rior. Oxxosrona Derunina, 6 Noeva Graney Wear. Barvaxx Baro 7 Sreuxm.

‘TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION: Muastexs OnrTa per week, made payable fo the Carriers. pila to pee ers ont ot the oA Mhowr Dotuses ‘ant proportion for a short ol—par Beattobeinvariably In ndvanes, ‘Ho mall subscriptions recelved for tam theo razz: SORE ay aexs oF ADVEXTINIKO: Berente-S Peau LURitnexcebailtate bata Soares ee




"iafanta', Mics’ i e)




FromBostonIn Store, 1.000 kits Mackerel, Salmon,

—ap raise are outhorized (or ale at Baltimore prices. ym Elmira and Rochester, 6000 ba, New

Buckwheat, 10,00 barrels Hand:picked Fall and Winter

‘Apples, Potatoes,

From Cincinnati—5000 boxes Grapes; 10

CRA aNGA ety Bemmer eeie eee

and OrangoCountice—1,00 firkins of But-

Oytters from the calabrated packers, Grannis & Taslor, of Betta Ghio cua at acts» rane aston

FRESH PACKED OYSTERS, Plokled, Fresh, and Spiced, which aro nuthorlzed to be told to the trad at thor warchouse prioa. Alto, 2,000 BARRELS FLOUR,

slegrapb Mills, Baltimore, Middling, Fino. Bxtr Fan ell and fvoretiy knowa in idatay ag

STANDARD BRANDS. Also, 400 to 600 barrels of the OSCEOLA, RIVERSIDE, & FAMILY FLOUR,

pelonging to the estate of the late A.8. Dangan, which trust Be iored at markot of les rates, as ay be offered,

WM. CLAGGETT & CO.'$ BALTIMORE ALE AND PORTER, pbbds barrett aad halses, fn prime order, for arm7, Also, 10,009 doson of their BOTTLED ALE AND FORTER, in cases, bhds,, and tierces. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. As alzo, all tho FOREIGN BRANDS OF ALE AND PORTER.

N.B. Allsalea strictly on commision account. n09-26td_ OTION—Bakers, Grocers, Flour and ‘eed Dealers, Satlers, Bbippert, Hotelkeeper and others axqgpapecttaly informed they can betupplied FLOUR, STRAW, &c.,, &e.,

EED, HAY. of the eholesst quality, at Now York’ and Balt RICH’ 5

Mholesale prices, at holesaio rier Wholepale,Hlonr, Grater asd Feed Warchouto, oo Hetond asd O strcots near Daltinore aad Ohio Mtalirosd Senet: ear tat A ss W. VANHOOK, GENERAL PRODUCE D COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dealer fa alter, Beer pod Chores Tobarto und Ol we. Bhorrs, Port, on S _ Tytrnliey, Porter, Ai and cider. a as

Agent for Queen's Hoyal Cablnet Champagoe. Gr ‘5 Louisiana avenue.


STOVES. Ss TOVES, erovEs. pe | BROVES. hove this day received a latze lot of OOOKING, PARLOR, OFFI0#. ABD CAMP « STOVES,

1 at New York prices, at my Store, ets STREET, WASHINGTON, four doors from Grover’s Theatre, (branch of 53 and 4 Mast Thirteenth rtrect, New York).

‘The attention of


J called to my different patterns of ‘TANT STOVES,

rominent among which is the

EVANS’ TENT HEATER, which packs completa, with coven feo! of pipe, In a box ‘x11 inches, and welzhs only 20 Ibz.



SHEET-IRON WORKS, Maine avenue, between 43s and 6th streets, Wasurxarox, D, 0.

Stove Dealers and Sutlors will find ot all timesa larce ‘aortmont of the following goods : Kingoland's Patent Army Stoves in pests, ‘Kingeland Patent Tent and Barrack Heater. ‘Kingsland Coal Burner or Reater, Hinralany (raland Raaare Tent Cook Stove, with Ov. tank fuealand Sauare*Tent Cook Stove, with Ove! Kingeland Or me

. Cutler’ Dak iietaad OMG tee econ eaees Kingslnad Hall Heater, ‘Hinzclangd Hosplty| Heater, Hinsslaps Bora esters fan Parlor Heater, ‘Alto, all kinds of Sheet-Lron, Tin, Copper, Fn eat OA nedoe,aad'st Now York: Bhiladale hla and Ualtere riots ibley & Guy, s21 D strost, agents for Kingsland Patent Stgyot nad Metter =e ‘Manufacturer's Depot, Maine aren Wesbington, DoGonee

6th etresta, Islan re







ls prepared to excouto work of every bt, durable and prompt manner,


, 69 LOUISIANA Avenue, Botweon Sixth and Seventh etreats.

13 ee HATOH, M. D., HOMG@OPATHIO PHYSIOLAN, Hio} 29 F atreat, ketwoen Thirteenth and Fourtewntht? oes Hence eteck miller (eet 91m; HEADQUARTERS © 3) Magee” 5D DSHINE DARE OVENS. ooiatlern ad Pitten rand Pane Stsinent: kad m cob ‘lets oat for bakibe Dies, cakes: whi

&o,, for Pe theo nae 1 OHESORY,,



‘A.M, DININGBR £ 0025 Etore Peas aay fe lnow mhiriowelh eireok a aang




VOL. 2.



486. PAPER HANGINGS, No 486.

No. 456, Window Shades, No. (55, No,486. Oval Ficiure Frame, Ro. 48. No.49i, Picture Cord and Tassels. No. 494.

‘Terms Cash, A Cholce Belootion at J. MARKRITER'S, No, 486 Saventh street, no7-2mA45* Eight doors above OA Fellows’ Hall.



Also o variety of Glazed sud Blank Yowssr casi P





, Gilt Band Winder Shades a 8 or Bise of Shads


Gilded with Gold Leaf,

District from the

“Alie. an aczort:

Hew and Beaatifal De ‘Bull or any

iy ioe ‘Tho Hendsomest Arsortivent in the Best Manufsctory in the country,

ment of Dark Wood Nrames, with a boantifol.varisty of Bah olaat Ural and Garis Vises Wrames cf Foreign 303 Domenie Wenutietares TORRE CORD AND TABSELS. DiGerent Sizes end Colors, Pictars Bings, Lalla, Purohasing oxciurively ter oaths the above goods, 6o- cording to thelr quality, will be disnesod of ‘st.az low

ates ea thoy cati ba purohased for in the Dietrict. No Tusrepresontation made vo alfcet sales

Accall colicitest from thous needing the zbova goods. ‘Terme Och. J. MABKBITER. Pistes remember tho comber48 Boventh ptroet, cleht doors above Qdd Fellows’ Dei and the Term ath for Goode nnd Labor noll-akStu* WASHINGTON HOTELS.



SPRAGUE & 00... Propristore. BYRUPGLITAN HOTEL, (carn snown’e) PENNBYLVASIA AVEEUR th and Zeventh Btresk, GTON CITY. 6.8. POTTE, Peoprickar.


sryeibie _ (PAUsd. Preexdopyd 4 eS WAVERLY,

Xo, $51 Blehth street, between Band W rtreuty, (orPogrre YAS GUNURAL PosY OFFIOu,) WABSGINGTON, D, 0. LANGLEY & FARNAM..ccteemrnrrssnem= Proprietors.

‘Tho Larder and Bar of this House are constantly gup- pled with che choiort of all the varlotien the markelo

Dinners cod Suppers for Parties gotten mp at tho a ae repiied en a6 LANSLRY: Ne HOTEL

WASHINGTON. D. G. H, 8. URNSOH. PROPRIETOR, Foricerls of the Ashland Hors, Philadelphis,

eee eters, Uasne, att tie Roh: ARNAA.

ls Ey

Hols determined to merit and hopes to recelve = fall share of vabile patronsia. apo-ly

@ HOUSE, 249

20H end 15TH, TAURANT) & sor

dy to necompodata Travellers spd ‘with Goop Rooms, ond igvery attenticn. is pata Feomort of wuesis, Yale will, therefore, make it gpa of ths most desirabis places for Travcilsre and

Btrearers to rlop. THs HOUSE,


= st tn tho city, stising. als now caterprize combined, ths is esrared that whoever will faver him with 6. illTeaye lis establisament well cntlstied. {Gentlemen witins Private rooins for dinner par SR,

HOUSH, 25, 247, 519 Poa:

ss oath dl



‘Tals Rotel, eltuated op the cormor of Penneylvania nyeaco and bixtl etreel, Aut been tooroughiy renovated, Pafarnizhed, and In every way fitted for the plossant se faaimoition ol cacci The Bouse open at el BPRE-

pubite cay rely that the bst, tbe maniac, and the hots eniectatament wi be ancxselled. fratatboe-tt |ARD TO THW PUBLIC.—Tho under-

cold Bis entire Intarest in. the O1TY

signa’ hash Gh te COLONEL RODENT EH. McOLUBE, re

Metts for blm the patrenaga.of Na fi Reva slits for Bim he PE aELaDOW ES ‘Alocandeie, Virgixis, July 1 J9A%.


faving parchased from Mr, Samuel Meflekower the

elk st sa ee ase oe rene ve HOTEL, I re-

SpeStalz colcita swaroor vublie patronage. SROURET M. MOOLURB,

Lote Lieutenant Colonel Fourth roximent Syit-tt Pennsylvania Rasorve Volnntect Corrs. YINHE PROPRIKTOR OF THE OLA.

BBHDON HOT, having altered snd refitted the Dining Room, inprevared to takea limited numbsr elDay boarlars et moderate prices, ‘Tho table, at all

‘mea Trill ba canal to eny hotel Inthocity. mle


LAUMAN, SALLADE & 02. No, 128 South Ninth strest, bet. Chestaut and Walnut,


j. Dy Divi. nod-d48 tf INES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, AND

FINE FAMILY GROCERIES. NEW STOOK, PRESH GOODS. ‘The undorsisned begs to call the attention of famillea and tho 3 PUBLIC GENERALLY To his largo and carofally-selected stock of FINE GROCERIEZ, WISES, LIQUORS, AD CIGARS, ‘All of which he guarantees to bo FIRST CLASS, jon. My stock is dally being

in my line, apd shall have on band, nt all times, articles to tult evory taste, I feel content thar all who will favor mo With call will fecl convinced that we keep the

best Java Laruarrs, and Rio Coffe, = Tmporial. Guopoxdor, and Young Hyssa Tea, Qolovg ood English Breakfast Toa, French Obocolste and Saxars, Wiltshire (English), English Dairy, Pine Apple, Edam, ‘aad Sop Sago Cheesan:

An elegant assortment of Ganned Fruile and Vegeta~ les, elected expressly for Samilies.

Gur stock of WINES aod LIQUORS are of the most choles in. tho country, nll belog of the nirograniox of the old-established and woll-known house of P. Ti Son, of Balti


Constantly on hand sll tho best brands of Cham-

poenes, London Porter, Brown Stout, English ord

atch Alo, ‘Our stock of OIGARS ore choice and varied, solectod agent, who ro-

under theimmediate raperrision of our fides ia ayans, czd toperutende tho mabing and pat af elesrs atthe Inbave Goode will bo eoll wholesale and reta'l atthe



subsariber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of ington county, in the District of Columbia, letters of adaiinlstration on the persoval estate of Richard Don- helly, Inte of Washlnkton county aforesaid, deceased. ‘All persons having elalais against tho said deceased, are hereby warned to exbibit the camo, with the vouchors tiereot to the sabseniber, on or before the ith das ef November next: they may otbernise by law bo excluded from all benedt of the sald eatate, Given under my band

this 1ith day of Novemb: Uy = a ‘ANNIE DONNELLY, noli-tu3a? Aduimatratrix.

AMES L, CRAMER ve, BENJAMIN F. SLO- osmb —No. 1775—In Shancery Novombor session, Orde ‘November 7. 1263, that the salo made Topo! by Thomas Norivenor, Jr. rusteo for the ol tho real extate of Benjamin B.Sfocamb, tho sald do~ fondant, bo ratified ard confirmed, anlers cause to the ‘contrary thereof be chown, on or before the first Tuesday in February noxt, provided copy of this order be ta- ferted in the Morning Chronicle, a newspaper usinted in tho city of Warhingtoz, once in osch of [thros “successive Weeks before the Orstday of January next. ‘Tho report states the amount of sale to bo $149 13.

Pet oer R. J. MELA, Olerk. do cr se . ale 7 uy RJ. MEIGS, Jt, D


1B. BACON, SS Pennayivants avenue, kerwoss focrean-naif end Blxth rireth,

‘Cid Java, Maricaibo, Rio, and Gan Deriinse Goes Shoice But


Seeliaad Uuderw oa’¢ American

las Complote sesortment ct and Fol Busses Osten, ane, ee eo as bared bebe eee, Mates Pure Old re Wau : Gibson's Old Family Novtar co 5

~ Willow and jVoeden Ware of all With = apa jortment of Ohalee Fase Grocer ihe TOE toc yacy toro sk eek

RAZ BOOK. Napoleon's own memories, Dictated to bls Geno- ‘volumes, larzo


qals, Montholon snd Gourgand, cov planso.

ootayo, SJL. For ralo by.

Ie aan Ei Ohrontle,


a ‘Bookseller and Ststioncr, no2)-51d 18. Leena) mit ne sate cvening, entertained by a compsvy of amatcur (O BUTLERS AND PURVE: . singers—gentiemen from Washington—who after T 2 THE GETTYSBURG DEDICATION. | varteccrnuaea tho Presigcat, coon after, another STATIONERY cholr ef amateurs, from Baltimore—the Unton Glee

BLANK BOOKS ‘at Wholesale, A very large etcok always on bard at

PRILP = SOLOMONS, nod) 1tEfld Metropolitan Book Store, sd Penn. wv.


An Interesting Letter from One of Our

sed Br. Lincoln; Spacraul Conreayoutfenes naded Mr. Lincoln; who chavced to come to the door

and pass In(o‘another house while the singing was in progress, whereupon the crowd called npon him for another speceh, end he told them he would sco them ‘and talk to them to-morrow. The crowd then gave him thres rousing cheera aud proceeded in an irregn-

We dispatched to Gettysburg, on Wednesday, four spects! correspondents, al of whom, throngh the mlsmenagemcat of rallroading, ld mot arriyo bere

eott’s Military Dlotlonnry, $5 until balfepsst 1 o'clock yesterday morning. ‘Tho Isrand, in soine cases, rather a disorderly manner to Gasoy's Lefantey Facies ee a tote. $3 50 history of the dedication, prepared by our epecisle, | call for Cariin, Cameron, Brough, and others, Pre Untied States Teetles for Colo ed Nowe at bo was transferred to oor slresdy crowded colamns, but | SeDtly Genoral Bede wick (we belleve);came to the door ytalted Staten, Corsnipy and Midge tastier, wilh cuee-| we fosdvertenlly omitted] the) following, inlereatiog and very cleverly caused a divertion In tho nolsy Aroy Officers’ Poskot Compenion, $1 60 lotter : crowd, that wes fest, becoming dlcorderly, by telling

Somini’s art of War, $110 Bohalk’a Art of War,

1 10 Wepxespay, 18th. Echalk’s Caxpalgn of 102, '63, $1 75

Afters tedions journey, protracted by several an-

themthat he would take them rhere Andy Cortin yas, and they could call blr on}, whceapon ho led

Coppes's Hrolallons of he Line, S00 noylog stoppages, the psssengers by the 0 A. Bf. | them off, avd effected thelr dlepersion. By 12 o'clock Ce a Oe arte Marttal traln from Baltimore reacbed Gettyeburg’at 3} P. M. | the tovn bad sabslded foto quictoces, aad all who

Roylsed Army Regulations to June, 1863, $1 Ordnance Manual, ‘D i Toetrnetlone in Fiala Artillery, $2 0” Monual of Hoary Artillery, 750 Hobe ‘Hand-Book of Artillery. Now edition. $1

jecton’s Ordnance and Gannery, Paetten's Artillery Drill. 50

do Cavalry Drill, 250

fio Infantry, Drill—two parts ia one— Qompany, ‘Clerk, $1

were €o fortunate 08 to have beds hed gone to thele repose.

‘At that time tho bright moon end clear eky wore glying promise of @ glorious morro, While the chill atmogphere made a grest-cost out fof doors and a warm bed within decided acquisitions.

‘The spproach to tho town Mes through s beantifal yallcy, aludded with substantial homestesds, cach adorned with the characteristic flne old German barn, Upon entering thotown the hospital exeampment on the right iret Indicates the approach to the thes- tro of the battle, and soon the increasing cromda of people, riding, driving, promenadiog, loltering, or

gyticbellion Keoord—from 1860 to Ocleber, 146), with | gtanding thickly packed, a7gald have Detokened some ‘The Day of the Dedication, Chumiieory Diank Zooks, reculation else, made on | unusual ovent woa In progress. nT Novembes 10)

cond paper, * ‘The transit of your correspondent from Baltimore ue EET OLA IY Rield Order Books. To Joved fant Lb Tho san rover broke to life and warmth on a fairer

wes egrocably relieved from the weorlncss that ect. Uled upon less fortunate (ravollers by his making the acquaintance of Mr. Saanders, the cclebrated land- 6eapo gardener, who projected the plan upon which tho Cometery Is Iald ont, ard who, in a most cour- teous and intelligent manner, exhibited a diagram of tho grounds. The extremely slmple yet comprehen- sive and catlsfactory design of the Cemetery 1a tho beat criterion of the lalent of tke gentleman whose labors ceanot fall to be crowed with tho most pless- tog success, rot only highly gratifying to bimeeif but to those pablic-epirited gentlemen who have origi- nated, euperintended, and pushed forward to com- pletion this great national work.

‘The firet thing to be coneldered was where tosecare a night's lodging; forthe deneo throng of people that everywhore met the esa of once chowed that no time ‘was to be Jost if one desired achanceln that direction. Upon golog up the etreet, © plentifal sprinkling, thongh by co means an overabundance, of our na tional benner gladdened the eyo, and little tables set ont with relics, for calo, of the terrible struggle, in tho form of ballets atid overy kind of projectile, es well 5 fragments of shells, forctbly Impressed upon the obsorver 8 painful ceneo of the terrible ordeal to which the eilizens Lind been eabjected.

Tt wes useless to sock hotel accommodations at the late bour at which we atrived, Your correspondent

Sergeants’ Roll Books, 750 Hew Gospol of Peaco—parts let and 24-20 cach Seamarship. Dy Lace. $10 *,* The above, and ail AMilitary and Navol Books aalled free of chargs on receipt of publishers prices. ‘Catalogues of Nov Military, and Miscellaneous Books coat by mall, when requested, froo of charge. ‘HUDSON TAYLOR, . Bookeoller and Stationer, pold-d&ltt $34 Ponnsylvanis ov.

h EW BOOKS!! NEW BOOKS!!! . ‘Hy Farm of Edgewood, by Iko Marval, $1 60.

sveriéa of a Dacholor, by Lto Marvel.

ream Life, nm Foble of the texsons, $1

‘he Yankees Boy from Home. $1 25,

‘erivale’s History of the Homank. Vol. I, $2,

yecshes and Lectures ef Wendoli Philiins $2 00.

fospital Sketehea by LU. M. Aloott, 50 cents. - Just published and for gale by.

4UDSON TAYLOR, Boakeeller snd Stavloner,

podth Su Pennsylvania avenue,



Alavo constantly onhand—

All Military and Noval Works, d rooeat Publicattons, ‘Army Biationery, all kinds. Field Order.

fall day than this. A cborp night’s frost was suc- cceded by one of the most beautiful Indien Summer daya ever enjoyed. At on early hour, long before sunrise, the roads leading to Gettysburg were crowded by citizena from every quarter throvging Into tho villsge in every kind of yebicle—old Penn- sylyanis wegons, spring wezons, carts, family car Hloges, boggles, and more feshionable modera yebL cles, all crowded with citizens—kept pourlog: into the town in one continuel string, While the roeds were constanuy dotted with pedestrians by twos, by threes, singly, and 1n companles, all facing towards tho vll- lage.

‘Ths the throngiag In continued antit late in the day, while the rallrosd disgorged Ita cager. crowds, while the etrects, over filling, overflowed with the In- ‘yading host.

Saon after broak (eet I rode out to the Cemetery, and the crowds that I left In the town seemed to havo duplicated thomaciyes, oud to have scattered all over the extensive area of the battleground, wandering ont to tho seminary, strolling about the college, ls- boring to thesainmil of Round Top, examining Culp’s Hill, tracing the plon of the Cametery, eceking relles everywhere ; tbe whole landscape was fairly etadded with vialtors, mostly on foot, many on horseback, ‘and not a fow In carrisges, and, wlih mops in hand,

cate a teat Mu exgy oes oan i |g 27 el SE a Company Roll Boo! brave old John L; Burns—nnold hero of the war of te eich eon ai heard eo mids Gleneral Order Files: 1812, and tho only citizen of Gettysburg who took | oa Mw ee a ake antes aareoslie aa haanrae Rony Pay tables, part in the bottle. Mr: Barns, to his honor be it re- are ae ae ae fetd alatees, Corded, chonldered a tifls and nobly did his duty, and | WS hed left pues ee see Gane ACen ion es more than his duty, ln the Wisconsin Iron Brigade on So eee pices haere, GRE Remsen sae panty Olea coaiter bynes | oe ee ‘Wounded in threo pleces, and)8y |" 44 tom was now enliventd by the procesalon aistant Genorelny, < (our-and-twenty hours on the flstd among the rebels, Sea Stee TSE prank Untant Generals inting done to ordaren very | in sight of is own homo, before he could be carried | forming BUS Dy al uae sort polices thacendlctlaiy ale, “Whllo/Iying ‘om hla bed «|'"ons orders and delegations vevs being nlaced:and) ail Printed Dooks ent by mall fre of postare. colt Te TS cata eleem hole through his window, | **T#Pged In the procession ready t6 2 Ont, DINARCIAR. eerie Hs | “At abont 10 the Peeeldent Issned from Mr. Wills?

took off tho back of 8 chair, and pazsed through the opposite Fall, above his head and not a foot from it; and your co:respondent now is writing beside thee marks of the battle, Which will be visited by thou sands hereafter, Who, Wwhilo Inspecting them, will with reyerenca and respect remember the namo and patri- olfsm of brave old Joba Barns.

Upon walking out to the batte-fleld ons commences to reallzs the terrible nature of tho tremendous

house, ond wes greeted with threo hearty cheer. Boon come one. proclaimed three cheers for Father ‘Abraham, and they were given with a will. Another call for three cheers for the next President of the United States was responded to with no less enthus!- asm.

In the meanwhile tho President bad mounted, ond wes besleged by an eager crowd throngiog around him, end anxious for the pleasure of taking him by

A pees COOKE & 90. BAN ERES No, $58 Fresamnrn Srazny

Wie shall continuo to furnish U. &, WIVE-TWENTY BONDS At par until further notion, Parsons desiring Information conoarning thio ona can,

procure «t our counter, or upon applicstion by wail Clr- | straggle. ‘calars ensvering all qusttions that moy arise. ere __| the band, while he sat pleasantly enfoying the hearty Wow eadeciaiumeso! Tels generally sdmltied, aad we eas now well 9} vetcomne thus epontateously a¢cordcd, aut) tho mer-

ford to confess tho fect, that on the firet dey wewrero, ‘after on herole and etubborn resistance, forced in from Our positiog @m the north of Gettysburg and driven by overwhelming numbers, in the proportion of eight to one, through the town itself to a position on Colp’s Hill and the Cemetery Bill, on the eonth of the town, which stronghold General ‘Howard, with admirable foresight, ccoured previous to our lines giving wey.

‘On the second Gay, It will be remembered, thore ‘ras but Liitle dzbting nti 4 o'clock, P. M., and then they commenced a most deeperate attack upon our extreme left at Round Top, whore the gallant Sickles, alded by General Sykes, withstood s most terrfic and: overmhelmiug onslanght until General Crawford’s 5th corps, consisiing of tho Pennsylvania Reserves, hastened to thelr rollef, and drove the rebels hesdlong from the bill they.had well nigh gained, infllctiog ter- rible slaughter, ond taking hundreds of prisoners. Great and Litile Round Top ero two elevations con- nected or rather separated by a shallow valloy, op whleh the rebels had endenvored to penetrate, aud had almost encceeded In go doing.

GOVERNMENT BONDS, TRMASUNY NOTES. CERTIVICATES, asp VOUCHERS, ‘Gol, Currency, and Ezchanse, And pay tho Mghert prices (or CRRIISICATS OHEORS. antdeset JAY COOKE 2 00.

{02 STATS 6.20 BONDS,

UNITED STATES 7-20 THI NOTE. onread HRSA SENS a tapas.

Geld, Sliver, Uncurrent Money, Exchange on all yarts of Supope and aor thee,

Weare eathorliel to farsich 69) Bonds ot par uot

tho Ist of Augast next, when the privilere of conversion

me Orders for Stocks and Gold oxesuted In New York az~ olanivelz on eor ion. AEE OU, TATE Oe Hao feces pets areca


We oro now prepared to furnish te rarcharest Oem BONDS oy ALL DEFOMINATIONN, TROT APFLIOATIOS, WITHOUT tits Daur:

shals, baying merey upon his oft-wrang erm sud wearying exertions, caused the crowd to desist and allow the President (o sit In peace upon bis hdtes.

eclipsed all the others. Mr. Lineoln appeared in black, with tho usual erape bound around his hat in memory of his little

the moving of the procession. Mr. Lincoln romarked- upon tho

that bed been entertained by many besides himself.

time a live Prealdent of tho United Btates.

Subssribers hol onr receipts are notifiod that th TR reciated, ‘When the procession began to move I hestened to

bonds ere ma Nouvee i 0 be undsrstood and opprecistsd, these places -

ponds ere ren ‘or daliverz, en are seqnortad to oal| ot ao acen, We endeavor In valn Lo describa steep | tbe Platform, and arrived thers lang ibsforeithe caval Teeth 462 Fifteenth eireats cade oppeared'upon tbe ground. Taking our ceat

hills well wooded, with hago, ont cropping rocks pro- fasely gcattered arouad ; In valn wo add that the faces of the bilis extozded In a gradual circular sweep down to the plain below ; that up tho valley between these and {n the face of innumerable preclplees formed by tho ont-cropping rocks, therebela attempted to charge ;



DR. M, LOOMIS Performs all operations in bis profession at ressonable pricss, and warrants all operations.

tain como Idea of tho day’s proceedings.

= In voln we describe thelr sciual possession of the} Usher, Soon Governor Tod and Govyersor Brough Teeth extracted without pain by tho use of Laughing | jaiter for on Instant, until hurled from \t by Crawford. | camo near, ond Mr. Tod, In a hearty, cordial man- (Gas (altrons bxide) whimever datirods nol-lm_| afer nll $5 oald, we bot poorly convey to the|ner,eald: ‘Mr. President, I want yeu Co shake

mlnd of tho reader the notucc of the fleld, the magnificent sweep of conntry aud commanding range of position from the enmmit of theso bills. To bo understood, these must be seen, and the graves and pleces yhere grayea have bees, the battered cantecns, rotting knapsacks, irogments of clotbing, and cannon rads, torn trees, splintered reek, and over again the grand ttretch of country must be personally seen to appreciate the nature, Importeuce, and terrlde gran- oro of the struggle for this bil,

Scercoly had the attack on Round Top foiled, when, on the extreme right, the Lonisiaua Tigars made thelr desperets attack apon Calp's Hill to the right of the Cemetery. A long Mno of low stone fence on the brow of this hill, and woody uneven gronnd, broken by huge masses of rock below and on {is northern faco, rendered thin position of immense strength. ‘The chipped rocks and torn trees, with their trunks grooved as by an anger, bear witness to the tremen- dous onslaught of these tigers, who proudly supposed themzslves to ba Invinclblo; bat they were hurled ‘back, ond left tho hill-side covered with mangled ynithing, and dying rebels.

