156 Ninth Street West, betwoon E nnd F Sta, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | Fooneers Uist rnt Wis, payable to the Orerfers Malle lo Salweribors out wf the elly, Exaitr Dovraus Asse and In proportion for a shorter pyrtod F © Ee Pqouar yo ne rsvananty ox anvasce. . 47 é

Novsall eaeeiplinn Revel Braherer thay Trio Most ata



caiwsman | VOD, UNO,

TERMS OF ADV! Baca Bight lu

| See ee = <= = = a a = ee = : MILLINERY, | APTORNEYS. [BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. HOLIDAY GOODS. _ vil Oh n m tle |sewe ation Se eC D POLITICAL, care i Sas ene a tONIC . (PHE_GREAT BNMPORIUM OF THE) G, mi My hte eee Hn eon aaron a 4 Ait Buu ag, Ds Haley te mot fo ey



| thiess natural defences, the enemy had felled, in front | of a Tange extent of his portion, a thiek growth of

MES. © f nowert, ; JOHNFOLUIFFE,


MIU open on TUESDAY, Decersbrr Ist ah

marked ont for the enterprise Is thirty aeres in exteny fndanarehitect is engaged upon the plans. 1)


a UREA 7 aay Nonna} ORNEK 01 Axp PUrTeRxts Staeers, nf PRINTING GYFIC Gea piss Pili all mae Ca ee er ar pemoacrr Halllee SEO mar = Pint asian abattlty while io had aleo Uksown UD) cout weil be over ond hundred and fity th aan oe aarees, fable parts divaiee, a Fast antrae : al ae 5 Veatibrcrss ce papa slong bis ative Hine, | cote WHI ba over ons hundred and besa Wax Penny io ores Mesdstreees erat Kinds |g, g Stato Clana wpa ths Valen Sate 125 MRIDGE STREET, GEORGETOWN, The Necent Movements of the Army’ of the | <Arthworka of mnvat sirens: signs his saline Moe liar, DMs Hales has for somo Ume teen Ina Kapa she dooan { poecilly ie eS ee ementeitt Thus the position was mus stronger than ours a | WUar~ Sik t Wreai conden: ___ dai) WWIDYTAM HALSTED, seem ttavGar polis, wad Dollcileada fver ase, ea eke Popouan, | O¢t5MarR, sad moro forsklable than the enemy | PTE TTS ae ADIES' AND CHILDREN’S FANCY | ORXEY ANT COUMMELLOR AT UAW. Sa a argu en celas Bureaus Wedsteadls sanquanrins Amy 3m Porous, | Cpe ateature —Tho Tale Mr. Gilbert, 9. well-known English (ADIES' AND CHILDREN’S FANCY no FOUIETRNTHL sR, Sur Giinupat of ebantel ane ait okeen KRLLYIAFOnD, VA Deemer, ssi.) [SCEPC cantay mom. | "Heron the prinoiples and preelce of banklag, ie ~ SS 7 Orrcsre® WILLARD S ‘Oya Jato marke! Corres) jenen Of (Me Daily Mornlig Chronicle. J i} i ak pea bere: - eathed a wuny of ey to et exper : DRESS CAPS AND IEALUDRESSES sich tm one Se cian, AUigrally, nna ALSO, (Ostrespind ica bt ts Dally Morsli ree Miklan tao heuer wana of the epempta | auesehel-a ran of moncy to trustees to be expended | 7 YROM PARISASD NEW YORE Ss Praetlegs tants Cox a ine Roscwood mud Papler-macho Welling cvescential, U) the best, futeresta, of the cone [188 £0 within! twoltbourand yards of the enemy's / 10 445 monument or ot ie: yon. Superior Courts Ine Rosewood wud. Toph ho Welting D It ts Mal Uy the best tulereste 6 the conn) ree a nate was Onde, an his ection ws | 2,18 AOUNIER OF Abie memorial” to hone In| culallns hij works on banking, and oyrresentinx | 44

Having feeently added to oir aslabitanment a laree | Work Boxes, Glove, Merlumery, and Clear Weautifally lilald with, pearl aud German all

ry that, the pablie should ot once, be made | RENO ARLE Sle rte fits + riconmoltred. A great part of this day pastel away

roaghiyinequuintel with all the fucks connested ae eet lestoremenis ot tsar tune aay sos peo" einer Hal erg Us OC Ci esi be staclés which presented themselves to the@ommands | My sicerfainol. “Te was .the desire. pt General Tae general) ua Mssrsjaeae Aluap Mado to attack upon this ay, Tho extent of our Rec hearasenkjeted from. vis ponimcaoemeat of | aS Obste ad toe contre ir this rps thomaarch to the final withdrawal of is forces to ae ae pat neat ee postal on the EET ERR i feb Fay, ies lym’ andr he Uilsndeot ube Kaptan, Ty arly place teas | ¥ALOCONE be while the th ell the extreme righ TAN REE eae an ae | Emi ns of wiunni we | Satan Mita auitean nas ip | ats before ts publ Inorler tat tmayiepurors |S, cety ec israborlnate generals aod MOND SAVARD, NGO Hae Soe ee ee ee eerrore witha’ Intelligent Jadgwent, iv the UPD the reports of Bis raboriinate generals nnd o ad sole aRuiestarops ey eae Of Autbiors BUSS oc Nir oes aia oat ‘Morough pereonal rncomnoiseance, Gencral Meade

hot laughing gas - = eh Ad SION NOTICE. ‘Citlians of Crore . : i ag om (Simbksealaeeaule pot Hie cny/

pass ; ARB YOU, GREENBACKS folly reauested Qo ca Tse Torce of th euemy-conelitel of Eve's nyu | PH unlink to make At assanle won Yhis day

Mid mes for counsel, youna ara rycen.” | purshaving clea Wil’s corp, and Piokettfs division, not tess, fu the | early ApEn salt Thea ealt a the earner of Penwhy] A rn aggrexnls, Won Ay thousaisl men, while our om, | THs Satnrday pawl.” Cn. the Kilumins dye ret SSR aw exntane ows: amber, yeas in Ittlo Wisisuyertor, At the tinia | Spnday, All wax quiet. Doth armled xeted,_ and 0 5 Pia certain’

ommanding General ordered the advance, the sented, ‘in high appreciation of thelr wowearlod gs

ants ANEORD has open a olncant sssart ment B88 PUBLI Hate fa rime) Of Deautiful styles of Clear Stands and

Ridee aad Walking Matt Rich Eventing Hats ‘abn . Gperaand Theatres Parte Drea Caps aed HesteTeesaes Rlnudsatd Ladies) Gouyeutences, Calsr, and Torte monuals

fio, Pregeh Cazes aiid oop Skies ail Heo repel Mop Skirts, allio thi payee i . Jarthaplens: Nad larkot Space, uext door bans | oi 1 BOOK AND JON TYPE

| an engraving of himeelf to all persona with whom he} rau Tia Been ofletalty conntetal putt

‘Ta aesonlace with tho desentrle will of ate. | boa AN Hartley, the founder of the Hartley Institute at] treat gon Soathaupton, England, aroom in that bailding {| Tent and e tet npart for the preservation of tho wanlrote and | jet wo ohn foraitare ofhis mother, In {tiga singular collection | to tear Gat of bonnets, dresses, shocs, tapestry, fins, drawers, | Tel now eoinm chins, chalra spd otter articles uscd by my wealthy | Sea Ua ee merchant'« wife of the la century. Umineeset cl A Presentation of an unusual character tonk'| US> oomiltion of Wig ately aE Tancaster; Foplant, the recpleata| ASIN Gr belng Mr. and Mire Sly, of the King’s Arms Hotel, | flaw ups victory

ALSO, Ofent Glanwes, dine stot Oh oar dat Dreslag Cases, {Grortnivatof mie Pauey Uogae. yn,

ich Family Bibles, Jlymn’ and Vriyer Too

mented Tack Combs, Ther with s very Lste®

Wena prepared ta do

and Washiaxtou are cospeet ‘aul wxamiuia my wtock belore

0. CRANDELL, 188 Ueda «(roe Gedtactown, D, C

Uh. | vals avenoo and Tw


NE TEETH, } al

. General Warren, who.hed now teen trans position of the enemy was as followa: Ewell cone | 247 NURTED ane : zeal and energy ta the preparation of the pageant on | (Every on Fad bon withdrawn from the lower fons of the Ra= | ferredfromthe-centre to the extreme lett reconnel> 4.5 Gecasion of the marrlago of bis Royal Highncst ki

OCT METAL FLATE OB CLAS ory Woserinitfons Our PRESSESare all of (he latest construction, and tred the right of the enemy?s line and reported per- i. arg. Le pilaay aud yostel: biking etenichmente id dn the Prtace of Wales he

DHS. SIGESMOND & HAYWARD, | Hoos, su Seen eT nro inte ig TSW Fea Ung Ta sonallyy with the strongest oseurances of success, Be Oe on at Fetes Ago Reames yay Rie BaxeAletong | pit x CO, | ERE mom MMe Best founded sonater alas vantage roads Wt rallog ON OFS A yaya carey Uke works iw bls Ronks UR | se ee ren setae ae sara attinateta te nop Nase Se lag | Awerivr, lle BU igh enendeh mars OFAN | Tht prorat report of Ceara Warren a aes | uN anes, hers Oey Bans Colors ach they tho ot om OHA ae a racecar tee ets racived froma te ign | We miliacy table Full chorus, Whe Re sles tha ca curious Guns SMES re mE

and Sivorl, all for a ehiling. ate hisamiy, auton Me Ce hin (0 rateo tha af

ag aaiall atrgale adh’ on AXone = Din Eatoban Santa Cruz de Ovleld, of dlsmor fy Ut was Stated Uy the sagen Mae rigors eaaull AL gi dE 08 ee ae a a oer Cul] Rage 3 work AL ania eats a

cera te ns ot acre one | TNE race dt agen ereata moring Tu evar ne recent Waren ODO re schol orth ess o ln, ani» ni] Bat in ls AM gE Pah Tet

school for men. {uxt Grant had Lat auler ey ae ekost oan

Rasate ge eatin map, 40 run nearly northy and Aouth, utd) to front (owards tho east, thusteaving Ely’s, Culpeper, Gee- nisms, Jacobs? Mills, snd other fonts uncovered. | TV's corps wis im the vicinity and cout of Orange | Cojire teu, ceparatinl from Ewells hy eeveral mille

Oar stosk of Diaries for 18641 now complete, elabra=

lng over soventydive ntyle

| reel lighter thie any olbers can bo finertel| oe10-1y oc Reahvaneneh EMM MNERES |

age vi Wats See Gry: 460. 460.

tts Beoe tes over elght peas ba zasuy of | few aye airo taveated n WULG Inde ruetlve AND STILL THE WONDER GREW:

it ately With whieh tie most semait{ye troth ean be Slted


i ofmouLans, | fatersanalthe tro sorted at» iver dou

Tatung sida’ mets, aad warmauled. Teed extracted, CASTE DOES THE HURIS Say SEES i Bu se iC 1] ake sa eae Cane RES ae 3 St Qt mags fo Fee aee erat Gear. ule was exes |S0Teand one om teh wate, tguermiDs | atacous calrgn wasrerpeuotol FY (Rly Atay te rato amas an BILL-TADS, PHILP & SDLoMoxs, | dt the lower fords oni to post Lis columns rapidly to TEL COUP ES ao Grayville, Whlt: county, Diinols, recently, uporf> | al these wrest asa HOW lterly tallnet

SAR Ri Trucatae SAA CR | Att | Mimottaiekcom | ineacutieandwest, to ie vicltty of; am, If porate 202 men. Tho talanes of the oth coms, Umber | oon o¢g site I Hallam, who as teaching <P! | ses ae u promrosted. steautls to lta con!

tl scierifons. proved N

3 TINANCIAL ‘hat athe reason Why out now styles oF dente aw Weansylvaute ave ise ANS Sea , 0 BS, ene ia Wennsy fale aren tees fest, held theright, while two diyistons of Uo tet > YALE AND WINTEH COATS ROORASIME vig, Beyond, Ol Verdlersville, In: the direction of | the stl 2 fs fotns tyro miles from her father’s residence, (be 4 ir te we fare ef COOK a A 13 CHA BS s jes i ‘and one of the 30 he 2 of onriine. ‘Tho e “4 iment W have ever Learned, a); JAY COOKE & CO., | pleaco everybody, Cail and examlue oor Spleudld ee JCIRK'S CHARLES THE BOLD. Orange Court Bouts, us galing the interval be- | Amd-ann of eS LON) The et ee crim, [aid OF school, and falling to reach f°) i miiover, “tn epite of ware BANKERS, | ftock ot clothing, Gente’ FarvisbiupeBone. Hats, | | SHALT) BRED BUTEEED DEQEMIEE SS ween Ewell’s and Mls corp, and eowblIng Mata ey coramandingpoaitlon, Tuo Uae or the as- | Her friends DacamA slarmet) who, spon 6) nto sarramera fees tan aay | stook of Clothing, Gest’ Paralsudup: onde. | . ielvo they battle In dptall. Iwas known iy Gene | Plone | forher, found her body in tha woods a shell the Hse began, eam Ml No. 452 Firraxstu Sir lca TILLS OF PARE, i MisTORY OF CUARLES THE BOLD, Hoe a ttat Eyellve Une eas Vell pro. eaultom tho right and Ieft was xed upem,-and at 6 |e os eam the road, Somefent to bums/4Ps | hopet Shaitet ae 2 sabes ot | cape, &e See ral Meno ed ell Tins WAS japllonne Bios xed a tern eros. Some ft am hope. Shall eo rolp (Qe ea Wo shall contiane to furateb | cutee nude ordée Callan) eee eamonten, i Meron DUKE OF BURGUNDY teeta by earthworks and the character of tha ejun- | O71 12 Hie, Homing re cropany [BMA Mrobably. committed the deed to el if Hie auen | ‘Suall ee Grurttae USITED STATES FIVE-TWENTY UONDS J.T sxaint, | ay teyy Mat a hie right as Ten guard, and that tho | ence. | Atlena something wesieenined opis | nenatah passions. Noclueto the wunlenh 3°] Chartsnooy ty won At par antil farther notlen | | PAMPALETS, | 4omN FOSTER KU plahkrowd from Old'Venllersville to Orange Court | SMe ine nersenta of the past three days come to light. Mies Hallum wes = yep!4F | tog ail the wi caty_dD Seventies enmolts Pont Osea | He i Howes wasnt strgly ever ty his rors ith | MU ternblotmenla ote nest thee Wf Righiyeypete by al who knew hery an 4) duabity oF sary ee tne, ET Wea Parsons deeeing Information eonermaing thls Loan| (UBAR THE TRACK WHILE THE OW BILLS, | TWO VOLS, bro. thie inform: ie anil the stove object in View, Gene ation haatiouy Doinealgal foto bas cast agloomoyer the community) ieeklion Chattal eas acti ona emul i eaahnesearw arent couster, Gt apve snicatlon yea) | oat nae Tal aftaie orarad’‘anedeanco(Gt daylight cont, thai Tue Ts mpeCenty tor alana ia wth Boston, on Uap 7H feat, S. Ls P04, | more win base Rolete as ee aun are | Clnnrsaurwerigaitaveaisns that aay aes eee | Sea Nyt | auiifa, woes om ag secoporva. | Ettliae vat secre ain tions age Mizprs [Atlas the soundof Salgwlek'gesonen eames] Giyear Una candidate te mayer, tel. | Wil demas rae Snead ah WEES Ane | Wo buy und ac esot j y Ait otbreecy ith Vea oth sides ad) coding night, prevented the movement. ‘The notice | yDe a1OD s 2 Tn Springfield, Maw, on the same day, Present | PA5S- er portationy-ean ne whole Nor GOVEUNMENT BONDS, TREASURY NOTRE, he Roos mastbo wold Saar OMteTap, ob Maced bald Panerscusesn- Jao por gol, | CONE TEN Tight asd) centre! opeué upon. tne works ot tho | t Snrmsnetls Aves me al ies soypiy hone ag waguas a st c G Axb VOUCHERS, | | BEE; .a Tomarkabla opoeh. treated iF Kirke ful . Beare | enen} ut nota xoundiennia (rom Warren—not a | SSO cAlexarsheT; Fi tens tie ns ten thot men pote hee Constantly reslvhag fom oar Manaatary he emarkablecnoeh Ugateh by Me fuel fate | though prematare, neither dol remem | CBem_ But nots sonn rans rom Warren--n9U8 | Union lcket beat the Omenitians0 wf eS And pay the highest nrfeea f YALL AND WINTER GOODS i oan Frain ip bow‘ gama of the ment Gaygrant | nor easel the enemy to ehnnze hls poltlon, 88 has The tateat Weal a 2,00. : fore at amampunion, in frontol mks > CERTIFICATE CHECKS rirery aéseriplteb | gxemeein Chacten reer: dum menieg es hes auMae | boenlleged Uy a portion ofthe Northern press. The | “eo g moro earefil and thorough examination of | rac ane ay uae caarttedjested tho | UF. STRERES of aNd ills clctalneNe A A385 TAY GooKE & co. | °"™" i Ree taiced toth o¢hisambillon aud orhisiallopon {euemy, probably, did not lean of tho Intended a page Florence in 1768, Bad Woon martledirried the | UF SMTANe, AAI ae mone Oy Oantom Beods made (0 | oi AS | the dGStatesoftHe prineiral Horopssa. States rare enti bat cormeacely om the: nth or /tHS. enemy?s works, without Onvattlog General | yor au of whom sho outlived. Fimonluor | aruitery mbing. 1s 1Eto) = AHRRsL EN te UNITED STATES 5.20 BONDS A eiicciie aieehs an Teavaeeat t {the Avzastic Mowocx tays zal eT ss 4 Meaie—without conmulling wi8,a.sisglo’omcer— | PAN: 8 is ago ofetvenja points In| walt a whole water, testa (aleutss and wot ATR (eC Raven soo ‘Wo have no besltaifon In-aas|rofag to Mr Kirkta,| NovomIst: asniming the ¢ntira résponisibility,:\Generni'| st of the Hoven nt. the ago OFM cipa points inselt of Teadid opportunity to. complet Use ONERD STATES 4-20 TREARURY. NOTES, pela eri & BEALL. | = sooitta nieyaneraiyen cama vat jgatacnteys” | Qf th 26th tho rosla ers in pasiabie condition, Hee ee toatigcks Ale tants tintly er | deaui-bad she recalled the goo ALsily weigh | fi ee rte Rawk reakeDnl oes, ska t rep Skis CHiTiriesTES OF NbEnTED:|rPYTE OLD WAR HORSE IN THE| RE re ee aan anit te weleomal tie | anil Uhe mivancecommenced st dawn. In tho men~ ported to Goneral Meade the reasons fir bis allure eachofherhusbanii,and, baving/out her Mth | gum the capture of AtisBiay 2 NESS, a | : wariaovers? Hii General Afeade hnd given: orders to the di fal thom In the balance, sho se ber remains | think = cc cite Dold, Silver, Uncurreat Mousy, Rxetingre op all parts YIELD. Pak, | PAGWDRE IH Siicarbs MC toattack; thot hehnd misjudged the strength of the Taverite Rand Wee {In proof of the false ligpes and erroncems e7asSy HAAS OR Anta J, anUOE & C0. We musraatee raditcuedissrsyeunianyvined re-|>> weaigagantonute naam pean fniVeorps somaaners tn. reconneltre he respective | qneaprspoallon, and Ubxt ue wad willing to raerl= | THSACRS the favoriley ans Wes Harn oate ucts auton me De dre anthored So facaive. 82 fonds atraruetil |, Havile your altratton to thete Farge lock of | pits author A ake Ms tau at once amoak Uhe | roads they mero (0 inks) and to pot them Jn such joa‘uimscitratherthan tosacridce UFarms. Geoe- | MBN Ye MIRO aSTS ft Nopeleotst0 | uta ene ae ns th neat mt Se Auauat west: Whi the Prive ot euaNOEsOD FALL, AND WINTER CLOTHING. J srectcalty sollen e share ofpabiie patron | é ooill(on that tele troopstalght nove wilh rapidity, | ral Mende at ousé-orlered nposfpobement of tue |, Ut Maid that the-siatue fee Vendomey ts t0 11 Su) noua, 1 m8 core | J.T LIPPINCOTT £C0., | This may havo been falthtully ac san the trlumphat column in ty ve ke the first | A@ekou’ 4 4 Orders for teal In New York ex- | at prices that dety compotition, fs may hayw been falthfully accomplished by somo ult onthe right und centre, and gallopped to u ‘Although the passa elndively on & PASTE C 1 Bors’ Clotbing t Onlers sent to ordeNalthe denise Vabilshers, Philadetphis. | OF the corps commanders, bat by otliers Jt Fas me | the Jef to ascertain If t were possible in any way for boreplaced by; snother, Wlyau, Jack-boots anil vane nao aaa Wi anlar Noa edasslyzata seeds. | eh LAE Mo a | | {ARTES FOR i804, Blea anl ox stheuvar Nira ok AWarren to bo Euecesiful, Tle Aeeled that rucerss | WHehsumaunlal\t. Sty present satus, Bel aseaqeeted WEST a = | ee aoa RTe HEM SIP iy FoR REGISTERING EVENTS, | Tous delays were occaaloned. It shoulll als te | youl te at an immense sacrisieefot life, and that the } Sfoy MTONk TE Varistons, are (0 dlp : GALLAGHER & BEN AMIN, | White geblaeiy oo peta eco, | he ses HC A valuable peokpt events, centalaiag Aianae, | stated, taaton the part of rom of thembontinale defeat of Warren yoold bo disastrous tb the army. haye been 50 familar toy berole Azure like U ST Ae ee BROKERS, ost0-ly 4G Soventh inert | Ago NINTH STREET, rad title be railroad from ‘New York to the prin. | xemerUsy there wos an Iriexcu \gnoranos of the | Tt-yas too late now to eNange the programme of the | Post to wlve place (0 ny ee ee back, and compelled, Binh. t a 310 GHESTRUT STREMT, PULADELEIMA, PEXN-| a1) PATA G = | i | ut aiteiy ett State vlan, dull cn | treet andterounatlon of tho xouds over whlch | patie, Temould eonnsine another day lo tans fret on fn constructed 1a Fano, | SBemi Oe tang to Accomm : et a MILITARY GOOD Wil vegeivoprompt afeetion saree Ror lporiant tones toe Meet: | choy were to roardh, and’ want of promplnesn the trcope tothe cantre anda the right. The rop- | A "ew tbealee Be Giugliat, the ‘Ams out tbat Shan A maechity ae I | eae ate rene xearecwh aecouat for each | pushinie fOrwanL thelr communis, which, as the | pileaotthe army were nearly exhausted,andonc day | tls the Viribepit touring At ite fnacK’= Tha “al ton, Th ie of Hipea ue

Fatros casted eal leralized Lotlories, snd toformn~


a aan wa eed Wiineasableaad ecalyshietoy cei mut McG, & WITHEROW, goth aad Mllseagableandrssigabloos achat | seqget willow) proved flat tothe kucwssot tke “o¢rain woul ave chased Kh ris to be lispassh Maharooesinecat Madipe;(realage 0 | eampalen. “Onithe morning of the Zh, the 33, 2, | yie. ‘The anny was eafelywithdrain {othe do o

Anger. We wasgnsmen. He désined slog ration by bis fel/gesred them 1C they would | eneayte ta

ng for nothloynaing themeclversto pay him | ceal hisaaoreanents fro The

ni cane

ton given.


MILITARY AND OTHER Goons } Soxarrernios MUILDIso, Odeon BaNidtas, cyuer Poue-nodact 6th, and 6th corps were between the Rappahannock: the Rapidan. With these fects tefore tho publ aa eos We are uowe rrepated fo faraleh to rabcribers TRE agra | Hvimsaslreea Hevea gd Teoitnainct, | ach Uae wyonce Wes Jana the Rapldan, svhllo: the ast-waa| an the north of, tnepan Ret; | eepare a conte fe would come with née | OCU SOMIAEUE Sg trtegit ua Da WS DIRE ne BONDS, eave Oa band and offer for sale | Ono square north of Pa, avenus, | Bases aa an = he Rappstintin 2 are | | ten centines py Rwere) gladly M1 Geo er greradiroad, bo Upou the SUE IU Gaara ‘) dozea BLUE PLANNEL SUITS | Sayeonte WASHINGTON, D. ( NEW BOOKS 1! NEW BOOKS!!! WouDis Te | fen centines Nfs to vay bls terms were gladly | pot upon win weather oF Talley OP ALL DENOMINATIONS, UPON ATTLICATIOS, CE ene Pee iD, = aa The distanes 15 Old Veniersvitie, trom the post sure. Tt ft feophlonyead in the Bigbeat degrée | Known bravery Of DE ODIs AT, a,

AVITIOUR AA ED EEN | oo dozen SKERINO UNDERSTURTS ENRY POLKINHORN, STEAM: | My Farm of Bigowosd, bythe Marvel, 1 4 Uon of the most remote corps, on the morning ofthe PRIVATE LETLER IROM CMATTAR | accepted, a0) Oar eraiy tho Tasnyehled Ay enemy ade ores rstineenoeetbte aroun atte TLE omc noak eet lon Wrigcene | uscaea ot Hesttrs by Eka Hp Se er Sa NOUGA, aes uerglames ore a hundred years | ECMITULAE tenet Coskarga Bs

aibloof the se ; se nffle, nn from Masr-glanies are p rpoie tht ka


beuilestermady for delivery, 2ad-arerequested to call Wo di SO eS oO A e JARs Ea ee io down NEOLIGEE SHIRTS | Nrtaia pearly opposite he Oller Oc the National Fate Gator Ue majority of the tora fe as, iiea than | ‘The ollowtog lelter trom = gentleman connected | —Stormfkaryirat Fitzroy as reomtly recom | MEAS ITE NE ANAT gta thelr AGA Woe Rt res dosen. HAVE! Ingencer, feriy | ase bronty. Hence, Itai notunrraonableforGenerat With the Army of the Cumberlani, to hls father in | old or my yen, ut a philocophis observer, BE. | Nett G2 ester gur 5 70 doxrn DROWN, SHIRTS. a Hospital Skotehes by L. BL Alcott, 9 cunts Meaile to expect that each fs this ofty, will be read with interest: mended nas J rthlesmes?. | armies w centeated Ingo! 5 = io SE LINES 3 = | WASHINGTON az |, sfosptrat Geotehia uy 3a Maile to expect that each corpe eotnmander would a VY nas deripnstratel thelr worth! arm @ doneratratet inoue PRODUCI pn st SEAN ns mY DRAWERS | WASHINGTON HOTELS, | 7m ae = ilonsox TAYLOR, Yeableto march hiv troops to the vleinity of us Cane s8rHt Teuixors Ixvastny, | Tots fiiine appedance of the Guid, hesass, Is] Sesrelary CP YET oe Sian ——— = = ‘or whieh we offer'te sealers At [BS 10m | = } Booksellor and Stath town fnalile of thirty-four hours, or, at the moet, b OOATTANCOGA, Noyember 2, 1 The / ow ‘The composition Peete tl o 1 « 38) 5 ratea / POLITAN TE ny 3K Poomeslyanin a , OF Oty the inmost by owing to temperature. Thi oS felt of thanew © F 3.900 BUSHES q ere | METROPOLITAN HOTEL, : ncaa noon of thie 27th. Tniagine me; If you can, Hlling, propped up on wy | éniAcyrs ita weatheezlaes la as follows: Cavi= aatano. The se Le pS Pennnyteantk | PESTSVLVANIA AY! TAS HE SUCCESSFUL? The orilér of inarch was as flows, vl bunk, one leg etretehed out with a hole init, bat | ye niteato of pot ‘ant gat axom Nigh sentieat att | ayREASU __ Decree Not aod Tenih stints Matron Sixth anid Moyet seo | © Noxely by Richard DB, (Kimball, author of i q asitet nitrate of pe ; JAORSON WILTE POTATISS = ai Hatyreen, Buh And Sey ent ath J cli\ec A Roxelyybx lchand a inal, gett rps was to eross the Topidan at Culpeper Mine fellng ‘bully, +” (to usa Weatern phrase.) Mls }4ty qlzcolved tusleohol, with water apd some ate, | Ae may justly ch 4 iE tary GOODS. Ah Loe ee eae eee ee Stcteltion of | ford, amd proceed to Parkurls slore, on tle plank slonttldze, theatronghold oftho rebels, was stormed fq ptgeat in a yidly whlch in hermetenlly # alc. A day ani for cate on baarl schoonre I at Fleweuth nireet Si Tne % eee: Potties aoa | yy ary Morford, nuitor of *shomldertrars."* | road to Orange Court House, andy (Cpossble, to» Yesterday, aid token, with any quantity of FrlcoR trys oll by, nf they ba Be q | m, Seen Suet published, aod for sate by: Now Veriiervlile, 9. turn atruatsl two or threes ond artillery. Brazz ts completely routed. Thy An instramentenllod 9 dathorncesctre has % ple atte a Wansor, Salas, by | aclu alt | NATIONAL HOTEL, | HILL & s0LOMONS, nulls ad, perhaps, stfil farther, ina southerly wie | Inst ; jnvented py Aerts gsc ray ates OY PG waninee Ser | pan che WASUINGTOND. ¢ | 32 Ponnay ean PME absw. | rection from Olt Verdlirsville, ‘Thu ist corps was | thisarmy. Day before yestenlay Lookout DA.) ingon the Nowy ran ae = Gat fue ery be 50. & THOS, PARKER & Co ; ge os eG to follow the sth, and fake position in ts rear; while” 18IN wos captared, with two thowean Rr TLS DENSON, FHOPRIATOR, | SEOs emia lst the 2d sas to cross at Gerinanna Fond, procead to Several pledes of artiller ag BP cn Se yo TS

nil carefully

+ Fennertyot the Auhland Tobsrtson's Tavern, ani, IC posite, reach Old Ridge fell. Youcan Ja SS arin . o-10)




Hip grenusems 00),

SYerliersville, (hus opening eommunlostions, 1:

