miami, Moore, D.R. 8 G, Gunter (1962) 9-02205 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb., 12(1):66-72 Notes on the pliocene molluscan fauna from one site in the western Florida Everglades Issued also as: Contr.Mar.lab,Univ,Miami, A A nee een aN (360). BENTHOS 9 (2) 89 McIntyre, A.D. (1961) 9-02206 M Proc, roy,Soc.Fdinb.(B), 67, Pt.4(14):351-362 New records of rolychaetes from Scottish coastal and offshore waters Mar, Repr,Mar,12b,1 Aberdeen, Issued also as: (140). Barnard, K.H. (1960) J,Conch,, 24(12):438-ho New species of South African marine gastropods 9-02207 M Describes Cancellaria euthymei n.sp,, Admete decavensis n.sp., МХ n.g., Nux alabaster n.sp., THALASSOCYON n.g. and Thalassocyon bonus п.зр. Tanaka, Т. & К. Nozawa (1962) 9-02208 M Mem, Fac. Fish, Kagoshima, 11(2):179-87 Some notes on the genera Padina and Zonaria in the southwestern islands of Japan 111. morphological description of Padina australis Hauck у. cuneata Tanaka et К. Nozawa, var.nov,; Padina commersonii Bory; Zonaria stipitata Tanaka et К. Nozawa spec,nov, Seréne, R. (1962) 9-02209 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 34(3):255-61 Une nouvelle espece de Leptodius (Brachyura xanthidae) du Viet-nam (A new species of Leptodius (Brachyura xanthidae) from Viet-nam) Morphological description of Leptodius nigromaculatus nov. Sp. Bayer, Р.М. (1959) 9-02210 MF Vitg,nat,Stud,Surin,Ned,Antillen, (20):1-43 Studies on the fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas: 6, Octocorals from Surinam and the adjacent coasts of South America BA 37E(6)24859. ANON, (1961)AC 9-02211 MF Toronto, Univ, of Toronto Press, 2 vols, 864, 944 р. Recent advances in botany; from lectures and symposia presented to the 9th International Botanical Congress, 1959 Palumbo, В.Р. (1961)AC In 9-02211:1367-72 The difference in uptake of radioisotopes by marine and terrestrial organisms 9-02212 MF Meusy, J.-J. (1963)A 9-02213 MF C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(25):5425-8 Description de la glande androgéne chez deux crustacés péracarides Paramysis nouveli Labat (Mysidacé) et Eocuma dollfusi Calman (Cumacé ) (Description of the androgenic gland in two Crustacea Peracarida Paremysis nouveli Labat (Mysidacea) and Eocuma dollfusi Calman (Cumacea) ) Simons, J.R. (1963) 9-0221 MF Aust,nat,Hist,, 14(6):194-7 Sponges - the first republicans Popular note on the morphology and biology of sponges. Schafer, R.D. (1963) Pacif,Sci,, 17(2):246-50 Effects of pollution on the amino acid content of Mytilus edulis 9-02215 MF In an attempt to determine the influence of polluted water on the amino acid content of Mytilus edulis, muscle tissue of specimens from a clean area was compared with that of specimens from polluted areas and with that of specimens transferred from clean to polluted water, Analyses were made by means of two- dimensional paper chromatography. Pohlo, R.H. (1963) Cah,Biol,mar,, 4:177-82 Notes on the discrimination between Cardium édule L, end Cardium lamarcki Reeve (Lamellibranchia). Fr De 9-02216 MF Specimens of the two closely related species collectec from Gullmars Fjord, Sweden, are classified by means of a linear discriminate function, The qualitative and quantitative methods employed by Petersen (1958) to separate these species are discussed, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPAY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES De Leersnyder € H. Hoestlandt (1963) Cah.Biol.mar,, 4:211-8 Premières données sur la régulation osmotique et la régulation ionique du crabe terrestre, Cardisoma armatum Herklots {First data on the osmotic regulation and ionic regulation of the land crab, Cardisoma armatum Herklots). En De 9-02217 MF Reports results of laboratory experiments with material collected in Dahomey. Hustedt, F, (1961)C Leipzig, Geest & Portig, 160 p. Die Kieselalgen Deutschlands, Osterreichs und der Schweiz unter Berucksichtigung der ubrigen Lander Europas sowie der angrenzenden Meeresgebiete; 109, Navicula (The diatoms of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with consideration of the remaining countries of Furope as well as the neighbouring marine areas; 109th genus: Navicula). 9-02218 MF Gattung: Includes new species, BAgr. 27(6)46667. Hastings, A.B. (1961) Zool.Rec., 95(8):25 р. Bryozoa (Polyzoa) 9-02219 MF Lists titles in alphabetic order of authors! names; Incl. subject and systematic indexes to references, Margalef, R. (1961) 9-02220 Е Mem.Soc.Cienc.nat.La Salle, 21(59):75-110 La vida en los charcos de agua dulce de Nueva Esparta (Venezuela) (The life in the fresh-water pools of Nueva Esparta, Venezuela) Notes are given on over 50 spp. of algae, & 17 spp. of Entomostraca, incl. the anostracan Dendrocephalus spartaenovae & the Ostracoda Physocypria sanctaeannae, Eucypris (GUAIQUERIA opulenta, Heterocypris margaritae, and Potamocypris ombrophila. BA 38E(4)16310. mn — Milovanovic, D, (1959) 9-02221 F Rec, Trav.Inst, Biol, Beograd., 2(3):1-16 Organska produkcija Skadarskog Jezera (Produkcija fitoplanktona) (Organic production in the Lake of Scutari, (Production of phytoplankton). Hr En PA 38A(6)21456, Salmanov, M.A, (1960) Biull, Inst, Biol, Vodokhr., 7:6-9 Sootnoshenie pervichnoi produktsii i destrukssi organicheskogo veshchestva v Mingechaurskom vodokhranilishche (The ratio of initial production and ‘destruction of organic matter in the Mingechaur Reservoir) 9-02222 F BA 38E(6)21466, Salmanov, M.A. (1961) 9-02223 F Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl.), No, 9D496 The ratio of initial production and destruction of organic matter in the Mingechaur Reservoir En 9-02222, ВА 38£(6)21166, Lufty, R.G. (1960) Cellule, 61(2):143-9 Histochemical studies on glycogen in the cells of the fresh water sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis 9-02224 F BA 38E£(6)24387, Klein, U,E, & М. Traut (1961) Int,Rev,Hydrobiol., 46(3):134-ho | Zur Herkunft des Schalenkalkes bei Stiss- wassermollusken (Concerning the origin of the calcium of the shell in freshwater molluscs) 9-02225 Е Using Melanoides tuberculata аз а test animal, it was ascertained that Cal5 was taken directly from the water, & deposited primarily around the mouth of the shell - new shell growth - & in some instances at the tip also - region of shell repair. BA 38E(6)24427, :jes 9 (2) BENTHOS ba Mackie, G.0. (1962) 9-02226 F Int, Rev,Hydrobiol., 47(1):26-32 Factors affecting the distribution of Velella (Chondrophora) ВА h0E(3)12751, Auerbach, S.1. (d.u.1962?)C 9-02227 F Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., (3347) :47-72 Radiation ecology Samples taken in 1961 from White Oak Lake bed showed concentrations of radionuclides in plants & herbivorous insects were essentially unchanged since 1958. NSA 17(3)2786. Davis, J.J. (1962)C 9-02228 F Richland, Wash., General Electric Со. Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Contract AT(L5-1)-1350, 13 р. Accumulation of radionuclides by aquatic insects Survey on the accumulation of radionuclides by aquatic insects in the section of the Columbia River that is within the Hanford reservation in southeastern Washington, The most abundant radionuclides were P32, Cu64, Cr5l, Zn65, € Na2k, Typical accumulation factor patterns are presented for a number of immature & adult aquatic insects & also for plankton. NSA 17(5)5702. Descomps, S. (1963)A 9-02229 C,R.Acad,Sei,, Paris, 257(3):727-9 Observations sur l'infrastructure de l'enveloppe des chloroplastes de Vaucheria (Xanthophycées) (Observations on the fine structure of the membrane of the chloroplasts of Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae) Lefort, M. (1963) 9-02230 F C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 256(24):5190-2 Étude comparative de certains mutants dépigmentés chez 1'Euglena gracilis et chez d'autres algues (Comparative study of certain depigmented mutants in Euglena gracilis and other algae) Preliminary note on experiments with material found under normal light conditions and material irradiated with ultraviolet X-rays. 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ichikawa, A. & M. Kawakatsu (1963) Annot,zool,jap,, 36(2):102-7 Phagocata tenells, a new freshwater planarian from Hokkaido 9-02231 F 111, description of this new sp., together with notes on taxonomy and differential diagnosis, distribution and ecology. Also issued as: Contr,zool,Inst,Fac,Sci, Hokkaido Univ,, (588). Lentz, T.L, (1962) J.exp,Zool., 150(2):103-17 Changes in the distribution of enzyme activity in the regenerating Hydra 9-02232 F Reports the changes in histochemical localization of enzymatic activities undergone by the peduncle and base during its regeneration into a complete animal, Bock, W. (1961) 9-02233 Е Mitt,Naturw.Mus Aschaffenburg, 0:16 т. (Diatomacese from two swamp forests near Wurzburg). De BAgr.27(6)46657. Oztig, F. (1960) 9-02234 Е Istanbul Univ.Fen Fak,Mecm, , 25(3/4) :295-9 On twc species of Cladophora living in freshwater lakes of Turkey BAgr. 27(6)16674, Wróbel, S. (1959) 9-02235 F Acta hydrobiol.Krekôw, 1(2):87-107 EinfUhrung in die lysimetrischen Teichboden-Untersuchungen (Introduction to lysimetric studies on pond mud). Pl Study to determine the extent to which nutrients are held by pond muds carried out on two carp ponds in 1957. 9 (2) Starmach, K. (1959) 9-02236 Е Acta hvdrobiol.Krakôw, 1(3-4):149-64 Homoeothrix janthina (Born. et Flah.) comb.nova mihi (equals Amphitrix janthine Born. et Flah.) and associating it blue-green algae, Pl Since 'Amphitrix' can have thread structure typical of the genus Homoeothrix a revision and reclassification of the two genera is stated to be necessary. Additional details of other blue green algae are given. Siemiñska, J. (1959) 9-02237 Е Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 1(3-l):165-70 Attaching ability of Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kitz, to the substratum, Pl The species was collected at Windermere in 1957/8 and attachment by means of mucilage droplets observed under the microscope, The subspecies Tabellaria flocculosa asterionell- oides could not be induced to attach itself, Czavik, А. (1959) 9-02238 F Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 1(3-4) :187-96 Microbenthos of fishponds in Mydlniki Lists Ciliata (Protozoa) from mud ssmples, gives a table of frequency of occurence of important species, and notes that this was an assemblage of Cyanophycae feeders. Other members of the faune are mentioned, Sowa, R. (1959) 9-02229 F Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 1(3-4):197-213 Fauna unoszona (syrton) rzeki Bajerki (Surton of Stream Bajerka). Pl En Report on material collected between May and October 1957 to ascertain the quantity and type of fauna carried down by a stream of this type. Pasternak, К. (1959) 9-02240 F Acta hydrobiol,, Kraköw, 1(3-4) :221-83 Gleby gospodarstw stawowych dorzecza Görnej Wisly (Soils of the fish ponds in the upper basin of River Vistula). Pl En | Results of soil investigations of ponds on 35 farms, giving physical and chemical data with discussions ón origins of the material, Skinner, J.E. (1962)B Rep.Calif.Wat.Proj.Br., (1):225 р. An historical review of the fish and wildlife resources of the San Francisco Bay area Kuriyan, С.К. & 5.б. Nayar (1962) Tech.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (27):4 р, Certain methods of preservation of cotton fishing net twines Deshpande, S,D, & V.C. George (1962) iesh.Pep,Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., (25):6 р. Design and operation of 'Kollachi Vala' - a two boat seine for gar fishes Kvaren, E. (1962) Symo.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish,Cown., (5):25 р. Selection of marine engines under 50 h.p. Mel'nikov, G.B, et al. (1962)B Zool,Zh., 41(12):1771-82, 1848-58, 1875-82 Selected articles). Ru Contents: Development of the fishing industry, fishing & problems of biological science in the light of the resolutions of the congress of the CPSU (No, 22), by С.В. Mel'nikov € М.Е. Sal'nikov; Marking of humpback whales in the southern hemisphere, by М.У. Ivashin; Evaluation of a method of taking the census of the White Sea harp seal & consideretion of the status of the stocks of this seal, by Га.т. Nazarenko & А.У. Iablokov, Mel'nikov, G.B. et al. (1963)BC 9-02246 M JPRS:17528, unpag., 47 р. Zoological Journal, 1962, Vol, 41, No, 12: selected translations En 9-02245, Availeble from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C, 9-02241 M 9-02242 M 9-02243 M 9-02244 M 9-02245 M FISHING Kuznetzov, V.V. (1962) Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), No. 2Zh196 The biological basis for the rational utilization and increase of the commercial resources of the White Sea En 62-02659. ВА 39E(2)4641. Percier, A. (1962) 9-02248 M France Pêche, (70):39=44 Les engins de pêche - Histoire du chalut (Fishing gear - History of the trawl) Article in a series of short descriptions of apparatus and instruments, Describes the evolution and development of this type of rear in the European Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, Barker, D.J. (1963) 9-022h9 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(6):17-8, 26 Prawn market prospects overseas Discussion of tables of stetistics relating to production of and trade in prawns. Temple, A. (1963) Fish, Newslett.Aust., 22(7):17, 27 Latest on monofilament netting of tuna Further information on eguipment and methods used from Victoria, Australia, Temple, A. (1963) Fish,Newslett,Aust., 22(6):15-6 Monofilament netting of striped tuna 9=02251 M 9-02250 M 93 9-02247 M Description of the gear and the methods of use, Lorimer, P.D. (1963) Fish,Newslett.Aust,, 22(6):21-3 Inshore longlining for yellowfin tuna Ill, description of the construction and use. of the gear, 9-02252 M 94 ANON, (1963) Fish,Newslett,Aust,, 22(6):25 The southern pelagic project 9-02253 M Brief note on the objectives of current marine fisheries research off south-eastern Australia, Lever, R.J.A.W, (1963) S.Pacif,Bull,, 13(2):53-k Shell money makers o” Malaie 9-02254 M Popular account of methods of making money from marine shells, Miyazaki, С. (1962) Bull,Tokai Fish,Res.lab., (35):9-13 (Comparative efficiencies between amilan net end cotton net for small beam trawlers - 1,), Ni En 9-02255 M Tabulation of daily catch of different spp. taken with nets made of these materials, and examination of the catch taken per drag, Narasako, У. & T. Takeda (1962)A 9-02256 M Mem,Fac,Fish.Kagoshima, 11(2):165-73 (On the effect of trail rope as a jury rudder of a small fishing boat - 1, Preliminary experiments of resistance and yawing by a model ship), Ni En Chittleborough, R.G. (1962) 9-02257 M Rep.Mar.biol.Leb.C.S.I.R.0., (34):13 р. Australian catches of humpback whales, 1961 Deals with catches teken in eastern Australia from Group V and in western Australia from Group IV of these populations, giving, with respect to each, data on quotas, catches, length of season, area of catch, effort, and composition of catch. Chittleborough, R.G, (1963) 9-02258 M Rep.Mar,biol,lab,C.S.I.R¿0,, (35):5 р. Australian catches of humpback whales, 1962 Deals with catches taken in eastern Australia from Group V and in western Australia from Group IV of these populations, giving, with respect to each, data on total catch, composition of catch, distribution and density 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON, (1963) 9-02259 M | New Scient,, 18(336):183-4 | Routing ships around storms at sea Short notice on suggesting courses to ships at ses so as to keep them clear of expected storms, Craig, В.Е. (1963) 9-02260 M J,Brit,Instn Radio Engrs, 25(3):201-6 The fisheries application of sonar Issued also as: (203). Mar.Repr.Mar.Lab. Aberdeen, Dickson, И. (1962) 9-02261 М World Fish., December How much warp will a winch hold? Issued also as: (194), Mar,Repr,Mar,Lab., Aberdeen, Isaacs, J.D, (1963) In 9-02064:516-27 Deep-sea anchoring and mooring 9-02262 M Under section Oceanographic miscellanea reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Historical background; Problems of taut-mooring; Remarks on components of moorings; Mooring cables; The anchors; Fittings. Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject, ANON, (1963) 9-02263 M New Scient,, 18(343):585 Seasonal variations in cod liver oil ee PT ES Short notice reporting results of a two-vear sampling and analysis programme carried out by British Cod Liver Oils Ltd., of St. Andrew's Dock, Hull, in six main arctic areas, Iparraguirre, J.C. (1959)BC 9-02264 MF Lima, Dirección de Pesquería y Caza, 161 p. Estadística económica de la industria pesquera (Economic statistic of fishing industry) FISHING Hammel, Е.А. & 9-02265 MF Y.D. Haase (1962)B Anthrop.Rec.Univ,Calif., 21(2):211-29 A survey of Peruvian fishing communities Kim, Z.G, (1962) 9-02266 MF Symp+Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Cown., (9):3 р. Model test of Korean stow netter Kim, К.С. & K.W. Kwon (1962) 9-02267 MF Symp.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish,Coun., (8):10 р. Korean stow netters and their mechanization Takayama, S. (1962) 9-02268 MF Symp.Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (12):5 р. Mechanization of fishing fleets in Japan Choudhury, R.L.R. (1962) 9-02269 MF Symp.Pap.Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (10):7 2. Propeller selection for small fishing vessels Bergeron, J., O. Leenhardt 9-02270 MF & С. Veysseyre (1963) C.R.Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(24):5179-81 De l'utilisation du "mud penetrator" dans les études des sédiments immergés suverficiels (On the utilisation of the "mud penetrator" in the study of the immersed surface sediments) Preliminary note on echo sounding observ- ations in the brackishwater lagoon of Thau (Southern France). Ereshchenko, У.Т. & 9-02271 Е А.5. Malinovskaia (1959) In "Biol,Osnovy Rybnoe Khoz,", Tomsk, Tomskii Univ, :287-92 Ribokhoziaistvennoe znachenie ozer Severnogo Kazakhstana (The importance for fishing of the lakes of northern Kazakhstan) BA 40A(3)8960, 9 (2) Ereshchenko, V.I, € 9-02272 F A.S, Malinovskaya (1961) Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), №. 4D531 The importance for fishing of the lakes of northern Kazakhstan En 9-02271, BA 4OA(3)8960. Grimal'skii, V.L, (1960) 9-02273 Е Mater. Resp,nauch, -proizv.Soveshch, Vopr. ryb. Khoz.mold,SSR, 1958:35-№2 Biologiia reki Pruta i perspektivy ee rybokhoziaistvennogo ispol'zovaniia (The biology of the Prut River and the prospects for using it for commercial fishing) Gives the results of a hydrobiological & ichthyological examination of the Prut River & its basin, BA 40A(3)8961, Grimel'skii, V.L, (1961) 9-02274 F Referat,Zh,(Biol,)(En Trans1,), №. 4D532 The biology of the Prut River and the prospects for using it for commercial fishing En 9-02273. ВА №0А(3)8961. La Rivers, I. (1962)BC 9-02275 Е Carson City, Nevada State Fish € Game Comm. , 782 p. Fishes and fisheries of Nevada Hirao, S. et al. (1962) 9-02276 X Bull Jan.Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(12):1173-8 (A test on flavouring rainbow trout with 95 commercial aroma). N En Nagayama, F., H. Hiraide & 9-02277 X K. Sano (1962)A Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 28(12):1188-91 (Studies on the browning of fish flesh. 11. Effect of heat on the levels of sugar, phosphate, arginine, and lysine in flesh). Ni En Co 8-1118k. 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nakano, T. € У. Tsuchiya (1962)A 9-02278 X Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish., 23(12):1184-7 (Studies on the physiological chemistry of phosprorus compounds in fish muscle - 11, Effect of loading on the activity of myosin-B ATP-ase in gibel), Ni En Co 8-08478 e Takagi, I. & М. Simidu (1962)А 9-02279 X Bull,Jap,Soc.sci.,Fish,, 28(12):1192-8 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals - ЗВ. Constituents and extractive nitrogens in a few species of shellfish). Ni En Takagi, I. € W. Simidu (1963)A 9-02280 X Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(1):66-70 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals. 35. Seasonal variation of chemical constituents and extractive nitrogens in some species of shellfish). Ni En Co 9-02278. Takagi, I. € И, Simidu (1963 )A Bull ,Jan,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):71-4 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals -' 36. change in chemical components in oyster during storage in relation to the taste), Ni En 9-02281 X Co 9-02280, Tsujino, I. € T. Salto (1963) Bull.Jep.Soc,sci.Fish,, 29(1):58-65 (Studies on alginase - №. Investigation of reactivities), Ni En 9-02282 X Zema, K. (1963)A Bull,Fac,Fish,Hokkaido, 13(4):181-5 (Lipids of pollack heart, 1, Acetone-soluble lipid from heart of pollack, Theragra chalcogranma). Ni En 9-02283 X Zama, К. (1963)A 9-02284 xX Bull, Fac,Fish, Hokkaido, 13(4):186-92 (Lipids of pollack heart, 2. Conjugated lipids from heart of vollack, Theragra chalcogremma). NT “En Co 9-02283, 9 (2) Arei, К. € Т. Saito (1963)A Bull,Fac,Fish,Fokkaido, 13(4):193-9 (Studies on the organic phosphates in muscle of aquatic animals. 13, Muscle levels of uric acid and nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide in fresh and frozen stored fish), Ni En 9-02285 X Takei, M.,(1962)A 9-02286 X Bull. Tokai_Fish.Res.lab., (35):15-22 (Study on the protection from harm by fly on marine products - 3, Smell attracting fly 15 Ni En Takei, М. (1962)A Bull,.Tokai Fish,Res.lab,, (35):23-8 (Study on the protection from harm by fly on marine products - №. Preparation and effects of insecticidal baits), Ni En 9-02287 X Co 9-02286, Yokoseki, M. (1962)A 9-02288 X Bull. Tokai Fish,Res,lab,, (35):29-132 (Bacteriological studies on the spoilare of fish jelly products), Ni En Miwe, К. (1963)A 9-02289 X Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res.lab,, (26):129-3\ (The change of the lipid system in fish meat at several treating and manufacturing courses), Ni En Sasajima, M., H. Oshima 8 T, Kanzaki (1963) Bull. Hokkaido Fish,Res.lab., (26):118-22 (Studies on the preservation of marine products. 7. Microbiological survey of frozen "surimi", 1, Coliform group bacilli in a manufacturing process of "surimi"), Ni En 9-02290 X Sasajima, M., H. Oshima & T. Kanzaki (1963)A Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (26):123-8 (Studies on the preservation of marine products. 8. Microbiological survey of frozen "surimi". 2. Bacillus in a manufacturing process of "surimi). Ni 9-02291 X Co 9-02290. AQUATIC STOCKS 97 Tokunaga, T. (1963) 9-02292 X Kitabayashi, К. & 5. Ishikawa 9-02294 X Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):135-L2 (1963 )A (Changes in muscle protein of Alaska pollack Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):111-7 during storage in ice), ni En (Studies on the proteins of fish skeletal muscle in relation to their denaturation, 1. Denaturation of myosin), Ni En Akiba, M. (1961)A 9-02293 X Mem,Fac,Fish,Hokkaido, 9(2):95-179 Predel, G. (1962) 9-02295 F Studies on bound water in fish muscle Dtsch,Fisch,-Zte., 9(2):60-2 Die Fänge an Stissbwasserfischen in der See-und Kllstenfischerei der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Catch of fresh water fishes by the marine and coastal fisheries of Eastern Germany) AQUATIC STOCKS Khokhlova, L.V, (1959) 9-02296 M Ercegovic, A., T, Gamulin & 9-02299 M In "Biol,Osnovy Rybnoe Khoz.", Tomsk, Tomskii А. Kotthaus (1962)C Univ, :124-30 PL-480 Int., 112 р. Bychok zheltokrylka у iuzhnoi chasti ozera Baikala 1 sostoianie ego zapasov (Cottocomephorus grewingki in the southern part of Lake Beikal and the state of its stocks) Works of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries: selected articles Contents: The food of sardines, Clupea pilchardus Walb., in the stage of metamorphosis; The spawning and spawning areas of the sardine, Sardina pilchardus Walb., in the Adriatic Sea from 1947-50; The importance of fishery statistics for BA №0А(3)8966. Khokhlova, L,V. (1961) 9-02297 M the study of marine fishery biology, with Referat,Zh, (Biol )(Fa Trensl ), No, 40526 special regard to the Adriatic serdine., Cottocomephorus grewingki in the southern part of Lake Baikal and the state of its En 1938, 1940 & 1954 Ercegovic, A., T. stocks Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington En 9-02296. 25, D.C. BA 40A(3)8966, Kholodov, Yu.A., G.L. Verevkina 9-02298 M Bigelow, HB, te 9-02300 M & К.В. Akhmedov (1962)c У.С. Schroeder (1962)B JPRS: 15377, 16 p. Bull, Mus, comp, Z001,Harv., 128(4):159-244 Biology of the White Sea, Vol. 1: selected New and little known batoid fishes from the parts western Atlantic Effect of a constant magnetic field on conditioned reflexes in marine fish and effect of certain physical factors on the sensitivity of fish. Transl. of Biologii& Belogo moria, Vol. 1, Braekkan, О.В. € 9-02301 M Moscow, 1962:248-61 and 281-2. Available from G. Boge (1962)B the Office of Technical Services, Department Rep,technol,Res,Norweg,Fish Ind,, 4(2):15 р. of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. Further studies on vitamins and the reproductive cycle of ovaries in cod (Gadus morhua) H 9 (2) 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hayashi, 5, (1962) 9-02302 M Tech,Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (8):12 р. Recent advance of population dynamics of the Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn) A review of biological studies relating to spaming activity, growth, life span, mortality in early stages of life & the structure & migration of a major local stock inhabiting Pacific waters along Honshu. Barcellos, B.N. (1961) Bol,Mus,nac,Rio de J,Zool., 227:1-7 Ictiofauna do Rio Grande do Sul, 3. Sôbre Mustelus canis (Mitchill, 1815) (Ichthyofauna of the Rio Grande do Sul, 3, On Mustelus canis (Mitchill, 1815) ). Pr 9-02303 M The sp. is redescribed, with table of measurements, & distinguished from other spp. of the genus, BA 37E(6)25127. Mead, G.W. (1959) 9-02304 M Vitg, Nat, Stud, Surin,Ned,Antillen, (18):104-12 Studies on the fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas: 5, The western Atlantic jawfishes of the opisthognathid genus Lonchopisthus Most of these collections are now in the U.S. National Museum & the Chicago Natural History Museum, The collections contain representatives of a distinctive n, sp. of Lonchopisthus higmani. The definition of this sp. has required a review of the western Atlantic sp. of the genus. Co 9-02453, BA 37E(6)25144, Ribeiro, P, de М. (1961) 9-02305 M Bol.Mus,nac,Rio de J,Zool., 224:1-11 Algunos peixes pouco conhecidos ocorrendo na costa brasileira (Some little-known fish species cecurring on the coast of Brazil), Pr Descriptions & drawings of specimens of Argentina striata, Hypoclydonia bella, Hoplunnis schmidti, Pseudopriacanthus altus, : & Hemirhamphus longirostris, BA 37E(6)2515k, 9 (2) Chailekhian, Г.М. (1961) Biofizika, 6(3):309-16 (Measurement of the resting and action potentials of the giant fibre of the squid in various conditions of recording). Ru 9-02306 M Ormastrephes pacificus sloanei, BA 39E(1)4062, Chailakhyan, Г.М. (1961) Biofizika (En Transl,), 6(3):344-53 Measurement of the resting and action potentials of the giant fibre of the squid in various conditions of recording 9-02307 M En 9-02306, BA 39E(1)4062, Skalkin, V.A. (1961) 9-02308 M Vop,Ikhtiol., 1(2):286-9 Otolity treskovykh ryb (sem. Gadidae) dal'- nevostochnykh morei (Otoliths of fishes of the cod family a (Gadidae) of the Far Eastern seas) Otoliths are described in Eleginus grecilis, Gedus morrhua macrocephalus $ Theragra 1co BA 39E(1)4078, Skalkin, У.А. (1962) 9-02309 M Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl, ), No, 319 Otoliths of fishes of the cod family (Gadidae) of the Far Eastern seas En 9-02308, ВА 39E(1)4078. Mironova, N.V. (1961) 9-02310 M Int,Rev,Hydrobiol,, 46(3) :1447-59 Biology of the Barents Sea saithe, Pollachius virens (L,) BA 39E(2)1655. AQUATIC STOCKS Zviagina, О.А. (1961) Trud,Inst,Okeanol,, 43:328-36 Raspredelenie ikry skumbrii Pneumatophorus japonicus (Houttuyn) i pelingasa (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky) v zalive Petra Velikogo (The distribution of eggs of mackerel Pneumatophorus japonicus (Houttuyn) and mullet (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky) in Peter the Great Bay) 9-02311 M BA 39Е(2)1689. Zvyagina, О.А. (1961) 9-02312 M Referat,7Zh,(Biol.)(En Transl,), №. 23D581 The distribution of eggs of mackerel Pneumatophorus japonicus (Houttuyn) and mullet (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky in Peter the Great Bay) En 9-02311, BA 39E(2)4689, De Buen, Е. (1959) 9-02313 M Rev,Mus,nac,Hist,nat,, Santiago, 27(3):171-201 Notas preliminares sobre la fauna marina preabismal de Chile, con descripcién de una femilia de rayas, dos géneros y siete especies nuevas (Preliminary notes on the preabysmal marine fauna of Chile, with description of a new femily of rays and two new genera and seven new species) Notes on 12 spp. in 9 families, incl, Apristurus nasutus, ACULEOLA nigra (Squalidae), Breviraja longicauda, GURGESIIDAE (Rajoidea) based on GURGESIELIA furvescens, Hydrolagus machophthalmus, Leiogaster fragilis, & Epigonus (Xystramia) crassicaudus. BA 39E(2)8504, Konstantinov, K.G. (1961) Zoo1.Zh., 40(6):938-9 Morskaia minoga (Petromyzon marinus L,) u poberezh'ia Murmana (The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L,, on the coast of Murman), En 9-02314 M BA 39E(2)8507. 9 (2) 99 Konstantinov, K.G. (1961) 9-02315 M Referat,Zh,(Biol,)(En Transl, ), №. 24D50k The sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L., on the coast of Murman En 9-02314, BA 39E(2)8507. Kulikova, E.B. (1961) 9-02316 M Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 43:5-29 Materialy po svetiashchimsia anchousam roda Diaphys (sic) (semeistvo Scopelidae) iz zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo Okeana (Date regarding the luminescent anchovy of the genus Diaphus, family Scopelidae, from the western part of the Pacific Ocean) BA 39Е(2)8508. Kulikova, E.B. (1961) 9-02317 M Referet,Zh, (Biol, )(En Trans1,), №. 2249 Data regarding the luminescent anchovy of the genus Díaphus, family Scopelidae, from the western part of the Pacific Ocean En 9-02316. ВА 39Е(2)8508. Nos, М.В. (1961) 9-02318 м Misc,Zool,, 1(4):133-7 Hallazgo del Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso en las costas catalanas (Finding of Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso on the coast of Catalonia) A new record of a fish that is relatively rare in the Spanish seas, BA 39Е(2)8513. Ponomarenko, V.P. (1961) Zool,Zh., 40(8):1260-1 Reja lintea Fries na granitse Norvezheskogo 1 Barentseva morei (Raje lintea Fries et the boundary between the Norwegian and the Barents seas), En 9-02319 M BA 39E(2)8515. 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ponomarenko, У.Р. (1961) 9-02320 M Lipanov, V.G. & P.I, 9-02326 M Referat,Zh. (Biol, (En Transl,), No. 2%D505 Shestopalov (М.А. Kravanja, Transl.) (1962)BC Reja lintea Fries at the boundary between the Unpag., 3 т. Norwegian and the Barents seas Bering Sea herring and the prospects for its Е a exploitation En 9-02319, BA 39E(2)8515. En 9-02325. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 295 Dilo Torchio, M. (1961) 9-02321 M Atti Soc,ital,Sci,nat., 100(1/2):213-2l Arnoglossus moltonii, nuova specie di Bothidae del Mediterraneo Poumenge , Е. (1963)B 9-02327 M (Arnoglossus moltonii, new species of Rev,Econ,mérid, , 11(41:33-6 Bothläse, La the Ma Mediterranean). It Les perspectives de la campagne sardiniére = 1963 sur les côtes françaises de la BA 39E(2)8520. Méditerranée (Prospectives of the 1963 sardine campaign on the French coasts of the Mediterranean) ANON, (1961)B 9-02322 M Ryb,Khoz. , 37(12):53-7 Za okunem v Beringovo more (Ocean perch fishing in the Bering Sea) ANON. (1963) 9-02328 M France Pêche, (70):37-8 Fiche technique - Le homard (Fishery card on Homerus vulgaris) ANON. (М.А. Kravanja, Transl, ) 9-02323 M Detachable cards, 111., giving biology, (1962)BC habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use Unpag., 3 D: of Homarus vulgaris. Ocean perch fishing in the Bering Sea En 9-02322, Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington Hershkovitz, P. (1961)B 9-02329 M De. Fieldiana, Zoo1,, 39(49):547-65 On the nomenclature of certain whales Baranenkova, A.S. (1961)BC 9-02324 M DSIR NLL, M.3478, unpag. 14 p. The results of surveys of young cod and Mead, T. (1961)c 9-02330 M haddock in the Barents Sea during the Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 222 p. period 1946-59 Killers of Eden: the story of the killer whales of Twofold Bay En 61-07381. Available from the Office of Technical Story of whaling station on coast of southern Services, Department of Commerce, Washington New South Wales, late nineteenth and early EA O twentieth centuries. Е Lipanov, V.G. & 9-02325 M Smith, Е.А. (1962) 9-02331 M Nat,Hist,, N.Y., 71(3):18-27 Tracking the gray seals, Fishery needs pose management problem P.I. Shestopalov (1961)B Ryb,Khoz., 37(11):45-7 Beringovonorskaia sel'd 1 perspektivy ee Fer И gi Outline of nature conservancy research prospects for ао) programme in British waters. 9 (2) AQUATIC STOCKS Siccardi, Е.М. (1960) 9-02332 M Rev, Inst. Invest,Mus.argent,Cienc.nat. (zoo1.), 6(2):63-101 Cetorhinus en el Atlantico Sur (Elasmobranch- li: Cetorhinidae) (Cetorhinus in South Atlantic (Elasmobranchii: Cetorhinidae)) Study of shark in South Atlantic, Sergeant, Р.Е. (1949) Arct,Circ,, (4):38 p. Studies in the sustainable catch of harp seals in the western North Atlantic 9-02333 M Phoca groenlandica, Sundström, K.-G. (1962) 9-02334 M Sverig.Natur., (53):164-72 Grasäl i norra Östersjön (Grey seal in central Baltic: occurrence, habits, hunting of Halichoerus grypus). Sv Kawakami, Т. (1962) 9-02335 M Bull,Jap,Soc.sci,Fish,, 28(12):1179-83 (Studies on the movement of mackerel shoals and related environmental factors - 1. Migration of mackerels in the Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido). Ni En Investigation based on catch data provided by purse seiners of the distribution of schools and sub-schools and the time of their appearance, Nakagome, J, (1962)A 9-02336 M Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(12):1164-7 (Relation between annual variations of hooking-rate and age groups of yellowfin tuna in the tropical western Pacific Ocean - 1. Annual variation of hooking-rate), Ni En Nakagome, J. (1963)A Bull Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):21-6 (Relation between annual variation of hooking-rate and age groups of yellowfin tuna in the tropical western Pacific Ocean - 2. Relation between annual variation of hooking-rate and year class), Ni En 9=-08537..M Co 9-02336. 9 (2) Yasuda, H. (1963) Bull Jap.Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):14-6 (Granographical life record curve method for identifying each stock of pelagic fishes - 2, Identification of sardine stocks in west- coastal waters of Kyushu), Ni En 9-02338 M Examination of relation between body length, distribution and stock composition as indicated by granographical typing. Co 8-09404. Yasuda, Н. (1963) Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(1):17-20 (Granographical life record curve method for identifying each stock of pelagic fishes - 3. Appraisal of the age and growth by stock for sardine groups in the Japan Sea and west Kyushu waters), Ni En 9-02339 M Attempt to answer the question of whether sardine yearlings, having formed summer rings, can also form winter rings within the year, Co 9-02338. Postel, Е. (1962) 9-023№0 M Bull.Mus,Hist.nat,, Paris, 34(2):158-62 Myripristis (Holotrachy) guezei poisson téléostéen nouveau de l'Ile de la Réunion (Myripristis (Holotrachys) guezei, new teleostean fish from Reunion Island) Morphological description, Yanni, М. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 46(3):314-20 The effect of fasting on the tolerance of Clarius lazera to excess glucose 9-02341 M Jander, R., K. Daumer & Т.Н. Waterman (1963) Z,vergl,Physiol,, 46(4):383-94 Polarized light orientation by two Hawaiian decapod cephalopods, De 9-02342 M Issued also as Contrib,Mar,Tab,Univ, Hawaii, (178). 101 Ogawa, N. et al, (1963) 9-02243 M Bull,Seikai Fish.Res,Lab,, (28):25-h7 (A study on the migration of the mackerels (Scomber japonicus and S. tapeinocephalus) based on tagging experiments in the East China Sea), № En Report of receptures and movements of some 15,000 fish tagged and released during the period 1958-61. Sato, M. (1963) Annot,zo01,jan,, 36(1):21-6 Pigmented granules contained in the sensory cells of the pit organ of the goby, Chaenogobius castanea 9-02344 M Report of light microscopical and electron microscopical observations and of histochemical tests of these granules. Thomson, JM, (1963) S,Pecif.Bull,, 13(2):50-2, 70 Oyster farming 9-02345 M Popular account of methods of cultivation employed in N.S.W., Australia, Doi, T. (1962) Bull, Tokai_Fish,Res,Jab., (35):1-8 On the problems of population dynemics relevant to immature salmons caught offshore in the North Pacific, Ni 9-02346 M Describes procedures for estimating population parameters relating to the immature section of the population and to the effects of exploiting this section, Hanamura, N. (1963) 9-02347 M Bull, Hokkeido Fish,Res,Lab., (26):1-66 (A study on the method of prediction of the Hokkaido spring herring resources), Ni En Catch statistics aná biostatistics of 50 years are used to classify catchable stock size of each year class, and to assess relation of this stock size with average body length attained at age 5, Character- istics of year class maturation pattern are used in the prediction system, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ishikawa, S. & K. Kitabeyashi (1963) Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab,, (26):103-6 9-02348 M (Biochemical studies on squid - 19. On the glucosamin content in the pen), м En Experiment concerning the relation between the glucosamin content of the pen of Ommastrephes sloani pacificus Streenstrup aná the degree of growth of this squid body. CR 9-02349. Ishikawa, 5. & К. Kitabayashi (1963) Bull Hokkaido Fish,Res,Lab., (26):107-10 (Biochemical studies on squid - 20. On the cloudiness of the extracts obtained from squid muscle), Ni En 9-02349 M Examination of the relation between the observed cloudiness and the presence of two proteins designated by their precipitation at pH 4,8 and 5.8 respectively, Со 9-02348, Kitabayashi, K. et al. (1963) 9-02350 M Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (26):97-102 (Biochemical studies on squid-18. Glycogen in muscie. №). Ni En Experiments on glycogen content in body parts and the relation between glycogen content and mantle length and on the glycogen in separate proteins of Ommastrephes 310811 pacificus Streenstrup. Ci 9-02348. Ooshiro, Z. (1962)A 9-02351 M Mem, Fac,Fish,Kagoshima, 11(2):111-51 (Biochemical studies on carboxypeptidase contained in the pyloric coeca of mackerel, Scomber japonicus). Ni En Hobson, E.S. (1963) Pacit Sci > 17(2):171-94 Feeding behaviour in three species of sharks 9-02352 M Examination of feeding behaviour related to habitat with experiments to illustrate the roles played by major sensory systems, including consideration of the specific stimulii involved in releasing feeding behaviour, Experimental material was chiefly Carcharhinus menisorrah, Carcharhinus melanopterus and Triaenodon obesus. Issued also as: Contr,Mar, Lab, Univ, Hawaii, (180). AQUATIC STOCKS Tester, A.L. (1963) Pacif,Sci,, 17(2):145-70 The role of olfaction in shark predation 9-02353 м Results of experiments on the olfactory response of captive sharks (Carcharhinus spo,, Sphyrna lewini and Galeocerdo cuvier) to extracts of natural foods, to human materials and to uninjured living fish, in the hope of clarifying the role of olfaction in shark feeding activity, Issued also as: Contr,Mar,ITab.Univ,Hawaii, (179). Cushing, J.E., К. Fujino & N. Calaprice (1963) Sci,Rep.Whales Res,Inst., Tokyo, (17):67-77 The JU blood typing system of the sperm whale and specific soluble substances 9-02354 М Report of additional work on sperm whale antigens carried out in California, the Antarctic and Peru, Fujino, K. (1963) 0-02355 M Sci,Rep,Whales Res,Inst,, Tokyo, (17):53-65 Intre-uterine selection due to maternal-fetal incompatibility of blood types in the whales Results of observation of differential appar- ent rates of pregnancy by blood groups, and hemolytic properties of isoserums as evidence of intra-uterine selection in whales, with discussion of the relation between selection and fitness and estimation of prenatal mortality rate for actual whale populations. Ichihara, T, (1963) 9-02356 M Sci,Rep,Whales Res,Inst,, Tokyo, (17):37-48 Photometric method for counting laminae in ear plug of baleen whale Description of the apparatus and presentation of some results of its use. Nasu, K. (1963) 9-02357 M Sci,Rep,Whales Res,Inst,, Tokyo, (17):105-55 Oceanography and whaling ground in the sub-Arctic region of the Pacific Ocean Exemination of vertical and horizontal distribution of water masses on the whaling grounds in relation to the distribution of the whales, 9 (2) 103 Nemoto, T. (1963) 9-02358 M Sci,Rep,Whales Res,Inst., Tokyo, (17):157-70 Some aspects of the distribution of Calanus christatus and С, plumchrus in the Bering and its neighbouring waters, with reference to the feeding of baleen whales Distribution of fin and sei whales and distribution of Calanus christatus and C._plumchrus in surface strata, with data on body length variation in these two spp., together with data on stomach contents of baleen whales and catches taken by plankton nets, Nemoto, T. (1963)A 9-02359 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (17):79-81 New records of sperm whales with protruded rudimentary hind limbs Nemoti, T. & К. Мази (1963) 9-02360 M Sci,Rep,Wheles Res, Inst,, Tokyo, (17):83-91 Stones end other aliens in the stomachs of sperm whales in the Bering Sea Discussion of the significance of the stone fragments and other materials with regard to the site of whale feeding. Nishiwaki, M. (1963) 9-02361 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (17):93-103 Taxonomical consideration on genera of Delphinidae Tabulation with diagrams of osteological formulae and body proportion ratios characteristic of various genera of small- toothed whales, with key to the living families of Odontoceti and discussion of certain characters. Nishiwaki, M., S. Ohsumi & 9-02362 M У. Maeda (1963) Sci,Rep.Whales Res.Inst,, Tokyo, (17):1-14 Change of form in the sperm whale accompanied Sexual difference in body proportion, growth of fore and rear parts of the body and relation between body length and age. 104 Ohsumi, S., T. Kasuya € M. Nishiwaki (1963) Sci,Rep.Whales Res.Inst,, Tokyo, (17):15-36 Accumulation rate of dentinal growth layers in the maxillary tooth of the sperm whale 9-02363 M Structure of the maxillary tooth, change in the width of growth layers with age, format- ion of the dark band, examination of growth rate by reference to maxillary teeth of re- captured marked whales and examination of age distribution from a counting of growth layers in the teeth, Tsuyuki, H. & U. Naruse (1963) 9-02364 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (17):171-90 Studies on the oil of black right whale in the northern Pacific Ocean Data on sex, age, length of specimens of Eubalaena glacialis and on the properties of the oils contained in various blubbers and meats taken from these specimens. Yoshikawa, T. 8 T. Suzuki (1963) 9-02365 M Sci.Rep.Whales Res.Inst., Tokyo, (17):49-52 The lamination of the masseter of the hump-back whale Ill. anatomical description. Bauchot, M.L. (1962)A 9-02366 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(4):265-6 Description d'un nouveau bathypterois méditerranéen (poisson clupéiforme Bathypteroidae) affinités et remarques sur plusieurs espèces du genre. Note préliminaire (Description of a new Mediterranean bathypterois (bathypteroid clupeoid fish). Affinities and remarks on several spp. of the genus, Preliminary note Bauchot, M.L, & R. Bauchot (1961) Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(1) :84-97 Les crénilabres des côtes atlantiques frangaises (téléostéens, Perciformes, Labridae) (The crenilabrids of the French Atlantic coast (teleosteans, Perciformes, Labridae)) 9-02367 M Morphological comparison of Symphodus (Crenilabrus) melops, Symphodus (Crenilabrus) bailloni and Symphodus (Crenilabrus) cinereus, with list of specimens registered in the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bauchot, M.L, & M. Blanc (1962) Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(1):67-71 Sur deux espèces de Labridae (poissons téléostéens Perciformes) des côtes occidentales d'Afrique (On two species of Labridae (perciform, teleostean fishes) from the west coast of Africa) 9-02368 M Synonomy of the spp. Diastodon speciosus and Pseudolepidaplois scrofa, and discussion of the characteristics of these spp. Bauchot, M,L, & 9-02369 M J. Guibé (1961) Bull.Mus,Hist.nat., Paris, 33(3):259 Addendum au catalogue des types de poissons du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Famille des Scaridae (Addendum to the catalogue of fish types in the National Museum of Natural History: family Scaridae) Re-exemination of the status of certain specimens. Blanc, M. (1961) 9-02370 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(4):380-3 Poissons récoltés par le Dr. J. Isel au cours de la 8e Expédition antarctique francaise en Terre-Adélie (1957-9). (Expeditions Polaires Françaises. Missions Paul-Emile Victor) (Fishes collected by Dr. J. Isel in the course of the 8th French Antarctic expedition in Adelie Land (1957-1959). (French polar expeditions, Paul-Emile Victor missions)) Morphological notes on Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844, Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger 1902, Trematomus newesi Boulenger 1902, and Trematomus loenbergii Regan 1913, Blanc, M. & J.C. Hureau (1962) Bull,Mus,Hist,nat., Paris, 34(5):339-L2 Catalogue des types de poissons de la famille des Nototheniidae, en collection au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Catelogue of types of fishes of the family Nototheniidae in the collection at the National Museum of Natural History) 9-02371 M Citation of original description, registration number, status of specimens, notes on provenance and size of specimens, AQUATIC STOCKS Blache, J. € M, Rossignol (1961) Bull, Mus.Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(3):282-4 Sur un poisson bathypélagique nouveau du golfe de Guinée, Astronesthes blanci nov. sp. (Clupéiformes, Stomiatoidei, Astronesthidae) (On a new bathypelagic fish from the Gulf of Guinea. Astronesthes blanci nov, sp. (Clupeiformes, Stomiatoidei, Astronesthidae)) 9-02372 M Morphological description and taxonomic comparison, Blache, J. & M. Rossignol (1961) Bull.Mus.Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(5):479-84 Uraspis cadenati nov. sp. (Carangidae) et Xesurus biafraenis nov. sp. (Acanthuridae). Poissons Perciformes nouveaux du Golfe de Guinée (Uraspis cadenati nov. sp. (Carangidae) and Xesurus biafraensis nov, sp. (Acanthuridae), Perciform fishes new to the Gulf of Guinea) 9-02373 M Morphological descriptions with taxonomical comparisons, Chabaud, A.G. (1962) 9-02374 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(5):397-403 Description de Crassicauda anthonyi n.sp., nématode parasite rénal de Mesoplodon mirus True (Description of Crassicauda anthonyi п. sp., renal nematod parasite of Mesoplodon mirus True) 111. morphological description with discussion of its taxonomic status, Daget, J. (1961) 9-02375 M Bull.Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(5):485-6 Un poisson nouveau de Céte d'Ivoire: Citharinus eburneensis n. sp. (Citharinidae) (A new fish from the Ivory Coast, Citharinus eburneensis n, sp. (Citharinidae)) Morphological dscription with taxonomic comparison, Dechancé, М. (1962) 9-02376 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(1):82-93 Remarques sur les premiers stades larvaires du plusieurs especes indo-pacifiques du genre Dardanus (Crustacés décapodes pagurides) (Remarks on the first larval stages of several species of the genus Dardanus, (Pagurid decapod Crustacea) ) General characteristics of the zoea of the genus Dardanus sensu lato,with description of specimens of doubtful identity and discussion of their systematic position. 9 (2) Hureau, J.C. (1962) 9-02377 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat., Paris, 34(3):228-38 Poissons antarctiques récoltés au cours de la onzième expédition française en terre Adélie (1960-2)(Expéditions polaires françaises, Missions Paul-Emile Victor) (Antarctic fishes collected in the course of the llth French expedition in Adelie Land (1960-2)(French polar expeditions, Paul-Emile Victor missions) ) Descriptions of the fishing stations and meth- ods of fishing, with morphological and colour- ation notes on Notothenia neglecta Nybelin, Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger, Trematomus hansoni Boulenger, Trematomus borchgrevinki, Boulenger, Trematomus newnesi Boulenger and Gymnodraco acuticeps Boulenger. Le Danois, Y. (1961) 9-02378 M Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(3):276-81 Catalogue des types de poissons Orbiculates du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 1, Familles des Ostracionidae, Aracanidae, Canthigasteridae et Xenopteridae (Catalogue of types of orbiculate fishes in the National Museum of Natural History. 1. Families Ostracionidae, Aracanidae, Canthigasteridae and Xenopteridae) Citation of original description, registration number, status of specimens and notes on provenance. Marchal, E. (1961) 9-02379 M Buil,Mus,Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(5):487-91 Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Paracubiceps (Belloc), Paracubiceps multisquamis n.sp. (poisson téléostéen) (Description of a new species of Paracubiceps (Belloc), Paracubiceps multisquamis n.sp. (teleostean fish)) Diagnosis, external appearance, colouration, measurements and notes of the fish communities from which specimens have been taken, Masson, М. & С. Delamare 9-02380 M Deboutteville (1962) Bull,Mus,Hist,nat, , Paris, 34(5):387-96 Etudes sur les crustacés branchioures d'Europe, 2, Les caractères sexuels du mêle chez Argulus giordanii Brian et chez A, arcassonensis Cuénot (Studies on the branchiurian crustaceans of Europe, 2, Sexual characters of the male of Argulus giordanii Brian and of A, arcassonen- sis Cuénot) Ill, morphological description with special reference to sexual organs and with examinat- ion of al differences shown in the claws, Co 9-02381. 105 106 Masson, M. € C. Delamare Deboutteville (1962) Bull,Mus,Hist.nat,, Paris, 34(4):308-20 Etudes sur les crustacés branchioures d'Europe, Brian de la lagune de Venise (Studies on the branchiurian Crustacea of Europe, 1. Re-description of Argulus giordenii Brian from the Lagoon of Venice) 9-02381 M Detailed morphological description of this species, Monniot, C. (1961) 9-02382 M Bull Mus, Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(2):213-7 Notodelphys echinata nov. sp., nouvelle espece de copépodes parasites d'ascidies de la région de Banyuls-sur-mer (Notodelphys echinata nov. sp., new species of copepod parasitic on ascidians from the region of Banyuls-sur-mer) Morphological description, Rossignol, M. € J. Blanche (1961) Bull.Mus.Hist,net,, Paris,’ 33(1):384-6 Sur un poisson Stromateidae nouveau de Golfe de Guinée, Psenes benardi nov. sp. (On a stromateid fish new to the Gulf of Guinea, Psenes benardi nov, sp.) 9-02383 M Morphological description with taxonomic comparison. Rossignol, M. & J. Blanche (1961) Bull,Mus.Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(3):285-93 Sur le statut specifique de deux poissons pélagiques du golfe de Guinée, Anchoviella guineensis nov. sp. (Clupeiformes, Engraulid- ae), Atherina lopeziana nov. sp. (Mugiliform- es, Atherinidae) On the specific status of two pelagic fishes 9-02384 M from the Gulf of Guinea, Anchoviella guineensis nov, sp. (Clupeiformes, Engraulidae), Atherina lopeziana nov. sp. (Mugiliformes, Atherinidae)) Morphological descriptions with, in the case of Anchoviella guineensis, detailed compari- son with related spp., more especially with regard to meristic characters, 1. Redescrivtion d'Argulus giordenii 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Roux, Ch. (1961) 9-02385 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(4):387-90 A propos d'un poisson de la famille des Labridés, de la côte occidentale d'Afrique: Coris atlantica Günther 1862 (Concerning a labrid fish from the west coast of Africa, Coris atlantica Glinther 1862) Morphological notes and measurements to compare this sp. with Coris julis (Linné). Spillmann, J. (1961) 9-02386 M Bull.Mus.Hist,nat., Paris, 33(6):587-8 A propos d'un type de Cuvier Valenciennes: Cobitis amnicola,poisson de la famille des Cobitidae (Concerning Cuvier Valenciennes type Cobitis amnicola, a fish of the family Cobitidae ) Report of examination of recently discovered specimens hitherto not examined, Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries 9-02387 M Experimental Station (1962) Rep.Kanagawa Fish.exp.Sta., (7) (Statistics report of tuna hooked - rate from tune long-line fishing boats in 1959). Ni Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries 9-02388 M Experimental Station (1961) Rep.Kenagava Fish.exp.Sta., (2) (Tune fishing survey of M/V SAGAMIMARU (No. 6, 7 voyage)). Ni Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries 9-02389 M Experimental Station (1961) Rep. Kanagawa Fish.exp.Sta., (3) (Analysis of hook rate of pelagic tuna fishing boats in Japan, 1958). Ni Kanagawe Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station (n.d. 1961?) Rep.Kanagawa Fish.exp.Sta., (4) (Study of tuna hooked layer by long-line). Ni 9-02390 M Issued also as: Tuna Fish., (79):10-5 and Tuna Fish., (80):8-12. AQUATIC STOCKS Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station (1962) Rep.Kanagawa Fish.exp.Sta., (6) (Tuna fishing survey of M/V SAGAMIMARU (No. 8, 9 voyage)). Ni 9-02391 M Abe, т. (1062) Rec,oceanogr. Wks Jap,, 6(2):177-80 Notes on an economically important but scientifically little known fish from the paths of the Tsushima Current and Kuroshiwo Description of Seriola (Buphthalmus ) rivoliana Valenciennes, 9-02392 M Matsuura, S. (1962) 9-02393 M Rec,oceanosr.Wks Jav,, (Spec.6):31-40 On the maturation of the flatfish, ganzobirame, Pseudorhombus cinnemoneus (Temminck et Schlegel) Monthly changes of maturity index, (ovary weight) В 10, (total length) percentage frequency of eggs of different diameters in the ovary, fecundity, intra- ovarian maturation stages with classification of ovary and tabulation of monthly changes in ovarian condition, in each age group, Mio, 5. (1962) 9-02304 M Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., (Spec.6):21-30 Maturity of red sea bream Evynnis japonica Tanaka Biological study of Evynnis japonica Tanaka giving data on spawning season and sex ratio, and fecundity of each age group. Shingu, C. (1962) 9-02395 M Rec,oceanogr. Wks Jap,, (Spec.6):65-72 On the maturity and the spawning of white croaker, Argyrosomus argentatus (Houttuyn), and yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena manchurica (Jordan et Thompson) Monthhly frequency distribution of ovarian types, monthhlyy changes of goned index of the ratio of follicle cells to ovarian eggs, and estimate of fedundity. 9 (2) 107 Shiokawa, T. (1962) 9-02396 M Rec,oceanogr,Wks Jap., (Spec.6):91-102 Growth and maturity of the common rockfish, Sebastiscus mermoratus Cuvier et Valenciennes Age determination by scales and construction of various growth equations, Examination of frequency distribution of ovarian egg diameters, Shows the maturation process and the estimate of fecundity. Takeshita, K. (1962) 9-02397 M Rec. oceanogr.Wks Jap., (Spec.6) :41-8 Mark of the concrescent type on scale, as a racial character of the Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn) Regression of scale size on body length, and examination of structural features of the scales. Mizue, К. (1962) 9-02398 M Rec. oceanogr,Wks Jap., (Spec. 6):73-90 Studies on marine viviparous teleost, Ditrema temmincki Bleeker - 2, On the annulus of otolith and the growth Examination of annulus formation with regard to the season of formation and the dif”erenc« ncted with respect to sex end age, Determination of sexual maturity and of longevity. CR 62-03289, Shiokawe, T. (1962) 9-02399 M Вес.осеапорг,МКз Jap, , (Spec.6):103-11 Studies on habits of coastal fish in the Amakusa Islands, Part 2, Growth and maturity of the purple rockfish, Sebastes pachycephalus pachycephalus Terminck et Schlegel Age determination by scales, growth described in various equations, monthly changes of gonad index, estimate of fecundity. Tsukahara, H. (1962) 9-02400 M Rec,oceanogr,Wks Jap, , (Spec.6):49-55 Studies on habits of coastal fishes in the Amekusa Islands, Part 2, Early life history of the rockfish, Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier et Valenciennes) Eggs, and embryonic and larval development, 108 Tsvkahara, H. (1962) 9-02401 M Rec oceanogr ,Wks Jap., (Spec.6):57-64 Biolosy of the cutlassfish, Trichiurus lenturus Linnaeus, Part 2, Age and growth Growth es determined by Petersen's method, and with use of otoliths, a vonBertalanffy equation is fitted to weight and length data, Co 61-13340, ANON. (1963) 9-02h02 M Mondo sommerso, 5(9) Atlante dei pesci delle coste italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts) Detachable cards, 111,, with notes on morphology, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Coryphaena hippurus L.and Myliobatis aquila (L.). АМОМ. (1963) Mondo sommerso, 5(6) "Atlante dei pesci delle.coste italiane (Atlas of the fish of the Italian coasts), It 9-02403 M Detachable cards, 111., with notes оп morphology, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Ceilionymus phaeton Günther 1861 and Seriola dumerilii (Risso) 1810, Nikolaev, 1.1. (1963) 9-02h04 M 2001.7h,, 42(1):20-7 (Occurrence of new species in the fauna and flora of the North ana Baltic Seas), Ru Includes algae, BAgr.27(6)46672. Kabata, Z. (1963) Crustaceana, 5(3):181-7 The free-swimming stage of Lernaeenicus (Copepoda Parasitica) 9-02405 М Issued also as: Mar.Rept.Mar,Lab., Aberdeen, (204), Hempel, С. & J.H.S. 9-02406 M Blaxter (1961) J.Cons,, 26(3):336-46 The experimental modification of meristic characters in herring (Clupea herengus L.) Mar, Repr,Mar, Lab Issued also as: Aberdeen, (164), 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Raitt, D,F.S. (1961) | J,Cons,, 26(3):312-28 Otolith studies of southern North Sea herring 9-02407 M Issued also аз: Mar,Repr,Mar.Lab,, Aberdeen, (163). Raitt, D,F,S. (1961) J,Cons,, 26(3):329-35 Some unusual otolith types on the Blgden Ground in 1958 and their subsequent occurrence in the adult fisheries 9-02408 M Issued also as: Mar,Repr,Mar,Lab,, Aberdeen, (162). McKenney, T.W. (1959) 9-02409 M Bull,Mar,Sci.Gulf Ceribb., 9(2):17k-221 A contribution to the life history of the squirrel fish Holocentrus vexillarius Poey Issued also as: Contr,Mar,Lab,Univ.Miami, (228). Hutton, R.F. (1961) 9-02410 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb,, 11(2):309-17 A plerocercoid (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea) from the oar-fish, Regelecus glesne (Ascanius), with notes on the biology of the oar-fish Issued also as: (54), Contr,Mar.lab.Univ.Miami, McKenney, T.W. (1961) 9-02411 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb,, 11(2):210-36 larval and adult stages of the stromateoid fish Psenes regulus with comments on its classification Issued also as: (327). Contr,Mar.Lab.Univ,Miami, Rose, J.A. (1961) 9-02412 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb,, 11(2):280-308 Anatomy and sexual dimorphism of the swim bladder and vertebral colum in Ophidion holbrooki (Pisces: Ophidiidee) Issued also as: (321). Contr.Mar, Lab. .Univ.Miami, AQUATIC STOCKS Marn, M.J. (1962) Nature, Lond,, 193(4819):955-6 Escape of Pseudotolithus senegalensis (C. and V.) from trewl nets in a Nigerian fishery 9-02413 M Issued also as: Fish,Publ,, Lagos, (2). Kramer, М.О. (1960) 9-02h14 M New Sciert,, 7(181):1118-20 The dolphins' secret Outer skin of dolphins acts as a damper of turbulence energy hence their high swinming speed. The skin structure has been simulated in a coating for tank models which may prove adaptable to aircraft as well as underwater vessels, Adam, М. (1960) 9-02415 M Bull,Sea Fish,Res,Sta., Israel, (26):26 Contributions to the knowledge of the Red Sea. No, 16. Cephalopoda from the Gulf of Agaba Describes spp. of genera Sepia, Sepioteuthis, Symplectoteuthis, ?Enoploteuthis and Octomus. —— Schaefer, М.В. € R.J.H. 9-02416 M Beverton (1963) In 9-02064:464-83 Fishery dynamics - their analysis and interpretation Under section Biological oceanography reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - The Beverton-Holt approach; The Schaefer approach, Incl, bibliographic references to major works on the subject. Foger, Е.М. (1963) In 9-02064:415-37 Communities of organisms 9-02417 M Under section Biological oceanography reviews ideas and observations on the subject in chapters - Definition of community; Identification of communities; Community structure; Community function; Community theory. Incl, bibliographic references to mejor works on the subject. 9 (2) 109 Marshall, М.В. (1963) 9-02418 M New Scient,, 17(321):80-2 Fishes of the sunless sea General article on the morphological and anatomical structures (swim-bladder, skeleton, muscles) of abyssal fishes in relation with their ecology and behaviour, particularly the value of buoyancy to match the scarcity of aveilable food, Nisbet, I.C.T, & R.G. McCaskie (1960) Condor, 62(1):141 Wilson petrel off the California coast 9-02419 M Oceanites oceanicus recorded in August 1959, Lewis, А.С. (1963) Pacif.Sci,, 17(2):195-242 Life history of the caligid copepod Lepeophtheirus dissimulatus Wilson, 1905 (Crustacea: Caligoida) 9-02420 M 111, description of life-history stages of external anatomy, together with notes on the general behaviour in each of the 10 stages, Issued also as: Contr,Mar,Lab,Univ Hawaii, (187), Lewis, W.M. (1963)BC 9-02421 MF Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ, Press, 109 p. Maintaining fishes for experimental and instructional purposes Pavlovskii, Е.М. (1962)BC 9-02422 MF Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 374 р. Rukovodstvo po metodike issledovanii fiziologii ryb (Manual for the methods of investigation of the physiology of fishes) Sterba, G. (1962) 9-02423 MF Handb, Binnenfisch,Mitteleurop, , 3B(10):263-352 Die Neunaugen (Petromyzonidae ) (The lempreys (Petromyzonidae)) Synopsis - Systematics; description; anatomy and physiology, ontogeny; biology and ecology; fisheries and commercial value; causes of numerical decline in Middie-Europe; artificial propagation and storage; history of investigation and nomenclature; bibliography. distribution; 110 Erusa, S. (1963) Bull.Jap,Soc.sci.Fish., 29(1):27-36 (Studies on saprolegniasis of the eel - 1. Resistance of the eel to fungus infections). NA. Eh 9-02424 MF Experiments on the possibility of healthy uniniured fish becoming infected, and on the part played by injury in susceptability to infection and on the ability of fungus to invade living tissues, Ichikawa, R., M. Oguri & №. Takada (1962)A Bull.Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(12):1160-3 Metabolism of radionuclides in fish - 3, Comparative beheviour of strontium and calcium at gill absorption in environmental water with different amounts of calcium 9-02425 MF Co 805071. Tamura, T. (1963)A Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(1):75-Во (Methods to investigate the function of fish eyes), м En 9-02L26 MF Doolittle, В.Е. & П.М. Surgenor (1962) Amer,J,Physiol,, 203(5):964-70 Blood coagulation in fish 9-02h27 MF Blood coagulation systems in cyclostome, elasmobranch and teleost fish were studied and compared with respect to which known mammalian blood coagulation components, or their "species specific" equivalents, are present, Shimamura, Н. (1963) 90-0208 MF Bull,Japan Sea Fish,Res,lab,, (12):218 р. (A study on the comparative anatomy of the valvula cerebelli in Japanese teleost) Observations on external and internal characters of velvula cerebelli in 108 spp, of common Japanese teleost belonging to 58 genera, The investigations, chiefly by histological method, are fully illustrated, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Idler, D.R, et al, (1963)A 9-02129 МР Canad.J,Biochem,Physiol., 41(4):875-88 In vivo metebolism of steroid hormones by sockeye salmon. (A) Impaired hormone clearance in mature and spawned Pacific salmon (0, nerka). (В) Precursors of 11-ketotestosterone Ishida, T. (1963) 9-02430 MF Bull, Hokkaido Fish,Res.Lab., (26):67-72 (Consideration on the differences in body length, sex ratio and body weight in the pirk salmon catches of longline and gill net of the Japanese land-based fisheries, with special reference to mesh selectivity), Ni In Examination of how much of the indicated differences was attributable to the mesh selective action of the gill net, Le Danois, Y. (1961) 9-02431 MF Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 32(5):162-78 Catalogue des tyves de poissons Orbiculates du Muséum Naticra! d'Histoire Naturelle, 2. Familles des Tetraodontidae, Lagocephali- dae, Colomesidse, Diodontidae and Triodontidae : (Cetalogue of the orbiculate fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, 2. Families Tetraodontidae, Larocephalidae, Colomesidae, Diodontidae and Triodontidae) Citation of original description, registration number, status of specimen and notes on provenance, Со 9-02378. dv Hikita, T. (1962) 9-02432 MF Sci.Ren,Hokkaido Salm,Hatch,, (17):1-98 Ecological and morphological studies of the genus Oncorhynchus (Salmonidae) with particular consideration on phylogeny. Ni Comparative study of external, osteological, and other morphological characters of 8 spp, of this genus with detailed comparative illustrations, Nishino, K. & S. Harada (1962) 9-02433 MF Sci.Rep.Hokkaido Salm.Hatch., (17):107-9 (Chum salmon tagging experiments in spawning streams of Hokkaido (3). Experiments in Nishibetsu River (2)). Ni En Results of tagging operations in 1960-1. Co 8-10396. AQUATIC STOCKS Thomson, J.M. (1962) 9-02434 MF Tech.Pap,Div,Fish.C.S,T.R¿0., (13):39 р. The tagging and marking of marine animals in Australia Reports the types of tags used and tabulates for 51 spp. the number of each type of tag attached to each sp, Tests of sultability are reported, the plan, purpose and release circumstances of each set of operations on each sp, are reported. Recoveries are tabulated and discussed, Iles, В.В. (1963) 9-02435 MF New Scient,, 17(324):227-9 Cultivating fish for food and sport in power-station water Reservoirs and ponds with warmed water could be used for fish farming or for developing new receptional facilities, Fish culture experiments at the Fish Research Laboratory in North London with Tilapia and Cyprinus carpio are reported, Noble, E.R, & С.А. Noble 9-02436 MF (1961)c London, Henry Kimpton, 765 p. Parasitology - the biology of animal parasites Discusses in detail the scope of parasitology, life cycles, phylo Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, and other miscellaneous phylo; physiology and biochemistry; effects of parasitism on the host and parasite; ecology of parasitism, parasite-host specificity, distribution and zoogeography; the evolution of parasitism. With excellent 111, Incl, bibliograohic references to selected writers on the subject, 9 (2) 111 Koo, T.S.Y. (Ed.) (1962)c 9-02437 MF Seattle, Univ, of Washington Press, 49 р. Studies of Alaska red salmon The book reviews work on an integrated research programme on the salmon of the Nushagak River system and Bristol Bay. The core of the material is formed by four doctorial theses completed by 1955. These have been revised and rearranged and are prefaced by a leading article from W.J. Thompson, former Director of the Fisheries Research Institute of the University of Washington, a supervisor of the work reported, Following chapters give detailed information on age designation, growth, scale characters among 5 species of Pacific salmon, the effect of altering sex ratios (by removing surplus males) on the spawning of red salmon, lake smolts, sampling of salmon fry, photographic recording of migrating fish, and population estimation tag surveys, Photographs, maps and well tabulated information add clarity to the text, Contains 9-02438 to 9-02443, 9-02020, 9-02483, 9-021484, Koo, T.S.Y. (1962) 9-02438 MF In 9-02437:37-48 Age designation in salmon Koo, Т.5.У. (1962) 9-02439 MF In 9-02437:123-35 Differential scale characters among species of Pacific salmon Mathisen, О.А. (1962) In 9-02437:137-245 The effect of altered sex ratios on the spawning of red salmon 9-02440 MF Koo, T.S.Y. (1962) 9-02h41 MF In 9-02437:49-121 Age and growth studies of red salmon scales by graphical means 112 Burgner, В.Г.. (1962) 9-02h42 MF In 9-02137:247-31%4 Studies of red salmon smolts from the Wood River Lakes, Alaske Bevan, D.E. (1962) 9-02443 MF In 9-02437 :373-449 Estimation by tagging of the size of migrating salmon populations in coastal waters Krasnoshchekov, S.I. (1959) 9-0244k4 Е In "Biol.Osnovy Rybnoe Khoz." Tomsk, Tomskii Univ., :119-23 Letnee raspredelenie omulia v ozere Baikale i opyt ego kratkosrochnykh prognozov (The summer distribution of Coregonus autumnalis in Lake Baikal and an experiment in predicting its abundance a short time in advance) BA 40A(3)8969. Krasnoshchekov, S.I. (1961) 9-02445 Е Referat 7h, (Biol, )(En Transl №. 4D500 The summer distribution of Coregonus autumalis in Lake Baikal and an experiment in predicting its abundance a short time in advance En 9-02444, BA №0А(3)8969. Petkevich, А.М. (1959) 9-02416 F In "Biol,Osnovy Rybnoe Khoz,", Tomsk, Tomskii Univ, 1279-86 Sostoianie rybnykh zapasov ozera Chany i puti ikh uluchsheniia (The status of stocks of fish in Lake Chana and ways to improve them) BA №0А(3)8978. Petkevich, A.N. (1961) 9-02447 Е Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), No. 4D529 The status of stocks of fish in Lake Chana and ways to improve them En 9-02446, BA №0А(3)8978. 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tongsanga, S., A. Sidthimunka € D. Menasveta (1962) Tech,Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Cown., (5):8 р. Induced spawning in catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther) by pituitary hormone injection 9-024148 Е Report of a preliminary experiment in the use Of pituitary extract carried out in Thailand, Pongsuwana, U, & 9-02449 Е V. Varikul (1962) Tech,Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (№):6 р. Morphological differences among the fry of the three species of catfish, Pangasius sutchi, Pangasius larnaudii, and Pangasius macronemus Tables of measurements & of other characters, Chin, P.K. (1962) 9-02450 Е Tech,Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (9):8 р. Monosex culture of Tilapia mossambica in ponds at Man Hing Farm, Keningau district, North Borneo Report of experiments in developing this culture, Tongsanga, S. (1962) 9-02451 F Tech,Pap,Indo-Pacif,Fish,Coun., (1):8 p. A preliminary report on the combination of plachon (Opicephalus striatus Bloch) and tilapia (Tilapia mossambics Peters) in Thailand Report of a feeding experiment giving estimate of the yield obtained with respect to the food supplied & to the predation upon the tilapia by the plachon, Estimate is made of the profitability of the operations. NE 62-03352. Paiva, М.Р. & У. de А. Barreto (1960) Rev,bras,Biol., 20(2):121-9 Notes sÖbre a biologia do сашагао "sossego", Macrobrachium jelskii (Miers, 1877) Chace and Holthuis, 1948, numa pequens bacia potamogréfica do nordeste brasileiro (Notes on the biology of the "зозвево" shrimp, Macrobrachium jelskii, in a small river basin in northeastern Brasil), Pr 9-02452 F BA 37£(6)24876, Hoedeman, J.J. (1959) AQUATIC STOCKS 113 9-02453 Е Uitg.Nat, Stud, Surin.Ned.Antillen, (20):44-98 Studies on the fauna of Suriname and other Guyanas: 7. Rivulid fishes of Suriname and other Guyanas, with a preliminary review of the genus Rivulus Со 9-02210. ВА 37Е(6)25139. Metcalf, A,L, € О.А. Distler (1961) Trans.Kans,Acad,Sci., 64(4):353-6 9-02454 F New distributional records for two species of crayfish Orconectes luteus € O. neglectus neglectus, BA 38E(4)16311, Butcher, A.D. € J.K. Ling (1962) Vict,Nat., 78(9):256-64 9-02455 Е Bream tagging experiments in East Gippsland during April and May 1944 Acanthopagrus butcheri sp, BA 39E(2)4609, Iur'ev, G.C. (1961) Vop,Ikhtiol,, 1(2):243-52 9-02456 Е Morfologiia sazana (Cyprinus carpio L.) Proletarskogo vodokhranilishcha (Morphology of the carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in the Proletarski reservoir) ВА 39E(2)4688, Yur'ev, G.C. (1962) 9-02457 Е Referat, Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), NO: IM Morphology of the carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in the Proletarski reservoir En 9-02456, BA 39E(2)14688, Smart, G.C., Jr., (1962) Amer.Midl,Nat., 68(1):83-94 9-02458 F The life history of the crayfish Cambarus longulus longulus BA №0Е(3)12270. Jackson, J. (1963)B Statist, 180( 4147) :645~-6 Breeding tilapia at power stations I 9-02459 F 9 (2) Telichenko, M.M. (1962) 9-02460 Е Nauch, Dokl ,vyssh,Shk,(biol.), (3):90-3 (The role of metabolism of fish in the accumulation of radioisotopes by them). Ru Factors affecting the accumulation of Sr90 by fish were investigated in Carassius carassius maintained in aquaria after the addition of Sr90, NSA 17(5)5708. Telichenko, М.М. (1962)C 9-02461 Е JPRS-15871, 7 p. The role of metabolism of fish in the accumulation of radioisotopes by them En 9-02460, NSA 17(5)5708. Kaneda, T., H. Sakai € 9-02462 Е S. Ishii (1962)A Bull, Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(12):1199-202 (Biochemical studies on feeds for fish culture, (Part 1) Analytical data of ordinary feeds for rainbow trout). Ni En Oguri, M. (1962) 9-0263 F Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(12):1155-9 Effect of O,P'-DDD administration on the interrenal gland of goldfish, Carassius auratus (preliminary note) Experimental investigation of whether this compound would be effective in inducing degenerative changes in the interrenal glands of teleosts, goldfish being used as experimental material, Stauch, A, & M, Blanc (1962) 9-02464 Е Bull,Mus.Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(2):163-5 Découverte d'un poisson téléostéen pleuronectiforme dans le bassin de la Haute-Bénoué (Nord-Cameroun ) (Discovery of a pleuronectiform teleostean fish in the basin of the Upper Benue (North Cameroun) ) Morphological description, Barnoud, R., J. Frey & 9-02465 Е G.G. Péres (1963) C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(26):5622-№ Le diagramme électrophorétique du sérum de la tanche (Tinca tinca L.) (The electrophoretic diagram of tench serum (Tinca tinca L,)) Preliminary note, 114 Fontaine, Y.A. & E, Gerard (1963) C.R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 256(26) :5634-7 Purification d'un facteur gonadotrope de l'hypophyse d'un téléostéen, la carpe (Cyprinus carpio L.) (Purification of a gonadotropic factor in the hypophysis of a teleost, the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)) 9-02466 F Preliminary note, Tarr, HLA. (1963)A 9-02467 Е Canad.J,Biochem,Physiol,, 41(2):313-ho Metabolism of 6-phosphogluconic acid and gluconic acid in Salmo gairdnerii Yamada, J. (1961) Mem. Рас. Fish Hokkaido, 9(2):181-226 Studies on the structure and growth of the scales in the goldfish 9-02468 Е Morphological observations on the development, regeneration and absorption of scales, with discussion of some physiological aspects of these phenomena, Scales were transplanted experimentally and re-examined subsequently. Arnoult, J. (1961) 9-02469 F Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(4):391-5 Premiéres observations en captivité sur un poisson de la famille des Polypteridae: Polypterus senegalus senegalus (Cuvier), Comportement sexuel et ponte provoquée an observations on a polypterid fish Polypterus senesgalus senegalus (Cuvier)) in captivity, spawning) Sexual behaviour and induced Induction of spawning by intramuscular injection of gonadotropic chorionic hormone, Blanc, M. (1961) 9-02470 Е Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(3):260-75 Catalogue des types de poissons d'eau douce africains entrés en collection de 1950 a 1960 (Catalogue of types of African freshwater fishes added to the collection between 1950 and 1960) Citation of original description, registration number, status of specimens and notes on provenance, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Blanc, M. (1962) 9-02471 Е Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(3):202-27 Catalogue des types de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae en collection au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Catalogue of the types of fishes of the family Cichlidae in the collection at the National Museum of Natural History) Citation of original description, registration number, status of specimens, notes on provenance and information on size. Daget, J. (1961) 9-02472 F Bull.Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 33(6) :577-86 Poissons de Niari-Kouilou récoltés par ММ. Ch, Roux, J. Ducroz et J.P. Troadec (Afrique noire-région Gabon-Congo) Fishes of Niari-Kouilou collected by Messrs Ch, Roux, J. Ducroz and J.P. Troadec, (Africa, black region, Gabon-Congo)) List of 40 spp. with morphological and distributional notes. Stauch, A. & M. Blanc (1962) 9-02473 F Bull,Mus,Hist,nat,, Paris, 34(2):166-171 Description d'un sélacien rajiforme des eaux douces du nord-Cameroun: Potamotrygon garousensis n. sp. (Description of a rajiform selachien from the fresh waters of North Cameroun: Potamotrygon garousensis n. sp.) Morphological description. Spillman, J. (1961) 9-02474 F Bull,Mus.Hist.nat,, Paris, 33(2):161-8 Observations sur la variation-d'une petite espèce de poissons de la famille des Cyprinidae: Spirlinus bipunctatus (Bloch) (Observations on the variation of a small sp. Of fish of the family Cyprinidae: Spirlinus bipunctatus (Bloch) ) Tabulation of variation in pharyngeal dentition, and fin rays, lateral line scales, weight and length and various metrical ratios. Chusovitina, L.S. (1963) 9-02475 F Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 151(2):441-2 O rannei evrigalinnosti osetrovykh i addaptivnoi funktsii khloridsekretiruiushchikh kletok v ikh zhabrakh (Early euryhalinity in Acipenseridae, and the adaptive function of chloride-secreting cells in their gills) AQUATIC STOCKS Merla, G. (1962) Dtsch, Fisch, -Ztg., 9(2):52-3 Untersuchungen Über den Einfluss einer Chloronitrin-Injektion auf das Karpfenwachstum (K2 - K3) (Investigations into the growth of carp (K2 - K3) after a chlorination injection) 9-02476 Е Has no growth promoting effect, Snieszko, S.F, (1962) 9-02477 Е Fish,leafl,Wash,, (459):7 р. Freshwater fish diseases caused by bacteria belonging to the genera Aeromonas and Pseudomonas Ci 58-6724, Hlodek, J.M. (1959) Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 1(1):5-16 Die morphologischen Merkmale der Karpfen aus Golysz (Morphological characteristics of the carp from Golysz). Pl 9-02478 Е Gives data of the first diametrical study of carp from the upper Weichsel district, collected from 1954-1957 during autumn fishing, Wlodek, J.M. (1959) Acta hydrobiol,Kraków, 1(1):17-36 Untersuchungen Uber den KUrperbau der polnischen Karpfen (Researches on the physical build of Polish carp). Pl 9-02479 F Observations on a sample of 1772 carp with weishts and measurements giving information on factors influencing body form: - origin then food are the most important. Lysak, A. (1959) 9-02480 № Acta hydrobiol.Kraköw, 1(2):139-47 Haematologic observations on the small «hitefish (Coregonus albula L.) and on the hybrids of smell whitefish x whitefish (g С. albula L. x 9 С. lavaretus maraenoides Poljakov). Pl 3tudies blood to determine physiological changes in lake fish transferred to fishponds. Finds pond fish develop more blood cells per am, but hybrids between lake and pond whitefish have fewer leucocytes, more erythrocytes than pond confréres. Wlodek, J.M. (1959) 9-02481 Е Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 1(3-№):215-20 Biometrische Untersuchengen an den Überwinternden Karpfen (Biometrical investigations on overwintering carp). PL Winter affected 1 year old caro most producing greater weight and morphological variability, with a reduced average weight and morphological characteristics over the years 1953-1959. Satomi, Y, (1960) 9-021482 Е Bull, Freshw,Fish,Res,Lab,, Tokyo, 9(1):1-10 (Contribution to the knowledge of utilizing nitrogenous and phosphorous fertilizers in ponds with increased plankton density, especially in relation to the carbonic acid contents of the water), Ni De Burgner, В.Г. (1962) In 9-02437:315-47 Sampling red salmon fry by lake trap in the Wood River Lakes, Alaska 9-02483 F Mathisen, О.А, (1962) In 9-02437:349-71 Photographic enumeration of red salmon escapement 9-02484 MF Уузак, A, (1959) Acta hydrobiol,Kraków, 1(1):37-54 Die Blutentnahme von Fischen zu diegnostis- chen Zwecken sowle deren Zinfluss auf das spätere Blutbild und den Zuwachs (The removal of blood samples from fish and ivs influence on subsequent biood composition and growth). Pl 9-02485 Fa An attempt to find a sample method with minimal after effects: good results were obtained using canulae inserted into the caudal artery, 15 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Belgium, Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (6):112-3 Arrêté royal modifiant l'arrêté royal du 2k octobre 1936 modifiant et coordonnant les statuts de la Caisse de secours et de prévoyance en faveur des marins naviguant sous pavillon belge - 11 décembre 1962 (Royal order amending the royal order of 24 October 1936 amending and co-ordinating the statutes of the Assistance and provident fund for seamen on ships flying the Belgian flag - 11 December 1962), Ne 9-02486 M Provides for the creation of social service for seamen, Belgium. Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Monit,belge, (8):269-70 Arrêté royal rendant obligatoires les décisions du 12 october 1962 de la Commission paritaire nationale de la pêche maritime attribvant une allocation complémentaire de vacances pour l'année 1962 aux déchargeurs de poisson et fixant le salaire minimum des déchargeurs de poisson - 18 décembre 1962 (Royal order giving compulsory effect to the decisions of 12 October 1962 of the National arbitration commission for sea fisheries granting e supplementary holiday allowance for 1962 to fish unloading personnel and fixing their minimum wages - 18 December 1962). Ne The text of the decisions is attached, 9-02487 M Belgium, Laws, Statutes ete, (1963) Monit,belge, (71):3847-8 Arrêté ministériel relatif aux contingents tarifaires - 3 avril 1963 Ministerial order on tariff quotas - 3 April 1963). Ne 9-02488 M Applies to certain types of crab, Brazil, Laws, Statutes etc. (1960) Colec&o Leis, 8(1):538 Decreto No 49,412 de 2 de dezembro de 1960: Fixa mandato para os membros do conselho administrativo da Caixa de Credito da Pesca (Decree №. 49,412, fixing the term of office of the members of the board of governors of the Fisheries Credit Fund - 2 December 1960) 9-02489 M Four years, renewable, 9 (2) Cameroon, Federal Republic of Laws, Statutes etc.(1962) J.off.Caméroun, (20):1175-7 Decree 62-DF-368 laying down the rules governing the registration of maritime mortgages - 5 October 1962, Fr 9-02490 M Made under ordinance No. 62-DF-30 of 31 March 1962 establishing the Cameroon merchant shipping code, Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz.(II), (3):103 SOR/63-41, Order in council Р.С. 1963-149 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisherles act - 31 January 1963 9-02491 M Concerns herring fishing by means of purse-seines or trawl-nets. Canada, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (3):106 DORS/63-41, Décret С.Р. 1963-49 modifiant le réglement de pêche de la Colombie- Britannique en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries - 31 janvier 1963 (SOR/63-41, Order in council Р.С, 1963-119 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 31 January 1963) 9-02492 M Fr 9-02491, Canada. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can.Gaz, (11), (№):129 SOR/63-52. Order in council Р.С. 1962-203 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 8 February 1963 9-02493 M Concerns herring fishing by means of purse- seines or trawl-nets in the described waters. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 117 Canada, Laws, 9-02494 M Canada. Laws, 9-02499 M Statutes etc. (1963) Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (4):133 Can.Gaz. (11), (6):271 DORS/63-52. Décret С.Р. 1963-203 modifiant SOR/63-86. Order in council Р.С. 1963-389 le réglement de pêche de la Colombie- amending the fish inspection regulations Britannique selon la loi sur les pêcheries - made under the fish inspection act - 9 March 8 février 1963 1963 (SOR/63-52, Order in council Р.С. 1962-203 amending the British Columbia fishery Amendments in respect of scallops, regulations made under the fisheries act - 8 February 1963) Canada, Laws, 9-02500 M Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (6):278 DORS/63-86, Décret С.Р. 1963-389 modifiant le règlement sur l'inspection du poisson en vertu de la loi sur l'inspection du poisson - 9 mars 1963 (soR/63-86, Order in council P,C, 1963-389 amending the fish inspection regulations made under the fish inspection act - 9 Fr 9-02493. Canada. Laws, 9-02495 M Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (II), (5):224 SOR/63-70. Order in council Р.С. 1963-296 amending the small vessel regulations made under the Canada shipping act - 21 February 1963 March 1963) Concerns fee in respect of plates for boats, Fr 9-02499 Canada, Laws 9-02501 M С у = : anada. Laws, 9-02496 M Statutes etc, (1963) Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (6):277 Can,Gaz, (II), (5):230 DORS/63-70. Décret С.Р. 1963-296 modifiant le règlement sur les petits b&timents en vertu de la loi sur la marine marchand du Canada - 21 février 1963 (soR/63-70. Order in council Р.С. 1963-296 amending the small vessel regulations made under the Canada shipping act - 21 February SOR/63-90, Order in council Р.С. 1963-390: Distribution of grant 1962-63, pursuant to the deep sea fisheries act - 9 March 1963 Fixes amount of bounty per registered ton of vessels and boats, 1963) Canada, Laws, 9-02502 M Statutes etc, (1963) Fr 9-02495. Can Gaz, (11), (6):284 DORS/63-90, Décret C,P. 1963-390: Distribution de la subvention pour l'année 1962-1963 selon la 101 sur les pêches maritimes - 9 mars 1963 Canada, Laws, 9-02497 M Statutes etc. (1963) Con,Gez, (ТТ), (6):255-65 — (508/63-90. Order in council Р.С. 1963-390: SOR.63-81. Order in council Р.С. 1963-365 Distribution of grant 1962-63, persuant to amending the food and drug regulations made the deep sea fisheries act - 9 March 1963) under the food and drugs act - 4 March 1963 Fr 9-02501, Revised section B.21,022 on fish sausage, M Canada. Laws, 9-02503 M Canada, Laws, 9-02198 м Statutes etc. (1963) Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (7):298-308 Can,Gaz, (11), (6):261-71 SOR/63-100, Order in council Р.С. 1963-42: DORS/63-81, Décret С.Р. 1963-365 modifient International Pacific halibut fishery les reglements sur les aliments et drogues regulations, persuant to the Northern en vertu de la loi des aliments et drogues - Pacific halibut fishery convention act - 4 mars 1963 18 March 1963 (SOR/63-81. Order in council P.C. 1963-365 amending the food and drug regulations made Detailed regulations superseding all previous under the food and drugs act - 4 March 1963) regulations, Concern regulatory areas, fishing seasons, catch and size limits, Fr 9-02497, licensing of vessels, statistical returns, 9 (2) equipment etc, 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Canada. laws, Statutes etc, (1963) CanyGaz, (11), (7):306-17 DORS/63-100, Décret С.Р. 1963-12; Règlement de la Commission Internationale des Pêcheries de Fletan du Pacifique en vertu de la loi sur la convention relative à la pêche du flétan dans le Pacifique Septentrional - 18 mars 1963 (SOR/63-100. Order in council Р.С. 1963-42: International Pacific halibut fishery regulations, persuant to the Northern Pacific halibut fishery convention act - 18 March 1963) 9-02504 M Fr 9-02503, sls Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz,(II), (7):336-7 SOR/63-119. Trawler and dragger restriction order, made under the fisheries act - 18 March 1963 9-02505 M Repeals and replaces similar ministerial order of 2№ May 1960, Restrictions made persuant to section 7 of the otter trawl fishing regulations of 23 November 1954, CR 61-00909, Canada. Laws, 9-02506 M Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (II), (7):346-7 DORS/63-119. Ordonnance restrictive concernant le chalutage selon la loi sur les pêcheries - 18 mars 1963 (SOR/63-119. Trawler and dragger restriction order, made under the fisheries act - 18 March 1963) Fr 9-02505. Gabon, Laws, 9-02507 M Statutes etc. (1963) J,off,Répub,gabon,, (№):151-68 Loi No 10/63 du 12 janvier 1963 portant code de la marine marchande gabonaise (Act No. 10/63 establishing the Gabon merchant marine code - 12 January 1963) Chapter 5 deals with see fishing and exploitation of public territorial waters, 9 (2) Germany. Federal Republic, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) MinistBl, Bundesrepub.Dtsch,, (7):171-2 Richtlinien 1963 für die Gewährung von Fangprämien an die Seefischerei - 12 März 1963 (Directives of 1063 laying down conditions for the granting of catching bonuses to sea fisheries - 12 March 1963) 9-02508 M Detailed provisions designed to improve the quality of the fish taken, Germany. Federal Republic, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) MinistBl, Bundesrepub,Dtsch,, (7):170 Bekanntmachung Nr, 46-62/63 betreffebd Ubernahme von vollfleischigen Garnelen, getrocknet, aus verschiedenen Ländern - 27. März 1963 (Notification No, 46-62/63 relative to the acquisition from different countries, of dried full-meat prawns - 27 March 1963) 9-02509 M For use as feedstuffs, Madagascar. Laws, 9-02510 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Repub.malgache, (274) :478-95 Arrêté no. 505 portant publication des conventions d'avril 1958 sur le droit de la mer - 18 février 1963 (Order No. 505 publishing the international conventions of April 1958 on the law of the sea - 18 February 1963) Madagascar has deposited on 31 July 1962 tts instruments of accession to the convention on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, the convention on the high seas, the convent- ion on fishing and conservation of the living resources of the high seas, the convention on the continental shelf and the optional protocol of signature concerning compulsory settlement of disputes. Malagasy Republic, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) J.off,Repub,malgache, (277) :663 Décret по. 63-131 fixant la limite de le mer territoriale de la République Malgache - 27 février 1963 (Decree No, 63-131 delimiting the territorial waters of the Malagasy Republic - 27 February 1963) 9-02511 M At 12 nautical miles from the base line as defined. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Malagasy Republic. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.malgeche, (277) :66\ Arrêté по. 610 portant autorisation d'usage en mer, 3 des fins de recherches sismiques, de matières explosives - 27 février 1963 (Order No, 610 authorizing the use of explosives in the sea for purposes of seismic research - 27 February 1963) 9-02512 M Fish collected as a result of such operations may not be sold by or for the crews of vessels involved, Malagasy Republic. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) J,off.Revub,malgache, (277):664 Arrêté no, 647 fixant les conditions de passage et de mouillage des navires de pêche étrangers dans la mer territoriale - L mars 1963 (Order No, 647 laying down conditions for the passage and anchorage of foreign fishing boats in territorial waters - № March 1963) 9-02513 M Detailed provisions, Norway. Laws, 9-02514 M Statutes etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid,, (1):47 Resolusjon om forlengelse av lovbeskyttelsen for Islandssildfiskernes Forening - 21 desember 1962 (Resolution extending the legal protection of the Iceland herring fishers' association - 21 December 1962), No Extends the association's monopoly on wholesale trede in fresh and frozen Iceland herring and products thereof, until 31 December 1963. Norway. Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid,, (2):57 Skriv om fortsatt fredning av indre del ev Bjugnfjorden mot bruk av sildesnurpenot - ek desember 1962 (Notification continuing the prohibition of use of herring purse nets in the inner part of Bjugnfjord - 24 December 1962). No 9-02515 M Until 31 December 1967. 9 (2) 119 Norway. Laws, 9-02516 M Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (3):80 Bestemmelser om deklarering av tilsetning- sstoffer i sildemel og om bruk av slik vare - 8. januar 1963 (Ordinance concerning the declaration of additives in herring meal and use of such products - 8 January 1963). No hdditives in herring meal must be indicated, with percentage, and the product marked accordingly. Herring meal containing preserving or stabilising substances other than salt, may be supplied only to firms with authorized mixing plants for concentrated feeds, end may be used only in stated percentages in commercial compound feeds for swine and poultry. Norway. Laws, 9-02517 M Statutes etc. (1962) Norsk Lovtid,, (3):74 Bestemmelser om fredning mot bruk av snurpenot paa visse omraader i Nordmgre - 31 Desember 1962 (Ordinance prohibiting the use purse nets in certain areas in Nordmgre - 31 December 1962). No For the period 1 May - 30 September, in specified areas of 1) the bottom of Battendjord on Ore herred, 2) Lindvägen and Kräksundet in Tustna herred and 3) Tfmmerväg and Jérgenväg in Tustna herred, Norway. Laws, 9-02518 M Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (3):88 Resolusjon om endr, av res, av. 2 mars 1956 om regulering av saltsildeksporten - 11. januar 1963 (Resolution amending the resolution of 2 March 1956 regulating exports of salted herring - 11 January 1963). No Revises art. II of said resolution, referring all matters in respect of sale of salted mature and spring herring to the USSR; Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovekia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, China and Sweden, to the export boará of the fishery department. 120 Norway. Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (%4):104 Bestemmelse om endr, av frednings- og nedleggingsforskrifter for brisling og smaasild - 16, januar 1963 (Ordinance amending regulations for the protection and canning of sprat and small herring - 16 January 1963), No 9=02519 M Prohibits canning of small herring for the period 1 February-30 April, Norway. Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (4):118 Resolusjon om forbud mot fiske notredskaper etter skrei i Lofoten - 18, januar 1963 (Resolution prohibiting fishing of skrei (spring, winter codfish) with seine tackle in Lofoten - 18 January 1963). No 9-02520 M Prohibition in force for the Lofoten supervision district as long as Lofoten supervision is maintained. Certain exemptions. Norway. Laws, 9-02521 M Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (5):153-" Resolusjon om bestemmelser om freäning av smaasild - 25, januar 1963 (Resolution concerning regulations for the protection of small herring - 25 January 1963). No Prohibits landing, sale and use of herring catches containing considerable quantities of small herring, from 1 February to 30 April, Rules for enforcement to be issued by the fishery department. Norway. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (6):158-61 Forskrifter for fredning av smaasild - 25, Januar 1963 (Regulations for the protection of small herring - 25 January 1963), No 9-02522 M Detailed regulations issued by the fishery department pursuant to resolution of 25 January 1963, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Norway. Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (9):221 Bestemmelse om endr, av forskrifter for fredning av smaasild - 18, februar 1963 (Ordinance concerning the regulations for the protection of small herring - 18 February 1963). No 9-02523 M Amends para, 1 in regulations of 25 January 1963 authorizing the fishery director to grant exceptions to this prohibition (against landing, etc. of herring catches containing certain quantities of small herring) for other purposes than grinding. Norway. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (9):229 Resolusjon om fangstbegrensning for haabrand 1 fjerne farvann - 22, februar 1963 (Resolution concerning limitation of the catch of porbeagle in distant waters - 22 February 1963). No 9-02524 M Authorizes the Porbeagle Fishermen's Sales Organisation to introduce such limitation when desirable in view of demand, Philippines. Laws, Statutes etc, (1962) Off,Gaz,, Manila, (4):543 Fisheries administration order №. 17-15, designating Barrio Poblacion, (Centro) Catarman, Camiguin, sub-province Misamis Oriental as an official fish landing, amending for the purpose section 1(IX) of the revised fisheries administrative order No. 17-9, 8, 1952 as amended - 8 November 1962 9-02525 M South Africa, Republic of, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Govt Gaz,S,Afr,, (445):19 Government notice No, 320, relating to the ' whaling seasons for land stations, 1963 persuant to the sea fisheries act, 1940 - 1 March 1963, Af 9-02526 M Specifies the periods during which whale catchers attached to land stations may be used for killing or attempting to kill sperm whales and baleen whales (including minke whales), MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Spain, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Bol, ofic,Estedo, Vadr,, (54):3644=53 Orden de 13 de febrero de 1963 por la que se clasifican en polígonos de cultivo de moluscos los correspondientes a las provincias marítimas de Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia y Alicante (Order classifying in cultivation zones the molluses in the maritime provinces of Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia and Alicante - 13 February 1063) 9-02527 M Administrative measure issued in persuance of decree No. 2559 of the ministry of commerce of 20 November 1961. Spain. Laws, 9-02528 M Statutes etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (78):5457-60 Resolución de la dirección general de ordenación del trabajo vor la que se aprueba el convenio colectivo sindical acorado en 15 de diciembre de 1962 entre empreses y trabajadores dedicados a la captura y aprovechamiento de cetáceos en las provincias de La Coruña y Pontevedra - 11 de marzo de 1963 (Resolution of the directorate general of labour organization approving the trade union collective agreement reached on 15 December 1962 between management and labour in concerns devoted to the capture, processing and use of cetaceans (whales) in the provinces of La Coruña and Pontevedra - 11 March 1963) Spain, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Bol,ofic,Estado, Madr,, (71):4881 Decreto 528/1963, de 14 de marzo de 1963, por el que se dicten normas relativas a la aplicación del arbitrio sobre el valor de le pesca (Decree No, 528 laying down rules relative to the application of the duty on the value of fish - 14 March 1963) 9-02529 M Duty provided for by decree of 12 November 1948, Such duty shall not apply to fish brought to Spanish ports after catch by Spanish vessels, 9 (2) 121 Spain. Laws, 9-02530 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Mär., (90):6213-14 Orden de 6 de abril de 1963 por la que se determinan las condiciönes en que habrá de efectuarse el embarco reglamentario para optar a los títulos profesionales de las marinas marcante y de pesca (Order determining the manner in which the regulation number of days at sea shall be completed to qualify candidates to apply for professional ranks in the merchant marine and fisheries fleet. - 6 April 1963) In pursuance of Decree Nc. 629, on professional ranks in the merchant marine and fishing fleet, of 14 March 1963. Spain, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr, , (81) :5909-12 Order de 29 de marzo de 1963 por la que se aprueba el reglamento para el ejercicio de la pesca con artes de "cerco" (Order approving regulations for the exercise of fishing with nets - 29 March 1963) 9-02531 M Comprehensive legislation in this respect whether carried on in-shore, off-shore or on the high seas, Spain, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Bol, ofic.Estado, Madr,, (86) :6064 Orden de 4 de abril de 1963 por la que se dispone continúen en vigor las ordenes de 31 marzo 1055 y 23 septiembre 1957 ("Boletín oficial del estado" 101 y 286) que establecen zonas especiales para la pesca de merluza con anzuelo en el Cantábrico (Order providing for the continuance in force of the orders of 31 March 1955 and 23 September 1957 (В.0.Е. Nos. 101 and 286 of those years) establishing special zones for the fishing of haddock with hooks in the Cantabrian - 4 April 1963) 9-02532 M Spain. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Bol, ofic,Estado, Madr,, (97):6783-4 Orden áe 16 de abril de 1963 por la que se crea el carnet de mariscador, obligatorio, para todo aquel que se dedique a las faenas de marisqueo (Order creating a compulsory shellfishers! card for all those engaged in shell-fishing - 16 April 1963) 9202533, М With a view to avoid overfishing, 122 U.K. . Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Statut, Instrum,U,K,, (770):4 г. The white fish subsidy (United Kingdom) (Amendment) scheme 1063, made under the sea fisheries act - 8 April 1963 9-0253 M Makes provisions for an increase of svecial rates, Argentina. laws, -02535 МЕ Statutes etc, (1963) Bol,ofic.Argent,, (20.060) :1 Decreto No, 1,138 por el que se aprueba para una firma el plan mínimo de vroducción anual - 12 de febrero de 1962 (Decree No. 1.138 approving the minimum annual production plan for a fim - 12 February 1963) \O For the manufacture of fish products by the Industrial Pesquera del Sud, New South Wales, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Govt Gaz,N,S,W., (27):766 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of the waters of Bermaguee River, County of Dampier - 6 March 1963 9-02536 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the specified tidal waters, from 13 March 1963 to 12 March 1968, New South Wales, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Govt Gaz,N,S.W,, (27):766 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relatirg to the whole of the waters of Camden Haven Inlet, County of Macquarie - 6 March 1963 9-02537 MF With certain execptions, prohibits the taking of fish in the tidal and inland waters specified, during week-ends from 1 October until 31 March, by means of nets of every dexcription, except prawn nets of the prescribed mesh and size, used as hand hauled net only, and the prescribed dip or scocp net for the capture of prawns only, BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (2) Austria. Laws, 9-02538 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl.öst., (20):183-93 Bundesgesetz vom 16 April 1963, mit dem das Aussenhandelsgesetz neuerlich abgeändert wird (Aussenhandeslgesetznovelle 1963) (Federal act further amending the foreign trade act (Foreign trade amendment act, 1963) - 16 April 1963) In respect of authorizations and exemptions, quotas, customs tariff, protective measures, etc. Includes fish, fishmeal, etc. Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Monit.belge, (17):663-83 Arrêté ministériel soumettant à licence l'importation de certaines marchandises - 31 decembre 1962 (Ministerial order making the import of certain goods subject to licence - 31 December 1963). Ne 9-02539 MF Applies to the import of all goods from Hong Kong and Japan; Albania, Eastern Germany, Bulgaria, Continental China, North Korea, Hungary, Outer Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, U.S.S.R. and North Vietnam, and to & long list of products, including fish and fisheries products, where-ever imported from. Belgium. Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Monit,belge, (17):681-737 Arrêté ministériel soumettant à licence l'exportation de certaines marchandises - 31 décembre 1962 | (Ministerial order making the export of certain | goods subject to licence - 31 December 1962), | Ne 9-02540 MF Applies to the export of all goods to Albania, Eastern Germany, Bulgaria, Continental China, North Korea, Hungery, Outer Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, U.S.S.R. and North Vietnam, and to a long list of products, including fish and fisheries products, wherever exported to, MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Belgium, Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Monit,belge, (17):738-9 Prrete mivistériel soumettant & licence le transit de certaines marchandises - 31 décembre 1962 (Ministerial order making the transit of certain goods subject to licence - 31 December 1962), Ne 9-02541 MF Gives a long list of countries and includes the same goods as shown in List II annexed to the ministerial order of 31 December 1962 making the export of certain goods subject to licence, Canada. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (ТТ), (4):164 SOR/63-59. Order in council Р.С. 1963-215 amending the ship construction assistance regulations made under the appropriation acts - 8 February 1963 9-02542 MF Amendment in respect of amount of subsidies, Concerns commercial and fishing vessels, Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can.Gaz, (II), (4):169 DORS/63-59, Décret С.Р. 1963-215 modifiant le règlement sur l'aide à la construction de navires selon les lois des subsides - 8 février 1963 (SOR/63-59. Order in council Р.С. 1963-215 amending the ship construction assistance regulations made under the appropriation acts - 8 February 1963) 9-02543 MF Fr 9-02542, Canada. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can.Gaz, (11), (6):268 SOR/63-84, Order in council 1963-387 amending the canned fish and shellfish and cannery inspection regulations made under the meat and canned foods act - 9 March 1963 9-02544 MF Amendments in respect of canned salmon, 9 (2) Canada. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (ТТ), (6):274-5 DORS/63-84, Décret С.Р. 1963-387 modifiant le règlement visant l'inspection des conserveries et des conserves de poisson, mollusques et crustacés en vertu de la loi sur les viandes et conserves alimentaires - 9 mars 1963 (SOR/63-84, Order in council 1963-387 amending the canned fish and shellfish and canrery inspection regulations made under the meat and canned foods act - 9 March 1963) 9-02545 MF Fr 9-0254h, Canada. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (II), (7):309 SOR/63-101, Order in council Р.С. 1963-443 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 18 March 1963 9-02546 MF No person shall fish for or catch salmon with gill-net or drift-net gear the web or any portion of the web of which contains mono- filament in single or multiple strands. For the year 1963 only, gill-nets or drag-seines may be used in Atlin leke from the first day of March to the thirty-first day of March, both days inclusive, Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (7):318 DORS/63-101. Décret С.Р. 1963-443 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Colombie- Britannique en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries - 18 mars 1963 (SOR/63-101. Order in council Р.С. 1963-443 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 18 March 1963) 9-02547 MF Fr 9-02546. Canada. Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (7):323 SOR/63-107. Order in council Р.С. 1963-486 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 25 March 1963 9-02548 MF Miscellaneous minor amendments, 123 124 Caneda, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) ¡Can,Gaz. (ТТ), (7):333 'DORS/63-107. Décret С.Р. 1963-486 modifiant le réglement de péche de la Nouvelle- Ecosse en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries - 25 mars 1963 (SOR/63-107. Order in council Р.С. 1963-186 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 25 March 1963) 9-02549 MF Fr 9-02548, Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz.(11), (7):32k SOR/63-108. Order in council Р.С. 1963-487 amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 25 March 1963 9-02550 MF In fishing for whitefish in the waters of the Mackenzie River delta; for arctic char in Cambridge Bay and Frobisher Bay; and for any fish in those waters of James Bay to which these regulations apply, gill nets with a four and one-half inch mesh may be used, Canada. laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (7):334 DORS/63-108. Décret С.Р. 1963-487 modifiant le règlement de pêche des territoires du Nord-Ouest en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries - 25 mars 1963 (SOR/63-108, Order in council Р.С. 1963-487 amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 25 March 1963) 9-02551 MF Fr 9-02550. Ceylon. Laws, 9-02552 MF Statutes etc. (1963) Ceylon Govt Gaz,, (13,607)Pt.1, Sect.1:769 Import control notice No, 17/63 relating to fish, fish products and fish preparations, tinned or canned - 18 April 1963 An import licence is now required for the said products. 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Germany, Federal Republic, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) MinistBl,Bundesrepub, Dtsch, , (7):168 Bekanntmachung Nr. 42-52/63 betreffend Ubernahme verschiedener Waren aus den Ländern der Landerliste A und В zur Einfuhrliste (Anlage zum Aussenwirtschaftsgesetz) - 18, Marz 1963 (Notification No. 42-62/63 relative to the acquisition of different products from countries of the country lists A and B of the import list (Appendix of the foreign trade act) - 18 March 1963) 9-02553 MF Includes dried fish of the sizes specified, fish unfit for human consumption, fish meal, intended for use as feedstuffs, etc, Kerala, laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Kerale Gaz,, (71):24-6 S.R,O, №. 342/63 under the Kerala general sales tax act, 1963 (Act 15 of 1963) relating to tax exemptions - undated - effective 1 April 1963 G=02554 MF In respect of various products, including fresh fish, Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Mém,Luxemb,, (5):25-51 Réglement ministériel du 2 janvier 1963 suspendant l'obligation de produire une licence pour l'importation de certaines marchandises (Ministerial regulation suspending the import licence requirement for certain goods - 2 January 1963) 9-02555 MF Long list of products, including fish and fish products; the regulation does not apply to products originating from specified countries, Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Mem,Luxemb, , (5):51-111 Reglement ministériel du 2 janvier 1963 suspendant l'obligation de produire une licence pour l'exportation de certaines marchandises (Ministerial regulation suspending the export licence requirement for certain goods - 2 January 1963) 9-02556 MF Long list of products, including fish and fish products; the regulation does not apply to products exported to specified countries. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Mém,Luxemb,, (5):111-2 Règlement ministériel du 2 janvier 1963 suspendant l'obligation de produire une licence pour le transit de certaines marchandises (Ministerial regulation suspending the transit licence requirement for certain goods - 2 January 1963) 9-02557 MF Long list of products including fish and fish products, Exceptions are made when products originate from specified countries or are intended to be exported to said countries, Norway. Las, Statutes etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (5):154 Resolusjon om opphevelse av reguleringsbest- emmelsene for rogn av japansk type - 25, Januar 1963 (Resolution repealing regulations applicable to Japanese-type fish roe - 25 January 1963). No 9-02558 MF Amends royal ordinance of 22 December 1960, Refers all matters in respect of sale of salted fish roe to USSR, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and China to the export board of the fishery department. Sale to other countries only on conditions and for prices fixed by the fishery department after consulting said board, West Pakistan, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Gaz,W,Pakist,, Pt.1(15): 446 Notification No. 5 (177) SO (F and G) 62 made under the West Pakistan fisheries ordinance, 1961 (West Pakistan ordinance No. XXX of 1961) - 16 March 1963 9-02559 MF In respect of the powers of inspectors of fisheries, Spain. Laws, 9-02560 MF Statutes etc. (1963) Bol,ofic,Estado, Madr,, (17) :919-20 Decreto 55/1963, de 17 de enero de 1963, sobre establecimiento de salarios mínimos y su conexión con los establecidos por convenios colectivos sindicales o mejoras voluntarias (Decree No. 55/1963 on the establishment of minimum wages and connecting them with those established by collective trade union agreements and voluntary raises - 17 January 1963) Applies to all wages, including fisheries. 125 Spain, Laws, 9-02561 MF Statutes etc, (1963) Bol,ofic,Estado, Madr,, (38) :2493 Resoluciön de la direcciön general de montes, caza y pesca fluvial por la que se disponen los periódos hábiles para la pesca del salmón y la trucha durante el año 1963 - 26 de enero de 1963 (Resolution of the directorate general of forests, hunting, shooting and river fishing laying down the fishing seasons for salmon and trout during 1963 - 26 January 1963) Salmon from 3 March to 18 July and trout from 3 March to 15 August, with certain exceptions, Spain, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Bol.ofic, Estado, Madr,, (34):2155-6 Orden de 5 de febrero de 1963 por la que se dictan normas interpretativas y de aplicación del decreto 55/1963, de 17 de enero (Order laying down rules for the interpretation and application of decree 55/1963 of 17 January 1963) 9-02562 MF Decree No, 55 dealt with the establishment of minimum wages and their relationship with those established by trade union collective agreements and voluntary increases, also covers fisheries, Spain, Laws, 9-02563 MF Statutes etc, (1963) Bol,ofic,Estado, Madr,, (52):3515-6 Resolución de la dirección general. de comercio exterior sobre mercancias que quedan incorporades al régimen de libre importación - 22 de Febrero de 1963 (Resolution of the directorate general for foreign trade on goods incorporated into the free import system - 22 February 1963) Includes fish and fisheries products, Spain. Laws, 9-02564 MF Statutes etc. (1963) Bol,ofic,Estado, Madr,, (79):5553-7 Orden de 15 de marzo de 1963 por la que se aprueba una instrucción por la que se dictan normas complementarias para la aplicación del reglamento de actividades molestas, insalubres, nocivas y peligrosas (Order approving an instruction laying down supplementary rules for the application of regulations relative to activities that constitute a nuisance or are unhealthy, harmful or dangerous - 15 March 1963) The regulations concerned were issued in decree No, 2414 of 30 November 1961, The new instructions contain provisions to avoid demage to agriculture, forest, live-stock and fisheries property. 126 U.S. Ins, 9-02565 MF Statutes etc, (1963) Fed,Rer,U,S,, (14):523-4 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisherles - Chapter 2 : Bureau of commercial fisheries, fish and wildlife service, department of the interior - Subchanter G : Processed fishery products, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food vreducts - Part 260 : Inspection and certification - fees and charges - 14 January 1963 Increased charges due to increase in cost of maintaining inspection service for processed fishery products and other products, Uruguay. Laws, 9-02566 MF Statutes etc. (1962) Diario ofic,, Montevideo, (16563):81-A-91-A Decreto por el que se fijan los precios CIF - promedio - para la importación de las mercaderías que se detallan, manteniéndose los recargos que se establecieron - 13 de diciembre de 1962 (Decree fixing the average с.1.Г. prices for the import of goods listed, maintaining the charges already applicable - 13 December 1962) Includes fisheries products, Kawakami, S. (1962)A 9-02567 MF Mem,Fac,Fish,Kagoshima, 11(2):188-98 Abhandlung vom Verhältnis zwischen der Fischerei-Arbeitergenossenschaft und dem Fischerei-Führer, als der Hauptsache; Japanisches Arbeiterbundesgesetz 2, (Treatise on relation between the fishery- worker co-operative and the master-fisherman, on the main point of the Japanese workers - alliance law No, 2), Ni De ANON, (1963) New Scient,, 17(324):233 The navy will simulate dives to 1000 ft 9-02568 MF For testing divers in sea water at varying temperatures a system of pressure chambers is being constructed at the Royal Naval Physiological Laboratory at Alverstoke, Hampshire, for the joint use of the laboratory and the Admiralty's experimental diving unit. Contains general description of equipment used, 9 (2) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES New South Wales. Laws, 9-02569 Е Statutes, etc. (1962) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (25):675 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to the waters of Wallagoot Lake, County of Auckland - 5 December 1962 Prohibits the taking of fish by means of nets of every description other than the prescribed : dip or scoop net and a 20-foot hauling net for the capture of prawns only. However, (1) prawn nets, as prescribed by regulation 21; (2) meshing nets, as prescribed by regulation 23, and (3) garfish (bull-ringing) nets, as prescribed by regulation 18, may be used during the periods specified. New South Wales, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) GovtGaz,N,S.W,, (16) :483 Closure notification made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960 - 20 February 1963 9-02570 F Prohibits the taking of all species by all methods in the inland waters specified, from 25 February to 30 April 1963, New South Wales, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Govt Gaz,N,S,W,,(33):955 Notification made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960 relating to close season for trout - 10 April 1963 9-02571 F Rescinds notification of 8 August 1956 and alters the close season for trout throughout the state as set out in the schedule, for the years 1963, 1964 and 1965, Belgium. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Monit,belge, (63):3302-3 Arrêtés ministériels du 15 mars 1963 interdisant temporairement toute pêche dans certaines parties de l'Ourthe (Ministerial orders temporarily forbidding all fishing in certain parts of the Ourthe - 90852 E -15 March 1963). Ne Includes two of these orders forbidding fishing until the Saturday preceding the second Sunday in June 1966 exclusively. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) _Can,Gaz, (II), (4):149-50 SOR/63-54, Order in council Р.С. 1963-20h amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 8 February 1963 902373. F Concerns types of fishing and bag limits in the specified lakes, Canada, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (ТТ), (4):153-4 DORS/63-54, Décret С.Р. 1963-204 modifiant le règlement de pêche des Territoires du Nord-Ouest en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries - 8 février 1963 (SOR/63-54, Order in council Р.С. 1963-204 amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 8 February 1963) 9-02574 F Fr 9-02573. Canada, Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Can,Gaz, (II), (6):269-70 SOR/63-85. Order in council Р.С. 1963-388 amending the Yukon territory fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 9 March 1963 9-02575 Е Fixed quotas of whitefish and lake trouts in specified lakes, Canada, Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Can,Gaz, (11), (6):276-7 DORS/63-85, Décret С.Р. 1963-388 modifiant le réglement de pêche du territoire du Yukon en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries - 9 mars 1963 (SOR/63-85, Order in council Р.С. 1963-388 amending the Yukon territory fishery regulations made under the fisheries act - 9 March 1963) 9-02576 Е Fr 9-02575. Southern Rhodesia. Laws, 9-02577 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Sth.Rhod.Govt Gaz., (12), suppl. Govt Not. (126):2 p. (S.R. Govt Not. (97) of 1963 republished with corrections). Assignment of administration: Various acts - undated Assigns the fish conservation act, 1960, and the Lake Kariba fish (Levy) act, 1962, to the minister of lands and natural resources. 9 (2) 127 U.S. Laws, Statutes etc, (1962) Fed,Reg,U,S,, (228) :11549-50 Code of federal regulations title 36 : Parks, forests, and memorials - Chapter 1 : National park service, department of the interior - Part 7 : Special regulations relating to parks and monuments - Para, 7.7 Rocky Mountain national park, Colorado; Fishing, camping, traffic trails, dogs, cats and domestic pets, boats, sanitation and registration - undated 9-02578 F Revision of certain fishing regulations in said park, U.S. Laws, Statutes etc, (1962) Fed.Reg,U,S,, (3):124-7 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, department of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para, 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Upper Mississippi River wildlife and fish refuge, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin; Union Slough national wildlife refuge, lowa; De Soto national wildlife refuge, Iowa and Nebraska; Rice Lake and Tamarac national wildlife refuges, Minnesota; North Platte and Crescent Lake national wildlife refuges, Nebraska; and Arrowwood, Lake Ilo, Long Lake, Lower Souris, Tewaukon and Upper Souris national wildlife refuges, North Dakota) - 27-28 December 1962 9-025 T9 Е Temporary provisions, valid until 1 January 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, etc, U.S. Laws, Statutes etc, (1962) Fed, Reg.U.S., (4):157-8 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chap- ter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, department of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para. 33.5 - Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Chautauqua and Crab Orchard national wildlife refuges, Illinois) - 31 December 1962 9-02580 F Temporary provisions, valid until 1 January 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing, etc, 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U,S., (6):228-30 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wilälife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para. 33,5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Mark Twain national wildlife refuges, Illinois and Iowa; Seney national wildlife refuge, Michigan; Horicon and Necedah national wildlife refuges, Wisconsin) - 2 January 1963 9-02581 F Temporary provisions in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc. U.S. Laws, 9-02582 F Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg,U,5,, (12):453-4 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 382 Spore fishing - Para. 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Ruby Lake national wildlife refuge, Nevada) - 10 January 1963 Temporary provisions, valid until 1 January 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc. U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed, Reg.U.S., (17):646 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para, 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Desert game range and Charles Sheldon antelope range, Nevada) - 15 January 1963 9-02583 F Temporary provisions, valid until 1 January 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc, U.S. Laws, Stetutes etc. (1963) Fed, Reg.U.S,, (16):593 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wild- life, fish and wildlife service, department of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para, 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Still- water national wildlife refuge, Nevada) - 16 January 1963 9-0258h Е Temporary provisions, valid until 1 January 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc, U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed, Reg.U,S,, (32) :142h-5 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para, 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Reelfoot and Lake Isom national wildlife refuges, Tennesse; Mattamuskeet national wildlife refuge, North Carolina; White River “ national wildlife refuge, Arkansas; Mc Nary national wildlife refuge, Washington) - 4 February 1963 Temporary provisions in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc, 9-02585 F U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg,U,S,, (27) :1223-5 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fish- ing - Para. 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Big Lake and Wapanocca national wildlife refuges, Arkansas; Blackbeard Island, Piedmont and Okefenokee national wildlife refuges, Georgia; Kentucky Woodlands national wildlife refuge, Kentucky; Lacassine national wildlife refuge, Louisiana; Noxubee national wildlife refuge, Mississippi; Carolina Sandhills, Savannah and Santee national wild- life refuges, South Carolina; and St. Mark's national wildlife refuge, Florida) - 6 Feb- ruary 1963 9-02586 F Temporary provisions in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc, MISCELLANEOUS U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg.U,S,, (33):1480 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para, 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Little Pend Oreille national wildlife refuge, Washington) - 6 February 1963 9-02587 F Temporary provisions in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc, U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg,U,S,, (38):1729-30 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para. 33.5 special regulations; Sport fish- ing; for individual wildlife refuge areás (Mackey Island national wildlife refuge, North Carolina; and Mackay Island national wildlife refuge, Virginia) - 21 February 1963 9-02588 F Temporary provisions, valid until 1 Janvary 1964, in respect of species permitted to be taken, Open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing etc. U.S. Laws, 9-02589 F Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg,U,S,, (40):1797 CFR title 36 : Parks, forests, and memorials - Chapter 1 : National park service, department of the interior - Part 7 : Special regulations relating to parks and monuments - Para, 7.1) : Shenandoah national park (a) fishing - 26 February 1963 Amendments in respect of size limits and limits of catch. U.S. Laws, Statutes etc. (1963) Fed,Reg,U,S., (46):2237 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and Wildlife, fish and wildlife service, depart- ment of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para. 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individual wildlife refuge areas (Yazoo national wildlife refuge, Mississippi) - 27 February 1963 9-02590 F Fishing suspended for the 1963 season, 9 (2) AND AUXILIARIES 129 U.S. Laws, Statutes etc, (1963) Fed,Reg,U,S,, (18):2309 CFR title 50 : Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife service, department of the interior - Part 33 : Sport fishing - Para. 33.5 : Special regulations; sport fishing; for individuel wildlife refuge areas (Minen national wildlife refuge, Missouri) - L March 1963 9-02591 F Temporary provisions, valid until 1 October 1963 - in respect of species permitted to be taken, open season, daily creel limits, methods of fishing, etc. Plessis, Y. & Y. Fontaine (1961) 9-02592 F Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 33(2):236-9 Réalisation en laboratoire d'une communauté complexe d'eau douce (Establishment of a complex freshwater community in a laboratory) Description of equipment assembled to maintain a community comparable with those existing under natural conditions with respect to composition, nutrition and other characteristics. The set-up was required for a study of distribution of radioisotopes among different elements of the community. ANON, (1962) New Scient,, 16(318):684 Isotopes find the leaks in a reservoir 9-02593:.:P Short notice on the experiments in Korea using tracers consisting of small amounts of sodium chloride. Klement, A.W. Jr. & 9-02594 FG У. Schultz (1962)C Washington 25, D.C. U.S. Atomic-Energy Commission, Division of biology and medicine, 79» Terrestrial and freshwater radioecology: a selected bibliography NSA 16(21)28730. 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Smirnov, А.Р. (1962)B 9-02595 G ss M. de Peet 9-02597 G Mekhan,Avtomat,Proizvod., (8):28-32 ature, Lond., 199 1):400-2 (The mechanization of sorting large Temperature and rate of ageing in quantities of information). Ru poikilotherms Describes experiments and presents results that contradict the rate of living theory, and are fully consistent with the threshold theory. Smirnov, А.Р. (1963) 9-02596 G NLL Trans1,Bull,, 5(1):41-55 The mechanization of sorting large quantities of information Directory of British 9-02598 @ Scientists. Editorial Secretary (1963)C En 9-02595. London, Ernest Benn ee ai D. Obtainable from National Lending Library Directory of British scientists for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England, First annual volume of new series, giving short biographies in alphabetical order, a series of indexes, and also listing research institutions in U.K., scientific societies and their periodical publications, with addresses. 9 (2) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 3—REFERENCES 9-03001 to 9-03599 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Currie, R. (1963) 9-03001 M New Scient., 17(323):177-9 DISCOVERY: Britains's sea-going research laboratory The new DISCOVERY is being made ready for her first expedition - which will take her to the Arabian Sea; she has a range of 15,000 miles and will be equipped to persue research in all branches of marine science and capable of working in any part of the world's oceans. Information on new and scientific personnel, power and propulsion, deck gear, laboratory facilities, special scientific apparatus. Hülsemann, J. (1961) 9-03002 M Naturw.Räsch., 14(3):108-10 Meeresgeologie an der Universität von Stidkalifornien (USC) in Los Angeles (Marine geology at the University of southern California (USC) in Los Angeles) LZ 7(3):617. Russell, F.S. (Ed. )(1963) 9-03003 M Advanc Mar,Biol,, 1:410 р. Contains comprehensive review articles summarizing the general position of present knowledge on rearing of bivalve mollusks, the breeding of the North Atlantic freshwater- eels, aspects of photoreception and vision in fishes, biology of coral reefs, the behaviour and physiology of herring and other clupeids, Contains 9-03481, 9-03483, 9-0348k, 9-03185, 9-03485. 9(3) Nichols, D. (1962)C 9-03004 M London, Hutchinson University Library, 200 p. Echinoderms Steyaert, M. (1961) Cah,océanogr,, 13(8):534-7 Mission océanographique belge dans l'Antarctique 1960-1961 (Belgian oceanographic mission to the Antarctic 1960-1961) 9-03005 M Abstract of the report on the mission; observations were also made in the Gulf of Guinea and the Bank of Arguin, Research on physical, chemical and biological oceano- graphy. France. Comité Central 9-03006 M d'Oceanographie et d'Étude des Côtes (1961) Cah,océanogr., 13(8):519-605 * Contains sections on general information, technical notes 9-03005, 9-03048, 9-030h9, 9-03050, documentation received by secretaria and tables and diagrams of observations 9-03047, 132 Péres, J.-M. € L. Devèze (1963)C 9-03007 M Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 514 р. Océanographie biologique et biologie marine, Tome second, La vie pélagique (Biological oceanography and marine biology. Second volume, Pelagic life) A text book prepared for the marine sciences students. Discusses the general aspects of biological oceanography under chapters: The environments; penetration of solar radiation in the water, hydrastatic pressure, viscosity, density, temperature and chemistry of the sea water, Plankton; definition and classification, phytoplankton, primary production, zooplankton and food chain, Phytoplankton - zooplankton interrelation; Biological cycle in the water; and some aspects of the planktonic communities in the world, Incl, а selective bibliography on the subject, De Ley, J. (1962) 9-03008 M Hydrobiologia, 20(4):382-3 А.Е. Kriss. Meeresmikrobiologie. Tiefseeforschungen (Marine microbiology: deep sea) Ве 62-05175. McCormick, H.W. (1963)BC 9-03009 м Philadelphia, Chilton Books, №15 р. Shadows in the sea: the sharks, skates and rays Webster, D.K. (1963)BC New York, Norton, 223 p. Myth and maneater, the story of the shark 9-03010 M Aritsland, т. (1964)A Fisk.og Hav., (1):15 p. Klappmysshunnens forplantningsbiologi (The breeding biology of the hoodeá seal Cystophora cristata) 9-03011 M McLaughlin, М.В. (1962) London, Harrap, 188 р. Call to the south, a story of British wheling in Antarctica 9-03012 M 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hill, M.N. (Ed, )(1963) J,atmos,terr,Phys,, 25(6):371 "The sea" Vol, 1. 9-03013 M Re 8-12012. Meinschein, И.С. В. Nagy & D.Y, Hennessy (1963) Ann, N.Y,Acad,Sci,, 108(2):553 Evidence in meteorites of former life: The organic compounds in carbonaceous chondrites are similar to those found in marine sediment 9-03014 M Coppleson, V.M. (1962) Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 269 p. Shark attack 9-03015 M NE 60-6000, Durham, J.W. (1962) Proc,Calif,Acad,Sci,, 32(2):41-56 Scientific results of the Galapagos Expedition 1953-54 of the International Institute for Submarine Research, Vaduz (Liechtenstein), leader Dr. Hans Haas. Corals from the Galapagos and Cocos Islands 9-03016 M ВА 40E(2)8415, U.N. Special Fund. Caribbean Fishery Mission (1962) New York, United Nations, 37 p. Report to the managing director 9-03017 M At the request of a number of governments U.N. Special Fund appointed mission to study possibilities for developing Caribbean fisheries. Findings and recommendations of mission are embodied in this report. Mission recommends regional project, exploratory fishing, market research, and training. U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (1963) Newslett.nat.oceanogr.Data Cent., (2-63):12 p. 9-03018 M Contains announcements and short reports of meetings, working groups etc., cruise and project plans, publications, activities of institutes, scientists, and organizations, university activities, courses, fellowships. GENERAL Tornquist, E. (Ed. )(Vekari¿, 2, Transl, ) (1962) Belgrade, NOLIT Pub.House, 112 р. Works of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries; selected articles from Godiënjak, vol, 2. 1939-1940, IzvjeSéa, vol, №, no.lO, 1954, and Godiënjak, vol. 1, 1938 9-03019 M Available from the Office of Technical Services, Washington. ANON, (1963) Aust,J.Sci,, 26(2):45 Australian Marine Sciences Association 9-03020 M Brief report of the inaugural meeting of this association, Miller, R.G. (1961) N,2,5ci,Rev,, 19(1):9-14 A sketch history of ichthyological investigations of the Ross Sea 9-03021 M Notes on expeditions to the Ross Sea and the collections made there with a list of the fishes known from that sea and selected ichthyological references, Issued also as: Contr,N,Z,oceanogr,Inst,, (103) and Contr,Calif,Inst,Oc,Stud,, (7). U.S. Department of the Interior. 9-03022 M Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1962) Bangkok, IPFC/C62/CP 1, :9 p. Report of the fisheries management biologist for the fiscal year 1962 Describes the apportionment of the time and the various activities involved. The work was predominantly thas of maintenance. Only 3% of the time could be alloted to investigation on fishing and processingo France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1962) Cah,oc&anogr,, 14(4):201-03 9-03023 M Contains sections on general information, technical notes - 9-03084, 9-03264, 9-03065, - documentation received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations - 9-03079, 9 (3) 133 France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Cótes (1962) Cah,océanogr., 14(2):77-135 9-03024 M Contains sections on general information, technical notes - 9-03086, 9-03099 - documentation received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations - 9-03080, France, Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1962) Cah.océanogr., 14(3):137-99 9-03025 M Contains sections on general information, technical notes - 9-03100, 9-03087, 9-03088 documentation received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations - 9-03081, Amhacher, E. (1961) 9-03026 MG Jena, Veb. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 286 p. Taschenbuch der Fischkrankheiten, für Fischereibiologen, Tierärzte, Fischziichter und Aquarien (Manual of fish diseases for biologists, veterinaries, fish breeders and aquaria) Mizelle, J.D. (1962) 9-03027 MF Science, 138(3547):1325 Monogenetic trematodes Re 8-07038. Robins, C.R. (1963) Science, 140(3566) :475-6 Ichthyology 9-03028 MF Review on a general textbook containing physiological information and material relevant to fisheries biology. With a classical systematic background. Re 8- 06048. 134 Sal'nikov, M.Je. (1960) Dokl,Akad,Nauk ukr,SSR, (3) :404-6 Ekspedytsiia instytutu gidrobiologii po vyvchenniu migratsii ryb u Dunei (Expedition of the Institute of Hydrobiology to investigate the migration of Danube fishes), Uk 9-03029 MF Expedition organized by the Institute of Hydrobiclogy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainien SSR, Kiew, to study the migration of Cyprinus c lo, Abramis brama, Vimba vimba, Lucioperca lucioperca, Silurus glanis in the Danube. LZ 7(3) :637. ICSU (1962) 9-03030 MF Sum,Rec,int,Coun,sci,Un,, (14):279 р. Fourteenth meeting of the executive boara of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Summary record. Prague, October 17-21, 1962 Incl, list of participants, summary record of the 14th executive board: agenda - decisions of the bureau - report of the finance committee. Reports of the working groups. Resolutions adopted by the 14th executive board, Appends international biological programme, Do 61-343me, Lewin, В.А. (Ed. )(1962)C New York, Academic Press, 929 р. Physiology and biochemistry of algae 9-03031 MF A guide book for research workers, Nutrition and metabolism, end metabolic products, physiology of whole cells and plants; and physiological aspects of ecology, summarizes progress in the field of phycology, restricted to algae and its bio- chemistry and physiology, Briefly discusses epplied phycology, use of algae in human and animal diets and in industry, possible role of these in the treatment of sewage and ecology of radioactive waste. Descriptive phases of phycology have been excluded. Contains 9-03226, 9-03259 to 9-03260, 9-03272, 9-03297 to 9-03323, 9-03280 to 9-03293, 9-03359, 9-03374 to 9-03377, 9-03380, 9-03381. Under parts: composition of cells 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Florey, E. (Ed.) (1961)B New York, Pergamon Press, 475 p. Nervous inhibition, Proceedings of a symposium 9-03032 MF Contains 9-03234, 9-03237, 9-03240, 9-032k1, 9-03242, BA LOE(2)8496, Australia, Dept, of Fisheries and 9-03033 MF Wildlife (1961) Melbourne, 13 p. Report to the science and industry endowment fund on visit to the United States of America, 1961, by A. Dunbavin Butcher Korea. Central Fisheries Research Station (1962) Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Pusan, 1960-1962:45 p. 9-03034 MF Reviews the organization and work of the station and lists publications produced during 1960-1962. Grassé, Р.-Р.,. В.А. Poisson & 9-03035 G O. Tuzet (1961)C Baris, Masson et Cie,, 920 p. Précis de zoologie A general textbook with emphasis on overall presentation of variety of form and function within phyla rather than orthodox details of fewer "typical" species. Poland. (1961) Wersaw, Polish National FAO Committee, 86 p. Report for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the situation of Polish agriculture in the period 1958-1960 Polski Komitet FAO 9-03036 G Philippines, National Research 9-03037 G Council (1959) Bull,nat,Res,Coun,Philipp,, (43):260 р. Annual report for the year 1956-57, describing activities of the council, including partici- pation in international meetings to some of which contributions were made in oceanography, marine biology and fisheries, Organization and membership of the council is given, Publications by council members are listed, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Philippines. National Research 9-03038 G Council (1960) Bull.nat.Res,Coun,Philipp., (45):214 р. Annual report for year 1959-60, describing activities of the council, including partici- pation in international meetings to some of which contributions were made in oceanography, marine biology and fisheries. Organization and membership of the council is given, Publications by council members are listed, FAO. Fisheries Division (1962) 9-03039 G Bangkok, IPFC/C62/CP 2, :5 p. Organization of fishery research in relation to development Outlines international and regional problems and invites consideration of the roles of various organizations in solving them. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY ANON, (1963) 9-03040 M New Scient,, 17(323):165-6 The conveyor belt that moves the continent Some of the evidence for convection currents comes from studies of ocean-bottom topography. At the RAS meeting "The origin and constitution of the planets” Dr. Н.М. Menard described some of the latest results in the Pacific Ocean, obtained by the Scripps Oceanographic Institute, California, No 62-067me. ANON. (1963) 9-03041 M New Scient,, 17(323):183 Science in Overseas industry. Canada: Charting the depths for temperature Chart information on an electronic "slug" that sinks into the depths at a known rate end supplies temperatures required to study the speed and path taken by the sound waves from submarines, ed by engineers at EMI-Cossor Electronics, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, ANON. (1963) New Scient,, 17(330):563 HMS COCK's record ocean depth was mistaken A mechanical defect has been discovered in her deep echo-sounding machine, Marianas trench still remains the greatest known depth in the ocean, This device has been develop- 9-030h2 M The result of this error now means that the Challenger Deep in the 9 (3) Oaks, R.Q., Jr. & 9-03043 M N.K. Coch (1963) Science, 140(3570) :979-83 Pleistocene sea levels, southeastern Virginia Reports study of post-Miocene stratigraphy that reveals formations which show Pliocene(?) and Pleistocene cycles of emergence and submergence, Wyrtki, K. (1962) 9-030L4 M Aust,J Mar, Freshw,Res., 13(2):89-105 Geopotential topographies and associated circulation in the western South Pacific Ocean Gives data on the relationship between marine topography and currents collected in 1960 and 1961 by H.M.S. GASCOYNE. Boillot, G. (1961) 9-03045 M Cah,Biol.mer,, 2:53-66 La répartition des sédiments en baie de Morlaix et en baie de Siec (Sediment distribution in the Bays of Morlaix and Siec), En Based on studies of sediments between plus 10 m and -40 m. Three zones, different by their petrography, are defined. The stability of the proposed division is object of debate, 135 136 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Boillot, G. (1961) 9-03046 M Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:187-208 La répartition des fonds sous-marins dans la Manche occidentale (Distribution of submarine bottoms in the western part of the English Channel), En Describes the sediments and their distribution. Some quaternary, residual soils, from marine or continental origin, give precious indi- cations about the recent history of the Channel ana adjacent continental shelves. ANON, (1961) 9-03047 M Cah, océanogr,, 13(8):594-605 Resultats d'observations. Observations hydrologiques des b&timents de la marine nationale (Results of observations. Hydrogrephic observations of the French navy vessels) Tables of data and diagrams compiled at Cap Cantin and Madera Island (April 1959) and at east Madagascar and Reunion Island (Autumn 1959). Le Floch, J, (1961) 9-03048 M Cah,océanogr,, 13(8):547-51 Influence de la pression barométrique et du vent sur le niveau moyen au Havre (Effect of barometric pressure and the wind on the average level at Havre) Troadec, J.-P. (1961) 9-03049 M Cah,océanogr,, 13(8):552-68 Propagation ultrasonore et couches diffusants dans le milieu marin (Ultrasound propagation and scattering layers at sea) Reviews recent works and discusses physical and biological interpretation theories, Larras, J. (1961)A 9-03050 M Cah,océanogr, , 13(8):539-46 Notes techniques. Considérations sur les périodes de la houle irregulière (Technical notes, Considerations on the periods of irregular swells) 9 (3) Leenhardt, O. (1963) 9-03051 M C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(8):1541-4 Un sondage sismique continu sur le plateau continental près du Planier (Marseille) (A continuous seismic sounding in the continental shelf near the Planier (Marseille)) Preliminary note. Observations demonstrate the existence of a submarine canyon filled by sediments. Hampson, B.L. (1963) 9-03052 M Analyst, Camb,, 88(1048):529 Determination of zirconium-95 and niobium-95 in seaweed and sea water Tucker, M.J. (1963) 9-03053 M Sci,Progr,, 51(203):413 Long waves in the sea Berner, R.A. (1963) 9-03054 M Geochim.et Cosmoch,Acta, 27(6):563 Electrode studies of hydrogen sulfide in marine sediments Friedman, Т., Т. Sigurgeirsson 9=03055 M & O, Gardarsson (1963) Geochim,et Cosmoch,, 27(6):553 Deuterium in Iceland waters Bonatti, E. (1963) 9-03056 M Trens.N.Y.Acad.Sci,, 25(8):938 Zeolites in Pacific pelagic sediments Legenkov, A.P. (1963) 9-03057 M Izv,Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz,), (6):985-7 Attenuation coefficients and the rates of propagation of the Sverdrup waves PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kautuky, Н., О.Е. Schmitt (1963) Atompraxis, 9(6):224 A procedure for determining slight d and É activities in sea water 9-03058 M Gongwer, С.А. & E, Finkle (1963) ISA Trans,, 1(3):217 Turbulence meter: An instrument for oceanographic research 9-03059 M Ioc (1963) UNESCO/NS/I0C/INF-44:10 р. Fixed oceanographic stations. of development 9-03060 M Brief review Ill, comparative account on basis of informatior available in Unesco office of oceanography of characteristics of fixed oceanographic buoys (including vessels such as FLIP and automatic Weather stations) at present in use and being developed; incl, summary of report of IOC working group on this subject, Crooks, A.D. (Comp. )(1963) Oceanogr, Sta, List, (51):46 р. Coastal hydrological investigations in eastern Australia, 1960 9-03061 M Tabulation of temperature, chlorinity, sigma-t, oxygen, inorganic and total Phosphate and nitrate at various depths at 2ach station, Ryther, J.H, & D.W. Menzel (1961) Bermuda Biological Station, St. Georges West, :102 p. The biochemical circulation of elements in the Sargasso Sea, Appendix 1. Scientific reports, volume 1. Appendices to progress rept. 1 Sep 60 - 31 Aug. 61 CR 62-01798. 9-03062 M Ryther, J.H. & D.W. Menzel 9-03063 M (1961) Bermuda Biological Station, St. George's West, :93 p. The biochemical circulation of elements in the Sargasso Sea, Appendix 1, Scientific reports, volume 2, Appendices to progress rept, 1 Sep. 60 - 31 Aug. 61 Co 9-03062. 9 (3) 137 Ryther, J.H. & D.W. Menzel 9-03064 M (1961) Bermuda Biological Station, St. George's West, :56 p. The biochemical circulation of elements in the Sargasso Sea, Appendix 2. Reduced data, Appendices to progress rept. 1 Sep, 60 - 31 Aug. 61 Co 9-03063. Carsola, A.J. & Е.В. Callaway (1962) Limnol, $ Oceanogr,, 7(2):115-20 Two short-period internal wave frequency spectra in the sea off southern California 9-03065 M BA 39E(5)17632. Eriksson, E. (1962) Deep-Sea Res,, 9:1-9 Oceanic mixing 9-03066 M A model of the ocean circulation is presented which accounts for both the actual features of the circulation of sea-water as closely as possible as well as for the actual distribution of phosphorus, oxygen and carbon-14 in surface, intermediate and deep water, BA 39E(5)17637. Chave, K.E. (1962) Limnol,& Oceanogr,, 7(2):218-23 Factors influencing the mineralogy of carbonate sediments 9-03067 M The mineralogy of carbonate sediments from Campeche Bank and Bermuda was studied by use of X-ray diffraction techniques, ВА 39A(6)21759. Rodríguez, C.B. (1962) 9-03068 M Rev,Univ,, La Plata, (15)Sept.-Dec.1961:117-38 Approvechamiento de la energía de las mareas {Utilization of the tidal energy) General review of subject, with special reference to studies in Argentina at Valdés peninsula, 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bungenstock, H., H. Closs € 9-03069 M K. Hinz (1963) Erdöl u.Kohle, 16(6-1):450-5 A geophysical survey of the southern part of the North Sea ANON. (1963) Ordnance, №7(259):61 Ocean surveillance 9-03070 M Johnson, В.Н., J. Northrop & R. Eppley (1963) Zh.eksp.teor.Fiz., 45(1):4251 Sources of Pacific T phases 9-03071 M VOR Her zen, Rab. & 5- Uyeda $-03072 М (1963) J.geophys-Res., 68(14):4219-50 Heat flow through the eastern Pacific Ocean floor Issued also as: Contr.Scripps Instn Oceanogr., 33:407-38, 1964. Slichter, L.B. (1963) 9-03073 M Zh,eksp.teor,Fiz,, 45(1):14281 Secular effects of tidal friction upon earth's rotation Goldberg, E.D. et al. (1963) 9-03074 M J.geophys.Res., 68(14):4209-17 Rare-earth distributions in the marine environment Issued also as: Contr.Scripps Instn Oceanogr., 33:467-75, 1964. Garner, D.M. (1962) 9-03075 M U.S. Office of Naval Research, 285-(03):182 p. Some studies on the ocean circulation Ichiyo, T. (1962) 9-03076 M Tallahassee, Florida State University, Oceanographic Institute, 200 1, Oceanic turbulence (review) Preliminary paper, Unpublished manuscript, Kuroda, R. (1962) 9-03077 M Bull.Tohoku Fish,Res,Lab,, (22):45-115 (On the states of appearance of "shiome" in the waters to the northeast of Japan). Ni En "Shiome" refers to current rips and related phenomena known as slicks, The phenomena were classified according to their appearance and studied with respect to their length, temperature differences to either side of them, their relation with wind and water structure and dynamics, and their geographic distribution, Kerr, P.F. (1962) 9-03078 M Science, 137(3528):420-1 Possible quick-clay motion in turbidity currents An anology is drawn between a possible element in the flowage of ocean turbidity currents, and the turbulent flow of clay masses (quick clays) dormant for years which move over almost flat land as a result of shock. ANON. (1962) Cah,océanogr, , 14(4):274-83 Résultats d'observations (Results of observations) 9-03079 M Tables of data and diagrams of 1, The French navy ships LOTUS, VP.772 and ZÉLÉE in French Oceania (1960). 2, The average sea level in the littoral station of the AGI, at Goree, (Senegal). Berrit, G.R. (1962) Cah,océanogr, , 14(2):132-5 Résultats d'observations (Results of observations) 9-03080 M Tables of data and diagrams, 1. Echosounding results of a cruiser in spring 1960 in the Gulf of Biafra. 2. observations on the sea level at the littoral station of the A.G.I. at Gorée (Dakar). ANON. (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(3):187-99 Résultats d'observations (Results of observations) 9-03081 M Tables of data, diagrams and remarks on 1. Observations of the AMIRAL MOUCHEZ in the Gulf of Biscay (1960); 2. List of drifters 9 (3) recovered in 1961 in the Mediterranean Sea, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Bourcart, J., C. Lalou & 9-03082 M L. Mallet (1961) C.R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 252:640-4 The occurrence of hydrocarbons of the 3,4- benzopyrene type in the coastal muds and shore sands of the harbour of Villefranche (Alpes Maritimes) Investigations on the occurrence of carcino- genic hydrocarbons of the 3,4-benzopyrene type in the muds and sands, The results are discussed in relation to the structure and position of the harbour. WPA 35(10)1948, Potter, P.E. € F.J. Pettijohn (1963 )B Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 324 p. Paleocurrents and basin analysis 9-03083 MG History of paleocurrent investigations; Cross-bedding and ripple marks; Internal directional structures and shape of sedimentary bodies, reed form and structure; Dispersal and current systems; Basin analysis and the sedimentary model, Guilcher, A., L. Berthois & 9-03084 MG R. Battistini (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(4):208-L0 Formes de corrosion littorale dans les roches volcaniques, particulièrement à Madagascar et au Cap Vert (Sénégal) (Coastal corrosion forms in volcanic rocks, especially at Madagascar and at Cabo Verde, Senegal), En The origin of differential corrosion in the structures is not always the same, and slight disparities in petrological constitution can sometimes result in large differences in morphological behaviour. The differences in morphological evolution between parts of the same platform standing at different heights come perhaps from contrasts in corrosion by cristallizing salt, Lacaze, J. (1962)A 9-03085 MG Cah,océanogr,, 14(4):2h1-4 Les microséismes d'origine océanique 6 - résultats obtenus & Perpignan (Microseisms of oceanic origin. of observations at Perpignan) 6, Results Co 61-06749, 9 (3) 139 Tricert, J. (1962) 9-03086 MG Cah,océanogr,, 14(2):88-97 Etude générale de la desserte portuaire de la SASCA. Premiere partie: Conditions morphodynamiques générales du littoral occidental de Côte d'Ivoire (Generai study of the harbour road of the SASCA, First part: General morphodynamic conditions of the west littoral zone of the Ivory Coast) Geomorphological characteristics and morphodynamic processes, Clos-Arceduc, A. (1962) Cah,océanogr., 14(3):162-70 La démonstration de la loi de Lewis et les formes d'équilibre des plages (The demonstration of the Lewis lew and the equilibrium formes of the shores) 9-03087 MG Theoretical analysis, based on some examples particularly in the area of Quimper (Brittany, France). Toulon, Bureau d'Etudes 9-03088 MG Océanographiques (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(3):171-5 Au suject des conditions de lecture des thermomètres à renversement, Expérience faite à bord de 1'ORIGNY (About the reading conditions of reversing thermometers. Experiment carried out on board the ORIGNY) Study time required to obtain the most stable conditions in relation to thermal fluctuations of the environmental atmosphere, Malone, J.R. (1961) J,Wat,Poll,Contr,Fed,, 33(3):272 Dissolved oxygen titration assembly 9-03089 MF LZ 7(3):654, Murrsy, J.W. (1962) 9-03090 MF J,_Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 42(3):499-501 A new bottom-water sampler for ecologists A release device opens а rubber tube when the apparatus touches bottom and a sphere fills by compression of the contained air so that the size of the sample is dependent On the hyärostatic pressure. As the instrument is raised the inlet closes and pressure adjust- ment occurs via a valve, 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Baptist, J.P. (1963)B 9-03091 MF Publ, U.S.publ,Hlth Serv, , (999-R-3):11-33 Savannah estuary environmental radiological survey (SEERS) Rice, T.R. (1963)B 9-03092 MF Publ,U,S.publ,Hith Serv,, (999-R-3):35-50 Accumulation of radionuclides by aquatic organisms Schoettger, В.А. € J.R. Olive (1961) Limnol,& Oceanogr,, 6:216-9 Accumulation of toxaphene by fish-food organisms 9-03093 MF With chronic doses, the amounts accumulated by Daphnia and periphyton can be toxic to fish, This explains the long residual period of toxicity which has been observed when toxaphene is used as a fishpoison, WPA 35(10)2069. Visintin, В. € 5. Monteriolo (1961) Ann.Chim, , Roma, 51:266-87 Determination of monomeric silica and its primary polymers in water, spectro-photo- metrically as B-silicomolybdic acid, in the Presence of interfering lons 9-03094 MF Interference from phosphate ions can be Overcome by adding mannitol solution before the reading, and from fluoride by addition of aluminium ions or boric acid, WPA 35(10)1961, Haberer, K. (1962) Kerntechnik, 4:110-5 Critical comments on the direct continuous measurement of radioactivity in water and sewage 9-03095 MF WPA 35(10)1965. Langbein, W.B. (1961) 9-03096 MF Washington Government Printing Office, :20 p, Salinity and hydrology of closed lakes The salinity of closed lakes is highly variable, ranging from less than 1% to over 25% by weight of salts, Evidence suggests that the tonnage of salts in a lake solution is substantially less than the total input. Gulyayeva, L.A. & E.S. Itkina (1963) Geokhimiia (En Transl,), (5):610 Halogens in marine and fresh-water sediments 9-03097 MF Sullivan, S.A. (1963) J.opt.Soc.Amer,, 53(8):962 Experimental study of the absorption in distilled water, artificial sea water and heavy water in the visible region of the spectrum 9-03098 MF Rosset, F, (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(2):103-19 Expérience de dispersion d'un effluent dans la mer (Experiments on the dispersion of an effluent into the sea) 9-03099 MF Preliminary studies on the properties of rejected radioactive waste in the roadstead of Cherbourg. Tricart, J. (1962)A Cah,océanogr,, 14(3):146-67 Etude générale de la desserte portuaire de la SASCA. Deuxième partie: Les sites portuaires, leurs caractéristiques morpho- dynamiques et leurs possibilités d'aménage- ment (General study of the harbour road of the SASCA, Seccrd part: The harbour emplacements, their morphodynamic characteristics and their possibilities of accommodation) 9-03100 MF Co 9-03086 Palin, А.Т. (1961) Wat.& Sewage Wks, 108:461-2 T he determination of free residual bromine in water 9-03101 MF The Palin-DPD method has been modified for determinations in the presence or absence of free chlorine, WPA 35(10)1950. Marichal, М. & В. Benoit (1962) 9-03102 MF Chim,anal,, 44(2):70-2 Determination of Rhodamine B in natural water The method involves extraction with iso-amyl alcohol and spectrophotometric analysis, WPA 35(10)1959. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Prochézkové, L. (1961) Z,anal.Chen,, 182:103-7 Use of the chloranilic acid method for the colorimetric determination of sulphate in water 9-03103 MF WPA 35(10)1962. Grune, W.N. (1961) 9-0310 MF Wat,& Sewage Wks, 108:472-3 Determination of low-level radioactivity in water WPA 35(10)1969. Cleary, E.J. (1961) Wasserwirtschaft, 51(4):85-90 Ein Fluss-Roboter für die Kontrolle der Wasserglite (A river robot for the control of water quality) 9-03105 F Gives detailed information on ORSANCO Robot Monitor, electronic instrument for measuring water pollution, LZ 7(3):653. Husmann, W.S.W. € R. Krone (1961) Wasserwirtschaft, 51(4):97-101 Kontinuierliche Messung des Salzgehaltes in Flusswässern (Continual measurements of the salt content in running waters) 9-03106 F LZ 7(3):65k. Knop, E. (1961) Wasserwirtschaft, 51(4):94-7 Kontinuierliche Messungen im Abwasser und Gewässer (Continual measurements in waste water and water) 9-03107 Е 12 7(3):653. 9 (3) 141 Dräbek, в. (1960) Wass,u Abwass,, 1960:175-85 Über die Entphenolung von Abwässern mit Hilfe eines Schlackenfilters (Dephenolization of waste waters by means of a filter) 9-03108 F LZ 7(3):661. Hollis, M.D. (1961) J,Wat,Poll,Contr,Fed,, 33(3):215-22 The water pollution image 9-03109 F LZ 7(3):660. Elster, H.-J. (1962) Arch,Hydrobiol,, 25(4):351-92 Beiträge zur Limnochemie der Hochschwarz- waldseen 4 (Contributions on the limnochemistry of the Black Forest Lakes №), En 9-03110 Е The last of a series of papers on the limnochemistry of seven lakes based on work done between 1948-1950; treats with the cycles and circulation of inorganic nitrate (Pt. 1), phosphate, iron and manganese (Pt. 2), and gives a brief review of the proceeding papers, Elster, H.-J. (1962) Arch,Hydrobiol,, 25(4):430-55 Untersuchungen fiber die Rolle des Rheinwassers im Schluchsee und in den Zwischenstaubecken der Schluchseewerk-AG 1951-1954 (Investigations on the effect of Rhine water in the Schluchsee and in the intermediate reservoirs of the Schluchsee Work Company 1951-1954). En 9-03111 F Outlines the sequence of physico-chemical changes in reservoir lakes receiving pumped Rhine water subsequent to 1951, Gives data from 1949-1954, 142 Matoni®kin, I. & Z. Pavletié 9-03112 F (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3):225-44 Contributo alla conoscenza dell'ecologia delle biocenosi sulle cascade travertinose nella regione Carstica Jugoslava (Contribution to the knowledge of the ecology biocenoses on the travertine cascades in the Jugoslavian Karst). It En De A brief review of some of the physico-chemical and biological factors with their effects on living conditions. George, M.G. (1961) 9-03113 F Hydrobiologia, 18(3):265-73 Diurnal variations in two shallow ponds in Delhi, India The first record of diurnal changes in water chemistry and plankton during typical summer conditions in shallow waters of North India, Vamos, R., J. Zsolt € M. 9-03114 F Ribianszky (1962) Acta Univ, szeged, (biol, ), 8(1-4):103-14 Wesserblüte und Fischsterben (Water 'blooms' and fish mortality) Discusses the problem in relation to fishponds, Chemical investigation of ponds on peaty soil showed that the phenomenon was related to the eccumulation of hydrogen sulphide in certain seasons, Gräf, М. & H, Bickel (1960) Arch,Hyg., Münch,, 144:421-8 Antibiotic relations between algae and bacteria 9-03115 Е WPA 35(10)1929. Schlüter, M. (1961) Literaturber Wass Abwass, , 10:35 Hydrobiological investigations on small bodies of water in the protected district of Strausberg near Berlin with special reference to diatoms 9-03116 F WPA 35(10)1932, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Courtois, G., P. Jaffry & 9-03117 Р M. Heuzel (1962) Nuclear Sci,Abstr,, 16:2078 Use of radioactive tracers in studying the transport of solids in watercourses Describes the use of radioactive tracers to study the movement of shingle drifting in the River Rhône and of sand in the River Niger, Tracers used were manganese-56 and sodium-2k, WPA 35(10)1978. Beek, Т.М. (1961) Pulp Pap, (Mag, )Can, , 62(2):T63-T65 Waste disposal in natural waters 9-03118 F Considers the waste-assimilation capacity of water, mechanism of assimilation, B.O.D., assessment of damage caused by waste waters, tolerable limits of pollution, and a policy for waste disposal in natural waters. WPA 35(10)2059, Klapper, Н. (1960) Wasserw, -WassTechn,, 10:444-8 The biological conditions of the Elbe in the DDR 9-03119 F Discusses recent and past investigations of fish mortality, WPA 35(10)2061, Cadigan, А.М. (1961) Pulp & Pap,Ind,, 35(17):47-52 Clean streams 9-03120 F Reviews the progress during the past 2 decades in controlling river pollution resulting from the discharge of pulp and paper industry waste waters, WPA 35(10)2076, Povoledo, D. (1961) 9-03121 F Mem, Ist, ital, Idrobiol,de Marchi, 13:203-22 Ulteriori studi sulle sostanze organi che disciolte nell'acqua del Lago Maggiore: Frazionamento e separazione delle proteine dai peptidi e dagli aminoacidi liberi (Ulterior studies on the organic substances in solution in Lake Maggiore waters: Fractionation and separation of proteins from peptids and free amino acids), It ВА 39A(6)2178k, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Stroganov, N.S. (1960) Vestn,mosk, Univ, (Biol, ), 2:3-17 Sovremennye problemy vodnoi tekstikologii (Contemporary problems in hydro-toxicology) 9-03122 F Extended experiments with Dephnie magna and D, pulex comprise the basis for a demonstration of the cumulative character of the toxic effect in a series of generations exposed to copper sul- fate, radioactive Na2HP3204, uranium and thorium, as well as ethylmercuric phosphate, BA 4OE(5)21293. Stroganov, N.S. (ANON. Transl, ) 9-03123 F (1961) € Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl, ), 6D496 Contemporary problems in hydro-toxicology En 9-03122, ВА \0Е(5)21293, Douglas, М.Н. € М.Н. Irwin 9-03124 Е (1963) Industr.Wet,, 8(1):23 Relative resistance of fish to petroleum refinery wastes - Part 2 Knop, E. (1961) 9-03125 Е Wasserwirtschaft, Stuttgart, 51:94-7 Continuous measurements in waste water and streams An illustrated description is given of the Hills station where water from the Lippe and vaste waters discharged from the Hüls chemical works are automatically collected and distributed in different mixtures to a collecting tank emptied every two hours (at which time a 10 litre sample is taken), to aquaria, and to flow-through mixing channels where the growth of algae and sewage fungus and long-term alterations in the condition of the water can be observed. WPA 35(10)1945. 9 (3) 143 Husmann, W., W. Schoch & 9-03126 F R. Krone (1961) Wasserwirtschaft, Stuttgart, 51:97-101 Continuous measurement of salt content in river waters Discusses the use of conductivity measurements and the design and use of the so-called "electrodeless" cell. Examples are given of the results and the calculation and use of correction factors for different salts, temperatures, and water levels. A monogram for correcting the automatic record by means of a factor dependent on water level is given. WPA 35(10)1960. Borenius, L. (1962) Vesitalous, 3(2):5-8 Water pollution abatement from the viewpoint of industry. En 9-03127 Е Discusses the new Finnish water law which prohibits any measure causing pollution without permission from the interested party. Refers specially to the pulp and paper industry. МРА 35(10)2056. Hettche, Н.О. (1960) 9-03128 FG Arch,Hyg., Münch,, 144:467-76 Biological effects of detergents WPA 35(10)2073. Capelle, R. (1961) Chim,anal,, 43:280-1 Colorimetric determination of copper in water using oxalyldihydrazide-acetaldehyde 9-03129 FG WPA 35(10)1952. 144 Schanze, U.O. (1961) 9-03130 FG Städtehygiene, 12:116-7 Highly sensitive apparatus for control of radioactivity in water supplies Describes apparatus developed by Plessy- Nucleonics for the measurement and recording of radioactivity in water works. A submerged counting tube, sensitive to B and g-rays is fixed in the actual measureing chamber and surrounded with a bed of ion-exchange resin, WPA 35(10)1967. SpivakovskiY, V.B., V.A. 9-03131 G Zimmina & 1..5. Gavriliuk (1961 Zav, Lab. , Moskva, 27:390-1 (Determination of traces of uranium in minerals and natural water). Ru WPA 35(10)1973. Fager, Е.М. € J.A. McGowan 9-03134 M (1963) Science, 140(3566) :453-60 Zooplankton species groups in the North Pacific Describes species associations concurring with the main water masses but finds the correlation between hydrographic variables and animal occurence poorer than if the usually measured fectors were the most important in determining distribution, Elumer, M., М.М. Mullin & D.W. Thomas (1963) Science, 140(3570):974 Pristane in zooplankton 9-03135 M Reports that hydrocarbon pristane occurs in unusually high concentrations in Calanus finmerchicus, C, glacialis and C, hyperboreus which appear to be the primary source of the pristane in liver oils of sharks and whales, BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Robinson, B.P. (1962) 9-03132 G Washington Government Printing Office, :132 p. Ion-exchange minerals and disposal of radioactive wastes. A survey of literature Ohlweiler, О.А. (1960) J,anal,Khim,, 15:723-5 Indirect polarographic determination of sulphate and its application to water analysis 9-03133 G After destroying organic matter, lead nitrate in 25 per cent aqueous ethanol is added to precipitate the sulphate ions and the excess lead ions are determined polarographically, WPA 35(10)1963. PLANKTON 9 (3) Clarke, G.L. et al, (1962) 9-03136 M J,Mar,biol,Ass U,K,, 42(3):541-64 Comparative studies of luminescence in copepods and other pelagic marine animals Reviews present knowledge regarding copepod bioluminescence, and gives results of a comparative study of 13 species and photoelectric records of flashes produced by electrical and mechanical stimulation, Morphological details of luminous glands are figured. Berner, A. (1962) J.Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 42(3):625-k0 Feeding and respiration in the copepod Temora longicornis (Miller) Laboratory experiments on material of a cosmopolitan copepod from the Clyde using radio phosphorus in determining filtration rates and a modified Winkler method for measuring respiration, Feeding and respiratory rates showed some seasonal variation. 9-03137 M Foxton, P. (1963) 9-03138 M J,Mer,biol.Ass,U,K,, 43(2):295-308 An automatic opening-closing device for large plankton nets and mid-water trawls Describes pressure actuated mechanism allowing the catch below a selected depth to be separated from that above it, Technical details and calibration are discussed, The device ope operates with 14% error over a 0-1000 m depth range. Cushing, D.H. & D.S. Tungate 9-03139 M (1963) J, Mar, biol,Ass,U.K,, 43(2):327-36 Studies on a Calanus patch - 1, The identification of a Calanus patch Results of nine plankton cruises in 1954 off the М.Е. coast of England to observe the movements, density and distribution of a patch that evidently remained a homogeneous population unit over 66 days, Cushing, D.H. (1963) 9-03140 M J Mar, biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):339-47 Studies on a Calanus patch - 2. The estimation of algal production rates A theoretical method and one using the decrease in width of diatoms across the pervacuar axis were used and gave results agreeing quite closely. Co 9-03139. Cushing, О.Н. & Т. Vucetic 9-03141 M (1963) J.Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):349-71 Studies on a Calanus patch - 3. The quantity of food eaten by Calanus finmarchicus The specific growth rate is found to demand a rate of feeding higher than any previously suggested and may at times amount to a daily ration in excess of half the body weight. Grazing rather than nutrient shortage seems to limit algal production, Co 9-03140, PLANKTON 9 (3) 145 Cushing, D.H. € H.F. Nicholson 9-03142 M (1963) J,Mar.biol,Ass,U,K., 43(2):373-86 Studies on a Calanus patch - 4, Nutrient salts off the north-east coast of England in the spring of 1954 Discusses the relationships between algal production and the supply of nutrients on the basis of measurements of phosphate silica and nitrate determinations at different depths; Phosphorus regeneration appears to be immediate, silica probably slower, Co 9-03141, Cushing, D.H. (1963) 9-03143 M J,Mar,biol,Ass,U.K,, 43(2) :387-9 Studies on a Calanus patch - 5, The production cruises in 1954: Summary and conclusions Surveys briefly the preceding four papers on 13 cruises made between mid March and early June and stresses the importance of animal grazing in controlling spring algal populations as main conclusion of the work. Co 9-03142. Johnston, В. (1963) J.Mer,biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):409-25 Antimetabolites as an aid to the study of phytoplankton nutrition 9-03144 M From studies of the effect of synthetic analogues of natural metabolites on the inhibition of unicellular marine algae it is suggested a) that antimetabolites might be used to measure natural metabolites in sea water, b) that susceptability to antimetabolites might be related to phyto- plankton succession, Johnston, R. (1963) J.Mer,biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):427-56 Sea water, the natural medium of phytoplankton - 1, General features 9-03145 M Bioassays, of the suitability of water from different localities for phytoplankton growth, using Skeletonema, Peridinium and mixed phytoplankton, showed that recorded phyto- plankton abundance agreed with assay results _ less well than did the occurrence of zoo- plankton indicators, 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Edwards, C. (1963) J.Mer,biol.Ass.U.K,., 43(2):457-67 On the Anthomedusse Tiaranna rotunda (Quoy & Gaimard) and Modeeria formosa Forbes 9-03146 M Reviews the history of the species, describes and figures young stages of T, rotunda from the Firth of Clyde and shows these to be Forbes'_M. formosa, The name modeeria retains priority, "formosa" is discarded and the species becomes Modeeria rotunda (Fam, Tirannidse). Cowey, C.B. € E.D.S. Corner (1963). J.Mar.biol,Ass.U.K., 43(2):485-93 Amino acids and some other nitrogenous compounds in Calanus finmarchicus 9-03147 M Analysis data for material from the Clyde are compared with those for another Calanus. The high fraction of free acid may be important in adaption of the animal to dilute sea water. An estimate of amino acid as a percentage of total particulate nitrogen in Clyde water is compared with other recent analyses made elsewhere. Cowey, С.В. & E.D.S. Corner (1963) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U.K., 43(2):495-511 On the nutrition and metabolism of zooplankton - 2, The relationship between the marine copepod Calanus helgolandicus and particulate material in Plymouth sea water, in terms of amino acid composition 9-03148 M A study of the amino acid content of 9 C. helgolandicus from March to December, Gives data on respiration rate, and from experiments on losses by starving animals calculates summer and winter filtration rates required to maintain body amino acid. Finds the amino acids in Skeletonema and detritrus so close that no advantage would be gained by selective feeding on the diatom, Fenaux, L. (1961)A Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:209-221 Une larvae de spatangide Echinopluteus solídus (Mortensen), du plancton de Villefranche-sur-Mer (A larva of spatangide Echinopluteus solidus (Mortensen), from the plankton of Villefranche- sur-Mer). En 9-03149 M Breger, Г.А. & A, Brown (1963) Trans.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 25(7):741 Distribution and types of organic matter in a barred marine basin 9-03150 M Colton, J.B.Jr., K.A. Honey & В.Р. Temple (1961) J,Cons,, 26(2):180-90 The effectiveness of sampling methods used to study the distribution of larval herring in the Gulf of Maine 9-03151 M BA 39E(4)13251, Parke, M. (1962) J.Mar,biol.Ass.U,K,, 4+2(2):391-L04 Studies on marine flagellates, 6, Chrysochromulina pringsheimii sp,nov. 9-03152 M Chrysochromulina pringsheimii with an unusual type of cocoon-like scaly covering has been described with the light microscope, Co 59-2617, 580198. ВА LOE(2)8398, Ooishi, S. (1962) Rep,Fac,Fish,Univ,Mie, 4(2):7-25 Four species of notodelphyoid copepods newly found in Japan 9-03153 M Ill. descriptions of Notodelphys agilis Thorell villosus n. subsp., Notodelphyopsis falciferus Schellenberg, Doropygus pulex Thorell pinguis n. subsp, and Doropygus rigidus п. sp. Wood, E.J.F. (1963) 9-03154 M Rep.Mar.biol,Lab,C.S.I.R.0., (36):30 р. Checklist of diatoms recorded from the Indian Ocean Each sp. name is accompanied by a reference to papers which report occurrence of the sp. in the Indian Ocean, The references are collected in a bibliography. Enomoto, Y. (1963) Bull,Jap,Soc.sci,Fish., 29(2):114-7 Studies on the food base in the Yellow and the East China Seas - 4, Notes on some indicator plankton species 9-03155 M Report of characteristic occurrences of some plankton spp. additional to dominant zooplankton reported in a preceding paper, Co 9-02113, Baker, А. de С. (1963) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):291-4 The problem of keeping planktonic animals alive in the laboratory 9-03156 MG A brief account of two constant temperature tanks installed in R.R.S. DISCOVERY II and the oceanic animals kept in them during three cruises in the N,E, Atlantic, Mulford, В.А. (1963) Chesapeake Sci,, 4(2):84-9 Distribution of the dinoflagellate genus Ceratium in the tidal and offshore waters of Virginia 9~03157 MF Distribution of the genus Ceratium in lower Chesapeake Bay and adjacent offshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean is described, Of 13 species listed, four (C, lineatum, C, tricho- ceros, C, massiliense, and C, arcticum) have not been previously recorded in the lower bay. Marshall, 5.М. € А.Р. Orr (1962) J.Mar,biol,Ass.U,K,, 42(3):511-9 Carbohydrate as a measure of phytoplankton 9-03158 MF Describes a rapid and simple method of estimating carbohydrate as an alternative to colorimetric methods. Zooplankton carbohydrate is low and unlikely to upset the estimation, but detritus remains an unknown factor, Loch Striven in 1960/61 is used as an example, Campello, F. et al. (1963) 9-03159 MF C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(3):618 (Study on existing relations between plankton and bacterias in La Pallice portuary waters). Fr Chadwick, A, (1961) 9-03160 MF Comment, biol, ‚Helsinki, 23(1-10):15 р. Studies on the relationship between the salinity and the activity of the contractile vacuole of two species of Protozoa found in the rock-pools near Tvärminne Studies two species of Vorticella and gives details of the effect of salinity on output, PLANKTON 9 (3) 147 Kane, H.E. (1962) 9-03161 MF J,Paleont,, 36(4):834-6 The distribution of the Foraminifera of Sabine Lake and Sabine Pass, Texas and Louisiana, and the nearshore area of the Gulf of Mexico ВА 4OE(2)4395. Iwai, T. (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Univ.Mie, 5(3):412-506 (Ecological studies on the phytoplankton of the brackish water ponds). Ni En 9-03162 MF Study of phytoplankton communities in brackish-water, eel-culture ponds in Mie Prefecture with regard to composition, distributional range of components and seasonal changes, Analysis is also made of environmental factors affecting growth of dominant phytoplanktons. Müller, K. (1963) Nature, Lond,, 198(4882) :806-7 Diurnal rhythm in ‘organic drift' of Genmerus pulex 9-03163 F Samples of ‘drifting' Gammarus in a West German brook show that a diurnal rhythm, influenced by light and temperature, is involved. Patten, B.C. (1963) 9-03164 F Science, 140(3569) :894-8 Plankton: Optimum diversity structure of a summer community Vertical structure maintained by plankton in York River, Virginia, in 1960 is shown mathematically to approximate to optimal profit on ‘original energy investment". Björk, S. (1960) 9-03165 F Skr,sverig,FiskFören,, 1958:45 bis 69 Tabellaria teilingii i planktonsamhällen fran sydsvenska sjdar (Tabelleria teilingii in plankton communities in lekes of southern Sweden), Sv LZ 7(3):642, 148 Schröder, R. (1962) 9-03166 F Arch,Hydrobiol,, 25(4):401-29 Vertikalverteilung des Zooplanktons und Thermokline (Vertical distribution of the zooplankton and thermocline). En Continuous observations made with an echo- sounder show that within certain limits of pressure and illumination the zooplankton of Lake Constance remains within the thermo- cline, Schröder, R. (1962) 9-03167 Е Arch, Hydrobiol,, 25(4):414-29 Vertikalverteilung des Zooplanktons in Abhängigkeit von den Strahlungsverhältnissen in Seen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften (Vertical distribution of the zooplankton in relation. to illumination in lakes with different characteristics). En Plankton profiles were constructed using pump samples frcm meter depth intervals taken in the late morning. Deep water species have a more variable day depth. Cladocere rely on light, copepods primarily on physico-chemical prop- erties for depth edjustment. Depth changes alter the spectral range of radiations perceived by cladocera, Alexander, J.B. (1962) Biochem.J., 85: 27 р. Proceedings of the Biochemical Society - An ethanol-soluble protein from isolated cilia 9-03168 F Reports the results of biochemical and immunological studies on these isolated cilia from Tetrahymene pyriformis. Wawrik, F, (1962) 9-03169 F Arch Hyärobiol,Suppl,, 27(1):28-35 Zur Frage: Führt der Donaustrom autochthones Plankton (On the question: autochthonous plankton). Does the Danube carry an En Quantitative and qualitative information on the distribution of planktonic algae in the surface waters of the Denube between Vienna and Sulina is related to hydrographic data, and a relationship is found between S102 content and phytoplankton density, 3. Auto- chthonous diatoms are named, 9 (3) BIBLICGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Thomasson, K. (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3):192-8 Zur Planktonkunde Spitzbergens. 2, (Plankton studies in Spitzbergen 2.) 9-03170 F Deals with plankton communities in some West Spitzbergen water bodies, Ci 59-1284. Evans, J.H. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 19(4):299-315 The distribution of phytoplankton in some central East African weters. Fr 9-03171 Е Describes observations in Pilkington Bay, Lake Victoria, and in Lake Kyoga made in 1960. A number of new records from Lake Kyoga are listed. Wibaut Isebree Moens, N.L, & R. Peelen (1962) Hydrobiologia, 19(4):339-50 Biological purification in riverwater under the influence of light 9-03172 F Experiments with respect to the role of phytoplankton, Uherkovich, G. (1962) 9-03173 F Acta Univ.szeged,(biol,), 8(1-4):115-21 Das Leben der Tisza. 19. Die Planktonalgengemeinschaften der Tisza (Theiss), mit besonderer Rilcksicht auf die zUnologische Stellung der Scenedesmus-arten (Life of the Tisza basin. 19, The communities of planktonic algae, with special reference to the zonal position of species of Scenedesmus ) Nipkow, F. (1961) Schweiz.Z,Hydrol,, 23(2):398-№61 Die Rädertiere im Plankton des Zürichsees und ihre Entwicklungsphasen (The rotifers in the plankton of Lake Zärich and their developmental phases) 9-03174 F The identification of species by their resting eggs is discussed and the characteristics of the eggs are tabulated. Synchaeta verrucosa and Collotheca tubiformis are described as new. BA 39E(4)16764, Sakamoto, M. € K. Hogetsu (1963) Plant Cell Physiol,, 4(2):187 Spectral change of light with depth in some lakes and its significance to the photosyn- thesis of phytoplankton 9-03175 F АМОМ. (1963) New Scient,, 18(340):452 The chemistry of the sea squirts' nerves 9-03177 M Experiments show that the ganglia contain from 20-120 microgrammes of ACh for each gramme of wet weight, Tunicates are no exception to the unified neuro-chemical pattern found in all other major groups of higher animals, White, W.R. (1963) Nature, Lond,, 198(4882) :807 Deformed mussels from power station culverts 9-03178 M Describes mussels from Brighton 'B' and Marchwood intake culverts, and suggests that deformities might arise through prolonged opening of the shell valves, Buck, J.D., S.P. Meyers & 9-03179 M K.M. Kamp (1962) Science, 138(3547):1339-40 Marine bacteria with antiyeast activity Various marine substrates were examined quantitatively and qualitatively for bacteria. Parker, В.С. (1963) 9-03180 M Science, 140(3569):891-2 Translocation in the giant kelp Macrocystis 14 C labelled bicarbonate shows that organic products are moved basal or distal through the stipe, Rieth, A. (1961) Biol,7b1,, 80(№):429-36 Ein marines Porphyridium von der Mittel- meerktiste bei Neapel und die Berechtigung der Art Porphyridium marinum Kylin (A marine Porphyridium from the Mediterranean coast near Naples and the validity of the species Porphyridium marinum Kylin) 9-03181 M BENTHOS 149 Kaiser, P. (1960) 9-03176 FG Z.wiss.Zool., 162(3/4):368-93 Die Leistungen des Flimmerepithels bei der Fortbewegung der Basommetophoren (The performance of the ciliated epithelium in the locomotion of the Basommatophora) BA k0E(5)21344. BENTHOS 9 (3) Tseng, С.К. & С.Е. Chang 9-03182 м (1961) Acta bot,sin,, 9(3/4):316-36 (On the botanical names of economic marine algae in old Chinese literature), Ch En BAgr.27(6)16681. Beth, K. & A. Merola (1960) Delpinoa, 2:3-14 (Some experiments on epiphytism in the communities of marine algae). De En 9-03183 M BAgr.27(6)47167. Fischer-Piette & J. 9-03184 M Seoane-Camba (1962) Bull, Cent.Etud,Rech,sci,, Biarritz, 4(2):171-85 Sur un facteur de prospérité de Littorina littorea et son effet sur la frontiére superieure de l'espéce (A prosperity factor of Littorina littorea and its effect on the upper limit) Based on observations made in Galicia (Spain). Discusses the possible effect of organic matter on Littorina, Yonge 3 C M. ( 1963 ) Advanc.Mar, Biol. , 1:209-60 The biology of coral reefs 9-03185 M Detailed review of the subject under chapters: Systematics and distribution; settlement of Pianulae; ecology of atolls; Atlantic reefs; erosion; physiology; zooxanthellae, nature, significance of the association; growth; effect of light; productivity. With ill, Incl, a full bibliography, 150 Forster, G.R. (1962) 9-03186 M J.Mer.biol.Ass,U.K,, 42(3):493-8 Observations on the ormer population of Guernsey A short quantitative investigation of the population of Haliotis tuberculata by a diver. Details are given of collecting methods and data on size presented with short ecological notes. Manton, I. & M. Parke (1962) 9-03187 M J.Mar UK,, 12(3):565-78 Preliminary observations on scales and their mode of origin in Chrysochromulina polylepis sp. nov. Describes a species of Chrysothromulina producing four types of scale on the same cell, E.M, studies of scale production are recorded together with observations on diurnal rhythms of other cell components. The species is non-toxic to fish, Boney, A.D. & E.D.S. Corner (1963) 9-03188 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.U.K., 42(3):579-85 On the effects of some carcinogenic hydrocarbons on the growth of sporelings of marine red algae Low concentrations of various carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons cause marked increases in cell production in sporelings. The applicability of the method as a screening test for carcinogens is discussed. de Silva, P.H.D.H. & 9-03189 M E.W. Knight-Jones (1962) J, Mar, biol,Ass,U¿K,, 42(3):601-8 Spirorbis corallinae n.sp. and some other Spirorbinae (Serpulidae) common on British shores A description of the new species with a key and notes on distribution for the commoner British Spirorbiinae, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Allen, J.A. (1962) J.Mar,biol,Ass,U¿K,, \2(3):609-23 Preliminary experiments on the feeding and excretion of bivalves using Phaeodectylum labelled with 32P 9-03190 M Filtration rates were determined for Ostrea edulis, Mya arenaria and Venus striatula; no filtration was recorded for the carnivore Cuspidaria cuspidata. The pathways of labelled phosphorus were folled and much found to be assimilated and stored in the digestive gland, Gee, J.M. and Е.М. Kníght-Jones (1962) J, Mar, biol,Ass,U,K,, 42(3):641-54 The morphology and larval behaviour of a new species of Spirorbis (Serpulidae) 9-03191 M A description and account of experiments on larvae of Spirorbis rupestris n.sp. which is behaviourally very distinct, Its distribution and ecology in western Britain are discussed with reference to other members of the genus, Reddiah, K. (1962) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U.K,, 42(3) :683-703 The sexuality and spawning of Manx pectinids 9-03192 M A study of the breeding biology of 5 of the 7 Pectinidae of the Isle of Man, made between 1957 and 1959. Details are given of spawning and changes in the gonads of the 5 spp. of Chlamys investigated. Boney, A.D. & E,D.S. Corner (1963) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, L3(2):319-25 The effect of light on the growth of sporelings of the red algae Antithamion plumula and Brongniartella byssoides 9-03193 M Experiments using eosin yellow screens confirm an earlier suggestion that phycoerythrin protects surface species from excess green light but that submerged species probably use the pigment in photosynthesis, Data are given for the light energy flux of meximum cell production, BENTHOS Russel, G. (1963) J.Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 43(2):469-83 A study in populations of Pylaiella littoralis 9-03194 M British material belongs generally to one of four population groups. Experiments on two of {these suggest genetical and physiological as well as morphological differences; the value of treating these intraspecific units taxonomically is discussed and doubted, Southward, E.C. (1963) J.Mar.biol,Ass.U.K., 43(2):513-7 On a new species of Siboglinum (Pogonophora), found on both sides of the North Atlantic 9-03195 M Describes Siboglinum Molmei n.sp. from material collected in shallow water on both sides of the Atlantic, Cábioch, L. (1961) 9-03196 M Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:1-40 Etude de la répartition des peuplements benthigues au large de Roscoff (Study of the benthic communities off Roscoff coast) Based ог material collected during dredging operations made during 1959, communities of endo and epifauna are identified and defined, A preliminary chart of the communities is given, Deroux, G. (1961) 9-03197 M Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:99-153 Rapports taxonomiques d'un Leptonacé nom décrit "Lepton subtrigonum"Jeffreys (nomen nudum 1873) (Taxonomic report on a non described Leptonacea "Lepton subtrigonum" Jeffreys (nomen nudum 1873)). En An eulamellibranch of the superfamily of Leptonacea is found on the beaches at Morgat, where it lives commensally with the polychaete annelid Polyodontes maxillosus Ranzani. The comparative anatomy of French Leptonacea justifies creating the new genus -POTIDOMA in which can be classed: 1, the Morgat species as Potidoma subtrigonum (G.Jeffreys); 2. the species Lepton clarkiae, which entirely corresponds to the generic definitions, under the name of Potidoma clarkiae (Clark), 9 (3) 151 Fraenkel, G. (1961) 9-03198 M Cah, Biol,mar,, 2:155-60 Quelques observations sur le comportement de Convoluta roscoffensis (Some observations on the behaviour of Convoluta roscoffensis), En Agglomerations of C, roscoffensis on the beach in full sunlight are often displayed on an invisible film of a probably mucuous material aparantly secreted by the animals themselves, It has been speculated that the function of this film is to enhance the photosynthetic activity of the symbiotic algae of the Convoluta. Swimming behaviour is also described. Bobin, G. and M. Prenant 9-03199 M (1961) x Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:161-75 Remarques sur certaines "Nincksinidae", Alderinidae et Flustridae (Bryozaires Chilostomes) (Remarks on some "Hincksinidae", Alderinidae and Flustridae (Bryozoa Chilostomata)). En By studying various anatomical characters (especially those of ovicel and the relations of it), the systematic position of five species of Membranipores which had been questionable till now is precised. Thanks to these modifications, French fauna does not include any more Hincksinidae, Dragesco, J. (1961)C 9-03200 M Paris, Interdoc-periodiques, 356 p. Ciliés mésopsammiques littoraux. Systémat- ique, morphologie, écologie (Littoral mesopsammic Ciliata, Systematics, morphology, ecology) Latham, E. (1962) 9-03201 M Ann,Mag,nat,Hist, (13), 5(57):523-8 The hydroid Leuckartiara octona (Fleming) and its association with the polychaete Aphrodite aculeata (L.) The two species have not previously been recorded in association in British waters, 152 Hamond, R. (1962) 9-03202 M Ann. nat, Hist, (13), 5(57):567-76 On some Polychaeta from the coast of Norfolk Ten species of Polychaeta are mentioned from Norfolk waters. Pionosyllis serrata, Exogone verugera, Zeppelinia monostyla and Asclerocheilus intermedius are partially redescribed; the colouring of Notophyllum foliosum and the non-linear growth of Stylarioides plumosa are commented on, and a revised key is given to the British species of Heterocirrus. Leur, M.-H. (1963) 9-03203 M C.R,Acad.Sci,, Paris, 257(7):1501-2 Mise en évidence des différents composés lipidiques de Rhodophycées, par chromato- graphie sur couche mince d'acide silicique (Demonstration of the existence of various lipid compounds in Rhodophyta, by chromato- graphy on thin layer of silicic acid) Preliminary note on results of analysis of extracts from Rhodymenia palmata, Gelidium sesquipedale and Lemanea nodosa, Tourneur, C, & J. Kauffmann 9-03204 M (1963) C,R,Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(7):1507-8 Contribution a l'étude de la richesse du milieu marin en bactéries productrices de antibiotiques (Contribution to the study of the richness of the marine environment in bacteria producing antibiotics) Reports results of experiments with 59 strains of bacteria isolated from the muds of the Orne estuary. Bocquet, C. (1963) C.R.Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(8):1556-8 Les phénotypes ornatum de l'Isopode flsbellifère Sphaeroma serratum (F. ); description du phénotype "ornatum réduit" (The ornatum phenotypes of the flabelliferous Isopoda Sphaeroma serratum (F.); déscription of the phenotype "limited ornatum") 9-03205 M Describes an unusual phenotype coexistent with typical ornatum in several populations Of S, serratum from the north coast of Cotentin (French Atlantic), BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (3) Marche-Marchad, I. (1963) C.R.Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(6):1347-9 Un nouvel hydraire á méduse non pélagique Monobrachium drachi n.sp. (Limnomedusae ) trouvé dans la baie de Gorée (Sénégal) (A new hydroid with a non pelagic medusa Monobrachium drachi n.sp. (Limnomedusae) found in the Bay of Gorée (Senegal)) 9-03206 M Brief description with figures. Bocquet-Védrine, J. (1963) C,R.Acad.Sci,, Paris, 257(6):1350-2 Structure du test calcaire chez Chthamalus stellatus (Poli) (Structure of the calcarous test of Chthamalus stellatus (Poli)) 9-03207 M Reports results of a study of sections of decalcified barnacles, showing that growth follows a cyclic determinism like that observed in other Crustacea, Laval, P. (1963) 9-03208 M C.R.Acad.Sci,, Paris., 257(6):1389-92 Sur la biologie et les larves de Vibilia armata Bov. et de Y, propinqua Stebb., Amphipodes Hypérides (On the biology and the larvae of Vibilia armata Bov. and of V, propingua Stebb., Amphipoda Hyperidae ) Observations on these parasites of Thalia, Salpa and Ihlea based on collections made in Villefranche Bay and on laboratory cultures. Read, K.R.H. (1963) Comp, Biochem,Physiol,, 9:161-81 Thermal inactivation of preparation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from species of bivalved molluscs from the sublittoral and intertidal zones, Er De ‘En Fr oe 9-03209 M Brisou, J. et al, (1963) 9-03210 M C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(3):635 (Comparative count of sea bacterias by culture and direct reading on membranes, Fr Gros, P. & P. Laudet (1963) C,R,Soc,Biol,, Paris, 157(3):510 (Effect of oral administration of sulphated polysaccharides extracted from seaweed on the rat's experimental dyslipidemia), Fr 9-03211 M Goldstein, S. (1963)B Arch,.Mikrobiol,, 45(1):101 Morphological variation and nutrition of a new monocentric marine fungus 9-03212 M Floodgate, G.D, € Р.В. Hayes 9-03213 M (1963) J.gen.Microbiol, , 30(2):237 The adansonian taxonomy of some yellow ‘pigmented marine bacteria Drapeau, G.R. & R.A, Macleod 9-03214 M (1963) J.Bact., 85:1413-9 Nutrition and metabolism of marine bacteria, 12, Ion activation of adenosine triphos- phatase in membranes of marine bacterial cells Kolosvéry, G. (1962) 9-03215 M Acta Univ,szeged, (bio1,), 8(1-4):193-7 New micro-balanids from Tongatabu Descriptions of Balanus gizellae n,sp.;. B. tumorifer n.sp. and B, amphitrite tongaensis n.subsp. from material stored in the Hungarian geological institute. Kolosvéry, G. (1961) 9-03216 M Acta Univ.Szeged, (В101,), 7(3-4):143-7 Ergänzende Daten zur Kenntnis der Madreporarien und Balaniden der Adria (Supplementary data to the knowledge of the Madreporaria and Balanida of the Adriatic Sea) Describes species, gives taxonomic determination and reports on ecological particularities, BENTHOS 9 (3) 153 Andrews, J.D. (1963) 9-03217 M Proc.nat.Shellfish,Ass,, 52:1-11 Measurement of shell growth in oysters A modification of the Havinga method of weighing oysters in water, using a type K7 T GD Mettler balance with suspension attachments, Weekly weighing of numbered individuals reveals individual differences in rate of shell deposition which correlate with feeding, parasite infections, etc. The method is quick, sensitive, and accurate, Davis, R.L. & N. Marshall (1963) Proc,nat.Shellfish,Ass,, 52:25=9 The feeding of the bay scallop, Aequipecten irradians 9-03218 M Analyses the abundance of benthic and tychopelagic diatoms in the stomachs of bay scallops, Woodburn, K.D. (1963)A Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass., 52:31-6 Survival and growth of laboratory-reared northern clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and hybrids (M. mercenaria X M, campechiensis) in Florida waters 9-03219 M Menzel, R.W. (1963) Proc.nat.Shellfish,Ass., 52:37-46 Seasonal growth of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria and the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, in Alligator Harbour, Florida 9-03220 M Monthly shell length measurements were made Of M, m, for 3.5 years and of M, с, for 2 years. The northern clams were laboratory-reared. They showed the best growth recorded for any locality, The southern clams grew faster than the northern species, Shaw, W.N. (1963) Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass,, 52:47-52 Index of condition and per cent solids of raft-grown oysters in Massachusetts 9-03221 M Experiment on quick rearing of oysters suspended from a fiberglass raft from Sept. 1959 to Oct. 1960, It was found desirable to plant oysters on the bottom at the end of their first year, Gives data for condition index (day weight/ col, shell cavity x 100), temperature and per cent solids over the year, 154 Quayle, D.B. & W.E. Ricker (1963) Proc,net,Shellfish,Ass,, 52:53-8 Mortality in Pacific oyster seed 9-03222 M Mortality is due mainly to silting and to competition for space on the cultching medium. This takes place within a year of planting and silting. Mortality probably occurs within a few months. Competition for space may vary with the weight of growth and rate of silting mortality. The possibility of reducing these losses is discussed. Burton, R.W. (1963) 9-03223 M Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass, , 52:65-74 Distribution of oyster microparasites in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, 1959-1960 Describes infections, found in 663 oysters collected in spring and autumn of 1959 and 1960, as determined from sample microsections passing through the digestive diverticulum and the gonad. The study indicated that the area was relatively free of oyster parasites. Hanks, R.W. (1963) 9-03224 M Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass,, 52:75-86 Chemical control of the green crab, Carcinus maenas (L.) Describes a crab barrier using bait fish soaked in lindane pesticide and attached to long trawl lines. Experiments at Kittery, Maine, showed a 76% decrease in crab catch 9 weeks after a barrier was established, Lindsay, C.E.(1963) Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass,, 52:87-97 Pesticide tests in the marine environment in the state of Washington 9-03225 M Experiments on controlling Callianassa burrowing in oyster ground showed that mixtures of furnace oil and lindene or orthodichloro- benzene, both mixed with sand, gave good results at a cost of dollars 54/acre. Ocinebra japonica could be kept out of cleared plots using gravel barriers containing orthodichlorobenzene and sevin, or polystream and sevin, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Shaw, T.I. (1962) In 9-03031:247-53 Halogens 9-03226 M Discusses the subject under headings: lodine, occurence and distribution, localizatior chemical state, iodide oxidation, uptake mechanism, metabolic incorporation; Bromine; Chlorine, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Numanoi, H. (1961) 9-03227 M Sci,Pap,Coll,gen, Educ,Univ, Tokyo, 11(2):257-63 Studies on the fertilization substance, 11, Activities of co-enzyme A in sea-urchin eggs during fertilization Studies on Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, CR 9-03228. BA39E(5)21217. Numanoi, H. (1961) 9-03228 M Sci.Pap.Coll.gen.Educ.Univ.,Tokyo, 11(2): 265-74 Studies on the fertilization substance. 12. Morphological changes induced by micro- injection of acetylcholine precursors in sea urchin eggs Any morphological change appearing on the surface of the unfertilized egg of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was studied after microinjection of an acetylcholine and its precursors. Co 9-03227. BA 39E(5)21218. Yasumasu, I. (1961) 9-03229 M Sci.Pap,Coll. gen, Educ Univ, Tokyo, 11(2):275-80 Crystallization of hatching enzyme of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina BA 39Е(5)21219. McNeely, В.Г. € W.T. Pereyra (1961) J,Cons,, 26(3):259-62 A simple screening device for the separation of benthic samples at sea 9-03230 M Gives construction details and a physical description of a screening box to separate benthic organisms from the. substratum, BA 39E(4)13281. Logvinenko, В.М. € Ia.I. Starobogatov (1962) Bivll,mosk,Obshch,Ispyt,Prir,(biol,), 67(1): 153-4 Malako-fauna Kaspiia 1 ee zoogeograficheskie sviazi (The molluscs of the Caspian Sea and their geographical relations) 9-03231 M BA 39A(6)21765. Teki, I. (1961) J.Fac.Fish. Hiroshima, 3(2) :297-322 On two new eledonid octopods from the Antarctic Sea 9-03232 M A new subfamily, MEGALELEDONINAE, is erected to include MEGALELEDONE (type sp. M, senoi). Pareledone umitakae is also described. BA LOE(2)8468, Burlakova, E.V. & Т.М. Limarenko (1961) | Rediobiologiia, 1(3):378-84 Vliyanie stepeni ovodneniia tkanei tela rachke Balanus improvisus na ego radio- chuvstvitel'nost' (The effect of the degree of hydration of the tissues of the acorn barnacle Balanus improvisus on its radiosensitivity ) 9-03233 M BA LOE(2)8492. Florey, E. € G. Hoyle (1961) In 9-03032:105-10 Neuromuscular synaptic activity in the crab (Cancer magister) ВА 40B(2)8496, 9-03234 M Kuntsova, M.la. (1962) 9-03235 M Biull,eksp,Biol,Med, (En Transl, ), 52(12):1351-4 The influence of gamma-amino-butyric acid on the motor responses of the normal and denerv- ated adductor muscle of the crayfish An investigation was made of the effect produced by gemma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the contraction of the normal and denervated adductor muscle of the claw of Astacus astacus and of Astacus leptodactylus. ВА 4OE(2)8500, BENTHOS 9 (3) Laverack, M.S. (1962) 9-03236 M Comp, Biochem,Physiol,, 6(2):137-45 Responses of cuticular sense organs of the lobster, Homarus vulgaria (Crustacea). 2, Hair-fan organs as pressure receptors BA №0Е(2)8502. Maynard, D.M. (1961) 9-03237 M In 9-03032:144-78 Cardiac inhibition in decapod Crustacea BA 40E(2)8503. McWhinnie, M.A. € Rid. 9-03238 M Kirchenberg (1962) Comp.Biochem,Physiol,, 6(2):117-28 Crayfish hepatopancreas metabolism and the intermoult cycle ВА LOE(2)850k, Alexandrowicz, J.S. (1962) 9-03239 M J.Mar,biol.Ass,U,K,, 42(1):405-18 An accessory organ of the circulatory system in Sepia and Loligo An accessory organ of the circulatory system has been found in Sepia officinalis and Loligo forbesi Arvanitaki, A, & N. Chalazonitis (1961) In 9-03032:194-231 Excitatory inhibitory processes initiated by light and infra-red radiations in single identifiable nerve cells (giant ganglion cells of Aplysia) BA k0E(2)852%, 9-03240 M Bullock, T.H. (1961) In 9-03032:233-№0 On the anatomy of the giant neurons of the visceral ganglion of Aplysia 9-03241 M BA 4OE(2)8525. 155 156 Chalazonitis, N. (1961) 9-03242 M In 9-03032:179-93 Chemopotentials in giant nerve cells (Aplysia fasciata) ВА 40E(2)8526. J.Protozoo!,, 9(Suppl.):21 Further studies on gregarines in Hawaiian marine Crustacea Abstract of paper presented to the fifteenth meeting of the Society of Protozoologists, Corvallis, Oregon, August 1962, BA LOE(5)21056, Squires, H.J. (1962) J,Fish,Res,Bd Can, , 19(4):677-86 Decapod Crustacea of the Calanus expeditions in Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, 1951 9-03244 M Gives details on the distribution, systematics, food and breeding of the decapods based on 600 specimens of 11 species collected by expeditions in 1951. Hippolytidae, especially Lebbeus were dominant in the samples, ВА №0Е(5)21189. Kobiakova, 7,.Т. $ Г.Та. Saprykin (1960) Vestn,Leningr,Univ,, 9:130-5 Khimicheskii sostav nekotorykh desiatinogikh rakov (Decapoda) severnykh i dal'nevostochnykh morei po dannym spektroskopicheskogo analiza (The chemical composition of some crayfisn (Decapoda) from northern and Far Eastern seas according to data from spectroscopic analysis). En 9-03245 M BA №0Е(5)21290. Kobiakova, Z.1. & F.la. Saprykin 9-03246 M (ANON. Transl, )(1961) Referat, Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl 3D107 The chemical composition of some crayfish (Decapoda) from northern and Far Eastern seas according to data from spectroscopic analysis En 9-03245. ВА №0Е(5)21290. 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1962)B Fish,Prod,Rep,U,5S,, P-239:2 Pink shrimp reared from eggs to juvenile stages 9-03247 M Pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) have recently been reared from eggs to juvenile stages at the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, Jaasund, E. (1963)A Bot.mer,, 5(1):1-8 Beiträge zur Systematik der norwegischen Braunalgen (Contributions to the systematics of the Norwegian brown algae), En 9-03248 M Post, E. (1963) Bot.mar,, 5(1):9-18 Bostrychia - nicht tot zu kriegen (Bostrychia - not to be killed). En 9-03249 M Describes difficulties of making herbarium specimens, Neushul, M. (1963) Bot,mar., 5(1):19-24 Reproductive morphology of Antarctic kelps, De 9-03250 M Thivy, F. & V. Visalakshmi (1963)A Bot.mar, , 5(1):29-32 A new record of Caulerpa verticillata J. Ag. forma typica, for India, De 9-03251 M CECD (1363) Paris, 46 р. Cavaiogue of main marine fouling organisms (found on ships coming into European waters) Vol. i: Barnacles 9-03252 M Cooperative project of OECD working group of experts on fouling and corrosion of ship's nulls. Forword by chairman of ecology commission. Keys to European spp. of acorn and sessile barnacles and to stalked barnacles; descriptions of important sop. of Balanus, Chinemalus, Verruca, Elminius € Chelonibia, and of > exotic spp. of Balänus; glossary of biolozical terms in En, Fr, Es, It, De. Many coloured ill. Loose-leaf format. Contains: 9-02253. os Southward, A.J. & D.J. Crisp 9-03253 M (1963) In 9-03252:9-13 Barnacles of European waters Ill, summary of biology of cirripeds, as introduction to keys in 9-03252, OECD (1963) 9-03254 M Paris, №6 р. Catalogue des principales salissures marines (rencontrées sur les coques de navires dans les eaux européennes) Vol, 1: Balanes (Catalogue of main marine fouling organisms (found on ships coming into European waters) Vol. 1: Barnacles) Fr 9-03252. Leifson, E. (1963) J.Bact,, 86(1):166-7 Mixed polar and petritrichous flagellation of marine bacteria 9-03255 M Kewahara, T. (1962) Rep,Fac.Fish,Univ,Mie, 4(2):27-42 Studies on the marine fouling communities, 1, Development of a fouling community 9-03256 M Monthly observations on the settlement of fouling organisms on test blocks with indication of the numbers of each attached species and demonstration of the successive changes in the population of Balanus trigonus. Hartman, O. (1963) 9-03257 M Rec.Aust.Mus., 25(16):355-8 RETETEREBELLA queenslandia, a new genus and species of polychaetous annelid from Queensland, Australia Morphological description and diagnosis of the new sp. Fuji, А.В. (1963) 9-03258 M Bull,Jap.Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(2):118-26 On the growth of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (A. Agassiz) Report of size measurements made in consecutive semples and of tagging experiments from which a Walford plot has been made, BENTHOS 9 (3) Yentsch, C.S. (1962) In 9-03031:771-97 Marine plankton 9-03259 M Discusses the subject under headings: Illumination in the euphotic zone; Effect of light intensity on photosynthesis; Photosynthesis as a function of light and depth; Photosynthesis:Respiration (PS:R) ratios; Photosynthesis-pigment relationships in natural populations; Nutrition; Temp- erature and salinity; Flotation and diffusion problems. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Biebl, R. (1962) In 9-03031:799-815 Seaweeds 9-03260 M Discusses the subject under headings: Ecological factors and physiological adaptation; Salinity:Resistance to osmotic changes; Temperature ¿Resistance to cold and heat; Light; Hydrogen-ion concentration; Nutrient salts, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Smith, M. (1963) 9-03261 M Biochem,biophys.Res,Commun,, 10(1):67-72 Deoxyribonucleic acids in crabs of the genus Cancer Presents results of examination of 4 sp. of this genus, collected from Vancouver, Krishnaswamy, S. & L.T. Jones 9-03262 M (1962) Ann.Mag.nat.Hist.(13), 5(53):301-4 Donsiella limnoriae Stephensen (Copepoda, Harpacticoida), a redescription Redescription, with figs., based on material collected from two species of Limmoria (Crustecea) living in Southampton Water. Menon, P.K.B. € A.K. DattaGupta (1962) Ann.Mag.nat.Hist.(13), 5(53):305-9 On a new species of Ikedosoma (Echiuridae) 9-03263 M Description with 3 figs. of Ikedosoma pirotansis collected in the Gulf of Kutch, India, in 1960. 157 Emersion:Resistance to desiccation; 158 Hommeril, Р, (1962) 9-03264 M Cah,oc&anogr,, 14(4):245-57 Etude locale (Gouville-sur-mer, Manche) de la retenue des sédiments par deux polychetes sédentaires: Sabellaria alveolata (Hermelle) et Lanice conchilega (A local study (Gouville-sur-mer, English Channel) of the retention of sediments by two fixed Polycheta: Sabellaria alveolata (Hermelle) and Lanice conchilega) Based on observations on the French Altantic coast, Durchon, M., J. Montreuil & 9-03265 M Y. Boilly-Marer (1963) C.R.Acad.Sci, ‚Paris, 257(11):1807-8 Résultats préliminaires sur la nature chimique de l'hormone inhibitrice du cerveau des néréidiens (Annélides Polychètes) (Preliminary results on the chemical nature of the inhibitory hormone of nereid brains (Annelida, Polychaeta)) Finds the hormone is contained in a micromolecular water soluble fraction of extracts, Marcel, R. (1963) 9-03266 M C.R.Acad,Sci,,Paris, 257(11):1809-10 Régénération céphalique et polarité chez Sabellaria spinulosa Leuckart (Annélide Polychéte ) (Head regeneration and polarity in Sabellaria spinulosa Leuckart (Annelida, Polychaeta) ) Trilles, J.-P, (1963) C.R.Acad,Sci, ‚Paris, 257(11):1811-2 Mise en évidence d'une action du complexe 9-03267 M BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chassard, C. (1963) 9-03269 M C.R.Acad,Sci, Paris, 257(15):2169-72 Un cas nouveau d'adaptation chromatique physiologique chez Crangon crangon (Crustacé Décapode): l'effet réciproque (A new instance of physiological chromatic adaptation in Crengon crangon (Crustacea, Decapoda): the recriprocal effect) Reports a "reciprocal effect" whereby groups of shrimps adapt to each other rather than to their background, Nigon, V. & F. Dé (1963) 9-03270 M C,R,Acad,Sci, ‚Paris, 257(15):2178-80 Les mouvements du calcium dans l'oeuf d'Arbacia lixula au moment de la fécondation (Movements of calcium in the egg of Arbacia lixula at fertilisation) Study using labelled 45cacle, Bryan, G.W. (1963) 9-03271 MG J.Mar.biol.Ass.U.K., 43(2):519-39 The accumlation of radioactive caesium by marine invertebrates Studies on accumulation by species of the main invertebrate phyla show slower absorption of Cs than 42K in all cases. No evidence was found of specific absorption of Cs as a necessary element. Richter, G. (1962) In 9-03031:633-52 Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions 9-03272 MG Discusses the subject under headings: General morphology and life cycle of Acetabularia; Morphogenetic studies; Cell regeneration, intercellular grafts, integrated influence of the nucleus and of external factors, influence of the cytoplasm on the céphalique neurosécrétoire sur la glande endrogéne et les gonades de Nerocila orbignyi (Schioedte et Meinert)(Isopode, Cymothofdae) (Demonstration of an action of the cephalic meurosecretory complex on the androgenous nucleus; Bioch ; gland and gonads in Nerocila orbignyi | Deu, REN ar TE. ea protein synthesis; Enzymes; Chloroplasts р , and chloroplast pigments; Auxin, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, fao/efa Experiments on the hormonal control of sex in a protandrous 1зороа. Lallier, R. (1963)A 9-03268 M C.R.Acad.Sci.,Paris, 257(15):2159-62 Effets de l'actionmycine D sur le développement de l'oeuf de l'oursin Paracentrotus lividus (Effects of actinomycin D on egg development in the sea-urchin Paracentrotus lividus) Pfitzenmeyer, Н.Т. € К.Ф. Drobeck (1963)A Chesapeake Sci,, 4(2):67-74 Benthic survey for populations of soft-shellea clams, Mya arenaria, in the lower Potomac River, Maryland 9-03273 MF 9 (3) Burbanck, W.D. (1963) Chesapeake Sci,, 4(2):104-5 Some observations on the Isopod, Cyathura polita, in Chesapeake Bay 9-03274 MF The recently established isopod species, Cyathura polita, appears to be widely distrib- uted in Chesapeake Bay. Ecological and physiological studies of this estuarine animal should yield valuable information, particularly its role as food for fishes, Collyer, D.M. (1962) J,Mar.biol,Ass,U.K,, 42(3):485-92 Method for determination of fat percentage in unicellular algae 9-03275 MF Detailed descriptions of a method suitable for cells down to 2 x in diameter, based on Berlin's (1926) chemical treatment, Prelim- inary Soxhlet extraction with ethanol was not efficient for two of the Myxophyceae and one each of the Rhodophyceae and Xanthophyceae for which supplementary methods were necessary. Bryan, G.W. (1963) J.Mar,biol,Ass.U,K,, 43(2):541-65 The accumulation of 137Cs by brackish water invertebrates and its relation to the regulation of potassium and sodium 9-03276 MF Brackish water species are potentially much more hazardous than marine species in accumulating 137Cs to high levels; an important reason for avoiding the introduction of wastes containing this isotope into media of low salinity, Bénard, F, (1961) 9-03277 MF Cah, Biol,mar,, 2:71-96 Sur deux nouvelles espéces d'acariens marins, Hyadesia tumida et Hyadesia furcillipes: sous-ordre des Sarcoptiformes, famille des Hyadesidae (On two new species of marine acariens, Hyadesia tumida and Hyadesia furcillipes: suborder Sarcoptiformes, family Hyadesidae) Describes Hyadesia tumida n.sp. and Hyadesia furcillipes that form pure or mixed populations among barnacle communities on Finistere coast. Fauré-Fremiet, E. (1961)A Cah.Biol,mar,, 2:177-86 Quelques considérations sur les ciliés mésopsemmiques à propos d'un récent travail de J. Dragesco (Some data on mesopsemmic Ciliata with reference to a recent publication by J. Dragesco) 9-03278 MF CR 9-03200, BENTHOS 9 (3) 159 de Ridder, M. (1962) 9-03279 MF Hydrobiologia, 20(1):92-109 Recherches sur les Rotifères des eaux saumêtres 8. Quelques Rotifères des Marismas espagnoles (Research on rotifers of brackish waters, Some rotifers of the Spanish Marismas) 8. Discusses 24 species, four of which are печ records for Spain, CR 582489. Brody, M. € S.S. Brody (1962) 9-03280 MF In 9-03031:99-123 Substrate assimilation and heterotrophy Discusses the subject under headings: Heterotrophic growth; Substrate assimilation, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Jacobi, G. (1962) 9-03281 MF In 9-03031:125-40 Enzyme systems Discusses the subject under headings: Preparation of enzyme extracts from algae; Enzyme systems, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Droop, M.R. (1962) In 9-03031:141-59 Organic micronutrients 9-03282 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Тре В vitamins; Vitamin Bl2; Thiamine; Other requirements; Temperature interactions; Phagotrophic algae; Phylogenetic implications; Ecological implications, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Syrett, P.J. (1962) 9-03283 MF In 9-03031:171-88 Nitrogen assimilation Discusses the subject under headings: Inorganic nitrogen sources; Nitrogen assimilation by nitrogen-deficient algae; Nitrate reduction and assimilation; The assimilation of organic nitrogen. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. 160 Fowden, L. (1962) In 9-03031:189-209 Amino acids and proteins 9-03284 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Free amino acids and related compounds; Peptides; Proteins; Amino-acid composition; Specific proteins; Metabolism, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Kuhl, A. (1962) 9-03285 MF In 9-03031:211-29 Inorganic phosphorus uptake and metabolism Discusses the subject under headings: External factors influencing the uptake of phosphate; Phosphate as an ecological factor; Phosphorus metabolism in light and darkness; Condensed inorganic phosphates, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Iwamura, T. (1962) In 9-03031:231-8 Nucleotides and nucleic acids 9-03286 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Nucleic aciá metabolism and algal growth; Base composition of algal nucleic acids; Heterogeneity. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Schiff, J.A. (1962) In 9-03031:239-46 Sulfur 9-03287 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Sulfates in algae; Other sulfur compounds in algae; Sulfur metabolism, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Eppley, R.W. (1962) 9-03288 MF In 9-03031:255-66 Major cations Discusses the subject under headings: Distribution of cations in algal cells and transport of cations in algae, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Wiessner, W. (1962) In 9-03031:267-86 Inorganic micronutrients 9-03289 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Methodology of micronutrient investigations; Micronutrient elements and algal ecology; Iron; Manganese and other micronutrients, incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Meeuse, B.J.D. (1962) In 9-03031:289-313 Storage products 9-03290 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Polyglucans; Fructosans and inulin; Reserve substances of low molecular weight, Incl, bibliographic references to major Papers on the subject, Kreger, D.R. (1962) In 9-03031:315-35 Cell walls 9-03291 MF Discusses the subject. under headings: Methods of investigation; The water-insoluble carbohydrates, cellulose, mannan, xylan, alginic acid, fucinic acid and chitin; Cell-wall constitution and the microfibrillar structure, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. O'Colla, P.S. (1962) In 9-03031:337-56 Mucilages 9-03292 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Mucilages of the Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta, Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Miller, J.D.A. (1962) In 9-03031:357-70 Fats and steroids 9-03293 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Chemical nature of algal fats, conditions favoring fat formation, correlation between fat formation and taxonomic position, biosynthesis of fats; Nature and distribution of algal sterols, conditions affecting formation of sterols, other unsaponifiable lipids in algae, and biosynthesis of sterols. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, von Haranghy, L. (J. Flury, Transl,) (1962) 9-03294 MF Transl,Ser,Fish,Res,Bd Can,, (379):7 р. Mussel poisoning as a biological problem on the basis of recent research on its causes Concludes that mussel poison is a product of pathological metabolism which occurs when mussels feed unfavourably under unfavourable oxygen conditions. Puppi, A. (1963) 9-03295 MF Acta physiol,Acad,Sci,hung., 23(3):247 Electrophysiological and pharmacological analysis of the effect of acetylcholine on the inhibitory mechanism of the tone of the posterior adductor muscle of Lamellibranchiata Tsujii, T. (1963) J,Fec,Fish,Univ,Mie, 5(3):378-83 (Studies on the mechanism of shell- and pearl-formation. 8. On the tyrosinase in the mantle), Ni En 9-03296 MF The activity of the tyrosinase in the mantle of the freshwater shellfish, Cristaria plicata spatiosa (Clessin) and pearl oyster, Pteria (Pinctada) martensii Dunker has been studied, using Warburg's manometric method and colorimetric methods, Co 9-03373. Benson, А.А. (1962) In 9-03031:371-83 Surfactant lipids 9-03297 MF Discusses the subject under headings: The role of surfactant lipids in chloroplast and mitochondrial structures; Lipid composition of algae. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Bogorad, L. (1962) In 9-03031:385 -408 Chlorophylls 9-03298 MF Discusses the subject under headings : The distribution and properties of chloro- phylls; Biosynthesis and chlorophyll content of algae, Incl, bibliographic references to major pápers on the subject, BENTHOS 9 (3) 161 Nakayama, T.O.M. (1962) In 9-03031:409-20 Carotenoids 9-03299 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Methodology; Algal carotenoids; Biosynthesis; Functions, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. 6 hEocha, C. (1962) In 9-03031:421-35 Phycobilins 9-03300 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Distribution and formation of the phycobilin- proteins (Biliproteins); Isolation and purification; Physical properties; Amino-acid composition of the proteins; Preparation and properties of the phycobilins; Phycobilin- protein linkages. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Ogino, C. (1962) In 9-03031:437-43 Tannins and vacuolar pigments 9-03301 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Tannins of Phaeophyta; Spirogyre (Chlorophyta; Zygnematales); Vacuolar pigments of Zygnematales; Other pigments. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Lewin, J.C. (1962) In 9-03031:445-55 Silicification 9-03302 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Algae that deposit silica; Silicification in the life cycle of diatoms; Composition of silica in the walls; Physiological studies On silica deposition; Integration of organic matter with silica in the cell walls, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Lewin, J.C. (1962) In 9-03031:457-65 Calcification 9-03303 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Algae that deposit calcium carbonate; Nature of the deposition; Organic matrix of the calcified walls. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. 162 Katayama, T. (1962) 9-03304 MF In 9-03031:467-73 Volatile constituents Discusses the subject under headings: Distillation of volatile constituents; Methods of identification; Correlation of volatile constituents with characteristic odors of seaweeds, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Fogg, G.E. (1962) In 9-03031:475-89 Extracellular products 9-03305 MF Discusses the subject under headings: The nature of the extracellular products formed by algae; Ecological effects; Occurence in natural waters; Utilization as nutrients; Antibiosis and growth promotion; Formation cf complexes. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Stadelmann, E.J. (1962) In 9-03031:493-528 Permeability 9-03306 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Definition and methods; Permeability of cells of Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, Xanthophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Charophyta, Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta; Changes in permeability; Comparison of the permeability of different algae; Protoplasmic membranes and permeability. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Guillard, R.R.L. (1962) In 9-03031:529-40 Salt and osmotic balance 9-03307 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Osmotic effects; Some effects of ions and ion ratios. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Marrè, E. (1962) In 9-03031 :541-50 Temperature 9-03308 MF Discusses the subject under headings: The uprer limit of mesothermal species; Adaptations to extreme temperatures. Inch bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Godward, M.B.E. (1962) In 9-03031:551-66 Invisible radiations 9-03309 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Effects of specific radiations - d-particals, Berays, g-rays, X-rays, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Haupt, W. (1962) In 9-03031 :567-72 Intracellular movements 9-03310 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Typical cytoplasmic streaming; Movements of nuclei; Orientation movements of chloroplasts, Incl, bibliographic references to mejor papers on the subject, } Halldal, P. (1962) In 9-03031:583-93 Taxes 9-03311 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Phototaxis of Cyanophyta, flagellates, Desmids, Diatoms; Geotaxis; Galvanotaxis; Chemo- taxis; Thermotaxis; Thigmotaxis. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Brokaw, C.J. (1962) In 9-03031:595-601 Flagella 9-03312 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Morphology of flagella and flagellar movement ; The movement of flagellated algae; Studies on isolated algal flagella; The mechanism cf flagellar motility. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Myers, J. (1962) In 9-03031:603-15 Laboratory cultures 9-03313 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Growth characteristics; Production of experimental material; Methods of culture; Reproducibility and uniformity. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Green, P.B. (1962) 9-03314 MF In 9-03031:625-32 Cell expansion Discusses the subject under headings: General mechanism of cell expansion; The site of addition of new wall materials; Walls with crossed fibrillar texture; Relation of cell shape to wall structure in vesicles and cylinders; Wall structure in cells showing a complex pattern of expansion. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Nakazawa, S. (1962) In 9-03031:653-61 Polarity 9-03315 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Eggs of fucoids; Effects of light; Other external and internal factors; Other algae, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Conrad, Н.М. & P. Saltman (1962) 9-03316 MF In 9-03031:663-71 Growth substances Discusses the subject under headings: Characterization of endogenous growth substances; Physiological responses of algae to growth substances; General experimental considerations, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Sweeney, В.М. € J.W. Hastings 9-03317 MF (1962) In 9-03031:687-700 Rhythms Discusses the subject under headings: Endogenous rhythms in algae; Diurnal rhythms; Tidal rhythms; Lunar rhythms; Susceptibility to the influence of experimental factors; Illumination regime; Temperature; Inhibitors, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Erben, K, (1962) in 9-03031:701-10 Sporulation 9-03318 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Vegetative spores; Gonospores; Auxospores of diatoms; Resting spores; Heterocysts, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, BENTHOS 9 (3) 163 Coleman, А.М. (1962) In 9-03031:711-29 Sexuality 9-03319 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Genetic control of sexuality; Environmental control of sexuality; The course of the mating reaction; Hormonal substances, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Ebersold, W. (1962) In 9-03031:731-9 Biochemical genetics 9-03320 MF Discusses the subject under headings: Carbon-source mutants; Pigment mutants; Vitamin and amino-acid mutants; Flagella mutants; Eyespot mutants; Cytoplasmic inheritance, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Silva, Р.С. (1962) 9-03321 MF In 9-03031:827-37 Classification of algae Presents table of classification to indicate taxonomic relationships among various genera mentioned in 9-03031, Eppley, R.W. (1962) 9-03322 MF In 9-03031:839-k0 Uptake of radioactive wastes by algae Reviews the subject briefly and gives references to papers dealing with the uptake of radioactive wastes, Lewin, R.A. (1962) 9-03323 MF In 9-03031:841-2 Antibiotics from algae Briefly summarizes the progress in this field and lists references comprising most of the articles published on the subject, Berrie, A.D. (1963) Nature, Топа., 198(4882) :805-6 Life-cycle of Planorbarius corneus (L,) 9-03324 F An annual life-cycle is indicated for a pond population sampled in the summer and autum of 1962, 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dougherty, Е.С. € L.G, Harris (1963) Science, 140(3566) :497-8 Antarctic Micrometazoa: Fresh-water species in the McMurdo Sound area. 9-03325 Е The limnofaune of Ross Island and Victoria Land is strikingly impoverished in respect of groups represented, but there are thriving populations of Rotifera, Nematoda, Tardigrada and Turbellaria, Details of 1961-62 collections of Rotifera and tardigrades are given, Gaudet, J.J. (1963) 9-03326 F Science, 140(3570) :975-6 Marsilea vestita: Conversion of the water form to the land form by darkness and by far- red light Reports that a period in darkness or in continuous far-red light can cause Marsilea vestita Hook, and Grev, to develop as a land form in a medium which normally allows only the water form to develop, Neumann, D. (1961) Biol,Zb1,, 80(6):693-715 Osmotische Resistenz und Osmoregulation aquatischer Chironomidenlarven (Osmotic resistance and osmo-regulation of aquatic chironomid larvae) 9-03327 F Mjalo, Е.С. (1960) 9-03328 Е Biull.mosk.Obshch, Ispyt., 131(6):92-8 K ekologii pribrezhno-vodnykh rastenii (The ecology of water plants growing on shores) 12, 7(3):642, Schwabe, G.H. (1962) Nova Hedwigia, (3/4) :495-50 (Blue algae and their environment. 6. Blue elgae from the cultivated soils of El Salvador). De BAgr.27(6) :46679. 9-03329 F Stroikina, V.G. (1962) Trud, Inst, Biol, Vodokhr,, 12:3-6 (On the distribution of blue-green algae in the lower part of the Volga cascade of water reservoirs). Ru BAgr.27(6) :46680, 9-03330 Е Ekzertsev, V.A. € V.V. Ekzertseva (1962) Trud,Inst, Biol, Vodokhr,, 12:11-15 (Production of macrophytes in the bays of the Ivankov water reservoir). Ru 9-03331 F BAgr. 27(6)47181. Ekzertsev, V.A. (1962) 9-03332 F Trud, Inst. Biol, Vodokhr,, 12:7-10 (Vegetation of the littoral zone in the Gorky water reservoir), Ru BAgr.27(6)47182. Furrer, E. (1961) 9-03333 F Ber,Eidg,Tech,HochSch,geobot,Inst,Stift,Rübel, 32:83-96 (On "wind holes” and cold flora on the Lake of Lowerz (Schwyz)). De BAgr.27(6)47186, an der Lan, H. (1962) Arch, Hydrobiol, ,Suppl,, 27(1):1-27 Zur Turbellarien-Fauna der Donau (On the Turbellarian fauna of the Danube). Fr 9-03334 Е Results of collecting from the tributeries Brigach and Breg and the Austrian Danube together with its oxbows and side streams, Data are presented under taxonomic, geo- graphic and ecological headings. Pater, J. & M. Molnar (1962) 9-03335 Е Arch, Hydrobiol, /Suppl,, 27(1):85-90 Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen des ungarischen Donauabschnittes in den Jahren 1958 bis 1959 (Microbiological investigations on the Hungarian Danube 1958-1959), En A brief account of work at the Danube research station recording fouling by coli-bacteria and using bacteriophages and anserobic microbes as pollution indices, Botosaneanu, L. € St. Negrea 9-03336 Е (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3):199-218 Une oasis aquatique à faune relique dans la plaine du Dahube inférieur (An oasis for an aquatic relic fauna in the lower Danube plain) Describes the fauna of a series of springs at C. 100m O.D. especially that of Corbii ciungi. Matonickin, I. € Z. Pavletié (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3) :219-24 Epibiontische Verhältnisse auf den Kalktuffwasserfällen des Flusses Krka in Dalmatien (Epibiontic relationships on the tufa- limestone waterfalls of the River Krk in Dalmatia) 9-03337 F Records associations noted in summer 1960, Leentvaar, P. (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3):245-51 Quelques rotateurs rares observés en Hollande . (Some rare rotifers recorded in Holland) 9-03338 F 1960 records of species rare or not previously recorded. Collardeau, C. (1961) Eydrobiologia, 18(3):252-64 Influence de la température sur la consommation d'oxygène de quelques larves de Trichoptères (The influence of temperature on oxygen 9-03339 F BENTHOS consumption in some Trichoptera larvae). Er A study of Polycentropus, Plectrocnemia and Limnophilus. Siddetek, V. (1961) Hydrobiologia, 18(3):274-6 Contribution to the knowledge of the rotifer Ascomorpha minima Hofsten 9-03340 F Some notes on the species based on its presence in the Zehun Pond on the Cidlina River, East Bohemia, Henry, J.-P. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 19(4):334-8 Présence d'Asellus meridianus Racovitza en Bourgogne (The presence dí Asellus meridianus Racovitza in Burgundy) 9-03341 Е Describes its presence in four localities of the Department of Côte-d'Or. 9 (3) 165 Bishai, H.M. (1962) 9-03342 F Hydrobiologia, 19(4) :357-82 The water characteristics of the Nile in the Sudan with a note on the effect of Eichhornia crassipes on the hydrobiology of the Nile. Fr Williams, W.D. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(1):1-30 Notes on the ecological similarities of Asellus aquaticus (1.) and A, meridianus Вас. (Crust. , Isopoda). De 9-03343 Е Results of an investigation of localities containing either one or other of the species, both species, or neither species, and also investigations of the specific food, micro- habitat, vertical distribution and tolerance to certain factors, Evans, J.H. (1962) 9-03344 Е Hydrobiologia, 20(1):59-86 Some new records and forms of algae in central East Africa Based on collections from lakes, ponds and rivers in 1960, Thomas, E.A. (1962)A Hydrobiologia, 20(1):40-58 Thermisch bedingte Horizontalzirkulationen, Wasserchemismus und Algenwucherungen an Zürichseeufern (Temperature determined horizontal circulation, water chemistry and algel blooms along the shores of Zürich Lake). Fr 9-03345 F Singh, R.N. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(1):87-91 Seasonal variants of Anabaenopsis raciborskii Wolosz, 9-03346 Е Describes the species in detail with special reference to its morphological variants, Details of heterocyst and akinete formation were followed. Lahav, N. € S, Ehrlich (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(1):110-3 The influence of bentonite and attapulgite on the aggregation of microorganisms and organic matter 9-03347 F Describes laboratory experiments, 166 Cholnoky, B.J. (1962) Hydrobiclogia, 20(4):309-55 Ein Beitrag zu der Ükologie der Diatomeen in dem englischen Protektorat Swaziland (A contribution on the ecology of the diatoms in the English Protectorate of Swaziland) 9-03348 Е Lists and figures species found, gives notes on and discusses the habitats sampled, Compares the diatom flora with that of Natal, Kumar, H.D. (1962) 9-03349 Е Hydrobiologia, 20(№):356-66 Observations on the developmental variability of Camptylonema lahorense Ghose, De Studies during its development both in nature and in unialgal cultures. Observations on the ecological factors determining the growth of the alga in nature. The systematic position and the affinities of the alga are discussed. Agnew, J.D. (1962) 9-03350 F Hydrobiologia, 20(4):367-72 The distribution of Centroptiloides bifasciata (E.-P.) (Ba&tidae: Ephem.) in Southern Africa, with ecological observations on the nymphs, De Sarma, Y.S.R.K. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(№):373-6 Observations on the akinete formation and. karyology of Cylindrocapsa involuta Reinsch 9-03351 F Saether, О.А. (1962) Hydrobiologia, 20(4):377-81 9-03352 Е Larval overwintering cocoons in Endochironomus tendens Fabricius Describes fifth record of cocoons of this genus; This record for lakes in Norway. Palmer, C.M. (1963) Ann,N,Y.Acad,Sci,, 108(2):389 The effect of pollution on river algae 909973. Е 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Itasaka, О., 5. Higashi € Т. Hori (1963) J.Jap.biochem,Soc., 35(7):391 Studies on lipides of fresh-water mussels. 6 9-03354 F Uherkovich, G. (1961) 9-03355 Е Acta Univ.Szeged.(Biol,), 7(3-4):89-94 Das Leben der Tisza, 14, Ergänzende Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Algenvegetation des Szolnoker Tisza-Altwassers (The life of the Tisza River. 11. Supplement- ary contribution in the Szolnok backwater of the Tisza River) Describes investigations and results obtained. CR 8-07180, Gál, D. (1961) 9-03356 Е Acta Univ.Szeged. (В101,), 7(3-4):133-8 Das Leben der Tisza. 15. Die Rhizopoden- fauna der Tisza - Maros-Mlindung in Jahre 1959 (The life of the Tisza River. 15. The rhizopod fauna of the Tisza-Maros mouth in the year 1959) Describes results of taxonomic determinations. CR 8-07179. Béba, K. et al. (1961) 9-03357 F Acta Univ.Szeged. (Biol, ), 7(3-4) :155-73 Das Leben der Tisza, 17. Zoologische Ergebnisse der vierten Tiszaexpedition (The life of the Tisza River, 17. Zoological results obtained by the 4th Tisza expedition) Incl, aquatic insects from two different biotopes: current water region and still water region. CR 9-03356. Wasylik, K. (1961) 9-03358 Е Comment,biol, ‚Helsinki, 23(1-10):46 pv. Desmidiaceen der Moore in der Umgebung von Korvanen in Sodankyl#, Finnisch-Lappland (Desmids from bogs in the neighbourhood of Korvanen in Sodankyl#, Finnish Lapland) Attempts a complete coverage of the area, Gives figures and discusses ecological relations. BENTHOS Fogg, G.E. (1962) 9-03359 F In 9-03031:161-70 Nitrogen fixation Discusses the subject under headings: Distribution of the capacity to fix nitrogen among the algae; The biochemistry of nitrogen fixation; The physiology of nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Gaudy, Е. € R.S. Wolfe (1961) 9-03360 F Appl.Microbiol,, 9:580-4 Factors affecting filamentous growth of Sphaerotilus natans WPA 35(10)2065, Shrivastava, H.N. (1962) Wat.& Sewage Wks, 109:40-1 Oligochaetes as indicators of pollution 9-03361 Е Preliminary results of a study, excluding Megascolecidae, Details of distribution and succession of oligochaetes in the neighbour- hood of Nagpur, India, are given, WPA 35(10)2066, Thomas, E.A. (1962) Arch.Mikrobiol,, 42:246-53 Zinc in water supplies as algal poison (Cladophora, Rhizoclonium) 9-03362 Е Describes experiments on the effect of zinc and copper. Copper was more toxic than zinc, the limit being about 0,05 per litre. Discusses the value of copper compounds for the destruction of algae and cerariae in bathing places, with special reference to Lake Zurich. WPA 35(10)1935. Dondero, N.C. (1961) Adv,appl,Microbiol,, 3:77-107 Sphaerotilus, its nature and economic significance 9-03363 Е Reiews the more important literature, with particular reference to studies in the lower Columbia River, WPA 35(10)206k, 9 (3) 167 Dorris, T.C. € B.J. Copeland (1962) Limnol,& Oceanogr,, 7(2):240-7 Limnology of the middle Mississippi River, 3. Mayfly populations in relation to navigation water-level control 9-03364 Е Naiad populations of Hexagenia rigida were studied in an isolated channel of the Mississippi River, BA 39A(6)21771. Ivenov, S.N. & М.В. Borob'eva 9-03365 F (1962) Zool, Zh,, 41(1):138-9 O prisposobliaemosti mizid k usloviiam povyshennoi mineralizatsii vody v vostochnom Balkhashe (On the adaptation of mysids to the conditions of an increased mineralization of water in eastern Balkhash), En BA LOE(5 )17448. Cristofalo, V.J., Т.Р. Kornreich 9-03366 Е & R.R. Ronkin (1962) Science, 138(3542) :809-10 Chlamydomonas: Colored excretion products Account of observations which suggest that the yellow materials of natural waters may originate from algal metabolism. Burnett, A.L., В. Baird & 9-03367 Е F. Diehl (1962) Science, 138(3542):825-6 Method of introducing tritiated thymidine into the tissues of Hydra Reports a simple method for introducing this isotope which devised will be applicable to other coelenterates and to flatworms, which, because of their mucous coats, are also highly impermeable, Peterson, В.Р. (1963) J.Cell,Biol,, 18(1):213 A note on the structure of crayfish myofilaments 9-03368 Е 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Meek, С.А. & 5. Bradbury 9-03369 Е (1963) J,Cell Biol,, 18(1):73 Localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase activity in the Golgi apparatus of a mollusc, Helix aspersa Ritchie, L.S., G.V. Hillyer & 9-03370 Е E.C. Cushing (1963) Milit,Med,, 128(8):795 Molluscicidal and cercaricidal activities of substances contained in tissues of certain plants Fujita, Y. € А. Hattori (1963) 9-03371 F J.gen,appl,Microbiol,, 9(2):253 Occurrence of a purple bile pigment in phycoerythrin-rich cells of the blue-green alga, Tolypothrix tenuis Mohammed, S.T. (1963) 9-03372 F Mikrobiol,, Moskva (En Transl,), 32:492-8 Isolation of some nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae from the rice fields of Egypt, in pure cultures Tsujii, T. & O. Isono (1963) 9-03373 Е J.Fac.Fish.Univ.Mie, 5(3):371-7 (Studies on the mechanism of shell- and pearl-formation. 7. The respiratory metabolism of the mantle in the normal and in the regenerating shell-formation), Ni En Measurement by Warburg's direct method, of endogenous respiration in the mantle of the freshwater shell fish, Cristria plicata spatiosa (Clessin). СВ 9-03296. Krauss, В.М. (1962) 9-03374 Е In 9-03031:673-85 Inhibitors Discusses the subject under headings: Toxic agents for control purposes; Toxic agents in metabolic investigations; Other inhibitors of algal growth, Incl, biblio- graphic references to major papers on the subject, Telling, J.F. (1962) 9-03315 Е In 9-03031:743-57 Freshwater algae Discusses the subject under headings: Sources of information; Growth rates and population kinetics; Light and temperature requirements, photosynthesis; Nutrient requirements and assimilation; Species differentation and interactions; Production and productivity. Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Lund, J.W.G. (1962) 9-03376 F In 9-03031:759-70 Soil algae Discusses the subject under headings: The physical environment, moisture, light, temperature; The chemical environment; pH and salt tolerance; Nutrition; The biological environment; Effects on the physics and chemistry of soil, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, McLaughlin, J.J.A. € 9-03377 Е P.A. Zahl (1962) In 9-03031:823-6 Endozoic algae Discusses the subject under headings: Zoochlorellae; Zooxanthellae; Axenic culture of symbiotic algae; Role of symbiotic algae, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Gilet, R., S. Santier & 9-03378 Е А. Villeroux (1963) C.R,Acad.Sci. Paris, 257(13):1985-8 Effet comparé des rayons X de moyenne énergie et de rayons X mous sur le taux de survie de la Chlorophycée Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (Comparison of the effects of X-rays of medium energy and of soft X-rays on the survival rate of the chlorophycean Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick) For a similar amount of energy soft X-rays appear twice as effective as X-rays of medium energy on survival rates after intense irridiation, Davidson, F.F. (1961) 9-03379 F Wat. Sewage Wks, 108:417-20 Antibacterial activity of Oscillatoria formosa Bory extract Tests on cultures treated with an aqueous filtered extract of Oscillatoria formosa, including Salmonella spp., Shigelia dysenteriee and Staphylococcus aureus. Materials and methods are described. tained chromatograms of algal hydrolysate were identical with those of pure d-¢-diaminopimelic acid, WPA 35(10)1930. Jarosch, R. (1962) 9-03380 FG In 9-03031:573-81 Gliding Discusses the subject under headings: Occurrence; Relation between cell surface and mode of movement; Rate and relation to the substrate; Shifting of adhering particles; Polarity, rhythm, and dependence on external factors; Secretion of mucilage ; Mechanism. Incl. bibliographic references to major papers on the subject. Korea, Ministry of Agriculture 9-03384 M & Forestry. Bureau of Fisheries (1961) Fish.Statist.Korea, 1961:305 р. Month to month and annual totals of culture yields and catch totals for 1961 in tabular form and with graphs indicating catch peaks, Presented together with statistics on the fishing population, processing, sales and license issue, ANON. (1963) Electron,Engng, 35(425 ) : 460 A transistorized marine radar 9-03385 M FISHING 169 Hase, E. (1962) In 9-03031:617-24 Cell division 9-03381 FG Discusses the subject under neadings: Various stages in the life cycle of Chlorella; Effects of some chemicals and nutrient deficiency on the course of cell division; Cellular metabolism associated with cell division, Incl, bibliographic references to major papers on the subject, Oniani, T.N. (1960) 9-03382 G Soobshch,Akad,Nauk gruz.SSR, 24(3):343-50 O tonicheskikh i tetanicheskikh neiromotornykh edinitsakh u rechnogo raka (On tonic and tetanic neuromotor units in the crayfish) It was shown that muscles of the prehensile extremities of the crayfish are divided into 2 groups: "slow" muscles which contain, for the most part, tonic muscle fibres (abductor muscle of the claw, extensor of the propodite) and "quick" muscles which contain tetanotonic fibres (adductor muscle of the claw, flexor of the propodite). Double muscles of the 2nd group are accordingly doubly innervated, ВА 4OE(5)21292. Oniani, Т.М. (ANON, Transl, ) (1961) | Referat,Zh, (Biol, ) (En Transl,), 3D113 On tonic and tetanic neuromotor units in the crayfish 9-03383 G En 9-03382, BA LOE(5)21292, FISHING 9 (3) Furduev, A.V. (1963) 9-03386 M Akust,Zh,, 9(1):128 Deep water sound receiver Vrklijan, Т. (1963)A 9-03387 M Morsk,Ribarst., 15(3-4):8-11, 16 Organizacija trZi3ta i snabdjevanje morskom ribom (Organization of the market and sea fish supply). Hr En 170 Angelescu, V. (1962) 9-03388 M Rev.Univ.,la Plata, (15)Sept.-Dec.1961:139-68 Panorama actual y futuro de la pesca maritima en la Argentina (Present and future perspectives of the marine fisheries in Argentina) General review of SW Atlantic resources; fisheries industry of Argentina in relation to Other countries, especially of Latin America; production in relation to population and potential; distribution and marketing problems; ref, to FAO work, Menno, D.V. (1963) 9-03389 M J.Ass.off.agric.Chem.Wash., №6(1):25 Fish and other marine products Ronquillo, Т.А., Р. Caces-Borja & A.N. Mines (1962) IPFc/c62/CP22, :14 р, Preliminary observations on the otter trawl fishery of Manila Bay 9-03390 M Records changes in the fishery, lists catches of different commercial types, Increased catch has led to more pelagic fishing outside the bay, and changes in gear and boats. Japan, Fisheries Agency (1962) IP RE 062/0225, SL p. Abstracts of statistics on Japanese fisheries 9-03391 M Data on the fishing population, boats and gear types, catches, utilisation of incomes and expectations for the various fisheries concerned, Klust, G. (1959) Prot.FischTech,, 5(24) :332-8 Zur Wasserbeständigkeit von Netzgarnen aus einigen synthetischen Faserstoffen (The resistance to immersion of net twines of various synthetic fibres) 9-03392 MG Data for 7 types of fibre knitted in the institute at Hamburg and subjected to immersion over a period of 1 1/2 years in brackish water; tables give information on the influence of water on the fibres and follow the deciine in breaking strain over the test period. 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Percier, A. (1962) 9-03393 MF Bull, Cent.Etud,Rech,sci,, Biarritz, 4(2):219-34 Méthode d'étude des caractéristiques de la | maille de filet | (A method of study of the characteristics of | the mesh of fishing nets) Sastri, В.М. (Ed. )(1962)c 9-03394 MF New Delhi, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 132 p. The wealth of India, Raw materials, Vol, 4, (supplement) Fish and fisheries Contains articles on: Systematic account of important fishes which includes several introduced species; An account of fisheries including description of fishing grounds and of the availability of fish at different seasons, traditional coastal and inshore fisheries, offshore and deep sea fisheries, A résumé of recent trawling experiments is given; Detailed account of various brackish water fisheries, several possible lines for future development; Description of methods of culture used for Indian major carps; Possibilities of using other local species and of introducing exotic species; Research and development projects which have been, and are being, carried out in the various states; Description of fishing craft and gear; Preservation and processing; Composition and uses, Composition of some Indian marine and fresh water fishes is given, Tables giving minerel constituents of some marine fishes and the amino acid composition of some fish proteins; Fish oils are dealt with in some details including fish and halibut liver oils; Marketing and trade; Crustacean and molluscan fisheries. Korea, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (1962) Seoul, 113 p. Korean fisheries 1962 9-03395 MF Gives a brief description of the current status of Korea's dominantly marine fishing industry, There are sections on equipment and techniques, culture methods, processing, organization, administration and economic aspects, Fisheries statistics are included in an appendix, AKON, (1963) Niger ,Tr,J., 11(2):54-8 Developing Nigeria's fisheries 9-03396 MF In Northern Region primitive methods of local fishermen of Lake Chad are being improved by fishery station on Baga peninsula, Eastern Region's fisheries department has 3 objectives, (1) establishment of commercial trawling industry, (2) improvement of canoe fishing by using artificial fibre netting and power canoes, (3) development of fish culture stations and fish ponds. Federal Institute of Industrial Research near Lagos has developed an economical mechanical fish drying process, Western Nigeria United Nations Special Fund Project has been launched to develop fisheries programme, Most suitable fish species in ponds is Tilapia; Ophiocephalus, Clarias, Heterotis, and Gymnarchus spp. are also cultivated, Carrothers, P.J.G. (1962) 9-03397 MF Circ.biol.Sta., Nanaimo, (66):16 р. Results of laboratory and field evaluation of continuous filament isotactic poly- propylene fibre for salmon gill nets. B.C. 1962 Nanaimo Dodds, G.B. (1963) 9-03398 MF Chepel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 251 Po The salmon king of Oregon; Pacific fisheries R.D, Hume and the Ahmad, N. (1960) 9-03399 MF Dacca, East Pakistan Govt Press, 55 Do Tour report on fish and fisheries of south- east Asia and the Far East Ahmad, N. (1961) 9-03800 MF Dacca, East Pakistan Govt Press, 35 p. Fishing gear of East Pakistan Dunstan, D.J. (1961) 9-03401 MF Papua agric.J., 13(4):148-56 Trolling results of F.R.V. TAGULA in Papuan waters from August, 1957, to February, 1959 Report of these operations, tabulation of results by fishing voyages, notes on equipment and on composition of catch, FISHING 9 (3) 171 Jefford, A.W. (1962) Papua agric.J., 14(4):167-76 Dugout canoes of Papua and New Guinea 9-03402 MF Popular ill, account of these vessels and their mechanization, Thailand, Fish 9-03403 MF Marketing Organization (1962) Bangkok, IPFC/C52/CP4, :7 Po. Fish marketing orgarization aids to fishermen during 1953-1961 Enumerates details and scope of the available aid, and explains the activities of the F.M.O. Nakamura, T. (1962) 9-03404 MF IPFC/C62/CP26, :10 р. Recent fisheries statistical surveys of Japan Kostrowicki, J. (1961) 9-03405 МЕ Zesz.neuk.wyzsz.Szk.roln.Olsztyn., 11(114): 207-12 Przyczynek do poznania wplywu czynnikéw przyrodniczo-technicznych na lownogé narzedzi rybackich (A contribution to the examination of the influence of natural and technical factors on the efficiency of fishing implements). Pl Endo, K., М. Hujita & И. Simidu (1962) Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(11):1099-103 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals - 33. Seasonal variation of nitrogenous 9-03406 X extractives in squid muscle), Ni En CR 8- 11165. Endo, K. € W. Simidu (1963) 9-03407 X Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish,, 29(4):362=5 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals - 37. Octopine in squid muscle), Ni En CR 9-03406, 172 Endo, K., M. Hujita € W, Simidu (1963) Bull,Jap.Soc.sci,Fish,, 29(4):366-70 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals - 38. Changes in nitrogenous extractives of squid muscle during storage). Ni En 9-03408 x Co 9-03407 o Enomoto, N., H. Nagatake & 9-03409 X У. Tomiyasu (1963) Bull,Jap.Soc.sci,Fish,, 29(6):542-5 (Studies on the external mucous substance of fishes - 8, Quantitative analysis of the mucus-polysaccharide from some fishes, 2, Basic and acidic sugar composition), Ni En Co 8- 08489 . BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Honda, K. (1963) Bull.Jap,Soc,sci.Fish,, 29(5):441-6 (On the fatigue of netting twines against repeated impact loads), Ni En 9-03410 X Ikeuchi, T. € М. Simidu (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci,Fish., 29(2):151-6 Study on cold storage of brayed fish meat for the material of Kamaboko - 1, Effects of setting phenomenon on the jelly-forming ability of frozen brayed fish meat 9-03411 X Ikeuchi, T. & W. Simidu (1953) 9-03412 X Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fisn,, 29(2):157-60 Study en cold storage of brayed fish meat for the material of Kamaboko - 2. Effects of saccharides and others on setting of brayed fish meet Co 9-03411, AQUATIC STOCKS Clarke, M.R. (1963) 9-03413 M New Scient,, 17(330):568-70 Economic importance of North Atlantic squids Squids and octopuses are an important source of protein, suitable for human or animal food, for manure and for bait, The evidence from whales' stomachs shows that there are enormous squid populations to be caught in the deep Atlantic, given suitable nets, Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1961) 9-03414 M Z,Tierpsychol,, 18(1):56-9 Eine Symbiose zwischen Fischen (Siphamia versicolor) und Seeigeln (The symbiosis between fishes (Siphamia versicolor) and sea urchins) LZ 7(3):630. Post, E. (1963) Naturwissenschaften, 50(2):49 (MURRAYELLOPSIS DAWSONII Post gen. et spec. nov. from a marine goldfish). De 9-03415 M BAgr.27(6)46676. 9 (3) ANON. (1963) 9-03416 M Mondo sommerso, 5(10) Atlante dei pesci delle coste italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts), It Detachable cards, 111., with notes on morpholo- &y, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Pagrus auriga and Dasyatis pastinaca, Mellinger, J. (1962) Gen,comp.Endocr,, 3:26-45 Etude histophysiologique du systéme hypothelamo-hypophysaire de Scyliorhinus caniculus (L.) en état de mélanodispersion permanente (Histophysiological study of the hypothalama- hypophysial system of Scyliorhinus caniculus (L.) in а state of permanent melanization). En 9-03417 M Damage to the preoptico-hypophysial tract causes permanent melanophore dispersion; experiments reported refute the bihormonal theory of colour control in elasmobranchs, AQUATIC STOCKS Waterman, A.J. & A. Gorbman 9-03418 M (1962) Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:58-65 Thyroid tissue and some of its properties in the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa Describes the tissues unusual for the large follicular size and variability of the epithelial cells which are often vesicular. Gives rates of uptake of 1131. Dollfus, R.-Ph. (1962) 9-03419 M Ann,Parasit,hum, comp, , 37(4) Deux espèces de trématodes monogenetiques parasites du "bluefin tuna" de Californie (Two species of monogenetic trematodes parasitic on California bluefin tuna) Coupland, А.С. (1962) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 42(3):521-6 The taxonomy of monogenean gill parasites from Scyliorhinus canicula and Raia clavata at Plymouth 9-03420 M The gill parasites from Scyliorhinus canicula and S, stellaris are identical and should be designated as Hexabothrium appendiculatum (Kuhn 1829) with H, canicula (Cerfontaine 1899) as a synonym. The hexabothriid from Raia clavata is identified as Rajonchocotyle emarginata (Olsson, 1876), and_R, clavata (in Sproston, 1946) is a synonym, Llewellyn, J. (1962) J,Mar,biol,Ass,U,K,, 42(3) :587-600 The life histories and population dynamics of monogenean gill parasites of Trachurus trachurus (L.) 9-03421 M Describes the life history and host-parasite relations of the two species of gill parasite found on Plymouth sand, Bagenal, T.B. (1963) J.Mar,biol.Ass.U¿K., №3(2):391-9 Variations in plaice fecundity in the Clyde area 9-03422 M Pleuronectes platessa. A marked change in fecundity from 137,000 to 161,000 eggs:female after 1957 is attributed to the fishing intensity, the change representing part of a density dependent population regulating mechanism, 9 (3) 173 Bagenal, T.B. (1963) 9-03423 M J.Mar,biol.Ass,U,K,, 43(2):401-7 The fecundity of witches in the Firth of Clyde Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Г. Fecundity data are given for 120 fish caught between 1958 and 1962. Barr, W.A. (1963) Gen,comp Endocr, , 3:197-204 The endocrine control of the sexual cycle in the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa (L). 1. Cyclical changes in the normal ovary 9-03424 M Describes cyclical histological changes in the ovary, the significance of the corpora atretica, and methods for force feeding. A technique for pituitary removal using a trephine, Barr, W.A. (1963) 9-03425 M Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:205-15 The endocrine control of the sexual cycle in the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa (L.). 2. The endocrine contiol of oogenesis Hyphysectomy prevents growth and maturation of oocytes in adults, but resumed growth is stimulated by injection of plaice-pituitary extract. Evidence given suggests that oviposition is also under pituitary control. Co 9-03424. Barr, W.A. (1963) Gen,comp,Endocr,, 3:216-25 The endocrine control of the sexual cycle in the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa (L). 3. The endocrine control of spermatogenesis 9-03426 M After the spermatogenesis cycle is initiated the process continues for some time in the absence of the pituitary and hypo- physecromy does not prevent spermiation, Co 9-02425, Perks, A.M. 8 M.H.I. Dodd (1963) 9-03427 M Gen, с Endocr, , 3:286-99 Evidence for a neurohypophyseal principle in the pituitary gland of certain elasmobranch species Extracts of the neurointermediate lobe of Squalus acanthias, Scyliorhinus caniculus, Reja clavata end Raia batis all showed oxytocic, milk ejection and antidiuretic activities thought to represent properties of a single neurohypophyseal analogue of oxytocin, 174 Leray, C. (1961)A Cah,Biol,mar,, 2:41-52 Contribution а l'étude ostéologique de Gouania wildenowii Risso (Téléostéens) (squelette céphalique et ceintures) (Contribution to the study of the osteology of Gouznia wildenowii (Teleostei)(skull and appendicular skeleton)) 9-03428 M Chabaud, A.G. & В. Czaplinski (1961) Cah.Biol.mar., 2:67-70 Le nématode parasite de movettes, Paracuaria mecdonaldi Rao 1951, est une forme de passage entre Habronemstinae et Acuariinae (The nematode parasite of sea gulls, Paracuaria macdoreldi Rao 1951, is a transition form between Habronematinae and Acuariinae), 9-03&29 M En Paracuria macdonaldi describeä from Larus argentatus in Canada has been found again in the same host at Roscoff. The study of the morphology of the sp. allows to strictly definite the origin of the sub-family and to more clearly understand the cordons of the acuarids, Palmer, G. (1962) 9-03430 M Ann.Mag.net.Hist.(13), 5(56):497-503 New records of fishes from the Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean Descriptions of 93 specimens collected in 1957 by W.W. Phillips representing 42 spp., 35 of which are new records for the area, CR 61-10288, Pillai, K. (1962) 9-03431 M Ann.Mag,net.Hist, (13), 5(57):513-22 Observations on the synonymy of Caligus coryphaense Stp. & Lutk, Materials from Panama Bay. Wheeler, A. (1962)A 9-03432 M Ann nat.Hist, (13), 5(57):529-40 The nomenclature of the European fishes of the subfamily Trachinotinae Simpson, T.H., R.S. Wright 9-03433 M & H. Gottfried (1963) J,Endocrin,, 26(4) :469-98 Steroids in the semen of dogfish (Squalus acanthias ) 11-Deoxycorticosterone found in high concentration, Accompanying steroids are listed, 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Simpson, T.H., В.5. Wright 9-03434 M & S.V. Hunt (1963) J.Endocrin,, 26(4):499-507 Sex hormones in fish. Part 2, The oestrogens of Scyliorhinus caniculus Whole ovaries shown to contain oestradiol-17$ and oestrone, greater part localized within eggs. Concentrations appear to be constant, independent of size of egg, Uchida, К. & У. Shojima (М.С. van Campen Transl, ) (1963) Honolulu, Hawaii, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, mimeo, 7 p. Studies of drifting sea weeds: Larval and juvenile fishes accompanying drifting sea weed - 1, Investigations in the vicinity of Tsuyazaki in the fiscal year 1957 9-03435 M En 59-4320. Picon, R. (1963) 9-03436 M Arch.Anat.micr.Morph.exp., 51(4):541 Recherches sur la differenciation sexuelle de l'embryon de Leptocharias smithii (Muller et Henle) elasmobranche (Researches on the sexual differentiation of the embryo of Leptocharias smithii (Muller and Henle) elasmobranch) Bell, J.P, € G.H. Satchell (1963) Aust.J,exp,Biol,med,Sci,, 41(3):221 An undescribed unilateral ocular reflex in the dogfish Squalus acanthias Г. 9-03437 M Karlovac, J. (1963) 9-03438 M Morsk.Ribarst, 15(3-4):4-7 Tragom mrijesne srdele (Tracing the spawning sardine). Hr En Describes the results of studies on the spawning of Sardina pilchardus Walb, carried out in the central Adriatic during 1956-1957. Koepcke, H.-W. (1962) Biota, 4(29):1-17 (A list of the knowm marine fishes of Peru) 9-03439 M ВА 39Е(5)21228. AQUATIC STOCKS Dutt, S. (1961) J.zool.Soc.India, 13(1):78-89 Biometric studies on Sardinella spp. of Waltair coast. 2. Sardinella gibbosa Blkr. 9-03440 M Co DE ВА 39E(4)13257. Mukhacheva, У.А. (1959) 9-03441 M Trud.Inst,Okeanol, (En Transl, ), 20:291-302 Notes on the development of the far eastern navaga (Eleginus gracilis tilesius) Includes observations on spawing of the far eastern navaga in Amur Bay. En 60-4654, ВА 39E(4)13285, Pokrovskaya, T.N. (1959) 9-03442 M Trud,Inst,Okeanol, (En Transl,), 20:2145-53 Age and growth of the navaga (Eleginus) in the Kara Sea En 58-4309, BA 39E(4)13291. Arsen'ev, V.A. (1961) 9-03443 M Trud,Soveshch,ikhtiol,Kom,, 12:125-32 O malykh polosatikakh (Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lac.) Antarktiki (Minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lac.) in the Antarctic) On the basis of measurements of 45 males and 15 females, the body length of commercially- caught females ranged from 6.7 to 9.3 m, and ‘that of the males from 6.9 to 9.4 m; which, at the maximum, somewhat exceeds minke whales in the northern hemisphere, ВА 39A(6)2179k. Arsen'ev, У.А. (ANON, Transl, ) 9-03444 M (1962) Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 41268 Minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata Lac.) in the Antarctic En 9-03443, BA 39A(6)2179k. Lyubimova, T.G. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., 8:10-3 Zakonomernosti raspredeleniia pelamidy v Chernom more (Mechanisms governing the distribution of bonito in the Black Sea) 9-03445 M BA 39A(6)21816. 9 (3) Lyubimova, T.G. (ANON. Transl, ) (1962) Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 4152 Mechanism governing the distribution of bonito in the Black Sea En 9-03445, 9-03446 M ВА 39А(6)21816. Popov, Г.А. (1961) 9-03447 M Trud.Soveshch,ikhtiol.Kom, , 12:180-91 Materialy k obshchei morfologii khokhlacha Grenlandskogo moria (Cystophora cristata Erxl, ) (Data on the general morphology of the Greenland Sea hooded seal (Cystophora cristata Егх1.)) BA 39A(6)21827. Popov, L.A. (ANON. Тгапз1. ) (1962) Referat, Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 41227 Data on the general morphology of the Greenland Sea hooded seal (Cystophora cristata Erxl. ) 9-03448 M En 9-03447, ВА 394(6)21827. Denton, E.J. & T.I. Shaw (1961) J,Physiol,, 161(1):14P-15P The buoyancy of gelatinous marine animals 9-03449 M Abstract only. BA L0E(2)8473, Krivoshchekov, G.M. (1959) 9-03450 M in Biol.osnovy rybnoe khoziaistra, Tomsk, Tomskii Univ., pp. 173-8 Materialy po biologii i promyslu altaiskikh OSMANOV (Data on the biology and capture of the Altai osman, a Mongolian cyprinid Oreoleuciscus) BA №0Е(2)8552. Krivoshchekov, G.M. 9-03451 M (ANON. Transl, )(1961) Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 4D501 Data on the biology and capture of the Altai Osman, a Mongolian cyprinid Oreoleuciscus En 9-03450, BA 40E(2)8552, 175 176 Kulikova, E.B. (1960) Trud, Inst,Okeanol, , 31:166-204 Lampanikty (rod Lampanyctus) del'nevo- stochnykh morei severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Pisces, Scopelidae) (The lantern fishes (genus Lampanyctus) of the Far Eastern Seas and the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean (Pisces, Scopelidae)) 9-03452 M BA №0Е(2)8553. Kulikova, Е.В. (ANON, Transl. ) (1961) Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 4D464 The lantern fishes (genus Lampanyctus) of the Far Eastern Seas and the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean (Pisces, Scopelidae) 9-03453 M En 9-03452, BA 40E(2)8553. Ciriquisin-Gaiztarro, M. (1961)c San Sebastián, Biblioteca Vascongada de los Amigos del País, 359 p. Los vascos en la pesca de la ballena (The Basques fishing whales) 9-03454 M Japan, Fisheries Agency 9-03455 M (1959) Tokyo, Тр. Biochemical study on tuna Richards, S.W. (1963) 9-03456 M Bull, Bingham oceanogr.Coll., 18(2):101 р. The demersal fish population of Long Island Sound. 1. Species composition and relative abundance in two localities, 1956-57. 2. Food of the juveniles from a sand-shell locality (Station 1). 3. Food of the juveniles from a mud locality (Station 3A). Ru Part 1 analyses otter trawl hauls made between June 1955 and July 1957. The ten commonest spp. constituted 93% of the total standing crop; Pseudopleuronectes americanus accounted for 67%, Part 2 identifies food of 33 spp. collected at St. 1, and Part 3 identifies food spp. of 20 spp. 