‘One conld not approach the Cemetery Itself without feoling deeply sobsred and subdued, as ho witnoseed


OHEOPLASTIC BONE TEETH. Without Metal Plato er Clasp,

BY DRS. SIGESMOND & HAYWARD. 20 Pennzylranin avonne, betweon Twolfth and Thir- ‘teenth étz,, Washington: Jil King et, Alexandria. ‘Their tooth will never corrode nor change color, bein threo-foarths llshter than any other can, be Iaberta ‘over root. ‘Tho roots will be made inoffentive—nover to


‘This work hes been tested over oi thetirst Onemits and Physicians of thie sountey.

Dre B&H hava also taveated @ white iudostractive metal with which, the mort sensitive tecth can bo Glled wath ‘and can build up a perteetly sound tooth

otemand warranted. eeth extracted with- ‘feared Sediedaet

tho Presidevt, and also to Mr. Seward, who seld «Why, I bave Just sen Governor Denvlson, of Ohlo, more Governors hes Onlo,” ‘She hes only one more, slr,” water.”

award, bat bad not found him at home

‘ht yoars by’ many of Governor

on any, out pain. if

0 Post Olllce Department j ‘COAB AND WOOD. [wlll now go withyon to the Post Ollice Department

OAL AT WHOLESALE, ‘Atwy wharf, foot of Eleventh atrest, Island. OAK WOOD AT WHOLESALE, At my yerd, near Baltimore and Ohio Rallrosd denot. COAL AND WOOD AT RETAIL, Anthrecite end Onmberiand Goal.

Govarnors Brough and Tod to him.

tock their seats upon {t.

Hilekorr Cab and Ese coe (iidences ofa portton of oprics wehad been compel- | Fellows, Templars, and many of the Bons of Malts, _anlb-SAdtt 0. W. PALMER Jed to pay forthe position we retained in the yastarea | who were not in regalls. The Sanitary Commission, (O25 COAL, | of graves epread out aronnd. The maln portion of tho | too, wero there, conspleaous by thelr banner, an

enone CUR Gometery hes been Iald out in the form. of 0 semi-| preclous by the memory of thelr extended usefulness

POR SALE Saba P. circle, and two rows of lots aro inside, and an out-| and valuable services. Many States, too, were repre-

ah Ae Soo AN Te elde row has been divided by lines redlating from tho sae pane soul oe pti Goal, Parnsce. iy ‘centre into eectlons for cach Btate, ench section belng ive or éix bands W reseaty wl

00 CORDS Hees and Stone Sion, proportioned to the number of recogulzed heroes ro: | were the Marine band, of Washington, Dirg(sid’s eae PINE, and Talring a final resting plece there, while at clther ex-| band, the band of the 24 Regulars, from Fort Mc-

ae HICKORY WOOD, | tremity are sections for thosa who bare besn unre- | Hears, New York regimental band, and others,

Jord Jeneth, sawed and epllt any length roaalved. | cognired. In the centre of the elrele of which this) At twenty minutes to twelve, Hon. Edward Everett Ee a rr fc alors ce the above mil | portion of tho Cemetery forms s balf, ls slte for a| grrived, and after belng Introduced to the President, basold very low, Remember tho DinstARLOW, Thonument ; around the allotment for each Stato Is a| ihe exercises at once proceeded. Marshal Lemon

ecl2tf Bont aldo Onnal Geter Merete werect. | four foot walk, and there will be built a low substan | first ancounced that a letter hed Jast been received

{nl etone wall. Esch Stato compartment {s lald off

IOKOBY, OAK, AND PINE WOOD inreferencs to tho common centre, and while no

for sale, cond length, eheanyb


4 e . 0. MoKA RY, Beate conld, by acy posalbility, secm to enjoy a 6ec- | occaslon. ata. re) Fate soe eatand Gandl. | (10, preferable to any other, all are co happllyar-| pirgfeld’s band then played en introductory dirge, OAL I—OF all kinds, | ranged cs to be evidently mectessry aud appropriate) golemn and suitable for the occasion, The Kev on hand and forsaloby ech ll Portions of one harmonious whole. ‘Thomas H. Btockton then offered a very Impressive eoll-tf comer eta ced canal. | In passing along on tho; Emm{ttbarg road tbe| prayer. This was followed by Birgfeld’s band, who Wee. T wooo fence Is ween to bs battered and torn and epotted with | faye us tho Old Hundred In all {is grand and enbtime _ feelin foar pieces and Spit. for Oae Dols | tallets many of which bave torn through and eplin-| peauty—after which the Hon. Edward Everctt waa par Oo> Ur nie G Moy tered if, and others have /mbedded themsolyes In the | introduced by Merehal Lamon, Some {dict io the woll-tt oarner Snlenire Wood Hill | rood, from which relichunters were frequently to| oromd at once proposed Uhree cheers for Evertit,

poseen trying to cat (hem with theirknlyes. Passing Into ths town by thls road tho eye is also arrested by a large brick Louse havizg eight holes knocked in Its gable ond by balls and chot, many of which passed completely throngh the house, and ont at tha other side, as was evident by the corresponding holes there.

‘The President, Secretary Seward, Hom. 8. Cameron, Hon, J. W. Forney, and other distinguished gentle-

Mes" & WITHEROW, STEAM PRESS PRINTERS OOXETIFUTION BTTLDING, M sirest, between Mlaventh and Twallis rizecss ‘one squaro north of Pen. sveaesi myisali WASHINGTON, D. 0.


responded, and Mr. Idiot subsided. ‘At this Umo the coup dul of the ecens was tral grand. Crowds of citizens surrounded the stand an

Press POORAUD TOE ape ‘Hes #75 ed | men arrived at about 0 olelock, and im ths evening Tafaly that to them (he dedication. was en ete BS RE Fee eect PAPI | tho various bands visited the diferest houses where pia ae “Milliary officers and marehals Grow CASKS. theso and other distingulsitd gentlemen were slay- | on horcebeck, zeattered through tho crowd, added a

a) ing. = pleasing yerlety to the eceno; while the various regl- ahh cep oy EO ‘Tho President made a brief excuse for not saying | mental bands, soclelles in thelr regalla, and the bright ow, > anything, and Secretary Seward and McPherton | and gey urlforms of officers and marshals, tho ban-

made almost cqually brief responses to calls upon @%-is | them. The Hon. J. W. Forney, Judge dcVelgb,

Corner of aa Se

‘Orderecby:mall promptly. to

‘and Jadge Shannon, upon being called ont at tho house of Mr. Fabnestock, made eloquent and pa- trlotle remarks that elicited frequent bursts of af-

At tho American Hotel » largeand Intelligent com- pany assembled atd were, daring s portion of the

Club, Wo believe—visited “Mr. Wills, and also sere-

Bat the people, not yet eatistled, must Have enotwet three cheers for honest Old Abo, and they fal:ly

son, and with white gauntlets apon his hands. Tho Ust of notables Who were present Is given in another column, and many of thom monnted when he did, ‘and they remalaed conversing together waltlng for

fair {prospects spresd out before him, and observed tbat -he had ex- pected to ces more woods, an expectation, ‘doubtless,

Inthe meanwhile the throcg of swaying, cozer, people, moro remote from him, wero crowding and Jostling, ever restlesaly trying to geta glimpse of Mr. Lincoln, many of whom, doubtless, saw for the first

among the reporters, Wo cndeayored to prepare our- solves to casble the readers of Tum CHKOXICLE to,ob-

‘Af about 11:20, the Prosident arrived upon tho plat- form, accompanied by Becretarics Seward, Blair, and

hands with me; and Mr. Lincoln es cordlally re- sponded, Ho then Introduced Governor Brough to

and here are two moro Governors of Ohlo—how many | Governor Brovgh, '‘and bo’s across the By-and-by, Governor Tod sald he hed called on

also, on Mr. Ushe: = “Yes, oir,” ssid Seward, “I vialied tho ground around the Somlnary this morning, and Mr. Lincoln Joined In Well, Governor, you seem to havo been to the Siste Departsnect and to the Interior,

‘ywhoroupon he turned to Secretary Blair and introdaced

Tho crowd upon the ground wera kept in the form of shollow equare, within which, while these things ‘were procecding, the procession bad filed and the ‘yerlous companies forming It had taken up 6 position pround the pleiform, while thosa who had tickels

‘Wonoticed delegations from Baltimore, Weshlng- ton,and Phlladelphis, and from the Masons, Odd-

{com General Scott, regretting that. hls increasing in- firmities rendered him unable to bS present upon tho

whlch the good sense of tho people Immeilately de- elded so Irreverent upon such an occasion that noone

atretched away Into tho distance, far out of eny por- sible rasge of hearing. Meny were In mourning, and the upturned tearful eyes of those who wera near,

ners, flags, and devices of the various regiments, o8- soclations, and delegations, all contribnted to produce:

NO. 17

s blending and contrast of colors highly pleasing to bebold.

‘Aronnd, for off, ecatisred aver the landscape, were crowds of people who, despairing of a near approach to the stand, the centro of Interest, were eatisfylog thelr curiosity and enjoying the sceneapparently apalt from lt. Below lay Geitysburg, deserted ond fag-be- decked, behind Jt the seminary and college, with their clusterlog historical ascoclations ; etretching before ‘and beyond was the beantifal battle Geld, nor giving vieh promise, as {t had ylelded past evidence of its abundant fertllity. On the one side Calp’s Hill, tow Precious in history, and on tho other, far back In tha distance, and curmonnted by our besatifal fag, wes the victory-crowned snmm!t of Round Top. Far, fat off, in distinct outline, were the Bouth Mountains, forming a well defined framo to the whole picture, Minuto gans added their Iropressivences to the écxnd, while a daguerrcotypist, with bis 1ostrament promi- rently placed at the outskirts of the main crowd, by the eld of (he coflly-giowing, bozy can, endeavors to snatch and forever preserve Lbe animated foreground, rleh In eminent citizens.

Prominent in that foreground must not be omitted abesatifal in memoriam banner, born by a delegation of tke Army of tho Polomec, from tho hospital et York, of whieh they, who hed been wounded at Gettysburg, were yet Inmates. This banner wes in tho deopest mourning: Upon It was nn urnand an Inserlption : ‘Honor to onr brave comrades.” Upon the other sido was, ‘In memory of those who fell at Gettysbarg, Jaly 1st, 24, and 84, 1803.”

Mr. Everett spoke fae about two boars, and bis oration, fully reported elsewbere, uced nut bo here produced. Thoso who reed {t will Nad that he did smuple Jastice to his former calebrity, and to the im- presiva occasion.

Afier tho orailon the Baltimore Union @leo Clab sung in a very beantlfal style A poem, by B. B. French, ineplred and written mpon tho battle fld, ‘wes then dellyered. The following Is the poem:



Tis boly groand— This epot, where, In thelr graves, ‘We place our country’s braves, Who fell In Frecdom’s holy canes Fighting for Libertios and Lavo— Let tears abound,

Here tet them reat—

And summer's heat aud winter’s cold

Bhall glow and frcezs above this mould—

A thousand yoars shall pass eway—

‘A Nation siill shall mourn this clay, Walch now fs blest.

Here, where they fell,

‘ON shell the widow's tear be ehed,

Oft shall fond parents mourn thsir dead,

‘Tho orphan here shall kneel and Weep,

‘And maldens, where their loyers sleep, ‘Thelr woes shall tell.

Great God In Heaven | Bball all this sacred blood be shed— Shall wo thus mourn our glorious dead, Ob, shall the end be wrath and woa, ‘Tho knell of Freedom's overthrow—

A Country riven t

Te will not be!

Wo trast, Oh God, Thy gracious power

To ald us {n our darkest hour.

‘This be our prayer—" Oh Father! save

A people's Fresdom from Its grave—

‘All pralgo to Thee!”

Tho President then delivered hls nddrees, whled, though ebort, glittcred with gems, ovinelng the gea- tlences and goodness of heart peculiar to bim, end will receive tho attention end command tho ed- miration of all of the tens of thouasnds who will road Ite It seemed to us that tke Prealdent cenalbly felt tho solemnity of tho occasioa, and controlled himself by aneffort, ‘This might bare been fancy, bat It was oar impreeslon, and as such we record It. ‘The brief eddresa of tho President was followed by the dirge celected for the occasion—ono of Perciyal’s —sung by a cholr matnly composed of Gettysburg Indica, and accompanied by Birg(eld’s band. Afier this, a benodiction was pronounced by Rev. Dr, —-, the President, wo belleyé, of the College. Marehal Lamon then ennounced that at balf-past four the Hon, Obas. Andu:son, Lieutenant Gorernor clect of Ob{o, would deliver an eddress at the Presbyterian church, whlch tho Presldent, bis Cabinet, and the people, were Invited to attend ; he then proclaimed the sseemblage dlamlsced, and while the procession was re forming, a battery of the ih regulars fired a eslro of elght ronnds from thetr four guna. ‘The Marino Band, of Washington, escorted tho pro- céss{on back to the town, and afiermards, with other bands alternating, kept the alr resonant with melody until sonect. Previous to the addr¢as of the Hon. C. Anderson, Goy. Besmonr presented a Mag to » New York regl- ment, and made on appropriate specch. Wo are also Informed thet Just as the President was golsg lo hear Mr. Anderson, m gentleman intro- duced to bim old John Barns, thesoldler of 1812, and the only man In Gettysburg who yoluntected to de- fend St; and that the President Inylted blm to go with him and Secretary Seward to hear tho speech, and, each toking bls arm, tho old man between the tyo great etstermen for whom be bad literally fought and bled, was cecorted by (hem to tho church, where he sat belreen them during tho speaking. Thla lit- lo incident mast Lave been a traly gratlfylng com- pliment to the brava old bero. -

This we did not witness, as we were at the railroad endeavoring to get homenerds, Nobody ecemed to | kuow anything of the arrangements, and thousands were patiently waltivg to get home.

Tt appeared nelly that (he directors of the road or some other power hed ordered thet no train ebould leave until afier tho President's opecial train had gone, and heace, although the tme for the regalar train was 1 o'clock, aud hundreds Uterally had thronged to the depot to go by that, yet they and ad- Aitlonal expectants, until the sccumuleting hundreds had owelled Lo thonsands, were all conspelled to walt tll near 7 oclock, six mortal, long, wearying, slowly-dragglog hours. We aro confident that our excellent President was not a party to thls ehamefal mismansgement, acd thet hed he known that 0 dense crowd of citizens were walling upon hls movements he wonld not hevo delayed another minnte—but {\ was, nevertheless, the case, that while ‘at least two {ull ond heavy trains might bayo been ron to Hanover Janclon end back between 1 and balf-past 5, P. M., yet one of the largest crowds that ever Walted at a depot were detained here throngh » most uofortunate mistake. To the credit of oar cl- tlzens bo {t eald thoy bore thelr delay with remarka- ble patience, and {he Baltimore Union Gles Clab relleved the wearlness of a yery large portion by slng- Ing in aenperlor mannér a constant encesssion of patrlotic aud popnlar songs,

Tt yas my good fortune to return at last on the Proaident’s epeclal train, conducted to Baltimore. by d| Mr. John Vandauskeo, who. certalaly deseryed {he thanks of many of the pkoncgraphic snd fanny graphle gentlemen on the train; for he courteously procured and fixed for thom, at considerable trouble, an excellent light, around which, busy as bees, they compared notes an tranectibed thelr phonographic reports for the papers for which they were Iaboring. ‘Though nelther a phono or fanny grapher, be cer- felnly oblaincd the thanks of your present corre- spondent.

‘Tho whole affalr passed off admirably, caving the annoying and unnecessary rellroad delays. Thero seemed an abundance to cat and drink ; tho crowd wwervof the best class of our Arierican citizens, bigtly intelligent, refined, and of esurso qalet and orderly~

‘There ecemed to me to be no eensible Jar or discord to the whole proceedings. It etrack me, however, thst the flags upon the flagstaff should haye been at half-mast, and all should have been draped in black, copeclally Uho#s at Round Top and on the ground Im- mediately In front of the platform. It sppesred to ‘me, oo, that minute fans shoald have been fired from Round Top and Culp’s Hill—et least from 9 ‘unlil 4—throaghout tke day. Fartherthan this thero appeared nothing left undone that onght to bave been done, and pozaibly there may exist ample reasons why the owlsslona I have Indicated were permitted.

‘The train arrived at Washington at ten minntes to oneon Friday morning, and thos ended the dedice- thon of the Gettyebarg Cemetery—a day long to be re- sambered by the Gettyaburghers In this to them event- fol year, aud one whose effects will pass into ne


iy ty

Ax unknown man entered a ssloon at Terre Haale, Indlons, the other day, ordered a half dozen oystert, ate them, and, upon rlalng up toleste, threw pellyer quarter to the smezed proprietor. All at- tempts to {dentify this singular character have (hus far provod froitless,

| Aown them, they ¥

TERMS OF SUDSORIPTION ‘Two Douzaxs a year in edvance: Mailed to rabsmribers out ef the elty, Two Dotuass Der annum, and In proportion for « shorter peried—pay- ment to bs invariably in advance. A fair deduction On thes tera: will ta mede to now ‘vents and canvasiers. ‘Clubs of ten, {o ano eddtoss Firrwex Downe wresr fn advance.


Parson Brownlow’s Address (9 the People of : East Tennessee.

(Brom the Knoxville Whis, Nov. 1]

Onr country has been divided and Alstracted for tho Jast threo years, snd cren engaged In a orael and unrelentlog war.” In thoBouih there hea been a strovg Unfon clement all the tlme; bat powerless for good, es {twas kept down by rebel bayonote, under the worst reign of terror ever known to a civilized country. At ths North there has been all the timo a tory element In sympathy with tbe rebelilony bat equally powerless for ev, because of its weakness sud the infsiny of Its Je'ders. Upon one most im- portant polnt, wo ore bappy to say, our people of the Joyal States ero apeolutely nuanitious—men of all old party alllllatios egreo (hat, mhatover elso may happen, tho rebellion mutt be’ pat down, and tho Unlon innst bo preserved: When the *ebollion was in augniated there wero thousands among us who wero half inclined toregard the attempt to quell the out break ss hopeless, and w more tban half in- olined to end the war by conceding the Independence of the bogus Confederacy, althongh It bad originated Ip ond wes based upon tho great Boathera platform of faleebood, perlary, and treachery.

Onr old eubscelbers, whorn names were leaton, will bear testimony that Wo desonaced tho rebellion and all concerned In promoting it Nay, we told the pablic, and especially the South, what would come to pass, ‘In one of onreditor/als, wil fore tha wary we used thls remarkable langaage= "If the colton Biatos rash madly Into this revolt coctomplated a louz

war will bs the resnl(—s war thet will rench the land {n blond. and ingolve bath eeetiorn of the coaatry fo untold millions of debt, Lo eay nothlag of the alanghtar of hundieds of thousands, and of the suflaring of the p

thelr utter rain i busl-

ness. Aud mcr , nnd oxrtalnly worse than tbls for a prond p: the Sonth will ba mbipped acd dsivea in disgrace back Into the Union, end mado to sled ob to tho laws and Copstitatfon of she Ualted Bt The Southern

Alsanlonisis, demagogues, ond nelvys, and havo eo teoght the people, thst the people of Ave North won't fight, snd that if a bold front 1s L coue to any terma for the sake of peaee. This may be trovof tha politictans and dumagogucs of the Nort. wbo ano in sympathy with Bonthern traltors, who acied with them In breaking up tho Charleston Convention ond In procuring the nomlaation of Breck {t ts not Line of the real people of the Norih, ‘They cra brave sud pa- trlotle, and will fight to uphold and malotain tbe old flay and to metoteta tho Uolov, notil they put down the rebellion oF extermlcate all who sro en- geged In It. Come what will or may 7o shall bo found, Ifallve, battling on the aida of this Uoloa, and Ja opposition fo thla Lofinitely foferael conspiracy to destroy our country. and ogalost tho bad mea and corrupt politicians who nro urging the deluded people of tho Bonth on to rnia.”” This we spoke moneed we nttered

Jitora Matter them-

war, and atterit hed eom-

‘g sentiment and pre- diction in a leading editorial: “The decd 1s dove! Soath Carolina fs out {) But the end ja not yet. Other Eouthern Biates will, la thelr madness and folly, go with South Carolina ; and now comesthe tug of war. What Is this for? is it to secure oor rights, whieh means to make our negro property secure? ‘Blavery fa secure; bot {f'a war of eevrral sears duration 1s forced upon the country, It will destroy slavery. We say this as a pro clavery man, avd uot beosnee wo are in oympathy with Abolittonts abn heresy as Sre-stion. Ocr concern, homo sTenuessea, and va call pon her citixecs tn show thelr renao, petrict- Jem, and courage, by remoloing where thay ato—in the Union. Desperate efforts will bu mado to carry the border Blates cut with the colton Btates. Bhould Mary land, Virginia, Tenneregs, Kentucky, Arkantes, and Mizzourl—Siates strang along tho border—go Into thle Infernal crasade, thelr terrliory will be mado the

theatre of hostile operations, nod before the war ends those Slates will all.ba Jal In rolng, Mark oar pre- diction. Yancey, Toombs, Biidell, Davis, Ieham G.

Harris, and olher bed men'Soorb, who will hesd the revolt, know that It will ralu the Border Blates, pro vided they can kozp the war in them, aud (his tho colton State traitors will roxk todo. ‘And when tho war gomes—for come It will os certetaly as thero Is a Godin heaven—theeo grlity cotton State lords will eall apon ua of the Border States to drive back the Northern hordes who may cee to Inyado onr soll. Bat what wo sey will be denounced os thy ravings of a troltor to the Soath. Go on, madmon of the Bonth in sour wild and wicked carcts, and time will tell who {s the falseprophesandthetraltor. Wessyegaln, and thus far in advance, thet wo Intend to eduere to the Federal Union, shonld {cost us what little we are worth, nnd even our Iif ‘Tho p epeak of the present acd of what Is to come. In common wiih the whole country, we depl ravages of war, and woold hall with heartfé Jolelag the return of psaco, wo deom it Inconataste with tho honor ard dlznity of tho nation to mal any other tendera of pose to the men In arms against it than such as are embodied in the Constitu- tlon ofthe United States, ander which they can at any Ume resume thelr place In tho Arserlean Union, eubject only to euch psion nod pennliles os thoy mney have Incurred; and whilo we would haye our mbltary anthoriiles In command and on Goyerament deal In tha mest liberal eplrit toward the deloded masses, mod the patriotic who wera conserlpted, we arge tho punlahment of {ntelll- gent traltors, and Inolet thet the halter should bo summoned to do Its eppropriats work among tho Ieaders. And we reJolce to knovr that It 1s the settled determination of cur Government to content to no peace which chall {avolva a ceparation of the Ameri. can Union, ot reengaltien of ths right or tho paver of any Stato to seceds, or any change fa the Conatitu- tlon, except such as may bo mado by the people |a sc cordance with tha forms which It prescribes. Nay, Jet (ho war bs prosecated vigorously, and pushed south with determined energy until the old dsg, the banner of beaty and glory, ehall ways over every foot of territory on this coallnent,

‘Tho guerrilla warfare which the rebels delight in, and threaten Uslon mon with, espnot bo long mate. tained when ones tho war ls ended, or when reb zoldiers are driven from a State. Salf-preasrvetion Will lead pod mien everyrbere to aolte with the Gov Crament In closing itont. No merey will be shown Uhieves and asessaing, if thoy contlone their rava when thele ormics hayolald down thelrarms. They Daye co claims: under tha Iawa of warfare; thoy ara ont of the paly of their protection, placed ‘there by thelr own rcekless violation of thos Jaws. ‘This picking off men beroand (here, and these guerrilla Talds upon femilles ond vlloges, wbers murder and plander ara the only motives, and not 1a any sense the fnrtherance of the objects of mar, should be pan febed’ with death, thon evi form ot atrial. Tet no euch men ba taken ss prlecners. Late stern yengeance bo taken npon oyery «uerrllin that falls {nto our hands, end thelr ccOnilaws would be, Ia. Inrge mesure, deicrred from crimes that only Syuthera traitors acd degraded savages can take pleasnre in.

We cancot closs this opeving addryés (oour patrons withont a brief notlcs of the clergy, claa of men,

ve all others, who hava beea productive of mis chief, violence, acd crime In tha South. Wo, of courte, alladato\that clean of them, irrespective of Focls, who have been active lo promoting the cause of revellion. We bezard nothing ingaylog thst tho wort claes of mea who ao mekiog tracks upon Boutbern coll are so-called preachers of tke Gospel, who bare encouraged in this work of persecution, {mpricooment, dronkeness, Islog, riealing, as sassination, and murder. “They havo aldcd in {ke work of devastating the country ; they bave con- tribated to ll tho land with mournioe; they have caused tears of {en of thousands of widows to low ; fey haye done thelr fall part In handing down to

ferity an ormy of orphan ebildreo; they hava Aided materially tn Miling thousands of groves with tho best elizna of the country, North and South; ‘and, fearfal to relate, they have malniy contilbuted to send thoneands to hell who might have been redeemed by the blood of {bot for thls war, Weesn never hear oneof thes hasd hypocrites preseh It wo ‘can get beyond the eoand of his heteful voles. Lat ‘all patriots resolve upan tho same course, and thus, Ya all loyal sections, drive tke monsters Into tbs shades of private life,

To regard to slavory, we will tata tho yronad which experience and logic prove, sud that 1s that {t cannot longer maintain itself In the teinperate sone after tbls rebelilon, and that the African race when emancipated Will dlesppecr. ‘The elava Biate and slaycholder havo abollahed elavery by tho rebellion nnd Its cause quencer—by the warend iho cynsilintlonal means Secorded to the Government for is defecces Tho fdlayery agitation which brouwht onti's war was (he perfecting of the nullifier’s plot for dowiu, olon. And, though we bara favored slaveyy all cor Iife long, no greater mistake was over made in gop~ posing that the wesses of Wo people of the Bonth Teally favor tho instituilou. ‘They ato opposed to emanelpatlon' In their midst, becanse of the repog- ance of negroes (0 Isbor, and of the demorallzed state of coclety that tans follow.