( tag Nerisl anit SU Rianyie 5 ase Tes, Shesepa ne eee, BE | Gets determined (o meritaud hopes tv tecelye a fall | Sew and elegant styler, (rom) conte to RD nicina of keris roRdy pasa : ————— Tain Crackemi te sieaiMern WEUUPARY BUCKSKIN GLOVES | dare of public olrouasy, _ mie-tv =} esa ae TALON TAL St ee ee ~ J. CROSSIAN, | wit ntiater al Hsing thy wen can inacdany [TC IRK WOOD 10 US BE allt (ep) _ ta Venuevivants aban : cnet 5 pais 7OTICGE—BAKERS, GROCERS, | forTatov-ifoed do. Reeiments aud companies can. bo py yes JATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS!L MMT ALIS Bors) Ameer mete OUTs TANTS [ait SU teraeiny SQ SF ay rt ‘Si s) fopplicd with Duek Gacullota-at 00 tents per-palr. | PENNSYLVANIA Avesce, Con. TWELFTH Krager, sy, ind Te % ee) MOA gO eros - he lous, Med Dealern Soils, skinner, Motel | omic NN, Ma Otel ath Geevinee tan | | : level na ltion on tho right of the 24, while tho ae cite on digg Ssmacatiuaniegngioany/ een ahifas ad Drawers, consantly py baad apd ade | WASMLNGTOS, p. | au’ or |Sstieroerregeius 21 amd take wnt a tena TET Taras bse ia. VOR aes seo So ities Sata, ee ae hot ba 00 : 4 Hongox TAX igi ringgit tie Fahy, as the | dORe since a —_ SOE be 4 Be he HOH MEER TAN, REIN Be Hotumaoro | op SE comer of Fourtand Chestaatimein | SPRAGUE & €0,, Proprietor, TdMUHROSTARLOR. | tease reseree pe ie une Cea plalina below Liles. Nerang caida | =A°v.trerpoo afer ke of ante Reese GeUsntedamopwiitts SECU DRL CAL'S Sa SILVER Wann | TE® WAYERry Jones _ (ep) _HE Peanwyivanth pesca. | THMMABE De state RERBHLSL sg, quyiston of we | Moos wemere going very fost Yfiuetminn,” Xeup fing statenyht: “Wo ore ktai an : Lae aie ay ae ara (ato Cassal's) JEWEL SILVE | y SICIAN’S VISITING LISTS Ft st cor Was loft to guard WeFRincan on tho north | Pored at first, as it did no” pafy we wueh, | tally reetdent at Torquay who, 1t wil BRR three wecks from tals day, "9S BATA I - ea ere ues Baltinory nat Oba Matlmad JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, | © x sou signin creo tetweon Band Fatrecis, DEY SICTANS VISITING UIST) OR'|asartbe Maypatasaceky Tha Ble ar ey so velit was ther “a een Vall ar a pleco | tecomeo great an aduirer or air, Duraclists Just See pean Z whi |p, J. ZINGSEM, Tu ISI rt VIC) | ~atitceveltadtorsstoby ok yee a, | unt all Ws corm acrow the tspidan, Waveho, of well, ands co Kept-ou without Tooking down | teajandasleeaveryLasdaosalersey tO Rrleht | © ION PIKNONERS IN RICIIOXD. pe 2 AeA CT cae, (WARING ON. DC. | TyatunsoxgyoR,, |mhleho nan MMe Jonge altangs tomerekta,| at my lor; when we rcucl tle Bt ise or | honoabte xneman. The amount othelemey, re | wie Clothing anil Provisions Sens mheas JOHN W.V ANHOOK, i | SE AT ROT On FROM Com eeeerieee ee Proprietors | _del-GUS (Rep) 394 Vennsylyania avonve, m eS ean aléo have crassod, it wasup {n thine, gL tegen to feel consileraLie pain, and lancing | belleye, tsforty thousan! pounds, and Mr. Dierasll} Recetved—Itcport of tle Comanletes ae GENEEAL PRODIC | EANSYWASTA AVENUE, | fay baring and arf thie Honan are coananll-aun- | antes AND. EPISCOPA PRAYER | {hoa uyen the ovmodtonide had town te duaiivea that twas shot in the Toft leg. I thought | tsalsoappolntedsoleexecutor ander thowlllof thede-| Dixteibutlon—Every Facility MYondekyor -conntssio8 Sxzcuaxr . a | piled i ; ot B Fe Ee Ratt Raa Friday morning, the 270, only touud the eauro | EeMWEmK could kespop mith ths regiment, and | ccasl, ‘The lady was in no way related to Ue con-| the Inspection of the Brians < outage Draler in Butter, bees, dad Cheoae, Tohaces, ned Cl} TIEARETR PS ee nee |e en read Sear a sup atbiehort: | roeay, kee Just received aa Grady! any on the south side of the Napldsa, A trie more) ll go 4 Merde thie wecond Line of rifle-plts, bat there | servative Teader, but was nn entirofetranicer Shipped to Danville. Ty Ale, aa Cider. \P ata CARE BASKETS; | “}Sinilioe nupmlted wth 0} 2 Ho GUNSONTAXTOR, | thin half the distango had teen accomplishel in| had toquit. Thsdt walicel over lislf o inlte since } btm. ?* Arong tho letters reeentty torwardol lo) Gensrst ae Na ae reams | sUatanoii nave datas) copy SeeRUeEAaMSeatlonce: | wenty-Gurhours, Early Friday moralng Whearay (being. hit; 580 Tounil wysElf gelling very aiff aod ] —The Duchess of Mfantedelo, rveeutly deceased, | Mersilth by Hobart Onli the Dow Feces So dnabiant avenue KETLES oaype ac, | ({LEASON. HOUSE HOw, 70,214ke araenr nouns yak in metln, ao a digerent cotuany were paste | ame sodown Tarupped. T bad to vacicary al Jas the daughter of Sle Caley Jenklnmn,aepien eewwonol ie He (RIVED, AND For Saxe DY Siople and DooUle-Valct, ootgineroe Gea iver] QA aera eeagcanle balan tino oLEs-| AL ox wisTiy BAYS want wilh greater repli, by more iaperatir| Uhr way-tack (0 eamp, ani bythe me 1 got there | ofthe rot Yar Liverpel. Mer hatbomi an | Caplan sfc Sp ED, AD SALE Z oh SUSE Noy 40D Seventh stptabetwrect Haba | NEW DOORS svbrth having and Foaling onlers, ‘The 21 corps, undet command of General | iy leg was about ussless, Got fixed op sed wound | ofc con‘of the famous ALArchal rt yoar AOS AL BACON, 203 Peansylyanta ay., betw All Goods replated nearly equal to neve Paws ss per Weak: 81 por Day. Tho largenand test selection ul Books for Children | yy; a 3 xed up ity, 14 © xon{of the famous Alar: i is oe sFour-tud's-talraad sixth steely aE, 5 |. eke partes con be wupniled will’ Roouus and Super | et Soe atee ofared Ia tu clty. ot; Washinatens) | Waxes each Atoberlson’s Avena aliiubone. pressed TtIsenty mAh wound jo ahall yet over pfeil at the battlo of Essling. Having So ae ioe anit maton Gli dev Alararatbo, i, anda Domingo comer. | T EWIS LADOMUS & CO., {euros Tei RLAWe kana © [CRAM RS aT CORE aga | Oteees eae meat ayant Uh enese | tbetore a great wilfe. Shad stay herm a few days cof Marine to Tanta Philippe, bo ded | MES ch ond by tie Ublead states overaument ‘i boos OSes rtcan Mckee eee e ee ed-m* we PADAREL, | viiling Deak, tales! Work, Hoxts and Zravelllng | and comimeneal to ascertain his#trengt4 and position | untll T ean walk alltte; and then shall go to Chi- J In dlesules fra Parts on his « Wo | for Federal pri ‘Sotnmntteo in chal Gleteatsarinica yi cheveana Tobsce WATCHES, JEWE! ND SILVERWARE, Wsigefars Allan tery larg sad fav sort | Uy @ Welk rials tn, Tn tho mieante Wo was, | AE. erearls entered’ the torvice of Loula Napoleon, | of the distriuai AE cee cauure mga araer 5 méniy sud ge cxcoedinyly low pric ordered not {0 atta, Fi Sait aoe anermanls entered’ the earvlec of Louls Napoleon, | of the datriouticn i sn dsiarbrtads of WH Koy | gE ea rags : SAL S habeas ck ea ney stent hg ees | ede Wot foal RG G8 pei tS Sree Bas) coe a ag sa | th nua isy nt Reaigsent sored ‘Wyte tis enralties entered on theif dattey, Na= iiuer’y Pare Old liye Whiskey | Putwavecrini, : Be APMRRO Rae | Sas has ao ayaa MN Re | A CeneallErenchy shana someiuns Mbreiac ic | tel as fOG, Maven thos’ rltons™* ALBeby-as male etaHons. "He 4, Wie” prefont French Alnster | FSS Reto. 108 Sa Rad Soe a Importers and Dealers 1a Sercnmodue Frvilsteael | NPASONTC ALMANAG, 1864, gles rae ae He a Aol a (IA PCO LET este AUSL Peterebare, recelved at ichanond eho were tact needy BNO Willow and Weeden Wary oI) HIeA. pamily Gro-|_ WATCIIES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE aa omer RTE aueRNonuAA | INL voraaleat 4 CHAR IL J sorry aE ERI MPR a aA AE NAGE ANY SEW. =A priyateletter from a igh souresin St. Peters | {p nrcrtaly what future conslgniuents Wont yt SEAT ERs vy mene | LOSI Sunny. | ae ene et 0S GA ane seg ee a a sae un were esa ens |e leet acy poe na ana ce DG Tis : mane aURRTOLONONS mye her to go lack aud flow the progress of | Tho\tatrotullen, Uy arial means of large} slan navi ofcersin tals country is preduclai dhe | HBS AS NKGy rota ae taco mde } Pe OS Soir eaeberre eae array errr, || TP OMONS, ths corps, and geaining Oe mlshare and nlsrtunes | supply ot water Into towns and citi, for cuso and | most gratlfylog regulty io St. Petersburg, <<Go | {he petty Atom” ax teife Its ail in Tuenioy Af acorg descr{ollon solo Tn theealesL.yoanher, apd at | HOCUaMeAS Wer This new. enterarieg comblnsas BOOKSELLERS, ARMY STATIONERS. which attendél Sts entire arch, On) the ilrst day | comfort of the inhabitants, must, a9 o matter of anda mm of «ch og (hoshoriostuotleecold, silver, orplated, —auSi-Sm_ | with Wvelr putromage Wil Leayo his catallleupieat ell enecagt (Thursday) It was delayed tro or tines hours, owlox | course, creat a necessity fOr u Tevolution in the me P APER —=| eo en mon yelshtos private rooms fur dinner en Sa et ee Sate et a (drainage ond aus © previously bard as be opon Ls be i ries os 2 ar P APER. | verites ean be secmmtuedated 3 cad and” nls to tho Jndiiféront eoniltion of ho | and on LuAL account, aswell a2 on accountof the | thatin.ap foterview with Prince Gortschakot with | mado to thoss who were most nels, | PSOSLiNG HOtRe, 345, 247, 249 Peanerivanis ULANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Toote, which Itpasced over Onarrivingatthofnl, |{ntimate rations whlch naturally eslst between J whlch ho tmd been honored, li found that olficer | Since (uearritel of the teas Seipessat Oo | | PAPER WAREHOUSE, Se SRE eC re eit ae es TeWad and Ls eaetluvle THEUA eeatiog errertte [kbs Ovo: imrmaptmeti thby are, generally placed |f completly oyerdonlog wits satlsaction at what bo} N°Y°S scanty leaped ta the Ultra f = STOVES No, 12 GOUTHOMAREES STREET. | WP ARENDON HOTEL Pe ae ery, and hence It batame necesary to kendItarounl| under the etme general direction and guperintend- J termed tala ‘gorgeous demonstratton. Nor, to) {s toy atmeay Soe | Cee Rae fea Cea eee Cee Se aca nies brecnayirmns ee ie by Germanna Ford. Jno. ‘Mlslias not been tho ease tn the present ine J the murprise otthn weiter, was Prince Gortachakoit |, The committe unals to pienare its AMOTERIRCOL | 5 WRAPPING PAPERS, vie | svenduand sixth setae boentkaroaeuly teu yated: AIL Military and Naval Work ‘Again under way, it bad nol advauced far bewrolt stance. The drainage facilities for the cities of J Imnorantof the smallest detail, for he even related) punteation, i Ir ORWRITING AS APPING PAPERS, ¥ | ferarnished, aud Im overy way. dited for tho pleasant Now and recent Pubileatlous had to misfortune or taking thé wrone road) when | (Gears 4 : : 5 4 ee ° P mes [ave thls day ricelved a larzo 18 of PLAT CA | Reeoumpedatiouurennate tmanobsevopen atall Anny Staflonery, all ade ing the wrone road, whieh | Geurgetown ahd Washington arc, nt present, only | many luelents of which our léation is exbt to have "Statements in detail yell ba gr be | Bhs bitemay ry aha ear the lagi SER Grey ate paszed too far to the right, andiof mnecling Johnsons | intended 10 accommodate the discharxe of water | known nothing. sonnel ayy ing r QOOKING, PARLOR, OFFICE, AN | fe. weprys, | whol ent willbe untied. etd Manifold Writers, Ariston owe sons Walch forse Beld In check | raling om the surfUce whol {4 noQarally ibutary | —Gasilai’s son tyolng to Ue married toa Ge | que lly supp tbs Met I STOVE Derren ana Nore? see! eleds| HE ST. HOUIS HOTED. Geatrat Onier Files and again delayed ite progress, while it enabled Ew= | toithte drainage; logethor With tho sewerage of the J noese, « daughter of an olticer of tho army of Mar-} here; a copy of which we revpeetfully: ke 08 (1 _figgusma MEE ihd Wkkrriso rar, | Seige 3 | oy ables ti tocanldly covecntavette iulenoor hiscorpa ea [cles aad tte pirat in nny Inatoncea be muchi| sale. "At Qe moment of Gua prepartions, which com- | frwarded ty tng of, truco (Xin nyyiigd s WIE { yyill soll ot Now York pelews, at my marr, BINBHIS’ wp0 00x BOARDS ony poano: STNUT STREET, oe ete reas pea area th youl faa al itn a touted is ren thes purpos=. * 44 pserahe CE ua ie nO aaa Macey A thipmentat clothing (9 aor belba r 5 VASHINOTON, SoHE ng ne) CABDS ned CARD) BOARDS; Between Thinl aud Fourth alreets Abstract Bapern emfo Aline Ron, thus preventing the advance 0 hetntroduetion, Uy means of the aqueduct, of | news from New York reached him concerning the} ville suiticient to supply the wants of Te : 390 5 STHEET, WASHIXOT BRPRLOMG eo rele cet ee Meio ad aaty Bask savaane | WAN. Soaeely waa I¥OMLOE thle lap, efire | om brent to iy maillons pldlosal alone ot monstvnt tote rasan honor ofhis mother 2Anits | My cose ie Yeor doors from Drover'a Theatre, (branch of BG and | To which we call tho altention of Car DEALERS, 4). | PHILADELPHIA, ‘Adiotant Generalny y {t ngain mistook the road, ond, nizht coming on, | water dafly Into thes olties, and the necessary: dis | Garibaldi. for ibe inspection of HiocpCOns @ p. Sera Meee, SNS a SECT GE GCA TOS |= a we aczncseak UG RCAE a ISRO RSet nse un aden AT fond 1 wo on lire aaleacastsht Sram 3 eorpe-a eRe Be Nerval loneC JE tots) tie ralax/ al) By the burping of the ship:Amazon, Mites A\ rivution of the clothing has beta. Bi OOFING PAPE! SABC | en nantes 1 lo FE PS lara ||, GUT Nc Bi Uf RR i LL Ae ane ef Tt ea Js ae rate military suthoAleg. | Bs ROOFING PAPER, Eee TERI ; He ee ORS, | Avatot these, an having mile usiol NU | ansn(lneemodllgertereentayetotdrotnae | wort eyerolthouasd oly ea whic Werd800 | al rat Pe ashe OTE mecca eae anon soe M = NAVAL S| BAS esa ei ea em a UD go ee ope EY | ae A sistartte in gold of Stakepeare,!oiany | bution of olothing RA [onsen 7 NY NEIL. ott'« Miltary Dictionary, 85. length att patoh, abont 4o’clock {a the after- | may not be so 1s jeorgelown on nocons presentation books, 4nd other yahwbles, tor them e fact that catfons ry the Uns = s = = = = Avalry Tactics, (by authority.) 3 vole 4 ins i is wer lo: i lasueil to prlsoness of war on Bello ae OFFICERS, SUITLERS, &e., ROPERS, TAKE NOTICE | WINES AND LIQUORS. Galles States duet tor Color Troops, #1 orgs, which was at this timoat Parker's Storey dis- | elivity of wertroots, nan the city of Washington, | —Gen. Grant beats all our gemorgls in the ** bas cobs in fehinoad. ss, NOREYER, {red Sy eabilant Faipoly SENSGHEGt he aind Gesodak cA = | te sates Toa 9nd, ae acl eth gare | ant fomo oor thes males fonn Robertson’eTa= | whore the road lamorelcvel soa tn dralaagemore J tng) tne Meas expired the ribelt Ps arls andes the obverration of the) mez Ia called (0 my dierent pattsray of | savosttemen titent tems, Perse eeatton yer] RINE OLD WENNESSEY “42 | fray laces eXot Congest, vero, onlering bin to crass over ty the support ofthe | slags. Ree avian wails PCR yatta Catsa noo | Commneoe Walle nahn GLb EER Ee wnt PS aa a cli es id Telay Bootch Wyatevey, bottled 1nieePe PTH] Rene Arcee War! q En 24 corps, ‘This order General Newton! promptly | At the present time « very large portion of the | he 'baxged’* 7, 000 prisoners. Attheratebs gow on eolfully, your obedient serraniy pound than can bo Guraiabed elsewhere, Cement 2| Old Tsay Rent Whiskey, bo Sea aerate tage tay a1 obeyed butt was dark by the time his corps arrived | ralnage anil sewerage of Woshington ts dlecharged | he must soon. ‘hag *) King Oot VAN SCHRODEE, Yrom|nont arsens which te cals Jess per barrel than can be purchased) from any Sandernan’s Por, Corpee's x olattons of the Live; 2 $nitho rear of Warren, and tha fight of the day wae | {nto a shallow, open sewer, of aboutonshundsedand | The maforltlee for the Union tiekets In tbe nine Mer eS Peso 2 oe RS ie Se DALineaNlal Casa isie Gleset do. ¥lold Manual of Courts-Marital, 73 over, In tho mcantime the 6th corps, under General | fifty feet in width, gometimes callod o canal, which {teen States which have held elections during Uc * “Lieut. Ont. 12540. 1. Ts EVANS! TENT HEATER, oly Revised Aviny Heenlations ta Juue, 1S, $12 Sadao { SEO a |. anew Bayltes Ap cea i, 8 Sadgioki bal arrivi and i¢was posted dn thorignt | srvtohes Iai surtasn throueh tho Beart of the | pastseyen months amount to 40,003. TE ROY os Which packs comple, with tevon feetolp 1G NEON, | Vermouth Bitters. Por sale hy Dinructibae in PALS Aetilory, €2 of the 2 J elty, ani within w stone's throw of tho Gopltolofthe }/ Governor Bramlette‘s son hasbeen mite mon RG ea Ray ee eee QU South Charles street, - ARMSTRONG, Seianal of Benya ery ee iiiog gn | __08 the Hell, General Gregis with is cavalry was | United States, the Presidents House, tie Trearary)} of the Kentucky 22th. Licat. Gol, and GS. fnebra, and welxhs ooly 30 eaaesit Talmore city, aid. | _Het?n énusylypals avenue Heatsn’s Onfennes sad Gunery, HL gallantly holiling {n check the adyanco of Hilltscorps, | Department, and all the principal Botels on Penn-§ Mr. Joshua It. Qhidings hascompletat a ** Hie See a Be anne PATER WAREHOUSE | EE fear Allery Bs Ze hich had ren rapidly puke forward fom Orange | sylvanla avenue, beep aekss apd pestlence [tory ofthe Slavery Agitation a tie Vaile! States)” | promotions i the Gist Penis lranta aE Ve : | = ah Court House, on the plank road pasing Parker's | nlong it borders. The accumulated filth and excre- J which will inclade his Florida annals, which ap= eat JUINGSLAND'S STOVE ENIONT & J01NSON | DELMONICO'* CHAMPAONE, Store, “Goneral Sykes, with tho-sth corps, during | ment of theelty is constantly held in astate ofsemI- | peared soma years since. Tt will undoubtedly be aaicerag ; = H ape ae the alteraocn ayy WAY supporting Gencra ov fi tif ho stittlon: by asaaxetll Eaiacion tlealiestos undoubtedly BH royrreipvadeace ofthe Dally Morsize Camsaleiany Asp | WIOLSSALE DRALERA Ts WW. ARMSTRONG, BES sraicnk. opus egaltiod EONS Ea Ge a a ae Oca YY SEO ee ama > HeanquanrEns, Olit Reancexr Pesta, Weed SIEET-IRON Works, | PATER AgeaL Gr Washington, gd pas aa: Such 9 position of the different corps | the ebb and Gow of the tides, over a surface of more | —Tha Bedford (Pa.) Inquirer ralsea themame of Near Draxpy Staviox, VinGEstay | se 2231 Pennsylvania avenue. Yinka Geter Book te (ato on Fridaynight. If General Meade rated at | than a rifon square fest 5 and whatever portion of | Abraham Lincoln for President, and Henrg Winter} 5.) teas amd Let of rh ce Matec ayenur, betwen Four-and-a-halfand Sixth ali. AxD W. W- Akusrnone, Sue Gps) of Peace-parte Istnnd B1—Se ene all on this night, herestal under the welght ofmany | {t ullmately finds tts way Info the Potomao river, | Davis for Vice Prosiilent, in 1808. eapnclonl ries ‘promoud r WASIINGTOS, D.C PAPER MANUFACTURERS’ MATERIALS, | . pins Sete Feapannhin Byte Ba cc sacgl Toke, [a Miler disappointments. All of iy plang: Had | grew oat i'thinner proportions orcr several un) At the Late ‘election inAlasrachustes, forGorer- | Tteutenant Colonel Gcorgn F Smith, promoted Eine eee | |ANT, Fic Tae aap, eek Sara Tose | teen rautratal. Tho misfortune of tue al eas 18 Ural acres of as (mweNatly in fost of the ety, Y nor, Jon A. Andrew resend sods woth, aad colinsh vies Colnant Spear, bli a Walia + | aga recsarivaers Arbre, orton WILLA wUllseeaea it Seta, lnc yead Mey lft | taking theron mad and aneting Tavs | whe rureo0 essed tot aetlon of tho van at | Alery W Palas 2 Suny other pe rm oolong Hise Dleutertant ColoneL Sint pfacaetil sees Drles El Str lia all es 9 Dallimore City ice ee aie TUG RRGEg RT © se, develope i det ot General Atde TAS | neva Gain rly am emia om le fei Toe Toa Ae mux a Yes Ta i nated Wats, CR eh ey - an roa - A as . cokieilersaastatioser, | delays tn itsmarch and fle falluro to support Warren | contaminates every breath ofalr whieh passes from | (horetur’, 2707 od the majorty fr Gorernor An= Pe abe ines STs Idi Bate Heatae Nafrack eler, SRANTED OR Au es TPHE CELEBRATED EOE LE Toa Measasivanla avenio. |enabied Ewell to concentrate, nnd prevented the ad | Ukatdtrection trough or over the ets. pee We cram ee Up Dlanteaa cS aaa - lngsland's Coal Durseror Heater. | Qjd Blank Books, Leitors, Old Bills, and Printed or :. orpa’ advance, Which wo Ve separated the tro ay be ret ir 7 = f, \jntant, vice Adjntan! ee Meena alaea equate “Teal Cook Stave, ith Oven aves - ‘sCRUTTENDEN "! RENTIEKY WHISKEY RESTAURANTS. corp strane, which would hare sparse Whe | AN thls may bo medial Uy the aioitonof we | Mae nngtn, of haftiblebiaretncsl, | Antisey SuSE IE eI iy, Sith By | a eguate Teal Coo Staveg rit Fi Wrillen Paper of all kinds. ete Sec diinone, a é a C a ag anand ean our is of ug simple ond natural expedients, A portion of | was woundedin one of the recent sorties from Knox~ rare teers, PROMI Inge, Wie Binpalsnd Clinre Heater, Moon Yagi Canvan: Dan jor sale AR ONG, BUHLER RESTA Sal beyond Mine Run, upon the same ground an inthe | the canal; say twenty or twenty-five feet In whi, J ville, and fell Into the bands of theenemy. His lo] ""Cowwasy D.—Sergoaat Willlam Zangh iota alt Hae, anne nea iether! 322, BUHLER RESTAURANT, 399), | samotsyresnnte von vacate eae Rol the | hold Ye wales Iman arched een, mi dot-ate | waa apuntal, Ties Baye ten eens fou | med a rl sean ae Ec Hinesigad Stare Hea 7 APO LEE Oe = gaa TENNSYLVANEA. AVENUE. (llowinggay. Thlsdelay also cave time for HUL to | Insert at Hts junction with the river, andnsed ex- | him that he was under tho cary of his truther, who | ,, Compass ©. second Ticht os ai @ 7: ‘Mao all Kinds of Bheet-Iron lay Copper, and Zine GRAVEL ROOFS. Ae eg SUOMI nae ac moe ta rel x uae aad proven roa | clad yaly fue parromea of (aiceremp! end Aealuaghs | Qe a Lea ie ty Tare promotes (o Bret 3 Sa a pbore aoe, wudat New York, Philadel- = = = COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND LMPORTERS: Yeas Raelis potaenith plese roe dari Sir 0 a ARE jewton from swinging around tho left | white the remaining longitudinal section of thecanal | The Provost Marshal General has deolded Wat rs ab ry A to secbnil teat} Bibley & Gay, 338 Dalrect, Areata forKiaglandPs-| HE WILSON MANUFACTURING or Nfitea gontineanes of themames ny Pee | ST OS Gnd cutting off all avenues of escape to | should, by the adoption of a proper system of Mond } moltlers who have recelyed » disebargn from the army | Vip > fantiactane’s Dopo aalnn axence, between 4%; and ; HAinnth WINES//qINS)AvaNn GlaAmmac, Agee eataeeAc oe ETS na nrc aay ‘and top gates arid looks, Yes kept constantly DUA\ to | on uccount of temporary disability muy be revelvod | spot tn excdnd Hemien a0 maint atses Rot Sala sven, between tan COMPANY, se a BIE TRE EP Py iS marin Friday night, General Meade Wéterminsd | wie terol of high thts with pare Potomsowater. Tho } anew under ths! lasteall for volunteer. ‘hey will | Killed Inbal f Air Il. HARROVER = Snceexsors 10 No. 114 WALNUT STREET, aa topics | amen in the morning. We Kad | rater (hus held tn the canal, (ogether with tho wa- | not, however, bo allowrl to reqnter tho eervicoas| Coxmacsy 1-— First U-leatenant We wy i} Wee ar | Sem APAGICER «GON | rivansuputa, | yeraratat the soHst sols anda ho mnt UEREMS | teason to elev tbat he Late woul vo pace on tr frm Tirervk and the rurplas water from the | veteran airs; but Wawel oals te bunts | Kena Lietenantt forge Ik Meee, ogee cEacmnancar | i 5 eevee nee pee rec tin TOSHRBRAE Ga a9 oleloek ¢ DlonerandS ci guedinstici a oso Ee aciparre Wala es Aaedag pata when gwar, 2 alleged bine a ieppaeeals eae ill boof tn-| Hattleceount Tien ‘Litatenaiyt tosses ameeay eS ae | \easntyaroN, pc, Ngagueahels, Bye and onrbou WAUKEK oy ony, | pine H INR ARERTET | fore davis te st corps wnat on thn Jet of | gua through th mtn se of JW Ae, ent thos | seen tami axle open dor which has hereto) FOC SSeS \ANisert‘Headceuee ete Che baae : pS. RANGES, | SOR ONS ee pte. [the 24) and an early attack was onlersl, In the | keop it free from sediment anil deposit. Try this ar='} fore Yee eldsed axatnet them, Hatenad, vies Lieto And dealer nell kinds of | am 700 .CASES SURERIOR IMPORTED | -———, (Sik HANGING. meantime the 6th corps hed been onlenal over to the | rangement the open canal woull not omly be orna- | A divoreebas been grantel to Lady Compton, | Clausen, Drona Be cee eae cae | Sina es SKY nore | APER HANGING. mrportf beh whllege etwas on cur extene |racaal, bat exewlingly Weel fr commercial par wife of teary Cont former iris ne fant Wiley | a Yo. 114. Walnut street, Fbtindelnbla. | 5 =a SAT NAEa, ly pose Isterat Washington. ‘The fady {8 wdadghter of Mr. Ns Camp Eaulpments, &e NANUFACTORERS OF | No WA Natnut steels Putladen TO. 480. PAPER HANGING. NO. 486. 6 Light of the mornin; ral the Y v aghler of Mr: | ieutend stems zesine Ss aR R9OFI PMPoRTERSOFWINESaudtIQquons. | N {BBs light of bomirlng wos te brat tes yeoman os makwate tho ao | al eet ae SAYENTHSTREET, 532 AMT BLACK, ROOFS a en ee th : cvisnow smamis, < xo um {RM AM daring th ght abaugoned his posto fans frou the (ot of Mews Tanda tow thoie | —Atre, Criaey, of Drsatur) UL ive doors north of ecmeylvanls arrscn, Ax So. 128 sooth iat non Hee, Chestnut sud Walank, i infront Waren and fale tack Au aranen | ot down testeam, ands estas ler | chaplains nergy pair Svasblageutp’e. WILSOS'® IMPROVED FIRE AND WATHR- GM Laas, OYAE PICTURE FRAMES, No. 45% |. ‘Thi Noo raplilly | the main current from the Virginia to the Maryland | to a visitor that many yoars ; ag ean Ac St Sttcat, PMULADELA a z Preseed forward, pased the enemy's How of eartic | shore; and We removal of a portion pf the north end | while playin {n the streets 32 HEADQUARTERS 39], YRLT . CEMENT, AND GRAVE! Reena 3 ug No. 4S PICTURE CORD AND TASSETR No.rss. | works Lehind which ls had fought he preceding | of thesolid causeway In the present Tang Brldze st | ery. A yery tall youn 3 Be meg Tile SALE OF . ee QUEY A. SHINN, 5 citi toned doy, ani atlength rrachinl his second Woe of defences, | the foot of Fourteenth street, #0 aa to Ddmlt of a'| yoke ofaxen plaked! the child Z § ata BIKE OVENS. OFFIOE-Ne. 101 TWENTY-SECOND Streot west (Guecomor ia Ary. & Ska.) : which was two miles in rear of the firet, ‘This lino | channel fifteen hundred or two thousand feetin width, | {nside the gate maid, chrerily,) Seer =A! Rene pc a | ae Ty-nCOND tunel aro SG ee J. MARKRITER'S, ws of the most formidable character. Tk extenilad | the main channel of the Potomac wonld brought | make a soldier If you ery for Uy Pletepathior baking riety ates, Kev fortheatmy. | Saree re a a Buliler of helks abbigat Dome: eros Jajong a prominent range or reries of Killa for a dis | immediately In front of the cily of Washington, | low at unce bantsbod his grict net car elk Rit LGUNIOHN,” | chespsske asi Ole Casal, Washington, and THR: SRT ORTan x é tance ofsix or eight alles.” This series of hills formed | with a depth of water fram twenty (o thirty feet fato | was named Abraham Dincaln, ~~ TIETH and HAMITON Stroots, Philadelphia, Wholosslosteaterts ae Boalt Aigre sara gee Fallon aly Bala Rot cle tien asa co | bc, tas en a tho main sewers of the | troduoed to the visitors s younx: SSTARDEEMANTHLS CONSTANTLY Fa een Kae CLARIFIRD OTDER: ne CAM. not-tmd&se | prised the easential elements of a fortress tity would be discharge, and completely removed by | furlough, aa ber #00, who had | Byles pe AON MeTrcent‘cuyely ct thedisermat | _Jjy2hdRSimo 0. W, WILSON, Superintendent. a ere MOMLDAST ATS sce finan] presenta ur We ire well | hh sti ota corre all. Roma na eer PED UAUD pt AGIaee abso et ener ise ns | Seat Le SecA eg ae ees gee ar aat ay ee —— = nd J, & Py of mors than threa thousand yards, with such angles | from both thee {mprovements would be almost in- | ing, and retaining. oonsiéerabl) eo Pisa oe v7 Salva nan calliand ude JUNK, VALISE, AND BLEBRATED LAGKR BMEE, \O SUTLERS ene = 4 ° ins ¢ be eS ¥ a ree iy », AD xaaxtracTonY, | Aad also Tyymcr Braikers’ Chaser Win Tt Jbxp nore, ezurangglgl tetas: Wat therire of tn enemy was Bis rapa | causntaple} while! a: ieetlees: encod" of alokoees anal abthigestimattse Mtr (or a Deal Sleleale Tra ‘} ieee to dt ration Mota tn © We bavoluntpestent tullaayaizat Gepspue of ayrroach, while hs ight and | smi wyal. be penmancnilygemorets “The cons | cn the Ath ns» Soo FN Tales’ ‘and Bonel ks and ¥ores pant : o1 & SWEETS wT ce ER PT pavcoreme pies. amen tl i Wier Valluasy Trayeiiine Bags. Ordere Eat oy salt prom ply: INANIEED ONES. oA ae aid ts Un Sense" ee jer than ve x ti en ah te & cot! ae nt Tament, the Corporation ahi Deseo Tallon Mason, whi)

Bp owners of the Dropetty MMA yay: ‘ete month. a Aad nantal Cone

BINET MINISTERS IN CONGRESS, Mr, Pendleton, of Ohio, has given notice


THE EUROPEAN CONGRESS. The refusal of England to enter into the

of » motion to admit the members of the Cabinet to the Boor of Congress, with pri Yilege to discuss in debute all questions re- ferring to their special Departments. We presume the motion of Mr. Pendleton is intended to approximate the American os nearly as possible to the English style, and to make the members of the Cabinet more particularly responsible 10 Congress, The question is n very interesting one, and may De discussed with profit, although we do not snticipate its adoption. We cannot in the beginning haye the entire English system, for there is constitutional provi- sion which prevents a member of Congress from accepting any office of profit or trust under the Goyernment, A position in the Cabinet isan. offlee of profit as well as one of trust, and, therefore itwould be impos. sible for any representative of the people to occupy it. Mr. Pendleton docs not meet this obstacle, but rather avoids it by making the privilege le accords one of courtesy and not one of right. ‘This is the principal difference between the system he proposes and the English system, and, as it makes all the difference possible, it scoms to vitiato his scheme.

In England a Cabinet Minister is cithera member of the House of Loris or tho House of Commons. If a nobleman, lis right to seat among the peers is hereditary. - If a. member of the Commons, the neceptance of u scat in the Ministry makes it necessary for him to yacate his seat in Parliament and to appeal to his constituents for a reclection. By this means he shows to his sovereign ‘and his party that ho still retains the confi- dence of his people, and that they aro will- ing he should serye the Crown while he is serving them, Lord Palmerston fs 4 mem- bor from Tiverton; Mr. Gladstono from the University of Oxford. Lord Palmerston smd Mr. Glndstone have the right to hold

to its

enlarged type. ‘The is the re-

rhich has

F sioubted fonds. Our and steadi-

Impany, regl- the army, and las been fol- Bil increasing do- sing department.

fer xectircs a larga and

Feailérs it always secures hesice clams of of the arter who fences communi


or the poct who the


ary the objects It

Jawyer and


thousands of to echanic and th co Jet the Yprid feel and

Ficia realize that a nows| prising, or that a busines persevering, and ambitions, anlithe result {sa most gratifying prosperity. But it re- quires great energy afid greater fib to form and found a real live daily Journa energy of body and of brain, and fiith'p

enjs hon4t and enter- mats eapable,


undying maxim or saving princiPs, We) their high trusts and at tho same time exer- Ho riot overestimate the plain trut-yhen | cise every privilege that belongs to a mnem- wre say that if diese qualities had Regtood | ber of Parliament, Lort Palmerston, al-

though First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister, is as much a member of Parliament as Mr, Pendleton is a member of Congress. So it is with Mr. Gladstone They speak on all subjects and yote on cyery division, ‘Their genius is at the ser- vice of the Crown, and itmay be used on wil occasions. It would not beso in the Ameri- can Congress. Mr. Pendleton merely invites the members of the Cabinet to take their seats lin Congress, and debate all questions per. taining to their Departments. They cannot during the best portion of the year, gotout \6te ; they cannot debate other questions under still greater difticulties, in n rented | Ney have merely the right to speak in rela- building, the most of which was used for Ble their own alfairs. Let us suppose M Stanton and Mr. Cflase and Mr. Seward ha\ich duties in addition to their present Aut S Pie effect would be that these gentle- MCMShId neither be members of Congres: OF MWejhers of the Cabinet. They would G0 to Cagress and be assailed, questioned, and badgred, Mr. Seward would be confined to the fOgn affairs; Mr. Stanton would be mnable Sicpeak on’ any subject but the war; and 3% Ghase would be compelled to sit in silence gs helpless as one of the re- Porters in therajiery, nnless some member Saw fit {0 ask fm some question in refe- Tenee to the fingce. Alb this while th State and War 4 ‘Treasury Departments might get along gest they could. Every- thing would Vo »jected in the Cabinet, and nothing would gained in Congre We do not deny ty much might be gained by members of My Cabinet holding legislative capacities. Bu\ fr. Pendleton oes not show us how We my gain it. To attain all the advantages othe English system We must alter our Whol plan of Go- Vernment, and we certainly donot think Unt thespgopooall benefits would ae. In France the plios who spd los who wort Bx quious leg

us in aid, Tar Cnnontere wonldjinye lcd in the first month of its dail’ = De whole was an experimagat once NOY and costly. Wherwe recalthe fact that hearst numbers of the SUSay Cmmoxrere Were =. yy and printed athe establishment of Mr. Poutxjorn, wndlerya greatest difloultics, although tttsajorp,

ing printer did his utmost to facilitate du| cfforts, nnd that the Darny Crmoxtcr



other purposes, we can hardly realize that

both these journals are now prepared, wri

Tenout, putintype, printed off, and published in and from ancstablishment erceted by the

proprietor exclusively for these purpo: And what is better than all is the fuct' that the cost of the Chronicle Building, over $10,000, and the cost of the newspaper and jobling offices, including several presses, havi

types of the

been paid by the

profits earned hy tho single year! It

ave received Inrgely of Government pa- tronagé— Not so,


in a

rill be answered that we

Beyond the adyer


ments 6f severa? of the Departments, paid

Ate fied rates, and given, in nearly every cfg, to our’ loyal contemporaries, the Cinontour’s prosperity i3 the offspring of

the confidence und cncouragement of the army and the people. We tolled

ommmake it war pie support. We employ.seventy personsin \(sseyera\ 06

partments. We laye correspondents wilh]. yi vox cultorlal | MUNISteR with poy

scho- [amet mance tbe


warrant min. ond

Bertie: rites rir; and the Cabinetas

ponsible for misgoyernment. In Americ ‘the President rulesyand the Cabinet _mere- Jy subdivides and executes. the Execu- tive mithority, The effect of Mr. Pendle ton’s motion would be, therefore, to make the President the reigning power, and the Cubinet the ruling power. He certainly can have no such desig:


My, Jefferson Davis could not haye writ- ten his gloomy message in a Detter time than the present, for the good of the Union Tt was but a fiir example of thi and, perhaps, we

MBSyal Eaux know the pautnee, thou energy necessar¥ to make #



incessant first-class daily (Sunday ineladed,) ly all is deserved thot

dest realize how J

fsso earned. ‘The same amount of intellect

and effort given to almost any other ayoca- tion would produce a yery much larger per cent. of profit. But without a determined

devotion to principle all our success in Ts

cause. temper of the South should thank him for his frankness in speaking his dreary thoughts. The Rich- mond journals are echoing his jereminds,

OmnontcnE, however great, would have been only chaff and husks, we believe it was because we stood forthe Right and for our Country and s ellion


igninst Rel

anil the Wrong, that we bave done s0 well. | and we print, to-day, suggestive” At Our principles are fixed. ‘They will bend-| ticle from the Whig, ‘That Journal finds hered to.atovery hnzard. Announced in| ereat fault with the management of af-

ot peril at be discarded | {irs in the Westy and warns the people

we Bae) not be discarded | .yarant, for the Federal commander

inthe face of prosperily~“mad are strong] js pot’a man to be stopped by the mud or

enough to weatlicr any new disaster, how-| q-want of moneys, and altogether the ever black and bitter. situation is despersite

‘This complaint of the Wig, the demand for “a quicker and o larger brain,” and the fear that Grant will burn up all the eot- ton before Christmus, may give us an idea of the public sentiment that Mr, Foote re-

_ The cireulation of Tie SuNpay Mon: 16 CImosIcxE of yestorday was seventeen thonsand coptes.