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON, (1962) Oryx, 6(6):335-7 The leathery turtle 9-03457 M Results of hatching from the hatchery reported in Oryx 6(2) with recommendations for further work, Harrisson, T, (1962) Oryx, 6(5):265-9 Present and future of the green turtle 9-03458 M Notes on the biology of Chelonia mydas, with special reference to egg laying. Van Wijngaarden, A. (1962) Oryx, 6(5):270-3 The Mediterranean monk seal 9-03459 M Summary of information on records of the occurrence of this seal, statement of the position of its populations in 1962, note on reproduction, recommendation for further conservational measures. Suzuki, K. (1962) Rep, Fac,Fish,Univ,Mie, 4(2):43-232 Anatomical and taxonomical studies on the carangid fishes of Japan 9-03460 M Detailed examination of the group giving diagnoses and keys, description of external and internal anatomy and extensive discussion of the comparative anatomy. Takahashi, T. (1963) J.Fec,Fish,Univ,Mie, 5(3):384-11 (Studies on the viscera enzymes of cuttle- fish, Ommastrephes sloani pacificus). Ni En 9-03461 M Enzymatic activity of extracts from digestive organs was investigated and properties of the liver proteinase studied. Autolysis of viscera is discussed in the light of the results, AQUATIC STOCKS Percival, E. € A.M.R. Burnet (1963) N,2.J,Sci,, 6(2):273-303 A study of the Lake Iyndon rainbow trout (Salmo gairänerii) Study of age composition, growth rate, natural reproduction, condition factor, feeding habits, parasites, especially in connection with the effect of population density on growth rate, 9-03462 F Rapson, A.M, (1962) Papua agric.J., 14(4):141-50 Shark attacks in New Guinea waters 9-03463 M List of provoked and unprovoked shark attacks and analysis of the information with respect to the situations in which the attacks were made and the wounds caused, Rehm, W.S. (1962) Amer,J,Physiol,, 203(6):1091-3 Acid secretion, potential difference, and resistance of elasmobranch stomach 9-03464 M Choe, S. (1962) 9-03465 M Bull,Jap,Soc.sci,Fish, 28(11):1082-91 (The shell and the locular index of the cuttle-fishes, Sepia esculenta, Hoyle, Sepia subaculeata Sasaki and Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune), Ni En Study of the form and locular index of the shell of these spp. during growth after artificial hatching, Doi, T, (1962) 9-03466 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci,Fish,, 28(11):1077-81 Dynamical relations between secular variations and population parameters (especially natural and fishing mortality) of the king crab resource off the western Kamchatka Assessment of the influence of population parameters, especially fishing and natural mortality, on yearly variations of catch, using an enalogcomputer as a kind of differential analyser, Ichikawa, R., М. Oguri € N. Takada (1963) Bull, Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(6):521-4 Uptake of tantalum-182 by fish 9-03467 M Experiments with the Japanese killifish (Oxyzias latipes), 9 (3) 177 Inoue, M. (1963) 9-03468 M Bull ,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(2):99-107 (Studies on movements of albacore fishing grounds in the north western Pacific Ocean - 4, Migrations of the deep swimming albacore community in the waters adjacent to Japan in 1954-55). Ni En Analysis of data from longline fishing, giving contour lines of hooking rates related to isotherms. Co 61-06836. Wheeler, A. (1962) 9-03469 M Ann.Mag.nat.Hist. 23), 5( 25): 2571-60 A rare British fish, Taractes (Taractichthys) longipinnis (Lowe) Gives a description of the second specimen found in Britain, and discusses other records of the species. -03470 M Blacker, R.W. (1962) г. Ann. Meg net Hist. (13), 5(53):261-71 Rare fishes from the Atlantic slope fishing grounds Gives records of the 107 species of fish taken in trawls during 8 voyages in 1960 and 1961. Farina, B. & E, Leone (1963)B Biochem,J,, 89(1):7P-8P Phosphatases and nucleases in cephalopods 9-03471 Oztan, N. (1962) 9-03472 MG Gen,c Endocr,, 3:1-14 The hypothalamic neuroscretory system of a poeciliid fish, Platypoecilus maculatus and its sterile hybrid backcross with Xiphophorus helleri An investigation of the microanatomy and pathway arrangement. In sterile fish the cells of the preoptic nuclei and the pars magnocell- ularis show high secretory activity, the neurohypophysis is laden and the nuclei lateralis cells are inactive. 178 Vereninov, A.A., N.N. Nikol'skii 8 D.L. Rozental' (1962) Tsitologia, №(2):171-81 Raspredelenie neitral'nogo krasnoge mezhdu gigantskim akscnom karakatitsy i sredoi (The distribution of a vital dye (neutral red) between the giant axon of Sepia and sea water) 9-03473 MG The data served to confirm previous sorption theories with a new experimental object, BA №0Е(5)21350. Prowse, G.A. (1963) New Scient,, 17(323):192 Fish out of home water 9-ОЗЬТЬ MF Letter commenting on a recommendation made at the 10th session of IPFC proposing that a register of instances of the introduction of fish into countries where they are not indigenous should be compiled by FAO and that institutions and scientific workers should be asked to assist in this, The writer informs that he has undertaken to compile a list of all such introduction of Tilapia spp. and requests cooperation for this work, Capon, P.F. (1963) 9-03475 MF New Scient., 17(325):309-10 Dangerous fish out of home water? Commenting on letter from G.A. Prowse (24 January) on Tilapia species and their introduction into many parts of the world it raises the problem of these fishes destroying many other rare and possibly useful species. Le 9-03474. Núñez, J.A. (1961) Biol,Zbl,, 80(6) :641-3 Osmoregulation und Salzkonzentration des Blutes dreier Fischarten (Basilichthys bonariensis, Bachmannia nigricans und Bachmannia incisa) (Osmoregulation and salt concentration in three species of fish (Basilichthys bonariensis, Bachmannia nigricans and Bachmannia incisa) ) 9-03476 MF 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Barriety, L. (1962) 9-03477 MF Bull, Cent.Etud.Rech.sci,, Biarritz, 4(2):103-70 Reprises de bagues étrangéres dans le ressort de centre régional de baguage de Biarritz (1957-1962) (Recovery of foreign marks in the area of the Biarritz regional tagging centre (1957-1962)) Lists marks recovered on birds. Contains reference to aquatic species, Whitehead, P.J.P. (1963) 9-03478 MF Ann.Mag.nat.Hist. (13), 5(60):737-50 A contribution to the classification of clupeoid fishes Uses two new classificatory characters: post frontal fontanelles and the pelvic scutes; and includes the Chirocentridae as a superfamily 'Chirocentroidae' of the suborder Clupeiodei. Figures important details and discusses clupeoid characters of other isospondylous fish, the Beitch, I. (1963)A Chesapeake Sci, , 4(2):75-83 A histomorphological comparison of the urinary systems in the serranid fishes, Roccus saxatilis and Roccus americanus 9-03479 MF Tyler, A.V. (1963) Chesapeake Sci., 4(2):105-6 A cleaning symbiosis between the rainwater fish, Lucania parva and the stickleback, Apeltes quadracus 9-03480 MF Rainwater fish, the client species, were found to carry the trematode ectoparasite, Gyrodactylus, which were apparently browzed by the stickleback, the cleaner species, The complex behaviour pattern observed under aquarium conditions suggests this symbiosis may occur naturally between the two species found together in shallow weed beds in the estuary. AQUATIC STOCKS Loosanoff, V.L. & Н.С. Davis (1963) Advanc,Mar,Biol,, 1:2-136 Rearing of bivalve mollusks 9-03481 MF Presents the information already available on the rearing techniques under chapters: equipment; conditioning mollusks for out-of- season spawning; cultivation of eggs and larvae of bivalves; rearing of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), Mercenaria (equals Venus) mercenaria (Linné), Arca transversa Say, Modiolus demissus (Dillwyn), Mytilus edulis Linné, Anomia simplex D'Orbigny, Pecten irradians Lamarck, Ostrea edulis Linné, Ostrea lurida Carpenter, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) , Laevicardium mortoni (Conrad), Mercenaria (equals Venus) campechiensis (Gmelin), Tapes semidecussata Reeve, Pitar (equals Callocardia) morrhuana Gould, Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck, Ensis directus (Conrad), Mactra (equals Spisula) solidissima Dillwyn, Mya arenaria Linné, Teredo navalis Linne, Incl, full bibliographic list, Bauer, W. (1963) 9-03482 MF Dtsch.Fisch.-Ztg., 10(2):59-63 Fischsterben im Kistengebiet der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik in den Jahren 1951- 1961 (Fish death off-shore the German Democratic Republic 1951-1961) Bruun, A.F. (1963) 9-03483 MF Advanc.Mar.Biol., 1:137-69 The breeding of the North Atlantic fresh-water eels Presents the information already available under chapters: Anguilla anguilla Г. and A. rostrata Le Sueur, the taxonomic situation; the distance to cover during the migration; how does A. anguilla reach the breeding place?; why have no migrating eels been caught in the Strait of Gibraltar?; the return of the European eel to the sea; Schmidt's collections of Anguilla leptocephali ; possible temperature effects on the number of vertebrae in Anguilla; parallel cases among North Atlantic Apodes; other species of Apodes breeding in the Sargasso Sea. Incl. full bibliographic list, 9 (3) 179 Nicol, J.A.C. (1963) Advanc,Mar, Biol. , 1:171-208 Some aspects of photoreception and vision in fishes 9-03484 MF Reviews the work on the photobehaviour and the functioning of the eye in marine environments under chapters: Extra-ocular reception; regulation of light reaching sensory surfaces, pineal, pupillary movement, the tapetum lucidum of Chondrichthyes, retinomotor changes in teleosts; refraction, accomodation and the receptor layer; visual pigments and spectral sensitivity; transmiss- ion by the lens; photosensivity and visual thresholds; the chorioidal gland; ecological and behavioural studies, Incl, full bibliographic list, Blaxter, J.H.S. & 9-03485 MF F.G.T. Holliday (1963) Advanc.Mar.Biol., 1:261-393 The behaviour and physiology of herring and other clupeids A comprehensive review covering spp.: Clupea harengus, C. pallasii, Sardina pilchardus, Sprettus sprattus, Sardinella aurita, Sardinops caerulea, S. melanosticta, Brevoortia tyrannus, Alosa spp., Pomolobus pseudoharengus, Caspialosa spp. and Clupeonella spp., under chapters: characteristics of clupeids; basic structure and composition of the gametes; embryology of the developing egg; development, feeding, growth and rearing of the larva; metamorphosis; post-metamorphic stages, feeding, growth, natural mortality, migrations, maturation of the gonads, spawning and racial characters, the genotype and the environment. Incl. full bibliography. Von Brandt, A. € H. Bohl (1959) 9-03486 MF Prot.FischTech., 5(24):277-95 Maschenmessung bei Schleppnetzen mit Druck-Messgeräten (Mesh measurement for dragnets using press guages) Detailed analysis of experiments comparing results from the currently used apparatus and methods giving deviations within a test series for a variety of fibres concludes that the Scottish apparatus described was the most reliable, though not easiest to operäte, 180 Briehl, R.W. (1963) J,biol,Chem,, 238(7):2361 The relation between the oxygen equilibrium end aggregation of subunits in lamprey hemoglobin 9-03487 MF Cheng, T.C. (1963) Ехр.Рагаз1%,, 13(3):342 Activation of Gorgodera amplicava cercaroae by molluscan sera 9-03488 MF Greenberg, 5.5. & M.J. Kopac (1963) Ann,N,Y.Acad,Sci,, 104(1):887 Studies of gene action and melanogenic enzyme activity in melanomatous fishes 9-03489 MF Hum, D.G. & Т.Н. Humm (1963) Ann,N,Y,Acad.Sci., 104(1):857 Aerobic and anaerobic carbohydrate utilization in normal and melanotic fish pigment cells 9-03490 MF Kinosita, H. (1963) Ann, N.Y.Acad,Sci,, 104(1):992 Electrophoretic theory of pigment migration within fish melanophore 9-03491 MF Steen, J.B. (1963) Acta physiol.scand., 58(2/3):124 The physiology of the swimbladder of the eel Anguilla vulgaris. 1. The solubility of gases and the buffer capacity of the blood 9-03492 MF Steen, J.B. (1963) Acta physiol,scand,, 58(2-3):138 The physiology of the swimbladder in the eel Anguilla vulgaris. 2, The reabsorption of gases 9-03493 MF Co 9-03492, Ziegler, I. (1963) Z.Naturf.(B), 18(7):551 Tetrahydropterin und Melanophoren- differenzierung bei Fischen (Tetrahydropterin and melanophore differentiation in fishes) 9-03494 MF 9 (3) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1963) Nutr.Rev., 21(2):57 Mitrochondrial fatty acids of fish and fish-eating birds 9-03495 MF Bainbridge, V. (1961) 9-03496 MF J,Cons,, 26(3):347-53 The early life history of the bonga, Ethmalosa dorsalis (Cuvier and Valenciennes) Ripe males and females of the clupeid fish Ethmalosa dorsalis (C. and V.) were caught and the eggs were fertilised artifically, The development of the egg and the early life history of the larva are described. ВА 39E(4)13244, Nigrelli, В.Е. (1962) J,Protozool,, 9(Suppl. ):22 Mechanisms of pathogenicity of parasitic Protozoa in fishes 9-03497 MF Abstract of paper presented to the fifteenth meeting of the Society of Protozoologists, Corvallis, Oregon, August 1962, ВА LOE(5)21063. Kaplan, H.M. & С. Schwartz (1963) 9-03498 MF Life Sciences, (9):637-46 Electrocardiography in turtles Kover, А., M. Szabolcs & 9-03499 MF K. Benko (1963) Acad.Sci.hung,, 23(3):229 Studies on the physiochemical and enzymochemic- al properties of structural proteins extracted from fish muscle, 1, Lability, enzymochemieal and structural properties of fish myosin Szabolcs, M., A, Kover € K. Benko (1963) Acte physiol,Acad,Sci,hung., 23(3):239 Studies of the physiochemical and enzymochemical properties of structural proteins extracted from fish muscle, 2. The effect of changes in the conditions of extraction on the homogeneity and enzymatic activity of fish myosin preparations 9-03500 MF Co 9-03499, AQUATIC STOCKS Scarpelli, D.G., H.M. Greider 9-03501 MF & W.J. Frajola (1963) Cancer Res, , 23(6):848 Observations on hepatic cell hyperplasia, adenoma and hepatoma of rainbow trout (Salmo geirdnerii) Noerenberg, W.A. (1963) 9-03502 MF Inform.leafl.Alaska Dep.Fish,, (21):17 1. Salmon forecast studies on 1963 runs in Prince William Sound Gerdes, J.H. (1961) Thesis, Univ, of Arizona, 59 p. The role of the threadfin shad, Dorosoma pretenense, in the food web of a small, new impoundment 9-03503 MF Dunstan, D.J. (1962) 9-03504 MF Papua agric,J,, 15(1,2):23-31 The barramundi in New Guinea waters Notes on distribution, abundance, habitat and movements of Lates calcarifer (Bloch), and report of research on age, reproduction, feeding habits and parasites. Abraham, B., Y. Hiyama & F. Yasuda (1962) Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 28(11):1092-8 Quantitative relation between marine and fresh Water preys and predators determined by 32P 9-03505 MF Prey were labelled with 32P by rearing them in vessels containing water contaminated by radioactive 32P Thomson, J.M. (1963) 9-03506 MF CSIRO Fish.Synops., (1) Synopsis of biclogical data on the grey mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus 1758 Gives compiled information on identity, distribution, bionomics and life history, population, exploitation and a bibliography. Porcellati, G. (1963)B 9-03507 MF Biochem,J., 89(1):43P-LP Further studies on threonine ethanolamine phosphodiester isolated from fish nervous tissues 9 (3) 181 Smith, I.W. (1963) 9-03508 MF mimeo, В р. Explosives and fish life - a review of the current literature Considers effects of oil prosperity, removal of sunken objects and unwanted fish, estimetion of populations and tag recovery, poaching. Effectiveness and range of explosions; measurement of force. Table of effects, by species, with refs., and lists of internal and external damage observed in fresh and salt water. Table of type and range of explosives. Westhoff, C.J.W., J.A. Pope & R.J.H. Beverton (1962) Charlottenlund-Slot, ICES, unpag. 13 De The Т.С.Е.5. mesh gauge 9-03509 MF A description, with details of operation and tests comparing performance with other gauges, Armstrong, P.B. (1962)C 9-03510 F New York, Syracuse University Press, 8 p. Stages in the development of Ictalurus nebulosus An ill, embryological study of this sp. with an accompanying booklet which contains diagnostic descriptions of the 53 defined stages also furnishing suggestions for collecting adults and for raising eggs in the laboratory. Kähling, J. (1961) Bio1,Zb1,, 80(4):439-51 Untersuchungen Über den Lichtsinn und dessen Lokalisation bei dem Höhlenfisch Anoptichthys jordani Hubbs & Innes (Characidae ) (Investigations on the light sense and its localisation in the cave fish Anoptichthys Jordani Hubbs & Innes (Characidae)) 9-03511 F Movchan, У.А. € G.S. Shuliek (1960) Dokl,Akad,Nauk ukr,SSR, (5):683-7 (The gonads of carp X crucian carp). Ru En 9-03512 F Uk LZ 7(3):625, 182 Berzins, В. (1960) Skr,sverig,FiskFören,, 1958:27-L4 Experiment med uppdragning av fiskyngel i provytor (Fish breeding experiments). sy 9-03513 F LZ 7(3):659. Neumova, A.M. (1960) 9-03514 Е Izv,timiriaz,sel,-Khoz,Akad,, 1960(6):214-6 Zhabernaia i pochechnaia formy sangvinikoleza u karpov (Gill and kidney sanguinicolosis in carp) LZ 7(3):666, Chernogorenko, M.I. (1960) Dokl,Akad,Nauk ukr,SSR, (3) :376-9 Vozrastnye izmeneniia fauny lichinochnych form trematod molliuskov г. Dnepra (Changes due to age in trematod larvae of Dnieper mollusks) 9-03515 F LZ 7(3):666, Klinger, K. (1960) Schweiz, FischZtg., 68(5):101 Wirbelsdulenverkrtimmungen bei Fischen (Curvature of the spine in fishes) 9-03516 F LZ 7(3):667. Follenius, E. (1962) Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:66-85 Etude comparative de la cytologie fine du noyau préoptique (NPO) et du noyau läteral du tuber (NLT) chez la truite (Salmo irideus Gibb.) et chez la perche (Perca fiuviatilis). Comparative des deux types de neuro:écr+ cf eggs taken). Ni En Regression © the relatior between number of eggs and body length, body weight, weight of egg and condition factor; also between weight of egg and condition factor. Co 9-04539. Suzuki, R. (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish,, 29(5):421-3 Hybridization experiments in cyprinid fishes, 3. Reciprocal crosses between Pseudorasbora parva pumila and Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus 9-04541 Е Description of the characteristics of the cross. Nose, T. & H. Mamiya (1963) 9-04542 Е Bull. Freshw, Fish, Res,Lab., Tokyo, 12(2):1-4 (Protein digestibility of flatfish meal in rainbow trout). Ni En Measurement of the avsorption of protein by an indirect method in which chromium oxide was used as indicator, Yameguchi, K. et al, (1963) Bull,Jap.Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(2):174-9 (Studies on two hemoglobins of loach - 1, Crystallization and some properties of two hemoglobins). Ni En 9-04543 Е pH mobility, sclubility, heat coagulation end alkali denaturation curves of these components, 241 242 Yamaguchi, K. et al, (1963) 9-O0454k4 p Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish,, 29(2):180-8 (Studies on two hemoglobins of loach - 2. Oxygen dissociation curve), Ni En Dissociation curves at various values of pH, temperature, and concentration of phosphate buffer, Co 9-04543, Dotu, Y. (1963) Zool,Mag., Tokyo, 72(1):1-5 (On the blind gobioid fish, Luciogobius albus Regan). Ni En 9-04545 Е Note on the taking of certain specimens and the conditions under which they had been living, Hanyu, I. & M.A. Ali (1963) 9-04546 Е Science, 140(3567):662-3 Flicker fusion frequency of electroretinogram in light-adapted goldfish at various temperatures States that the light intensity-fusion frequency relationship of the electroretino- gram follows the Ferry-Porter law except at higher intensities, and maximum fusion frequency increases with temperature. Oktay, M. (1959) 9-04547 Е Istanbul Univ.Fen,Fak.Mecm., 24(1-2) :74-92 Über Ausnahmemaennchen bei Platypoecilus maculatus und ein neue Sippe mit XX - Maennchen und XX - Weibchen (On the exceptional males of Platypoecilus maculetus and г race which gives XX males and XX females)., Tú Observations on the reciprocal crossing between ZWo and XYo', where ZX € ZY formula produces only do hybrids and МХ, WY produces only 9 hybrids. Oktay, M. (1959) 9-04548 Е Istanbul Univ,Fen,Fak,Mecm,, 24(3-4) :225-33 Weitere Untersuchungen Über eine Ausnahme (XX-) Sippe des Platypoecilus maculatus mit polygener Geschlechtsbestimmung (Further investigetions on an exceptional (XX-) strain of Platypoecilus maculatus with polygenic sex determination). 9 (4) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ladiges, W. (1959) 9-04549 Е Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 44(2):299-302 Crenicara filamentosa spec.nov., ein neuer seltener Cichlide aus Stidamerika (Crenicara filamentosa spec.nov., a new and rare Cichlid from South America) Description of с Holotype and 1 y Paratype fish of unknown origin imported into Germany via the U.S.A. Schroll, F. (1959) Int,Rev.Hydrobiol,, 44(3):395-h29 Zur Erndhrungsbiologie der steirischen Ammocöten Lampetra planeri (Bloch) und Eudontomyzon danfordi (Regan) (On the feeding of the Steiermark ammocoetes Lempetra planeri (Bloch) and Eudontomyzon danfordi (Regan)) 9-04550 Е The ammocoetes are shown to live in shaded situations and feed on different species of diatom at separate stages in the life history, passing the algal cells from the gill pouch to the gut by mucus bands. Gasaway, C.R. (1962) Trans .Amer,Fish.Soc,, 91:8-13 Effects of cutting aquatic vegetation and treatment of the resulting mats in ponds 9-04551 Е Experiments were carried out in a series of fish hatchery ponds at Tishomingo, Okla., to determine the effect on pond metabolism of cutting aquatic vegetation and either leaving it untreated or treating it with 2,4-D and ammonium nitrate. WPA 36(3)405. Kinne, 0. & E.M. Kinne (1962) Nature, Lond., 193:1097-8 Effects of salinity and oxygen on developmental rates in a cyprinodont fish 9-04552 F Naturally inseminated eggs of the desert pupfish Cyprinodon macularis were tested. Incubation periods in different constant temperatures of incubation are given. Salinity of 85% proved to be lethal under all combinations used. AQUATIC STOCKS David, A. € P.Roy (1960) 9-04553 Е Indian J,Fish,, 7(2):423-42 Some measurements of toxicity of tannery and textile wastes and their components to fish by bio-assays Results of experiments with Cirrhina mrigala, Puntius sophore and Mystus vittatus. Compares the different effects of discharge of wastes through the sewege works, with direct discharge into Kanpur waters, Balon, E.K. (1963) 9-04554 F Biológia, 18(4):273-85 f Opis reprezentaënÿch Supfn dunajskych р1езкёбоу (Description of key scales of Danubian breams). Slovy En Robel, R.J. (1961) 9-04555 Е Trans,N,Amer,Wildl,Conf,, 26:147-59 The effects of carp populations on the production of waterfowl food plants on a western waterfowl marsh Describes experiments with Cyprinus carpio in Utah, Cuinat, R. € R, Vibert (1963) 9-04556 F Stud. Rev. gen.Fish.Coun.Medit., (21):26 р. Demographic diagnosis on fish populations in trout streams The simple and abridged study of population dynamics qualified here as "demographic diagnosis" could perhaps be used as an objective basis for trout stream management, or at least for the management of a certain number of standard pilot-rivers. An example of demographic diagnosis is given together with working techniques and corresponding calculations, FAO/UN (1963) Rep,FAO/EPTA, (1640):16 p. Second report to the Government of the United Arab Republic on fishery investigations on the Nile River, the lakes and the pond farms in Egypt, 1961 and 1962. Based on the work of W,F,J. Wunder 9-04557 F Report on FAO project carried out under UN Expanded Technical Assistance Programme. Reports results of survey of cultivable inland waters, appraising their suitability for fish culture; assists the Government in developing its system of fish farms, and in integrating these activities with the biologi- cal work already persued. Gives recommend- ations for further development. Referred to also аз: FAO Fish,EPTA Rep, , (Fib/EPTA 27). 9 (4) 243 Pequin, L. (1963) 9-01558 F C,R.Acad,Sci,, Paris, 257(18):273L-7 Données nouvelles sur l'emmoniémie chez un téléostéen dulcicole: Cyprinus cerpio L. (New data on the blood ammonia in a freshwater teleost fish: Cyprinus Carpio L.) Uses a perfusion technique applied to the intestino-hepatic mass to determine the origin of armonia elimited by the gills, Tilak, в. (1963) Ann, Mag nat, Hist,(13), 6(63):145-55 Studies on the nematognathine pectoral girdle in relation to taxonomy 9-04559 F Morphology of pectoral girdle of 44 species of siluroids belonging to eight families has been studied to find out its systematic importance, Nawar, G. € E.G. Yoakim (1963) Ann Mag nat, Hist, (13), 6(63):157-9 A study on the fecundity of the Nile characid Alestes baremose (Joannis 1835) 9-04560 F One of economically important Nile fishes; large numbers are caught and preserved by salting, the so-called "Mellouha" of Upper Egypt. Number of eggs produced by a single female per year is taken as measure of fecund- ity. Material based on examination of 68 females of A, baremose collected from Barrage, 25 km, north of Cairo, during July and August 1961 and 1962, Chakraborti, S.K. (1962) Agric.Pakist,, 13(2):281-97 Fertilization of fish ponds 9-0L561 F Historical review of European pond-culture, bottom soil, pond fertilization, results of fertilization, Husain, 7, & S.M.K. Sufi (1962)A Agric.Pakist,, 13(2):346-59 Biological and economic effects of barrages on Hilse ilisha (Hamilton) and its fisheries in the Indus 9-04562 Е Ahmad, N. (1962)A Agric,Pakist,, 13(2):447-52 Tilapia culture in extensive water areas in West Pakistan 9-04563 Е 244 Sufi, S.M.K. (1962)A Agric,Pakist,, 13(2):499-503 Check list of the fishes of the Manchar Lake (West Pakistan) with a note on the effect of Sukkur barrage and the canalisation of the feeding chamels on the fish fauna of the lake. 9-04564 Е Sajid, A.S. (1962)A Agric,Pakist., 13(2):547-8 Occurrence of the fish Pristis microdon Lathem in River Indus, near Hyderabad, West Pakistan 9-04565 Е Saleem, М.А. (1962)A Agric.Pakist,, 13(2):575-81 Water quality criteria for fish culture 9-04566 Е Herbert, D.W.M. € 0.5. Shurben 9-04567 Е (1963) Ann,appl,Biol,, 52:321-6 A preliminary study of the effect of physical activity on the resistance of rainbow trout (salmo gairdnerii Richardson) to two poisons Toxicity of zinc sulphate and ammonium chloride to trout forced to swim continuously against water currents of three known velocities compared with their toxicity to similar fish tested simultaneously in still water, Increase in metabolic rate with current velocity measured, and its relation to increase in susceptibility to poisons discussed, Furtado, J.I. (1963) Ann,Mag.nat.Hist, (13), 6(62):97-106 A new caryophyllaeid cestode, Lytocestus parvulus sp.nov., from a Malayan catfish 9-04568 F Hitherto no caryophyllaeid cestodes reported from Malayan freshwater fishes. Reports new sp. of genus Lytocestus Cohn, 1908, from intestine of Clarias batrachus (L. ). Balon, Е.К. (1954) Arch,Hydrobiol,Suprl,, 27(3):325-64 Studien Uber die Ichthyofauna des tschechoslowakischen Donau-Abschnittes (Studies on the fish faune of the Chechoslovakian section of the Danube). 9-04569 F En Reviews the work of the Bratislava laboratory through eight years, 9 (4) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES McCrae, А.М.В. & М.А. Prentice (1963) Biochem.J., 89(2):78p-9p Some recent studies on the biology of Simulium vectors of onchocerciasis in Uganda 9-04570 F Paper presented to the 43lst meeting of the Biochemical Society, Kampala, Uganda 16-18 September 1963. Preliminary note on biting rhythms in relation to age and spatial distribution of the vector population, Msuya, P. (1963) Biochem.J., 89(2):80p A chemical examination of the red dye secreted in the sweat of the Hippopotamus 9-04571 F Paper presented to the 43lst meeting of the Biochemical Society, Kampala, Uganda 16-18 September 1963. Preliminary chemical investigation on Hippopotamus amphibius from Uganda indicates that the red colour of the sweat is due to melanin precursors, Flickinger, R.A. (1963) Gen,comp.Endocr., 3:606-15 Iodine metabolism in thyroidectomized frog larvae 9-04572 Е Rena pipien = Lieder, U. (1961) Naturwissenschaften, 48(11):437-8 Zur Wirkung des Cancerogens und Mutagens Melachitgrtin (p-Dimethylaminofuchson- dimethyliminooxalat (sulfat)) auf Mitosen bei Fischen und Fischeiern (On the effect of the carcinogen and mutagen malachite green (p-Dimethylaminofuchson- dimethyliminozalate (sulphate)) on mitoses in fish and fish eggs) 9-04573 Е Notes effects on eggs and regeneration tissue of Salmo gairdnerii, Rutilus, Rhodeus, Gobio and Gasterosteus. Solewski, W. (1961) Acta hydrobiol, ,Krekéw, 3(1):33-47 Die Bachforelle (Salmo trutta m. fario L.) des Wisla flussgebietes (The brook trout (Salmo trutta m. fario L.) of the Wisla River system). Pl 9-04574 Е Material was collected with an electrical fish-catcher for biometrical and morphological studies, The Wisla trout resemble those from the Sola River, and from Germany and Sweden, MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 245 Starmach, J. (1961) 9-04575 Е Acta hydrobiol, , Kraków, 3(1) 49-58 Die embryonale und larvale Entwicklung der Elritze (Phoxinus phoxinus L.) (The embryonic and larval development of the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus L.)). Pl Gives an illustrated account of the developmental stages with details of spawning of fish in a mountain stream in Poland, Zemskaia, K.A. (1961)B 9-04576 FG Trud,Soveshch, ikhtiol,Kom, , (13) :307-13 O vliienii nagula 1 chislennosti proizvoditelei na velichinu potomstva kaspiiskogo leshcha (On the effect of feeding conditions and abundance of spawners on the amount of progeny produced by Caspian bream) Zemskaia, К.А. (Ricker, М.Е. 9-04577 FG Transl, )(1963) Transl,Ser,Fish,Res,Bd Can,, (130):6 р. On the effect of feeding conditions and abundance of spawners on the amount of progeny produced by Caspian bream En 9-04576. Boiko, E.G. (Ricker, W.E. 9-04578 FG Transl, )(1963) Transl,Ser,Fish,Res,Bd Can,, (414):9 p. Basic factors in the fluctuations of the stocks of sturgeons and lesser fishes in the sea of Azov En 9-04579. MISCELLANEOUS AND ANON. (1963) 9-04583 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(8) :217-22 International observers on the pelagic expeditions in the Antarctic, No Text of adopted agreement concerning international observers entering into force as and from season 1963/64, Boiko, E.G. (1961)B 9-04579 FG Trud,Soveshch,ikhtiol,Kom,, 13 :147-57 Osnovnye fektory kolebaniia zapasa chastikovykh 1 osetrovykh ryb A zovskogo moría (Basic factors in the fluctuations of the stocks of sturgeons and lesser fishes in the sea of Azov) Yamamoto, T. & N. Matsuda 9-04580 FG (1963) Gen, comp.Endocr, , 3:101-10 Effects of estradiol, stilbestrol and some alkyl-carbonyl androstanes upon sex differentiation in the medaka, Oryzias latipes Experiments on sex reversal in a cyprinodont fish show that estradiol and stilbestrol administered orally produce functional females from genetic males, No 17-alkyl-carbonyl androstanes produced sex reversal in either males or females, The effect of estradiol is consistent with the action of estrogens and androgens as sex inductors, Barrington, E.J.W. and M. Sage 9-04581 FG (1963) Gen, comp,Endocr,, 3:153-65 On the responses of the glandular tracts and associated regions of the endostyle of the larval lamprey to goitrogens and thyroxine Gives an account of the developmental relations between the glandular tracts and other endostyle regions. Observations on simultaneous treatment with goitrogens and thyroxine give no evidence for or against an endogenous thyrotropic hormone. IAEA. (1963) 9-04582 G Vienna, I ational "ce Energy Agency, 1h List of icals i: field of nuclear AUXILIARIES Deshpande, S.D. (1960) 9-04584 M Indian J.Fish., 7(2):458-70 On the comparative catch efficiency of hand- operated and winch-operated trawls A study using two motorized fishing vessels attached to the Cochin fishing station. 245 Andrews, J.A. (1963) New Scient,, 18(338):307-9 Who owns the resources of the sea? 9-04585 M General article on the law of the sea & consequences of recent scientific and technological research in the exploitation of marine resources with particular reference to the position of the United Kingdom. Kesteven, G.L. (1962)C 9-04586 M Paper presented to South Pacific Commission Fisheries Technical Meeting, Nouméa, N. Caledonia, 5-13 Feb.1962, SPC/FIM/Tech.3:5 р., mimeo Fishery services A brief review of the types of services offered, and those required for variously organized fisheries, Adds a short outline of a district fishery officer's duties and responsabilities, Restricted, Otto, L. & FAO Fisheries 9-04587 M Division, Biology Branch (1964) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (39): 39 p. Current Bibliography for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries - Volume 6. Subject index (Physical oceanography) Detailed index to entries in the CBASF relating to the subject of physical oceanography classified according to the UDC 551.46 physical oceanography. ci 8-05563. Hellaby, J. (1963) 9-04588 MF New Scient,, 20(364):340 Integrating Africa Re 9-04036, Kuriyan, С.К. & К. Radhalakshmi (1960) Indian J,Fish,, 7(2):448-57 A comparative study of certain characteristics of the common vegetable fibre twines for fishing nets 9-04589 MF Details of the relations between diameter, mass, strength and stretch for twines of hemp, flax, sisal, manila, cotton and coir. 9 (4) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kuriyan, G.K. & P.J. Cecily (1960) Indian J,Fish,, 7(2):471-82 The common characteristics of cotton fishing net twines - experiment series 2 9-04590 MF Investigates the effects of mass and diameter, twists, breaking strength, breaking stretch, and knots, Satyanarayana, A.V.V. (1960) 9-04591 MF Indian J,Fish,, 7(2):483-95 Preliminary studies of certain characteristics of spherical fishing floats Compares the buoyancy of Indian and foreign floats of different materials, Thompson, S.H. (1961) 9-04592 MF Trans ,N,Amer,Wildl,Conf,, 26:318-22 What is happening to our estuaries? Wilimovsky, N.J. € Е.С. Wicklund (1963)C Vancouver, Institute of Fisheries, The University of British Columbia, 291 p. Tables of the incomplete beta function for the calculation of fish population yield 9-04593 MF Tables for determinating steady state yields per recruit for model in which mortality coefficients are constants, and growth pattern conforms to Von Bertalanffy form. Covers range of values Z/K equals 0,125 to 35.0 with range of intervals: exp (-K(tc - to)) 0.01(0.01)1.00; exponent of length-weight relationship equals 2.5 (0,125)3.5. Tables prepared with IBM 7090 computer. tard © Ci 58-1530, 61-06795, H.M. Nautical Almanac Office 1956, Pearson, K. 1948, Atz, J.W. & G.E. Pickford (1964) FAO Fish.Biol.tech.Pap., (37):61 p. The pituitary gland and its relation to the reproduction of fishes in nature and in captivity. An annotated bibliography for the years 1956-1963 9-04594 MF Serially numbered list of references arranged in alphabetic order of authors's names with author, subject € taxonomic indexes. Incl. addenda for entries new to main list. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Ordemann, H. (1961) Allg,Fischwirtschaftztg., (№1): Wir sprachen mit ... Dänemarks Fischerei- minister А.С. Normann, Exklusiv-Interview der AFZ (Scientists in the news ... Denmark's Fisheries Minister. Exclusive interview with the AFZ) 9-04595 MF Grandison, A.G.C. € М.А. Edwards (1961) Zool.Rec,, 95(16A):100 р. Amphibia (1957) 9-04596 MF Lists titles of mostly 1957 and some pre 1957 publications in alphabetic order of authors' names; Incl, subject and systematic indexes, Revelle, R. (1963) 9-04597 Е New Scient., 17(326):340-2 Mission to the Indus Deals with the work of a panel of American scientists who have studied the irrigation system in West Pekistan and the proposals made for improving the agriculture of the country. Lawson, G.W. (1963) Nature, Lond,, 199(4896) :858-9 Volta basin research project 9-04598 Е Discusses the projected Volta Dam in Ghana (reservoir 3,275 sq.miles) and need for studies including ones on aquatic resources. Shaw, R.R. (1963) Science, 140(3567) :606-9 Information retrieval 9-04599 G Discusses requirements and records techniques, efficiency of some existing systems, presentation of claims; Compares machine and manual sorting. ANON. (1963) 9-04600 G New Scient., 20(360):89 Submarine balloon to provide lift Describes an adjustable air balloon with an approximate maximum lifting capacity of 280 lbs suitable for use by divers. 9 (4) 247 Kishimoto, A. € 5. Hirata (1963) 9-04601 G Bull,Jap,Soc,sci,Fish,, 29(2):146-50 Rheology of Kamaboko - 3. Apparatus for measurements of damped free vibrations Co 8- 11188. Garriock, W. (1963) Nature, Lond,, 199(4900) :1241-2 Modification of the weather 9-04602 G A short review of current projects, methods and problems under consideration. Buckland, W.R. & R.A. Fox (1963)c Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 298 p. Bibliography of basic texts and monographs on statistical methods 1945-1960 9-04603 G Over 190 entries devoted to basic texts and monographs in English language selected mainly from literature of 15 years up to 1960 but including some earlier works of outstanding importance, General form of each entry is publication details followed by list of chapter headings and extracts from reviews, Review extracts taken from twenty main statistical and allied journals published in English, . Contents: General introductory texts, elementary, intermediate, advanced; Mathematical statistics, general texts, special topics; Probability and stochastic processes; Sample surveys - theory and practice; Design of experiments; Quality control and inspection; Econometrics, time series and index numbers; Statistical decision and information theory; Demography, biometry and medical statistics; Miscellaneous application of statistical methods; List of journals consulted for review material; List of publishing houses and addresses; Supplementary list of book titles (1960-62); Index of authors for books in text, NE Buckland, М.В. € R.A. Fox, 1951. Fisher, R.A. & F. Yates (1963)c 9-04604 G Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 156 p. Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research Main additions are table giving fiducial limits for variance component, and solutions for balanced incomplete blocks with 11-15 replicates. Table of angular transformation has been expanded. Additions to introduction include improved method for forming random permutations; examples of 10x10 Graeco-Latin squares and higher order orthogonal 12x12 squares and method of deriving cumulants of binomial from initial differences of powers of natural numbers. NE Fisher, R.A. & F. Yates, 1938. 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (4) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 5—REFERENCES 9-05001 to 9-05600 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Gulland, J.A. (1964) 9-05001 M FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (40):61 р. Manual of methods of fish population analysis Provisional edition of a manual giving an account of purposes and methods of estimation of parameters and assessment in fish population analysis. Demonstrates applications of methods by examples. Hardy, A. (1963) 9-05002 * M Advanc.Sci., Lond., 19(82):533-4 Man and the beneficent sea Discusses means of gaining proper knowledge of the physico-biological environments of the seas towards a better utilization of the re- sources than we are at present doing. Briefly reviews the development of research in marine sciences with particular reference to North Sea fishery. France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(2):77-142 9-05003 M Contains sections on general information, technical note - 9-05003, 9-05015, 9-05016, documentation received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations - 9-05017. 9(5) France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1963) Cah,oc&anogr., 15(4):207-86 9-05004 M Contains sections on general information, technical notes - 9-05018, 9-05019, 9-05020, documentaticn received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations - 9-05021. Kriss, A.E. (Shewan, J.M. & 9-05005 M Z. Kabata, Transl.) (1963)C New York, Interscience (Wiley), 536 p. Marine microbiology (Deep sea) En 60-9283. ZoBell, C. (1963) 9-05006 M Science, 141(3579) :419-20 Marine microbiology (Deep sea) An account of panoceanic ecological observa- tions at deep sea stations with reports on more detailed local work. Half of the text discusses distribution & abundance of marine bacteria. Discussions on collecting methods, biochemical activity, & bacteriophages are incl. There are also bibliographies, geographical, systematic, subject & author indexes. Re 9-05005 250 Myrland, P. (1962) 9-05007 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):22%-5 Research vessel VARUNA Brief statement of the characteristics and equipment of this vessel. ANON. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass. India, L(1/2) :229 U.S. research vessels the ARGO and the HORIZON 9-05008 M Notes on vessel characteristics and laboratories. Burling, R.W. (1960) N.Z.Sci.Rev., 18(2):22-6 New Zealand oceanographic institute investigations in the Southern Ocean 9-05009 M Track charts and account of types of investigations carried out, including a study of the rate of movement of deep water. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Corliss, J.0. (1963)C 9-05010 MF Oxford, Pergamon Press, 322 p. The ciliated Protozoa This important monograph has 3 principal aims: the first is to discuss in detail a new scheme of classification of the ciliated Protozoa ; secondly to offer an up-to-date, annotated compilation of all the genera € families of ciliates, critically fitted into the new scheme of classification; € thirdly to survey all the significant literature of the ciliates, not only taxonomic & morphological but also physio- logical, experimental, € genetic in nature. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kitamura, H. & 9- 05012 M T. Sagi (196) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (172):6-54 (On the chemical elements in the sea south of Honshu, Japan). Ni En Determination of elements; distribution; diurnal variations; correlation between temperature & some elements. McAlister, W.B. (1962)C Thesis, Oregon State Univ. The general circulation in the North Pacific Ocean referred to e variable reference surface 9-05013 M Results based on available observations, indicate it is possible to establish meridional € zonal reference levels, DA 23(6):2176. 9 (5) Norman, J.R. (1963)C 9-05011 MF London, Ernest Benn, Ltd., 398 p. A history of fishes NE 1931 Norman, J.R. Bernard, P. (1963) 9-05014 M Cah.océanogr., 15(2):88-94 Effets microséismique de la tempête du ler décembre 1959 (Microseismic effects of the storm of 18% December 1959) Study based on the seismographic coastal measurements of the effects of the storm originated in the low atmospheric depression farmed over the Mediterranean Sea. Lacaze, J. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(2):95-108 Les microséismes d'origine océanique. 7. L'établissement des ondes de Rayleigh en tant que phénomène transitoire (Microseisms of oceanic origin. 7. The formation of Rayleigh waves as a transitory phenomenon) 9-05015 м Co 61-06749. | | PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Leclaire, L. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(2):109-24 Etudes littorales en baie d'Alger - Zone de Fort-de-1'eau - Ben Mered (Littoral studies in the bay of Algiers - Zone of Fort-de-1'eau - Ben Mered) 9-05016 M Studies the type of bottom, sea level variations, currents, sediments, transport. ANON. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(2):135-42 Résultats d'observations (Results of observations) 9-05017 M Tables of data € diagrams. Hydrological observations made by the cruiser-school JEANNE D'ARC during her 1961-62 cruise. Observations on the sea level at Matava!', Tahiti. Bernard, P. (1963) 9-05018 M Cah.océanogr., 15(4):219-23 L'érosion de la plage de Coutainville et le probléme de sa reconstitution (The erosion of Coutainville's beach and the problem of its restoration) Recommends utilisation of sand from the dunes to compensate erosion. Menache, M. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(4):224-35 Première campagne océanographique du COMMANDANT ROBERT GIRAUD en canal de Mozambique (11 octobre - 28 novembre 1957) (First oceanographic campaign of COMMANDANT ROBERT GIRAUD in the Mozambique channel, 11 October - 28 November 1957) 9-05019 M List of stations, equipment & methods used. Gives T € S surface data € profiles. Iwata, N. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(4):236-l9 Sur les ondes internes dans la mer en rapport avec le détroit de Gibraltar (On the internal waves in the sea connected with the Straits of Gibraltar) 9-05020 M Analyses the process of sea waves in an area affected by currents. 9 (5) 251 ANON. (1963) Cah.océanogr., 15(4):260-86 Résultats d'observations (Results of observations) 9-05021 M Tables of data & diagrams. First campaign of COMMANDANT ROBERT GIRAUD: 1) Hydrological stations, 2) Surface observations. Height of the mean level in Brest for 1962. Nesteroff, W.D., B.C. Heezen 9-05022 M & G. Sabatier (1963) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 257(4):941-3 Répartition des minéraux argileux dans les sédiments profonds de 1'océan Indien (Distribution of argilaceous minerals in the deep sediments of the Indian Ocean) Preliminary results of analysis of cores collected by the VEMA; comparative discussion with results from South Pacific. Orlin, H. (1962)c Thesis, Ohio State Univ. Gravity meter observations aboard a surface vessel and their geodetic applications 9-05023 M Methods for eliminating short period acceler- ations for a meter on a stabilized platform, Graf-Askania, & for a meter suspended from a gimbal, LaCoste & Romberg, are examined. Gravity data obtained in North Pacific are presented & interpreted. A program for the continuous field testing of sea gravity meters is advanced. DA 23(10):3865. Tyler, J.E. (1963) Appl.Optics, 2(3):245-8 Design theory for a submersible scattering meter 9-05024 M An atmospheric polar nephelometer by Pritchard & Elliot is applied to the problem of measuring the volume scattering function of ocean water. Loddo, B. & F. Del Fa (1961)B Nuovi Ann.Ig.Microbiol., 12:463-71 (On the relations existing between degree of pollution of sea water and number of coliforms and phages contaminating sea food). It 9-05025 M 252 Joyner, T. (1962)c 9-05026 M Thesis, Univ. of Washington Effects of the biological specificity of zinc on, the distribution of zinc-65 in the fish fauna of a coral atoll lagoon Effects of biological specificity on distribu- tion of fallout studied by radiometric & che- mical analyses of fish tissues. Stable zinc, after chromatographic separation from lst series transition elements, determined by colorimetric method using dithizone. Zinc-65 determined by gamma spectrometry. Biological uptake & retention in ecological systems of lagoon prevented its flushing out of atoll in exchange of water between lagoon & ocean. Ingestion, by heterotrophs, of particulate matter in the water favored concentration of radiozinc in carnivorous fish. Eyes were shown to be useful & convenient organs for deter- mining relative accumulation of radiozine by different fish. DA 24(1):39-ko. Ryther, J.H. & D.W. Menzel (1962)BC St. George's West, Bermuda Biological Station, 200 p. The biochemical circulation of elements in the Sargasso Sea 9-05027 M Ci 62-01798, 9-03062, 9-03063, 9-03064. Okubo, A. (1962) 9-05028 M Tech. Rep.Chesapeake Bay Inst., (30):113 p. A review of theoretical models of turbulent diffusion in the sea Pohlman, J.R. € A.G. Pickett (1962)BC San Antonio, Texas, Southwest Research Inst., 62 p. Study of design requirements for sea disposal containers à 9-05029 M U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey (1962)BC Washington D.C., 74 р. Surface water temperature & salinity, Pacific coast, North € South America & Pacific Ocean islands 9-05030 M 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Jordan, G.F. (1962) 9-05031 M Tech.Bull.U.S.Cst geod.Surv., (18):30 p. Submarine physiography of the U.S. continental margins A general picture with representative details of the submarine physiography of the Atlantic, Gulf, € Pacific margins of the continental | U S. Coachman, L.K. (1962)C 9-05032 M Thesis, Washington Univ. On the water masses of the Arctic Ocean Re-analysis of 300 deep water oceanographic stations from two major basins of Arctic Ocean. Order of magnitude estimate of water balance of ocean given. DA 23(8)29%. Osterberg, C.L. (1963)C Thesis, Oregon State Univ. Radioactivity in oceanic organisms 9-05033 M Zinc-65 & chromium-51 (principally from nuclear reactors at Hanford, Wash.) & zirconium-95-- niobium-95, ruthenium-103, € cerium-141 (principally from Russian fallout) measured in marine organisms & particulate material taken off the Oregon coast. Gamma-ray spectrometry used in analysis of 100 samples of organisms obtained from midwater trawl tows made at transects off Astoria, Newport, & Coos Bay, Oregon, between June 1961 & April 1962. Euphasia pacifica was found to make up the largest portion of the biomass. DA 23(12):4522. Ramanadham, В. € 9-05034 м В. Varadarajulu (1964) Indian J,pure appl.Phys,, 2(7):228-31 Fluctuations in monthly mean sea level at | Visakhapatnan as related to the dynamics of the atmosphere over western Bay of Bengal Pfaudler Permutit, Inc., 9-05035 M Rochester, N.Y. (1960)C 187 p. Disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear reactors in the Arctic Suggestions are made for use of unique features of the Aretic for local waste disposal, and recommendations for future related studies are included. A A E A A — PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Emery, К.О. (1962)C 9-05036 M Washington D.C., Geological Survey, 81 р. Marine geology of Guam. Geology end hydrology of Guam, Mariana Islands A study of the topography & sediments of submerged terraces, fringing reefs, channels, & the lagoon & of various shore features of a tropical island. English, T.S. (1961)B 9-05037 M Sci.Rep.Arct.Inst.N.Amer., (15):76 p. Some biological oceanographic observations in the central north Polar Sea drift station Alpha, 1957-58 Lill, G.G. (1962)c 9-05038 M Burbank, Calif. Lockheed Aircraft Corp., 30 p. Proceedings of interindustrial oceanographic symposium (No.1), Burbank, California 5 June 1962 Contents: The interindustrial symposia, operation cow, interaction of the ocean and atmosphere, temperature structure of Santa Barbara channel, photo technique for determining sea surface slopes. Bumpus, D.F. (1962) Rep.Woods Hole oceanogr.Instn., (Mar-Aug.):17 p. Non-tidal drift experiments off Cape Canaveral 9-05039 M Houghton, Wash. Fisheries Instrumentation Lab. (1961) Tech. Rep.Fish.Instrument.Lab»., Houghton, Tex. (Apr.60-Mar.61),21 р. Research in marine science in connection with buoy instrumentation 9-05040 M Contents: The "sphere"; the "egg"; oceano- graphic telemetry; fish-reaction timer; coatings for radiocative sources; ONR conference on fleet instrumentation; Norwegian buoy investigation; towed salinometer ; calibration of airborne radiometer; plankton pump; rectifierpulser; sonic fish tag; shrimp counter; plankton sampler. 9 (5) 253 Goodell, Н.С. € D.S. Gorsline (1961) Contr.sediment.Res.Lab.Fla Univ., (1):322 р. The hydrography of Apalachicola and Florida Bays, Florida 9-05041 M The study is to investigate the interrelation ship between sedimentation, bottom mor- phology € water motion within the bays. This report covers the hydrographic date collected during the first year's work. The investigators have reproduced the complete tabulated obser- vations for those biologists, 8 hydrographers interested in shallow water oceanography. Fleming, В.Н. € 9-05042 M D. Heggarty (1962) Tech.Rep.Brown Bear Cruise, (70):22 p. Recovery of drift bottles released in the southeastern Chukchi Sea € northern Bering Sea The recoveries confirm the general northward transport of water in the area. Virtually ail recoveries along the Alaskan coast of bottles released in the Chukchi Sea were from stations located near the coast. Bray, E.E. & E.D. Evans (1962) 9-05043 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):10-22 Composition of sediment hydrocarbons reflect varying environments in the sea Analyses of heavy saturated hydrocarbons extracted from recent sediments in Californian offshore basins. The data are correlated with environmental factors which appear to control composition. LaFond, E.C. (1962) 9-05044 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, №(1/2):1-9 Marine meteorology and its relation to organic production in south-east Asian waters General account of the influence of meteoro- logical factors on water circulation € nutrient cycles in the sea with ill. definition .of processes such as upwelling € wind -mixing. 254 Rao, T.S.S. € 9-05045 M V.C. Rao (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):23-43 Studies on diurnal variations in the hydro- biological conditions off the Waltair coast Periodic variations in the solar radiation, wind velocity, temperature of the air and water, tide, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, silicates, phosphates and phyto- plankton at two stations on the coast of Waltair are described and discussed. Bolin, В. (1962)BC 9-05046 MF Stockholm University, 13 p. An investigation of tritium in atmospheric moisture, rainwater, and the sea in the European area Burns, R.E. (1962)c Thesis, Washington Univ. A model of sedimentation in small sill-less, embayed estuaries of the Pacific northwest 9-05047 MF Basic model is presented in which character- istics of sediment are determined by inter- action of processes adding sediment and those removing sediment. Model is expanded to con- sider processes acting on sediment within limits of estuary, as well as behaviour and ultimate deposition of sediment introduced into estuary from various sources. Model empha- sizes shoreline sources and importance of tidal & longshore currents in controlling initial distribution € deposition of sediment. Evaluation € tests of model are based on surveys of three estuaries, upper Dabob Bay & port Discovery in the state of Washington, & port San Juan on Vancouver Island, B.C. DA 23(8)2872. Folsom, Take & 9-05048 MF G.J. Mohanrao (1961) Summ. Rep. Inst .Mar. Resour. Univ.Calif.(1960~61), 85 p. The study of the behavior and significance of certain radioactive isotopes found in the sewage treatment plants of selected cities. A. Comparison of the Hyperion plant of the city of Los Angeles with eleven other treatment plants 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hanson, I.R. (1963)c 9-05049 F Thesis, Univ. Wisconsin Some economic aspects of water pollution control Study undertaken (1) to gain better knowledge & understanding of pollution control expenditures, both public & private, in Wisconsin; (2) to evaluate the Wisconsin law exempting waste treatment installations from certain taxes; & (3) to suggest some approaches for future research. Secondary sources were used to estimate expenditures by cities, villages, towns & sanitary districts in Wisconsin during 1952-1961. DA 23(11):4138. Hann, R.W., Jr. (1963)C Thesis, Univ. Oklahoma Procedure for estimating the waste assimilation capacity of a river system 9-05050 F Study proposes uew procedure which evaluates maximum amount of oxidizable wastes which can be assimilated by determining amount of waste which could be assimilated in a small segment of river if oxygen content were maintained at a particular allowable dissolved oxygen standard called River Quality Standard. Four major applications made to test procedure: the 1980 Ohio River study, 1960 Ohio River basin study, the Wabash River study, & the Delaware River study. DA 23(11):4299. Malhotra, S.K. (1963)c 9-05051 F Thesis, Univ. Wisconsin Nutrient removal from secondary effluent by alum flocculation and lime precipitation Problem caused by discharging secondary waste water effluents into lakes & streams is eutroph ication generally attributed to discharge of fertiilizing elements such as phosphorus and nitregen. DA 23(11):4300. Frey, D.G. (Ed.) (1963)c Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin, 734 p. Limnology in North America 9-05052 Е Contributions from workers in different parts of the country summarizing the limology of their own region in addition to chapters on special topics € general history together with a review of future prospects. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Gould, W.R. III (1962)c Thesis, Oklahoma State Univ. The suitabilities and relative resistances of twelve species of fish as bioassay animals for oil-refinery effluents 9-02053 Е Observations were made on location, capture, transportation, holding, € testing reactions of each sp. Literature was searched for dis- tribution & life history information. Standard bioassay method as suggested by Doudoroff et al. (1951) & a reference sp., Lebistes reticulatus, were employed in determination of the resistances of spp. 96 h median tolerance limits were calculated & subjected to statistical analysis. Spp. were: Esox lucius, Fundulus kansae, Ictiobus cyprinellus, Hybognathus hankinsoni, Notropis whipplei, Pimephales vigilax, Tilapia nilotica, Chaenobryttus gulosus, Lepomis humilis, Menidia audens, Notropis girardi, Notropis stramineus. DA 24(1):444, Ward, C.M. (1962)c 9-05054 Е Thesis, Oklahoma State Univ. The relative resistance of fifteen species of fishes to petroleum refinery effluent and the suitability of the species as test animals Bioassays were conducted by proposed "standard" methods of Doudoroff, et al., 1951. Guppy, black bullhead, golden shiner, red shiner, redear sunfish, bluntnose minnow, bigeye shiner, green sunfish, longear sunfish, rock bass, redbelly dace, channel catfish, and largemouth bass. DA 24(1):450. Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences (1961)BC 5k p. Savannah River biological survey lower three runs, September - October 1961 9-05055 F Morton, R.J. (1962)B 9-05056 F Status Rep.Oak Ridge nat.Lab., (3):126 р. Clinch River study Heck, М.М. et al. (1962)c College Station, Texas A. & M. Research Foundation, 121 p. Environmental pollution by missile propellants 9-05057 Е The effects of 21 missile fuel components, in concentration of 0, 1, 10, 100, & 1000 ppm, were determined on various organisms including goldfish & Daphnia. 9 (5) 255 USPHS (1962) 9-05058 FG Radiol.Hlth Data, 3(12):461-519 Contains section on "water" tabulating data for the month of June 1962 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc. USPHS (1963) 9-05059 FG Radiol.Hlth Data, 4(1):61 р. Contains section on "water" tabulating data for the month of July 1962 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc. Walton, A., M.W.M. Leo & P.W. Krey (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(№893):526-31 Studies of radioactive fall-out following 1961 U.S.S.R. tests 9-05060 G Ап investigation made at Westwood, New Jersey, giving data on isotope ratios in rain. Laitone, E.V. (1962)C 9-05061 G Thesis, Stanford Univ. Higher approximations to non linear water waves To obtein first & second approximations to solitery conoidal waves shallow water expansion method of Friedrichs & Keller is carried out to fourth order. Rigorous first approximation to these finite amplitude waves of permanent form is identical to solution first given by Korteweg £ de Vries in 1895. DA 23(6):2076. DeSelm, H.R. € 9-05062 G В.Е. Shanks (1962)BC Knoxville, Tennessee University, 105 p. Accumulation & cycling of organic matter and chemical constituents during early vegetational Succession on a radioactive waste disposal area. And vegetational history and plant Succession on a radioactive waste area Connolly, Т.Р. (1962)RC 9-05063 G Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., 285 p. Bibliography on nuclear reactor fuel reprocessing and wastes disposal. 6. Process chemistry and engineering Co 9-05599. 256 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES made he Konikoff, J.J. (1961) 9-05065 G SE 9-05064 с Quart.Progr.Rev.Space Sci.Lab.sen.Electr.Co., E.G. Struxness (1962) (6):5 p Prog.Rep.Oak Ridge nat.Lab., tudy of purification of water from (Apr-May):72 p. : ; biclogical waste Waste treatment and disposal Konikoff, J.J. (1961) 9-05066 G Quart. Progr.Rep. Space Sci.Lab.gen.Electr.Co., (6): 4 т. Study of purification of water from biological waste PLANKTON Clarke, W.D. (1963) 9-05067 M De Costa, J.J. (1962)c 9-05072 F Nature, Lond., 198(4887):12llı-6 Function of bioluminescence in mesopelagic organisms Suggests that countershading is the chief function for migratory forms in the deep scattering layers. Katzin, M. (1959)BC 9-05068 M Washington, D.C., 26 p. Sea clutter at large depression angles Roche, J., G. Rametta & 9-05069 M S. Varrone (1962) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1964-8 (On the presence of tyroid hormones in a pelagic tunicate, Salpa mexima Forskall). Fr Khmeleva, N.N. (1962)B 9-05070 M Radiobiologiia, 2:944-6 (On the incorporation of radioactive isotopes of strontium, calcium, yttrium and cerium by Euphausidae). Ru B.L. Strehler (1963)B J.Geront., 18:23-8 Studies on the comparative physiology of aging. 4. Age and mortality of some marine Cnidaria in the laboratory 9 (5) Thesis, Indiana Univ. Latitudinal distribution of chydorid Cladocera in the Mississippi Valley, based on their remains in surficial lake sediments Data from 45 lakes covering an area from Lake Itasca, Minnesota to New Orleans, Louisiana were used. Remains chydorids leave in luke sediments identified & relative abundance of each sp. in each lake determined. DA 23(11):4469. Goulden, С.Е. (1962)c 9-05073 F Thesis, Indiana Univ. The history of the cladoceran fauna of Esth- waite water (England) and its limological Significance Remains of Cladocera identified & their abun- dance determined in Alleröf and post-glacial sediments. Total of 37 spp. were recovered--14 nonchydorids & 23 chydorids. Of these, 15 have not been reported in plankton collections from lake. DA 23(11):4470. Hobbie, J.E. (1962)c 9-05074 F Thesis, Indiana Univ. Limnological cycles and primary productivity of two lakes in the Alaskan Arctic Lake Peters & Lake Schrader are located in narrow glaciated valley at northern edge of the Brooks Range, 69 N & 145 W. DA 23(11):4472. BENTHOS 297 Mueller, М.Р. (1962) 9-05075 Е Howard, Н.Н. (1963 )C 9-05078 F Thesis, Indiana Univ. Thesis, Cornell Univ. The distribution of cladoceran remains in Primary production, phytoplankton, and surficial lacustrine sediments from three temperature studies of Cayuga lake » New York northern Indiana lakes Production measured with the carbon 14 tech- Distribution investigated by examining nique from May 1957 to August 1958. Incident surficial sediment obtained from dredge hauls light data were available during study, & mean taken along transects. Sediment collectors were efficiency of use of light energy was maintained in one of lakes during summer & fall determined. Compared to other lakes, Cayuga of 3 consecutive years. may be as productive as some classified as DA 23(11):4474. eutrophic when basis for comparison is production per surface area. When basis is production per liter of water, Cayuga ranks emong lowest producers. System of lake Quinn, B.G. (1962)C 9-05076 F classification based on primary production Thesis, Univ. of Colorado data is presented. Seasonal plankton studies on a Colorado DA 24(1):46. mountain flowage In spring of 1960, study begun on 5 small paternoster subalpine lakes in Front Range of the Rockies to determine what & how much plank- ton was present, how it varied in composition seasonally, & whether there were qualitative € English, S.M. (1962)C 9-05079 F quantitative differences among the lakes in Thesis, Pittsburgh Univ. their plankton composition. Study attempted A limological study of Sandy Lake, Pennsyl- also to determine effect of interconnecting vania, with special reference to algal strati- stream system upon lake plankton. fication and productivity DA 23(10):4034. Preliminary survey revealed, during mid-summer, a metalimnetic oxygen maximum with accompa- nying stratification of phytoplankton with Meyer, H., W. Paape & RAT, E maximum concentration in this region. Problem M. Rahner (1962)B involved a study of origin, distribution, and Pharmazie, 17:409-10 causal factors of such stratification. (The effect of some rubber constituents DA 23(12):4508. in the Daphnia test). De BENTHOS Drapkin, E.I. (1963) 9-05080 M Dickinson, C.I. (1963)C 9-05081 M Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 151(3):700-3 Lor:don, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 232 p. O vliianii rapany, Rapana bezoar Linné British seaweeds (Mollusca Muricidae) na faunu Chernogo moria (The influence produced by Rapana bezoar Gives a short account of the structure of sea- Linné on the fauna of the Black Sea) weeds, their reproduction € their lifecycles. Incl. sections on environment, collecting and mounting specimens & on the uses of seaweeds. A key to genera precedes an account of some 150 of the commoner British spp. 9 (5) 258 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Daniel, A. (1963) 9-05082 M Carricaburu, P. € 9-05089 M Ann.Mag.nat.Hist., Ser.(13), 5(59):641-5 M.H. Filliol (1962)B A new species of platylepadid barnacle C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:716-8 (Cirripedia: Crustacea) from the green turtle (Intracellular electrocardiogram in (Eretmochelys sp.) from Little Andaman Island the crayfish Palinurus regius). Fr ill. description of Platylepas multidecorata. | Griffin, D.H. & 9-05090 M A.B. Chaet (1962)B Kalk, M. (1963) 9-05083 M Proc.Soc.exp.Biol., N.Y., 110:495-6 Nature, Lond., 198(4884):1010-1 Toxic substance in blood of scaled Absorption of vanadium by tunicates crayfish (Orconectes virilus and Procambarus clarkii) Ascidia pygmaea. Coetzee, 0.J. (1962)B 9-05091 M Publ.Hlth, Johannesburg, 62:7-8 о’ Dr Ben 9-05084 м The possible use of oysters as integrated М.т. Baxter (1963) bacteriological samples of a specific Rens ee area to detect the presence of pathogens , > enas . Mitochondria from the crab, Carcinus maenas in sea water Notes the close similarity in structure between mitochondria of crabs € other animals - meta- Brisou, J. et al. (1962) 9-05092 M bolic differences lie in controlling processes Bull.Soc.Path.exot., 55:260-75 rather than in the pathways used. (Research on marine Vibrio. Apropos of № strains isolated from mussels, Mytilus gallo provincialis, off the Algerian coast). Fr Borojevic, R. (1963) 9-05085 M C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 257(4):961-2 Essai de reconstitution du choanoderme á Stephens, G.C. (1962)B 9-05093 M partir d'une suspension choanocytaire d'éponge Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 98:26-39 >. acalcaire Circadian melanophore rhythmes of the (Trial to restore the choanoderme after the fiddler crab: interaction between animals suspension of the choanocytes in a non calcareous sponge) Failla, P.M. (1962)B 9-05094 M Preliminary note on experiments with Ficulina Radiat.Res., 17:767-73 ficus & Hymeniacidon sanguinea. In vivo and in vitro reccvery of irradiated gametes of Arbacia punctulata Irisawa, H. et al. (1962)B 9-05086 M a tee least Roushiy, Hat. (2968) 905095 x tee TER Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (124): action potential of the Squilla heart MES IIA A > Expansion of Alcyonium disitatum L. (Octocorallia) and its significance for Ackermann, D. (1962)B 9-05087 M ire wate car fosa Hoppe-Seyl.2., 328:275-6 | (On the occurrence of spinacine in Measurement of increase in volume & area, the shrimp Crago vulgaris). De and discussion of the significance of this expansion. Iskierko, J. (1962)B 9-05088 M Acta physiol.polon., 13:455-61 (Free and bound amino acids in some Kuhlow, F. (1962) 9-05096 M organs and tissues of Potamobius astacus Riv.Malariol., 41:187-97 and Potamobius leptodactylus). ES Studies on the bionomics and the morphology of the saltwater breeding Anopheles gambiae 9 (5) on the coast of Tanganyika BENTHOS Jeffrey, S.W. (1963) 9-05097 M Purification and properties of chlorophyll c from Sargassum flavicans Hirakawa, K. (1962) 9-05098 M J.Kumamoto med.Soc., 36:746-63 (Isolation and identification of an organic mercury compound from the shellfish Hormomya mutabilis Gould, causal source of Minamata disease). Ni Bakus, G.J. (1962)С 9-05099 M Thesis, Washington Univ. Marine poeciloscleridan sponges of the San Juan archipelago, Washington Anatomy, systematics, € zoogeography of 22 species studied from August 1958 through August 1961. Collected both in littoral zone & âredged from depths down to 198 m. DA 23(8)3039. Chew, К.К. (1962)c 9-05100 M Thesis, Washington Univ. The growth of a population of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) when transplanted to three different areas in the state of Washington Growth pattern of yearling oysters transplanted to float stations at selected sites in Hood Canal, Oyster Bay, & Willapa Bay, studied from March 1959 to January 1961. Necessity for use of more than one measurement for assessment of shell growth indicated. DA 23(8)3040. Haefner, Р.А. Jr. (1962)С 9-05101 M Thesis, Delaware Univ. On the growth increment of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, during ecdysis in different salinity waters Field studies on immature y to determine if environmental salinity was responsible for known differences in body size of adult q blue crab populations of Delmarva peninsula. Premolt crabs from each of three geographical areas, were retained through mature molt in each of the areas & analyzed for increase in length. Growth also studied under controlled laboratory conditions, emphasis being placed on the effects of salinity € calcium variations on weight increase. DA 23(8)3041. 9 (5) 259 Pearce, J.B. (1962)С 9-05102 M Thesis, Washington Univ. The biology of some pinnotherid crabs from the waters of Puget Sound and the San Juan archipelago Detailed study of Pinnixa faba & Pinnixa littoralis, both species infest horse clam, Schizothaerus capax. DA 23(8)30h6. Smith, L.S. (1962)c Thesis, Washington Univ. Some aspects of peripheral circulation in. Octopus dofleini 9-05103 M Test of applicability of the Starling hypo- thesis to an invertebrate closed circulatory system was sought by technique of perfusing isolated arms. A preparation is described such that perfusion pressures € weight can be altered € recorded as a means of controlling the fluid content of an arm under various perfusion conditions. DA 23(12):4729. Lunger, P.duPont (1962)C Thesis, Indiana Univ. The fine structure of growth zones of the colonial hydroid, Campanularia 9-05104 M DA 23(12):4788. Miller, D.C. (1962)c 9-05105 M Thesis, Washington Univ. The Hydrophilidae of the Pacific northwest exclusive of the Elophorinae and the Sphaeridiinae DA 23(12):4789. Nultsch, W. (1962) 9-05106 M Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges., 75:443-53 (Phototactic action spectra of Cyanophyceae). De En Spp. of Phormidium & Oscillatoria were investigated with reference to both topical & phobic reactions. For the topical movements, the light receptors are carotenoids, bili- proteins, & a third unknown component. The phobic movements are controlled by chlorophylla and biliproteins. TABS 30(2)4136. 260 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pugh, D. (1963) 9-05107 M Quart.J.micr.Sci., 104:23-38 The cytology of the digestive and salivary glands of Patella Digestive gland epithelium is composed of (1) glandular cells, (2) absorptive € digestive cells. Containing glycogen € numerous lipid globules. Digestive duct epithelium possesses only ciliated, heavily pigmented cells which produce a viscous secretion. The cells of the salivary gland, a compound tubular gland, elaborate a secretion containing protein and probably carbohydrate. IABS 30(2)4172. Kader, H.A. (1962) 9-05108 M J.Anim.Morph.Physiol., 9:32-40 Ionic influence on oxygen consumption in Metapenaeus monoceros fabricius Oxygen consumption of the prawn Metapenaeus monoceros was followed using the Winkler technique. Respiratory uptake was roughly correlated with the oxygen tensions of the medium. Hyper-and hypotonic soln. (artificial sea water) both depress the respiratory uptake. The removal of potassium ions from the environ- ment tends to raise the oxygen uptake, whilst magnesium lack lowers it. IABS 30(2)4176. Ganapati, P.N. € 9-05109 M D.G.V. Prasad Rao (1962) J.Anim.Morph.Physiol., 9:72-78 Studies on respiration of barnacles. The temperature characteristics of respiratory movements in Balanus amphitrite communis (Darwin) Respiratory movements of barnacles were obtained using a kymograph. As the temp. of the ambient sea water was raised the movements became quicker € more regular. Q10 values ranged between 2.6 from 15-25 degree, € 2.2 at 20-30 degree. IABS 30(2)4177. Berreur-Bonnenfant, J. (1962) 9-05110 M Bull.Soc.zool.Fr., 87:253-9 (Androgenous gland and Y and 9 sexual differentiation in the isopod Meinertia oestroides). Fr This external fish parasite changes sex from d to y as it ages. In the absence of the andro- genic hormone, the gonads give rise sponta- neously to ovocytes both before d', as well as before y sexual differentiation. The androgenic gland in the 9 state is degenerate. IABS 30(2)4179. 9 (5) Roche, J. et al. (1962)B C.R.soc.Biol., Paris, 156:830-4 9-05111 M (On the presence of phosphohypotaurocyamine in the arenicole, Arenicola marina L.). Fr Fuortes, M.G. & G.F. Poggio (1963)B J.gen.Physiol., 46:435-52 9-05112 M Transient responses to sudden illumination in cells of the eye of Limulus Cowden, R.R. (1962)B Exp.Cell Res., 28:600-4 9-05113 M RNA and yolk synthesis in growing oocytes of the sea urchin, Lytechinus verigatus Ficq, A. (1962)B Exp.Cell Res., 28:543-8 (Localization of a transfer ribonucleic acid (RNA) in Asterias oocytes ). Lallier, R. (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1249-52 9-05114 M Ez 9-05115 M (Research on the control of differentiation in the sea urchin egg by inhibitors of protein synthesis). Fr Runnstrom, J. & G. Kriszat (1962)B 9-05116 M The gelating effect of lower doses of trypsin on sea urchin eggs and its removal by exposure to glutathione Thron, C.D., R.N. Patterson & S.L. Friess (1963)B 9-05117 M Further biological properties of the sea cucumber toxin holothurin A Fioroni, P. (1962)B Acta anat., 50:264-95 9-05118 M (The embryonal development of the skin glands and funnel glands of the De Octopus vulgaris Lam.). Pasteels, J.J. & E. De Harven (1962)B Arch.Biol., 73:465-90 (Electron microscopic study of the cortex of the egg of Barnea candida (bivalve mollusc) and its evolution at the moment of fertili- zation, maturation, and segmentation). Fr 9-05119 M Pasteels, J.J. & E. De Harven (1962)B Arch.Biol., 73:445-63 (Electron microscopic study of the spermatozoid of a bivalve mollusc, Barnea candida). Fr 9-05120 M Pritchard, A.W., M.J. Huston & A.W. Martin (1963)B Proc.Soc.exp.Biol.Med., 112:27-9 Effects of in vitro anoxia on metabolism of octopus heart tissue 9-05121 M Humphreys, W.J. (1962) J.Ultrastruct.Res., 7:467-87 E.M. Studies on eggs of Mytilus edulis 9-05122 M Normal eggs, eggs which were centrifuged, or treated with sperm extract, or plasmolysed, & homogenates of whole eggs of the bay mussel, were studied by E.M. IABS 30(3)6012. Graziadei, P. (1962)B 9-05123 M Riv.Biol., 55:385-99 (On the vascularization and innervation of the posterior salivary glands of Octopus vulgaris). It Wada, S.K. (1964) 9-05124 M Mem. Fac .Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):92-108 Studies on the fertilization of pelecypod gametes. 1. Increase in maturity and accomplishment of fertilization of pearl oyster gametes in ammoniacal sea water Experiments carried out on Pinctada maxima and P. fucata in an effort to achieve artificial fertilization. BENTHOS 9 (5) 261 Millar, R.H. (1962) Quart.J.micr.Sci., 103:399-В0В Breeding and development of ascidian Polycarpa tinctor 9-05125 M P. tinctor has no tailed larva, the adult retaining embryos in the peribranchial cavities until they are advanced zooids. IABS 29(3)5866. Hess, U. (1962) 9-05126 M Arch.Mikrobiol., 44:189-218 (Effect of humidity on development and resistance to drying out of Cyanophycae). De In Scytonemataceae € Rivulariaceae long tri- chomes were formed only at low hymidities; high humidity led to rapid hormogonia-formation. Old filaments of Scytonemataceae, Rivularia- ceae & Nostacaceae had a high resistance to drying, young filaments were more susceptible even than those of Oscillatoriaceae. Lethal point on drying was delayed by light exclusion & pretreatment at low humidity. IABS 30(1)2057. Kirkegaard, J.B. (1961) 9-05127 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 211-2 Polychaeta and Pogonophora from the deepest part of the Skagerrak Note on hydrographical conditions under which the samples were taken. Notes (chiefly distributional) on 12 spp. of polychaets € one sp. of Pogonophora. Sankarankutty, C.(1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):121-50 On Decapoda Brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: 2. Family Xanthidae 9-05128 M Notes on synonomy & distribution of 43 spp. & 2 varieties belonging to 22 genera of which genus JONESIUS is new to science. 7 of the record are new to the region. Co 8- 10239. 262. Sankarenkutty, C. (1962) 9-05129 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):151-64 On Decapoda Branchyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 3. Families: Calappidae, Leucosiidae, Parthenopidae, Majidae, and Gecarcinidae Notes on synonomy and locality of record of 19 spp. belonging to these families. Two are new records. Co 9-05128. Alagaraja, K. (1962) 9-05130 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):198-205 Observation on the length-weight relationship of pearl oysters Statistical analysis of data published in Devanesan and Chidambaram (1956), with regard to differences between year groups. The use of а length-weight relation for prediction of the pearl fishery is pointed out. Durve, V.S. & 9-05131 M Bal, D.V. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):206-13 + Preliminary observation on the growth of spat of the oyster Crassostrea gryphoides (Schlotheim) Monthly tabulation of shell measurements. Ganapati, P.N. & 9-05132 M G.C. Rao (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):44-57 Ecology of the interstitial fauna inhabiting the sandy beaches of Waltair coast The influence of physico-chemical conditions of the beach on the distribution & density of the interstitial fauna were studied, & the fluctuations of these conditions examined. Bionomics of the fauna are recorded. Mahadevan, S., K. Rangarajan 8 C. Sankarankutty (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):235-8 On two specimens of Microprosthema sp. (Decapoda Macrura) from Palk Bay 9-05133 M Morphological notes € table comparing characteristics of these two specimens with М. validum € M. semilaeve. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pillai, R.S. (1962) 9-05134 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):172-6 Studies on the shrimp Caridina laevis (Heller). 5. Excretory system Morphological and histological account. Co 8-10247. Pillai, R.S. (1962) 9-05135 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):177-82 tructure of the mouth parts and observations on the feeding mechanism in Caridina laevis. (Heller) (Crustacea, Decapoda) Morphological account with notes on food preferences and feeding habits. Sankarankutty, C. (1962) 9-05136 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):167-71 On the occurrence of Athanas dorsalis (Stimpson) (Decapoda-Alpheidae) in the Gulf of Mannar Morphological description with table of body measurements. Srinivasan, V.V. (1962) 9-05137 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, k(1/2):183-97 Further notes on the anatomy of Martesia fragilis External features of the shell in young stages and the changes undergone on attainment of adult condition are described. Anatomy of the alimentary and respiratory systems is described. Agrawal, V.P. (1963)B 9-05138 M Enzymologia, 25:173-7 A study of the influence of substrate and enzyme concentration on the activity of caecal amylase of Orchestia gammarella Pallas Agrawal, V.P. (1963)B 9-05139 M Enzymologia, 25:178-81 Effect of temperature on the activity of caecal amylase of Orchestia gammarella Pallas BENTHOS Sankolli, K.N. € 9-05140 M H.G. Kewalramani (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):106-20 Larval development of Saron marmoratus (Olivier), in the laboratory Laboratory hatchings of the eggs, from protozoea to fourth post-larval stage of Saron marmoratus (Olivier) are described. Advanced features of the local larvas against the first four larval stages of the Red Sea larvae by Al-Kholy (op. cit.) are also given. Sekharen, K.V., M.J. Pradhan & K.K. Parameswara Menon (1962) J.Mar.Biol.Ass.India, №(1/2):238-9 On the occurence of Calappa philargius (L) in Indian waters 9-05141 M Note of the occurrence, of distinguishing features and of some body measurements. Lowy, J. € B.M. Millman (1962) Phil.Trans.(B)., 246:106-48 The contractile mechanism of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis 9-05142 MG Stimulation of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of M. edulis under isometric conditions € during length changes at constant speed, is followed by 2 distinct types of response which are characterised by their tension decay rates. A hypothesis is advanced to explain these € other findings in terms of the sliding filament contractile mechanism. IABS 29(3)5793. Krokhin, E.M. (Foerster, R.E. Transl.) (1962)c Transl.Ser.Fish.Res.Bd Can., (419):4 р. Investigations of the abundance of saprophitic bacteria in Lake Dalnee 9-05143 MF Results of studies on effects of Oncorhynchus nerka carcasses оп saprophytic bacteria iu lake En 1954 Krokhin, E.M. Bowen, S.T. & 9-05144 MF J. Hanson (1963)B Genetics, Austin, 47:277-80 A gynandromorph of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina 9 (5) 263 Bricteux-Gregoire, S. 9-05145 MF et al. (1962)B Arch.int.Physiol., 70:273-86 (Active osmotic constituents of muscle of the Chinese crab, Eriocheir sinensis, adapted to fresh water or to sea water). Fr Hagiwara, S. (1961)B 9-05146 MF Ergebn.Biol., 24:287-311 Nervous activities of the heart in Crustacea Kuntsova, M.Ia. (1962)B 9-05147 MF Fiziol.Zh.SSSR, 48:833-41 (On regulatory functions of the inhibitory nerve of Crustacea). Ru Pilkey, O.H. (1963)C 9-05148 MF Thesis, Florida State Univ. Trace elements in recent and fossil mollusk shells Analyses of iron, magnesium, manganese, stron- tium, & barium, & mineralogy of shells of 7 spp. collected over much of their present-day environmental range, are presented. Shell composition is correlated with water tempera- ture & salinity. DA 24(1):250-1. Frankenberg, D. (1962)C 9-05149 MF Thesis, Emory Univ. A comparison of the physiology and ecology of the estuarine isopod Cyathura polita (Stimpson) in Massachusetts and Georgia DA 24(1):443. Berthet, J. & 9-05150 MF P. Berthet (1963) Arch.int.Physiol., 71:124-5 (The presence of hemocyanin in the hemolymph of isopods and amphipods). Fr Metalli, P. & 9-05151 MF E. Ballardin (1962) Strahlentherapie, 51:126-8 Artemia salina Leach, a new material for radiobiological research 264 Geitler, L. (1962) 9-05152 MF Ber.ätsch.bot.Ges., 75:393-96 (All shell formations by diatoms occur as the result of cell or ruclear division). De The inner shells of Eunotia € Meridion result from unequal cell division. One of the proto- plasts is small & degenerates, the other forms a shell inside the mother cell wall. IABS 30(2)4152. Healy, E.A. (1963)B Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 106(1) :444-50 Muscous secretions of abarenicolid lugworms 9-05153 MF _ Anteunis, A., N. Fautrez- Firlefyn € J. Fautrez (1962)B Exp.Cell Res., 28:592-4 (Origin and ultrastructure of metachromatic 9-05154 MF granules in the ovum of Artemia salina). Fr Dutrieu, J. (1962)B | 9-05155 MF Ann.Nutr., Paris, 16(6):Commun 227-34 (Effect of the type of nutrition on the method of reproduction of a crustacean (Artemia salina). Fr Gibbs, S.P. (1962) 9-05156 MF J.Ultrastruct.Res., 7:418-35 Ultrastructure of chloroplasts of algae The chloroplasts of 13 spp. of algae that were studied are circumscribed by a narrow double membrane & contain dense particles about 15 má in diam. Present also are lipid-like globules. Only the green algae contain starch granules. The chloroplasts are composed of various no. & patterns of membrane-enclosed discs which in Ochromonas danica are seen to be collapsed in- ternally as well as appressed together exter- nally. IABS 30(3)6158. Fulton, C. (1963) J.gen.Physiol., 46:823-37 Proline control of feeding reaction of Cordylophora 9-05157 MF An active mol. for inducing feeding was isola- ted from brineshrimp larvae & identified on paper chromatograms as the amino acid proline. Reagent proline induced the feeding reaction at 10-5 M. The response to proline was inhib. by Mg & enhanced by phosphate. IABS 30(3)6233. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Jacobson, A.L. (1963)B 9-05158 MF Psychol.Bull., 60:74-94 Learning in flatworms and annelids Waterman, Т.Н. & 9-05159 MF С.А. Wiersma (1963 )B J.cell comp.Physiol., 61:1-16 Electrical responses in decapod crustacean visual systems Katona, F. (1962)B 9-05160 MF Psychopharmacol.Serv.Cent.Bull., 2:77-9 Physiological effect of phenothiazines on some invertebrate animals Refers to Echinodermata. Krauss, В.М. & 9-05161 MF R.A. Galloway (1962)BC College Park, Maryland University, 22 р. Endogenous metabolism in algae Gosselin, R.E., K.E. Moore 9-05162 MF & A.S. Milton (1962) J.gen.Physiol., 46:277-96 Physiological control of molluscan gill cilia by 5HT Experimental data are interpreted to support the hypothesis that endogenous 5HT serves as a local hormone regulating ciliary activity in the lamellibranch gill. It is also suggested that the physiologic activity of lamellibranch gill cilia is controlled by a serotonergic mechanism. IABS 29(3)5795. Bagai, I.U. (1962)C 9-05163 F Thesis, Univ. Tulane Studies on the postembryonic development of the fairyshrimp Streptocephalus seali Ryder 18 larval stages completed in 29 days are described from 13% stage to adult. Development of head appendages, thoracic appendages, genitalia, abdominal segments, & cercopods are described. Development of Y antennae & frontal appendage with their musculature is especially detailed due to their importance in taxonomic studies of fairyshrimps. Growth rate of early larval stages of d € y larval stages was described. Significance of Branchiopoda in crus tacean phylogeny discussed, with special reference to Anostraca. Primitive & evolved features of Anostraca enumerated, & position of Branchiopoda in inter-relationships of crustacean subclasses discussed. DA 23(11) :4466. BENTHOS Campbell, J.A. (1962)C 9-05164 F Thesis, Pennsylvanie State Univ. The littoral phytomacrofauna and benthos of a pond and a portion of a creek in northwest Florida Method devised for sempling littoral zones of lake & creek to estimate quantity of macrofauna in this complex part of environment. The method differentiated benthos from phytomacrofauna. DA 23(11) :4468. Megard, R.O. (1962)C 9-05165 F Thesis, Indiana Univ. The biostratigraphic history of Dead Man Lake, Chuska Mountains, New Mexico Analysis of 3 cores revealed 5 faunal zones in Pleistocene sediments, each containing distinctive assemblage of Cladocera & larval Chironomidae. DA 23(11) :4473. Holm-Hansen, O. (1963) 9-05166 F Nature, Lond., 198(4884):1014-5 Effect of varying residual moisture content on the viability of lyophilized algae Nostoc muscorum, unidentified sp. of the green alga Chlorella (strain W-39-A). Subramanyam, K. (1962)C 9-05167 F New Delhi, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, 190 p. Aquatic angiosperms. A systematic account of common Indian aquatic angiosperms Provides keys for the determination of families gener= & spp.; an appendix contains informetion on chromosome numbers. Daubs, E.H. (1962)c 9-05168 F Thesis, Univ. of Illinois A monograph of Lemmaceae Study of taxonomy & distribution of aquatic plant family, the first since that of Hegel- maier in 1868, plus a revision in 1896. Incl. phylogenetic study of family in which its relationship to Araceae through Pistia stratiotes is discussed. Keys to genera & spp. based on more readily observable vegetative characteristics. Maps showing world-wide distribution of each sp. are incl. DA 23(6):1889. 9 (5) 265 Gabriel, A. (1963)A 9-05169 F. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 257(4):976-8 Influence du beta-mercaptoéthanol sur la régénération de Dugesia gonocephela (Turbellarié, triclade) (Influence of the beta-mecaptoethanol on the regeneration of Dugesia gonocephala, turbellarian, triclad ) Rubin, M. & D.W. Taylor (1963) Science, 141(3581):637 Radiocarbon activity of shells from living clams and snails 9-05170 F “hree samples from lime-poor, fai-ly soft, € lime-rich waters were collected in 1959. C14 deficiencies corresponding to errors of approximately 800, 2000, € 3000 years were recorded assuming no correction for initial activity. A tracer study indicated that a snail can incorporate 10- to 12% inorganic carbon in meking its shell & the remainder of the carbon in the shell carbonate must come from food or the atmosphere. Guse, L.R. (1962)c Thesis, Purdue Univ. Physiological and residual studies of herbicides for aquatic weed control 9-05171 F Technique for evaluating aquatic herbicides in natural environment was evaluated as compared with pond and spot treatments, using enclosures constructed of 4 mil polyethylene film, valuable for testing materials for submerged and or floating aquatic weed control. Effects of herbicides, and decomposition of aquatic vegetation, on fish was made possible. In a study of absorption and translocation of radioactive simazine in squatic plant, Vallisneria americana, Cl4-simazine moved more rapidly acropetally than basipetally. Anatomical study of the rcots of Elodea canadensis, Yallimerie americana, Potamogeton amplifolius, Sagittaria latifolia, and а odorete. DA 23(10):3605. Mettox, К.К. (1962)С 9-05172 F Thesis, Univ. of Texas The taxonomy of certain ulotrichacean algae Comparative study of genera Ulothrix Kützing, Uronema Lagerheim, Hormidium Kiltzing & Stichococcus Nägeli. 100 unialgal cultures, 39 of them axenic, studied intensively & repeatedly at different ages & under reproducible but varying conditions of culture. DA 23(10):3607. 266 Orkand, R.K. (1962)B J.Physiol., 161:143-59 The relation between membrane potential and contraction in single crayfish muscle fibres 9-05173 Е Peterson, R.P. (1962)B 9-05174 Е Amer.J.Anat., 111:89-110 Continuities between the plasma membrane and the sarcoplasmic reticulum in crayfish stretch receptor muscle as revealed by reconstructions from serial sections Marzolf, G.R. (1963)c Thesis, Univ. of Michigan Substrate relations of the burrowing amphipod Pontoporeia affinis Lindstrom 9-02172 Е Predominant macrobenthic invertebrate in upper Great Lakes, studied during summer months of 1960 8: 1961 with regard for its association with bottom sediments. A corer was used. Loss on ignition was utilized to estimate organic material. Bacteria were counted directly & their numbers were found to be correlated with depth, particle size, & estimates of the organic content of sediments. Distribution of P. affinis in study area showed no correlation with depth, particle size or organic matter estimates of the sediments, but was correlated with numbers of bacteria in sediments. DA 24(1):447. Meyer, G.H. et al. (1963) 9-05176 F Science, 138(3545):1103-4 Antarctica: the microbiology of an unfrozen saline pond Preliminary studies indicating presence of distinctive aerobic microbial population, though restricted to this natural habitat, adapts to growth in artificial culture. The growth habit of these organisms, as seen in nature & in laboratory culture, indicates a possible relationship between growtM at high salt concentration, at low temperatures, & in media of low organic content. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Allen, M.B. (1961)C Richmond, Calif., Kaiser Foundation Research Institute, 77 p. Study of pigment of photosynthetic organisms 9-05177 Е Evidence for pigments absorbing at 705-710 mu in photosynthetic organisms. Observation of 2 photoreactions in photosynthesis, errors involved in measurement of absorption in scat- tering suspensions have been examined. À num- ber of mutants in Chlorella pyrenoidosa useful for studies of the role of the various pigments in photosynthesis have been characterized. Travis, D.F. & 9-05178 F U. Friberg (1963) J.Ultrastruct.Res., 8:48-65 The deposition of skeletal structures in the Crustacea. 5. Microradiographic studies of the gastrolith of the crayfish Orconectes virilis Hagen ci 61-05601. Johnson, R.M. (1962)C 9-05179 F Thesis, Virginia Univ. Studies on the molting cycle of the crayfish, Cambarus longulus longulus Girard Total dry weight, calcium content & organic content of the intermolt, premolt & postmolt erayfish. DA 23(8)3042. Mobberly, W.C. Jr. (1962)C 9-05180 Е Thesis, Tulane Univ. Hormonal and environmental regulation of the molting cycle in the crayfish Orconectes clypeatus Field collections made twice a month, except during periods of drought, from October 19,1959 through May 7,1961 in Louisiana. Temperature duration of light, & rainfall influence cycle. DA 23(12):4727. Macdonald, W.W. (1962) Ann.trop.Med.Parasitol., 56:373-82 Geuetic basis of susceptibility to infection with semi-periodic Brugia malayi in Aedes aegypti 9-05181 F The susceptibility of A. aegypti is controlled by a sexlinked recessive gene (fm). IABS 30(2)4034. Rossner, W. (1962) 9-05182 F Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges., 75:323-31 (Influence of streptomycin on Cyanophyceae). De Phormidium minnesotense grown on mineral -agar, was treated with 2% & 0.2% streptomycin. Growth was inhibited by 2%, but in 0.2% soln. chlorotic cells were formed. The cytol, of these cells is described. - IABS 30(2)4118. Kandeler, R. (1962) 9-05183 Е Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges. 4 75:431-42 (The elimination of photoperiodic control in Lemna gibba). De L. gibba flowers under long days when (a) the light source contains some far red, 4 700-800 my; or (b) the growth medium is not changed, or (c) EDTA is added to the medium. No flowe- ring occurs under any daylength regime without far red & with a 3-day change of medium. But when conditions (a) € (Ъ), (a) & (с) or (a), (b) € (с) are fulfilled simlt., the plant flowers in both long and short days. IABS 30(2)4123. Wanka, F. (1962) Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges., 75:457-64 (On the influence of light on nucleic acid synthesis by synchronous cultures of Chlorella pyrenoidosa). De 9-05184 F In synchronous cultures there are 2 periods of RNA synthesis, interrupted by the period of DNA synthesis during which RNA content remains const. Light is needed for RNA synthesis during the first period, in the second it is not essential, but does increase the synthesis. DNA synthesis is less dependent on light. IABS 30(2)4125. Röhlich, P. (1962) J.Ultrastruct.Res., 7:399-408 Fine structure of muscle fibre of leech, Hirudo medicinalis 9-05185 Е The sarcoplasm of the muscle fibre of the leech is located in the axial region of the fibre. Around the axial sarcoplasm are found the flat myofibrils which are arranged radially and consist of about 60 myofilaments. Dense inter- fibrillar cross-filaments are seen running transversely between the myofibrils. The outer ends of these cross-filaments are fixed to the sarcolemma € the inner ends reach into the axial sarcoplasm. Their function is discussed. IABS 30(2)4166, BENTHOS 9 (5) 267 Mulherkar, L. € G.V. Sherbet (1963) J.Embryol.exp.Morph., 11:53-64 Effect of chloroacetophenone on development of Planorbis (Indoplanorbis) exustus (Deshayes) 9-05186 F The most susceptible phase seemed to be the phase between the 2nd € 3rd cleavage, € for production of exogastrulae the time between 3rd cleavage & the following flattening of cells. These phases coincide with the establishment of -SH rich ectoplasm. IABS 30(2)4172. Pedersen, K.J. (1963)B Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 106(1):424-43 Slime-secreting cells of planarians 9-05187 F Van Der Borght, O. (1962)B 9-05188 F Arch.int.Physiol., 70:611-23 (Direct absorption of calcium and strontium in solution in the surrounding medium by a fresh water gastropod: Lymnaea stamalis L.). Fr Stañczykowske, A. (1963) Bull Acad.polon.Sci., 11:29-33 Analysis of age of Dreissensia polymorpha Pall. in Masurian lakes 9-05189 F Age was measured by shell dimensions, no. of growth rings € individual marking, € it was concluded that distribution & width of growth rings exhibit a certain regularity. One ring occurs in one yr. Max age 10 yr. IABS 30(3)6333. Maffi, M. (1962)B Riv.Malariol., 41:229-34 (Triops granarius (Lucas), a possible crustacean predator of mosquito larvae). 9-05190 Е Richards, C.S. (1963)B Amer.J.trop.Med.Hyg., 12:26-33 Infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni for Puerto Rican mollusks, including a new potential intermedieate host 9-05191 Е 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Patterson, G.W. (1963)BC 9-05192 F Eh Maryland University, College Park, 36 p. The synthesis of sterols and the effect of steroids in Chlorella MeConnell, V., M.L. Clay & 9-05193 F R.B. Kauffman (1961)C Michigan University, Ann Arbor, 7 p. Elevation of LD50 level in decapitated planaria Haines, T.H. € 9-05194 F R.J. Block (1962) J.Protozool., 9:33-38 Sulphur metabolism in algae. 1. Synthesis of metabolically inert chloroform-soluble sulphate esters by two chrysomonads and Chlorella pyrenoidosa Four chloroform-sol. 355 compounds were separated from Ochromonas danica & O. malhamensis grown in the presence of Na3550k. On acid hydrolysis, the compounds yielded 35S04-2 . O. danica was found to incorporate two of these compounds without reduction of the 35504-2 . It is suggested that there is a structural relationship between the four compounds. IABS 29(3)5716. Williams, T.R. (1962) 9-05195 F Ann.trop.Med.Parasit., 56:362-67 Diet of freshwater crabs associated with Simulium neavei in East Africa. 2. Diet of Potamon berardi from Mount Elgon, Uganda Examination of the fore gut of P. berardi showed that aquatic insects (mainly Epheme- roptera & dipteran larvae) formed one third of the diet of crabs below 10 mm. in width. As the crabs grew they became increasingly dependent on plant material, particularly fallen leaves. Crabs over 25 mm. in width were almost entirely herbivorous. Co 62-00246. IABS 29(3)5818. 9 (5) Williams, P. (1962) 9-05196 F Ann .trop.Med.Parasit., 56:274-83 Bionomics of tabanid fauna of streams in rain- forest of southern Cameroons, (now W.Cameroon of Federal Cameroon Republic). №. Seasonal fluctuations in numbers of immature tabanids at Kumba Seasonal abundance of immature stages of various Chrysops spp. is assessed & a compa- rison made between the annual cycles of larvae, pupae $ adults of С. silacea & С. dimidiata (Bombe form). IABS 29(3)5881. Lang, C.A. (1963) 9-05197 F J.gen.Physiol., 46:617-72 Accumulation of Zn by mosquito Zn content of mosquitoes in various develop- mental stages was higher than other trace elements over 90% of it being localised in the Malphighian tubules. Uptake of this trace element during larval growth required the presence of food particles. Some metabolic aspects of this element are also discussed. IABS 30(1)2080. Kudo, R.R. (1962) 9-05198 F J.Insect Path., 4:353-6 Microsporidia in southern Illinois mosquitoes Stempellia magna was found in Culex restuans & Culex pipiens pipiens. Culicine egg rafts were collected & the larvae reared to investigate natural infections. The presence of infected larvae of approx. the same age and the natural occurrence of more than 80% infected larvae hatched from an egg raft suggest that infected adults transmit the microsporidian infection through eggs into larvae. However a single C. pipiens larva infected by Stempellia magna € a single larva of Anopheles punctipennis infected by Thelohania legeri were found in populations of non-infected larvae. IABS 30(1)2117. Kellen, М.В. & 9-05199 Е М. Wills (1962) J.Insect Path., 4:321-6 The transovarian transmission of Thelohania californica Kellen & Lipa in Culex tarsalis coquiliett Eggs of C. tarsalis infected with T. califor- nica contained from 1 to 50 mono- & binucleate schizonts. Y larvae from infected eggs developed infections of sporonts & spores and usually died during the fourth instar while 9 larvae developed benign schizogonic infections. Of 299 adults reared from infected eggs, all but 8 were q. When these 9 were mated with healthy $, infected 9 laid eggs containing schizonts. About 13% of the y from a wild Californian population possessed benign or attenuated infections of T. californica. IABS 30(1)2118. Daboll, H.F., H.L. Crespi 9-05200 F & J.J. Katz (1962) Biotech.Bioeng., 4:281-97 Mass cultivation of algae in pure heavy water Apparatus & techniques used in the mass culture in 99.6% 2H20 of several strains of green algae are described. Closed Lucite rocking-box units containing 5 1. of culture media can produce 1 to 2 g.(dry wt.) per day of fully deuteriated algae. IABS 30(1)2068. Best, J.B. & 9-05201 F I. Rubinstein (1962) J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 55:560-6 Maze learning and associated behaviour in planaria From 2 maze learning expt. it was concluded that planarians are capable of instrumental learning, that following a phase in which learning occurs, there is active rejection of the reinforced altemative in a 2-choise situation. Following this there is a phase of lethargy that is not due simply to fatigue or injury. IABS 30(1)1867. Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges., 75:335-7 (The role of plastids in apochlorotic algae). De Six races each of Euglena gracilis & Pseudastasia longa after bleaching by heat treatment gave snow-white cultures. In some other spp. carotenoid formation by bleached forms reported. IABS 30(1)1993. BENTHOS 9 (5) 269 Mullins, L.J. (1962)BC 9-05203 F Baltimore, Maryland University, School of Medicine, 4 p. Active transport of ions in Nitella Williams, T.R. & L. Obeng (1962) Ann.trop.Med.Parasit., 56:359-61 Comparison of two methods of estimatimating changes in Simulium larval populations, with description of new method 9-05204 Е IABS 29(3)5880. Jones, L.W. & J. Myers (1063) Nature, Lond., 199(4894):670-2 A common link between photosynthesis and respiration in a blue-green alga 9-05205 FG Describes phenomena suggesting that repiration is a possible source of electrons in the chlorophyll-a reaction in Anacystis nidulans. Yasuzumi, G. (1962) 9-05206 FG J.Ultrastruct.Res., 7:488-503 Spermatogenesis in animals as revealed by E.M. 12. Light & E.M. Studies on spermiogenesis of Cipangopaludina malleata Reeve Granules present in the cytoplasmic vesicles of atypical spermatids of the pond snail were confirmed to be Feulgen-pos. material derived from the spermatid nuclei. In immature normal spermatids, the mitochondria were seen as two clumps at the base of the nucleus. In advanced stages the clumps of mitochondria run helically along the axial tail filaments & are provided with a series of lamellae. The cytoplasmic vesicles of atypical spermatids were limited usually by a triple-layered unit membrane. TABS 30(3)6014. Pieczyñski, Е. (1962) Bull.Acad.polon.Sci.(2), 10:421-4 Notes on use of light traps for water mites (Hydracarina) 9-05207 FG Majority of aquatic invertebrate groups may be said to respond strongly to light. IABS 29(3)5871. 270 Jannuzzi, R. (1963) 9-05208 M Mondo sommerso, 5(7/8):32-52 Il timoniere tra le nuvole (The helmsman among clouds). It Ill. article about methods of swordfish fishing in de Mediterranean. Gep, D. (1963) 9-05209 M Fish.News int., 2(2):135-7 French deep-sea fishing is at a tuming point Briefly considers the problems of the French deep sea cod fishery facing an economic crisis & suggests that a technical revolution is required. Hardman, D.J. (1963) 9-05210 M Fish.News int., 2(2):138-41 Economic potential of Australian tuna The development of the Australian tuna industry depends on expanded exports of frozen tuna to the US in addition to growth of the domestic market for canned tuna. Traung, J.-0. (1963) 9-05211 M Fish.News int., 2(2):143-50 Mechanization of fishing craft Defines mechanization, suggests solutions for particular technical problems € gives examples of the credit facilities available to fisher- men for development. Smith, J.D. (1963) 9-05212 M Fish.News int., 2(2):151-4 All-aluminium menhaden vessel Describes a proposed all-aluminium fishing vessel for the Gulf of Mexico & concludes that development of new alloys will favour the wide use of aluminium in shipbuilding. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES FISHING 9 (5) Hind, J.A. (1963) 9-05213 M Fish.News int., 2(2):159-67 Expedition fishing. Concept of a selfsupporting fleet unit Describes the equipment & organisation of a fleet unit to facilitate effective exploitation of distant waters. Brockerhoff, H., R.G. Ackman & 9-05214 M R.J. Hoyle (1963)B Arch.Biochem., 100:9-12 Specific distribution of fatty acids in marine lipids Melins, D.C. € 9-05215 M C.R. Houle (1961) Proc.Soc.exp.Biol., N.Y., 108:126-9 Monoenoic fatty acids in dogfish livers: isomers of the C16, C18, C20, & C22 series Hallgren, B. € 9-05216 M S. Larsson (1962) J.Lipid Res., 3:31-8 The glyceryl ethers in the liver oils of elasmobranch fish Kiener, A. (1961) 9-05217 MF Bull.Madagascar, 11(180):50-81 Poisscas malgaches (Madagascar fishes) Со 61-12462 Kiener, A. (1961) 9-05218 MF Bull.Madagascar, 11(181):82-117 Poissons malgaches (Madagascar fishes) Co 9-05217 ANON. (1963) 9-05219 MF Fish.News int., 2(2):129-31 Progress in Far East fisheries Cites examples of development by governments in the Far East of both marine & fresh-water fisheries & points to the importance of international cooperation. AQUATIC STOCKS 271 Okolov, F.S. & 9-05220 MF S.Kh. Nikolov (1962)B Vop.Pitan., 21:50-6 (On hygroscopic properties and gelatinous nature of the muscle tissues of fish and slaughtered warmblooded animals). Ru Wierzchowski, J. (1962)B 9-05221 MF lesk.Hye., 7:20-7 (Biological research of the nutritive value of raw and preserved fish). Cs Grayson, A. (1962)B Arch.belges Méd.soc., 20:373-87 (The sanitary aspects of fish consumption). Ne 9-05222 MF Gerhardsen, G.M. (1963) 9-05223 G Fish.News int., 2(2):198-200 Place of economics in fisheries Calls for the application of more extensive economic planning applied to fishery development especially within Europe. AQUATIC STOCKS Iversen, R.T.S., P.J. Perkins 9-05224 M & R.D. Dionne (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4890):250-1 An indication of underwater sound production by squid An account of recordings made at night with a tape recorder & submerged microphone. Sounds might be made by the siphons or by the hard peaks. Haavaldsen, R. & 9-05225 M F. Fonnum (1955) Nature, Lond., 199(4890) :286-7 Weever venom ‚An electrophoretic investigation of venom. from the opercular & dorsal spines of Trachinus draco indicated the presence of noradrenaline, adrenaline, histamine & cholinesterase. Fänge, R. & J. Krog (1963) 9-05226 M Nature, Lond., 199(4894):713 Inability of the kidney of the hagfish to secrete phenol red Phenol red is a fluorescin excreted via the gall bladder not the ureters, which may perhaps not be physiologically equivalent to kidney tubules. Tyler, J.C. (1962)c 9-05227 M Thesis, Stanford University The general osteology of representative fishes of the order Plectognathi Ill. descriptive survey of 8 spp. considered to be representative of the order; Parahollardia lineata, Balistapus undulatus (Balistidae), Acanthostracion quadricornis (Ostraciontidae) Triodon bursarius (Tridontidae), Lagocephalus laevigatus (Tetraodontidae), Canthigaster rostratus (Canthigasteridae), Diodon holacanthus (Diodontidae), Mola mola (Molidae). DA 23(6):1868. > _ Dougherty, H.W. (1962)C 9-05228 M Thesis, Columbia Univ. The phospholipids of the electric organ of the electric fish, Electrophorus electricus DA 23(6):1901. ANON. (1963) 9-05229 M Mondo sommerso, 5(5) Atlante dei pesci delle coste Italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts). It Detachable cards, ill., with notes on morpho- logy, reproduction, nutrition & geographical distribution of Alosa fallax nilotica & Umbrina cirrosa. 272 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1963) Mondo sommerso, 5(7-8) Atlante dei pesci delle coste Italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts). It 9-05230 M Detachable cards, ill. with notes on morphology reproduction, nutrition € geographical distribution of Pomatomus saltator, & Rhinobatos rhinobatos. Humbel, R.E. (1963) 9-05231 M Biochem.biophys.Res.Commun., 12(1):333-8 Isolation of insulin from the fish, Lophius piscatorius, by gel filtration Previous methods for purification of insulin from isolated islets of fishes entailed use of acid-ethanol extraction in combination with paper chromatography, Bauer € Lazarow, 1961; Humbel et al., 1961; Taylor et al., 1961, isoelectric precipitation € CM- € DEAE-cellu- lose chromatography, Yamamoto et al., 1960; Humbel, 1963. This paper describes simple procedure based on Sephadex gel filtration, which allows preparation of pure insulin in high yield. Lophius obtained from New England Biological Associates, Narragansett, R.I. Butler, J.H., J.F. Jackson & J.B. Polya (1962)B Enzymologia, 24:52-6 Cholinesterase from the electric organ of Narcine tasmaniensis. 1. 9-05232 M Tysset, C. et al. (1961)B Arch.Inst.Pasteur Algér., 39:450-60 (Study of some microorganisms isolated from the gallbladder of Syngnatha, Syngnathus acus L., in the Arcachon basin). Fr 9-05233 M Dijkgraaf, $. & A.J. Kalmijn (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., k7(4):438-56 Untersuchungen ther die Funktion der lorenzinischen Ampullen an Haifischen (Investigations on the function of the Lorenzinian ampullae in sharks). En 9-05234 M The possible role of the ampullae of Lorenzini as electroreceptors was investigated by observing behaviour responses to electric stimuli in both intact and partly denervated sharks. Kunnenkeri, J.K. & W.E. Martin (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:148 Pigmented cestode larvae, mainly tetraphylli- deans and tetrarhynchids, from fishes of the eastern Indo-Pacific 9-05235 M Kunnenkeri, J.K. (1962)B 9-05236 M J.Parasit., 48:149 Preliminary report on the parasites of the California sardine and the parasitic distribution in Clupeidae Ward, J.W. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:155 Helminth parasites of some marine animals, with special reference to those from the yellow-fin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) 9-05237 M Fujita, T. (1962)B 9-05238 M Z.Zellforsch., 57:487-94 (On the islet system of the pancreas of Chimaera monstrosa). De Ito, T., A. Watanabe & Y. Takahashi (1962)B Arch.Histol.Jap., 22:429-63 (Histological and cytological research on the liver in fish and Cyclostoma, together with remarks on the fat storage cells). Ni 9-05239 M Kempton, R.T. (1962)B J.Morph., 111:217-25 Studies on the elasmobranch kidney. 3. The kidney of the lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis 9-05240 M Nagaty, H.F. & Т.М. Abdel-Aal 9-05241 M (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:746-7 Trematodes of fishes from the Red Sea. 19. On three new species of Podocotyle (family Allocreadiidae ) Ci 8-10352. AQUATIC STOCKS Price, E.W. (1962)B 9-05242 M J.Parasit., 48:748-51 A description of Tricotyla molae (Blanchard), with a discussion of the monogenetic trematodes of the sunfish (Mola mola L.) Jensen, E.T. (1962)B 9-05243 M Amer.J.publ.Hlth., 52:1743-8 Shellfish sanitation in the control of hepatitis Conroy, D.A. (1962)B 9-05244 M Microbiol.esp., 15:89-91 (Isolation of a fluorescent pseudomonad from prawns). Es Della Corte, F. € 9-05245 M G. Chieffi (1961)B Arch.ital.Anat.Embriol., 66:313-39 (Morphology and cytology of the hypophysis of Torpedo marmorata Risso, in the young, in adult Y during spermtogenesis and in adult 9 during various stages of the sexual cycle Marchetti, R., V. Noseda & 9-05246 M F. Chiesa (1962)B Riv.Biol., 55:187-213 (Epicardial activation in the heart of selachian, chondroganoids and amphibian urodele). It Tekenaka, Y. (1962)B 9-05247 M Prod.Pharm., 17:421-3 (On insulin from fish, especially mackerel and tunny). Fr Hisaoka, K.K. € 9-05248 M C.F. Firlit (1962)B J.Morph., 111:239-53 The embryology of the blue gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus (Pallas) Stunkard, H.W. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:883-90 Caballerocotyla klawei sp.n., a 9-05249 monogenetic trematode from the nasal capsule of Neothunnus macropterus Schmidt, W.J. (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 57:422-7 9-05220 (On dentin globules in Semicossyphus reticulatus val.). De Mizelle, J.D. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:555-7 Studies on monogenetic trematodes. 9-05251 22. Dactylogyrus californiensis sp.n. from the Sacramento squawfish CR 9-11326. Pillai, N.K. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:610-2 9-05252 On a new species of Bomolochus (Copepoda) with remarks on Orbitacolax Shen. Pillai, N.K. (1962)B J.Parasit., 46:613-7 9-05233 Three new species of anthosomid copepods parasitic on South Indian fishes Velasquez, C.C. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:539-44 Some hemiurid tremetodes from Philippine fishes Garcia Romeu, F. (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 57:347-54 9-0525 9-02255 (The caudal neurosecretory system in the teleost Jenynsia lineata). Fr Masai, H. (1962)B Yokohama med.Bull., 13:249-57 On the external form of the brain of Heterodontus japonicus 9-05256 273 M M 274 Seliger, H.H. (1962)B .gen.Physiol., 46:333-43 Direct action of lisht in naturally pigme:i.ed muscle fibers. 1. Action spectrum for contraction in eel iris sphincter 9-05257 M Iwata, H. (1962)B 9-05258 M J.Keto Med.Soc., 39:419-35 (Globefish toxin - its anesthetic considerations). Ni Bulger, R.E. (1962)C 9-05259 M Thesis, Univ. of Washington The histology and fine structure of the rectal (salt-excreting) gland of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, shown previously by Burger & Hess to be capable of remarkable salt secretion. Present study attempts to provide morphological background for function of gland DA 24(1):26-7. Bradbury, М.С. (1963)c Thesis, Stanford Univ. Redefinitions of the genera of the fish family Ogcocephalidae 9-05260 M Purpose of this work is to reassess & modify classification of genera of family in accor- dance with new data in belief that modified classification represents greater conformity with modern taxonomic principles than does the one it replaces. Specimens of one third of approximately 60 spp. in family were available for anatomical investigation. Following characters studied in detail: skeleton of illucium, form of esca, configuration of frontal bones of skull, nature of scales, lateral -line patern, variation in dentition & gill rakers, & variation in body form with special reference to pectoral fin, illicial cavity, & rostrum. Survey of geographical distribution of the family is discussed, with particular attention paid to possible origin & its subsequent dispersal throughout tropical & subtropical marine waters. Probable origin of group is Indo Pacific faunal realm, with later secondary speciation in tropical western Atlantic. DA 24(1):440-1. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Fields, W.G. (1963)c Thesis, Stanford Univ. The structure, development, food relations, reproduction and life history of the squid Loligo opalescens Berry Present studies conducted at Monterey Bay, California. Description is amended to note arms of с are approximately 50% longer than those of 9, & is supplemented by a description of the colors of the living animal. Oceano- graphic seasons affecting life of squid. Fishery is centered at Monterey, where lampara nets are used. Feeding behavior is described. Studies of stomach contents. Reproductive systems, spermatophores, gametes & processes of mating & spawning are described & ill. Gross embryology is described & ill. DA 2h(1):4h2-3. 9-05261 M Bouder and Cavallo. (1963) Rev.Corps.Santé Armées, 4:63-8) (Poisonings caused by poisonous fish). Fr 9-05262 M Jouanneteau, J., G. Peres & G. Zwingelstein (1962) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1848-50 (The lipid and liposoluble vitamin content of the hepatopancreas and striated muscle of the hog-fish (Scorpaena porcus) after a normal feeding and after a period of hasting). Fr 9-05263 M Bereninov, A.A., М.М. Nikol'skii 9-05264 M & D.L. Rozenmal' (1962) Tsitologiia, 4:666-8 (Absorption of neutral red by the giant axon in cuttlefish following diffuse exitation). Ru Kudelka, W.E. € J.B. Polya (1962)B Enzymologia, 25:105-15 Acetylcholine acyl-hydrolase from the electric organ of Narcine tasmaniensis. 2. Characte- risation of the enzyme 9-05265 M AQUATIC STOCKS Labat, R., C. Peyraud & 9-05266 M A. Serfaty (1962)B J.Physiol., Paris, 54 :591-8 (Electrocardiographic and opercular reactions induced by light stimulation or by the effect of approach in marine teleosts). Fr Lederis, K. (1962)B 9-05267 M Z.Zellforsch., 58:192-213 Ultrastructure of the hypothalamoneurohypo- physial system in teleost fishes and isolation of hormonecontaining granules from the neuro- hypophysis of the cod (Gadus morrhua) Dupe, М. & 9-05268 M R. Godet (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1331-3 (Study of thyroid function with the aid of I-131 in an amphibian teleost, Periophtalmus papilio). Fr Romeu, F.G. & 9-05269 M C.G. De Pascar (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 58:422-6 The caudal neurosecretory system of the teleostean Clupea melanostoma Vastesaeger, M.M., P. Gillot & E. Vastesaeger (1962)B Acta cardiol., Brux., 17:780-6 (Spontaneous atherosclerosis of the immature tunny). Fr 9-05270 M Meurling, P. (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 58:51-69 The relations between neural and intermediate lobes in the pituitary of Squalus acanthias 9-05271 M Ravina, A. & A. Plichet (1962)B Pr.méd., 70:2303-4 (Knowledge about sharks). Fr 9-05272 M 9 (5) 275 Afzelius, B.A. & G. Fridberg (1963) Z.Zellforsch., 59:289-308 The fine structure of the caudal neurosecre- tory system in Raia batis 9-05273 M The caudal neurosecretory system in Raia batis shows many similarities with ultrastructural details of other vertebrate neurosecretory systems. Neurosecretory granules are found in all parts of the system. IABS 30(3)6284. Botte, V. (1962)B 9-05274 M Riv.Biol., 55:321-6 (On the extrusion of the nucleoli into the cytoplasm of growing oocytes of the marine teleost, Conger conger). It Flood, P.R. & J.S. Mathisen (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 58:638-40 À third type of muscle fibre in the parietal muscle of the Atlantic hagfish Myxine glutinosa L. 9-05275 M Malone, T.E. & K.K. Hisaoka (1963)B J.Morph., 112:61-75 A histochemical study of the formation of deutoplasmic components in developing oocytes of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio 9-05276-.M Lasker, R. & 9-05277 M G.H. Theilacker (1962) J.Lipid Res., 3:60-4 The fatty acid composition of the lipids of some Pacific sardine tissues in relation to ovarian maturation and diet Boeseman, M. (1962) 9-05278 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):214-6 The types of Trichiuridae and Gempylidee in the Leiden Museum List of these types. 276 Gopalan, U.K. (1962) 9-05279 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, №(1/2):231 Occurrence of a whale shark at Veraval, Gujarat State Body measurements. James, P.S.B.R. (1962) 9-05280 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):217-23 Observations on shoals of the Javanese cownose ray Rhinoptera javanica Miller and Henle from the Gulf of Mannar, with additional notes on the species Synonomy, observations on catches, body measurements, notes on food, and embryonic and adult colouration. Pillai, N.K. (1962) 9-05281 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):58-94 Copepods parasitic on south Indian fishes families Lernaeopodidae and Naobranchidae Deals with the genera Lernaeopoda, Thysanote, Charopinus, Clavelopsis, Clavellisa and Brachiella, belonging to family Lernaepodidae and Naobranchia belonging to Naobranchidae. 20 spp. are described, 7 of which are new and 3 are described without specific names. Pillai, N.K. (1962) 9-05282 M J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):95-9 CHONIOMYZON gen nov. (Copepoda: Choniostoma- tidae) associated with Panulirus Definition of CHONIOMYZON n.g. with description of CHONIOMYZON panuliri n.sp. Pradhan, M.J. & 9-05283 M M.H. Dhulkhed (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, k(1/2):240-1 On the natural distribution of the flatfish Laeops guentheri Alcock Synonomy and some morphological data. Raju, G. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2) :232-4 New records of the giant trematodes of the genus Hirudinella Garcin from Indian waters 9-05284 M Synonomy, host and locality, and notes on infection rates by Hirudinella marina Garcin and H. ventricosa Pallas. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Rao, C.A.P. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):100-5 A new genus and species of a cyclopoid copepod parasitic on a starfish 9-05285 M ASTEROCOMES indica, a n.g. & a sp. of cyclopoid copepod belonging to the family Stellicomitidae is described in detail. Only two genera and three spp. have so far been assigned té the family. Rao, V.R. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):241-3 A note on a hermaphroditic gonad in the Indian mackrel Rastrelliger canagurta (Cuvier) 9-05286 M Dimensions of the gonad and some histological notes on it. Silas, E.G. € H.S. Toor (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):243-5 Lethrinella conchyliatus Smith (Lethrinidae: Pisces), a new record for Indian seas 9-05287 M Description of the sp. ANON. (1960) N.Z.Sci.Rev., 18(4):62 Study of penguins in Antarctica 9-05288 M Note on biological work carried out in the Ross Sea during 1959-60 summer, with summary of observations made on behaviour. Mira, E. (1962)B Arch.int.Pharmacodyn., 138:41-50 (Ist observations on the effect of melatonin on the chromatophores of Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.). It 9-05289 M Doyle, W.L. (1962) Amer.J.Anat., 111:223-37 Tubule cells of the rectal salt-gland of Urolophus 9-05290 MG | E.M. Studies revealed that, unlike the nasal glands of sea-birds, the cells of the sting- ray's salt glands showed few basal infoldings, but a large no. of compound vacuoles, also termed multivesiculate bodies, were present in the apical half of the cells. IABS 30(3)6246. AQUATIC STOCKS 277 Ball, J.N., M. Olivereau € 9-05291 MF K.D. Kallman (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4893):618-20 Secretion of thyrotrophic hormone by pituitary transplants in a teleost fish In Mollienesia formosa grafts of pituitary, into subsequently hypophysectomised individu- als, produced TSH hormone at a greater rate than a normal gland, indicating that the teleost hypothalamo-hypophysial relationship may differ radically from that in mammals. Brachet, J. (1963) 9-05292 MF Nature, Lond., 199(4894):714-5 Effects of puromycin on morphogenesis in amphibian eggs and Acetabularia mediterranea Compares morphogenetic disturbances caused by actinomycin with those produced by puromycin which inhibits protein synthesis. Frair, М.Е. (1962)С 9-05293 МЕ Thesis, Rutgers Univ. Comparative serology of turtles with systematic implications Studies with blood from turtles € a few other organisms, a certain number of study animals having been injected with antigenic material. Procedures involved electrophoresis; aggluti- nation with iso- & heteroagglutinins & some tanned erythrocytes; precipitation in fluid systems, cellulose acetate, & agar. There is evidence that all sea turtles, incl. Dermoche- lys have serologically corresponding & elec- trophoretically comparable serum proteins. DA 23(6):2262. :sih Ward, F.J. (1962)C 9-05294 MF Thesis, Cornell Univ. Regular fluctuations in the annual abundance of Adams River race sockeye salmon and the operation of possible causal agents DA 23(6):2265. Chance, В.Е. (1962)С 9-05295 МЕ Thesis, Purdue Univ. Part 1. Aminoacid requirements of chinook salmon. Part 2. Free amino acids and related compounds in the plasma of chinook salmon and swine Studies on fingerling, Oncorhynchus tshawytcha. DA 23(10):3616-7. 9 (5) Sawyer, W.H. € 9-05296 MF G.E. Pickford (1963) Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:439-45 Neurohypophyseal principles of Fundulus heteroclitus: characteristics and seasonal changes Pharmacological € chromatographic analyses of pituitary extracts indicate the same 2 prin- ciples found in other teleosts: vasotocin € an oxytocinlike principle which may participate in regulating reproduction. Azbelev, V.V., S.S. Surkov & A.A. Iakovenko (1962)B Nauch. -tekh.Biull.PINRO, 2-3(20-21):37-8 Materialy ро biologii gorbushi, akkl ı ati- Ziruemoi v basseine Belogo i Barentseva morei (Information on the biology of pink salmon acclimatized in the basins of the White and Barents seas) 9-05297 MF Gives the main conclusions with reference to the acclimatization of Pacific salmon in the north. Azbelev, V., S.S. Surkov & A.A. Yakovenko (Ricker, W.E. Transl.) (1963)c Transl.Ser.Fish.Res.Bd Can., (437):3 p. Information on the biology of pink salmon acclimatized in the basins of the White and Barents seas 9-05298 MF En 9-05297 Ganguly, О.М. & 9-05299 MF B. Mitra (1962)B Anat.Anz., 110:289-311 On the vertebral column of the teleostean fishes of different habits and habitats. 1. Mugil corsula, Раша рама, Triacanthus brevirostris & Andamia heteroptera Detlaf, T.A. (1962)B J.Embryol.exp.Morph., 10:1-26 Cortical changes in acipenserid eggs during fertilization and artificial activation 9-05300 MF 278 Koch, H. & J. Evans (1962)B 9-05301 MF 70:319-20 Arch.int.Physiol. (The reversibility of the power of osmotic adaptation of the salmon, Salmo salar). Fr Musil, J. (1962)B Cesk.Gynek., 27:138-41 (Stimulation of the diencephalonhpophysial system in fish). Cs 9-05302 MF Nieuwenhuys, R. (1962)B 9-05303 MF Acta morph.neerl.-scand., 5:65-78 The morphogenesis and the general structure of the actinopterygian forebrain Uhr, J.W., S. Finkelstein € 9-05304 MF E.C. Franklin (1962)B Proc.Soc.exp.Biol., N.Y., 111:13-5 Antibody response to bacteriophage phi-X-174 in non-mammalian vertebrates ‘Palayer, Р. (1962)B 9-05305 MF C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:786-90 (Effect of diet and thyroxin on pancreas morphology ‘in the eel, Anguilla anguilla L.). Fr Csaba, G., C. Horvath & 9-05306 MF I. Moldovanyi (1962)B Acta biol.Acad.Sci.hung., 13:223-9 A study of protein content of tissues from vertebrates of different age or of different grade of evolution and its bearing on transplantability Sano, Y., K. Hamana & 9-05307 MF M. Kawamoto (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 57:881-7 (On the segmental formation of the neurophysis spinalis caudalis in various fish species). De 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nieuwenhuys, R. (1962)B J.Morph., 111:69-88 Trends in the evolution of the actinopterygian forebrain 9-05308 MF Sano, Y. (1961)B 9-05309 MF Ergebn.Biol., 24:191-212 (The caudal neurosecretory system in fish). De Drilhon, A. (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:590-3 (Study on the perchloric acid-soluble seromucoids in the serum of various fish. Analysis of the determination method. Physiological significance). Fr 9-05310 MF Bobrova, N.V. & 9-05311 MF B.V. Krayukhin (1961)B Fiziol.Zh.SSSR, 47(7):94-7 Mechanism of the effect of a electric current оп fish Ramachander, G. € 9-05312 MF V.R. Srinivasan (1962)B Med.Exp., Basel, 6:288-94 Toxicity to fish of some 4-arylthiosemicarba- zones and related cyclic products Mohsen, T. (1962)B 9-05313 MF C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:727-9 (Complete cycle in sea-water and intrafollicular adaptation in a fresh- water fish: Lebistes reticulatus Peters (Cyprinodontiform, Poeciliidae) ). Fr Aronov, M.P. (1962)B 9-05314 MF Usp.sovrem.Biol., 54:115-28 (Role of sense organs in food searching in fish). Ru AQUATIC STOCKS Moss, M.L. (1962)B 9-05315 MF Acta anat., 49:266-80 Studies of the acellular bone of teleost fish. 3. Intraskeletal heterografts in the rat Co 8-02431. Burkard, W.P., K.F. Gey & A. Pletscher (1963) J.Neurochem., 10:183-6 Diamine oxidase in the brain of vertebrates 9-05316 MF Barbetta, F. (1962) 9-05317 MF Ann.Histochim., 7:25-31 (Mucosal cells and mucoids in the gastric epithilium of fishes). It Balashev, V.N. (1961) 9-05318 MF Trud.leningr.sanitarnogig.med.Inst., 65:74-81 (The intra-organ lymphatic system of the stomach of various fishes). Ru Manfredi Romanini, M.G. (1962) 9-05319 MF Ann.Histochim., 7:75-84 (The problem of the significance of the gastric glandular cell of non-mammalian vertebrates. Histochemical contribution). Fr Peyraud, C. & J. Piquemal (1962) J.Physiol., Paris, 54:801-4 (New procedure of registration of the opercular mechanics of fish left free in their biotope). Fr 9-05320 MF Villegas, G.M. & R. Villegas (1963) J.Ultrastruct.Res., 8:89-106 Neuron-ganglia relationship in the bipolar cell layer of the fish retina 9-05321 MF 9 (5) 279 McNeil, W.J. (1962)c Thesis, Washington Univ. Mortality of pink and chum salmon eggs and larvae in southeast Alaska streams 9-05322 MF Oncorhynchus gorbuscha & O. keta studied in three streams. Mortality levels determined for 5 year classes (1956 through 1960) & attributed to redd superimposition, dissolved oxygen supplied to intragravel water, flooding, and freezing. Equipment & methods developed to measure abundance of eggs € larvae in spawning beds. DA 23(12):4489. Keenleyside, M.H.A. € F.T. Yamamoto (1962) Behaviour, 9:139-69 Territorial behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.) 9-05323 MF Observations made in the field & in the labo- ratory. Agonistic displays during territory defence are described & their causation discussed. The territories are probably feeding ones. IABS 30(2)3912. Higashi, H. & 9-05324 MF J. Yamada (1962)B J.Vitamin, Kyoto, 8:235-L44 Histochemical observation of vitamin A and fat in the organs of lamprey Detlaf, T.A. (1962)B 9-05325 MF Zh.obshch.Biol., 23:401-9 (Dynamics of mitosis of the 15% cleavage divisions in the eggs of sturgeon and trout). Ru Fontaine, M. € 9-05326 MF M. Olivereau (1962)B Ann.Nutr., Paris, 16(6):Rapp А125-А152 (Nutrition and sexuality in fish). Fr Otsuka, N. (1962)B 9-05327 MF Z.Zellforsch., 58:33-50 (Histological and ontogenetic studies on Mauthner's cells in fish). De 280 Stolk, A. (1962)B 9-05328 MF Acta morph.neerl.-scand., 5:117-39 Muscular dystropi, in fishes, amphibians and reptiles Saxena, A., B.K. Bhattacharya & B. Mukerji (1962) Arch.int.Pharmacodyn., 140:327-35 Behavioural studies in fish with mescaline, LSD, and thiopropazate and their interactions with serotonin and dopa 9-05329 MF Wawrzyniak, M. (1962)B Z.Zellforsch., 58:234-64 (Chemoarchitectonic studies on the tectum opticum of teleosts under normal and experimental conditions). pe 9-05330 MF de Almeida, D.F. et.al. (1963)B 9-05331 MF Exp.Cell Res., 29:42-9 A study of the isolated posterior half of the electroplate of Electrophorus electricus Lo. Mounter, L.A. & 9-05332 MF R.M. Cheatham (1963)B Enzymologia, 25:215-24 The specificity of electric organ cholinesterase Bianki, V.L. (1962)B 9-05333 MF Zh.vyssh.nerv.Deiat., 12:962-8 (Conditioned reflexes to light and sound in fish following removal of the cerebellum). Ru Bullock, W.L. (1963)B 9-05334 MF J.Morph., 112:23-44 Intestinal histology of some salmonid fishes with particular reference to the histopathology of acanthocephalan infections Kusakina, A.A. (1963)B Fed.Proc.Transl.Suppl., 22:123-6 Relation of muscle and cholinesterase thermostability in certain fishes to specific environmental temperature conditions 9-05335 MF 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Simon, R.C. (1963)B J.Morph., 112:77-97 Chromosome morphology and species evolution in the five North American species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) 9-05336 MF Teichman, H. (1962)B 9-05337 MF Ergebn.Biol., 25:177-205 (Chemoreception in fish). De Reich, K. & 9-05338 MF I. Parnas (1962) J.Protozool., 9:38-40 Effect of illumination on ichthyotoxin in an axenic culture of Prymesium parvum Carter Cultures of P. parvum were grown in 50% sea water. The comparative strength of the toxin was estimated from the length of time required to kill 3 specimens of Gambusia affinis of 2-4 cm. length. Cultures of P. parvum grown under const. illumination, failed to produce ichthyo- toxin. Culture exposed to alternate periods of light & dark showed a gradual increase in toxic activity during the dark period. IABS 30(1)2130. Ryzhkov, L.P. (1961) 9-05339 MF Izv.Akad.Nauk armian.SSR (biol.sel.-khoz. ) 14(12):55-68 Dykhatel'nyi obmen u lichinok mal 'kov sevanskoi foreli (Respiratory exchange in embryos and young Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan) ). Hay NAR 32(3)4066. Butler, R.L. (1962)C 9-05340 F Thesis, Univ. Minnesota The status of the freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque, in the commercial fishery of the Upper Mississipi River Length, weight, sex & age determined from 2,472 drum caught during 1944, 1946, 1947, € 1948 with 6 types of nets from 5 different river habitats in 14 navigation2l pools or impound- ments & in commercial market sampling at Bay City, Wisconsin; Lansing, Iowa; & Muscatine, Iowa. DA 23(11):40h9. AQUATIC STOCKS Klicka, J.K. (1962)C 9-05341 Е Thesis, Univ. Illinois Some physiological effects of ACTH, TSH, and thyroid hormones in goldfish Radiothyroidectomized goldfish & goldfish treated with adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH, € thiourea were acclimated initially to one of four temperatures, 30 С, 25 C, 15 C, & 5 С. After 3 weeks at initial acclimation temperature fish were transferred to one of the other temperat- ures & the pattern of acclimation to the new temperature was followed using oxygen consump- tion as criterion. An effective method for ren- dering goldfish hypothyroid by the use of 1131 is given. DA 23(11):4402. Greenwood, P.H. (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(1488l): 1009-10 Swimbladder in African notopterid fishes 9-05342 Е Notopterus afer; Xenomystus nigri. Dodd, J.M. & 9-05343 Е J.N. Dent (1963) Nature, Lond., 199(4890):299 Thyroid gland and temperature tolerance relationships in cold-blooded vertebrates Hypothyroidism in Phoxinus does not enhance the ability of the fish to withstand sublethal temperatures. Moss, D.D. (1962)C 9-05344 Е Thesis, Univ. of Georgia The dissolved-oxygen requirements of three species of fish ‘Critical dissolved-oxygen levels & standard rates of oxygen consumption were determined for Lepomis macrochirus, Micropterus salmoides, 8 Ictalurus punctatus, at 25, 30, € 3) C. DA 23(6):2263. 9 (5). 281 Dean, J.M. (1962)C 9-05345 Е Thesis, Purdue Univ. A comparative study of carbohydrate metabolism in fish as effected by temperature and exercise Investigation conducted to determine effects on fish at 2 environmental temperatures using phy- siological parameters, blood glucose, blood lactic acid, muscle glycogen € liver glycogen. Spp. used were Micropterus salmoides salmoides Lacepede, Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, Ictalurus melas(Rafinesque), & Lepomis macro- chirus Rafinesque, typical inhabitants of lakes in a wide range of habitats. DA 23(10):4027. Mihursky, J.A. (1962)C 9-05346 Е Thesis, Lehigh Univ. Fishes of the middle Lenapewihittuck (Delaware River) Basin Study carried on from 1956 to 1962. Over 350 collecting stations established & 600 col .2c- tions made, 30,000 specimens preserved & stored in Department of Biology, Lehigh University. 81 spp. listed for middle basin. Account of past & present environmental conditions is given. Maps showing Delaware Basin in relation to northeast US, study area, collecting stations, glacial invasions, physiographic pro- vinces & keys to streams collected are incl. Interpretation of previously listed scientific names made & checklist of spp. presented. Dis- tribution maps presented for 64 spp., their habitat preferences given & various environ- mental factors discussed concerning possible influences upon distribution. Incl. chapter which discusses quantitative data on fish populations. DA 23(10):4031-2. Geller, I. (1963) 9-05347 F Science, 141(3578) :351-3 Conditioned "anxiety" and punishment effects on operant behavior of goldfish (Carassius auratus) Hungry goldfish learned to press a lever for worms on a 2 minute interval variable rein- forcement schedule. In the presence of a fla- shing light lever pressing was suppressed by 1) pairing the light with brief electric shocks, anxiety, 2) punishing lever pressing with shocks. 282 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Robertson, О.Н. et al. (1963) 9-05348 Е Thuillier, J. et al. (1961)B 9-05354 Е Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:422-36 C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 155:2106-9 The effect of hydrocortisone on immature rain- (Influence of melatonine, biogenic amines bow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) and acetylcholine on the reactions of Phoxinus phoxinus Linné induced by certain Hormone pellets, implanted intraperitoneally psychotropic drugs). Fr into starving immature trout, produced his- tological changes & proneness to disease, together with high blood levels of hydrocor- tisone. These effects reproduce the deterio- ration of spawning salmon which suggest Peyraud, C. & 9-05355 F strongly that the process depends on A. Serfaty (1961)B corticosteron. C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 155:2189-94 (Influence of stimulative light intensity on the value of the optorespiratory reflex in fresh water teleosteans). Fr Forbes, T.R. (1963) 9-05349 Е Gen.comp.Endocr., 3:437-8 Castration of fish in the eighteenth century Orkand, P.M. (1962)B 9-05356 M Presents evidence that castration of carp, to Amer.J.Med.Techn., 28:296-300 prevent pond overstocking & to give fattened Glucose-6-phosphatase activity in toadfish fish always "in-season", was practised in 18th islet tissue century in England. Staib, A.H. (1962) 9-05357 F Acta biol.med.german., 9:145-53 Stolk, A. (1962)B 9-05350 Е (Relations between oxygen supply and Proc.K.ned.Akad.Wet.(C), 65:170-80 consumption in the goldfish, Carassius Arginine and neurosecretory material in the auratus). De neurohypophysis of the cichlid Astronotus ocellatus (Spix) Wolf, K. (1962)B 9-05358 F Virology, 18:249-56 Experimental propagation of lymphocystis disease of fishes Conroy, D.A. (1961)B 9-05351 F Microbiol.esp., 14:233-8 (The production of putrefaction of the caudal Minelli, С. € 9-05359 P fin in fish by the action of Aeromonas M.C. Rossini (1961)B punctata). Es Arch.ital.Anat.Embriol., 66:384-406 (Structure and vascular relationships of the liver in lampreda larvae and adults (Lampetra planeri) ). It Grangaud, R., R. Massonet & 9-05352 F J.P. Moatti (1961)B Bakulina, E.D., С.Г. Polrovskaia 9-05360 F C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 155:2150-3 & D.D. Romashov (1962)B (Study of vitamin A and of retinene of the Radiobiologiia, 2:92-100 eyes of Gembusia holbrooki Grd.). Fr (On the radiosensitivity of the sperm of the 7 groundling, Misgurnus fossilis L.). Ru Thuillier, J. et al. (1961)B 9-05353 F hera 3 Re DER C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 155:1924-8 ae er (Study of the behavior and the changes in color fishes). Es of Phoxinus phoxinus L., sujected to the action of psychotropic drugs. Influence of pH and the composition of the medium). Fr 9 (5) Follenius, E. (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:938-41 AQUATIC STOCKS 283 9-05362 F (Study of the neurons of the lateral nucleus of the bulb of the trout, Salmo irideus Gibb.) by the electron microscope). Fr Falkmer, S. (1962)B Acta епбосг., Copenh., №1:595-606 9-05363 Е Histological changes and blood sugar fluctuations in the marine teleost Cottus scorpius following administration of the sulfhydryl inhibitor iodoacetic acid Hasan, В. & S.Z. Qasinm (1962)B Z.Parasitenk., 22:118-22 9-05364 Е Trypanosoma punctati n.sp. from the fish Ophicephalus punctatus Bloch, common freshwater murrel of India Mackiewicz, J.S. & В. McCrae (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:798-806 HUNTERELLA nodulosa gen.n., зр.п. (Cestoidea: Caryophyllaeidae) from Catostomus commersoni (Lacépéde) (Pisces: Catostomidae) in North America McCrae, R.C. (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:807-11 Biacetabulum macrocephalum sp.n. (Cestoda: Caryophyllaeidae) from 9-05365 Е 9-05366 Е the white sucker Catostomus commersoni (Lacepede) in northern Colorado Peyrot, A. € S. Mantellino (1962)B Boll.Soc.ital.Biol.sper., 38:923-4 9-05367 F (Preliminary histological observations on the distribution of some enzymes in the caudal neurosecretory system of the tench, Tinca tinca L.). ть 9 (5) Ripplinger, J., J. Cardot 9-05368 F 8 A. Guyard (1962) C.R.Soc.Bio., Paris, 156:861-4 (Free amino acids in the heart and brain of the tench, Tinca vulgaris Cuv., and the roach, Leuciscus rutilus L.). Fr Stainier-Lambrecht, A. (1962)B 9-05369 F Arch.int.Physiol., 70:682-710 (Heterogeneity of carp L-meromyosin). Fr Bosque, P.G., S. Benito-Arranz 9-05370 F 8 F. Garcia Alvarez (1961)B Arch.esp.Morf., 16:71-80 (тре cytoarchitectonics of the rhombencephalon of Lebistes reticulatus). Es Garcia Romeu, F. (1962)B 9-05371 F Z.Zellforsch., 57:355-9 The existence of a glycogenic body in the spinal cord of a cyprinodontiform teleost, Jenynsia lineata (Jenyns 1642) Krsulovic, J. (1961)B 9-05372 F Biológica, Santiago, 32:7-17 (Neurosecretion phenomena in the hypothalamic nuclei of the carp, Cyprinus carpio). Es Felix, K. & A. 9-05373 Е Goppold-Krekels (1962)B Hoppe-Seyl.Z., 328:218-9 (The proteins in erythrocyte nuclei of trout). De Conroy, D.A. (1961)B 9-05374 F Microbiol.esp., 14:73-105 A study of the bacterium associated with an outbreak of oedema amongst goldfish (Carassius carassius var. auratus) 284 Guelin, A. (1962)B Ann. Inst.Pasteur, Paris, 103:122-7 (Non-receptivity of trout alevins to infection by enterobacteria and enterophages). Fr 9-05573.F Reginato, E. (1962)B 9-05376 F G.Med.milit., 112:274-7 (On a possible relation between a virus disease of salmonids with the spread of infectious hepatitis. Preliminary note). Felix, К. & A. Goppold-Krekels (1962)B Hoppe-Sey1.Z., 328:212-7 (On protein metabolism in trout eggs). De a Ei E Gumbmann, M. & 9-05378 F A.L. Tappel (1962)B Arch.Biochem., 98:502-15 Pyruvate and alanine metabolism in carp liver mitochondria Becker, C.D. (1962)B 9-05379 Е J.Parasit., №8:596-600 А new haemogregarine from the blood of a freshwater fish, Catostmus macrocheilus Girard Cable, R.M. & 9-05380 Е Р.М. Nahhas (1962)B J.Parasit., 48:536-8 Bivesicula caribbensis sp.n. (Trematoda: Digenea) and its life history Calentine, R.L. (1962)B 9-05381 Е J.Parasit., 489:513-24 Archigetes iowensis sp.n. (Cestoda: Caryophyllaeidae) from Cyprinus carpio L. and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede Chiesa, F., V. Noseda & R. Marchetti (1962)B Arch.Sci.biol., Bologna, 46:1-10 (Activation of the epicardial strata in the hearts of some fresh water teleosts. Electrocardiographic research). It 9-05382 F 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Smithberg, M. (1962)B 9-05383 F Amer.J.Anat., 111:205-13 Teratogenic effects of tolbutamide on the early development of the fish, Oryzias latipes Kim, In Bae (1963) 9-05384 Е Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):71-2 (An example of raising Korean catfish Parasilurus asotus (Linne) in a small pond). Ni En Total food given, growth & food conversion over experimental period of 199 days. Von Steffens, W. (1962) 9-05385 F Dtsch.Fisch.-Ztg., 253 p. Die Empfindlichkeit von Salmonideneiern gegenüber Erschütterungen (The sensitiveness of salmonid eggs against vibration) Gives practical advices for fish breeders. Kendall, S.B. & 9-05386 Е С.В. Ollerenshaw (1963) Proc.Nutr.Soc., 22:41-6 The effect of nutrition on the growth of Fasciola hepatica in its snail host Chambolle, P., R. Cambar & P. Gendre (1962) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:2018-20 (Electron microscope study of the formation and structure of the pellucid membrane of Lebistes reticulatus (poecilidate teleost). Fr 9-05387 F Delphaut, J. (1962) 9-05388 F C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1881-4 (Research on mass effects in the fish Gambusia holbrooki. 1. Action of chlorpro- mezine, potassium arsenate and potassium cyanide). Fr AQUATIC STOCKS Deminatti, M. (1962) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1924-6 (Histoautoradiographic and biochemical study of the prehypophysis of Carassius auratus, after the administration of S3>- labelled sodiumsulfate). Fr 9-05389 Е Delphaut, J. (1962) 9-05390 F C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1892-4 (Research on mass effects in the fish Gambusia holbrooki. 2. Action of dexamphetamine, DL-amphetamine and methamphetamine). Fr Co 9-05388. Huggins, C. & 9-05391 F H.V. Rast Jr. (1963) J.Bact., 85:489-90 Incidence of coliform bacteria in the intestinal tract of Gambusia affinis holbrooki (Girard) and in their habitat water Menasveta, Deb. (1961)C Thesis, Washington Univ. Effects of interracial hybridization on growth mortality, and yield of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri, Richardson) 9-05392 F Summary of &:ta on growth and fecundity of Washington Univ. trout stock from 1956 to 1960 revealed trends both of increasing size and number of eggs produced. They matured earlier & became better adapted to the environment. Crossbreeding experiment undertaken between winter 1959 & spring 1960 with d trout from Lake Chelan hatchery. DA 23(8)26kk, Rough, G.E. (1961)C Thesis, Pittsburgh Univ. The effects of temperature and light intensity on the growth, and meristic and morphometric characters as related to utilization of yolk in the pro-larva of the common white sucker 9-05393 Е Investigation by hatching € rearing eggs € larvae from one set of parents (Catostomus commersoni commersoni) under controlled con- ditions of temperature € illumination through period of yolk absorption. DA 23(8)3048. 9 (5) 285 Ginsburg, A.S. (1963) J.Embryol.exp.Morph., 11:13-33 Sperm-egg association and its relationship to the activation of the egg in salmonid fishes 9-05394 Е The union of gametes can occur without the activation of the egg in Salmo trutta lacustris & 5. salar sebago. This is occasioned when insemination takes place in coelomic fluid or in Ringer. The cortial egg layer is affected & the sperm head is embedded in the cytoplasm. Development, however, is initiated only when the egg is transferred to water, for a period of about 10-70 sec. The latent period of the cortical reaction on activation of trout eggs by water takes 40-50 sec. at 3 degree and 30-40 sec. at 8.9 degree. These features seem to be explicable in- the absence of a struc- tural feature of the spermatozoon, the acrosome. IABS 30(2)4173. Kysak, A. (1962) Bull.Acad.polon.Sci., 10:549-54 Thyroid secretory centres in сагр (Cyprinus carpio L.) revealed by means of 1311 ) 90539 F Thoracic kidney of carp shows the capacity to collect € store highly conc. 131I which might indicate that it contains cells of a thyroid character. Administration of drugs stimulating (TSH) € innibiting (methylthioura- cil) the activity of thyroid provokes alter- nations in accumulation of iodine in kidney, while in other vertebrates the thyroid is subjected to these changes. IABS 30(2)4182. Ehrenpreis, S. (1962)B 9-05396 Е Res.Publ.Ass.nerv.ment.Dis., 40:368-79 Isolation and properties of а drugbinding protein from electric tissue of electrophorus Carricaburu, P., R. Godet & R. Larmande (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1333-8 (Variations in the impedance of the skin of Protopterus during the passage from the dry phase to wet phase). Fr 9-05397 Е Bange, С. (1962)B 9-05398 F C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1400-3 (Influence of hypoxia on the distribution of phosphorus compounds in the blood of the tench (Tinca tinca L.). Fr 286 Ghittino, P. € 9-05399 F F. Ceretto (1962)B Tumori, №8:393-№09 (Study on the etiopathogenesis of hepatoma in hatchery rainbow trout). It Furieri, P. (1962)B 9-05400 F Boll.Soc.ital.Biol.sper., 38:1030-2 (1st observations with the electron microscope of the spermatozoon of Salmo trutta L.). It Mohsen, T. & 9-05401 Е C. Tourrette (1962)B C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 156:1338-41 (Role of the thyroid gland in the water-mineral balance in Lebistes reticulatus Peters (Cyprinodontiformes, Poeciliidae). Fr Stolk, A. (1962)B 9-05402 F Proc.Acad.Sci.-Amst., (С), 65:469-82 Tumours in fishes. 32. Adenoma of the pharyngeal glands in the mouthbreeding anabantid, Betta anabatoides Bleeker CR 61-10318. Szabo, Z. & B. Molnar (1962)B Stud.Cercet.Endocr., 13:753-61 (Histophysiological investigations on the neurosecretory system of the hypothalamus in the dace (Leuciscus cephalus L.). Ro 9-05403 Е Lee, D.L. (1962) Parasitology, 52:103-12 Studies on the function of the pseudosuckers and holdfast organ of Displostomum phoxini Faust. (Strigeida, Trematoda) 9-05404 Е Metacercariae of D. phonix were teased from the brain & spinal cord of Phoxinus phoxinus and adults were obtained from ducklings. Neither the pseudosuckers nor the holdfast organ of the metacercaria & adult stages of D. phoxini secrete acid mucopolysaccharide. Alk. phos- phatase was present in the holdfast organ but was absent from the forebody glands € the pseudosuckers. A non-sp. esterase was found particularly in the pseudosuckers, the forebody glands & in the holdfast organ. The pseudo- suckers & forebody glands appear to partake in extracorporeal digestion. IABS 30(1)2076. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gonzales, R.C., R.M. Eskin M.E. Bitterman (1962) J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 55:381-6 Extinction in the fish after partial and consistent reinforcement with number of trials equated 9-05405 Е The effect of partial reinforcement on resistance to extinction in the African mouth- breeder was studied. Firstly, fixed interval, variable interval & consistent schedules were compared in a skinner situation. Secondly, different ratios of reinforcement were compared in discrete trials. The no. of reinforcements was equated from group to group, and the results obtained differed from previous expt. in which no. of trials was equated. IABS 30(1)1851. Sokolov, L.I. (1962) Vestn.moskov.Univ. (Biol.), 1:13-7 Pitanie kitaiskogo okunia v srednem techenii Amura (Nutrition of the Chinese perch in the middle stretch of the Amur) 9-05406 F Foods taken by Siniperca chua-tsi (Basilewski) were studied. NAR 32(3)4067. Agor, А.В. & 9-05407 F D.V. Villadolid (1961) Araneta J.Agric., 8:132-5 Report on laboratory test on the value of yeast, (Torulopsis utilis) as an aquatic fertilizer The yeast is suggested as an additive for fishponds. NAR 32(3)4068. Farkas, T. et al. (1961) 9-05k08 F Acta biol.Acad.Sci.hung., 12:83-6 Incorporation of acetate-1-1lC into the liver fatty acids in the fish Amiurus nebulosus Into each of 3 catfish Amiurus nebulosus of 200 g weight was injected intramuscularly 50 uc acetate-1-14C. The fish were killed 3, 8 & 24 h after the injection, & livers extracted with petroleum ether. In paper chromatographic spots the counts were measured by the gas flow counter. It is suggested that the pathway of fatty acid synthesis is identical in mammals and fish. NAR 32(3)4071. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Yanagisawa, T. & 9-05409 Е Y. Komiya (1961) Jap.J.med.Sci.Biol., 14:69-76; 77-86 Physiological studies on Oncomelania nosophora, the vector snail of Schistosoma japonicum. 1. On the oxygen uptake and effect of starvation upon it. 2. Effect of starvation upon glycogen content of the snail soft tissue 287 Brenner, R.R. et.al. (1961) 9-05410 Е In The enzymes of lipid metabolism. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on the biochemistry of lipids, Marseille 1960, ed. by P. Desnuelle, London, Pergamon Press, pp.101-8 . Diet and depot fats of the fish Pimelodus maculatus Vasil'eva, V.F., A.G. 9-05411 G Ginetsinskii & M.M. Sokolova (1962)B Fiziol.Zh.SSSR., 48:1240-5 (Features of the reaction to antidiuretic hormone in phylogenesis). Ru MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES ANON. (1963) 9-05412 M Allg. FischwirtschaftZtg., 15(12/13):5-6 Grenzpf#hle auf See (Boundary poles on the sea) Law - 12 NM boundary off Greenland, Aiso, K. & M. Matsuno (1961)B Jap.J.Microbiol., 5:337-46 The outbreaks of enteritis-type food poisoning due to fish in Japan and its causative bacteria 9-05413 M U.K. Parliament. (1961) 9-05414 M Treaty Ser.U.K., (49):10 p. Cmnd. 1404 Schedule to the International Whaling Convention. 1946. Revised to include the amendments that came into operation after the eleventh and twelfth meetings of the International Whaling Commission in London, 1959-60. Presented to Parliament ... July 1961 Friedheim, R.L. (1962)c 9-05415 M Thesis, Washington Univ. The politics of the sea: A study of law-making by conference Study of two U.N. sponsored law of the sea conferences held in Geneva in 1958 & 1960, to illuminate some aspects of general relation- ship of international politics & international law. Specifically, attempts to trace influence of conference process on legal subject matter being negotiated. Ci 60-0l0me DA 23(8)2971. 9 (5) Woods cle Oceanographic 9-05416 M Institution, Mass., (1962) ep» Bibliography of reports, 1961 Denmark. Laws, 9-05417 M Statutes, etc. (1964) Lovtidende A, (24):981 Ordinance No. 339 concerning regulation of fishing in the northeast Atlantic. - 4 December 1964 Extensive legislation in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on fishing in the northeast Atlantic. Queensland. Laws, 9-05118 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Qd Govt Gaz., (34):6112 Order in council made under the ficneries acts 1957 to 1962.- 6 June 1962 Prohibits, as from the date of publication, the taking of all fish in the waters specified, except herrings, hardiheads, or prawns, by means of a cast or "umbrella" net, and of fish by means of a handline or a rodline with not more than two hooks attached to it. Western Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (32):1169 Proclamation made under the fisheries act, 1905-1962.- 24 April 1963 9-05419 M Prohibits the use of fishing nets, in the specified waters at Geographe Bay, from 1 May 1963 to 30 April 1968. 288 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Belgium. Laws, 9-05420 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (27):1101-2 Arrêté royal modifiant l'arrêté royal du 24 juin 1930, relatif au mode de déclaration des accidents et maladies survenus aux gens de mer.- 21 janvier 1963 (Royal Order amending the Royal Order of 24 June 1930 on the mode of declaring seamen's accidents and illnesses. - 21 January 1963.). Ne The declaration of seamen's and fishermen's accidents or illnesses is compulsory in the prescribed cases. sis Cameroon, Federal Republic of. 9-05421 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroun, (21):1278-9 Order No. 139 relating to the external marks of identity of vessels. - 22 October 1962. Er Includes fishing vessels. Cameroon, Federal Republic of. 9-05422 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroun, (21):1280-1 Order No. 141 determining the categories of vessels exempt from a certificate of nationality. - 22 October 1962. Fr Includes small vessels used for iri-shore fishing. Cameroon, Federal Republic of. 9-05423 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Cameroun, (24):1369-73 order No. 148 fixing the organization of work and general working conditions on board fishing vessels. - 26 November 1962. Fr Detajled provisions in respect of duration of work, weekly rest, holidays, certificates, wages, etc. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gez.(II), (8):431-2 SOR/63-135. Order in council P.C. 1963-559 amending the seal protection regulations made under the fisheries act. - 11 April 1963 9-05424 M Concerns mainly the taking or killing of seals for sport in the described areas. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (ТТ), (8) :446-7 DORS/63-135. Décret C.P. 1963-559 modifiant le réglement pour la protection des phoques en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 11 avril 1963 (SOR/63-135. Order in council P.C. 1963-559 amending the seal protection regulations made under the fisheries act. - 11 April 1963) 9-05425 M Fr 9-05ke2k. Canada. Laws, 9-05426 M Statutes, etc. (1963) cen dez. (11), (9):471 SOR/63-146. Order in council P.C. 1963-6h2 amending the lobster fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 26 April 1963 Change of closed seasons. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9):488 DORS/63-146. Decret C.P. 1963-642 modifiant le règlement de pêche du homard, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 26 avril 1963 (SOR/63-146. order in council Р.С. 1963-642 amending the lobster fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 26 April 1963) 9-05427 M Fr 9-05426. Canada. Laws, 9-05428 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):483 SOR/63-154. Order in council Р.С. 1963-681 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 2 May 1963 In respect of scallop fishing in part of the Bay of Fundy. Canada. Laws, 9-05429 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):501 DORS/63-154. Decret C.P. 1963-681 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 2 mai 1963 (SOR/63-154. Order in council Р.С. 1963-681 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 2 May 1963) Fr 9-05428. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-05430 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (10):484-5 SOR/63-155. Order in council Р.С. 1963-682 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 2 May 1963 Amendments in respect of salmon fishing. Canada. Laws, 9-05431 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):542-4 SOR/63-161. Order in council 1963-710 amending the canned fish and shellfish and cannery inspection regulations, made under the meat and canned foods act. - 9 May 1963 New provisions concerning the species of fish which may, when packed in cans, be designated as tuna and bonito tuna. Also provisions on labelling of canned tuna. Other amendments concern inspection of canned fish and shellfish Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):563-5 DORS/63-161. Décret C.P. 1963-710 modifiant le réglement visant l'inspection des conser- veries et des conserves de poisson, mollusques et crustacés, en vertu de la loi sur les viandes et conserves alimentaires. - 9 mai 1963 (SOR/63-161. Order in council 1963-710 amending the canned fish and shellfish and cannery inspection regulations, made under the meat and canned foods act. - 9 May 1963) 9-05432 M Fr 9-05431. Chile. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.537):1136-7 Decreto número 223 reglamentando la pesca de la langosta en el archipiélago de Juan Fernández. - 11 de abril de 1963 (Decree No. 223 regulating lobster fishing in the :“chipelago of Juan Fernández. - 11 April 1963.) 9-05433 M Closed season from 15 May to 30 September every year. 9 (5) 289 Chile. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.576):1478-9 Decreto numero 332 por el cual se sefíala la autoridad que otorga el mermiso de pesca a barcos de bandera extranjera en aguas juris- diccionales chilenas. - 4 de junio de 1963 (Decree No. 332 laying the authority respon- sible for issuing fishing permits to ships flying foreign flags in Chilean jurisdictional waters. - 4 June 1963.) 9-05434 M Permits for fishing within the two hundred mile limit established under the declaration on the maritime zone of 18 August 1952 for fishing vessels flying foreign flags which do not deliver their catch to Chilean concerns, may be granted only by the ministry of asriculture and not by Chilean consulates in the port from which foreign vessels come, as in the past. Colombia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diario ofic., Bogotá, (30986) :25-8 Decreto número 3167 de 6 diciembre de 1962 por medio del cual se establece un nuevo régi- men de importación para algunas posiciones del arancel de aduanas (Decree No. 3167 establishing a new import system for certain tariff items. - Ó December 1962.) 9-05435 M A long list including fish oils and fats. Provides for unrestricted import therof. Denmark. Laws, 9-05436 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (VIII):89-91 Anordning Nr. 90 om hvalfangst. - 16. marts 1963 (Ordinance No. 90 concerning whaling. - 16 March 1963). Da Repeals and replaces ordinance No. 148 of 20 April 1955. Issued in pursuance of the Inter- national Whaling Convention of 1946. Denmark. Laws, 9-05437 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (13):206 Lov Nr. 149 om aendring i lov for Faergerne om tvungen tuberkulose-underspgelse af fiskerskibes mandskab. - 24. april 1963 (Act No. 149 amending the act for the Faroe Islands concerning compulsory medical exam- ination of crews of fishing vessels for tuber- culosis. - 24 April 1963). Da Amends act No. 405 of 21 November 1939. 290 . BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Denmark. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (13):214-5 Anordning Nr. 156 om aendring i anordning om fiskeripolitiet i havet omkring Faergerne. - 24. april 1963 (Ordinance No. 156 amending the ordinance on the control of fishing in the Faroe Islands waters. - 24 April 1963). Da 9-05438 M Amends art. 1 of the ordinance No. 29 of 27 February 1903 in respect of the area in which fishing is reserved for Faroe islanders and other Danish citizens. This area is delimited by a line 12 nautical miles from the base lines. France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Répub.franc., (1):46-7 Arrêté du 20 décembre 1962 réglementant la pêche au chalut dans l'aire de la convention sur les pêcheries de l'Atlantique du nord-ouest (Order regulating trawl fishing within the area of the convention on the north-west Atlantic fisheries. - 20 December 1962) 9-05439 M Pursuant to the recommendations adopted by the international Commission for the north-west Atlantic fisheries at its 5th session (Ottawa 1955) and 11th session (Washington 1961). France. Laws, 9-05440 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (28):1124 Décret No. 63-73 du 28 janvier 1963 portant réglement d'administration publique et modi- fiant le décret No. 58-757 du 20 août 1958 relatif à la délivrance des titres exigés des capitaines, patrons, seconds ou lieutenants sur les navires de commerce, de péche ou de plaisance (Decree No. 63-73, issuing regulations and amending decree No. 58-757 of 20 August 1958, relating to the issuance of certificates re- quired of captains, masters, seconds or lieutenants on commercial, fishing or pleasure craft. - 28 January 1963) Minor modifications of requirements. Germany. Federal Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl., Bonn, (I), (37):458 Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung ther die Einstufung der pflichtversicherten selbständigen Küstenschiffer in die Beitragsklassen der Rentenversicherung der Arbeiter.- 4. Juli 1963 (Order amending the order relative to the inclusion of the tompulsorily insured self- employed coastal fishermen in the contributing classes of the workers pension insurance fund. - 4 July 1963) Amendment of a drafting nature to the order of 8 January 1963. 9-0O5441 M Italy. Laws, 9-05442 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Gazz.uff.Repub.ital., (49):912-3 Legge n. 1941, 31 dicembre 1962. Approvazione ed esecuzione dello scambio di note tra 1'Ita- lia e la Jugoslavia per il rinnovo della va- liditá dell'accordo sulla pesca del 20 no- vembre 1958, effettuato in Belgrado il 16 agosto 1960 (Act No. 1941, approving and providing for application of the exchange of notes between Italy and Yugoslavia for renewing the validity of the fishing agreement of 20 November 1958, signed at Belgrade 16 August 1960. - 31 December 1962). It Madagascar. Laws, 9-05443 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.malgache, (296):1457 Décret no. 63-358 portant approbation du protocole d'accord concernant l'intensification des échanges commerciaux entre la République Malgache et la République du Sénégal. - 13 juin 1963 (Decree No. 63-358 approving the protocol of agreement relative to the development of trade between the Malagasy Republic and the Republic of Senegal. - 13 June 1963) Imports include, inter alia, canned tuna fish. Mexico. Laws, 9-O544H M Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Méx., (23):2-31 Decreto que modifica la tarifa del impuesto general de importación. - 6 de Marzo de 1963 (Decree modifying the general import duty tariff. - Ó March 1963) Major revision, covering, inter alia, certain 9 (5) marine products. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 291 Mexico. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Мёх., (28):1-14 Acuerdo que adiciona a la lista de efectos sujetos a permiso previo de importación de la secretaría de industria y comercio las mercan- cfas que se citan, con excepción de las que específicamente se seflalan de las originarias y provenientes de los países miembros de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio. - 23 de Marzo de 1963 (Order adding the merchandise stated to the list of products the import of which is sub- ject to prior authorization of the secretariat for industry and trade, with the specific 9-05k45 M exception of certain products originating in and shipped from member states of the Latin- American Free Trade Association. - 23 March 1963) Includes a variety of marine products. For correction see: D.0. No. 29, № April 1963, D. E. Niger, Republic of. 9-05446 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Niger, (4):25-7 Décret no. 63.005/PRN du 17 janvier 1963 ordonnant la publication de l'accord commercial avec le Gouvernement du Japon, du 5 novembre 1962 (Decree No. 63.005/PRN ordering publication of the trade agreement with the Government of Japan, 5 November 1962. - 17 January 1963) Import from Japan of canned fish. Norway. Laws, 9-05447 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (11):275 Resolusjon om endring av pkt. 1 i res. om selfangsten ved New-Foundland. - 8. mars 1963 (Resolution amending art. 1 of the resolution concerning the fishing in New Foundland. - 8 March 1963). No Prohibits seal fishing in two defined areas before 10 and 5 March respectively. Final date „38 April. Norway. Laws, 9-05448 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (13):313 Lov/om endring i lov av 24. mars 1961 om Norges fiskerigrense. - 22. mars 1963 (Act No. 5 amending act of 24 March 1961 concerning Norway's fishing limits. - 22 March 1963). No Extends validity of Art. 4, paral. Peru. Laws, 9-05449 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6555):1 Decreto-ley No. 14414 por el que se sosti- tuye el gravamen establecido por el decreto- ley 14265 a la extracción de anchoveta con fines industriales. - 4 de marzo de 1963 (Decree-law 14414 replacing the tex establi- shed under decree-law 14265 on the collection of anchovies for industrial purposes. - 4 March 1963) Provides for special taxes on the export of fish meal. Peru. Laws, 9-05450 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6590):1 Resolución suprema No. 163 por la que se aprueba los acuerdos de la comisión designada sobre seguro de accidentes y fondo del pescador. - 4 de abril de 1963 (Supreme resolution No. 163 approving the decisions of the commission appointed to deal with fishermen's work accidents and fishermen's fund. - 4 April 1963) Lays down compensation rates for work accidents Peru. Laws, 9-05451 M Statutes, etc. (1063) Peruano, (6601):4 Resolución suprema No. 147: permiso de ope- raciones aéreas con fines de pesca. - 23 de abril de 1963 (Supreme resolution No. 147 granting an aerial operations permit for fishing purposes. - 23 April 1963) An aerial operations permit is granted to the Companfa San Lorenzo Industrias del Mar, S.A., for five years to carry out service flizhts to locate shoals of fish off the coast, parti- cularly between Chimbote & Pucusana. Philippines. Laws, 9-05452 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Off.Gaz., Manila, (1k):2291-5 Fisheries administrative order No. №6 relative to regulations governing the gathering of sponges. - 10 August 1962 Extensive and detailed provisions concerning licences, fees, etc. 292 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Philippines. Laws, 9-05453 M Statutes, etc. (1963) off.Gaz., Manila, (14):2295-6 Fisheries administrative order No. №8-В amen- ding further section six of fisheries adminis- trative order No. 48, regulating employment of foreign technicians in fisheries. - 14 February 1963 To improve methods, fish and shellfish culture, fish processing, net manufacturing, fishing boat designing and construction, artcraft based on marine products. Philippines. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) off.Gaz., Manila, (14):2296 Fisheries administrative order No. 17-16; 1963, relative to rules governing the landing of fish caught and for other purposes. - 18 March 1963 9-05454 M Amends fisheries administrative order No. 17-9, s. 1952. Philippines. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Off.Gaz., Manila, (12):1894-5 Fisheries administrative order No. 66 prohibiting the operation of all kinds of fishing nets employing light in western Visayan Sea, for a period of five years. - 18 March 1963 9-05455 M Prohibits to operate lawag, basnig, largarete, sagan and other fishing nets using light to attract fish in the western part of the Visayan Sea. South West Africa. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Off.Gaz.S.W.Afr., (2451):210-1 (Government notice No. 30 : Ameridment of the sealing and fisheries regulations. - 15 February 1963). Af 9-05456 M Amends government notice No. 215 of 1949 mainly in respect of licences for fishing boats.. Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (115):7940-1 Orden de 2 de mayo de 1963 por la que se declara reglamentario el impreso de solicitud de títulos, certificados y tarjeta de identi- dad profesional marítima y el modelo de ficha de registro de personal marítimo (Order giving regulation effect to the appli- cation forms for professional maritime ranks, certificates and identity cards and the mari - time personnel registration card form. - 2 May 1963) 9-05457 M Shows models of the various forms concerned. Spain, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (183):8486-91 Orden de 9 de mayo de 1963 por la que se dictan normas para efectuar el canje de los títulos profesionales de las marinas mercante y de pesca actuales por los establecidos en el decreto 629/63, de 14 de marzo (B.O.E. núm. 83) (Order laying down rules for the substitution of present grades in the merchant marine and fishing fleet by those established under decree No. 629 of 14 March 1963 (B.0.E. No. 83). - 9 My 1963) The decree referred to concerns professional ranks in the merchant marine and fishing fleet. 9-05458 M Spain. Laws, 9-05459 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (135):9124 Orden de 1 de junio de 1963 por la que se establecen las normas que han de seguirse en la construcción de nuevos buques para evitar la contaminación de las aguas del mar por los hidrocarburos (Order establishing the standards to be observed in the building of new ships to avoid the pollution of the sea by oil. - 1 June 1963) In application of the International Convention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by Oil. Spain. Laws, 9-05460 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (135):9125 Orden de 1 de junio de 1963 por la que зе establecen las normes que han de seguirse para evitar la contaminación de las aguas del mar por los hidrocarburos (Order laying down the standards to be observed to avoid pollution of the sea by oil. - 1 June 1963) Provides for the installation in harbours of 9 (5) facilities designed to receive wastes. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Spain. Laws, 9-05461 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (147):9856-7 Orden de 5 de junio de 1963 por la que se establece la tarjeta de identidad profesional marftima (Order instituting a professional maritime identity card. - 5 June 1963) Also covers fishermen. Spain. Laws, 9-05462 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Mär., (155):10278 Orden de 17 de junio de 1963 sobre cotizacfon del seguro de desempleo de los trabajadores fijos de los trabajos discontinuos de la regla- mentaciön de trabajo en las industrias de con- servas y salazones de pescados (Order on unemployment insurance contributions by permanent workers in irregular work coming within the labour regulations for the fish preserving and salting industries. - 17 June 1963) Sweden. Laws, 9-05463 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Svensk FörfSaml., (47):105-6 Kungl. Maj:ts kungôrelse Nr 47 om undantag fraan förbudet mot traalfiske vid rikets vastra kust. - 15 mars 1963 (Royal notification No. 47 concerning exceptions from the prohibition against trawl fishing on the west coast of the country. - 15 March 1963). sy In force from July 1963 to June 1964 for certain specified areas. Tunisia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.tunis., (62):1592 Loi no 62-62 du 17 décembre 1962 portant ratification de la convention internationale du travail No 112 concernant 1'@ge minimum d'admission au travail des pêcheurs (Act No. 62-62, ratifying international labour convention No. 112, concerning the minimum age for admission to employment as fishermen. - 17 December 1962) 9-05464 M Tunisia. Laws, 9-05465 M Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.tunis., (62):1592 Loi no 62-63, portant ratification de la convention internationale du travail No 113, concernant l'examen médical des pêcheurs. - 17 décembre 1962 (Act No. 62-63, ratifying international labour convention No. 113, concerning the medical examination of fishermen. - 17 December 1962) 9 (5) 293 Tunisia. Laws, 9-05466 M Statutes, etc. (1962) J.off.tunis., (62):1592 Loi no 62-64, portant ratification de la convention internationale du travail No 114 concernant le contrat d'engagement des pêcheurs. - 17 décembre 1962 (Act No. 62-64, ratifying international labour convention No. 114, concerning fishermen's articles of agreement. - 17 December 1962) Tunisia. Laws, 9-05467 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.tunis., (21):584 Arrêté du 22 avril 1963, relatif aux Zones de protection des madragues pour la campagne de pêche au thon de l'année 1963 (Order relating to madrague protection zones during the 1963 tunny fishing season. - 22 April 1963) From 1 May to 31 July 1963. U.K. Laws, Statutes, 9-05468 M etc. (1963) Statut.Instrum.U.K., (1012):2 The sea-fishing industry (fishing nets) (Amendment) order 1963. - 27 May 1963 Extending for two years, up to 31 May 1965, the period during which cod-end topside chafers may lawfully be affixed to trawl nets carried aboard British fishing boats for fishing in certain specified waters. North Borneo. Laws, 9-05469 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.Borneo, Suppl.2, (S17):128-9 No. 5 79. The pioneer industries (relief from income tax) order, 1963, made under the pioneer industries relief from income tax ordinance, 1956 (Ordinance No. 30 of 1956). - 23 May 1963 Declares the cultivation of pearls to be a pioneer industry. U.S. Laws, 9-05470 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5277):1 Âmendments to the schedule to the International Whaling Convention (signed at Washington on December 2, 1946), adopted at the fourteenth meeting of the International Whaling Commis- sion. - 6 July 1962 Concerns operation of paragraph > of the schedule. 294 Western Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (60):2312 Proclamation made under the fisheries act, 1905-1962. - 24 July 1963 9-05471 M Prohibits the teking of any fish by means of fishing nets for a period of two years from 15 July 1963, in the specified portion of the Indian Ocean. Samuel, P. (1965)c 9-05472 M Washington, D.C., American Meteorological Society, 122 p. Bibliography on physical oceanography of the Indian Ocean Annotated references limited to the different aspects of physical oceanography, incl. temperature density, salinity, chemical composition, waves, currents, circulation, methods of measurements and instruments. Issued also as: Spec.Bibl Oceanogr. Contr. 2. Belgium. Laws, 9-05473 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (99):5323-4 Arrêté royal du 30 avril 1963 modifiant l'arrêté royal du ler mars 1958 réglant l'octroi de primes en faveur du recrutement de mousses pour la pêche maritime (Royal order amending the Royal order of 1 March 1958, regulating the grant of bonuses for the recruitment of ship's boys for sea fishing. - 30 April 1963). Ne New definition of "ship's boy". Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (102) :5459 Arrêté ministériel du 17 mai 1963 interdisant temporairement la pêche dite "à la traine", pratiquée sur embarcation à moteur (Ministerial order temporarily prohibiting drag line fishing aboard motor craft. - 17 May 1963). Ne 9-05474 M Until the Saturday preceding the second Sunday in June 1964, exclusive. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Belgium. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (102):5460 Arrêté ministériel du 17 mai 1963 inderdisant temporairement la pêche dans et aux abords de la frayère de 1'fle de Godinne (Ministerial order temporarily prohibiting fishing in and around the spawning ground of Godinne Island. - 17 May 1963). Ne 9-05475 M Until the Saturday preceding the second Sunday in June 1965, exclusive. Costa Rica, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Caceta, San José, (121):1765 Decreto ejecutivo No. 9 sobre los permisos para la pesca de tortugas marinas. - 24 de mayo de 1963 (Executive decree No. 9, concerning permits for the fishing of the sea tortoises. - 2h May 1963) 9-05476 M Measures designed to protect the species Chelone mydas mydas and to regulate the fishing thereof. Cuba. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac. ofic.Cuba, (59):3140-1 Resolución No. 387 por la que se establece un perfodo de veda de la especie "langosta" común. - 21 de marzo de 1963 | (Resolution №. 387, establishing а closed season on common lobsters. - 21 March 1963) 9-05477 M Closed season on Panulirus Argus from 31 March 1963, until a date to be announced. Cuba. Laws, 9-05478 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac.ofic.Cuba, (107):5636-7 Resolución No. 410 sobre veda del ostión. - 31 de mayo de 1963 (Resolution No. 410 relating to closed season on oysters. - 31 May 1963) From 15 June to 15 September 1963. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (10):420-1 Décret no. 63-19 du 8 janvier 1963, modifiant le décret du 10 mai 1954 relatif aux engins de sauvetage des navires de commerce, de pêche et de plaisance d'une jauge brute égale ou supérieure à 500 tonneaux (Decree No. 63-19, amending the Decree of 10 May 1954 relating to lifesaving equipment aboard commercial, fishing and pleasure craft of 500 gross tons or more. - 8 January 1963) 9-05479 M In respect of life-saving boats and crafts aboard fishing vessels. Germany Eastern. 9-05480 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) GesBl.dtsch.dem.Repub.(III), (19):374-7 Anordnung Nr. 259 ther DDR-Standards. - 16. April 1963 (Order No. 259 relative to standards in the German Democratic Republic.- 16 April 1963) Including fresh sea fish. The text of the ' standard is not given. Germany, Eastern. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) GesBl.dtsch.dem. Repub. (III), (23):461-5 Anordnung Nr. 279 Über DDR-Standards. - 24. Juni 1963 (Order No. 279 relative to standards in the German Democratic Republic. - 24 June 1963) 9-05481 M Inciuding grading of sea fish. The text of the standard is not given. Germany. Federal Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) MinistBl.Bundesrepub.Dtsch., (10):219 Bekanntmachung Nr. 53-62/63 betreffend Ubernahme von vollfleischigen Garnelen, getrocknet, aus verschiedenen Ländern. - 14 Mai 1963 (Notification No. 53-62/63 relative to the acquisition from various countries, of full- fleshed dried prawns. - 14 May 1963) 9-05482 M From the Common Market countries. To be used as feedstuffs. 9 (5) 295 Mali. Laws, 9-05483 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Repub.Mali, (138):120 Loi no 63-18 A.N.-R.M. exonérant du droit de visite sanitaire le poisson destiné à l'exportation (décret de promulgation no 03 P.G.-R.M. du 4 février 1963. - 25 janvier 1963 (Act No. 63-18 A.N.-R.M., exempting fish for export from health inspection dues (promulgated under decree No. 03 P.G.-R.M. of 4 February 1963). - 25 January 1963) Panama. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac.ofic.Panama, (14.820):1-15 Ley No 63 de № febrero de 1963, por la cual se aprueban la convención y el acta final de la Convención Internacional para prevenir la Contaminación de las Aguas del Mar por Hidro- carburos (Act No. 63, approving the convention and the final act of the International Conference on the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil. - 4 February 1963) 9-0548L M Convention of 12 May 1954 and final act of 13 April 1962. Peru. Laws, 9-05485 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6524):1 Resolución ministerial No 1, por la que se reglamenta el decreto-ley No 14265, sobre impuesto a la anchoveta. - 29 de enero de 1963 (Ministerial resolution No. 1 regulating decree law No. 14265 relative to the anchovy tax. - 29 January 1963) Refers to decree law of 24 December 1962. Peru. Laws, 9-05486 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6583):1 Decreto-ley No 14457 por el cual se declaran intangibles los fondos que se obtengan por concepto de permiso de pesca y matrícula de barcos pesqueros de bandera extranjera. - 4 de abril de 1963 (Decree-law No. 14457 providing that the revenue collected from the issue of fishing licences and the registration of fishing vessels flying foreign flags shall be used for a specific purpose. - 4 April 1963) Total revenue from this source shall, as provided for in supreme decree No. 22 of > January 1956, be used exclusively for hydro- biological research and the fulfilment of international agreements concluded for that purpose with the competent United Nations agencies. 296 Poland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Dziennik Ustaw, (22), text.(115):270-3 Ustawa z dnia 21 maja 1963 r. o rybolówstwie morskim (Act on sea fisheries. - 21 May 1963). Pl 9-05487 M General provisions; Fishing rights; Regis- tration, etc. of fishing vessels and imple- ments; final provisions. Repeals fishing act of 11 May 1916 and decree of 3 November 1936 governing sea fisheries. South Africa, Republic of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.S.Afr., Extr., (555):2-5 (Act (N. 87, 1963). Territorial waters act, 1963 : Act to determine and define the ter- ritorial waters and the fishing zone of the Republic of South Africa and the territory of South-West Africa and to provide for the exploitation of certain natural resources of the continental shelf of the Republicand of the said territory and for other incidental matters. - 29 June 1963). Af 9-05488 M The sea within a distance of six nautical miles from low-water mark shall be territorial waters of the Republic and the sea outside the territorial waters but within a distance of twelve nautical miles from low-water mark shall constitute a fishing zone in respect of which the Republic shall in relation to fish and the catching of fish have and exercise the same rights and powers as in respect of its territorial waters. North Borneo. Laws, 9-05489 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.Borneo, Suppl. 1, (8):77-6 Fisheries ordinance, 1963: An ordinance to cunsolidate and amend the law relating to fisheries and provide for matters incidental thereto. - 28 June 1963 Extensive provisions concerning administrative matters, power of the governor in council to make regulations, licences, penalties, etc. U.S. Laws, 9-05490 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (89) :4562-6 CFR Title 50 - Chapter 3 - Part 301 : Pacific halibut fisheries. Regulations of the Inter- national Pacific Halibut Commission adopted pursuent to the pacific halibut fishery convention between the United States of America and Canada, signed March 2, 1973. - 22 March 1963 Extensive provisions repealing previous regulations. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES U.S. Laws, 9-05491 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (89):4556-7 CFR Title 21 : Food and drugs - Chapter 1 : Food and drug administration, department of health, education and welfare - Subchapter B : Food and food products - Part 36 : Shellfish. S 36.30 : Frozen raw breaded shrimp; identity; label statement of optional ingredients. S 36.31 : Frozen raw lightly breaded shrimp; identity; label statement of optional ingre- dients. - 1 May 1963 Indicates definitions and standards of identity U.S. Laws, 9-05492 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (131):6915 CFR Title 21 - Chapter 1 - Part 36 : Shellfish. Frozen raw breaded shrimp; frozen raw lightly breaded shrimp. Order staying effective date of definition and standard of identity. - 1 July 1963 In view of the objections filed. Uruguay. Laws, 9-05493 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Uruguay, (16658):359-A Decreto por el que se crea e integra la comisión nacional de la productividad y se determinan sus cometidos. - 30 de Mayo de 1963 (Decree creating and laying down the member- ship of the national productivity commission and stipulating its functions. - 30 May 1963) Specific reference is made to the oceanogra- phical and fisheries service which shall have representation on the commission. Birch, Г.С. (1962) N.Z.Sci.Rev., 20(1):9-14 Stability and instability in natural populations 9-05494 M Discussion of population dynamics with special reference to three types of interaction between the animal and its environment resulting in determination of population magnitude. Palmer, С. € E.I. 9-05495 MF White (Comp.) (1963) Zool.Rec., 97(15):83 p. Pisces 51 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1050; subject, geographic € taxonomic indexes. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Kawabata, T. (1962)B 9-05496 MF Jap.J.med.Sci.Biol., 15:141-3 Problems involved in the research on fish and shellfish poisonings ANON. (1962)B 9-05497 MF Trans.St.John Hosp.Derm.Soc., 48:176-7 Allergy to fish WHO (1961)c 9-05498 MF Geneva, 527 p. Specifications for pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, molluscicides, herbicides, auxiliary chemicals spraying and dusting apparatus Gives specifications of pesticides used in control of human deseases and the equipment necessary to apply such products. Has annexes which give analytical procedures common to several specifications as well as routine tests alternative to those required by the specifications. NE WHO 1957 WHO (1962)cc Geneva, 568 p. Normes pour les pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, molluscicides, herbicides, produits chimiques auxiliaires appareils de pulvérisation et de poudrage 9-05499 MF Grangaud, R. et al. (1962)B 9-05500 MF Ann.Nutr., Paris, 16(5):Rapp A91-A12k (Vitamins A and related substances in Poikilotherms). Fr U.S. Department of Commerce, 9-05501 MF Office of Technical Services, (1962)BC Selective bibliography SB-498, 13 р. Water pollution and water purification (including radioactive contamination and decontamination) Argentina. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic., Argentina, (20.067):1-2 Decreto-ley No.1.223 modificando el decreto No.6.480/62 relativo a los impuestos sobre réditos.- 14 de febrero de 1963 (Decree law No.1.223 on taxation revenue and rn decree No. 6.180/62.- 14 February 1963. 9-05502 MF General taxation legislation affecting also fisheries. 9 (5) 297 New South Wales. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (3):1105 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of the waters of Shoalhaven River, ihe of Camden and St. Vincent.- 10 April 1963 9-02203 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by the use of nets of every description, in the specified tidal waters, from lst April 1963 to 3lst March 1968. New South Wales. Laws, 9-05504 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (37):1105 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to the whole of the tidal waters of South West Rocks Creek, County of Macquarie.- 10 April 1963 Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the specified tidal waters, from 1 April 1963 to 3lst March 1968. New South Wales. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (41) :1247 Regulations made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935, as amended.- 10 May 1963 9-02202 MF Regulations in connection with the establish- ment of the New South Wales fish authority and sale of fish in markets operated by such authority. New South Wales. Laws, 9-05506 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (50):1472 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to the waters of Richmond River, Counties of Richmond and Rous.- 15 May 1963 Prohibits the taking of fish by means of nets of every description, in the tidal waters specified, during week-ends from 31 May 1963 to 30 May 1968, except by using the prescribed bait nets in waters open therefor. 298 | BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES New South Wales, Laws, 9-05507 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (50):1499 Closure notification pursuant to the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1963, relating to portion of the waters of Clarence River, Counties of Clarence, Drake, Fitzory and Buller.- 23 May 1963. . Prohibitions and exemptions in respect of the capture of prawns, in tidal and inland waters specified, until 31 May 1964. New South Wales, Laws, 9-05508 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (50):1499 Closure notification made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1963, relating to portion of the waters of Hunter River, Counties of Northumberland, Hunter, Gloucester, Durham and Brisbane.- 23 May 1963 Prohibitions and exemptions in respect of the capture of prawns, in the specified tidal and inland waters, until 31 May 1964. New South Wales, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (52):1565 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of the waters of Moruya River, Counties of St.Vincent and Dampier.- 22 May 1963 9-05209 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the specified tidal waters from 22 May 1963 to 21 May 1968. New South Wales, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (60):1909 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935, as amended, relating to the whole of the waters of Bellinger River, County of Raleigh.- 19 June 1963 9-05510 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the tidal and inland waters specified, from 12 noon Friday to 12 noon Sunday each week, from 1 June 1963 to 315% May 1968. South Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) S.Aust.Govt Gaz., (22):1348 Notice respecting the alteration in ambit of the poultry, rabbits and fish board, pursuant to the industrial code, 1920-1960.- 15 May 1963 9-05511 MF Persons employed in the preparation, processing and canning of fish should for the future be subject to the said board. Western Australia. Law, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (43):1726 Proclamation made under the fisheries act, 1905-1960.- 6 June 1963 9-05512 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by means of fishing nets in the waters specified, from 1 June 1963 until 31 May 1968 inclusive. Austria. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl.öst., (35):679-89 "Verordnung des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen vom 10. Juni 1963, mit der die Gegen- stände bestimmt werden, für die eine Ausgleichsteuer nicht eingehoben wird (Freiliste 1) (Order of the Federal Minister of Finance specifying the articles exempted from the equalization tax (Free list 1). - 10 June 1963.) 9-02213 MF Includes fishery products. Brazil. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diärio ofic., Rio de J., (50):2901-10 Decreto No. 691 de 13 de marco de 1962. Introduz modificagdes no decreto numero 50.040, de 21 de janeiro de 1961 (Decree No. 691 amending decree No. 50.040 of 21 January 1961. - 13 March 1963.). er 9-05514 MF Gives long list of peniitted food additives, colouring matters, flavourings, etc., also in respect of fisheries products. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (8):386-401 SOR/63-124. Order in council P.C. 1963-548 relating to the Alberta fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 3 April 1963 9-05515 MF Extensive provisions repealing and replacing the regulation of 16 December 1954, as amended. Canada. Laws, 9-05516 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (8):399-415 DORS/63-124. Décret С.Р. 1963-548 relatif au règlement de pêche de l'Alberta, en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries. - 3 avril 1963 (SOR/63-124. Order in council P.C. 1963-548 relating to the Alberta fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 3 April 1963) 9 (6) FE 9-05515. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-05517 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9) :441-4 SOR/63-139. Order in council Р.С. 1963-608 relating to the Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon fishery regulations 1963, made under the fisheries act. - 18 April 1963 Complete regulations valid for the year 1963 only. Concern mainly open seasons and methods of fishing. Canada. Laws, 9-05518 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9):457-60 DORS/63-139. Décret C.P. 1963-608 concernant le règlement de 1963 sur la pêche des saumons sockeye et rose du Fraser, en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 18 avril 1963 (SOR/63-139. Order in council P.C. 1963-608 relating to the Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon fishery regulations 1963, made under the fisherisact. - 18 April 1963) Fr 9-05517. Canada. Laws, 9-05519 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10) :502-3 DORS/63-155. Décret C.P. 1963-682 modifiant le règlement de pêche du Nouveau-Brunswick, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 2 mai 1963 (SOR/63-155. Order in council Р.С. 1963-682 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 2 May 1963) Fr 9-05130. Canada, Laws, 9-05520 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):487-533 SOR/63-157. Order in council P.C. 1963-709 relating to the Ontario fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 9 May 1963 Complete regulations repealing and replacing previous regulations of 3 February 1954 as amended. Provisions concerning fishing seesons, quotas, methods, export, import and transfer ОЕ, ПН сенеЕе, etc. Canada. Laws, 9-05521 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (10):505-54 DORS/63-157. Décret C.P. 1963-709 concernant le règlement de pêche de l'Ontario, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 9 mai 1963 (SOR/63-157. Order in council P.C. 1963-709 relating to the Ontario fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 9 May 1963) Fr 9-05520. 9 (5) 299 Chile. Laws, 9-05522 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.556):1323-6 Decreto número 359 modificando el reglamento No. 7-51/4- general de Policía marítima, fluvial y lacustre, aprobado por decreto supremo (М) No. 1.340 de 4 de febrero de 191. - 27 de abril de 1963 (Decree No. 359 amending regulations No. 7-51/ 1 on general marine, river and lake control and policing as approved under supreme decree (M) No. 1.340 of 4 February 1941. - 27 April 1963.) A large number of modifications, mainly in respect of accidents, order and discipline in harbours and on board vessels, including fishing vessels. Colombia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diario ofic., Bogotá, (30990) :73-88 Decreto número: 3337 de 17 de diciembre de 1962 por el cual se establece un nuevo régimen de importación para algunas posiciones del arancel de aduanas (Decree No. 3337 establishing a new import system for certain tariff items. - 17 December 1962.) 9-05523 MF Applies to a long list of products, including fisheries products, which are now subject to the issue of a previous import licence by the office of the national super-intendent for imports. Colombia. Laws, 9-05524 MF tatutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Bogoté, (31005):227-37 Decreto número 23 por el cual se conceden unas rebajas arancelarias. - 8 de enero de 1963 (Decree No. 23 granting certain tariff reductions. - 8 January 1963.) Applies to an extensive list of goods inclu- ding fisheries products, imported from the countries of the Latin American free trade association. In application of the treaty of Montevideo. 300 France. Laws, 9-05525 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (61):2410-2 Arrêté du 25 février 1963 fixant les plans d'eau, cours d'eau ou parties de cours d'eau dans lesquels les truites et les saumons de fontaine peuvent être pêchés pour la consom- mation familiale (Order establishing the bodies of waters, watercourses or parts of watercourses in which trout and salmon may be caught for family consumption. - 25 February 1963) Revokes and replaces similar order of 16 September 1958. For correction see: J.0. No.73, 26 March 1963, p. 2800. France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (55):2189 Arrété du 20 février 1963 fixant la liste des bureaux de douane ouverts à l'importation et au transit des moules originaires ou en provenance des Pays-Bas (Order fixing the list of customs bureaux open for the import and transit of mussels origi- nating in or shipped from the Netherlands. - 26 February 1963) 9-05526 MF France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (63) :2474-5 Decision du 11 mars 1963 relative à l'immer- sion en eaux frangaises d'huftres du Portugal (Décision relating to the immersion of Portu- guese oysters in French waters. - 11 March 1963 9-07727 MF Suspends similar decision of 16 May 1957 from 15 March to 15 May 1963; during that period, maximum weight of oysters for immersion is LO kg/1000. Germany. Federal Republic. 9-05528 MF Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Mini stBl.Bundesrepub.Dtsch., (11):227-8 Zweite Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung über Beiträge zur Förderung des Fischabsatzes. - 16. Mai 1963 (Second order amending the order relative to bonuses for the promotion of fish sales. - 16 May 1963) Amends order of 8 August 1956 with respect to the amount of bonuses and to species of fish. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Germany. Federal Republic. 9-05929 MF Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Mini stBl.Bundesrepub.Dtsch., (11):228-9 Zweite Bekanntmachung zur Verordnung Uber Beiträge zur Förderung des Fischabsatzes. 17. Mai 1963 (Second notification to the order relative to bonuses for the promotion of fisn sales. - 17 May 1963 ) In respect of forms to be used. Germany. Federal Republic. 9-05530 MF Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl., Bonn, (11), (21):785-7 Zweite Verordnung z::7 Anderung des Deutschen Zolltarifs 1963 (Uberleitungs-Verordnung). - 27. Juni 1963 (Second order amending the 1963 German customs tariff (Transitional order). - 27 June 1963) Including fresh fish. Germany. Federal Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) BundesgesBl., Bonn, (1), (38):465-9 Bekanntmachung der Neufassung des Gesetzes Über die Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. - 15. Juli 1963 (Notification of the revised text of the act on the agricultural credit bank. - 15 July 1963) 9-05531 MF Concerns inter alia the granting of credits to fisheries. Iraq. Laws, 9-05532 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Wkly Gaz.Rep.Irag, (16):396 Notification No. 5 of 1962 concerning fishing licences The obtention of licences is compulsory for all fishermen. Made under the fishing law No. 41 of 1958. Malaya, Federation of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Malaya Govt Gaz., (7):96, Leg.Suppl.(18) L.N. 87. The fisheries (Perak) (Fees) regu- lations, 1963, made under the fisheries act, 1963. - 8 March 1963 9-05533 MF Concerns fees payable for fishing licences in respect of "Pukat Kedra" and "Pukat Belanak". MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Malaya, Federation of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Malaya Govt Gaz., (10):128-9, Leg.suppl. (25) L.N. 124. G.arantine and prevention of disease (Movement of foodstuffs) (Johore) regulations, 1963, made under the quarantine and prevention of disease enactment. - 21 May 1963 9-05534 MF To prevent the spread of cholera, restricts the movement of, inter alia, fish and prawns. Malaya, Federation of. 9-05535 M Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Malaya Govt Gaz., (12):193-227, act suppl. (2) Port authorities act, 1963 (No. 21 of 1963): An act to provide for the establishment of port authorities, for the functions of such authorities and for matters connected therewith. - 11 June 1963 Extensive provisions. Niger, Republic of. 9-05536 MF Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Niger, (4):30-1 Décret no. 63-022/MIC du 7 février 1963 relatif á la fixation du prix des denrées alimentaires (Decree No. 63-022/MIC on the fixing of the prices of foodstuffs. - 7 February 1963) Applies inter alia to local fish - fresh, dried or smoked. Peru. Laws, 9-05537 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Peruano, (6560):1 Resolución suprema No. 157-DAP por la que se otorga la buena pro para un estudio económico integral de la industria pesquera. - 31 de diciembre de 1962 (Supreme resolution No. 157-DAP, giving approval for an overall economic study of the fishing industry. - 31 December 1962) Includes a study of the port facilities required for the export of fish meal. 9 (5) 301 Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (149):9944.5 Resolución de la dirección general de ordenación del trabajo por la que se aprueba el convenio colectivo acordado en 13 de marzo último, entre empresas y trabajadores pertene- cientes al sector frío industrial, afectado a los sindicatos de la pesca e industrias químicas. - 14 de mayo de 1963 (Resolution of the directorate general of labour organization approving the collective agreement reached on 13 March 1963 between management ard employees in the industrial 9-05538 MF refrigeration sector, applicable to fisheries and chemical industries trade unions. - 14 May 1963) Extensive provisions. Sweden. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Svensk Förfsaml., (63):135 Kungl. Maj:ts kungUrelse Nr 63 om ändrad lydelse av mom. 5:0) kungörelsen den 7 auzusti 1907 (nr 61 $. 1) angaaende #ndrade bestän- melser rörande fonden för fiskerinäringens befrémjande. - 5 april 1963 (Royal notification No. 63 amending art. 5 in notification No. 61 of 7 August 1907 concer- ning amended regulations for the fund for the promotion of the fishing trade. - 5 April 1963). Sv 9-02239 MF Limits loans to 150.000 S. Kr. New South Wales. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1063) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (66) :2049 Proclamation, made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935, as amended, relating to portion of Mooney Mooney Creek, counvy of Northumberland. - 26 June 1963 9-05540 MF Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description in the tidal waters specified, during each week-end from 1 August 1963 to 31 July 1968 Western Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (52):1967-2042 Health act, 1911 (as amended) - Model by-laws- series "A". - 9 July 1963 9-05541 MF Extensive regulations covering fish curing establishments and fish shops. 302 . BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Western Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (60):2311 Proclamation made under the fisheries act, 1905-1962. - 15 July 1963 9-05542 MF Prohibits the taking of crayfish by any means of capture, from 15 August to 14 November in each year, in all western Australia waters lying between the 24th and 34th parallels of south latitude. Berliand, T.B. (1961) 9-05543 MF Biull.nauchno-tekh.Inf.Gidroproekta, (13): 24-33 Teoriia rybnogo khoziaistva kak razdel biotekhniki i ee polozhenie v sisteme nauk v sviazi s problemoi gidrostroitel'stva (Theory of the fishing industry as a branch of biotechnics and its position in the sciences, in connexion with hydroengineering problems) : Western Australia. Laws, 9-055 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (55):2172 Notification made under the fisheries act, 1905-1962. Restrictions imposed in respect of fishing licences. - 23 July 1963 Prohibits the use of certain fishing craft for the taking of prawns and crayfish in the por- tions of the Indian Ocean specified. Limits further the quantity of crayfish which may be carried at one ime by boat. Belgium. Laws, 9-05545 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (102):5460 Arrêté ministériel du 17 mai 1963 interdisant temporairement toute pêche dans l'ancien bras de la Meuse, dit "Le Hemlot" (Ministerial order temporarily prohibiting all fishing in the former branch of the Meuse, known as "Le Hemlot". - 17 May 1963). Ne Until the Saturday proceding the second Sunday in June, 1964, exclusive. Cuba. Laws, 9-05546 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac.ofic.Cuba, (102):5391-2 Resolución No. 409 por la que se prohibe la pesca en el Río Baracoa y la Laguna del Doctor. - 24 de mayo de 1963 (Resolution No. 409, prohibitng fishing in the Río Baracca and the Laguna del Doctor. 24 May 1963) As from 1 June 1963, for breeding purposes. Germany, Eastern. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) GesBl.dtsch.dem.Repub.(II), (33):226 Vierte Durchftihrungsbestimmung zum Fischereigesetz. - Abgrenzung von Fischereirechten. - 26. Martz 1963 (Fourth ordinance implementing the fisheries act. - Delimitation of fishing rights. - 26 March 1963) 9-05547 MF In cases where 'rational exploitation and eco- nomic development is impaired by several owners of fishing rights operating in the same waters. Pakistan,.West. Laws, 9-05548 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Gaz.W.Pakist., (Extr.,):1251-8 West Pakistan ordinance No. 3 of 1963. The Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan) (West Pakistan amendment) Ordinance, 1963 : An ordinance to amend the Provincial Industrial Development Corporation (West Pakistan) ordinance, 1962. - 26 March 1963 Includes provision on planning, promoting, organizing and implementing programmes for the exploitation of fisheries. The corporation may give loans or furnish guarantees to the sche- duled banks for the re-payment of loans. ~ Poland. Laws, 9-05549 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.polski, (30), Text. (159):260 Zarzadzenie prezesa centralnego urzedu gospodarki wodnej z dnia 15 marca 1963 r. w sprawie ustalania strefy przybrzeZnej $ródla- dowych wöd powierzchniowych oraz morskich wöd wewnetrznych i morza terytorialnego (Decision of the president of the central office of water economy, determining the shore belt of superficial continental watrs, of interior sea waters and of the territorial sea. - 15 March 1963). PL Defines the shore belt where it is forbidden to deposit substances likely to pollute waters. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Poland. Laws, 9-05550 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Dziennik Ustaw, (25), text. (146):291 Rozporsadzenie ministra zeglugi z dnia 17 maja 1963 r. zmieniajace rozporzadzenie w sprawie ochrony rybolöwstwa na zalewie WiSlanym (Order of the minister of navigation, amending the order on protection of fishing in the mouth of the Vistula. - 17 May 1963). FL Amends order of 19 March 1962, Dz.U. No. 25/ 1962, text 115, as regards the size of fish, etc. U.S. Laws, 9-05551 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (52) :2527 Code of federal regulations title 50:.Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 1 : Bureau of sport fisheries and wildlife, fish and wildlife ser- vice, Department of the Interior - Subchapter C : The national wildlife refuge system - Part 33 : Sport fishing. Amendment to S 33.4 of title 50, to provide public sport fishing in waters of the Mackay Island national wildlife refuge as legislatively permitted. - 11 March 1963 New Zealand. Laws, 9-05552 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication 1962/133, 3 p. The freshwater fisheries regulations (South- land) Modification notice 1962. - 2k July 1962 Modifies the provisions of the general regu- lations in the Southland acclimatisation district by limiting the number of salmon or trout that may be taken in specified waters, increasing the size limit in certain waters, imposing restrictions on lures and methods, and restricting the operation of the open season in certain waters. New Zealand. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/134, 2 p. The freshwater fisheries regulations (Waima- rino) Modification notice 1962. - 24 July 1962 9-05553 MF Modifies the provisions of the general regu- lations in the Waimarino acclimatisation district by reducing the limit bag, increasing the size limit, and restricting the lures and methods that may be used in certain waters. 9 (5) 303 New Zealand. Laws, 9-05554 МЕ Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/135, 2 p. The freshwater fisheries regulations (West- land) Modification notice 1962. - 24 July 1962 Modifies the provisions of the general regu- lations in the Westland acclimatisation district by reducing the number of salmon and trout in a limit bag to three of salmon and 10 of trout, by modifying the size limit, and restricting the operation of the open season in certain waters. New Zealand. Laws, 9-05555 MF Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/131, 2 p. The Toheroa regulations 1955, amended No. 1. - 30 July 1962 In respect of bag limits, fishing implements, etc. Swift, S. & H. Cohen (1962)B New Engl.J.Med., 267:1244-6 Granulomas of the skin due to Mycobacterium balnei after abrasions from a fish tank 9-05556 F Bauman, У.М., V.N. Iagodinskii & Iu. V. Filippovich (1962)B Zh.Mikrobiol., 33:92-5 (Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of botulism related to ingestion of preserved flounder). Ru 9-05557 M New South Wales. Laws, 9-05558 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (37):1105 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to the waters of Berringer Lake and part of Cunjurong or Conjola Lake, County of St. Vincent.- 10 April 1963 Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description from 5 April 1963 to 4 April 1968, in the specified tidal waters. 304 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES New South Wales. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (37):1105 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of the waters of the Murray River, County of Wakool.- 10 April 1963 9-05559 Е Prohibits the taking of fish by nets of every description, in the specified inland waters, for a period of five years from the date of publication of this proclamation. New South Wales. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.N.S.W., (50):1472 Proclamation made under the fisheries and oyster farms act, 1935-1960, relating to portion of the waters of Murray River, County of Goulburn.- 1 May 1963 9-05560 Е Prohibits the taking of fish by means of nets of every description, in the inland waters specified, for a period of five years. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (8):374-9 SOR/63-122. Order in council P.C. 1963-533 amending the Newfoundland fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 1 April 1963 9-05561 F Amendments in respect of river fishing, restricted rivers, waters in which fishing for rainbow trout is restricted, daily catch limits, etc. Canada. Laws, 9-05562 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (8):386-92 DORS/63-122. Décret C.P. 1963-533 modifiant le règlement de pêche de Terre-Neuve, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 1 avril 1963 (SOR/63-122. Order in council Р.С. 1963-533 amending the Newfoundland fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 1 April 1963) Fr 9-05561 Canada. Laws, 9-05563 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9): 439-440 SOR/63-138. Order in council 1963-607 amending the Manitoba fishery regulations made under the fisheries act. - 18 April 1963 Amendments respecting angling licences, bag limits for whitefish and pickerel, etc. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9):455-6 DORS/63-138. Décret C.P. 1963-607 modifiant le réglement de péche du Manitoba en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 18 avril 1963 (SOR/63-138. Order in council 1963-607 amending the Manitoba fishery regulations made under the fisheries act. - 18 April 1963) 9-05564 Е Fr 9-05563. Canada. Laws, 9-05565 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9):445 SOR/63-140. Order in council 1963-613 amending the national parks fishing regulations made under the national parks act. - 18 April 1963 Amendments concerning bag limits in various lakes. Canada. Laws, 9-05566 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (9):461-2 DORS/63-140. Décret C.P. 1963-613 modifiant le règlement régissant la pêche dans les parcs nationaux, en vertu de la loi sur les parcs nationaux. - 18 avril 1963 (SOR/63-140. Order in council 1963-613 amending the national parks fishing regulations made under the national parks act. - 18 April 1963) D PE 9-05565. Canada. Laws, 9-05567 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):537-41 SOR/63-160. Order in council 1963-708 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 9 May 1963 Amendments in respect of definitions, game fish bag limits and close seasons. Canada. Laws, 9-05568 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (10):558-62 DORS/63-160. Décret С.Р. 1963-708 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Colombie-Britan- nique, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 9 mai 1963 (SOR/63-160. Order in council 1963-708 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act. - 9 May 1963) Fr 9-05567. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Central African Republic. 9-05569 Е Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.centraf., (9):265-9 Décret No. 63-102, fixant le prosranme des activités du ministère de l'agriculture - elevage - eaux et forêts pour l'année 1963. - 22 mars 1063 (Decree No. 63-102 fixing the 1953 programme of work of the ministry of agriculture, stock- breeding, waters and forests. - 22 March 1963.) Includes technical and scientific research and development plans in the field of fisheries. Colombia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diario ofic., Bogotá, (31009):267 Resolución No. 1004 por la cual se deroga el artículo 11 de la resolución 1183 de 1956, y se reglamenta la pesca en el lago de "La Cocha" - 21 de noviembre de 1062 (Resolution No. 1004 rescinding article 11 of resolution No. 1183 of 1956 and regulating fishing in the lake of "La Cocha". - 21 November 1962.) 907310 F Eight trout may be caught a day between fi- shing as a sport and domestic fishing. 90377: Е France. Laws, tatutes, etc. (1962) J.off.Répub.frang., (11):452 Arrété du 28 décembre 1962 portant inter- diction de la pêche à la ligne en bateau dans le lac de retenue de Matemal (Pyrénées-Orien- tales) (Order prohibiting angling from boats in Matemal Dam Lake (Pyrénées-Orientales). - 28 December 1962) Except with a licence, until 31 December, 1966. France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.frang., (36):1452-3 Décret No. 63-98 du 11 février 1963 modifiant les articles 2, 3, 9, 18, 21, 22, et 33 du décret No. 58-874 du 16 septembre 1958 relatif à la pêche fluviale (Decree No. 63-98, amending A.s. 2, 3, 9, 18, 21, 22, and 33 of decree No. 58-874 of 16 September 1958, relating to river fishing. - 11 February 1963) 9-05572 Е Concerns closed seasons and fishing methods. Y 9 (5) 305 Germany. Eastern. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) GesBl.dtsch.dem.Repub.(11), (43):200-2 Anordnung Über die Bilduns der VEB Wasser- versorgung und Abwasserbehandlung. - 13. Mai 1963 (Order relative to the establishment of a VEB (People's owned concern) for water supply and waste water treatment. - 13 May 1963) 9-05573 Е In eech district and, if required for technical and economical reasons, for several districts Jointly. Ireland. Laws, 9-05574 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Iris Oifisiuil, (39):465 Foyle area (Prevention of pollution) regulations, 1963. - 30 April 1963. En Ge Regulate and control the discharge of effluent from sandwashing plants in the Foyle area. Ireland. Laws, 9-05575 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Iris Cifigiuil, (39):465-6 Foyle area (Rivers Faughan and Roe angling) regulations, 1963. -30 April 1963. En Ga Revoke and replace the Foyle area (Rivers Faughan and Roe angling) regulations, 1959. Permit fly fishing at night time and prohibit the use of floats in bait fishing. Luxembourg. Laws, 9-05576 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (13) :163 Reglement ministériel du 6 mars 1963 inter- disant la pêche sur le canal de Rosport (Ministerial regulation prohibiting fishing in the Rosport Canal. - 6 March 1963) To put into operation the hydraulic turbines installed thereon. The ministerial order of 12 June 1961 is repealed. 306 Luxemb ourg.Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (19):233-4 Reglement grand-ducal du 29 mars 1963 complétant l'arrêté grand-ducal du 5 mars 1958 concernant l'exercice de la pêche dans l'Our faisant limite entre Rheinland-Pfalz et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg o AS (Grand Ducal regulation supplementing the Grand Ducal regulation of 5 March 1958 concerning fishing in the Our separating Rheinland-Pfalz from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. - 29 March 1963) Concerns fishing with worms. Madagascar. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.malgache, (289) :1201 Décision 108-MFR/PÓR fixant la date de fermeture de la pêche à la truite pour l'année 1963. - 10 mai 1963 (Decision No. 108-MFR/FOR fixing the date of closure for the 1963 trout fishing season. - 10 May 1963) 9-05578 F On 12 May 1963. Madagascar. Laws, 9-05579 F Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.malgache, (286) :1079 Arrêté no. 1102-MFR/FOR portant interdiction de la péche á la carpe dans le lac Kalandy et le marais d'Ambalafary, sous-préfecture de Mandritsara. - 24 avril 1963 (Order No. 1102-MFR/FOR prohibiting carp fishing in Lake Kalandy and the Ambalafary swamps, Vice-Prefecture of Mandritsara. - 2) April 1963) For a two-year period. Mali. Laws, 9-05580 F Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.Mali, (136):85 Loi no. 63-7 A.N.-R.M. sur la péche en République du Mali (décret de promulgation no. 02-P.G.-R.M. du 16 janvier 1963). - 11 janvier 1963 (Act No. 63-7 A.N.-R.M. on fishing in the Republic of Mali (Promulgation decree No. 02 P.G.-R.M. of 16 January 1963). - 11 January 1963) Prohibits fishing with explosives, drugs, electric devices and nets the mesh size of which is smaller than 8 mm. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Netherlands. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Ned.Staatscourant, (83):3 Ontheffing van enige bevalingen van het bijzonder visserijreglement 7 voor de visserij in.de Geul. Nr. Vi. 1496. - 29 april 1963 (Order No. Vi. 1496, granting exceptions from certain provisions of special fishing regulations, 7, as regards fishing in the Geul. -29 April 1963). Ne 9-05581 F Relates to line fishing during the periods 1 October 1963 to 15 March 1964 and 1 June 1963 to 15 March 196. Netherlands. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Ned.Staatscourant, (97):2 Directie Nr. Vi. 1736 maat op kolblei en brasem. - 17 mei 1963 (Order No. Vi. 1736, relative to the dimension of Cypr. blicca and bream. - 17 May 1963). Ne 9-05582 F Certain provisions of art. 3 of the general fishing regulation for inland waters, art. 3 of fishing regulations for rivers, and art. 3 of the decree of 21 October 1954 Stbl. 487, do not apply until 1 June 196k. C4 Peru. Laws, 9-05583 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6564) :1 Resolución ministerial No. 753 por la que se prohibe la pesca del camarón de río desde el 15 de marzo hasta el 30 de junio de 1963. - 13 de marzo de 1963 (Ministerial resolution No. 753 prohibiting the fishing of crayfish from 15 March to 30 June 1963. - 13 March 1963) Applies to Cryphiops caementarius. For the protection of the species. Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Federation 9-05584 Е of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Nyasaland Govt Gaz., (20):1-7, suppl. (20) Natural resources legislation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1963 : An ordinance to amend vari- ous laws relating to the conservation of natural resources in consequence of adminis- trative changes in the government. - 27 March 1963 Amends the fisheries ordinance (Cap. 139) with respect to definitions. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Federation of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Nyasaland Govt Gaz., (24), suppl. (17A):222 p. Government notice No. 78: Amendment of rules made under section 24 of the Tung ordinance (Cap. 130). - 18 April 1963 9-05585 F Replaces ‘Director of agriculture & fisheries" wherever they occur, with "Minister". Rhodesia-Nyasaland, Federation 9-05586 F of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Nyasaland Govt Gaz., (24), suppl. (17A):222 p. Government notice No. 79 relating to the trout fishing (Amendment) rules, 1963, made under the fisheries ordinance (Cap. 139). - 18 April 1963 Amendment relates to assignment of responsi- bilities. Spain. Laws, 9-05587 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (122):8431 Orden de 16 de mayo de 1963 por la que se prorroga la vigencia de la de 2 de febrero de 1961 sobre el período de veda para la pesca del cangrejo de río en todas las aguas del ter- ritorio nacional (Order extending the order of 2 February 1961 on the closed season on river crawfish in all national waters. - 16 May 1963) Validity of the order extended for another year. Venezuela. Laws, 9-05588 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac.ofic. Venezuela, (27.113):201.493 Acuerdo por el cual se excita a los despa- chos ministeriales que en él se expresan para que intensifiquen las medidas necesarias para combatir en sus diversos aspectos la quema indiscriminada de montes y sabanas, así como también la tala, la caza y la pesca de manera irracional. - 1 de abril de 1963 (Decision of the senate urging certain minis- terial departments to adopt severer measures to combat all types of indiscriminate burning of forest and savanneh land and also for the control of irrational tree felling, hunting, shooting and fishing. - 1 April 1963) The Departments concerned are the ministries of the interior, agriculture and stockbreeding, defence, education and justice. 9 (5) 307 Czechoslovakia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Sbfrka Kék.ëze.soc.Repub., (21), text (37): 181-7 Vyhläska ministerstva zemëdëlstvf, lesního a vodního hospodäfstvi ze dne 5. kvétna 1963 o ochranë véel, vod a ryb pri hubení Skudcu rostlin chemiskymi prostredky (Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Wter Economy, relative to the protection of bees, waters and fish from pesticides. - 5 May 1963). Cs 9-05589 F Gives a list of chemical products actually used, classified according to their noxiousness Colombie. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Diario ofic., Bogotá, (31078) :338 Resolución No. 0842 de 3 de octubre de 1962 por la cual se reglamentan las dimensiones de los chinchorros o trasmallos, atarrayas y cóngalos para la pesca en aguas dulces (Resolution No. 0842 regulating the dimensions of drag nets of various kinds, and cast nets of various kinds used for fishing in fresh water. - 3 October 1962) 9205390 E Repeals and replaces resolution No. 18 of 1961. Italy. Laws, 9-05591 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Gazz.uff.Repub.ital., (168):3371-2 Decreto ministeriale 14 Giugno 1963: Regola- mentazione della pesca nelle acque interne dell'Emilia (Ministerial decree concerning fishing in the inland waters of Emilia. - 14 June 1963) Amends art. 2 of the min. decree of 28 August 1962 in respect of mesh sizes. U.S. Laws, 9-05592 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (64):3166-7 CFR Title 36 : Parks, forestw, and memorials - Chapter 1 : National park service, department of the interior - Part 7 : Special regulations relating to parks and monuments. Olympic National Park, Washington; Fishing. Amendment The purpose of the amendment is to bring into conformity the regulations for fishing in park waters with those for the state of Washington о for the same and similar waters. 308 New Zealand. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/152, 3 p. The freshwater fisheries regulations 1951, amendment No. 6. - 29 August 1962 9-05593 F Amendments in respect of licence fees, sale of acclimatised fish, etc. New Zealand. Laws, 9-05594 Е Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/167, 3 p. The southern lakes fishing regulations 1951, amendment No. 9. - 12 September 1962 In respect of open séasons, licence fees, etc. New Zealand. Laws, 9-05595 F Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/171, 2 p. The fisheries experimental waters (Horokiri River) regulations, 1962. - 26 September 1962 Declare the Horokiri River to be a fisheries experimental water and prohibit fishing in the river except pursuant to a special permit. New Zealand. Laws, 9-05596 F Statutes, etc. (1962) Separate publication, 1962/172, 2 p. The fisheries experimental waters (Waitati River) regulations, 1962. - 26 September 1962 Declare the Waitati River to be a fisheries experimental water, and prohibit fishing except pursuant to a special permit. 9 (5) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Czen, P. € D. Dzo-I (1961) Zastosow.Mat., 6:51-63 (On estimating the size of population by capture-mark method). Po 9-05597 G Sampling scheme from finite population of size N is considered: п subsamples of size ml, ..., mn respectively are drawn imitially without replacement. Every time, the items drawn are marked & replaced in the parent population. The authors propose expression to serve as esti.ator of N and they discuss bias & vari- ance of N. For a fixed sample size m least possible variance of N is attained if ml -...- m - 1 , The authors compute limi- ting confidence intervals for N. STA 4(2)4/2h9. Levin, O. (1963)B 9-05598 G J.molec.Biol., 6:95-:01 Electron observation on some 60s erythrocruorins and their split products Connolly, T.F. (1962) 9-05599 G Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., 207 p. Bibliography on nuclear reactor fuel reprocessing and waste disposal. Volume 5. Plants and equipment Prasad, R.R. (1962) 9-05600 G J.Mar.biol.Ass.India, 4(1/2):230 Obituary - Dr Anton Frederick Bruun CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 6—REFERENCES 9-06001 to 9-06618 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Snider, R.G. (1961) 9-06001 M Trans.Amer,geophys.Un., 42(3):289-94 The Indian Ocean expedition - an international venture Describes history of this SCOR/UNESCO project and current arrangements for it. IWC (1963) 9-06002 M Iwc/16/6, mimeo, 85 р. Meeting of the scientific sub-committee of the International Whaling Commission, Seattle, Washington, 18-22 November 1963 Report of meeting with, appended, supporting documents entitled: Sperm whales - Australia; British Columbia - sperm whales; Sperm whaling in New Zealand; Research on sperm whales by the National Institute of Oceano- graphy; Sperm whales of the southeast Pacific; Distribution and migration of sperm whales in the North Pacific as shown by Japanese whaling results; Form A data and Summary of marking; Sexual phases applied for female humpbacks in Australia; Observaciones sobre la madurez sexual del cachalote macho (Physeter catadon) L.), capturado en aguas Chilenas (Observations on the sexual meturity of P, catadon L., caught in Chilean waters); Sperm whaling in Peru, Do 8-001me. ANON, (1962) 9-06003 M Comm,Fish,Rev,, 24(12):64-5 New research vessel G.B. REED launched WFA 14(3)3072. 9 (6) ANON. (1962) 9-06004 M Comm,Fish,Rev,, 24(2):62 New research vessel being built Advance information on G,B. REED, WFA 14(3)3073. IUGG (1963) Chron,U.G,G.I., (50):179-84 Symposium on the general scientific framework for the comprehensive study of the world ocean, Halifax, 6 and 8 April 1963 9-06005 M One purpose of this symposium was to provide information to help SCOR (assisting the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) in accordance with resolution 2 of the second IOC session), £9 A TER IMCO (1953 9 -00005 M Re «intergov.marit.consult.Crz., 1062: 27 э 2 AE Reports appointment of staff, meeting of IMCO organs and subsidiary bodies, convent- ions and diplomatic instruments, relationships with UN agencies and other internetional organizations and work of expert groups. Mekow, D.M. (1962) 9-06007 M Bull.Radio Engng Div,nat,Res.Coun.Can,, 12(4): 16-20 A spherical triangle computer for marine and air navigation ТА 18(7)4846, 310 Powell, C. & A.R. Woods (1963) Radio electron,Engng, 25(6):479-92 LAMBDA: a radio aid to hydrographic surveying 9-06008 M Low ambiguity Decca based on phase comparison of c,w. signals, providing two-range position-fixing for survey ships; circuits and practical details of equipment are given, IA 18(10)6688. Oomen, P. (1962) Brit, Commun.Electron., 9(2)94-9 Communications and electronics in the ICAO Weather ships 9-06009 M IA 17(3)1570. Nichols, J.W. € А.С. MacKellar (1962) J.Brit.Instn Radio Engrs, 2(1):87-96 Some recent developments in marine navigational aids 9-06010 M ТА 17(10)7128, ANON. (1962) Brit.Commun.Electron., 9(9):675 Two new marine radars 9-06011 M Brief descriptions of marine radar system 969/ARP (Decca Radar Ltd) and Escort 600 marine radar series (Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. ). IA 17(10)7129, ANON. (1962) 9-06012 M Electron,Design, 10(17):38-9 Craft constitutes stable platform for undersea tests The floating instrument platform (FLIP) designed by the Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, California, will first be used to determine the phase distortion and directional characteristics of sound waves travelling through sea water, A polarimeter designed by Perkin-Elmer Corp. will be used to measure the degree of twist the elongated hull of FLIP may experience as it rides beneath the surface, ТА 17(11)7702. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kvinge, T. (1964) 9-06013 M Arbok Univ.Bergen, (15):44 р. The CONRAD HOLMBOE expedition to east Greenland waters in 1923 Study of east Greenland current, Oberlin, R.P. (1962) 9-06014 M Mar,Sci.Instrum,, 1:1-5 The design and installation of the fixed acoustic buoy The buoy measures acoustic data at 14,000 ft, Signal processing is carried out in the unit to allow the use of a single coaxial cable as a link with the shore station, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8401. Zlotky, В.А. (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum,, 1:80-7 A concept for a remotely interrogated synoptic oceanographic data sampling buoy 9-06015 M A description is given of a proposed system for sampling oceanographic data to a depth of about 4000 ft, An electromechanical system would be used to convert ocean wave energy into electrical energy. CR 9-06013, ТА 17(12)8403. ANON. (1962) 9-06016 M Electron,Engng, 34(417):759 A marine research vessel Brief details of ELETTRA III, the Marconi marine research vessel, ТА 17(12)8413. ANON. (1962) 9-06017 M Wireless World, 68(11):561-2 Marconi marine "Argus" radar IA 17(12)8599. GENERAL Stephens, M. (1962) 9-06018 MF Sea Frontiers, 8(5):301-7 Underwater photography WFA 14(3)3192. U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1963)C London, Н.М.5.0., 136 р. Water pollution research 1962 9-06019 MF In the annual report of the director of the Water Pollution Research Laboratory, the work of the laboratory during the year is described, Major subjects discussed include: Basic processes for the treatment of polluting liquids; Industrial wastes; Sewage; Effects of pollution on fish; Fresh-water streams; Coastal pollution; Instruments; Methods of analysis, WPA 36(9)1h72. à Freytag, G. (1961) Prot.FischTech., 7(32):175-201 Die bisherigen Kenntnisse Uber tierische Lauterzeugung im Unterwasserraum (The existing knowledge on underwater animal sound) 9-06020 MF Reviews literature and gives a complete record of observations, analysis of sounds, own investigations, and presents the biological meaning and effect of phenomenon, IUGG (1962) Chron.U.G.G.I., (41):48 р. 9-06021 MF Contains report, resolutions and summaries of contributions to the Tsunami meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii, 25 August - 1 September, ‘1961, of the Tenth Pacific Science Congress and minutes of the IAMAP ad hoc committee on the interaction between atmosphere and ocean held in Marseilles, 3 September, 1961, 9 (6) 311 U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1963)C London, H.M.S.0., 94 р. Hydraulics research 1962. The report of the Hydraulics Research Board with the report of the Director of Hydraulics Research 9-06022 MF Principal investigations carried out by the Eydraulics Research Station during 1962 are described. Hydrology; hydraulic structures; unidirectional channel flow; estuaries and tidal flow; waves and sea defences; miscellaneous problems; and instrumentation and mechanization, WPA 36(11)1823. López Rojas, G. (1963) 9-06023 Е Rev.Nac.Agr. ‚Colombia, 55(699):42-3 En instituto nacional de piscicultura contribuye decididamente al desarrollo de la pesca en todo el pais (The national institute of fish breeding contributes largely to the development of the fisheries industry in the whole country) Account is given of the work done by the National Institute of Tropical Fish Breeding at Buga, Colombia, The main species bred at the institute are Tilapia mossambica and tucunaré, a cichlyd sp. from the Amazon basin. Fishes of these species are subjected to a period of adaptation, whereafter their fry is set out in rivers, lakes and ропаз. The activities of the institute also include propaganda for the establishment of fishponds in rural areas, Photos, TA 19(1)m202. U.K. Department of Scientific 9-06024 Е & Industrial Research (1961)C London, Н.М.5.0., 84 р. Reports of the government chemist, 1960 Includes sections on water and sewage, МРА 35(11)2121. U.K. Department of Scientific 9-06025 F & Industrial Research (1962)C London, H.M.S.0., 96 p. Reports of the government chemist, 1961 Includes sections on water and sewage. WPA 35(11)2121. 312 American Society for Testing and Materials (1962) Repr,Amer,Soc,Test,Mater,, (43):134 р. Report of commi.ttee D-19 on industrial water 9-06026 F Includes recommendations for new and revised tentative and standard methods for examination, sampling, and physico-chemical determinations, WPA 35(11)2122. Ayrshire River Purification 9-06027 Е Board (1961) Rep,Ayrshire Riv,Bd, 1961:16 р. Incl, results of chemical surveys. WPA 35(11)2200, Clyde River Purification Board (1961) Rep, Clyde Riv, Bd, 1961:76 р. 9-06028 Е Incl, graphical data on river temperatures, WPA 35(11)2200. Cumberland River Board (1961) Rep,Cumberland Riv.Bd, 1961:54 p. 9-06029 F Contains information on water resources, land drainage, fisheries (including instances of fish mortalities caused by pollution), and prevention of river pollution, WPA 35(11)2201. Northumberland and Tyneside 9-06030 F River Board (1961) Rep, Northumb,Riv,Ba, 1961:56 р. Contains information on weter resources, land drainage, fisheries (including instances of fish mortelities caused by pollution), and prevention of river pollution. WPA 35(11.)2201, Wear and Tees River Board 9-06031 F (1961) Rep,Wear and Tees Riv. Bd, 1961:80 р. Contains information on water resources, land drainage, fisheries (including instances of fish mortalities caused by pollution), and prevention of river pollution, WPA 35(11)2201. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Forth River Purification Board (1961) Rep.Forth Riv.Bd, 1961:36 р. 9-06032 F Tabulated and graphical data are included showing tne results of chemical analyses of various river waters, WPA 35(11)2202, Lothians River Purification 9-06033 Е Board (1961) Rep,lothians Riv,Bd, 1961:52 p. Tabulated and graphical data are included showing the results of chemical analyses of various river waters, WPA 35(11)2202. Solway River Purification Board (1961) Rep.Solway Riv,Bd, 7:26 р. 9-06034 F Contains information on water resources, the sampling of rivers, and prevention of pollution, WPA 35(11)2203. Tweed River Purification Board (1961) Rep.Tweed Riv.Bd, 7:46 р. 9-06035 Е Contains information on water resources, the sampling of rivers, and prevention of pollution, WPA 35(11)2203. South African Council for 9-06036 Е Scientific and Industrial Research (1960?) Rep.nat, Inst.Wat,Res,¿S,Africa, (1959-60) :24 р. Contains summaries of progress in hydrobiolog- ical, chemical, biochemical, bacteriological and technological aspects of water research, WPA 36(9)1473. South African Council for 9-06037 F Scientific and Industrial Research (1961?) Rep,nat,Inst,Wat,Res, ‚S,Africa, (1960-61):20 p. Contains summaries of progress in hydro- biological, chemical, biochemical, bacterio- logical and technological aspects of water research, WPA 36(9)1473. Cumberland River Board (1962) Rep. Cumberland _Riv,Bd, 1962:5 р. 9-06038 F Information on water resources and abstractions, land drainage, fisheries (including mortalities), and prevention of pollution (with consideration of individual rivers and their tributaries and details of remedial action, including the construction of various works for the treatment of sewage and trade waste water), WPA 36(10)1705. Wear and Tees River Board (1962) Rep. Wear and Tees Riv,Bd, 1962:96 р. 9-06039 F Information on water resources and abstractions, land drainage, fisheries (ircluding mortalities), and prevention of pollution (with consideration of individual rivers and their tributaries and details of remedial action, including the construction of various works for the treatment of sewage and trade waste water), WPA 36(10)1705, East Suffolk and Norfolk River Board (1962) Rep.E.Suffolk and Norfolk Riv.Bd, 1962:56 p. 0-06040 Е Information on water resources, land drainage, fisheries (including causes of mortalities), and prevention of river pollution (including the conditions of individual rivers and estuaries, changes in the discharge of sewage and trade waste waters, and specific instances of polluting discharges). WPA 36(10)1706. Essex River Board (1962) Rep.Essex Riv.Bd, 1962:52 p. 9-06041 Е Information on water resources, land drainage, fisheries (including causes of mortalities), and prevention of river pollution (including the conditions of individual rivers and estuaries, changes in the discharge of sewage and trade waste waters, and specific instances of polluting discharges), WPA 36(10)1706. GENERAL 9 (6) 313 Great Ouse River Board (1962) 9-06042 F Rep.Gt Ouse Riv. Bd, 1962:38 р. Information on water resources, land drainage, fisheries (including causes of mortalities), and prevention of river pollution (including the conditions of individual rivers and estuaries, changes in the discharge of sewage and trade waste waters, and specific instances of polluting discharges). WPA 36(10)1706. Glamorgan River Board (1962) Rep.Glamorgan Riv, Bd, 1962:74 р. 9-06043 Е Information on water resources and abstractions, land drainage, fisheries, and prevention of river pollution, including the characteristics of individual streams and details of remedial action, WPA 36(10)1707. Usk River Board (1962) Rep.Usk Riv.Bd, 1962:82 р. 9-06044 Е Information on water resources and abstractions, land drainage, fisheries, and prevention of river pollution, including the characteristics of individual streams and details of remedial action. WPA 36(10)1707. 9-06045 Е UN Water Resources Development Centre (1962) Bienn.Rep.U.N.Wat.Resour.Developm.Cent. , 2:26 p. Contains a review of the work of the U.N. Water Resources Development Centre and of the activities of other United Nations organizations in the field of water resources, WPA 36(11)1727. Germany. Federal Republic, 9-06046 G Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei in Hamburg (1962) Inform,Fischw,, 9(1/2):42 р. Contains notes and extracts on scientific, technical and economical findings, develop- ments and practices in fisheries in Germany and other countries, and a short list of new publications. 314 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Burgers, J.M. (1961) 9-06047 M Trans.Amer.geophys.Un., 42(3):304-5 Reviews. Hydrodynamics of oceans and atmospheres Ве 61-01138, Roden, G.1. (1964) 9-06048 M J.geophys.Res., 69(14):2899-915 Shallow temperature inversions in the Pacific Ocean Jerlov, N. (Ed.)(1961)C 9-06049 M Paris, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 135 p. The radiant energy in the sea Aver'ianov, А.С. et al. (1961)B 9-06050 M Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (2):16 р. (Deep seismic sounding in the zone of transitior from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean during the IGY). Ru Khundzhua, G.G. (1961)B 9-06051 M Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (2):8 р. (On the theory of a noncontact method of determining sea water salinity). Ru Popov, S.M. & S.A. Ryazanov 9-06052 M (1961)B | Izv.Akad.Neuk SSSR(geofiz.), (2):13 р. (The significance of effective radiation in the thermal balance of the ocean), Ru Bulgakov, N.P. (1961)B 9-06053 M Izv.Aked,Neuk SSSR(geofiz.), (2):5 р. (On determining the depth of density mixing). Ru - BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (6) Korshunov, lu.S. (1961)B 9-0605 M Izv.Aked.Nauk SSSR(geofiz,), (2):4 р. (The influence of shallow depths on the stability of waves), Ru Monakhov, F.I. (1961)B 9-06055 M Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (3):9 р. (Frequency selection of ocean storm microseisms Ru itaigorodsky, S.A. (1961)B 9-06056 M Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (3):8 р. (On the possibility of theoretical calculation of vertical temperature profile in upper layer of the sea), Bu Malakhov, S.G. € L.D. Solodikhina (1961)B Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz,), (1):5 р. (On natural radioactivity of atmospheric air aná precipitation in Norwegian Sea region), Ru 9-06057 M Berezin, D.P. (1960)B 9-06058 M Geodez.i Kartogr.(En Abstr.), (9):7 p. The reduction of water level marks to "low water” level Malkus, J.S. (1963) 9-06059 M Science, 141(3583):767-78 Cloud patterns over tropical oceans Precise description of cumulus clouds over tropical ocean is made by the reconnaisance flight (1957) as a problem of air sea interaction. ANON. (1962) 9-06060 M Brit,Commun,Electron,, 9(1):46 Oceanographic instrumentation boom? Developments in oceanographic instrumentation and future trends in the U.S.A. are surveyed. IA 17(3)1582. Campbell, D.E., R.J. Cyr € C. Crosier (1962) Electronics, 35(2):53-5 Underwater telemetry for oceanographic research 9-06061 M An underwater acoustic F.M./F.M. system is described, together with its application with deep-sea probes, ТА 17(3)1824, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Deuphinee, T.M., C. Kirby & H. Preston-Thomas (1961) Acta Imeko, (4):178-96 An apparatus for measuring temperature and depth in the ocean 9-06062 M An account is given of an apparatus capable of giving reliable on-deck recording of temperat- ure-depth profiles, The temperature head is suitable for work in the range -2 to plus 32 deg.C to depths of several km; its time constant is 0,2s and the output is linear, The regulator pressure head with a rate of response of 3 to 30m/s is very accurate, the output being linear or logarithmic. IA 17(7)4470, Shemilt, H.R. (1962) 9-06063 M Envirorm.Engng, (2):25-7 Simulating marine environment The problem of accurate simulation is discussed and the need for standardization is stressed, IA 17(10)6390, Shergalis, L.D. (1962) 9-06064 M Electronics, 35(31):28-9 Oceanographers grapple with telemetry problems Various problems are discussed and an acoustic flowmeter, developed by Westinghouse ordnance division, which can measure water velocity to a fraction of a knot, is mentioned, ТА 17(10)688k, Fye, P.M. (1962) 9-06065 M Mech.Engng,N.Y., 84(9) :54-7 Underwater research Oceanographic methods and equipment are reviewed, 10 references. TA 37(312)7701, Mellen, R.H. (1964) 9-06066 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 36(7):1395 Doppler shift of soner backscatter from the sea surface Kanwisher, J.W. (1962) 9-06067 M Mar.Sci.Instrum., 1:334-9 Oxygen and carbon dioxide instrumentation Methods of measuring dissolved 02 and CO2 in water are described: a polarographic method is used for 02, and CO2 is measured by infrared absorption in a gas phase equilibrated with the water, CR 9-06013, IA 17(12)8078, 9 (6) 315 Laing, J.T. (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum, , 1:65-76 A data processing and display instrument for oceanographic records 9-06068 M The system consists of a high-speed digital computer and a precision x-y plotter, CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8172. Harford, J.W. & E.D. 9-06069 M Van Reenan (1962) Mar.Sci.Instrum., 1:88-00 Data recording device for underwater instrumentation Modified cameras. CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)818k. Barmat, M. (1962) 9-06070 M Mar.Sci.Instrum., 1:289-93 Thermoelectric power for oceanographic research Thermoelectric generators as power sources in oceanography are discussed, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8200. Chalupnik, J.D. € P.S. Green 9-06071 M (1962) Mar.Sci.Instrum., 1:194-9 A Doppler-shift ocean current meter CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8357. Suellentrop, F.J., A.E. Brown 9-06072 M & Е. Rule (1962) Mar, Sci, Instrum, , 1:190-3 An acoustic ocean-current meter Two sing-around velocimeters are arranged so that the transmission paths are side-by-side and of equal length, but with pulses travelling in opposite directions, One velocimeter measures the sum of the speed of sound and the speed of current flow, the other the difference, CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)835€. 316 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1962) Var, Sci.Instrum, , 1:200-4 Hign-eccuracy, self-calibrating acoustic flow meters 9-06073 M The construction and limitations of some acoustic meters for measuring ocean flows are discussed, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8359. Richardson, W.S. (1962) Mar.Ssci.Instrum., 1:205-9 Current measurements from moored buoys 9-06074 M A system is reported in which current measurements are made and recorded on photographic film by self-contained instruments located at 500m intervals On the mooring rope of a buoy. CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8360, McAllister, R.F. (1962) Mar.Sci,Instrum,, 1:210-22 Deep current measurements near Bermuda 9-06075 M Current me*ers connected by cable to the recording station are described. CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8361. Hueter, T.F., О.М. Baker & J.T. Shaw (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum., 1:21-4 Acoustical noise measuring buoy with digital data recording 9-06076 M À deep-moored buoy has been developed for operation unattended for three months; data is recorded photographically in binary digital code, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8l402, Ketchum, D.D. & В.С. Stevens (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum, , 1:55-60 A data acquisition and reduction system for oceanographic measurements 9-06077 M CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8404, Knott, S.T. (1962) Mar, Sci. Instrum., 1:251-62 Use of the precision graphic recorder (PGR) in oceanography 9-06078 M The recorder presents successive samples of time-related data side-by-side for visual correlation, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8405. Walden, В.С. & О.Н. Frentz (1962) Mer.Sci.Instrum., 1:50-4 A long-renge, oceanographic telemetering system 9-06079 M Details are given of a low cost transponding buoy for long range ocean telemetry. CR 9-06013, ТА 17(12)8h06, McLoon, C. (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum,, 1:61-4 The problems of reliable long-range transmissior of remote oceanographic measurements 9-06080 M CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8407. Lovett, J.R. (1962) 9-06081 M Mar.Sci.Instrum,, 1:168-72 The SVTP instrument and some applications to oceanography In the SVIP (sound, velocity, temperature and pressure) instrument, sound velocity is measured by a modified N.B.S. sing-around velocimeter, temperature by a thermistor- controlled Wien bridge oscillator and pressure by a vibrotron, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8409, Mangelsdorf, Р.С. (1962) 9-06082 M Mar.Sci,Instrum,, 1:173-85 The world's longest salt bridge A variation of the geomagnetic electrokineto- graph has been developed in which the 2lectrodes remain aboard ship, using polyethylene tubing filled with sea water to make the electrical connexions to the sea. CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8410, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 317 Dow, W. & S.L. Stillman (1962) 9-06083 M Mar.Sci,instrum,., 1:263-72 Inverted echo sounder The instrument was designed to provide a continvous precise measurement of the depth of other instruments being lowered with it, CR 9-06013. ТА 17(12)8412, ANON. (1962) Electronics, 35(36):26-7 Oceanographers seek exclusive radio channels in marine bands 9-06084 M Proposals of a working group of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (10C) on allocation of h.f. radio bands for oceanography, ТА 17(12)8414, Campanella, A.J. (1962) 9-06085 M Mar.Sci,Instrum., 1:39-49 A telemetering thermometer A thermistor thermometer for use with a radio telemetering link from a drift buoy. CR 9-06013, IA 17(12)0425, NOM 629682) 220-1 on Radioactive isotope studies WPA 36(5)727. Clark, J.R. & J.L. Frank (1963) 9-06087 M Undersea Technol,, 4(10):20-3 Infra-red measurements of sea surface temperatures Technique pioneered by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the early 50's for use in locating and studying Gulf Stream fronts. Strokina, L.A. (1962)B 9-06088 M Trud.geofiz.Obs. ,Leningr., (133):3-25 (The heat balance of the oceans), Ru Strokina, L.A. (1962)BC 5828.1 1963 (5415) The heat balance of the oceans 9-06089 M En 9-06088, Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, Corneretto, A. (1963) Electrrc.Desien, 11(15):8-10 Designers strain to meet needs of oceanography 9-06090 M Solid-state, water current measuring system developed by White Avionics, U.S.A., the ACF Industries Inc, velocimeter, to measure velocity of sound in sea water and Pb(Nbo3)2 hydrophone are described, ТА 18(10)6494. Rao, V.N. (1963) 9-06091 M Indian J.pure appl.Phys., 1(2):69-72 An instrument for measuring small changes in the velocity of sound in the sea IA 18(10)6697. Bezrukov, P.L. € V.P. Petelin 9-06092 M (Е.В. Hope, Transl.)(1962)C DSIS T 370 R, 3 p. Experience in working with impact core-samplers En Bezrukov, P.L, & V.P. Petelin, 1951. Available from National Research Council, Library, Ottawa 2, Canada, Kudinov, E.I. (E.R. Hope, 9-06093 M Transl, )(1962)c DSIS T 369 R, 3 p. Hydraulic expulsion of cores from core- samplers En Kudinov, E.I., 1951. Available from National Research Council, Library, Ottawa 2, Canada, Dehlinger, P. € S.H. Yungul (1962) J.geophys.Res., 67(11):4389-94 Experimental determination of the reliability of the LaCoste and Romberg surface-ship gravity meter 9-06094 M IA 18(8)52h1, Gantar, C., C. Morelli & M. Pisani (1962) J.geophys.Res., 67(11):4}11-9 Experimental study of the response of the Graf-Askania Gss2, no. 13, sea gravity meter 9-06095 M ТА 18(8)52h2, 318 Allan, T.D. (1962) J.geophys.Res., 67(13):5157-62 Comparison of Graf-Askania and LaCoste-Romberg surface-ship gravity meters 9-06096 M ТА 18(8)5243, Scheube, H.G. (1963) Askania-Warte, 20(61):1-9 Erdmagnetische Tiefensondierung (Geomagnetic depth sounding) 9-06097 M Comparatively recent development in geophysical research is discussed in relation to two proven methods of depth sounding. 12 references, ТА 18(8)5248, Herzen, В.Р., А.Е. Maxwell & J.M. Snodgrass (1962) Temp.Meas.Contr.Sci.lnd., 3(1):769-77 Measurement of heat flow through the ocean floor 90-0608 M Apparatus and techniques are considered, 11 references, ТА 18(8)5254, Dauphinee, Т.М, & Н. Preston- Thomas (1962) Temp.Meas,Contr.Sci.Ind., 3(1):739-№9 The measurement of ocean temperature 9-06099 M Deep sea reversing thermometer and Spilhaus bathythermograph are described and related to an ideal thermometer and some modern temperature measurement methods are discussed, 20 references, ТА 18(8)5255. Bowers, В. (1963) Radio electron.Engr, 25(5):457-60 A high-power, low-frequency sonar for sub-bottom profiling 9-06100 M Surveys are carried out at 7 1/2 knots with a resolution of 6 ft and a penetration of up to 1000 ft, IA 18(8)5551. Cartwright, D.E., M.J. Tucker 9-06101 M & D. Catton (1962) Trans.Soc.Instrum.Tech., 14(1):1-14 Digital techniques for the study of sea waves, ship motion and allied processes IA 17(5)3006, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bouchet, J.-M. (1962) 9-06102 M Bull, Inst.océanogr.Monaco, 59(1233):1-19 Etude préliminaire des conditions physiques et sédimentologiques d'un chenal du Bassin d'Arcachon (Chenal du Courbey) (Physical and sedimentological studies of the channel in the Bassin d'Arcachon (Chenal du Courbey)). En The eastern part of this channel is briefly studied here in order to permit precise studies during the next seasons. The bathymetric and the thermometric investigations and the study of the main currents show physical particular- ities. 52 draggings give information about the amount of CO3Ca, of organic substances in the bottom deposits below the Zostera marina beds. BA LOE(6)21861. Duursma, E.G. (1961) Neth.J.mar.Res., 1:1-147 Dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea 9-06103 M A review of the literature and reports on investigations in the Dutch Wadden Sea and the North Sea in the vicinity of Den Helder, the Norwegian Sea to the north-west of Bergen, Norway, and the North Atlantic ocean south of Greenland, МРА 35(11)2125. Zhavoronkina, Т.К. (1962) Trud.morsk.gidrofiz.Inst., 19:38-41 (Spectrographic determination of a number of trace elements in sea water). Ru 9-0610 M A method for nickel, copper, iron, vanadium, molybdenum and silver, The error analysis is plus/minus 15 per cent, WPA 35(11)2126, Postma, Н. (1961)B Netherl.J.mar.Res., 1:148-90 Transport and accumulation of suspended matter in the Dutch Wadden Sea 9-06105 M WPA 35(11)2141. Cioglia, L. & B. Loddo (1961) Nuovi Ann.Ig.Microbiol,, 12:15-36 (The process of self-purification in a marine environment, 1. Comparative resistance of micro-organisms of faecal origin). It En 9-06106 M Discusses the significance of bacteria in sea water as an indication of pollution, WPA 35(11)2214, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Murphy, J. & J.P. Riley (1962) Analyt.chim,acta., 27:31-6 A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters 9-06107 M A modification of a single-solution method for the determination of phosphate in sea water has been developed, in which the reagent is prepared by adding antimony to the mixture of acidified ammonium molybdate and ascorbic acid, WPA 36(9)1455. Bougis, Р. (1963) J.Cons., 28(2):171-4 Comparaison des méthodes au diéthyldithio- carbamate de sodium (SDDC) et 3 la 2-2! - diquinolyle pour le dosage du cuivre en eau de mer (Comparison of the method of diethyldithio- carbamate of sodium (SDDC) with that of 2-2! - diquinolyle for the determination of copper in sea water) 9-06108 M Booker, P.G. (1961) J.Cons., 26:133-47 New sea temperature measuring devices 9-06100 M Description with circuit diagrams of a new temperature -depth recorder and a thermistor thermometer, both accurate to plus/minus 1% full-scale deflection, JAE 31(3):625, Sanders, J.E." (1962) J.M2r.Res., 20:217-22 À new internel curved-gate core retainer 9-06110 M Illustrated description of a device to prevent loss of sand from sediment core samplers, WPA 36(10)1595, Benson, B.B. & P.D.M. Parker 9-06111 M (1961) J.phys.Chem. , 65 :1489-96 Relations among the solubilities of nitrogen, argon and oxygen in distilled water and sea vater Using a mass spectrometer, experiments were made to determine the ratio of the solubilities of nitrogen and argon in sea water as a function of temperature and salinity, and in distilled water as a function of temperature. The ratio of the solubilities of nitrogen and oxygen were also determined. Results are tabulated and used to compare the conflicting solubilities previously reported in the literature, WPA 36(10)1598. 9 (6) 319 Sackett, М. € С. Arrhenius (1962) Geochim,et cosmoch,Acta, 26:955-68 Determination of aluminium species in the ocean 9-06112 M A method for determining the different forms of aluminium in the ocean is based on the fluorescence of the complex of aluminium with pontachrome blue-black(C.I. Mordant Black 17) in the range 635-700 rap when irridated with ultraviolet light; the intensity of fluorescence is directly proportional to the concentration of aluminium in the microgram range. WPA 36(10)1607. Moore, G.W., C.E. Roberson & 9-06113 M H.D. Nygren (1962) Prof.Pap.U.S.geol.Surv.; 450B:B.83-6 Electrode determination of the carbon dioxide content of sea water and deep-sea sediment The partial pressure of carbon dioxide was measured in samples of water and sediment in the North Pacific using a Severinghaus electrod incorporating the glass-electrode principle. Results are given diagramatically for water at oceanographic stations along the 160th meridian from Alaska to Hawaii, Additional data on temperature, oxygen concentration, and PH value are given for a typical station about 350 km north-west of Honolulu, and the measured and calculated values of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide are compared. WPA 36(10)1609, Chow, T.J. & E.D. Goldberg 9-06114 M (1962) J.Mar.Res,, 20:163-7 Mass spectrometric determination of lithium in sea water The concentrations of lithium in waters of the Pacific Ocean to depths of more than 4000 m were determined using isotope dilution techniques with a mass spectrometer; detailed procedure is described and the results are tabulated. WPA 36(10)1610, 320 Kabanova, Iu.G. (1961) Trud. Inst.okeanol., 47:182-7 (Determination of organic phosphorus in sea water). Ru 9-06115 M An improved method for determining the concentration of organic phosphorus in sea water is described. Instead of ignition to convert organic phosphorus to mineral phosphorus, the Harvey method, comprising the destruction of the organic compounds with sulphuric acid in en autoclave under pressure, is used. WPA 36(10)1615, Yoshikawa, K., T. Mamuro & 9-06116 M T. Azuma (1961) Rep.Radiat.Centre,Osaka, 1961(2):20-3 Measurement of Cs-137 concentration in the sea water of Osaka Bay WPA 36(10)1619, Waldichuk, M. € E.L. Bousfield (1962)A J.Fish,Res.Bd Can,, 19:1163-5 Amphipods in low-oxygen marine waters adjacent to a sulphite pulp mill 9-06117 M WPA 36(10)1728. Constantinescu, G. (1961) 9-06118 M Met.i.Gidrol., 6:147-51 Waste water discharge in the sea Use of waste water from communities near the coast of Rumania for irrigation of dry agricultural land is the most economical and hygienic method of disposal, avoiding pollution of sea water. ; WPA 36(11)1843. Pillai, К.С. € А.К. Ganguly (1961) Atom, Energ.Est, Trombay, India, AEET/EP/R-11, 38 p. Evaluation of maximum permissible concentration of radioisotopes in sea waters of Bombay 9-06119 M It is considered that the population of Bombay may be exposed to significant amounts of radiation from the disposal of radioactive waste waters into the sea from Trombay and the intake of radioactivity through consumption of salt manufactured from sea water or of fish harvested from the sea, WPA 36(11)1877. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pritchard, D.W., A. Okubo & E. Mehr (1962)c U.S.Atom.Energ.Comm., NYO-8102, 96 р. A study of the movement and diffusion of en introduced contaminant in New York harbour waters 9-06120 M With a view to predicting the spread of any radioective material that might be introduced into the waters of the New York harbour estuarine system, particularly from nuclear- Powered ships, direct observations of the movement and dispersion of an introduced radioactive contaminant were made on an hydraulic model of the system, and the results were compared with those obtained from a mathematical model. WPA 36(11)1883. Polikarpov, G.G. (1961) Priroda, Moskva, 2:83 Pogloshchenie strontsiia 90 morskimi organizmami (The absorption of strontium-90 by marine organisms) 9-06121 M Study of the uptake by actiniae, molluscs, shrimp, crab and algae, Ryazantsev, V.I. (1960)B 9-06122 MF Geodez,i Kartogr. (En Abstr.), (4):8 р. The portrayal of underwater relief by isobaths Halsband, E. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(1):1-8 Biologische Testmethoden zur Bestimmung der Abwasserlast eines Gewässers (Biological testing methods for the determination of the pollution degree in water) 9-06123 MF Heesterman, J.E. (1962) Trop. Abstr,, 17(10):649-52 Production of fresh water from saline water 9-06124 MF WFA 14(3)3091. ANON, (1961) Instrum,Pract,, 15(11):1412-3 Instrumentation in water research 9-06125 MF Work in the various sections of the Water Research Association is very briefly described. IA 17(2)682. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Veise, L. (1961) 9-06126 MF Kerntechnik, 3:164-7 A new type of engineering method for the eortinuous radiation monitoring of water and waste water, De A monitor is described, IA 17(1)77. Abdus Satter, A.L. (1961) 9-06127 MF J.sci.Irdustr,Res.(D), 20:209-12 Air concentration meter A meter for the study of air/water mixtures is described. IA 17(1)180, Hueter, Т.Р. 8 Р.Н. Moose (1961) 9-06128 MF J.acoust,Soc,Amer,, 33(11):1628-9 Optimum hyárophone design for low frequencies A discussion is given of the relative merits of spherical, cylindrical and disk-shaped configurations, ТА 17(3)181k. Kiselev, V.I. (1962) 9-06129 MF Priborostroenie (En Transl,), (1):29-30 Hydrological electric remote indicating depthmeter The detecting element is a Bourdon tube connected to a slide-wire potentiometer; a measuring bridge is connected by a three- wire transmission line, IA 17(9)6088, Fletcher, K. (1962) 9-06130 MF Brit, Commun.Electron., 9(7):512-5 Measuring salinity in coastal waters An instrument based on the measurement of electrical conductivity, measures ir situ salinity at depths down to 55 fathoms, ТА 17(9)6091. Leonard, J.E. (1962) 9-06131 MF Analyzer, 3(2):5-8 Glass electrodes for the direct measurement of sodium ion activity in aqueous solutions ТА 17(7)4161. Hopkins, Т.Г, (1962) 9-06132 MF Limnol,& Oceanogr,, 7:124-6 À zooplankton sub-sampler Gives illustrated description of a device for Sub-sempling large zooplankton collections, Ww 321 Chaudhuri, J.C., A.D. Purohit 9-06133 MF & T.N. Bhergava (1962) Curr,sci,, 31:418 A new turbidimetric method of determination of sulphate in brackish water WPA 36(5)724. UN (1962)B 9-06134 MF ТТ p. Weter pollution control in Europe Holden, A.V. (1962) 9-06135 MF Eff1.Wat.Treatm.J., 2:338-В0 А simple automatic water sampler Ill, account of a simple battery-operated automatic sempling apparatus, which is easily constructed from standard laboratory equipment, U.K. Ministry of Housing and 9-06136 MF Local Government (1961)C London, H.M.S.O., 72 Po Pollution of the tidal Thames, Report of the departmental committee on the effects cf heated and other effluents and discharses on the condition of the tidal reeches of the River Themes Montgomery, HAC. & 4,5, Thom 9-06137 MF (10%2) ‘ 629-97 ation of low concentration of » уз ter An accurate method for the determination of low concentrations of organic carbon in fresh water or saline water is described. WPA 36(0)1446, Apte, V.R., 5.3. Debadghao & 2-06238 MF W.M. Deshpande (1962) Environ, With India, 4:202-4 Rapid methods for determination of dissolved oxygen Results are given of studies to compare colorimetric and polarographic methods for determining dissolved oxygen with the conventional titrimetric Winkler method, WPA 36(9)1451, 322 Sneed, К.Е. & Н.К. Dupree (1962) 9-06139 MF Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv,-Fish,, (426): 1-13 An electrical oxygen-temperature meter for fishery biologists Describes design and operation of a device for measuring dissolved oxygen and temperature in the field. WPA 36(9)1453. Bruun, P. (1962) 9-06140 MF Rev.En Сео1., 1:39-103 Engineering aspects of sediment transport Review includes sections on sediment transport in alluvial channels and in closed conduits, stable channels in alluvium, silting of reservoirs, sediment transport on sea shores, and tracing of sediment transport (especially the use of radioactive tracers). WPA 36(9)1463, Schilling, K. (1961) Yom Wasser, 28:123-202 Manganese in water chemistry 9-06141 YF Deals with the occurrence of manganese in nature, the chemistry of manganese end its compounds, reactions of manganese in water and their use in various determinations, methods for removal of rargarese from water and the chemical reactions involved, and tie various forms and action of manganese bacteria, WPA 36(11)1816. ANON. (1962) Effl.Wat.Treatm.J., 2:546-8 Water, the No.1 problem 9-06142 MF Extracts are given from the report of a committee set up by the U.S. Public Health Service in 1961 to investigate the extent of water pollution in the U.S.A. The subjects considered include stream pollution; pollution of ground water by septic tanks, salt water intrusion and lagoons; pollution of estuarine and coastal waters; and the effects of discharging various types of industrial waste water into watercourses, WPA 36(11)1875. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES szumiec, M. (1961) 9-06143 Е Acta hydrobiol, Kraków, 3(2/3):133-41 Eingangsmessungen der Strahlungsintensität in Teichen (Introductory measurements of light intensity in ponds). Pl Gives details of preliminary measurements made in July and August 1957 with an actinometer in open waters and in different types of pond vegetation. Schicht, R.J. & W.C. Walton (1961)c Urbana, Illinois State Water Survey Hydrologic budgets for three small watersheds 9-06144 F Recharge, run-off, and storage discussed in relation to climate, geology and geomorphology, as representative of similar type areas. Khvan, A.P. (1961)B 9-06145 F Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (3):5 р. (Computation of the height of damped waves in a very shallow lake), Ru Ivanov, N.I. (1960)B 9-06146 Е Geodez,i Kartogr, (En Abstr,), (4):4 р. Determination of inaccessible water levels on mountain rivers Österreichischer Fischereiver- band (1959) Ost,Fisch,, 12(5/6):94 р. Seen, Flüsse und Bäche im Salzkammergut, Landschaftlich, fischereilich, erdgeschichtlich naturkundlich (Lakes, rivers and streams in Salzkammergut, Landscape, fisheries, geology and natural history) 9-06147 Е Wiley, C.M. (1961) Electronics, 34(49):28 Telemetry studies pollution 9-06148 F Brief details are given of the telemetering equipment which is being used in a study of pollution in Lake Michigan, ТА 17(3)1825. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Selby, J.M. et al. (1961) 9-06149 Е Hlth Phys,, 6:149-51 A proportional continuous river and stream water sampler at Georgia Nuclear Laboratories The water sampler is powered by the river, IA 17(9)5789. АМОМ. (1962) Mech, En N.Y., 84(4):63 Diatometers 9-06150 F The use of a diatom sampling apparatus for the study of the condition of streams is described, This article is based on a paper by J.B. Coghill, IA 17(7)4144, ANON. (1962) Process Contr.Autom., 9(10):476-7 Sewage works process control with D.S.I.R.- developed units 9-06151 F A portable automatic water sampler and a photoelectric sludge detector, developed by the Water Pollution Research Laboratory of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, U.K., are supplied by the Special Products Division of Elcontrol Ltd. ТА 17(12)8057, Schaefer, W. (1962) Arch,tech,Messen, (318):167-8 Flüssigkeitsanalyse (Fluid analysis) 9-06152 Е This is а review of the developments in industrial continuous analysis of fluids, Electro-chemical and physical methods of analysis are dealt with, as is the analysis of water, IA 17(12)8059. Hill, М.Н., М.А. Shapiro & 9-06153 Е У. Kobayashi (1962) J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 54:409-16 Determination of alkylbenzenesulphonate in water WPA 36(5)719. Churchill, M.A., H.L. Elmore & В.А. Buckingham (1962) Proc.Amer,Soc.civ,Engrs., 88:1-16 The prediction of stream re-aeration rates 9-06154 Е WPA 36(5)736. 9 (6) 323 U.K. Department of Scientific 9-06155 F and Industrial Research (1961) Notes Wat.Pollut., (13):4 р. some effects of pollution on fish WPA 36(5)808, Hilsenhoff, W.L. (1962) Mosquito News, 22(1):14-5 Toxicity of granular malathion to walleyed- pike fingerlings 9-06156 Е WPA 36(5)812. Mann, H. € O.J. Schmid (1961) 9-06157 F Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46:419-26 The influence of detergents upon sperm, fertilization and development in the trout WPA 36(5)813. Fish, Е.Е. (1959) J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 51:47-50 Effect of impoundment on downstream water quality, Roanoke River, North Carolina 9-06158 F Impoundment has exerted dual effects upon dissolved O(DO)conens. immediately downstream: the av, summer DO concns, have been significantly reduced and variations in DO conens, are much wider, BA 40E(6)21889, Carr, J.F. (1962) 9-06159 F Publ.Gr.Lakes Res.Div., (9):1-14 Dissolved oxygen in Lake Erie, past and present Includes brief summary of records of each major limnological survey 1928-1961, and charts indicate area where deficiencies were found. Smith, S.H. (1962) Limnol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):330-4 Temperature correction in conductivity measurements 9-06160 F Electrical conductivity has been widely used in freshwater research but usual methods employed by limnologists for converting measurements to conductance at a given temperature have not given uniformly accurate results, High precision can be obtained only by determining temperature coefficients for each water studied. Mean temperature coefficients are given for various temperature ranges that may be used where less precision is required, BA LOE(6)21902, 324 DeCooke, B.G. (1961) 9-06161 Е Publ.Gr.Lakes Res.Div., (7):79-84 Forecasting Great Lakes levels Koeppe, R. (1961) 9-06162 F Z.Fisch., 9:771-94 The toxicology and toxicity of toxaphene with respect to fish and aquatic food animals All species of fish tested proved to be very sensitive to toxaphene (I) in conens, of 0,001- 0,05 p.p.m, although carp were more resistant, I proved 10 times as toxic as lindane to the fish tested. The course of poisoning was characterised by various stages of intoxication with the temps. of the water influencing the duration of the course of posioning, but not the lethal dose. Fish exposed briefly to the lethal dose if I recovered when placed in I-free water. Normally, fish stopped feeding on I-poisoned food animals after slight damage had occurred, with subsequent recovery. However, fish exposed to sub-lethal doses of I or weakened by parasites usually died after eating I-poisoned food animals, Food animals were generally resistant to I. BA №0Е(6)21932. Boetius, J. (1960) 9-06163 F Medd, Danm, Fisk, Havundersgg., 3(4):93-115 Lethal action of mercuric chloride and phenyl-mercuric acetate on fishes In Danish agriculture some mercurial preparations are used as fungicides in the treatment of grain and beet seeds. Instances of fish-killing have motivated these investig- ations on Tilapia, Eupomotis, Amblopites, Lebistes, Salmo and Gasterosteus. BA 37E(5)16971. ANON. (1960-61)B 9-06164 F Wat.Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., 1459:268 р. Chemistry of iron in natural water WPA 35(11)2120. Hem, J.D. (1960-61)B 9-06165 Е Wat,Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., 1459:33-55 Restraints on dissolved ferrous iron imposed by bicarbonate, redox potential, and pH WPA 35(11)2120, Hem, J.D, (1960-61)B 9-06166 F Wat. Supply Pap.U.S.geol,Surv,, 1459:57-73 Some chemical relationships among sulphur species and dissolved ferrous iron WPA 35(11)2120, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hem, J.D. (1960-61)B 9-06167 F Wat, Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., 1459:75-94 Complexes of ferrous iron with tannic acid WPA 35(11)2120, Hem, J.D. & M.W. Skougstad 9-06168 F (1960-61)B Wat. Supply Pap,U,S,geol,Surv,, 1459:95-110 Coprecipitation effects in solutions containing ferrous, ferric, and cupric ions WPA 35(11)2120, Oborn, E.T. (1960-61)B 9-06169 F Wat.Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv,, 1459:111-90 A survey of pertinent biochemical literature WPA 35(11)2120. Oborn, Е.Т. (1960-61)B 9-06170 F Wat.Supply Pap,U.S,geol,Surv,, 1459:191-211 Iron content of selected water and land plants WPA 35(11)2120, Oborn, E.T. € J.D. Hem (1960-61)B Wat.Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., 1459:213-35 Microbiologic factors in the solution and transport of iron 9-06171 F WPA 35(11)2120, Gorham, E. (1961) Bull.geol.Soc,Amer,, 72:795-840 Factors influencing the supply of major ions to inland waters, with special reference to the atmosphere 9-06172 Е Reviews past and present theories, WPA 35(11)2123. U.K, Ministry of Housing and Local 9-06173 Е Government, Scottish Development Department, and Ministry of Health and Local Government, Northern Ireland (1962)BC London, H.M.S.O., 20 p. Radiostrontium and radiocaesium in drinking water in the United Kingdom WPA 35(11)2133. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Harbeck, С.Е. & A.F.C. 9-06174 F Greene (1961) Trans. Amer,Fish,Soc., 90:494-7 A method of estimating maximum temperature to be expected in ponds aná small lakes Predicts from analysis of meteorological and hydrological data. An equation is given for vodies of water less than 15-20 ft deep. WPA 35(11)2139. Guy, Н.Р. € G.E. Ferguson (1962) Proc, Amer,Soc.clv,Engrs, 88 HY2(3070):27-37 Sediment in small reservoirs due to urbanization 9-06175 Е Lake Barcroft, near Washington D.C. is discussed. Factors affecting sedimentation in urbanized areas are listed, WPA 35(11)21h0, Bull, D.E. (1962) Int.J.appl.Radiat.Isot., 13:63-73 Dispersion and persistence of tracer in river flow measurements 9-06176 Е Tests using 014-198 as tracer, in the South Fork of the American river, to determine the limits of distance between the Geiger counter and the point of addition of tracer which permit setisfactory measurements, WPA 35(11)2142. U.K. Institute of Sewage 9-06177 F Purification, Scottish Branch (1962)BC Edinburgh, Institute of Sewage Purification, s100”"p. Symposium on river pollution prevention Contains the full text of the papers presented at a symposium on river pollution prevention, Edinburgh, March 1962, WPA 35(11)2205. Contains 9-06178 to 9-06181. Waddington, J.J. (1962)B In 9-06177:3-31 River purification and the development of water resources 9-06178 F WPA 35(11)2205. 9 (6) 325 Biggs, А.Т. (1962)B In 9-06177:32-45 Industry's problems in connection with the control of tidal waters by river boards and river purification boards 9-06179 Е МРА 35(11)2205. Covill, В.М. (1962)B In 9-06177:46-85 An appraisal of the standards recommended by the Royal Commission on sewage disposal 1898- 1915 9-06180 Е WPA 35(11)2205. Herriot, А. (1962)B In 9-06177:86-100 Sewage treatment in Scotland - the cost of the service 9-06181 F WPA 35(11)2205, Colas, В. (1962)c 9-06182 Е Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 128 р. Pollution of waters Contains sections on legislation and administrative aspects of the control of pollution, both in France and in other countries; and technical aspects of water pollution control, including the treatment of sewage and trade waste waters, and international and economic aspects of the problem. WPA 35(11)2206. Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning (1961)c Blindern, 64 р. (Investigations on pollution in the Dramselva in 1959). № En 9-06183 Е Physico-chemical, bacteriological and biological investigations are reported on the river which flows through a highly industrialized region of Norway. WPA 35(11)2207. Balani, М.С. & Н.Г. Sarkar 9-06184 Е (1961)B Bull,publ,Hlth Engng Res, Inst,Nagpur, 3(2):8 р. Preliminery studies on the pollution of the River Jumna МРА 35(11)2209. 326 Arora, H.C. (1961) 9-06185 F Bull,publ,Hlth Engng Res, Inst, Nagpur, 3(4):24 Rotifera as indicators of pollution Preliminary experiments in India suggest that these organisms may be used and may assist in the self -purification of polluted waters. WPA 35(11)2217. Krishnamoorthi, K.P. (1961)B 9-06186 F Bull.publ.Hlth Engng Res,Inst, ‚Nagpur, 3(4):31- 36 A review of some aspects of fish mortality WPA 35(11)2219. Katz, M. & G.G. Chadwick (1961)B Trans,Amer.Fish,Soc,, 90:394-7 Toxicity of endrin to some Pacific Northwest fishes 9-06187 Е The toxicity of the insecticide endrin to spring chinook and coho salmon, rainbow trout, bluegill, mosquitofish, guppies, and the marine threespine stickleback was determined at 20 degrees С. WPA 35(11)2221, Harris, W.P. Jr. (1960) 9-06188 F News Lett.Cranbrook Inst.Sci,, 29(7):62-72 Lake superior and the fluctuations in water levels in the Great Lakes Blust, F.A. (1962) 9-06189 Е Inl.Seas, 18(2):136-9 The water levels of Lake Ontario Nazarenko, I.V. (1960) 9-06190 F Trud.vsesoiuz.gidrobiol.Obshch., 10:170-4 The effect of formaldehyde on aquatic organisms Studies effect of concentrations of 1 to 50 mg per litre, on organisms, including freshly spawned Leucaspius, water fleas, hornwort (Ceratophyllum), and Protococcus. WPA 35(11)2226, Dietrich, K.R. (1964) Wass.Luft Betrieb, 8(3):146-9 The third purification stage as a partiel measure in protecting lakes and rivers from pollution 9-06191 Е 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Buydens, R. (1960) 9-06192 F Bull.mens,Cent.belg.Étud,Eaux, (111):90-5 The pollution of water by petrolium products Recent cases of pollution of surface and ground water in Germany, Sweden and the U.S.A. are reviewed. WPA 35(11)2231, Welter, L. & D. Briard (1960) 9-06193 F Bull.mens.Cent.belg.Étud.Eaux, (111):103-6 The pollution of water by military aerodromes WPA 35(11)2234, Tagatz, M.E. (1961) Chesapeake Sci., 2:65-71 Reduced oxygen tolerance and toxicity of petroleum products to juvenile American shad 9-06194 Е Experiments on Alosa sapidissima, WPA 35(11)2235. Schmidt, O.J. (1961) Publ.Wks,N.Y., (12):93-5 & 153-60 Significance of detergents in water pollution control 9-06195 F Describes methods of determining alkylbenzene- sulphonate in polluted water, and recent studies of biologically "soft" detergents which undergo biochemical degradion, Data are provided on the concentrations of alkylbenzenesulphonate where it may reach 1 mg per litre and ground water in the U.S.A. The most effective treatment uses activated carbon, No serious toxic effects have been observed, but long-term effects should be examined, WPA 35(11)2239. Elster, H.-J. (1962) 9-06196 F Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47:211-8 Lake types, flowing water types, and the saprobic system Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the trophic and saprobic systems for the classification of natural waters. WPA 36(9)1435. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 327 Malz, F. (1962) Gas-u.Wasserfach, 103:33-6 Progress in analysis of water and waste waters 9-06197 Е Describes developments made in the laboratories of the Emschergenossenschaft and the Lippeverband in methods of analysis of water, including the use of ges chromatography, photometry, cheletometry, micro-analysis, and polarography, WPA 36(5)1430. ANON. (1961) 9-06198 Е Bull.mens.Centr,belg.Eaux, 131:287-90 Analysis of toxic (or troublesome) substances in water International methods for the preliminary separation and determination of toxic and undesirable substances in water are reviewed, the importance of applying improved methods being stressed, WPA 36(9)1440, Valori, P., A.M. Alasia & F. Savoini (1961)B Chem.Zbl., 132:4127 Analysis of natural waters, 6. Use of a photo-duplicator to improve the method of determination of some metals (strontium, sodium, calcium) 9-06199 Е WPA 36(9)1441, Petrovic, 5., 5. Jankovic & М. Milojevic (1960) Bull.mens.Cent,belg,Etud,Eaux, (114/5):204-8 A new standard for determining the turbidity of water 9-06200 F Details of a new method for preparing standards for determining the turbidity of water, WPA 36(9)1459, Peacocke, М.А. (1962) 9-06201 Е Inform, Bull.Sci,Res,Coun,Jamaica, 3:30-2 The effect of temperature on the water loss of Mona reservoir The main causes of the loss of water from the Mona reservoir, Jamaica, WPA 36(9)1460, 9-06202 F ho: Kustermann, H. (1962)B Monatsbull, schweiz, Ver,Gas-u,Wasserfachm, , 25-31, 54-63, 82-93 Influence of organisms in the gravel bottom soils of rivers on seepage of water WPA 36(9)1462, Pantle, R. (1962) Gas- u.Wasserfach., 103:82-3 MNQ: mean low water as a basis of measurement 9-06203 Е The mean low water calculation, ММО, is an average of the lowest flows recorded in different years and is not statistically acceptable, It takes into account only the size of flow and not the period or the frequency of occurrence of low flow. The necessity for a more realistic basis of calculation and for the revision of coefficients and values based on MNQ (for example population equivalent) is discussed. A 7-day average (NQ7) is proposed. WPA 36(9)1465. ıwad Weiss, C.M. & R.T. Oglesby 9-06204 Е (1962)B J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 54:671-83 Limnology of a North Carolina reservoir and its use in water treatment WPA 34:1016, Barcelona, Centro de Estudios, 9-06205 F Investigación y Aplicaciones del Agua (1962) te Be First conference on the pollution of surface waters Contains the complete text of papers presented at a conference on pollution of surface waters, at the Centro de Estudios, Investigacién y Aplicaciones del Agua, Barcelona, November 1961, WPA 36(9)1543. Iwai, S. & S. Nambu (1961) 9-06206 F Tech, Rep, Engng Res.Inst.Kyoto Univ,, 11(10): 139-54 Evaluation of self-purification of short streams The theory of the Streeter-Phelps formula for de-oxygenation and re-oxygenation in polluted rivers was examined using a specially-designed experimental apparatus to produce conditions simulating those in a natural stream in motion, 9 (6) WPA 36(9)1546. 328 Vinberg, G.G. € T.N. Sivko 9-06207 F (1962) Int.J.Air Wat.Poll., 6:267-75 The sigrificance of photosynthetic areation in the oxygen balance of polluted waters Data on diurnal variations in oxygen concentration of water in polluted parts of the River Svisloch (30 Km above the Osipovichi dam) and in the Avtozavodsky reservoir which receives the very polluted water of the Svisloch River, Russia, are presented graphically and analysed to investigate methods for estimating quantitatively the contribution of photosynthesis to the oxygen balance of polluted rivers. WPA 36(9)1547. Paschalski, J. (1959) 9-06208 Е Zesz.nauk,wysz,Szk.roln,Olsztyn, 9(76):253-91 Tachymiksja jeziora Dargin (Leke Dargin - a study in tachymixis), pil En Ru Laskowska, H. & P. Olszewski 9-06209 F (1959) Zesz.nauk.wysz,Szk,roln.Olsztyn, 9(82):341-4 Posuwanie sie zanieczyszczeñ przeciw pradowi w szeregu powiazanych jezior (The forward movement of pollutions against the current observed in a number of connected lakes ET Osszewski, P. (1959) 9-06210 F Zesz.nauk.wysz.Szk.roln,Olsztyn, 9(81) :331-9 Usuwanie hypolimnionu jezior. Wyniki pierwszego roku eksperymentu na jeziorze Kortowskim (The removal of lake hypolimnion, Results of the first year of an experiment on the Kortowskie Lake). РТ Schelske, C.L., Е.Р. Hooper & E.J. Haertl (1962) Ecology, 43:646-53 Responses of а marl lake to chelated iron and fertilizer 9-06211 F Results of experiments in which chelated iron (iron sodium salt of N-hydroxyethylethylene- diaminetriacetic acid) and commercial fertilizer were added to a small marl leke in Michigan to determine whether or not primary productivity could be increased in an entire lake as it had been in the bottle experiments, WPA 36(10)1590, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Mackereth, F.J.H. (1963) 9-06212 F Sci.Publ,Freshwat.biol.Ass.Brit.Emp.,(21):72 р. Some methods of water analysis for limnologists Describes methods of chemical analysis suitable for use in limnological investigations they are based on methods used by the Freshwater Biological Association and taught in its courses on freshwater biology. Procedure is described for sampling and for determination of dissolved gases of biological significance, conductivity, major anions and cations, nitrogen compounds, silicon and phosphorus, other metals (iron, manganese, zinc and copper), and dissolved organic matter. A bibliography and a list of suppliers of apparatus are appended, WPA 36(10)1601, Erdey, L., E. Gegus € M.T. Vándorffy (1962) Mag.chem.lapja, 17:277-81 Analysis of natural water by high-frequency titration 9-06213 Е Samples of natural water have been analysed by a high-frequency titration technique using 2 instruments (of 5 and 130 Mc per sec). The procedures used for determination of chloride, sulphate, alkalinity, and total hardness are described. WPA 36(10)1603, Rowe, J.J. (1962) 9-06214 F Prof.Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., 450-B:B.114-6 Determination of boron in waters containing fluoride Studies showing that the presence of fluorine does not interfere with the determination of boron by the dianthrimide method since the procedure involves evaporation with sulphuric acid which selectively eliminates the fluorine probably as silicon tetrafluoride, WPA 36(10)1608. Beuthe, C.-G. (1962) 9-06215 F Gesundheits-Ing,, 83:70-2 The determination of oxygen demand of waste waters by the dichromate method The difference between the total oxygen demand and the values obtained by the B.0.D. and permanganate demand determinations, and the development and adoption of the dichromate method as a standard method are discussed, Various methods for the dichromate test are discussed and a description is given of a method developed by the Institut für Wasser-, Boden-, und Lufthygiene which incorporates various improvements. WPA 36(10)1614, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY American Water Works Association 9-06216 F (1962) J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 54:065-70 Proposed revision of standard method for flame photometric determination of sodium and potassium WPA 36(10)1616. Dobremyslové, I., J.Dvorék & 9-06217 F V. Novobilskÿ (1962) Chem.Prumysl., 12:287-9 Flame-photometric determination of calcium and sodium in waste effluents A flame-photometric method for determining the concentrations of calcium and sodium in waste waters, and preparation of the calibration curves are described. WPA 36(10)1617. Kyr3, M., L. HoleËkové 8 9-06218 F L. Neumann (1962) Jadern,Energ,, 8:429-31 Cs-137 concentration and isolation from supply and river water by the extraction of caesium polyodides with nitrobenzene Studies have been carried out on the use of a nitrobenzene solution of polyiodides to extract caesium-137 from large volumes of river and tap waters. The advantages of this method are indicated. WPA 36(10)1618, Dézsi, Z. (1962) Atom.K9z1., 4:51-5 Emanometer for determining the radon content of natural waters 9-06219 F Description of apparatus for the determination of radon in natural waters in concentrations of 10/9-10/11 per litre with an error of not more than 10 per cent, The apparatus consists of a Lauritsen-type electroscope with quartz filament, and an ionization chamber, The sample is compared with a standard solution containing a known quantity of radon. WPA 36(10)1620, Nadi, A.F.E, 8 М. Ammar (1960) 9-06220 F Proc.math, phys.Soc.U.A.R., (24):7-10 Radium content in Nile water À cylindrical ionization chamber was used to measure the concentration of radium in Nile water by the emanation method, WPA 36(10)1622, Nadi, A.F.E. & М. Ammar (1960) 9-06221 F Proc.math,phys.Soc.U.A.R., (24):11-6 Thorium content in Nile water A cylindrical ionization chamber was used to measure the concentration of thorium in Nile water by the flow method. WPA 36(10)1623. Jenkins, D. (1962) 9-06222 F Wat.Waste Treatm.J., 9:66-7 An improved volatile suspended soils method A method has been developed for the rapid determination of small concentrations of volatile suspended solids in water by membrane filtration, WPA 36(10)162k, Hardison, C.H. & J.R. Crippen (1962) Prof,Pap.U.S.geol.Surv,, 450-B:B,110-1 Estimating days of continuously deficient discharge 9-06223 F A procedure is described for estimating the number of days the flow of a stream remains below a given value. The procedure, which is valid for stream-gauging stations along the Atlantic seaboard of U.S.A. from New York to Georgia, is based on the low-flow frequency curves, data for which are obtained as part of a routine programme of analysing records of stream flow by electronic computer. WPA 36(10)1639. Irelan, B. € H.B. Mendieta 9-0622\ Е (1962) Prof.Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., H50B:B.129-31 Chemical quality of surface waters in the Brazos River basin, Texas WPA 36(10)1632. Whetstone, G.W. & J.J. Musser (1962) Prof,Pap.U.S.geol,Surv., 450B:B.127-8 Relation between aluminium content and pH of water, Beaver Creek strip-mining area, Kentucky 9-06225 ЕР WPA 36(10)1633. Dendy, P. (1962) Wat.Waste Treatm.J., 9:74-6 Field-testing sewage effluents 9-06226 F А simple procedure for testing sewage-works effluents in the field in rural areas is described. Tests include the physical characteristics of the effluent and a 30-min colour test with potassium permanganate from which the oxygen absorbed in 4 hours can be calculated. 9 (6) wea 36(10)1661. 329 330 Maitland, P.S. (1962) Wat. Waste Treatm.J., 9:78-82 & 84-6 The fauna of the river Endrick in relation to local water use 9-06227 Е Account of а biological survey of the River Endrick, Stirlingshire, and the effects of local water use, WPA 36(10)1709, USPHS (n.d. )C бр. Bio-assay investigations - Buffalo River 9-06228 F The toxicity of trade wastes discherged to the Buffalo River, end of samples of the river water, was investigated using the bio-assay method with fathead minnows as the test fish; and results are tabulated as the °6-hour IIr values, which were also used to combute the dilution ratios and dilution volures causing 50 per cent mortality. WPA 3€(10)1710, Märki (1962) Städtehygiene, 13:45-6 Importance to water supply of pollution of influents and effluents of lake Zurich 0-06229 Е Summary of results of chemical investigations initiated by the Linth-Limmatverband of the conditions in the drainage area of the rivers Linth and Lirmat, Switzerland, Subjects dealt with include the effects of increasing population and industrial development, effects of pollution and of damming on ground water, effect of pollution on the use of the surface waters for supply, power, recreation, and fisheries, need for increase in number of sewage works and degree of treatment, WPA 36(10)1712, Eckoldt, M. (1962) 9-06230 F Dtsch.gewässerk.Mitt., 6:1-6 Artificial aeration of rivers Discusses, with special reference to conditions on the Neckar, the necessity for and effects of artificial aeration of rivers and various designs of plants for the purpose. WPA 36(10)1716, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Haberer, K. (1961) Gas-u.Wasserfach, 102:766-71 The problem of supervision of radicactive material in water from the First Radiation Protection Regulation 9-06231 F Discusses the provisions of the Erste Verordnung Über den Schutz vor Schäden durch Strahlen radioaktiver Stoffe, which came into operation into June 1960 and gives limiting and permissible values for concentration of radioactive substances, WPA 36(10)1718, Tsivoglou, E.C. (1963) J.Wat.Poll.Contr.Fed,, 35:212-59 Research for the control of radioactive pollutants 9-06232 F Reviews work by the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control of the U.S. Public leelth Service, with a view to reducing radioactive contamination of water. Includes laboratory studies on the use of specially orepsred photographic films for assay of alvha-emitting isotopes, the development of a mathematical model for alpha-counting, and studies on leaching of radium-226 from spent uranium ore solids, WPA 36(10)1719. wad Ophel, I.L. (1962) Radioecology, 17 p. The fate of radio-strontium in a freshwater community 9-06233 Е А study of 5 years on а small natural lake which receives water containing a low concentration cf strontium-90 leached from a nearby waste disposal area, WPA 36(10)1720. Naistein, S.Ya. et al. (1962) 9-06234 Е Gig.i.Sanit,, 27(9):8-12 (Maximum permissible concentration of sodium parachlorobenzenesulphonate in water basins) Ru En WPA 36(10)1727. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Applegate, V.C. € E.L. King 9-06235 F (1962) Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc., 91:342-5 Comparative toxicity of 3-trifluormethyl-4- nitrophenol (TFM) to larval lampreys and eleven species of fish The tolerances of larval lampreys, rainbow trout, and 10 species of warm-water fish (1argemouth and smallmouth bass, bluegill, walleye, yellow perch, yellow bullhead, white sucker, blacknose shiner, golden shiner, and fathead minnow) to 3-trifluormethyl1-4- nitrophenol (TFM), a selective lamprey larvicide, were determined in 3 dilution waters with different physical and chemical characteristics; results are tabulated. WPA 36(10)1730, Volkova, G.A. (1963) 9-06236 Е Washington, D.C., Office of Technical Services, OTS-63-41234, 8 р. The build -up factor of the radioisotopes of some chemical elements in aquatic insects En 9- 10335. U.K. Department of Scientific 9-06237 F and Industrial Research (1962) Notes Wat.Poll., (18):6 р. Effect of plants and mud on the level of oxygen in a stream УРА 36(10)1733. Wiedemann, М. (1961) 0-06238 F Wass.u,Boden, 13:162 Chemical control of weeds in ditches from the legal point of view The provisions of the German water law with regard to the use of chemical weed-killers in flowing ditches are explained, WPA 36(10)1734. Thofern, E, € Н.Н. Fröhlich (1962) Off GesundhDienst, 24:189 On the use of diesel oil as carrier for herbicidel and insecticidal substances in forestry, and hygienic considerations 9-06239 F Describes experiments to test the possibility that the use of diesel oil as carrier for herbicidal and insecticidel substances applied as paints or spreys is a cause of pollution of water supplies. WPA 36(10)1736. 9 (6) 331 Janicke, W. (1962) 9-06240 Е Gesundheitswes.u.Desinfekt,, 54(6):81 The problem of water pollution by detergents from the standpoint of public health, Present conditions and prospects Deals with the effects of synthetic detergents on streams and water supplies, their chemical composition, the possibility of biological decomposition, and processes for their determination, WPA 36(10)1741, Arlet, J.W. (1959) Bull, franc.Pisic,, (195):41-5 The toxicity of anionic detergents towards the alevins of common trout 9-06241 Е Experiments in which trout eggs and alevins (newly-hatched, 3-weeks old, and 6-weeks old) Were exposed in incubation baths through which water containing up to 10 p.p.m. anionic detergents were passed, WPA 36(10)17h2, Reed, P.W. (1962) Publ. Wks,N.Y., 93(10):92-6 Augmenting stream flow as a pollution control measure 9-06242 Е Discusses the methods available for measuring and evaluating the benefits of multi-purpose development of water resources in the United States and the allocation of costs for such projects, WPA 36(11)1731. Gessner, F. (1961) 9-06243 Е Int, Rev. Hydrobiol,, 46:542-61 The oxygen economy of the Amazon WPA 36(11)1795. Bucksteeg, W. & 9-06244 Е F. Dietz (1961) Gas-u,Wasserfach, 102:774-8 Radioactivity measurements in the drainage area of the Ruhr, 2. On the storage of radioactive nuclides, by the biological matter of surface waters and in sludge Describes taking of samples and measurement of ‚5 -activity in plankton algae, mosses, higher plants, fish, and other fauna, Results show that the concentration and storage of activity in such material is of importance for the measurement of activity and thus for the supervision of the water. 332 Glebovich, T.A. (1961) 9-06245 F Trud.vsesoiuz,nauch, -issled Inst,Gidrogeol,i inzh.Geol., (19):172-82 Determination of boron in natural water Describes photometric method for determination of boron in natural water, using carmine, 1-10 aug of boron in a 10-ml sample determined with an error not exceeding 25%, Method can be used for water containing not more than 0-15 mg of nitrate per litre if chlorides are present; fluoride, cuprous and ferric ions, titanium & hydrogen sulphide do not interfere below certain concentrations, Skrinde, В.Т., J.W.Caskey & C.K. Gillespie (1962) J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 54:1407-23 Detection and quantitative estimation of synthetic organic pesticides by chromatography 9-06216 Е МРА 36(11)1817. Canada, Department of Northern 9-06247 Е Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Branch (1962) Wat, Resour.Pap. Ottawa, (127):536 р. Surface water supply of Canada, Arctic and Western Hudson Bay drainage and Mississippi drainage in Canada in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and Western Ontario. Water year 1958-59 Tabulated hydrometric data on stream flow and water level in the year 1958-59. WPA 36(11)1824, Canada, Department of Northern 9-06248 F Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Branch (1962) Wat.Resour.Pap.Ottawa, (128):388 р. Surface water supply of Canada. Pacific drainage, Water year 1958-59 Hydrometric data (stream flows and water levels) are tabulated for streams and lakes, WPA 36(11)1825. British Columbia and Yukon Territory. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Schmitz, W. (1961) Vom,Wasser, 28:11-32 The flowing wave - consideration of the dynamics of energy and material in rivers 9-06249 Е Discusses the study of a flowing body of water, dealing with its movement, carriage of material, heat balance, and variable physical and chemical conditions and their observation and measurement over different periods, WPA 36(11)1826. Knop, E. (1961) 9-06250 Е Literaturber.Wass.Abwass., (4):5-9 Estimating the harmfulness of waste waters In order to assess the distribution of costs of the construction and operation of treatment works amongst producers of industrial waste waters, the author suggests a formula for the calculation of a dilution value, which would give conditions in which fish life would be possible, The calculations take into account settleable matter both organic and inorganic, oxygen demand as both B.0.D. and permanganate demand, and content of toxic substances, determined by the dilution required for the survival of fish in given conditions, WPA 36(11)1849, Nielsen, J.M. € В.М. Perkins 9-06251 Е (1962)c U.S. Atom.Energ.Comm., HW-SA-2411, 14 р. The removal of radio-isotopes from the Columbia River by natural processes From measurements of the concentrations of radioactive isotopes discharged to the Columbia River in cooling water from the reactors at Hanford, Wash., and the concentrations present in the river downstream, the rate of self-purification was determined, WPA 36(11)1882. Brahins'kyll, Г.Р. & Т.Р. 9-06252 Е Rotovs'ka (1960)B Dopov. Akad, Nauk , ку. SSR(En Abstr,), (%):529-31 Effect of herbicide 2,4-D on pond invertebrates WPA 36(11)1902. Fitzgerald, G.P. (1962) 9-06253 Е Wat,& Sewage Wks, 109 3361-3 Bio-assy for algicidal chemicals in swimming pools A bio-assy procedure is described. WPA 36(11)1904. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 333 Morgan, G.B. (1961) Quart.J.Fla Acad,Sci,, 24:94-100 The absorption of radio-isotopes by certain micro-organisms 9-06254 Е In connexion with the disposal of low-level radioactive waste waters, investigations were made on the uptake of radioactive isotopes by cultures of various micro-organisms including Ochromonas sp,, Platymonas sp., Navicula confervacea, Chlamydomonas sp., Nitzschia sp,, Rhodomonas sp., ard certain bacteria, Results are tabulated and compared in terms of the concentration factor for each isotope, WPA 36(11)1889, Nakatani, В.Е. & В.Р. Foster 9-06255 Е (1963 )c U.S. Atom.Energ.Comm., HW-SA-2255, 14 р. Effect of chronic feeding of Sr-90-Y-90 on rainbow trout Results of experiments on feeding of yearling rainbow trout with strontium-90-yttrium-90, WPA 36(11)1893, Rohlich, G.A. (1961) 9-06256 F Tech, Rep. Taft sanit.Engng Cent,, W61-3:130-5 Chemical methods for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from sewage-plant effluents The author reviews studies carried out at the Univ, of Wisconsin on the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from sewage-works effluents, WPA 36(5)804, Oswald, W.J. (1961) 9-06257 FP Tech, Rep, Taft sanit,Engng Cent,, W61-3:88-95 Metropolitan wastes and algal nutrition Pr 62-05888, WPA 36(5)804, Iampol'sky, A.D. (1961)B 9-06258 G Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (3):8 р. (On the fluctuations of hydrologic elements with an inertial period). Ru Wright, W.D. (1961) Ciba Rev, , (2):2-24 Colour and its measurement 9-06259 G IA 17(2)1064, Wiechowski, М. (1961) Arch.tech.Messen, (308) :203-6 Verfahren und Geräte zur Bestimmung der Lichtverteilung (Methods aná apparatus to determine the liffusion of light) 9-06260 G ГА 17(1)503. Hitchcox, G. (1962) Brit, Commun,Electron., 9(1):18-22 Modern trends in pH meter design 9-06261 G IA 17(3)1327. Avizonia, P.V., Е. Fritz € J.C. Wriston (1962) Analyt, Chem, , 34(1):58-61 Device for measuring the resistance of solutions linearly and continuously 9-06262 G A servomechanical monitor device may be used in any system where the continuous measurement of resistances is necessary, ТА 17(3)1329, Josefsson, L., C.E. Ryberg & 9-06263 G R. Svensson (1962) Analyt,Chem,, 34(1):173-4 A pHestat IA 17(3)1328. Gorbach, S. € F. Ehrenberger 9-06264 G (1961) Z.anal.Chem., 181:100-10 Uber ein halbautomatisches Titriergerät zur Bestimmung kleiner Mengen Kohlendioxyd. Anwendung für die direkte Sauerstoffhestimmung in organischen Substanzen und für die C- und CO2-Bestimmung in wässrigen Lösungen (Semiautomatic titration device for the determination of low amounts of carbon dioxide, Use for the direct oxygen determination in Organic substances and for the С and C02 determination in aqueous solutions) An account is given of a device capable of determining amounts of carbon dioxide in the range 0,015 to 5 mg. IA 17(6)3366. Ury, J.F. (1961) 9-06265 G Acta Imeko, (1):288-303 The static sensitivity of gauges with Bourdon-tubes Bourdon tubes used in pressure gauges or in pressure thermometers are considered, IA 17(6)3677. 334 Lieneweg, F. (1962) 9-06266 G Arch.tech.Messen, (313) :47-8 Temperaturmessung (Temperature measurement) Details are given of experiments with contact thermometers and surface temperature measurements, The problem of temperature measurement in reactors is raised and the radiation pyrometer is discussed, 40 refer- ences. IA 17(6)3698. Bansal, Т.П. (1962) 9-06267 G J.sci,industr.Res,.(D), 21(1):23-4 Copper-advance thermocouples in the temperature range 0-100 deg.C A study of the properties of the couples in this range is reported, IA 17(6)3710. Tsap, M.L. (1961) Zav.Lab.,Moskva, 27(4):483-4 (The PPF-UNIIZ portable flame photometer). Ru 9-06268 Le] A flame photometer with light filters which is suitable for field work is discussed, The lower concentration threshold for Na, K. and Ca is 5 x 10 -5%, The device can be used for determining microscopic amounts of Ex end Sr. ТА 17(7)4165. Pittman, R.W. (1962) 9-06269 G Nature, Lond,, 195 (4840) :4ho-51 A diffusion-controlled cathode for the measurement of oxygen tensions The electrode uses a diffusion membrane of silicone rubber, ТА 17(10)659k. Blakemore, J.S. (1962) Rev.Sci.Instrum. , 35(1):106-12 Design of germanium for thermometric application 9-06270 G The selection of primary and compensating impurity densities in germanium for thermometers is discussed, ТА 17(5)3021. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Rasmussen, R.A. (1962) Rev,Sci.Instrum, , 33(1):38-42 Application of thermistors to measurements in moving fluids 9-06271 G An investigation of the effects of fluid motion on the cooling of self-heated thermistors is reported. IA 17(5)3024, Nemodruk, А.А. € V.V. Stasyuchenko (1962) Zh.anal.Khim.Moskva(En Transl,), 16:407-11 Determination of micro-amounts of copper in water, soil and biological materials by means of nickel diethyl phosphorodithioate 9-06272 G МРА 35(11)2127. U.S, Department of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks (1960) Tech.Publ.U.S.Navy Bur.Yards Docks, TP-Te-6: 9-06273 G Redioactivity in water supply and waste water systems: peacetime detection and control Methods for detection, analysis, monitoring and treatment of contaminated water, A bibliography, glossary and index are provided, Anpenäices give papers on the identification of the more nazardous nuclides, WPA 35(11)2132. Ceausescu, D. (1960)B Stud.Cercet,Stiinte chim., 7:37-42 Indirect determination of sulphates in water oy potassium palmitate or stearate after elimination of calcium and magnesium by precipitation with sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide 9-06274 G WPA 35(11)2136. Ceasescu, D. (1961)B Zh,anal.Khim., 183:39-41 Rapid titrimetric determination of sulphate ion in water without previous removal of cations 9-06275 G WPA 35(11)2137. 335 PLANKTON Hachiga, M. & К. Hayashi (1964) 9-06276 M J,Ferment,Technol,, 42(4):207-12 Studies on the extraction of agar from the red seaweeds by the cellulase treatment Farkas, T. & 5. Herodek (1964) 9-06277 M J.Lipid Res., 5(3):369-74 Тре effect of environmental temperature on the fatty acid composition of crustacean plankton Frolander, Н.Е. (1962) J.Fish.Res.nd,Can,, 19(4):657-75 Quartitative estimations of temporal variations of zooplankton off the coast of Washington and British Columbia 9-06278 M Wasnington coastal waters yielded zooplankton volumes (1) approximately four to five times those reported for the equatorial Pacific, (2) similar to those recorded for the Gulf of Alaska, but (3) less than those reported in comparable areas of the northwestern Pacific. Theat in February 1958 the zooplankton populations were entirely different from those round a year earlier demonstrates the need for Bücher 5549 BA LOE(6)21067. Hulburt, Е.М. (1962) 9-06279 M Linnol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):307-15 Phytoplankton of the southwestern Sargasso Sea and north Equatorial current, February 1961 In a 1000-mile section in the tropical Atlantic, flegellate species, with one exception, tended to be uniformly distributed, but diatoms were more numerous toward the ‘southern end of the section associated with an intensification of stratification of tne upper 100 m. The relative ability of flagellates and diatons to react to varying growth conditions is discussed, ВА №0Е(6)21868. 9 (6) Reid, J.L., Jr. (1955) 9-06280 M Limnol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):287-306 On circulation, phosphate-phosphorus content, and zooplankton volumes in the upper part of the Pacific Ocean The circulation may be considered to consist of two high-latitude cyclonic gyres, two sub- tropical anticyclonic gyres, and a series of subequatorial zonal flows in alternate direct- ions, The phosphate-phosphorus at the surface is related to the surface divergence and is high in the cyclones, low in the anticyclones, and high in regions of coastal and equatorial upwelling. The РОШ-Р at 100 m is related to the depth of the pycnocline and is also high in the cyclones and low in the anti- cyclones, and high at the equator and at the poleward edges of the equatorial counter- currents, The zooplankton volume is distribut- ed very much as is the РОЁ-Р, particularly that at 100 m. It is suggested that the surface divergence is too rapid for zooplankton to accumulate in the centre of the cyclone, In the California Current, zooplankton volume appears to vary inversely with temperature. Gyres may represent the principal plankton communities, BA LOE(6)21877. Sushchenia, L.M. (1961) 9-06281 M Okeanologiia, 1(4):664-9 Nekotorye dannye o kolichestve sestona v vodakh Egeiskogo, Ionicheskogo i Adriatiches- kogo morei (Some data on the amount of seston in the waters of the Aegean, Ionic, and Adriatic Seas) The amount in the Bosphorus region of the Black Sea is twice as great as in the Aegean Sea, 26% greater than the Adriatic. In the Mediterranean 85% or more of the seston was derived from detritus and zooplankton not determinable by the met method, Seston in Mediterranean was 1/7 to 1/6 of that in Baltic Sea, ВА №0Е(6)21879. 336 Suschenya, L.M. (1962) 9-06282 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), 72h257 Some data on the amount of seston in the waters of the Aegean, Ionic, and Adriatic seas Results are given of determining the amount of seston in the upper layers of the Aegean, Ionian and Adriatic Seas. Some data for the Sea of Marmora and for the region of the Black Sea near the Bosphorus are given for comparison Issued also as: Deep-Sea Res., 10(1/2), 1963. En 9-06281. BA №0Е(6)21879. Marek, R.R. et al, (1962) 9-06203 M Spec.sci,Rep.U,S. Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (412): 1=95 Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, temperature and salinity in the Georges Bank- Gulf of Maine area BA 40B(6)21941. Desai, H.V. € S. Krishnaswamy (1962) Proc, Indian Acad.Sci., 55(4):162-6 Cymbasoma bali, a new species of monstrilloid copepod from the Bombay plankton 9-06284 M ВА 40E(6)25327. Rao, D.V.S. & Р.М. Ganapati (1962) Curr,Sci,, 31:242-3 Primary organic production off Waltair coast 9-06285 M Coastal waters are more productive than offshore waters and the centre of organic production lies at a depth of about 20 m, There is a primary maximum during the period March-April and a smaller maximum in October-November, WPA 35(11)2115. Dragesund, O. € K.F. Wiborg 9-06286 M (1963) Fisk.og Hav., (№):1-6 Forekomst av egg og yngel av fisk i vest- of nordnorske kyst- og bankfarvann vaaren 1963 (Surveys for fish eggs and larvae in the western and north-western offshore waters of Norway in 1963). № En 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Mitson, R.B. (1963)A 9-06287 M J.Cons., 28(2):262-9 Marine fish culture in Britain 5, An electronic device for counting the nauplii of Artemia salina L, Со 9-06499. Southward, A.J. (1962) J.Mar.biol,Ass,U,K,, 42:275-375 The distribution of some plankton animals in the English Channel and western approaches, 2, Surveys with the Gulf III high-speed sampler, 1958-60 9-06288 M Detailed maps of distribution of macroplankton over fifteen cruises, using oblique hauls fran surface to 55 m depth over 10 minutes at 6 knots, Revision of indicator analyses shows four entities of water, north-western (formally western), south-western, oceanic and Channel. The seasonal movements of these bodies are describes and discussed, Co 61-03858, JAE 32(1):166, Colebrook, J.M. & G.A. Robinson (1961) J.Cons., 26:156-65 The seasonal cycle of the plankton in the North Sea and the north-eastern Atlantic 9-06289 M Continuous plankton recorder surveys of the seas round Britain from 1946 to 1958 provide data on duration of phyto-plankton and zoo- plankton seasons in waters of different depths and areas, Records of copepod abundance indicate departure from the postulated idea of a continuous succession of dominant species, and hence derivation of a sirgle mathematical model would be over complex, JAE 31(3):618. :cmhh Evans, F. (1961) 9-06290 M Tinn.Soc.Lond., 172:189-207 The planktonic Crustacea of the PETULA Transatlantic Expedition Classified list of Crustacea taken by tow net along North Equatorial Current between Dakar and Barbados, 1955, with notes on distribution of the species, JAE 31(3):616. PLANKTON Postel, E. (1961) 9-06291 M Sci.et Nat,, (48):3-10 Fertilité et production végétale des océans (Productivity and plant production in the Oceans ) An historical account, Curl, H. (1962) J.Mar.Res., 20:181-8 9-06292 M Analyses of carbon in marine plankton organisms Total carbon wes determined in 19 species of marine organisms and mixed collections by combustion in an induction furnace and subsequent measurement of the evolved carbon dioxide in a gas burette; a system developed for trapping unwanted combustion products is described, Carbonate-carbon was determined by treating samples with acid and measuring the carbon dioxide evolved, WPA 36(10)1589. Hull, C.H.J. (1963) 9-06293 M J.Wat.Poll.Contr.Fed., 35:587-606 Oxygenation of Baltimore harbour by planktonic algae Methods used in the study (began in 1947) are described and the analysis of the data is discussed. WPA 36(11)1792. Cushing, D.H. (1962) J.Cons., 27(2):131-40 An alternative method of estimating the critical depth 9-06294 MF A modification of Sverdrup's method of estimating the critical depth has been devised, It takes into account the inhibition of photosynthesis at high light intensity and the extinction of energy (rather than that of light of one colour). _ BA №0Е(6)21863. Merna, J.W. (1962) 9-06295 MF Limnol.& Oceanogr., 7:432-3 Quantitative sampling with the orange-peel dredge Describes studies carried out to determine the sampling area of the orange-peel dredge in various bottom types, so that it can be used in quantitstive benthic investigations. Developes an equation and graph relating surface area sampled and volume of sand included in the dredge haul. 9 (6) Heal, O.W. (1962) Irish Nat.J., 14:42.3 Note on a swarm of zooplankton 9-06296 MF Notes on swarms of Crustacea in Lough Fadda, July 1956, JAE 32(1):171, Jeffries, H.P. (1962) Ecology, 43:730-3 Copepod indicator species in estuaries 9-06297 MF Gives results of statistical analyses of spatial and temporal distributions of eury- haline-marine, marine, and estuarine copepods in Raritan Bay, N.J. WPA 36(10)1588, Brutkowska, M, (1961)B Kosmos(A), 10(1/48) (Problem of sex, reproduction and species in Infusoria), PL 9-06298 F Krzeczkowska, L. (1961) 9-06299 F Acta hydrobiol,,Krakôw, 3(2/3):69-89 Materialy do znajomogci planktonu stawów rybnych (Contributions to the knowledge of plankton in fishponds), pl: De Compares phyto- and zooplankton from manured and unmanured ponds and ponds with different surface areas, 501 samples were taken once in two weeks, Manuring had little effect on the phytoplankton other than that blue green algae became more abundant, but produced large numbers of Rotifera in the zooplankton, Lund, J.W.G. (1962) Canad.J.BOt,, 40:1499-514 Phytoplankton from some lakes in northern Saskatchewan and from Great Slave Lake 9-06300 Е МРА 36(5)707. 337 338 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Antonovich, S.D. (1960) 9-06301 Е Trud.Inst.Biol.moldav.Fil.Akad.Nauk, 2(1):19-24 O vzaimozavismosti formiroveniia fauny prosteichikh y Dubossarskom vodokhranilishche i ego pritokakh (The relationship between protozoan fauna formation in the Dubossarsk Reservoir and its tributaries) Studies made in 1958-1959, The tributaries of the reservoir are }-meso- and mono- to polycontaminated waters. Their influence is slignt, since the total yearly flow of the tributaries does not exceed 6% of the whole flow of the reservoir, Seasonal changes in the number of protozoa in the affluents are characterized by a significant reduction in summer as compared with spring and autum, BA LOE(6)21885, Antonovich, S.D. (1962) 9-06302 F Referat.Zh. (Biol, ) (En Trensl.), 7Zh292 The relationship between protozoan fauna formation in the Dubossarsk Reservoir and its tributaries En 9-06301. ВА №0Е(5)21885. Bamforth, 5.5. (1962) 9-06303 Е Limnol. & Oceanogr., 7(3):348-53 Diurnal changes in shallow aquatic habitats Diurnal changes were studied at different times of year in variety of Louisiana ponds, swamps, ditches and streams. Collections were made between 0555 and 0600 and between 1500 and 1600 on one day, and at the same times several days later. Each sample was analyzed chemically and biologically. Times chosen measure the approx. high and low values of dissolved substances in daily chemical cycle. Extent of change in chemical factors and plankton indicated degree and role of oxidative processes in a shallow habitat, and provided measure for comparing different habitats. Plankton populations, predominantly protozoa, often changed during the day. The conditions and organisms found in shallow habitats may thus depend upon the time of sampling. BA №0Е(6)21886. Bilak, т.г. (1961) 5-05304 Е Dokl uzhgorod,Gosuniv, Biol,, 450-4 Kormovye resursy (zooplankton) Tereblyanskogo vodokhrenilisncha 1 drugikh gcrnykh vodoe sistemy r, Terebli (The food resources(zooplankton) of the Tereblyenskoe Reservoir and other mountai water bodies of the Tereblya River system) Water bodies studied fully meet nutritional requirements of the planktophagic fish which inhabit them. They also have the food resources for the acclimatization of a small number of other nlankton-eating fist, BA LOE(6)21887. Bilak, I.I. (1962) с-06305 Е Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl,), 7Zh293 The food resources (zooplankton of the Tereblyanskoe Reservoir and otner mountain water bodies of the Tereblya River system En 9-0630k, BA 40E(6)21887. Khmeleva, N.N. & L.I. Tsvetskova 9-06306 F (1959) Trud.zool.Inst.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 26:250-6 Vliyanie mineral'nogo udobreniya na razvitie fitoplanktona у exsperimental'nykh prudakn Rybtsova shemainogo pitomnika letom 1953 & (Effect of mineral fertilization of the development of phytoplankton in experimental ponds of the Rybtsovo nursery in the summer of 1953) The best development of phytoplankton was observed when mineral fertilizer was added to the water in the form of N and P salts, Complex fertilizers (mineral and plant) had the best effects on cultivated ponds, BA 4OE(6)21892 meleve, NN. & L.I. Tsvetskova 9-06307 F (1959) Referat.Zh. (Biol. )(En Transl,), 3D459 Effect of mineral fertilization of the development of phytoplankton in experimental ponds of the Rybtsovo nursery in the summer of 1953 En 9-06306. BA №0Е(6)21892. Parker, R.A. (1962) Limnol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):34%-7 Some possible effects of trace elements on fresn-water microcrustacean populations 9-06308 Е Among 10 trece elements considered, aluminium was shown to be positively correlated and phosphorus nesatively correlated with the density of Daphnia schgdleri in Kepple Lake, Washington; chromium and vanadium were positively correlated and iron and strontium were negatively correlated with the density of Diaptomus leptopus, BA №0Е(6)21899. Williams, L.G. € C. Scott 9-06309 F (1962) Limol.& Oceanogr., 7(3):365-79 Principal diatoms of major waterways of the United States Diatom populations in semimonthly plankton samples collected from 73 stations of major waterways of the United States were analyzed by proportional counts to show percentage species composition of the 4 most abundant species per sample. The species are given for each station to show their relative abundance and percentage frequency of occurrence, BA 10Е(6)21905. BENTHOS 339 Monakov, A.V. (1959) 9-06310 Е Trud.Inst,Biol,Vodokhr,, 2(5):117-27 Khishchnoe pitanie Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur. )(Copepoda, Cyclopoida) (Predatory feeding of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur. )(Copepoda, Cyclopoida)) The method used by A, viridis for catching food differs depending on the size and integument of the prey. Monakov, A.V. (1961)B 9-06311 Е Referat.Zh, (Biol. )(En Transl.), 3D88 Predatory feeding of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.); Copepoda, Cyclopoida En 9-06310. ВА №0Е(6)25331. Pejler, В. (1962) Oikos, 13:216-31 The zooplankton of Ösbysjön, Djurshnolm, 2. Further ecological aspects 9-06312 Е Results are given of further studies on zooplankton in lake Ösbysjön, Sweden. Co 3-11102, WPA 36(11)1793. Koval 'skii, V.V. € S.V. Letunova (1961) Zool.Zh., 40:809-17 Rol' fito - i zooplanktona vodoemov v migratsii kobal 'ta (Role of phytoplankton and zooplenkton in the migration of cobalt in bodies of water). En 9-06313 Е Studies on the concentretion end migration of cobalt in ponds and in Rybinsk reservoir in GUESTS. Oe BENTHOS ANON. (1960) Zoo1.7h., 39(12):1901 Simposium po biogeografii tikhookeanskogo basseina (Symposium on the biogeography of the Pacific Ocean basin) 9-06314 M Symposium is devoted to bonds in the region of the Bering Strait (in particular the problems of faunal and floral bonds between Alaska and eastern Siberia), tropical bonds in the Pacific Ocean basin, and Antarctic bonds and inter- relations, BA 36A(21)70544, 9 (6) ANON. (1961)B 9-06315 M Referat.Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl. ), 8A13 Symposium on the biogeography of the Pacific Ocean basin En 9-06314, ВА 36A(21)70544, Moyse, J. & A.N. Smith (1963) Field Stud., 1(5):1-31 Zonation of animals and plants on rocky shores around Dale, Pembrokeshire 9-06316 M JAE 32(3):582. 340 Turk, S.M. (1963) J.Conch., 25:160-2 Dietary extension in some species of marine Mollusce 9-06317 M Species of Trochidae, normally phycophagous, attracted by bait of soft crab and fish, in crab pots, off coast of west Cornwall, JAE 32(3):566, Trilles, J-P. (1964) 9-06318 M C.R.Acad,Sci,, Paris, 258(25):6248-51 Biologie expérimentale.- Sur la glande androgène et les organes globuligénes des isopodes, en particulier des isopodes marins (Experimental biology. The androgen gland and the globuligen organs of isopods and, especially, of marine isopods) Rees, W.J. (1962) 9-06319 M Bull, Brit.Mus, (nat,Hist.Zool.), 8(9):401-18 The distribution of coral, Caryophyllia smithii and the barnacle Pyrgoma anglicum in British waters JAE 32(3):578. Masyuk, М.Р. (1961)в Ukr.Bot.Zh., 18(4):100-12 (Dunaliella salina Teod., a carotene-containing alga from saline waters of the Crimea), Ru 9-06320 M Drokova, I.H. (1961)B Ukr.Bot.Zh., 18(4):100-12 (Dunaliella salina Teod., as an algal source of betacarotene). Ru 9-06321 M ANON. (1963)BC 9-06322 M JPRS: 17881, 23 p. Soviet studies of the carotene potential of the alga Dunaliella salina En 9-06320, 9-06321, Available from the U,S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. ANON, (1962) Conm.Fish,Rev., 24(12):38 Electrical field experiments and shrimp burrowing behaviour observations in the Gulf of Mexico 9-06323 M WFA 14(3)3152. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chislenko, L.L. (1961)B Zoo1.Zh., 40(7):983-96 `Во1' Harpacticoida у biomasse mezobentosa nekotorykh biotopov fitali Belogo moria (The role of Harpacticoidea in the biomass of the mesobenthos of some White Sea phytal biotopes). En 9-06324 м À precise definition is offered of the term mesobenthos: animals from 0,1 to 2,0 mm in size. The author studied mesobenthos organisms on 5 species cf algae by means of a modified Perfil'ev sediment-trap. It was ascertained that, in all of the isotopes studied, Harpacticoidea predominated, both in number and in biomass, BA LOE(6)21862. Chislenko, L.L. (1962) 9-06325 M Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl.), 7175263 The role of Harpacticoidea in the biomass of the mesobenthos of some White Sea phytal biotopes -06324, En 9 BA 40E(6)21852. Drapkin, E.I. (1962) 9-06326 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl,), 77016 New data on the distribution of Rapana bezoar Linné En 9-06327. ВА LOE(6)2186k, Drapkin, E.I. (1961) 9-06327 M Biull,mosk.Obshch.Ispyt.Prir. (biol.), 66(5): 154-5 Novye dannye po rasprostraneniiu rapany (Rapana bezoar Linné) (New data on the distribution of Rapana bezoar Linné) In 1947, Rapana was observed for the first time in Novosibirsk Bay, since when it has spread all along the Caucasian shore of the Black Sea, has appeared off the coast of the Krym Peninsula, and is now found in the Sea of Azov. There is reason for concern over its penetration into the Caspian via the Volga-Don Canal, Instances of disease in Rapana and of the appearance of its enemies have been Observed in the Black Sea, BA 10Е(6)2186. BENTHOS Esmiol, J.P. (1962) 9-06328 M Trav.Inst.Sci.chérif.(Bot.), 25 Recherches sur la végétation marine dans une zone littorale au sud de Rabat (Investigations on the marine vegetation in a littoral zone south of Rabat) The coastal area studied, south-west of Rabat, is a stretch of rocky ground 140-200 m wide, with a steep slope, All the spp. observed Were already well known, Variations in temperature and conditions of submergence are discussed with detailed ecological notes on many of the spp. Seasonal changes in the constitution of the flora are also discussed, BA 4OE(6)21866. Lus, У.уа. & А.Р. Kuznetsov (1961) Truá.Inst.Okeanol., 46:124-39 ' Materialy po kolichestvennomu uchetu donnoi fauny v Korfo-Karaginskom raione (Beringovo more ) (Data on the quantitative assessment of the bottom fauna in the Korfo-Karaginskii region (Bering Sea)) 54 samples obtained with a bottom-grab and 28 acquired by trawling, taken in shallow water down to a depth of 100 m. The mean biomass of benthos was 369 g/m2, of which 90.1% consisted of on-fauna and only 9.9% of in- fauna, Maps given to show the quantitative distribution of ecologic groups of benthos and the quantitative distribution of the principal systematic groups. ВА №0Е(6)21872. 9-06329 M Таз, V.Ya. € А.Р. Kuznetsov (1962)B Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl,), 7Zh.267 Data on the quantitative assessment of the bottom fauna in the Korfo-Kareginskii region (Bering Sea) 9-06330 M En 9-06329. BA LOE(6)21872. 9 (6) 341 Savilov, A.I. (1961) 9-06331 M Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 46:3-84 Ekologicheskaia kharakteristika dannykh soobshchestv bespozvonochnyk Okhotskogo moria (Ecologic characteristics of invertebrate bottom communities in the Sea of Okhotsk) An analysis of the quantitative distribution of sessile and motile filter-feeders which collect detritus from the surface of the sea floor, and animals which unselectively swallow bottom material, Sessile filter-feeders predominate on the nard floors of the upper sublittoral and on the porous floors of the abyssal. Motile filter-feeders predominate on the sandy bottoms of the sublittoral. Animals which collect or indiscriminately ingest bottom material reach their greatest development in the middle horizons of the sublittoral and on the slope of the continental plateau, ВА LOE(6)21878. Savilov, A.I. (1962) 9-06332 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl,), 7Zh268 Ecologic characteristics of invertebrate bottom communities in the Sea of Okhotsk En 9-06331. BA LOE(6)21878. ANON. (1961) Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 7:275 р. Morskie obrastaniia i drevotochtsy (Marine fouling organisms and wood-borers) ВА 4OE(6)21961, 9-06333 M ANON. (1962)B 9-06334 M Referat. Zh, (Biol. (En Transl, ), 7Zh272K Marine fouling organisms and wood-borers En 9-06333. BA №0Е(6)21961. Barnard, K.H. (1962) 9-06335 M Ann,Natal Mus,, 15(19):247-54 New species and records of South African marine Mollusca from Natal, Zululand, and Mozambique ВА 40E(6)25427. 342 Iavallard, R. (1960) 0-06336 M Bol, Fac,Filos,Ciénc,S.Paulo Zool., 23:67-105 Étude au microscope électronique de jonctions neuromusculaires du crabe bleu, ("Callinectes danae", Smith) (Electron microscope study of the neuromuscular connections of the blue crab, Callinectes danse Smith). Pr A detailed description is given, particularly of the structure of the nerves near their terminals, the constituents of the exoplasn, and the sheathing of the 2 inequal axcns which form the double innervation of these muscles, À case of 2 nerve terminals in contact with the same muscle fiber is described and discussed, ВА LOE(6)25456, Peon, G.E. (1961) 9-06337 M Notas Cent.Invest.resq.Playa Habana, 3:2-64 Estudio bioquimico de la langosta Panulirus argus I (Biochemical study of the lobster, Panulirus argus I) о This study of the exoskeleton, the internal organs, and muscular masses, with biometric, chemical, physiological, histological and biochemical data is not exhaustive, BA 40B(6)25459, Dillon, Т.В. € R.0. Dial (1962) Tex, J.Sci,, 14(2):156-66 Notes on the morphology of the common Gulf squid Lolliguncula brevis (Blainville) 9-06338 M The principal anatomical features of this species are figured and comparisons made with Loligo pealei and L, vulgaris. BA 40E(6)25492, Karandeeva, О.С. (1959) 9-06339 M Trud.sevastopol.biol,Stants., 11:238-53 Nekotorye storony obmena veschestv Modiola phaseclina i Mytilus galloprovincialis у anerobnykh i post-anerobnykh us loviiakh (Several aspects of the metabolism of Modiola phaseolina and Mytilus galloprovincialis in anaerobic and postanerobic conditions) In laboratory experiments, changes were observed in the Black Sea mollusks in the following: 02 consumption, heart rate, pH and Eh of the mantle fluid and body tissues. The particular features of the shell, the behaviour and survival rate in the preanerobic, anaerobic, and postaneerobic periods and under different temperatures were taken into acount, The distribution by depth of the 2 species is determined by different relationships to temperature, BA №0Е(6)25195. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Karandeeva, 0.G. (1961)B 9-06340 M Referat.Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl.), 3D60 Several aspects of the metabolism of Modiola phaseolina end Mytilus galloprovincialis in anaerobic and postanerobic conditions Rebhun, L.I. (1962) J.Ultrastruct.Res., 6(1):123-34 Dispersal of the vitelline membrane of the eggs of Spisula solidissima by alkaline, Isotonic Nacl - 9-06341 M Alkaline, isotonic NaCl was found to remove the membrane, but only after germinal vesicle breakdown subsequent to fertilization (except on long-term treatment). BA 40E(6)25497, Runham, N.W. (1961) Quart.J.micr.Sci., 102(3):371-80 The histochemistry of the radula of Patella vulgata 9-063&2 M When first secreted the radula consists of chitin and protein. It is suggested that the Occurrence of quinone taming might account for histochemical changes observed in the radula, but phenols derived from tryptophane would appear to be more important in the taming of the radula than those derived from tyrosine. BA 4OE(6)25498, Villegas, R. & G.M. Villegas (1962)B Biochim, biophys,Acta, 60(1):202-4 The endoneurium cells of the squid giant nerve and their permeability to (14C) glycerol 9-06343 M ВА 4OE(6)25199, Farmanfarmaian, A. € J.H. Phillips (1962) 9-06344 M Biol.Bull.Woods Hole, 123(1):105-20 Digestion, storage and translocation of nutrients in the purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) The red alga, Iridaea flaccidum labelled with C1402 by photosynthetic assimilation was fed and tissues and fluid systems were sampled at intervals, BA 40E(6)25501. BENTHOS Pablo, Т.5. & A.L. Tappel (1061) J.cell.comp.Physiol., 58(2):185-94 Cytochromes of marine invertebrates 9-06345 M Cytochrome respiretory pigments of a wide selection of Mollusca and Arthropoda were messured by their characteristic spectral absorbance, BA 37E(5)20562. Tokin, B.P., F.N. Eritchewa & J. Kalinina (1961) Acta microbiol,hung,, 10(2/4):185-208 (Regeneration, somatic embryogenesis and related phenomena in Laomedea flexuosa and other 9-06346 M primitive Coelenterata), Ru En BA 37E(5)20586, Mazieres, J. (1963) 9-06347 M Rev.Trav,Inst,P&ch,marit,, 27(1):111 р. Les coliformes dans les eaux marines et les huîtres. Application à l'hygiene ostréicole (The coliforms in marine waters and the oysters. Application to oyster hygiene) Oyster culture in France, definition and classification of coliforms, methods of enalysis, study of coliforms in the D'Auray River, and on the littoral; oyster hygiene. FAO/UN (1963) Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1696):23 p. Report to the government of Aden on the crawfish resources of eastern Aden protectorate based on the work of R.W. George, FAO/TA marine fisheries biologist 9-06348 M Account of preliminery study of Panilirus homarıs, P, versicolor and Scyllarides sp. resources which initiates a long-term program to determine the maximum sustainable yield, Gives recommendations for fishery regulations and collection of catch statistics, Referred to also as: FAO Fish,EPTA Rep., (Fib/EPTA 30). ANON. (1963)B Polit.étrang., 28:97-100 Le conflit de la langouste entre la France et le Brésil (The crawfish dispute between France and Brazil) 9-06349 M 9 (6) 343 Moyse, J. (1963) J.Cons,, 28(2):175-87 A comparison of the value of various flagellates and diatoms as food for barnacle larvae 9-06350 M Studies on Balanus balanoides (L.), Elminius modestus, Darwin, Chthamalus stellatus Poli and Lepas anatifera (L.). Connell, J.H. (1061) Ecol,Monogr., 31:51-104 Effects of competition, predation by Thais lapillus, and other factors on natural populations of the barnacle Balanus balanoides 9-06351 M Detailed analysis of population dynamics in barnacle populations in the Clyde, with field and experimental observations on settlement, growth and mortality and especially the effects of predation by the dog-whelk, Thais lepillus, JAE 31(2):403, Spooner, С.М. & М.А. Holme (1961) Proc.Dorset nat.Hist.Fld.Cl., 82:77-82 Bottom fauna off the Dorset coast 9-06352 M A survey of the fauna on the sea bottom off Dorset and western Hampshire compared with that of the grounds around Plymouth showed that some southern species approach their northern limits in this area, while the presence of more northern forms also demonstrates the lowering of winter temperatures east-wards up the Channel, Many more Crepidula fornicata occur than around Plymouth, 'Black muds' containing ferrous sulphide were characteristic of Poole Bay. JAB 31(2):405. Lavallard, R. (1960) 9-06353 MG Bol, Fac, Filos,Ciénc,S,Paulo Zool,, 23:141-69 Estudo com o microscópio eletronico do reticulo endoplasmático em fibras musculares de carangueijos (Electron microscope study of the endoplasmic reticulum in the muscle fibres of crabs). En Ultrafine sections of muscle from the buccal parts of 2 species of crabs were examined, The data are discussed in relation to current hypotheses as to the probable role of the endoplasmic reticulum in striated muscle, BA 40E(6)25457. 344 Arutiunian, М.Р. (1962)B 9-06354 MF Izv, Akad, Nauk, armian,SSR(fiz.-mat.), 15(11):85- 95 (Froduction bases for the development of unicellulsr algae). Ru Discusses effectiveness of the manner of the utilization of lisht-energy, composition of liquid envirorment of the culture, the atmosphere of the environment end its increased proportion of carbor dioxide, the regulation cf the critical temperature of the environment, Arutyunyan, М.Р. (1963)BC 9-06355 MF JPRS: 17433, 15 D. Production bases for the development of micelluler algae En 9-0635%, Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. Norris, K.P. & E.O. Powell 9-06356 MF (1961) J.R.micro.Soc., 80(384) :107-19 Improvements in determining total counts of bacteria An interferometric method of measuring the thickness of counting chambers removes a large systematic error from total counts, ТА 17(1)14%, Connell, J.H. (1963) 9-06357 MF Res.Popul.Ecol., 5(2):87-101 Territorial behavior and dispersion in some marine invertebrates. Ni Account of the development of the dispersion pattern in a population of Ericthonius braziliensis (marine amphipod crustacean) ; analysis of dispersion patterns of Uca pugilator, U. pugnax and Modiolus demissus and comparison with patterns previously recorded. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kudinova-Pasternak, В.К. (1962) 9-06358 MF Zool.Zh., 41(1):49-57 Vliianie na lichinok korabel'nogo chervya (Teredo navalis L.) morskoi vody ponizhennoi solenosti i razlichnoi temperatury (Effect of the marine water of a decreased salinity and of various temperature upon the larvae of Teredo navalis L.). En For normal development larvae of T. navalis require salinity not lower than 12%, On the basis of the experiments presented in a paper of 1958, the penetration of teredinids into the Sea of Azov was predicted. Of many existing projects to change the regime of the Sea of Azov with the aim of creating more favourable conditions for sommercial fish, a decrease in the salinity of the waters is most advisable since this will prevent the existance of teredinids in this sea, BA 40E(6)21937. Vasu, B.S. (1962) Proc,Indian Acad.Sci., 55(5):256-62 The lateral line system in Ophiocephalus striatus Bloch 9-06359 MF A detailed account of microscopic structure of the lateral line organs is given. The lateral line system is very superficial in Ophio- cephalus being dorsal to the scales and devoid of pore canals, The end-organ is similar to those of other fishes described, The structure of sense cells and their hollow sac-like arrangement is very similar to the structure of organs capable of perceiving sound vibrations in other vertebrates as well as a few invertebrates. BA №0Е(6)25515. Cummings, W.C. (1961) Trans, Amer,Fish,Soc,, 90(4):462-8 Maturation and spawning of the pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarım Burkenroad 9-06360 MF ВА 37E(5)1698k. Dehael, Р.А. & 9-06361 MF D. Stone (1964) Biol, Bull, , Woods Hole, 126(3):354-73 Osmcregulatory role of the antennary gland in two species of estuarine crabs Khan, K.R. (1962) 9-06362 MF Environ, Hlth,India, 4:193-201 Use of algae for treatment of syrthetic drugs wastes Results of laboratory and pilot-scale experiments on the use of algae to treat weste waters from the new pharmaceutical works at Hyderabad. Algae added were Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus quadricauda, Includes experiments on the toxicity of the waste waters to fish ( Rasbora and Barbus). WPA 36(9)152k, Ansell, A.D. & Р.А. Loosmore 9-06363 MF (1963 )A J.Cons,, 28(2):205-94 Preliminary observations on the relationship between growth, spawning and condition in experimental colonies of Venus mercenaria tie Hunter, W.R. & M.R. Hunter (1962) Glesg.Nat,, 18:198-205 On a population of Hydrobia ulvae in the Clyde estuary 9-06364 MF An estimated 30 milliard individuals in an area of less than 2.5 square miles of tidal sands, JAE 32(1):171, Dambska, I. (1961) 9-06365 Е Publ,Sect,Poznaf Soc.Friends Sci., 23(4) Roglinne zbiorowiska jeziorne okolic Sierakowa i Miedzychodu (Plant communities of lakes in the region of Sieraków and Miedzychöd). Pl En Fifty lakes are described, species occurring, Lists of plant Jaskowska, J. (1960)B 9-06366 Е Fragm. Гали. Inst. zool.polsk,Akad.Nauk., 8(28) Opis samicy Hydropsyche guttata Pict, (Trichoptera) (Description of the female of Hydropsyche guttata Pict. (Trichoptera)). Pl En Ru BENTHOS 9 (6) 345 Czapik, A. (1961) 9-06367 Е Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 3(2/3):63-7 Fauna des Kläranlagemodells in Kraków (Fauna of the model purification plant at Krakow). Pl Gives qualitative and rough abundance data on animals in an experimental scale model plant, Most animals were found round the periphery of the sprinkler bed and included Rotifera, Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Crustacea, insect larvae and Protozoa, An active sludge. tank contained a ciliate fauna like that of the sprinkler bed, A breakdown in the plant affected the sprinkler bed sooner than the active sludge tank. starmach, К. (1961) 9-06368 Е ‚cta_hydrobiol,, Kraków, 3(2/3):143-9 biorowisko glonów м potoku Piekielnik kolo ¡ablonki ‘Communities of algae in the stream Piekielnik ‘ear Jablonka), Pl En Jescribes two types of algal association noted n summer 1960, the first based on Chantransia halybaea (Rhodophyceae), the second оп stigeoclonium tenue (Chlorophyceae). For both here was a characteristic admixture of blue jreen algae and diatoms, Friedman, S. (1963) Nature, Топа., 200(4906) :605-6 Rate of equilibration of the contents of the gut of Anopheles quadrimaculatus larvae with the surrounding medium 9-06369 F Rden, U.I. (1962) 9-06370 F Medd.Grgnlend, 170(2):250 р. Studies on freshwater entomostraca in Greenland WPA 36(5)709. USPHS (1961) 9-06371 Е Tech. Rep.Taft_sanit.Engng Cent.,W61-3:168 р. Algae and metropolitan wastes, Transactions of the 1960 seminar This report includes the full text of papers presented at a Seminar on Algae and Metropolitan Wastes held in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1960, and including sessions on the explanation of the problem, growth characteristics of algae, sources of nutrients, methods of prevention and control, and research requirements. Contains 9-06256, 9-06257, 9-06373 to 9-06394, 9-06420, WPA 36(5)804, 346 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1962) 9-06372 Е Wat.& Wat.Engng, 66:110-1 Algae problems in the Great Lakes Pecent increase in the growth of algae, particularly Cladophora. WPA 36(5)803. Bartsch, А.Р. (1961) 9-06373 Е Tech, Rep. Taft_sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:6-9 Induced eutrophication - a growing water resource problem The author discusses the problems of eutrophication in lakes and similar bodies of water caused by nutrients discharged in sewage effluents, giving examples of difficulties encountered in the past and explaining the need for action to prevent future problems, particularly as water resources are developed, reducing the length of free-flowing rivers and increasing the amount of quiescent standing water. WPA 36(5)804, Sarles, W.B. (1961) 9-06374 Е Tech, Rep. Teft sanit,Engng Cent. , W61-3:10-8 Madison's lakes: must urbanization destroy their beauty and productivity? An historical review is given of the nuisance problems caused by algae and odours in Madison Lakes, Wis., and the studies and steps taken to solve these problems, WPA 36(5)804, Benoit, RJ. € J.J. Curry 9-06375 F (1961) Tech.Rep.Taft sanit,Engng Cent,, W61-3:18-22 Algae blooms in Lake Zoar, Connecticut The algal problem in Lake Zoar, Conn., is discussed, WPA 36(5)804, Phinney, Н.К. & С.А. Peek (1961) 9-06376 Е Tech, Rep, Taft sanit,Engng Cent., W61-3:22-7 Klamath Lake, an instance of natural enrichment After an historical review of the problems - caused by a heavy organic load rich in nitrogen in Upper Klamath Lake, Ore., including difficulties in disposal of waste waters at Klamath Falls since the discharge from the lake causes anerobic conditions in the Klamath River, the authors give details of a study begun in 1955, WPA 36(5)804, 9 (6) Anderson, G.C. (1961) 9-06377 Е Tech.Rep.Taft sanit,Engng Cent,, W61-3:27-33 Recent changes in the trophic nature of Lake Washington - a review Further deta are given on the changes in lake Washington resulting from the discharge of sewage effluent. The lake, previously oligotrophic, has now become eutrophic, WPA 36(5)80L., Palmer, C.M. (1961) 9-06378 Е Tech.Rep.Taft sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:34-8 Algae in rivers of the United States The author presents and discusses information on the numbers and kinds of algae in rivers of the United States, which was obtained under the programme of the U.S. Public Health Service National Water Quality Network. The same genera of algae tend to dominate in all the rivers of the country, namely 6 diatoms (Cyclotella), Synedra, Melosira, Navicula, Asterionella and Stephanodiscus, followed by Anacystis, Chlorella, Chlamydomones, and Ankistrodesmus, Diagrammatic results are included for the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, The data will provide background information for use in assessing the effect of particular factors on the biota of rivers, WPA 36(5)804, Provasoli, L. (1961) 9-06379 F Tech.Rep.Taft sanit.Engng Cent., w61-3:48-56 Micronutrients and heterotrophy as possible factors in bloom production in natural waters Reviews and discusses the role of organic micronutrients in the growth of algae, showing the importance of vitamin Bl2, thiamine biotin, and perhaps other unknown growth factors as ecological factors, and considers methods for the determination of these factors and the source and cycle cf vitamins in netural waters. He then discusses the | heterotrophic abailities of the algae and considers heterotrophy as a possible ecological factor, both in polysaprobic waters (as in oxidation ponds), where the flora consists predominantly of heterotrophic and phagotrophic algae, and in waters containing small quantities, 10-100 p.p.m., of organic material, WPA 36(5)804, BENTHOS 347 Lackey, J.B. (1961) 9-06380 F Tech, Rep. Taft sanit.Engng Cent, , W61-3 :56-60 Algal density as related to nutritional thresholds In discussing the threshold concentration of nutrients for unlimited production of algae and the quantity required to produce a sharp increase in the population, the author emphasizes the differences between species and the lack of knowledge on individual species, WPA 36(5)80Lk, Pomeroy, L.R. (1961) 9-06381 F Tech.Rep,Taft sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:61-5 Methods of measurement of primary production in natural waters The author reviews methods for estimating primary production of plant populations in natural waters by measuring the rate of photosynthesis of the populations or portions of them, either under natural environmental conditions in the laboratory. To improve estimates of primary production, the author suggests randomized or other statistically planned sampling programmes, data collected automatically over broad segments of space and time, and statistical treatment of the Observations to give both an estimate of production and an index of reliability. A bibliography of 41 references is appended. WPA 36(5)804, Odum, E.P. (1961) 9-06382 F Tech. Rep. Taft sanit.Engng Cent,, W61-3:65-71 Factors which regulate primary productivity and heterotrophic utilization in the ecosystem The author discusses algae as components of the ecosystem and algal blooms as the results of unbalance between production and consumption of organic matter in the ecosystem, A bibliography of 21 references is given, WPA 36(5)804, Engelbrecht, R.S. & J.J. Morgan 9-06383 Е (1961) Tech, Rep. Taft sanit.Engng.Cent., W61-3:74-9 Land drainage as a source of phosphorus in Illinois surface waters WPA 36(5)804, Sylvester, R.O. (1961) 9-06384 Е Tech, Rep. Taft sanit.Engng Cent,, W61-3:80-7 Nutrient content of drainage water from forested, urban and agricultural areas Data are tabulated and compared on the concentrations of nutrients (phosphorus end nitrogen) in drainage from urban streets (in Seattle, Wash.), in the Yakima, Tieton, and Cedar Rivers as they emerge from forested areas, and in water from irrigation return-flow drains, both surface and sub-surface, in the arid Yakime River basin, Wash, WPA 36(5)804, Lauff, G.H. (1961) 9-06385 Е Tech, Rep.Taft_sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:96-9 The role of limmological factors in the availability of algal nutrients In reviewing the limnological factors which influence the availability and utilization of algal nutrients, the author deals principally with the morphometry of the water basin, the nature of the surrounding Jrainage area, and climatic conditions. A bibliography of 16 references is provided. WPA 36(5)80L. Sawyer, C.N. € А.Е. Ferullo 9-06386 F (1961) Tech.Rep.Taft sanit.Engng Cent. , W61-3:100-3 Nitrogen fixation in natural waters under controlled laboratory conditions The authors give a brief summary, with tabulated results of laboratory tests carried out in connection with the surveys of Madison Lakes which showed that nitrogen fixation occurred in all lake waters except that from Lake Wingra and was most prolific in lake waters receiving significant amounts of fertilization from domestic sewage or drainage from farm land. Further experiments using water from Lake Mendota supplemented with sewage effluent, either complete or after removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, or after removal of nitrogen, showed that phosphorus was a key element in the stimulation of nitrogen fixation, A detailed report is then given of laboratory tests using water from Spy Pond and Hagar's Pond, at Boston, Mass., to evaluate the significance of increased concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and alkalinity, as would be caused by fertilization with human wastes. Results are given in tables and diagrams and discussed, WPA 36(5)80k, 348 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dugdale, В.С. & J.C. Neess (1961) Tech, Rep, Taft sanit,Engng.Cent,, W61-3:103-6 Recent observations on nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae 9-06387 Е The authors describe a method for determining rates of fixation of nitrogen using the heavy isotope nitrogen-15 and present and discuss results obtained in Sanctuary Lake, the upper part of Pymatuning reservoir, Pa., showing the relation between the rate of nitrogen fixation, concentrations of ammonia and nitrate, and number of cells of Anabaena at different seasons, Similar observations were made in Lake Mendota, WPA 36(5)80%, Lawton, G.W. (1961) 9-06388 F Tech, Rep. Taft sanit,Engng Cent., W61-3:108-17 The Madison lakes before and after diversion Studies on the Madison lakes, Wis., are reviewed and the development of sewage- treatment facilities at Madison is reviewed historically with special reference to the diversion of effluent from the lakes to Badfish creek, A chemical and biological study is being carried out at the Sanitary Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin to evaluate the effects of this diversion; the results obtained are presented diagrammatically and discussed. WPA 36(5)804, :wcb Wisniewski, T.F. (1961) 9-06389 F Tech,Rep,Taft sanit.Engng Cent,, W61-3 :118-24 The Badfish River before and after diversion of sewage plant effluent WPA 36(5)804, Larson, W.C. (1961) 9-06390 Е Tech.Rep.Taft sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:125-9 Spray irrigation for the removal of nutrients in sewage treatment plant effluent as practised at Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Effluent discharged from the sevage works of Detroit Lakes, Minn., into the arm of lake St.Clair eventually reaches Lake Sally, and, owing to the high concentration of nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, this is conducive to the excessive growth of algae and weeds. Studies on various methods for solving the problem are summarized, particularly the use of a spray-irrigation system, including studies to determine the removal of phosphorus, nitrates, and organic material by this method and the effects on ground water, WPA 36(5)80k, Fitzgerald, G.P. (1961) 9-06391 F Tech, Rep.Taft_sanit.Engng Cent, , W61-3:136-9 Stripping effluents of nutrients by biological means Laboratory and field experiments are described on the factors affecting the absorptior of nutrients from treated and untreated sewage by algae, Results are given in graphs, WPA 36(5)80L, Bogan, R.H. (1961) 9-06392 F Tech.Rep.Taft sanit,Engng Cent., W61-3:140-7 The use of algae in removing nutrients from domestic sewage WPA 36(5)804, Mackenthun, K.M. (1961) 9-06393 F Tech,Rep.Taft _sanit.Engng Cent., W61-3:148-54 The practical use of algicides and modern trends towards new ones WPA 36(5)80k, Berger, B.B. (1961) 9-06394 F Tech, Rep, Taft sanit,En Cent. , W61-3:156-9 Research needs in water quality conservation In discussing the research required in connection with the conservation of water quality, the author deals with studies on the origin of pollution, prediction of polluting effects of a new waste, treatment and disposal of waste waters, monitoring of water quality, and treatment of polluted water, WPA 36(5)80l, Dul'kin, А.Г. (1961) Zool.Zh,, 40(10):1461-4 Khimizm vody ozer Iuzhnogo Urala i Zaural'ia i molliuski (Chemistry of the water and mollusks in the lakes of the southern Ural and Transural regions). En 9-06395 F The paper embodies the results of studies on more than 300 lakes in the Cheliabinsk, Kurgan, Kustanai, and Sverdlovsk oblasts, carried out in 1956-1959, Data are presented on the effect of the content in the water of calcium and magnesium salts, hydrocarbonate, etc. on colonization of the lakes by mollusks, BA №0(6)21888. BENTHOS Dul'kin, А.Г. (1962) 9-06396 F Referat.Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 7Zh281 Chemistry of the water and mollusks in the lakes of the southern Ural and Transural regions En 9-06395. ВА №0(6)21888. Bryce, р. (1962) 9-06397 Е Trans.Soc.Brit.Ent., 15:41-54 Chironomidae (Diptera) from fresh water sediments, with special reference to Malham Tar (Yorks, ) Discusses evidence on lake history provided by chironomid head capsules in cores from Malham Tarn and other waters, and attempts to evaluate the method, JAE 32(3):582. McMillan, М.Е. (1962) J.Conch., 25:63 Pisidiur pseudosphaerium Favre in Cheshire 9-06398 F Rare fresh-water bivalve, hitherto unknown in British Isles only from marsh drains in east Sussex and north Somerset, now recorded from marl-pits near Bromboroush. JAE 32(3):587. Pinevich, V.V. (1961)B 9-06399 F Zemled.Zhivotnovod.Mold., 23(5):42-9 Khlorella i khoziaistvennoe ispol'zovanie odnokletochnykh vodoroslei (Chlorella and economic utilization of unicellular algae) Pinevich, V.V. (1961)8C A-1322, 19 p. Chlorella and economic utilization of unicellular algae 9-06400 Е En 9-06399, Available from the U.S, Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. 9 (6) 349 Telichenko, M.M., N.V. Davydova 8 V.D. Fedorov (1962)B Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk. (Ъ101.), (4):157-63 (The interrelation of algae and microorganisms, 2. Effect of growing cultures of protococcal algae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus on the survival rate of the causative agent of mouse typhoid Salmonella thyphimurium) Ru 9-06401 Е Pure cultures of these algae show anti- bacterial properties in regard to the bacteria of the group Salmonella, Telitchenko, M.M., N.V. Davydova 9-06402 Е 8: V.D. Fedorov (1963 )BC JPRS:18092, 12 p. The interrelation of algae and microorganisms, 2. Effect of growing cultures of protococcal algae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus on the survival rate of the causative agent of mouse typhoid Salmonella thyphimurium En 9-06401, Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. Robel, R.J. (1962) 9-06403 Е J.Wildlife Mgmt, 26(2):221-4 Chenges in submersed vegetation following a change in water level Following a preliminary vegetation survey of a Utah marsh in 1959, the water depth was raised 3 in. in 1961. Chenges in the growth of submerged vegetation which followed this change in the water level of the marsh were measured and are presented in this paper. BA №0Е(6)21821. Coward, S.J., R.A. Flickinger 9-06404 Е & Е. Garen (1964) Biol, Bull. , Woods Hole, 126(3):345-54 The effect of nutrient media upon head frequency in regenerating plenaria Geilenkirchea, W.L.M. (1964) J.Embryol.exp.Morph., 12:183-97 Periodic sensitivity of mechanisms of cytodifferentiation in cleaving eggs of Limnaea stagnalis 9-06405 Е 350 Flickinger, В.А. (1964) Exp.Cell Res., 34(2):403-6 Isotopic evidence for a local origin of blastema cells in regenerating planaria 9-06406 Е Hughes, J.C. € J.W.G. Lund 9-06407 F (1962) Arch.Mikrobiol., 42(2):117-29 The rate of growth of Asterionella formosa Hass. in relation to its ecology In Windermere, and some other lakes in the English Lake District, the vernal increase ceases when the concentration of silica in the water falls to approximately 0.5 mg/l. Cultivated in water from one of these lakes, Windermere, the addition of small amounts of phosphate phorphorus permits the growth of so large a crop that all the silica present is incorporated into the cells, The intensity and duration of the illumination and the temperature of the water affect this relationship between silica, phosphorus and the growth, The possible importance of the relatively low concentration of phosphate phosphorus in certain very unproductive lakes is discussed, BA LOE(6)21891, Rao, C.S.G. & P.M. Wagle (1961)B Bull,publ,Hlth Engng Res, Inst. Nagpur, 3(4):5-7 9-06408 F Membrane filter technique in the bacteriological examination of water МРА 35(11)2102, Oborn, E, T. € П.О. Hem (1960-61)B Wat, Supply Pap.U.S.geol.Surv,, 1459:237-68 Some effects of the larger types of aquatic vegetation on iron content of water 9-06409 F WPA 35(11)2120, MacRae, E.K. (196%) 9-06410 Е J.Ultrastruct.Res., 10(3/4):334-50 Observations on the fine structure of photo- receptor cells in the planarian, Dugesia tigrina 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Brown, D.S. (1961) Entomologist, 94:114-20 The life-cycle of Chlo#on dipterum L. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) 9-0€411 F Concludes that the life-cycle is modified by temperature, and that the insect is adapted to the rapid completion of numerous generations in small, temporary bodies of water, JAE 31(2):405, Mann, K.H. (1961) Oikos, 12:164-9 The life history of the leech Erpobdella testacea Sav, and its adaptive significance 9-06412 F Young emerge in June, mature in a year, breeding in March and April, and then die. It is suggested that the life-cycle is adapted to poor summer conditions in oxygen, the young leeches having a large surface/ volume ratio. This is discussed in relation to competition with E, octoculata which has a 2-year cycle, JAE 31(2):406, Reynoldson, T.B. (1961) Oikos, 12:111-25 A quantitative study of the population biology of Dugesia lugubris (0. Schmidt)(Turbellaria, Tricladida) 9-06413 Е Demonstrates by bair sampling from a small eutrophic pond and by laboratory experiment that D. lugubris resembles Polycelis tenuis in life-cycle. The adults reach a peak in June and decline after breeding to a minimum in September, recovery commencing in October, Summer decline results from acute food shortage due to abundant production of young, JAE 31(2):406, Einsle, U. (1962) Naturwissenschaften, 49(4):90 Die Bedeutung der Chromatin-Diminution für die Systematik der Gattung Cyclops s.str, (The significance of chromatic reduction in the systematics of the genus Cyclops s.str.) 9-06414 Е Chromosome characters were found valuable in separating members of the Strenuus group. BENTHOS Sapkarev, J. (1961) 9-06415 Е Bull, sci,Cons.Acad.Yougoslevie, 6(4):101-2 Quantitative Zusammensetzung der Oligochätenfauna des Prespasees (Quantitative composition of the oligochaet fauna of Lake Prespa) Moore, I.J. (1964) Ecology, 45(3):558-65 Effects of water currents on fresh-water snails, Stagnicola palustris and Physa proquinqua 9-06416 F Hester, Е.Е. & 9.5. Dendy (1962) Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc., 91:420-1 А multiple-plate sampler for aquatic macro- invertebrates 9-06417 Е An illustrated description is given of a multiple-plate sampler designed for collecting non-burrowing aquatic invertebrates. It is constructed of 1/8" thick tempered hardboard (Masonite) cut into plates of 2 sizes (3 inch square and 1 inch square); the large and small plates are placed alternately on a bolt and held in place by 2 nuts, WPA 36(10)1592. Bacon, К. (1964) Nature,Lond., 203(4943) :405 Light-induced absorption-change transients in some blue-green algae 9-06418 F Silvo, 0.E.J. (1963) Vesitalous, 4(1):22-5 (On the control of aquatic weeds). 9-06419 F Su En Results of experiments in Finland on chemicals for the control of Phragmites communis, Typha latifolia, Scirpus and Equisetum, Control has been achieved with 3 chemicals, Armitrol, Dalane and Fragulan. Work on Potamogeton natans and Elodea canadensis, using 2,4-D, Amitrol, 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone, and the sodium salt pf 3,6-endoxohexahydrophthalate 2,4-D and Amitrol were unsatisfactory, but 2,3-dichloro-1,4 naphthoquinone has given promising results in the control of green algae (Oedogonium), and the sodium salt of 3,6- endoxohexahydrophthalate destroyed a growth of Potamogeton in a few days when used in a concentration of 3 mg per litre. None of the chemicals used had any visible effect on Elodea, All the chemicals tested appeared to be relatively harmless to fish, WPA 36(11)1899. 9 (6) 351 Krauss, R.W. (1961) 9-06420 Е Tech.Rep.Taft Engng Cent., w61-3:40-7 Fundamental characteristics of algal physiology The author discusses basic information on the physiology of algae in relation to the prediction and control of algal populations in natural waters. Aspects considered include taxonomy (pointing out that the performance of a given organism cannot be predicted on the pasis of morphological description alone), rates of growth (particularly the periodic rapid growth or 'bloom', and methods of laboratory study), autotrophic and hetero- trophic growth (including the nature of the dependence on light, and the effects of algicides), nutrition (including criteria for measuring growth, availability of nutrients in water, and estimation of requirements when more than one of the factors affecting growth are in rate-limiting supply), algal decomposition, and the possible role of phages. A bibliography of 34 references is provided. WPA 36(5)80k. Oniani, T.N. (1961) 9-06421 FG Fiziol,Zh.SSSR(En Transl,), 47(4):68-71 After-hyperpolarization and after de-polariz- ation in crayfish claw muscles The results are explainable in terms of diffusion of K ions through the endplate membrane down their electrochemical gradient, BA 40E(6)25458, Baichikov, A.G., А.З. Barmenkov & V.K. Eroshin (1959)B Med.Prom., 13(6):15-31 (Microorganisms in the biosynthesis of steroids). Ru 9-06422 в Baichikov, A,G., A.S. Barmenkov & V.K. Eroshin (1963)BC ATS-L5P66R, 18 р. Microorganisms in the biosynthesis of steroids 9-06423 G En 9-06422, Available from Associated Technical Services, Inc., Р.О. Box 271, East Orange, New Jersey. 352 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Falk, U, (1961) 9-06424 M Fischereiforsch, №(8/9):18-20 Die pelagische Fischerei in der slldlichen Nordsee und am Ostausgang des Armelkanals (The pelagic fishery in the southern North Sea and in the eastern opening of the English Channel) Analyses fishery activities of France, Belgium and the Netherlands in the light of a possible extension of fishing activities of Eastern Germany. ANON, (1961) _ 9-06425 M Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg., (45):18-9 Aus der Fischerei des Auslandes (On foreign fisheries) Notes on landings and the principal fisheries for 5. Africa, Spain, Britain, USA) Us. Es Dehl (1961) 9-06426 M Alle.FischwirtschaftZte., (45):2 Kurzbericht Über die Salzfischsaison 1961 (Short report on the 1961 salt fish season) Gives figures for landings by various shipping companies, MacGregor, J.J. (1963) 9-06427 M Nature, Lond,, 200(4906) :518-20 Natural resources in the United States With a note on the world's fish harvest here estimated as 35 million metric tons. ANON. (1963) 9-06428 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(11):322-8 Catch statistics, Antarctic season 1962/63 Catches by Norwegian, British, Netherlands, Japanese and U.S.S.R. companies, ANON. (1963) 9=06429 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(12):335-45 Whaling ships in activity in the Antarctic, season 1963/64, No Statistics on numbers and tonnage of factories and catchers, FISHING 9 (6) ANON. (1963) 9-06430 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(12):354-6 Catch reports. The summer season 1963 Catch results of some whale companies operating on fields outside the Antarctic, Dfez-Davé, в. (1962) 9-06431 M Ingen.nav., 30(328):361-70 Pesqueros construidos en la regiôn Levantina (Fishing boats built on the east coast of Spain) WFA 14(3)3092. France, Groupement d'exportation 9-06432 M de navires et d'engins de mer en acier (1962)С Paris, 202 р. Fishing boats, Fr ME WFA 14(3)3093. Italy. Istituto nazionale per 9-06433 M studi ed esperienze di architettura navale (1962) Quaderno,, (1):113 р. Carene di pescherecci (Fishing vessels). It En WFA 14(3)3111. Birkhoff, C. (1962) 9-06434 M Fish,News int,, 1(3):46-9 A new trawler to solve some problems WFA 14(3)3112. Czajka, W. (1962) 9-06435 M Budown,okret,, 7(4):114-8 (Stern fishing trawlers). Pl WFA 14(3)3113. ANON. (1962) 9-06436 M Fisn,News, Lond, , (2586) :3 Germany's newest stern trawler Refers to the 1,319-ton FRITZ HOMAN, WFA 14(3)3114, Jenckel, F.-W. (1962) 9-06437 Schiffstechnik., 12:540-4 Fischereiausrtistung und Fangtechnologie fir einen Frosttrawler mit Heckaufschleppe (Fishing equipment and technique for a refrigerateä stern trawler) ИРА 14(3)3131. ANON, (1962) 9-06438 Shipp.World,, 147(3600):110 The stern trawler PIONEIRO WFA 14(3)3132. ANON. (1962) 9-06439 Schiff u,Hafen, 14(10):867-88 Fischmotorschiff КВ. TONDER {Refrigerated stern trawler KR. TONDER) WFA 14(3)3133. Harbon, J.D. (1963) 9-06440 M Canad,Fisherm., 49(5):35-40 Fishing boats of the communist world. 1. Soviet Union МЕРА 14(3)3134. ANON. (1962) 9-06441 M World Fish., 11(1):42-4 Norwegian hydraulic winches WFA 14(3)3171. ANON. (1962) 9-06442 M Comm.Fish.Rev., 24(11):31-2 Otter trawl net with electric field tested WFA 14(3)3172. FISHING 9:(6) 353 Shentiakov, V.A. (1962) Ryb.Khoz., 38(4):47-55 Elektrotraly (Electric trawls) 9-06443 м WFA 14(3)3173. Petrenko, А.Т. (1962) Ryb.Khoz,, 38(3):44~-8 Iz opyta promyslovogo lova del'finov (On the experience gained in commercial fishing for porpoises) 9-06444 м Deals with the successful fishing for 3 species of porpoises in the Black Sea: belobochka, azovka and afalina, WFA 14(3)3194. Neuhaus, K. (1962) 9-06445 M Fischerblatt., 10(3):39-41 Die schleswig-holsteinische Kutter und Ktistenfischerei im Jahre 1961 (The Schleswig-Holstein trawler and coastal fishery in 1961) Gives catch figures for landings on the Baltic, west coast, and abroad, Federici, M. (1963) Radio electron,Engng, 25(6) :535-40 On the improvement of detection and precision capabilities of sonar systems 9-O6446 M Paper presented at Sonar Systems Symposium in Birmingham on July 9-11, 1962. 36 references, IA 18(10)6689, Bartsch, H.J. (1962) 9-06447 M Wiss.Z.Hochsch.Elektrotech.Ilmenau, 8(1):905-9 (On apparatus for the measurement of the depth and filling of dragnets). De Phase of wave transmitted by oscillator is controlled by Bourdon pressure gauge and is function of depth; forces between meshes operate switches to indicate amount of fish in nets. IA 18(8)5018, ANON. (1962) Electron,Engng, 34(415):627 A fish finding echo sounder 9-06448 M The Kelvin and Hughes (U.K.) Humber fish finder. IA 17(11)7390. 354 Harden Jones, Е.В. € B.S. McCartney (1962) J.Cons., 27(2):141-9 The use of electronic sector-scanning sonar for following the movements of fish shoals: sea trials on R.R.S. DISCOVERY II 9-06449 M ТА 17(12)804t, Zvorykin, V.P. (1964) Fed.Proc., 23(3) Pt.2:T647 Morphological substrate of ultrasonic and locational capacities in the dolphin 9-06450 M Brandt, A.V. (1962) 9-06451 M All FischwirtschaftZte., 14(1/2):57-62 Schwimmschleppnetz-Fischerei an der Ostkante (Midwater trawl fishery on the Eastern sea- board) Fishing between Skagerrak and Utsire using sonar, Includes details of hourly and daily catches and the positions of nets in relation to shoals, Borodatov, V.A. & Yu.L. Karpechenko (1961)B Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl.), 110422 The Soviet scientific-exploratory expedition into the waters off west Africa and prospects for the fishing industry in this area 9-06452 M En 9-06450, BA 37E(5)16972. FAO/UN (1963) 9-06453 M Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1600):10 p. Rapport au gouvernement de la République du Sénégal sur les ports de pêche d'après l'engfete de C.R. Bjnke, ingénieur portuaire FAO/TA (Report to the government of the Republic of Senegal on the fishing harbours based on the work of C.R. Bjnke, FAO/TA harbour building engineer) Report on FAO project carried out under UN Expanded Technical Assistance Programme, Survey of possibilities and problems for construction, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Iparraguirre, J.C. (1962)c 9-06454 M Peru, Ministerio de Agricultura, Servicio de Pesqueria, 118 p. Importancia economica de la pesqueria en el quinquenio: 1957-1961 (Economic importance of fisheries in the auinquennium 1957-1961) Coetzee, O.J. (1962) Publ.Hlth,Johannesburg, 62(8):9-10 Shellfish - a potential threat to public hea1th 9-06455 M Public health regulations restricting the marketing of shellfish from polluted waters in the United States and United Kingdom are reviewed. In South Africa, the apparent lack of cases of typhoid, dysentery and gastro- enteritis resulting from shellfish con- sumption probably reflects the system of recording, and strict control of collecting grounds, marketing and handling of shellfish is recommended. WPA 36(10)1717. ANON. (1962) Allg,FischwirtschaftZtg,, 14(7):9 Ein neues Fischnetz (A new fish net) 9-06456 MG Diagram and notes on a patented net that can be used either for pelagic or demersal fishing, FAO (1963) Yearb.Fish.Statist,FAO(Prod. 9-06457 MF 15(1962) Tabulates annual catches and landings 1954-9 by countries, regions, species groups; glossaries, conversion factors, statistical notes, fish names; disposition of landings; values; commodities, Haslett, R.W.G. (1962) 9-06458 MF J.Cons,, 27:261-9 Measurement of the dimensions of fish to facilitate calculations of echo strength in acoustic fish detection WFA 14(3)3151. AQUATIC STOCKS 355 Paz-Andrade, У. (1963) Fish,News,int,, 2(1):71-3 Fishing expeditions in the southern Atlantic 9-06459 MF WFA 14(3)3153, Suryanarayana Rao, S.V. 9-06460 MF (1960)c Dissertation, Univ, Hamburg (Investigations into the trimethylamine oxide in marine fish and freshwater fish). De УРА 14(3)3452. Vul'fson, P.L. (1961) Biokhimiia (En Transl,), 26:271-4 Extractable nitrogenous compounds of fish muscle 9-06461 MF WFA 14(3)3454, ANON. (1962) 9-06462 MF Prod,Engng, 33(19):134 Pransducer helps find fish A transistorized depth finder which can be used in fish location is being made by Colombian Hydrosonics Inc,, U.S.A. IA 17(12)8611. Kinsella, T.R. (1963)B Foreign Tr,, 119:2-8 ANON. (1963)B 9-06463 MF Conjunt,econ,int,Ed,, 10:35-41 The fishing industry Portugal, Direcgäo das 9-06464 MF Pescarias (1960) Estatist.Pescas marft, Lisboa, (1959):57 р. Marine fisheries statistics for the continent and adjacent islands in the year 1959, Portuguese production of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and cetaceans by species, months, area and method of capture; vessels constructed and operating; number of fishermen employed. Includes data for brackish waters. Miller, Н.В. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(7):1053-4 Transducer measurement platform on Seneca Lake 9-06465 FG Large mobile platform now in operation for underwater acoustic measurements in U.S.A. is described, IA 18(10)670k, 9-06466 G Canada's fisheries markets in 1962 AQUATIC STOCKS Kipnick, 5. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(2):143-44 Meerneunaugen in der StUr (Sea lampreys in the St8r) 9-06467 м Females of Petromyzon marinus L. have been found in this tributary of the lower Elbe in the month of July before spawning, Falk, U. (1961) Fischereiforsch,, 4(8/9):13-5 Einige Bemerkungen fiber die biologischen Grundlagen der "Ostkanten-Fischerei" (Some remarks on the biological basis of the Ostkanten fishery) 9-06468 M Reports on the decreasing importance of herring fisheries along the west coast of Sweden and reviews fluctuation problems related to environmental factors in that area. 356 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nazir, DJ. & М.С. Magar (1964)A 9-06469 M Biochem.J,, 90(2):268-70 Determination of ubiquinone and tocopherol in some tissues of shark (Carcharias ellioti Day) Nazarenko, lu.l. € A.V. Iablokov (1962) Zool,Zh,, 41:1875-82 Otsenka metoda ucheta. chislennosti belomorskogo lysuna 1 soobrazheniia o sostoianii zapasov etogo tiulenia (An evaluation of existing census methods for the White Sea harp seal and reflections on the state of the stock) 9-06470 M Assessment of Pagophilus groenlandicus in Arctic, Nazarenko, Iu.I. & A.V. 9-06471 M Iablokov (Sergeant, D.E., Transl. )(1963) Transl,Ser,Fish,Res.Bd Can,, (459):9 p. An evaluation of existing census methods for the White Sea harp seal and reflections on the state of the stock En 9-06470, Gaskin, Р.Е. (1963) 9-06472 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(11):307-21 Whale-marking cruises in New Zealand waters made between February and August 1963 Gives complete details of marking and survey operations, ANON. (1963) 9-06473 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(12):348-9 FAO appeals for voluntary limits on fin-whale catches Extracts from appeal made by the Director- General of FAO, ANON, (1963) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 52(12):350-4 The Antarctic baleen whale stocks, No 9-06474 M Composition and text of mandate of a committee of three scientists appointed by the International Whaling Commission to study the state of the Antarctic whale stocks. Conclusions reached by the committee and action taken by the commission on those conclusions, Andriyashev, A.P. (Ronen, O, Clark, M.R. (1962) 9-06475 M Bull. Brit.Mus, (nat,Hist,Zool,), 8(9):419-80 The identification of cephalopod 'beaks' and the relationship between beak size and body weight Gives descriptions and illustrations of, and a partial key to, the mandibles of fifteen families of cephalopod, JAE 32(3):585. Went, A.E.J. (1962) Irish Nat.J., 14(2):33-5 Rare fishes taken in Irish waters in 1961 9-06476 M JAE 32(3):587. Tomilin, A.G. (1962)B Priroda, Moskva, 51(10):101-3 (Bionics and cetaceans). Ru 9-06477 M Briefly discusses sound signaling by cetaceans and its possible use in the capture of these animals, Considers the relationship of the hydrophobic and antiturbulent properties of the skin surface to swimming speed and suggests that some of the features of cetacean streamlining could be incorporated into ship hull design. Tomilin, A.G. (1963)B JPRS: 17179, 7 p. Bionics and cetaceans 9-06478 M En 9-06477. Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C, 9-06479 M Transl, )(1963)BC PL-480 Int., 58 р. Northern marine fishes: selected taxonomic papers En 58-6702, Available from the U,S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. AQUATIC STOCKS Andriashev, A.P. (1959) 9-06480 M Zoo1.zh., 38(3):465-8 (on the taxonomic position of the South African lycod (Lycodes agulhensis Andr., sp.n.) confused with the arctic species Lycodes frigidus Coll. (Pisces, Zoarcidae) based on material from the Soviet antarctic expedition), Ru A South African lycodid fish which has been erroneously confused by recent authors with the arctic species Lycodes frigidus Collett is described here as a new species, Lycodes agulhensis, based on the female, total length 452 mm from off the Agulhas Bank at a depth of 1,400 m. This new species differs from L. frigidus by greater number of vertebrae, dorsal and anal rays, by the presence of the mediolateral line, by much shorter upper jaw, by larger scales distributed over anal and dorsal fins and the pectoral base, and many Other features. It is nearer to L. atlanticus Jensen, differing in the presence of distinct mediolateral line, absent of co-type of Lo. atlanticus according to A.S. Jensen and in some proportions, Andryashev, A.P. (L.Pemy, Transl, )(1962)BC 6 p. On the taxonomic position of the South African lycod (Lycodes agulhensis Andr., sp.n.) confused with the arctic species Lycodes frigidus Coll, (Pisces, Zoarcidae) based on material from the Soviet antarctic expedition 9-06481 M En 9-06480, Available from the U,S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C, Carr, A. € H. Hirth (19620 Amer.Mus.Novit., 2091:1-42 The ecology and migrations of sea turtles. 5, Comparative features of isolated green turtle colonies 9-06482 M Deta are presented on 2 genetically separate colonies of Atlantic green turtle (Chelonia mydas mydas), 1 breeding at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, the other at Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. Ascension is nesting centre for non-breeding green turtle populations. Migration problems are discussed in general terms, in light of recent data, and hypo- thetical travel routes are proposed, o 61-12357. ЗА LOE(6)21832, 9 (6) 357 Barrett, I. & 9-06483 M F.J. Hester (196k) Nature, Lond., 203(4940):96-7 Body temperature of yellowfin and skipjack tunas in relation to sea surface temperature Babeian, K. (1960) Rybovod,i Rybolov,, 6:23 Vyrashchivanie kefali v karpovykh prudakh (Rearing mullet in carp ponds) 9-06484 M Mugil cephalus, BA 37E(5 )16966. Babayan K, (1961)B 9-06485 M Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl,), 11D408 Rearing mullet in carp ponds En 9-06148k, BA 37E(5)16966. Wheeler, A, & du Heaume (1964) J.Mar.biol.Ass.U.K., 44(2):389-97 Notes on the distribution of electric rays (Torpedo spp.) in northern European waters 9-06486 M Kutkühn, J.H. (1963) Fish Bull., Sacramento, (120):47 p. Estimating absolute age composition of California selmon landings 9-06487 M An attempt to assess estimates that permit delineating the absolute age structure of fish catches, assuming the appropriate attributes are observed in a manner that at least approximates probability sampling. de Sylva, D.P. (1961) 9-06488 M Bull,Mar,Sci,Gulf Caribb., 11(2):161-90 Life history notes on the little tuna, Euthynnus alletteratus, from the southeastern United States ВА 37E(5)20705. 358 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lewis, J.B. (1961) 6 Bull Mar.Sci,Gulf Caribo., 11(2):258-66 The growth, breeding cycle and food of the flying fish Parexocoetus brachypterus hillianus (Gosse) 339 м Cecurs commonly in the coastal waters of Barbados, BA 37E(5)20709. Zaitsev, Iu.P. (1960)B 9-06490 M Zool.Zh,, 39(10):1538-44 Csobennosti razmnozheniia kefalei (Mugilidae) Chernogo moria (Reproductive characteristics of the Black Sea grey mullet, Mugilidae), En Zaitsev, Yu.P. (1961)B 9-06491 M Referat.Zh, (Biol)(En Transl, ), 90280 Reproductive characteristics of the Black Sea grey mullet, Mugilidae En 9-06490, BA 37E(5)20715. Davies, D.H., J.F.A. Lochner 9-06492 M € E.D. Smith (1963) Invest.Rep,oceanogr,Res,Inst.Durban, (7):10 р. Preliminary investigations on the hearing of sharks ; Results of tank experiments with Carcharinus obscurus, С. maculipinnis and Sphyrna lewini, Results suggest that sharks are not able to discriminate between frequencies and that their recognition of signals is based on the amplitude versus time characteristics of these signals, They can apparantly determine the direction of a sound source accurately, ANON, (1964) Mondo sommerso, 6(1) Atlante dei pesci delle coste italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts), It 9-06493 M Detachable cards, 111., with notes on morphology reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Etmopterus spinex (L.) and Gobius niger jozo L. Worthington, E.B. (1964) Nature ,Lond., 203(4941):116-8 Grey seals and fisheries 9-06494 M Rice, A.L. (1963) 9-06405 м J.Cons., 28(2):188-200 The food of the Irish Sea herring in 1961 and 1962 Clupea harengus L, Kabata, Z. (1963)A J.Cons., 28(2):201-10 Incidence of coccidoses in Scottish herring (Clupea harengus L.) Blaxter, J.H.S. & G. Hempel 906407 M (1963)A j.Cons., 28(2):211-40 The influence of egg size on herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) Zijlstra, J.J. & J.F. de Veen 9-06498 M (1963)A J.Cons., 28(2):241-5 On the relative fishing power of Dutch trawlers Shelbourne, J.E. (1963) 9-06499 M J.Cons., 28(2):246-61 Marine fish culture in Britain №. High survivals of metamorphosed plaice during salinity experiments in open circulation at Port Erin, Isle of Man. 1961 Pleuronectes platessa L. Shelbourne, J.E. (1962) J.Mar.biol.Ass.U.K., 4+2:243-=52 A predator-prey size relationship for plaice larvae feeding on Oikopleura 9-06500 M Oikopleura faecal pellets in the gut of larval plaice used to demonstrate that, in the North Sea, smaller larvae are restricted to smaller Prey, but all sizes of Larvacea are taken by later larvae, Hence competition for food is keenest among early larvae, Later larvae begin to discriminate for size, JAE 32(1):166.. AQUATIC STOCKS Wheeler, A, (1962) 0-06501 M = se risk Not.d..5 14151=5 5 Liperis liparis as an Irish fish The sea-sneil is shown to occur in Irish waters, having been previcusly confused with L, montagui, which is also present, À key for separating the two species is given, JAE 32(2):172. Garvin, J.W., A.d. Gilmour & W.3. Neill (1961) irish Nat.d., 13:1230-40 The occurrence of Leptocotyle minor (Monticelli) a little known ectoparasite on the rough hound, Scyliorhinus caniculus (L.) 9-06502 M Many specimens of this trematode on several dogfish in Strangford Lough, Co. Down, in October 1960, JAE 31(2):410, McCann, C. (1962) 9-06503 M Rec,Dom.Mus., Wellington, №(10):95-100 The taxonomic status of the beaked whale, Mesoplodon pacificus Longman - Cetacea Assigned to wrong genus, Thought to be example of Hyperooden planifrons Flower. Mohr, H. (1961) Prot.FischTech,, 7(32):202-10 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hai-Abwehr (Possibilities and limits of shark defense) 9-0650 M Gives an account of shark repellents and their efficiency. Röskenbleck, H. & W. Niesel 9-06505 M (1962) Naturwissenschaften, 49(5):114-5 Die "Sauerstoffsekretion" in die Schwimmblase von Tiefseefischen (Oxygen secretion in the swim bladder of deep sea fish) Reports the use of a microphotometrical method towards explaining the phenomenon. Tabb, D.C, € А.С. Jones (1962) Trans,Amer,.Fish,Soc., 91:375-8 Effect of hurricane Donna on the aquatic fauna of north Florida Bay 9-06506 M Effect of September 1960 hurricane, WPA 36(10)1731. 9 (6) 359 Lühmann, M. € H. Mann (1962) 9-06507 MF Fischwirt, 12(1):9-22 Uber die Wanderung der Aale in der Elbe (Migration of eels in the River Elbe) ANON. (1961) 9-06508 MF Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg,, (42) :9-10 Pazifische Lachse im Nordatlantik (Pacific salmon in the north Atlantic) Ascribes Oncorhynchus catches in the Atlantic to Russian 'transplantations' in the Barents Sea. ANON. (1961) 9-06509 MF Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg., (45):17-8 Nochmals etwas vom Lachs (Something more on salmon) Summarizes European and American landings of Salmo and Oncorhynchus. Beinbridge, R. (1961) Symp.zool,Soc.Lond., (5):13-32 Problems of fish locomotion 9-06510 MF Formulae are developed showing a theoretical relationship between speed, weight of muscle, a power factor and length, WFA 14(3)3033. Watson, G.E., R.L. Zusi & 9-06511 MF R.W. Storer (1963)C Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 7 p. Addenda to preliminary field guide to the birds of the Indian Ocean Records and describes additional species of seabirds to be added to the synoptic species list and entereá on the appropriate island lists, Ad 9-06512, 360 Watson, G.E., Rel. Zus? 2 29-06512 MF RH. Storer (1963)С Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 214 y. Prelininary field guide to the birds of the H Ccean =. mice ES PR 9 | incl, instructions for collecting and preparinx srecirens, end synontic siecies ‘list with notes on distribution, plates with sketch drawings and notes of identificetory characters for each species, and island lists wita detailed regional Zrforsation, Skokova, N.N. (1959)B 9-06513 MF Ornitologiia, 2:262-70 Ekologiia i rybokhoziaistvennoe znachenie kolpitsy v del'te Volgi (The ecology and importance to commercial fishing of the spoonbill) Seasonal distribution of spoonbill in the Volga delta (especially location of feeding places) is determined by course of spring flood and the migration of young carp. Fish consisted 47.9 - 74,2% of stomach contents in different years and included roach and carp. The spoonbill is not one of the harmful birds, since its negligible consumption of the young of commercially valuable fish is fully compensated by its destruction of aquatic insects which are harmful for commercial fishing. ВА LOE(6)21850. Skokova, N.N. (1961) 9-06514 MF Referat.Zh, (Biol. ) (En Transl.), 205% The ecology and importance to commercial fishing of the spoonbill En 9-06513. BA №0Е(6)21850. Isek, H. (1962) 9-06515 MF Eesti Loodus, 1:15-6 Lôhe Sngekonksuga (Salmon with fish-hooks). Eesti En Ru Deals with the investigation of salmon migrations by the "fish-hook" method, BA №0Е(6)21929. Mansueti, R.J. (1961) Chesapeske Sci,, 2(1/2):9-36 Age, growth and movements of the striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, taken in size selective fishing gear in Maryland 9-06516 MF BA 37E(5)17008. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Maslov, М.А. (1961)B 9-06517 MF Referat, Zu, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 110420 The composition of the stocks and abundance of cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern part of the Barents Sea En 61-08000. ВА 37Е(5)17009. Bogaevskii, V.T. (1961) 9-06518 MF Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 120427 Some features of the biology of the Far Eastern navaga En 61-10511, ВА 37E(5)20704, Jacob, J. € К. Rangarajan (1960) J.zool,Soc,India, 12(1):20-1 Callogobius seshaiyai, the name proposed for the gobiid from the Vellar estuary, Porto Novo 9-06519 MF The measurements relating to the holotype specimen of C, seshaiyai are given, BA 37E(5)20707. Palekar, V.C. & D.V. Bal (1960) J.z001,Soc,India, 12(1):104-13 Observations on the length-frequency distributions of the Indian whiting, Sillago sihama (Forskal) from the Karwar waters 9-06520 MF BA 37E(5)20712. Bishai, H.M. (1962) J.Cons., 27 :167 -80 Reactions of larval and young salmonids to water of low oxygen concentration 9-06521 MF The response of larval and yourig salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) to water of low oxygen content was studied, using the apparatus developed by J.R.E. Jones, in which the fish have the opportunity to discriminate between ordinary water and a definite concentr- ' ation of any substance under test. WPA 36(9)1437. AQUATIC STOCKS Bishai, H.M. (1962) 9-06522 MF J.Cors., 27:181-91 Reartions of larval and young salmonids to different hydrogen ion concentrations Describes experiments on the reaction of the young of salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) to water of different hydrogen ion concentrations produced by carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate, WPA 36(9)1438. Ramirez, В.С. & М.Г. Sevilla 9-06523 MF (1963 Trab, Divulg, Ofic, Estud, diol, Direcc.Pesca,Méx. , 5(12):42 р. Lista preliminar de recursos pesqueros de México marinos y de agua dulce (Preliminery list of marine and fresh-water commercially important species of living aquatic organisms of Mexico) Standard common names and vernacular names of fishes and other living aquatic organisms, Reichenbach-Klinke, H.H. (1961) 9-06524 Е Z.Parasitenk,, 20:541-57 Die Gattung Diplozoon v. Nordmann, Zugleich Neubeschreibung einer Spezies und zweier Subspezies sowie Revision der Gattung (The genus Diplozoon v. Nordmann. New description of a species and two subspecies and revision of the genus) Parasites on the gills of carp, Gasowska, M. (1960) 9-06525 F Fragm, faun.Inst,zool.polsk,Akad,Nauk, 8(29) Swinka Chondrostoma nasus /L./ z Wisly i jej niektorych doplywow (Chondrostoma nasus /L./ from the Vistula and some of its tributaries). Pl Ru De Morphometric analysis of 90 specimens, Sköra, S. (1961) 9-06526 Е Acta hydrobiol, Kraków, 3(2/3):91-111 Karausche (Carassius carassius L.) aus der Teichwirtschaft Golysz (Crucian carps (Carassius carassius L.) from the culture ponds at Golysz). Pl Biometrical data were collected for growth analysis using weight and 8 linear measure- ments. The observations were made over 5 years on a population of fish derived from a single brood peir, 9 (6) 361 Zygmuntowa, J. (1961) 9-06527 F Acta hydrobiol. Kraków, 3(2/3):113-31 Einfluss der Fütterung auf die chemische Zusammensetzung des Karpfenfleiches (Effect of food on the chemical composition of carp meat), Pl Compares unfed carp with fed on diets of bonemeal, fishmeal, yellow lupins, wheat, rye and steamed potatoes. Two year old carp assimilated protein foods better than one year olds which required mixed food. Tesch, F.-W. (1961) 9-06528 F Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 3(2/3):151-64 Abwassereinfluss und Fischwachstum in der Oberen Saaletalsperre (Bleilochsperre) (Pollution of fish development in the Upper Saale barrage (Bleilochsperre)). Pl Years of low rainfall between 1947 and 1959 produced high fish mortality during the "autumn turnover', Radical environmental charges are rapidly reflected in fish growth rates which were studied in Abramis brama L, and Leuciscus rutilus L., and some data are presented for Esox lucius L. and Perca fluviatilis L, Miaczynski, T. € E, Rudzinski (1961) Acta hydrobiol,, Kraków, 3(2/3):165-74 Wzrost karpi poczatkowo przetrzymanych w akwariach (Growth of carp kept for a period in aquaria), Pi ¿De 9-06529 F Details of four groups of carp kept respectively 6, 2, 2 and 1 years in indoor aquaria and poorly fed, then released into a pond rich in food. Fish contained for longer periods remained stunted when released, Rudzinski, E. & T. Miaczynski (1961) Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 3(2/3):175-98 Karlowaty karp z Pisarzowic (Dwarf carp from Pisarzowic). Pi, «De 9-06530 F Presents results of a 12 year study on a population of carp in which precociously maturing dwarfs appeared during 1946-7; a new mutational form is postulated, 362 Czubak, W. (1961) 9-06531 F Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 3(2/3):199-212 Przyrosty i ksztalt ciala dwuletnich karpi pisarzowskich i mydlnickich (Growth and body form in 2 year-old Pisarzowice and Mydlniki carp). Pl De Dwarf carp from Pisarzowice were cultured in parallel with normal fish from Mydlniki in two series of adjacent ponds, and at four different population densities. The dwarf fish remained consistently stunted and the normal fish grew well under all the experimental conditions, Einsele, W. et al. (1960) Ost.Fisch., 13(9):97-100 Weitere Beiträge zur Biologie und zur künstlichen Aufzucht des Huchens (Further contributions on the biology and artificial rearing of the hucho) 9-06532 Е Nümann, М. (1962) Allg.FischZtg., 87(4):114-6 Schnelleres Wachstum, grössere Fangerträge, jüngere Jahrgänge und Frühreife bei den Bodenseeblaufelchen als Folge der Düngung des Sees durch Abwässer (Faster growth, larger catches, younger age classes and prematurity of Lake Constance Coregonus wartmannis Bloch, as a result of fertilization of the lake by sewage) 9-06533 Е Reports on the relation between population, fisheries management and yield as response to gradual environmental alterations. ANON, (1961) Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg., (45):9 Einfuhrmöglichkeiten für lebende Karpfen (Important facilities for live carp) 9-06534 Е Facilities between various European countries and Germany. Haslewood, G.A.D. (1964) Biochem,J., 90(2):309-13 Comparative studies of 'bile salts', 19, The chemistry of ranol 9-06535 Е Consideration of bile salt chemistry puts the Ranidae examined in the evolutionary order: В. temporaria, В, catesbiana, В. nigromaculata, Chemical formulae for ranol sulphate and related compounds are put forward. CR 61-03261. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Australia, Department of 9-06536 F Primary Industry, Fisheries Division (1963)c Canberra, 39 p. Alphabetical list of exotic and indigenous aquarium fishes classified into categories tat to tp! Drawn up by Advisory Committee on Importation of Live Aquarium Fish, of the Australian Commonwealth State Fisheries Conference, Lists scientific and common names, family, area of origin, and classification according to whether importation approved, pending, prohibited, or subject to review, Heintz, E. (1962) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 255 :2283-4 (The behaviour of fish under the influence of odorous substances in solution). Fr 9-06537 Е Results given of experiments on the behaviour of Danio malabarious. WPA 36(5)814, Fromm, Р.О. & В.М. Stokes (1962) J.Wat.Pollyt,.Contr.Fed,, 34:1151-5 Assimilation and metabolism of chromium by trout 9-06538 F WPA 36(5)815. Kiener, A. (1962) Bull.Madagascar, 12(199) :1033-44 Evolution de la pisciculture et de la pêche dans les eaux intérieures de Madagascar depuis 1950 (The development of fish culture and fishing in the inland waters of Madagascar since 1950) 9-06539 F TA 18(8)k1937. Jones, P.H.M. (1963) Far East Econ.Rev., 39(8):348-9 The fight for food 9-06540 F Reports on the development of fish culture in ponds and rice fields of north Vietnam, TA 18(7)k1697. AQUATIC STOCKS Leus, S.I. (1959) 9-06541 Е Trudy pribalt.ornit.Konf., (3):151-6 Sravnitel'nye materialy po pitaniiu tsaplevykh ptits v del'te Volgi (Comparative data on the feeding of herons in the Volga delta) In early spring common heron and greater egret feed on fishes, but later composition of diet is more varied, Insect larvae, mollusks, and emphibians form a considerable part of diet of lesser egret and yellow heron; the latter also feeds on terrestrial insects. Stomach contents of an "Egyptian heron" consisted exclusively of Orthoptera, Important diet items of night herons are amphibians, especially in spring before waters rise, Dietary differences among separate sp. are related to different methods of catching food and corresponding morphological features. BA 40(6)21842, Nazarenko, L.F. (1959) 9-06542 Е Trudy pribalt,ornit.Konf., (3):201-3 O ryboiadnosti tsapel' у nizov'iakh Dnestra i ikh prakticheskom znachenli (Herons as piscivores in the lower reaches of the Dniester River and their practical importance) On the basis of more than 500 diet samples, of field observations, and composition of helminthofauna, there is wide polyphagia by herons in Dniester River lowlands. A conspicuous piscivorous tendency was noted only in common herons and night herons, Tendency was less prominent in greater and lesser egret and especially in red heron. Yellow heron is not a natural fisheater here and showed no evidence of helminths pathogenic for fishes, During 15% half of summer diet of all herons consists mostly of larvae of aquatic insects; in latter half, of frogs. ВА 40(6)21844, Leus, S.I. (1961)B 9-06543 Е Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Transl.), 2D546 Comparative data on the feeding of herons in the Volga delta En 9-06511, BA 10(6)21842. Nazarenko, L.F. (1961)B 9-06544 Е Referat.Zh.(Biol.)(En Transl.), 2D545 Herons as piscivores in the lower reaches of the Dniester River and their practical importance En 9-06542, BA 40(6)21844, 9 (6) 363 Priklonskii, S.G. & V.M. Galushin (1959) Trudy pribalt.ornit.Konf., (3):231-6 Novye dannye po ekologii chernogo aista (New data on the ecology of the black stork) 9-06545 Е Results of observations of 2 nests of black storks in Oksk Preserve (Ryabinsk oblast) in 1957. Hetching of young is described and data are given on development of nestlings. Principal diet (78-100%) consists of pond loaches and young of Esox sp.; proportion of latter in diet increases especially in years of high water and of rapid falls in water level, BA 40(6)21848, Priklonskii, S.G. € V.M. Galushin (1961)B Referat.Zh. (Biol, )(En Trans1.), 2D554 New data on the ecology of the black stork 9-06546 F En 9-06515. BA 40(6)21848, Kozareva, N.A. (1961)B Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 139(2):510-2 (Metabolic disturbances in cyprinoid fishes as a result of their invasion by Ligula and Digramma). Ru 9-06547 Е Kozareva, N.A. (1961)AB RIs 2279 Metabolic disturbances in cyprinoid fishes as a result of their invasion by Ligula and Digramma En 9-06547. Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, 9-06548 Е ANON. (1959)BC 9-06549 F Izv.vsesoiuz,nauch, -issled.Inst,ozer,rech,ryb, Khoz,, 49:225 p. Parazity oresnovodnykh ryb i biologicheskie osnovy bor'by s nimi (Parasites of freshwater fish and the biological basis for their control) ANON, (Kochva, L. Trans1.)(1962)BC 9-06550 F PL-480 Int., 236 р. Parasites of freshwater fish and the biological basis for their control En 9-06549, Available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. 364 Monchadskii, А.5. € E.V. Bumekin (1063)3C JPRS:18085, 4h р. The concept of Factors in ecology and some problems in the theory of acclimatization of fresh-water fish 9-06551 Е En 9-06552, Available from the U.S. Department of'Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. Monchadskii, A.S. & E.V. Burmakin (1961)B Zool.Zh., 40(9):1299-303 (The concept of factors in ecology and some problems in the theory of acclimatization of fresh-water fish). Ru 9-06552 Е Vinberg, 6.6. € Р.М. Vashchenko 9-06553 Е (1962)B Zoo1.Zh., 41(11):1618-30,1749-51 (The energy principal in the study of trophic relations and the productivity of ecological systems and the influence of the pike on carp stocks in Kremenchug reservoir), Ru Vinberg, G.G. € D.M. Vashchenko (1963 )Bc JPRS:17906, 28 p. The energy principle in the study of trophic relations and the productivity of ecological systems and the influence of the pike on carp stocks in Kremenchug reservoir 9-0655 Е En 9-06553. Available from U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Washington, D.C. Brasch, J. & W. Fernholz (1962) Wis.Conserv.Bull., 27(4):10-11 Stream rehabilitation 9-06555 F Techniques using fish toxicants to eradicate suckers from streams, followed by stocking with desired species of trout, ВА LOE(6)21911, Chaturvedi, R.N. (1962) Indian Fmg, 12(2):9-10 With pituitary extract pond carp can be coaxed to spawn 9-06556 Е BA №0Е(6)21912, BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Zubrik, K.M. (1961) 9-06557 Е Priroda, Moskva, 7:69-72 Preobrazovaniya v nizov'yakh Volgi (Modifications in the lower reaches of the Volga.) Explains various proposals for transforming the Volga-Akhtubinsk system into artificial- natural nurseries for breeding migratory fish, Zubrik, K.M. (1962)B 9-06558 F Referat,Zu.(Biol,)(En Transl,), 7Zh265 Modifications in the lower reaches of the Volga En 9-06557. ВА k0r(6)21965, Pantulu, V.R. & М. D. Singh (1962) Proc,Indian Acad.Sci., 55(5):263-75 On the use of otoliths for the determination of age and growth of Anguilla nebulosa nebulosa McClelland 9-06559 F The relationship between the otolith radius and total length of the fish has been determined, based on which a formula for back calculation of lengths at different ages is derived. A study of the otolith margins has shown that the formation of the translucent bands is annual in nature. ВА 10Е(6)25513. Berst, А.Н. (1961) 9-06560 F Trans .Amer.Fish.Soc., 90(4):413-8 Selectivity and efficientcy of experimental gill nets in South Bay and Georgian Bay of Lake Huron Gill-net selectivity curves for ciscoes (Coregonus artedii), round white fish (Prosopium cylindraceum), a chub species (mainly Coregonus hoyi, with a few represent- atives of C, reighardi), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) were obtained from the analysis of catch statistics of experimentel nylon gill nets fished in Georgian Bay in 1958 and 1959 and in South Bay during the period of 1954 to 1959 inclusive, BA 37E(5)16969. Buettner, H.J. (1961)B Trans, Amer, Fish,Soc,, 90(4):40h-12 Recoveries of tagged, hatchery-reared lake trout from Lake Superior 9-06561 F Salvelinus namaycush, 9 (6) BA 378(5)16978. AQUATIC STOCKS Cooper, E.L. (1961) Trans.Amer,Fish,Soc,, 90(4):424-38 Growth of wild and hatchery strains of brook trout 9-06562 F Growth characteristics of Salvelinus fontinalis were investigeted by comparing 3 wild populations with 5 hatchery groups. ВА 37Е(5)16982. Golovkov, @. (1960)B Rybovod,i Rybolov,, £:21-3 Peliad' - ob'ekt ozernogo i prudovogo rybovodstva (The whitefish Coregonus peled as an object of cultivation in lakes and ponds) 9-06563 F ВА 37Е(5)16992. Golovkov, G. (1961) 9-06564 Е Referat.Zh, (Biol, )(En Trans1,), 1110807 The whitefish Coregonus peled as an object of cultivation in lakes and ponds En 9-06563. BA 37E(5)16992. Gordon, W.G. (1961) 9-06565 Е Trans.Amer.Fish.Soc., 90(4):439-43 Food of the American smelt in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron Osmerus mordax, ВА 37E(5)16993. Popova, О.А. (1961)B 9-06566 F Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 80433 Some features of the ecology of the pike and perch in the Volga delta En 61-10515. BA 37E(5)17019. Yashouv, А. € J. Chervinski (1961) Bamidgeh, 13(2):33-9 The food of Tilapia nilotica in ponds of the fish culture research station at Dor 9-06567 Е ВА 37E(5)17039. 9 (6) 365 Sivades, Р. (1964) Gen, comp.Endocr, , (4/3) :295-9 The occurence of #-cells in the Islets of Langerhans of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) (Teleostei ) 9-06568 F Moss, D.D. & D.C. Scott (1961) Trans. Amer, Fish,SOc., 90:377-93 Dissolved-oxygen requirements of three species of fish 9-06569 F The critical concentrations of dissolved oxygen for the basal metabolism of the bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were investigated at 25 degrees С, 30 degrees С and 35 degrees С. shock and acclimation tests were conducted; details of the apparatus are given, WPA 35(11)2111, Coble, D.W. (1961) Trans Amer, Fish,Soc,, 90:469-74 Influence of water exchange and dissolved oxygen in redás on survival of steel-head trout embryos 9-06570 Е Measured dissolved oxygen, velocity of the interstitial water, and the survival of Salmo gairdnerii embryos in plastic-net bags placed in artificial redds in 2 Lincoln county streams, WPA 35(11)2112, Joyner, T. (1961) Trans.Amer,Fish,Soc,, 90:1444-8 Exchange of zinc with environmental solutions by the brown bullhead 9-06571 F Juvenile Ictalurus nebulosus were exposed to dilute solutions of zinc chloride which contained zinc-65, WPA 35(11)2227. Bainbridge, V. (1963) J.Cons., 28(2):270-84 The food, feeding habits and distribution of the bonga Ethmalosa dorsalis (Cuvier & Valenciennes) 9-06572 F The distribution of Ethmalosa fisheries along the seaboard of tropical West Africa is described and it is suggested that this may be related to the quantity of phytoplankton in coastal waters, There is evidence that high standing crops of phytoplankton develop within or in the vicinity of estuaries, Both 366 Pantulu, V.R. (1963) J.Cons., 28(2):295-315 Studies on the age and growth, fecundity and. spawning of Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linn. ) 9-06573 F Is distributed widely in the Indo-Malayan region, and affords a lucrative seasonal fishery in the Hooghly estuerine system (Bay of Bergal, India). Peyrot, A. (1964) 9-06574 F Gen.comp.Endocr,, (4/3):320-31 2 Recherches histoenzymologiques sur le systeme nevrosécréteur caudal de quelques téléostéens (Cyprinus carpio L., Tinca tinca L. et Salmo fario L.) (Histoenzymologic investigations of the neurosecretory caudal system of some teleosts. (Cyprinus carpio L., Dinca tinca Г. et Salmo fario L.) Burton, М.В. & D.F. Mettrick 0-06575 Е (1961) Proc. Zool,Soc,Lond,, 137:13-39 Studies on the Trematoda of British freshwater birds Host parasite list, key to genera and literature review of parasites of Anseriformes, JAE 31(3):627. Zalachowski, W. (1961) 9-06576 Е Zesz .navk ‚wysz.Szk, roln.Olsztym, 11(116):225-44 PYodnogé pYoci (Rutilus rutilus Г.) jezior mazurskich (The prolificity of roaches from Masurian lakes РА, me ВЫ Reichenbach-Klinke, Н. (1962) 9-06577 Е Allg,Fischztg,, 87(5):152-3 Fischkrankheiten in Bayern im Jahre 1961 (Fish diseases in Bavaria in 1961) Annual review, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Krause, C. (1962) Dtsch.Fisch,-Ztg8., 9(7):210-19 Kalkstickstoff als Desinfektions-und Düngemittel in Brutstreckteichen (Calcium cyanamide for disinfection and fertilization of ponds designated for production of advanced fry (pre-nursery ponds) 9-06578 F Reviews literature on the application of inorganic nitrogen in carp ponds; describes and compares experiments for fertilization and disinfection effects of quick-lime and lime hydrogen; compares and discusses results, Sakowicz, S. (1962) Dtwsch.Fisch, -Ztg., 9(7):220-31 Die Seeforelle vom Wdzydze-See (The lake trout from the Wdzydze Lake) 9-06579 Е Discusses occurences of Salmo trutta м. lacustris L. discovered recently in Poland, in the light of its suitability for replacing the decreasing population of sea-trouts in the Vistula River and/or stocking of barrage lakes, Fährmann, М. (1962) Naturwissenschaften, 49(5):113-4 Durchschneidung des Reissnerschen Fadens im Rückenmark von Salmo irideus (Section of Reisners thread in the dorsal mesoderm of Salmo irideus) 9-06580 F Effects in 17 and 19 day old trout. Cporowska, K.S. (1961) 9-06581 F Polsk.Arch.Hydrobiol, , 9237-157 Studies on the chemical composition of the waters in the carp pond community of Milicz Detailed account of investigations over two years into the chemical composition of waters in carp breeding ponds and in the feeding streams, WPA 36(11)1799. 367 MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Cruickshank, M. (1963)B Undersea Technol, , 4(10):16-7 Ocean exploitation 9-06582 M Discusses the possibility of exploration of the near shcre ocean, Bishop, W.W. (1962) Columbia Law Rev. , 62:1206-29 The 1958 Geneva convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources of the high seas 9-06583 M Buchanan, C.L, & M. Flato 9-06584 M (1962) Mar,Sci,Instrum,, 1:119-36 Influence of a high hydrostatic pressure environment on electric components CR 9-06013. IA 17(12)8270. Moiseev, P.A. (1961)B 9-06585 M Referat,Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl, ), 8D152 The effect of thermonuclear explosions on fishing En 61-07986. BA 37£(5)1701%4, Edholm, O. (1963) Discovery, 24(10):16-21 Man against the cold 9-06586 M Incl,ref, to Eskimo dependence on seals and other marine resources, Miles, S. (1963) Discovery, 24(10):35-40 Man against the sea 9-06587 M General article about marine exploration; diving techniques. 9 (6) 645%, G. (1959) 8-06588 M Petermanns geogr.Mitt., (4):2 p. Eine neue "Allgemeine Meereskunde" (A new "General marine information") IAPO (1963) 9-06589 MG Publ, sci.Ass,Oceanogr.phys., (22):1000a-1022b Bibliographical classification, En Fr De It Revised section of UDC on physical oceanography prepared by IAPO committee and accepted by FID, With subject indexes in each language, Zatrutina, В.Р. € L.S, Rubina (1961)BC Moskva Akademiia Nauk SSSR Mezhdunarodnyi geofizicheskii god, Bibliografcheskii ukazatel' literatury na russkom iazyke za 1960 g (International geophysical year: Bibliography of literature published in Russia in 1960) 9-06590 MG Zatrutina, R.F. & L,S. Rubina 9-06591 MG (1961)BC 8731.9 1963 (109) International geophysical year, Bibliography of literature published in Russia in 1960 En 9-06590. Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, Murad, E.T. (1963) Environ,Quart,, 9(2):38-9 Electrical effects of long cables for remote measurements 9-06592 MG A report of an experimentel investigation. ТА 18(9)6138. Calder, В. (1963) Discovery, 24(10):43-8 Man against tomorrow 9-06593 MG Incl,ref, to sea as a source of food; "fish- farming" possibilities, 368 Gollerbakh, M.M. (1960) Bot.Zh., №5(10):1558-67 Pamiati Vladimira Ivanovicha Polianskogo (14/11 1907-15/10 1959) Recollections of Vladimir Ivanovich Polyanskii (Nov.14, 1907 - Oct. 15 1959)) 9-06594 MF A lecturer on general botany, algology, general biology and Darwinism in higher educational institutions, Incl, bibliography of 109 titles, BA 36A(21)70560, Gollerbakh, M.M. (1961)B 9-06595 MF Referat. Zh, (Biol, )(En Transl,), 10A33 Recollections of Vladimir Ivanovich Polyanskii (Nov.lk, 1907 - Oct.15 1959) En 9-06594, ВА 36A(21)70560. Lindberg, G. (1960) Rybovod.i Rybolov., 6:30-1 Svetloi pamiati L.S. Berga (In respectful memory of L,S, Berg) 9-06596 MF Obituary to this ichthyologist and systematist on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his death, BA 36A(21)70566. Lindberg, G. (1961)B 9-06597 MF Referat,Zh, (Biol, ) (En Transl 12445 In respectful memory of L.S. Berg En 9-06596. ВА 36A(21)70566, Davidov, М.М. (1960) 9-06598 MF Moscow, M. Fizmatgiz, 336 p. Botanicheski slovar' russko-angliisko- frantsuzko-latinskii (Botanical dictionary, Russian-English- German-French-Latin). En Fr De Ru ты т First of its kind to appear in the USSR, Contains about 6,000 botanical terms, about 30% of which are plant names, accompanied by a note of the family to which the plants belong, All entries are numbered, Final alphabetical index in four languages other than Russian, 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sofiano, T.A. (1960) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 559 р. Russko-angliiskii geologicheskii slovar' (Russian-English geological dictionary). En в 9-06599 MF First dictionary of its kind to be published in the USSR. Contains 85,000 terms relating to general geology, hydrogeology etc. English equivalents for the transliteration of geographical and proper names and a list of the foreign geologists whose names most frequently appear in geological literature. Philadelphia, Institute for Scientific Information (1963)c Philadelphia, 868 p. Genetics citation index. Experimental citation indexes to genetics with special emphasis on human genetics 9-06600 MF The first comprehensive citation index for a specified subject field. Describes citation indexes and their mode of construction, using punch cards, Contains indexes for: 1961 relating to multidisciplinary and speciality Journals; 1958-62 hard-core journals; 1949-63 for 3 key journals. Indexes arranged both by author and by journal, and also specially selected citations by their criteria, These indexes are experimental ones and give special emphasis to human genetics, They can be used also as conventional indexes to (senior) authors, as well as for tracing corrections, errata, amendments, letters, reviews, translations etc. Bielawski, J. (1961) Comp. Biochem.Physiol,, 3:261-6 The use of a solid platinum electrode for continuous recording of the rate of respiration 9-06601 MF WPA 36(5)711. Clifton, A.L. (1961)C 9-06602 MF Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Public Library, 413 p. Index to South African periodicals, 1960, Af Volume 20, Indexes periodicals dated 1960 and published in 1960 and up to March 1961, Arranged in simple alphabetical sequence combining author entries and Library of Congress subject headings, MISCELLANECUS AND FAO. Fisheries Division (1963) 9-06603 MF World Fish,Abstr,, 14(3) Fr and Es versions issued separately. Contains informative abstracts of Nos, 9-06003, 9-06004, 9-06018, 9-06124, 9-06323, 9-06431 to 9-06444, 9-06458 to 9-06461, 9-06510. Colldeweih, I.R., E.L. Walls 9-06604 MF & К.О. Lee (1961) Electronics, 34(52):37-9 Portable sonar for frogmen A portable underwater object locator with a range of 120 yards, regardless of water clarity, is described, IA 17(3)1817. Pirie, N.W. (1963) Discovery, 24(10):10-5 Human survival: the essential conditions 9-06605 MF Incl, ref, to food producing potential of seas and fresh waters. Ovington, J.D. (Ed.) (1963)c 9-06606 MF New York, Stechert-Hafner, Inc., 175 p. The better use of the world's fauna for food Describes specific ways in which the world's fauna and specially its wild fauna, inhabit- ing both land and water can be better conserved managed, harvested and utilized. Cutting, C.L. (1964) 9-06607 MF Discovery, 25(1):44 Food for thought Re 9-06606, Keeler, С.В. (1963)BC 9-06608 MF Washington, Biological Sciences Communication Project, 45 p, Books on aquatic biology, freshwater and marine AUXILIARIES 369 The Zoological Society of London (1963) Zool,Rec,, 97(20):16 p. 9-06609 MF Lists 1906 new names from all groups covered including 80 for Crustacea, 111 for Mollusca and 42 for fish. The Zoclogical Society of London (1963) Zool,Rec,, 97(3):14 р. 9-06610 MF 1h pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes, Preston, A. (1963) J.Cons., 28(2):321 Neal O, Hines: Proving ground 9-06611 MF Describes the development of aquatic radiobiology. Ве 8- 10001, Wisdom, А.5. (1962)С 9-06612 МЕ London, Shaw & Sons Ltd., 358 р. The law of rivers and watercourses Deals with British legislation, up to lst April 1962, relating to rivers and watercourses, Chapters are included on the definition of rivers and watercourses; tidal waters and rivers; non-tidal rivers, lakes and pools; navigable rivers; natural rights of water; acquired rights or easements of water; artifical watercourses; underground and percolating water; ferries; land drainage; fisheries at common law; salmon and freshwater fisheries; sea fisheries; and purity of water and pollution. Tables of statutes, cases, statutory instruments and official reports and documents are included, WPA 36(11)1726, U.K. Ministry of Housing and 9-06613 Е Local Government (1961)c London, H.M.S.0., Y p. Rivers (prevention of pollution) act, 1961 The consent of the River Board will now be required for all discharges existing before the commencement of the 1951 act, in addition to discharges which have begun since then, WPA 35(11)2198. 370 Kalushnin, Г.А. et al, (1960) Moscow, M. Fizmatgiz, 182 p, Nemetsko-russkii matematicheskii slovar' (German-Russian mathematical dictionary). De Ru 9-06614 G First bilingual dictionary of mathematical terms published in the Soviet Union, NAS/NRC(US). Committee on Soil 9-06615 G and Water Conservation of the Agricultural Board (1961) Publ.nat.Acad.Sci.Wash., (885):50 р. Principles of resource conservation policy Rust, H. (1962) Arch.tech.Messen, (316):97-100 Akustische Mess- und Übertragungstechnik in Wasser, Boden und Luft, Teil 1 (The technique of acoustic measurement and transmission in water, soil and air, Part 1) 9-06616 G This paper covers: the smallest distance capable of measurement; duration measurement; mechanical and electronic, qualitative and quantitative meters; recorders; the media of air, water and soil; absolute speed measurement by Doppler effect, and amplifiers, 26 references, IA 17(9)6330. 9 (6) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Burd, A.N. (1962) J.sci,Instrum,, 39(5):185-7 Symposium on calibration of microphones and hydrophones, London, January 1962 9-06617 G A short account is given of the papers read at a symposium, organized by the acoustics group of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, held in London on January 17, 1962, IA 17(7)4740, Rust, H.H. (1962) 9-06618 G Arch.tech.Messen, (318):145-6 Akustische Mess- und Übertragungstechnik in Wasser, Boden und Luft, Teil 2 (The technique of acoustic measurement and transmission in water, soil and air, Part 2) Condenser discharge for impulse stimulation of switching systems, valve generators, and propagation and transmission routes are dealt with. Co 9-06616. IA 17(12)8607. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 7—REFERENCES 9-07001 to 9-07597 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Bader, R.G. & F.F. Kocz; (1963) Science, 142(3588):74-80 Biochemistry 9-07001 M Report of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) at Halifax, Nova Scotia (4-9 April), ; Do 8-002те. MacPherson, J.D. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(8):1149-50 Some under-ice acoustic ambient noise measurements 9-07002 M Measurements under complete & partial ice cover in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, north of Prince Edward Island & in 18 fathoms of water. ANON. (1962) 9-07003 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(9):1281 Permanent deep-water biological acoustic- video research station Short note on this stetion in the Florida Straits, operated by the Univ. of Miami Institute of Marine Science. Lord, N.W. (1962) 9-07004 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1790-1 Precise calibration of sea-going velocimeters Suggested method for separating sound propagation & instrument delay times in measuring deep-sea sound velocities. Issued also as: Contr.Hudson Labs, (154). 9 (7) Lord, N.W. (1964) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 41(1):85-108 The timing of sound in the ocean 9-07005 M Result of experiment of sound propagation in the ocean and some criteria on technical precision are cited. ANON. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):28-9 Miscellaneous notes 9-07006 M Brief notes on different aspects of the work of the ТТОЕ. ANON. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):30 Navigation 9-07007 M Note on navigational equipment aboard CHAIN. ANON. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):2-5 International Indian Ocean expedition 9-07008 M Explanatory note; countries and organizations involved; origin of the expedition. Miller, A.R. (1964) 9-07009 M Oceanus, 10(3):6-9 With ATLANTIS II in the Indian Ocean Brief account of this vessel's participation in the IIOE. 372 Hokkaido University. Faculty of Fisheries (1963) Data Rec.oceanogr.Obsns explor.Fish., (7):262 р: 9-07010 M Physical, chemical € biological data : resulting from cruises of the HOKUSEI MARU to the Indian Ocean in November 1961 - Februery 1962, & to southern Kurile waters and Okhotsk Sea June-August 1962, and of the OSHORO MARU to Bering Sea and northwestern North Pacific May-July 1962. ANON. (1964) 9-07011 M Oceanus, 10(3):12-3 ATLANTIS II cruise No. 8 Cruise in the Indian Ocean; major purpose; total miles steamed; ports visited; personnel; data obtained; routine observations. Tchernia, P. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):14-5 The Indian Ocean bubble 9-07012 M Note on the development of the plan for the IIOE from a plan for an international Indian oceanographic year. McMichael, D.F. (1963) 9-07013 M Aust.nat.Hist., 14(7):210-4 The Swain Reefs expedition Ill. popular article describing the programme of the expedition and some of the material collected. Zim, H.S. & L. Ingle (19617)c 9-07014 M New York, Golden Press, 160 p. Seashores; a guide to animals and plants along the beaches 458 spp. in full color. Hedgpeth, J.W. (1962)c 9-07015 M Berkeley, University of California Press, 136 р. Introduction to seashore life, of the San Francisco Bay region and the coast of northern California 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ICNAF (1964) unpag., 54 р. Proceedings of the llth annuel meeting of the international commission for the northwest Atlantic fisheries 1964 9-07016 M Contains reports of meetings of panels, commissioners, standing committies, etc. NEAFC (1964) 9-07017 M Rep.Meet.N.-E.Atlant.Fish.Comm, 1: 15 р. Report of the first meeting September, 1983. y id — Reports the proceedings in English and French. Annexes list of delegates, agenda of the meeting, rules of procedures and report by finance committee and budget. Incl. press statement. ANON. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):25-7 Danish survey launches 9-07018 M Descriptions of two motor launches built in 1959 for surveys in Greenland. Tucker, D.G. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):43-53 Directional echo-sounding - Some possible improvements in equipment and technique 9-07019 M Discusses theoretical alternatives to the use of wide beam echo sounding for recording high relief features. Kort, V.G. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):137-41 Scientific research of VITYAZ during IGY 9-07020 M A short description of cruise made between 1957 € 1959 in the Pacific. Gives brief notes on work € findings, including biological research. Stephens, R.W.B. (1963) Ultrasonics, 1:53-4 Fourth international congress on acoustics 9-07021 MG Congress held in Copenhagen, August 21-28, 1962. Report makes special reference to ultrasonics. IA 18(4)2609. GENERAL Tartakovskii, B.D. (1962) 9-07022 MG Akust.Zh.(En Transl.)., 6(1):107-11 Fifth All-Union acoustics conference Pepers on acoustical measurements among those read at conference held in Kiev on November 27 to December 2, 1961. IA 18(4)2610. Smyth, C.N., F.Y. Poynton & J.F. Sayers (1963) Proc.Instn elect.Engrs., 110(1):16-28 The ultra-sound image camera 9-07023 MG Camera enables a visible image of the ultra- sound intensity distribution on camera face to be reproduced. Its design and application are described. IA 18(4)2613. Kuttruff, H. & P. Wille (1962) Acustica, 12(6):410-21 Absoluteichung verschiedenartiger Wasserschallwandler im Bereich von > bis 250 kHz (Absolute calibration of various waterborne sound transducers in the range 5 to 250 kc/s). De 9-07024 MG Calibration of electrostatic, piezoelectric, electrodynamic & magnetostrictive transducers by the field-free reciprocity method. ТА 18(4)262%. :sih Ezrow, D.H. (1962) 9-07025 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):550-4 Measurement of the thermal-noise spectrum of water Comparison of experimental & theoretical values in the 1.0-2.5 Mc frequency range. Sims, C.C. & 9-07026 MF T.A. Henriquez (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(9):1204-6 Cavity-loaded piston resonators Ill. description of a piston-type resonant element for use in an underwater sound transducer. 9 (7) 373 Baker, D.D. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1737-44 Determination of far-field characteristics of large underwater sound transducers from near-field measurements 9-07027 MF Re 9-07114. Laclavére, G. (1962) 9-07028 MF Chron.U.G.G.I., (44):161-92 Union géodésique et géophysique internationale (International union of geodesy and geophysics). En Contains information on the current activities of. the International Association for Scientific Hydrology & the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, with details of expeditions planned and in progress. Seshaiya, R.V. et al. (Ed.) 9-07029 MF (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(1):52 p. Contains the resolutions of the congress, including one recommending to the Government of India establishment of an All-India organization for fundamental research in marine and freshwater biology and oceano- graphy. Tubb, J.A. (1962) 9-07030 MF Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):642-6 The Indo-Pacific fisheries council Brief review of the history, functions and activities of this council. CR 61-00759. Seshaiya, R.V. et al. (Ed.) (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(№):3 р. 9-07031 MF Contains the addresses and opening remarks of chairmen of sections, including a review of recent work on fish and fisheries in India. ANON. (1963) 9-07032 MF Pacif.Discov., 16(5):33 California academy of sciences Records the reopening of the Steinhart aquarium of the California Academy of Sciences. 374 Mauritius. Department of Agriculture (1963) Rep.Dep.Agric.Mauritius, 1962: 68 p. Incl. sections on fisheries; refers to experiments on culture, in ponds, of Tilapia and Catla, and to experiments in oyster culture. Gives summary of landing statistics. Elster, H.-J. (1961) 9-07034 F Mitt.bad.Landesver.Naturk., 8(1):13-36 Von der hydrobiologischen Station ftir den Schwarzwald in Falkau zum limnologischen Institut (Walter-Schlienz-Institut) der Universitat Freiburg (From the Black Forest hydrobiological station in Falkau to the limological Institute of the university of Freiburg) Paper on the union of the station with the university on 1.4.1961. Gives details of the work of the station & a list of publications since its foundation. Woollett, R.S. (1962) 9-07035 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(4):522-3 Hydrophone design for a receiving system in which amplifier noise is dominant Description of the important parameters in determining the merit of a hydrophone for a receiving system when amplifier noise is dominant. Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07036 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(4):530-46 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patents Office, including a low-frequency hydrophone. Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07037 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):706-12 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. transducers, sonar simulator, echo ranging equipment, and unidirectional high level low frequency sound source. 9 -07033 MF 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Young, R.W. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(6):870-82 Review of acoustical patents 9-07038 G Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office incl.: equipment for seismic surveying, transducers, an FM echo-ranging system, € an echo sounder designed to distinguish clearly between weak echoes (as of fish) and the stronger echoes of the bottom. Schloss, F. € 9-07039 G M. Strasberg (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):958-60 Hydrophone calibration in a vibrating column of liquid Jacobson, M.J. (1962) 9-07040 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):971-8 Space-time correlation in spherical and circular noise fields Contribution to the location of a signal source in a noise field, ANON. (1962) 9-07041 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):992 Hydrophone round robin calibration Notes project designed to determine the state-of-the-art for calibrating hydrophones. Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07042 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):1029-38 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, including an echo sounding system and a spherical acoustic lens system for focusing underwater sound. Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07043 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(8):1155-60 Review of acoustical patents Recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. a resonant reactively operating variable position transducer and a compensated hydrophone. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07044 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(9):1305-18 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, including several for recording and displaying seismic data. Baird, D.L. & 9-07045 G C.M. McKinney (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1576-81 Investigation of the line-and-cone underwater sound transducer An experimental investigation of the near and far field of a conical reflector with line transducer placed along the axis. O'Neill, E.T. (1962) 9-07046 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1661-2 Pressure-balanced high-pressure hydrophone Design allows the use of cylindrical piezoelectric elements at extreme hydro- static pressures. Ill. Issued also as: Contr.Hudson Labs, (106). Young, В.М. (1962) J.accust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1668-78 Review of acoustical patents 9-07047 С Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. several relating to hydrophones and transducers. 375 Young, R.W. (1962) 9-07048 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1810-8 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office incl. transducers, equipment for recording and displaying seismic data, echo sounding and echo ranging. Mason, W.P. (1963) 9-07049 С Electronics, 36(42):33-9 State of the art report: Ultrasonic in communications and production 20 references. Jacobs, J.E., H. Berger & 9-07050 G W.J. Collis (1963) Trans. Inst.elect.electron.Engrs. , UE-10(2) :83-8 An investigation of the limitations to the maximum attainable sensitivity in acoustical image converters Limitations to sensitivity of one type of tube are analysed and the use of these tubes in visualization of biological material and organisms is discussed. IA 18(12)7968. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kameda, K. (1962) 9-07051 M J.Radiat.Res., 3:89-103 Study on abundance of rare earth elements in marine organisms By activation analysis, the La content in bone, scales, shell, gills, and dorsal fins of fish was found to be 10-5 to 10-7 g/g of wet weight; the internal organs such as the stomach, heart, & intestines were 10-8 g/g (wet); & the muscle showed the smallest value, 10-9 g/g (wet). Pr, Sm, Eu, Dy, and Ho were also found. Most elements concentrating in the bone structure. NSA 17(10)1560k. 9 (7) Folsom, T.R. et al. (1963) 9-07052 M Nature, Lond., 200(4904):327-9 Manganese-54 and zinc-65 in coastal organisms of California Tabulates radioactive quanta for water samples, plankton, Mytilus,barnacles, three fish and amphipods. 376 Tucker, M.J. (1963) Nature, Lond., 200(4905):411-2 Inter-industrial oceanographic research in the United States 9-07053 M Notes on two inter-industrial symposia: one on air/sea interaction, the other largely on unattended telemetering buoys. Wellman, H.W. & 9-07054 M A.T. Wilson (1963) Nature, Lond., 200(4905):462-3 Salts on sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica Analysis of salt distributed at about 1 1b./5 sq.ft. in 1962 indicated a probable origin in sea water percolating through snow on the Ross Shelf. Walsh, J. (1963) Science, 141(3580):506-7 Oceanography: After a prosperous decade, agency planners agree on a grand design for next 10 years 9-07055 M Notes on U.S. fishery bills & the ICO publication "Oceanography ten years ahead". Le Chuiton, F., L. Tanon & A. Besson (1961) Bull.Acad.nat.Méd., 145:3h0 On the subject of the immersion in oceans and rivers of radioactive wastes from nuclear installations 9-07056 M Proposed disposal of radioactive wastes from Marcoule with the general problem of increasing contamination of the marine environment from all sources. NSA 17(9)15526. Park, K. et al. (1963) 9-07057 M Science, 138(3539):531-2 Amino acids in deep-sea water 17 different acids in hydrolyzates of dissolved organic material in water to depths 3500 meters from central Gulf of Mexico identified by ion-exchange resin chromatography. Results indicate that dissolved organic material in deep-sea water may make an important contribution to organic budget of sea. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pratt, R.M. (1963) Science, 138(3539) :492-5 The ocean bottom 9-07058 M Series of deep water photographs taken 1960-62 from ships of Woods Hole O.I. Von Herzen, R.P. (1963) Science, 140(3572):1207-8 Geothermal heat flow in the gulfs of California and Aden 9-07059 M Measurements of heat flow at the ocean bed near Gulf of Californie are made. Mackenzie, K.V. (1961) 9-07060 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 33:1505 Concerning the theory of shallow water sound propagation Issued also as: Contr.Hudson Labs, (149). Schulkin, M. & H.W. Marsh (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(6):864-5 Sound absorption in sea water 9-07061 M An expression is presented, as a function of frequency, temperature, salinity, and pressure. Wilson, W.D. (1962) 9-07062 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(6):866 Extrapolation of the equation for the speed of sound in sea water MacPherson, J.D. & N.O. Fothergill (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):967-71 Study of law-frequency sound propagation in the Hartlen Point region of the Scotian Shelf 9-07063 M Describes a series of experiments from 1957 to 1960 in 15-90 fathons. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Johnston, T.F. (1962) 9-07064 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(8):1147-8 Comment on sound-speed measurements utilizing the bathyscaph TRIESTE Short letter on comparison of the in situ measurements of sound speed taken on the TRIESTE with laboratory observations of several authors. Mackenzie, K.V. (1962) 9-07065 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(8):1148-9 Further remarks on sound-speed measurements aboard the TRIESTE Re 9-07064, Pedersen, M.A. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(9):1197-203 Comparison of experimental and theoretical image interference in deep-water acoustics Chapman, R.P. & J.H. Harris (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1592-7 Surface backscattering strengths measured with explosive sound sources Scattering strength of the sea surface was measured for a range of wind velocities, grazing angles, and frequencies, in octave bands in the frequency range from 400-6400 cps. Urick, R.J. € D.S. Saling (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1721-4 Backscattering of explosive sound from the deep sea bed This backscattering has been determined for frequency bands between 0.5 € 8.0 Keps and grazing angles between 30 & 90 degrees. Observations were between Cape Hattaras and Bermuda. 9-07066 M 9-07067 M 9-07068 M 9 (7) 377 Srivastava, P.S. (1963) 9-07069 M Indian J.pure appl.Phys., 1(7):263-5 A new technique using radioactive tracers for studies in physical oceanography For measuring in situ oscillation of air-water interface (tides & waves), movement of water particles (currents) and pattern and extent of eddy diffusion. IA 18(12)7780. Harris, J.M. & 9-07070 M M.J. Tucker (1963) Instrum.Pract., 17(10):1055-9 A pressure recorder for measuring sea waves Improved instrument developed at National Institute of Oceanography. IR-18(12)7781. Thomson, J.T. & 9-07071 M W. Schneider (1962) Proc.Inst.Radio Engrs., N.Y., 50(11):2209-16 An automatic marine seismic monitoring and recording device Recoverable system for ocean bottoms down to 10,000 ft depth. Up to 8 hours data can be recorded. IA 18(2)1080. Johnson, E.W. (1962) 9-07072 M Proc.Inst.Radio Engrs., N.Y., 50(11):2252-4 ASWEPS shipboard system - a new concept in the automated collection of oceanographic data Requirements € equipment of Anti-Submarine Warfare Environmental Prediction System. ТА 18(2)1094. Reid,*R.0. (1964) J.geophys.nes., 69(14):2915-7 Discussion of paper by Gunnar.I. Roden, Shallow temperature inversions in the Pacific Ocean 9-07073 M Re 9-06048, 378 Fisher, S. (1962) 9-07074 M Proc.Inst.Radio Engrs., N.Y., 50(11):2243-51 Application of well logging techniques to the marine sciences IA 18(2)1097. Marthins, J.K. (1962) 9-07075 M Trans.Inst.Radio Engrs., N.Y., I-11(2):58-63 On the recording of low-frequency signals on magnetic tape For geophysical and oceanographic signals. IA 18(2)917. 9-07076 M , 50(11):2302-12 Harrison, J.C. (1962) Proc.Inst.Radio Engrs., N.Y. The measurement of gravity Techniques, incl. surface-ship and airborn surveys, are surveyed. IA 18(2)1098. USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (1964) News Notes sci,Activ,U.S.Bur,comm,Fish., 2p. JEOTOTT, y M Brief notice of a study of the currents near the Hawaiian Islands by means of drift bottle and card releases; analysis of drift speed of returns, Bowers, R. (1963) 9-07078 M Sci.Progr., 51(201) :80-4 Modern methods of sub-bottom profiling using sonic reflection techniques Acoustic methods of studying structure of sediments and rocks below sea bed are reviewed. ТА 18(4)2432. Schulze, R.(1962) 9-07079 M J.geophys.Res., 67(9):3397-401 Automation of the sea gravimeter Gss 2 Automatic servo control system and its advantages discussed; direct measuring range is extended to 7000 milligals. ТА 18(4)2449. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Callame, B. (1963) 9-07080 M Bull.Inst.océanogr.Monaco, 60(1271):5-29 Le milieu interstitiel dans les sédiments sebleux intercotidaux (The interstitial environment in the inter- tidal sand sediments) Te relation between the different forms of the inhibition of the sediments and their physical properties have been studied, and tne general properties of the marine sediments and its signification are discussed. Erimesco, P. (1961) 9-07081 M Bull.Inst.P@ch.marit.Maroc, (6):3-56 The geophysics of oceenbasins. Fr Critical assessment of the principal current theories on the evolution of the ocean basins, in particular of some of the controversial postulates. Walczak, J.E. € 9-07082 M T. Carter (1964) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 41(1):59-67 A bathymetric and geomagnetic survey of the New England seamount chain Roumégoux, L. (1964) 9-07083 M Int.hydrogr.Rev., 41(1):113-20 Application of automation in the study and prediction of tides at the French naval hydrographic service Short description on automation in the study and prediction of tides. Knauss, J.A. (1963) 9-07084 M Science, 142(3590):418-21 Oceanography Results of the IGY: Aeronomy, glaciology, meteorology € oceanography; Forth-coming events. Do 61-475 me. Acara, A. € 9-07085 M U. Nalbandoëlu (1960) Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):33-8 Preliminary report on tne red tide outbreak in the Gulf of Izmir Conditions observed during July & August outbreaks accompanied by mass fish mortality. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Scaccini Cicatelli, M. (1960)A 9-07086 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):265-9 Sur les caractères hydrodynamiques et bathymétriques du golfe d'Asinara (On the hydrodynamic and bathymetric characters of the Gulf of Asinara) Menendez, N. (1960)A 9-07087 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):271 Les courants de gradient dans la Mer d'Alboran (Gradient currents in the Sea of Alboran) Lacombe, H., P. Tchernia & 9-07088 M G. Benoist (1960)A Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):273 Contribution a l'étude de 1'hydrologie de la Mer Égée en période d'été (Contribution to the study of the hydrology of the Aegean Sea in summer) Lacombe, H. & 9-07089 M P. Tchernia (1960)A Rapp.Conm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):275 Temperatures et salinites profondes en Méditerranée en régime de stabilité d'ete (Deep water temperatures and salinities in the Mediterranean in stable summer conditions) Kobe Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):3 (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea south of Honshu from July to August, 1960). Ni 9-07090 M Charts of stations & of various chemical and physical properties of water, also of plankton distribution. Kobe Marine Observatory. 9-07091 M Oceanogranhical Section (1963) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):4 (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea south of Honshu from February to March, 1961). Ni Charts of stations € of various chemical and physical properties of water, also of plankton distribution. 9 (7) 379 Kawanabe, Y. (1963) 9-07092 M Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):7 (Small scale wind structure. 1). Ni En Calculation of mean wind velocity, gustiness components, gust factors, scale of turbulence and the spectrum of horizontal gustiness. Jacob, J. (1962) 9-07093 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):32-6 Redioisotopes and radioactivity in marine biology Review of work on the application of radio- isotopes in marine biological research and of the problems associated with disposal of radioactive wastes in the sea. CR 61-00717. Kurian, C.V. & М.М. Shah (1962) 9-0709k M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):38 Studies on the bottom conditions and bottom deposits along the Kerala coast within the 100-fatnom line Abstract only. Bathymetrical study with notes on bottom materials. CR 61-00719. Shen, М.М. & C.V. Kurien (1962) 9-07095 M roc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):43 Physico-chemical studies off Cochin Abstract only. Physico-chemical conditions at 5 stations along a profile at right angles to the Cochin coast. CR 61-0072k. Horn, W. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):65-84 Some recent approaches to tidal problems 9-07096 M Discusses the theoretical approach to tide prediction, giving tables of coefficients and inverse matrices for harmonic analysis. Rouch, J. (1959)C Paris, Payot, 251 p. Les découvertes océanographique modernes (Modern oceanographic discoveries) 9-07097 M In three parts on soundings, sea water and the motion of the sea, respectively, with emphasis on recent work. 380 ANON. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):162-3 Modern oceanograpnic discoveries 9-07098 M Re 9-07097. Naganuma, K. (1964) 9-07099 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (13):63-109 (Monthly mean water temperature and its standard deviation in the Japan Sea for the period 1953 to 1962). Ni En Values at surface, 50 m, and 200 m calculated for 30' x 30! rectangles and presented in 36 charts. Variation in S.D, by area, depth and month is discussed, ANON. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37)(2):164 The west coast of South America in the Zone of the Peru current 9-071C0 M Re 9-07099. Herman, Y. (1963) 9-07101 M Science, 140(3573):1316-7 Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Pleistocene sediments from the Indian Ocean Gives brief analyses of two deep-sea cores that indicate a deep-water open-ocean depositional environment. Konaga, S. (1963) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):2 (Water temperature at the sea surface. 5. Influences of the internal wave). Ni En 9-07102 M Attempt at qualitative analysis of relations between surface water temperature and the internal wave near the surface when the sea is calm and sky fine. Co 61-13254. ANON. (n.d.) Reactor Fuel Process., 6(1):44-54 Waste disposal 9-07103 MG Developments are reported on design of containers used in disposal at sea, treatment of liquid wastes by ion exchange and foam separation, conversion of high- activity wastes to solids, storage of calcined solids in salt mines, & extraction of fission products. NSA 17(10)17453. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Schuber, J. (1963) Nature, Lond., 200(4904):375-=6. Comparative radiosensitivity of animel organisms and copper contents 9-07104 MG Considers quantitative aspects of sensitivity, as lethal dosages, with reference to haemocyanin € mitochondrial copper in various organisms, including marine arthropods. Sauzay, A. (1960) 9-07105 MG Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(2):37-12 A new plotting method for hydrographic soundings A brief description of an instrument allowing mechanical correction for tide reduction in analysis of sounding records. Shen, D.W.C. (1961) 9-07106 MF Proc.Instrum.Soc.Amer., 16(1), Paper (92-LA-61) . р. Detection of underwater objects by means of vessel magnetism The theory of the detection of underwater objects by means of magnetic abnormelity is discussed. IA 17(4)1857. Dunster, H.J. (1962)C 9-07107 MF Harwell,Berks., U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, 37 p. A review of procedures for disposal of radioactive waste Quantitative aspects & assessment of the radiation dose to man are discussed in two cases: (1) the discharge waste from Windscale to the Irish Sea; & (2) the discharges to the Columbia River from Hanford. NSA 17(9)15518. Krupp, В.М. € 9-07108 MF S.M. Stoller (1962)C New York, Stoller (S.M.) Associates, 35 р. The perpetual care of high-level radioactive liquid wastes in New York state A technological and cost study. NSA 17(9)15525. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Todd, F.A. (1962) 9-07109 MF Controlling contamination by radioactive fallout NAR 33(3)5541. Frosch, R.A. (1962) 9-07110 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):682 Comments on long-range shallow-water transmission, by K.V. Mackenzie Re 9-07060. Mackenzie, K.V. (1962) 9-07111 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):682-4 Further remarks on long-range shallow-water transmission Re 9-07110. Marsh, H.W. & 9-07112 MF M. Schulkin (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(6):863-4 Shallow-water transmission Presents expressions € tables for computing the shallow-water sound transmission loss as a function of bottom type, sea state, frequency, water depth, & range. A table of probable errors is also presented as a function of frequency and range. Hickling, R. (1962) 9-07113 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1582-92 Analysis of echoes from a solid elastic sphere in water Describes the reasons for differences in the pulse forms of the direct echo from a stationary target in water and the original transducer signal. Horton, C.W. (1962) 9-07114 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1663 Acoustic impedence of an outgoing cylindrical wave 9 (7) Marsh, H.W. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1789 Conments on generalized form of the sonar equations by R.J. Urick 9-07115 MF Re 9-07575. Urick, R.J. (1962) 9-07116 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1789-90 Author's reply to comments by H.W. Marsh Re 9-07115. WHO (1963) 9-07117 MF Publ.Hlth Pap., (13):7-23 Quelques aspects de la protection des eaux contre la pollution (Aspects of water pollution control) Fr 8-02120. ANON. (1963) Electronics, 36(2):8 Underwater laser techniques studied 9-07118 MF Brief note on work at U.S. Sonics Corp. , Us Э.А. ТА 18(4)2536. Acara, A. &С. Erol (1960)A 9-07119 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):27-32 On the pollution of Golden Horn estuary Vatova, A. (1960)A 9-07120 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit., 15(3):97-9 Variations dans la teneur des "sels nutritifs en rapport avec les marées dans la haute lagune de Venise (Variations in the content of nutrient salts in relation to tides in the main lagoon of Venice) 381 382 Vatova, A. (1960) 9-07121 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):101-3 Caractères physiques et chimiques de l'eau des "valli" salées de pêche (Physical and chemical characteriestics of the saline fishing "valli") An account of annual cycles in artificial brackish lagoons in the north-western Adriatic Sea. De Angelis, R. (1960)A 9-07122 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit. 15(3):105-13 Étude du regime hydraulique dans les lagunes soumises à l'influence de la marée (Study of the hydraulic system of lagoons subject to tidal influence) Schachter, D. (1960 )A 9-07123 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):155-62 Données nouvelles sur l'évolution de quelques étangs du delta du Rhône (New data on the evolution of some ponds on the Rhône delta) Hashimoto, M. (1963) 9-07124 MF Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):9 (On the forecasting of monsoon). Ni En Uchto, T. (1962) 9-07125 MF Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):363-92 Influence of the River Shinano on Foraminifera and sediment grain size distributions Description of hydrography and submarine topography. Report of grain sized distribution in the sediments and the distribution of Foraminifera in them. Systematic descriptions of 6 spp. of which 4 are new, & of 3 new sub- spp. Hashimoto, M. (1963) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):11 (On the forecasting of the movement of the typhoon during its deformation or development (6th report). Ni En 9-07126 MF 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Akedo, K. (1963) 9-07127 MF Bull.Kobe Mar.cbs., (171):10 (Some studies on the typhoon). Ni En Kawanabe, Y. (1963) 9-07128 MF Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):8 (Small scale wind structure. 2). Ni Co 9-07092. Jacob, J. & 9-07129 MF K. Rangarajan (1962) Proc.All-Indie Congr.Zool., 1(2):329-50 Seasonal cycles of hydrological events in Vellar estuary Account of salinity & temperature conditions over one year with identification of water masses in the estuary and study of their movements and circulation patterns. CR 61-00745. Garnett, P.H. & 9-07130 Е A.J. Cox (1962) Analyst, Camb., 87(1031):147-50 Monitoring of phenolic contaminated waters An apparatus is described for the continuous monitoring of process water. The phenol contents of six separate flows are recorded. The apparatus monitors water-flows that are normally clean & ultimately discharged to 4 natural water-course. However, the water is liable to be contaminated by phenolic material; the apparatus detects such contamin- ation, & the flow is then diverted for treatment at effluent plants. IA 17(4)2080. Cobb, A.W. (1963) Science, 141(3582) :733 Salt incorporation in natural ices 9-07131 F The incorporation of ions into developing ice, varied with the orientation of the crystal growth in samples from lakes at Socorro, New Mexico in 1963. Breidenbach, A.W. & 9-07132 ЕР J.J. Lichtenberg (1963) Science, 141(3584):899-900 DDT and dieldrin in rivers: A report of the national water quality network 101 stations throughout the U.S. were sampled from May to December 1962. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Bennett, G.S. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(10):1660-1 Measurement of bottom acoustical characteristics 9-07133 F Preliminary studies on a small artificial pond in Michigan. Nakagawa, H. € T. Adachibara (1960) Toshiba Rev.(Int.Edn), (3):17-23 Rainfall and water level telemetering device 9-07134 Е Description of equipment for the automatic recording from remote unmanned stations to a central control station. IA 18(2)1087. Ruttner, F. (Frey, D.G. € F.E.J. Fry, Transl.) (1963)c Canada, Univ. of Toronto Press, 295 p. Fundamentals of limnology 9-07135 Е NE 1953. Pennek, R.W. (1963) 9-07136 F Science, 142(3590):376-7 Fundamentals of limnology Leedy, D.L. (1959) 9-07137 F Pesticide-wildlife problems and research needs Points out the tremendous growth of chemical pesticide industry since 1940; reviews findings from pesticide-wildlife research especially as to effects of DDT on fish & Wildlife; cites some of the losses of fish & wildlife from pesticides applications; lists guidelines for use as fish & wildlife protective measures during spraying operations; describes some major problem areas and gives samples of endemic or other _ species of birds € memmals of special interest that may be endangered; briefly reviews current pesticide-wildlife research; and points out additional research needs. 9 (7) 383 Chisholm, R.D. & L. Koblitsky (1959) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:118-23 Accumulation and dissipation of pesticide residues in soil 9-07138 F Discusses some of the common chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides. Discusses removal into streams. Tarzwell, C.M. (1959) 9-07139 F Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:132-42 Pollutional effects of organic insecticides Discusses trends & growth in pesticide use, toxicity to fish of new insecticides and measures which can lessen or abate stream pollution by them. National Conference on water 9-07140 F pollution, Dec. 12-14, 1960. (1961)c Washington, U.S. Gov.Printing Office, 607 p. Proceedings 9-07142, 9-07145, 9-07148, 9-07151, 9-07154, 9-07157; 9-07160, 9-07163, Contains; 9-07141, 9-07143, 9-07144, 9-07146, 9-07147, 9-07149, 9-07150, 9-07152, 9-07153, 9-07155, 9-07156, 9-07158, 9-07159, 9-07161, 9-07164, 9-07162, 9-07165. Metzler, D.F. (1961) In 9-07140:49-56 9-07141 F Assessing the water pollution problem Kehoe, R.A. (1961) 9-07142 F In 9-07140:60-6 Impacts of pollution on health Gordon, S. (1961) 9-07143 Е In 9-07140:85-94 Impacts of pollution on fish and wildlife, recreation, and esthetic values ‘ Burroughs, Г.С. (1961) In 9-07140:103-13 9-07144 Е Effect of water pollution on industry 384 Fox, I.K. (1961) 9-07145 Е In 9-07140:114-9 Pollution: The problem of evaluation Klassen, C.W. (1961) 9-07146 F In 9-07140:136-49 Water quality management. A national necessity Banks, H.O. (1961) 9-07147 Е In 9-07140:153-67 Priorities for water use Powers, T.J. (1961) 9-07148 Е In 9-07140:185-91 Water quality intelligence Woodruff, J.W. Jr. (1961) 9-07149 Е In 9-07140:195-203 River basin and multipurpose plaming Brown, C.B. (1961) In 9-07140:209-19 Effects of land use and treatment on pollution 9-07150 F Cottam, C. (1961) 9-07151 Е In 9-07140:222-36 Pesticides and water pollution Forsythe, R.A. (1961) 9-07152 F In 9-07140:250-69 The needs and obligations of federal agencies Cleary, E.J. (1961) In 9-07140:270-6 The needs and obligations of interstate agencies 9-07123 Е Мазоп, К.М. (1961) In 9-07140:277-80 The needs and obligations of state agencies 9-07154 Е Fugate, J.H. (1961) 9-07155 Е Та 9-07140:281-97 The needs and obligations of metropolitan agencies - Municipal 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gleason, M.J. (1961) In 9-07140:298-308 The needs and obligations of metropolitan agencies - County 9-07156 F Pasek, L.E. (1961) In 9-07140:309-20 The needs and obligetions of industry 9-07157 F Lynch, R.G. (1961) 9-07158 F, In 9-07140:329-37 Public awareness and citizen reponsibility Curley, F.E. (1961) In 9-07140:343-50 Financing aspects of water pollution control 9-07159 F Wilson, C.S. (1961) 9-07160 F In 9-07140:354-80 Legal aspects of water pollution control Pearson, E.A. (1961) 9-07161 F In 9-07140:407-18 Critical research needs - Evironmental aspects Zapp, J.A. Jr. (1961) In 9-07140:1424.34 Critical research needs - Medical aspects 9-07162 F Eliassen, R. (1961) 9-07163 Е In 9-07140:454-8 Research and treatment technology Cannan, R.K. (1961) 9-07164 F In 9-07140:462-8 Resources for research and training Brandt, K. (1961) In 9-07140:474-84 Water pollution control and its challenge to political economic research 9-07165 F PLANKTON 385 Okamoto, N. (1963) 9-07166 F Kallmen, B.J. & 9-07169 G Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):1 A.K. Andrews (1963) Researches on the hot spring group in Arima Science, 141(3585):1050-1 Reductive dechlorination of DDT to DDD by yeast Classification of these springs, description of long-renge variation of carbon dioxide in one of them and of ennual changes of air € weter temperatures. Wood, F.W. (1962) 907170 G Keneye, К. & 9-07167 F Mach Design., 34(27):165-8 T. Morishite ( 1963) Waterproofing equipment enclosures Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (171):5 (On the criterion of the damage from flood of IA.18(2)1259. Small River in the southern part of Hyogo Prefecture and the flood forecasting). Ni En Estimate of least amounts of precipitation causing flooding & proposal of a method of flood forecasting based on rainfall inform- Von Glaser, В. (1962) 9-07171 G Biol.Zbl., 81(5):539-47 Py; ai Ein Beitrag zur Frege der Trégerabhéngigkeit Sobel, M.J. (1955) | 5. 9-07158 Р bei der Anreicherung radioaktiver Isotope Bull. Operat. Res. S9c.£mer., 11(Supl.1):B-45-6 durch Wasserorganismen aus wéssriger Lösung } oo - 1 273 4+: - On the management of the quality of naturel (A contribution on the question of carrier water system dependence in the uptake by aquatic orgenisms | of radioactive isotopes from aqueous solution). For many purposes, management corresponds to De control of interval of time necessary for Es water quality to recover from effects of Offers a working hypothesis of the processes pollutants. Differential equations describing involved reusing published data time rates of change in concentrations of many qualitative attributes are approximately linear. PLANKTON m à +he т his 75 Dregovich, А. (1963) 9-07172 M Freudenthal, H.D. & 9-07172 M J.J. Lee (1953) rt.J.Fle Aced.Sci., 26(1):22-4 ett 22s seed fet, 2601) 1 J.Protozcol., 10(2):182-9 Hydrology and plankton of coastal waters of Lis ni Glenodinium halli в. sp. end Gyrodinium . instrietux п. sp-, Ginofiegeliates from New Incl. phytoplankton. ie | u 11 > Bursa, A.S. (1962) 9-07173 M Ketckum, B.E. (1963) 9-07176 M Grana Pelynol., 3(3):54-66 Rep.Woods Hole ocezrogr.Instn, 23 р. Some morphogenetic factors in texonomy of Biological, chemical and radiochemical studies dinoflagella.es of marine plankton BAgr. 27(8)67440. Includes appendix covering period Jan.-Dec. 1962. Biological, & radiochemical studies on the nutrient cycle in relation to primary Brunel, J. (1962) 9-07174 M productivity. Contr.Inst.bot.Univ.Montréel, 77:356 p. NSA 17(9)13886. Le phytoplancton de la Baie des Chaleurs (The phytoplankton of Chaleur Bay) BAgr. 27(9)77569. 9 (7) 386 Saijo, Y. (1964) J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 19(4):187-9 Size distribution of photosynthesizing phyto- plankton in the Indian Ocean 9=07177 M Estimation of the relative photosynthetic activity (at different depths) of phytoplankton of various size groups (<0.8 p; 0.8 у to 110 p3>110 р). Kondrat'eva, T.M. & 9-07178 M E.V. Belogarskaia (1961) Trud. sevastopol.biol.Stants. , 1424463 (Distribution of phytoplankton in the Black Sea and its relationship to hydrological conditions). Ru BAgr. 26(9)68138. Rao, 1.878. (1962) 9-0717S M Proc.All-Indie Corgr.Zool., 1(2):370-5 Studies on Chaetognatha of the Indian seas. 5. Distribution of the chaetognaths off the Kakinada coast The occurence € distribution of 12 spp. belonging to 3 genera. CR 61-00751. Ganapati, P.N. & M.V.L. ¡eo (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zocl., 1(2):299-304 Observations on the development of Scyphistoma larvae from Visakhepatnam harbour 9-07180 M Budding, strobilation and ephyra formation are described in two Scyphistoma larvae from Visakhepatnem harbour. The origin and growth of the different kinds of buds met with in both these forms are described. CR 61-00739. Rao, T.S.S. & S. Kelly (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):219-25 Studies on the Chaetognatha of the Indian seas. 6. On the biology of Sagitta enflata Grassi, in the waters of Lawson's Bay, Waltair 9-07181 M Abundance, size and breeding of this sp. Co 61-00751. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Rao, T.S.S. € S.Kelly (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):226-9 Studies on the Chaetognatha of the Indian seas. 7. Some remarks on Sagitta bombayensis Lele and Gae 1936 9-07182 M Remarks on the synonomy of S. bombayensis & S. robusta, on distribution & on breeding. Co 9-07181. Greze, V.N. (1963) 9-07183 MF Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 151(2):435-8 Opredelenie prozrachnosti planktonnykh organizmov i ee zashchitnogo znacheniia (The transparence of planktonic organisms, its determination and protective role) Krishnamurthy, K. (1962) 9-0718 MF J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):161-4 Phosphorus in plankton - 1 Distribution of phosphorus in 16 spp. of estuarine and marine planktonic organisms. Hanson, E.D. (1962) J.exp.Zool., 150(1):45-65 Morphogenesis and regeneration of oral structures in Paramecium aurelia: An analysis of intracellular development 9-07185 Е Follows the maintenance & development of structures after damage with an UV microbeam. Uherkovich, G. (1963) Acta bot., 9(1/2):161-70 (Contribution to the knowledge of phyto- planktons of some rivers of Albania). Fr 9-07186 F BAgr. 27(11)98560. Uselyte, S. (1962) 9-07187 F Hudrobiol.Uurimus., (3):86-91 (Phytoplankton of the River Neman). Ru BAgr. 27(11)98561. Heynig, H. (1963) 9-07188 F Arch.Protistenk., 106(3):453-5 (Chrysochromulina parva Lackey in plankton of central Germany). pe BAgr. 27(10)88480. PLANKTON Wawrik, F. (1963) 9-07189 F Arch.Protistenk., 106(3):369-77 (Plankton organisms from forest fish ponds. Е... De Incl. n. spp. in Heterodesmus & Microcystis. BAgr. 27(10)88495. Labrouche, F. (1962) 9-07190 F Botaniste, 45(1/6):93-114 (Statistical essay on the distribution of phytoplankton in the Arcachon basin). Fr BAgr. 27(8)67449. Moroni, A. (1962) 9-07191 F Riso, 11(7):8-14 (The ecosystem of the rice fields). It Incl. plankton. BAgr. 27(9)78137. Moroni, A. (1962) Riso, 11(8):8-16 (The ecosystem of the rice fields). It 9-07192 F Co 9-07191. BAgr. 27(9)78138. Moroni, A. (1962) 9-07194 Е Riso, 11(11):9-17 (The ecosystem of the rice fields). It Co 9-07193. BAgr. 27(9)78140. Moroni, A. (1962) (The ecosystem of the rice fields). It 907295" Y Co 9-07192. BAgr. 27(9)78139. Cook, J.R. (1963)c 9-07195 F Los Angeles, California Univ., School of Medicine., Lab. of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology, 10 p. Ultraviolet-induced apochlorosis and photo- reactivation in two strains of Euglena gracilis Two strains of Euglena gracilis, var. bacillaris & strain Z, were cultured at three different temperatures prior to irradiation. Incubation temperature was without effect on the apparent sensitivity to ultraviolet light. A striking difference was observed in the degree to which the two cell types were reac- tivated by visible light. Reaction mechanisms involved are discussed. NSA 17(10)15640, 387 Sullivan, W.D. (1963)c 9-07196 Е Progr.Rep.Boston Coll.,Mass.,(4)(Feb. 1962 - Feb. 1963): 38 р. The effect of ionizing radiation оп enzymatic ectivity as found in the Krebs cycie in Tetrahymena pyriformis at different stages of cell division Chancellor-Maddison, J. é C.R. Noll, Jr. (1963)A Science, 142(3588):60-1 Molecular heterogeneity of enzymes: Malate dehydrogenase of Euglena 9-07197 Е Asaul, Z.1. (1962) 9-07198 F Ukr.bot.Zh., 19(3):108-14 (Euglenophyta of the west Ukrainian Polessye rivers). Uk En BAgr. 27(3)17042. Blyumina, L.S. (1962) Bot.Zh., 47(11):1672-5 (Characteristics of phytoplankton of the Ural River in the vicinity of Orenburg). Ru 9-07199 F BAgr. 27(3)17043. Messikommer, E. (1961) 9-07200 F Vischr.naturf.Ges.Zärich, 106(4):448-9 (A new plankton invasion of the Pfaffikersee). De BAgr. 27(3)17414. Asaul, Z.I. (1962) Ukr.bot.Zh., 19(1):52-7 (Eugleninae from the lakes of west Ukrainian Polesye). Uk En 9-07201 F BAgr. 26(9)67553. Uspenskaia, V.I., М.А. Levshina 9-07202 PF & V.A. Riabchenko (1962) Biull.mosk.Obshch.Ispyt.Prir.(biol.)., 7(2):34-44 (The plankton of the Moscow River in the area of Zvenigorod biological station). En 12 Incl. phytoplankton. BAgr. 26(9)67576. 388 Butorina, L.G. (1961) 9-07203 Е Trud.Inst.Biol.Vodokhr., 4(7):20-33 Fitoplankton Ivan'kovskogo vodokhranilishcha v 1954-56 gg. (Phytoplankton of the Ivankovo reservoir in 1954-56) Priimachenko, A.D. (1961) 9-07204 F Trud.Inst.Biol.Vodokhr., (7):3-19 (Phytoplankton of the Gorky reservoir during the first years of its existence (1956-1957). Ru Chiefly ecology. BAgr. 26(9)68175. Green, J. (1963) 9-07205 F New Scient., 19(347):90-1 Freshwater jellyfish A short account of the history of research on Limocnida with mention of Craspedacusta. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Czeczuga, B. (1962) 9-07206 F Acta biol., Krakóv, 4(1):1-20 An attempt of establishing the production and numerical relations of bacterioplankton biomass. EL Offers a method of quantitative estimation, shows that studies limited to the summer are inadequate, biomass rather than cell numbers is important, & indicates that little organic decomposition is effected in the plankton Zone. Naidu, K.V. (1962) 9-07207 Е J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):88-92 Studies on the freshwater Protozoa of south India. 1. Euglenoidina Morphological description of > spp. of Euglena and one each of Astasia € Distigma and one of Phacus. Michael, R.G. (1962) 9-07208 F J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):211-8 Seasonal events in a natural population of the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars and observations on its life cycle Seasonal variations in abundance, life cycle, swarming habit and food relations. BENTHOS Gayral, P. (1962) Bull.Soc.Sci.nat.Maroc, (41):1-18 (Annotated list of marine algae new for Morocco, recognized after 1949.). Fr Bharadwaja, Y. (1963) Proc.Indian Acad.Sci(B)., 57(4):239-58 The freshwater algae of Manipur, India. 1 Incl. n. spp. in Dactylococcopsis Oscillatoria, SPIRULINOPSIS n. g., Anabaena, Aulosira, Calothrix € THACKERELLA п. &. BAgr. 27(10)88472. 9-07209 M 9-07210 M 9 (7) Carl, G.C. (1963) 9-07211 M Handb.B.C.Mus., 21:135 р. Guide to marine life of British Columbia BAgr. 27(10)88k7k. Teylor, F.J.R. (1963) 9-07212 M J.S.Afr.Bot., 29(2):75-7 BRACHYDINIUM, € new genus of the Dinococcales from the Indian Ocean BAgr. 27(10)88493. Greze, V.N. (1962) 9-07213 M Okeanologiia, 2(2):305-10 Opyt primeneia planktonometra pri issledoveniiakh morskogo planktona (An experiment in the use of the plankto- meter in marine plankton studies) Bacescu, M. et al. (1962) 9-07214 M Rev.Biol.Acad.Roum., 7(4):561-82 (Ecological study of the Black Sea). Ru BAgr. 27(10)89164. Blackler, H. (1963) 9-07215 M Biol.J.Univ.St.Andrews, 3(1):40-3 Collecting seaweeds on the shores of the Pacific BAgr.27(8)67439. Dangeard, P. (1962) 9-07216 M Botaniste, 45(1/6):5-82 (Study of some Enteromorpha). Fr Incl. new species, Bagr. 27(8)67441. Gayral, P. (1962) 9-07217 M Botaniste, №5(1/6):92 (Further note on the subject of typification of the following species: Ulve dangeardii Р. Gayral and J. de Mazancourt, Ulva elegans P. Gayral, Enteromorpha hendayensis Р. Dangeard and H. Parriaud var. salensis P. Gayral). Fr BAgr. 27(8)67444. Gayral, P. (1962) 9-07218 M Botaniste, №5(1/6):83-91 (On the existence of gametophytes in Ulva olivascens P. Dang, in the Strait of Gibraltar; description of the development of the species). Fr BAgr. 27(8)67445. Waern, M. (1961) 9-07219 M Svensk bot.Tidskr., 55(1):234-6 (Supplement to Sweden's red algae flora). Sv BAgr. 27(8)67452. BENTHOS 389 Dawson, E.Y. (1963) 9-07220 M Nova Hedwigia, 5(1/4):437-76 Marine red algae of Pacific Mexico. 6. Rhodymeniales Incl. n. spp. in Leptofauchea, MARIPELTA п. 8., & Botryocladia. CR 62-0250k. BAgr. 27(9)77572. Foged, N. (1962) 9-07221 M Bot.Tidsskr., 58(1/2):68-71 Notes on diatoms. 3. Asterionella ralfsii BAgr. 27(9)77576. Joly, A.B. & 9-07222 M M. Cordeiro (1962) Botanica, S.Paulo, 18:221-8 Additions to the marine flora of Brazil. 2 BAgr. 27(9)77582. Kato, T. & 9-07223 M Y. Nakahisa (1962) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 28(10):998-1004 (A comparative study on two local forms of Undaria pinnatifida sur., a brown alga, grown in a culture ground). Ni En BAgr. 27(9)77583. Prager, J.C. (1963) 9-07224 M J.Protozool., 10(2):195-204 Fusion of the family Glenodiniaceae into the Peridiniaceae, with notes on Glenodinium foliaceum Stein BAgr. 27(9)77589. Sovereign, H.E. (1963) 9-07225 M Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., (ser.4)31(14):349-68 New and rare diatoms from Oregon and Washington Incl. n. spp. in Cyclotella, Achnanthes, Neidium, Navicula, Pinnularia, Cymbella, Denticula, Nitzschia, & Surirella. BAgr. 27(9)77592. Wilce, R.T. (1962) 9-07226 M Bot.Tidsskr., 58(1/2):35-42 A new member of the Punctariacese: PLATYSIPHON verticillatus Greenland. BAgr. 27(9)77594. Chiappini, M. (1962) Webbia, 17(1):85-152 (Studies of the littoral vegetation of Sardinia. 1). It En 9-07227 M BAgr. 27(9)78090. Hoyle, G. & 9-07226 M J.H. McAlear (1963) Science, 141(3582):712-3 Mechanism of supercontraction in a striated muscle fiber Electron microscopic phase-contrest examination of quint fibrils from Balanus nibilus. Describes passage of À band filaments through the Z disks for shortening in excess of 50%. Meyers, S.P., W.A. Feder 8 K.M. Tsue (1963) Science, 141(3580) :520-2 Nutritional relationships among certain filamentous fungi and a marine nematode 9-07229 M Compares development & maturation of an Aphelonchoides sp. fed on viable Dendryphiella and other fungi. Bode, V.C., R. DeSa & J.W. Hastings (1963)A Science, 141(3584):913-5 Daily rhythm of luciferin activity in Gonyaulax polyedra 9-07230 M Towe, K.M., H.A. Lowenstam & M.H. Nesson (1963) Science, 142(3588):63-4 Invertebrate ferritin: Occurrence in Mollusca 9-07231 M In both crystalline & paracrystalline forms, occurs in colwmar epithelial cells of dorsal wall of radula of marine chiton Cryptochiton stelleri. It has been isolated & crystallized in presence of cadmium sulfate. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Alexandrowicz, J.S. (1963) New Scient., 19(348):146 A pulsating body in octopus nerves 9-07232 M Reports the discovery of pulsating intra- ganglionar bodies in Octopus and Eledone. Balakrishnan, M.S. (1961) 9-07233 M Studies on Indian Cryptonemiales. 3. Halymenia Co 9-07347. BAgr. 26(9)67556. Kucherova, Z.S. (1961) 9-07234 M Trud.sevastopol.biol.Stants., 14:64-78 (Vertical distribution of diatomaceous vegetation in the Sevastopol Bay). Ru BAgr. 26(9)68144. Inglis, W.G. (1961) 9-07235 M Bull.Soc.zool.Fr., 86(1):73-86 Three species of Cyatholaimus Bastian 1865 (Nematoda: freeliving: marine) 3 species described, of which one is new. C. prinzi (- Necticonema prinzi) from Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, & С. gracilis from Croyde Bay, north Devon, England, are redescribed. C. scarratti n. sp. from Oban, Scotiand. Various records are evaluated. НА 32(1)834. Inglis, W.G. (1962) 9-07236 M Bull.Brit.Mus. (nat.Hist.Zool.)., 8(5):211-83 Marine nematodes from Banyuls-sur-Mer: with review of the genus Eurystomina 12 species of free-living nematodes, 7 from Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, are described and figured. HA 32(1)835. Epshtein, V.M. (1962) 9-07237 M Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 144(5):1161-4 (A review of Hirudinea of the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas). Ru Examined the collections of Piscicolidae made during 1900-1954. HA 32(1)882. Carpine, C. (1963) 9-07238 M Bull. Inst.océanogr.Monaco, 60(1270):5-39 Contribution á la connaissance des Gorgones Holaxonia de la Méditerranée occidentale (Contribution to the knowledge of the Gorgonia Haloxonia from the western Mediterranean). Fr A systematic study of the different spp. living in the western Mediterranean; (Fam: Plexauridae, Muriceidae, Gorgoniidae, Primnoidae, Isididae, Acanthogorgiidae, Gorgonellidae, Chrysogorgiidae). Contains a chronological synonymy, a detailed analysis of the morphological characters of the colonies and a description of the spicules. Ecology & geographical repartition are shown. Discusses the problem of relatively rare species, more particularly those reported on the North African coasts. The study includes a key for determination and an index of families, genera, and species mentioned. de Gero, J.B. (1961) 9-07239 M Bull.Inst.Péch.marit., Maroc, (6):63-8 Étude biochimique des crevettes Parapenaeus longirostris de la côte marocaine (Biochemical study on the prawn Parapenaeus longirostris of the Morocco coast) Results of analyses for industrial purposes. Voss, N.A. & 9-07240 M G.L. Voss (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(2):169-200 Two new species of squids of the genus Calliteuthis from the western Atlantic with a redescription of Calliteuthis reversa Verrill Describes and figures C. elongata and C. corona n. spp., in addition to C. reversa. McNulty, J.K., R.C. Work & H.B. Moore (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(2):204-33 Level sea bottom communities in Biscayne Bay and neighboring areas 9-07241 M Survey made with a grab. Gives records of fauna and bottom composition from 180 sample stations. BENTHOS 9 (7) 391 Galtsoff, P.S. & A.S. Merrill (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(2):234-44 Notes on shell morphology, growth and distribution of Ostrea equestris Say 9-07242 M Variations in a population from the entrance to St. Mary's River were attributed to crowding not to physicochemical factors. Voss, G.L. (1962) 9-07243 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(2):264-305 A monograph of the Cephalopoda of the North Atlantic. 1. The family Iycoteuthidae Gives keys for identification, full synonomies, redefinitions of the family and subfamilies, and describes fully, with figures, the 6 spp. recognised. Bayer, F.M. (1962) 9-07244 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(2):306-12 A new species of Cephalodiscus (Hemi chordata: Pterobranchia), the first record from the tropical western Atlantic Records C. atlanticus n. sp. from the Straits of Florida and gives a description with figures. Poole, J.C. (1962) 9-07245 M N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):93-117 The fluke population of Great South Bay in relation to the sport fishery To investigate the cause for a decline in recent years in late-season fishing success for fluke in Great South Bay, 5,845 fluke were tagged from 1956 to 1959. Rates of exploitation of the fluke population by the sport fishery in Great South Bay each summer averaged about 20%. Estimates of survival from year to year indicate that the sport fishery, the winter trawl fishery and the summer commercial fishery are overexploiting the fluke population at the present time. Cviié, У. (1960 )A 9-07246 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):45-7 Contribution à la connaissance du rôle des bactéries dans l'alimentation des larves de langouste (Palinurus vulgaris Latr.) (Contribution to the knowledge of the role of bacteria in the nutrition of larvae of the prawn (Palinurus vulgaris Latr.) 392 Zarme, М. (1960)A 9-07247 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit., 15(3):49-53 Contribution à l'étude des microorganismes marins anaérobies stricts. 1. Deux espèces nouvelles de bactéries enaérobies isolées à partir du fond de la zone sulfhydrique de la Mer Noire (Contribution to the study of strictly anaerobic marine microorganisms. 1. Two new species of anaerobic bacterium isolated from the bottom of the hydrogen sulphide zone of the Black Sea) Zarma, M. (1960)A 9-07248 M Raop.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):55-77 Les microorganismes fixateurs de l'azote moléculaire dans la Mer Noire. 3. Leur role dans la productivité biologique de la Mer Noire (Nitrogen fixing microorganisms in the Black Sea. 3. Their role in the biological productivity of the Black Sea) Burn, R. (1963) Aust.Zool., 13(1):9-22 Australian Runcinacea (Mollusca: Gastropoda ) 9-07249 M Diagnosis and description of 2 new spp. and 1 new genus and systematic classification of the sub-order. Sinclair, M. (1963) 9-07250 M Zool.Publ.Vict.Univ.N.Z., (35):16 р. Studies on the рама, Haliotis iris Martyn in the Wellington district, 1945-46 Brief historical survey of use of shell and soft parts by Maoris and current economic importance. Habitat € geographic distribution, behaviour, structure & growth of the shell, food & method of feeding. Pawson, D.L. (1963) 9-07251 M Zool.Publ.Vict.Univ.N.Z., (36):38 p. The holothurian fauna of Cook Strait, New Zealand Review of 13 genera of which 1 is new, & 15 spp. Diagnosis and discussion of HETEROMOLPADIA n.g. of which Ankyroderma marenzelleri Theel is type sp. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ali, M.A. & V.J. Steele (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):4-11 Metabolic rates of the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Gammaridae ) from two latitudes, at various Light intensities and temperatures in the laboratory 9-07252 M Rates of oxygen consumption of this gammarid from two latitudes measured under various combinations of light and temperature in laboratory. Rao, T.S.S. & V.V.S. Rao (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):112-36 Some aspects of intertidal ecology of Waltair coast 9-07253 M Physiography of the coast with description of the general features of zonation and particular conditions at different stations. Sarojini, S. (1962)A J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):141-4 The androgenic organ in some Indian Crustacea. 2. Effect of its implantation into the female in Ocypoda platytarsis Milne-Edwards 9-07254 M Co 8-09142. Pillai, N.K. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):179-87 A revision of the genus Hermilius (Copepoda: Caligidae) 9-07255 M Ill. morphological description of 3 spp. of which one is new. Rao, K.S.P.Bhushana (1962) 9-07256 M J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):198-202 The eggs and early development of Caranx sp. from Porto Novo coast Ill. description of embryonic and larval development. Agrawal, V.P. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):203-10 Cytochemical investigations and the functions of hepatopancreatic cells in Orchestia | gammarella Pallas 9-07257 M General structure of the gut in this sp., histology of ventral hepatopancreas, examination of the functions of the different cells of the caeca and food absorption. Maynard, D.M. & 9-07258 M H. Dingle (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 46(5):515-40 An effect of eyestalk ablation on antennular function in the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. De Fell, H.B. (1962) 9-07259 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):145-52 Evidence for the validity of Matsumoto's classification of the Ophiuroidea New anatomical evidence derived from study of the endoskeleton and of the soft parts in the recently recognized surviving somasteroid Platasterias, € the surviving oegophiurid Ophiocanops, discloses the archaic nature of the ophiuroids classified in the families Asteronychidae, Asteroschematidae, Euryalidae € Ophiomyxidae. McNeill, F. (1963) 9-07260 M Aust.nat.Hist., 14(7):201-9 Sea anemones Ill. popular article dealing with general structure, feeding, biotic relations, life span end reproduction. Baba, K. (1962)A 9-07261 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):241-3 Anatomical review of Subcuthona pallida Baba (Nudibranchia-Eolidacea) Hamatani, I. (1962) 9-07262 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):283-92 Notes on veligers of Japanese opisthobranchs. > Ill. description of the veligers of Decorifer matushimana (Nomura), Petalifera punctulata (Tapparone-Canefri) and Homoiodoris japonica Co 61-13246. Balasubrahmanyan, K. (1962) 9-07263 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):279-85 Apseudidae (Isopoda-Crustacea) from the Vellar estuary and inshore waters off Porto Novo Reports the occurence of 5 different spp. and the ecological niches occupied by them. Morphological description is given of 2 new spp. and a study made of relation of the spp. with salinity and substrate type. CR 61-00737. BENTHOS 393 Ganapati, P.N. & 9-07264 M D. Sarojini (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):311-5 Ecology of Foraminifera off Visakhapatnam coast List of spp. from different sites and examination of relation between grain size of the sediment and the abundance of Foraminifera. CR 61-00741. Ganapati, Р.М. & 9-07265 M K. Shyamasundari (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):316-20 Seasonal occurence of mysids off Waltair coast List of spp. with tabulation of their relative numbers by months in relation with temperature, salinity and diurnal variation. CR 61-007h2. Ganapati, P.N. & D.V. Subba Rao (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):324-8 On the distribution of Physalia in the Indian waters 9-07266 M Table of the distribution of Physalia with regard to season, temperature, salinity and other factors. CR 61-0074. Negabhushanam, В. (1962) 9-07267 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):351-3 Role of primary film in the settlement of marine borers Report of observations of attack by molluscan borers. CR 61-00746. Nagabhushanem, R. (1962) 9-07268 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):354-5 Gregarious attraction is a factor influencing the settlement of wood-boring molluscs Observations on the settlement of molluscan borers. CR 61-0077. Nagabhushanam, В. (1962) 9-07269 M roc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):356-9 Settlement of marine borers in the Visakhapatnam harbour in relation to light and gravity Study of the effect of light and gravity on the intensity of attack by molluscan borers. CR 61-00748. 394 Nagebhushanam, В. (1952) 9=07270 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):360-3 Observations on the biology of marine wood- boring molluscs Breeding habits, life history and growth of molluscan borers. CR 61-00740. Ganapati, P.N. & 9=07271 М M.V.L. Rao (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):8-13 Preliminary observations on the bottom fauna of the continentel shelf of the northeast coast of India Tabulation of the occurence of various mollusc, echinoderm ¿nd cther groups. CR 61-00714. Ganapati, P.N. € 9-07212 M T.S.S. Rao (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):26-31 A review of the marine biological studies during 1950-60 at the Andhra University, Waltair Summary of results in hydrography and the study of marine wood-boring end fouling organisms. CR 61-00716. John, P.A. (1962) 9-07273 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):37 Wood preservation in relation to fisheries Abstract only. Account of damage done to harbour instellations, fishing gears, and bozts. CR 61-00718. Stevenson, J.R. & 9-07274 M R.P. Schneider (1962) J.exp.Zool., 150(1):17-25 Tyrosinase activity of organs containing tegumental glands in the crayfish Homogenates of the organs were studied, these showed а correlation between tyrosinase activity € the abundance of tegumental glands. Tucker, J.S. 8 A.C. Giese (1962) J.exp.Zool., 150(1):33-43 Reproductive cycle of Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff) 9-07275 M Records the cyclical biochemical changes found in the gonads of the giant chiton, € gives data on salinity & temperature of the habitat. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Margalef, R. (1960)A 9-07276 MG Ann.Sta.cent.Hydrobiol.appl., 8:99-104 Méthode d'extraction des pigments dans l'étude de la végétation benthique (The method of pigment analysis for the study of the benthic vegetation). Fr Cviié, V. (1960)A 9-07277 MG Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):39-43 Méthodes de détermination, directe et indirecte, du nombre des bactéries dans l'eau de mer et certaines données sur leur distribution verticale dans la partie méridionale de l'Adriatique (Direct and indirect methods of determining the number of bacteria in sea water and some data on their vertical distribution in the southern part of the Adriatic) Kirk, R. (1962)c Wasnington, Port Angeles Olympic Natural History Association & National Park Service, 80 p. The Olympic seashore 9-07278 MG Guide to the west side of the Olympic peninsula including information on the physical environment, marine, intertidal, 8 terrestrial animal & plant life, together with practical information on where to go and what to see. Ill. with maps, drawings of common intertidal plants and animals. Cholnoky, B.J. (1963) 9-07279 MF Nova Hedwigia, 5(1/4):157-98 (A contribution to the knowledge concerning the diatom flora of Netherlands New Guinea). De BAgr. 27(9)77570. Heimans, J. (1962) 9-07280 MF Biol.Jaarb., 30:239-52 (Desmidiaceae in biogeography and taxonomy). Ne BAgr. 27(9)77579. Van der Werff, A. (1962) Biol.Jaarb., 30:321-4 (Diatoms from the mouth of the Congo River in the region of Matadi, Boma, and Banana). Ne 9-07281 MF BAgr. 27(9)77593. Lohmeyer, W. & 9-07282 MF A. Miyawaki (1962) Mitt.flor.-soziol.ArbGemeinsch., 9:78-84 (Toward a knowledge of the ephemeral nitro- philous vegetation of the seashore and river banks of Japan). De BAgr. 27(9)78123. Mowat, J.A. (1963) 9-07283 MF Nature, Lond., 200(4905):453-5 Gibberellin-like substances in algae Reports, bioassay of variously obtained extracts from Fucus spiralis & Tetraselmis (Platymonas). Lamb, I.M. (1962) 9-07284 MF Nat.Hist., N.Y., 69(3):16-25 Complex primitives: The red alga group. Red algae are among the lowest plant forms; but their intricate mode of reproduction indicates a long evolutionary development Discusses the characteristic structures & life cycles of the group with reference to its evolution. Tarnavschi, I.T. & 9-07285 MF M. Oltean (1961) Lucr.Univ.C.I.Parhon, 1960: 187-204 (The Diatomaceae in the collection of the Teodorescu Rumanian algae hebarium). Bo En BAgr. 26(9)67574. Cotton, В.С. (1961)BC 9-07286 MF Adelaide, W.L. Hawes, Gov.Printer, 363 p. South Australian Mollusca: Pelecypoda Essentially a conchologists' handbook to the bivalves of South Australian waters of the Flindersian Province. ANON. (1961) J.Conch., 25(3):135 South Australian Mollusca: Pelecypoda 9-07287 MF Re 9-07286. BENTHOS 9 (7) 395 Cviié, V. (1960) 9-07288 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):79-81 Apparition d'eau rouge dans le Veliko Jezero (fle de Mjet) (Appearance of red tide in the Veliko Jezero (island of Mjet) An occurence in 1953 involving Rhodopseudomonas (bacteria). Genovese, S. (1960) 9-07289 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):143 Dati biometrici sulla popolazione di Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. dello stagno di Ganzirri (Biometrical data on the population of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. in the pond at Ganzirri). It Notes on 123 specimen from the Messina district. Mars, P. (1960)A 9-07290 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):145-9 Notes sur les Hydrobia (Gast.Pros.) du littoral franais — (Noses on Hydrobia (Gast.Pros.) from the French littoral) — Mars, P. (1960)A 9-07291 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):151-3 Modifications récentes de la faune malacologique de l'étang de Berre (Recent changes in the malacological fauna of Berre pond) Рога, А.Е. et al. (1960)A 9-07292 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):189-98 Le durée de survie et la consommation d'oxygéne chez Idothea baltica de la Mer Noire et chez Artemia salina du lac sursalé de Techirghiol en fonction du rapport ionique du milieu extérieur (Survival time and oxygen consumption in Idothea baltica from the Black Sea and Artemia salina from the hypersaline lake Techirghiol in relation to the ionic conditions of the external medium) Motte, J. & G. Valet (1960)A 9-07293 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):209-12 Determination spécifique de quelques Cladophora du bassin de Thau (Specific identity of some Cladophore from the Thau basin) 396 Ganapati, P.N. € 9-07204 MF M.V.L. Rao (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):14-25 Studies on the ecology of intertidal sands of the Visakhapatnam coast Physiography of this coast, list of spp., indication of zonal distribution. CR 61-00715. Pillay, N.K. (1962) 9-07295 MF Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):39 Evolution of estuarine isopods Abstract only. Composition of the isopod fauna and examination of its relation with various environmental features. CR 61-00720. Gronblad, R. (1962) 9-07296 F Acta bot.fenn., (63):19 p. Sudanese desmids. 2 Incl. n.sp. in Cosmarium. BAgr. 27(11)98554. Kovask, V. (1962) 9-07297 Е Hudrobiol.Uurimus., (3):79-85 (Desmidiaceae of the Estonian lakes). Ru BAgr. 27(11)98555. Post, E. (1962) 9-07298 F Schr.naturw. Ver.Schl.-Holst., (33):4 p. MURRAYELLOPSIS dawsonii gen. et spec. nov. Post aus einem Goldfisch-Nest (MURRAYELLOPSIS dawsonii gen. et n. sp. Post from a goldfish nest) BAgr. 27(11)98556. Tschermak-Woess, E. (1963) Öst.bot.Z., 110(1/3):294-307 (The peculiar copulation behavior of Chloromonas saprophila, a new Chlamydomonada- cese). De 9-07299 F BAgr. 27(11)98559. Vasishta, Р.С. (1963) 9-07300 F J.Indian bot.Soc., 41(4):510-5 Some new records of the genus Calothrix Ag. from Hoshiarpur (Punjab, India) BAgr. 27(11)98562. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Minkina, E.A. (1962) Hudrobiol .Uurimus. , (3):68-70 (Study of the dynamics of higher aquatic plants of Karelian lakes of the Konchezerski group). Ru 9-07301 F BAgr. 27(11)99050. Pork, M. (1962) Hudrobiol.Uurimus., (3):71-8 (Ecology and geographic distribution of diatom algae (Bacillariophyta) in Estonian lakes). Ru 9-07302 F BAgr. 27(11)99064. Webber, E.E. (1963) 9-07303 Е Amer.Midi.Nat., 70(1):175-86 The ecology of some attached algae in Worcester County, Massachusetts BAgr. 27(11)99082. Bourrelly, P. (1963) 9-07304 F Protoplasma, 57(1/4):137-43 (Some rare or new sweet water Chrysophyta). Fr New sp. in Dichotomococcus from Paris. BAgr. 27(10)88473. Javornicky, P. (1963) Arch.Protistenk., 106(3):437-41 (A new record of the neustonic alga Nautococcus pyriformis Korsikov). Cs 9-07305 F Massjuk, N.P. (1962) 9-07306 F Ukr.bot.Zhur., 19(5):73-83 (New and interesting species of the genus Scenedesmus Meyen from basins of the Volynian Polesye). Uk En BAgr. 27(10)88482. Mattern, H. (1962) 9-07307 F Jh.Ver.vaterl.Naturk.Wärttemb., 117:227-84 The algal flora of stagnant waters in the vicinity of Crailsheim). De BAgr. 27(10)88483. BENTHOS 397 Prescott, G.W. (1962)BC 9-07308 F Zanoschi, V. (1962) 9-07315 Е Dubuque, Тома, М.С. Brown Co., 977 р. Stud.Cercet.Fil.Iasi Acad.Repub.rom.Sti.Biol., Algae of the western Great Lakes area; with 13(2):283-9 an illustrated key to the genera of desmids (Contributions to the knowledge of the and freshwater diatoms diatoms of the Oltenia region). Ro Fr NE Prescott, G.W. 1951 BAgr. 27(10)88496. BAgr. 27(10)88485. Matlak, O. (1963) 9-07316 Е 6 Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 5(1):1-30 pr E.G. er) 3) pat 9-07309 F Wystepowanie zwierzat bezkregowych na nn 5(2):13 roSlinach wodnych м stawach rybnych Sea 1-роог algae. 1. Chlamydomonas (The appearance of invertebrates on aquatic pallens nov. spec. Small contributions plants in fish-ponds). Pl En on the flagellates and algae. 8 ). De En Zu BAgr. 27(10)88486. Myers, J. € J-R. Graham (1963) 9-07317 F Schumacher, G.J., V.J. Bellis 9-07310 F Plant Physiol., 38(1):105-16 & L.A. Whitford (1963) Enhancement in Chlorella J.Elisha Mitchell sci.Soc., 79(1):22-6 Additions to the fresh-water algae in North Carolina. 6 Hejny, S. (1962) 9-07318 F “relie Preslia, 34(4):359-67 (On the meaning of variations in water surfaces for the characteristics of the macrophytic plant associations in the waters Simpson, J.L.S. (1963) 9-07311 Е of central Europe). De Gard.J., 13(3):109-11 Some algae of southern California BAgr. 27(10)89198. BAgr. 27(10)88k90. Isambaev, A.I. (1962) 9-07319 F Miller, R.M., C.M, Meyer € 9-07312 F Trud.Inst.Bot.Akad.Nauk kazakh.SSR, 13:28-72 Н.А. Tanner (1963) (Phragmites communis overgrowths along the Plant Physiol,, 38(2):184-8 middle Syr-Darya River). Ru Glycolate excretion and uptake by Chlorella renal BAgr. 27(10)89204. Tambian, N.N. (1962) 9-07313 F Izv.Akad.Nauk armian.SSR(fiz.-mat.)., Kenneäy, D. & 9-07320 Е 15(8):83-5 В.Н. Mohlenbrock (1963) (Materials on the flora of the algae of the Castanea, 28(2):58-62 Ararat plain). Ru Botanical observations and collections on a sandbar in the Ohio River Chlorophyta € Cyanophyta. BAgr. 27(10)88492. BAgr. 27(10)89212. Trukhin, N.V. (196 Mikrobiol., ida pal te ee rior Mec So Comparative evaluation of occurence in 8 R.W. Drum (1962) er, reservoirs of thermophilic strains of Proc. Тома. Acad.Sci., 9: 3-9 Chlorella & Scenedesms). Ru En Notes on Iowa diatoms. 1-3 BAgr. 27(10)8849h. 9 (7) BAgr. 27(8)67443. 398 9-07322 Е i (Pasch.) Ertl in URSS inventa (Cytridiochloride scherffelii (Pasch.) Ettl found in 0388). xa Bâgr. 27(8): 671450. Sretenskaia, N.I. (1962) 9-07323 Е Vest.Akad.Nauk.belarusk.SSR(biial.)., 4:79-83 (Desmidiaceae in ponds of Belorussian Polesye. Minsk). Ru BAgr. 27(8)67451. Harrison, A.D. (1962) Trans.roy.Soc.S.Afr., 36(4):213-44 Hydrobiological studies on alkaline and acid still waters in the western Cape Province 9-07324 Е Incl. algae & insects. BAgr. 27(8)67907. Prescott, G.W. (1963) Trans.Amer.micr.Soc., 82(2):137-43 Ecology of Alaskan freshwater algae. 3-4 9-07322 F BAgr. 27(8)67937. Volker, R. (1962) Proc.lowa Aced.Sci., 69-107 Preliminary aspects of an ecological investigation of Lake East Okoboji, Iowa 9-07326 F Chiefly water analysis; incl. diatoms and algae. BAgr. 27(8)67957. Almodovar, L.R. (1963) Nova Hedwigia, 5(1/4):429-35 The fresh water and terrestrial Cyanophyta of Puerto Rico 9-07327 F BAgr. 27(9)77566. Bourrelly, P. (1962) Biol.Jaarb., 30:305-12 (Some rare or new French fresh water Chlorophyceae). Fr 9-07328 F BAgr. 27(9)77568. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hirano, M. (1963) 9-07329 F Acta phytotax., Kyoto, 19(6/4):142-5 (Freshwater algae from the Yaeyama Islands. dde Ni BAgr. 27(9)77580. Muller, J. (1962) Abh.naturw.Ver.Hamburg, 6:295-310 (The occurence of Zygnemataceae in north Germany, Hamburg). De 9-07330 F BAgr. 27(9)77587- Pitschmann, H. (1963) 9-07331 F Nova Hedwigia, 5(1/4):487-531 (Preliminary work on a monograph of the genus Heterococcus). pe Incl. n. spp. BAgr. 27(9)77588. Rieth, A. (1962) 9-07332 F Ost.bot.Z., 109(4/5):510-20 (Vaucheria borealis Hirn. from the Noric Alps). De Morphology & taxonomy. BAgr. 27(9)77590. Lund, J.W.G., F.J.H. Mackereth & C.H. Mortimer (1963) Phil.Trans.(B)., 246(731):255-90 Changes in depth and time of certain chemical and physical conditions and of the standing crop of Asterionella formosa Hass. in the north basin of Windermere in 1947 9-07333 F BAgr. 27(9)78127. Schroevers, P.J. (1962) Levende Nat., 65(10):221-8 (The eutrophication of a heath pond: the Mekelermeer). Ne 9-07334 F Incl. ecology of aquatic plants and algae. BAgr. 27(9)78162. Suzuki, S. € H. Nimura (1963) Jap.J.Ecol., 13(2):57-9, The microbiological studies of the lakes of volcano Bandai. 8. The distributions of mycelial fungi in the Goshikinuma Lake 907337 F group). Ni En Ecology. Ci 9-01235. BAgr. 27(9)78166. Gillet, C. (1962) Radiat.Bot., 2:195-204 (Action of X-rays on Chara vulgaris L. 3. Role of euploidy in the response of Chara to irradiation). Fr 9-07336 Е Survival, growth, € morphogenesis of telomes of Chara vulgaris L., whose apical cells have been X-rayed, was studied by using two chromosomic races ( n equal 14 & n equal 28 ). Euploids show a higher radioresistance for the phenomena studied except at the 1,560 r doses ( the lowest of the doses used ). At this dose the rate of growth is higher and ontogenesis less damaged for 14-chromosone race, NSA 17(10)15729. Barnes, C.D. & B.G. Katzung (1963) Science, 141(3582):728-30 Stimulus polarity and conditioning in planaria 9-07337 F Planarians in a monopolar pulse field reached maximum response rates most rapidly when the head was oriented towards the cathode. Bock, O. (1960) 9-07338 F Nachr.naturw.Mus.Aschaffenburg, 65:1-98 (Beautiful algae; Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae from Bavaria and the neighboring parts of Austria. Aschaffenburg). De BAgr. 27(3)17044. Cholnoky, B.J. € 9-07339 F G. Claus (1961) Ost.bot.Z., 108(4/5):325-50 (Contributions to the knowledge of the algal flora and of the ecology of Diatomaceae in the reservoir of the Wenmershoek Dam near Capetown). De Incl. n. spp. in Cymbella, Navicula, and Stauroneis. BAgr. 27(3)17045. BENTHOS 9 (7) 399 Podgornaia, L.S. (1962) Bot.Zh., 47(1):1669-71 (Protococcal algae of the Vrevo Lake of the Leningrad region). Ru 9-07340 F BAgr. 27(3)17049. Shavel'zon, R.A. (1962) 9-07341 Е Bot.Zh., 47(11):1654-5 (Collecting of unicellular green algae under field conditions). Ru BAgr. 27(3)17050. Webber, E.E. (1962) 9-07342 Е Rhodora, 64(760):358-60 Nostoc parmelioides in Massachusetts BAgr. 27(3)17052. Geitler, L. (1961) 9-07343 Е Ost.bot.Z., 108(4/5):416-20 (Notes on littoral algae of the Lunz Untersee (Lower Austria). De Ecology of Kyliniella latvica, Cyanoptyche dispersa and Chaetosphaeridium pringsheimii. BAgr. 27(3)17396. González Guerrero, P. (1961) 9-07344 F Bol.Soc.esp.Hist.nat.(Biol.)., 59(1):43-54 (Slow necrosis of algae in the riverbed of the Po). Es BAgr. 27(3)17399. Rousseau, J. (1962) 9-07345 F Houille bianche, 17(5):656-70 (The connection between vegetation and high water levels in rivers). Fr En BAgr. 27(3)17431. N. Islam (1962) Trans.Amer.micr.Soc., 81(2):185-9 À new species of Fritschiella iyengar from East Pakistan BAgr. 26(9)6755k. 400 Balakrishnan, M.S. (1961) J.Madras Univ.(B)., 31B(1):11-35 Studies on Indian Cryptonemiales. de Grateloupia BAgr. 26(9)67555. 9-07347 Е Gonzalves, E.A. & 9-07348 Е G.R. Sonnad (1961) J.Bombay nat.Hist.Soc., 58(3):715-23 The genus Oedogonium in Mysore State SCOR LUR Incl. n. spp. BAgr. 26(9)67559. Gorbunova, N.P. (1961) 9-07349 F Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk.(biol.), (3):109-11 (Cytology and taxonomic position of Spirulina albida Kolkwitz). Ru BAgr. 26(9)67560. Hortobagyi, T. (1962) 9-07350 F Nova Hedwigia, 4(1/2):21-53 (Algae from the fishponds of Buzsak). De Incl. JURANYIELLA n. g., and n. spp. in Nephrocytium, Oocystis, Quadrigula and Tetraedron. BAgr. 26(9)67561. Kondrat'ieva, N.V. (1962) 9-07351 F Ukr.bot.Zh., 19(1):58-65 (A new species of bluegreen aigae: Nostoc edaphicum sp. n.). Uk En BAgr. 26(9)67562. : Kuchkarova, M. (1962) 9-07352 F Uzbek.biol.Zh., (2):37-41 (Algae of the drainage canals of rice fíelds in Tashkent region). Ru BAgr. 26(9)67563. Kuchkarova, M. (1962) Uzbek.biol.Zh., (1):35-9 (On the algal flora of the irrigation system of Tashkent region). Ru 9-07323 F 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sharkinene, I.V. (1961) 9-07354 Е Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk.(biol.), (3):129-33 (Distribution of some rare macrophytes in the lakes of the eastern and southern parts of Lithuanian SSR). Ru BAgr. 26(9)67569. Sundaralingam,. V.S. (1962) 9-07355 F Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(B)., 55(3):131-51 Studies on Indian charophytes. 1. Lychnothamus BAgr. 26(9)67572. Belavskaia, A.P. & T.A. Pavlova 9-07356 F (1961) Trudy Inst.Biol.Vodokhran., 4(7):34-48 Rastitel'nost' i pochvy lozha Gor'kovskogo vodokhranilishcha (Vegetation and bottom material of the Gor'ki reservoir) Fijalkowski, D. (1962) 9-07357 Е Ann. Univ.M. Curie-Sklodowska ( G ) ey 16:77-89 (Plant associations of the Bartkow Sea). PL De BAgr. 26(9)68110. Samoilova, A.P. (1961) 9-07358 F Izv.sib.Otd.Akad.Nauk SSSR, (4):86-96 (Ecological series of the halophytic vegetation of the depressions of the saline lakes of Khakassia). Ru BAgr. 26(9)68179. Sliwinska, S. (1962) 9-07359 Е Ann.Univ.M.Curie-Sklodowska (C)., 16:119-28 (Plant communities of the lakes Firlej and Kunów in the Lublin district). EL En BAgr. 26(9)68189. Soyrinki, N. (1961) 9-07360 F Arch.Soc.Zool.-bot.fenn.Vanamo, 16(sup. ) :94-7 Researches in the area of the future dam basins of the River Kemijoki Ecological research. BAgr. 26(9)68190. Evans, A.C. (1963) 9-07361 Е New Scient., 19(358):666-8 The grip of the water hyacinth Reports the history & measures employed for the control of Eichhornia crassipes in Africa. Luchterowa, A. (1962) 9-07362 F Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, №(1):21-8 Bacterial association of the Wielka Puszcza stream. PL Investigates a case of stream pollution & suggests that bacteriological studies might provide a more sensitive test than chemical methods in industrially polluted rivers. Pringle, G. & 9-07363 F A.S. Msangi (1961) E.Afr.med.J., 38(6):275-93 The experimental study of water snails in a fish pond in Tanganyika. 1. Preliminary trial of the method Compared accuracy of 3 snail population sampling techniques in a specially prepared fish pond consisted of making exhaustive collections from representative areas of a particular. habitat. The release & recapture of marked snails and trapping on bamboo. HA 32(1)498. Loof, P.A.A. (1961) 9-0736 Е Meded.LandbHoogesch., Wageningen, (190): 169-254 The nematode collection of Dr. J.G. de Man. 1 Collection of fresh-water nematodes from Holland, and a few from Italy, is reviewed. HA 32(1)847. Calley, A.G. & D. Lloyd (1963) Biochem.J., 90:483 The metabolism of acetate in the colourless alga, Prototheca zopfii 9-07365 F Study of the mechanism of the oxidation of acetate & the pathways of entry of the carbon atoms of acetate, during growth, into essential metabolic intermediates in the light of present-day knowledge of the metabolism of C2 compounds in microorganisms. 88 BENTHOS 9 (7) 401 Wautier, J. & 9-07366 F D. Troiani (1960) Ann.Sta.cent.Hydrobiol.appl., 8:9-50 Contribution 4 l'étude du métabolisme respiratoire de quelques Gammaridae (Contribution to the study of the respiratory metabolism of some Gammaridae). Fr Reports results of laboratory experiments in Gammerus & Niphargus spp. studies the effect of temperature, oxygene tension, body size & other factors. Laurent, P.J. (1960) 9-07367 Е Ann.Sta.cent.Hydrobiol.appl., 8:265-80 Systématique des Astacidae de France (Systematic of the Astacidae from France). Fr Short note on taxonomic characters and classification key. Sorokin, С. & R.W. Krauss (1962)A Plant Physiol., 37(1):37-42 Effects of temperature and illuminance on Chlorella growth uncoupled from cell division 9-07368 Е Рога, А.Е. et al. (1960)А 9-07369 Е Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):199-208 La modification de la composition ionique du milieu intérieur et de la respiration tissulaire chez 1'Anodonta cygnaea, en fonction du rapport ionique extérieur (Modification of the ionic composition of the internal medium and of tissue respiration in Anodonta cygnaea in relation to the external ionic conditions) Arora, H.C. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):33-44 Studies on Indian Rotifera (Part 1). Ona small collection of illoricate Rotifera from Nagpur, India, with notes on their bionomics Э-ВтЭТО F Texonomic study with diagnosis of a new SP.» and discussion of bionomics. 402 Gupta, M. (1962) J.2001,5oc.India, 14(1/2):145-9 Contact chemoreception in Oniscus asellus L. and Porcellio scaber Latr. (Crustacea: Isopoda) 9-07371 Е Experimental determination of loci of chemo- receptive sense organs, with morphological & histological studies to decide the exact location and nature of such receptors, Ray, H.C. (1962) 9-07372 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):20-3 Chokage of filtered-water pipe systems by freshwater molluscs Report of cases and of control measures (mechanical, biological, chemical) employed. CR 61-00726. FISHING ANON. (1962) Engineering, Lond., 193(4998):186-8 The Marconi fishgraph 9-0737> M A description is given of the fishgraph system, manufactured by the Marconi International Marine Communication Co.Ltd., U.K. A continuous graphic record of the sea bed beneath a fishing vessel is plotted with sufficient sensitivity to detect fish shoals. IA 17(4)2020. ANON. (1962) 9-07376 M Jap.J.med.Sci.Biol., 15:129-43 Problems involved in food poisonings with special reference to the method of research Symposium, Tokyo, Oct. 1961 NAR 33(3)5543. Kawabata, T. 1962) Jap.J.med.Sci.Biol., 15:141-3 Research on fish and shellfish poisoning: incl. Minamata disease 9-07377 M NAR 33(3)5543. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Comita, G.W. & D.W. Schindler (1963) Science, 140(3574):1394-5 Calorific values of Microcrustacea 9-07373 Е Tabulates a comments on the values determined; gives coefficients of variation and standard deviations found in samples of 4 copepod species, a cladoceran, immature crayfish, 2 batches of Conchostraca, an anostracan and 2 algae. Weaver, E.C. & N.I. Bishop (1963)A Science, 140(3571):1095-7 Photosynthetic mutants separate electron paramagnetic resonance signals of Scenedesmus 9-07374 FG Waterman, J.J. (1963) Engineering, Lond., 196(5087):502-4 Development of equipment for trawlers 9-07378 M Instrumentation used in trawlers is briefly described. IA 18(12)7433. Antonio, H.C. & 9-07379 M A.L. Balalta (1962) Philipp.Fish.Yearb., (15):78-82 Philippine fishing grounds Malig, J.B. (1962) 9-07380 M Philipp.Fish.Yearb., (15):130-6 A report on the exploratory bouki-ami fishing in the Philippines Report of three experimental fishing operations with brief description of boat and method of operation. Satyanarayana, A.V.V. & 9-07381 M K.A. Sadanandan (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):1-4 Gear design and methods. The design and operation of bottom set gill nets for lobster Satyanarayana, A.V.V. € 9-07382 M R.S. Nair (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):4-23 The designs of otter trawls for shrimps Thyagarajan, S. & 9-07383 M S. Mahadevan (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):24-31 Trawling experiments in Punnaikayal Madai Gulf of Mannar Description of the gears & tabulation of quantity and rate of catch. Kuriyan, G.K., S.D. Deshpande 9-07384 M & N.A. George (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):31-6 Certain aspects about improved gear in prawn fishing Rai, B.S. (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):36-9 A note on a record catch in a 4O' trawl net at Mangalore 9-07385 M Description of the gear & report of a record catch of 792 kg. of prawns. Chacko, P.I. (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):43-4 Motorized boat fishing along the Ramanathapurem district coast, Madras State 9-07386 M Rai, B.S. (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):44-6 A note on the problems of damage to bottom drift and set nets encountered in Mangalore (Mysore) 9-07387 M Report of damage caused to nets by crabs. FISHING 9 (7) 403 Thyagarajan, S. & D.Thomas (1962) Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):46-53 Fishing craft and gear (Madras State) 9-07388 M Dawkins, P.R. (1962) 9-07389 MG S.Afr.Shipp.News Fish.Ind.Rev., 17(7):42-3 The advantages of a power impressed system of marine cathodic protection Article on electrical protection of ship hulls against corrosion. Zore, V.A. & 9-07390 MF Z.I. Tihonova (1963) Gig.i Sanit., 2:58-60 (Simultaneous spectrometric estimation of Sn, Cu and Pb in fresh fish and some tinned foods). Ru Samples of fresh fish from Moscow markets: halibut, flat fish, bream & sea bass. NAR 33(3)4138. Philippines. Bureau of Fisheries (1962)c Fish.Statist.Philipp., 1961:86 p. Catch statistics by fishery regions and fishing grounds for 1948-61 and inventory of fishing gears in 1953. 9-07391 MF Gutierrez, P.C. (1962) Philipp.Fish.Yearb., (15):168-71 A report on Candaba swamp and its fisheries 9-07392 MF List of spp. taken, fishing devices used and note on transplantation. Dubey, G.P. € 9-07393 Е R.K. Mehara (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):647-65 Fish and fisheries of Chambal River Topography of the river, hydro-biological features of the observation centres, account of fishing methods and gear, discussion of various socio-economic and related problems. 404 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES AQUATIC STOCKS USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-07394 M Fisheries (1963) Scientific news notes - Sept. 1963:2 p. (mimeo) Note on a programme of annual forecast initiated by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory at Honolulu of the catch taken by the Hawajian skipjack fishery, of recent departures of the catch from the amount predicted, € discussion of the sets of oceanographic conditions to be considered as contributing to determination of catch. Schevill, W.E., W.A. Watkins 9-07395 M & C. Ray (1963)A Science, 141(3575):50-3 Underwater sound of pinnipeds Moore, J.C. (1963) 9-07396 M Science, 141(3577):269 Discovery of right whales in the Gulf of Mexico Eubalaena glacialis observed off Sarasota, Florida. Kellogg, W.N. (1962) 9-07397 M Nat.Hist., Ne 71(2):31-9 Dolphins and hearing. A study of underwater sound perception Experiments on the sound navigation of two dolphins in a post at Alligator harbour. Tavolga, W.N. (1962) 9-07398 M Nat.Hist., N.Y., 69(3):44-50 Foghorn sounds beneath the sea. The toadfish's noise is heard from Maine to the Gulf. Why ? An account of sound production by Opsanus tau with a discussion of its function. North, W.J. (1963) New Scient., 19(348):140-2 Fish watching 9-07399 M An account of causal observations in the north east Pacific during underwater work on seaweeds. Dreher, J.J. (1961) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 33(12):1799-800 Linguistic considerations of porpoise sounds 9-07400 M Observations on sounds of Tursiops and Langenorynchus in a holding tank, together with postulations on the existence of propoise communication. Miessner, B.F. (1962) 9-07401 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(4):521-2 Comments on linguistic consideration of porpoise sounds Describes relation between a previously proposed "system of shorthand telegraphy" end sounds of Tursiops truncatus and Langenorynchus obliguidens. Re 9-07400. Steinberg, J.C., M. Kronegold 9-07402 M & М.С. Cummings (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(8):1090-5 Hydrophone installation for the study of soniferous marine animals Describes a hydrophone installation at Bimini, Bahamas & describes sonic activities of animal origin. Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab. Univ.Miami , (377). Kurashvili, В. (1960) 9-07403 M Usl.Parasit., 7:251-61 (Helminth fauna of fish in the Black Sea (in the area of Poti-Sukhumi and Batumi). Ru Examination of 715 fishes, incl. 31 species, revealed 13 trematode, 5 cestode, 6 nematode and 5 acanthocephalan species. Parasites and hosts are listed. Anahemiurus trachuri Kurashvili, 1958 found in Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus. Adinosoma microstoma in Sarda sarda recorded for first time from Black Sea. 9 (7) HA 32(1)187. AQUATIC STOCKS Berry, A.J. (1962) Parasitology, 52(1/2):237-40 The occurrence of a trematode larva in a population of Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) 9-07404 M Collected throughout 1954 and 1955 from shore at Whitstable, England, Population showed infection by sporocysts of Cercaria ubiquitoides believed to be the larval stage of Spelotrema sp., a parasite of gulls. Ha 32(1)232. Meyer, M.C. & 9-07405 M R. Vik (1961) J.Parasit., 47(4/2):56 Sparganun sebago, incidence and location in host fishes Modification of pepsin-HCl digestion technique was found to be useful for recovery of plerocercoids of Diphyllobothrium from fresh fish. HA 32(1)492. Ramalingam, K. (1961) 9-07406 M Zool.Anz., 166(7/8):286-90 A new genus of trematode BILATERACOTYLOIDES (Monogenea) from the gills of Caranx rottleri (Bloch) New form, collected at Mandapam, India, is assigned to Vallisiinae. HA 32(1)733. Nagaty, H.F. & 9-07407 M T.M. Abdel Aal (1962) Parasitology, 52(1/2):187-91 Trematodes of fish from the Red Sea. 12. On four acanthocolpids including a new species Monorchi stephanostomum gracile described from specimens found in Lethrinus nebulosus and L. mehsena. Acanthocolpus liodorus redescribed from Balistes aculeatus. Stephanostomum gasbooli n. sp. from Pherapon jarbua is separated from S. cesticillus, S. pristes, $. cadacum & 5. megacephalum, Manter, 1940. ci 62-01k7k. HA 32(1)758. 9 (7) 405 Manter, H.W. & 907408 M M.H. Pritchard (1962) Trans.Amer.micr.Soc., 81(2):113-23 Studies on digenetic trematodes of Hawaiian fishes: families Fellodistomatidae, Opistholebetidae and Gyliauchenidae Record Lintonium consors, Proctoeces maculatus, Opistholebes cotylophorus, O. diodontis and Heterolebes maculatus for first time from Hawaii. HA 32(1)757. Clarke, M.R. (1962) J.Helminth., 36(1/2):1-10 MULTIDUCTUS physeteris gen. et sp. nov.-a new diphyllobothriid cestode from a sperm whale 9-07409 M From bileducts of Physeter catodon caught in the Bellingshausen Sea (Antarctic). HA 32(1)776. Allgén, C.A. (1959) 9-07410 M Zool.Anz., 163(7/8):222-43 Über einige, meistens neue, freilebende marine Nematoden aus dem Feuerland-Archipel (Schwedische Stldpolar-Expedition 1901-1903) (Some new free living marine nematodes from the Tierra del Fuego archipelago (Swedish antarctic expedition 1901-1903) Eight new species briefly described. HA 32(1)807. Allgén, C.A. (1960) 9-07411 M Zool.Anz., 164(11/12):474-99 Antarktische meistens neue freilebende marine Nematoden aus dem Graham-Land (New antarctic free living marine nematodes from Graham Land) Nematodes collected around coast of Graham Land by Swedish antarctic expedition of 1901-1903. 60 species belonging to 28 genera: 4 genera & 30 species are described as new. HA 32(1)808. de Gero, J.B. (1961) 9-07412 M Bull. Inst.Péch.marit., Maroc, (6):69-75 Composition biochimique de la sardine (Sardina pilchardus) des cótes atlantiques du Maroc (Biochemical composition of the sardine (Sardina pilchardus) from the Atlantic coast of Morocco) Results of analyses for industrial purposes. 406 Barlow, G.W. (1961)A 9-07413 M Copeia, (4):423-37 Gobies of the genus Gillichthys, with comments on the sensory canals as a taxonomic tool Akezaki, M. (1961)A Copeia, (4):437-41 Results of the Amami Islands expedition No. 4 on a new sparoid fish, Gymocranius japonicus with special reference to its taxonomic status 9-07414 M Krueger, W.H. (1961)A Copeia, (№):112-50 Meristic variation in the fourspine stickleback, Apeltes quadracus 9-07415 M Gunter, G. & 9-07416 M J.W. Ward (1961) Copeia, (4):456-62 Some fishes that survive extreme injuries, and some aspects of tenacity of life Description of fishes injured by predators. Sherman, K. (1961)A Copeia, (4):467-70 Occurrence of early developmental stages of the oblong ocean sunfish Ranzania laevis (Pennant) in the central North Pacific 9-07417 M Tortonese, E. (1961)A 9-07418 M Copeia, (4):470-1 The affinity and the generic name of Centropristis subligarius Cope Baldwin, W.J. (1961) 9-07419 M Copeia, (4):475-6 First records of three northern fishes from the upper Gulf of California Records of occurrence of Hydrolagus colliei, Cephaloscyllium uter, Cetorhinus maximus. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dryfoos, R.L. (1961) 9-07420 M Copeia, (4):476-7 Four range extensions of fishes from the northeastern Pacific Range extensions of Spirinchus starksi, S. theleichthys, Occa verrucosa, Triglops forficata. Strasburg, D.W. (1961)A 9-07421 M Copeia, (4) :478-80 Larval carapid fishes from Hawaii, with remarks on the ecology of adults Gilbert, C.R. (1961)A Copeia, (4):480 First record for the hammerhead shark, Sphyrna tudes, in United States waters 9-07422 Mi Warner, K. (1961)A 9-07423 M Copeia, (4):1483-4 A new longevity record for the landlocked population of Salmo salar Stephens, J. (1961)A 9-07424 M | Copeia, (4):484-5 | Range extension of the temperate blennioid fish, Neoclinus bryope, into the tropical western Pacific Walters, V. (1961)A 9-07425 M Copeia, (4):485-6 Is flatfish asymmetry transmitted cytoplasmically ? Gibbs, R.H. Jr. (1961)A 9-07426 M Copeia, (4):499-501 Guide to marine fishes Re 62-01463, AQUATIC STOCKS Sindermann, C.J. (1961) 9-07427 M Fish.Bull., U.S., 61(191) :351-4 Serological studies of Atlantic redfish Individual variations in erythrocyte antigens found in Sebastes marinus, from the western North Atlantic. Antigen frequencies may vary from one population to another, quantitative studies of each major fishing area should provide further information about discreteness of groups and the extent of their movements. Cr 8-01394. Liversidge, J.H. (1961) 9-07428 M H-Conch., 25(3):122 Cypreea microdon Gray: À rare East African сомгу Recorás 2 live specimens collected south of Mombasa in 1961. Whitley, G.P. (1964) 9-07429 M Rec.Aust.Mus., 26(5):145-95 Fishes from the Coral Sea and the Swain Reefs Alphabetical list of sharks and fishes collected in the area; and ill. morphological description of 38 spp. belonging to 22 genera, with biometrics for some spp. and keys to some genera, Majorova, A.A. € 9-07430 M T.E. Safyanova (1960 )A Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit., 15(3):9-15 The distribution and abundance of large horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus Steindachner) Majorova, А.А. & K.S. Tkacheva (1960)A Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):17-23 Distribution and conditions of reproduction of pelamid (Sarda sarda) in the Black Sea according to the data of the period 1956-57 9-07431 M Holzlöhner, S. (1962) Pischereiforsch., 5(2):6-11 Bemerkungen zum gegenwärtigen Zustand des atlanto-skandischen Heringsbestandes (Remarks on the present situation of the 9-07432 M Atlantic Scandinavian herring population). De Presents an account of annual life cycle and the bearing on commercial fishing catch prognoses. 9 (7) 407 Balakrishnan, K.P. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):137-40 On a chimaeroid egg capsule from the Arabian Sea 9-07433 M Photograph, measurements and description of the capsule. Venkateswarlu, T. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):170-5 Biometric comparison between Johnius dussumieri (Cuv) and Jchnius axillaris (Cuv) 9-07434 M Regressions for several body proportions. Dinglasan, P.P. (1962) 9-07435 M Philipp.Fish.Yearb., 15:46-53 Preliminary results on tuna longline exploration List of areas surveyed, tabulation of catch rates, measurement of productivity and estimation of specific composition of catch. Chacko, P.I. (1962) 9-07436 M Indian Fish.Bull., 9(4):41-2 Study of catch effort of indigenous fishing canoe in the Palk Bay Data by months on catch taken and earnings obtained. Dutt, S. (1962) 9-07437 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):286-98 Biometric studies on Sardinella spp. of Waltair coast PAS Tabuletions of counts of meristic characters in Sardinella fimbrieta. Ci 9-03440, Ganapati, P.N. & 9-07438 M K. Srinivasa Reo (1962) Proc.All-India Congr.Zoll., 1(2):321-3 Observations on the feeding and spawning of Thrissocles mystax (Schn.) off Waltair coast Study of Thrissocles mystax (Schn.), T. setirostris (Brouss.) and T. dussumieri (C.V.) with regard to composition of stomach contents, spawning and maturity and length/ weight relation. CR 61-00743. 408 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Misra, K.S. (1962) 9-07439 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):636-8 À new scyliorhinid fish from the collections of the R.I.M.S. INVESTIGATOR Diagnosis of Pentanchus (Parapristurus) investigatoris, sp. nov., with comparative table distinguishing it from Pentanchus herklotsi Fowler. CR 61-00757. Balakrishnan, К.Р. (1962) 9-07440 M roc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):2 Fish eggs and larvae of the Kerala coast Abstract only. Identification of egss and larvae of Anchoviella commersonii & A. tri, larvae of Megelops cyprionoides & Ambassis, and post-larvae of Allanetta forskelli and other spp. ER 61-00712- Pillay, N.K. (1962) 9-07441 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):40 Evolutionary trend among parasitic Flabellifera Abstract only. Comparative study of flabelliferan isopods belonging to the families Cirolanidae, Corallanidae, Aegidae and Cymothoidae. CR 61-00721. Nath, P.R. (1962) 9-07442 M Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):41 Feeding habits and seasonal distribution of the frigate mackrel, Auxis thazard (Lacépéde) Abstract only. Deals with feeding habits and seasonal distribution. CR 61-00722. Chapman, W.M. (1963) 9-07443 M Pacif.Discov., 16(4):11-4 Islands of the fish Popular account of coral reef fishes in the Pacific. Hubbs, C.L. € 9-07444 M S.D. Hinton (1963) Pacif.Discov., 16(5):12-4 The giant sea horse returns Notes on two Hippocampus ingeus recently taken in California, north of the species usual range. Gilbert, P.W. & 9-07445 M S.D. Douglas (1963) Science, 140(3574):1396 Electrocardiographic studies of free-swimming sharks Reports direct lead recordings from 12 Negaprion brevirostris. Alpers, A. (1961)BC 9-07446 M Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 268 p. Dolphins, the myth and the mammal IOF (1962) 9-07447 M Sea Frontiers, 8(4):195-256 This issue contains the following semipopular articles: Undersea observation station; New ways to tag fish; Giant rivers under the sea. Kimura, S. & 9-07448 MF M. Nakamura (1961) Bull.biogeogr.Soc.Japan, 22(5):69-74 A new salmonid fish, Oncorhynchus iwame sp. nov., obtained from Kyushu, Japan Diagnosis of the new sp. with taxonomic comparisons & notes on distribution. Published also as: Contr.Dep.Fish.Kyushu Univ." (8), 1962. | Kobayashi, H. et al. (1963) 9-07449 MF Science, 141(3582):714-5 Cholinergic substance in the caudal neuro- secretory storage organ of fish Describes the results of bioassays of neuro- secretory homogenates from Cyprinus, Carassius, Hexagrammos, Lateolabrax € Mylio on isolated hearts of the pelecypod Schizothaerus. Brékkan, O.R. & 9-07450 MF G. Boge (1962) Fiskeridir.Skr.teknol.Undersgk., №(3):19 A comparative study of amino acids in the muscle of different species of fish NAR 33(3)4137. AQUATIC STOCKS Bottino, М.В. € 9-07451 МЕ R.R. Brenner (1962) J.Amer.Oil Chem.Soc., 39:519-20 Evidences for fat secretion in the intestine of the fish ANON. (1962) 9-07452 MF Ann.Nutr., Paris, 16:Al-124; A125-48; A249-471 (Scientific conference of the national centre for coordination of study and research on nutrition and diet. 11. Nutrition of poikilotherms. Jan-Feb. 1962). Fr Pagination incl. discussion. NAR 33(3)5540. Hylen, A. (1963) 9-07453 MF Fisk.og Hav., (4):7-10 Overflytting av torsk fra Finnmarkskysten til Stadhavet (Migrations of cod (Gadus morhus L.) between coasts of Finnmark and Stad-hav), No En Baggerman, B. (1963) 9-07454 MF New Scient., 19(347):94 Thyroid activity and salmon migration In choice experiments Onchorhyncus kisutch injected with thyroid stimulating hormone preferred sea water, while 0. gorbuscha from a thyroid inhibitory medium chose fresh water. Carlson, B.M. (1961) 9-07455 MF J.exp.Zool., 147(1):43-56 A chromatographic analysis of the bound amino acids in lamprey mscle (Petromyzontidae) Studies possibility of separating taxonomic groups of lampreys and/or kelp to determine relationships of these groups. Uses Petromyzon marinus, Entosphenus lamottei & Ichthyomyzon unicuspis. Acoustical Society of America (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):713-48 Program of the sixty-third meeting of the acoustical society of America. New York, May 23-26, 1962 9-07456 MF Abstract only of contributed papers. Incl. several abstracts on underwater acoustics and lateral line organs of killifish. Contains: 9-07457, and 9-07458. BB! 9 (7) 409 van Bergeijk, М.А. & 9-07457 MF G.G. Harris (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):733 Lateral line organ of fish: A possible key to the hair cell problem Abstract only. In Program of the sixty-third meeting of the Acoustical Soc. of Amer., Session Q Psychological and physiological acoustics 1. Morphology of the lateral line organ of killifish. 9-07458 MF Harris, GG. € W.A. van Bergeijk (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):733 Evidence that the lateral line organ responds to water displacements Abstract only. In program of the sixty-third meeting of the Acoustical Soc. of Amer., Session Q. Psychological and physiological acoustics 1. Evidence for response in killifish to water displacement rather than compressional waves. Ergens, R. (1960) 9-07459 MF Êsl.Parasit., 7:49-90 (Helminth fauna of some fish in Albania). En Ru Gyrodactylus albaniensis n. sp. from a subspecies of Barbus meridionalis resembles G. wageneri cernuae, G. longiradix and G. menschikowi. G. anguillae n. sp. from Anguilla anguilla resembles G. laevis. Helminths found in all 54 fishes examined, incl. 22 monogenean, 20 digenean, 3 cestode, 7 nematodes and 1 acanthocephalan species. HA 32(1)730. David, A. (1964) 9-07460 MF Proc.nat.Acad.Sci.India, 33(3):385-411 Sexual dimorphism, fecundity and food of the estuarine bragrid, Mystus gulio (Ham. ) Magnin, E. (1960)A 9-07461 MF Ann.Sta.cent.Hydrobiol.appl., 8:183-8 Recherches sur la protéinémie de l'Acipenser sturio L. de la Gironde (Researches on the proteinemia of Acipenser sturio L. from the Gironde river). Fr Schultz, P. (1961)A 9-07462 MF Copeia, (4):477-8 Early nomenclatural history of the nominal cyprinid genus Oregonichthys and of the blennioid, Pholis schultzi, fishes of western North America 410 Springer, V.G. (1961) 9-07463 MF Copeia, (4):480-2 Notes on and additions to the fish fauna of the Tampa Bay area Florida List of 18 species with notes on occurence, catches, etc. Joseph, B. (1961) 9-07464 MF Copeia, (4):482-3 An albino cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill) from Chesapeake Bay List of 18 species with notes on occurrence, catches etc. Ogata, T. (1964) 9-07465 MF Bull,Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (13):15-24 (A few notes of migration groups by analysis of scale pattern on the pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), Ni En Identification of patterns on scale samples from Japan Sea, Pacific Ocean and coastal areas and rivers of USSR and determination of patterns of migration on to the mainland from relative proportions in which the scale types appear at different mainland localities, Clark, W.K. (1959) 9-07466 MF Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:337-45 Kodiak bear-red salmon relationships at Karluk Lake, Alaska Evaluates relationships of Ursus arctos middendorffi & Oncorhynchus nerka. Fontaine, M. (1960)A 9-07467 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):163-70 Remarques sur les difficultés des recherches eco-physiologiques appliquées á la solution de certains problèmes posés par l'étude écologique des milieux lagunaires (L'interact- ion des facteurs) (Remarks on the difficulties of eco- physiological research applied to the solution of some problems posed by the ecological study of lagoon environments (The inter- action of factors) 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pora, A.E. (1960) 9-07468 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):171-88 L'homéorapie, une notion a préciser dans la physiologie écologique des animaux aquatiques ("Homeorapia" a specific in the ecological physiology of aquatic animals) Particularly concerned with ionic balance in animals with different salt tolerances. Morovié, D. (1960)A 9-07469 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):115-8 Contribution à la connaissance de la croissance annuelle du muge Mugil chelo Cuv. dans l'étang "Pantan" (Dalmatie) (Rapport préliminaire) (Contribution to knowledge of the annual growth of the mullet Mugil chelo Cuv. in the "Pantan" pool (Dalmatia) (Preliminary report) Lozano Cabo, F. (1960) 9-07470 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):129-36 Apport a la connaissance du "fartet" (Aphanius iberus C. et V.) (Contribution to knowledge of the "fartet" (Aphanius iberus C. & V.) Data on anatomy, growth, and the salinity of its habitats. Krotov, A.V. (1960)A 9-07471 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):137-8 L'élevage des muges dans les limans de la partie nord-ouest de la Mer Noire (Mullet breedings in the limans of the northwest part of the Black Sea) Audouin, J. (1960) 9-07472 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 15(3):139-40 Contribution a l'étude des migrations de la dorade Chrysophrys aurata L. au moyen de marquages (Contribution to the study of the migrations of the dorado Chrysophrys aurata L. by marking) Short note on marking done in 1956, 1957, & 1958. h AQUATIC STOCKS Zama, K. (1963) 907473 MF Mem.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 2(1):73 Studies on the phospholipids of aquatic animals Report of studies on the properties of lecithin, cephalin, phosphatidic acid and sphingomyelin obtained from the viscera of aquatic animals. Allen, K.R. (1962) 9-07474 MF N.Z.Sci.Rev., 20(3):58-62 The natural regulation of population in the Salmonidae Discussion of basic factors of the regulation of Salmonidae populations, the role of food Supply in growth, the relation between egg production & growth, mortality rates, with notes on spawning grounds & the nature of predation. Escritor, G.L. (1962) 9-07475 MF Philipp.Fish.Yearb., (15):87-93 Oysters and their culture Description of cultivation methods and formation of criteria to be applied in selecting oyster farm sites. Padlan, P.G. (1962) 9-07476 MF Philipp.Fish.Yearb., (15):112-6 Some effects of commercial fertilizers at the western Visayas demonstration fish farm Application of fertilizers 12-12-12 (N-P-K) and 16-20-0 (N-P-K) to brackish water fish ponds to promote growth of Chaetomorpha & Cladophora sp. Measurement of changes in populations of other members of the pond community and of the rate of decomposition of dead organic metter. Rao, М.В. (1962) 9-07477 MF Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):364-9 On the species of the genus Setipinna Swainson of the Godavary estuary Indication of the existence of a n. sp. of this genus on the basis of meristic characters, body proportions and size at first maturity. CR 61-00750. 9 (7) 41] Dutt,. 5. (1962) 9-07478 MF Proc.A11-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):3-7 Populations and races in fishes Review of morphological and other work seeking to establish the existence of sub-specific groups. CR 61-00713. Samuel, C.T. (1962) 9-07479 MF Proc.Ail-India Congr.Zool., 1(3):Н2 Some aspects of the burrowing fishes from Kerala Abstract only. Comparative study of bionomics and adaptations of Anguilla australis Richardson, Pisoodonophis boro (Ham. Buch.), Synbranchus bengalensis (McClelland) and Amphipnous fossorius Nair. CR 61-00723. Frair, W. (1963) 9-07480 MF Science, 140(3574):1412-4 Blood group studies with turtles Agglutination studies with tabulated data for 13 species. Thompson, T.I. (1963)A 9-07481 Е Science, 141(3575):55-7 Visual reinforcement in Siamese fighting fish van Sommers, P. (1963) 9-07482 F J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 56(3):590-6 Airmotivated behavior in the turtle Immature turtles were trained to depress a lever to secure air while submerged in water. PA 37(5)7810. Molnér, G. & I. T8lg (1962) 9-07483 F Acte biol.h ., 13:231-9 Experiments concerning gastric digestion of pike perch (Lucioperca lucioperca L.) in relation to water temperature. De Ru NAR 33(3)4729. 412 Pérès, G., M. Buclon & 9-07484 F J. Joud (1962) Bull.Soc.Sci.vet.Lyon, 64:473-7 (Intestinal absorption of glycine by the intestine of the tench). Fr En Es NAR 33(3)4730. Capon, P.F. (1963) 9-07485 F New Scient., 19(348):149 A fish out of water A short note on feeding habits of Tilapia. Waluga, D. (1962) 9-07486 F Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 4(10):29-38 Enzootion of focal colliquative necrosis in Abramis brama L. Pl Describes anatomical & histopathological changes caused by the injection of bream with Pseudomonas ellororaphis. Sakowicz, S. (1962) 9-07487 Е Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 4(1):39-45 The course of spawning of trout (Salmo trutta m. lacustris L.) from Wäzydze Lake in 1960. РТ Gives details of fish and spawning conditions on the redds in the Wda river. Solewski, W. (1962) 9-07488 Е Acta hydrobiol., Kraków, 4(1):47-57 Pstrag potokowy (Salmo trutta morpha fario L.) dorzecza górnego Sanu (The brook trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario L.) in the river system of the upper Sau). De "FL Material caught with an electrical fish catcher gives details of 103 fish, and briefly compared growth rates & sizes with other populations. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Heilingenberg, W. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(4):339-80 Ursachen für das Auftreten von Instinktbe- wegungen bei einem Fische (Pelmatochromis subocellatus kribensis Boul., Cichlidae) (Reasons for the appearance of instinctive movements in a fish (Pelmatochromis subocellatus kribensis Boul., Cichlidae). En 9-07489 Е | attack behaviour of a tropical aquarium fish, in order to obtain information on certain instinctive movements apparently not related to external factors, | | | A Observations on the schooling, fright and Fox, A.C. (1962) Trans.Amer.micr.Soc., 81(2):179-84 Parasite incidence in relation to size and condition of trout from two Montana lakes 9-07490 Е Examined 99 Salmo gairdnerii & 30 S. trutta from June to September 1959, 5. gairdnerii from one lake contained unidentified nematodes, Dibothriocephalus sp., Neoechinorhynchus sp. & Crepidostomum farionis & 2 cases were found of Eustrongylides sp. encysted. In other lake, S. gairdnerii & S. trutta were parasitized by metacercaria of trematode tentatively identified as Bolbophorus confusus. HA 32(1)183. KaStäk, V. € в. Zitnan (1960) 9-07491 Е Helminthologia, 2(1):77-80 Age dynamics of some fish helminthiases. Fr De Ru In Poprad Lake in Tatra mountains incidence of Neoechinorhynchus rutili & Crepidostomum farionis in Salmo trutte morpha fario increases with age up to 4 years and then decreases. In Strbské Lake incidence of C. farionis in relation to age in trout is similar to that in Poprad Lake, but infection of Leuciscus idus with N. rutili has its first significant increase in the 3-year-old group. HA 32(1)18k. Self, J.T., L.E. Peters & 9-07492 Е C.E. Davis (1961) J.Parasit., 47(4/2):42-3 The biology of Nematobothrium texomensis McIntosh and Self, 1955 (Didymozoidae), in the buffalo fishes of Lake Texoma Found in Ictiobus bubalus, I. cyprinellus and I. niger. HA 32(1)185. AQUATIC STOCKS Savchenko, P.E. (1961) 9-07493 Е Med.Parazit., Moskva, 30(6):746-7 (The epizootiology of opisthorchiasis in the Chernigov region). Ru En Examination of 337 animals in the Chernigov region revealed Opisthorchis in 6 species investigated. O. felineus metacercariae were found in 14.3% of 1,446 fishes examined. Of 10 species, 7 (all cyprinids) were infected, the highest incidence being in bream. HA 32(1)216. Ash, L.R. (1962) J.Parasit., 48(2):298-305 Development of Gnathostoma procyonis Chandler, 1942, in the first and second intermediate hosts 9-07494 F Guppies were successfully infected with early third-stage larvae. Larvae recovered from a guppy two weeks after infection developed into typical encapsulated, advanced third-stage larvae when fed to a snake. Snakes, turtles, alligators & fish were found to be naturally infected with advanced third-stage larvae in Louisiana, HA 32(1)591. Chizhova, T.P., P.B. Gofman- 9-07495 F Kadoshnikov & E.G. Kravtsov (1962) Med.Parazit., Moskva, 31(2):213-23 (Plerocercoids in fish in Karelia and their epidemiological significance). Ru Two plerocercoids from fishes caught in Lake Onega identified as Diphyllobothrium latum and D. dendriticum. A third previously identified as "B type", now thought to represent two -(i) D. osmeri, found in both Coregonus & Osmerus & (ii) "D type" from sticklebacks. Experiments on "D type" showed it could survive in perch (a new fish host). HA 32(1)597. Kozminskaia, I.F. (1961) 9-07496 Е Med.Parazit., Moskva, 30(5):551-6 (The rates of infection with Diphyllobothrium plerocercoids of various species of fish in the lower reaches of the Yenisey river and in the Munduisk lake). Ru En Examination of 819 fishes, belonging to 19 species, revealed non-encapsuläted Diphyllobothrium, in Esox lucius, Perca fluviatilis & Lota lota, and encapsulated larvae in Coregonus peled, C. sardinella and C. tugun. HA 32(1)612. 9 (7) 413 Kulakovskaia, O.P. (1962) 9-07497 F Zool.Zh., 41(7):986-92 (The development of Caryophyllaeidae (Cestoda) in the intermediate host). Ru En Studied in naturally & experimentally infected Oligochaeta. Species of this group develop to adult stage in fish. HA 32(1)613. Wisniewski, W.L. (1960) 9-07498 Е Trud.gel'mint.Lab., 10:71-84 (Circulation of parasites in natural water reservoirs). Ru HA 32(1)707. Caballero y C., E., L. Flores- 9-07499 Е Barroeta & E.E. Hidalgo (1961) Rev.Biol.trop., S.José, 9(1):17-21 Investigaciones sobre dermatitis esquistosémica en el Lago de Pétzcuaro, Michoacán, México. 1. Descripción de una nueva forma de cercaria (Investigations on schistose dermatitis in the lake of Pátzcuaro, Michoacan, México. 1. Description of a new form of cercaria) Cercaria patzcuarensis n. sp., belonging to gymocephalous group, found in Physa mexicana tolucensis during fruitless search for cercaria causing swimmer's itch in Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. HA 32(1)737. Kontrimavichus, V.L. & T.L. Bakhmeteva (1960) Trud.gel 'mint.Lab., 10:124-33 (The helminth fauna of Gavia spp. in the Lena river basin). Ru 9-07500 F HA 32(1)753. Kupriianova-Shakhmatova, R.A. 9-07501 Е (1960) Helminthologia, 2(1):67-76 (Study on the trematode larvae of fresh-water molluses in the central region of the Volga). Ru Examined 15,023 molluscs belonging to 30 species. HA 32(1)754. 414 Akhmerov, A.K. (1960) 9-07502 F Trud.gel 'mint,Lab., 10:15-31 (The tapeworms of fishes in the Amur river). Ru 27 species of fish infected with cestodes are listed; 25 species of cestodes (15 adult) were found. Incl. cyathocephalid SCHYZOCOTYLE fluviatilis n. g., n. sp. from Pseudaspius leptocephalus in Petropavlovsk Lake. > species were specific to the area & 3 were pathogenic (Amphilina foliacea, Triaenophorus nodulosus and Ligula intestinalis). HA 32(1)773. Calentine, R.L. € M.J. Ulmer (1961) J.Parasit., 47(4/2):27 Studies on the -Archigetes-Biacetabulum relationship 9-07503 F Gravid caryophyllaeid cestodes found in Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri near Iowa Falls, Iowa (U.S.A.). Specimens of Cyprinus carpio also found to harbour a gravid caryophyllaeid which lacked a cercomer. HA 32(1)775. Andrássy, I. (1960) 9-07504 Е Ann. Univ.Sci.budapest.