‘Other poluts on which Gur pstrons expect to hear us speak, after an absence of (wo years, will bo {reated upon editorially, from Wms to time. “to thoss bo may be considered’ cur friends wo feel under ro (rivlal obligations. To theso who are onr enewles wre feel no particular hatred or malice, but wil at all times ba most happy In forgiving them, provided they hare no! beea the persecntors of Ualon men. There fore, with the bizhest regard for friends, m decent re- spect for honorable eaemles, and the lowest contempt for tho leaders of thé rebellion, thls Journal, with Whatever of talents Its editor can mmiter, laanches upon the troubled sea of Ife

st 1s with tho reader, ond we have only to ‘Walle,


. G. BROWNLOW, Editor of the Kovzeit @ Whig ——

Tue Terre Haste Hzyrest tells how ndroitly thres dcierters were arre:tel near Rosedale, Park eounty, on Taorsdey of Isek week ‘Threa uoldler hoya went up there and learned (bat ono of the men they were In ezerch of, James T. Montzomery, of the 434 Indians, was to be marries th (og. fo Lscd, end representing thorasel ves they wont to tho hoose end Joiced in with the fostiv1- tle “After a while tho boys cent ant, walted until the company hsd disperse, 2x sbout fifteen miantes (ler the bridal party had ro\l4 medee descent on thom acdtook the groom In charze, Wilton Park- hurst and William Farris, ooth of the $5.b, were aleo arrested, and the trio are cow on tho wey to thelr


2.397.025. 2

a2 14

| |

Saison" eqatpage, quartermaster and commlesary

Daily Chronicle, =

D. c. FORNEY, Publisher, = ————


‘ny REQUESTED to annonce that from this dang aul ho inoeting of Congress the President will tbo unable to receive visltore, bls time being fclly oc- copled by public business.

November 18, 1803.

Enwanp Evenetz’s Great Onatioy sp THE Psoceepiss or tux Dzpioatiox oF 7m Na- rioyat CemetenY at Gerrrsnona, will be issued tomorrow in pamphlet form, For eale at tho

Canoxioe Orrice.


‘There Js certainly, as set, no bad nows from Gene ral Barnside, and notblog pointe to defeat in thst quarter. The Jatest news from East Tennessoo an- nonnees that our forces hsd follen back to Kuor- ville. They could not do otherwise. It would nct be Jadlelons, of couric, for the commanding General, whllo being Invested, to do anything but contract his lacs. ‘This General Burrslde bas done. He hes evacuated all (he towns, bemlets, rivers, and moun- tain pesees ond gops, eouth, east, and weet of bim, and mated his entire army within bis’ entrench- ments at Knoxville. We do not know bow strong the opposing forces 1s upon tho Virglols felde, eont from Lee's army some works ego, bat it 1s prevamed to be In the nelghborhood of ten thousand men, onder Bradley T. Jobrson, Tue fores apon the Kingston rosd, under Longstreet, may bo safely put down at 15,000. Longstreet will not attempt to wholly inycat Barnside’s position,, es such a move would fearfally jcopardies his own army Tho two parties rospectiyely under Longstreet aud Johnson may attempt to carry bis works and crush him within bis lins, Bot they bave not a exMclent number of troops to suc cesefully carry out any ench harardons andertaking. 4s to tho «sfety of General Barn- slde’s army there neod be no question, Hla ine of retreat 1s open, clearand wide. Bat we do not wantto sco him retrest. A retrograde movement from that gection of country, and the replacing ot Bast Teaneazee In rebel posseaslon, Would be one of the mon: ceyere Federal defeats of tho war. We look for nothing disastrous in that quarter. Barnalde bas qaite a large force of bis own, and It has been cf- cally madekown that he bas reeralted between five and six thousand (while and black) soldiers elnce his occupation of that country. Farthermore, reinforce mentscan resch him in a short time from Lexington, Ky. 0nd, lnsy, {t must be remembered that the pos! tlon of Longstreet {s by no means a eafo one. To walt secms far moro critical than Barnside’s. The fact is, Longetreet actually invites General Grau: to whip him, ond we shall be greatly astonished If tho latter oes not do so, The rebela play rieky games for handsome siekes, East Tennessee Is a glorious cvnutry, and {ts loss to the “Southern Confederacy”? {oa great pollUical as well as military disaster. This the lesders of the bogus Government well know, and thaa tho bold mors apon the board. The battle of Pine Blof, Arkaneas, Js recorded 23 one of tho “greatest lIttle ? affairs curlog the war. Colonel Cloytom, of the 6.b Kanses, after Ave hours? bard Aghilog, wih fiye batdred end Afty men, pat 1o flight four thousand of (he enemy under General Mar madoke. Oar loss was esyenteen killed and thirty- nine wonnded, and one missing. The enemy’s loss was fifty-three killed, one bandred and elxty-four wounded, and thirty-three prisoners. A few days be- fore Colenol Cleyton took three hundred and any men and four pieces of light artillery, and, by moking Scircaltsnd yonte, and marching ninety miles In thicty three hours, euccsbded In surprising and com pletely routing Colonel Dobbin’s cavalry brigade at ‘Tollp, eapturiog one etand of colore, all bis camp and

‘stores, medical sapplles, tranportation, &c.

Oar latest advices from Charleston are more cheering than for some time past, The navy bes got to work, ceveral of our veestls having proceeded qalte a dis- tanco up the channel. Tho rebels report that one of the monitors bas been dameged In tho tarret acd smokerteck. Tho Framiur of tho 18th inst, esys that Fort Gregg threw twenty-five shells into Charles- top, but without causing meterial damage. The monitors and land batteries «till round awoy st Bam- ter, but tbe old heap of rulos still holds ont. The rebel newspapers esy that, from present Indications, our army Intends to operate more extenalyely than of lato.

Among (hs treatles to come before the United Biates Benate Tor ratidcation {s one made Jest eammet by the Commisstoner of I=dhan Affairs with the chiefs of the Crecks, by which those who Jolued the rebels are Fermitted to return to thelr allegiance, but aro to ‘be forever dirqualifed from holding offices of bonor, emolament, or trust among tho Indlave; and the treaty engeges to abolish slavery, as the Oherokee nation has dono already, and 10 colonize freed men on lands belonging to the Creeks.

Lieutenant Babb writes from Libby Prison of tke great Joy given by the fret lot of goods received from, the Chrietian Commission. Colonel Powell, by re- qnest, dlatribated them In (he hospital, and Licaten- ant W. F. Randolph, of the 5h United Btates arlll- lery, assisted by Litutenant Colonel White, of the 67\h Pennsylyanis volunteers, distributed them In the prison.

‘The Texas exptdliion, ander General Banks, is re: presented, through our. Jats advices from New Or- leaps, a8 a great success. We occupy Brazos Island, Brownsville, aud Point Isabel. The rebols fed in confusion to Ban Antonio. The casualiles on both aides are suppoced to bo omall, but are no} men- toned.

William T. Smitheon, convicted by the General Courtmartial of ‘holding correspondence with the enemy,” «c2., has been eontenced to be confined In tho peniientiary et Albany, Now York, for the term of

fro years, Tho sentence has been approved by the | Act of justice would be done to the invalid aol: Prealdent. dier and” the Government be relieved of The clerks In the departments for the pastfow|a considerable expenditure by the redac

wrecks have been compelled to work night and day. ‘The labor performed In come of the departmonts bes deen Immense. This year the toll exacted from the clo ks has bein excessive, a8 a general thlag.

Governor Morton, of Iodiana, whois at present Jn thocity, hss recelved a letter from Mr, Ould, the rebel commlssloner for the exchange of prisoners, premlalog tbat all Stato supplies for Federal prisoners at Rich- mond and Bello Islo will be recelved and distributed according to instructions,

‘The Rasslan Admiral and Beet leave New York on Mondoy next. The flest will proceed to Fortress Monroo, where it will winter. The ussof the Brook Jyp Navy-yard was tendered tho Admiral, bat he de- clined acceptivg it for various reasons.

‘Tho strikes Sn New York, In moat instances, con- Line; but most of the employers of carriage and omolbus dilvers have ogreed to pay $1 75 per day, and {kis expected that thera will be a general compliance with this demand before tho end of the week,

We conciuds our bistory of the Gettyaburg dedlce- Hon fp thie sorufng’s paper, by publishing tbe Tebly fitere ing, letters from one of onr epeclal cor “Feepondents, hich we were unablo to place before our readers yesterday.

Bleyon blocksde-rupnars have arrivel ealcly at Wilmington {n the lest few days. Oar blocksders must keep up 8 more Uvely wateh. Wilming‘on seems to be the only place fast now where thesé le gluimate craleors cun run In st thelr lelanre.

‘All the ratlons cout by the Government and by the Baltimore Anierican Relief Ford bave arrived eafo a} Richmond, and are belng distributed to our famlah- fog patriots.

All reports of heavy Gghting in Western Lonislenn pre pronounced untrus. Thero hss b.en olight ekir- mlsbirg inthat direction, bat nothing {mportant or decisive bas occurred.

Toe gold market went wild over the news from East Tennesseo yesterday. Tho Woll-street follows got Itup sshigh os 164), batt fell iitdlo Dooly.

Elward &, JaGray, a merchant of New Youk, bas sentone thousand dollars to the Christian Commis. sion for the rellef of the Richmond prisoners.

One bucdred Federal prisoners were recelved at Libby prison, Richmond, from Charleston, on Mon- day night Iast.

Br adler General T. F. Mesgher {s to be made a mi jor general, ard to have command of the old Irish ‘end Excelelor brigades.

‘The Richmond Exoniner eays that 700 Federal prisoners havo been cent to Danville.

A largo mess meeting Will ba held In New York on | correspondent is in the wrong. His suggestion, however, gives us the opportunity of correcting

‘Wednesday next to encoursze enlistmenta, bs


The fall text of tho epeech of the Emperor Na- poleon, before the Chamber of Depnties, is before as. It mustto bave disappointed everybody by its mesninglessness, It is long, much longer than bis Mojesty's addresses on previous similar occasions, but it is plain that a multiplicity of words is employed for concealment mainly. He congratulates the Deputies upon the continued progress end prosperity of the country, the activity that bas been displayed in tho prosecution of the public works, aud on the abaodant harvest; admitting at the same timo that, financially, the hopes of the oountry have not been fally realized, though tho expendi- tures for the war in Mexico and Cochia China have been so far met without applying for extra- ordinary reeources. In one thing, it must bo ad- mitted, the Emperor of the French shows him: self tobe wise ood able ruler. Ho interests himself deeply in the offsira and well-being of the massea of the people. On referring to the report of the address, which wo publish in to- day's Cnnoyiors, it will bo ecen that mavy ameliorations have been introduced io the domes- tie policy of the Goverament, which the Chamber of Deputies is called upon to confirm, the most striking of which, perbaps, is one, the professed object of which is to remedy the excessive ten- dency to centralization—" to simplify admit trative formalities, to eoftan legislation applicable tocluszes.” If we may not doubt the good faith of these refornis, they certainly indicate a most commendable concern on the part of the Emp: ror for the well-being of hia subjacts, especially if it be truthfully added that “in the midst of there material earoa nothing that conceras‘religion, the mind, ond morality has beon neglected.”

With regard to the foreign policy and affairs of the empire the addreas is both communicative and reticent. It mentions among “unforeseen and inevitable events” the American war, the Sorced occupation of Mexico and Cochin China, snd the ivgurrection in Poland, nnd protests, though we must doubt the sincerity of tho protestation, that “distant expeditions, the object of eo many criticisme, have not been the execution of a premeditated plan; the force of events has brought them about, and they are notwithstanding not to bo regretted.” The argument by which these “distant expedi- i sre defended is, that France could not de. yelope her external commerce except by secu- ring position and inflaenco in America, and sc: quiring pozsesaiona in the East’ as a ect-off to the vaat territories in the same direction of Spain and Holland. The grstulstory statements of tho ad- dress, with regard to the French occupa- tion of Mexico, will excite o smile on the part of our readers, who happen to know more about that mntter than the French Chambers of Deputies are likely to koow, and will readily appreciate the qualiGed tone of the Emperor when he calls upon bia peoplo to have faith in French enterprises beyond the seo, or when he implores the Deputies “not to defaco the glory acquired, 60 To srrax, nt the two cx- tremities of the world, Pekin and Mexico.” On all these points tbe Emperor is reticent. Beyond the “mere mention " of the Amerieaa war, nothing is said of our national or domestic affairs, The subject is virtually jguored, and the Federal Go. vernment and the rebels are alike loft in the dark as to in whut direction the current of the Empe- ror’s sympathies flows, It is quite safe to infer that they will take the channel which selfintorest makes for them.

On the Polish question tho Emperor of the French is more communicative, and bis commu- nicativeness culminates in the recommendation of a European congress on the general affairs of the continent. After atudying Louis Napoleon's language on this eubject, wo canuothelp thiokiog that it has quite as much relation (0 the jealousy which England and France entertain of each other as to the Polish question, and we thiok every intelligent reader will concur with us in our opioion. What else does bo mean, what elso can tbe Emperor meen, when he inquires, “Shall ths jealous rivalries of the great Powers hinder forever the progress of civilization? Shall we al- ways cherish mutual distrast by exaggerated or moments? Should the most precious resources be indefinitely exhausted ia a vain display of our forces? Shall we eternally maintain o state which is neither peace with security nor war with its happy cbances?” It is notorious that those two Powers are ever preparing for war, yet aro they mutually afraid of the “happy chances!’ of an encounter. We greatly doubt whether Eng- land will consent to the calliog of the congress, or be a party to it if it is held.

A comnrsronpest makes some supgestions with regard to the employment of able bodied ci- vilians in eituations that might be filled by inva- lid soldiers which seem to us reasonable, and en tled to the consideration of the military authori We assume that the facts aro substantially as he represents them, to wit, that in the qaartermns- ters’ departments, both in the front and in the cities, able-bodied civilians are employed oa clorks and overseers; thnt in many instances, where negroes are employed aa laborers, the superintendents or overseers are also able bodied civilians ; and thut on many public worka tho laborers are able-bodied men, who have never yet taken up arms for their country’s defence. Now the question is whether in many instances, perhaps ning ont of ten, if wo except the third clags, iavalid soldiers might not perform the dn ties of these civilians, and thus additional mate rial be furnished for the ormy, Even if this abould not be the result of the change, at least an

tion of the Iovalid Corps. Th principle of giving the preference in public employment to those, or the relatives of those, whu have suffered in their country's service, has bean properly ro- cognized by the President and the Departments, and being sound, beyond all question there would aeem to be no reason why it should not be car. ried out in all cases. We are awste of only two objections to the application of this principle in the firat two of the particalars specified. Firat, that already certain daties bave been assigned to the Invalid Corps; and, second, that a certain class of talent is necessary in the situations which thess civilians fill.

Of course wo fully recognise the right and the competency of the prope? authorities to regulate all these matters according to their own jadg- ment. They olone are responsible to the coun- try for the administration of the executive affairs of departments and bureaus. Thero can ba no impropriety, however, in respectfully calliog their attention to the subject, in the hopetbat tims may open tha way for some change in the re- spects named. Even supposing that ample mili- tary employment can be found for or is imperative upon the Invalid Corps in its presont numerical strength, overy month and every week is adding to its numbers, and the time will come, we imagine, when its force will be more than equal to its present datics. And with regard to the ss

cond point, it cannot be unsa‘o to say, considering whence eur army comes, that the Iavalid Corps will supply men competent to any daty that is now required of civilians. It does seem to us

sonnd argument that, wherever there is a aitua-

tion in which on invalid soldier can perform the datics as well oy s civilian, he should bave the first chance of filling it. The nation can never repay tho debt of gratitude it owes to the aoldier,

and the Government, as the representative of the

nation, should sce to it that any opportunity of paying oven the amallost moicty of it does not

pass by unimproved.

‘With respect to the employment of iavalid

soldiers on the public works, in positions now


what wo belicve to be s prevalent error respect- ing members of the Invalid Corps, It is sup- posed, becanso many of them wow look robust and healthy, they are nesdlessly or by favoritism ndmitted into the corps. Thore is no ral foun- dation for this idea. Only thoso ore thna classed whom careful surgical examination bas pro nounced unfit for activo daty, and it is s well ns- certained fact that, in a majority of cases, the men Whore appearance is most favorable to health are thosa who would soonest break down under any Isborious service. We suggest to onr corre- spondent that on the public works only able- bodied men can be economically or profitably employed; and we can assure bim, after mach inqairy into the organization of the Lavalid Corpe, that none woald be found who would come within that category.

We ane mach gratified to avnounce a measure which reflects the highest credit upon the Secre tary of War, as tho troe friend of the soldier, which we have ever known him to be ;—a mea: soro which feom a prolific correspondence on the subject we kaow to be highly necessary, and mill tend to remove a great deal of hard feeling which has crept into our hospitals among the privates there domiciled. The measore is the more creditable to Mr. Stonton because it is of his own suggestion, and unsolicited by the gentleman to whom he has confided the important trust in question, The Secretary of War haa appointed Messra: James C. Wetmore of Obio, Gardiner Tafts of Masachusetts, W. Y, Sellick of Wisconsin, A. C, Chester of Illinois, aud J.C, Ragerty of New Jersey, Bonrd of Tospectora of Goveromeot Hospitals and Military Prisons in tho Department of Washington, with full autbority—we epesk advisedly, having read their instructions—to correct every abuso which’ they may discover “in tboso institations. Tho appointment of such a Board was needed, and was mado of th Secre- tary's own volition, The gentlemen composing it act without compensation, but they are the men to do their work heartily and with patriotic motives, and wo entertaia no doubt that from this time forward the complaints that wo have re. ceived, but we havo uot felt at liberty to publish, vill entirely ceaso. The powera of the Board are adequate, ond the Secratary of War is in carnest jn his determination to work a reform, He will

bo well advised by tho gentlemen named,

RerneseNtation have been made to us, by persons whose kvowledge of the locality of the Proposed site for the Newsboys’ Home is perhaps grenter than our own, that we have judged too unfavorably of tho healthiness of the location, If, ia our anxiety to protect the newabosa from injadicious arrangements, we havo been led into error, we con ocly plead our purity of motive and benevolence of intention. We are free to admit, also, that any home that ia not positively unhealthy, which respectable gentlemen who know the neighhorhcod of the canal bridge, on Soventh street, assure us may be safely afirmed respecting the proposed site, will be a great gain in the comfort and to the morals of the boys question, We certainly have no desire to throw avy impediment in the way of the bevevolent ladies who have the matter in charge, and, ns they acsuro us that the site of tho new home is two hundred and fifty feet from the canal, it is possible that we have overestimated the objac- tious to it

Tue sates of five twenties during the Inst ten days amount to alittle over nine millions of dollars. The Treasury Department is neatly thirty-four millions bebind in tho delivery of eoupon bonds, some of the onfers of the thirtieth October being yet unfilled. This great delay, like that which occurred in August last, is in consequence of the non reception of the new series of bonds.

It bas been the practice of the Department to make each series of ons hundred millions distinct ia style and general appearance. Tho whole of the third serios was printed early in Octobér- The angraving of the fourth ecries was in pro- grees, ond the Secretary expected to supply the demand without any interruption, bat tho wopre- cedentad subscriptions daring tho last week of October orhausted the third series, and caused the suspension of deliveries, which has occasioned ao much inconvenience to the public. The en. gravers promise to farcish the small bonda of the fourth series to-morro, and of all denomina- tions by Wednesday next; after which time all subscriptions will be immediately filled. Tho ro- sister bonds are now furnished without delay.

Sentence of Smithson, the Banker. ‘Tho centence of the Angur Court Martial in the vezee of William T. Bmithson, the banker, has been approved and promalgeted. Is Js that ke be conflaed to hard labor in the Albavy penitentiary for the term of five years. Mr. Smithson was taken North yester- day. Tho charge on which be was sentenced waa correspondlog with the cnemy In 1861, for which ho Wes once arrested ond enbeequently released. The following is the ofticlal order: ApjsoTaxt GENERAL'S Orricn, Wasuixoton, November £0, 1883.

Williaa . Smithson, convicted by the General Conrt-martiel of ‘holding correspondence with tha coemy, Jn violation of the S7.tr Arilcle of War,” and of “giving Intelligence to the enemy,” in violation of the came artlele, has bean sentenced * Ty bs comflard in ths Penitentiary at Albany. Nes York, or ‘in auch our place os Ure Sieritary (f War may dircet, for the term of fs years.” Tao sentence bas, been approved by tho President, and the Secretary of War has de- sigeated Albavy, New York, 05 the place of conine- ment ¥. D. Towssenp,

Acsletant Adjatant General.

Pacrrio Rarinoap —A dispateh received at the Ip. lerlor Department this _morpipg announces tho com- pletion secterday of Iho grading of forty miles of the eaitern scction of the Pacific rallroad, ‘Tho work was performed 1n forty-five dase. It 1s expected that cars will be rapning on the road on or before tho 1st Janu-

ary next. Yk ETS New Musio—We are indebled-to Mr. John F. Ellis, the extevelve music dealer, $08 Pennsylvania avenue, for the following new music: “Tho Young Volunteer,” a patriotic song by Robert Morris, music by Alfred Delaney; ‘Clara,’ 8 new dance, arranged for the plano ; the “Song of the Guard,” a patriotic balled ; ‘Don Jann,” a solo for tho flate, with plano secompaniment ; “In Terra 8! Diviscro,”” a romanes, by Thorbecke; and the "Shadow Dance,” from the opera of ‘“Dinorab,” arranged by Mark Hasler, Mr, Eilis fs dally receiving the latest masle published,

Opp Fe.iows’ Hatt.—Miss Chrlatlana Schmidt will give» grand concert to-morrow evining at the sbove-named hall, assisted by eome of the most cele- brated musicians of the day. The eclections will be of the most recherche kind, and we doubt not the ea cred concert will be well altended. Miss Schmidt is sald to bea wonder on tho violin. Sho will wind op tho evenlog’s performauce with “Le Carnival do Venlse,” Which mado Urso so popnlar a few years

ago. Tue following dispatch hss been recelved In on swer toan Inquiry whether the atores of the Christian Commission hed been scat back from Clty Point by tho rebel authorities

Fontagss Moxuoz, November 10—Rev. W. E Boardman, Secretary Qhristian Commission: No Rods have been refused, 8. A. Merepitn, Brigadier General.

Hos. John Brovgb} governor elect of Oblo, and Indy, have arrived in our city.

Promotions In Fuith Maine Volupteers, Brapgvanrsns Firru Marsa Rucivest, November 17, 1863. Tho folloming 1s a list of recent promotions In this

regiment :

First Lieutenant Nathan Walker to bs captain of

company I.

Firat Lientenant Daniel O, Clark to be captain of

company K.

Firat Lientenant John D, Ladd to bs captain of

company H.

Second Lientenant Orrin B. Stevens to be first llea-

tenant of company F.

Second Lieutenant J.C. Sammeraides to be [dret

Ueatenant of com;

Second Lieulenart Jobo A. A. Packard to be frat

Uentezant of company A.

First Sergeant Walter Foss to bo second Meatenant William A, Tabbs t6 be second

of company H,

First. Sergeant

Mentenant of company I.

Toe commission of Wm. A Tabbs, above men- Noned, was recelved but a few days afer the bala

P at Rappabeonock Statlon, November 7, In which en- filled by able-bodied workmen, we suspect our| gegoment be fell while gallanUy leading on the men

‘Of bis company in the charge,

Gro. W. Bick! Adjatent Fifi Main Volantects





Eloven Yessols Run the Blockade at Wil- mington.


Tho Rations Sent by Government and Private Indi- Viduals Arriva Safely at Richmond,

FontKess Mosnox, November 20—The steamer Conyoy, Captain Bochrer, bes arrived from City Point.

Colonel Irving eatlafectorily transferred ont Govern ment rations, snd also the Baltimore American Rellef Fand provisions, to Commissioner Onld.

Tho Richmond Examiner of the 18th contains the following telegrams:

Cuanestox, November 17.—Trro monitors were engaged, but not seen, this morning. There Is a re- port from Fort Moultrle that (he leading monitor in the Ogbt bad her smoke stack and turret perforated.

Avoport from Samtor states that four monitors took .s position to day near Cammings? Point, and afierward passed up tha channel. It ls belleved they carrled heavy welghts suspended at o certain depth below water, to ascertain If thers wes passoge for yeusels of a certain draft.

‘The bombardment of Fort Sumter, lest night wes about ss usuaL Slow firing this morning. The enemy Gred twenty shots from Fort Gregg on the clty, dolng no material damage, Ttis reported e gun barat at the Inst Are. =

Blow firing on Fort Samter all day Present Indlcs- ons are that tho enomy Intend imore extenslvo opera tlons. No monitors in action to-dey. They have relired, a}

The Ezominr gaye 700 more Yankeo prisoners ‘were sent to Danville yesterday.

Ono bundred and fifteen Yankeo prisoners were re- ceived at Libby prison from. Charleston, on Mondsy night. Among them were the sailors ond marines captored in last night’s assault on Sumter’s battered walls. B

The blockaderannlcg steamers Dandes, Flore, Banohee, Syren, Alice, Advance, Hansa, Beauregard, Antonics, Dispatch, and General Scotia, have arrived at Wilmlogton, :

‘The Ella and Anna {s reported burned.

The great ram Missourl, ballt ‘ot Bhroveport, {s 8 fallure, It coat the Government £500,000,

‘The Examiner, of the 18:b instant, was the only Richmond paper recelved.


Four Days’ Fighting Between Longstreet’s and Burnside’s Forces.


Kxoxvi.ie, Tess,, November 17, 1863,

General Longetrcet, after crossing the Tennessee on Saturday morning, 14th instant, was sltacked In the afernoon by General Barnelde, who drove the od. vance guard back to ithia a mile of the river's edgo by nightfall.

Longatrect crossed the. remainder of hls troops during the night, and on Sundsy morning sdyanced 1a foree.

General Barnside, flodlog It Impossible to cope with him with tho small force at bis disposal, fell dick to Lenoir, the rear guard skirmlebing heavily ‘with the cnemy throngh tbo day.

Thros desparate charges were wads upon our p2sl- tlons daring Sandsy night, bat they were handsomely repulsed. "

Oo Monday morning Ganeral Barnslde evacuated Lenolr, bat, owing to the enorgy with which the rebe] pursalt was kept up, dotermincd to glvothem s decléod check, and accordingly came into line of battle at Campbell's Station, whon Mght ensued, lasting from ete in the foreuoom until dak. Oar firat poaliion commanding the rosd from both sides, the Infentry deployed in front of this, and wero coon attacked by tho enemy, who mada eaveral gallant charges, and finally snceceded, by cu/anklog our men, in driving ‘hem to the coverof the batteries, which now opaned a terrific and destructive fire. The rebels retired before it, gave way, and eventually fell back to the river.

It was now S o’clock In the afternoon. Tha rebels showing a desire to renew the attack, and hovlog broughi three batteries to thelr asslatance, Gencral Barnside fell back oa more desirablo position and, again gove them battle. The contest continacd, closing at nightfall, with our troops in possession of thelr oa ground, 1

Tho of Jeet of the fizht having been attained, and os the detention of the rebels hed enabled our trains to get all in advance, our troop fell back daring tha night, and early Tursday morning reached Kooxvillo, hero a groat battle Is expected to be fought to-mor- row.

Yeaterday the rebel ‘advance guard attacked our outposts pon the Loudon and Chinton roads, and heavy ekirmlsbing continued all day.