The circulation of Tie Daux Mons


Onnoxicye for the last week averaged | presents in the rebel Congress, © This gen- fifteen thousand copies, tleman is one of those erratic politicians whose vagaries have been a source of na-

‘These figures are taken from our books, on.

tiopal amusement. We, however, will do | inim the justice to say that Le entered the movement very reluctantly, Imitted de exbibited all the

which are open to public inspec We have repeatedly issued 25,000 copies

| Secession “of Wie Cmoxicie inv single day, as our

| When once officious enthusiasm of a Jate convert, and

books will alzo prove Our advertising columns speak their own | #5 Jong as the rebellion seemed to boon the f Saanenard Y.| erest of Une wave he was its supporter. story. Wernceil givenostatisties 108 PUP-tmy,9 rebellion, however, has at its head

Jie that can read for itself. Onr Job Oitice, completo in all its ap- pointments, is oyermn with work, and

Jefferson Davis, who was his old antogo- nist in Mississippi, and whom he had de- feated for Governor upon the issue of Union or Disunion, Such a record would lead a more stable man than Mr, Foote 10 revert to his old love, and we may feel assured | that in his present war pon Mr, Davisheis merely showing the direction of the coming storm.

If we read the signs aright, we ure now in the yery crisis of the rebellion. Thi arms of the Administration haye triumphed in the field, and its policy lias been snecess- ful at hone. While we see heartburning and gricf and despair in the South—Seces- sionists mourning and Union men rejoicing —in the North the friends of the Administra- tion are united and confident, and its ene- mies are dismayed. ‘The recent elections have Lorne their frnits, In Congress the Opposition is demoralized, and such men as Horatio Seymour arc endeavoring to double the cape and weather the storm, ‘The message of the Presidenthns produced the most admirable results, The country has responded to it with a unanimity of feeling that recalls the days snecceding the fAllof Sumter. Every journalin the coun- try, with the exception of a fey isolated newspapers who cling like barnacles to the floating timbers of a wrecked organization, ins @dorsed it, and commended its wisdom snd Lumanity. Thisopinion only anticipated the public opinion of Europe—the opinion

lat sustained Mr. Beecher in Exeter Hall, (which gathors around Mr. Cobden and P Piclit, and our hosts of friends in Eu ¢. ‘Phe heart of the disloyalis heyty— © heart ofthe Joyal is sad. We have ssed through the gloom and darkness fe day is breaking, and, if we are but true B ourselves wud ho patient w lite longer,

is winter of war will bring the glorious nmer of peace, and the Thirty-eighth ygress will witness the close of the re- pp —=_ =

elcome Mfr, Hackelt to Washington

doing 8 profitable business.

Buch is our plain statement; and we make it with many thanks to subscribers,

and with a fervent

readers, and advertise resolution to do all We can, to use the

phrase of the country storekeeper, 10 de-

serve a continuance of their favors. We publish on the first page interesting extracts from the Jastannual report of Colo- “nel Silas Seymour, the chief engineer of the ~ Washington aqueduct, to the Sceretary of the Interior, in order to call the attention of our city authorities, and of Congress, to the great importance of doing something at once for the improvement of our drainage and sewerage. We now enjoy the very unenyiable reputation of having the most muddy, dusty, and filthy city of its size in the Union, ‘This ought not so to be with the capital of a great and enlightened peo- ple. We certainly haye all tho facilities for making it one of the healthiest and pleasantest cities in the world, and all this very small comparative expense. Why ring all these means to bear at our political metropolis residence and resort, ho restlegaere porn


P t rt

a n


D Emperor, the Mexican business must cer-


t 1


s sl


t P rt t z



1 b h

t i

o al 0


hi it e

fa Ww yp c


fi }



ki th ni

i F w fr

of an ti Di

th o

th 0 n th


at Mm lis ti



o in


pe th hi Si

be TL.

f the first {u1s-ondaam

Gaertn cust

Mie appeats ot Font!a this evening. ts fp character in which he ts ne

Europe or America.

i My

Will be on embarrassment to the ambitious ruler of France. can fail to havea great effect upon the pre-


his care: England and France, or rather Bonaparte and Palmerston, have been united. fought Russia in the Crimea; they had an understanding on the Talian question; they burned Pekin together; they went into the Mexican business together, apd when Rus- si ominous, and will probably be the end of

sible that Napoleon

Spain were both deceived.

Power in E rassing questions fo anayer and sacrifices



respects a meeting of the natic would bo like the meeting of highws

der of the

of all

1 Napoleon had tho present Emperog con-


it ta the House of Representatives for theif own use,


fs ener

his position at the seat of Government, his

m nol, legislative, and executive whieh it gives us is truly no other single volume, for ¢x found a comple!


a we haye hardly any acquaintance

been 3


Mr. John Minor Botts controyerting cer- tain statements in reference to his yiews on the present condition of affairs. Mr. Botts and our corre reliable getlemen, and the controversy was,

ever, that ina private note to the editor of

we do not see that any further discussion

were clouis, and during the da freshened and brightened, and the bills that ‘us beautiful in their deep, rich, und heavy

suchaday sll nature scomed to worship

We may cite the mes

He admits at if the French haye th

he made the following reference to Presi-

proposed European Congress of Nupoleon We do not see how it

ent condition of European polities. The ations of England and France, for the ears, haye been of such a nature hat any disagreement iu policy, and par- icularly a disagreement as radical as the present, can only be followed by a want of:

past few:

confidence, and, perhups, a breach of the |

alliance, It has always been the desire of hie present Emperor to keep England in a

good humor, and Lord Palmerston scems |

fo have thought the policy was to submit to sandfriendsbip. For ten years,


ed Poland on the rick they protest- ‘A difference at this tiine is

p d together.

he greatest alliance of the age, It 43 pos: ’s Mexican enterprise induced England to be abrupt with him IfPalmerston eyer had faith in the


nded England ond

\inly haye it, for We do not see how the Congress could produced any practical results, Every

rope would'have had embar-


‘0 make. Napoleon, perhnps, would have ind the least of all. He however could not it inn Congress without being compelled to xplhin his enmity to Italian unity, and his tection of Bomba und his assassins. would baye “been compelled: to how some better authority for the posses- ion of Schleswig-Holstein (han an old tra- ion, Russia would hnye had to wnsyer for her infraction of the treaties of 1815. rin would haye been asked why she re- ‘ined Hungary, and Venetia, and Galicia. Prussia would haye been censured for the eccentricities of her King and the tyranny of You Bismark. England herself would lave been severely questi

reatinent of Ireland, her inju i), and her barbarities in China,

edd about her ‘ice to Bre Tn many

nd the only question would be the surren: France restored ier plunder nearly fity years cordingly is, by necessity, the most France, however, remember: he was. Europe knows what she would ike to ‘A Congress took away the booty gathered by Napoleon, and it would deen a triumph worthy of the name of

stolen goods.



rived to regain a portion or the whole by he operation of another Congress, Thi 5, perhaps, the reason why England has eclined to send plenipotentiaries to Paris. DICTIONARY GRESS. Eyer since this work was first published n private account we have lad a copy in ur oflice, and have found it very convenient nid Faluable as a book of reference, We ow learn that the author is about to offer


king in return what must be onsidered a trifing recompense for the jor that be must haye bestowed upon it. ppen to know that many men, in the jghest public positions, haye awarded to great praise, and that the press of the country has been quite unanimous in its By the New York Times tho work vas declared to be’ ‘fone of much yalue to ublic men for reference, and the adyo- ates of a Congressional subscription thereto Juim that it ought to be an exception’ to eesorchase of

paper, the

remark in


gard to it; “The compiler has possessed cellent advantages for its preparation in

reedoni from political entanglements, and de personal knowledge of Wie public of the country.” The mass of perso: nformation astonishing ; in ample, can be «list of Presidential Elec- rors, of our Ministers abroad, of the succes Administrations, and of all the State ors from the foundation of the Go- With Mr. Lanman, personally, ; but we aye boen long associated with




now hin tol 0 ie pressof the country, thnt he isayowedly

othing of partisan, and that he hns ever

n unconditional enemy to the rebel- yn and a supporter of the Administration. ‘or all these reazons we hope he will meet th the fuyor yhich he assuredly deserves ‘om our friends in the House of Repre- For the better understanding our redders we append herewith the title nd table of contents of the yolume in ques-

tionary of the United States Congress, Compiled 8 ‘eiManal of Neference for the Leglstolor end State Salanity Charles Lancien, Librerion House of Re-


contixta, Smiatises, with blograpteal tof te Qayernmpent tote Tusin® Suc Tune Conte Speakers of the Mouse of Hepre Peeditomts of the Senate, Gferus of the House of Teeresentouiv= eeretariagor the Senn Shaphins te Congres Stebertve Admintte Presitential Electors The Supreme Court, inter to Forelgn Countries. THe Declaration af Independence, Seas ike Conunental Gace Parsents of the Continental Cong Erciins of tie Continental Congress. Tae Constitution of the United States. Pavey Department meriean Union.

1 States of Represen- ernure Hight of Sulfrage in the Several States Qualifications for Governors, Senators anil Repre- ntativ

a card from


We knew pondent to be both

nercfore, a simple question of fact. Tt is nly just to our correspondent to say, how-

nis newspaper he reiterates his former state- nent und insists upon its truth, We have 0 doubt this is ore of the mistakes that best of men will sometimes make, and

f the subject can do good, ‘Tue tropics never cnjoycdamore delicious

December day than the Sabbath. The }

orm chime at night; in the morning there y many ‘Phe earth was

ours of glorious sunshine. ne the Potomac and the Anacostia were

nts as though it were summertime. On

‘ol, for tho spirit of devotion eye


= Tr was always heop said that the design f the rebels is to oyerthtoy republican natitutions and establish an aristocracy. eof Jefferson Davis another eyldence of the truth of th

ower to establish Maximilian diey have ie right, ‘The same logic would justify im in establishing a monarchy in the


Is qe course of a characteristically old speech, recenjJy made by Hon. James . Lane, Senator in Congress from Kansas,

ma te





‘The following

New Jere! movement of the

receipt of many Tette posittons, telling mi Hestrayed and tho 60

| |

With tardiness oF {nev selenes vardenesl wi

so characte) soldier by

plying to many

Army of the Pot


amanufuctured by

and clear fac’ editorials,


Dir. Cobden



love of Interf

re: fundamental error in

ofthe oflucutial clay

we but ene I

the wl clusion they reacl

as fat

tn whieh It bad Its orl

ance aimong tho ‘ulay be conzidgred thc

whieh those fn ng Tundeeds or utes oF flesorfbd In thos fea St geosraphy: There ArerieaPett whe are amon te cot

none of them Thi

that great commerce, ‘and resources of Nor! In this country kuow in books nt Oxford a

past thelr examinato! those resources that U fn England has been dent, perh

well that

ilve, or Uiats nations w ‘thin, States of Araerica

that the rent and

The free State nie


The toplo of alseus avery, from. beginn! and prolonged cheerh In Lt not natonthiny

anil to: decen bpin the Hou


fre tranie and: rote

opplouse.J 1t 1s Was left by thelr an And to be apaloxized fi slave emplee, Whe stone of the social sys and justilied a (Cheers) Fear of grace, 1s65, 9 fs that eo

J Meyer 1 pos have nol fou stincte which

don slaves, aud community Wh

Have we not }iand paritine face He eg SE Ha ld tmuntes Sel

Huet Sat

doube whl fol a3 thatand one side, and for inde Wise

perninent. Eive to lt firlstocraoy pitted ag


not fill to do gual to,

highest and ment on American all

ch The following pas reeelred hy the ei {8 one of te man England.

four separate soo 0 dltferent re

Texpect to see. the


‘apd not hang hie. bmne, an

turned out of alice,

haya summed Him. at Oxford

they peculiar bars wit yu ral

PMincipoot eelerate

of he alte tats, nrineipe Ininorlty the

temeate Into lt

as lead

of th vie, the Fe


don't hang them, you elves.

werr, impro Think, be Jet thi

‘ght to Should be meee thelr loyalty to help U anesot only

In tie worl {0 rlsic one traling 0

tons be catnt naught Taw whi

Taw has been coin}

to applaud the Veen! ehown In sete the fete enabled 10

proceed Tams, a1


In pure

‘Walker. Tho banqus

nent Americans

been reoe


fands to return,

Fler! hopest Oli dP stan) ‘Saeuch Taw lth

the sofdiers than remain.

Livould rather a thousal

ftbrave men, or with havi eause by dolng what T thought yroox: In republishing this paragrapl Which is ic of the gallant and gifted

whom it was written, We'call at

Of 100, 000

the members from the thelr erievances, and, raid Ar. the whole forty pages of the report, thero Was nol a Mexed that wae not e1 malntenance of slayery, and not one syllabl uttered in that committee

that the United States


angers higher {nterests.

fF Wake you malt

some of sun would try

is an

of General Meade to a friend , written just before the last of the Potomac


‘Tam fully awan: of the gre Me mind Gant something shoul

13, £010

oT ha

want et

ompetens want


jomiae. New


Leester, of Philadelphia. s of the three founts used for news matters, ments will. be readily seen by the reader, Por the benefit of other newspapers We ca vouch for the durability and excellent

lity of the type made by these gentlemen, the promptavss with whic: theysexecute orders, and the polite attention given to cus


In an anoual address, on the constituents at Rochidale, Mr, Itlchanl Coben, Nf. thw people of Englanit many plain truths Sonve of his points were forelbly pat

rence in the affairs of other n ions which secms to belong to the English claructer, he remarked that ‘froin the Ueginning of this

war, this lamentable eonyulsion, oue gr

that {5 n <eparatfon. between the This lea, he aude, pervades the ruling ae mest universally, and he intimated his beliet that

to the

nl, however, Mr. Co ated ns entirely false, aml thus exposed the Ignorance



madiean Ue teain Bi lle

anil Torys

moored side by side, and yet of tho

Torta TAN nothing

1 Cambridze, wehers your un-


is 1n0Fe than anythin dequaihted with the polities nuntry as With my otvn, Lhavenevertelise

contines of

Passing to the cause of the rv strated by the report of the ‘commit three, which sat In December and January1&4-'01,

nly motly

was theextenslon and perpetuat

bers of

fon was ng toe ng,

in th

ny fen

Mont {C

toextend and perpetuate huiian ‘a War Notts dl


for. It Ie


howl suc virtue

by way

t thes

Nene was ones a. rail-eplitter 1



an drisfocratie rebellion again: ‘That Is tho title


ralast thi

conillet, the aristocracy lus alway the heavy lows of the demorrac

‘Such bold anil intelligent ulteran:

hang Well


and. protect Institutton, "7 the standard cf rebellion tex | 1"

have e0 li

rtestingainet the deeleon of ie re peneath a rebel fog, od rush

horrors of elvil war

Abanlona for the illo; ehe Alspate be rappr


Maagator in Atlrisalpph,_ the Pere

alter in Washington, novl the uaaaltiated

eaten them, and yon

a whilde

Bullding by not Lalrds’ trade; tl si It for the tine

felon Any grournl whater

‘Queen lssues Proclamation exhort


lie op

pinion 6

etn, e pasetxe of our’ Reform | bill imminent, might, with great

sstract (00 0 etter | 4 in Newark,


vat iL ve on



re with, ives


qr ateve

than. bi taught

ve Jenpandlze® Ui

tention to the article on our first p: ms that have been

mde upon the recent movement of the


The new type with which the present number of THe Cuontone Is printed was exsrs, Collins and Mos



American Allalrs,

24th ul


duet of

Governtents, aud In the conduct of n large portion of this country, ba:

Uhac thoy have inside up thelr minis that there

ye to this elell war tn Amertea, no

th and South,


‘Thre has Veen n most lamentabledisplay of Ignor~ asses to whleh refer, We may Judge by the conduct of the organs of th


have been errors in geography; mighty rivers, rd comparison, with


Organs ie rupmung tntoone river anil into another, In utter disrryragd of the rule tuner of great eltle

100, 000i

St shipping. ports for rave in tuo worl, Im tue Interior or shat county tb iile of Hestateats

re port ¢

lea, the rulin

You don

Uergmadustes are obllgal to etuly: been YeAsin utter tenors aC the ruling. clas


and I belleve now lees than erer—tha


hat comm States to Cota

about tariff or taxat

a") Ani

hus continue:

faces of facts ko those, that any: one could have the teme

of te

nd thing t a rae to.

slavery shall Lo ume the coruer=


Scriptural and etungieb eal gous ag Goo pardon the Sey WHog tue hag tia that nua

they a rant


joo our Writers WhO. Wish. to bo

cal (hep ore theinselves of the aristocrats or- North, that ele Pr



al to

Beoause lator ls held to honor

1 With

fick golig ony nov Wi0h sch ay resale na fee) uo own tate to epeaica

y that it is a struggle

ihe othe


mali history, when you h

feopte t

the popular mnind and every arrlyal of Ep pers hows how sully England, not excepting, Its ost Intelligent clastes,

nge of Opinion In Es zx from n private letter

or ofthe New York Evening Post |

proof of a change of ophu

‘A year since the writer save dl

about to be divided tnto |


Loxnox, November 2 rebellion chokes! be "You must cateh Tae, tat hin. asa

atch, mahi in

ine than

enuse fora feneon thelr day of power had passed

wad such o judgment parsed before 0 Mheee men, who for fitty years |

Hearly had almost uninterrupted sway in the counctls

ithe cor

Uhat as soon as they find themecly ‘fturn tele backs upon themselves,

fc The Ae leader ve to be y

y, Unt

e than an ena


1 allen

traders, Vat we clan t re elvitization, and as such Ww

ts IC thelr maintenance en= Bot If these cons

iS Iethen teed 5

the sensitivences you have done ot been attainable inc

be done.

eb was al

rhayal statlgus to dispatoh a Large fo sts to strengthen the Los! aventoen ar eighteen yrssls or yarlous stages of preparation for sea at thenayy- yards of Bation, New York, and Philailelphia; and romor sayz that ten or twelve of these have been or el to the deatina ion pamed

vessels in the navy are now off Yilmington, bat Ute numerous lolets of What harbor reid

jposalble to maintain an {nvtolable blockalp.

Ravin REeNetsTMENT oF PME ‘Muy.—Tho {hree-years yoluntosrs, a enlisting In the Army of the Potomac. ments ofthe War Department szosifluch ‘Many of Wien:

fain c3

Lenibjects as ana]

oe oF net ve

in What 1s one olfence agatnat the

id, Ins hecause

Tread th

now going on In the ease of the Alexandra, and the rary An relerente to th Va satleied that ot falled you, anil Is not eo perfidow as nake it appear.

‘Thanksgiving Day in London. nee of Presiilont Linooln’s proclamation the Amerleans in Loudon observed the 20th of No- yomber as a day of Thanksgiving

upended at tho Amerloan Legation and Consu Yates, and a grand banquet Was given at St. James? Holl, under the presiilenoy.of Hon.

ed by

the Seoretarles of the LogaUon, anil many proml- Mr. Lincoln's, proclamation

Teal], nnd Afr. Walker delivered wo ail robollfon and the prospect of its epeedy suppres

AVAL Forgr an Witatixoro: Atths Brooklyn Navy-yant that Instractions hay: from the Seeretary of the Navy at th

eof naynl yes:

le off th

Som r

ersonsiin Ugh

Swale To aot ou Omaniens 1 nsious to elfect Pyharants ust a Ce iilicates

ny judaeee commons ite neces Tests rellvey chia

mnof human slavery

ra Feel-respect (0. get of Contnons and aay that the tec of tho Southern States lias been va a queation of

rf the:



| In th6 pd

be a fo ve TY army | the bates of


ave mi) toy Wee


© beautiful


In, to hls

fer alluding

Aue anid nen and


3 al

‘The con- sn repwille

| | whlch

there to


have teen

in inhabitants—

sat ell the tren,

classe tnd. hein

and |

they can ot

hom acele hae mato as cography oF | Thal «

tueeparat sent United

7 p, he demon

of thirty Insurrection nittes Invited

frankly state

ted with: the

was | ry, alavery, ul, amit loud

eral be raalned hoy

be defended

A project Tees}

a in | tint | vers He hs La

n= her |

wwers. J But President of

euch 0c

cha contest + eanpire on : Tsay alle Gos Lvvontd etal the in pliysleal ‘town waiter | tent, bear.) |

Js enlighten

nm In Inctly!?

ie begins to |


1839," when

thy ths

jenco in. the in a] arity, range

portfolio is | by P found tn

Ming your nye, aa it nok aa r. Yholi|

proclamation i Ia, a)

ppeal to iy. We | ner ls are bound


ler question of

‘of showing. evidence has

yOu HERE Lh | ergy and promytacs whic has ‘hie breakers of tho layy whe

he arguments


Robert J. Mr. Adams,

port of Wil- now in

of the fastest ft almost m= pee YEARS rapidly ré=| The Induce

‘recelfod fUr~

| theat


The News of Shelling Char (Correspondence N- Fouy Isvaxn,

The hi

| Grant's

papers, Tanto the fet t was aad pers {init sea IC The

the entin ultation.


th is usmillng th are witht i inital the our, the Liaods near Cinrleston cceupled by Our troops,

aro orn He

| Islands are, wo linea ever | equally ent

‘ells wre and wee citizens view the the calm Indu toward rebels tn witustsy Ohare consol

Posies he

walls the inte cont aneval Yortion o ,slossd, a




tlon « duet the even to congress

for tho re Jest to di Howsen al ovals ehildren Dat. sth

the In

On Ta cowman compani

The Arta

Forts Pu Island, 4 further

day (0 Je took epee at leath, nest inh slgnisica’ taln they miultanee froin the pated an. Concent

Dolanit op Clan, currela

The anilée an

As they reproduc

Mt Tso the hen tader a alt you mein nothin, Tan's a heomard foreel to Spon hin tink yo

fighting 1



ntering Cavin a ae al i sler dee iney non of Cabinet Vit tress rit to Trill ive ast Shall eo ey conaito

farts a Taye "t pat ast fe tenn fren ily 3

tent 1 ching

Mx Di oF thi

the Tete your lott

letter fro Tobserve aattond te this an Troops al


tn this i rest here the Sout Lrvrite | er Your chile Tegan


| must ve

haustet from a la once! of whieh a


other St Of all th

Thelr cevnryw sani luxuries

have not autora

itis ta gannent makes thi cotton, Soles, are tho o food. T

he writ

bartaric conditio eeagel U “ary


et of lmany Union m arein th nent.

tn all ai tes of 50 Of juste

Areal ¢ etnies thers ¢

‘Could ted ct to ls


Tht sornewrh eatin not seen

OF the cl

on the | Very large number of buildin thot aud shell; the barricaded the eaves whe

IL 10 1 eourt-bi yetoar howrave af time, marks 0

Vicks hat th OU. uch p women, during anil be the them), ehililren Varied a ollters

tira Tash a Hil, ca wnat


Press, toxetler with addltlo

us to belleve,

pytotechnte reat importance, put at Uh

colts wwiuout causing the people therein totromblo

tend tormollity, the ex

in honor of


ceased on our part, tl


tant fact

nile has a devil tn” hin.

ar fhe com

lary nee; wish. Dught to be caval for by Dilly’s friend t

Troops continue to

Ti instant; glad to hear from you; handed

terR—, in B.

to arrange for burning Url


The Indy, {t 19 stated, has spent a y

extending not merely aver Alabama, bat thro

there aro nont

compulléd to fall hel

weith a

Uy the military. U nda.

‘noes Uurned; trees cut down Killed, robbed,’ or taken for the

on the war for years to comet

Auch has been &

Tog of the 2pth of June

Of gromnd, amd) the curren Aisalsalyipl will expos at ea


Victorles—Effect of A Nntlount Salute,

©.) Sunday, Deo, 6, 186i. (ghly exelting and eheerful Intellizvncs of success, which we discover fo the Northern tally eclipses in point of Inlorest apy: tnfor= at can boforwaniel from this deparunent. hat Hragge hail sustain a disastrous defeat known tous at an early date through rebel and, as inay be readily concelved, sent o delight to the Keart of ever confirmation of the news aL particolar camp to Dreak forth in wild sho

‘one who heard y ths Northern

‘caused fs Of ex

AMilitary Operations sively with this Department cannot Arrived at 6 very lorwand state, In Thave hail occasion to previously the anexplainabletnaction of the nary, At yal throughowt the day ond nliht the el with te sound of a single gun, fired in Our batteries or thos of tleeneiNy. The Tilands north of Folly flan

In talking distance of the rebel plekets, but understanding jirevents one from harika. The Union Yatterles, Including all on.

formidablo character and are euongly Rare Ths enemy's works’ on the Burroundinse Teason: to belleve, {nn fee tate of defence. Amuthber of re thrown Into Cliarleston daring the week an aafely ventarw tho auertion: hat the ‘ni coldiery tuhnblting that elty did ot escent of the missiles with anything Wke ness thelr papers from tinte to the labor to Giiluore's ried cannon tured the city, have ha the elect vy keep the A-constdnt state of alarm Si Read, ng ding the repeated. assaverntions of the mn editors to" the contrary. ‘They )inay themselves Uy calling. the ehells a tue display, “nots to. bo considered of sue thine we have Poor thne hot shell has ever explonied over

nttost fear. Charleston papers of a recent in seores of advertisements nnuonneing t

FUusiies tems from the lower to the oppor realy

ftheelty.. The Charl

ind notion (8: given fl

Tollowr the

for thus

eto es

Provisions of ‘establtehmen



ton Motel 1s Mills Ho

hat the aN

rason th ‘allitees snger from tho shells

ane sul ely the ware uated in the vlelnty of Ue plereure empl ant nlahoned, Tho aged, woos out hutve, Widow exeeptions: at Use m ail wimer her eleians or staiers ee vinemmule. Suet are the ey

flict of aur shells, nition nid inthe accursed elty, atid

rant in its t

USF feelings of th

A National Salute. ay Inst, by onder of Gren jers of tho various. hatte ea fst arnational salute ‘f the splendid etary sgmumenesl at 2M, and he tela artillery seas fl hand fire bInnkeartrid ver, With Uke heavy artillery mount atuinmt, Sion works on Morris ebcing the dealgn of General Gilmore to oquaint the eneuy with the superiority of Wn the ekittet lis gunners, Wile he re Tiefeat at Chattanooga. Not s feom ite direct bearing on the rebel fork tecelve more Or less thats rwatll ts gatate ented “Neither ti scapes the compliments pald. that eff, Davls anit his minions. Poet Patni fol care that tue exploston a melts, Duld resounil over the head of the frlgQte sibitants. Whether the rebels surat th icy of the ring We know not, bul we arecer~ ‘were greatly” surprised mus reports of #0 nani Ir hceltancy to reply the Attack, oud hanily kusyr at which polae to aly thelr troops. Before tho. iirlng had rebel batteries on Dames? pone aretiirn fire on. Morris Island, whet after followel by the batterieson Sullivan Only: the ‘ordinary exchanw iter the eatate had been givens

at heating he oe Granule nate art ee

Case of William T. Smithson

ing are coptes of the lettera written, nassumed name by William 'T ery of whieh led tohis present Inearceratio may Interest our Wochii

them entire



ote you Int w yonr Itt

Totter for our frlend In B

a bad better direct

m envelope to Charl

intend form

ther a"

about the Intended movements of MeClel=

may across tho river. T lellove the fellow Js

Hy aniwill never attack you without he Ix

you rush down

have r 7 litt

ait. woah ke to ny Hf you think: i cat or best todo. T ‘coulit drive therm. back to tele forts wlth I yrith great advantage to the cause you are for but you know wane 1s best. Ihave an yon, and itis (portant that you promptly. Jotinson, of'Tenneesee, ke here, 2 large as anos.” Hels into arrangements with tho President and to furnish titan with lara sums of money, to fu tho ewmployinent of men to wo (0 Teane tucks to barn bridges, and miile, and machin nd such ile. “These devils have determined y every vestige of property, nd to take the try oltizen ih Tennessee, rather tan not fa thelr Mendish purposes. ‘Twoueaner and ils never lived than Johnson and Exe concvetinig all ors Of plans to. cot po wnneasce, Wateh these evils closely Thi Will lve thom any auiount of money to ena Wooarryout thelr plans. Leen you a pare hing up Mectelinas Road ft, It de rich it same inatght also to ahatiers nnd things fe ewe by uch men aethe author, Eek dntinue 10 [oak after «nn supply our friend Wi Expenses fall heacily upon me in oy present ig Lisa) after paying my detts | yolcrepreseAt Ifyou should Ldonre wish te itre-way longer oT en oUF frien in B— the money te bay Whe iarols for. My Gell hove L would rejafee Land sour army In. thle elty 2990; come Vellve you can get bore Juv as gon to Kentucky. to employ aire in large scale this inatte r tho Soul, particularly essen, Kentucky, and. Virginia r n Blast nights all pretty well. Miss fe deadly dled yestendayy with the typhi ry Taint What a nce, futelit east Sue as af reas ste ileep aietress and also In. great was abld to aid them; they T have alreally written you o know if my tetera ve! our gapers reque sine In, and fiow strane world but the sail neers Jt Ts aliferent;

ein a

ily ‘are In

write tn haste

Money matters; Wt n T suppose you

Cannes. Deotn 4, 761 Thave just reo'd your letter


enclosing 20 to your friend. tn B—— In ra referring to our fete Taprote you last tv om qr friend In prison; hope you reed It you say reepeotliiy an aulvanca ; will © tue matter promply. £ seni along with numoter of letters; pieaco forward thom. re still golng over the rivar—three thousand mryestemay. Be Fure to look afer rnertin vn, Ky. and Va, i xy Is gone to Kentucky, (ides, mills) machine shops, Large futns of money will be expended by erumenton such wurk. What aro you dolng much ‘work? Semethinz cught to ve done rection atouce, We hinve no news of Inte tondny. Theweather {avery fine. We Lave ‘an men here, Who have large pos ih, whose ‘onin iniuch haste, to y love to you all. Tha , whlch Lyflil sonal sexi —for Gene ‘Traly,

omething alee for THeati=

Cuarves R. Oantrs

‘The Agony of Despair. the South is now In the agony of despalr

apparent to overy one ofreljection, Ita ex- oodltion % strongly exbibite 1a a letter aly, "woe name oul be a guaranty at wer pattiotiemt ant har truthfulness,’ ppearel Inst woek In the New York World ar in the meat Nis anit wealthy part of Alabama, ani her nis fd the result of her own olservations, oat ats In which she was perraittel to travel hee Stats she writes ‘desolation boggars descr) rey men that were worth hundreds of thou fo feducad to ulter poverty. Aa for the OC lity formerly £0. abundant tn the South, Versone formerly. ths swealthtest ung to austain Iie bol Wht Us fun oot enough of Wat, for by hue aken frm them ‘or "che array even Whol ces, the ii nave jinselves; they. spiny weave, ad dye thelr ant Homespun clos, tielvand pour. Tea, eur ore not to be has mallkvand watet aly boerages Indian corn te thele priielpat Ie, aw a pcan of the retribution. yehVeh taken retel passion andstayeholling treason, diy conclusive and terebte, bat ee dost NOt stop here. Nak oul i ‘hie rude appliances an Tifeof thedari ages, but cven the domestic itnshcaad of fea (he St ‘The fauales, apd fy “Inhabitat Withee Tntem or a eripp tho male Popa, a0 more enppldl for luetime; Tuaay patriot died btn broke! heart What retaatn nor th em Nevertheless, pe eestlons in near iL Ut) are completely dissolved, No courts ind. equity are. held-justlce ts metst out ivereites colleges, ani hools ‘The country in tans pla Wherpyge tho arnt marc, crops destroy matic animale

Jon, destitution



mn, the foun 0 exist

Vroken up.

hwiloera erytiinge 1a rulnisl—Us

fA more Ingubrlous plo(ure than Ui ‘Anil yet thore are thosa relaye that the South has the aUillty to carry

Vicksburg. rondeace ofthe Nave foyn, prettily ershedt ujon the Ufa te At changed in appearance since tho rebellion nea te Wine uf ferUeations: fn front doe mc gnextensive a3 one woul Muppost, ut Lack ton game seeriy oreagnt alles A Hieor the marks (streets still remain ity trightend Inhabicants hi age ee ie mien ota Ye-inch ehellvom the Wrige stil ranatnunelinnas, nnd sts deri Oho opr stan oF the alder Frunergoini repairy, ani with the elanes sing il Vechine, renovated, 8 Wr julteratad sant its tego but Rictory Maleate loyalty of some of th aT Wut from clos: observation TMA PA eenntmenty thongs Ba rhe tales, overs we nuyre eourteats in Wee demea Mexempnis A Andy tate ms Ct the aint every pleasant alterna on irlenis wallosl tke stroke and watebed aa fren aye thoy. knew wen tO. dodge Te fowanis, the Iss, many women mivrere kilod, even. in the cared, sath a eC mrt and suffocated to, death, while torn toplecea with sells On the worn iigretoys, ty oldest Hal earsold, were playing marblesatareidence Musee mdi wrk, wh ARE Rita the rina ann teyelekeL Out= iling ta thoather bys to fall on thelr faces, hey did. ‘The shell’ explated, alee stighly: Seat the janty, dis yravea ot oust Shares of Loth armies occupy a langersstene Wor the everechansing ein frei the Mleashed many a Valiant soldie

Eyoulug Port]

ty they




Atrocious Decision of the Rebel Authorities.



BActivonr, December 13.—The fi was recolved this morning

Four Mosnor, December Fulton, Baltimore. Please Confederate authorithes ilceline packakes or provisions for the {hat parties interested may rsfrain from. f any more nous to this polnt.