(biol.), 3:3-21 Nematoden aus dem Periphyton der Landungsmolen der Donau zwischen Budapest und Mohács (Nematodes from the periphyton of the landing Jetties of the Danube between Budapest and Mohács) Nematodes found in algae and Fontinalis antipyretica growing on landing jetties along 200 km. of the Danube at 16 stations in Hungary. 13 species, 2 of which are new and are described and figured. HA 32(1)812. Chakravarty, G.K., G. Majumdar 9-07505 ЕР € S.K. Sain (1961) Zool.Anz., 166(5/6):221-4 On a camallanid nematode NEOCAMALLANUS heteropneusti n. gen. et sp. with emendation of the family From stomach of siluroid fish, Heteropneustes fossilis. HA 32(1)821. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chakravarty, G.K., S.K. Sain & G. Majumdar (1961) Zool.Anz., 166(5/6):224-8 A new nematode Spinitectus bengalensis from the fish, Notopterus notopterus From stomach of Notopterus notopterus caught in Calcutta. HA 32(1)822. 9-07506 Е Rizhikov, К.М. (1960) 9-07507 F Trud.gel 'mint.Lab., 10:173-87 (The helminth fauna of Somateria spp.). Ru Five Somateria spectabilis from the mouth of the Lena River examined were infected with helminths. Frequency of occurrence & previous records noted for each of the 6 trematode, 7 cestode, 6 nematode & 2 acanthocephalan species found. HA 32(1)862. Thieme, H. (1961) Zool.Anz., 166(3/4):135-9 Capillaria acerinae nov. sp. (Nematodes, Trichroidea), ein neuer Hearwurm aus der Leber vom Kaulbarsch (Acerina cernua) (Capillaria acerinae n. sp. (Nemetodes, Trichroidea), a new nematod from the liver of Acerina cernua) 9-07508 F Eggs and adults found in liver of Acerina cernua from the Sakrower Sea and River Havel in Germany. Eggs had been found earlier in one Perca fluviatilis. HA 32(1)873. Bernet, B. (1960) 9-07509 F Ann.Sta.cent.Hydrobiol.appl., 8:127-80 Recherches biologiques sur les populations de Gobio gobio (Linné 1758) de la Nivelle (fleuve côtier du Pays Basque) (Biological research on the population of Gobio gobio (Lenné 1758) of the Nivelle (a coastal river cf the Basque Provinces) Biogeography & taxonomy growth, length, weight curves, food, reproduction, sexual mturity, spawning season, bibliography. Anderson, J.D. (1961) Copeia, (4):371-7 The life history and systematics of Ambystoma rosaceum 9-07510 F Description of adults life history, habitat, systematics, distribution. AQUATIC STOCKS Brandon, R.A. (1961) 9-07511 F Copeia, (4) :377-83 A comparison of the larvae of five northeastern species of Ambystoma (Amphibia, Caudata) Larvae of Ambystoma jeffersonianum, A. maculatum, A. opacum, 8 A. texanum from Ohio and Kentucky, and of A. tigrinum from Illinois and Kentucky are described and compared. Ferguson, D.E. (1961) 9-07512 Е Copeia, (4):391-6 The herpetofauna of Tishmingo county, Mississippi, with comments on its zoogeographic affinities Lists 43 species of Amphibia and reptiles. Duellman, W.E. & D.L. Hoyt (1961) Copeia, (4):414-7 Description of a new species of Hyla from Chiapas, Mexico 9-07513 F Describes Hyla bivocate. Gilbert, C.R. (1961)A 9-07514 F Copeia, (4):450-6 Notropis semperasper, a new cyprinid fish from the Upper James River system, Virginia Fingerman, S.W. & 9-07515 Е R.D. За Киз (1961)A Copeia, (4):462-7 Comparison of Hybognathus hayi Jordan and Hybognathus nuchalis Agassiz | Saxena, S.C. (1961)A Copeia, (4):471-3 Adhesive apparatus of an Indian hill-stream Sisorid fish, Pseudecheneis sulcatus 9-07516 Е Jacoby, C. (1961)A Copeia, (4):473-5 Relative growth of fins in the fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis, from the upper Great Lakes 9-07517 F 9 (7) 415 Metter, D.E. (1961)A Copeia, (4) :488 Water levels as an environmental factor in the breeding season of Bufo boreas boreas (Baird and Girard) pape ae ON 9-07518 F Robinson, D.C. (1961)A Copeia, (4) :495 The identity of the tadpole of Anotheca coronata (Stejneger) 9-07519 F Auffenberg, W. (1961)A Copeia, (4):496-8 A correction concerning the phalangeal formula of the turtle, Stylemys nebrascensis Leidy 9207320 F Cochran, D.M. (1961)c 9-07521 F New York, Doubleday and Co., Inc., 199 p. Living amphibians of the world Inger, R.F. (1961)A Copeia, (4):501-2 Living amphibians of the world 9-07522 Е Re 9-07521. Richmond, N.D. (1961)A Copeia, (4)/507-8 Check list of the amphibians and reptiles of Canada and Alaska 9-07523 F Re 61-12832. McMillan, N.F. € 9-07524 Е A.W. Stelfox (1961)A J.Conch., 25(3):117-21 Viviparus viviparus (L.) in Ireland Kelly, W.H. (1962) N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):118-26 Controlling Argulus on aquarium carp 9-07222 Е Tests of five essential oils for selective toxicity toward the copepod ectoparasite Argulus americanus indicated that only balsam Peru oil was effective. Practical control of Argulus was achieved in 500-gallon laboratory aquaria using 1:25,000 preparations of either balsam Peru oil or benzyl cinnamate. Disin- fection in 3 hours, and complete mortality of the parasites in 48 and 70 hours, respec- tively resulted. Several limitations are discussed. 416 Loeb, H.A. (1962) 9-07526 Е N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):127-32 Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on the surfacing behavior of laboratory carp Contact doses of 1 ppm or less cause surfacing of Siamese fighting fish, carp € goldfish & probably various minnows. Alsop, R.G. € J.L. Forney (1962) N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):133-6 Growth and food of white perch in Oneida Lake 907327 E Data for 484 white perch from Oneida Lake indicate that the growth rate was high during the first two years of life but that it decreased markedly after age three. Rapid growth of the 1954 year class suggests that the population density was low. Stomach examinations showed that chironomids, mayflies & Entomostraca, collectively, were the most important food group. Kelly, W.H. (1962) 9-07528 Е N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):137-№1 Dye-induced early hatching of brown trout eggs Inmersion dying with three chemicals, neutral red, nile blue sulphate & bismarck brown Y, produced early hatching of brown trout eggs. Neutral red was the most nearly satisfactory. The importance of treating only eggs containing well developed embryos was evident, proper timing of treatment being a critical factor in production of viable fry. Loeb, H.A. (1962) N.Y.Fish Game J., 9(2):142-3 Effect of the dye, plasto pink, on carp and trout 9-07529 Е Carp became colored on feeding on dye, trout did not. May be used in short term marking experiments. Rosen, D.E. (1962) Nat.Hist., М.у., 71(10) 247-53 Egg retention: Pattern in evolution. Reproductive complexity assists in the survival of a species 9-07230 Е Discusses viriparity and sperm transfer in the Poecilliidae. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Needham, P.R. (1959) 9-07531 Е Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:395-407 New horizons in stocking hatchery trout Summarizes 24} separate planting experiments with marked trout; discusses planting of "eatchable" trout € its cost; discusses quality of sport € angling ethics. Byrd, I.B. (1959) 9-07532 Е Trans .N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:225-37 Angling success and seasonal distribution of catch in Alabama's state-owned public fishing lakes With respect to 12 lakes (32 to 250 acres) stocked with Lepomis & Micropterus, also reports on trends in annual yields and costs of operation. Lambou, V.W. (1959) 9-07533 F Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 24:187-200 Louisiana impoundments: their fish populations and management Describes studies on reservoirs over 500 acres: use, fish population sampling, management. Prakash, A. (1961) J.exp.Zool., 146(3):237-46 Distribution and differentiation of alkaline phosphatase in the gastrointestinal tract of steelhead trout 9-07534 Е Salmo gairdnerii gairänerii. Von Dzwillo, M. (1962) Biol.Zbl., 81(5):575-84 Über künstliche Erzeugung funktioneller Männchen weiblichen Genotyps bei Lebistes reticulatus NER (On the artificial production of functional males with a female genotype in Lebistes reticulatus). De 9-07232 Е Pregnant о treated with а solution of methyl- testosterone (3M9/litre) gave a number of individuals in the following generation which developed as с’. The genotypic sex could be identified using the Nigrocaudatus II labelled | X-chromosome. AQUATIC STOCKS Menon, A.G.K. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):23-32 A distributional list of fishes of the Himalayas 9-07536 F List of 218 spp. showing their distribution with regard to 7 Himalayan drainage systems. Sathyanesan, A.G. & T.P. Singh (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):165-9 Some observations on the seasonal changes in the "periodic acid-schiff" positive cells in the pituitary of the catfish Mystus vittatus (Bloch) 9-07537 Е Quantitative & qualitative seasonal changes in these cells of the middle glandular region of Mystus vittatus (Bloch), & examination of the relation of these changes with the gonadial cycle. Lal, M.B. & P. Chatterjee (1962) 9-07538 F J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):230-43 Survey of eastern doon fishes with certain notes on their biology Description of the localities surveyed, list of spp. collected, notes on the ecology and bionomics of important spp. Jayarem, K.C. (1962) J.zool.Soc.India, 14(1/2):244-8 Systematic status of Ailichthys punctata Day and its relationship with Ailia coila (Hamilton) (Siluroidea: Schillbeidae) 9-07539 Е Systematic study based on examination of morphometric characters. Allen, K.R. (1961) 9-07540 Е Proc.N.Z.ecol.Soc., (8):66-70 Relations between Salmonidae and the native freshwater fauna in New Zealand Discussion of evidence leading to a conclusion that the introduction of Salmonidae has probably not led to any great change in the fauna of these waters. 9 (7) 417 Datta, A.K. (1962) 9-07541 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):15-9 Observations on the fauna collected in eastern Himalayas, in Nepal, with the Indian Cho-oyu expedition (1958) Gives a list of 13 spp. of freshwater fish belonging to 12 genera in 4 families. Jain, Sil. (1962) 9-07542 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):432-9 Monogenea of Indian freshwater fishes. ll. Three new trematodes belonging to the genus Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 Diagnosis and morphological description of 3 new spp. with key to Indian spp. CR 61-00752. Das, S.M. (1962) 9-07543 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):621-9 The scales of freshwater fishes of India and their importance in age determination and systematics Description of the structural features of the scales of 10 spp. with indication of the criteria to be used in reading age from them. CR 61-00754. Das, S.M. (1962) 9-07544 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):630-1 On the eggs, larvae and early life-history of some catfishes of Lucknow Some morphological notes. CR 61-00755. Jayaram, K.C. (1962) 9-07545 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):632-5 The nomenclatural status of Mystus, Macrones, Aoria and other names for a genus of Asiatic siluroid fishes Discussion of the type spp. and of the synonomy of A CR 61-00756. Soni, D.D. (1962) 9-07546 Е Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):639-41 Fish fauna of Bhopal Lower Lake List of 35 spp. belonging to 26 genera. Publ.also as: Contr.Vigyan Mandir Govt.Hamidia Colle, (AL). CR 61-00758. 418 Myers, G.S. (1963) 9-07547 Е Pacif.Discov., 16(4):36-9 Fresh-water fishes A popular account of the world-wide distribution. Benson, N.G. (1961) 9-07548 Е Res. Rep.U.S.Fish Serv.,(56):1-33 Limnology of Yellowstone Lake in relation to the cutthroat trout Limnological data collected from 1954 to 1959 on surface currents, bottom currents, temperatures, bottom soils, water chemistry, plankton, bottom fauna, € higher aquatic plants are related to the biology of the cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki lewisi, in Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming). BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Klinman, C.S. & 9-07549 FG M.E. Bitterman (1963) J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 56(3):578-83 Classical conditioning in the fish: The CS-US interval Prompted by discrepant earlier findings, experiments were conducted on role of the CS-US interval in classical conditioning of Mollienesia. PA 37(5)7806. Lissmann, H.W. (1963) Sci.Amer., 203(3):50-9 Electric location by fishes 9-07550 FG Some fishes generate strong electric fields to stun their prey or discourage predators; Gyimarchus niloticus produces a weak field for purpose of sensing its environment. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Spain. Laws Statutes etc. (1963) Bol .ofic.Estado, Madr., (83):5781-5 Decreto 629/1963 de 14 de marzo de 1963, sobre títulos professionales de las marinas mercante y de pesca (Decree No. 629/1963 on professional ranks in the merchant marine and fishing fleet - 14 March 1963) Lists the various ranks & the responsibilities attached thereto. MikhaYlov, V.S. (1960)A Sovetsk.Ezhegod.mezh.Prava, 189-202 Mezhdunarodno-pravovol regulirovanie rybolovstva i drugikh morskikh promyslov na Tikhom okeane (International law regulations of fisheries and other marine industries in the Pacific Ocean). En 9-07551 M 9-07522 M Clark, A.M. (1962) 9-07553 M Zool.Rec., 97(5):20 p. Echinodermata 11 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1960 subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Clark, A.M. (1963) 9-07554 M Zool.Rec., 98(5):33 p. Echinodermata 13 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Ames, R. (1963) Pacif.Discov., 16(3):18-22 Sea food on-the-hoop 9-07555 М Popular article on cultivation of prospects for marine resources. Koidan, W. & 9-07556 M E.D. Schubert (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(9):1286-305 References to contemporary papers on acoustics Compilation of about 800 recent references (1960-62), incl. several on underwater sound and waves & vibrations. No indexes; divided into subject categories. Rocnwal, M.L. (1962) 9-07557 MF Proc.All-India Congr.Zool., 1(2):36-41 Systematic monographs called "The fauna of India" Gives a list of the volumes in this series covering the entire animal kingdom. #111, J.E. (1963) Zool.Rec., 99(19):138 р. Mammalia 9-07558 MF 77 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1962; subject, geographic and systematic indexes. Palmer, G. € E.I. White (1961) Zool.Rec., 96(15):81 p. Pisces 9-07229 MF 46 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1959; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Hill, J.E. (1962) 9-07560 MF Zool.Rec., 98(19):118 p. Mammalia 68 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes 9 (7) 419 Markowski, S. (1963) 9-07561 MF Zool.Rec., 99(1):26 p. Comprehensive zoology 23 pages of references in alphabetc order of author names to documents published mostly in 1962; with subject index. Browning, E. (1963) Zool.Rec., 99(12):95 p. Arachnida 9-07562 MF 20 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1962; subject, systematic indexes. Markowski, S. (1962) Zool.Rec., 98(1):22 p. Comprehensive zoology 9-07563 MF 19 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic. Browning, E. (1962) Zool.Rec., 98(12):91 p. Arachnida 9-07564 MF 43 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Edwards, M.A. & P. Curds (1963) Zool.Rec., 98(17):79 p. Reptilia 9-07565 MF 28 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, systematic indexes. Battersby, J.C., M.A. Edwards & P. Curds (1962) Zool.Rec., 97(17):70 p. Reptilia 9-07566 MF 26 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1960; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. 420 Tenison, W.P.C. (1962) 9-07567 MF Zocl.Rec., 98(18):74 p. Aves 55 pages of references in alpnebetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Commonwealth Institute 9-07568 MF of entomology (1963) Zool. Rec., 98(13):396 р. Insecta 131 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1961; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Commonwealth Institute 9-07569 MF of entomology (1962) Zool Вас. .97(13):397.» Insecta 128 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in 1960; subject, geographic and taxonomic indexes. Lindsay, R.B. (1962) 9-07570 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(11):1798-810 Current publications on acoustics Compilation of about 500 recent references (1960-62), including several on underwater sound and waves & vibrations. No indexes; divided into subject categories. Louis, A. (1962) 9-07571 MF Biol.Jaarb., 30:492-526 (The algologist Jean-Pierre Vaucher, 1763- 1841). Ne Chiefly his systematics. BAgr. 27(9)77585. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chapman, D.G. (1961) 9-07572 MF Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab.(4), 4:153-68 Statistical problems in dynamics of exploited fisheries populations STA 4(1)4/133. Grandison, A.G.C., M.A. 9-07573 MF Edwards & P. Curds (1960) Zool.Rec., 97(16):130 p. Amphibia 58 pages of references in alphabetic order of author names to documents published mostly in English; subject, geographic & taxonomic indexes. Adler, L. € 9-07574 MF E.A. Hiedemann (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(4):410-2 Determination of the nonlinearity parameter B/A for water and m-Xylene Re Adler, L., M.S. Thesis, Michigan State University. Urick, R.J. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):547-50 Generalized form of the sonar equations 9-07575 MF A generalization of the conventional equations, using energy rather than intensity for describing the acoustic output of the source. Mooney, C.S. (1962) 9-07576 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):684 Simplified ray-tracing computations An alternative method is presented for calculating ray travel time through & layer of constant velocity gradient. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES White, Г.Е. € E.D. Schuber (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(5):688-705 References to contemporary papers on acoustics 9-07577 MF Compilation of about 700 recent references (1960-62), incl. several on underwater sound & waves & vibrations. No indexes; divided into subject categories. Hamilton, P.M. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(6):857 Underwater hearing thresholds 9-07578 MF Letter attempting to resolve apparent discrepancies in three studies on the underwater hearing of divers. Goodman, R.R. & L.R.B. Duykers (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):960-2 Calculations of convergent zones in a sound channel 9-07579 MF Potter, D.S. & S.R. Murphey (1962) J.ecoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):963-6 Solution of the wave equation in a medium with a particular velocity variation 9-07580 MF Presents the closed form of the scalar wave equation with sound velocity, с - Co 2(77- az), 3 White, F.E. & E.D. Schubert (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(7):996-1029 References to contemporary papers on acoustics 9-07581 MF Compilation of about 1350 recent references (1960-62), including several on underwater sound and waves and vibrations. No indexes; divided into subject categories. Czen, P. (1962) Zastosow.Mat., 6:137-48 (On the minimax estimate of population size). Pl 9-07582 G Deals with problem of estimating size of population by recapturing previously marked items. STA 4(3)4/431. 9 (7) 421 Vegas, P.A. (1962) 9-07583 G Estadist.esp., 14:5-12 (Dynamic study of mortality). Es Gives postulates for studying problems concerning number of survivors at different ages, called "principles of homogeneity" with equal distribution & independence. ‘Instantaneous rate & "force of mortality" are defined. A death stochastic process is considered, obtaining the expression of the mean number of survivors at age x. Studies distribution function € its special cases for different expressions of instantaneous mortality rate. Ratio is considered as a function of time and formulae are given to obtain the dynamic mortality table from ordinary mortality table. STA 4(3)4/554. Vasil'ev, V.N. (1963) Bot.Zh., 48(3):341-9 (Populations and their role in the life of a species). Ru En 9-07584 G BAgr. 27(8)67956. Predetti, A. (1960) 9-07585 в G.Economisti, 19:223-58 (On discriminatory analysis). It After having defined nature of problem that discriminatory analysis is intended to solve, author exposes various criteria for discrimination, according to each of two restricting conditions introduced by Welch. STA 4(1)4/71. Berkson, J. & J.L. Hodges Jr. (1961) Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab.(4), 4.:77-86 A minimax estimator for the logistic function 9-07586 G Considers problem of estimating location parameter of a logistic response curve whose scale parameter is known. STA 4(1)4/77. Shah, B.K. (1960) J.Univ.Baroda, 9:11-4 Fitting of logistic curve by least square method 9-07587 G Least-square equations are derived. Newton's iterative method is used to solve them. Estimates given by Hotelling's method or Hartley's method of internal least-square may be used as starting values. STA 4(1)4/102. 422 Berger, A. € 9-07588 G R.Z. Gold (1961) Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab.(l), 4 :67-7 On comparing survival times Compares survivorship of a treated group with that of a control group. A method for making such multiple comparisons appropriate for large samples is suggested. Technique based on extension of results of Scheffé (The ana- lysis of variance (1959), N.Y.: Wiley) on multiple comparisons in the analysis of var- iance. STA 4(1)4/108. Chiang, C.L. (1961) 9-07589 G Proc. Berkeley Symp .Math. Stati st .Probab. (№), :169-80 On the probability of death from specific causes in the presence of competing risks STA L(1)4/134. Eden, M. (1961) 9-07590 G Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab.(/+) » 4 3223-39 A two-dimensional growth process Studies of morphology of organisms suggest many structural features best described by probabilistic model. Generative procedure is described close to percolation processes of Hammersley (Coll.Int. du Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris (1959) 17-34). Properties of set of objects generated by this procedure are estimated & conjectures regarding biological implications discussed. STA k(1)4/142. Karlin, S. € 9-07591 G J. McGregor (1961) Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab. (4 2: 29-72 Occupation time laws for birth and death processes STA 4(1)4/154. 9 (7) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Reuter, G.E.H. (1961) 9-07592 G Proc.Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab.(4), 2:421-30 Competition processes Simple theoretical models for stochastic interaction of two populations involve study of random walks, in continuous time, on the lattice of integer points in a quadrant of the plane. Axes may act as absorbing barriers, which correspond to extinction of one population, or reflecting barriers in the case when both populations are maintained by immigration. STA 4(1)4/166. Stephenson, J.L. (1961) 9-07593 G Proc .Berkeley Symp.Math.Statist.Probab. (№), 1:335-15 (Integral equation description of transport phenomena in biological systems). En Assumes that primary experimental variables in a biological system are a finite set of fluxes. Each flux in set at time t given by- linear functional on all previous flux in set plus additive term accounting for material being newly introduced into system. STA 4(1)4/167. Deming, L.S. (1962) J.Res.nat.Bur.Stand., 66:15-28 Selected bibliography of statistical literature, 1930-1957. 5. Frequency functions, moments and graduation 9-07594 G dth in series that deal with various specific subjects. Over 500 refrs and: titles of important publications dealing with frequency functions, moments,and graduation are given. Со 62-00024. STA 4(1)4/175. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 423 Kilburn, P.D. (1963) 9-07596 G Science, 141(3587):1276 Exponential values for the species-area Auerbach, I. & V. Schultz 9-07595 С relation (Comp. €: Ed.) (1962)c Tenn., Oak Ridge National Lab., 159 р. On site ecological research of the division of biology and medicine at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Data on vegetation types in six 900-sq. m. plots reveal that species-area curves are not logarithmic but more nearly ur an exponential equation of form ys kx for areas less than 100 sq. m. for larger The radiation ecology research program is ss a: areas curve appears to be sigmoid. reviewed. A variety of terrestrial & aquatic habitats have received an imput of radio- = г Я and sr : Berman, H.G. & 9-07597 в studies E up E e, accumulation, an A, Berman (1962) movement of isotopes in food chains rates of J.acoust.Soe,Amer., 34(5):555-62 translocation and turnover of isotopes, and the effects of ionizing radiation, NSA 17(9)13883. Effect of correlated phase fluctuations on array performance Issued also as: Contr.Hudson Labs, (104), 9 (7) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATI SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 8—REFERENCES 9-08001 to 9-08600 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) FAO. Expert Panel for 9-08001 M the Facilitation of Tuna Research, Rome, 8-12 June 1964 (1964) FAO Fish.Rep., (18):23 p. Report of the first session of the ..... Gives background information on the organization, terms of reference, composition, and procedures of the panel, agenda of the first session and conclusions and recommendations approved during the session. Appends a list of the members of the panel, participants at the first session and a list of working and information papers considered by the panel, Do 8-025me. France, Comité Central 9-08002 M d'Océanographie et d'étude des côtes (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(1):76 р. Contains sections on general information, technical notes, 9-08061 to 9-08063, documentation received by secretariat, and tables and diagrams of observations, 9-08064, Norway. Fiskeridirektgren (Ed.) 9-08003 M (1961) Aarsberetn.Norg.Fisk., (8):30 p. 'Fiskeri-undervisningen 1960-1961 (Fisheries education 1960-1961). No General remarks, fishery schools and courses for 1960-1961, Bruns, E. (1961) 9-08004 M Beitr.Meeresk., (1):7-18 Meereskundliche Expeditionen der DDR auf dem Forschungsschiff M. LOMONOSSOV im Atlantischen Ozean (Oceanographic expeditions of Eastern Germany with the research vessel M. LOMONOSSOV in the Atlantic Ocean) Sager, G. (1960)BC 9-08005 M Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 170 p. Gezeiten und Schiffahrt (Tides and navigation) Includes technical terms in Russian, English, German, French and Dutch, Böhl (1961) 9-08006 M Beitr.Meeresk., (1):61-2 Günther Sager "Gezeiten und Schiffahrt" (Günther Sager "Tides and Navigation") Re 9-08005. Petit, G. (1962) 9-08007 M Neuchatel, Delachaux et Niestlé, 317 p. Splendeurs de la faune marine (Splendours of the marine fauna) Chapters on physical oceanography, the marine environment, the plankton, abysses, the Sargasso Sea, lagoons and salt marshes, and an essay on marine zoology covering the animals from the protozoa to whales follow a short introduction on the origin of life, 32 fine plates in colour and 45 line drawings. 426 Smithsonian Institution (1961) Rep,Smithson,Instn,, (1960):605 р. Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution 9-08008 M Administrative report; gives lists of officials, finances, visitors, reports of branches of the institution, report on library, publications, lectures. Appends papers on various subjects, Incl. 9-08009, 9-08177 and 9-08237. Laughton, A.S. (1961) In 9-08008:319-26 Photography of the ocean floor 9-08009 M Briefly reviews development of underwater photography, design of deep-sea cameras, as Well as summarizing results of photographic exploration. Discusses special problems in interpretation of bottom photographs. Collin, A.E. (1961) Arctic, 18(3):194-201 Oceanographic observations in the Canadian Arctic and the adjacent Arctic Ocean 9-08010 M A historical review of work by all nations and vessels, Issued also as: (1961). Stud, Stas Fish, Res,Bd Can,, Schäperclaus, W. (1962) 9-08011 M Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):561-72 10 Jahre Institut für Fischerei der Deutschen Akademie der Landwirtschafts- wissenschaften (10 years Fisheries Institute of the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences) Texas Instruments Incorporated, 9-08012 M Science Services Division (1963)C Dallas, Texas Brazilian fisheries research General description of proposed programme, Programme price information, services and equipment, survey programme, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bellan, G. (1962) 9-08013 M Rec.Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Bull, (25) :23-37 III campagne méditerranée du N/O PRESIDENT THECDORE TISSIER de 1'Institut Scientifique et Technique des Pêches, Annélides polychètes (3rd Mediterranean cruise of the oceanographic ship PRESIDENT THEODORE TISSIER of the scientific and technical fisheries institute. Annelid worms) Results for December 1959 - February 1960, Maurin, Cl, & 5. Di Meglio (1961) 9-08014 M Ravp, Comm, int,Mer Médit., 16(2):269-73 Campagne du navire oc&anographique PRESIDENT THEODORE TISSIER ders le secteur atlantique ibero-marocain et sur les côtes sud de la Méditerranée occidentale (Cruise of the oceanographic ship PRESIDENT THEODORE TISSIER in the Ibero-Moroccan sector Of the Atlantic and along the southern coast Of the western Mediterranean) Milner, H.B. (1963) 9-08015 M Nature,Lond., 200(4908) :740-1 Exploration of the sea Quotes excerpts from papers of Dr. T.F. Gaskell read before the Royal Soc, of Arts (Sept. 1963). States that the science of the sea is somewhat neglected in comparison to other modern sciences, Increase in world population will compel more attention to the sea as a vast food-producer, Haynes, J. (1963) 9-08016 M Nature,Lond., 200(4911):1034-5 Evolution in Foraminifera, Evolutionary trends in Foraminifera Review of a collection of papers dealing with the modern classification of the Foraminifera of interest to both biologists and palaeontologists, Re 8-04102, Deacon, G.E.R. (1964) Nature,Lond., 201(4919):561-2 International Indian Ocean expedition 9-08017 M General report on the lst cruise of the R.R.S. DISCOVERY to the upwelling area off S. Arabian coast, Refers to main tasks of investigations: ascertaining of currents, sampling of phyto- and zooplankton, fish larvae, taxonomy and abundance of fish shoals, routine analyses for nutrients, echo-sounding, bathymetry. Backus, G.E. (1964) 9-08018 M Nature,Lond,, 201(4919):591-2 Magnetic anomalies over oceanic ridges Concerns the hypothesis (Vine and Matthews) that S. America and Africa have drifted apart as flotsam on convection current in the mantle which rises under the mid-Atlantic ridge. Attempts to make quantitative prediction of how the width vT of the magnetic stripes should vary with sovth latitude by use of equations, Oppenheimer, С.Н. (Ed. )(1963)BC 9-08019 M Springfield, Illinois, Charles С. Thomas, 769 p. Symposium on marine microbiology Droop, M.R. (1964) 9-08020 M Nature,Lond,, 202(4927):61-2 Marine microbiology. Symposium on marine microbiology General review of presented papers, Re 9-08019, Young, Е.С. & С.Г. MacFarlane (1962) Science, 136(3512) :267-8 Seaweed symposium 9-08021 M Describes briefly some papers presented, About 40 papers were presented to the botanical section and 30 to the section On chemistry and utilization, Re 60-179ще. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1962) Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr.Instn, 1961:70 P. Report for the year 1961 9-08022 M McElheny, V.K. (1964) Science, 144(3615):160-3 Britain's National Institute of Oceanography 9-08023 M Reports on NIO geophysical cruise on board the DISCOVERY to investigate the Carlsberg Ridge, NW Indian Ocean, seeking evidence on the mantle-convection theory. Mentions biological studies off SW Arabia, earlier works and equipment of the institute. GENERAL 427 Sullivan, W.S. (1961) 9-08024 M London, Hodder and Stoughton, 460 р. Assault on the unknown; the International Geophysical year Account of the current broad front of geo- physical exploration presented by a scientific Journalist. Incl, bibliographies. Ferrando, H.J. (1962) 9-08025 M Bol.Cent.coop.cient.UNESCO,Amér.lat., (33):67-8 Informaciones sobre las ciencias del mar (Information on marine sciences) Activities of the Latin American Oceanographic Council, and of the countries of the region. ANON. (1962) 9-08026 M Trans.Amer.geophys.Un., 43(1):10-3 National Oceanographic Data Center celebrates first anniversary Review of the origin, evolution, objectives and operation of the center. Aibulatov, N.A. € V.P. Nikolaev 9-08027 M (1960)B Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (4):139-42 (Jubilee conference of the Black Sea Experimental Scientific Research Station of the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Ru ANON. (1962) 9-08028 M Trans.Amer.geophys.Un. ; 43(1):116-24 IGY Bulletin, Fifth meeting of SCAR Cameron, W.M. (1962) 9-08029 M Mar.Obs,, 32(198):188-92 Oceanography in Canada Review of latest developments in oceanographic research, 428 Manders, C.R.S. (1964) Nature ,Lond. , 202(4934):755-7 Fisheries research in Japan 9-08030 M Sketch of the history and development, The Tokai laboratory - the scientific staff are grouped into 5 sections, marine resources, Oceanography, marine life propagation, fish- ing gear and methods, marine products utilization. Main tasks, news and achieve- ments, research vessels, publications, ANON. (1961) 9-08031 MG Bol,Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(1):21 Estégio de iniciacdo de pesquisadores em biologia pesqueira (A preparatory training course for fisheries biologists). PE Short note on the training course organized by the SUDENE and Institute of Marine Biology and Oceanography (IEMO) of the University of Recife in summer 1961, Meyer-Waarden, P.F. (1962) Arch.FischWiss, 13(1):156 p. Festschrift zur Einweihung der Bundesforschunganstalt für Fischerei am 1, Juni 1962 (Publication on the occasion of the inauguration of the Federal Fisheries Research Institute, 1 June 1962) 9-08032 MF Reviews the last century of German fisheries research, and gives detailed account of the history and the aims of the Federal Fisheries Research Institute. Reports also on other fishery institutes in Germany. Faust, E.C., P.C. Beaver € В.С. Jung (1962)С London, Henry Kimpton, 485 р. Animal agents and vectors of human diseases 9-08033 MF Volume is intended as medical parasitology textbook. Contains descriptions, control measures and treatments of many water borne or water-associated diseases, NE Faust, E.C., Р.С. Beaver € В.С. Jung 1955. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Mirica, GH. (1961) Bul, Inst,Cerc.pisc., 20(3):5-16 Planul de perspectiva al cercetarilor noastre piscicole din delta Dunarii (The development plan of our fishery research in the Danube delta), Bo: Fu + Be 9-08034 MF Editorial reviewing the responsabilities and lines of development of research and their relation to productive activities in the main zones of the delta, Royal Society International 9-08035 MF Scientific Information Services (1962) Bull,R,Soc.int,sci,Inform,Serv,, 1(1):79 р. Contains short accounts of ICSU and the affiliated associations and unions and lists of their publications series, followed by catalogues of holdings of new Royal Society Special Library for international scientific publications of these bodies, and of UNESCO, on marine sciences etc, IUGG (1962) Chron.U,G,G.I,, (43):97-160 9-08036 MF Contains report of 13th meeting of the executive board of ICSU, London, September 19-23, 1961, with ref, to SCOR etc. Re 61-104me, 61-245me, Millott, N. (1963) Nature, Lond., 198(4885):1048-9 Photobiology in Britain 9-08037 MF Describes the object of the British photobiology group. Includes research on marine and inland subjects. Gives information on officers and projects, CIESM (1961) 9-08038 MF Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit,, 16(2):557 р. Contains reports of committees and separate communications 9-08014, 9-08183 to 9-08209, 9-08217, 9-08218, 9-08219, 9-08271 to 9-08289, 9-08325, 9-08386, 9-08453 to 9-08472, 9-08570. GENERAL Southern, H.N. (1964)BC 9-08039 MF Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 465 p. The handbook of British mammals Sweet, J.S. (1962) 9-08040 MF Trans, Amer geophys.Un., 43(1):20-33 The science and services of hydrology in the Soviet Union Describes organization; hydrologic network, data, research and institutions; river forecasting procedures, forecasting ice conditions, operational work in forecasting, hydrology, hydrochemicsty, hydrological training, and literature. Ontario, Department of Lands and Forests (1961) Res.Rep.Ont.Dep.Lds, (44):24 р. The laboratory for experimental limnology 1954-59 9-08041 MF Describes the work of a lab, operated by the Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests and the University of Toronto on temperature relations Of salmonoids, respiration of fish, action of the swimbladder in salmonoids, effect of the Photo period on fish reproduction, effect of oxygen content on development of fish eggs, Salvelinus fontinales x S. namaycush, aut- ecology of Perca flavescens, effect of yolk content on the myomere count in fish, toxicity KCN to 5. fontinalis, deposition of lead in fish scales, etc. Lists publications and _ theses, Ghana, Ministry of Information (1961) Rep.Fish.Div.Ghana, 1959:55 p. Sea fisheries, sea fishing operations, the tuna survey, the freshwater fishery, fish pond experiment report, FAO technical aid, fisheries statistics, fish marketing, loan Schemes, training, development progress report, research branch, legislation, staff, finance, Processing. Appendices: Financial assistance schemes - history and review, photographic section, graphs, comparative trawl catches, maps, areas of exploitation of Ghanian waters, fish distribution chart, 9-08042 MF -9 (8) 429 East African Common Services 9-08043 MF Organization (1962) Rep.E.Afr.common Serv.Org., 1961:101 p. Incl, reports of E.A. Agricultural and Fisheries Research Council; E.A. Fisheries Research Organization; E.A. Marine Fisheries Research Organizetion and Lake Victoria Fisheries Service. IAEA (1963)BC 9-08044 MF London, HMSO, 459 p. Proceedings of tne symposium on the applications of radioisotopes in hydrology held by the International Atomic Agency. Tokyo, 5-9 March, 1963 Do 61-4lime. East African Common 9-08045 F Services Organization (1962) Rep.E,Afr, common Serv.Org., 1961:50 р. East African Freshwater Fishery Research Organization. Annual report 1961 The scientific work of the Freshwater Fishery Research Organization during 1961 is summarized, with individual reports on the fisheries of lake Victoria and other lakes and rivers; the biology, breeding and culture of various species of fish; migration of river fish; hydrology and algology; and equipment, Individual papers on these subjects are also appended. WPA 36(12)1976. Interstate Sanitation Commission 9-08046 F of New York-New Jersey-Connecticut (1962)c 82 p. 1962 report of the Interstate Sanitation Comm- ission of New York-New Jersey-Connecticut on the water pollution control activities and the interstate air pollution programme The water pollution section of this report contains information on progress in the abatement of pollution, including details of the treatment works constructed and planned; legal activities; and intensive investigations of the excessive pollution of the Arthur Kill waterway including the effects on fish, determination of the assimilative capacity of the waterway, and a report on the waste treatment required. WPA 36(12)2106. 430 Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (1961) Rep.Ohio Riv,Vall,Wat,Sanit,Comm,, 13:28 р. 13th annual report 9-08047 F WPA 36(12)2107. Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (1962) Rep.Ohio Riv.Vall.Wat.Sanit.Comm., 14:20 р. 14th annual report WPA 36(12)2107. 9-08048 Е Iohansen, B.G. (1961) Bul,Inst,Cerc,pisc,, 20(3):27-39 Scurta privire asupra cercetarilor biologico-piscicole in Siberia de vest (Short review of the fishery biology research in west Siberia), Bo Ru Fr 9-08049 Е Informative. Contains data on zoogeography and ecology of ichtyological fauna of the Osi basin; basin productivity and exploitation; improvement of the stocks, ICSU (1962) 9-08050 F Bull, int,Ass,sci,Hydrol,, 7(2):122 р. Contains in parts: 1, Remarks and notes by the editor; 2, Technical papers and proceedings of meetings; 3, Administrative notes, announcement and reports of meetings of the Union, affiliated societies and UNESCO committees, obituaries, Macan, T.T. (1963) € London, Longmans, 338 p. Freshwater ecology 9-08051 F Discusses physical and chemical properties of water, communities, transport, behaviour, interrelationships, water movement, temperature, oxygen, salinity, calcium, other chemical factors, production, and methods, Incl. list of bibliographic references, indexes to species, English names, authors’ names, subject index. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee (1962) Proc.Upp.Mississippi Riv,Conserv,Comm,, (18): LOL ps Presents data on commercial fishery statistics, aerial surveys, exploratory fishing, tagging program, age and growth of fish, reguletions, fishing gear investigations, life history studies on paddlefish, sauger, walleye, channel catfish, dredge space surveys, fish kills, angler success, and Mississippi River recreation guide. 9-08052 F EIFAC (1962)c Rome, mimeo, 49 p, Second session, Paris 7-12 May 1962 9-08053 F Presen‘s account of the meeting and recommend- : ations made, Do 61-083me, 3 о мы U.S, Department of the Interior, 09-0805 F Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife (1962) Rep,fed,Aid Fish Wildl,Restor,, 1961:119 р. Federal aid in fish and wildlife restoration, Annual report on Dingell -Johnson and Pittman-Robertson programs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961 — e. Annual report dealing with fisheries investigations and development, acquisition of fishing areas, restoration activities, Summarizes apportionment of funds and types of projects, Khartoum, University (1960-61) 9-08055 F Rep. hydrobiol,Res,Un, Khartoum, 8:51 р. Staff members, facilities and equipment, note on activities, Survey of work in progress comprises papers by L. Berry, R. Halwagy, M.J. Chadwick, H.M. Bishai, A.G.A. Karim, J.L. Cloudsely-Thompson. List of papers published during the period covered by the report, 431 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Greenhalgh, R. & J.P. Riley (1962)A Analyt.chim.Acta, 27:305-6 Nitrate as an oxidant for antimony in its spectrophotometric determination with rhodamine B 9-08056 M WPA 36(12)1997. Petersen, J. (1962)C 9-08057 M Denmark, Atomenergikommissionen, 26 p. Environmental radioactivity at Copenhagen, February 1961-August 1962 Results are given of measurements of gross beta activity in samples of sea water collected in Copenhagen harbour and in the Sound from February 1961 to August 1962, and of radiochemical determinations, particularly of strontium-90, in samples of sea water, marine plants, mussels and fish, WPA 36(12)2005. Agamirov, S.S. (1963) Geokhimiia, 1:92-3 Precipitation of uranium in Black Sea), Ru 9-08058 M WPA 36(12)2009. Jolliffe, 1.P. (1963) Geogr.J., 129(4):480-93 A study of sand movements on the Lowestoft sandbank using fluorescent tracers 9-08059 M As tracers, Rhodamine, Eosine, Uvitex and Kiton Yellow were used, and the precise Current measurements at various depths were made, Several causes of sand movements are discussed. U.S. Department of the Interior (1963) Circ.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv., (176):39 р. Inventory of oceanographic data for the Western North Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (oceanographic station data, bathythermograph observations, and sea-surface temperature observations) 9-08060 M Contains charts indicating total numbers and monthly numbers of stations and observations for oceanographic stations, bathythermograph and sea-surface temperature observations, 9 (8) Bourcart, J. (1962) 9-08061 M Cah.océanogr., 14(1):16-7 Compte rendu d'une mission sur la CALYPSO en Mars 1961 (Report on a mission on board the CALYPSO in March 1961) General information on the geology of the submarine canyons between Toulon and Cap Creus. Dangeard, L. (1962) Cah,océanogr,, 14(1):19-24 Observations faites en "soucoupe plongeante" au large de Banyuls (Underwater observations offshore of Banyuls, using the "diving saucer") 9-08062 M Studies the facies and the benthic fauna in the neighbourhood of the "Rech" (submarine canyon). Hommeril, P. € M. Rioult (1962)A 9-08063 м Cah.océanogr., 14(1):25-45 Phénomènes d'érosion et de sédimentation marines entre Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes et Port-en-Bessin (Calvados). Rôle de Rhodothamiella floridula dans la retenue des sédiments fins (Some phenomena of erosion and of marine sedimentation between Sainte-Honorine-des- Pertes and Port-en-Bessin (Calvados). Part played by Rhodothamniella floridula in the retaining of the fine sediments) Berrit, G.R. (1962) Cah,océanogr., 14(1):54-76 Resultats d'observations. Campagne Jonas (Results of observations. Campain Jonas) 9-08064 M Campagne no. 11, Campain No, 11, Introduction; table of data and graphs on the hydrology of the area between Cotonou and Pointe Noire (Feb. /April 1960). 432 . BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dietrich, G. (1961) Kieler Meeresforsch,, 17(2):135-6 Eine Forschungsfahrt zur Untersuchung der kurzfristigen Schwankungen in der Schichtung und Bewegung der Ostsee im Sommer 1960 (A research cruise to investigate the short-term variations in the stratification and movement of the Baltic, in summer 1960). En 9-08065 M The strong deviation of the hydrographic factors, which is present according to permanent measurements at four anchoring stations, is partly due to internal waves and incomplete isotropic mixing. The broad range of deviation of the observations generally reduces the value of single measurements in the Baltic, Krauss, W. & L. Magaard (1961) 9-08066 M Kieler Meeresforsch., 17(2):137-47 Zum Spektrum der internen Wellen der Ostsee (Energy spectra of the internal movements of the Baltic Sea), En Current and temperature records on five positions in the Baltic are analysed by the methods of J, Fuhrich and J.W. Turkey. Siedler, G. (1961) 9-08067 M Kieler Meeresforsch,, 17(2):148-53 Über die kurzfristige Veränderlichkeit von Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsschichtung in der Sstlichen und mittleren Ostsee im Sommer 1960 (On the short-term variations of temperature and salinity stratification in the eastern and central Baltic in summer 1960), En After a description of the method of measurement, the results are discussed on the basis of the temperature records and the thermal and haline isopleths, Finally the consequences for the interpretation of a hydrographical section through the western Baltic are shown. Otto, E.J. (1961)A Kieler Meeresforsch., 17(2):154-8 Uber die kurzfristige Veränderlichkeit in der Vertikalverteilung ausgewählter chemischer Faktoren in der östlichen und mittleren Ostsee im Sommer 1960 (On the short-term variations of the stratification of selected chemical factors in the eastern and central Baltic, in summer 1960). En 9-08068 M Krauss, W. (1961) Kieler Meeresforsch., 17(2):159-62 Zur trochoidenähnlichen Form der kurzen fortschreitenden internen Grenzflächenwellen (The trochoidal behaviour of short internal boundary waves). En 9-08069 M Internal waves with short wave length and high amplitudes show a trochoidal shape. In contrary to short waves at the surface internal waves have broad crests and narrow troughs. Kolp, O. & C. Enzenross (1961) 9-08070 M Beitr.Meeresk., (1):27-38 Über einige Laborerfahrungen bei der Kennzeichnung von Meeressand mit lumineszenten Farbstoffen (Some laboratory experiments on marking of marine sands with luminous dyes) Wolf, G. (1961) Beitr.Meeresk., (1):39-47 Uber die hydrologischen Verhältnisse in der westlichen Ostsee im November 1953 (Hydrological conditions in the western Baltic in November 1953) 9-08071 M Böhl, D. (1961) Beitr.Meeresk,, (1):48-55 Untersuchengen zur Strömungsmessung mit Fix- und Schleppelektroden (Investigations on current measurement with fixed and moving electrodes) 9-08072 M Voigt, K. (1961) Beitr.Meeresk., (1):56-60 Aquatoriale Unterstrómung auch im Atlantik (Ergebnisse von Strömungsmessungen auf einer atlantischen Ankerstation der MICHAIL LOMONOSSOV am Mquator im Mai 1959) (Equatorial undercurrent also in the Atlantic (Results of current measurements at the Atlantic anchor station, MICHAIL LOMONOSSOV, at the equator in May, 1959)) 9-08073 M Schulejkin, W.W. (1960)BC 9-08074 M Berlin, Akademie-Verlag Theorie der Meereswellen (Theory of sea waves) De Shuleikin, W.W. 1956. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Bruns, E. (1961) 9-08075 M Beitr.Meeresk., (1):62-3 W.W. Schulejkin. Theorie der Meereswellen (М.М. Schulejkin, Theory of sea waves) Re 9-08074, Bruns, E. (1961) 9-08076 M Beitr,Meeresk., (4):54-5 Karol Zagrodzki "Oceanografia dla marnarzy" (Karol Zagrodzki "Oceanography for navigators"). Pi Re Karol Zagrodzki, 1956. Sager, G. (1961) 9-08077 M Beitr.Meeresk., (2/3):9-25 Ergänzende Betrachtungen zur Karte der Linien &leichen Springtidenhubs der halbtägigen Gezeit M2 plus S2 (Complemantary observations to the chart of equal spring tide heights of a semi-diurnal tide M2 plus S2) Wolf, G. (1961) 9-08078 M Beitr,Meeresk,, (2/3):26-32 Farbmessungen nach dem Spektralverfahren mit dem Pulfrich-Photometer (Colorimetry using the Pulfrich Photometer) Werner, E. (1961) 9-08079 M Beitr.Meeresk., (2/3) :42-5 Ein neues Gerät zur Messung von Salzgehalt, Temperatur und Tiefe (A new instrument for measuring salinity, temperature and depth) Bumpus, D.F. (1961) 9-08080 M Spec,sci,Rep,U,S,Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (378): 127 p. Drift bottle records for the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank and Bay of Fundy, 1956-58 Anderson, W.W., J.E. Moore & 9-08081 M Н.В. Gordy (1961) Spec,sci,Rep,U,S,Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (380): 206 p. Water temperatures off the South Atlantic Coast of the United States, THEODORE N. GILL Cruises 1-9, 1953-54 IC 433 Holmes, R.W. & R.J. Linn (1961) 9-08082 M Spec.sci,Rep,U,S,Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (382): 4p, A modified Beckman model DU spectrophotometer for seagoing use Several modifications are described which facilitate operation and maintenance on a seagoing vessel, Sherman, K. & R.P. Brown (1961) 9-08083 M Spec.sci,Rep,U,S.Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (396): 71 р. Oceanographic and biological data, Hawaiian waters, January-October 1959 Reports on the biological and oceanographic data collected in the central North Pacific to determine the distribution of surface water types and the associated biota, particularly skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus). Thomas, M. (1961)A 9-08084 M Cah,C,E.R.B.O0,M,, (3):11-20 Aperçu sur le régime des houles dans la Baie des Anges (Outline of the system of waves in the Baie des Anges) Lebout, H. (1961) 9-08085 M Cah,C,E.R.B,0,M,, (3):21-5 Note technique sur la mesure physique continue de la salinité de l'eau de mer à bord d'un bateau en route (Technical note on the continuous measurement Of the salinity of sea water on a moving boat) Describes an apparatus found to be more reliable than usual Wheatstone bridge and telephone-box systems, Aubert, M. € H, Lebout (1962) 9-08086 M Cah.C,E,R.B,0,M,, (4):50-106 Etude de la situation hydrologique et bacteriologique des zones marines situées au large du delta du Var et des régions adjacentes (Study of the hydrological and bacteriological situation of the marine zones located off the Var delta and the adjacent areas) Report on observations conducted to obtain general information of interest to pollution Studies. Contains references on the general topography and meteorology of the area, the main hydrographic features, the influence of River Var end various forms of pollution, 9(8) Incl, graphs and charts. 434 Boston, N. (1961) B,C,prof,Engr, July :1-6 The Hecate Strait model 9-08087 M Describes and illustrates the hydraulic model at Nanaimo of this important fishing area, Issued also as: (1961). Stud,Stas Fish,Res.Bd Can. , Hamilton, Е.Г. (1963) J.geophys,Res,, 68(21):5991-9 Sediment sound velocity measurements made in situ from bathyscaph TRIESTE 9-08088 M Schwerdtfeger, P. (1963) 9-08089 M Nature,Lond,, 200(4908) : 769 Measurement of conducted flow of heat in a sea ice cover Explains the use of ice heat flux meter, and demonstrates sensitivity. Stroup, E.D. (1963) 9-08090 M Nature,Lond,, 200(4910):1001-2 Measurements of equatorial currents in the Gilbert Islands area, July-August 1963 A first identification and measurement. The bathythermograph data demonstrate the equatorial spreading of the thermocline associated with a geostrophic undercurrent, Incl, chart and profile of the island chain, Drake, C.L. (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4911):1085-6 A mid-Labrador Sea ridge 9-08091 M Investigations by use of seismic profiling carried out from two research vessels determined that no obvious ridge exists, Several isolated peaks along the centre of the sea suggest the presence of buried topography. Incl, sketch map and topographical profile, Stride, А.Н. (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4913):1275 Shifting sand. banks off Lowestoft 9-08092 M Considers the practical and scientific value of hydrographic analysis of 44 detailed surveys (made between 1835 and 1962) issued in the form of maps and diagrams by R.L. Cloet, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Osterberg, C., A.G, Carey & 9-08093 M H. Curl (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4913):1276-7 Acceleration of sinking rates of radionuclides in the ocean Zirconium-95, niobium-95 and cerium-141-144 were detected by -ray spectrometry in Sea-cucumbers Stichopus californicus and Paelopatides sp. off Oregon coast. Pelagic Plankton and benthic organisms also contained 95 yy. ?Nb . Concludes that fall-out radionuclides can reach the ocean bottom quite rapidly and that herbivourous zooplankton in the upper layers are largely responsible for this phenomenon, Krause, D.C. (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4913):1280-1 Seaward extension and origin of the Freetown layered basic complex of Sierra Leone 9-08094 M Geological and geophysical surveys (1963) suggest that the basic mass is shaped like an inverted cone or saucer of 30Km radius and that the western half is beneath the Atlantic Ocean. Incl. map, 4 echo soundings and magnetometer profiles, Newell, В. € G. Dal Pont (1964) Neture,Lond., 201(4914) :36-7 Ammonia in sea water 9-08095 M Describes a new, and very sensitive, method for estimating ammonia, giving a molar extinction coefficient of 33,600 in sea water and 40,250 in distilled water. Applied routinely during 1963 to water samples taken from off-shore stations in S.E. Australia, Park, К., P.K. Weyl & А. Bradshaw (1964) Nature,Lond,, 201(4926):1283-4 Effect of carbon dioxide on the electrical conductance of sea-water 9-08096 M Experiments showing that when carbon dioxide is added to sea water, the electrical conductance reaches a maximum in the pH range from 6.5 to 7.5. — PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Metthews, D.H. (1961) Nature,Lond,, 190(4771):158-9 Lavas from an abyssal hill on the floor of the North Atlantic Ocean 9-08097 M Geological and petrographical survey of the collection of rocks detected by underwater Photography and dredged by R.R.S. DISCOVERY II in 1958 from the Iberia abyssal plain (depth to 4960 m). Bloom, A.L. & M. Stuiver (1963) Science, 139(3552):332-4 Submergence of the Connecticut coast 9-08098 M Radiocarbon-dated samples show that the coast has submerged 9 feet in the last 3000 years and about 33 feet in the last 7000 years, This is a similar rate to those reported from other coasts. This seems to strengthen the hypothesis that a worldwide postglacial rise of sea level is the cause. Malkus, J.S., C.Ronne & M. Chaffee (1961) Tellus, 13(1):8-30 Cloud patterns in Hurricane Daisy, 1958 9-08099 M Maps of clouds in Hurricane Daisy, 1958, have been constructed from aerial ciné photographs made by the aircraft of the National Research Project of the 0.5. Weather Bureau. Issued also as: Contr,Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1145),1962, Riehl, H. € J. Malkus (1961) Tellus, 13(2):181-213 Some aspects of Hurricane Daisy, 1958 9-08100 M Observations from research flight missions into Hurricane Daisy (1958) are utilized to compute the budgets of heat, moisture, kinetic energy, and momentum, Calculations are per- formed for a period when the cyclone was just becoming a hurricene, and for a second period, two days later, when it had attained maturity. Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole осеапорг. Instn, (1156),1962. Soule, F.M., Р.А. Morrill € А.Р. Franceschetti (1961)A Bull,U,S,Cst Guard, (46):31-114 Physical oceanography of the Grand Banks region and the Labrador Sea in 1960 9-08101 M Issued also as: Contr, Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1160),1962, 9 (8) Levine, J. (1961)A 9-08102 M Aero-Revue,Zürich, 36(2):100-1 À spherical vortex model of the buoyant thermal in cumulus and dry convection Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1139), 1962. Trask, P.D. (1962)A 9-08103 M Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr.Instn, (1144):16 р. Sedimentation in a modern geosyncline off the arid coast of Peru and northern Chile Arrhenius, G., J. Mero € J, 9-08104 M Korkisch (1964) Science, 144(3615):170-2 Origin of oceanic manganese minerals Chemical analyses carried out on manganese nodules, primarily from the Pacific Ocean, Were used as a basis for the criterion for differentiation of origin of the bottom sediments, Buljan, M. (1962) 9-08105 M Croat.chem.Acta, (34) :13-23 Nova geokemijska metoda za razlikkovanje prirodnih voda (New geochemical method of distinguishing the varieties of natural water). En Deals with results obtained by chemical analyses of chloride and sulphate contents of some waters of the Yugoslav Adriatic littoral and offers a classification of natural waters, Baylor, E.R., W.H. Sutcliffe & 9-08106 M D.S. Hirschfeld (1962)A Deep-Sea Res., 9:120-4 Adsorption of phosphates onto bubbles LaFond, E.C. (1962)A 9-08107 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:115-7 Deep current measurements with the bathyscaph TRIESTE 435 436 Webster, F. (1962) Deep-Sea Res,, 9:117-9 Departures from geostrophy in the Gulf Stream 9-08108 M Non-geostrophic velocities produced by horizontal gradients of Reynolds stresses have been calculated from observed surface data in the Florida Current region of the Gulf Stream. An examination of surface velocity data also shows that horizontal gradients in the Reynolds stresses can Produce a transverse velocity in the Florida Straits off Miemi, Chew, F. (1962) 9-08109 M Deep-Sea Res,, 9:130-5 The Florida Current as an inertial flow in a uniformly convergent channel The steady state, transverse current component Observed in the surface layer of the Florida Current off Miami is interpreted as an inertial effect of the dition that, within the Floride Strait, the constant downstream transport must flow through a channel that constricts down- stream. Breslau, L.R. et al. (1962) 9-08110 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:137-51 A precisely timed submersible pinger for tracking instruments in the sea À precisely-timed submersible pinger has been created by the inclusion of a miniaturized precision time source in a standard Edgerton submersible pinger. The resulting precisely- timed pinger, when used in conjunction with a Precision Graphic Recorder or similar device, permits the measurement of direct acoustic travel time as well as the difference in acoustic travel time between the ping and its echo. A tracking chart is presented along with the track of a deep-sea camera lowering monitored by this method. Aubert, M. & H. Lebout (1962) Cah.C.E.R.B.0.M.,(3):50 р. Etude de la situation hydrologique et bactériologique des zones marines situées au large du delta du Var et des régions adjacentes (Study of the hydrological and bacteriological situation of the maritime zone located off the Var Delta and of the adjacent areas) 9-08111 M 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sarkisian, A.S. (1961)B 9-08112 M Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geofiz.), (9):12 р. (Physics of the ses and the atmosphere). Ru ANON. (1962) 9-08113 M Trans.Amer.geophys.Un., 43(1):110-6 IGY Bulletin - Preliminary results from Arctic Ocean drifting station Charlie L.J. (1962) 9-08114 M Mar.Obs., 32(198):202-3 Interaction between the atmosphere and the oceans Enumerates the following topics of discussion in a meeting of meteorologists and oceano- graphers at the U.K. Meteorological Office: possibilities of improving the forecasting of storm surges by the use of mathematical models; work on wave generation to the study of wave forecasting in terms of meteorological deta; need of more climatological studies, Sasaki, Т. et al, (1962) 9-08115 M Sci.Pap.Inst.phys.chem,.Res,,Tokyo, 56(1):77-83 Studies on suspended particles in deep sea Water To examine particles in water sampled in Japan Trench, photometer for measuring angular distribution of scattered light has been made after the model of the apparatus used by Zimm for dilute solution of polymers. From Mie's theory, the average diameter of suspended particles and their number are estimated and the kind of suspended particles most prevalent in the deep sea water is suggested, Evans, G., C.G.St.C. Kendall & 9-08116 M P. Skipwith (1964) Nature ,Lond, , 202(4934):759-61 Origin of the coastal flats, the sabkha, of the Trucial Coast, Persian Gulf Sedimentological description. The strand- plains are composed of unconsolidated carbonate sediment with minor amounts of quartz and other minerals, and are the site of deposition of various evaporitic minerals, PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Tyler, J.E. (1964) 9-08117 M Neture,Lond., 202(4939):1262-4 Colour of the ocean Results obteined during the course of research on optical methods for in situ detection and estimation of chlorophyll and other pigments in the ocean, Gilliland, W.N. (1964) 9-08118 M Nature ,Lond. , 202(4939) :1276-8 Extension of the theory of zonal rotation to explain global fracturing Mentions a number of conditions which behoove us to consider seriously the theory of zonal rotation as the cause of major east-west shearing. Kinsman, J.J. (1964) 9-08119 M Nature,Lond,, 202(4939) :1280-2 Reef coral tolerance of high temperatures and salinities Describes the reef coral fauna from Trucial Coast, Persian Gulf and its T and S tolerances; optimum conditions, previously accepted limits, extended limits and extreme limits (Porites spp. only). Wiseman, J.D.H. (1964) 9-08120 M Nature,Lond., 202(4939):1286-8 Rates of sedimentation of nickel, cobalt, copper and iron on the equatorial mid-Atlantic floor, and its bearing on the nature of cosmic dust Concludes that the rates of sedimentation of Fe, Ni, Co and Cu can be explained by lithogenous, biogenous and possibly hydrogenous contributions, without any appreciable addition from a cosmogenous source, Pytkowicz, R.M. & D.N. Conners (1964) Science, 144(3620):840-1 High pressure solubility of calcium carbonate in seawater 9-08121 M The pressure tube was used in experiments, results of which suggest that deep ocean Waters are undersaturated, in which case the alkalinity would increase as sinking calcareous organisms dissolve. 9 (8) 437 Folsom, T.R., C. Feldman & 9-08122 M Т.С. Rains (1964) Science, 144(3618) :538-9 Variation of cesium in the ocean Photometrical analyses of the sea-water samples from Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, The average cesium concentration of surface water was 0.37 microgram per litre, that in samples taken between 500 and 1,500 m was about 14% higher, suggesting that cesium may be transported downward by particulate material, Malkus, W.V.R. € G. Veronis (1961) Phys.Fluids, 4(1):13-23 Surface electroconvection 9-08123 MG An electric field can produce steady cellular motions in the interface region of two immiscible semiconducting fluids, The theory of this instability is explored. Issued also as: Contr,Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1138), 1962. Saunders, P.M. (1961) J.Met., 18(4):451-67 An observational study of cumulus 9-08124 MG An observational study of cumulus is made from time-lapse film records, and laws describing the growth of cloud thermals (discrete masses of buoyant air) are deduced, issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1152),1962 Parker, C.E. (1963)BC 9-08125 MG Woods Hole, Mass., Oceanographic Institution, (63-13) Current measurements employing the radio drogue system Stern, М.Е. (1961)A 9-08126 MG Tellus, 13(4) :503-8 The stability of thermocline jets Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1166),1962. 438 Jessop, G. & H.W. Holy (1959)c Sample-line errors in dissolved oxygen determination 9-08127 MF WPA 36(12)2002. Shen, C.Y. € D.R. Dyroff (1962)A Analyt.Chem,, 34:1367-70 Determination of phosphate in presence of sili- cates by molybdenum blue method 9-08128 MF WPA 36(12)2004, Skougstad, M.W. (1961) 9-08129 MF Wat,Supply Pap,U,S,geol,Surv,, (1496-B):18 р. Copper-spark method for spectrochemical determination of strontium in water Describes a rapid accurate spectro-chemical method for the determination of strontium in water, using a copper spark technique and with lanthanum as internal standard; the method permits determination of strontium in the range 0,005-1,0 p.p.m., using only a 25-ml sample, This procedure could also be used to determine other elements, WPA 36(12)2008. Barr, D.I.H. (1963) Engineer Lond,, 215:345-52 Model simulation of vertical mixing in stratified flowing water 9-08130 MF Describes some model experiments on vertical mixing in flowing stratified water, and discusses the results in relation to other basic studies involving density currents or stratified flows and to full-scale observations of stratification in estuaries, WPA 36(12)2017. Hodgson, R.A., C.G. Denny & R. Monaghan (1962)C Washington, D.C. Office of Technical Services, TID-18124:28 p. A sediment density meter 9-08131 MF One, using scattered gamma rays, has been developed to measure sedimentation on the bottom of oceans, lakes and rivers. It was esigned to give an accurate determination of sediment density in the range 1.2-1,5g per cm3 without tedious and time-consuming mechanical sampling, measure the sediment ayer into which the instrument is dropped, and record the data until the instrument is brought to the surface. WPA 36(12)2020. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Szepke, В. (1963) Atompraxis, 9:1-2 An estimate of decontamination factors for the drainage area of the Vistula River 9-08132 MF WPA 36(12)2123. Glaser, R. (1963) Limnologica,Berl,, 1:281-6 Possibilities of using bio-indicators in the radiological control of waters 9-08133 MF From laboratory experiments and measurements of fallout activity in various water organisms, demonstrated the possibility of using water Organisms as indicators in the determination of radioactivity in water, WPA 36(12)2124, Weise, L. (1961) 9-08134 MF Wasserwirtschaft, Stuttgart, 51:223-5 A method of continuous sampling for the discontinuous determination of radioactivity in water and waste water Discusses importance of continuous proportion- ate sampling in the determination and control of radioactivity, and describes design and operation of suitable sampling apparatus. Brockhurst, R.R., J.G. Bruce € 9-08135 MF A.B. Arons (1961) J,acoust,Soc.Amer,, 33(4):452-6 Refraction of underwater explosion shock waves by a strong velocity gradient The effects of a strongly refracting summer thermocline on the initial pressure pulse from an underwater explosion were accurately measured in a flooded quarry. The familiar exponentially decaying pulse shape was observed to be drastically altered in highly divergent regions of the field, Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1147),1962. Welander, P. (1961) Tellus, 13(2):140-55 Theory of very long waves in a zonal atmospheric flow 9-08136 MF A derviation is given of the general wave equation for a small quasi-static adiabatic perturbations in a zonal atmospheric flow, This equation is then specialized to the case of very long waves (wave-length 10,000 km or more), Issued also as: Contr,Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1157),1962. WM EAS PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY AÑOS. (1961 )z 9-08137 МР Met, Gidrol,, (№):35-6, 47-6, 51-4 Selected articles Includes: Long-range forecasting methodics of the autuwm icy phenomena on the rivers of Zabaikal'e, by А.Р. Movoselov; Radio transmitter set for autonomous buoy stations, by Т.Р. Zykov; Transactions of the scientific research institutions of the hydrometeoro- logical service of the USSR. Cox, R.A. (1964) 906136 МР At the Conférence Générale de Poids et Mesures in October 1964 a resolution will be presented thet the litre be re-defined as the volume of а cubíc decimetre rather then as the volume of 1 kg of pure water et 5 deg.C. Aspects of accepting this proposal Tor oceanogrzphers are considered, Klirke, E,P.- & К. Scherb (1960) Allg Fisch, zz, , E5(1%) (Manure as 2 cause Of death of fish). 9133 Y Le Liquid menure used on fields near stresms or in fishponds can damage fish, The toxicity is dependent on the alkalinity of the water; high PH values encourage formation of emorís end hydrogen sulphide. WA 36(11)1905. Beeton, A.M. (1962) ries Bes Din, (9) 266-76 Light penetration in the Great Lekes GEIL F Arnol4, G.E. (1962) GRILL Р Z.ömer Wat Wes Ааа,, 54:1333-56 Thermal pollution of surface supplies Discusses studies and reguletions in Pennsylvania with respect to discharging waters used for industrial cooling purposes into streems end lekes, Effect on fisheries included, WA 36(11)1915. 9 (8) 439 Edwards, Р.М. (1962) GAFLLE Y Int 3 Air Wat Poll,, 6:505-20 Some effects of plants end enímels on the conditions in freshwater streams with particular reference to their oxygen belance Feviews enä presents further information on work carried out by the Weter Follution Fesearch Leborstory on the effects, both direct aná indirect, which rooteä plants and large imvertebretes living in the bottom deposits have on the oxygen belance of shallow streams. WEA 36(12)1978. Engez, Ш, (1961) 9813 Y Mitt, Inst Wassert tech Univ Berl,, (54):35-70 Silting in impourding reservoirs end the effect in impounding reservoirs, the causes of silting, end the sources of silt and suspended metter, Processes for estimating erosion for calculating the useful life of reservoirs ere described, Methods of preventing and reducing Geposition are discussed, WA 36(12)1981, en М.Е. (1962) An illustrated description is given of epperetus for sampling sediments and bottom water in reservoirs; it consists of glass tubes, 2,15 cm in Glameter and om long, encased in metal end mounted on the base of a Ferfilier stratometer, Four samples can te collected simulteneously, WA 36(12)1%2, Beneden, G,V, (1962) 93-08155 Y Trib,Cetedezs, 15:13-9 4 78-82 The cycle of water in the Fagues, Origin, Stages and fate of water on the Hectes Fagnes pleveen Feviews the characteristics of surface ага ground water of the moorland plateau of Hautes Fagnes, Belgium, WA 36(12)198%. 440 Rice, J,K., D.E. Simon & 9-08146 F В.С. Rice (1962)A Industr.Wat.Wastes, 7:75-8 Determination of naturally occurring organic acids in surface waters WPA 36(12)2000. Hoak, R.D. (1962)A Int,J,Air Wat,Poll,, 6:521-38 Recovery ard identification of organics in water 9-08147 Е WPA 36(12)2001. Harrison, G.A.F. (1962) Talanta, 9:533-5 The determination of nitrate in water 9-08148 Е А new method for the determination of nitrate in water involves reduction of the nitrate to ammonia with chromous chloride (prepared by reduction of potassium dichromate with zinc), and distillation with caustic soda to drive off the ammoria, which is determined colorimetrica- lly with Nessler's reagent. WPA 36(12)1998. National Council for Stream 9-08149 F Improvement (1963) T.A.P.P.T., 16(1):38A-52A Methods for the continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in waste treatment processes and receiving waters From the work of various investigators, the usefullness of continucus measurement of dissolved oxygen in waste treatment processes and in studies of receiving streams is discussed and the development of instruments for this purpose, with experience of their use in the field, is reviewed, WPA 36(12)2003. Whiston, T.G. & G.W. Cherry 9-08150 Е (1962)A Analyst, 87:819-23 The determination of thiocyanate in coal- carbonizing plant effluents, sewage works influents and effluents and polluted waters WPA 36(12)2012. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Breitschneider, H. (1961) 9-08151 F Mitt,Inst,Wasserb.tech,Univ.Berl,, (53):101 р. (Flow-off with flat-topped weirs). De A detailed account is given of the results of experiments on and calculation by different methods of flow over weirs. A new method of calculation is proposed and its practical application is discussed. WPA 36(12)2015. Colby, B.R. (1961)A 9-08152 F Wat. Supply Pap,U.S.geol,Surv., 1498-D:16 р. Effect of depth of flow on discharge of bed material WPA 36(12)2019. Duttweiler, Р.М. et al, (1961)C Johns Hopkins Univ., 120 p. Heat dissipation in flowing streams. A report by the 1960-1961 advanced seminar of the Department of Sanitary Engineering and Water Resources of the Johns Hopkins University 9-08153 F In connexion with the discharge of cooling Water to natural streams, a theoretical study is reported on the mechanisms influencing transfer of heat from such heated streams to the surrounding atmosphere in order to develop techniques for predicting the rate of heat loss and thus the resulting temperature in the water following a proposed discharge of heated effluent. WPA 36(12)2022. Bratrének, A. (1961)C 9-08154 F Res.Pap. Hydraul, Res, Inst, ‚Prague, (101):98 р. (The course of temperature in rivers and its changes by the water management), Cs En In connexion with the planning of reservoirs, the author reports a study of the factors affecting temperature and temperature changes in natural watercourses, deep and shallow reservoirs, and water leaving reservoirs, WPA 36(12)2023. Elvins, B.J. (1962) 9-0€155 Е J.Inst.Ssew.Purif., (6):569 Investigation of the animal population in polluted streams Describes a year's experience in the use of a new method of studying pollution by quantitative estimation of the aquatic fauna at various points along the course of the stream. WPA 36(12)2113. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY David, A. (1959)A 9-08156 F J.Asiat.Soc,Beng, » 1:339-63 Effects of Calcutta sewage upon the fisheries of the Kulti estuary and the connected cultivable fisheries WPA 36(12)2114, Ray, P. (1961) 9-08157 F Indian J.Fish., 8:233-40 Evaluation of toxicity of some industrial effluents to fish by bio-assays Using the technique previously described, bio-assay tests were carried out on the toxicity of sugar factory and distillary vaste waters (using Puntius sophore as the test fish) and pulp and paper mill waste waters (using _P. sophore and Mystus vittatus as test fish). Ci 9-08140, WPA 36(12)2115. Fedii, S.P. (1962) 9-08158 F Ryb.Khoz., 38(4) :29-32 (The effect of wetting agents, used in the flotation process for concentration of iron ores, on the ichthyofauna in bodies of water). Ru Laboratory experiments were carried out on the effects of sulphate soap, in concentrations up to 500 mg per litre, and tall oil soap, in concentrations up to 250 mg per litre, on receiving waters and fish, WPA 36(12)2116. lewallen, L.L. & М.Н. Wilder (1962) Mosquito News, 22:369-72 Toxicity of certain organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides to rainbow trout 9-08159 F Results are given of laboratory tests on the effects of 8 insecticides: malathion, naled (Dibrom), DDVP, carbophenothion (Trithion), parathion, Dylox, Baytex and Hercules AC5727, proposed for control of mountain Aedes, on month-old rainbow trout fry. WPA 36(12)2119. Gerovové, E.V. (1961) Arch.Hydrobiol,, 57:409-20 Nitrogen regimen in the dam reservoir of Sedlice in Bohemia and the influence of starch mill effluents 9-08160 Е WPA 36(12)2121, 9 (8) 44] Beeton, A.M. (1960) Publ.Gr.Lakes Res.Div., (4):123-8 Great Lakes limological investigations 9-08161 Е Bridges, М.В. & А.К. Andrews . (1961) Spec, scl,Rep,U,S,Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (391): 1-4 9-08162 F Effects of DDT spray on fish and aquatic insects in Gallatin River drainage in Montana Describes effect of plane spray at rate of 1 lb per acre as part of spruce budworm control program on rainbow trout and insects, Frey, P.J. (1961) 9-08163 F Spec, sci,Rep,U,S, Fish Wildl, Serv, -Fish,, (392): 1-11 Effects of DDT spray on stream bottom Organisms in two mountain streams in Georgia Describes effect of treatment for elm spanworm at 0,5 pound per acre DDT in oil solution in 1959 and 1960; depopulation and repopulation, Kritsky, S.N. & М.Е. Menkel (1961)B Bull, int.Ass,sci,Hydrol,, 6(2) On the regularities of long term river flow fluctuations end on the methods of estimation of lingering droughts 9-08164 F Bruce, J.P., D.V. Anderson 9-08165 Е С.К. Rogers (1961) Publ.Gr.Lakes Res.Div., (7):65-70 Temperature, humidity and wind profiles over the Great Lakes Kemp, H.P. (1963) 9-08166 Е Nature,Lond., 200(4911) :1085 Geological effects on surface waters in Natal Samples were taken from 5 pairs of streams during the dry and rainy seasons, Inorganic solutes such as: Ca, Mg, Na, К, Co3, SO), Cl, 5102 were estimated. Differences between chosen pairs were real and due to differences in geology. 442 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tazieff, H. € K. Burke (1963) 9-08167 F Nature,Lond,, 200(4913):1308 Dissolved gases in East African lakes Suggests that absence of methane in the volcanic gases of Nyiragongo is original and is not due to atmospheric oxidation. Carbon dioxide, the main constituent of "active gases", would be of a juvenile origin, Hoare, R.A. et al, (1964) 9-08168 Е Nature,Lond,, 202(1935):886-8 Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, Antarctica: a natural solar energy trap Under the 12ft thick ice cover during the Antarctic summer the temperatures of lake waters oscillate between 1.3 and 7 deg.C, despite a mean annual air temperature of about -20 deg.C. Incl, map and two temp- erature chlorinity profiles, Langer, E. (1964) 9-08169 F Science, 144(3614):35-7 Pesticides: minute quantities linked with massive fish kills; federal policy still uncertain Incredibly minute concentrations of highly toxic chemical agents such as endrin, dieldrin, heptachlor have been responsible for the killing of many tens of millions of fish since 1960 on the lower Mississippi River. U.S. Department of Health 9-08170 F Education and Welfare, Public Health Service (1962)C Washington, Вр. Report of pollution-caused fish kills, January- June, 1962 - a cumulative listing Lists pollution caused kills submitted to U.S, Public Health Service for first six months 1962, Gives date, imputed cause, type of fish killed, numbers killed, area affected, duration of critical effect, Steleanu, A. (1961) 9-08171 Е Beitr.Geophys., 70(2):90-124 Uber die Reflexion der Sonnenstrahlung an Wasserflächen und ihre Bedeutung für das Strahlungsklima von Seeufern (Measurement of light reflexion near shore of Lake Mllggel near Berlin - a consideration of effect on lakeside vegetation) Vita-Finki, C. (1964) 9-08172 Е Nature, Lond,, 202(4939):1324 Synchronous stream deposition throughout the Mediterranean area in historical times Stream actions have affected considerable changes, both rapidly and synchronously, over large areas ranging widely in climate, relief and geology, with far-reaching historical implications, Kraus, E.B. (1961) 9-08173 G Ann, N,Y,Acad.Sci,, 95:225-34 Physical aspects of deduced and actual climatic change The effect of external variations on the general circulation is discussed, Issued also as: Contr,Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1186),1962, PLANKTON Sokolov, O.A. (1961) 9-08174 M Biull,okeanogr.Kom,, Moskva, (8):84-9 The feasibility of estimating the vertical distribution of plankton mass on the basis of the coefficient of diminution of light WPA 36(12)1969. 9 (8) Ryther, J. H. & В.В.Г.. 9-08175 M Guillard (1962)A Canad.J. Microbiol, , 8(4):437-45 Studies of marine planktonic diatoms. 2. Use of Cyclotella nana Hustedt for assays of vitamin Bl2 in seawater CR 9-08176. PLANKTON Ryther, J.H. € R.R.L. Guillard (1962)A Canad.J.Microbiol,, 8(4):447-53 Studies of marine planktonic diatoms. 3. Some effects of temperature on respiration of five species 9-08176 M Co 9-08175. Nicol, J.A.C. (1961) 9-08177 M In 9-08008 : 447-56 Luminescence in marine organisms A review article describing chemistry and modes of luminescence, illumination and diurnal rhythms of colour and intensity. With ill, Dragovich, А., J. Finucane & 9-08178 M B.Z. May (1961) Spec.sci,Rep,U,S,Fish Wildl,Serv,-Fish,, (369): 175 Po Counts of red tide organisms, Gymnodinium breve, and associated oceanographic data from Florida west coast, 1957-59 Margineanu, C. & GH. Serpoianu 9-08179 M (1961 )A Bul, Inst,Cerc.pisc., 20(3):17-26 Dezvoltarea zooplanctonului marin la litoralul rominesc, in coditiile termice specifice iernii 1960/1961 (The development of marine zooplankton in the Roumanian coastal area, under the specific thermal conditions of 1960/1961 winter). Ro Ru Fr Miquelis, G. (1961) Cah,C.E.R.B¿0.M,, (3):44-8 Etude chimique d'un échantillon de plancton lyophilisé (A chemical study of a sample of lyophilised plankton) 9-08180 M Analysis of a sample collected on 13.2.61 in the roads off Villefranche, 9 (8) 443 Aubert, M., J. Obry € P. Michel 9-08181 M (1961) Cah.C.E.R.B.O,M., (3):49-50 Répartition analytique du plancton de la rade de Golfe-Juan au cours du mois d'avril 1961 (Analytical assessment of the plankton in the Golfe-Juan during the month of April, 1961) Gives tables showing the proportionate numbers of plankton animals in samples, McAllister, C.D. et al. (1961) 9-08182 M Limnol,& Oceanogr, , 6(3) 237-58 Measurements of primary production in coastal sea water using a large-volume plastic sphere Free-floating 20-ft diameter thin transparent sphere, with center 5.5 m below sea surface, was filled with nutrient rich water filtered free from plants and animals and inoculated with a natural population of coastal phyto- plankters. The resulting phytoplankton "bloom" was then studied under near-natural conditions of temperature and illumination with the minimum of complications arising from grazing, sinking or lateral transport of the plant cells, Issued also as: Stud,Stas,Fish, Res. Bd.Can., (1961). Battaglia, B., C. Mozzi € 9-08183 M A.-M. Varagnolo (1961) Rapp, Comm, int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):93-5 La distribuzione del plancton nell'Adriatico in rapporto con la concentrazione dei sali nutritivi (The distribution of the plankton in the Adriatic in relation to the concentration of nutrient salts), It Furnestin, M.-L. (1961) 9-08184 M Rapp.Comm,int.Mer Médit., 16(2):97-101 Compléments 4 1'étude de Sagitta euxina variété de Sagitta setosa (Supplement to the study of Sagitta euxina, a variety of Sagitta setosa Discusses features of a sample of S, euxina from Trébizonde. 444 Ghirardelli, E. (1961) 9-08185 M Rapp. Comm. int.Mer Médit., 16(2):103-10 Histologie et cytologie des stades de maturité chez les Chétognathes (Histology and cytology of the mature stages in the Chaetognatha) Vucetic, T. (1961) 9-08186 M Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):111-6 Sur la répartition des Chaetognathes en Adriatique et leur utilisation comme indicateurs biologiques des conditions hydro- graphiques (On the distribution of the Chaetognatha in the Adriatic and their use as biological indicators of hydrographic conditions) Hoenigman, J., I. Gasparovic € 9-08187 M J. Kovac (1961) Rapp. Comm, int,Mer Médit., 16(2):117-21 Cladocéres et chétognathes provenant d'une station au large de l'ile de Mljet (Adriatique) (Cladocera and Chaetognatha from a station off the island of Mljet (Adriatic)) Bernard, F. (1961) 9-08188 M Rapp, Comm, int.Mer Medit., 16(2):123-8 Donndes sur les quantités moyennes de flagellés en sept régions de la Méditerranée, comparées avec l'Atlantique tropical et l'Océan Indien (Date on the mean quantities of flagellates in seven regions of the Mediterranean, compared with the tropical Atlantic and the Indian Ocean) Skolka, V.H. (1961) 9-08189 M Repp. Comm. int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):129-32 Données sur le phytoplancton des parages prébosphoriques de la Mer Noire (Data on the phytoplankton of the Pre- Bosphorus regions of the Black Sea) 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES - Margalef, R. (1961) 9-08190 M Rapp, Comm, int,_Mer Médit., 16(2):139-40 Distribution du phytoplancton dans une échelle moyenne de dimensions et signification de ses pigments assimilateurs dans l'inter- prétation de la dynamique des configurations (The distribution of the phytoplankton on a medium scale of dimensions and the signific- ance of its assimilatory pigments in the interpretation of the dynamics of the con- figurations) Produces a model comparing plankton and pigment distributions in a block of sea with a side of two miles and a depth of 40m, 8 miles off Castellón, Margalef, R. (1961) 9-08191 M Rapp. Comm. int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):141-2 Caractéristiques et signification des zooxanthelles du "phytoplancton prisonnier" des Acanthaires (Characteristics and significance of the Zooxanthellae in the "captive phytoplankton" of Acantharia) Godeaux, J. (1961) 9-08192 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):143-5 Fini des Thaliacés (The eleoblast of the Thaliacea) The organ is discussed in relation to development and phylogeny. Fenaux, R. (1961) 9-08193 M Rapp. Comm. int.Mer Médit., 16(2):147-8 Fritillaria fagei n.sp., un appendiculaire nouveau découvert dans le plancton de Villefranche-sur-Mer (Fritillaria fagei n.sp., a new appendicular- ian discovered in the plankton of Villefranche- sur-Mer) Vucetic, T. (1961) 9-08194 M Rapp.Comm.int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):149-51 Quelques données préliminaires sur la répartition verticale du zooplancton dans la Baie Veliko Jezero de l'ile de Mljet pendant 1'été (Some preliminary data on the vertical distribution of the zooplankton in Veliko Jezero Bay in the island of Mijet, during the summer) PLANKTON 445 Mazza, J. (1961) 9-08195 M Giacometti-Cannicci, G. (1961) 9-08200 M Rapp, Comm, int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):157-64 Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):207-14 Remarques sur la répartition qualitative Considérations sur la possibilité d'établir et quantitative des copépodes en Méditerranée des "indicateurs écologiques" dans le plancton (Comments on the qualitative and quantitative de la Méditerranée, Note 2. Sur les distribution of copepods in the Mediterranean) copépodes pélagiques du bassin septentrional de la Mer tyrrhénienne (Considerations on establishing "ecological 9-08196 M indicators" in the Mediterranean plankton, Note 2, On the pelagic copepods of the northern basin of the Tyrrhenian Sea) Bernard, M. (1961) Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):165-76 Adaptation de quelques copépodes pélagiques méditerranéens a différents milieux de survie en aquarium (The adaptation of some Mediterranean pelagic copepods to survival media in an aquarium). Della Croce, N. (1961) 9-08201 M En Rapp,Conm,int,Mer Medit., 16(2):215-6 Recent findings of a marine cladoceran, Also includes notes on the effects of temp- Penilia avirostris Dana in the south erature, salinity, bacteria, antibiotics and Tyrrhenian Sea, and their ecological food on cultures of the species, with some value details of their behaviour, Hoenigman, J. (1961) 9-08202 M Re: . CO + i . 4 s = Lecal-Schlauder, J. (1961) 9-08197 M SR una int.Mer Médit., 16(2):217-8 вс 7 i 6(2) #177280 ur quelques espèces nouvelles pour pp. Comm. int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):177 l'hdristique Les coccolithophorides au microscope (o Électronique n some species new to the Adriatic) eis under the electron A ciliate and a number of Crustacea, Kemptner, E. (1961) 9-08198 M Demirhindi, U, (1961) 9-08203 M Rapp.Comm,int.Mer Medit,, 16(2):181-2 Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):219-22 Preliminary notes on the Jaxea nocturna Statistisches ueber die Coccolithineen- Nardo (1847) larvae from Turkish waters flora des Mittellaendischen Meeres (Statistics on the coccolith flora of the Mediterranean Sea) The numbers of genera and species in d'Ancona, U, (1961) 9-08204 M different regions. Rapp. Comm, int,Mer Médit., 16(2):225-6 Les recherches planctoniques italiennes pour l'année géophysique internationale Bacescu, M. & R. Mayer (1961) 9-08199 M Den research for the Rapp. Comm, int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):183-97 nternational Geophysical Year) Malacostracés (Mysidacea, Euphausiacea, Decapoda, Stomatopoda) du plancton diurne de la Méditerranée, Etude basée sur le matériel du Lamont Geological Observatory, Trégouboff, G. (1961) 9-08205 M Washington Repp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):227-30 (Malacostraca (Mysidacea, Euphausiacea, Technique et méthodes des pêches Decapoda, Stomatopoda) of the diurnal quantitatives plankton in the Mediterranean, A study (Technique and methods of quantitative based on the material of the Lamont sampling) Geological Observatory, Washington) Discusses the relative merits of various Analysis of material collected from the Plankton nets. VEMA in summer 1956. 9 (8) 446 Balle, P. (1961) 9-08206 M Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):231-6 Phytoplancton d'Ibiza et de la côte est et sud de la péninsule ibérique (Phytoplankton off Ibiza and the east and south coast of the Iberian peninsular) Lists species and gives data from counts, Massuti, M. (1961) 9-08207 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):237-44 Note préliminaire á l'étude des Chétognathes de la Méditerranée occidentale(Campagne du XAUEN X-6911) (Preliminary note on the study of the Chaetognatha in the western Mediterranean (Cruise X-6911 of the XAUEN) Lists species and numbers according to locality, depth, temperature and salinity. Gastaud, J.M. (1961) 9-08208 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Medit,, 16(2):251-4 Contribution a la biochimie des éléments planctoniques, Étude de l'insaponifiable des lipides et de la fraction stérolique (Contribution to the biochemistry of members Of the plankton, Study on the unsaponifiable lipids and the sterol fraction) Finds chemicals resembling vertebrate hormones in material collected off Algeria in 1960, Laborel, J. (1961) 9-08209 M Rapp. Comm. int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):429-32 Sur un cas particulier de concretionnement animal, Concretionnement a Cladocora cespitosa L. dans le golfe de Talante (On an unusual case of animal concretion, Concretion in Cladocora cespitosa L. in the Gulf of Talanta) 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Cushing, D. (1963) Nature ,Lond. , 200(1910):975-6 Productive cycles in the ocean 9-08210 M Gives a brief account of contents of chapters Which are: physical Oceanography, algal production, nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton, There are good and complete accounts of the various parts of the productive cycle in the Ocean, Re 9-01086, Della Croce, N. (1964) 9-08211 M Nature ,Lond., 201(4921):842 The marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris Dana in the American waters of the Pacific Ocean Reports on new and unusual appearance of this sp. near Peruvian coast due to the production of resting eggs which, not yet sunk, have been caught up in wind-driven Spray, or due to the circulation of the Oceanic water-masses. Mackie, G.0. (1962) 9-08212 M Science, 137(3531) :689-90 Pigment effector cells in a cnidarian Describes chromatophore complexes in the siphonophore Nanomia cera. The dispersion ard concentration of pigment are related to variation in light intensity and do not appear to be endogenously influenced, Aldrich, D.V. (1962) 9-08213 M Science, 137(3534) :988-90 Photoautotrophy in Gymnodinium breve Davis Organic substances were tested as potential energy sources for this sp. of flagellate. Light and Coo simulated the growth. The ecological importance of micronutrients is suggested. Cifelli, В. (1961)A 9-08214 M Contr,Cushman Fan, 12(3):83-6 227. Globigerina incompta, a new species of pelagic Foraminifera from the North Atlantic Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr, Instn, (1165),1962. Chen, С. (1964) 9-08215 M Science, 144(3614) :60-2 Pteropod ooze from Bermuda pedestal 20 species end 2 sub-speries were detected in the sediments. Seasonal and bathymetric distribution of cold and warm-tolerant pteropods and their abundance in vertical tows (0 to 500 m) are given. Incl, profiles and table, Hart, T.J. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:109-14 Notes on the relation between transparency and plankton content of the surface waters of the Southern Ocean 9-08216 M Secchi disc readings and corresponding phyto- plankton values obtained during the 1938-9 season, in the surface waters of two areas of the Southern Ocean remote from land, are recorded, Margalef, R. (1961) 9-08217 MG Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):223-4 Nouveaux développements dans la technique de l'extraction des pigments du phytoplancton (New technical developments in the extraction of pigments from the phytoplankton) De Angelis, C.M. (1961) 9-08218 MF Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):133-7 Report on the common species and character- istics of the phytoplankton of the Tyrrhenian brackish ponds Genovese, 5. (1961) 9-08219 MF Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):255-6 Sur la présence d'"eau rouge" dans le lac de Faro (Messine) (On the presence of "red tide" in Lake Faro (Messina) ) PLANKTON 9 (8) 447 Lance, J. (1964) Nature,Lond., 201(4914):100-1 Feeding of zooplankton in diluted sea-water 9-08220 MF Observations on Calanus helgolandicus, Acartia bifilosa and A, discaudata from the North Sea indicate that major changes in the grazing rate of copepods exposed to sea-water of reduced salinity containing food cells can be detected by measuring the rate of faecal pellet production, Kokin, K.A. (1961) 9-08221 Е Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk.(biol.), (2):132-4 Nekotorye dannye o konkretnykh otnosheniiakh mezhdu fitoplenktonom i saprofitnymi mikro- organizmami v usloviiakh zagriaznennogo vodoema (Some data on the actual relationship between phytoplankton and saprophytic micro-organisms in a contaminated body of water) Evans, J.H. (1961) 9-08222 Е Nature,Lond., 189(4762) :417 Growth of Lake Victoria phytoplankton in enriched cultures Results of investigations show that the lake genus Melosira is apparently not limited by the level of sulphate, but is sensitive to phosphate, | Bingley, M.S. (1965) Nature,Lond, , 202(4938) :1218-9 Saline-filled micro-electrodes in relation to membrane potential measurement in fresh- water Protozoa 9-08223 Е Experiments designed to simulate the passage of a micro-electrode from dilute Chalkley's fluid into the interior of Amoeba proteus in terms of ion changes. Bachmann, R.W. (1964) 9-08224 F Science, 144(3618):556-7 The plankton community Mathematical formulae applied. Re 9 -03 164 . 448 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES BENTHOS Miyamoto, Y. , К. Nakamura 9-08225 M 8 К. Takizawa (1963) Jap.J.Microbiol,, 6(2/3/4):141-59 Seasonal distribution of Oceanomonas зрр., halophilic bacteria in the coastal sea, its significance in epidemiology and marine industry Takase, A. € T. Bito (1961) 9-08226 M Bull, Inst.publ.Hlth, Tokyo, 10:243-54 (Studies on the bacterial contamination of living oysters using radioisotope-labelled bacteria). Ni En Esch,coli labelled with phosphorus-32 ог yttrium-90 were used to study the bacterial contaminatio: of Oygters in artificial sea water under various environmental conditions, WPA 36(11)1910. Allende, R.C. (1960) Atti Ist,bot,Univ,Pavia, 5(18):1-4 (Yeasts isolated from waters along the coast of Uruguay). It En 9-08227 M The water of Montevideo Bay contains large numbers of asporogenous yeasts originating from sewage discharges. No yeasts were found at salinities higher than 5.83 per thousand. WPA 36(11)1913. Cooper, В.А. € H.L. Kornberg 9-06228 M (1964) Biochem.J,, 91(1):82-91 The utilization of itaconate by Pseudomonas sp. Describes a route of itaconate catabolism in Pseudomonas B2aba which is similar to that occurring in liver mitochondria, McGinty, Th. (1962)B Nautilus, 76(2):39-44 Caribbean marine shells 9-08229 M 9 (8) ANON, (1961) Bol, Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(1):9-11 Estudos sobre a biologia de lagostas commercializadas em Recife (nota prévia) (Studies on the biology of the spiny lobsters landed at Recife (preliminary note)). РЕ 9-08230 M Short introduction and some tables on biometric data on Panulirus argus (Iatreille) and P. laevicauda (Lat. ). ANON. (1962) Bol. Estud,Pesca,Recife, 2(1):12 Estudos s6bre a biología de lagostas comercializadas em Recife (dezembro) (Studies of the biology of the spiny lobster landed at Recife (December)). Pr 9-08231 M Short note on the sex ratio, length and Weight of Panulirus argus and P. laevicauda, ANON. (1962) Bol.Estud,Pesca,Recife, 2(3):17-8 Crustáceos decápodos de valor comercial em Pernambuco (Crustacea Decapoda of commercial value in the state of Pernambuco). Pr 9-08232 M Short list of the spp. exploited. Coéglho, Р.А. (1962) 9-08233 M Bol,Estud,Pesca,Recife, 2(7):13-4 Lagostas que ocorrem no NE brasileiro (Lobsters of north-east Brazil). Pr Short note referring to spp. Panulirus laevicauda, P, guttatus, P, argus. Utinomi, H. (1959) 9-08234 M Spec.Publ.Seto Mar,biol.Iab,,(8):12 р. Biological results of the Japanese Antarctic research expedition, 8, Pycnogonida of the Japanese Antarctic research expeditions 1956- 1958 BENTHOS ANON. (1961) 9-08235 M France péche, 6(57):45-6 Fiche techniques. Les huîtres (Fishery cards on oysters) Detachable cards, ill., giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of the oyster (Ostrea edulis and Gryphea angulat . Werner, B. (1963) 9-08236 M Trans.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 25(3):290 The effect of some environment factors on differentiation and determination in marine bryozoa with a note on their evolutionary significance Turner, J.J. Jr. (1961) 9-08237 M In 9-08008 :465-72 Problems involved in the development of clam farms Brief historical review of the economic significance of Mya arenaria of the New England coast, with notes on the research activities towards the development of farms. Galtsoff, P.S. (1962) 9-08238 M Proc,nat,Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):7-11 The three hearts of the oyster A short account of circulation in the oyster and a description of 2 accessory hearts. Hillman, В.Е. € C.N, Shuster, Jr. 9-08239 M (1962) Proc,nat.Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):15-22 Observations on the mantle of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria Г. Describes a fourth fold, and gives histological and cytochemical details of the mantle edge. Butler, Р.А., A.J. Wilson & 9-08240 M A.J. Rick (1962) Proc.nat.Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):23-32 Effect of pesticides on oysters Thresholds for inhibition of shell growth in l-year old oysters are given as indexes of toxicity for 11 pesticides, each found to be harmful, 9 (8) 449 Nichy, Р.Е. & В.М. Menzel (1962) 9-08241 M Proc.nat.Shellfish,Ass., 51(1960):33-41 Mortality of intertidal and subtidal oysters in Alligator Harbor, Florida Comparing mortality of oysters on a reef with individuels in wire pens excluding predators, traces causes of death at different weights above mean water level, Merrill, A.S. (1962) 9-08242 M Proc.nat.Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960): 74-80 Abundance and distribution of sea scallops off the middle Atlantic coast Data from eight transects from 20 to 80 fathoms between Block Isiand and Cape Hatteras and 56 intermediate stations, Perlmutter, A. & В.Р. Nigrelli 9-08243 M (1962)А Proc.nat.Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):93-6 А possible hybrid population of the starfish, Asterias forbesi (Desor), in western Long Island Sound Fagerlund, U.H.M. € 9-08244 M D.R. Idier (1961) Canad.J.Biochem,Physiol., 39:1347-55 Marine sterols, 9, Biosynthesis of 2l4-methy- lenecholesterol in clams Saxidomus ei gantepa able to transform injected cholesterol -4-C”* into radioactive 24- methylenecholesterol in vivo, Issued also as: Stud.Stas Fish.kes.Bd Can., (1961). ANON, (1961) 9-08245 M France pêche, 6(53):41-2 Fiche technique. La langouste et le homard (Fishery card on use of the Palinuridae and Homarus ) Detachable cards, ill. giving biology, habitat, fishing catch, commercial use of Palinuridae and Homarus. 450 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Keen, A.M, (1963)C 9-08246 M Californie, Standford University Press, 126 p. Marine molluscan genera of western North America Contains diagnostic characters for all the genera of shell-bearing marine mollusks found along the west coast of North America from the Mexican boundary to the Arctic Ocean, Incl, classes - Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, Amphineura, Scaphopoda, and Cephalopoda. Each genus is ill, on the same page on which the characters of the genus are noted, Tauc, L. (1960) C.R.Acad,Sci. Paris, 251:30/6-8 L'acétylcholine comme transmetteur possible de l'inhibition synaptique chez 1'Aplysie (Acetychloline as a possible transmitter of synaptic inhibition in Aplysia) 9-08247 M Also issued as: Bull.Sta.biol.Arcachon, (13), 1961. Markman, В. & J. Runnstrom (1963) 9-08248 м Exp.Cell Res,, 31(3):615 Animal and vegetal halves of sea urchin larvae subjected to temporary treatment with actinomycin C and mitomycin C Wildon, D.C. & F.V. Mercer (1963) 9-08249 M Arch,Mikrobiol,, 47(1):19-32 The ultrastructure of the heterocyst and akinete of the blue-green algae Schwartz, N. et al, (1963) 9-08250 M J.Ass,off,agric,Chem,Wash, , 46(5) :884-93 A method for the analysis of chlorinated benzenes in clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica) Ohnishi, T. & M. Sugiyama (1963) Embryologia, Nagoya, 8(1):79 Polarographic studies of oxygen uptake of sea urchin eggs 9-08251 M Danforth, C.G. (1963) J.Parasit,, 49(5):847-51 First record of a Hawaiian shore bopyrid (Isopoda: Bopyridae) 9-08252 M Smith, L.S. (1963) J.Morph., 113(2):261-7 Circulatory anatomy of the octopus arm 9-08253 M Fuller, M.S. & D.J. McLaughlin (1962) Amer.J,Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:666 Isolation and pure-culture studies of marine Phycomycetes 9-08254 M Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Hollenberg, G.J. (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:671 A new species of Malaconema from the Marshall Islands 9-08255 M Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Hommersand, M.H. (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:671 The position of the genus Spyridia in the Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) 9-08256 M Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Jones, В.Р. € W.S. Maddux (1962) Amer,J.Bot,, 49(6)Pt 2:671 À continuous approach to ecological studies on algae 9-08257 M Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Neushul, M. (1962) 9-08258 M Amer.J.Bot,, 49(6)Pt 2:672 Possible intergeneric hybrids in giant kelps (Lessoniaceae) Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. BENTHOS Powell, J.H. (1962) 9-08259 M Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:673 A survey of laminarin content in some brown algae of Puget Sound Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. West, J.A. (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:673 Light and electron-microscope studies of the coccolithophorid Cricosphaera carterae Braarud and Fagerland 9-08260 M Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Louis, C. (1960)A 9-08261 M C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, 251:134-6 Modalités et déterminisme expérimental de la scissiparité chez l'Actinie Anemonia sulcata Pennant (Modalities and experimental determinism of scissiparety in the actinian Anemonia sulcata Pennant) Also issued as: Bull.Sta.biol.Arcachon, (13), 1961. Tauc, Г. (1960) C.R.Soc.Biol.,Paris, 154(1):17-21 Diversité des modes d'activité des cellules nerveuses du ganglion déconnecté de l'Aplysie (Diversity in mode of action of the nervous cells in the disconnected ganglion of Aplysia) 9-08262 M Electrophysiological recordings. Also issued as: Bull.St2.biol.Arcachon, (13), 1961. Tauc, L. & G.M. Hughes (1961) 9-08263 M J.Physiol.Path,gen,, 53:483-4 Sur la distribution partielle des influx efférents dans les ramifications d'un axone non myélinisé (On the partial distribution of influx efferents in the branches of an unmye- linated axon) Observations on Aplysia. Also issued as: Bull,Sta,biol,Arcachon, (13) 1961. 9 (8) 451 Bellan-Santini, D. (1962)A 9-08264 M Rec.Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Ва11.(25):39-№5 Contribution à l'étude des Amphipodes des fonds meubles de la région de Marseille (Contribution to the study of the amphipods of mobile sediments in the Marseilles region) Kempf, M. (1962) 9-08265 M Rec, Trav,Sta,mar,Endoume, (39)Bull, (25) :47-116 Recherches d'écologie comparée sur Paracentrotus lividus (Imk) et Arbacia gula (0. Oy (Research on the comparative ecology of Paracentrotus lividus (Imk) and Arbacia Чета (2.0), En Underwater observations made in the Marseilles region, experiments on behaviour, and bio- metrical measurements. Ledoyer, M. (1962) 9-08266 M Rec. Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Bull. (25) :117-235 Etude de la faune vagile des herbiers superficiels de Zostéracées et de quelques biotopes d'algues littorales (Study on the motile fauna of shallow water stands of Zoosteraceae and of some biotopes among littoral algae). En A qualitative study. Changes in the fauna, Diurnal and annual Masse, H. (1962)A 9-08267 M Rec,Trav.Sta.mar.,Endoume, (39)Bull. (25) :237-8 Note préliminaire sur la présence de la biocoenose des fonds meubles instables dans l'étage infralittoral (Preliminary note on the presence of the mobile sediment biocenosis in the infra- littoral zone) Picard, J. (1962)A 9-08268 M Rec. Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Bull.(25):245-51 Remplacements expérimentaux de biocenoses des substrats meubles dans la partie supérieure de l'étage infralittoral (Experimental alteraction of mobile sub- strate biocenoses in the upper part of the infralittoral zone) 452 Baissac, J. de В., Р.Е. Lubet & С.М. Michel (1962) Rec, Trav,Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Bu11.(25):263-91 Les biocenoses benthiques littorales de l'Ile Maurice (Littoral benthic biocenoses of the Island Of Mauritius) 9-08269 M Vicente, N. (1962) 9-08270 M Rec. Trav,Sta,mar,Endoume, (39)Bu11.(25):293-302 Particularités histologiques des cellules nerveuses et notamment des cellules neuro- sécrétrices chez Haminaea navicula (Da Costa) (Mollusque Opishobranche ) (Histological details of the nervous cells and especially neurosecretory cells in Haminaea navicula (Da Costa) (Mollusca Opsthobranchiata)) Lagarde, E. & P. Forget (1961) 9-08271 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Medit,, 16(2):245-9 Contribution á 1'étude du métabolisme de l'azote minéral en milieu marin (Contribution to the study of inorganic nitrogen metabolism in a marine environment) A study on pure strains of denitrifying and nitrate reducing bacteria, Zerma, M. (1961) 9-08272 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):257-62 Contribution á l'étude des microorganismes marins anaérobies stricts. 4, Les bactéries sulfato-réductrices du fond de la Mer noire au niveau de la côte dobrogéenne (Contribution to the study of strictly an- aerobic marine microorganisms. 4, The sulphate reducing bacteria of Black Sea floor along the coast of the Dobrudja) CR 9-07247. Pérés, J.-M. (1961) 9-08273 M Rapp.Comm,int,Mer Médit., 16(2):377-417 Rapport sur les travaux récents concernant le benthos de la mer Méditerranée et de ses dépendances (Report on recent works on the benthos of the Mediterranean and its dependents) Comments and a bibliography with 254 references on works appearing previous to 1.7.1960. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pérès, J.-M. (1961) 9-08274 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Médit., 16(2):418-24 Additif au rapport sur les travaux concernant le benthos (Additions to the report on works on the benthos) L6 additional references of works appeering subsequent to 1.7.1960, Ci 9-08273. Picard, J. (1961) 9-08275 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):425-7 Distribution et particularités des peuplements benthiques des côtes de Provence entre le Bec de l'Aigle et l'Ile des Embiez (Distribution and peculiarities of the benthic populations of the Provence coast between Bec de l'Aigle and Ile des Embiez) Dufour, M., J. Galliano & R. Molinier (1961) Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):433-7 Sur l'activité des bactéries sulfato- réductrices dans les sols marins superficiels de la Baie du Brusc (Var) (On the activity of sulphate reducing bacteria in superficial marine deposits of the Bay of Brusc (Var)) 9-08276 M Bodeanu, N. (1961) 9-08277 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):kh1-6 Contribution a l'étude des diatomées benthiques du littoral Roumain et pré- bosphorique (Contribution to the study of the benthic diatoms of the Roumanian and prebosphorus littoral) Munda, I. (1961) 9-08278 M Rapp,Comm,int.Mer Médit., 16(2):447-52 Quelques remarques sur le groupement des algues de la côte de l'Ile de Krk (Adriatique du nord) (Some remarks on the algal association on the coast of Krk Island (North Adriatic)) Vatova, A. (1961) 9-08279 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit,, 16(2):453-4 La faune benthique des lagunes de Grado et de Marano (The benthic fauna of the lagoons of Grado and Marano) Parenzan, P. (1961) 9-08280 M Rap. Comm. int.Mer Médit., 16(2):455- 9 Biocenosi bentoniche del Mar Grande di Taranto (Benthonic biocenoses of the Gulf of Taranto), It Laborel, J, & J. Vacelet (1961) 9-08281 M Rap.Comm.int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):465-9 Répartition bionomique du Corallium rubrum Imck, dans les grottes et falaises sous-marines (Bionomic distribution of Corallium rubrum Imck, in submarine caves and cliffs) Records of more than 100 diving investigations in the Mediterranean, Codreanu, R. € V. Mack-Fira 9-08282 M (1961) Rapp.Comm,int.Mer Medit,, 16(2):471-94 Sur un copépode, Sunaristes paguri Hesse 1867 et un polychète, Polydora ciliata (Johnston) 1838, associés au pagure Diogenes pugilator (Roux) dans la Mer Noire et la Méditerranée. La notion de cryptotropisme (On a copepod, Sunaristes paguri Hesse 1867 and a polychaete, Polydora ciliata (Johnston) 1838, associated with a pagurid Diogenes pugilator (Roux) in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The idea of cryptotropism) Bacesco, M. (1961) 9-08283 м Rapp.Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):495-502 Contribution a l'étude des cumacés de la Méditerranée et particulièrement des côtes d'Israel (Contribution to the study of the Cumacea Of the Mediterranean and especially from the Israeli coast) Includes descriptions and figures of № new species, Feldmann, J. (1961) 9-08284 M Rapp, Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):503-8 Note sur les algues marines de la Galite (Tunisie) (Note on the marine algae of Galite (Tunisia)) Munda, I. (1961) 9-08285 M Rapp.Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):509-16 Seasonal variations in the chemical composition of some Adriatic Phaeophyceae BENTHOS 9 (8) Rossi, L. (1961) 9-08286 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):517-21 Sur un facies à Gorgonaires de la Pointe du Mesco (Golfe de Génes). Note préliminaire (On a gorgoniid facies of Mesco Point (Gulf of Genoa). Preliminary note) Bellan, G., В. Molinier € 9-08287 M J. Picard (1961) Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):523-7 Distribution et particularités des peuplements benthiques de l'étage circalittoral des parages de Bonifacio (Corse) (Distribution and peculiarities of benthic populations of the circalittoral zone in the neighbourhood of Bonifacio (Corsica)) Maurin, Cl, (1961) 9-08288 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):529-32 Répartition des crevettes profondes sur les Côtes sud du bassin occidental de la Méditerranée et dans la région atlantique Ibéro-Marocaine (Distribution of deep water prawns off the south coast of the western Mediterranean and in the Atlantic Ibero-Moroccan region) Bellan, G. (1961) 9-08289 M Repp.Comm.int.Mer.Médit., 16(2):533-50 Contribution a l'étude de l'Annélide polychéte Ophelia bicornis Savigny 1920 (Contribution to the study of the annelid polychaete Ophelia bicornis Savigny 1920) Considers the evolutionary history of Atlantic and Mediterranean Ophelia, Proposes the name О. bicornis for all species with from 11 to 15 gill pairs. Southward, E.C. (1963) Nature,Lond., 200(4908) :798-9 Haemoglobin in barnacles 9-08290 M Investigations on the treatment of Balanus perforatus from intertidal zone off Plymouth with benzidine and hydrogen peroxide indicate that haemoglobin is concentrated espec. in the region of the blood-pump. 453 454 Lewitus, Z. € H. Schreiber (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4909):893-4 Mechanism for concentrating iodine in marine algae 9-08291 M Investigates the seaweed Caulerpa (order Siphonales) from Tel-Aviv beaches. The results of mechanical and chemical treatment indicate that the concentration mechanism of iodine in algae and thyroid glands resemble eech other and is even nearly identical, Gordon, I. (196k) 9-08292 M Nature,Lond,, 201(4914):31-2 Galathea deep-sea isopods Review of the reports of Danish investigations on Asellota from depths 200-6000 m. (Kermadec and Philippine trenches). Systematics and biology of over 600 spp. Wood, J.G. € T.L. Lentz (1964) 9-08293 M Nature,Lond,, 201(4914) :88-90 Histochemical localization of amines in Hydra and in the sea anemone Hydra littoralis and Metridium senile were subjects of experiments, Presence of epinephrine, norepinephrine and 5-HT within the nervous system was ascertained indicating that the coelenterate nervous system is highly specialised and functions via a variety of neurohumours, Lenhoff, H.M. (1964) Nature,Lond., 201(4921):841-2 Rearing response of a marine flatworm to the lowering of light intensity 9-08294 M Describes curious rearing response of Gnesioceros sargassicola to a sudden decrease in light intensity, an unique Phenomenon among members of the phylum Platyhelminthes. Lytle, C.F. (1964) Nature ,Lond,, 201(4921):843 A new polymorphic rhizopod related to Pseudospora found associated with a colonial hydroid 9-08295 M This genus and its relatives have previously been found only in association with algae. The association (may be a facultative parasitism) with colonial Coelenteratae appears to be new, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Takahashi, K, (1964) Nature,Lond., 201(4926):1343-4 Electrical responses to light stimuli in the isolated radial nerve of the sea urchin, Diadema setosum (Leske) 9-08296 M Laboratory tests for explanation of the excitatory and inhibitory effects of the light on the radial nerve, which is a complex centre of integration on co- ordination, Fries, L. (1964) 9-08297 M Nature,Lond., 202(4927):110 Polysiphonia urceolata in axenic culture Describes investigations on growth substances, especially vitamin requirements, for culture of this alga, Mistakidis, M.N. & G. de D. Neiva (1964) Nature,Lond. , 202(4931):471-2 Occurrence of two penaeid shrimps, Artemisia longinasis Bate and Hymenopenaeus mllleri (Bate), and of some lesser-known surimps in coastal waters of South America 9-08298 M Samples and catches from coastal waters of S.E, Brazil to N.E. Argentina, Distribution, appearance, commercial value, scientific and local common names, Aloj, E. € A. Giuditta (1964) Nature ,Lond., 202(4931) :494-5 Oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the central nervous system of some marine invertebrates 9-08299 M Octopus vulgaris, Sepia officinalis and Loligo vulgaris were investigated. Results indicate that the pattern of oxidation of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the central nervous system of these spp. is only partially similar to that observed in mammalian brain. Moment, G.B. (1962) Science, 136(3512) :262-3 Reflexive selection: a possible answer to an old puzzle 9-08300 M Discusses Ophiopholis aculeata and Donax variabilis. It appears possible that the hitherto puzzling massive variation in colour and pattern of certain species is not the result of the mere free play of mutation, but represents a protective variation, BENTHOS 455 Bayer, F.M. (1962) 9-08301 M Sanders, H.L. & R.R. Hessler 9-08306 M Science, 137(3531):670 (1962) Pogonophora in the western Atlantic Ocean Deep-Sea Res., 9:125-30 Priapulus atlantisi and Priapulus profundus. Two new species of priapulids from bathyal The occurrence of Siboglinum sp. off Florida and abyssal depths of the North Atlantic is reported. Their pıesence in association with pennatulids is noted, and compared with A De j Similar instance in the Bering Sea, This scribes both species and the larvae of_P, association is probably due to similar ecolo- etlantisi, gical requirements. Littlepage, J.L. & J.S. Pearse 9-08302 M Bourdon, R.. (1962) 9-08307 M oa (1962) > Bull.Soc.lorr.Sci., 2(2):2-27 pence, 137(3531):679-80 Observations préliminaires sur la ponte Biological and oceanograpnic observations A ее tes shett (Preliminary observations on the spawning of Xanthidae) Ar abundant fauna, comprising at least 9 phyla was found in bottom samples taken at White Island and Koetlitz glacier, Observations on the maturity cycle, development of the gonads, spawning and fecundity of Filumnus hirtellus, Xantho incisus, X. pilipes, based on material Braarud, T. (1962) 9-08303 M collected at Quiberon Bay (France) from Neture,Lond., 193(4820) :1035-6 1958-9, Electron microscope studies of coccoliths in Oceanic deposits Advantage of the method is that it allows characteristic microstructure of each species Bourdon, R. (1962) 9-08308 M to be described, Bull, Soc. lorr.Sci., 2(2):26-36 Ponte et migration chez Galathea sauamifera (Leach) — (Spaming and migration in Galathea Cheng, T.-Y. (1964) 9-08304 M squamifera (Leach)) Science, 143(3613):1442-3 Polymer similar to polydeoxyadenylate- Observations on meterial from Quiberon Bay thymidylate in various tissues of a (France). Contains remarks on the ecology marine crab and reproductive cycle, Using a specific procedure for isolating DNA, the muscles, liver and eggs of Cancer borealis are shown to contain the deoxya- denylatethymidylate-like polymer. de Gero, J.B. (1962) 9-08309 M Bull, Inst.Péch.marit,,Maroc, (8):29-35 Vitamines des algues Phéophycées et Hegiwara, S., K.-I. Naka & 9-08305 M Rhodophycées de la côte atlantique du S. Chichibu (1964) Maroc Science, 143(3613):1446-8 (Vitamins in the Pheophycea and Phodo- phycea seaweeds from the Atlantic coasts Membrane properties of barnacle muscle fiber of Morocco) Membrane properties of the giant muscle fiber of the Balanus nubilis were studied Contains data on Fucus spiralis, F. vesiculosus, by controlling the ionic composition of Gelidium sesquipedale, G. spinulosum, Gigartina the external and internal media, acicularis,G. pistillata, Laminaria ochroleuca. 9 (8) 456 Powell, B.L. (1962) J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):251-61 Types, distribution and rhythmical behaviour of the chromatophores of juvenile Carcinus maenas (L.) 9-08310 M Investigation to find whether an animal known to have persistent daily and tidal rhythms of locomotory activity has similar rhythms of colour change. Ci 59-74. Roskell, J. (1962) J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):263-71 Barnacles epizoic on Littorina shells 9-08311 M Observations during general survey of exposed mussel-bed at Fleetwood, Lancashire, modestus Darwin, showed pattern of orientation. Barnacles epizoic on Mytilus edulis L, and Littorina littorea L, including a few Г. saxatilis (Olivi) examined; orientations believed to be explicable in terms of experimental work carried out by other workers. Ci 1950, Knight-Jones, E.W. & J.P. Stephenson; 1953, Knight-Jones, E.W. & D.J. Crisp; 1951, Barnes, H., D.J. Crisp & H,T. Powell. Steward, A.N., J.D. LaRea & 9-08312 M H.M. Gilkey (1963)BC Corvallis, Oregon State University Press,261 p. Aquatic plants of the Pacific North-west; with vegetative keys Ryland, J.S. (1962) J.Anim,Ecol,, 31(2):331-8 The association between Polyzoa and algal substrata 9-08313 M Observrtions made during 1956-59, refer to coast to Wales. Majority from Menai Straits and shores of Anglesey and Lleyn; others in Milford Haven area. General account of rocky shores of Anglesey given by Lewis (1953). Clark, R.B., J.R. Alder & 9-08314 M A.D. McIntyre (1962) J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):359-72 The distribution of Nephtys on the Scottish coast Contrary to previous reports that N, caeca is common and widespread on sandy beaches of Scottish coast, it has been found that, as in south and west England, it is characteristic of clean sand and N, hombergi of muddier beaches. Distribution of these species correlated with distribution of warm water around North of Scotland and into North Sea, N, cirrosa and N, hombergi live in clean and muddy sand respectively. Ci 9-08315. Eliminius 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Clark, R.B. & E.C. Haderlie (1962) J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):339-57 The distribution of Nephthys californiensis and N, caecoides on the Californian coast 9-08315 M Sandy and muddy beaches in California may be divided into categories on basis of type of substratum and in a sequence of decreasing exposure to wave action, Intertidal dis- tribution of both species appears to be determined more by the availability of suitable substrata at any tidal level on beach than by intertidal exposure, Ecological isolation between N, caecoides and N, californiensis is total, unlike corresponding British species, N. hombergi and N, cirrosa, Ci 9-08314, Zandee, D.I. (1964) 9-08316 M Nature,Lond, , 202(4939) :1335 -6 Absence of sterol synthesis in some arthropods Representatives of 3 classes of arthropods, Homarus vulgaris, Avicularia avicularia and Graphidostreptus tumuliporus, were examined to determine whether they were able to syn- thesize cholesterol from acetate by way of squalene. Weber, J.N. € А. La Rocque (1963) Science, 142(3600) :1666 Isotope ratios in marine mollusk shells after prolonged contact with flowing fresh water 9-08317 M The ratios С13/С12 ana 018/016 in the calcium carbonate of shells of the Macoma calcarea appear unaltered after exposure for 4590 years to flowing fresh water of higher 0° "/0 ratio, Eble, А.Р. (1962) 9-08318 MG Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass,, 51(1960):12-4 The use of vinyl acetate in studies on the circulatory system of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica Describes injection techniques for morphological] study. Picard, J. (1962) 9-08319 MG Rec.Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, (39)Bu11. (25) :239-43 Méthode d'étude qualitative des biocenoses des substrats meubles (Method for qualitative study of the bio- cenoses of mobile substrates) On sampling, interpretation of results and definition of transition stations, Wiktor, K. (1961)B 9-08320 MF Przegl.Zool., 5(1) Observations on the biology of Neomysis vulgaris (Thompson) in Zalew Szczecinski (Stettiner Haff) and Zatoka Pomorska (Pomeranian Bay) Erman, P. (1961) 9-08321 MF Kieler Meeresforsch,, 17(2):176-89 Atmungsmessungen an Geweben und Gewebehomogen- aten der Miesmuschel (Mytilus edulis L.) aus Brack- und Meerwasser (Respiration of tissues and tissue homogenates of Mytilus edulis from brackish water and sea water). En The isolated gills of M. edulis (Baltic specimens) from brackish water of 15% salinity consume about 50% more oxygen than the same tissue of North Sea specimens from normal sea water of 30% salinity. Rajyalakshmi, K. (1960) 9-08322 MF Proc,nat,Inst,Sci,India, 26B(6) :395 -108 Observations on the embryonic and larval development of some estuarine palsemonid prawns Account of the embryonic development, hatching and the structure of the early larvae of P. malcomsonii, P, rudis, P, scabriculus and P, mirabilis. BENTHOS Stewart, W.D.P. (1963) Nature,Lond, , Liberation of extracellular nitrogen by two nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae Haven, D. (1962) 9-08323 MF Proc,nat,Shellfish,Ass,, 51(1960) :42-66 Seasonal cycle of condition index of oysters in the York and Rappahannock Rivers Studies on oysters in elevated trays and on the bottom, between 1956 and 1961. Issued also as: Contr.Va Fish.Lab., (104), 9 (8) 457 Ono, Y. (1962) 9-08324 MF Mem, Fac.Sci.Kyushu Univ,, 3(2):143-63 On the habitat preference of ocypoid crabs 1. Studies factors controlling distribution along the cross section of a river using quadrat samples and field experiments. Laubier, L. (1961) 9-08325 MF Rap. Comm, int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):461-4 Mystides (Pseudomystides) coineaui n.sp., un phyllodocien des eaux souterraines littorales de Méditerranée occidentale (Mystides (Pseudomystides) coineaui n.sp., a phyllodocid from ine subterranean littoral waters of tne western Mediterranean) Description and figures of worms collected near Argelès-sur-Mer, with a key to the subgenus Pseudomystides. ANON. (1963) Nature ,Lond, , 200(4910) :946-7 Mucus in invertebrates 9-08326 MF Short review of papers and discussion held during 16th International Congress of Zoology, held August 1963, New York. The great variety of structures in which mucoid substances originate, and their role under normal and experimental conditions was emphasized, 9-08327 MF 200(4910):1020-1 Nostoc entophytum and Calothrix scopulorum are investigated, Results suggest that nitrogenous substances liberated by algae may be of biological importance in nature, Many micro-organisms utilize amino-acids as nitrogen sources, while others require them for growth. 458 Candelas, С.С, € С.А. Candelas 9-08328 MF (1964) Nature,Lond., 201(4914):101-2 A criterion for tolerance investigations in marine sponges Colonies of Microciona prolifera and Hymeniacidon heliopnila were exposed to a variety of salinities of 3-40% and observed under a cycloptic microscope to ascertain whether formation of aggregates had occured, The failure of dissociated cells to form reconstitution bodies was used to compare the tolerance to different salinities, Ducker, S.C. € L.G. Willoughby (1964) Nature,Lond,, 202(4928):210 Potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in isolating algae 9-08329 MF Falkenbergia rufolanosa was tested. Bacteria were restricted to such an extent that the alga was able to outgrow them and produce fresh Clean filaments in the thickness of the agar. Lenhoff, H.M. & J.R. Zwisler 9-08330 MF (1963) Science, 142(3600) :1666-8 Zinc activation of a coordinated response in Hydra Describes the activation of the feeding response in Hydra littoralis by zinc ions, Telitchenko, M.M. € V.D. Federov 9-08331 F (1962) Biull,mosk.Obshch.Ispyt.Prir, (biol,), 67:148-9 The inter-relation between algae and bacteria in reservoirs Describes the inter-relations between the algae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus and the bacteria Esch. coli and Salmonella typhimurium. WPA 36(12)1965. Chencellor, R.J. (1962) 9-08332 F Bull,Minist,Agric,, Lond,, (183):52 p. The identification of common water weeds Contains illustrated descriptions of 34 of the most common plants which grow in water or marshy ground in Great Britain, WPA 36(12)1979. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Schneider, R.F. (1962) Quart.J.Fla Acad.Sci., 25:127-41 Seasonal succession of ceriain invertebrates in a northwestern Florida lake 9-08333 F WPA 36(12)1983. Shrivastava, H.N. (1962) 9-08334 Е Wat.& Sewage Wks, 109:387-90 | Oligochaetes as indicators of pollution | Results of further studies on oligochaetes as | indicators of pollution are summarized in | tables and discussed, WPA 36(12)2112. | Co 9-03361. Harry, H.W. (1962)B Malacologia, 1:33-53 À critical catalogue of the nominal genera and species of neotropical Planorbidae 9-08335 F Lüdemann, D. & H. Kayser (1961) 9-08336 F S.B.Ges.naturf.Fr.Berl., 1(1/3):102-8 Erster Fund einer Stisswasser-Kamptozoe, Urnatella gracilis Leidy, in Deutschland zugleich mit einer kurzen Mitteilung Über das Auftreten von Cordylophora caspia Pall, im Berliner Gebiet (First finding of the freshwater bryozoan Urnatella gracilis Leidy in Germany and short communication of the appearance of Cordylophora caspia Pall, in the Berlin region) KadJubowska, J.Z. (1961)BC 9-08337 F Yöaz, Polish Scientific Publishers, 166 р. Glony zbiorniköw wodnych Yodzi i okolicy « (Algae found in water reservoirs in YSa and neighbourhood), PL- En Jaskowska, J. (1961)B 9-08338 F Frog. foun. Inst. zool.polsk Akad, Nauk, 8(39): 59-712 Chrugciki (Trichoptera) $rodkowej Wielkopolski (Caddis flies (Trichoptera) of the central Wielkopolska). Pl En Ru Canter, H.M. (1963) Trans, Brit,mycol,Soc,, 46(3):305-21 Studies on British chytrids. 23. New species on chrysophycean algae ci 61-08647, 62-00140. 9-08339 F Otsu, T. (1963) Embryologia,Nagoya, 8(1):1-23 Bihormonal control of sexual cycle in the freshwater crab, Potamon dehaani 9-08340 F Eppley, В.М. & R.F.M, Macias 9-08341 Е # (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:671 Metabolism of Chlamydomonas in sewage lagoons Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Korn, R.W. (1962) 9-08342 Е Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:671 La Chloroplast inheritance in Cosmarium turpinil Breb. Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Lang, N.J..& P.W.Cook (1962) 9-08343 Е Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:672 Ultrastructure and pigment analysis of Polytoma Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Lazaroff, N. € J. Schiff (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:672 Developmental photo-induction of the blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum 9-08344 Е Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Lewin, R.A. (1962) Amer.J.Bot,, 49(6)Pt 2:672 Nutrition and taxonomy of Saprospiralis thermalis nom.prov. 9-08345 F Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, BENTHOS 9 (8) 459 Parker, В.С. (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:672 A comparative study of the cell walls of Vaucheriaceae and Saprolegniaceae 9-08346 Е Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Stein, J.R. (1962) 9-08347 F Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:673 On cytoplasmic connections in Gonium (Volvocales ) Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Smith, S.G. (1962) 9-08348 Е Amer.J.Bot,, 49(6)Pt 2:678 Natural hybridization among three species of cattail (Typha) in California Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Hoshaw, R.W. (1962) Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:680 The green algae - a laboratory exercise 9-08349 Е Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Beadle, L,C. (1963) Nature ,Lond. , 200(4912) :1223-4 Anaerobic life in a tropical crater lake 9-08350 F Records observations on the copepod Thermocyclops schuurmanni, the rotifers Horaella brehmi and Keratella tropica from a crater lake in Uganda, The bio- logical activity of these spp. cause a small chemical circulation between upper and lower water under conditions of stable stratification, 460 Weber, J.N. (1964) 9-08351 Е Nature,Lond,, 201(4914) :63 Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios as environmental indicators: Anomalous results from carbonate shells from beach sediments of Lake Managua, Nicaragua Describes isotopic composition of shells of gen, Andara, Planorbina, Fossaria, Thais and Conus. Levin, E.Y. & К. Bloch (1964) Nature,Lond., 202(4927):90-1 Absence of sterols in blue-green algae 9-08352 Е Nostoc muscorum, Anabaena variabilis and Anacystis nidulans were tested in laboratory, No common sterols were present in these typical members of the division Cyanophyta. Brown, F.A. & Y.H. Park (1964) Nature ,Lond., 202(4931):469-71 Seasonal variations in sign and strength of gamma-taxis in planarians 9-08353 , F Dugesia dorotecephala was tested. The method applied was designed to learn whether living Organisms possess a perceptive capacity for weak gamma fields such as exist in nature, Peary, J.A. (1964) 9-08354 Е Nature,Lond,, 202(4933):720-1 Temperature strains of a thermophilic blue- green alga Laboratory tests made on 2 spp. of Synechococcus. Results indicate that there are at least 4 distinct strains, characterized by a similar temperature optimum and tolerance range. Maximum growth rate was as high as 10 doublings per 24 В. Lund, J.W.G. (1961) 9-08355 Е Nature,Lond., 189(4762) :343-4 Indian monographs on algae Review of two books. Several of the Cyanophyta described fix nitrogen and play an important part in the cultivation of rice, The first book is concerned with structure, reproduction, classification and biology of Cyanophyta, The 2nd deals with Zygnemacea, Re 60-3655, 60-3654, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Zinn, D.J. (1962) Science, 137(3531) :676-7 Reappearance of Eulimadia agassizii with notes on its biology and life history 9-08356 F After being unreported for 83 years this sp. was collected from a temporary pool in Massachusetts in 1956 and again in 1961, Lundblad,O. (1962) 9-08357 F Ark.Zool., 14(1-6):635 р. Die Hydracarinen Schwedens. 2 (Hydracarina of Sweden. 2) Contains notes on taxonomy, lists of distribution and places where they are found, and rich bibliography. Bank, O. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(9):260-9 Algen, ihre Bekämpfung mit chemischen Mitteln (Algae and their control by means of chemicals) 9-08358 F Describes methods and chemicals little known for successful control of undesired lower plants, Taylor, M.C. & T.B. Reynoldson 9-08359 F (1962) J.Anim,Ecol,, 31(2):273-91 The population biology of lake-dwelling Polycelis species with special reference to_P. nigra Mill.) (Turbellaria, Tricladida) Account based on analysis of monthly collect- ions of P. nigra from Llyn Hendref in Anglesey, made over 1 and one half years to determine size structure and breeding activity. Data supplemented from the field collections and by laboratory experiments on growth and reproduction. Hypotheses relating to fecund- ity and population increase are tested by field experiments with P. nigra and P. tenuis. Co 61-06344, 9-08312, Macan, T.T. (1961)B 9-08360 F Sci.Publ.Freshwat,biol,Ass,Brit,Emp,, (20): 64 т. A key to the nymphs of the British species of Ephemeroptera Kimmins, О.Е. (1962) 9-08361 F J.Anim.Ecol,, 31(2):400-1 Insects Re 9-08360, Greig-Smith, Р. (1964)c 9-08362 G London, Butterworth & Co., 256 p. Quantitative plant ecology NE 58-1769. Brazil, Departamento estadual de Caca e Pesca (1964)c Floriandpolis-Santa Catarina, 46 p. Relatório do projeto de pesca exploratéria na costa de Santa Catarina. Janeiro-Fevereiro, 1963 (Report on the exploratory fishing project on the coast of Santa Catarina, January- February, 1963). En 9-08363 M Report on an exploratory fishing project carried out by the State of Santa Catarina Fish and Game Department, with technical assistance from FAO, along the coast of Santa Catarina in the south of Brazil, between latitudes 26 deg.S and 29 deg.20' S, during January and February of 1963. FAO/UN (1963) 9-08364 M Rep, FAO/EPTA, (1606) :61 р. Report to the government of Venezuela on development of the marine fisheries research program. Based on the work of J.G. Simpson, FAO/EPTA marine fisheries biologist Report on FAO project carried out under UN Expanded Technical Assistance Programme, Describes the resources survey work conducted in advising and assisting the government in the development of a program to study Clupanodon pseudohispanicus and other clupeoid stocks of potential commercial importance, and in training biologists to implement the program developed. Referred to also as: FAO Fish,EPTA Rep., (FIb/EPTA 28). Kristensen, H. (1962) 9-08365 M World Fish,, 11(5):26-9 10-24. "combination" vessels from America WFA 14(2)2113. Burgess, J. (1962) 9-08366 M Fishing News int., (2579):6-7 Air-sea rescue devices ANON, (1962) 9-08367 M World Fish., 11(11):40,43 Stern trawler with ferry-type bridge МЕРА 14(2)2133, 461 FISHING 9 (8) ANON, (1962) 9-08368 M World Fish., 19(9):30-4 JUNELLA - Britain's second WFA 14(2)2152. ANON. (1962) Norweg.Fish.marit.News, 2(1):41,45 Atlas freshwater generator 9-08369 M WFA 14(2)2153. ANON. (1962) Norweg.Fish,marit.News, 2(1):35,37 Economical distillation of fresh water on board fishing vessels 9-08370 M WFA 14(2)2154, Massmann, М.Н. € R.J. Mansueti (1963) Spec.sci.Rep.Va Inst.Mar.Sci., (42):21 1. 1919-Data from Virginia-Maryland cooperative fish trawl surveys in Chesapeake Bay - 1957-58 9-08371 M Stengel, H. (1962) Fischereiforsch,, 5(3):10-4 Einige Grundlagen für die Berechnung der Bewegung des Trawlers mit dem Schleppnetz (Some fundamentals for the calculation of the motion of a trawler with the trawl gear) 9-08372 M WFA 14(2)2194, ANON. (1962) 9-08373 M World Fish., 11(5):55 French yard claims improved stern trawler arrangement WFA 14(2)2211, Fershtman, V.B. (1962) 9-08374 M Ryb.Khoz,, 38(2):36-\2 Amortizator stoianochnogo vozhaka (Shock-absorber for driftnet warp) WFA 14(2)2212. 462 Reichel, H. (1962) Fischereiforsch., 5(2):12-5 Die Reissfestigkeit der Netzgarne (On the breaking-strength of net twines) 9-08375 M WFA 14(2)2231. Van Engel, W.A. (1962)A Comm,Fish,Rev,, 24(9):1-10 The blue crab and its fishery in Chesapeake Bay. 2. Types of gear for hard crab fishing 9-08376 M Co 58-2559, WFA 1k(2)2233. Von czetsch, L.H. (1961) Bot.mar,, 3(1):22-9 Algenprodukte in der Pharmazie (Algal products in pharmacy). 9-08377 M Fr Es МЕРА 14(2)2432, ANON. (1961) Bol, Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(1):3-8 Programa de desenvolvimento das pescas marftimas nordestinas (Plan of development of the north-east Brazilian marine fisheries). Ре 9-08378 м Prepared by SUDENE for the period 1961/62. Genera] policy, investments, summary of the activities planned, Contains a short reference to inland waters fisheries, Lundbeck, J. (1960) Mitt.Inst.Seefisch., (10):20 р. Mittlere Reiseerträge deutscher Fischdampfer 1887-1955 und Berechnung vergleichbarer Einheitserträge (Average yields of the German steam fishery vessels from 1887-1955 and calculation of comparable single yields) 9-08379 MF ANON. (1961) Bol.Estud.Pesca,Recife, 1(3):3-13 Programa de pesquisas para desenvolvimente das pescas nordestinas (1961/1963) (Research program for the development of fisheries in the north-east of Brazil (1961/ 1963)). PE 9-08380 M Describes the various projects and the Personnel and facilities required, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tarr, H.L.A. (1960) 9-08381 M Tech,Pap,Pacif,Rim Ра Conf,, 1:140-60 Data concerning production, values, imports and exports, composition, nutritive values and uses of Pacific Ocean marine products Issved also as: (1961). Stud.Stas Fish.Res.Bd Can,, El Salvador. Direccion General de Estadistics y Censos (1962) Bol, estadist,,San Salvador, 2(53):68 р. 9-08382 M Economic statistics with some references to marine commodities, ANON. (1961) France pêche, 6(53) :27-8 Un engin sous-marin de péche pélagique va-t- il révolutionner nos méthodes de cepture (Is submarine gear for pelagic fishing going to revolutionise our catching methods) 9-06383 M Description of preliminary project of middle water gear under study by Rebikoff Bronzavia; the gear will be equipped with two propellers and will have T.V. camera, echosounder and will be able to move in persecution of fish, ANON. (1961) 9- 08384 м France pêche, 6(53):39-№0 L'avenir des pêches françaises (The future of french fisheries) Contains references on the projects for fishing survey for sardines and tuna in the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast areas, and for Crustacea in Newfoundland and Azores Island Marcotte, A. (L. Rowdon, Transl.)(1962) Cah.Inform.Sta.Biol.mar.@rande-Riviere, (12): 13. Pa The gill net, its use for catching ground fish 9-08385 M En 8-05320. Coppini, R. & E. Bianchi (1961) 9-08386 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):367-76 Comparaison entre la valeur nutritive et la valeur économique des espèces de poissons de l'Adriatique de plus grand intérêt commercial (Comparison between the nutritive and economic values of the species of Adriatic fish of greatest commercial interest) | | ANON. (1962) Niger.Tr.J., 10(2):2 p. Fisheries development, trawlers 9-08387 Increased use of Note on recent development of trawling off Lagos. Issued also as: Fish.Publ.,Legos, (3). Merde, R. (1962) 9-08388 OEDC Docum.Fd Agric,, (51):97-100 Difficulties encountered in international trade in fresh and deep-frozen fish, due to the application of sanitary regulations Allgurén, J. (1962) OECD Docum.Fd Agric,, (51):101-10 Difficulties encountered in international trade in canned fish and other fish products due to the application of sanitary regulations 9-08389 Schmidt-Lorenz, W. € U. Schtitzsack (1962) OECD Docum,Fd Agric., (51):117-25 Sanitary regulations for deep-frozen fish: basic requirements - possibilities for harmonization 9-08390 M _Rémy, M.D. (1962) 9-08391 M OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):126-31 Sanitary regulations for canned fish and semi -preserved fish - basic requirements - possibilities for harmonization Soudan, F. (1962) 9-08392 M OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):132-6 Sanitary regulations for salted fish - basic requirements - possibilities for harmoni zation Skilbrei, S. (1962) 9-08393 M OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):137-k Sanitary regulations for smoked and dried fish - basic requirements - possibilities for harmonization Maziéres, J. (1962) 9-08394 M OECD Docum,Fd Agric., (51):145-51 Sanitary regulations for shellfish - basic requirements - possibilities for harmonization FISHING 9 (8) 463 Ranken, M.B. (1960) Péche marit., (993):807-17 Probable development of fish industries in Europe during the future 20 years 9-08395 M CFA 15(6):1. Dixwell, C.E. (1961) 9-08396 M Nat.Fisherm., 42:24-5,31 African fisheries rush to catch up in vessels, gear CFA 15(6):1. Lee, C.F. & S.F. Bruce (1962) Comm.Fish.Rev., 24:10-2 Soft-crab industry 9-08397 M CFA 15(6):3. Kask, J.L. (1962) Trade News, 14(7):6-11 The fisheries of the U.S.S.R. 9-08398 MF WFA 14(2)2057. India, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (1962)C New Delhi, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 132 p. The wealth of India, 9-08399 MF Raw materials WFA 14(2)2072. Mohr, H. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(8):243-4 Einiges Über künstliche chemische Köder (Some notes on artificial chemical baits) 9-08400 MF Critical consideration, Brazil. Conselho de 9-08401 MF Desenvolvimento da Pesca (n.d.1962?)C Brazil, 69 p. Situacáo e problemas da pesca brasileira (Situation and problems of the Brazilian fisheries), Pr Compilation prepared by CODEP for use of the Parliamentarian Commission on Fisheries, Reviews basic data and information on the socio-economic background and prospectives of development of the marine and inlandwater fisheries. Includes references on the federal agencies and other bodies having responsibilit- les in fishery administration and management, 464 Aloncle, H. (1961) 9-08402 MF Bull, Inst,Péch,marit.,Maroc, (7):13-32 La pêche dans la "Mar Chica" de Melilla (The fisheries in the "Mar Chica" of Melilla), En De Discusses the fishing methods with nets, as they are in use in a lagoon on the Mediterranear coast of Morocco, and discusses the measures to be taken for the protection of the fish population. Includes a list of the fishes living in the lagoon. Erimesco, P. (1961) 9-08403 MF Bull, Inst,Péch,marit,,Maroc, (7):3-11 La Mar Chica de Melilla (The "Mar Chica" of Melilla), En De A short outline of the history of the lagoon and of its morphological features as well as the results of the preliminary hydrological Studies, Bacalbasa, N. & D. Culea (1961) Bul. Inst,Cerc.pisc,, 20(3):89-95 Consideratii asupra uzurii codolelor alergatoare din sizal de la navoade (Considerations on the wearing of the sisal ropes used for the towing of the seines), Ro Ru Fr 9-08404 MF Suggests means of reducing the wearing, Percier, A. (1961) France péche, 6(53):21-6 Les matériaux pour engins de péche (Materials for fishing gear) 9-08405 MF Short, popular article on the textiles and synthetic materials and their qualities, Percier, A. (1962) France péche, 7(58):27-31 Le filet de péche. La préparation de la nappe (The fishing net, webbing) 9-08406 MF The preparation of the Describes the different operations for the assembly and mounting of webbings, ill, with schemes, BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (8) OECD (1962) 9-08407 MF OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):160 р. Sanitary regulations for fish and fish products Report deals only with W. Europe and is baseá on a questionnaire, and meeting of experts convened in Paris, 11-14 Dec.1961. Contains texts of 9-08388 (8518) to 9-08409 (8526) presented to the meeting, with dis- cussior and summaries, Perry, M. (1962) OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):111-6 Sanitary regulations for fresh fish - basic requirements - possibilities for harmonisation 9-08408 MF Wittfogel, H. (1962) OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):152-60 Uniform methods of inspection and analysis of fish and fish products in international trade and uniformity of terminology 9-08409 MF FAO. Council (1962)c Rome, 28 p. 29th Session of the Council, Rome, 15 Oct, 1962. Supplement to the State of food and agriculture 1962 and the FAO commodity review 1962 9-08410 MF Contains short section on fishery products, FAO/UN (1964) 9-08411 MF Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1828):59 p. Report to the government of Tanganyika on economic survey of marine and inland fisheries, based on the work of J.L. Dibbs FAO/EPTA fisheries officer(marketing and economics) Report on FAO project carried out under UN Expanded Technical Assistance Programme. Describes existing fisheries, marine and on lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Nyasa, river, swamp and dam fisheries, vessels, marketing, processing. Gives recommendat- ions for improvement of the. status of fisheries. AQUATIC STOCKS Steffens, W. (1962) Z.Fisch., 10(8/10):731-43 Fütterungsversuche bei Regenbogenforellen (Salmo geiráneri). Vergleichende Untersuchungen Uber den Futterwert von rohem Seefisch, Süsswasserfisch und Rindfleisch (Feeding experiments with rainbow trout (Saimo gairdneri). Comparative investigations into the food coefficient of raw seafish, freshwater fish and beef), En Ru 9-08412 F Ntimann, W. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):773-98 Die anatolischen Seen und ihre fischereiliche 9-08413 F Bewirtschaftung (The Anatolian lakes and their fishery management ). En Ru Reports on limnology, fish population, rate of exploitation and determines relation factor between bottom dwelling fauna and annual yield, Alabaster, J.S. € И.С, Hartley 465 Baldwin, N.S. & R.W. Saalfeld 9-08414 Е (1962) Tech. Rep.Gr.Lakes Fish.Comm., (3):166 р. Commercial fish production in the Great Lakes 1867-1960 Records of production of fish fro” the Great Lakes are presented for Canada from 1867 and the United States since 1879. Records for the following species are given by lake and by state or province: Acipenser fulvescens, Alosa pseudoharengus, Coregonus spp., С. artedii, С, clupeaformis, Prosopium cylindraceum, Salvelinus namaycush, Osmerus mordax, Esox lucius, Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio, Catostomus spp. € Moxostoma spp., Ictalurus spp., 1. punctatus, Anguilla rostrata, Lota lota, Roccus chrysops, Lepomis spp. Micropterus dolomieui, Perca flavescens, Stizostedion glaucum, Aplodinotus grunniens. 9-08415 Е (1962) J.Anim,Ecol., 31(2):385-8 The efficiency of a direct current electric fishing method in trout streams During survey of trout populations in streams in Cornwall standardized techniques were used, and sufficient results were obtained to estimate their efficiency. Two fishing machines designed by W.G.H. on principles described by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (1956) were used. Estimates cf population made by ‘catch effort' method (Leslie & Davis 1939) and the efficiency per sampling run calculated as the proportion of the estimated populetion caught. Ci 1956, U.K. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, 62-05289, AQUATIC STOCKS Barman, Т.Е., N.-K. Bai & N.-V. Thoai (1964) Biochen.J,, 90:555-8 Studies on a herring-egg phosphoprotein 9-08416 M Deals with the isolation and characterization of a phosphoprotein from the mature un- fertilized eggs of the herring (Clupea harengus). 101 9 (8) ANON. (1963) Mondo sommerso, 5(11) Atlante dei pesci delle coste italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts). It 9-08417 M Detachable cards, ill,, with notes on morphology, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Gobius paganellus and Chimaera monstrosa. 466 ANON. (1963) 9-08418 M Mondo sommerso, 5(12) Atlante dei pesci delle coste italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts), It Detachable cards, 111., with notes on morphology, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Crenilabrus tinca and Blennius zvonimiri. Randall, J.E. (1963) Caribb.J.Sci., 3(1):31-47 An analysis of the fish populations of artificial and natural reefs in the Virgin Islands 9-08419 M Fishes collected from perforated concrete blocks put down for experimental purposes, compared with collections from natural fringing reefs and areas, using rotenone, ANON, (1961) Bol, Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(1):19-20 SObre a pesca dos atuns e afins nas dreas em exploraçäo no Atlíntico Tropical (Transcricäo (On the tuna and related species fisheries in the area under exploration in the tropical Atlantic (transcription)). PE 9-08420 M Summary of the main conclusions of a note of Estaçäo de Biologia Marinha da Universidade do Ceará (EBMUC). ANON. (1961) Bol. Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(2):9-14 Observacdes sôbre recente pescaria de lagosteiros francêses no Nordeste (Observations on the recent french lobster 9-08421 M fisheries in the north-east of Brazil), Pr Discusses the fishing methods used, the area Surveyed and yields. ANON. (1961) Bol, Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(3):15-23 Produtividade das pescarias de voador no Rio Grande de Norte (Productivity of the fisheries of flying-fish in Rio Grande do Norte). Pr 9-08422 M Describes fishing methods used for catching fish of fam, Exocoetidae and yields obtained. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (8) ANON, (1962) Bol, Estud.Pesca,Recife, 2(3):3-9 Notas s6bre uma pescaria de linha ao largo do Rio Grande do Norte (Note on a line fishery off Rio Grande do Norte; Ie 9-08423 M Short report on exploratory cover; the gear used, the area covered and gives some biometric data on Pagrus sp. and Yield obtained. describes | | | | ANON. (1962) Bol.Estud.Pesca,Recife, 2(7):3-8 Sobre a biologia da lagosta cabo-verde (On the biology of the spiny lobster (Lagosta cabo-verde)). Pr 9-08424 M Preliminary results of the fisheries research on the Pernambuco and Paraiba coast. ANON. (1962) Bol.Estud.Pesca,Recife, 2(7):19-21 Sôbre o pêso das lagostas capturadas em Pernambuco (On the quantities of spiny lobster caught in Pernambuco). Pr 9-08425 M Short statistical note. Roy, H. (1961) Dtsch,Fisch,-Ztg., 8(11) :347-9 Ein seltener Fisch in der Ostsee (A rare fish ín the Baltic) 9-08426 M Describes the finding of Xiphias gladius near Rügen. Roy, H. (1961) 9-08427 M Dtsch, Fisch, -Ztg,, 8(11) :349-50 Seltene Fische (Rare fishes) Describes the finding of Centrolophus pompilus Day in the North Sea and Trigla hirundo Bloch caught in the Baltic, AQUATIC STOCKS Falk, U, (1962) 9-08428 M Fischereiforsch., 5(3):9-10 Wie schnell schwimmen marine Nutzfische? (How fast do commercial sea fishes swim?) Gives an account of Canadian and Scottish investigations; abstracts theoretical calculations of Russian scientists, who relate hydrodynamic pecularities to body dimensions, Matsubara, K. & T. Iwai (1959) 9-08429 M Spec.Publ,Seto Mar,biol,Lab,, (9):8 p. Biological results of the Japanese Antarctic research expedition. 9, Fishes Co 9-08234., Krefft, G. (1961) 9-08430 M Mitt.hamburg.zool.Mus,, 59:141-78 Knorpelfische (Chondrichthyes), gesammelt von der Deutschen Indien-Expedition 1955/58 (Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes), collected by the German India-expedition 1955/58) Taxonomic descriptions of 5 shark and 11 ray species; with critical review of related publications. Krefft, G. (1962) Mitt,Inst,Seefisch,, (1):141-78 Knorpelfische (Chondrichthyes), gesammelt von der Deutschen Indien-Expedition 1955/58 (Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes), collected by the German India-expedition 1955/58) 9-08431 M NE 9-08430, Rodriguez Pino, Z. (1962) 9-08432 M Notas Cent,Invest,pesqu, ‚Playa Habana, (4):91 р. Estudios estadísticos y biológicos sobre la biajaiba (Lutianus synagris) (Statistical and biological study of biajaiba (Lutianus synegris)). Fr Contains data on catch on fishing grounds around Cuba, Studies the length-weight relation, sex ratio, age and growth, sexual meturity, feeding. Maurin, Cl, € 5. di Meglio (1961) France péche, 6(57):27-30 Evolution de la péche á la sardine sur les côtes françaises de la Méditerranée (Evolution of the sardine fisheries on the French Mediterranean coast) 9-08433 M Reviews recent trends of landings in connection with catching techniques used; describes gear and discusses prospective of development of the fisheries in the area. ANON, (1961) 9-08434 M France pêche, 7(55):47-8 Fiche technique. La petite lingue. Le pagel acarne (Fishery cards on ling and bream) Detachable cards, ill,, giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Phycis blennoYdes and Pagellus acarne. ANON. (1962) France pêche, 7(60):35-6 Fiche technique. La bonite rayée. L'albacore (Fishery cards on bonito and albacore) 9-08435 M Detachable cards, ill., giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Euthynnus pelamys and Neothunnus albacore. Ndoc, R. (1959) 9-08436 M Bul, Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):3-27 Morfologjia dhe biometria e sardeles s# bregdetit tonë (Morphology and biometry of the sardine of our littoral). Sk" Fr Reports and discusses observations made on Sardina pilchardus sardina during 1952-54. Concludes that the sardine of the gulf of Vlone (Albania) is a local race. Ndoc, R. (1959) 9-08437 M Bul,Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):28-40 Mosha dhe ritmi i rritjes s# sardel#s s# bregdetit ton# (Age and growth of the sardine of our littoral). Sk Fr Reports results of the study of Sardina pilchardus sardina in the gulf of Vlone (Albania). 467 468 Ndoc, В. (1959) 9-08438 M Bul.Ekon.Peshk.,Tiranë, 1(1):41-75 Peshkimi i sardelës (The sardine fishery). A Studies and discusses the position of catch during the veriod 1952-59 along the Albanian coast, in relation to changing hydro- meterological factors. Meno, X. (1959) Bul,Ekon,Peshk, Tirang8, 1(1):231-49 Disa $8 dh&na biomorfologjike dhe biologjike t8 dy specieve mé t& r#nd¥sishme té familjes Sparidae (Sparus aurata, Pagellus erythrinus ) (Biomorphological data and biology of two species of Sparidae (Sparus aurata, Pagellus erythrinus). Sk Fr Reports and discusses observations made on material from the littoral lagoon of Pashaliman and from the Bay of Shéngjin (Albanian coast), 9-08439 M Follett, W.I. & L.J. Dempster (1960) Proc,Calif.Acad.Sci., 31(7):169-84 First records cf the echeneidid fish Remilegia australis (Bennett) from California, with meristic data 9-08440 M Reports on 9 whale suckers collected in 1958, and 8 in 1959, Clark, J.R. € Е.А. Dreyer 9-08441 M (1961) Spec,sci,Rep.U,S.Fish Wildl,Serv, -Fish., (375): 89 p. New England haddock fishery biostatistics - 1956 Species: Melenogrammus eeglefinus, Wolf, R.S. (1961) 9-08442 M Spec.sci,Rep,U,S.Fish Wildl,Serv, -Fish,, (384): 34 p. Graphic presentation of Pacific sardine age composition data Seasonal age composition summaries of the Pacific sardine in numbers of fish by year class and age are presented in graphic form by port or region of landing for the seasons 1932- 33 through 1959-60, A pictorial history of the sardine fishery for 28 years is thus presented in the bar charts, which illustrate the relative importance of certain year classes in the seasonal catch totals, and in the fluctuations of those totals over this period, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nawratil, O. (1962) 9-08443 M Invest.Rep.S.W.Afr.Mar.Res.Lab., (6):33 р. The pilchard of South West Africa (Sardinops ocellata). Age composition of Sardinops ocellata in the commercial catches 1958 and 1959 with reference to a change in rate of growth Porter, H.J. € A.F. Chestnut (1962) Proc.nat,Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):67-73 The offshore clam fishery of North Carolina 9-08444 M Description of a fishery that started in 1960, Pike, G.C. (1961) 9-08445 M Can.Aududon, 23(1):1-5 The northern sea lion in British Columbia Account of biology of Eumetopias jubata. Issued also as: Stud.Stas fish,Res.Bd Can, , Taylor, Е.Н. (1961) West.Fish,,-August, 4 p, B.C, herring management 9-08446 M Historical review and summary of research results, Issued also as: Stud.Stas Fish.Res.Bd Can, , (1961). АМОМ. (1962) 9-08447 M France pêche, 7(58):43-k Fiche technique, Le poisson pilote (Fishery cards on the pilot fish) Detachable cards, ill., giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Echeneis naucrates, ANON. (1962) 9-08448 M France Péche, 7(63):85-6 Fiche technique. L'aiguillat ou chien de mer, la petite roussette (Fishery cards on spur dog or common dog fish and spotted dogfish) Detachable cards, ill. , giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Squelus acanthias and of the lesser spotted dogfish, AQUATIC STOCKS Cable, R.M. € J. Linderoth 9-08449 M (1963) J.Parasit,, 49(5):706-17 Taxonomy of some Acanthocephala from marine fishes with reference to species from Curacao, М.А. and Jamaica, W.I. O'Connell, С.Р. (1963) 9-08450 M J.Morph., 113(2):287 The structure of the eye of Sardinops caerulea, Engraulis mordax, and four other pelagic marine teleosts Amanieu, M. € C. Cazaux (1961) 9-08451 M P.V.Soc.linn. Bordeaux, 98:11 р. Animaux rares ou curieux observés dans la région d'Arcachon en 1959-1960 (Rare or unusual animals observed in the region of Arcachon in 1959-1960) Records of Cetacea, fish, Echinodermata and Mollusca, Also issued as: Bull,Sta.biol,Arcachon, (73), 1961, Bellan, G. (1962)A 9-08452 M Rec, Trav,Sta,mar,Endoume, (39)Bull. (25) :5-22 Note préliminaire sur la microfaune annélidienne de quelques peuplements marins de la baie de Marseille (Preliminary note on the annelid micro- fauna of some marine populations in the bay of Marseilles) ‚Zei, M. & 5. Zupanovic (1961) 9-08453 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):263-7 Contribution to the sexual cycle and sex reversal in Pagellus erythrinus L. Notes on fish from channels in the Adriatic, Clerc, M. & J.Y. Lee (1961) 9-08454 M Rapp.Comm,int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):275-6 Premières recherches sur l'hématologie et la sérologie des poissons (Sardines du Golfe du Lion) (Prelimonary research on the haemotology and serology of fish (sardines of the Gulf of Lyons) 9 (8) Erman, F. (1961) 9-08455 M Rapp.Conm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):277-85 On the biology of thick-lipped grey mullet (Mugil chelo Cuv.) Investigation of samples from the Canakkale fish market (Dardanelles) in 1959 and 1960, Euzet, L, & A, Raibaut (1961) 9-08456 M Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):287-9 L'oncomiracidium de Vellisia striata Parona et Perugia 1890 (Monogenea, Poly- opisthocotylea) (The oncomiracidium of Vallisia striata Parona and Perugia 1890 (Monogenea, Poly- opisthocotylea)) Figures and description of specimens bred from eggs laid by adults collected on carangid gills at Sète, Euzet, L. & J.P. Trilles (1961) 9-08457 M Rapp. Comm, int,Mer Médit., 16(2):291-5 Présence de Diclidophora minor (Olsson 1868) en Méditerranée (Monogenea Poly- opisthocotylea) (The presence of Diclidophora minor (Olsson 1868) in the Mediterranean (Monogenea Polyopisthocotylea) ) Figures of material, and a map of the European localities, Mangold-Wirz, K. (1961) 9-08458 M Rapp.Comm,int.Mer Médit., 16(2):299-304 La migration des Céphalopodes méditerranéens (Migration in the Mediterranean cephalopods) Based on Observations made in the Port-Vendres region, Acara, A. (1961) 9-08459 M Rapp.Comm, int.Mer Médit., 16(2):305-7 Fluctuations in the catch of some tonids Discusses the relations to variations in physical factors in the Bosphorus and Sea Of Marmsra Arbocco, G. (1961) 9-08460 M Rapp, Comm, int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):309-12 Gli exocetidi del Golfo di Genova (The exocetids of the Gulf of Genoa). It 469 470 Demir, M. (1961) Repp. Comm. int.Mer Médit., 16(2):313-6 Preliminary notes on the eggs, larvae, and spawning of tye Spanish mackerel (Scomber colias (Gmelin)) in the Sea of Marmara Demir, M. (1961) 9-08462 M Rapp. Comm, int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):317-20 On the eggs and larvae of the Trachurus trachurus (L.) and Trachurus mediterraneus (Stahnr.) from the sea of Marmara and the Black Sea Euzet, L, & J.-P, Quignard 9-08463 M (1961) Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Medit,, 16(2):321-3 Sur deux parasites de Xiphias gladius L. (On two parasites of Xiphias gladius L.) On Tristoma (Capsalidae, Monogenea) from the branchial cavity. Karlovac, O. (1961) 9-08464 M Rapp,Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):325-32 Contribution aux connaissances de la répartition de la sardine, Sardina pilchardus Walb, en Adriatique (Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of the sardine, Sardina pilchardus Walb, in the Adriatic) Based largely on collections in 1948-9, with additional material for 1959. Karlovac, J. (1961) 9-08465 M Rapp.Comm.int,Mer Médit., 16(2) :333-4 Observations sur la nourriture du stade planctonique de Scomber scombrus L, en Adriatique (Observations on the food of the planktonic stage of Scomber scombrus L. in the Adriatic) Lee, J.Y. (1961) 9-08466 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):335-9 Note complémentaire sur les sardinelles, Sardinelle aurita C.V, di: Golfe du Lion (Supplementary note on the sardines Sardinella aurita C.V, of the Gulf of Lyons) 9-08461 M 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Morovic, D. (1961) 9-06467 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):341-4 Cbservations sur les variations du nombre de pinnules chez le thon rouge (Thunnus thynnus L.) péché en Adriatique a la senne tournante (Observations on variations in the number of pinnules in the red tunny (Thunnus thynnus Г.) caught in the Adriatic with an encircling seine) Pavlovskaja, R.M. (1961) 9-08458 M Rapp, Comm,int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):345-50 La survie des larves de l'anchois de la Mer Noire en fonction de leur alimentation (The survival of Black Sea anchovy larvae in relation to their feeding) Scaccini, A. (1961) 9-08469 M Rapp. Comm, int,Mer Médit,, 16(2):351-2 Les premiers stades juvéniles du thon rouge (Thunnus thynnus) (The earliest juvenile stages of the red tunny (Thunnus thynnus)) Notes on, and a photograph of, a series from the Straits of Messina, Scaccini, A. (1961) 9-08470 M Rapp. Comm,int,Mer Medit,, 16(2):353-6 Sur la présence et la distribution des Jeunes thons dans la mer de Sardaigne (On the presence and distribution of young tunny in the sea off Sardinia) Tortonese, Е. (1961) 9-08471 M Repp,Comm, int.Mer Médit,, 16(2):357-61 Etude comparative des faunes de Carangidae (poissons percoides) de la Méditerranée et de l'Atlantique nord-occidental (Comparative study of the Carangidae (percoid fish) faunas of the Mediterranean and the North West Atlantic) Oliver, M. (1961) 9-08472 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):363-5 Nouveaux renseignements sur la présence d'oeufs et larves de sardine, Sardina pilchardus Walb., dans le Méditerranée occidentale (New information on the presence of eggs and larvae of the serdine, Sardina pilchardus Walb., in the western Mediterranean) AQUATIC STOCKS 471 Kavanagh, T. (1963) 9-08473 M Nature,Lond, , 200(4910):1021 Seedling inoculation with Ustilago nuda (Jens. ) Rostr. Investigates Mirounga leonina L. at Macquarie Isl, The ease with which this sp, can be restrained by injections has considerable extended their use as field and experimental animals for biological research, Supposes that other Antarctic phocids would react to this drug similarly. Walters, V. & Н.Г. Fierstine 9-08474 M (1964) Nature ,Lond,, 202(4920):208-9 Measurements of swimming speeds of yellowfin tuna and wahoo Research made during a cruise off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Measuring equipment consisted of a spinning rod and a magnetic pick-up. The resulting electrical signal was fed into a tape-recorder. Maximum burst speeds inserted in table, 2 oscillograms incl, Bowers, A.B. (1964) Nature,Lond,, 202(4929) :318 Occurrence of Atherina boyeri Risso in Britain 9-08475 M This normally warm-water species (disappeared since 1846 - Couch) has been found anew in 1956-1963 at Swansea, S. Wales, Meristic data for the fish, together with data given by some previous authors, presented in table, Atassi, M.Z. (1964) Nature ‚Lond., 202(4931) :496-8 Properties of components of myoglobin of the sperm whale 9-08476 M Myoglobin was isolated from the skeletal muscle by the Perkoff and Tyler method, then Crystallized twice by the Luginbuhl method, Spectral analysis followed. Incl, chromato- Beckus, R.H. (1961) J Manmel., №2(3):418-9 Stranded killer whale in the Bahamas 9-08477 M Record of the stranding of Orcinus orca. Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1085), 1962, Stewart, J.E. & J.F. MacDonald (1962) New Ser.Circ,technol,Sta, ‚Halifax, (9):2 р. A report to the fishing industry regarding lobster disease (gaffkaemia) 9-08478 M In 1946 Getchell reported disease causing heavy mortalities among lobsters stored in tidal pounds. Snieszko and Taylor in 1947 isolated a bacterium from weak and dead lobsters which when injected into healthy lobsters produced a blood disease and finally death. Organism was identified as Gaffkya homari, a micrococcus. Disease seems to be coupled with increased summer temperatures. Important question has been point of origin of epidemics which occur irregularly, Results obtained in present study suggest that regular monitoring of lobsters at sea would provide information on which to base an early warning system, Aplin, J.A. (1962)C 9-08479 M Menlo Park, Marine Resources Operations Lab, , mimeo, 3 p. Small explosives tests Use of cherry bombs and dynamite caps to frighten seals from fishing operations prompted California Department of Fish and Game to conduct a short series of experiments to study effects of small explosions on bait fish. Experiments accomplished in San Francisco Bay near Sausalito, Floating containers were built to hold fish under experimentetion. In first series of tests on November 21, 1962, 8118 anchovies averaging four inches in length were test fish. Twenty- four hours after exposure to shocks of explosion, counts of living and dead fish were recorded, In second series of tests on December 15, 1962, 211 herring averaging 8.3 inches long were used, Outram, D.N. (1961) Circ,biol,Sta, Nanaimo, (63):15 р. The multitudinous Pacific herring 9-08480 M CFA 15(6):1. de Gero, J.B. (1962) 9-08481 M Bull,Inst.P@ch.marit. Maroc, (8) :3-15 Les criteres d'une bonne utilisation alimentaire de la sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum 1792) (Criteria for a rational utilization as food of the sardine Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum 1792)) Contains some data on the chemical composition of the fresh sardine from Morocco coast, 472 Eisner, R.W. (1964) 9-00482 M Nature ,Lond., 202(4934) :£09-10 Cardiac output during diving in an un- restraired sea lion Zalounus californianus was used in these experiments. Direct blood flow measurements were made. Results showed that cardiac output varied in close accordance with the heart rate, ANON, (1964) Nature ,Lond,, 202(4937):1067 Spiny lobster industry in southern Africa 9-08483 M Brief historical review of the development of tnis industry in Repubiic of South Africa, Mozambique and Tristan da Cunha, Some data on recent production and exports, Schenker, S. € D.W. McCandless G-06484 M (1964) Nature, Lond, , 202(4939) 21344 Renal disposition of conjugated bilirubin in aglomerular fish Lophius piscatorius was examined, Experiments suggest that the aglomerular kidney of fish, which consists solely of functioning proximal tubules, is unable to excrete conjugated bilirubin at serum pigment level, which in man result in bilirubinuria, Sunshine, P, & N. Kretchmer 9-08485 м (1964) Science, 144(3620):350-1 Intestinal disaccharidases: species of sea lions absence in two Zalophus californianus and Eumetopias jubata can be used for the investigation of the aberrant physiology and biochemistry encounter- ed in infants with a hereditary or acquired intolerance to disaccharides, Mackay, R.S. (1964) 9-08486 M Science, 144(3620) :864-6 Deep body temperature of untethered dolphin recorded by ingested radio transmitter Temperature varied according to the activity of the animal (Tursiops truncatus). The transmitter (scheme included) can be adapted for telemetering heart beat, movement, and other physiological variables from aquatic animals, 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hida, T.S., J.R. Harada & 9-08487 MF J.E. King (1962) Fish, Bull, ,U.S., (198):20 р. Rearing Tilapia for tuna bait WFA 14(2)2191. ANON. (1961) 9-08488 MF Bol,Estud,Pesca,Recife, 1(1):13-7 Utilizacdo de Tilépia como isca de espinhel para tunfdeos e afins (Use of Tilapia as bait for long-line for Tuna and related species), Pr Describes results of experimental fishing using dead bait (Tilapia melanopleura) for catching Thunnus thymnus, T, obesus, T. albacares, Makaira, Xiphia, and Istiophorus spp. off Brazilian coast. Jakubowski, M. (1960)B Acta biol,cracov.Zool., 3(1) The structure and vascularization of the skin of the eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) and the viviparous blenny (Zoarces viviparus L.) 9-08489 MF Oliva, O. (1960)B Acta biol,cracov,Zool,, 3(1) The respiratory surface of gills in teleosts, Part 5. The respiratory surface of gills of the viviparous blenny of El-Pout (Zoarces viviparous L.) 9-08490 MF Elson, P.F. (1962) 9-08491 MF Atlant.Salm.J.(2):16-8 Atlantic salmon can be maintained in maritime rivers Popular article on Salmo salar in Canada including a chart of survival values, Marcotte, A. (1962) 9-08492 MF Atlant.Salm.J., (2):26-35 The future of Quebec's fifty salmon rivers Analysis of factors affecting supply of Salmo salar and an outline for action program to improve the fishing. Ndoc, R. (1959) AQUATIC STOCKS 473 9-08493 MF Bul, Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):76-114 Biologjija dhe peshkimi 1 qefullit (Mugil cephalus Г.) (The mullet (Mugil cephalus L.). It's biology and fisheries), Summary of results of investigation containing Sk Fr data on biometry, migrations, age, growth and acclimatization, Snieszko, S.F. (1962) 9-08494 MF Progr.Fish-Cult., 24(2):59 Disease-protective symbiosis among fishes and other aquatic animals Suggests that disease problems in some fish-cultural areas might be reduced by using balanced population instead of a single species, in view of observations of one species of animal removing parasites from another, Leitritz, E. (1962) 9-08495 MF Progr.Fisn-Cuit., 24(2):91-3 A closed hatcnery water-supply system Describes a system used for Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, C, kisutch and Salmo gairdnerii where a small amount of recirculated water permits heating of the water to speed up egg development and eliminate dependence on a turbid water supply. Tsuyuki, H. & D.R. Idler (1961) 9-08496 MF Canad.J.Biochem,Physiol., 39:1037-42 Tne metabolism of inositol in salmon 3, The biochemical reactions of 2C14 -Myoinositol in coho liver Labelling of intermediates in acid extracts of Oncornynchus kisutch liver investigated, Issued also as: Stud.Stas Fish.Res.Bd Can., (1961). Co 62-00420, Idier, D.R., P.J. Schmidt & 9-08497 MF I. Bitners (1961) Canad,J.Biochem,Physiol,, 39:1653-4 Isolation and identification of adrenosterone in salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) plasma Plasma obtained from postspawned fish taken at Cultus Lake in November 1960, Issued also as: (1961). Stud,Stas Fish,Res.Bd Can, , 9 (8) Grajcer, D. € D.R. Idler (1961) 9-08498 MF Canad,J.Biochem,Physiol,, 39:1585-93 Testosterone, conjugated and "free", in the blood of spawned Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Issued also as: Stud.Stas Fish.Res.Bd Can., (1961). Idler, D.R. et al, (1961) 9-08499 MF Canad.J.Biochem.Physiol., 39:1575-84 Olfactory perception in migrating salmon 2. Studies on a laboratory bio-assay for homestream water and mammalian repellent Bio-assay, based on response of adult Oncorhynchus nerka to homestream water, is described. Characteristic response to repellent in mammalian skin is discussed, Transportation and holding of sockeye in captivity was investigated. Issued also as: Stud,Stas Fish.Res.Bd Can., (1961). Idler, D.R., Т.Г. Bitners € 9-08500 MF P.J. Schmidt (1961) Canad.J.Biochem.Physiol,, 39:1737-42 ll-ketotestosterone: an androgen for sockeye salmon Influences skin thickness and coloration, flesh pigmentation, and spermatogenesis in the male, In female it influences both skin thickness and coloration, Estradiol increased mass of female gonads, Issued also as: Stud,Stas Fish,Res.Bd Can,, (1961). Müller, Н. (1962) 9-08501 MF Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):573-80 Die Aalwirtschaft in den Binnengewässern der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Eel management in the inland waters of Eastern Germany). En Ru Statistical report on production in rivers, lakes and river-mouth areas and discussion on stocking with either elvers or eel-fry, Harder, W., H. Koops & K. Lillelund 9-08502 MF (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):581-8 Versuche zur Markierung von Aalen (Tagging experiments with eels), En Ru Describes the results of cauterization with silver-nitrate and its advantages. 474 D'Ancona, U. (1962) Z.Fisch, » 10(8/10) :589-98 Biologische und wirtschaftliche Probleme des Aales in Italien (Biological and economical problems of eels in Italy). En Ru 0-08503 MF Survey of the results known as to the youth development and the growth of the eel in Europe with special consideration of Italian conditions, Statistical accounts, Discusses also stocking measures emphasizing the need Of modern fishery-biological methods, Frost, W.E. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):599-607 Einige Beobachtungen Uber Aale aus dem Windermere-Fanggebiet, England (Some observations on eels from the Windermere fishing ground, England). En Ru 9-08504 MF Describes population, migration, effect of light on migrating eel, and food composition, Frost, W.E. (1962) Z.Fisch., 10(8/10):609-10 Diskussionsbeitrag Über Probleme in Verbindung mit der Blankaalfischerei im Flusse Bann, Nordirland (Contribution to the discussion of problems in relation to the eel fishery in the River Bann, Northern Ireland). En Ru 9-08505 MF Herrmann, G. & G. Marre (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):611-24 Aalfang und Aalwirtschaft in Schleswig- Holstein (Eel catch and eel management in Schleswig- Holstein), En Ru 9-08506 MF Statistical report, Roy, H. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):625-34 Der gegenwärtige Stand der Aalfischerei in den Küstengewässern der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (The present status of eel fisheries in the coastal waters of Eastern Germany). 9-08507 MF Statistical report with recommendations for an increase of production by using deep-water eel baskets and light stopping chains, En Ru 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Jensen, A.J.C. (1962) Z,Fisch,, 10(8/10) :635-41 Die Schwankungen des Aalbestandes und der Aalfischerei in den dänischen KtistengewHssern (Fluctuations in eel population and eel catches in Danish coastal waters), En Ru 9-08508 MF Presents statistics for the period 1912 to 1959, Martink8witz, H. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):653-63 Ergebnisse von Blankaalmarkierungen an der Ostrtigenschen Kiste und Möglichkeit ihrer Nutzung für die Fangsteigerung durch neuartige Reusenkonstruktionen (Tagging results of silver eel along the east coast of Rügen and possibility of their utilization for catch increase with modern trap devices). En Ru 9-08509 MF Reports on the migration route off the eastern shore and on the new gear constructed accordingly. Husain, Z. $ S.M.K. Sufi (1962) Agric,Pakist,, 13(2):335-45 Hilsa ilisha (Ham. ) and fish ladders at Ghulam Mohammad barrage of the River Indus, West Pakistan 9-08510 MF Summerizes the work done by previous workers and details the investigations by the authors, Olivereau, M. (1963) 9-08511 MF C.R.Acad,Sci. ‚Paris, 257(25):4035-8 Action de l'aldactone sur les corpuscules de Stannius de 1'Anguille (Effect of the aldactone on the Stannius corpuscles in the eel) Preliminary note, Reports results of experiments with Anguilla anguilla, Lukiianenko, V.I. & B.A. Flerov 9-08512 MF (1963) Farm.i Toksik,, 26(5):625-9 (Experimental data contributing to the age-induced toxicology of fish). Ru Suga, N. (1963) 9-08513 MF Embryologia,Nagoya, 8(1):63-75 Change of the toughness of the chorion of fish eggs AQUATIC STOCKS Potter, J.L. € R.D. O'Brien 9-08514 MF (1964) Science, 144(3614) :55-6 Parathion activation by livers of aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates Liver slices from 7 terrestrial and 6 aquatic animals were tested, Those of aquatic animals can activate parathion but cannot degrade drugs such as aminopyrine and phena- cetin, Stanley, J.G. & W.R. Fleming 9-08515 MF (1964) Science, 144(3614):63-4 Excretion of hypertonic urine by a teleost Reports ability of the euryhaline fish sp. Fundulus kansae to tolerate high salt concentrations under certain conditions, Urine collected from this fish adapted to sea-water is isotonic to the blood. June, F.C. € J.W. Reintjes 9-08516 MF (1959) Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish,, (317) 265 p. Age and size composition of the mennaden catch along the Atlantic coast of the United States, 1952-55; with a brief review of the commercial fishery Fishing gear and methods, fishing seasons in different localities, fishing grounds, the 1955 purse-seine fishery, sampling of the commercial catches, analysis of sampling methods, collection of samples, age compos- ition, length and weight composition. Weshington (State). Department of Fisheries (1961)C Washington, 11 p. Salmon rehabilitation and hatcheries - activities and accomplishments 9-08517 MF A popular account of the role of hatcheries, their history and current activities, Collignon, J. (1962) 9-08518 MF Bull. Inst.Péche.marit.,Maroc, (8):37-52 L'Aquarium de Casablanca (The Casablanca aquarium). En De Describes the technical installation and the spp. kept at the aquarium of the Sea fisheries institute of Morocco, with its sections of fresh water and sea water. 9 (8) 475 Thomas, J.D. (1962) 9-08519 MF J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):175-205 The food and growth of brown trout (Salmo trutte L.) and its feeding relationships with the salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) and the eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) in the River Teify, West Wales Study of feeding relations in a community from point of view of competition especially between allied species. Material obtained during course of study of parasites, Describes habitat, total fauna, stomach contents, from two stations with different conditions. Ci 1954, Thomas, J.D.; 1948, Hartley, P.H.T.; 59-2889, 60-0024, Nakatani, В.Е. (1962) 9-08520 F Progr,Fish-Cult,, 24(2):56-9 A method for force-feeding radio-isotopes to yearling trout Describes a method which was employed to study the effect of chronic feeding of Sr90 -Y90 to yearling trout and which can serve as a useful technique for administering other types of test materials, Discusses effect of continual use of an anaesthetic (MS.222) on the fish. Armitage, K.B. & L.J. Olund (1962) Amer.Midl,Nat., 68:274-7 Salt tolerance of the brook stickleback 9-08521 F Experiments are reported which demonstrate the physiological inability of the brook stickleback, Eucalia inconstans, to live in water of increased salinity, WPA 36(12)2118. ANON. (1962) Comm. Fish.Rev., 24(9):23-4 Fish crop from flooded rice land 9-08522 F Ways to improve the production of fish on flooded rice lands are being studied at the new fish farming experimental station at Stuttgart, Arkansas, by the 0.5. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, WFA 14(2)2033. 476 Reichenbach-Klinke, H.H. (1961)3 Z.Farasitenk., 21:136-40 Beobachtungen am Kiemenparasiten Microcotyle centropistes Maccalum und Bemerkungen zur Diagnose der Art (Observations on the gill parasite Microcotyle centroristes Maccalum and notes or. the definition of the species) 9-06523 Е Могама, F. (1962) 9-08524 F Fischwirt, 12(3):84-5 Fettgehaltsschwankungen bei der Quapre (Lota lote Г.) (Oscillations in the fet contert of Lota lota La) Wunder, W. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(8):231-5 Misstildung des Unterkiefers beim Karpfen (Anomaly of the lower jaw of carp) 9-08525 Е Bank, O. (1962) Allg.FischZtg., 87(9):268-70 Spritzung BWS-kranker Satzkarpfen mit Leukomycin, Ergebnisse in den Jahren 1960 und 1961 (Leucomycin injections for dropsy-infected carp; results achieved in 1960 and 1961) 9-08526 F Statistical review, Wiesner, E.R. (1962) Allg.FischZta., 87(8):234-6 Moderne Wirtschaftsftthrung in der Forellenteichwirtschaft (Modern management of trout farms) 9-08527 Е Discusses possibilities for an increase of efficiency. 9 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lieder, U. (1961) 9-05528 F Dtsch,Fisch,-Ztg., 0(11):342-5 Uber das Auftreten frühreifer Zwergkarpfen in unseren Teichwirtschaften (On the presence of pre-mature dwarf-carp in our pond culture stations) Describes mature carps of retained growth and draws the attention to the necessity of a radical eradication of these dwarf carps in order to avoid cross-breeding with normally developed carps. Mattheis, Th. (1961) Dtsch.Fisch,-Ztg., 8(11):331-4 Aphanomycespest beim Sumpfkrebs (Astacus leptodactylus) (Aphanomyces pest of the swamp crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus)) Gives account of knowledge of disease, describes some recent cases and suggests control measures, 9-08529 F Müller, W. (1961) Dtsch, Fisch, -Ztg., 8(11):338-41 Uber die Ursachen der Satzfischverluste in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft (The causes of mortality in carp culture stations) 9-08530 F Lambou, V.W. & О.М. Geagan 9-08531 F (1961) Ргос.Та Acad,Sci,, 24:95-115 Fish populations of alluvial flood plain lakes in Louisiana Samples from 13 lakes were collected by use of rotenone, Estimates of population, standing crop, standing crop of available game fish, and predation-prey relationships were determined, Мос, Е. (1959) 9-08532 Е Bul, Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):115-39 Ihtiofauna e ligenit t# Shkodrës (The ichthyofauna of the Lake Shkodër), Sk Fr Describes the main features of the physiography, hydrology and ecology of the lake. Refers to the characteristics of the biological community with special reference to fish fauna (data on growth, maturity of the main species: Cyprinus carpio, Alburnus albidus alborella, Mugil cephalus, M, ramada, Alosa fallax nilotica, Acipenser sturio, Salmo trutta fario? Discusses fisheries development and conservation, AQUATIC STOCKS Ndoc, F. (1959) 9-08533 F Bul.Ekon.Peshk.,Tirenë, 1(1):140-73 Ihtiofauna e ligenit t& Pogradecit dhe e afluent&ve t8 tij (The ichthyofauna of the lake of Pograde and of its affluents). a Describes the main features of the physiography, hydrology and ecology of the leke. Refers to the characteristics of the biological communities with special reference to the fish fauna - with scientific and biological data on Salmo letnica, S. letnica lumi, Salmothymus ohridanus, Cyprinus carpio, Chondrostoma nasus lumi?, Chondrostoma nasus ohridanus, Leuciscus cephalus albus, Alburnus albidus alborella, Anguilla vulgaris; contains information on the exploitation of these resources. Naoc, F. (1959) 9-08534 F Bul. Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran€, 1(1):174-210 Kompleksi i k#netave tg Murtepses (Pulaj) dhe mund¥sit# e sistemimit integral (The marsh swamp system of Murtepse (Pulaj) and its management), ek Re Describes the physiography and ecology of the swamp included with the Bune-Drin River system; data on animal and plant communities, the biology and biometry of fish fauna, particularly of Mugil sp., Anguilla an illa, Cyprinus carpio, Alburnus alborella, Alosa fallax nilotica, Contains data on catch, fishing methods and discusses fisheries development and management, Ndoc, F. (1959) 9-08535 F Bul, Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):211-30 Ligeni i Belshit dhe mundésit# e sistemimit $2 tij рёг nj2 kultur# semi intensive t# krapit (The lake of Belsh and its management for a semi-intensive culture of carp), Sk Fr Describes the physiography, limnology, ecology and fish fauna of this Albanian lake (origin of Dumré). Discusses plans for development of Cyprinus carpio culture, 9 (8). 477 Mullan, J.W. & В.5. McCaig 9-08536 F (1962) Progr.Fish-Cult,, 24(2):64 Evaluation of selective poisoning of a stratified trout pond Compares harvests prior to and after poisoning a pond with cold and warm-water species and cites changes in predator population as a reason for vnexpectedly poor fishing as a result Of treatment. Green, O.L. (1962) Progr, Fish-Cult,, 24(2):80 Mat spawning of the largemouth bass 9-08537 Е Describes experiments using mats of latex - sprayed hair to simulate spawning grounds for Micropterus salmoides, Dobie, J. (1962) 9-08538 F Progr. Fish-Cult., 24(2):85-7 Role of the tiger salamander in natural ponds used in Minnesota for rearing suckers Studies on growth rate and feeding habits of Ambystoma tigrinum and effect on Catostomus C. commersoni, Tiemeier, O.W. (1962) Progr.Fish-Cult., 24(2):88-90 Supplemental feeding of fingerling channel catfish 9-08539 F Describes experiments which show it is economically feasable to rear large numbers of Ictalurus punctatus in small ponds by feeding prepared pellets, Popescu, E., V. Cure € I. Birca (1961) Bul.Inst,Cerc.pisc., 20(3):41-66 Cercetari si experimentari privind aplicarea ingrasamintelor complexe in iazuri (Research and experiments on the scattering of complex fertilizers into ропаз). Ro Ru Fr 9-08540 Е Influence of the fertilizers on the chemical conditions of the pond and the trophic levels; discusses the economic feasability of the Operation in fishpond culture, 478 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Cristea, A, et al, (1961) Bul. Inst.Cerc.pisc., 20(3):67-79 Cercetari si experimentari pentru cresterea dirijata a crapului (Cyprinus carpio L.) in amenajari agro-piscicole (Research and experiments on the breeding of the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in relation to agro-piscicultural projects of development). RO ‚Ru Fr 9-08541 Е Informative, Data on hydro-meteorological conditions and yields, Woynarovich, E. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):677-80 Die künstliche Erbrütung des Zanders (The artificial propagation of pike perch), En Ru 9-08542 Е Describes the 'dry way' method in sprinkle chambers developed in Hungary. Bauer, O. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):681-7 Krankheiten und Parasiten des Zanders (Lucioperca lucioperca L.) (Diseases and parasites of pike perch (Lucioperca lucioperca L.)). En Ru 9-08543 Е Dahl, J. (1962) 9-08544 Е Z.Fisch., 10(8):689-95 Bedeutung und Ertrag der Zanderfischerei in der Bewirtschaftung dänischer Seen (The importance and the produce of the pike-perch-fishery within the Danish lake fishery). En Ru Reviews transportation of fry to inland waters and relates the increased production to the steadily progressing eutrophication of stocked waters, Wiktor, J. (1962) 9-08545 F Z.Fisch., 10(8/10):697-703 Einige biologische Eigenschaften des Zanders als Funktion der Lebensbedingungen im Oderhaff (Some biological peculiarities of pike-perch as function of the life conditions in the Oderhaff), En Ru Filuk, J. (1962) Z,Fisch,, 10(8/10):705-9 Nachkriegsstudium tiber Biologie und Fang des Zanders des Frischen Haffs (Postwar studies on the biology and catch of Pike perch in the 'Frische Haff'), En Ru 9-08546 Е Describes protective measurements which, together with favourable natural conditions, have led to an increased production, Wurtz-Arlet, J. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8-10):711-4 Bemerkungen tiber den Zander in Frankreich (Remarks on the pike-perch in France), En Ru 9-08547 Е Reports on first transplantation in 1942 and on its natural and artificial spreading; gives examples for the successful replacement Of perch and pike by the newcomer, Schlumpberger, W. (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):715-20 Uberblick Über die Probleme der Zanderwirt- schaft in den Küstengewässern der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Survey of the pike-perch management in the coastal waters of Eastern Germany), En Ru 9-08548 F Steffens, W. et al, (1962) Z.Fisch,, 10(8/10):745-71 Möglichkeiten und Gefahren der Anwendung von Malachitgrün in der Fischerei (Possibilities and dangers involved in the use of malachite green in fisheries). En Ru 9-08549 F Different concentrations of malachite green are successfully used for preventing the attack of Saprolegnia to fish eggs and fish and for controlling ectoparasites, particularly Ichthyophthirius multifilis, Zimmer, P.D. € C.C. Davidson (1962) Spec.sci,Rep,U,5,Fish Wildl,Serv, -Fish,, (419): el p. Annual fish passage report - Rock Island dam Columbia River, Washington, 1960 9-08550 F Counting procedures, enumeration of fish, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, O, nerke (blueback or red), O, kisutch (silver), Salmon gairdneri, miscellaneous fish, weather and river discharge data, activities and observations. AQUATIC STOCKS Branson, В.А. (1963) J.Morph., 113(2):215-31 The olfactory apparatus of Hybopsis gelida (Girard) and Hybopsis aestivalis (Girard) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) 9-08551 F Häsänen, E, & J. К. Miettinen 9-08552 F (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4910) :1018-9 Caesium-137 content of fresh-water fish in Finland Results presented form basis for studies to clarify the enrichment chains of caesium-137 from the water through plankton and bottom animals to fish, 2 tables give a comparison of caesium content in fish caught in the Arctic Ocean and in lakes of Finland. Agalides, E. & J. Bernardini (1964) Nature ‚Lond,, 201(4914):102-3 À cure for the ulcer-like skin disease of the electric eel 9-08553 Е Records а new treatment of the fungal-like disease of the Electrophorus electricus from Brazilian rivers. Gives the composition Of special paste for curing the fish, Conroy, D.A. (1964) 9-0855 Е Nature ,Lond,, 201(4920):732-3 Teil rot in fish Describes isolation and identification of the bacterium Aeromonas formicans which is responsible for this fish disease, Incl, table of characteristics of this bacterium. Curra, R.A. (1964) Nature,Lond,, 201(4921) :642-3 A case of negative allometry in Austropota- mobius gill growth 9-08555 Е Suggests that the branchial tissue grows at а slightly slower rate then the entire body, the difference being significant enough to provoke a tendency for a decrease of gill surface area with age. 9 (8) 479 van Sommers, P. (1962) 9-08556 F Science, 137(3531):678-9 Oxygen-motivated behaviour in the goldfish, Carassius auratus Describes the training procedure. Goldfish placed in deoxygenated water learned to interrupt a light beam in order to obtain brief exposure to aerated water, Urist, M.R. (1962) 9-08557 F Science, 137(3534) :984-6 Calcium and other ions in blood and skeleton of Nicaraguan fresh-water shark The ionic strength of the serum and the concentrations of total solutes, calcium, urea and other ions in Carcharinus leucas are below the levels found in marine elasmobranchs, but higher than the levels in teleosts, Tack, E. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(9):253-9 Die Kleine Marine (Coregonus albula Г.) in der Möhnetalsperre - ein gelungener Einbtirgerungsversuch (The small marane (Coregonus albula L.) Stocked in the barrage lake of the Moehne River ~ a successful transplantation) 9-08558 Е Hass, G. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(10):285-91 Aufzucht- und Fütterungsverfahren in der Salmonidenzucht (Rearing and feeding methods in trout farms) 9-08559 F Gives an account of Swedish practices and describes mechanical feeding appliances developed by trout farmers, El-Bolock, A.R.M. (1962) Fischwirt, 12(10):292-5 Die Bekämpfung von Ichthyophthirius bei Karpfen mit Malachitgrtin (The control of Ichthyophthirius in carp by means of malachite green) 9-08560 F Describes aspects of disease and pathological symptoms. Keeping the fish for 4 days in a solution of O.lmg/1 destroys completely the parasite, 480 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES McCormack, J.C. (1962) 9-08564 Е ts 1 ARA AE Mann, H. aoe sh. 9-08561 Е J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):305-16 Е oor toes rd ANA The food of young trout (Selmo trutta) in A two different becks Parasiten an Elbfischen (Observations on diseases and parasites Е Investigation into food of fry and yearlings of fish in the Elbe River) from two different becks, one on slate in Gives account pf diseases and pathogenic Westmorland, Samples for stomach analysis agents discovered during 1956 to 1961. y taken at intervals from 1956 to 1960, Young trout eat same organisms as eels and bullheads, Schiemenz, F. (1962) 0-08562 Е Trout over 10 cm long eat trout eggs and ‘ 7 il alevins, Allg,Fisch,Ztg,, 07(19):553-8 Ho or Beobachtungen Über das Verhalten der Ра Ts Forellen beim Aufstieg Über ein Felsenwehr, bedeutungsvoll für die Konstruktion von Fischtreppen ù (Observations on the behaviour of trout ascending a rock-weir, important for the construction of fish ladders) Report on a field-trip and its previous history. Discusses previous construction elements in the light of instability and Srivastava, Р.М. € С. Tachi 9-06565 Е recommends new devices according to on- (1964) the-spot observation of upstream migrating Nature ,iond., 202(4930) :1234-5 fish. Sodium excretion as a factor causing death in fish due to irradiation Describes experiments on Carassius auratus L, to examine the sodium reaciion in this sp. irradiated with 8000 r.X-ray, and also the excretion of radio-sodium through the gills before and after irradiation, Vasu, B.S, (1962) 9-08563 Е Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(B), 56(2):102-10 The lateral line system and sound perception in Ophiocephalus striatus Bloch Experiments on fish from Madras ponds, in tanks; pectoral fin movement taken as evidence of hearing; effects of abiated ear or lateral line system on frequency range and intensity sensibility. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Institute of Caribbean 9-08566 M ANON. (1961) 9-08568 M France pêche, 6(57):19-21 Science (1963) Caribb.J.Sci., 3(1):73-5 Prise de position á propos de l'appauvrisse- mr Tea ment des fonds de péche R t licati the Caribbean a м И (Statement about the impoverishing of fishing List includes sections on fish, fisheries and grounds ) melacology. Comments made by the French syndicate on the situation of north Atlantic demersal fisheries and the possible consequences to the industry; some conservation methods are о, C.G. (1962 -0856' À Aguayo, (1962) re M suggested and the action of the overfishing Caribb.J.Sci., 2:179-80 comidalon is dl á Recent publications on the Caribbean area: ARS Malacology 9 (8) north Lancashire and one on limestone in north ° MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Loosanoff, V.L. (1962) 9-08569 M Proc.nat.Shellfish.Ass., 51(1960):1-2 Wesley Roswell Coe À noted authority on nemerteans who also worked on sexual phases in oysters and the influence of the environment on other lamellibranchs (e.g. Teredo) and on gastropods, (especially Crepidula). Died 21st September 1960 at the age of 93. Tregouboff, G. (1961) 9-08570 M Rapp.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(2):33-68 Repport sur les travaux intéressant la planctonologie méditerranéenne publiés entre juillet 1958 et octobre 1960 (Report on the works concerning Mediterranean planktonology published between July 1958 and October 1960) George, J.D. (1963) 9-08571 M Nature,Lond,, 200(4909):921-2 Equipment for facilitating movement on an intertidal mud-flat Describes construction of mud skis used for investigations on littoral muds, and for sample taking. 111, mud skis. Ager, D.V. & D. Nichols (1963) Nature,Lond,, 200(4910):942-5 Marine ecology and palaeoecology 9-08572 M Reports on a dozen papers presented at a symposium held by the Systematics Association in the Dep. of Zoology, Wadham College, Oxford, September 1963. Main themes of meeting: comparison of analagous living and fossil assemblages, relationship between distribution of marine animals in present- day seas and in fossil records, ancient and modern reefs, Hodgins, Н.О. € G.J. Ridgway 9-08573 M (1961) Nature,Lond,, 201(4926):1336-7 Preservation of trout and salmon erythrocytes for blood typing by freezing with dimenthyl sulphoxide This additive provides better protection against freezing damage to salmonid fish erythrocytes than any other. Tests showed that the antigenic specificities of fish red blood cells frozen with dimenthyl sulphoxide have been unchanged from those of unfrozen controls. 9 (8) 481 Carruthers, J.N. (1962) 9-08574 M Nature,Lond., 193(4819) :936-7 Training in oceanography Report on the course held in Casablanca Nov.-Dec. 1961, organised by International Advisory Committee of UNESCO. 20 persons from African and Near-East countries attended, Fundamental aspects of physical oceanography and marine biology were subjects of tuition. ANON. (1962) 9-08575 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:155-84 Oceanographic bibliography List of titles and bibliographical references to current papers on oceanography. ANON, (1962) 9-08576 M Industr,pesq, Vigo, 36(850) :325 El doctor Fernando de Buen, ha muerto en Chile (Doctor Fernando de Buen died in Chile) Short obituary on this Spanish marine biologist. Vannucci, M. (1962) 9-08577 M Bol. Cent, Coop. cient.UNESCO,Amer. lat. , (33):1-8 Ecologia em termos marinhos (Marine ecology) Lecture on fundamentals of marine ecology. Riley, G. A. (1963) 9-08578 M Science, 142(3600) :1685-7 Experimental marine ecology: meetings A symposium sponsored by the University of Rhode Island was held at Kingston in October 1963. Brief review of the papers dealing with various physiological and biochemical properties of organisms which affect their distribution and behaviour in nature, 482 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Yoshihara, T. (1961) 9-08579 MG Bull, int,statist,Inst,, 38(3):67-75 On the reproduction of fish population Discusses theory of fishing in terms of density-dependent birth rates, combines biological model of catch per unit effort and linear function of effort, with simple economic model relating yield briefly to price, to deduce economic optima fishing rates. Application to trawl fishery in East China and Yellow Seas; refers to work of Furuno, Gordon and others, Toledo, M.T. (1962) 9-08580 MF Estadistica española, (15):5-15 Modelos dinámicos de pesquerías oceánicas (Dynamic models of ocean fisheries) General review of mathematics of stock assessment methods. Ci 1918 Baranov, T.L., 1935 Volterra, V. € U. D'Ancona, 1954 Schaefer, M.B., 1956 Graham, M. (Ed.), 58-1530, 61-06795. Russel, E.J. (1962) Advenc,Sci,,Lond., 18:427-35 Food production for the expanding world population 9-08581 MF WFA 14(2)2036. Ndoc, F. & R. Ndoc (1959) Bul,Ekon,Peshk, ,Tiran#, 1(1):250-64 Glosar ihtiologjik (Ichthyological glossary). Sk 9-08582 MF Scientific and common names (in Albanese, Russian, Italian, French, German) of marine and freshwater fishes of Albania. Short comment on biology and fisheries, Volkov, А.А. (Comp. )(1961)c 9-08583 MF Moskva, Izd.vo zhurnala Ryb.Khoz., 604 p. Sbornik mezhdunarodnykh konferentsii, dogovorov i soglashenii o rybolovstve i rybokhoziaistvennykh issledovaniiakh (Manual of international conferences, agreements and conventions on fisheries and fisheries research) Linn, D.W. (1962) 9-08584 MF Progr, Fish-Cult,, 24(2):73 Prevention of clot while collecting fish blood Describes a technique using heparin to keep blood flowing and provide an anticoagulant which does not affect analysis. McDermott, J.P. (1962) Progr, Fish-Cult., 24(2):87 Aluminum punch strip method for measuring fish 9-08585 MF Describes a measuring board on which lengths are recorded with an awl on strips of aluminium instead of plastic; the dents can be read wihtout special illumination, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1962) Bull.zool.Nom., 19(3):129-92 9-08586 MF Contains notices, decisions, new applications and comments on cases of zoological nomen- clature, considered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, Silva, P.C. (1962) 9-08587 MF Phycologia, 2(2/3):49-132 Phycological literature for 1960 List of references arranged in alphabetic order of authors' names. Incl. about 1,640 entries, and references published in 1959 but unintentionally omitted from the 1959 bibliography. References dealing solely with fossil algae usually have been omitted. Co 8-01554, Dorfner, K. (1962) Allg.FischZtg., 87(15):426-30 Einstufung des Wertes von Fischgewässern und Vergeltung von Fischereischäden (Evaluation of fish waters and recompensation of damages to fishery) 9-08588 Е Reviews attitudes añd practices of authorities in the light of common jurisdiction. Green, J.H.S. (1962) Research, Lond,, 15(10):436-8 The numerical data of science 9-08589 G Some recent publications in scientific documentation and critical tables are briefly discussed, MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Could, S.W. (1962) Amer,J,Bot,, 49(6)Pt 2:675 The international plant index: its methods, Purposes and future possibilities 9-08590 G Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962, Reed, M.J. (1962) 9-08591 G Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:677 Adapting electronic data processing to plant ecological studies Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. Sokal, R.R. (1962) 9-08592 G Amer.J.Bot., 49(6)Pt 2:678 The principles and practice of numerical taxonomy Abstract of paper to be presented at the meeting of the Botanical Society of America and certain affiliated groups at Oregon State University, August 26-31, 1962. von Euler, U.S. (1961) Nature,Lond,, 190(4771):170-1 Occurrence of catecholamines in Acrania and invertebrates 9-08593 G Various spp. were collected fresh and extracted with 3-5 volumes of 10% trichloro- acetic acid. Adrenaline and noradrenaline Were estimated by fluorimetric technique, The results are presented in table form, UNESCO (1962) 9-08594 G Bon Cent, Coop. cient. UNESCO, Amér. Lat. , (33) <21- : 0 Informaciones sobre documentación e información científicas (Information on documentation and scientific information) Activities of UNESCO, Latin America and other countries, UNESCO (1961)c Columbia University Press, 236 p. Bibliography of interlingual scientific and technical dictionaries 9-08595 G Contents: Bibliography - general table of languages and their symbols, alphabetical index of language symbols adopted, abridged schedule of the UDC, abbreviations. Indexes- language, author and subject. : 9 (8) 483 Greenwood, J.A. & H.O. Hartley 9-08596 G (1962)c New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1014 р. Guide to tables in mathematical statistics Incomplete B-function, FAO. Plant Production and Protection Division/WHO (1961) Tech.Rep.Ser.World Hlth Org., :22 р. Report of a meeting of the FAO panel of experts on the use of pesticides in agriculture held jointly with the WHO expert committee on pesticide residues, held in Rome, 9-16 October 1961 9-08597 G Considered principles of setting up pesticide tolerances and preparation of international code for toxicological and residue data, Report deals with definition, control of pesticide use, toxicological investigations, and proposed scientific and regulatory in- formation service. Icc (1962) TOG Bat... (тв. 9-08598 G This new periodical contains articles on various aspects of computer theory and practice, and regular features covering news of computing laboratories, new computers, meetings, training courses, book reviews and literature references, and miscellaneous notes, Gives information about work of ICC, as from July, issue will contain the periodical “International federation for information processing news", Hughes, R.D. (1962) 9-08599 G J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):389-6 A method for estimating the effects of mortality, ,on aphid populations Incl. mathematical model of population with overlapping generations. Ci 1925, Lotka, А. J.% 1948, Birch, LC; 62-051k4k, Le Cren 9-08600 G J.Anim.Ecol., 31(2):397-8 Statistics in ecology Ве 62-00553. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 9 —REFERENCES 9-09001 to 9-09604 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) FAO. Fisheries Division, 9-09001 M Biology Branch (Comp.) (1964) FAO Fish.Rep., (6)Vol.4: 1853-2272 Proceedings of the world scientific meeting on the biology of tunas and related species, La Jolla, California, U.S.A., 2-14 July 1962 Bibliography indexed subjectwise, taxonomi- cally and geographically. ACMRR(FAO). Second Session, 9-09002 М Rome, 6-12 February 1964 (1964) FAO Fish.Rep., (20):54 р. Report of the second session of the Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research Reports implementation of recommendations of the 13% Session. Gives guide lines for future programs, Fisheries Division's program of work for 1964-65 in the field of marine resources research & management, coordination and cooperation with other bodies, matters concer- ning the IOC. Appends Director General 's opening speech, statement by Dr. D.B. Finn, list of papers presented, list of participants, resolution on fisheries development of the 12th Session of the Conference & outline of a project for appraising the resources of Sardinella and other small clupeoid fishes in the Gulf of Guinea. Pr 62-092me and 62-093me. Hays, E.E. (1963) Oceanus, 10(2):14-5 Indian Ocean - Aden, Bombay, Colombo, Zanzibar 9-09003 M Popular account of the part played by ATLANTIS II in the International Indian Ocean Expedition. 9 (9) Quiguer, J-P. (1963) Cah.Pacif., (5):37-9 Compte rendu de mission en Nouvelle- Calédonie (étude ichtyologique) (Account of a mission in New Caledonia (ichthyological study) ) 9-09004 M Taguchi, К. & O. Sonoda (1963) Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):46-50 (Studies on the measured data of Loran ground wave). Ni En 9-09005 M Tan, F.J.E. (1963) Indon.Abstr., 5(1/2):83 Notes on sea-fisheries development in less- developed areas 9-09006 M Importance of and conditions for development of fisheries. USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (1962)С News notes on scientific activities for November 1962, 2 p. (mimeo) 9-09007 M Note on evidence which might elucidate the linkege mechanism between wind action and surface water motion in the Hawaiian region. USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (1963)c Scientific news notes - July 1963 9-09008 M Announcement of the establishment at the Honolulu laboratory of a Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Programme to study the processes at the sea surface associated with trade winds, and their effects on the ocean. 486 King, C.A.M. (1962)c London, E. Arnold Publ., Ltd., Oceanography for geographers 9-09009 М 337 р. Chapter headings are; The origin € structure of the ocean basins and their water; The geomorphology of the ocean floor; The water of the oceans; The circulation of the oceans; The tide; Waves; Sediment in the ocean; Some aspects of life in the ocean; The geo- graphical significance of the oceans. Chapter 8 incl. sections on fishing and overfishing, whaling, plankton, benthos, and the total productivity of marine ecosystems. Incl. glossary. UNESCO & FAO (1963) Int.Mar.Sci., 1(3): 46 p. 9-09010 M Contains announcement and short reports of national committees for oceanographic research, oceanographic programs, international projects, meetings € training facilities, new research craft, institutions & periodicals, as well as activities of United Nations and other agencies. UNESCO & FAO (1964) 9-09011 M Int.Mar.Sci., 2(1): 42 p. Contains announcement and short reports of national committees for. oceanographic research, oceanographic programs, international projects, meetings & training facilities, new research craft, institutions € periodicals, as well as activities of United Nations € other agencies. Roots, E.F. (1962) 9-09012 M Polar Rec., 11(72):270-6 Canadian polar continental shelf project, 1959-62 Reports on oceanographic and marine biology investigations. ANON. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):277-8 Arctic unit of Fisheries Research Board of Canada field activities in 1960 Summarized from Rep.Fish.Res.Bd. Can., 1960-61 (1962):117-9. Fisheries , marine mammal and biological oceanographic investigations. Ci 62-05733. 9-09013 M 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):279-81 Arctic Institute of North America Devon Island expedition, 1960-63: Activities in 1961 9-09014 M Sunmarized from a note by Appolonio, S. in Arctic, 14(4): 252-4 , 1961. Marine biologi- cal, oceanographic and meteorological investigations. India. Central Marine 9-09015 М Fisheries Research Institute (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):1440-525 Annual report of the director for the year ending 31st March 1961 Summary account of the Institute's research activities and results in fisheries biology and marine biology, presenting data with respect to catches as well as from research. List of publications. ANON. (1964) Priroda,Moskva, (2):123-4 9-09016 (A scientific ship explores the ocean). Ru ANON. (1964) 9-09017 M Oceanus, 10(3):22-3 U.S. biological program * Questions to be answered, and how this is being done. Wenz, G.M. (1962) 9-09018 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1936-56 Acoustic ambient noîse in the ocean: spectra and sources Concludes that, in general, the ambient noise is a composite of at least three overlapping components: turbulent-pressure fluctuations, noise from bubbles & spray, & oceanic traffic. Review of literature on these major components and other sources. GENERAL Marsh, H.W. (1963) 9-09019 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(3):409-10 Origin of the Knudsen spectra A theory is presented, ascribing the ambient noise spectra of Knudsen to the generation of sound by surface waves. Marsh, H.W. (1963) 9-09020 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(4):552-63 Underwater sound propagation in the Arctic Ocean Results of a four year study incl. the duration form & intensity of waves received at distances up to 1400 Km. Saito, S. (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):65-71 (On the error of loran lines of position due to sky waves). Ni En 9-09021 M Formula for calculation of error. Arnoult, J. & R. Bauchot (1963) 9-09022 MF Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(3):219-27 Compte rendu de mission a‘ Madagascar (Octobre 1962 - Janvier 1963) (Account of a mission to Madagascar (October 1962 - January 1963) List of collecting stations; list of spp. collected, incl. fish. Purbohadiwidjojo, M. (1963) Indon.Abstr., 5(1/2):31 Status of the geohydrologic research in Indonesia 9-09023 MF Abstract only. Stresses the importance of research and makes suggestions for future activities. 9 (9) 487 Zoological Survey of India (1963) Rec. Indian Mus., 55, 47 р. Annual report on the zoological survey of India for the year 1956-57 (lst April, 1956 to 3lst March, 1957) 9-09024 MF General activities; field work; research work; administration; list of type-specimens added to the national zoological collections; collections received and given out by the Zoological Survey of India; summary of new systematic categories described by the survey.; list of papers by survey members and outside workers. Zoological Survey of India (1963) Rec.Indian Mus., 54, 33 р. А four-year report on the zoological survey of India for the period 1951-52 to 1954-55 (13% April, 1951 to 313% March, 1955) 9-09025 MF General activities; field work; staff; list of genera and type specimens added to the collections of the survey; summary of the new systematic categories described by the survey; list of papers published by survey members and outside workers. Ci 9-0902k. Zoological Society of 9-09026 MF Japan (1963) Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 72(11/12):305-73 (Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, October 26 and 27, 1963, Fukuoka). Ni Yamaguti, 5. (1963)c 9-09027 MF New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1104 p. Parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura of fishes Diagnoses and identification keys for all the known families and genera of the copepods parasitic on vertebrates and Branchiura of fishes and all the known species listed with their hosts and geographical distribution. Villadolid, D.V. (1961) 9-09028 MF Proc.Pacif.Sci.Congr. 8th., 6(1953):83-6 The role of the Philippines in scientific collaboration through the Indo-Pacific fisheries council 488 Young, R.W. (1962) 9-09029 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1971-2006 Program of the Sixty-fourth meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Incl. abstracts of papers presented at the session on underwater acoustics: oceanography, sound velocity, & absorption. Invited papers incl.: Frank, H. Physical and chemical properties of water; Greenspan, M., Velocity of sound in water; Frosch, R.A., Oceanography of sound velocity; Fofonoff, N.P., Precision of oceanographic data for acoustic use; Lord, N.W., Use of sound velocimeter in the deep ocean. Starmach, K. (1062) 9-09030 Е Rev.Pol.Acad.Sci., 7(1/28):15-8 The work of the research centre for hydro- biology BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES India. Central Inland 9-09031 Е Fisheries Research Institute (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):526-74 Annual report for the year 1960-61 Summary account of the activities of the Institute in studying pond culture, fisheries in riverine, lacustrine and estuarine situations € in Shilka Lake, & fish pathology; presents both commercial and research data, List of publications. Bryan, G.M., M. Truchan & 9-09032 С т.т. Ewing (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(3):273-8 Longe-range SOFAR sudies in the South Atlantic Ocean Test shots in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans indicate that SOFAR should permit positioning with accuracy of 50 meters in 1,000 miles from a 20 shot sample. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Abe, T., T. Ono & 9-09033 М M. Kishino (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):185-92 (A fundamental study on the prevention of the salty wind damages due to the foaming of sea water). . Ni En Measurement of physical properties (e. 8» density, surface tension and viscosity) of stable foam of sea water at an actual seashore. These properties are treated as fundamental constants in the prevention of disasters. Akagawa, M. (1963) 9-09034 M Bull.Hakodate Mar.met.Obs., (10): 11 p. (Sea ice conditions in the northern Okhotsk Sea in thawing time - based on the reports from the Japanese loading fleet for importing U.S.S.R. herring). Ni En Discussion of the cause of difference of ice conditions in two years and sea ice conditions at time of thawing; consideration of distribution of surface water temperature and sea-fog. Chu, T.Y. (1963) 9-09035 М Rep.Inst.Fish.Biol.Taiwan, 1(4):29-44-14 (The oceanography of the surrounding water of Taiwan). Ni En Study of distribution and seasonal variation of oceanographical features, including vertical distribution of temperature, salinity and Os . Chu, T.Y. (1963) 9-09036 M Rep.Inst.Fish.Biol.Taiwan, 1(4):1-6 Seasonal oscillation in sea level along the coast of Taiwan. Ni Study of the seasonal variation of the recorded sea level along the coast of Taiwan during recent years. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Inman, D.L., W.R. Gayman & 9-09037 M D.C. Cox (1963) Pacif.Sci., 17(1):106-30 Littoral sedimentary processes on Kauai, a subtropical high island Study of beach & shallow water sand samples from the island of Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, to ascertain the effects of climate on the supply of sediment, and of wave action on the dispersal and transport of sand along the shores of the island. Furuhata, T. (1962) 9-09038 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):130-40 New electric-ocean wave recorder, MR - Mark III for coastal wave stations Recorder of pressure type installed at sea bottom; its principle and structure are described. Hakodate Marine Observatory. 9-09039 M Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 2 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea south of Hokkaido in July, 1961). ME Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents; water temperature at surface and 100 m; chlorinity & dissolved oxygen at surface. Hakodate Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 12 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea west of the Tsugaru Straits, in the sea east of Tohoku district and in the Okhotsk Sea from August to September, 1961). Ni En 9-09040 M Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents; water temperature, chlorinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate-P at surface & 100 m; total diatoms at surface; for 3 separate cruises. VE 9 (9) 489 Hakodate Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 6 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea west of the Tsugaru Straits and in the sea east of Tohoku district in October, 1961). Ni En 9-09081 M Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents; water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 50 m, 100 m, & along lat. №1 30N.; dissolved oxygen at surface and 100 m; total diatoms at surface. Hakodate Marine Observatory. 9-09042 M Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 3 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the Tsugaru Straits in December, 1961). Ni En Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents; water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 50 m, 100 m; dissolved oxygen at surface; total diatoms at surface. Hakodate Marine Observatory. 9-09043 M Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 4 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea east of Tohoku district in May, 1961). MN m Incl. figures showing station locations, surface currents, water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 100 m, 200 m, and lat. 41.5 N; dissolved oxygen at surface and 100 m. Hakodate Marine Observatory. 9-09044 M Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.akodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 6 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea east of Tohoku district from February to March, 1961). Ni En Incl. figures showing station locations, surface currents, water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 100 m, 200 m, and along lat. 41 50N; dissolved oxygen, phosphate-P at surface & 100 m; total diatoms at surface; occurrence of Phaeoceros, Denticula marina, Corethron hystrix, Thalassiosira and Thalassionnema nitzschioides ‘at the surface. 490 Hanya, T., R. Ishivatari € 9-09045 M H. Ichikuni (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):94-100 (The mechanism of removal of mercury from sea water to bottom muds in Minamata Bay). Ni En … Reaction of mercury in the muds to acid and alkali solution, suggesting existence of mercury in the form of sulfides and/or humates. Experiments were carried out on the mechanism of removal of mercury from sea water. Hata, K. (1962) 9-09086 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 20th Anniversary: 168-79 (Seasonal variation of the volume transport in the northern part of the Japan Sea). Ni En Q distribution for each observation in the sea north of 39 OON. from 1947 to 1961 and study of the variation of the sea conditions. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs.,(10): item 11 , 1963. Hideka, K. (1962) 9-09047 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary: 223-41 Non-linear theory of an equatorial flow, with special application to the Cromwell Current A method for computing the velocity of equatorial flow at and around the Equator, taking into account the effect of field accelerations in addition to the pressure gradients and Coriolis forces; results of application of this method to observational data. Issued also as: Coll.Repr.Ocean Res. Inst., Tokyo, 1, Contr. 1, 1962. Higano, R. et al. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):200-7 (On the artificial radioactivity in sea water). Ni En 9-09048 M Results of analysis of artificial radio- nuclides contained in surface waters. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Iida, H. (1962) 9-09049 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 20th Anniversary, 272-8 On the water masses in the coastal region of the south-western Okhotsk Sea Identification of 5 water masses by consi- deration of the distribution of temperature and chlorinity and the tendency of the movement of water masses; investigation of the seasonal variations of these water masses; attempt to clarify their possible physical origins. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar. Obs., (10): Item 10, 1963. Jansen, J.F. & Y. Kitano (1963) J.oceznogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):208-19 The resistance of recent marine carbonate sediments to solution 9-09050 M Effect of particle size, mineralogy and chemical composition, of recent marine carbonate sedimetns collected on Campeche Bank in the Gulf of Mexico, on the resistance of these sediments to solution. Kagami, H., N. Nasu & M. Horikoshi (1962) J.oceanosr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary: 82-9 (Submarine topography at the entrance of Tokyo Bay. (Cooperative survey at the entrance of Tokyo Bay in 1959 - Part 2). _Ni En 9-09051 M Report of 5 different types of shelf channel and 6 flat terraces recognized in the area between Miura Peninsula and Bose Peninsula. Issued also as; Coll.Repr.Ocean Res.Inst., Tokyo, 1, Contr. 8, 1962. Kagami, H. (1962) 9-09052 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary: 121-35 (Modal size distribution of the bottom sediments at the entrance of Tokyo Bay. (Cooperative survey at the entrance of Tokyo Bay in 1959 - Part 5). Ni En Attempt to gain a better understanding of sedimentation and mechanical composition of clastic sediments. Issued also as: Tokyo, 1: Contr. 10, Coll.Repr.Ocean Res.Inst. 1962. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kamatani, A. € 9-09053 M C. Matsudaira (1963) Tohoku J.agric.Res., 14(2):83-91 On the fertility of Matsushima Вау. 1. Some chemical properties of the marine deposits Attempt to determine the chemical nature of the organic deposits and to clarify the processes of their mineralization under various environmental conditions, taking as first step a determination of analytical methods for organic carbon and oU -amino acid nitrogen contained in the organic deposits from Matsushima Bay. Kanamori, H. (1962) 9-09054 M Coll.Repr.Ocean Res.Inst.Univ., Tokyo, 1:4 Tokyo surface ship gravity meter -1. Ni Details of the instrument & its use; problems encountered in its operation; note on test at sea on board TAKUYO. Detailed circuit dia- grams of the interchanging frequency counter are given. Kitano, Y. € D.W. Hood (1962) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):141-5 Calcium carbonate crystal forms.formed from sea water by inorganic processes 9-09055 M Experimental results of study to determine which of the crystal forms calcite, aragonite and vaterite is produced most predominantly from sea water by inorganic processes and which of the chemical constituents of sea water has the greatest influence on the poly- morphic formation of calcium carbonate. Maizuru Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section & Hakodate Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 21 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the Japan Sea in June, 1961). Ni En 9-09056 M Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents; geopotential topography ; water temperature, chlorinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate-P, silicate-Si at various depths and in certain sections; pH in one section; diatom distribution. 9 (9) 491 Maizuru Marine Observatory. 9-09057 M Oceanographical Section (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): not pag., 1 p. (Report of the oceanographic observations in the western part of Wakasa Bay from January to My, 1961). Ni Nan'niti, T., H. Akamatsu € M. Iwamiya (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):93 Further improvement of deep-sea bathythermo- graph 9-09058 M Describes improvement of a device which drives a smoked glass plate. Nasu, N., H. Kagami & J. Chujo (1962) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary: 98-120 (Submarine geology at the entrance of Tokyo Bay. (Cooperative survey at the entrance of Tokyo Bay). Ni En 9-09059 М Sampling locations; results of particle size analysis, Mg, © à and& g distribution patterns; application of newly proposed technique for presenting sediment distribution data; presentation of sparker survey courses & resulting structural map; ill. profiles of sonic surveys. Issued also as: Coll. Repr.Ocean Res.Inst., Tokyo, 1: Contr. 9. Nitani, H. € В. Imayoshi (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):75-81 On the analysis of the deep sea observations in the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench 9-09060 M Cbservations of depth, temperature, chlorinity, current, made on board TAKUYO in May 1962. Nitani, H. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):82-92 On the analysis of deep sea in the region of the Kurile-Kamchatka, Japanese and Izu-Bonin Trench 9-09061 M Model of flow pattern of deep sea on the Izu- Bonin, Japanese and Kurile-Kamchatka trenches; theory of the estimation of physical and chemical quantities in the deep layer; estimation of physical and chemical quantities in the deep sea of this region. 492 Okuda, S. (1062) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):107-10 The effect of released salt from the lake bottom on the salinity distribution in an estuary after the closing of outlet 9-09062 M Theoretical estimation of effects by diffusion equation; results of observations are compared with those of theoretical analysis. Sakamoto, T. & N. Nasu (1962) 9-09063 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary: 80-1 (General aspect of the cooperative studies at the entrance of Tokyo Bay. (Cooperative survey at the entrance of Tokyo Bay in 1959. Pert...) ). Ni En Discussion of the significance of a survey of the bottom of the Uraga strait in 1959; summary of results. Issued also as: Coll.Repr. Ocean Res.Inst., Tokyo, 1, Contr. 7. Sasaki, T., K. Ozawa & I. Okubo (1963) Mer, 1(1):3-6 Etude chimique de l'eau relevée de la fosse des Kouriles par le bathyscaphe français ARCHIMEDE (Chemical study of water taken in the Kurile Deep by the French bathyscaphe ARCHIMEDE). Ni Fr 9-09064 M Comparison of analytical results from samples down to 9,545 m, taken by the bathyscaphe with samples teken from Japanese € Russian vessels. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar. Obs. , (10): Item 14. 1963. Sasaki, T. et al. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):16-26 (Studies on the container for disposing radio- active wastes into the sea. 1. ). Ni En 9-09065 M Results of experiments using containers of 3 different sizes, to ascertain the characteristics required in containers to give assured long life at great depths. Sato, T. 8 N. Nasu (1962) 9-09066 M Coll.Repr.Ocean Res.Inst., Univ.Tokyo, 1:11 (A review on the manganese nodule). Ni 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sawada, T. (1963) 9-09067 M Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): 8 p. (A study of the sea fog in the northwestern Pacific). Ni En Study based on observational deta obtained at bcean weather station (39 N., 153 E.) and salmon-trout fishing ground adjacent to the Kurile Islands in 1950-55 in order to ascertain the cause of the sea fog in the warm season. Shibaoka, Y. & M. Takashima (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):167-71 On the free oscillation of water in a lake of elliptic boundary with small eccentricity and uniform depth 9-09068 M The fundamental normal mode of the free oscillation of water was investigated by means of a kind of boundary perturbation method. An approximate formula was derived for the relation between frequency of the funda- mental normal mode of oscillation and the eccentricity of the elliptic boundary. Shinji, F. (1962)A J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):111-4 (On the relation between the sea surface water temperature in the sea east of Japan and 500 mb. height difference). Ni En 9-09069 M Sugiura, Y. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):193=9 (Some chemico-oceanograp»*cal properties of the water of Suruga Bay). Ni En 9-09070 M Study of time-variation & distribution of some chemical properties taking into account the effect of internal wave on these properties. Discussions of problems concerning the diurnal variation of dissolved oxygen, occurrence of nitrite-meximum, chlorinity distribution and T-C1, T-P, T-NO3, T-Ph, T-% CCo relation. Teramoto, T. (1962) 9-09071 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 20th Anniversary:251-6 Simple tsunami recorder Description of shore-based tsunami-recorder operated in parallel with tide gauge and seasonal sea level meter to give information on variation in sea level. Example of practical design, note on recording, and example of records taken at Kawazuhama are given. Issued also as: Coll.Repr.Ocean Res. Inst., Tokyo, 1, Contr. 3, 1962. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Tomoda, Y. et al. (1962) 9-09072 M Coll.Repr.Ocean Res.Inst., Univ.Tokyo, 1:5 (Gravity measurements on islands. Part 1). Ni En Results of gravity measurements at sea around the Izu-Islands correlated with gravity measurements on Ohe islands in the area. Watanabe, N. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(4):172-84 (Diffusion of industrial drainage in a tidal river. An example in the lower reach of the Edo River with small natural discharge). Ni En 9-09073 M Attempt to estimate a general pattern of the changes of this diffusion, using data from a pollution survey. ANON. (1963) 9-09074 M Bull.Hakodate Mar.met.Obs., (10): not pag.49 р. (Sea ice observation along the Ohkotsk coast of Hokkaido from January to April 1961). Ni En Report of synthetic observations of sea ice in the coastal region of Hokkaido, following some studies of sea ice with a view to clarification of sea ice conditions and improvement of sea ice forecasting in the southern waters of the Ohkotsk Sea. U.S. Coast.& Geodetic Survey (1963)c Washington, D.C., U.S.Govt Print.Off., 188 p. Tidal current tables, Atlantic coast of North America, 1964 9209075 M Incl. list of publications relating to tides and tidal currents. US. Coast & Geodetic Survey (1963)c Washington, D.C., U.S.Govt Print.off., 240 p. Tidal current tables, Pacific coast of North America and Asia, 1964 9-09076 M Incl. list of publications referring to tides and currents. 9 (9) 493 Collier, A. & F. Slowey (1960)BC 9-09077 M Galvestone, Marine Lab., Texas A. & M. Coll., 19 p. Subsurface environmental elements and their possible relationships to surface "slicks" WMO (1565) 9-07078 M Geneva, WMO - 166.TP.81, 31 р. Meteorology in the Indian Ocean Squires, D.F. (1963) Nat.Hist., N.Y., 72(6):23-9 Modern tools probe deep water. Çoral banks are explored seismically 9-09079 M An account of investigations of deep water coral reefs. Crooks, A.D. (Comp.) (1963) 9-09080 M Sta.List Div.Fish.Oceanogr.C.S.I.R.O., (52): 237 Pe Coastal investigations at Port Hacking, New South Wales, 1960 Tabulation of temperature, chlorinity, sigma-t, oxygen, oxygen percentage saturation, inor- ganic and particulate phosphate, total phos- phorus and nitrate at various depths at each station. Crooks, A.D. (Comp.) (1963) 9-09081 M Sta.List Div.Fish.Oceanogr.C.S.I.R.O., (53): Coastal hydrological investigations in the New South Wales tuna fishing area, 1960 Tabulation of temperature, sigma-t, oxygen, oxygen percentage saturation, inorganic phosphate & total phosphorus at various depths at each station. Genka, T. (1964) 9-09082 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):158-69 (Studies on the local attraction in Kagoshima Bay. 1. Local attraction at the entrance of the bay). Ni En Presence of magnetic attraction; variations in the magnitude of attraction; the distribution of horizontal and vertical forces of terrestrial magnetism. 494 Hidaka, K. (1963) 9-09083 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 19(3):121-35 Non-linear computation of the equatorial current system of the Pacific. 1. Computation of equatorial velocity. Velocity of the ocean currents at the Equator, taking into consideration the pressure gradients, Coriolis forces, non-linear inertia terms and friction proportional to the velocity. Numerical result is given. Kawanabe, Y. (1064) 9-09084 м Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (172):93-118 (Vertical wind profile below 300 m). Ni En Vertical sections and profiles of wind are analysed on the basis of observations taken at Tokyo Tower and in the Seto Inland Sea, the former being compared witn observations taken in other countries. Discussion of the change of air flow passing over a mountain. Moriyasu, S. (1963) 9-09085 M Oceanogr.Mag., 15(1):11-29 The fluctuation of hydrographic conditions in the sea south of Honshu, Japan (review) Study of the fluctuation of the Kuroshio and the cold water mass in the sea south of Honshu incl. the current axis of the Kuroshio; the influence of typhoons upon the hydro- graphic conditions. Nagasaki. Marine Observatory. 9-09086 м Oceanographic Section (1963) Results mar.Obsns, Tokyo, (30):68-77 (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea west of Japan from October to November, 1961). Ni En Incl. figures showing station locations; surface currents, water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 50 m, 200 m, and at certain sections; current velocity; dissolved oxygen € phosphate-P at surface, 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, and at certain sections; diatom communities. Issued also as: Oceanogr. & Met., Nagasaki, (13):214 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nagasaki. Marine Observatory. Oceanographic Section (1963) Results mar.Obsns, Tokyo, (30):56-67 (Report of the oceanographic observations in the sea west of Japan from July to August, 1961). Ni En 9-09087 M Incl. figures showing station locations, anomalies of water temperature at the surface from the mean value; water temperature and chlorinity at surface, 50 m, & 200 m, and at certain sections; current velocity; dissolved oxygen & phosphate at 20 m, 50 m, 100 m, and at certain sections; diatom communities. Issued also as: Oceanogr. & Met., Nagasaki, (13):214. Kobe Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1964) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (172):1-5 (On the storm surge in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea caused by typhoon "6309"). Ni En 9-09088 M Relation between the anomaly in the height of sea level and the meteorological elements. Kobe Marine Observatory. 9-09089 M Maritime Meteorological Section (1964) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (172):60-80 (The results of marine meteorological observations on board the SHUMPU MARU in the Bisan Seto (June 18 - July 1, 1963)). Ni er no Occurrence of fog; vertical distribution of air temperature; time variation & movement of the horizontal distribution of the fog; relation between vertical distribution of air temperature € wind, and the weak air stream, Kobe Marine Observatory. 9-09090 M Maritime Meteorological Section (1964) Bull .Kobe Mar.Obs., ((172):81-92 (The results of marine meteorological observations on board the SHUMPU MARU in the Seto Inland Sea (Osaka Bay, Jan. 18 - Jan. 23, 1963; the western part, Jan. 27 - Feb. 8, 1963). Ni En Study of wind and waves during the strong winter monsoon; observations on sea surface temperature and air temperature. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Koizumi, M (1962) 9-09091 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 20th Anniversary: 321-9 Seasonal variation of surface temperature of the East China Sea The seasonal variation of surface temperature of the East China Sea is investigated on the basis of the distribution of harmonic para- meters. Charts showing the distribution of the rate of change of temperature are inserted. Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met. Nagasaki, (a5) 5211, ‚ Kondo, М. (1963) 9-09092 M Bull.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (29):97-107 (Massive destruction of fishes due to abnormal condition of the sea water in western Japan in winter, 1963). Ni En Investigation which suggests that the death of fishes along the coastal areas was caused by the unusually low temperature of the sea water. Osawa, K. (1963) 9-09093 М Jap.J.Geophys., 3(2):43-7 Preliminary report on the mesometeorological study of squall lines and their environments Incl. size of precipitation areas in the vicinity of squall-lines; movement of bubbles and large convective rainstorms; typical characters of the squall areas along the squall lines. Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met., Negasaki, (13):209. Osawa, K. (1963) Jap.J.Geophys., 3(2):49-102 Squall-line circulation in terms of moisture inflow and precipitation 9-09094 М Three-dimensional analyses of a squall-line inside the warm sector in an attempt to reveal the relationship between the amount of moisture convergence & that of precipitation. Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met., Nagasaki, (13):210. Kozlov, V.V. & E.D. Sulidi-Kondratev (1963) Priroda,Moskva, (9):116-7 (Karst in the eastern Mediterranean Sea). 9-09095 M Bu 9 (9) 495 Carlisle, D. (1963) 9-09096 М J.Geol., 71(1):48-71 : Pillow breccias and their aquagene tuffs, Quadra Island, British Columbia Ill. description of pillow breccias of the area and discussion of their origins. Harrison, W. & 9-09097 M C.J. Lyon (1963) J.Geol., 71(1):96-108 Sea level and crustal movements along the New England-Acadian shore 4,500 - 3,000 B.P. 14 С dates of tree stumps from drowned- forest sites used to estimate past crustal movements. ci 9-00098. Krankei, 1. & G.H. Crowl (1561) J.Géol., 69:352-7 Drowned forests along the eastern coast of rince Edward Island, Canada 9-09098 M Bickford, M.E. (1963) J.Geol., 71(2):215-37 Petrology and structure of layered gabbro Pleasant Bay, Maine 9-09099 M Evers, W. (1062) J.Geol., 70(5):621-30 The problem of coastal genesis, with special reference to the "strandflat", the "banks", or "grounds", and "deep channels" of the Norwegian and Greenland coasts 9-09100 M Genesis of banks and grounds off these coasts are due to fluvial and glacial erosion, and are conserved by a system of marine currents. TES EC Holtedahl, H. (1962) J.Geol., 70(5):631-3 The problem of coastel genesis, with special reference to the "strandflat", the "banks", or "grounds", and "deep channels" of the Norwegian and Greenland coasts: A discussion 9-09101 M Holds that the several erosion cycles postu- lated by Evers do not explain the geomorphology of western Norway end offshore areas as well as a "tectonic interpretation" presented by other authors. CR 9-09100. 496 Bowin, С. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):24-5 A rocky puzzle 9-09102 M Problem of occurrence of granite on the Seychelles Is., relating to the IIOE. Barakos, P.A. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1919-26 Experimental determination of compressional velocity for the bottom layer by the dispersion method 9-09103 M Measurement of pressure waves generated by 1 1b. TNT explosions on the continental shelf and slope south of Long Island. Marsh, H.W. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(2):240-4 Sound reflection and scattering from the sea surface 9-09104 M Schulkin, M. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(2):253-4 Eddy viscosity as a possible acoustic absorption mechanism in the ocean 9-09105 M Sugiura, Y. & 9-09106 M T. Akiyama (1963) Oceanogr.Mag., 15(1):7-10 Suitability of a recording photometer for photometric work aboard the observation ship Discussion of the suitability of recording photometer for photometric work aboard ship from the viewpoint of phosphate determination. Sugiura, Y. et al.(1963) Oceanogr.Mag., 15(1):1-6 Preparation of a stable, dilute solution of phosphate standard for routine work aboard the ship 9-09107 M A method for preparation and storage of a stable, dilute standard solution of phosphate for routine work aboard ship is described. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Deacon, G.E.R. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):16-9 With DISCOVERY in the Indian Ocean 9-09108 M Study of the region of upwelling off the coast of Arabia incl. current measurements, geophysics and seamount surveys. Yabuki, B. (1964) Bull.Kobe Mar.Obs., (172):55-9 On the barometers of the selected ships of Japan in 1962 9-09109 M Barometric equipment on 161 ships checked at Kobe Harbour. Gives frequency (%) of error of barometers, relation between the true air pressure and the error of the barometer, variation of errors with time. Yang, J.M. & Kwan Soh Ko (1963) Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):57-61 (On the coastal water masses of the east sea). Ni En 9-09110 M Discussion of water flow pattern, and the formation and mixing of the water masses, using temperature-salinity diagram. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):9 Tasmanian coastal waters 9-09111 M Note of paper to ANZAAS presenting evidence which suggests an increase in water temperature around Tasmania. Blanc, M. (1960) 9-09112 MF cah.Pacif., (2):33-62 Mission hydrobiologique et océanographique au Cambodge (Hydrobiological and oceanographic mission to Cambodia) River € lake systems, the present state of fisheries € note on the biology of Pangasius spp. The Cambodian west-line and its marine fauna; state of the seafisheries; programme of oceanographic research. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kashiwamura, M. (1963) 9-09113 MF J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):1-5 Variation of surface-velocity in a tidal river Results of field observations made on the Teshio River in order to arrive at an expla- nation of a change in velocity of surface flow with a phase difference of about 3 hours at two different stations. Sakagishi, S. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):27-36 Investigation of the movement of mobile bed material in the estuary and on the coast by means of radioactive material 9-09114 MF Tracer materials and radiological safety; instruments and devices employed; results of observation; relation between water current and sand movement; obstruction of the observation by fall-out. Termier, H. € G. Termier (Humphries, О.М. € Е.Е. Humphries Transl.) (1963)c London, D. Van Nostrand Co., Ltd., 433 p. Erosion and sedimentation 9-09115 MF Incl. description of formation of continental shelves, abyssal plains submarine mountains and estuaries. C2 6104443. Tabata, K. (1962) 9-09116 MF Bull.Tokai Fish. Res.Lab., (34) :67-74 (Toxicity of ammonia to aquatic animals with reference to the effect of pH and carbon dioxide). Ni En Consideration of the toxicity of a large quantity of ammonium ion, using three different indices to toxicity. (El 9 (9) 497 Won, Chong un (1963) Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):1-10 (Distribution of chemical constituents of the estuary water in Gwang-Yang Inlet). Ni En 9-09117 MF Range € mean of tidal variations of chemical constituents; of the mixing percentage of fresh water at some stations; and relation between some of the constituents. Templeton, W.L. & V.M. Brown (1964)A Int.J.Air Wat.Poll., 8:49-75 The relationship between the concentrations of calcium, strontium and strontium-90 in wild brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and the concentrations of the stable elements in some waters of the United Kingdom, and the implications in radiological health studies 9-09118 Е Kashiwada, К., А. Kanazawa & 9-09119 Е S. Tachibanazono (1964)A Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):135-52 (Studies on orgenic compounds in netural water. 2. On the seesonal variations in the content of nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid and vitamin 8. in the water of the Lake Kasumigatira). En Ni Kunkle, G.R. (1963) J.Geol., 71(1):72-5 Lake Ypsilanti: A probable late pleistocene low-lake stage in the Erie Basin 9-09120 Е Angino, Е.Е. & 9-09121 Е К.В. Armitage (1963) J.Geol., 71(1):89-95 A geochemical study of Lakes Bonney and Vanda, Victoria Land, Antarctica Discussion of physical and chemical characteristics of these permanently ice- covered meromictic lakes incl.: temperature, pH, conductivity, and concentration of Na, К, Mg, Ca, Cl, HCO3, SO. 498 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PLANKTON Gamo, S. (1962) 9-09122 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):153-210 On the cumacean Crustacea from Tanabe Bay, Kii Peninsula Ill. description of 24 spp. of which 14 are new. Issued also as: Contr.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., (389). eegaard, P. (1963) 9-09123 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 4409-93 Decapod larvee from the Gulf of Napoli hatched in captivity 111. morphological notes of larvae of 20 spp. with coloured plate. Heegaard, Р. (1963) 9-09124 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kba., (125): 311-20 Proposed nomology in the spawning apparatus of the decapods and the copepods The spawning methods in decapods € copepods are discussed € new facts about the mechanism of copepod spawning are put forward. The spawning processes in the different families of copepods are described and explained. Но, J.S. (1963) 9-09125 M nst.Fish.Biol.Taiwan, 1(4):21-8 A preliminary report on chaetognaths collected from Taiwan waters. Ni Ill. morphological notes for 7 spp. collected from Keelung Harbour and Pescadores Islands in 1957-58. Kurate, Н. (1963 9-09126 M Bull.Hokkeido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):13-24 (Larvee of Decepode Crustacea of Hokkaido. 1. Atelecyclidae (Atelecyclinae) _Ni En Ill. description of zoeal € megalopa stages of Srimacrus isenbeckii (Brandt), Telmessus cheiragomus (Tilesius) and Telmessus acutidens (Stimson). 9 (9) Kurata, H. (1°63) 9-09127 M Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):25-31 (Larvae of Decapoda Crustacea of Hokkaido. 2. Majidae (Pisinae). Ni En I11. description of zoeal and megalopa stages of Chionoecetes opilio elongatus (Rathbun) and Hyas coarctatus alutaceus (Brandt). Co 9-09120. Mito, S. (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(1/2):39-64 (Pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters. 3. Percina). Ni En 9-09128 M Ill. description of the egg and larval develop- ment of 3) spp., and the matured ovarian eggs of 4 spp. belonging to the suborder Percina. Co 61-13237. Mito, S. (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(3/6):65-79 (Pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters. 8. Cottina). Ni En 9-09129 M Ill. description of eggs and larvae of 21 spp. belonging to the suborder Cottina. Co 8-08119.. Mito, S. (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(3/6):103-13 (Pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters. 10. Gadida and Lophiida). Ni En 9-09130 M I11. description of eggs and larvae of 9 spp. belonging to the orders Gadida and Lophiida. Ci 9-09129. Mito, S. (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(3/6):81-102 (Pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters. 11. Echeneida and Pleuronectida). Ni En 9-09131 M 111. description of eggs and larvae of 38 spp. belonging to the orders Echeneida and Pleuronectida with a note on the matured egg of a single sp. belonging to Pleuronectida. Co 9-09130. PLANKTON 499 Nemoto, T. (1963) 9-09132 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):41-7 A new species of Euphausiacea, Thysanodssa inspinata, from the North Pacific Ill. morphological description. Nielsen, J.G. (1963) 9-09133 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 401-6 Description of two large unmetamorphosed flatfish-larvae (Heterosomata ) Description of larval Kemoharaia megastoma (Kamohara) and of a post larval cynoglossid. Chwada, М. & 0. Asaoka (1963)A 9-09134 M Oceanosr.Mag., 14(2):73-85 A microplankton survey as a contribution to the hydrography of the North Pacific and adjacent seas. 1. Distribution of the micro- plankton and their relation to the character of water masses and currents in the North Pacific Oceen in he summer of 1957 Issued also ::: Zull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item 8. Ohwada, M. & H. Kon (1963)A Oceanogr.Mag., 14(2):87-99 A microplankton survey as a contribution to the hydrography of the North Pacific and adjacent seas. 2. Distribution of the micro- plankton and their relation to the character of water masses in the Bering Sea and the northern North Pacific Ocean in the summer of 1960 9-09135 М Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item 9. Co 9-09134. Redier, L. (1963) 9-09136 M Cah.Pacif., (5):19-24 Complément à la connaissance d'un hydraire des mers chaudes Lytoscyphus junceus (Allman 1876) (Supplement to the knowledge of a warm-sea hydrozoan Lytoscyphus junceus (Allman 1876) ). En Ill. morphological description with measure- ments, discussion of taxonomic standing and notes on distribution. Suehiro, S., Y. Tomiyasu & 9-091:7 M 0. Tanaka (1962) J.Fac.Agric.Kyushu, 12(3):155-61 Studies on the marine yeasts. №. Yeasts isolated from marine plankton Culture of yeasts isolated from marine plank- ton stored for several days at 20 degrees С, after the addition of chlortetracycline and citric acid. Issued also as: Contr.Dep.Fish. Kyushu Univ., (8), 1962. Ci 9-02173. Suehiro, 3. & Y. Tomiyasu (1962) 9-09138 м J.Fac.Agric.Kyushu, 12(3):165-9 Studies on the marine yeasts. 5. Yeasts isolated from seaweeds Culture of yeasts isolated from seaweeds stored for several days at 20 degrees C, after the addition of chlortetracycline € citric acid. Issued also as: Contr.Dép.Fish. Kyushu Univ., (8), 1962. Co 9-09137. Suzuki, T. (1963) 9-09139 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1000-4 (Vertical shift of deep scattering layer ináuced by diumal change of underwater light intensities and migration of zooplankton, observed off Cape Erimo, Hokkaido). Ni En Observations, by means of ultrasonic finder, on the deep scattering layer off Cape Erimo, south coast of Hokkaido, with examination of the role of Euphausia pacifica. Teki, I. € T. Okutani (1962) 9-09140 y J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 4(1/2):81-97 Reports on the biology of the UMITAKA MARU Expedition, Part 2. Planktonic Gastropoda collected by the training vessel UMITAKA MARU from the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the course of her Antarctic Expedition, 1956, Wi Lists 30 spp. with ill. morphological notes on some; lists & describes 7 unidentified spp.; note on spp. composition and distribution CR 9-09141. 500 Teki, I. (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5(1):95-105 Reports on the biology of the UMITAKA MARU Expedition, Part 3. Thecosomatous Pteropoda collected by the training vessel UMITAKA MARU from the Antarctic waters in 1957. Ni 9-09141 M Lists 8 spp. with 111. morphological note, and notes on species composition and distribution. \ Co 9-09140. Vervoort, W. (1962) 9-09142 M Publ,Seto Mar.biol,Lab., 10(2):393-473 Report on some Copepods collected during the Melanesia expedition of the Oseka Museum of Natural History Report on a small sample of copepods, mainly Harpacticoida, obtaineä together with asci- dians, at Noumea, New Caledonia, Descriptive notes are given of 16 spp. of which 4 are new, A key is given to the < of Paracelanus. Published also as: ÇContr.Osake Mus.Nat,Hist,, (77) and Sci,Res.Melanesia Exped., (18). Ketchum, В.Н. (1962)BC 9-09143 M Massachussetts, Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution, 15 p. Biological, chemical and radiochemical studies of marine plankton Bresciani, J. (1961) 9-09144 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 237-47 Some features of the larval development of Stenhelia (Delavalia) palustris Brady, 1868 (Copepoda Harpacticoida) Morphological description with some notes on biology and development. Brodsky, K. (1961) 9-09145 M Inf.Ser.Dep.Sci.industr.Res.N.Z., (33): 21 p. Comparison of Calanus species (Copepoda) from the southern and northern hemispheres The taxonomy and geographic distribution of spp. of the genus Calanus are discussed. Two spp. are described: С. australis Brodsky € C. chilensis Brodsky. A key is given to related spp. & to the new varieties of these Spp. Issued also as: Contr.N.Z.oceanogr.Inst., (95). 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Drouet, F. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):320-1 The Oscillatoriaceae and their distribution in Antarctica 9-09146 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium on Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. David, P.M. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):324 The distribution of Antarctic chaetognaths 9-09147 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Brodskii, K. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):324-5 On biogeographical division of pelagial zones of the southern hemisphere according to the distribution of Calanus species (Copepoda) 9-09148 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Foxton, P. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):331-2 Seasonal variations in the distribution of plankton biomass in the Southern Ocean 9-09149 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Burkholder, P.R. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):332 Productivity in waters north and south of the Antarctic convergence in the American sector 9-09150 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Littlepage, J. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):335 Annual zooplankton cycles beneath McMurdo Sound sea ice. 9-09151 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. PLANKTON Ishida, T. (1964) 9-09152 M Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):61-3 (Quantitative plankton sampler. 2.). Ni En Test operations using a streamer-type quantitative plankton sampler & example of collections from 5 layers. Description of a plankton type quantitative sampler developed from combination of features of the streamer sampler and Motoda's plankton lantern. Kitou, M. (1963) 9-09153 M Oceanogr.Mag., 15(1):63-6 On chaetognaths collected in the Japan trench. 1. The fourth cruise of the Japanese expedition of deep seas Vertical distribution of chaetognaths at station E2, depth 7300 m. Table gives number of each of 13 spp. collected. Kranp, P.L. (1962) 9-09154 M Videi:sk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (12%): 305-56 Medusae of Vietnam Morphological and locality notes on 63 spp., 2 of which are new. A new genus is erected, and new definitions are given for 2 genera. Motoda, S. et al. (1963) 9-09155 M Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):127-30 Photosynthesis of a natural phytoplankton population mainly composed of а cold diatom, Thalassiosira hyalina, in Hakodate Harbour, March 1962 Observations, from OSHORO MARU at anchor in the harbour, on photosynthesis and chlorophyll a of a hyalina population. Petersen, K.W. (1962) 9-09156 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (124): 101-13 A discussion of the genus Tim (Leptomedusae, Hydrozoa) Description of 5 spp. for one of which a new genus is erected. 9 (9) 501 Sudarsan, D. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):364-82 Observations on the chaetognaths of the waters around Mandapam 9-09157 M Hydrogrephical conditions; distribution and fluctuetion of spp. recorded. Tsuruta, A. (1963) 9-09158 MF J.Shimonoseki Univ.Fish., 12(1):13-214 Distribution of plankton and its characteris- tics in the oceanic fishing grounds with special reference to their relation to fishery The distribution of plankton & oceanographic conditions with respect to the North Pacific and Bering Sea, tuna fishing grounds in the equatorial Pacific £ Indian Ocean; studies on the water masses indicated by plankton, food of salmon and gonad weight, taxonomy of Amphipoda, Chaetognatha and Copepoda. Shetty, H.P.C., S.B. Saha & B.B. Ghosh (1961)A Indian J.Fish., 8(2):326-63 Observations on the distribution and fluctuations of plankton in the Hooghly- Matlah estuarine system, with notes on their relation to commercial fish landings 9-09159 MF Tan, T.H. (1963) 9-09160 F Rep.Inst.Fish.Biol.Taiwan, 1(4):7-20 Report on the species of Cyclops in Taiwan. Ni Key to 14 spp. with ill. morphological notes on each. Nourisson, M. (1959) Terre et la Vie, (1/2/3):174-82 Quelgues données relative au développement post-embryonnaire du Crustace Phyllopode Chirocephalus stagnalis Shaw (Some data on the post embryonic development of the phyllopode crustacean Chirocephalus stagnalis Shaw) 9-09161 Е An investigation of the growth stages with reference to the number of moults. Nauplii were watched from resting eggs collected in the Carmargue and fed on Ankistrodesmus. 502 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES BENTHOS Amanieu, M. & B. Salvat (1963) 9-09162 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(3):302-10 Orchestia microphtalma Amanieu et Salvat, 1963. Description et affinités (Crustacea Amphipoda Telitridae) (Orchestia microphtalma Amanieu & Salvat, 1963. Description & affinities (Crustacea Amphi рода Telitridae) 111. morphological notes. Barnes, H. € M. Barnes (1963) 9-09163 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 93-100 In vitro development of cirripede eggs Description of technique, breeding rhythms and their determinant conditions. Burdett, 1.D.J. et al. (1963) 9-00164 M N.Z.J.Sci., 6(4):513-30 Gaudryina convexa (Karrer) 1865 - upper Eocene to recent; an example of variation and synonymy among Foraminifere 111. systematic revision of Foraminifera belonging to the genus Gaudryine ; discussion of the difficulties in identifying Foraminifera. Burn, R. (1963) 9-09165 M J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):12-20 Descriptions of Australian Eolidacea (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) Catriona catachroma € Herviella claror spp. nov. are described from the south-eastern Australian fauna together with a further description of C. viridiana Burn (1962). Daumer, K., R. Jander & 9-09166 M T.H. Waterman (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(1):56-76 Orientation of the ghost-crab Ocypode in polarized light. De Investigations to test the presence, type and mechanism of orientation to the plane of polarized light, using juvenile ghost crabs subjecteá to artificial as well as natural polarized light. Dechance, M. (1963) 9-09167 M Bull,Mus.Hist,nat,, Paris, 35(3):291-301 Sur des paguristes littoraux de l'ouest de l'Océan Indien: _P. jousseaumei Bouvier, P. perspicax Nobili et P, abbreviatus sp. nov. (Crustacea Decapoda Paguridea) (On the littoral pagurids of the west Indian Ocean: PB, jousseaumei Bouvier, Р. perspicax Nobili and P, abbreviatus sp. nov. (Crustacea Decapoda Pagurida) Ill. 'morphological notes, with notes on affinities, Denizot, M. (1963) 9-02168 M Cah.Pacif., (5):25-8 Aperçu biogéographique de la flore marine de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Biogeographic view of the marine flora of New Caledonia) Discussion of non-planktonic flora; recognition of 4 principal florstic zones in the main lagoon. Doty, M.S. (1963) 9-09169 M Pacif.Sci., 17(4) :458-65 GIBSMITHIA hawaiiensis gen. n. et sp. n. Ill. diagnostic features of the new genus, GIBSMITHIA, tentatively placed in the Dumontiaceae of the red algal order Cryptonemiales, and description of the new species. Hadfield, M.G. (1963) 9-09170 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 371-6 Coryphella parva n. sp., a new nudibranchiate mollusc from the fresund Morphological description. Filewood, L.W.C. (1964) Fish.Newsiett.Aust., 23(1):24 Commercial sea prawns in New Guinea 9-09171 M Data on 7 spp. incl. in a collection held at the Kanudi biological station, Port Moresby, incl. common names, size, distribution, specimens and details of observations. BENTHOS Garrard, T.A. (1963) J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):42-6 New species of Mollusca from eastern Australia 9-09172 М Description of Regozare fraseri, Linatella neptunia, Neosimnia tinctura, Latirus thesaurus, and Typhisopsis occlusum, spp. у, with ncte on Pardosinia extranea Iredale 1937. Hamabe, M. (1963) 9-09173 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):930-4 (Spawning experiments of the common squid, Ommastrephes sloani pacificus Steenstrup, in an indoor aquarium). Ni En Observations on 4 egg masses, obtained from mature specimens of Ommastrephes sloani pacificus, reared in an indoor aquarium, with special reference to one egg mass, unknown to the author, and containing only nidamental gelatin and fertilized eggs. Kay, E.A. (1963) J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):47-61 Anatomical notes on Cypraea aurantium Gmelin and other cowries and an examination of the subgenus Iymcina Troschel 9-09174 M 111. noves on mantle, radula, genitelia and distribution of C. aurantium, and 11 spp. of this genus. Kaissling, K.E. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 46(6):541-94 Die phototropische Reaktion der Zoide von Bugula avicularia L. (The phototropic reaction of zoids of Bugula avicularia L). DE" En 9-09175 M Mathematical analysis and description of the growth of Bugula-zoids under various intensities of illumination, with reference also to wave-length. The existence and nature of an intra-cellular mechanism of stimulus reception and response control is examined. Kihara, K. & N. Morooka (1962) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):146-52 Studies on marine chitin-decomposing bacteria. 1. Classification and description of species 9-09176 M Six strains of marine chitin-decomposing bacteria were isolated from the sea bottom deposits of Kisarazu coast in Tokyo Bay and studied taxonomically. Effects of sodium chloride and sea water in ag. media on chitin decomposition were investigated. 9 (9) 503 Kimata, M., A. Kawai & Y. Yoshida (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1027-30 (Studies on marine nitrifying bacteria(NItrite formers and nitrate formers). 2. On the distribution of marine nitrifying bacteria in Maizuru Bay). Ni En Discussion of the relation of the distribution of the bacteria to the qualities of sea-water and bottom muds. Co 61-11031. Kimata, M., A. Kawai € Y. Yoshida (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1031-6 (Studies on marine nitrifying bacteria (Nitrite formers and nitrate formers). 3. the nitrite formation of the marine nitrite formers). Ni En 9-09178 M On Examination of the effects of some environ- mental factor on the nitrite formation, using tne resting bacterial cells adnering to the sand. Co 9-09177. Kuwatani, Y. (1963) 9-09179 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(12):1064-70 Effect of photo-illumination on rhythmical shell movement of pearl oyster, Pinctada martensii (Dunker) Test of periodicity in the width of shell opening and frequencing of quick shell movement, under 6 controlled illuminations, the test specimens being placed in an aquarium fed by filtered circulating sea water. Data on kymograph recordings are analysed. Lemche, H. (1963) 9-09180 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 171-93 The origin of the bryozoa Phylactolaemata Phylogenetic discussion based on larval forms. McMichael, D.F. (1963) 9-09181 M J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):33-41 Descriptions of two new species of the genus Cymbiolacca Iredale (Gastropoda: Volutidae) Notes on the genus, C. complexa (Iredale, 1924), C. pulchra (Sowerby, 1825), and C. wisemani (Brazier, 1870), with description of C. peristicta & C. cracenta spp. nov. 504 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Matthews, D.C. (1963) 9-09182 M Pacif.Sci., 17(4):438-h3 Hawaiian records of folliculinids (protozoa) from submerged wood Additions to existing list; variations in loricae and moniliform nuclear components are ill. and discussed. Milne, K.L. (1963) 9-09183 M J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):25-7 A new deep-water chiton (Polyplacophora: Chitonidae) from eastern Australia Description of COMPONOCHITON raceki gen. et Sp. nov. Murray, F.V. (1963) 9-09184 M J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):21-5 Some observations on the egg capsules and embryos of Torvamurex territus (Reeve, 1845) T. territus was found spawning on the shells of living Pinna bicolor at Shoal Point, Queensland. The eggs are laid in vaseshaped capsules from which the young emerge at the crawling stage. A description of the capsules and embryos is given and some field data included. Nan'niti, T., S. Koizumi & 9-09185 M H. Usui (1962) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):115-6 Deep-sea multiple sampler Ill. description of equipment. Tsuchiya, Y. € Y. Suzuki (1963) 9-09186 M Tohoku: J.agric.Res., 14(1):39-43 Biochemical studies of ascidian, Cynthia roretzi v. Drasche. 