‘This morving the atiack was renewed when the fog which ret In during the night hed lified. Tho ratels, fading it Imposelb!e to drive our men with Infantry, brought esveral guss Into position, and poured Ip a fanking are,

In the afternoon they brovght forwarda heavy force of infantry ouce more, and, aflera brief ekirmleb, charged our position. A terridc hand-to-hand corillct occurred, both sabres and revolvers being used on both sides. Oar men fought with the greatest gallenuy; but at last were compelled to fall back abont a third oy a mile to a strong Uno, which they hold to-night.

We have to regret the wounding of General San- ders and Coptsin Bikes, of the cavalry, who com- manded the outposts. The General’s condition is critical, Ltentenant Colonel Smith, of the 29th Michigan, was killed ot Campbell’s Biation. Our loss Ja that Aght was between two and three hundred. Oar Loss to-day will not exceed one hundred and Atty.

Tho enemy’s lo:s on Monday, orring to tho severe ‘Oro of our artillery, could not have been lees than a thousand. ‘Thelr loss to.day !s estimated at four or five hondred.

General Shackelford hada brisk fight on Sunday ‘with the rebels on the other side of the Holsten, three miles from hero. He kept them In check and at night they dissppeared.

‘Our men are in the best of epirits and perfectly con- fdent of euccats to-morrow.

THE LATEST FROM GENERAL BURNSIDE. PmiLapetvata, November 20,—From General Barn_ slde’s Lonlsvilie private dispatch, recelyed bya gen Weman in thls clty yesterday morning, dated Knox- ville, November 19, and signed ‘' A. E. Burnside, Ma- Jor General,” wo extract the following :

“Wore all right. Ths Ine a atill interrupted bo- tween Knoxville and Cumberlend Gap. Nothing was heard from the latter place last night, or up to 11 o'clock to-day. Headquarters here are not advised of ‘apy movement about Kaorville for esvoral days past.”” A dispatch Just received from Parson Brownlow, eted Barboni’s Hill, Novomber 19, saye : “Fighling all about Kooxyille.””


The Banks’ Expedition a Great Success.


‘The Roports of Hoary Firing in Westorn Lou- (Giana Untruo,

New Youx, November £0 —The steamer Morning Star, trom Orleans on the 14sh and Havana on the 15h, arrived to-night, Theexpedition sent by Frater, accompanied by General Banks, bas been a grea; auc cess. Brezs Ialand, Bromnsslile, end Point Isabel, were capiured, and are now in our possession.

‘The enemy throw thelr gue amay and fed (0 Ban Antonio, ‘The casualties on elther slde ore not men- Woned. No details of operations have been recelved.

‘The reports of heavy fighting In Western Lonlstana aye untrue. There has been slight ekirmishing, but


The Russian Flovt Will Winter at Fortress Monroe.


A Mass Meeting to bo Held in New York to En-| courage Enlistments.


Naw Yors, November 20 —A large firm, operalicg, in gold, falled to-day,

A report eays Genoral Mesgher hes ben made 0 Major Genero}, and {s to command the old Irish and Excelslor brigedes, after recrulliog to thelr foll stan- dard.

Tho Roselan Admiral snd feet will leave, on Mon- day next, for Fortress Montos, where they expect (0 pass the winler, Tho Admiral decilnes the uso of tho Brooklyn Navy-yard on the ground that anchorage at Fortress Monroo would ba eafer and better, sud be will be able to keep bis cilcera on eblpboard, whfeh 1s now Smpossitle.

A leUtor from the blockading eqasdron off Mobile reports that a rebel ram recently attacked the Meat, but alter recslvlpg hres sho!s from the Colorado, and two from the Gsnessee, ran back under the guns of Fort Morgan.

‘The money reported token from the Union Bank yesterday has been found. A mass meeting to favor recralting {8 lo be held at Cooper Iosiltato next Wed- nesday night. Gon. Dix wlll preside, It is belleved tho large quota of volunteers called for from this clty can be oblalaed by the use of proper (forts.

The gold market was exciled to-dsy by the unfa. yorablo rumors a8 to Barnelde, and reports thet a Fronch war vesstl took ont to-day $2,700,000 for ‘Vera Ornz, and thet to-morron’s shipment to Earops would be heavy. Go)d.at ono time reached 164), bat closed at 1533,

‘The steamer Morning Star, from New Orleans, ls below.


\ The Kearsage Ordered from Queenstown,


The Proposed European Congress.

Care Race, November 20.—The City of Baltimore, from Ljyerpocl on tho 11th instant, haa passed this polnt.

‘The steamship Anglia, which yas to eall from Golwoy on the 10:h, strack [a rock In Galway bay, while entering from Liverpool. She got off, apps: reatly uolsjared, bat etlll remains et Galway.

It 1s reported that the Britiah Admiral ordered the Kearaago from Qacenstowa beeaaza It was belleved he men shipping ostexslbly ax atokers were de- tlgned for moro active cervices. Shs galled on tho ‘5th, ond durlog euch’bad weather it was inferred that her departare was {nsisted upon.

‘Lord Palmerston, in a speech at tho Lord Mayor's banqact, deplored the American war. He sald Eog- land would have interfered, but for the bellef that Jt Would hayo been In vaio. Bho, therefore, would yleld nelther to blandishments nor menaces, but Ronld remain strlelly ncatral.

Regardiug Poland, bo sald Eogland bad dono ber duty by remonstrating; bat, althongh thes remon- strances failed, ho hoped Razele would cones ta par- ene an offensive course.

Lord Palmerston’s reception was slgnificantly en. thusfastic.©

‘Mr, Villers, the promlcent supporter of the Go- ‘vernment, has been speaking In defence @f tho Fade- ral Government.

Paris telegrams easy tbat Matamores ts not block- nded, bat contraband of war fs uot allowed to be landed.

Tho Emperor's proposal for n Enropean congress ss attracted vplecreal atientlon. Filtien Powers ereloviled. No ficial advleea havo yet been re- celved, but it {a supposed o greater pumber will ac- qalesceln the echeme. The English Cabinet Is bo!d- Jug a meeting to consider an anower.

‘Tho Times tees no objection to England Joining the Congress.

‘The Emperor's letter 1s ehorts It mentions no ques- ton.

THE BATTLE OF PINE BLUFF. Five Hours’ Hard Fighting.


Marmaduke Burns Somo of Ils Wounded.


Prse Burr, Ank , October 26, 1863.

The attack that toe authorities bere have been cx- pocting for some ime has at Jast come, and the roar of cannon and the raltlo of musketry have eabsided, and the amoke from a hard-fonght batile deld, of rather baltle town, bas disappeared enongh to enable us to eco Where We are and what wo hays accom. pllsbed.

Tals place {s sltusted on tho gonth bank of the Ar- Kenaes river, aboot Alty tlles from Little Rock, nioety from’ the Miselssipp! river, aud sixty from Arkadelphia, (General Price’s late besdqaarera) It contained, before the War, some three tbousand In- habitants, and wos cne of the oest and most bust. ness towns in Arkansss. For six or rcyen weeks It bas beon occupied by the Federals, daring which time It has been garrisoned by the 5:8 Kanass cayal- rp and the 1st Indiana cavalry, vuder the command of Colonel Powell Clayton, of tho 5th Kaneas cavalry. There 1s also here one ‘company of State mullitls, which has been recruited eisce the Federals came here.

‘About two weeke azo, Col. Olsyton took 850 inen and four pleces of Hgbt artillery, and by maklog a elrcaltons route, and marching nivety mileain thirty threa hours, eucceeded In aurprising and completely routing Col, Dabbin’s cavalry brigade at Tallp, capturing one stand of colors, ell bls camp snd garil son cqulpage, quartermaster and commissary stores, meilcal suppiles, transportation, >.

Tho rebel authorities feeling ashamed and og- grieved at this began to concentrate General Marma. dake's cavalry fores at Prinecton, forty-five miles from Pine Blofl, Fridsy, October 23, aboat noon, with abont 4 000 men and twelve pleces of artillery, mosily 12 pounder fifled guns, and etarled to tnke revenge on Colonel Clayton, who had between 500 ‘nd 600 men end nice plecrs'of Nght arilllcry. Son- day morning, about § o'clock, Lieuleaant Clark, of the 5:h Kaneas cavalry, with one company, was cont outon tbo Piiceston roed to cee what ho could dis- cover, but dld not go far before he met the cremy's advance, which fired on bim at once; they did not ekirmish but a few miuutes before an armed party, bearing a flag ef truce, camo forward, oud the cfllcer commanding It ‘sald, “I most go to the commanding cillcer Smmediately.)” Lieut, Clark: replied, “* You cannot fc Colonel Clayton. Yon hayo no right to be hero with a ilsg of trace; you have already been Glog on me batT will give Jou belf on hour to walt here for me to serd In and

et an answer.” He replied: I wlll not walt. I

jaye dispatches from Geveral Marmedoke, as I enp pose, demanding m enrronder of tho post, "I must go in Immediately.” Lieatengat Clark sald: © You cannot gon. Colonel Clayton naver surrenders, bat Is always anxious for General Marmaduke to como and take him; and now, God d—n you, got back to your place immediately, ‘or I will order tay men to freon you.” He fell’ bsck, and they commonced ekirmisbing again.

Meanwhile Colonel Clayton assembled his whole command and eent ont ekirmishers In every direction, ‘and came the General Jeckton on them by cetting Uhree hundred negroes to rolling cotton bales out of the warehouses to barrlesde Conrt Equarc. In lees than thirty minutes every etreet and opening lead Ing {nto Court Square wss completely and very formlda- bly fortied, and tho artillery planted s0 93 to com- mand every street and opening, leading in'o the eqnare, ‘and sharpshooters pieced In every bullding adjacent ‘thereto, co that the rebola could approach the equara in no way except through tho atrects and openings that wera commanded by our arilllery. Tho: did Colouel Clayton, with a faw negroes and plesty ofcat- ton bales, almost ‘Sn the trinkling of an ese” con- vert a place apparently defenceless Into a strong fort. Surely cotton, with its ebony eceptre, 1s king. About o'clock the enemy had succeeded In driving in tho skirmishers,-and spprosched us in threo columns, namely: on our right, centre, and le(t, the main ono being In the centre, and commenctd pouring ia thelr shell and cabister like ball. ‘The first fre was grested with loud cheers from our boya, abell and canfater from the quad, acd a Sharpe's rida ball from every men thet could got bis eye on a Butter- bot” From this on there was a p-rfect tornado of shells, canlatar and bullets ying from both sides for five hours. Daring oll this time Colonel Clayton rode ronnd ths works aud gave directions with as much coolness and composure as thongh be was directing the movements of some celebrai{oa instead of a bat- Ue Every man also seemed determined to Sght as long as be could get @ round of smmunltlon. Bs- trreen 19 o'clock Mf. and 1 o'clock P. M., the enewy Get fire to the balldings oa the right, expecting to bs sblo to rout os bs fire, thongh not able to do 60 by foree. Two budred megrocs were set to carrying mater and throwing It onto the balloon the right, adjreent to the tquare, and by thus doing prevente Ube fire from dolng us any damage,

nothlog declalve. Our forces.are stlll in the yfelnity of Vermilion. Everything quiet.

As coon as the enemy found that be could not rout us by fire, he changed a battery from the right to ths

his dead and woundsd on the Gwed bia for about two miles, thea reiurned and pat ont plekets the rams as usual. halo was fought and won. Two regicienla the © " Kansas cavalry, the 1st Indinus cavalry, and one ie Wa company—lees than six bocdred men in all— fongbt ani kept at bsy for five hours, four thoussnd wep, and Goally made them beat en Inglorlons re

treat |

‘“ Brarely thoy fourbt aod cell

The salianea Bendre sency ond oF ata (o show tho «ic

Jtentry of abese two replmenta aro atceasary. TBE

then retrosted, field. We followed

gallantry of these \wo Fe Seth Dattle thes fonght ard son spes Nelfe ‘Our Teen Was _ecrenteen. billed and vain ate

woucded, ard ond missing, of whom tt led and twelve of ths woutded were negra. if The enemy's losa, as far as secertalord, Ofts-tl vat killed sed one hundred and sixty four smonnseat ‘We coptored three officers and thirty men. Central Marmedoke, Io ying to burn us ont, burnt fevers) Mitten wenseed pen, On, what Bonet of 8 Ci en wh, by abiog the from af she Dal were wonoded avd unabletogetaway. Thelrecreams and groans, amid the crackling of the dames andthe thundering of the cannon, strock terror toour bearts, bat {t was impossible to rescue tbem. They were horned to death, and slmost entirely consumed by the fire that was kindled by Afs on rhitbless ond barbar- O tcypinored every hoste tht the coald gt 0, ‘and stole from (he citizens all of the mules and horses ey cnld a0. The conrt-bor was nearly demolished by tho enemy’s artillery ; fo were several dwelling honees. In fact, thera is acarcoly a hoose In town that dors not show the efféctsof the battle, Tho women and children, by order of Col. Clayton, went down oder the river bak, and no one of them wes ‘Durt. The negroes, most of whom were employed during the battle in rolling cotton bales and carrying water, thongh exposed most of tbo time to a beaty fire, did most admirable service, and bebaved with & gallontry that will ever entilc them to be classed among the brave. ‘The enemy Is in fall refreat, and eyerstbiog is quiet egain.


‘The French Chambers were opened at l o'clock, November 5th, by the Erapercr, who dellrared tho followlug epoech :

Mrssieurs Les BENATEURS, Messizcus Les Derc- ams: Tho annnal assembly of the great bodlis of the Btatels always a happy opportuolty for bringing to- gether (bomen who are devoted to thé pablic welfare and for manifesting the trnth to the country, Tho frapkoees of our mutual iotercourse c+lms anxiety ‘and strengthens our reaclnova. I, therefore, bid you welcome. The leglelative body has been re-

pened op third tlme since the fonndation of the Empire, nnd for the third time, In despite pf come Jocal dissents, I can only congratulate myecl( upon ‘the result of the elections. You have ell taken tho ame oath tome. That {so gaarontes to mo of your enpport, [tis our daty to nttend to the effairs of the country promptly and well, remaining falrbfal to tho copatitadon which bas given us cleven years of pros- | Perity, and which you have sworn to uphold.

| © The expose of tho sltuatlon aot homo will show te you that, despite the forced slegnation of labor la certain branches, progress bss not been electiencd

Oar indnstry bes contended successfally \sraioot foreign competlilon, and, Io presouts of.nndentablo facts, sho fearn engendered by the treaty of commerce with, Eogland have vanished. Our exporis duriog the frat elght wonths of the year 1853, compared with thoee of the corresponding months of the scar 1862, show an increasa of 288,000 000. During the game period our shipping trade shows an oxcess over That of tho preceding year of 175 000 tons, of which 86 000 are under the French flag. The sbundent harvest of the present year Is @ blessing of Proyl-

dence, which will eseure to the popolatfon a chesper price of focd. It is aleon proof of the prosperity of oar sericuliare.

Pablic works have been actively carriedon. About 1,000 kilometres of new lines of rallway have been Ubrowa cpen to treflle; our ports, our rivers, our c- pals, our bigh roede, have been continually {wprovod. As tho tesfon hes met earlier than bas been customary, the report of the Minister of Finance bas not yet beeu pablished. It will be produced shortly. You will Gnd therein that, If our expectations have not been fally realized, the revepucs have followed n continnons rise, end ‘that, witbout extrsordinary credits, we dave been able to mest the expentca caused by tho war in Mexico and inCochin Colina. I eball ave to point out to you varlous reforms which are deemed advisable—among others, ovo relating to the freedom of the belsing trede, onc which mill rea- der tbe maritime coueeription lees onerons to the

pUlatlons on tho coast, a project for modifying tbo lay on Jolntstock companies, snd one for suppressing the exclusive privileges for theatres. I have also ordered a bill to be taken Into consideration ‘with 5 plan to Increase the powera of the general and com- Tmunal councils, and to remedy the excess of centrall- zitlon—in fect, to oimpllfy admlofatratlve formalities, to modify the laws applicablo to tbe classes deserving of all our eolicltudc. This will be s e1ep in advancoto which yon will gladly ateoclete yourselves

‘The sugar qaeetion will olso be submitted to soar consideration—a question which etands in need of a foal olution bys more distinet eneclment. The project enbunlited to the Councll of Stata tends to Kreps to home produce tho fecillty of exportelon which is granted to svgara of olber parts. A bill on registration will abolish the double decim: and will replace that Jmpost hy a mare.cqattablo repar! los.

Tn Algeria, despite the anomaly which sutj-cis the some opalilons, come to the clvil, somo to the ml- Mtary watuoritles, the Arabs hove Jearnt to ander- stand the mild aud cqaitatls sway of ihe French rale, while the Baropears do not placo the lees confitencs Jn the protectin of the Government.

Onr apclent colonies bare seen removed the bar- riers which obstructed thelr transactions, bat circam- stances have nct been fayerablo to the development of commerce.

‘The recent estoblishment of credit {nalitutlons will, I trust, Improve the stote of affairs. In the midst of (hese material considerations nothing has been ne gieelcd which ccncerna religion opd public morals. Religious and benevolent Institutions, cclence ard Public instroction, bave recelyed great encourage- ment.

Sicce 1848 tho popalatton of the schools has In- creased one qrarter. At tho present day nearly Me million children (ose thitd of them gratnitously) are admitted Into the primary echools; bat our efforts must not be sleckened, a5 thero are atlll six bandred ‘housand dovold of instroction, The higher clats of studies has been encouraged In the secondary schools, whero special justractlon {s noder reorganization.

Such, gentlemen, Js the substance of what we hare already dove, and of what we silll intend to do. . Ae- enredly the prosperity of our conntry wonld advance exil more rapidly if politic onxleltes did not disturb it; but fn the life of nations unforeseen and inovitablo events occor which must be boldly and fearlessly faced and met without shricking. Of this number is the war In America, the compulsory occopation of Mexico and of Cochin China, the insurrection of Po- land. The distant expeditions which bare been the en\J:ct of £0 much criticlam have not beon the result ‘of any premeditated plan; they have been brought about by the fores of circumstances ; and yet they ara not to be regretted. How, 10 fact, could we develop our forelgo commerce, if, on the one band, we were to re- Urqalsh all lofaence In America; and If, on the otb- er, in prosence of tbe vast territory occupied by tho Spaniards ond the Datch, France was to remain alone without posscsslons In the seas of Asial Wo have corqnered o position In Cochin Chlea, which, withoat subjccling sto the difllealties of the local’ govern- meé.t, will allow us to tarn to ecconnt the lmmenes resources of thoes countries, and to elsillzs them by commerce. In Mexico, after on unexpected realet- ‘ance, which the courage of our esidlers and one sall-

overcame, we hava seen the population welcome ua 63 Uiberators. Oor efforts will net baye been frail- Jese, and wo shall by Jargely rewarded for our éacrl- fleis, when the destinies of that country, which will owe ita regeneratiou to us, shall bave been handed over to a prince whoce ‘eollghtenment and high qualities reuder bim wortby of so noble a mission. Let us, then, put folth {a ourexpeditions besond set Commenced lo avenge our honor, they will lermlante In tho trinaph of Gur foterests; and If priJadlecd milods will not sco the good promise of the seed sown for the fature, let 08 not tsrolsb the glory achieved, sotoesy, at the two extremilles of the world—at Pekin and in Mexico,

‘The Polish qacson necds a faller crplavat{fon, When the Polish {nsarrection burst out the Govern- ments of France ocd of Russia wero on the most friendly footing. Since the conclusion of peace they were always sgreed upon the great European ques- Hons, and I do not hesitate to declare €0.

Darirg the wer {n Italy, a3 well 39 at tho thme of the annexation of Nice and of Bavoy, the Emperor gavo mo his most alncers ard cordial support. ‘Tois good understanding demanded forbearance, ard |t was only the Polish question, very popnlar In Frauce, that could Induce me not to hesitate to compromiss fone of the first alllaness of ths continent, and to ralso my voice In favor of o nation rebelitoas in the eyes of Rogala, but, in ours, heirs to o right Inscribed in histories and in treatles. Nevertheless, this qaea- Uon touched upon the most serious Earopean inte- rests. It could not be treated by France alone. An insult to our honor or a menace againet our frontlera alone lmpoees upon us the duty of action without prelimipaly concert. It therefore becamo necessary, 2s of tho timo of tho events In ths Eset and in Syria, for me to coma to an understandicg wilh the Powers who hed equal rights and similar reasons as ourselyes to express an oploloz. Tho Pollsh insurrection, which from Its daration stsumed a national che? acter, aroused sympathy on every elie, acd tho alm of diplomacy bas been to aitract to Its cione ‘5 mnch adbesfon as possible, 6o es to bring to bear upon Rasala all tho pressure possible of the publle opiaion of Europs. This elmost uoaoimous expree- sion of wlabes appeared to us to bethe best means cl persuading the Rassian Cabinet. Unfortanately, our ‘disinterested counsels have been interpreted ag an ot- tempt to lotim{dste; and the etepa taken by Englacd, ‘Austris, and Frsnee, Instead of, putting aston to the atrngyle, bave only tendered todmbitter It. Excesses are belpg perpetrated on both sides, whicb, In the name of bumenity, must be equally deplored. What, then, is tobedone? Aro we reduced to the cole al- ternett'6 ofwar-rofasilence? No! Withont having recourse Lo arms, and without remalning silent, ove means remaina to wa It Je to submit the Pulleh qnestion to a Earopean tribansl. Russia has elreasy Geclared that conferences at which all the otber q1t-

tlons ?_ Ir It not urgent to recogalze! by new conved: tions that wbich bes been Irrevoeably acomplia and to carry by common acconl what the pescsof the world requires? ‘The trealles of 18:6 bave ceased to exist. Tae fores of circumstances "bss pot them, or tendato npres them. They hava been discarded nearly everywbere—to Greces, In Bilgiom, In France, In Tialy, a8 opau the Danube.” Germany fa ecitallog to alter them, Ergland has peneronsly modided then, hy tbe cession of too Jonlan Islands, and Rassia treads them under foobat Wareae. In tbe midst of tend scecesslre Infringeasents of thy fandamsental Zaropesit {pact, ardent pasaloss become over excited, power {ateresis demanfi golftion Jn tho Poni a8 well os 1 he forth. What, then, ean Os more legitimate and ore eensible than to conyoke the Powers of Europe toa Congress. In wbich relf-lore ard seatstance would disappear in face of a supreme arbitrament? What can bs more In conformity with tho fdras of the age, Sith the wiebes of tha grestest onmber, than to ade droea oureelves to iba contctenca, to tha reason of Siatemen In all countries, and to eay, ** ave not the prejadices ard raxcor mbich divide us alreecy lasted long enovgh! Ia the Jealous rivalry of the great Powers lcesaantly to obstruct tha. progress of civilization? Shall wo bs covetantly ces\log de danes at enon oiber by.exapgortk armamrotel Are ob moat prssiond resources to be Inéedvitely exbaustid fn vain ostentation of onretrength 1 Shall weeternally preserve a peeltion whlch Ie nelther peece with Ita eceurity, nor war with Its chances. of sncress? Lat us no lebger give Actitfons \mportanca to the eubrer- sivo spirit of extreme pariics by opposing onreelves lib barrow calenlations to the legitimate aspirations of uations. Let as bave the enurage to anbetitute aregalar and etablo stato of aire for an unhealthy and precarions conditfon, even IC It sbozld cost excri- fices. Let us mect withont a preconceived asetew, without exclusive ambition, evlmsted by {he sole thonght of ¢siablieblog anorder of things based hence- forth upon the well noderatood Interest of tho fore relens and of the pénplea.?? T cannot bat believe that this appeal woold be lis. tened to by all. A-refaeal wonld lead to tho ¢0pp0j sition of secret projects which fear the light ot day} but even If the proposal ehould not bo nnauimonsly adopted, It would bavo the Immento advantagaof bav- Ivg shown Europe where lies dapyerand wherecafety. Tro ways aro open: the ons leads to progress throwrh 1 conciliation and peace, the other, sooner or Ieter, conducts fatally to war by tho obstinacy of malntaln* Ing a past which {s rolllox, away. You koow now, geatlemen, the tone which I prom poee ts adopt towards Earopey approved by 500, sane Moned by tho potlle ascent, {t cannot fall to ba le (ened to, for 1 speek In the namo of France. ————+<>+- CITY INTELLIGENCE. Amusements this Evening. ‘Taestac, Peoreyizania avenue, ear WE Jack Shoppar.”

‘Tenth street, near B~ “he Little Gipdes””

Geor: lard’s Hot Foav’s New Tukaree, “Tho Market Girl uf Paris,’ OCusteasvey Hatt, Lonislana is, pear Fixih street. Higowasmon’s Last Orime,” **Palnter’s Uta sion," Kathicen'’s fruhisms, Singing, Dancing, &o, Wasuisoror Vater: Ninth street, near Ponnsyl~ vonia avenuo.—Pantomumer, Ballets, 8s Ovr AscurrsczunaL Turuovementa—Tue New Nariosat Bays Bu cowo.—That Washington Is making steady improvement in erchitectural matters i9 apparent to evory observer. I¢is made marifest not ofl> in pablis, bat ine Jarge number of private knildins feblob mcot tkd view of thopasier- by. Va note this f ‘with pleasure and prido, for atrancors in yeats post havo been wont to ridicale our pretensions to taste and style— how Jastiy It isnot forustorsy. But, bo itoalt may, or may have been, wo bassrd nothing ia predicting that {a a vars fow sears one ci'g will take rank with those ost celobrated for the architectayal beauty of thelr edifices, ‘Tho cno now in cours of ercetion fo Fifteenth stract, opposite tho Treasury buildiog. to be known as the Na. tlonal Bank, will,in en eminent degree, combloo mas- siveness with beauty, and, when completed, will copstl- tate ono ofthe eblofarshitectora! ornaments of tho city It isbulit cf tho best briok, wlth a ficlog of the most closant marble—tho sme tbat Is. now belog weed on tho Capitolextenston. The fouadatfoa anit front walls are three feetthick, and the iron pilers (cf the Corinthian ttzlo of arsbiteciare) which sapport the main or apror rtoiy, ros; on heavy brick piers, the workmanship of which f4 very o!zborato aod substantial, Ibedepth of tho baildiog ts 100 fo: width, 40 fect. Jn the rear, with an alley commonicating with it, Ss a wacaod lot, purchased by the book for tho pwpreocfatording the building oll the ond ventlistion pomsble to. givoit ‘Lhe first floor, olghteoo foct in tho clear, will bo oscupied by tha banking-hozss of Jay Cooke & Co. and main or upper story, twenty-two foot in the clear, by the National Baok ono of the mapy Inatitu- Ulons organized andsr tho new bauking lax, The door- Jew of both clorias wilt be marble, tbe rooSg of Lroa plates. and the ebattera of the heavicat {roo suitable for de-parpose. Io a word, tho desiga Ls to reader tho building a8 perfiotly frepreof a1 money and (be oxercle of akill can rendor it. The two vsuits when Gaished will, we predist, be precounced equal, if ast superior, to epy over built In tbis count Mr, Jobo MoArthar, thodesigner, (o! Philadelphia) deers them superior te apy be bar constructs d, ord no min hes had more expe rience than-be, baving wocoled o Jasgo nomber in the city namrd, The mercoiy apd cbilled-tron lining of Uacoa vaults, euperintecded by tne orcbitect of the balld~ ing. Mr. Jobo Kice, is porfectloa iteelf, the plates bein,

heari'y clamped aud bo ted througd. Both of thea yaulle aro I fedt by }2. One would eu poso that either eoald “Jaugh a (barglar'e) Hegoto ccoru,” bat to make

assoranco doub y eure. het: a-a to be deposited Fee eee eeaa eeu ong tro ae relorn prise of those whore yoosttoh fs '0 break in and stoal,’* in the shayo of Lill and Dodd's double door edfes, with their combi ‘on locks. 4

Ta the construction of this pew banhire buildl 8 imalter of pioper ventilation bas been eurefaliy pls

to. Itis something which ts (oo generally nectected. ot only {a this, bat in other cities of greaper pretensions,

Tho architcotdesarves praiio for the ingenally. not to

toy philanthropy, which be has exbibited in exarrangiog

bis plaos a3 to make the edifi: Blo, ox well ar etron ana darn dolacd in o more Gorid ets le of architecture (he adopted tho Norman,) butbobas su: ceeded in erecting a baliding which will locg bo admired by all who appreciate, in ar cbitecture, anadorned elegance.

