f^ i W^^w^^^ j^m 5^CJ>:v'; ,-, .;'•, '.•WiBPRRl'-i ■ '*" DADD'S CHART OF VETERINARY REFORMED PRACTICE Being a Condensed Synopsis of the Diseases of Horses, Cattle and Sheep ; WITH THEIR CAUSE, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT. BY GEORGE H. DADD, M.D., BOSTOl^i, NOV. 1848. The day is not far distant when the study of Disease in Horses and Cattle will claim the attention of scientific minds. mpns, or Soro Mouih. IlliviUndFUtuIn scflsoofUddor.YcUowB.... tocss of tho Uddor, inWraal ■ ■ ^^r OpiWmia, or Inflai Keglwa of grooming, fi •ull'blow," bite, or braise- ■ Violent exertion, neglected c S. indigestion, Bpasms. p||E;":,,: Wm 1»«1-, bad fooa. «llj renli gruts. • CoM. ciidBmic, shedding tcelh, mihj Expos'nro to rain and cold after being h cdbyexorcUe. Or being put too hastily to pulore, SYMPTOMS IN HOESES. SYMPTOMS IN CATHE. tkin .in fcl to e.orr pan of the body. • . SJof theTxlrelnilL. See ."elT- larsb, di7 akin, and Eolarsed abBorbenIa on the .urfaco, k.0117 La'eenHion of d,e skin and mnaelea. Diviaion of tlie pans. Dry cough, dilBculty in reapirelion ■ ■ Fcrcr, beavei, hard at the llankf, and ael- DroT.in'I'.. °o"pttUc, he«i forcoi against gnp"- 3ai^53:^::: ComSi'n^ 'Lhi'' «'■ arinali; ■ piin' i^ ■ iic Urin'c'r'ed, My blick fncS flow ofSriae :■.:::::;:::::::: Sccl'mnkciJuddcn stnrU. ' ■ ■ • ■ 'tl™';;""ii;°^"g:"'''""''°"'°"™ Coiighine (ind snec7.ing, glai Congh, froth nt llie month.- Restlessness, belly mnch swelled.- - - Stun dry, off feed, eye dull, congh- • Do. great thirst, udder inflamed- ■ • • tdSj Ilurd dwelling of port of i Diachnrgo of foul humors, Violent purging- general SYMPTOMS IN SHEEP. > Eyes rod, very watchful, urine high colored. The same as Hordes o CATTLk i^-dier, keep the skin [ RnbNo. 16 onihcskii : ariiclea iufijrhories. : lilesoap. ^r ■Jenernl treatment for wonndi ;— Clenn every wound well without wasliing if possible ; restore the injarod parts to their original posuion, and retain Ihcm there hy eiiiehes, strips of plastcror bandages ; snbdue the inflammation bypou'li"'. ihen apply No. Seneraldirociions:— In ullcises of fover.cQuali^e the circulation by warm clothing and hard nibbing; give No. 3, and worn standing and great debility, gire No. * and cut fwd. 13 around the throat.. ijons; givoNo.3 lb the neck end spinal column with Same as for horses No. 10 and give injeclioni | ' I 1 food and flaxseed tea, moderate diet and gentle t Bubsidcd, give No. B.. ive oily clysters, rub the brisket with wiOi HoAQ^o^r^Z £ 9 pennyroyal n bo light and u cool giv« linseed tea, I General directions,— Take one-half of a ball No. 2, i drinks ; the rub the legs with tincturo of capsicum, lastly give m i:sii }■ iilJiliiMildii: III 1 IliHli. Hi!! m^ £< /,v ".>! i!!il!i!!|l|i!ll|if|