5. Tunicin in test Attempt to ascertain, by chromatography, whether tunicin occurs in the test of Cynthis roretzi v. Drasche collected from the Tohoku district of Japan. Co 60-7460. Nozawa, K. (1963) 9-09187 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):51-60 (The culture of uni-cellular red algae, Porphyridium cruentum). Ni En Description of conditions under which this sp. was cultivated in artificial medium. Ogata, E. € T. Matsui (1963) 9-09188 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):991-5 (Manometric studies on the respiretion of marine alga, Porphyra tenera. 2. Influence of some growth substances, nitrogen compounds and reappraisal of the influence by drying and pH). Ni En results of investigation, by manometric technique at 20 degrees C or 25 degrees C, of the effect of some growth substances and ni- trogen compounds on algal respiration, as well as the effect of drying and pH. Со 9-04162. Okutani, T. (1963) 9-09189 M Pacif.Sci., 17(1):73-89 Preliminary notes on molluscan assemblages of the submarine banks around the Izu Islands General account of the molluscan assemblages on the submarine banks and insular shelves around the Izu Is., and their faunal similarity to another series of banks near the Osumi Is. in the Kuroshio area. Pantin, H.M. (1963) N.Z.J.Sci., 6(4):507-12 The significance of a living Chlamys delicatula (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Cook Strait 9-09190 М Note on discovery of a specimen of Chlamys delicatula in the middle section of Cook Strait. The biogeographical significance of the discovery is discussed. Pequegnat, W.E. (1963) 9-09191 M Pacifi.Sci., 17(4):424-30 Population dynamics in a sublittoral epifauna Investigation of changes in the fauna during decline in density of Mytilus edulis in an inshore reef, resulting in almost complete disappearance. Scheltema, R.S. (1963) 9-09192 M Oceanus, 10(2):20-4 Deep sea biological dredging Review of methods of deep-sea dredging from the time of the CHALLENGER (1872-6) and comparison with present day methods. BENTHOS Seki, H. 8 N. Taga (1963) 9-09193 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):101-8 Microbiological studies on the decomposition of chitin in marine environment. 1. Occurence of chitinoclastic bacteria in the neritic region Results of an investigation of the occurrence of chitinoclastic bacteria growing on plank- ton, suspended matter and in sea water at Aburatsubo Inlet. Seki, H. & N. Taga (1963) © 9-09194 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(2):109-11 Microbiological studies on the decomposition of chitin in marine environment. 2. Influence of some environmental factors on the growth and activity of marine chitinoclastic bacteria The effect of temperature, pH and salinity on the chitinoclastic bacteria isolated at Aburatsubo Inlet. Co 9-09193. Stieve, H. (1963) 9-09195 M Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(1):17-38 Veränderungen des Belichtungspotentials der Retina des Einsiedlerkrebses (Eupagurus bernhardus L.) bei Vergiftung des Stoffwechsels und bei Adaptation (Changes in the light potential of the retina in hermit crabs (Eupagurus bernhardus L.) with poisoning of the metabolism and by adaptation). De En Observations on the influence of metabolic inhibitors on the retinal action potential in isolated eyestalks of hermit crabs, in order to clarity the role of the energy metabolism on the functioning of sensory cells Stubbings, H.G. (1963) 9-09196 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 327-35 Cirripedia from South Vietnam Morphological and distributional notes on 5 spp. and varieties. Teki, I. (1963) 9-09197 M J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5(1):57-93 On four newly known species of Octopoda from Japan. Ni Diagnoses and ill. morphological descriptions. 505 Tanaka, T. (1963) Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):64-73 Studies on some marine algae from southern Japan. +. Ni 9-09198 M Description of 5 spp. collected by the writer since 1957, in the sublittoral zone of the southwestern islands of Japan and the Ryukyu Islands: 2 are new spp., 2 are spp. new to Japanese waters, and the other has already been reported from Japan. Со 61-09294. Tanita, S. (1963) 9-09199 M Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ., (4), 29(2):121-9 Report on the non-calcareous sponges in the Museum of the Biological Institute of the Tohoku University. Part 2 Report on a collection of sponges from the east coast of the Noto Peninsular, giving ill. morphological descriptions for 8 spp. (of which 5 are new) from the orders Poecilos- clerina, Halichondrina, Hadromerina and Tetractinellida. Tokioka, T. (1962) 9-09200 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):259-82 Contributions to Japanese ascidian fauna. 19. Additions to Japanese ascidian fauna, with notes on two already known species Description of each of 12 spp. of which 7 are new and 3 are new to Japan. Issued also as: Contr.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., (392). Co 8-08179.. Turner, H.J. (1963) Oceanus, 10(2):2-7 Deep ocean marine fouling 9-09201 M Definition and effects of fouling; manner in which fouling community develops; discussion of deep-sea fouling. Utinomi, H. (1962) 9-09202 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab,, 10(2):211-39 Studies on the cirripedian fauna of Japan, 8. Thoracic cirripeds from western Kyusyu Notes on the occurrence of 41 spp. with ill. description of some of these, Issued also as: Contr.Seto Mar,biol.Lab,, (39) and Contr. Amakusa Mar.bio1.Lab., (166). CR 1-09258. 506 Veibel, S., K.A. Jensen & E. Klajn (1963) Biochem.Z., 337(2):146-55 B-Glucosidase aus Muscheln (Mytilus edulis De (B-glucosidase from mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) 9-09203 M Chemical properties of a glucosidase and a glucotransferax, obtained from mussels were studied. Weaver, C.S. (1963 )A Redescription of Amoria dampieria Weaver, 1960 (Gastropoda: Volutidae) Weaver, C.S. (1963) J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):31-2 A new species of Lyria from Ceylon (Gastropoda: Volutidae) 9-09205 M Description of Lyria cloveriana sp. nov. Wesenberg-Lund, E. (1963) 9-09206 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 101-46 South African sipunculids and echiuroids from coastal waters Material from west & east coasts of southern Africa. Morphological & distributional notes on ВО spp. of which 1 is new to science. Winkler, L.R. & 9-09207 M E.Y. Dawson (1963) Pacif.Sci., 17(1):102-5 Observations and experiments on the food habits of Califomia sea hares of the genus Aplysia Detailed information obtained from analysis of fecal pellets of the influence of diet on the colour of Aplysia californica and from reviews of refereces to Aplysia food plants. Francisco, D.L. (1963) Agric.industr.Life, 25(№):2-1 Fabulous pearls from Philippine waters 9-09208 M Note on pearl culture; establishment of a pilot pearl farm in Guiuan (Samar). Issued also as: Philipp.Abstr., №(3):336. 9-09204 M 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hochman, H. & T. Roe Jr. (1962)c California, Port Hueneme, Naval Engineering Lab., 53 p. Harbor screening test of marine borer inhibi- tors. 4 9-09209 M Lists the results of harbor tests of treated panels removed from exposure between 15 Aug. 1960 & 15 Aug. 1961. Arnold, J.M. (1962) Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):53-7 Mating behavior and social structure in Loligo pealii Observations made in 1960 & 1961 on material from the American North Atlantic. 9-09210 М Black, R.E. (1962)A 9-09211 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):71-9 The concentrations of some enzymes of the citric acid cycle and electron transport system in the large granule fraction of eggs and trochophores of the Crassostrea virginica Chuang, S.H. (1962) 9-09212 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):80-5 Feeding mechanism of the echiuroid, Ochetostoma erythrogrammon Leuckart and Rueppell, 1828 Describes feeding, by means of the protruside proboscis, as observed on beaches near Singapore and in the laboratory. Chuang, S.H. (1962) 9-09213 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):86-93 Sites of oxygen uptake in Ochetostoma erythrogrammon Leuckart and Rueppell. (Echiuroidea) Measures oxygen uptake with and without the anus blocked or the removal of the proboscis and with records of peristaltic movent. BENTHOS Ishibashi, M., T. Yamamoto € 9-09214 M T. Fujita (1964) Rec.oceenogr.Wks Jap., 7(2):25-32 Chemical studies on the ocean (part 93). Chemical studies on the seaweeds (18). Nickel content in seaweeds Determination by colorimetric method of nickel content of 77 seaweeds from 38 spp. and 2 limnetic weeds from 2 spp. CR 9-02057. Kuenzler, E.J. & B.H. Ketchum (1962) Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):134-45 Rate of phosphorus uptake by Phaeodactylum tricornutum rd 9-09215 M Uses radiophosphorus techniques and analyses quantitative aspects. of uptake in relation to productivity in the sea. Moulton, J.M. (1962) 9-09216 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):170-8 Intertidal clustering of an Australian gastropod Describes the rhythmic behaviour of a Cerithium population, and considers its ecological importance. Provenzano, A.J. Jr. (1962) 9-09217 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):179-202 The larval development of Calcinus tibicen (Herbst) (Crustacea, Anomura) in the laboratory Full descriptions with figures of the develop- mental stages. Sugiura, Y. (1962) 9-09218 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):203-6 Electrical induction of spawning in two marine invertebrates (Urechis unicinctus, hermaphroditic Mytilus edulis) Describes a technique for collecting gametes of both spp. Demonstrated self sterility in hermaphrodite Mytilus. 9 (9) 507 Reese, E.S. (1962) 9-09219 M Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):347-60 Shell selection behaviour of hermit crabs Empty gastropod shells occupied can be considered as stimulus objects to which crabs react with a distinctive behaviour pattern. Investigation analyses this behaviour pattern with regard to the specificity of shells used by the crabs: Pagurus samuelis, Pagurus hirsutiusculus, Pagurus longicarpus, and Calcinus laevimanus. Paper constitutes portion of dissertation submtted in partial satisfaction of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. Crisp, D.J. (1962) Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):382-3 Release of larvae by barnacles in response to the available food supply 9-09220 M Abstract only. Do 61-289me. Carlisle, D. (1962) Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):383 Some uncritical observations on reproductive behaviour in crabs aná prawns 9-09221 M Aoki, К. (1964) Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 73(1):1-6 (Physiological studies on the nervous control of muscular activities in the walking leg of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii). Ni En 9-09222 M Study of the inhibitory phenomena of contract- ion of the adductor & abductor muscles; the inhibitory mechanism in the walking leg of the crayfish; function of the neuromuscular system in the dactylopodite of the walking leg. Bennett, M.F. (1963) | Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(4):431-7 The phasing of the cycle of motor activity in the fiddler crab, Uca pugnex. De 9-09223 M Experiments were undertaken to study shifts of phases of activity cycles from tidal to lunar. To this end, continuous records of spontaneous activity of с fiddler crabs were made during several days. 508 Fell, H.B. (1963) Zool. Publ.Vict.Univ.N.Z., (32):8 р. The spatangid echinoids of New Zealand 9-09224 M Key to the New Zealand genera of this family and to N.Z. spp. of the genus Spatangus. Key also for the known extant spp. & description of Spatangus thor n.sp. and Spatangus beryl ne SP. Endean, 2. (1064) Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 08(403):295-7 A new species of brittle-star (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) from northern New South Wales 9-09225 M Morphological description; variation between specimens. Friedrich, H. (1961) 9-09226 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 297-70 Ergänzende Untersuchungen tier die Heteronemertinen Islands (Further researches on the Heteronemertea of Iceland) Erection of 2 new genera & description of a sp. for each of them. Notes on the anatomy of 2 further spp. Wolff, T. (1959) Terre et la Vie, (1/2/3):244-66 La faune Hadale ou faune des profondeurs superieures a 6000-7000 métres (The Hadal fauna or fauna of great depths from 6000-7000 metres) 9-09227 M An account of the fauna of deep sea trenches giving lists of spp., methods of collection, and an historical review of deep sea investigations, written by a member of the GALATHEA expedition. Papenfuss, G.F. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):320 Problems in the taxonomy and geographic distribution of Antarctic marine algae 9-09228 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium on Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dell, R.K. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):327 Zoogeography of Antarctic benthic Mollusca 9-09229 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Tressler, W.L. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):331 Marine bottom productivity at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 9-09230 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Holme, N.A. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):332-3 Benthos in Antarctic waters 9-00231 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Fry, W.G. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):334 Feeding preferences and the ecological role of Antarctic Pycnogonida 9-09232 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Grua, P. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):343 The sexual cycle and the development of the ovigerous setae in females of Jasus paulensis ( Palinuridae ) 9-09233 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Haig, J. (1962) 9-09234 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk neturh.Foren.Kbh., (124): 171-92 Papers from Dr Th. Mortensen's Pacific expedition 1914-1916. 79. Porcellanid crabs from eastern and western America List of 45 spp. for each of which is given information on origin of material; diegnosis is given of a new genus. Issued also as: Contr,Allan Hancock Fän, (244), BENTHOS Hayashi, T. € K. Terai (1964) Sci.Rep.Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):7-37 (Study on tne larvae and youngs of Japanese surf clam, Spisula (S.) sachelinensis (Schrenck), at Shikuzu, Muroran City. 1. Taxonomy of the pelecypoda's veliger larvae ‘in plankton). Ni En 9-0923> M 111. morphological description of 19 spp., and observations on the transformation after metamorphosis. Attempts were made to rear these spp. :aem Hidaka, T. (1964) 9-09236 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):135-52 (Studies on the marine bacteria. 1. Comparative observations on the inorganic salt requirements of marine and terrestrial bacteria). Ni En Investigations carried out on 113 strains of bacteria from the sea, 37 strains of terres- trial bacteria and 14 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus grown in artificial seawater with differing salt concentration. Hirai, E. (1963) 9-09237 M Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ. (№), 29(3/4) :369-75 On the breeding seasons of invertebrates in the neighbourhood of the marine biological station of Asamushi Sexual & asexual reproductive seasons of spp. of Prochordata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Arthropoda (Crustacea), Mollusca, Annelida, Nemertinia , Platyhelminthes and Coelenterata. Ikematsu, М. (1963) 9-09238 м Bull.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (30):124 р. (Ecological studies on the fauna of Macrura and Mysidacea in the Ariake Sea). Ni En Life history and ecology of various kinds of prawns, shrimps and mysids in the Ariake Sea as a basis for the formulation of management € concervational measures. Note on the present condition of the fishery. Issued also as: Contr.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (161). 9 (9) 509 Fujii, M, К. Katoaka & O. Sakata (1963) J.Shimonoseki Univ.Fish., 12(1):1-6 (Studies on the tyrosinase of prawn (Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye). 1. Several enzymatic and chemical properties, distribution and activities of tyrosinase, with special reference to determination of the activity by colorimetry of the tyrosine using of el -nitroso-/f-Naphthol as indicator). Ni En 9-09239 М Mackay, M.M. (1964) 9-09240 M Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 88(403):361-3 Key to the genera of the larger green and brown marine algae around Sydney Key to Chlorophyta incl. 13 genera; and Phaeophyta incl. 4O genera. Maldonado, H. (1963) 9-09241 M Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(3):215-29 The general amplification function of the vertical lobe in Octopus vulgaris. De Observations on the effect of removal of the vertical lobe of the trained octopus on its pattern of attack. Kan-no, H. (1963) 9-092k2 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):108-16 (Breeding of the ark, Anadara broughtonti (Schrenk), in tank). Ni En Experimental aquarium work to observe metamor- phosis and examine the possibility of arti- ficial propagation. Kato, M., E. Hirai & Y. Kakinuma (1963) Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ.(4), 29(3/4):317-25 Further experiments on the interspecific relation in the colony formation among some hydrozoan species 9-09243 M Laboratory experiment on colonies of Bougainvillia sp., Clytia volubilis and orthopyxis р. platycarpa in: in an attempt to clarify the mechanism of interspecific coaction in colony formation. 510 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kawamura, К. (1964) 99-0924, M Sci. Rep.Hokkeido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):39-59 (Ecological studies on sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermedius, on the coast of Funadomari in the north region of Rebun Island). Ni En Ecological survey and catch analysis; distribution and habitat of different age groups. Discussion of conservational methods on the basis of results obtained. Kurata, H. (10614) 9-09245 M Bull.Hokkeido Fish.Res.Ieb., (28):23-34 (Larvae of decapod Crustacea of Hokkaido. 3. Pandelidae). lid En Ill. morphological description of development of larvae of Pancalus end P. coccinats. Co 9-09127. Kurata, H. (190%) 2.009216 м Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):35-50 (Larvae of decapod Crustacea of Hokkaido. 4, Crangonidae and Glyphocrangonidae). Ni En Ill. morphological description of development of larvae of 6 specimens of Crengon affinis (family Crangonidae)& Glyphocrangon sp. (family Glyphocrangonidae). Co 9-09245. Kurogi, M. (1963) 9-09247 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):117-40 (Species of Porphyra cultivated in Yamada and Funakoshi Bays and a new form of Porphyra angusta Okamura et Ueda (lotes on Porphyra 2)). Ni En Distribution of P. yezoensis, P. angusta and P. kuniedai in these bays, with notes on growtn and reproduction; ill. morphological notes on _P. angusta and results of culture experiments, resulting in diagnosis of a new form. Sawada, N. € Y. Noda (1964 )A 9-09248 M Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 73(1):12-6 (The change in the fine structure of the nuclear envelope at the time of nuclear breakdown in the Urechis egg). Ni En Lützen, J. (1961) 9-09249 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 227-35 The reproductive cycle and larval anatomy of the ascidian Styela rustica (L.) Anatomy and histology of gonads € description of the larvae. McMichael, D.F. (1964) Aust.nat.Hist., 14(9):280 The glory of the seas 9-09250 M Description of a specimen of Conus gloriemaris Chemnitz presented to the Australian Museum, with a note on its rarity. Niwa, К. € H. Kurata (1961) 9-09251 M Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):51-60 (Limb loss and regeneration in the adult king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica). Ni En Examination of 35,527 specimens taken from Bering Sea in April-June 1962, giving percentages for normal and injured legs; frequency of injury on different numbers and kinds of legs; frequency distribution of recovery rates. de la Cruz, A.A. (1962) Masters Abst., 1(2):46 A comparative study of the serum proteins of young and old horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus L. ) Abstr. of Masters thesis from American University, involving electrophoresis of sera. Available from University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (Order No. M-350). 9-09252 M Sakai, Y. & 9-09253 M T. Funano (1964) Sci.Rep. Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):1-6 (Observation on the female gemetophytes and the microscopic sporophytes of Laminaria religiosa from Oshoro Bay, Hokkaido, Japan). Ni En Note on behaviour; development of fertilized eggs and ill. morphological description. E E Sa it DS BENTHOS Tanaka, S. & 9-09254 M H. Hatano (1963) Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):73 Formation of conchiolin in molluscs Role of mucoproteins as a carrier of calcium; chromatographic analysis of organic acids contained in the mucous materiels; proposed scheme of shell formation in molluscs. Yabu, H. € 9-09255 M J. Tokida (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):131-6 Mitosis in Porphyra 111. observation of nuclear divisions in spermatium- and carpospore-formtion of Porphyra yezoensis, and in somatic cells and spermatium-formation of Porphyra onoi, leading to the conclusion that these divisions are mitotic. Yaldwyn, J.C. (1964) Aust.nat.Hist., 14(9):286 Pair association in the banded coral shrimp 9-09256 M Observations on behaviour of Stenopus hispidus. Yoshida, T. (1963) 9-09557 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):141-86 (Studies on the distribution and drift of the floating seaweeds). Ni En Observations on distribution and drift, spp. composition, and seasonal changes in relative abundance. Ewers, W.H. (1963) J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):62-72 Some observations on the life cycle of Velacumantus australis (Quoy and Gaimard) (Gastropoda: Potamididae) 9-09258 MF Two populations from Narrabeen Lagoon, near Sydney, were studied over the period of one year. Details of the growth of juveniles, and changes in population structure with time, are given. 9 (9) 511 Kita, T. & E. Harada (1062) 9-09259 MF Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):245-57 Studies on the epiphytic communities. 1. Abundance and distribution of microalgae and small animals on the Zostera blades Lists of epiphytic spp. & of phytoplankton taken in the neighbourhood with counts of the numbers of various spp. taken at various distances from the base of the Zostera. Issued also as: Contr.Seto Mar.biol.Lab.,(391). Oshima, K. (1963 9-09260 MF Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):32-51 (Ecological study of Usu Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Part 1. Bottom materials and benthic fauna). Ni En List of spp. with their vertical distribution and density. Schöne, H. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 46(5):496-514 Menotaktische Orientierung nach polarisiertem und unpolarisiertem Licht bei der Mangrove-Krabbe Goniopsis (Menotactic orientation of the mangrove crab Goniopsis polarized and unpolarized light). De En 9-09261 MF The orientation behaviour of mangrove crabs wes studied with the use of polarized light. Landers, W.S. € R.C. Toner (1962) Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):146-53 Survival and movements of the flatworm, Stylochus ellipticus, in different salinities and temperatures 9-09262 MF Physiologicel study suggested two races in the polyclad oyster predators used. Fingerman, M., R. Nagabhushanam 9-09263 MF & L. Philpott (1962) Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):121-33 Photomechanical responses of the proximal pigment in Palaemonetes and Qrçonectes Study of the distribution of retinal pigments after exposure to different light intensities followed by rapid killing in boiling water. 512 Gifford, C.A. (1962) 9-09264 MF Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):207-23 Some observations on the general biology of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi (Latreille), in south Florida Incl. data on lerval development, salinity tolerance and growth. O'Gower, А.К. (1964) 9-09265 MF te, 14(12):391-5 Locomotion, dispersal and distribution of gestropod molluscs Ecologicel distribution and pattern of distribution in molluscs with regard to dispersal benaviour. Chuang, S.H. (1962) 9-09266 MF Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (12%): 199-215 Statistical study of variations in the shell Lingula unguis L. Mean length, width, width/length ratio, distance of greatest width/length ratio, standard error, coefficient of variation & correlation coefficient, for protegula, larval and post-larval shell valves of samples collected over a number of years from the same local population. Hatano, H. & S. Ganno (1963) Bull.Inst.chem.Res.Kyoto Univ., 41(1):83-8 Effects of radiations on colour of pearl and amino acid composition of conchiolin in pearl 9-09267 MF Reflectospectrophotometric measurement of the changes, and characterization of them on I.C.I. chromaticity diagram; amino acid analysis of the proteinous component of the fresh-water pearls before and after radiation; comparison of radiation sensitivity of amino acids in rigid solid of the pearl with that in free solution and in protein solution. Issued also as: Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res. Pearls, (4):72 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hollis, P.J. (1963) 9-09268 MF Zool. Publ.Vict.Univ.N.Z., (31): 28 р. Some studies on the New Zealand oysters Systematic status of the New Zealand oysters, account of reproduction and development of Ostrea lutaria with regard to maturity and sexual phases, spawning and fecundity, fertilization, free-swimming larvae, attachment and metamorphosis. Paramonova, L.I. (1963) 9-09269 MF Priroda,Moskva, (9):122-3 (Life of Mollusca). Ru Minei, H. (1963)A 9-09270 Е Sci.Bull.Fac.Agric.Kyushu, 20(4):365-72 (On the habitat and ovigerous habit of the female of a freshwater crab, Potemon (Geothelphusa) sakamotoanus Rathburn from Okinawa-jima Island, the Ryukyu Islands). Ni En Tanaka, N. € Y. Nakao (1963)A Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 72(10):289-92 (The effect of X-rays on secondary formation of gills in Branchiura sowerbyi). Ni En 9-09271 Е Chun, S.K. (1963) Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):19-32 (On the development of a freshwater snail, Parafossarulus manchouricus Bourguigant). Ni En 9-09212 Е Spawning behaviour, development and growth, giving formula for computing growth of shell. Developmental stages are illustrated. Dudel, J. (1963) 9-09273 Е Pflügers Arch.ges.Physiol., 277(5):537-57 Presynaptic inhibition of the excitatory nerve terminal in the neuromuscular junction of the crayfish. De Observations on excitatory & inhibitory nerve terminal potentials were made on preparations of the abductor muscle of the first walking leg dactyl of Astacus fluviatilis € Orconectes JS BENTHOS Higashi, S. € 9-09274 Е K. Kawai (1959) Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish., 25(2):222-7 (The respiratory metabolism of the tissues of fresh-water mussels). Ni En Observations during winter and early spring on Hyriopsis schlegelii and Cristaria plicata studied from some comparative aspects of physiological chemistry. Issued also as: Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):65, 1963. Hotchkiss, А.Т. (1964)A 9-09275 Е Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 88(403):368-72 A first report of chromosome number in the genus Lychnothamnus (Rupr.) Leonh. and comparisons with the other charophyte genera Ichikawa, A. & M. Kawakatsu (1964) Zocl.Mag., Tokyo, 73(1):27-31 (Report on freshwater planaria from northeast Nepal). Ni En 9-09276 Е Description of 11 specimens of the genus Polycelis incl. in a collection of planaria from the northeastern part of Nepal. Kewai, К. € S. Higeshi (1963) 9-00277 Е Dul.Mippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):64 (ane cytochrome system in spermatozoa of fresh-water mussels). _Ni Kawai, K. (1061) J.Biochen., Tokyo, 49(5):427-35 Comparative biochemical studies on cytochromes and related substances of invertebrates. 1. Cytochrome components and electron transfer in fresh-water mussels 9-09278 Е Spectroscopic € spectrophotometric observations on the cytochrome components of various cells & cellular particulates; attempt to elucidate the role of the b-type cytochrome in the terminal electron-transport system. Issued also as: Bull. Nippon Inst.sci.Res. Peris, (4):71. 9 (9) 513 Imahori, K. (1963) 9-09279 Е Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ. (№), 29(3/%):153-6%4 Contributions to the east Asiatic charophytes (1) Japan List of 64 spp. with notes on distribution and porpnology of some of then. Nekamura, M., I. Matsui £ 9-09280 Е M. Amio (1963) J.Shimonoseki Univ.Fish., 13(1):61-74 (Anatomical descriptions on the freshwater pearl mussel, Hyriopsis schlegeli). Ni En 111. morphological distribution. Riegel, J.A. (1963) 9-09281 F J.exp.Biol., 40(3):487-93 Micropuncture studies of chloride concentration and osmotic pressure in the crayfish antennal Staddon, B.W. (1963) 9-09282 Е J.exp.Biol., №0(3):563 Water balance in the aquatic bugs Notonecta glauca L. and Notonecta marmorea Fabr. (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) Griffin, D.H. (1961)c 9-09283 Е Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms, Inc., The toxic factor theory in heat death of freshwater crayfish M.S. Thesis from the American University. Available from University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (Order No. M-259). Rubin, M., В.С. Likins € E.G. Berry (1963) J.Geol., 71(1):84-9 On the validity of radiocarbon dates from snail shells 9-09284 в Finds that Australosbis glabratus and terrestrial snails can take up 10-12% of the carbon in shells from inorganic sources. For fossil shells this could imply an uptake of enough С free carbonate to make C dates in error by 1000 years. 514 FISHING Banner, A.H. et al. (1963) Tech. Pap.S.Pacif.Comm., (141):17 р. Fish intoxication. Notes on ciguatera, its mode of action, and a suggested therapy 9-09285 M Certain characteristics of the toxin causing ciguatera are reviewed; pharmacology of the toxin is discussed; case histories are presented; chemical and pharmacological studies are reviewed. Gates, D.J. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(2):16-7 Value of whale products falls 9-09286 M Review of the 1963 season which was marked by the cessation of humpback whaling, giving Australian whaling statistics for 1962-63 incl. stations operating, chasers and persons engaged, catch by species and whale oil and by-product production; a chart showing survey flights and sightings. Higo, N. (1963) 9-09287 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):20-8 (Studies on the fishing gear and the fishing efficiency of tne two-boat trawl fishery (preliminary report). Some problems on construction of the net of manila twine). Ni En Discussion of differences of fishing power, with respect to different spp., arising from structural differences between two nettypes. Hishida, K. (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):37-0 On the albedo of radiation of the sea surface. (1) On the upward light in the sea. 9-09288 M Theoretical background; measurement of the ratio of upward to downward green light intensity which is then related to the wave length of light. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kakuda, S. (1963) 9-09289 M J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshime, 5 (1):51-6 Relationship between tidal range and catch of pound net in Kasaoka Bay. Ni Calculation of regression and correlation coefficients. Kleine, R. (1963) Z.Vergl.Physiol., 46(6):619-34 Untersuchungen ther das Vorkommen proteolytischer Enzyme in verschiedenen Fisch- und Molluskenorganen (Investigations of the occurrence of proteo- lytic enzymes in various fish and mollusc organs) 9-09290 M Hydrolysis of synthetic substrates by organ homogenates of several Black Sea fish. Iynch, D.D. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):20 Tasmanian boats work Port Phillip Bay scallop beds 9-09291 M Information on the location and extent of beds in the area, Nishikawa, S. (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5 (1):175-8 (Notes on the fishing condition of the yellow- tail set net fishery in the Tohoku, Tokai and Nankai Sea regions of Japan). Ni En 9-09292 M An attempt to determine a guiding principle for forecasting of the run of the yellowtail into a coastal set-net fishery ground. Okumura, A., K. Oishi & К. Murata (1963 )A Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(12):1089-91 (Quality of kombu, one of the edible seaweeds, belonging to the Laminariceae. 7. Water- extracting conditions of total - and amino- nitrogens). Ni En 90993 м Ci 9-04367. FISHING Postel, E. (1963) Cah.Pacif., (5):31-6 La pêche en mer à Nouméa (lignes) (Sea-fishing at Noumea (lines) 9-09294 M Notes on gear, vessels, method, catch compo- sition, disposal, for hand-and long-lines. Suzuki, O. (1963) 9-09295 M Bull.Jap.Soc.cci.Fish., 29(12):1071-6 Behaviour of sweep line in Danish seining. 1 Application of a theory for the form and tension of sweep line, dragged over the sea bed, to the case where the sweep line and warps are laid originally in triangle-shape. Taguchi, K. (1063) Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):39-45 Some problems on the operation of the true motion radar 9-09296 M Tawara, Y. et al. (1963) 9-09297 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):919-24 (Experimental use of fish pumps in various phases of fisheries. 3. Causes for damage of shellfish collected by pumping). Ni Results of experiments carried out on Mactra sulcataria, Meretrix lusoria and Tapes (Amysdala) japonica to ascertain the main cause of damage to shellfish when taken by pumping in place of hand operated dredge. Yonemori, T. (1963) 9-09298 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):29-38 (On the maintenance of lubricating oil in the marine diesel engine. Some notes on the system oil in a M.A.N.-KZ engine). Ni En ANON. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):22-3 Small mesh net surveys in New Guinea 7-09-99, M Results obtained in small net surveys. 9 (9) 515 ANON. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):16 WA survey ends 9-09300 M Note on completion of the Western Australian crayfish industry economic survey. ANON. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):18-21 Far East market for abalone 9-09301 M Report of diving for abalone scale in the Bicheno area on the east coast of Tasmania. Notes on habits of abalone, method of collecting, and preparation for processing. on a commercial ANON. (1963) 9-09302 М Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):14-5, 21 Overseas tuna mission reports. Deep sea long- lining is uneconomical at present Conclusions reached by team investigating the possibility of further development of tuna resources in waters adjacent to Australia; note on present status of the industry, Japanese longline vessels studied. ANON. (1964) Fish.Neswlett. Aust., 23(2):12 Crays may be anaesthetized 9-09303 M Note on the possible use of anaesthetics to air freight live crayfish to France. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(1):18-9 Signs of revival in pearling 9-09304 М Notes on possibility of stimulation of the industry in order to meet demand for live shell from pearl culture stations. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(1):20-3 Crayfish remains best income earner 9-09305 M Comments on Commonwealth and State management measures € merket trends, incl. tables showing comparison between U.S. imports in 1962 & 1963, and New York wholesale prices. 516 Ridgway, N.M. (1962)A Polar Rec., 11(72):298-9 Echo sounding through sea ice 9-09306 м Holt, S.J. & 9-09307 M G.L. Kesteven (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):26 Methods examined - new ways of attracting and capturing fish Critical examination of an ill. from "Fortune" depicting fishing gear of the future, relating to practicability and effect on employment and fish stocks. Kakuda, S. & T. Onbe (1962) 9-09308 м J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 4(1/2):7-20 Comparison of catches of two pound nets located at different distances from the shore Comparison of data obtained from each net; statistical analysis to show how spp. composition of the catch is affected by location of the net. Discussion of behaviour of fishes in Kasaoka Bay based on a comparative study of the spp. composition of the two catches. Nakamura, H. (1962) 9-09309 M Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):1-8 An outline of the tuna longline grounds in the Pacific Characteristics of tuna longline grounds in the Pacific based on shore-side and at-sea investigations; distribution of tuna in the Pacific; variations in density, size composition. Koyama, T. (1962) 9-09310 M Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (34):75-81 (Hydraulic resistance of trawl nets estimated by approximate equations). Ni En Presentation of equations for estimating the hydraulic resistance of trawl nets, based on the construction plan of a net. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Yokota, T. et al. (1963) 9-09311 M (On the bottom fish resources in the southern Pacific region of Japan (the 3rd progress report 1951-1961). Ni En Results of study of fish resources based on 11 years' observations and in relation to fishery regulations. Covers the questions of governmental regulations in relation to fluctuation in catch, the annual variation of resources and the influence of trawl fishing on the bottom fish community. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):33 Overseas developments - antibiotic lifts pearl production 9-09312 M Note on a new technique using the antibiotic, aureomycin chlortetracycline to produce healthier oysters and better shells. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):11 Escape gap pot trials continued 9-09313 M Trials using escape gaps of various sizes on the line of 24 batten pots, the aim being to reduce mortality of undersized crayfish. ANON. (1964) 9-09314 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):23-6 Fishing in the future - a fictional picture Summary of a paper presented at the second FAO World Fishing Gear Congress, and of an article in "Fortune", suggesting some tech- niques which might contribute to fish catching in the future. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):19 Decline in steam trawlers 9-09315 M Summary of a paper, presented at the ANZAAS Conference, on the replacement of steam otter trawlers by smaller Danish seiners in the east Australian trawl fishery. A A A E pot ANON. (1964) 9-09316 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):17, 19 Deep water fish traps - Use on south and east coasts 111. description & note on operation of snapper traps. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):13, 15 Tuna clipper for S.A. 9-09317 M Details € drawings of a new 57 ft. 6 in. tuna clipper being constructed. FAO/UN (1962) 9-09318 M Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1537):45 p. Informe al gobierno del Ecuador sobre la biología del camarón, basado en el estudio del Sr. Robert W. Ellis, biológo de pesca marina de la FAO Es 62-06684. Min, Y. (1963) 9-09319 MF Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):25 China rich in fish resources Note on resources, development of sea fisheries, fisheries education. Saruya, K. et al. (1963) 9-09320 MF Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):948-52 (Feed efficiency of fish meal. 1. Relation between oxidation and feed efficiency of fish meal). Ni En Study on the feed efficiency of fish meal used as fish diet, by comparison between white and brown meal and oxidized and non- oxidized meal. FISHING 9 (9) 517 Seruya, K. et al. (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish, 29(10):953-6 (Feed efficiency of fish meal. 2. Digestibility of fish meal treated with various solvents). Ni En 9-09321 MF Examination of the digestibility of samples of wnite & brown fish meal treated with or without several kinds of solvents separately & stored in a thermostatically controlled oven at 30 plus minus 1 degree С. Tests were carried out by physiological & artificial metnods. Co 9-09320. ANOK. (106k) Fish.iiewclett.Aust., 23(1):16-7 Scope for smoked eel 9-09322 MF Notes on exploitation of this fisheries by the Dutch; the question of a ready market in Australia; methods of netting; preparation for smoking and smcking process. ANON. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):16-7 Cur fish imports exceed exports 9-09323 MF Anelysis of Australian imports and exports of edible fish for 1962/63 € total fisheries production for 1961/62 & 1962/63. ANON. (1063) ’ Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):17 World catch 9-09224 MF Note on increased world fish production in 1062. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(2):20 Uniform catch system benefits fishermen 9-09327 MF Note on a new & uniform system of collecting and processing fishery statistics introduced into 3 states; Tasmania, Victoria € Western Australia. 518 Mancini, M. (1964)B 9-00326 MF Vie d'Italia, 70:163-74 La pesca italiana € in crisi (The Italian fisheries are in crisis) ANON. (196k) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):7 Fisheries important to Indo-Pacific region 9-09327 MF Report of the FAO/IPFC Seminar on Fisheries Planning, Administration & Development, held in Canberra. Do 61-464me. ANON. (1964) 9-09328 MF Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):23-7 Scale fish catch steady Tables showing rate of catch of scale fish in N.S.W., Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia & Tasmania, and Australian marine and freshwater fisheries production 1962-63. Bilinski, E. (1963) 9-09329 Е Canad.J.Biochem. Physiol., 41(1):107-12 Utilization of lipids by fish. 1. Fatty acid oxidation by tissue slices from dark and white muscle of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) Determination of oxydation rate of a labelled fatty acids by tissue slices from dark & white muscle of 2 years old rainbow trout to investigate ability of fish muscle to metabolize fatty acids. Baba, H. (1963) 9-09330 X Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1011-9 On the growth effect of vitamin A in fish liver oil on chicken Hatano, M., K. Zama & H. Igarashi (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):107-11 (Lipids of salmonoid fishes. 5. Acetone- soluble lipid from dark-coloured muscle of dog-salmon). Ni En 9-09331 X ci 8-12371. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hatano, M. et al. (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):112-5 (Lipids of salmonoid fishes. 6. Conjugated lipids from dark-coloured muscle of dog salmon, Oncorhynchus keta). Ni En Co 9-09331. 9-09332 X Ito, K. € S. Sato (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5(1):185-92 (Chemical studies on fish solubles. 1. Vitamin contents and amino acid composition of commercial fish solubles). _Ni En 9-03 333 Ito, Y. & T. Saito (1963) 9-09334 X Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):942-7 Studies on proteolytic enzyme of liver of king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) 2. Effects of temperature, pH and various chemical reagents Kaneda, T., S. Tokuda & K. Arai (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1020-3 (Studies on the effects of marine products on cholesterol metabolism. 1. The effects of edible seaweeds). Ni En 9-09335 1 X Kitabayashi, K. et al. (1963) 9-09336 X Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):52-6 (Biochemical studies on squid. 21. Reexamina- tion on the crude fat content of squid meat). Ni En Ci 9-02350. Ishikawa, S. & K. Kitabayashi (1963) Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):57-61 (Biochemical studies on squid. 22. Inactivation of trypsin by the water extract of squid meat). Ni En Co 9-09336. 9-09337 X ————— FISHING 519 Sato, Y. (1963) 9-09345 xX Kurogi, A (1963) 9-09338 X Bull.Jep.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):935-7 AP serre, 29(12):1077-82 (Separation of a toxic substance to mice (Studies on bacterial > fish container. produced by a Rettgerella-like organism in 2. On the fate of Takikawa's so-called the octopus extract). Mi En pathogenic halophilic bacteria invaded into materials of wooden container). Ni En Be Sato, Y. (1963) 9-09346 X Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):938-41 (Isolation and identification of a substance which gives synergetic effect to the toxic и) 12):108 er x substance produced in the octopus muscle Bull.Jap.Soc.sei.Fish., 29(12):1083- extract by Rettgerella-like bacteria). Ni (Studies on bacterial load of fish container. En = 3. Disinfection of wooden fish container polluted with Takikawa's so-called pathogenic halophilic bacteria). Ni En pato, Yes Ito E 9-09347 X Co 9-09338. F. Matsumoto (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5 (1):193-201 (Separation of lower aliphatic amines present Makingdan, Y., H. Amano & 9-09340 Хх in the spoilt fish meat by gas liquid W. Simidu (1963) REED). M En Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(12):1092-6 (Studies on muscle of aquatic animals. 41. Protease in fish muscle (No. 2) Relation between protease in agi) and an, Mea N re 9-09348 х decrease of ashi of Kamaboko). Ni En Y. Tomiyasu (1963) = Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1037-43 (Discoloration of lyophilized fish). Ni En Matsuura, F., K. Hashimoto & 9-09341 X K. Yamaguchi (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1005-10 (Oxygen absorption in autoxidation of fish Toyomizu, M., K. Kawasaki & 9-09349 xX myoglobins). Ni En Y. Tomiyasy (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):957-61 (Effect of dietary oil on the fatty acid composition of rainbow trout oil). Ni En Ohta, F. € J. Nishimoto (1963) 9-09342 X Mem.Fac.Fish.Kegoshima, 12(1):14-9 Preventive effect of polyphosphate on the drip-formation of the thawed fish flesh Choi, W.K. & S.W. Kim (1963) 9-09350 X Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):52-6 (On the preservation of Korean fish-cake products. 1. On the preservative effects by Okuda, Y. & T. Sato (1963) 9-09343 X food preservatives). Ni En Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):62-82 De (Studies on fungi isolated from marine products. 3. Influence of various food additives on the growth of fungi isolated from smoked squid (1) ). Ni En Chung, B.S. (1963) 9-09351 X Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):45-51 (Food preservation by ionizing radiations. 1. Oyama, S. (1963) 9-093k4 x The combined effects of ionizing radiation | Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):7-13 el > on fish meat preservation). Ni (Changes of oil contained in dried fish muscle. 1. The effect of packaging on the changes of oil). Ni En 9 (9) 520 Chung, B.S. (1963) Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):62-70 (Food preservation by ionizing radiations. 3. 9=0932е. X Preservation of the dried laver). Ni En Ci 9-09351. de Silva, N.N. & 9-05353 X A.H.W. Mendis (1963) Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, 16(1):1-8 Bacteriology of chilled water during the preservation of fish Igarashi, H. et al. (1963) 9-09354 X Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):87-90 (Lipids of flounder. 3. Liver lipids of the flounder, Hippoglassoides dubius ). Ni En ci 8-09367. Igarashi, H. et al. (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):91-4 (Lipids of flounder. 4. Egg lipids of the flounder, Hippoglossoides dubius). Ni En 9-09355 X Co 9-09354. Fujii, M. et al. (1963) 9-09356 X J.Shimonoseki Univ.Fish., 12(1):7-11 (Studies on the proteinases of prawn (Penaeus orientalis Kishinoue). 2. Division and activities of proteinases contained in the internal organs of prawn). Ni En Co 9-09239. Ishikawa, S. € K. Kitabayashi (1964) Bull: Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):65-70 (Biochemical studies on squid. 23. On the total nitrogen and arginine nitrogen in hot water muscle extract). Ni En 9-09357 Х ci 9-02349. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kitabayashi, К. et al. (1964) 9-09358 X Sci. Rep.Hokkeido Fish, Exper.Sta., (2):93-8 (Studies on the removal of skin from squid meat). Ni En Kitabayashi, K. & 9-09359 X 5. Ishikawa (1964) Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):71-3 Biochemical studies on squid. 24. On dilute hydrogen chloride solution soluble protein). Ni En ci 9-09336. Kobayashi, K. & 9-09360 X $. Igarashi (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):73-80 (Freeze vacuum drying of marine products. 1. On the freeze drying equipment). Ni En Kobayashi, K. & 'S. Igarashi (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):163-9 (Freeze vacuum drying of marine products. 2. Test on mature eggs of sea urchin). Ni En 9-09361 ° X Co 9-09360. Negekura, K. (1963) 9-09362 X Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):105-7 (Fatty acid composition of the lipid of susuki-hadaka (Myctophum affine)). Ni En Nakamıra, K. & 9-09363 X K. Kitebayashi (196%) (Studies on the possibility for extracting glue from squid skin). Ni En Oishi, K. & A. Okumura (1963) 9-09364 X Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):182-92 eN (Likes and dislikes of fish meat. Part 1. By some Americans). Ni En FISHING Okuda, Y. € T. Sato (1964) 9-09365 X Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):74-09 (Studies on fungi isolated from marine products. 4. The influence of various food additives on the growth of fungi isolated from smoked squid (2)). Ni En Co 9-09343. Okuda, Y. € T. Sato (1964) 9-09366 X Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):100-2 (Studies on fungi isolated from marine products. 5. On the influence of combinations of sorbic acid and propylene glycol on the growth of fungi isolated from smoked squid). Ni En Co 9-09365. Okuda, Y. & T. Sato (1964) 9-09367 X Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):103-6 (Studies on fungi isolated from marine products. 6. On the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the growth of fungi isolated from smoked squid). Ni En Co 9-09366. Okuda, Y., H. Takeya & 9-09368 X K. Kon (1964) Sci. Rep. Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):87-92 (Studies on the prevention of browning of salted and dried Alaska pollack fillets during preservation (1)). Ni En Pillai, V.K. & A. Lekshmy (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):440-8 On some aspects of quality of cooked frozen prawns 9-09369 X 9 (9) 521 Pillai, V.K., P.V.K. Sastri € M.R. Nayar (1961) Indian J.Fisn., 8(2):430-5 Observations on some aspects of spoilage in fresh and frozen prawns 2308370 x Temoto, K. (1904) 9-09371 X Sci.Rep.Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):60-70 (Studies on vacuum freeze-drying of marine products. 1. On the deterioration of freeze- dried muscle). Ni En Tamoto, K., F. Takeda & 9-09372 X K. Nishiya (1964) Sci. Rep.Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):71-8 (Studies on freezing of surimi (fish paste) and its applicetion. 7. On the relationship of freshness and freezing denaturation of protein). Li En Tanikawa, E., M. Akiba & 909373 VX T. Motohiro (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):95-107 (Studies on spoilage of fish sausage. 1. Softening of fish sausage). Ni En Velankar, N.K. et al. (1961) 9093 7%... xX Indian J.Fish., 8(1):241-51 Spoilage of prawns at O degrees C and its assessment by chemical and bacteriological tests Watanabe, T. (1963) 9-09375 X Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):93-104 (The relation between the specific gravity and the crude fat contents of the saury). Wi En 522 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES AQUATIC STOCKS Jones, S. € H. Rosa Jr. (1965) 9-09376 M FAO Fish.Synops., (29):34 p- Synopsis of biological data on Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) 1817 and short bodied mackerel Rastrelliger brachysoma (Bleeker) 1851 Reviews information on taxonomy, distribution, bionomics and life history, population, and exploitation. Incl. comprehensive bibliography on the subjects reviewed. Abe, T., S. Kojima & 9-09377 M T. Kosakai (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11 (1,2):31-5 Description of a new nomeid fish from Japan Measurement and counts, and morphological description of Psenes kamoharai n. sp. Ankel, F. & A.M. Christensen (1963) Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 321-5 Non-specifity in host selection by Odostomia ,scalaris MacGillivray 9-09378 M Report and discussion of observation. Barlow, G.W. (1963) Pacif.Sci., 17(1):47-72 Species structure of the gobiid fish Gillichthys mirabilis from coastal sloughs of the eastern Pacific 9-09379 M Investigation of the variation between populations of Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper in order to ascertain the degree of differentiation of the form from the upper Californian Gulf in relation to the overall structure of the species. Biology of the sp. is described. Morphology, morphometric and meristic characters were studied statistically. Clerk, М.С. (1963) Rec.Aust.Mus., 26(1):81 p. Australian Pycnogonida 9-09380 M Ill. morphological description of 42 spp. of which 22 are new. Check-list of 62 spp. recorded from the Australian region. 9 (9) Cohen, D.M. (1963) J.Soc.Bibl.nat.Hist., 4(3):153-9 The publication dates of Goode and Bean's "Oceanic ichthyology" 9-09381 M Presentation of evidence suggesting that the first of three editions appeared in 1896. List of families, genera & species reported as new, but in fect recorded previously by the authors. Dotu, Y. € 5. Fujita (1963) 9-09382 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 20(11):969-75 (The nesting behaviour, egg development end larva of the gobiid fish, Lubricogobius exiguus Tanaka). Ni En Observations on a mature pair of fish kept in a table aquarium, provided with shell nests eggs and larvae are described. Imai, 5. (1963) Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(1):61-3 (Occurrence of the gulper-eel, Eurypharynx pelecanoides (Vaillant) off Tosa, Japan). Ni En 9-09383 M Measurements and counts. Fujino, K. (1963) 9-09:84 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):985-90 (Serologicel identification of breeding sub- populations of fin whales taken from the Gulf of Alaska and the west coast of British Columbia). Ni En Deals with the relative incidence of Ju blood types, used as genetic markers of isolated breeding populations, and the results obtained from return of marked fin whales. Fujino, K. (1963) 9-09385 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(12):1057-63 (identification of breeding subpopulations of the sperm whales in the waters adjacent to Japan and around Aleutian Islands by means of blood typing investigations). Ni En Report of blood typing work carried out, the results of which suggest a migration of the Aleutian water stocks to the waters adjacent to Japan and intermingling of the populations. AQUATIC STOCKS Godfrey, К. (1964) 9-09386 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(2):14-5, 17 Sperm whale chase - W.A. aerial survey Describes some aspects of aerial spotting which will provide a substantial part of the information being sought during a current two-year survey of sperm whale resources off the western Australian coast. Gosline, W.A. (1963) 9-09387 M Pecif.Sci., 17(1):90-101 Notes on the osteology and systematic position of Hypoptychus dybowskii Steindachner and other elongate perciform fisnes Comparison of osteology of Hypoptychus dybowskii witn that of the ammodytids Bleekeria gilli and Ammodytes tobianus to ascertain whether Hypoptychus dybowskii can be correctly classified as a member of the family Anmodytidae. Harada, E. (1962) 9-09388 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):307-61 A contribution to the biology of the black rockfish Sebastes inermis Cuvier et Valenciennes Description of fishing gears and discussion of their usefulness as sampling instruments. Description of the habitat of the different life phases. Analysis of growth. Description of larval and juvenile development. Notes on behaviour. Published also as: Contr.Seto Mar. biol.Lab., (394). Hida, T.S. & RA. Morris (1963) Pecif.sci., 17(4):431-7 Preliminary report on the Marquesan sardine, Harengula vittata, in Hawaii 9-09389 M Report on Harengula vittata introduced into Hawaiian waters between 1955 € 1959 in an attempt to establish this species as a supplementary bait fish for skipjack tuna. List of sardine recoveries, and notes on abundance, distribution, food & spawning are given. 9 (9) 523 Hureau, J.C. (1963) 9-09390 M Bull.Mus.Hist.Nat., Paris, 35(№): 334-142 Gymnodraco victori n. sp., espece nouvelle de la famille des Bathydraconidae (Teleostéens Perciformes Trachinoidei). Considérations biologiques et biogéographiques sur le genre Gymnodraco (Gymnodraco victori n. sp., new species of the family Bathydraconidae (Teleostii, Perciformes, Trachinoidei). Biological and biogeographic observations on the genus Gymnodraco) Ill. morphological and anatomical description of the new sp. Igarashi, T. (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):47-52 Morphological changes of the embryo of a viviparous teleost, Neoditrema'ransonneti Steindachner during gestation 9-09391 M 111. description of morphological changes, and comparison with results obtained by previous workers on 3 American spp. and 1 Japanese sp.of embiotocids. Igarashi, S. (1963) 9-09392 M Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ., (№), 29(2):83-90 On the stability of sex ratio and the prediction of its abnormality depending on the color of ovisac in Tigriopus japonicus Mori Examination of sex ratio of brood population related to the age of the Q , and observation of the growth of each ovisac in Tigriopus Japonicus. Igarashi, S. (1963) 9-09393 M Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ., (4), 29(2):59-72 Development cycle of Tigriopus japonicus Mori 111. morphological description of the developmental cycle of Tigriopus japonicus with some details of the culture method. 524 Igarashi, S. (1963) 9-09394 M Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ., (4), 29(2):73-81 The primary sex ratio of a marine copepod, Tigriopus jeponicus Deals with the primary sex ratio of the natural population and its genetic stability in Tigriopus janonicus. Inoue, M. (1963) 9-09395 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):925-9 (Fish schools attracted by light stimuli observed in the operation of hasso-ami or eight-boat lift-net). Ni En Investigation into the behaviour of fish in relation to light stimuli, based on the data from logbooks (1960) of a commercial eight- boat lift-net. Ishida, T. (1963) 9-09396 м Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):7-12 (Mesh selective biases on the gill-net caught sockeye and chum salmon). Ni En Selectivity and efficiency of 121 mm net. Kamohara, T. (1963) Rep.Usa Mar.biol.Sta., 10(2):9 p- On the labrid fishes collected from Okinawe, Miyakojima and Ishigakijima 9-09397 —M 111. morphological notes of 45 spp. collected from Okinawa & Yaeyama Is. incl. 3 spp. new to the fauna of Ryukyu. Kamohara, T. (1963) Rep.Usa Mar.biol.Sta., 10(1):24 р. On the fishes of the family Scaridae of Japan, including the Riu Kiu Islands 9-09398 M Key to the genera of Scaridae; keys to spp. Scarops, Chlorurus, Scarus, Leptoscarus & Cryptotomus. Morphological notes for 33 spp. incl. 8 which appeared to be new to the fauna of Japan. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kiener, A. (1963) 9-09399 M Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(4):328-33 Gobioedei (Pisces) nouveaux ou rares de Madagascar (Gobioidei (Pisces) new or rare to Madagascar) Ill. descriptions of Acentrogobius therezieni n. sp. and Gobitichinotus arnoulti n. sp. and ill. notes оп 4 other spp. + Kimura, M. (1963) 9-09400 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):905-10 (Studies on diseases of fish under culture. 1. Blackened specimens of the yellow tail, Seriola quinqueradiata T. and S.). Ni En Comparison of blackened specimens with control, with special reference vo pathological histology, indicating severe symptoms of metabolic endogenous toxication in the diseased fisn. Kinoshita, T. (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):63-81 (On the populations of the Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn), caught in Tsugaru Strait and Funka Bay). Ni 9-09401 M En Differentiation of groups (of spawning origin?) on basis of data on length composition, gonad index, vertebral counts, dorsal and anal fin ray counts, ring counts and patterns on scales. Kobayashi, K. (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish. Hokkaido, 13(2):36-7 A record of the muraenoid fish, Rhinomuraena ambonensis Barbour from Amami Oshima 9-09402 M Ill. morphological description; note on colouration. Sp. not previously recorded from Japan. Kuroda, N. (1963) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(1/2):36-8 (Additions to the list of the fishes of Suruga Bay: IA Ni En 9-09403 M Lists 7 new additions incl. Diaphus tanakai, Lepidocybium flavo-brunneum, Chrionema chryseres and Squaliolus laticaudus. Co 61-09309. | | | | | | | 4 ee ne om AQUATIC STOCKS Maeda, H. € Y. Nekada (1963) 9-09404 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(12):1053-6 Catch pattern of squids under lamp, in relation to quantity of catch Analysis of catch records of squid caught under lamp by 28 fishing units in order to ascertain the most successful catch pattern. Maeda, H. (1963) 9-09405 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):996-9 Distribution pattern of sharks along setline Reports very rare examples suggesting the self-spacing occupation of the hooks on setline by fish. Masai, H. (1963) 9-09406 M Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(1/2):27-30 On the central nervous system cf Notorhynchus platycephalus Investigation of the pattern of the central nervous system of Notorhynchus platycephalus and comparison with that of Chlamydoselachus and Heptranchias. Mather, F.J. (1963) 9-09407 M Oceanus, 10(2):16-9 Game fish migrations Results of a cooperative game fish tegging programme; number of tags released and returned. Munk, 0. (1963) 9-09408 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 353-9 The eye of Stomias boa ferox Reinhardt. Papers from the DANA oceanographical collections No. 51 Anatomical and histological description with discussion of functional significance of features seen. Nielsen, J.G. (1963) 9-09409 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 147-65 Marine fishes new or rare to the Danish fauna (from the period 1937-1960) Notes on 31 spp. of which 14 have been newly found during the period of report. 9 (9) 525 Nielsen, J.G. (1963) 9-09410 М Vidensk.Medd.densk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 377-400 Notes on some Heterosomata (Pisces) from N-W South America with the description of a new genus and species and a new subspecies of Paralichthinae Distributional and morphological notes of 12 spp. with description of the new genus, species and subspecies. Okuno, R. (1962)A 9-09411 M Publ.3eto Mar.biol.Lab., 10(2):293-306 Distribution of youngs of two reef fishes, Girella punctata Gray and G. melanichthys (Richardson), in Tanabe Bay and the relation- ship found between their schooling behaviours Issued also as: Contr.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., (393) and Contr.Suma Aquar.Kobe, (34). Sato, T., S. Yamamoto & M. Ueno (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):53-62 (Studies on the tuna long-line fishery in the sea area off the west Caroline Islands). Ni. En 9-09412 M Study, based on biological and oceanographic data collected during cruises of the cadet training ship HOKUSEI MARU in the winters of 1957 & 1960, of relation of tuna distribution with temperature, and of fork-length/body weight relation. Shimazaki, K., K. Otani & S. Mishima (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):98-106 (Study on the tuna long-line fishing ground of the south off the islend of Java). Ni En 9-09413 M Study of currents and isotherms on this ground and of morphological variation in tne catch, based or biological and oceanographic data obtained by the cadet training ship HOKUSEI MARU in December 1961. Somadikarta, S. (1963) Indon.Abstr., 5(1/2):16 Sea turtles in Indonesia 9-09414 M Abstract only. Suggestions for improvement of egg collecting system. 526 USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-09415 M Fisheries (1963)c News notes on scientific activities for November 1963: 2 p. (mimeo) Study of skipjack blood group systems, leading to evidence that occurrence and distribution of populations in the sea is related to the physical -chemical nature of the environment. Yasuda, H., K. Kaga & 9-09416 M R. Hayana (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):911-4 (Granographical life record curve method for identifying each stock of pelagic fishes. 5. Identification of sardine stocks in coastal waters of Hokkaido). _Ni En Classification of adult individuals of the sardine group caught in coastal waters off Hokkaido into 4 groups, each differing in granographical peculiarity. Life record curves are given for each stock, the abscissa representing calculated body length and the ordinate representing frequency of appearance of a particular calculated body length. ci 9-02339. Yasuda, H. & K. Minowa (1963) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(10):915-8 (Granographical life record curve method for identifying each stock of pelagic fishes. 6. Identification of sardine stocks in the Pacific-coast of Honshu and Kyushu). Ni En 9-09417 M Classification of adult individuals of the sardine group causht off the Pacific coast of Honshu into 5 groups, each differing in grano- graphical peculiarity. Life record curves are given for each stock, the abscissa repre- senting frequency of appearance of a particular calculated body length. Co 9-09416. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(1):14 Four-year tuna plan 9-09418 M Main points from reports on various aspects of the tuna industry supporting a recommen- detion for a four-year plan of searching operations for southern bluefin tuna off south-eastern Australia. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (9) ANON. (1963) 9-09419 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):19 New theory on whale strandings Notes in support of new theory of failure of whale "sonar" ANON. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):13 S.Australian search 9-09420 M Note on search being carried out for tuna off the south coast of Australia by fishing boats and spotting aircraft; aim of operation. ANON. (1964) 9-09421 M Fish.Newslett,Aust., 23(2):21 Wet season may stimulate catch Note on progress to date in the two-year survey for prawns in the Gulf of Carpenteria. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(2):18-9 Bluefin tuna resources 9-09422 М Review of research work and suggestions for increasing catch. ANON. (1964) Fisn.Newslett.Aust., 23(2):19 Lobster travels are plotted 9-09423 Short note on results of tagging in Canada and the U.S. Ray, С. (1963) 9-O9h2h Nat.Hist., N.Y., 72(3):10-21 Locomotion in pinnipeds. Swimming methods relate to food habits 111. account of aquarium studies on true seals, eared seals and walruses. AQUATIC STOCKS Morrison, P. (1962) 9-09425 M Biol.Bull., Woods Hole, 123(1):154-69 Body temperatures in some Australian mammals. 3. Cetacea (Megaptera) Observations made on 20 recently killed Megaptera novaeangliae, using a thermocouple probe. Compares data with other records for whales, seals, and polar bears. Aizawa, Y. (1963) 9-09426 м Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):85-92 (The bahaviour and reaction to fishing lamps in seury shoals) Ni En Discussion cf occurrence of actively gethering and feebly gathering schools, and classifica- tion of the actively gatherins shoals into 5 types, according to their characteristics behaviour. Ankel, F. (1962) 9-09427 M Vidensk.Medd.densk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (124): 1-100 Hydrobia ulvee Pennant und Hydrobia ventrosa Montagu als Wirte larvaler Trematoden (Hydrobia ulvae Pennent and Hydrobia ventrose - Montagu as hosts of larval trematodes). De En Hydrobia ulvae &-Hydrobia ventrosa from 9 different localities in Danish waters have been examined for larval trematodes; distribution; description of cercariae; rates of infection; effects on hosts; consideration of the possible identity of final hosts. Aoyama, T. & T. Kitejima (1963) Bull.Seikei Fish.Res.Leb., (29):45-74 (The selective action of trewl nets. Wi. The alternate hauling mesh experiment by commercial bull trawlers, concerning 60 and 36 mm, meshed cod-ends). Ni En 9-09428 M Experiment carried out in July 1960 8: July 1961 in the southern aree of the Yellow Sea; species composition of catch; ratio of fish caught by cover net to total fish caught by cover net & cod-end is contrasted with ratio curves obtained by alternate naul method ; variation in fishing efficiency due to differing mesh regulations. Ci 61-02131. 9 (9) 527 Aoyama, T. & T. Kitajima (1963 Bull.seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (29):1-9 (The distribution and catch statistics of flet-heads caught in the East China and Yellow Seas). Ni En 9-09420 M Distribution and catch statistics of 14 spp. the most common of which are Parebembras curtus, Suggrundus meerdervoorti, Cociella crocodila & Pletycephelus indicus. Method of estimating catch statistics is given. Aoyama, T., T. Kitajima & 9-09430 M K. Mizue (1963) Bull.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (29):11-32 (Study of the sex reversal of inegochi, Cociella crocodila (Tilesius) ). Ni En Ill. description of 7 stages of maturation 3 Y , 1 intermediate, Зо ), established from inspection and histological examination of the gonads of over 1,000 specimens; tables of gonad indices, growth curves, age/maturity table and mortality estimates are presented. Balan, V. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):207-21 Some observations on the shoaling behaviour of the oil-sardine Sardinella longiceps Val 9-09431 M Description of various kinds of shoels observed at the surface and on the bottom; study of size composition of shoals indicating shoaling by size and ege groups; consideretion of the opinion thet the dumping of sardine waste in the sea causes disappearance of shoals. Balasubramanyan, R., A.V.V. 9-00432 M Satyanarayana & K.A. Sadenanden (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):269-c0 A further account of the rock-lobster fishing experiment with bottom set gill nets Day-to-day catch record; catch data are analysed in relation to depth of grounds fished, nature of bottom and set position of fishing gear. Analysis of length and weight range. 528 Basheeruddin, S. € 9-09433 M K. Nagappan Nayar (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):160-88 A preliminary study of the juvenile fishes of the coastal waters off Madras city Size frequency distribution & feeding habits; growth rate; breeding activity. Suda, A. & MB. Scnaefer (1965) c00434 M Bull.inter-Am trop. Tuna Conmn., $(6):307-№62 General review of the Japanese tua long- line fishery in the eastern Tropical Pecific Ocean 1756-1362 9 eals with catches, fishing effort, distribution, and fishiug grounds of Thunaus obesus end Thunnus albacores. Bowen, В.К. (1964) 9-09435 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):21 W.A. cray tag project Note on method of tagging, purpose, and co- operation expected from fishermen. Bresciani, J. & 9-09436 м J. Ltitzen (1962) Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (12%): 367-40 Parasitic copepods from the west coast of Sweden including.some new or little known species Morphological, distribution & taxonomic notes on 31 spp., 3 of which are new and placed in new genera. A list is given of invertebrate hosts and their copepod. parasites. Fujii, Y. (1963) 9-09437 M Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):43-51 (Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. 11. The fractionation of DNA by colum chromato- graphy). Ni En Results of chromatography & ecteola-cellulose colum of tuna testis DNA. ci 8-08439. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Fujii, Y. (1963) 9-09438 M Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):53-67 (Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. 12. The antigen-antibody reaction between tuna testis DNA and anti-serum). Ni En Results of investigation into the detective method of antigen-antibody reaction of tuna testis DNA, & re-examination of antigenecity. Co 9-09437. Fujii, Y. (1963) 9-09439 M Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):69-78 (Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. 13. Immunologicsl studies of DNA of tuna testis by the technique of complement fixation). Ni En Serological properties of tuna testis DNA and study of the serological properties of DNA eluted by ecteola-cellulose colum fractionation, by the technique of complement fixation. Co 9-09438. Tickell, W.L.N. (1962) 9-09L40 M Polar Rec., 11(72):282-3 ornithological investigations at South Georgia, 1960-62 Investigations of the biology of Arctocephalus gazella, and various species of birds. Andriyashev, A.P. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):325-6 On the composition and origin of the Antarctic pelagic fish fauna 9-09441 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Marshall, N.B. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):326 Some convergences between the benthic fishes of polar seas 9-09442 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. | AQUATIC STOCKS Sladen, W.J.L. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):329 Distribution of the pygoscelid penguins 9-09443 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Murray, M.D. (1962) 9-00444 M Polar Rec., 11(72):336 Ecology of the ectoparasites of seals and penguins Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Eklund, C.R. (1962) 9-09445 M Polar Rec. 11(72):336-7 Population studies of Antarctic seals and birds Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antaretic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Tickell, W.L.N. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):337-8 Feeding preferences of the albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and Diomedea chrysostoma at South Georgia 9-09446 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Bonner, W.N. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):338 Population increase and breeding space competition in the South Georgia fur seal 9-09447 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Novatti, R. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):338 Birds and mammals of Ardley Island, south Shetland Islands 9-09448 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Fl 9 (9) 529 Hureau, J.C. (1962) 9-09440 M Polar Rec., 11(72):339 A contribution to the study of Trematomus bernacchii Boulenger Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Penney, R.L. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):339-40 Territory and individual recognition in the Adélie penguin 9-09450 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Warhem, J. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):340 Aspects of the breeding behaviour of the Procellariiformes 9-09451 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Peris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Douglas, D.S. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):341-2 Extra-renal salt excretion in the Adélie penguin 9-09452 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Wohlschlag, D.E. (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):342 Respiratory metabolism and growth of some Antarctic fishes 9-09453 М Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. Racadot, J., J. Prévost & Y. Barbarin (1962) Polar Rec., 11(72):343 The morphology and histophysiology of the pituitary in the Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli 9-09454 M Abstract of paper read during the Symposium of Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2 to 8 September 1962. 530 Fujii, Y., К. Mimoto & 9-09455 M S. Higasa (1062) Ccc.kRep.ñankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):73-9 Biochemical studies cn the races of tuna. Base composition of testis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Biochemical study intended to discriminate different subpopulations. Kobayasi, H. € H. Toya (1954) 09-0456 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(9):711-6 (Studies on the development of ctenii in the ctenoid scales of red sea bream Chrysophrys major T. et S. ). Ni En Observations on developmentel process and comparison with common sea bass, Lateolabrax Jeponicus. Takita, T. & 5. Fujita (1964) 9-00457 M Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(8):613-8 (Egg development and prelarvel stages of the turbot, Pleuronichthys cornutus (Tenminck et Schlegel). Ni En 111. description of egg end larva at various stages of development and comparison of larva with that of Californian turbots of the same genus. Gorman, Т.В.5. (1963) 9-09458 M Fish.tech.Rep.N.Z.Mar.Dep., (8): 54 p. Biological and economic aspects of the elephant fish Callorhynchus milii Bory in Pegasus Bay and the Canterbury Bight Account of tne fishery with regard to its history, fishing methods and catch; biology of the sp. with regard to reproduction, length/ weight relation, distribution, feeding and population structure. Fishing rates are dis- cussed. Hotta, H. & S. Fukushime (1063) Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Leb., (23):61-72 (Fluctuation in the abundance of saury on the northeastern Sea of Japan. 2.). Ni En 9-09459 M Determination of Cololabis saira spawning ground by calculating the biological zero temperature for development, estimating optimum temperature ranges for development following values of temperature coefficient Q10 (Van't Hoff rule) amd of temperature characteristic 4 (Arrhenius-Crozier rule) and observing the distribution of optimum temperature ranges. Characteristics of these grounds are discussed. Co 9-01373. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hotta, H. (1053) 0-00,860 M Bull.ïohoku Fisi.Res.Lzb, (22):73-84 (Fluctuation in tre abundance of saury cu the northeastern Sea of Japan. 3. ). ki En Discussion of the population constitutions of the saury in the northward-moving term of the spring-summer fishing season and southwardmoving term of autum, based on the oceanographical structure of the see area of the Tohoku region. Co 9-09459. Igarashi, S. (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):81-6 (Studies on air screen in water. 2. On eirculation of water caused by rising up of air bubbles (1) An experiment on a smallsized air lift pump). Ni En ©-09461 M Results of an experiment on an air lift pump designed to keep sea-water in a laboratory aquarium pollution free by re-circulation of the water. ANON. (1964) 9-09462 M Mondo sommerso, 6(2) Atlante dei pesci delle coste Italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts). It Detachable cards, ill. with notes on morpho- logy, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Dasyatis violacea (Bonaparte) and Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen). ANON. (1964) 9-09463 M Mondo sommerso, 6(3) Atlante dei pesci delle coste Italiane (Fish atlas of the Italian coasts). It Detachable cards, ill. with notes on morpho- logy, reproduction, nutrition and geographical distribution of Blennius nigriceps Vinciguerra and Dactylopterus volitans (L.). Mako, H. (1963) 9-09464 M Bull.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (29):35-43 (Analytical study of demersal fish by commercial size composition. 2. Estimate of the age composition of ribbon fish). Ni En Tables of age & length composition; estimates of survival rates. Co 59-5381. | | | | AQUATIC STOCKS ishida, т. (1958 )А 0-09465 м Bull.Hokkcido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):56-60 (Gillret mesh selectivity curves for sardine and herring). En NL Jhingran, A.G. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):291-311 Studies on the maturity and fecundity of the gangestic anchovy, Setipinna phasa (Hamilton) 9-09466 м Seasonal changes in gonad condition; spawning (season, significance of multiplicity of modes, periodicity) and size at first maturity; sex ratio; relation between maturity and feeding intensity; fecundity. Jones, S. (1961) 9-09467 M Indien J.Fish., 8(1):107-20 Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian weters. 8. Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch and Schneider). 9. Scomberomorus conmerson (Lacepede). 10, Scomberomorus lineolatus (Cuvier) 111. descriptions of developmental stages; tables of measurements. Co 9-04431, CR 60-0191, 59-4005, Jones, :S. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2) :402-21 Notes on eggs, larvae and juveniles of fishes from Indian waters. 11. Further observations on the genus Auxis Cuvier 9-09468 wm Ill. morphological description of 5 stages of development of Auxis thazard Lacépéde and 3 of A. thynnoides Bleeker; distinguishing features between these spp. Co 9-09467. Jones, S. & E.G. Silas (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):189-205 On fishes of the subfamily Scomberomorinae (family Scombridae) from Indian waters 9-09469 M Key to the identification of genera & SPP. ; synonyms ; note on occurence & distribution, and ill. description of 5 spp. Comparisons between spp. 9 (9) Disvribution of yellowfir in fishing groun especially on the regional variation of the density in each size group (Preliminary report) 531 mimure, T. € M. Honma (1052) 09-0070 M Oct.Rep.Nankeï Fish.Res.Lab., (1):9-13 the longline in une Pacific Ocean, Patterns of seasonal & regional variations of fish density in each size group in order to gain information on the migration and inter- mingling of groups, and population structures. Kewaseki, T. (1963 9-09471 M Bull.Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):44-60 (The growth of skipjack on the northeastern Sea of Japan). Ni En Examination of the growth of skipjack in the Tonoku Sea area between 1951 & 1959 using length, weight and quality indicators. Discussion of the possibility of using growth rate and population size data of skipjack to estimate the size of the animal community of the secondary consumers. Kikawa, S. (1962) 9-09472 M Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):43-56 Studies on the spawning activity of the Pacific tunas, Parathunnus mebachi and Neothunnus macropterus, by the gonad index examination Spawning of bigeye and yellowfin to evaluate the seasonal fluctuation of spawning in relation to localities. Kobayasi, H. & 9-09474 M M. Miwa (1964)A Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 73(1):21-6 (Observation on the early development of the scales and their ctenii of the common sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus Cuvier). Ni En Kobayashi, K. (1963) 9-09473 M Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):55-63 (Larvae and young of the whiting, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) from the North Pacific). Ni En Study of larvae and young collected from the surface layer of the North Pacific in June to August 1955-1961 to gain knowledge of distribution, vertical migration and local variation in vertebral number. 532 Kudo, 9. & M. Toriyama (1963) Rep. Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):1-17 (Study on the feeding habits of Saurida undosquamis). Ni En 9-00475 M Observations of the stomach contents of 7,522 specimens of lizard fish, Saurida undosquamis, taken from trawl catches in the Bungo-suido area, Hyugenada Sea and Satunan Sea. Kusakabe, D., Y. Murakami € 9-09476 M T. Onbe (1062) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 4(1/2):47-79 Fecundity and spawning of a puffer, Fugu rubripes (T. et S.) in the central waters of the Inland Sea of Japan Fishing season and grounds; morphological characteristics of spawners; fecundity incl. length/weight and size/weight relation; spawning grounds. 9-09477 M Ehuildipes J.B (4764) . - = вл - Fr Fish Bull.,Secremento, (126):70 р. Life history studies où ven species of rockfish (ges Scbastodes) Mikawa, M. (1963) 9-09478 M Bull. Tohoku Fish.Res.Lab., (23):1-43 (Ecology of the lesser halibut, Reinharátius hippoglossoides matsuurae Jordan and Snyder). Ni En General study of taxonomic status, distribution catches made, growth (using centra of vertebrae), size composition, size at first maturity, feeding habits (adduced on anato- mical evidence), biotic relations and racia- tion; comparisons are made with the arrow- toothed halibut (Atheresthes evermanni Jordan & Starks). Mimura, K. (1962) 9-09479 M Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):15-22 Studies on indomaguro, Thunnus maccoyii? (preliminary report) Preliminary analysis of data obtained from a study of two Indian Ocean fishing grounds; giving distribution pattern, variation in annual catch, size frequency distribution, and gonad weight frequency distribution. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (9) Shibata, K. (1064) Bull.Fac.Fish.Nagasaki, (17):25-43 (Analysis of fish-finder records. 5. On winter shrimp trawl in the Yellow See (1)). 9-09480 M Details of catch per haul; measurement of reflection loss on fish; relation between depth and sound pressure; test of minimum range by 50 KC; distribution and migration of fish in scattering layers. Nielsen, J. (1961) 9-09481 M Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 219-56 On some fishes from Karachi and Bombay with description of a new genus and species of the Haliophidae List of spp. taken and description of new genus and spp. Onbe, T. € S. Kakuda (1962) J.Fac.Fish. Hiroshima, 4(1/2):21-45 Ecology of fishes of Kasoaka Bay as observed from the catch of pound nets 9-09482 M. Species composition of catch; characteristics in the composition of the catch; deduction of growth from length/weight measurements and weight/length relation for some spp. ; classification of population into 3 ecological categories on the basis of seasonal occurrence and abundance. Taranenko, N.F. (1963) 9-09483 M | Priroda, Moskva, (9):115 | (Green tortoise in the Kerch Strait). Ru | Zhuravel, P.A. (1963) 9-09484 мо Priroda,Moskva, (9):116 Sardelle has migrated to the Baltic Sea Jervis, H.J. (1961)C 9-09485 M Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms, Inc., The reproductive system of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan) M.S. Thesis from the American University. Available from University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (Order No. M-325). AQUATIC STOCKS Milly, J.C. (1962) 9-09486 M Proc.Amer.phil.Soc., 106(6):520-9 Vocal behavior of the bottlenose dolphin Discussion and graphic records of "humanoid" sounds of Tursiops truncatus (Montagu). Wright, T. & 9-09487 M L.S. Kornicker (1962) J.Geol., 70(5):616-8 Island transport of marine shells by birds on Perez Island Alacran Reef, Campeche Bank, Mexico The brown noddy tern (Anotis stolidus) was found to line its nest with shells of several mollusks. Suzuki, A. (1962) 9-09488 M Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):81-3 Blood types in tuna Examination of the erythrocyte antigens or serum agglutinins of tuna, yielding information to help differentiate subpopulations. Usami, S. & H. Sugiyama (1962) Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (34):19-35 (Fecundity of the Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn). 1. Process of maturation and number of ova discharged in a season based on ovum diameter frequency of the anchovy in Mutsu Bay). Ni En Examination of 136 spp. taken from Matsu Bay undertaken to clarify the process of maturation and the number of ova produced per season. № different stages of the ova are illustrated. Abe, T. & T. Kosakai (1964) 9-09490 M Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):29-31 Notes on an economically important but scientifically little-known silver pomfret, Pampus echinogaster (Pampidae, Teleostei) Note on taxonomy and distinguishing character- istics, and list of previous records. 9-09489 M 9 (9) 533 Mizue, K. (196k) Bull.Fec.Fish.Nagasaki, (17):1-9 (Studies on a marine viviparous teleost, Ditrema temmincki Bleeker. 4. On the origin of oocytes of Ditrema temmincki, Sebastiscus marmoratus and Sebastes inermis). Ni En 9-09491 M Discussion of the germinal epitheleum of the ovigerous fold and that of inside the ovarian sheath; time and position of appearance of oogonial patches, development of oogonia, Со 62-03289. Varghese, T.J. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):312-25 Some observations on the biology of Coilia borneensis (Blkr) 9-09492 M Length frequency distribution; length/weight relation; ponderal index; food and feeding habits; sex ratio, spawning and fecundity. Whitley, G.P. (1964) Aust.net.Hist., 14(9):287-90 Sharks 9-09493 M Identifying characteristics of some common spp.; notes on reproduction and shark attacks. Yabe, H, & S. Ueyanagi (1962) Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):57-72 Contributions to the study of the early life history of the tunas y 9-09494 M Ill. morphological notes on tuna and istio- phorid larvae; note on geographical and seasonal distribution & vertical distribution. Yabuta, Y. & M. Yukinawa (1962) Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):35-42 Age and growth of yellowfin tuna 9-09495 M Estimation of age & growth using two methods simultaneously (one using surface markings on the vertebrae centra and comparison of results with those previously recorded). 534 Yamanaka, H. € 9-09496 M N. Anrahu (1962) Occ.Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (1):23-34 Relation between the distribution of tunes and water types of the North and South Pacific Oceans west of 160 degrees W Discussion of the relation of the ocean structure to the west of 160 degrees W to the distribution of tuna. Yokota, T. et al. (1963) 9-09497 M Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):19-41 (Experiments on the tagging works of fishes (spotted mackerel, jack mackerel and young yellowtail)). Ni En Experiments carried out in an effort to increase efficiency of operation. Yukinawa, M. & 9-09498 м Y. Yabuta (1963) Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):103-18 (Age and growth of bigeye tuna, Parathunnus mebachi (Kishinouye)). Ni En Appearance of rings on scales, and the seasonal progression of apparent modal length in the length frequency are used as indication of age and growth. ANON. (1964) 9-09499 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):5, 11 Growing N.S.W. interest - Modified long-lining for yellowfin tuna Progress of fishing by modified long-line method, a development of the Japanese deep water long-lining, along the southern N.S.W. coast. ANON. (1964) 9-09500 M Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):9 Growth of Abrolhos crayfishery Note on the development of the fishery since 1940. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Datta, M.N. (1963) Rec.Indian Mus., 59(1/2):35-8 A new species of Acanthocephala Neoechinorhynchus roonwali from Afghanistan, and notes on Pomphor:ynchus kashmirensis Kaw 9-09501 MF Diagnosis and description of perasite from Orienus sp. ; notes on some variations indicated by Pomphorhynchus keshmirensis, an acenthocephalan parasite from the same host, but from a different locsl:ty. Grajcer, D. € D.R. Idler (1963) Canad.J.Biochem.Physiol., 41(1):23-30 Conjugated testosterone in the blood and testes of spawned Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) 9-09502 MF Isolation of testosterone glucuronoside from testes and blood of Y spawned sockeye salmon during study of conjugated testosterone. Ishida, T. (1963) 9-09503 MF Bull .okkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (27):1-6 (Male and female catches of the Pacific salmon by the Japanese high seas fisheries). Ni En Sex composition of catches of sockeye, chum and pink salmon in the Japanese high seas fisheries were examined. Le Danois, Y. (1963)A 9-09504 MF Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(3):228-34 Catalogue des types de poissons du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Nomeidae, Stromateidae, Apolectidae, Kurtidae) (Catalogue of fish types in the National Museum of Natural History (Nomeidee, Stromateidae, Apolectidae, Kurtidae) Ci 9-02378, and 9-02431. Menon, M.A.S. (1963) Rec.Indian Mus., 59(1/2):41-69 On a collection of fish from Lake Chilka, Orissa 9-09505 MF Lists 72 spp., of which 17 are new to the lake, with note on locality of collection of each. A table of identification is given for all spp. recorded from the lake. AQUATIO STOCKS Menon, M.A.S. (1960) 9-09506 MF Rec.Indian Mus., 54(3/4):139-57 On a third collection of fish from Iraq Systematic account of 41 spp. with some ill. morphological notes; key for the identifica- tion of Iragi fishes received for determina- tion in the zoological survey of India. Misra, K.S. (1962) 9-09507 MF Rec. Indian Mus., 57(1/4):1-320 An aid to the identification of the conmon commercial fishes of India and Pakistan Lists 402 spp. belonging to 205 genera, 100 families, 8 orders and 2 classes. Ill. morphological notes and distributional notes are given. A systematic account of the spp. is given. Palayer, P. (1963) 9-09508 MF -Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(3):247-52 Influence de la temperature sur la morpho- logie du pancréas de l'anguille (Anguilla anguilla L.) (The influence of temperature on the morpho- logy of the pancreas of the eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) Elvers were held at 10 degrees C & 20 degrees C some were well fed and others not; the volume of the endocrine pancreas was measured and the pancreatic tissue was studied histolo- gically. Yamamoto, S. € S. Mishima (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):82-97 (Study on the suitable mesh size for salmon gill-net with results of measurement of netted fish). Ni En 9-09209 MF Results of investigation to determine the suitable mesh size of salmon gili net by using data of measurement of girth length on netted portion of fish sampled from the catch by each mesh size net at every operation. 9 (9) 535 Pfeiffer, W. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(2):111-47 Vergleichende Untersuchungen Über die Schreckreaktion und den Schreckstoff der Ostariophysen (Comparative investigations on the fright- reaction and fright-substence of the Osteriophysi). De En 9-09510 MF Exverimental and histological investigations. Taku, J. & K. Kobayashi (1962) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):21-35 Local names of the fishes of the Ryukyu Islands. Ni 9-09511 MP Lists of 14 orders incl. 73 families and 218 spp. and gives index to local names. ANON. (1561) 0-0:512 MF Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(8):700-2 Symposium on the control of gonad development and spawning in parent fish Bigelow, H.B. et al (1963) 9-09513 MF Mem. Sears Fdn.Mar.res., 1(3): 630 р. Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Part 3. Soft-rayed bony fishes, class Osteichthyes, order Acipenseroidei, order Lepisostei, order Isospondyli, suborder Elopoidea, suborder Clupeoidea, suborder Salmonoidea Characterizes the class Osteichthyes (bony fishes) and gives a comparison of this group with the class Chondrichthyes (elosmobranches), followed by description of Actinopterygii and key to orders Acipenseroidei, Lepisostei, Isospondyli, & suborders Elopoidea, Elupecidea and Salmonoidea. Describes families, genera and spp. of these orders with notes on their morphologies, span of life, breeding habits and sex, food, habitat, range and commercial importance. With ill.. Incl. indexes of common and scientific names. 536 ANON. (1962) 9-09514 MF Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):393-5 Proceedings of the section of animal behaviour and sociobiology (Ecological Society of America and the American Society of Zoologists) Lists papers sent.at the annual meeting of Oregon State Univeristy, Corvallis, Oregon, from August 27th to 30th. Incl. : Notes on fostering experiments with cichlid fishes, Tilapia sparrmani € Aequidens portalegrensis. By Collins, H.L. & J.C. Braddock; Determination of the lower threshold for velocity orientation in young salmon. By Gregory, R.W. & P.E. Fields; Diving behaviour of a Weddell seal wintering in MeMurdo Sound, Antarctica. By Littlepage, J.L.; The activity of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in four levels of illumination when reared under different light-dark cycles. By Fields, P.E., R.W. Lichtenheld € K.V. Ayyangar; Benavior of the cymothoid isopod Aegathoa oculata parasitic on fish. By Segal, E. € R.Mcritchie; The use of Lepomis cyanellus nests by Notropis umbratilis. By Hunter, J.R.; Behavioral studies of the brook stickleback, Eucalia inconstans (Kirtland) By Thomas, B.O.; Ocean migration patterns of Pacific salmon. By Neave, F.; ‘Tributary homing of sockeye salmon at Brooks & Karluk lakes, Alaska. By Hartman, W.L. & R.F. Raleigh; Orientation of homing salmon. By Collins, G.B., P.S. Trefethen & A.B. Groves; Evidence for sun navigation by parrot fishes. By Winn, H.E., M. Salmon & N. Roberts; Aquarium observations on winter and spring behavior of juvenile brown trout (Salmon trutta L.). By Hartman, G.F.; Temporal patterning of courtship behavior in the male characid fish, Gorynopoma riisei Gill. By Nelson, K.; The fright reaction in American fish. By Pfeiffer, W.; ‘The evergreen sea anemone, Caffractis parasitica, and its hermit crabs. By Moss, D.M. € L. Sutton. Asano, H. (1962) 9-09515 MF Bull.Misaki Mar.biol.Inst., (1):142 p. Studies on the congrid eels of Japan General review of this family with detailed comparative anatomy of external features and skeleton, alimentary canal, air bladder and lateral lines estimate. Consideration of the relation of this group with others and detailed taxonomy of 10 genera with keys and diagnoses. Ecology of Anago anago dealing chiefly with age, growth, breeding and feeding habits. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chun, S.K. (1963) Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):14-8 (On some trematodes whose intermediate hosts are brackish water fish. 2. The life history of Pygidiopsis summus the intermediate host of which is Mugil cephalus). > En 9-09516 MF Note on distribution and ill. morphological description. Doi, T. (1962) Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (3№):13-8 (Approach from population dynamics to ratio of salmon falling of gill nets). Hi En 9-09517 MF Presentation of methods for estimating coefficient of falling fish from experimental gill-net operations in the open sea and in culture ponds. bei, т; (1968) Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (34):1-11 Theoretical considerations on rationality of offshore salmon fisheries from the standpoint of effectual utilization of the population. Mi 9-09518 MF Theoretical approach to the problem of Justification of an offshore fishery during the existence of an inshore fishery, using the pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, as an example. Mashiko, K. & К. Jozuka (1954) Annot.zool.jap., 37(1):41-50 Absorption ard excretion of calcium by teleost fishes with special reference to routes followed 9-09519 MF Е L Experiments, with а, on Carassius carassius (L.) and Duymaeria flagellifere (Valenciennes) Menon, M.K. & K. Raman (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):1-23 Observations on the prawn fishery of the Cochin backwaters with special reference to tne stake net catches ©-09520 MF Percentage of prawns in catch by month; fluctuations in catch & relation to rainfall, strength of tidal flow etc.; species composition of catch; monthly length frequencies of P. indicus, M. dobsoni and M. monoceros as a basis for estimating monthly growth rate. AQUATIC STOCKS 537 Natarajan, A.V. & 9-09521 MF A.G. Jhingran (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):54-9 Index of preponderance - a method of grading the food elements in the stomach analysis of fishes Construction and scope of this index compared with that of other methods; application of the method to food studies of Catla. Nishiyama, T. (1963) 9-09522 MF Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):47-54 Variations in the shape and blood supply of the saccus vasculosus in teleostean fishes 111. observation of the external features of the saccus vasculosus of 354 specimens belonging to 19 spp. of marine € freshwater fishes to ascertain degree of variation in shape and blood supply. Jones, H.F.R. (1963) 9-09523 MF J.exp.Biol., 40(3):437-47 The reaction of fish to moving back-grounds Nesis, K.N. (1963) 9-09524 MF Priroda, Moskva, (9):114-5 (Some aspects of the behavior of fish). Ru W.A. van Bergeijk (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1831-41 Evidence that the lateral -line crgan responds to near-field displacements of sound sources in water The lateral -line organ of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) is shown to be sensitive to a linear function of water displacements associated with the near-field of sound sources. Tang, Y. (1964) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):23-8 Induced spawning of striped mullet by hormone injection 9-09526 MF Description of embryonic development observed from external features of eggs obtained from induced spawning. ANON. (1964) 9-09527 MF Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):13, 28 Tasmanian trout farm Note on a plan to establish a trout farm in Tasmania, using fresh and salt water. Akihito, P. (1963) 9-09528 F Jap.J.Ichthyol., 11(1/2):1-26 (On the scapula of gobiid fishes). _Ni En Study of the scapulae of 67 spp. of gobies & classification of these into three groups: type with scapula, aberrant type, type without scapula. Aoki, K. (1963) 9-09529 F Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 72(10):283-8 (The effects of whole body X-irradiation on the hematopoietic tissue in the goldfish, Carassius auratus). Ni En Histological examination of the head kidneys of goldfish, irradiated with 1, 2, 4 or 8 kr of X-rays and kept in water at 23 degree centigrade. Arnoult, J. (1963) 9-09530 Е Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(3):235-7 Un Oryziiné (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae) nouveau de l'est de Madagascar (An oryzian (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae) new to eastern Madagascar) Description of Oryzias madagascariensis Ais) SD Banarescu, P. (1963) 9-09531 Е Bull.Mus.Hist.nat., Paris, 35(4):321-7 Note sur le genre Pseudobrama Bleeker (Pisces, Cyprinidae) (Note on the genus Pseudobrama Bleeker (Pisces, Cyprinidae) Counts and measurements on the type compared with those on other specimens and discussion of status. 538 Clausen, H.S. (1903) 9-09732 - F Vidensk.Medd.densk naturh.Foren.koh, (125): 195-205 Description of three new species of Aphyosemion Myers from Nigeria end Cameroun AA seen eee SD. 5 ifascium n. SD. = Descrintion of A. А. cinnamomeun п. Sp. Y een nigerianum n. & А. rubr Davis, Mel. ( 1962) sec Indian Mus., 58(2): Iwo new Acänthocephala oc Scatophagus зева (Bl 909733. 3 67-7 trom an Lash, ca), from India Diagnoses and ill. morphologicel descriptions are given for 2 new spp. of the genus Filisoma discovered in the collections of the Zoological survey of Indie. Etoh, H. (1963) 9-09534 Е Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 72(10): 293-4 (Increase in transplantability of the fin of the goldfish, Carassius auratus, after X-irradiation). Ni En Study of the effects of X-irradiation on the transplantability of the anal fin of goldfish. Fish, G.R. (1963) 9-09535 Е Proc.N.Z.ecol.Soc., (10):1-7 Limological conditions and growth of trout in three lakes near Rotorus Comparison between distribution, density and growth of trout in 3 lekes with different water temperature, dissolved oxygen content and primary production. Moona, J.C. (1962) Rec.Indian Mus., 58(2):59-66 Notes on fishes from Bharatpur district, Rejasthan 9-09536 F Physical features; classified list of fishes collected and their local names; description of localities with list of fishes collected from each; remarks on the possibilities of fish culture. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gery, J. € Vu-lên-Tuê (1963) Sull.Mus.ist.nat., Paris, 35(3):238-h6 Definitions de Cynopotamus Val. et genres voisins (Pisces, Characcidei)(Suite) Pro. of cynepo ts tamus = and \ (c ontinua Es DESIRE Cynopot ions; key to genera; key to spp. of Charox, and Roestes. ANUS Kamalaveni, S. (1963) Rec.Indian Mus., 59(1/2):119-30 The urinary bladder of some Indian teleostean fishes 9-09538 Е 111. description of the urinary bladder of 16 spp. Notes on histology are given and comparison is made between spp. Kamalaveni, S. (1963) Rec. Indian Mus., 59(1/2):83-118 Morphology of the urino-genitel system in some Indian teleostean fishes 29-0030 111. morphological descriptions of the urino- genital systems of 16 spp. Muroya, Y. & M. Sato (1963) Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 72(10):297-9 (Spawning habit of a goby, Chaenogobius castanea, in a fresh-water pond in Hirosaki city). Ni En 9-09540 Е Observations on spawning behaviour end a note on the arrangement of sensory papillae on the head of the goby. Nielsen, J.G. (1963) 9-09541 Е Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (125): 167-9 Notes on a fish belonging to the genus Molva, probably a hybrid between M. molva (Linne, _ 1758) and M. byrkelange (Walbaun, : 1792) Measurements and counts. 9-09537 F OO I a AQUATIC STOCKS Fomura, M. (1353) 9-09542 Е sh., 29(11):976-84 (Studies on reproduction of rainbow trout, 7 belie ¿eirdieri, with special reference to esg tekin:. 5. Development of gonads and size of fish spawned firstly). Ni En seaconal chauges in weight of gonads iscere, and the chemical composition e organs and the muscle of trout reared ne Cizumi crouc hatchery; also the ion beëweer growtn of fish and development nacs; and status of the spawning of two i ish. м Sathyanesan, А.С. (1963) Rec.Indian Mus., 59(1/2):75-82 A histological study of the ovular atresia the catfish, Mystus seenghala (Sykes) in An attempt to study in detail the histological changes occuring in the atretic oocyte of Mystus seenghala during its resorption. Utsunomiya, Y. € T. Utsunomiya 9-09544 Е (1963) J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 5(1):179-83 (On in vitro ovulation in the ovaries of spinous loach). Ni En Examination of effect of pituitary and pH on ovulation of fragments of ovaries suspended in Ringer's solution. Weber, H. (1963) Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(1):77-110 Die Sinnesfunktion der freien Bauchflossen- strahlen der Labyrinthfische (Anabantidae) und ihr Zusammenwirken mit den Augen (The sensory function of the free rays of ventral fins in labyrinth fishes (Anabantidae ) and their co-operation with the eyes). De En 9-09545 Е The role of the feeler-like rays of the pelvic fins of labyrinth fish as an organ for tactile and taste perception was examined in expe- riments including amputation and enucleation. A functional coupling between eyes & feelers was found in dark adapted fish subjected suddently to bright light. 9 (9) 539 Yamazaki, F. (1962) 9-09546 Е Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 13(2):39-46 Effects of hypophysectomy or the ovulation, oviposition and sexuel behavior in the gold- fish, Carassius auratus Histological and other observations on fish of body length 7.1 to 11.6 cm, operated on by the method of opercular approach, Yanzse, M. (1963) 9-09547 Е Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 29(11):1024-6 (Pentotrenic acid and vitamin Bl2 contents assessed for the rainbow trout during maturation). Ni En ANCK. (1963) 9-09548 F Fish.Newslett.Aust., 22(12):21 Now salmon releese + Nove on attempi to e New South Wales inlend 1 Hediger, H. (1963) 9-09549 Е Nat.mist., W-.Y., 72(6):18-21 Camouflaged still-fishing. Strange, wormlike lure draws turtle's prey An account with photographs of lure fishing by Macroclemys temmincki. Alexander, В. McN. (1962) 9-09550 Е Proc.zool.Soc.Lond., 139(3):351-75 The structure of the Weberian apparatus in the Cyprini Apperatus of wide variety of fish examined. Particular attention paid to soft parts. Structure of apparatus derived from that in primitive Characinoidei. Chranilov's theory of mechanism of apparatus in Cyprinidae appears to be applicable to all Cyprini, incl. the highly modified Nemachilus. 540 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hoar, W.S. (1962) 9-09551 Е Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):247-66 Hormones and the reproductive behaviour of the male three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Males castrated in pre-nest building phase, show high level of aggressive behaviour if they are maintained under a long photoperiod day. If castrated in nest building phase, all building and associated reproductive activities cease. Methyl testosterone initiates full development of secondary sex characters in castrates under either photoperiod régime but agonistic behaviour and nest building is less likely to be seen and is of lower intensity in groups maintained under the short photo- periods. Liley, R. (1962) 9-09552 F Anim.Behav., 10(3/4):387-8 Some aspects of reproductive isolation in four sympatric species of poeciliid fishes Lebistes reticulatus, Poecilia vivipara, Micropoecilia picta and M. parae. Abstract only. Do 61-289me. : Bugge, J. (1961) 9-09553 Е Vidensk.Medd.dansk naturh.Foren.Kbh., (123): 193-210 The heart of the African lungfish, Protopterus Site and relations of the heart, its external and internal anatomy and probable function. Chun, S.K. (1963) 9-09554 Е Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5(1):33-8 (On the cercaria parasitic to Parafossarulus manchouricus in Kim-Hae Plain). Ni En Ill. description of 7 spp. of cercaria obtained from examination of 4,900 specimens of Parafossarulus manchouricus. Conte, F.P., H.H. Wagner & 9-09555 F Т.О. Harris (1963) Amer.J.Physiol., 205(3):533-40 Measurement of blood volume in the fish (Salmo gairdneri gairdneri) The volume cf blood in the steelhead trout was determined by the Evans blue dye, the labeled albumin, and the labeled erythrocyte techniques. The values obtained are compared to those reported for other bony fishes. 9 (9) Gopalakrishnan, V. (1961) 9-09556 Indian J.Fish., 8(1):222-32 Observations on a new epidemical eye disease affecting the Indian carp Catla catla (Hamilton Buchanan ) F Symptoms and pathology; cause of the disease; incidence of the disease in fish of different sizes; control measures. Han, JvS. Y S.K. Chun ( Bull.Pusan Fish.Coll., 5 1°63) 2-07557 (1):3 (on the cercaría parasitic to Serisulcospirs libertina in Kim-He Ill. morphological obtained from examination of 4,500 specimens description of 10 spp. of Semisulcospira libertina; seasonal << A PP fluctuation in infection rate; relation between infection rate and leugth of host. Ibrahim, K.H. (1961) 9-09558 Indian J.Fish., 8(2):403-12 Some observations on the carp fry resources of the river Godavari near Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh Time of spawning; species composition; time of greatest density. Murachi, S. (1962) 9-09529 J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 4(1/2):111-65 (Symptoms appearing in the eye fundus of the goldfish affected by drugs). Ni En Experiments using 54 different drugs and observing subsequent effects; the effects of metabolic wastes, difficult breathing and hypertonic environmental medium upon eye fundus; comparison of eye fundus symtoms in fish killed instantly with those killed by exposure to air. Nambu, M. & К. Hosokawa (1964)A 9-09560 Zool.Mag., Tokyo, 73(1):17-20 (Mating behaviour latipes, in relation to oviposition). Ni En Natarajan, M.V. & A. Sreenivasan ( Indian J.Fish., 8( Proximate and mine water fishes in the medaka, Oryzias 9-09561 1961) 2):422-29 ral composition of fresh- e Plain). Korean a F F F F MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Sreenivasan, A. € M.V. Natarajan (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(2):436-9 Variations in the chemical composition of three freshwater fishes of Bhavanisagar reservoir 9-09562 Е Yamada, J. (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):121-6 The normal developmental stages of the pond smelt, Hypomesus olidus (Pallas) 9-09563 Е 111. description of the stages of development. MISCELLANEOUS AND Furuhata, T. (1962) J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 18(3):117-29 New automatic data processing machine, MERIAC-1-F 9-09566 M The machine is an electronic computer for Fourier analysis designed to cope with diverse situations which can arise in the routine observations of ocean waves. Its operating principles & design are described. Konda, S. (1963) Mem.Fac.Fish.Kegoshima, 12(1):1-6 (Principles for providing dialectical evolution of freedom of the sea). Ni En 9-09567 M Discussion of the grounds on which minimum universel restraint may be imposed with due regard for resources characteristics, traditional practices, level of fishing technology, and so forth. McMillan, N.F. (1963) 9-09568 M J.Soc.Bibl.nat.Hist., 4(3):198-9 William Swainson's "Exotic conchology" Notes based on examination of 2 copies of the first edition of this work described as a bibliographical puzzle. 9 (9) 541 Yamazaki, F. (1963) 9-09564 Е Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):41-5 On the multiplication of follicle cells in the oocyte of the goldfish, Carassius auratus Ill. study carried out in an attempt to ascertain the mechanism of the multiplication of follicle cells in the oocyte of the goldfish. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(3):11, 15 Introduction of brown trout 9-09565 Е Popular account of the introduction of trout to Australia in 1864 from a shipment of eggs transported alive from Europe. AUXILIARIES Sachet, M. (1960) Cah.Pacif., (2):3-32 Histoire de l'Ile Clipperton (Story of Clipperton Island) 9-09569 M Historical study with bibliography containing marine sciences references. ANON. (1963) 9-09570 M Cah.Pacif., (5):127-L2 Bibliographie récente relative à l'océano- graphie physique dans le Pacifique (Recent bibliography relative to the physical oceanogrephy in the Pacific) About 350 items arranged in alphabetical order of authors, titles in original language except translated into Fr for papers ori- ginally in Ru and Ni : covers the period 1957- 1961 inclusive. ANON. (1960) Cah.Pacif., (2):101-6 Bibliographie récente relative aux crustacés dens le Pacifique (Recent bibliography on Pacific Crustacea) 9-09571 M Alphabetical list by author, 1956-58; Fr, En, No and De, titles and titles in Ru translated to Fr. 542 Muraoke, J.S. (1962)BC 9-00572 M California, Port Hueneme, ¡eval Civil Engineering Lab., 39 2. The effects of marine orgenisms on engineering materials for deen-ocean use Petrovsky, Т.К. (1964) Priroda,Moskva, (2):79-82 (In nature's laboratory. №00 metres deep under water with an aqualung). Ru 9-09273 M Lepeshkov, I.N. (1964) Priroda,Moskva, (2):65-76 (Science to agriculture. The gifts of the sea. Natural salts. Valuable raw material for mineral fertilizers). Ru 9-09574 M Beckerle, J.C. (1963) 9-09575 M J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(3):267-72 Effects of ocean waves on acoustic signals to very deep hydrophones Leroy, C.C., D.J. Parkes & 9-09576 M E.M. Sirovich (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(2):245-50 Some acoustical characteristics of underwater explosions of hydrogen-oxygen mixtures Hunkins, K. & H. Kutschale (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(4):542-51 Shallow-water propagation in the Arctic Ocean 9-09577 M Dispersion characteriestics of underwater explosive charges on the Arctic continental shelf north of Alaska. ANON. (1964) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):21 Harvesting riches of the sea - resources not inexhaustible 9-09578 M Note on the need for knowledge of the dynamic biological processes in the sea; developemnt and application of techniques & equipment for exploitation and control of the sea; and international control of exploitation. 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES y a or om mr Yordbotten, 8. (1952) 9-0°579 MG 126 Bwll., 1(2):108-14 fotes on date. processing in pureeu of statistics of Norway + ent a. the central Incl. ref. to processing of fisheries Saila, S.B. & R.A. Shappy (1964) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (42):9 р. Electronic data processing, information retrieval and translation in fishery science. Fr Es 9-09580 MF Describes current applications of computers to fisheries science and offers reasons for restricted current use. Discusses implications of computer technology for communications in fishery science. Rosa, H. Jr. (1965) 9-09581 MF FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (44) Rev.l: 20 р. A world list of experts concerned with the study of the biology and culture of shrimps and prawns Serially numbered list of names and addresses, indexed by country of residence, subject field of experience and spp. studied. FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1964) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (19.1) Suppl.2: 28 p. World list of periodicals for aquatic sciences and fisheries - Vol. 1 - Supplement 2 9-09582 MF Lists, in alphabetical order, titles and short forms of current periodicals as well as those which ceased publication since the printing of Vol. 1 and Suppl. 1: Incl. translation of original titles occasionally met in bibliographies. Co 8-05572. Macpherson, J.H. (1963) 9-09583 MF J.malac.Soc.Aust., (7):3-6 Charles John Gabriel 1879-1963 Obituary and bibliography. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 543 ANON. (1961) 9-09584 MF Cah.Pacif,, (3):131-4k Bibliographie récente relative aux poissons dans le Pacifique (Recent bibliography of Pacific fishes) Alphabetical list by authors, 1956-60; Fr, En and Es titles, with titles in Ru and Ni translated to Fr. ANON. (1962) Cah.Pacif., (%):134-44 Bibliogrephie récente relative aux mollusques dans le Pacifiaue (Recent bibliography of Pacific molluscs) 0-00585 MF Alphebetical list by authors, 1957-61; Fr and En titles and titles in Ru and Ni translated to Fr, Vasilchikov, N.V. (1964) 9-09586 MF Priroda,Moskva, (2):26-32 (Underwater treasuries). Ru Forbes, T.R. (1962) 9-09587 MF Proc.Amer.phil.Soc., 106(6):505-15 Williem Yarrell, British naturalist Biography & bibliography of this worker who was concerned largely with birds and fishes. Young, R.W. (1962) 9-09588 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 34(12):1965-70 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. a method and system for continuous seismic surveying. White, F.E. € 9-09589 MF E.D. Schubert (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(1):125-59 References to contemporary papers on acoustics Compilation of recent references (1960-1962) incl. several on underwater sound & waves and vibrations. No indexes, divided into subject categories. Young, R.W. (1963) 9-09590 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(1):160-7 Reviews of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. transducers, and telemetering depth meter which can be attached to nets or instruments. Stumpf, F.B. & 9-09591 MF P.M. Kending (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(2):254-5 Determination of the power radiated by a piston-like underwater sound transducer from near-field axial-pressure measurements Young, R.W. (1963) 9-09592 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(2):260-6 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. transducers and echo sounders. White, F.E. & E.D. Schubert (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(3):415-34 References to contemporary papers on acoustics 9-09593 MF Compilation of recent references (1961-1962) incl. several on underwater sound and waves and vibrations. No indexes, divided into subject categories. Young, R.W. (1963) 9-09594 MF J.acoust.Soc.Amer.,. 35(4) :627-38 Review of acoustical patents Ill. recent patents issued by the U.S. Patent Office, incl. hydrophones, low frequency under- water sound generation, and an audible alarm for depth sounders. Cassie, R.M. (1963) 9-09595 G N.Z.J.Sci., 6(4):474-82 Tests of significance for probability paper analysis Describes, with worked example, a procedure for dissecting bimodal € multi-modal curves and of applying a significance test which 9(9) does not rely on normality of distribution. Voskoboiuik, DoJ. & J. Puig (1960)c Moskva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 438 p. Kratkii ispansko-russkii i russkii-ispansko nauchno-tekhnicheskii slovar Breve diccionario español-ruso y ruso- español de términos cientificos y técnicos (Short Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish dictionary of scientific and technical terms) 9-09596 G About 12,000 terms including list of abbrevia- tions. Publications used in compilation, incl. those issued between 1955 € 1958 by the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Geneva), the periodical Boletin de radioactividad, published by the Spanish Institute of Nuclear Research, scientific and technical works in Spanish, and other material. smith, C.E. Jr. (1962) 9-09597 G Proc .Amer.phil.Soc., 106(5):443-60 Henry Muhlenberg - Botanical pioneer Some biographical information on this taxonomist in addition to an annotated list of some species of Cyperaceae and Gramineae collected by him. Sharp, W.E. & 9-09598 G Pow-Foong Fan (1963) J.Geol., 71(1):76-84 A sorting index Presents a new index for the size frequency distribution of sediment. Issued also as: Publ .Inst.Geophys.planet. Phys. , (255). Reymond, F.W. (1963) 9-09599 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(1):70-3 Nonacoustical method for measuring sensitivity of a piezoclectric hydrophone 9 (9) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Toulis, W.J. (1963) 9-09600 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(1):74-80 Electromechanical coupling and composite transducers Walther, K. (1963) 9-09601 в J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(1):81-90 Logarithmic-periodic underwater sound projector Bennett, G.S. (1963) 9-09602 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(3):408-9 The sonar equation Fitzpatrick, H.M. (1963) 9-09603 G J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 32(2):409 Impedence seen by a small hydrophone in a pipe Hartog, J.J. € 9-09604 G G.C. Knollman (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(4):538-41 Measurement of underwater sound scattered from a fluid sphere CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 10-REFERENCES 9-10001 to 9-10601 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) 9-10001 M Groupe d'experts FAO chargé de faciliter la recherche sur le thon, Rome, 8-12 juin 1964 (1964) FAO Fish.Rep. (Fr), (18):22 р. Rapport de la première session du ..... Fr 9-08001, Do 8-025me. 9-10002 M Cuadro de Expertos de la FAO para la Facilitación de las Investigaciones sobre el Atún, Roma, 8-12 junio 2964 (1964) FAO Fish.Rep.(Es), (18):22 р. Informe del primer perfodo de sesiones ВЕ see Es 9-08001, Do 8-025me. NPFSC (1963)B 9-10003 M Proc.N.Pacif.Fur Seal Conm., (6):36 р. Do 61-310me. ICNAF (1963)B 9-10004 M Annu.Proc.int.Comm.Northw.Atlant.Fish. , (13) ар: Do 61-427me, UNESCO (1964) Int.Mar.Sci., 2(2):40 p. 9-10005 M Contains announcement and short reports of national committees for oceanographic research, Oceanographic programs, international projects, meetings and training facilities, new research craft, institutions and periodicals, as well as activities of United Nations and other agencies, 9 (10) WMC (1960) 9-10006 M Rep.World met.Org., 1959:177 Pp. Contains sections on technical activities, incl. maritime meteorology and oceanography, and relations with international fisheries organizations, incl. FAO. Ung, C.C. (1960) Int. hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):13-7 Organization of the Republic of Korea navy hydrographic office 9-10007 M A complete hydrographic office of the Republic of Korea was established in March 1953. It had been under the Operations Bureau of Navy Headquarters as a hydrographic section since November 1949, The general structure of this organization is outlined, ANON. (1960)A Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):19-23 Organization and training of personnel of the Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey 9-10008 M Met, F.A. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):57-8 Charting of Puerto Palenque 9-10009 M Puerto Palengue is a small port situated about 22 miles south west of Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic, on the western side of Punta Palenque. Kotlaric, S.M. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1) :25-38 The hydrographic institute of the Yugoslav navy 9-10010 M Gives a brief review of the historical development, organization and work of the Hydrographic Institute of the Yugoslav Navy. 546 Oudet, L. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):157-68 New French sailing directions 9-10011 M A new edition of sailing directions for the north and west coasts of France which differs from both the previous edition and other sailing directions issued during past years. USFWS (1961) 9-30012 M Circ.U.S.Fish Wildl.serv., (129):82 р. Galveston biological laboratory. Fishery research for the year ending June 30, 1961 Annual report, giving summary of projects and list of publications, WMO (1961) 9-10013 M Rep.World met.Org. » 1960:141 p. Contains sections on technical activities, incl, maritime meteorology and oceanography, and relations with international fisheries organizations incl. FAO. Scottish Marine Biological Association (1962) Rep.Scott.Mar.biol.Ass., 1961:37 p. 9-10014 M de Sylva, D.P. (1961)c Florida, Miami Beach, mimeo, 10 p, Game-fish research in Panamá, Colombia, and Ecuador, 1961 9-10015 M Humphrey, G.F. (1961) ICSU Rev., 3(2):7-9 International research programmes in Oceanography 9-10016 M Short review. Chapman, S. (1961) ICSU Rev., 3(2):77-80 The International Geophysical Year world magnetic survey 9-10017 M Shinners, W. (1962) УМО Bull., 11(4):225-7 Multidiscipline research ship sails for the Antarctic 9-10018 M Voyage of USNS ELTANIN. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1962) 9-10019 M Trans,Amer.geophys.Un., 43(4):547-54 Early cruises of the Antarctic reseerch ship ELTANIN General account of "shekedown" cruise and work accomplished on subsequent cruises on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the Americas, U.S. Department of the Interior (1962) News Release,U.S.Dept.of the Interior, Nov.20: DAB Raft expedition studies fish off Hawaii 9-10020 M Contains a brief description of the raft, with notes on the fish observed. Scotland. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1962) Scot.Sea Fish.statist.Tab., (1961):49 р. es. 9-10021 M Löve, A. € D. Löve (1963)C London, Macmillan, 430 p. North Atlantic biota and their history 9-10022 M Deals with problems of the historical biogeography. Do 61-110me. Pitelka, F.A. (1964) Science, 144(3619):720 Biogeography. North Atlantic biota and their history 9-10023 M Re 9-10022, Robin, G. de Q. (1961) ICSU Rev., 3(2):153-8 Five years of Antarctic research 9-10024 MG Reviews especially activities of SCAR. FAO. Regional Fisheries 9-10025 MF Commission for Western Africa, Secretariat (1964)c AccraGhana, mimeo, 187 p. Directory of fisheries institutions in Africa Part 1 deals with the international or interterritorial institutions whose object is to promote or facilitate the development of fishing activities in Africa on a regional basis, Part 2 deals with the national fishing institutions (nature, organization and activities) in all parts of the African continent, GENERAL 547 Ceylon. Director of Fisheries 9-10026 MF Schultz, V. & A.W. Klement Jr. 2=10031 MF (1962) (Ed. ) (1963)c Adm.Rep.Dir.Fish.Ceylon, 1960:71 p. New York, Reinhold, 770 p. Radioecology. The proceedings of the first Philippines. Bureau of Fisheries 9-10027 MF (n.d.19607) Fish.Statist.Philipp., 1960:78 p. Co 61-04327. U.K. Department of Scientific 9-10028 MF and Industrial Research (1961) Wat.Poll.Res., 1960:122 р. The report of the water pollution research board with the report of the director of the water pollution research laboratory Reports on work under main headings: report of the Water Pollution Research Board; Report of the director of water pollution research for 1960; industrial waste waters; sewage; effects of pollution on fish; fresh-water streams; survey of the Thames Estuary; instruments and methods, Appendices - list staff, publications, committee membership. Index, Co 9-10030. Maharashtra. Department of Fisheries (1961) Rep.Dep.Fish.Mahareshtre, 1959-60:57 p. Part 1. Maharashtra region 9-10029 MF General review and administration, marine fisheries, second five year plan, Taraporevala aquerium and research, fisheries schools and training, fresh water fisheries, U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1960) Wat.Poll.Res., 1959:115 р. The report of the water pollution research board with the report of the director of the water pollution research laboratory 9-10030 MF Report on work under main headings: report of the Water Pollution Research Board; report of the director of water pollution research for 1959; basic processes for the treatment of polluting liquids; industrial waste waters; sewage; effects of pollution on fish; fresh-water streams; survey of the Themes Estuery; instruments and methods. Appendices list staff, publications, committee membership. Index, 9 (10) national symposium on radioecology held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, September 1961 Contains 86 papers and offers a comprehensive review of current studies and the latest knowledge of radioecology in the U.S. Incl, bibliographies, ANON. (1960) 9-10032 MF Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):7-12 Organization and training of the professionel and technical personnel of the Canadian hydrographic service The Canadian Hydrographic Service is responsible for procuring and publishing hydrographic navigational data covering the coastal, estuarial and inland navigable waters of Canada, Nautical publications include the standard Canadian navigation charts, charts for special purposes, volumes of coast pilots and sailing directions, water level bulletins perteining to the fluctuations of the St. Lawrence-Great Lakes waterway, and the official tidal and current prediction tables. Oregon. State Fish Commission (1958/60) Bienn,Rep.Ore.Fish Comm. , 1958/60:29 р. 9-10033 MF Covers period 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1960; includes financial statement for period. Popular account of research, fish culture, fishery engineering, water resource problems, Hong Kong. Commissioner for Co-operative development and fisheries (1960/61) Annu. dep. Rep.Conmr.Co-op, Developm. Fish. Ho Kong, 1960/61:69 p. 9-10034 MF List of staff, administrative report survey, finances, conferences etc.; Fisheries Division report (administration and extension work). Statistical appendices give landings, Nos of vessels, engines and equipment, 548 Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (1961) Ren.Pacif.Mar.Fish.Comm., (14):120 р. 9-10035 MF Meetings, actions taken, finences. Appendices on the distribution of albacore in the North Pacific; Inspection of Japanese oyster seed; mortality study on pre-season troll-caught silver salmon; progress towards accuracy in salmon landings sampling; prediction of silver salmon abundance; the embryonic survival of coho salmon and steelhead trout as influenced by some environmental conditions in gravel beds. Montalenti, G. (1961) 9-10036 MF ICSU Rev., 3(2):72-7 The international biological program Describes plans for IBP under ICSU as at that date. PSA (1962) 9-10037 MF Inform.Bull.Pacif.Sci.Ass., 14(4):13 р. Hong Kong. Commissioner for 9-10038 MF Co-operative Development and Fisheries (1961/2) Annu, dep.Rep.Commr.Co-op. Developm, Fish, Hong Kong, (1961/62):71 p. List. of staff, administrative report survey, finances, conferences etc.; Fisheries Division report (administration and extension work). Statistical eppendices give landings, Nos. of vessels, engines and equipment. Cansds. Fisheries Rescarch Board 9-10039 MF (1962) Rev.Fish.Res.Bd,Can., 1961/1962:205 р. Contains reports of work of the four biological stations, Arctic unit, oceanographic groups, technological stations. Lists of publications and reports and of scientific staff, Map shows location of work. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES USFWS. Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife (n.d.) Circ.U.S.Fish Wildl.serv., (132):90 р. Progress ir sport fishery research 1961, Pathology, nutrition, husbandry, public waters, environment 9-10040 MF Sections on vathology, nutrition, husbandry methods, public water areas, environmertal influences, publications and special reports. SPC (1960) Progr.Pacif., (1959):22 p. Progress in the Pacific 0-10041 MF Report of the SPC Commission for year 1959, to the governments of: Australia, France, The Netherlends, New Zeeland, The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Nyasaland Protectorate (1960) 9-100k2 Е Rep.Dep.Game Fish Tsetse Contr.Nyasald, 1959: 38 DP. Annual report for year 1959 conteining summary on staff, game, fishery, tsetse control and statistics, U.N, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (1960) Flood Contr.Ser., (16):110 p. A case study of the Damodar Valley corporation and its projects 9-10043 F Spain. Ministero de Agricultura. 9-100 Е Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial (1961)c Madrid, 113 p. Memoria sobre las actividades de este centro en el año 1960 (Memoir on the activities of this centre, 1960) Contains a chapter with statistics and budgetary information, and remarks on fish development and management, GENERAL River Boards' Association (1960) Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass., 8:165 р. 9-10045 Е Reviews activities of association for the year of publication; includes notes and comments on hydraulic and water pollution research, a trade effluent disposal problem, artificial recharge of aquifers, contains articles by J. de Graaff, M. Lovett, F.T.K. Pentelow, R.G. Toms end lists contributions to 1960 annual conference by A. Key. Lists membership of boards and committees; presents accounts, notes on legal cases, critical book reviews. ‘Contains 9-10175, 9-10176, 9-10423, 9-10424 and 9-10585. FAO: River Boards' Association (1961) 9-10046 F Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass., 9:165 р. Reviews activities of association for the year of publication; includes notes and comments on hydraulics research 1960, water pollution research 1960, fish mortalities by natural causes, preservation of migratory fish life, contains article by E.D. Le Cren and lists contributions to 1961 annual conference by H.B.N. Hynes and J.D. Brayshaw. Lists membership of boards and committees; presents accounts, notes on legal cases, critical book reviews. Brayshaw, J.D. (1961) Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass. , 9:94-107 Fishery biology as an applied science 9-10047 F Some basic techniques of fishery research are briefly surveyed and discussed in their epplication to some fundamental problems. Paper prepared for annual conference, 1961, dealing with fishery biology as an applied science, 9 (10) 549 Nyasaland Protectorate. Depart- 9-10048 ment of Game Fish and Tsetse Control (1961) Rep.Dep.Game Fish Tsetse Contr.Nyeselend, (1960) :26 р. with respect to Nyasalend, lists staff of the department and discusses game, fisheries and tsetse control, Section on fisheries includes: state of fish stocks, African fishery, trade, development, experimental fishing, trout fishing and fish farming. ICSU (1962) 9-10049 Bull. int.Ass.sci.Hydrol., 7(3):9 р. Contains notes and proposals from the secretary, announcements and reports of meetings of the union, and presents some Papers. CR 9-10597. ICSU (1962) 9-10050 Bull.int,Ass.sci.Hydrol., 7(4):175 р. Contains notes and proposals from the secretary, announcements and reports of meetings of the union, and presents some papers, U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (1961) Flood Contr.Ser., (18):76 p. Multi-purpose river basin development. Part 2d Water resources development in Afghanistan, Iran, Republic of Korea and Nepal 9-10051 FG AAAS (1963)C 292 Ds General program of the seventh Cleveland meeting. The 130th meeting of the association 9-10052 X Includes: Index of programs of sections and societies, topical index of symposia, exhibitor list, meeting information, officers and staff list, special sessions, general sessions, Contains list of contributed papers: Ecological Society of America, marine and freshwater ecology. 550 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Groot, J.J. & M. Ewing (1963) Science, 142(3502):579-60 Suspended clay in a water sample from the deep oceen 9-10053 M The sample, wnich contained about 0,50 g of suspended clay, was obtained from a depth of 4030 m, 160 m above the sea bottom (Н.А. basin). The amount and type of suspended minerals should provide information concerning the transportation of sediments and post depositional diagenetic changes. Sears, M. (Ed. )(1963)C London, Pergamon, 383 p. Progress in oceanography. 9-10054 M VoL, 1 Contains review papers on status of fundamental problems, reports on original research with wide appeal and papers on new methods and approaches in the field of oceanography. Incl, 9-12116 to 9-12120, Tully, J.P. (1964) 9-10055 M Science, 144(3621) :987 An annual survey of oceanography. Progress in Oceanography, Vol.l Re 9-10054, King, E.R. 1. Zietz & ER. 9-10056 M Alldredge (1964) Science, 144(3626) :1551-7 Genesis of the Arctic Ocean basin Discusses the nature of the basin, geology of surrounding areas, underwater topography, seismic evidence, gravity and magnetic data on the basis of high-altitude aeromagnetic surveys, providing new data on the earth's crust in this area, Donn, W.L. & D.M. Shaw (1963) Science, 142(3596) :1166-7 Sea level and climate of the past century 9-10057 M Global temperatures increased until about 1940, after which there was a decrease, Precipitation trends show a decrease from 1900 to 1940 and a global increase there- after, Sea level trends for the eastern coast of U.S.A. are parallel to, and Presumably related to, the climatological changes, 9 (10) Bandy, O.L. (1963) Science, 142(3597):1290-2 Miocene-pliocene boundary in the Philippines as related to late tertiary stratigraphy of deep-sea sediments 9-10058 M Stratigraphic ranges of diagnostic planktonic Foraminifera from a section measured off southern Iloilo, Panay, Lakin, H.W., C.E. Thompson & D.F. Davidson (1963) Science, 142(3599) :1568-9 Tellurium content of marine manganese oxides and other manganese oxides 9-10059 M High tellurium concentration (5 to 125 parts per million) was found in 12 samples of nodules from the floor of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, It seems to support the theory that the minor-element content of sea-floor manganese nodules is derived from volcanic emanations, Engel, A.E.J. & C.G. Engel (1964) Science, 144(3624) :1330-3 Composition of basalts from the mid-Atlantic ridge 9-10060 M Gives chemical composition of tholeiitic basalts dredged from the mid-Atlantic ridge and the composition of alkeli basalts from volcanic islands along the ridge. Ericson, D.B., M. Ewing € G. Wollin (1964) Science, 144(3623):1183-92 Sediment cores from the arctic and subarctic seas 9-10061 M Suggests that distribution of fossils reveals shift of isotherm, change in ice movements and continuity of ice cover. Vaccaro, R.F. (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):3-14 The oxidation of ammonia in sea water 9-10062 M Data, including 34 experiments with water from various depths on the continental shelf and slope of NW Atlantic and Sargasso Sea. Discusses effects of ammonia enrichment and coefficients of the rate of ammonia oxidation, Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1133). PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY U.S. Department of the Interior. 9-10063 M Office of Saline Water (1962)C Washington, PB-181469, 379 p. Utilization of isotopes for saline water conversion Wallauschek, E. & J. Lützen 9-10064 M (1963 )c Paris, European Nuclear Energy Agency, 51 p. Study Of problems relating to radioactive Waste disposal into the Nortn Sea, Vol, 1, Oceanographical and biological conditions in the North Sea ci 9-10065, Wellauschek, E. & J. Lützen 9-10065 M (1964)c Paris, European Nuclear Energy Agency, 96 p. Study of problems relating to radioactive waste disposal into the North Sea. vol. 2. General survey on radioactivity in the sea water and marine organisms Co 9-10064, U.S. Department of the Interior, 9-10066 M Office of Saline Water (1963)c Washington, PB-181466, var,pag. First annual report saline water conversion demonstration plant Freeport, Texas, April 1961 - June 1962 U.S. Department of the Interior, 9-10067 M Office of Saline Water (1962)c Washington, PB-181322, 134 p. Proceedings of the conference on saline water conversion, Washington D.C, Grace, W.R. (1962)C 9-10068 M Washington, PB-18118, 85 p. Removal of scale-forming compounds from sea water Ci 9-10069, Grace, W.R. (1962)c 9-10069 M Washington, PB-181406, 89 р. Removal of scale-forming compounds from sea water Ci 9-10068, 9 (10) 551 Duxbury, A.C. (1963)c Thesis, Texas A & M Univ., 165 р. An investigation of stable waves along a velocity shear boundary in a two-layer sea with geostrophic flow regime 9-10070 M The physical characteristics of a certain class of stable perturbations of an "idealized" Oceenic current regime are investigated theoretically and compared with some observed features of the Gulf Stream. DA 24(7):2936, Heezen, B.C., R. Gerard & M. Tharp (1963)c Palisades, Lamont Geological Observatory, TID-19773, 16 p. Vema fracture zone: 9-10071 M equatoriel Atlantic Describes a series of fracture zones which displaces the axis of the mid-Atlantic ridge, NSA 18(3)4923, Schell, I.I. (1963)c Lees Ip, Annual progress report on work in vertical 9-10072 M and lateral movements of water in the oceans and their prediction Mean monthly winds, air temperatures, sea surface temperatures, oxygen content values in the SE Pacific and NE Atlantic, March 1956 to March 1957, are reported. NSA 18(3)492h, Nakai, Z. et al, (1960) 9-10073 M In Radio-active Contamination of Marine Products in Japan, :18-38 Radioactivity of marine organisms and sediments in the Tokyo Bay and its southern neighbourhood Contribution from Japanese governmental agencies to the 8th session of the Scientific Committee on the Effect of Atomic Radiation, United Nations, May 1960. Also issued as: Contr.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (B-333). 552 Bowen, V.T. & T.T. Sugihara 9-10074 M (1963)c In 9-10031:135-9 Cycling and levels of strontium-90, cerium-14:, and promethium-147 in the Atlantic Ocean Surface water Sr-90 concentrations are presented for 60 stations (1956-1960) and details of one deep station. Discusses the changing patterns of surface homogeneity of Sr-90 content, as well as the hish accumulation per unit area of this fallout product in the oceans, NSA 17(20)33554. Held, E.E. (1963)c In 9-10031: 167-9 Qualitative distribution of radionuclides at Rongelap atoll 9-10075 M Indicates distinct differences between the terrestial and marine environments > years after contamination by fallout from a thermonuclear device. NSA 17(20)33560. Duke, T.W., E.R. Ibert & K.M. Rae (1963)C In 9-10031: 171-4 Availability of sediment-sorbed materials to marine biota The retention of sorbed radioactive contaminants by clay materials in a marine environment and the availability of sediment- sorbed materials to fish, shrimp, oysters and bacteria were investigated. NSA 17(20)33561. Fish, G.R. (1960)A Int. hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):85-96 Electronic control systems used on hydrographic surveys 9-10077 M Brunel, A. (1960)A Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):97-106 Traverse in French hydrographic surveys by geodimeter and tellurometer 9-10078 M Wyrtki, K. (1960)A Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):111-28 On the presentation of ocean surface currents 9-10079 M 9-10076 м’ 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tomczak, G. (1960)A Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):129-3€ Verification of a progressive wave in the scuthern North Sea 9-10080 M Peterson, M.N.A. & J.J. Griffin 9-10081 M (1964) J.Mar.Res., 22(1):13-21 Volcanism and clay minerals in the southeasterr Pacific The distribution of clay mineral suites in surficial sediments of the southeastern Pacific is clearly related to variations in the composition of volcanic contributions to the sediments. van Andel, T.H. € P.L. Sachs (196%) J.Mar.Res., 22(1):30-50 Sedimentation in the Gulf of Paria during the halocene transgression; a subsurface acoustic reflection study 9-10082 M Carried out in the Gulf of Paria, The acoustic profiles show three regionally correlatable erosional surfaces separated by bedded sediments, Lynn, R.J. (1964) J.Mar.Res,, 22(1):70-32 Meridional distribution of temperature-salinity characteristics of Pacific Ocean surface water 9-10083 M The meridional distribution of the temperature- salinity (t-s) characteristics of Pacific Ocean surface water in a sector between 120 deg. W and 180 deg., and from the Aleutian Island arc to the Atlantic ice. Sachs, P.L. (1964) J.Mar.Res,, 22(1):105-9 A hydraulically actuated safety device 9-10084 M A hydraulically actuated safety device has been built and has proved effective in reducing accidental, premature operation of oceanographic samplers. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 553 Sweden. Fishery Board (1963) 9-10085 M Rep.Fish.Bd Swed.Hydrogr., (15):112 р. Hydrographical observations on Swedish lightships in 1961 Monthly tables for 10 lightships in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Specifications: direction and force of wind, air temperature, direction and speed of the currents, water temperatures and salinity at different depths. McMaster, R.L. (1960) J.sediment,Petrol., 30(2):249-74 Sediments of Narragansett Bay system and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island 9-10086 M Gravel, sand, silt, and clay content determined for 942 samples from bays and adjacent inner shelf to distance of 20 miles off Rhode Island coast, Also issued as: Coll,Repr. Narragansett Mar. Lab., 2(27), 1959-61. McMaster, R.L. (1960) J.sediment.Petrol., 30(3):404-13 Mineralogy as an indicator of beach sand movement along the Rhode Island shore 9-10087 M Also issued as: Coll. Repr. Narragansett Mar. Lab., 2(31), 1959-61. Rakestraw, М.М. (1961) 9-10088 M ICSU Rev., 3(2):164-9 The chemist in oceanography Discusses the following questions: what Substances are contained in sea water and in what amounts; How are the physical properties of sea water determined by its dissolved con- stituents; How does the composition of sea water affect the activities of living organ- isms, and vice versa; Are there any chemical "tags" or indicators by which a water mass can be idnetified; Why is the sea full of sea water; Can the ocean serve as an archive of the past; Is there any wey in which the study of the ocean can contribute to chemistry. Issued also as: Contr.Scripps Instn Oceanogr., (1296). Gaskell, T.F. (1961) ICSU Rev., 3(2):114-8 The Mohole project 9-10089 M 1G 9 (10) Silveire da Mota, J.L. (1961) 9-10090 M Bol.geogr., 19(164) :632-43 Extens2o, volume, profundidades médias e profundidades méximes dos oceanos e mares do globo (Extension, volume, average and maximum depths of the oceans and seas of the world). Pr Popular article, Contains list of Portuguese words used in marine physiography. Bruns, E. (1962) Beitr.Meeresk., (5):5-12 Ein neuer Hochseewellenschreiber (A new wave recorder) 9-10001 M Sager, G. (1962) Beitr.Meeresk., (5):17-28 Die variation der Hochwasser-Eintrittszeiten in der Nordsee, dem Kanal und der Irischen See im Ablauf einer Tideperiode (Variations of the times of high tide in the North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea during one tidal period) 9-10092 M Fairbank, М.С. (1962) Deep-See Res., 9:307-32 Minerals from the eastern Gulf of Mexico 9-10093 м А study from surface samples of sediments from the Mississippi River delta to the coast of Florida, and south to 24 deg.45'N. Methods of preparation and study are sumrarized, light and heavy minerals identified, and their distribution discussed. Four sedimentary provinces are defined and described, Also issued as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1172), Reid, J.L., Jr. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:283-9 Observations of inertial rotation and internal waves 9-10004 м A 15-dey series of measurements of surface currents with the GEK and thermal structure with the bathythermograph was made at 30 deg.N at e distance of 650 km from shore, Inertial rotation in the open ocean has been observed only near latitudes where resonance with the tide can occur, and that there is no measurable vertical oscilletion associated with the inertial motion, Also issued as: Contr.Scripps Instn Oceenogr. 554 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Skopintsev, B.A. (1961) 9-10095 M Okeanologiia, 1:241-50 Novysh, V.V. rd 6 9-10102 M Novye raboty po gidrokhimii Chernogo moria. A a Ai 7 , Dokl., sdelannyi v avguste 1960 g. па 12-oi caido р 3 р er DE Se A AAA ue the vessel's drift caused by the wind assotsitsii fiz. okeanografii v g. Khel'sinki (Finliandiia) | а (Recent research on the hydrochemistry of the Black Sea: report presented to the 12th General Assembly of the International Association of Physical Oceanography, Helsinki, Finland, August 1960) Kolesnikov, A.G., Z.S. Ivanova G-10103 M & 5.G. Boguslavskii (1961)B Okeanologiia, 1(4) :592-9 (The effect of stability on the intensity of Skopintsev, B.A. (1962) 9-10096 M vertical transfer in the Atlantic Ocean), Deep-Sea Res., 9:340-57 Ru Recent work on the hydrochemistry of the Black Sea En 9-10095, ? 99 Kolesnikov, A.G., Z.S. Ivanova 9-10104 M & S.G. Boguslavskii (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:377-83 Timofeyev, V.T. (1961)B 9-10097 M The effect of stability on the intensity of Okeanologiia, 1(3):407-11 vertical transfer in the Atlantic Ocean (The movement of Atlantic water and heat into the Arctic Basin). Ru En 9-10103. Timofeyev, V.T. (1962) 9-10098 M Istoshin, Yu.V. (1961)B 9-10105 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:358-61 Okeanologiia, 1(4):600-7 The movement of Atlentic water and heat (Formative area of 'eighteen-degree' water in into the Arctic Basin the Sargasso Sea). Ru En 9-10097. Bortovskii, R.S. (1961)B 9-10099 M Istoshin, Yu.V. (1962) 9-10106 M Okeanologiia, 1(3):512-21 Deep-Sea Res, , 9:384-90 (Concerning the method of calculating the Formative area of 'eighteen-degree' water in constituents of the heat balance in the the Sargasso Sea surface of the oceans). Ru En 9-10105. Bortovskii, R.S. (1962) 9-10100 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:362-70 Concerning the method of calculating the constituents of the heat balance in the U.K. Parliament (1962)B 9-10107 M surface al, the oceans Cmnd. 1801 (Miscellaneous no. 23) Pollution of the sea by oil En 9-10099, Novysh, V.V. (1961)B 9-10101 M Bruns, E. (1962) 9-10108 M Okeanologiia, 1(3):531-7 Beitr.Meeresk., (6):7-27 (Errors of the electromagnetic current gauge Wellen in Seegebieten der wichtigsten due the vessel's drift caused by the wind). Fangplätze der Hochseefischerei der DDR Ru (Waves in the most important high seas fishing areas of Eastern Germany) 9 (10) PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Sager, G. (1962) Beitr.Meeresk., (6):28-37 Das Verhältnis der maximalen Gezeitenströme bei mittlerer Nipp und Springzeit in der Nordsee, dem Kanal und der Irischen See auf Grund englischer Gezeitenstrombeobachtungen (The relationship of the maximum tidal currents during the mean neap and spring tides in the North Sea, English Channel and the Irish Sea on the basis of English observations of tidal currents) 9-10109 M Sager, G. (1962) Beitr.Meeresk., (6):36-44 Die Richtung der maximalen Gezeitenströme in der Noräsee, dem Kanal und der Irischen See (The direction of the maximal tidal currents in the North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea) 9-10110 M Schemainda, R. (1962) 9-10111 M Beitr.Meeresk., (6):45-54 Ergebrisse einiger Durchsichtigkeitsmessungen im Raum der ozeanischen Polarfront westlich von Spitzbergen (Results of transparency measurement in the Oceanic polar front west of Spitzbergen) Okubo, A. (1962) 9-10112 M Tech.Rep.Chesapeake Bay Inst., (32):12 р. Horizontal diffusion from an instantaneous point-source due to oceanic turbulence Work performed for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract AT(30-1)-1477. Ostlund, H.G., A.L. Bowman & G.A. Rusnak (1962) Radiocarbon, 4:51-6 Miami natural radiocarbon measurements 1, 9-10113 M Refers to samples from deep sea caves. Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, (366). Lakshman, S.V.J. & R.P. Tiruvenganne (1961) J.sci.industr.Res.(B), 21:174 Quantitative spectrochemical analysis of lead in ocean bed sediments 9-10114 M Gives spectrochemical quantitative estimation of lead present in samples collected from a station (latitude 17deg.26.8'N and longitude 83deg.40.2'&) beyond the continental shelf in the Bay of Bengal, at a depth of 156 fathoms. Concludes that lead in this sample is not radiogenic but chemically formed. 9 (10) 555 U.K. Meteorological Office (1962) 9-10115 M London, H.M.S.O. Weather in the Mediterranean. Vol. 1. General meteorology. 2nd ed. Bascom, М. (1964)c N.Y. Garden City, Doubleday, 268 ». Waves and beaches 9-10116 M Basic knowledge about the interaction of the sea and coast. Fraley, Р.С. (1964) Science, 144(3619) :668-9 Science study series, Waves and beaches 9-10117 M Re 9-10116, Bourcart, J. (1962)A 9-10118 M Trav.Cent.Rech,Etud, océanogr., 4(4):5-10 Observations sur l'origine des vallées sous- marines (Observations on the origin of submarine canyons) Lalou, C. (1962) 9-10119 M Trev.Cert.Rech.Etud.océanogr., 4(4):11-18 Formation des carbonates dans des vases prises á différents niveaux dans une carotte du fond de la baie de Villefranche-sur-Mer (Alpes-maritimes, France) (Carbonates in oozes taken at different levels in a core sample from the bottom of the Bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer (Maritime Alps, Frence)) Study of carbonate in oozes of different depths. Hentsch, J.-M. (1962)А 9-10120 M Trav.Cent.Rech.Etud.océanogr., 4(%):19-44 Etude des courants dans la baie de Ville- franche Study of currents in the Bay of Villefranche) Le Floch, J. (1962)A 9-10121 M Trav.Cent.Rech.Etud.océanogr., 4(4):45-63 Rapport sur les recherches océanographiques faltes en nord Tyrrhénienne en février 1960 (Report on the ocesnographic research carried out in the North Tyrrhenian Sea in February 1960) 556 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hikosaka, S. (1964) Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., 7(2):11-5 Differences between observed and predicted water levels 9-10122 M Investigation of reduced fluctuations of water levels at Kushimoto and Urakami in June of 1955 and 1958 to determine influence of oceanographical conditions of fluctuations, Robinson, A.R. (1962) J.Mar.Res., 20(3):189-200 The instability of a thermal ocean circulation 9-10123 M A thermally driven meridional vortex in a diffusive ocean of finite depth is shown to be unsteble, The dispersion relation at marginal stability is obtained approximately. Gadre, G.T. (1962) J.sci.industr.Res.(C), 21:384-5 Flotation of mixed salt from sea bittern for the preparation of schonite fertilizer 9-1012 M BSEA 8(12)7933. Kappanna, A.N. et al.(1962) 9-10125 M Curr.Sci., 31:273-4 Minor constituents of Indian sea-water BSEA 8(12)7934. Kappanna, A.N. € R.V. Sitekara (1962) J.sci.industr.Res.(D), 21:383-4 Salinity, chlorinity and density relations of sea water concentrates 9-10126 M BSEA 8(12)7935. Rama Sastry, A.A. et al, (1962) J.sci.industr.Res.(B), 21:460 Temperature distribution of surface layers of the sea in relation to stability 9-10127 M BSEA 8(12)7936. WMO (1962) 9-10128 M Tech.Notes World met.Org., (46):35 p. Methods of forecasting the state of sea on the basis of meteorological data Do 60-Olóme. Contains 9-10129 to 9-10132, 9 (10 Schule, J.J. (1962) Tech.Notes World met.Org., (46):1-6 Structure and spectrum of ocean waves, En Fr Es Ru 9-10129 M Provides general information on the wind generated gravity wave spectrum, with special reference to problems found in wave fore- casting. Terada, K. (1962) 9-10130 M Tech, Notes World met.Org., (46):7-16 The present state of wave measurement and analysis in Japan, En . Fr. .Es . Ru Gives some results of the analysis of waves observed at the coastal stations, Walden, H. (1962)A 9-10131 M Tech.Notes World met.org., (46):17-28 Forecasting wind-generated waves, En Fr Es Ru Verploegh, G. (1962) 9-10132 M Tech.Notes World met.Org., (46):29-35 Application of wave forecasting to ship operations. En, * EY HS. ¿Ru Describes the various possibilities of navigating with the assistance of known and forecast wave conditions, WMO (1962) 9-10133 M Tech.Notes World met.Org., (47):18 р. Precipitation measurements at sea, ES Ru After a brief description of the different methods presently available for measuring precipitation on board ship the difficulties are discussed, with particular stress on the disturbing effects of the ship and gauge on the air flow and of the movement of the gauge. The effect of sea spray is also considered. To check the findings some results on com- parative measurements are given. Hurley, R.J., V.B. Siegler & L.K.Fink, Jr. (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):313-21 Bathymetry of the Straits of Florida and the Bahama Islands. Part 1. Northern Straits of Florida 9-10134 M Produces a new chart on the basis of a series of echosoundings. Also 1ssued as: Contr.mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, ) (414). En Fr PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY McNulty, J.K., R.C.Work & H.B. Moore (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):322-32 Some relationships between the infauna of the level bottom and the sediment in south Florida 9-10135 M In van Veen grab samples, filter feeders predominated in fine sediments, and were joined by deposit feeders at intermediate grades. In coarse sediments deposit feeders predominated. A close correlation was found between body size of deposit feeders, and paresite size, Also issued as: (410). Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, Backus, G.E. (1962) 9-10136 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:185-97 The effect of the earth's rotation on the propagation of ocean waves over long distances The theory of group velocity is generalized to waves on curved surfaces, and applied to calculating the effect of the earth's rotation on the trajectory and wave vector of a wave packet whose waves have lenghts much less than the radius of the earth and periods much less then one day. Saint-Guily, B. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:199-207 Le probléme d'Ekman pour un océan formé par deux couches d'eaux superposées (The Ekman problem in a two-layer ocean). En 9-10137 M The problem of wind-induced currents in a two-layer ocean is solved from Ekman's hypothesis and the conditions of continuity on the interface for pressure, velocity and stress. Crease, J. (1962)A Deep-Sea Res., 9:209-13 The specific volume of sea water under pressure as determined by recent measurements of sound velocity 9-10138 M Lepley, L.K. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:214-7 Submarine topography of the head of Barrow Canyon 9-10139 M The canyon is located in the Chukchi Sea west of Point Barrow, Alaska, 9 (10) 557 Laughton, A.S. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:218 Discrete hyperbolic echoes from an otherwise smooth deep-sea floor 9-10140 M Reports some unusuel echo sounding records obtained in certain areas of the Madeira abyssal plain during a cruise in R.R.S. DISCOVERY II in February 1962, Folsom, T.R., R.A. Schwartzlose 9-10141 M & F.D. Jennings (1962)A Deep-Sea Res., 9:219-26 Scale errors on oceanographic mercurial thermometers Fedorov, K.N. (1962) 9-10142 M Deep-Sea Res., 9:229-32 The density transition zone in shifting ‘currents En 62-05250. Bulzekov, М.Р. (1061) 9-10143 M Okeanologiia, 1(1):45-52 O roli konvektsii v mekhanizme peredachi tepla glubinnykh atlanticheskikh vod (The role of convection in the mechanism of heat transfer in deep Atlantic waters) An attempt is made based on studies of the mechanism of the winter vertical circulation and an analysis of the density-salinity structure to indicete that the heat of deep Atlantic water may reach the sea surface and thence be transferred to the atmosphere only in certain years. Bulgakov, М.Р. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:233-9 The role of convection in the mechanism of heat transfer of deep Atlantic water 9-10144 M En 9-10143, Shuliak, B.A. (1961)A Okeanologiia, 1(1):78-85 O probleme modelirovaniia protsessov vzaimodeistviia potokov s tverdymi chastitsami i telami (The problem of modelling processes of flow interaction with solid particles and bodies) 9-10145 м 558 Shulisk, B.A. (1962) Deep-Sea Res. , 9:240-45 The problem of the simulation of processes in currents with solid particles and bodies 9-10146 M En 9-10145. Otsenka tochnosti izmeneniia temperatury vody У poverkhnostnom sloe moria (Estimating the accuracy of measurements of water temperature in the surface layer of the sea) An attempt is made here to characterize the accuracy of the tempereture distribution in sea water on the one hand when using reversing thermometers and temperature-depth gauges and, on the other, when using an instrument for the continuous recording of temperature with depth known as the 'EBTZ-56', which was designed and constructed by the Department for Marine Technology in the Institute of Oceanography of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Shcherbinin, A.D. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:246-8 Estimate of the accuracy of the water temperature measurement in the surface layers of the sea 9-10148 M En 9-10147. Valdez, V. & D.H. Cushing (1962) J.Cons., 27(3):236-47 The effect of tidal streams on the presence of the extensive layer of midwater echo traces 9-10149 .MG Reports on echo surveys carried out in Sept, tc Nov. 1958 on the approach to the East Anglian herring fishery. Meyer, R.E. & M.C. Shen (1962) On the radial spreading of water waves 9-10150 MG A study of axially symmetrical spreading of waves into water at rest and of uniform depth at large distances from the centre of the disturbance, 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Schwendinger, R.B. & J.G. Erdman (1964) Science, 144(3626) :1575-6 Sterols in recent aquatic sediments 9-10151 MF Gives quantitative data for the sterols, expressed as parts of cholesterol carbon per million parts of organic C of sediment samples, taken from fresh and marine waters. Kato, M., O. Sato & М. Matsusaka 9-10152 MF (1963) Proc,Japan Conf.Redioisot., (3):72-4 (Direct detection of radioactivity in water by means of gamma ray). Ni Theoretical treatment of underwater detection of radioactivity by gamma rays homogeneously dispersed in water is described, NSA 17(18)30082. Akgünes, M. (1964) Balik Balikcilik, 12(5):21-3 Icsular belikciliginin gelistirilmesi icin gereken temel erastirmalar, 4 (Besic researches on the development of fishery in Turkish waters, lakes and rivers. Part 4), Tú En 9-10153 MF Deta are given about water pollution and methods applied for determination of detergents / Gerard, R. & B. Katz (1963)C 9-10154 MF Palisades, Lamont Geological Observatory, TID-19398, 20 p. A note on some observations of dye in coastal waters Pomeroy, L.R. (1963)C In 9-10031:163-6 Experimentel studies of the turnover of phosphate in marine environments 9-10155 MF Suggests that photosynthetic organisms can play a significant role in the Ph turnover, perheps in proportion to their abundance, NSA 17(20)33559. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY 559 Metsumura, T., T. Ishiyama € 9-10156 MF T. Memuro (1962) Rep.Radiat.Cent.Osaka, 3:32-6 On the decontamination of radioactive waste water by ferric hydroxide flocculation. Part 1 Investigations in the case that only very small amounts of foreign matter are present in the water to be decontaminated. NSA 17(20)35246. U.N. Economic Commission for 9-10157 MF Asia and the Far East/WMO (1960) Flood Contr.Ser., (15):157 p. Hydrologic networks and methods Transactions of the interregional seminar on hydrologic networks and methods, held at Bangkok, Thailand, from 14 to 27 July 1959. Karo, H.A. (1960) 9-10158 MF Int. hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):59-61 Scientific survey in Winyah Bay Reports on the final phase of the survey of the currents in Winyah Bay, South Carolina, Olson, F.C.W. (1960) 9-10159 MF Int. hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):147-55 A system of morphometry This system is based on a square lattice superimposed on a map of the lake. Area, volume, depth distribution, length of shoreline and other morphometric concepts are derived simply. The system has the advantage that the precision of the measure- ments can be estimated. The method is simple, rapid and requires no special instruments. Oren, O.H. & B. Komarovsky (1961) Rapn.Comm.int.Mer Médit., 16(3) :655-9 The influence of the Nile flood on the shore waters of Israel 9-10160 MF Describes hydrographical end plankton cheracteristics based mainly on 1959-60 studies, IAEA (1962) 9-10161 MF Bibliogr.Ser.int.atom.Energ.Ag., (5):365 p. Disposal of radioactive wastes into marine and fresh waters 1918 annotated references on the subject, with author index, Arranged as follows: General information; source and neture of wastes; treatment, general site experience, high activity wastes, low and intermediate activity wastes, decontamination of radioactively polluted waters; engineered storage; disposal general, site experience, marine water, fresh water, soil, geologic structures; monitoring and findings, general, site experience, environmental radioactivity measurements - methods, findings and data - standards, instruments, analytical methods, biological and ecological effects; legal aspects; economics, Covers literature published in English, French, Russian, German, Italian, Japanese and other languages. Following specialized bibliograph- ical sources were used, for period January 1955 to December 1960: Nuclear Science Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Engineering Index, Water Pollution Abstracts, and IAEA List of References, Also contains references to Geneva conferences of 1955 to 1958, to the agency's conference on waste disposal, Monaco, 1960, and to reports submitted by member states to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. U.K. Atomic Energy Authority. Production Group. Technical Department (1062) PG Rep.Atom.Energ.Author.U.K., 308(W) Analytical method for the determination of ruthenium-103 and ruthenium-106 in sand, vegetation, seaweed, fish flesh and natural waters 9-10162 MF Nagata, Y. (1964) 9-10163 MF J.oceanogr.Soc.Jepan, 20(2):71-80 An electromagnetic current meter Comparison between 2 types of meter, one employing permanent magnet and the other electromagnet; examination of relation between shape of meter and directional response characteristics, Ishihare, T. & M. Yasuda (1964)A 9-1016k MF Bull.Fac.Fish.Nagasaki, (17):110-6 (Determination of calcium by chelatemetry using calcein - 1, Determination of calcium in drinking water and sea water). Ni En 560 Segerstrale, S.G. (1962)A Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):1-25 The immigration enû prehistory of the glacial relicts of Eurasie and North America, A survey and discussion of modern views 9-10165 MF Langer, E. (1963) 9-10166 F Science, 142(3592) :566-7 A view from the bridge: politics no picnic on banks of pollution; strong federal agency is likely General considerations on the legislative aspects of the pollution control of inland waters in U.S.A. Public health service and wildlife and fish protection problems, Levin, G.V. (1963)C 9-10167 F Thesis, Johns Hopkins Univ, , 250 р. Metabolic uptake of phosphorus by sewage organi sms Describes investigation into the possibility of removing biologically available phosphorus through modification of the activated sludge or high rate aeration processes, DA 24(4):1556, Sletten, O. (1962)c Thesis, Washington Univ. , 202 р. An investigation into the physiological responses to organic chemical pollutants found in a domestic water supply 9-10168 F The tissues of the fish, the heart, gill, brain and liver show physiologic response to toxicants. The liver demonstrates most consistently these properties. DA 24(4):1558, Fontaine, Y.A. & А. Aeberhardt (1963) Hlth Phys., 9:1047-56 (Experimental study of radioactive contemin- ation by cerium-144 of a complex fresh-water community studied in the laboratory). Fr 9-10169 F The kinetics of contamination and its extent have been ascertained comparatively on the separate members of the community, algae, water fleas, molluscs and fishes, NSA 18(3)3448, 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES van der Lingen, M.I. (1960) 9-10170 F Proc. fed.Sci.Congr., 1:5 р. Some observations on the limnology of water storage reservoirs and natural lakes in central Africa Limnological observations on three water storage reservoirs. Anderson, J.B., E.C. Tsivoglou & S.D. Shearer (1963)c In 9-10031:373-83 Effects of uranium mill wastes on biological 9-10171 F fauna of the Animas River (Colorado-New Mexico) ! The noxious effects of the pollution were stressed. Bottom fauna were less abundant and animals important as food for fishes Were absent in polluted river. The direct toxic effects reduced numbers of fish, NSA 17(20)33586. Hasler, A.D. & С.Е. Likens (1963)c In 9-10031:463-70 Biological and physical transport of radionuclides in stratified lakes 9-10172 P Tracer techniques are described. NSA 17(20)33597. m Deevey, E.S., Jr., M. Stuiver & N. Nakai (1963)c In 9-10031:471-5 Use of light nuclides in limnology 9-10173 F Results are reported Ea wege: joo of the distribution of CL3, cl" end 53 lakes, NSA 17(20)33598. Bailey, R.T. (1960)A Int.hydrogr,Rev., 37(1):43-55 Hydrographic survey of Lake Nyasa (1955 to 1959) 9-10174 Е PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Key, A. (1960) Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass. , 8:104-18 River pollution and its control, present and future 9-10175 F Presents classification of rivers, and discusse a report and leglislature both in relation to the river boards, Paper prepared for annual conference, 1960, dealing with river pollution and its control, ANON. (1963) 9-10176 F Instrum.Pract., 17(11):1184-5 Water and pollution Brief note on analysis instruments recently developed at the Water Pollution Research Laboratory. IA 19(1)144, Hynes, H.B.N. (1961) 9-10177 Е Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass., 9:83-93 The biological assessment of river pollution Discusses the tasks of a biologist in assessing pollution. Paper prepared for annual conference, 1961, dealing with the biological assessment of river pollution, Stevenson, J.H. & А.Н. Hulsey (1961) Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):245-55 Vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen and water temperatures in Lake Hamilton with special reference to suitable rainbow trout habitat 9-10178 F Physico-chemical study on reservoir lake. Gorham, E. € A.G. Gordon (1963) Canad.J.Bot., 41:371-8 Some effects of smelter pollution upon aquatic vegetation near Sudbury, Ontario 9-10179 F WPA 36(10)1732. 16 9 (10) 561 Swein, A. & О.Р. Newman (1962)B Fish. Invest, ,Lond, ,(1), 6(3) Hydrographical survey of the River Tyne. An account of the surveys carried out between 1951 and 1957, with special references to the discharge into the estuary of heated water from the Stella South power station 9-10180 F Magis, N. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 47(1):33-84 Etude limnologique des lacs artificiels de la Lufira et du Iualeba (Haut Katange). 1. Le régime hydraulique, les variations saisonnières de la temperature (A limological study of artificial lakes of Lufira and Lualaba (Upper Katanga). 1. The hydraulic system, the seasonal variations Of temperature) 9-10181 F Klifímilller, в. (1962) 9-10182 F Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):118-22 Der Anstieg des Phosphat-Phosphors als Ausdruck fortschreitender Eutrophierung im Bodensee (Obersee) (The increase of phosphate-phosphorus as en indicator of eurotrophy in Lake Constance (Obersee) Mann, H. (1965) Allg.Fisch.Ztg., 90(2):52 Die Einwirkung von Fluor auf Fische und Fischnährtiere (The effect of fluorine on fish and fish- food-animals) 9-10183 F Whittaker, R.H. (1961) Ecol.Monogr., 31(2):157-88 Experiments with radiophosphorus tracer in aquarium microcosms 9-10184 FG Study with tracers of the miniature ecosystems of aquaria is likely to be an important area of research both because of the understanding of community function which can thus be obtained, and because of its bearing on problems of radioisotope contamination in naturel communities, Seven experiments, essentially exploratory, with one isotope of especial importance - radiophosphorus (p32) - are described. 562 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PLANKTON Isaacs, J.D. (1964) 9-10185 M Science, 144(3622):1132-3 Night-caught and day-caught larvae of the California sardine The day-caught larvae of Sardinops caerulea may represent a fraction thet is a measure of the natural mortality of the population, While the night-caught larvae appear to be representative of the entire larval population. Lasker, R. (1964) 9-10186 M Nature ,Lond., 203(4940) :96 Moulting frequency of a deep-sea crustacean, Euphausia pacifica Results are summarized in table form, The moults represent a tremendous amount of organic material added daily to the detritus in the sea, Ko-Bayashi, T. (1963) 9-10187 M JARE sci.Rep.(E), (18):20 р. Variations on some pennate diatoms from Antarctica, 1, Results of the investigations on the variation of the 10 taxon belonging mainly to the genera: Achnantes, Cymbella, Hantzschia, Navicula. Incl, 16 plates, Schreiber, B. et al, (1962) 9-10188 M Pubbl,Sta.zool.Napoli, 32:400-26 (Research on the presence of Sr in marine plankton in relation to the ecology of Acantheria). It Suggests the possibility that this sp. may be involved in the problems concerning the fixation and circulation of radioactive isotopes in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. NSA 17(18)30285. Bonner, J.T. & M.R.Dodd (1962) 9-10189 M Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 122(1):13-24 Aggregation territories in the cellular slime molds Escherichia coli was examined to show that regardless of the density of the amoebae the territory size, under controlled environmental conditions, remains constant for any one sp. 9 (10) Heinrich, A.K. (1962) 9-10190 M J.Cons., 27(1):15-24 The life histories of plankton animals and seasonal cycles of plankton communities in the oceans Discusses the trophic relations in three main kinds of plankton communities, Lasker, R. & G.H. Theilacker 9-10191 M (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):25-33 Oxygen consumption and osmoregulation by single Pacific sardine eggs and larvae (Sardinops caerulea Girard) Special sensitive reference diver technique was used for measuring oxygen consumption in relation to the physiological parameters of swimming activity, development and time of hatching, Teal, J.M. € К. Halcrow (1962) 9-10192 M J.Cons., 27(2):125-8 A technique for measurement of respiration of single copepods at sea This field method involved the use of polarographic oxygen electrodes and has yielded results of high accuracy, Armstrong, F.A.J. € J.H. Wickstead 9-10193 M (1962) J.Cons., 27(2):129-30 A note on the preservation of plankton samples with formalin A new formula is described. Samples show no signs of precipitated iron. The animals maintain their natural structure. Hanzawa, M. (1964) 9-10194 M Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., 7(2):1-9 A statistical relationship between sea surface temperature and geostrophic wind in the Kuroshio waters Study of data indicating negative correlation between sea surface temperature and wind intensity, PLANKTON 563 Jones, E.C. (1962) J.Cons., 27(3):223-31 Evidence of an island effect upon the stending crop of zooplankton near the Marquesas Islands, central Pacific 9-10195 M Observetions supporting the hypothesis that the standing crop of zooplankton increases with decreasing distance from the nearest _ island in the open ocean, Rice, T.R. (1963)C 9-10196 M In 9-10031:179-85 The role of phytoplankton in the cycling of radionuclides in the marine environment Shows that phytoplankton accumulate a large number of elements from the sea water and are, therefore, very important in the removal of radionuclides and in the cycling of radio- nuclides in the oceans, NSA 17(20)33563. Corcoran, Е.Р. & J.F. Kimball,Jr. 9-10197 M (1963)c In 9-10031:187-91 The upteke, accumulation and exchange of strontium-90 by open sea phytoplankton Five cultures of phytoplankton taken from north Atlantic Ocean were used. All cells grown in media containing Sr - y90 became radioactive. NSA 17(20)33564, Lowman, F.G. (1963)c In 9-10031:145-9 Radionuclides in plankton and tuna from the central Pacific 9-10198 M The factors controlling the selective uptake of radionuclides from sea water are discussed, NSA 17(20)33556. Grill, E.V. € F.A. Richards (1964) J.Mar.Res., 22(1):51-69 Nutrient regeneration from phytoplankton decomposing in seawater 9-10199 M A laboratory model of the regeneration of the inorganic nutrient salts of phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon from diatom cells decaying in the dark while subject to bacterial attack was studied, Grice, G.D. & A.D. Hart (1962) Ecol.Monogr., 32(1):369 р. The abundance, seasonal occurrence and distribution of the epizooplankton between New York ard Bermuda Cifelli, в. (1962) J.Mar.Res., 20(3):201-13 Some dynamic aspects of the distribution of planktonic Foreminifera in the western North Atlantic Prakesh, A. & A.H.V. Sarma (1961) Curr.Sci., 33(6):168-9 On the occurrence of 'redwater' phenomenon on the west coast of India 9-10200 M 9-10201 M Heinrich, A.K. (1962) 9-10202 M Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(3):465-9 On the production of copepods in the Bering See Investigations in those regions of the Bering Sea which ere situated northwest of the line which joins the Comandor Isles and Providens Bey. The northern region (Anadyr Bay) and the western region differ from each other in physical conditions, in the common species, and in the peculiarities of the seasonal cycles of copepods, The production in these regions is considered separately, Kollmer, W.E. (1963) 9-10203 M Invest.Rep.S.W.Afr.Mar.Res.Lab., (8):78 p. The pilchard of southwest Africa (Sardinops ocellata Pappé) Centres of plankton distribution are de- scribed for the radiolarian Aulosphaera sp., for a group dominated by Calanoides carinatus, and for a group containing pelagic tunicates, coelenterates and ctenophores. The southern and western limits of the fishing area were found to coincide roughly with a transition stage of two zooplankton communities. 9-10204 M Studies of Foraminifera from plankton tows taken during the four seasons of the year at stations in shelf water, slope water, the Gulf Stream, and Sargasso Sea between Cape Cod and Bermuda in the western North Atlantic have shown that the slope waters generally yielded the highest concentrations of Foraminifera at all seasons, with spring aná fall being the most productive seasons. 564 Raymont, J.E.G. & R.S. Miller (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(2):169-209 Production of marine Zooplenkton with fertilization in an enclosed body of sea water 9-10205 M Two concrete tanks of 20 m capacity were filled with seawater coarsely filtered to remove weed, fish etc., and fertilized by the addition of potassium phosphate and sodium nitrate. The changes in the zooplankton populations were followed over a period of about eleven weeks by quantitative weekly samplings. Pierce, E.L. & M.L. Wess (1962) 9-10206 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):403-31 Chaetognatha from the Florida current and coastal water of the southeastern Atlantic states Reports on material collected during 9 cruises in 1953 and 1954. Discusses hydrological relations with reference to the distribution and ecological tolerances of the 12 species found. Owre, H.B. (1962)A 9-10207 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):489-95 Plankton of the Florida current. Part 8. А list of the Copepoda Issued also as: (415). Contr.Mar.Leb.Univ.Miami, Manning, R.B. (1962) 9-10208 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribo., 12(3):496-507 Alima hyalina Leach, the pelagic larva of tie stomatopod crustacean Squilla alba Bigelow An account based on 4 specimens collected off Florida in 1961 and a larva, which subsequently metamorphosed, taken in the Florida current in 1962. Issued also as: (419).' Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ceccaldi, H.J. (1962) 9-10209 M Rec. Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, №1(26):3-6 Sur une méthode de récolte du macroplancton (On a method of collecting macroplankton). En Reports results based on a method of fishing macroplankton in the bay of Villefranche-sur- Mer by the use of experienced divers. Using this method a large area underwater can be explored and the animals can be captured and delivered to the laboratory in a perfectly natural state. Travers, A. (1962) 9-10210 M Rec.Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, 41(26):7-69 Recherches sur le phytoplancton du Golfe de Marseille, 1. Etude qualitative des diatomdes et des dinoflagellés du Golfe de Marseille (Research on the phytoplankton of the Gulf of Marseilles. 1, Qualitative study of diatomea and dinoflagellata from the Gulf of Marseilles) Comparative study of phytoplankton fluctuations in relation with physical, chemical and meteorological factors of the environment, Refers to methods used and contains list of spp. identified with abundance indexes, Travers, M. (1962) 9-10211 M Rec.Trav.Ste.mar.Endoume, k1(26):70-139 Recherches sur le phytoplancton du Golfe de Marseille, 2. Etude quantitative des populations phytoplanctoniques du Golfe de Marseille (Research on the phytoplankton of the Gulf of Marseilles, 2. Quantitative study of phytoplanktonic populations of the Gulf of Marseilles) Comparative study of the phytoplankton population in relation with the physical, chemical and meteorological factors of the environment. Studies the annual cycle and seasonal variations, Includes results of abundance distribution in space and time. Bibliography. Co 9-10210, PLANKTON Knight, A., В.С. Ball & Е.Е. Hooper (1962) Pap.Mich.Acad.sci., 47:219-33 Fisheries, Some estimates of primary pro- duction rates in Michigan ponds 9-10212 F Study measures independently rates of energy fixation by attached algae (periphyton), planktonic algae, and aguatic macrophytes, Identifies environmental factors which favour one source of production over the others, and compares production estimates with those made in other ecosystems. Hiemstra, W.H. (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):100-8 A correlation table as an aid for identifying pelagic fish eggs in plankton samples 9-10213 MG The apparatus, and the method of using it, is described. Daniels, Е.М. (1963)c 9-10214 MF Argonne National Lab.,I11., ANL-6723:185 Electron microscopy of centrifuged Amoeba proteus The subcellular components within living interphase amoebae were stratified by centrifugation, The strata are classified into 4 major zones and each is described, NSA 17(20)33469, Reintjes, J.W. (1961) 9-10215 MF “2.522 .Rep.U.5.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish., (393): A Menhaden eggs and larvae from M/V THEODORE N. GILL cruises, South Atlantic coast of the United States, 1953-54 Willén, T. (1962) Oikos, 13(2):169-99 Studies on the phytoplankton of some lakes connected with or recently isolated from the Baltic 9-10216 MF Comparative qualitative and quantitative investigations. 9 (10) 565 Nielsen, E.S. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(3):333-8 On the maximum quantity of plankton chlorophyll per surface unit of a lake or the sea 9-10217 MF It is shown that a maximum of about 0,8 в. chlorophyll per m3 of the surface theoretically can be found in the photic zone if the plankton consists exclusively of green algae and if the light extinction exclusively is due to the plankton algae. As light extinction in nature is by no means exclusively due to the algae, much smaller maximum quantities of chlorophyll will be found, perhaps a maximum of up to 0,3 g. Jeffries, H.P. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 47(2):291-300 Salinity-space distribution of the estuarine copepod genus Eurytemora 9-10218 MF A distribution model for the oligohaline copepod genus Eurytemora is developed to explain observed differences in its relative abundance along the axes of six estuaries or portions thereof, Borror, A.C. (1962) 9-10219 MF Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):333-49 Ciliate Protozoa of the Gulf of Mexico From published information and personal data lists 12 orders, 57 families, 116 genera and 219 species, Forrest, H.F. (196%)c Thesis, Rutgers State Univ., 353 p. Three problems in invertebrate behaviour. Part 1 9-10220 F The feeding reaction in Hydra: lack of dependence on reduced glutathione, DA 24(4):1756, Klein, R.M., M.F. Morselli & J. Wansor (1963) J.Protozool,, 10:223-5 Effect of ultraviolet radiation on growth of autotrophic and obligate heterotrophic cultures of Euglena The growth response to ultraviolet radiation of normal green, streptomycin-, heat-, and ultraviolet-bleached clones of Euglena grown in light or darkness was examined. NSA 17(20)33689. 9-10221 Е 566 Dodge, J.D. € М.В.Е. Godward (1963) Radiat.Bot., 3:99-104 Some effects of X-rays on the nucleus of a dinoflagellate 9-10222 F The sensitivity for X-rays of Prorocentrum micans was investigated. NSA 17(20)33719. Goldenberg, S.H. & L.R. Marechal (1963) Biochim.biophys.Acta, 71(3):743-4 Biosynthesis of paramylon in Euglena gracilis Elgmork, K. (1962) Oikos, 13(2):306-10 A bottom resting stage in the planktonic freshwater copepod Cyclops scutifer Sars 9-10224 Е Confirms the existence of a bottom resting stage. Décloitre, L. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):157-62 Thécamoebiens d'une jonchaie nsturelle (Thecamoebians of a natural reed growth) 9-10225 Е 940283 'F BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Décloitre, L. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):163 Trinema linecre var, terricola nov.var, (Thécenoebiens) 9-10226 F (Trinema Jineare var, terricola nov, var, (The :emoebiszs)) Lieder, U. (1962) Int,Rev.Eydrobiol., 47(2):313-20 Beschreibung einer rever Bosrinen-Art, Neobosmira brehri п. sp,, aus Mauatorialafrika und ther die aus dem Orinoko beschriebene Neobosrina tubicer (Brehii), (Crusteces, Cladocera) (Description of a new Bosmine species, “eobosmine brehmi п. sp., from equatorial Africa, and of Neobosmina tubicen (Brehm), described from the Orinoco, (Crustacea, Cladocera) ) 9-10227 F Décloitre, L. (1962) 9-10228 F Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(2):321-30 Le genre Peragueárula (Thekemoebina) (The genus Paragquadrule (Theksisoebine) ) mm nn en | BENTHOS Burdon-Jones, C. & J.A. Petersen (1964) Nature,Lond., 203( 4940) :97-8 Another giant enteropneust from the Atlantic 9-10229 M Describes a discovery at Sao Sebastiäo (Brazil) in March 1962. tions show that this is a new species, a member of the family Spengelidae. Harvey, L.A. (1964) 9-10230 M Nature ,Lond. , 203 (4940) :99-100 A hermit crab new to Britain A note on the occurrence of Catepaguroides timidus, a Mediterranean sp., on SW shores of Britain, Preliminary investiga- 9 (10) Simpson, T.L. (1963) J.exp.Zoo1., 154(1):135-47 The biology of the marine sponge Microciona prolifera (Ellis and Solander). 1. A study of cellular function and differentiation 9-10231 M Describes aspects of the outgrowth region of explants and deals with cytochemical staining results on the cells, the function and state of differentiation of the cells. Incl. 12 plates, Condie, R.M. & R.B. Langer 9-10232 M (1964) Science, 144(3622) :1138-40 Linear polymerization of a gastropod hemocyanin Studies of the nature of the dissociation and aggregation phenomena of the hemocyanin of the sea snail Kelletia kelletia. BENTHOS Quin, L.D. (1964) Science, 144(3622):1133-L 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid in insoluble protein of the sea anemone Metridium dianthus 9-10233 M Samples were collected from Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, Phosphorus analyses of anemone fractions are given, Nagabhushanem, В. (1964) 9-10234 M Indien J.exp.Biol., 2(1):1-4 Neurosecretory changes in the nervous system of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica, induced by various experimental conditions Describes some general effects caused by extirpation of cerebral and visceral ganglia in this oyster. Girardi, F., & M. Merlini 9-10235 Е (1963)с European Atomic Energy Community, EUR-474.e, 26 т. Studies on the distribution of trace elements in a mollusk from a freshwater environment, by activation analysis Paper presented at the symposium on radio- activation analysis and its application to the biological sciences, Saclay, 26-28 Septembe 1963. Texas. Agricultural and Mechanical 9-10236 M College (1961)c College Station, TID-19127, 58 p. Biological implications of accumulation of organic materials by sedimentary particles in the sea, Final report Townsley, S.J., R.E. Johannes & В.Т. Sather (1962)c U.S.Atom.Energ.Comm. ,TID-19104, 51 р. The accumulation of radioactive isotopes by tropical marine organisms. Annual report, 1961-62 9-10237 M Progress is reported in studies on the absorption, tissue distribution, and elimination of injected or ingested radioisotopes by various marine organisms. NSA 17(18)30281, 9 (10) 567 Longinelli, A. & V. Togliatti (1962) P.V.Soc.tosc.Sci.nat., (2):3-7 (Oxygen isotopic composition of echinoderm fauna of the north-western Atlantic). 9-10238 M it Echinarachnius parma and sore Mollusca were examined. NSA 17(18)30283. Cazaux, C. (1961) 9-10239 M Bull.Sta.biol.Arcachon, (13):5 p. Signification et origine de l'association entre Hydractinie et Pagure: rôle des tropismes larvaires dens le développement de l'hydraire (Meaning and origin of the association between Hydractinia and Paguredidea: role of larval tropisms in the development of the polyp) Experiments indicating that planulae will settle on a rapidly moving shell irrespective of the pagurid. Karapinar, E.K.S. (1964) 9-10240 M Balik Balikcilik, 12(5):1-6 Süngerler 4. (The sponge. Part 4). TÚ En Common and scientific names of principal commercial sponges; world production; fishing methods; nude diving, by hookers, scaphanders, gangave, aqua-lung. Barnwell, F.H. (1963) 9-10241 M Biol. Bull, ‚Woods Hole, 125(3):399-415 Observations on daily and tidal rhythms in some fiddler crabs from equatorial Brazil Colour change ryhythms in Uca mordax, U. rapax, U. maracoani and U. thayeri were observed, Recordings of locomotor activity for 2 spp. were obtained. Chuang, S.H. (1963) Biol. Bull, Woods Hole, 125(3) :464-9 Digestive enzymes of the echiuroid, Ochetostome erythrogrammon The composition and peculiarities of the digestive enzymes of specimens taken off Singapore Isl, 9-10242 M 568 Gwilliam, G.F. (1963) 9-10243 M Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 125(3) :470-85 The mechanism of the shadow reflex in Cirripedia, 1. Electrical activity in the supraesophageal ganglion and ocellar nerve Mitella polymerus, Lepas anatifera, Balanus cariosus and Balanus eburneus from Oregon coast were used in the study. Hathaway, R.R. (1963) 9-102k4 M Biol.Bull.,Woods Hole, 125(3) :186-98 Activation of respiration in sea urchin spermatozoe by egg water Examines the gamets of Arbacia punctulata, Lytechinus variegatus and Mellita quinquies- perforata from off-shore waters of Florida, Horn, Е.С. & M.S. Kerr (1963) 9-10245 M Biol.Bull.,Woods Hole, 125(3) :499-507 Hemolymph protein and copper concentrations of adult blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Adult females and males, and females "in sponge", collected from off-shore waters of N. Carolina were examined. Wide variation in serum protein and Cu concentrations was found in the three groups. Smith, S.D. (1963) 9-10246 M Biol, Bull. ‚Woods Hole, 125(3):542-55 Specific inhibition of regeneration in Clymenella torquata Suggests the presence of specific head and tail inhibitors in this annelid worm, Wheeler, G.E. (1963) 9-10247 M Biol, Bull, Woods Hole, 125(3):582-90 Redially orientated cleavage in blastulae and in gastrulse of the starfish, Asterias forbesi Interpretation of mitotic figure orientation, particularly the tangential spindle orientation, Discusses the possibility of cleavage along the long axis of the blastomere. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (10) Timourian, H. $ Р.С. Denny 9-10248 м (1964) J.exp.Zool., 155(1):57-70 Activation of protein synthesis in sea-urchin eggs upon fertilization in relation to magnesium and potassium ions Studies effects of magnesiur, potassiun and phosphate ions, end of polyamines on prctein synthesis on eggs and homogenates prepared from Lytechinus pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Sribhibhadh, A. (1963)c Thesis, Univ. of Washington, 1€5 p. Seasonel variations of paralytic shellfish toxicity in the California mussel, Mytilus californianus Conred, and the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), along the Strait of Juan de Fuce and in Willapa Bay 9-10249 M Toxicity levels were determined weekly during the summer and bi-weekly during the remainder of the year by the gradual response bioassay. Maximum levels were observed in mid-summer, DA 24(7):3033. Chaffee, В.В. € D. Mazia (1963)A Devl Biol,, 7:502-12 Echinocrome synthesis in hybrid sea urchin embryos 9-10250 M IABS 32(3)6339. Asahina, E. € К. Tanno (1963)A 9-10251 M Exp.Cell Res,, 31:223-5 | Remarkably rapid increase of frost resistance | in fertilized egg cells of sea urchin IABS 32(3)6368. Bernard, F.J. & C.E. Lane (1963) 9-10252 M Proc.Soc.exp.Biol., N.Y., 113(2):418-20 Effects of copper ion on oxygen uptake by planktonic cyprids of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite niveus Oxygen uptake elevated by addition of 0.5, 1, and 5 mg of copper ion per liter of sea water. | Concentrations from 10 to 500 mg/l progressive- | ly depress oxygen absorption. Analysis of indi- vidual patterns relates increased oxygen con- sumption to increased motor activity and | energy cost of active transport. IABS 32(3)6398. BENTHOS Wainwright, S.A. (1963)A Quart.J.micr.Sci., 104:169-84 Skeletal organisation in the coral, Pocillopora damicornis IABS 32(3)6435, 9-10853 M Eberl-Rothe, G. (1960) 9-10254 M Thalassia jugosl., 2(1):32 р. Uber das Zwischengewebe der wirbellosen Tiere (The connective tissue of invertebrates). Hrvat McCauley, J.E. (1960)A 9-10255 M Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., 29(16):549-76 The morphology of Phyllaplysia zostericola, new species Yonge, C.M. (1960) 9-10256 M Proc.Calif.Acad.sci., 31(5):111-9 Further observations on Hipponix antiquatus with notes on North Pacific pulmonate limpets Notes on the non-motile, protandrous crevice dwelling Hipponix, and on three other species, with figures. Yonge, C.M. (1960)A 9-10257 M Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., 31(4):103-10 Mantle cavity, habits, and habitat of the blind limpet, Lepeta concentrica Middendorff Ishibeshi, M. et al. (1964) 9-10258 M Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap., 7(2):33-6 Chemical studies on the ocean (part 94). Chemical studies on the seaweeds (19). Determination of zinc, copper, lead, cadmium and nickel in seaweeds using dithizone extraction and polarographic method CR 9-10288. Hori, R. (1963)A 9-10259 M Radioïsotopes,Tokyo, 12:115-9 Activation analysis of sodium and potassium content of sea-urchin egg and ionic transport across egg membrane NSA 17(20)33503. 9 (10) 569 Seymour, А.Н. (1963)c То 9-10031:151-7 Radioactivity of marine organisms from Guam, Palau end the Gulf of Siam 1958-1959 9-10260 M The gross beta activity was determined for samples of fish, crabs, lobsters, snails, clams, algae and plankton, The gamma-emitting nuclides were identified in selected samples. NSA 17(20)33557. Faller, A.J. & А.Н, Woodcock (1964) J.Mar.Res,, 22(1):22-9 The spacing of windrows of Sergassum in the ocean 9-10261 M The spacing of bands of Sargassum is shown to te dependent upon the wind speed. These bands are indicative of the presence of helical vortices in the surface waters, Evans, F. (1961) 9-10262 M Proc.zool.Soc.Lond., 137(3):393-402 Responses to disturbance of the periwinkle Littorina punctata (Gmelin) on a shore in Ghana Reports experiments designed to elucidate the gravitational and visual responses after disturbence, Smith, A.G. (1961) Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., 30(4):90 р. Four species of chitons from the Panamic province (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) 9-10263 M Descriptions and colour photographs of the four species, Hanna, G.D. & L.G. Hertlein (1961) Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., 30(3):80 р. Large species of Terebra (Mollusca) from the eastern Pacific | 9-10264 M A systematic paper, with a key, dealing with 5 species found between California and Peru. Keen, A.M. (1961) Proc.Calif.Acad.Sci., 30(2):66 p. West American species of the bivalved gastropod genus Berthelinia 9-10265 M Report covering west American occurrences of bivalve gasteropods, with a review of species from elsewhere (including fossil forms), and an attempt at classification. 570 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lenel, R. (1961) 9-10266 M Bull.Soc.lorr.Sci., 1(2):134 Sur le métabolisme des pigments caroténoïdes de Carcinus maenas Linné (On the metabolism of carotenoid pigments in Carcinus maenas Linné) Reports new experiments. Fishelson, L. (1965) Contr.Knowl.Red Sea, (31):16 Observations and experiments on the Red Sea anemones and their symbiotic fish Amphiprion bicinctus 9-10267 M Describes the behaviour of A. bicinctus - settling on the host-anemone, cleaning, fighting and mating movements, and gives some details on spawning and juveniles. Durve, V.S. (1964)B Curr.Sci., 33(6):181 Molluscs and polychete worms ceusing damage to ecible oyster 9-10268 M Reish, D.J. (1963) 9-10269 M Pacif.Nat., 3(14):399-436 A quantitative study of the benthic polychaetous annelids of Bahía de San Quintín, Baja California Chemical and physical data, relation of polychaetes to sediment types, distribut- ion and systematic catalogue of species. Alison, K. (1961) Proc.malac.Soc.Lond., 34(4):187-98 À zoogeographical analysis of species of Cypraea in the Hawaiian Islands 9-10270 M Also issued as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Hewaii, (150). Alison, K. (1961) Proc.malac.Soc.Lond., 34(4):199-202 Anatomical characters which distinguish two species of Cypraea 9-10271 M Also issued as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Hawaii, (1511. Alison, K. (1961) Veliger, 4(1):36-40, On Cypraea tigris schilderiana Cate 9-10272 M Also issued as: Contr.Mar.Las.Univ.Hawaii, (156). Costlow, J.D. % C.G. Bookhout (1961) J.Elisha Mitchell sci.Soc., 77(1):33-42 The larval stages of Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards reared in the laboratory 9-10273 M The larval stages of P. herbstii Milne- Edwards have been reared in the laboratory from hatching to first-stage crab and beyond. Under laboratory conditions there are four zoeal stages and one megalops stage. These are described and figured. The setation of all functional appendages have been described and figured for each larval stage. The rostrum of the megalops of P. herbstii may serve as a diagnostic character. The chromatophores of living zoeae and fixed гоеае of Panopeus herbstii present a differert pattern. Squires, D.F. (1963) $-20274 м Bull.N.Z.Dep.scient.ind.Res., (15!:):45 5. Flabellum rubrum (Quoy and Gatrard) Flabellum rubrum is the common un coral of New Zealand. History of the taxonom; of the species is reviewed, the orisinel descrirtion and figures reproduced, ага а complete synonymy is given, Issued also as: Mem.N.2.oceanogr.Inst,, (20). Maziéres, J. (1962) Sci.et Pêche, (108):5 р. Mortalité des huitres en bassin (Oyster mortality in ponds) 9-10275 M Discusses the frequent causes of oyster mortality in water flows and the possible cure. Clarke, A.H., Jr. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:291-306 On the composition, zoogeography, origin and age of the deep-sea mollusk fauna 9-10276 M Partly besed on a doctorial thesis accepted by Harvard University. Analysis of a recent compilation of information on marine molluscs livirg at 1000 fm and deeper; Comparative study with shallow-water faune; general conclusions, Muir-Wood, H.M. (1962)BC 9-10277 M London, British Museum, Natural History, 132 p. On the morphology and classification of the brachiovod suborder Chonetoidea Sperks, A.K. (1963) 9-10278 M Honolulu, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Game, 44 р. Survey of the oyster potential of Hawaii Riley, C.J. (1962) 9-10279 M PG Rep.Atom.Energ.Author.U.K., 122(W) The fate of ruthenium-106 on ignition of seaweed (Porphyra) during analysis Serène, R. (1962) 9-10280 M Bull,Inst.oc&arogr.Monaco, (1241):27 р. Révision du genre Pseudosquilla (Stomatopoda) et définition de genres nouveaux (Revision of genus Pseudosquilla (Stomatopoda) and definition of new genera). En A historical revision which permits to maintain only five species in Pseudosquilla sensu restricto. Other species are distributed in two new genera: PSEUDOSQUILLOPSIS nov.gen. and MANNINGIA nov.gen; the first with Ps. cerisii, the second with Ps. pilaensis as type species, Castagné, M. & J. le Dantec 9-10281 M (1962) Sci.et Pêche, (107):5 p. Le gisement huitrier de L'Adour (oyster beds of L'Adour) Historical review, notes on the stocks. Crisp, D.J. & P.S. Meadows (1962) Proc, roy.Soc.(B), 156(965) :500-20 The chemical basis of gregariousness in cirripedes 9-10282 Studies on Balanus balanoides and Elminius modestus. BENTHOS 9 (10) 571 Wilhelmi, G. (1962) 9-10283 м Bull. Inst.océanogr.Monaco, (1243):20 р. Proliferationshemmende Eigenschaften von Anticoagulantien am befruchteten Ei von Paracentrotus lividus und an anderen Versuchsmodellen (Proliferation-inhibiting effect of anti- coagulants in the fertilized egg of Paracentrotus lividus and in other experiments). ¡na nas Out of 6 coumarins tested, Cumachlor and dicoumarol showed the most potent inhibitory effect on cell division in the fertilized egg of P.lividus; also distinctly reduced the power of regeneration in Plenaria gonocephala, The antiritotic properties of the anti- coagulants are discussed, Thomas, L.P. (1962) 9-10284 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(4):623-94 The shallow water amphiurid brittle stars (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) of Florida A fully illustrated systematic paper, with ‘identificatory keys to 9 genera and 21 species, Moore, D.R. (1962) 9-10285 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(4):695-701 The systematic position of the family Caecidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Discusses the taxonomic relationships of Caecidae and the Ctiloceridae which are transferred from the Cerithacea to the Risoacea, Jansson, B.-0. (1962) Oikos, 13(2):293-305 Salinity resistance and salinity preference of two oligochaetes Aktedrilus monospermetecus Kn8liner and Marionina preclitellochaeta n.sp. from the interstitial fauna of marine sandy beaches 9-10286 M Euryhalinity does not exclude a preference for a certain part of the selinity scale. Some objections to expressing the total amounts of salt in the littoral subsoil water as S [e are made and measurement of the electrical conductivity is recommended, Seto, T. et al. (1964) 9-10287 M Bull.Jap Soc.sci,Fish,, 30(9):717-22 (Filtering and feeding-rate of the pearl oyster, Pteria (Pinctada) martensii Dunker, determined with crude silicate as an indicator), Ni En Determination of filtering rate under natural environmental conditions. 572 Ishibashi, M., T. Yamamoto & 9-10288 M T. Fujita (1964) Rec.oceanogr.Wks Jap.» 7(2):17-24 Chemical studies on the ocean (part 92). Chemical studies on the seaweeds (part 17). Cobalt content in seaweeds Reports cobalt content of 77 seaweeds from 38 spp. and 2 limnetic weeds from 2 spp. CR 9-02057. Burton, M. (1963)C 9-10289 M London, British Museum (Netural History), 693 p. A revision of the classification of the calcereous sponges Comprises a synopsis of more than 500 species of sponges of the class Calcarea, Hartman, W.D. (1964) Science, 144(3619):711-2 Taxonomy of calcareous sponges. A revision of the classification of the calcareous sponges 9-10290 M Re 9-10289, Menzies, R.J. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(3) :339-58 On the food and feeding habits of abyssel organisms as exemplified by the Isopoda 9-10291 M Several of the suggested mechanisms for getting food to abyssal populations are explored and then the gut contents of thirty- two specimens of isopods are examined to learn if possible which mechanism seems to fit the picture of deep-sea isopod feeding. Rzepishevsky, I.K. (1962)A Int.Rev,Hydrobiol., 47(3):471-9 Conditions cf the mass liberation of the nauplii of the common barnacle, Balanus balanoides (L.), in the eastern Murman 9-10292 M Barnes, H. & M. Barnes (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(3) :181-6 The growth rate of Elminius modestus (Crust., Cirripedia) in Scotland 9-10293 M Data are presented on the growth rate of E, modestus in Scotland at three localities with contrasting conditions and at different intertidal levels, 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Srinivasan, K.S. (1962) Phytomorphology, 12:49-53 Botryocladia skottsbergii (Boergs.) Levr., red alga new to Indian region 9-10294 M BSEA 8(9)5473. Balakrishnan, N.N. (1962) Curr.Sci., 31:290-1 Incidence of marine wood-horing molluscs on the south-east coast of India 9-10255 M BSEA 3(9)5600. Карраппа, A.N., R.V. Sitakara € S.K. Syama (1962) Curr.Sci., 31:380-1 Chlorophyll contents of marine algae from Saurashtra coast 9-10296 M BSEA 8(11)6661. Kappanna, A.N. & R.V. Sitakara (1962) J.sci.industr,Res.(B), 21:559-60 Iodine content of marine algae from Gujarat coast 9-1029 7 M BSEA 8(12)7361. Srinivasan, V.V. (1962) Curr.Sci., 31:421-32 Growth of the shell in Martesia fragilis, the wood-boring pholad of Madras BSEA 8(12)7596. Moore, D.R. (1962) Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):399-402 Occurrence and distribution of Nemopsis bachei Agassiz (Hydrozoa) in the northern Gulf of Mexico The medusa renges from Florida to Texas, appearing in the plankton from January to May. Records observations made during 1958-60. Issued also as: Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, (390). 9-10298 мо 9-10299 M. Marcus, E. & E. Marcus (1962) 9-10300 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):450-88 Ophisthobranchs from Florida and the Virgin Islands Lists and describes 15 species, one of them Hexebranchus morosus n.sp. new to science, and of a genus not previously known in the Atlantic. 1 prosobranch, Lemellaria, is included. Vervoort, W. (1962) 9-10301 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):508-42 A redescription of Solanderia grecilis Duchassaing & Michelin, 1846, and general notes on the family solanderiidae (Coelenterata :Hydrozoa) Material from the Virgin Islands allowed a clarification of the taxonomic status of S. gracilis. Keys are given to 3 genera of the family, and to the recognisable species of Solanderia. Issued also as: (вот). Contr.Mar.Lab.Univ.Miami, Jacquotte, R. (1962) 9-10302 M Rec.Trav.Ste.mer.Endoume, 41(26):141-235 Etude des fonds de maerl de Mediterranée (Study on the "maerl" bottoms of the Mediterranean) Ecological study of Lithothamnium calcareum and L. solutum; reports the geographical distribution in Mediterranean, particularly off French coast, and discusses the evolutive conditions of the bottoms in reletion to the environmental factors. Describes fauna and flora and makes a comparative study with similar Atlantic biocenoses, Bellan-Santini, D. (1962) 9-10303 M Rec.Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, №1(26):237-98 Etude floristique et faunistique de quelques peuplements infralittoraux de substrat rocheux (Floristic and faunistic studies on some infralittoral biocenoses of rocky bottom) Ecological study on Petroglossum nicaeense biocenosis in relation with the environmental factors, particularly light and pollution. The affinities with other biocenoses of the infralittorel are discussed. Contains lists of spp. identified. Observations made on the Marseilles coast, BENTHOS 9 (10) 573 Huve, H. & J. Picard (1962)A 9-10304 M Rec. Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, 41(26):299-302 Note sur les variations saisonniéres d'une station de "sable à amphioxus" de l'archipel de Riou prés Marseille (Note on the seasonal variations of a station of "amphioxus sand" in the archipelago of Riou near Marseilles) Schneider, I.R., Т.О. Diener & 9-10305 MF R.S. Safferman (1964) Science, 144(3622):1127-9 Blue-green algal virus IPP-1: purification and partial characterization Uses culture of Plectonema boryanum. The virus more closely resembles bacteriophages than viruses infecting higher plants. Jackson, D.F. (1963)c 9-10306 MF Louisville, Kentucky University, TID-19250, 90 p. Final report on growth of algae. 1. Growth of algee in the dark - a tracer study. 2. Use of organic С labelled compounds to determine the upteke of dissolved organic substances used by algae under autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions Ochiai, A. & T. Yoshimitsu (1964) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(9):734-41 (On the population and migration of adult red salmon in the western parts of the North Pacific and Bering Sea, as estimated by age composition). Ni En 9-10307 MF Tentative examination, mainly based on appear- ance of dominant age groups, of distributional pattern of each population appearing on the fishing grounds in 1960, Gates, М.Е. (1963)c Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, 207 p. The influence of substrate nutrient concentration and induced turbulence on the growth of algal cultures 9-10308 MF Oscillatoria rubescens was examined using a constant density, semi-continuous dilution culturing system, Also Chlorella was tested using batch cultures, DA 24(4):1556, 574 Bowen, S.T. (1963) 9-10309 MF Biol.Bull, Woods Hole, 125(3):431-40 The genetics of Artemia salina. 3, Effects of X-irradiation and of freezing upon cysts Discusses method of storing shrimp cysts without loss of viability, and estimation of the most efficient dose of X-irradiation for inducing mutations. CR 62-05850, Talpasayi, E.R.S. (1963)A Cytologia, Tokyo, 28:76-80 Polyphosphate containing particles of blue-green algae 9-1031C MF IABS 32(3)6303. Fautrez-Firlefyn N. & J. 9-10311 MF Fautrez (1963)A Exp.Cell Res., 31:1-7 Effects of P-mercaptoethanol and dithiodiglycol on abnormal development of perinuclear plasm in cleaving eggs of Artemia salina IABS 32(3)6370. Glaser, R. (1962) Biol.Zbl., 81:539-47 (The effect of carrier on the build up of concentrations of radioactive isotopes in plant or animal cells from aqueous medium). De 9-10312 MF Proposes a working hypothesis for the carrier dependence of the enrichment of radioisotopes in water organisms, NSA 18(3)3458. Agre, A.L. 8 М.М. Telitchenko (1963) Fed.Proc.Transl.Suppl., 22:T1218-9 Accumulation of radioactive strontium by hydrophytes and detritus 9-10313 MF Several species of green algae, blue-green algae, diatoms, mosses and duckweed were tested. Suggests that hydrophytes and organic wastes may be used for decontamination of water containing Sr NSA 18(3)3459. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Fitzgerald, B.W. & D.M. Skauen (1963)c In 9-10031:159-62 Zinc-65 in oysters in Fishers Island Sound and its estuaries 9-10314 MF Sarples of Crassostrea virginica were examined, NSA 17(20)33558. Hetfield, T.W., D.M. Skauen & J.S. Rankin, Jr. (1963)c In 9-10031:141-3 Gross beta radioactivity in marine organisms 9-10315 MF Analyses were made on oysters, quahogs, mussels and algae in the Thames River, Cornecticut, U.S.A. NSA 17(20)33555. Hammer, L. (1961)B 9-10316 MF Bol.Inst.oceanogr.Univ.de Oriente, 1:249-57 Sobre la ecología del agua en los mangles (On the ecology of the water in the mangrove swamps ) Transpiration of Rhizophora mangle and its semiperasite Struthanthus dichotrianthus and of Avicennia nitida in their natural environment. Wells, H.W. (1961) Ecol.Monogr., 31(3):239-66 The fauna of oyster beds, with special reference to the salinity factor 9-10317 MF In the area of Beaufort, North Carolina, the distribution of oyster associates is compared with physical factors, particularly salinity. 303 species were collected; the number of species declined upstream and was directly related to salinity. Hillman, В.Е. (1964) 0-10318 MF Chesspeake Sci,, 4(4):172-4 Ar ohservation of the occurrence of mitosis in regerereting mentle epithelium of the eastern oyster, Crassostree virginica Frank, P.A.,N.E. Otto & T.R. Bartley (1961)B Weeds, 9(4):515-21 Techniques for evaluating aquatic weed herbicides 9-10319 MF BENTHOS Hall, T.F. (1961)B Adv.Pest Control Res., 4:211-47 Principles of aquetic plant control 9-10320 MF Varghese, T.J. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):96-106 Observations on the biology of Raconda russelliana (Gray) 9-10321 MF Includes computations of the following relationships; standard length-totel length; length-weight and fecundity length/weight. Mattisson, A.G.M. (1962) Ark.Zool,, 15(1):65-70 The cytochrome spectra of mitochondria fractions from muscle tissues of some invertebrates 9-10322 MF Observations on Annelida, Arthropoda, Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Holothurioidea, Hadjiolov, D.C. (1963) Experientia, 10(6):317 Progressive localization of neutral-red positive region with morphogenesis in Limnaea 9-10323 Use of vital stain in study of developing embryos. Steeves, H.R. (1963) J.exp.Zool., 154(1):21-7 The effects of starvation on glycogen and lipid metabolism in the isopod Lirceus brachyurus (Harger) 9-10324 Е During experimentally induced inanition there was a significant decrease of glycogen in both the storage cells of the hepatopancreas and the epithelium of the hind-gut, indicating its use as an energy source, Singer, R.H., N.B. Rushforth & A.L. Burnett (1963) J.exp.Zool., 154(2):169-73 The photodynamic action of light on Hydra 9-10325 F Describes an analysis of the influence of light intensity and wavelength on the contractility of Hydra pirardi. Discusses the results in terms of known physiological functions, 9 (10) 575 Kawecka, В. (1964) Acta hydrobiol, Kraków, 6(2):119-28 Zbiorowiska glonów м dolnej czegi potoku RogoZnik (Communities of algae in the lower part of the Rogoénik stream). Pl 9-10326 Е Characteristics of the stream from the Podhale (submontane region of the Tatras). Localities and methods of investigations, list of 147 species of algae identified, communities of algae, seasonal differences. Zacwilichowska, K. (1964) 9-10327 Е Acta hydrobiol, Kraków, 6(2):139-54 Chrúsciki (Trichoptera) potoku Wielka Puszcza (Trichoptera of the Wielka Puszcza stream). PL En A typical west-Carpathian stream was the subject of research. Describes localities and methods used. Appearance of particular species. Ecological notes. Whitley, 1..5. (1963)c Thesis, Purdue Univ., 120 р. Studies on the biology of Tubificidae 9-10328 F Stream worms Tubifex tubifex and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were examined. They were found to be more resistant to the toxic substances studied than most types of fish, DA 24(4):1768, Smith, А.А. & C.S. Hammen (1963) 9-10329 Е Biol. Bull, ‚Woods Hole, 125(3):534-41 Effects of metabolic inhibitors on planarian regeneration Describes abnormalities in regeneration of the head of Dugesia tigrina, induced by inhibitors of carboxylation enzymes. Kaushik, D.K. (1963)c Thesis, Utah State Univ., 133 p. The influence of salinity on the growth and reproduction of marsh plants 9-10330 MF , Experiments were conducted in the greenhouse and at Ogden Bay (Utah) to determine the quality of water needed to maintain the salinity below lethal level for desirable marsh plants, DA 24(7):2641, 576 Eble, A.F. (1963)C 9-10331 MF Thesis, Rutgers - The State Univ, , 501 р. The circulatory system of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica gmelin Anatomical description of the heart, aortae and veins. Blood circulation scheme, DA 24(7):3025. Griffard, C.D. (1963)A J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 56:597-600 Classical conditioning of the planarian Phagocata gracilis to water flow 9-10332 F IABS 32(3)6048, Shafer, J.N. & C.D. Corman 9-10333 F (1963)A J.comp.physiol.Psychol. , 56:601-3 Response of Plararia to shock TABS 32(3)6049. Yu-Ying Fu Li, F.D. Baker & W. Andrew (1963)A Proc.Soc.exp.Biol.,N.Y., 113:259-62 Method for tissue culture of Hydra cells 9-10334 F IABS 32(3)6436, Volkova, G.A. (1963) 9-10335 ЕР Ent.Obozr., 42:516-9 (The build-up factor of the radioisotopes of some chemical elements in aquatic insects). Ru The larvae of flies Cleon dipterun, Glyphotaelium punctatolineatus, Leucorhinea rubicunda and Eristelis tenax were investigated NSA 18(3)3456. Nelson, D.J. (1963)c In 9-10031:203-11 The strontium and calcium relationships in Clinch and Tennessee River mollusks 9-10336 Е The shells of clams were investigated to determine whether they could be used as biological “indicators of Sr-90 in the water. NSA 17(20)33566, 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bayless, J.D. (1961) 9-10337 F Proc.stheest.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):286-8 The use of electricel stimuli in live-picking organisms from bottom samples A simple, portable, and effective apparatus for electrically stimulating macrobenthos is described as a material aid for rapid picking of bottor: samples in the field, Phillippy, C.L. (1961) 9-10338 F Proc. sthezst.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):288-92 Preliminary results of herbicides tested on certain aquatic plants in Florida Ten herbicides were tested for effectiveness on Pistie strateotes, Najas quadalupensis, Potamogeton illinoensis, Nuphar sp., Ceratephyliun demersum, Bacopa sp., Mriorhy!lur sp., Utricularia sp., Polyganum SF Hydrocctyle umbellata, Nymphaea odorata and Typhe latifolia. Najarian, H.H. (1961) Bull.World Hlth Crg., Biological studies on truncatus, in central 9-10339 F 25(4/5) :435-6 the snail, Bulinus Iraq. Fr Field and laboratory studies on the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma haematobium, Deals with the linear and size distribution of this snail in earth canals; labcratory studies on egg masses, development, hatching and growth; the egg-laying capacity of grouped and of isolated snails in relation to their size; and the egg-laying of random snail populations. Gönnert, R. (1961) 9-10340 - F Bull.World Hlth Org. , 25(4/5):483-501 Results of laboratory and field trials with the mc”.luscicide Bayer 73. Fr Summarizes results of use of the ethanolamine salt of the active ingredient 5,2' dichloro-k'- nitro-salicylic-anilide. Presents data on lethal concentrations for snails transmitting Schistosoma and Fasciola (and for their ova) & influence of exposure time, temperature, water composition, pH, light and mud on its effici- ency. Describes toxicity to fish, other aquatic fauna, warm blooded animals, and plants FAO:wad \ BENTHOS Gillet, J. & P. Bruaux (1961) 9-10341 Е Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):509-17 Essais en laboratoire des nouveaux molluscicides Bayer 73 et ICI 24223 (Laboratory trials of the new molluscicides Bayer 73 and ICI 24223). En Comparative tests on the African snails Biomphelaria, Physopsis and Lymnaea with 5,2'- dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylicanilide and isohutyltriphenylmethylamine, Bruaux, P. & J. Gillet (1961) 9-10342 Е Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):519-23 Comparaison de l'activité de divers molluscicides en laboratoire (Laboratory comparison of the activity of several molluscicides). En Experiments to compare the molluscicidal effect of four compounds copper sulphate, sodium pentachlorophenate, ICI 24223 and Bayer 73 on adult Biomphalaria snails, the eggs of Lymnaee natalensis and cercariae of Schistosome mansoni. FAO :wad Webbe, G. (1961) 9-10343 Е Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):525-31 Laboratory and field trials of a new molluscicide, Bayer 73, in Tanganyika, Fr Records trials with Bayer 73 in comparison witr sodium pentachlorophenate with Bulinus, Biomphalaria, Lymnaea, Schistosoma, Tilapia, Protopterus, Clarias, Astatoreorhromis, Haplochromis, Barbus, frogs and plants. Strufe, R. (1961) Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):503-7 Field tests for the colorimetric determination of the molluscicide Bayer 73. Fr 9-10344 Е Two methods described for detecting its active ingredient: 52'-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylic- anilide, Shiff, C.J. (1961) 9-10345 Е Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(14/5):533-42 Trials with a new molluscicide, Bayer 73, in Southern Rhodesia, Fr Deals with laboratory and field trials against snails; Biomphalaria, Bulinus, Lymnaea, Gyraulus, 9 (10) 577 Shiff, C.J. & B. Garnett (1961) 9-10346 Е Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):543-7 The short-term effects of three molluscicides on the microfauna and microflora of small, biologically stable ponds in Southern Rhodesia, Fr Comparisons of copper sulfate, sodium pentachlorophenate and Bayer 73. Effects on amphibia Potamon and plants also noted. Caspers, H. & H. Schulz (1962) 9-10347 F Int.Rev.Eydrobiol., 47(1):100-17 Weitere Unterlagen zur Prtifung der Sanrobiensysteme (Further documentation for evalueting saprobic systems) Morrill, J.B. (1963) 9-10348 F Biol, Bull, Woods Hole, 125(3):508-22 Morphological effects of cobaltous chloride on the development of Limnava stagnalis and Linmaea palustris Describes methods of treatment with CoCl,, morphology of malformations, аа от malformations and treatment with other metal salts, Teesdale, C., D.F. Hadman & J.N. Nguriathi (1961)A Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):563-71 The use of continuous low-dosage copper sulfate as a molluscicide on an irrigation scheme in Kenya. Fr 9-10349 Е Komiya, Y. (1961) Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):573-9 Study and epplication of molluscicides in Japan, Fr 9-10350 F Discusses use of calcium oxide, calcium cyanimide, sodium pentachlorophenate, DN-1 (dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol), calcium arsenate, calcium arsenite, with specific effec On Oncomelania nosophora, vector of Schistosoma japonicum, 578 Gretillet, 5. (1961) Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(1/5):521-€ Un nouveeu molluscicide, le dimétnyldithio- errbenete de zinc (zirame) (A new molluscicide, zir- dimethyldithio- carbemete (zirsm)). En Describes leboratory and field tests agsinst Biomphalarie, Bulinus ond Iymneee. Describes toxicity to men, domestic animels, frogs, fish, insects and nematodes, Deschiens, R., N. Ayad e Y. le Corroller (1961) Eull,world Hlth Org Molluscicides & action élective et molluscicides de contact dans le prophylaxie des bilharzioses (Molluscicides with selective activity and mclluscicides acting through contact in the prophylexis of bilharziasis). En Suggests that since ecological balance is disturbed unfavorably by use of "classical molluscicide" (sodium pentachlorophenate, copper sulfate, etc), mey be possible to replace them by substences having a more narrowly selective activity. Barium chloride considered effective (LD100) at 80 ppm against molluscs and reletively harmless to fish, frogs, lerge freshwater crustaceens and plant life. Also barium carbonete, zinc oxide and metaldehyde. Blair, D.M. (1961) 9-10353 F Bull.worlä Hlth Org., 25(4/5):597-601 Dangers in using and handlirg sodium pentschlororhenate as а molluscicide. Fr Describes warning signs of intoxication, cases of poisoning, precautions, Hairston, N.G. € B.C. Santos (1961) 9-10354 FP Bull World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):603-10 Ecological control of the snail host of Schistosoma japonicum in the Philippines. Fr An account of control of Oncomelania quadrasi. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (10) Rahman, K.A. & H.S. Ed Din (1961) Bull,World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):699-701 Observetions on the distribution of drifting snails in a large irrigation canal 9-10357 № A study on vertical distribution of the vectors of bilharzia (snails) in the cross- section of e canal, and use of mechenical barriers, Pauvliniz Er) Gs. Chata & JR. de Freitas (1961) Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):706-9 Trials with the molluscicides rhodiacid and Bayer 73 9-10356 F Results of tests to eliminate the snail vectora of bilharziasis with rhodiecid (50 70 zinc dimethyl-dithio-carbamate and 50 70 calcium carbonate) and Bayer 73 (2-hydioxi-5,2'- dichloro-L'-nitrobenzalid). Barbosa, F.S. (1961) Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):710-1 Insoluble or slightly soluble chemicals as molluscicides 9-10357 F Discusses shortcomings of soluble molluscicides such as copper sulfate and sodium pentachloro- Phenate and suggests possibilities of copper carbonate etc, 1 Ayad, N. (1961) 9-10358 F Bull,world Hlth Org., 25(4/5):712-21 The use of molluscicides in Egypt Summarizes the experience here (1924 to present) with respect to control of bilharziasi and presents the results of tests on a new molluscicide (Bayer 4780) and its effect on к snails, snail eggs, cercariae and fish (Tilapie — Alestes, Clarias). Ferguson, F.F. (1961) Bull.world Hlth Org., 25(4/5):721-3 Use of molluscicides for bilharziasis control in Puerto Rico 9-10359 F { Describes use of sodium pentachlorophenate (methods of dispersion) and acralein; latter also used to control aquatic vegetation. N BENTHOS Komiya, Y., K. Yesuroaka & 9-10360 F Y. Hosaka (1961) Bull.World_Hlth Org., 25(4/5):724-7 Review of studies on the resistance of Oncomelenia snails to molluscicides in Japan Molluscicides mentioned are sodium pentachloro- phenate (NaPCP) and dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol (Dn-1). Williams, J.E. € L.S. Ritchie 9-10361 Е (1961 )А Bull.Worla Hlth Org., 25(4/5):727-30 A standardized field-plot dilution test for evaluating molluscicides against amphibious Oncomelania snails Hairston, N.G. (1961) 9-10362 F pull.World Hith Org., 25(4/5):731-7 Suggestions regarding some problems in the evaluation of molluscicides in the field Explores some of the causes of error in measurement of snail densities and suggests methods to reduce these errors and to measure their magnitude. Klock, J.W. (1961) 9-10363 F Bull,World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):730-40 A method for the direct quantitative recovery of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae from natural waters of Puerto Rico Describes an instrument which utilizes the positive phototropism extended by the cercariae, Braga, В.А. (1961) Bol,Soc.cesr. Agron. , 2:59-61 sobre o contrôle de plantas aquéticas na lagoa Itans (Iguatu, Ceará, Brasil) (On the control of aquatic plants in the Itans lagoon (Iguatu, Ceará, Brazil), 9-10364 Е En A note containing suggestions for weed control, Mascia, V. (1960) 9-10365 F J.New Engl.Wet.Wks Ass., 74(3):185-8 Chemical methods of weed control in reservoirs 9 (10) 579 Noodt, W. (1961) Invest.zoo01.chil., 7:7-16 Estudios sobre crustáceos chilenos de aguas subterráneas, 2. Nueva Ingolfiella de aguas subterráneas límicas de les Lomas de Paposo en el norte de Chile (Crustacea, Amphipoda) (Study of Chilean crustaceans of subterranean waters, 2. New Ingolfiella of subterranean fresh waters of the Lomas de Paposo in northern Chile (Crustecea, Amphipoda)). De 9-10366 F Texonomic description and discussion of the species. CR 9-10369. PiRshr Bahamonde, N.N. (1961) Invest.zool,chil., 7:17 Tridactilis en Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig) (Tridactyl Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig)). 9-10367 F En Describes dactylus anomalis from quelipeds of the species, Bshamonde, N.N. & M.T. Lopez (1961) Invest,zool,chil., 7:19-58 Estudios biológicos en la población de Aegla laevis leevis (Latreille) de El Monte (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) (Biological studies of the population of Aegla laevis laevis (Latreille) of El Monte (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura)). En 9-10368 F Describes the habitat, symbionts, parasites, feeding habits, reproduction, migrations, development and growth of the species, Noodt, W. (1961) Invest,zool,chil,, 7:97-9 Estudios sobre crustéceos chilenos en aguas subterréness, №. Nuevo hallazgo de Derocheiloceris galvarini Dahl en Chile central. (Crustacea, Mystacocarida) (Study of Chilean crustaceans in subterranean waters, №. New record of Derocheilocaris galvarini Dahl in central Chile. (Crustacea, Mystacocarida)). De 9-10369 F Record of occurrence 1,000 km from the first findi of. the species, CR o-10366. P FiB:hr 580 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pitchford, R.J. (1961) 0-10377 F Waldén, H.W. (1962) 9-10370 F ‚ Bull. World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):559-62 Ark.zool., 15(1):71-95 A review of the use of non-residuzl On the variation, nomenclature, distribution molluscicides in the Transvaal, Fr and taxonomical position of Limax (Lehmannia) valentienus Férussac (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) Compared to copper sulfate and sodium pentachlorovhenate, Bringrann, G. € В. Kühn (1962) 9-10378 F nn Hodes 9-10371 Е Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):123-45 AN ON 12(2) Biomassentiter und Saprobien - eine Wer ican cala files [ener viens) hydrobiologische Vergleichsenalyse an Nieder-Rheir, Fulda und Havel (Biomass measurement and saproby, a h;drologicel romcarative aralvsis ma: Hubendick, в. (1962) 9-10372 E en ры Bene analysis Bene Oikos, 12(2):249-61 ~ the lower Rhine, Fulda and Havel rivers) Aspects on the diversity of the freshwater fauna Some general aspects of the diversity of the limnic fauna are discussed, and the latitudinal variation of its taxonomic diversity is Brinkhurst, R.O. (1962)A 9-10379 F demonstrated by the basommetophoren gastropods. Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(2):301-6 À re-description of Peloscolex variegatus Leidy (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) with a consideration of the diagnosis of the genus Gupta, А.В. & G.U. Nair (1962)A 9-10373 F Рева Bot.Gaz., 124(2):144-6 Colony formation in Gloeotaenium and its significance in evolution of the filamentous RER Brinkhurst, R.O. (1962)A 9-10380 Е Int.Rev.Evdrobiol., 47(2):307-12 Kemat, N.D. (1062) 9-10374 Е A re-description of Tubifex newaensis Curr.Sci., 31:300 (Michaelson), (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae) with a consideration of its taxonomic position Intestinal contents of tadpoles and algae of k | in the genus small ponds BSEA 8(9)5625. Hati, А.К. € S.M. Ghosh (1962) 9-10375 F Kursanov, А.Г. (1961) 9-10381 FG Bull.Calcutta Sch.trop.Med., 10:120-1 ICSU Rev., 3(2):143-51 Study on water scorpion (Laccotrephes Some aspects of plant physiology and the | maculatus) as a predator of mosquito larvae problem of productivity and pupae Incl, short discussion of mass culture of BSEA 8(12)7611. Chlorella and other algae. Knöpp. H. (1962) 9-10376 Е Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(1):85-99 Wattendorff, J. (1963)A 9-10382 в Uber Situation und Entwicklungstendenzen Ber.dtsch.bot.Ges., 76:196-202 der Saprobiologie Method for continuous infra-red spectroscopic (The present status and probable future measurement of respiration and Co development of saprobiology) assimilation in higher aquatic plants IABS 32(3)6321. 9 (10) 581 FISHING Miyauchi, D. et al, (1963)c 9-10383 M Seattle, Washington, Technological Lab., USFWS, TID-18036, 48 р. Application of radiation-pasteurization processes to Pacific crab and flounder, Final summary, October 1961 - September 1962 Jyung, C.K. (1960) 9-10384 M Rep.Res.Fish.Resour.Korez, L:153-68 (Studies on the degree of stability of the purse seine fishery). Korean Deals with the economics of the Korean fishery. Miyauchi, D., M. Eklund & $-10385 M У.Е. Stout (1962)C TID-17557, 43 p. Annual report on radietion of fish, October 1961 through September 1962. Part 1. Applic- ation of radiation-pasteurization processes to Pacific crab and flounder. Part 2, Effects of ionizing radiation of lipids of fish Studies radiation processing and the use of antioxidants. Data are included from a study of the effects of gamma radiation of fish lipids. NSA 17(20)33618. Denmark. Fiskeriministeriet 9-10386 M (1961) FiskBer.,Kbh., 1961:137 p. Statistical tables for Danish catch, gear, fishermen; with short analysis. English summary. Helfrich, P. (1961)c 9-10387 M Hawaii, Honolulu, 16 p. Fish poisoning in the tropical Pacific Also issued as: (155). Contr.Mer.Lab.Univ.Hawaii, 9 (10) ICNAF (1961) 9-10388 M Statist. Bull.int.Comm.Northw.Atlant.Fish., 10(1960):75 p. In two parts: Development of fishery in the convention area over a series of years by the biologist-statistician B.F. Calvin de Baie; tatistics for 1960 of landings and groundfish (round fresh weight) and effort, by species, geers and subareas and countries. Appendix gives corrections to 8-02250, Ci 8-02250, Paiva, M.P. (1961) 9-10389 M Arq.Estaç.Biol.mar.Univ.Ceeré, 1(2):110 р. Cartas de pesca pare os atuns e afins do Atl&ntico Tropical (Fishery charts for tune and related species in the tropical Atlantic) Charts covering the Atlantic Ocean from 14 deg. N to 14 deg. 5 and from O deg.-60 deg.W based on fishing activities in 1956-60 of the Japanese long-liners of the Nippon Reizzo Kabushiki Kaisha based in Brazilian harbours. Contains data on relative density of Thunnus obesus, T, alalunga, Т. albacore, Meksira emple, M. albida and Istiophorus americanus. FiB:mr Velankar, N.K. (1961) 9-10390 M Indien J.Fish., 6(1):241-51 Spoilage of prawns at O deg. C and its assessment by chemical and bacteriological tests Metapeneeus dobsoni. Percier, A. (1962) France Péche, 7(66):41-4 Les engins de péche, Les nasses et casiers (Fishing gear. The fishpots and lobsterpots) 9-10391 M Article in a series of short descriptions of apparatus and instruments. Sund, O. (1962) Norg.Fisk., (1960):92 Different types of fishing geer 9-10392 M 58/2 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Norway. Director of Fisheries 9-10393 M (1962) Norg.Fisk., (1960):93 р. Review of sea-fisheries statistics, followed by tebles of catches by spp., type of gear, location, months; name and ill. of spp. caught and types of gear used; Incl. as appendix map of fishery districts and 9-10475, 9-10392. ANON. (1962) Pesca y Marina, 14(5):4-7 La pesca mundial (World fisheries) 9-10394 M Recent fishery developments in Angola, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Ceylon, Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, Spain, Philippines, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco and Nicaragua. Gordini, J.M. (1962) Pesca y Marina, 14(5):14-8 La pesca en el Mar argentino (The fisheries in the Argentina seas) 910395 M Coastal fisheries, industrialization, distribution, marketing. Co 8-06287. U.K. MAFF (1962)B 9-10306 M + Rep.Herring Ind.3d Scot., 27(1961) U.K. MAFF (1963) 9-10397 M Sea Fish.statist.Teb.,Lond., (1962):43 р. Cole, В.С. & L.H. Greenwood-Barton 9-10398 MF (1963) Trop.Sci., 5(4):215-47 Problems associated with the development of fisheries in tropical countries: 2. The modernization of fishing methods Considers the problems involved in improving fishing methods used in developing countries. Traditional gears, fishing conditions in the tropics, the possibility of using better materials, changing designs and techniques, question of training fishermen to use new methods are discussed. Co 8-06285. Jagodwinski, Z. (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):63-8 Multiple echoes in echo sounders and the probability of detection of small targets 9-10399 MF A study of multiple echoes was made in connection with hydrographic work in shallow waters such as port areas and power station reservoir lakes, Tucker, D.G. & J.G. Henderson (1960) Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):69-78 Automatic stabilization of underwater acoustic beams without mechanical motion of the transducer 9-10400 MF A method of electronic stabilization of beem direction in an echo sounder or asdic (or sonar) system is described. Tortett, H.D. (1961)C London, Putnem, 352 p. The angler's freshwater fishes 9-10401 MF Popular account of life history, description and angling for freshwater and estuarine fishes of Great Britain. Illustrated. Netherlands. Centraal Bureau 9-10402 MF Voor de Statistiek (1961) Stetist.Visserij, 1960:36 p. General review, landings by species, gears, areas, type of craft, and port; incl. separately shellfish, freshwater fisheries and whales. Also prices; nos. of boats and men engaged. New Zealand, Marine Department (1962) Rep.Fish.N.Z., (1961):25 р. 9-10403 MF Statistical tables of quantities and values of annuel catches, landings by spp., ports and methods of capture, exports and imports; vessels Operating; notes on special fisheries (crayfish, whales, rock oysters, mussel, toheroa, whitebait). Freshwater and marine research (Rotorua lakes, angling diary, eels, stream-bank and bottom faunas and vegetation, snepper flatfish and tarakihi tagging); legislation; common and scientific names of fish; fishing industry advisory councils, FISHING Gresham, G. (1962) 9-10404 MF Louisiana Conserv., 14(9/10):6-8 Pesticides vs. wildlife Popuiar article on effect of pesticides on terrestrial, freshwater and marine resources. Thailand. Depertment of Fisheries (1961)C Bengkok, 50 p. Fisheries in Thailand 9-10405 MF Fisheries resources, aquatic plants and animals Fisheries industries, capture operations, culture operations, handling and utilization of catch, marketing; Fisheries administration and development, the fisheries department, training and education, fishermens's associations and cooperatives, basic features of fisheries legislation. Natal Parks Game & Fish 9-10406 MF Preservation Board (1960/61) Rep.Natal Pks Pres.Bd, (13):31 p. Brief review of statistics of coastal fisheries, work on hatcheries and river and lake stations; regulation of angling. Korea. Central Fisheries Experiment Station (1961)C Pusan, 39 p. Outline of development and research activities in Korean fisheries 9-10407 MF General characteristics of Korean fisheries, fishing boats, fishing methods, size of boat and fishing time, fishing ports, fish landing and utilization, Development and research activities, exploratory fishing and fishing gear development, processing and food technology development, agriculture research, marine research, _ Korea, Central Fisheries 9-10408 MF Experimental Station (1961)C Korea, 421 р. Statistics of fisheries catches, 1926-1960. Korean Catches by spp. and prefecture in S. Korea, 1926-60. 9 (10) Chang, Н.И. & J.D. Ro (1961)C Когеа, 93 р. Outline of Korean fisheries and fish handling, processing, marketing and research activities in Korea 9-10409 MF Canada, Dominion Bureau of Statistics (1962) Fish.Statist.Can.(H), 1961:20 p. La statistique des pêches Columbie-Britann- ique (Fisheries statistics British Columbia). En 9-10410 MF Yearly landings (quantities and values) by species, region, type of craft and gear; inventory and operations of equipment; employment, processing, trade, counties paid, Brazil (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 3(13):40 р. 9-10411 MF This issue contains semi popular articles and news on Brazilian and world fisheries. Brazil (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 3(14):0 р. 9-10412 MF Co 9-10k11, Brazil (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 9-10413 MP 3(15):40 р. Co 9-10412, Brazil (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 3(16):40 р. .9-10414 MF Со 9-10413. Brazil (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 3(18):40 р. 9-10415 MF Co 9-1041k4, 583 584 Austrelia, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics (1962) Primary Ind. Bull. Canberra, (54) :90 т. Primary industries. Part 2. Non-rural indus- tries and value of production, 1959-60 9-10416 MF Incl. fishing and whaling statistics for Australia, OECD (1962) OECD Docum.Fd Agric., (51):186 p. Sanitary regulations for fish and fish products. Report and discussions at a meeting of experts convened in Paris on December 11th to 14th 1961 9-10417 MF Brazil (1962) 9-10418 MF Rev.nac.Pesca,S.Paulo, 3(19):40 р. Co 9-10415, Italy. Istituto Centrale di 9-10419 MF Statistica (1962) Annuar.Statist.Pesca Caccia, 9(1961):172 p. Philippines. (n.d.1961?) Fish.Statist.Philipp., 1961:87 p. Bureau of Fisheries 9-10420 MF Co 9-10027. U.K. Parliament (1962)B London, H.M.S.0., Cmnd. 1674 Fisheries of Scotland report for 1961 9-10421 MF Cantrelle, P. & С. Laurent (Ed.) 9-10422 Е (1961)c 69 p. | Le poisson de fleuve dans l'ouest africain, Etude d'économie alimentaire (The river fishes in western Africa. of food economy) A study Contains data on the dietary value of fish, actuel date on consumption by human population settled in the Senegal Basin and Niger River; studies the distribution and main markets and gives some catch statistics. Refers to Tilapia, Clarias, Lates, Hydrocyon, Citharinus, Heterotis, Synodontis, Alestes and other spp. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Morita, C.M. (1963) 9-10423 F Honolulu, Division of Fish end Game, unpag. 20 p. Freshwater fishing This publication is a roundup of details for interested fishermen » and tells something of the origin, habits » and distribution of the fresh water game fishes in Hawaii, Hashimoto, T. & Y, Maniwa (1962) Tech.Rep.Fish.Bost., 17(2):8 р. (Echo sounding of frozen lake and detection of pond-smelt from surface of ice). Ni En 9-1042, Р When lake is frozen, it is easy to determine positions with accuracy on surface of ice and if it is possible to sound from its surface the sounding work is made more easily. But ' ultrasonic wave transmission loss of ice and existence of air between back of ice and water surface were not known. Hence experiments on sounding from the ice surface were made on frozen Lake Haruna in Gunma Prefecture in Jenuary and February, 1962. Sounding could be made rapidly and accurately. Pond-smelt swimming under the ice could be detected from surface, Burress, R.M. (1961)A 9-10425 Е Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):296-8 Fishing pressure and success in areas of flooded standing timber in Bull Shoals reservoir, Missouri Howell, Н.Н. & Н.В. Lutz (1961) Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):367-79 How meny out-of-state fishermen purchase more than one licence in Kentucky, and where and when do they fish? 9-10426 Е An analysis of 52,500 ten day non resident licenses was made to determine the number of duplications within each of the 120 counties of the state (intra-county duplications), and to determine the ratio of such intra-county duplications to the inter-county duplications resulting from the purchase by a licensee of licenses from two or more counties, and to gather concurrently, if possible, as much additional information from the licenses that might be of value to conservation officials, sportsmen, and dock operators. 585 AQUATIC STOCKS Inoue, M. (1963) J.Tokyo Univ.Fish., 49(1):25-32 Size composition and occurrence of anchovy shoals in Tokyo Bay 9-10427 M Analysis of log-book data of a seiner to give outline of migration of Engraulis japonicus; species and size composition and distribution of shoals, Ellis, R.A. € J.H. Abel, Jr. (1964) Science, 144(3624):1340-2 Intercellular channels in the selt-secreting glands of marine turtles 9-10428 M Histological investigations of the gland tissue of Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydes. Mosher, H.S. et al. (1964) Science, 144(3622):1100-10 Terichatoxin-tetrodotoxin: 9-10429 M a potent neurotoxin One of the most toxic nonprotein substances obtained from the puffer fish Sphoeroides rubripes is the same as that isolated from the newt Jaricha torosa, Isolation procedure and structure of the toxin, as well as the pharmacology, are described. Raitt, D.F.S. (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):49-51 A note on the pyloric caecae of Gadus poutassou Risso 9-10430 M Gives summary of previous observations on the number of pyloric caecae (0-15) and new data from № areas of N. Sea, estimating the mean number equals 10.71 (8-14). Harden Jones, F.R. (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):52-76 Further observations on the movements of herring (Clupea harengus L.) shoals in relation to the tidal current 9-10431 M Current measurements, echo sounders and survey technique. Movements of fish shoals; diurnal vertical movements, and movements in relation to the tide, in area of Calais-Sandettié (N.S.) 9 (10) Pruter, A.T. € D.L. Alverson (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):81-99 Abundance, distribution, and growth of flounders in the south-eastern Chukchi Sea 9-10432 M Hippoglossoides robustus, Limanda aspera, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, Liopsetta glacialis, Atheresthes stomias and Platichthys stellatus were caught. Aasen, O. (1962) J.Cons., 27(2):162-6 On the correlation between the arrival and spawning of the Norwegian winter herring 9-10433 M Results based on the observation of 34 years (1927-60). The average time lag between arrival and spawning is 38 days with a standard deviation of 1 week. Pearcy, W.G. (1962) J.Cons., 27(3):232-5 Distribution and origin of demersal eggs within the order Pleuronectiformes 9-10434 M Mentions 4 spp. of N. Pacific flatfishes and 1 sp. from NW Atlantic which lay demersal or non-buoyant eggs. Evolution of these spp. in the N. Pacific from a common ancestral stock which spawned pelagic eggs is suggested. Nekagome, J. (1964) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(7):560-3 (On the cause of annual variation of fishing condition of big-eyed tuna in the area from Marshall Islands to Palmyra Island. 6, Relation between long line catch rate and dominant age group and year the dominant group was spawned). Ni En 9-10435 M Attempt to transform fork length frequency of fish by year to age frequency by year. Co 61-00061, 61-00064, 61-00067, 61-00066, 61-00047. Taylor, C.C. (1962) J.Cons., 27(3):270-86 Growth equations with matabolic parameters 9-10436 M The mathematical methods, applied to date of several species, including Salvelinus alpinis, Acipenser fulvescens, Sardinops caerulea, 586 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Iles, Т.О. & P.O. Johnson (1962) 9-10437 M Kim, C.T. (1960) 9-10442 M J.Cons., 27(3):287-303 Rep.Res.Fish.Resour.Korea, 4:121-31 The correlation table analysis of a sprat (On the ecological study for the horse mackerel (Clupea sprattus L.) year-class to separate Trachurus japonicus (Temminck et Schlegel). two groups differing in growth characteristics Korean Describes otolith types, metamorphosis and 1] formation, overwintering larvae, The fish used in investigation were caught in the Wash (N.Sea) area, An analysis of catch and catch effort data for the Korean region, Bae, T.H. (1960) 9-10443 M Rep.Res.Fish.Resour.Korea, №:169-80 Rout, D.W.R. (1962) 9-10438 м: A study on the relationship between the water J.Cons., 27(3):316-24 temperature, salinity and transparency, and Some observations on the whiting (Gadus the migration of some species of marine animals merlangus L.) of the inshore winter fishery off Lowestoft Considers the annual variation in hydrographic factors around Korea in relation to migration Describes the results of tagging experiments, conditions for Mackerel pike, Alaska pollack, The fish used were caught by rod and line, squid and Yellow Sea corvenia, Migration routes in S.W. North Sea are mapped, Gorbman, A. & M.S. James (1963)C 9-10444 M In 9-10031:385-99 An exploratory study of radiation damage in Mather, F.J. 111 (1962) 9-10439 M the thyroids of coral reef fishes from the J.Cons., 27(3):325-7 Eniwetok atoll Transatlantic migration of two large bluefin i tuna Histopathologic changes observed are described, NSA 17(20)33587. 2 specimens of Thunnus thynnus released off the N.W. Bahamas were recaptured off Bergen (Norway). Issued also as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Pearcy, W.G. (1964) 9-10445 M Instn, (1255). J.Mar.Res., 22(1):83-102 Some distributional features of mesopelagic fishes off Oregon Over 200 collections made between June 1961 Bae, T.H. (1960) 9-10440 M and August 1962 at various depths down to Rep.Res.Fish,Resour.Korez, №:1-106 1000 m (mostly down to 200 m) along three (The biological study on the Yellow Sea latitudes off Oregon have provided preliminary corvenia in the adjacent Sea of Korea). data on species composition, sampling Korean variability, diurnal vertical migrations, depth distribution, and seasonal and geo- Presents a considerable body of deta on graphic variations of adult and large growth, feeding, eggs, larvae, catch data juvenile mesopelegic fishes. and hydrographic factors. Dodd, J.M. & C.K. Goddard 9-10446 M (1961) Proc.zool.Soc.Lond., 137(3):325-31 Chu, C.H. (1960) 9-10441 M Some effects of oestradiol benzoate Re the reproductive ducts of the female dogfish Rep.Res.Fish.Resour.Korea, 4:107-19 On the ecological study for the mackerel, Scyliorhinus caniculus Scomber japonicus Houttuyn). Korean Reports the results of intramuscular Fa of growth, morphological features implantation of oestradiol pellets. and the food of three groups of mackerel from the south Korean area, 9 (10) AQUATIC STOCKS Liston, J. & C.R. Hitz (1961) 9-10447 M Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish. , (383): 6 р. Second survey of the occurrence of parasites and blemishes in Pacific Ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus, May-June 1959 Brief study cf occurrence in perch caught in waters Of Hecate Strait and those southward to Cape Blanco, Oregon, to test the findings mede during a similar study in 1958, ci 9-10448, Kojima, s. (1964) 9-10448 м Bull.Jap.Soc,sci.Fish., 30(8):619-23 (Studies on fishing conditions of the dolphin, Coryphaene hippurus L., in the western regions of the Sea of Japan - 9. Quantitative analysis on stomach contents). Ni En Frequency of occurrence of empty stomachs; relation between amount of stomach contents and available prey; and also behaviour of dolphins living near bamboo rafts, Co 9-04411, Borodatova, Z.A. (1961) In 8-04463:15-22 Herring of the Barents Sea 9-10449 M Adduces data critical to demonstrating that Murman herring are not the young of Norwegian stocks. En Z.A. Borodatova 1930, Gerasimov, I.M. (1961)A 9-10450 M In 8-04463 :23-33 The catches of small Kandalaksha herring in spring 1929 En I.M. Gerasimov 1921, Esipov, V.K. (1961)A 9-10451 M In 8-04463 : 34-145 The herring with low vertebral count (Clupea harengus pallasi Val.) of the Barents and Kara Seas En V.K. Esipov 1938. 9 (10) Rass, T.S. (1961) In 8-04463:46-119 The reproduction and life-cycle of the Murman herring Clupea harengus herengus L. 9-10452 M A full review and discussion, with tabulated information from a variety of specified sources. En T.S. Rass 1939, Makushok, M.E. (1961) In 8-04463:120-7 Morphophysiological characters of the Kara Sea herring 9-10453 M Studies on fish referred to the species Cluvea pallasi, En M.E. Makushok 1938, Probatov, A.N. (1961) In 8-04163:128-42 The abundance of south Sakhalin herring 9-10454 M Studies age composition of herring caught off Hokkaido (1910-44) and Sakhalin (1924-50), considering the effects of hydrographic changes on abundance, En A.N. Probatov 1953, Piskunov, I.A. (1961) In 6-04463:143-51 Biology of foraging herring inhabiting the waters of southwestern Kamchatka and the northern Kuril Islands 9-10455 M Data from two cruises made in 1952. Probatov, A.N. (1961)A In 8-04463:152-5 Distribution and abundance of spawning herring near the eastern coasts of the Sea of Japan 9-10456 M En A.N. Probatov 1956, McAllister, Р.Е. (1961)c mimeo, 17 p. Revised keys to the marine fishes of Arctic Canada 9-10457 M Gives a separate key for each family. ci 8-09429, .587 588 Fuster de Plaza, M.L. € E.E. Boschi (1961) Contr.Inst.Biol.mar. Mar del Plata, (1):58 р. Areas de migración y ecología de la anchoa Lycengraulis olidus (Günther) en las aguas argentinas (Pisces, fam. Engraulidae) (Migration areas and ecology of the anchovy Lycengraulis olidus (Günther) in Argentine waters (Pisces, fam. Engraulidae). En 9-10458 M Study of seasonal migrations between sea and fresh water. Issued also as; Contr.cient.Fac.exact.B. Aires Zool., 1(3):58 p. Araga, C. (1964) 9-10459 M Publ.Seto Mar.biol.Lab., 12(1):113-6 An anemone fish and a chaetodont fish, new to the Japanese fish fauna Description of distinctive characters cf Amphiprion perideraion and Centropyge bicolon with note on colouration and some ecological findings. Venkatasubba, R. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):121-6 Studies on the age determination of 'ghol', Pseudosciaena diacanthus (Lacepede) by means of scales and otoliths 9-10860 M Notes environmental factors that may be responsible for formation of the rings. Tandon, K.K. (1961)A Indian J.Fish., 8(1):127-44 Biology and fishery of 'choo parai' - Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier and Valenciennes) Part 2. Biology and fishery 9-10461 M Co 61-11059, Kutty, M.N. (1961) 9-10462 M Indian J.Fish., @(1):145-51 Scales and otoliths of the 'koth' Otolithoides brunneus (Day) as age indicators Studies on the scales and otoliths from catches tsken along the Bombay coast. Bennet, P.S. (1961) 9-10463 M Indian J.Fish., 8(1):152-68 Further observations on the fishery end biology of 'choodai' (Sardinella spp.) of Mandapem area Sardinella albella and Sardinella gibbosa are the two important species forming the fishery. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (10) Yasuda, H. (1964) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(8):610-2 (Granogrephical life record curve method for identifying each stock of pelagic fisnes, 8. Identification of sardine stocks in 9-10464 M coastal waters of Japan in 1938-48). Ni 5 En Estimate of percentage of frequency of appearance of scale rings which is then plotted against body length at time of formation of scale ring, giving a life record curve, СВ 9-09417. Imamura, Y, & 5. Takeuchi 9-10465 M (1963) J.Tokyo Univ.Fish., 49(1):33-9 Study on the disposition of fish toward light (No.7). Compare with the efficacy of fish- gathering for coloured lamp Investigation of the colour preference of Trachurus japonicus. Co 61-04727, 61-04726, 61-07791, 61-07790, 60-8478. ANON. (1964) Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish,, 30(8):703-5 Symposium on the reletion between the optical phenomena in the ocean fisheries 9-10466 M Miyamoto, H. & A.T. Shariff (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):252-68 Lobster fishery off the south-west coast of India, Anchor hook and trap fisheries 9-10467 M, Deals in detail with the anchor hook and trap fisheries for catching lobsters off the south-west coast of India, Panulirus ornatus, P. burgin, P. dasypus, P. polyphagus and P. penicillatus are found in Indian waters. Ikuta, K. (1964) 9-10468 м Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(8):601-9 (Studies on the massive death of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis T. and S.,caused by the waste of phenol-formaldehyde resin works), Ni En Investigation of the water quality of the polluted area in Hori River and determination of phenol concentration; relation of tides to death; TIm determination, AQUATIC STOCKS George, M.J. (1961) 9-10469 M Indien J.Fish., 8(1):75-95 Studies on the prawn fishery of Cochin and Alleppey coast The mrin features of the fishery are described giving special emphasis on recruitment, and a direct reletionship between recruit sizes and catch per man hour is noted. The dominant species in the catches are Metapenaeus affinis, Parapeneopsis stylifera and Penaeus indicus. Hammond, J. (1962) 9-10470 M Industr.conserv., 28(279) :225 Abonado del mar para aumentar la pesca (Fertilization of the sea to increase the fisheries) Note on the work being conducted in England on plaice breeding with a view of stocking selected fertilized areas. Hugh, J.L.M. (1962) Industr.conserv., 28(279) :233 Las anchoas peruanas. Imponente pesqueria mundial (The Peruvian anchovies. fisheries) 9-10471 M Important world Note on the anchovy resources and their environment on the coast of Peru. ANON. (1962) France Pêche, 7(66):39-40 Fiche technique, les mollusques, le pélerin (Fishery cards on Selache maxima and molluscs) 9-10472 M Detachable cards, 111., giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Selache maxima and of molluscs in general, Deraniyegala, P.E.P. (1961)B Spolia zeylan., 29:233-7 Some southern temperate zone fishes, bird and whales that enter the Ceylon area 2. 9-10473 M BSEA 8(10)6295. 9 (10) 589 Ancellin, J. (1962) Sci.et Pêche, (105):3 p. Observations sur le hareng du sud de la mer du Nord et de la Manche orientale (Campagnes d'hiver 1960-61 et 1961-62) (Observations on the herring of the southern part of the North Sea and of the oriental English Channel (winter cruises 1960-61 and 1961-62) ) 9-10474 M Fishing areas and seasons, yields, stock composition by age classes, sizes by ages. Sund, O. (1962) Norg.Fisk., (1960):91 List of scientific and common names, in four different languages, of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic organisms in Norwegian waters 9-10475 M Jamaica, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (1964) Rep.Minist.Agric.Lds Jamaica, 1961:130 р. 9-10476 M Incl, chapter on activities of Fisheries Division with reference to mechanization of boats programme, fishermen, culture of Tilapia mossambica. Rehabilitation of green and rhawksbill turtles by stocking in the Caribbean, Research and experiments, Anwand, K. € J. Waldmenn (1962) Dtsch.Fisch, -Ztg, 9(10):310-3 Uber Beziehungen zwischen Laichfischbestand, Larvenmenge und Jahrgangsstärke beim Rügerschen Frühjahrshering (The relations between stock of spawners, number of larvae and strength in age groups in the spring herring off the island of Rügen) 9-10477 M Wade, R.A. (1962) 9-10478 M Bull.Mer.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(4):545-622 The biology of the tarpon, Megalops atlanticus, and the ox-eye, Megelops cyprinoides, with emphasis on larval development Includes extensive biometrical data on the early stages. Renade, M.R. € K.N. Sankolli (1962) ¡Curr.Sci., 31:289-90 Occurrence of an interesting eleotrid fish in Indian waters 9-10479 M BSEA 8(9)5632. 590 Sreenivasan, A. (1962) Curr.Sci., 31:381-2 Two cases of bacterial discoloration of squids 9-10480 M BSEA 8(11)6758. Fowler, H.1. (1961) Quart.J.Teiwan Mus. , 14:203-50 9-10481 M Synopsis of the fishes of China. 9. Gobioid fishes BSEA 8(11)6900. Twesukdi, P. & V. Kloom (1961) 9-10482 M J.nat.Res.Coun.Theiland, 2(4):1-6 Some ecological factors that limited the distribution of three species of lancelets in the Gulf of Thailand BSEA 8(11)6905. Kenikar, V. (1962) J.biol.Sci. ‚Bombay, 5:18-25 Occurrence and distribution of islets of langerhans in relation to pancreas in five marine eels off Bombay coast 9-10483 M BSEA 8(12)7615. Velappan, N.R. (1961)C Thesis, Univ.Madras Studies on the early life-history, meta- morphosis, biology and fishery of some Indian marine fishes 9-10484 M BSEA 8(12)7618. Abel, E.F. (1962) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 47(2):219-90 Freiwasserbeobachtungen an Fischen im Golf von Neapel als Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer Ökologie und ihres Verhaltens (Observations on fishes in the Gulf of Naples as a contribution to the knowledge of their ecology and behaviour) 9-10485 M 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Iversen, E.S. (1962) 9-10486 M Bull.Mer.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3) :350-98 Estimating a population of shrimp by the use of catch per effort and tagging data An account of the dynamics of the Penaeus duorarum fishery in 5. Florida using the results of tagging experiments combined with catch and effort deta, Issued also as: Contr.Mar.lab.Univ.Miami, (411). Collette, B.B. (1962) 9-10487 M Bull.Mar.Sci.Gulf Caribb., 12(3):432-49 Hemiremphus bermudensis, a new helfbeak from Bermuda, with a survey of endemism in Bermudian shore fishes Describes and figures a new endemic, but shows that only 13 of the 70 supposedly endemic shore fish are in fact confined to Bermuda. Vicente, N. (1962) 9-10488 M Rec. Trav.Sta.mar.Endoume, 41(26):303-5 Premières observations sur un trématode parasite dans le système nerveux d'Aplysia fasciata (Mollusque opisthobranche) (First observations on the parasitic trematode living in the nervous system of Aplysia fasciate (Mollusca Ophistobranchia) Observations made on material collected in the Mediterranean Sea (Sète). Spp. are identified. Stubbs, A.R. & R.G.G. Lawrie (1962) J.Cons., 27(3):248-60 Asdic as an aid to spawning ground investiga- tions 9-10489 MG Describes sampling surveys over Ballentrae Bank, off М, Scotland, to investigate the nature of herring spawning ground, McDiarmid, А. (1960) Anim.Hlth Br.Monogr., (1):91 p. Diseases of free-living wild animals 9-10490 MG Review of diseases of mammals and birds arranged by systematic groups of causative agents, and incl. section on tumors in whales. AQUATIC STOCKS Cooley, R.A. (1963)C 9-10491 MF New York, Harper and Row, 230 p. Politics and conservation: The decline of the Alaska salmon Documented history of the demise of the fishery by overfishing and of the politics that underlie the inadequate regulatory processes, Leopold, A.S. (1963) 9-10492 MF Science, 142(3597) :1285-6 Salmon politics, Politics and conservation: The decline of the Alaska salmon Re 9-10491, Oguri, M. (1964) 9-10493 MF Science, 144(3622):1151-2 Rectal glands of marine and fresh-water sharks: comparative histology These glands are smaller and show regressive changes in Carcharinus leucas found in fresh- water environment, compared with specimens of this and other sp. from a marine habitat. Motais, В. & J. Maetz (1964) 9-10494 MF Gen. comp. Endocr., 4:210-24 Action des hormones neurohypophysaires sur les échanges de sodium (Mesurés à l'aide du radio-sodium Na2l) chez un téléostéen eury- haline Platichthys flesus L. (Action of neurohypophysical hormones on the sodium exchange (measured with Na2k) of an euryhaline teleost: Platichthys flesus L.) En Techniques for the measurement of sodium exchange in this euryhaline sp. are described, Suggests that the neurohypophysial hormones intervene in the mineral regulation in this fish, by increasing the Na absorption by the &ills in freshweter and Na excretion in sea water, Carlström, D. (1963) 9-10495 MF Biol.Bull, Woods Hole, 125(3) :441-63 A crystallographic study of vertebrate otoliths A microscopic and X-ray crystallographic analysis of otoliths from some representatives of the classes: Cyclostomata, Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii and Crossopterygli, 9 (10) 591 Wunder, W. (1963) Allg.Fisch.Ztg., 88(13):370-4 Die Schwimmblase, ein merkwtirdiges und vielseitiges Organ bei Fischen (The swimming bladder, a remarkable and multilateral organ in fish) 9-10496 MF McDowell, R.M. (1964) Tuatara, 12(3):134-46 A consideration of the question "what are whitebait?" 9-10497 MF History of controversy regarding the nature and identity of whitebait; present opinion that whitebait are juveniles of Galaxias attenuatus; notes on current investigations, identification, growth, pigmentation, behaviour and migration, Pantulu, V.R. (1962) J.Cons., 27(2):192-216 On the use of pectoral spines for the determination of age and growth of Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton Buch) 9-10498 MF The material for study was drawn from samples of the Hoogly estuarine system (E. Pakistan). The results include: definition of age, definition of growth parameters, seasonal patterns of growth and length/weight relation- ship, Julyan, F.J. (1963)c Thesis, Ohio State Univ., 114 р. Observations on some aspects of the structure and ultrastructure of the pineal organ in the American brook lamprey, Lampetra lamottei (Le Sueur) 9-10499 MF Describes and discusses light and electron microscopic observations. DA 2%(7):3028. Leiby, P.D. (1963)C 9-10500 MF Thesis, Colorado State Univ., 106 р. Taxonomic and biological studies on the nematodes Amidostomum (Strongyloidea) and Epomidiostomum (Trichostrongyloidea) occurring in the gizzards of waterfowl Detailed descriptions of the larval stages. Life cycles, The mode of infection. Classification (taxonomy). DA 24(7):3029. 