Tho sucerviror of the workmen employed is Mr. John O'N«i!, whe orjoys abigh reputation asa bilder, ‘fto cost of the edifico Is estimated ot about HOCH. The farplabing, etc, will cost at leat $5@) more, maklog the total aboa: $5500. Bat we will not furtber antici- patoits completion, more than (orey that the exterior will gratify crery ore. Wo trust we shall ofton have the , aareesble tak of "taking notrs” of a)ms now enterpriso in which all are interested, s) in (ho one wo havo jast described.

Srvav.ss Deato.—Abont 5 o'clock last even- ing, a woman nsmod Susan Dugan; eged 30seary, was @iscovered Ising dead in a wood-abed adj ining ber dwolioe, on L strect, betwoen Nioth and Tenth. A light rope, suspended from the door, encircled ber neck and it was evident tbat che brd accidently become en- tangled with It while coming out of theahed. tho nase woman of exceedingly intemperate habits, and, when intoxicated, of a very bad disposition. It appears that while fn this condition she left hor bose a few minutes before 6, with the axe in her band, tocut some wood. A short lime after acblld fourd berin the position above described. Two sa/goons were called in immodiately, but life was extinct. The repo had beea attached to the place’ whero {t was fonad for 1omo months. The busband, Daniel Dugan, o clock maker, was absent from home at tho time. She leaves a fami ycf four ebildren, the soangeat about Gve months old. Tho Coroner wes summoned to hold an inqtast Inst evening,

Sorpizas Dino.—The fullowiog soldicra bevo died In the various hospitala aroana tho clty eleco our Jat resort. All wero rezorted at the olice of Coptain Waite: Gibart 0. Polly, 14th New Bampublro: H. BM, Wheater, oth Wiscomia; James MoCaddea, sai Now York; Situs Ganleop, 10h New York artillery J mish Blunt, Meh Osonecti-ut; William Sharo, 119th Pennsslvania; Will{am 0. Pollard, (rebel) 44th North Carolina: Frederick Wolfanges, 21 New York Thomas Bbaonon, 424 New York; Edward sbesban, 28h Macin~ ebuselta; HIS. Beardaly, 60th Now York engineers: Joho @. Doberty, 15th Poavrslyanla; P. W. Novillo, Lut Ohio cavalry: Joha Marphy. Lit battalion, Tovalld corps; James E. Hackott ond Wiloon Smith, Qaarter- master’s aukziance drivers.

Meetivo av tue Ustow Lesovz Havt—This

evening o meeting of tho German Union will be beld in

the Uuion Loakeo Hall, on Niath otreot between D and

E_ Mr... B. Meyers will doliver an addreas{s Boal’ on

“The meauures best adapted to etcare permnent pease.”

It was announced that tho addreta would be delivered Smeed’s Hall, Est It has vesn changed to tho Ball Srat mentioned.

Creevit Court—Chief Justice Cartter—In this court, yeaterday, afler come understanding between couatel relative (o the farther Introduction of testimony on the ecient cations connected with the eut-o5, the essa of Cook & Sickles cy, the Weablogton, Georgetown, sod Alexandria Steam Packot Compaay, wat postponed, and the court acjoorned antil Monday next.

Sexuixe Liquor ro Soupieas.—Elevep ealoon Lespers wee before Justice Ferguson yesterday cbareod with tolling Nquor to soldiers. ‘They were each fined $2 The sam of $2) was thus obtained for the cso of tho Osrparation.

Reuanis Eecontep day afternoon the remal: Witoonsin reglment, were cssorted ta t way to Boston, by foar companies of tit reyiment.

Carrvse o7 yesterday al rested four Jadisr, who wera bacco ttace. refogora from (he Benth dl aad ordered to report this mornieg to Cep mill dispoas of theircsees.

Restavgast Cuosep. prittor of the Philsdelrhia Restaurant, on Thirteenth tireot, has been fined $20 for a Iliog Nquor to s0dlere. His bouse was closed permanent'y, and bis lisence nla confireated. "

Resisziso He Guaep.—Jobn Droger was sr- resled by the detestires of Coptain Todd yesterday after noo for reiithe tha guard en tho avecus. Ie was commited te the Central Guanl-houss.

Wons which agitate Earope ahall be discueted would in nowlse cifend ber digolty. Let us tike note of pthet declaration. Let tt serve us to extiogulah once for all tke fermenta of discord which are ready to borat forth on every elds, and from the dis: qnletade itself of Earopa, wAlch in ovary quarter In mined by the elements of ditrolution, Jet a now ers of order ond of pesce arise. Has not ths moment ar- rived to reballd on new foundations the edifice des-

Recoverep.—A portion of the mouey ($500) + stolen from Elizabeth White, who hes a frait rand atthe City Ha'l, bas been recovered by the datectives who have

been ou the track.

Jewerey Store Rovnep—The jomelry store of Mr, Berger, on Penssylvaola arena, betwoen Piret d Eecord streets, wes robbed on Thorid: yht of arijoles lacd at $700, No urresta have as yor been

contre, kept up a sharp cannoneding for s abort tims, | troyed by the band of tne and plecemes! by rapsic| rods,