Bessoun PF Borne ‘Major General Commanding, Rey. Mr. Floren went to Clty Point with Dr. Clement ©. Barelay, returned this morning He had an interetew with Captain Hateh, who was tent from Richmond tomest hig, Me informed him of the above deelsionof the reel Government, and

reason therefor, what they tatlon of thelr honor by the pres authorities, that they were not wanled in good faith to the prisoners, api he assertod, ofbls own knowledge, that theolilcers in Libby prison, fro the Homense supplies which they hut receteed,

Md seta table from thetr store hotel in the United States, fs hoil beon come irregalarities {n supplies st one time Dut the offlcers who bad Uecn guilty of neglecting the prisoners had been promplly removed anil prin= Iahed. As (0 the bad condition of the prisoner: turned to Annapolls, he sald that they w

of consumption, and that It

‘on the part of the authorities to have

P For thepresent n

recelved Lut lotters and enclosures of w

that Soathorn money hail beller be cent Another Diapateh,

December 1 18m

Mr. Torrence, who went on tlag-

ening to goto Hichmand to alle- Union prisoners, were


182.79 O. C etvo notice tint the reeriving any more Union prisoners,


Heged to bean fmpa-

sand thes ( jelivering: 0

ecnment ds fo

ca usm equal to apy


hing would be


Barrons, Rarolay and Iter of-truce boat, ds viate the o Musesl perval


th jan to do 89 by the rebel uutharitles, returned, Me. Barclay to Old Polnt (where h tarry sine dase) and Mr nce to Balti The rebels refused any more provistons or clothing, alleging that the Northern poople and presses mbrepresent the frets appertaining theret

THE PIRACY AT CAPE COD, Sta(emient of Captain Willet—Unparalleled Atrocity of the Plrates—Thelx Tren tment ly of the Mate Chey Munlered: Agawam after the Chesn-


inber 19.—Captaln Willet, Int

the teamer Chessprake, with elght of Ml passed through Boston sesterday afternoon o way to New York, He reiterates the particula tending the munler of the vecond mate, aud ays Ui

Burther Tidhigs of the Plrat PontLanp, December 13.—A dep fax this morning states that the Shelbourne on Saturday morning with an lucres erew und twenty chaldrons of coal. to be In tho track of some coal vessel A steamer was seen In Mahan bay, near Ch yesterday P, M., rupning avout the islands Movements of Steamers=-Governmont

patches for Clty Polnt.

Fortiss Moxnon, December

h from Mall- eft

‘l 1

She ts supp


stoamor Silus O. Pierce, Captain Rradfonl, Lett City Point early this morning with Government dis patehc

Tho Californfa steamship Ariel left Hampton

the desl was of uninltigatel atrocity; It Is eearcely posible to find a parallel {a the annaly of crime. The dead Voy of the unfortunate wan was allowed tlle fora considerable time on the V6. deck until, at length, the plrates thew {ron {0 it in larg quantities, and threw It overboard, the blood leay= Ing dark, and, apparently, indelltile stalos on the planks where {Uhad lain. : PortLann, December 13.—The gunboat Ayawam possell Owl's Head at 4 o7eloek us afternoon, bound |

an whilst

the alresy tnbamons withuteintasny,anh whl

too, the armletin the Ww houny tory with victory, 18 Wie yue grasually at cer tainly around We rebel ly dhe tine, Tsay, whl As marked by these ausph ie" ominently * proper one Thave alluilet to the aes of owe rellef of the prisoners atlsmond. 10 its prod! Thould te delayed, then syst that the In veil eal opin the people in. thie a by one great effort so the (a tibers! our telom-nilaens, nd then Ta rings, to tho enjoy of those thave bay scene; an ew ares Johininanly deprive ‘AUUhis Instant an BAO ig we der and delight ope bell tsar ariales, and eanot fsa be hlimalty which attaches) the dls age which bus been exited tit ten who will aildress y0\to-uh ro at any tim attraete, by 1 an audien unheralde yn unannoun throngd to hear lbs; au conspicuously known efore the ¥ > fn devcted frend (0 the punky, api coming now dors after having, Ina foredan Wand, antl er 5 finer of that a prguulect athe banner of that the Rizhty ns «0 cunningly’


isin that oo shor

th, anid uttering

ule boast thi Ing of thir,

watching, apts

toreen 5 and oteerved hi Two of the caught hol w also ing

i He was 20 alightel al the door

for whom

who were

» ment

| bor, ab:

by the plaudits of grate you tender him this geea| Eonyerntulats the audicne thls meet

and gentlemen,

je orator, and U ilk

have tie honor, Ia

Henry Want Beosber

Execution of a Parricity (Speelal Report to tho Philadeln

On Friday, at 121; otelock, convicted of the innrder of his” fsa town, NeT-,on the 12th of March, 180 nally of ule erime with his life. "He hangel Iu the y

sre eMoui thro In th refewea aud Mera of ths murder ir ha Pople discourged sn in. fd all who heard Tey fy Jo Hvoky wat an fing. thelwroperty natear was too gat for the ak to b foul mearures (0 procure I taren goaray od Pes

Tis parcats sere wot Irlenily disp other, anil Ue. boy serew up. int With bo respect for the authors 0 ister wartial wan naued Timothy” who, It te sali, was anxious to got TH of Tan! that tliuc asa Charles should. enjo For many months, os the parrlelite cont the ccafoldy ho was continually coaxed. by Ride may to Kill Uhe father; ani the dest was peathoned Troim time to. time, becauso the youth Hrooks a nat comptnctlons of hls cone i veo

| | bs | vurmount th

fpalch him on his retum ‘home. Old 1irook hurelt in cowpany wilh bis. Lolly. (rer rhom he parted sata ervee road, Then fol he two men, a4 confexeal vy young Brooks ilinself went forward Jn tue: dapkacss Of the ro and iit hfe father with h. thick elu, rendering ity a Ridgway was to have follomed api Stabinal the wousrted n fd nok come, hove= ever, ani the ras completed. "Uy ths ny YEhO ‘uel that it sas cruel to eee the? i hated At the trial, young Troaks stated (hat fho one wae concerned. In ‘Ue fou esd but himself find thus hts mother ani Feldgway exeapest fst Hildgway una. eles: enlisleds snd is servings In aU New Sense resinent, “A few dng 0400 the prisoner confessed Me gullty and. wrote out hus story inluts coll, at conslderable Jensth The ard was densely Hillst with. people, there be- ing no females fn the audience, excepeuch as could Peep through ate windows of the fall Where they tre heli for crime. ‘The unhappy nother Hrookes wal presnts Hrs walkin to the senold ritiout Sigh or’ tremor, nud Sn. nsveer to 0 qu iether Hohad anything to say, ree jot fear, in a.tenemalnutes! speoch, coaxed into thls Ging. They wave toll toe I ths of man was out of hy Rig Liyas lntoxteate

fro i h



nit ald nat kv Tai Ria

hd Tita

nnd alt | ooght to bs | deat of fnflen | coaxal ever sino» Novenite

| ater T went over ta Ridgeway me tortin a Te eald they me op. I told lilm 1 had no no | away with, | He eal mother hut told hta sho-n never tlt) Ui

thould have plenty

brought back he told | Liatdn't nove

Tetve me

To thie deed

coaxed are clear,

aid eome at the, murder, Mouser offeret th (ato it, and wey that when they ought to. be standing here to-day where Tam. Mother often tatked about Mt, and went to the fortine-tellers, an they told ber many ways to get rid ofthe ol wan. T_woulll pot te here nny Uf tus not for tw meeale, UF Whstt= eer you may When Ie at

at a

a now tela I 1

peakin: Rov. Mr. eed nn Vanul ites reali th im they knelt upon the platzorm, wile the reverend gentleman offered an nppropela

er. Daring the prayer Brook

closely the inechaninn of th minutes T th

Lawrence a fity-tirst Peal

alle sherli@drew down

th eonster-

plckela appeared caused pectel mel paid © as poss wore r Engl coilith

soles & emovet chart, fon yestendBy. je that s man injured ach n length of tn)

in makin

ssuanl-bo estero rom the ccour Is, daty of U f thls Ki He has aptaln

from tho wntry’s P

toni effet

minntes be was ©)

intention of Captain Scheetz


sat it was hin inte sit thinkhns th

Ar geheets Incroasal the Kaan

sont t the unl

a 6 otclock tatel, nwt ve elmadae ©

sn Iusunediate

tye win i pavement

1 ont ee sry om, tbe TATU, ~ pred him at (his moment oy ue is en behind hima, leeell he two TET. ied

his gon


J fired. Just 08 a leap


the, woul remeat ho window to the 1)

pak fro ths ey va to Bis fall be

t gern by Inet steps

je the ete of

‘he chance t nitting the one of the men

‘yead and atrucl

wens inte enile


ould, ser} que arm of te ot Phtattred eal 28° ad areal up sa Wa at of tie they Ba et ithe veal Captain sige apt BI jsnde a nel ad

nid be was not

‘Sebeets 1m ey, WHO ‘As soon athe men

‘a concussion of the

feo this night oats Wh 4 bs wo yeas obtali

qyeaitat De enti one srl t : In fact, it ecems almost

wo badly a8 be J shoul

tna very 10m

has eucceede} from all of thems. Tt was thi have had him trie martial, and he had teen confined in the mw The other two men were y doing vory well, and Whey Will soon recover Ir wounds. That euch an acellent should Inde}, deplorable, but st was plainly the sentinel to fire when he saw an attempt Ito excape, been exonerated from all blame. Sins Scheets has nil change of this department have bon made from his guanl-houss, determine that none shall cour, He has

ng his escape

ood guar under hia command, who understand

their dt scape dn abortive tal ofc aa be

i hex

y. Ths has been the second attempt to ring the past week, anil bath have proved

Captain Seheete fs a faithful and impar- ‘er, ani uniler his control this departuent uinaged with zeal and ability

Treiry."—This was ot oft nd of the serles of discourses (n Jerusalem Texap! ol Hill, by Rev

All the Trinity iy In the one Divin:

® Drvisr

tall th

(tho Te

A Lfoly Gh atinct and iifferent per:

ct ho fulne

Lon Jetus Christ, ‘in whom dyell- ‘of the Godhead." Father, Son,

st are nol several amex of as mony mns oF Lelng, Lat they to

of the only liviog and trae This may be seen from the in which the Apesiles obeyed the Infanction oni to baptize Into th{s name of Father, Son,

rn Jeana Christ

and Hi Neots thal th as that


iy Splelt: We feail In the seconil chapter UPeter bade the eonrorts of thi great day

“be Waptital, every one of you, Int of Jesus Christ?” Doubtless the formala

used In

enjoined In the $8 chapter Matthew, an all ages ani) in all countrlesy In Christan


1m prescribe by hls Divine

ng then Master.

St, Peter idl not mean to malty th Master when, in Uid- m be baptize, he used! another namé of that For jt ls evident tat le unierstood thls

ph So throu!

another name of our Lord anil Saviour, pout the Acts and In the Epistles we ha

mention of baptism Intothe nameot the Lge.

th nid Pal Christ; this riled U

| kn by th | Trinity of not be anthen the

Inope: the ar sential t whieh operatl the Le Lat

In vin P

new that all the

‘uriat, ani no mention of baptism, er name, (for there ts the: \der heaven whereby men can Ve saved) 1 twice speaks of being taptized Int but the words sald, In the admlhistration of facrament, must haye been those pre- fr Lord in 25th Matthew, for Pout of the Godhead, three terme, dsrelt In the Lon Jesas f Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the a Trinity of Persons, Thoreserend gentle- proveedel to explainatlengt whatis meant rma Father, Son, and Spirit; bat it woul sible, within our thmlts, to give a clear idea nent presente). Herald therm are Usrew elements of rational bein; eleaments seithy ‘hoof them, &llof them, tn harmonious jon—there can ba no Intolligent existence oni thes Ure c2sentials are called the Die the Divino Wisdom, and the Divine

Roads at 9 ofclock this morning for New York Heat GA Tea TREE RS Thero tsa. finite mage of these essentials Tho steamer’S, K. Spaulding, Captain 1 nuearthls things A brief, terstble moment of Inman, for man @ ereated in the Imaxo and I arrived this afternoon from Beaufort, N.C. nse thn rope cael ajustatesudenty th of his Maker. In man these essentials might A Dene chr Olly Pomnt te momsiog, | ROWNUUGILA lily swings Vebre our eyes ta Hu [ha called aMfotioas, thoughts, actlons; of, heart ——— Cethe wages of in ls death mind, and Ife; or, desires, parpaces, and deeds. Dy Railroad Aceldent. Whatever names we designate tem, every one eam Bavrimone, December 13.—The train from Phila- | ¢ Lieutenant Jam that they ary exsrntlal elements of rational ex- delphis, {due hiere at four otelosk this morning, wa ap of General Joun O. Ureekin : Hi AS) Hlilze, rely uss ant Erllay, tt Ith Al oe aletok tle aterm tn Conn: | HAAG hcl ymca meee || Thre thee cerita ane net the Hal; bat aco a collision beyoml the Susquchauna, | tured in the lat ilo waa captured in-ogr | they are the eternal groundework In the Divin Damaze slight, aniineone injunol. Archlent una- | pes, avtg camp while carrying al on which the Trinity, a8 a manifestation tn volday =e yJowtafainappearamee age |! flbesto€ Uns rete. ‘The Tniy, telG cone NA ONaIIRISSooaTmare! i notin iecortmuntat is titer, | of the Divine nators, the Buinsn natury of out Lord Banmrsoney: Deccwlee 19. —The Diesels % wetratetal hd Heres anty eecspad Ste ho DieTHeWarooe SS eras sate fis fathers etal, and has ban Io th Uirecstcdechamegyojersrinic (he me. First National’ Bank, Baltiuore, aye purchased | eae eat tua pear Like the rest | dempthon, rexencralon, aml edfweton of men.” 0) | ths large bullding in South Gay steect, now oceuptod | the Confeuerave omer, ho was attired {na coaree | this Trinity there was on hmage ia many ie: th ty te Unltod Slates Quartermactor's Departuent, | UNE meat-Alting sult of gray clothes, with a blue | cou), the body, and the actions,or Ife. The preach Brie : mnllitary cap. Hoeeemed ansioua ta hear from ls | : preacher ra baukloy Louse, for €50, 00 mentives ints Stat, ga nde! zonve Inquie | procede to ehow how thls vew accolel with the =e = | Sonecruing then. He does not appear to beware | teachings of tue Bible, and explatned the dificu Members of Congress In Baltimore, | than or 3) years of age, but ts evilently a young | which nee pr PLS SEAR CEA Te searet ea tian ofumoradhan anlinars ablity.—Lauisedieyeur, | Which are presented In rome apparently confileling , December 19.—A lange number of fests of tho New Tesiament. Me explained why Congresemen are spending to-day In Baltimore. | “the Wend? was sald to have been made fleshy | yorkCentra «I dwelt among ien,?! and jt was called Son, Prixarone Ixremtest.—A respectable woman | Fepresenting twelve millones, and Well-teloved Son, and only-begotten Son In Buenos Ayres was recently prostratad by hopelesa | Hrastua Comins, presiient while still our Lont could say {Land the Father {nsanity, aod at last apparently died. The body, | vice presiilent nd ‘he that hath seen Me hath seen the placed Ina thin colin, was depoalted in the open | = Bat these points woold Le more clearly chapel of the walled cemetery and left for burial the | “7 NLELLIGENCE en when he came to epeak, Inthe next diss | ? LIGENCE. next discouree Sanya TAGuast aaGraIneT 6 atta wad wea | OLN TELLIGENCE of the incarnation of the Wor in the person of th broken open and the poor vietim of peemature burial A nof Mary Was found dead in distant part of the ceraetery, Amusements (hts Evening. Sothed inthe thin garmeats of the grave, having | Foxo"s Tunara1—Teoths tive aloxoB "Falta Tue Coast Sunvey.—The usefulness of of her pataful progress (rom her ceflln to | Gxorrn's Tnearas—Ponnsylvania ayeuve, near Wil- | quia york of the public eervice has never been greate P E ) tans Teter Tae rato Waite Den. | la work of the pablic pervica Bean Breuer hhausted nature yleldad to actual | WLS ess THe Vigaudlen than durlog the fast year; and remarkably #0 Infur- | Me. Leonard Grover, with regard | nlebing Invalaal da In promoting’ the efficlency of Ruwanv Dor Ii. —It is eald Gat Captain | OF the wishes of those whe, } “throug hie | Ou Moeade, ani tn serurng Ue ent of the bok Cpariar, 91" who] colniaandled (ho rebdl peirateer | Wheel ban recan cea Coe fourituhtn ove onlay | oun vessels Retrlbution previous (0 her capture, and who has.| iy scestng ts the grand yaatomimeot theRed Gni Orthe rarveys whlch. wére steadily carried on in just taken charge, of St John’s, N. B., of ie | ortha Whlln Doo Galzolo. Ttsix a celebrated pfeee,_| MP Teimity of Washington oily nail tbeendot Suites iteamer Chesapeake anil her present. crow of mur- | andinp leoors ta the world ean play it bel(eethan thegne’| ‘Av oC the banks of dhe Polomae! near Alexanitria, dover, (2 n isan uated Locke, n Nora Scotian, | now at Grover’s, ‘Tho Vivandlerelllalsobeparformca | (ough specialty onler! for purposes of defence, and twho formerly satled from Boston, having bad a ves | (ble even doe bier nets sod exercises of a | esealed by AssLtant Harrison, combines with the I Wallt. fos him in that ofty. "We agroe with the | most macvollous 95 woll ax fatercaling eharocter cpular work of the survey, as does alsa the trlang Post that hiesratitule to Americans deserves foll| | Carreepeey, tate —Toulslan lon of ho rier betmsen Alexaniria and Grange: swing—by a single rope niet akin a town by Sub-Aesstant Boy, Tho loperaphy of Pe ee |araw dnging, Danefag, ; he eastern approaches to the Distelot of Columbia Yovoxrmsiixe) ax) Vauwoxr. The. «tC Warton VasuimerNioth aloes gear Peanert; | haa bean extendon by Astaaot Adams, Sub-Aasee Mountain’? State, in the matter of volunteer : ant Furguson, and Mr. Donn, apd the surrey mear appears to be doing her whole daty. Shi a rt Lyon by Assistant C. M. Bache, Sub-A caeerction of the quote previous to Jamuazy is. | SUNDAY IN THE Disrrior.—Woe have | utant Boyd mado a triangulation, ool Mr. Donn No State bounty ls offered, bat tho towne propose to | more han once epoken of the decorum observe In | took up the lopography of ehes to. sll isivo froma $20 to as high as $300 for volunteer Washington and Georgetown on the Sabbath day fn tho latter part of June, at the special call umber of tors €20 a month extra pay hi Oreours wo qpeak only of the outwant decoram, as | of the nnthorites change wht the defences of that ‘ted Anstewl of the bounty int alone falls under publfe olservation. But {t is |elty. This work has bern suspended by the emer- Hy = ee ile safe to say that the propsietles « universally | xeney which requles. topzmphical rervice wear Inronrast Ducision, The Iowa Supreme Court | oisers the outyrant aud vielblo eign?’ of a | Chattanooga, but wilt bo completed a4 oon as prac- has deciicd, unnnlwously, that the Jaw passed in | genul for the day and {Gs assootations;for, | tleable, as will also tho plane-table surveys tn the that Stato alloying soldiers to voto fs constitutional | qi this not esist, no lows could compel that uniform | nelghborhoal of Washington. ‘The helglts ofall the and yolid. ‘The seat of Mr. Grinnell in Congress | qujetude ofdemeanor on the Sabbath for which, the | feid-works near the Capitol have bern determined ani the election of over a hundred members of the | the District of Colimbla co touch merit | and furoishol to the ehler enginesr of defences State Legislature wers contingent pon this commendation: he services at Port Rol and at tue mos of ue as Sea tuo places of public worsuip | Micetalppi have been followed up this year in the =x= Heese eae eae a Tg ael on Uke ores | Trpartinent of North Caring; dn the coast . hee o largely attended as Ieumial on the morn | Gf south Caroling and Georgis, particularly near. Gnoven's Tuxarme—Two tne pleoss will te] Troe Sunday, Thoday was ushered in with what | Charleston, and atTytseantl Westy jin Loulana. as nlug at Grover's—the + Rely 5 facetious gentleman was wont to call TL of | westorthe Mustsippl, ond in the Attsisppl and me,?? ad the “Vivandlere!’—the Ravel-Mar- | 110 a EO ae nt Ae cat onda ovens | Yasoo ters during We sieges of Wiekstrs and Port LUnettl-Marzottl t FetiniunherOncen | escent ea Madson. In the first-named department, isdes the pettl-Marzettl troupe appearing in both. One of) (2 set eit when the morning dawned, and cone | trianguialon of the Neuse by Arstetant Palrielty the finest treats of tho season tnay be anticipate! | ¢iyed until near the hour for going to church; and | Feconmolsance inops Mere wade by Assistant Wt welt vane | Ghd Sub Asvistant Reekiell while the enetny Ukr Foup's MEAGRE Mr yj Tiackelt, our | wsUy Wis Drudentl matron, Venill many) Ss TAY Newiern and Little Washington. Charlestob Inalden having peachant for thin shoes and gay | bar was 8 Tights and vaoyed by renders will not forget, personntes, tonight, Ia on= | Malden laving @ povehaoe Oe Maia betes Oat Ee | aetant toa Hable ne rivalled character of Fuletad, A wont more tx un-| attire) bad iny Seat ‘gus ta the naval pa 3 nseessnry the rain or pesestrianate Lm mlry streets, even 12° us surreyed by his party, wd (hp buoys though the one shoul aist the ood counsels of | the tC otuer entrances on thefoast of South, ve tin ou the Ware the pulpit, and the other the chance of Mleplay of 8 mia were fet, and have en ernor Curthi ou tt | the putt, and th crea at ANIA GF ficensrs which atv eupplind ron Js and effielent Governor of Pennsylvania, | Wirtatlon. And yet, how thn carth Ulesssd ta ding squadron, A bSUroRTapAl AG. Curlin, madep sperch at the Acatemy of ran, warmed ond coftenal, aa it war, by the gentle made by the Bit, in December, Musle, In Philadelphila, On the 2d of December, tn-| south wind. Aboot ten .ofcleck the murky Stine ats Wiayah tap, voder the ers inelucing Henry Wand Beecher, whteh we copy. 1¢| clouds began to be Mumined by the raya of the any | SE tel wer actively anil constantly: ¢ speaks for Het aud Ina few, minutes th heavy mass partel | qgring an averake peniat of shout ax months of the ADH AND GXATLIMLN: ‘The Insplrat nto fragments 5 the golden wolar ray nt surveying year on the cut of North Caroll Labies axp Gearteaters ‘The tnspl inlay ita Yb wu Shui Carolina, apd Georgia, apd thar Jator lstingulshed umtor who Is so sont Ing all the. warmth andl -vivitying 1 early commented Wy Aiajor General Foster Sua Witt eadier not only from Uenssoolations ofthe | SP thes tt tal tho carth yet spark (Admiral Dopont.

n this bright, tntelll- frent, and eroded eemblage, would secu to render hny intraductory remarks on oy. part entirely une fecessary;; bite know will be pardoned for saying that wo meot for n holy purpose. Wo meet amlathe 43 of home and the enjoyments of elvilizest and fal life to al a great nasoclation for the beneft= not of following the soldier o€ the Republi Uying—of being with him after every batth Hake bis fevorl thirst, anil ebbs, the consolation: of Vean be done, to. bear eto whom in Ife And itis. just sub= illence that they have ur country's history,

fast and the prevent, but also fro

ise to Vind Mis wounds pourtnto ite cars, asi Falgion, and ifto otter ns it ns eto Us fibd been neaat noi dearest. Jeotof congratulation to tl {Seabed at such an hour In Imsueh a caus) and wh rosity-of ins ue anil loyal com ey wil toenight, bnaug moe yldterprend charity lors of the Sehlol Ill bs ik neaus anu thelr never-iallng, Mbeeallty Tiear that we have no done what Wi thecomnparatively aneared for, Who. ha Sthomg by the Pallant fellows who have gone for WOR Tasseed thouranils of them, ns 1 encarasted Toihete care the sacred chang of quanling our Mantes sf and honor, and psced: in thee t (hemationat caste, tua those of us who romaine Hthome would waned, protest, and cherish the house fle they Tel betdnd them. fea that ws have pitdone gar whole duty fn this particulary that ou Urlour ovundince yo bave tailed to Tender jas Shareto uesurviving relatives of thoslain, anil ToT eaiteaor those who, matmel! and woanils Have uconte helpless. “Tadeo, am eertain thal tho orphan nnd {he fhteoters: treasure of Il the Qunuy sould. have slenanded. ‘aalants poo. ane patrols trually doy froma. tho, hUIODICr moder nnd tnprotepding wants are) hint Senfecd, Anil the: elamoranit excl Tine and the soldlen's. widow turns with a natura iene ate wat Mght be considered the pelt o dvealfeantoe thareeipient ofa charity. My Teens Tete uo longer fill Inthe performance of 5 £0 Hai tet as makethe pasion of thes an ho leUne, aud not one af deacradation AN Noe dependent ollpring. vesore Tenth, Uieehlldren of ths State, aod Toop of this great. Commonwealth nurtaro ani Einfataln em. Lat this not be a mero spaced Mn Mace us now at once lay the. foundation G aerate em] enptuuol york sich will enabl thedelender of Uie Constitution to know, se pace Hie weary viet pon te eheerlest plekety tnt, iv Tg his family at home is eared for, op th Asatte, not te eBarity ot U vvitled for the helpless survivor Mi ight whic ofan trated waders Gus a proper Uiae for euch sume Aivancing column or the historio Army of th Me ie moves towards tbe Tated elty of Réchwon F to heaven, to the prisoners in TAbby pricon—Libt

onght for een left

surrenered ¢


conditicn ora


lex and atrocities ot whioh have 5, startled the elvilierd Worl,

he |

Widow have not been eared for as for | swe WoLof,

a beneyo= | Tks af Ie,

nt of the

tema a= | Anna conveyed! Wepauss fora reply, becanse ft Tat the widow | yell Wep :

in fact and ia tee ths mighty

at Vn, ‘country Has pro- 10 te troubled Republic

‘The Poko

falr &

as tho case

vwith ral ani many of th lund sorrow fally or complacently bs, determines! to Immun then: plea thing wh says they ore very apt to do—and hurriedly donnh thelr Sunday attire, hile to thelr respeetl ehurchet. But for that glorlous gleam of sunshin Jogquent diving would have had even a Ve than that -he addressed. But daintily adorned maltilens pi

as h

| | | numerous nudlon

many an

Ing thelr way over the unpaved croseings— that there should: be any auch in W Georaetown—where the mud provokh

accumulate But what a splendid aNernoon and eventos! T Episcopal churches had larga congregations (0 t afterncon, for every ne felt that it would be | remain Insdoors when such weather was visting Us | infil-Doceimber. Never seas the aft more baliny though pring’s forelf h mnntehed from {ts dorm: duty In wile Beto eatarrh anil rhouminttemd a unpleas iy for Vesa ali n come oliler p 1 to renew their youth. | tung looked fra, and the Lodors, haying teen, Ik

ni t and mi been | couch and made to | Suemeltowing Induen | kindred orn thelr asperitier in

gealal day

nil rol wh

ok thelp vletim lovely Sal wen all gies apie, tb


i ty | tt | vat i | vant

men and

‘neces and gladne

th eyed, just waslu thes poet wrot

whlch Mary

shower?” By the way, w The beautiful rove was just washed {m & showor Whfchi Mary fo Anaa conveys

Ud ke wean that the ower)? was yy Mary

> Anna con


| ts conyenfent to do eo.

Arremrt To Escare Prox —Oxe Max DAsozror: on 3.00

i io if

yrz? Quant | Issonen axn Two Wouxnep.—Bet orclock on Saturday evening a deverter conilney {Ne uor-tiouse of Provost Marsbal Scheets, |ajtn street and New York artaus, endeavored ingke his eseope. ‘The apartment fo which Prisoners aro confined ts in the third story of bullding, and an escape conld easily be elfeoted ‘ras not for the guard stationed! on the oulass oxo

mon report

tenal carth gave out heaatiful rose Inn


qraphe bane others sn | Siaptt ee | (a

8 | Bete tO Aste k= . > | Pate


ne hie r in ty vet |

stant tion of

Tel the ap) progr


ni oT The ter in the pai


pat ry- | Nol dina

year ‘The coast 9 at


the lorseon th

thr molt neétivn of th Coaxt Survey U os uader a preseina call reerlteak from Cla ae has been asim to topoggrayieal

May ot, Alajor General Rassernhs. Three Ansistant West, SulsAsuistant Hoekwell fr. Troan, are Under onder for uty there, (0 fine grit the application,

thy protection affrded tn, the vicinity

Titel ‘atley's, Dlorkadling vessels, the ydro- phy outside of tha Fl

ils Kes hha been. ee within. thn yearuy a Taryunier Acting. A rithin te i the deammer Visen, The satus nicl the monin entranes anit approagh of larlor. Hoth thess Furveya ate In. cob of previoua wet, and fait tnto. plac sitar drones of te Coast Survey. nexbm ith 0h) mliltary and naval operae do AMtsisippiriterand in Loulelane, three


rapibera have s=rved With the army of Msi Frat Banks (Assistant Oltmanns, Sub—Ass Sat Hosmer, and. Mr. Lyman, ) and two (Sub-As-

Mfr. Strausz) under tha dines: les, with the feet of Admiral pels with the army of Major a] minute topographical surses st bank of the Mlrsis}ppl opposite to New for etenaly pa Tecopnolssanee Of tha middle districts of Loulelana and of tha er as (oF Up a8 Alexandria tha topography of proaches to Viekevang, while the slexe was In Sand the rarvey oC thos of Port Hudson he surrender of that port, are part of the

Fendall. ai Asalatant C

sults of thelr labore.

Digh terms o€ approval usal by Admiral Por- reviewing the arigons duties ani progress of Files asilimel to service with bia Geet will keep

VitesLes ppl during the coming season. losers of Vestela oF athe property, excepting DY Fy War, lave leen encountered daring the

regular work has cone formant on the Paciéa of the Walled States, thoagh on a seale sone reddoed by the fevullar elreumstanees of ths

rreney there.

the Atlantic and Gulfcoast, of nineteen as

ndlsta rende naval vey hi


8 din |x

at |r to. tha the iy

rH fo this fared. Yorta cag

erated Lave alie Leen employ tn daly oo

During the ratify

{2 fourteen snbmaitstanty ‘aud ‘twents-a ing In feld-workor In hsrograpby twelve ae aren tabla, -uo ve als bate

fal eervien in conmection with military a0 operations, and moat of those who BAC Bo co

ne erations of heear= rriatiersmrtor ths,

oaat bore the reculAr op aye been advanced Waring

ogress of the years“ nd high 2 tratiiuonjals bay; rel by oficers Un "rele of ua ty the ny

1 felts of operations,

Fear at th office of the AUPE Pir patticatiins oft

fo alliurent expe

pared for pawl Ws

HNulous, sieges, Ben, sve PEN |

the general pole, also, In| GE for te inn | ALGreen wood eer ursen a sale ull: | AV Seymour GS Themes, ja | Sues, Mtomple a 3 | Hong Spake ‘and we et | O ingsbal ot | Yion Hen

Veal to 8 large ema Ho melinbaares Moe e0

fpumwber of Tyre

A Hower ror Poor much Impressed, while attend Oda Fellows? Hall, tn thls olty, with the maggestlon of the Important jouse for the benefit o ee Je relatives who maybe lok | SS MY Dice

Samuel Ni EW Dana, New York Eumonil Beek Wun H Bayan

ing a meeting tu yesterday afternoon, ice of establish=

pe en ao eee

arrive here to visit the in hospitals, or eng try. The speaker, rlenced thedificulty of ob tlons, eloquently rranger# who come he friends, oflen provided with extravagant prices chargel for boanting, ond (otefal consequences which (co often ensue. ‘Thewacertainty of meeting thelr fri

attendant upon procuring parses seer to render St especially, de~ Ye provided for the | mi daughters of eoldlers who may:

ged In the service of thelr conn= ‘a woman who had herselfexpe- | ining proper accomracdn~ Mopictel the wretchedness that was | G'Raliwin, Calllerila Win 1 rein search of thelr

only Feanty means—the


‘depot, anit the delay to visit the army sirable that a temporary. he use of the wive have oceasion to vielt Washington. quently hiearil of the most heart-rending Alstress caused! by Unis neglect, and we sured that, next to the Soller” < yroplil be more grateful to the brave country than to know that the furnished wilh wullnd arrive {n this elty ‘a Home for Nurées was opened fie Warhington iflodgings couli be obtalned in connestisn with that foatitutfon for the élasa of persons we have deserite, alls mown, much coro

_——— a Dene mee

Tome, nothing

ir relatives were | io accommelations when they

‘anil the arrangement ie! ‘nd anxlety might bs prevented, aud m: woman Kept In the paths of reethtuile and virtue

Usrrep STaTEes Batonvay, December 12, 168.—On mot Caled Cushing, Timoth elnnall; and on motio Hon, Allen G. Thurman, of Columbus, Ohlo/ on motlon of Mr. MoPher

"Assiatant Solfel- of Washington, D. Ce, wero ailmitted as attneneys aud counsellors of the

‘The argument on demurrer inthe caus ‘The United States, of the Dover Five United States, of th

Cent Sayings Bai Tangilon Bank v ‘Peirce ol als x?

neral Docket under the nits} nntlt Monday

‘Adjourned until tls morning: at 1 <?elook:

The Moustep Government TRA teen [smut ta the monnted patrol to oeknding of Uhe streets bj

‘The standing orders are Wot tralnz right elds of vs road, and that after every ions of the train there shall be a epace left of the lath of the street.

Masteré till be Injunctions, and the patrol have Tt would by well If th asters stl kedpan eye to their leans Piers will be etrletly enforced. leetrians baye often been compelled to watt five | 3-77 Air ten minutes on the avenv Jong train of Government teams to pars ing could be eMfectes

ws, Waiting {0 allow a

Pensovat.—Among the arrivals fn this nt tho hotels, are Hon. J. 1. Hea | B S

F Hart, New ¥ art, atthe | FR Lyons, Wisconsin

‘Siotea Senator from Mts oot Beck, Brandy Sue

Metropolitan Motels. Hon Jnand, anit Mr Hackelt, who has accepted an cn tester, are staging at Wile mes at Point Look en fpassell, are at the Now Swiss sersare at the Clite Be ee al Paul Quek, U Hey ateMation, NY W Adams, Ddston tal Pas |S ACThayer, USA DA De Aeriit La Waitin Tira it Carrron.— | PA Rin

tard?s; General G. Marston, etal put, and Gener:

‘Captain Philip, Shuler bas teen appointed Ak stant Adjutant Generat o trick, tho Provost Mareinl Geperal, rice Capta

Kimball, reslened.