592 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ireland, Department of Lands. Fisheries Division (1960) Rep.Sea Inl.Fish.lre., 1960:57 p. 9-10501 MF Statistics of demersal and pelagic (Clupea harengus) landings with commentary; notes on fisheries for Scomber scombrus and shellfish and on scientific investigations carried out, fisheries protection, participation in international conferences; activities of various trusts and commissions in Ireland; leglislative actions; list of papers published. Contains 9-10502, 9-10503. Bracken, J. (1960) Rep.Sea Inl.Fish.Ire., 1960:51-3 Herring investigations on the south and east coasts of Ireland - 1960/61 9-10502 MF Co 62-01515. McGrath, C.J. (1960) Rep.See Inl.Fish.Ire., 1960:54-7 Salmon movements and fish pass design 9-10503 MF Townsley, S.J. (1963)c In 9-10031:193-9 The effect of environmental ions on the concentration of radiocalcium and radio- strontium by euryhaline teleosts 9-10504 MF Tilapia mossambica was investigated under differing environmental conditions. NSA 17(20)33565. Bonham, K. & A.D. Welander (1963)c In 9-10031:353-8 Increase in radioresistance of fish to lethal doses with advancing embryonic development 9-10505 MF Data concerning Salmo fundulus and S. misgurnus expressed mathematically, NSA 17(20)3358k, McCauley, R.W. (1961) Circ.biol.Sta.,London,Ont., (3):1-3 The sea lamprey's position in the animal kingdom 9-10506 MF Brief, popularly written account of Petromyzon marinus, Thomas, M.L.H. (1961) 9-10507 MF Circ,biol,sta, ‚London,ont,, (3):4-7 Lamprey fisheries, past and present, of North America and Europe Popular article on Petromyzon marinus fisheries, Svetovidov, A.N. (1961) In 8-04K63:1-14 Some factors determining the abundance of Clupeidae 9-10508 MF With emphasis on Russian clupeids and Pacific Sardinops. En A.N. Svetovidov 1953. McMahon, J.W. (1964) Chesapeake Sci., 4(4):151-60 Monogenetic trematodes from some Chesapeake Bay fishes. Part 1: The superfemilies Cepsaloidea Price, 1936 and Diclidoyhoroidea Price, 1926 9-10509 M Saila, S.B. (1961) Limnol.& Oceanogr., 6(3):292-8 A study of winter flounder movements 9-10510 MF Aspects of movements of Pseudopleuronectes smericanus (Walbaum) studied by means of tag-recovery data, No gear selectivity by sex demonstrated for recaptured fish nor any association between size of individual and distance of recapture from release site. Attempt made to explain return of flounder to coast by means of random seerch postulating presence of a reflecting barrier, Experiments conducted in Green Hill Pond, Charlestown, Rhode Island, during the winters 1956-7 and 1957-8. ci D.H. Wilkinson, 1952; 58-1530; 59-2873; 59-4592; 59-8595. Also issued as: Coll.Repr.Narragansett Mar. Lab., 2(40), 1959-61. De Buen, F. (1961) Invest. zool.chil., 7:101-24 Las lampreas (Mersipobranchii o Cicléstomas) en aguas de Chile (The lampreys (Marsipobranchii or Ciclostomi) in Chilean waters). En 9-10511 MF Revises the Chilean lampreys from the families Myxinidae (Eptatretidae) and Geotriidae (Mordaciidae), reducing the number of species cited by authors in the family Geotriidae, as De Buen considers them as ontogenetic stages of just two species: Geotria australis and 9 (10) Ceragola lapicida, AQUATIC STOCKS Krishna Menon, M. (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):1-23 Observations on the prawn fishery of the Cochin backwaters with special reference to the stake net catches 9-10512 MF The species caught are Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus monoceros and Metapenseus affinis. Some observations on the general biology and ecology are also given. George, P.C. € K.R. Nayak (1961) Indian J.Fish., 8(1):44-53 Observations on the crab fishery of Mangalore coest 9-10513 MF The species that contribute mainly to the local fishery are Neptunus sanguinolentus (Herbst) and N. pelagicus (Linnaeus). Other edible crabs such as Scylla serrata and Charybdis spp. are also encountered in small numbers. Hoffman, G.L. & C.J. Sindermann 9-10514 MF (1962) Circ.U.S.Fish Wildl.serv., (144):17 р. Common parasites of fishes Semi -populer ill.review of parasites of N. American freshweter and marine fishes with notes on life-history and habitet, and short selected bibliography. Beaulieu, G. (1062) Actualités mar. , 6(2):3-6 Alerte sur le Saint-Laurent (Alarm on the Saint-Laurent) 9-10515 MF Popular article on the fisheries and conservation of the stocks of Acipenser fulvescens. Svob, T. (1961)c 9-10516 MF Paper presented to the First Internetional Pharmacologic Congress, Stockholm, 22-25 August, 1961 A contribution to the knowledge of the physiology of the digestive tract of fishes by means of diascopy and with special application of contrast medium (barium sulphate) IHI 9 (10) 593 Kobayashi, T. (1964) 9-10517 MF Sci. Rep. Hokkaido Salm.Hatch., (18):1-6 (An ecological study on the salmon fry, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum). 7. Note on the behaviour of the fry to their seaward migration). Ni En Distribution of moving chum in relation to light intensity and current speed; time of greatest activity and effect of bright moon-light. Co 61-00077. Kobayashi, T. & Y. Ishikawa (1964) Sci.Rep.Hokkaido Salm.Hatch., (18):7-15 (An ecological study on the salmon fry, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum). 8. The growth and feeding habit of the fry during sea- ward migration). Ni En 9-10518 MF Growth rate in relation to season; feeding habits based on analysis of stomach contents of fry collected in Chitose and Ishikari River. Seasonal abundance and distribution of food. Co 9-10517. Milne, D.J. & H. Godfrey 9-10519 MF (1964) Bull.Fish.Res.Bd Can., (142):46 р. The chinook and coho salmon fisheries of British Columbia With respect to Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and Q. kisutch reviews history of the fisheries (methods, areas, regulations), spawning streams and escapements, catch statistics. Bhargava, H.N. (1962) 9-10520 MF Curr.Sci., 31:288-9 Tubular and folded type of olfactory saccule in Mastacembelidae ВЗЕА 8(9)5634. Baker, В.Т. (1964) Gen, comp.Endocr., 4:164-75 Pituitary-thyroid relationship during development in the teleost Herichthys cyano- guttatus: A histophysiologic study 9-10521 F Early developmentel stages were reared in tap water or ín 0,033% thiourea solution, Histologic differences were evident on the 4th day after hatching. Differences between the pituitaries of control and experimental fish became evident 2 weeks after hatching. En- | larged cells included the thyrotrophs, 594 Ahuja, S.K. (196) Indian J.exp.Biol., 2(1):9-11 Salinity tolerance of Gambusia affinis 9-10522 F The effects of physico-chemical factors Frevailirg in the experimental solutions of different salinities have been investigated and discussed, Only about 5% of fish were capable of withstanding selinities as high as 80% during the course of experiment - 35-41 days. Chodyniecki, A. (1064) Acta hydrobiol, Kraków, 6(2):87-96 Wplyw kilkakrotnych iniekcji detreomycyny na stan zdrowotny kroczkéw karpia (The influence of multiple injections of detreomycine on the health of the K2 of carp). Pl En 9-10523 F Fish had strongly marked symptoms of carp septicaemia, The injections of the anti- biotic (Polish production) administered in autumn and repeated in spring significantly improved the health condition of the fish tested, Sköra, S. (1964) 0-1052k Е Acta hydrobiol.Kraków, 6(2):97-118 Charakterystyka lina (Tinca tinca L.) ze Zbiornika Goczalkowickiego (Characteristics of the tench (Tinca tinca L.) in the reservoir of Goczalkowice). pl En Date of morphology, anatomy, nutrition and feeding. Maturing and fertility. Diseases (mainly ergasilosis). Sekowicz, S. & J. Szczerbowski 9-10525 Е (1964) Acte hydrobiol, Kraków, 6(2):129-37 The course of spawning of trout (Salmo trutta m. lacustris Г.) from the Wdzydze Lake in 1962. Pl Describes duration and intensity of the spawning of trout in one of the Masurian lakes, Thermal conditions, sex ratio, size and weight of spawning fishes are given. Faber, D.J. (1963)C 9-10526 F Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, 153 p. Larval fish from the pelagial region of two Wisconsin lakes A review of selected anatomical features of actively swimming larvae and a presentation of 4 newly described posthatching stages of Perca flavescens, Pomoxis nigromaculatus and Lepomis spp. are given. DA 2\(№):1756. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Rabe, F.W. 111 (1963)C Thesis, Univ. of Utah, 119 p. Effect of fertilization on four Alpine lakes in the Uinta mountains 9-10527 Е Study to determine whether an inorganic fertilizer would substantially increase the production of the brook trout in 4 lakes in Utah, U.S.A. DA 24(4):1765. Dow, R.L. (1962) J.Cons., 27(1):77-80 Swimming speed of river herring Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Wilson) 9-10528 F The pessage through a sluice egainst different water velocities was observed, Kipling, ©. (1962) 9-10529 F J.Cons., 27(3):304-15 The use of the scales of the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) for the back-calculation of growth Samples of S.trutta from various waters of Gr. Britain were used, The results of the anelysis of the relationship between scale length and fish length were discussed. Post, G. (1963)c Thesis, Utah State Univ., 88 p. The immune response of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii) to Aeromonas hydrophila 9-10530 F The ability of producing antibodies specific for A. hydrophila was ascertained. DA 24(7):2659. Brungs, W.J.,Jr. (1963)c Thesis, Ohio State Univ., 97 р. The relative distribution of multiple radionuclides in a fresh-water pond 9-10531 F The test organisms were: the fish Cyprinus carpio, bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, snail Vivipara malleatus, frog Rana cetesbiana, clams Anodonta grandis and Lampsilis radiata siloguoides, DA 24(7):3023. AQUATIC STOCKS Workman, G.W. (1963)C 9-10532 F Thesis, Utah State Univ., 104 p. An ecological study of the Bear Lake littoral zone, Utah-Idaho Concerns the distribution and abundance of the small non-game fish and net-plankton. Envirormental factors, water temperatures, specific electrical conductance, turbidity, pH,0, total hardness and stream flow were studied in relation to the fauna. DA 24(7):3034. Zenisek, C.J. (1963)C Thesis, Ohio State Univ., 161 p. A study of the natural history and ecology of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens Schreber 9-10533 F Observations on two local populations in habitats located in different physiographic provinces in Ohio. The effects of ecological factors on daily and seasonal activities. Consideration of the taxonomic status. DA 24(7):3035. Hickling, C.F. (1960) Malay.agric.J., 43(1):49-53 Observations on the growth-rate of the Chinese grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus р. et V. 9-10534 Е Reviews literature and describes experiments at Malacca Research Station in 1958, Maar, A. (1960) Proc.fed.Sci.Congr., 1:8 р. Introductory check list of fish of the Zambeze sub-region of the Ethiopian region 9-10535 F Lists 140 species by river systems, gives key to synonyms and bibliography. ci 61-07327. Jarry, D. (1960) Terre et la Vie, (1):51-5 Une curieuse coaction de parasitisme: L' association entre Glossiphonia complanata et Erpobdella octoculata (A curious parasitic relationship: the association between Glossiphonia complanata and Erpobdella octoculata) 9-10536 F Recalls an observation made by Pawlowsky and adduces evidence from published data of Mann in support of the idea of dependence of young Glossiphonia on the availability of host Erpobdella, 9 (10) 595 Minckley, W.L., J.E. Craddock & L.A. Krumholz (1963)C In 9-10031:229-36 Netural radioactivity in the food web of the banded sculpin Cottus carolinae (Gill) 910737 UF A study of the relationship between animals and plants in the stream and their physical and chemical environment, NSA 17(20)33567. Scheitanov, G. € С. Russev (1963) Radiobiol.Radiotherap., L:159-65 (Effect of contact of roentgen-irracdiated salamander embryos on non irradiated salamanders). De 9-10538 F Embryos of Triturus cristatus were examined. NSA 17(20)33743. Keleher, J.J. (1961) 9-10539 № Circ.biol,sta, London,Ont., (3):12-6 Largest fish from Great Slave Lake Presents the current maximum size records for lake trout, northern pike, lake whitefish, burbot, walleye, longnose sucker, white sucker, Arctic grayling, round whitefish, goldeye. Garcia, L.P. (1961) 9-10540 F Bol, bibliogr,agric, ,Madr, , (58) :247-56 Los clasicos de la agricultura, El articulo precursor de la piscicultura española (Classics of agriculture. The article forerunner of fishculture in Spain) Le Cren, E.D. (1961) Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass., 9:57-64 How many fish survive? 9-10541 F A brief review of population biology of freshwater fish, and some principles which emerge from the study. Kelly, H.D. (1961) 9-10542 F Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15) :186-92 An evaluation of prestocking checks conducted by fishery biologists in Alabama ponds Summarizes the results of prestocking checks of 845 ponds and the first balance checks conducted on 114 ponds. These checks revealed 81 ponds in balance, 10 were crowded with bass, 20 overpopulated with bluegills and 3 unbalanced with undesirable species, 596 Houser, A. & В. Grinstead (1961) 9-10543 Е Proc, stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):193-200 The effect of black bullhead catfish and bluegill removals on the fish population of a small lake The effect of removing various amounts of bluegill and black bullhead catfish from a small lake on the remaining fishes were studied. Estimates of population size by mark and recapture, numbers of desirable size fish, condition indexes and age and growth rates reveal some improvement in certain species but it was concluded that removals alone may not always produce greatly improved fish populations. Issued also as: Contr.Okla.Fish.Res.Lab., (80). Metsushima, М. (1964) Bull, Freshw,Fish.Res.Iab. ‚Токго, (Effect of hormone injection and environmental regulations on the acceler- ation of maturation and spawning of two types of Caressius cerassius in Japan in winter and early spring). Ni. «En 9-10544 Е 13(2) :93-104 other combined Experiments conducted to explore two methods of accelerating maturation and ovulation, one being injection of pituitary body during breeding season, the other, induction of spawning by controlled environmental conditions Huish, M.T. (1961) 9-10545 Е Proc. stheast.ass.Game Commrs, (15):200-5 Toxaphene as a fish eradicant in Florida Experiments to determine concentrations of toxaphene lethal to fishes in a variety of lake types and to discern selective fish-killing properties of the material were conducted, Concentrations ranging from 1 to 85 parts per billion Were placed in 14 bodies of water verying in size from 0,5 to 2,100 acres, Vegetative cover varied from O to 95%, methyl orange alkalinity from 2. p.p.m. to 74 p.p.m., and hydrogen-ion concentrations from 5.1 to 9.5. Bottom types included gravel, sand, silt and mud. Differences in concentrations required to cause total kills of fish populations in treated lakes appeared to be related to bicarbonate alkalinities, bottom types, amounts of plankton, vegetation and the sizes of fish present. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Johnston, K.H. (1961) 9-10546 Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Comrs, (15):205-7 Removal of longnose gar from rivers and streams with the use of dynamite During summer/fall of 1957, experiments with dynamite were conducted to determine an effective method of removing concentrations of Lepisosteus osseus from the large coastal streams of North Carolina. A "suspended" series of charges was the most effective method tested. Charge of 3 sticks of dynamite, sus- pended at depth of 8 to 10 feet produced the best lethal range, Selective blasting with this method provided efficient removal of gar. During 1 day's operation, over 3 and half tons of gar were removed while killing 8.3 pounds of game fish, McBay, L.G. (1961) 9-10547 Е Proc. stheast.Ass,Game Commrs, (15):208-18 The biology of Tilapia nilotica Linneaus (sic) Studies concerning the reproductive behaviour, spawning temperatures, fecundity, period of egg formation, food habits, and lower lethal temperatures of the exotic cichlid, Tilapia nilotica, were conducted in aquaria and in earthern ponds at Auburn University, during the period of April 1959 to June 1960, Brown, В.Е. & J.S. Dendy (1961) 9-10518 Е Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):219-22 Observations on the food habits of the flathead and blue catfish in Alabama In the Tombigbee, Alabama, and Tensaw Rivers, 34 flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) and 152 blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) were collected by use of telephone-magneto shockers for stomach analysis. Transition in feeding habits from invertebrates to major use of fish occured in flathead catfish at approximately 10 inches total length, and in blue catfish through the inch groups 8-13. Feeding habits in the three rivers are compared. Data on lengths of catfish and foods eaten are presented. Barkuloo, J.M. (1961)A 9-10549 F Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):223-6 Distribution and abundance of striped bass (Roccus saxatilis, Walbaum) on the Florida Gulf coast AQUATIC STOCKS Whitworth, W.R. & W.H. Irwin (1961) Proc. stheast,Ass.Game Commrs, (15):226-35 The minimum oxygen requirements of five species of fish under quiescent conditions 9-10550 F Minimum oxygen requirements of Lebistes reticulatus, Gambusia affinis, Pimephales promelas, Hybognathus placitus and Notropis girardi were studied under quiescent conditions. Nitrogen gas was bubbleä through the waters in the test vessels to remove the dissolved oxygen. Fish were tested under varied temperatures and at different levels of oxygen depletion, All specimens tested were able to live at oxygen tensions of 1,0 ppm. The reactions of the fish varies with the spread of oxygen removal, and the species, Devambez, L.C. (1964) S.Pacif.Bull., 14(4):27-8 Tilapia in the South Pacific 9-10551 Е Note on history of the fishery and discussion of success factors; regional distribution of Tilapia and other introduced spp. Lawrence, J.M. (1961) 9-10552 F Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):235-6 Estimated lengths of various forage fishes spotted bass can swallow The estimated total length of several species of forage fishes that Micropterus punctulatus of given totel lengths can swallow are given, Thomaston, W.W. € H.D. Zeller (1961) Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15) :236-45 Results of a six year investigation of chemical soil and water analysis and lime treatment in Georgia fish ponds 9-10553 F Report deals with phytoplankton production and lts correlation with water hardness and calcium oxide concentration in bottom soils, 9 (10) 597 Etoh, H. (1964) Zool,Mag. Tokyo, 73(8):239-41 (The effect of partial irradiation of the SE - Carassius auratus with a messive dose of "Co ytrays. En Ni Report of experiments carried out with head shielded and unshielded from radiation, leading to conclusion that damage to the central nervous system plays an important part in deaths by irradiation. 9-10554 Pp Ward, C.M. € W.M. Irwin (1961) 9-10555 F Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):255-76 The relative resistance of thirteen species of fishes to petroleum refinery effluent Tweive spp. of fishes native to Oklahoma were tested four times in a series of 20 bioassays, and'the guppy was included in each bioassy as a reference, 24-hour median tolerance limits were established, Fishes rank from most resistant to least resistant: 1. Lebistes reticulatus, 2, Ictalurus melas, 3. Notemi- gonus, crysoleucas, №. Notropis lutrensis, 5. Lepomis microlophus, 6. Pimephales notatus, 7. Notropis boops, 8. Lepomis cyanellus, 9. Г. megalotis, 10. Ambloplites rupestris, 11. Chrosomus erythrogaster, 12. I. punctatus, 13. Micropterus salmoides. The suitability of each species as a test animal is considered, based on information on the life histories and observations made during these tests, Sneed, K.E., H.K. Dupree & O.L. Green (1961) Proc, stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):298-302 Observations on the culture of flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) fry and fingerlings in troughs 9-10556 F Describes techniques used in raising flathead catfish P, olivaris to fingerling size in troughs. Prather, E.E. (1961) 9-10557 F Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15) :302-3 A comparison of production of albino and normal channel catfish Albino (golden) and normal catfish were compared in feeding experiments during a 346-day period, 598 Snow, J.R. (1961) 9-10558 F Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):303-13 Forage fish preference and growth rate of largemouth black bass fingerlings under experimental conditions Experiments to determine the forage species preference of large-mouth black bass finger- lings and a few larger bass are described. Sanderson, A.E.,Jr. (1961) 9-10559 F Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):314-9 Evaluation of effect of trotline used on the Potomac River fishery Results of test sets of trot lines for channel catfish on game fish population. Recommend- etiors on method of setting are given, Enomoto, Y. (1964) 9-10560 F Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 30(7):537-41 A preliminary experiment on the growth promoting effect of growth hormone with thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin to the young rainbow trout (Salmo irideus) Measurement of body weight gain and other characteristics after intra-muscular injection of GH, TSH and prolactin, and comparison with control, White, C.E., Jr. (1961) 9-10561 F Proc, stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):359-67 The selectivity and effectiveness of bait and snag lines fished in the TVA lakes of Alabama A study of bait and snag lines was conducted in the TVA lakes of Alabama from December 1958, through December 1959, to determine species composition of the catch, the effectiveness of bait and snag lines for taking fish and the effectiveness of various types of bait used on baited lines. Gaud, G. (1961) 9-10562 F Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):4h7-58 La bilharziose & 1'fle Maurice (Bilharziasis on the Island of Mauritius). En A survey of the situation based on work in 1951-52 and 1959 including biology of the vector Bulinus. 9 (10) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gretillat, S. (1961)A 9-10563 F Bull.Worla Hlth Org., 25(4/5):459-66 Epidémiologie de la bilharziose vésicale au Sénégal oriental (Epidermiology of urinary bilharziasis in eastern Senegal). En Najarian, H.H. et al. (1961) 9-10564 P Bull.worlä Hlth Org., 25(4/5):467-78 Studies on bilharziasis endemicity in the vicinity of Basra, Iraq. Fr Reports on investigations into the distributior of snail genera and rossible limiting environmental factors in the endemic and non- endemic areas of human bilharziasis carried out in 1958 by the WHO Bilharziasis Control Project steff in Iraq, Clarke, V. de V. (1961) 9-10565 F Bull.World Hlth Org., 25(4/5):549-58 The control of snail hosts of bilharziasis and fescioliasis in Southern Rhodesia, Fr Reviews experimental work done since second world war on the use of chemical molluscicides in Southern Rhodesia. Describes development of a co-operative snail control campaign involving local landowners and various government departments. De Menezes, R.S. (1961)A Bolm.Soc.cear.Agron., 2:51-3 Notas sObre a alimentac#o do jacundé, Crenicichla saxatilis (L., 1758) (Notes on the feeding of jacundé Crenicichla saxatilis (L., 1758)) 9-10566 F De Menezes, R.S. (1961) 9-10567 F Bolm Soc.cear.Agron., 2:63-4 Cephalic tumour in Plecostomus plecostamus (Linnaeus) Record of collection of a specimen in Piaui, Brazil, measuring 170 mm in total length with a cephalic tumour, Mann, G.F. (1961) 9-10568 F Invest.zool.chil., 7:161-3 Bulbus olfactorius en Noctilio (Olfactory bulbus in Noctilio). En The morphologicel simplification and reduction of the bulbi olfactorii in Noctilio appears to be related to the special feeding habits of this genus, which captures fishes through "sonar" localization and without intervention of olfactory stimuli. AQUATIC STOCKS Qasim, S.Z. & A. Qeyyum (1961)A 9-10569 Е Indian J.Fish., 8(1):24-43 Spawning frequencies and breeding seasons of some freshwater fishes with special reference to those occurring in the plains of northern India Saigal, B.N. & M.P. Motwani 9-10570 F (1961)A Indien J.Fish., 8(1):60-74 Studies on the fishery and biology of the commercial cat-fishes of the Ganga River system. 1, Early life-history, bionomics and breeding of Mystus (Osteobagrus) seenghala (Sykes ) Enomoto, Y. (1964) 9-10571 F Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish,, 39(7):533-6 A transient glucosuria (Diabetes Mellitus) of rainbow trout (Salmo irideus) induced by bovine growth hormone injection Results of examination of the blood suger and glucosuria in rainbow trouts of one age. Ozeki, H. (1963) 9-10572 F J.Fac.Fish.Univ.Mie, 6(1):57-83 (The systolic rhythm of isolated heart of carp) Ni Fr Kymographic records obtained under changes of temperature, application of drugs and other experimental treatment. Onodera, K. (1962) 9-10573 Е Occ.Pap.Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun., 62(6):3 р. some data оп eel-culture in Japan Stocking rate, amount of food, production data are given, Bulkley, R.V. & М.С. Benson (1962) Res.Rep.U.S.Fish.Serv., (59):21 p. Predicting year-class abundance of Yellowstone Lake cutthroat trout 9-10574 в Discusses five factors suspected of controlling year-class strength of Salmo clarki lewisi in Pelican and Chipmunk Creeks, two large tributaries of Yellowstone Lake, and the use of these factors to predict future recruitment to the fishery. 9 (10) 599 Mount, D.I. (1962) Res.Rep.U.S.Fish Serv., (58):38 p. Chronic effects of endrin on bluntnose minnows and guppies 9-10575 Е Describes experiments with 1,2,3,4,10,10- hexachloro-exo-6,7-epoxy-1,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8e- octahydro-1,4-endo, endo-5-8-dimethanonaphtha- lene on Pimephales notatus and Lebistes reticu- latus. Agrawal, S.C. (1962) Sci.& Cult., 28:424-6 Pelvic girdle in the common Indian freshweter grey mullet Mugil corsula Ham. 9-10576 F BSEA 8(11)6898. David, A. (1962) Proc.Indian Acad.Sci.(B), 56:136-56 Brief taxonomic account of the gangetic Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton) with e description of a new subspecies from the Godavary 9-10577 Е BSEA 8(11)6899, Sathyanesan, A.G. (1961-2) 9-10578 F J.sci.Res.Banaras Hindu Univ., 12:272-4 Urinogenital apertures and related papilla in Mystus seenghala (Sykes) BSEA 8(11)6902. Sathyanesan, A.G. (1962) Sci.& Cult., 28:1432-3 Basophilic tumour in the pituitary of the fresh-water teleost Mystus seenghala (Sykes) BSEA 8(11)6903. 9-10579 F Peczenik, O. & M. Zei (1961) Confin.neurol., 21:486-500 A comparative investigation of actions of reserpine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and cinobufotenine. Fr De 9-10580 F In Serranus scriba, 5-HT acted on skin pigmentation contrary-wise to reserpine, Shirehata, S. (1964) 9-10581 F (Some observations on the swimbladder hydropsy of rainbow trout). Ni En Discussion of symptoms. 600 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Christoph, P. (1960) 9-10582 M Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):83-4 Measurement of ship's speed over ground A new method of inertial navigation for use aboard ships is proposed. Gougenheir, A. (1960)A 9-10583 M Int, hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):79-81 Remarks on the computation of equal-altitude Observations Skillman, T.L. (1960) 9-10584 M Int.hydrogr.Rev., 37(1):107-10 Rubicium-vapor magnetometer A new type of magnetometer is under development with promise of measuring the earth's megnetic field more accurately than other types. de Graaff, J.M. (1960) Yearb.Riv.Bds Ass., 8:34-44 "Waterschapswezen" in the Netherlands 9-10585 M Brief history of the preservation and reclamation of the land from the sea by the Netherlands. Tabivi, А.Н. (1961) 9-10586 M Üas.mez.Prévo, 5(4):310-20 The right of free access to the sea for countries without sea-coast A review of international law concerning access by land-locked states, up to the U.N. Law of the Sea Conference, Geneva, Spring 1958. Gougenheim, A. (1961) ICSU Rev., 3(2):94-7 Connaître le fond des mers (Knowledge of the depth of the seas) 9-10587 M 9 (10) U.K. (1962)c Treaty Ser.U.K., (39) Fishing nets 9-10588 M Amendments to the Convention Гог the Kezul- tion of the Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits cf Fish signed on April 5 1946, adopted at the 9th Meeting of the Permanent Commission held in Copenhegen from May 9 to May 12, 1961. Dorst, J. (1961) Unesco Chron., 7(11):389-92 The Galapagos Islands, a natural laboratory for studying evolution 9-10589 MG Text of a paper presented at the third session of the Advisory Committee on Humid Tropics Research, held in August in Honolulu (Hawaii). The station's work programme is to devise methods of ensuring the survival of the flora and fauna of the islands, Laclavére, G.R. (1961) ICSU_Rev., 3(2):159-63 Le traité de 1'Antarctique (The Antarctic treaty) 9-10590 MG Discusses the treaty and relations with SCAR. ANON. (1962) Unesco Chron,, 3(10):350-2 Scientific progress and the utilization of natural resources 9-10591 MG ASIRC (1964) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (48):57 р. List of classification terms and subject descriptors 9-10592 MF Lists classification terms and subject descriptors used by ASIRC in indexing and retrieving literature in aquatic sciences, Gives definitions, synonyms and near synonyms of descriptors. Incl. a schedule of special descriptors used. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 601 Dees, L.T. (1961) Fish.Leafl. ‚wash,, (509):14 р. A list of the fishery bulletins of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 9-10593 MF Kesteven, G.L. (1963) 9-1059 MF FAO Fish.Circ., (9):4 р. Science and the future of world fisheries Discusses the general outlines of the present status of the knowledge concerning the living resources of the seas. Gives guiding principles for development of the world fishery on the basis of scientific progress under international auspices. The role of FAO is stressed, Critically reviews the present situation with regard to published estimates of the potential yield from marine living resources. Suggests what needs to be done to improve these, and how resource "stock-taking" might be organized at the international level, with reference to the role of FAO and proper committees. Issued also as: Fish.News int., 2(3), 1963. U.S. Department of Agriculture (1961) Libr.List U.S.Dep.Agric., (71):87 p. Communist Chinese monographs in the USDA library 9-10595 MF Gives a list of fisheries references, and Others concerned with aquatic sciences. Caulfield, D.D. (1962) Deep-Sea Res., 9:339-48 Predicting sonic pulse shapes of underwater spark discharges 9-10596 MF In this range of voltages used the peak pressure observed was proportional to peak current and the decay constant of the pressure-time curve was essentially the same as the electrical discharge decay constant. Also issued as: Contr.Woods Hole oceanogr. Instn, (1270). IASH (1962) Bull.int.Ass.sci.Hydrol,, 7(3):5-17 A legend for hydrogeological maps 9-10597 Е The result of the work of two international organizations, viz. the International Association of Scientific Hydrology (IASH) end the International Association of Hydrologists (IAH), was unanimously accepted at a joint meeting of the IASH standing committee on hydrological maps and represent- atives of the IAH in Paris, March 1962, 9 (10) Fish, F.F. (1961) 9-10598 F Proc. stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):276-80 Sampling in the adclaustral zone of a power reservoir Data presented confirm that reservoir stratific ation in immediate proximity of a power dam is very unstable and samples collected may yiel entirely different results from those taken at same depth but beyond the limits of the adclaustral zone. To determine stratification pattern, a series of vertical profiles along the inundated stream bed is indicated. Lambou, V.W. (1961) 9-10599 F Proc.stheast.Ass.Game Commrs, (15):380-№01 Determination of fishing pressure from fishermen or party counts with a discussion of sampling problems The purpose of this report is to review this method of determining fishing pressure and to discuss the sampling problems involved, Barthelmes, D. (1962) Dtsch.Fisch.-Zte, 9(10):207-302 Uber die Notwendigkeit einer weiteren guten Zusemmenarbeit zwischen Fischerei und Wasserwirtschaft bei wasserwirtschaftlichen Projekten (The necessity for a good cooperation between fisheries and water management with special regard to water-economical projects) 9-10600 Е Overton, W.S. (1961)c 9-10601 G N.C. State College, mimeo, 6 p. On a modification of the Schnabel estimator to account for removal of animals from the population being estimated Extends Chapmen's improvement of Schnabel's method of analysis of tegging experiments to cover the case where there is a known removal (harvest of sample control) in each period; Equations require iterative solution, and a method for this is suggested; no consideration of errors of estimation. Ci 1938, Z. Schnabel; 1952, D.G. Chapman, CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 11-REFERENCES 9-11001 to 9411600 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) Tchernia, Р. (1964) Oceanus, 10(3):26-7 Brief report 9-11001 Report of the work of various vessels as part of the ITOE, in NW, SW, NE, € SE regions. Welker, R.A. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(11):1816-25 Some intense, low-frequency, underwater sounds of wide geographic distribution, apparently of biological origin 9-11002 ANON. (1963) 9-11003 Priroda, Moskva, 11:116 (A floating laboratory). Ru Stewart, H.B. (1963)BC 9-11004 Princeton, N.Y., Van Nostrand, 126 p. The global sea ANON. (1954) 9-11005 Oceanus, 10(3):31 Book review Re 0-0L012. Zenkevich, L.A. (1963) 9-11006 Moskve, Izdat.vo Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 739 p. Biologiia morei SSSR (Biology of the seas of the USSR). Ru A comprehensive account of available information on 14 seas; these are devided into 3 areas: The northern, southern and Far eastern seas of the USSR. The general characteristics, zoogeography, hydrological & geologicel conditions, & where applicable, the commercial productivity of each area are first discussed. The particular characteristics, flore and fauna, chemistry, physical geograpny & geology and the history of exploitation of each sea are then examined. M M M 9 (11) Zenkevich, L. 9-11007 (Botcharskaya, S. Transl.) (1963)C London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 955 Po Biology of the seas of the U.S.S.R. En 9-11006. ANON. (1963) 9-11008 Priroda, Moskva, 12:110-1 (An underwater sound beacon). Ru Brown, C.B. & 9-11009 S.J. raff (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(12):2007-10 Theoretical treatment of low-frequency sound attenuation in the deep ocean Dietrich, G. & K. Kalle (Е. Ostapoff, Transl.) (1963 )C New York, Interscience Publ., 588 p. General oceanography. An introduction 9-11010 En Dietrich, G. $ K. Kalle, 1957. Sharman, R.V. (1963)BC 9-11011 London, Butterworths, 253 p. Vibrations and waves Mury, M.F. (1963)BC 9-11012 Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press, 432 р. The physical geography of the sea, and its meteorology Deacon, G.E.R. & M.B. Deacon (1963) Geogr.J., 130(1):120-3 Science and the sea 9-11013 Re 9-11012, 9-11523. м 604 Lucas, C.E. € A.J. Lee (1963) Fish.News int., 2(1):32-4 International cooperation in Northwest Atlantic research 9-11014 M Article about the ICNAF environmentsl survey, 1963. ANON. (1962) 9-11015 M Rev.nsc.Pesca, S.Paulo, 3(17):23-6 Grupo de pesquisas sobre а pesca marítima (Marine fisheries research center) Describes the activities of the center located in Santos, S@o Paulo, Brazil, and the assistance provided by FAO. ANON. (1961) 9-11016 M Can.C.E.R.B.0.M., (2):43-7 Le SAINT JACQUES III bateau océanographique du C.E.R.B.0.M. (The SAINT JACQUES III C.E.R.B.0.M. oceano- graphic boat) Description of a 10 metre twin engine boat launched in 1958. Zaitsev, V.P. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., 37(3):3-9 Sorok let sovetskikh rybokhoziaistvennykh issledovanii (Lo years of Soviet sea fisheries investigat- ions). Ru 9-11017 M Ewart, W.D. (1963 )BC 9-11018 MG London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 143 p. Atomic submarines Herbert, R. (1963) 9-11019 MG New Scient., 18(344):683 Atomic submarines Re 9-11018. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 4 9 (11) Anderson, K.P. (1965) 9-11020 MF FAO Fish.tech.Pep., (26) suppl.l: 25 р. Manual of sampling and statistical methods for fisheries biology. Part 4. Statistical methods. Chapter 5. Computations Gives methods for handling inaccurate figures, calculations with inaccurate data, computations and reliability, effect of grouping, functions, = errors in solution of simultaneous equations, | and the statement of error. Co 62-0022, USFWS. Bureau cf Commercial , Fisheries (1961) News Not.sci.Activ.U.S.Bur.comm.Fish., January: 2 p. (mimeo) 9-11021 MF Note on the 17th meeting of the American Fisnery Advisory Committee on Oceanography, held in Hawaii. Beverton, R.J.H. & S.J. Holt (1961) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (38):49 р. Tables of yield functions for fishery assessment 9-11022 MF Tebles of expressions for use in assessing Sustainable yields as functions of the fishing effort and size at first capture, for various values of the ratios of natural mortality to growth and to total mortality, and size at first capture to final size. Medras. (1953 Adm. Ren.Dep.Fish., Madras, 1960-61 Department of Fisheries 9-11023 MF Research ei 3 stations; schemes included in the second five-years plan; development and operation of marine € freshwater fisheries; fish marketing svatistics information and propagation; annexures consist of 88 tables and diagrams presenting results of research on many matters (from oceanography to food technology) as well as information on Depertment funds and similar matters. Urick, Rds (1963) J.ecoust.Soc.Amer., 35(12):2026 Imvlosions as sources of underwater sound °-11024 MF Whitmarsh, D.C. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(12):2014-0 AA nm A a re A rem Underwater-acoustic-transmission measurements 9-11025 MF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Kozhov, M. (1963) 9-11026 Е Monographiae biol., 11:352 р. Lake Валка] and its life À general book describing animal and plant ecology, fishery, geology and hydrobiology of Lake Baikal. Incl. chapters on: 1. Geography and hydrology of Baikal; geo- graphical position, climate, morphology, affluents and outflows, water circulation and temperature, and chemistry. 2. Fauna and flora; systematic composition of fauna, Protozoa, invertebrates and vertebrates; Mammalia; with general conclusion on the composition of the fauna and its position in the systems of biogeographical divisions; Flora. 3. Distribution of fauna and flora in Baikal. 4. Spread of modern Baikalian fauna outside of Baikal. 5. Life in the mass of water: distribution of plankton, its seasonal changes and migration of pelagic fish, annual changes in the plankton of open waters; trophic relation- ship, interspecific contacts and vertical migration of mass pelagic dwellers and Ц. The history of Lake Baikal and its fauna. Incl. a bibliographic list; appends subject and taxonomic indexes. 605 Willings, Т.М. (Ed.) (1962)c 259 р. Fisheries field offiers handbook 9-11027 С Material from lectures given to a school of fisheries field officers. Deals with the role of governments in fisheries, fishery resources, the measuremert of catch and effort & fishing operations. The course was designed to give the field officers a better understanding of the role of science in fisheries and to give them training in techniques such as fish measuring and collecting of samples, the emphasis being on fisheries biology. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Salto, -S. (1963) J.met.res., Tokyo, 14(12):62-7 (On the criteria of warning and advisory on strong wind in Negaseki Prefecture). Ni 9-11029 M Issued also as: Oceanogr.& Met., Negasaki, (13):212. Takeda, A. (1963) 9-11030 М J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 19(3):136-42 Wind profiles over sea waves Observations of wind profiles up to approx. 5 m. height over the sea surface and over a nearby sand pit, suggesting that structure of air flow over undulating water surface is different from that over fixed land surface. 9 (11) Lord, P. (Ed.), & 9-11028 G F.L. Thomas (1963)BC London, Heywood & Co., 226 p. Noise measurement and control Uehara, S. (1962) 9-11031 M Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Lab., (34):55-66 (Fishery oceanography around Enshu Neda off the central Pacific coast of Honshu. 1. Oceanographic condition for skipjack and shirasu fisheries). Ni En Examination of the possibility that horizontal distribution of temperature on a 200 m. layer might provide a better explanation of the conditions of the Kuroshio current along the Pacific coast of Japan, than that of surface temperature; and the reason for the marked prosperity of the Engraulis japonicus fishery in the Enshu Nada area. Ueno, T. & M. Miyazaki (1963) Oceanogr.Mag., 15(1):31-61 Theoretical investigations of typhoon surges along the Japanese coast. 3 9-11032 M Presents first and second steps to computed models for the western part of Inland Sea and for Ariake Bay, with equations for motion & continuity & storm surges; & meteorological conditions, for Ariake Bay. . 606 Harris, MJ. & M.J. Tucker (1963) Instrum. Pract., 17(10):1055-9 A pressure recorder for measuring sea waves 9-11033 M Eckart, C. (1963) Quart.J.R.met.Soc., 89(382):565 Hydrodynamics of oceans and atmospheres 9-11034 M Hata, K. (1963) 9-11035 M J.oceanogr.Soc.Jap., 19(1):6-15 (The report of drift bottles released in the North Pacific Ocean). Ni En Details of release & recovery; conclusions reached. Also issued as: Bull.Hakkodate Mar. Obs., (10): Item 12. LaFond, E.C. (1964) 9-11036 M Oceanus, 10(3):20-1 New submarine canyons found off the Indian coast Discovery made by the ANTON BRUUN during cruise 1 (March-May 1963) in the course of measuring topography & sampling bottom sediments. Watanabe, K. (1963) Oceanogr.Mag., 14(2):101-15 On an estimation of the origin and drifting speed of ice appearing off the coast of Hokkaido. 3. Study of sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea 9-11037 M Presentation of a diagrammatic method to compute the growth of a southward drifting ice and then to estimate its origin & drifting speed from such data as time of arrival at coast and thickness. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item 6. Ca 9-020hL. Watanabe, K. (1963) Oceanogr.Mag., 14(2):117-30 On the reinforcement of the East Sakhalin current preceding to the sea ice season off ‘the coast of Hokkaido. 4. Study on sea ice in the Okhotsk Sea 9-11038 M Discussion of a reinforcement of the East Sakhalin current occuring in late fall or early winter and conclusions reached based on a study of observational data on sea conditions collected off Hokkaido in 1958. Issued also as: Bull.Hakodate Mar.Obs., (10): Item 7. Ci 9-11037. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Degens, E.T., J.H. Reuter & K.N.F. Shaw (1964) Geochim.et cosmoch.Acta, 28(1):45-67 Biochemical compounds in offshore California sediment and sea waters 9-11039. M Park, K., M. Oliphant & H. Freund (1963) Analyt.Chem., 35(10):1549-50 Conductometric determination of alkalinity of sea water 9-11040 M Adlington, R.H. (1963) J.acoust.Soc.Amer., 35(11):1834-5 Acoustic-reflection losses at the sea surface, measured with explosive sources 9-110H1 M. Das Gupta, S.C. (1963) 9-11042 M Geofis.pur.appl., 55(2):53-63 On trasmission of pressure to ocean bottom for generation of microseisms Livingstone, D.A. (1963) 9-11043 М Geochim.et cosmoch.Acta, 27(10):1055-71 The sodium cycle and the age of the ocean Lukasik, S.J. € C.E. Grosch (1963) J.geophys.Res., 68(20): 5689-701 Pressure-velocity correlations in ocean swell 9-11044 М Roden, G.I. (1963) 9-11045 М J.geophys.Res., 68(20):5701-11 Sea level variations at Panama Zaitsev, Iu.P. (1963) 9-11046 M Priroda, Moskva, 11:27-32 (On the boundary between two oceans). Ru ANON. (1963) 9-11047 M Priroda, Moskva, 11:117-8 (Demineralization of sea water). Ru Kazanskii, М.М. (1963) _ 9-11048 M Priroda, Moskva, 11:102-% (The Gulf Stream). Ru Goldenberg, L.A. & 9-11049 M Ju.M. Kleiner (1963) Priroda, Moskva, 11:97-100 (In one-and-a-half year. How the shores of the Caspian and the Aral Seas have changed). PHYSICAL OCEANOGBAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Dietrich, G. € 9-11050 M Н.Н. Lamb (1964) Met.Mag., Lond., 93(1099):59-61 Mean monthly temperature and salinity of the surface layer of the North Sea and adjacent waters from 1905 to 1954 Horne, В.А. € В.А. Courant (1964) J.geophys.Res., 69(6):1152-5 The temperature dependence of the activation energy of the electrical conductivity of sea water in the temperature range 0 degrees C to 10 degrees C 9-11051 M Mamaev, О.Т. (1964) 9-11052 M Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geofiz..), 2:309-11 (A simplified relationship between the density, temperature and salinity of sea water). Ru Ishikawa, K. & I. Noguchi (1964) Proc.imp.Acad. Ja: LO(2):111-6 À seismic refraction exploration of Kumano Nada (Kumano Sea), Japan 9-11053 M Abe, T. (1963) ; 9-11054 M Pap.Met.Geophys., Tokyo, 14(1):93-109 In situ formation of stable foam in sea water to cause salty wind damage Canney, H.E. (1964) Undersea Technol., 5(3):32-5 A buoy-satellite system for current measurement 9-11055 M Transmitting buoys used in conjunction with a cloud-monitoring satellite for collecting Ocean-current information. Munske, R.E. (1964) 9-11056 M Undersea Technol., 5(3):11-4 Buoys, buoys and more buoys Buoys can be used to perform a variety of functions: such as determining ocean currents: measuring temperature, density, salinity and sound velocity; record meteorological data; maintain a weather vigilance; perform acoustic Yesearch; track satellites; telemeter date; assist in accurate ship positioning. 9 (11) 607 Karwowski, J. .(1963) 9-11057 M Bull.Acad.polon.Sci., 11(11):675-7 Measurements of sea currents by means of a radar device Karwowski, J. (1963) 9-11058 M Bull.Acad.polon.Sci., 11(11):673-5 Influence of waves on oil motion on sea surface Durairatnam, M. (1963) 9-11059 M Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1:9-2% Studies on the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature, salinities and phytoplankton in Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay along the west coast of Ceylon Effect on fisheries production of these seasonal variations. Phytoplankton celendars for Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay are given. de Silva, N.N. (1963). 9-11060 M Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 2:1-10 Marine bacteria as indicators of upwelling in the sea An attempt to confirm the theoretical finding that conditions of wind force and direction during the north east monsoon are favourable for upwelling on the west coast of Ceylon, by using certain characteristic properties of marine bacteria as indicators of such water movement. Kuznetsov, A.P. (1963) 9-11061 M Priroda, Moskva, 10:102-4 (Sea glow in the Atlantic). Ru Chernysheva, V.I. (1963) 9-11062 M Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 151(6):1433-6 Olivinovyi bazal't v raione severnogo okonchaniia podvodnogo Gavaiskogo khrebta (Olivine basalt in the region of the morthern ending of the underwater Hawaya mountain range). Ru Belousov, I.M., V.F. Kanaev & 9-11063, M N.A. Marova (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 155(5):1174-7 Rel'ef dna severnoi chasti Indiiskogo okeana (The bottom relief in the northern part of the Indian Ocean). Ru 608 ate. ¡QUA 539, 155(6 del га о вогселат 2enmoi EE У Tuer. et al. Iie Space , Dole Akad. laponskon (Recent data ст. the stn crust in the iciure of the Earth Ses of dapen). Ru Moskalenko, V.il. (1963) 9-1105 ii Dols). Akad. Neu: SSSR, 152(5):1457-60 xovye dennye о stroenii osadochnoi volshchi 3redizermogo moria (New dave on the structure of sedimentary bottor rocks in the Mediterranean). Ru acid Р.Н. (1063) 0-11066 N Doll. Alkad. seule SSSR, 151(5):1150-51 Stroenie ne Gorrindzh (Atlenticheskii okeen ) (Ihe strue cure of une Hori gp af ix ‘e bank (the Atlantic)). Ru Plakhotnik, A.F. (1964) 0-11067 M Dokl.Ak®d.liaul: 5558, 155(1):167-00 AS ot Nekotorye novye demnye po termike vod severovostocimoi chast' Tikhogo okeana (Some recent deta on the thermicity of the waters of the,north-eastern part of the Pacific). Ru ¿REE a р 68 heremisinove, Е.А. (1064) 0.110868 WN Dokl .Akad. Nau: 5853, 155(3 ap: 2 К voprosu o vozraste morskikh mezhlednilovyka (iol'dievykh) bukhty (Pol 'sha) (On the problem as to the age of interglacial (Yoldien) sea clays of the Gdansk Bay). № glin Gdan'skoi HT (1963) 9-11069 M Priroda, Moskva, 12:121-2 (A cyclopedia of our seas). Ru Marty, Gevorkian, V.K. € 0-11070 M R.N. Dovgan (1954) Dopov.Akad.Nauk ukr.RSR, 1:92-6 (On the tectonic conditions of location of spits on the northern shore of the Azov Sea). Uk Roll, H.U. (1963) Geofis.pur.appl., 56(3):150-9 On the application of turbulence theory to the determination of marine evaporation 9-11071 M 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Mero, J.L. (1964) 9-11072 M о Discovery, 25(7):18-23 | Mineral wealth from the ocean deeps | Refers, especially to manganese nodules, | Tyler, J.E. & W. Austin (196k) Appl.Optics, 3(5):613-20 A scattering meter for deep water 9-11073 M о McAlister, E.D. (1964) Appl.Optics, 3(5):609-12 Infrared-optical techniques applied to oceanography. 1. Measurement of total heat flow from the sea surface 9-11074 M Berner, В.А. (1964) | Mar.Geol., 1(2):117-40 | Distribution and diagenesis of sulfur in | some sediments from the Gulf of California | 9-11075 M The depth distribution of the following forms of sulfur have been determined from recent sediment cores taken from the central Gulf of California. The most abundant form of sulfur is pyrite. Relatively large concentrations of total sulfur infer that the sediment acts as a chemically open system to the sulfate of the overlying water. Heezen, B.C. & С. Hollister (1964) Mar.Geol., 1(2):141-74 Deep-sea current evidence from abyssal sediments 9-11076 M Relatively strong bottom currents in the deep- sea can be inferred from sedimentary structures observed in bottom photographs and cores. Traction velocities necessary for the transport of deep-sea sediment particles probably range from 4-60 cm/sec, velocities similar to those found through dynamic computations of geo- strophic currents and observed by recent deep- sea direct current measurements. Zenkovitch, V.P. (1964) Mar.Geol., 1(2):175-80 Formation and burial of accumulative forms in littoral and near-shore marine environments 9-11077 M Accumulative littoral relief forms develop under the influence of waves and currents. The present paper deals with the principal results of a study of the conditions of formation and burial of these accumiletions. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Stewart, F.H. (1963) 9-11078 M Prof. Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., LLO-Y:Y1-Y52 Data of geochemistry, Sixth Edition. Chapter Y. Marine evaporites Marine evaporites are formed initially by the evaporation of sea water in salt pans, marine salinas, lagoons, and relict seas. More than 80 mineral species (excluding clastic material) have been recorded in marine evaporites, and most of these are 'chlorides, sulfates, carbo- nates, and borates. The major elements are those of sea water - sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The processes of primary deposition lead to successive layers that are rich in carbonates of calcium and magnesium, sulfates of calcium, sodium chloride, and finally sodium chloride with salts of potassium and magnesium. Some work has been done on metastable crystallization and on erystallization from solutions with thermal gradients. Love, D.L. & D. Sam (1962) Analyt.Chem., 34:336-40 Radiochemical determination of sodium-24 and sulphur-35 in sea water 9-11079 M Method generally applicable to seawater or salt-domes contaminated by nuclear bursts. Ci 62-029l9. Silver, R.S. & W.J.K. Weir (1961) J.Inst.Fuel, 34:514-21 Fuel, heat and energy aspects of sea-water distillation 9-11080 M Discusses factors governing the efficiency and cost of sea water distillation. Shows how optimum conditions relating energy and capital costs may be evaluated. Osterberg, C., W.G. Pearcy 9-11081 M 8 H. Curl Jr. (194) J.Mar.Res., 22(1):2-12 Radioactivity and its relationship to oceanic food chains Gamma-ray spectra of some primary producers filter-feeding herbivores and carnivores, were prepared from marine samples taken in the Pacific off Oregon during 1961-1962. Comparisons of spectra of organisms from Eger! E PES, show that Zr°”-Nb”° and Ce were concentrated by primary producers and herbivores but no carnivores. Abundance of Zr 2-м? and Ce in particular, may be useful in marine trophic-level studies. t 141 9 (11) 609 California University. 9-11082 M Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1963 )C Los Angeles, University of California Press, 458 p. Oceanic observations of the Pacific For each oceanographic station, values of temperature, salinity and oxygen are tabulated at observed and at standard depths. Computed values of density, specific volume anomaly or thermosteric anomaly, and geopotential anomaly are also tabulated at standard depths. In addition, some observations of phosphate, silicate, nitrite, nitrate, acidity, alkalinity and total phosphate are included. The positions of. serial observations and the numbers of bathythermograph observations made during the period 1941 to 1956, and those made in 1956, are shown on charts. Lauzier, L.M. & J.H. Hull (1962) Progr.Rep.Atl.Cst.Stas, (73):11-5 Sea temperatures along the Canadian Atlantic coast 1958-1960. Fr 9-11083 M Tiphane, M. (1962) 9-11084 м Cah.Inform.Sta.Biol.mar.Grande-Rivière, (16): unpag. Observations océanographiques dans la Baie-des-Chaleurs, juin - septembre 1962 (Oceanographic observations in the Baie-des- Chaleurs, June - September 1962) Records of salinity and temperature from 16 oceanographic stations. Ulanov, Kh.K. (1964) 9-11085 M Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 157(1):99-100 Prirashchenie urovniia 1 vodnyi balans Kaspiiskogo moria (Level increment and water budget of the Caspian). Ru Thomann, R.V. & M.J. Sobel (1964) J.sanit.Engng Div.Am.Soc.civ.Engrs, 90, SA5: 9-36, Pap. No. 411 Estuarine water quality management and forecasting 9-11086 MF Describes techniques for forecasting the quality of water in the estuarine environment and for optimal control of water quality. WPA 38(5)804. 610 Grasshoff, К. (1964) Chem.Abstr., 20:5-11 Nitrate in salt and potable water 9-11087 MF Detailed procedure is given for the rapid determination of nitrate in salt water; it is suitable for use on board ship. WPA 38(6)955. Stacey, C.M. (1963) 9-11088 MF Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 105(7):421-60 Cyclical measures: some tidal aspects concerning equinoctial years Johnson, C.R., P.H. McClelland & 9-11089 MF В.Г. Boster (1964) Analyt.Chem., 36(2):300-3 Rapid volumetric determination of sulfide in estaurine and sea waters Rogovskaia, C.I. € М.Е. Lazareva (1963) Mikrobiol., Moskva, 32(6):1047-52 9-11090 MF (Microbiological specification of active sludge purifying sewage weters in the industry of plastics). Ru U.K. Meteorological 9-11091 MF Office (1963 )BC London, HMSO, М.О. 706, 294 р. Weather in the Black Sea M. Jezequel (1961) Rapp.Cent.Et.nucl.Saclay, (1965) :4 р. Determination of sr and 7% concentrations in radioactively contaminated natural waters Gardet, M. (1961) _9-11093 MF Cah.C.E.R.B.0.M., (2):35-42 4 Notes préliminaires & l'étude des sediments marins du bassin de la Tour Rouge (Preliminary notes on the study of the marine sediments of the Tour Rouge basin) Distribution diagrams, granulometric analyses and composition are related to the estuarine surface currents. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES WMO (1962) Geneva, WMO - 117.TP.52, 21 p. Climatological normals (CLINO) for climat and climat ship stations for the period 1931-1960. Fr 9-11094 MF Newly computed climatological normls covering period 1931-60. Pressure, temperature, humidity and precipitation are tabulated all over the world. Howe, E.D. (1962) Int.Sci.Technol., Desalting water 9-11095 MF (4) :47-52 Discusses energy requirements for separating water from solutes, and describes heat transfer problems in distillation together with methods of overcoming them. Meyling, A.H. € 9-11096 MF G.H. Frank (1962) Analyst, 87:60-2 Simple method of determining dissolved oxygen with indigo carmine Describes the method. Laevastu, T. (1962) Rep. Hawaii Inst.Geophys., (21):1-55 The causes and predictions of surface currents in sea and lake 9-11097 MF Summary of available knowledge of ses surface currents, partially incl. lakes. To provide a background summary for research projects on this subject, and to point out where gaps of knowledge exist. To serve as a compendium for instructions in oceanograpny on the specific subject of surface currents. As a manual on surface currents to those occupationally concerned e.g., fisheries, research workers, navigators, etc. Van Wyk, G.F. (1962) 9-11098 MF Rep.Dep.Nat.Conserv.Cape Prov., (19):51-8 Tidal waters. The Alexandria and Port Elizabeth | divisions | Gives а brief account of tidal rivers between the Bushmans & Gamtoos Rivers, Cape of Good Hope, S.Africa; physico-chemically; list of tidal fauna. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Rheinheimer, G. (1964) Arch.Mikrobiol., 49:283-90 Experiments on the effect of temperature on nitrification in the Elbe estuary Laboratory experiments on the effect of temperature, showed that production of nitrite and nitrate occurred rapidly at 21 degrees - 24 degrees C, but there was no increase in the concentrations of these compounds after 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 4 degrees - 5 degrees C. WPA 38(5)805. Chipperfield, P.N.J. (1962) 9-11100 Chem.& Ind., 1660-5 Discharge of industrial effluents to tidal vaters Special reference to effects on fish and shell fish. Dilution and dispersion of effluents and the investigations necessary to ensure that pollution does not occur are discussed. U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1964) Tech. Pap.Wat.Pollut.Res., London, (11):638 р. Effects of polluting discharges on the Thames estuary. The reports of the Thames survey committee and of the water pollution: research laboratory WPA 38(5)867. Cohen, G. (1960) 9-11102 Impact Sci.Soc., Paris, 10(3):166-86 Atmospheric and water pollution: a result of industrial development General review of subject; special ref. to Europe and U.S.A. Hawkes, Н.А. (1964) Chem.& Ind., 11:437-43 An ecological basis for the biological essessment of river pollution 9-11103 Hynes, H.B.N. (1964) Chem.& Ind., 11:435-7 The use of biology in the study of water pollution 9-11104 9-11099 MF 9-11101 MF F 9 (11) 611 David, A. (1963) 9-11105 F Proc.nat.Acad.Sci.India, 33(1):179-89 Ecology of polluted streams with reference to fishlife Lester, W.F. (1962) 9-11106 F J.Inst.Sew.Purif., 119-30 Control of effluents discharged into rivers Legislation governing the control of effluents discharged into rivers and its administration are discussed. American Water Works Association, Subcommittee on Organic Chemicals (1962) J.Amer.Wat.Wks Ass., 54:223-7 Carbon chloroform extract in water 9-11107 F Describes method which is applicable to drinking water and other waters, Scheidhauer, J., 9-11108 F L. Messeinguriel & R. Court (1962) Chim.anal., l+:214-9 Determination of strontium-89 and radioactive effluents - 90 in Kapling, V.T. & 9-11109 F N.G. Fesenko (1962) Zavod.Lab., 287-8 Determination of phenols in water with pyramidone Sokolov, V.P. & 9-11110 Е K.A. Lobashov (1962) Zevod.Lab., 28:285-7 Determination of 1,2-dichloroethane in effluent waters Lur'e, Thelue & V.A. Panova (1962) Zavod.Lab., 28:281-5 The determination of furfural and its derivatives in industrial effluent waters 9-1111 F Justice, J.D. (1962) 9.1112 Р Soap, N.Y., 38(3):51-3,95 Detergents in water pollution A general survey. Thambyapillay, С. (1960) Trop.Agriculturist, 116(3):147-68 Climatic regions of Ceylon. 1. According to the Köppen classification 9-11113. FG 612 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PLANKTON Saisho, T. (1964) 9-11114 M Dee date Wa oe Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):127-34 e. gine eid ba nee e © (The first phyllosona larvae of the spiny Se I; 195- dl i E иекочотуе ааплу 5 ryka 1 sutochnykh Y En lobster, genus Panulirus). Ni igmenentiblin #1 blasons A о moria а 111. morphological characteristics of Panulirus japonicus phyllosoma are compared to those of other spp. to distinguish their specific characters from the conmon characters. USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-11115 M Fisheries (1964) News Not.sci.Activ.U.S.Bur.comm.Fish., February: 2 p. (mimeo) Bureau of commercial fisheries biologist finds plankton gives clues to Indian Ocean-Atlantic zoogeographical relations Note bearing on current work of this laboratory on the need for solution of problems in the zoogeography of marine animals to provide information on resource boundaries; their inporiance in the food chain; the patterns of oceanic water circulation. Gold, к. (1964) 9-11116: .. M J.Protozool., 11(1):85-9 Aspects of pee dinoflagellate nusrition measured by C assimilation Binet, P. (1963) 9-11117 M C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(10):1710-6 Influence of lithium and strontium ions on the growth of Artemia salina, crustacean phyllopods, at various temperatures Motoda, S. (1963) 9-11118 M Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):152-61 Devices of simple plankton apparatus. 2 Ill. description of double release and hinged double vertical square net; triple release and multiple collapsible vertical net; horizontal square net fixed on triangular frame; wire clinometers; plankton sample strainer and displacent measuring apparatus. Co 61-01033. a oa MO Ha en nal end 24 hour UE ETS Feed a ee GZuiCc Oca DAY toplank ton) . (Certain deta on seas variations in the Adr zu о i Petine, T.S. (1964) 72-11120 М Dok1.Akod.iauk SSSR, 155(2):470-3 (Claus) у eksperimental 'nykn usloviiakh (Fat metabolism in Calenus helcolsndicus (Claus) under experimental conditions). За Gold, K. (1962) 9-11121 М Thesis, New York Univ., 97 p. Butrition of marine phytoplarktcn measured у 5 upveke and cell size distribution Detects differences by cht as enc, in physiological state of photosynthetic phytoplenkton caused by varying the nutrient composition of a mediun. DA 24(2):475. Aubert, M., H. Lebout & J. Aubert (1964) Ann.Inst.Pasteur, 106(1):147-51 Role du plancton dans le pouvoir antibio- tique du milieu marin (The role of plankton in the antibiotic power of marine environment) 9-11122 M Petipa, T.S. (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 156(6):1440-3 Sutochnyi ritm raskhoda i nakopleniia zhira u Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) v Chernom more (Daily rhythm of fat accumulation and expenditure in Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) in the Black Sea). ` № 9-11123 М Miquelis, E. (1961) Cah.C.E.R.B.0.M., (2):15-8 Etude chimique d'un échantillon de plancton lyophilisé (Chemical study of a lyophilised sample of plankton) 9-11124 M Results of analysis of a sample taken off the Cap de Nice on 26.12.1960. 613 BENTHOS Pototskeia, I.V. & 9-11127 Е N.P. Tayba (1954) Lebout, M.H. & 9-11125 M Dokl.Akad.Kau!: 535R, 155(3):680-2 Cortegiani (1961) Cah.C.E.R.B.0.M., (2):22-6 Etude bactériologique d'un plancton lyophilisé (Bacteriological study of same lyophilised plankton) A sample taken on 13.2.1961 in the roads of Villefranche. Wesson, J.D. € 0-11126 MF В. Meister (1053) J.scoust.Sec.amer., 35(10):1584-90 Pervichneia produktsiia plenktona у tsimlianskom vodolzarsnilishche (Primery production oz plankton in the Merville al ve eae icy HT Tsymlansk weter reservoir). Ru Kuznetsov, S.I., V.I. Romenenko 9-11128 F & V.I. Glazunov (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 156(6):1444-7 Produktsiia organicheskogo veshchestva za schet fotosinteza fitoplanktona v ozere Baikal (The production of organic matter at the expense of phytoplankton photosynthesis in Lake Baikal). Ru Ultrasofic absorption in water containing Ling, J.K. & 9-11129 Е plenkeen in suspension R. Duggan (1962)A Vict.Nat., 79(1):1-4 The freshwater jelly-fish, Craspedacusta sowerbyi, in Victoria: A new record BENTHOS Seki, H. & 9-11130 WM Seki, H. & 2-11152 М N. Taga (1963) J.oceanocr.soc.Japan, 19(3):143-51 Microbiolozical studies on the decomposition of chitin in marine environment. 3. Aerobic decomposition of chitin by the isolated chitinoclastic bacteria Rate of decomposition of different types of chitin; affect of hydrostatic pressure ou the activities of chitinoclastic becteria. Co 9-09194. Sebi, Ue. oe N. Tage (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc.Japan, 19(3):152-7 Microbiological studies on the decomposition of chitin in marine environment. №. Disinfecting effect of antibacterial agents on the chitinoclestic bacteri Differing degrees of effectiveness of several antibacterial agents. Co 9-11130. N. Taga (1963) J.oceanogr.Soc. Japan, 10(3):155-61 Microbiological studies on the decomposition of chitin in marine environment. 5. Chitinoclastie bacteria as symbionts Experiments on Polypus vulgaris, Loligo edulis and Canthigaster rivulatus to escertain the role of chitinoclastic bacteria in the digesvion of chitinous food. Со 9°-11131. Suzuki, A. (1963)A 9-11133 M Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):95-102 (Serologicel studies of the races of tuna. 8. Hemagglutinins contained in the seed of ginkgo and the short-necked clam). Ni En Co 8-10335. 614 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Takesita, I. (1252) 9-11134 М J.Fac.Fish.Hiroshima, 4(1/2):1-6 Electrical shocking effect on larvae of Balanus Critical voltage gradient required, at different current durations, to cause death. Determination of potential curve of the stimulative period. Tanaka, S., H. Hatano & 9-11135 М С. Suzue (1960) J.Biochem., Tokyo, 47(1):117-23 Biochemical studies on pearl. 7. Fractionation and terminal amino acids of conchiolin Fractionation of conchiolin with suitable reagents to provide information on the nature & chemical structure of the amino acid composition. Issued also as: Bull.Nippon Inst. sci.Res.Pearls, (4):68. Cx 60-0593. Tanaka, S., H. Hatano & 9-11136 M 0. Itasaka (1960) Bull.chem.Soc.Japan, 33(2):182-5 Biochemical studies on pearl. 8. Occurrence of calcite, aragonite and dolomite in pearl and shell Chemical composition of the nacre of pearl; determination of crystalline forms of calcium carbonate in the pearl and the shell by X-ray diffraction. Issued also as: Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):69. бо 9-11135. Tanaka, S., H. Hatano & 9-11137 M O. Itasaka (1960) Bull.chem.Soc. Japan, 33(4):543-5 Biochemical studies on pearl. 9. Amino acid composition of conchiolin in pearl and shell Quantitative analyses of amino acids in the hydrolysates of conchiolin prepared from the pearl € the two layers of the shell of an oyster. Issued also as: Bull.Nippon Inst. sei. Res.Pearls, (4):70. Co 9-11136. Tenaka, T. (1964) 9-11138 м Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):75-91 Studies on some marine algae from southern Japan. 5. Ni Ill. morphological description of 8 spp., 5 being new spp. and 2 being new to Japan. Со 9-09198. 9 (11) Wada, S.K. (106) 9-11139 M Mem.Fac.Fish.Kagoshima, 12(2):109-26 Studies on the fertilization of pelecypod gametes. 2. Facilitation of fertilization by attachment to an egg of plural spermatozoa Experiments carried out on Crassostrea echinata -involving penetration of acrosome filament into the egg, study of the rate of fertilization and the length of sperm-egg interaction time, rates of fertilization in relation to sperm densities, and facilitation by sperm attachment of parthenogenetic activation of eggs. Со 9-0512k. Yabu, H. & 9-11140 М J. Tokida (1963) Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):37-9 On the nuclear division in the sporansium of Arthrothamus bifidus (Gmel.) J. Ag. Establishment of the occurrence of mitosis in the early development of the sporangium and the number of chromasomes of the alga. The nuclear division in sporangium of Arthrothamnus is illustrated. Larsen, B. & 9-11141 M A. Haug (1963) Acta chem.scand., 17(6):1646-53 Free-boundary electrophoresis of acidic polysaccharides from the marine alga Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol Shaposhnikov, V.N. et al. (1964) 9-11142 М Mikrobiol., Moskva, 33(2):221-4 (On. seasonal periodicity in the development of green algae under laboratory conditions). | Ru Collins, Р.М. (1964) 9-11143 M Aust.J.exp.Biol.med.Sci., 42(2):263 Cell wall composition of a marine cytophaga Gray, W.D., P.V.C. Pinto & 9-11144 M S.G. Pathak (1963) Appl.Microbiol., 11(6):501-6 rowth of fungi in sea water medium Burton, S.D. & 90-1115 M R.Y. Morita (1963) J.Bact., 85(5):1019-24 Denaturation and renaturation of malic dehydrogenase in a cell-free extract from a marine psychrophile BENTHOS Morita, R.Y. € 9-11146 M S.D. Burton (1963) J.Bact., 85(5):1025-9 Influence of moderate temperature on growth and malic dehydrogenase activity of a marine psychrophile Conover, J.T. & 9-11147 M J.McN. Sieburth (1963) J.Bact., 86(5):1129-30 Leveling device for preparation of Petri plates at sea van Baalen, C. € 9-11148 M J.E. Marler (1963) J.gen.Microbiol., 32(3):457 Characteristics of marine blue-green algae with uric acid as nitrogen source Gareth Jones, Е.В. (1964) Trans.Brit.mycol.Soc., 47(1):97-103 NAUTOSPHAERIA cristaminuta geri.et sp. nov., a marine pyrenomycet on submerged wood 9-11149 M Werner, B. (1963) Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 105(8):461-88 Effect of some environmental factors on differentiation and determination in marine hydrozoa, with a note on their evolutionary significance 9-11150 M Narahashi, T. (1963) J.Physiol., 169(1):91-116 Dependence of resting and action potentials on internal potassium in perfused squid giant axons g-11151 M Grampp, W. (1963) Acta siol.scand., 59:54-6 Multiple spike discharge of the slowly adapting neurone of the isolated crustacean stretch receptor organ 9-11152 М Middlebrook, J.B. & В.0. Bowman (1964) Appl.Microbiol., 12(1):44-6 Preparation of axenic cultures of algae by use of a French press 9-11153 M 9 (11) Lewis, S.M. € W.A. Corpe (196) Appl.Microbiol., 12(1):13-8 Prodigiosin-producing bacteria from marine sources 9-11154 Bleck, R.E. (1964) Exp.Cell Res., 33(3):613-6 Transeminase activity in homogenates of developping eggs of the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus (1), (2) 9-11155 Miki, T. (1964) 9-11156 Exp.Cell Res., 33(3):575-8 ATP-ase activity of the egg cortex during the first cleavage of sea urchin eggs Berg, W.E. € N.D. Long (1964) Ехр.Се11 Res., 33(3):122-38 Regional differences of mitochondrial size in the sea urchin embryo 9-11157 Lubet, P. & 9-11158 С. Bourgart (1964) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):1995-2001 New observations on the sexual physiolosy of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck Boschma, H. (1954) 9-11159 Proc.K.ned.Akad.Wet.(C), 67(2):78 Further notes on the stylasterine corals Stenohelia challengeri and Stenohelia maderensis Boschma, H. (1964) Proc.K.ned.Akad.Wet.(C), 67(2):74-8 Further notes on the stylasterine coral Stenohelia concinna 9-11160 Boschma, H. (1964) 9-11161 Proc.K.ned.Akad.Wet.(C), 67(2):64-74 On stylasterina of the genus Stenohelia Boschma, H. (1964) 9-11162 Proc.K.ned.Akad.Wet.(C), 67(2):55-64 Errina (Lepidopora) decipiens, a new stylasterine coral from the West Indies 615 M M M 616 Pilkey, О.Н. € G-11163 M Н.С. Goodell (1964) Bull.geol.Soc.Amer., 75(3):22e-71 Comparison of the composition of fossil and recent mollusk shells Kawaguti, 5. (196) Call NM Proc. imp.Acad.Jepan, 40(2):121-5 Electron iticroscopic study ой the nerve plexus in the polyp of a reef corel Gunasekera, C. (1963) 9231463. kt N д e = BuL1. Fish. Rez.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1: 49-52 AAA EIS EE EEE PE Be Small scale manufacture of crude egar from Gracileria seaweeds Durairatnam, M. (1963) 9-11166 м Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 2:19-28 Some marine algee from Ceylon. 2. Laurencia Lamouroux Description of, and key to genera; description of 12 spp. Hori, T., O. Itasaka & 9=-11167 М T. Hashimoto (1964) J.Biochen., Tokyo, 55(1):1-11 Biochemistry of shell-fish lipid. 1. Glycolipid of Corbicule, Corbicula sandai ANON. (1965 C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(10):1703-29 Effects of S-ethyl-L-cysteine on the egs differentiation of sea urchin Paracertrotus lividus Bäckströn, 5. (1063 Ge Ехр.Се11 Res., 32(3):566-70 &-Phosphoz uconate dehydrogenase in sea 5 G urchin embryos 11169 M 9-11170 fs = Mgsio, В. € C. Catalano (1963) Arch.Biochem., 103(2):164-8 Activation of amino acids during sea urchin development Monroy, A. € A. Tyler (1963) Arch.Biochem., 103(3):431-6 Formation of active ribosomal aggregates (polysomes) upon fertilization and development of sea urchin eggs 9-11171 M 0-11168 м 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES HLEOL sky, AN . и . & = -11172 M S.A. Krolerko (1953) jeture, Lond., 200(4005 ) :260 Distribution cf cyencle and neutrel red ir Les TRE cire CRE Dts ui, Où vale € Investigates the coefficient of distribution velues for axcplasm and compares them wita 3reviously obvcined values for the whele axen cf Loligo' sp. Xhellov, K. (106!) Dokl.Aked.rauk 333i, 155(4):022-6 Cbrazovanie metalloorganicieskikh kompleksov pri uchzstii vneshnika morskikh vodoroslei 9-11173 Mk metabolitov (ihe formation of organometallic cormlexes under cooperation of external metabolites of sea-alsse). Ru Kuntsova, M.Ia. (106!) C-11174 MW Doïl.Aïd4.Hauk SSSR, 135(4):0€81-4 zrenenie elektricheskoi i mekharicheskoi aktiviosti wyshtsyzakryvatelia kleshni kraba Eriphia spinifrons (Herbst.) pri razvivii prostoso (4) i dopolnitel 'nozo (A) tormozhentia (Variation in activity of electric and mechenical musculus compressor of claw of the creb Eriphia spinifrons (Herbs;.) ile (#) and complexentary izhibivion). Ru Tyee, | У. ба © К.К. Iekovleve (1953 Dokl .АЕЗа.цЕЛК SSSR, 152(1):241-3 Uroven' energeticheskogo obmena gubok (The level of energetic metabolism in sponges). Ru 9211175 Mm Buznikov, С.А. € © I.V. Chudakova (1963) Dokl.Aked.ncu: 5558, 152(4):1014-6 + Serotonin и razvivaiushchikhsia embrionov à morskogo ezha Strongylocentrotus у intbacitensia oracle Gh cmos (Serotonin in the developing embryos of т Strongylocentrotus dröbachiensis). Ru Chislenko, L.L. (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 155(2):451-3 O sushchestvovanii sviazi plodovitosti s chislennost'iu u morskikh Harpacticoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) (On the existence of a relatiun between fertility and numerical strength in marine Harpacticoida (Crustacea Copepoda)). Ru 9-11177 М D Ze BENTHOS Gaäzhiev, D.V. (1963) 9-7 "ù Priroda, Moskva, (10):126-7 Tie Dutch crab in the Caspian ANON. (1°63) Seeley, UM Нем Scient., 18(344):677 Poisonous sea-snails of the venom of & lar on Salt oY ta | Be vertous animals, ' results with what о Fb Q о tn nena 4 Corel |v 0211180 WM z the Red See COL Lebedeve, Mei. (1963) OIL м = 033-47 Mikrobicl., Moskva, (Peculia: filiforr nicroorganisus in the deptas of Black sea). Qu Roche, J. & 5. André (1963) 011182 М C.3.3oc.Biol., Paris, 157(7):1412-9 About the concentration cf ioididss (1211) by a sea-weed (Ulve leciuca Г.) action of light and nyctheneral rythm Hsiao, 5.С. € 90-11183 M И.К. Fujii (1953 Exp.Cell Res., 32(2):21 -32 Early ontogenetic changes in the concentration of alkeline Вов ве in Hewaiien sea Le 90-11188 м СР - = Le DIRES y He (1953) e Exp.Cell дез., 32(2):301-4 Studies on sulihydryl groups during division Of sea urchin egy. 6. Behavior of -5H groups of cortices of едёз treated with etner=2e2. бет Percival, 3. 2 5.131185. M J.K. Wold (1782) J.chem.Soc., Исуешег Ihe. acid »olysacc! seaweed Ulva lac of the ester Le pers aie the Tr ine Maldonado, H. (1063) J.theor.Biol., 5(2):448-70 The visual attack learning system in Octopus vulgaris 90-1186 м iL 9 (11) Her ET Welse (1953 )c pest Michi een Univ., 70 De ch Sy > : . CODE enive late hietories the life-history in this genus ety aes ating the intrespecific and o ns . E Liters ie varistion is 3 single subgenus „un $ -- 2 ne ne NS „An 5 Lumen EA ^ emda ia differess, subyeners 2s tetas ez gonad 1 ovoviviveous reproduction. 09.111886. 5 Pesurid crabs of the western north Atlantic south of Cape de; veras Gives & sistematic study of crebs in families Coénobitidee, Pylochelidae, Diozenidse end P..gubidee found between Cape Hatteras and the moutl: of the Amazon. Gives ceseriotion Tor ell 359. exXQudnsd and diagnoses for those not seen. Inch. genera key for the world. Two genes aná 16 cop. are desecríbsd Es new. Bullis, H.R. Jr. (1964) 9-11189 M Tulane Stud.Zool., 11(4):99-107 Muricidae (Gastropoda) from the northeast coast of South America, with descriptions of four new species “11190 à studies of speciation in waldenid i nolychastss the North American Alena of sie coast. 3. Intraenecific and interspecific divergence po n oxygen consumption Leverack, №5. (1503) omp.Biochen. Physiol., 10(4):261-73 Оле = sesponses of cuticular sense organs of the Leds ter Homarus vulgacis (Crustacea). 3. activity invoked in sense organs of the Bush, В.М.н. (1963) G-11192 М 10(4):273-91 Coïp.Biocher:. Physicl., À comparavive study of certain limb reflexes in decapod crustzceans Hoyle, G. € 9-11193 M T. Suyths. Je. 1108 aa Comp.Biochem.Physiol., 10(1):201.315 PA :r ohysiolosy of the fibers of cient muscle e barnacle, Balewus nubilus Darwin 618 Kurogi, M. (1963) O-11194 M Fish.News int., 2(3):269-74 Recent laver cultivation in Japan Reviews seaweed cultivation practices, statistics and research, with special ref. to Porphyra, and seeding with the filamentous thallus phase of laver, "Conchocelis. TeWinkel, L.E. (:063)4 9211105 M J.exn.Zool,., 152(2):115-22 Notes on the smooth dogfish, Mustelus cenis, e chree months of gestation. ege, early embryos; during the first 3. Components of the and yolk-sacs Weber, D.D. & 9-11196 M T. Miyahara (1962) Fish.Bull., U.S., 62(200):53-75 Growth of the adult male king crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) Presents estimates of the average growth rates. ANON. (1962) 9-11197 M Pesca, 5(1/2):55-62 y Las algas, rica cosecha del mar. Con más de 150 usus, las algas son fuente de riqueza en otros países. En el Perú sólo se las usaba para exportarlas (Seaweeds, rich harvest of the sea. With more than 450 uses, the algae are sources of wealth in other countries. In Peru was only used for export) A review of seaweed utilizations. ANON. (1962) 9-11198 м Pesca, 5(1/2):76-8 Concheperlas de cultivo. La industria de las perlas cultivadas resulta gran negocio para el Sudän (Pearl oysters for culture. The industry of cultivated pearls is a big business in Sudan) Reviews the industry in Sudan and the work done there by an FAO expert. Fitch, J.E. (1962)A 9-11199 M Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):216-21 A sea urchin, a lobster and a fish new to the marine fauna of California 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ringuelet, R.A. et al. (1962) 9-11200 M Contr.cient.Cent.Invest.Biol.mar., B.Aires, (1):35-53 Estudio ecológico de la fauna intercotidal de Puerto Deseado en febrero de 1961 (Santa Cruz, Argentina) (Ecological study of the intercotidal fauna of Puerto Deseado in February 1961 (Santa Cruz, Argentina)) Study of various littoral communities. Miller, M.C. (1962) 9-11201 M J.Anim.Ecol., 31(3):545-69 Annual cycles of some Manx nudibranchs, with a discussion of the problem of migration Detailed studies on the annual cycles of twelve common Manx nudibranchs and some observations on those of forty other spp. Naylor, E. (1962) 9-11202 M J.Anim.Ecol., 31(3):601-9 Seasonal changes in a population of Carcinus maenas (L.) in the littoral zone Size correlated migratory differences. Boschi, Е.Е. € V. Angelescu (1962) Bol.Inst.Biol.mar., Mar del Plata, (1):5-73 Descripción de la morfología externa e interna del langostino con algunas aplicaciones de indole taxonómica y biológica. Hymenopenaeus mülleri (Bate) Crustacea, fam. Penaeidae (Description of the external and internal morphology of shrimps with some interpretations of taxonomic and biological significance. Hymenopenaeus mtilleri (Bate) Crustacea, fam. Penaeidae ). En 9-11203 M Special attention is given to those features which are of diagnostic value or which are significant for a fuller understanding of the biology of this spp. Schoffeniels, E. (1962) 9-11204 М Life Sci., (9):437-40 Isolation of a sodium-dependent ATPase from the gills of Octopus vulgaris L. BENTHOS Kobayashi, N. (1961) 9-11205 M Mem.Coll.Sci.Kyoto (В), 28(1):1-8 Effect of demecolcine upon cleavage of sea urchin eggs and their reversibility Demecolcine inhibits the cleavage of sea urchin eggs as colchinine dose. Demecolcine is found to be far more effective as regards the blocking of cleavage but less toxic than colchinine is. Roche, J., Go. Salvatore € 9-11206 M G. Rametta (1962) Biochim.biophys.Acta, 63(1):154-65 Sur la présence et la biosynthèse d'hormones thyroidiennes chez un tunicier, Ciona intestinalis L (Presence and biosynthesis of thyroid hormones in a tunicate, Ciona intestinalis L.). En Fr Ryan, C.A. & T.E. King (1962) 9-11207 M Arch.Biochem., 98(3):450-6 The succinic oxidase and DPNH oxidase systems of the bay mussel, Mtilus edulis Method described for preparation of respiratory particles from Mytilus edulis successfully applied to posterior adductor muscle of Mytilus californianus, adductor muscles of Crassostrea s, and combined anterior and posterior adductors of Cardium corbis. Hughes, R.B. (1963) 9-11208 M J.Sci.Fd Agric., 14(5):893-903 Chemical studies on the herring (Clupea harengus). 8. Further observations on the production of carbonyls in heat-processed herring Co 9-11271. Cox, K.W. (1962) 9-11209 M Fish Bull., Sacramento, (118):133 p. California abalones, family Haliotidae Systematic life history, history of abalone fisheries, research. Todd, D. & 9-11210 MG _ @.Р. Rizzi (1964) Proc.Soc «Biol., 115(1):218-55 | Biochemistry of the X -glyceryl (ethers. 1. Distribution in mammalian tissues and in starfish 9 (11) 619 Tanaka, Se, H. Hatano & 9-11211 MF S. Ganno (1963) Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):74 Some aspect of conchiolin in pearl and shell Microscopic and electron-microscopic observations of a scleroprotein, conchiolin; X-rey diffraction pattern; determination of amino acid composition indicating a similarity between the composition of the nacre of the pearl and the nacreous layer of the shell. Gareth Jones, E.B. & 9-11212 MF A.C. Oliver (1964) Trans.Brit.nycol.Soc., 47(1):45-9 Occurrence of aquatic hyphomycetes on wood submerged in fresh and brackish water Oswald, W.J. € 9-11213 MP С.С. Golueke (1961) Mech.Engng., N.Y., 86(2):40-4 Solar power via a botanical process Growth of algae. Sorokin, C. (1964) 9-11214 MF Exp.Cell Res., 33(3):508-16 Buffering activity of algal cells and its effect on cell division Chagas, М.А. et al. (1964) 9-11215 MF Exp.Cell Res., 33(3):468-73 Sex identification in molluscs by neuron cytology Lembin, S., C. Carrère & 9-11216 MF M. Beignot-Devalmont (1964) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):1940-71 Tentative edaptation of residual waters flora to surfactive agents Matsui, Y. (1963) 9-11217 MF Bull.Nippon Inst.sci.Res.Pearls, (4):66 A report on the studies made in Japan on pearl culture Brief account in Japan from carried ous. NE Matsui, Y. 1956. of the history of the industry 1893, and of research being 9-11218 MF Dokl Akad. Neuk SSSR, 15l.(L):chh-5 К melmanizmu osezhdeniia margantsa na rekovinelih molliuskov (Cn the mechenisu of manganese precipitation on shells of molluscs). Ru Sarjeant, W.A.5. (1053) S-11219 MP new Scient., 18(211:):658-70 Fossil =1бае and modern rock-dating Iwo groups of hyssrichospheres, recently snown to be dincilecelletes, and the ecritarcas, of doubtful o2finity, ero assuming importance Tor é“eolo!ists . - Е СЖ о € LT CHI alge <= LD 2 Теле, h.S. (1963) 1-27, . 5 32(6):068-73 hiikrobiol., Moskva, 32(6):068-73 (The influence of the hydrogen ion concentration in the medium, and the temperature on the growth and nitrogen fixation by blue-zreen zlzae). Ru Baguet, F. & 9-11221 MF J.M. Gillis (1964) Arch.int.Physiol., 72(2):351-3 Stimulation de la respiration des muscles de lamellibranches par la 5-hydroxytryptamine (Stimulation of muscle respiration in Lamellibranchiata with >-hydroxytryptamine ) Gillis, J.M. & G. Bleukx (1964) Arch.int.Physiol., 72(2):349-51 Action d'inhibiteurs métaboliques sur la composition en sodium et potassium de muscles de lamellibranches (Action of metabolic inhibition on the sodium and potassium composition of muscles in Lamellibranchiata) 9-11222 MF Bricteux-Grégoire, S. et al. (1964) Arch.int.Physiol., 72(2):267-76 Constituants osmotiquement actifs des muscles adducteurs d'Ostrea edulis adaptée à l'eau de mer ou à l'eau saumftre (Osmotically active constituents of the adductor muscles in Ostrea edulis adapted to sea water or brackish water) 9-11223 MF 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Serenkov, G.P. (1962) Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR (biol.), (6):868 Nucleic acids and evolution in the algan group 9-11224 MF Study of nucleotide composition of RNA and DNA in various species of marine and fresh-water algae belonging to various families, orders, classes and divisions. Ebling, F.J. et al. (1962) J.Anim.Ecol., 31(3):457-70 The ecology of Lough Ine. 12. The distribut- ion and characteristics of Patella species 9-11225 MF Distribution of P. vulgata and P. aspera in relation to shore level is described for Lough Ine Ireland, and for the adjacent open coast; the specific characters of the two species are reviewed and environmental variations noted. CR 60-5137. Kutiorin, V.M., M.V. Ulubekova & N.M. Nazarov (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 157(1):223-6 Vliianie kontsentratsii kislovoda na skorost' fotosinteza i dykhaniia vodnykh rastenii (Effect of oxygen concentration upon the rate of photosynthesis and respiration in aquatic plants). Ru 9-11226 MF Wendler, L. (1963) 9-11227 E Z.vergl.Physiol., 47(3):279-315 Uber die Wirkungskette zwischen Reiz und Erregung. Versuche an den abdominalen Streck-receptoren des Flusskrebses | (The activity chain stimulus-excitement. Experiments with the abdominal stretch receptors in crayfish) Study of electrical phenomena in stretch receptors present in isolated receptor muscles of abdominal segments of. Astacus u fluvietilis and A. leptodactylus. Koch, W. (1964) 9-11228 F Arch.Mikrobiol., 47(4):402 Verzeichnis der Sammlung von Algenkulturen am Pflanzenphysiologischen Institut der Universität Göttingen (List of the algal collection at the Institute of Plant Physiology of the University of Göttingen) Takeuchi, А. & 9-11220 u. E He Makeucht (1064) 0422 .Paysiol., 170(2):206-318 poe ee Où sini hit muscle of iontophoret- eally anplied glutemete Pretorius, М.А. (1962) 9-11230 J.gen.Microbiol., 32(3):403-9 A systematic study of the genus Spirillium which occurs in cxidation ponds with a deseripiicr of a new species Lene, 11.9.(1958) 9-11231 Ber. J.mier.äci., 105(1):61-73 Mitre observetions on the IA cells Ar The er tentacles of Helix, with special reference to the results of vital staining Tene, N.J. (1964) 9-11232 Gusrt.dsmicr.sci-, 105(1):49-51 Localization of m in certain Helix tentacles secretory cells of Lane, lied. (1964) 9-11233 Quart.J. AN 105(1):35-49 The fine structure of certain secretory the optic tentacles of the snail, Helix asoerse 18, N.J. (1961) 9-11234 Quart.J.mier.Sci., 105(1):31-4 Elementary neurosecretory granules in the neurones of the snail, Helix aspersa Fernando, C.H. (1963) 9-11235 Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1:25-8 Aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera taken at hight in some Asian countries with.a note on Sphaerodena (Hemiptera-Belostomstidae ) specimens taken in various parts few. Record of of Asia, where past records a Fernando, C.H. (1963) 9-11236 Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1:29-38 A guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon Guide to classes Crustacea, Insecta and Arachnida with key to the adults and larvae of the families of Coleoptera. BENTHOS y F F F NT 9 (11) 621 9-11237 г Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1:39-48 on the water bugs of the Hemiptera: Notonectidae ) is U) р | ee {A oO ue u) = n Biology, distribution, taxonomy. A list of material exemined is given, together with short notes on the spp. and 2 key to the Ceylonese spd. по» в & ‘Г.А . hi IT ( 106) al can 5 CA sulfate ut ies or i med from sulfate by Bugle Products £ iächt, и. (1963) 9-11239 Е Zol.Bakt., 191(1/3):415 Zur Chemie und Morphologie der Zellwand verschiedener Blaualgen (Chemistry and morphology of the cell well in various blue algae) Shute, P.G. (1963 Brit.med.J., (5370):1468 9-11240 Е Fish against mosquito Whitlock, B. 8 o-11241 F F.M. Strong (1963) Arch.Biochem., 103(3):459-61 S-Methylvaleric acid from Asceris lumbricoides Costello; Г.С., e Cyar& W. Smith (1963 hunk an 1 1n9/ 21 Arch.Biochem., 103(3):345-52 The comparative biochemistry of develoning Ascaris eggs. 1. Substrate oxidation and the cytochrome system in enbryonatéd and unenbryonated eggs o.11242 F Gileva, Z.A., М.А. Timofeeva & N.V. Timofeev-Resovskii (106k) Dokl .Akad.Nauk 5558, 156(2):455-6 re khronicheskogo oblucheniia na ma-pole пе. biomessu presnovodnogo 9-11243 F u ffect of continuous irra FR eld on the biomass o: 1 periphyton). Ru Pp I y E la (9) p 02 pi a 622 AS = ние: SASLAVSALG, OeDe С: H.I. Bystrova (1964) Dokl .Akad.iiauk 5558, 155(5):1220-3 Deistvie sveta na fosfornyi obmen »rotokokkovykh vodoroslei (Ihe effect of light upon phosphorus олень р exchenge in Provococcus algae). Ru Volkev, G.A. (1064) sea ВЫ Dokl. Akad. Neuk SSSR, 155(5):1224-6 Cb izmenenii pocentsiala pokoia otdel ‘noi kletki vodorosli iWitella flexilis pri rezdrazhenii svevom (Variation of the rest potential of an individus! cell of Nitella flexilis alga licht stimulation). Ru Kutiurin, V.M., MeV. Ulubekova & 9-1126 Е Т.Р. Kazenskii (1961) Dokl.Akad.iiauk SSSR, 154(3):725-7 Izmenenie nebliudaemoi skorosti fotosinteza Scenedesmus obliouus s rostom kontsentratsii kislovoda v srede (Variation in the rate of photosynthesis by Scenedesmus obliquus when oxygen concentration is growing in the medium). Ru Peshkov, М.А. & 9-11247 PF G.B. Rodionova (196%) Dokl.Aked.leuk 5553, 154(4):957-9 Kariologicheskaia kharakteristika razmnozheniia Chlorella vulgaris (A cariological characteristic of reproduction in Chlorella vulgaris). Ru Votintsev, К.К. & G.I. Popovskaia (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 156(5):1193-6 K biolimnologicheskoi kharakteristike Severnogo Baikala (A biological description of north Baikel). RU 9-11218 Е Romenova, А.Р. & А.Т. Zonov (1961) Dokl .Akad.Neuk SSSR, 155(1):194-6 K opredeleniiu produktsii bakterial'noi biomassy v vodoemakh (On the evaluation of the production of bacterial biomass in water-reservoirs). 9-112h9 F E [2 9 (11) "Y AD BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES hy Votintsev, K.K. € 9-11250 7 С.Т. Povovskeia (1901) Dokl.Akad.ïeuk SSSR, 155(2):672-6 O sostoianii Melosira baicalensis (K. Meyer ee isl., opuskaiushcheisia na glubiny Beikela (The condition of xelosire baicalensis (К. Meyer) Wisl. when sinking to the bottom of Lake Baikel). Ru VAT AVANT ANON. (1063) 9-11251 Р The weeds that threaten Leke Kariba On the oceurrence of floating weed mets, formed by en introduced floating water-fern, Selvinia auriculata, from the Upper Zambezi. Rodina, А.С. (1963) Mikrobiol., Moskva, 32(6):1031-8 The bacterial content of detritus in the lakes of the Ladoge area). Ru 9-11252 F Vernberg, W.B. € F.J. Vernberg (1963 Exp.Parasit., 14(3):3 Influence of parasitism on thermal resistance of the mud-flat snail, Nesserius obsoleta cay 0-11953 E EL GUESS G. Claus (1063) J.Cell Biol., 19(3):551=65 Ultrastructural studies on the blue-green algal symbiont in Cyanophora paradoxa Korschikoff 9-11254 A Hermann, H. & L. Stark (1963) Anat.Rec., 147(2):209-19 | Prerequisites for а photoreceptor structure in the crayfish tail ganglion 9-11255 . В Cobb, H.D. Jr. (1963)c Thesis, Texas Univ., 92 p. Studies on nitrogen fixation in a blue-green alga 0-11256 © Conducts comparative studies on the processes of nitrogen fixation and photosynthetic carbon dioxide reduction by Anabaena cilindrica | DA 24(2):802. FISHING y Cross, E.A. Jr. (1962)C 9-11257 Thesis, Kansas Univ., 423 р. The generic reletionships of the feui Pyemotidee (Acarina: Trombidiforme DA 21(2):900. Stevenson, D J.D & 9-11258 Е I.L.M. Larkin (1963) Brit.med.J., (5373):1650-1 Fish against mosquito Hartley, J.C. (1962) 9-11259 Е J.Anim.Ecol., 31(3):519-24 The life history of Trocheta subviridis Dutrochet Observations made on colony of this leech of family Erpobdellidae in a small stream in Oldbury Court, Bristol. Tablokov, A.V. (1963) O-11262 M Briroda, Moskva, 11:116-7 (Echolocation of seals). Ru Medcof, J.C. (1963) 9-31568 « Mi Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 2:29-118 Partial survey and critique of Ceylon's marine fisheries, 1953-55 Resume of a study of fishing gear and fisheries and of records of experimental end commercial fishing operations, with tabulation and appraisal of results. Niegolewski, A. (1963) 951125 М Pol .west.Aff., 4(2):264-04 lish sea fisheries development Parin, N.V. (1063) 9-11265 M Prirode, Moskva, 12:62-9 (The preyers of the seas and their economic Mportance). Ru FISHING 623 Loedolff, C.V. (1962) 9-11260 Е Rep.Dep.Nat.Conserv.Cape Prov., (19):64-6 Eradication of undesirable water plants Summarises results of experiments on Myriophyllum, Salvinia, Eichornia, Anacharis, Lema, Potamogeton, Typha, Phragmithes, Prionium, Sagittaria, Poplars, Cyperus esculentus, Pontederia and algae. Chappelle, E.W. (1962) 9-11261 F Biochim.biophys.Acta, 62(1):45-62 Carbon monoxide oxidation by algae Shows that a metabolic reaction whereby CO is oxidized to CO; takes place in a variety of green algae. Also summarises studies pertaining to the metabolism of CO which have been reported to date. ANCES. (1083) 0.1126 м Priroda, Hosiva, (10):116-7 Use of wmdernmnier loudencakers in fishing ANON. (1963) 9-11267 M Fish.News int., 2(3):265-8 Problems of the European industry From address at European Fisheries Day, Ostend June 18, by vicepresident of EEC. ANON. (1963) 9-11268 M Fish.News int., 2(3):309 New materials aid Kenya fishermen Note on experiments with wire and wood traps. ANON. (1963)A 9-11269 M Fish.News int., 2(3):369-70 Government encourages Maltese fishing Borgstrom, G. (1963) 9-11270 M Fish.News int., 2(1):17-21 World trade in fish - bigger drive needed Analysis of recent statistics and trends; 9 (11) place of fish in human and animal nutrition. 624 Hughes, R.B. (1963) 9-11271 M J.Sci.Fd Agric., 14(5):39-42 Chemical studies on the herring (Clupea harengus). 7. Collagen and cohesiveness in heat-processed herring, and observations on a seasonal variation in collagen content CR 62-01451, 61-11491, 61-02187, 60-4308, 60-2607. Devold, F. (1962) Simrad Echo, (4):8-12 The role of sonar in the Norwegian fisheries 9-11272 M Keleshis, A. (1063) 9-11273 MF Countryman, January-February: 12-3 The development of the Cyprus fishery resources ANCN. (1963) 9-11274 MF Priroda, Moskva, 12:115 (A living book for angling). Ru ANON. (1963) 9-11275 MF Fish.News int., 2(3):304 Pump fishing in the Caspian Sea Ill. description of method. ANON. (1963) 9-11276 MF Fish.News int., 2(3):329-30 Six years of development À summary of the results of the second FAO Gear Congress. Do 61-423me. Gertenbach, L.P.D. (1963) 9-11277 MF Fish.News int., 2(1):23-7 Compiling internationel fisheries statistics Article on preparation of FAO yearbooks of fishery statistics and recent coordination of statistics for North Atlantic statistics, with ICES and ICNAF. Love, C. (1960) Rev.Agric.Industr., 24-9 Why has Ireland no fishing industry worth the name? 9-11278 MF 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Abramson, N.J. (1962) Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):253-5 . Estimating the number of angling license purchasers Gives method of estimating number of persons buying special licenses during 1961. 9-11279 MF Kinsella, T.R. (1961) 9-11280 MF Foreign Tr., 115:2-7 Canada's fisheries markets in 1960 David, A. (1083) C-11281 F 23(2):263-87 Proc. nat.Aced.sci.India, II ea Studies on fish end fisheries of the Godavary and the Krishna River systems. Part 1 David, A. (1053) Proc.nat.Acad.Sci.India, 33(2):287-94 Studies on fish and fisheries of the Godavary and the Krishna River systems. Part 2 Co 9-11281. Toms, C. (1963) 9-11283 F Fish,News int., 2(1):28 Autobahn and Mondsee fisheries Effects of earth dumping on fisheries of the Austrian lake, Tench, C.v. (1963) Fish.News int., 2(1):68-70 Smelt catching gear for the Great Lakes Describes and ill. experiments with modified trawl by ERIE I. Motwani, M.P. & C.B. Srivastava (1961) J-Bombey nat.Hist.Soc., 58(1):285-6 15. A special method of fishing for Clupisoma garua (Hamilton) in the Ganga River system Describes a local technique for baiting fish into netting area. Sato, T. 8 9-11286 Y. Okuda (1964) Sci.Rep.Hokkaido Fish.Exper.Sta., (2):79-86 (Studies on svecies of fungi isolated from marine products. 2. On fungi from marine products of all kinds). Ni En 9-11282 F 9-11284 F 9-11285 F X AQUATIC STOCKS Tanikawa, E., T. Motohiro € M. Akiba (1963) Bull .Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(2):109-19 (Studies on spoilage of fish sausage. 2. A mechanism of black spot discoloration on fish seusage). Ni En 9-11287 X Co 9-09373. 625 Tanikewa, L., M. Akiba & T. Motohiro (1963) Bull.Fec.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):170-81 (Studies on complete utilization of squid (Cmmastrephes sloani pacificus). 19. Menufacture of smoked squid meat (299: Ni En 9-11288 X CR 584670. AQUATIC STOCKS Sato, T. (1963) 9-1128 M Bull.Seikai Fish.Res.Lab., (20):75-95 (Fishery biology of black croaker, Argyrosomus nibe (Jordan et Thompson). 1. On the age and growth of the black croaker in the centrel and southern parts of the East China Sea). Ni En Examination of scales of 1,894 specimens selected by statistical random sampling process. Method of determining age from scales. Description of growth by von Bertalanffy equation; demonstration of convergence of growth. Shimizu, Y. & T. Morio (1963)A Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):79-86 (Biochemical study on the growth and maturation of fish. 21. Contents of moisture, Protein, phosphorus, calcium, cholesterol, and alkaline phosphatase in the serum of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean, mainly near-by the Equator (Part 2)). Ni 9-11290 M En CR 61-10144. Shimizu, Y. & T. Morio (1963) Rep.Nankai Fish.Res.Lab., (19):87-94 (Biochemical study on the growth and maturation of fish. 22. Contents of moisture, protein, calcium, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase in the serum of indomaguro caught in the so-called "Oki fishing ground" of the southeastern Indian Ocean). Ni En 9-11291 M Seasonal variation of the components of the serum as an indicator of physiological and ecological condition. Co 9-11290. iT} 9 (11) Joseph, J. et al. (1964)A 9-11292 M Bull.Inter-Amer.trop. Tuna Comm., 9(2):55-112 A review of the population structure of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Una revision de la estructura de la poblacion del atun aleta amarilla, Thunnus albacares, en el Océano Pacifico Oriental USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-11293 M Fisheries (1964) News Not.sci.Activ.U.S.Bur.comm.Fish., March 1964 - ennuel Heweiian skipjack prediction: 1 р. (mimeo) Note on basis for prediction. Ueno, T. & K. Abe (1964) 9-11294 M Bull.Hokkaido Fish.Res.Lab., (28):1-22 Studies on deep-water fishes from off Hokkaido and adjacent regions. 3 - 7 111. morphological description of 2 rare stomiatoid spp. (Melanostomias paucirdius & Idiacanthus panamemsis) from Kushiro; a South Californian sp. of paralepid fish Magnisudis barysoma from Pacific coast of Hokkaido; and 2 specimens of ribbon fish (Trachypterus ishikawai) from eastern part of Hokkaido; with tables of comparison with other known specimens. ANON. (190!) Fish.Newslett.Aust., 23(4):29 A se AT OR How sharks sense prey 9=11295 М summery of a talk at the ANZAAS Conference on + . A À. + . = > the technique of operating on living sharks end current investigations on their heart end sense organs. 626 Reeves, R.B. (1964) 9-11296 M Amer.J.Physiol., 206(4):898-905 Phosphorylase activity and glycogenolysis in the working turtle heart Ashby, B.S., P.J. Appleton & I.M.P. Dawson (1964) Brit.med.J., 5391:1141-45 Eosinophilic granuloma of gastro-intestinal tract caused by herring parasite Eustoma rovundatum 9-11297 M Fischthal, J.H. & 9-11298 M В.Е. Kuntz (1964) J.Parasit., 50(2):248-53 Digenetic trematodes of fishes from Palawan Island, Philippines. 1. Families Acanthocolpidae, Cryptogonimidae, Fellodistomidae, and Gyliauchenidae Fischthal, J.H. € В.Е. Kuntz (19614) J.Parasit., 50(2):253-61 Digenetic trematodes of fishes from Palawan Island, Philippines. №. Some immature Didymozoidae, a bucephalid; a new hemiuroid genus and subfamily 9-11299 M Ci 9-11298. Velasquez, C.C. (1964) J.Parasit., 50(2):261-7 Life history of Acanthoparyphi um peracharadrii sp. п. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae ) 9-11300 M Kearn, G.C. (1963) Parasitology, 53(3/4):449-55 The oncomiracidium of Capsala martinieri a monogenean parasite of the sun fish (Mola mola) 9-11301 M Buiger, R.E. (1963) Anat.Rec., 147(1):95-129 Fine structure of the rectal (Salt-secreting) gland of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias 9-11302 M Simpson, T.H., В.5. Wright € 9-11303 M S.V. Hunt (1963) Steroids of the semen of elasmobranch fish 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Markov, S.V. & S.K. Klumov (1963) _ Prirode, Moskva, 11:79-85 (A relic of nature or an industrial species? The fate of the sea otter). Ru 9-11304 М Alnaes, E., J.K.S. Jansen & T. Rudjord (1964) Acta physiol.scand., 60(3):240-56 Spontaneous junctional activity of fast and slow parietal muscle fibres of the hagfish 9-11305 M Doving, K.B. & G. Gemne (1963) Acta physiol.scand., 29:31-2 Fiber spectra and compound action potential of the olfactory tract in fish (Lote lota L.) 9-11305 М Byrd, М.А. (1964) Proc.helm.Soc.Wash., 31(1):105-21 NEOSTEGANODERMA glandulosa gen. n., Sp. п. (Trematoda: Steganodermatidae) from an Atlantic fish 9-11307 M Watanabe, K. (1964) 9-11308 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (13):43-51 (Studies on the juvenile stage of the amber- fish in the eastern Japan Sea. 1. Growth pattern). Ni En Growth at juvenile stage of Seriola quinqueradiata ; estimated growth rate; pattern of increase in body weight. Watanabe, K. (1964) 9-11309 M Bull.Japan Sea Fish.Res.Lab., (13):53-62 (Studies on the juvenile stage of the amber- fish in the eastern Japan Sea. 2. Movement of juvenile shoals as supposed by the results of tagging experiments made in the autum of 1962). Ni En Со 9-11308. Fischthal, J.H. € R.E. Kuntz (1964) Proc.helm.Soc.Wash., 31(1):40-109 Digenetic trematodes of fishes from Palawan Island, Philippines. Part 2. Five Opecoelidae, including three new species 9-11310 М Со 9-11298. ния nt AQUATIC STOCES Fischthel, J.H. € 9-11311 M R.E. Kuntz (1964) Proc.helm.Soc.Wash., 31(1):109-47 Digenetic trematodes of fishes from Palawan Island, Philippines. Part 3. Families Hemiuridee and Lepocreadiidae Co 9-11310. Murphy, D.G. (1964) 9-11312 M Proc.helm.Soc.wWash., 31(1):26434 Bhynconeme subsetosa, a new species of marine nematodes, with a note on the genus . > и Phylolaimus Murphy, 1903 Seawricht, А.А. (1961) 9-11313 M J.comp.Path., 74(1):97 Pulmonary ecariasis in a Tasmanian fur seal Idler, D.R., H.C. Freeman & 911314. M В. Truscott (1964) | Canad.J.Biochem. Physiol., 42(2):211-9 Steroid hormones in the plasma of spawned Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and a comparison of their determination by chemical and biological assay methods Falkmer, .5., В» Hellman & С.Е. Voigt-(1964) Acta path.microbiol.scand., 60(1):47-55 On the agranular cells in the pancreatic islet tissue of the marine teleost Cottus scorpius 9-11315 M Stunkerd, H.W. (1964) J.Parasit., 50(1):99-101 On the specific identy of the digenetic trematode Monostomum molle Leidy, 1856 and Heronimus chelydrae MacCallum, 1902 9-11316 M McCauley, J.E. (196) 9-11317 M J.Parasit., 50(1):112-5 A deep-sea digenetic trematode LaMarca, M.J. (1964) 9-11318 M J.Morph., 114(2):303-25 The functional anatomy of the clasper and clasper gland of the yellow stingray, Urolophus jamaicensis (Cuvier) 9 (11) 627 Blaxter, J.H.S. (1964) J.exp.Biol., 41(1):155-63 Spectral sensitivity of the herring, Clupea harengus L. 9-11319 M Holmes, W.N. & В.Г. McBean (1964) J.exp.Biol., 41(1):81-91 Some aspects of electrolyte excretion in the green turtle, Chelonia mydas mydas 9-11320 М Wisé, Г.М. € D.P. Gallagher (1964) J.comp.physiol.Psychiol., 57(2):311-3 Partial reinforcement of a discriminative response in the turtle 9-11321 M Breslow, E. (1964) J.biol.Chem., 239(2):486-97 Changes in side chain reactivity accompanying the binding of heme to sperm whale apomyoglobin 9-11322 М Kearn, G.C. (1963) Parasitology, >3(3/%) :435-49 The egg, oncomiracidium and larval development of Entobdella soleae, a monogenean skin parasite of the common sole 9-11323 M Williams, I.C. (1963) Parasitology, 53(3/4):501-27 The infestation of the redfish Sebastes marinus (L.) and S. mentella travin (Scleroparei: Scoraenidae) by the copepods Peniculus clavatus (Muller), Sphyrion lumpi (Krgyer) and Chondracanthopsis nodosus (Muller) in the eastern North Atlantic 9-11324 M Price, E.W. (1964) Proc.helm.Soc.Wash., 31(1):121-8 A new genus and species of monogenetic trematode from a shark, with a review of the family Microbothriidae Price, 1936 9-1132> M Mizelle, J.D. & С.Е. Price (196k) J.Parasit., 50(1):81-90 Studies on monogenetic trematodes. 25. new species of Ancyrocephalinae from the gills of Zanclus canescens (Linnaeus) with a key to the genera of Ancyrocephalinae 9-11326 M Six CR 9-05251. 628 = f Spiegel,1.!i. (1953) J.com.Psychol., 57(1):108-13 Learning, retention, and disruption of detour behavior in the turtle 9-11327 M Kurogane, K. & T. Nemoto (1962) Bull.Tokai Fish.Res.Leb., (24):39-53 (Influences of the meteorological factors on the Antarctic wheling). Ni En 9-11326 M Analysis of data collected during Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic from 1958 to 1961, to show influence of meteorological factors on baleen whele catches. 51 8-07252. Manwell, C. (1963) Arch.Biochen., 101(3):504-12 Fetal and adult hemoslobins of the spiny dogfish Squalus suckleyi 9-11329 M Popov, L.A. (1063) 9-11330 M Priroda, Moskva, 10:105-6 (Labelled seals). Ru_ , Titova, L.K. € 9-11331 M M.Z. Aronova (195) Dokl .Akad.Nauk SSSR, 155(4):974-7 Kholinesteraze v organakh bokovoi linii kostistykh ryb (A study of cholinesterase in the organs of the lateral line in Teleostei). Ru Raikova, E.V. (1964) 9-11332 М Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 154(3):742-3 Rannie naraziticheskie stadii tsikla razvitiia Polypodium hydriforme Ussov (Coelenterata) (Early parasitic stages in the development cycle of Polypodium hydriforme Ussov (Coelenterata)). Ru Burdak, V.D. (1964) 9-1133 M Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 156(5):1189-92 O stepeni serologicheskikh otlichii vnutrividovykh form nekotorykh ryb Chernogo i Azovskogo morei (on the extent of serologic distinctions between intraspecific forms of certain fishes of Black and Azov seas). Ru 9(11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Soin, S.G. € Та.М. Unanien (1954) Dokl .Akad.Wauk SSSR, 154(5):1238-9 Osobennost' stroeniia 1 adsptivnoe zuachenie viorichnoi iaitsevoi obolochki koriushek (Osmeridee ) (Peculiar structure and adaptive role of the ege-shell of Osmeridee). Ru 9-11334 М. Та, AV. (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 152(1):179-82 К voprosu o protsessakh vyravniveriie dna alubokogo okeana (Processes of bottom levelling taking place in an abyssal oceen). au 9-11335 Mi Johnsen, А.О. (1959)c 9-11336 М Norway, Oslo, H. Aschehoug & Co, 710 p. Den moderne hvalfangsts historie; Opprinnelse og utvikling. Vol. 1. Finnmarksfangstens historie 1864-1905 (The history of modern whaling; Starting end development. Vol. 1. The history of whaling in Finnmark, 1864-1905). lio First volume of an ill. treatise conmissioned by Norwegian whaling industry; covers economic. and legal matters, technology, and to some existent relevant aspects of biology of whele stocks, and statistical material. Gaskunsky, A.A. (1963) Priroda, Moskva, 12:118-22 (Warm water fish in northern seas). Ru 9-11337 M Zabnd, J.P. & A. Porte (1963) C.R.Soc.Biol., Peris, 157(7):1490-52h About a varticular structure met in earthy turtle's ovocyte : Testudo ermania Guilbault, P., E. Coraboeuf & 9-1133C М Y. Padel (1963) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(7):1378-№21 1397 Effects of abnormal ions on ventricular mechanogrem of dogfish's isolated heart AQUATIC STOCKS 629 Broadhead, G.C. € I. Barrett 9-11340 M (1964) Bull.Inter-Amer.trop. Tuna Comm. , 8(8):419-73 Some factors affecting the distribution and apparent abundance of yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Algunos factores que afectan la distribucion y la abundancia aparente del atun aleta amarilla y del barrilete en el Océano Pacifico Oriental Distribution of Thunnus albacares and Katsuwonus peiamis, in relation to sea surface temperature and to thermocline topography is described. Ol'shevskii, V.V. (1563) Dario BM Akust.Zh., 9(4):465-73 Distribution probebility of the see reverberetion levels). Ru ANON. (1063) 9-11342 И Priroda, Moskva, (10):117 Bins-lahellins, of shrimps ANON. (1962) 9-11343 M France Pêche, 7(65):33-4 Fiche technique - l'esturgeon et la lamproie (Fishery card on - sturgeon and lamprey) Detachable cards, ill., giving biology, habitat, fishing, catch, commercial use of Acipenser sturio and Petromyzon marinus. ANON. (1963) 9-11344 M Fish.News int., 2(3):360-2 ICES mesh gauge Description of the gauge and its use. Hickling, C.F. (1963) 9-11345 М Fish.News int., 2(1):37-9 Expanding tropical prawn fisheries Culture; special ref.to Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaya, southern India. Aloncle, H. (1963) 9-11346 M Fish.News int., 2(1):44-6 The Moroccan pilchard fishery History of Sardina pilcherdus fishery, present status. Collignon, J. (1963) 9-11347 M Fish.News int., 2(1):73-4 Oyster culture in Morocco Recent developments in culture of Ostrea and Crassostrea. ANON. (1962) 9-11348 м Pesca, 5(1/2):47-51 ь Atun: Urgen soluciones prácticas. La conferencia científica de La Jolla revisó los conocimientos actuales sobre el atún y enfocó problemas presentes y venideros (Tuna: pressing for practical solutions. The scientific conference of La Jolla reviewed the present knowledge on tunas and considered present and future problems) A review of the FAO World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Tunas and related species. Moore, D. (1961) 9-11349 M Fish.Bull., U.S., 61(196):451-80 Development, distribution, and comparison of rudder fishes osus sectatrix (Linnseus) and K. incisor (Cuvier) in the western North Atlantic Aubert, M. (1961) 9-11350 M Cah.C.E.R.B.0.M., (2):3-14 Etude anatomique et physiologique de la vascularisation céphalique et cochléo- labyrinthique des Sélaciens (An anatomical and physiological study of the cephalic and cochleo-labyrinthine circulation in selachians) Studies Scyliorhinus canicula with a view to clarifying anatomical and functional problems in man. Hyatt, H. (1962) 911357 7 u Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):222-7 The southern California mackerel fishery and age composition of the Pacific mackerel catch for the 1958-59 season Eighth report on age composition of Pacific mackerel (Pneumatophorus diego) catch. Gates, D.E. & R.S. Wolf (1962) 9-11352 M Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):232-42 Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific coast of the United States and Mexico in 1959-60 Refers to Sardinops caerulea. 630 Turner, С.Н. € 9-11353 M E.E. Ebert (1962)A Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):243-8 The nesting of Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper) and a description of their eggs and larvae Ebert, E.E. € 9-11354 M C.H. Turner (1962)A Calif.Fish Game, №8(№):249-52 The nesting behavior, eggs and larvae of the bluespot goby Fry, D.H. Jr. (1962) 9-11355 M Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):256-67 Potential profits in the California salmon fishery An economic evaluation of a fishery. Farris, D.A. (1961) Fish.Bull., U.S., 61(187):247-79 Abundance and distribution of eggs and larvae and survival of larvae of jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus) 9-11356 м Described, utilizing quantitative data collec- ted on monthly cruises of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations during 1951-54. Effect of temperature on the rate of development of eggs was investigated. Annuel estimates of survival for 1952, 1953, € 1954. Growth rate of larvae approximated from data derived by direct observation of larvae under laboratory conditins and was described by two successive logarithmic growth curves. Davies, D.H. (1962) 9-11357 M S.Afr.J.Sci., 58(9):253-8 The shark problem Discusses factors influencing attacks on humans, in South Africa, and the species responsible. Shippen, H.H. (1961) Fish.Bull., U.S., 61(188):281-300 Distribution and abundance of skipjack in the Hawaii fishery, 1952-53 9-11358 м 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Breslow, E. (1962)A J.biol.Chem., 237(10):PC3308-11 Role of the heme in the titration of sperm whale myoglobin Hickhoff, М. (1963) 9-11360 MG Virchows Arch., 337(2):164-75 Uber Schilddrusen von Seehunden und Schneehasen (Tyroids of seals and alpine hares) Rajyalakshmi, T. (1961) 9-11361 MF Indian J.Fish., 8(2):383-402 Observations on the biology and fishery of Metapenaeus brevicornis (M. Edw.) in the Hooshly estuarine system Age and growth; seasonal pattern of growth; sex ratio; length-weight relation; relative condition; spawning and migration; note on fishery and gear used. Yoshioka, H. (1963) 9-11362 MF Bull.Fac.Fish.Hokkaido, 14(3):137-51 On the effects of environmental factors upon the reproduction of fishes. 2. ffects of short and long day-lengths on Oryzias latipes during spaming season Experiments during spawning period to ascertain whether decreasing or increasing illuminations, or length of illumination, affects the reproduction of fish. Reiser, В. et al.(1963) J.Amer.0il.Chem.Soc., 40(10):507-13 The influence of dietary fatty acids and environmental temperature on the fatty acid -— composition of teleost fish 9-11363 MF Olivereau, M. (1963) 9-11364 MF C:R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(6):1207-49 — Metopirone and interrenal in eel (Anguilla. anguilla L.) Hevesy, G., D. Lockner & 9-11365 MF К. Sletten (1964) Acta physiol.scand., 60(3):256-67 Iron metabolism and erythrocyte formation in fish 9-11359 M AL. AQUATIC STOCKS Herr, H.L.A. (1954) 0-11366 MF Canad.J.Biochen. Physiol., 42(1):51-9 Incorvoration of radioactive purine and Dyrmidine bases and of thymidine into the meoxyribonucleic acid of salmon milts Drilhon, A. & 9-11367 MF J.M. Fine (1961) C.2.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):1897 sexual dimorphism in serum proteins of Salmo salar: electrophoretic study Fine, J.M. & 9-11368 MF A. Drilhon (1964) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):1937-66 Immunological study of Salmo salar serum proteins: immuno-diffusion в study — Péres, G., M. Buclon & 9-11369 MF J. Joud (1964) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):2001-4 A comparative study on the action of phloridzine on the intestinal ebsorption of glycocolle in two species of teleosts (Scorpaena poreus and Tinca tinca) Sundararaj, B.I. & 9-11370 MF M.R.N. Prasad (19614) Quart.J.micr.Sci., 105(1):91-9 The histochemistry of the saccus vasculosus of Notopterus chitala (Teleostei) Kobayasi, H. (1062) 9-11371 MF Cytologia, Tokyo, 28(4):365-75 Some cytological observations on fertilization in che cross between the dog-salmon and the pink-salmon Andreiev, A. (1953 Dokl .bols.Akad.Nauk., 16(7):753-7 On a certain particularity of the effect of Muscle maltase of fish 9-11372 MF ween, J.B. (1963) Acta physiol.scand., 59(3):221-12 The physiology of the swimbledder in eel Anguilla vulgaris. 3. of gas secretion 9-11373 MF the The mechenisms Co 9-03493. 9 (11) 631 Enger, S. (1063) 9-11374 MF Acta physiol.scend., 59(3): Supplt 210 Single unit activity in the auditory system of a te peripherel leost fish Ignat'eva, G.M. (1963) Dokl.Akad.iiauk SSSR, 151(6):1466-9 Sravnenie Ginamiki protsessa invaginetsii materiale khordomezodermy u zarodyshei sevriugi, osetra i aksolotlie (A comparison of the dynemics of the invagination process of chordomesoderma. material in embryos of Acipenser ser chypa, A. guldenstaedtii and Ambystoma ystoma), — Ru 9-11375 МР Zhuravlev, A.I. € 9-11376 MF V.P. Korzhenko (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 152(2):457-60 Khemiliuminestsentsiia lipidov i skorost' rosta tikhookeanskikh lososei (Chemiluminescence of lipids, and rate of growth of Pacific Ocean salmons). Ru aan Khalturin, D.K. (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 152(2):492-3 O znechenii otolitov v taksonomicheskom analize ryb 9-11377 MF (The role of otoliths in the taxonomic analysis of fishes). Ru Birman, 1.B. (1964) 9-11378 MF Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 156(2):44L-7 O vertikal 'nykh migratsiiakh i vertikal'nom raspredelenii lososei v more (Vertical migrations and vertical distribution of salmon fishes in the sea). Ru Pankove, N.V. (106%) Dokl Akad. ieuk 5554, 156(5):1182- Tsitokhimicheskoe issledovanie Re. kislot у rannem embriogeneze ryb (A cytochemical : study of nucleic acids in the early embryogenesis of fishes). Ru ¡RE MF Devlar, DBA. © S.I. Zuichenko (1963 Dokl .Akad.Nauk SSSR, 152(1):2h5-8 Metafaza pervoso delenita sozrevaniia v ovotsitakh osetrovykh ryb (The metaphase of the first maturation division in oocytes of Acipenseridae). au 011360 » Ej 632 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR 011381 -1 Ej Zotin, Asl. € R.V. Pegraeva (1053) Ро} .лкеа. цели SSSR, 152(3):765-8 Vrenia deserminatsii polozheniia borozd archleriir u ieits osetra’i aksolotla + (Me moment of determination of the position of primitive groove in eggs of Acipenser and Azolot1). За Raikova, E.V. (1963) 9-11392 MF Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 152(4):985-8 Morfologicheskie 1 tsitoknimicheskie izmeneniia у ootsitakh sterliadi i csetra pod vliianiem perazivirovaniia Polypodiun hydriforme ussov (Coelenterata) (Morphologie and cytochemical variations occurring in oocytes of Acipenser ruthenus end А. giildenstaedtii under the influence of the pe:t.sitism of Polypodiumn hydriforme Ussov (Coelenterata)). Ru Golovenenko, L.F. (1063) 9-11363 MF Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 151(5):1236-7 Tipy gemoglobina u mal 'kov osetrovykh (Homoglobin types in.the youngs of Acipenseridae). Ru Chumakov, К.А. (1093) 9-11384 MF Prirode, Moskva, (10):91-6 The behaviour of fishes during inundations Moss, ML. & 9-11305 MF M. Freilich (1963) Acta anat., 55(1/2):1-9 Studies of the acellular bone of teleost fish. 4. Inorganic content of calcified tissues Co 9-05315. Veinreb, E.L. (1963) 9-11386 MF Anat.Rec., 147(2):219-39 Studies on the fine structure of teleost blood cells. 1. Peripheral blood 9 (11) AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Breur, H., R. Ozon € 9-11387 MF С. Mittermayer (1963) Hoppe-Seyl Z., 333(4/6):272-82 Untersuchungen uber den Stoffwechsel von Steroidhormonen bei Vertebraten. 1. Vorkonmen von Hydroxysteroid-Dehydrogenasen bei Fischen und Amphibien (Investigations on the metabolism of steroid hormones in vertebrates. 1. Occurrence of hydroxisteroid-dehydrozenases in fishes and amphibians). Follenius, E. (1062) 0-11388 MF Arch.Anat.micr.Morph.exp., 52(3):429-69 Uitiascructure des сурез cellulaires de 1'пурорцузе de quelques poissons téléostéens (Ulirastivecure of une cellular types of tne hypophysis in some teleost i‘ shes) ANON. (1963) 9-11389 MF Fish.News int., 2(3):327-8 Over-development in Puget Sound salmon fishery Note on biostatistical, economic and legal analysis of the industry by Univ.of Washington Fisheries Research Insitute (Royce,W.F., D.E. Bevan, G.J. Paulik, J. Crutchfield, R.L. Fletcher). Becker, C.D. (1962) Fish.Bull., U.S., 61(192):355-69 Estimating red salmon escapements by sample counts from observation towers 9-11390 MF Method of estimating escapements used from 1955 to 1959 on the Kvichek River (Alaska) involved taking visually systematic sample counts as the fish passed towers beside paths of migration. The counts followed a sampling design which fluctuated in extent of coverage with the intensity of the run. Describes in detail method of sampling and calculating escapement estimates, summarizes counts for each year, and discusses accuracy of estimates. PAN-afe ANON. (1962) Calif.Fish Game, 48(4):282-3 The occurrence and distinction of threadfin shad in southern California ocean waters 9-11391 MF AQUATIC STOCKS McAllister, D.E. (1962) Bull.nat.Mus.Can., (185):17-39 Fishes of the 1960 SALVELINUS program from western Arctic Canada 9-11392 MF Records 36 spp. of fish collected on 1960 from the Herschel Island and Aklavik area by an expedition on board the M.V. SALVELINUS. Descriptions and sistematic comments are presented for each spp., the faunal relations of Herschel Island fishes are discussed. Suyama, M. (1959) 9-11393 MF Bull .Jap.Soc.sci.Fish., 25(1):48-51 Biochemical studies on the eggs of aquatic animals. 1 Determinations of some biochemical components and of amino acid composition of protein in aquatic vertebrate and invertebrate eggs have been undertaken from the comparative biochemi- cal point of view. The biochemical composition of egg varies, generally, with species of animals in respect of the contents of water, protein, lipides, ashes, etc. Burrows, R.E. (1962) U.S.Trout News, 7(3):10-1, 23 Here's information for the troutman on hatchery techniques and equipment 9-11394 MF Reports some of the latest developments in salmon culture. Luk'ianenko, V.I. (1964) Dokl .Akad.Nauk SSSR, 157(1):227-9 Immunobiologicheskoe rodstvo trekh vidov osetrovykh ryb (The immunobiological affinity of three Acipenseridae species). Ru 9-11395 MF Wickler, W. (1965) 9-11396 Е Naturwissenschaften,52(9):219 Neue Varianten des Fortpflanzungsverhaltens afrikanischer Cichliden (Pisces, Perciformes) (New variations of propagation behaviour in African cichlids (Pisces, Perciformes) Describes reproduction of Labidochromis vellicans and Lamprologus congolensis. 9 (11) 633 Fabian, G., G. Molnar & I. Tolg (1963) Acta biol.Acad.Sci.hung., 14(2):123-31 Comparative data and enzyme kinetic calculations on changes caused by temperature in the duration of gastric digestion of some predatory fishes 9-11397 Е Hoshita, T., S. Nagayoshi & T. Kazuno (1963) J.Biochem., Tokyo, 54(4):369-75 Stero-bile acids and bile sterols. 5h. Studies on the bile of carp 9-11398 = Wurth, М.А. € X.J. Musacchia (1964) Anat.Rec., 148(3):427-41 Renewal intestinal epithelium in the freshwater turtle, Chrysemys picta 9-11399. F Ivasik, V.M. (1963) Acta vet.hung., 13(4):363-7 (Parasitic fauna of carp fishes on the upper stream of Tisa river). Ru 9-11400 Е Kuznetsov, V.V. € 9-11401. F E.N. Aleksandrova (1963) Priroda, Moskva, 11:106-8 (Adaptation of young whitefish to the environment of the Lena river). Ru Nasir, P. (1964) Proc.helm.Soc.Wash. 31(1):28-128 Studies on freshwater larval Trematodes. 5. A new Polyadenous Xiphidiocercaria, C. baldai, from Venezuela 9-11402 F Chubb, J.C. (1964) J.Parasit., 50(1):52-60 Occurrence of Echinorhynchus clavula (Dujardin, 1845) nec Hamann, 1892 _ (Acanthocephala) in the fish of Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake), Merionethshire 9-11403 F Е, Lu 9-1140k (Е G.L. Hoffman (1964) J.Parasit., 50(1):30-6 Geographic distribution of some species of trichodinids (Ciliata: Peritricha) parasitic on fishes 634 Peperna, I. (1964) 9-11405 F J.Parasit., 50(1):90-4 Adaptation of Dactylogyrus extensus (Mueller and Van Cleave, 1932) to ecological conditions of artificial ponds in Israel Paperna, I. (196) 0-11406 Е J.Parasit., 50(1):94-9 Competitive exclusion of Dactylogyrus extensus by Dactylogyrus vastator (Trematoda Monogenea) on the gills of reared carp DeMartini, J.D. € 9-11407 F I. Preatt (196) J.Perasit., 50(1):101-6 The life cycle of Telolecithus pugetensis Lloyd and Guberlet, 1932 (Trematoda: Monorchidae ) Velasquez, C.C. (1964) J.Parasit., 50(1):106-12 Observations on the life cycle of Euperyphium paramurinum sp. n. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae ) 9-11408 Е Demaël-Suard, A. & С. Péres (1964) C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):1992-9 Influence of a short term fasting state on the carbohydrate metabolism of tench (Tinca tinca L.) 9-11409 Е Creach, Y. (1964) 9-11410 F C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 157(11):2093-7 Soluble thiols and thiolated proteins in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Munshi, J.S.D. (1964) 9-11411 | F Chloride cells in the gills of fresh-water teleosts Dilly, N. (1964) 92 y Quart.J.micr.Sci., 105(1):13-21 Studies on the receptors in the cerebral vesicle of the salientian tadpole, 2. The ocellus Jacobson, M. & 9-11413 - Е R.M. Gaze (1964) Quart.J.exp.Physiol., 49(2):199-210 Types of visual response from single units in the optic tectum and optic nerve of the goldfish 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Slukhay, V.V. (1964) Dopov.Akad.Nauk ukr.RSR, 3:408-11 Parasitic protozoa of the fish of the Seversky Donets). Ru 9-11414 в Galantsev, V.P. (1954) Dopov.Akad.Nauk ukr.RSR, 3:387-90 Adaptation of the cardiovascular system of the nutria to a semiaquatic mode of life 9-11415 Е Levy, С.С. (1964) J.biol.Chem., 239(2):560-7 Pteridine metabolism in the skin of the tadpole, Rana catesbeiana 9-11416 Е Zahnd, J.P. € 9-11417 Е A. Porte (1963) C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(10):1793-1803 À report on a peculiar distribution of cytoplasmic reticulum observed at the beginning of a phase of great vitellogenetic growth in a telostean: Barbus conchonius (Cyprinidae ) Chubb, J.C. (1963) 9-11418 F Parasitology, 53(3/4):419-35 Seasonal occurrence and maturation of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1781) (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in the pike Esox lucius L. of Llyn Tegid Gussev, A.V. (1963) 9-11419 F Bull.Fish.Res.Sta., Ceylon, (16) pt. 1:53-93 New species of Monogenoidae from fishes of Ceylon Ill. morphological description of 20 new spp. belonging to 3 genera. Hunn, J.B. € 9-11420 F E.P. Reineke (1964) Proc.Soc.exp.Biol., 115(1):77-91 Influence of iodine intake ‚on iodine distribution in trout Williams, H.H. (1964) 9-11421 Р Parasitology, 54(1):155-73 Some observations on the mass mortality of the freshwater fish Rutilus rutilus (L.) AQUATIC STOCKS 635 Ш mass Eto, H. & N. Egami (1963) 9-11430 РЕ Parasitology, 53(3/4) :455-63 xl The attachment of the monogenean Diplozoon Broo Japan Acidos BAT O1 paradoxum to the gills of Rutilus rutilus L. Effect of hypophysectomy and adrenalectomy on cro-hebitat ана adhesive attitude on the length of survival time after X-irradiation in the goldfish, Carassius auratus Owen, I.L. (1963) 9-13 F Parasitology, 53(3/4):463-9 The attachment of the monogenean Diplozoon radoxum to the gills of Rutilus rutilus L. 2, Structure and mechanism of the adhesive eee ate Al-Seadi, A.A.M. (1963)c 9-11431 F Co 9-11422. Thesis, Michigan Univ., 138 p. The micro and gross osteology of the A bass, Micropterus salmoides Lecepede), with special reference to the Borovik, Е.А. & 9-11424 F non-cellular bone M.V. Terenteva (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 7(10):714 Studies the osteogenesis, histological (The content of certain microelements in structure and some aspects of the physiology the spawn of the rainbow trout (Salmo of non-cellular bone and the gross irideus Gibbons). Ru morphology of this sp. Makes osteological y comparison with other fishes. DA 24(2):899. ‘Wolf, K., М.С. Quimby € 9-11425 Е AD: Bradford (1963) Virology, 21(3):317-22 Egg-associated transmission of IPN virus rot Hall, J.D. (1963)c 9-11432 Е Thesis, Michigan Univ., 106 p. An ecological study of the chestnut lamprey, Tiwari, В.О. € 9-11426 Е Ichthyomyzon castaneus Girard, in the K.C. Srivastava (1963) Manistee River, Michigan Proc.nat.Acad.Sci.India, 33(1):179-89 Study of the component acids from the body Gives quantitative life history data for fat of the fish Labeo rohita with different an unusually abundant population of this stages of growth species and estimates the magnitude of its Reshetnikov, Iu.S. (1963) 9-11427 F predation upon the associated rainbow and Dokl, Akad, Nauk SSSR, 152(6) :1465-6 brook trout. Izmenchivost' i mogoobrazie form sigov У DA 24(2):901. sviazi s osebennostiemi ikh pitaniia v vodoemakh severe (Variation and polymorphism of Coregonus fish, as connected with their peculiar feeding habits in northern water-reservoirs), Ru Schreibman, M.P. (1962)c 9-11433 Е a Thesis, New York Univ., .107 p. Studies on the pituitary gland of Xiphopherus Asada, Y. (1963) 9-11428 F maculatus (The platyfish) | Jap.J.Physiol., 13(6):583-99 2 Effects of intracellularly.injected anions O о histology Ben cytology la the Mauthner cells of goldfish at oo y nature platyfish pituitary gland, 1scusses modifications in hypophysical structure on gravid females, 1 to 8 week old specimens, ageing females, surgically castrated Peyraud, С. 2 9-11429 F males, thyroid tumor-bearing individuals and A. Serfati (1963) hybrids with melanotic tumors. C.R.Soc.Biol., Paris, 157(8/9):1607-26 DA 24(2):905. Influence of monochromatic lightings on Opto-respiratory reflex of a sweet-water teleostean: the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) 9 (11) 636 Linton, J.R. (1962)C 9-11434 Е Thesis, Missouri Univ., 71 p. The effect of thyroxine on acetylcholinesterase and sodium flux in the channel catfish Determines effect of thyroxine on sodium fluxes and acetylcholinesterase activity in the gill of Ictalursu punctatus. Observations indicate that thyroid gland may play negative part in osmoregulation. DA 24(2):903. Pequin, L. & 98-11435 F А. Serfaty (1953) Corp.Biochem.Physiol., 10(4):315-25 Tlav ря - > я а и tété Le L'excrétion ammoniacle chez un téléostéen dulcicole: Cyprinus carpio L. (Ammoniac excretion in a freshwater teleost: Cyprinus carpio L.) Ovchynnyk, М.М. (1963) 9-11436 ЕР Fish.News int., 2(3):279-82 Fish culture in the U.S.S.R. Review of practices and results of culture, river & lake management, selection, feeding, reservoirs, acclimatization of fish and invertebrates. Knudsen, G.J. (1962) 9-11437 Е Tech.Bull.Wis.Conserv.Dep., (25):3-52 Relationship of beaver to forests, trout and wildlife in Wisconsin Methods and results of a study, 1950-58 in Wisconsin. Karlstrom, E.L. (1962) 9-11438 Е Univ.Calif.Publ.Zool., 62(1):1-104 The toad genus Bufo in the Sierra Nevada of California. Ecological and systematic relationships Describes ecology of Bufo canorus and compares its natural history with that of a related species, Bufo boreas. Hepher, B. (1962)A 9-11439 F Bamidgeh, 14(2):29-38 Ten years of research in fish ponds fertilization in Israel. 1. The effect of fertilization on fish yields. Iw 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Woynarovich, E. (1962) 9-11440 Р Bamidgeh, 14(2):38-46 Hatching of carp-eggs in "Zuger" glasses and breeding of carp larvae until an age of 10 days. Iw Describes method for removing sticky substance from carp eggs to permit artificial rearing of eggs. Kobayasi, H. (1963) 9-11441 F Jap.J.Genet., 38(2):113-23 Some cytological observations on fertilization in the loach (9) - funa (9) cross ANON. (1964) 9-11442 F Lancet, (7334):654.8 Liver tumours in rainbow trout Spiegel, I.M. (1963) 9-11443 Р J. совр. phy siol.Psychol., 56( 5) :924-9 Running speed and intermediate brightness discrimination in the fresh water turtle (Chrysemys) Rogers, W.L., R. Melzack & J.R. Segal (1963) J.comp.physiol.Psychol., 56(5):924-9 Tail flip response in goldfish 91444 P Deathe, S.H. (1962) 9-11445 F Rep.Dep.Nat.Conserv.Cape Prov., (19):59-63 Tilapia mossambica. Report on investigational work at De Hoop Vlei, Bredasdorp Describes Tilapia mossambica and Sandelia capensis fisheries of 2000 acres lake in Cape Province. Siegfried, W.R. (1962) 9-11446 Р Rep.Dep.Nat.Conserv.Cape Prov., (19):80-7 Introduced vertebrates in the Cape Province Incl. history of fish introductions including: Cyprinus carpio, Salmo gairdneri, Salmo trutta, Salvelinus fontinalis, Tinca tinca Perca ————_ ee ACA, Ferca fluviatilis, Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu M. punctulatus, Le s macrochirus , Gambusia affinis, Salmo salar, Lebistes reticulatus, Tilapia zillii, T. nilotica, T. ilaea Carassium auratus, с. carassius, Idus. AQUATIC STOCKS Tchou-Su € W. Yu-Lan (1962) 9-11447 Е Acta Biol.exp.sin., 8(1):27-33 Cytological study of egg maturation on two species of bony fishes: Carassius auratus L. and Megalobrama terminalis Ro In present study, process of maturation, induced artificially by human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone in vivo was studied on two species of Cyprinidae, shortly before or during their natural breeding season. Bank, O. (1962) 9-11448 Е Allg.FischZtg., 87(21):630-2 Abfischungskosten (Harvest costs) Critical review; most profitable and economic application of man-power in fish culture stations. Raj, B.S. (1962) 9-11449 Е Proc.nat.Inst.Sci.India (B), 28(3):193-200 The extraoräinary breeding habits of the catfish Mystus aor (Hamilton) and Mystus seenghala (Sykes) НЫ it Breeding habits recorded for first time, both breed in Cauvery in April and May. They build nests amidst rocks in bed of river. On analogy of South American catfish Platystacus supported by absence of eggs in nests, it is presumed that eggs are incubated by the male apparently attached to its ventral surface by villiform processes. Young congregate in shoal under parent and feed on a milky white fluid secreted by the vascularized ventral skin of fish. Chemical analysis showed fluid consists largely of protein. de Menezes, R.S. (1961) 9-11450 F Bolm Soc.cear.Agron., 2:57-8 Ausência de nadadeiras ventrais em Lycengraulis barbouri Hildebrand, 1943 (Absence of ventral fins in Lycengraulis barbouri Hildebrand, 1943). Pr Describes a pelvic-less specimen of L, barbouri, collected in Poti Velho, near confluence Poti and Parnafba rivers (Terezina,Piauf, Brazil). 9 (11) 637 Picciolo, A.R. (1964) 9-11451 F Ecol.Monogr., 34(1):53-77 Sexual and nest discrimination in anebantid fishes of the genera Colisa and Trichogaster Jayaram, K.C. (1959) 9-11452 =F J.zool.Soc.India, 12(1):85-103 Racial analysis of Rita chrysea Day inhabiting the Mahanadi River Four random samples used to test homogeneity or heterogeneity of population by analysis of covariance. Post, G. (1962)A 9-11453 Е U.S.Trout News, 7(3):14-7 Immunization -- as a method of disease control in fish Allen, G.H. (1962) 9-11454 Е U.S. Trout News, 7(3):6-9, 22 Humboldt State College uses a recirculating wat system hatchery Describes recirculating water system for hatchery. Coates, J. (1962) 9-11455 F U.S.Trout News, 7(3):5-, 20,21 You should know in trout culture - water temperature and oxygen demand Discusses role of temperature and oxygen in trout culture. Lennon, R.E. (1961) 9-11456 Е Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish., (395): 16 p. The trout fishery in Shenandoah national park Study (1952-59) of 46 small trout (mainly Salvelinus fontinalis; some Salmo gairdnerii) streams in Virginia with reference to effect of drought flood, angling, etc. on populations. Furtado, J.I. (1961) Malay.agric.J., 43(3):239-41 À note on intestinal parasites in some Chinese carps 9-11457 F 638 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-11453 м Fisheries (1963) Scientific news notes - August 1963: 2 р. (mimeo) > Reports the conduct of experiments to test the visual acuity of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and the little tunny (Euthynnus yaito). USFWS. Bureau of Commercial 9-11459 M Fisheries (1963) Scientific news notes - June 1963: 1 p. (mimeo) Note on a programme of examination of the stomach contents of large predatory pelagic fishes landed at Honolulu fresh fish market, especially to obtain information on the occurrence of juvenile tunas. Algeria. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.algérienne, (66):944 Décret no 63-344 du 11 septembre 1963 portant adhésion de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire á la convention internationale pour la prévention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures (Decree No. 63-344 relative to the adhesion of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to the International Convention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by Oil, London, 1954.- 11 September 1963) 9-11460 м Algeria. Laws, 9-11461 M Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.algérienne, (76):1038 Décret no 63-403 du 12 octobre 1963 fixant l'étendue des eaux territoriales (Decree No. 63-403 establishing the limits territorial waters.- 12 October 1963) At twelve nautical miles offshore. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (11):567-74 SOR/63-173. Order in council P.C. 1963-745 concerning the lobster fishery regulations, pursuant the fisheries act.- 15 May 1963 9-11462 м Detailed provisions repealing and replacing the regulations of 11 April 1957 as amended. 9 (11) Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (11):589-97 DORS/63-173. Décret C.P. 1953-745 concernant le règlement de pêche du homard, en vertu de la | loi sur les pêcheries.- 15 mai 1963 (SOR/63-173. Order in council Р.С. 1963-745 concerning the lobster fishery reguletions, pursuant the fisheries act.- 15 May 1963) Fr 9-11462. Canada. Laws, 9-11464 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (11), (11):588-99 SOR/63-183. Order in council Р.С. 1963-772 relating to the international Pacific halibut fishery regulations, made under the northern Pacific halibut fishery convention act.- 23 May 1963 Regulations of the International Pacific Halíbut Commission adopted pursuant to the Pacific halibut fishery convention between Canada and the United States of America, signed March 2, 1953. :1s Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) care (11):611-24 DORS/ 3-183. Décret С.Р. 1963-772 concernant le réglement de la Commission internationale des pêcheries de flétan du Pacifique, en vertu de la loi sur la convention relative à la pêche du flétan dans le Pacific septentrional.- 23 mai 1963 (308/63-183. Order in council Р.С. 1963-772 relating to the international Pacific halibut fishery regulations, made under the northern Pacific halibut fishery convention act.- 23 May 1963) Fr 9-11464. Canada, Laws, 9-11466 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (II), (13):633-4 SOR/63-209. Order in council P.C. 1963-930 amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963 Amendments concerning fishing with gill nets. 9-11463 мо 9-11465 M: MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-11467 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (13):657-8 DORS/63-209. Décret C.P. 1963-930 modifiant le règlement de pêche des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-209. Order in council P.C. 1963-930 amending the Northwest Territories fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963) Fr 9-11466. Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):635 SOR/63-210. Order in council P.C. 1963-931 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963 Adds part of the waters of Esquimalt Harbour to the prohibited areas where no person shall. fish by means of nets of any kind. Canada. Laws, 9-11469 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):659 DORS/63-210. Décret C.P. 1963-931 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Colombie Britannique en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-210. Order in council P.C. 1963-931 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963) Fr 9-11468. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (14):685 SOR/63-235. Order in council P.C. 1963-1021 amending the fish inspection regulations, made under the fish inspection act.- 5 July 1963 9-11470 M Genuine Labrador codfish - incl. only fish caught on the coast of Labrador or caught north of Goose Cape on the northeast coast of Newfoundland and north of Flower's Dove on the northwest coast of Newfoundland. 9 (11) 639 Canada. Laws, 9-11471 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (14):712 DORS/63-235. Decret C.P. 1963-1021 modifiant le règlement sur l'inspection du poisson en vertu de la loi sur l'inspection du poisson.- 5 juillet 1963 (SOR/63-235. Order in council P.C. 1963-1021 amending the fish inspection regulations, made under the fish inspection act.- 5 July 1963) Fr 9-11470. Canada. Laws, 9-11472 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (14):686 SOR/63-236. Order in council P.C. 1963-1022 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 5 July 1963 Where he considers such action to be necessary, the area director may vary the closed time for digging for or taking clams in any area зо as to make that closed time commence at an earlier date than the date fixed by this section. Also concerns crab fishing in the waters off the north coast of Graham Island, Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (14):713 DORS/63-236. Décret C.P. 1963-1022 modifiant le réglement de péche de la Colombie-Britannique en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 5 juillet 1963 (SOR/63-236. order in council P.C. 1963-1022 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 5 July 1963) 9-11473 M Fr 9-11472. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (15):774 SOR/63-275. Order in council P.C. 1963-1147 amending the lobster fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 1 August 1963 9-11474 M Except with the permission of the minister, no person shall, during the open season in any year for a district or portion of a district, use for lobster fishing any boat that has been used during that year for lobster fishing in any other district. 640 Canada. Laws, 9-11475 M statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (15):804 DORS/63-275. Décret C.P. 1963-1147 modifiant le règlement de pêche du homard, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 1 août 1963 (SOR/64-275. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1147 amending the lobster fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 1 August 1963) Fr 9-11474. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (17):989 SOR/03-321. Shellfishing order, pursuant to the New Brunswick fishery regulation made under the fisheries act.- 12 August 1963 9-11476 M Closing of shellfish areas along the coast and waters of the county of Charlotte and the islands adjacent thereto. Canada. Laws, 9-11477 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (17):1035 DORS/63-321. Avis de pêche aux coquillages, selon le règlement de pêche du Nouveau- Brunswick en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries. - 12 août 1963 (SOR/63-321. Shellfishing order, pursuant to the New Brunswick fishery regulation made under the fisheries act.- 12 August 1963) Fr 9-11476. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (17):990 SOR/63-322. Shellfishing order, pursuant to the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 12 August 1963 9-11478 M Closing of shellfishing area N.S. 33, Parker Cove. Canada. Laws, 9-11479 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(IT), (17):1036 DORS/63-322. Avis de péche aux coquillages, en vertu du réglement de pêche de la Nouvelle- Ecosse, selon la loi sur les pécheries.- 12 août 1963 (SOR/63-322. Shellfishing order, pursuant to the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 12 August 1963) Fr 9-11478. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (18):1003-4 SOR/63-329. Order in council P.C. 1963-1267 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 28 August 1963 9-11480 M In respect of areas declared to be contaminated areas where fishing for or taking shellfish is prohibited. Canada. Laws, 9-11481 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (18):1049-50 DORS/63-329. Décret C.P. 1963-1267 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Nouvelle- Ecosse en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries- 28 août 1963 (SOR/63-329. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1267 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 28 August 1963) Fr 9-11460. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (18):1005 SOR/63-330. Order in council P.C. 1963-1268 amending the Prince Edward Island fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 28 August 1963 9-11482 M In respect of areas declared to be contaminated areas where fishing for or taking shellfish is prohibited. Canada. Laws, 9-11483 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (18):1051 | DORS/63-330. Dècret C.P. 1963-1268 modifiant le règlement de pêche de 1'fle du Prince-Edouard, en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 28 août 1963 (SOR/63-330. Order in council P.C. 1963-1268 amending the Prince Edward Island fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 28 August 1963) Fr 9-11482. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-11484 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (18):1024-8 ‚SOR/63-342. Order in council Р.С. 1963-131! amending the large fishing vessel inspection regulations, made under the Canada shipping act.- 4 September 1963 Amendments in respect of definitions, anchor weight, plans for equipment and parts of vessels subsidized by the Department of Fisheries, etc. Canada. Laws, 9-11485 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (18):1069-74 DORS/63-342. Décret С.Р. 1963-1314 modifiant le réglement sur 1'inspection des grand b&teaux de pêche, en vertu de la loi sur la marine marchande du Canada.- 4 septembre 1963 (SOR/63-342. Order in council P.C. 1963-1314 amending the large fishing vessel inspection regulations, made under the Canada shipping act.- 4 September 1963) Fr 9-1148h. Canada. Laws, 9-11486 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (18):1035 SOR/63-347. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1337 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 12 September 1963 Prohibits setting or operating a purse seine in the described waters north of Campobello and Bliss Islands. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (11), (18):1081 DORS/63-347. Décret C.P. 1963-1337 modifiant le règlement de pêche du Nouveau- Brunswick, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 12 septembre 1963 (SOR/347. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1337 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 12 September 1963) 9-11487 M Fr 9-11486. :15 9 (11) 641 Ceylon. Laws, 9-11488 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Ceylon Govt Gaz., (13778)Pt.1, Sect. 1:1708 Committe of inquiry into the working of the fisheries department.- 18 September 1963 Establishment of the said committee with a view to investigating and reporting with special reference to the development and modernization of in-shore fishing methods; the development of adequate purchasing and marketing facilities for locally produced fish and the working of the co-operative fish sales union; progress in the develop- ment of inland fisheries; adequacy of research programme and organization, etc. Chile. Laws, 9-11489 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.622):1892-3 Decreto número 453 por el que se reglamenta los permisos para la explotación de barcos fábricas en la zone que indica.- 18 de julio de 1963 (Decree No. 453 regulating permits for the operation of factory ships in a specific zone.- 18 July 1963) Fishing permits for operations with factory ships within the 200 miles limit of the Chilean maritime zone in the South Pacific may be issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Denmark. Laws, 9-11490 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (17):325-32 Nr. 191. Anordning om afgraensningen af sgterritoriet ved Grónland.- 27. maj 1963 (Ordinance No. 191 concerning the delimitation of the territorial waters of Greenland.- 27 May 1963). Da t three nautical miles. Denmark. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (17):335 Nr. 193. Bekendtgfrelse om udenlandske fartgdjers adgang til fiskeri m.v. i grfnlandske farvande.- 27. maj 1963 (Notification No. 193 concerning admittance of foreign vessels to Greenland waters.- ЕТ Мау 1963). Da 9-11491 M Provides for exceptions to the twelve mile fishing zone until 31 May MISS 642 France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franc., (164):6421-2 Arrêté du 5 juillet 1963 fixant le maillage des arts trainants en mer du Nord, Manche et Atlantique Order fixing mesh sizes of drag nets for the North Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean.- 5 July 1963) 9-11492 M Separate provisions applicable to sea areas north and south of latitude 4800N. Italy. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Gazz.uff.Repub.ital., (130):2611 Decreto ministeriale 16 aprile 1963: Determinazione delle norme per l'importazione in esenzione da dazio del pesce fresco, anche congelato ovunque catturato da ditte o imprese italiane con navi battenti bandiera italiana e con equipaggio italiano (Ministerial decree laying down rules for the duty-free import of fresh and frozen fish, of whatever origin, by Italian firms or enter- prises with ships flying the Italian flag and bearing Italian crews.- 16 April 1963). It 9-11493 M Mauritania. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Mauritanie, (117):261-3 Loi no 63-148 modifiant la loi no 62-038 du 20 janvier 1962 portant code de la marine marchande et des pêches maritimes.- 19 juillet 1963 (Act No. 63-148 amending act 62-038 of 20 January 1962 laying down the merchant marine and sea fisheries code.- 19 July 1963) 9-11494 м A considereble number of amendments affecting vessels, seamen, fishermen's wages, etc. Mauritania. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Mauritanie, (117):263 Loi no 63-149 portant approbation du plan quadriennal de développement économique et social (1963-1966).- 19 juillet 1963 (Act No. 63-149 approving the four-year economic and social development plan (1963- 1966).- 19 July 1963) 9-11495 M Investment percentages incl. 6.9% for the fisheries industry out of a total amount of over 27 million francs CFA, divided roughly half and half between the private and public sectors. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES New Zealand. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962)С Separate publication, 1962/101, 4 p. Shipping and seamen amendment act 1962: An act to amend the shipping and seamen act 1952.- 6 December 1962 9-11496 M Amending provisions as to fishing boats. Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (17):445 Lov Nr. 4 om endring i lov om fangst av hval av 16. juni 1939 (nr. 7).- 26. april 1963 (Act No. 4, amending act No. 7 of 16 June 1939 concerning whale-fishing.- 26 April 1963). No 9-11497 M Part of the tax to be set aside for a crew and employee security fund and for supporting enterprises in order to abolish unemployment. Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (24):741 Resolusjon om ikraftsetting av lov om fiskebatstuerter.- 14. juni 1963 (Resolution relative to the entry into force of the act concerning stewards aboard fishing craft.- 14 June 1963). No 9-11498 M The act of 8 June 1962 in force as from 1 September 1963. Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid,, (23):639-41 Lov Nr. 2 om bygging, innredning og utvidelse av anlegg for hermetisering og frysing av fisk og fiskevarer.- 21. juni 1963 (Act No. 2 concerning the construction, equipment and expansion of preserving and freezing plants for fish and fish products. - 21 June 1963). No 9-11499 M Obligation to obtain government permit for such operations. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Norway. Laws, 9-11500 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (27):898 Skriv om tillegg til betem. om deklarering ау tilsetningsstoffer i sildemjgl og om bruk av slik vare.- 10. juli 1963 (Notification supplementing the ordinance relative to the declaration of additives in herring meal, and the use of such products. - 10 July 1963). No Relative to furnishing of products containing additives to feed mixing firms; eliminates certain marking requirements; sodium nitrite content may not exceed 200 ppm. Peru. Laws, 9-11501 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6632):3 Resoluciôn suprema No. 195 por la que se designa comisión para estudiar y proponer las medidas mas convenientes para una adecuada explotación de la anchoveta.- 15 de mayo de 1963 (Supreme resolution No. 195 appointing a commission to study and propose the most suitable measures for the proper exploitation of anchovies.- 15 May 1963) Peru. Laws, 9-11502 M Statutes, etc. (1963) ruano, (6683):1 solución suprema estableciendo que la Caja Nacional de Seguro Social efectuará estudios técnicos legales, estadísticos y actuariales para el fondo del pescador.- 26 de julio de 1963 (Supreme resolution providing that the ational Social Security Fund shall make egal, statistical and actuarial studies of a technical kind on behalf of the fishermen's fund.- 26 July 1963) 9 (11) 643 Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (29):116 Aviso: Torna público ter o Governo Portugués procedido ao depósito dos instrumentos de ratificacdo de determinadas convengdes aprovadas na l.a Conferéncia de Direito do Mar, realizada em Genebra em 1958, e assinadas em 28 de outubro do mesmo ano.- 24 de janeiro de 1963 (Notification advising that the Portuguese Government has deposited its instruments of ratification in respect of certain conventions approved at the first Conference on the Law of the Sea held at Geneva in 1958 and signed on 28 October 1958.- 2% January 1963). Pr 9-11503 M Applies to the convention on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, the convention on the high seas, the convention on fishing and the conservation of living resources of the high seas, the convention on the continen- tal shelf, and the optional protocol of signature concerning compulsory settlement of disputes. Portugal. Laws, 9-11504 М Statutes, etc. (1963) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (36):131-2 Portaria no. 19 700: Elimina as normas 8.2, 9.a, e 10.a, da portaria no. 18 467, que estabelece o regime experimental para a pesca de crustáceos com artes de arrastar pelo fundo.- 12 de fevereiro de 1963 (Order No. 19 700 cancelling rules Nos. 8, 9 and 10 of order No. 18 467 establishing an experimental system for fishing crustaceans with deep-water drag nets.- 12 February 1963). Pr Order No. 18 467 was issued on 9 May 1961 in D.G. No. 108 of 9 May 1961. Portugal. Laws, 9-11505 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (I), (69):289-90 Portaria no. 19 773: Cria no instituto hidrográfico uma missäo de oceanografia física.- 22 de marco de 1963 (Order No. 19 773 creating a physical oceano- graphic mission as part of the institute of hydrography.- 22 March 1963). Pr 644 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Spain. Laws, 9-11506 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (207):12765-8 Instrumento de ratificaciôn del Convenio sobre Pesquerfas del Atlantico Nordeste.- Entrada en vigor : 27 de junio de 1963 (Instrument of ratification of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention.- Entry into force: 27 June 1963) Convention signed at London on 24 January 1959. Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Diário do Gov., Lisboa (1), (38):137 Aviso: Torna publico ter a Embaixada de Portugal em Londres procedido ao depósito do instrumento de ratificacäo, por parte de Portugal, da Сопуепсйо de Pescarias do Nordeste do Atlántico, assinada em Londres em 24 de janeiro de 1959.- 7 de fevereiro de 1963 (Notification advising that the Portuguese Embassy in London has deposited Portugal's instrument of ratification of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention signed at London on 24 January 1959.- 7 February 1963). Pr 9-11507 M Spain. Laws, 9-11508 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (165):10774-5 Orden de 3 de julio de 1963 por la que se dictan normas para la explotación de las lonjas de pescado, construídas por las juntas de obras y servicios y comisiones administrativas de puertos (Order laying down rules for the operation of fish markets built by works and services boards and port administrative commisiions.- 3 July 1963) Provides for a system of concessions. Spain. Laws, 9-11509 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (174) :11087-8 Orden de 10 de julio de 1963 sobre préstamos con destino a la instalación de sistemas de congelación y refrigeración en buques pesqueros entre 250 y 500 toneladas, entrados en servicio con posterioridad al айо 1955 (Order on loans for the installation of deep- freeze and refrigeration systems on fishing vessels between 250 and 500 tons that came into service after 1955.- 10 July 1963) Spain. Laws, 9-11510 М Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (172):11012 Orden de 11 de julio de 1963 por la que se amplían las funciones de la comisión nacional para evitar la contaminación de las aguas de mar por los hidrocarburos (Order extending tne functions of the national commission for the prevention of the pollution of the sea by oil.- 11 July 1963) Now also responsible for studying the problems arising from pollution caused by the disposal of factory and industrial waste of all kind into the sea. Spain. Laws, 9-11511 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (180):11391 Decreto 1849/1963, de 11 de julio de 1963, por el que se reorganizan los servicios de la subsecretaria de la marina mercante dependiente del ministerio de comercio (Decree No. 1849/1963 reorganizing the various departments of the sub-secretariat for the merchant marine within the ministry of commerce. - 11 July 1963) | | | | Incl.a general directorate for sea fisheries. Spain. Laws, 9-11512 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (200):12430 Orden de 5 de agosto de 1963 por la que se dictan normas para la petición de préstamos con destino a la instalación de sistemas de congelación a bordo de determinados pesqueros (Order laying down rules on the manner in which loans shall be applied for the installation of deep-freezing facilities on certain types of fishing vessels.- 5 August 1963) Spain. Laws, 9-11513 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (212):13007 Orden de 29 de agosto de 1963 por la que se dictan normas para la petición de prestamos con cargo a la dotación complementaria de cuatrocientos millones de pesetas, con destino a la construcción de embarcaciones que utilicen técnicas modernas para la captura y conservación de la pesca (Order laying down rules governing applications for loans from the supplementary appropriation of 400 million pesetas for the construction of vessels using modern techniques for the catching and preservation of fish.- 29 August 1963) MISCELLANECUS AND AUXILIARIES UA В. Laws, 9-11514 M Statutes, etc. (1962) Rép.perm.Législ.(Mar.march.), U.A.R, 841 Arrêté n. 56 du 11 janvier 1962, relatif à la propreté des ports et des eaux territoriales (Order No. 56 relative to the cleanliness of harbour and territorial waters.- 11 January 1962) Concerns the prevention of pollution by oil. U.K. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Statut.Instrum.U.K., (1242):2 p. White fish and herring subsidies (Aggregate amount of grants) Order 1963.- 1 July 1963 9-11515 М The aggregate amount of grants is increased. U.K. Laws, 9212516 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Statut.Instrum.U.K., (1274):6 р. White fish subsidy (United Kingdom) scheme 1963.- 4 July 1963 Provides for payment of grants during the period 1 August 1963 to 31 July 1964. U.K. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Curr.Law Statut.annot., U.K., Part 5, Chapter 28: 1-4 Oil in navigable waters act, 1963: An act to enable effect to be given to certain amendments of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by oil, 1954, and otherwise to extend the oil in navigable waters act, 1955.- 31 July 1963 U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5357): 6 p. Maritime matters: Public liability for damage caused by N.S. Savannah.- Agreement between the USA and the Netherlands.- 6 February 1963 9-11518 M Agreement signed at the Hague on 6 February 1963 and entered into force on 22 May 1963. 9-11517 M 645 U.S. Laws, 9-11519 M Statutes, etc. (1963) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5380):5 p. | Northwest Atlantic fisheries: Declaration of understanding between the United States of America and other governments.- Regarding the convention of 8 February 1949.- 24 April 1963 To the effect that mollusks and finny fish are covered. Entered into force on > June 1963. U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5358):11 p. Maritime matters: Operational arrangements for visit of N.S. Savannah. - Agreement between the USA and the Netherlands.- 20 May 1963 9-11520 M Agreement signed at the Hague on 20 May 1963 and entered into force on 22 May 1963. U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Treat.int.Acts Ser.U.S.A., (5385): р. High seas fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean. Amendments to the Annex to the convention of May 9, 1952, between the USA, Canada and Japan.- 8 May 1963 9-11521 M Recommendations relating to halibut and to herring adopted at the ninth annual meeting of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, at Seattle, November 17, 1962, and amended, with respect to herring, January 25, 1963. Venezuela. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Gac.ofic.Venezuela, (27.172):201.965-7 Resolución por la cual se dictan los planes de estudios para las especialidades marinas de educación industrial.- 2l de abril 1963 (Resolution laying down the studies progr for industrial marine specialized education. 24 April 1963) 9-11522 M Incl.the studies plan for qualified mister fishermen. Williams, F.L. (1963)BC 9-11523 M New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press, 720 p. Matthew Fontaine Maury, scientist of the sea 646 Gaskell, T.F. (1963) Fish.News int., 2(3):285-6 Man explores the sea 9-11524 M A general article on marine resources, their exploration, use, protection and improvement. Kesteven, G.L. (1963) 9-11525 M Fish.News int., 2(3):289-96 Science and the future of world fisheries A critical review of estimtes of potential yield from marine resources with proposals for kinds of work needed to produce better estimates and the organization' planning and coordination of such work at the international level, with special reference to ACMRR & IBP. Ci Thompson, H. 1951, Kesteven, G.L. € S.J. Holt 1955, Walford, L.A. 1958. 61-13134, 8-02349, 8-08127, 9-11580, 9-10594. Focsaneanu, L. (1961)B 9-11526 M Annu. franç.Droit int., 7:173-213 Le droit international maritime de l'Océan pacifique et de ses mers adjacentes (International maritime law of the Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas) Fahl, G. (1963) 9.11527... M Rev.Droit int., 41:210-27 Le plateau continental ou la régle " Quod omnes tangit debet ab omibus approbari" (The continental shelf or the rule " Quod omnes tangit debet ab omnibus approbari") Sauvage, F. (1963) 9-11528 M Droit marit.frang., 15:643-9 La mer territorial et le droit de péche (Territorial waters and fishing rights) Kornicker, L.S. (1962) GeoTimes, 7(4):30-1 How many oceanographers in the United States 9-11529 M Reviews the accuracy of recent estimates of the number of oceanographers in the United States. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Meyer-Lindenberg, H. (1961) 9-11530 M Z.ausl.ëff.Recht., 21(1):38-80 Seerechtliche Entwicklungstendenzen auf den Genfer Konferenzen von 1958 und 1960 (Tendencies in the development of the law of the sea at the Geneva conferences 1958-1960) Munch, F. (1961) Arch.Völkerr., 9:59-71 Die zweite internationale Seerechtskonferenz in Genf 1960 (The second international conference of the law of the sea in Geneva 1960) 9-11531 > MZ Text of final act pp.108-110. at Renborg, B.A. (1961) Utrikespol., 16:61-70 Den nya maritima folkrätten 9-11532 M (The new international law of the sea). Sv Geneva conferences 1958 and 1960. García Amador, F.V. (1960) 9-11533 M Academia interamericana de derecho comparado e internacional, Cursos monográficos 8:395-473 El regimen del mar en el derecho internacional contemporaneo (The treatment of the sea in the contemporary international law) Kasme, B. (1960) 9-11534 М Egypt.Rev.int.Law, 16:41-51 Le röle de l'Organisation des Nations Unies dans 1'élaboration du droit de la mer (The role of UN in the elaboration of the law of the sea) FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1965) FAO Fish.tech.Pap., (46): 18 p. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries. General subject code and physical oceanography classification. Code général des matiéres et classification d'océanographie physique. Clave general de materias y clasificación de la oceanografía física 9-11535 MF Tri-lingual version of general subject code and the UDC classification on physical oceanography used for making special subject indexes to Current Bibliography for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Shiba, S. (1961) 9-11536 MG Operat.Res.JUSE, 6(3):14-9, 25 (An analysis of fishing-port traffic problems). Ni Two cases are analyzed. In first, it is observed that arrivel of boats is approximately Poisson and unloading time is approximately exponentially distributed. Optimal capacity of wharf obtained by balancing cost by delay of unloading with cost caused by expanding wharf. In second, neither Poisson arrival nor exponential service time are observed. Relationship between capacity of unloading operation and time of mean wait obtained by Monte Carlo method. No optimum policy is found. Algeria. Laws, 9-11537 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.algérienne, (53):773-4 Loi no 63-275 du 26 juillet 1963 portant création d'un office national des péches (Act No. 63-275 establishing the national office for fisheries.- 26 July 1963) For the organization of fishing and fish preservation, processing & marketing, and for the promotion of co-operatives. Australia. Western 9-11538 MF Territory. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Govt Gaz.W.Aust., (68):2657-66 Amendment of regulations made under fisheries act, 1905-1962.- 21 August 1963 Amendments in respect of licences for fishing boats, crayfish pots, etc. and penalties. Belgium. Laws, 9-11539 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Monit.belge, (127):6608-9 Loi du 29 mai 1963 modifiant l'article 2 de la loi du 29 mars 1958 relative à la protection de la population contre les dangers résultant des radiations ionisantes (Act amending article 2 of the act of 29 March 1958, relating to the protection of the population against the dangers arising out of lonizing radiations.- 29 May 1963. ). Ne Empowers the Crown, inter alia, to regulate the elimination and evacuation of radioactive substances. 647 Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (11):587 SOR/63-182. Order in council Р.С. 1963-771 amending the Newfoundland fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 23 May 1963 9-11540 MF Inserts new provisions on fishing for salmon with a gill net, drift net or trap net, the web or any portion of the net of which contains monofilament in single or multiple strands. Canada. Laws, 9-11541 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (11):610 DORS/63-182. Décret C.P. 1963-771 modifiant le règlement de pêche de Terre-Neuve, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 23 mai 1963 (SOR/63-182. Order in council Р.С. 1963-771 amending the Newfoundland fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 23 May 1963) Fr 9-11540. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (11):601-2 SOR/63-185. Amendment of the Alberta fish propagation order, made under the fisheries act.- 24 May 1963 9-11542 MF Amends the order of 10 September 1962 by adding specified waters which may be set apart for the propagation cf fish. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (11):626-7 DORS/63-185. Amendement à l'ordonnance sur la propagation du poisson en Alberta, en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 24 mai 1963 (SOR/63-185. Amendment of the Alberta fish propagation order, made under the fisheries act.- 24 May 1963) 9-11543 MF Fr 9-1152. 648 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Canada. Laws, 9-11544 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (12):613-4 SOR/63-193. Order in council Р.С. 1963-866 amending the fish inspection regulations, made under the fish inspection act.- 6 June 1963 Amendments concerning comminuted fish and comminuted fish blocks. Canada. Laws, 9-11545 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (11), (12):637-8 DORS/63-193. Décret C.P. 1963-866 modifiant le réglement sur 1'inspection du poisson, en vertu de la loi sur l'inspection du poisson.- 6 juin 1963 (SOR/63-193. Order in council Р.С. 1963-866 amending the fish inspection regulations, made under the fish inspection act.- 6 June 1963) Fr 9-11544. Canada. Laws, 9-11546 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):640 SOR/63-212. Order in council P.C. 1963-933 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963 Amendments concerning fishing for clams and the weekly closed time for salmon net fishing. Canada. Laws 9-11547 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (11), (13):664 DORS/63-212. Décret C.P. 1963-933 modifiant le règlement de pêche du Nouveau Brunswick en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-212. Order in council Р.С. 1963-933 amending the New Brunswick fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963) Fr 9-11546. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (13):641 SOR/63-213. Order in council Р.С. 1963-934 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963 9-11548 MF Miscellaneous amendments concerning fish Jigging, bag limit for trout, fishing for gaspereau, etc. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):665 DORS/63-213. Décret C.P. 1963-934 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Nouvelle-Ecosse en vertu de la loi sur les pécheries.- 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-213. Order in council P.C. 1963-934 amending the Nova Scotia fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963) 9-11549 MF Fr 9-11548. Canada. Laws, 9-11550 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (13):642-3 $08/63-214. Order in council Р.С 1963-935 amending the canned fish and shellfish and cannery inspection regulations made under the meat and canned foods act.- 20 June 1963 Amendments in respect of code marking cans of fish or shellfish. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):666-7 DORS/63-214. Décret С.Р. 1963-935 modifiant le règlement visant l'inspection des conserveries et des conserves de poisson, mollusques et crustacés, en vertu de la loi sur les viandes et conserves alimentaires. 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-214. Order in council Р.С. 1963-935 amending the canned fish and shellfish and cannery inspection regulations made under the meat and canned foods act.- 20 June 1963) 9-11551 MF Fr 9-11550. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (15):732-45 SOR/63-267. Order in council P.C. 1963-1103 amending the life saving equipment regulations, ne under the Canada shipping act.- 18 July 1963 9-11552 MF Numerous amendments. Also concern fishing vessels. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-11553 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Сал.Са.2. (ТТ), (15):760-74 DORS/63-267. Décret C.P. 1963-1103 modifiant le règlement sur l'équipement de sauvetage en vertu de la loi sur la marine marchande du Canada.- 18 juillet 1963 (sor/63-267. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1103 amending the life saving equipment regulations, made under the Canada shipping act.- 18 July 1963) Fr 9-11552. Canada. Laws, 9-11554 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) SOR/63-274. Order in council P.C. 1963-1146 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 1 August 1963 Numerous amendments in respect of licences. Canada. Laws, 9-11555 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (ТТ), (15):799-803 DORS/63-274. Décret С.Р. 1963-1146 modifiant le règlement de pêche de la Colombie-Britannique, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 1 août 1963 (SoR/63-274. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1146 amending the British Columbia fishery regulations, made under the fisheries act.- 1 August 1963) Fr 9-1155k. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (16):795-8 SOR/63-290. Order in council P.C. 1963-1164 amending the fishing vessel indemnity regulations, made under appropriation act No. 5 of 1955 and appropriation act No. 6 of 1956.- 3 August 1963 9-11556 MF Concerns eligibility for indemnity, payment of indemity in case of partial loss, appraisal values, etc. 9 (11) 649 Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (16):827-30 DORS/63-290. Décret C.P. 1963-1164 modifiant le règlement visant les indemnités applicables aux vaisseaux de pêche en vertu des lois des subsides No 5, 1955 et No 6, 1956.- 3 août 1963 (SOR/63-290. Order in council P.C. 1963-1164 amending the fishing vessel indemnity regulations made under appropriation act No. 5 of 1955 and appropriation act No. 6 of 1956.- 3 August 1963) 9-11557 MF Fr 9-11556. Canada. Laws, 9-11558 MF tatutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (16):804-5 SOR/63-294. Order in council Р.С. 1963-1192: Ship construction drawback regulations, made under the customs act.- 14 August 1963 In respect of drawback on goods used in ships built or rebuilt in Canada. Also concerns fishing vessels. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (16):836-7 DORS/63-294. Décret С.Р. 1963-1192: Réglement régissant le drawback afférent á la construction de navires, en vertu de la loi sur les douanes.- 14 août 1963 (SOR/63-294. Order in council P.C. 1963-1192: Ship construction drawback regulations, made under the customs act.- 14 August 1963) 9-11559 MF Fr 9-11558. Manitoba. Laws, 9-11560 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Statut.Manitoba, 12, Eliz.II, Chapter 29:95-7 An act to amend the game and fisheries act.- 6 May 1963 Amendments in respect of licences, transfer of rights, etc. 650 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES | Chile. Laws, 9-11561 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Santiago, (25.621):1886 Decreto número 442 por el que se divide el país en las zonas agrícolas y pesqueras que indica.- 16 de Julio de 1963 (Decree No.442 dividing the country into the agriculture and fisheries zones indicated.- 16 July 1963) Eight zones each covering two or more provinces. Denmark. Laws, 9-11562 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (17):333-5 Nr. 192. Bekendtggrelse om erhvervsmessig fangst, fiskeri og jagt i Grgnland.- 27. maj 1963 (Notification No. 192 concerning professional trapping, fishing and hunting in Greenland. - 27 May 1963). Da Revokes and replaces notification No. 292 of 11 November 1953. Fishing zone established at twelve nautical miles. Denmark. Laws, 9-11563 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Lovtidende A, (28):838-41 Nr. 307. Bekendtggrelse af lov om oprettelse af et kreditinstitut for fiskerierhvervet.- 6. august 1963 (Notification No. 307 relative to the act concerning the establishment of a credit institute for the fishing trade.- Ó August 1963). Da Extensive regulations under act No. 78 of 23 March 1932, as amended. France. Laws, 9-11564 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) J.off.Répub.franç., (180):7157-61 Loi de finances rectificative pour l'année 1963 (no 63-778 du 31 juillet 1963) (Act No. 63-778, amending the finance act, 1963.- 31 July 1963) Inter alia, amends art.500 of rural code in respect of fishery inspectors. Ireland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962)c Separate publication, (31) of 1962, 16 p. Fisheries (amendment) act, 1962: An act to amend the law relating to fisheries and for that purpose to amend and extend the fisheries (consolidation) act, 1959, and certain other enactments.- 13 December 1962 9-11565 MF Numerous amendments in respect of conservators, powers of courts, fishing methods, offences, etc. Luxembourg. Laws, 9-11566 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Mém.Luxemb.(A), (57):904-5 Règlement ministériel du 20 septembre 1963 concernant le repeuplement des cours d'eau affectionnés par les salmonidés (Ministerial regulation on the restocking of watercourses normally frequented by Salmonidae.- 20 September 1963) Gives number of troutlings to be introduced in the various rivers of the country. Netherlands. Laws, 9-11567 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Staatblad, Den Haag, text 312:1023-30 Wet van 30 mei 1963, houdende nieuwe regelen omtrent de visserij (Visserijwet) (Act containing new provisions relative to fisheries (Fisheries act).- 30 May 1963). Ne General provisions; registry of ships; sea fishing, coastal and inland fishing; improvement, etc. New Zealand. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962)C Separate publication, 1962/111, 1 p. Waters pollution amendment act 1962: An act to amend the waters pollution act 1953.- 6 December 1962 9-11568 MF Regulations may provide for appeals. Norway. Laws, 9-11569 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (19):498-502 Forskrifter for merking av hermetisk nedlagte fiskevarer m.v.- 10. mai 1963 (Regulations for marking of canned fish products, etc.- 10 May 1963). No Extensive regulations revoking and replacing 9 (11) regulations of 2 June 1958. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Peru. Laws, 9-11570 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6653):1 Resolución suprema No. 236-A por la que se establece que la oficina sectorial de planificación pesquera dependerá del Ministerio de agricultura.- 7 de junio de 1963 (Supreme resolution No. 236-A providing that the ministry of agriculture shall be responsible for the sectoral fisheries planning office.- 7 June 1963) Philippines. Laws, 9-11571 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Off.Gaz., Manila, (26):4044-5 Fisheries administration order No. 19-6 amending section 1 of fisheries administrative order No. 19, as amended by fisheries adminsitrative orders No. 19-1; 19-2; 19-3; 19-4; 19-5; and for other purposes.- 21 March 1963 Establishes the market values of marine or aquatic products of animals. Poland. Laws, 9-11572 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Dziennik Ustaw, (36), Text. (210):427-8 Rozporzadzenie ministra zdrowia i opieki ° spolecznej 2 dnia 7 sierpnia 1963 r.w sprawie warunków zdrowia wymaganuch od osób wykonujacych rybolöwstwo morskie (Order relative to sanitary conditions which must be met by persons engaging in sea fishing.- 7 August 1963) persons affected by diseases listed in the annex are prevented from handling fish. Spain. Laws, 9-11573 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol.ofic.Estado, Madr., (188):11771-99 Orden de 26 de julio de 1963 por la que se aprueba la reglamentación nacional de trabajo en la industria de la pesca de cerco y otras artes (Order approving the national labour regulations for the net fishing and other tackle industry.- 26 July 1963) 9 (11) 651 Sweden. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Svensk FérfSaml., (94-9):202-3 Kungl. maj:ts kung¥relse Nr 98 om ändrad lydelse av 4 par. kungörelsen den 22 maj 1953 (nr 242) angaende statsgaranti fdr försöksfiske.- 19 april 1963 (Royal notification No. 98 amending par. 4 of notification No. 242 of 22 May 1953 concerning government guarantees for experimental fishing.- 19 April 1963). Sv 9-11574 MF Concerns grant in case of loss on sale of catch. U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (146):7672-3 CFR title 21: Food and drugs - Chapter 1: Food and drug administration, department of health, education, and welfare - Subchapter A: General - Part 1: Regulations for the enforcement of the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act - new par. (g) added to par. 1.13: Food; exemptions from label requirements. - 22 July 1963 9-11575 MF Exemption applies to wrapped fish fillets of certain type. U.S. Laws, 0-11576 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (171):9639-41 CFR title 50: Wildlife and fisheries - Chapter 2: Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior - Subchapter G: Processed fishery products, processed products, thereof, and certain other processed food products - Part 261: United States standards for grades of frozen fried fish sticks.- 28 August 1963 These standards supersede standards which have been in effect since 21 August 1956. U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (171):9641-2 CFR title 50 - Chapter 2 - Subchapter G - Part 276: United States standards for grades A fried fish portions.- 28 August 1963 9-11577 MF Part 276 is a new part added to subchapter G. 652 U.S. Laws, 9-11578 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Fed.Reg.U.S., (171):9642-4 CFR title 50 - Chapter 2 - Subchapter G - Part 277: United States standards for grades oe raw breaded fish sticks.- 28 August 1963 New part 277 added to CFR 50. Uruguay. Laws, 9-11579 MF Statutes, etc. (1963) Diario ofic., Montevideo, (16674):30-A Decreto estableciendo un consejo de salarios para el personal de las actividades comprendidas en el Grupo 18, industria pesquera y convocando para la elección de delegados.- 27 de junio de 1963 (Decree establishing a wages council for personnel in group 18, the fishing industry and calling for the election of delegates.- 27 June 1963) Kesteven, G.L. (1963) 9-11580 MF Fish.News int., 2(1):9-13 The changing global fisheries An analysis of recent trends and the causes of them, leading to discussion of future possibilites, with special reference to the role of research. Dees, L.T. (1962) 9-11581 Fish.Leafl., Wash., (538):10 р. List of circulars of the U.S. fish and Wildlife Service ANC. (1053) оо (m Prirode, Loskve, 10:76-21 (The monster of Leke Loci-xess). El Canada. Laws, 9-11583 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):636-9 SOR/63-211. Order in council P.C. 1963-932 amending the Quebec fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963 Miscellaneous amendments concerning lake and river fishing, mainly in respect of bag limits and fishing methods. 9 (11) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(11), (13):660-3 DORS/63=211. Décret С.Р. 1963-932 modifiant le règlement de pêche du Québec en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 20 juin 1963 (SOR/63-211. Order in council Р.С. 1963-932 amending the Quebec fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 20 June 1963) 9-11584 Е Fr 9-11583. Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (тт), (16):892-3 SOR/63-300: Great Slave Lake fishing quote order, made under the Northwest Territories fishery regulations » pursuant to the fisheries act.- 31 July 1963 9-11585 F Revokes and replaces ministerial order respecting quotas of whitefish and trout in specified water areas of Great Slave Lake of 17 August 1959. Canada. Laws, 9-11586 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(iI), (16):929-30 DORS/63-300: Ordonnance sur le contingen- tement de pêche du Grand Lac des Esclaves, selon le règlement de pêche des Territoires du Nord-Ouest, en vertu de la loi sur les pêcheries.- 31 juillet 1963 (SOR/63-300: Great Slave Lake fishing quota order, made under the Northwest Territories fishery regulations pursuant to the fisheries act.- 31 July 1963) Fr 9-11585. :13 Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz.(II), (16):894 SOR/03-301. Lake trout fishing quote order, pursuant to the Ontario fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 31 July 1963 9-11587 PF MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Canada. Laws, 9-11588 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Can.Gaz. (11), (16):931 DORS/63-301. Ordonnance sur les contingen- tements de pêche à l'égard de la truite grise, en vertu de règlement de pêche de l'Ontario selon la loi sur les pécheries.- 31 juillet 1963 (SOR/63-301. Lake trout fishing quota order, pursuant to the Ontario fishery regulations made under the fisheries act.- 31 July 1963) Fr 9-11587. Italy. Laws, 9-1158 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Gazz.uff.Re ‚ital. (66):1250-1 Legge 14 febbraio 1963, n. 163: Integrazione della legge 21 marzo 1958, relativa all'in- cremento ed al potenziamento della pesca e della piscicoltura nelle acque interne (Act No. 163 supplementing act No. 920 of 21 March 1958, relating to the development and equipment of fishing and fish breeding in inland waters.- 14 February 1963). It Provides for further subsidies, now iso to be granted for small motors and fish-breeding equipment. Nigeria. Laws, 9-11590 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) West.Niger.Gaz., (59): Suppl., A125-A130 No. 25 of 1963. Carp (control) lew, 1963: A law for the control of the cuitivetion of carp and the rearing of carp and carp fry and for other matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.- 29 August 1963 Comprehensive provisions. Norwey. Laws, 9-11591 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Norsk Lovtid., (15):341-2 Fiskeregler for Stor-Elvásl.- 2. april 1963 (Fishing regulations for Stor-Elvdal.- 2 April 1963). No Extensive regulations under act of 2 June 1933 concerning protection of freshwater fish. 9 (11) 653 Peru. Laws, 9-11592 Е Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6626) :3 Resolución ministerial No. 1457 por la que se prohibe la pesca con fines industriales de la trucha en las aguas públicas del país desde el 15 de junio hasta el 15 de agosto.- 1 de junio de 1963 (Ministerial resolution No. 1457 prchibiting the industrial fishing of trout in public waters throughout the country from 15 June to 15 August.- 1 June 1963) To protect reserves during the spawning season. Peru. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Peruano, (6703):1 Ley No 14632 por la que se crea la estaciön experimental de piscicultura de Langui y Layo, de la provincia de Canas, - 27 de agosto de 1963 (Act No. 14632 creating the Langui and Layo experimental fish breeding station in the province of Canas.- 27 August 1963) 9-11593 F Spain. Laws, 9-11594 F Statutes, etc. (1963) Bol .ofic.Estado, Madr., (180):11392 Resolución de 20 de julio de 1963 por la que se dan normas sobre el aprovechamiento del cangrejo de río (Resolution laying down rules on the catching of river cray-fish.- 26 July 1963) Measures for the protection of the breed. Trent, H.M. & В. Anderson (1960)Bc New York, American Institute of Physics, 4h р. Glossary of terms frequently used in acoustics 9-11595 G Rschevkin, S.N. (Blunn, O.M. 9-11596 G Transl.) (1963 )BC London, Pergamon Press, 464 р. A course of lectures on the theory of sound Boutry, G.A. (1959) ICSU Rev. , 1:113-37 The 1.C.S.U. abstracting board its' story, ideas, methods and aims 9-11597 G 654 Bourne, C.P. (1962) Amer.Docum., 13(2):159-68 The world's technical journal literature: an estimate of volume, origin, language, field, indexing, and ebstracting 9-11598 G Melton, J.L. (1962) 9-11599 G Amer.Docum., 13(2):176-81 The semantic code today Analyzes sampling of the file of encoded abstracts of technical articles produced for the information retrieval system in operation at the Center for Documentation and Com- munication Research at Western Reserve University for the incidence of terms which had not yet appeared in the sematic code dictionary. The incidence of generic concepts of different classes appearing in the file and questions programmed for machine searches of the file is also analyzed. Analysis indicates that while new terms now appear, and will presumably continue to appear from time to time, their incidence is remarkably low except when an entirely new field is enterd. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (11) Thompson, M.S. (1962) Amer.Docum., 13(2):187-96 Peek-a-boo index for a broad-subject collection 9-11600 G Makes an attempt to take advantage of the associative-indexing principle, implemented by peek-a-boo cards, to provide a relatively simple yet effective method for finding things in spite of language problem. CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9—PART 12-REFERENCES 9-12001 to 9-12611 GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) ACMRR (FAO). Third Session, Rome, 1-8 March 1965 (1965) FAO Fish.Rep., (23):50 p. Report of the third session of the Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research 9-12001 M Reports implementation of recommendations of the second session. Gives guide lines for future programs, Fisheries Division's program of work for 1966/67 and following biennie in the field of marine resources research and management, coordination and cooperation with other bodies, and matters on which the IOC has requested advice. Appends Director General's opening address, statement by R.I. Jackson, Director of Fisheries, list of papers presented, list of participants, interaction between the world program of marine resources research and field activities for UNSF, remarks by the retiring chairman, Dr. A. Needler, and a statement by the representative of UNESCO/IOC, Dr. G. Hempel. Pr 8-115me and 8-116me. Canada. Fisheries Research 9-12002 M Board. Biological Station St. Andrews, N.B. (n.d. 1962?) Rep.biol.Sta.,St.Andrews, 1960-61:239 p. Restricted report. Canada, Fisheries Research 9-12003 M Board. Biological Station St. Andrews, N.B. (n.d. 1961?) Rep.biol.Sta. ‚St.Andrews, 1959-60 Confidential report. 9 (12) Bolgarov, S. (1961) 9-12004 M Nauka i Zhizn', 1:24 Sovetskii batiskaf (The Soviet bathyscaph) Bogdanov, M.A., S.I. Potaichuk & M.S. Edel'man (1961) Ryb.Knoz., (2):78-81 Mezhdunarodnie issledovaniia v Norvezhskom more (International research in the Norwegian Sea) 9-12005 M Zaitsev, V.P. (1961) 9-12006 M pao. (1) :76-82 Sessiia mezhdunarodnogo soveta po izuche- niiu moria, Moskva, 1960. 19-28 sentiabria (Forty -eighth session of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, held in Moscow, 19-28 September 1960) Australia, Commonwealth. 9-12007 M Department of Territories, Canberra, Territory of Papua (1960) Rep.Papue, 1959-1960:221 р. = Canada. Fisheries Research Board (1963) "CALANUS" series (1963) 9-12008 M Contains collected reprints of Board's arctic investigations in 1947 and 1948 and programs connected with the M/S CALANUS from 1949 to 1959, 656 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR keanogreficheskeis komissia, chan Moskve (1561) Biuli,okeanosr, Kon, ,kos 9-12009 M kva, (7):72 2. i Mezhdunarodnogo okeanogrefi- neressa, N'iu Iork, 1959, sentiabr, Material; cheskogo ko l-ia ;olcvire (Docvicents of First International Oceano- sreprical Corgress, нем York, Sept. 1959, 15% hal?) Rockwell, Y. (%d.)(n.d.1961)c 9-12010 M Weshington, D.C., Miller-Columbian Rerort- ing Service, 482 р. roceedings Contains 9-12011, 9-12094 to 9-12097, Coates, L.D. (n.d.1961) In 9-12010:10-6 Research aspects of the oceanographic program 9-12011 M Specially designed shirs are shown for research + & and survey projects, Quebec. Départment des Pécheries (1961) Repp.Sta. Biol.mar.Grande-Riviére, 1960:144 р. 9-12012 M Contains general report of research carried out and other activities, list of staff, charts of oceanographic stations and the following reports of particular studies: Production of zooplankton in the Chaleur Bay by G. Lacroix; Distribution and biology of Euphausidae in the Chaleur Bay in 1960 by G. Lacroix; Preliminary report of the work on lobster, Homarus americanus in the Magdalen Islands during 1960, by J. Bergeron; Commercial fishery of the salmon Salmo salar Г. in the region of Carleton, Quebec, in 1960, by J. Bergeron. Contains also report of librarian, on exchange service; list of periodicals received; notes on summer courses of general physiology of marine invertebrates and general marine biol- ogy; open days; list of publications, Nigeria. Federal Fisheries Service (1961) Occ.Pap.fed.Fish.Serv. Lagos, (2):18 р. Synopsis of the results of research by the W.A.F.R.I. scientists, 1952 to 1957 9-12013 M Short introduction and abstracts of pertinent publications, 9 (12) AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lacombe, H. (1961) C.R.Com. franc .Géod., 1960:135-46 Rapport de la section d'océanographie physique (Report of the physical oceanography section) 9-12014 M Debates various research work and meetings for the past year, and gives a bibliography of French publications, IMCO (1961) 9-12015 M Rep.intergov.marit.consult.Org.(Fr), 3:32 р. ANON. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(7):208-9 International Wheling Commission, annual meeting 9-12016 M Sixteenth Proceedings of the meeting, resolutions, conclusions, recommendations and decisions are briefly reported, Budget discussed. Fish, M.P. (1961) Pakist.J.Sci., 13(6):318-9 Voices of the deep 9-12017 M Notes on undersea noises and their investig- ation. Australia, CSIRO. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1962) Rep. Div. Fish, Oceanogr.C.S.1.R.0., 1961/1962 232 р. 9-12018 M Contains: Reports on cooperation with fisher- men, Operations of ships, investigations in fisheries biology, taxonomy, physiology, oceanographical researches incl, benthos, primary production and plankton, List of staff and publications, I-ATIC (1962) 9-12019 M Rep.Inter-Amer.trop.Tuna Comm., (1961):171 р. Annual report for the year 1961. Informe anual correspondiente al afio 1961 Summarizes the programme of and progress in investigations, reports the action of the commission at its annual meeting. An appendix gives a report by the director of the comm- ission's investigations dealing with com- pilation of current statistics, investigations on tuna and bait fish populations and on physical, chemical and biological oceano- graphy. Ci 9-12021 , 9-12022, Tho::son, J.M. (n.4.1063) C-12020 1 quart, Rep. vest.Físh.Proj.C.S.1.R.0. December 1962 - February 1963:10 р. Schaefer, М.В. (1962) 9-12021 M - Rep. Inter-Amer, trop. Tuna Comm. , (1961) :44-103 Report on the investigetions of the Inter- Americen Tropical Tuna Commission for the year 1961 En 9-12022, Schaefer, M.B. (1962) 9-12022 M Bep.Jrier-Amer, trop. Tuna Comm, , (1961) :104-71 Infon:. sobre las investigaciones de la Comision Interamericana del Atun Tropical correspondiente al año 1961 (Report on the investigations of the Inter- American Tropical Tuna Commission for the year 1961) Es 9-12021. Hamilton, E.H. (1963) Science, 142(3589) :215-6 Oceanography. The sea, on progress in the study of the seas. The earth beneath the sea: History 9-12023 M Мот. 5. Re 9-04012, Shepard, F.P. et al, (1964) 9-12024 y Science, 145(3636) :1042-6 Submarine geology by diving seucer Pickard, с.г. (1964)8c London, Macmillan, 199 p. Descriptive physical oceenogrephy 9-12085 M Lyman, J. (1964) Science, 145(3632):570-1 Synoptic oceanography. Descriptive physical Oceanography 9-12026 M Re 9-12025, [LA GENERAL Ideas and observations 9 (12) Pacific Marine Fisheries 9-12027 M Commission (1962) News Lett,Pacif.Mar.Fish.Com., (1):24 p. Contains plans for new projects and programs, tentative research results, cruise reports, cruise plans, new marking or tagging projects, mark or tag returns, including odd recoveries, personnel changes, promotions, up to date catch figures, significant trends, extra- ordinary catches, both commercial and sport, returns to hatcheries, forthcoming meetings, reports on meetings held, reviews of signifi- cant books and papers, notices of publications, significant news from beyond the northeast Pacific, Editorial note on functions and responsabilities of PMFC. Jordén, R.S. (1962) 9-12028 M Peru, Departamento de Biologfa,10 p. Informe sobre el viaje a las islas Guaneras de la zona sur y central (Santa Rosa a Don Martin) enero 1962 (Report on the voyage to the Guano islands, southern and central zone (Santa Rosa to Don Martin) January 1962) India, National Committee on 9-12029 M Oceanic Research (1962) New Delhi, Council of Scientific € Industrial Research, 46 p. International Indian Ocean Expedition, Indian scientific programmes 1962-1965 Details of vessels INS KISTNA, VARUNA, CONCH and BANGADA and their cruise tracks and programmes; personnel, facilities, fellow- ships etc.; programmes in various subject fields, incl. fisheries. GFC (1964) Inform, Bull, zen, Fish. Coun.hedit. 9-12030 M » (26) :42 р. IMCO (1961) London, IMCO, 21 p. Assembly. Second session 5 April - 14 April 1961. Resolutions and other decisions 9-12031 MG Do 60-154me, Chile. Centro Universitario Zone Norte (1961) Centro univ.Zona Norte, (3):71 p. 9-12032 MG Contains report on the york of marine biological station at Antofogasta, N. Chile, 657 658 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ICNAF (1962) 9-12033 MG Redbk_int.Corm, Vorthw.Atlant,Fish., Pt.1:48 р, IPFC (1962) 9-12038 MF Bangkok, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Contains chairmen's introduction; sections Far East, mimeo,56 p. on organization, publications, coordination Summary report of the tenth session Indo- with other international bodies; officers; Pacific fisheries council, Seoul, Republic review of scientific work on selectivity, of Korea stock assessment, environmental studies, statistics, sempling, tagging and ageing Agenda, addresses, plenary record, resolutions techniques; appends reports of subcommittees of council and its committees; list of on above subjects, delegates officers, committee members, of Pr 61-146me, publications and documents. Norman, J.R. & F.C. Fraser 9-12034 MF (Kreft, G. & К. Schubert, Transl.) (1963 )c a 9- смола PU a a Rep.Dep.Fish.Maharashtre, (1960-61) :87 р. General review and administretion; marine fisheries; second five year plan; Taraporevala aquarium and research; fisheries schools and treining; fresh water fisheries. Handbook for the use of biologists, fishermen, and naturalists. Part 1 deals with sharks, rays and skates, Part 2 with whales and dol- phins. General systematics, description of orders, families and genera; Detail character- istics, biology, ecology and importance of species are presented. Incl. classification keys, names in several languages and subject index, De J.R. Norman & F.C. Fraser, 1937. Natal Parks, Game and Fish 9-12040 MF GFCM (1964) 9-12035 MF Preservation Board (1961-62) Inform. Bull. gen.FPish,Cown.Medit,, (26):37 р. Rep.Natel Pks Pres.Bd, (14):34 р. Briefly reports activities of G.F.C.M., of its committees and officers, and of FAO amendment to regulations, administration of Fisheries Division and of other international trout hatcheries, and fish culture research organizations, Notes current fisheries py the board, developments in Mediterranean countries, Includes reports an the licenses sold, CCTA/CSA (1960) 9-12041 Е Moore, J.A. (Ed.)(1964)BC 9-12036 MF Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):244 р. New York, Academic Press, 651 р. Third symposium on hydrobiology and inland Physiology of the Amphibia fisheries; problems of major lakes, Troisiéme colloque sur 1'hydrobiologie et les pêches en eaux douces, Problèmes des grands lacs, Lusaka, 18-24 Aug. 1960 Gives report and recommendations of the meet- Smith, C.L. (196k) 9-12037 MF ings, technical papers on general studies on Nature,Lond,, 204(4963) :1022-3 major lakes; methods of analysis of waters; Amphibian physiology biology of fish, dynamics of fish population; ae hydrology; progress in fishculture. Incl, Re 9-12036, list of participants and working papers sub- mitted to the meeting. Contains 9-12042, 9-12130, 9-12178, 9-12179, 9-12330, 9-12468, 9-12516 to 9-12528, 9 (12) E GENERAL 659 Marlier, G. (1960) 9-12042 F oe! 6 A LG Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):102-6 RE В.) М. а & 9-120 F Le programme des recherches en cours sur de № (Eds. ) (196 JC les pêcheries du lac Tanganyika Paris, Hermann, 652 р. (The programme of research in progress on Е the fisheries of Lake Tanganyika) (Antarctic biology) 2 Principal problems and methods, DE Lamb, I.M. (1964) 9-12047 F Science, 145(3638):1292 GLFC (n.d.1962?) 9-12043 F Anterctic biology Rep.Gt Lakes Fish,Comm,, 1961:60 р. Re 9-12046, Reports on interim meeting and actions; Annual meeting (agenda, proceedings, parti- cipants, admin, report, lamprey control and research in U.S.A. and Canada and by co- operating state and provincial agencies); -12048 Е Summary reports on lake trout rehabilitation EAFRO (1962) 2 and lake trout assessment; Summary of fish- ery research in the Great Lakes in 1961. Do 60-359me, 61-186me. USFWS. Bureau of Sport Fisheries 9-12044 Е and Wildlife. Branch of Wild- life Research (1961) Circ.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv., (107):23 p. Patuxent wildlife research center Describes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife's eastern U.S.A. headquarters for research on wildlife problems and general concerns. Includes research on aquatic plants and animals, Roberts, К.С. € J.J. Keleher 9-12045 Е (1961) Progr.Rep.biol,Sta. London ,Ont. , (2) :3-4 M.V. STENODUS, research vessel at Great Slave Lake 9 (12) Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org.» (1961):47 p. Lists staff and publications and gives general account of work of the organization during period 1961 under following headings: Fishery of Lake Victoria, commercial records, popu- ulation analysis, rational exploitation, spp of Tilapia, small mesh gill net fisheries, Bagrus docmac investigation, Lates investigat- ion, breeding studies on Т. zillii and T. nigra the culture of Tilapia in ponds, migration of river fish, hydrology and algology, gear re- search, buoy releases, vertical gill nets. Incl. 9-12141, 9-12142, 9-12309, 9-12553 to 9-12557. Malacca, Tropical. Fish Culture Research Institute (n.d.1963? Rep.trop.Fish Cult.Res.Inst.Malacca, 1961-1962: — eee 28 р. 9-120h9 Е Otago Acclimatisation society (1960) Rep.Otaso Acclimatis,Soc,, (94):34 р. m in UI 9-12050 F Contains an account of its finances, administration and the game, fishing and fisheries research activities, Contains 9-12559 and 9-12147. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Erimesco, P. (1960) 9-12051 M Bull.Inst.Pêch.marit.Maroc, (5):1-16 Le tremblement de terre dans la baie d'Agadir (The earthquake of the Bay of Agadir), En Examines the effects of the earthquake in the harbour of Agadir and along the shore compar- ing systematic soundings with observetions reported by direct observers of the pheno- menon, Discusses growth effects of the earthquake on the zooplankton and on scatter- ing layer, Varlet, F. (1960) 9-12052 M Bull. Inst.Péch.merit.Maroc, (5):43-9 Note sur 1'hydrologie du plateau continent- al africain, du Cap des Palmes au Cap des Trois Pointes (Notes on the hydrology of the African continental shelf, from the Cape Palmas Cabo das Trés Pontas) Results of observations made from Feb. to April 1959, Contains graphs and tables of data, Zverev, S.M. (1961) Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geol.), 2:80-6 O stroenii osadochnoi tolshchi nekotorykh uchastkov Tikhogo okeana po dannym seismi- cheskikh otrazhennykh voln (Concerning the structure of the sedimentary layer in certain areas of the Pacific Ocean on the basis of data on seismic reflected waves) CR 62-01787. 9-12053 M Vartanov, S.P. € V.A. Kornev (1961) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 136(5):1172-5 Novye dannye o geologicheskom stroenii Severnogo Kaspiia po rezul'tatam morskikh seismicheskikh issledovanii (New data on the geologieal structure of the northern Caspian, based on the results of marine seismological research) 9-12054 M Girdiuk, G.B. (1961) Met.i Gidrol., 3:49-51 K metódike izmerenii radiatsionnogo ba- lansa i otrazhennoi radiatsii v morskikh usloviiakh (Towards a method of measuring the radiation balance and reflected radiation in marine conditions) 9-12055 M 9 (12) Dzens-Litovskii, A.I. & G.A. vasil'ev (1961) Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geol.), 3:101-9 Geologicheskie usloviia formirovaniia donnykh otlozhenii Kara-Bogaz-Gol v sviiazi s kolebaniiami urovniia Kaspiiskogo moria (The geological conditions of the formation of bottom deposits in the Kara Boghaz Gulf in relation to the fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea) 9-12056 М Zenkevich, М.Г. & N.S. Skornia- kova (1961) Priroda, 2:47-50 Zhelezo i marganets na dne Tikhogo okeana (Iron and manganese on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean) 9-12057 M Kiselev, V.I. (1961) Met.i Gidrol., 1:49-53 Kompleksnaia apparatura dlia distantsion- nykh gidrologicheskikh izmerenii v more (Complex apparatus for long-distance hydro- logical measurements at sea) 9-12058 M Krylov, A.Ia, A.P. Lisitsyn € Iu.I. Silin (1961) Izv.Akad.Neuk SSSR(geol.), 3:87-100 Znachenie argon-kalievogo otnoshennia y okeanicheskikh ilakh (The significance of the argon-potassium ratio in oceanic silts) 9-12059 M Lavrov, V.M. (1961) Dokl.Akad,Neuk SSSR, 136(l) :892-5 Geologicheskoe stroenie materikovoi otmeli zapadnogo poberezh'ia Iuzhnogo Sakhalina (The geological structure of the continental shelf of the west coast of southern Sakhalin) 9-12060 M Mashkevich, T. (1961) Nauka i Zhizn', 1:39-43 O korenie tsarstva Neptuna, M.V. Klenovoi (The conquest of Neptune's kingdom, Concern- ing the marine geologist, M.V. Klenovoi) 9-12061 M O geologe moria PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Nevesskaia, L.A. & E.N. 9-12062 M Nevesskii (1961) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 136(5):1193-6 O sostave fauny i osobennosti razvitiia _ Azovo-Chernomorskogo basseina v pozdne- chetvertichnoe vremia (On the nature of the fauna and the peculiar- ities of the development of the Azov-Black Sea basin in the late Quaternary age) Pivovarov, А.А, € V.S. Lavorko 9-12063 M (1961) Met.i Gidrol., 1:43-6 O sutochnom khode sostavliuiushchikh sol- nechnoi radiatsii i al'bedo moria (On the daily rate of incidence of the com- ponents of solar radiation and the albedo of the sea) Sokolov, 0. & 5. Zolotov (1961) 9-12064 M Ryb.Promyshl,, (56):39 p. Podvodnye issledovaniia, sb.Statei, Soder- zhanie: Podvodnyi fotoavtomat; Podvodnaia kamera dlia kinosemok; Poävodnyi fotometr; Podvodnyi ul'trafioletovyi izluchatel'; Glubokovodnyi impul'snyi osvetitel'; Lampa- vspyshka dlia podvodnogo fotografirovaniia, Izmeritel' podvodnykh techenii (Submarine research - State coll. : Contents: Automatic underwater camera; Underwater cine-camera; Underwater lightmeter; Under- water ultra-violet ray apparatus; Deep- water impulse floodlight; Flash lamp for underwater photography; Subsurface current flowmeter) Tiutnev, Ia.A. (1961) Met.i Gidrol., 2:36-40 Uproshchennyi metod rascheta teplovogo balansa poverkhnosti moria (A simplified method of calculating the thermal balance of the sea surface) 9-12065 M Sharikov, Iu.D. € Т.А. Cherkasov 9-12066 M (1961) Met.i Gidrol., 3:46-8 Opyt primeneniia aerofotosemki v izuchenii morskikh poverkhnostnykh techenii (Experiment in the use of aerial photography in studying sea surface currents) Deacon, G.E.R. (1964) 9-12067 M Quart, Trans.R.Instn nav.Archit., 106(1):27-38 Review of recent advances in physical oceano- graphy Deals with wave recording, wave prediction, waves in shallow water, microseisms, long waves, ocean currents, internal waves, the sea floor and tides, and mean sea level. 9 (12) 661 Adrov, M.M. (1961) 9-12068 M Nauchno-tekh, Biull. poliar,nauch-issled. Inst, morsk.ryb.Khoz., 1(15):22-6 Rezul'taty okeanograficheskikh rabot Sovets- kogo Soiuza i Skandinavskikh stran v Norvezhs- kom i Grenlandskom moriakh v iiune 1960 (Results of the oceanographical work of the Soviet Union and Scandinavian countries in the Norwegian and Greenland seas in June 1960) Giles, L.A., Jr. € J. Livingston (1960) Trans.N,Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:297-303 Oil pollution of the seas 9-12069 M Summarizes the problem with special reference to seabirds in North America, Chekotillo, K.A. (1963) Dok1.Akad.Nauk, SSSR, 153(3):585-7 Intensivnost' vertikal'nogo perenosa vod v okeane (The intensity of the vertical transfer of oceanic waters) 9-12070 M Bezrukov, P.L. & V.F. Kanaev (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 153(4):926-0 Osnovnye cherty stroeniia dna severo-vostoch= noi chasti Indiiskogo okeana (The fundamental traits of the bottom structure of the north-eastern part of the Indian Ocean) Panov, D.G. & A.N. Aleksandrov (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 157(4) :894-6 Raspredelenie zheleza v poverkhbostom sloe osadkov Azovskogo moria (Iron distribution in the superficial sediment layer of the Azcv sea) FAO: 9-12072 M Il'in, A.V. (1964) Dokl, Akad,Nauk SSSR, 157(6):1358-61 Morfostruktura dna Atlanticheskogo okeana (The morphostructure of the Atlantic Ocean bottom) 9-12073 M Lilienberg, D.A., K.I. Mishev & 9-12074 M V.I. Popov (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 159(3):552-5 Novye dannye о chernomorskikh terrasakh Strand-zhinskogo poberezh'ia Bolgarii (Recent data on black-sga terrasses of the Strandjin shore of Bulgaria) 662 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Zenkevich, Г.А, € А.М. Bogoiavlenskii (1963)B 5828.4 (10457) Detailed oceanographic research in the region of the Kurile-Kamchatka Deep in May-June 1953 9-12075 M En Zenkevich, L.A. € A.N. Bogolavlenskii, 1959. Available from the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, Sarynina, R.N. (1960)B Nauch.-tekh.Biull.PINRO, 2(12):14-8 (Seasonal and long term changes of the temper- ature and salinity of the waters of the cold Bear Island current). Ru 9-12076 M Sarynina, R.N. (1964)B 9022.56 (25) Seasonal and long term changes of the temper- ature and salinity of the waters of the cold Bear Island current 9-12077 M Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. Artanova, A.K. & V.G. Maskadynia 9-12078 M (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(1):30-5 Vydelenie ochagov formirovaniia vozdushnykh mass nad severnoi chast'iu Tikhogo okeana (Identifying foci of air mass formation over the northern part of the Pacific Ocean) Belinskii, N.A. (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(2):197-205 Okeanografiia i moreplavanie (Oceanography and navigation) 9-12079 M Dobrovol'skii, A.D. (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(1):12-24 Ob opredelenii vodnykh mass (Determination of water masses) 9-12080 M Egor'eva, A.V. (1961)C Moskva, Geografiz., 9 p. Baltiiskoe more. Prirod.osobennosti i bogatstva moria, portovye goroda, ikh khoziaistvennoe znachenie (The Baltic Sea: natural characteristics and resources of the sea; ports and their economic importance) 9-12081 M 9 (12) Zverev, N.I. & G.I. Morskoi (1961) Met.i Gidrol., (5):37-41 K voprosu ob analize vzaimodeistviia atmosfery i gidrosfery (Contribution on the analysis of interaction between atmosphere and hydrosphere) 9-12082 M Ivanov-Frantskevich, G.N. (1961) 9-12083 м Okeanol.Issled,, 7-17 O nekotorykh osobennostiakh gidrologicheskoi struktury v vodykh massakh Indiiskogo okeana (Some characteristics of the hydrological structure in water masses of the Indian Ocean). En Izhevskii, G.K. (1961)c Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 216 p. Okeanologicheskie osnovy formirovaniia promyslovoi produktivnosti morei (Oceanological basis of the commercially valuable resources of the sea) 9-12084 M Kirillov, Т.Р. & А.А. Rybnikov (1961) Trud.GOIN., 60:78 р. Gidrometerologicheskie nabliudeniia na nauchno-promyslovykh sudakh AKF "5ТАУА" v 1958-59 (Hydrometeorological observations on scientific and commercial vessels of the SLAVA Arctic whaling flotilla in 1958-9) 9-12085 M Nefed'ev, V.P. (1961) Okeanologiia, 1:36-44 Glubinnye vodnye massy morei Indonezii (Deepwater masses of the' Indonesian seas) 9-12086 M Pakhorukov, V.I. (1961) 9-12087 M Nauch, -tekh, Biull PINRO, 1(15):27-32 Gidrologicheskie usloviia v vesenne-letnii period 1960 v Severo-Zapadnoi Atlantike | (Hydrological conditions in the North-West Atlantic during the spring and summer of 1960) Plakhotnik, A.F. (1961) . 9-12088 м Trud.Inst,Istor,Estest,i Tekh., 37(2):53-80 Istoriia izucheniia okeanov i morei, Predystoriia okeanograficheskikh issledovanii | (ot drevneishikh vremen do poslednikh | desiatiletii 19-go у. (Kr.izlozhenie rezul' tatov raboty avtora po istorii fiz.okeano- grafii) | (History of the study of oceans and seas, Pre- | history of oceanographical research, from | ancient times to the last decades of the nineteenth century. A brief account of the author's conclusions on the history of phy- | sical oceanography ) { PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Romanov, Iu.A. (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(2):251-6 O raschete gradientov davleniia pri posroenii polia vetra nad morem (Calculation of pressure gradients in constructing the wind field above the sea) 9-12089 M Sorkina, A.I. (1961) Trud.GOIN, 61:159-68 Obzor issledovanii po tipizatsii atmosfer- nykh protsessov nad okeanami (Review of research on the type classification of atmospheric processes above oceans) 9-12090 M Sorkina, A.I., N.P. Goptarev & N.V. Kucherov (1961) Trud.GOIN, 61:199-207 Metodika sudovykh nabliudenii nad vetrom (Technique of wind observations performed on board ship) 9-12091 M Stepanov, V.N. (1961) Okeanologiia, 1(2):213-9 Osnovnye razmery Mirovogo okeana i glavnei- shikh ego chastei (Principal dimensions of the world ocean and its main parts) 9-12092 M suziumov, E.M. (1961) 9-12093 M Vestnik AN SSSR, 3:67-77 Izuchenie Mirovogo Okeana (The study of the world ocean) Snodgrass, J.M. (n.d.1961) In 9-12010:29-56 Brief historical background in the develop- ment of oceanographic instruments, present state of the art, and some new concepts 9-12094 M Brief sketch of oceanographic instruments given, with many photographs. Fusselman, В.О. (n.d.1961) In 9-12010:66-78 Operational aspects of oceanographic instrumentation, Part 1. For the hydro- graphic office (operations) 9-12095 M The problem is discussed from an hydrographic and fisheries aspect, and coastal engineering aspect. Schule, J.J.,Jr., (n.d.1961) In 9-12010:129-38 Applied research instrumentation requirements including ASWEPS. Part 1. For the hydro- graphic office (ASWEPS) 9-12096 M Applied research instrumentations are classi- fied and briefly mentioned with various branches, including biology and fishery. 9 (12) 663 Hendrix, C.N.G. et al. 9-12097 M (n.d. 1961) In 9-12010:349-404 Required oceanographic instrument suit for oceanographic survey vessels Table of necessary instruments and their simple explanation. Incl. required instruments for fishery research, Blumenstock, D.I. (Ed. )(1960)A Atoll Res.Bull., (75):105 p. A report on typhoon effects upon Jaluit Ato11 9-12098 M Goddell, H.G. & D.S. Gorsline (1961) Rep.int.geol.Congr., 21, Pt.23, 1960:75-88 A sedimentologic study of Tampa Bay, Florida 9-12099 M Barkley, В.А. € Т.5. Austin (1961) In 62-05183 :339-0 Distribution of properties about the equa- 9-12100 M torial undercurrent Sections are given snowing the distribution of salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen along 140 deg.W between № deg.N and Ц deg.S and along the equator from 140 deg.W to the Galapagos Islands. Favorite, F. (1961)A 9-12101 M In 62-05183 :343-4 Pacific subarctic circulation Roden, G.I. (1961) 9-12102 M Geoffs.int., 1(3):55-72 sobre la circulación producida por el viento en el Golfo de Tehuantepec y sus efectos sobre las temperaturas superficiales On the wind-driven circulation in the Gulf of Tehuantepec and its effects upon surface temp- eratures Low winter temperatures are related to the wind induced mass transport divergence, the magnitude of which is about 0,02 g cm” зес71 during а winter gale. А spectral analysis of ten-day temperature and wind anomalies indicates that anomalies in adjacent two degree squares of latitude and longitude are coherent and almost simultaneous, 664 ICES (1962) 9-12103 M Denmark, Charlottenlund Slot, unpag. Mean monthly temperature and salinity of the surface layer of the North Sea and adjacent waters from 1905 to 1954 24 graphs, and tables, are included. Morales, P.R. & F. Ottmann 9-12104 M (1961) Bol.Inst.oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):5-20 Primer estudio topográfico y geológico del Golfo de Cariaco (A first topographical and geological study of the Gulf of Cariaco). En fe Gade, H.G. (1961) 9-12105 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):21-4 Informe sobre las condiciones hidrogré- ficas en el Golfo de Cariaco, para el reriodo que empieza en mayo y termina en noviembre de 1960 (Report on the hydrographic conditions in the Gulf of Cariaco from May till November, 1960). En Results from monthly cruises during 1960 are presented in the form of a series profiles of isolines of salinity, temperature and oxygen, Kato, K. (1961)A 9-12106 м Bol.Inst.oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):49-72 Oceanochemical studies on the Gulf of Cariaco 1. Chemical and hydrographical observations in January 1961. Es Prahm, G. (1961) Dtsch.hydrogr,Z., 14(6):217-39 Die Beobachtungen auf dem Feuerschiff "s2", Ein Beitrag zur Hydrographie des Grenzbereichs zwischen Deutscher Bucht und stldwestlicher Nordsee (The observations on light vessel "52". A contribution to the hydrography of the area between German Bight and the south-western part of the North Sea). En pr 9-12107 M Hydrographic material obtained during the period from 1948 to 1953, 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Walden, H. (1961) Dtsch. hydrogr.Z., 14(6) :239-53 Der hohe komplexe Seegang am nordatlantischen Wetterschiff "K" am 6, Dezember 1959 (The high complex wind sea near the North Atlantic weather ship "K" on December 6, 1959). En Fr 9-12108 Mm Bordovskii, О.К. € B.A. Smirnov (1962) Geokhimiia, (11):1009-13 (Structural-group composition of oil fractions of bitumens of bottam sediments in the Bering Sea). Ru 9-12109 M Sediments contain in the average about 65 % of asphaltenus, 25 % of resins and 10 % of odds, Allan, T.D., H. Charnock & С. Morelli (1964) Nature,Lond., 204(4965):1245-8 Magnetic, gravity and depth surveys in the Mediterranean and Red Sea 9-12110 M Currie, В.Г. (1964) Nature,Lond., 204(4965):1261-2 Oceanography in Brazil 9-12111 M Re 8-100me. Bieri, R., M. Koide € E.D. Goldberg (1964) Science, 146(3647):1035-7 Noble gases in sea water 9-12112 M Samples of sea water obtained at depths up to 3437 m from Pacific Ocean were measured by mass spectrometry. An excess of hélium is calculated. van Andel, T.H. & J. Laborel G-12113 M (1964) Science, 145(3632) :580-1 Recent high relative sea level stand near Recife, Brazil Radiocarbon dates for Vermetidae indicate sea level stands. Determination is possible because of the well-defined habitat of the fossils dated. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Sweden, Fishery Board (1962) 9-12114 М Rep.Fish.Bd Swed.Hydrogr,, (14):117 р. Hydrographical observations on Swedish light- ships in 1960, Sv Monthly tables of observations in the Baltic Sea and Kattgat on direction and force of wind, air temperature, direction and speed of surface and near bottom currents, water temperature and salinity at different depths, Morgan, J.R. (1962)3 9-12115 M Proc.U.S.nav.Inst,, 88(11):60-9 A decade of oceanography Blanchard, D.C. (1963) 9-12116 M In 9-10054:73-202 The electrification of the atmosphere by particles from bubbles in the sea Evaluates quantity of electric charge separated at the surface of the sea by studying the oceanic production of particles, cherge separation at the surface and oceanic charge production. Makes suggestions for future research, Incl, full bibliographic referenc=s on the subject, Seibold, E. (1963) In 9-10054:3-70 Geological investigation of near-shore sand-transport - examples of methods and problems from the Baltic and North Seas 9-12117 M Describes morphological, petrofabric and petrological methods as they are presently used in Germany. Gives results for North and Baltic Seas. Incl, full bibliographic references on the subject, Fuglister, F.C. (1963) 9-12118 M In 9-10054:265-90 Gulf Stream '60 Discusses the results obtained from the expedition named as per title, Presents data on the path of Gulf Stream; direct subsurface current measurements; profiles of temperature, salinity and oxygen; velocity and transport, 9 (12) 665 Cox, R.A. (1963) In 9-10054:243-61 The salinity problem 9-12119 м Gives histórical background and reviews methods and apparatus in chlorinity and conductivity measurements, the precision of modern salinity determinations and conduct- ivity/chlorinity/density relationships. Incl. full bibliographic reference list on the subject, Parsons, T.R. (1963) 9-12120 M In 9-10054:205-39 Suspended organic matter in sea water Discusses distribution and composition of living and dead components of particulate organic matter in sea water and reviews methods for estimating them. Interprets results obtained by available methods with respect to utilization of organic matter by secondary producers, Incl, full bibliographic references on the subject, L8ffler, H. (1961) 9-12121 MF Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., k6(3):309-406 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Iranischen Binnengewässer 2, (Contributions to the knowledge of Persian brackish water 2.) Co 9-0408k, Gessner, F. € L. Hammer (1961) 9-12122 MF Bol. Inst,oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):263-71 Untersuchungen ther das Lichtklima in den kUstennahen Meeresgebieten vor Cumana (Venezuela) (investigations on light penetration in marine waters along the coast of Venezuela). En Es The transparency of the water was estimated using a Seceni disc. The reading of 15,5 m is a relatively low value for tropical waters, The transmission of light, measured with a photocell, in the first meter of water was 82% in the Cariaco Trench, 77% in the Gulf of Cariaco and 68% in Mochima Bay. ¡jes 666 Water Research Association (1962) Bibliogr.Wat.Res.Ass., (9):25 P. Desalination for water supply 9-12123 MF 216 references arranged by methods: General; distillation; electrodialysis; freezing; other processes; and within these, by authors! names and date. Prepared for DSIR of UK in fulfillment of responsibility accepted by WRA to follow current developments in saline water conversion, Restricted. Mon, А.Г. & В.Е. Zhaimina 9-12124 MF (1962) Geokhimiia, (11):1000-8 (Boron distribution in recent lake sediments). Ru Silt solutions are enriched in boron, They are related to silts enriched in organic matter, Shows the increase of the water-soluble boron in salt-water and fresh-water silts with the increase of organic carbon, this dependence being less distinctly expressed for sediments of fresh-water basins. States that the boron content (absolute and relative) in silt sol- utions decreases with depth. Water Information Center (1962) 9-12125 MF Res,Developm.News Wat.Inf.Cent,, 3(9):2 p. This issue contains notes on training courses on radioactive pollution; water resources studies in U.S.A.; films, meetings, new re- search projects. Water Information Center (1962) Wat.Newslett., 4(17):4 р. 9-12126 MF This issue contains notes on construction of artificial fishing lake; pollution by pesticides; control of aquatic weeds by snails; study of marine pollution using dyes; farm ponds in U.S.A. Tarasov, M.N. (1961) Priroda, 2:72-7 "Geograficheskii paradoks" khimicheskii sostav vody oz.Balkhash - i ego obiasnenie ("A geographical paradox" - the chemical composition of the water of lake Balkhash - and its explanation) 9-12127 F 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Wruble, О.Т. et al, (1964) Radiol,Hlth Data, 5(11):557-67 Radioactivity in waters and sediments of the Colorado River basin, 1950-1963 9-12128 F Summary of radioactivity found in surface water and sediment samples, and some con- clusions regarding differentiation between natural radioactivity and radioactivity due to uranium mining and milling activities, Livingstone, D.A. (1963) 9-12129 F Prof.Pap.U.S.geol.Surv., (440-6):61 р. Data of geochemistry. Sixth edition, Chapter G. Chemical composition of rivers and lakes A compilation of representative chemical data, many previously unpublished, for the lake and river waters of the world, NE Р.М. Clarke, 1924. Marlier, G. (1960) 9-12130 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):75-80 Rapport sur le lac Tumba (Report on Lake Tumba) Studies a lake in Congo River drainage: chemistry, invertebrate fauna, fish and the fishery, recommendations for management, Popovskaia, G.I. & K.K. Votintsev (1964) Dokl,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 158(1):208-11 Biostok reki Selengi i ego rol' у zhizni selenginskogo melkovod'ia Baikala (Biologic run-off of the Selenga-river, and its role in the life of the Selenga shallow- waters of Lake Baikal) 9-12131 F Rybanov, I.V., M. Mirakhmedov & A. Sharipova (1964) Dokl, Akad,Nauk SSSR, 158(3):622-№ Angidrit v sovremennykh solevykh otlozhen- iiakh Sarykamyshskikh ozer (Annydrite in modern salt-deposits of the Sarakamysh lakes) 9-12132 F Gameson, A.H.L. (1964) New Scient., 22(389) :295-8 Pollution of London's river 9-12133 F en ane CO rt PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY Stewart, D. (1963) New Scient., 18(345):716-8 Detergents and river foam 9-12134 Е Foam may be eliminated by the use of molecules that are more readily broken down by bacteria; practical answers are now being applied in new manufacturing plants, Summers, P.B. (1961) 9-12135 F Job Compl. Rep.fed.Aid Div.Okla.Dep.Wildl, Conserv., Sept. 1961:1-42 - Observations on the limnological dynamics of Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir, Ecological investigations Limnological investigation prior to stocking with walleye pike (Stizostedion vitreum). Smith, M.A. (1961) 9-12136 F J.chem,Engng Data, 6(4):607-8 Physical properties of some Halo-Nitrophenols Reports on 8 compounds toxic to lamprey larvae. Yaguchi, M. et al, (1961) 9-12137 F Rep. Ibaraki pref,Fish,Sta,Lakes Kasumigaura Kitaura, (6):81-93 (Limnological studies of lakes Kasumigaura and Kitaura (1959)). Ni Yaguchi, M., M. Suno € I. 9-12138 F Nekano (1961) Rep.Ibaraki pref.Fish.Sta.lakes Kasumigaura Kitaura, (6):95-105 (Limnological studies of lakes Kasumigaura and Kiteura (1960)). Ni Leonard, J.W. & S.A. Cain (1961)A Recent Advanc.Bot., Sect.12:1422-6 The role of herbicides in wildlife management 9-12139 F Illies, J. (1961) Int,Rev.Hydrobiol,, 46(2):205-13 ‘Versuch einer allgemeinen biozönotischen Gliederung der Fliessgewässer (An attempt at general biocenotic classific- etion of flowing waters) 9-12140 Е Telling, J.F. (1962) 9-12141 F Rep.E,Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., (1961) :40-2 Report on limnological work 9 (12) 667 Hamblyn, E.L. (1962) 9-12142 F Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., (1961) :46-7 A note on Lake Rudolf Ryhänen, R. (1962) 9-12143 Е Suom, Tiedeakat,Toim. ,(A 111), (63):27 р. Über den Zustand der Gewässer im Stidlichen Einzugsgebiet des Kokemäenjoki (Finnland). 2. Das Untersuchungs- gebiet und seine Belastung (The condition of the waters in the southern Kokemäenjoki region (Finland). 2. The area investigated and its pollution) Ryhänen, R. (1962) 9-12144 Е Suom, Tiedeakat,Toim,,(A 111), (64):82 р. Über den Zustand der Gewässer im Südlichen Einzugsgebiet des Kokemäenjoki (Finnland). 3.A. Ergebnisse der chemischen und physikalischen Winteruntersuchungen (The condition of the waters in the southern Kokemäenjoki region (Finalnd).3.A. Results of the chemical and physical investigations in winter) Co 9-12143. Ryhänen, R. (1962) 9-12145 F Suom, Tiedeakat,Toim.,(A 111), (65):41 р. Über den Zustand der Gewässer im Stdlichen Einzugsgebiet des Kokemilenjoki (Finnland). 3.B. Ergebnisse der chemischen und physikalischen Sommeruntersuchungen (The condition of the waters in the southern Kokemäenjoki region (Finland). 3.B. Results of the chemical and physical investigations in summer) Co 9-12144, Mäemets, A. (1961) Eesti Loodus, (6):347-9 Kahest looduskaitset vädrivast järvest (Two lakes that deserve to be protected). Eesti En Ru 9-12146 Е Lake Valgjärv and Lake Mustjärv are of considerable scientific interest and should be placed unde state protection, Lake Valgjärv may be regarded as the most oligotrophic lake in the Estonian S.S.R. Fauna includes a number of species of northern es that are rare in Estonia, e.g. Ophryoxus gracilis, Holopedium gibberum etc. Lake Mustjärv is a dystrophic lake with both an inlet and an out- let, 668 Scott, D. (1960) 9-12147 Е Rep.Otago Acclimatis.Soc,, (9№):20-5 The rehabilitation of the Tomahawk Lagoon as a trout fishery Scott, D. (1961)C 9-12148 г Univ, of Otago, Southland Acclimatisation Society, mimeo, Hp. The suitability of tributaries of the Oreti and Aparima for the establishment of Atlantic salmon, Report No. 1. The first report of a survey of the tributaries of the Oreti and Aparima for the establishment of Atlantic salmon, Scott, D. (1961)c 9-12149 Е Univ.of Otago, Southland Acclimatisation Society, mimeo, 3 p. The suitability of tributaries of the Oreti and Aparima for the establishment of Atlantic salmon. Report No. 2 Second report of a survey of the tributaries of the Oreti and Aparima rivers for establishment of Atlantic salmon, Co 9-12148. Hough, J.L. (1962)A Bull, geo1.Soc.Amer., 73:613-20 Lake Stanley, a low stage of Leke Huron indicated by bottom sediments 9-12150 Е Issued also as: Contr,Gt Lakes Res.Div., (14). USPHS (1962) 9-12151 F Publ.Hith Serv.Publ.,Wash., (847):21 р. Pollution-caused fish kills in 1962 Third annual report of fish kills caused by pollution occurring in the United States, BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES USPHS (1964) Radiol.Hlth Data, 5(11):521-77 9-12152 FG Contains section on water tabulating data for the month May 1964 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; a report on radioactv- ity in waters and sediments of Colorado River basin 1950-1963, and radionuclide analysis of coast guard supplies, USPHS (1963) Radiol.Hlth Data, 4(7):332-91 9-12153 FG Contains section on "water" tabulating data for the month January 1963 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc. USPHS (1963) Radiol.Hlth Data, 4(12):579-623 9-12154 FG Contains section on "water” tabulating data for the month June 1963 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc. USPHS (1964) Rediol.Hlth Data, 5(1):1-43 9-12155 FG Contains section on "water" tabulating data for the month July1963 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc, USPHS (1964) Radiol.Hith Data, 5(2):45-102 9-12156 FG Contains section on "water" tabulating data for the month August 1963 for radioactivity in raw surface waters; also global integrals of fallout, etc. ANON. (1964) New Scient., 22(389):291 Radioactive gold keeps track of a river bed 9-12157 G PLANKTON Sveshnikov, V.A. (1961) Zoo1.Zh., 4O(2):164-77 Pelagicheskie lichinki polikhet Belogo moria (Pelagic larvae of White Sea Polychaeta), En 9-12158 M Federov, A.V. (1961) 9-12159 M Nauch, Dokl .vyssh.Shk.(biol.), (1):95-102 Nakoplenie nekotorykh radioizotopov v masso vykh formakh planktonnykh organizmov severnykh morei (Accumulation of various radioisotopes in the plentiful plankton forms of northern waters) 9 (12) Cerrai, E. et al. (1963) 9-12160 M Energia nucl, ‚Milano, 10:315-8 Gross beta radioactivity of plankton samples collected in the Adriatic and Ligurian seas from May 1961 to November 1962 Determines gross beta radioactivity in 31 samples of plankton, Some decay curves are reported which show approximate half lives similar to those of mixtures of fission products, Gives correlation between the activity level and the occurrence of atmos- phere nuclear tests, NSA 17(19)31845. PLANKTON 669 Alberti, V. (1961) 9-12161 M An.Univ.Norte, 1(1):5-11 La productividad biologica del mar y la actividad pesquera (The biological productivity of the sea and fishing activities) General article, Zelickman, E.A. (1961) 9-12162 M Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(2):276-81 The behaviour pattern of the Barents Sea Euphausiacea and possible causes of seasonal _ vertical migrations Kemshilov, M.M. (1961) 9-12163 M Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(2):282-7 Some long-term changes in the fauna and biological productivity of the Barents Sea and their causes Wawrik, F. (1961) 9-12164 M Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 46(3):460-79 Die horizontale Verteilung der Plankton- diatomeen im Golf von Neapel (The horizontal distribution of the plank- tonic diatoms in the Gulf of Naples) Simonsen, R. & T. Kanaya (1961) 9-12165 M Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(4):498-513 Notes on the marine species of the diatom genus Denticula Kütz Legaré, J.E.H. (1961) 9-12166 M Bol. Inst.oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):131-48 Some euphausiids from the Orinoco delta, the Gulf of Paria and the Gulf of Cariaco, eastern Venezuela, Es Lists fourteen species: Thysanopoda tricus- pidata, Eupheusia americana, Е. brevis (1), Е. gibboides » E. hemigibba, Е. mutica, Е. pseudogibba, Е. tenera, Nematoscelis microps (?), Nyctiphanes simplex, Stylocheiron ebbreviatum, S. affine, S. carinatum, S. submii. Zoppi, E. (1961) 9-12167 M Bol.Inst.oceanogr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):173-90 Medusas de la región este de Venezuela (Medusae from eastern Venezuela). En The most abundant medusae of these regions were: Liriope tetraphylla, Aglaura hemi- stoma and Rhopalonema velatum. Legeré, J.E.H. (1961) 9-12168 M Bol, Inst.ocesnogr.Univ. Oriente, 1(1):191-211 Preliminary survey of the zooplankton of the Cariaco region, Es Investigations of the abundance, composition and distribution of zooplankton within the Cariaco region of eastern Venezuela were carried out in May to November 1960, Zoppi, E. (1961) 9-12169 M Bol, Inst,oceanogr, Univ. Oriente, 1(1):219-47 Distribución vertical del zooplancton en el Golfo y extremo este de la fosa de Cariaco (Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the Gulf of Cariaco and east of the Cariaco Trench). En Preliminary zooplankton investigations carried out from May to October, 1960 in the Gulf and Trench of Cariaco, Lee, M.O. (Ed.)(1964)B 9-12170 M Washington, NAS/NRC, 186 p. Biology of the Antarctic seas Eight papers presented here are devoted to experimental biology, with special emphasis on the whale food, or krill, Euphausia superbe Dane. Marr, J.W.S. (1964) 9-12171 M Nature,Lond,, 204(4965):1239 Biology of the Antarctic Seas Re 9-12170, Meänikov, B.M. (1961) 9-12172 MF Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk, (Ъ101.), 1:11-2 Modifikatsiia metoda Brodskogo-Baskakova dlia bystrogo scheta planktona (A modification of the Brodsky-Baskakov rapid plankton count method) Iashnov, V.A. (1961) 9-12173 MF Zool.Zh., +0(1):122-8 Skorostnaia plankticheskaia set' (A high-speed plankton net). En 670 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kiss, R. (1960)A 9-12179 F Rybak, J.I. (1960) 9-12174 Е Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):97-101 Ekol.polsk,(A), 8(6):133-53 Note sur la technique de l'emploi d'un Kozmieszczenie skorupiakow planktonowych w complexe de filets pour la pêche du zoo- litoralu i pelagialu ze szczegolnym uwzgled- plancton pour les lacs Tanganyika et Kivu nieniem granicy miedzy tymi biotopami (Note on the technique of using a complex (Distribution of crustacean plankton in the of nets for collecting zooplankton from littoral and pelagial with special reference Tanganyika and Kivu Lakes) to the boundary between these biotopes). mL) Te Work on Lake Tajty. Vandel, A. (1963) 9-12180 F Malovitskaia, L.M. (1961) 9-12175 F New Scient., 19(346):37-8 Zool.Zh,, 40(3):457-61 Life in a cave Raspredelenie diaptomid (Copepoda, Calan- oida) v Rybinskom vodokhranilishche Outlines facilities and work at the CNRS (The distribution of the Diaptomidae, speleological laboratory, Moulis, France, Copepoda, Calanoida, in the Rybinsk storage Reports investigations on Proteus and lake). En Niphargus. Kozhova, O.M. € E.A. Kazantseva 9-12176 F (1961) y Mikrobiol.Moskva, 30(1):113-7 a a (1961) 9-12181 F O sezonnykh izmeneniiakh chislennosti bak- Zool.Zh., 40(1):13-9 | terio-planktona v vodakh ozera Baikal 4 wwe semostoiatel'nosti Acanthocyclops (On the seasonal changes in the number of americanus (Marsh) i nakhozhdenii ego у SSSR (On the status of Acanthocyclops americanus bacterioplankton in Lake Baikal). En ; (Marsh) as an independent species and its occurrence in the USSR). En Stankovic, O.P. (1960) 9-12177 F Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked., 2(10):27 p. Contribution à la connaissance du zooplancton des champs de riz dans la RP de Macédoine (Contribution to the knowledge of the zoo- Kralik, U. (1961)A 9-12182 F plankton of the rice fields in the RP of Irt.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(1):65-74 Macedonia), Ru Fr Beiträge zur Systematik von Peritrichen Cilieten Qualitative and quantitative study in the area (Contributions to the systematic of Peri- of Skopje. tricha-Ciliata) Therezien, Y. (1960)A 9-12178 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):82-5 Note sur le plancton présent dans le lac Ihosy situé au nord de Mahanoro et étude de Bursche, E.-M. (1961) 9-12183 F quelques contenus stomacaux de certaines espèce: Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 46(4):610-52 de poissons fréquentant le lac Anderungen im Chlorophyllgehalt und im (Notes on the plankton present in Lake Ihosy Zellvolumen bei Planktonalgen, hervorgerufen to the north of Mahanoro and study of some durch unterschiedliche Lebensbedingungen stomach contents of certain species of fish (Changes in the chlorophyll contents and in frequenting the lake) cell volume in planktonic algae, caused by differences in living conditions) 9 (12) de Gero, J.B. (1960)A 9-12184 М Bull.Inst.Pêch.marit.Maroc, (5):31-2 La composition minérale de algues phéophy- cées Laminaria ochroleuca de la côte atlantique du Maroc (The mineral composition of the phaeophycean alga Laminaria ochroleuca of the Atlantic coast of Morocco) Birstein, J.A. (1960) 9-12185 м Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked., 3(2):33-8 Ueber eine neue Art der Gattung Austroniscus Vanh8ffen (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) aus grossen Tiefen des nord-west- lichen Teiles des Stillen Ozeans (On a new species of the genus Austroniscus Venhüffen (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from great depths in the north-western Pacific), Ru Had¥i, J. (1960) 9-12186 M Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked., 3(2):99-129 Filogenetski znacaj neopiline (The phylogenetic significance of Neopilina), Hr De Vialov, О.С. & N.L. Zenkevich 9-12187 M (1961) Izv.Akad,Nauk SSSR(geol.), 1:52-8 Sled polzaiushchego zhivotnogo na dne Tikhogo okeana (The tracks of crawling life on the Pacific Ocean bed) Petrov, K.M. (1961) 9-12188 M Zool.Zh., 40(3):318-25 Biotsenozy rykhlykh gruntov chernomorskoi chasti podvodnogo sklona Tamanskogo poluos- trova (Loose-bottom biocoenoses of the Black Sea portion of the Taman' peninsula submarine slope) Gorbenko, Iu.A. (1961) 9-12189 M Mikrobiol.Moskva, 30(1):168-72 O naibolee blagopriiatnom kolichestve "sukhogo pitatel'nogo agara" v sredakh dlia kul'tivirovaniia morskikh geterotrofnykh mikroorganizmov (The most favourable quantity of "агу nutrient agar" for culture media for marine hetero- trophic microorganisms), En 671 BENTHOS Polikarpov, G.G. (1961) 9-12190 M Dokl,Akad,Nauk SSSR, 136(1):921-3 Rol' detritoobrazovaniia v migratsii stron- tsiia-90, tseziia-137 i tseriia-144, Opyty s morskoi vodorosl'iu Cystoseira barbata (The role of detritus formation in the migra- tion of sr, 65131 and Cer, Experi- ments with the marine alga Cystoseira barbata) Spivak, F.I. (1961) 9-12191 M Zh.Mikrobiol., (3):115-20 Vodnye vibriony Kol'skogo zaliva (Water forms of Vibrio in Kola Bay). En Shtefan, M. (1961) 9-12192 M Zh.obshch.Biol,, 22(1):78-80 Izuchenie periodicheskoi aktivnosti chernomorskikh balianusov (An investigation of the periodic activity of Black Sea barnacles), En Hendey, N.I. (1964) 9-12193 M Fish.Invest.Lond., (№):317 р. An introductory account of the smaller slgae of British coastal waters. Part 5: Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) Gives an account of life history, reproduction, structure classification, and distribution of frequently occurring diatoms to be found in open sea, coastal waters, estuaries and on mudflats and salt marshes, Describes in detail taxonomic features, reproduction, pigments, colony formation, movement, distribution and ecology. Includes analytical key to families and genera, Lists spp., describing their morphological characteristics and distribution, Commonly occurring spp, are illustrated by line drawings and photographs, Dow, В.Т. & FST, Beara, JE, 9-12194 M (1960) Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fisn Wildl.Serv, -Fish, (367): + De Scallop resource of the United States Passamaquoddy area Placopecten magellanicus, 672 Newton, L. (1963) In 9-04025:325-55 Uses of seaweeds 9-12195 M Reviews uses of microscopic and macroscopic algae; geogrephical distribution of harvest- able spp; agriculture, uses in pharmaceutical end medicinal purposes and for human con- sumption, Incl. bibliographic list, Moskalev, L.I. (1964) Dokl Akad. Nauk SSSR, 158(5):1221-2 Rasprostranenie Acmaeidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) v severnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (The distribution of Acmaeidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) in the northern part of the Pacific) 9-12196 M Brett, С.Е. (n.d. ) TID-19122, 211 p. Relationships between marine invertebrate in fauna distribution and sediment type dis- tribution in Bogue Sound, North Carolina, Final report 9-12197 M Hydrographic, sedimentary, and faunal data are collected periodically and all animals studied live within the bottom sediments, Concludes that if radioactive materials are introduced the greatest concentration by uptake in bottom sediments will occur where commercial shellfish are most concentrated, NSA 17(19)31817. Messenger, J.B. (1963) Nature, Lond., 197(4873):1186-7 Behaviour of young Octopus briareus Robson 9-12198 M Of interest as it has not pelagic larval stage in its development. Article reports observations on living adult and young at marine laboratory of University of Miami in April 1962. Rees, W.J. (1963) Neture,Lond,, 197(4873) :1223 Jubularia crocea L. Agassiz in British waters 9-12199 M Colonies found attached to a rope at intake of Cliff Quay power station, near Ipswich, on the River Orwell in July 1959. Bielig, H.-J. et al. (1963) Nature,Lond,, 197(4873) :1223-4 Beginning of the accumulation of Vanadium during the early development of the Ascidian Phallusia mamillata Cuvier 9-12200 M BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 9 (12) ANON. (1964) New Scient,, 22(389) :304 The lobster quadrille? 9-12201 M Describes the autumal migration of Panulirus aryns from shallow to deeper water in the Bahamas, ANON. (1964) New Scient., (LOL) :364-5 Sea urchins do have hearts 9-12202 M Note on work by R.A. Boolootian and J.L. Campbell showing that the axial gland functions as a blood pump, Viazov, O,E. € A.I. Muralova (1961) Biull.eksp.Biol.Med., (2):100-2 Normal'nye antitela protiv regeneriruiushchei tkani lucha (Asterias ribena) (Standard measures against regenerating Asterias ribena), En 9-12203 M Pequegnat, W.E. (1961) Nat.Hist. ‚N.Y., 70(5):47-55 Life in the Scuba zone. Diet and fom are the keys to population densities in the shallow, offshore waters 9-12204 M An article, with photographs, on the life of a Californian reef, Carlisle, J.G., Jr., C.H. Turner 9-12205 M & E. Ebert (1964) Fish, Bull, Sacramento, (124):93 р. | Artificial habitat in the marine environment | | Describes installation of artificial reefs to improve sport fishing in coastal waters of S. California and presents scientific data on fauna and flora in near habitat, Florey, E. & D.D. Chapman 9-12206 M (1961) i Comp, Biochem,Physiol., 3(2):92-8 The non-identity of the transmitter substance | of crustacean inhibitory neurons and gamma- | aminobutyric acid Studies on Cancer magister (Dana) and Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards, Merrill, A.S. (1961) Bull. Amer.malac.Un., (23):4-5 Some observations on the growth end survival of organisms on the shell of Placovecten magellanicus 9-12207 м Merrill, A.S. (1961) 9-12208 M Bull.Amer.malac.Un., (28):14 The sea scallop fishery Placopecten magellanicus on the Massachusetts coast, Kessel, H. (1961) Eesti Loodus, (4):205-11 Limuste levik l#änemeres seoses sool- susega (The distribution of molluscs in the Baltic and its relation to salinity). Eesti 9-12209 M Based on material pertaining to molluscs col- lected by the author from the territory of the Estonian 5.5.В. during 1952-1955 and on 19 analyses of sea-water salinity rade in 1955- 1956. Kosntoyants, Kn.S., G.A. Buznikov & В.М. Manukhin (1961) Comp. Biochem,Physiol., 3(1) :20-6 The possible role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the motor activity of embryos of some marine gastropods 9-12210 M Seven nudibranch species were examined, viz. Dendronotus frondosus, Coryphella rufibranch- ialis, Acanthodoris pilosa, Aeolidia papill- osa, Onchidoris muricata, Cadlina leevis and Cuthona sp. (concinna?). Beechey, R.B. (1961)A Comp. Biochem.Physiol., 3(4):161-74 Some spectrophotometric studies on respiring particles isolated from the nepatopancreas of Carcinus maenas 9-12211 M Stevens, T.M., C.E. Howard & R.W. Schlesinger (1961)A Comp. Biochem.Physiol., 3(3):310-4 Free amino acids in sera of the marine inverte- brates, Cancer irroratus, Limulus polyphemus and Homarus americanus 9-12212 M BENTHOS 9 (12) 673 ferkut, С.А. & М.А. Price (1961) 9-12213 M Comc.B.ocher .Physiol., 3(3):315-7 Histamine concent of tissues from the crab Carcinus reenss AE ES Caspers, H. (1961) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(2):175-83 Beobachtungen Über Lebensraum und Schwärmveriodizitä+ 9-12214 M des Palolowurmes Eunice viridis (Polychaeta, Eunicidse) (Observations on space required for life and swarm periodicity of the palolo worm Zunice viridis 29 A von Haffner, K. (1961) int.Rev.:Hdrobiol., 46(2):18h-20h Der Deu und die Verwandischaftsbeziehungen des Palolowurmes Eunice viridis Gray (Polychaeta, Eunicidae) (The structure and points of relationship of the Palolo worm Eunice viridis Gray (Polychseta, Eunicidae)) д съ в 9-12215 М Barnes, Н. (1961) Int,Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(3):427-8 Variation of the seasonal growth rate of Balanus balanoides with special reference to the presence of endogeneous factors 9-12216 M Menzies, R.J. (1961) Oikos, 12(1):170-2 Suggestion of night-time migration by the wood-borer Limnoria 9-12217 M Data suggests that Lirmoria tripunctata Menzies shows a diurnal migratory activity, Blomquist, H.L. € L,R. Almodóvar (1961) Nova Hedwigia, 3(5\-57-8 Тре occurrence of Gelidiella tenuissima Felén, et Hamel in Puerto Rico 9-12218 М Examination of external characteristics and in- ternal structure of this red alga, found on the roots of mangrove, Issued also as: Contr.Inst.Mar.Biol.Univ. Puerto Rico, 3(24). 674 Biebl, R. (1962) Protoplasma, 55(3-4):572-606 Protoplasmatisch-okologische Untersuchungen an Mangrovealgen von Puerto Rico (Protoplasmic and ecological investigations on mangrove algae of Puerto Rico) 9-12219 M Rhizophora mangle roots were investigated and algal communities described. The ecological resistance of algae was discussed, Issued also as: Contr.Inst.Mer.Biol.Univ, Puerto Rico, 3(37) Kun, M.S. € L.V. Mikulich (U.K. MAFF Transl,) (1962) Lowestoft, Fish.Lab., mimeo, 12 р. Composition of the diet of far-eastern crabs of commercial quality during the summer 9-12220 M En Kun, M.S. & L.V. Mikulich, 1954. Beklemishev, K.V. (М.Г. Klawe, 9-12221 M Transl, )(1962) Le Jolla, I-ATIC, 5 p. The secret of concentration of crustaceans off the Mexican coast Deals with observations on the biology of Pleuroncodes planipes in the waters off Baja California, En 61-02695. Bernasconi, Т. (1962) с-12222 М Contr, cient.Cent.Invest,Biol,mar, ,B,Aires, (2):257-8 Perknaster densus petagonizus nueva sub- especie de la Argentina (Perknaster densus patagonicus new subspecies from Argentina) Diagnosis of the species, Kulichkova, V.A. (U.K. MAFF Transl,)(1962) Lowestoft, Fish.Lab., mimeo, 21 р. The feeding habits of the Kamchatka crab in the spring-summer period on the coasts of Kamchatka and Sakhalin 9-12223 M En Kulichkova, У. As LOD De 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Fang, T.C. et al, (1963) Sci.sinica, 12:1011-7 The breeding cf a new variety of haidai (Laminaria japonica Aresch.) 9-12224 M A new variety of L. japonica has been bred by intensive inbreeding and selection by using materials obtained from the haidai cultivation industry at Tsingtao, It seems to have good orosvects in cultivation, ANON. (1963)B Shipb.Shipp.Rec., 102(5):152 Seaweed's resistance to copper anti-fouling paint 9-12225 M U.K.MAFF (1962) 9-12226 M Lab. Lesafl.M.A.E. E. (2):9 p. Spotlight on the American whelk tingle Leaflet by Dr. D.A. Hancock calls attention to serious damage done to U.K. oyster fish- eries. Methods of control are described. Manton, S.M. (1964) Nature,Lond., 204(4063):1020-1 The pogonophores 9-12227 M Re 9-08012, Perkins, Е.О. & В.М. Menzel 9-12228 M (1964) Nature,Lond., 204(4963) :1106-7 Maintenance of oyster cells in vitro tenzel, H.B. (1962) 9-12229 M Science, 142(3589) :232-3 Aregonite and calcite as constituents of adult oyster shells Crassostrea virginica was investigated. Taseki, I. &M. Luxoro (1964) 9-12230 M Science, 145(3638) :1313-4 Intracellular prefusion of Chilean giant squid axons Akihito, P. (1964) 9-12231 M Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):1-6 (Glossogobius biocellatus (Cuvier et Valenciennes) collected in Kyushu). Ni En Counts and measures and other characteristics compared with those of Phillipines and previously described specimens, BENTHOS Joshi, U.N. £ D.V. Bal (1962)A 9-12232 M Proc.indian Acad.Sci.(B), 56(6):372-6 Cassidina extende, a new species of isopod from Bombay Krishnamoorthi, В. (1962) 9-12233 м Proc.Indian Aced.Sci.(B), 56(6):363-71 Salinity tolerance and volume regulation in four species of polychaetes A study of the salinity tolerance and volume reguletion in four species of polychaetes: G.embranchiata, O. erimita, Г. medusa and >. insecta. С. insecta showed lower mortality rates and greater powers of osmoregulation than those of the other three species of polychaetes; also gives notes on their dis- tribution. Ayers, W.A. (1962) 9-12234 M Canad.J.Microbiol., 8(6):861-7 The influence of cobamides on the endogenous and exogenous respiration of a marine bacterium Oxidation of propionate, isobutyrate, valerate, isoleucine, and valine as well as endogenous respiration of a By -deficient marine bacterium was stimulated by the addition of vitamin Bj2 to washed cell suspensions. `Мас1еоа, В.А. € T.I. Matula (1962) Canad.J.Microbiol., 8(6):883-96 Nutrition and metabolism of marine bacteria 11. Some characteristics of the lytic phenomenon 9-12235 M Five bacteria examined found to differ in lytic susceptibility, Tardy, J. (1962) 9-12236 M Bull, Inst, oc&anogr. Monaco, (1255):20 De A propos des espéces de Berghia (Gastéro- podes Nudibranches) des côtes de France et de leur biologie (About the species of Berghia (Gasteropoda Nudibrenchiata) of the French coast and their biology). En Systematic revision of Berghia coerulescens and В. verrucicornis based on the morphology, anetomy and biology of the species, Devenport, D. (1962)B 9-12237 M Bull.Inst.océanogr.Monaco, (1237):15 р. Physiological notes on actinians and their associated commensals 9 (12) 675 Davenport, D. (1962) 0-12233 M Bull.Inst.océanogr.Monaco, (1236):2 р. The responses of tentacles of actinians to electrical stimulation, Fr Study of the responses of isolated sea-anemone tentacles to electrical stimulation is described. sp. Anemonia sulcata, Radianthus spp., and Tealia felina, CR 9-12237, 62-02647. Karpevich, A.F. (1961) Zool.Zh., 40(3):340-50 Adaptivnyi kharakter morfologii spermato- zoidov i iaits dvustvorchatykh molliuskov (The adaptivity of the morphology of the 9-12239 MF _ spermatozoa and eggs of bivalvular Mollusca), En Serenkov, С.Р. $ M.V. Pakhomova 9-12240 MF (1961) Nauch.Dokl.vyssh.Shk.(biol.), (1):167-71 Izuchenie uglevodov nekotorykh vidov vodoroslei (A study of carbohydrates in some species of algae) Rubel, М. $ H. Stumbur (1961) Eesti Loodus, (4):237-41 Veealusest uurimist88st eesti NSV-s (On underwater researches). Eesti 9-12241 MF Discusses results of the first experimental underwater investigations carried out by the Geology Institute of the Estonian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Examples are listed of the development of necrocoenoses of lacustrine and marine molluscs and of the sea-bottom microrelief in three different localities, Kerut, G.A. & R.M.A.P. Ridge 9-12242 MF (1961) Comp.Biochem.Physiol., 3(1):64-70 The effect of temperature changes on the resting potential of crab, insect and frog muscle Bielawski, J. (1961) 9-122h3 MF Comp.Biochem.Physiol., 3(3):250-60 The influence of the salinity of the medium on respiration in isolated gills of the clem Dreissensie polymorpha (Pall, ) Investigated by a polarographic method in flowing media of different chemical composition 676 Rethsack-Künzenbach, В. (1961) 9-12244 MF Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 16(%) :653-63 Zur Cyanophyceenflcra der Westküste von Rügen I (The Cyanorhycae off the western coast of Rügen Islend) Suzuki, R. (1964) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):18-22 Hybridization experiments in cyyrinid fishes. 7. Reciprocal crosses between Pseudogobio esocin and Biwia zezera Eseudogob1o ESOTIENS DEMES Sud G-122:5 MF Results of experiment based or morphological studies to ascercain the influence phylogenetic relationship on success of hybrid develorwent, CR ¢-045h2, Gessner, F. & L. Hemmer (21961) c-12246 MF Bcl.inst.oceenosr.Univ.Oriente, 1(1):273-84 Skologisch-physiologische Untersuchungen an Valonia vertricosa (Ecological and physiological investigations on Valonia ventricose), En Es Investigations on assimilation and respir- ation. Ling, S.W. (n.d. 1962)A 9-12247 MF Mimeo, 16 p. A general account on the biology of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergi, and methods for its rearing and culturing Rushforth, N.B., I.T. Krohn & L.K. Brown (1964) Science, 145(3632) :602-3 Behaviour in Hydra: Inhibition of the contraction responses of Hydra pirardi 9-12248 MF Stanczykowska, A. (1960) Ekol.polsk.(A), 8(7):155-68 Rozmieszcenie i dynamika liczebnosci mieczakow dennych na lasze wislanej Konfed- eratka pod Wyszogrodem (Distribution and fluctuations in the number of benthic mollusca in the Konfederatka branch of the Vistula near Wyszoyod). PL De 9-12249 Е Data for 1952-1955. 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pljakié, М.А. (1960) Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked., 3(2):15-23 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Taksonomie, Vertellung und Migration des Gemmarus pungens М. Edw, n.ssp. carinata, n.ssp. acarinata (A contribution to knowledge of the taxonomy, distribution and migration of Gammarus pungens M. Edw. n.sp. carinata, n.sp. acarin- ata), Ru S-12250 Е Boris, S. (1960) Izd.Zav.Rib.Meked. ,3(2):27-32 KARAMANIELLA pupetta n.g., n.sp., ein neuer Amphipode aus Slovenien (KARAMANIELIA pupetta n.8., n.sp., a new amphivod from Slovenia), Ru 9-12251 Е Petkovski, Т.К. (1960) Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked., 3(2):57-66 Zwei neue Ostracoden aus dem Ohrid- und Prespasee (Two new ostracods from lakes Ohrid and Prespa), Ru 9-12252 Е Stankovic, 5. & М. Pljakic (1960) izd.Zav.Riv.Maked., 3(2):67-97 Variabilité intraspécifique des amphipodes et des isopodes endémiques du lac d'Ohrid (Intraspecific variability of the endemic amphipods and isopods of lake Ohrid), Hr 9-12253 № Abrikosov, G.G. (1961) Zoo1.Zh,, 40(3):334-9 Sistematika i geograficheskoe rasprostran- enie roda Fredericella (Bryozoa, Phylactolae- mata ) (Systematics and geographical distribution of the genus Fredericella (Bryozoa, Phylacto- laemata)), En 9-12254 F Torsukov, S.N. (1961) 9-12255 Е Zoo1.Zh., 40(2):275-6 K metodike razbora donnykh gidrobiologi- cheskikh prob (A note on hydrobiological bottom-sampling procedure). En Fedorov, V.G. (1961) 9-12256 F Zool.Zh., 40(1):133 O prisposoblenii nekotorykh moliuskov k vysykhaniiu vodoema (The adaptation of certain molluscs to the drying out of the water in which they live) Russev, B. (1960)A 9-12257 Е Dokl.bulgarsk.Akad.Nauk, 13(3):327-30 Die Bedeutung des Gesetzes von Baer-Babinet zur Kl#rung der Zoobenthosverteilung in der Doneu zwischen dem 375 und 845 km von der Mündung (The siznificance of Baer-Bebinet's law for the explanation of tne zoobenthos distrib- ution between 375 and 845 kms from the mouth of Danube). Ru LY vun Williams, W.D. (1963) 9-12258 F Proc.zool.soc.Lond. , 140(4):661-79 The ecological relationships of isopod crustaceans Asellus aqueticus (L.) and А. meridianus Rac. Detailed survey of suitable localities on Merseyside, an investigation of the. chenge in ratio of two species with time in two localities (Llyn Llywenan, Lake Windermere), and = transference experiment support suggestion that A, meridianus and A, aqueticus are in competition, and that former is gradualiy being replaced by latter, te from leboratory experiments proved inconclusive, ЕАО :efz Jensen, W,I. & J.P. Allen 9-12259 F (1960) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:171-80 A possible relationship between aquatic invertebrates and avian botulism Describes a study in Utah (1955-59) to det- ermine the relationship, if any, between Clostridium botulinum and aquatic inverte- brates, Geglione, P. & O. Ravera (1962) R.C.1st. lombardo, 96:157-64 (Mn?* concentration from fall-out in relation to the age and organs of Unio mancus elongatulus (Mollusca, Lamellibranchia)). It NSA 17(19)31847. 9-12260 Е Konstantinov, A.S. (1961)B 9-12261 F RTS 2069 On the food of some predacious Chironomidae larvae En 8-07161. Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. BENTHOS 9 (12) 677 Porfir'eva, N.A. (1961) Zoo1,zh., №0(3):15-6 К zoogeografii planarii SSSR (A note on the zoogeography of Planaria in the USSR) 9-12262 Е Konstantinov, д.5. (1961) Tsitologiia, 3(1):119-22 O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniia khironomid dlia tselei tsitogeneticheskogo analiza (On the possibility of using Chironomidae for cytogenetic analysis) 9-12263 F L ) 0-12264 F : 12 ‚ars de ntribuciôn а un catálogo de los moluscos (Contribution to a catalogue of the fresh- water gestropod molluscs of Chile) spp. in 6 families listed, with ill, key nd distribution maps. Castro, C. (1961) Zonérida, (1):3-11 El camarón de río del norte, Cryphiops caementarius (Molina) (The shrimp of the northern rivers, Cryphiops caementarius (Molina) ) 9-12265 F Nomenclature and distribution of the species; descriptive biology and general ecology. Houser, A. € J.Y. Gaylor (n.d, 1961?) Mimeo, 3 р. Initial results of silvex used in seven Oklahoma ponds 9-12266 F Reports effects of weedicide, Paper presented at fourteenth annual meeting of the Southern Меей Conference, January 18, 19 and 20, 1961 in St. Petersburg, Florida, Schwabe, G.H. & R. Simonsen (1961) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, №6(2):255-68 Cyanophyceen und Diatomeen aus der Krater- оазе Мал) en-Namus (Fezzan, zentrale Sahara) (Cyanophyceae and diatomaee from crater- oasis Wau en-Namus (Fezzan, central Sahara)) 9-12267 Е 678 Fischer, Z. (1961) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 16(2) :269-75 Sore data on the Odonata larvae of small pools 9-12268 Е Davis, C.C. (1961) 9-12269 F Int,Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(3):429-33 A study of the hatching process in aquatic invertebrates. 3. Hatching in Dineutus assimilis Aubé (Coleoptera, Gyrinidae) Co 62-00250. Asahina, S. (1961) Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 46(3):441-6 Is Epiophlebia laidlawi Tillyard (Odoneta, Anisozygoptera) a good species? 9-12270 Е Claus, G. (1961) 9-12271 F Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., 46(4):514-1 Contributions to the knowledge of the blue- green algae of the Salzlackengebiet in Austria Schlüter, M. (1961) 9-12272 F Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, №6(№):562-609 Die Diatomeen-Gesellschaften des Natur- schutzgebietes Strausberg bei Berlin (The diatom associations in the natural reserve, Strausberg, near Berlin) Holton, R.W. & J. Myers (1963) 9-12273 F Science, 142(3589) :234-5 Cytochromes of a blue-green alga: Extraction of a c-type with a strongly negative redox potential Aqueous extraction of lyophilized Anacystis nidulans cells were followed by chromatography, separating 3 different c-type cytochromes. 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Correll, D.L. (1964) Science, 145(2632) :588-9 Sialic acid-containing glycopeptide from Chlorella 9-12274 F ) 4 : . А С1+ labeled polyanion was isolated fron Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Jobin, М.В. & А.Т, Ippen (1964) Science, 145(3638) :1324-6 Ecological design of irrigation canals for snail control 9-12275 В Describes a control method based on engineer- ing the microenvironment of Australorbis glabratus, George, M.G. (1962) 9-12276 F Proc.Indian Acad.sci.(B), 56(6):354-62 Occurrence of a permanent algal bloom in a fish tank at Delhi with special reference to factors responsible for its production Microcystis aeruginosa - a study of the chemical ecology. Prowse, С.А. (1962) Gdns' Bull,, 19,Pt.1:1-104 Diatoms of Malayan freshwaters Describes freshwater specimens of Bacillario- phyceae in the Federation of Maleya and Singapore. Illustrates them, Provides keys to the genera, 9-12277 Е Gani, J. (1963)B J.R.statist.Soc.(B), 25(1):140-9 Models for a bacteriel growth process with removals 9-12278 G ANON. (1960) World Fish., 9(7):44-51 Japan spreads the net wide, 200 fishing vessels based in foreign countries 9-12279 M An account of overseas fishing enterprises, Aleksendrov, V.K. (1961) 9-12280 M Ryb.Khoz,, (2):46-53 Opyt primeneniia gidroakusticheskikh priborov pri poiske i love ryby v tropiches- kikh vodakh (Experience of the use of hydroacoustic devices to locate and catch fish in tropical waters) Baral, А.А. (1961) 9-12281 M Ryb.Khoz., (2):37-45 Metody poiska sel'di v Severno-Atlantike (Methods of locating herring in the North Atlantic) Vinogradov, N.N. (1961) 9-12282 M Ryb.Khoz., (1):20-6 O vliianii konstruktsii kutkov tralov na razmernyi sostav ryby v ulovakh (The effect of trawl bottom design on the size of fish in the catches) Kemenskii, E.V. & F.P. Muragin 9-12283 M (1961) Sudostroenie, (2):1-5 Rybolovnyi trauler LESKOV (The fishing trawler LESKOV) ANON. (1961) 9-12284 M Ryb.Khoz,, (1):14-5 Kitobaza "Iurii Dolgorukii" (The "Iurii Dolgorukii" whaling base) Kozyrchuk, L.R. & E.G. Iusupov (1961) Sudostroenie, (3):1-5 Refrizheratornoe rybmorozil'noe sudno TAVRIIA (The fish-processing refrigerator ship TAVRIIA) 9-12285 M 679 FISHING 9 (12). Shentiakov, V.A. (1961) 9-12286 M Ryb.Khoz., (1):32-8 O nekotorykh parametrakh elektropodbora ália tralovogo elektrolova ryby (Some of the electrical selection parameters for electrically operated trawls) Travin, V.I. (1961)c 9-12287 M VNIRO, 95 p. Rybolovstvo v raionakh severo-zapadnoi Atlantiki (Fishing in the N.W. Atlantic) Brief characteristics of the hydrology of the N.W. Atlantic Ocean, division of areas, West-European fisheries, Soviet fisheries. Iakovlev, V.I. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (1):15-9 Otsenka vozmozhnostei ispol'zovaniia sektor- nykh radiomaiakov dlia opredeleniia mesta sudov na promysle v Severno-Atlantike (An estimate of the possibility of using sector radio beacons to determine the posit- lon of vessels fishing in the North Atlantic) ANON. (1961) 9-12289 M Ryb.Khoz,, 2:88-90 Vsesoiuzna konferentsiia po usovershenstvo- vaniiu tekhniki lova i obrabotki sardiny, Kaliningrad, 1960, 22-25 noiabria (All-Union conference on improving the tech- nique of sardine fishing and processing, held in Kaliningrad, 22-25 November 1960) 9-12288 M Pechenik, L.N. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (2):82-6 Tralovyi lov FRG v prolive Devisa, zapad, poberezh'e Grenlandii (Trawler fishing of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Davis Strait, west coast of Greenland) 9-12290 M Reintjes, J.W. & С.М. Roithmayr (1960) Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish., (347): 18 pe - Survey of the ocean fisheries off Delaware Bay. Supplement report, 1954-57 9-12291 M Concludes a survey of the ocean fisheries off Delaware Bay for the period 1954-57, Incl. some deta on the 1958 winter fisheries, Pakistan, Government (1960) 9-12292 M Rep.explor.Fish.Cst W.Pakist., 1955-1958:14 р. Concludes that trawling is not a commercial proposition, Suggests catching pelagic fish with lampara nets, and introduction of purse seines. 