e : Waar Exrearkise win, vo—Fanneci’s “In- FILUARD'S HOTEL. \ 200! enrrrsond'—Toe yrs of Mr, Jobs Paice estaba, Bopt Ralbbode, UA ty EW B Sat ae = ¥ Jas. 7 a Bee aS Shen a permanent a Commlraton und Prodeos | wa yiemle | UOKS, OK y TAS. O: F Ty BDH poe, fo which consignments (romM{vartvofise | Weeae Han valle en tip'on tha ecesslon | may Cee HOVER'S THEATRE. ASHINGTON THEATRE. country coald be made with a certainty that tho bert |} Di Hine, N | pom My ocean | “Irvine's Ebetsh Bock New Pocket Edition, Dus P ts Pennsrtranta avenge, cear Willard’ com sad be obtained, baya beon erowaed. with the | Ag Richard |p tiie worno_ of semuirs; OR snivod. $10. Saperlt Borewocd Casa ~ Cbic¥eriog”” Plano Forte, | UEONARD GRGVZR.....+:----7~ J. GRauU'S Brest fatterlog eascess Wo bavo beforeusa nucider of | pres! WG Foren ¥ FS nea V en smi utils ofl bevteGueletel| ganuedo. tielaem Plated at te CSV Gared freee acesar aera tener he NEW ITALIAN OPEGA COMPANY. fetes adatetel to Mr. Fatill by wanted at altant | 10y 7 Yo | Tateso st Ninth etree, on CURB AY RVE. eae Seo C se aay eT A CRUOL EC DAE te | TS (SATURDAY) EVENING, NOY. 21- pala Fa Ee oy uD | Morente 15 o'look, by A.B. NEWTOR fore iar a Tete of tho Grést Prandulon | by Hote Ear- | of Cieroeat A, Koa stroas, between Our mectiert are respectfa ly © nontcesth t be will pivat a E; eee aL ar ait orion pent fale ast, Z mae and Peveotouaih sticetwe spall vail hi eatad EIGHTEENTH NIGHT fae deen fably Icunéated with letters ef thts description, al | De eo eniba GUUROH Tae Ewe (Se Seg Temata datlee af Math Tar | Sores a boassbold effvcts, comprising 2 TAREE GRaND CONCERTS. srovied the val& ded populasity dt hors and abros4of | A | SEO a Ce ee ad (oun rablunetaad mirnlen j Stepilon Notemood edee vere oitave plane frte by Of the ecrrevedented'y -ucce afal encasement of tha | (ip srand) seaiea liom -operaxao, MONDAY, TUBS i Port a Mo mill vressh a Ch ae eaDnd ureale, - : rine. most abla aed besetifal actiess in Amt AY, aod WEDNE.UsY. Nov 2:d. 2b, and 35 Boa Ma" Eaatltutlob,”” ~Mivety Yariety of btodnize 1s #hipptd | A a arity Sermon. fur phe heo-Bk vi nt. TUDSON TAYLOR, Baits bf Bcrewood carved IBS. coal pre) Hees Gl MOTT WS int \ Toot sien, ortleGren BUND morning, ba pLUDsON TAYLOR. wiinet sceegvod, carved parlor foraiture, fined MISA era ceeet mela Laine ea nea ant ener profs usd qalck retaras," tho bayer has every opperta- | ear BUA A: AL aC6e Ateptioa vaureh, cofaes of fend | nod Sally S31 Poocnslvanin'a-enue Ap eaur, aod fat) cots of varloas Kinds, Dolthed | 5p, LUCILLE WESTERN, fe MADAME cOPBIE VERA LORINI : in : y aur : a broea el behead si : Jo rated prima coos ard Iysi0 (raged ence from oly olgeulpe mba be wastat tholoret market rate | Joe Mer als HEE MISE of 146 ORBAN Ca10N EW MILITARY BOOK! Blast luvrtond exatetebe ei fares ele, with | ee EAREOE Retrcipal errs Ucasate Borips fee Aitapeaae f at < Boat SMMED'S ALG Nthh sure! = srble top, AN J ‘anes in tals cir Savoie prioes: a4 be ta rure of promot remittances. We | 3.0 M Me 3 Erderice Mevers will wddress te Soolsty fn | , 1yis'ory of West Point, and ite SUltary Taper tard French piste mantal ond pier classes OME TASES DB PLLE PAULINE CASTRI, fave plonsure ia calllog attoction to Sr, Farrell advers | 202% thadteeieniaercasaen tuo aflon (in América Rsyoruthn: ard the Och und Hench plate canntel and pler glacees. | Tyo Gsld robber and blhwayaon of Brelacd of tbe | Tio distinguished oantacrios Her Et aspoaranse fo eestor morerard Bia atco basttroolt, Fe 2 MEASURES BEST ADAP IBD TO SU2UREPEBMA- | Ghee gttul MUS sees itary Bochace Rosowood rscritolre aipranis drat wn pre prxeal | Llc WLI exae™ a js located, a8 every cne rbould know, ry AvadentesG renee a sear viasworth's F Teter YLLE MORENSI, Salita sUsallas praca berg esayn io andr seih PEA TRE ta ENA evant Pabllbel sad for alo by ; i ETE CENCE APPIN ech oe eer eae COLO = Git: 1 ‘Wan Daranrwert, The memtarect 2 ed Be URE ONIRAYLOB, PT epee p ec STRANGE ADVENTURES, The SRL TB EARE, Rarunosp Tupaovestests—New Scnepunes. Pnoross Maanat Grsreat'a OTIC | 4.4 iyo taitea nnd orate BOOBTIES: vip, | Det st Pesnhpiesnia ween fuacaeiainis Tall of oomfo sitgetlenn startling loeldentac and. Bule\| Th TESS eee We ca'l attention to the ennouncement of the Balil- Wiahisston, D. 0, November 8, 86%. | Avd tho ladies a: d gentlemen of Waabloston ecperallss * STEDMAN’ 5 jpovemond FoNhig Breadth cecapers hic recaless, daroge bat LAIR RR eer nea =e 4 Obes en aed Gireaar, No 28: * Bas os Stopdtalls Invited. aner Ke aie C, STEDMAN’s NEW BJUK. Bact unt Dresden 2ecat from tbo Talteries. rather a iri. fa nue ous oe Rint opie Conductor and Musioa! Director —.—_-9EG, MUZTO of the general chonges In Jts cchedules from Wasi fo following rexulatlore are established, with thear-| Gcsrav AvPacut, j secretarlen pemias_ |—avt7E OF MONM i erie Grares, Wc. cost % 0 . en tf bin dey. His portralt was 5 to altaore and Now York, a8 wal ata thy Wents Ik | Preval of the Bearstaryof Warvand will sorren Musee, GRE ARARETRACTIONATOnD GeLs| Nhe peas Vj eamrt ae gate [ST tee re aaeaa races Raced RENN Xet ch Wingy Gays ho wore fended the “Beeesra Overa AER cones = FUR Gn he nates east and | 126 end Di-boridog Goer In theis payments f advan SEAT oa streortradead Fr roe by Sees Ba'itngy Gar, thewn-t fsnued the Beceara Oven” | ADOT eit A): Cetera Bits ay may be id ds ec eat | Sener tater errno | ni ol Sara ECU) oatie Hing scouowoxs, , | Betmaatecrntie aman tne |Sd ab Raed ae ri ea | ences cna a tact asanaxpericieal fall oaaruaeley ~ enlisted by recruiting ffcers|10 B62 v6. every ono). The benavotent ladies of thi orn Pree eau ryle . ites var pinto’ wallara, inset seh's ooafeaiin te Newgate, Lostructive an’ {a | Renpayivaota ~venus. Ealo of tiotets ty comm 4 fas experiment at Tan rouoleg at ac bears at wl | or ho mar oo eshmenta new i sonerse or heozonrs | SHT7 CEP anh euioas tele erat Patt ot tered | VPLS BARGHANT’S NeW BOOKS erate db tarckador dihen ttodeoey, evntintor auch pues [24 ieaaee Ta {leds {0 Baltlaora. ‘The traion will now lanve Wars. | °ft¢zi¢e rpira fo 3851 snd 1:61: : abel nucllen, foe tbe! pranal wan 24 OED ETS . . iylanseaben ieee sland pastouiaed salianciaher (|e DAL ABLELAD VICE ZO, TREIEOXS ARIBTLSS! VAKINDLGe! hay te Ba r . Fangrelag expite inde add 6H ae inare ot ecnrsarpabie. nvih- TAR onan Z tar plate erties. comprising |, i : Se a Peet Eat tna nt tunel Be reins rane somser | gg gator me tots Eee) STE SMe | CISA AERA Rete PM TBS A Me TE 0. and 808 Mae al Nor | hogy and remfamanantng a {2d o flone vi: BLS ‘ist poblithed ned ree RTs soc oons, ignaat gold china diate dud Seer surice, 18 ‘asd artraveasituay wibecatnde, tara acrbhib © Coenen Gane rs Fee ee ene ee eka Halen cits | 02,beins mustered Into the United States lervior, under , agAl vans ‘S02 Pennay eanin aveoue. Glitwud Zecorativo diner tea, and dese? sersise | pe enble EE acne na Pte els the tralavon thezmafa lino fiom Baltimore forallparts| ‘el suthority, acd beforefeaving thorecraliivg tatlon Seatheast corner of Seventh and 2 streots - Fiaotablooatiergscutasd ovsp-ved gia ware | = at ine We Toe ccmeatasfon tralstieacasVisiaore! os 2 oper ta ob spa panz one ae ie) reerat noll-Imd&S* _ Wasblog'on. D.C. TAM Buveri rwal.stearied oxventon taile | = JACK SHEPPARD, THE GREAT MUSIO HALL} elise a 2 one 10! oo eats 00 | - ~ = Jo tou sideb vad, lauber ovvere f ith 4 femarkab’y pomerful Cas erst 7 i aur NSA Mend fechra Wanbiat nat 8201 Mavi | gat aleat of beast [oe SiR Aa RDTUEAME | WY ANTEO_ Tail Toons Silo Pirin Sodauecss tonucrislawaace’™"” | seoom gag riasien.7 108 WovsEDSESKER| n> —2Ce COMPETITORS! seats 1D EM pomn ae 4 ED ends Pett eae bee Washial . without board Addreas Harry sid Wil Pro- oUhedtead aaa = ea hee SSBB ae 2M “Bhs tal Hf naa ray el from W ‘A the eoréral Slates, phe elie ca tee sud Wil Pro Bacal oot beduten rprdrobe;,barena, weehstands Jack tboppard.. onsemmninnadfiss Lucille Weitera | Flattering réceplioa b) the pablis of the new stark rR See Lita © | Total pay before Jolnis is bey usr bo zyompls f 5} = Loun, ehnits, £0 sheet EPOOH THE SEOND-17 UL- . ERRY ste es cere te ISAS A Pgcine pat aay oeioeabaas najate Spee u | QT ANTHD.—Surgeons and Assistant Eur. | ftersandnilony tle tes ich MILLE CHERRY PETRIE, diepidsre-cosiacplated, whlch will be devslaped upen |, MuHAra, ax addlosal Iastallmeat of bounty Sp STATE RILIFe namaoT, | eneat efoyealepelezuceate inthe Desattments (f| Window earn, Sap Tack SHEPDRES =a Daal es tte sRARRY COUBD,” espcirescontupplaed, walch wi bo davaleped p09 | eile noid Isaenrfot basal T B mire noeaey, | Nap EBC einoel bbws Bowd o | fyteber ibtas ual suntaea Mike reat EPO TOE THIRO—THE END OP EIN, j SiGe aie nel ate in freaky be nero iapetia folaa Lot Ponpervacia sreace, vormer Beventh etree.) yoy! eee» aoe on: Meh cab. Bre Capt. Jack Sheppa. Miss Luallle Weetern BILLY KANE. betwcon Baltlmore ond Wasblogton, ‘np additional installment of bounty will be pa'd. 49 CO Peer in reasion at Bostor, Now Tork, Wesh= tat ©, MeGUIRE & 00., a t regular pay day after the ead of the pO Ls oan Bas etek ea Togton) Clnoinnell, and stateul liad abithele exe nee 2 Avctioncers._| | RATES OF ADM2S%10N.—Dross and Parquet Circles. ——SSoe Reuse or Sorrensu Ustoxiors Sooru.—Ia Watervicn, az additions! tavtliaent of | tain GUzes tag Gacclermaster ao @ tous ort nts, bone ont | PY JAB, 0. McGUIRE & CO Bt octay Grobe ns Chala genaca yale Ole ( NEW aA DOETC SSM OUTEE CLD yOn eorcelumps to-day will be found opeal, mido™ sisssmerren 40 00 | tho andersis ys i a 1 > Sai ee A He Wee Bren often ans raarapnesl nice be Sint reson gay ay afr antes Unketofie of@ 2 Siniiay Coan rion ate ae ss ___. AUPTIONEEES. po aed ihe argas drama of “Camille: o», T0°) GREAT EVENT OF THE SBASON. Ktonts Couth, expretaily in Nateher, MinteatppL. Mr, rerslcotant sdaitaval?initalinent® of ‘of discharged soldiers on New York avenue. ‘avointr Borupisa Lota ar run Court’ of b Moyortuns Bat recently retarned trom that teotya ofthe | ,B0B887 will Ba DALd ann a) Odio ints Mittary Agente cornet of Saestoune Stews bustg sates = IRIOSDSINEWALEEATRE agscood ite gneve of (he Las ate Nenesll ax Dray Moyer tas bat recently retarned from that tollo0 of | qc the fist regular pay day after two year rarvice, ites,” pavivante arenes and Betasth treet In tho matter of the pelea of Samos Merarry. Guar: THE FRENCH SPY, fora of whlch hospoake, Ts eniltted to conilderation at, , 82 #éditlonal instaliment of bounty will ba ra‘d. 40100 WAR DEPAUTSENG, ADSUTART Jucan OstheGuerrs statacribeley¢? shows Uarberse ; TENTH STREET, ABOVE B. the hands of our citezns, We have rosd tho President's | AMtsz tho expiration of threo year.‘ arvico, of to TS peas omes Wiobington, February 18h, 25% Gores ed. RATE AEE TILED IRI WA A reece pte A erage pee aan, stecoels epproving the cheat be lwenden,| soz soldier enlisting under this authority, who 1s Ofice Wanbingtoe oa be 3K, DAWN ES, Tn pursuance ofadeoreo ofthe Orohant’ Court of Wath. (Aléo of Holliday Mtrast Thaatra, Baltimore) eee tries clade tod. wo. tra tthat curatti. | 289 bo bi norably discharged afer two xesru'ger- 1 FerenftERPOIAL OMDRIS NO, soetacies | Sarsean General's Otloe, Noventer inva oe | aon crane, ta the Distrib of Coluabin duty ritited regen ec end we Uae ora | eg evemtederol heed ni tote 00 | Sctnat ocuhg Meee nw see | PT seo i hy tbe Uenerall Bape Otto ed SIXTH NIGHT THE FRENCH SPY. people of latches, not to enoak of other placa, ara real If the Goverpinent shall not regulre this0,tr00 ee att te batore Nee INT 7 Meicirand wilt aller forsaleae pebhewacton, ox: the or Mile Cherry Pattie einem meninc TB A fedhteess, thall tate ullrizes be ‘unheoted? ay | for tho fall parted of ee eee wu roles valid 10 000 AGENTS WANTED oor | Sodertmmed gill oder forsale nt p-blesnotion, on the THE WEBB SISTERS Totrodae BE fay & plead empanraiay Palunecee oe Hem ea anes fe trap wad | ed Eoumah anf non fr he ein ERAOMAS ausiant asanat | ar tua tose og new ladon Babi rAad a | saaied a ibe coinr of Di tyat part ee rsysty aso ‘i ba follevo, this isan appeal to.cur charity, which h of thetr terms of oalistment, thoy ahall recelye, on belog | yaiwers gosice Ro, 183 Pennvivanis avenue | Medals of Generale Qi eae, Ro a nad | ai eave ga pure of Lola iad 8. ym tquarel il hront= MR. é PROGRAMME OF IN suinbbotepsaien lial fatten ey | mttoae be mie spat ccc => sassnopmery aigaaity snare | ir sa ae pe gery eke | Ear alates Bret erat Se se aod Baltimore, Mr. i ald att al aa SACHUSET TS MILITARY VTAT ivave a faa aliaiie. Photserapls Gf the aloe Trae: | Second street divided (nto (oa~ bulldiog low, frontio S v 5 at 7 o's f Se RE ne SL ee ee Tho loget Nes of ealdiors who die In toe Fer FAGDRON WASTED TUABARY 27 AE | ris Goreme the Army ofthe lied Siatey voriag Bong perared tat ag aU oe en EG | OA Nu eran Months? "atersova ged 'otecines benede of Meas. st aueofse given Cah raateioby aro | TU, te pe cin of adie oho de i escvce asta Dupes Gree a HE | pli tvay erin ahh feat | appng Sifter tan TROIS | ah amtranee pare ih ho oxen de | REAR Bs. Mesye bss ebaleci) perm eden from the G05-7o ae nt tee elder deat nant seonnn, Wastnrona.O_0 oe wine | Map GNA Ma gttncr ah Wiesit ages tit | ferate Oguri ty rarnae nvariten es Seedeerduy Grand Matee, ; pent to formard tothe bath whatorer may be donated | NO runtcr wl eeecvo tho oné moot | GSS) BLUR=Mroane now prapared to excente al ada fae benef tbaasoah: aed lowrtapintbrpkaw ai | 0h ge hn thfercaga Tetaiwenta rupee TENS LOVIISSS (OD. CYS SAEs Tranter ee ohn othe Bele Netirgten, Uo weat Pwronty-atciad, or 129 Choraters etreet tavaico ya, boat and premiom. authors ta| fh aNalnEL on A Tae ane MSP thevccoara) cea alte io iol trends afiefog rena. to | Weir tae toe eggs with tho nov aod orton vantertte| (J ANTHRBU BY Hadi ———ene Se a aes Uaieeetneicteaa Che Set z 3 dasgs, ttost of 10 type, | ett galiant acta over recorded jn nn uel Aeterna Ms sr = Anivoi = Pleven exobauged Cpiiscasn aud | Guar Nevon ct OseneroiMeuitors biscBes Ua Seen fod of alain ha and ow Sor | Sant eer alr eg aera Bate Bi ing apavaranstay bad stages at theexpenanel the pur ASAE OCIS, CANTERBURY, gua benrel od ane ur cooalacat fom Polo ie Ss terry, 2 | RASS CSL SEAR sey SE mae | ef eased puny ea ceMzeae [oe Sanes meee 9 Moots CANTERBURY SAG Le ae ee nN noal-It Provost Marshal Genoral RDNANON OFFIOF Spi to'si per jonth, Samplesans eirculseemll be JAS, 0 McaU ee eRDe® | FO-CA-HON.Ta8, Yo Guntit Gavan, CANTERBURY, Star aod A ret seemmntnil anne | Q)RONAWOD ONFIOE | Many SURG pt A 27 tar | sot ited OANTERBURY, s seu 7 5 an Dee inivesr. N13 to or address J. Barnet & Oo . Ni - NS. To J27 Ocoko & Gow Banker, we aro indebted ttt Fee Ory vp Wanuixarody Noveuprr it a goolt avenue, oppceite Wiliaed’s Het3h Wouintes 0.| FQY JAMES MoGUIRD & OO. ee VISISCE PRINCE, SUR ROLUU A uteri voaracé se murat | wie satin caving ty eeu | aREARRANOW Aaa Uhm pt cet averiowiens, | A2deter eves mauit’| MUSIO HALL AND THEATRE, tity rasterdey 1 Mutlal of " boldine eorrerpondenco with the enemy a | 150400 yniebixy sense oawats caliber £5, obs dalvered OOMS WITHOUT B ; = _ : 4 | i heen SSA a Te ARD.—S 5 7 violation ofthe STM arto of map and cf “alslarin-| 1 Peano ereaaal teenie ecleedceea srsvasi very desirable Meester ee in ae RN OE O DD SEES Oo iiS MREERSTNL Ee eee inet 2 Gedhaea ey telllgosee to the enemg,/‘1a wlolallon of tho sameartt:| Tica gots at the New York Arional. Qvecroor’ Ttand sIgein'naa be obtatondby iauttlog a No 7 Rourords | 1"sitosk-AvM con ihe sesyad Gor of oar auction Se TtGG TG rate Ghar) =| de Bente ested Te bessadaol tntbeveniti. | Joleg tat ihe Senior nue varsor'sTiland. | 8.8 et beimeca Penn givania avenue aid, 0 | Koons, covter of Tenth and D tucels, wo tail tell & SIGN OF THE BIG OALCIUM LIGHT. ‘on, Movember { tary. by, New York, or in euch o! coastbo| Di tigers at tbo Allogbauy Arsenal Pitt burg, Pa. Te ~ ned 4x” | large asrortmont of Fare —_— soe abs Bee Eee reel 2 Ubseaaesue net peu mano Lecur tte ANTHD.—A porsoh who underai ‘fin atoce'e puists of fudion Day, Moxiean. Borruds MISS OBRISTIANA SCHM Mi 8 8 Qsxpens.-—. ot ctaomi.—025 | Tao moeace bas eva aprfoved bythe Present and] ug a Ube Valtol’étatee eset, Sirtondstd, | VV frag sod open ea bear of mmceraaas ged in abl Sak GR ae up an, opal : ee eae MPa neni Re a ada ter or fo] Mita goannas Fest Giz sagt Owig Booze | Fgh asd tween. mc aud cruz digg gi | me wes Toune (anne Vill wil ne ® | INAUGURAL WEEE deat Teerons Company, ex the oton te ees |i neice A TONNSEND. se teebbcenel ass ga Whazaraip hupubnetta Hod maga without eblldrengpreferred. edt of raferenes | mas, Cardinal Capes, Hoiacd Qaatier Capes, ecar, | GRAND SACRED CONCERT oF <0E ef elock ani money nt tho New ¥erk Board of Brokers | 22%! selrtant AdJatant General, | 1oepestion atthe arsenal where delverod, bolore tains Th ; = pew TH Z ofa, : eee relaval by tbe Uavarnaeat; nase ty ep wctsiegge| 7 ANTED AE tho Treasury Bxtonsio et ox ERED) EIS Sak teaver bal nach avare aoprosta on Lespecuon, Toe : B. | A great variety of Misses’ ad Obildrea’s q Secon noAnD. Huinduinveus Puovor Madtuli’s Opvice, _ | Uaid tn buot sroveed fouer and all the stoer a bets yaveny CARPENTERS. To goed workmen | Rabon Bac. of Muse’ and Obildsea's FURS: S'eh | SUNDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22, 1363 2 5 | Mheourl 84 cr geaenlyaauygaroN D. O. November I. | Havgtk aoards Abe vAealder bak to bovfacindea 12 of Conrernsions Trensaey Batis: ATPE | SoBe Fox lovshie 81 a4, : Zz AMERICA’S GREAT LEADING AMUSE ‘| “omberiand: = S| Spectal Orders, Io. 2 rh Truotion, Treasury Bu ALS IREAT LEADIN E Rtlo... eG ‘Do iverles must bo mate in Jets of not lors than 1.00 SALAH HOGERS, | A-varioty of Geote' Collars. e At O4d-Follows’ Hall, Soyeath sireat, ses Sars ; Perna anlalert Taos Leen oa ete ta Teg Oe ea arelees than seomuteactt SAU0d ea oF ardor Shoorvtsne Araiten_| (Tease ge bue heen reeeved (com root the olde et-| sextet ego uro eR eer ey: MENT INSTITUTION, ities, 1a adi fon to those na the foNor ing e- | ad nce tess thou a (Oo eta par weak om all contr ots for | al or louse on iirosdany. bos York . SCH 9, from theeo heacauarters of Gate Novemter High | Over Wom teuy tho slat dein ery oe ndeoiitna ie FOR SALE AND TO RENT, ertted ap’. Bow. ds Bava b>3 auee wea SCHMIDT, MR WAGNBB, ian SRR SS canretiitseaeae tt re Novenker 7 Failure to deliver at Tihs bestolty retail trade. an the latcet kD ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS | even 2a x0 on a0 a0 2m 27 28 oS FLANiSON SLY RUBNISAND spac See encen ues pa ES ONG LORE SEH ABSCBUCNGIDE AWA EN TCLLEUIZECE 3 ee 353, 581, 385, 385 (03, 410, 433, 4 ments to lot ruitable for_« membor of Cont SoS ALES a a racredt or oaeuinelont ena neat y | AR, WOLF, u IGHWAY MAN'S <aanaGoD HOG. SSS SE aE A Ba ed Avply sts! watzeet belveen Teall ued Thi Soran ta tateatit tue bear at piictes seers aaa our PES AEE HIGHWAYMAN’S extagunn ta PEC as a a ener vial : rancor Feaulral and viven. mo2t 2tdlts Terms. JAMES HcQUIRE & CO. LbASBT ORIM Et US F a m1 sltrond, 1 - whoro thor propose to SALE = = 2019-7 Nioneers. a 2 satiate minis Jes fila “baat £0, OU OU, 1,68, aod EM, Lott of | fey proves to deliver at seh pier, Pe astie isan | POC ‘SALE Small ‘onestory House, Io- TET RMESEREGUINE “a =e ae id = eee OEN TS LAST CRIM ETL Wal ~ nd Soventh rtrost wharr ore 3 cated on Nor! ol sizer between Ban G D&C ‘obs Stores, und © ening 6! Bin ve sa? Fomuel Ueld ell, Wi ath and Seventh street WDAIT EL au feont on Loale | 2 Bide will be ovns ‘ered com rartian other than ro-| tteets. Capitol UI No_ 28 babies rth os si0D Fede dadiat the; Masla/Glorer,and/en\thevarening’ sty wirm THe FOLLOWING UEXAMELED) AGT: EOUGCRA? EnbaePladeahramn | ,Sotsenslandtite ma cen orton Dock | clas pngtearer so tusya le dace ce.te'| QNURNISHED ROOMS TO REN AvoTiONUERS. | "BiGtfonwst o'r: mermenceats nossa | Tee Gali Farmer. .n.r0- Med 8 Sdnards penance A Gspy8D dolmre, USA Upon the dat inthe clolelty of the Mlonucsent dud | este ia thelr oma sues ho work uropeeed for. sa rosidenee, + WR SINE || CES ERT OS ACE SE R JOBN K. GOODALL'S Fashi Pon ete aeonoen cop CaS Berle OF aso Goverauest Cattle Yards; or upon any place in the vi. | Zech rariy abtainiog a contrast will be reqalred to | at BRC CC RE ee ES Pee te ha Sf. Bet VEEN SEO- Ros ALL'S Fashiovablo | Od Mov.-...+-20001- esses ieMes HW Eager NY L0G tiaea, 8 ¥ epee COSTE a ree PTE v eavaiiling tn saya Uhoest orion. nai rs Dancing Academy, Elev oath cuoet, pear the 2 Me H.W wali T Webb = ¥ Wm Bally and daogh, P cloltz of Mount Piessant, Carvor, Stone, Columbia Col- ety, for ie talthfal (Op Prissy af eraoon, Nuyaab hat Bar. Private lors ml 4 eH, W AWilitame SO ark, NY noeh. Pa | tee, Casopbell’s, Lincolc, »ouslaa, Emory, cr Armory | “Tee " GWIOR BALE, a On Brith af ortaen, November a7. ee loge ot ee | and nlier, PUT RC ET ae aan AG ees Med B Clarke Oar, 0 Fight tp relzct any a 2 =| asdf 3 ; neo MY Casare Hartly, he rensly fof viola ot thts or | BIL Wsucdeoueasatft cory sna e Tseany Oa : ? fatal undead lee, Navid, fa raanes Tele oot ng | AC ord Sater 7 Bi The or een ee ee outing tek, Para Gaanta Tlorpltal ‘Tae penal fof volatlonof Me Or | OLE ee ee Sgt ta“ Dilgadlar Gaaeral aie guradaciig gras Joe Rta, Ia anes hs ROBLE | Mal “Scrpica excrce for ehtdran and Jadien; ala the | Mw: HOmRGheT n= ono By command of Goorso Dintaromy. biel of Oidaanae:/ Havel: gion, 0 NEW YORK HOTEL, ged Wied caciecat rapoige y ck is es abd Line | fang Vilamtie piiete tami lee ended wrx | Od paronea rca de aT) ee asd wile eadersed Propovate for Latustty Ac- 2 > 1 to" Bleak pablioalie, evded ig Thee, Baloo Se ee re ee tttapatd on ime | meets Feasanis, Gey By (he rematlc company on neERE 2 . oatreiments. 200 Ontieat, betweea 424 and 6th streets. Toran ope towed canbe the remuoger in, six avd | BsBeforte Horas Bee 4.8 Barre, aptaln end Proves: Marsbal. | aoy sajurbine Brie MeO Ahiat AMA Binon, | Hla Hotel bas Dare put im Srrmiauecrder. The tree Got, wit Inerot neeaceu by 6 decd ett | Cai GUAGELETT OBEN DUBIXO THE LVENING, aca a F aren te Con befor aeanen | TORE oa the prowises 6 DABSIN r i : Liectepant and aajoran erste ALJIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAs | sCiSeem will bonctdat areoranitle ries, Fosse | SOPVOO=SS AIRS COH LATE TRS Kins, rant One See eR ARS ana ih rien, 3. By CHILDERS! = ob. amba siren tmmediatelz. Leg. ieee ae c 8, Trastee. enn. avouge, betwoen 12th and ith etreets 6 /DERS. D0 rep eats 1S 8 Bec ra ENC ES) {frond afer Monday, Neveu bor 224,155, dally trains Bild t7 9214 Git, MSLIST, Proprister.__| -Raea w RDO Cos AUR “And ander the ational otal. gered pape der ea eat sa, 8 wil'bsrun. between Washlontoa aod’ Now York, « ‘i RURNIS 5 é LDERS, : rp ace a paienn AND PELLOW-OITIZESe oF wasu-|WeoLgimenstes Wetactalier) Ht A’ UN®URNISHED HOUSE TO LET] J]QY J. O. McGUIRE & CO IBST NATIONAL BANK J. H CHILDERS, —"* yas INGTON.—Ouy. aaerlag:fellow:ol¢zecs at Natsher PBILADE PULL NEW YOaK, and BO TON. in the First ward. The HOUSE contains fo vstoe! z ‘Tho Great Military Sensation, all Au As eee Ee iy sat ea TAQUON.—our sodoriag fofon-al run at Native | beus Wettuaioo ats antl a M. Abts aden | Seay oe dann Nau renbeat abe Feta ee: ? OF WABHINGTON.| nunlse Mtonaneen wit Bftkah Beso cracen, 08 A EH Patan, 00 is. sort of ffs Thole sed tate of ditess Dar bree Bidb |p sac4 yah POUT AUaMOWE SY oo EE SLADE Eva aoe ame aor i ; Pie eae Re Lorem. x ‘oowa to the proper authorities of sour cits, who baro SDE Chrocicie Obes On WEONESUAY MORNING, Ne MISS KATHLEEN O'NEILL, bee Bue Je ALY a eroted ee soratcion ia Canaeech telineeicokdaen’ piagyet Sanday. OR RENT —Firt eta “TREE at thoatoroof A A. Biniager & Go, Pony Ivania ave OSET@AT 9500/0008. MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, HeSoyter Jr A font seLeball reevive for ther s(d:_ All clases need HO seat BAL eaoatet nse Rest. ry and back paso. | ous, near thirteenth streau wesballcll without reserva = MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, Aebater UH & Hone s2 Tahal reontTe for oe Tea Ot chactty wit |, Leave Washiaatin at 65) ond'8 A N.and 830 PM, | surest untarstineds ve” coe event sticet near F Ricirextensive stock of Wines, Liquors Grocaries, ac., | This Bank, organised andor the National Daoking Law Hi bow, Alexandria really alloriato thelr rofferiogs, Donations may bo cont | 14'#» exc0vt Eun sage Oa sondey at 510) ? Ml only. arsed Seyrae $e ere datas ¢ ofthe Tait Goaarces ts epened ts day for thotrancac- | 10 ae erh eT Sd Vcc teral horean Boeelth Gir VBA to the'*Chroatele" elon, All dosa'ions will to pudtic! COMMU LATION Teal, redleg a Frareithed Rerlot and Sleopiee Chamber—or | USuGl2 Bn Bradley nsmnen® 1b Pints snd dears lon of Baninass at the corner of Fineanth and'¥ treet, | S52 roulette Veen Aurel hdr ate Specs Be A cis. te tho chostcte tox Aldana lot site oublely | Lanregasnevinn duly tacit aot. ot (8) PAL, |avecee anpiote™ ATTOBRLL 80K" Ete) gona chain ve and Doasbon Whisker oon uUreriataTon. eu apyoOOKE Pretdeat aS Haas ee ChieTade eis, sles’ D'Spauldeg, NY Bovbecrily given by. Your, vary tral, obedient eer- | foozih and Oftn isins frm Yaldmore, atop st Mi way | nom a1 rowharst anf til Beete Bovis. | en casea dee choreies, Port, and Nadel IM. 6. OTT NOTON Cait. seek DEBBIE SES CURES SORA Yant MAURIOP MAYES, is) Chambers ers, New | "son WasHI GTO", ANDTHE COUTH. ORTREN mr Vannany end ehet | J Se amar Tet a Set et clare ATIONAL COURSE, MISS ERNESTINE DE FAIRER, RM Kot, Mass 1B Childe Boston J Dest noll-st, | Yonva Waltimore at £0 840, ond 102% M.ard 3 15 RENT—A desirable room, suitable | bares, apsctity of faney stais of Bottled Liauore MISS ERNESTINE DE FAIBER, Saeengene OSA AT NEW BOOR CPSP HIAOATOAL wan wap |SPuL SEM: OaBenday a: Jey and 8500 Band) ssresteheate near the Deoat aunts withont batts ven Cates Boley Fakes gg CAESAR DBAs Co ie PEE rr hy and Hobolliou Record, trom 1660 to Ostobr 10,1853 | Leave palti cm MU TATION gTRALY. Dato, wilh al oume fore Drag iefeat be Cara ifa | Darke Chalve‘and Sore Ptare 2 oeloak, P, Me ee Piatto. Usa P Price 25cents. Sent by mail, free, on revcipt cf prios ves fuly, exonot Savday, atTISAM. | 4o ch will west due attention. Beat of references will | “a Catalotues at sale. : In new Ballods and Gracefal Dances, ie H Ui dierent pedi are sed arvze fat | Sere Baar etn iaae a GR RUNT= APRESS 09 ete Amat Garaee Dale sae by orkes t, rt ealo N jook-| do aliimore at 8 t and 315 P Mf. ul ‘arlor anc ed-1 J or =F i ho pap ated Rmiusscr Sk Peaonsaveanen noucaasit | tHe forkertcfeation cuneatarery kind, fo ap-| I to tho immcdiat isnt of Tee | Avaleneass |b Sesrener vinta MONS. GUILLAUME FOUCHR, : 8 BK ee ee ae EGG Sect nee ec ae a Re Y JAS. 0. McGUIRD & CO., pers entitled ihe : ue ro ENUE —Bavo you paid a wilt to thia celebrated esta- Team ouue Giserat Heke seen 0 LSt—7 st ‘AUCTIONEERS, | FW. Mlanme van Mamiellen yo Hermes PAINTER'S I’ LUSION. re BR bilsbment since It bas been elegantly refitted and far | _ne2t tf LiVaehinetanouners rane de —Tyyo Front Rooms,furnished, | varuable Real B tate on Bstrect, near the Post OGeco | fy R?FeB msm Ameriaan Siar’ to Harness RAINTER SUE LOStONS ) aww $n nisbed? If not. call at once and soo bis rew collection Fi on the second fl or, at No. 3°S Seventh street, twa | Department, at Pabila Ancti TU! y D. Steover, Belle of Baltimore" to W: PAINTER'S ILLUSION, 8 3 carleten. $ Wh of Ieperiat Photogrophe. Also, Card Virpettes snd Pb. )ANO FORTES, Fyuares norih of the Parent Ufice. Will be. Jet to gen Fee eC ae Heder elosky ouaecel preaaite > Ea EM SION, GNogian, Hoi Pa” Bernlec 16th Po tournyhi In Oll ond Water Colors, is col ection of NEW AND OLD. ee no}G.themiis_ | shall dail the whole of Lot Be, dip Faaure Nett, CUPRA PED AT Introd: ae SER SLES Hodis oa J Eennd ato Rivera gums Grr swos Cranage Urenatyecen OR RENT. —Furnished and unfurnished fryotiog 0 fees onusatrset nario thes ay AunBand |e A MOFFITT, Mae ia ed. OF BEAUTY ‘90, Balti hee, Ne ri in ‘noa-4m == ours. Apply to Pecares, Cogsw vip, 428 | 167, ‘The Lot will be eold {i ‘ot 354 ep | eee ro orlett c , Dusengeds re re Bf “| _& PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.— CORSON ET ESI Sex niheretinnonita tbe Bit Oca “nist socks te geet Sopra gaat glia rer Q\WEET CIDER, ATBUMCEDBERUTE, Di Plonard, UO Geo ba toll USA | oontaining nearly SO pages and 150 fino plates and sx| WOR SALU—A three-gory attic fmme a RL SS TELE ESA) est Flour, LILLIE BRANDON, DO LtED Williams, 6th Mo | engravings of the anatomy of tHo haman organs, £0 heute, cnraer of I ‘ond Twenty-e¢cond at ‘Lhe location of this property (in tho Immediate vicinity Batter, KATE HARRISON, ae fecrcaviseng od Usa tenatony ict Sek bamany cr #5) AE pews coracrof Land Tnonty cond sreats, A | ofthe Patent Glico and Prat ice, Verariment) jae Brel Chere, SULIA RICHMOND, 2 WASHINGTON HOUSE. rural a totarstle Seaest ens eat en) oa (02 S—aperiesg make, | BNFERUUTONS' AU onmsivavia weonves” nosis” | Hemuble potion fort rrortty (ee steation of psoas Biss ee ae icoe Meat: i) Ay Balnston, Fall Nivor Ta Herton, 0S Army Riana Le mlorable coneetaar 6 rind and | Gao vers Food = nee, 10 = urgeres, rendarothe tale worthy the atteation of persots | 9, yan ae Cod Pub.aid Mackeral, * LUCY CLIFTON, JJ iat'erson. nia Neo Neher ve z plan of trostment—the only ra- | 0ae exoulent = Hallet, Davis Go, 15 OR SALB—A large F ~ terklns good property. In hand ard for palo by EVAN & PERRIE, M'LLE JENNIE, 3 Ea tarson. On aera EEO Nephor a Vanes Heng’ tad pusbecnful capde ef cura ae ebbwa by the res | Uae oxceltent Brute # rge Portable Oyen, one | Ferms cea. noid Sif (Star) corner ot Bard Nioth treste. 4 @ Hfadelphla Joba QHamits. UBNavs | Dorr of eases treated. A tratbfal adviser to the married | Oost cou bred malar Hans stagn of Batten. sert Sid of the bast over in uso zo, 735 feet; oan bake | Tile indupatsble, D, A, BURR, ILE-R 7 = LA PETITE ELLA, &, &o meme Mptioae diag (Bam acum uate afl adverte he mre |e cehrueipenes Patsy of utoscou S| AGP ric Arqats af © Barone 20 Klages | got 71. 0 Eee Cee ee eee a sine via an as Rane of hel yall condition. Bent eo of potas, to auy Teopow Cblekerlag & Soa’ famed rehool Plano, for | AUOEaNCTn Wig: aolre of ©, Baronds 29 Rafe | _poléstatha yO: MoU TH CU | Nasuneeid so tiene tate set (tae crenaiad ty CHABKGTEBISTIONOUO ress on reoelpt of 25 cents, a oh | a Sale 77 = 7 ny horetofvre off red to the sllsesfarcodnted sgety nami eesedsce cat | Poet ton are araced and govasted in ovr| FLOR SAL® OR RENL—A large Nansion Y .W. L. WALL & 00, SCR Re emo IED et Ne ee 1 Ro. joo Lane. | particular. bur are ia plaia and eat owes, S Wou-eand Lot,in Baltimore, ot tb AUGTIONEERS. Ferrante by NEGRO SONGS, : AS jolie Masa | Albee, Note iden Tn, | papain our ars a pata anl arse c tty or pian | Ad WEaRR RSE a Ug Rata aaa EE BCT arate mates nan SR Ulan gesleaaitg |, NOMOWan Daranraser, Wauninoron Grr, D Pidoren No.4 Caib ua strost, Dattioere nel7adie | WRerynrl, tale CP Vesa gretsesscagy dan: | PQVANS' TENT HEATER. BURLESQUES, BAU Soeed Aedanara Miia) D Sai Gestona | 0 Japan Sb, iS fa comtegamne of the proaare OMS AGU TEER = WALI PIELVA LEE 15 Bes Gecrce conaty Se NT HEATER. * es of basiness at the War Department passes for citizens —The Lense and Furniture of | 8°03 SAR MO wo wi 1830 AY. Nov. CLARENDON HOTEL. Wit the army of the Potomna will bo given ot tho ofce “Violins Cover! end a lares Dlling Wouse, eontealy eitantod, betog | Rabie, Yorn nace as_ 8 part o AN ARMY TENT STOVE, MADE OF CAST IRON, DANCES}: Sos Lect Paeee ON HOTEL, Co Cs EOC 1 Violinn Covert ond | star the Nationsl anu Metropolitan Wotan. tasted the resideccoot rhe tata Joe IN THREE SECTIONS—WHEN PACKED, BY Et Col Fane NOT BA pusesta New. Balto tava Ninctseniitrtect i | every articlo lo ibe Music Fusing. a fs golteble fur o boarding-bouso or for a boat two alles from tho O.d Fields, and adjotulax tho 7 - 2 prrunenenes Hey van ge hs atreet ina” | "Sete nee Birmsy Dye ds ana he ana | Any fo en. ing of Pacor Celie Dr Grariog), Alen term, | OOCUPIES THE SPACE, oxl0 INCHES. THE GREAT PROTEAN COMPANY: Capri 9.USA Heat Grabs, US A SHH ONLY PLAGB where you can pambace Indie | 194 aR PY Balle? Of | tartar particolars call at, Room No, 1 He eee eae rart predaae for uous ad WEIGHS ONLY TWENTY POUNDS gree Re eee olueks, Homes BOLE Ost GH Yard, “do” Lon brane.” go Babler Cqedu of all kints st rasufsatarers! at | Ag.Penne avoous, on north aid batween Ninth and | POSE IRAE oeeek Ae Grains, the (mervvawents o mise of a pearly now and —— : feds Margas, HWW Wisk daBs Olacker Mea Bau Pattenos, Variant -K tond, Wankion UA Ma's tadls Rabber Warenonc,s1 Fs se | Tenth atroe's malas (Starke Hoo) ceutitable Yrame Deoking Bouin a Bil wih weved| , Mafor General Dorasidensyr: “Tundeplatlon oerey Browns sone Bie ee sore, Pallads si evans, Hint WEUENDIERCOURT = treats of water, Barge, etables, vara 8 robust | ifoaad comtere is complet ms z dr rabite Aicieiel BEG |siabe aNGS Gi Mandate ts Menct| [ah Suntec COUMD cf the Dis) Deseret eens tril | tae eee een | ead a ct Stace nero a | Alsat Seat tena Doak Pal aman Phila. WSenalars, Baie pint UH1-tof Columbia, heltieea Disteiot Court of tte | xt as rented the large acd desirable-located | , ferme; Une fourth cash, $20 of which mast be pa ‘kAUQuanTERS ARMY OF TUE Poros Ds, FEAPae rae Catiton, Waanlarton i Se Ray Pm pucasout | Vat ieee tat Dut, ea nbn ass | Hogsoe ae atten eat tat Gee eft | fur athe bain Loe sshd crural By dee F. Besce tea, wie tong J00M0 1108. | Door open aT lelock. Performances at before 8 = ‘A WORD OF ADVIGE—Thoro oho have boen doo | “BOTIOL 1+ HEREBY OLVEN, That, on the 21 day | Som tesdy for lmm~dlore oesupanoy. The rooms will bo trust on tho premise. Baye the houur to reoelpt of | “HORE MARKUAMS HOTEL. teria for weeks and toontbs without cbtalniur relter, | Of Osteber, 1663, use schooner Allan, ber teotle, Ka and | Fr2G Sates Be token at a TitGogt beard, or, it de> WH. L. WALL & CO. er of Deoetnber 221b- ‘box con- Charles WProttNY PREmith USA toring for weeks and months without obtaining rele | Gargo, mere cqvinred by tho Unitcd Siatoscaabout Seni: | Boa nntyac ho oten of th tha hotel. For nartioatars, | BolOU4t essen agra ho“ Tent Stove’ addrested to Maj, Gen AE. POPULAR FAMILY MATINEE, huleW MN Y | PRSmith. 08 Arms ald consult Des NubIALG phone all oa aa Hes cargo, mare ovptored by the United Siatercoudsar Seuss | go anply at she office of the (iarendon Motel. _owtl-tf SSISTANT QUARt As jo. The General desires we to exiress ble th nbs POPULAR FAMILY Nee Hike MisowAietandiia’ Wa Michell Buigmors | Twenly-Gre year! experience bas established Dr aro | be saci are beled ads rece cated faithuy Soars ath aT SSISTANT QUARCHRWAS MRS) tor the sere, tee dou to sry hfe and cemiert keene SOE O LAR PAMILY MATINEE yok Ueneeiloae te nore | Reniy-fve Fine | emo rf the United Stated for enedemeaion, lana : Conxee @ axDTwexry- ‘deve? iu adaptation to sry hfe abd. cowato Zi Heagusinfiover, NY Sldney {atta a Neds. NE | efowdaye Churgesedsrster Brie cemny tah el oe ih tha 5 -axe recs? spumoroy, Beth Novatel fists ais iene mana agile fied POPULAR FAMILY MATINEE, “iBcver Mew Yor FR bukernow fen tie epi, EIOHBLATT, R Bly Gy tatdvorulsclia Sy iuisiarisiet| | OST—On Pridoy, on Sisth or Seventh | wicistctite Baga eetsy cuted ce |ieeloy ie ee tee Re fleri adie | REQUL Peokerg vey x 02 acker , No. 451 B streot, Menanduwi teen dl Peg ndaxtot/)) Font eEE GR atrosts. Penns} leania oven Bo 'ttreate nd f ond Ementy Oatand taen- | {000 Go Matta nto the followi-# sddrect: | REGULAR SERIES, ox 2ATUE! FER tn TEAR GET, | uu sntsrnntactaartateda. |Sicamey auremieontn Wikies |i teantomie a ea tataeniard [PURUnea a ctaant et Seco Hate Bie, Bat Ni eed ca ie yi SS 4 ervenn for ju torce! ora! yard wi 5 7 wot for pu ory ci 7 = 5 Z DENTAL NOTIOR.— Ok LOCKWOOD, 8. *Natambses- 16s ere 5, vera gawcardi ILL povpatd fensdtasretarns 0 Bo AMoce | eriecea iam asdinestber reds LOL) IE AG Dole Ft AVENUE HOUSE, Dentist Wi a . Sargeos eter ith ie RJ. MEIGS, nod vf Seras repo asd Loatuer, advies, Briale ek eee) ee 9 Gpanectisat 7 8 Bsowden, Dulinere Destst, Washington Ballliag, oraee Reanmvants | STRAY. = One red! and whito buitila Cow, | Ufautovstatereratest tances New You arg a 188 Hh WILSON MANUBACTURING HSeeep io (aaapeaniaee™ | Net ahr tiammeige ain ga| JUST NEOBIVED AND TOR SALE. [oe eeu cating soon Bee Maomnras, | aaiessnacetutint Maki aad adits | MTT E ; : 0,2) re sare ieaa : 3, de arcs te wot istt ales, Aonapols Pewee, Annapolis spd Silver Paes ase fn rapertreisle Teeth execs | “Gholee ot of Now York Sate Date, in Welsh Tale Bridtoeged of aacorate to i Z wewrekau nold 12t Coptala and Quartermaster, U.StA. | comfort of the Goons, tn, Gat ray tigate er eceipae e Baldwin NY. sithout prin Ste) | Gho'es lutsia Firkiceuod Half #irkion. .| Regtekio™ Old ithedepevars rnd.veauRert Booker Bill - = "hers innike Aids Lees Wore usa A wrest eae SAIR DYs HOR DYE poten Tai ie Fick Les oneal Bale RNA : eee SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S Wey ae AREY esvector General imamcezert to J, 7. WALEER & C971 Wes Pe Bilic A whedon Maine wee DYHIt—Balchelor’s eciebrates | Gledes Battor in nll varietion, de, Rew AUK OVIOR_OAT.—MISLATD, a few O#PIOB, Corner of G and Twenty-second strc For sale at Wholesale and Retail by ees F Brean Vergust D Ria DS air Dyo ls tno best in tho world! Tho only harmless, Wavesiotothedsljerbalalcvackares nc catane guds pig Diack Onaicantcamboater sin | Wasuerarene Dy Gr Oclober 2h int Wil bq sold wt | _n7is-d8hzw La a . D De D8 Dosbsw, DO Roe aad Selb ear ee ee sufi Slee Bonet Daly Chete aa’ New Youu | ie arythe eal tate Pally iia unas Pabilo Acta’ gn the tend sa foarte Wweduerdage | == 521 Peonsyitonla avenue | waRHTRGTOM DO: ae, fect—changea Hed. Heurty, or dt . a: market rises bear Mo rooclican Hotel, will rrosive my thapen. tb and 23th of Noveiaber, at tha Corral, rash RRANIS HEY. F ee oy METROPOTIEAN SOT SERRE, a tes | GP RRB LSU Hsoray pasts | ase ete SAE PPR | SRE iomsanmenmedsonn| Loe 9 OMe APRnN = Bitter 0 Alatohellon, US A Hele or ctaining the kin, leaving tho Halr soft and JOHN FARRELL, Se eee ee crefoes nn Moles. condemned asanGt) Gor Thirty Years bas roceived the Favorable Reco ee ar aus besntiful: imparts fresh Commercial Building, Loutsl g iar 4 recal je Favorable Recor- By Ree’ | ceed ae Pea ee ra ge em OR sosnpise a Te Soe artsteriniin iano a ee eg Blo OS Geo k our a Th enclne i frmed WILLIAM A. NATOMELOR, el ; re (ABLE BOARDERE, aod Boarders with | 2.20 cantatn oR FOURS, Renee ee PEER EEE 1 easorLoroemss 07 Ane T Rest Phila tp Hers Panna: others cre mere Lmitstons, and should be avolded. Bold D YER’S Rooms, accommodated at 183 I, betwen Twentlet! = == BEST REMEDY KNOWN Nato Yely GW Tomiloron wh, Us A | by all Draaisis Sa. RAOTORY—Sl BARCLAY ST- . AMERIOAN HOUSE. Sod amen eve aireate Ty near to Provost Marah, SSISTANTL QUARLERMAETERS’ | For Fick Bosdache. Nervous Nesdache, Dyspeptia, gour | LAMP BLAOK; ROOFIEG DAA’ 7 Be paceibrodt Calforata Thos “uit Val ¥. Dstsbelor’s Now Toilet Creum for Dressing the Hie, | _‘Thia' Now Hotel,” sltuated on the oxroor of Indiana AriATrasiLeRALH SDAKIEOHS nod 3 OFFLINE, foot of G stroct, Washington, D. 0,, No- | Stomach, Bilious Headache, « uxiness, Corurencas Loss \TERIALS: wivinean, UNA” Geo Drirebant Pha jezt-die arena and Seaond'stfoal tmo bloose meat of the. Rate HE UOUSE No. 878 PENNSYLYV. a SF BONER | ok Appetite, dont; Indisemtton. Rorptelty of ther tive. BD tart Ir Usd» ao @absney,. USN Se NETIATELOO Toad depot, in gow oven fur tbe, accommodation of tho 8 5 iN ‘A-| “Wiel, boroid st Public Auction. on TUBSDAY, the | Gravel Kbeamatlc affecuons, Piles, Meartbarn, Bes az (has steveba WA Stuy N'Y. fi 00., OPTICIANS, public genera'ly. Ix is onsy of socexs from tho depo’, DIA AVENUE, formerly cocapled by Mrs) Doris, | 2thlesc. at the wustf foot of Gstrost alot of Water | Siokocsy, Billous Attacks Yercrs, os. Astoher UA 5 4 Joo B Holmes, Ma ‘Hi Pannglvacia, avenues pore ‘Twelfth and Thi cares porter will bein a tendance to take chara ot | Bas te ented by fae isior of the aren tien Ho: | Barrels ‘sbi Casha, condemaed es unfit for the public| For testimonials, &c.,seo pamphlet with esch bottle | wrueow’s IMrZ0vsD ¥R 45D WATER TROCE Jreck, NY * Mis B Crea atreeta, also wasing to vit this Now Hotel vallers | Pazsol. Khe rors wll be let mp onsar~ | “Bale to comm 1 10 o'e'ock MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Bisetloveee ils us B Gra foid, DO ‘oS Ponmplvanis avenue, under the Natlons! Hotel. mato wieavecualy, Susie ‘Whe rooms ml bo let furpianed. uber totran- | ‘Terms cash ia Gavernmeat berks : BaRKAST © V0. ¥EL4, CONT, AND GRAVEL! Joo 8 Hall, WY nt Router, Jr, US A FIELD QLASSES and OPERA QLASSES, with the| o> avonoE p. pyen,_ | wblchcan bead at te Hotell des nodi-at Cantal, ane7aS ALLEN, | a3 Worm Crit ber irae l foover’ i diane plain. apd Act. Amt. Q. M. eA RYDE im 08 Jhon Kel, thle Hoover, 4 dieu teat acbromat Tense | COMPASSES ferpos chorea ALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. UTLERS ond BAKERS, ATTENTION! SSISTANT QUARTSKMASIERS’ RS. B. F. ATKINS, at No. 375 Thir BOOF Ova Te eet AOTEL. THERMOMETERS, BAROMETERS, DRAWING OLOAKS AND Of a aay eer atch Company will fell on SATUB- OFFIOR, corner of Gand fweoty-stcond strests, Conth s’rost, between H and I, Washington City, —— Ma AhBeak he | 3a Va RSTRUMENTA, PHCTOORARE ALHOMS wed ite thd Bere Pa bay Aiba radeetinaraasin | TREE Tesi ete ecdgmet at tec aa a FHLIGEN == <A Danton, tur corps Jb Seainau Ca BTES Me. ya E ‘Oveoe, 6 boiltra 3 stoves, & emmoke ttacke, 6 rt nls on Wednedat ates abe ay b ir rnidans eee Bat BY Brasdare Pena SOOPLC GPEOTACLES, corcectisjeaited fur every eye | Seer Bn tea Reeth. waeninuean acoso aa Lea oo Nene tyitced Mares Sil be fohd cd sats Es connie re muinate A : spek Peon 4 Wiitaut, Phila right, end warraated. autdly | of Srovgitable fr sicher s baker or atlr, af gach oven tbo same day, place, and terns REURALGIA, RUEUMATISM, DISEASED LIVEB, | "Wonge—yoct of Tasniq-eecc: A te ob weet S ore regi 1) Chaee- Bees? meno | DIBRASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEAINAL, oxi-| beh eod Stirtier eB CTL SIC ecg (oe Sepa a ol fae OD CELE ene ne a No uae eee ee io Pees Feareg Nameatlo, | GRY AND GESUAL SYSTEMS —New and rellahla Hanes cei con Baa ets: Apps Mialment shipped Yansasy’ 9, 188% by tel Fall by disarrangement of the Nervous Byster. Se iLaa maar vende _ inane Rea) | eicniar crappie creams AtsesDeas | Mus GNa at RSagRAR OE Eitan miatroo| M[ANEOOD] HOW LOST HOW ME) geakauenr eM OOM ge | emus! 94 28 A CanntcenaERREEE FOUEE. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howan Aeociation, Phils Reine ‘Goods. tn great varloty ‘sz Srpty Gaile: Tabs with cores. Ghloped anaary | Eres clk Ca ‘A bostare on tie Natare: Trenteent 7 = » NY LM rUsttLun | Baits reham, USA EG “arrer, Penpsylyanis | dalpbin Pe "bite and Brown Cotton Shestings, éo.: 1 eo ks to Uomumerclel Line, Marked Patterson | aad ‘Badical Guro of Bpermatorrhes, or Eeminal Weak: | Gv LHe bUoln ko PUBLIU. ake MADAME BUSS, F BiGaeaee NY rae - S12 | Balcova and Hoop Shins: Knapp. Beat, Involuat font, Rexual Debillty, and Vm = "4 Astrologist lormerly Jo ated at S03 baa SOLD PENS. oslery, Gauntlets, Jouvin's Kid Gloves, ko, 45 W. A. H.DLANOK, Acent, | pediments to Marrisre generally; Nervourzcs, Oon- | Having been sppolated a Commls.loner to take Depo- beer sad MAN ts No a Fiftecaih wreet nore, gu eS repr PS id Eavioit @ to nob Zt ObceGE Peoaeyivanio send. | ramplon, Epilepsy, and Fits; sential and SO erate tatol Decus, aed other Insta: | above. New York avenus one block fr iy Sta # SE Teac mats eae no 8-Sidlmo Wo. 41 Centre Market saan. apbion, Rptepey and Ei: qcnis|and wayeial Ap: | aucn, (Pe Attaw tous goed in the late of Fenmyyive: | Department. Eke was born with acsturel git. Bho UDA ViGARS.—Ci ? IME! LIME! LIME! ervall HM. Ds nuthor of the Greea Bok, de a | ala, Ceazawes, Minnesota and che Territory of New | the past and fstare aeres epooe to fall ‘Se Me RW BYTLz. > Cigars: from’ 1,000 to| Wy 100 barrels Lime, Jort arrived at Gunmel's ws tp Thousand of Sulferers," sunt ander teal, {a's | Mexigo, 2, f would Inform tho busines comm a‘Lyings toretber thoes lou separated ¢ cares : gua sense ie Sang am 1000 | UI pa aet nes em |S ee a res ea | a Su leant espa ve sere tee ge a a Se us Teh PeioaySti6: Ta Bale | gieasig ore ostagy saga. ip Br. J. o met DRM | only panos who can ahow a likeness of future bul ate treet, tia: f aR, c as Box.” Noy asst: | aod 3 P ZAOH. B. BROUK. Se gheent friends fa reality. Ladies. £0 ce pcaay Berenih sees Sunasteall * ‘nos-uf eramianlguee of i epee « —p)