CoxpnTrED ‘Provost Marehal Todhl comolited the following. prise ost Marshal General of the south of the Potomac, to the Old Capitol:

nent to Alexandria from Fairfax He has never taken the reganied os danse? onder, rent in as ators nd reported to Le one of U tored men and mules at Devereaux Jatter was but recently rel

Sroprep Worx. —On Saturday morning san athe plamobing. ep AT

AL woop. work

fommitice hat town appointe to walt upon avy anit askfor a clisnge of tine. 1e Harsool, to whom they: tu very dls ‘inroelotoly Mischarzel Teapon twenty-nine of the nil pledged theraselves not to fhof he copimlttes Wore re

ners, cent in to the Pro’

Wjlllam Tolls

‘also disfoyal and dangerous, o tand who recently enp-

nel fromm the OW

referral them to Commodore auidressed q note, Wt ts alles The Commediore four of the committe hands ceased workinz: retura UU the (our

tral Gnani-houre

‘They oro mostly confined for having no passes, drunkenness and disorderly coviln ‘The guard on daty at

Tux Mansers.—The m aywern well attended by both yurehi ders. Avfing display of all the extras of the season 9], ran Jilgh, but jn ma05 Jnstanoes articles could be obtained nt quite

blo rates, Ths market next Satunfoy and the Wodnesdss following will, no doub

and purohasers will bo on hand in Iarge numbers.

following prisoners of

Tor STEER Mount WaAsnrxcTo tates clic-wheel steamer Mount Wash- Amgton {a now nearly completed, and it is expretel | toory that ehe will be realy to sail by to-morrow.

attached to tho Py

ately she hax born ugel aso flagship for miral Lee on

nd in the W

ugh ths ety every weslgen tee ‘way fo thelr different organizations to tho Brinies of Generals Banks, Gillmor, M

Fosep.—The following pe fined for selling liquor to soldiers: Augustus Qokerl, D nnd Foneth streets; Gus. Alnloncy, D stroete Island; Rt. Carbury, Third street; J. Jonson, D

eet, Lslanil; Chas. Pearson, Fourth street, between K and L; Patrich ‘ish street; Folat

Fast Dnryiso.—HL. P, Spencer, company M, let Massachusetts cavalry, was arrested yester- ay afternoon, on the avenuc, Uy the mounted, pa Ariving. Committed.

rast ro rite Tass

ir xditruss (0 Toxo} git street, Fallatphisy

srhich haye beet pe ye. Beales the resti= ‘apa oF this Ieeallthes |

apt JD Sula Heanisley,

1 thode yal

| Jas 0 Moore

| nts Jones, New York

|@oT Thom, GE Howl, Wheonttn

9 Melkinslil, Cal

Miles Pratt, Boston DO Nor HKG ALY B Wileaxe Lieut ©

wh 1 Smits, Lilinole

women who

a the |

ws at the | Tt

Wo have fre- |

fev well ae

Mefenders of eur

xo, we belles] W.

n of Hon.


mi the Salisitor,

monntesl teams. hail keep on tb | ©

thenbare |S

Nuobers of our

vefore a

Holl, of Mhele

ad La ‘Thomas R. Alex

ation. The capitol

sertion, ete

the {Central fa a detach- ment from the Wth New Hamyeblre voluntecr, numbering forty-{ive men,

vergeant, three corporals, smi forty men. They ave been on duty since May last.

vin: one lieutenant, one

rkets on Satur-

bbe well etockel,

Sick Asp WounpeD SoLprens TO DE ‘nt foe the State of Indians, Trane W. Monfort, haying ap transfor of the slok and wounded soldiers of that Stats, an order has been fesued for tha removal (0 Tndtenapolis of wil such as an

atho will not be ft for duty soon, from tho hospitals in ond around this city, Alexandria, Baltimore, ‘Annapolis, and Annapolis Junotlon. ‘Tho tranzfer yeill be made near the clo

able to travel and

12 of the present month.

2 AnntyEp.—B, M. y ani Dayid Watkins, velonging to the oth North Caroling infantry, and John Murphy, 9 con~ script, assigned) to the et Virginlo Infantry, revel deserters, were tent up to this clty by the Provost ‘Marshal of the defences south of Washington. T!

sere coramittat to tie Old Capitol prison on Sator~


Angrvat or Putsosens or War.—The

‘arrived tn this city ond rere committe to tho Central Guard-houto.. On Satuntay morning they were transferred to the O11 Capitol prison Ly order of Captain Todd: Captain J.P. Les, Adjutant General's Departnent ; prl- ates S. B. Hammond, General Lee's escort, and G@. Weaver, th Virginia cavalry

he mae flotfiin, but eA

‘Auantic Bioekading

A Cuntosrty Fro CALtronsia.—The ‘Smithsonian Institate has resolves] an immense me- tearlte from California, whitch {immediately attracts the attention of all who visit the museum. tis to the shape of a rip; four fect. It was presente to the inst{tutlon by the ‘Aigsa family, of California, and yill Le known a8 the Alnsa meteorite.

1 being over

Renen Prisoxens.—During the past week about thirty rlel prisoners arrived In this ‘ety, and srereconfined in the Central Guan-hous ‘Awiong them was a Heutenant colonel, captains, and Hentenants. A squall of elx men were placal there ‘op Saturiay afternoon ; three of Usem were prisoners of war and threo deserters, They were captured by Lieutenant Scott,

To ne Sext To THEM ReoweNts.—A detachment of one hundres! Meserters were on Satur- ay sent from Forrest Hall prieop to their regtinents fo the Army of ths Bolom ules, hy way of Oinctnnall. denerters pass th)

tern ar About to hunilred

ond Grant.

ons haye been



orpy yreMs

eruyasia Hesmnyes —Any Penusylyania esorve Regiments who warged'or wlio Asin tho clly, can

> advantage Dy sending A Company, Nu M27 I A0tiinry guid Naval

Watlon of our readers tp

Wittnra’s Hotel. ay US A junit vitpols Wt Wel ! Dincinuatt HG Hackin, New York Linea Sects Tor “Middleton JH Lawrenstine, (in TLE ent a ae W_G Alexamler, Wosh T Nie rent eae ep eeeerad

eich, Connectiont

ANY WIDOW, 01 DROTIBL, oF SISTER, of ony Soldier, KILDED, or who has DIED tn the service of the United Staton, who dlesfees NINETY:

year Ponsfon, FR

Ivenesllch ‘ew York Geo G Merrill

of ray due bin, £ DEVITT & CO,, $27 WALNUT Street, pain. Alo, STATE ¥

DADTES! SANITARY PALR—TO THLE £UDLIC.—Dy- rreneo to (iw ropirs It rill be seen that thie lad

ded upon eeltlig 8p a Pale

‘A commites has

tern appotuted (o arrange and conduct It on a seals

lar to thie highly euecessful ontorprise recently held

"Tho comuniitee are deteribsed 10 rraro no

his Falr not only a eubstantlat

Millers, but to make lt in every way

NO Donnell, 1; JO Terry, Tennesses Thor J Sanford, NY

if Princo & ly,U SA

Y, Inthere ts any du

TSA J Brice Smith, of Waahlngton have

AIC Libby, New York

Tabor of trouble to take

enefit to vur brave

sy of tie Federal Sfetropolls,

To tile enida eondlal eodiporatiou Is respectfully eollelt=

land Mantelpal authoritles, soelo-

fand all bonovolent persone

Doualtons of all deseriptlons of useful and ornamental

‘rr wolteltod; also, subscriptions in money to en-

Aite fis committee to erect a sultablo ballding for the

piepose, aud to parehaso such articles as

Completo tho exbibitlon.

‘peclal asstetanee o

Aenomipations 1s earnestly reat AU hoped tho ladies will con

cord and (ake an activo rart In thls

ine proving fo oar bravo defenders, who aro

iatts dese to hem, that

thes are uot forgotton In thls tho Natlonal Capital [alles aro rospeetfully Invited toca! ou the Committee

of Arrangements In Uiele rpapeetiye wards, who will

ilyo them gvueral Iustructlons.

‘Geo T Cooke, Ni Mise MAGrwn, NY

ET Morris, NY UD Foster, D.C 1 x

RAC Atoword, NY Capt D RB Colle ‘Volton, US A


A Paorsch, NY TiHozw, NY LHR

WA Drooks,, Bostan TE Netherinzton, 1

AO Liteinend, ¢ ta SV Marty,

YE dacole, Acco

separated from hi

WDN md, | NT DI

W'S Fowler, AU Taylor, Phila qoor | @ Aultman,

ICM MoAlen, © E Clark, Hu E Dr Jelirle Cranis.— | Dr F Jelities W A Mlarvey, Pla WB Lan

D. Lincoln, Fat.y of Cin- | TRE Navh, Norionk Coombs, Esq., tho

Gen DA Russell, Commuanteation wen, V

Metropolitan Hotel. LA Col HP Tus, US

RL XK Shrev: he DAC Masta F Mec

TW Hyile, Va nidspaltthy WS A

Ist Ward=Mre. Comm J Mrs. Bavin Clark, \—Mrs. Charles ©. 8 | nyeoinh and Th)rfecath etree 31 Wanl—Mrs. J. W. Angus, 497 Latnee 4h Want-SIrs. Llewtonat Tyook del, 221 Pennsyl- ‘aud Mrs, Hl, Nater, 457 Sixth street

T. Nicholsoy, 31 South Bal ret,

HuNebewell, ky semmouas | PE HY ae

iG Mt 3 sot rps | HS send SE NaS AE MaFiea LAGS Bene aoe sfkambavay AT-M

Sega 1 wat Fa

W S Wheelesk, Oko

DrJ Storrow, USA Formick, Va

G Harts, DO. 1G Calidvrell, US. Wi Kiny, DC OSteveng, 4th Otto

Sth Want—Mrs, W. Copiaia Stole, T ail Tenth streets

DM. Ranney, 4 Thirler

ILO Mead Lt fanner,"N Y SAC WT, Wilein, Anny of P W Phillipa, Army of P WI Ellls, US A

[NSTRUCTIVE —1M 1, Haces, que ‘Tribes feat Coudilton, aud Probable Destioy. Orgauy—tholr ign of Chara: Byes, Note * Hlalr, Skin, Complosioas thelr Lapguage and Parentoveay—the Mug Mao’« Spleitnal Natare, and hie thiaalfe aud the Ife to come. icin of AsriimoraLeoy, with numerous Por- uoimber 15 ‘Tho January number Lexis a new Address FOWLER & WELL 908 Mroadway, New York.

Rrixovny—Tho Nal thelr Orlita, Dr oLo3e—Funetlons

AG Mason, U Capt A Ho Wt Gurtt RR Ellingham, DC Dr W Carllsie,

Mrs DW Carlisle, Ini TCamey, Kans

TM Maton, Tut

Kirlewood Howse. 2 cor Thorman Higzins, Del

David H Yoo Lt Croanyer, US A Tas K Swragule, Hope WW responsible | Jaines Andnvs) A of P

Sharp, Vingin IS Marlon, Wheeon S Bverhatt, PRY

cenls, by Brat post

Je stnart, Penna

HAL Blwards, Cin

FE Teobertson, Wash 2 Greep, Washington

m Win Hise,

TADselt, Cincinpatt)

TEToues) Washingt IPorTAST To

PILLS:—The logreltents In thers Pill are the result of

Along and extensive practice, mild fn thelr poration,

‘nil eury to remove all Irreaulartte:

Stout, REMOVING ALJ; ORSTUCCTIORS, wbother from cold

ee, headache, pala $a the alde

tho beart, whiter, all wereo

sthleh arive from interroption of nature.

Dr. Cheeseman’ Pills are a positive rewedy for all TxDvCISO WITH CER-

Fepllelt directions,

with eah box.

Chna Hamilton, Wash

Lt Hawley, ol NY ar

OF Sheldon, US A

CO Roberta! Pe

F Schatiner, Je, NY

Dean Clapp

BP Gardper, Scott, Pa LF i GG Pads, ‘Balthinore

OH Curis, Mi

Capt Sharma, US A at Mtartin, Baltimore TR Bireh, Vinginla Krank Davie, Lansing Andrew Denyorth, Ohlo

nplalats peculiar to Fomales, FAUSTY PUODICAL REGDLABITY. they ehonld sor Dr

Jolin J Hageon, NY feo L ort, NY

T Robinson,

Ebpitt House.

Esra Hol Klent TD Gore,

JN Adams, Boston OER, USA

BOWARD EVERETT'S GRE of the Deilleatton of tho Nattowal Ceme

Ae Goltyaburs have becu Lesued Lo Forophlet form. alo at the ** Chronic

Robert Gilmore, DO USA WB Bellany, NY AWlarke, US A aM

caro, Wingham Col Howl, US ATL Perini

| duubtior, a econ ant Lop Sitver Plates mado fu supe

United States Hotel.

‘Thos E Brown, Phila. WH Thomas k ly, Phila SW Wan, USN

eraRTaccT, WASH €., January 35, 165% —Tu consequence o ariment, passes for eitizons to fotomae Will bo eiveo at the of@co Uf LIEUTENANT COLONEL CONRAD, 13% Peunsyl- apla avenue, aboye Ninoteenth at

A PHYSIOLOGICAL CLEW OF YARRIAO! alulng nearly 90 pogex aud 10 fine plated vlogs of the anat omy of (h

Wali aud disease, with at plorable consequence opou the mind and body, with the ‘nothor?» plan of trealunent—th

cesafal modo of eure, as shown by: tho Atrathfaladylece to the married and tho<e tertaln doobls of thelr postage, ta any ad- ipa or postage car- fo. 31 Maldeo Lager

WW Jnckson,

Thos Robinson, PLN,

Sam'S Pattenon, US AG W Steams, Conn Ny DrSP Dulpiel

With, Goon

ive oe fa eee Te appears mat a} A Will

GE Shepherd, NY N Duncan, MUD, NV MB ikrry, Wah,

Clarendon Hotel

P Fagan, Baltimoro Dennls Wand, Minols

TW Fifty tilinols

A Brown, ‘Coles PO Dadouclir, USA P Wood, Mapvian) GT thacketh Wachlagton WP Morr, Virsinis

copteraplating marrlaze, who. physieal condition.

on recelpt of 35 ceutey to De LA CHOI,


Tue number of |B Suen ey

noaycerated in tho Cone | TS Bryer, Ui was one bonitred

snatantly changing

WHUTEHURST'S GA DLE YANIA AVENGE, Ilave yon pal a ¥ ablishricut winco St bax heen elegantly reditted Tf not, eall at dnco and nee bis pew col_ Ieetlon of Imperial Pho i

nolter, and Photographs in Ol And Woter Colors. | catlection of Fhotographs auzoters oxer Men thou-

ng Ue largest fu this country

JM Cray, Michla H Tabor

Mrs Blatedell, HACRogers, SB Ri; Herr Hes,

Frank Moore SB It EE Biatedl

ye Young, SBR Kill, 8 B Rlogers

Washington Me

Jer, California DE Lavers, New York

Sent by inall, free, fatto peddlers, watlors, and purveyors

by HUDSON TAYLOR, Book- 4 Penna. aveane-

P Sinith, USA Moulton, Haltimore

avis, Halthioore eam, Washington ith, Haluiinor

i score and pel- | published and for

Mrs ACShi, Indiana A WORD OF ADVICE:

Walker, Indiana Aisa TEA Drooks, NY.

ler, Pennsylvania

Avenue Hon

snteno Frau, VS A JH Gant, Kentucky Wing twtom Ui mmr Wermonl Fa ee meet p As Nae IC battholoately tnd ge dial Do Theat Haan, Balto Teaver ewes NIC JA Lathe

TLW Ronson kart, Ks Yooum, Uuinale Win Mano, ‘Tiiinols

ed for the J Ino

y TRichardion, Ir, DO

St. Charles Hotel.

aI Wwe arioy hospliat—the b Fie and huimblo abode of the To fro tho offce and (he sacred desk—from the mountaln- i valleys, ond far-all islaadk of (he occan— frog every Hook and corner of tho civilized world—ts poariog In the evidenes of the astenbhing offects of PLANTATION DITTERS.

thoneands of lellors Ike tho followlug may be seca at

LUILW Clover, Va

N Friedhott, Ps Sal Evans, Va

T Mount & wh, ¥'

Reopens, Wi I bayo teon tu the army hospitals for ‘and uearly dead. ino « battle of Plaatatlon liters nl my speech and eared 10.


Wan DiPareursts

ICKAST GENERALS ; Wamrsarox, DaC., December H, 185% ieers, having been reported at th tho offences herclunftor by notlded that they will mtaad dis-

Unfted States unless,

fourteen miguthy—spoeeble

Tho flowing « headquarters of tho army f

talesod from the serele: elthia ffteon (15) days froin this date, they avpear be: rmrofxston In acaslo Geueral Ricketts, United Ident, and make satlefact charges against (hem sence veithout prop

Ia thls lly, of

iu Surreoo Michal D. Neuedlet, 751 Now York volan-

First Lienteaant Johu T. Van Korea, Company €,5th

Dimledicnce of orders, aot reparting at Gump Chase, | hyve been given ti

regulations for disabled of

geritest by General Orders, NO. 0 ieiting Washington ei

madleal ski bad Ben ©

i; Gerbard(,402h New York volunteors

Asalstant Ailjatant General


+ + Thou wilt

Plantation Sitters

sis a 2 Lbape boon a grat ener

‘and hail to abaudia preaehiny

Bisters hava ened mu is TEN

rr ali\lo-eaiap to Major

Assistant Aijulant Goperal. creasing with the Proprietors Willard!

Noyempen 150

Gencral Orders, 8 wing declalon of 1 ve to the payment of contrabands for by thom , ls published for tho Inforroatton of (he og)eors of to Qaartennasto

scrolary of War, rela

CIHARLDS THOMAS, Colone) aud Acting Quartermaster General, for services rend Will be toxdo by oflcors of tho Derariments iu Which thoy aro employed, except that when they ato ‘employed by a quartermaster, and work andor his di- reetfon {n the constmetlon of fortifeations oF other eit= incor Work, the paymont will be roado by the ofleer | ‘employing them, and the amount rolmbarsod by the ‘Asfaras practleablo, however, tho wants of each departient of the ferelce will bo pro Ylilod for by tImely requlattlons, and the dlsbursements maade by offcors directly reeponaiblo (@ the. Wepartment to whlch the expenditure belongs ‘ny order of the Seerctary of War: ME, PS CANBY, Brigadier General, A. A G. SV Fan Drpanraest, November 2, 186.1" W. 42 Book,

“<The paymont of

Bngineor Denartincat

Oansaxce Onvicr, Wak Dnranricst, Wasmisro¥, Decombor 4, 185%

Notice ts heroby glvon that the Hoant of Onduance

Oficors appolated (oF the purnose of examiolag ofleers

applying tbs commissioned qa ordaqnce oleers, af a

AB not Mgher than eaptala, will assemble at this offce on tho 4tN of January next.

‘Allofleers destrons of apnearing baforg the Board

sauaC Orst malo application to that elfet to tho Ohiet of

‘De Men'« Sehool 405 Ninth street. S00

yrdeauer, stating Uichrage, presont atstc of healthful- ‘hero ond hoy educated, und whet studios they | globe. Such axwish (0 appear before the Tart | o¢9-fmwim

‘ality next meeting should file thelrapp)icatioas as bere: fn required, by or befora (ho 20th December, 1858 GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Trig. Gan. Chief Ontuaneo SPECIAL NOTICES. MONEY, PRIZE MONEY, PRIZE MONDY— Promptly collected at tho MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENG JOSEPH E DEVITT & C0. 427 Waloot street, Phitadetpila. 1 PROMPTLY ATTEND)


IS. (896) 9 ‘OM ONE TO FOUR HUNDRED DOL ARS (itd fo $40) CASTE HOUNTY, and all the arrears ‘should call at ones or write to JOS!


way De nceea- ehinrelies of all

orwonivwith ove ae- at anil noble

lope that a hearty and ‘hom to open th

tof Jannary or ¥ery acon thereafler Correspondepice from persons livine where ao organl-

cd to Mee, Llentenant

BrookGeld, Chalrmau of Commltieo of Arrangements,

to the Sccrvtars.

Boner of the MISS 6, T. FENNELLY, Secretary,

871 Pennsylyauin avenue, Wasblugtou, D.

274 Vermont ave- Vormont avenue


Sefenee of (hi

‘comprising a


Pailnfot menstra

ralpitatlon of hysterics, dis-

TUTCIINGS & HILLYER, Proprietors, Now York elly

. FORD, 12 Pennsylvania a¥enar, ‘au all dragaist«

TION oud the

DENTAL NOTICE. —DR. LOCKWOOD, Sorgeon Den~ nusylvanla ayo= th inserted oa Voleanired

homian organs, In a late of ‘alee ob disease, Us de-

aga PEN It to thle cele

W NOOK.—THE HISTORICAL WAR MAP stlfon Record from 180 ty October 2, 185K. vine of price.

Thora who have been do toring for wecks nad months ithont obtatatng relle should consult Dr, Flahbla o6)eo Is pt No. A2L hr street, and be radically: aly-lva years! exporicues haa established uiatt’x repotadion ax a physlelan cored Ina fow dave

DK, FISHBLATT, No. 4 eornoe of Elathth at., of

Thowesuile poo

+ Sept. 18, 1982

Soren Waneaw, O., July 25, 1851 + ue young man, wh ont of tho hotise for (wo years vith § polas, after saying tho doctors over #120 elthout beueft, thax been ered by (en battles of your bitters. RDWARD WOUNALI.

rofala aad Beyal-

followiug fs fram tho Matron of tho Unlou Momo School for Wie Obltdeen of Yolumteors Havearvre Massion, Puerr-Skynsea SEMreT, August 2, 1S onr avonlérful Plantation Bitte me of oor Uitte children su from weakness and weak longs with most happy olfect. Guo littlo gir, In parifeular, with palns fn tho head, Lox fof appetite, aud dally Wastlag consumption, ox whora alt hamstod, hia been entirely ro- We commenecd ywitb but a teaspoonful of Bit- Her appetite }uereased

strength and healt

(0. M. DEVOR.”” of Lverily Beliove tho Tite:

GONEN, Madeid, N. ¥.

ind me toro bottles more of th My witd haa Been greatly. boned

ASA CURRIN, Philadetphla, Pa.”

from Dyspepala, "Thin Plapiatios

OATHORN, Roghester, N

pee = Send sun twenly-foar dozen more of your

liters, the popstarity of whet ure dally) ADIWICK & CO.. Vashiugton, D.C:

ven tho Plantation Bitters fo han: olUlers with the taast aata GW. D.ANDREW:

as Soporintendent Soldiers" Hom’, Chicianat, 0

Ma 9 Tho Pioptalion Milters have cored me of Il; Jaiat, et whieh twas tald mp prostrate aud bad

; Cleveland, 0."

sis # * The Planlation Bitters bao cured. derangement ofthe kidneys and wrioary orgaus

Gilstad ine for years. it acts Tike a ebare.

ont otgate &Co., 4 Brosray a,

‘Tho Maviatlon Diiter® make the weak strong, the lan~ soit bullish, aud are exbanhfed ature’s great res Flores. They are ecimposed of tho celebrated Callsayn Bark, Winterareen, Suuanfras, ools, Hert

reserved bierfcUy pare St. Crobx Ham

5. LO1S.-X. Fersony of mdentary habits (roabled with, weakness,

tude, palpltation of tho heart, Inck of appetite, dls ‘tress after eallug, (orpid User, comifratlon, be., do- serve (o eaifer {((uoy will not try them, sTecommonded by tho hlghost medical autho- riiles, and nry swarranted to producean ininediate bene- Helallotcel, They arorxcesdingly axtecable, perfectly. re, and harpoon. i coe op

NOTICE.—Auy person protendiog (o sell Piqutatton Hiltors Ip Unlk bx by the xillon ‘oator. Wo only put {Cup in ooBfog eabin bottles. Bo- ‘ware ofbotiles reMlied velit, imitation deleterious sia [Or Which several porsous are already: In prlsos: Mhatevery bottlé has onr Walled Slates stamp over the ‘cork, anid s{ganture on steel plato ido labels

‘Sold by: respectable deal

2 avin

ner a aS 208 Broadway, N. ees


ONE DOLLAR wilt porebaso moro at tho DOLLAT

STORE, No 436 Pennsylvania avenue, near Four-and- amet |

tall seat, tha at any uber cao the city. Gold ee a ober tc the oy. oll) WATANTBIY-A GOOD MAN COOK:

Geati' Scart ings nad Pine. Cufland Sod Baitons | street @

Anereat varity,

Rens, Holter, and Case

THE ONLY PLACK whero you can pureharo Inlie Mobber Goods of all kisdaat manufsctarors’ prices, is atIf, A. HATL'S India Rubber Warehouse, 310 Pean- sylvanis avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, 1 kinds of Rubber Goods tantlfally repatred at IK

NEVER TOO LATE TO LEARN —Iy Mrofessor Alex andor Wolowski’ new and simpllsied mathod for piano forteand singing, Professor Wolowskl continnos his Siugiog and Plano Claates, aud opens nove conrsa for Piano and Staging, which will bathe last Ia Washing: Professor Wolowakl reatees visitors dailx, at his reildence, No. 310 Patreet, on the N Eleventh sitet,

MIGHLY IMPORTANT PROM THE PRONT.—Now Is | ho tino and thls fa the place for parsons wishing to eal- teribe for Washington, Balllinore, Philadelphla, and Netw York papors. Will pleaso call at tho News Stand {n the Kirkwood Hoar, and Teave thelr orders to B. Groene, who will attend to thelr prompt delivery ou tho

1B, G,, having x fost express, yell be able to have hls papers folded aud ready Cor delivery ‘Also, Opera Glassy

‘arrival of the trains.

{ HATR DYE|(—Ustehelor's colebrated Habe Dye i the best in tho World! Tho oaly harmlons, ani rellable iyo knows.

‘This splendid Th inges Rel, Rusty, oF Gray Hale lustantly tos Glossy Mack or Neturnt Iiroren, without injuring the Hair or stajaing the Skin, Iraying tho Hab

h vitality, frequently restoring Its pristlen color, and rvetifie« the All eects of Had Dyvs The Genuine {9 sigued WILLIAM A. BATON!

others aro moro Imitations, nod should bo avoided Kol by all Draxgtate, &e.


DIsNOP.—09 th Infant son.of Varden He. ani tight months snd twenty-three day ‘childless mothers

isthe heart;

Tie waa thy. Gist bo Ths fest, thine on js han freos hha to yar

13 Enna F. Bishop, aged

ly ono}

M, WISE wel dellyor the gD LECTORE OF THE COURSE

UE, E(GITIL STREET, Betyreon Hand I atreets,


Subjeet—*" Jadalam—Modera Iepaelites {To bo followad regularly by




lon, 50 Cents. Tiekelsto bo om Xo. y Wa

had a tho Book Storra, P


HERE Wikt dicate Wascscane of | 10 (okoay te He

Ardmalttance 23 cent: procceds to be xlve

Decembor 7, 1st —Th Degiad to teestve contribution: n tho hospitals ond hencwslent eltizcas of

sof parties bAVIBE | —toy2-etay15©


nites i Wiel, ©


sueb ta give, a taessouger uae, a iaessener

mer ae. IAS SUA Weonsy

PTs eT

O10 SOLDIERS | tial apply tne fur treat

than to Captain Curtiss, Hitsete of to tho nadersteneds nartieularl Wivatalweataats Uekst oBlew of tue sanitary Commission. Rebuy Department of Aecbarsc

JAMES C, WETMOR! jo Biliary Agel, corger of Pooueyivunia avougrand soveqth street

WAR DEPARDMENT, ADJUTANT ‘Geucrni’s Ofec, Waahlacton, Pebrunry Nb, AL ORDERS NO. & Siz eta visit hn Ary: of tho Ty

1" Llentenaut Colour idfore they welll he recognleed ax wath. By onterot th Secrotaryaf War:

uo. between Mi vaui LEAGUE,-HEREAPTER

hall every WEDNES! avers wlll be


Vee, that Uueysanay: be prompts communicated with Af rere i Ti

RONIGLE JOB PRINTING OF- epared ts exeeute all | fodern: Vinig Card’ «tages | Hranklin Baer, betweeu Thliccuh on

Kinde of Joy Priatiug, foun a frank


ries ut D}

rotate satistaet| ‘Durante ts

{Loventni, at the Depot or Tetwron there Sleek CLUSTER DIAMOND PIN. ‘The ove reward will be yald to.

made or w

IN EDWARD DE SCHOOL, OF SELF-DEPENCE NTH STREET, 0 fev" hoor Tyatia avenue, neery das. feom 01012 Ui a'cloek, beeps Faraday and Brig WOTIONS IN. SE on KINDS OF ARBs Youths from saven. ¥eal CALISTHENICS AND FEN ‘The best and most ueefal Oymuaalle Exercise, Au ed

rahe whole life ey Taetles With Small aod Droadsword, and

Now onen al 400 Ni

B-DEFENC ORG ‘aud pnwards please take

To A gow NIGHT CLASS splll commeuce thls exan- deli


oP Sother Piysteal Ri

cn 0:

TAULE an} POCKET CUTLERY, SOLID SILVER Spertacieg and Gers Obese Aixavenue, between Ninth and Tonth, streets, NOD Watehes carefully’ resatred,


the aubserlbor bas obtal





avd every otherday, at 2o'elockeM., aud


at Waul golelock, The will boa


Fane for the round trip cents. Ni re


yard Rate, between the hours of 9.


CAPITAL 809, 00

1, organized under tho National Banklag Io Ssatens te owues {ieltay for ne eae: ikusfouts seit caraerot tiniecath aad Pte Hee eSB: COOKE, Peon, ais


SALE—COPIES OF THE ite General's Review of the Court- jegeral Fits) it this office, coruer of Soventlf street Wrest




‘ernstomed o doliver api Arise an Ale Wagins {fo drtve ow Express Wason





Prormteron axp MAYAGER. (Also of Holllday-street Theatre, Ballimore. )



Attvo{lon i called to the sala by OC. Mazroer, men OF evealunbte rat st Pauls waa cargescoauly. Ii

Tnqutre*at Kodiels “White Houre,) Wisk Welt


léo, an intolligent man,

Compotont men will eet maty road Wasdlng

(olrtrents, distat about iro anfles froma tho **Soldters! Moma’ and adjotned by Mark\rood, Messe: Win


a bls tnjiliable delineation of ‘SiR JOHN PALSTAPP, in the Tragedy eatttled


‘LOvISIASA AYESCE, NEAM Tok: CORYES OF SIXTH STARET, In tho rear of the Metropolitan and National Hotele. SION OP THE DIG CALCIUM LIOMT.




Hasliess knowlodne, with vo re tuatlon te Book; Keeper, at Wale salary.


from tea (0 trrelve ros Be

Pity of garden aad Crmiaz productions, and, will

Enid salabiece exneaioe parpos, of Gm 19 WILLIAM E. SINS:

Werms of ere rey bern. Zalito take place on F onthe premisce Alat may be keen atone auctio BRUTE

riday, December 18th, al 13M.


which enda frith,

sultablo for a private fam ‘THE DATTLE OF SHREWSDURY,

Pua AC aetna Walt


ee a

rtheast eorune of nog2-d88im,



ir Dye

oft ani



ohn Willian, | Pn


Goa top thos fa The ener, KS algae nae Ho tought the fight for ther, Hewon theitgryy anithauartanctse! its foneeal wll ake pen ths of Rafe eultetsed hid parea? len SAAR Snecnadcachall set sony betireea Wand




AS tio

CENDER 16, 182%

<p OTMERS, Ween qteaely ARUOr ENE oli & quod by L ‘The House Is tutes aloes igh, iQ

Nery moderate rent. Apmly to

7 SSeS


| street


i. December 1 athatrest Taptlet

fo dels COMMISSION, | fie

tou will | fh inpiy. battica nad | Jens







or dve stalls, and earriage rooin at


ewe three-story BR


for typo inezles, thetraste anid Poa

‘Aides, i

ate tena

RNOON. Dice rnlves, wesball roll rack

Seals may be secured during the day by application | aC the bax office of the Theatre, belwoen the hours of B

Tat “Aaaamy Sef att Which consist cf a mead Heise Hoey comialato root eau) for immediate oxcapatioa, Nath apd Teeth ereets rex

Taide known at sie z CGUIRE & CO.,



Very Valuabio Ball


feanlefthe at lock, 08 idson'# fablviina of Eaparg No, SU

{opting Ga Stasekchnecds hyane ni 20

between Fourteenth and ers

uated on Datrect


Pryssrurasta Ayesvg, xian WinLanp’« Horet.



Rorogagement, FoR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY,

faa the Cireley ta i

‘Tho Basutifal and Gifted SIsters,


Is given to REORUITS AS WELL AS RE-RNLISTED MEX. itl ba entisted for any particalar arm 0

- MARZETTI TROUPR. Vhieh revarsgement bas boon effected for tho express parpose of preduels ee CAs)|

teenth streets. wea

a ; se HER BOS TAUGTe Ti caateauty ada ct tage alte, hotel, or summer garden, arr We SEStUt Ane ashe Lanta els fa

AIG RM gam


Superior Inducoments (or ealleting are farther Fanieulare taquira at (ho

Sigetralhe ntreet, bet\eren P und G DAUNGERELELD PARKER,

tho service.

one uitored

tnieevour, 20! i

Taer the, fmmedlate direction f King of the Dailet, rection ofthe Cehnet

Fei cai YE tN Ran ere Be

Y EVENING, DECEMBER 1, isc mened with the Makalderal


427 Ssventh treet, Lotwreen Gand IL etroots GUAND MOLMDAY SAU OF OVER 0.4 LOTS OF

TANLE FO PRESENTS, AT F Salesroom, 427 Sayouth street DAY MOR:

BL BANOLAY | gos,12,16,20,24.33 ‘ow ‘Tollet Cream for


apd others tna Tau


y Marvelloas Adrlal Bxerelies, PHANCOLS SIEGMIST and lis son, MASTER GFOI


(he anny, Meauian —— | Banke, “stecie

id o'elock, aad contianing every Evening at7| To bo followed by

rata ofthe army of the United & The beauty of thle

‘wha has beon ty te battles Dy eetliog s minly-

‘Ths tioek egnalsts of consigaments of— ad Silver ‘Watches Chains, Jewelry.

Gold Pens and Ponetl«: Mines, Charms, Salts, Table, Tea, Ke

inptabillty to nay pb tamed 10 the instal « {ee ieneay of ened abd nace tt he cg of th general nna ety tek en

ot ata

jb tho reat Fairy Peutowime, entl- | A RESPLENDENTLY DEAUTIFUL DULf TO-N(ONT.


fv living record

‘and Dessert 8po0!