680 Pakistan, Central Fisheries Department (1963) Rep.Fish.Dep.Pakist., teat ds 9-12293 M The emphasis during this period was on mechan- ization and operation of the wholesale fish market at Karachi which started functioning from 6th October 1959. Berger, T.S. (1961)B Nauch, tekh, Biull.PINRO, 1(15):45-9 (The fishery characteristics of the west Spitsbergen area), Ru 9-12294 M Berger, T.S. (1963)B 9022.56 (35) The fishery characteristics of the west Spitsbergen area 9-12295 M En 9-12294. Available from National Lending Library for science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire. Hillaby, J. (1964) New Scient., 23(404) :368-70 Crisis in the whaling industry 9-12296 M Article briefly summarises history of Antarctic whaling, and comments on actions by the IWC and the reports of its Scientific Committee and Committee of Four Scientists on regulations needed for rational management of these stocks, El Salvador, Dirección de Estadistica y Censos (1961) Ann,estadfst. ‚5 Salv,, 2:24 р, 9-12297 M Contains a table with monthly data on shrimp and fish catches in San Salvador. Liversidge, D. (Gemmelgaard, A. 9-12298 M W., Transl, )(1963)Bc Oslo, 200 p. Jakten pa hvalen (The whale killers), No ANON. (1964) 9-12299 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid,, 53(5):122-37 One hundred years of Norwegian whaling 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1964) $-12300 M Norsk Hvalfengst-tid., 53(7):194-207 The world catch 1963, o Provisional survey of statistical whaling data by ocean areas, species and countries, Fediushin, A.V. (1961) Zool.Zh., 40(2):159-63 O prirodnykk resursakh kormovogo belka v vodoemakh SSSR i putiakh ikh ispol'zovaniia dlia nuzhd zhivotnovodstva \ (Natural resources of nutrient protein in Soviet inland waters and their utilization in animal husbandry). En 9-12301 F Turdakov, F.A. (1961) Vestn.Akad.Nauk SSSR, (2):54-6 Perestroika rybnogo promysla na Issyk-Kule (Reorganization of the fishing industry on Lake Issyk-Kul) 9-12302 F Alexander, H.E. (1960) 9-12303 Е Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:192-201 Stream values, recreational use and preserv- ation Discusses the effect of water development projects on streams of the U.S.A. and what can be done to preserve their aesthetic, recreat- ional and commercial value with respect to fisheries, Hay, K.G. (1960) Trans.N,Amer,Wildl,Conf., 25:364-77 An evaluation of Colorado's access problems 9-12304 Е Defines the factors responsible for conflict over access to lands in Colorado. Examines and evaluates the problem and makes recommend- ations towards its solution, Fishing access included, FAO/UN (1964) Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1818):51 p. | Report to the government of Iran on the inland | fisheries resources of Iran, especially of the © Caspian Sea with special reference to sturgeon, Based on the work of V.D. Vladykov FAO/TA inland fisheries biologist 9-12305 F Report on FAO project carried out under UN Expanded Technical Assistance Programme on fishery resources of Iran, especially the Caspian Sea, with special reference to stur- geons. Gives recommendations for further development, Referred to also as: (FID/EPTA 46). FiB:wcb FAO Fish,EPTA Rep., AQUATIC STOCKS Jones, L. (1961)A 9-12306 Е Rep.Okla.Fish.Res.Lab.,(83):9 р. Summary of commercial fisheries catch in Oklahoma for the years 1958-1960 Lantz, A.W. (1961) 9-12307 F Progr.Rep.biol,Sta.London¿Ont., (2):5-14 The Lake Erie gear development project - 1959 Lantz, А.М. (1961) 9-12308 Е Progr.Rep.biol.Sta,London,Ont., (2):53-6 Freshwater fish grading equipment Roberts, J.D. (1962) 9-12200 Е Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res,Org., (1961) :43-5 Buoy release trials 681 Belanë, R.D. & S. Sasaki (1962) 9-12310 F e en Vincente Reservoir, San Diego County, elifornia, catch records - 1950-60 Describes 3. 1,000 acre reservoir that паз an important warmwater sport fishery of variable quality over the last 13 years. Deals with the 195C-60 fishery, reports on the results of an extensive largemouth bass and channel catfish stocking program, and comments on the effects of a threadfin shad introduction. Also lists the fishes present and summarizes management practices carried out prior to the stocking program described in detail in the report, Drecun, D. € M. Miranovié 9-12311 F (1962) Eydrobiol.montenegr., 1(10):unpag. 19 p. Ulov ribe na Skadarskom jezeru 1947-1960. godine (The fishing on Skadar Lake from 1947-1960 year). Hr En Presents catch data. Schulze, E. (1961)A 9-12312 в Int.Rev.Hydrobiol,, 46(1):64-90 Zur geschmacklichen Beeinflussung von Fischen durch phenolhaltige Abwässer (Influence on the taste of fish - by phenol content in polluted waters) AQUATIC STOCKS ANON. (1960) 9-12313 M World Fish., 9(7):30-3 Our North Sea dilemma. The sand eel story A general account of the life history of Ammodytes marinus and its use for fishmeal production. Cushing, D.H. (1960) 9-12314 M World Fish., 9(8):51-7 The East Anglian fishery in 1959 Discusses changes in abundance; Clupea harengus. Е 9 (12) Ringuelet, В.А. € В.Н. Aramburu (1960)c 92319" ¿MN Agro, 2(5):141 р. Peces marinos de la Republica Argentina, Clave para el reconocimiento de familias y generos, Catalogo critico abreviado (Marine fishes of the Republic of Argentina. Keys for identification of families and genus. A concise critical catalogue) Includes common names, 682 Collignon, J. € H. Aloncle (1960) 9-12316 M Bull. 1Inst.Péch.marit.Maroc, (5):17-29 Le régime alimentaire de quelques poissons benthiques des côtes marocaines (The food regime of some demersal fishes of the Morocco coast) Reports observations on spp. of Rajidae, Carangidae, Gadidae, Zeidae, Mullidae, Triglidae, Sparidae, Trachinidae, Scorpeni- dae; gives a classification based on feed- ing behaviour. Kasimov, R.Iu. (1961) Zool,Zh., 40(1):63-72 Sutochnyi ritm dvigatel'noi aktivnosti vidov osetrovykh ryb i ikh gibridov (The diurnal rhythm of motor activity in 912317 u a pecies of the Chondrostei and their hybrids). En Neifakh, A.A. (1961) Zh.obshch.Biol., 22:42-57 Sravnitel'noe radiatsionnoe issledovanie morfogeneticheskoi funksii iader у razvitii zhivotnykh: v chastnosti ryb i morskikh bes- pozvonochnykh (A comparative radiation study of the morpho- genetic function of the nuclei in animal development: with particular reference to fish and marine invertebrates), En 9-12318 M Polonskii, A.S. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (2):22-7 Povedenie sel'di zimoi (The winter beheviour of the herring) 9-12319 M Prosvirov, E.S. & 0.G. Riabikov 9-12320 M (1961) Ryd. Khoz. » (1): 7-8 Ob osobennostiakh povedeniia zapadno-afri- kanskoi sardiny v raione Takoradi (Behavioural features of the W. African sardine in the Takoradi area) Shatunovskii, M.I. (1961) 9-12321 M Nauch,Dok1.vyssh.Shk. (biol,), (1):33-6 Nekotorye osobennosti pitaniia molodi salaki Rizhskogo zaliva (Aspects of the feeding of Baltic herring fry in the Gulf of Riga) 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Levieva, L.S. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., 1:48-52 Opredelenie stepeni sozrevaniia sel'devykh ryb po pokazateliu bufernosti (Determination of herring maturity from the buffering index) 9-12322 M Minder, L.P. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (1):58-9 Khimicheskii sostav miasa gorbushi, poi- mannoi v Barentsevom more (Chemical composition of the flesh in pink salmon caught in the Barents Sea) 9-12323 M Shapiro, 1.G. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (2):73-7 O nektorykh nedostatkakh v rabote rybnoi promyshlennosti Kaliningradskogo SNKh (Some shortcomings in the work of the Kaliningrad Economic Council's fishing in- dustry) 9-1232 M Mansfield, A.W. (1953) Bull. Fish.Res.3d Can., (137):30 р. Seals of Arctir end esstern Canada 9-12325 M Provides e means of identifying the seals of Arctic and eastern Canada, end a summery of the more important facts of their life histories, Iversen, E.S., А.Е, Idyll (1960) Spec. sci Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fish., (356): 62 p, Size distribution of pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum, and fleet concentrations on the Tortugas fishing grounds Jones & С.Р. 9-12326 M Extensive series of data. Also studies geographical and vertical distribution and escapement (discarding) of small shrimp. De Buen, F. (1960) 9-12327 M Rev.chil.Hist.nat., 55:3-26 Nota preliminar sobre los peces del genero Sebastodes en la fauna chilena (Preliminary note on the fishes of the genus Sebastodes in the Chilean fauna) systematic review of Sebastodes oculatus oculatus, 5. oculatus chilensis, 5. oculatus darwini, Вы pr rognathus, 5. S. unimaculatus, 8. hernendezi. AQUATIC STOCKS Laws, R.M. (1960) 9-12328 M „N.Amer.wildl.Conf,, 25:304-19 Problems of whale conservation Describes steps taken to conserve stocks of whales and discusses some of the more im- portant problems encountered, particularly difficulties in the way of understanding population dynamics of whales, on a sound knowledge of which conservation measures should be used, Brackett, L.F. (1960) Trans. N,Amer,Wildls.Conf., 25:334-8 Management techniques in an offshore fishery 9-12329 M Describes these with respect to haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of N.W. Atlantic, Therezien, Y. (1960) 9-12330 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):217-9 Note destinée a rappeler quelques principes simples, essentiels en matiére de pisciculture intensive (Note to recall some simple principles of fundamental importance to the field of intens- ive fish culture) Kudokozev, V.P. (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 153(3):733-7 Vliianie tsentral'noi nervnoi sistemy na regeneratsiiu tkanei i organov u reptilii (The influence of central nervous system on the regeneration of tissues and organs in Reptilia) 9-12331 Е Belkin, А.М. (1964) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 158(5):1217-20 Novyi vid tiulenia s Kuril'skikh ostrovov - Phoca insularis sp.n. (A new species of seal from the Kuril Islands - Phoca insularis species nova) 9-12332 M Nature,Lond., 197(4873):1222-3 Propylene phenoxetol as a fish anaesthetic 9-12333 M Experiments with Pleuronectes platessa L, 9 (12) 683 Tseeb, R.Ya. (1963)B 9022.56(21) The distribution of the haddock. 1953-55 9-12334 M En 60-5797. Available from National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, ANON. (1964) New Scient,, (404) :361 Scientific slaughter of whales 9-12335 M Note on the use of curare on harpoon tips instead of explosive; research on myoglobin; Antarctic 1963-64 season results, and scien- tific observations made, Stuardo, J. & E. Fagetti (1961)B Rev.chil.Hist.nat., Copépodos parásitos chilenos. 1. Una lista de las especies conocidas y descripción de tres especies nuevas (Chilean parasitic copepods. 1. A list of the known species and description of three new species) 9-12336 M Fagetti, E. & J. Stuardo (1961) 9-12337 M Gayana (Zool.), (3):14 р. Copépods parásitos chilenos. 3. Re- descripción de Caligus teres Wilson y nueva localidad para la especie japonesa Trebius akajeii Shiino (Chilean parasitic copepods. 3, Redescript- ion of Caligus teres Wilson and new locality for the Japanese species Trebius ekajeii Shiino), En New record for Trebius recorded from Japanese waters and collected upon Dysyatis akajeii, is given, found now in Chilean waters, para- siting Myliobatis chilensis in Valparaiso Bay. Caligus teres Wilson, described from Lota (Golfo de Arauco) and found upon preserved specimens of Callorhynchus and "raja", kept in same jar at the U.S. National Museum also dealt with, Ci 9-12336, Conover, J.T., R.L. Fritz € M. Vieira (1961) Spec. sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl,Serv.-Fish., (368) 13 Do A morphometric study of silver hake 9-12338 M A group of Merluccius bilinearis off New England differed from a more southerly group in head length and pelvic fin length. Data are given for samples taken in 1955 and ‘56, 624 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC Thorsteinson, F.V., В.И. oD. Lati (1961) Kelson Spec. sci, Ree.U.S.Fishn Wiidl.Servy.-Pish., (371) nals, р. Exrerinentsl harvest of the steller sea lion in Alesken waters During summer 1959, a commercial fishing comk- any, under contract to Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, conducted experimente! harvest of Aneto 3ube ate. г Cdontocetes in cenura Celiformien waters Reports observations on eight different species Berardius bairdii Stejneg Deivhinus bairci Dall, Lissodelrhis E (Fesle), La- genorhynchus obliauiders Gill, Greinus orca PP ES Rent (Linnaeus), Globicerhale scaumoni Cope, Phocoena vomerina Gill, end Phocoenoides Galli (True). Gambell, в. (1964) 9-12341 м Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(3):66-8 А pygmy blue whale at Durban Dewbin, W.H. (1964) 9-12342 M Norsk Hvalgangst-tid., 53(3):68-78 Movements of humpback whales marked in the south west Pacific Ocean 1952 to 1962 Jonsgard, A. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(5):117-21 Antarctic fin whales with exceptionally long baleen plates, No 9-12343 м Boice, R.C.j М.Г. Swift 2. J.C. Roberts (1961) Norsk Hvalfengst-tid. , 53(7):177-93 Cross-sectional anatomy of the dolphin 9-12344 M Experiments carried out with Stenelle greffmani, spinning dolphin, Ichihara, T. € T. Doi (1964) Norsk Hvelfangst-tid., 53(7):145-61 Stock assessment of pigmy blue whales in the Antarctic 9-12345 M Criteria of ageing, rates of natural and fishing mortality, maximum sustainable yield and overfishing problems are discussed, 9 (12) SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANON. (1964) Norsk Nvelfangst-tid., 53(2):217-35 Whaling in the antarctic in the 1963/64 season, No с-12346 M Survey prepared by the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics. Discusses the regulative provisions, whaling material and period, gives catch results, ANON, (1964) ¡orsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(8):236-8 Gunner results 1963/64. No 9-12347 M Gives results for Norwegian, Netherland and Japanese expeditions, ANON. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(9):245-8 Small whale fishing 1963. No 9-12348 M Catching season, weather conditions, catches in different areas, production and yield are described, ANON. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(9):259-66 The antarctic baleen whale stocks 9-12349 М The stock abundance and trends in catches of Balaenoptera musculus, Megaptera nodosa, Balaenoptera physalus, Neobalaena marginata are discussed. Korneliussen, H.K. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(10):273-6 The eye of the fin whale 9-12350 M Re 9-12413, Brown, S.G. (1964) 9-12351 M Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(10):277-80 Whale marks recovered in the antarctic whaling season 1962/63 and in South Africa 1963 Brown, S.G. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(10):280-1 Whale marks recovered in the antarctic whaling season 1963/64 9-12352 M Clarke, R., A.L. Aguayo & 0.G. Paliza (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(11):297-302 Progress report on sperm whale research in the southeast Pacific Ocean 9210953, М | AQUATIC STOCKS Zemsky, V.A. & D.D. Tormosov 9-12354 M (1964) Norsk Evalfangst-tid., 53(11) :302-5 Small rorqual (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the Antarctic Bell, J. (1962) 9-12355 M Technique,Beckerhan, 16(4):27-30 M.Y. PRUNELLA. Stebilizetior by multiple non-retractable fins Weerakoon, A.C.J. (1962) Fish.News Lett.Ceylon, (2) :2-3 Ceylon fisheries 0-12356 M ICNAF (1964) 0-12357 M Statist.Bull.int.Comm.Northw.Atlant.Fish., 12 (1962) :78 p. Conteins general description of fishing in the convention area, list of species with common and scientific names, statistical tables concerning landings by species, countries and area-divisions, Basic statistics of fishing effort by country, gear and sub-area are also included, ANOK. (1962) World Fish,, 11(12):39-h3 The "S" shaped fishpots of Jamaica 9-12358 M Australia, Fisheries Division, 9-12359 M Department of Primary Industry (1962) Canberra, 47 т. Australian pearling industry. hendbook Statistical Production and value by states, 1901-61; labour; exports; Japanese operetions in Australian waters. Refers to pearl, shell and Trochus. Vilela, H, (1962) 9-12360 M Bol.Pesca,Lisboa, 14(77):11-7 Reflexdes sobre a pesca de arrasto na provincia de Angola (Comments on the trawling fisheries in the province of Angola). ЕЕ Short review of the regulations concerning trawling activities on the Angola coast in the light of the recent results of exploratory fishing carried out hy the BALDAQUE DA SILVA. Concludes proposing a new regulation, 9 (12) Morozov, M.V. (1960)C Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 238 p. Ekonomika, organizatsiia i planirovanie proizvodstva v rybnoi promyshlennosti (Economics, organization and planning of production in the fish industry) 9-12361 MF Mission Socio-Economique du 9-12362 MF Soudan, 1957-1958 (1960) Rapp.provis.Mission socio-écon.soudan, (6): ode, la pêche et données économiques diverses. Consommation et production de riz, Le niveau des prix (Fisheries and different economic data, Consumption and production of rice. Price level). Fishing areas, seasons, types, methods, markets, and potential, Fishermen and their movements. Saloshenkov, P. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov,, (1):27-30 Sovetskoe promyshlennoe rybolovstvo (Soviet commercial fisheries) 9-12363 MF Solov'eva, N. (1961) Rybovod,i Rybolov,, (1):22-3 Kak posadit' set! (How to set out a net) 9-12364 MF ANON. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (1):60-7 Rybnaia promyshlennost Estonii (The Estonian fishing industry) 9-12365 MF Dubrova, G.B. & Iu,I. Rubinshtein 9-12366 MF (1961) Vop.Pitan., (2):60-2 Metodika opredeleniia khlortetratsiklina (STS) v rybe (Determination of chlortetracycline in fish). En Pakistan, Central Fisheries 9-12367 MF Department (1960) Rep.Fish.Dep.Pakist., 6:16 p. Principal activities during this period were the mechanization of fishing boats and the construction of a fish harbour at Karachi, 685 686 Skud, B.E. & W.B. Wilson (1960) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:320-6 Role of estuarine waters in gulf fisheries 9-12368 MF Shows the contribution of estuarine-dependent species to the commercial fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico; outlines some of the environ- mental features of the estuary; gives ex- amples of man-made changes which influence this environment. FAO/UN (1964) 9-12369 MF St.Fd Agric., 1964:240 р. Contains sections on fisheries production and trade in 1963. Portugal, Direcçcäo das Pescarias (1961) Estatist.Pescas mart, ‚Lisboa, (1960):63 р. 9-12370 MF Marine fisheries stetistics for the continent and adjacent islands in year 1960, Production of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and cetaceans by species, months, area and method of capture; vessels constructed and operating; number of fishermen employed. Includes data for brackish waters, King, W. et al. (1961)C 9-12371 MF Washington, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 266 p. Sport fishing today and tomorrow, 1960 - 1976 - 2000. A report on the present and future role of recreational fishing in the United states, prepered for the Outdoor Recreational Resources Review Commission by the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior A report on present and future role of recreational fishing in the United States of America, Thailand, Ministry of Agri- culture, Department of Fisheries, Statistics Section (1961) Fish.Rec.Thailand, 1961:50 p. 9-12372 MF Statistical tables for landings of marine and freshwater fishes, by grounds, provinces, species, with meps. Scientific and common names, values, exports and imports, process- ing. Numbers and types of vessels and gears, 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Komnov, A.S. (1961) 9-12373 MF Trud.kesp.neuch, -{ssled.Inst.morsk, ryb.Khoz., 16:36-18 Exspluatatsionnye svoistva kombinirovannykh kanatov "Gerkules" (Operational properties of combined "Hercules" cables) Describes tests on the resistance and elasticity of wire-and-vegetable-fibre ropes used for fishing gear, as compared with similar qualities of fibre ropes. Ivanov, A.S. (1961) 9-12374 MF Trud.kasp.nauch.-issled.Inst.morsk.ryb.Knoz., 16:49-54 Khimicheskii sostav nekotcrykh osnovnykh promyslovykh ryb Volgo-Kaspiiskogo besseina (Chemical composition of some important commercial fish of the Volga-Caspian basin) tates data on samples taken from 1 to 5 specimens of 12 species of fish, the chemical and mineral composition, the nutritional value of the flesh, Pavlova, A.S, (1961) 9-12375 MF Trud,kasp,nauch, -issled. Inst.morsk.ryb.Khoz,, 16:108-11 Nekotorye dannya ob ustoichivosti tsiano- etilitovannykh nitok k vozdeistviiu mikro- organizmov (Some data on the resistance of cyanoethylized thread to the action of microorganisms) Discusses the preparation and testing of cotton thread, treated with alkaline solutions, for stretch, after keeping it under water at the Volga estuary. Germany, Federal Republic of. 9-12376 MF Bundesministerium für Emährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (1962) Inform.Fischw,Ausl,, 12(12):53 р. Monthly compilation of press releases, and extracts and digests from periodicals of information relating to all aspects of fisheries of all countries, USFWS (1962) Chesapeake Fish., (3043):8 p. Chesapeake fisheries - 1961 9-12377 MF Statistics, summary and review. € AQUATIC STOCKS Germany, Federal Republic of, Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (1962) Inforn.Fischw.Aus!., 2(11):52 р. 9-12378 MF Monthly corypilation of press releases, and extracts and digests from periodicals of information relating to all aspects of fisheries of ell countries, Fridthjof, J. (1962)c 9-12379 MF Rome, FAO, 103 p. : Encouraging the use of protein-rich foods Manual on food promotion with extensive reference to fish and marine products as examples, zemsky, V.A. € V.A. Boronin 9-12380 M (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(11):306-11 On the question of the pygmy blue whale taxonomic position Jonsgard, А. (1964) Norsk Hvalfangst-tid., 53(11):311-3 9-12381 M A right whale (Baleene sp.), in all probability a Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus) observed in the Barents Sea, No Sindermann, C.J. (1961) Amer.Zool,, 1(3):260 Isoagglutination in elasmobranch fishes 9-12382 M Studies the occurrence of isoagglutins and isoantibodies, by immogenetic methods, in Squalus and two Raja spp. from the Gulf of Maine, Moiseev, P.A. (1961) 9-12383 M Trud.Soveshch.ikhtiol.Kom., 13:130-1 Nekotorye zakonomernosti dinemiki chislen- nosti promyslovykh ryb severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Some lawfulness of the population dynamics of commercial fishes in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean) Schwartz, F. (1961) 9-12384 M Educ.Ser.Md Dep.Res.Educ., (56):20-4 Maryland billfishes 9 (12) 687 9-12385 м Al.Serv.-Fish. ,(502): Fur seal investigations, Pribilof Islands, Alaska 1964 Gives results of population studies undertaken to improve monitoring mortality and manage- ment principals, Lux, F.E. (1961) 9-12386 м Sunday stand.-Times, Feb. 26 Bureau studies yellowtails to balance market here Article on а glut of flounders in autumn 1960, and a study by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries on economical exploitation of the resource. Edwards, R.L. & J.L. Chamberlin (1961) Yearb, Amer. phil.Soc. , Dec.1961:205-7 Ecological investigetion of Richmond Gulf, Hudson Bay 9-12307 M Brief report on an expedition to Richmond Gulf, Hudson Bay, with notes on new fish records and on hydrogrephic work, Ridgway, G.J. (1961) 9-12388 M In 62-05183 :184-5 Special immunolcgical techniques for the study of marine populations Mentions some new or little used technicues, Kenyon, K.W. & D.W. Rice (1961) J.Mammal,, 42(2):223-34 Abundance and distribution of the steller sea lion 9-12389 M Aerial surveys from Bering Strait to the Aleutian Islands suggest a world population of Eumeto pias jubata of about a quarter of e million animals, I-ATZC (1963)A $-12390 м Bull. Inter-Amer, trop. Tuna Comn., 7(4):257-92 Fecundity of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) rom the eastern Pecific Ocean Fecundidad del atún aleta amarilia (Thunnus albacares) y el barrilete (Ketsuwonus pelemis) del Océano Pacífico oriental 638 MuZinié, В. (1064) 0-12391 M sStud.Rev.zen.Fish.Coun.Medit., (25):3 po. The value of sharp rings for the age determination of sardine (sardina pilchardus Wal, ) The joining and disaopearance of sharp rings in sardine scales, and their variability are discussed on the basis of the existing ob- servations, Facts are sunrarized which might help detect the joined and vanished rings. Matthews, J.P. (n.d. )A 0-12392 M Invest.Rev.S.W.Afr.Mar.Res.lLab., (10):06 x. The pilchard of South West Africa (Sardinoos ocellata), . A cn factor and reproduction 1057-1600 Liubimova, T.G. (1961) 912393: + M Ryb.Khoz., 37(9):27-30 O morskom Okune zalive Aliaska (Rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska), Ru A note on a new fishery for Sebastodes & Sebastolobus. De eee Liubimova, T.G. (W.E. Ricker 2-1239& M Transl, )(1963) Transl.Ser.Fish.Res.pd Can., (441):2 р. Rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska En 9-12393. Makushok, V.M. (1961) Trud.Inst.Okeanol., 43:225-69 (Some peculiarities in the structure of the seismosensory system of the northern 9-12395 M blennids (Stichaeoidae, Blennioidei, Pisces)). Ru A comparative study including representatives of the pholid, anarchadid, ptilichthyid, stichacid, lumpenid & xiphisterid blenniids, Mekushok, V.M. (Gosline, A.R. & М.А. Gosline, Transl. )(1963) Washington, USFWS, 63 т. Some peculiarities in the structure of the seismosensory system of the northern blenniids (Stichaeoidae, Blennioidei, Pisces) 9-12396 M En 9-12395. 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nikonorov, I.V. € A.Kh. Pateev (W.E. Ricker, Transl.) (1963) Trensl.Ser.Fish,Res.Bd Can., (445):5 р. Catching kilka with a fish pump using underwater illumination and a pulsing electric current 9-12397 M En 60-6890. Borodulina, O.D. (1961 )A 9-12398 M Vop.Ikhtiol,, k(1):68-81 (Some data on the biology of the argentine Argentina silus (Ascanius)). Ru Anokhina, L.E. (C.A. McLean, Transl, )(1965 )A Lowestoft, 17 p. On rings and spawning marks on the scales of the White Sea herring (Clupea harengus pallasi maris-albi Berg) 9-12399 M En 8-06372. Lewis, R.M. (1961) Chesapeake 5с1., 2(1/2):3-8 Comparison of three tags on striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay area 9-12400 M Discu i sses recaptures of Roccus saxatilis marked in 1957 with Petersen disc, nylon streamer and jaw ring tags, Fiscus, C.H. (1961) J.Mammal,, 42(2):218-23 Growth in the steller sea lion: 9-12401 M Age determinations made by annual rings in the dentine, and data on body length, body girth, and 12 measurements on 49 skulls, Cohen, D.M. (1961) Galathea Rep., 5:19-21 On the identity of the species of the fish genus Argentina in the Indian Ocean 9-12402 M A description, with a figure, of A. euchus п. SP. Bellamy, D. & 1.C. Jones (1961) Comp, Biochem.Physiol., 3(4):175-83 Studies on Myxine glutinosa 1, The chemical composition of the tissues 9-12403 M Determinations were made of the concentrations of the major low molecular weight constituents in serum, muscle and liver, AQUATIC STOCKS 689 Parin, N.V. (L.Penny, “ransl.) 9-12104 M ыы U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, mimeo, 3 Po The renge of the saury (Cololabis saira Brev. - Scombresocidae, Pisces) and effects of oceanographic features on its distribution Notes on С. saire collected on the VITYAZ expedition in 1958-5. En 60-7609. Fridriksson, A. (Ed. )(1962) 9-12405 M Stetist.News Lett.int.Coun.Explor.Sea, (14) :Ól р. Herring - North Sea 1961. Fishing effort, yields U.S. Department of the Interior с-12406 M (1962) News Rel.U.S.Dep.Int., Oct.19, 3 P» Interior announces proposed yellowfin tune conservation regulations Calls attention to a bill to restrict yellow- fin twa fishing in the eastern tropical Pacific, Barsukov, V.V. € Yu.2. Permitin 9-12407 M (Mrs. Kudrik, transl,)(1962) Washington, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, 5 p. A new species of the genus Pagetopsis (family Chaenichthyidae) Description, from a single specimen collected in the antarctic, of P. macropterus. En 58-5452, de Mendiola, B.R.E. (1962) 9-12408 M Peru, Departamento de Biología Pesquera, 38 p. Abundancia de los huevos de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens Jenyns) con relación a la temperatura de mar, en la región de Chimbote (Abundance of spawn of anchovy (Engraulis ringens Jenyns) with reletion to the sea temperature in the Chimbote region) ICES (1962) 9-12L09 M Statist.News Lett.int.Coun,Explor.sea, (15): 19 D: Demersal species 1961, Fishing effort, yields and stock records Co 62-014887. IL! Kabata, Z. (1962) 9-12410 M Crustaceens, 4(4):1 р. A Pacific record for Lernenthropus cornutus Kirtisinghe, 1037, a parasitic copepod First found on gills of Tylosurus leiurus in Ceylon. Next on gills of T. crocodilus in Gorée, Senegal, then »y author on head of Т. incisus from Tarewa, Gilbert and Ellice Isl- ands, West Facific. Distribution of three host species so far known overlaps, therefore probable that it will eventually be found on all these species from coast of Africa to Pacific: Issued also as: (1963). :sjh Me.r.Repr.Mar, Lab. ‚Aberdeen, Lowe, R.H. (1962)A 9-12411 M J.Linn.Soc.(Zool.), 44(301) :669-700 The fishes of the British Guiana continental shelf, Atlantic coast of South America, with notes on their natural history de Paes, M.L. & M.S. Vasconcelos 9-12412 M (1962) Notas Cent.Biol.pisc. Lisboa, (32):12 р. Contribuig&o para о estudo de Pseudolepidap- lois pfaffi Bauchot et Blanc (1961) (Teleostei, Labroidei) (Contribution to the study of Pseudo- lepidaplois pfaffi Bauchot et Blanc (1961) (Teleostei, Labroidei)) Considerations on the validity of the genus and analysis of morphomatric and meristical characters. Description of the species. Pilleri, G. % A. Wandeler 9-12413 M (1964)B Acta anat. , 57,Suppl.50-1:74 р. Ontogenese und funktionelle Morphologie des Auges des Finnwals, Balaenoptera physalus Linnaeus (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Balaenopteridae) (Ontogenesis and functional morphology of the eye of the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus Linnaeus (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Balaenoperidae)) Baptist, J.P. € T.J. Price 9-12414 M (1962) Fish, Bull, ,U.S., 62(206) :177-87 Accumulation and retention of Cesium by marine fishes 13T Laboratory experiments on the accumulation and retention of Cs by marine fishes. Comparisons were made between accumulation directly from the water and from ingested doses. Cs 1 was accumulated readily through both pathways by all fish tested. 690 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Shew, М.М. (1962) 9-12415 M Fish, Bull, ,U.S., 61(197) :481-95 Reft culture of oysters in Massachusetts Possibility tested as à method of culture that might be useful in reviving declining industry. Oysters suspended from rafts grew twice as fast as oysters growine on bottom. Survival was 6 times greater than that of bottom-grown oysters. Experiment demonstrates that raft culture is commercially feasible in Massa- F e parda de CAUSCLES. Vedenskii, A.P. (U.K.MAFF 9-12416 MG Transl.)(1962) Lowestoft, Fish.Lab., mimeo, Тр. Calculations of the rate of growth of fish by means of multiplication tables O'Rourke's tables used instead of slide rule for back calculating length at age from scale measurements, assuming strict proportion- ality of fish length to annulus radius. En А.Р. Vedenskii, 1955. Dickie, L.M. (1962) ICNAF Ser.No., (1043):21 p. Second report of the working group on fishery assessment in relation to regulation, Proceedings of the meetings of the group during the 1962 annual meeting 9-12417 MG Brings up to date by subareas. Describes method, attributed to J.A. Gulland, of calculating effects of mesh change in successive years after the change, and applies method to selected cod, haddock and silver hake fisheries in ICNAF area, Con- siders further effects of changes in fishing intensity, and distribution, and assessments for redfish, Re 8-11230, Pr 61-145me, Had¥i¥%e, 5. (1960) Izd.Zav.Rib.Maked,, 3(2):439-56 Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Salmothymus Berg. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Familie der Salmoniden (Pisces). Vorläufige Mitteilung (Contribution on the genus_Salmothymus Berg and a note on the systematics of the Salmon- ids (Pisces). Preliminary communication). Br ho 9-12418 MF Korzhuev, Р.А. (1964)A In 9-12429:2-10 Methods of study of blood in fish 9-12419 MF 9 (12) Puchkov, N.V. (1964)A 9-12420 MF In 9-12429:11-17 The white blood cells Balakhnin, Г.А. (1964)A 9-12421 MF In 9-12429:18-9 Blood groups of fish and methods of their determination Puchkov, N.V. (1964)A 9-12422 MF In 9-12429:20-В Immunobiological reactions Remorov, V.A. (1964)A 9-12423 MF In 9-12429:25-6 Electrocardiogram recording in long-term experiments Stroganov, N.S. (1964)A 9-12424 MF In 9-12429:27-79 Methods of study of respiration in fish Ivlev, V.S. (1964)A In 9-12429 :80-90 Determination of active metabolism 9-12425 MF Karzinkin, G.S. € M.N. Krivobok 9-12426 MF (1964)A In 9-12429:91-105 Balance sheet experiments on nitrogen meta- bolism of fish : Stroganov, N.S. (1964)A 9-12427 MF in 9-12429:106-11 Methods for ammonia determination used in studies on fish metabolism Krivobok, М.М. & О.Т. Tarkovskaya (1964)A In 9-12429:112-8 Determination of fat in the fish body 9-12428 MF AQUATIC STOCKS Pavlovskii, E.N. (Ed.)(M. Artman, 9-12429 MF Transl, )(1964) Jerusalem, Isreal Program for Scientific Translations, IPST Cat.No.1130:313 p. Techniques for the investigation of fish physiology General text book comprising chapters on methods used in the investigation of fish physiology including the study of: blood, respiration, metabolism, digestion, osmotic regulation, and finally, methods for the experimental study of the higher nervous activity of fish. In addition methods for field studies are also given. Does not incl, methods for the study of fish metabolism by the use of radioactive or stable isotopes or special biochemical analytical methods. En 9-02422, Contains 9-12419 to 0-12428, 9-12431 to 9-12152, Brett, J.R. & C. Groot (1963) J.Fish.Res.Bd Can. , 20(2) :287-303 Some aspects of olfactory end visual responses in Pacific salmon 9-12430 MF An investigation of the relative importance of the various perceptual senses leading to the conclusion that no one factor can provide for directed migration. Shubnikov, D.A. (1964)A In 9-12429:119-21 Methods for fat determination under field conditions 9-12431 MF Karzinkin, G.S. € C.I. Tarkov- skaya (1964)A In 9-12429:122-4 Determination of caloric value of small samples 9-12432 MF Krayukhin, B.V. (1964)A In 9-12429:125-37 Methods of installing chronic fistulas in the digestive tract of fish 9-12433 MF Pegel', V.A. (1964)A In 9-12429:138-40 The use of Mett's rods for the simultaneous determination of enzyme composition, enzyme action and motor activity of the digestive tract in fish in chronic experiments 9-12434 MF Pegel', V.A. (1964)A La 9-12429:141-2 Methods of study of the digestive properties of pancreatic juice and bile in fish in long- term experiments 9-12435 MF 9 (12) 691 Pegel', V.A. (1964)A 9-12436 MF in 9-12429:143-5 Studies on enzyme composition, enzyme act- ivity and motor activity in various segments of the digestive tract of fish in long-term experiments Veselov, E.A. (1964)A 9-12437 MF In 9-12429:146-67 Methods of osmotic regulation studies in fish Ginetsinskii, V.F. et al. 9-12438 MF (1964)A In 9-12429:168-77 Methods of study of osmoregulating systems in fish Privol'nev, T.I. (1964)A 9-12439 MF In 9-12429:178-82 Determination of freezing point of blood serum by means of a microelectrothermometer Puchkov, N.V. (1964)A In 9-12429:183 Methods of stimulation of ovulation in fish 9-12440 MF Voronin, L.G. & I.A. Kholodov 9-12441 MF (1964)A In 9-12429:164-99 Experimental methods of study of fish behaviour Prazdnikova, N.V. (1964)A In 9-12429:200-16 Methods of study of conditioned reflexes in fish 9-12442 MF Protasov, V.R. (1964)A 9-12443 MF In 9-12429:217-29 Studies on vision in fish Malyukina, G.A. (1964)A 9-12444 MF In 9-12429:230-5 Methods of study of hearing in fish Aronov, M.P. (1964)A In 9-12429:236-51 Methods of study of taste and smell in fish 9-12445 MF 692 Malyukina, С.А. (1964)A In 9-12429:252=7 Methods of study of the lateral line organ of fish 9-12446 MF Gusel'nikov, V.I. (1964)A In 9-12420:258-66 Methods of study of bioelectric brain activity 9-12447 MF Malyukine, С.А. (1964)A 9-12448 MF In 9-12429:267-70 Operations on brain of fish Manteifel', В.Р. 8 V.R. Protasov 9-12449 МЕ (1964)A In 9-12429:271-7 Effect of light intensity on the behaviour of fish Ivlev, V.S. (1964)A 9-12450 MF In 9-12429:278-E4 Methods of determination of optimal light conditions Zusser, S.G. € О.А. Sokolov 9-12451 MF (1964)A In 9-12429:285-96 Methods of study of the reaction of shoal fish to light Veselov, E.A. (1964)A In 9-12429:297-312 Simplest methods for studies on some reflexes of fish larvae and fry 9-12h52 MF Ivanova-Kazas, О.М. (1961) 9-12453 MF Vestn.leningr.Univ.(Biol.), 3(1):90-9 Adaptatsiia k parazitizmu na embrional'nykh stadiiakh razvitiia, Paraziticheskie bes- pozvonochnye (Adaptation to parasitism in embryonic stages of development, Parasitic invertebrates). En Bianki, V.L. (1961) 9-12454 MF Vestn, leningr.Univ. (Biol.), 3(1):118-32 Prostranstvennyi analiz i bilateral'naia simmetriia golovnogo mozga ryb. Soobshch, 2: Slukhovoi prostranstvennyi analiz (Spatial analysis and the bilateral symmetry of the fish brain, Communication 2: Auditory spatial analysis). En 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Geller, G. (1961) Zh,obshch,Biol., 22:19-31 Endokrimaia regulatsiia vodnogo obmena: filogeneticheskii i ontogeneticheskii aspekty: У chastnosti, u ryb (Endocrine regulation of water metabolism: phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects, with particular reference to fishes), En 9-12455 MP Grinberg, M.M. (1961) Zool.Zh., 40(2) :234-43 Ob ontogeneze cheshui u kostistykh ryb. (Obekty issled, lichinki i mal'ki lososia i karasia) 9-12456 MF (Ontogeny of the scales in teleost fishes: an investigation of salmon and carp fry and larvae), En Krogius, F.V. (1961) Ryb.Knoz., 2:33-6 Iaponskii lososevyi promysel v otkrytom more i ego vliianie na zapasy krasnoi (Japanese deep-sea salmon fishing and its effects on red salmon reserves) 9-12457 MF Liubitskaia, A.I. (1961) 9-12458 MF Zool.Zh., 40(3):397-407 Vliianie vidimogo sveta, ul'trafioletovykh luchei i temperatury na metameriiu tela ryb. Soobshch.l: Vliianie razlichnykh chastei vidimogo spektra, temnoty i temperatury na vyzhivanie i metameriiu tels ryb (Effects of visible light, ultraviolet rays and temperature on metabolism in fish, Communication 1: Effects of various portions of the visible spectrum, darkness and temper- ature on survival and metamerism in fish). Frygin, N.V. (1961) Ark.Anat.Gist.Embr., 40(2):87-93 Razlichiia v stroenii resnichnykh spletenii v nekotorykh vidakh pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh: v chastnosti u ryb (Differences in the structure of the ciliary 9-12459 MF plexuses in certain vertebrate species: with particular reference to fishes). En Pegel', V.A. & V.A. Remorov 9-12460 MF (1961) Nauch, Dokl.vyssh,Shk.(biol,), (1):58-61 Vliianie nagrevaniia i okhlazhdeniia vody na gazoobmen i kontsentratsiiu molochnoi kisloty v krovi u adaptirovannykh k opre- delennoi temperature ryb (Effects of heating and cooling of the water on gaseous metabolism and lactic acid concentration in the blood of fish adapted to a given temperature) AQUATIC STOCKS Protasov, V.R. & Iu.P. Altukhov 9-12461 MF (1961) Ryb.Khoz,, (2) :29-32 O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniia optomotornykh reaktsii dlia upravleniia dvizheniem ryb (The possible use of optomotor reactions to control the movement of fish) Berezantsev, Iu. (1961) 9-12462 MF Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):24-6 Bolezni, peredavaemye cherez ryb (Diseases transmitted by fishes) Protasov, A. (1961) 9-12463 MF Rybovod.i Rybolov,, (1):31-2 Taimen' i Dunaiskii losos' (The sea trout and the Danube salmon) Bigelow, Н.В. et al. (1964) 9-1246k. MF Mem.Sears Fdn Mar.Res., 1(4):599 p. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic, Part Ц. Soft-rayed bony fishes. Order Isospondyli (part). Suborder Argentinoidea, Suborder Stomiatoidea, Suborder Esocoidea. Suborder Bathylaconoidea, Order Giganturoidei Describes suborders Argentinoidea and Stomia- toidea, followed by brief account of Amer- ican pikes and their occurrence in brackish water and two small groups of rare deep- water fishes, Bathylaconoidea and Giganturoidei, Gives keys to families, genera and spp. of order Isospondyli and Giganturoidei, with notes on their morphologies, span of life, breeding habits and sex, food, habitat, range and commercial importance, With ill. Indexes of common and scientific names. Co 9-09513. —Straty, в.в. (1960) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:286-97 Methods of enumerating salmon in Alaska 9-12465 MF Discusses the methods currently used or being developed by the Bureau of Commercial Fisher- les in Alaska for enumerating adult and juven- ile salmon (Oncorhynchus). Walburg, C.H. (1960) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf,, 25:327-33 Abundance of St. Johns River shad 9-12466 MF Discusses life history of Alosa sapidissima; St. Johns River, Florida, and its fishery; Population studies; relationship to manage- ment, 9 (12) 693 Hartt, A.C. (1960) 9-12467 MF Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:339-46 Pacific salmon in international waters Outlines Oncorhynchus tagging program of INPFC and gives some results. Kiener, A. (1960) 9-12468 MF Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):235-44 La pêche aux anguilles au lac Alaotra et au lac Itasy (The eel fishery at Lake Aloatra and Lake Itasy ) In Madagascar, Detlaf, T.A. € A.S. Ginzburg (1963) Dokl. Akad, Nauk SSSR, 153(6) :1461-b Akrosomnaia reaktsiia u osetrovykh ryb i rol'ionov kal'tsiia v soedinenii gamet (Acrosomal reaction in Acipenseridae, and the role of calcium ions in the coupling of gametes) 9-12469 MF Qureshi, R. (1961)A Scientist,Karachi, №(1-2):65-70 A field key to the identification of fishes (order Mugiliformes) 9-12470 MF Tominaga, Y. (1964) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):10-6 Notes on the fishes of the genus Siphamia (Apogonidae), with a record of S. versicolor from the Ryukyu Islands 9-12471 MF Attempt to analyse the nature and origin of existing differences among the sympatric as well as allopatric individuals, and to determine taxonomic importance of the differences, | Schwartz, F. (1961) Maryland Conserv., 38(5):21-6 Catfishes 9-12472 MF 7 species appearing in rivers and estuaries of Maryland (USA) and belonging to the genera Ictalurus and Noturus are described. Taxonomy, morphology, biology, catch and value, Issued also as: Educ.Ser.Md.Nat.Resour, Inst. (Ts 694 ferrell, Т.К. (1961) Proc.Alaska Sci.Conf., (11):99-102 Survival of pink salmon at Little Port Walter research station 9-12473 MF Describes and discusses work undertaken at the station, on factors affecting survival, DiCostanzo, C.J. & M.L. Heyes (1961) Proc.Alaska Sci.Conf., (11):102 A method of sevarating river stocks of red salmon in the Bristol Bay fishery 9-12474 MF Bellamy, D. & 1.C. Jones (1961) Comp. Biochem.Physiol., 3(4):223-6 An apparatus for studying the gain and loss of electrolytes by the eel 9-12475 MF Investigations on the effects of hormones on water and electrolyte movements in yellow and silver eels adapted to fresh water and sea water, Anguilla anguilla Moe Shishov, A.P. (1961) 9-12476 MF Trud.kasp.nauch.-issled.Inst.morsk.ryb.Khoz., 16:3-13 Otbiraiushchaia sposobnost' iachei orudii lova (Mesh selectivity of fishing gear) Discusses the importance of optimum mesh-size for avoiding damage to young fish; data on practical experiments and computation of meshes (tables, diagrams, formulae). Sokolov, I.M. (1961) 9-12477 MF Trud.Kasp.nauch, -issled,Inst,morsk.ryb.Khoz,, 16:14-23 Povedenie ryby v zone deistviia stavnogo nevoda (Behaviour of fish within the range of action of an anchored net) Discusses the reaction of fish (Caspian roach, herring) to set nets, optimum length of the leader and retaining capacity of the pot, (Tables, graphs, formulae). 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES J Lukashov, V.N. (1961) 9-12478 MF Trud.kasp.nauch,-issled,Inst.morsk.ryb.Khoz. 16:2%-35 Intensivnost' severokaspiiskogo rybolovstva (Intensity of fishing in the N. Caspian) Discusses methods of appraisal of fish-stock, exploitation, data on fishing intensity, catch composition, stock-biomass alterations, possibility of raising the efficiency of N. Caspian fisheries, Volkova, N.S. € M.A. Danilov (1961) Trud.kasp.nauch.-issled.Inst.morsk.ryb.Khoz., 16:72-80 Lineinye razmery i polozhenie tiazhesti kaspiiskogo leshcha (Linear measurements and the centre of gravity of Caspian bream) 9-12479 MF Describes devices and procedure for obtaining different measurements of fish (A. brama) in relation to its weight, and offers formulae serving for designing fish-processing machine- ry. McCauley, R.W. (1961) 9-12480 MF Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):18-21 The action of electrical barriers on sea lampreys Lemsa, A. (1961) 9-12481 MF Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):21-4 Fish and lamprey movements in Silver Creek, Ontario Thomas, M.L.H. (1961) 9-12482 MF Progr.Rep.biol,sta,London, Ont. ,(2):14-7 Ammocoete biology Lawrie, A.H. & J.J. Tibbles (1961) Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):25-6 The operation of electrical barriers to sea lamprey migration on the Canadian tributaries to Lake Superior - 1959 and 1960 9-12483 MF Johnson, B.G.H. (1961) 9-12484 MF Progr.Rep.bio1.Sta.London,Ont. (2):27-31 The development of specific lampricides and techniques for their use Tibbles, J.J. (1961) 9-12485 MF Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):32-5 Preparations for lamprey control in Lake Huron AQUATIC STOCKS Cormack, H.E. (1961) 9-12486 MF Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):36 Can ultrasonics be used to control sea lempreys? Nikolskii, G.V. (U.K.MAFF Transl.) 9-12487 MF (1962) Lowestoft, Fish.Lab., mimeo, 21 p. Certain of the laws governing the effect of fishing operations on the structure of populations and the individual characteristics of fish belonging to commercially exploited stocks General consideration of effects of fishing intensity and selectivity on population structure, incl, ref, to size and age at maturity, and competition with the predators, En 9-12488, Nikolskii, G.V. (1961)B 9-12488 MF Trud.Soveshch,ikhtiol.Kom. , 13:21-33 O nekotorykh zakonomernostiakh vozdeistviia rybolovstva na strukturu populiatsii i svoistva osobei oblavlivaemogo stade promy- slovoi ryby (Certain of the laws governing the effect of fishing operations on the structure of populations and the individual characteristics of fish belonging to commercially exploited stocks) Dement'eva, T.F. et al. (1961) 9-12489 MF Trud.Soveshch.ikhtiol.Kom., 13:7-20 O zakonomernostiakh dinamiki populiatsii syb (Dynamic features of fish populations) Dementieva, T.F. et al, 9-12490 МЕ (U.K.MAFF Transl. )(1962) Lowestoft, Fish.Lab., mimeo, 20 p. The laws governing the dynamics of fish populations An essay on this general subject, with reference to the needs and criteria for a general theory of fishing, and with examples from Soviet experience, En 9-12489, Khanna, S.S. (1962) Indian J.Zoot., 3(2):21-48 A study of the bucco-pharyngeal region in some fishes 9-12491 MF Anatomy of Rita rite, Mystus aor, Silonia silondia, Channa (Ophicephalus) ı marulius, Notopterus chita. chitala, Harpodon neherius, Catla catla, Barbus sarana, Cirrhina mrigala, Hilsa ilisha, Engraulis telara, Mugil corsula, Relation to feeding habits. 9 (12) 695 Manso, J.M. (1962) 9-12492 MY Revta Shell, Sept.1962:44-8 Maravillas de la naturaleza - la asombrosa biología de la anguila (Wonders of nature - the astonishing biology of the eel) Went, A.E.J. (1962) 9-12493 MF Proc.R.Irish Acad, (Cc), 62(7):195-223 Historical notes on the oyster fisheries of Ireland Records on Ostrea edulis beds of different areas, with reference to the historical development of fisheries and the methods of fishing and gear used. Shchukina, I. (1961) 9-12494 MF Eesti Loodus, (6) :361-3 Läänemere tursk rändab (Migrations of the Baltic cod). Eesti En Ru Results of cod-marking undertaken in the northwestern part of the Baltic See in September 1957. The tagged fishes were recovered over a period of several years in the southern and western parts of the Baltic, Scott, D. (1961)A 9-12495 MF Rep.Southland Acclimatis.Soc., (93):29-31 The Atlantic salmon experiments Allen, W.H. (1961) 9-12496 MF California, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, 29 August Underwater flow visualization techniques Techniques useful for studies of models and live fish developed by Naval Ordnence Test Station in conjunction with the Fisheries Research Institute of the Univ. of Washington, General patterns of flow around fish are shown by flow marker techniques. Stanczykowska, A. (1960) Ekol.polsk, (A), 8(2):21-48 Obserwacje nad skupieniami Viviparus fasciatus Müll. na terenie lachy wislenej Konfederatka (Observations on aggregations of Yiviparus fasciatus MÜll, in the Konfederatka branch of the Vistula). Pl De 9-12497 F Data for 1954-1956, 696 Neiman, A.A. (1961) Zool.Zh., 40:286-8 O zakonomernostiakh rosta vostochnosibir- skogo siga v del'te Eniseia, Po materialam, sobrannym v Sibirskom otd. VNIORKH (Growth features of the E. Siberian sig (Coregonus sp.) in the Enisei delta. From materials collected by the Siberian Depart- ment of the All-Union Research Institute for Lake and River Fisheries), En 9-12498 F Pavlov, P.I. (1961) Zool.Zh., 40(2):244-50 Morfometricheskaia kharakteristika dneprov- skoi tarani i ee khoziaistvennoe znachenie (Morphometric characteristics and economic importance of the Dnieper roach). En 9-12499 F Savvaitova, K.A. (1961) Ryb.Khoz., (1):9-11 O pitanii dal'nevostochnykh gol'tsov (The feeding of Far-Eastern loaches) 9-12500 F Svetovidova, A.A. (1961) 9-12501 Е Nauch,Dokl.vyssh,Shk, (Ъ101.), (1):29-32 Materialy ро vozrastu 1 tempu rosta letnei kety reki My. Amurskii liman (Materials on the age and growth rate of the dog salmon of the river My (Amur liman)) Egorov, A. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1);26 Akklimatizatsiia karpa i leshcha v ozere Okunevom, Buriet ASSR (Acclimatization of carp and carp-bream in Lake Okunev (Buriat ASSR)) 9-12502 F Kanaev, A. (1961) Rybovod,i Rybolov., (1):14-7 Sanitarnaia obrabotka prudov (Disinfection of ponds) 9-12503 Е Manzhos, A. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):10 Rybovodstvo nashego raiona - Volochisskii r-n Ukrainy (The fish farming of our district - the Volochisskii district of the Ukraine) 9-12504 Е ANON. (1961) Rybovod,i Rybolov., (1):5-7 Puti razvitiia rybovodstva (Ways of developing fish faming) 9-12505 Е 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pshchelko, N. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):33-5 Delo obshchestvennosti vosproizvodstvo i Okhrana rybnykh zapasov (The reproduction and conservation of fish stocks is a communal matter) 9-12506 F Uspenskaia, A.V. (1961) Zoo1.Zh., 40(1):7-12 Vliianie Dactylogyrus vastator Nybelin, 1921 (Monogenoidea, Dactylogyridea) na organizm karpa (The effects of Dactylogyrus vastator Nybelin, 1924 (Monogenoidea, Dactylogyridea) on carp). En 9-12507 Е Chernov, P. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):20-1 Rybkhoz "Bol'shaia sestra", Novyi rybkhoz v Lotoshinskom r-ne, 155 km. ot Moskvy (The "Bol'shaia sestra" fish farm - a new fish farm near Lotoshinskii, 155 km from Moscow) 9-12508 F Chizhov, У. (1961) Rybovod,i Rybolov,, (1):12-3 Dokhodnaia otrasl', Prudovoe rybovodstvo Serpukhovskogo r-na (Pond fish farms in the Serpukhov district - a profitable branch of the economy) 9-12509 F Churbakov, E. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):11 Stoit vyrashchivat' i trekhletkov karpa (It is worth rearing three-year carp) 9-12510 P Shpet, G, (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):8-9 Bogateishie rezervy. Prudovoe rybovodstvo v Kirovogradskoi oblasti (Extremely rich reserves: in the Kirovograd region) 9-12511 F pond fish farming Gordon, M.L. (1961) 9-12512 F Ryb.Khoz., (1):68-75 Ekonomicheskaia effektivnost' intensifikat- sii prudovogo rybvodstva (Economic effectiveness of the intensific- ation of pond fishery) Bakanov, N. (1961) Rybovod.i Rybolov., (1):54-5 Okhrana rybnykh zapasov v Chekhoslovakii (Conservation of fish reserves in Czecho- slovakia) 9-12513 F AQUATIC STOCKS Müller, K. (1960) 9-12514 F K.fysiogr.Sällsk,Lund F9rh., 30(8) :57-66 Beitrag zur Systematik und Verbreitung von Cottus gobio L. und Cottus poecilopus Heckel (Contribution to the systematics and dis- tribution of Cottus gobio L. and Cottus cilopus Heckel) ое- Data given on growth and feeding habits in Lule Alv (Norway), and on distribution in Europe, Dewitt, J.B. et al. (1960) 9-12515 F Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:277-85 Pesticidal residues in animal tissues Methods used in and results of tests with pesticides on mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, crustaceans and oligo- chaetes, Matthes, H. (1960) 9-12516 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63) :107-12 Note sur la reproduction des poissons au Lac Tanganyika (Note on the reproduction of fish in Lake Tanganyika) Outlines methods of reproduction and principal groups, Garrod, D.J. (1960) 9-12517 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63) :126-30 Some effects of changes in mesh legislation upon the fishing industry of Lake Victoria Describes effect on 'Tilapia fisheries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika, Iles, T.D. (1960) 9-12518 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):131-2 Pre-breeding migration of common Lake Nyasa fishes Refers to Bagrus meridionalis, Tilapia squami- pinnis, Haplochromis quadrimaculatus and Lebeo mesops. Bell-Cross, G. (1960) 9-12519 F Publ.Cons, sci,Afr,S,Sahara, (63):113-25 Observations on the movements of fish in a fish ladder in Northern Rhodesia Describes movement and reason for it of 2h species of fish, 9 (12) Jackson, P.B.N. (1960) 9-12520 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):157-64 On the desirability or otherwise of intro- ducing fishes to waters that are foreign to them Has special reference to Africa but discusses general principles of introduction, Iles, T.D. (1960) 9-12521 F Publ.Cons,sci,Afr.s.Sahera, (63):165-7 An opinion as to the desirability of intro- ducing a non-indigenous zooplankton feed- ing fish into Lake Nyasa Presents nis reasons as to why a fish such as Stolothrissa tanganicae would not be more successful than the endemic Engraulicypris sardelle, Lombard, G.L. (1960) 9-12522 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.s.Sahara, (63):170-4 A preliminary survey of the occurence of trematodes in fish and aquatic birds Has special reference to Africa. Includes a table showing occurrence. Fish affected were: Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieni, M. punctulatus, Tilapia mossambica, T. melonopleura, Haplochromis moffatt, and Gnathonemus macrolepidotus. Bard, J. (1960) 9-12523 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):175-7 Essais comparatifs de croissance des Tilapia macrochir et nilotica (Comparative studies of growth of Tilapia macrochir and nilotica) Bard, J. (1960) 9-12524 F Publ,Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):179-82 Hybridation des Tilapia (Hybridization of Tilapia) Has reference to crosses between Tilapia nilotica and T. macrochir, Mortimer, M.A.E. (1960) 9-12525 F Publ. Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):185-95 Hybrid Tilapia in Northern Rhodesia Preliminary observations on Tilapia mossam- bica and T. andersonii, 697 698 Bard. J. (1960) 9-12526 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):196-203 Pisciculture de l'Heterotis niloticus (Fish culture of Heterotis niloticus) Studies in the Cameroun, Maar, A. (1960) 9-12527 F Publ.Cons.sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):204-8 The introduction of carp in Africa south of the Sahara Reviews the history of Cyprinus carpio in Union of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Madagascar, Nigeria and Belgian Congo. Dis- cusses reasons for success or failure of the need for carp culture. Discusses previous recommendations concerning its introduction, Van der Lingen, M.I. (1960) 9-12528 F Publ.Cons,sci,Afr,S.Sahara, (63) :212-6 The use of animal manures and the integration of animal keeping and fish culture in Tilapia culture Reviews literature on subject and gives results of use with pigs and ducks in the Rhodesias. Belitsyna, N.V. et al. (1963) Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 153(5):1204-6 Deistvie radiatsionnoi inaktivatsii iader na sintez informatsionnoi rybonukleinovoi kisloty u zarodishei v'iuna (The effect of radiational inactivation of nuclei on the synthesis of informational ribonucleic acid in embryos of Misgurnus fossilis) 9-12529 F Nature, Lond., 197(4873):1224-5 Leeches as endoparasites of frogs 9-12530 F Species of Philaemon, frogs of six species taken in primary montane forest from central mountains of Australian Trusteeship Territory of New Guinea, 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Belyi, N.D. (1963) 9-12531 F Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(biol.), (4) :547-54 Razmnozhenie leshcha (Abramis brama (L.)) na gnezdakh v nizovakh Dnepra (Nest reproduction of the bream (Abremis brama L.) in lower Dniepr) It follows from experiments and observations described that bream spawns at 5 to 11 am, in the flood-plain of Bielaya River. Sexual products are disseminated over large areas by drastic movements performed by spawning female. No such movements are noted in nest spawning. In lower Dniepr artificial nests are inseminated by bream at a depth of 0,5 to 6 m where the streaming rate varies from 0 to 0.2 m/sec and water transparency is 35-180 cm, By means of artificial spawning plots the fisheries of Kherson Fish Plant obtain regularly tons of fertilized bream and other spawn a year, Preciado, A.S. (1961)С 9-12532 F Mexico, Direccion General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas, 70 p. Contribución al conocimiento de la biología del charal prieto del Lago de Patzcuaro, Mich, (Chirostoma bartoni Jordan y Evermann, 1896) (Contribution to knowledge of the biology of charal prieto in Lake Patzcuaro (Chirostoma bartoni Jordan and Evermenn, 1896)) Texonomy and systematics, morphometry, maturity spawning season, abundance, development, feed- ing habits and diet, fishing methods and processing of catch. Annual and seasonal catches; regulation of fishing. Proposes two separate spp: C, bartoni € C. patzcuaro. FiR:efa Ringuelet, R.A. & R.H. Aramburu (1961) Agro, 3(7):98 p. Peces argentinos de agua dulce. Clave de reconocimiento y caracterización de familias y subfamilias, con glosario explicativo (Freshwater fishes from Argentina, Key for identification and description of families and subfamilies, with an explanatory glossary) 9-12533 F Includes a list of common names, Timmermans, J.A. (1961) 9-12534 F Irev.Sta.Rech,Groenendaal (D), (32):51 р. Essais en eaux courantes sur l'efficacité de repeuplements en truites (Salmo trutta , fario) et gardons (Gardonus rutilus pêchables (Experiments on the efficiency of restocking running waters with fishable trout (salmo trutta fario) and roach (Gardonus rutilus)). En Results of several tests on the efficiency, for angling, of restocking legal sized trouts and of two experiments dealing with the effic- iency of restocking legal sized roach. AQUATIC STOCKS Govindan, P. (1961) J.Annamalai Univ., 22:1-16 Age and growth of the yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) of Grand Traverse Bay 9-12535 Е Attempt to furnish further information for region where commercial fishing operations are prohibited, and to compare with observ- ations by previous workers in other waters of the N. American Great Lakes. Based on 88 specimens caught by experimental gill nets. Kasebayashi, T. & I. Nakano 9-12536 F (1961) Rep.Ibareki pref.Fish.Sta.lekes Kasumigaura Kitaura, (6):1-64 (Fishery biological studies of pond smelt, Hypomesus oildus, in Lake Kasumigaura 6.). Ni En Data on spawning, egg production, growth, food habits, length composition of net caught fish, populations, Kasebayashi, T.(1961) 9-12537 F Rep.ibaraki pref.Fish.Sta.lakes Kesumigaura Kitaura, (6):65-78 (On the anadromous migration of eel Anguilla Japonica, Japanese perch-sea-wolf Lateolabrax Japonicus and mullet Mugil cephalus to lakes Kasumigaura and Kitaura). Ni En Paper is intended to clarify in part the anadromous ecology of eel, Japanese perch- sea-wolf and mullet, which move through the Hitachi River on their wey into the Kasu- migaura and Kitaura Lakes, on the basis of the examination of these fishes caught in the river during the period December 1960 to July 1961, swcb Weber, K.G. (1961) 9-12538 Е In 62-05183:151-2 The status of fish passage in the Pacific northwest Reports on the need for fish passes and refers to development of the Columbia River basin. 9 (12) 699 Hubbs, C. (1961) 9-12539 F Tex.J.Sci., 13(4):427-33 Differences between the gamete compatibility of Etheostoma lepidum sperm and eggs of related percid fishes from allopatric and sympatric populations Sperm from males of greenthroat darter used to test its fertilizing ability against eggs of Etheostoma spectabile and Percina caprodes as well as E. lepidum. Material from Colorado and Brazos river systems, Texas, and White River system, Arkansas, Schultz, R.J. (1961) Evolution, 15(3):302-25 Reproductive mechanism of unisexual and bi- sexual strains of the viviparous fish Poeciliopsis 9-12540 Е Linton, T.L. (1961) Rep.Okla.Fish,Res.Lab., (81):30 p. A study of fishes of the Arkansas and Cimarron Rivers in the area of the proposed Keystone reservolr 9-12541 Е A pre-impoundment study on age and growth of species present, populetion and standing crops, and a creel census, and some conclusions on possible changes due to dam, Wahbe, V.G., W.M. Balfour & F.E. Samson Jr. (1961) Comp. Biochem.Physiol., 3(4):199-205 A comparative study on vertebrate brain mitochondria 9-12542 P Fox, A.M. (1961)A Comp. Biochem.Physiol., 3(3):285-96 Transport of monosaccharides by intestinal segments of the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta 9-12543 Е Rivero, J.A. (1961) 9-12544 Ев Bul1.Mus.comp.Zool.Harv., (1):207 р. Salientia of Venezuela Keys to the families, genera and species of Venezuelan frogs, Issued also as: Contr.Inst.Mar.Biol.Univ, Puerto Rico 3(26), 700 Lawler, G.H. (1961) 9-12545 Е Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):48-50 Heuing Lake experiment General review of „riaenophorus problem in Canada. Attention given to pike (Esox lucius) control program at Heming Lake, Manitoba, Report summarizes results of last 3 years work and includes them with previously pub- lished data, Watson, N.H.F. € G.H. Lawler 9-12546 Е (1961) Progr.Rep.biol.Sta.London,Ont., (2):51-2 Studies on the eggs and first intermediate stages of Triaenophorus at Heming Lake, Manitoba Victoria. State Development 9-12547 Е Committee (1962) Melbourne, Govt, Printer, 27 p. Report of the state development committee on the introduction of European carp into Victorian waters General account of possible effects of widespread introduction of carp in Australia and recommendations of committee. Kaushik, D.K. & W.T. Helm (1962)A 9-12548 Е Proc,Utah Acad,Sci,, 39:92-8 Observations on pituitary hormone injections and ripening of fish Daly, R., V.A. Hacker € L. 9-12549 F Wiegert (1962) Publ.Wis.Conserv.Dep., (233):15 р. The lake trout, Its life history, ecology and management With respect to Salvelinus namaycush especial- ly in Wisconsin, summarises: classifi- cation, distribution, habits, habitat, predators, growth, age, population size, mortality rate, ecology, fishing, economical value, and management. Millen, E. et al, (1964) Science, 145(3632):591-3 Circulatory adaptation to diving in the freshwater turtle 9-12550 Е Freshwater turtles, Pseudemys scripta elegans and floridana, weighing between 1 and 2 kg, were used for studies. 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Krivoy, W.A., et al.(1962)A Experientia, 18(11):521-2 On the action of É-melanocyte stimulating hormone (B-MSH) on spontaneous electric discharges of the transparent knife fish, с. eigenmannia 9-12551 Е Huzita, 5. & К. Nishino (1964) Jap.J.Ichthyol., 12(1/2):7-9 (On sagenichthys abei collected off Miyako, Iwate Pref., Japan). Ni En 9-12552 М Record of collection, Elder, H.Y. (1962) 9-12553 F Rep.E.Afr,Freshw,Fish,Res.Org., (1961):19-22 Preliminary notes on the relationship between feeding and growth rate in the siluroid fish Bagrus docmac (Forsk) Hamblyn, E.L. (1962) 9-12554 F Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., (1961):23-8 Nile perch investigation Cridland, C.C. (1962) 9-12775: E Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish,Res.Org., (1961) :29-32 Breeding studies on Tilapia zillii and Tilapia nigra van Someren, V.D. (1962) 9-12556 F Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish,Res.Org., (1961):33-5 Pond culture studies on Tilapia nigra van Someren, V.D. (1962) 9-12557 F Rep.E.Afr.Freshw.Fish.Res.Org., (1961) :36-9 River fish migration Chen, T.-P. (1962) 9-12558 F Paper presented to U.N. Conference on the application of science and technology for the benefit of the less developed areas, Agenda Item C.8.2.:2 p., mimeo Amelioration de l'elevage des chamides à Formose, Republique de Chine (Improvement of the chanos culture in Formosa, Republic of China) Discusses methods and results obtained, and reports on process used against Chironomidae. Do 61-370me. AQUATIC STOCKS 701 Scott, D. (1960) 9-12559 F Rev.Otago Acclimetis.soc., (94):25-7 The experiments on migratory trout Drecun, D. (1962) 9-12560 PF Hydrobiol.montenegr. » 1(9):10 p. Postizanje visokih prinosa konzymne pastrmke u skrademom tehnoloËkom postupku (Realization of a reach yield of consumable trout in a shortened technological procedure). Er En Describes experiment in trout culture to produce commercial sized trout in one year, Drecun, D. (1962) 9-12561 F drobiol.montenegr., 2(1):unpag. 8 р. Rasprostranjenje 1 popis slatkovodnih riba Crne Gore | (Spread and register of freshwater fishes in P.R. Montenegro). Hr En Species list and distribution report on waters entering Adriatic and Black Sea, Drecun, D. (1962) 9-12562 F Hydrobiol.montenegr. , 2(2):unpag. 6 p. _Prilog poznavanju biologije $arana iz Skadarskog jezera (Supplement to the expertness of carpsbiology from Skadar Lake). Hr En Information on life history of carp in Skadar Lake. Houser, A. & C. Collins (1962) 9-12563 F Rep.Okle.Fish.Res,Lab., (79) :18 р. Growth of black bullhead catfish in Oklahoma Growth determined by use of dorsal spine sections. U.S. Army Engineer Districts, Portland and Walla Walla Corps of Engineers (1961) Annu.Fish Pass.Rep.Bonneville, 1961:32 p. 9-12564 F Provides information and stetistical data on passage of fish, operation of facilities and other activities associated with the migration of fish at the Bonneville, Dalles and Mc Nery Dams on Columbia River. 9 (12) Conroy, Р.А. & М.С, Hughes (1960) J.Anim.Tech.Ass., 11(1):2 р. Notes on the handling of fish for injection 9-12565 FG Describes method, which may be generally useful, adopted for intraperitoneal injection of Carassius with bacteriel culture (Pseudo- mones) in study of pathogenicity, and causes of dropsy in Cyprinidae, Venugopalan, V.K. (1961) Z.Zellforsch., 55:617-21 Localization of ribo- and desoxyribo-nucleic acid in fish oocytes 9-12566 FG Ginetsinskii, A.G. (1961) Zh.obshch.Biol., 22(1):9-17 Rol' gialuronovykh struktur:v evoliutsii vodovydelitel'noi funktsii pochki (The role of hyaluronic structures in evolution of the renal water-excreting function), En 9-12567 G Dogiel, V.A., Yu.I. Polyanski & E.M. Kheisin (Ed.)(Kabata, Z. Transl, )(1964)c Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 528 p. General parasitology 9-12568 G Parasitism, its distribution and origin, adaptations in structure and life cycles of parasites, parasite fauna and its environment, host-parasite relations and the problem of species in parasites, bibliography and index of Latin names, Mathur, D.S. (1962)A Experientia, 18(11):506-9 Studies on the histopathological changes induced by DDT in the liver, kidney and intestine of certain fishes 9-12569 G a ve 702 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Oppenheimer, G.J. (1960) 9-12570 M Spec.sci.Rep.U.S.Fish Wildl.Serv.-Fis 9 De Reference sources for marine mamnalogy Lists abstracting, bibliographic end review periodicals (incl. CBASF); periodicals concerned with mammalogy and specifically aquatic mammals; systematic accounts and non- current reference sources, (No special sources are given for sirenians, sea otter and poler bear; mainly cetaceans and pinni- peds). wilewski, 5. (Ed.)(1963)C 9-12571 M Wersaw, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 363 р. slownik morski angielsko-polski English-Polish maritime dictionary. EL ANON. (1961) 9-12572 M Okeanologiia, 1(1):3-11 O zadachakh zhurnala (Editorial on the aims of the journal) Franklin, C.M. (1962)B 9-12573 M Egypt.Rev.int.Law, 18:23-52 The law of the sea - some recent developments Odemar, M. (n.d.1961?) 9-12574 M Mimeo, 10 p. Seismic explorations for oil deposits and in- cidental fish kills. March - September 1961. Seismic operations Describes current marine seismic operation by h., (361): Shell Oil Co. as preliminary phase in extensive search for offshore oil deposits. Tgrmessen, J.N. (1964) 9212575 M Norsk Hvalfungst-tid,, 53(3):57-9 New whaling literature. No Ве 9-12298. von Levetzow, K.G.R. (1962) 9-12576 M S.Afr.Shipp.News Fish Ind.Rev., 17(8):69-73 Overfishing and its effect on world sardine industries 9 (12) Crescitelli, F. (1960) 9-12577 MG Annu.Rev.Pnysiol., 22:525-78 Physiology of vision Survey of literature up to April 1959, with ref. to pigments of deep-sea fishes (Conger, Anguilla, Bathylegus). Buianovskii M.S. € M.I. L'vovich 9-12578 MF (1961) Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR(geogr.), (1):68-79 Geograficheskie osnovy khoziaistvennogo osvoeniia Volgo-Akhtubinskoi poimy i del'ty Volgi (The geographical basis of exploitation of the Volga-Akhtubinsk catchment area and the Volga delta) Forbes, T.R. (1960) Annu.Rev.Physiol., 22:75-96 Reproduction 9-12579 MF Partial review of literature published from July 1958-May 1959 with particular reference to physiology of reproduction, and incl, ref, to fishes Oryzias, Serranellus, Lebistes, Drummond, G.I. € E.C. Black 9-12580 MF (1960) Annu.Rev.Physiol,, 22:169-90 Comperative physiology: fuel of muscle metabolism Survey of literature up to June 1959; incl, section on fish, especially Salmonidae. Manwell, C. (1960) Annu.Rev.Physiol., 22:191-244 Comparative physiology: blood pigments 9-12581 MF Survey of literature over 10 year period ending March 1959, Many references to fishes and other aquatic groups. Ci Prosser, C.L., 1950, Lemberg, R. & J.W. Legge, 1949, Florey, E. (1961) 9-12582 MF Annu,Rev.Physiol., 23:501-28 Comparative physiology: transmitter sub- stances Review of literature up to June 1960, with ref, to many aquatic forms incl. Mytilus, Octopus, Hirudo, Stichopus, Venus, Amphi- desma, Lampetra, Cancer, Pacifastacus,Or- conectes, Homarus, Echinus, Daphnia, Car- cinus, Palinurus, Eriphia, Dromia, Caleppa, Anodonta, Myxine, Aplysia, Crangon, Eledone, Murex, Calliactis, Maia, Mytilus. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES van der Kloot, W.G. (1962) 9-12583 MF Annu.Rev.Physiol., 24:491-516 Comparative endocrinology of the invertebrates Survey of literature up to May 1961, with ref. to many aquatic forms. Vernberg, F.J. (1962) 9-12584 MF Annu.Rev.Physiol., 2%:517-46 Comparative physiology: latitudinal effects of physiological properties of animal populations Review of literature up to July 1961. Incl, many refs,. to fish and other aquatic forms. (Pecten, Pandalus, Pectinaria, Modiolaria, Uca, Tilapia, Modiolus, Calanus, Mitella, Gasterosteus, Mya, Mytilus, Gobius, Artemia, siphonaria, Asterias, Acartina, Mercenaria, Palaemon, Nereis). Amosov, V.A. (Ricker, W.E., 9-12585 MF Tränsl.)(1964) Transl.Ser.Fish,Res.Bd Can., (452) :4 р. Changes in weight and lengtn of fish after fixation in formalin followed by soaking in water En 62-0155k, Trewartha, С.Т. (1961)C 9-12586 MF Medison, Univ, of Wisconsin Press, 334 p. The earth's problem climates A major objective of this book is to make an inventory of the more important of the earth's problem climates and to offer e brief and precise description of their characteristics, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1962) Bull.zool.Nom., 19(5):336 р. 9-12587 MF Contains notices, decisions, new applications and comments on cases of zoologicel nomen- clature, considered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Klawe, М.Г. € 5. Hester (1962) La Jolla, I-ATTC, 35 p. Source list of seeds of Leguminosae prepared for immunogeneticists working with phyto- hemagglutinins 9-12588 MF Index of suppliers and species, 9 (12) 703 Grizzell, R.A., Jr. (1960) Trans.N.Amer.Wildl.Conf., 25:186-92 Fish and wildlife management on watershed projects 9-12589 F Part of paper describes fish management practices on small reservoirs and streams in southern U.S.A. Des Hammarskjold Library U.N., New York (Comp. )(1963)B Bull,int.Ass,Law Libr., 7-15 July Selective bibliography on the law relating to the utilization and use of inter ational rivers, excluding navigation 9-12590 F Summers, P.B. (1961) 9-12591 F Job.Compl.Rep.fed.Aid Div,Okla,Dep.Wildl. Conserv., Sept. 1961:43-52 Observations on the limnological dynemics of Terkiller Ferry Reservoir. Survey of wall- eye literature Twenty-nine annotated references on Stizo- stedion vitreum, Bennikov, A.G. € N.A. Gladkov (1961) Priroda, Moskva, (2):3-8 Okhrana prirody, v chastnosti vodnykh resursov i rybnykh zapasov - delo vsego naroda (Nature conservancy, with particular reference to aquatic resources and fish stocks - a task of national importance) 9-12592 FG Slobodkin, L.B. (1962) In 9-01018:69-101 Energy in animal ecology 9-12593 FG Discusses the relevance of such studies to ecology, the theory of energy, budgets, entropy and information, Lindeman's theor- etical formulation, Daphnia energetics, and field estimation of efficiency. Weisman, H.M. € M.L. Albertson (1962) Amer.Docum,, 13(1):71-82 Water abstracts 9-12594 FG Reports study on need for and feasibility of a new documentation service and abstracting journal, coverage of wnich would incl, fresh- water fisheries, limnology and water pollution. 704 Bergner, P.-E.E. (1964)B 9-12595 G J.theor.Biol., 6(2):137-58 Tracer dynemics and the determination of pool-sizes and turnover factors in metabolic systems Pettersson, M. (1964)B 0-12596 G J.theor.Biol., 6(2):217-43 Cn the convenience or more thorough metric usage in the biological and allied sciences Thompson, W.A.,Jr. & С.Н. Weiss (1963)B Bull.math.Biophys., 25(2):203-12 Transient behavior of population density with competition for resources 9-12597 € Healy, M.J.R. (1963)B 9-12598 G J.R.statist.Soc.(A), 126(2):270-5 A subject index to the Kendall-Doig biblio- graphy of statistical literature Wetherill, G.B. (1963)B 9-12599 G J.R.statist.Soc.(B), 25(1):1-48 Sequential estimation of quantal response curves (with discussion) Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1963)B 9-12600 G Econometrica, 31(1-2):230-6 Some thoughts on growth models: A reply 9 (12) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Draper, G.J. (1963) Appl Statist., 12(1):26-37 A suggested method for cons of morbidity 9-12601 в tructing indices Barlow, J.S. (1964)B J.theor.Biol., 6(1):76-117 Inertial navigation as a basis for animal navigation 9-12602 G Hill, B.M. (1963)B J.Amer, statist.Ass., 58(304):918-32 Information for estimating the proportions in mixtures of exponential and normal distribution 9-12603 G Heyde, С.С. (1963)в 9-12604 G J.R.statist.Soc.(B), 25(2):392-3 On a property of the lognormal distribution Seth, A. (1963)B J.R.statist.Soc.(B), 25(2) ;394-400 The correlated unrestricted random walk 9-12605 G Ewens, W.J. (1963)B 9-12606 G J.R.statist.Soc.(B), 405-12 The diffusion equation and a pseudo- distribution in genetics ANON. (1961) Rybovod,i Rybolov, (2-4) Berech' i okhraniat' prirodu. Peredovaia (Treasure and preserve our natural heritage) 9-12607 G MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES Poore, M.E.D. (1962) 9-12608 G In 9-01018:35-68 The method of successive approximation in descriptive ecology Considers the classification of vegetation and the problem of pattern. Discusses also the steps used in the phytosociological examination of vegetation, with the systems of classification and criteria for defining рода. Germany, Federal Republic of, Bundesforschunganstalt für Fischerei in Hamburg (1962) Inform.Fischw., 9(6):131-60 9-12609 С Contains notes and extracts on scientific, technical and economical discoveries, develop- ments and practices in fisheries in Germany and other countries, 9 (12) 705 Marks, B.L. (1962) J.R,statist,Soc,(B), 24(2):393-400 Some optimal sequential schemes for estimating the mean of a cumulative normal quantal response curve 9-12610 G Ci Dixon, W.J. & A.M. Mood, 1948, Zachariah, K.C. (1962) J.Amer.statist.Ass., 57(297):175-82 A note on the census survival ratio method of estimating net migration 9-12611 @ In survival ratio method, one common assumption is that proportion which enumerated population in any age-sex group bears to actual population is same at each census for each subarea as for each entire area, Significance of this assumption is examined and it is established that it is not necessary, It is replaced by less stringent assumption, that ratio of the degree of enumeration in subarea to that of whole area is same for same cohort, CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Volume 9 - Meetings: Congresses, Conference, Symposia 9-001 to 9-047me IMCO (1965) 2nd Session of panel of experts on stability of fishing vessels Challenger Society (1965) 220th Scientific meeting Challenger Society/Representatives from the Marine Laboratories (1965) Joint meeting IUCN, (1965) Meeting of survival service commission Wildlife Management Institute (1965) 30th North American wildlife and natural resources conference FAO (1965) Regional conference IWC (1965) 3rd Meeting of working group on North Pacific whale stocks I-ATTC (1965) Annual meeting IUCN (1965) Meeting of executive board FAO (1965) Working party on assessment Of antarctic whale stocks ICSU (1965) Meeting of executive board Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology (1965) Annual meeting 9: Me 1 9-001me 9=002me 9-00 3me 9-00 4me 9-005me 9-006me 9-007me 9-008me 9=009me 9=010me 9=011me 9=01 2me 707 MF MG 708 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES SCIBP (1965) 9-013me Symposium on primary productivity in aquatic environments and related methodology CIESMM (1965) 9-01 4me Meeting of committee on man living under water WHO (1965) 9-01 5me Informal inter-agency meeting on environmental pollution and its control IMCO (1965) 9=016me 10th Session of maritime safety committee North American Fisheries Conference (1965) 9=017me ist General session. "The future of North American fisheries resources" Baltic and International Maritime Conference (1965) 9-018me General meeting IUGG/IAPO (1965) 9-019me Symposium on prediction of tides and currents Challenger Society (1965) 9~020me Annual general meeting IMCO (1965) 9-021me ist Session of working group on oil pollution IBP (1965) 9-022me Meeting of freshwater productivity section World Fishing, London (1965) 9-023me Exhibition White Fish Authority/Torry Research Station, D.S.I.R. (1965) 9=024me International conference on the design of fishing vessels and their equipment, in relation to improvement of quality 110E (1965) 9-025me Coordinators meeting 9: Me 2 MEETINGS IMCO (1965) 14th Session of council International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (1965) Meeting of executive council and scientific committee WMO, Commission for Aerology (1965) 4th Session SCIBP (1965) Symposium on methods of estimating primary productivity UNESCO (1965) 1st International symposium on ecosystens International Conference on Protozoology (1965) 2nd Session International Seaweed Symposium (1965) 5th Symposium ECOSOC(UN) (1965) 4th Session of advisory committee on the application of science and technology to development SCIBP (1965) Symposium on metabolic adaptations to temperature and altitude IMCO (1965) 4th Assembly session World Federation of Scientific Workers (1965) International symposium on the problems of the devel opment of science in developing countries and the role of international scientific cooperation Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference (1965) 12th Conference IMCO (1965) 15th Session of council 9: Me 3 9=О2бте 9-027me 9-028me 9-029ne 9-030me 9-031me 9=032me 9-03 3me 9-03 4me 9-03 5me 9-03 6me 709 MG MG 710 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bremerhaven. Institut für Meeresforschung (1965) 6th Marine biological symposium IMCO (1965) 3rd Session of panel of experts on stability of fishing vessels FAO (1965) 3rd Technical meeting on fishing boats MAMBO (1965) General assembly IMCO (1965) 2nd Session of sub=committee on oil pollution INPFC (1965) Meeting FAO (1965) 45th Session of council FAO (1965) 13th Sessicn of conference FAO (1965) 46th Session of council ICES/ICNAF (1965) Joint special meeting on sampling American Geophysical Union (1965) 46th Annual meeting SCIBP (1965) Regional meeting of the human adaptability committee IWC (1965) Extraordinary meeting U.S. Army Electronic Command (1965) 4th Conference on tropical meteorology 9: Me 4 9=039me 9=040me 9=041me 9-042me 9=043me 9-044me 9-045me 9-046me 9-047me 9-048me 9-049me 9=050me 9-051me 9-052me MG MEETINGS OECD (1965) Meeting of fisheries committee EIFAC (1965) Meeting of working group on electro-fishing population studies in streams ILO (1965) Conference SCOR(ICSU) (1965) Meeting of working group on general problems of intercalibration and standardization ASLO (1965) 28th Annual meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1965) Annual meeting Southeastern Fisheries Association/Shrimp Association of the Americas (1965) Mesting AAAS, Paoific Division (1965) Meeting GLFC (1965) Annual meeting Challenger Society (1965) 222nd Scientific meeting EIFAC (1965) Meeting of working group on water quality criteria for European freshwater fish, temperature and dissolved oxygen FAO (1965) 2nd Session of working party for rational utilization of tuna resources in the Atlantic Ocean FBA(UK) (1965) Annual general meeting and scientific meeting 9: Me 5 9-053me 9-054me 9-055me 9-056me 9-057me 9-058me 9-058me 9-060me 9-061me 9-062me 9=063me 9-064me 9-065me 711 MF MP 712 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES WHO (1965) 5th Inter-secretariat meeting on water problems in Europe AIBS (1965) 16th Annual meeting, in conjunction with 9-068 and 9-069me American Society of Plant Taxonomists/AIBS (1965) Annual meeting, in conjunction with 9-067me and 9-069me Ecological Society of America/AIBS (1965) Annual meeting, in conjunction with 9-067me and 9-068me American Geophysical Union (1965) 5th Western national meeting International Institute of Refrigeration (1965) Symposium on superchilling Society for General Microbiology (1965) Meeting International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners (1965) Meeting Office International des Epizooties (OIE...) Commission permanente de 1'0.I.E. pour l'étude des maladies des poissons (1965) Symposium on water diseases and fish diseases Pacific Tuna Conference (1965) 16th Session ICNAF (1965) Meeting of assessment sub-committee Institute of Biology, U.K. (1965) Symposium on man-made lakes ICES (1965) Meeting of statistical committee ILO (1965) Technical meeting on fishermen's questions 9: Me 6 9-066me 9-067me 9-068me 9-069me 9=070me 9-07 1me 9-07 2me 9-07 3me 9-074me 9-07 5me 9-07 6me 9-077me 9-078me 9-079me MF MF MF MF MF MF MEETINGS Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission/Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission (1965) Joint meeting FAO/WHO (1965) 3rd Session of codex alimentarius commission SCOR(ICSU) (1965) Meeting of executive board FAO (1965) Consultative panel of FAO world symposium on warm-water pond fish culture FAO (1965) Technical committee meeting of the FAO conference IOF (1965) International game fish conference, in conjunotion with 8.131. 1me Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (1965) 18th Annual meeting Miami. University. Institute of Marine Science (1965) International conference on tropical oceanography, in conjunction with 8.131.1me Australia/CSIRO, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography/Ecological Society of Australia/Australian Marine Sciences Association (1966) Meeting on decapod Crustacea Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission (1966) Spring meeting IAEA (1966) Symposium on discharge of radiactive waste to the sea and fresh water FAO (1966) World symposium on warm=water pond fish culture IAMS (1966) 9th International congress for microbiology 9: Me 6 9-080me 9-081me 9-082me 9-08 3me 9-084me 9-085me 9-08 6me 9-087me 9-088me 9-089me 9-090ne 9-091me 9-09 2me 713 MF MF 714 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES SCOR(ICSU)/ICES/UNESCO (1965) Working group on zooplankton methods SCOR(ICSU)/ACMRR(FAO) (1965) Working group on biological data IOC/UNESCO (1966) 2nd International oceanographic congress Challenger Society/Representatives from the Marine Laboratories (1965) Joint Meeting Syracuse. University. School of Library Science (1965) 8th Annual summer symposium SCTR/OAU (1965) Symposium on fish farming Challenger Society/Representatives from the Marine Laboratories (1965) Joint Meeting FAO (1965) Conference on quelea bird and water hyacinth International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (1965) Meeting of executive council and scientific committee ICC (1965) International symposium on economics of automatic data processing (ADP) British Ecological Society (1965) Tropical group meeting on "temperature as a factor in tropical ecology" 10C (1965) International coordination group for the cooperative study of the Kuroshio and adjacent regions CARPAS (1965) 13% Meeting ef working party on fisheries statistics 9: Me 7 9-09 3me 9-094me 9-095me 9-096me 9-097me 9-098me 9-099me 9-100me 9-101me 9-102me 9-10 3me 9-104me 9-105ne MF IUCN/Thailand. National Research Council/FAO/UNESCO (1965) Conference on conservation of nature and natural resources in tropical south east Asia UNESCO (1965) Meeting on cooperative oceanographic studies of the south Mediterranean SCOR( ICSU) (1965) Meeting of working group No.19 on micropaleontology of bottom sediments ICSU (1966) Meeting of executive committee, in conjunction with 9-110me ICSU (1966) 11th General assembly Conference of the South Pacific (1966) MEETINGS 9th Ordinary meeting of permanent committee IMCO (1966) 12th Session of maritime safety committee (Tentative) Toc (1966) Meeting of working group on ocean data stations CSIRO (1966) Symposium on hydrodynamics of plankton samplers ICES/SCOR(ICSU)/UNESCO (1966) Meeting of working group No. 13 on zooplankton methods and meeting of working party III IOBC (1966) Meeting of consultative committee ICES/SCOR(ICSU)/UNESCO (1966) Meeting of working group No.20 on radiocarbon estimation of primary production ECOSOC(UN) (1966) 5th Session of advisory committee on science and technology 9: Me 8 9-106me 9-107me 9-108me 9-109me 9-110me 9-111me 9-112me 9-113me 9=114me 9=115me 9=116me 9-117me 9-118me 715 MF MF MG 716 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ICES (1966) Hydrographical meeting International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (1966) Symposium on dynamics of rotating systems 10C (1966) Meeting of working group on data exchange IBP (1966) 2nd Ceneral assembly Michigan. University. Institute of Science and Technology (1966) 4th Symposium on remote sensing of environment I-ATTC (1966) 18th Annual meeting Sweden. The Swedish National Committee on Radiation Protection Research (1966) International symposium on radioecological concentration processes American Federation of Information Processing Societies (1966) Spring joint computer conference International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (1966) 6th Annual conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Instrument Society of America (1966) National telemetering conference 10C (1966) 6th Meeting of IOC Bureau and consultative council SCOR(ICSU) (1966) Sth General meeting AAAS (1966) Meeting 10C (1966) Meeting of working group on mutual assistance 9: Me 9 9=119me 9-120me 9-121me 9-122me 9=123me 9-124me 9-125me 9-126me 9-127me 9-128me 9-129me 9-130me 9-131me 9-1 32me M MG MF MG MF MF MF MEETINGS American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1966) Meeting IUCN (1966) 9th General assembly IUCN (1966) 10th Technical meeting, in conjunction with 9-134me Law of the Sea Institute (1966) Law of the sea conference Marine Technology Society (1966) 2nd Annual conference and exhibit International Union of Nutritional Sciences (I.U.N.S.) (1966) Tth International congress of nutrition FAO (1966) 2nd Session of expert panel for the facilitation of tuna research IAPO/SCOR(ICSU)/UNESCO (1966) 2nd Meeting of panel on radiant energy 10C (1966) 3rd Meeting of the CSK coordination group International Committee of Food Science and Technology (1966) 2nd International congress of food science and technology PSA (1966) 11th Session of Pacific science congress IBP (1966) PF sectional committee symposium on freshwater fish production International Association on Water Pollution Research (1966) 3rd Session SCAR(ICSU) (1966) Symposium on antarctic oceanography 9: Me 10 9~133me 9-134me 9=135me 9=136me 9=»137me 9-138me 9-139те 9-140me 9-141me 9-142me 9-143me 9-1 44me 9-145me 9-1 46me 717 MF MF G2 MF MF 718 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ICES (1966) Symposium on ecology of pelagic fishes in arctic waters, in conjunction with 9-150me 10C (1966) 2nd Meeting of working group on variability in the ocean ICES (1966) Additional meeting of the herring committee on the herring and herring fisheries in the North Sea, in conjunction with 9-150me ICES (1966) 54th Statutory meeting IPFC (1966) 12th Session Pacifio Tuna Conference (1966) 17th Conference Eastern Pacific Tuna Conference (1966) 13th Conference ECOSOC(UN) (1966) 6th Session of advisory committee on sofence and technology UNESCO/FAO/OAU (1966) Symposium on oceanography and fisheries resources of the tropical Atlantic. (Results of ICITA and GTS) Ioc (1966) Meeting of working group on follow-up of ICITA UNESCO (1966) General conference Canadian Council of Resource Ministers (1966) National conference on water, air and soil pollution "Pollution and our environment" 9: Me 11 9-147me 9=148me 9-149me 9-150me 9-151me 9=152me 9-153ше 9-154ще 9-155me 9-156me 9-157me 9-158те MF MG MF MF MEETINGS 719 IOC (1966) 9-159me M Meeting of working group on marine pollution GCFI (1966) 9-160me M 19th Annual meeting, in conjunction with 9-161me IOF (1966) 9-161me MF International game fish conference, in conjunction with 9-160me 9: Me 12 end end end 2nd . 2nd 2nd | end im) CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Volume 9 - Volume Author Index AAAS (1963) ACMRR (FAO). Second Session, Rome, 6-12 February 1964 (1964) ACMRR (FAO). Third Session, Rome, 1-8 March 1965 (1965) ASIRC (1964) Aasen, O. (1962) Abbott, B.C. % B.P. Boden (1963) Abdel-Aal, T.M. (1962) Abdus Sattar, A.L. (1961) Abe, K. (1964) Abe, T. во Abe, Т. (1963) Abe, Т. & Т. Kosakai (1964) Abe Т., 5. Kojima & Т. Kosakai (1963) Abe, T. (1963) Abel, E.F. (1962) Abel, J.H. Jr. (1964) Abercrombie, M. & J. Brachet (Ed.) (1962) Abraham, B., Y. Hiyama & F. Yasuda (1962) Abramson, N.J. (1962) Abrikosov, G.G. (1961) Acara, A. (1961) Acara, A. & C. Erol (1960) Acara, A. & U. Nalbandoëlu (1960) Acher, R. et al. (1961) Ackermann, D. (1962) Ackman, R.G. % R.J. Hoyle (1963) Acoustical Society of America (1962) Adachibara, T. (1960) Adam, W. (1960) Adler, L. % E.A. Hiedemann (1962) Adlington, R.H. (1963) Adrov, M.M. т Adrov, М.М. (1965 Aeberhardt, А. (1963) Afzelius, В.А. & С. Fridberg (1963) Т. Ono & М. Kishino 05241 10052 09002 12001 19592 10433 04216 07407 06127 11294 02392 11054 09490 09377 09033 10485 10428 01013 03505 11279 12254 08459 07119 07085 04461 05087 05214 07456 07134 02415 07574 11041 12068 01419 10169 05273 'Agalides, E. % J. Bernardini (1964) Agamirov, S.S. (1963) Ager, D.V. & D. Nichols (1963 Agnew, J.D. (1962) Agor, A.B. & D.V. Villadolid (1961) Agrawal, S.C. on Agrawal, V.P. (1962 Agrawal, V.P. (1963) Agre, A.L. & М.М. Telitchenko (1963) Aguayo, А.Т. % 0.6. Paliza (1964) Aguayo, C.G. (1962) Ahmad, N. (1960) Ahmad, N. (1961) Ahmad, N. (1962) Ahmed, M. (1962) Ahmed, Ahmed, M., M. Khaliluddin % A. Hossain (1962) Ahmed, M., M. Khaliluddin & A. Hussain (1962) Ahuja, S.K. (1964) end ) 05138 04358 M. % A.H. Qureshi (1962) 04300 Aibulatov, М.А. % V.P. Nikolaev (1960) Aiso, K. (1962) Aiso, K. % M. Matsuno (1961) Aizawa, Y. (1963) Akagawa, M. (1963) Akamatsu, H. % M. Iwamiya (19 Akazaki, M. (1961) Akedo, К. Bern Aketa, K. (1961 Akgünes, M. (1964) Akhmedov, K.B. (1962) Akhmerov, A.K. (1960) Akiba, M. (1961) Akiba, M. (1963) Akiba, M. & T. Motohiro (1963) Akihito, Р. Bey Akihito, P. (1964 2nd Akiyama, К. & S. Sato (1962) 2nd end 3rd 3rd end 9:A1 63) 09373 08553 08058 08572 03350 05407 10576 07257 05139 10313 12353 08567 03399 03400 04563 04299 04303 04450 04448 10522 08027 04164 05413 09426 09034 09058 07414 07127 01159 10153 02298 07502 02293 11287 11288 09528 12231 01194 722 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 2nd Akiyama, T. (1963) Alabaster, J.S. £ М.С. Hartley (1962) Alagaraja, K. (1962) 2nd Alamanni, U. (1961) 2nd Alasia, А.М. & F. Savoini (19 Alberti, V. (1961) 2nd Albertson, M.L. “1962) 2nd Alder, J.R. & A.D. McIntyre (1962) Aldrich, D.V. (1962) _ 2nd Aleksandrov, A.N. (1964) Aleksandrov, V.K. (1961) 2nd Aleksandrova, Е.М. (1963) 61) Aleksandrova, L.P., A.V. Kanygina % P.I. Pobegailo (1959) Aleksandrova, L.P., A.V. Kanygina & P.I. Pobegailo (1961) Alexander, H.E. (1960) Alexander, J.B. (1962) Alexander, В. McN. (1962) Alexandrowicz, J.S. (1962) Alexandrowicz, J.S. (1963) Algeria. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 2nd Ali, M.A. (1963) 11460 11537 Ali, М.А. & V.J. Steele (1962) Alikunhi, H.K., K.K. Sukumaran % 5. Parameswaran (1962) Alikunhi, K.H. (1959) Alison, .k. (1961) Allan, T.D. (1962) Allan, T.D., H. Charnock & C. Morelli (1964) Allan, W.H. (1961) 3rd Alldredge, L.R. (1964) Allen, G.H. (1962) Allen, J.A. (1962) Allen, J.A. (1963) 2nd Allen, J.P. (1960) 2nd Allen, K. (1963) Allen, K.R. a Allen, K.R. (1962) Allen, М.В. (1961) Allende, R.C. (1960) Allgén,\ С.А. (1959) Allgén, C.A. oe Allgurén, J. (1962 2nd Almodévar, L.R. (1961) Almodovar, L.R. (1963) Alnaes, E., J.K.S. Jansen & T. Rudjord (1964) Aloj, E. & A. Giuditta (1964) 2nd Aloncle, H. (1960) 10270 10272 01129 09106 08415 05130 04086 06199 12161 12594 08314 08213 12072 12280 11401 01107 01108 12303 03168 09550 03239 07232 11461 04546 07252 01480 04181 10271 06096 12110 12496 10056 11454 03190 04215 12259 01168 07540 07474 05177 08227 07410 07411 08389 12218 07327 11305 08299 12316 Aloncle, H. (1961) Aloncle, H. (1963) Alpers, A. (1961) Al-Saadi, A.A.M. (1963) Alsop, R.G. & J.L. Forney (1962) Altman, P.L. & D.S. Dittmer (Ed. ) (1962) 2nd Altukhov, lu.P. (1961) Altukhov, K.A. (1962) Alvarez, J. et al. (1961) 2nd Alverson, D.L. (1962) Alverson, D.L. & N.J. Wilimovsky (1963) 03584 Alverson, D.L., A.T. Pruter & L.L. Ronholt (1964) Alverson, F.G. (1963) Amanieu, M. & C. Cazaux Amanieu, М. & В. Salvat (1963 2nd Amano, H. % W. Simidu (1963) 2nd Amaoka, K. (1963) American Society for Testing and Materials (1962) American Water Works Association (1962) American Water Wks Assn. Subcom- mittee on Organic Chemicals (1962) Ames, R. (1963) Amhacher, E. (1961) 3rd Amio, M. (1963) AMIRAL MOUCHEZ res 2nd Ammar, M. (1960 Amosov, V.A. (Ricker, W.E., Transl.) (1964) Amoureux, L. er Ancellin, J. (1962 an der Lan, H. (1962) Andersen, Ч.Т. (1963) 03588 Andersen, Н.Т. & Р.Р. Scholander ее 2nd Anderson, В. (1960 end Anderson, D.V. & G.K. Rogers (1961) Anderson, G.C. (1961) Anderson, J.B., E.C. Tsivoglou & S.D. Shearer (1963) Anderson, J.D. (1961) Anderson, K.P. (1965) Anderson, R.C. & N. Bourne (1960) Anderson, W.W. (1962) Anderson, W.W., J.E. Moore & Н.В. Gordy (1961) Andersskog, R. (1962) Andrässy, I. (1960) 2nd André, 5. (1963) 2nd André, S. & S. Salvatore (1960) 06220 9:42 08402 11346 07446 4 11431 — 07527 04049 12461 02003 01279 10432 04311 - 04021 04517 08451 09162 09340 04413 06026 06216 11107 07555 03026 09280 03081 06221 12585 01205 10474 03334 03589 03522 11595 08165 06377 10171 07510 11020 01410 04183 08081 08388 07504 11182 02180 x + TM end AUTHOR INDEX Andreev, N.N. aes 04002 Andreev, 0.B. (1963 04121 04122 Andreiev, A. OE 11372 Andrew, F.J. (1961 01063 Andrew, W. (1963) 10334 Andrews, A.K. (1961 08162 Andrews, A.K. (1963 07169 Andrews, J.A. (1963 04585 Andrews, J.D. (1963 03217 Andriashev, A. (L. Penny, Transl.) (1959?) 04388 Andriashev, A.P: (1959) 06480 Andriiashev, A.P. al 01346 Andriyashev, A.P. (1962) 09441 Andryashev, A.P. (L.Penny, Transl.) (1962) 06481 Andriyashev, А.Р. (Ronen, 0. Transl.) (1963) 06479 Angelescu, V, en 03388 Angelescu, V. (1962 11203 Angino, Е.Е. & К.В. Armitage 1963) 09121 Anisimova, I.M. (1961) 01466 01467 Anistshenko, E.J. & J.A. Gorbenko (1961) 01141 Ankel, F. (1962) 09427 Ankel, F, % A.M, Christensen (1963) 09378 Anokhina, L.E. (C.A. McLean, Transl.) a 12399 Anrahu, N. (1962 09496 Anraku, M. (1962 01365 Ansell, A.D. % F.A. Loosmore (1963) 06363 Anteunis, A., N. Fautrez- Firlefyn & J. Fautrez (1961) 01077 Anteunis, A., N. Fautrez- Firlefyn £ J. Fautrez (1962) 05154 ANTON BRUUN (1964) 11036 Antonides, H.J. & P. Chacharonis (1962) 04105 Antonio, H.C. & A.L. Balalta (1962) 07379 Antonov, A.E. (1960) 01421 Antonov, A.E. (1961) 01422 Antonovich, S.D. ra 06301 Antonovich, S.D. (1962) 06302 Anwand, К. & J. Waldmann (1962) 10477 Acki, K. (1963) 09529 Aoki, K. (1964) 09222 Aoyama, Т. & Т. Kitajima (1963) 09428 09429 Aoyama, T, % M. Tagawa (1962) 04423 Aoyama, T., Т. Kitajima % K. Mizue (1963) 09430 Aplin, J.A. (1962) 08479 end 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd end Applegate, V.C. & E.L. King (1962) Appleton, P.J. % I.M.P. Dawson (1964) Apte, V.R., S.B. Dabadghao & W.M. Deshpande (1962) | Araga, C. ea Araga, C. (1964 Arai, K. (1963) Arai, K. & T. Saito (1963) Aramburu, R.H. tet Aramburu, R.H. (1961) Arbocco, CG. (1961) Arbuzova, K.S. % V.V. Patrikeev (1961) Arbuzova, K.S. & V.V. Patrikeev (1962) Archambault, L. (1961) Archibald, А.В. et al. (1963) ARCHIMEDE (1963) Argentina. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1963) co (1962) Arlet, J.W. (1959) = Armitage, K.B. (1963) Artiitage, K.B. &L.J. Olund (1962) Armstrong, F.A.J. % E.I. Butler (1962) Armstrong, F.A.J. & J.H. Wickstead (1962) Armstrong, P.B. (1962) Arnold, С.Е. Arnold, J.M. (1962 Arnoult, J. ER Arnoult, J. (1963) Arnoult, J. & R. Bauchot (1963) Aronov, М.Р. ER Aronov, M.P. (1964 Aronova, M.Z. (1964) Arons, A.B. (1961 Arora, H.C. (1961 Arora, H.C. (1962 Arrhenius, G. (1962) Arrhenius, G., J. Mero & J. Korkisch (1964) Arsen'ev, V.A. Е Arsen'ev, У.А. (АМСМ. Transl.) (1962) Arshad, В.Н. (1962) Artanova, A.K. & V.G. Maskadynia (1961) Artman, M. Transl. (1964) Arutiunian, N.P. (1962) Arutyunyan, N.P. (1963) | Arvanitaki, A. & N. Chalazonitis (1961) 9:43 02285 02535 04063 723 06235 11297 06138 04417 10459 09335 03599 12315 12533 08460 02146 02147 02143 02139 09064 05502 05008 06241 09121 08521 04064 10193 03510 08141 09210 02469 09530 09022 05314 12445 11331 08135 06185 07370 06112 08104 03443 03444 04360 12078 12429 06354 06355 03240 724 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Asada, Y. (1963) 11428 Australia. Fisheries Division, Asahina, Е. & К. Tanno (1963) 10251 Department of Primary j Asahina, S. (1961) 12270 Industry (1962) 12359 Asano, H. (1962 09515 Australia. Western Territory. 2nd Asano, M. (1962 01366 Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963 11538 1 2nd Asano, M. (1963 04376 Austria. Laws, Statutes 2nd Asaoka, 0. (1963) 09134 etc. (1963) 02538 05513 Asaul, Z.1. (1962) 07198 07201 Averett, R.C. (1962) 03567 Ash, L.R. (1962) 07494 Aver'ianov, A.G. et al. (1961) 06050 ¢ Ashby, B.S., P.J. Appleton & Avizonia, P.V., F. Fritz 4 J.C. | | I.M.P. Dawson (1964) 11297 Wriston (1962) 06262 . Ashby, K.R. Lei 04531 Awakura, T. (1962) 04532 Askew, R.R. (1963 01427 Awakura, T., H. Shibata & K. Atassi, M.Z. (1964) 08476 Honma (1962) 04533 * Atkins, D. (1963) 04220 Ayad, N. (1961) 10358 ATLANTIS II И 09003 2nd Ayad, N. & Y. le Corroller ATLANTIS II (1964 07009 07011 (1961) 10352 Atz, J.W. & G.E. Pickford (1964) 04594 Ayers, W.A. (1962) 12234 © 3rd Aubert, J. de 11122 Aymes, Y. (1963) 02170 Aubert, M. (1961 11350 Ayrshire River Purification Aubert, M. & H. Lebout Board (1961) 06027 (1962) 08086 08111 Azbelev, V., 5.5. Surkov + > Aubert, M., H. Lebout & J. A.A. Yakovenko (Ricker, W.E. Aubert (1964) 11122 Transl.) (1963) 05298 Aubert, M., J. Obry & P. Michel Azbelev, V.V., S.S. Surkov & W (1961) 08181 A.A. Iakovenko (1962) 05297 Audouin, J. (1960) 07472 Azhazha, V.G. (1961) 01004 01005 7 Auerbach, I. & V. Schultz (Comp. Aziz, K.M.S. & N. Islam (1962) 07346 & Ed.) (1962) 07595 3rd Azuma, T. (1961) 06116 - Auerbach, S.I. 02227 | Auffenberg, М. (1961) 07520 | 2nd Austin, М. (1961) 01145 Baba, H. a 09330 2nd Austin, T.S. (1961) 12100 Baba, K. (1962 07261. 2nd Austin, W. (1964) 11073 Bába, K. et al. (1961) 03357 Y Australia. CSIRO. Division of Babaian, K. a 06484 J Fisheries and Oceanography Babayan, K. (1961 06485 (1961) 02008 Bacalbasa, N. & D. Culea (1961) 08404 Australia. CSIRO. Division of Bacesco, M. (1961) 08283 Fisheries & Oceanography Bacescu, М. & В. Mayer (1961) 08199 (1962) 02005 12018 Bacescu, M. et al. (1962) 07214 Australia. CSIRO. Division of 3rd Baëescu, M.C. (1962) 02148 — Fisheries and Oceanography 3rd Bachkann, R.W. a 04153. 4 (1963) 02006 02007 Bachmann, R.W. (1964 08224 02009 Backus, G.E. (1962) 10136 Australia. Commonwealth Bureau Backus, G.E. ae 08018 of Census and Statistics (1962) 10416 Backus, R.H. (1961 08477 Australia, Commonwealth. Department Bacon, K. (1964) 06418 of Territories, Canberra. Territory Bader, R.G. & F.F. Koczy (1963) 07001 of Papua (1960) 12007 Bae, D.H. a 01395 « Australia. Dept. of Fisheries Bae, T.H. (1960 10440 10443 | and Wildlife (1961) 03033 Bäckströn, S. re 11169 Australia. Department of Bagenal, T.B. (1963 03422 03423 Primary Industry, Fisheries 12333 Division (1963) 06536 Baggerman, B. (1963) 07454 9: A4 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd AUTHOR INDEX Baguet, F. & J.M. Gillis (1964) 11221 2nd Ball, В.С. & Р.Р. Hooper (1962) Bahamonde, N.N. (1961) 10367 2nd Ballardin, E. (1962) Bahamonde, N.N. € M.T. Lopez Balle, P. (1961) (1961) 10368 Balon, E.K. ee Bai, N.-K. & N.-V. Thoai (1964) 08416 Balon, E.K. (1964 Baichikov, A.G., A.S. Barmenkov Bamforth, S.S. (1962) & V.K. Eroshin (1959) 06422 Banarescu, P. (1963) _Baichikov, A.G., A.S. Barmenkov Bandy, O.L. (1963) & V.K. Eroshin (1963) 06423 BANGADA (1962) Bailey, R.T. (1960) 10174 Bange, C. (1962) Bainbridge, R. Ses 06510 Bank, 0. (1962) 08358 Bainbridge, V. (1961 03496 11448 Bainbridge, V. (1963 04140 06572 Banks, H.0. (1961) Baird, D.L. & C.M. McKinney Banner, A.H. et al. (1963) (1962) 07045 Bannikov, A.G. & N.A. Gladkov Baird, F.T. Jr. (1960) 12194 (1961) Baird, R. & F. Diehl (1962) 03367 2nd Bannister, J.L. (1963) Baissac, J. de B., P.E. Lubet % Bansal, T.D. (1962) C.M. Michel (1962) 08269 Banse, K. (1960) Bakanov, N. (1961) 12513 Baptist, J.P. (1963) Baker, A. de C. (1963) 03156 Baptist, J.P. & T.J. Price Baker, B.H. % J.A. Miller (1963) 02060 (1962) Baker, B.I. hos 10521 Baqai, I.U. (1962) Baker, D.D. (1962 07027 Barakos, P.A. (1962) Baker, D.M. % J.T. Shaw a 06076 Baral, A.A. (1961) Baker, F.D. % W. Andrew (1963) 10334 Baranenkova, A.S. (1961) Bakhmeteva, T.L. (1960) 07500 3rd Barbarin, Y. (1982) Bakulina, E.D., G.L. Polrovskaia Barbetta, F. (1962 & D.D. Romashov (1962) 05360 Barbosa, F.S. (1961) Bakus, C.J. (1962) 05099 Barcellos, B.N. (1961) Mai DIV es 06520 Barcelona. Centro de Estudios, Bal, D.V. (1962) 05131 12232 Investigaciön y Applicaciones Balakhnin, I.A. (1964) 12421 del Agua (1962 Balakrishnan, K.P. (1962 07440 07443 Bard, J. (1960) 12523 Balakrishnan, M.S. (1961 07233 07347 12526 Balakrishnan, N.N. (1962 10295 end Bardach, J.E. & R.R. Miller Balalta, A.L. (1962) 07379 (1962) Balan, V. (1961) 09431 2nd Barets, A. Et 03521 Balani, M.C. & H.L. Sarkar Barker, D. (1963 (1961) 06184 Barker, D.J. (1963) Balashev, V.N. (1961) 05318 Barkley, R.A. & T.S. Austin Balasubrahmanyan, K. (1962) 07263 (1961) Balasubramanyan, R., A.V.V. Barkuloo, J.M. (1961) Satyanarayana & K.A. Sadanandan Barlow, G.W. (1961) (1961) 09432 Barlow, G.W. a Balavoine, P. (1961) 02181 Barlow, J.S. (1964 BALDAQUE DA SILVA (1962) 12360 Barman, T.E., W.-K. Bai & Baldwin, N.S. € В.М. Saalfeld N.-V. Thoai (1964) (1962 08414 Barmat, M. (1962) Baldwin, W.J. (1961) 07419 2nd Barmenkov, A.S. & V.K. Eroshin Balesdent-Marquet, M.-L. (1963) 04190 (1959) Balfour, М.М. % Р.Е. Samson, Jr. 2nd Barmenkov, A.S. & V.K. Eroshin (1961 12542 (1963) Ball, G.H. (1962) 03243 Barnard, J.L., R.J. Menzies & Ball, J.N., M. Olivereau & K.D. M.C. Baëescu (1962) Kallman (1963) 05291 Barnard, K.H. (1960) 9:A5 725 10212 05151 08206 04554 04569 06303 09531 10058 12029 05398 08526 : 07147 09285 12592 01340 06267 02063 03091 12414 05163 09103 12281 02324 09454 05317 10357 02303 06205 12524 02021 03577 04245 02249 12100 10549 07413 09379 12602 08416 06070 06422 06423 02148 02207 726 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Barnard, K.H. (1962) 06335 Bauman, V.M., V.N. Iagodinskii Barnes, C.D, & B.G. Katzung & lu. V. Filippovich (1962) 05557 (1963) 97337 3rd Baxter, M.I. (1963) 05084 Barnes, H. had 12216 Bayer, P.M. Mr 02210 1 Barnes, H. (1963) 04217 Bayer, F.M. (1962 07244 08301 Barnes, H. % M. Barnes HAE 10293 Bayless, J.D. (1961) 10337 Barnes, H. & M. Barnes (1963 09163 Baylor, E.R., W.H. Sutcliffe 4 2nd Barnes, M, 2. 10293 D.S. Hirschfeld (1962) 08106 2nd Barnes, M. (1963 09163 Beach, М.М. (1960) 01098 Barnoud, R., J. Frey 4 G.G. Pérès Beadle, L.C. (1963) 08350 «* (1963) 02465 Beadle, L.C. & S.A. Visser Barnwell, F.H. (1963) 10241 (1963) 04260 Barr, D.I.H. (1963) 08130 Beak, T.W. (1961) 03118 Barr, T.C., Jr. % R.A. Kuehne Beaulieu, G. (1962) 10515 . (1962) 01439 2nd Beaver, Р.С. & Е.С. Jung (1962) 08033 * Barr, W.A. (1963) 03424 03425 Becker, C.D. (1962) 05379 11390 03426 Beckerle, J.C. (1963) 09575 Y 2nd Barreto, V. de A. (1960) 02452 Beechey, R.B. a 12211 2nd Barrett, I. (1964) 11340 Beechey, R.B. (1963 04209 Barrett, I. & F.J. Hester (1964) 06483 Beechey, R.B., D.H. Burrin & Barriety, L. (1962) 03477 M.I. Baxter (1963) 05084 _ Barrington, E.J.W. & M. Sage Beeton, A.M. a 08161 (1963) 04581 Beeton, A.M. (1962 08140, Barsukov, V.V. (1961) 01347 01348 Behre, K. (1961) 04246 | Barsukov, V.V. & Yu.E. Permitin 3rd Beignot-Devalmont, M. (1964) 11216 (Mrs, Kudrik, Transl.) (1962) 12407 Beitch, I. (1963) 03479 Barthelmes, D. (1962) 10600 Beklemishev, K.V. (W.L. Klawe, | Bartlett, M.S. & N.E. Please Transl. ) (1962) 122217 ı (1963) 01588 Beklemishev, K.V. & N.V. Parin A 3rd Bartley, Т.В. (1961 10319 (L. Penny, Transl.) (1963) 04053 Bartsch, A.F, (1961 06373 Beland, R.D. & S. Sasaki (1962) 12310 Bartsch, H.J. (1962 06447 Belavskaia, A.P. & T.A. Pavlova у Bascom, М. (1964) 10116 (1961) 07356 Basheeruddin, 5. 4 К. Nagappan Belgium. Laws, Statutes, a} Nayar (1961). 09433 etc. (1962) 01484 01530 Baskin, R.J. & K. Allen (1963) 01168 to 01533 Baslavskaia, S.S. & E.I. Bystrova 01570 02486 (1964) 11244 02487 02539 Battaglia, B., C. Mozzi & 02540 02541 A.-M. Varagnolo (1961) 08183 Belgium. Laws, Statutes, Battersby, J.C., М.А. Edwards etc. (1963) 02488 02572 % P. Curds (1962) 07566 05420 05473 Battistini, M.R. (1961) 02186 05474 05475, 3rd Battistini, R. (1962) 03084 05545 11539 Battle, H.I. & W.M. Sprules Beliaev, С.М, & М.Е. Vinogradov À (1960) 01448 (1961) 01002 Bauchot, M.L. (1962) 02366 Beliaev, G.M., N.G. Vinogradova Bauchot, M.L. & R. Bauchot & Z.A. Filatova (1960) (19613 02367 Beliaeva (Seohiinn}, T.V. (1961) Bauchot, M.L. & M. Blanc a 02368 Beliaeva (Sechkina), T.V. (1962 Bauchot, M.L, & J, Guibé (1961 02369 Belinskii, N.A. (1961) 2nd Bauchot, R. e 02367 Belitsyna, N.V. et al. (1963) 2nd Bauchot, R. (1963 09022 Belkin, A.N. He: Bauer, 0. be 08543 Belkin, J.N. (1962 04254 Bauer, W. (1963 03482 Bell, J. (1962) 9:A6 end 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end AUTHOR INDEX Bell, J.P. & G.H. Satchell (1963) 03437 rá D. & 1.C. Jones (1961 12403 12475 Bellan, G. SEN 08289 Bellan, G. (1962 08013 08452 Bellan, G., R. Molinier & J. Picard (1961) 08287 Bellan-Santini,.D. (1962) 08264 10303 Bell-Cross, G. (1960) 12519 Bellis V.J. & L.A. Whitford (1963) 07310 Belogarskaia, E.V. (1961) 07178 Belousov, I.M., V.F. Kanaev & М.А. Marova (1964) 11063 Belser, W.L. (1963) 02071 Belyaev, G.M., N.G. Vinogradova & Z.A. Filatova (1961) 01163 Belyi, N.D. (1963) 12531 Bénard, F. (1961) 03277 Beneden, G.V. (1962) 08145 Benito-Arranz, S. & F. Carcia Alvarez HA 05370 Benko, K. (1963 03499 03500 Bennet, P.S. (1961) 10463 Bennett, C.S. Ma 07133 Bennett, G.S. (1963 09602 Bennett, М.Е, (1963 09223 Benoist, G. (1960) 07088 Benoit, R. (1962) 03102 Benoit, R.J. & J.J. Curry (1961) 06375 Benson, A.A. (1962) 03297 Benson, B.B. % P.D.M. Parker (1961) 06111 Benson, L. (1962) 02025 Benson, N.G, pl 07548 Benson, N.G. (1962 10574 Bereninov, A.A., N.N. Nikol'skii % D.L. Rozenmal' (1962) 05264 Berezantsev, lu. (1961) 12462 Berezin, D.P. (1960) 06058 Berg, 1.5. (Ronen, 0., Transl.) (1962) 01475 Berg, W.E. & N.D. Long (1964) 11157 Berger, A. % R.Z. Gold (1961) 07588 Berger, B.B. (1961) 06394 Berger, H. % W.J. Collis (1963) 07050 Berger, T.S. (1961) 12294 Berger, T.S. te 12295 Bergeron, J. (1961 12012 Bergeron, J., O. Leenhardt & C. Veysseyre (1963) 02270 Bergman, P.K. & H.F. Fiscus (1963) 01415 Bergner, Р.-Е.Е. (1964) 12595 Berkson, J. & J.L. Hodges Jr. (1961) 07586 end 3rd end 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd end 3rd 2nd 9:A7 Berliand, T.B. (1961) Berman, A. (1962) Berman, H.G. & A. Berman (1962) Bermuda. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Bernard, F. (1961) Bernard, F.J. & C.E. Lane (1963) Bernard, M. era Bernard, P. (1963 Bernardini, F. re Bernasconi, I. (1962 Berner, A. (1962) Berner, R.A. BR Berner, R.A. (1964 Bernet, B. (1960) Berreur-Bonnenfant, J. Berrie, A.D. (1963) Berrit, G.R. (1962 Berry, A.J. ee Berry, E.G. (1963 Berry, L. (1960-61) Berst, A.H. (1961) Berthet, J. & P. Berthet (1963) Berthet, P. (1963) Berthois, Г. & В. Battistini (1962) Berthois, L. & J. Salmon (1963) Berthois, L. et al. (1963) Berzinë, В. (1960) Besednov, L.N. (W.G. van Campen (1962) Transl.) (1963 Besson, A. (1961 Best, E.A. (1963 Best, J.B. & I. Rubinstein (1962) Best, Р.В. & J.L. Bannister (1963) Beth, K. & A. Merola (1960) Beuthe, C.-G. (1962) Bevan, D.E. (1962) Beverton, R.J.H. а Beverton, R.J.H. (1963 Beverton, R.J.H. & S.J. Holt (1964) Bevilacqua, L. (1962) Bezler, F.I. & N.A. Trifonova (1961) Bezrukov, P.L. & V.F. Kanaev (1963) Bezrukov, P.L. & V.P. Petelin (E.R. Hope, Transl.) (1962) Bharadwaja, Y. (1963 Bhargava, H.N. (1962 Bhargava, T.N. (1962 Bhattacharya, B.K. & B. Mukerji (1962) 05014 03080 727 05543 07597 07597 01485 08188 10252 08196 05018 08553 12222 03137 03054 11075 07509 05110 03324 08064 07404 09284 08055 06560 05150 05150 03084 04096 04073 03513 04375 07056 04329 05201 01340 03183 06215 02443 03509 02416 11022 02136 01059 12071 06092 07210 10520 06133 05329 728 2nd 2nd 3rd end 3rd end end 3rd end 2nd end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC Bhimachar, B.S. (Ed.) (1962) Bianchi, E. (1961) Bianki, V.L. ees Bianki, V.L. (1962 Bickel, H. (1960) Bickford, M.E. (1963) Biebl, R. (1962) Bielawski, J. (1961) Bielig, H.-J. et al. (1963) Bieri, R., M. Koide & E.D. Goldberg (1964) ” Bigelow, H.B. & W.C. Schroeder (1962) Bigelow, H.B. et al. ee Bigelow, H.B. et al. (1964 Biggs, A.I. (1962) Biggs, H.E.J. & L.L. (1960) Bilak, 1.1. des) Bilak, 1.1. (1962 Bilinski, E. en Bilinski, E. (1963 Binet, P. (1963) Bingley, M.S. (1964) Birca, I. (1961) Birch, L.C. (1962) Birkhoff, 0. (1962) Birkhoff, C. в. Birman, Т.В. (1954 Birman, Т.В. (Foerster, В.Е. Transl.) (1962) Birr, H. (1963) Birstein, J.A. (1960) Bishai, H.M. oon Bishai, H.M. (1962) Grantier Bishop, N.I. (1963) Bishop, W.W. (1962) Bitiukov, E.P. (1960) Bitners, I. (1961) Bitners, Т.Г. & P.J. Schmidt (1961) Bito, T. (1961) Bitterman, M.E. (1962) Bitterman, М.Е. (1963) Bityukov, E.P. (1961) Björk, S. (1960) Blache, J. & M. Rossignol (1961) Black, Е.С. Black, В.Е. Black, В.Е. (1964 Black, W.F. (1960 Blacker, R.W. (1962) Blackler, H. (1963) 1960 1962 03260 06601 03342 06521 02372 01433 08386 12454 05333 037115 09099 12219 12243 12200 12112 02300 09513 12464 06179 04179 06304 06305 01326 09329 11117 08223 08540 05494 06434 04310 11378 04490 04118 12185 08055 03530 06522 07374 06583 01095 08497 08500 08226 05405 07549 01096 03165 02373 12580 09211 11155 01213 03470 07215 end end end end end end 2nd end 3rd SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Blackwelder, К.Е. & В.М. Blackwelder (1961) Blackwelder, В.М. (1961) Blair, D.M. (1961) Blakemore, J.S. (1962) Blanc, M. (1960 Blanc, M. (1961 Blanc, M. figs Blanc, M. (1962) Blanc, M. & J.C. Hureau (1962) Blanchard, D.C. (1963) Blanche, J. (1961) Blanco, E.E. & E.G. Struxness (1962) В] ахфег, J.H.S. (1961) Blaxter, J.H.S. Bee Blaxter, J.H.S. (1964 Blaxter, J.H.S. % C.J. Chapman (1963) Blaxter J.H.S. & G. Hempel (1963) Blaxter, J.H.S. & F.G.T. Holliday (1963 Blazhka, P. (1960) Blazhka, P. (ANON. Transl.) (1961) Bleukx, G. (1964) Bloch, K. (1964) Block, M. (1963) Block, R.J. (1962) Blomquist, H.L. % L.R. Almodóvar (1961) Bloom, A.L. % M. Stuiver (1963) Blore, Т. (1963) Bloss, W.E. (1962) Blumenstock, D.I. (Ed.) (1960) Blumer, M., M.M. Mullin & D.W. Thomas (1963) Blunn, О.М. Transl. (1963) Blust, F.A. (1962) Blyumina, L.S. (1962) Bobin, G. & M. Prenant а Bobin, C. & М. Prenant (1963 Bobrova, N.V. % B.V. Krayukhin (1961) Bock, 0. (1960) Bock, W. (1961) Bocquet, C. (1963) Bocquet-Védrine, J. (1963) Bode, V.C., В. DeSa & J.W. Hastings (1963) Bodeanu, N. Per Boden, B.P. (1963 Böhl, (1961) 9 : AB 02370 02368 02473 02383 01565 01565 10353 06270 09112 02470 02471 02464 02371 12116 02384 05064 02406 04383 11319 04339 06497 03485 03557 03558 ~ 11222 08352 04083 05194 12218 08098 02004 01591 12098 03135 11596 06189 07199 03199 01206 05311 07338 02233 01209 03205 03207 07230 08277 04216 08006 | “т Î $ у Y AUTHOR INDEX 729 Böhl, D. (1961) 08072 Borodatov, V.A. & Yu.L. Boeseman, M. (1962) 05278 Karpechenko (1961) 06452 Boetius, J. (1960) 06163 Borodatova, Z.A. da 10449 Bogaevskii, V.T. (1961) 06518 Borodulina, 0.D. (1964 12398 Bogan, R.H. (1961) 06392 Borojevic, R. (1963) 05085 Boganova, E.A. (1960) 04389 2nd Boronin, V.A. (1964) 12380 Boganova, E.A. (P.M. Rotast, Borovik, E.A. & M.V. Terenteva Transl.) (1962?) 04390 (1963) 11424 Bogatova, I.B. (1961) 01460 Borror, A.C. (1962) 10219 Bogdanov, M.A., S.I. Potaichuk Bortovskii, R.S. (1961) 10099 & M.S. Edel'man (1961) 12005 Bortovskii, R.S. (1962) 10100 Bogdanova, E.A. (1960) 04522 2nd Boschi, Е.Е. ee 10458 Bogdanova, E.A. (W.E. Ricker, Boschi, E.E. (1963) 04178 а.) (1962) 04523 Boschi, Е.Е. & V. Angelescu Boge, G. (1962) 02301 07450 (1962) 11203 Bogoiavlenskii, A.N. (1963) 12075 Boschma, H. (1964) 11159 11160 Bogomolov, G.V. & G.N. 11161 11162 Kamenski (1962) 01586 Bosque, P.G., S. Benito-Arranz Bogorad, L. (1962) 03298 & F. Garcia Alvarez (1961) 05370 Bogorov, В.С. (1959) 04143 3rd Boster, В.Г. (1964) 11089 Bogoslovskii, A.S. hee 02133 02134 Boston, N. (1961) 08087 Boguslavskii, S.G. (1961 10103 Botcharskaya, S. Transl. (1963) 11007 Boguslavskii, S.G. (1962 10104 Botosaneanu, L. & St. Negrea Boh1, H. (1959) 03486 (1961) 03336 Boice, R.C., ML; Swift & J.C. Botte, V. (1962) 05274 , Roberts (1964) 12344 Bottino, N.R. % R.R. 3renner Boiko, E.G. ne 04579 (1962) 07451 Boiko, E.G. (Ricker, W.E. Bouchet, J.-M. (1962) 06102 Trans1.) (1963) 04578 Bouder and Cavallo. (1963) 05262 Boillot, G. men 03045 03046 Bougis, P. (1963) 06108 Boillot, G. (1963 04072 04077 Bouligand, Y. (1960) 01338 04078 Bouligand, Y. (1961) 01339 3rd Boilly-Marer, Y. (1963) 03265 Bourcart, J. (1962) 08061 10118 Bolgarov, S. (1961) 12004 Bourcart, J., С. Lalou & Bolin, B. (1962) 05046 L. Mallet peu 03082 Bolitho, H. (Ed.) (1960) 01214 Bourdon, R. (1962) 08307 08308 Bonatti, E. (1963) 03056 2nd Bourgart, С. (1964) 11158 Bonet-Maury, P. (1963) 03535 Bourgoin, J. (1963) 04058 Boney, A.D. (1962) 04222 Bourne, C.P. (1962) 11598 Boney, A.D. (1963) 04159 04213 2nd Bourne, N. (1960) 01410 Boney, A.D. & E.D.S. Corner Bourrelly, P. dre 07328 (1963) 03188 03193 Bourrelly, P. (1963 07304 Bonham, К. & A.D. Welander end Bousfield, E.L. (1962) 06117 (1963) 10505 Boutry, G.A. (1959) 11597 Bonner, J.T. & M.R. Dodd (1962) 10189 Bovee, E.C. (1961) 03555 03556 Bonner, W.N. eet 09447 Bovejerg, R.V. (1961) 01238 Booker, P.G. (1961 06109 Bowen, B.K. (1964) 09435 2nd Bookhout, C.G. ee 10273 Bowen, S.T. (1963) 10309 Boonprakob, U. (1962) 01090 Bowen, S.T. & J. Hanson (1963) 05144 Bordovskii, О.К. & В.А. Smirnov Bowen, V.T. (1963) 02191 (1962) 12109 Bowen, V.T. & T.T. Sugihara Borenius, L. (1962) 03127 (1963) 10074 Borgstrom, G. (1963) 11270 Bowers, A.B. (1964) 08475 Boris, S. (1960) 12251 Bowers, R. (1963) 06100 07078 2nd Borob'eva, N.B. (1962) 03365 Bowin, C. (1964) 09102 9: A9 730 end end 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Bowman, А.Г. & С.А. Rusnak (1962) Bowman, R.O. (1964) Boyan, R.H. dr Braarud, T. (1962 Brachet, J. qe (1962) Brachet, J. ны Bracken, J. (1960 Brackett, L.F. Bag Bradbury, M.G. (1963 Bradbury, S. (1963) Bradford, A.D. (1963) Bradshaw, A. (1964) Bräkkan, О.В. & G. Boge (1962) Braekkan, О.В. € G. Boge (1962) Braga, A.S. ts Braga, R.A. (1961 Brahins'kyll, L.P. & L.P. Rotovs'ka (1960) Brandl, Z. (1962) Brandon, R.A. (1961) Brandt, A.V. des Brandt, A.V. (1962) Brandt, K. (1961) Branson, B.A. de Branson, B.A. (1963 Brasch, J. & W. Fernholz (1962) Bratränek, A. (1961) Bray, E.E. & E.D. Evans (1962) Brayshaw, J.D. (1961) Brazil (1962) Brazil. Conselho de Desenvolvimento da Pesca (n.d. 1962?) Brazil. Departamento estadual de Caga e Pesca (1964) Brazil. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1960) Brazil. (1961) Brazil. (1962) Breder, C.M., Jr., (1962) Breger, I.A. & A. Brown (1963) Breidenbach, A.W. & J.J. Lichtenberg (1963) Breitschneider, H. (1961) Brenner, R.R. Brenner, R.R. Bresciani, J. (1961) Bresciani, J. Breslau, L.R. Breslow, Е. Breslow, Е. Brett, С.В. ( Laws, Statutes, etc. Laws, Statutes, etc. et al. (1962) 1962 1964 md. ) 10046 10411 10415 01304 & J. Lützen (1962) 10113 11153 04293 08303 01013 05292 10502 12329 05260 03369 11425 08096 07450 02301 01257 10364 06252 01585 07511 04337 06451 07165 to 10418 08401 08363 02489 01534 05514 01399 03150 07132 08151 07451 05410 09144 09436 08110 11359 11322 12197 2nd 2nd end end end 3rd end end end end 2nd 2nd Brown, A. Brett, J.R. % C. Groot (1963) Breur, H., R. Ozon & C. Mittermayer (1963) Briard, D. (1960) Bricteux-Gr&goire, 5. et al. (1962) Bricteux-Grégoire, S. et al. (1964) Bridges, W.R. & A.K. Andrews (1961) Briehl, R.W. (1963) Bringmann, G. (1960) Bringmann, G. & Kühn (1962) Brinkhurst, В.О. Mer Brinkhurst, R.O. (1963 Brinton, E. (1963) Brisou, J. et al. de Brisou, J. et al. (1963 Broadhead, С.С. & I. Barrett (1964) Brock, M.A. & B.L. Strehler (1963) Brockerhoff, H., R.G. Ackman & R.J. Hoyle (1963) Brockhurst, R.R., J.G. Bruce & A.B. Arons bas Brodskii, K. (1962 Brodsky, K. (1961) Brody, М. & S.S. Brody (1962) Brody, S.S. (1962) Broecker, W. (1963) Broida, S. (1962) Brokaw, C.J. (1962) (1963) Brown, А.Е. & E. Rule (1962) Brown, В.Е. & J.S. Dendy (1961) Brown, C.B. (1961) Brown, C.B. & S.J. Raff (1963) Brown, D.S. (1961) Brown, F.A. & Y.H. Park (1964) Brown, L.K. (1964 Brown, R.P. (1961 Brown, S.G. (1964 Brown, V.M. (1963 Brown, V.M. (1964) Brownell, R.L., Jr. (1964) Browning, E. Moen Browning, E. (1963 Bruaux, P. (1961) Bruaux, P. & J. Gillet (1961) Bruce, J.G. & A.B. Arons (1961) Bruce, J.P., D.V. Anderson & G.K. Rogers (1961) Bruce, S.F. (1962) 9:A10 10379 04235 12333 a 12430 | 11387 06193 « 05145 .| 11223, cl 03487 04101 10378 + 10380 04244 <: a 05071 » | 05214 1 08135 09148 | 09145 | 03280 / 03280 ° 02068 — 02061 03312 4% 03150 06072 x: 10548 07150 11009 06411 08353 4: 12248 08083 * 12352 01463 4 09118 12340 07564 07562 10341 10342 | _— 08135 08165 08397 3rd 2nd 2nd Bruevich, S.V. & S.V. Lyutsarev Brunel, A. en Brunel, J. (1962 Brungs, W.J., Jr. (1963) Bruns, E. (1961) AUTHOR INDEX 02032 10078 07174 10531 08004 08075 08076 Bruns, E. (1962) 10091 10108 Brutkowska, M. (1961) 06298 Bruun, A.F. (1963) 03483 Bruun, P. (1962) 06140 Bryan, G.M., M. Truchan & J.I. Ewing (1963) 09032 Bryan, С.Н. (1963) 03271 03276 Bryce, D. dt 06397 Bryce, D. (1963) 01255 Buchanan, C.L. & M. Flato (1962) 06584 Buchanan, J.B. (1963) 04218 Buchanan, J.B. & J.D. Woodley (1963) 01119 Buck, J.D., S.P. Meyers & К.М. Kamp (1962) 03179 Buckingham, В.А. (1962) 06154 Buckland, W.R. & В.А. Fox (1963) 04603 Bucksteeg, М. & F. Dietz (1961) 06244 Buclon, M. & J. Joud (1962) 07484 Buclon, M. & J. Joud (1964) 11369 Buclon, M. & G. Pérès (1963) 04446 Bürgler, J. (1962) 01587 Buetow, D.E. (1963) 01113 Buettner, H.J. (1961) 06561 Bugge, J. (1961) 09553 Buianovskii, M.S. & MI. L'vovich (1961) 12578 Bukirev, A.I. & G.F. Kostarev (1961 01461 Bulgakov, N.P. (1961) 06053 10143 Bulgakov, N.P. (1962) 10144 Bulger, R.E. (1962) 05259 Bulger, В.Ю. (1963) 11302 Buliëek, J. (1962) 01585 Buljan, M. (1962) 08105 Bulkley, R.V. & N.G. Benson (1962) 10574 Bullis, H.R. Jr. (1964) 11189 Bullock, Т.В. ne 03241 Bullock, W.L. (1963 05334 Bumpus, D.F. nee 08080 Bumpus, D.F. (1962 05039 Bungenstock, H., H. Closs & K. Hinz (1963) 03069 Bunt, J.S. (1963) 04185 Bunt, J.S. & E.J.F. Wood (1963) 04184 Burbanck, W.D. (1963) 03274 2nd end end end 3rd end end end Burd, А.М. (1962) Burdak, V.D. (1964) Burdett, I:D.J. et. als (1963) Burdon-Jones, С. & Т.А. Petersen (1964) Burgers, J.M. (1961) Burgess, J. (1962) Burgner, R.L. (1962) Burkard, W.P., K.F. Gey & A. Pletscher (1963) Burke, К. de Burke, K. (1963 Burkholder, P.R. (1961) Burkholder, P.R. (1962) Burkov, V.4. (Foerster, Н.Е. Transl.) (1962) Burlakova, E.V. x Т.М. (1961) Burling, R.'i. (1960) Burmakin, %.V. (1961) Burmakin, E.V. (1963) Burn, R. (1963) Burnet, A.M.R. (1963) Burnett, A.L. (1963) Burnett, A.L., В. Baird & F, Diehl (1962) Burney, М.А. & S.Q. Mohiuddin (1962) Burns, В.Е. (1962) Burrage, В.З. de Burress, R.M (1961 Burrin, D.H. % M.I. Baxter (1963) Burrin, D.H. % А.В. Beechey (1963) Burroughs, L.C. (1961) Burrows, R.E. (1962) Bursa, A.S. ees Bursa, A.S. (1962 Bursche, Е. -М. eae Bursche, E.-M. (1961 Burton, M. (1963) Burton, M.B. & D.F. Mettrick (1961) Burton, В.М. eee Burton, S.D. (1963 Burton, S.D. « R.Y. Morita (1963) Bush, B.M.H. (1963) Butcher, A.D. % J.K. Ling (1962 Butler, E.I. (1962) Butler, J.H., J.F. Jackson & J.B. Polya (1962) Butler, Р.л., А.З. Wilson % A.J. Rick (1962) 9,411 02442 Limarenko 07249 04063 731 06617 11333 09164 10229 06047 08366 02483 05316 01066 08167 01132 09150 04374 03233 05009 06552 06551 09165 03462 10325 03367 04302 05047 01472 10425 05084 04209 07144 11394 01074 S173 04152 12183 10289 06575 03223 11146 11145 11192 02455 04064 05232 08240 732 ‘nd 2nd 2nd 3rd end end 3rd end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Butler, R.L. (1962) Butorin, N.V. té Butorin, N.V. (1961 Butorina, L.G. (1961) Butterfield, D.E., J.D. Mack % G. Majino (1963) Buydens, R. (1960) Buznikov, G.A. (1961) Buznikov, G.A. & I.V. Chudakova (1963) Buznikov, С.А. & В.М. Manukhin 01177 Byrd, Г.В. a Byrd, М.А. Bystrova, E.I. (1964) CCTA/CSA (1960) CIESMM (1961) Caballero y C., E., L. Flores- Barroeta % Е.Е. Hidalgo (1961) Cabioch, 1. (1961) Cable, R.M. & J. Linderoth (1963) Cable, R.M. & F.M. Nahhas (1962) Cacciari, I. (1962) Caces-Borja, P. & A.N. Mines (1962) Cadigan, A.M. (1961) Cain, S.A. (1961) CALANUS (1963) Calaprice, N. (1963) Calder, В. (1963) Calentine, R.L. (1962) Calentine, R.L. % M.J. Ulmer (1961) California University. Scripps In- stitution of Oceanography (1963) Callaghan, J. (1961) Callame, B. (1963) Callaway, E.B. (1962) Calley, А.С. & D. Lloyd (1963) CALYPSO (1962) Cambar, R. % P. Gendre (1962) Cameron, W.M. (1962) Cameron, W.M. % D.W. Pritchard (1963) Cameroon. Federal Republic of, Laws, Statutes etc. (1962) Cameroon. Federated State of SEast. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1962) Cameroon. Federal Republic of, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01486 05421 05423 05340 01060 01061 07203 03591 06192 04520 11176 12210 01178 07532 11307 11244 12041 08038 07499 03196 08449 05380 02155 03390 03120 12139 12008 02354 06593 05381 07503 11082 04068 07080 03065 07365 08061 05387 08029 02092 02490 01535 01487 05422 end 3rd end end Campanella, A.J. (1962) Campbell, D.E., R.J. Cyr 4 C. Crosier (1962) Campbell, Г.А. Ver Campbell, J.R. (1962 Campello, F. et al. (1963) Canada. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Branch (1962) Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics (1962) Canada. Fisheries Research Board (1962) Canada. Fisheries Research Board of (1963) Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Biological Station St. Andrews, М.В. (n.d. 1961?) Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Biological Station St. Andrews, N.B. (n.d. 1962?) Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01488 Canada. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 01490 02491 02506 to 02573 02576 to 05515 05521 to 11462 11487 to 11583 11588 06247 01011 Candelas, G.A. (1964) Candelas, G.C. & G.A. Candelas (1964) Cannan, R.K. (1961 Canney, H.E. (1364) Canter, Н.М. (1963 Cantrelle, P. € С. Laurent (Ed.) (1961) Capelle, R. Meee Capon, P.F. (1963 Carasso, N. (1963) Cardot, J. & A. Guyard (1962) Carey A.G. & H. Curl (1963) Carl, G.C. (1963) Carlisle, D. a Carlisle, D. (1963 03475 9:A12 end end end ‚2nd Carlisle, D.B. (Comp.) (1960) Carlisle, J.G., Jr., С.Н. Turner & E. Ebert (1964) Carlon, N. (1963) Carlson, B.M. N Carlström, D. (1963 Carlucci, A.F. & P.V. Scarpino (1961) Carpine, C. (1963) Carr, A. & H. Hirth (1962) Carr, J.F. (1962) Carrère, С. & М. Beignot- Devalmont (1964) Carricaburu, P. & M.H. Filliol (1962) Carricaburu, P., В. Godet & К. Larmande (1962) Carrick, R., М. Holdgate & J. Prévost (Eds.) (1964) Carriker, M.R. (1961) Carritt, D.E. (1963) Carrothers, P.J.G. (1962) Carruthers, J.N. ES Carruthers, J.N. (1963 Carsola, A.J. & Е.В. Callaway (1962) Garter, D.L. (1961) Carter, T. (1964) Cartwright, D.E. (1963) Cartwright, D.E., M.J. Tucker & D. Catton (1962) Caskey, J.W. % C.K. Gillespie (1962) Caspers, H. (1961) Caspers, H. % H. Schulz (1962) Cassie, R.M. (1963) Cassier, R. (1962) Castagné, M. J. le Dantec (1962) Castilie, L. (1961) Castro, €. (1961) Catalano, С. (1963) Gatton, D (1962) Caulfield, D.D. (1962) Cavallo (1963) Cazaux, C. een Cazaux, C. (1961 Ceausescu, D. (1960) Ceausesco, D. (1961) Ceccaldi, H.J. (1962) Cecily, P.J. (1960) Cecily, P.J. (1962) Cédard, L. & M. Fontaine (1963) Central African Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Ceretto, F. (1962) AUTHOR INDEX 03585 12205 03536 07455 10495 01144 07238 06482 06159 11216 05089 05397 12046 01218 02069 03397 08574 04090 03065 03518 07082 04076 06101 06246 12214 10347 09595 04297 10281 04438 12265 11170 06101 10596 05262 10239 08451 06274 06275 10209 04590 01297 04510 05569 05399 2nd end 2nd 3rd end 3rd end end end 3rd end end end Cerrai, E. et al. (1963) Ceylon (1962) Ceylon. Director of Fisheries (1962) Laws, Statutes, etc, Chabaud, A.G. (1962) Chabaud, А.С. & В. Czaplinski (1961) Chacharonis, P. (1962) Chacko, P.I. Chadwick, A. (1961 Chadwick, G.G. (1961) Chadwick, M.J. (1960-61) Chapt, А.В. Bee Chaffee, M. (1961) Chaffee, R.R. & D. Mazia (1963) Chagas, W.A. et al. (1964) Cnaia, G. & J.R. de Freitas (1961) Chaikoff,, T-Ls (1963) Chailakhyan, L.M. (1961) CHAIN (1964) Chakraborti, S.K. (1962) Chakravarty, G.K., Co Majumdar & S.K. Sain (1961) Chakravarty, G.K., 5.К. Sain & G. Majumdar (1961) Chalazonitis, N. a Chalazonitis, N. (1961 CHALLENGER (1963) Chalupnik, J.D. & P.S. Green (1962) Chamberlin, J.L. (1961) Chambolle, P., В. Cambar & P, Gendre (1962) Chance, R.E. (1962) Chancellor-Maddison, J. & C.R, Noll, Jr. a Chang, C.F. (1961 Chang, H.U. & J.D. Ro (1961) Chapman, C.J. (1963) Chapman, D.D. cc Chapman, (1961 Chapman oP. & Joke (1962) Chapman, Harris 5. (1961) Chapman, V.J. (1962) Chapman, М.М. (1963) Chappelle, E.W. (1962) Charnock, Н. & С. Morelli (1964) Chassard, C. (1963) Chatterjee, P. (1962) Chaturvedi, В.М. (1962) Chaudhuri, J.C., A.D. Purohit & T.N. Bhargava (1962) 9:A13 02552 07386 02306 04435 02172 733 12160 02015 10026 11488 02374 03429 04105 07436 03160 06187 08055 05090 08099 10250 11215 10356 03531 02307 07007 04561 07505 07506 03242 03240 09192 06071 12387 05387 05295 07197 03182 10409 04339 12206 07572 07067 10017 02204 07443 11261 12110 03269 07538 06556 06133 734 2nd 2nd end end end end 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Chauhan, V.D. (1963) Chave, K.E. (1962) Cheatham, R.M. (1963) Chekotillo, K.A. (1963) Chen, C. (1964) Chen, T.-P. (1962) Chencellor, R.J. (1962) Cheng, T.C. (1963) Cheng, T.-Y. (1964). Cherbonnier, G. (1961) Cheremisinova, E.A. (1964) Cherkasov, I.A. (1961) Chernogorenko, M.I. (1960) ' Chernov, A.A. (1963) Chernov, P. (1961) Chernysheva, V.I. (1963) Cherry, G.W. (1962) Chervinski, J. (1961) Chestnut, A.F. (1962) Chevrier, J.R. & В.М. Trites (1960) Chew, F. (1962) Chew, К.К. RES Chew, К.К. (1962 Chiang, C.L. (1961) Chiappini, M. (1962) Chichibu, S. (1964) Chidambaram, К. (1962) Chieffi, G. ada Chieffi, G. (1963 Chieffi, G. & C. Lupo (1963) Chiesa, F. (1962) Chiesa, F., V. Noseda & .R. Marchetti (1962) Chile. Centro Universitario Zona Norte (1961) Chile. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Chin, P.K. (1962) Chipperfield, P.N.J. (1962) Chirastit, C. (1962) Chirkova, Z.N, a Chirkova, Z.N. (1961 Chisholm, R.D. & L. Koblitsky (1959) Chislenko, L.L. eat Chislénko, L.L. (1962 Chislenko, L.L. (1964) Chittleborough, В.С. e Chittleborough, R.G. (1963) Chizhov, V. (1961) 02182 01280 01292 01536 01571 05434 04197 03067 05332 1207Q 08215 12558 08332 03488 08304 02183 11068 12066 03515 11180 12508 11062 08150 06567 08444 01027 08109 05100 04518 07589 07227 08305 01284 05245 01314 04487 05246 05382 12032 01537 05433 05522 11561 02450 41100 01392 01468 01469 07138 06324 06325 11177 02257. 02258 12509 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd Chizhova, Т.Р., Р.В. Gofman- Kadoshnikov & E.G. Kravtsov (1962) Chodyniecki, A. (1964) Choe, 5. (1962) Choi, М.К. & S.W. Kim (1963) Cholnoky, B.J. (1962) Cholnoky, B.J. (1963) Cholnoky, B.J. & G. Claus (1961 CHOSUI MARU (1962 Choudhury, R.L.R. (1962) Chow, T.J. & Е.П. Goldberg (1962) Christensen, А.М. (1963) ` Christoph, P. (1960) Chu, C.H. (1960 Chu, P. Y. (1963 Chuang, S.H. (1962) Chuang, S.H. (1963) Chubb, J.C. N Chubb, J.C. (1964) Chudakova, I.V. (1963) Chujo, J. (1962) Chumakov, K.A. (1963) Chun, S.K. (1963) Chun, S.K. (1963) Chung, B.S. (1963) Churbakov, E. (1961) Churchill, M.A., H.L. Elmore & R.A. Buckingham ae Chusovitina, L.S. (1963 Cicak, A., J.J.A, McLaughlin & J.B. Wittenberg (1963) Cifelli, R. (1961 Cifelli, R. (1962 | Cioglia, L. & B. Loddo (1961) Ciriquiain-Gaiztarro, M. (1961) Clark, A.M. (1962 Clark, A.M. (1963 Clark, J.R. & Р.А. Dreyer (1961) | Clark, J.R. & J.L. Frank (1963) Clark, M.R. (1962) Clark, R.B. & E.C. Haderlie (1962) Clark, R.B., Т.В. Alder & A.D. McIntyre (1962) Clark, W.C. ae Clark, W.K. (1959) Clarke, A.H., Jr. (1962) Clarke, G.L. et al. (1962) Clarke, M.R. (1962) 9:A14 01295 09035 09212 09266 09272 09516 09554 09351 07495 10523 - 03465 09350 > 03348 07279. % 07339 “” 04301 02269 т X 6 \ 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Clarke, М.В. (1963) Clarke, R., А.Т. Aguayo & 0.G. Paliza (1964) Clarke, V. de V. (1961) Clarke, W.D. (1963) Claus, G. (1961) Claus, CG. (1961) Claus, G. (1963) Clausen, H.S. (1963) Clay, M.L. & R.B. Kauffman (1961) Clay, W.M. (1962) Cleary, E.J. eee Cleary, R.E. (1961 Clemens, H.P. (1962) Clench, W.J. & R.D. Turner (1962) Clerc, M. & J.Y. Lee (1961) Clifton, A.L. (1961) Clos-Arceduc, A. (1962) Closs, H. & K. Hinz (1963) Cloudsely-Thompson, J.L. (1960-61) Clyde River Purification Board (1961) Coachman, L.K. (1962) Coates, J. (1962) Coates, 1.1. (n.d.1961) Cobb, A.W. (1963) Cobb, H.D. Jr. (1963) Coble, D.W. (1961) Coch, N.K. (1963) Cochran, D.M. (1961) Codreanu, R. & V. Mack-Fira (1961) Coëlho, Р.А. (1962) Coetzee, 0.J. (1962) Cohen, D.M. (1961) Cohen, D.M. (1963) Cohen, G. (1960) Cohen, H. (1962) Coineau, М. Na Coineau, N. (1963 Colas, R. (1962) Colby, B.R. (1961) Cole, H.A. (1960) Cole, В.С. & L.H. Greenwood- Barton (1963) Colebrook, J.M. (1963) Colebrook, J.M. & G.A. Robinson (1961) Coleman, A.W. (1962) Collardeau, C. (1961) Collart, A. (1963) Colldeweih, I.R., Е.Г. Walls & R.D. Lee (1961) 03105 05091 AUTHOR INDEX 03413 12353 10565 05067 12271 07339 11254 09532 05193 03565 07153 03545 03568 01175 08454 06602 03087 03069 08055 06028 05032 11455 12011 07131 11256 06570 03043 07521 08282 08233 06455 12402 09381 11102 05556 01226 01221 06182 08152 01215 10398 02110 06289 03319 03339 04364 06604 Collette, B.B. (1962) Collette, В.В. Jr. (1963) Colley, F.C. Collier, A. Collier, R. Collier, R. (1963) Collignon, J. (1962) Collignon, J. (1963) Collignon, J. & H. Aloncle (1960) Collin, A. E. (1961) Collins, C. (1962) Collins, F.M. (1964) Collis, W.J. (1963) 2nd (1963) & G.Y. Kennedy end 3rd & В.Н. Cibbs, 01398 & А.С. Olsen (1963) & F. Slowey (1960) Collyer, Р.М. (1962) Colombia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 05435 05570 Colombia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Colton, J.B.Jr., K.A. Honey & R.F. Temple (1961) 2nd Colwell, R.R. (1961) Comita, G.W. & D.W. Schindler (1963) COMMANDANT ROBERT GIRAUD (1963) Commonwealth Institute of entomology (1962) Commonwealth Institute of entomology (1963) Compte, A.S. (1962) CONCH (1962) Condie, R.M. & R.B. Langer (1964) Congo. Federal Republic of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Connell, J.H. (1961) Connell, J.H. (1963) Conners, D.N. (1964) Connes, R. (1962) Connolly, T.F. (1962) 2nd end Conover, J.T. & J.McN, Sieburth (1963) 05019 02087 05599 Conover, J.T., R.L. Fritz & М. Vieira (1961) Conrad, Н.М. % Р. Saltman (1962) CONRAD HOLMBOE (1964) Conroy, D.A. (1961 Conroy, D.A. (1962 Conroy, D.A. (1964) Conroy, D.A. & M.C. Hughes (1960) 9:A15 05351 05244 735 10487 04462 03539 09077 04230 04212 08518 11347 12316 08010 12563 11143 07050 03275 05523 05590 05524 03151 01143 07373 05021 07569 07568 01455 12029 10232 01538 06351 06357 08121 01224 05063 11147 12338 03316 06013 05374 05361 08554 12565 736 2nd 2nd end end end end 2nd 2nd 2па end 3rd Constantinescu, G. (1961) Conte, F.P., Н.Н. Wagner & Т.О. Harris (1963) Cook, J.R. Cook, J.S. & A.F. Rieck (1962) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES (1963) Cook, P.W. (1262) COOK (1963) Cooley, В.А. Cooper, E.L. Cooper, G.A. &D.C.T. Forsyth (1963) | Cooper, L.H.N. (1961) Cooper, R.A. & H.L. Kornberg (1964) Cope, О.В. & В.Т. Navarre (1962) Copeland, B.J. (1962) Coppini, R. & E. Bianchi (1961) Coppleson, V.M. Coraboeuf, E. & Y. Padel Corcoran, E.F. « J.F. Kimball, Jr. (1963) Cordeiro, M. (1962) Corlett, E.C.B. (1963) Corliss, J.0. Cormack, Н.Е. (1961 Corman, C.D. Corner, E.D.S. (1963) Corneretto, A. (1963) Corpe, W.A, Correll, D.L. (1964) 1963 1961 (1963 (1963) (1964) Cortegiani (1961) Costa Rica. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Costello, L.C., H. Oya & Ч. Smith (1963) Costlow, J.D. Jr. (1963) Costlow, J.Ds (1961 & С.С. Bookhout Cottam, C. (1961) Cotton, B.C. (1961) Couillard, P., D. Larrivee & L. Archambault (1961) Council of Europe (1963) Coupland, A.C. (1962) Courant, В.А. (1964) Court, R. Courtois, G., P. Jaffry & M (1962) Heuzel (1962) Covill, R.W. (1962) Coward, S.J., В.А. Flickinger & E. Garen Cowden, R.R, Cowden, В.В. & Н.Е. Lehman (1963) | 1964 1962 Cowey, C.B. (1963) Cowey, С.В. & E.D.S. Corner (1963) (1962) 06118 09555 07195 02144 08343 03042 10491 06562 02111 01029 08228 04106 03364 08386 03015 11339 10197 07222 04332 05010 12486 10333 03148 03193 06090 11154 12274 11125 05476 11242 04229 10273 07151 07286 02143 04027 ‘03420 11051 11108 03117 06180 06404 05113 04221 04521 03147 03148 2nd end end end end end 3rd end end 3rd 3rd 3rd end end 3rd A.J. (1962 Cox, D.C. (1963 Cox, К.Н. (1962 Cox, В.А. hee Cox, В.А. (1964) Craddock, Т.В. & L.A. Krumholz (1963) Cragg, J.B. (Ed.) (1962) Craig, R.E. (1963) Creach, Y. oe Crease, J. (1962 Crescitelli, F. (1960) Crespi, Н.Г. & J.J. Katz (1962) Cridlana, С.С Ba Cridland, C.C. (1962 Crippen, J.R. (1962) Crisp, D.J. (1962) Crisp, D.J. (1963) Crisp, DJ. & P.S. Meadows (1962) Crisp, D.T. (1963) Cristea, A. et al. (1961) Cristofalo, V.J., L.D, Kornreich & R.R. Ronkin (1962) Crooks, A.D. (Comp.) (1963) 03061 09081 Cox, Crosier, C. (1962) Cross, E.A. Jr. (1962) Crossman, E.J. (1962) Crowl, G.H. (1961) Cruickshank, M. (1963) Cruz, J.R., В. Virden & D.C. Watts (1963) Csaba, G., С. Horvath & I. Moldovanyi (1962) Cuadro de Expertos de la FAO para la Facilitación de las Investi- gaciones sobre el Atún, Roma, 8-12 junio 1964 (1964) Cuba. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Cuinat, Re ЕЕ в.в, Transl.) (1962) Cuinat, R. & R. Vibert (1963) Culea, D. (1961) Cumberland River Board een Cumberland River Board (1962 Cummings, W.C. (1961 Cummings, W.C. (1962 Curds, P. (1960 Curds, P. (1962 Curds, P. (1963 Cure, V. & I, Birca (1961) Curl, H. (1962 Curl, H. (1963 05477 05546 9:A16 4) 07130 09037 * 11209 # 12119 4 08138 10537 ’ 01018 + 02260 11410 10138 12577 1 05200 4 03529 12555 y 06223 } 092204 03253 10282 | 04378 08541 03366 09080 06061 11257 01447 09098 06582 04208 05306 10002 05478 À 04274 # 04556 084044 4 06029 | 06038 р 06360 07402 x 07573 à 07566 07565 08540 06292 № 08093 | 2nd 3rd 2nd end 2nd 3rd end Curl, H. Jr. (1963) Curley, F.E. (1961) Curra, В.А. (1964) Currie, R. (1963) Currie, R.I. (1964) Curry, J.J. Nues Cushing, D. (1963 Cushing, 1960) Cushing, 1962) Cushing, LA Cushing, (1963 Cushing (1963) Cushing (1963) Cushing (1963) Cushing, (1963) Cushing, s К Fuj Calaprice (1963) Cutting, C.L. (1964) Cviié, V. (1960) D.H. D. H. De Н. De He D. H. & HF. D.H. & DeSe D, HS Ho. Ge т.т. 03140 Nicholson Tungate % To Vucetic ino & N, 07246 07288 Cyr, В.Т. & С. Crosier (1962) Czajka, W. (1962) Czapik, A. (1959) Czapik, A. (1961) Czaplinski, B. (1961) Czechoslovakia. etc. (1963) Czeczuga, B. (1959) Czeczuga, В. 1960) Czeczuga, B. (1962 Czen P. (1962) Czen, P. & D. Dzo-I ( Czubak, М. (1961) Dabadghao, S.B. & Н.М. Deshpande (1962) Laws, Statutes, 02105 1961) Daboll, H.F., H.L. Crespi & Duds Katz (1962) Daget, J. (1961) 02375 Dag Hammarskjold Library U.N., New York (Comp.) (1963) Dahl, J. (1962) Daiku, K. (1962) Dales, R.P. (1962) Dales, R.P. (1963) Dal Pont, G. (1964) Dal Pont, С., В. Newell & J. Staniforth (1962) Daly, Re, V.A. Hacker & Г. Viegert (1962) Dambska, I. (1961) AUTHOR INDEX 11081 07159 08555 03001 12111 06375 08210 12314 06294 10149 03143 03142 03139 03141 03370 02354 06607 07277 06061 06435 02238 06367 03429 05589 02140 04158 07206 07582 05597 06531 06138 05200 02472 12590 08544 02193 04223 04224 08095 01037 12549 06365 2nd 2nd 2nd end end end Зга 2nd Dan, Jul. (1961) DANA (1963) d' Ancona, D'Ancona, Danforth, Dangeard, Dangeard, Us (1961) и. (1962) С.С. (1963) Le pee P. (1962 Daniel, A. (1963) Daniels, Е.Н. (1963) Danilov, М.А. (1961) da Paes (1962 M.L. & M.S Darmody, W.J. (1962) Das, N. & S.N. Tibbo (1962) Das , S.M. (1962) Vasconcelos 07543 Das Gupta, S.C. (1963) Datta, А.К. (1962) Datta, NN, Datta, MN. DattaGupta, DattaGupta, (1962) (1963) Ake (1 Ae Ke 3 IR & P. Johnson (1963 Daubner, I ь (1962) Daubs, EH.H. (1962) Daumer, К. & Т.Н. Waterman (1963) Daumer, K., ВН. Jander & Т.Н. Waterman (1963) Dauphinee, Т.М. & Н. Preston- Thomas (1962) Dauphinee, T.M., С, Kirby & Н. Preston-Thomas (1961) David, David, David, David, A. A, Ar David, A, David, David, AS een (1963 (1964) Davidov, N.N. (1960) Davidson, Davidson, Davidson, CG 1(1962) Dol. Crs oe 1963 Davidson, F.F. (1961 Davies, DH. (1962) Davies, D.H., J.P.A, Lochner & E.D. Smith (1963) Davies, О.М. & H. Kleerekoper (1963) | Davies, P.M.C. (1963) Davis; 0.0 (1961) 3rd Davis, CB, (1961) 9:A17 12237 А. % P. Roy (1960) P.M. (1962) 737 01160 09408 08204 08503 08252 08062 07218 05082 10214 12479 12412 01593 01025 07544 11042 07541 09533 09501 03263 04188 91585 05168 02342 09166 06099 06062 04238 12238 08156 03544 10577 11281 07460 04553 09147 06598 04385 08550 10059 03379 4357 06492 04263 01464 12269 07492 738 2nd 2nd 2nd end 3rd end 3rd end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Davis, H.C. (1963 Davis, J.J. pan Davis, В.Е. (1962 Davis, R.L. & N. Marshall (1963) Davydova, N.V. & V.D. Fedorov (1962) Davydova, N.V. & V.D. Fedorov (1963) Dawbin, W.H. (1964) Dawkins, P.R. (1962) Dawson, E.Y. (1962 Dawson, E.Y. (1963 Dawson, E.Y. (1963 Dawson, I.M.P. (1964 Deacon, G.E.R. Mee G.E.R. (1964 G.E.R. & М.В. 02074 08017 12067 Deacon Deacon, Deacon, (1963) Deacon, M.B. (1963) de Almeida, D.F. et al. (1963) Dean, J.M. (1962) De Angelis, С.М. (1961) De Angelis, R. (1960) Deathe, S.H. (1962) De Buen, F, Bee De Buen, F. (1960 De Buen, Е. (1961 de Carvalho, A.M. & G.J. Janz (1960) Dechancé, M. ec Dechancé, M. (1963 Dechancé, M. & J. Forest (1962) Décloitre, L. (1962) 10225 10228 DeCooke, B.G. (1961) De Costa, J.J. (1962) Deelder, C.L, (1960) Dees, L.T. ree Dees, L.T. (1962 Deevey, E.S., Jr., М. Stuiver & N. Nakai (1963) de Freitas, J.R. (1961) Degens, Е.Т., J.H. Reuter & K.N.F. Shaw (1964 Gero, J.B. hos Gero, J.B. (1961 Gero, J.B. (1962 de Graaff, J. (1960 de Graaff, J.M. (1960) Dehael, P.A. & D. Stone (1964) De Harven, E. (1962) 05119 Dehl (1961) Dehlinger, P. & S.H. Yungul (1962) de de de 07239 08309 03481 02228 03576 03218 06401 06402 12342 07389 02202 07220 09207 11297 02080 09108 11013 11013 05331 05345 08218 07122 11445 02313 12327 10511 03560 02376 09167 02184 10226 06161 05072 04486 10593 11581 10173 10356 11039 12184 07412 08481 10045 10585 06361 05120 06426 06094 end end end 2nd 2nd end end end de la Cruz, А.А. (1962) Delamare Deboutteville, С. (1962) De Leersnyder & H. Hoestlandt (1963) De Lépiney, L. (1962) De Ley, J. (1962 Del Fa, F. (1961 Dell, R.K. (1962) Della Corte, F. & G. Chieffi (1961) Della Croce, N. en Della Croce, N. (1964 Delphaut, J, He Delphaut, J. (1963 Demaël-Suard, А. & G. Pérès (1964) De Martini, J.D. & I. Preatt (1964) de Mendiola, B.R.E. (1962) de Menezes, R.S. (1961) 02380 01099 05388 11450 Dement'eva, T.F. et al. (1961) Dementieva, T.F. et al. (U.K. MAFF Transl.) (1962) Demeusy, N. (1963) Deminatti, M. a Deminatti, M. (1963 Deming, L.S. (1962) Demir, M. (1961) Demirhindi, U. (1961) Demny, Т.С., Т.М. Miller & Н.В. Woodruff (1961) Dempster, L.J. (1960) Dendy, J.S. (1961) Dendy, J.S. (1962) Dendy, P. (1962) Denisenko, V.V. (1963) Denizot, M. (1963) Denmark, Fiskeriministeriet (1961) Denmark. (1963) 08461 Laws, Statutes, etc. 01539 05436 05438 11491 11563 Denmark. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1964) Denny, C.G. & R. Monaghan (1962) Denny, P.C. (1964) Dent, J.N. (1963) Denton, E.J. (1963) Denton, E.J. & T.I. Shaw нь Denton, Е.Л. & Т.Г. Shaw (1962 9:A18 7% = — 2nd 2nd end end end end end De Pascar, C.G. (1962) DePorte, P.V. Transl. (1961) Deraniyagala, P.E.P. (1961) de Ridder, M. (1962) Deroux, G. (1961) DERWENT HUNTER и DERWENT HUNTER (1963 DeSa, В. & J.W. Hastings (1963) Desai, H.V. & S. Krishnaswamy (1962) Deschiens, Re, N. Ayad % Y. le Corroller (1961) Descomps, S. (1963) DeSelm, Н.В. % В.Е. Shanks (1962) Deshpande, S.D. (1960) Deshpande, S.D. (1962) Deshpande, S.D. & М.А. George (1962) 01274 Deshpande, S.D. & V.C. George (1962) Deshpande, “Y.M. (1962) de Silva, N.N. (1963) de Silva, N.N. & A, H.W. Mendis (1963) de Silva, P.H.D.H. & Е.М. Knight- Jones (1962) de Sylva, D.P. (1961) 06488 Detlaf, T.A (1962) Detlaf, Т.А. & A.S. Ginzburg (1963) Detlaf, T.A. 4 S.I. Zuichenko (1963) Dettlaff, T.A. (1962) Devambez, L.C. (1962) Devambez, L.C. (1964) de Veen, J.F. (1963) Devèze, L. (1963) Devillers, Ch. (1962) De Vincentiis, M. & E. Urbani (1961) Devold, F. (1962) de Vries, J. (1962) DeWitt, H.H. (1962) Davitt, J.B. et al. (1960) Dézsi, Z. (1962) Dhulkhed, M.H. (1962) Dhulkhed, М.Н. & У. Rama Mohana Rao (1959) Dial, В.О. (1962 DIAMANTINA (1963 DIAMANTINA (1963 Dickie, L.M. (1962) Dickinson, С.Г. (1963) 05269 01242 10473 03279 03197 02008 02009 07230 06284 10352 02229 05062 04584 01394 07384 02243 06138 11060 09353 03189 10015 05325 12469 11380 05300 04016 10551 06498 03007 01430 01082 11272 04294 01308 12515 06219 05283 04433 06338 02007 02120 12417 05081 AUTHOR INDEX Dickson, W. (1962) DiCostanzo, C.J. & ML. Hayes (1961) 3rd Diehl, F. (1962) Diehl, V.E. (1962) end Diener, Т.О. & В.5. Safferman (1964) Dietrich, G. (1961) Dietrich, G. % K. Kalle (F. Ostapoff, Transl.) (1963) Dietrich, G. & H.H. Lamb (1964) Dietrich, K.R. (1964) 2nd Dietz, F. (1961) Dietz, R.S. (1963) Dfez-Davé, R. (1962) Dijkgraaf, 5. € A.J. Kalmign (1963) Dillon, 1.5. & R.0: Dial (1967) Dilly, N. (1964) 2nd Di Meglio, 5. (1961) 08014 Dinglasan, P.P. (1962) 2nd Dingle, H (1963) 3rd Dionne, R.D. (1963) Directory of British Scientists. Editorial Secretary (1963) DISCOVERY (1963) 02004 DISCOVERY (1964) 08017 09108 DISCOVERY 11 (1962 DISCCVERY II (1963 2nd Distler, D.A. (1961) Distler, DA. & А.Ь. Metcalt (1962 2nd Dittmer, D.S. (Ed. ) (1962) Dixwell, C.E. (1961) Dmitrieva, E.N. EZ Dmitrieva, E.N. (ANON. Transl.) (1961) 2nd Dd, F. (1963) Dobie, J. (1962) Dobremyslovä, I., J. Dvoräk & V. Novobilskf (1962) Dobrokhotova, K.V. (1962) Dobrovol'skii, A.D. (1961) Dodd, J.D., Е.Р. Stoermer & R.W. Drum (1962) Dodd, J.M. & J.N. Dent (1963) Dodd, J.M. % C.K. Goddard (1961) 2nd Dodd, M.H.I. (1963) 03427 2nd Dodd, M.R. (1962) Dodds, G.B. (1963) Dodge, J.D. (1963) Dodge, J.D. & М.В.Е. Godward (1963) DISCOVERY II (1961 06449 9:А19 739 02261 12474 03367 01594 10305 08065 11010 11050 06191 06244 02013 06431 05234 06338 11412 08433 07435 07258 05224 02598 03001 08023 08097 19140 03156 02454 01436 04049 08396 03549 03550 03270 08538 06217 01240 12080 07321 05343 19446 04488 19189 03398 04132 eee 740 end end 3rd end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Dogiel, V.A., Yu.l. Polyanski & E.M. Kheisin (Ed.) (Kabata, 2. Transl.) (1964) Doi, T. (1962) 02346 09517 Doi, T. (1964) Dollfus, R.-Ph. (1962) Domard, J. (1962) Dondero, N.C. (1961) Donn, W.L. & D.M. Shaw (1963) Donner, P.J. (1964) Doolittle, В.Р. & D.M. Surgenor (1962) Dorfner, K. (1962) Dorrestein, R. (1960) Dorris, T.C. & B.J. Copeland (1962) Dorst, J. (1961) dos Santos, E.P. (1962) Dotu, Y. (1963) Dotu, Y. % S. Fujita (1963) Doty, M.S. (1963) Doty, P. (1961) Doucet, W.F. (1960) Dougherty, В.С. & L.G. Harris (1963) Dougherty, H.W. (1962) Douglas, D.S. (1962) Douglas, М.Н. & И.Н. Irwin (1963) Douglas, S.D. (1963) Doumenge, F. (1963) Dovgan, R.N. (1964) Doving, K.B. & G. Gemne (1963) Dow, R.L. (1962) Dow, R.L. & F.T. Baird, Jr. (1960) Dow, W. & S.L. Stillman (1962) Doyle, W.L. (1962) Drábek, B. (1960) Dragesco, J. (1961) Dragesco, J. (1963) Dragesund, 0. & K.F. Wiborg (1963) Dragovich, A. (1963) Dragovich, А., J. Finucane & B.Z. May (1961) Drake, C.L. (1963) Drapeau, G.R. & В.А. Macleod (1963) Draper, G.J. (1963) Drapkin, E.I. (1961) Drapkin, E.I. oe Drapkin, Е.Г. (1963 Drecun, D. (1962) 12560 12562 12568 03466 09518 12345 03419 04193 03363 10057 04258 02427 08588 02091 03364 10589 01332 04545 09382 09169 04485 01263 03325 05228 09452 03124 07445 02327 11070 11306 10528 12194 06083 05290 03108 03200 04134 06286 07172 08178 08091 03214 12601 06327 06326 05080 12561 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd end 3rd end end Drecun, D. % M, Miranovié (1962) Dreher, J.J. Ho Dreyer, F.A. (1961 Drilhon, A. cae Drilhon, A. (1964 Drilhon, A. % J.M. Fine (1964) Drobeck, K.G. Haar Drokova, I.H. (1961 Droop, M.R. (1962) Droop, M.R. (1964) Drouet, F. | Drum, В.М. (1962 Drummond, G.I. & (1960) Druzhinin, A.D. (1960) Druzhinin, A.D. (1961) Dryfoos, R.L. (1961) Dubey, G.P. & R.K. Mehara (1962) Dubov, V.P. (1962) Dubrova, G.B. & Iu,I. Rubinshtein (1961) Dubrow, 0.1. & В.В. Manning (1962) Duchateau-Bosson, Gh. & М. Florkin (1962) Ducker, S.C. & L.G. Willoughby (1964) Dudel, J. (1963) Duellman, W.E. & D.L. Hoyt (1961) Dufour, М., Js Galliano 4 В. Molinier (1961) Dugdale, В.С. & J.C. Neess (1961) Duggan, R. (1962) du Heaume (1964) Duke, T.W., Е.В. Ibert & K.M. Rae (1963) E.C. Black Dul'kin, A.L. (1961) Dul'kin, A.L. (1962) Dunstan, D.J. (1961) Dunstan, D.J. ae Dunster, H.J. (1962 Dupe, М. & В. Godet (1962) du Plooy, A. Set Dupree, H.K. (1962) Dupree, Н.К. & O.L. Green (1961) Durairatnam, M. (1963) 11059 Durchon, M. % F, Schaller (1963) Durchon, М., У. Montreuil & Y, Boilly-Marer (1963) Durham, J.W. (1962) Durve, V.S. (1964) 9:A20 end end end 2nd end. N 3rd end end end 3rd end 2nd 2nd Durve, V.S. & D.V. Bal (1962) Dutrieu, J. (1962) Dutti, Se ti Dutt, S. (1962 Duttweiler, D.W. et al. (1961) Duursma, E.G. (1961) Duursma, Е.К. & J.W. (1961 Duvanin, A.I. (1960) Duvanin, А.Т. (Slesser, М. Transl.) (1961) Duxbury, A.C. (1963) Duykers, L.R.B. (1962) Duyvene de Wit, J.J. (1962) Dvoräk, J. & V. Novobilskÿ (1962) Dyroff, D.R. (1962) Dzens-Litovskii, А.Т. & GA, Vasil'ev (1961) Dzo-I, D. (1961) Rommets EAFRO (1962) EIFAC (1962) East African Common Services Organization (1962) East Suffolk and Norfolk River Board (1962) Eaton, В. (Ed.) (1963) Ebel, W. (1962) Eberl-Rothe, G, (1960) Eberly, W.R. Aa Ebersold, Ч. (1962 Ebert, E. (1964) Ebert, Е.В. (1962) Ebert, E.E. & C.H. Turner (1962) Eble, А.Р. (1962) Eble, A.F. (1963) Ebling, F.J. et al. (1962) Eckart, C. (1963) Eckoldt, M. (1962) Ed Din, H.S. (1961) Ede, D.F.C. (1963) Edel'man, M.S. (1961) Eden, M. (1961) Edgren, R.A. & D.L. Carter (1961) Edholm, 0. (1963) Edwards, C. (1963) Edwards, M.A. (1961) Edwards, M.A. & P. Curds (1960) Edwards, M.A. & P. Curds Et Edwards, М.А. & P. Curds (1963 Edwards, R.L. & J.L. Chamberlin (1961) (1962) Edwards, В.Н. 07437 08043 AUTHOR INDEX 05131 05155 03440 07478 08153 06103 04089 01526 01527 10070 07579 03574 06217 08128 12056 05597 12048 08053 08045 06040 04019 01057 10254 01069 03320 12205 14353 11354 08318 10331 11225 11034 06230 10355 04349 12005 07590 03518 06586 03146 04596 07573 07566 07565 12387 08142 end end end end end end end end Efimova, E.I. (1963) Egami, N. (1963) Egor'eva, A.V. (1961) Egorov, A. (1961) Eguchi, H. % M. Osanai (1962) Egusa, S. (1963) Ehrenberger, F. (1961) Ehrenpreis, S. (1962) Ehrlich, 5. (1962) Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1961) Eickhoff, W. (1963) Einsele, W. et al. (1960) Einsle, U. (1962) Eklund, C.R. (1962) Eklund, M. & V.F. Stout (1962) Ekzertsev, V.A. (1962) Ekzertsev, V.A. & V.V. Ekzertseva (1962) Ekzertseva, V.V. (1962) El-Bolock, A.R.M. (1962) Elder, H.Y. (1962) ELEPTRA III ae Elgmork, K. (1962) Eliassen, R. (1961) Ellis, D.V. (1962) Ellis, D.V. & R.T. Wilce (1961) Ellis, G.H., P.R. Hopkin & R.W.G. Haslett (1963) Ellis, В.А. & J.H.Abel,Jr. (1964) Elmore, H.L. & R.A. Buckingham (1962) El Salvador, Dirección de Estadistica y Censos (1961) El Salvador. Dirección General de Estadistica y Censos (1962) Elsner, R.W. (1964) Elson, P.F. (1962) Elster, H.J. ee Elster, H.-J. (1962 ELTANIN (1962) Elvins, B.J. (1962) Emery, K.0. (1962) Endean, В. (1964) Endo, K. & W. Simidu (1963) Endo, K., M. Hujita % W. Simidu (1962) Endo, K., M. Hujita % W. Simidu (1963) Engel, A.E.J. & С.С. Engel (1964) Engel, C.G. (1964) Engelbrecht, R.S. & J.J. Morgan (1961) Enger, S. (1963) 9:A21 01276 03110 06196 10018 741 01050 11430 12081 12502 04094 02424 06264 05396 03347 03414 11360 06532 06414 09445 10385 03332 03331 03331 08560 12553 06016 10224 07163 01403 01134 04308 10428 06154 12297 08382 08482 08491 07034 03111 10019 08155 05036 09225 03407 03406 03408 10060 10060 06383 11374 742 2nd 3rd end end end 3rd 3rd end 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Engez, N. (1961) English, S.M. St English, T.S. (1961 Enomoto, ei H. Nagatake & 1. Tomiyasu (1963) Enomoto, Y. (1963) 02112 03155 Enomoto, Y. (1964) 10560 Enzenross, C. ok Epofeev, P.N. (1963 Eppley, R. (1963) Eppley, R.W. (1962) 03288 Eppley, В.М. & В. Р.М. “Macias (1962) Epshtein, У.М. (1962) Erben, K. (1962) Ercegovic, А., Т. Gamulin & A, Kotthaus (1962) Erdey, L., E. Gegus & M.T. Vändorffy (1962) Erdman, J.G. (1964) Ereshchenko, V.I. % A.S. Malinovskaia (1959) Ereshchenko, V.I. & A.S. Malinovskaya (1961) Ergens, В. (1960) Ericson, D.B., М. Ewing & G. Wollin (1964) Eriksson, E. (1962 Erimesco, P. (1960 Erimesco, P. (1961 07081 Eritchewa, F.N. & J. Kalinina (1961) Erman, Г. FR Erman, P. (1961 Erol, C. (1960) Eroshin, V.K. Noes Eroshin, V.K. (1963 Escritor, G.L. (1962) Esipov, V.K.. (1961) Eskin, R.M. % M.E. Bitterman (1962) Esmiol, J.P. (1962) Essex River Board (1962) Eto, H. % N. Egami (1963) Etoh, Н. er Etoh, H. (1964 Eumatsu, Z. (1962) European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission and FAO Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1964) Euzet, L. & J.-P. Quignard (1961) Euzet, L. & A. Raibaut (1961) Euzet, L. & J.P. Trilles (1961) 08143 05079 05037 03409 02113 10571 08070 11066 03071 03322 08341 07237 03318 02299 06213 10151 02271 02272 07459 10061 03066 12051 08403 06346 08455 08321 07119 06422 06423 07475 10451 05405 06328 06041 11430 09534 10554 04538 03595 08463 08456 08457 Evans, А.С. Bent 2nd Evans, E.D. (1962 Evans, F. (1961) 06290 Evans, G., C.G.St.C. Kendall & P. Skipwith (1964) 2nd Evans, J. (1962) Evans, J.H. SEA Evans, J.H. (1962 03171 Evers, W. (1962) Evropeytseva, N.V. AGREE Evropeytseva, N.V. (Kulikovsky G.N. Transl.) (1963) Ewart, W.D. nee Evens, W.J. (1963 Ewers, W.H. Beet 3rd Ewing, J.I. (1963) 2nd Ewing, M. (1963) 2nd Ewing, M. % G. Wollin (1964) Ezrow, О.Н. (1962) FAO (1961) FAO hen 04032 2nd FAO Na 2nd FAO (1964) FAO. Council tes FAO. Council (1963 FAO. Expert Panel for the Facilitation of Tuna Research, Rome, 8-12 June 1964 (1964) FAO. Fisheries Division He FAO. Fisheries Division (1963 FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1964) FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (Comp. ) (1964) end FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1964) FAO. Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1965) 2nd FAO. Land € Water Development Division (1963) FAO. Legislation Branch and Land and Water Development Division (1963) FAO. Plant Production and Protection Division/WHO (1961) РАО. Regional Fisheries Commission for Western Africa, Secretariat (1964) FAO/UN (1962) FAO/UN (1963) 04266 04283 to 9:A22 {M >! | 0 07361 de 05043 © 10262 | 09100 04514 | | 04515 {| 11018; 12606 | 0925881 0903281 1005 1006 0702 7 01278} 06457 N 09010 HP 09014 | 0841 73 04026 © 71 08001 | 03039 | 06603 gl 09582 | | 090015 04587 U 11533, 4h 01568 „_ 01568? 08597 4) A 10025 09318 \ | 04282) | 042864 04289 1. Y ‘ nd nd nd FAO/UN (1963) 04352 to 04356 04557 06348 06453 08364 FAO/UN (1964) 08411 12305 12369 Faber, D.J. (1963) 10526 Fabian, G., G. Molnar & I, Tolg (1963) 11397 Fadda, М. & U, Alemanni (1961) 04086 Fährmann, W. (1962) 06580 Fänge, R. & J. Krog (1963) 05226 Fager, Е.Н. (1963) 02417 Fager, E.W. % J.A. McGowan (1963) 03134 Fagerlund, U.H.M. % D.R. Idler (1961) 08244 Fagetti, E. (1961) 12336 Fagetti, E. % J. Stuardo (1961) 12337 Fahl, G. (1963) 11527 Fahrentholz, S. (1963) 04047 Failla, P.M. (1962) 05094 Fairbank, N.G. (1962) 10093 Falk, U. (1961) 06424 06468 Falk, U. (1962) 08428 Falkmer, S. (1962) 05363 Falkmer, S., В. Hellman & С.Е, Voigt (1964) 11315 Faller, A.J. % A.H. Woodcock (1964) 10261 Fan, Pow-Foong (1963) 09598 Fang, T.C. et al. (1963) 12224 Farina, B. & E. Leone (1963) 03471 Farkas, T. % S. Herodek (1964) 06277 Farkas, T. et al. (1961) 05408 Farmanfarmaian, A. & J.H. Phillips (1962) 06344 Farris, D.A. (1961) 11356 Fast, H. (1960) 04100 Fauré-Fremiet, Е. и 03278 Fauré-Fremiet, Е. (1963 02200 04145 Fauré-Fremiet, E., Р. Favard & N. Carasso (1963) 01207 Faust, Е.С., Р.С. Beaver & В.С. Jung (1962) 08033 Fautrez, J. (1961) 01077 Fautrez, J. (1962) 05154 Fautrez, J. (1963) 10311 Fautrez-Firlefyn, N. & J. Fautrez (1961) 01077 Fautrez-Firlefyn, N. % J. Fautrez (1962) 05154 Fautrez-Firlefyn, N. & J. Fautrez (1963) 10311 Favard, P. & N. Carasso (1963) 01207 Favorite, F. (1961) 12101 AUTHOR INDEX 2nd end 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd end 2nd end end end 3ra 3rd 3rd end 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd Feder, W.A. & K.M. Tsue (1963) Federici, M. (1963) Federov, A.V. oe Federov, V.D. (1962 Fedii, S.P. (1962) Fediushin, A.V. (1961) Fedorov, K.N. (1962) Fedorov, V.D. (1962) Fedorov, V.D. (1963) Fedorov, V.D., 5.G. Kushner & M.M. Telitchenko (1962) Fedorov, V.G. (1961) Feldman, C. & T.C. Rains (1964) Feldmann, J. (1961) Felix, K. & A. Goppold-Krekels (1962) Fell, H.B. We Fell, H.B. (1963 Fenaux, L. (1961 Fenaux, R. (1961 Ferencz, M.S. (1962) Ferguson, D.E. en Ferguson, F.F, (1961 Ferguson, F.F, (1961 Ferguson, G.E. (1962 Fernando, C.H. (1963 Fernando, C.H. & C.Y. Leong: (1963) Fernholz, W. (1962) Ferrando, H.J. (1962) Fershtman, V.B. (1962) Ferullo, A.F. (1961) Fesenko, N.G. (1962) Раса, A. (1962) Fields, H.M. bo Fields, W.G. (1963 Fierstine, H.L. Е Fijalkowski, D. (1962 Filatova, Z.A. al Filatovs, ZA. (1961 Filewood, L.W.C. (1964) Filippovich, lu.V. (1962) Filliol, М.Н. (1962) Filuk, J. (1962) Fine, J.M. (1964) Fine, J.M. & AeDrilhon (1964) Fingerman, M. & C. Oguro (1963) Fingerman, M., R. Nagabhushanam & L. Philpott (1962) Fingerman, S.W. & R.D. (1961) Fink, L.K., Jr. (1962) Finkelstein, S. & E.C. Franklin (1962) Finkle, E. (1963) Suttkus 9:А23 01243 05373 11235 743 07229 06446 12159 08331 08158 12301 10142 06401 06402 01244 12256 08122 08284 05377 07259 09224 03149 08193 03541 07512 10359 01254 06175 11236 11237 06555 08025 08374 06386 11109 05114 01334 05261 08474 07357 01162 01163 09171 05557 05089 08546 11367 11368 04261 09263 07515 10134 05304 03059 744 2nd 2nd 3rd end end end end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Finland. (1962) Finn, D.B. (1964) Finucane, J. % B.Z. Мау (1961) Fioroni, P. (1962) Firlit, C.F. (1968) Laws, Statutes, etc. Fischer-Piette & J, Seoane-Camba (1962) Fischer-Piette, Е., J.M. Gaillard & B.L. James (1963) Fischer, 2. (1961) | Fischerhof, H. (1961) Fischthal, J.H. & В.Е. Kuntz (1964) Fiscus, C.H. (1961) Fiscus, H.F. (1963) Fish, Е.Р. A Fish, Р.Р. (1961 Fish, G.R. (1960) Fish, С.В. Les Fish, M.P. (1961) Fishelson, L. (1965) Fisher, Г.В. & Z.D. Hosking (1962) Fisher, R.A. & F. Yates (1963) Fisher, S. (1962) Fitch, J.E. (1962) Fittkau, BJ. (1963) Fitzgerald, B.W. & D.M. Skauen (1963) Fitzgerald, С.Р. wech Fitzgerald, G.P. (1962 Fitzpatrick, Н.М. (1963) Flato, M. (1962) Fleming, A.M. (1960) Fleming, R.H. & D. Heggarty (1962) Fleming, W.R. (1964) Flerov, В.А. (1963) Fletcher, K. (1962) Flickinger, R.A. Et Flickinger, В.А. (1964) ra R.A. % E. Garen (1964) FLIP (1963 Flood, P.R. % J.S. Mathisen (1962) Floodgate, G.D. & P.R. Hayes (1963) Flores-Barroeta, L. Hidalgo (1961) Florey, E. (1961) Florey, E. (Ed.) (1961) Florey, E. Florey, E. & Е.Е. de & G. Hoyle (1961) 11298 11310 D.D. Chapman (1961) 01541 01572 09002 08178 05118 05248 03184 01204 12268 03590 11299 11391 12401 01415 06158 10598 10077 09535 12017 10267 04382 04604 07074 11199 04264 10314 06391 06253 09603 06584 01325 05042 08515 08512 06130 04572 06406 06404 03042 05275 03213 07499 12582 03032 12206 03234 nd Florkin, М. (1962) Florkin, M. (1963) Flury, J. Transl. (1962) Focsaneanu, L. (1961) Fodera, V. (1963) Foerster, В.Ю. Transl. (1962) 04092 04490 04492 04499 05143 Fofonoff, М.Р. (1962) Poged, N. (1962) Fogg, G.E. (1962) 03305 Follenius, E. (1962) 03517 Follenius, E. (1963) 03578 Follett, W.I. & L.J. Dempster (1960) Folsom, T.R., С. Feldman & T.C, Rains (1964) Folsom, T.R., R.A. Schwartzlose & F.D. Jennings (1962) Folsom, Т.В. et al. (1963) Folson, T.R. & G.J. Mohanrao (1961) 2nd Fonnum, F. (1963) Fontaine, J. (1963) Fontaine, М. HA end Fontaine, M. (1963 Fontaine, M. & М. (1962) end Fontaine, Fontaine, (1963) Fontaine, (1963) Foote, H.B. (1962) Olivereau Y. (1961) У.А. & A. Aeberhardt Y.A. & E. Gerard Forbes, Т.В. (1960 Forbes, T.R. nn Forbes, T.R. (1963 Forest, J. RL 2nd Forest, J. (1962 2nd Forget, P. (1961) 2nd Forney, J.L. (1962) Forrest, H.F. (1964) 2nd Forrester, C.R. (1962) Forster, G.R. (1962) 2nd Forsyth, D.C.T. (1963) Forsythe, R.A. (1961) Forth River Purification Board (4964) 2nd Foster, В.Р. (1963) Foster, В.Р. & D. McConnon (1962) 2nd Fothergill, N.0. (1962) 9:A24 04231 04242 03294 A 1152€ 04326 ‘4 4) | 04374 04491 04494 | 04529 09029 07227 03359 0536 1138 0844 081 1 4 10147) 0705 pd i! 0504074 | оо 04307 | 0746724) 04510 © 05326 0259280} 024660 041029 12579 0958 05349 02185 0218% 08271 0752744 10220 10169 2nd 3rd 2nd Fowden, L. (1962) Fowler, H.H. (1961) Fox, A.C. (1962) Fox, A.M. (1961) Fox, H.M. % G. Vevers (1960) For, Т.К. Hoe Fox, R.A. (1963 Foxton, Р. aes Foxton, P. (1963 Fozzy, P. (1962) Fraenkel, G. -(1961) Frair, W. (1963) Frair, W.F. (1962) Frajola, W.J. (1963) Fraley, P.C. (1964) France. Comité Central d'Oceanographie et d'Etude des Cótes (1961) France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1962) 03023 03025 France. Comité Central d'Océanographie et d'Etude des Côtes (1963) 04005 05003 France. Groupement d'exportation de navires et d'engins de mer en acier (1962) France, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01542 05571 France. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05440 05525 05527 11492 France, M.A. (1963) FRANCE I (1963) FRANCE II (1963) Franceschetti, A.P. (1961) Francisco, D.L. (1963) François, Н. & M. Jezequel (1961) Frank, G.H. (1962) Frank, H. (1962) Frank, J.L. (1963) Frank, P.A., N.E. Otto & T.R, Bartley (1961) Frankel, L. & G.H. Crowl (1961) Frankenberg, D. (1962) Franklin, C.M. Mess Franklin, E.C. (1962 Frantz, D.H. ER Fraser, F.C. (1963) Freeman, H.C. & B. Truscott (1964) Int AUTHOR INDEX 03284 10481 07490 12543 01010 07145 04603 09149 03138 02050 03198 07480 05293 03501 10117 03006 03024 08002 04009 05004 06432 05439 05479 05526 05572 11564 02169 04060 04060 08101 09208 11092 11096 09029 06087 10319 09098 05149 12573 05304 06079 12034 11314 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end Freilich, M. (1963) Freudenthal, H.D. & J.J. Lee (1963) Freund, H. (1963) Frey, D.G. (Ed.) (1963) Frey, D.G. Transl. (1963) Frey, J. & G.G. Pérès (1963) Frey, P.J. (1961) Freytag, G. Hoes Friberg, U. (1963 Fridberg, G. (1963) Fridriksson, A. (En SER Fridriksson, A. (Ed.) (1962 Fridthjof, J. (1962) Friedheim, R.L. (1962) Friedman, I., T. Sigurgeirsson & 0. Gardarsson (1963) Friedman, S. (1963) Friedrich, E. (1961) Fries, L. (1964) Friess, S.L. (1963) Fritz, F. & J.C. Wriston (1962) Fritz, R.L. & M. Vieira (1961) FRITZ HOMAN (1962) Fröhlich, H.H. (1962) Frolander, H.F. (1962) Fromn, P.O. & R.M. Stokes (1962) Frosch, R.A. (1962) 07110 Frost, W.E. (1962) 08504 Fry, D.H. Jr. (1962) Fry, F.E.J. Transl. (1963) Fry, W.G. (1962) Frygin, N.V. (1961) Fugate, J.H. (1961) Fuglister, F.C. (1963) Fuji, A.R. (1963) Fuji, M., K. Katoaka & O. Sakata (1963) | Fujii, M. et al. (1963) Fujii, W.K. (1963) Fujii, Y. (1963) 09437 09439 Fujii, Y. & S. Higasa (1963) Fujii, Y., K. Mimoto % S. Higasa (1962) Fujii, Y., K. Mimoto & S. Higasa (1963) Fujinaga, M. (1962) Fujinaga, T. & T. Kuwamoto (1962) Fujino, K. (1963) 02355 09385 Fujino, K. & N. Calaprice (1963) Fujino, 5. (1962) Fujita (1963) 9:A25 745 11385 07175 11040 05052 07135 02465 08163 06020 05178 05273 04336 12405 12379 05415 03055 06369 09226 08297 05117 06262 12338 06436 06239 06278 06538 09029 08505 11355 07135 09232 12459 07155 12118 03258 09239 09356 11183 09438 04395 09455 04394 01431 02057 09384 02354 04372 09382 746 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd Galliano, J. & R. Molinier (1961) BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Fujita, S. He Fujita, T. en Fujita, T. (1964) Fujita, Y. % A. Hattori (1963) Fukada, Y. (1963) Fukai, Rey H. Suzuki & K, Watanabe ere Fukase, S. (1962) Fukataki, Н. (1963) Fukuo, Y. (1962) Fukuoka, J. (1962) Fukushima, S. ees Fukushima, S. (1963 Fuller, M.S. & DJ. McLaughlin (1962) Fulton, C. eee Funano, T. (1964 Fuortes, M.G. & G.F. Poggio (1963) Furduev, A.V. (1963) Furieri, P. (1962) Furnestin, M.-L. (1961) Furrer, E. (1961) Furtado, J.I. (1961) Furtado, J.I. (1963) Furuhata, T. (1962) Fuss, С.М. (1963) Fusselman, R.D. (n.d.1961) Fuster de Plaza, М.Г. & Е.Е. Boschi (1961) Futi, Н. & М. Miyazaki (1962) Fye, P.M. (1962) GFCM (1962 GFCM Hee GFCM (1964 GLFC (n.d, 1962?) Gabon. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Gabriel, A. (1963) Gade, H.G. (1961) Gadre, G.T. (1962) Gadzhiev, D.V. (1963) Gaglione, P. % O. Ravera (1962) Gaillard, J. (1963) Gaillard, J.-M. (1963) Gaillard, J.M. & B.L. James (1963) G41, D. (1961) Galantsev, V.P. (1964) GALATHEA (1959) Gallagher, D.P. (1964) Gallardo, A. (1962) 09214 09038 02016 12030 09457 05238 10288 03371 01173 02062 02036 01359 02088 02052 01376 09459 08254 05157 09253 05112 03386 05400 08184 03333 11457 04568 09566 04195 12095 10458 02042 06065 02017 04029 12035 12043 02507 05169 12105 10124 11178 12260 02163 02160 01204 03356 11415 09227 11321 01125 08276 2nd 2nd end end end 2nd end 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd end Galloway, R.A. (1962) Galtsoff, P.S. (1962) Galtsoff, P.S. & A.S. (1962) Galushin, V.M. (1959) Galushin, V.M. (1961) Gambaryan, M.E. (1962) Gambell, R. (1964) Gameson, A.H.L. (1964) Merrill A 05161) m 07243) 065455) 06546 123414 121331 Gammelgaard, A.W., Transl. 94 (1963) 122944111 Gamo, S. (1962) 091227 Gamulin, T. % A. Kotthaus (1962) 02299) Ganapati, P.N. (1962) en Ganapati, Р.М. & D.G.V. Prasad $) Rao (1962) 05109 ) Ganapati, Р.М. % GC. Rao + (1962) 051322 Ganapati, P.N. & M.V.L. Rao dit (1962) 07180 07274 07294 4} Ganapati, Р.М. & Т.5.5. Rao E (1962) 07272 11 | Ganapati, P.N. & D. Sarojini >. (1962) 07264 | Ganapati, P.N. & K. Shyamasundari “A (1962) 072654) : Ganapati, P.N. & K. Srinivasa Hal. Rao (1962) 07438 Ganapati, P.N. & D.V. Subba Rao | (1962) 07266 il» Ganguly, A.K. (1961) 06119 } Ganguly, D.N. & B. Mitra (1962) 05299") Gani, J. (1963) 122791 0926 Ganno, S. ee Ganno, S. (1963 Gantar, С., Co Morelli & М. Pisani (1962) García, L.P. (1961) García Alvarez, F. (1961) García Amador, F.V. (1960) García Romeu, F. (1962) Gardarsson, O. (1963) Gardet, M. (1961) Garen, E. (1964) Gareth Jones, E.B. (1964) Gareth Jones, Е.В. & А.С. Oliver (1964) Garner, D.M. (1962) Garnett, B. (1961) Garnett, P.H. % A.J. Cox (1962) Garrard, T.A. (1963) Garriock, W. ed Garrod, D.J. (1960 Garth, J.S. (1961) 9:A26 05255 112118 у 060959 10548 Garvin, J.W., A.J. Gilmour & W.B. Neill (1961) Gasaway, C.R. (1962) GASCOYNE (1962) GASCOYNE (1963) Gaskell, T.F. dat Gaskell, T.F. (1963 Gaskin, D.E. (1963) Gaskunsky, A.A. (1963) Gasowska, M. (1960) Gasparovic, I. & J. Kovac (1961) Gastaud, J.M. (1961) Gates, D.E. & R.S. Wolf (1962) Gates, D.J. e Gates, W.E. (1963 Салда, G. (1961) Gaudet, J.J. (1963) Gaudy, E. & R.S. Wolfe (1961) Gaul, R.D. (1963) Gaul, R.D. et al. (Ed.) (1963) Gavriliuk, L.S. (1961) Gaylor, J.Y. (n.d. 19617?) Gayman, W.R. & D.C. Cox (1963) Gayral, P. (1962) 07209 07218 08015 Gaze, R.M. (1964) Geagan, D.W. (1961) Gee, J.M. (1963) Gee, J.M. & E.W. Knight-Jones (1962) Gegus, E. & M.T. Vándorffy (1962) Geiger, S.R. (1963) Geilenkirchea, W.L.M. (1964) Geitler, L. Geitler, L. (1962) Gelihovskaia, M.A. (1963) Geller, G. (1961 Geller, I. (1963 Gemne, G. (1963) Gendre, P. (1962) Genka, T. (1964) Genovese, S. (1960) Genovese, S. (1961) George, (1963) George, M.G. (1961) George, М.С. bra George, M (1961 George, N.A. (1962) George, P.C. & K.R. Nayak (1961) George, P.C., M.H. Dhulkhed & V. Rama Mohana Rao (1959) George, V.C. (1962) George, V.C. & T.R. Menon (1962) 01080 01274 AUTHOR INDEX 06502 04551 02005 02006 10089 11524 06472 11337 06525 08187 08208 11352 09286 10308 10562 03326 03360 04014 04001 03131 12266 09037 07217 11413 08531 04123 03191 06213 01083 06405 07343 05152 01208 12455 05347 11306 05387 09082 07289 08219 08571 03113 12276 10469 07384 10513 04433 02243 01269 2nd 2nd end 3rd end end end Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1963) Gep, D. (1963) Gerard, E. (1963) Gerard, R. % B. Katz (1963) Gerard, R. & M. Tharp (1963) Gerasimov, I.M. (1961) Gerdes, J.H. (1961) Gerhardsen, G.M. (1963) Germany Eastern, Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Germany Eastern. etc. (1963) Laws, Statutes, 05480 05547 Germany. Federal Republic of, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei in Hamburg (1962) 06046 Germany. Federal Republicof, Bundesminister für Atomkernenergie (1961) Germany. Federal Republic of, Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (1962) 12376 Germany. Federal Republic of. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1963) 01492 02509 05441 05528 05531 Gerovovä, E.V. (1961) Gertenbach, L.P.D. (1963) Gery, J. % Vu-Tán-Tu8 (1963) Gery, J.R. (1963) Gessner, F. (1961) Gessner, ЕР. & Г. Hammer (1961) Gevorkian, V.K. & R.N. Dovgan (1964) Gey, K.F. & А. Pletscher (1963) Ghana. Ministry of Information (1961) Ghirardelli, E. (1961) Ghittino, P. & ЕР. Ceretto (1962) Ghosh, В.В. (1961 Ghosh, S.M. (1962 Giacometti-Cannicci, G. (1961) Gibbs, R.H. Jr. (1961) Gibbs, R.H. Jr. (1963) Gibbs, S.P. bee Giese, A.C. (1962 Gifford, С.А. en Gilbert, C.R. (1961 12122 07422 9:A27 747 12600 05209 02466 10154 10071 10450 03503 05223 01543 05481 05573 12609 02103 12378 02508 02553 05482 to 08160 11271 09537 01462 06243 12246 11070 05316 08042 08185 05399 09159 10375 08200 07426 04462 05156 07275 09264 07514 748 3rd 3rd 3rd end end 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gilbert (1963) Giles, Г.А., Jr. & J. Livingston (1960) Gilet, R., S. Santier & A, Villeroux (1963) Gileva, E.A. (1962) Gileva, E.A., N.A. Timofeeva & N.V. Timofeev-Resovskii (1964) Gilkey, H.M. (1963) Gillespie, C.K. (1962) Gillet, C. ets Gillet, J. (1961 Gillet, J. & P. Bruaux (1961) Gilliland, W.N. (1964) Gillis, J.M. (1964) Gillis, J.M. & G. Bleukx (1964) Gillot, Р. & Е. Vastesaeger (1962) Gillot, S. (1963) Gilmartin, M. (1962) Gilmour, A.J. & И.В. Neill (1961) Ginetsinskii, A.G. (1961) P.W. & S.D. Douglas Ginetsinskii, A.G. & M.M. Sokolova (1962) Ginetsinskii, V.F. et al. (1964) Ginsburg, A.S. (1963) Ginzburg, A.S. (1963) Giovannozzi-Sermanni, G., В. Masironi & I. Cacciari (1962) Girardi, F., % M. Merlini (1963) Girdiuk, G.B. (1961) Giuditta, A. (1964) Gladkov, N.A. (1961) Glamorgan River Board (1962) Glaser, В. al Glaser, R. (1963) Glazunov, V.I. (1964) Gleason, M.J. (1961) Glebovich, T.A. (1961) Gnanadoss, D.A.S. (1962) Goddard, C.K. (1961) Goddell, H.G. & D.S. Gorsline (1961) Godeaux, J. (1961) Godet, R. (1962) Godet, R. & R. Larmande (1962) Godfrey, H. ee Codfrey, K. (1964 Godward, M.B.E. (1962) Godward, M.B.E. (1963) Gönnert, R. (1961) Gofman-Kadoshnikov, Р.В. & E.G. Kravtsov (1962) 01067 07445 12069 03378 01068 11243 08312 06246 07336 10342 10341 08118 11221 11222 05270 04202 01023 06502 12567 05411 12438 05394 12469 02155 10235 12055 08299 12592 06043 10312 08133 11128 07156 06245 01296 10446 12099 08192 05268 05397 10519 09386 03309 10222 10340 07495 2nd 2ná 3rd 2nd 2nd end end 3rd 2nd 2nd Gold, К. (1962) Gold, К. (1964) Gold, R.Z. (1961) Goldberg, E.D, ee Goldberg, E.D. (1963 Goldberg, E.D. (1964) Goldberg, E.D. et al. (1963) Goldemberg, S.H. & L.R. Marechal (1963) Goldenberg, Г.А. & Iu.M. Kleiner (1963) Gol'din, M.I. (1960 Gol'din, M.I. (1961 Goldman, C.R. (1960 Goldstein, S. (1963 Golikov, A.N. (1960 Golikov, A.N. (1961 Gollerbakh, M.M. nn Gollerbakh, M.M. (1961 Golovanenko, L.F. (1963) Golovkov, G. (1960) Golovkov, G. (1961) Golueke, C.G. (1964) Golueke, C.G. & W.J. (1963) Gongwer, C.A. & E. Finkle (1963) Gonzales, R.C., R.M. Eskin, M.E. Bitterman (1962) González Guerrero, P. (1961) Gonzalves, E.A. & G.R. Sonnad (1961) Goodell, H.G. (1964) Goodell, Н.С, & D.S. Gorsline (19613 Goodman (1964) Goodman (1962) Gopalakrishnan, V. (1961) Gopalan, U.K. (1962) Goppold-Krekels, A. (1962) Goptarev, N.P. & N.V. Kucherov (1961) Gorbach, S. & F, Ehrenberger (1961) Gorbenko, Та. А. (1961) Gorbenko, J.A. (1961) Gorbman, A. (1962) Gorbman, A. & M.S. James (1963) Gorbman, A. & K. Ueda (1963) Gorbunova, N.P. (1961) Gordini, J.M. (1962) Gordon, A.G. (1963) Gordon, I. (1964) Gordon, M.L. (1961) Oswald N.S. & J.A. Schiff В.В. & L.R.B. Duykers 9:A28 05373 052795 05377! 12091 06264 1218$ 01141 0341 104447 03580) 4 07349 | 10395 19179 | 08292 12519 | 1 q р 1 AUTHOR INDEX 749 Gordon, 5. (1961) 07143 Greenberg, S.S. & M.J. Kopac | Gordon, W.G. (1961) 06565 (1963) 03489 ira Gordy, H.R. (1961) 08081 2nd Greene, A.F.C. (1961) 06174 Gorham, E. (1961) 06172 Greenhalgh, R. & J.P. Riley Gorham, E. & A.G. Gordon (1963) 10179 (1962) 08056 Gorman, T.B.S. (1963 09458 Greenspan, M. (1962) 09029 nd Gorsline, D.S. (1961 05041 12099 Greenwood, Т.А, & H.O. Hartley Gosline, А.В. Transl. (1963) . 12396 (1962) 08596 Gosline, W.A. (1963) 09387 2nd Greenwood, Р.Н. Fa 01454 Gosline, W.A. Transl. (1963) 12396 Greenwood, Р.Н, (1963 05342 Gosselin, R.E., K.E. Moore & A,S, 2nd Greenwood-Barton, Г.Н, (1963) 10398 Milton (1962) 05162 2nd Greider, H.M. & W.J, Frajola | Gostan, J. & P. Nival (1963) 04074 (1963) 03501 brd Gottfried, H. (1963) 03433 Greig-Smith, P. (1964) 08362 | Gotto, R.V. (1961) 04391 04392 Gresham, G. (1962) 10404 Gougenheim, A, eee 10583 Gretillat, S. (1961) 10351 10563 Gougenheim, A. (1961 10587 Greze, V.N. oan 07213 Gould, S.W. (1962) 08590 Greze, V.N. (1963 07183 Gould, W.R. III (1962) 05053 Gribanov, V.I. (Ricker, W.E. Goulden, C.E. (1962) 05073 Transl.) (1962) 04500 Govindan, P. (1961) 12535 Grice, G.D. % A.D. Hart (1962) 10201 Grace, W.R. (1962) 10068 10069 Griffard, C.D. (1963) 10332 | Gräf, W. & H. Bickel (1960) 03115 Griffin, D.H. (1961) 09283 Pnd Graham, J.-R. (1963) 07317 Griffin, D.H. & A.B. Chaet Graham, T.R. (1962) 01319 (1962 05090 Grajcer, D. & D.R. Idler oan 08498 2nd Griffin, J.J. (1964) 10081 Grajcer, D. & D.R. Idler (1963 09502 Grill, E.V. & F.A. Richards Grampp, W. (1963) 11152 (1964) 10199 Grande-Rividre, Qué. Station de Grimal'skii, V.L. bet 02273 Biologie Marine (1961) 04010 Grimal'skii, V.L. (1961 02274 Grandison, A.G.C. & M.A. Grinberg, M.M. (1961) 12456 Edwards (1961) 04596 Grinstead, B. (1961) 10543 Grandison, A.G.C., M.A. Edwards Grizzell, R.A., Jr. (1960) 12589 & P. Curds (1960) 07573 Grodzinski, Z. (1961) 01402 Grangaud, R., R. Massonet & J.P. Gronblad, R. (1962) 07296 Moatti (1961) 05352 2nd Groot, С. (1963) 12430 Grangaud, R. et al. (1962) 05500 Groot, J.J. & M. Ewing (1963) 10053 nd Grantier, L.L. (1960) 04179 Gros, P. % P, Laudet (1963) 03211 Grassé, P.-P., R.A. Poisson & 2nd Grosch, C.E. (1963) 11044 O, Tuzet (1961) 93035 Groupe d'experts FAO chargé de Grasshoff, К. (1964) 11087 faciliter la recherche sur le Gray, W.D., P.V.C. Pinto & S.G. thon, Rome, 8-12 juin 1964 Pathak (1963) 11144 (1964) 10001 Grayson, A. (1962) 05222 Grua, P. (1962) 09233 Graziadei, P. (1962) 05123 Grune, W.N, (1961) 03104 Great Ouse River Board (1962) 06042 Guelin, A. (1962) 05375 Green, С.Н. & F.J. Andrew (1961) 01063 2nd Cuib8, J. (1961) 02369 Green, J. e 01006 Guibault, Р., E. Coraboeuf & Green, J. (1963 07205 Y. Padel (1963) 11339 Green, J.H.S. (1962) 08589 Guilcher, А., L. Berthois 4 К. 2nd Creen, K. (1963) 04441 Battistini (1962) 03084 Brd Green, O.L. He 10556 Guillard, R.R.L. (1962) 03307 | Green, О.Т. (1962 08537 2nd Guillard, R.R.L. (1962) 08175 08176 | Green, P.B. (1962) 03314 Guillaume, М.-С. & J.-M 2nd Green, P.S. (1962) 06071 Thibaud (1963) 04205 : 9: A29 750 2nd 3rd 2nd end 2nd 2nd end 3rd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Gulland, J.A. (1964) Gulyayeva, L.A. & E.S. Itkina (1963) Gumbmann, M. & A.L. Tappel (1962) Gunasekera, C. (1963) Gunkel, W. & С.Н. Oppenheimer (1961) Gunter, G. (1962) Gunter, G. & J.W. Ward (1961) Gupta, А.В. & G.U. Nair (1962) Gupta, М. (1962) ~ Guse, L.R. (1962) Gusel'nikov, V.I. (1964) Gussev, A.V. (1963) Gutierrez, P.C. (1962) Guy, H.P. & G.E. Ferguson (1962) Guyard, A. (1962) Gwilliam, G.F. (1963) Gwüst, G. (1959) Haage, P. (1963) Haase, Y.D. (1962) Haavaldsen, R. & F. Fonnum (1963) Haberer, К. Pue Haberer, K, hog Haberer, K. (1962) Hachiga, M. & К. Hayashi (1964) Hacker, V.A. & L. Wiegert (1962) Haderlie, E.C. т Hadfield, M.G. (1963 Hadjimarkos, D.M. (1964) Hadjiolov, D.C. (1963) Hadman, D.F. & J.N. Nguriathi (1961) HadZi, J. eax HadZi, J. (1963 Had%iS%e, 5. (1960) Haefner, P.A. Jr. (1962) Haertl, E.J. (1962) Häsänen, E. & J.K. Miettinen (1963) Hagiwara, S. (1961) Hagiwara, S., K.-I. Naka & S. - Chichibu (1964) Haig, J. (1962) Haines, T.H. & R.J. Block (1962) Haino, K. & J.C. Dan (1961) Hairston, N.G. (1961) Hairston, М.С. & В.С. Santos (1961) Ha-Khac-chu (1963) Hakodate Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) 09039 09044 05001 03097 05378 11165 01135 02205 07416 10373 07371 05171 12447 11419 07392 06175 05368 10243 06588 04199 02265 05225 04103 06231 03095 06276 12549 08315 09170 04368 10323 10349 12186 01009 12418 05101 06211 08552 05146 08305 09234 05194 01160 10362 10354 04351 to 2nd 2nd 2nd end end end 2nd end 2nd 2nd Halcrow, K. (1962) Hall, ID pra Hall, T.F. (1961) Hall, W.T. % G. Claus (1963) Hallaby, J. 11363) Halldal, P. (1962 Hallgren, В. 4 $. Larsson (1962) Halsband, E. (1962) Halsband, E. % P.F. Meyer-Waarden Sy 10192 | 11432 | 10320 4% 11254 04588 | 03311 4 05216 11 06123 [ (1960) 04117 | Halwagy, В. (1960-61) 08055 | Hamabe, М. (1963 01185 09173 7% Hamada, R. (1962 04057 Hamada, R. (1963 02039 3: Hamada, S. & R. Hamada (1962) 04057 || Hamada, S. & R. Hamada (1963) 02039.11. Hamana, К. & М. Kawamoto (1962) 05307 €: Hamatani, I. (1962) 072624? Hamblyn, E.L. (1962) 12142 12554 Hamilton, E.H. (1963 12023 Hamilton, E.L. (1963 08088; ° Hamilton, P.M. (1962 07578 Hammel, E.A. & Y.D. Haase (1962) 02265 Hammen, C.S. (1963) 10329 | Hammer, L. (1961) 10316.13 Hammer, L. (1961 12122 12246 | | Hammond, J. rl 10470 | Hammond, R. (1962 03202 Hampson, B.L. (1963) 03052 Hamuro, C. (1963) 04305 04331 Hamuro, С. & К. Ishii (1963) 04317 04318 || Han, H.S. (1962) 014824! Han, J.S. % S.K. Chun (1963) 09557 {| 4 Hanamura, N. (1961) 4482 y Hanamura, N. (1963) 02347 4! Hancock, D.A (1962) 1222641 à Haneda, Y. (1961) 01349 | Hanks, R.W. (1963) 0322441 à Hann, R.W., Jr. (1963) 05050 Hanna, G.D. & L.C. Hertlein (1961) 10264 Hansen, V.K. por 01121 Hanson, E.D. (1962 07185 Hanson, Н. (1962) 03586 Hanson, I.R. (1963) 05049. Hanson, J. (1963) 05144 Hanya, T., R. Ishiwatari & 2 © E. Ichikuni (1963) 090454 % Hanyu, I. & M.A. Ali (1963) 04546 Hanzawa, M. (1962) 02041 Hanzawa, M. (1964) 10194 Harada, E. (1962) 09388 / Harada, E. (1962) 09259 Harada, J.R. & J.E. King (1962) 08487 Harada, S. (1962) 9:A30 AUTHOR INDEX 751 Harbeck, G.E, & A.F.C. Greene Hasler, A.D. & G.E. Likens (1961 06174 (1963) 10172 Harbon, J.D. (1963) 06440 Haslett, R.W.G. (1962) 06458 Harden Jones, Р.В. (1962) 10431 3rd Haslett, R.W.C. (1963) 04308 Harden Jones, F.R. & B.S. Haslewood, G.A.D. (1964) 06535 McCartney (1962) 06449 Hass, G, (1962) 08559 Harder, W., H. Koops 4 К. Hastings, A.B. (1961) 02219 Lillelund (1962) 08502 Hastings, A.B. Ha, 04192 04201 Hardison, C.H. & J.R. Crippen 2nd Hastings, J.W. (1962 03317 (1962) N 06223 3rd Hastings, Т.М. (1963) 07230 Hardman, D.J. (1963) 05210 Hata, К. ee 09046 Hardy, A. (1963) 04146 05002 Hata, K. (1963 11035 Harford, J.W. % E.D. 2nd Hatano, Н. (1963) . 09254 Van Reenan ers 06069 Hatano, H. & S. Ganno eee 09267 Harris, G.G. (1962 07457 2nd Hatano, H. & S. Ganno (1963 11211 Harris, G.G. & W.A. van Bergeijk 2nd Hatano, H. & O. Itasaka (1962) 07458 09525 (1960) 11136 11137 Harris, J.H. (1962) 07067 2nd Hatano, H. % G. Suzue (1960) 11135 Harris, J.M. & M.J. Tucker Hatano, M., K. Zama & H. (1963) 07070 Igarashi (1962) 09331 Harris, L.G. (1963) 03325 Hatano, M. et al. (1962) 09332 Harris, M.J. & M.J. Tucker Hatfield, T.W. , D.M. Skauen & (1963) 11033 J.S. Rankin, Jr. (1963) 10315 Harris, R.H.D. (1962) 01401 Hathaway, R.R.(1963) 10244 Harris, T.0. (1963) 09555 Hati, А.К. & S.M. Ghosh (1962) 10375 Harris, W.P. Jr. (1960) 06188 2nd Hattori, A. (1963) 03371 Harrison, A.D. (1962) 07324 2nd Haug, А. (1963) 11141 Harrison, G.A.F. (1962) 08148 Haupt, W. (1962) 03310 Harrison, J.C. (1962) 07076 Haven, D. (1962) 08323 Harrison, W. & C.J. Lyon (1963) 09097 Hawkes, A.L. (1961 04069 Harrisson, T. (1962) 03458 Hawkes, H.A, (1963 02106 Harry, H.W. (1962) 08335 Hawkes, H.A. (1964 11103 Hart, A.D. (1962) 10201 Hay, K.G. (1960) 12304 Hart, P. (1962) 01529 3rd Hayana, В. (1963) 09416 Hart, T.J. (1962) 08216 2nd Hayashi, К. ie 06276 Hartley, H.0. (1962) 08596 Hayashi, S. (1962) 02302 Hartley, J.C. (1962) 11259 Hayashi, T. % K. Terai (1964) 09235 Hartley, W.G. (1962) 08415 Hayer, M. Transl. (1963) 04031 Hartman, 0. (1963) 03257 Hayes, F.R. (1961) 01227 Hartman, W.D. (1964) 10290 2nd Hayes, M.L. et 12474 Hartnoll, R.G. (1963) 04240 2nd Hayes, Р.В. (1963 03213 Hartog, J.J. & G.C. Knollman Haynes, J. (1963 08016 (1963) 09604 Hays, Е.Е. (1963 09003 Hartt, A.C. (1960) 12467 Heal, О.И. (1962 06296 Harvey, L.A. (1964) 10230 Healy, E.A. (1963) 05153 Hasan, В. 4 5.2. Qasinm (1962) 05364 Healy, M.J.R. (1963) 12598 Hase, E. (1962) 03381 Heard, W.H. (1963) 11187 Hashimoto, K. & K. Yamaguchi Heck, W.W. et al. (1962) 05057 (1963) 09341 Heckmann, K. (1961) 04141 Hashimoto, M. (1963) 07124 07126 Hedgpeth, J.W. (1962) 07015 Hashimoto, T. (1964) 11167 Hediger, H. (1963) 09549 Hashimoto, T. & Y. Maniwa Hedrick, L.R. (1961) 01228 (1962) 10424 Heegaard, P. (1963) 09123 09124 Hashimoto, T. % Y. Maniwa (1963) 04458 Heesterman, J.E. (1962) 06124 Hashimoto, T. et al. (1963) 04363 Heezen, В.С. & С. Hollister (1964) 11076 9:A31 752 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES end Heezen, В.С. & G. Sabatier (1963) 05022 Hevesy, G., D. Lockner & Heezen, B.C., R. Gerard & M. K. Sletten (1964) 11365 № Tharp (1263) 10071 Heyde, C.C. (1963) 12604 Y 2nd Heggarty, D. (1962) 05042 Heynig, H. (1963) 07188 Mi Heilingenberg, W. (1963) 07489 Hiatt, R.W. (1963) 02019 Heimans, J. (1962) 07280 Hiatt, В.М. & D.W. Strasburg Heinrich, A.K. (1962) 10190 10202 (1960) 01313. Heintz, E. (1962) 06537 Hickling, C.F. Re 10534 Hejny, S. (1962) 07318 Hickling, C.F. (1963 11345. Held, Е.Е. (1963) 10075 Hickling, R. (1962) 07113 Helfrich, P. (1961) 10387 Hickman, C.P., Jr. (1962) 04502 2nd Heller, H. (1963) 04033 Hida, T.S. & В.А. Morris (1963) 09389 Y 2nd Hellman, В. & G.E. Voight (1964) 11315 Hida, T.S., J.R. Harada & J.E. 2nd Helm, W.T. (1962) 12548 King (1962) 08487 Hem, J.D. (1960-61) 06165 06166 Hidaka, K. (1962) 02053 09047 06167 Hidaka, К. (1963) 09083 =: 2nd Hem, J.D. (1960-61) 06171 06409 Hidaka, T. (1964) 09236 Hem, J.D. & M.W. Skougstad 3rd Hidalgo, E.E. (1961) 07499. (1960-61) 06168 2nd Hiedemann, В.А. (1962) 07574 2nd Hempel, G. (1963) 06497 Hiemstra, W.H. (1962) 10213 Hempel, G. & J.H.S. Blaxter 3rd Higaki, M. (1963) 02178 ! (1961) 02406 Higano, R. et al. (1963) 09048 2nd Henderson, J.G. (1960) 10400 3rd Higasa, 5. (1962 09455 Hendey, N.I. (1964) 12193 3rd Higasa, $. (1963 04394 Hendrix, C.N.G. et al. (n.d.1961) 12097 2nd Higasa, S. (1963) 04395 04400 3rd Hennessy, D.Y. (1963) 03014 Higashi, H. % J. Yamada (1962) 05324 2nd Henri Legaré, J.E. (1960) 01327 2nd Higashi, $. (1963) 09277: 2nd Henriquez, Т.А. (1962) 07026 2nd Higashi, 5. € T. Hori (1963) 03354 Henry, J.-P. (1962) 03341 Higashi, S. & K. Kawai (1959) 09274 Henstead, W. % D.F.C. Ede (1963) 04349 Higo, N. (1963) 09287 Hencsch, J.-M. (1962) 10120 Hikita, T. (1962) 02432 04504 3rd Henzel, M. es 03117 Hikosaka, S. (1964) 10122 Hepher, В. (1962 11439 Hildemann, W.H. & В.Г. Walford Herbert, D.W.M. & 0.5. Shurben (1963) 03564 (1963 04567 Hill, В.М. (1963 12603 Herbert, R. (1963) 11019 Hill, Т.Е. (1962 07560 Herdman, H.F.P. (1963) 02070 Hill, J.E. (1963 07558 Herlinveaux, R.H. (1962) 01051 Hill, M.N. (1963) 02064 Herman, Y. (1963) 07101 Hill, M.N. (Ed.) (1963) 03013 Hermann, H. & L. Stark (1963) 11255 Hill, W.H., M.A. Shapiro & Y. 2nd Herodek, S. (1964) 06277 Kobayashi 1304 06153 Herriot, A. (1962) 06181 Hillaby, J. (1964 12296 Herrmann, G. & G. Marre (1962) 08506 Hillman, R.E. (1964) 10318 Hershxovitz, P. (1961) 02329 Hillman, R.E. & C.N. Shuster, Jr. 2nd Hertlein, L.G. (1961) 10264 (1962) 08239 « Herzen, R.P., А.Е. Maxwell & end Hillyer, G.V. & E.C. Cushing Т.М. Snodgrass (1962) 06098 (1963) 03370 + Hess, P.W. (1962) 01307 Hilsenhoff, W.L. (1962) ` 06156 Hess, U. (1962) 05126 Hind, J.A. (1963) 05213 2nd Hessler, R.R. (1962) 08306 Hindin, Е. et al. (1962) 04087 Hester, F.E. & J.S. Dendy (1962) 06417 2nd Hinton, S.D. (1963) 07444 2nd Hester, F.J. (1964) 06483 3rd Hinz, К. (1963) 03069 2nd Hester, S. (1962) 12588 Hirai, E. (1963) 09237 Hettche, H.C. (1960) 03128 Hirai, E. & T. Ito (1962) 04170 # Heusner, A. et al. (1963) 93533 2nd Hirai, Е. % Y. Kakinuma (1962) 04172 9:A32 2nd Hirai, E. & Y. Kakinuma (1963) * 2nd Hiraide, Н. & K. Sano (1962) Hirakawa, К. (1962) Hirano, M. (1963) Hirano, M. 4 M. Nishimura (1963) Hirano, В. (1962) Hirao, 5., В. Kikuchi & H, Taguchi (1963) Hirao, S., S. Ozawa « Y. (1963) Hirao, S. et al. (1962) Hirata, S. (1963) Hirayama, K. & M. Shiomi (1962) Hirschfeld, D.S. (1962) Hirth, H. (1962) Hirth, H.F. (1962) Eisaoka, K.K. (1963) Hisaoka, К.К. & С.Р. (1962) Hishida, K. (1963) Hitchcox, G. (1962) Hitoshi, K. (H.C. Kim, Transl.) (1959) Hitz, C.R. (1961) Hiyama, У. & F. Yasuda (1962) Ho, J.S. (1963) Hoak, R.D. (1962) Hoar, ü.S. (1962) Hoare, R.A. et al. (1964) Hobbie, J.E. (1962) Hobbs, Н.Н., Jr. & М. Walton (1961) Hobson, B.J. Transl. (1961) Hobson, E.S. (1963) Hochachka, P.WY. & А.С. Sinclair (1962) Hochman, H. & T. Roe Jr. (1962) Hodges, J.L. Jr. (1961) Hodgins, H.0. & G.J. Ridgway (1964) Hodgson, R.A., С.С. Denny & В. Monaghan (1962) Höcht, H. (1963) Hoedeman, J.J. (1959) Hoenigman, J. (1961) Hoenigman, J., I. Gasparovic & J. Kovac (1961) Hoestlandt, Н. (1963) Hoffman, D.A. (1962) Hoffman, G.L. Transl. (1962) Hoffman, G.L. (1964) Hoffman & C.J. Sindermann (1962) Hoffman, 2nd Hogetsu, 2nd Suematsu Firlit 2nd 2nd 2па г c : ‘Te Le L. & I. Manton (1962) K. (1963) IN AUTHOR INDEX 09243 02277 05098 07329 04309 04418 03571 03572 02276 04601 94419 08106 06482 01306 05276 05248 09288 05261 01343 end end 2nd end 3rd end 3rd end end 3rd end Hohn, M.H. (1961) Hokkaido University. of Fisheries (1963) HOKUSEI MARU A HOKUSEI MARU (1963 Holden, A.V. (1962) Holdgate, M. & J. Prévost (Eds. ) (1964) Holedková, L. & L. Neumann (1962) Hollenberg, G.J. (1962) Hollenberg, N.K. & B. Uvnäs (1963) Holliday, F.G.T. (1963) Hollis, M.D. (1961) Hollis, P.J. (1963) Hollister, C. (1964) Holme, N.A. es Holme, М.А. (1962 Holme, N.A. (1963) Holmes, В.Ч. (1961) Holmes, R.W. & R.J. Linn (1961) Holmes, W.N. % R.L. McBean (1964) Holmes, W.N., J.G. Phillips & 1.C. Jones (1963) Holm-Hansen, O. (1963) Holt, S.J. (1964) Holt, S.J. & C.L. Kesteven (1964) Holtedahl, H. (1962) Holton, R.W. & J. Myers (1963) Hoiy, H.W. (1959) Holzlöhner, 5. (1962) Hommeril, P. (1962) Hommeril, P. & M. Rioult (1962) Hommersand, M.H. (1962) Honda, A. (1963) Honda, K. (1963) Honda, К. & S. Osada (1963) Honey, K.A. & R.F. Temple (1961) Heng Kong. Commissioner for Co-operative development and fisheries (1960-61) Hong Kong. Commissioner for Co-operative Development and fisheries (1961-62) Honma, К. Honma, М. Honma, Y. (1963) Honma, Y. € J.J. Duyvene de (1962) Hood, D.%. (1962) Hooper, F.F. (1962) Hooper, F.F. < E.J. Haertl (1962) Hope, E.R. Transl. (1962) 06092 Facul ty 09412 wit 9:A33 =] [>] | os 01217 07010 09413 07010 06135 12046 06218 08255 03587 03485 03109 09268 11076 06352 09231 04075 01092 08082 11320 04440 05166 11022 09307 09101 12273 08127 07432 03264 08063 08256 01566 03410 04330 03151 10034 10038 04533 09470 03573 03574 09055 10212 06211 06093 754 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd end 3rd end end end 3rd end 3rd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hopkin, Р.В. & R.W.G. Haslett, (1963) Hopkins, J.T. ees Hopkins, T.L. (1962 Hori, R. Hol Hori, T. (1963 Hori, T., O. Itasaka & Т. Hashimoto (1964) Horie, S. et al. (1963) Horikoshi, M. (1962) HORIZON (1962) Horn, E.C. % M.S. Kerr (1963) Horn, W. (1960) Horne, R.A. % R.A. Courant (1964) Hortobagyi, T. (1962) Horton, C.W. (1962) Horvath, C. & I. Moldovanyi (1962) Hosaka, Y. (1961) Hoshaw, R.W. (1962) Hoshita, T., S. Nagayoshi & T. Kazuno (1963) Hosking, 7.D. (1962) Hosokawa, K. (1964) Hossain, A. (1962) Hotchkiss, A.T. (1964) Hotta, H. (1962) Hotta, H. (1963) Hotta, H. % S. Fukushima (1963) Hough, J.L. (1962) Houghton, Wash. Fisheries Instrumentation Lab. (1961) Houle, C.R. (1961) House, C.R. & K. Green (1963) Houser, A. & C. Collins (1962) Houser, A. & J.Y. Gaylor (n.d.1961?) Houser, A. & B. Grinstead (1961) Howard, C.E. & В.М. Schlesinger (1961) Howard, H.H. (1963) Howe, E.D. (1962) Howell, H.H. & H.R. Lutz (1961) Howie, D.I.D. (1963) Hoyle, G. (1961) Hoyle, G. & J.H. McAlear (1963) Hoyle, G. & T. Smyth, Jr. (1963) Hoyle, R.J. (1963) Hoyt, D.L. (1961) Hsiao, S.C. & W.K. Fujii (1963) Hu, F. (1963) Hubbs, C. (1961) Hubbs, C.L. & S.D. Hinton (1963) Hubendick, B. (1962) 01363 01374 04308 04214 06132 10259 03354 11167 02165 09051 05008 10245 07096 11051 07350 07114 05306 10360 08349 11398 04382 09560 04450 09275 01373 09460 09459 12150 05040 05215 04441 12563 12266 10543 12212 05078 11095 10426 04226 03234 07228 11193 05214 07513 11183 03538 12539 07444 10372 Hue, J.S. (1962) Hülsemann, J. (1961) Hueter, T.F. & P.H. Moose (19 Hueter, T.F., П.М. Baker & J. Shaw (1962) Huggins, C. € H.V. Rast Jr. 1963) Hugh, J.L.M. eek Hughes, G.M. (1961 Hughes, J.C. & J.W.G. (1962) Hughes, M.C. (1960) Hughes, R.B. En Hughes, R.D. (1962 Huish, M.T. (1961) Hujita, M. & W. Simidu Hujita, M. & W. Simidu Hulburt, E.M. (1962) Huli,C.H.J. (1963) Hull, DE. es. Hull, Т.Н. (1962 Hulsey, A.H. (1961) Humbel, R.E. (1963) Humm, D.G. & J.H. Humm (1963) Humm, J.H. (1963) Humphrey, G.F. ae Humphrey, G.F. (1962 Humphreys, W.J. (1962) Humphries, D.W. Transl. (1963 Humphries, E.E. Transl. (1963 Hunkins, К. & H. Kutschale (1 Hunn, J.B. & E.P. Reineke (19 Hunt, S.V. (1963) Hunter, M.R. (1962) Hunter, W.R. & М.В. Hunter (1962) Hureau, J.C. (1962) end Lund end end N 2nd 1963 2nd end end 3rd 2nd 2nd Hureau, J.C. ЕН Hureau, J.C. (1963 Hurley, R.J., V.B. Siegler & L.K. Fink, Jr. (1962) Husain, Z. & S.M.K. Sufi (1962) Husmann, М., М. Schoch & В. Krone (1961) Husmann, W.S.W. & R. Krone (1 Hussain, A. (1962 Hustedt, F. (1961 Huston, M.J. & A.W. Martin (1 Hutton, R.F. (1961) Huve, H. & J. Picard (1962) Huzita, S. & К. Nishino (1964 2nd Hwang, Y.W. & C.K. Liu (1963) Hyatt, H. (1962) 3rd 2nd 9:A34 61) Te. 11208 ) ) 963) 64) 03434 02051 09449 04562 961) 04300 963) ) 08263 06407 | 12565 11271 08599 10545 03406 03408 06279 0629 5 AUTHOR INDEX 755 Eylen, A. en 07453 Ichikawa, A. & M. Kawakatsu Hylen, A. (1964 04456 (1964) ‚ 09276 Eynes, Н.В.М. ee 10046 10177 Ichikawa, R., М. Oguri & М. Hynes, H.B.N. (1964 11104 Takada (1962) 02425 Ichikawa, В., М. Oguri & М. Takada (1963) 03467 IAEA ars 10161 3rd Ichikuni, Н. (1963) 09045 IAEA (1963 04582 08044 Ichiyo, T. (1962) 03076 IAPO (1963 06589 2nd Idler, D.R. (1961) 08244 08496 IAPO Le 04013 08 498 IASH (1962 10597 2nd Idler, D.R. (1963) 09502 I-ATTC En 12019 Idler, D.R., Г.Т. Bitners & I-ATTC (1963 12390 P.J. Schmidt (1961) 08500 ICC (1962) 08598 Idler, D.R., Н.С. Freeman & ICES (1962) 12103 12409 B. Truscott (1964) 11314 ICNAF (1961) 10388 ‘Idler, D.R., P.J. Schmidt & ICNAF BR 12033 I. Bitners (1961) | 08497 ICNAF (1963) 10004 Idler, D.R. et al. heel 08499 ICNAF (1964) 07016 12357 Idler, D.R. et al. (1963 02429 Icsu (1962) 03030 08050 3rd Idyll, C.P. (1960) 12326 10049 10050 3rd Igarashi, H. (1962) 09331 IHB (1965) 01028 Igarashi, Н. et al. (1963) 09354 09355 IMCO OR 12015 12031 Igarashi, S. (1963) 09392 09393 IMCO (1963 06006 09394 09461 INPFC (1961) 04469 to 2nd Igarashi, S. (1963) 09360 09361 04477 04479 Igarashi, T. (1962) 09391 04480 04481 Igarasi, K. (1963) 03575 04483 04484 Ignat'eva, G.M. (1963) 11375 Ioc Medal 03060 lida, H. (1962) 09049 ТОР (1962 07447 Ikeda, I. (1962) 04422 IPFC (1962) 12038 Ikematsu, W. (1963) 09238 IUGG et 06021 08036 Ikematsu, W. et al. (1963) 02086 IUGG (1963 06005 Ikeuchi, T. & W. Simidu IUGG/IAPO (1963) 04013 (1963) 03411 03412 IWC (1961-62) 04007 Ikuta, K. (1964) 10468 IWC (1963) 04006 06002 Iles, R.B. (1960) 01453 Iablokov, A.V. AA) 02245 Iles, R.B. a 02435 Iablokov, A.V. (1963 11262 Iles, T.D. (1960 12518 12521 Iablokov, A.V. (1962) 06470 Iles, T.D. & P.O. Johnson Iablokov, A.V. (1963) 06471 (1962) 10437 Iagodinskii, V.N. & Iu.V. Tin, А.М. (1963) 11335 Filippovich (1962) 05557 Il'in, A.V. (1964) 12073 Iakovenko, A.A. (1962) 05297 Illies, J. (1961) 12140 lakovlev, G.N. en 01033 Imahori, К. (1963) 09279 lakovlev, V.I. (1961 12288 2nd Imahori, К. & P. Doty (1961) 04485 2nd Iakovleva, К.К. (1963) 11175 Imai, S. (1963) 09383 Iampol'sky, A.D. (1961) 06258 Imamura, Y & S. Takeuchi (1963) 10465 Iashnov, V.A. (1961) 12173 2nd Imayoshi, В. (1963) 09060 2nd Ibert, E.R. & K.M. Rae (1963) 10076 India. Central Inland Fisheries Ibrahim, K.H. (1961) 09558 Research Institute (1961) 09031 Ichihara, T. (1962) 01382 India. Central Inland Fisheries Ichihara, T. (1963) 02356 04379 Research Station Barrackpore Ichihara, T. & T. Doi (1964) 12345 (1960) 04045 Ichikawa, A. & M. Kawakatsu India. Central Marine Fisheries (1963) 02231 Research Institute (1961) | 09015 9:A35 756 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES India. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (1962) India. Government of, Central Marine Fisheries Research Station, Marine Fisheries P.0., Mandapam Camp, South India (1960) India. Ministry of Food & Agriculture (1962) India. National Committee on Oceanic Research (1962) Indrambarya, B. (1962) Inger, R.F. (1961) Ingle, L. (1961?) Inglis, W.G. (9161) Inglis, W.C. (1962) Inman, D.L., W.R. Gayman & D.C. Cox (1963) Inoue, A. et Inoue, M. (1963 01007 03468 10427 INS KISTNA (1962) Institute of Caribbean Science (1963) Instruments Publishing Company Inc. , Pontiac, Illinois (1963) International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1962) 08586 Interstate Sanitation Commission 08399 04011 01012 12029 03579 07522 07014 07235 07236 09037 04127 09395 12029 08566 04040 12587 of New York-New Jersey-Connecticut (1962) INVESTIGATOR (1962) Iohansen, B.G. (1961) Iparraguirre, J.C. Е Iparraguirre, J.C. (1962 Ippen, А.Т. (1964) Iraq. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Irelan, В. & Н.В. Mendieta (1962) Ireland. Department of Lands. Fisheries Division (1960) Ireland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Ireland. (1963) Irisawa, H. Irwin, М.Н. Irwin, W.H. (1963) Irwin, М.М. (1961) Isaacs, J.D. (1963) Isaacs, J.D. (1964) Isak, H. (1962) Laws, Statutes, etc. 01544 05574 et al. (1962) (1961) 08046 07439 08049 02264 06454 12275 05532 06224 10501 11565 01545 05575 05086 10550 03124 10555 02262 10185 06515 2nd 3rd 3rd end end 3rd end Isambaev, А.Т. (1962) Ishibashi, M. & F. Morii (1962) Ishibashi, M. , T. Fujinaga & T, Kuwamoto (1962) Ishibashi, M., S. Ueda & Y, Yamamoto (1962) Ishibashi, M., T. Yamamoto de T. Fujita (1964) Ishibashi, M., T. Yamamoto & F. Morii (1962) Ishibashi, M. et al. (1964) Ishida, T. (1963) 09214 02117 09396 Ishida, T. (1964) 09152 Ishihara, T. & M. Yasuda (1964) (1963) Ishii, K. (1962) Ishii, S. Ishii, S. (1963) Ishikawa, K. & I.Noguchi (1964) Ishikawa, S. (1963) S. (1964) Ishikawa, Ishikawa, S. % K. Kitabayashi 02348 (1963) 09337 5. & К. Kitabayashi 04317 Ishikawa, (1964) Ishikawa, Y. (1964) Tehite, Y. (1962) Ishito, Y. (1962) Ishiwatari, R. % H. Ichikuni (1963) Ishiyama, Iskierko, Islam, N, Isono, 0. Istoshin, Istoshin, Italy. Istituto Centrale di Statistica (1962) Italy. Istituto nazionale per studi ed esperienze di architet- tura navale (1962) Italy. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01546 05442 Italy. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05591 11589 Itani, К. et als (1963) Itasaka, 0. (1960) Itasaka, O. & T. Hashimoto (1964) Itasaka, O. , 5. Higashi & T. Hori (1963) T. & T. Mamuro (1962) 9:А36 11136 07319 02059 02057 | 02058 10288 *' 02196 | 10258 02430 3. u 09465 \ 10164 | 04318 02462 | 04429° | 11053 | 02294 py 09359 | it 02349 | th} | 0935711 10518 01375 01369 09045 Al 10156 | 05088 1 07346 | 03373 a 10105 * 10106 „| 10419 | 4) AUTHOR INDEX 757 2nd Itkina, E.S. (1963) 03097 Jaasund, E. (1963) 03248 Ito, K. (1962) 04505 Jackson, D.F. (1963) 10306 Tto, К. (1963) 01186 01187 Jackson, J. (1963) 02459 2nd Ito, K. & F. Matsumoto (1963) 09347 2nd Jackson, Т.Е. & Т.В. Polya (1962) 05232 To, К. &S. Sato (1963) 09333 Jackson, P.B.N. (1960) 12520 2nd Ito, T. (1962) 04170 Jackson, R.I. (1965) 12001 Ito, Т., А. Watanabe & Y. Jacob, Л. (1962) 07093 Takahashi (1962) 05239 Jacob, J. % K. Rangarajan (1960) 06519 Ito, Y. & T. Saito (1963) 09334 Jacob, J. & K. Rangarajan (1962) 07129 y Zudkin, Т.Т.. (1962 02014 Jacobi, G. (1962) 03281 Iur'ev, G.C. (1961 02456 Jacobs, J.E., H. Berger & W.J. Iurovitskii, Iu.G. & Р.М. Collis (1963) 07050 Reznichenko (1961) 03553 Jacobson, A.L. (1963) 05158 Iurovitskii, Iu.G. & Р.М. Jacobson, М. & В.М. Gaze (1964) 11413 Reznichenko (ANON. Transl. ) Jacobson, M.J. (1962) 07040 (1962) 03554 Jacoby, C. (1961) 07517 Iusupov, E.G. (1961) 12285 Jacquotte, R. (1962) 10302 Ivanoff, А. & J.-L. Moreuil 2nd Jaffry, P. & М. Heuzel (1962) 03117 (1963) 01020 Jagodwinski, 2. (1960) 10399 Ivanov, A.S. (1961) 12374 jain, S.L. (1962) 07542 Ivanov, N.I. (1960) 06146 Jakubowski, M. (1960) 08489 Ivanov, S.N. & N.B. Borob'eva Jamaica. Ministry of Agriculture (1962) 03365 and Lands (1964) 10476 Ivanov, V.N. (1962) 02046 3rd James, B.L. (1963) 01204 Ivanov-Frantskevich, G.N. (1961) 12083 2nd James, M.S. (1963) 10444 Ivanova, Z.S. & 5.0. James, P.5.B.R. (1962) . 05280 Boguslavskii (1961) 10103 2nd Jander, В. & Т.Н. Waterman Ivanova, 2.5: & 5.6. (1963) 09166 Boguslavskii (1962) 10104 Jander, Re, К. Daumer & Т.Н. Ivanova-Kazas, О.М. (1961) 12453 Waterman (1963) 02342 Ivashin, M.V. (1962) 02245 Janicke, W. (1962) 06240 Ivasik, V.M. (1963) 11400 2nd Jankovic, 5. & М. Milojevic Iversen, E.S. (1962) 10486 (1960) 06200 Iversen, E.S. % D.C. Tabb (1962) 01302 Jannuzzi, R. (1963) 05208 Iversen, E.S., А.Е. Jones & С.Р. Jansen, J.F. % Y. Kitano (1963) 09050 Idy11 (1960) 12326 2nd Jansen, J.K.S. & T. Rudjord Iversen, R.T.S., P.J. Perkins & (1964) 11305 R.D. Dionne (1963) 05224 Jansson, B.-0. (1962) 10286 Ivlev, V.S. (1964) 12425 12450 2nd Janz, G.J. (1960) 03560 Ivlev, V.S. & К.К. lakovleva Japan. Fisheries Agency Bes 03455 (1963) 11175 Japan. Fisheries Agency (1962 03391 Ivory Coast. Laws, Statutes, Japan. Fukuoka District etc. (1962) 01493 Meteorological Observatory, Iwai, S. % S. Nambu (1961) 06206 Nagasaki Marine Ubservatory & Чина. De CE 08429 Seventh Regional Maritime Safety Iwai, T. (1963) 03162 04408 Headquarters, Maritime Safety Iwamiya, M. (1963) 09058 Agency (1962) 02035 Iwamura, T. (1962) 03286 Japan. The Japanese Society of Iwata, Ho de 05258 Scientific Fisheries (1963) 04275 Iwata, N. (1963 05020 Japan. Kanagawa Prefectural Iyengar, V.K.S., D.M. Davies Fisheries Experimental Station & H. Kleerekoper (1963) 04263 (1961) 02388 02389 Izhevskii, G.K. (1961) 12084 Japan. Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station (1962) 02387 02391 9:A37 758 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES | | | Japan. Kanagawa Prefectural Johnson, R.H., J. Northrop & x Fisheries Experimental Station R. Eppley (1963) 03071 © (1963) 04427 Johnson, R.M. (1962) 05179 Japan, Kanagawa Prefectural Johnson, T.W., Jr. and F.K, Y Fisheries Experimental Station Sparrow, Jr. (1961) 02022 | (n.d.1961?) 02390 Johnston, K.H. (1961) 10546 y Japan. Meteorological Agency Johnston, R. (1963) 03144 03145 | (1961) 01045 Johnston, T.F. (1962) 07064 «” Japan. Meteorological Agency Jolliffe, I.P. (1963) 08059 (1962) 02034 Jolly, G.M. (1963) 01589 . Japan. Nagasaki Marine Observatory Joly, A.B. % M. Cordeiro (1962) 07222 (1962) 02033 2nd Jones, А.С. (1962) 06506 1 Jarosch, R. (1962) 03380 2nd Jones, A.E. & С.Р. Idyll (1960) 12326 * Jarry, D. (1960) 10536 Jones, E.C. (1962) 10195 | Jaskowska, J. (1960) 06366 Jones, G.E. (1961) 01136 Y; Jaskowska, J. (1961) 08338 Jones, H.F.R. (1963) 09523 Javornicky, P. (1963) 07305 2nd Jones, 1.C. (1961) 12403 12475 +1 Jayaram, К.С. (1959) 11452 - 3rd Jones, I.C.-(1963) 04440 « Jayaram, K.C. (1962) 07539 07545 Jones, J.D. (1963) 01599." JEANNE D'ARC (1963) 05017 Jones, J.R.E. Need 02106 | Jefferts, K.B., P.K. Bergman 2 Jones, K.T.W. (1963 01266 H.F. Fiscus (1963) 01415 Jones, L. (1961) 12306 7 Jefford, A.W. (1962 03402 Jones, L.T. (1963) 04211 ° Jeffrey, S.W. (1963) 05097 2nd Jones, L.T. (1962) 03262 Y Jeffries, H.P. (1262) 02132 06297 10218 Jones, L.W. & J. Myers (1963) 05205 Jenckel, F.-W. (1962 06437 Jones, P.H.M. (1963) 06540 + Jenkins, D. (1962) 06222 Jones, R. (1962) 04384 & 3rd Jennings, F.D. (1962) 10141 Jones, В.Р. & W.S. Maddux (1962) 08257. 41 Jensen, A.J.C. (1962) 08508 Jones, S. (1959) 04434 Jensen, E.T. (1962) 05243 Jones, S. (1960) 04431 2nd Jensen, K.A. & E. Klajn (1963) 09203 Jones, S. (1961) 09467 09468 Jensen, W.I. & I.P. Allen (1960) 12259 Jones, S. % H. Rosa Jr. (1965) 09376 Jerlov, N. (Ed.) (1961) 06049 Jones, S. & E.C. Silas (1960) 04432 Jervis, H.J. (1961) 09485 Jones, S. & E.G. Silas (1961) 09469 Jessop, G. & H.W. Holy (1959) 08127 Jonsgard, A. (1964) 12343 12381 2nd Jezequel, M. (1961) 11092 Jonsson, S. (1962) 04168 04169 Jhingran, A.G. (1961) 09466 Jönsson, S. (1963) 02164» 2nd Jhingran, А.С. (1961) 09521 Jordan, G.F. (1962) 05031 Jhingran, V.G. & J.C. Patro Jord4n, R.S. (1962) 120284 (1959) 04512 Josefsson, L., С.Е. Ryberg & К. Jiri, 1. & G.L. Hoffman (1964) 11404 Svensson ad 06263 Jobin, W.R. & А.Т. Ippen (1964) 12275 Joseph, B. (1961 07464 2nd Johannes, R.E. & B.T. Sather Joseph, D.C. (1962) 01351 (1962) 10237 Joseph, J. et al. (1964) 11292 4 John, P.A. (1962) 07273 Joshi, U.N. & D.V. Bal (1962) 12232 | Johnsen, A.0. (1959) 11336 Jouanneteau, J., G. Peres & <. Johnson, B.G.H. (1961) 12484 G. Zwinzelstein (1962) 05263 | Johnson, C.R., P.H. McClelland & 3rd Joud, J. ep 07484 R.L. Boster e 11089 3rd Joud, J. (1964 11369 Johnson, E.W. (1962 07072 Jouin, C. (1963) 04191 Johnson, M.W. % Е. Brinton Joyner, T. jee 06571 (1963) 02129 Joyner, T. (1962 05026 3rd Johnson, P. (1963) 04188 2nd Jozuka, К. (1964) 09519 | 2nd Johnson, P.0. (1962) 10437 Juchault, P. (1962) 01123 % а. 5 9:А38 AUTHOR INDEX 759 Julyan, F.J. (1963) 10499 Kampa, E.M., B.C. Abbott & B.P. June, F.C. % J.W. Reintjes (1959) 08516 Boden (1963) 04216 | JUNELLA (1962) 08368 Kamptner, E. (1961) 08198 brad Jung, В.С. (1962) 08033 Kamshilov, M.M. (1961) 12163 Justice, J.D. (1962) 11112 Kamshilov, M.M. (1963) 02149 Jyung, C.K. (1960) 10384 Kamyshnaia, M.S. (1961) 04498 Kamyshnaia, M.S. (Foerster, В.Е. Transl.) (1962) 04499 Kabanova, Iu.G. (1961) 06115 Kanaev, A. (1961) 12503 Kabata, Z. (1962) 12410 2nd Kanaev, V.F. (1963) 12071 Kabata, 2. (1963) 02405 04439 end Kanaev, V.F. & М.А. Marova 06496 (1964) 11063 Kabata, Z. Transl. (1964) 12568 Kanamori, H. (1962) 09054 Kader, H.A. (1962) 05108 Kanaya, K. & T. Morishita (1963) 07167 Kad/ubowska, J.Z. (1961) 08337 2па Kanaya, T. (1961) 12165 Kähling, J. (1961) 03511 2nd Kanazawa, A. % S. Tachibanazono Kändler, R. (1961) 04142 (1964) 09119 nd Kaga, K. & R. Hayana (1963) 09416 Kandeler, R. (1962) 05183 ‚ Kagami, Н. (1962 09052 Kane, H.E. (1961) 01236 nd Kagami, H. € J. Chujo (1962) 09059 Kane, H.E. Br 03161 Kagami, H., N. Nasu & M. Horikoshi Kaneda, T. (1963 04276 (1962) 09051 Kaneda, T., H. Sakai & $5. KAGAWA MARU (1962) 04301 Ishii (1962) 02462 Kaikini, A.S. (1960) 04280 Kaneda, T., S. Tokuda & K. Arai Kaiser, P. (1960) 03176 (1963) 09335 Kaissling, K.E. (1963) 09175 Kan-no, H. (1962) 01193 nd Kakimoto, D. (1962) 02099 Kan-no, H. (1963) 09242 Kakinuma, Y. (1962) 04126 Kan-no, Н. & 5. Kikuchi (1962) 04171 Ird Kakinuma, Y. (1962) 04172. Зта Kano, 5. (1963) 01357 lrd Kakinuma, Y. (1963) 09243 Kanwisher, J.W. (1962) 06067 Ind Kakuda, 5. (1962) 09482 2nd Kanygina, A.V. « P.I. Pobegailo | Kakuda, S. (1963) 09289 (1959) 01107 Kakuda, S. & T. Onbe а 09308 2nd Kanygina, A.V. & P.I. Pobegailo | Kalk, M. (1963) 05083 (1961) 01108 Ira Kalinina, J. (1961) 06346 3rd Kanzaki, T. (1963) 02290 02291 ind Kalle, К. (1963) 11010 Kaplan, H.M. & C. Schwartz | Kallman, В.Т. % А.К. Andrews (1963) 03498 (1963) 07169 Kapling, V.T. & N.G. Fesenko Kallman, B.J., 0.B. Cope & R.J. (1962) 11109 | Ее (1962) 04106 Карраппа, А.М. & R.V. Sitakara ird Kallman, К.Л. dr 05291 (1962) 10126 10297 nd Kalmijn, A.J. (1963 05234 Kappanna, A.N., R.V. Sitakara & Kalushnin, L.A. et al. (1960) 06614 S.K. Syama (1962) 10296 Kamalaveni, S. (1963) 09538 09539 Kappanna, A.N. et al. (1962) 10125 Kamasastri, P.V. % D.R. Rao Karandeeva, 0.G. (1959 06339 (1962) 01282 Karandeeva, 0.G. (1961 06340 Kamat, N.D. (1962) 01223 10374 Karapinar, E.K.S. (1964) 10240 Kamatani, A. % C. Matsudaira 2nd Karasikova, A.A. 04503 (1963) 09053 Karim, А.С.А. (1960-61 08055 Kameda, K. (1962) 07051 Karlin, S. & J. McGregor (1961) 07591 rd Kamenski, G.N. (1962) 01586 Karlovac, J. (1961 08465 | Kamimura, T. % M. Honma (1962) 09470 Karlovac, J. (1963 03438 Kamohara, T. (1963) 09397 09398 Karlovac, O. (1961) 08464 |га Kamp, K.M. (1962) 03179 Karlstrom, E.L. (1962) 11438 95439 760 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Karo, H.A. (1960) 10158 Kawai, H. % M. Sasaki (1962) 01364 ' 2nd Karpechenko, Yu. 1. (1961) 06452 2nd Kawai, К. eee 09274 Karpevich, A.F. (1961) 12239 Kawai, K. (1961 09278 “ Karwowski, J. (1963) 11057 11058 Kawai, K. & S. Higashi (1963) 09277 Karzinkin, G.S. & M.N. Krivobok Kawakami, I. (1962) 02192 (1964) 12426 Kawakami, S. er 02567 Karzinkin, G.S. & С.Г. Tarkovskaya Kawakami, T. (1962 02335 (1964) 12432 Kawakami, T. (1963) 04306 04409 Kasahara, S. (1963) 01424 2nd Kawakatsu, M. ee 02231 Kasebayashi, ©. (1961) 12537 2nd Kawakatsu, М. (1964 09276 ` Kasebayashi, T. & I. Nakano 3rd Kawamoto, M. (1962) 05307 . (1961) 12536 Kawamoto, N.Y. (1962) 03569 ' Kashiwada, K. % D. Kakimoto Kawamura, K. (1964) 09244 | (1962) 02099 2nd Kawamura, Т. (1961) 01075 : Kashiwada, К., А. Kanazawa & Kawanabe, Y. ert 07092 07128 | S. Tachibanazono (1964) 09119 Kawanabe, Y. (1964 09084 | Kashiwamura, M. (1963) 09113 2nd Kawasaki, К. & Y. Tomiyasy | Kasimov, R.lu. (1961) 12317 (1963) 09349 . Kask, J.L. (1962) 08398 Kawasaki, N. (1962) 01038 | Kasme, B. (1960) 11534 Kawasaki, T. (1963) 09471 KaSták, V. & В. Zitñan (1960) 07491 Kawasaki, T. % M. Anraku (1962) 01365 © 2nd Kasuya, T. & M. Nishiwaki (1963) 02363 Kawasaki, T. % M. Asano (1962) 01366 Katayama, T. (1962) 03304 Kawasaki, Т. & М. Asano (М.С. 7 Kato, К. (1961) 12106 van Campen Transl.) (1963) 04376 | Kato, M. , Е. Hirai & Y. Kawata, S. (1962) 01294 ' Kakinuma (1962) 04172 Kawecka, B. (1964) 10326 | Katbo,'M., Es Hirai 4 Y. Kay, E.A. (1963) 09174 + Kakinuma (1963) 09243 Kayama, М., У. Tsuchiya & J.F, | Kato, M., O. Sato & M. Matsusaka Mead (1963) 04144 À (1963) 10152 2nd Kayser, Н. (1961) 08336 © Kato, T. % Y. Nakahisa (1962) 07223 3rd Kazanskii, Г.Р. (1964) 11246 2nd Katoaka, K. % O. Sakata (1963) 09239 Kazanskii, M.M. (1963) 11048 Katona, F. (1962) 05160 2nd Kazantseva, Е.А. (1961) 01229 01230 2nd Katz, В. (1963) 19154 12176 d 3rd Katz, J.J. (1962) 05200 3rd Kazuno, T. (1963) 11398 . Katz, M. % G.G. Chadwick (1961) 06187 Kearn, С.С. (1963) 04463 11301 Katzin, M. (1959) 05068 11323 | 2nd Katzung, B.G. (1963) 07337 Keeler, C.R. (1963) 06608 |, 3rd Kauffman, R.B. (1961) 05193 Keen, A.M. ut 10265 ' 2nd Kauffmann, J. (1963 03204 Keen, A.M. (1963 08246 |, Kaushik, D.K. (1963 10330 Keenleyside, M.H.A. & F.T. | Kaushik, О.К. & W.T. Helm (1962) 12548 Yamamoto (1962) 05323 Kautsky, H. & D.E. Schmitt Kehoe, R.A. (1961) 07142 : (1963) 03058 Keleher, J.J. (1961) 10539 Kavanagh, Т. Hee 08473 2nd Keleher, J.J. (1961) 12045 Kawabata, T. (1962 05496 07377 Keleshis, A. (1963) 11273 Kawabata, T. & T. Kozima Kellen, W.R. & М. Wills (1962) 05199 .. (1963) 02166 02167 Kellner, L. (1963) 03596 2nd Kawabata, Y. (1962) 04366 Kellogg, W.N. (1962) 07397. Kawaguchi, K., M. Hirano & M. Kelly, H.D. (1961) 10542 Nishimura (1963) 04309 2nd Kelly, 5. (1962) 07181 07182 Kawaguti, S. (1964 11164 Kelly, W.H. (1962) 07525 07528 Kawahara, Т. (1962 03256 Kemenskii, Ч.У. % F,P. Muragin Kawahara, T. (1963 01219 (1961) 12283 2nd Kawai, A. % Y. Yoshida Kemp, H.P. (1963) 08166 (1963) 09177 09178 Kempf, M. (1962) 08265 | < 9:A40 AUTHOR INDEX 761 Kempton, В.Т. (1962) 05240 Khmeleva, N.N. & L.I. nd Kendall, C.G.St.C. & P. Skipwith Tsvetskova (1959) 06306 06307 (19643 08116 Khokhlova, L.V. (1959) 02296 Kendall, S.B. & С.В. Ollerenshaw Khokhlova, L.V. (1961) 02297 (1963) 05386 2nd Kholodov, Т.А. (1964) 12441 2nd Kending, P.M. (1963) 09591 Kholodov, Yu.A., G.L. Verevkina Kenikar, V. (1962) 10483 & К.В. Akhmedov (1962) 02298 Kennedy, D. & R.H. Mohlenbrock Khrgian, A.K. eet 01055 (19633 07320 Khrgyan, A.K. (1962) 010 56 2nd Kennedy, C.Y. (1963) 04212 Khundzhua, G.G. (1961) 06051 Kennedy, G.Y. « R. Collier Khvan, A.P. (1961) 06145 (1963) 04230 Kiener, A. (1960 12468 Kenyon, K.W. & D.W. Rice (1961) 12389 Kiener, A. (1961 05217 05218 Kerala. Laws, Statutes etc. Kiener, A. (1962 06539 (1963) 02554 Kiener, A. (1963) 09399 Kerkof, P.R., W. Tong & I.L. Kihara, К. & N. Morooka (1962) 09176 Chaikoff (1963) 03531 Kikawa, S. (1962) 09472 Kerkut, G.A. (Ed.) (1963) 01014 2nd Kikuchi, В. & H. Taguchi (1963) 03571 Kerkut, С.А. & М.А. Price (1961) 12213 2nd Kikuchi, 5. (1962) 04171 2nd Kerr, M.S. ee 10245 Kikuchi, T. (1962) 02197 | Kerr, P.F. (1962) 03078 Kilburn, P.D. (1963) 07596 Kerut, G.A. & R.M.A.P. Ridge Kim, C.H. (1962) 01273 (1961) 12242 Kim, GT, (1960) 10442 Kessel, H. (1961) 12209 Kim, H.C. Transl. (1959) 01343 01476 Kesteven, С.Г. ee 04586 Kim, К.С. & K.W. Kwon (1962) 02267 Kesteven, G.L. (1963 10594 11525 Kim, К.Нь. (1962) 01291 01396 | 11580 Kim, К.-Н., TT, Tehen & №. |2nd Kesteven, G.L. (1964) 09307 Hu (1963) 03538 | Ketchum, B.H. (1962) 09143 Kim, In Bae (1963) 05384 |2nd Ketchum, B.H. ie 09215 2nd Kim, S.W. (1963) 09350 Ketchum, B.H. (1963 07176 Kim; Ze. 0. (1962) 02266 end Ketchum, B.H. & F.A. Richards Kimata, M., A. Kawai & Y. Yoshida (1963) 02066 (1963) 09177 09178 Ketchum, D.D. & В.С. Stevens 2nd Kimball, Jr. J.F. (1963) 10197 (1962) 06077 Kimball, R.F. & L. Vogt-Koehne 2nd Kewalramani, H.G. (1962) 05140 (1962) 02135 Key, A. (1960 10045 Kimmins, D.E. (1962) 08361 10371 Key, A. (1960 10175 Kimura, M. (1963) 09400 Keynes, R.D. (1962) 04465 Kimura, S. & M. Nakamura (1961) 07448 Khailov, K.M. (1964) 11179 King, С.А.М. (1962) 09009 Khalil, F. (1963) 04042 2nd. King, E.L.- (1962) 06235 end Khaliluddin, М. & A. Hossain King, E.R., I. Zietz & L.R. (1962) 04450 Alldredge (1964) 10056 2nd Khaliluddin, М. & A. Hussain 3rd Kings. Ja Ea Ml 08487 (1962) 04300 04448 2nd King, Т.Е. (1962 11207 Khalturin, D.K. (1963) 11377 King, Ч. et als, (1961) 12371 Khan, Г.П. da 04447 2nd Kinne, Е.М. (1962) 04552 | Khan, K.R. (1962 06362 Kinne, O. « E.M. Kinne (1962) 04552 Khan, M.Y. (1962) 04361 Kinoshita, M. (1960) 01041 Khan, R.M.L. (1962) 04359 04362 Kinoshita, M. (1961) 01042 Khanna, S.S. (1962) 12491 Kinoshita, T. (1962) 09401 Khartoum. University (1960-61) 08055 Kinosita, H. (1963) 03491 3rd Kheisin, E.M. (Ed.) (1964) 12568 Kinsella, T.R. (1961) 11280 Khmeleva, N.N. (1962) 05070 Kinsella, Т.в. (1963) 06466 9:A41 762 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES | Kinsman, J.J. (1964) 08119 Kliffmüller Bo 10182 Kipling, C. as 10529 Klinger, K. (1960 03516 ' Kipnick, S. (1962 06467 Klinke, Н.В. & К. Scherb 2nd Kirby, C. & H. Preston-Thomas (1960) 08139 (1961) 06062 Klinman, C.S. & M.E. Bitterman 2nd Kirchenberg, R.J. (1962) 03238 (1963) 07549 Kirk, R. (1962) 07278 Kliuge, G.A. (1962) 02156 Kirillov, Т.Р. & А.А. Rybnikov Klock, J.W. (1961) 10363 (1961) 12085 2nd Kloom, V. (1961) 10482 Kirkegaard, J.B. (1961) 05127 Kloppenburg, C.C. & J. Reuter 4 Kiselev, V.I. m 12058 (1963) 04348 Kiselev, V.I. (1962 06129 2nd Klumov, S.K. (1963) 11304 Kishimoto, A. % S. Hirata (1963) 04601 Klust, G. (1959) 03392 3rd Kishino, M. (1963) 09033 Klust, G. (1963) 04344 Kiss, R. (1960) 12179 Knauss, Т.А. (1963) 02072 02076 Kita, T. &. E. Harada (1962) 09259 07084 2nd Kitabayashi, K. (1963) 02348 02349 Knauss, J.A. & B.A. Taft (1963) 01035 09337 Knight, А., В.С. Ball & Р.Р. 2nd Kitabayashi, K. (1964) 09357 09363 Hooper (1962) 10212 .. Kitabayashi, K. & S. Ishikawa 2nd Knight-Jones, E.W. (1962) 03189 03191 (1963) 02294 Knöpp, Н. (1962) 10376 Kitabayashi, K. & S. Ishikawa 2nd Knollman, G.C. (1963) 09604 *' (1964) 09359 Knop, E. (1961) 03107 03125 Kitabayashi, K. et al. 06250 (1963) 02350 09336 Knott, S.T. (1962) 06078 Kitabayashi, K. et al. (1964) 09358 Knudsen, G.J. pee 11437 2nd Kitahara, К. (1963) 04371 Knudsen, J.W. (1960 01117 Kitaigorodsky, S.A. (1961) 06056 Ko, Y., Y. Murakami & K. Daiku 2nd Kitajima, Т. (1963) 09428 09429 (1962) 02193 2nd Kitajima, T. & K. Mizue (1963) 09430 Kobayashi, H. (1963) 04509 Kitajima, T., T. Aoyama & M. 2nd Kobayashi, H. & 5. Ishii (1963) 04429 Tagawa (1962) 04423 Kobayashi, H. et al. (1963) 07449 Kitamori, R. (1963) 04175 Kobayashi, K. (1962) 09402 Kitamura, H. & T. Sagi (1964) 05012 2nd Kobayashi, К. ee 09511 3rd Kitamura, K. (1963) 04402 Kobayashi, K. (1963 09473 2nd Kitano, Y. (1963) 09050 2nd Kobayashi, К. & $. Fujino (1962) 04372 Kitano, Y. € D.W. Hood (1962) 09055 Kobayashi, K. & S. Igarashi Kitou, M. (1963 09153 (1963) 09360 09361 3rd Klajn, E. (1963 09203 Kobayashi, N. (1961) 11205 Klapper, Н. (1960) 03119 Ko-Bayashi, T. (1963) 10187 Klassen, C.W. (1961) 07146 Kobayashi, T. (1964) 10517 Klawe, W.L. Transl. (1962) 12221 Kobayashi, T. & Y. Ishikawa Klawe, W.L. & S. Hester (1962) 12588 (1964) 10518 3rd Kleerekoper, H. (1963) 04263 3rd Kobayashi, Y. (1962) 06153 Klein, L. (1964) 01062 Kobayasi, H. (1963) 11371 11441 Klein, L. et al. (1963) 02106 Kobayasi, H. & M. Miwa noes 09474 : Klein, R.M., M.F. Morselli & J. Kobayasi, H. & H. Toya (1964 09456 Wansor (1963) 10221 Kobe Marine Observatory. : Klein, U.E. & МЧ. Traut (1961) 02225 Maritime Meteorological Section Kleine, R. (1963) 09290 (1964) 09089 09090 2nd Kleiner, Iu.M. (1963) 11049 Kobe Marine Observatory. 2nd Klement, A.W. Jr. Ed. (1963) 10031 Oceanographical Section Klement, A.W. Jr. & V. (1963) 07090 07091 Schultz (1962) 02594 Kobe Marine Observatory. Klicka, Т.К. (1962) 05341 Oceanographical Section (1964) 09088 93442 AUTHOR INDEX 763 Kobiakova, Z.1. & F.Ia. Saprykin 2nd Koops, H. & K. Lillelund (1962) 08502 (1960) 03245 2nd Корас, M.J. (1963) 03489 Kobiakova, 2.I. & F.la. Saprykin Kordyum, F.A., Z.V. Lazurkevich (ANON. Transl.) (1961) 03246 & L.G. Zharova (1962) 01245 01246 Koblitsky, L. (1959) ' 07138 Korea. Central Fisheries Koch, H. & J. Evans (1962) 05301 Experiment Station (1961) 10407 10408 Koch, W. (1964) 11228 Korea. Central Fisheries Koczy, F.F. (1963) 07001 Research Station (1962) 03034 Koepcke, Н.-М. (1962) 03439 Korea. Ministry of Agriculture Koeppe, R. (1961) 06162 & Forestry (1962) 03395 Koga, F. (1962) 02123 Korea. Ministry of Agriculture Kohn, A.J. (1961) 01137 & Forestry. Bureau of Koidan, W. & E.D. Schubert Fisheries (1961) 03384 (1962) 07556 3rd Korkisch, J. (1964) 08104 Koide, M. & Е.П. Goldberg (1964) 12112 Korn, R.W. (1962) 08342 Koizumi, M. (1962) 09091 2nd Kornberg, H.L. (1964) 08228 Koizumi, S. & H. Usui (1962) 09185 Korneliussen, H.K. (1964) 12350 Kojima, I. ee 04070 04071 2nd Kornev, V.A. (1961) 12054 Kojima, K. (1962 04424 Kornicker, L.S. Br, 11529 Kojima, K.M. (1961) 01161 2nd Kornicker, L.S. (1962 09487 Kojima, S. mada 04410 04411 end Kornreich, L.D. & R.R. Ronkin Kojima, S. (1964) 10448 (1962) 03366 Kojima, S. & T. Kosakai (1963) 09377 Korotkova, G.P. % M.A. Kokin, K.A. (1961) 08221 Gelihovskaia (1963) 01208 Kolesnikov, A.G., 2.5. Ivanova Korshunov, Iu.S. (1961) 06054 % S.G. Boguslavskii (1961) 10103 Kort, V.G. (1960) 07020 Kolesnikov, A.G., 2.5. Ivanova 2nd Korzhenko, V.P. (1963) 11376 & S.G. Boguslavskii (1962) 10104 Korzhuev, P.A. (1964) 12419 Kolesnikova, T.Kh. (1961) 04085 3rd Kosakai, T. bee 09377 Kollmer, W.E. (1963) 10203 2nd Kosakai, T. (1964 09490 Kolosváry, G. (1961) 03216 Koshova, 0.M. & E.A. Kazantseva Kolosváry, G. (1962) 03215 (1961) 01229 01230 Kolp, 0. & C. Enzenross (1961) 08070 Koshtoyants, Kh.S., G.A. Buznikov Komarovsky, B. (1961) 10160 & B.N. Manukhin (1961) 12210 Komiya, Y. (1961) 10350 2nd Kostarev, G.F. (1961) 01461 Komiya, Y. (1961) 05409 Kostrowicki, J. (1961) 03405 Komiya, Y., K. Yasuroaka & Y. Kotlaric, S.M. (1960) 10010 Hosaka (1961) 10360 Koto, T. (1963 04396 04397 Komnov, A.S. (1961) 12373 Kott, P. (1963 01192 Kon, H. (1963) 09135 ‘3rd Kotthaus, А. (1962) 02299 Kon, K. (1964) 09368 3rd Kovac, J. (1961) 08187 Konaga, S. (1963) 07102 Koval'skii, V.V. & S.V. Letunova Konda, S. и 09567 (1961) 06313 Копдо, М. (1963 09092 Kovask, V. (1962) 07297 Kondrat'eva, Т.М. % E.V. end Kover, A. % К. Benko (1963) 03500 Belogarskaia (1961) 07178 Kover, А., M. Szabolcs & К. Kondrat'ieva, N.V. (1962) 07351 Benko (1963) 03499 Konikoff, J.J. (1961)- 05065 05066 Koyama, T. (1962) 09310 Konstantinov, A.S, Een 12261 12263 Kozareva, М.А. (1961) 06547 06548 Konstantinov, K.G. (1961 02314 02315 Kozhov, M. (1963) 11026 Kontrimavichus, V.L. & T.L. 2nd Kozhova, 0.М. ae 01102 Bakhmeteva (1960) 07500 2nd Kozhova, O.M. (1961 01103 Koo, T.S.Y. (1962) 02438 02439 Kozhova, О.М. & Е.А. Kazantseva 02441 (1961 | 12176 Koo, T.S.Y. (Ed.) (1962) 02437 2nd Kozima, T. (1963) 02166 02167 9:A43 764 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Kozlov, V.V. % E.D. Sulidi- Krivoshchekov, G.M. (ANON. Kondratev (1963) 09095 Transl.) (1961) 03451! Kozminskaia, I.F. (1961) 07496 Krivoy, М.А., et al. (1962) ' 125511 Kozyrchuk, L.R. & E.G. Iusupov 2nd Krog, J. (1963) 05226! (1961) 12285 Krogius, F.V. ие 04493 12457) Kralik, U. (1961) 12182 Krogius, F.V. (Foerster, В.Е. Kramer, H.A. % J.L. Rand (1962) 04115 Transl.) (1962) 04494 Kramer, М.О. (1960) 02414 2nd Krohn, Т.Т. & L.K. Brown (1964) 12248 |) Kramp, P.L. (1962) 09154 Krokhin, E.M. (1960) 04091 | Krasnoshchekov, S.I. nets 02444 Krokhin, E.M. (Foerster, R.E, Krasnoshchekov, S.I. (1961) 02445 Transl.) (1962) 04092 05143) Kraus, E.B. (1961) 08173 2nd Krolenko, S.A. (1963) 11172 1 Krause, C. (1962) 06578 2nd Krone, В. Neer 03106 : Krause, D.C. (1962) 04338 3rd Krone, В. (1961 03126 | Krause, D.C. (1963) 08094 2nd Kronegold, M. & W.C. Cummings Krauss, R.W. (1961 06420 (1962) 07402 Krauss, В.Н. ee 03374 Krotov, A.V. (1960) 07471 2nd Krauss, R.W. (1962 07368 Krsulovic, J. ere 05372 ' Krauss, В.М. & R.A. Galloway Krueger, W.H. (1961 07415 (1962) 05161 3rd Krumholz, L.A. (1963) 10537 Krauss, W. (1961) 08069 Krupp, R.W. € S.M. Stoller (1962) 07108 Krauss, W. % L. Magaard (1961) 08066 Krylov, A.la., А.Р. Lisitsyn & | Kravanja, М.А. Transl. (1962) 02326 Tu. Т. Silin (79611 12059 3rd Kravtsov, E.G. (1962) 07495 2nd Krymova, В. mee 01445 2nd Krayukhin, B.V. en 05311 2nd Krymova, В. (d.u. 19617) 01446 Krayukhin, B.V. (1964 12433 Krzeczkowska, L. (1961) 06299 Krefft, 0, easy 08430 Kubanyi, E. (1963) 03563 | Krefft, G. (1962 08431 3rd Kucherov, N.V. (1961) 12091 ‘| Kreft, G. Transl. (1963) 12034 Kucherova, Z.S. (1961) 07234 Kreger, D.R. (1962) 03291 Kuchkarova, M. (1962) 07352 07353 2nd Kretchmer, N. (1964) 08485 Kudelka, W.E. & J.B. Polya (1962) 05265 Kreutzer, C.0. (1963) 04334 Kuderskii, L.A. мы 01166 3rd Кгеу, Р.Я. (1963) 05060 Kuderskii, L.A. (1961) 01167 | Krishna Menon, M. (1961) 10512 Kudinov, E.I. (E.R. Hope, Krishnamoorthi, В. (1962) 12233 Transl.) (1962) 06093 Krishnamoorthi, B. (1963) 01115 Kudinova-Pasternak, R.K. (1962) 06358 Krishnamoorthi, K.P. (1961) 06186 Kudo, R.R. (1962) 05198 Krishnamurthy, K. (1962) 07184 Kudo, S. & M. Toriyama (1963) 09475 2nd Krishnaswamy, S. (1962) 06284 Kudokozev, V.P. (1963) 123311 2nd Krishnaswamy, S. (1963) 01116 Kudrik, Transl. (1962) 12407 Krishnaswany, S. & L.T. Jones 2nd Kühn, R. (1962) 10378 (1962) 03262 2nd Kuehne, В.А. (1962) 01439 Kriss, А.Е. (Shewan, Т.М. & 2.- Kuenzler, E.J. & B.H. Ketchum Kabata, Transl.) (1963) 05005 (1962) 09215 Kriss, А.Е. & Т.М. Mitskevich Kuhl, А. (1962) 03285 (1961) 01138 01139 Kuhlow, F. (1962) 05096 Kristensen, H. (1962) 08365 Kuhn, H.J., P. Moser & W. Kuhn 2nd Kriszat, G. (1962) 05116 (1962) 01426 ' Kritsky, S.N. & M.F. Menkel 3rd Kuhn, W. (1962) 01426 (1961 08164 Kulakovskaia, О.Р. (1962) 07497 2nd Krivobok, M.N. (1964) 12426 Kulichkova, V.A. (П.К. MAFF Krivobok, М.Н. % О.Т. Tarkovskaya Transl.) (1962) 12223 (1964) 12428 Kulikova, Е.В. en 03452 Krivoshchekov, G.M. (1959) 03450 Kulikova, E.B. (1961 02316 02317 9:A44 AUTHOR INDEX 765 Kulikova, Е.В. (ANON. Transl. ) Kursanov, A.L. (1961) 10381 (1961) 03453 Kusakabe, D., Y. Murakami & Kulikovsky, G.N. Transl. (1963) 04515 T. Onbe (1962) 09476 Kumar, H.D. (1962) 03349 Kusakin, 0.G. (1962) 02157 02158 Kume, S. (1963) 04398 Kusakina, A.A. (1963) 05335 Kun, M.S. & L.V. Mikulich (U.K. 2nd Kushner, S.G. & M.M. Telichenke MAFF Transl.) (1962) 12220 (1962) 01243 Kunkle, С.В. (1963) 09120 2nd Kushner, S.G. & М.М. Telitchenko Kunnenkeri, J.K. (1962) 05236 (1962) 01244 Kunnenkeri, J.K. & М.Е. Martin Kustermann, H. (1962) 06202 962), ^^“ 05235 Kutiorin, V.M., M.V. Ulubekova Kuntsova, М. Та. oa 03235 05147 & N.M. Nazarov (1964) 11226 Kuntsova, M.Ia. (1964 11174 Kutiurin, V.M., M.V. Ulubekova ¡|2nd Kuntz, В.Е. (1964) 11298 11299 & L.P. Kazanskii (1964) 11246 131011311: _ . Kutkuhn, J.H. (1963 06487 Kupriianova-Shakhmatova, Н.А. 2nd Kutschale, H. (1963 09577 (1960) 07501 Kuttruff, H. & P. Wille (1962) 07024 Kurashvili, B. (1960) 07403 Kutty, M.N. (1961) 10462 Kurata, H. (1963) 02174 02175 3rd Kuwamoto, T. ere 02057 02176 02179 Kuwatani, Y. (1963 09179 09126 09127 2nd Kuznetsov, А.Р. (1961) 06329 Kurata, H. ea 09245 09246 2nd Kuznetsov, А.Р. (1962) 06330 2nd Kurata, H. (1964 09251 Kuznetsov, A.P. (1963) 11061 2nd Kurien, C.V. (1962) 07095 Kuznetsov, S.I., V.I. Romenenko Kurien, C.V. & N.M. Shah (1962) 07094 & V.I. Glazunov (1964) 11128 ‘2nd Kuriyan, G.K. (1962) 01299 Kuznetsov, V.V. % Е.Н. Kuriyan, G.K. & P.J. Cecily Aleksandrova (1963) 11401 (1960) 04590 Kuznetzov, V.V. (1962) 02247 Kuriyan, G.K. % P.J. Cecily Kvaran, E. (1962) 01272 02244 (1962) 01297 Kvinge, T. (1964) 06013 2nd Kuriyan, G.K. & R.S. Nair (1962) 01275 2nd Kwan Зов Ko, (1963) 09110 Kuriyan, G.K. & S.G. Nayar 2nd Kwon, K.W. (1962) 02267 (1962) 02242 Kyr$, M., L. Hole3ková & Г. Kuriyan, G.K. & K. Radhalakshmi Neumann (1962) 06218 (1960) 04589 Kysak, A. (1962) 05395 Kuriyan, С.К. & К. Radhalakshmy (1962) 01298 Kuriyan, G.K., S.D. Deshpande & Labat, R. & A. Serfaty (1961) 03528 у N.A. George (1962) 07384 Labat, R., C. Peyraud & A. Kuriyan, G.K., V.C. George & T.R. Serfaty (1962) 05266 Menon (1962) 01269 Laborel, J. (1961) 08209 Kuriyan, G.K., S.G. Nayar & M. 2nd Laborel, J. (1964) 12113 Vanaja (1962) 01300 Laborel, J. & J. Vacelet (1961) 08281 Kuroda, N, en 09403 Labrouche, F. (1962) 07190 Kuroda, R. (1962 03077 Lacaze, J. bees: 03085 Kurogane, K. (1963) 04412 Lacaze, J. (1963 05015 Kurogane, K, & T. Nemoto LA 11328 2nd Lackey, Е.М. (1963) 04149 Kurogane, K. % T. Nemoto (1963 01259 Lackey, J.B. (1961) 06380 Kurogi, A. Hee 09338 09339 Lackey, J.B. & E.W. Lackey Kurogi, M. (1963) 09247 11194 (1963) 04149 Kurogi, Me & S. Sato (1962) 01195 01196 Laclavére, G. (1962) 07028 Kurogi, M., K. Akiyama & Laclavére, G.R. (1961) 10590 S. Sato (1962) 01194 Lacombe, Н. (1961) 12014 Kurohagi, T. (1962) 02138 Lacombe, Н. & P. Tchernia 2nd Kuroiwa, M. (1962) 01425 (1960) 07089 A 9:А45 766 3rd 2nd end end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lacombe, H., P. Tchernia & G. Benoist (1960) 07088 Lacroix, G. (1961) 12012 Lacroix, G. & A. Marcotte (1961) 01337 Ladiges, W. (1959) 04549 Laevastu, T. (1962 11097 Laevastu, T. (1963 01019 LaFond, E.C. (1962 05044 08107 LaFond, E.C. (1964 11036 Lafuma, J. (1962) 01597 01598 Lagarde, E. & P. Forget (1961) 08271 Lagler, K.F., J.E. Bardach & R.R. Miller (1962) 02021 Lahav, N. € S. Ehrlich (1962) 03347 Laing, J.T. (1962) 06068 Laitone, E.V. (1962) 05061 Lakin, H.W., C.E. Thompson & D.F. Davidson (1963) 10059 Lakshman, S.V.J. & R.P. Tiruvenganna (1961) 10114 Laktionov, A.F. (1962) 02001 Lal, M.B. & P. Chatterjee (1962) 07538 13211, Dey £1961) 12339 Lallier, R. (1962) 05115 Lallier, В. (1963) 02161 03268 Lalou, C. (1962) 10119 Lalou, C. & L. Mallet (1961) 03082 LaMarca, M.J. (1964) 11318 Lamb, H.H. (1964) 11050 Lamb, I.M. wes _ 07284 Lamb, I.M. (1964 12047 Lambert, D.G. (1960) 01324 Lambin, S., С. Саггёге % M. Beignot-Devalmont (1964) 11216 Lambou, V.W. (1959) 07533 Lambou, V.W. (1961) 10599 Lambou, V.W. & D.W. Geagan (1961) 08531 Lamsa, A. (1961) 12481 Lance, J. oe, 04147 Lance, J. (1964 08220 Landers, W.S. & R.C. Toner (1962) 09262 Landr, R.H. (1962) 01404 Lane, C.E. (1963) 10252 Lane, N.J. (1964) 4722314: to 11234 Lane, R.K. (1962 01052 Lang, С.А. (1963 05197 Lang, N.J. & P.W. Cook (1962) 08343 Langbein, W.B. (1961) 03096 Lange, N.0. N 01457 Lange, N.O. (1961 01458 Langer, E. ae 10166 Langer, E. (1964 08169 Langer, R.B. (1964) 10232 Lantz, A.W. (1961) 12307 12308 LAPÉROUSE (1963) 2nd Lapitskaia, L.N. (1961) 2nd Lapitskaya, L.N. (1963) 2nd LaRea, J.D. & H.M. Gilkey (1963) La Rivers, I. (1962) 2nd Larkin, I.L.M. (1963) 3rd Larmande, R. (1962) 2nd La Rocque, A. (1963) Laronde, M. Transl. (1962) Larraneta, M.G. & P. Suau (1963) Larras, J. (1961) 2nd Larrivee, D. & L. Archambault (1961) : Larsen, B. & A. Haug (1963) Larson, Y.C. (1961) 2nd Larsson, S. (1962) Lasker, R. eee Lasker, R. (1964) Lasker, R. & G.H. Theilacker (1962) Laskowska, H. & P. Olszewski (1959) Latham, E. (1962) Laubier, L. (1961) 2nd Laudet, P. (1963) Lauff, G.H. (1961) Laughton, A.S. (1961) Laughton, A.S. (1962) Laur, M.-H. (1963) 2nd Laurent, С. (Ed. ) (1961) Laurent, P.J. (1960) 05277 Lauzier, L.M. & J.H. Hull (1962) Laval, P. (1963) Lavallard, R. (1960) Laverack, M.S. ae Laverack, M.S. (1963 2nd Lavorko, V.S. (1961) Lavrenchik, V.N. (1962) 06336 Lavrenchik, V.N. et al. (1962) Lavrov, V.M. (1961 Lawler, G.H. (1961 2nd Lawler, G.H. (1961) Lawrence, J.M. (1961) Lawrie, A.H. & J.J. Tibbles 2nd Lawrie, R.G.G. (1962) Laws, R.M. (1960) Lawson, G.MW. a Lawton, G.W. (1961 2nd Lazareva, M.F. (1963) Lazaroff, N. & J. Schiff (1962) 2nd Lazurkevich, Z.V. & L.G. Zharova (1962) Lear, D.W. (1961) Lebedeva, M.N. (1963) 9:A46 01245 04056 | 04526 || 04527 ° 41 08312 || 02275 || 11258 (| 05397. 08317 {| 0158611 04516 /[ 03050 4 02143 || 11141 YA 06390 05216: Wi 01317, 10186 {| | 10191 || 06209 ( 03201 7 08325 0321 17% | 06385. | 08008 |. 101400 | 03203 10422 | O7367 ¡| 11083" 03208 #. 06353 № 03236 || 10552 A 12483. À 10489 || 12328 & 04598 | 06388 \ | 11090 08344 {| sel 01140: org 1 pes AUTHOR INDEX 9:A47 767 Lebedeva, M.N., E.J. Anistshenko & 2nd Lentz, T.L. (1964) 08293 J.A. Gorbenko (1961) 01141 2nd Leo, M.W.M. & P.W. Krey (1963) 05060 Lebout, H. (1961) 08085 Leonard, G.J. & K. Macdonald 2nd Lebout, Н. (1962) 08086 08111 (1963) 04237 2па Lebout, Н. & J. Aubert (1964) 11122 Leonard, J.E. (1962) 06131 Lebout, M.H. & Cortegiani (1961) 11125 Leonard, J.W. % S.A. Cain (1961) 12139 Lecal-Schlauder, J. (1961) 08197 2nd Leone, E. (1963) 03471 Lécher, P. (1963) 02159 2nd Leong, C.Y. (1963) 11237 Le Chuiton, F., L. Tanon % A. Leopold, A.S. (1963) 10492 Besson (1961) 07056 Lepeshkov, I.N. (1964) 09574 Leclaire, L. (1963) 05016 Le Pichon, X. & J.-P. Troadec | 3rd le Corroller, Y. (1961) 10352 (1963 04054 Le Cren, E.D. Mens 10046 10541 Lepley, L.K. (1962) 10139 Le Cren, E.D. (1962 08600 Leray, C. (1961 03428 Le Danois, Y. ah 02378 02431 Leray, C. & N. Carlon (1963) 03536 Le Danois, Y. a 09504 Leroy, C.C., D.J. Parkes & E.M. 2nd le Dantec, J. (1962 10281 Sirovich (1963) 09576 Lederis, K. (1962) 05267 LESKOV, (1961) 12283 Ledoyer, M. (1962) 08266 Lester, W.F. a 11106 2nd Lee, A.J. (1963) 11014 Lestev, A.V. (1961 04436 Lee, C.F. % S.F. Bruce (1962) 08397 Lestev, A.V. (М.Е. Ricker Lee, D.L. (1962 05404 Transl.) (1963) 04437 2nd Lee, J.J. (1963 07175 2nd Letunova, S.V. (1961) 06313 Lee, J.Y. (1961) 08466 Leus, S.I. (1959) 06541 | 2nd Lee, J.Y. (1961) 08454 Leus, S.I. (1961) 06543 Lee, М.О. (Zd.) (1964) 12170 Levaditi, J. et al. (1963) 03520 3rd Lee, R.D. (1961) 06604 Lever, R.J.A.W. (1963) 02254 Leedy, D.L. (1959) 07137 Levi, 6. (1961) 02141 Leenhardt, 0. (1963) 03051 Levi, E. (1963) 02085 | 2nd Leenhardt, O. & С. Veysseyre Leviel, R. (Comp.) (1960) 01071 (1963) 02270 Levieva, L.S. (1961) 12322 Leentvaar, P. (1961) 03338 Levin, E.Y. % K. Bloch (1964) 08352 Le Floch, J. a 03048 Levin, G.V. (1963) 10167 Le Floch, J. (1962 10121 Levin, O. (1963) 05598 Le Floch, J. (1963) 04059 Levine, J. (1961) 08102 | 2nd Le Floch, J. (1963) 04055 2nd Levshina, М.А. % V.A. Riabchenko Lefort, M. (1963) 02230 (1962) 07202 Legand, M. (1961) 04292 Levy, C.C. (1964) 11416 Legaré, J.E.H. (1961) 12166 12168 Lewallen, L.L. & W.H. Wilder Legenkov, A.P. (1963) 03057 (1962) 08159 | 2nd Lehman, H.E. (1963) 04221 Lewin, J.C. (1962) 03302 03303 Leiby, P.D. (1963) 10500 Lewin, В.А. о 03323 08345 Leifson, Е. (1963) 03255 Lewin, В.А. (Ed. ) (1962) 03031 Leitritz, E. (1962) 08495 Lewis, A.G. HE 02420 | Lekshmi, A. et al. (1962) 01270 Lewis, J.B. (1961 06489 2nd Lekshmy, A. (1961) 09369 Lewis, J.G.E. (1963) 04187 | Lemche, Н. (1963) 09180 Lewis, R.M. (1961) 12400 Lenel, R. (1961) 10266 Lewis, S.M. & W.A. Corpe (1964) 11154 Lenhard, G., W.R. Ross % A. Lewis, W.M. (1963 02421 du Plooy (1962) 01058 Lewitus, Z. & H. Schreiber Lenhoff, H.M. (1964) 08294 (1963 08291 Lenhoff, H.M. & J.R. Zwisler L'Hardy, J.-P. (1963) 02201 (1963) 08330 2nd Lichtenberg, J.J. (1963) 07132 Lennon, R.E. (1961) 11456 Lieder, U, (1961 04573 08528 Lentz, T.L. (1962) 02232 Lieder, U. (1962 10227 768 2nd end 3rd end end end end end end 3rd 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Lieneweg, F. (1962) Likens, G.E. (1963) Likins, R.C. % E.G. Berry (1963) Liley, R. (1962) Lilienterg, D.A., K.I. Mishev & V.I. Popov (1964) 1111, 0.6. (1962) Lillelunc, K. (1962) Lilly, Joc. (1962) Limarenko, I.M. (1961) Limbaugh, C. oe Lindberg, G. (1960 Lindberg, G. (1961) Lindblom, G.P. (1961) Lindeberg, B. en Linderoth, J. (1963 Lindsay, C.E. gr Lindsay, R.B. (1962 Ling, J.K. (1962) Ling, J.K. & R. Duggan (1962) Ling, S 5 Linn, В.Т. (1961) Linton, J.R. ER Linton, T.L. (1961 Lipanov, V.G. & P.I. Shestopalov (1961) Lipanov, V.G. & P.I. Shestopalov (M.A. Kravanja, Transl.) (1962) Lisitsyn, A.P. (1962) Lisiteyn, А.Р. & lu. L. Silin (1961) Lissmann, H.W. (1963) Lissmann, H.W. & K.E. Machin (1963) Liston, J. & В.В. Colwell (1961) Liston, J. & С.В. Hitz (1961) Littles В.Т, Те, (1963) Littlepage, J. (1962) Littlepage, J.L. & J.S. Pearse (1962) Liu, C.K. (1963) Liubimova, T.G. (1961) Liubimova, T.G. (W.E. Ricker Prana?) (1963) Liubitskaia, A.I. (1961) Liversidge, D. (Gammelgaard, A. W., Transl.) (1963) Liversidge, J.H. (1961) Livingston, J. (1960) Livingstone, D.A. (1963) 11043 2.3. (1962) Llewellyn, J. (1962) Lloyd, D. (1963) 06266 10172 09284 09552 12074 05038 08502 09486 03233 01303 06596 06597 01142 04233 08449 03225 07570 02455 11129 01478 12247 08584 08082 11434 12541 02325 02326 02029 12059 07550 01465 01143 10447 04225 09151 08302 04525 12393 12394 12458 12298 07428 12069 12129 08114 03421 07365 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end Lobashov, К.А. (1962) Lochner, J.P.A. & E.D. Smith (1963) Lockner, D. & K. Sletten (1964) Loddo, B. (1961) Loddo, B. & F, Del Fa (1961) Loeb, H.A. (1962) 07526 Loedolff, C.V. (1962) Löffler, H. Me Löffler, Н. (1961 Löve, A. & D, Löve (1963) Löve, D. (1963) Loewengart, S. (1961) Logvinenko, В.М. & Ia.l. Starobogatov (1962) Lohmeyer, W. & A. Miyawaki (1962) Lombard, G.L. dal LOMONOSSOV M. (1961 Long, N.D. (1964) Longinelli, A. & V. Togliatti (1962) Loof, Р.А.А. (1961) Loosanoff, V.L. (1962) Loosanoff, V.L. & H.C. Davis (1963) Loosmore, F.A. (1963) Lopez, M.T. (1961) Lopez, R.B. (1963) Lépez Rojas, G. (1963) Lord, N.W. (1962) 07004 Lord, N.W. (1964) Lord, P. (Ed.) & F.L. Thomas (1963) Lorimer, P.D. (1963) Lothians River Purif.Bd (1961) LOTUS (1962) Loud, A.V. & Y. Mishima (1963) Louis, A. (1962) Louis, C. (1960) Love, C. (1960) Love, D.L. & D. Sam (1962) Lovett, J.R. ees Lovett, Т.В. (1963 Lovett, M. ne Lowe, R.H. (1962 Lowenstam, Н.А. & М.Н. Nesson (1963) Lowestoft and North Suffolk Field Naturalists’ Club (1962) Lowman, F.G. (1963) Lowy, J. & B.M. Millman (1962) Lozano Cabo, F. (1960) Lozovik, V.I. (1963) Lubert, P. & J.-P, Pujol (1963) 9:A48 11110 06492 11365 06106 05025 07529 11260 04084 12121 10022 10022 01054 03231 07282 12522 08004 - = 11157 10238 07364 08569 03481 06363 10368 04281 06023 09029 07005 11028 02252 06033 03079 03561 07571 * 08261 11278 11079 06081 04081 10045 12411 ; 07231 : 04044 10198 05142 07470 04468 | 04239 7° À y + Qt A 2nd end end 2nd 2nd end 2nd end 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Lubet, P. & C. Bourgart (1964) Lubet, P.E. & C.M. Michel (1962) Lubyanov, I.P. (1961) Lucas, С.Е. & А.Т. Lee (1963) Lucas, J.W. (1962) Luchterowa, A. (1962) Lüdemann, D. & H. Kayser (1961) Lühmann, M. & H. Mann (1962) Lützen, J. (1961). Lützen, J. ee Ltitzen, Liitzen, J. (1964 Lufty, R.G. (1960) Lukashov, V.N. (1961) Lukasik, S.J. & С.Е. Grosch (1963) Luk'ianenko, V.I. (1964) Luk'ianenko, V.I. & В.А. Flerov (1963) Lund, J.W.G. (1961 Lund, J.W.G. er Lund, J.W.G. (1962 Lund, J.W.G. & I. Manton (1962) Lund, J.W.G., F.J.H. Mackereth & C.H. Mortiner (1963) Lundbeck, J. feet Lundblad, 0. (1962 Lunger, P.duPont (1962) Lupo, C. (1963) Lupo, C. & G. Chieffi (1963) Lur'e, lu.lu. & V.A. Panova (1962) Lursinsap, A. (1962) Lus, V.Ya. & A.P. Kuznetsov (1961) Таз, V.Ya. & А.Р. Kuznetsov (1962) Lutz, H.R. (1961) Lux, Р.Е. (1961) Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01548 01551 Luxembourg. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 02555 02557 05577 Luxoro, M. ah Luxoro, M. (1964 Luzhin, B.P. (1961) 01470 Lvovich, A.I. (1963) L'vovich, M.I. (1961) Lyman, J. (1964) Lynch, D.D. de) Lynch, J.H. (1960 Lynch, R.G. (1961) 03376 AUTHOR INDEX 11158 08269 01231 11014 04107 07362 08336 06507 09249 09436 10064 10065 02224 12478 11044 11395 08512 08355 06300 06407 04138 07333 08379 08357 05104 04487 01314 nts 01089 06329 06330 10426 12386 to 02556 05576 11566 01174 12230 01471 02098 12578 12026 09291 01239 07158 end 2nd 2nd end end end 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Lynn, R.J. see Lyon, C.J. (1963 Lyon, W. (1963) Éysak, A, 11303} Lysak, A. (1962 Lytle, C.F. (1964) Lyubimova, T.G. (1961) Lyubimova, T.G. (ANON, Transl. ) (1962) Lyutsarev, S.V. (1962) Maar, A. (1960) Macan, T.T. (1961) Macan, Т.Т. (1963) MacAskie, I.B. & C.R. Forrester (1962) MacDonald, J.F. (1962) Macdonald, K. (1963) Macdonald, W.W. (1962) Macfadyen, A. (1963) MacFarlane, C.I. (1962) MacGregor, D.G. Ha MacGregor, J.J. (1963 Machin, K.E. (1963) Macias, R.F.M. (1962) Mack, J.D. % G. Majino (1963) Mackay, M.M. ME Mackay, R.S. (1964) Mackellar, A.C. (1962) Mackenthun, K.M. (1961) Mackenthun, K.M. (1962) Mackenzie, K.V. en Mackenzie, K.V. (1962 Mackenzie, W. Mackereth, F Mackereth, F Mortimer ( Mack-Fira, Mackie, G.0. (1962) Mackiewicz, J.S. & R. McCrae (1962) Macleod, R.A. (1963) Macleod, В.А. & Т.Т. (1962) MacPherson, J.D. (1962) MacPherson, J.D. & М.О. Fothergill (1962) Macpherson, J.H. (1963) MacRae, Z.K. (1964) Madagascar. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Madagascar. etc. (1963) Matula Laws, Statutes, 02480 10535 02226 769 10083 09097 02082 02485 03537 08295 03445 03446 02032 12527 08360 08051 01305 08478 04237 05181 02018 08021 01022 06427 01465 08341 03591 09240 08486 06010 06393 04253 07060 07110 04290 06212 07333 08282 08212 05365 03214 12235 07002 07063 09583 06410 01494 02510 05443 05578 05579 770 2nd 3rd . 2nd end end 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Maddux, W.S. (1962) Madras. Department of Fisheries (1963) Maeda, H. (1963) Maeda, H. & Y. Nakada (1963) Maeda, Y. (1963) Mäemets, A. (1961) Märki (1962) Maeshige, S. (1963) Maetz, J. ее, Maffi, М. (1962 Magaard, 1. (1961) Magar, N.G. (1964) Maggio, R. € C. Catalano (1963) Magis, N. (1962) Magnin, E. (1960) Magnuson, J.J. (1963) Mahadevan, S. (1962) Mahadevan, S., K. Rangarajan & C. Sankarankutty (1962) Maharashtra. Department of Fisheries (1961) Maharashtra. Government of. (1961-62) Maharashtra State. Department of Fisheries (1962 Maitland, P.S. (1962 Maizuru Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Maizuru Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section & Hakodate Marine Observatory. Oceanographical Section (1963) Majino, G. (1963) Majorova, А.А. & Т.Е, Safyanova (1960) | Majorova, А.А. & K.S. Tkacheva (1960) Majumdar, G. (1961) Majumdar, G. % S.K. Sain (1961) Makarov, V.V. (F.D. Por, Transl.) (1962) Makinodan, Y. y H. Amano & М. Simidu e: Mako, H. (1963 Makow, D.M. (1962) Makushok, M.E. SE Makushok, V.M. (1961 Makushok, V.M. (Gosline, A.R. & W.A. Gosline, rans » 5 (1963) Malacca. Tropical Fish Culture Research Institute (n.d.1963?) Malagasy Republic. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 08257 11023 09405 09404 02362 12146 06229 04160 10494 05190 08066 06469 11170 10181 07461 04460 07383 05133 10029 04039 12039 06227 09057 09056 03591 07430 07431 07506 07505 01179 09340 09464 06007 10453 12395 12396 12049 02511 02512 02513 end end end end 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end Malakhov, S.G. & L.D. Solodikhina (1961) Malaya. Federation of.Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Maldonado, H. (1963) Malhotra, S.K. (1963) Mali. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Malig, J.B. (1962) Malinovskaia, A.S. de Malinovskaya, A.S. (1961 Malins, D.C. & C.R. Houle (1961) Malkus, J. (1961) Malkus, J.S. (1963) Malkus, J.S., С. Ronne & М. Chaffee (1961) Malkus, W.V.R. & G. Veronis (1961) Mallet, L. (1961) Malone, J.R. (1961) Malone, T.E. & K.K. Hisaoka (1963) Malovitskaia, L.M. (1961) Malyukina, G.A. (1964) 09241 Malz, F. (1962) Mamaev, О.Т. (1964) Mamiya, H. a Mamuro, T. (1962 Mamuro, T. % T. Azuma (1961) Mancini, M. (1964) Mancy, K.H. & W.C. Westgarth (1962) Mandel, J. (1962) Manders, C.R.S. (1964) Manfredi Romanini, M.G. (1962) Mangelsdorf, P.C. (1962) Mangold-Wirz, K. (1961) Mangum, C.P. (1963) Manier, J.-F. & В. Ormiéres (1962) Manitoba. (1963) Maniwa, R. Mt Maniwa, Y. (1962 Maniwa, Y. (1963 Mann, G.F. (1961 Mann, Н. eh Mann, 1962 Mann, H. (1965 Mann, Н. & 0.J. Schmid (1961) Mann, K.H. (1961) Mann, K.H. % M.J. Tyler (1963) Mann, M.J. (1962) Laws, Statutes, etc. 9:A50 01552 05534 05483 12444 12448 06057 05533 05535 11186 05051 05580 07380 02271 02272 05215 08100 06059 08099 08123 03082 03089 05276 12175 12446 06197 11052 pry 04542 10156 06116 09326 04088 01592 08030 ! 05319 06082 08458 11190 01330 11560 01197 10424 04458 10568 08561 06507 10183 06157 06412 12530 02413 À 2] 4 | J À | Manning, R.B. en 01184 3rd Manning, R.B. (1962 Mansfield, A.W. (1963) Manso, J.M. (1962) Mansueti, R.J. ee Mansueti, R.J. (1963 Manteifel', B.P. & V.R. Protasov (1964) Mantellino, S. (1962) Manter, Н.И. & М.Н. Pritchard (1962) Manton, I. dea) Manton, I. (1962 Manton, I. & M. Parke (1962) Manton, S.M. (1964) Manukhin, B.N. (1961) Manwell, C. (1960 Manwell, C. I Manzhos, A. (1961 Marak, R.R. et al. (1962) Marcel, R. (1963) Marchal, Е. (1961) Marche-Marchad, I. (1963) Marchetti, R. (1962) Marchetti, R., V. Noseda & F, Chiesa (1962) Marcotte, A. een Marcotte, A. ate Marcotte, A. (L. Rowdon, Transl. ) eas Marcus, E. (1962 Marcus, E. & E. Marcus (1962) Marechal, L.R. (1963) Margalef, В. DER Margalef, R. (1961 01414 02220 08191 Margineanu, С. & Gh. Serpoianu (1961) Marichal, М. & В. Benoit (1962) Markman, B. & J. Runnstrom (1963) Markosian, А.К. EL Markosyan, A.K. (1961 Markov, S.V. & S.K. Klumov (1963) Markowski, S. ae Markowski, S. (1963 Marks, B.L. (1962) Marler, J.E. (1963) Marlier, 0. an Marlier, G. (1963 Marova, N.A. (1964) Marr, J.W.S. (1964) | Marrè, Е. TA |2па Marre, G. (1962 12042 10208 01405 12325 12492 06516 08371 12449 05367 07408 04252 04138 03187 12227 12210 12581 11329 12504 06283 03266 02379 03206 05382 05246 01337 08492 08385 10300 10300 10223 07276 08190 08217 08179 03102 08248 1401232 01233 11304 07563 07561 12610 11148 12130 04046 11063 12171 03308 08506 AUTHOR INDEX Mars, Р. (1960) Marsh, H.W. (1962 Marsh, H.W. SEE Marsh, H.W. (1963 Marsh, H.W. % M. Schulkin (1962) Marshall, N. (1963) Marshall, N.B. ee, Marshall, N.B. (1963 Marshall, S.M. & A.P, Orr (1962) Marthins, J.K. (1962) Martin, A.W. (1963 Martin, L.J. (1961 Martin, W.E. (1962 Martin, W.R. (1960 Martinkôwitz, H. (1962) Marty, I.I. (1963) Marzolf, G.R. (1963) Masai, H. fee Masai, Н. (1963 Mascia, V. (1960) Mashiko, K, & K. Jozuka (1964) Mashkevich, T. (1961) Masironi, R. % I. Cacciari (1962) Masiuk, N.P. en Masiuk, N.P. (1961 Maskadynia, V.G. (1961) Maslov, N.A. (1961) Mason, J. (1962) Mason, K.M. ely Mason, W.P. (1963 Masse, H. (1962) Massjuk, N.P. (1962) Massmann, М.Н. & R.J. Mansueti (1963) Masson, M. & C. Delamare Deboutteville (1962) Massonet, R. & J.P. Moatti (1961) Massuti, M. (1961) Masyuk, N.P. (1961) Mather, F.J. III (1962) Mather, F.J. (1963) Mathisen, J.S. deal Mathisen, O.A. (1962 Mathur, D.S. (1962) Matlak, O. (1963) Matoni3kin, I. & 2. Pavletié (1961) 03112 Matsubara, K. & T. Iwai (1959) 2nd Matsuda, N. (1963) 2nd Matsudaira, C. (1963) 2nd 09019 2nd 3rd end 2nd end 02380 end end 02440 9:A51 09104 771 07290 07291 07115 07061 09020 07112 03218 09442 02418 03158 07075 05121 04340 05235 01322 08509 11069 05175 05256 09406 10365, 09519 12061 02155 01250 01251 12078 06517 04454 07154 07049 08267 07306 08371 02381 05352 08207 06320 10439 09407 05275 02484 12569 07316 03337 08429 04580 09053 172 2nd 2nd 3rd end 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Matsui, I. & M. Amio (1963) Matsui, T. Hess Matsui, Y. (1963 Matsumoto, F. (1963) Matsumura, Т., T. Ishiyama & T, Mamuro (1962 Matsuno, M. (1961 Matsusaka, M. (1963) Matsushima, M. (1964) Matsuura, F., K. Hashimoto & K. Yamaguchi (1963) Matsuura, S. (1962) Mattern, H. (1962) Mattheis, Th. (1961) Matthes, H. (1960) Matthews, D.C. (1963 Matthews, D.H. (1961 Matthews, J.P. (n.d. Mattisson, A.G.M. (1962) Mattox, K.R. (1962) Matuda, K. (1963) Matula, T.I. (1962) Mauchline, J. & W.L. Templeton (1963) Maurin, Cl. (1961) Maurin, Cl. & S. Di Meglio (1961) Mauritania. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Mauritius. Department of Agriculture (1963) Maury, M.F. (1963) Maxwell, A.E. & J.M. Snodgrass (1962) May, B.Z. een Mayer, R. (1961 Maynard, D.M. (1961) Maynard, D.M. & H. Dingle (1963) Mazia, D. (1963) Mazières, J. ces Mazieres, J. (1963) Mazza, J. (1961) McAlear, J.H. (1963) McAlister, E.D. Men McAlister, W.B. (1962 McAllister, C.D. et al. (1961) McAllister, D.E. (1961 McAllister, D.E. cee McAllister, R.F. (1962 McBay, L.G. (1961) McBean, R.L. eres McCaig, R.S. (1962 McCandless, D.W. (1964) McCann, C. (1962) McCannon, D. (1962) 09280 09188 i 09347 10156 05413 10152 10544 09341 02393 07307 08529 12516 09182 08097 12392 10322 05172 04277 12235 01032 08288 08433 11495 07033 11012 06098 08178 08199 03237 07258 10250 10275 06347 08195 07228 11074 05013 08182 10457 11392 06075 10547 11320 08536 08484 06503 02101 McCarraher, D.B. (1962) 2nd McCartney, B.S. (1962) 2nd McCaskie, R.G. (1960 McCauley, J.E. (1960 McCauley, J.E. (1964 McCauley, R.W. (1961) 10506 2nd McClelland, P.H. & R.L. Boster (1964) McCombie, A.M. (1960) McConnell, V., M.L. Clay & R.B. Kauffman (1961 McCormack, J.C. (1962 McCormick, H.W. Seo McCracken, F.D. (1960 McCrae, A.W.R. & М.А. Prentice (1963) 2nd McCrae, R. (1962) McCrae, R.C. (1962) 2nd McCullough, C.B. (1963) McDermott, J.P. (1962) McDiarmid, A. (1960) McDowall, R.M. ae McElheny, V.K. (1964 McGinty, Th. (1962) 2nd McGowan, J.A. eer McGrath, C.J. (1960 2nd McGregor, J. (1961) McIntyre, A.D. haze: 3rd McIntyre, A.D. (1962 McIntyre, A.D. ae McKenney, T ER McKenney, T.W. (1961 McKenzie, R.A. & S.N. Tibbo (1960) 2nd McKinney, C.M. (1962) 2nd McLain, A.L. (1962) 2nd McLaughlin, D.J. (1962) 2nd McLaughlin, J.J.A. & J.B. Wittenberg (1963) McLaughlin, J.J.A. & P.A. Zahl (1962) McLaughlin, W.R. (1962) McLean, C.A. Transl. (1965) McLoon, C. (1962) McMahon, J.W. (1964) McMaster, R.L. (1960) 10086 McMichael, D.F. fe 07013 McMichael, D.F. (1964 McMillan, N.F. a McMillan, N.F. (1963 McMillan, N.F. & A.W. Stelfox (1961) McNeely, R.L. (1963) McNeely, R.L. & W.T. Pereyra (1961) 9:A52 03552 06449 02419 10255 11317 12480 11089 01222 05193 08564 93009 01323 04570 05365 05366 04256 08585 10490 10497 08023 08229 03134 10503 07591 02206 08314 01118 02409 02411 01321 07045 01406 08254 04130 03377 03012 12399 06080 10509 10087 09181 09250 06398 09568 07524 04304 03230 AUTHOR INDEX 773 McNeil, W.J. (1962) 05322 Menzies, R.J. vat 12217 McNeill, F. (1963) 07260 Menzies, R.J. (1962 10291 McNulty, J.K., В.С. Work & Н.В. 2nd Menzies, R.J. & M.C. Baëescu Moore (1962) 07241 10135 (1962 02148 McWhinnie, M.A. & R.J. Kirchenberg 2nd Mercer, F.V. (1963) 08249 (1962) 03238 Merla, G. (1962) 02476 Mead, G.W. ou 02304 2nd Merlini, М. (1963) 10235 3rd Mead, J.F. (1963 04144 Merna, J.W. (1962) 06295 Mead, T. (1961) 02330 2nd Mero, J. & J. Korkisch 2nd Meadows, P.S. (1962) 10282 (1964) 08104 Meadows, P.S. & G.B. Williams Mero, J.1.(1964) 11072 (1963 01169 Mero, J.L. co 04012 Medcof, J.C. (1962) 01021 2nd Merola, A. (1960 03183 Medcof, J.C. (1963) 11263 Merrell, T.R. Da 12473 Mednikov, B.M. (1961) 12172 Merrett, N.R. (1963 04444 Meek, G.A. & S. Bradbury (1963) 03369 Merrill, A.S. (1961) 12207 12208 Meeuse, B.J.D. (1962) 03290 Merrill, A.S. ee 08242 Megard, R.O. vn 05165 2nd Merrill, A.S. (1962 07242 2па Mehara, К.К. (1962 07393 end Messaingurial, Г. & В. Court 3rd Mehr, Е. (1962) 06120 + (1962) 11108 Meinck, F. (1961) 03594 Messenger, J.B. oa 12198 Meinschein, W.G., B. Nagy & D.Y. Messikommer, E. (1961 07200 | Hennessy (1963) 03014 Met, F.A. (1960) 10009 2nd Meister, R. (1963) 11126 Metalli, P. % E. Ballardin | Mellen, R.H. (1964) 06066 (1962) 05151 Mellinger, J. (1962) 03417 2nd Metcalf, А.Т. (1962) 01436 Mel'nikov, G.B. (1962) 02245 Metcalf, A.L. & D.A. Distler Mel'nikov, G.B. et al. (1962) 02245 (1961 02454 Mel'nikov, G.B. et al. (1963) 02246 METEOR, II (1963) 02010 04017 Melton, J.L. (1962) 11599 Metter, D.E. (1961) 07518 2nd Melzack, R. & J.R. Segal (1963) 11444 2nd Mettrick, D.F. (1961) 06575 | Menache, М. (1963) 05019 Metzler, D.F. (1961) 07141 3rd Menasveta, D. (1962) 02448 Meurling, P. Me 05271 | Menasveta, Deb. (1961) 05392 Meusy, J.-J. (1963 02213 | 2nd Mendieta, H.B. (1962) 06224 Mexico. Laws, Statutes, etc. | 2nd Mendis, A.H.W. (1963) 09353 (1963) 05444 05445 | Menendez, N. (1960 07087 2nd Meyer, С.М. & Н.А. Tanner (1963) 07312 2nd Menkel, M.F. (1961 08164 Meyer, F.P. & J.H. Stevenson Menno, D.V. (1963) 03389 (1962) 03542 Meno, X. (1959) 08439 Meyer, G.H. et al. (1963) 05176 Menon, A.G.K. (1962 07536 Meyer, H., W. Paape & M. Rahner Menon, M.A.S. a 09506 (1962) 05077 Menon, M.A.S. (1963 09505 Meyer, M.C. & R. Vik (1961) 07405 Menon, M.K. & K. Raman (1961) 09520 Meyer, R.E. & M.C. Shen (1962) 10150 Menon, P.K.B. & A.K. DattaCupta Meyer-Lindenberg, H. (1961) 11530 (1962) 03263 2nd Meyer-Waarden, Р.Р. Mer 04113 2nd Menon, P.K.B. & P. Johnson Meyer-Waarden, P.F. (1962 08032 (1963) 04188 2nd Meyers, S.P. & K.M. Kamp (1962) 03179 | 3rd Menon, T.R. (1962) 01269 Meyers, S.P., М.А. Feder & К.М. | 2nd Menzel, D.W. (1961) 03062 03063 Tsue (1963) 07229 | 03064 Meyling, A.H. & G.H. Frank | 2nd Menzel, D.W. Ea 05027 (1962) 11096 2nd Menzel, R.W. (1962 08241 2nd Miaczynski, T. (1961) 06530 | Menzel, R.W. or 03220 Miaczynski, T. & E. Rudzinski 2nd Menzel, R.W. (1964 12228 (1961) 06529 9: 453 774 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Miami University, Coral Gables Fla. Marine Laboratory (1962) Michael, R.G. (1962) MICHAIL LOMONOSSOV (1961) Michel, C.M. (1962) Michel, P. (1961) Middlebrook, J.B. & R.O. Bowman (1964) Miessner, B.F. (1962) Miettinen, J.K. (1963) Mihursky, J.A. (1962) Mikawa, M. (1963) MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV (1962) Mikhaflov, V.S. (1960) Mikhal'tsev, I.E. (1961) Miki, T. (1964) Mikulich, id (1962) Miles, 5, (1963) Milewski, 5. Е .) (1963) Millar, В.Н, 1962) Millard, N.A.H. (1962) Millen, E. et al. (1964) Miller, A.R. (1964 Miller, D.C. (1962 Miller, H.B. (1963 Miller, I.M. & H.B. Woodruff (1961) Miller, J.A. (1963) Miller, J.D.A. (1962) Miller, M.C. tees) Miller, R.G. (1961 Miller, R.M., C.M. Meyer & H.A. Tanner (1963) Miller, R.R. bes} Miller, R.S. (1962 Millman, B.M. (1962) Millott, N. (1963) Milne, NICE Godfrey (1964) Milne, K.L. (1963) Milner, H.B. (1963) Milojevic, M. (1960) Milovanovis, D. (1959) Milton, A.S. (1962) Mimoto, K. & S. Higasa dr Mimoto, K. & S. Higasa (1963 Mimura, K. (1962) Min, Y. (1963) Minckley, W.L., J.E. Craddock & Т.А. Krumholz (1963) Minder, L.P. (1961) Minei, H. (1963) Minelli, G. & И.С. Rossini (1961 Mines, A.N. (1962) Minkina, E.A. (1962) 04176 07208 08073 08269 08181 11153 07401 08552 05346 09478 02048 07552 02027 11156 12220 06587 12571 05125 02145 12550 07009 05105 06465 01133 02060 03293 11201 03021 07312 02021 10205 05142 08037 10519 09183 08015 06200 02221 05162 09455 04394 09479 09319 10537 12323 09270 05359 03390 07301 2nd Minowa, K. (1963) Mio, S. (1962) Miquelis, E. Het Miquelis, G. (1961 Mira, E. (1962) (1964) Miranovié, М. (1962) Mirica, Gh. (1961) Mironova, N.V. (1961) Mishev, K.I. & V.I. Popov (1964) Mishima, 5. Mishima, 5. Mishima, Y. (1963 Misra, K.S. (1962 Mission Socio-Economique du Soudan. 1957-1958 (1960) Mistakidis, M.N. & G. de D. + Neiva (1964) Mito, S. (1963) 1962 1962 Mitra, B. (1962) Mitskevich, I.N. (1961) Mitson, R.B. (1963) Mittermayer, C. (1963) Miwa, K. (1963 Miwa, M. (1964 Miyahara, T. (1962) Miyake, Se , К. Sakai & 5. Nishikawa (1962) Miyake, Y. (1963) Mirakhmedov, M. % A. Sharipova 07439 09128 09131 01138 Miyake, Y. & Y. Sugiura (1962) Miyamoto, H. & А.Т. Shariff (1961) Miyamoto, H., S.D. Deshpande % N.A. George (1962) Miyamoto, Y. , К. Nakamura & K. Takizawa (1963) Miyauchi, D., M. Eklund « V. Stout (1962) Miyauchi, D. et al. (1963) 2nd Miyawaki, A. (1962 Miyazaki, C. (1962 Miyazaki, C. (1963 Miyazaki, M. ee? Miyazaki, M. (1963 Mizelle, J.D. (1962) Mizelle, J.D. & C.E. Price (1964) Mizue, К. A 3rd 2nd Mizue, K. (1963 Mizue, K. (1964 Mizue, K., K. Yoshida & 5, Sonoda (1964) 3rd 9:A54 F, 03027 09417 . 02394 * 11124 08180 05289 ; 12132 № 12311 y 08034 lu 02310 | > < 12074 09509 09413 03561 09507 + 12362 1 01274 08225 10385 10383 4 07282 A 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd + 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd Mjalo, E.G. (1960) 3rd Moatti, J.P. (1961) Mobberly, W.C. Jr. (1962 Mobberly, W.C. Jr, (1963 Mohammed, S.T. ie Mohanrao, G.J. Mohiuddin, S.Q. Mohiuddin, S.Q.. Mohlenbrock, R.H. (1963) Mohr, H. (1961 Mohr, H. (1962 Mohr, Н. (1963 Mohr, J.L. et al. (1961) Mohsen, T, (1962) 1961 1962 1962 04131 04342 Mohsen, T. & C. Tourrette (1962) Moiseev, P.A. (1961) Moldovanyi, I. (1962) Molinier, R. (1961) Molinier, R. & J. Picard (1961) Molnar, B. (1962) Molnár, G. & I. T8lg dr: Molnar, G. & I. Tolg (1963 Molnar, M. (1962) Moment, G.B. He Monaghan, В. 1962 Monakhov, F.I. (1961) Monakov, A.V. Monakovy A.V. 1959 1961 | 06585 Monchadskii, A.S. & E.V. Burmakin (1961) Monchadskii, A.S. & E.V. Burmakin (1963) Monchenko, V.I. (1961) Monniot, С. Monniot 9 с. 1961 1962 Monroy, А. & A. Tyler (1963) G. (1961 5. (1961 Montgomery, H.A.C. & N.S. Thom Montalenti, Monteriolo, (1962) Montgomery, R.B. & E.D. Stroup (1962) Montreuil, J. & Y. Boilly- Marer (1963) Moona, J.C. (1962) Mooney, C.S. (1962) Moore, D. (1961) Moore, D.R. (1962) Moore, D.R. & G. Gunter Moore, D.R. & R.C. Work 1962 1961 01211 10299 Moore, G.W., C.E. Roberson & H.D. Nygren (1962) Moore, H.B. Moore, I.J. 1962 1964 07241 AUTHOR INDEX 03328 05352 05180 04262 03372 05048 04449 04302 07320 06504 08400 04459 01216 05313 05401 12383 05306 08276 08287 05403 07483 11397 03335 08300 08131 06055 06310 06311 06552 06551 12181 02382 01122 71171 10036 03094 06137 04061 03265 09536 07576 11349 10285 02205 02203 06113 10135 06416 2nd 2nd end 3rd end 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd end end 2nd end end end end end 2nd end 3rd end Moore, J.A. Moore, J.C. Moore, J.E. Moore, K.E. Moose, P.H, & H.R. Gordy (1961) A.S. Milton (1962) (1961) dra (1964) 1963) H. & Morales, Р.В. & Е. Ottmann (1961) Morawa, F. Morelli, C. Morelli, С. Moreuil, J. (1962) (1964) 4 M. Pisani (1962) -L. (1963) Morgan, G.B. (1961) Morgan, J.J. Eee Norgan, J.R. Morii, PF. Morii 9 A Morio, T, Morioka, K, +962) 1962) u 1963 (1962) 11290 Morisaburo, T. (Kim, H.C., Transl.) (1959) Morishita, T. (1963) Morita, C.M. oe Morita, R.Y. (1963 Morita, R.Y. & S.D. Burton (1963) Moriyasu, S. (1963) Moroni, A. Morooka, N. Morovié, D. Morovic, D. Morozov, M. Morrill, J. Morrill, P. (1962) 1962 1960 07191 07194 1961 у. син В. (1963 А. & А.Р. Franceschetti (1961) Могг1з, М.-Е. (1963) Morris, Р.А. (1962) Morris, R.A. A Morrison, Р. 1962 Morselli, M.F. & J. Wansor (1963) Morskoi, G. E. (1964) Mortimer, C.H. (1963) Mortimer, M.A.E. (1960) Morton, R.J. (1962) Moser, P. & W. Kuhn ня Mosher, H.S. et al, 1964 Moskalenko, V.N. (1963) Moskalev, L.I. (1964) Moss, D.D. Moss, D.D. Moss, M.L. Moss, M.L. Motais, R. Motoda, S. Motoda, S. 9: 455 (1962) & D.C. Scott (1961) (1962) % M. Freilich (1963) & J. Maetz (1964) (1963) & T. Kawamura (1961) 775 12036 07396 08081 05162 06128 12104 08524 12110 06095 01020 06254 06383 12115 02059 02196 11291 04373 01476 07167 10423 11145 11146 09085 to 09176 07469 08467 12361 10348 08101 04251 01525 09389 09425 10221 12082 07333 12525 05056 01426 10429 11065 12196 05344 06569 05315 11385 10494 11118 01075 776 3rd 2nd end 2nd 2nd 3rd end 2nd end end 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Motoda, S. et al. (1963) Motohiro, Т, (1963) 09373 Motohiro, T. & M. Akiba (1963) Motte, J. % G. Valet (1960) Motwani, M.P. (1961) Motwani, M.P. & C.B. (1961) Moulton, J.M. (1962) Mount, D.I. (1962) Mounter, Г.А. & В.М. (1963) Movchan (1960) Mowat, Т.А. (1963) Moyse, J. (1963) Moyse, J. & A.N. Smith (1963) Mozzi, С. & A.—M. Varagnolo (1961) Msangi, A.S. (1961) Msuya, P. el Mucha, V. (1962 Müller, H. Her Múller, K. (1960 Müller, K. ee Múller, W. (1961 Mueller, W.P. (1962) Münch, F. (1961) Münzing, J. (1959) Mugaas, N. Be Muir, B.S. (1960 Muir-Wood, H.M. (1962) Mukerji, B. (1962) Mukhacheva, V.A. (1959) Mulford, В.А. (1963) Mulherkar, L. & G.V. Sherbet (1963) Mullan, J.W. & R.S. McCaig (1962) Muller, J. (1962) Mullin, M.M. & D.W. Thomas (1963) Mullins, L.J. (1962) Mun, А.Т. & В.Е. Zhaimina (1962) Munda, I. (1961) 08278 Munir-ul-Islam, S.M. € M.R. Qureshi (1962) Munk, О. (1963) Munshi, J.S.D. (1964) Munske, R.E. (1964) Murachi, S. но Murad, E.T. (1963 Muragin, F.P. (1961) Murakami, Y. % K. Daiku (1962) Murakami, Y. & T. Onbe (1962) Muralova, A.I. (1961) Srivastava Cheatham V.A. & G.S. Shuliak 09155 11288 11287 07293 10570 11285 09216 10575 05332 03512 07283 06350 06316 08183 07363 04571 01585 08501 12514 03163 08530 05075 11531 04511 04347 01450 10277 05329 03441 03157 05186 08536 07330 03135 05203 12124 08285 04301 09408 11411 11056 09559 06592 12283 02193 09476 12203 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end end end end end Muraoka, J.S. (1962) Murata, K. (1963) Murata, K. (1963) Murayama, K. & Y. Yamashita (1962) Muroya, Y. & M. Sato (1963) Murphey, S.R. (1962) D. G. pe G.I. (1962 J. & J.P. Riley (1962) F.V. (1963) J.W. (1962) Murray, J.W. Ne M.D. (1962 Musacchia, X.J. (1964) Musil, J. (1962) Musser, J.J. (1962) Muto, S. (1962) MuZinié, В. (1964) Myers, G.S. (1963) Myers, J. (1962) Myers, J. (1963) 05205 Myers, J. & J.-R. Graham (1963) Myrland, P. (1962) NAS/NRC(US). Committee on Soil and Water Conservation of the Agricultural Board (1961) NEAFC (1964) NODC (1963) NPFSC (1963) Nadi, A.F.E. & М. (1960) Nagabhushanan, К. Ammar (1962) (1964) & L. Philpott 06220 07267 07270 Nagabhushanam, R. Nagabhushanam, R. (1962) Nagakura, K. BL Naganuma, K. (1964 Nagao, Z. (1963) Nagappan Nayar, K. (1961) Nagasaki, F. (1961) Nagasaki Marine Observatory (1960) 01039 Nagasaki Marine Observatory (1961) 01040 Nagasaki Marine Observatory. Oceanographic Section (1963) Nagata, Y. (1964) Nagatake, H. & Y. Tomiyasu (1963) Nagaty, H.F. & T.M. Abdel Aal 1962) 01378 09086 9:A56 05241 07407 4 06221 to 10234 09263 09362 07099 02116 09433 04478 01043 £ | 01044 Y 09087 10163 0 03409 Л Nagayama, F., H. Hiraide & K, Sano (1962) Nagayama, M. (1961) Nagayoshi, S. € Т. Kazuno (1963) Naguib, M. (1961) Nagy, B. & D.Y. Hennessy (1963) Nahhas, F.M. (1962) Naidu, K.V. (1962) Nair, G.U. (1962 Nair, R.S. ee Nair, R.S. (1962 Naistein, S.Ya. et al. (1962) Najarian, H.H. (1961) Najarian, Н.Н. et al. (1961) Мака, K.-I. € S. Chichibu (1964) Nakada, Y. (1963) Nakagawa, Н. % T. Adachibara (1960) Nakagome, Nakagome, J. Nakagome, J. Hs Nakahisa, Y. Nakai, N. Nakai, Z. Nakamura, A. ( Nakamura, E.L. (1962) Nakamura, H, Nakamura, K. & K. Kitabayashi (1964) Nakamura, (1963) Nakamura, M. (1961) Nakamura, M., I. Matsui & М. Amio (1963) Nakamura, T. (1962) Nakano, I. (1961) Nakano, I, (1961) Nakano, M. & S. Unoki (1962) Nakano, T. % Y. Tsuchiya (1962) Nakao, Y. (1963) Nakashima, K. & K. Kojima (1962) Nakatani, R.E. en Nakatani, R.E. (1962 Nakatani, R.E. & R.F. Foster (1963) Nakayama, T.0.M. (1962) Nakazawa, S. (1962) Nalbandoglu, U, (1960) Nambu, M. & K. Hosokawa (1964) Nambu, S. (1961) Nan'niti, Т., Н. Akamatsu & М. Iwamiya (1963) Nan'niti, T., S. Koizumi & H. Usui (1962) Naqvi, R.H. (Ed.) (1962) Narahashi, T. (1963) К. «К. Takizawa Jo 02337 AUTHOR INDEX 02277 02037 11398 04114 03014 05380 07207 10373 07382 01275 06234 10339 10564 08305 09404 07134 02336 04426 10435 07223 10173 10073 02055 01301 09309 09363 08225 07448 09280 03404 12536 12138 02056 02278 09271 04424 08520 04066 06255 03299 03315 07085 09560 06206 09058 09185 04037 1457 end end end end end 3rd end 3rd end end 3rd end end end Narasako, Y. & T. Takeda (1962) Naruse, U. (1963) Nasir, P. (1964) Nasu, К. eS Nasu, K. (1963 Nasu, N. (1962) 09063 Nasu, N. & M. Horikoshi (1962) Nasu, №, Н. Kagami & J. Chujo (1962) Natal Parks Game & Fish Preservation Board (1960-61) Natal Parks, Game & Fish Preservation Board (1961-62) Natarajan, A.V. & A.G. Jhingran (1961) Natarajan, M.V. (1961) Natarajan, M.V. % A. Sreenivasan (1961) Nath, P.R. (1962) National Conference on water pollution, Dec. 12-14, 1960. (1961) National Council for Stream Improvement ae Naumova, A.M. (1960 Navarre, R.J. (1962) Nawar, G. « Е.С. Yoakim, (1963) Nawratil, 0. (1962) Nayak, K.R. eet Nayar, М.В. (1961 Nayar, M.R. et al. (1962) Nayar, S.G. (1962) Nayar, S.G. & M. Vanaja (1962) Naylor, E. (1962) Nazarenko, Iu.I. (1962) Nazarenko, lu.l. % A.V. Iablokov (1962) Nazarenko, lu.l. % A.V. Iablokov (Sergeant, D.E., Transl. ) (1963) Nazarenko, I.V. (1960) Nazarenko, L.F. (1959) Nazarenko, L.F. (1961) Nazarov, N.M. (1964) Nazir, D.J. & N.G. Magar (1964) Ndoc, F. (1959) & R. Ndoc (1959) (1959) Ndoc, R. (1959) Neal, R.A. (1961) Needham, P.R. (1959) Neess, J.C. (1961) Nefed'ev, V.P. (1961) Negrea, St. (1961) Ndoc, F. Ndoc, В. 9:A57 08532 08535 08436 08438 777 02256 02364 11402 02357 02360 09066 09051 09059 10406 12049 09521 09562 09561 07442 07140 08149 03514 04106 04560 08443 10513 09370 01271 02242 01300 11202 02245 06470 06471 06190 06542 06544 11226 06469 to 08582 08437 08493 08582 03546 07531 06387 12086 03336 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Nehring, D. (1962) 02104 Newton, L. (1963) 12195 +, Neifakh, А.А. (1961) 12318 New Zealand. Laws, Statutes, 3rd Neill, W.B. (1961) 06502 etc. (1962) 05552 to Neiman, A.A. (1961) 12498 05555 05593 2nd Neiva, G. de D. (1964) 08298 to 05596 Nelepo, B.A. (Tarassenko, Transl.) 11496 11568 (1962) 02026 New Zealand. Marine Department EN Y Nelson, Г.Л. (1963) 10336 (1962) 10403 — 2nd Nelson, В.М. & D.F. Lall (1961) 12339 New Zealand. Marine Department Nemodruk, A.A. & V.V. Stasyuchenko (1963) 04442 » (1962) T 06272 3rd Nguriathi, Т.М. (1961) 10349 Nemoti, T. & K. Nasu (1963) 02360 Nichiporovich, A.A., V.E. Semento Nemoto, T. (1962 01388 01389 & M.G. Vladimirova (1962) 01241 2nd Nemoto, T. (1962 11328 Nichols, D. (1962 03004 Nemoto, T. (1963) 02358 02359 2nd Nichols, D, bee 08572 09132 Nichols, E. (1963 04315 , 2nd Nemoto, T. (1963) 01259 Nichols, J.W. % A.C. Mackellar NENUE I. (1963) 04460 (1962 06010 Neo, M. (1963) 04345 2nd Nicholson, Н.Е. (1963) 03142 | Neprochnov, Та.Р. et al. (1964) 11064 Nichy, F.E. & R.W. Menzel (1962) 08241 Nesis, K.N. (1963) 09524 Nicol, J.4.¢. (1961) 08177 - 3rd Nesson, М.Н. (1963) 07231 Nicol, J.A.C. (1963) 03484 04466 : Nesteroff, W.D., B.C. Heezen & Niegolewski, A. (1963) 11264 - G. Sabatier (1963) 05022 Nielsen, E.S. Su 10217 Netherlands. Centraal Bureau Nielsen, E.S. (1963 02126 Voor de Statistick (1961) 10402 Nielsen, J. (1961) 09481 © Netherlands. Laws, Statutes, > Nielsen, J.G. (1963) 09133 09409 etc. (1962) 01553 09410 09541 : Netherlands. Laws, Statutes, Nielsen, J.M. & R.W. Perkins etc. (1963) 01495 11567 (1962 06251 05581 05582 2nd Niesel, М. (1962) 06505 Neuhaus, К. (1962) 06445 Nieuwenhuys, R. (1962) 05303 05308 Neumann, D. (1961) 03327 Niger. Republic of. Laws, 3rd Neumann, L. (1962 06218 Statutes, etc. (1963) 05446 05536 Neushul, М. (1962 08258 Nigeria. Federal Fisheries Neushul, M. (1963 03250 Service (1961) 1201 Nevesskaia, L.A. & E.N. Nevesskii Nigeria. Laws, Statutes, etc. E (1961) | 12062 (1963) 115% 2nd Nevesskii, E.N. (1961) 12062 Nigon, V. & F. Dd (1963) 03270 Newell, B. & G. Dal Pont (1964) 08095 Nigon, V. & S. Gillot (1963) 04202 2nd Newell, В. € J. Staniforth Nigrelli, R.F. (1962) 03497 (1962) 01037 2nd Nigrelli, R.F. (1962) 08243 2nd Newman, O.F. (1962) 10180 Nikolaev, D.S. & E.I. Efimova New South Wales. Government (1963) 01050) \ (1960) 04043 Nikolaev, Т.Г. (1963 02404 + New South Wales. Laws, Statutes 2nd Nikolaev, V.P. Poe 08027 etc. (1962) 02569 2nd Nikolov, S.Kh. (1962 05220 . New South Wales. Laws, Statutes Nikolskii, G.V. (1961) 1248 etc. (1963) 01567 01569 Nikolskii, G.V. (U.K. MAFF 02536 02537 Transl.) (1962) 12487, 02570 02571 2nd Nikol'skii, М.М. € D.L. 05503 to Rozenmal' (1962) 05264 05510 05540 2nd Nikol'skii, М.М. & D.L. 05558 05559 Rozental' (1962) 03473 05560 9:A58 Nikolsky, G.V. (Ricker, W.E. Transl.) (1962) Nikolsky, N.N. & S.A. Krolenko (1963 Nikonorov, I.V. & A.Kh. Pateev (W.E. Ricker, Transl.) (1963) Nimura, H. (1961 Nimura, H. (1963 Nimura, Y. Sol Nipkow, F. (1961 Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., Tokyo (1963) Nisbet, I.C.T. & R.G. McCaskie (1960) Nishikawa, S. (1962) Nishikawa, S. (1963 Nishimoto, J. (1963 Nishimura, M. (1963 Nishimura, M. (1963 Nishimura, S. & Y. Ogawa (1963) Nishino, K. (1964) Nishino, K. & S. Harada (1962) Nishiwaki, M. (1962) Nishiwaki, M. ae Nishiwaki, M. (1963 Nishiwaki, M., S. Ohsumi & Y. Maeda (1963) Nishiya, К. (1964) Nishiyama, T. (1963) Nitani, H. (1963) Nitani, H. & B. Imayoshi (1963) Nitayachin, P. & G.N.S. Rao (1962) Nival, P. (1963) Niwa, K. % H. Kurata (1964) Nizamuddin, M. (1963) Noble, E.R. & G.A. Noble (1961) Noble, G.A. (1961) Noda, Y. (1964) Noerenberg, W.A. (1963) Noguchi, I. (1964) Noll, C.R., Jr. (1963) Nomura, Н. (1962 Nomura, M. (1962 Nomura, M. (1963) Nomura, M. & Z. Eumatsu (1962) Noodt, W. ie NOONA DAN (1963 Nooruddin, (1962) Nordbotton, S. (1962) Norman, J.R. (1963) Norman, J.R. & F.C. Fraser (Kreft, G. & K. Schubert, Transl.) (1963) 01385 01387 01331 04540 10366 AUTHOR INDEX 04497 11172 12397 01235 07335 04124 03174 04313 02419 02194 09292 09342 04316 04309 01361 12552 02433 01386 02361 02363 02362 09372 09522 09061 09060 01286 04074 09251 02177 02436 02436 09248 03502 11053 07197 01352 04539 09542 04538 10369 04048 04194 09579 05011 12034 end end end 2nd 3rd end 3rd Norris, K.P. & Е.О. Powell (1961) Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning (1961) North, W.J. (1963) North Borneo. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05469 Northrop, J. & В. Eppley (1963) Northumberland and Tyneside River Board (1961) | Norton, А.С. & Y, Fukada (1963) Norway. Director of Fisheries (1962) Norway. Fiskeridirektfren (Ed. ) (1961) Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01496 01499 02514 02517 Norway. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 02516 to 02558 05448 to 11569 Nos, M.R. (1961) Nose, T. & H. Mamiya (1963) : Noseda, V. & F. Chiesa (1962) Noseda, V. & R. Marchetti (1962) Nourisson, M. (1959) Novatti, R. (1962) Novobilsky, V. (1962) Novysh, V.V. en Novysh, V.V. (1962 Nozawa, K. (1962) Nozawa, К. te Nümann, W. (1962 06533 Nultsch, W. (1962) Numakunai, T. (1962) Numanoi, H. (1961) 03227 Núnez, J.A. (1961) Nusenbaum, L.M. % L.N. Lapitskaia (1961) Nusenbaum, L.M. % Т.М. Lapitskaia (Ricker, W.E. Transl.) (1963) Nyasaland Protectorate (1960) Nyasaland Protectorate, Depart- ment of Game Fish and Tsetse Control (1961) Nygren, H.D. (1962) OECD (1962) 9:A59 08407 779 06356 06183 07399 05489 03071 06030 01173 10393 08003 to 01554 02515 02518 02524 05447 11497 11500 11591 02318 04542 05246 05382 09161 09448 06217 10101 10102 02208 09187 08413 05106 04173 03228 03476 04526 04527 10042 10048 06113 10417 780 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES OECD (1963) Oaks, R.Q., Jr. & N.K. Coch (1963) Oborn, E.T. & J.D. Hem (1960-61) O'Brien, R.D. (1964) Obry, J. & P. Michel (1961) Obukh, A. (1962) Ochiai, A. & К. Amaoka (1963) Ochiai, A. & T. Yoshimitsu (1964) O'Colla, Р.З. (1962) O'Connell, С.Р. (1963) Odate, K. on Odate, S. (1962 Odemar, M. Be Odum, E.P. (1961) Oktay, M (1959) Öner, N. (1963) Ostlund, H.G., A.L. Bowman & , GeA. Rusnak (1962) Oztan, N. es) Ogata, E. (1963) Ogata, E. & T. Matsui (1963) Ogata, T. de Ogata, T. (1964) Ogawa, K. & S. Kano (1963) Ogawa, N. et al. (1963) Ogawa, Y. es Ogawa, Y. (1963 Ogawa, Y. , К. Ogawa & 5. Kano (1963) Ogino, C. eg Ogino, C. (1963 Oglesby, R.T. al O'Gower, A.K. (1964 Oguri, M. (1962) Oguri, M. (1964) & N. Takada Non & N. Takada (1963) (1961 Oguro, C. Mees Oguro, С. (1963 O'hEocha, C. (1962) Ohigashi, S. & H. Shibata (1962) Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (1961) Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (1962) Ohlweiler, О.А. (1960) Ohnishi, Т. & М. Sugiyama (1963) 03252 03254 03043 02049 05204 06014 06170 06409 08514 08181 07322 04413 10307 03292 08450 01085 01368 01372 12574 06382 04548 04186 10113 03472 04162 09188 01354 07465 01357 02343 01358 01361 01357 03301 04150 06204 09265 02463 10493 02425 03467 01362 01189 04261 03300 04534 08047 08048 03133 08251 end end end 3rd end end end end end end end end end end end Ohoshiro, H. (1961) Ohsumi, S. & Y. Maeda (1963) Ohsumi, Nishi Ses Т. Kasuya & М. waki (1963) Ohta, F. € J. Nishimoto (1963) Ohwada, M. & O. Asaoka (1963) Ohwada , Oishi, K. & K. Murata (1963) M. % H. Kon (1963) Oishi, K. % A. Okumura (1963) Oishi, Okabe, Okachi, Okamoto K. et al. (1963) G. (1963) I. (1963) ‚ М. (1963) 01355 Okeanograficheskaia Komissia, Moskva (1961) Okitsu, T. & Y. Kawabata (1962) Okiyama, M. (1963) Okolov, F.S. & S.Kh. Nikolov (1962) Okonski Okubo, Okubo, Okubo, Okuda, Okuda, Okuda, Okuda, Okuda, Kon ( y Se (1963) A. (1962) A. & E. Mehr (1962) I. (1963 5. (1962 Y. (1964 Y. 4 T. Sato Pees Y. & T. Sato (1964) У., Н. Такеуа & К. 1964) Okumura, А. (1963) Okumura, А., К. Oishi & К. Murat a (1963) Okumura, A. et al. (1962) Okuno , Okutani Okutani R. (1962) E He Be (1963 05028 09365 09367 Oliphant, M. & H. Freund (1963) Oliva, Olive, Oliver, Oliver, Olivere Olivere Olivereau, M. & K.D. Kallman 0. (1960) J.R. (1961) A.C. (1964) M. (1961) au, M. a au, М. (1963 (1963) Ollerenshaw, C.B. (1963) Olsen, Olsen, А.С. (1963) S. (1960) Ol'shevskii, V.V. (1963) Olson, Olson, P.A. & R.E. Nahatani F.C.W. (1960) (1962) Olszews 9:A60 ki, Pe (1999) 03581 11364 01198 02362 02363 09342 y 09134 09135 À 09293 09364 ? 04365 04314 013561 07166 4 12009 04366 ! 01360 05220 04325 10112 сет $ 090647 09062 11286 09343 09366 09368 09364 09293 À 043674 09411 | 09140 ° 09189 ' 11040 , 08490 03093 112121 08472 05326 08511 05291 , 05386 03539. 01026 11341 10159 04066 06209 ) y , 2nd 2nd Oltean, M. (1961) Olund, L.J. (1962) Omura, Н. Me Omura, H. (1963 Omura, H. et al. (1962) Onbe, T. (1962 1962 & S. Kakuda (1962) 9 ‚ O'Neill, E.T. (1962) “end 2nd Oniani, T.N. Le Oniani, T.N. orks Oniani, Т.