NEWS ire.

Reyovctioy mm Navan Aativueny—Toe Great Enicssox Gus.—Ths grest gun which hes been for some months in conrso of construction for the nary by Mr. John Ericsson arrived at New York fa few days ago, and {s now st one of tho fron wo:k belog prepared for service.. It is one of the most m: yellous Inventions ofthe time, and, if eucostefal, will fevolntionszs neval ordnance. Mr. Ericsson ‘con- trscied, tome time sincs, to construct como 13-loch smooth bore guns, which sro to hove s much greater Jnjllal veloclty than avy now Intute. Ho ls toreceive solblag, for them unlexs they bam over Ro Pounds of powder; for every pontd of powder beyoni Ste, reszon ls to receive $6,000, Hols confident of balze able to burn 100 pounds, and Js certain of burn {ng 75 pontds. The solid hot ‘will welgh £20 pounds, The English 68-pousder, (of 12,600 pounds,) sald

» \by bls Royal Highnees the Dake of Cambridyo to

De the most powerfal gun in tho English eervler, with 16 pounds of ponder (nearly one-fourth of the charge), hos an Initial yolocity of 1,800 feet per second, and therefore punchlog power against tron Plates of 27,500,000 pounds. ‘The rifled pons, with charzes of one-tenth to one-twelfth of the shot, and tho 15 Joch gun, with » chargo of 35 pounds toits ehot of 425 pounds, hnye volocities varying from 1,100 feet 10 1,400 feet per eecond, The 800-ponuder Par- ratt bas, therofore, g punching power of 42,000,000 pounds, and the 16-Inch gun of 55,500,000 pounds. ‘Too new gan, with 75 pounds charge (one-third of tho welght), will have 68 great n velocity na the 65- pounder, aud f(s punching power will be 55,000,000 pounds, or exactly double that of the English gun. With 100 pounds of powder Its velocity stoald be ralsed to 2,020 fect, and lis puaching power will bo 68,000,000 pounds,” It w}ll thus be by far the meet formidable gun yet constructed. The great superiority of our new guns to those in use by foreign powers ‘will readily bo noticed.

Aw Arreotise Scexe,—James Satherland, who has been on trlal at Indianapolis for four days, for Killing Roddy A. Small, wes ocqaltted on Thursday. His wife and threo eblldten were in conrt t the Ume After the announcement of tho verdict there followed ‘a sceno, says the Indianapolis Journal, nol often wit- nessed Ine court room. The prisorcr that was—a prisoner nor no longer—fell upon bia knees, aud Iifting bls yea towards Hoaven, altered an earncat prayer of thanlsigiviog and pralse to the God whoss Jnstics and mercy hed been so wonderfally manifested im him. ‘The prayer was Irresistibly eleqnent, and when Amen was pronounced, Amen came ‘beck In response from avery part of tho room, and there were tasra In overy cya. All rose to thelr feet ; the acqaltted mon advanced and took each Jorrman by tho hand with a fervent “God bless you! You have saved an Ipnocent man from shame and disgrace ; youheyotaken a fon! stain from myname. God bless you!” And to ihe prosecutor, whose condnct In the case commands edmiration from all for falrness and honesiy, he gave a cordial "* God blesa you |?” Tho old white-halred father, whors firm trust had supported thocon In tho dark hours of trlal, now melted n tearo of Joy that bla boy was acquitted of gollt, ond bls ow good namo had remained untar- Dated. The Jndgo, wiplag bis es of the tears that bad come unbidden, ordered the sheriff to eljoura the court,

Gory Misixo i Csvavs—The English Jonrnals pabliah on ofllclal report in relation to’ tho gold-mining operations in Cavada, on the Chendlero rior, Itappeers that o llttie elrl ret found gold tn thls district Ubirty years ago by accident, and the “diggings” have been worked in a very desultory manner and by a few persons over sinco. At present ‘company bas a lesso of tho mining rights, ond a few men aro st work for it, the greater part, how- over, Working for themsclyea’ At one polnt five men take ont, on an average, thirty dollars? worth of gold, per day.’ The fact that mon work for wages and o- celvo bat clgbty cents per day, feeding themselycs, Is proof that gold hes not yet bem found Ja great aban- danco. No qaleksllver js used In the mines. Tho gold 15 of a deep eslor, clasn, and clgbt hundred acd binety-+wo {housandihs One oo an avercge. ‘There are some Californians on tho spot, and theze will pro bably show the natives how to get gold oul, If the placers should prove rich.

Svrurss.—It would seem from the following from an army correspondent that come of the callers have been playing a deep gama: ‘Ther cen bono doubt of tho fect that suyeral of oor sutlere bave boen engoged in the Lrarsportation of goods to the front, with the exprees purposo of having them eelzsd by Mosby, who could Well afford to pay handsomely for euch aconveniencs. Somo of tham have ben cap- tured a nambsr of times daring tbelast threa months, and each time released after reaching Bull Run monn: tains. Ae thoy were able to reflt at once, end, al- though loud in thelr denunciation, ecemed ‘very fittle afrald of venturing ont again afver such incidents, the Inference Is that the specnlatlona were profitable ‘The military suthorlties havo already taken the mat- ter In hand, and the prospects aro good for ome In- teresting developments In connection with this branch of the army.”

———~" “Arp rromw 4 Persoy.—The inmates of the Messachneotts Siate Prison are manufacturing aril- cles for eale at a Ssnltary Felr, to bo beld In Boston next month. As showing the interest the men feel In the measure, the Journal esys one max came to the warden and enid he ws3 not {ngenions and could not make snything, but ba would like to give elghteen cents Which Was In the cillco belonging to him. An- other sald bohad a gold ring there which he would Uke (o give; aother wanted to give ap ellver wateb, and tivo oF three others contributed five dollars each, from funda which they bed Jn the werden’s hands.

Ir is especially important just now that cler- gymon, jn marrylog a couple, should not reglect to Give a certificate of the marriage, or to make a regis- tratlon of it. In tho cese of a death of a coldier the widow mut baye a cérilficate of marriage beforo sho can receive a persion. A Now Jercey paper, In speaking of this subject, os Jt respoets that Btate, saye: Upon szarebing the records witbln the past pet for marriages, nearly balf tbe unfortanate widows

ave been turned away with theremark: ‘The cler- gyman performiag the ceremony hes neglected to ‘comply with the law.’ ??

Coxseoricor—The quota of Conuecticut, under tho recent call, le 5,492 men, ‘The first Congressional latrict Is asked to farnish 1,527; the 24, 1,369; the ‘8d, 1,108 ; the 4tb, 1.928, Hartford Js to furnish 563; New Haven, 407; Waterbury, 132; Middletown, 116 New London, 86; Norwich, 205; Sprague, 91 Lie! bon, Griswold, 17; North Stonington, 96; Gro- ton, 65; Btoninglon, 65; Brooklyn. 23; Killingby, St; Plainfield, 43; Sterling, 13; Woodstock, 33 Pomfret, 13; Thompson, $8; Potnam, $0; Canter. bary, 18, a

Corros ow me Rio Guaxpe.—An army cor respondent with Banks’ expodition writes that It lo reported that at Freeport, on tha Mexican elde of iho Rio Grande, there {s an Immense nmount of cotton, estimated ot 40,000 bales, and that the road from Mn- tamoras to Bazénd is fillod with wagons loeded with cotton. Bagdad ison the Mexican side and at the month of the river.

Tux Indiavapolis Journal publiahes two cal- pmne of oxtracis from the Indiana county papers, all of which show thet tho enthnéloem for Voluntesring: In that Biato bes reached a very bigh plteh. The counties are generally paying a bounty of ono hundred dollars in addition to that cifered by the Government, nd fn somo ceses locreasing the pay of the volunteer {en dollars 8 month. ‘There will be no draft In that


Tas Bermuda Adeocate thinks that it mus havo ‘riled tha Yankees nota Iitio” to eee the rebel sleamer Robert E Leo taking coala from an American ‘vesrel ot Hallfax. We were eo “riled” that we con- lated le fee waa by capturing the steamer, whea, by the ald of ber Yankee coals mea, by te is, oho had reached

Two Nevada editors, J. T. Goodman, of the Terrlorlal Enterprise, 2d Thomas Fitch, of the Union, hayo been performing a pistol duel, with surgical ac. companiments, Jatcly. ‘Tho finale ‘was tho smashing of the right leg bone of Mr. Fiteb, who thas obtalne the eallsfactton of goatiemas.”

‘nx fuel famine is exciting more serious op: prehensions In New York tne at Cincionatl an other Western eltles. Anthracite coal has advanced from lx and balf dollars tonto eleven, and tho

miso another advan : ieee cs of twenty-five per

‘Tur Bord of Trade of Chicago has determined to erect, with the pals ORAS a suitable monument In honor of the brava soldiers who have fallen during the presont war, aud) thoso whose Te- malns ere Interred {a tho ccmeterics of that elty.

A kro of powder in Mrs. Booth's toy store it Brooklyn exploded lest Friday, destroying yhe (ics ‘story paren tee it wes: acu fatally ipjoriog a

18 arance vilinted - “ea oe weer. eeepa cus:

Sonx'of the Indies in Hartford appear i etre without hoops, bat with dresses iy ony ae to theankle, disclosing Balmoral boots and etrij stockings. o ‘pleasant reform.”?

Drstavetios or Genera, Neat Dow's Tay- NBRY IN PORTLAND,—Tho main building of the tan- ae Sr veniam Boe pire by General Neal

ro or FeO OOD ey are carly Banday moratng,

A wax nomed Oats was hauled uj for beating bls wife and children. On being sen- tenced to imprisonment, the brate remarked that It

was very hands man wes not elon s anvery ot ellowed to thrash his


Tax rebsl Government talks of paylog the eol- | ome wer. Its dorsi revaisals woe vance wee

ler Uberally afer the 8 Poor fellows wlll: “I hi ; ome everybody; thy ret I giva to the poor, et Lette from Knoxville, Tennessee, of th Sit instant, eays recruiting for the Federal ‘arty Is

st fen thousand reernits are already actually caroiled.

Tue Detroit (Michigan) Free Press is anxi that the mext ite 2? ito shall bo Rat ia thai. Hc’? National Convention

specimens of canoeblal fe

A NEW Weel]; it 7 Pespent ies Peers entitled the Colored Citi- started in Cineinnatl,

equaw paddling down the Micsieal; k pala Ippl oro interesting |’

Tbr the fist of sald publisat vious to the day of bearings

ul going on in East Tennessee. Batreen Sigbt an Eiblar Gat notes

Av exchonga thinks thot on Indian and his| seaoy eee eh eae

colored people, has Just been | SSB" fs and

asin tore. of the most t of decerat ard wiiacyaiiehot Soon Window Shades Gilt Cornice, 2 Alcon larsa ond ves Se rime rk executed prompily ir tho bes Gome and ceo at isd Seventh ctrect, cpposita the Patent

460. 460. 460, AND still the wonder grow.

Geta does the busines. "A thing of Joy fs always beantiful : That is the rencon why our new stz10 of


please everybody. Call and examine our Splandid Stock of Clothing, Gents’ Farnizhing Goode, Hats, Caps, ékc.

Gults mada to order. Call aad soa sampler J. SMITH, cooly 46) Boventh atreat. opposite Post Office. CE ‘THE TRAOK while the bell rings, There's no uso of talking, The gooils mart be sold Constantly reselving from our Manufactory. FALL AND WINTER GOODS

of every description.

Cute cela souples ot 261 Soret

polbatys mamine amples oF S81 SST & BEALL. HE OLD WAR HORSE IN THE PIED)

J: BRUGB & 00. Invite soar attention to thelt largo stock of PALL AND WINTER OLOTHING. sprees that du competion Watch wil them al, sor low, late oF final, Of er'yous

White or black, J. DRUOB & CO., oold-ly “464 Seventh sireot,

6677 OW ARE YOU, GREENBACKS ?” Old mes for counsel, young men for war.” Youean’t sco it? Thea call at the corner of Penpsyl-

vania avenue and Trenticth streot and examino our new stock of Bplendid Clothing.


of overy description. BOOTS, SHORS, £a, AMITH & CO. oal0-iy Gor. Peno. ava. and Twentieth rtreot.



62 Eoventh street, 632 Five doors north Ponnsy}vonla avenue, f Wnbington, D. C.


Genta’ Solo Leathar Trask,

Ladte:’ Dress and Bonnet ‘franks,

Solo Leather Vellzes, Traveling bags,

Havercacks, Kaapsacks,

Saddio-Bags, Blanket Straps

anther Pagalers for oflgers a.


oott-3in 708 Chestaut street. Philsteiphla,


The eubsoribor bry on hand and Is receiving orory weok Jarge quaotition of Seat Rostifed Cider, of an excellent davor aud quality, whieh will ba gold at the lowest cash prices. Butlers and dealers will Sind it eAvantageous to Call and examine before purchasing olsewhere. ‘always ob hand to mect demands.

ORANE & C0., fice and Vault—25 Fous-and-a-balf attoot,

Botween Penncylvania avenue and O treet, ‘Washington,


Also, orders taken for all kinds of bakers’ supplies, for-

nlshed'in barrels und packaxes fo cult purchasers. ee 1T=3t, e200.

(uae ee & BENJAMIN,

BROKERS, 510 OBESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Peana. Prizes cashed in all legalized Lotteries, and informa- tlon given. po19-Im*

AYOR'S OFFIOB, NOV'R 19, 1863.

By virtue of an act of the, City Connell, and in ao. cordance therowith, I shall effet for sale, for cash, to the Dighest bidder, on WEDNESDAY, the’23th instant, In front of the City Hall, at the hour of 12 M.. the exclusive right ond privilega of using tho several Corporation Eoales unt the det das of July, 1831, for the purpose of Welzbing hay, etraw, foddo~ oain in the etram, and live elock, situated at the follow! laces:

No‘l, JCstreot north, at ita iotereection with Vermont Avecustaa sanmaiiebecumeneee

2 Loulsiava avenue, between Ninth and Teath

otrosis west.

‘No, 3. In front of the Northern Market, at intersec- tiga Of New York avenue and K street north.

No. 4. Corner of Moryland avenue and (Third street


No. 5, Ta front ef Anazostin Enging house,

‘Tho following ie tho tariff of rates whioh tho purcbasars aro ontitled to reosive: For overy lend of boy, site fodder, oats in tho tras, weighing on9 thousand p:uadé cries, 55 conts over one thoutand pounds, £0 cents? fad for cach and every bundio, bale. of backaxe ef the fate, 10 cents: for welghiog live stocky two coats for very hundred pend ‘Parties purchasing will be requlred to comply with all tho trovisioas of the act. approved sist February: 1893, ntitied "An net to establish pablio. hay esslon, nod. for other purposes.” RIOHARD WALLAOR,

nosed Masor.


Block 69 ; Lot ta Ilock wo: and D in Blog anaes

mods Le Grand Din ae

ook 7, Dl ©) end ‘Dlooka 1s, 1 1a Tots, parts of lots, blocks,

‘tho termas- jdinancs ‘Departments sad or

co Ie id on each of said authority, isch vas they ay cee slinbie,goties

than onelhinl of the appraised valuo thereof. Ani of the sald lots, patts of ota, h ahaill not ia icc ikea rasan ah en pee

wn. ie. Given under ourhandsat Beaufort, this tccond day of November, Text eer Sout Caroling ,B, SMITE VW. E. WORDING, WAM. DENRY BRISBANE,

§. Direot Tax Commissioners for tho District of Se Carolina. neu


Lsonand Sulth of Trays Ne detprving nee ofa patent granted tim iti Petranry Ins for an ie expiration of exld patent, whch takes pince on the LE

19, sald petition be hoard at the

One of tho Hartford papers thinks this | Fea. OUce oh MONDAY, the oth February, 1564, ot

12 o'clock M.; Persons aro notified to shaw cause any they hava, why cald Poulton ought nol

to be grant Persons optosing the ox! tne Baten’ Bion Qhoie shies, evecal ee one iting, at least twenty betsra the day of hearing: sane Whe akon had traroaitied ig ever daa meet offices Which will bo Reig ‘ho testimony in tho cas een eta iad ogee {io moming of that day’ the argument, if any, ara

lays thereafter, also, that this notice be published in. tho 7, Nimes: Now

mn, D. O., and Fuescaive, Weeks, Heart sixty days pre

= ee

P,S.—Editors of the il) pleaze copy,

iiiag at sbrteanr date aia

ARBLE MANTELS—Oonstantly on

band!at my Warcrooms, comer of Fitst street and

ow Jers areauo, the anges tuvpiy of te dideeat 2

ia thls city, and at lower

Also, all ‘poses, such 43 Brown

Bn tie shortest notice ha lowest

River, Tas quota of Missouri, under the last cal for] Rermate® See sa Si dora oer

troops, 15 19,016 men.

cli tet aa

ent, a

supplies | BO

sitter te clares ox (0, £55


rest Weiwresn Sixt a5) PS reionsss of Nis Sarl, Abandon ited (o prove Rls esmecliy ex senckes

EOURE A HUSIOAL HDUCATION— Mr, JOUN P. SPARIBR Issitos to taform the ic of WeaRinetan vast he it revoased to abve ere on the Violin, Quitar, Fiots, a=d opon Brass. indlvjctunis, el

‘Tostrames or at Lis recidenso, aa ‘or






NB, Commissioners for all the Btates.