® acts ever recorded 1a

MT anctrre thts Batti fithaty lislag or dead, Bo |

Notice. —No Improper characte)

Neon and Wadalo

% precont to. hla tele, Wilt evee bo fo romembenes Akcuta are nove maklug (Form satonles aad cleglare fil igacoton geerin L

wrote to day) afternoon, | Peuaaylyania aventie,


reper persans will forfeit Pua!

to ba produced, with everything now and |

20 (0 $1,010 par month. Gud ‘six-blaie Pocket Cullens

eulua Capa and $9, a Cin

Tilocks, and Looking

Photographie Al- Hooks, Inn vartety,

Spiqudt iisoks, 8 Family Uibter ‘hyn Annuals sod Stasdard

‘Sad Mahogany Desks, W. et Pe

Topholf, the Sisters Fi Doanelly, and the Re Tif'appear in the celebrated alle

Montanis fanning and gardening

foatifed tbe rab yea: ‘married man wliout children ‘preverre rofereuce rrapined. (sar

Wax and uthre varioty of Dol ids open tor aapeetton au


Feececreriny reohate

R. JOHN K. GOODALL’'S FASHION. | r. AULE Dancing: Apadarsysreletealhy treet, wear ueslay aod Satarday’ TBM. Thi pr Aosta

ate Salo durfag the B td



Benutltal Seeptr


thn Patent Ol oh

ate fanliles attended. onttaues to give fess

jhe hall ovor Mess. 1

me wee Comic Sor ‘ap original Mex

Wriltan expresaly for bisa, enuilied

‘hero the Guode will bo ret

RE AND ROOM TO LET ON Tait uecel slrelseppeaile So les F Buy


EXOSS READINGS ‘Tho talented Etblopian Comedians, Mevsra TILLY EMERSON,

Honta-Kepipe ood Rovewoed Round dud 7 Parlor Suits, 10 Brocatel aud Rope, deo tanaee Eby Cues iestop Sldeuarda, Ceatre Tab

NEW BOOKS. NEW BooK! | NEW BOOKS! Daya of Shoddy, “By the author of Showilge

yoraient Meds-hous ‘Apply ob the premb

Wontnesn, otto, Teta Molt Git ad Sha toga =TWO_ WELL i Wilk appear la, besidon a great pumber of ae OR Meas commits wd Yaqraidl Garba Sones, Dances, aud Negro Eecenirieliven, tue sereainta ast Ee Lows! 5 8

Uffelotby Cocoa Satta

‘Hays and Nigbls on tho Battle Piel. Carleton, a ts

alae eed Makoxany Bu

Walnat Cottage aud Pain Beste Mirrorstront Mann,

Pillows aad Bolsters, isle, shack, nd Spring Mattresses, ecaiel aul Mep-eaeret Lona,

7 Feunsyivaula aveut eis Whe he Saceesarnt

ood the Block. Gust reeetvedy a

4 ay Spring-seat Chalrs, Waldatand Oaietsteastoa Diniug Fables,

Hated Tea and Dinner Sat, ae Mishopany’ aide Dees, supa do,

Bat aud Oak Ext (DEVOTIONAL BOOKS| Just reeelved— ae PALS eNerent

or Penbtlon,'3t

p's Theatro, Ie of brick, |

i. batldlugy, Rod wider & | Tile ORAMOH OMMUS/ORVI


Jf Catholié and. Episcopalian Books

MH, MORRISON'S, sod 410 Penna ave,

USK’S COLONEL FLOYD'S Marland, sntbor of

ny | SULIA RicHuosD,


iN Tables, oud |

‘and Com, SMorehants

oh and Htegoro,

Cano-taat and W ing end Diuia areas,

ington Butd- | LOR SALE —S1,000 WILL BUY A

Taratlon god: We ay


thd Revolving Chairs,

fone of the best Dillard say no yeursy atl JW

jeut rooms, Ino flrstsclaxs location for 8 roatau~ ‘Auditions) roms it doatred. Srlocated, unuruiabel rons, for oliecs

By the author of “* Charles Auchester,"! ete ‘Tho Poor Girl. By Pierco Exan. Nagar Let, or the Pato of a Voor Girly ‘Twiea Last, a Novel. Ai gee bodke as soon ax pabliahed:

AIL Biliary pablieations co raers by wall rromplly att

PHILP & SOLOMONS. "at na 10th si


Hein iviniao OF the | twa chart-| oceuamvers

2 | SSfebehondred dotian Hees near a wall rained

worer, orlesques, Extravaganza, &¢., by J. $ CLARKE,

port of fornitare and pase Iu thie Firat ward.

BY 4 © MeGUIRE & CQ,

Lr ge Scsunnes Ar Ty THE Asem © W, SWWAOOART, he,

DAY, Deeoraer'

ft idaveloek, atthe trea | Ba a ecat |

Hoey, and Hares Lae fest Hosta slate 44,000 uote Circular Belek

formance will eonclado with the dellghtfal


one, vavlons dimenslons

Large lot of Sam told Lurker aad


in, 200 0 re (Boy

soldives a New York

Conrad, AWD.

aah iret

AS held ia thele

MENT, ADJUTANT Washiuigton, March 21, frat State, eho reside 40 | Pant

their’ address at thls | ©0008 11

(SAS |

Agius General | Fy




Heaptiesy | bt


fom | ay









= DS) ani a

Ler, an


oa from the Or ta tbo. District of Column tate of Joby


of December, 1ST


‘The boat does wot (ouch at any polaty bn aDes roan

500 BUSHELS POTA- oes: tabu (ele inte (9 salt purchasers poniyinsara anisare owas aha hate


OR SALE—A BLOODED FILLY, ‘our yearsold next spring, » well-brokea and bean” io) aahda ors Bop eae’ a Hehe welts oat




un Porn, in pales



Wight and cast-Iroa, ana |

rity mortlee Locke acl

Lotaf Dea aud Fran

i rehmont'a Legacy, a No ben es tagur's Victory aad Lady Audley! Secret.

t Blied op oticos i. tho ‘Orchestra i conte Private boxes Ea bta Seat azs it ‘rahe oust Privat box ior Penusylynaln cena


brand shuks your sides ye

Sroup's Chrtstinas Ea

i ipoors open at quarter before SSEUir before sa'eleek,

| aibiGethog epints that mlalsierto mirth and cas Cepheriae,, of tho,

round Life’ in Waruiyncton, "Any, book suyertisesd sent f

9 wile faralahed with boftry TS Took srdk

‘(Odoa Building, inka. gp Betna a

BY JAS. G, McGUIRE | ; ‘AUCTIONEERS SEraue oa recelnt

Lara ar run Consen oy Noga |


Seventh street, wear the Post and Patont OBtees

Ancaosiieat rtaud for afinost any bastoess

“an be had linised ixtaly a ranefivanlavediae, bstwrena Fwele and ae:

r Matlonery athe Tgweat SuALLINoTO

orelock, sia the Dronilses,



rating on wort meoraee (armed, by thoes

Canto good nse bldg |

‘Those lots aro well eltuated {a the hamediate vieiolty | ie Ubureb nat tho Government Printing ‘will beysolt to hlzbest bid a iteashetbctriaatade welth Jaterest newured Urea) drat al Whaveyaucen atthe cvst gt (ee pure Sas

teenth 5


streets, the Whole Yo be


Furnished, auil several Sing TSA D steal, 28d


lds and tn.


Yonkeand, Now ports weankx n Wont, nok (ar (oma

{ho Dapeng

private rev Hominy rcxrbancted

ale Bredang Saco Willard’= eet

m Aduifenton—Laales 9) ennte CM VARIETIES 1 VARIETIES !!

Pewasrny ania avexce 430 Nix



IRE & CO.,

BY canes

iy Diuners and Sap)



‘omcerun's Bann ov VAvoan Wirt, ueriErs Baxv OC, stmurrs N lcembor Wb, AU [PidcGa in Revereauon No A streel, between Baud Catreo Sou fubulby back 150 foot to A Siefeer- alley, ia: eon the trout by two fraino dwelliog hones, cons aluiog four roume caeby noier whlch ls nue Tos Rhea, iofraiss dWelliusy coutalalng


Wernoeday xtternc Goneral Bnraside 93 ho promiees, wo eball


Haunt, fu the eapscloys donble hours

mato Lospoctor Oe Heapacanrena Akur oF riz Potomac,

The Hoautifal Indlan Drama, WEET OF THE WISH-TON-WI8HL

Mlle Cherrle Petrie SLiMr, Marry

| suevea 1 Seana, Ber o NoBa ttc ther peel of

Aa eased teat Abe We eae si eT sear

ne Baer antes ce tooapeeny oe CU siemeniatar

ile ead Shane ante geal

i rear by A m8

Gur letter nf December the" Teatstoye, ? ad

1 Jecated In tho immediate vleielty | & Heiuclyal Gotels, Again Warehousa nad the de

Katisfactiog Skank: zi hnacte the ent

THE LIMERICK BOY. ‘The plde-spllliing Farco of THE DUTCH,

intlow tho Konto Tuquire at thls oiea,

feoras, with pris! ofnot Jess than stx 1 further particulars.

Lo six anal twelve |

‘Terns €2,G0 tn ca AL of (nist 00H

Write (atorest seured by de


Establishincat (hat will return tho capital fuveatod |, Wd eau bs extouded (o Ooo Hundred

gear, in ahs ety aul leit

Ig stx monte, au Private Secretary for

Thousand Dollacs por year, Sitisract cnate


e besullful Ballet, TUE PAINTER)

Milo Wiadel, Mone. Haptlstha, Eraud Unrie of Lady Dancers. Mantle aa

BY Wb WALL & co

RUeTIONERHS, uthevst corner Penneyleanin avenue anid Ninth at.

a, Febraary +4, 150 Anthn sins maetioned iy ie airs | dade by’ Gonna Bucaalge, ¢tbtae 1 | faetesateet othe: coo aerate to Reap and

ING STOCK AT AUCTION-—1u paryannce of @ of Deeviabery Iss,

Alleghany county,

fo. i, foil €y Ae

co Uiprelia unre, Wo’ wl

pag Sakardhy, the dc de

ALE—A VALUABLE FARM, Washlnguin allroad,

from Washington, aauarterof 3

eontalne 1S weres,

fig four years Tighe large oe Boro, 8.

1 Veust, dated th sconed Ja the Clerk's C Maryinud, iu Liber Not, Ni lrvetion of the tra

ca Tospeetor General Wholeaale,and otal by Ec



Viral work of the beautiful aad accomplished Arit, ‘S


somgtatiog tick nyrennhin ceca ts comvententiy as 1 the ellyy

toiteo at this pola fava raving of 38

evrulng Iu a selceted programme Tho spleadid Variotles Company, of OVER FIFTY PERFORM 1p xn unapproachablo bil ouferteiuinentot neatly four Bours! Mut GO EARLY FOR SEATS.

lll appear oy)


SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE NEAR WASILINGTON. Fae Trasten, In parruauce of a deers inc Georue’s eouaty ot RI logkeg Mey AC fae,

equnty, Shieh

PAMILY MATINES. Commence at o’eloeks

near Willard's Tiotel, comfortably far- And all adectlons of tho Throat aud Lnogr

Doors opsm at7 o°elock.

Decaklast it required whore orery ogo la more

* Grocers, coruer F'nod Thirteenth st


fonrenlent and pleasaut sulle of farmlsbed Ors.

With da additicual Bedrooms It

fing be obtalaed on apriteation at No. 27 Pour-and-a col, between Beubsylyania ayenud agi © stregt

December’ Wah a0 <tiatrday thereat faatea tn Prive Geo

In (his changeal or Teas subject to Coughs, Adcctica of tho Theoat or package of BOSWELL’


mags, they should procare& ‘MEDICATED COUGIL(

ho moat plearant aud efectual remedy Kowa. ‘To public xpcakers or alngora itis Invaluable, Sco what colebrated Profossor Alexander Wolowekl say

» Ghatatulng nbout Aixty-ne ved Veluatle for Gardontog aud {nlite to sult ue |

ington, hy the Way | ey te we


—FOR SALE, A RES- Ae ogo at tho bev Joallona in th cy SS eT a acer

wad within for a good deal Of Wood alates ‘of the Tate Digger. lage, ao ater | sms un ibo day of git purchase mee ns Fears, tu eau! stalmeat ‘es to bs eecures Toto anproved by ia purehigen mowey authorized by the deereo Co Ser or purchasers in (08

Wasuixotox, Apeil 2), 186 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Mr. BOSWELL-Stm; Having used your Medteated 4 anid other alfeetlous of Ube th

vy colds, I found it very bened- cial and (o surpass anyUblog claa that T havo ever used for (he samo purpose, god would recommend It to siugors and pervous subject to such aifectlons from cold ‘or excessive ase of the volee. ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI,

Professor of Masie

BF Sold at all tho princinal Drug Stores, DOSWELL'S DRUG STORE, comer of Marylacd ove rue and Seventh strect.

further hen atark wood, | rect

({REAT OPPORTUNITY.—GROUN ‘iogattiea Bultufog, on.

Gandy for Hoare: proceeding from b


sale, aud tho balan i

Witt interest root day ytthe parehaset,

Ground, a Sixth wid

aso for a tera of Years enlved, ead tuformation wer ot thieteeuth aud

bad Fotereat, (ho ‘rast Eanyey the property

Phoso wishing to purchase qro

of wehlet will bo pald Inadvagee

SUGEAS, at ils Lamls OR RENT.—MEMBERS OF CON- si ot thors, ean be’ accommodated wlth ong

ft farulsbed, yx, ued unre of Capitol, Ades

Ipyitod (o view When ©. C, MAGAUD! be


Upper Marlbora,

Be eatirriase e SOuIRE + C0., fel OT coals per yackate, 01

Pleor oF water


SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S fae tere Ther Pabie Kats of Quartermaster H clef Becerra walt AOR Ry T QUARTERMASTER'S

Reuieeany Sino Gy nut 2" St

SALE—THB LEASE AND GOOD- altuated ow C street, 10} of which will bo pal to adlvaare: half aud Sixth etroet west. This i farnished, contaias from 25 (9 :0 room dg in (he bualarss preset

toes, adyerthind

OLD GEWELRY, | between Four andes:

See oat att 4,00 Busbels Potatosy decane eurant eitie late

OR RENT—SEVERALROOMS, SUIT. pies orgleepex arin


corner of Eighth nid atree 19 Dbte. Cider, foot of Fleventhestreet Wharf, pez Smith.

se of G aod Twen

Wainrsaros: D. O.. November factions oa Wednes

Hak nt tho Corral, wear'tha Obsotvatory, i

rive thle weeks f

ft Mekeld have di Fellows Malle de LE—A RESTAURANT AND Dar, oa'Peoneyltaula avcnne.

faquirs of TASS chinat,

‘Allo, 60 Tons of FINE TIMOTHY HAY, per schooucrs Lowls Clark and Happy Retarn Also, por tteamer Georgia, at Geornetowu, 40) bbls. New York racked SOUSED PIOS) TRIPE, MINCEMEATS, 4c Dally arriving, per Express, POULTRY, EGS, ke, ke from Delaware: For Sale to the (rade, at COMBIERCIAL BUILDINGS COMMISSION AND PRO- DUCE MARKET HOUSE, Loulslana avenge

‘Alot or poblle Horses wna Males, eandemaed ws wb> AU Tar pablic sere

Salgs to pourneuen at iO avelock A.M,

Terpu—eash in Goverument tuples


Captain and A. @ ML, U.S Armiy



aud dolog © komt baslacax, GRAN, wea, Commiastos SMer=

wlll apply any

ganla avenue, wlth or with RECRUITING OPFICERS= ying busines. as a comrataalon


Noveraber sy 1h AYS, fod Gh ot pabile wucan, at Uo fot, pear tbls elt); garg

it presnat'stvek, carnptl i 00 the first and ¢htrd WED:

Decembor, Ise, will by Cavalry Depot, at Glos)


condemned as ondt for Salo (a cowrocai


frontlag seventy

Engine Wall,neartho Market,oa Penasy1yania aye

JOR SALE—A Vanvanu nue, between Soveuth and Niath streets

in Georgotown, D. C ore or lees, on Wa Starkerstroets. aud extondiog to the Ca id fo 20 barrels uf Gace par aay three-story Warghouse, aWjolulug

ler hifeet, between Prederiel Pat iboreloce Ay NL Terni caali, (a Goverainent fund

i fhrthine particulars leaulro of N Coruef of Fourteenth amd New York avenue.

OL Ony strech Geargelowiy oF AO v.


‘connected with (ol

Taulslana ayeauo, dese]



WO LARGA ROOMS, ENGRAVINGS Iago tural, A Wefan ad Pith

‘OR RENT—A COMFORTABLE FUR- niished HOUSE, having modern ronvontences, Lo

fed la tho Firat ward, For particulars, addross Wai

WOUSERBEPING EFFECTS IN GENERAL, TWatrestyuear corset of Nlustessth azd Teamsyl yaaa)

at recel ved and. 60

The Subscribers, having respect{ully Invite 0

Tah SFOUK, won wud gentlomen of is. aud thapablle

Elgut dare abore Oda Pleas neaniber the amber, HBG, and the del: 2S15

UTOGRAPHIST.—M me C. De Prage, “Antograrhlat, Natl neq We all te peivelpal TEE\eacto the Americas pales for Ae Focure attra Life. Treen fiers wate tires atime 0


EEG LOLARRL MOMERE Sk Set um, ileus or aL

a Vireinia, Joly 1 1

ehased from Mr- Samnel Tefebawer the gaown ae tho CITX i

ionbie se Meee Oe

Tate Llentraapt Colgsgh sth Heguzat Teabiylvasla Heserve Votastecr Cars

I OF THOSE WHO DESIRE TO cou Ae ge ena ha

Boom So, L Wasblagtoa Vaile UNN & CO.


sine possesslon EN

‘cemeral Wo call at the a

Nuventicand Ue ptreetsand oxaMIae OBE ATES Corner of High and Danherton streets, Oh


Ingrain, and Domestte

Carpels and Ro fein oue(te four yards Wide

CANE aren See Ae age aE ir ee Sas avons ar, anil get one of pian avi and with your. Rariey ony aD Aeration Herd B, WYLEMAN, ‘Washington Ballding, cor. Sargnt cthand wa oR rds Bograved abd

A large assortinnot of Mahozap'y cud) Walnut Faraltarg Tssklng-Glasses, Crocker vs Waskots, with mearfy a fueulshing ibe

Avo Gatter Ourselves that ay. ebug srilelos incur Hne,and wil Will be pleasod with our stock and nrices.


jber articles iu the Nemes


be accomodated yelth rooms aad \ 1 Bi

eon welahing to pare Honar ws with a cally

JANE B WINOH, OF PROVI- le Te, baving taken ie oss No, 48, Totweril Ritu aud Stetbe formerly kept by BIN Aciuanentan (taunt boats


Visiting and Wedding C3


No. 348 PENNSYLY (Fatranca No, SLL © streets)

Pespecttally solicit

Wotweed Siatieenti antes iaslesndi and weds GEM inate Alves tho ye troy Wablosboanders

OARD AND ROOMS WANTED.— ‘Tira furalshed rooms with boards mutleman and Wi


pinenrrie, tna adnan Uisieents or two Posthge a sae Towepr sew Forks si

DEAD BODY RECOGNIZED BY wearin ubo of B. Ws B.

Soldier shonld wear t

cayaiiion itis ade uf paro sliver, baa

uh Rane Cowany, AND REGIMEST

Branch of the Philadelphia Dest Carp ENGRAVING ‘Neatly and promplly done by

family, wanted dy a Tenidedta (a the ety,

peer, Heskok eeuiances elven au te Adress a enn frania avenue, ap elas!

Sovkeller and

T= Ft age

DECEMBER 14, 1863.




Bi r arity tn the alt Seles, roading cloly upon hs | BENATOY AND REPRESENTATIVES CoAw AND WOOD.




c 7 WASHINGTON. = = |= = = a =: 7 = —. =x jecla of Dickesir and Thackeray. To the Messrs. bs = 7 7 UMD: MOR PLATES. ALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Harper Brothers, the publishers of “Rachel Ray,” VICE PRESIDENT. (OAL AT W) LESALE, (PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR, PROPOSALS FoR 1 ER. AB D0 tho anthor 1s largely odebted for this enviable pol | yamtta,........Mo,..++<300 F strect. J” Niiy wharf, footer Bloventh alreet, Inland FEALED PROPOSAES vill Gerecolved ail tho 21st Cer Anareasr Qoantens Area's OFFICE Wits purasyD (CONGR ana azilafier Mona, Novcsaber 2h, Us dally trales Lon, ns they have given him a very prominent place SrxATORA. K WOOD AT WHOLESAL! Jnstant, at 12 0'elock M., for farniahing tho Subsistence Duror or Wasmrxatox, No, 14 F street Bertie THE DEPARTMERT will, moti’ the ee day at De: Peace retiree Kya tata aa ie mr , Wiortiacat with ea howsad bart of Floan as Peete: to pecaner ht i rita ant i MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1863, | inihetr fagesine, and havo repabllehad, we belle, | nnoay <..0.Tedoss-s-(Willant's Hotel rseeifian Saves Srauep Pageant sees cia thins ull | cetabanaext mete pn HULA RH ATC SA SHR. ana yrcro all his works. No amount of such adventitious ald, | Bayard. Del.... 316 T street. pees Atay Yard, soar Baltitaore an: lo. road Depo stu fares ip new gak tare RUEEAD beet nash oR AMET Rett gf the Nery an <n Y priarae rant Leave He A el WA. and 3 and a [A¥aléa for tbo Dally Moralog Ghroaicl,) | however, would have given Nr. Trollope Ma present | Homes ot Ngse ss A TERS | = cE ctor what wou 12, | Bate eva dunrermaseeay anal, fae Rasa | a led any eee Fenner: In War. position, hai there not been a substratum of real | Booe ayy” COAL AND WoO AT RETAIL and Aud (oF aay Guaully lecasthan’ the 1nd bar: [and deserintivey wes en ratoly for the aldecarmor striae Leave Washington al O24, § ami 1130 A.M. aud by Ww. Me ih DEMATA, {ntent and merit. !*Rachel Ray sone ofhis best | Garito..+.. aon BESNU Roos haadbel Vals of Ros Vaal | Tawoat Aveibitnd (0m) ot cont back walaat, | sed sioy fe focssne mony voafNaticon eure | 4160} anda SL daly, Seana” Ow Bs Svein raialag daa of youth ee iat een ikmariera ate Cin NE gan ast sale Fi a apts or diratevdes bool burn | SNe mete nee wide sree | BOsmeG Oh rien eri acohaot ny | OY Seda ARLHS See, Leet tratin wager Temes 4am Taser Soro te RS | aR ae TTAGL | ceaseeite “RLM WANE Fone to commence wihin Axe | ose aetabln poate tantteiecbe Wilt eet | nnoe anxon alipseatt tania Soadaday ar gad ESL vain ERS Ropes owe A enor SLO) me races Carrie eee eee Wiliagiediotae ©) SY | _soss-sxate qarefuntbe malse of Wo Mah ante eren teal: | “Aiihe tore dees tose etd wer HNatAblON9E- | sien nogsnea.tipyrepet ine slter, som or| “taste Waka cta Oe Sanday, at 0 . tye waded In the Wake of Truth om INN +AU n= Va ee Square. ro er daily ay tho Government may ety delivered | ber, woil weasoncd, yublect to tho faypeciion ofan agent | , Eleven bmadsed 100) wronght triaiplates, sum oF | Leave Washlagion dally, except Sunday, a Fa eeeS oF Tat | ee Sane ov Cuowacre; or, the Diamond Brooch, | Dixoa....-..-:-Gonn.... Presidente square, | (OAT, Mian yamateersonar mcr Fay «ll getegowte'at | Centra antaenea ed ag teeaBinn nd wide: | eet CO et a IU cee Oa ee eee a ee tons aad Unni marches, bivouncr, and eann " fod viierateries. Sold by Wim, Hallantype. "| Davis -...0.2..Ky.....- WG. Chale a | TNE cosy thy imme ovat he ralra Yopettarentn | Her ow or beforo asa daynfBeeumbst | RCSA PR SARS Pe hen yale tbe | eh AB ad Bat ae aH a8 ESO ‘These are good books for tho young. The nat ix a | Doolittle -...: OMEN se, bet eth and 71h. Oe Te tA D fog inepeniago the ide ‘ap fall namo and feet silerwadresn of tho bidder | qiryatoryo hr sidellun athe tela, RrORRd | tn ee oti THe roped en Ra ls vm fale, | TE fly ot organ heen mhorlumphol | Foster Aetan ee | as amen Coogan (Maymentwil brad a eriteats of idebataes, | pat ameat nt PB oc aut | sited aticeontsenta Utara oa” a | eaec BahlmONnee SR at ed A.B and as SOI UD ay a over many troubles by thelr firm trustin Divine Pro- | 6 res UMM Bat bet aithand 12th. | Whigs Ash Goal, baraset, Exgeanil Stove alse. « disharesmeut. Unaparticw must appear, or the ii will in considered as | ARM edges sauare, stralghty and planed trun ta tha also | 3h mene UN Eten lke rome thip, with salle ll tom away | TTT re ascon fsa rica of nine storlen re | QTR. Soe | Taos CouDs WOOD, SRNGCEN Goetament tnvpeclon wilt mato just | ha fatiiaant arama tidenarty eae ts 0 | Ractay redone Leave Dal ino Se TA wi7as a. 2s raking Plasts, mow straggling on the main | ayy welt written, which inculcate falth In the Divine | yfenderson .+..Mo.-.. -.Willand's Hotel. 40s PINE, and “Anpath of allegiance mast accompany each 11a, and | gad'an oath of allegiaues must cevinfauy each Propoa= | WWROCUMTY 18OX eTHINER rach gene ANN APOLTS y With naked waste I meet t's atllefrny, jetog an tho prot of serving Hm, “Millan's Hote, i muggony wood, | aii barateriipcl fom qaris'e hs have te | it |) ranesthowsnad.and twenty 303) llaeal fet of tron] Hanve Wasington aU.8-4 Bt and San P.M ls viread realities oll Wat now remaln; Balog ane Sini..21/! Avenuo House, | Gonttength, op fawot and gant any Veuethreagired | MlonlyYalied to comply with thelevide otra biasers | lHroposate moat be addeened te Coplala James AM. | ariagern nigitiahinenne ayuate excone atthe aera | patent ars ansieg Uskateat egery wind, Be. : aaein She Te Farat Manuiaoe. By Mrs, Emma D. BLN, | 11 iMi..s. National Hotel. Gsosamswee Funwil Gea greaty tothole advan | not pment (ormpond, No Flour mcelved whiek aot | sfoorn Avafant Quarermantgr, Washtagton. I C, | gua'vony whims they williaperonn way for Oe earth | AME (GHReE BLT earth ney ort ‘all motives riddled fn the Liat of sar eR Aran ALARA Dy Are Ba Neto He cee tim hSine eonerg ae ue stoves | feetervgna, es NI seen ean | Bua TRuatibomlaiaiygatt “Bropsall eater apes ape ny 5 Jagat | anny en George Ranh Wine, woman, verro—all things at Tovely are! | te Soquhyrorth wrltes more than most authors a 442 Thirteonth street. Bovold very lows Hemember tbe piaeY a cay, Bids ta be sddrossed to the apd, at 22: BUATANTHI ocr Sea stater of Traasporiaton