М. (ANON. Transl. ) (1961) Ono, T. & M. Kishino (1963) Ono, Y. (1962) Onodera, K. (1962) Ontario. Department of Lands and Forests (1961) Ooishi, S. (1962) Oomen, P. (1962) Ooshiro, 2. ae Ophel, I.L. (1962 Oporowska, K.S. (1961) Oppenheimer, C.H. (1961) Oppenheimer, C.H. (Ed.) (1963) Oppenheimer, С.Н. & В.А. Ward (1961) Oppenheimer, G.J. (1960) Ordemann, H. (1961) Oregon. State Fish Commission (1958-60) Oren, O.H. & B. Komarovsky (1961) Orges, G. (1961) ORIGNY (1962) O'Riordan, C. (1962) Orita, F. % Y, Tomiyasu (1963) fritsland, T. (1964) Orkand, P.M. a Orkand, R.K. (1962 Orlin, H. (1962) Orlov, 0.Iu. & A.L. Bygov (1962) Ormières, В. (1962) Orr, A.P. (1962) Orton, G.L. (1962) Osada, S. (1963) Osanai, М. ees Osanai, M. (1962 Osawa, K. (1963) Osawa, S. & E. Yabuubhi (1963) Oshima, H. & T. Kanzaki (1963) Oshima, K. a Oshima, M. (1961 01380 ОТ 09093 02290 AUTHOR INDEX 07285 08521 01381 04443 01390 09308 09476 09482 07046 03382 06421 03383 09033 08324 10573 08041 03153 06009 02351 06233 06581 01135 08019 01030 12570 04595 10033 10160 01473 03088 04455 09348 03011 05356 05173 05023 01178 01330 03158 01310 04330 04506 04094 09094 03532 02291 09260 01440 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd end end 3rd OSHORO MARU es) OSHORO MARU (1963 Osszewski, P. (1959) Ostapoff, F. Transl. (1963) Osterberg, C. (1962) Osterberg, C., A.G. Carey & H. Curl (1963) Osterberg, C., W.G. Pearcy & E. Curl Jr. (1963) Osterberg, C.L. (1963) Osterreichischer Fischereiver- band (1959) Oswald, W.J. EU Oswald, W.J. (1963 Oswald, W.J. % C.G. Golueke (1964) Otago Acclimatisation Society (1960) Otani, K. % S. Mishima (1962) Otsu, T. (1963) Otsuka, N. (1962) Ottmann, F. (1961) Otto, И... (1961) Otto, L. & FAO Fisheries Division, Biology Branch (1964) Otto, N.E. & T.R. Bartley (1961) Ouchi, A. Ouchi, A. % M. Kuroiwa (1962) Oudet, L. (1960) Outram, D.N. (1961) Ovchynnyk, M.M. (1963) Overton, W.S. (1961) Ovington, J.D. (Ed.) (1963) Owen, I.L. (1963 Owre, H.B. (1962 Oya, H. & W. Smith (1963) Oyama, S. nes Ozaki, H. (1963) Ozawa, К. & I. Okubo (1963) Ozawa, S. % Y. Suematsu (1963) Ozon, В. % С. Mittermayer (1963) Oztig, F. (1960) (1963) PSA (1962) Paape, W. & M. Rahner (1962) Pablo, I.S. & A.L. Tappel (1961) Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (1961) Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (1962) Padel, Y. (1963) Padlan, P.G. (1962) Paganelli, A. (1960) 9:A61 11422 781 07010 09155 06210 11010 02047 08093 11081 05033 06147 06257 03593 11213 12050 09413 08340 05327 12104 08068 04587 10319 01264 01425 10011 08480 11436 10601 06606 11423 10207 11242 09344 10572 09064 03572 11387 02234 10037 05077 06345 10035 12027 11339 07476 01104 782 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd end Зга Зга 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Pagnaeva, R.V. (1963) Pahn, V.0. Transl. (1962) Pain, H.E.H. (1963) Paiva, M.P. (1961) Paiva, М.Р. % V. de A. Barreto (1960) Pakhomova, M.V. (1961) Pakhorukov, V.I. (1961) Pakistan. Central Fisheries Department (1960) Pakistan. Central Fisheries Department (1963) Pakistan. Government (1960) Pakistan West. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Palayer, P. dre Palayer, Р. (1963 Palekar, V.C. & D.V. Bal (1960) Palin, A.T. (1961) Paliza, 0.G. (1964) Palmén, E. & B. Lindeberg (1959) Palmer, C.M. (1961 Palmer, C.M. (1963 Palmer, G. (1962) Palmer, С. & E.I. White (1961) Palmer, G. & Е.Т. White (Comp. ) (1963) Palumbo, R.F. (1961) Panama. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Pankova, N.V. (1964) Panov, D.G. (1963) Panov, D.G. & А.М. Aleksandrov (1964) Panova, V.A. (1962) Pantin, H.M. (1963) Pantle, R. (1962) Pantulu, V.R. (1962) Pantulu, V.R. (1963) Pantulu, V.R. & V.D. Singh (1962) Papenfuss, G.F. (1962) Paperna, I. (1964) Paraguay. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1961) Parameswara Menon, K.K. (1962) Parameswaran, S. (1962 Paramonova, L.I. (1963) Parenzan, Р. (1961) Parin, N.V. (1963) Parin, N.V. (1963) Parin, N.V. (1. Penny, Transl.) (1962) Park, Ke, М. Oliphant & H, Freund (1963) Park, K., P.K. Weyl & A, Bradshaw (1964) 11405 11381 01081 04324 10389 02452 12240 12087 12367 12293 12292 05548 05305 09508 06520 03101 12353 04233 06378 03353 03430 07559 05495 02872 05484 11379 04079 12072 11111 09190 06203 10498 06573 06559 09228 11406 01555 05141 01480 09269 08280 11265 04053 12404 11040 08096 2nd 2nd end 2nd end end end Park, K. et al. (1963) Park, Y.H. (1964) Parke, M. (1961) Parke, M. ea Parke, M. (1962 Parke, M., J.W.G. Lund & I. Manton (1962) Parker, B.C. (1962) Parker, B.C. (1963) Parker, C.E. (1963) Parker, P.D.M. (1961) Parker, R.A. (1962) Parker, R.R. (1960) Parkes, D.J. & E.M. (1963) Parnas, I. (1962) Parrish, B.B. (1964) Parry, M. (1962) Parsons, J.J. ER Parsons, T.R. (1963 Paschalski, J. (1959) Pasek, L.E. (1961) Passano, L.M.&C.B. MCullough (1963) PASSEUR DU PRINTEMPS (1963) Pasteels, J.J. & E. De Harven (1962) 05119 Pasternak, K. ie Pateev, A.Kh. (1963 Pater, J. % M. Molnar (1962) Pathak, S.G. (1963) Pathak, S.P. (1963) Patrikeev, V.V. adn Patrikeev, V.V. (1962 Patro, J.C. (1959) Patten, B.C. (1963) Patterson, C.C. (1963) Patterson, G.W. (1963) Patterson, В.М. & S.L. Friess (1963) Pattullo, J.G. (1963) Paulini, E., G. Chaia & J.R. de Freitas (1961) Pavletié, 2. (1961) Pavlov, P.I. (1961) Pavlova, A.S. (1961) Pavlova, T.A. (1961) Pavlovskaja, R.M. (1961) Pavlovskii, E.N. (1962) Pavlovskii, E.N. (Ed.) Transl.) (1964) Pawson, D.L. (1963) Paz-Andrade, V. (1963) Peacocke, M.A. (1962) Pearce, J.B. (1962) Pearcy, W.G. a Pearcy, W.G. (1964 Sirovich 03112 9:A62 (М. Artman, 07057 + 08353 04137 | 03152 * 03187 | > 04138 | 08346 03180 08125 4 06111 06308 + 01409 09576 } 05338 © 04524 7 08408 03582 4 12120 — 06208 + 07157 04256 _ 04056 ** 05120 | 02240 12397 A 03335 11144 03519 02146 _ 02147 Y 04512 … 03164 “! 02089 05192 05117 02078 10356 + 03337 12499 * 12375 07356 08468 02422 12429 à 07251 06459 . 06201 05102 10434 10445 AUTHOR INDEX ‚ 2nd Pearcy, W.G. & H. Curl Jr. (1963) 11081 2nd » Pearsall, W.H. (1963) Pearse, J.S. (1962) Pearson, E.A. (1961) Peary, J.A. (1964) Pechenik, L.N. (1961) Peczenik, 0. & М. Zei (1961) Pedersen, K.J. pen Pedersen, M.A. (1962 Peek, С.А. (1961) Peelen, R. (1962) Pegel', V.A. (1964) Pegel', V.A. & V.A. Remorov 04228 08302 07161 08354 12290 10580 05187 07066 06376 03172 12434 12435 12436 (1961) 12460 Pejler, B. (1962) 06312 Pennak, В.Н. ee 07136 Penney, R.L. (1962 09450 Penny, L. Transl. (1959?) 04388 Penny, L. Transl. are. 06481 12404 Penny, L. Transl. (1963) 04053 Pentelow, F.T.K. (1960) 10045 Peon, С.Е. (1961) 06337 Pequegnat, W.E. (1961) 12204 Pequegnat, W.E. (1963) 09191 Pequin, L. (1963) 04558 Pequin, L. & A. Serfaty (1963) 11435 08405 Percier, A. dr Percier, A. (1962 Percier, A. (1963) Percival, E. & A.M.R. Burnet (1963) 03393 08406 10391 02248 03462 Percival, E. & J.K. Wold (1963) 11185 Pérés, G. an Pérès, G. (1964) Pérès, G. & С. Zwingelstein (1962) 04446 11409 05263 Pérès, G., M. Buclon & J, Joud (1962) 07484 Pérès, G., M. Buclon & J. Joud (1964) Pérès, G.G. (1963) Pérès, J.-M. (1961) 11369 02465 08273 08274 Pérès, J.-M. & L. Devèze (1963) 03007 Pereyra, W.T. (1961) 03230 Perfil'ev, P.P. (P.V. DePorte, Deane. ) (1961) Perkins, F.0. & R.W. Menzel (1964) Perkins, P.J. & В.П. Dionne (1963 Perkins, R.W. (1962) Perks, A.M. & M.H.I. Dodd (1963) 01242 12228 05224 06251 03427 04488 Perlmutter, A. (1962) Perlmutter, A, & R.F. Nigrelli (1962) 2nd Permitin, Yu.E. (1962) Peru. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1962) 01500 Peru. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05449 05451 05486 11501 11570 11293 Peshkov, М.А. & С.В. Rodionova (1964) Petelin, V.P. RE Petelin, V.P. (1962 2nd Petelin, V.P. (1962) 2nd Peters, Г.Е. & С.Е. Davis (1961) Petersen, J. (1962) 2nd Petersen, J.A. (1964) Petersen, K.W. (1962) Peterson, M.N.A. & J.J. Griffin (1964) Peterson, R.P. (1962) Peterson, R.P. (1963) Petkevich, A.N. (1959) Petkovski, T.K. (1960) Petipa, T.S. (1964) 11120 Petit, G. (1962) Petkevich, A.N. (1961) Petrenko, A.I. (1962) Petrenko, Т.М. & А.А. Karasikova (1962) PETR LEBEDEV ees Petrov, K.M. (1961 Petrovic, S., 5. Jankovic & M. Milojevic (1960) Petrovsky, I.K. (1964) Pettersson, M. (1964) 2nd Pettijohn, F.J. (1963) Peyraud, С. & J. Piquemal (1962) Peyraud, C. & A. Serfaty (1961) Peyraud, C. & A. Serfaty (1963) 2nd Peyraud, C. & A. Serfaty (1962) Peyrière, M. (1963) Peyrot, A. (1964) Peyrot, A. & 5. Mantellino (1962) Pfaudler Permutit, Inc. ‚ Rochester, N.Y. (1960) Pfeiffer, W. (1963) Pfitzenmeyer, H.T. & K.G. Drobeck (1963) Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences (1961) 9: 463 783 01400 08243 12407 05537 05450 05485 05583 11502 11592 11247 02153 02154 06092 07492 08057 10229 09156 10081 05174 03368 02446 12252 11123 08007 02447 06444 04503 02027 12188 06200 09573 12596 03083 05320 05355 11429 05266 02162 06574 05367 05035 09510 03273 05055 784 end end 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Philadelphia. Institute for Scientific Information (1963) Philipose, M.T. (1960) Philippines. (1962) Philippines. (n.d. 1960?) Philippines. (n.d. 1961?) Philippines. (1962) Philippines. (1963) Philippines. National Research Council (1959) Philippines. National Research Council (1960) Phillippy, C.L. (1961) Phillips, J.B. (1964) Phillips, J.G. & I.C. Jones (1963) Phillips, J.H. (1962) Philpott, L. (1962) Phinney, H.K. & C.A. Peek (1961) Piavis, G.W. (1962) Picard, J. (1961) Picard, J. pr Picard, J. (1962 Picard, J. (1962) Picard, J.Y. (1962) Picciolo, A.R. (1964) Pickard, G.L. (1964) Pickering, D.C. & J.W. Lucas (1962) Pickett, A.G. (1962) Pickford, G.E. (1963) Pickford, G.E. (1964) Picon, R. (1963) Pieczyfski, E. (1962) Pierce, E.L. % M.L. Wass (1962) Pike, С.С. aa Pike, G.C. (1962) Pilkey, О.Н. (1963) Pilkey, О.Н. € Н.С. Goodell (1964) Pillai, K. (1962) Pillai, K.C. & A.K. Ganguly (1961) Pillai, N.K. (1962) Pillai, R.S. (1962) Pillai, V.K. & A. Lekshmy (1961) Bureau of Fisheries Bureau of Fisheries Bureau of Fisheries Laws, Statutes, etc. 02525 Laws, Statutes, etc. 05453 05455 08268 05252 05281 07255 07441 05134 06600 01114 07391 10027 10420 05452 05454 11571 03037 03038 10338 09477 04440 06344 09263 06376 01397 08275 08287 08319 10304 01225 11451 12025 04107 05029 05296 04594 03436 05207 10206 08445 01316 05148 11163 03431 06119 05253 05282 07295 05135 09369 end end end 3rd end end 3rd 3rd end end end end 3rd end Pillai, V.K., P.V.K. Sastri & M.R. Nayar (1961) Pilleri, G. & A. Wandeler (1964) Pincus, G. (Ed.) (1963) Pinevich, V.V. (1961) PIONEIRO (1962) Piper, В.С. & В.Е. Stephens (1962) Piquemal, J. (1962) Pirie, N.W. (1963) Piskunov, I.A. (1961) Pitchford, R.J. (1961) Pitelka, F.A. (1964) Pitschmann, H. (1963) Pittman, R.W. (1962) Pivovarov, A.A. % V.S. Lavorko (1961) Plakhotnik, A.F. en Plakhotnik, A.F. (1964 Please, N.E. (1963) Plessis, Y. & Y. Fontaine (1961) Pletscher, A. (1963) Plichet, A. (1962) Pljakic, M. (1960) Pljakié, M.A. (1960) Plotnikov, N.A., G.V. Bogomolov & G.N. Kamenski (М. Laronde, Transl.) (1962) Plourde, A.J. (1962) Pobegailo, P.I. (1959) Pobegailo, P.I. (1961) Podgornaia, L.S. (1962) Poggio, G.F. (1963) Pohlman, J.R. & A.G. Pickett (1962 Pohlo, R.H. (1963) Poisson, В.А. & O. Tuzet (1961) Pokrovskaya, T.N. (1959) Poland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Poland. (1961) Polikarpov, G.G. (1961) Polikarpov, G.G. & V.N. Ivanov (1962) Polonskii, A.S. (1961) Polrovskaia, G.L. & D.D. Romashov (1962) Polya, J.B. ae Polya, J.B. (1962 Polyanski, Yu.I. & E.M. Kheisin (Ed.) (1964) Polski Komitet FAO 9:A64 06399 Pinto, P.V.C. & S.G. Pathak (1963) 05487 05550 06121 A 09370 12413 04028 : 06400 | 11144 © 06438 03543 05320 , 06605 10455 | 10377 7 10023 07331 + 06269 12063 12088 4 11067 01588 | 02592 | 05316 7° 05272 12253 | 12250 — 01586 01528 01107 01108 ©) 07340 05112 4 05029 02216 03035 03442 05549 11572 | 4} 03036 12190 mn 02046 - 12319 - Dec 05265 „ 05232 12568 or y end Polykarpov, G.G. (1962) Pomeroy, L.R. erh Pomeroy, L.R. (1963 Pongsuwana, U. (1962) Pongsuwana, U. & V. Varikul (1962) Ponomarenko, V.P. (1961) Ponomareva, L.A. (V.O. Pahn, Transl.) (1962) Poole, J.C. (1962) Poore, M.E.D. (1962) Pope, E.C. (1963) Pope, J.A. & R.J.H. Beverton (1962) Pope, J.A. & H.J. Thomas (1962) Popescu, E., V. Cure & I. Birca (1961 Popham, E.J. (1963) Popov, L.A. (1961) Popov, L.A. (1963) Popov, L.A. (ANON. Transl. ) (1962) Popov, S.M. & S.A. Ryazanov (1961) Popov, V.I. (1964) Popova, E.I. (1960) Popova, О.А. (1961) Popovskaia, G.I. (1964) Popovskaia, G.I. & К.К. Votintsev (1964) Por, F.D. Transl. (1962) Pora, A.E. (1960) Pora, A.E. et al. (1960) Porcellati, G. (1963) Porfir'eva, N.A. (1961) Pork, M. (1962) Porte, A. (1963) Porter, H.J. % A.F. Chestnut (1962) y Portugal. Direcçao das Pescarias (1960) Portugal. Direcgao das Pescarias (1961) Portugal. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) to 01573 Portugal. (1963) Post, E. (1962) Post, E. He Post, G. (1962 Post, G. (1963) Laws, Statutes, etc. (ot 02319 11248 07292 11338 01501 11503 11505 03249 AUTHOR INDEX 01180 06381 10155 01481 02449 02320 01081 07245 12608 02114 03509 04453 08540 01428 03447 11330 03448 06052 12074 04247 06566 11250 12131 01179 07468 07369 03507 12262 07302 11417 08444 06464 12370 to 01556 01561 11504 11507 07298 03415 11453 10530 2nd end end 2nd end end end end end end 9:65 Posta, A. (1963) Postel, E. (1961 Postel, E. (1962 Postel, E. haa 04024 Postma, H. (1961 04065 Potaichuk, S.I. % M.S. Edel'man (1961) Pototskaia, 1.V. & N.P. Tsyba (1964) Potter, D.S. & S.R. Murphey (1962) Potter, J.L. & R.D. O'Brien (1964) Potter, P.E, (1963) Pourriot, R. 1961 & F.J. Pettijohn Povoledo, D. (1961 Powell, B.L. (1962 Powell, C. & A.R. Woods (1963) Powell, Е.О. on Powell, J.H. (1962) Powell, R. (1962) Powers, T.J. (1961) Poynton, F.Y. & J.F. Sayers (1963) Prabhu, P.V. et al. (1962) Pradhan, M.J. & М.Н. Dhulkhed (1962) Pradhan, M.J. & K.K. Parameswara Menon (1962) Prager, J.C. (1963) Prahm, G. (1961) Prakash, A. en Prakash, A. (1962 Prakesh, A. & А.Н.У. Sarma (1964) Pramer, D., A.F. Carlucci & P.V. Scarpino (1961) Prasad, M.R.N. (1964) Prasad, R.R. (1962) Prasad Rao, D.G.V. (1962) Prather, E.E. (1961) Pratt, D. (1963) Pratt, D. % M. Austin (1961) Pratt, R.M. (1963) Pravdin, Т.Е. (Ricker, W.E. Transl.) (1962) Prazdnikova, N.V. (1964) Preatt, I. (1964) Preciado, A.S. (1961) Predel, G. (1962) Predetti, A. (1960) Prenant, M. ae Prenant, M. (1963) Prentice, M.A. (1963) 785 02124 06291 02340 09294 06105 12005 11127 07580 08514 03083 02137 ‘03121 08310 06008 06356 08259 04296 07148 07023 01283 05283 05141 07224 12107 07534 01408 10200 01144 11370 05600 05109 10557 04236 01145 07058 04495 12442 11407 12532 02295 07585 03199 01206 04570 786 3rd 2nd 3rd end end 2nd 2nd end end end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Prescott, G.W. eee Prescott, G.W. (1963 PRESIDENT THEODORE TISSIER (1961 PRESIDENT THEODORE TISSIER (1962 Preston, A. (1963) Preston-Thomas, H. (1961) Preston-Thomas, H. (1962) (1963) Pretorius, М.А. Prévost, J. (Ed.) (1964) Prévost, J. & Y. Barbarin (1962) (1962) (1964 1962 1964 1961 1962) Price, A. Price, C.E. Price, Е.М. Price, E.W. Price, M.A. Price, Tids Priimachenko, A.D. (1961) Priklonskii, S.G. & V.M. Galushin (1959) Priklonskii, S.G. & V.M. Galushin (1961) Pringle, G. & A.S. Msangi (1961) (1962) Pringsheim, E.G. (1963) Pringsheim, E.G. Pritchard, A.W., M.J. Huston & A.W. Martin (1963) Pritchard, D.W. (1963) Pritchard, D.W., A. Okubo & E, Mehr (1962) Pritchard, M.H. (1962) Privol'nev, T.I. (1963 Privol'nev, T.I. (1964 Privolnev Tea, | (1963) Probatov, A.N. (1961) Procházková, L. (1961) Prosvirov, E.S. % 0.0. (1961) Protasov, Protasov, Protasov, Protasov, (1961) Provasoli, L. RER Provasoli, L. (1963 A. (1961) V.R. ae V.R. (1964 V.R. & Iu.P. T.I. (Ricker, И.Е. 10454 Riabikov Altukhov Provenzano, A.J. Jr. (1962) Prowse, G.A. (1962) Prowse, G.A. (1963) PRUNELLA M.Y. (1962) Pruter, A.T. & D.L. Alverson (1962) Pruter, A.T. & L.L. Ronholt (1964) Pshchelko, N. (1961) Pshenin, L.N. (1961) 07308 07325 08014 08013 06611 06062 06099 11230 12046 09454 04248 11326 05242 11325 12213 12414 07204 06545 06546 07363 05202 07309 05121 02092 06120 07408 02090 12439 04496 10456 03103 12320 12463 12443 12449 12461 06379 02127 09217 12277 03474 12355 10432 04021 12506 01146 2nd 2nd end end end end 2nd end 2nd end 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd Puchkov, N.V. (1964) Pugh, D. (1963) Pugliese, A. (1961) Puig, J. (1960) Pujol, J.-P. (1963) Puppi, A. (1963) Purbohadiwidjojo, M. (1963) Purday, C. (1963) | Purohit, A.D. (1962) Pushkareva, N.F. (1960) Pushkareva, N.F. (1961) Pytkowicz, R.M. & D.N. Conners (1964) & T.N. Bhargava Qasim, S.Z. & A. Qayyum (1961) Qasim, S.Z. (1962) Qayyum, A. (1961) Quayle, D.B. & W.E. Ricker (1963) Quebec. Départment des Pécheries (1961) Queensland. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Quignard, J.-P. (1961) Quiguer, J-P. (1963) Quimby, M.C. & A.D. Bradford (1963) Quin, L.D. (1964) Quinn, B.G. (1962) Qureshi, A.H. ae Qureshi, M.R. (1962) Qureshi, M.R. (1962) Qureshi, R. on Qureshi, R. (1962 Rabanal, H.R. (1962) Rabe, F.W., III (1963) Racadot, J., J. Prévost & Y. Barbarin (1962) Radhalakshmi, K. et Radhalakshmy, K. (1962 Radke, M.G., L.S. Ritchie & Р.Р. Ferguson (1961) Rae, K.M. (1963) Raff, S.J. (1963) Rahman, K.A. & H.S. Ed Din (1961) Rahman, S.B. (1962) Rahner, M. (1962) Rai, B.S. (1962) Raibaut, A. (1961) 9: A66 07385 12420 12422 12440 05107 02097 <) 09596 04239 03295 09023 02115 - 06133 01335 01336 Y 08121 4) 10569 05364 | 10569 03222 À 12012 © 05418 08463 09004 11425 10233 05076 04303 ‹. 04451 — 04301 4) 12470 — 04298 01432 10527 09454 04589 * 01298 01254 10076 11009 | 10355 * 04341 05077 * 07387 08456 3rd ‚ 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd end 2nd end 3rd 2nd end 3rd end end 2nd Raikova, E.V. ER Raikova, E.V. (1964 Haite, В.В. 5. Baitt, D.P.S. Raj, B.S. (1962) Raju, G. (1962) Rajyalakshmi, K. (1960) Rajyalakshmi, T. (1961) Rakestraw, N.W. (1961) Ramachander, G. & V.R. Srinivasan (1962) | Rains, Т.С. (1964) Ц 02407 1962 Ramachandran, V. (1962) Ramalingam, К. Rama Mohana Rao, V. (1959) Ramamritham, C.P. (1960) Raman, K. (1961) Ramanadham, R. & R. Varadarajulu (1964) (1961) Rama Sastry, A.A. et al. (1962) Rametta, G. (1962) Rametta, G. & S. Varrone (1962) В.С. Ramirez (1963) de M.L. Sevilla Ranade, М.В. & K.N, Sankolli (1962) Rand, J.L. (1962) Randall, J.E. (1963) Rangarajan, K. en Rangarajan, K. (1962 Rangarajan, К. & С. Sankarankutty (1962) Ranke, E. (1960) Ranken, M.B. (1960) Rankin, J.S. Jr. (1963) Ranson, G. Rao, С.А.Р. (1962) Rao, C.S.G. & P.M. Wagle (1961) Rao, D.R. (1962) Rao, D.V.S. % P.N. Ganapati (1962) (1963) Rao, С.С. (1962) Rao, G.N.S. (1962) Rao, K.S.P. Bhushana (1962) Rao, M.B. (1962) Rao, M.V.L. (1962) 07180 07294 Rao, 7.5.5, aaa Rao, T.S.S. (1962 Rao, T.S.S. & S. Kelly (1962) Rao 9 Vie Ce 07181 .G.. Rao (1962) .V.S. Rao (1962) AUTHOR INDEX 11382 11332 08122 02408 10430 11449 05284 08322 11361 10088 05312 01256 07406 04433 04067 09520 05034 10127 11206 05069 06523 10479 04115 08419 06519 07129 05133 04489 08395 10315 04177 05285 06408 01282 06285 05132 01286 07256 07477 97271 07179 07272 07182 05045 07253 05045 06091 Rao, V.R. (1962) 05286 2nd Rao, V.V.S. (1962) 07253 Rapson, A.M. (1962) 03463 04295 Rasalan, S.B. sl 04323 2nd Rasalan, S.B. (1963 04322 Rasmussen, R.A. (1962) 06271 Rass, T.S. (1961) 10452 nd Rast, H.V. Jr. (1963) 05391 Rathsack-Künzenbach, R. (1961) 12244 2nd Ravera, O. (1962) 12260 . Ravina, A. % A. Plichet (1962) 05272 Ray, C. (1963) 09424 3rd Ray, C. (1963) 07395 Ray, H.C. (1962) 07372 Ray, P. (1961) 08157 Raymond, F.W. (1963) 09599 Raymont, J.E.C, (1963) 01086 Raymont, J.E.G.&R.S. Miller (1962) 10205 Read, K.R.H. о 03209 Rebhun, L.I. (1962) 06341 Reddiah, K. (1962) 03192 Redfield, А.С., В.Н. Ketchum & Р.А. Richards (1963) 02066 Redier, L. (1963) 09136 Redmond, J,R. (1963) 01202 REED G.B. (1962) 06003 06004 Reed, M.J. Haas 08591 Reed, P.W. (1962) 06242 2nd Rees, M. (1961) 02187 Rees, W.J. (1960) 01329 Rees, W.J. ern 06319 Rees, W.J. (1963 12199 Reese, E.S. (1962) 09219 Reeves, R.B. (1964) 11296 Reginato, E. (1962) 05376 Rehá3ková, V. (1962) 01585 Rehm, W.S. (1962) 03464 Reich, K. & I. Parnas (1962) 05338 Reichel, H. (1962) 08375 Reichenbach-Klinke, H. (1962) 06577 Reichenbach-Klinke, Н.Н. (1961) 06524 08523 Reichenbach-Klinke, H.-H. (1962) 03524 03525 03526 Reid, J.L., Jr. (1962) 06280 10094 ond Reid. 9-1, Ins: (1963) 02073 Reid, R.O. (1964) 07073 Reidenbach, J.-M. (1963) 04189 2nd Reineke, E.P. (1964) 11420 2nd Reintjes, J.W. (1959) 08516 Reintjes, J.W. (1961) 10215 Reintjes, J.WY. & С.М. Roithmayr (1960) 12291 Reiser, R. et al. (1963) 11363 9:A67 787 788 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd end 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Reish, D.J. (1963) Reith, J. (1962) Remorov, V.A. (1961) Remorov, V.A. (1964) Rémy, M.D. (1962) Renault, L. & М.А. France (1963) Renborg, B.A. (1961) Repelin, R. (1962) Reshetnikov, Ia.S. (1962) Reshetnikov, Iu.S. (1963) Reshöft, K. (1961) Reuter, G.E.H. (1961) Reuter, J. (1963) Reuter, J.H. & K.N.F. Shaw (1964) Revelle, R. (1963) Reverberi, @. (1962) Reynoldson, T.B. (1961) Reynoldson, T.B. (1962) Reznichenko, P.N. (1961) Reznichenko, P.N. (1962) Rheinheimer, G. (1964) Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Federation of (1961) Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Federation of (1962) Rhodesia % Nyasaland, Federation of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Riabchenko, V.A. (1962) Riabikov, 0.G. (1961) Ribeiro, P. de M. (1961) Ribiánszky, M. (1962) Rice, A.L. (1963) Rice, D.W. (1961) Rice, D.W. (1963) Rice, J.K., D.E. Simon & R.C. Rice (1962) Rice, R.C. (1962) Rice, T.R. (1963) Richards, C.S. (1962 Richards, C.S. (1963 Richards, F.A. (1963 Richards, Р.А. ER Richards, S.W. (1963) Richardson, I.D, & Е.Р. dos Santos (1962) Richardson, W.S. (1962) Richmond, N.D. (1961) Richter, G. (1962) Rick, A.J. (1962) Ricker, W.E. (1960) Ricker, W.E. Transl. (1962) 04495 04500 05584 05586 04380 03092 10269 04034 12460 12423 08391 02169 11532 02119 04491 11427 04227 07592 04348 11039 04597 01203 06413 08359 03553 03554 11099 01016 01017 05585 07202 12320 02305 03114 06495 12389 04381 081 46 08146 10196 03559 05191 02066 10199 03456 01332 06074 07523 03272 08240 01451 04497 04523 end end end end end end end end end 3rd A Ricker, W.E. Transl. (1963) 04437 04496 04527 04577 04578 05298 12394 12397 » Ricker, М.Е. Transl. (1964) Ricker, W.E. (1963) Ridge, R.M.A.P. (1961) Ridgway, G.J. (1961 Ridgway, C.J. He Ridgway, N.M. (1962 Rieck, A.F. (1962) Riedl, R. (1963) Riegel, J.A. (1963) Riehl, Н. & J. Malkus (1961) Rieth, A. ne Rieth, A. (1962 Riley, 0.2. Riley, С.А. (1963 Riley, J.P. (1962 Ringuelet, В.А. & В.Н. Aramburu (1960) Ringuelet, R.A. & R.H. Aramburu (1961) | Ringuelet, R.A. et al. (1962) Rioult, M. (1962) Ripplinger, J., J. Cardot & A. Guyard 11962) Ritchie, L.S. (1961 Ritchie, L.S. & F.F. Ferguson (1961) Ritchie, L.S., G.V. Hillyer & E.C. Cushing (1963) River Boards' Association (1960) River Boards! (1961) Rivero, J.A. (1961) Rizhikov, K.M. (1960) Rizzi, G.P. (1964) Ro, J.D. Vu: Ro, J.D. (1962 Robel, R.J. do Robel, R.J. (1962 Roberson C.E. & H.D. Nygren (1962) Roberts, D. (1963) Roberts, J.C. Bee Roberts, J.D. (1962 Roberts, К.С. & J.J. Keleher (1961) Roberts (1962) Robertson, О.Н. et al. (1963) Robin, G. de 9. (1961) Robin, Y. (1963) Association 01281 N.J. & HE. Winn 9:A68 02130 06107 12585 — 03222 . 12242 ° 12388 08573 09306 02144 02012 . 09281 ») 08100 03181 «> 07332 10279 08578 08056 ; 12315 à AR 12533 11200 vw; 08063 05368 10361 , 01254 03370 < 10045 — 10046 12544 07507 11210 10409 01285 | 04555 */ 06403 _ 06113 04333 12344 12309 12045 | 01437 _ 05348 #1 10024 04207 * 2nd 2nd end Robins, C.R. (1962) Robins, C.R. (1963) Robinson, А.В. (1962) Robinson, B.P. (1962) Robinson, D.C. (1961) Robinson, G.A. (1961) Roche, J. (1963) Roche, J. & $. André (1963) Roche, J., S. André & S. Salvatore (1960) Roche, J., G. Rametta & S. Varrone (1962) Roche, J., G Salvatore & G, Rametta (1962) Roche, J. et al. (1962) Roche, M. (1963) Rochford, D.J. (1962) Rockwell, Y. (Ed.) (n.d.1961) Rodionova, G.B. (1964) Roden, G.I. (1961) Roden, G.I. Sa Roden, G.I. (1964) Rodina, A.G. (1963) Rodríguez, С.В. (1962) Rodriguez Pino, Z. (1962) Roe, Т., Jr. (1962) Reden, П.Т. (1962) Röhlich, P. (1962) Rôskenbleck, H. % W.Niesel (1962) Rogalla, E.H. (1962) Rogers, G.K. (1961) Rogers, W.L., В. Melzack & J.R. Segal (1963) Roginskaia, I.S. (1963) Rogovskaia, С.Т. & M.F. Lazareva (1963) Rohlich, С.А. (1961) Roithmayr, C.M. (1960) Rojas, E. & M. Luxoro (1963) Roldan, A.N.sJr. & S.B. Rasalan (1963) Roll, H.U. (1963) Romanov, Iu.A. (1961) Romanova, А.Р. & А.Т. (1964) Romanovsky, V. & J. Le Floch (1963) Romashov, D.D. (1962) Romenenko, V.I. % У.Т. Glazunov (1964) Romeu, F.G, & C.G. De Pascar (1962) Rommets, J.W. (1961) Ronen, О., Transl. (1962) Ronen, O. , Transl. (1963) 7onov AUTHOR INDEX 01320 03028 10123 03132 07519 06289 04206 11182 02189 05069 11206 05111 04082 01036 12010 11247 12102 11045 06048 11252 03068 08432 09209 06370 05185 06505 04062 08165 11444 04196 11090 06256 12291 01174 04322 VIDA 12089 11249 04055 05360 11128 05269 04089 01475 06479 3rd 3rd end end end end end end end 3rd 3rd Ronholt, L.L. (1964) Ronkin, R.R. (1962) Ronne, C. & M, Chaffee (1961) Ronquillo, Т.А., Р. Caces-Borja & A.N. Mines (1962) Roonwal, M.L. (1962) Roots, E.F. (1962) Roppel, A.Y. et al. (1965) Rosa, H.,Jr. (1965) Rosa, H.,Jr. (1965) Rose, J.A. (1961) Rosen, О.Ю. (1962) Rosenblatt, A. (1963) Roskell, J. (1962) Ross, W.R. & A. du Plooy (1962) ROSS DARING (1963) Rosset, F. (1962) Rossi, L. (1961) Rossignol, M. (1961) 02372 Rossignol, М. & J. Blanche (1961) 02383 Rossini, M.C. (1961) Rossner, W. (1962) Rotast, P.M. Transl. (1962?) Rotovs'ka, L.P, (1960) Roublev, M. Transl. (1962) Rouch, J, (1959) Rough, G.E. (1961) Roumégoux, L. (1964) Roushdy, Н.М. (1962) Roushdy, H.M. & V.K. Hansen (1960) Rousseau, J. (1962) Rout, D.W.R. (1962) Roux, Ch. (1961) Rowdon, Г. Transl. (1962) Rowe, J.J. (1962) how, Hs oS Roy, Н. (1962 Roy, P. (1960) Royal Society. British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics (1960) Royal Society. International Scientific Information Services (1962) Rözänska, Z (1962) Rozenmal' D.L. (1962) Rozental' D.L. (1962) Rschevkin, S.N. (Blunn, О.М. Transl.) (1963) Rubel, М. & I. Stumbur (1961) Rubin, М. « D.W. Taylor (1963) Rubin, М., В.С. Likins & E.C, Berry (1963) 9: A69 08426 789 04021 03366 08099 03390 07557 09012 12385 09581 09376 02412 07530 04051 08311 01058 04333 03099 08286 023713 02384 05359 05132 04390 06252 01417 07097 95393 07083 05095 01121 07345 1 0438 92385 08385 06214 08427 08507 04553 94035 08035 04154 05264 03473 11596 12241 05170 09284 790 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 2nd Rubina, L.S. (1961) 06590 06591 Sablina, T.B. (1960) 03547 2nd Rubinshtein, lu.I. (1961) 12366 Sablina, Т.В. (ANON. Transl. ) 2nd Rubinstein, I. (1962) 05201 (1961) 03548 4 3rd Rudjord, T. (1964) 11305 Sacchi, C.F. (1963) 04203 2nd Rudzinski, E. (1961) 06529 Sachet, M. (1960) 09569 . Rudzinski, E. % T. Miaczynski Sachs, P.L. Mt 10084 (1961) 06530 2nd Sachs, P.L. (1964) 10082 Rukhliadev, Iu.P, et 01105 Sackett, W. & G. Arrhenius Rukhlyadev, Yu.P. (1961 01106 (1962) 06112 3rd Rule, E. (1962) 06072 3rd Sadanandan, К.А. HA 09432 Rullier, F. (1963) 04133 2nd Sadanandan, К.А. (1962 07381 Runham, N.W. (1961) 06342 Saeki, A. (1962) 04420 >» 2nd Runnstrom, J. (1963) 08248 Saether, О.А. (1962) 03352 Runnstrom, J. € G. Kriszat (1962) 05116 3rd Safferman, R.S. (1964) 10305 > 2nd Rushforth, N.B. & A.L. Burnett Safferman, R.S. & М.-Е. Morris (1963) 10325 (1963) 04251 Rushforth, N.B., Г.Т. Krohn & 2nd Safyanova, Т.К. (1960) 07430 L.K. Brown (1964 12248 SAGAMIMARU (1961 02388 3rd Rusnak, G.A. (1962 10113 SAGAMIMARU (1962 02391 Russel, E.J. (1962 08581 SAGAMIMARU (1963 04427 Russel, G. (1963) 03194 2nd Sage, M. (1963) 04581 > Russell, F.S. (Ed. ) (1963) 03003 Sager, G. (1960) 08005 Russell, F.S. & C.M. Yonge (1963) 04020 Sager, G. (1961) 08077 = Russev, B. (1960) 12257 Sager, G. (1962) 10092 10109 2nd Russev, G. (1963) 10538 10110 Rust, H. (1962) 06616 2nd Sagi, T. (1964) 05012 Rust, Н.Ч. (1962) 06618 2nd Saha, S.B. & В.В. Ghosh (1961) 09159 | Ruttner, F. (Frey, D.G. & F.E.J, Saigal, B.N. & M.P. Motwani | Fry, Transl.) (1963) 07135 (1961) 10570 Ryan, С.А. & Т.Е. King (1962) 11207 Saijo, Y. (1964) 07177 2nd Ryazanov, S.A. (1961) 06052 Saila, S.B (1961) 10510 Ryazantsev, V.I. (1960) 06122 Saila, S.B. & В.А. Shappy (1964) 09580‘! Rybak, J.I. (1960) 12174 3rd Sain, S.K. (1961) 07505 ” Rybanov, I.V., M. Mirakhmedov & Sain, S.K. & G. Majumdar (1961) 07506 «<. A. Sharipova (1964) 12132 Saint-Guily, В. (1962) 10137 = 2nd Ryberg, C.E. % R. Svensson (1962) 06263 SAINT JACQUES III (1961) 11016 2nd Rybnikov, A.A. (1961) 12085 Saisho, T. (1962 02118 Ryhänen, R. (1962) 12143 12144 Saisho, T. (1964 11114 12145 Saishu, K. (1963) 01379 Ryland, J.S. (1962) 08313 Saito, S. (1963) 09021 11029 . Ryland, J.S. EL 04387 2nd Saito, T, (1963) 02282 02285 “ Ryther, J.H. (1963 02128 03599 09334 . Ryther, J.H. & R.R.L. Guillard Sajid, A.S.. (1962) 04565 (1962) 08175 08176 Sakagishi, 5. (1963) 09114 Ryther, J.H. & D.W. Menzel Sakai, H. (1963) 11184 (1961) 03062 03063 2nd Sakai, H. & S. Ishii (1962) 92462 03064 2nd Sakai, К. & S. Nishikawa (1962) 02194 Ryther, J.H. % D.W. Menzel (1962) 05027 Sakai, Y. % T. Funano (1964) 09253 | Ryzhenko, M.I. et al. (1961) 02027 Sakamoto, M. & K. Hogetsu | Ryzhkov, L.P. (1961) 05339 (1963) 03175 © Rzepishevsky, I.K. (1962) 10292 Sakamoto, T. & N. Nasu (1962) 09063 . 3rd Sakata, 0. (1963) 09239 “ Sakowicz, S. (1962) 06579 07487 SPC (1960) 10041 Sakowicz, 5. & J. Szczerbowski 3rd Sabatier, G. (1963) 05022 (1964) 10525 9:A70 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd Saksena, V.P. (1962) Saleem, A. (1962) Saleem, M.A. ees Saling, D.S. (1962 Salmanov, M.A. Heat Salmanov, M.A. (1961) Salmon, J. (1963) Sal'nikov, M.Je. (1960) Sal'nikov, N.E. ea Saloshenkov, P. (1961) Saltman, P. (1962) Salvat, B. EN Salvat, B. (1963) Salvatore, G. (1962) Salvatore, S. (1960) SALVELINUS (1962) Sam, D. (1962) Samarina, A.V. on Samarina, A.V. (1961 Samoilova, A.P. (1961) Samson, F.E. Jr. (1961) Samuel, C.T. (1962) Samuel, P. (1965) Sanders, H.L. & R.R. (1962 Sanders, J.E. (1962) Sanderson, A.E., Jr. (1961) & G. Rametta Hessler AUTHOR INDEX 01435 04110 04566 07068 02222 02223 04096 03029 02245 12363 03316 02186 09162 11206 02180 11392 11079 02095 02096 07358 12542 07479 05472 08306 06110 10559 Sankarankutty, C. (1962) 05128 05129 05136 Sankarankutty, C. (1962) 05133 Sankolli, K.N. (1962) 10479 Sankolli, K.N. & H.G. Kewalramani (1962) 05140 Sano, K. (1962) 02277 Sano, T. € В. Maniwa (1962) 01197 Sano, Y. (1961) 05309 Sano, У., К. Hamana & М. Kawamoto (1962) 05307 Santier, 5. & А. Villeroux (1963 03378 Santos, В.С. er 10354 Sapkarev, J. (1961) 06415 Saprykin, F.Ia. (1960) 03245 Saprykin, F.la. (1961) 03246 Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1963) 11219 Sarkar, H.L. (1961) 06184 Sarkisian, A.S. (1961) 08112 Sarles, М.В. (1961) 06374 Sarma, A.H.V. er 04129 Sarma, A.H.V. (1964 10200 Sarma, Y.S.R.K. (1962) 03351 Sarojini, D. ees 07264 Sarojini, S. (1962 07254 Saruya, K. et al. (1963) 09320 09321 end 2nd 2nd 2nd Sarynina, R.N. a Sarynina, R.N. (1964 Sasajima, M., Н. Oshima & Т. Kanzaki (1963) Sasaki, M. dira Sasaki, S. (1962 02290 Sasaki, T., K. Ozawa & I. Okubo (1963) Sasaki, T. et al. e Sasaki, T. et al. (1963 Sastri, B.N. (Ed.) (1962) Sastri, P.V.K. & M.R. Nayar (1961) Sastry, A.A.R. € С.Р. Ramamritham (1960) Satchell, G.H. (1963) Sather, B.T. (1962) Sato, M. et Sato, M. (1963 Sato, 0. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sato, S. Sato, T. Sato, T. Sato, T. et 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 Sato, T. & N. Nasu (1962) Sato, Sato, Ueno (1962) Sato, T. et al. (1964) Sato, Y. (1963) Sato, Y. & Y. Ishito (1962) T. € Y. Okuda (1964) T., S. Yamamoto & M. & M. Matsusaka (1963) 01195 09365 09367 09345 Sato, Y., К. Ito & F. Matsumoto (1963) Satomi, Y. oes Satomi, Y. (1963 Satyanarayana, A.V.V. Satyanarayana, A.V.V. Kuriyan (1962) Satyanarayana, A.V.V. Nair (1962) Satyanarayana, A.V.V. Sadanandan (1961) Satyanarayana, A.V.V. Sadanandan (1962) Satyanarayana, A.V.V., С.К. Kuriyan & R.S, Nair (1962) Sathyanesan, Sathyanesan, Sathyanesan, Sathyanesan, Sathyanesan, (1962) A. dí Nee A. Gs A.G. А.С. А.С. а (1963 9:A71 (1960) & G.K. & R.S. & К.А. & К.А. 1961-62) 02482 04095 & Т.Р. Singh 791 12076 12077 02291 01364 12310 09064 08115 09065 03394 09370 04067 03437 10237 02344 09540 10152 01196 01194 09333 11289 09343 09366 09066 11286 09412 10287 09346 01369 09347 04157 04151 04591 01299 07382 09432 07381 01275 03562 10578 10579 09543 07537 792 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPH Y Saunders, G.W., F.B. Trama % FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES В.Н. Bachkann (1962) 04153 Saunders, P.M. (1961) 08124 Sauvage, F. (1963) 11528 Sauzay, A. (1960) 07105 Savchenko, Р.Е. (1961) 07493 Savilov, А.Т. Ha 02107 06331 Savilov, А.Г. (1962 01176 06332 Savilov, A.I. (1963) 02108 Savoini, F. (1961) 06199 Savvaitova, К.А. aa 04528 Savvaitove, К.А. it 12500 Savvaitova, К.А. (Foerster, В.Е. Transl.) (1962) 04529 Savvaitova, К.А. & Ia.S. Reshetnikov (Foerster, R.E. Transl.) (1962) 04491 Sawada, N. & Y. Noda (1964) 09248 Sawada, T. (1963) 09067 Sawada, T. & M. Higaki (1963) 02178 Sawamura, Y. (1962) 04291 Sawyer, C.N. & A.F. Ferullo (1961) 06386 Sawyer, W.H. % G.E. Pickford (1963) 05296 Saxena, A., B.K. Bhattacharya & B. Mukerji (1962) 05329 Saxena, S.C. (1961) 07516 Saxena, S.C. (1962) 01438 Sayers, J.F. (1963) 07023 Saz, А.К. S.W. Watson (1961) 01147 Scaccini, A. (1961) 08469 08470 Scaccini Cicatelli, M. (1960) 07086 Scarpelli, D.G., H.M. Greider & W.J. Frajola En 03501 Scarpino, P.V. (1961 01144 Schachter, Г. (1960) 07123 Schaefer, M.B. eee 12021 12022 Schaefer, M.B. (1965 09434 Schaefer, М.В. & R.J.H. Beverton (1963) 02416 Schaefer, W. (1962) 06152 Schäperclaus, W. (1962) 08011 Schafer, R.D. (1963) 02215 Schaller, F. (1963) 02171 Schanze, U.0. (1961) 03130 Scheidhauer, J., L. Messaingurial & R. Court (1962) 11108 Scheitanov, G. & С. Russev (1963) 10538 Schell, I.I. (1963) 10072 Schelske, C.L., F.F. Hooper & E.J.. Haertl (1962) 06211 Scheltema, R.S. (1963) 02122 09192 Schemainda, R. (1962) 10111 Schenker, S. & D.W. McCandless (1964) 08484 end end end end 3rd end 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd end end end 2nd 2nd Scherb, K. (1960) Scheube, H.G. (1963) Schevill, W.E., Ч.А. Watkins & C. Ray (1963) Schicht, R.J. (1961 Schiemenz, F. (1962) Schiff, J. (1962) Sohiff, J.A. Ea) Schiff, J.A. (1964 Schilling, K. (1961) Schindler, D.W. (1963) Schlesinger, R.W. (1961) Schloss, F, & M. Strasberg (1962 Schlüter, M. (1961) Schlumpberger, W. (1962) Schmidt, 0.J. (1961) Schmidt, 0.J. (1961) Schmidt, P.J. (1961) Schmidt, P.J. % I. Bitners (1961) Schmidt, W.J. (1962) Schmidt-Lorenz, W. & U. Schützsack (1962) Schmitt, D.E. (1963) Schmitz, W. (1961) Schneider, D.E. (1962) Schneider, I.R., Т.О. Diener & R.S. Safferman (1964) Schneider, R.F. gest Schneider, R.P. (1962 Schneider, Ч. (1962) Schoch, W. % K. Krone (1961) Schöne, H. (1963) Schoettger, R.A. & J.R. Olive (1961) Schoffeniels, E. (1962) Scholander, P.F. (1963) Schräder, Th. (1959) Schreiber, B. Schreiber, H, Schreibman, M.P. (1962) Schrôder, R. (1962) Schroeder, W.C. (1962) Schroevers, P.J. (1962) Schroll, F. (1959) Schuber, E.D. (1962) Schuber, J. (1963) Schubert, E.D. (1962) Schubert, E.D. (1963) Schubert, K. Transl. (1963) Schützsack, U. (1962) Schule, J.J. (1962) Schule, J.d., Ir. , (md: 1961) Schulejkin, W.W. (1960) & W.C. Walton 9:A72 03116 03166 07556 09589 08139 06097 07395 ' 06144 : 08562 08344 03287 11238 06141 07373 12278 | 07039 ^ 12272 08548 06195 06157 08500 08497 05250 08390 03058 06249 91595 10305 08333 07274 07071 03126 09261 03093 11204 03522 04093 hy 10188 ! 08291 11433 03167 02300 07334 04550 07577 07104 07581 09593 12034 08390 10129 12096 08074 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Schulkin, M. (1962 Schulkin, M. (1963 Schulkin, M. % H.W. Marsh (1962) Schultz, P. (1961) Schultz, R.J. (1961) Schultz, V. (1962) Schultz, V. (Comp. & Ed.) (1962) Schultz, V. & A.W. Klement Jr. (Ed.) (1963) Schulz, H. (1962) Schulze, E. (1961) Schulze, R. (1962) Schumacher, G.J., V.J. Bellis & L.A. Whitford (1963) Schwabe, G.H. (1962) Schwabe, С.Н. & В. Simonsen (1961) Schwartz, С. ek Schwartz, F. (1961 Schwartz, N. et al. (1963) Schwartzlose, R.A. & F.D. Jennings (1962) Schwendinger, R.B. % J.G. Erdman (1964) Schwerdfeger, P. (1963) Scotland. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1962) Scott, С. a Scott, D. (1960) Scott, D. (1961) Scott, D.C. (1961) Scott, D.M. & W.F. Black (1960) Scott, D.P. (1962) Scottish Marine Biological Association (1962) Sealfeld, R.W. (1962) Sears, M. (Ed.) (1963) Seawright, A.A. (1964) Sechrist, F. (1963) Segal, J.R. (1963) Segawa, S. et al. (1963) Segawa, T. (1963) Segerstrale, S. (1960) Segerstrale, S.G. (1962) Seibold, E. (1963) Sekharan, K.V., M.J. Pradhan & K.K. Parameswara Menon (1962) Seki, H. % N. Taga (1963) Selby,.J.M. et al. (1961) Self, J.T., LE. Peters & С.Е. Davis (1961) 12384 12147 12148 12495 09195 11130 19132 AUTHOR INDEX 07112 09105 07061 07462 12540 02594 07595 10031 10347 12312 07079 07310 03329 12267 03498 12472 08250 10141 10151 08089 10921 06309 12559 12149 06569 01213 01443 10014 08414 10054 11313 04108 11444 02195 04428 01158 10165 12417 05141 09194 11131 06149 07492 end 2nd end end end 3rd end 2nd end end end end ena end 3rd end 3rd 3rd end end Seliger, Н.Ч. (1962) Semento, V.E. &M.G. Vladimirova (1962) Semina, G.I. (1959) Semina, G.I. (1961) Senta, T. (1962) Sentz, E. (1962) Seoane-Camba, J. (1962) Serène, R. (1962) Serenkov, G.P. (1962) Serenkov, С.Р. % M.V. Pakhomova (1961) Serfati, А. Be Serfati, A. (1963 Serfaty, A. (1961) Serfaty, A. Et Serfaty, A. (1963 Sergeant, D.E. (1949) Sergeant, D.E., Transl. (1963) SERGEI VAVILOV seen Serpoianu, Gh. (1961 Seshaiya, R.V. et al. (Ed.) (1962) Seth, A. (1963) Seto, T. (1961) SEVERIANKA (1961) Sevilla, M.L. (1963) Seymour, A.H. (1963) Shafer, J.N. & C.D. Corman (1963) Shah, B.K. (1960) Shah, N.M. (1962) Shah, N.M. & C.V. Kurien (1962) Shanks, R.E. (1962) Shapiro, I.G. (1961) Shapiro, М.\. % Y. Kobayashi (1962) Shaposhnikov, V.N. et al. (1964) Shappy, R.A. (1964) Shariff, A.T. (1961) Sharikov, lu.D. « Г.А. (1961) Sharipova, А. (1964) Sharkinene, I.V. (1961) Sharman, R.V. (1963) Sharp, YE. « Pow-Foong Fan (1963) Shatunovskii, M.I. (1961) Shavel'zon R.A. (1962) Shaw, D.M. (1963) Shaw, J.T. (1962) Shaw, K.N.F. (1964) Shaw, R.R. (1963) Shaw, т.т. deu Shaw, T. E. (1962 Shaw, Т.Г. (1962) Cherkasov 9:A73 02209 07029 05257 01241 01093 01094 01148 01124 03184 10280 11224 12240 05355 11429 03528 05266 11435 02333 06471 02027 08179 07031 12605 02038 02027 06523 10260 10333 07587 07094 07095 05062 12324 06153 11142 09580 10467 12066 12138 07354 11011 09598 12321 07341 10057 06076 11039 04599 03449 03226 04136 794 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Shaw, W.N. Me 12415 2nd Shiomi, M. (1962) 04419 Shaw, W.N. (1963 03221 Shippen, H.H. но 11358 Shchapova, Т.И. & V.B. Shirahata, 5. (1964 10581 Vozzhinskaia (1960) 01149 Shishov, A.P. (1961 12476 : Shchapova, T.F. & V.B. Shojima, Y. (1962 04425 Vozzhinskaya (1961) 01150 Shojima, Y. 1983 04125 - Shcherbakov, D.I. (Ed.) et al. 2nd Shojima, Y. (1963 03435 (1962) 02002 Shpet, G. (1961) 12511 Shcherbin, A.D. (1961) 10147 Shrivastava, H.N. (1962) 03361 08334 Shcherbinin, A.D. (1962) 10148 Shtefan, M. (1961) 12192 Shchukina,, I. tee 12494 Shubnikov, D.A. (1964) 12431 3rd Shearer, S.D. (1963 10171 Shuliak, B.A. (1961) 10145 - Shearer, М.М. & Е. Trewavas Shuliak, B.A. oe 10146 ” (1960) 01413 2nd Shuliak, G.S. (1960 03512 Shelbourne, J.E. в 06500 SHUMPU MARU (1964) 09089 09090 —- Shelbourne, J.E. (1963 01391 06499 2nd Shurben, D.S. (1963) 04567 Shemilt, H.R. (1962) 06063 2nd Shuster, С.М. Jr. (1962) 08239 Shen, C.Y. & D.R. Dyroff (1962) 08128 Shute, P.G. (1963) 11240 Shen, D.W.C. (1961) 07106 Shuvalov, V.S. ee 01064 2nd Shen, M.C. (1962) 10150 Shuvalov, V.S. (1961 01065 Shentiakov, V.A. (1961) 12286 2nd Shyamasundari, K. (1962) 07265 Shentiakov, V.A. (1962) 06443 Siccardi, E.M. (1960) 02332 Shepard, F.P. et al. (1964) 12024 Siddiqi, S.A. (1962) 04109 04257 2nd Sherbet, G.V. (1963) 05186 2nd Sidthimunka, A. 4 D, Menasveta Shergalis, L.D. (1962) 06064 (1962) 02448 Sherman, K. (1961) 07417 Sieburth, J.M. (1961) 01151 Sherman, K. & R.P. Brown (1961) 08083 2nd Sieburth, J.MoN. (1963) 11147 2nd Shestopalov, P.I. eae 02325 Siedler, G. (1961) 08067 2nd Shestopalov, P,I. (1962 02326 Siegfried, W.R. (1962) 11446 Shetty, H.P.C., 5.В. Saha & end Siegler, V.B. & Г.К. Fink, Jr. B.B. Ghosh (1961) 09159 (1962) 10134 Shewan, J.M. & 2. Kabata, Transl. Siemiáska, J. (1959) 02237 (1963) 05005 2nd Sigurgeirsson, T. & 0. Shiba, S. (1961) 11536 Gardarsson (1963) 03055 Shibaoka, Y. % M. Takashima 2nd Silas, E.G. aed 04432 (1963) 09068 2nd Silas, E.G. (1961 09469 2nd Shibata, H. (1962) 04534 Silas, E.G. & H.S. Toor (1962) 05287 2nd Shibata, H. & К. Honma (1962) 04533 3rd Silin, Iu.l. (1961) 12059 Shibata, K. eee 09480 Silva, P.C. (1962) 03321 08587 Shiff, C.J. (1961 10345 Silveira da Mota, J.L. (1961) 10090 Shiff, C.J. & B. Garnett (1961) 10346 Silver, R.S. & W.J.K. Weir т Shimamura, Н. (1963) 02428 (1961) 11080 | 2nd Shimamura, H. % A. Honda (1963) 01566 Silvo, 0.E.J. (1963) 06419 Shimazaki, K., К. Otani & S. Simidu, U. & K. Aiso (1962) 04164 © Mishima (1962) 09413 2nd Simidu, М. (1962 02279 Shimidu, Y. & S. Higasa (1963) 04400 3rd Simidu, М. ee 03406 Shimidu, Y. et al. (1963) 04399 2nd Simidu, М. (1963 02280 02281 Shimizu, Y. & T. Morio 03407 03411 (1963) 11290 11291 03412 Shinano, H. (1962) 04163 3rd Simidu, И. (1963) 03408 09340 Shingu, C. en 02395 2nd Simon, DE. & В.С. Rice (1962) 08146 Shinji, F. (1962 09069 Simon, R.C. (1963) 05336 Shinners, W. 10018 Simons, J.R. a 02214 Shiokawa, T. (1962 02396 02399 2nd Simonsen, В. (1961 12267 Shiokawa, T. (1963) 04278 Simonsen, R. & T. Kanaya (1961) 12165 9474 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd end 2nd end. 3rd 2nd 2nd Simpson, J.L.S. (1 963) Simpson, T.H., R.S. Wright & H. Cottfried (19 63) et T.H., R.S. Wright & S.V. Hunt (1963) Simpson, T.L. (196 3) 03434 Sims, C.C. & T.A. Henriquez (1962) Sinclair, A.C. E Sinclair, J.G. (19 Sinclair, M. (1963 Sindermann, C.J. (1961) 62) ) Sindermann, C.J. (1962) Singer, R.H., N.B. Rushforth & A.L. Burnett (19 Singh, R.N. (1962 Singh, S.B. (1962 Singh, T.P. (1962 Singh, V.D. (1962) Sioli, H. (1963) SIOUX CITY (1963) Sirovich, E.M. (19 Sisler, F.D. (1963 Sitakara, R.V. (19 63) 63) ) 62) 04513 12382 02079 10126 Sitakara, R.V. & S.K. Syama (1962) Sivadas, P. ek Sivko, T.N. (1962 Skalkin, V.A. Se Skalkin, V.A. (196 Skauen, D.M. (1963 1) 2) ) Skauen, D.M. & J.S. Rankin, Jr. (1963) Skilbrei, S. (1962 Skillman, T.L. (19 Skinner, J.E. (196 Skipwith, P. (1964 ) 60) 2) ) Skokova, N.N. FE 1 Skokova, N.N. (196 Skolka, V.H. (1961 Skopintsev, В.А. ' Skopintsev, B.A. Skéra, S. Yen Sköra, S. (1964 Skorniakova, N.S. (1961) Skougstad, M.W. (1960-61) ) 1961 1962 Skougstad, M.W. (1961) Skreb, Y. & L. Bevilacqua (1962) Skrinde, R.T., J.W. Caskey & С.К. Gillespie (1962) Skud, B.E. (1962) Skud, B.E. & W.B. Wilson Slédeëek, V. (1961 Sláde3ek, V. (1962 (1960) | AUTHOR INDEX 07311 03433 11303 10231 07026 01442 01383 07250 07427 10514 10325 03346 01220 07537 06559 04112 04380 09576 02081 10297 10296 06568 06207 02308 02309 10314 10315 08393 10584 02241 08116 06513 06514 08189 10095 10096 06526 10524 12057 06168 08129 02136 06246 01309 12368 03340 01585 3rd end end end 3rd 3rd end 3rd 2nd Sláde3ková, A. ен Sladen, W.J.L. (1962 SLAVA (1961) Slesser, M. Transl. (1961) Sletten, K. (1964 Sletten, 0. (1962 Slichter, L.B. (1963) Sliwinska, S. (1962) Slobodkin, L.B. (1962) Slowey, F. (1960) Slukhay, V.V. (1964) Smart, G.C., Jr. (1962) Smirnov, A.F. (1962 Smirnov, A.F. (1963 Smirnov, В.А. (1962 Smirnov, М.М. (1962) Smith, А.А. & C.S. Hammen (1963) Smith, Non . (1963 Smith, Smith, % A.L. McLain (1962) Smith, . Jr (1962) 1102 © Ee a a Bm am + NO ON Us Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, W. (1963) Smithberg, M. (1962) Smithsonian Institution (1961) Smyth, C.N., F.Y. Poynton & J.F. Sayers (1963) Smyth, H.R. (1962) Smyth, T. Jr. (1963) Sneed, К.Е. & Н.К. Dupree (1962) Sneed, K.E., Н.К. Dupree & O.L. Green (1961) Snider, R.G. (1961) Snieszko, S.F. (1962) 02477 Snodgrass, J.M. eee Snodgrass, J.M. (n.d.1961?) Snodgrass, J.M. (1962) Snow, J.R. (1961) Sobel, M.J. or Sobel, M.J. (1964 Sofiano, T.A. (1960) Soin, S.G. & Iu.M. Unanian (1964) e e sa 00 re . о e re = \O \9 KO ON ON o Uy Us nm —— e rn. e > хо Fe a > Us No] A ON n —— 02597 Wao > — NO ON iw nana 2 rra Ga4GgahHldadaad > 9:A75 795 01585 09443 12085 01527 11365 10168 03073 07359 12593 09077 11414 02458 02595 02596 12109 01101 10329 10263 06316 01406 09597 12037 02331 06492 03508 05212 01350 04445 05103 08253 03261 12136 10246 08348 06160 11242 05383 08008 07023 01015 11193 06139 10556 06001 08494 01047 12094 06098 10558 07168 11086 06599 11334 796 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sokal, R.R. (1962) 08592 Sokolov, Г.М. e 12477 Sokolov, L.I. (1962 05406 Sokolov, 0. & S. Zolotov (1961) 12064 Sokolov, О.А. (1961 08174 Sokolov, О.А. (1964 12451 Sokolov, V.P. & К.А. Lobashov (1962) 11110 Sokolova, M.M. 04492 Sokolova, M.M. (1962 05411 Solewski, W. A 04574 Solewski, W. (1962 07488 Soljan, T. (Hayer, M., Transl.) (1963) 04031 Sollberger, H. (1960) 04099 Solodikhina, L.D, (1961) 06057 Solov'eva, N. (1961) 12364 Solway River Purification Board (1961) 06034 Somadikarta, S. (1963) 09414 Soni, D.D. (1962) 07546 Sonnad, G.R. (1961) 07348 Sonoda, 0. a 09005 Sonoda, S. (1964 10466 Soong, M.K. (1962) 01479 Sorkina, A.I. (1961) 12090 Sorkina, А.Т., N.P. Goptarev & N.V. Kucherov (1961) 12091 Sorokin, C. (1964) 11214 Sorokin, ©. & R.W. Krauss (1962) 07368 Sorokin, Yu.I. (1961) 01111 01112 Soudan, F. (1962) 08392 Soule, F.M., P.A. Morrill & A.P. Franceschetti (1961) 08101 South Africa, Republic of. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 01505 02526 05488 South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (1960?) 06036 South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (1961?) 06037 South Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05511 Southcott, В.А. et al. (1960) 01262 Southern, H.N. (1964) 08039 Southern Rhodesia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 01574 01575 E 01576 02577 Southward, A.J. (1962) 06288 Southward, A.J. % D.J. Crisp (1963) 03253 Southward, E.C. (1963) 03195 04210 08290 South West Africa. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Sovereign, H.E. (1963) Sowa, R. (1959) Sowa, R. (1961 Soyrinki, N. (1961) Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1962) 01506 Spain. Laws, Statutes, etc, (1963) 01511 17573 Spain. Ministero de Agricultura. Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca Fluvial (1961) Sparks, А.К. nde Sparks, A.K. (1963 Sparks, A.K., A. Sribhibhadh & K.K. Chew (1962) 2nd Sparrow, F.K. Jr. (1961) Spiegel, I.M. и 11327 Spiller, J.L. (1963 03592 Spillman, J. he Spillman, J. (1962) Spillmann, J. (1961) Spivak, F.I. (1961) Spivakovskil, У.В., V.A. Zimmina & L.S. Gavriliuk (1961) Spooner, G.M. & N.A. Holme (1961) Springer, V.G. (1961) 2nd Sprules, W.M. (1960) Squires, D.F. en Squires, D.F. (1963 Squires, H.J. ae end Squires, H.J, (1962 2nd Sreenivasan, A. (1961) Sreenivasan, A. (1962) Sreenivasan, A. & M.V. Natarajan (1961) Sretenskaia, N.I. (1962) Sribhibhadh, A. (1963) 09079 9:A76 05456 07225 02239 04265 07360 to 01512 01514 01563 01515 11594 10044 04519 10278 04518 02022 11443 04111 02474 03570 02386 12191 03131 06352 07463 01448 02142 10274 03244 01318 09561 10480 09562 07323 10249 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2па 3rd end end end end end end Sribhibhadh, A. & К.К. Chew (1962) Srinivasan, K.S. (1960 Srinivasan, K.S. (1962 Srinivasan, V.R. (1962 Srinivasan, V.V. (1962 Srinivasan, V.V. & 5. Krishnaswamy (1963) Srinivasa Rao, K. (1962) Srivastava, C.B. (1961) Srivastava, K.C. (1963) Srivastava, P.N. (1960) Srivastava, Р.М. & С. Tachi (1964) Srivastava, P.S. (1963) Stacey, C.M. (1963) Staddon, B.W. (1963) Stadelmann, E.J. (1962) Staib, A.H. (1962) Stainier-Lambrecht, A. (1962) Stanczykowska, A. (1960) (1963) Stange-Bursche, А.-М. (1963) Stañczykowska, А. Staniforth, J. (1962) Stankovic, O.P. (1960) Stankovic, 5. & M. Plajakic (1960) Stanley, J.G. & WR. Fleming (1964 Stark, L. (1963) Starmach, J. ae? Starmach, K. (1959 Starmach, K. eens Starmach, K. (1962) Starobogatov, Ia.I. (1962) Stasyuchenko, V.V. (1962) Stauch, A. & M. Blanc (1962) 02464 Stauffer, T.M. (1962) Steele, V.J. (1962) Steen, J.B. (1963) Steeves, H.R. (1963) Stefánsson, U. (1963) Steffens, W. (1962) Steffens, W. et al. (1962) Stein, Jens (1962) 05137 12249 03492 11373 Steinberg, J.C., M. Kronegold & W.C. Cummings (1962) Steinberg, R. (1963) Steleanu, A. (1961) Stelfox, A.W. (1961) Stengel, Н. (1962) STENODUS, М.М. (1961) Stenzel, H.B. (1963) Stepanov, V.N. (1961) AUTHOR INDEX 04518 01181 10294 05312 10298 01116 07438 11285 11426 01411 08565 07069 11088 09282 03306 05357 05369 12497 05189 04156 01037 12177 12293 08515 11255 04575 02236 06368 09030 03231 06272 02473 01456 07252 03493 10324 01073 08412 08549 08347 07402 04320 08171 07524 08372 12045 12229 12092 end end end end end and end 3rd 3rd end 2nd end Stephen, A.C. (1962) Stephens, G.C. (1962) Stephens, J. (1961) Stephens, М. (1962) Stephens, R.F. (1962) Stephens, R.W.B. ee Stephenson, J.L. (1961 Stephenson, W. & M. Rees (1961) Sterba, G. Sterba, G. (1962) Stern, M.E. (1961) Stevens, R.G. (1962) 1962) Stevens, T.M., С.Е. Howard de R.W. Schlesinger (1961) Stevenson, D.J.D. & I.L.M. Larkin (1963) Stevenson, J.C. Stevenson, J.H. (1962) (1962) Stevenson, J.H. & А.Н. Hulsey (1961) Stevenson, J.R. & R.P. Schneider (1962) Steward, A.N., J.D. LaRea de H.M. Gilkey (1963) Stewart, D. (1963) Stewart, F.H. (1963) Stewart, H.B. (1963) Stewart (1962 Stewart, W.D.P. (1963) Steyaert, М. (1961) Stieve, H. (1963) Stillman, S.L. (1962) Stoermer, E.F. & В.М. Drum (1962) Stokes, R.M. (1962) Stolk, A. (1962) Stoller, S.M. (1962) Stone, D. (1964) Storer, R.W. (1963) Stout, V.F. (1962) Strasberg, M. (1962) Strasburg, D.W. (1960) Strasburg, D.W. (1961) StraSkraba, М. (1962) Straty, R.R. (1960) Strehler, B.L. (1963) Strelkov, E. He Strelkov, E. (1961 Stride, A.H. (1963) Stringer, B.L. (1963) Stroganov, N.S. (1960) J.E. & J.F. MacDonald 05328 05402 06511 Stroganov, N.S. (ANUN, Transl.) (1961) 9:A77 197 04393 05093 07424 06018 03543 07021 07593 02187 02423 01483 08126 06077 12212 11258 01407 03542 10178 07274 08312 12134 11078 11004 08478 08327 03005 09195 06083 07321 06538 05350 07108 06361 06512 10385 07039 01313 07421 01585 12465 05071 02093 02094 08092 01212 03122 03123 798 2nd end vend end end end end. 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Stroganov, N.S. (1964) Stroganov, N.S. (M. Roublev, Prarie]; | (1962) Stroikina, V.G. (1962) Strokina, L.A. (1962) Strong, F.M. (1963) Stroup, E.D. tes. Stroup, E.D. (1963 Strufe, R. (1961) Strumess, E.C. (1962) Stuardo, J. (1961) Stuardo, J. ER Stuardo, J. (1962 Stuardo, J. & E. Fagetti (1961) Stubbings, H.G. (1963) Stubbs, А.Я. & R.G.G. Lawrie (1962) Stuiver, M. (1963) Stuiver, M. & N. Nakai (1963) Stumbur, H. (1961) Stumpf, F.B. & P.M. Kending (1963) Stunkard, H.W. An Stunkard, Н.Ч. (1964 Suau, Р. (1963) Subba Rao, D.V. (1962) Subrahmanyan, R. (1960) Subrahmanyan, В. & A.H.V. Sarma (1960) _ Subramanyam, К. (1962) 3rd 2nd 2nd end end 2nd 2nd 2nd Suda, ás (1963) Suda, A. & M.B. Schaefer (1965) Sudarsan, D. (1961) Suehiro, S. (1962) Suehiro, S. & Y. Tomiyasu (1962) Suehiro, S., Y. Tomiyasu & 0. Tanaka (1962) Suellentrop, F.J., A.E. Brown & E. Rule (1962) Suematsu, Y. (1963) Suri, Me Ke eee Sufi, S.M.K. (1962 Suga, N. (1963) Sugihara, T.T. (1963) Sugiura, Y. (1962) Sugiura, Y. (1962) Sugiura, Y. (1963) Sugiura, Y. & T. Akiyama (1963) Sugiura, Y. et al. (1963) Sugiyama, H. (1962) Sugiyama, M. (1963) Sukumaran, К.К. & 5. Parameswaran (1962) Sulidi-Kondratev, E.D. (1963) 06088 01126 01128 04562 12424 12427 01417 03330 06089 11241 04061 08090 10344 05064 12264 12337 01127 12336 09196 10489 08098 10173 12241 09591 05249 11316 04516 07266 02109 04129 05167 04401 09434 09157 02173 09138 09137 06072 03572 04564 08510 08513 10074 09218 02054 09070 09106 09107 09489 08251 01480 09095 end end 3rd Sullivan, S.A. (1963) Sullivan, W.D. (1963) Sullivan, W.S. (1961) Summers, P.B. (1961) 12135 Sund, 0. (1962) 10392 Sundaralingam, V.S. (1962) Sundararaj, В.Т. & M.R.N. Prasad (1964) Sundstrôm, K.-G. (1962) Suno, M. & I. Nakano (1961) Sunshine, P. & N. Kretchmer (1964) Surgenor, D.M. (1962) Suriyong, К., P. Nitayachin & G.N.S. Rao (1962) Surkov, 5.5. & А.А, Iakovenko (1962) Surkov, 5.5. & А.А. Yakovenko (1963) Suryanarayana Rao, S.V. (1960) Suschenya, L.M. (1962) Sushchenia, L.M. (1961) Sutcliffe, D.W. (1963) Sutcliffe, И.Н. & D.S. Hirschfeld (1962) Suttkus, R.D. (1961) Suwananonta, S. (1962) Suyama, M. (1959) Suziumov, Е.М. (1961) Suzue, G. (1960) Suzuki, А. ees Suzuki, A. (1963) Suzuki, H. & K. Watanabe (1962) Suzuki, K. cee Suzuki, О. (1962 Suzuki, О. (1963 Suzuki, Re (1963) Suzuki, В. Een Suzuki, S. (1961 Suzuki, 5. & H. Nimura IN Suzuki, 5. & Н. Nimura (1963 Suzuki, T. (1963 04369 Suzuki, T. Не Suzuki, Y. (1963 Svec, J. (1962) Svensson, В. (1962) Sveshnikov, V.A. (1961 Sveshnikov, V.A. Joe Svetovidov, А.М. (1961 Svetovidov, А.М. (W.J. Walters & V. Walters, Transl.) (1962) Svetovidova, A.A. (1961) Svirenko, E.G. (1960) Svirenko, E.G. (1961) Svob, T. (1961) 9:A78 03098 07196 08024 12591 10475 0732 5 11370 02334 12138 08485 $ 02427 © 01286 05297 05298 06460 06282 06281 01429 08106 07515 01288 11393 12093 11135 09488 11133 02062 03460 04279 09295 04541 12245 01234 01235 07335 . 09139 02365 09186 01585 06263 12158 02150 10508 01344 12501 01171 01172 10516 2nd _ Зга 2nd | 2nd . 3rd 2nd and 3rd 3rd Swain, А. & О.Р. Newman (1962) Sweden. Fishery Board г Sweden. Fishery Board (1963 Sweden. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01517 Sweden. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05463 11574 Sweeney, В.М. & J.W. Hastings (1962 Sweet, J.S. (1962) Swift, D.R. (1962) Swift, М.Г. & J.C. Roberts (1964) Swift, S. & H. Cohen (1962) Syama, S.K. (1962) Sykhoverkhov, F. & R. Krymova (1961) Sykhoverkhov, F. & R. Krymova (d.u. 1961?) Sylvester, R.O. (1961) Syrett, P.J. (1962) Syrett, P.J. & H.-A. Wong (1963) Sysoev, N.N. (1961) Sysoev, N.N. et al. je Sysoev, N.N. et al. (1962 Szabo, T. & A. Barets (1963) 03521 Szabo, Z. & B. Molnar (1962) Szabolcs, M. % K. Benko (1963) Szabolcs, М., А. Kover & К. Benko (1963) Szczerbowski, J. (1964) Szepke, В. (1963) Szumiec, M. (1961) Tabata, К. Ea Tabb, D.C. (1962 Tabb, D.C. % A.C. Jones (1962) Tabb, D.C., D.L. Dubeog & R.B. Manning (1962) Tabibi, A.H. (1961) Tachi, C. (1964) Tachibanazono, S. (1964) Tack, E. (1962) Taft, B.A. (1963) Taga, N. (1963) 09193 11130 11132 Tagatz, M.E. (1961) Tagawa, M. (1962) Taguchi, Н. и Taguchi, К. (1963 Taguchi, К. & О. Sonoda (1963) Taha, M.S. (1963 Tait, JaBs (1963 AUTHOR INDEX 10180 12114 10085 01581 05539 03317 08040 01452 12344 05556 10296 01445 01446 06384 03283 04259 02027 02027 02028 03577 05403 03499 03500 10525 08132 06143 09116 01302 06506 01405 10586 08565 09119 08558 01035 09194 11131 06194 04423 03571 09296 09005 11220 02011 3rd 3rd 3rd 2nd end 2nd 3rd 3rd 9379 Takada, N. Takada, N. Takagi, I. (1963) oes} 1963 Takagi, I. & W. Simidu (1962) & М. Simidu Takahashi, К. Takahashi, Т. Takahashi, Y. Takase, A. & T. Bito (1961) 1963) 1963 1962) Takashima, M. (1963) Takayama, S. (1962) Takeda, A. (1963) Takeda, F. % K. Nishiya (1964) Takeda, T. (1962) eer 1963 Takenaka, Y. (1962) Takeshita, K. (1962) (1962) Takei, M. Takei, M. Takesita, Takeuchi, (1963) Takeuchi, (1964) Takeuchi, Takeuchi, Takeuchi, Takeya, Н. % К. Kon (1964) Pakt, Le Patel I. I. А. N. & N. Takeuchi & N. Takeuchi | Butt 1961 1963 Taki, I. & T. Okutani (1962) 1963) 1964 1963 02280 02286 09141 Takita, T. % S. Fujita (1964) Takizawa, K. (1963) Taku, J. & K. Kobayashi (1962) TAKUYO (1963) Talling, J.F. (1962) Talpasayi, E.R.S. (1963) Tambian, N.N. (1962) Tamoto, K. (1964) Tamoto, K. Nishiya Tanaka, N. & Y. Nakao (1963) F. Takeda & K, (1964) Tamura, T. У Tan, А.-С. (1963 Tan, F.J.E. (1963) Tan, T.H. (1963) Tanaka, O. (1962) Tanaka, 0. & F. Koga (1962) 03375 Tanaka, 5. & Н. Hatano (1963) Tanaka, S., H. Hatano & 5. Ganno (1963) Tanaka, S., Н. Hatano & 0. Itasaka (1960) Tanaka, S., Н. Hatano Suzue (1960) Tanaka, T. (1963) 11136 799 02425 03467 02279 02281 08296 03461 05239 08226 09068 02268 11030 09372 02256 02287 04370 05247 02397 11134 01237 11229 01237 11229 10465 09368 03232 09197 09140 09457 08225 09511 09060 12141 10310 07313 09371 09372 02426 01477 09006 09160 09271 09137 02123 09254 Ter 11137 11135 09198 800 3rd end. end 2nd 2nd end end end 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tanaka, T. (1964) Tanaka, T. & K. Nozawa (1962) Tandon, K.K. (1961) Tang, Y. (1964) Tang, У.А., YW. Hwang & С.К. Liu (1963) Tange, M. (1962) Tani, Le (1963) Tanikawa, E. y M. Akiba & T. Motohiro (1963) Tanikawa, E. y T. Motohiro & M. Akiba (1963) Tanita, S. (1963) Tanner, H.A. (1963) Tanno, K. (1963) Tanon, L. & A. Besson (1961) Tappel, A.L. (1961) Tappel, A.L. (1962) Taranenko, N.F. (1963) Tarasov, M.N. (1961) Tarassenko, Transl. (1962) Tardy, J. (1962) Tarkovskaya, C.I. (1964) Tarkovskaya, O.I. (1964) Tarnavschi, I.T. & М. Oltean (1961) Tarr, H.L.A. 1983 09373 Tarr, H.L.A. (1963 Tarr, H.L.A. (1964 Tartakovskii, B.D. (1962) Tarzwell, C.M. (1959) Tasaki, I. & M. Luxoro (1964) Tasaki, K., A.C. Norton & Y. Fukada (1963) Tatsuki, К., М. Uto & К. Kitamura (1963) Tatsumoto, M. & C.C. Patterson (1963) Tauc, L. (1960) Tauc, L. & G.M. Hughes (1961) Tavaranusorn, P. (1962) 08247 01287 01290 Taveira, C.G. (1963) Tavolga, W.N. (1962) TAVRIIA (1961) Tawaram, Y. et al, (1963) Taylor, C.C. (1962 Taylor, D.W. (1963 Taylor, F.H. (1961 Taylor, F.J.R. (1963) Taylor, M.C. & T.B. Reynoldson (1962) Tazieff, H. & К. Burke (1963) Tchen, T.T. & F.Hu. (1963) Tchernia, P. (1960) 11138 02208 10461 09526 04525 01393 04350 11288 11287 09199 07312 10251 07056 06345 05378 09483 12127 02026 12236 12432 12428 07285 08381 02467 11366 07022 07139 12230 01173 04402 02089 08262 08263 01289 01293 07398 12285 09297 10436 05170 08446 07212 08359 08167 03538 07089 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd end 2nd 2nd Tchernia, P. (1964) Tchernia, P. % G. Benoist (1960) Tchou-Su & М. Yu-Lan (1962) Teal, J.M. & К. Halcrow (1962) Teesdale, C., D.F. Hadman & J.N. Nguriathi (1961) Teichman, H. (1962) Tekman, S. & N. Oner (1963) Telichenko, M.M. en Telichenko, M.M. (1962 Telitchenko, M.M. (1963) Telitchenko, M.M. & V.D. Federov (1962) Telitchenko, M.M., N.V. Davydova & V.D. Fedorov (1962) Telitchenko, M.M., N.V. Davydova & V.D. Fedorov (1963) Temple, A. (1963) Temple, R.F. (1961) Templeman, W. (1962) Templeman, М. & Н.Т. Squires (1962) Templeton, W.L. (1963) Templeton, W.L. & V.M. Brown (1963) Templeton, W.L. & V.M. Brown (1964) Tench, C.V. (1963) Tenison, W.P.C. (1962) Terada, K. (1962) Terada, К., Н. Futi & М. Miyazaki (1962) Terai, K. (1964) Teramoto, T. (1962) Terao, T. (1962) Terenteva, M.V. (1963 Termier, G. (1963) Termier, H. & G. Termier (Humphries, D.W. & Е.Б. Humphries, Transl.) (1963) Tesch, F.-W. (1961 Tester, A.L. (1963 TeWinkel, L.E. (1963) Texas. College (1961) Texas. Instruments Incorporated. Science Services Division (1963) Tguchi, K. (1963) Thailand. Department of Fisheries (1961) Thailand. Fish Marketing Organization (1962) 07012 02460 01243 02250 04535 04022 08012 9:A80 Agricultural and Mechanical 11001 07088 11447 © 10192 10349 05337 © 04186 02461 { 01244 10313 08331 06401 ! Y > 06402 02251 03151 01315. 01318 01032 + 01463 - 09118 \ 11284 æ 07567 | 10130 02042 = 09235 09071 г) 04536 11424 09115 09115 06528 * 02353 11195 À 10236 : 4 04023 04507 U 10405 < 03403 VE NN 2nd Thailand. Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Statistics Section (1961) Thambyapillay, G. (1960) Tharp, M. (1963) Theilacker, G.H. en 05277 THECDORE N. GILL (1961 08081 Therezien, Y. (1960) 12178 Thibaud, J.-M. (1963) Thiébold, J.-J. (1963) Thieme, H. (1961) Thivy, F. % V.D. Chauhan (1963) Thivy, F. & V. Visalakshmi (1963) 03251 Thoai, N.-V. (1964) Thofern, E. & H.H. Fröhlich (1962) Thom, N.S. (1962) Thomann, R.V. & M.J. Sobel (1964 Thomas, D. (1962) Thomas, D.W. (1963 Thomas, E.A. (1962 03345 Thomas, F.L. (1963 Thomas, H.J. (1962 04452 Thomas, H.J. (1962 Thomas, H.J. & C. Davidson (1962) Thomas, J.D. ee Thomas, L.P. (1962 Thomas, L.P., D.R. Moore & В.С. Work (1961) Thomas, L.R. (1963) Thomas, M. (1961) Thomas, M.L.H. (1961) 10507 Thomas, M.P. (1963) Thomasson, K. (1961) Thomaston, W.W. & H.D. Zeller (1961) Thompson, С.Е. & D.F. Davidson (1963) Thompson, M.S. (1962 Thompson, S.H. (136) Thompson, T.I. (1963 Thompson, W.A., Jr. & С.Н. Weiss (1963) Thompson, W.F, ие Thompson, W.J. (1962 Thomson, J.M, de Thomson, J.M. (1963 02345 Thomson, J.M. (n.d. 1963?) Thomson, J.T. & W. Schneider (1962) Thorsteinson, F.V., В.М. Nelson & D.F. Lall (1961) AUTHOR INDEX 12372 11113 10071 10191 10215 12330 04205 02199 07508 04197 04198 08416 06239 06137 11086 07388 03135 03362 11028 04457 04453 04385 08519 10284 02203 01078 08084 12482 01070 03170 10553 10059 11600 04592 07481 12597 02020 02437 02434 03506 12020 07071 12339 end 3rd 9:81 Thron, C.D. y, В.М. Patterson & S.L. Friess (1963) Thuillier, J. et al. (1961) 05353 Thurston, C.E. (1962) Thyagarajan, S. & S. Mahadevan (1962) Thyagarajan, 5. & D. Thomas (1962) Tíbbles, J.J. ei Tibbles, J.J. (1961 Tibbo, S.N. ee Tibbo, S.N. (1962 Tibbo, S.N. & Т.Е. Henri Legaré (1960) Tickell, W.L.N. (1962) 09440 Tiemeier, О.М. (1962) Tiews, K.F.W. (1958) Tihonova, 2.Т. (1963) Tilak, R. (1963) Timmermans, J.A. (1961) Timofeev-Resovskii, N.V. (1964) Timofeev-Resovskii, N.V. & Е.А. Gileva (1962) 01067 Timofeeva, М.А. & N.V. Timofeev- Resovskii (1964) Timofeeva-Resovskaia, Е.А., N.V. Timofeev-Resovskii & Е.А, Gileva (1962) 01067 Timofeyev, V.T. ee Timofeyev, V.T. (1962 Timourian, H. & P.C. Denny (1964) Tiphane, M. (1962) Tiruvenganna, R.P. (1961) Titova, L.K. & M.Z. Aronova (1964) Tiutnev, la.A. (1961) Tiwari, R.D. 4 К.С. Srivastava (1963) Tixier-Durivault, A. (1961) 02188 Tkacheva, K.S. (1960) Todd, D. & G.P. Rizzi (1964) Todd, F.A. (1962) T8le, I. (1962) Tdnnessen, J.1, и. Ténnessen, J.N. (1964 Togliatti, V. (1962) Tokida, J. (1963) 09255 Tokin, В.Р., F.N. Eritchewa & J. Kalinina (1961) Tokioka, T. (1962) 04421 Tokuda, S. & K. Arai (1963) Tokunaga, T. (1963 Toledo, M.T. (1962 Tole, I. (1963) 801 05117 05354 01441 07383 07388 12485 12483 01321 01025 01327 09446 08539 01265 07390 04559 12534 11243 01068 11243 01068 10097 10098 10248 11084 10114 11331 12065 11426 02189 07431 11210 07109 07483 04270 12575 10238 11140 06346 09200 09335 02292 08580 11397 802 2nd 320 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd end end end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Tomczak, G. (1960) Tomilin, A.G. anes Tomilin, A.G. (1963 Tominaga, H. enla Tominaga, Y. (1964 Tomiyama, T. % K. Kitahara (1963) Tomiyama, Т., К. Kobayashi & $. Fujino (1962) Tomiyasu, Y. я Tomiyasu, У. (1963 03 Tomiyasu, Y, de O. Tanaka deny Tomiyasy, У. (1963) Tomoda, Y. et al. (1962) Toms, C. (1963) Toms, R.G. ee TONDER KR. (1962) Toner, R.C. (1962) Tong, W. € I.L. Chaikoff (1963) Tongsanga, S. (1962) Tongsanga, Se, А. Sidthimunka & D. Menasveta (1962) Toor, H.S. (1962) Torbett, H.D. (1961) Torchio, М. ers: Toriumi, M. (1962 Toriyama, M. (1963) Tormosov, D.D. (1964) Tornquist, E, (Ed. ) (Vekarié, 2. Trans], ) (1962) Torsukov, S.N. (1961) Mortonese, E. (1961) Toulis, W.J. (1963) Toulon. Bureau d'Etudes Océanographiques (1962) Tourneur, C. % J. Kauffmann (1963) Tourrette, C. (1962) Towe, K.M., H.A. Lowenstam & M.H. Nesson (1963) Tomsley, S.J. (1963) Townsley, S.J., R.E. Johannes & B.T. Sather (1962) Toya, H. (1964) Toyomizu, M., K. Kawasaki & Y, Tomiyasy (1963) Toyomizu, M., F. Tomiyasu (1963) Trama, Р.В. & R.W. Bachkann (1962) Tranter, D.J. (1963) Tran-van-tri & Ha-khac-chu (1963) Trask, P.D. (1962) Traung, J.-0. (1963) Traut, W. (1961) Ora tad. Ye 04312 07418 10080 06477 06478 04319 12471 04371 04372 09138 09348 09137 09349 09072 11283 10045 06439 09262 03531 02451 02448 05287 10401 02321 04174 09475 12354 03019 12255 08471 09600 03088 03204 05401 07231 10504 10237 09456 09349 09348 04153 01079 04351 08103 05211 02225 end end end Travers, A. a, Travers, M. (1962 Travin, V.I. (1961) Travis, D.F. & U. Friberg (1963) Travis, W. (1961) Trégouboff, G. (1961) & B. Anderson Tressler, W.L. pet Tressler, W.L. (1962 Trewartha, G.T. (1961) Trewavas, E. (1960) Trewavas, E. & P.H. Greenwood - (1960) Tricart, J. (1962) TRIDENT ieee TRIESTE (1962) TRIESTE (1963) Trifonova, N.A. (1961) Trilles, J.P. (1961) Trilles, J.-P. (1963) Trilles, J-P. (1964) Trites, R.W. Bee Trites, R.W (1962) Trites, В.Н. & D.G. MacGregor (1962) Troadec, Troadec, Troiani, Truchan, Truchot, Trukhin, J.-P. (1961) J.-P. (1963) D. (1960) M. & J.I. Ewing (1963) J.-P. (1963) N.V. (1963) Truscott, В. (1964) Tsap, M.L. (1961) Tschermak-Woess, E. (1963) Tseeb, В.Уа. (1963) Tseng, C.K. & C.F. Chang (1961) Tsivoglou, E.C. (1963) Tsivoglou, Е.С. & 5.0, Shearer (1963) Tsuchiya, У. (1962) Tsuchiya, Y. % J.F. Mead (1963) Tsuchiya, Y. & Y. Suzuki (1963) Tsue, K.M. (1963 Teujdás Tí (1963 Tsujii, To. & 0. sono (1963) Tsujino, =. & Т. Saito (1963) Teujita, T. (1963) Tsukahara, H. (1962) Tsukuda, N. (1963) Tsurikov, V.L. (1961) Tsuruga, H. (1962) Tsuruga, H. (1963) 04508 9:82 08205 03086 07064 08107 02400 10210 10211 12287 05178 01001 08570 11595 01031 09230 12586 01413 © 01454 03100 04017 07065 08088 01059 08457 03267 06318 01027 01024 01022 03049 04054 07366 09032 02198 07314 11314 06268 07299 12334 03182 06232 10171 02278 04144 09186 07229 03296 03373 02282 02040 02401 01188 02027 02168 sen 04166 = SA AN ~ >» , us = а aaa AUTHOR INDEX 803 | Tsuruta, A. (1963) 09158 UNESCO & FAO ers 09010 Tsuyuki, Н. & D.R. Idler (1961) 08496 UNESCO & FAO (1964 09011 Tsuyuki, H. & U. Naruse (1963) 02364 USFWS (1961) 10012 ‚ 2nd Tsvetskova, L.I. (1959) 06307 USFWS (1962) 12377 end Tsyba, N.P. (1964) 11127 USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Tubb, J.A. (1962) 07030 Fisheries (1962) 09007 Tucker, D.G. (1960) 07019 USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Tucker, D.G. % J.G. Henderson Fisheries (1963) 07394 09008 (1960) 10400 09415 11458 Tucker, D.G. & V.G. Welsby (1963) 04321 11459 Tucker, J.S. & A.C. Giese (1962) 07275 USFWS. Bureau of Commercial Tucker, M.J. (1963) 03053 07053 Fisheries (1964) 07077 11021 »* 2nd Tucker, M.J. (1963) 07070 11033 11115 11293 ‚ 2nd Tucker, M.J. & D. Catton (1962) 06101 USFWS. Bureau of Sport . Tucker, W.D. Transl. (1962) 01483 Fisheries & Wildlife (n.d. ) 10040 Mily, MP. (1964) 10055 USFWS. Bureau of Sport Fisheries - 2nd Tungate, D.S. (1963) 03139 & Wildlife. Branch of Wildlife Tunisia. Laws, Statutes, etc. Research (1961) 12044 (1962) 05464 05465 USPHS (1961) 06371 05466 USPHS (1962) 05058 12151 Tunisia. Laws, Statutes, etc. USPHS (1963) 04116 04117 4 (1963) 05467 05059 12153 | Turdakov, F.A. (1961) 12302 12154 A Turk, S.M. (1963) 06317 USPHS (1964) 12152 12155 2nd Turner, C.H. (1962) 11354 12156 2nd Turner, C.H. Jr. & E, Ebert USPHS (n.d. ) 06228 (1964) 12205 USPHS. Division of Radiological Turner, C.H. & E.E. Ebert (1962) 11353 Health (1963) 02102 Turner, F.B. (1962 03527 Uchida, H. & T. Segawa (1963) 04428 Turner, H.J. (1963 09201 Uchida, K. & Y. Shojima Turner, J.J. Jr. (1961) 08237 (W.G. van Campen Transl.) 2nd Turner, R.D. (1962) 01175 (1963) 03435 K Turrill, W.B. ee) (1963) 04025 Uchida, T. & Z Nagao (1963) 02116 3rd Tuzet, o. (1961) 03035 Uchihashi, K., 4 Shimamura & A. у Tuzet, 0. & R. Connes (1962) 01224 Honda (1963) 01566 Tweed River Purification Board Uchio, T. (1962) 07125 (1961) 06035 Uda, M. (1962) 01384 Twesukdi, P. & V. Kloom (1961) 10482 2nd Ueda, К. (1963) 03580 2nd Tyler, A. (1963) 11171 amd Ueda, S. х Y. Yamamoto (1962) 92058 Tyler, A.V. hee 03480 Uehara, S. (1962) 11031 Tyler, J.C. (1962 05227 Uemura, e Н. Kobayashi & $. Tyler, Т.В.’ (1963) 05024 Ishii (1963) 04429 vier. J.E. (1964) 08117 3rd Ueno, M. ee 09412 Tyler, J.B. & W. Austin (1964) 11073 Ueno, T. (1962 02045 2nd Tyler, M.J. (1963) 12530 Ueno, T. & K. Abe (1964) 11294 Tysset, C. et al. (1961) 05233 Ueno, Т. & М. Miyazaki (1963) 11032 2nd Ueyanagi, S. (1962) 09494 | Ueyanagi, S. Hat 04403 04404 UN (1962) 06134 2nd Ueyanagi, S. (1963 04406 UN Water Resources Development Uherkovich, G. (1961) 03355 Centre (1962) 06045 Uherkovich, GC, Br 03173 UNESCO (1961) 08595 Uherkovich, G. (1963 07186 UNESCO! Br 08594 Uhr, J.W., S. Finkelstein & UNESCO (1963 04036 04041 E.C. Franklin (1962) 05304 UNESCO (1964) 10005 Ulanov, Kh.K. (1964) 11085 9:A83 804 2nd end 2nd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Ulmer, M.J. (1961) 07503 Ulubekova, M.V. % L.P. Kazanskii (1964) 11246 Ulubekova, M.V. & N.M. Nazarov (1964) 11226 UMITAKA MARU eet 09140 UMITAKA MARU (1963 09141 Unanian, lu. M. (1964) 11334 Ung, C.C. (1960) 10007 U.A.R. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 11514 U.K. (1962) 10588 U.K. Atomic Energy Authority. Production Group. Technical Department (1962) 10162 U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1960) 10030 U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1961) 06024 06155 10028 U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1962) 06025 06237 U.K. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1963) 06019 06022 О.К. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (1564) 11101 О.К. Institute of Sewage Purification, Scottish Branch (1962) 06177 О.К. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 01518 02534 05468 11515 11516 11517 U.K. MAFF es 10396 12226 U.K. MAFF (1963 10397 U.K. MAFF, Transl. (1962) 12220 12223 12416 12487 12490 U.K. Marine Biological Association (1963) 04018 U.K. Meteorological Office (1962) 10115 U.K. Meteorological Office (1963) 11091 U.K. Ministry of Housing and Local Government (1961) 06136 06613 О.К. Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Scottish Development Department, and Ministry of Health and Local Government Northern Ireland (1962) 06173 U.K. Parliament oe. U.K. Parliament (1962 10107 U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (1960) U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (1961) U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East/WMO (1960) U.N. Special Fund. Caribbean Fishery Mission (1962) U.S. Army Engineer Districts, Portland and Walla Walla Corps of Engineers (1961) U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey (1962) U.S. Coast % Geodetic Survey (1963) - 09075 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce (1963) U.S. Department of Agriculture (1961) U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services (1962) 01049 U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Health Service (1960) U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service (1962) U.S. Department of tne Interior (1962) 10020 U.S. Department of the Interior (1963) U.S. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife (1962) U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of Saline Water (1962) 10063 U.S. Department of the Interior. Office of Saline Water (1963) U.S. Department of the Interior. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1962) Public U.S. Department of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks (1960) U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) 01582 02578 02580 U.S. Laws. Statutes, etc. (1963) 02565 to 9:AB4 05414 10421 10043 10051 10157 03017 12564 05030 09076 03583 10595 05501 04097 08170 12406 08060 08054 10067 10066 03022 06273 01583 02579 05470 — 02581 02591 nn FIS 2nd 2nd U.S. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (1963) U.S. Treaties, etc. (1961 U.S. Treaties, etc. (ideo) 01520 Unoki, S. (1962) Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee (1962) Urbani, E. (1961) Urick, R.J. a Urick, R.J. (1963 Urick, R.J. & D.S. Saling (1962) Urist, M.R. (1962) Urnes, P.J., К. Imahori & P. Doty (1961) Uruguay. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1962) Uruguay. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Ury, J.F. (1961) Usami, S. & H. Sugiyama (1962) Uschakov, P.V. (1963) Uselyte, S. (1962) Usk River Board (1962) Uspenskaia, A.V. (1961) Uspenskaia, V.I., N.A, Levshina & V.A. Riabchenko (1962) Usui, H. (1962) Utinomi, H. (1959) Utinomi, H. (1962) Uto, M. & K. Kitamura (1963) Utsunomiya, T. (1963) Utsunomiya, Y. & T. Utsunomiya Uvnäs, B. (1963) Uyeda, S. (1963) Vaccaro, R.F. (1962) Vacelet, J. (1961) Valdez, V. & D.H. Cushing (1962) Valet, G. (1960) Valori, Р., А.М. Alasia & Р. Savoini (1961) Vamos, Re, J. Zsolt & M. Ribiánszky (1962) Vanaja, M. (1962) van Andel, T.H. & J. Laborel (1964) AUTHOR INDEX 05491 05551 11518 11521 to 04008 01519 01521 02056 08052 01082 07575 11024 07068 08557 04485 02566 19519 06265 09489 01210 07187 06044 12507 07202 09185 08234 09202 04402 09544 09544 03587 03072 10062 08281 10149 07293 06199 03114 01300 12113 van Andel, Т.Н. & Р.Г. Sachs (1964) van Baalen, C. & J.E. Marler (1963) 2nd van Bergeijk, W.A. (1962) 07458 van Bergeijk, М.А. & С.С. Harris (1962) Van Campen, W.G. Transl. (1962) Van Campen, W.G. Transl. (1963) 03435 04375 Vandel, A. (1963) Van den Ende, G. & P. Haage (1963) Van den Ende, С. & В. Van Oorschot (1963) Van Der Borght, 0. (1962) Van der Kloot, W.C. (1962) van der Lingen, M.I. (1960) 10170 Van der Werff, A. (1962) 3rd Vándorffy, M.T. een Van Engel, W.A. (1962 Vanicek, D. (1961) Vannucci, M. (1962) 01072 2nd Van Oorschot, В. eee 2nd Van Reenan, B.D. (1962 Van Riper, J.E. (1963) van Someren, V.D. (1962) 12556 van Sommers, P. (1962 van Sommers, P. (1963 van Thoai, N. & Y. Robin (1963) Van Wijngaarden, A. (1962) Van Wyk, G.F. (1962) nd Varadarajulu, В. ert 3rd Varagnolo, A.-M. (1961 Varghese, T.J. (1961) 09492 2nd Varikul, V. (1962) Varlet, F. (1960) Varma, R.P. (1959) 3rd Varrone, S. (1962) Vartanov, S.P. & V.A. Kornev (1961) VARUNA (1962) 05007 2nd Vasconcelos, M.S. (1962) 2nd Vashchenko, D.M. (1962) 2nd Vashchenko, D.M. (1963) Vasilchikov, N.V. (1964) 2nd Vasil'ev, G.A. (1961) Vasil'ev, V.N. (1963) Vasil'eva, G.L. & O.M. Kozhova (1960) Vasil'eva, С.Г. & О.М. Kozhova (1961) Vasil'eva, V.,F., AG. Ginetsinskii & М.М. Sokolova (1962) 9:A85 805 10082 11148 09525 07457 01088 04071 04376 12180 04199 04200 05188 12583 12528 07281 06213 08376 03551 08577 04200 06069 02023 12551 08556 07482 04207 03459 11098 05034 08183 10321 02449 12052 04234 05069 12054 12029 12412 06553 06554 09586 12056 07584 01102 01103 05411 806 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Vasishta, P.C. (1963) 07300 3rd Vieira, М. (1961) 12338 3rd Vastesaeger, E. (1962) 05270 2nd Vik, в. (1961) 07405 Vastesaeger, M.M., P. Gillot & Vilela, H. (1962) 12360 — E. Vastesaeger (1962) 05270 Villadolid, D.V. Ber, 09028 Vasu, B.S. (1962 06359 08563 2nd Villadolid, D.V. (1961 05407 Vatova, A. (1960 07120 07121 2nd Villegas, G.M. (1962) 06343 ' Vatova, A. (1961 08279 Villegas, G.M. & R. Villegas Vazzoler, A.E.A. de М. (1962) 01311 (1963) 05321 Vazzoler, G. (1962) 01333 2nd Villegas, В. (1963) 05321 Vedenskii, A.P. (U.K.MAFF Villegas, R. & G.M. Villegas Tenis]. ) {1962) 12416 (1962) 06343 Vegas, Р.А. (1962) 07583 3rd Villeroux, A. (1963) 03378 Veibel, S., K.A, Jensen & E. Vinberg, G.G. & Т.М. Sivko | Klajn (1963) 09203 (1962) 06207 Veinreb, E.L. (1963) 11386 Vinberg, G.G. & D.M. Vashchenko Vekarié, Z. Transl. (1962) 03019 (1962) 06553 Velankar, N.K. (1961) 10390 Vinberg, G.G. % О.М. Vashchenko Velankar, N.K. et al. (1961) 09374 (1963) 06554 Velappan, N.R. (1961) 10484 Vinogradov, M.E. (1959 04128 Velasquez, С.С. zen 05254 2nd Vinogradov, М.Е. (1961 01002 01003 Velasquez, C.C. (1964 11300 11408 Vinogradov, N.N. (1961 12282 VEMA (1963) 05022 2nd Vinogradova, N.C. & Z.A. Venenzuela. Laws, Statutes, etc. Filatova (1960) 01162 (1962) 01522 2nd Vinogradova, N.G. & Z.A. ; Venenzuela. Laws, Statutes, etc. ‘Filatova (1961) 01163 (1963) 05588 11522 Virden, R. & D.C. Watts be 04243 Venkataraman, С. He 04430 2nd Virden, В. & D.C. Watts (1963. 04208 Venkatasubba, R. (1961 10460 2nd Visalakshmi, У. (1963) 03251 04198 Venkateswarlu, T. $ =. 07434 Vishniac, Ч. (1961) 01152 Venugopalan, V.K. (1961 12566 Visintin, B. % S. Monteriolo Vereninov, А.А., М.М. Nikol'skii (1961) 03094 & D.L. Rozental' (1962) 03473 2nd Visser, S.A. (1963) 04260 2nd Verevkina, G.L. 4 К.В. Akhmedov Vita-Finki, C. (1964) 08172: (1962) 02298 VITIAZ (1960) 01162 _ Vernberg, F.J. ee 12584 VITIAZ (1961 01002 01130 ` 2nd Vernberg, F.J. (1963 11253 VITIAZ (1962 01088 Vernberg, Ч.В. & Р.Т. Vernberg VITYAZ (1960 07020 (1963) 11253 VITYAZ Area 01003 2nd Veronis, G. (1961) 08123 VITYAZ (1962) 12404 Verploegh, G. (1962) 10132 Vivier, P. (1962) 03597 Vertebnaia, Р.Г. per 01109 Vladimirov, V.L. (1962) 01247 01248 . Vertebnaya, P.I. (1960 01110 01249 Vervoort, W. (1962) ‘09142 10301 Vladimirova, K.S. (1961) 01252 01253. Veselov, E.A. (1964) 12437 12452 3rd Vladimirova, М.С. (1962) 01241 Veselov, K.E. et al. (1961) 02030 Vladykov, V.D. (1960) 01449 Veselov, K.E. et al. (1962) 02031 2nd Vogt-Koehne, Г. (1962) 02135 2nd Vevers, G. (1960) 01010 3rd Voigt, С.Е. (1964) 11315 3rd Veysseyre, C. (1963) 02270 Voigt, K. (1961) 08073 Vialov, 0.C. & N.L. Zenkevich Volker, R. (1962) 07326 (1961) | 12187 Volkmann, G.H. (1963) 02075 . Viazov, O.E. % А.Т. Muralova Volkov, A.A. an (1961) 08583 (1961) 12203 Volkov, С.А. (1964) - 11245 . 2nd Vibert, R. (1963) 04556 Volkova, G.A. (1963) 06236 10335 Vicente, N. (1962) 08270 10488 Volkova, N.S. & М.А. Danilov Victoria. State Development (1961) 12479 Committee (1962) 12547 von Arx, W.S. (1963) 02077 9:A86 2nd 2nd “end von Brandt, A. ae von Brandt, A. (Ed.) (1963) von Brandt, A. & H. Bohl (195 Von Czetsch, L.H. (1961) Von Dzwillo, М. (1962) Von Englhardt, W. (1960) von Euler, U.S. (1961) von Euler, U.S. & H. Heller ( (1963) Von Glaser, R. (1962) von Haffner, K. (1961) von Haranghy, L. (J. Flury, Transl.) (1962) Von Herzen, R.P. (1963) Von Herzen, В.Р. & 5. Uyeda (1963) von Levetzow, K.G.R. (1962) Von Steffens, W. (1962) Voronin, L.G. & Г.А, Kholodov (1964 Voronina, N.M. Sie Voronina, N.M. (W.G. Van Camp Transl.) (1962) Voskoboinik, D.J. & J. Puig (1960) Voss, G.L. (1962) Voss, G.L. (1962) ‘Voss, М.А. & С.Г. Voss (1962) Votintsev, K.K. (1964) Votintsev, К.К. & G.I. Popovs (1964) Vovelle, J. (1963) Vozzhinskaia, V.B. (1960) Vozzhinskaya, V.B. (1961) Vrklijan, T. (1963) Vronskii, V.A. & D.G. Panov (1963) Vucetic, T. (1961) Vucetic, T. (1963) Vul'fson, P.L. (1961) Vu-Tân-Tuê (1963) WHO a WHO (1961 WHO (1962) WHO (1963 WMO (1960 WMO (1960 WMO (1961 WMO (1962) WMO (1965) WMO. Working Group on Terminology (1959) 04038 9) Ed. ) en, kaia 11248 08186 10128 11094 AUTHOR INDEX 04328 04343 03486 08377 07935 01053 08593 04033 07171 12215 03294 07059 03072 12576 05385 12441 01087 01088 09596 07243 07240 07240 12131 11250 04204 01149 01150 03387 04079 08194 03141 06461 09537 05498 08597 05499 07117 10006 10157 10013 10133 09078 01590 end 2nd end 2nd 2nd 2nd end end 3rd 807 Wada, K. (1963) 04167 04232 Wada, S.K. (1964) 05124 11139 Waddington, C.C. dé 04030 Waddington, J.J. (1962 06178 Wade, R.A. (1962) 10478 Waern, M. (1961) 07219 Wagle, P.M. (1961) 06408 Wagner, Н.Н. & Т.О. Harris (1963) 09555 Wagner, W.C. & Т.М. Stauffer (1962) 01456 Wahbe, V.G., Ч.М. Balfour & F.E. Samson Jr. (1961) 12542 Wainwright, S.A. (1963) 10253 Wakao, M. & I. Kojima (1963) 04070 Wakao, M. & I. Kojima (W.G. Van Campen, Transl.) (1963) 04071 Wake, D.B. (1963) 03540 Walburg, C.H. (1960) 12466 Walczak, J.E. & T. Carter (1964) 07082 Walden, H. noes 12108 Walden, H. (1962 10131 Waldén, H.W. (1962) 10370 Walden, R.G. % D.H. Frantz (1962) 06079 Waldichuk, M. & E.L. Bousfield (1962) 06117 Waldmann, J. (1962) 10477 Walford, R.L. (1963) 03564 Walker, R.A. (1963) 11002 Wallauschek, E. & J. Lützen (1963) 10064 Wallauschek, E. & J. Lützen (1964) 10065 Walien, I.E. (1963) 04015 Walls, E.L. & R.D. Lee (1961) 06604 Walne, P.R. (1963) 04215 Walsh, J. (1963) 07055 Walters, V. (1961) 07425 Walters, V. Transl. (1962) 01344 Walters, V. & H.L. Fierstine. (1964) 08474 Walters, W.J. Transl. (1962) 01344 Walther, K. (1963) 09601 Walton, А., М.Ч.М. Leo & Р.И. Krey (1963) 05060 Walton, M. (1961) 01459 Walton, W.C. (1961) 06144 Waluga, D. (1962) 07486 Wandeler, A. (1964) 12413 Wanka, F. (1962) 05184 Wansor, J. (1963) 10221 Ward, C.M. (1962) 05054 Ward, C.M. & W.M. Irwin (1961) 10555 9: 487 808 2nd end 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd end end end 3rd Ward, F.J. Ward, JW. Мага, J.W. Ward, R.A. Warham, J. Warner, К. Washington of Fisheries 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Wass, ML. Wass 3 ML. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 62 61 62 61 62 61 (State). (1961) a) 62 Wasylik, K. (1961) Watanabe, А. & 1. Takahashi (1962) Watanabe , (1963) Watanabe, Watanabe, Watanabe, H. К. К. Watanabe , Watanabe , Watanabe, Watanabe, Watanabe, 1962 1962 1963 1964 1963 1963 1963 1962) Department & S. Ueyanagi Water Information Center (1962) Waterman, A.J. & A. Gorbman (1962) Waterman, J.J. Waterman, Т.Н. Waterman, T.H. (1963) Water Research (1962) Wathne, F. (19 (1963) & C.A. Association 63) Watkins, W.A. & C. Ray (1963) Watson, G.E. , R.L. Zusi & R.W. Storer (1963) Watson, J.D. & В. Meister (1963) Watson, N.H.F. & G.H. Lawler (1961) Watson, S.W. | Watson, S.W. a 1961 Wattendorff, J. (1963) Watts, D.C. (1 Watts, D.C. 963 1963 02043 01353 04415 11038 11308 12125 02342 Wiersma 06511 Wautier, J. & D. Troiani (1960) Wawrik, F. (19 Wawrik, F. 1 Wawrik, F. (19 Wawrzyniak, M. (1962) Wear and Tees River Board Wear and Tees River Board Weaver, C.S. ( 61) 62) 63) 1963) 119 A 62 05294 07416 05237 01030 09451 07423 08517 11188 10206 03358 05239 04406 02044 02062 04414 11037 11309 09073 03598 09375 01201 12126 03418 07378 09166 05159 12123 04327 07395 06512 11126 12546 01153 01147 10382 04243 04208 07366 12164 03169 07189 05330 06031 06039 09204 09205 end end end end end Weaver, E.C. & N.I. Bishop (1963) Webb, H.J. (1962) Webbe, G. (1961) Webber, Е.Е. He Webber, E.E. (1963 Weber, D.D. & T. Miyahara (1962) Weber, H. (1963) Weber, J.N. (1964) Weber, J.N. & A. La Rocque (1963) Weber, K.G. (1961) Webster, D.K. (1963) Webster, F. (1962) Weerakoon, A.C.J. (1962) Weinstein, F. (1961) Weir, W.J.K. (1961) Weise, L. (1961) Weisman, H.M. & M.L. Albertson (1962) Weiss, C.M. & R.T. Oglesby (1962) Weiss, G.H. (1963) Welander, A.D. (1963) Welander, P. (1961) Wellendorf, M. (1963) Wellman, H.W. & А.Т. (1963 Wells, H.W. (1961) Wells, J.B.J. (1963) Welsby, V.G. (1963) Welsby, V.G., J.H.S. Blaxter & C.J. Chapman (1963) Welter, L. & D. Briard (1960) Wendler, L. (1963) Wenger, P. (1962) Went, A.E.J. (1962) Wenz, С.М. (196) Wilson 06476 Werner, B. (1963 08236 Werner, E. (1961 Wesenberg-Lund, E. (1963) West, J.A. (1962) Westerman, R.A. (1963) Western Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) 05419 05512 05542 Westgarth, W.C. (1962) Westhoff, C.J.W., J.A. Pope & R.J.H. Beverton (1962) West Pakistan. Laws, Statutes, etc. (1963) Wetherill, G.B. (1963) Weyl, P.K. & A. Bradshaw (1964) Wheeler, A. (1962) 03432 06501 9:A88 06126 05471 05541 05544 04088 4 03509 >. 02559 - 12599 08096 03469 - « Se AUTHOR INDEX 809 Wheeler, A. & du Heaume (1964) 06486 Williams, H.H. (1960 01328 Wheeler, G.E. (1963) 10247 Williams, H.H. oe 11421 Whetstone, G.W. & J.J. Musser Williams, Т.С. (1963 11324 (1962) 06225 Williams, J.E. & L.S. Ritchie Whiston, T.G. & G.W. Cherry (1961) 10361 (1962) 08150 Williams, 1.0. & С. Scott White, C.E., Jr. (1961) 10561 (1962) 06309 White, E.I. hae 07559 Williams, P. (1962) 05196 White, E.I. (Comp.) (1963) 05495 Williams, T.R. (1962) 05195 White, Р.Е. & E.D. Schubert Williams, T.R. & L. Obeng (1962) 05204 (1962) 07577 07581 Williams, W.D. ee 03343 White, F.E. & E.D. Schubert Williams, W.D. (1963 12258 (1963) 09589 09593 Williamson, Л.Т. (1963) 02131 White, W.R. (1963) 03178 Willings, L.M. (Ed. ) (1962) 11027 Whitehead, P.J.P. (1963) 03478 2nd Willoughby, 1.0. (1964) 08329 Whitford, L.A. (1963) 07310 2nd Wills, W. (1962) 05199 Whitley, G.P. (1964) 07429 09493 2nd Wilson, A.J. & A.J. Rick (1962) 08240 Whitley, L.S. (1963) 10328 2nd Wilson, А.Т. (1963 07054 Whitlock, В. & Р.М. Strong Wilson, С.5. wae 07160 (1963) 11241 Wilson, D.P. (1962 04467 Whitmarsh, D.C. ar 11025 2nd Wilson, М.В. (1960 12368 Whittaker, R.H. (1961 10184 Wilson, W.D. (1962) 07062 Whitworth, W.R. & W.H. Irwin Winkler, L.R. & E.Y. Dawson | (1961) 10550 (1963) 09207 Wibaut Isebree Moens, N.L. & 2nd Winn, H.E. (1962) 01437 R. Peelen (1962) 03172 Wisdom, A.S. (1962) 06612 Wiborg, K.F. (1963) 06286 Wise, L.M. & D.P. Gallagher Wickler, W. (1965) 11396 (1964) 11321 Wicklund, E.C. (1963) 04593 Wisely, B. (1962) 01190 01191 Wickstead, J. (1962) 04139 Wisely, B. & C. Purday (1963) 02115 Wickstead, J.H. (1962) 10193 Wiseman, J.D.H. (1964) 08120 Wiechowski, W. (1961) 06260 Wiéniewski, T.F. (1961 06389 Wiedemann, W. (1961) 06238 Wigniewski, W.L. (1960 07498 Wiegert, L. (1962) 12549 3rd Wittenberg, J.B. (1963 04130 Wiersma, C.A. (1963) 05159 Wittfogel, H. (1962) 08409 Wierzchowski, J. (1962) 05221 Wédek, J.M. (1959) 02478 02479 Wieser, W. (1959) 04180 02481 Wiesner, E.R. (1962) 08527 Wohlschlag, Р.Е. (1962) 09453 Wiessner, W. ER 03289 2nd Wold, J.K. (1963) 11185 Wigley, R.L. (1961) 04182 Wolf, G. eee 08071 08078 Wiktor, J. Acer 08545 Wolf, K. (1962 05358 Wiktor, K. (1961 08320 Wolf, K., М.С. Quimby & A.D. Wilce, R.T. ar 01134 Bradford (1963 11425 Wilce, R.T. (1962 07226 Wolf, RS. iat 08442 Wilder, W.H. (1962) 08159 2nd Wolf, R.S. (1962 11352 Wildon, D.C. & F.V. Mercer (1963) 08249 2nd Wolfe, R.S. (1961) 03360 Wiley, C.M. (1961) 06148 Wolff, T. Е 09227 Wilhelmi, С. (1962) 10283 Wolff, T, (1963 04048 Wilimovsky, N.J. (1963) 03584 04311 3rd Wollin, G. (1964) 10061 Wilimovsky, N.J. & E.C. Won, Chong un (1963) 09117 Wicklund (1963) 04593 2nd Wong, H.-A. (1963) 04259 Wille, P. (1962) 07024 Wood, E.J.F, ER 01076 01154 Willen, T. (1962) 10216 Wood, E.J.F. (1963 02120 02121 Williams, F.L. es 11523 03154 Williams, G.B. (1963 01169 2nd Wood, E.J.F. (1963) 04184 9 : AB9 810 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd end end BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Wood, F.W. (1962) Wood, J.G. & T.L. Lentz (1964) Woodburn, K.D. (1963 Woodcock, A.H. (1964 Woodley, J.D. (1963) Woodruff, H.B. (1961) Woodruff, J.W. Jr. (1961) Woods, A.R. (1963) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1962) Woollett, R.S. (1962) Wooster, W.S.-& J.L. Reid, Jr. (1963 Work, R.C. (1961) Work, R.C. & H.B. Moore (1962) Workman, G.W. (1963) Wormelle, R.L. (1962) Worthington, E.B. (1964) Woynarovich, E. (1962) Wright, R.S. & Н. Gottfried (1963) Wright, R.S. & S.V. Hunt (1963) Wright, T. % L.S. Kornicker (1962) Wright, W.D. (1961) Wriston, J.C. (1962) Wröbel, S. (1959) Wruble, D.T. et al. (1964) Wunder, W. (1962 Wunder, W. (1963 ET (1964) Wurtz-Arlet, J. rte Wurtz-Arlet, J. (1962 Wyrtki, К. (1960) Wyrtki, K. (1962 05416 07241 08542 03434 Musacchia XAUEN/X-6911 (1961) Yabe, H. & S. Ueyanagi (1962) Yabu, H. & J. Tokida (1963) 09255 Yabuki, B. (1964 Yabuta, Y. (1963 Yabuta, Y. 4 M. Yukinawa (1962) Yabuta, Y. % M. Yukinawa (1963) Yabuubhi, E. (1963) Yaguchi, M., М. Suno & I. Nakano (1961) Yaguchi, M. et al. (1961) 3rd Yakovenko, А.А. (1963) 07170 08293 03219 10261 01119 01133 07149 06008 08022 07035 02073 02203 10135 10532 02125 06494 11440 03433 11303 09487 06259 06262 02235 12128 08525 10496 11399 04530 08547 10079 03044 08107 09494 11140 09109 09498 09495 04405 03532 12138 12137 05298 Yakovlev, G.N. (B.J. Hobson, Transl.) (1961) Yaldwyn, J.C. (1964) Yamada, J. (1961 2nd Yamada, J. (1962 Yamada, J. (1963 Yamaga, M. & K. Morioka (1962) Yamaguchi, K. (1963) Yamaguchi, K. et al. (1963) 04543 Yamaguti, S. (1961 0 Yamaguti, 3. (1963 Yamamoto, Г.Т. (1962) Yamamoto, S. % S. Mishima (1962) Yamamoto, S. & M. Ueno (1962) Yamamoto, T. & T. Fujita (1964) Yamamoto, (1963) Yamamoto, Yamamoto, Yamamoto, Yamamura , 3rd end end end 09214 T. & N. Matsuda 2nd T. & F. Morii (1962) T.S. (1962) Te 119623 Y. & S. Muto (1962) Yamanaka, Н. & N. Anrahu (1962) Yamanaka, I. (1963) Yamashita, Y. (1962) Yamazaki, F. (1962) Yamazaki, F. (1963) Yanagisawa, T. & Y. Komiya (1961) Yanase, M. (1963) Yang, J.M. & Kwan Soh Ko (1963) Yanni, M. (1963) Yao, M. (1962) Yashouv, A, & J. (1961) Yasuda, Г. 1965) 3rd 2nd Chervinski 3rd Yasuda, H. (1963 02338 Yasuda, H. (1964 Yasuda, H. 4 K. Minowa (1963) Yasuda, Н., К. Кава & В. Науапа (1963) Yasuda, М. (1964) Yasumasu, I. (1961) Yasuroska, K. & Y. Hosaka (1961) Yasuzumi, G. (1962) Yates, F. (1963) Yentsch, C.S. (1962) Yoakim, E.G. eee Yokoseki, M. (1962 Yokota, T. et al. (1963) Yonemori, T. (1963) Yonge, С.М. een Yonge, C.M. (1963 end end end end 09311 10256 9:A90 2nd 2nd * 2nd 2nd 2nd Yonge, C.M. (1963) Yoshida, К. & $. Sonoda (1964) Yoshida, T. Не. Yoshida, Т. (1963 Yoshida, T., T. Sawada & М. Higaki (1963) Yoshida, Y. (1963) 09177 Yoshihara, T. (1961) Yoshikawa, К., T. Mamuro & Т. Azuma (1961) Yoshikawa, T..& T. Suzuki (1963) Yoshimitsu, T. (1964) Yoshioka, H. (1963) Yoshizumi, K. (1962) Young, E.G. & C.I. MacFarlane (1962) Young, R.W. (1962) 07036 07038 07043 07047 09029 Young, R.W. (1963) 09590 09594 Yukinawa, M. (1962 Yukinawa, M. (1963 Yukinawa, M. & Y. Yabuta (1963) Yu-Lan, W. (1962) Yungul, S.H. en Yunokawa, Y. (1963 Yur'ev, G.C. (1962 Yu-Ying Fu Li, F.D. Baker & .W. Andrew (1963) Zachariah, K.C. (1962) Zacwilichowska, K. (1964) Zahl, P.A. (1962) Zahnd, J.P. & A. Porte | (1963) 11338 Zaitsev, A.V. (1962) Zaitsev, lu.P. del Zaitsev, Та.Р. (1963 Zaitsev, V.P. (1961) 11017 Zaitsev, Yu.P. (1961) Zaks, М.Ц. & М.М. Sokolova (Foerster, В.Е. Transl.) (1962) Zalachowski, W. (1961) Zama, K. (1963) 02283 | 07473 Zama, K. & H. Igarashi (1962) Zanandrea, G.S.J. (1961) Zandee, D.I. (1964) Zanoschi, V. (1962) Zappy JA. Jr. (1961) Zarma, M. RE 07247 Zarma, M. (1961 AUTHOR INDEX 04020 10466 01199 09257 02178 09178 08579 06116 02365 10307 11362 04537 08021 07037 07042 07044 07048 09588 09592 09495 04405 09498 11447 06094 04416 02457 10334 12611 10327 03377 11417 01418 06490 11046 12006 06491 04492 06576 02284 09331 01420 08316 07315 07162 07248 08272 Zatrutina, R.F. & L.S. Rubina (1961) 06590 Zavarzin, G.A. (1964) 2nd Zei, M. (1961) Zei, M. & S. Zupanovic (1961) ZELEE (1962) Zelickman, E.A. (1961) 2nd Zeller, H.D. (1961) Zemskaia, K.A. EL Zemskaia, К.А, (Ricker, W.E. Transl.) (1963) Zemskaya, K. (Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, Transl.) (1962) Zemsky, V.A. & У.А. Boronin (1964) Zemsky, V.A. & D.D, Tormosov (1964) Zenisek, C.J. N Zenkevich, L. (Botcharskaya, 5. Trans]. ) (1963) Zenkevich, L.A. (1963) Zenkevich, Г.А. & А.М. Bogoiavlenskii (1963) 2nd Zenkevich, М.Г. (1961) Zenkevich, N.L. & N.S. Skorniakova (1961) Zenkovitch, V.P. (1964) 2nd Zhaimina, R.E. (1962) 3rd Zharova, L.G. (1962) 01245 Zhavoronkina, T.K. (1962) Zhirmunskii, A.V. En Zhirmunskii, A.V. (1961 Zhukova, A.I. (1961) Zhuravel, P.A. (1963) Zhuravlev, А.Т. & V.P. Korzhenko (1963) Ziegler, I. (1963) 2nd Zietz, I. & L.R. Alldredge (1964) Zijlstra, J.J. & J.F. de Veen (1963) Zim, H.S. & L. Ingle (1961?) Zimmer, P.D. & C.C. Davidson (1962) 2nd oa У.А. & L.5. Gavriliuk Zinn, Did. et 2nd Zitñan, В. (1960 Zlotky, R.A. (1962) Zobairi, A.R.K. (1962) ZoBell, C. (1963) 2nd Zolotov, S. mt 2nd Zonov, A.I. (1964 9: 491 811: 06591 11218 10580 08453 03079 12162 10553 04576 04577 03566 12380 12354 10533 11007 11006 12075 12187 12057 11077 12124 01246 06104 01155 01156 01157 09484 11376 03494 10056 06498 07014 08550 03131 08356 07491 06015 04357 05006 12064 11249 812 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Zoological Society of Japan (1963) The Zoological Society of London (1963) 06609 Zoological Survey of India (1963) 09024 Zoppi, E. (1961) 12167 Zore, V.A, & 2.Т. Tihonova (1963) Zotin, А.Т. & R.V. Pagnaeva (1963) Zsolt, J. & M. Ribiänszky (1962) Zubrik, K.M. He Zubrik, K.M. (1962) Zuichenko, =. lo (1963) Zupanovic, S. (1961) Zusi, В.Г. & В.М. Storer (1963) 06511 Zusser, S.G. & О.А, Sokolov (1964) Zverev, N.I. % G.I. Morskoi (1961) Zverev, S.M (1961) Zviagina, О.А. (1961 Zvorykin, V.P. Ir Zvyagina, О.А. (1961 Zwingelstein, G. (1962) Zwisler, J.R. (1963) Zygmuntowa, J. (1961) ANON. (In periodicals) Agric.Newslett.Neth. (1963) Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg. (1961) 06508 06425 Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg. (1962) Allg.FischwirtschaftZtg. (1963) Anim.Behav. (1962) Ann.Nutr., Paris (1962) Aust.J.Sci. (1963) Bol.Estud.Pesca,Recife (1961) 08031 08378 08420 08422 Bol.Estud.Pesca,Recife (1962) 08231 08423 08425 Brit.Commun.Electron. (1962) 06011 Brit.Commun.Electron. (1963) Bull.Hakodate Mar.met.Obs., (1963) 09026 06610 09025 12169 07390 11381 03114 06557 06558 11380 08453 06512 12451 12082 12053 02311 06450 02312 05263 08330 06527 01312 06509 06534 06456 05412 09514 07452 03020 08230 08380 08421 08488 08232 08424 06060 04119 09074 Bull.Jap.Soc.sci.Fish. (1964) Bullsmens.Centr.belg. Eaux (1961) Сай. С.Е. В.Вь 0.М. (1961) Cah.oceanogr. (1961) Cah.oceanogr. (1962) Cah.oceanogr. (1963) Cah.Pacif. (1960) Cah.Pacife (1961) CahePacife (1963) Calif.Fish Game (1962) Comm.Fish.Rev. (1962) CeReSoceBiol., Paris (1963) Con junt.econ.int.Ed. (1963) Deep-Sea Res. (1962) Effl.Wat.Treatm.J. (1962) Electron.Design (1962) Electron.Design (1963) Electron.Engng (1962) Electron.Engng (1963) Electronics (1962) Electronics (1963) Engineering, Lond. (1962) Engineering, Lond. (1963) Fish.Neus int. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust. (1963) Fish.Newslett.Aust. (1964) Fish.News, Lond. (1962) Fish.Prod.RepeUeSe (1962) France pêche (1961) France pêche (1962) 9: А92 03079 04056 05017 06003 06323 08522 4 2 09512 - 06198 „ 11016 03047 | 03081 04060 050214) - 09571 09584 4 09585 09324 094201 09303 09305 to a) 09322 09327 ¿: 09418 ' 09422, 09499 09527 09578 “ 06436 4 03247 | 08384 08568! 08447 10472 | France péche (1963) Industr.pesg.Vigo (1962) Instrum.Pract. (1961) Instrum.Pract. (1963) Int.hydrogr.Rev. (1960) 07018 07100 10032 Izv.vsesoiuz.nauch.-issled.Inst. ozer.rech.ryb.Kho2. (1959) JapsJ.med.Sci «Biol. (1962) J.acoust.Soc.Amer. (1962) 07003 JeConche (1961) JeMar.biol.Ass. India (1962) Lancet (1964) Mach.Design (1962) Mar.Sci.Instrum. (1962) Mech. Engng ‚N.Y. (1962) Mensa j.agric. (1963) Met.i Gidrol. (1961) 02083 Mondo sommerso (1963) 02402 03416 05230 08418 Mondo sommerso (1964) 06493 09463 Nature, Lond. (1960) Nature, Lond. (1963) 01564 Nature, Lond. (1964) New Scient. (1962) New Scient. (1963) 02010 02259 02568 03041 03177 04148 04335 04501 11179 New Scient. (1964) 12157 12202 N.2.Sci.Rev. (1960) Niger. Т.Ч. (1962) Niger.Ir.J. (1963) Norsk Hvalfangst—tid. (1963) 01258 01261 01524 04268 04271 04273 04285 06428 06230 06474 AUTHOR INDEX 02328 08576 06125 10176 07098 10008 06549 07376 07041 07287 05008 11442 01008 06073 06150 01268 08137 02403 05229 08417 09462 01412 08326 08483 02593 02024 02263 03020 03042 03523 04155 04377 04600 11251 12201 12335 05288 08387 03396 01260 01523 04267 04269 04272 04284 04583 06429 06473 Norsk Hvalfangst-tid. (1964) 12016 12300 to Norweg.Fish.marit.News (1962) 08369 Nutr.Rev. (1963) Oceanus (1961) Oceanus (1964) 07006 07008 09017 Okeanologiia (1961) Ordnance (1963) Oryx (1962) Pacif.Discov. (1963) Pesca (1962) 11197 11348 Pesca y Marina (1962) Polar Rec. (1962) 09013 Polit.étrang. (1963) Priroda, Moskva (1963) 11003 11047 11274 11582 Priroda, Moskva (1964) Process Contr.Autom. (1962) Prod.Engng (1962) Reactor Fuel Process. (п.4.) Reading Nat. (1962) Referat.Zh.(Biol. ДЕ Transl.) (1961) 01183 Referat.Zh.(Biol. (En Transl.) (1962) Rev.nac.Pesca, S.Paulo (1962) Ryb.Khoz. (1961) 02322 12289 Rybovod.i Rybolov (1961) 12505 Schiff u.Hafen (1962) Seleç.agrice (1963) Shipb.Shipp.Rec. (1963) Shipp.World (1962) Trans. Amer. geophySeUne 08026 08113 TranseSteJohn Hosp.DermeSoce (1962) Trud.Inst.Okeanol. (1961) Unesco Chron. (1962) Wat.and Wat.Engng (1962) Wat.Supply PapeU.S.geoleSurve (1960-61) Wireless World (1962) 01182 World Fish. (1960) 12279 World Fish. (1962) 06441 08368 12358 9: A93 813 12299 12346 12349 08370 03495 06 086 07007 07011 11005 12572 0307 0 03457 07032 11198 10394 09014 06349 11008 11266 11342 09016 06151 06462 07103 04249 06315 06334 11015 12284 12365 12607 06439 01277 12225 06438 08028 10019 05497 06333 10591 06372 05164 06017 12313 08367 08373 814 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Zool.Zh. (1960) 06314 Challenger Society/ Representatives from the Marine Laboratories ANON. (Not in periodicals) (1965) 003me 096me 099me M (1961) 02084 ES O (1962) 02323 a 111me P (1962) 06550 | R (1961) 02211 S (1963) 06322 ECOSOC fiat (1965) 033me Era € UN 1966 118me 154me EIFAC (1965 054me 063me MEETINGS Eastern Pacific Oceanic Conference (1965) 037me Eastern Pacific Tuna Conference AMAS (1965) 060me (1966) 153me AMAS (1966 131me Ecological Society of America/ AIBS (1965 067me AIBS (1965) 069me ASLO (1965 057me American Federation of Information Processing Societies (1966) 126me FAO (1965) 006me 010me American Geophysical Union 041me 045me (1965) 049me 070me 046me 047me American Society of Ichthyologists 064me 083me and Herpetologists (1965) 058me 084me 100me American Society of Ichthyologists FAO (1966) 091me 139me and Herpetologists (1966) 133me FAO/WHO (1965 081me American Society of Plant FBA(UK) y 065me Taxonomists/AIBS (1965) 068me Federation of American Society Atlantic States Marine Fisheries for Experimental Biology Commission/Gulf States Marine (1965) 012me Fisheries Commission (1965) 080me Australia.CSIRO, Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, GCFI (1966 160me Ecological Society of Australia/ GLFC ee} 061те Australian Marine Sciences y Gulf States Marine Fisheries Association (1966) 088me Commission (1966) 089me Baltic and International Maritime ТАЕА (1966 090me Conference (1965) 018me IAMS (1966 092me Bremerhaven. Institut fúr IAPO/SCOR( ICSU)/UNESCO (1966) 140me Meeresforschung (1965) 039me I-ATTC (1965 008me British Ecological Society I-ATTC er: 124me (1965) 103me IBP (1965 022me IBP 1368 122me 144me ICC (1965 102me CARPAS ee 105me ICES (1965 078me CIESMM (1965 014me ICES 01368) 119me 147me CSIRO (1966) 114me 149me 150me Canadian Council of Resource ICES/ICNAF (1965) 048me Ministers (1966) 158me ICES/SCOR( ICSU )/UNESCO Challenger Society (1965) 002me 020me 1966 115me 117ne 062me ICNAF (1965) 076me 9:А94 - ICSU (1965 ICSU (1966 109 ше 110E (1965 ILO (1965) 055me IMCO (1965) 001me 021me 035me 040me IMCO (1966) INPFC (1965) IOBC (1966) Ioc (1965) 10C (1966) 113me 129me 141me 156me IOC/UNESCO (1966) IOF (1965 IOF (1966 IPFC (1966 IUCN (1965 004me IUCN (1966 134me IUCN/Thailand. National Research Council/FAO/ UNESCO (1965) IUGC/IAPO (1965) IWC (1965) 007me Institute of Biology, U.K. (1965) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers /American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Instrument Society of America International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (1965) 027me International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (1966) International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners (1965) International Association on Water Pollution Research (1966) International Committee of Food Science and Technology (1966) International Conference on Protozoology (1965) International Inst. of Refrigeration (1965) International Seaweed Symposium (1965) AUTHOR INDEX 011me 110me 025me 079me 01 6me 026me 038me 043me 112me 044me 116me 104me 121me 132me 148me 159me 095me 085me 161me 151me 009me 135me 106me 019me 051me 077me 128me 101me 127me 07 3me 145me 142me 031me 071me 032me International Union of Nutritional Sciences (I.U.N.S.) (1966) International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (1966) Law of the Sea Institute (1966) MAMBO (1965) Marine Technology Society (1966) Miami. University, Institute of Marine Science (1965) Michigan. University, Institute of Science and Technology (1966) North American Fisheries Conference (1965) OECD (1965) Office international des Epizooties (0.I.E.), Commission permanente de 1'0.Т.Е. pour l'étude des maladies des poissons (1965) PSA (1966) Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (1965) Pacific Tuna Conference eee, Pacific Tuna Conference (1966 SCAR(ICSU) (1966) 034me SCIBP (1965) 013me SCOR(ICSU) (1965) 056me SCOR(ICSU) (1966) 108me ee SCOR(ICSU)/ICES/UNESCO (1965) SCTR/OAU (1965) Society for General Microbiology (1965) Southeastern Fisheries Association/Shrimp Association of the Americas (1965) Sweden, The Swedish Naticnal Committee on Radiation Protection Research (1966) 93495 815 138me 120me 136me 042me 137me 087me 123me 017me 053me 074me 143me 08 6me 075me 152me 146me 029me 050me 082me 130me 094me 093me 098me 072me 059me 125me 816 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Syracuse. University, School of Library Science (1965) UNESCO ae 030me UNESCO (1966 UNESCO/FAO/OAU (1966) U.S. Army Electronic Command (1965) WHO O 015me WMO (1965 Wildlife Management Institute (1965) White Fish Authority/Torry Research Station, D.S. I.R. (1965) World Federation of Scientific Workers (1965) World Fishing (1965) 097me 107me 157me 155me 052me 066me 028me 005me 024me 036me 023me 9:A96 et ae k CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Volume 9 = Volume Geographic Index 100 AFRICA 02470 04036 04041 04588 134 Zanzibar and Pemba 09003 05342 07361 08018 08396 09553 10025 10371 11396 135 Seychelles 02060 09102 12520 136 Mauritius 07033 08269 10562 110 Africa, Northwestern Area 02368 02385 140 Africa, Western Central Area 02368 02385 03117 06572 10170 111 Tunisia 05464 to 05467 08284 10227 12013 12041 112 Algeria 05016 05092 08208 11460 141 Republic of Dahomey 02217 11461 11537 Republic of the Ivory Coast 01493 113 Morocco 06328 07209 07239 07412 02375 03086 04032 08309 08402 08403 08481 08518 10394 11346 11347 Islamic Republic of Mauritania 12051 12052 12184 12316 11494 11495 120 Africa, Northeastern Area 08043 Republic of Mali 05483 05580 12554 to 12557 07296 121 Libya 12267 Republic of Niger 05446 05536 10422 122 UAR Southern Region (Egypt) 03342 03372 04114 04501 04557 Republic of Senegal 03079 03080 04560 06220 06221 10358 03084 03206 06453 10422 у 11514 12554 10563 123 Sudan 03530 07296 08055 11198 143 Liberia 01515 12362 144 Sierra Leone 01515 08094 125 Ethiopia 10535 Ghana 04598 08042 10262 12320 130 Africa, Eastern Central Area 03344 10770 10227 12041 12042 145 Cameroon, Federated State of West J 12048 12141 12554 to 01486 01487 01535 02464 12557 02473 02490 05196 05421 05422 05423 09532 12526 131 Republic of Kenya 07428 10349 11268 12517 Nigeria 01515 02413 03396 04288 04356 08387 09532 11590 132 Uganda 12511 12013. "12527 133 Tanganyika 01515 04352 05096 146 Central African Republic 05569 4 07363 08411 10343 12517 818 146 147 155 156 156 157 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Congo (Brazzaville) Gabon 02472 02507 Congo (Leopoldville) 10181 10394 Africa, Southern Area 03350 04388 08443 09206 01558 03560 05456 01538 12130 01350 06480 10203 Angola 10394 S.W. Africa 05488 Ascension Tristan da Cunha 01058 04006 06335 07324 10406 12016 12527 Africa 02526 06037 06602 08483 11446 12351 Republic of S, 02145 06036 06455 08166 11445 12341 Swaziland Transvaal 06335 Mozambique 02472 04058 07281 12527 02207 06481 11357 12360 12392 06482 08483 01505 05488 06425 07339 11098 12040 03348 10377 08483 Malagasy Republic (incl. Island of S. Marie) 01494 02510 to: 03084 05217 05578 05579 09399 09530 12527 02185 02513 05218 06539 12178 Reunion 02340 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 01016 01017 01574 01575 02577 05584 05585 05586 10048 11251 12519 12528 01016 10565 Southern Rhodesia 10345 10346 12528 02186 03047 05443 09022 12468 03047 01515 04353 10042 12525 01576 12527 9:42 200 NORTH AMERICA 210 211 212 213 01303 04483 05365 10165 12069 02021 05030 06509 10507 017me 01262 01491 02506 02549 04474 04482 05427 05517 06247 08029 01021 01490 to 02545 04006 04481 to 05490 05566 07523 09013 10394 11463 11484 11545 11556 to 12016 158me Canada Canadian Arctic 06241 11392 N. W. 02550 02551 06247 06300 11585 11586 08010 12325 Canada, Yukon 02575 British Columbia 01052 01063 01403 01407 01488 01489 02493 02494 03363 03397 05294 05567 06247 06248 08087 08445 08498 09096 10410 10519 11472 11473 12538 Alberta 05515 11543 05516 04478 05052 07137 10514 01276 02491 02542 02573 04475 05143 05431 05518 06248 08491 10032 11280 11474 11521 to 11559 12325 01074 09014 Territories 02573 11466 02576 01023 01305 01408 02101 02546 04115 05568 06278 08446 09384 11468 11554 06247 (incl. Greenland) 04479 05336 09075 11190 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 819 213 Manitoba 05563 05564 06247 06378 06389 06425 06427 11560 12545 12546 06455 06462 06570 07036 | 07037 07038 07042 07043 214 Ontario 01450 04263 05520 05521 07044 07047 07048 07053 06247 08041 10179 10539 07055 07070 07072 07118 11587 11588 12045 12481 07132 07140 to 07165 : 07422 07456 : 07457 08008 215 Quebec 02143 04010 08492 11583 08022 08026 08032 08052 11584 12012 08054 08099 08170 08211 08246 08318 08365 08516 216 Labrador 11470 11471 09017 09029 09076 09234 09305 09415 09423 09588 Newfoundland 01026 01315 01318 09590 09592 09594 10012 01324 01325 05561 05562 10031 10040 10041 10052 08384 11470 11471 11540 10057 10063 10067 10166 11541 10499 10593 11021 11102 11352 11394 11454 11464 217 New Brunswick 01022 01263 01321 11465 11518 to 11521 01322 01323 05430 05519 11529 11575 to 11578 07174 11476 11477 11486 11581 12016 12019 12021 11487 11546 11547 12002 12022 12043 12115 12125 12003 12126 12128 12151 to 12156 12303 12371 12386 Nova Scotia 01213 02548 02549 12589 005me 008me 012me 05428 05429 11478 to 049me 052me 057me 058me 11481 11548 11549 059me O60me O67me 068me 069me 070me 124me 131me Prince Edward I. 09098 11482 133me 137me ¡ 11483 USA, District of Columbia 06175 220 USA (Alaska) 01097 01216 01316 02437 02442 02483 04472 231 USA, N.Y. 07462 10265 04482 05074 05322 07325 07466 07523 09514 10083 Idaho 03567 10532 10139 10491 10492 12339 12339 12393 12394 12456 Oregon 02047 02101 03398 05033 12473 12474 06376 07225 10033 10243 10445 11081 12565 222 Aleutian Is, 09385 12389 12390 Washington State 01239 01316 230 USA 01047 01519 01520 01521 02101 02228 02585 02587 01528 01582 01583 02024 03225 03363 04115 04518 02565 02578 to 02591 05047 05099 05100 05102 03018 03022 03033 03096 06251 06303 06384 07107 03218 03222 03520 04004 07225 07278 08550 11389 04006 04008 04015 04017 04049 04183 04253 04470 232 USAs Sc 10265 04475 04476 04477 04484 04513 04519 04592 05030 Arizona 01583 05031 05058 05059 05072 05101 05470 05490 05491 California 01117 01351 01583 05492 05551 05592 06003 02241 02419 03002 03065 06004 06026 06060 06192 03419 03539 04001 04015 06195 06223 06228 06232 04380 04381 05038 05043 06242 06273 06309 06377 05048 05236 05251 05261 9:G3 820 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 232 California (Cont'd) 233 234 07032 08315 09207 11199 11395 12204 Nevada 02275 Utah 01583 10527 Colorado 01583 Montana 04102 Wyoming 01239 N, Dakota Illinois 02579 05050 07511 Indiana Iowa 02579 03551 07503 Kansas Kentucky 01439 07511 Michigan 01098 07133 Minnesota: 08538 Missouri Nebraska Ohio 05050 08048 Wisconsin 05340 06387 11437 335: USA; 3. 07052 08348 09209 11209 11356 12205 02582 04555 10532 05076 06386 01583 01582 02580 05198 02581 05340 02586 10426 01456 09120 02579 07320 10533 02579 06256 06388 12549 06487 07311 08440 09457 11279 11391 12310 02583 06403 12259 05366 07490 07548 02579 02581 06144 01069 03545 07321 03565 02581 10212 06390 02591 02579 07511 02581 06374 06555 07015 07444 08479 11039 11351 11438 12340 02584 10330 12304 08162 10574 09120 04040 06383 05075 = 01583 06225 06211 11432 06560 10425 03552 08047 05049 06386 10526 08081 9:64 236 237 Alabama 07532 Arkansas 12539 Louisiana 05180 Mississippi 03364 New Mexico 07131 Oklahoma 10555 12563 Tennessee 07595 01135 04023 Texas 10542 02585 01236 07533 01211 07512 01583 10171 01583 12135 12591 01459 10336 01236 06224 USA, New England 07082 12338 Connecticut 10314 Maine Massachusetts 07176 12208 Rhode I, 08237 06375 10315 01309 03221 07303 12415 10086 USA, Middle Atlantic 08242 Delaware Maryland 06293 12472 New Jersey 12291 New York 06465 08046 01414 06516 05060 03456 07175 09103 10548 02586 02586 08531 02586 08169 04106 04551 12266 02227 01583 10066 02132 08441 08046 03224 05149 07342 10087 States 05050 03223 12044 06297 05078 07245 10561 08522 03161 10404 02590 05165 07492 12306 02585 03161 12539 06223 09097 08098 09099 06386 08356 10510 06223 12291 03273 12384 08046 06120 07527 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 821 237 Pennsylvania 05079 06387 314 Costa Rica 05476 06482 08474 12019 12021 12022 008me Virginia 02588 03043 03164 05056 124me 07514 08323 10559 11456 315 Panama 03431 04006 05484 10015 238 USA, South Atlantic States 06223 11045 12016 12019 12021 06488 10215 12022 008me 124me N. Carolina 01459 02585 02588 316 Nicaragua 01515 08351 08557 04116 06158 06204 07310 10394 08444 10317 10546 12197 320 Caribbean Islands 03017 08229 S. Carolina 02586 05055 10158 08566 08567 11162 10178 10245 321 Bahamas 01307 07402 08477 12201 Georgia 01334 01459 02586 03091 | 05055 05149 06149 08163 Br. Caribbean Federation 07575 10553 06201 06489 10134 10476 12358 Florida 01302 01405 02061 02203 02205 03219 03220 03247 322 Cuba 05477 05478 05546 08432 03555 03556 04176 04225 05039 05041 05164 07003 324 Dominican Republic 10009 / 07172 07241 07396 07463 08178 08241 08333 09264 325 Puerto Rico 01254 05191 07327 10113 10135 10244 10284 10359 10363 12218 12219 10300 10338 10486 10545 10549 12099 12198 12466 Virgin Is. (U.S.) 08419 10300 10301 240 Bermudas 01398 01486 03067 06079 08215 10487 327 Neth.W. Indies 08449 250 Greenland 05412 06013 06370 331 Colombia 05435 05523 05524 07018 07226 09100 09101 05570 05590 06023 10015 11490 11491 11562 12290 332 Venezuela 01522 02220 04238 + 05588 08364 10082 10316 11402 11522 12104 12105 300 LATIN AMERICA (S. and Central 12106 12122 12166 to America) 04178 04549 05030 12169 12544 08018 08025 08594 09410 11189 006me 333 Br. Guiana 02210 02304 02453 12411 310 Central America (Mainland 01170 334 Surinam 02210 02304 02453 7 311 Mexico 01279 01293 01320 02202 04006 05444 05445 06523 335 Fr. Guiana 02210 02304 02453 07220 07499 07513 09487 11352: 12016. , 42102-,12224 341 Ecuador 01515 09318 10015 10394 12532 12019 12021 12022 008me 124me 312 Guatemala 04355 Galapagos 10589 12100 i 313 El Salvador 03329 04354 08382 9:G5 822 342 343 352 353 356 400 412 413 415 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 01268 02264 05450 05537 06454 11197 11592 01125 01536 04289 09522 08103 10511 12032 12336 Chile Brazil 01072 01331 01380 02183 02489 04264 06243 08031 08298 08421 08553 10411 10566 12016 01584 11579 Argentina 04006 08298 11200 12315 Uruguay Paraguay 02566 02535 04281 10394 11203 12533 ASIA (excl. U.S.S.R.) 09076 Cyprus Israel : 08291 Aden 10165 01054 02415 10160 06050 11235 01515 06567 11405 06348 01515 05449 05486 06243 10471 11570 12408 01308 02313 05434 07410 10369 12028 12327 01311 01352 01534 02452 04112 05514 08012 08233 08401 08488 10364 10418 11450 12297 08227 03388 07410 10458 12222 01555 07545 11273 08283 11439 09003 9:66 416 417 418 420 421 423 Saudi Arabia Iraq 05532 Iran 04084 Afghanistan Central Area 12038 Pakistan 04357 12367 W. Pakistan 04194 04302 04362 04564 09481 01007 01223 01292 01433 02554 03361 04011 04129 04280 04431 04512 04585 05132 05167 05281 06119 06284 06573 07095 07182 07253 07264 07272 07348 07382 07388 07437 07479 07538 07546 08399 09003 India 09506 10051 01284 02559 04358 04037 04282 04303 04447 04565 09507 01012 01274 01296 01480 03113 03394 04039 04188 04286 04433 04553 04591 05133 05253 05284 06184 06285 07029 07129 07207 07254 07265 07294 07355 07383 07393 07438 07506 07541 07557 08430 09015 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 823 423 India (Cont'd) 09031 09157 09159 03038 03390 04048 04266 09276 09376 09433 09467 04322 04323 05254 05452 09468 09469 09481 09505 to 05455 07379 07380 09507 09520 09533 09536 07391 07392 07476 09028 09538 09539 09556 09558 09208 10008 10027 10058 09562 10029 10043 10125 10354 10394 10420 11298 10200 10294 to 10298 11299 41310. 1131. MST 10374 10462 10463 10467 12231 10469 10479 10483 10484 10512 10513 10569 10570 438 Cambodia 09112 10576 10577 11023 11036 11281 11282, 11285 - 11361 , Vietnam 01515 01531 02141 02182 11449 11452 12039 12232 02209 02539 02540 04351 12276 06540 09154 09196 Laccadive and Andaman Is, 05082 440 Eastern Area (Mainland) 01284 05128 05129 03399 04522 04523 05219 | 07030 09327 12038 12500 424 Ceylon 02015 02552 09003 09205 10026 10394 10473 11059 441 China (Mainland) 01477 01531 11113 11166 11236 11237 02518 02539 02540 02558 11263 11419 12356 12410 03182 09319 10595 12224 Maldive Is. 03430 Manchuria 05406 425 E. Pakistan 03400 07346 10498 442 Hong Kong (and Kowloon) 01349 01531 02539 10034 10038 426 Nepal 10051 11345 430 Southeastern Area 01284 07030 444 Korea 01091 01291 01395 01396 09327 12038 106me 01482 01531 02266 02267 02539 02544 02593 03034 432 Thailand 01286 01287 01288 01481 03384 03395 05384 09110 01515 02448 02451 03403 09117 09350 09554 09557 03579 07481 10405 10482 10007 10051 10384 10407 12372 10408 10409 10440 10441 10442 433 Cocos and Keeling Is. 03016 445 Mongolian People's Republic 01531 Malaya 01479 01552 04568 05533 02539 02540 03450 03451 05534 | 95535 140554 11345 12049 12277 450 Fastern Area (Is.) 01284 03399 04522 04523 05219 07030 Singapore 09212 10242 11345 09327 12038 12500 434 Indonesia 09023 09414 12086 451 Japan 01219 01353 01358 01361 01364 01368 01371 01375 Java 09413 01381 01388 01393 01440 01531 02042 02054 02056 435 West New Guinea 03402 04290 04294 02086 02193 02194 02208 04295 07279 02268 02387 to 02392 02428 02430 02539 02567 436 N. Borneo 02450 05469 05489 03153 03227 03228 03391 03404 03435 03460 03467 437 Philippines 01265 02525 03037 03468 04006 04170 04271 9:07 824 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 451 Japan (Cont'd) 04275 04317 04330 Japan, Kyushu 01039 to 01044 04345 04350 04365 04366 01199 02035 02037 02038 04367 04407 04412 04417 02123 02178 02195 02197 04418 04458 04479 04480 02338 02339 02399 07448 04481 04601 05413 05446 09045 09082 09119 09193 06002 06428 07126 07127 09194 09202 09238 09417 07262 07282 07329 07414 10466 11032 12231 08030 08115 08234 08429 09026 09034 09040 to 452 Ryukyu ls. 01385 09198 09270 09044 09054 09056 09071 09397 09398 09511 12471 09087 09092 09109 09113 09128 09129 09132 09141 453 Formosa 04525 09035 09036 09125 09153 09186 09189 09197 09160 10481 12558 09321 09338 09339 09340 500 EUROPE (incl. Asia Minor; excl. 09356 09377 09385 09388 01420 01568 02380 09392 to 09396 09401 02381 03252 03253 03254 09403 09404 09426 09428 03432 03595 04027 04210 09434 09437 09438 09439 05223 06134 06509 07318 09457 09472 09503 09509 08053 08395 10165 10507 09515 09542 10130 10350 11102 11267 12514 054me 10360 10459 10464 10468 063me 066me 10544 10573 11032 11138 11194 11217 11521 12016 510 Scandinavia 12068 12245 ' 12279 12347 12359 12457 511 Denmark 01539 01540 04006 04349 04595 05417 05436 05437 Japan, Hokkaido 01343 01476 02043 05438 07018 08057 08508 02231 02335 02347 02433 08544 09133 09170 09295 04094 04409 04504 04505 09409 09427 10386 10394 04506 09039 09074 09126 11490 11491 11562 11563 09127 09139 09155 09244 12016 09245 09246 09253 09260 09402 09416 10454 10517 512 Faroe Is. 04384 05438 10518 11037 11038 11294 513 Iceland 02514 03055 04006 09226 Japan, Honshu 01038 01234 01235 12016 02058 02088 02302 04127 04164 04402 04419 04428 514 Norway 01261 01496 to 01499 04537 05012 06116 07090 01523 01554 02514 to 07091 07125 07166 07167 02524 02558 03248 03352 07335 09051 09052 09053 04006 04269 04270 04271 09057 09059 09063 09070 04273 04347 04385 04456 09073 09084 09085 09122 05447 05448 06183 06286 09176 09177 09199 09289 06428 06429 06430 06441 09308 09411 09417 09482 08003 09100 09101 09579 09489 09540 10073 10122 10393 10433 10475 11272 10427 11029 11031 11053 11497 to 11500 11569 12137 12138 12536 12537 11591 12016 12299 12347 12552 12514 Japan, Shikoku 09383 515 Svalbard 03170 10111 12294 ] 12295 9:08 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 825 516 Sweden 01517 01581 02216 02518 08308 08325 08383 08384 03165 03513 04006 05463 08433 08447 08448 08451 05539 06192 06312 07219 08452 08458 08547 08568 08357 08559 09436 10085 09161 09303 10011 10041 11574 12016 12114 10078 10119 10120 10209 10210 10211 10275 10281 517 Finland 01158 01572 03127 03160 10304 10391 10394 10472 03358 06419 07360 08552 10515 11016 11093 11124 11336 12143 12144 12145 11125 11343 11492 11564 12014 12016 12180 12236 521 Netherlands 01495 01553 03338 04006 04335 04336 04486 525 Monaco 02062 05526 05581 05582 06428 06498 07334 07364 10041 530 British Isles 01118 01412 03001 10402 10585 11518 11520 Fi 03012 03189 03191 03194 11567 12016 12347 03201 03469 04018 04211 04271 05081 06011 06212 522 Belgium 01484 01530 to 01533 06287 06319 06499 06575 01570 02486 02487 02488 06612 08023 08037 08039 02539 02540 02541 05420 08332 08339 08360 08368 05545 06193 06198 08145 10230 10401 10529 12193 11539 531 Ireland 01544 01545 05574 05575 523 Luxembourg 01531 01548 to 06476 06501 06502 07524 01551 02555 02556 02557 10501 10502 10503 11225 05473 05474 05475 05576 11278 11565 05577 11566 532 United Kingdom 01463 01518 02004 524 France 01099 01120 01122 01123 02534 03186 03189 03192 01205 01206 01209 01221 04006 04035 04241 04585 01225 01226 01542 02124 05468 06019 06022 06024 02159 02163 02164 02181 06025 06151 06173 06177 02190 02198 02200 02201 to 06181 06455 06613 02270 02327 02367 02382 07375 08415 09118 10028 03006 03023 03024 03025 10030 10041 10045 10046 03045 03048 03051 03082 10162 11515 11516 11517 03085 03087 03099 03117 12016 12226 065me 03149 03196 03197 03204 03205 03208 03264 03277 533 England 01029 01080 02568 03139 03341 03429 03477 03520 to 03143 03148 03178 04005 04006 04009 04054 03202 03262 03420 03421 04056 04060 04096 04134 04044 04138 04149 04214 04191 04199 04200 04204 04215 04218 04235 04244 04446 05003 05004 05018 04248 04335 05073 05349 05021 05209 05233 05439 06030 06031 06034 06038 05440 05479 05525 05526 to 06042 06136 06317 05527 05571 05572 06102 06352 06397 06398 06407 06182 06241 06349 06432 06425 06428 07063 07235 07083 07123 07190 07235 07333 07404 08059 08092 07236 07290 07291 07304 08290 08311 08359 08504 07328 07367 07461 08002 08564 09587 10149 10180 08013 08086 08111 08180 10397 10437 10438 10470 08181 08193 08264 to 11101 11201 11259 12133 08268 08275 08276 08307 12199 12258 12314 002me 003me O20me 9:09 826 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 533 Wales 06043 06044 06316 08313 551 Yugoslavia 02221 03019 03029 08475 08519 11403 03112 03169 03337 06415 07288 08105 08187 08194 534 Scotland (Orkneys, Shetlands, 08278 10010 12176 12251 Hebrides) 01413 02206 03146 12252 12253 12311 12560 03158 03422 03423 04336 12561 12562 04393 04452 04453 04454 04457 06027 06028 06032 552 Albania 01531 02539 02540 07186 06033 06035 06181 06227 07459 08436 08437 08439 06351 06364 06496 07235 08493 08532 to 08535 08314 10014 10021 10293 08582 10396 10421 10489 11582 | 553 Greece 08209 10394 535 Northern Ireland 06296 08505 554 Bulgaria 01531 02518 02539 541 Portugal 01501 to 01504 01556 02540 02558 03029 03169 to 01561 01573 06464 03336 08272 12074 12257 11503 11504 11505 11507 12370 555 Romania 01531 02518 02539 02540 02558 03029 03169 03336 Madeira 10140 06118 07285 07292 07315 08034 08179 08272 08277 542 Spain 01455 01506 to 01515 08540 08541 01562 01563 01577 to 01580 02318 02527 to 556 Turkey 02237 07085 08184 08203 02533 02560 to 02564 08455 10153 10240 03184 03279 04516 05457 to 05462 05538 05587 Anatolia 08413 06425 06431 07509 07551 08190 08206 10044 10394 560 Western Central Area 03029 10540 11506 11508 to 11513 11913 11594 561 Germany 04227 08549 543 Italy 01104 01516 01546 01547 Federal Republic of Germany 01492 02097 02381 02402 02403 02010 02011 02103 02164 03121 03181 03416 03520 02218 02233 02508 02509 03570 05229 05230 05442 02553 03029 03110 03111 05591 06433 06493 07086 03116 03125 03163 03524 07344 07364 08204 08218 03525 03526 04038 04103 08279 08280 08286 08417 04142 04227 04511 05441 08418 08503 09123 09326 05482 05528 05529 05530 09462 09463 10394 10419 06046 06192 06215 06230 10485 11493 11589 12164 06231 06238 06239 06240 06244 06426 06436 06445 Sardinia 07086 07227 08470 ° 06451 06467 06468 06507 06533 06534 06577 07034 Sicily 07289 08219 08469 07188 07307 07330 07338 07508 08032 08379 08430 546 Corsica 08287 08431 08506 08526 08527 | 08528 08530 08558 08561 547 Malta and Gozo 11269 10182 10378 11099 11228 12107 12244 12272 12290 550 Southeastern Area 03029 12376 12609 9:G10 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 827 562 Switzerland 01546 02218 03166 02253 02257 02434 03020 03174 03333 03345 03362 03033 03061 04006 04267 04099 04100 04103 06202 05210 06002 06536 07030 06229 06533 07200 10182 07286 07287 09165 09216 09302 09305 09312 09315 563 Austria 02218 02538 03029 03169 09316 09317 09322 09323 03334 03570 04258 04550 09327 09328 09380 09425 05513 06147 07332 07338 09565 10041 10394 10416 07343 11283 12271 12016 12018 12020 12038 12359 088me 570 Eastern Central Area 03029 611 Australia, Northern Territory 571 Eastern Germany 01531 01543 02295 09421 02518 02539 02540 02558 03119 03482 04093 05480 612 Western Australia 05419 05471 05481 05547 05573 06528 05512 05541 05542 05544 08004 08011 08336 08501 09300 09325 09328 09386 08507 08509 08548 10108 09436 11538 572 Poland 01421 01422 01531 02105 613 5. Australia 05511 08095 09328 02140 02238 02239 02240 09420 02478 02479 02518 02539 02540 02558 03036 04154 614 Victoria 02250 09325 09328 04265 04574 04575 05189 09418 11129 12547 05487 05549 05550 06143 06208 06209 06210 06365 615 N.S. Wales 01078 01084 01567 06367 06368 06525 06526 01569 02330 02345 02536 06527 06530 06531 06576 02537 02569 to 92512 06579 06581 07316 07357 04043 04293 05503 to 07359 07362 07487 07488 05510 05540 05558 05559 08132 08320 08337 08338 05560 09080 09081 09172 08546 10326 10327 10523 09183 09225 09240 09258 10524 10525 11068 11264 09328 09418 09499 09548 11572 12249 12497 616 Queensland 03257 05418 09172 573 Czechoslovakia 01531 01585 02518 09183 09184 09328 02539 02540 02558 03029 03169 03340 04570 05589 617 Tasmania 09111 09291 09301 07491 08160 12513 09325 09328 09527 11313 574 Hungary 01531 02518 02539 02540 620 New Guinea Trust Territory (Austr. ) 02558 03029 03169 03173 Papua 03463 03504 04295 09171 03335 03355 03356 03357 09299 12539 07350 07504 08542 11400 621 N.E. New Guinea 03402 03504 04295 600 OCEANIA 624 Papua 03401 03402 12007 608 Australian Zoogeographical Region 630 New Zealand 01212 04006 05552 04237 07249 vo «105555 » 05593 to 05596 06002 06472 07251 610 Australia 01192 01284 02005 07540 09224 09268 10041 to 02009 02114 02120 10274 10403 11496 11568 12016 9:G11 828 631 640 641 652 660 670 671 672 673 674 676 681 682 683 684 687 700 USA Hawaii BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES New Zealand (N, and S, New Zealand, N. I. New Zealand, 5.Т. 12050 12147 Eastern Oceania Fr, Oceania 03079 Society Is, Palmyra I, 02185 07077 08083 09037 10020 11062 04460 07421 09908 09389 10423 11358 Тв.) 07250 04442 12148 04193 04073 02342 07394 08252 09169 10270 11183 Pacific Is, Strategic Trust Territory. Guam. Wake I, Marianas Is, Palau Is, Caroline Is, Marshall Is, 10435 01313 12098 Guam Br. Solomon Is. New Caledonia 04297 09168 09294 New Hebrides Tonga Is. Gilbert and Ellice Is. 03042 08255 02254 09004 01162 03215 05009 09535 09458 12149 05030 10195 05017 10435 03243 07408 09007 09182 10278 11293 03022 05036 10260 09412 10075 10260 04283 09142 01163 04291 08090 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ( 01002 01055 01061 01101 фо 01102 01005 01056 01059 01060 01103 9:G12 710 Russian 720 Karel 5. Co 104442 01162 01163 01233 01258 01469 01475 02001 02002 02028 02048 02084 02093 02098 02156 02222 02223 02296 02311 02315 02444 02456 02457 02540 02558 03332 03515 03550 04006 04526 04527 06252 06306 06320 06322 06425 06428 06480 06481 06513 06541 06553 06554 06563 06564 06591 06594 07022 07199 07204 07213 07340 07356 07493 07496 07502 07507 08040 08137 09483 10508 11017 11127 11414 11427 12006 12016 12175 12181 12262 12283 12287 12289 12363 12374 12501 12508 12531 12572 01105 01131 01232 01468 01531 02027 02083 02096 02158 02274 02314 02447 02539 03331 to 04437 06207 06313 06396 06452 06485 06550 06558 06590 06597 07203 07322 07465 07501 08027 09034 11007 11401 12004 12132 12190 12285 12324 12499 12512 12592 Federated S.S.R. 01094 01149 01150 01342 02138 03466 04389 04390 04491 04529 06329 06330 08049 09060 09061 09067 10292 10454 12060 12075 12191 12332 12498 S.R. 07495 nan en émet — 731 732 733 749 751 152 762 i 712 774 780 800 811 812 817 820 Estonian S.S.R. 06515 07301 12241 Latvian 9.9.8 07302 12321 Lithuanian Byelorussian S.S.R. Ukrainian S.S.R. 03029 07201 Moldavian 5.5.R. Armenian 5.5.В. Turkmen S.5.R. Uzbek S.S. Ro Kirgiz S.S.R. Kazakh S.S.R. 07319 06304 07306 01470 01240 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX 07187 12146 12365 01250 06305 12504 06301 07352 01471 02271 07297 12209 12494 12321 07354 07323 01251 07198 12511 06302 07313 12056 07353 12302 02272 SPECIAL INTERCONTINENTAL REGIONAL GROUPINGS Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Tropics 02051 05176 08168 09147 09440 10024 12343 12407 ATLANTIC OCEAN 02027 02079 04024 05275 06290 Antarctic Continent 02370 05288 09121 09228 09446 10187 12345 01347 02028 02089 04026 05323 06482 06479 04061 01031 02377 07054 09140 09229 09447 10590 12346 01348 02048 03185 04326 06005 08004 09145 09145 10237 01151 03325 07411 09146 09230 09452 12335 12354 01400 02049 03470 04510 06087 08122 9:G13 08289 08384 10104 10143 10229 11061 11307 11492 064me AN Atlantic; 03003 03413 03483 06103 06508 08097 08214 09100 09101 10053 10060 11048: 11337 12159 12281 048me 076me ANW Atlantic N.W. 01021 ANW.O2 ANW.03 ANW. 04 АМИ. 05 ANW. 06 01073 01083 01315 01318 01324 01325 02333 03062 03067 03157 04182 05027 06075 06120 06283 07016 07240 07245 07427 08007 08091 08098 08242 08243 08516 09075 09513 10004 10062 10086 10106 10201 10314 10388 11014 11083 112774 11349 11486 11487 12087 12197 12291 12329 12464 080me Davis Strait Hudson B, 06247 12387 10074 10144 11066 12073 03055 04140 07226 08306 10022 10097 12108 12288 01022 01184 01319 02111 03063 03218 05031 06194 07058 07398 08060 08101 08371 09103 10019 10087 10204 10434 11188 11470 11519 12208 12338 03244 12076 Gulf of St, Lawrence 07002 07174 11084 G. of Maine 01327 03151 08080 12382 Chesapeake B, 03274 06293 03157 07464 829 10103 10197 13145 12495 03195 05412 07243 08568 10023 10439 12118 12417 01026 01307 01323 02300 03064 03456 05439 06279 07068 07422 08080 08237 08471 09210 10057 10105 10238 10487 11190 11471 12033 12287 12357 12290 12077 01337 12012 06283 03224 08323 830 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ANW.06 Chesapeake В. (Cont'd) 08371 ANE.05 Baltic Sea 01158 01421 01422 08376 10509 12377 12400 02156 02334 02404 04142 04154 04227 04233 04514 ANW.O7 B. of Pundy 01024 01027 01327 06445 08065 to 08068 08080 12194 08071 08320 08426 08427 08509 08545 08546 09484 ANE Atlantic N.E. 01118 01204 10085 10216 10477 11006 01412 01492 01501 02110 11007 11068 12081 12117 02248 02298 02331 02408 12209 12244 12321 12494 03011 03146 03189 03201 018me 03205 03422 03423 04210 04393 04455 04456 04457 ANE.06 С. of Bothnia 11006 11007 05046 05417 06013 06029 06289 06319 06476 06486 ANE.O7 С. of Finland 01095 01096 06496 06501 07017 07213 11006 11007 07235 07432 10011 10072 10230 10396 10397 10489 ANE.08 English Channel 01080 01120 10502 11006 11007 11324 ; 01205 01206 01209 02164 11336 11506 11507 12006 02198 02201 03045 03046 12193 12409 048me 078me 03099 03148 03186 03196 119me 150me 03197 03262 03277 03420 03421 03429 04063 04064 ANE.01 White Sea 01166 01167 01176 04072 04075 04077 04078 02003 02245 02247 02298 04134 04149 04191 04199 05297 05298 06324 06325 04200 04214 04391 04392 06470 06471 10450 11006 05021 06288 06352 06424 11007 12158 12399 08063 08290 10011 10092 10109 10110 10474 11492 ANE.02 Barents Sea 01419 02310 02314 02315 02319 02320 02324 ANE.09 Irish Sea 01032 04244 04391 02325 02326 05297 05298 04455 06476 06495 06501 06508 06517 10292 10449 07107 10092 10109 10110 10451 10452 11006 11007 10502 12162 12163 12191 12323 12381 ANE.10 Norwegian Sea 02319 02320 06057 06103 06286 07453 ANE.03 Greenland Sea 03447 03448 09100 09101 10433 10475 09100 10111 11490 11491 12005 12068 12068 12294 12295 AS Atlantic S. 06459 08018 08073 ANE.04 North Sea 02091 02110 02111 08120 08188 08420 09032 02164 02206 02404 02407 03069 03139 to. 03143 - ASW Atlantic South West 01072 04062 04141 04215 04218 01333 01334 01380 01405 04227 04336 04384 04387 02061 02125 02183 02304 04454 04457 04486 05002 02305 03091 03219 03220 05127 06103 06105 06289 03388 04178 04225 04426 06424 06451 06468 06500 06482 06489 07241 07244 07404 08321 08427 09427 07396 07398 08081 08298 09436 10064 10065 10080 08301 08421 to 08425 10092 10109 10110 10149 08432 08488 09500 10019 10431 10437 10438 10474 10060 10071 10082 10134 11050 11099 11492 12103 10206 10207 10208 10215 12107 12117. 12199 .. 12313 10300 10301 10389 10395 12405 149me 10458 11048 11189 12104 : 9:G14 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX ASW Atlantic South West (Cont'd) 12105 12106 12166 12167 155me ASW.01 G, of Mexico 01135 03219 05031 06323 06338 07057 07396 08108 08109 09050 10093 10299 10549 080me 089me ASW.O2 Caribbean Sea 08432 08566 12106 12122 12169 12201 ASE Atlantic 5.Е. 02248 02367 03005 03047 03086 03159 03277 04058 05233 06290 07190 08014 08288 08307 08481 10060 10206 10262 12316 155me ASE,01 В. of Biscay ASE.02 Mediterranean Sea 02016 02017 02089 02248 02402 02403 03459 04024 04056 04079 05014 05208 07089 07119 07470 07472 08172 08188 08198 08199 08282 08289 08471 08570 10115 ‘10502 12035 12110 ASE.03 Mediterranean Sea, 02124 02159 02327 02382 03149 03208 04059 04074 12118 12184 01211 05041 06506 07463 08178 10219 11058 03017 11162 12166 01171 02368 03080 03206 04060 06452 08064 08308 10071 10389 01141 02079 02321 02415 04026 04180 05229 07122 08013 08195 08273 08384 09462 11065 107me Western 02190 03082 04054 04446 12122 12411 03161 05212 07003 08060 08432 10244 12368 08229 12105 to 02200 02385 03084 03264 04426 06572 08094 08309 10140 12051 07509 01338 02081 02366 03081 04029 04326 05230 07246 08038 08196 08281 08457 09464 12030 01020 02318 03085 04055 04516 9:615 ASE. 04 ASE. 05 ASE, 06 ASE. 07 ASE. 08 ASE, 09 ASE, 10 05016 07086 07236 07291 08111 08207 08266 08325 08418 08460 08481 10210 10488 Tyrrhenian 08218 10121 12164 Mediterranean Sea, 08203 09095 Aegean Sea 07088 08459 Ionian Sea 08469 05092 07087 07238 08014 08181 08208 08275 08402 08433 08466 10119 10211 11124 Sea 08286 10188 08206 10153 06281 08203 10153 06281 Adriatic Sea 02381 06281 07277 08183 08202 08386 08453 10188 03216 06282 07288 08186 08278 08437 08464 11119 Sea of Marmara 08459 Black Sea 02032 05080 06326 06490 07234 07403 08058 08272 08468 10096 08461 01146 02147 06281 06327 06491 07247 07431 08184 08277 09290 10153 831 .06102 06328 07123 07235 07239 07290 08061 08062 08190 08193 08264 08265 08276 08288 08403 08417 08453 08458 08470 08472 10120 10209 10304 10472 11125 12316 08200 08201 08469 09123 10485 12160 Eastern 08283 08291 06282 07085 08209 08455 06282 08280 02012 02299 03438 04031 07120 07121 07469 08105 08187 08194 08279 08285 08438 08439 08465 08467 12160 08203 08455 08462 10153 01171 01172 03445 03446 06282 06320 06340 06444 07178 07214 07248 07292 07471 08027 08189 08203 08282 08462 09483 10095 11006 11007 832 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ASE.10 Black Sea (Cont'd) 11181 12188 ASE.11 Sea of Azov 06327 11007 12072 11393 12192 04578 06358 11070 ASE.12 G. of Guinea 02372 02384 E INDOPACIFIC 01269 02005 02031 03071 03452 04376 04413 06021 06280 07073 08104 08480 09470 09571 10037 11082 12057 037me 152me IN Pacific NW, 01075 01130 01343 01364 01375 01424 02055 02108 02346 02399 03077 03453 04128 04401 04428 to 05012 05031 03005 OCEAN 01272 02006 02032 03245 04024 04399 04490 06048 06314 07443 08122 09083 09503 09584 19041 11526 12112 075me 153me > 01019 01085 01131 01346 01368 01376 01440 02056 02241 02357 02400 03134 03468 04163 04409 04458 04484 05013 05038 11091 12062 04579 09483 1393 02373 12320 01050 01284 02007 03040 03246 04329 04403 05277 06050 06315 07465 08381 09140 09569 09585 10059 12027 12187 086me 01021 01093 01219 01353 01371 01381 02034 02058 02302 02364 02503 03222 04021 04164 04413 04460 04519 05023 05043 11123 12074 06326 11006 12062 02383 01162 01366 02030 03056 03435 04375 04404 06005 06114 07020 07552 08442 09309 09570 10019 10083 12053 12220 151me 01045 01094 01316 01359 01373 01384 02047 02107 02335 02392 02504 03441 04053 04396 04427 04469 04536 05030 05047 9:G16 IN, 01 Japan Sea 01264 01365 02339 07237 09057 09459 10456 05100 06002 06248 07077 07213 07394 07417 08087 08259 09042 09052 09060 09067 09082 09092 09132 09158 09238 09259 09384 09416 09475 10019 10194 10307 10434 10447 10508 11035 11081 11293 11356 11391 12075 12185 12223 12385 007me 01081 01354 01367 04410 07465 09110 09460 11064 IN. 02 Sea of Okhotsk 01342 02043 02158 06332 09040 01345 02044 04070 07019 09049 05195 06116 06314 07091 07262 07408 07422 08211 09039 09044 09057 09063 09070 09086 09128 09135 09198 09247 09292 09389 09472 09514 10035 10256 10385 10444 10464 11007 11062 11183 11338 11376 11464 12098 12204 12339 12390 104me 01187 01357 02052 07099 09056 09199 10448 11309 01341 02031 02157 06331 09034 10455 IN, 02 IN, 03 IN. 04 IS ISW ISW. 01 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX Sea of Okhotsk (Cont'd) 110070 11037 11038 12223 12332 Bering Sea 01345 02020 02156 02157 02158 02323 02358 02360 03583 04435 04436 05042 06329 06330 07237 08301 09135 09251 10202 10307 11007 12109 12474 G. of Alaska 03502 09384 12394 Tropical Indopacific 01163: 01284. 01521 02243 04016 04254 04292 07030 09311 09496 10551 12038 Indian Ocean 01002 01003 01036 01050 01087 01916 0115401181 01275 01349 01394 02032 02063 02120 03047 03084 03154 04188 04198 04299 04400 04431 04432 04445 04462 05022 05096 05133 05136 05284 05287 05470 05472106001: 06511 07008 to 07012 07177 07181 07182 07266 07383 07424 08017 08023 08122 09003 09032 09078 09140 09158 09167 09386 09413 09431 09468 09469 09479 10059 101251 10242 10295 10467 10473 10484 11036 11063 11291 42029 12071 12342 12402 Red Sea 04024 04187 07407 10267 11180 12110 ISW.O2 G. of Aden 06348 ISW.03 Persian @. 04179 08116 11006 12060 02029 02322 02437 04437 07010 09158 11006 12393 01162 02187 04255 09327 111me 01035 01088 01192 01433 02121 03430 04303 04433 05044 05141 05471 06512 07101 07212 07428 08188 09108 09302 09467 09530 10294 10479 11115 12083 05241 11198 07059 08119 9:G17 ISW, 05 ISW. 06 ISW. 08 ISEW ISEW, 01 ISEW.O2 ISEW, 04 ISEW. 05 ISEW.06 Arabian Sea 03263 04197 04450 06119 07095 09481 10462 10513 02060 04067 04280 04584 06284 07 433 10200 10469 B. of Bengal 04234 05132 07181 07264 07272 07506 10298 Mozambique Indopacific 01186 02120 02197 02316 02339 04295 04495 09414 10260 10442 12086 04282 06519 07253 07265 07294 08156 Channel Central 01192 02123 02208 02317 03042 04296 06472 10195 10387 10481 @. ог Thailand 01349 01392 S. China Sea E. China Sea 01379 02112 04057 09091 Yellow Sea 02113 04422 09429 Inland Sea 04175 09090 09482 02035 02113 04275 09429 01379 03155 04424 09480 of Japan 09084 09289 11032 02109 04129 04430 05279 06520 07440 10296 10483 03440 05034 06573 07256 07269 07437 09433 01199 02178 02308 02336 03044 04402 09302 10198 10440 11032 01089 10482 01155 01041 02039 02343 04424 10466 02039 04057 08579 10440 09088 09308 833 03001 04194 04448 05280 07094 07479 10297 10512 04181 05045 07180 07263 07271 07438 10114 05019 01091 02037 02195 02309 02337 03390 04406 09412 10242 10441 11290 01090 01156 01042 02040 03155 08579 11289 02112 04275 09428 10443 04127 09089 09476 834 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ISEW.O7 Philippine Sea 08292 05009 06428 06429 06430 06474 08216 08234 08302 ISEW.15 G. of Carpentaria 09421 08429 08473 09141 09146 to 09149 09151 09228 ISEW.18 Coral Sea 07013 07429 09229 09231 09232 09440 to 09447 09450 09452 ISE Pacific, 5.5, 01170 01308 09453 10018 10024 10590 01320 02202 02241 02419 11328 12046 12047 12170. 03065 03072 03419 03431 121717 12335 12343 “ES 04380 04381 04517 05235 | 12346 12349 12351 12352 06002 07100 07220 07444 12354 12407 010me 08103 08227 08474 08479 09434 10019 10072 10081 PSW Southern Ocean, W. 01308 10264 10511 11292 11340 02036 04388 06314 06315 11352 11356 11391 11489 07410 07411 08298 09150 12300 12102 12205 12230 10203 12353 12406 PSE Southern Ocean, E. 01210 ISE.01 G. of California 03065 07059 02120 02253 04443 06314 07419 09379 10269 11075 06315 06472 08095 09081 09084 09111 09190 09302 09418 09420 09458 11313 12101 bu POLAR SEAS 06005 : PSE. 02 Tasman Sea 01084 09081 09240 PN Arctic Ocean 01021 01033 01034 09258 01134 02082 05032 05035 05037 06013 06470 06471 PSEW S. Polar Seas 04388 04444 06586 07213 08010 08113 04583 09448 010me 146me 08552 09014 09020 09577 147me 10056 10061 10097 10098 10457 11006 11007 12008 PSEW.01 Scotia Sea 02142 12085 12325 PSEW.O2 Weddell Sea 09454 09514 PN.02 Kara Sea 02156 02158 03442 10451 10453 11006 11007 PSEW.04 Ross Sea 03021 03325 07054 09230 РМ.03 Laptev Sea 02156 02158 11006 11007 PSEW.06 Bellingshausen Sea 07409 PN.04 E. Siberian Sea 02156 02158 06314 06315 11006 11007 1,41 E. African Lakes 01066 03171 PN.05 Chuckchee Sea 04435 05042 04352 04353 04364 08043 06314 06315 10139 10432 08045 08167 08222 08411 11006 11007 10170 10174 12042 12048 Ñ 12142 12179 12516 12917 PN.06 Beaufort Sea 04435 12518 12521 PS Southern Ccean 01031 01259 L. 21 American Creat Lakes 01228 01260 01388 03005 -03012 01441 04153 05175 06148 03232 03250 03443 03444 06159 06161 06188 06189 04184 04185 04268 04269 06372 06561 06565 07308 04271 04284 04285 04379 07517 08140 08161 08165 9:G18 L, 21 L.71 L.72 L.73 L. 74 L.75 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX American Great Lakes (Cont'd) 08414 12307 O61me 11284 12483 12043 12485 L. Ladoga and Onega Caspian Sea 03231 03566 11049 12054 12479 Aral Sea L. Balkash L. Baikal 02096 02445 11250 04576 11085 12056 01229 02296 11026 12131 03547 04577 11178 12305 01048 03365 01230 02297 11128 12176 12150 12535 11252 03548 11007 11275 12478 11049 12127 02095 02444 11248 9:19 835 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 1,00 FISHES, GEN. À 01010 VOLUME 9 = Volume Taxonomic Index 01026 01072 01089 01137 01313 01404 01475 02007 02021 02088 02112 02128 02212 02298 02426 02485 03028 03114 03145 03159 03170 03456 03500 03533 04010 04036 04128 04147 04311 04440 04497 04556 04497 04556 04579 05011 05067 05218 05306 05316 05321 05333 06019 06233 06280 06288 06303 06314 01009 01067 01084 01102 01162 01379 01417 01566 02014 02062 02103 02122 02131 02239 02421 02428 03007 03092 03134 03156 03166 03384 03497 03508 03565 04030 04109 04143 04180 04359 04466 04520 04566 04520 04566 04594 05033 05164 05303 05309 05319 to 05346 06183 06250 06283 06292 06312 06479 06506 06609 07051 07172 07191 07211 07403 07478 07546 07559 08041 08119 08177 08183 08208 08419 08533 08570 08585 09139 09152 09311 09442 09511 09561 10023 10160 10188 10198 10209 10340 10457 10541 11026 11122 11243 12018 12062 12160 1217 12204 12388 12428 12454 12533 1,01 Amphioxiformes 1,02 Caragola Entosphenus 01449 06549 07014 07091 07183 07194 07278 07429 07536 07548 08007 08051 08158 08180 08204 08224 08513 08552 08578 09027 09149 09159 09409 09506 09538 09587 10073 10169 10193 10203 10260 10401 10526 10545 11115 11126 11377 12041 12140 12168 12177 12315 12419 to 12488 12568 114me 08593 05324 06552 07015 07171 07184 07200 07375 07468 07540 07557 08017 08093 08174 08181 08205 08280 08531 08557 08579 09112 09131 09227 09441 09507 09539 10022 10088 10184 10195 10205 10312 10445 10532 11006 11118 11200 12012 12051 12159 12169 12179 12383 to 12452 12489 093me 115me 10482 10511 07455 838 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Eudontomyzon 04550 Pentanchus 07439 Geotria 10511 Prionace 01307 ZTchthyomyzon 07455. 11432 Scyliorhinus 02199 3417 Lampetra 01406 01420 01443 03420 03427 03434 04446 04550 04581 05359 06235 05215 06502 10446 11339 10499 12043 12136 12582 11350 Petromyzon 01397 01400 01406 Sphyrna 02353 06492 07422 01420 01449 01456 02314 Triaenodon 02352 03487 06467 07455 10506 10507 11343 12480 to 1,09 Acanthias 04459 12486 Aculeola 02213 PETROMYZONIDAE 02423 Etmopterus 06493 PETROMY ZONIFORMES 10495 SQUALIFORMES 01001 03099 03010 03015 03135 034°? 1,03 Uyxine 03418 04509 05226 05275 03464 04488 05216 052% 11305 12403 12582 05246 05272 06504 084 MYXINIDAE 10511 08431 09405 09493 104 MYXINIFORMES 10495 11295 11303 11357 1205 Squaliolus 0940, 1,04 HETERODONTIFORMES 04488 05216 Squalus 01262 03427 0343: 10495 11303 12034 03437 05259 05271 08446 Heterodontus 05256 11302 11329 12382 1,10 Breviraja 02314 1,05 Chlamydo selachus 09406 Dasyatis 03416 09462 12337 Heptranchias 09406 Gurgesiella 02315 Hexanchi forme 3 01001 03009 Myliobatis 02402 12337 03010 03015 03135 03463 Potamotrygon 02474 03464 04488 05216 05234 Pristis 04565 05246 05272 06504 08430 Raja 01328 02319 03420 08431 09405 09493 10495 03427 04463 05273 12382 | 11295 11303 11357 12034 RAJIDAE 12316 Notorynchus 09406 RAJIFORMES 02300 03009 03464 04488 05216 08430 08431 1,06 LAUNIFORUES 01001 03009 10495 11303 12034 03010 03015 03135 03463 Rhenoptera 05280 07464 03464 04488 05216 05234 Rhinobatos 05230 05246 05272 06504 08430 Urolophus 05290 11318 08431 09405 09493 10495 11295 11303 11357 12034 1,11 Narcine 05232 05240 05265 TORPEDINIFORMES 02300 03009 1,07 Carcharodon 01309 03464 04488 05216 10495 Cetorhinus 02332 07419 11303 Lama 02524 Torpedo 04487 05245 06486 Rhincodon 05279 Selache 10472 1,12 Callorynchus 04442 . 09458 12337 1,08 Apristurus 02313 Chimaera 05238 08417 Carcharias 06469 CHIMAERI FORMES 07433 Carcharhinus 01307 02352 Hydrolagus 02313 07419 02353 06492 08557 10493 Cephaloscyllium 07419 1,14 Protopterus 05397 09553 Galeocerdo 01307 02353 10343 Leptocharias 03436 Myrmillo 02303 11195 1,16 Polypterus 02469 | Negaprion 07445 9:7 2 1,17 Acipenser 1,19 1,20 1,21 07461 10515 ACIPENSERIDAE 11380 Polyodon Lepisosteus CLUPEIFORUES' Alosa 08414 Anchviella Brevoortia Gaspialosa Clupanodon Clupea harengus 01319 01518 02514 02519 03151 04328 04459 06497 10396 to 10489 11271 11515 12321 Clupea pallasii 01408 02347 04416 08446 10453 Clupea sprattus Clupea ap. CLUPEIDAE CLUPEOIDEI Clupeonella Clupi soma Coilia Dorosoma Dussumieria 01418 08414 11343 11383 03485 08532 02384 03485 01321 02406 02515 02521 03485 04336 06468 07432 10431 10452 10501 11297 12112 12322 01476 02491 04469 08479 to 05236 01090 03503 TAXONOMIC INDEX 04579 08532 11375 02475 11395 03542 05229 08534 04430 04334 01025 01327 02407 02516 02522 04062 04382 06495 08416 10433 10474 10502 11319 12281 12399 12477 01343 01488 02493 to 08480 10456 03485 10508 03478 01349 11391 01090 05325 10436 11381 11382 05300 12305 12469 08052 10546 12464 06194 11548 12466 07440 08516 10215 03485 08364 01263 01421 02408 02518 02523 04320 04383 06496 10150 10449 10477 11208 11500 12314 13405 149me 01407 02325 03485 04484 09465 11521 10437 12397 05269 12576 08364 09002 03485 11285 09492 12310 04430 1,21 12 1,23 ENCRAULIDAE Engraulis encrasicholus Engraulis japonica 02397 Engraulis mordax 09401 Engraulis ringens 05485 Engraulis sp. Ethmalosa Harengula Hilsa Jenkinsia Leucaspius Lycengraulis Megalops Pomolobus Raconda Sardina 03485 08384 08438 08481 Sardinella 04415 09002 Sardinops, gen. 10471 03496 Q4562 02299 04459 08433 08454 11346 03440 04430 09431 Sardinops caerulea 03485 08450 Sardinops melanosticta 02338 02339 09417 Sardinops ocellata Sardinops sagax Setipinna Stolephorus Stolothrissa Thrissocles Channa Chanos CHIROCENTRIDAE Argentina ARGENTINIDAE BATHYLAGIDAE Bathylagus Coregonus 02575 06560 08414 05236 02305 02424 04502 06563 08558 11427 09489 04329 01500 11501 04288 05418 08510 10458 07440 03485 02327 04516 08436 08464 12289 03485 07437 10463 10185 10436 03485 09465 08443 05277 07477 04352 01432 12398 02480 05563 07495 10539 11585 839 08479 08468 02302 10427 11031 08450 05449 12408 12491 06572 09389 12491 01398 06190 11450 10478 10528 10321 03438 07412 08437 08472 12391 04011 08466 12320 10508 01317 10191 11352 01353 09416 10464 10203 12392 08442 09466 01090 12521 07438 12491 12558 03478 12402 12464 12464 12577 02550 06533 07496 11401 12498 840 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Cristivomer Hucho Hypome sus Lovettia Oncorhynchus, деп. 02432 02546 04521 04522 06508 06509 09509 09514 10492 11355 12430 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 01425 02430 05297 05322 09518 11371 Oncorhynchus keta 04495 04498 09332 09396 10518 Oncorhynchus kisutch 04495 04500 08495 08496 Oncorhynchus nerka 01423 01424 to 02443 04492 04493 05294 07466 08500 08550 09503 09514 01570 09563 03502 05336 09067 09517 11376 12465 01413 04495 07465 12323 01474 05322 09503 11371 01403 06187 08550 01097 02429 02483 04495 08497 09396 10307 12457 Oncorhynchus tschawy tscha 01409 03398 06187 08495 Oncorhynchus sp. OSMERIDAE Osmerus 01468 06565 Plecoglossus Prosopium 06560 Salmo, gen. 02575 1,23 Salmo clarkii 03567 Salmo gairdnerii 02462 02467 03517 03520 04532 04533 04540 04542 05348 05362 05561 06187 06570 06580 08159 08162 08550 09329 09542 09547 10178 10530 10581 11424 04495 08550 01415 04506 07495 08414 06509 07548 01442 03462 04113 04538 04567 05392 06235 07490 08412 09349 09555 10560 11432 11446 01441 06532 12536 10403 02346 04490 06487 09158 10491 11389 12467 01419 04498 09503 12473 02433 09331 10517 12501 01408 07454 10035 10519 01403 02437 02484 05143 to 02502 11390 12474 01408 05295 10519 04495 07448 11334 08414 11284 10468 10539 06555 10574 02276 03501 04530 04539 04573 05399 06255 07534 08495 09514 10035 10571 11442 11456 1,24 1,25 Salmo salar 01411 04349 04510 05301 05323 05525 06521 07423 08491 08519 08573 11314 11367 11540 11546 12149 12456 Salmo trutta 01017 01544 02561 04556 04574 05375 05377 05525 05570 06157 06241 06538 06574 07488 07490 07529 07531 08527 08532 08562 08564 09514 09565 10529 11420 11437 11446 11585 11592 12534 Salmo spe 05339 06163 SALMONIDAE 01384 03397 04066 04374 04507 05377 05385 07540 08041 09514 11366 Salmothymus Salvelinus, gen. Salvelinus alpinus Salvelinus fontinalis 10527 Salvelinus malma Salvelinus sp. 02575 06561 08041 11587 11588 Spirinchus Stenodus Thymallus ESOCOIDEI Esox 01447 01450 05053 05563 06553 06566 08547 10539 Astronesthes Idiacanthus Melanostomias Stomias STOMIATOIDEI 01544 04514 053 06522 08492 09548 11368 12012 12463 01452 04503 05325 05394 05578 06521 06579 07491 08415 08536 08573 10048 11425 11455 12040 12559 08533 01549 04345 05334 06515 08520 11378 11566 08533 02550 06562 11446 01451 04504 03543 08414 12043 04534 03526 06528 07496 11418 02561 04521 05430 06612 08517 10503 11446 12148 12495 01463 04531 05373 05400 05586 06522 07487 07528 08519 08559 09118 10525 11432 11548 12463 12560 10505 02544 04346 05376 07474 09067 11394 12580 12418 01440 10436 08041 11456 04491 04528 04528 10539 12549 07420 01466 10539 12464 03552 06545 08414 12545 02372 11294 11294 09408 12464 1,26 OPISTHOPROCTIDAE 1,27 1,28 1,31 192 1,34 1,35 1,36 1,37 1,38 1,39 1,40 Hiodon Notopterus Xenomystus Heterotis Galaxias 09527 Bathylaco Bathypterois Diaphus Har padon Lampanyctus Magni sudis Myctophum GIGANTURIFORMES Gastrostomus Genyamyrus Gnathonemus Gymnarchus Mormyrus CYPRINIFORHES' Alestes Anoptichthys CHARACYNOIDEI Citharinus Grenuchus Cynopotamus Gorynopoma Hoplias 01331 Hydrocynus Poecilocharax Electrophorus Gymnotus Abramis 01461 03547 04576 07493 Alburnus Aristichthys Aspius Barbus 03526 IQ 05342 03396 02571 09535 03396 04560 01332 01470 03553 06528 12479 08532 06362 TAXONOMIC INDEX 01448 07506 10422 05552 10497 02316 03577 10358 02375 04414 05228 05396 03029 03566 07390 12502 08533 07459 11417 12464 10539 11370 12491 05342 12526 05554 12147 12464 02366 09403 12491 03452 11294 09362 12464 09383 03521 12522 07550 01453 09510 10422 03511 09550 10422 01462 09537 09514 04415 10422 01462 05331 08553 12551 03526 04554 07486 12531 08534 04525 03526 10343 12491 9:75 Biwia Blicca Botia Brachydanio Carassius 02278 03512 03561 03573 05347 06526 08556 09534 10544 11430 Carpiodes Catla 07033 CATOSTOMIDAE Catostomus 05379 Chondrostoma Chrosomus Cirrhinus Cobitis Ctenopharyngodon CYPRINIDAE 06556 09558 CYPRINOIDET Cyprinus 01017 02235 02476 03029 03537 04535 05369 05395 06527 06534 06581 07526 08526 to 10523 11406 11440 12502 Danio Dionda Engraulicypris Gardonus Gnathopogon Gobio 01444 02460 03535 03569 04546 05357 07449 08565 09546 10554 11441 09521 01401 05393 08414 03526 03562 01480 03394 07493 10572 01445 02435 02478 03512 03547 04555 05372 05579 06529 06553 07449 07529 08528 08535 10531 11410 11446 12510 01464 02463 03538 03571 05057 05374 07526 09519 09559 11413 11444 11447 09556 05365 06235 08538 06525 05054 04553 02386 04525 03571 07326 11457 01481 02456 02479 03514 04355 04558 05378 06513 06530 06574 07503 08414 08530 08541 11398 11429 11590 12527 04573 841 12245 03526 03544 09485 01482 02468 03557 03572 05341 05389 08414 09529 09564 11428 11446 12565 03551 12491 96555 05366 06560 10539 08533 10555 12491 06545 10534 03574 09550 12565 06547 01482 02466 02481 03528 04508 05349 05381 06524 06531 06578 07525 08525 08532 08560 11400 11435 12456 12547 12562 06537 01434 12521 12534 04541 07509 842 1,41 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Hybognathus 05053 Hybopsis Hyborhynchus Hypophthalmichthys Ictiobus Zabeo Leuciscus 01341 06528 Megalobrama Mi sgurnus 04543 09544 Moxostoma Nemacheilus Notemi gonus 05054 Notropis 01434 05054 06235 Oregonichthys Oreoleuci scus Phoxinus 04575 Pimephales 01472 06235 10550 Pseudaspius Pseudobrama Pseudogobio Pseudorasbora Ptychocheilus Puntius 01479 Rasbora Rhodeus Rutilus 01457 03526 04573 06513 11422 11423 Scardinius Spirlinus Squalius Telestes Tinca 02465 05367 06574 07484 Vimba Ailia Ailiichthys Ameiurus Aoria Bagrus 12048 Clarics 01465 02341 03519 04568 07515 01494 01480 05053 11426 05368 07491 04544 11441 09550 06235 01435 07514 10550 05343 05354 05053 10555 04553 03541 06576 12477 03541 05368 10524 03029 12518 02448 10343 10550 08551 05054 04525 07492 12518 05403 08533 11447 05360 12529 08414 12500 10555 05053 09514 10555 07462 03450 05353 05404 06228 10575 07502 09531 12245 04541 05251 08157 06362 04573 03547 11421 12499 05289 02474 03526 03570 05398 11369 11409 03526 07539 07539 05408 07545 12553 03396 10358 10422 1,42 03510 06235 08414 10555 12310 Ictalurus 05345 08052 10548 11434 Macrones Mystus 03519 07545 10578 07537 10570 Noturus Osteogeneiosus Pangasius 02449 Parasilurus Pimelodus Platystacus Plecostomus Pseudecheneis Pylodictis Rita Saccobranchus Saurida Silonta SILUROIDEI Silurus Synodontis Xiliphius 09112 AUGUILLIFORMES Anago Anguilla, gen. Anguilla anguilla 03492 04486 08489 08511 08564 05257 03493 05305 08501 08519 09508 Anguilla bostoniensis Anguilla japonica 04505 Anguilla spe 06559 ANGUILLIDAE Astroconger Conger CONGRIDAE Hoplunnis Leptocephalus Pisodonophis Rhinomuraena 01314 05054 06569 08539 10557 12472 04553 08157 10579 10498 01438 10548 11452 07505 12468 01540 03581 06507 to 08533 11364 12475 02424 10573 07479 05274 09322 05344 06571 10543 10559 12542 12563 07545 07460 09543 11449 12491 12472 06573 10577 05384 05410 11449 10567 07516 10556 12491 07544 09475 12491 04559 03029 10422 01473 01310 09515 12577 03483 04342 07459 08509 08534 11373 12492 08414 03162 12537 10483 01426 04508 12577 09515 02305 10403 07479 09402 1,47 Cololabis 1,50 1,51 01374 09426 EXOCOETI DAE HEMIRHAMPHIDAE Hemirhamphus Parexocoetus Strongylura Tylosurus Eleginops Eleginus GADIDAE 02534 GADIFORMES Gadus luscus 01367 01376 09459 04375 02305 11515 01344 Gadus macrocephalus Gadus merlangus Gadus morhua 01504 02324 05267 10004 Gadus poutassou Gadus зр. Lota 07496 Malanogrammus 02532 10004 01322 02263 02520 06517 11470 08414 01322 04384 12329 Merluccius bilinearis Merluccius productus Molva Phycis Pollachius Theragra 01354 02292 Urophycis Apeltes Aulorhynchus Zucalia Gasterosteus 06163 Pungitius Hi ppocampus Syngnathus 1,55 Regalecus 1,57 Trachipterus Amblyopsis Aphanius 01318 01395 02308 01303 06187 TAXONOMIC INDEX 01372 01377 09460 08422 04011 02308 11516 04444 01325 02301 04456 07016 12417 04439 08524 01323 07016 12334 12338 04489 01322 02283 09368 03480 08521 04511 07495 04428 01373 09375 10449 12404 08460 04375 10487 06489 02243 12410 03441 06518 12316 09130 04461 01354 10438 01337 02308 05209 07453 12494 10430 04489 10539 11306 02324 06441 12417 04329 04329 09541 08434 02310 02284 09473 10443 01322 07415 01303 09514 04573 09551 12584 03575 07444 05233 02410 11294 01439 07470 Aphyosemion Cyprinodon Fundulus 05053 Gambusia 03534 05390 Jenynsia Lebistes 03578 05313 06163 09552 Lucania Micropecilia Mollienesia Oryzias 03467 Platypoecilus Poecilia POECILIIDAE Poeciliopsis Rivulus Xi phophorus 1,61 Holocentrus Leiogaster Myripristis 1,62 ZEIDAE Zeus 1,63 MUGILIFORMES 1,65 Allanetta Atherina ATHERINIDAE Basilichthys Chirostoma Menidia Mugil 01399 04011 06490 08493 09526 1,66 Polydactylus 1,67 Ophicephalus 1,68 Amphi pnous Synbranchus 1,69 PERCIFORMES TE 05296 07458 05338 05391 04144 05370 06187 10550 04580 09560 03472 02311 04512 07469 08532 10576 03396 07456 08515 05352 06187 10550 05255 05053 05387 07494 10555 11446 05291 05383 11362 04547 03472 02409 02384 03506 05299 07471 08534 12491 05364 843 09532 04552 07457 09525 05388 10522 11446 05371 05054 05401 07535 10575 12579 03480 09552 07549 09530 12579 04548 09552 07530 12540 02453 11433 04445 02313 02340 12316 04467 12470 07440 08475 05418 03476 12532 05053 03536 06484 08455 09516 12537 01394 06359 08563 07479 07479 09128 844 1,70 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Acerina Aequidens Ambassis Ambloplites Amphiprion Aplodinotus Argyrosomus Arripis Astatoreochromi s Astronotus Bairdiella Caesio GARANGIDAE 05054 03432 08456 Caranx 01368 Centropristis Centropyge Cepola Chaenobrythus Chlorogaster Chromi a Chrysophrys Cichla CICHLIDAE Collichthys Coris Coryphaena 02471 02402 CORYPHAENIDAE Crenicara Crenicichla Crenilabrus Cryptotomus Супо scion 01302 Diastodon Ditrema Duymaer ia EMBIOTOCI D&E Epi gonus Epinephelus Etheostoma Eupomotis Evynnis FORMIONIDAE Girella Gymnocranius Gymnodraco Haplochromis 01436 05405 Herichthys Hypoclydonia Isopisthus Johnius Kyphosus Labidochromis 06163 10267 05340 02395 05552 03460 08471 07256 07472 02472 04410 04460 01332 02398 04445 01437 01148 10343 07508 09514 07440 10555 10459 08414 11289 05554 10345 05350 01332 04445 04425 12316 07406 07418 10459 04467 05053 09398 11353 09456 04355 06023 01349 02385 04411 10448 04375 04549 10566 08418 09398 01395 04415 02368 09491 09519 04458 02313 04451 12539 06163 02394 09504 09411 07414 09390 12518 12522 10521 02305 01332 07434 11349 11396 эта Labracoglossa LABRIDAE Lagodon Lamprologus Larimus Lateolabrax 07449 Lates 03504 Leiognathus Leiostomus Lepomis 10422 02100 05054 06235 09514 03576 05344 06569 10526 10543 Leptoscarus Lethrinella Lethrinus LOBOTIDAE Lonchopisthus Lucioperca 03029 08542 Lut janus Macrias Menticirrhus Micropogon 01332 04355 06235 08537 10558 Micropterus 05345 08414 10555 Morone MULLIDAE Mylio Neoditrema Notothenia NOTOTHENIIDAE Oligocephalus Otolithoides Pagellus Pagetopsis Pagrus Pama Paralonchurus Pelmatochromis Perca flavescens 08041 08414 Perca fluviatilis 03526 06528 07496 08434 Percina Pogonias Pomatomus Pomoxis Pseudolepidaplois Pseudopriacanthus 03546 09456 12048 04355 05345 07532 10531 10555 02370 08439 03416 06235 10526 03517 06566 07508 05345 02368 01371 09397 01399 11396 01332 09474 12537 12554 04430 04458 05053 06187 08414 10542 11446 09398 05287 07407 04375 02304 07483 08548 08432 01308 01351 04415 04458 05344 07532 10552 11446 12522 07390 12316 07449 09391 02377 02371 01436 10462 08453 12407 08423 05299 01332 07489 06560 12535 03524 07495 08547 12539 04458 05230 10526 12412 02305 Pseudosciaena Pseudotolithus Pseudupeneus Pterocaesio Roccus 01414 Roncador Sagenichthys SCARIDAE Scarops Scarus Scatophagus Selaroides Semicossyphus Seriola 01368 04458 Serranellus Serranus Sillago Siniperca Siphania SPARIDAE Sparus Stizostedion 08052 Symphodus Taractes Tilapia 01016 01481 02451 03475 04563 TRACHINIDAE Trachinotus Trachinus Trachurus 07430 Trematomus Tmbrina Tpeneus Uraspis Zanclus 02395 03479 08414 02392 09292 11308 03545 08414 01017 01482 02459 03529 05053 06568 08488 10422 10551 12517 12525 01368 08462 02370 TAXONOMIC INDEX 10440 06516 10549 02369 02403 09400 11309 03414 06156 10539 01454 02435 03396 03530 06023 07033 09514 10476 11445 12518 12528 12556 03421 09497 10465 02377 01350 10443 10460 02413 04445 04445 07527 12400 01351 12552 09514 09398 09398 09533 10461 05250 04369 09497 12386 12579 10580 06520 05406 12471 12316 08439 06235 12135 12591 02367 03469 01477 02450 03474 04355 06163 07485 10343 10504 11446 12522 12555 12584 12316 01334 05225 07203 10442 11356 09449 05229 04445 02373 11326 1571 1,72 1,73 1,74 1,75 ANARHICHADIDAE Anarhichas Andamia BLENNIIDAE Blennius LUMPENIDAE Lycodes Neoclinus PHOLIDAE Pholis PTILICHTHYIDAE STICHAEIDAE XIPHISTERI DAE Zoarcaeus 04408 Ammodytes 04387 AMMODYTI DAE Bleekeria Brotuloides Genypterus Hypoptichus Lepophidium Ophidium Callionymus GEMPYLIDAE Lepidocybium Lepido pus TRICHIURIDAE Trichiurus Xesurus 01090 Aconthocybium ISTIOPHORIDAE Istiophorus 04403 Makaira 04403 04404 Pneumatophorus diego Rastrelliger 01090 04433 Sarda 032445 04431 Scomber colias Scomber japonicus 02311 02335 Scomber scombrus 01400 05247 Scomber 32» Scomberomorus commerson Scomberomorus guttatus 04375 08418 04388 08489 09387 02401 09494 04404 04426 01392 3286 04460 01335 02343 04409 04010 08465 02343 04011 845 12395 01347 95299 12395 09463 12395 06480 07424 12395 07462 12395 12395 12395 08490 12313 07421 09387 01320 01320 09387 01320 02412 02403 05278 09403 09462 05278 09464 02373 08474 12384 08488 10389 08488 10389 11351 04011 09376 07403 07431 08461 01395 02351 10441 04459 10501 09497 09467 09467 846 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Scomberomorus Spe SCOMBRIDAE ` SCOMBROIDEI 1,76 1,77 1,78 Tetrapturus Xiphias 05208 ANABANTIDAE Betta Centrolophus Colisa KURTIDAE NOMEIDAE Pampus Paracubiceps Psenes Sandelia STROMATEIDAE Tetragonurus Trichogaster Acentrogobius Callogobius Chaenogobius Clevelandia Coryphopterus ELFOTRIDAE Gillichthys Glossogobius GOBIIDAE GOBIOIDET Gobitichinotus Gobius Lubricogobius Luciogobius Periophthalmus Agrammu 3 Artediellus Cociella Cottocomephorus COTTOIDET Cottus 01451 Hexagrammo 3 Li paris Myoxocephalus Occa Parabembras Platycephalus Pleurogrammus Prionotus Scorpaena SCORPAENTDAE 04396 08426 05402 02383 06493 04441 10537 04462 08420 04397 04404 08463 07481 02411 05248 02344 07413 08417 09429 05363 11315 01341 05263 1,79 1,80 01073 02322 07427 Sebastes Sebastiscus Sebastodes Sebastolobus Suggrundus Tri gla TRIGLIDAE Triglops. Chelidonichthys Dactylopterus Auxi 3 01148 02399 09388 02396 04329 01358 04431 Euthynnus alletteratus Euthynnus pelamis 01365 04376 07394 09415 11340 THUNNIDAE 01577 THUNNI FORMES 075me 01370 04460 08083 09471 11358 01580 01366 02391 04309 04394 04432 08001 09001 09309 09420 09499 09496 12019 139me Thunnus, alalunga 04405 Thunnus albacares 02337 04460 08435 09470 10389 Thunnus maccoyii Thunnus obesus 09434 04376 05237 08474 09472 11292 04398 09472 Thunnus orientalis Thunnus thynnus 05270 08467 DET TO 01335 05431 08469 09418 01322 04436 09491 11324 02400 09477 12327 04436 07442 01301 02251 05431 08435 11031 11458 08459 02250 03455 04314 04395 05210 08042 09081 09317 09422 09455 10198 12022 152me 01365 10035 02252 04401 05249 08488 09495 11340 04400 04399 09498 10435 03419 05467 08470 10439 01324 07016 10004 12417 09491 10447 12393 12393 09429 08427 12316 07420 04424 _ 09463 09468 06488 01364 04011 06483 09389 11293 12390 11459 02387 04026 04316 04426 05443 08420 09158 09412 09437 09488 11135 064me 153me 03468 10389 02336 04406 06483 09434 09499 12390 12406 09479 08488 10389 11290 04402 05247 08384 08488 11291 1,81 PLEVRONECTIFORMES 07425 09131 1,82 Psettodes 1,83 1,86 1,89 1,90 Arnoglossus Atheresthes Brachyprosopon CYNOGLOSSI DAE Cynoglossus Glyptocephalus 01354 Hippoglossoides 01354 09354 09355 TAXONOMIC INDEX 02464 09410 02321 09478 01369 01360 01361 10004 Hippoglossus hippoglossus Hippoglossus stenolepis 03583 05490 Kamoharaia Limanda 932» Lyopsetta Paralichthys Platessa Platichthys 04502 10432 Pleuronectes flesus Pleuronectes platessa 03425 03426 06500 Pleuronectes зр. Pleuronichthys Pseudopleuronectes Pseudorhombus Reinharotius Solea MAST AC EMBELI DAE ECHENEI FORMES Echeneis Remilegia Balistapus Balistes BALISTIDAE Parachollardia Triacanthus Triodon Acanthostracion Canthi gaster Diodon DIODONTIDAE Fu gu Lagocephalus 07390 11464 01361 10383 10492 03422 04387 10470 01322 04463 05227 02431 01315 04422 10434 03394 04413 10432 01375 09133 04011 03423 07016 10432 07016 10004 02503 11521 09133 10432 10432 07245 07390 10385 12386 05557 03424 06499 12333 10432 09457 01391 10510 02393 09478 11323 10520 09131 08447 08440 05227 07407 04458 05227 05299 05227 05227 11132 05227 09285 09476 05227 OSTRACIIDAE Spheoroides Tetraodon TETRAODONTI DAE TRIODONTIDAE Mola Ranzania Covania Opsanus LOPHIOIDET Lophius OGCOCEPHALIDAE FISHES, Misco 01012 01256 01268 01281 01292 01311 01363 01482 01493 01501 01506 01511 01521 01538 01543 01550 01560 01569 02001 02040 02097 02242 02255 02268 02275 02291 02404 02434 02505 02512 02529 02540 02550 02560 02569 02577 92721 02378 05227 01004 01016 01257 01269 01283 to 01324 01364 01485 01495 01502 01507 01313 01530 01539 01545 to 01563 01571 02015 02046 02104 02245 02256 02269 02277 02293 02416 02446 02507 02513 02531 02542 02552 02362 02570 to 02431 05242 847 848 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 03021 03039 03274 03393 03400 03409 03439 03491 03507 03564 03595 04022 04037 04046 04106 04266 04286 04292 04298 04312 04319 04325 04340 04350 04356 04361 04368 04412 04423 04513 04564 05002 05213 05235 05254 05307 05315 05335 05361 05419 05434 05442 05448 05456 05474 05481 05489 05500 05509 05520 05528 to to 05553 05559 05569 05576 9:T 12 05582 to 06030 06044 06155 06358 06431 05443 06449 06456 06476 06523 06542 06585 06612 07052 07143 07380 07391 07402 07436 07451 07473 07538 07552 08012 08034 08046 08139 08170 to 08383 08395 08402 08411 08449 08518 08554 08580 09002 09013 09092 09287 09299 09311 09319 to 09338 09347 09353 09372 09428 09481 09522 09562 09582 10015 05585 06020 06 038 06119 06186 to 06440 06447 06453 06464 06498 06539 06577 06606 07031 07137 07376 07386 07393 07409 07447 07459 07497 07542 08003 08031 08043 08057 08156 08367 08378 to 08398 08406 08428 08451 08540 08566 08584 09006 09022 09116 09294 09308 09315 09321 09330 09342 09350 09364 09395 09453 09512 09524 09579 10012 10021 IQ TAXONOMIC INDEX 10030 10040 10047 10153 10183 10328 10386 to 10402 10444 10485 10514 10545 10569 10595 11017 11026 21100 11258 11272 11310 11337 11379 11392 11411 11436 11454 11484 11491 11499 11509 11519 11535 11544 11558 11565 11581 11593 12019 12033 12042 12504 12509 12515 12528 12561 12574 12592 025me 053те ОбЗте 083me 089me 105me 144me 12505 12511 12516 12538 12564 12580 12594 024me 054me 07 1me 08 4me 091me 127me 147me 155me 2,00 CRUSTACEANS, Gen. 9:T 13 01009 01045 01079 01091 01140 01166 01225 02005 02036 02088 02113 02127 02148 02239 03007 03113 03145 03159 03170 03276 04010 04114 04146 04180 04464 05040 05146 06183 06252 06281 06292 06303 06314 06351 06370 07010 07090 07172 01010 01067 01084 01102 01155 01175 849 850 2,01 BRANCHIOPODA 2,02 ANOSTRACA Artemia 01077 04148 05155 Branchinecta Chirocephalus Streptocephalus 2,03 Apus Triops 2,04 CONCHOSTRACA Dendrocephalus Eulimmadia to 07213 07468 08017 08119 08.174 08181 08205 08266 08274 08287 08570 09112 09143 09158 09237 09572 10073 10171 10193 10205 10302 10337 10403 11006 121115 11126 11392 12062 12160 12172 12178 12197 12388 01082 05144 06287 10311 07194 07241 07540 08051 08133 08177 08183 08208 to 08275 08302 08572 09134 09149 09159 09259 10022 10088 10184 10195 10205 10303 10340 10532 11026 11118 11200 12012 12131 12163 12173 12179 12204 093me 05163 04124 05151 07292 11117 07200 07271 07548 08062 08155 08179 08194 08210 08269 08279 08319 08578 09135 09151 09227 09260 10023 10135 10188 10198 10209 10312 10372 10537 11081 11122 11236 12018 12140 12168 12174 12187 12205 114me 115me 05163 07373 04144 05154 10309 12484 01239 09161 05163 01460 05190 07373 02220 08356 2,05 Bosmina Ceriodaphnia CHYDORIDAE CLADOCERA 02234 05165 Daphnia 02100 05077 Eurycercus Holopedium Neobosmina Ophryoxus Penilia 2,06 OSTRACODA 2,07 Entocythere .Guaiqueria Heterocypris Physocypria Potamocypris 2,09 COPEPODA 03525 06549 08200 10192 2,10 Acanthocyclops Acartia Asterccomes Bomolochus Calanoides Calanus 02110 to 08220 Caligus Charopinus BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 03167 06190 03093 06308 04084 Chondracanthopsis Clavellisa Clavellopsis Cyclops Cymbasoma DIAPTOMIDAE Diaptomus Diarthrodella DICHELESTHITDAE Donsiella Doropygus Ergasilus EUCOPEDODA 01171 9:7 2% 06414 01081 02193 05073 07373 03122 12582 08201 04245 04139 08195 09124 10207 12453 06310 08220 03135 03147 09148 11123 03431 09160 01099 03136 10227 07208 05072 05075 08187 10169 05057 12593 01101 12146 10227 12146 08211 12252 01459 02220 02220 02220 02220 06297 08196 09436 10514 12568 12181 12584 05285 05252 10203 03139 03148 11120 12584 12337 05281 11324 05281 05281 10224 06284 12175 06308 04241 05253 03262 03153 10524 01100 03167 pga »,12 2,13 TAXONOMIC INDEX 04147 04241 04391 09142 09158 Eurytemora HARPACTICIDAE Hermilius Lamippe Lami ppina Lepeophtheirus Lernaeenicus Lernanthropus Lerneocera Lerneopoda Lichomolgus Limnocalanus Neobranchia Notodephyopsis Notodelphys Orbitacolax Paracalanus Parenthessius Peniculus Proameira Sphyrion Stenhelia Sunaristes Temora Thermocyclops Thysanote Tigriopus Trebius 06324 02382 09392 09393 02380 02381 09027 Argulus BRANCHIURA Mytilicola CIRRIPEDIA 07272 09163 BALANIDAE Balanus 01194 03215 04217 07228 10252 OUTLET 03233 05109 08290 10282 01219 03252 06350 08305 10292 11193 Chelonibia Chthamalus Elminius 03252 03207 06350 03252 08311 06350 10243 Lepas Mitella Platylepas Pyr goma THORACICA 03255 09202 04418 07052 09220 Verruca 09027 11177 10218 09142 07255 01339 01339 02420 02405 12410 04439 05281 04392 01095 05281 03153 03153 05252 09142 04392 11324 04241 11324 09144 08282 03137 08350 05281 09394 12337 07525 12568 04519 09196 03216 02146 03256 06351 10243 11134 12216 03252 06350 10282 10293 10243 12584 05082 06319 06333 IRLIR 03252 2,16 RHIZOCEPHALA MYSIDACEA 03365 07265 Neomysis Paramysis 2,20 CUMACEA Eocuma 2,21 2,22 TANATDACEA 2,23 Aegathoa Argeia Asellota Asellus Athelges Austroniscus BOPYRIDAE Cassidina Cyathura CYMOTHOIDAE Idotea ISOPODA 03341 03343 01189 05150 10514 04241 10291 Jaera Jaeropsis JANIRIDAE Ligia Limnoria 03262 04211 Lirceus Meinertia Nerocila Oniscus Porcellio Sphaeroma Ampelisca AMPHIPODA 01324 07052 Ericthonius Gammarus 03163 Ingolfiella Karamaniella Niphargus Orchestia 05138 Pontoporeia Salentinella Vibilia 02198 08264 07252 05139 2,25 Lysiosquilla Manningia Pseudosquilla Pseudosquillopsis 9:T 15 08199 08283 04190 03274 04189 06318 12253 06333 05150 09158 07366 01221 07366 07257 851 12453 09238 08320 02213 09122 02213 04241 09514 01362 08292 12258 01362 12185 08252 12232 05149 07441 07292 07295 12453 12568 02159 01123 02158 04261 09209 LED? 10324 05110 03267 07371 07371 03205 01125 06117 12253 06357 12250 10366 12251 12180 09162 05175 01226 03208 01184 10280 10280 10280 852 2,28 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sguilla 01184 05086 10208 Penaeus 01431 STOMATOPODA 04181 08199 04195 04237 06360 09239 Euphausia 02047 05033 09139 10469 10486 10186 12166 12170 12171 Sicyonia EUPHAUSIACEA 01081 01324 04010 Spirontocaris 08199 12162 Stenopus EUPHAUSIIDAE 05070 12012 Kiphopeneus Nematoscelis 12166 Nictiphanes 1216€ 2,29 Aegla Stylocherron 12166 Allopetrolisthes Thysanoessa 09132 ánapagurus Thysanopoda 12166 ASTACIDAE 01200 03238 03245 DECAPODA 03237 03244 04142 05173 05174 04147 05159 08199 08232 07367 07373 09123 09124 11192 088me Astacus 03235 05587 Artemisia 08298 Athanas 05136 Austropotamobius GARIDIDAE 04238 Calappa Caridina 0513842 05135 CALAPPI DAE Crago 05087 Calcinus Crangon 03269 09246 12582 Callianassa Cryphiops 05583 12265 Callinectes 04229 Glyphocragon 09246 HIPPOLYTIDAE 03244 Calocaris Hymenopenseus 04183 08298 11203 Cambarus 01237 Leander 02172 02175 04242 Lebbeus 03242 Cancer 01207 09234 Macrobrachium 01478 02452 12247 08304 08397 Metapenaeus 04450 05108 09520 10390 10469 10512 11361 Carcinides 01120 Microprosthema 05133 04242 05084 NATAN TI À 01270 01271 01274 11202. 12211 01275 01395 01435 01498 Cardisoma 01518 02176 02197 02249 Catapaguroides 02509 02537 04011 04349 Charybdis 04448 05040 05244 05418 Cherax 05482 05491 05492 05507 Chionoecetes 01186 05508 05534 06121 06323 07382 07384 07385 08288 COENOBITIDAE 09171 09221 09238 09369 Dardanus 09370 09374 09421 09581 Diogenes 10076 11342 11345 12297 Dromia 059me Erimacrus Palaemon 08322 12584 Eriocheir 04231 Palaemonetes 09263 Eriphia Pandalus 01188 04215 09245 Euastacus 12584 Eupagurus Parapenaeus 07239 Faxonella Parapeneopsis 10469 Calathea PENAEIDAE 04178 04238 04327 GECARCINIDAE 05544 09318 Goniopsis 9:T 16 03247 04422 09356 10512 01201 03368 06421 09281 11229 08529 11227 05141 09217 05101 08376 01459 03532 03261 12206 03224 08310 12213 02217 01354 02185 04242 11174 01330 04183 04450 09520 12326 04183 02174 09256 04183 10368 01125 02184 01494 03382 07274 09283 11255 09273 11594 08555 12582 05129 09219 03225 06336 10245 04218 02458 05179 04454 12212 12582 04209 10266 12582 09264 10230 10513 04237 04010 09127 11188 02376 08282 12582 09126 05145 12582 04237 09195 04262 08308 05129 09261 2,29 Homarus 01312 04010 05426 09423 12012 Hyas Ibacus Jasus Jaxea Jonestus Leptodius LEUCOSII DAE Macropodia Maja MAJI DAE Nephrops Neptunus Ocypode OCYPODIDAE Orconectes 05090 Paci fastacus PAGURIDAE Paguristes Pagurus PALINURIDAE Palinurus Panopeus Panulirus 05477 06349 08231 08425 09313 Paralithodes 09334 Parastacus Parribacus Pilumus Pinnixa Pieuroncodes PORCELLANTDAE Portunus Potamobius Potamon 05195 Procambarus 04385 01238 05178 09514 04458 04377 07246 04011 05542 07258 08233 09300 09432 02179 10383 08340 TAXONOMIC INDEX 02328 04216 08316 11462 12212 05433 04208 04452 04455 07254 01459 05180 09273 10239 08245 05089 10391 04278 05544 07381 08421 09303 09500 11114 03466 10385 11472 09270 05090 03236 04349 08478 11474 12582 09127 01078 09233 08203 05128 02209 05129 04205 12582 05129 04453 04457 10513 09166 08324 02454 09263 12582 12582 11188 09167 09219 08483 11538 06348 12582 10273 05282 06337 08230 08424 09305 10467 12201 09251 11196 12223 10367 02118 08307 05102 12221 ‚ 09234 02187 05088 10346 09222 REPTANTIA 02488 06202 09221 Seylla SCYLLARIDAE Scyllarides Telmessus Thalimita Thenus Tritodynamia Uca 05093 XANTHI DAE Xantho 01170 04240 96353 10260 06357 2,99 CRUSTACEANS, Misc. Salir 01265 01280 01408 01510 01531 01550 01559 01584 02109 02287 02539 02562 03019 03039 03389 03404 04024 04039 04280 04300 05219 05444 05489 05514 05531 06424 06463 06523 07030 07527 08012 08042 08363 08382 08410 01268 01281 01496 01515 01534 01551 01179 04313 06361 10403 11199 02118 09223 01117 01007 01277 01288 01499 01521 01538 01552 01578 02019 02264 02510 02548 02566 03037 03243 03395 04016 04032 04170 04292 04586 05243 05453 05502 05523 05548 06445 06466 06607 07294 07555 08032 08156 08380 08398 08583 353 02194 06121 07387 11178 12242 10513 04125 06348 09126 02187 04237 01209 10241 12584 05128 08307 01012 01279 01290 01502 01530 01546 01557 01581 02020 02286 02533 02560 03017 03038 03388 03399 04022 04037 04276 04298 05002 05431 05487 05513 05524 06046 06454 06494 06612 07316 08011 08034 08202 08381 08401 09002 854 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 09006 09319 09360 09582 10021 10034 10322 10394 10402 10418 10593 11017 11059 11264 11273 11281 11511 11550 12001 12035 12220 12356 12370 12515 3,00 MULLUSCS, Gen. 01010 01067 01084 01102 01155 01175 01231 02007 02062 02103 02122 02131 02228 02482 03092 03134 03156 03166 03230 03337 04024 04114 04146 04180 04466 05076 06132 06244 06281 09112 09327 09580 10013 10029 10237 10393 10398 10416 10475 11015 11027 11263 11268 11280 11504 11535 11580 12029 12096 12318 12369 12379 12609 01009 01045 01079 01091 01140 01166 01225 02005 02036 02088 02113 to 02212 02417 03049 03128 03155 03164 03196 03276 04010 04042 04143 04175 04464 05067 05164 06233 06280 06292 3,01 3,03 3,04 3,05 9:31. 168 06295 06312 06324 06345 06609 07052 07172 07191 07211 07278 07548 08062 08155 08179 08194 08210 08269 08279 08319 08570 09112 09143 09158 09229 09259 10022 10088 10171 10193 10203 10276 10317 10403 11006 11115 11126 11392 12062 12160 dela 221279 12204 12257 AMPHINEURA Componochiton Cryptochiton POLYPLACOPHORA SCAPHOPODA GASTROPODA 06395 06299 06313 06329 06352 07010 07090 07176 to 07213 07291 08007 08093 08163 08180 08204 08224 08273 08280 08534 08572 09134 09149 09159 09231 09260 10023 10135 10184 10195 10205 10302 10340 10532 11026 11148 11163 12012 12131 12163 12173 12187 12205 12264 04112 07249 06303 06314 06331 06417 07014 07091 07183 07194 07241 07468 08017 08119 08174 08181 08205 08266 08274 08287 08566 08578 09135 09151 09189 09237 09572 10065 10160 10188 10198 10209 10303 10372 10537 11081 11122 11200 12018 12140 12168 12277 12188 12241 12388 114me 07231 04179 07363 _ 3,06 3,07 3,09 3,10 09265 10260 10359 10362 PROSOBRANCHIATA ACMAEIDAE Diodora HALIOTIDAE Haliotis 01197 Lamellaria Lepeta Monodonta Nassarius Patella TROCHI DAE Trochus 05107 Admete Amoria Cancellaria Conus Cymbiolacca Kelletia Latirus Lyria Melanoides Murex MURICIDAE Neptunea Nux Ocenebra Odostomia Rapana Semisulcospira Terebra Thais Thalassocyon Tor vamur ex Thyphisopsis Urosalpinx 08351 Bithynia CAECIDAE Caecum Cerithium Ci pangopaludina Crepidula Cypraea 06352 07428 Hipponix Hydrobia Linatella Littorina 06364 01204 07404 TAXONOMIC INDEX 10355 10564 09301 03186 06342 09250 03225 05080 06351 10268 08569 09174 10271 07290 03184 08311 to 10565 09140 12196 01202 11209 04171 07250 10300 10257 02160 11253 11225 06317 12359 02207 09204 02207 11479 09181 10232 09172 09205 02225 12582 11189 01164 02207 10268 09378 06327 09557 10264 08351 02207 09184 09172 12226 04247 10285 01126 09216 05206 10268 10270 10272 10256 09427 09172 04203 10262 Lyncina Mar i sa Neosimnia Oncome lania Parafossarulus Trivia Velacumantus VERMETIDAE Vivipara 3,11 Acanthodoris Asolidia Aplysia 03240 08262 Berghia Berthelinis Cadlina Catriona Coryphella Cuthona Decori fer Dendronotus Haminea Herviella Hexabranchus Homoiodoris Onchidoris 05409 04247 03241 08263 04196 OPISTHOZRANCHIATA 09140 Petalifera Phyllaplysia 09141 Pneumodermopsis Subcuthona 3,12 PULMONATA 3,13 Australorbis BASOMMATOPHORA Biomphalaria Bulinus 10343 Fossaria Galba Gyraulus Heli soma Limnaea 04247 10340 9:7 19 01254 10341 03560 10345 05188 to 10350 10360 09272 07524 03242 09207 09170 02125 10300 08351 03176 10352 10342 10345 10339 10351 03555 06405 10345 09174 01254 09172 10354 10361 09554 02169 09258 12113 10531 12497 12210 12210 08247 10488 12582 12236 10265 12210 09165 12210 12210 07262 12210 08270 09165 10300 07262 12210 08215 11201 07262 10255 02111 07261 10256 09284 12275 10344 10372 10343 10351 10340 10562 08351 04247 10345 03556 10323 10348 10351 856 3,14 3,15 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Physa Physopsis Planorbarius PLANORBIDAE Planorbis Radix Siphonaria Stagnicola Andraea Helix Limax ONCHIDIIDAF 03369 PELECYPODA 03209 05170 08246 Aequi pecten Anodonta Anomia Arca Chlamys Congeria Crassostrea 03481 05131 09211 10315 11139 Cristaria Dreissensia Gryphaea Hormomya Hyriopsis Lampsilis Limopsis Modiolus Mytilus 03178 02239 05142 07289 09191 10315 01214 03481 04335 08238 10281 Ostrea 11231 01481 03295 06395 10260 07369 03481 01193 01236 04518 05478 10232 10317 11207 02227 03481 01176 03294 04518 05526 08057 09203 10403 01215 04177 06347 08241 11223 06416 to 02193 04179 07286 10336 L1222 03218 10531 03481 04171 03192 03221 04519 08250 10249 10318 11347 03296 05189 05527 09274 04227 06357 01190 03481 05092 06339 08311 09218 11158 12582 03190 04219 07222 09268 11327 12228 07499 10341 03324 08335 05186 04247 12584 06416 08351 11234 10370 01212 02527 05162 07287 211221 12239 05428 12582 04167 09242 09190 04227 03223 05100 08318 10314 10403 12229 12415 09274 12249 08235 05098 09280 10531 01127 06339 12584 02215 04227 05122 07052 08321 10249 11207 12584 03222 04232 08235 10275 12226 12493 Fs17 OSTREIDAE 03217 05091 08240 Pecten 01021 Pinctada 05124 09208 10287 11198 Pinna Placopecten PRIONODESMACEA Pteria Unio Amphidesma Astarte Bankia 07267 Barnea Cardium Corbicula Cyprina Donax Ensis Lasaea Macoma Mactra Martesia to Mercenaria 03481 Meretrix Modiolaria Mya 01410 04227 Petricola Pisidium Pitaria Potidoma Rangia Saxidomus Schizothaerus Spisula Tapes TEREDINIDAE Teredo 03481 07270 Tivela VENERI DAE DAT 20 01291 04194 07033 08323 10076 02499 01393 05130 09267 11135 11221 12194 03354 to 01116 07270 01218 08239 03190 04518 04227 01021 06338 07272 01021 02281 04438 07475 08569 10268 03481 09291 02192 05469 09304 11136 11247 12207 09277 07270 06119 02216 01158 03481 05137 07272 10295 03219 08250 03273 08237 06398 04518 05102 06341 03481 06333 07267 08569 08444 3,18 3,19 ea 3,22 3,99 MOLLUSCS, Misc. Venus Cuspidaria CEPHALOPODA Calliteuthis DIBRANCHIA Eledone Enoploteuthis Loligo 01174 05261 09210 Loliguncula LYCOTEUTHIDAE Megaleledone Octopus 05103 07232 09345 Ommastrephes 02349 03408 09336 09358 09366 Pareledone Polypus Sepia 01187 vepiella Sepioteuthis 03190 03471 01177. 06475 03239 06338 10480 01173 05118 08253 09346 01185 02350 03461 09337 09359 09367 02415 03473 Symplectoteuthis Neopilina 01265 01280 01296 01502 01521 01537 01551 01564 02015 02186 02279 02404 02540 01268 01281 01496 01510 01530 01538 01552 01578 02019 02253 02280 02510 02548 TAXONOMIC INDEX 06363 08246 02342 09197 07232 04465 06343 11132 02415 05121 08299 11186 12198 02306 03406 04458 09343 09363 09404 03239 05264 01007 01277 01288 01498 01515 01531 01546 01557 01581 02020 02254 02286 02533 02560 SIT et 02566 03037 03388 03399 04002 04024 04039 04280 04300 05219 05444 05489 05513 05524 06046 06425 06263 06523 07030 07372 07555 08032 08156 08380 08398 08566 09013 09290 09327 09568 10006 10025 10038 10238 10394 10402 10418 10501 11015 11027 11215 11265 11276 11282 11482 11524 11567 12002 12039 12197 12318 12370 12581 857 03019 03039 03394 03515 04016 04032 04170 04292 04586 05243 05453 05498 05515 05538 06335 06454 06466 06607 07294 07501 08012 08042 08363 08382 08410 09002 09112 09325 09371 09580 10013 10029 10235 10386 10397 to 10421 10594 11020 11097 11263 11268 11280 11478 21017 11535 11580 12029 12096 12256 12368 to 12609 858 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 4,00 MAUMALS, Gen 01009 01010 01416 4,22 Berardius 04381 12340 02012 02018 04036 04044 DELPHINIDAE 02361 02414 04458 05306 05316 07557 07558 06020 07402 07446 12034 07560 08039 Delphinus 06450 07397 12340 Globicephala 12340 4,05 Enhydra 11304 Crampus 02330 Ur sus 07466 Hyperoodon 06503 Lagenorhynchus 07400 07401 4,06 Arctocephalus 01378 09440 09447 12340 11313 Lissodelphis 12340 Callorhinus 04435 10003 12385 Mesoplodon 01386 01387 02374 Cystophora 03011 03447 06503 Erignathus 01345 ODONTOCETI 02361 Eumetopias 08445 08485 12339 Orcinus 08477 12340 12389 12401 Phocaena 06444 12340 Halichoerus 01412 01490 02331 Phocoenoides 12340 02334 06494 Physeter 01260 01390 02354 Histriophoca 01345 02359 02360 02362 02363 Leptonychotes 09454 02526 04268 04381 04386 Mirounga 08473 04485 06002 07409 08476 Monachus 03459 09385 09386 11322 11359 ODOBAENIDAE 09424 12353 OTARIIDAE 09424 Prodelphinus 10466 Pagophoca 02245 06470 Stenella 01383 12344 Phoca 01345 01490 02333 12332 Tursiops 07400 07401 08486 PHOCIDAE 09424 09486 PINNIPEDIA 01329 05424 05447 4,23 Balaena 12381 06586 07395 08479 09444 Balaenoptera, gen. 01389 04378 09445 11262 11330 11360 Balaenoptera borealis 01340 12325 12570 02358 04381 Zalophus 08482 08485 Balaenoptera musculus 04381 12349 Balaenoptera physalus 02358 04381 4,09 Hippopotamus 04571 06473 09384 12343 12349 12350 12413 4,16 Castor 11437 Balaenoptera sp. 01380 01381 Myocastor 11415 02526 03443 12354 Eschrichtius 01316 04381 4,19 Noctilio 10568 Eubalaena 02364 07396 Megaptera 01385 01524 02245 4,21 CETACEA 01258 01259 01261 01384 02257 02258 02260 02365 01523 02329 02355 02357 04381 06002 09286 09425 02528 03135 03454 04006 12342 12349 04007 04267 to 04273 MYSTACOCETI 01382 01388 02356 04284 04285 04291 04380 02526 04443 06474 11328 04458 05414 05436 05470 Neobalaena 12349 06428 06429 06430 06464 Sibbaldus 01260 04979 12341 06472 06477 08451 09009 12345 12380 09013 09419 10402 10403 10416 10473 10490 11336 4,97 MAUMALS, AQUATIC 08007 08572 11497 12016 12034 12170 09448 10022 10023 11006 12171 12284 12296 12298 11025 12084 12570 12299 12300 12328 12335 12346 12347 12348 12351 4,99 MAMMALS, Misc. 07137 07143 12515 12352 12370 12570 12575 002me 007me 010me 9:T' 28 TAXONOMIC INDEX 859 5,00 AUPHIBIANS, Geno 01015 01416 PELOMEDUSTDAE 04042 02012 02018 04036 05304 Pseudemys 12542 12550 05306 05316 05319 05928 Stylemys 07520 07512 07521 07522 07523 Testudo 11338 07557 07573 11026 12036 12037 5,35 HYDROPHIDAE 04042 07494 5,03 CAUDATA 05246 5,36 Alligator 03522 03523 07494 CROCODYLIDAE 04042 5,04 Necturus 03531 5,49 REPTILES, Misce 01329 12515 5,05 Ambystoma 07510 07511 08538 11375 5,50 BIRDS, Gen. 01416 02012 02018 Amphiuma 03531 04036 07557 07567 09587 Anaides 03540 Axolotl 11381 5,58 Pygoscelis 09443 09450 09452 Jaricha 10429 SPHENISCIDAE 05288 09444 Proteus 12180 Taricha 03531 5,59 Gavia 07500 Triturus 10538 5,61 Diomedea 09446 5,07 SALIENTIA 03527 10374 11412 Oceanites 02419 12530 12544 PROCELLARIIFORUES 09451 5,11 Bufo 04487 07518 11438 5,63 Ardea 06541 06542 Hyla 07513 Cancroma 06542 Egretta 06541 06542 5,12 Rana 03518 04572 06535 10531 Platalea 06513 10533 11416 12242 12542 RANIDAE 03580 06542 10343 5,64 Anas 12528 10351 10352 ANSERIFORUES 06575 10500 Somateria 07507 5,29 AMPHIBIANS, Misc. 04048 04596 05292 06541 11387 12515 5,68 Anous 09487 Larus 03429 5,30 REPTILES, Gen. 01416 02012 02018 04036 04044 04440 5,57 BIRDS, AQUATIC 03477 03495 05304 05306 05316 05319 03587 04440 06511 06512 05328 07512 07523 07557 09445 09448 10022 10023 07565 07566 11026 12331 11006 11026 12069 12515 12522 5,31 Caretta 10428 CHELONIA 03498 05293 07480 5,89 BIRDS, Misc, 07137 07143 09440 07882. (41296 113212. 11327 10473 10490 Chelonia 01306 01522 03458 03582 05476 06482 09483 5,90 INVERTEBRATE CHORDATA 02012 03585 10428 10476 11320 CHELONIIDAE 09414 5,93 Cephalodiscus 07244 Chrysemys 11399 11443 12543 POGONOPHORA 05127 12227 Dermochelys 01305 03457 04393 Siboglinum 01118 03195 08301 04434 05293 EMYDIDAE 07494 5,94 TUNICATA 03177 04136 04243 Eretmochelys 01306 05082 10476 10203 Macrochelys 09549 ST 23 860 3,95 Fritillaria Oikopleura 5,96 Ascidia ASCIDIACEA 01203 Ciona Clavelina Diazona Halocynthia Microcosmus Phallusia Polycarpa POLYCLINIDAE Styela 5,97 Salpa Thalia THALYACEA 5,98 CHORDATA, Gene 5,99 CHORDATES, Misce 6,00 PROTOZOA 02436 04046 06301 08033 11400 01138 03223 04149 06303 08561 11414 6,01 Callimastix Chilodon Hexami ta Trypano soma Amoeba 02136 08223 AMOEBIDAE Arcella Elphidium ENDAMOEBIDAE Gaudryina Globigerina Paraquadrula Pseudo spor& RHIZOPODA 07264 10058 6,03 03161 08016 10188 Trinema 6,04 ACTINOPODA Aulo sphaera 6,06 TELESPORIDIA 04391 04392 03208 01009 01154 03497 04522 06367 10514 11457 10189 03356 08191 10204 08193 06500 05083 09142 09200 11206 04392 04392 09186 01122 12200 05125 01192 09249 05069 03208 08192 01010 08514 02149 03525 05233 06549 11026 12568 031me 03556 06577 06577 05364 10214 03559 04130 04135 03559 09164 08214 10228 08295 07125 09164 10225 10226 02191 10203 03243 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 6,07 Mixosoma Stempellia Thelohanta CILIATA 02238 03200 05010 06367 6,09 Conchostoma EUCILIATA Euplotes Ichthyophthirius 6,11 04134 Paramaecium 02135 Parastylonichia STENTORIDAE Tetrahymena TINTINNIDAE Trichodina Trichodinella TRICHODINIDAE Vorticella 6,12 SUCTORIA 6,13 PORIFERA 02156 CALCAREA Leucosolenia _Scypha 6,14 6,15 Callyspongia Coelosphaera Craniella Cryptotethya Ephydatia Eurypon Ficulina Gellius Halichondria Halisarca Holoplocamia Hymeniacidon Microciona NONCALCAREA POECILOSCLERI DAE Rhaphisia SPONGIIDAE Suderites 6,16 COELENTERATA 01009 05071 06346 6,17 Aglaura Bougainvillia 9:T 24 03278 10219 06298 06577 04155 03168 03524 02214 01224 05085 08328 05452 01329 08293 04389 05198 05199 04146 12182 02200 08202 04141 08549 08560 07185 04134 09182 07196 02124 03555 03524 11404 03160 06298 11175 10290 01208 04225 04225 04225 04225 04186 02224 04225 05085 02141 02141 04225 04225 08328 10231 09199 05099 04225 10240 02141 04136 09237 10203 12167 09243 6,18 6,19 Campanularia Cladonema Clytia Cordylophora Craspedacusta Halopteris Hydra 022352 08330 HYDROZOA Laomedea Leuckartiara Limmocnida Liriope Lytoscyphus Modeeria Monobrachium Nemopsis Orthopyxis Physalia PLUMULARITDAE Polypodium Rhopalonema Solanderia Tiaranna Tima Tubularia Velella Aurelia Catostylus Cyanea Nanomia Pelagia Periphyllopsis Sceyphi stoma SCYPHOZA ACTINIIDAE Alcyonium Anemonia ANTHOZOA 03185 Balanophyllia Caffractis Calliactis Caryophyllia Cladocora Corallium Crassophyllum Errina Eunicella Flabellum 03367 10220 03367 09154 01338 03216 07260 TAXONOMIC INDEX 05157 07205 04256 10325 04142 10239 02107 11332 02116 01078 04125 06121 01339 08261 02210 04243 10267 01339 05104 04126 09243 08336 11129 02145 08293 10334 12248 04172 11150 06346 03201 07205 12167 09136 03146 03206 10299 09243 07266 02145 11382 12167 10301 03146 09156 12199 02226 04126 02114 02114 08212 02114 02119 07180 04425 12237 05095 12238 03016 04291 11164 02142 09514 12582 06319 08209 08281 02189 11162 02180 10274 6,20 6,23 6,24 6,25 6,26 GORGONIIDAE Metridium MURICEIDAE Parerythropodium PENNATULI DAE Phymactis PLEXAURIDAE Pocillopora Porites Radianthus Sphenotrochus Stenohelia 11159 Tealia CTENOPHORA PLATYHELMINTHES Ancistrorhynchus Convoluta Dugesia 04250 05169 Gnathorhynchus Gnesioceros Phagocata Planaria 05193 06406 07337 Polycelis 06413 Stylochus TURBELLARIA 01009 03334 03367 TREMATODES 02436 04046 06549 07498 07500 08033 08564 10514 11400 Acanthocotyle Bilateracotyloides £aballerocotyle Capsala Dactylogyrus 05251 Diclidophora Diplozoon 06524 Ehtobdella Gyrodactylus Hexabothrium Leptocotyle MICROBOTHRIIDAE Microcotyle Gs? 25 07238 08293 11160 04136 05158 06410 08353 02231 05201 10283 08359 02436 04243 03515 06575 07501 09444 12453 07542 11406 11422 04463 03480 861 08286 10233 07238 02188 08302 01128 07238 10253 08119 12238 02142 11161 12238 10203 09237 02201 03198 06413 10329 02201 08294 10332 06404 10333 12207 09276 09262 03325 05187 06542 03525 07403 07507 10488 12522 07 4me 04463 07406 05249 11301 11405 12507 08457 11423 11323 07459 03420 06502 11325 08523 862 6,27 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 03027 03419 05242 05251 07459 11327 11419 Rajonchocotyle Tricotyle Tri stoma Vallisia MONOGEN A AC AN THOCOLPI DAP Acanthocolpus Acanthoparyphium Adinosoma Anahemiurus Bilharzia Bivesicula Bolbophorus Cercaria Crepidostomum CRYPTOGONIMIDAE DIDYMOZOIDAE DIGENA 03370 07459 09557 10358 Diplostomum Euparyphium Fasciola 05386 FELLODISTOMATIDAE HEMIURIDAE 05254 Heronimus Heterolebes Hirudinella LEPOCREADIDAE Lintonium Monorchistephanostomum Monostoma Nematobothrium OPECOELIDAE Opicephalus Opistholebes Opisthorchis Pherapon Podocotyle Posthodiplostomum 07404 01247 Proctoeces Pygidiopsis Schistosoma 05191 10340 10342 05409 10343 10354 10352 10562 SCHISTOSOMATIDAE 10358 10359 Spelotrema Stephanostomum Telolectithus 03421 10509 12568 03420 05242 08463 08456 11298 07407 11300 07403 07403 10355 Odjou 07490 11402 07491 11298 11299 09554 12568 05404 11408 10565 11298 11311 11316 07408 05284 11311 07408 07407 11316 07492 11310 02451 07408 07493 07407 05241 01248 03539 07408 09516 10339 10350 10363 10356 to 10565 07404 07407 11407 6,30 Amphilina Archigetes Biacetabulum CARYOPHYLLAET DAE CESTODES 01328 03525 04046 07403 07459 07507 08033 10514 11400 Dibothriocephalus Di gramma Diphyllobothrium Ligula 06547 Lytocestus Multiductus Schysocotyle Triaenophorus 07502 6,31 NEMERTEA 06542 6,32 NEMATHELMINTHES 04046 06549 Amidostomum Aphelonchoides Ascaris Capillaria Crassicauda Cyatholaimus Eurystomina Eustoma Eustrongylides Gnathostoma NEMATODA 07364 07459 07507 6,33 01416 07403 07498 08033 10514 Neocamal lanus Paracuaria Phylolaimus Pontonema Porrocaecum Rhynchonema Spinitectus 6,35 ACANTHOCEPHALA 07459 07498 08449 09444 Filisoma 9:7 26 05381 05366 02410 05235 07498 08561 11457 12568 07405 06577 11418 08561 02436 11400 11241 03325 07410 07500 09444 11457 05334 07500 11403 07502 07503 07503 07497 02436 06549 07500 09444 12453 07 4me 07490 06547 07495 07496 07502 04568 07409 07502 12545 12546 09226 09237 03525 12453 10500 07229 11242 07508 02374 07235 07236 11297 07490 07494 06367 07411 07504 10351 12568 07505 03429 11312 01410 01213 11312 07506 07403 07507 12568 09533 Neoechinorhynchus Pomphorhynchus 6,37 Ascomorpha Brachionus Collotheca Dicranophorus Horaella Keratella Macrotrachela Notommata ROTATORIA 01098 03336 03338 06299 Synchaeta Trichocerca 6,38 GASTROTRICHA 6,40 BRYOZOA 02181 02219 6,41 Urnatella 6,42 Bugula 01191 01206 Diaperaecia ECTOPROCTA Fredericilla Lophopodella Oncousoecia Tubuli pora 6,43 BRACHIPODA Lingula Notosaria 6,45 CHAETOGNATHA 07179 08187 08207 09153 09157 Eukrohnia Sagitta 04140 07181 6,46 ANNELIDA 05158 6,47 Mesonerilla 6,48 POYCHAETA 01115 04207 04223 08013 TAXONOMIC INDEX 07490 03279 04154 06367 04192 02170 08185 09125 09158 07182 08452 02150 04243 10269 07491 09501 09501 03340 02133 03174 04258 08350 08350 04258 02137 03325 06185 07370 03174 02137 06367 08236 08313 08336 04173 09175 04201 09180 12254 04174 04201 04201 10277 09266 04220 08186 09147 10206 04140 08184 09237 10322 04191 02206 05127 12158 6,49 6,50 Aphrodita Eunice Exogone Glycera Halla Mystides Nephtys NERETDAE Nereis Notophyllum Onuphis Perinereis Pionosyllis Platynereis Polyodontus Pseudomystides Albarenicola Arenicola Asclerocheilus Carazzia Cirriformia Clymenella Dodecaceria Euclymene Heterocirrus Hydroides Lagis Lanice Leiochone Loimia MALDANIDAE Nerine Omphalopoma Ophelia Owenia Paraserpula Pectinaria Polydora Reteterebella Sabellaria Serpula SERPULIDAE Spirorbis Stylarioides Zeppelina Aktedrilus Alma Branchiura 01205 01205 04133 01169 12214 08314 02171 04224 04206 04226 03264 08282 03264 03189 03189 04123 04235 363 03201 12215 03202 12233 04224 08325 08315 03265 12582 03202 12233 02171 03202 02171 03197 08325 05153 04224 05111 03202 04133 01080 10245 04224 12233 03202 01124 04204 04204 01205 12233 11190 01205 04210 08289 04204 04210 . 12584 10268 03257 03266 01124 04210 03191 04210 03202 03202 10286 04260 09271 864 6,52 6,53 6,54 6,56 6,57 6,62 6,63 6,66 6,69 6,76 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Limnodrilus 05381 07503 10328 Marionia 10286 OLIGOCHAETA 03361 04265 06367 06415 07497 08334 12515 Peloscolex 10379 Rhyacodrilus 04244 Thalassodrilus 04244 Tubi fex 10328 10380 TUBIFICIDAE 04244 Anelassorhynchus 04188 GEPHYREA 09206 Ikedosoma 09263 04188 Ochetostoma 04188 09212 09215 10242 Priapulus 08306 Urechis 09218 09248 Erpobdella 06412 10536 Glossiphonia 10536 Haemopis 04248 Hirudo 05185 12582 Philaemon 12530 PISCICOLIDAE 07237 Trocheta 11259 ARTHROPODA 01427 02436 10322 Limulus 05112 09252 12212 ARACHNIDA 07562 07564 09444 11236 ACARINA 03336 05207 08357 Halacarus 02190 Hyadesia 03277 LINGUATULIDA, TARDIGRADA, PYGNOGONIDA 03325 03336 08234 09252 09380 Clinopodes 04187 INSECTA 01429 02227 02228 06236 06367 06542 07324 07568 07569 08162 08361 10351 11236 12242 ORTHOPTERA 06541 Centroptiloides 03350 Chloëon 06411 Cloeon 10335 EPHEMEROPTERA 04265 05195 07527 08360 Hexagenia 03364 6,77 Brachythemis Epiophlebia Leucorrhinia ODONATA 6,79 Anisops Laccotrephes Notonecta Sphaerodema 6,82 Glyphotaelius Hydropsyche Limnophilus Polycentropus TRICHOPTERA 6,84 COLEOPTERA Dineutus HYDROPHILIDAE Hygriobia 6,87 Aedes Anopheles CHIRONOMIDAE 05165 Chrysops Clunio Culex CULICIDAE 05190 DIPTERA Endochironomus Eristalis Manoa Simulium ECHINODERMATA 07553 Asteria 04208 ASTEROIDEA Perknaster Platasterias 6,92 Ophiocanops Ophtophraomus Ophiopluteus SPHIUROI DEA 6,93 Anthocidaris 9:T 28 03336 05096 01255 06397 01242 05197 04570 03004 07554 04242 10247 01119 01159 04265 10327 03336 05181 05198 03327 07527 05198 04254 10375 04265 05195 05160 08451 09237 05114 12203 05285 01121 09225 01161 01455 12270 10335 12268 11237 10375 09282 11235 10335 06366 03339 03339 08338 10371 11236 12269 05105 04249 08159 06369 04263 12263 12558 05196 04233 05199 04255 11240 11258 05195 03352 10335 04264 05204 07271 08451 10322 08243 12584 11210 12222 07259 07261 01211 01083 07259 10284 03229 6,94 6,97 Arbacia 03270 04202 Diadema Echinarachnius ECHINIDAE ECHINOIDEA 03414 08251 09361 10259 11156 22170. 11197 11199 Echinus Hemicentrotus 01159 03227 Lytechinus 05113 Mellita Paracentrotus 02161 08265 Pseudocentrotus Spatangus Strongylocentrotus 09244 Temnopleurus Ankyroderma Aphelodactyla Euthyonidiella Heteromolpadia HOLOTHURIOIDEA 05117 Paelopatides Protankyra Stichopus Trachythyone TAXONOMIC INDEX 05094 02144 04221 10250 11157 11183 11205 01160 03228 10244 03268 10283 01159 01161 02143 10248 01159 07251 08093 INVERTEBRATES, AQUATIC 01026 01045 01072 01079 01089 01091 01137 01140 01162 01166 01225 01231 01329 01451 02007 02036 02086 02088 02112 02113 02128 to 02212 02228 02404 02417 03007 03049 03113 03128 03138 03145 03158 03159 03167 03170 03171 03276 01067 01084 01102 01155 01182 01256 01585 02062 02103 02122 02131 02238 02482 03092 03134 03155 03164 03196 03337 08265 10244 08296 10238 05116 08248 10251 11169 11184 12202 12582 01161 03258 10248 11155 10244 05115 11168 01160 03227 09224 06344 11176 01161 07251 02182 02183 07251 10322 08093 02182 12582 02183 01003 01070 to 01105 01157 01210 01277 02005 02066 02106 02123 02138 02239 02592 03112 03136 03156 03166 03230 03355 9:T 29 03357 04024 04127 04147 04175 04464 05040 05164 06227 06278 06288 06299 06313 06329 06417 07015 07104 07183 07194 07241 07316 08007 08093 08155 08179 08194 08210 08269 08279 08319 08534 09009 09135 09151 09201 09260 10023 10135 10184 10195 10205 10302 10337 10403 10545 11098 11124 11392 12018 12130 12159 12169 12178 12197 12259 12583 03449 04030 04128 04150 04180 04466 05067 06132 06233 06280 06289 06303 06314 06331 06506 07052 07171 07184 07200 07271 07468 08017 08119 08163 08180 08204 08224 08273 08280 08333 08570 09112 09139 09152 09227 09436 10065 10160 10188 10198 10209 10503 10340 10475 11006 24115 11126 11393 12044 12131 12160 12172 12179 12204 12318 093me 03505 04048 04143 04152 04182 04507 05076 06183 06244 06281 06292 06304 06316 06333 07010 07090 07172 07191 07211 07272 07540 08051 08133 08174 08181 08205 08266 08274 08287 08413 08572 09116 09143 09158 09231 09572 10073 10171 10190 10201 10237 10312 10372 10532 11026 11118 11200 11436 12051 12139 12163 12173 : 12187 12205 12381 114me 365 866 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 6,98 INVERTEBRATES, 01012 07557 6,99 INVERTEBRATES, 7,00 ALGAE, Gen. 01076 01091 01102 01114 01210 01585 02025 02086 02105 02123 02138 02221 02417 03049 03113 08141 03158 03169 Gen. 02012 08326 Misc. 02069 01084 01092 01104 01121 01232 02005 02036 02088 02106 02126 02140 01009 02018 08593 01074 01086 01093 01109 01137 01241 02007 02062 02095 02109 to 02211 02227 03007 03093 03128 03.145 03162 03173 03226 03280 03293 03304 03310 03333 03374 04024 04098 04128 04146 04156 04234 04507 05074 05081 06211 06257 to 06303 06316 06371 to 06393 06594 07015 07171 07177 07186 01010 04036 10254 07278 01075 01089 01097 01111 01181 01451 02012 02066 02103 02112 02131 02212 02228 03032 03112 03138 03155 03164 03175 03230 03282 03297 03303 03312 03337 03375 02030 04109 04129 04151 04157 04253 04551 05076 05161 06233 06285 06295 06306 06328 06374 06382 06403 06598 07052 07172 07178 07187 7,01 7,03 07190 07200 07214 07276 07326 07356 08020 08093 08183 08205 08217 08257 08273 08287 08362 09009 09149 09158 09214 09231 10022 10088 10188 10198 10212 10302 10326 10403 10553 214119 11122 11128 11216 12048 12160 12173 12195 022me CHLOROPHYCEAE 04212 07328 10217 Chlamydomonas 06254 Chloromonas Dunaliella Goni um Platymonas Polytoma G7 30 Tetraselmis to 07202 07213 07278 07332 07548 08021 08174 08189 08206 08218 08267 08272 08312 08532 09134 09150 09159 09215 09257 10023 10155 10190 10203 10216 10303 10337 10532 11006 11118 11124 11153 11243 12131 12161 12178 12204 029me 01223 04230 07341 10313 01222 06378 04219 07194 07203 07227 07307 07345 08017 08045 08180 08190 08210 08221 08268 08275 08319 08570 09135 09152 09168 09228 09259 10065 10160 10196 10209 10217 10306 10340 10537 11026 11119 11126 11213 11248 12140 12163 12183 12205 032me 03292 05200 08349 11142 03366 07309 06320 07199 07204 07248 07325 07353 08019 08051 08182 08204 08216 08224 08269 08278 08337 08587 09143 09155 09201 09230 09535 10073 10169 10197 10211 10260 10312 10378 10545 11059 21121 11127 11214 12018 12159 12172 12188 12219 114me 117me 03306 07313 09240 11261 02124 08341 07299 06321 08327 06254 08343 07283 7,04 Cyanoptyche 7,06 Ankistrodesmus Chlorella 04219 05184 06378 07314 10308 CHLOROCOCCALES Dichotomococcus Gloeotaenium Juranyiella Nephrocytium Oocystis Prototheca Quadri gula Scenedesmus 06401 Tetraedron Cylindrocapsa Ent eromor pha Hormidium Mono stroma Stichococcus Sti geoclonium Ulothrix Ulva 01180 Uronema pes Chaetomor pha Cladophora CLADOPHORACEAE Rhizoclonium 7,12 Fritschiella Protococcus 7,13 Oedogonium 7,15 Spirogyra ZYGNEMACEAE 7,16 Cosmarium DESMIDIACEAE 07297 MESOTAENTACEAE 02100 01243 04259 05192 06399 07317 10381 01243 07306 04200 ACROSTPHONTACAE 03362 Chaetosphaeridium 02252 03301 03311 07308 TAXONOMIC INDEX 06378 03378 05166 05194 06401 07368 11247 03377 03173 07314 08331 07216 07217 11182 06372 04168 03362 06190 06419 07330 07296 03358 07323 07343 09161 03381 05177 06362 07312 08331 12274 07340 07304 10373 07350 07350 07350 07365 07350 06362 07374 11246 07350 03351 07217 05172 04160 05172 06368 05172 07218 11185 05172 02164 07476 07293 07476 04169 04107 07343 07346 11244 07348 07338 03301 08355 08342 07280 07338 7,17 Acetabularia Caulerpa Valonia Vaucheria VAUCHERIACEAE 7,18 Chara CHARACEAE CHARALES Lychothamus Nitella 7,21 XANTHOPHYCEAE 7,24 Heterococcus 7,31 CHRYSOPHYCEAE 7,32 COCCOLITHOPHORIDACEAE Cricospheera Isochrysis Monochrysis Ochromonas Prymnesium 7,41 01171 02115 03154 03306 04184 06279 07234 07302 07326 09041 10199 12193 7,42 Chaetoceras Corethron Cyclotella Melosira Phaeoceros Skeletonema Stephanodiscus Thalassionema Thalassiosira 93731 03251 Chrysochromulina 02139 BACILLARIOPHYCEAZ 01217 02233 03169 03311 04185 06309 07279 07308 08176 09042 10210 12267 06378 06378 02173 03272 04197 02229 01240 03306 07355 05203 03275 03152 04138 08198 05156 01130 01246 0.3116 03292 03318 04214 06350 07281 07315 08277 09086 10313 12272 07225 08222 03145 09044 867 05292 04198 08291 12246 07332 08346 07336 01240 09279 09275 11245 03306 07331 04137 03187 07188 08197 08303 08260 04219 04219 05194 06254 05338 01169 02036 03140 03302 03348 06150 06368 07285 07321 09040 09087 12164 12277 04144 09044 08175 11250 09044 03148 06378 09044 09155 868 7,43 7,51 7,52 7,61 7,63 7,65 7,66 7,67 7,68 7,70 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Achnanthes Asterionella Cymbella Denticula Eunotia Hantzschia Meridion Navicula Neidium- Nitzschia Phaeodactylum Pinnularia Stauroneis Surirella Synedra Tabellaria CRYPTOPHYCEAE Hemiselmis Rhodomonas ZOOXANTHELLAE DINOPHYCEAE Prorocentrum DINOFLAGELLATA 02121 06350 08188 Gonyaulax Gymnodinium Gyrodinium Ceratium GLENODINIACEAE Glenodinium PERIDINIACEAE PERIDINIOIDEAE Peridinium Brachydinium Astasia Di gti gma Euglena 01113 07197 06378 07225 07225 02218 07225 03190 03185 01169 04132 07085 08219 02230 07207 07225 06407 07339 09044 06254 07339 06254 04148 02237 03306 03198 02115 04246 07173 10200 11116 08178 07175 05202 10221 10187 07221 07333 10187 12165 05152 10187 05152 06378 10187 07225 07225 04219 09215 07225 07339 07225 06378 03165 03377 04219 06254 03377 08191 03306 10222 02120 06279 07309 10210 11219 07230 08213 07175 03157 07224 07224 07224 01171 03145 07212 07207 07207 07195 10223 11238 EUGLENINEAE Peranema Phocus Pseudastasia 7,71 PHAEOPHYCEAE 03301 7,72 Platysiphon Pylaiella 7,73 Padina 7,77 Arthrothamnus Laminaria LAMINARIACEAE LESSONIACEAE Macrocystis Undaria 7,79 Taonia Zonaria 7,80 Ascophyllum Cystoseira FUCALES Fucus Himanthalia Sargassum 7,81 RHODOPHYCEAE 03306 7,82 Conchocelis Kyliniella Porphyra 04162 09247 Porphyridium 7,83 Laurencia 7,84 Bonnemai sonia Chantransia Falkenbergia Lemanea Nemalion Rhodothamniella 9:7 32 03306 03248 03306 08259 02282 04365 01199 03188 04212 01194 01194 04165 09255 07198 03250 04212 08285 03194 08309 12184 04367 01180 01134 07283 02178 03275 06276 01195 01195 04166 10279 03181 07201 02139 07207 05202 03292 04230 09240 07226 04200 02208 11140 09253 12224 09293 09335 08258 03180 07223 02163 02208 21141 12190 03315 08309 04200 05097 10261 03292 07219 07284 01196 11194 07343 01196 09188 11194 09187 11166 04222 06368 08329 03203 04213 08063 7,85 7,86 7,87 7,88 7,89 7,91 7,92 7,95 Gelidiella Gelidium Gibsmithia Grateloupia Halymenia Lithothamnion Gigartina Gracilaria Iridaea Antithamnion Botryocladia Leptofauchea Maripelta Rhodymenia 02202 Bostrychia Brongniartella Callithamion 02202 Ceramium Cryptopleura Murrayellopsis Phycodrys Plenosporium Plumaria Polysiphonia Spyridia MYXOPHYCEAE 01252 03114 03275 03311 03318 03359 03372 06299 06368 07327 08249 10310 10313 11239 12244 Cyanophora Dactylococcopsis Microcystis Synechococcus Amphithrix Anabaena 06387 Anabaenopsis Anacystis 05205 Aulosira Calothrix 07210 Camptylonema Homoeothrix TAXONOMIC INDEX 03203 03193 07220 03203 03193 04159 02162 02162 02236 03292 03329 03377 06418 08339 11148 12267 07189 07210 06378 07300 7,99 ALGAE, Misc. 8,00 FUNGI, Gen. Lyngbya Nostoc 05166 07342 NOSTOCACEAE Oscillatoria 03379 OSCILLATORIACEAE Phormidium 04251 Plectonema RIVULARI ACEAE Saprospiralis SCYTONEMATACEAE Spirulina Spirulinopsis Thackerella Tolypothrix 01148 01256 02220 03115 03303 03345 04149 04257 06354 07209 07282 07320 07352 08057 08358 10162 10288 10346 11138 11228 01220 02196 03052 03281 03344 03593 04246 06324 06399 07272 07311 07344 07504 08313 09198 10260 10315 10405 11224 02012 02211 06594 8,01 Aerobacter Arisona Bacillus BACTERIA 01086 01132 01135 01140 to 01152 01153 01227 01229 01262 01585 02151 02165 9:T 33 07351 08344 05106 05126 05106 04251 01149 02168 02230 03182 03328 03353 04180 05156 06391 07215 07303 07324 07373 08266 08377 10237 10296 10374 11173 11260 02022 06598 01102 01136 01146 01157 01235 02066 02166 869 04251 08327 08352 05126 07210 10308 09146 05182 10305 05126 08345 05126 07349 07210 07210 03371 01154 02195 02404 03211 03332 03435 04228 06121 06392 07222 07310 07329 07399 08284 09138 10258 10297 10381 11197 12225 12240 02025 07335 08362 06347 06347 05557 01129 01138 01151 01169 01245 02127 02167 870 02178 03115 03210 03255 04158 04366 05025 05176 05391 06106 06254 07206 07362 08086 08271 08561 09177 09236 09374 10480 11130 11145 11181 12134 12235 Bacterium 02288 03159 03213 03335 04164 04522 05091 95233 05413 06141 06356 07247 08019 08111 08272 09134 09178 09338 10076 11060 11131 11146 11216 12176 12278 02477 Citrobacter Cloaca Clostridium COCCACEAE Escherichia Gaffkya Hafnia Klebsiella Mycobacterium Oceanomonas Paracoli Proteus Providencia Pseudonomas 01243 02477 Rattgerella Rhodopseudomonas Rhodotorula Salmonella 03379 Serratia Shigella Sphaerotilus Spirillum Staphylococcus Streptococcus Vibrio 01228 05092 02291 03179 03214 03347 04236 05005 05143 05374 06036 06171 06408 07248 08020 08196 08276 09135 09193 09339 10167 11090 11132 11147 11249 12189 072m8 05351 06347 08331 05244 08228 09345 06347 03379 03360 01147 09236 03008 03204 03223 04157 04246 05006 05175 05375 06037 06183 06422 07277 08033 08221 08329 09175 09194 09353 10199 11125 11143 11154 11252 12234 07 4me 08554 10530 06347 06347 12259 01250 08226 10189 08478 06347 06347 05556 08225 06347 06347 06347 07486 12565 09346 07288 02155 06401 08331 06347 06347 03363 11230 03379 02099 12191 8,21 8,32 8,33 8,37 8,47 8,51 8,52 8,58 8,94 8,96 8,97 8,99 9,00 9,06 9,09 9,18 9,25 9,43 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES ACTINOMYCETALES PHYCOMYCETES CHYTRIDIALES Chytridiochloride SAPROLEGINALES Saprolegnia 02424 Arundinula Toeniella ASCOMYCETES 04163 08227 Torulopsis Nautosphaeria Dendryphiella MONILIALES VIRUSES 04251 05358 05376 01133 08254 08339 07322 08346 08549 01330 01330 09137 09138 05407 11129 07229 11212 10305 FUNGI — AQUATIC; FUNGI AND VIRUSES PARASITIC IN AQUATIC ORGANISMS 01234 03212 05361 ‚ 11286 FUNGI, Misc, 03125 09343 09366 EMBRYOPHYTA, Gene 02012 02211 04036 06594 MUSCI 04258 06244 Font inalis Equisetum Mar silea Salvinia 11251 Anachar is Elodea 05171 Na jas Potamogeton 05171 06419 Sagittaria 05171 Vallisneria Zostera 02174 02175 02197 04199 06102 08265 9:T 34 11144 11425 09365 09.367 02025 06598 08362 10313 07504 06419 03326 11260 11260 06419 10338 10338 11260 11260 05171 02203 09259 9,44 Eichhornia Pontederia Prionium 9,46 CYPERACEAE Cyperus Scirpus 9,47 GRAMINEAE Phragmites 9,50 ARACEAE Lema LEMNACEAE Pistia 9,51 Typha 06419 9,65 Struthanthus 9,66 Polygonum 9,70 Ceratophyllum Nuphar Nymphaea 9,74 PAPILIONACEAE TAXONOMIC INDEX 03342 07361 06419 08348 07319 05183 05168 10388 06190 05171 11260 11260 11260 09597 11260 06419 09597 11260 10313 11260 05168 10388 11260 10316 10338 10378 10338 10338 12588 9,75 Myriophyllum Rhizophora 9,81 Hydrocotyle 9,86 Avicennia Bacopa Utricularia 9,97 HIGHER PLANTS, 01256 03331 04358 05498 06365 07014 07282 07320 07356 08142 09168 10320 10346 10365 11026 04258 10316 AQUATIC 02086 02227 03332 03333 04551 05164 06238 06244 06399 06403 07222 07227 07301 07316 07334 07345 to 07359 08171 08312 10162 10212 10330 10340 10352 10359 10382 10405 11226 12044 9,99 EMBRYOPHYTES, Misce 9:T 35 871 im at, zur A уве, | u т g 11 . » fra? —_— | > ate al 15 | |] . ть ол 7 ‘ | И i y] |. | * + Г | oe e | ь } ] Il q ed ÿ 1} | ву и | № han { { d e ST. : м 4? + sj у (= e = y 1 ' e H Lo US P A | % ь ] ti « "A 4 rs) | L S ¿Y г si ve ye + ‚ey y 2 LE 4 D Pas ARAS | Y à “ty > ii le ge , agi dima: Г vdi 5 YA Er yl a sd æ $ | В cr" | 7 TR ay oF рр as Les fy = $ “L 4 ый = $ Ur 1,4" 2,006 e | nt 4 и q ". +7, 4 4 3 À я » 7 QU Se Я ur + у | ey tu y | { " ty a \ à | у i 4 à р и 1 A 7 i 0 - y = YA y 5 E ne Em AR - non A y | i e = ya MENT. PUT + » 4) nr у à 4 ) р i} } i 2 E 1 | I уч L 1 р у e ñ \ р & N e 6? Fr ‘ L а bs CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Volume 9 — Volume Subject Index (a) Subject Index - Two Digit Code 1. GENERAL (OCEANOGRAPHY, LIMNOLOGY, AND FISHERIES) 08364 08380 08574 08578 1.1 Expeditions 01002 01004 02002 09001 09002 09007 09008 02004 02006 to 02010 09010 09011 09013 09014 02027 03001 03005 03016 09015 09017 09023 to 03021 03029 04017 04048 09026 09028 09031 09112 05001 05007 05008 05009 10003 to 10008 10010 06001 06003 06004 06009 10012 to 10017 10024 06013 06016 07008. to 10025 10026 10028 to 07013 07018 07020 08004 10046 10048 10049 10050 08013 08014 08017 08029 10052 10066 10067 10157 08061 09003 09004 09012 10396 10476 10501 11001 09016 09022 09112 10018 11014 20015 11017 11021 10019 10020 11003 11016 11023 11276 12001 12002 11018 12003 12011 12028 12003 12005 to 12010 12029 12045 12012 to 12016 12018 1.2 Navigation 2259 03385 04003 12021112027 12031. 12052 04034 04047 05068 06007 12033 12035 12038 to 06008 06010 06011 06017 12044 12048 12049 12050 07007 08005 08076 09005 12111412115 12125 008 09021 09032 09082 09296 to Olóme 019me to 10009 10011 12079 12288 022me 024me to 030me 1.3 Institutes and organizations 01007 033me to 036me 040me 01012 01016 01265 01279 to l6lme 01290 01585 02003 02005 1.4 General phenomena 01026 02019 02020 02024 02253 03049 04458 04466 06020 03002 03017 to 03020 07002 07005 07025 07060 03022 03030 03032 03033 07066 08177 09018 09019 03034 03036 to 03039 09020 10149 11002 11024 04005 to 04011 04013 11025 11028 11061 11126 04015 to 04019 04022 12017 04023 04024 04026 to 1.5 General apparatus 04030 04035 04038 04039 01008 01047 01267 02013 04044 04045 04046 04176 02027 03060 03386 04001 04266 04283 04517 05038 04004 04040 04052 04321 06602 06005 06006 06019 04338 04339 04363 06012 06021 to 06046 07001 06018 06061 06079 06080 07003 07006 07016 07017 06446 06449 06465 06416 07021 07022 07028 to 07023 07024 07026 07035 071033. 010%: 07053 07055 40°. 07050: OF LES: 07118 07084 07140 07164 07272 07447 08009 09306 11008 07456 07595 08001 98002 12004 12024 12064 08003 08008 08011 08012 1.6 General books 01001 01009 01010 08019 08021 to 08028 01013 01014 01015 01018 08030 08031 08032 08034 01049 01214 01525 01586 to 08038 08040 to 02012 02014 02018 02021 08050 08052 to 08055 02022 02023 02025 02064 ds or 51 874 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 02211 024 37 03009 03031 04002 04025 04041 05027 07015 07521 08039 09027 11004 11012 11336 12036 2. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND 2.1 Practical aspects 01045 02005 02051 03006 03047 03080 04009 04060 05017 06014 06064 06070 06086 06149 07005 07075 08060 08134 10072 10133 11083 12085 02422 03004 03012 03394 04020 04033 05010 06049 07213 08019 08583 10054 11010 11027 12025 12084 12568 02436 03007 03026 04001 04021 04036 05011 07014 07278 08033 09009 10491 11011 11091 12034 12298 12586 LIMNOLOGY 01028 01055 02009 02085 03024 03070 03090 04052 05003 05021 06060 06068 06078 06129 06265 07012 08002 08110 11 3me 01031 01073 02034 02262 03025 03079 04005 04056 05004 05040 06063 06069 06083 06135 07004 07014 08010 08113 09566 10085 11082 12068 12097 128me 2.2 General features of marine and inland water areas 11049 12092 10056 11069 12093 2.3 Submarine topography 01050 01142 02059 03014 03046 03067 03082 03264 01053 01266 02060 03042 03051 03069 03084 04057 10090 12062 107me 01030 01058 02029 02153 03044 03054 03074 03086 04058 11046 12081 146me 01038 01135 02039 02270 03045 03056 03080 03097 04072 9: 2.4 Physics of sea and fresh 01020 03041 04056 05024 06076 06090 06096 06160 06260 06271 07073 07112 08112 08135 09078 09288 09604 10141 11042 2.5 Chemistry of sea 3.2 01032 01062 02046 02064 01046 03049 04067 06048 06081 06091 06099 06200 06266 07061 07076 07114 08115 09033 09104 09575 10053 10147 11054 11341 waters 02030 03088 04115 06062 and fresh waters 01037 01067 to to 01054 01205 02050 02069 01057 01585 02062 02071 IR] SUBJECT INDEX 02097 02104 03058 03101 03118 03124 03482 04069 04089 04105 04116 05012 05033 to 05057 05064 06067 06107 06120 06127 06134 06141 to 06164 06173 06191 06197 06206 06221 to 062 39 06246 06256 to 06272 06391 07056 07107 07132 07148 07169 08058 08085 08096 08121 08129 08141 08158 09055 10062 10075 10107 10149 10156 10167 05035 05051 to 05065 06103 06108 2.6 Structure, Dynamics and : 53 071 10179 11039 $21051 11087 11096 12.107 12069 12126 12134 12156 06 3me 01019 01035 01384 02038 02049 02061 02072 02080 02129 03055 03071 03078 04055 04064 04074 10175 10199 11040 11079 11089 11100 to 12112 223227 12136 01 5me 090me 01024 01036 02026 02040 02052 02063 to 02083 02357 03059 03072 03083 04059 04070 04075 04108 05019 05038 05044 06052 06059 06075 06090 06283 07077 07092 07124 08018 08068 08076 08087 to to 08124 081 36 09035 09046 09057 09067 09078 to 10176 10313 11043 11080 11092 to 11172 121179 12128 12143 021me 145me 875 01032 01052 to 02048 02055 02069 876 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 09108 10070 1008 3 10106 10120 10128 10158 11029 11035 11055 11067 11094 to to 12086 12091 12105 12116 052me 2.7 Waves, tides and water level 01587 02078 03053 03073 04115 05034 06058 06189 07083 08074 08136 09072 09097 10091 10109 10129 10150 11042 11085 2,8 Ice 01033 07054 02042 0304 3 03057 03079 05014 05061 06101 07069 07096 08077 2.9 Coastal oceanography and 01021 01029 02045 03048 03065 03080 05020 06054 06161 07070 08005 08084 09038 09076 10070 10094 10116 101 32 11032 11045 12067 02057 08089 11037 09110 10072 10094 10111 10121 10137 10160 11030 11048 11057 11071 11097 12066 12080 12087 12100 to 12118 104me 01039 02056 03050 03068 04076 05021 06055 06168 07071 08069 08098 09071 09088 10080 10108 10122 10136 11033 11058 12113 019me 02082 09034 11038 limnology 01024 01060 01066 02088 02095 02235 03082 03099 03116 03342 04084 01027 01061 01107 02091 02098 02240 03087 03110 03117 03345 04091 3. PLANKTON 3.1 General s © 4 04094 04100 04109 04152 05030 05050 05078 06032 06130 to 06158 06175 06196 06206 06221 06229 06247 06303 06377 06386 06395 07125 07146 07167 07334 081 32 08145 08160 08168 09049 09080 09114 09121 10157 10170 10178 10184 11086 11103 12137 12130 12150 01084 01107 02117 02138 03143 03164 04143 05076 06286 06303 04096 04102 04110 04,537 05034 05052 05079 06033 06136 06147 06169 06176 06201 to 06223 06230 06248 06373 06379 06388 07119 07129 07147 07168 08059 08140 08151 08161 08171 09062 09081 09117 10051 10158 10172 10180 10597 11097 11113 12121 12135 12152 12157 01089 01217 02129 02482 03150 03170 04144 06132 to 06304 3.2 Zooplankton 06314 07090 07200 08180 09143 09159 10193 10532 11125 12172 01077 01087 01098 0204 3 02114 02125 02139 03122 03139 03149 03163 03174 04126 04135 04142 04154 05069 05077 06280 06288 06298 07125 07184 07208 to 08196 08207 08214 08356 08130 to 09147 09154 09160 09392 10185 10192 10208 10218 10252 13115 11129 12162 12174 SUBJECT INDEX 07085 3.3 Phytoplankton 07191 08174 08216 09158 10192 10260 11124 12160 115me 117me 01073 01085 01095 01092 01109 02115 02127 03144 03158 03171 03345 04149 3.4 Nannoplankton 04137 08188 3.5 Productivity 4. BENTHOS 4.1 General У» 01111 02128 03142 04127 05074 06294 07206 10217 12163 01162 01232 02404 03275 04127 05164 06314 06352 06417 07241 07278 08163 08287 01074 01093 01113 02120 02140 03145 03162 03172 04074 01075 01102 01114 02121 02221 03154 03165 03173 04129 : 04156 05079 06293 06406 to 07190 07199 07207 07230 08178 08206 08219 09087 10187 10200 49237 11116 12165 03152 07188 08198 09134 01097 02126 02222 03144 04151 06285 06381 09150 11128 022me 01217 02153 03230 03347 04407 06227 06324 06376 07211 07272 07341 08274 09185 877 01076 01104 02109 02124 03140 03157 03169 03175 04132 04157 06279 06300 06407 07178 07195 07201 07221 07234 08188 08213 08221 09134 10196 10210 10222 11129 12183 03187 07212 08260 12176 01109 02127 03140 04098 04153 06291 06282 10212 12161 029me 117me 01218 02222 93247 03367 04418 06233 06329 06408 07214 07276 08062 08280 09192 878 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 09230 10303 10362 11147 12187 12205 092 31 10334 10363 11180 12188 12228 4.2 Zoobenthos — Systematics development 01126 07179 01115 01159 01179 01198 10278 10361 10378 12062 12204 12255 088me to 01161 01191 01204 01213 01238 01455 02142 02156 02170 02187 02201 02214 02376 02415 03178 03195 03205 03216 03252 03263 03279 03368 04134 04167 04178 04191 04204 04218 04224 04244 04264 05096 05105 05120 05130 05140 05154 05282 06337 06366 06414 07236 07243 07251 07261 07 367 07 504 08231 9: to 08243 08253 08292 08 318 08335 09136 09172 09184 09202 09217 092 34 09250 09268 09280 10224 10231 10253 10264 10274 10285 10318 10339 10371 11150 71162 11203 11257 12185 122 32 12250 12264 12265 4.3 Zoobentros = Distribution and S 6 ecology 01127 01155 01169 01191 01210 01225 01330 02141 02157 02190 02198 02220 02238 03185 03196 03216 03244 03264 03325 03341 03364 03559 04179 01021 01134 01158 01170 01192 03213 01236 01410 02142 02174 02191 02205 02226 02239 03186 03200 03222 03252 03273 03334 03343 03365 03560 to 01137 01137 01164 01179 01205 01219 01254 01455 02148 02181 02193 02206 02231 02454 03189 03201 03223 03253 03274 03336 03350 03413 04042 04182 04193 04203 04215 04225 04241 04244 04263 04391 04519 04570 05099 05100 06177 “05132 05149 05165 05196 05198 05285 05386 06327 06331 06348 06351 06395 06397 06415 06416 07242 07244 07263 07264 OTe i. 07204 07324 07363 07428 07501 08119 08202 08235 08241 08252 08264 08275 08279 08286 08288 08301 08302 08314 08315 08336 08338 08357 08452 08529 09171 09189 09190 09201 09202 09216 09227 09234 09238 09258 09259 09265 09270 09427 09436 20171. 10225 10257 10269 10276 10281 10286 10295 10304 10317 10355 10366 10312 10375 10565 11178 11209. 11201 11240 11258 12197 12199 12209 12214 12226 12249 12256 to 12264 12265 SUBJECT INDEX 04210 04233 04248 04 392 05080 05102 05136 05175 05199 06117 06333 06357 06398 07235 07250 07265 07295 07 364 07 504 082 32 08242 to 08281 08295 08 308 08324 08350 08458 09172 09191 09206 09229 09243 09260 09278 09557 10230 10270 10282 10299 10327 10368 10488 11189 11202 12194 12201 12216 12250 12259 12268 4.4 Zoobenthos - Physiology and behaviour 01067 0120. От 01157 "01160 01116 01128 01168 04211 04235 04258 04451 05096 05105 05141 05191 05204 06319 06335 06364 06413 07237 07251 07266 07316 07404 07524 08233 08245 08269 08282 08298 08313 08333 08351 08478 09182 09196 09209 09232 09244 09262 09 380 10135 102 39 10275 10284 10300 10347 10370 10536 11199 11235 12196 12207 12217 12254 12262 12275 01119 01155 GET 879 01177 to 01201 01330 02086 02146 02112 02217 02228 02348 03177 03198 to 03227 03242 03261 03276 03258 03271 03339 03373 03473 04155 04189 04203 04215 04224 04231 04242 04250 04262 04457 0508 3 09094 05103 ОЗЕР 051.31 05145 05155 051.62 05174 05185 05195 05207 05409 06190 06318 06339 06350 06361 06396 06410 07104 07232 07257 880 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 07258 07274 07366 07373 08241 08251 08263 08294 08305 08311 08323 08340 08593 09173 09203 09213 09232 09241 09254 09263 09270 09277 09284 10220 to 10241 to 10262 10275 10291 10311 10324 10331 10336 10348 to 11135 11156 11167 11175 11184 11193 11207 11218 11227 11234 11255 12202 to 12229 12242 4.5 Phytobenthos 01735 01154 to 07292 07371 08238 08248 08261 08290 08299 08 308 08317 08328 08351 09124 09179 09210 to 09237 09251 09261 09265 09273 09281 10169 10223 10237 10246 10259 10267 10283 10293 10314 10328 10333 to 10394 10377 11152 11163 11172 11179 11190 11204 11217 11222 37231 11242 12198 12206 12220 12233 12248 12583 to 01138 01180 01194 01220 01228 01243 01256 02100 to 02177 02203 02212 02229 02237 03154 03188 03204 03248 03260 to 03323 03333 03345 03351 03360 03371 03381 to 04185 04212 042 34 04252 05081 05106 05166 05172 05133 05200 05292 06151 062 38 06320 06354 06368 06375 06387 06399 06409 06422 07210 07225 07248 to to 07362 08111 08249 01197 01222 01229 01245 02022 02151 02165 02178 02204 02218 02230 03031 03179 03193 03210 to 03272 03293 03326 03335 03346 03353 03362 03372 04107 04166 04197 04213 04236 04253 05091 05126 05167 05176 05184 05202 05338 06170 06254 06321 06356 06371 06378 06391 06401 06418 07169 37215 07226 07276 07285 07336 07365 08225 08254 08271 08278 08297 08 327 08 337 08 349 09168 09188 09228 09253 09275 10199 10284 10305 10313 10320 10364 10382 11140 11154 11181 11197 11216 11226 11239 11249 11256 12190 12218 12234 12246 to 12278 5. FISHING (see also 6.8) 5.1 Statistica returns 01260 92257 03384 04268 04273 to 06464 08381 08483 09324 10386 10397 10410 10426 12300 12346 12359 12377 01261 02258 03389 04269 04284 064 30 07 391 08 382 08501 09325 10388 10403 10416 11277 12306 12347 12 369 12405 SUBJECT INDEX 08277 5.2 Vessels 08291 08312 08 332 to 09146 09187 09215 09247 09259 10189 10279 10302 10310 10319 10338 10381 11128 11153 11173 11194 11214 11224 11238 11247 11254 12184 12195 12225 12244 12271 12277 068me 01258 01288 02295 03404 04272 06425 06457 08379 08425 09305 19021 19396 19408 10421 12297 12311 12357 12372 105me 5.3 Gear 01272 ' 01873 01204 01296 02244 02256 02268 02269 03402 04296 04310 04324 04333 04345 04356 05212 06431 to 07378 07386 07388 08365 to 08370 08373 09298 09315 09404 12283 12284 12355 OOlme 024me 01269 01274 01275 01293 01294 01297 01300 01370 01394 02243 02248 02250 02252 02255 02260 02266 02267 02270 03392 - 03393 ‘03397 03401 03405 03410 03509 03584 04002 04277 04278 04279 04295 04303 to 04311 to 04323 to 04331 04334 04338 04342 to 04359 04362 04363 04436 04459 04584 04591 05208 05213 06442 06443 06446 06448 06451 06456 06462 06498 07038 07381 to 07385 07388 08374 08375 08383 08385 08400 08404 08405 08406 08421 08422 08423 09287 09289 09294 09297 09301 09306 09308 09310 09313 09316 09480 09499 10240 10387 10391 10399 10400 10402 10465 10561 11263 11268 11272 11274 11276 .12284 11265 12280 12281 .12282 12289 12307 12308 12335 12358 12364 5.4 Grounds and fishing surveys oe B.D 01268 01395 02015 02245 02253 02271 02275 03017 03036 881 882 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 03390 03399 04039 04280 04294 04 302 04355 05209 06450 06463 07392 08364 08 384 08398 08403 09294 09327 10405 10421 11267 12279 12292 12305 12 362 5,5 Fish technology 01271 01286 02279 02364 5.6 Economics of fishing 01281 01292 02567 04292 04341 08 388 09 300 10422 01287 02249 03387 04293 05223 08 389 09304 11269 12293 03395 04021 04275 04290 04298 04353 to 06424 06453 07 380 08156 08378 08395 08401 09006 09319 10389 10409 11263 11270 12290 12302 12356 12365 12368 01262 01283 02263 to 03411 04340 04370 05220 05413 06461 08 386 08407 09293 09330 09355 09363 10383 10422 11288 72312 12379 127me 01263 01289 02254 03403 04297 06454 08395 09323 11278 12361 03396 04278 04291 to 04354 04361 06427 06459 07383 08363 08380 08 396 08402 09291 09326 6. AQUATIC STOCKS 04037 6.0 General biology 01319 01341 01414 01472 02314 02334 02409 03010 03462 03506 03557 04381 04500 05230 06488 06572 07446 07 509 07538 08418 08439 08455 08503 09440 09463 09492 10440 10472 10524 11281 11361 12353 12472 12532 6.1 Systematics 9: S 10 01317 01344 01358 01387 01430 01438 01449 01462 02 300 02313 02332 02362 02375 02383 02397 02411 024 32 02464 02474 03394 03436 03469 03510 03549 03577 04404 04424 04451 04559 05227 05248 05273 05280 05299 05308 05325 05342 05387 06480 06519 07413 07425 07437 07448 07477 07519 07545 08449 08469 08513 09130 09381 09397 09406 09456 09474 09493 09507 09522 09532 09541 09563 10441 10475 10493 10506 10535 10577 11294 11333 11353 11375 11392 11431 IRE 03428 03447 03478 03517 03565 04379 04406 04425 04462 04574 05239 05256 to 05283 05300 05309 05327 05359 05393 06501 06525 07414 0742$ 07439 07460 07511 09520 08430 08450 08471 08525 09133 09 387 09398 09408 09457 09481 09494 09511 09528 09536 09543 10321 10453 10478 10495 10511 10539 10578 1302 11334 11354 11377 11395 11438 SUBJECT INDEX 03431 03452 03479 03540 03570 04 388 04408 04432 04541 04575 05240 05259 05276 05287 05303 05318 05334 05362 05400 06503 07033 07415 07433 07440 07462 07513 09521 08436 08462 08489 08551 09377 09390 09399 09410 09467 09485 09504 09513 09530 to 09550 104 30 10457 10481 10497 10520 10568 11195 11308 11338 11356 11381 11437 32231 03432 03460 03496 03541 03575 04403 04413 04445 04549 05011 05245 05260 05278 05290 05307 05319 05336 05371 06359 06512 07256 07418 07434 07443 07464 Of 511 07 539 08440 08467 08490 08555 09379 09391 09402 09442 09469 09490 to 09515 09531 09535 09553 10434 10459 10487 10499 10526 10576 11265 11318 11349 11358 11382 11427 32315 6.2 Distribution and Se 5 11 12318 12338 12384 12413 12456 12472 12514 01264 01316 01367 01399 01421 02311 to 02343 02404 02472 03456 03547 04359 04428 04506 04569 05346 06486 06513 06572 to 07430 07448 07464 07536 07546 08426 08460 08472 08533 09398 09407 09441 09481 09496 10203 104 34 1044 3 1047 3 10487 10549 11349 11401 12340 12381 12481 12325 12343 12595 12418 12459 12479 12533 12327 12344 12402 12493 12470 12491 12542 ecology 01305 01318 01375 01403 01473 02313 02321 02357 02419 034 38 03459 04281 04 362 04444 04545 05279 06467 06501 06516 07 396 07422 07431 07453 07465 07538 07547 08427 08462 08475 08534 09 399 09409 09443 09482 09505 10215 104 38 10445 10479 10510 11199 11378 11432 12341 12387 12483 01373 01359 01379 01407 01475 02314 02332 02358 024 32 034 39 03469 04295 04393 04445 04564 05283 06476 06507 06523 07417 07424 07439 07454 07472 07 540 07 548 08440 08464 08477 09383 09402 to 09448 09484 09536 10427 104 39 10456 10482 10532 11337 11391 11437 12342 12389 12494 883 884 6.3 Physiology BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 12514 12518 and behaviour 01301 01306 01316 01319 01335 01340 01357 01358 01369 01377 01397 01400 01411 01417 01421 01426 01442 01444 01452 01453 01466 01474 02086 02090 02101 02104 02283 02293 02301 02341 to 02356 02364 02393 02399 02407 02422 02426 02438 02440 02460 02463 02469 02475 02480 02485 03414 03417 to 03427 03436 03437 03464 03467 03480 03482 03487 03490 03498 to 03508 03511 03518 03519 03528 03531 05543 093553 03563 03568 03576 : 03578 03587 03588 04144 04382 04 387 04396 04415 04429 04440 04441 04449 04458 04468 04485 04489 04496 04503 04507 04513 04514 04521 04524 to 04533 04543 04546 04550 : 04552 04558 04560 04572. 04573 12519 12557 01311 01324 01347 01359 01382 01401 01418 01434 01445 01463 01480 02097 02199 02298 02344 02360 to 02414 02427 02441 02465 02476 03011 03418 03433 03455 03472 03484 to 03501 03512 03521 to 03561 03569 03580 03589 04 384 04405 044 30 04443 to 04487 04498 to 04517 04525 04541 04547 04553 04567 04576 12537 12561 01025 01 314 01325 01351 01363 01388 01408 01419 01437 01447 to 02046 02100 02263 02299 02351 02363 02396 02418 02429 02448 to 02479 03124 03422 03434 03463 03476 03485 03495 03507 03517 03522 03538 03562 03571 03581 04113 04386 04414 04434 04446 04461 04488 04502 04511 04520 04528 04542 04548 04554 04571 04580 9: S 12 SUBJECT INDEX 885 09419 6,4 Parasites, diseases, abnormalities 09431 01248 01328 to 01410 01416 09472 01427 02374 to 02420 02424 09502 03223 03415 09514 03421 03429 to 03497 03514 09540 03524 03525 09549 03574 04389 09560 04439 04463 10168 05110 05233 10198 05237 05242 10374 to 05254 10441 05286 05334 10462 05361 05364 10465 05374 05375 10498 05380 05381 10521 05402 05404 to 06524 06547 10544 06577 07403 10552 07409 07416 10560 07461 07486 10575 07500 07502 11295 to 07508 11305 08456 08457 12325 08523 08525 11327 08543 08553 11350 08561 09027 11359 09444 09501 11372 09556 09559 11380 10490 10500 11386 10523 10567 11399 10581 11297 to 11307. sists 11417 11323 11324 11428 11402 to 114 34 11418 11419 11444 11442 11450 11458 12336 12337 12136 12507 12522 12319 12546 12565 12333 6.5 Stock fluctuations end 12391 studies 01302 12414 01322 01323 12455 01331 01333 12469 01355, - 01357 12480 01372 01373 12498 01398 01399 12516 01407 01409 1.529 01451 01456 17543 02093 02245 12553 02302 02325 12566 02346 02347 125919 02430 02439 12584 02443 02444 9: $ 13 01361 01424 02405 02477 03419 03489 03516 03539 04391 04522 05235 05249 05281 053951 05365 05376 05391 06496 06549 07405 07441 07490 07503 07525 08463 08526 08554 01374 01425 02410 03026 03420 03490 03520 03573 04419 04568 to 05251 05284 populstion 01311 01325 01343 01365 01378 01404 01423 01468 02296 02333 02363 02440 02446 01321 01327 01353 01370 01385 01406 01450 01476 02299 03336 02408 02442 02481 886 6.6 Selection BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR 02483 03440 03462 03527 04336 04402 04426 to 04516 04579 05392 06473 06516 06531 07245 07435 07474 07527 08413 08441 08459 08504 08531 08546 09299 09385 09415 09433 09447 09473 09503 09558 104 32 10440 10451 10468 10477 10502 10543 11022 11348 11358 11456 12329 12349 12386 12408 12466 12489 12935 12554 010me 02484 03443 03466 03551 04378 04405 04435 04484 04524 05001 06244 06474 06520 06553 07423 07465 07478 07533 08419 08442 08466 08508 08532 08550 09308 09386 09416 094 34 09459 09479 09517 10771 20435 10442 10454 10469 10486 10508 10549 11289 11351 11390 12226 12338 12353 12389 12416 12474 12501 12536 12576 054me 03186 03456 03502 03567 04384 04414 04452 04493 04556 05294 06468 06487 06528 06562 07430 07466 07488 08169 084 36 0844 3 08468 08516 08533 08568 09311 09401 09422 09431 09470 09482 09518 10307 104 36 10449 10456 10471 10491 10515 10559 11292 11352 1142] 12326 10,39 12383 12392 12457 12478 12517 17541 002me O64me by fishing gear 02430 04423 06560 09313 09465 09509 02413 04455 09428 AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 03413 03459 03526 04335 04396 04416 04459 04495 04576 05322 06470 06497 06530 06576 07432 07469 07509 08170 08437 08446 08480 08519 08536 09092 09 384 09412 09429 09445 09471 09498 09535 10427 10437 10450 10464 10474 10501 10541 10574 11293 11356 11452 12 328 12345 12 385 12405 12465 2488 12521 12549 007me 076me 01332 04453 09 396 12282 12476 6.7 Marking 01302 01443 02434 04 380 04512 06561 07509 09435 12351 01354 02245 02443 04412 05040 07447 07529 09497 12352 01392 02343 02455 04454 06472 07472 09407 11330 12400 01415 024 33 03477 04456 06515 07502 09423 11342 12467 6.8 Fisheries for particuler species or groups 01291 01384 01412 02330 02391 03583 04270 04422 04447 04562 06424 06486 07385 08420 to 08444 08488 to 09292 09418 094 32 09499 10467 10501 10515 11328 13351 11445 12299 12 346 12406 01259 01312 01385 02322 02334 03012 04193 04284 01263 01321 01394 02327 02387 03398 04267 04285 04433 04450 05210 06444 06498 07435 08423 084 38 08448 08501 08516 09 302 09421 09476 09520 10472 10512 10551 11343 11361 12296 12326 12348 12493 6.9 Hatcheries, aquaria, culture 01263 01391 01431 01450 01482 02421 02462 03222 03457 03503 03530 03564 04171 01291 01393 01432 01469 02015 02435 02482 03224 03465 03513 03542 03567 04193 01274 01376 01395 02328 to 03454 04268 04402 04436 04455 05340 06468 09509 08397 084 32 08441 08483 08505 09286 09404 09429 09480 10396 10484 10513 11265 11346 11389 12298 12335 42393 12576 149me - 01322 01396 01433 01477 02192 02450 02592 03225 03474 03520 03543 03568 04257 SUBJECT INDEX 887 04354 04355 04357 04383 7.2 General 01404 01405 01428 01529 04407 04417 04419 04420 01564 01566 01591 01593 04421 04438 04501 04503 01594 01596 01597 01598 04505 04526 04534 04551 02050 02062 02100 02130 04555 04557 04561 to 02241 02262 02356 02416 04564 05100 05297 05349 02417 02567 02568 02592 05384 05385 05392 05399 02595 02597 03092 03112 05407 06023 06347 06484 03128 03226 03281 to 06499 06508 06526 06528 03291 03293 03299 03300 06529 06531 to 06534 03304 03305 03307 03309 06536 06539 06540 06552 03312 03313 03316 03320 06555 06557 06562 06563 03380 03381 03449 03505 06567 06574 06578 06581 03589 03591 03593 03598 07033 07471 07475 07476 03599 04024 04101 04111 07525 07528, 07531 07532 04118 to 04122 04144 07533 07540 08237 08323 04152 04270 04292 04464 08412 08413 08419 08487 04518 04586 04592 04597 08491 08492 08494 08495 04598 04600 04602 05002 08501 08503 08506 08510 05029 05035 05037 05055 08517 08518 08520 08522 05056 05243 05494 05496 08527 08528 08530 08534 05497 .05498 05500 05543 to 08537 08539 to 05556 05557 05598 06084 08542 08544 08546 to 06128 06455 06553 06582 08550 08558 08559 08560 06584 06586 06587 08588 08562 09208 09312 09389 06592 06593 06601 06604 09414 09461 09527 09535 06605 06606 06615 06616 09548 09565 10184 10406 06617 07040 07056 07093 10470 10476 10503 10527 07106 07108 07109 07137 10540 10542 10545 10546 07142 (07143, 07144 07152 10551 10553 10554 10556 to 07165. 07170 OTLTL 10557 10573 11198 11217 07214 07273 07467 07468 11283 „1345 11347..11394 OT555: OTSTA 0797507570 11436 11439 .11440 11445 07579 07583 07584 07589 11446 ‹ 11448 . 11453 11454 to (07593 07596 07997 1455 18139 12147. 12247 08015 08568 08571 08572 12275 12303 12330 12415 08574 08579 08580 08581 12483 to 12486 12502 08585 08597 09065 09567 фо 12506 12508 to 09569 09572 09573 09574 12913. 12519 12520 12526 09578 09586 09588 09590 PPT 159 125 12536 09591. 09592. 510737 12547 12556 12558 12559 to' 09604 10047 10161 12560 12564 12589 062me 10162 10167 10177 . 10236 083me O9lme 098me 10376 10378 10404 10557 10562 10563 10564 10582 7. MISCELLANEOUS AND AUXILIARIES 10583 10585 10589 10591 7.1 Mathematical and statistical methods 10594 10596 10597 10599 01588 01589 01592 01595 10600 11022 11105 11524 02595 04593 04604 05001 11525 11536 11580 11582 05597 07572 07576 07580 12088 "12130 "12130" 12151 07582 07583 07585 to 12163 123010123688, 4267? 01583, 01593. 08591 08592 12514 12577 12578 12588 08596 08598 08599 09579 12592: .- 22593" 12595" 12596 09595 10601 12599 12601 12597 12600 12602 12607 12603 to’ 12606 12610 12608 12609 Ol7me 102me 12611 O48me os Bb 15 888 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR 7.3 Special biblipgraphies 01526 01565 02083 02087 02594 03585 04582 04587 04594 04596 04603 05416 05472 05495 05501 05599 06169 06590 06600 06602 06603 06668 06609 06610 07553 07554 07556 to 07570 07513. 1007517 07501 07594 09273 08274 08357 08566 08567 08570 08575 08589 08595 09568 09570 09571 09584 09585 09589 09593 10593 30595 11535 11561 12376 12378 12570 12579 to 12584 12590 12591 12598 7.4 Documentation methods, libraries, etc. 04599 06589 09594 09580 10592 11597 to 11600 12594 126me 7.5 Terminology, notation, definitions 01528 01590 03586 06598 06599 06614 08138 08582 08586 08590 09596 10090 10475 414595 12511 12507 7.6 Legislation 01484 to 01524 01530 to 01563 01567 to 01584 02486 to 02566 02569 to 02591 03127 03590 03592 03594 04583 04585 05412 05414 05415 05417 to 05471 05473 to 05493 05502 AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES to 05558 06536 07160 08588 11106 11526 to 11579 12406 7.7 Personal Berga L.S. Bruun А.Е. Coe R.W. De Buen F, Gabriel C.J. Klenovoi M.V. Knipovich N.M. Maury М.Р. Muhlenberg Н. Normann А.С. 10586 10588 11460 to 11527 11528 11534 11537 11583 to 12573 12590 Polyanskogo Vol. Vaucher J.P. William У. Miscellaneous 9: S 16 01565 02598 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9 - VOLUME SUBJECT INDEX (b) Subjeot Index - Physical Oceanography (Rev. 1) (replacing. incomplete Volume Subject Index on Physical Oceanography) 551.46 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY 2001.4 ta ogy) ¿002 Documentation) 02595 02596 11598 11599 sol (Bibliography) 01049 01526 02084 04587 06590 06591 07577 07581 09570 10595 3025.4 en) 06589 10592 ¿06 Societies, Institutions) 02019 02598 03037 03038 06022 07029 08026 08027 08040 08574 10008 10010 10032 10039 12014 12018 :06(100) (International organizations) 01028 03030 06001 06005 07012 07021 08024 08025 08036 10006 10017 10024 12006 12009 043me 049me 090me 095me 119me 121me 132me 145me 155me 159me 551.46(02) Books, Handbooks, Textbooks 02064 04012 09009 11004 11010 11011 Er Enoyclopaedias. Dictionaries. Glossaries 06599 09596 042) Lectures. Popular articles 07098 07100 10055 10587 12026 12067 (047) Projects. Reports. Case studies 07006 07009 07084 11001 12068 12075 (05) Periodicals 03018 09010 fog) Units, notations and scales 09 Historical Data 11012 26 General oceanography of particular sea regions 02063 02074 or oceans, specified geographically 146me 155me 551.46.0 GENERAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 06065 07105 11529 .06 Observational data .062 Periodical collected observations. Lists referring 01031 02051 to regular stations or lines 10085 12114 .] Sea level heights 03079 03080 .065 Incidentally collected observations, Data of 01045 01073 expeditions, cruises and individual voyages 02009 02034 03079 03081 05019 05021 08083 12085 9:3 17 08594 121me 01527 05416 07556 08575 11535 03002 04015 08022 08029 09029 10028 11023 12111 04013 06021 07022 08028 10013 10590 12029 052me 107me 129me 146me 04020 11006 11012 11595 08006 11013 12093 07053 12005 107me 10054 11523 10064 08060 09080 03061 05017 02005 02055 04056 07010 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Depths 51.46.07 Oceanographic laboratories and field work. Expeditions and cruises. Seealso: 551.46.08 Instruments for oceanographic field observations .071 General matters specific for oceanographic laboratory and field work :656.6 Navigational aspects .072 Models. Model experiments .073 Floating establishments for oceanographic research. Oceanographic research vessels -52 Automatic floating stations .077 Diving apparatus and vehicles .078 Apparatus for taking samples of sea water .079 Auxiliary equipment :77.058.2 (Underwater photography) .08 Instruments for oceanographic field observations and their use .082:531.719.35 (Echo sounding) :531.787 Pressure meter for measuring depth .083 Instruments for measuring physical quantities in sea water :534 Instruments for measuring acoustical phenomena in the sea 2535 Instruments for measuring radiation in and optical properties of the sea :621.317.7 Instruments for measuring electrical properties. Measuring salinity in situ electrically .085 Instruments for measuring currents (including drift bottles and the like) .086 Instruments for measuring waves. Wave meters .087 Instruments Рог measuring sea temperatures .09 Applied oceanography :621.221 Hydraulic energy from the sea :628.5 Pollution and fouling of the seas 9:S 18 03080 02027 04014 05009 07011 08004 08070 09011 09057 10009 12096 01047 06068 06084 04034 07007 09032 10132 01039 08087 01008 03001 06003 07018 12045 02027 06079 02013 06604 12004 06441 02077 06083 05412 06465 07026 07048 09594 05024 02075 06071 06271 10101 11057 07070 10130 01046 04050 06099 09058 11074 02079 01032 04068 05035 03005 04052 06125 07072 08014 09003 09014 09112 10019 05038 06077 07075 06008 09005 10077 10583 01043 10145 02010 05007 06012 11016 06014 08137 04600 11018 03090 11008 06018 06061 12058 07019 06265 06081 06091 07004 07035 09590 09106 08079 03059 06075 08107 10163 09071 03041 06085 06139 10147 06582 03068 02067 05025 06019 551.461 551.462 551.463 SUBJECT INDEX GENERAL FEATURES. SEA LEVEL AND HORIZONTAL EXTENT Sea level (the tide not being considered) For the tide see 551.466.7 Sea level datum planes Annual (seasonal) variation of the sea level Secular variation of the sea level Irregular variation of the sea level. Frequency distribution Horizontal extent. Geographical divisions and nomenclature of sea areas Palaeo-oceanography SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY. BOTTOM FORMS Depths of the sea, general and regional information Continental block. Insular blocks Continental shelf, Insular shelf Submarine canyons Depressions of deep sea bottom Great(est) depths Elevations of sea bottom Submarine ridges, rises, seascarps, sills Smaller form details of the sea bottom (from the morphological point of view SEA WATER. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEA WATER See also 551.46.083 Instruments for measuring physical quantities in sea water Mechanical properties of sea water (includin surface films Density Compression waves. Underwater sound General features of acoustics of the sea Velocity of propagations in sea water Reflection at boundary surfaces of the sea. Reverberation 9:S 19 06126 07093 07109 08132 10028 10107 11092 12069 145me 03043 09097 11043 06122 02060 04078 09063 12071 04058 11036 10126 06616 07556 09020 09602 11025 03049 07116 09591 04067 07064 07067 11341 061 34 07103 07117 08133 10030 10156 11100 12125 159me 03083 09098 12062 10090 03051 07082 10071 12073 08061 10138 06618 07570 09032 10596 11596 07066 07575 06066 07065 07068 06142 07107 08057 08134 10065 10161 33701 O4 3me 06058 02078 11046 08098 10056 12074 10140 04072 07094 10134 12110 10118 07058 11052 07049 07577 09589 11009 07114 07580 07005 09104 07056 07108 08093 09045 10075 11090 11102 090me 11045 04076 09036 10057 10122 12092 08572 10061 12113 10159 04077 09051 11063 05031 12060 10139 07081 03042 08091 08092 06127 12119 07063 07581 09593 11024 07115 09575 07062 11041 ¿51.463 р 551.464 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES “25 Refraction patterns. Sound range .256 Sound channels . 26 Diffraction. Scattering in the inner of the sea . 262 Sonic scattering layer, phantom bottom ‘e7 Absorption 28 Various phenomena of compression waves and sound . 284 Sound transmission in shallow water 07060 . 286 Explosive sound. Shock waves . 288 Underwater noise 07002 11002 2) Radiation and optical properties 2535.31 Reflection and refractions. Geometric optics of the sea. Radar sea clutter 2535.34 Absorption :535.341 Submarine illumination. Rate of extinction 01020 Transparency of sea water 12122 :535.371 Fluorescence of sea water eat Electrical properties of sea water 2537.31 Sea water as electrical conductor 8 Suspensions and suspended particles in sea water 04065 10053 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SEA. CHEMISTRY OF SEA WATER .09 Extraction of chemical substances 04083 (including H,0) from sea water to 11095 ol Physical chemistry of sea water :541.132.3 pH 2541.28 Nuclear chemistry of sea water. Radioactivity 02067 See also 551.464.6 03104 543.319 Alkalinity .3 Composition of sea water 32 Composition (a mutual ratios of dissolved constituents) in specified geographic localities . 54 Dissolved gases 02032 06111 .38 Budgets of dissolved matter. Biochemistry and geo- 01030 chemistry of the sea. Composition of sea water 09050 close to the bottom 10155 oD Salinity determination in the laboratory .6 Special elements and inorganic compounds. Methods and results ¿611.02 YH (isotopes) .614 Вг ¿617 N 01037 11087 .618 P 06107 .621 0 03089 06139 .622 8 03103 06275 .626 С .628 Si .633 Na .634 Li .636 Cs .641 Ca .642 Sr .647 Zn .649 Hg .656 Cu 03129 .657 re 06272 9:3 20 01026 07110 07025 12017 05068 04065 06281 12120 06124 10069 12123 02068 10152 05012 02054 12112 01038 09055 11039 02069 04086 11099 08106 04088 06269 03133 11089 08121 08129 04085 08120 07576 03049 07061 07111 09018 06049 12055 08117 08096 06282 10088 10063 11047 06261 03058 11079 02065 09064 02069 02066 10059 11078 06051 03055 03101 08095 08128 06067 08127 06133 C6131 06116 09055 10074 06104 08135 07579 09604 10149 09105 07113 07112 09577 09576 09019 07118 12063 03098 10111 04089 08123 11051 08115 10124 10066 11080 06263 03059 11081 11040 10126 10125 06067 07001 10076 12119 08078 05046 04086 10062 09107 06138 11096 06274 06113 03094 11043 06114 08122 10164 11092 04085 09045 06108 06104 SUBJECT INDEX ¿662.1 Al 06112 „664.1. Y 11092 .665 Rare earths 03074 2071.1 Mn 06141 .672 Fe 06104 08120 .673 Co 08120 .674 Ni 06104 08120 .677 Mo 02057 06104 .678 W 02057 .679.1 U 03131 08058 .681.5 Pb 02089 ‚683.1 22 03052 .688.1 Va 02057 06104 .688, 2 Nb 03052 .696 Ru 10162 N Dissolved organic compounds (f.i. Yellow substance) 02071 04087 06103 06115 0613 . 746 Polybasic carboxylic acids, Aminoacids : 07057 551.465 STRUCTURE DYNAMICS AND CIRCULATION OF SEAS 02068 03066 08112 11934 °1 General matters .15 Turbulence. Eddy conductivity, eddy diffusivity and 02026 03076 03099 05028 eddy viscosity in the sea. General information and theory .153 Horizontal (or quasi horizontal) exchange 10112 .16 Use of indicators of water masses (physical, 01036 02026 03102 07069 chemical or biological indicators) 08044 08105 10154 11060 12080 .4 Stratification and three-dimensional hydrographic structure and circulation of water masses 01052 02040 03075 04054 04055 04059 04063 04070 04071 04075 05012 05013 05032 06280 07088 07089 08067 08068 08071 08081 08101 09035 09049 09060 09061 09085 09110 10072 10095 to 10098 10105 10106 10121 10123 10160 11031 11067 11082 12052 12083 12086 12087 12100 12101 12102 12718 .41 Stratification (i.e. Hydrographic structure along the 04091 04092 06053 06056 vertical) in general. Static stability and 07073 10103 10104 10127 instability. Convection by vertical instability. 10143 10144 10194 12070 The thermocline and wind-mixed layer as general phenomena 413 Time variations of stratification or of local sub- 04064 05045 07099 08065 surface values of hydrographic elements. See also 12076 12077 12107 551.466.8 .47 Topographies of isobaric surfaces (not forming part of 03044 a synoptic series or of a synoptic case study) .48 Synoptic case studies, including also currents 04061 04062 04075 07085 07090 07091 09039 to 09044 09056 09086 09087 .) Sea currents, essentially horizontal and non-tidal. 01035 02061 02072 02073 Current phenomena of non-tidal character. For 02080 07087 08073 08090 tidal currents see 551.466.775 10120 11038 11048 11097 .5(1/9) Regional information Studies on individual currents 087me 104me Aleit General kinematics. Methods of constructing current 10079 charts 53 Information on local or regional non-tidal time 02052 variations of currents. See also 551.465.48 . 532 Annual (seasonal) variation 09046 . 535 Other variations 10094 .54 Drift bottles and drift envelope studies of 01027 05039 05042 07077 sea currents 08080 11035 9:3 21 .634 :251.5 а + 13 . 74 » 192 «755 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Sea currents as related to their causes (non-tidal). 02053 Dynamics of sea currents 09047 Wind-driven currents and current systems. See also 551.465.53 and 551.465.48 Various special current phenomena. Current rips Properties of surface water Horizontal distribution of surface water temperatures 02036 and/or salinities. Surface temperature and 10083 salinity charts (not forming part of a synoptic case study, see 551.46.068 and 551.465.48). Local time variations of surface water temperature and/or salinity Secular variations Interactions between the sea and its environment and ambient influences For dissolved constituents see 551.464.3 and 551.464.6/.7. For influences of the shore see 551.466.4 and 551,468.1 Influence of the sea on weather and climate General effects of solar and terrestrial influences on the properties of sea water. Energy and water 10099 budgets. Atmospheric influences in general. 12065 Influences of heat exchange at tne sea surface on the properties of water masses Exchange of salt and planktonic organisms with the atmosphere Process of momentum exchange as such. Boundary layer. Values of windstress Atmospheric effects on the position of the sea surface. Wind surges .755(047) Case studies of atmospheric effects on sea surface ИИ O 551.466 heights Heat flow across the sea bottom Processes of exchange of suspended matter with and 03078 its transport over the bottom 08063 09100 10082 Interactions of living organisms with water masses 03062 SEA WAVES AND TIDES 02080 10136 Principles of interpretation and methods of analysis of sea wave observations. Wave analysers. See also 551.46.086 Wind waves. Swell waves Generation and behaviour of wind waves Information on regional or local occurrence of sea waves and swell waves (including results of hindcasts as a source of information) Very high and highest waves Forecasting of sea waves (including techniques of hindcasting) Swell waves Generation of microseism by action of sea waves 03085 11042 Various phenomena, except those coming under 09033 551.466.4. Foaming of waves. Action of oil on waves. Slicks Effects of the bottom, of obstacles, of currents and of turbulence on wind waves or swell Damping by the bottom (friction, percolation, bottom fluctuation) Effect of depth variation on height and steepness of the waves and on their general character, before breaking 9:3 22 08108 09083 04054 11050 05038 09069 05044 10100 01019 02042 03072 06105 08092 09114 11076 03063 05061 10150 06101 10128 05014 09077 08109 10070 05030 08114 12078 06088 TOT 02041 09084 03048 06098 06140 08103 09115 11071 03064 08074 09566 08084 10131 05015 11054 08126 10142 10137 03077 12103 09091 11083 09111 12082 12090 06089 12055 06052 12116 11030 11032 09088 07059 08059 08120 10053 12117 05027 08075 10130 03050 10129 10108 12108 10132 11044 06055 11058 10116 06145 06054 SUBJECT INDEX .& Long or tidal waves. Inertia oscillations, 03053 03057 10080 seiches and related phenomena “62 Seismic sea waves, tsunamis 06021 .65 Inertial oscillations C6258 .66 Seiches 01048 02056 09068 ll The Tide 08005 11088 :525.6 Astronomic aspect 03073 113 Harmonic analysis of generation forces. Methods 02045 07083 07096 O21lme of tidal analysis and prediction TE The tides considered regionally. Co-tidal lines, 08077 10092 10109 co-range lines. Specified dynamical explanations Computation of vertical tides in the open sea from shore data 19 Tidal currents 09075 09076 10110 . 78 Tides near the coast. Shallow water tides. Tides 01039 01040 01043 01044 in estuaries. Bores (Masquarets) Y Internal waves and internal tides 07102 08069 .82 Observations and case studies 03065 05020 08066 .85 Internal inertial oscillations 10094 551.467 ICE IN THE SEA. ICE AND ICEBERGS FROM THE 02082 07054 08089 OCEANOGRAPHICAL POINT OF VIEW 3 Variations in time. Times of freezing over and 02043 02044 09034 11037 unfreezing of sea areas 3-03 Forecasting 09074 551.468 COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND SPECIAL OCEANOGRAPHIC 05016 05038 06104 07172 FORMS 08086 08111 08116 ai Interactions of the sea with the shore, See also 09037 10087 10116 551.465.78, 551.466.4, 551.466. 78 F2 Deep marginal sea areas. Bays. Fjords. Inlets 01022 01023 01024 01027 01051 02088 05041 07086 09051 09052 09053 09059 09070 11084 12104 12105 12106 3 Shallow marginal sea area, Lidoes. Lagoons. 01029 04073 06102 07120 Coastal pools. Wadden to 07123 11059 Al Inland seas 01054 03096 04084 11049 11085 12056 «6 Estuaries and problems of estuarine circulation 02091 02092 03091 04592 and mixing. See also 551.466.78 Tides in 05034 05047 06120 06136 estuaries 06179 07119 07125 07129 09062 09073 09113 09117 10158 10180 11086 11093 11098 to 11101 9:5 23 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES VOLUME 9 - VOLUME SUBJECT INDEX (b) Subject Index - Physical Oceanography 551.46 551.46(02) PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY :001.4 (Terminology) :002 (Documentation) :01 (Bibliography) :025.4 Le :06 Societies, Institutions) :06(100) (International Organizations) Books, Handbooks, Textbooks 01590 02595 06049 09582 01049 02084 05576 roe 02019 03019 03028 03040 05018 0802 3 08030 10007 10030 11505 01028 03025 04016 06023 07021 08025 10006 10024 12009 049me 09 5me 121me 145me 02064 06018 11906 Encyclopaedias.Dietionaries.Glossaries 042) Lectures. Popular articles 9:51 07098 10095 12026 04603 04607 02596 06557 11598 01526 05472 06487 07581 10592 02598 03011 03029 04019 06488 08026 08040 10008 19032 12014 03018 04001 04026 06033 07022 08028 10013 10590 12029 052me 107me 129me 146me 03076 07097 11007 09596 07100 10587 12067 04604 04608 05562 06558 11599 01527 05567 07556 08575 09570 11535 03004 03016 03034 04024 07029 08027 08574 10010 10039 12018 03022 04004 05011 07008 07028 08035 10016 31597 021me 087me 108me 130me 148me 03103 09009 11010 11012 11595 08006 11013 12093 890 (047) (83.1 (083.3 (09) (26) 551.46.0 551.46.06 el 7 .065 .2 551.46.07 .071 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Projects. Reports. Case studies Periodicals Rules and Instructions for Observers Units, notations and scales Historical Data General oceanography of particular sea regions or oceans, specified geographically GENERAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY Observational data Periodical collected observations Lists referring to regular stations or lines Sea level heights Ice Incidentally collected observations Data of expeditions, cruises and individual voyages Depths 03030 07009 11001 03094 03478 02063 07105 01031 01045 02009 03051 05033 06091 07010 Temperatures, salinities (chlorinities), densities and dynamic depths Oceanographic laboratories and field work. Expeditions and cruises. See also: 551.46.08 Instruments for oceanographic field observations 02027 05006 07020 08010 08113 to 09108 10018 General matters specific for oceano-01047 graphic laboratory and field work :656.6 Navigational aspects .072 .073 Models. Model experiments Floating establishments for oceanographic research.Oceano- graphic research vessels -52 Automatic floating stations 07007 09032 10132 01039 03061 01008 03012 07018 02027 05005 07055 12008 12075 10054 03475 11523 06065 146me 10757 09080 10085 04015 02005 02055 03089 06009 06102 08083 03017 07003 07106 08017 09008 09016 10005 12095 07075 09005 10077 10583 01043 08130 C2010 03015 11016 03110 551.46.077 .078 .079 551.46.08 .081 .082 SUBJECT INDEX Diving apparatus and vehicles Apparatus for taking samples of sea water Auxiliary equipment :77.058.2 (Underwater photography) 02013 04571 04013 Instruments for oceanographic field 02077 observations and their use Instruments for measuring sea levels. Tide gauges. See also 551.46.086 :531.719.35 (Echo sounding) :531.787 Pressure meter for measuring depth .083:534 Instruments for measuring acoustical 04052 .085 .086 .087 551.46.09 551.461 551.461.2 .22 phenomena in the sea 07027 07050 :535 Instruments for measuring radiation in and optical properties of the sea :621.317.7 Instruments for measuring electrical properties. Measuring salinity in situ electrically Instruments for measuring currents (including drift bottles and the like) Instruments for measuring waves, Wave meters Instruments for measuring sea temperatures Applied oceanography 628.5 Pollution and fouling of the seas GENERAL FEATURES. SEA LEVEL AND HORIZONTAL 02075 06092 10101 07070 01046 08079 01032 04033 06078 07056 07108 08093 09045 10075 11090 11102 090me Sea level (the tide not being considered). For the tide see 551.466.7 Annual (seasonal) variation of the sea level 9:S 3 02078 03006 05025 11019 04019 10084 07004 07035 09590 03091 02076 08072 10102 09038 02070 09058 02079 02050 05038 06097 07093 07109 08132 10028 10107 11092 12069 145me EXTENT 03063 03054 05024 05047 891 04020 11018 12024 03119 11008 12064 08009 12064 12094 03068 07078 08079 07026 07048 09594 09601 1107 3 08085 03074 08125 11055 12066 10091 11033 06054 10147 11074 12084 02087 06077 06107 07207 08057 08134 10065 10161 11107 04 3me 11045 09036 892 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 551.461.24 Secular variation of the sea level sen Irregular variation of the sea level. Frequency distribution .28 Measurements of sea level height differences (sea surface slopes) between different points el Horizontal extent. Geographical divisions and nomenclature of sea areas .8 Palaeo-oceanography 04048 04068 08572 09097 10061 11043 551.462 SUBMARINE TOPOGRAPHY. BOTTOM FORMS 10090 À Depths of the sea, general and 02060 03070 regional information 06074 06075 09051 09063 11063: 12071 11046 05058 09098 12062 10140 05061 07082 10071 1207 3 (084.3/.4) Depths of the sea, general and regional information Bathymetric maps and atlases A Continental block. Insular blocks „32 Continental shelf. Insular shelf . 34 Submarine canyons 08061 .5 Depressions of deep sea bottom .6 Elevations of sea bottom .62 Submarine ridges, rises, seascarps, sills .65 Seamounts, seapeaks and oceanic banks .8 Smaller form details of the sea bottom (from the morphological point of view) 551.463 SEA WATER, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEA WATER See also 551.46,083 el Mechanical properties of sea water (includin surface films .14 Density 10126 .2 Compression waves. Underwater sound 07049 07577 09589 11009 .21 General features of acoustics of 07066 the sea 0907515 .22 Velocity of propagations in sea 06060 water .24 Reflection at boundary surfaces of 04051 the sea. Reverberation 9:5 4 10118 10138 07063 07581 09593 11024 07114 07580 07005 07067 10139 05035 04053 07058 11052 07556 09020 09602 11025 07115 09575 07062 07068 11041 10057 10122 05047 12092 08098 10056 12074 12113 10159 06067 07094 10134 12110 03099 12060 11036 07081 06082 08091 03064 08092 12119 07570 090 32 10596 11596 07116 09591 07064 07065 09104 11341 SUBJECT INDEX 551,463.25 Refraction patterns. Sound range .256 Sound channels .26 Diffraction. Scattering in the inner of the sea .262 Sonic scattering layer, phantom bottom 01026 EN Absorption >28 Various phenomena of compression waves and sound .284 Sound transmission in shallow 07060 07110 water .286 Explosive sound. Shock waves .288 Underwater noise 07002 07025 3 Phase properties and colligative properties 36 Physical behaviour (f.i. bubbles) of Bir, or gas in general, in sea water .5 Radiation and optical properties :535.31 Reflection and refractions. Geometrical optics of the sea. Radar sea clutter 2535-341 Submarire iilumination. Rate of 01020 extinction Transparency of sea water 1535.91 | Polerizaticn 551446307 Electrical properties of sea water 2537-31 Sea water as electrical conductor 8 551.464 . 09 el Suspensions and suspended particles 03117 06088 in sea water CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SEA WATER. CHEMISTRY OF SEA WATER Extraction of chemical substances 10063 10066 (including Н20) from sea water 11047 11080 Physical chemistry of sea water :541.28 Nuclear chemistry of sea water 02067 02068 Radioactivity. See also 551.464.6 06079 10152 :543.319 Alkalinity ev Composition of sea water 02065 03112 Composition (i.e.mutual ratios of 06068 . 32 dissolved constituents) in speci- fied geogrephic localities .34 Dissolved gases 02032 02054 . 38 Budgets of dissolved matter. Bio- 01030 01038 chemistry and geochemistry of the 07001 09050 sea. Composition of sea water 10076 10155 close to the bottom oD Salinity determination in the laboretory 2543.21 Gravimetric methods 2543.24 Titration methods 9:55 07576 03007 07061 07111 06080 09018 11002 03104 12055 10111 08096 06089 10053 10088 to 11095 04033 11079 03113 09064 02069 02066 09055 11039 02069 893 08135 1579 09604 10149 09105 07113 07112 09577 09576 09019 12017 05044 07118 12063 12122 08117 06085 08123 11051 08115 12120 10124 10069 12123 05038 11081 11040 10126 10125 12219 04035 10059 11078 12119 03092 05050 894 551.464.6 + 617 .618 .621 ‚622 ‚628 .633 ‚636 ‚641 » 642 646 «649 .656 .664.1 .672 ‚ 673 . 674 671 .678 ‚679.1 .681.5 ‚688.1 ‚696 oT 0746 019167 551.465. oD ae BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Special elements and inorganic compounds. Methods and results N 01037 0 03088 Sr 03132 Dissolved organic compounds (foi. Yellow substance Polybasic carboxylic acids, Aminoacids Carbohydrates STRUCTURE DYNAMICS AND CIRCULATION OF SEAS General matters Turbulence. Eddy conductivity, eddy diffusivity and eddy viscosity in the sea. General information and theory Horizontal (or quasi horizontal) exchange Use of indicators of water masses 01036 (physical, chemical or biological 08044 indicators) Stratification and three-dimensional 01052 hydrographic structure and 03095 circulation of water masses 05041 05061 06014 06070 07089 08081 09060 10072 10105 19160 12052 12100 9:86 03106 03105 08106 06112 08121 08129 02057 02071 02068 02026 02026 08105 02040 05026 05045 05062 06050 06072 08067 08101 09061 10095 10106 11031 12083 12101 04063 08095 11087 08128 06113 03056 03132 09055 10074 04057 05048 04047 08112 03121 03120 10154 03083 05031 05046 05063 06052 0607 3 08068 09035 09085 to 10121 11067 12086 12102 08078 10062 11099 09107 08127 11096 11089 04074 11043 08122 10164 11092 04035 09045 08120 11092 08120 08120 08120 05049 02057 08058 02039 02057 10162 06090 07057 04059 11034 03127 10112 07069 11060 12080 03084 05032 05053 06008 06069 07088 08071 09049 09110 10098 10123 11082 12087 12118 551.465.41 043 48 2 .5(1/9) Pig it! .53 .532 .535 .54 .22 0593 °229 .6 .62 SUBJECT INDEX Stratification (i.e. Hydrographic 03060 03088 structure along the vertical) in 06071 07073 general. Static stability and 10127-10143 instability. Convection by vertical instability. The thermocline and wind-mixed layer as general phenomena Time variations of stratification 05054 07099 or of local subsurface values of hydrographic elementse See also 551.466.8 Synoptic case studies, including 07085 07090 also currents to 09044 09087 Sea currents, essentially horizontal 01035 02061 and non-tidal. Current phenomena 02080 03087 of non-tidal character. For tidal 04034 04043 currents see 551.466.75 07087 08073 11038 Regional information Studies on individual currents General kinematics. Methods of constructing current charts Information on local or regional non-tidal time variations of currents. See also 551.465.48 Annual (seasonal) variation Other variations Drift bottle and drift envelope 81027 * 070717 studies of sea currents Sea currents as related to their 02053 04038 causes (non-tidal). Dynamics 08109 08126 of sea currents Wind-driven currents and current systems. See also 551.465.53 and 551.465.48 03125 10102 10144 08065 12077 07091 09056 02072 03107 04046 08090 11048 087me 08080 05039 09047 10070 Currents as related to transverse pressure gradients. Gradient currents Properties of surface water Horizontal distribution of sur- 02036 09091 face water temperatures and/or Salinities. Surface temperature and salinity charts (not forming part of a synoptic case study see 551.46.068 and 551.465.4835 Local time variations of surface water temperature and/or salinity Secular variations Interactions between the sea and its 05044 environment and ambient influences. For dissolved constituents see 551.464.3 and 551.464.6/7. For influences of the shore see 551.466.4 and 551.468.1 9:57 10083 08114 895 04040 10104 10194 12070 12076 12107 09039 09086 0207 3 03108 06092 10120 11097 104me 10079 02052 09046 10094 11035 08108 09083 10142 10137 03053 12103 11050 11083 0911.1 12082 896 551.465.7: 551.5 . 11 «73 .14 «75 152 5755 .755(047) 17 .78 551.466 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Influence of the sea on weather 04039 09069 and climate General effects of solar and 06109 10099 terrestrial influences on the properties of sea water. Energy and water budgets. Atmospheric influences in general. Influences of heat exchange at the sea surface on the properties of water masses Exchange of salt and planktonic organisms with the atmosphere Transfer of momentum and mechanical energy from the atmosphere. Wind surges and barometric effect on sea level height Process of momentum exchange as such. Boundary layer. Values of windstress Atmospheric effects on the 02942: ‚03122 position of the sea surface. 06059 06061 Wind surges Case studies of atmospheric effects on sea surface heights Heat flow across the sea bottom Processes of exchange of suspended 04050 05037 matter with and its transport 08063 08092 over the bottom 09100 09114 10082 11076 SEA WAVES AND TIDES 02080 06103 Principles of interpretation and methods of analysis of sea wave observations. Wave analysers See also 551.46.086 Wind waves. Swell waves Generation and behaviour of wind waves Information on regional or local 05040 06056 occurrence of sea waves and swell waves (including results of hindcasts as a source of information) Very high and highest waves Forecasting of sea waves (including 10128 techniques of hindcasting) Swell waves ; Generation of microseism by action of sea waves Various phenomena, except those 09033 09077 coming under 551.466.4. Foaming of waves. Action of oil on waves. Slicks 9:5 8 12078 10100 12055 01019 03054 09084 05042 06062 06087 06086 08103 09115 11077 08074 10136 09566 06093 06063 08084 10131 11054 12090 11071 12065 02041 12116 03055 11030 05056 06064 11032 09088 07059 08059 08120 10053 12117 08075 10150 10130 06094 10129 10108 12108 101 32 11044 11042 11058 551.467 551.468 4 .3 . 3.03 . 3.068 el SUBJECT INDEX Effects of the bottom, of obstacles, 03079 of currents and of turbulence on wind waves or swell Long or tidal waves. Inertia oscillations, seiches and related phenomena Long waves in the sea Seismic sea waves, tsunamis Seiches 01048 The Tide 03065 Harmonic analysis of generation 02045 forces. Metnods of tidal analysis and prediction The tides considered regionally. 03116 Co-tidal lines, corange lines» Specified dynamical explanations. Computation of vertical tides in the open sea from shore data Local information on the vertical tide Ephemeral Tide Tables Tidal currents 03062 Tides near the coast. Shallow water 01039 tides. Tides in estuaries. Bores (Masquarets) Internal waves and internal tides Observations and case studies. Internal enertial oscillations ICE IN THE SEA. ICE AND ICEBERGS 02082 FROM THE ОСЕАМОСВАРНТСАТ POINT OF VIEW Variations in time. Times of 0204 3 freezing over and unfreezing of sea areas Forecasting Synoptic bulletins and charts COASTAL ОСВАМОСВАРНУ AND SPECIAL 06104 OCZANOGRAPHIC FORMS Interactions of the sea with the 04036 shore. See also 551.405, 10, ›51.466.4, 5 1. 466.7: Deep marginal sea areas. Bays. 01022 Fjords. Inlets 01051 07086 09059 9:5 9 to 02056 03086 0708 3 04055 04058 03069 09075 01040 03130 02044 07172 04037 01023 02088 09051 09070 03082 06081 03059 04061 08005 07096 04061 10092 03097 04060 05051 09076 0104 3 07102 03085 04049 09034 08086 09037 01024 0608 3 09052 11084 12105 897 10116 10080 03058 03086 06058 09068 11088 021me 08077 10109 03098 06100 06099 10110 01044 08069 08066 10094 07054 08089 11037 09074 04044 08111 08116 10087 10116 01027 06095 09053 12104 12106 898 551.468, 3 ‚4 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Shallow marginal sea areas. Lidoes. Lagoons. Coastal pools. Wadden Inland seas Estuaries and problems of estuarine circulation and mixinge See also 551.466.78 Tides in estuaries 9:5 10 01029 06115 01054 02091 03131 07129 09177 11093 04062 07120 11049 02092 05028 09062 10158 11098 04073 to 11085 03093 07119 09073 10130 to 06114 07123 11059 12056 03129 07125 09113 11086 11101 1910 1918 1924 1925 1928 1931 1931 1935 1937 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1939 1940 1940 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1954 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES Volume 9 — Volume Citation Index Castillo, L. Baranov, Т.Г. Clarke, F.W. Lotka, A.J. Perfil'ev, P.P. Gerasimov, Т.М. Norman, J.R. Volterra, У. & U, D'Ancona Norman, J.R. & F.C. Fraser Ercegovic, A.T. Esipov, V.K. Fisher, R.A. Makarov, V.V. Makushok, М.Е. Schnabel, Z. Yates, PF. Rass, T.S. Ercegovic, А.Т, Pravdin, Т.Р. Birch, 1.60, Dixon, W.J. & A.M. Mood Gribanov, V.I. Hartley, P.H.T. Morisaburo, T. Pearson, К. Soljan, T. Svetovidov, A.M, Berg, L.S. Lemberg, В. & J.W. Legge Prosser, C.L. Bezrukov, P.L. Buckland, W.R. Fox, R.A. Kudinov, E.I. Petelin, V.P. Prescott, С.Н. Thompson, H, Chapman, D.G. Wilkinson, О.Н. Dobrokhotova, K.V. Probatov, A.N. Svetovidov, А.М. Ercegovic, A.T. En 9-04438 Ci 9-08580 NE 9-12129 Ci 9-08599 En 9-01242 En 9-10450 NE 9-05011 Ci 9-08580 De 9-12034 En 9-02299 En 9-10451 NE 9-04604 En 9-01179 En 9-10453 Ci 9-10601 NE 9-04604 En 9-10452 Ci 9-12610 En 9-04500 Ci 9-08519 En 9-01476 Ci 9-04593 En 9-04031 En 9-01344 En 9-01475 Ci 9-11525 Ci 9-10601 Ci 9-10510 En 9-01240 En 9-10454 En 9-10508 En 9-02299 9: C1 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1958 1960 Krokhin, Е.М. Kun, MS. & L.V. Mikulich Ponomareva, L. A, Privolnev, Т.Т. Savilov, А.Т. Schaeffer, М.В. Thomas, J.D. Kesteven G.L. % S.J. Holt Kulichkova, V.A. Leviel, R. Lisitsyn, A.P. Vedenskii, A.P. Graham, M. (Ed. ) Matsui, Y. U.K. Ministry of Agri- culture Fisheries & Food H,M. Nautical Almanac Office Probatov, A.N. Stroganov, N.S. Dietrich, G & K. Kalle Walford, L.A. Nelepo, B.A. 28-3804B0 57-0153 57-1029 21-1509 58-1530 58-1769 58-2559 58-3430 58-4309 58-5452 58-6702 58-6724 58-6936 59-0008 59-2873 59-2889 59-4320 En 9-05143 En 9-12220 En ci 9-11525 En 9-12223 NE 9-01071 En 9-02029 En 9-12416 Ci 9-08580 NE 9-11217 Ci 9-08415 Ci 9-04593 En 9-11010 Ci 9-11525 Fr 9-02026 En 9-01343 Co 9-04383 Ci 9-01454 Ci 9-08564 Ci 9-04593 9-08580 9-10510 9-08362 бо 9-08376 МЕ 9-02018 En 9-03442 En 9-12407 En 9-06479 9-02477 9-01048 9-03566 9-10510 9-08519 En 9-03435 E 2 Es e 900 59-4592 59-5381 59-7486 59-8595 60-0024 60-0356 60-0564 60-0565 60-0693 60-2607 60-3654 60-3818 60-4308 60-4654 60-5137 60-5797 60-6000 60-6890 60-7451 60-7460 60-7609 60-8108 60-9283 60-9995 60-017me 60-040nme 60-046me 60-1 54me 60-179me 60-186me 60-245me 60-359me 61-00050 61-00077 61-00131 61-00132 61-00135 61-00136 61-00140 61-00159 61-00554 61-00712 61-00713 61-00714 61-00715 61-00716 61-00717 61-00718 61-00719 61-00720 61-00721 61-00722 61-00723 61-00724 61-00726 Ci 9210510 Co 9-09464 Re 9-01329 Ci 9-10510 ci 9-08519 CR 9-04043 CR 904043 CR 9-04043 Ci 911135 CR 9-11271 Re 9-08355 CR 9-11271. En 9-03441 CR 9-11225 En 9-12334 NE 9-03015 En 9-12397 En 9-01460 Co 9-09186 En 9-12404 En 9-01483 En 9-05005 Ci 9-01454 Do 9-10095 Ci 9-05415 Do 9-10128 Do 9-12031 Re 9-08021 Do 9-12043 Re 9-04007 Do 9-12043 Co 9-04410 Co 9-10517 CR 9-02196 CR 9-02196 CR 9-02196 CR 9-02196 Co 9-02088 CR 9-02058 CR 9-02058 CR 9-07440 CR 9-07478 CR 9-07271 CR 9-07294 CR 9-07272 CR 9-07093 CR 9-07273 CR 9-07094 CR 9-07295 CR 9-07441 CR 9-07442 CR 9-07479 CR 9-07095 CR 9-07372 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES 61-00737 61-00739 61-00741 61-00742 61-00743 61-00744 61-00745 61-00746 61-00747 61-00748 61-00749 61-00750 61-00751 61-00752 61-00754 61-00755 61-00756 61-00757 61-00758 61-00759 61-00909 61-01259 61-02131 61-02187 61-02695 61-03261 61-03858 61-04327 61-04438 61-04443 61-04621 62-05175 61-05601 61-05937 61-06344 61-06749 61-06795 61-06836 _ 61-07327 61-07381 61-07642 61-07986 61-08000 61-08007 61-08008 61-08569 61-08647 61-09294 61-09309 61-10144 61-10288 61-10511 CR 9-07263 CR 9-07180 CR 9-07264 CR 9-07265 CR 9-07438 CR 907266 © CR 9-07129 CR 9-07267 CR 9-07268 CR 9-07269 CR 9-07270 CR 9-07477 CR 9-07179 Co 907181 CR 907542 CR 907543 | CR 9-07544 СВ 9-07545 CR 9-07439 © CR 9-07546 ! 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