Arent, Waslilugton, 00, rade Topol

lly aM Hors mast shorn by | RRR UREA Bi

1M, COLE, (ieneral Tieket


Gyo o dru Da AoE IT Diviembar, kek | chn wlth safety (o Wels repatation, and yet rhe re | Howe cag N York avenue. cuit South side Canal, corner Seventh steel. | i. EN eiein asia ate Chen st let | gation oop (Warhngtou papers copy.) spy S VA, tatos he? popnlarity without abatement. <The Fa- “73 Vermontavenue | y, OA N NE Woop TT RRGTIDA = The ablilty of tho bidder to Mil tho contract, should tt | #60 "earph tle ton froin tho cud = = a SS ay tread Nadonat Hose FLICKoRY, OAK, AND PI PROPOSALS FOR POTATOES. ae tee toaat be quaens (acd by aire mene | Feu Emagen a tReARAD ETA )HILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, Hong from “Supper at (ie 311.” (aU Marriage iswilleerialoly not ba the, Least ne Washington House. for alo, cond lengthy eheaP EY 6 yyy Hitspomonss, wndeollgaatures are tobe appenaed to | Tpaeeimtaor the best Wea en ANDUALTIMORE'RAIEROAD, © oo Ae ay JRAR THOELON ‘nd alinilvtal of Nix woke 90.1 poseaees OTe S DUG ore Jah strceh bet Fad conner Sevooth sirostand Cans. | "SEALED PROPOSALS will}bo reget unt the 15 antec avist cicovssperny | fhysred in elght months from the date of ti seent Sta aa a Hee ve teaves break forth, | terest, with a vigorous movement Sn3the develop | Morgan - aod T streets, - ~ ail Kinda, on | (ant at220velck st for tiralshing the wabslatened San rwiien (ie n(da-ars | SIDE ARMOR, ya and ater Monday APE PITTA DELPHIA vain Meco ste a Uno eae | nent of the plot. Morrit (JOAL: COAL, “COAL. —OF all Kinds, om | Beoartpens wih iret Ibeuand (Sa BON eke vavllere) a1 and forty of wrrought | _partattiwors atu Ukepriss,) Mogdaye excepted, Diy old airrow wakes and cries, . 2 eS Ta hand and for salo by 8 EE Sada, Voy aa the Government miny direct, within Hares slvued by (3) toches ty thickuos * Oilowing | @15 L314. Me, (exis) and at, Mand 12 Mey For 1 know there i daqn {a the far, for north, Rowxnanocr Parens. By W. M. Thackeray: | Dowell 22. Ry lx Po aah yeep RR Fe a el aoe "And f scarlet eum doth reo | Sotu by Suen Taylor. Pomeroy «s..+s,Rantas +273 Vermont -t¢ _ core stent at md Can._| SAU, PIR nt pase I, eae of ae | LAS gm Like g scarlet Mooee the énowefleld spreads, | Tho *papers'? composing this yohume ortginally Hate TOOD, WOOD. SUR PER Te Pee Ng ete | Tong by 53 loches wide | ds isd ‘And the Jes founts mn free, | sripeared in tie Cerna Ut stages ne: he anbects ara ‘Ohfo |... .Willard!a Hotel. ‘Sayre {In four pleces had split for One Dollar nee | “An cathof allegianen to accompany each bid. Se 2 | Forse Caiogt 815A. Mand d-opr. M. fa [Asi the Berga bets Uo bow thr hen | diversity analtne exsaya eobibi a Cdr myetasen ot | SEED, Ar au eS SMRME Win, gusetamont torves tho FRBL to wet ay bid for | Aeron cuctanins atrial : Fer earer tus ‘Ani plonge, and all in Ue ra I HAR Nea vaIE A ey ae ree en To oveSeo,Chase'ye.oth and E | ttt corner Seedtnneteet end Caait. | YG "yl bo audrensed tobe, andernigoos, at a2 0 | Hol thy einlenet m agcoancy Ny Riesilliaa ee : exhitit trony, humor, shrelaess,and sarcasm, The hoodie Ghesy Great = aunty Sad endures atpoue he Potcez Lo | proradiion, dita aoala ny prpontion acc Ob, my ost love, and my own, own Lorn, one entitled “Round about a Christmas-trey?? is TAvenue Mouse. x SOTTO nit (eee pee | ‘Anil mg love that loved mo 201 fapital, and will ba reail just now with much into~ 5 SRatfobal Hote. ___ LEGAL NOTIC 2 s wo ET | "At th contrat tw awarded him vo aro pear | Pea, raisers arena cals in the. wwesie ere Fest. Fach artlelelsaceompanie’ by an illusteauon, | Wapieeners WWM Fy aitesourl avenus. HE SUPREME COURT OF THE DIS. | PROPOSALS FOR WBAVY PROJEC-| \{hileievaralirniss teannento! We uavial or) | aeeerethsiy a3B Ss Where they Isten for wonls from below! fund nearly tho whole twenty aro admirable. gine Washington louse TILES i ‘hrigit to riest any oral bie that nay be deena Leave over atta AM ant ogamests Nay, Lepoke once, nnd I yrleved thee sore Bevan ie arcanse ay alvayonreline) ae len teh § Fowr-and-a-halt stree Distetet, Fs Onnsaxck Ornce, Wan Derannasr, | 0 bisiie rscrvta by the Depet Gasrtariaater, ne Wl Kenya Sew Cautiears Oe MSSM Tremember all that T sald, Sold by at Shillington ees EALAD PHoposaeetHt Rey heey ne HK Fea, | ones thera panied a ernie th ea aw thou wilt hear rac no more—no rossra novel will be Ucclde pala. 5 TEPIESES and ap’ | | SEALED PROPOSALS will fy fecelvead at the vBleo | Radin easa ofthe falluee of tha bidder wis athe - E : re seit oisbundant and varied tnedenby ABA mAGy |g: ci rs Riperam ICON tae usc aaa etna aA wa ae | Mea “Wer ib liad sho oog | USTs gGuns Mug ANe AR Sree ca 7 ‘Thou Uidet sot thy (oot on the ship, and eall gems of descriptive wnling, Some portions of Ib | Arnold ...ee..-cHIN. coc oakGeatreets | Muti stalne far eumdemsatiogy "as TatefDt pany (ar ‘Phd WATEITOWN AliSbN AL, Haiti supply sueh Weteleney by purchase, and. euch Taare Chestipat RS A AL and aL Moth Ieee a tho so fp, are fil of tondroes, nd wilt tring the tar | Alls. 2<" Stowe: ndachattettet. | MOMS fat aky wl hal al nae tls Natta | HMUartsMPazaral eh itac te Tee(Miataghn a('eatd WBA Sty ats a9 ‘Thou wert sad, for thy love dld not avall, foto the readet!seye. Mornover It} a gee moral | ARGON EE ye | a m8 | Matirmal popoens lbs gees Euan AAs east" Gatchea, wien ‘And the end I cv!d not know. worthy of a true woman's heart, and of a woman’s | Ani soa QPoureandeachaltstrest. | Sui whare all geruone ary waracl (o\ermar {askin | set NeEeretn oy |eaeeae Captain, Antniant duarterinaster i lls ea a ag Dip peea Neat shoale Aare eee ey ae Troi bocce Oe ie sorarcel Ree enaeicr o ee Bat | PROPOSALS FOR LEAD. rere pa oe cet a ‘Wrotn that day Theldnot deart : pase ee Banter ito an8 Séeenth street, Napember 2 185 MEIGS ® sr | save, Wihlagion for Perryville nad Intermed Mow could Tknow I rhould love thee away LIST OF PAT Trandege. ubbempietienta stmt, | _Boditant ——— - mach Hot Gspsasng. Uivien, Way ers TIRCOALE DEM leptin and lntermedlate When I dla not loyo thee anear! Insucd from the United States Patent | HNduln Sop moor. HUD Gt ATA. a TPHB_ SUPRE IB COURT OF THE) , OAMIDEL Mele GOVERNOM'S ISLAND, | _SKALED PROPOSALS WH bet ty aganae foreach eas lt eo per ACL OE aye . > SS ise ese Omlec, for the week enuling December §, Lo pisrrict oF COLUMBIA. holllng a, District bo ualli o'clock At on th } f ie tens, waybedy that rhe floc ing mataeN?! ‘We shall walk no moro through the sodien plato 'y | Boutorell : Court of the United States for derald Matriet tall wn ystneh hatter t tho delivery of 2 cad dr more tons of pare, soft lead, sult red wad ninety-two C2) plates to noraba. iy . WIth the faded bents dterspread, 1803, each bearing that date. Blond.......- |. hun It ay pueera ResetORS 7 Se ee Aran | able toe viloand ace rated Thu who dttheaidenraer to beinads foto the best | Erm Vhiadelphis to Baltimory 4A; M. aud 12 mild. th tho faded bents Serspresl, _—— sts 3 NOTICE 18 IEREDY GIVEN, That, oa tho $500) B-Aneh | ithotesd tata be oC approved, quality, and. to. be de mM, oaJy wad edges to bo equare and straight und | night > 7 = ‘We shall stand no more by We seething mato | ,pTeHenry A. Amelung, of New York, N. Yi, for SES Four-ana-hals stroot. | october, Wash the schooner. Alia, bed ic 2 eae Tale ttle Watany tine witht piety day frou the c-| piage true tothe be elven Sfa'bo delivered tu) From, Phifaielphln 0 WHmington, 1 P. Mand? SE ae Ry mequcs “Artes, of arceloea, Spa oes Aer are NTT MANT inte thts District for 8 p || AE as Sittea’ Arsenal Governor's inlaud, Now Korks | of tha incu (o be of Mprois Wilmington (y Filatelphta, 7 and 11.90 P, 3. 2 Werball part ne more in he win ant the rain, | ayant Atos of arcelsiay Spaloy fo me a sO tie Retiuenaments liveled aga prosecuted fo this. Cour a julat the Unled’ Staton ‘Arsenal St uly SM | ig of treaty (2 | Wise Batinofo' Puiouelpufay RaQ MO “Where thy last farewell wa sald Eioadng. ei [Golo FL. Nauonal Hoted fa the nang of the Untied eta ast ret aud tbat oi Tone or mom abeach plicey free ofall charat for iraua- | Thesqnaro neh nt froin yortlos having Supprlotendoat PW, aod D Healitved Su hn Xtal noel Meo Bad kaw theo BSIa | recta paver Grails pemeels eee | ek 5 ‘Metropolitan Hotel taldengeemiicatand fon teal ah hey Ha in tho et fortitentes of sme and’ Fret iy Fecal exislitattus crete ‘Tiga dents wed tu | _Pavindtgaua fags 20781 998 Maasai provelbeDt In ase fur motive powe: N eet. Elly of Washington, on tho second MONDAV Neen , ST. LOUIS, MO. thy Tretsary Department, in (ho osual torn eMtablietiments will bo examined before s eontract Will | When tho ses gives up her dea [Piro Samuel Dabarok, of Atlddletown, Conn, for Seen ee ee Een Eats, | Ber eye es one eon art warned ts | AT THESE. LOU Ly SF. LOUIS, MO. | Met Ba rebeved for aby portiou of tio ausatty | featrante MLCT RAWLKOAD ROUTE Sage mT | Improved snap-hook. ec 1256 F atrevt. Appear to abow caues why condembation sbould not I Ploy Injneh hella | not ies than 10 tone. Vanicotars wilt bo givea on applicatia (o the coti- HET WHEN NOTICES OF NEW nOOKS, "iy Willlaus Bailey, of Wea, No ¥., for fraprove= Markhaya's Hote ‘eer ai gngean or tr iepst | an BARAWRSRUNGHOx ansesan, wasutxoros, | Hide wif azprved mete, willba mauled fr tho | mann tn trea Sie Cas Navgyaeh WASHINGTON AND GES OF ns an eed eaten ‘Soxeiabey 0 || : | fattest of ey contact hat way bs ad par hevcnatract wit embrice the a SON BL ere To Wiliam H. »_ of Marathon, N. ¥., for z 3 Filteenth etreot. pee a a een Deal aaveen THROUGH THAINS-NO STOPPAG ane oy Cranes Tuy, Hon, Dake of Tur- | improvement in Telescopes, De “af rankiin Pace, Fst = 5 COURT OF THE Bla aay i ec ira indy. By Jobn Foster Kirk PAiloédphia—J. | yo William H. Baker, of Marathon, N. ¥-, for | Cf Sac Mibsonrl avente, HE SUPREME | CQ atten "Pheigadter Qoucral | “Thy propesttion janet aeate (he pres per poond for WASHINGTON BNAS OE PALLE OST ppincott Improvement in lock for frearis. ; Wiltara’s Hott. Pier cou mt. hee MG ry HG be mado tho Kind of ela ‘SnaaaneeWasagoay B:| wehlhtad Serf thoiga el beds arGia re | PMILAD'A, WHLAUNGTON BALTIMORE 1. The author of Uila work wes engnged with the late fo O. Heosber nna Tt. E- Hogers, of Philadelphia, : Thirteenth ctrect, | CQarkat the Uae, States ey god tauposted after ihe raves tad dowa In the Urduaaes adorned “Proposals | Soeetive’Sney-vamds, ad must be accompanied by" | ¢.atney w ANBOY and’ SEW JERSEY RAILROADS Mr. Prescott in the preparation of his great works, | Pa-. for fmprovement in rallroad Journal taxes "National Hotel. NOTICE TS TEREUY GIVEN, Thaton thessih day | Seaualy with tho execption of tho I-tucu. hattorine H ne, GEORGE D, Aas daranioe thai thn. partiqe Will excente m contract I N& a NEW JERS Sea haere Righrermtallen ad mabolen aaa ToS. H- Blatedel, of Boston, Dass ,for improved Joy's, corner Eighth st. | November, 185 (ho riebt, ttle; tntorests sou oxtatn of ‘Mots which ane (9 bo mindy ef gum of tenatle | _nolSetmis. _ Brig, Gen., ChiefofOninanes. | awarded to them, uowetotbedest NEW ARRANGEMENT. eed Ehewros eputatton as © scholar and a9 8 | soda water apparata AWhinedts Hotel. Geared Fowles, tn parts of Subdlvinions 15 aud Tent, FaDRlug helyee BROW and e408) paubds SARA DE ST | POSALS FOR'E ab. | owand anor April 22, 195, tritns will Leave as Hudest ot hutory. To the previt rolumes he bas | “To Vingil W Blnnchan, of Drldpert, Vif | Got See Waabington House se Yaad erga pigoyia Sass fo he 4. | Gteeteia aud iourman tovttian Saupe | PROPOSALS FOR WAY, STRAW, | PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. ater Ape 215 trang Wl Yronght fine powers xreat experience; and an almost | MONT Grenkiin diryant, of East Daston Aigmmniriecnth streets Ad ie Sguare sag la Laity 2. debe 3) 2h £4 2 | Ra the samp to bo teated is tobe taken frou tue pre | a = at Guise Qeagrenwasren's Ornice. Leave Weshinga a Lib Med 830k Ferfeot taste. Tila judgment, as applied to historical | toss. tor Improvement in allway carrl : i SOTAW. Gs Choatera tay ott. | 2,72 28 1S SPU Tiber arte United states for | Dratelngs of all hese profectllos can_ bo acca at nny: of Aewurare acuetansareea'e Orr cuereigact | Leave Philade{phia + 0: M13 A. Ly 1.8 A! 3 : evidence, It of 9 ery bleh order, whilo hls ro- |" fo Albert kottana, of Britgepert, Gunny for tm- TOMA Joy's coraee elghtnat” | EM Biddy ax ekehedtoshouan fife Valtod sata: | we Aruuate here liyrargig Ke Geared. Ahornrs| | TAUeRAoataeMinenfor dn in | @reanpiviaaiin tw Gharternaater's Penartneny at | Aerivgut New Foret his ea, & 808M ptyonlaltadis: Hobs ural ~ | proved channeling to0 i z Seinen, sobad ote | AM UBOUI aestibstta and prosecuted ta tids Courts | fection ape ta is huypsetea at tue foundry aloes east, | WRUTTEN PROPOSALS ara tavited. for farateblog | Watklogtos® B.'C,; Haltiieres alice, Alssoudriay aad +S soarece are aimést olimited. | He has availed tims | PRS Grig c. Burdiet; of New Haven, Conn., for Seta, swik, | Meatnoetimevmialsatenforcyndtianaton, ortho | at uayt be dellvcted at the sariouy arscuaie Teey of] nayrturayey atsyapdvoray fori ee ot heGnverae | Fort Suara, Vay seettbeet tes place wi Hay rage Xe ¥ elf of recent Jovestizatlons Iu Belgian, S¥itzerinod,, | jmprovemvals ip utetne for makiny buts, a BSF areet Suse Fath ibe soy fort'and that anid Qiee i | charge far tr on oh dui'dellvtrad aly mgt, Wb dteeed st lesaodsoy YS. any pa | Curae Oat ha Sire : CA Mea be ene a SWS BA AY eet ote Ny a Valarie itl Fee OUy MS AaaSeE Stone hs | EAS ab iteuera afore | SHR autNaata eu Rad etal ae as | oeueh Seta Gee pt : Dronght to Nght fir ampler details of the chief actors | Improveinent in frwing devicw for Saye milla, cana Neb..,...986 D street. or aust, | Mud whee all persons ars warmed to appeat 9 show deivery” to bo iad s Bldddors must etato at whtel of tho above-nauied pinta | Arriva ot Washington S90, ALT 3, G8, 44 4 AL spi erents of the perlod embraced In this Distory | provemsent invconetraction of bugtes 3 Tcateroppbiaa Hotels | fateytarrertnaie muerte, aigpcel ded tran wild aubiget tho cone if ariel sever | they wilvonke dolivenied therean hn eunetity of cack Superintendent P., W., aud H. Kallrocd than rere before accesible; and Mr. Rirkchas thus |’ To Anthony, Chabot, of San Francie, Cal., for UiMinw22/National Hotel. ‘Kovamber a b ifsc tga farfeltar of the umber be sus fal to de> | “Bronte wl by forty thoursa 0 | 3 Philadvtpbian pelt, maniea ma Yen enable! to demonstrate that the earcer of | Improvement in filters. Mich +55 434 D street. daahae wee! a Feerat that thine " hashele of Cora aud Gals, and OA (2) tons of Hay or | iver < 4 A i. “fy Charies Aak, of Moant Pleasant, Towa, 5 ate Fe | Rparalo bide mast he mado (or each kta” of proiee- | Sirswe aad upwrafdey uatese it shalt befor the tauereat oF | pleted 2 Canele the Dold Lssomething furmorovital and tun | (or aprovet odow each insteners ne? oN | Dumont. ..<.cdnd ....--Natfonal Hoth (THE SUPREME COURT OF TH DIS. |usithatirany MiAr inn untee Ges | Gates a ots fore auran 1% inwortsonthovtan | 1SO3. = A863. sflde thon the romantle epltode It has teencommonly | ‘IV Willam 0. Olark, of Portland, Maine, for m= a rer yeaatth stroets TRICT OF COLUMBIA, hatalag aDisttet Court of | areua}y, cenarate Wide must Ye mado for exch Kind at) Corn tobe put un la bee ut aaeks of abet two | MITE PENNSY TASCENTRAL ruppoeal to have ven. ‘Two yoltimes of the work | Pravetent fn railruad car coupling.” Eckley: é “National Hatel inp Cali sates ortho eAld Dit ee ie | tte contieran neat enieclaines nee MATERO TAY q % To Adawos Ik. Cooper, of Macon Clty, UL, for Washington House, at chor te vet concern recing: Nolle ih OF FrUpeietone uf orks, whe age Know ‘crn hs cowsreriox}, are just atout to be turd, and te thint isin eourre | proce warhiog miculns. jd agonal Lee Re ee ee eT ee eee ain riaseat to bo earsbin Ot executing. the work al this advetiscicat to, be 15 4 vinsp CLASS HOUTE TO ALL frnE Wesreny Ofpreparallon, We eannot Better eerve both author | “fe Willinia Craig, of Urbana, DI, for Improve. | Bot, aa Recopolltan Hote. theaUaited Stator steamer Dat Gbing captured, inrictaliorfethairavaestabiameate so fet to'n ret ise, br tbe Wineteata a” | "th natlealar kfpd ge dove, 4, sary Bare seat tea and reader thao by waking somo extracts trou the | Bent Ia corm planters, z SoU Tet strcet SER and Uroughe tho same into thie HisteeU WE 32- | sorta banda, with approved varctlen, (or Its Yalthfal | Parehasca will bo mscto frown thina to timo, under this | peapenalia To uniiversis must bsesteviaike| groxy GALLASTED, AND FREE Qo) bis a Charles I. Dascom’, of Clorelanil, Oblo, for Gextion, and tho same aro libelled ani proseented tn . (MIANIE CHECKED, ou Oot Durer, advance pheeta that aro no Lefore ws= Improved ceat und cane. 3 a Te Cert ne gae ef Ue Velted aiatenn On con aan ene at right to relcl ti tome respourit’ pet, ddered| undor the bids horeln tavitel | MAMAN CHECKED riKOCuM YEO AegHee Persvnnl Deteriptieniet tue Dukes FEE ee ane on isaso ar la provement Di SERCO Toa ea ad aut tac st | ie Dirarpt rcrss ty Wel hy nab rs | rirsetcees cr | ‘Miran Dally Tey trod (Obar lane asters pity Heabelia of austen! took | le wpparetan oe ed} tatig rasuneh ta bering snl | PUReObesecasses Neck RO REE fori ate in thet of Washingt, | Rae yaa Sma mlasraR Ese PIL AED 2 Pee bORG, place ia Mok. “Thuch m eluctant bridegroom, be | "Tu Timuthy Yaris, of Smite, It1., tue FeO Ty Laie a Peres | Wie EE LON DA Saat tocemboc net We Men anew are ale wil De nr ‘! } Hehe Meararaont : lowest respenusl he taarest ok tue de a of ther making = imo strongly Oltachial to his wife; and his treat- | proved nut-cracker. “US stre Id not be deere ant to tnteryeue pays Chief of Urduance, mate Will bo inadein auch fandaas may be pro: rayment will bo rand wh ct Ssectow at HaueisooRs ment of ler ducing thelr-upion, which fastat cloven | To Josiah Hils of Pittsburg, Penn. for tmprove- | : sianioasifavennet aad wilt Go endorsed Pr leave F Viren the Ualted Stator Trvasucy, ant as far na hail have beea de WENN CENTHOA JAILROAD, ee ey eee eran cuits ta oom oie | manta hoes ised Gecemtee ta Sreeti: rere mea MGS, | Me sung rasa tye AMC eek he eaceruene a, ee | MORAL eT a Satreradl ea erate Yatra ae a jatcourt her tho sovendi | | 19 Thomas D, 2b Forest, of Binminigam, Conp., | Goyne, Avenue House. det ——————— cla ere | payiorats uotll the equnpleto faldiment of ageesmente, | vith guaranty, algued By two responsible percansy That TNE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE Mimvelf eet an estinple- of open centiousness, the | for toxelune for waking tage ae TWilland’s Hotes, 5 BUD: a NOR OPFICE, Aoodtaccunity wiil bo roautned for. tho faithfat huldi- | Wwe iM bid te accented hoe they. Witty wita toa cme Count of Chorolais pr Whatwas cortaiolya | To ALM. Emery, ot New York, N. ¥., tor Lm- eee teen if “Metropolitan Hotel. HE SUPREME COURT OF THE \ moutorany ageecment made moder tile ad atone ts asaltart ror WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE Tare if not tue cals, nstanco ufmarital Gdellty. Lis | pruveumeatty pereuslou Tust for ues Be Sera ett, | A, DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA boiling a District Court | rember’) 1s Wil Se eau d } Tanita indeed wens net suel.oa arise trom at'inonlic | © Harlot Erb, of Saumden; Penn. for Improve cQoa cc awillanie Hote crate Toe the a De, | fast norton of be iver ngewe. wien fe: | wlBdaa uteoarar, ur delves tht rage to et RO ITILWYST. analaya or easurg cil erstsrnae opty ment intatehuseApiitated Ostover 24 1803. Gale aU lLanlta GLaL UE al schon Mf may. concern, fericting: Notice te | atoriahiplacd hatiesiag skis wieedrait Fok (ue p es ity with the terme of this advertioement: | eee ck See FC Paap’ food nnd Eeidons Late utolin Brieascn, of New corks Ne > for im- | ATTingtON «+= -Ind <as---Rive: Harrison NeRPAe Tada aad eugene Wt. Halles lt [2 aahantse Drie. Gen SEaiese Seen | PROPO sasg ah sald bidder aon Tat to cater Seer nea Tickets anny ab the OAtee OL ee er | with a much Insger proporuon of water. Droved port stopper for vessels of war. Holman SOMES Brown, td dnd Mo. ay | 5 Sabaro St, tn the elty of Washington, owas wuluat by 2B = braald bidderaad the cext leweat woonsibie bidder, | atrectond PenusylYania aveoue;, Washlogton, and Tieasaro was not in, Heaury lal eeiinduigenceys) | To George fies, of New York, No Woy for Im- | Herel f)Washington House. ho apoio the Ualdea ate foe Sal Wbteet SALS FOR LUMBER. i thy potagu to Whol ine coutrnct way ih fade? | Calvert Stattoa, Baldmoy ays the clzonicler, "but fo labor aod endurapse. | proved teed Uottou’ fubtand” am Onur. Toho use or hn Uli States, nod iho am ie . i Rapounibiity wf thr ees : Sa : Hehantevel bmele by constant exercise and capo: | To James Pullen, of Saxonville, Mass, for ime | HUPEAMT ss=.0 Ne X os - Qa Uae soa, iipeonceated fo Hic Court ta he pam tine HRA saad Atanas Be traahcintenmcats SPLENDID SLEEPING CARS OW ALT, NIGHT TRAINS | Pat a er Ere PSE es ea tee S| Ent a Cera lly ered Houmes Washington Hours. | Usiieh Satay for eondaranatin for anes HaAtUI | year or Wasnisungyy No, LOK Fe ent le _genoragan ata a , | SER WENN in throwing the bar. He was seldom To ALC. Gantner, of Rehester, N. ¥., for lms | tuba... ndea-halfstreet. | City Mail.ta the elly of Washlugion, ou Mun third MON Waanixaros, cee nbs |} pico fur the Farnishing of Cava [spare Kwon | i tin cha was prosairacd Inthe forest of Solgnies, | provement in car coupling SU AWitlands Hotel DArof Weseraber bext When aud where ail womous aro | | SEALED PROPOSALS will bo recolved at c, | lixpred ia Washingrou ety, D.C, Re hee | ROTTS od delighted tepectally In the dangerous pastime ct |" To Alesanter Gordon, of New York, N. Y., for | Heep oer ith aud Hists. | warned ts armoar to show: caase why coudemnntira | ootli Monuay, Aecembes 8, Wu, at V2 oF elec The borscs-to comply with tho following spocitica- | rejectinn of Hele prupssaie ee O/AEEMANE OF | Da sscazors will ke thed A MF, hud 6,60 P.M tralia Bunting the wild boar.” Huton the coast of Holland, | 1mprovemont ta resitering marine loz : $$ Fourand-sholt strvet, | shvaid uot We deerced, aud ) fatervaee for tbetrlay | delivering. tu the ety of ton, me such Dolnis 8s\) ign, vig: Mo be from diteen (10) to sixteen Cid) hands | “Ano ful uameaad Post Oklco address of each bidder | Gouueedng in Halitmore with the g.90-X. SL abd, 8.20 B jehich Be often vislte!, He found #Ulll stronger attrne: | ‘to Charles Graus, of St. Louts, Ato., for Improved | Hlutchins Metropolitan Hotel. forests. 19. Steas, the Depot aarteruyr ay dist, dng illlon Cd 10 (9) years old, well broken to | must bu legibly weltion | SC trains on the Northern Central Railroad, nod arrly, Hoe ints purvalt lu ehich so large nutes ef commpotaton for lubrleating. ae tor | 2oDk8- == ‘Metropolitan Hotel. dos-thst SS mt Hone iacreoenne soley eae "eomcy bully fasond Hes, ned reo ftom | Propels dt ba nd le in tarrinbore at) S30 and 8 ‘ete male uabllanta wenn roxagal—irequrating the oosan in | Lu Lodwig Haccker, oF Atteabarg, Hungary, for | Jayne: cder Avenue Hot SHRISUPRETTETOOU: PT 5. | {Seto fiondrod ana sity thon. ot | a1: Ruther, Chie Depot Gauctonosnien, Waste Sloneonpeetfon with the trates onpylvaals fen the sormalestmratiin an aunking biel | mpryssment a brewing With mal Jeon ect THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DIS- | oh} white pias common college J atsability ortho uidutce to fal ryyacutzoust | Ce, gad bout vo nlalaiy marked” Prop Central Hatlroad for atl party of Frseusaly scpuaiuted with ‘he art of seamanship | tv Calvin J. Holman, of Oshkesi, Wie, for im ae iitan Hotel, ce BRIER QR COLUMBLY, potatng » Dintlet Court ot | Py thousand i fort oF a aaa ute Br twa ree naIB Lobe LORE Ree tees : eeranint fo its minutes! detalts, proved sewing machin iccctWvasington House. SARE eo AR | Noten fa | PluReoamon callin | No nevnacal wilt bo cotertatued unless the cath of al- | nigued by tuecontractacaal both By nls route Feaighte of nit descriptions canbe for "To dames A. UKenirick, of Providence, Pa., for Milano: pete aie that on the wae aye at Moseioter saa Honeand (@yOH) fect At oF ene (1) Inch Goortng.| regianceat iho Pereou or Ferviue blddinx sball bs ou Blo | Meteo eee Tada seated ty und trons any pots tae Katlroada ot Ob were courteous but necetat fie | mproveweat in wachine for irindiug nad pollshing ; Natlonnl ot ASEVIZUE ies tateveat, cedestatect dole Laneast | Ray ameen tained (AON) fect Sx6 oF 7 2 {osteo rigniog the contract” Kentucky, tadiane Hidnots,” Wieecusla, Towa, nod Vee regarded us eagential qu tools. LL ABLE streets ter, Samuel Manson, Jr, and Koso A. Lancaster apart |7°Fyr(y-thteo thotisaud (43,000) fect 3x0 or 7 boimlock | ,,TBe responalbliity of tho euarant bo shows by | "Tlauk Corns of bide, cuarantess, and bonds, may be | Mlesonnl, by railroad direct Revhad lttie relish tor thn To Thomas Sverry Hunt, of Montreal, Canada | Keilor 2220... ‘Avathingtoa House, GLAS Subdivisigh Dok Toad" xSubsteision of Jolst Sightcon teetiong Ce d fy ratagigvigrot sie ramae Dist | oiahaed ou aed et vibe Febetyivaria Central Maltroad also sonnets at N savers cour. "io East, (or improvement In eduiposluen Tor bankenole Darras da lethe ely of Washington; vapaciaed By the Siar i mnand (1,00) fect $3 herwloek Jolst, tea Diniteu Maemo. Pre Pa OF Ei raorg itt Thy euteh ode eabo ae Tedined tantes, and other inka, [UNational Hotel. thal of the Ualted Slates for aald Detects asearfelt oat | at " G, Sawte Hlef Quartermaster, Cavairy Durvais sales Tonnes rlaud, {iissise adisstseipnls Wiseos: Frente, ie 1 John Hulehingn, of Theo ers Mich fr Sonn oss Avenue rouse Wed and prosecutat in thie Cout inthe nmaeoC un ah res iowa {9s0 nd 10 Nerolock | fy endured ou ho eatslonw sHopotate eres | 4 dhe wabaerber, maT Sn Aekaatae” dada tert, ad Z sauprovementin grain cleaners ; C2 TgsIndlana avenua, ‘onlemoations for exasoe lu fald ibe sc x16 eo LOOK. sod enorchantablo luin- | Cavalry Hurees agrociag wit thea dives (o hn altel staqesy veland, sandaniy, aud Cueagu with steances (9 Bert cotar me ie cull tn CLP. Jenks, of Bagion, Max. assignor to “Spa 2 Bsa 8 atret veel tan fortrai atthe Gy | ycAllthg atone desertbed ls be goed merchantable Tarunent at ye Sil Nerthneectorn Lake Se ee aen wens nanisaaty Lavi Ly Tower, of the pame place” for ink-stand. s Uther, Metropolitan Hotel, aie ie Unire LOR lo Ame INDESL arp barr arma i Montrealers Laker salyaitibg be, transportation 5 eine Seon ‘To William’ Jones, of St. Louls, Mo., for im. Seer SE areet, ALS Gare rane a elBy lla 10h day or Jane Mas 3 Cam Washington Wopot, Deetualees, 16% thetollowiag ar- | of thelr Fanight w thls Compeay can rely with cont aries had Powertip ls. st movement in potato diggers. Longyear 2. : 3 Viscous UGS lenea oo a epee (ea Situen hes iointin oar : y | ie i S-Lamntertot rockakillyN. Y., for improve | 1ankieoF R nero : ea 6, SAWTEDL eT Ee eae Rea A SLAP te ok ment In venUilating railroad cars. Taovejoy so. IDLTeALy 8, 186. KR. J MBIGS, Clerk, Vleotenant Colonel wad Culeratancrneete, Bl Wines as favorable ss are Charged by other Kallecad ‘To T.S. Lambert, of Peckskill, N.¥., for Improve | Torus. ss ‘Four-and-a-half at. Agra pecs Per ORY SuHey They We ec apesar in tho p noX-tt Cavalry Bureau. Compaalen gfe tdi cee valida Tong. Metropolitan Tote ae a DOF DHE | 2tqne verte man = “Terparticalar to mark packages “via PEXSeYLVANIA 5 se Php de ‘Com HOA Eater of eeskahal, Nos lorfoumowet | Maetigcchsc:ss Re 8 cc Natlonal Hotel (PHE SUPREME COURT OF THE | gi. %on taal va APPLICATION FOR DU teat Chatman Ieatnavan ee ‘anil never save in hiia welgn at fecr in roller for wringing machines Mallory. cc. 22. :ij. ossa Pourcandsa-balt street, > DP COLUMBIA, holding 9. District | “Proposals trae mri ust cout esos D WARRANTS aoe batons th : Sy Ueoanee be bore litte nscinblane to hls afersaho | To Jacou Jc Lown of New York,N. Y., for pen] Mecheg Sar G sire X: Gyurtut tae: alled Staten forthe eal Disutets Yo ail | anksmonth oFatieglauee mest accompany each nrope: | ~~ EAND WARTANTS eas an | ‘ar Uefora the Aseut Non bern (atya) Halle, A full, red month being the only distinctive feature | oni pencil case MeAllister ... |. -.... Avenue House whom It may concern, rest ng ~ lion. x ‘To whom It may concora: | ence taloke Genéral Soperiuitendent, Altoona, Penneylvanis. GaN they had Jn ccsipon, His es war rounds} ToCharles F. Macy and Soth Martin, of Lute | mete Anne HOU Lee E A RERKBVFOLVER Toston the ith doy | eeposaln mngt bo aiddrowed to Capiats James | TARuomMtmayconenras | fides atthe sc tense iter Be onnrep ee" Ale el GUET, his complexion a transparent olive, Unted with a | York, Cal., for improvement in hose noxale ‘Miller... S07 Washington Jfouse. of November, 185% tho United ‘States, steamer Lacons | Moore, ANshtant daaricrmavier, Waalington })-C..and | sane, 18, for the relssoo of the fand warrants described | & 1 Dt has born acex ski Goneral Teket Agent, Penadylvanla ses ruddy plows A wavy lous of thleky Mack lint }~To'Thoms J-Mazee, of Cincinnati, Oble, for au | sUgdteiga,. UN Sc aes O nee G2Naod cargos and brought thoeame foto tig bietrct |e” GN sin for Luar ichraro alleged to navetsou ont ord rycen cee ebheae Grerhuog his forvheay snd flowed aroied Me neck. | proved sofa-bedstend. Miller Ws ilss.cN. ¥ ...-Avenue Hon foradiuuienfon cud thesawo sre tooling nnd prosecas |. ‘Tho responsibilty of tho guarantors most bo shown | Hea le Ueraby given tat, atthe danefolloag| yoat-dSi€ _ienoral Frolebt Azeat, Vulladeinbla In walking, his looks were habitually ilirecud lo- | ‘To W. D. Mann, of Detroit, Mich., for improved | Mord... SUiGhipman’s.470 7th treet. | tedlwthtsCoart inthe name of the United Staten for | by the oblclal eerlideats of the Clerk of thouarest Dlo-- | scqiton of each Nrarrant, 5 iikotenoe | Brigadier General DB. AG Licewen, ee Wark the jeround; but bis eyex were ‘angelleally | mode of stinging accoutrements. Mooruead -: Soda Eleventh stivet Condemuation as tach pez ani that eaid. cause sil | trict Conrt, orot tho Uplted States Bistret Atcaraey. Roy'9d eat for 1) seross | ie Cute Depak Wunrterimaster, GREAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE ) clear," thelr glances equally penetraing and ex- | To Daniel McNabb, of Moscow, Mlch., for hu- | Morris... Ws. Joy’s, Eighth street. Stand (ortiat at tho City ally iu the Clty of Washlag- | ‘Tho ability of the biddor to Gil the contract, sbouid IL p Ret FOR ne ros Anuedl aden te wv x 0 THE Se aaie micustnty ateseement eniAe anal | provement in exeavatece Se a ea ieetth abet: | tony oa the ital MONDAY of Dectuiber, ilaue when | be awarded fo hn, tbat be euarantonl by co respon ER Date area ate Lg ne | eee ae NORTHWEST ND SOUTIWEST. Taner of his yolce were agreeable nnd distinct. “Me |” To DanJ. AMoaart, of New York, N. ¥., aud Last | Mebowell v-stmies es Meradon Tous fed jhe all pertoge ae warned (a oynear. go show | Nbfe persona, whrzcgnatarce ay to beyaaded to | $uRe *24 ocl-itawrinw | cower tbe : ON AND APTI. AOVEMIER J0 tratas vet leave wasgitel With abaturat coquence, ssmetines im- | Beach, of Farmington, ono., ani Leeporte Hut | lek ene ‘Herndon Hous, Gauss why condeimnation shoul not bo deenecds math [Re uarabies, ani nald yunruntve must ucsrnptay | Ne, v5 018 (or 1 aceon lsd ander Me setel Mave | CAH? acess atta hi pe Sitintore fia the Nort Calvert Salton be Fell . PetatWe cattle anthro asiemperament | tel St irs Coonc, sor inpeovetivat tm Heck | Manion.) oR rman ous cream (getnete| Ruston Sen Tae : ay ist gama of els jolgtly aod severally ovanane with the] Aaitteaterat: : reba} P becoming, are grocete, uot Kes gtr thas | andwateh eeapementes OTS OT Ager CM HL at. bets . | asin 7 iene. | onguedaethnte people wit not SEGRE ER ee ae ey NHL Ldn ton dans ater tbo | Hserieburg Accomodation Icavea at XP. vehement. o'John Prigglty of Jersey Olly, N.J., for im- | MIs: Tec Willanns Hotel OW tgek Ere ee SEE: lsu tho sum of Ree shone a Wi; for 300 nerees In aldtitd, esecuiotiwcontract for dhesaute | Partton decommodattou fo. Teaver dies.) A Tis bardly necessary thal wo should skotch exen | proveineat (a hydrate Miller. cs eNatlonal Hotel, OU: 5 ie coatrattor aa Both of his Fuaraate foe 30) screny les qu safgelea curties a fark ca 1 the | ee eee ae ee eae & wbocuina af Chants shnratte, hala docs |W Willis SL, of Neve York, N.Y, for | MME sect sceRe ce Natlona Mel HE SUPREME COURT, OR THE | siccrurgeyaecih der sige a rah ibe eae essed 303 Herereal uel in tir moat meagre narrative his | mprocenieut in ing Sancho. Novia 22: 212 Eleventh street, Aa RISTRIET QR COLUMN, Boldin a, MiatsGt [iM cousructs ee orgs for la dere tanta oho tho a cime of aeerdreneat dated Be-| the asi AM, trata fom Washington connects with life. There are no snbliotien 00 be expleredy no| Ao Whlocas AL. Wandall, of San Francisco; Cal., | Nove, Cee Data, | Gtartol the Untted Statee Zor ty 0 ie POOR EMMANTER cata or | fy ise tm Me maint of Hlleabotl nek nists modor hie ve Mas aad i | ene tA. Ai ra enn litinane fe Aap a Mrange contradictions to le reconellel. Elery and | for Improvement in quartz milis or crushers Norton . NOTICE Ie boreby given, that, on the day of —, | wad otha coanly, of and State | soot sainer children of Alfred SI gona foresald, wo euaraates to make woot thy didereae: Cahaniialiois end Niagara Pauls, and for Now York Andeaiblo; proud, Lmpatlent, melancholy; tmplaca-| ‘To John H. Ianoh, of New York, N.Y.» for im- “UU bpenna l2a7 @ street. et) the mersgnal wroperty oC ALY. Gargett was | of "do beroby guarantes that sc ablo to | Was.granted January 3), february 1, 150 tiweon td outer by tha sald ——— and thp next lowest | Cunsodalk 4 MoRinEh la enmttlcep thts: fudgaenia, eon ATES | moeenet ead bee eee ORR oWinanle Hotel. IRE SRA URE a Uns Halted Staten ser mata Dine | Semi Tae ceGG eet. Go Sota tht lana Be Ey TRuahit we adghaer, .__ | ones Maddroe ce poriag ta weet fait rublect to gust of passdon ‘that nettion Into a | To Lucius & Reynolds, of Mendon, Tit, for lm- | rN Dito. Metropol Hotel, TeleU ua forfeited tothe use of the Unlted States, amd the | proporilous apd touts shoul hie propoettion. bo gee (BARRETT, | ee breton jolSel rane feveatr culaplon sone cia wih fallen Axsinee of parpase Uy Which Mattery an | proveaient In compaand projectile for ordaidnee, | Ore. ccs dmdec aly Tmeveenthstrest. | Same de dibelind and. prosgcuted tn this Conit ia the | cented, ho welll at odes cater Into a eoutrart ia accond= se z fy Given ander one hfuds and seals | eye's) P. Mk tra from Halliqore, ive Butea and tee i feunel were lls Feslelsee tating tn the |i Richarg gery of New Soy Se Cor SRENGECTISM Thirteents ates | MRS SGP Cat Sater nt enRAN Rr er | PA LE net io awaniod ln, woarepreerel | GEOURE A MUSICAL EDUCATION. | a | SoaiiSasatitiiernautho Wes ure or battling storinfully wi resent, | stamp cancelles NN: Mex. treet. 1, in the city of Wasblagton, on tho | to Lecome hls reel cs be x IN P. SPANIER desir: | PING Charles the td, Varlike, tbe Teerl: | TorFraneia Shenton, of Slatinton, Pa., for lm Tees NIN street U Be bscunber acct whew asd: wheroml | “(mets paarsetiee Sati be apranded the oflelal ofl: tee et fo thor | sonniteenaiae x proverent io joint for slate and other fra National Hotel ‘warued to aprear to. show ease Why eon vadined H to stained guaraat | DAE THOUGH TRAIN O38 SUNDAY To Milles 1 Skiff, of Cornwall Bridge, Conn., {Metropolitan Hotel. Hould uot be decreed, apd (o tuteryeas for | Th reject aby: Or all bids that mnay-bo wala, elke at bis r= enmount fi NE WEA) a yas of history In | for Lnprovement In cultivators i wo See rs 3 reserved'by the Di No, 495 Fatrect, betwevu Sixth aud Seveath LOW FARE AND QUICK TIME ET eran) ee san ee tint cpeeerreee Pe 24 Nl stent BJ. METOS, Clerk, | SSARIERANTeseENs 7 ata ie pence of Misvupite "Abundant | ("Fo breed by th United States DissetAttraey, | toeciee.. Iwas thought by thos who knew him in | for lmproveaient In hay tlevatiog forks Bary occ c ON Soc WARE ORL —- : z Fagsticeianamed anirmautsad bythe Cuveraments | Vaiiplaiseshibiea to provebie caro xcatsaeber | colocgr susan vt auy wiher Ate ander | | Sor etete and ang Inforallon arly a Ib Oe i ls sunth, and who were peruny miplea by iene | "aw Willan Hk ‘Stepionson, at West Groeavill | Pray? See ME SUPREME COURT OF THE DIS. | Metin gah sites file sa lsoh ah Ere (otis oes Bou gD own | «Treat Beg raul Hoste rger ef Rranayivan ive babils, that he had no strong Inclination (oa werment in truss WR Seana Routh ae TRICT OF COLUMBIA, holding a Dlotelet Court of | guailty br auactity, the lumber, supalated tobe dee t Al 7 1A am avenue and bith street, under N milllary carter. ut his Jirst experieuc Ju-arme Art, of Wapsilo, Toma, for improved | Reser flare Hotel. the Uaited States for tho eald District flvord, then the Realttant Westiermanierto haye tis | PROPOSALS FOR DEAD HORSES deo-tt Brigadtor General and aipeterisaster, | 1202 Jou N, DUBARRY, & fusion that was never a tosiume ium Jules hee ee ‘National Hotel. Tu att whom ie muy concerns Wrecking: Notice tx | rate ie supply such ueelensy by purchase, aud uel SP z superiatindent Romans eae gated er, All Lhenatural dtres of youth were consumed pe Sleltert, of St Louls, Mo., for sme | Reuford eo Wllands ito a. | Roertoetvean that on te 16th"day OF debuary, 1835 | Bidderta be evar wich th diferracy uf cost Deron Gear! | (YRDNANCE OFFICE nyt EUgANOHTON, Tete ecat i ‘Dy the Intense amis of his armbiUon. Jt Is related | provement in cooking stoves. . L Rollins Node Est, bot. 6th and 7th. | byd SS Macsbal ut the United Statestoreald District. na | /2forinal proporate rejected. Waurmaros, DG nocnmber 150 v Fckonhet = = + = gt hing at tals period, that every nizht after rouir- | To William A. Sweet, of Syracuse, N. ¥., for | Honan Nass 22. Willani/s tote Reulted tothe use ut he Valted States, and thetaisots | gots.ct a eOREy, | SEALED PROVOSALS will birscolyed at tho'otten of Wye tepucrtest, | TO DISCHARGED SOLDIERS AND === Kaeo chute ‘one of Bt altendhit trea | improvement ig reacts 7G N.Y OF RIG pc NOR Mae Hotel posind late tyurtia Benuiaea ng | 12 ——_tapinin, Aa AL | 6 Paes a dn UNV eTtHL | ae apa Vaannnapon Seeger gS orien Sere ime stirring jesazeof anclent Isto J, | To Charles F. Toylor, of New York, N. ¥., for | Rand Four-anilen-balf street. States, (or eypdemantion for causes 1n the nd D 5 7 r AIDAY, Decombor I +| SEALED PROPOSALS wil. by veeslved at thls CAUTION Siboiutencd to the exploltsof “Atecaader it nny | taporement tt mucking for carreltog the aaa | Rowe C0 coca Twelve Coe | lbelaet ith, aud that sat etee will mand forinatat | PROPOSALS FOR HAY ftir fie sate at ail thw horses that may div or | uulitarcleck Ie As ou lheasth of Becomper oe ‘Au tberw have béon so Mapp cviaplatuts mado by the Save Wc Baan Asal usted “tate ea [wa eb 2c og etait | a Ahead Waki nthe Fe gi ie Sees MATL aa” | Nts face eeinen eS ee Ate ata hg ROSY Cag A ta Feelon tat ie co as theta of Pau TW Geonge Terry, of New York, N.Y. for to s Herne ntroeh tebe Gadi ates aE Bi EMSS amare. | iteanicugite tate araae cetera cess secmene | Nae intpa oma tenitnr ay Go mnderlqna stay boat ee ned elon amd never Loula the XI of France. provement ju cowLiniog springs for motive power. e r 3 lomnation should not be decreed, aud (0 Intervene for Waawixerox, Decoinbor 10, 18 he horses Wii bo delivered by the United States at a VON rots ‘ut tho Now. York Arena), Governor POSED U Tis person ras lean and Mehepeds “sate ant [2 William (hurbug, “uf Olean, Ne Ver for ime : um aac | iateisterenttnne emer sates merone LED PROPOSALS Jo duplicate of Ove Rundted | cortata Uecigusted scot, to be deteriulaed Oy the United | pee reere ys we'd| ius purchaser repos domeakor wore anything Lut courdy’ or dkmiGel. | Pfovement in ining Jacks. Rewar “1 terePalteron'sa00-D st, | R. J. ME(GS, Glen moreliautable bay lll be ro State PASSAGE TICKETS, Hisfoaturon though full oreharactee, were prthee |, 2; tj Towmecai of Baltimore, M0, for ton | Spat. 222M Carter's,4 Cap. Hi, | _Novembor 216% ___ a ath paul THURSDAY, the Zh day peor wit tate theamgoatyoraniina, aga lve ths Geatar seihdelpitae Seve Noses doston, aod te bandsame norplessing. The eyes, stuall and keen; | !Tovement in shutter fhstentnigs. henck 272 Fourth ptreet. HE SUPREME COU 0 Sand *anud Will ba catertatne ta 4 ae aT pnaea healed Een ene Tenoces large! nromisent, bid dreop ioe ee sates | To Aaron ‘Travis, of Peekskill, N.¥., for tm | Seotte... Indiana ayenue. [HE SUPREME COURT OF THE gli ba enterta | (tvoantuals " Nonhecu aud Eastern tates tae thio, with the npper lip somewhat projecting: th Provement tn pruning: hooks. “5 Sloan. rf Avenue House. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, holding a District | tisemeut. Aance, elther to vicinity ‘Thess accoutrements are to be mi toprocare ekots ehecks und chip ample Dut Wolly, seemed totndleats | , To Exasinus Tucker, of Poplar Grove, Ind, for | Steele... Willards Hotel, part of the Totten to | blddeth moat glve thelr names a foltan well ax their “lu Guverament | by will tho 1s AT THE, - S prplt, areal, econ cco aad anette | ASNmerBent in mopar evaporating apparktis a Ne tee) Notlea ts | pont oudco address, aud ench proporal must be accompa | cumdgcnt tho. ead otros moult ioe the aaa dee | Say OC thea ee aH TICKET OFFICE OP THN Me RO. RT. COMPAN aye J incent, and moble | “Ao Clark Tumeraud J./A, Jackson of Triangle, ‘Metropolitan Tote. at tho | Bcd bys aa. oxth er allowance, Gud nauaramten ened { {eee shuttse ss wei | jee tnsteeticn gt the Aracanl whore Nr THE DELOT His ptyle epliving waa fre fro 1 frogat |: Xsy for ltgproved machine for parllylng wad tre 3 ational Hote), by agtiena than tuoreoaeibio pera, tint if mcon-| "Bods, with approved wecurtfes, will bo rcoulnot | belay pebtived by the Gotcrement; none (o's aceepiel | » Tela the oly place wilero w Fasspager can procure & y lng was free from pomp, and froxal | 7, athe : tract ls mvearded to th erarites'propeingy the | froin is party aWatled, ib the MimoC obs thousand | oF pall for bat euch as are approved @ | Tureagh Ticket a ave your bogeuge evento parsimosy” We traveled what rate, ase | Novaubx feathers Unltd Stator Motet, iret iit te acount = esdiand sul CY REESE CEE Puan er pre ROBERN Oo nNCLIORLIE TRG o Sy Saale Dygaly dre or satay “tat ft | To George: Washburn, of Worcester, Mar. for Wards Hote. leas ecuriy fuzaished orth exceution of thncon: ela iy hae allextetoa will bot reanirads fromtoeeds [ite LTR TTT OT wed, Gt a distance. by fourscere archers of his | {proved condenser. ON, 30 laar G atreet st belted ai tract as prowosod.. ‘The Hebe to, reject auy and all pree | bing i A pe sackads quar, whowers slationtd atnieut inte immeniats | ,, 29 Jamea Wels ofMuscatine, Towa, for fmprovee ional Hot Rae estton for tutus Goad Mist soe roasts aacrinae | Bopads stay tee made under this advertee Proposals mast be alitossed to Caplatn 1. A.Dulay Siviaity "ot his Wodgings. In otering n-town, ne | Manta plane protectors. Willandts Hotel. Fe ae eee for Trat at cia Glop Haltom the | were Uy the Wovernmone If In Lt opinton, a, CREAR Ve aeait street, Washingtnny D:¢ HOSTON ANDTHE RASTENS STATES Ta 8 A

Breda, Te pose we yablle reeantien eae atS | To Zeas Wheeler, of Sau Frauelsco, Cal. for 2 tkrect nly marked ipsa

flty of Washington, oo (he divergide from the thsin avenues inorder to cludeue | profs machine fr ainalgawnating old ani silver. Villard" Qioted.y DSC RO P ee

ed MONDAY of hecem- oponils aro made by a firm, tho naines of ali. the xt, hed aud where ‘ail persons: aro warmed to.| m4 DODD ree area call th

flagh er tah crowd ani generally pre Mv He-Willinnn of eaveawords naan So SETI National ote, As ahuyecauan hy eondduraiion bold nots | PACveh ens es = SRC Beenatnis quarters eilhmens retain Improveinont tn tateies for wate = 3 2S UAVillard?s Hotel. rad fo ioteryeao for thelr interes He Sen a eer GEALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED | Seslenuale, rather an atthe Morestately resitenes | 40M, A Wood of Moock Balle, XN. Yay for | Per. National Hotel. ber 2, 1S, BeJOMBLGS, | ta furnists thn abovo spe sty YY until the ai day of December, 18% at 12 M., for Srnten und been prepared Tor im fruprovement in corabines rake nail reel for Rirvese eo «+ OoL College Law Bailliga. ==. es Merk J. “The whol form of xuaranty tustaccororaay each pro- | the luce) Talo, Rien nnd been prepare Or Ma [ee ; : abe So deere SRE BUPIEME COURT OF THE Dia. | Pats Una rantine Swbumawerdssrs buelscnant bs | thee ceatleaen yeniistscwonid be grasiusiy eas io aii |, tO Fam G, Warten, ofNew York, N.Y. fr “geegrant-anattanst. | Di rmien an convauig dating» tite Goa us wamnaet nae tats aso eciweas | the Mite the Teli and other Imposts estas to the tat | MRreyeamentyn tule 468 Site. Bats Doand E- | oy AMEE OF COBURELA LR © Isle Cone ee Be Che ae? an TSR SE oe eG NEE ty eho. contract, ‘his, he declare, was the very projectwaleh | yp acores XS. Zimmerman, of Frederick, 3M N.Y la Seventeenth etreet To all whom We mny concerti, trecing: Notion tx | Kuaraatore ant Feingred um tho various places iC which threat | imsdithad in contemplation, Hedizopursed | ff tmrovel washing masblu, Xoo Willan Hotel, nefeby even that, ie ny of Tete | Ratt tiry extdence ut the Joyalty Ree ed atau men a stay ba delipaneed op tee Nea aeae i anaqmata | to re Bomar of Me fork vag gi. Dedtunbyie, Ninth stewet, | PORE Haat 2a stare of We LW Grdste ui nk | each fidder as persee otro Mitre Pest : Beavy bunlena thot oppressed the people, and restore | OF #0 American Spiral Spring Butt Hinge Nnulac K 4 Four-and-ahalf street, eo 41S;1n the elty of Washlogton, was soled by | Qulted. Tho ressonelh Tho coutractor shall bo able for all th ike inmom tas Cancion Hier Hhatruch | eg Coops hr aytovenent in meg hoe cor) ee lial of tha Ualted Stains ror aall Disriet, xy | shown by thn offlal ev * Tallow, Hoofs and Morns coming from Stcelvta tet wsetiet nonce Tiee'ees |, Huson nglton iowny 0 Monch Maat Se PRs AE Beeston avenue. | figtea ts ieaeeat Me Uated itt, tua tevanels | tt tnt Coun or wf AE | Renabioga tata Ue made ae : Ruined. Arrangements were neccwary, Ite en- | tenor fo Mmeitand Janes Furvell, of the game z ‘89 Qoatreet. United States, for coudemuntlouy for the causes ia tho | Ifany bidder to whoin an awant may bo mado refuses worn fdarticles. ined potlence, anil, Uy way of enforcing: the teason, | Pees for machine for nalling +hocs, Kansas "96 K etnvt anid libel set forth, and that pald cause will stand for | to eater Into contract ugecenbly with the terix of this | | Py required every tea days in Oavera: rica} fin tho sean ane roe saeal we Telok Flekey, Jt, OC Holtimore, Nd., nee | Woods Boose N ee aa tee Hae erie Aaa ak PIA SA UHC | Seater ar wheeatiae dante the coeteeltod | mney feel aa esa ona aa To Wm. H. Picky? of tho tame’ place OF Metropolitan ote ABHRLAUGAT SH AU heey ot Weabineioe OF | hort atl aeaieel a erussls Senetietiecamsarel ts | “UK atodtd be mada Ta danlente, and an oath of eis- ; In ceasing to be dauphin and tecoming king, |! ent ta tobaben SHULD plpes. «| Willard’s Hotel. Ferrous are warned (a appear ty showy causa why cous | Hhet{ue prosclbed, aswell tn. quailty ay ia quantity, | glauce ast actonipaay saci Did. Ta had aeide a reals change af yoalion teas | 10 hor Geo. Harold, wt Mevokiyn, 2: Ys y a x Soo: deteepottaan tel HONOR ou ARON bet Heched, aa (otulervedo Taz | thee Cganaicary ntithavotherebttotugpisauck | CPhs‘cstencor wht Bs Red tho Fee slr by the ere neseate oe RaeldeD URS | signor to humaelt aud Jolin W. Hiseatisvof the tame Hernvion House. hee fated R J.)ammtos, | veer disbid orcuatencts eek Turney CUATEIRE NESE 8G oon at eer circle ube the ccepess off tue snakes of bis former depsndent state." Me pace foe lmproremenvin\Locksssser ete AN: Youo Willand’s Hotel eGR GEE ewer, | delinquont bidder oresutractor with the ndyauce pald | bid for'a (ulhfal Caldiment of lve ca ‘Was now placed {n clreunstances In which his ambi fo Win. Jones, of St. Lauls, Mo,, asslynor to ¥ <-470 Seventh street, Proposals from disloyal parties will wot bo considered, Ids to bo Atrected to 1! 8 | aa er ea Es electors Ln wale hi AnD (a amit andi Taonea Le salutary eRe Ninthetest if Rano i i Aes

vere. mea HL. Morrill, of Baltiinore, Md, , assignor | Wheeler.

[HE SUPREME) COURT OF THE luc mileants ta gele i asmmer erase eal | 8 saat at oe

able genius could ioove freely without coming con DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA, holding a Distrlet Court | fare Neon m ates tot

EoJoy’s, comer Eighth at,

Unually in coniiiet with laws to which there wa 5 of the United Btates for sald District. i A Meaiiei QUESTOURNeRNAIN, hia, ows (natal to Merrill Patent Firearn Manufacturing Company, | Webster - 1014 Fonreand-halrstreet. rov aleuanhinm $f say concern, Greeting: Notice ix |, Diddgra must bo present at the opening of the Uids, to SALS NURE. | See ee ee a ee ee ay perm amu eabatoe Copnaoy, | Peter: aauurcnadcesbalt treet | notsby given” That, on tne Rey Gay ce Serene SE [UGC ria waattagionor Atex.| Looe Ones Se ANURE Eifehifous rasalsot falhiew mioietre Hte-en: | Sige re a Se | Beret ae tuereats apd clay Of Riots | atl aes pty acuta fies ae alco Daron Qeagenawarry PloyAt Health and doplilty ime otk in when | AV Witla: Patterson, of Somereetoounty, Ry.y | TTL LIAN Geter fe tout dy 4, 8 ands i Rayne athe | Rtas A ale ey = : | Eotmeniy his own satety, but bat ot tie mondrebs, | (n9¥t ithe Untied States trm, ) asignor ta Rimectr | WY ILLIAS ‘ity of Washinetiny ware nelzod bythe Marshal of the | “Aithwy contracted for under thie qdvortisoment will Was A mber 8 13. | Was atetake. He grasped and exalted authority to | Sd Wim. S. Forbes, of Philadelphia, Pa., for m= MERCHANT TAILOR, Hab aga Beata for nal pert ne onfelted (othe uso of | bo rigldfy inepocted, and such as docs uot prose of a | SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelved at thi offiea of ara aT eva ane canta authority | Trorement a pteuaion figs We EaRL So : Ro Gated ates nd baci wens aed aad ro | RSL AIRS lity ah be Whee PRG RU | Capen AS babar RUMP SUNS ees oa Gos ela a legltlnate clan, nhlch nd onr else |, Wy AMeROy F Food, of Franklin, Mass nelgnor ), 226 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, SGeevmacmnttoetoc Mo auagei ait iba oct Gr | ucueaRul loge anes as thy Goverament may | ate ig Dt al Aca Msebes O ‘Wns ro fitted to weld. lam Fo George, of Wrentham, Xinsa., for and that aald cause will stand for tral at the City Hall, | contract, oray soon thercafior as tha prope oBlcenaball | de that may by procured at tho stables aud corrals of Tearseryes tot uotles), too, that except at the | provement in alsing for hats, tc, Between Four-and-a-bulf and Sixth stroela, {a tho Gify of Washlorton, ooibe tint MONDAY of Det | SAga gs SY ous Weratier ss the ruse oBleenaball | Oo Vet ay ret Ginbon. car Washtartony Do, calideuerratta be netead, tho, that except at fhe |ABRrOyemene a AIHOg Te als Ren to i febsber ueat, Whonned where ailersons aro warned | PHA a4, 1 eoumouce within ten (10) daya| whinetua went vuelve ywoathe anced tio Nate a Sataperad by the taka of Bis Yaeler acy he | Himsa au Rebalngton Sin, of Dion, W., | eee feng Nemoto | ka ater aut iutcrney optrtngteee™s "| frm tbe dao athe castrate nud a fe cried By | RE he at ee a enters Sno tacuy where Nt vas. posibis. to tony. a ear. ; FRET apunbtetb (OAR day of January, 1861 eee ee ead ommuccet tant kori t tad |

friend. Morally Lsoluted, he waa InteDestually al- | TOJ- Nottingham South, of Jersey City, Ny J., te Sev aor emcee pee rine ah a | ifeeestntpaettaepe, | ous Guverdoay gy acne heceate poe fo plostveprae Poalneas-coatnye and Over-coutingy adapted ath pre=

He diligealiy sought thems he, tosis tae eat, | Hedatid Decombert, 18a TP Mont seacont whieh il bo made ig tae iatent Mylo and MEDICAL he coull And them. Ho raleed theta trou obesity, | 7 Charles D. Tidale, of East Boston, Mass, na- | atthe thortest notlon. Army and Navy Uullorms mage 4 ho drew them from the ranks of ils wes. He spared | slgndr to himself, B. W: Tisdale, and NH. Boyne | Seeordiny to regulation, EDDY ee Bo palma hn ntver lst pattenon nthe’ ear. | Wh, fo tmpror tient In alway ta trl

CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, Hy T, BRIDGAS, Captain. S.V., | Staten; aud the uccessfal bidder will bo required to re= $ dontstu 283. Getnet, Washlagton, D.C ‘thi manuro nov on band withla tired month a * tid that whieh may aveumuiate at euch tmes that 26

GALE OF it SUA REIN TEE | es ee cae ee Nene oat AE

‘TOWN OF BEAUFORT, SOUTIL CATOLINA epAicrs muat stato tho prlee par enble yard

MEDICAL.—DR. LISPENARD CALLS | faz phdieiton sud ase tans of We Mee ot | Ap aa ot alleraten wil bo regula fom cach

Nowy “5 J USIC \>- disarm the opposition or obisla the support of such | | To Albert Albertson, of New York, N. Y., for tm- Mtentlon to 199, ln purvaanea of the Heh séctlon uf aactemeited | yet , ined vse power to injure geo reve Ma. He hut promiment ialsiap chinese.” Anialatal November M aa SNSTRIVATE consuTIxa ROOMS, Tae emncceal ian afeuen eC an ach muted | Tayntint willbe reanira tea made in ed fundies confidence in his own powers of persune | 29, 186. ! Yo. SOM PExsavLVAsta AVEXTE, onary Wlstrieta within tho Valted Stater, ana forothes | quate ag tho cad a < Say Bi iis fo remo Meludloe, to lten tre htt, S Brom of Wachngion, DO. axteuor Pier eee oe ronspavs, MaHaestet ete cconpare: or [emer wenpoeed dame Ty al setauend oO ea IN EAGUD ear PGecGHEae wilt a -recateed | (Seared Hkh Lh iuielf ua U.P Snel of New York, Newey PASNIONABLE BALD 2 THESDAYS, NHURSHA NS) aed SATURDAYS, of head Ret armed Ealruacy BC es | (nn arr ee aS iota fwnlon ho had’ to ‘dealy ot ly she constratnt oe | Hr toy automate 2 egretcaneaoapavet Wiasesben eran Pet Willams: Wording” ana Nviiiass | uy, tay avranded, fa tho som of ons (Lousaed

Caubo raraged by calling on Wed States Dirvet Tax Conmlestonery | “‘Wrepeieals ust be a sig Caslath: aa end by calllag on, i Teirgale nuit bo aldromal to Captain HL A. Daey,

stronger will, but by gentle and dexterons ianlpn= - Need? 5 Ge Tataete Fo Ue estes of South Garalinas A nerey gegtamoaed | Ang MUR V-. G7AAU sired, Washi : Me had bea tutored by adversity, and it was in | QAPONTFIER, AU the Darraeksveoruer of ih ands nivate osteo atthe Commiesiourratineaald, intietowudt Weaatar | aught SHaEKcd 0 tho enxelon*”Vroporals GE aA: say tak sgaety "wan mse cic on coNCESTHATED LYK hx dou Fou ites suSeini Peo Erp PN SRR a Fe a Std. Hewns gover 50 scnvney so chivrtuls no NOES 3 Bee ge Pest tien ght ryt isi; bib telocky’ AL ailiday, feta dare = TASGHID ODFIGE when overtaken by misfortune. When be tought EF DESFOSSE, i . of the several lots, payin of ats and locks of laud con- iL QUARTERMAST ER’S OFFICE, eon knw the ral tedinste witch Seco ope FAMILY SOAP MAKY a gor ag Ae SE ON rage PESTO: the Wutfdjags therwot to wit= Berk Guo) to lock | SEALED PROPUSAES will Gare vod a hn tien of ki e real estimate which he set *AMILY SOAP MAKE 3 Nineteenth sirwot,noar Peansylvania avenae: . LO eae aN, locke Gan. 0 LED PROPOSALS will Ue Fropl ved al Theater o Goch, Ui iareanae ae bee ae rita uadorsieuel, tavoratiy knows thvelty Yor thy | No, 860 F level between Thiricath snd Fonmicath, | P3e fener Penis os Cr foelaivy acon | Canad HL Tomnktan A. 3 US at in ons WhO Were nearrst and highest, anid whose et five ks leave to inform bls mumorous cus- . k Isa duly establishes ‘authentieated by aad Mo: Y. December iets Teas 2 KeAL, forthe | SUR Rhea Kiuers tuet, ater 259 Vets, hs hae at lat nuceecde| | Of%co Mogra—TINt 2 A. M. ¢after Lovelock TL 3 yeaa seated by a HONDAY: Icenbr uit, oat 12oTelosie Ay forthe RE TERY tone a eae tals a | BCONONY neoxosnrt | tn linparticn wo bie Breach Thread Wht teawtifal git | jys.cm rab mi rgcondist ia Valuation Hock 4 saigofalfthe axsary now a Bagge tat nar be 5 eae SE Oar an cares ear a a See Boe iWite oui sues erage oe te : eee aes ee A aten ae GOD eS figdroach “isles sroullianer, "eo Saniy clobratsl | A RRANT!S, ERFERVESCENT, Bpxtcwalya month Hag) thea ie} mlchien 3 2 EYEUY PAMILY con make its own SOAP om (The best Judges are. the numerous and dlstingulahed | 95 mnmety vette ees ceerines ths favorable recom i ; Mg AD eT sealed co Wakes RarBy ACE oe | ‘But his greatest fault was his fmpatlence. Ho had Villars exvectel during Congress, who, haying travel? | Poe TTR eo pablie, aad haa: been Weed sures | Hock A é \ iueleown expense, The quantity now ou han to bo all the craft of sellberative minds Uut all the tine WASTE BITOIEN OREASE fade Rstere, avornds, (Aled lantoy (aa exatles, oli Peat ey Met ee ee lta IN| Btn Mock | Iaten away within alx monte tren theuateoecoutract | i polirenes ofa Uhouybllon one; tla aud ho wero at cost of only Arrangements have bon inne o supply brvad ix any PIST PHYSICIANS IN THE LAND Hote Rant D tn ‘oaul| ani tat Which hay Mecumlatn with lk b= ight was continually run rartotthu town by 7 u’elock A. St ae In Block, feom the date at which ft may be produce ‘tf with him, Me defeated his own schente 7 DEN voch Bread has oven hl “om 0 THe Lots A aad D in lock (7; Lo Hitamast bemadoatso mach yer cuble yard. patting then ure ntlon, and PAUP AORN nciratleats by tho at doctors tubo cy or Waele TEST REMEDY KNOWN OKC and D Teka Hock st Didetellt ue reeled for

GICAL mab ORunes Dy rusia rae Ge 4 Yrith Haponider, whleb te figtia ss the best Yorpercons of wrouk wousttatlo Necross Headache, Drop rf lsfrtunes by rushing forward toc abert | rergouad With Saponider, whe (agave bes Yor persons of weak sensitiv For Sick Headache, Nervonx Headacho, Dyrpersis, Soar them. Such, atleast, was tho caseat tho opening neal PODESVOSSE | Aimuch-Milivus Headarhe, Diecast

Bi ant is oe ha Sut iio, ath By est eA te a wostlyenonss Lows | Ctfots, blocks, and bulldings now occapled, and cl

“THREE TIMES TI NOTH OF POTASH. a ay > | ot t{te, Gout, Indigestion, Torpldity of the Liye pee Foe feath calee na belii hall tremeclconecbenb ree etait rege eS POR SALE—A BLOODED BILLY, | Gea Woeme test’ Nios Martane, Re: | Neues rpantels i oes of stale aa | gan ae fer Ul CmrpEeRN's Savixog; or, Early Life atHome, By.| Full directions accompany each one-pound Iroa Can. fouryearv old nextepring, a pll-brokea and beau: | Sickness; lion Auacks, Foyiorn £¢- bt le Quartormacter'sy Commissary, and Orduauco | The Tall uae aud poat-otlen aidtess of the bidder | Caroline Hadley, Sold by Hudeon Taylor. iufovaniaal firs boyormanfllgkt welsht. “Appia | forteaiimonisls, &¢.- soo pampilel wit cach Lelie. | Derarimain aad fortyeaus au 1ollcovargaue angst anmeaci tbe propos " “al ‘i a = ts Navy-yatd Gate, Detween thr hours ofA. 31 and | Manufactured oniy by Bald salo shall not bo Kept apen longer than thirty |" droposala mast he addressed! to Captain C. 1, Tomp- ‘This Lea child’a book of very yteat merit, embel- M. oe oS 1a" TARANT & CO. days from the commencement of the sate. iin AG Mh, USA, Waslogign, D.C. and should abed by foar capital Mastratons from denlgns Uy NOTICE, THINGIGARS=CIGIAER OM i Conunlurvuera rar’ ingle id on each of| ba play anfted easier tsar Waller Crane. Both tort and eogravings Mstrata | The reaulnaEaydaiteroenly pat ar Ia Ai Ish 84) Tah efalasalTateeg, Graal RO Sy tieteannori ht wach Pause ry fay de a sandy a sfeage wea, he be SESE | Practical philosophy of eome of tho sayings of es fareathiterapplyi(e Ose Vicaso Ht ole, not Ines than ouasthird of tho anpralsed value | moved during the mon | eulldrea, as 1K dont kof" Keane doit] pa SUSE PU Rena art, nine aniiat, | TORY EIMIEI LIME ay asses] etna ASN ene otc MaDe gga ene Ml vase rom ek os “{Xwil=I wont;? !‘Idon’t care,?* ke. Eachor| TENNSXLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO.) ALL TICKETS AND PROGRAMMES | Wlarh’rer schoonor B Wallwinklq aud for sate by Talsed xalue wiih terliharawc fromesies” | | oand saclent bcd, ta theynan of (I, (n) one these Fayinga Js made the text for a chapter of good, Pateatees and Selo Manufactnrors seated fa tho Weak manner et tha oWlco ofthe DARL | _petl.te ‘commer Seventh nlreat ana G (ANSE UR OR ORE, Rovenbere 1 oe atts o Nid on tho falta etformanra of Nin cit ah senile teaching and practioal illustration. Dewrare of Connlerfeits. Bosure yon bny tho Tron Can} | WSO a | NTO. & ISYL| \ AVE} ROSE in Quacfermmasise reserva (HAUTIERE Ca reject alf bids | Conan re NIA AVE MEE a, ease ene Teta eter gen © Racurn Ray. By Anthony Trollope, Sokd by aunts USINESS CARDS PRINTED NEAT. | NO- 287, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Nac msieaitisnsn, | ittescapt Wet ecu es ceo , Ip, aad withxromlness atthe "Cheval" Job | splesbinastgay, Welln Thievath rest auc ucany | U.S Binet Tax Conmbodokery(ribe Diinst stews |" Wogidter General aed\Coiy Wuareriatin, | ‘Mr, Anthony Trollope 43, Jn the matter ot popu- | nox3sm © Drugeiste and Grocers generally. j Pauly Oxico. Z opposite Gautior’s. nit” } Carel 3 : a in fusbingion. |

Or over 10,00 sel folivery: to,

Withiu ditaya days from’ date of contra

The accoutrements ast be boxe tio axes 19 by eborged at cust, tu bo detertal

Nea will slaty explicitly tho, An when they prope to they propecs todulive ie °'No Dds will bo comsidorva from patos mite manufacturers of the. artsle novea {3 thu Bepartinent tba filly cou cute in thelr own shops tha teork DEY

Each party obtalning a conurace Will tw required to atOF lula Doudy WUE approved aunty f9r Tle faithCut

eecutlug, Thn Deparuarat reserves tha right (0 Fr bile ieagt den Propacals Wilt b “Be oD. Ranicay, Chir(of Ordnanes, N

f- and Gal TM, Expeeka Tralus fromm W: digece with the Lightaiag Express

sahinete con: "Tralas of the

f.Falinro to ois ‘Co's Passengers leaving Washing- Hetiver ata reeled tne will subfccttiecoutenctor | {onattX Mt arrive at Bostou sti. S- west werulog Sovfeltuta of the sinvaat ty be delivered pt that timo, | fesving nl @ao ke Ae arrivo ac Boston cost day CLE.

ied by tho Ins | from Weehiugtin City to Ba

np. Ls vor sod aak fur euite by the Bod: Cars rauidireetirom Nev York to

Text mOrEIDE

Kereta aly ge ta ekedas waging het


Aetbo Depot of tbe Baltimore end Oblo Railroad Com-

Way of 30H Wozevo by thls Toib-te


soe am an pifeat to exe

ther tlekets nt Government rates, by a

Jectany or all | Wathiurion vo the Obta river, ‘oun chat

adler General

LOUGH OR DISCHARGED, GOLNG WEST, SOUTH, OR NORTHWEST, are informed that they caa'parchaxs

prisiug at the

Hocker omiew atthe Depot of the Baltimoreaud Oblo Rall- ‘d Compaay, This Toate has uo chauge of cars {155

ge (o Cigela

nail, and twotoSt. Louis. Haggare checked through From Washlogton (oallfarte West. Splendit sleeping

Faabtogwn, D. faiched fo all olzht tralas, No omelbaica by’ tes

‘and will bs caorsed ““Wroposals foe Lalautey Ae wad po charce fur Banding bays

: GEORGE. watulhist Urls, Gea, Chiet


farliculary, apply. to RW." EDM: nawsay, | Atvaty Baltimore and Oblo Railroad.

ge. Bor further Hs, Fanseagte


WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA cera eat PEAY the shave THOMAS COLYER, Ce AME, fain Geldiog, MARY PF RAYLEY, Captain Saackpol. pate? eigen | Out SOUR AR HAT aia ees warrres Tata, | AUG: AAU BER ocean Petite Rg, | eae anh dU Re eue ata kiran eae

delivered af tho Faltroad Depot Seramicut wharves in this elty Tus ala to ba address Co the uni

| choy should sate the guaaticy of cael

Mo ot delivery.

Serelock tu tho morning, makite rps Hag the day, wotll So'eloex tn thn eveul


dersiecned, ond | | Haltimora Sun copy, and woud bill to this ooo, se

‘articln odred,

Prroaiew as evtead Gr oye Maung co | EXPRESS COMPA

‘ira orate Sud iy: () ‘onwands, ualets IeahouTN be erameut tg contract fara tas a beat op in xvod cack

bashelendeh, whieh ard to I farulehed at the cost ot

tpae of Hay or fhe thn [ntorest

about two (3)

OFFICE, 514 PANN Washingt’



AVE: a City, D. C


High ection Ry the Goveremeat Tuepest

tracts WHI be avenntesl fru ti ay aa the tater

anlrel for the minder thls au

he anpleion tho ocS-1¢ Captata anil Assistant Quartermaster U.S.



0 {lane to tho HANDISE, MONEY, JEWELRY, ie tlte servlen i Nor



faittfot rutoi. | Rorwarted with Safety aud Disnateh Yo all accessible


4 iho petuelpat Maliway Towns I

Fincinal Oflces arn Washington. DG. New Yi

MATTING aod Laxieeton,

vewaniigg (0 tbe CA.

Ocanrenscarton Oexrnan's Orzice, ROVISCES and with

Wasnisiros, D-C., December 3. 180

PROPOSALS will bo received at thls Departiaeat watt al rela

Jeo'elock SL- the ith Instant, Tor {ar Towlug deverlbed articles far tho we (er ruerat's Oitee: © COCOA MATTIE ‘Tro thonsand (2,00) yards, tore OF Lo uallty Cocos Maitiug, one’ yard wide, Whileh propowd for mast aceoinnaay the

ishing the fol

Gp of the test | mboriy Was! a sample of

ilo of ie eountey > Thi Cameany has aga ‘he Get Nonktiy SASH West, AND SonTHWast

NiNaw York, Boston, Philadelpbi Taluimore, Cioeineatl, St Louis, Loataville,

Tawaein, Great

TAN, Areal biagton, DA

Feteavarovard iulado maklage bindiaar nd ane | YW ie Sa SITES AND WATER

(nich aor maluedtan (ae cite PRICE OH. Ss pened.

0) RS Tero hundred (30) Ooleo Chairs, moro made of strone,

Tvgey offs sande is Sto Proposals 3 readorael ** Dy Matting, oF C bots ax the ean addermced


SPALED PROPOSALS will be received fantavty, at 120'eleek at. for furaisnia

Pee en cee en GN URaR | ore j cob, to be dollve at Washington or OrgeLow d, > bay Batu ne toes sue me ON | S WAKEEOONS

AN th ba deliver ylthla five dyes ‘The oath of allegiases wust acon pans

Ssyuni, Well-seascued woed, dutadiea ti pinim but substantial manners samnle ty ba aca ils'otten. The price foreach elle to Inclade, Uivedee


als for Cocoa | AL, "commenclag at the tot of leven! Irae to the blxkest bidder, at pablle ai Iivwing pleces und parents ab grompd, (0

se ra tea i | AAU? alent soca: Ob foot in neldthe

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