443 Ninth etzeet. REMtoncor MEP rest nov-Im* WiLLiaM wizou. 10. ume JOHN FOX.




Post Offica)




ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Sonranssr conxun oy ¥ xp Freramxrn STaeaTs Oppotite the East ontranee of the Trearary Bulldinz,

Waruisoro Crrr, D. 0. Attends expecially to Claims upon the United Btatas,


fo, 20 ¥O)

thee Gomre

Reais roryen to Nl nae



dD. file AMasrats n4ee


Pp, © =Nasnn,



Sinele end Doabie-Plated, 5 All Goods replated nearly





ox caperior Germia Alteae 6 is Meta i sonal to naw lary


of avary description


ATOHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVENWABR 809 Cuxsrxur Starr, E Birst door above Bighth strost. ‘PHILADELPHIA, IMPOBTERS AND DUALELS 121



ARMY CORPS BADGES in theneatest manner, and ot Whe ahortest notloe—rold, eilver, or plated





Wo bare jusl reorived a fullvapply of SLODGEIT & BWWRETO YATENT GALVANIZED OVARS, ehign wa will soll lower then they havo besn fold [5 thiz Sty bavore We hnve No. 4 to No.7. ©, Ay #0. L GREGORY,

mansylvanis arene, near Grvanth rizecl


to mabe

ntinnunss of re

prapared at the shortest ao menuer, resk(art from olght to


822 BUHBLER EPUB OY) = Ld. {4 la Maison Peres, rue ros ENN ABNOR ae roa ie ener ana: Ghivenarle areas aan sa at

“GAME, OYSTRES, cod other rafrechments constantly on hand, and et the siost Teassnablo rates URBAKEAS:

SIAHR, and

SUPPER. cond In the most satietec

salve o'elog ; Dinner and JON Hivos, Proprioter.


160 dozen Cotton and

10 doven BROWN Li





We havo on cad ad offar for sale— 100 doxen BLUR FLANNEL GU! % dorea LINER COATS and PANIG. 100 dozen MHRINO UNDDESHINTB

‘Merino SOCKS,



80 dozen JEANS and NET DRAWERS ll of which wo offer to dealers et the Lowest Marie


322 Pennsylvania avenue.

batween Ninth and Tenth streaie,

Jas used by ofhoere i

Sechee, bait nr bo dee mil Hi Blok ee ono fcrakh ie morse Be


saouldersiry ‘fina cwortment of


WALL, SIRPRERY 4 00. i394 Ponsornvarta Avanos ej sno laaret eoriaient

thin city, embractin elt ip ths Army and Novy, on

Hints. Gap, Phi atform Clothing, onlonry complete oatits ta

SIUPICENS & Ov. Fanmivenia Avengal


Th. than cen be faralsb: Jeesper barrel then can bs dealers. Apply op eddress




A constant surply of Booflog Pspst and Gament eno be had on the most liberal terms. Paper 4 cant lees ror

ele bere. Coment 26 cent? purchesed from euy other


Bouth Charles ctrect, Baltimore City, Maryland,

‘writtsa paper of all kinds,

‘Bast Canvas, Fore fe oF. EMIOEY}

parse WAREH' Wo. 4 SOUTH

Boatof cit


PHBA, oll rises.


BLE. Csr ald for RaGs

‘Fae eubscribers offer for rate w larsoend pent TING AD WRAPPING PAPERS val


1 Bouth: Charles rireet, Baltimore Oty,

- WANTED FOR CASE: Old Blank Books, Letters, Old Bi, end printed or


w, ml JomBEOM; 7m

Davrnmoas Mp.

and Ruled.

Abe, MANILLA. and a!) other WRAPPIN@ Pa-


GEOOBHS PAD: B hb ‘Bo waled wo call ho eile Mar o/Siea Dearne

nod Ou BAUR Bates



Torwarded fets oud

all ry


f th try. ‘This Company has ffSainabal Ratiway Towns ia the MOBTH, BA j, AND NORTE VIBES,


Gity, De,


JEWELRY, ASLEB PE : azencies Mioes aro: ‘or! Borers: Palledolphins

: iS ras Pave ES ys

exo the CANAD, (OES, and rth etass 5 BS aad SAV? fant theses by Eur Centineat.

SNA ae

exeial towns, sat BOM made at all 065

Oe OSH Ay oy

Sfo0 10-inch shot Stoo 10-Ineh ehotla AT THR WATERTLIET, ARSENAL, WEST TROY, ¥. T- 4,00 15-inch battering shot tea 18-tnet shells Eh Id-lnch aoe 600 10 inet ebells x At THE U. & ARSENAL, GOTERNON'S ISLAND, N. ¥. ‘09h IS-ineh battering shot 5 l-ineh shells 10.009 li-ineh shot a 5.0) 10-Ine shells AT THE ALLEGHANY ANSENAT, PITTSDUDO, TA. 1,00) 1f-inch battering shot 1x0 15-fueh shells 009 10-tneh shoe S000 10-inoh shelia AT THE ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, 6T, LOUIS, Mo. 2000 10-1neh chat 2ooo 10-inch shells Av THE WASHINGTON ARSENAL, WASHINGTON, D.C. 1.000 15-inch battering hot Tom Is-incb shalla eee i009 10-teeh shes, The Projectiles are to bo made of the kind of motal, and inspected sfter the rales faid down fn tho Ordganes Hooual, with the ex:eptlon of tanls-lnch battoring ect, ‘which afe to bs nede of qun_ metal, of tensile strength, Tangine between 22,000 and 0,000 pounds to the eqaars nob, and theca inuit bo cust ftom roverlisratory ge alr furnaee, ‘The otal fs to bo charcoal Lron, sed tho Eetoplo to ho tested lu to bo taken fromm tho project, ‘Dravings of all thece projectiles can be ton at any of the ureaals where they are to bo delivered. ‘The pro Jectlleaty ta ba Tnapested at tho, foundry wherg cast, ‘tusait bo dalivered at the various arsenals, {roo cf charg for transportation or hendifog until delivered at thearenak Deliveries muct be mado at the rato of not Dot less thai five per cont per week of the oumber of Drejectiles contracted fors the frst dallvery to bo made fritbin si day nftor tho dato of eqntrast, and nay fallare {odellver at's speciied time vill rubjest the contractor 8 ferfeltre of tho number be may fall to deliver at at time,

(rBebaraia bide mart be mado for cach kind of proc: eat aad if any bidder propares to doliver st dieren renal separate bide must be made for each Had

at ensh ping.

1go'TAd ‘wil be considered from parties other an re- cular foandors, or propriciors of wens, who are koown {thls Department to bo eapablo of extcutiog tuo work Contracted for in thelr mn eetabllabiments.

‘oblalnine n soptract wll ba Teqaired to en- tor fate bonds with proved eurelies, fori fathfalexe- ontlons

‘the De; ang or al

ties. noi7-tutheatlst

ORDNANOE OFFIOE, Wan Drranruesr, ‘Wasurnaror, November'20, 1863. ‘That portion of the foregolng ndvertisement which to 1b-inch battering shot is withdrawn fer tho

GEO. D. RAMSAY, no2l-tuthenl3t Brig. Gen. Odief of Ordosnce.


QuinremusraR’gOrri0n. U. 8. M. Cons’, ,Yasmiearax, October 16, i03,

SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this ofice uutil2o'clock P.M. of tho 18th day of November hext, forrurnishing rations to tho United States Marines, at tho following stations, during the year 1664, vis:

Portsmouth, Now Hecpebire;

Charlestown, Massachusetts;

jrookiyp, Long Laland, Ne AUadelrbis, Fonntylvni y

Washington, District of Columbia :

Gosport neat Norfolk, Virginia.

Bach rallon to sonst of thres-quastersof a pousd of mesa pork or baoon, or ono ond o fonrth pounds of frech, orealt beef; twenty-two ounces of bread, mado of extra Fuperfine flour, or in lieu thereof twenty-two ounces of ‘extra superfine flour, or one pound of read, nt tho option of the Goverment: and at the rato of eight ‘quarts of best white beane, or in glow thereof ten pounds of rice : ten pounds of cool coffee, or in lien thereof ne

‘of tea: filteen pounds of good New

four quarts of vinegar; one pound of

‘or one anda fourth pounds of adaman-

oF one and a half pounds of good, hord

dipped tallow candles; four pounds of good, bard, browa

soap; two quarts of ealt; and onohundred pounds ef po- tatgea to each hundred rations.

@ incroazed allowance of four ounces of our or bread, and the allowance of potatocs, az above provided ‘will cease at tho termination of the present inrurrostion, ‘Sad tho ration beas provided by law and regulations on the Ist of July, 1861. :

‘The beef sball bo delivered to tho order of tho com= man ding oficer of each sation, ether in balk or by the tingle ration; and shall consletof the best and moat choles Dieses of tho carcass ; the pork to bo No.1 prime. mecs Bork and tho grovarios to bo of the best quality of kinds

Bameds Al jot to inspection. ‘AT Eraesks? be Rocowopanted by the following guaran:

too: Form of Guarantee.

Tho andersizned, —, of in the State of —, and —, of —, in tho Stato of hereby gusraptes that in caso tho foregoing bid of —, for ratfons, as above do- scribed, be accepted, ho or they will, within ten days a! ‘tor the recoipt of the contract at tho post oflce name oxecate tho ontract for the rae with good ond cafi- clent sureties, and, in caze the said —— shall fail to enter {nto contract a4 eforesaid, wo guarantee to make good tho difference between the offer of the eaid— and that ‘which may be covepted.

A. B. Goarantor.

Witness: ©: D. Guarantor.



and a belf pounds Orlears eu


I hereby certify that the above named —— are known tomend men of nroperty, and able te make geod their muaraal

“To be signed Ly the United States District Judge, United Slates District Attorney, or Collector.) ex gprenanal weal bo considered unless eccompanicd by

above guarantes.

(Newspapers authorized to publish the above will cend tho paper cont the first insertion to thia office for examination.)

Proposals to be endorsed " Propozals for Rations for 1864,” and addresied to the underri

WV. 8. SLACK, cli ‘Major and Quartermaster,



At the U. 8. Aronal, Washington, D.

At tho U. B, arena, Bt Luh o, 5,

‘Theso shella are to bo mado of th kind of molal, and. inspected ator tho rales Inid down ia the Ordnance Manaal. Drarings can bo sean at any of the United Stator Arsenals, ‘£ho shells aro to be inspected at tho

foundry Where east, freo of chargo for transportation, cr sndliog. util delivered at the arsenal. jelivaries must be made at therate efnot less than five or cent, par week of thonumbor of projectiles contracted for; tuo fret delivery to bo made within twenty days al- ter the date of the contract, and apg fallaro (o deliver at 2 specified time will subjoct tho contractor to a forfeltars ofthe number bo may full to doliver at that tim

‘Soparate bids mast bs medo for each Arsonal if tbo bidders proporo to deliver at more than ons. No bid will bo considered from parties other than regular founders of propriotora of works, who are known to this

jopartment (o bo capable of excoutlng the work cox tractod for in thelr onn establichments,

Each par!y obtaining a contract will bo required to enter into bonds, with approved sureties for iu faithtal ‘oxecation.

Tho Department recerses tho right (o reject any or all bids, Lf mot deemed sallsfactory, for any causa.

‘Propatala will bo addressed to " Brigadier General Geo, D; Memsuy, Chief of Ordaauce, Washlacten, D,C.,” and ‘will bo endorsed "Proposals for Mortar Shel

GEO. D. RAMSAY, nolS16t Brig. Gen. Ghlef of Ordnance,

(QpaneS we OFFICE, War Department, Weshiniton, November 13,1869, =

Bealed Proposals wll bo Feolved at this oftcy antl 4 o’clook P, M., on tho first of December next, for furnish- tay is CO) sels, complete, of Cavalry Accoutrements, to bo c cared je, \o following quantities, at the undernamed cen vit:

"ijH.000 ets ct tho United States armory, Springtold,

aa, 22,000 eots at tho United Btatea Arsenal, Governor's Isjand, New York 15,000 ots at Frankford Arsonal, Bridesburg, Po. 20,000 gels at Allegheny Arsenal, Pitlabure, io. 10-000 cots at Bt. Louls Argena}, St. Louis, bo. ‘These accoutraments ara to be made in strict conformi- ty with tho regulation petra Which can be seon at tho Bbove-nemoed place iach set is to consist of one sabre- belt'aad plato. completo; one carbino-sling, with swivel, completo; one sabre-knot: one carbine cariridse-box: one pistol cartridge-box; one belt-holster, for army-siz revolver; and one cap pouch, with cope plck. All of which aro to ba madeof the best materials and work- manship, Tho ssbre-bolt, eabre-knot. and carbine-sling of Buf Leather, blacked: and the {cartridges holster, and cap poucb, of best Gak-Tunned ia to ba dustinetly wuders bidders that leather partially tanned with anything else but Oak will not be received, All tho articles to be inspected at tho /a00 whero to be delivered. Dolivories must be mado in lots of not Jess than 500 zat per wook for all tracts of 10,000 seta und under, anc not lesa than 1,00) cots por week Conalligontrants of over 10,000 gots. Tho firstdelivory to be mado within days after dato of contract; and any failuro to deliver at appeldted| time will cabject the contractor to s forfeit- ure of the namber of ceta which he may fail to deliver at thatme, The utrements areto be boxed 0 asual manner; the boxes for which will bo ald fo at cogt price, to be determined by the ipspestor, ‘Didders will stato oxpucitly tho Arsenal ¥I elit nd if more than one for each. No bid wil ular manufactt

ILEY A. SHINN, (Successor to Arny &

PREMTUH SORBED WATKRS 1 Bottler of tha cheleest Domestie OWSLE ARD PORTRE:

ona Nt bT eS oT DE, wed heabepaia Andualso Sarmer ‘Site ‘Gineat Wine Diset! gore cana cue al jes; Stomach, Stouchton’s en:

B risiaio te for Storokeopers and othora, ited in the best sivie, et the Ghronisle’ Job



stores in

‘ints may bo or

fa that


propozat accep!

On K

Batista quired.

‘Territories of Nebraske, Dako

at wich

ais Boalt from April to Sepiasiber, inclusive, of orears

ctu No. 2 Vrom Forts Learenwoith ard Ritey. in the

sitet Keusas, sad the town of ansen in the Slate of

ted and entered tnt), and wood and walk Peer ear taeneat

erin ertivorn Sethe Sravgnt of bonds revuirad will be a flog rata No.

gr siations that are o+ may be established ta ihe

fect We a a aa ty fry of Colorado, boride Bkigery testate thevate. per 10) pounds for 100

they will transport ald stores fp cach, ‘and 1853.

j.toany posts or stations that are or

Sstablisued in the tate of Kaneas, or in the Territory Tea Hee, Ba Letvemand, and to Fort Union oi Fort Leavenmor te Shoe ‘etger dopot hat ma feraliars, to Fer polals on'the route. ‘Liddert to state tho rato per 100 Founda or 19) ales, at hich, they pill trazaport ald

“40 north, (drawing be desimmated in that jariand, and to ay other point or

each ofthe months, from April to September,

Tusive, of thefyears Ise aud 1855, saree Nos From ort Uolon, or euch gtber depot as

established in the Territory of Now Moexi¢ cats or ttaticns Uist aroor may be establish erritory, and to such posts or stations as may be

ignated in the Territory of Arisonsand Stato ofToxas Weatotlonettada Hee mere


‘Bidders to state tha ‘rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will transport eald stores in cach of the from Jane to November, inclusive, of the years

plod by a bood tn tkemm often thousand dollars, slened 35 two oF more responsible persons, fuarantesing that in caze acontract

‘is awarded for the route meationed in tho to the partic: propesitg. the contract will be

jeient recn- ‘partiay in acoordance with the

joxom * 20.000


000, 77 0% ioyaliy and solvency of

to i each bader and pervon offered a2 security will be re~

Broporals must bo eadored, “Proposals for Army portation on Roates Nos. 1,2, oF 4." gs tho caso may be, and nono will be entertained nig with to roqulrements of Bis adyertiomeat artes to whom swarda nro mado caust be prepared to eXesute contracts st once, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performanco of the came. Contracts willl be Quartermaster General, bal tho right iseserved toreiect ng or all bids that may be offered i Scclrgitors Tait baja readiness for cereion by the fat lay of April, 1264, an x ince of BoslGoes cr agencled ator fa the vicaity of Fort Hesrenworth and Uaton, and of cotablished at ‘wb{os they many bo ocimmunfcated with promotly and readily. ‘oaasdes

Unless they fally, com-

de sabjest to the approval of tha

‘thoy Will 3o r:qulred to have o or depots that may bo

L: @. BABION, ‘Major end Quartermaster.


—r igen Day, RebopLs No. OTT > Captain Geling, MARY F. KAPLE®, Oaptats Srack~ Papen aexorwas (pil tebe ttancun cron MaaPeractr | gythnenon tne: crcraetb,. | fit del Se AANA la neler |e eae a aR gs ata : i Ostbas J meres

WINDOW BHADES: jpuigagress etlanedet We ooktrgrerdelte| craven pnorosAid nil Wr veritel atauodce| SAD REQ Usdto rls pueda tS OUST ners matte idpseres =

FALL STYLES. TE. H, TOWNSEND continuca (after | Heat? Pypscult, tbe dulireredin efolowinecuan- | 85/589 Tos autho dlowipe routers ys. 0, | Uabsmorotian con, aad eond il fot tse. oS j L. J. ROTHROOR, tel and Paty Seino eA az THE WATENTOWS ANSISAT, MASS. nilegseaotardercu at aay beequanitined curse tbe EY Foti SND WASHINGTUD 452 Seventh stroot, opposite tho Patent Oft: GaN ae avin i ee tnetrect | 2000 15-Inch battering eho! ‘shove years, ou the west bank of the Missouri river. por SaRAR ANT. Dares ro NS he ie A 2000 35-ineh onalls Of Fort Leavenworth, and couih oflatitade de ngetbito | anon



ts fopfrigit nei pusseusers beat, st River, foot of Wall otrest, New Yer! “COMPANY'S WHARF, foct ef Hish sirest, Georse-


a DESL 05 cat At med betes

healing and Lani viber ani IIA, MEW TORK AND B

Kesvo W: weoen,| Son er

MORSEESST: | Sips tg the only poate by which bearsesian bo cbeo® FASUINGTON AND THR SOUTH Leayesaltimare for Wackla poithsands pis. Os Suodayat 430 nn Sem

Dalitmere st 810 08

Inigostéa. ms cals peo No tr

ze r trains ealy trom Baltimorsy add eet ASH four tralss fom Weshington stop at Wa

ya, tekets of kind. sent st Washi

QUE Searnciat eset

row rem DOR

PGE farther informstis a forme t0.8. KOON BPN Wicket ostce

suld-dtt 1


aici bstwee> Wasaleet' Pore bang isp P


107. m bad

aie Bis ioe fananali ce

jon Buatioe

town, every S WEDNESDAY AND BATURDAZ. At 0 floats Ac

Other steamers sill bo dizpstehed whenersz the conve T

ale shit requires. The ps ‘ie resular Fhiys will in ail enlleory casos

mibis forg-eisEt hour

Frolght, and every convenience afforded to shippers pro- forring to do their own cart

on a taken by the best Companies on roads salppod by tes see altho fret abo

The PAUTIMORE, Cant teen

Fhe PANN Capiala Hunter,

2 FAS. 8 KEEN, arian Werahca. wr compors thoregule®

Beprliiouk detracting from ae merits of

Aippets the alia forse: 6 fers (0 shippers the facilities for calving thelr good from the North in a eborter time, ate

jerthen say other Lins. engatneciions ava oan sd, o th saottfayarebia oraaread witout paymrat of gommaicrton, iss Tesdine foes om, (ow Durk—Nortk, Bastand Weak. mall fon as ane isso at ordinary frajent tatey nad promguty deliv Gentlemen with thete families going Nera for tke pamper mall aa. (ab ploseant touts, as Ui Geli foreafo tanepertstion of

eegucare F ttenton will be given othe comfort of rick ae ee aHlsee nd ooflers, ho mil by tls route

Syold all the (aticos of railway travel and ireaecat

antes Of cars. CUREES, loose attention to tha interests of Sty psteons, | Pass

by promouy a and

Heuco ofthe patroxsge which has already been 90 ber ally given tole

Kuen fied with ond dependent ‘nd commercia! proaperity of sail eeinit.

a the business interest 18 District of Columbia


DAB eG, | TANES HAND, Reset, 317 Wall stroct. New York.

rino Cor ter of





6,000 16,00

1,00 1.80

1,600 al 200 150




100 D 10 0 15 10

60 2)

10,00 1. Ea 2 La Lan


0 1

vr ay Bad red


buat ‘And


to bo expense

the whol ordered,


ten day






SEALED PROPOSALS, for cach cl be recelved at this ofico until 2 o'clock P. day of December next, for furnisbing to the U.S. Ma~

to bo delivored at the office of ‘tho Corps, Philadelphia, Penna, {ceo of charge to ‘tie United States, io 0

to timo bo reaaired, viz:

ito paure 00 tots Ep


Each propos woarantee:

‘Tho undersigned , of ——, in the State of —,

at, im caso the foregoing bid of above idosaribed,

for Bapplica for Marine Corps,

WasnixoTox, October al, 186, {asa separately, will (4 of the 2d

» during thoyeat 161, tho iollowing sapplics, ho Acsistant Quartermas-

ch quantivies a3 tay from time

Crass No, 1,

14.000 yards of Bky-blas Kersap. all woo) fre fro ni

lr, S1 inches wide, to weich 2 ounces to the yard, (indigo wool dyed Ja

6,000 $ard3 Dark Bluo Kerzoy, all wool, froofrom hair,

Sf inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces to the yard,

(indigo wool dyed.

) 3,600 yards Dars Blog Twilled Clo! all wool, for uni-

form coals, (ndico mended) lncbes mio, to cus per gard. Yards of Geariet Cloth, ali wool, (coohineal dsed,) Inches wide, to wo.gh 1d cunces per yard. Crass No. 2.

6,000 yarda of 6-4 Derk Bluo Flavnel, for overeacke,

if woot, indigo wool dyed.) 61 Incuea wide, «0 Funds of 24 Date Diao Flannel, for sbirts, all sof 4 Darke Digs Plann, for shirts, ook, Sadigo woot dyrd, 27 inches wide, to weigh BiScunces per gerd Gray Binaketa all woh, o,releh four poands, feieu, with lols" U..28." in black, 4 inehed {Gog in the centre; to bo 7 foot long and fost

wide, and free from rosso. Bulza of woollen socks, tbreotlzo4 properiy made Sf good flescs wool, with double and twisted

Fara, to welgh Spodnds perdosen pairs, free from greas0,

Ctass No. 3. yards White Linco, for pants, 60 inches wide, to wolgh 13 onncea per yard,

4 10,00) yards Whito Linen, for shirts, £0 izches wide. to

‘weigh IL ounces pot yard. Yards Canton Flannel, for drawers, 27 inches ‘wide, to Weigh 7 ounces per yards

Crass No. 4. Uniform Caps. completa, oxcopt Pompons. Pempons, red worsted, ball-aapod, five inches in eircaniference,

4,500 Fatigue Caps, witb, covers, to be made of blae

olath, indigo dyed.


Cass No. 5. rors Cost Buttons, Bagh erors Joskot Buttons. Eagle. fest Buttons, Vagle. ‘cllow Motal Crescsnts and Seno Straps. aulotte Bullion for Sergeants and Corpo-

Sats Bpanletta Ballion for Privates. ‘Red Worsted Sasheo, yards of Yellow Linding.

4,000 yards of Ked Cord.

Rion for Seryeanta, Swords for Msslelane: ruins (Fenot)compicte 1m Sling, Batter Dram Heads.

‘30 Spare Drum Headz.

‘Dram Cords. rota of Dram Soares, Boxwood "8" Files, Crass No. 6. pairs Army Boots, infantry pattern. Cass No. 7, Cartridge Boxes,

1.200 Bayonet Seabbards.

Pereussion Cap Poncher, Gartridxe Box Belts, Bayonat Bolts.


Ita. ‘Waist Plates.

1/0 Breast Plates.

word From. Crasa No. 8

1.40) Knapsacks.


600 Canteens.

Musket Slip; Grass No. 9

For making and trimming tho following articles, vis + Watch, conta

9" uifor Manuel sod linen shirts; drawers; Hannel eacks;

arceants’, corporals’, musicians’, and

and fatiguo coat

‘woollen and ‘iinen

and bide jackets for boss,

‘Tho above mentioned articles must conform, in alle ects, to tho sealed siandard Patterns in tbe ofBco of tho fuortcrimaster Marine Corps,

‘Marine |Barracks, Wash- D. O.; Asistant Quartermaster, ofllee’ Marine

Corps, 122) Spruce streot. Patladeiphis: and at tho Ma- rine Stations Brooklyn, 1 hero they cap bo oxaunined,

few York, and Boxton, Sasia- jenever tho articles named above, or any por-

tion of them, ahall bs considered as not fully conformini

is, they Will ho relested, and tho contractor wil

ee, abd to furnish others of the required kind at once, ‘or the Qaartsrmaster will guppy the dedicicnoy at tho

‘of the contractor, - ‘Will bo made upon the ascopted delivery of lo guarantee, which may, from time to time, bo Withholding ten per cont, from the payment of

Scoount rendered ander fret order, until second order is flifed, and ton per cant. from account rendered under ffccond order until chird onder is.Ailed, azd eo on unt

is completed. posal must bo accompanied by the following

in the Btateof ——, hereby guarantea for supplies ax ill, within,

10 post office


J. be accepted, ho or they, ‘after tho receiptof the contract at

named, oxecute the contract for the tame, with good and fafficiont ruretios ; and in ‘hall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, wo guaranteo to make ‘good the difference between the ‘offer of the sald. ‘ond that which maybe accepted.

cago tho said

AD, Guarantor, OD, Guarantor, Wiltnoss,

+ 185%, Thereby certify thot tho above-named: known tome tholr guarant

i———-210 when of property, and able to make good

oon. ‘signed by tho United States District Judue, tates District Attorney, or Collestor.

No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by tbo above guarantoo.

‘Nowspapers authorized to publish the above will eond the paper costaising the List Insertioa to this ofica for cxamination,

‘Tho bidder's placo of business, or manufacturing ex- tablishment, must be epecifically’ stated in tho proposal.

ala'to bo endorsed on tho envelope " Prop. for 1851" and addreczed to

lajor Wit. B. SLACK,

Aw Qaartormaster M. G., Wasbingtén.

Beated ofeloek n noxt, (0

and wi




Brvare op tHe Usirnp Starz, Orrice ov zum SunonAsy-arAniG Wasarsoros, Qctobar Zl, Proposale will bo recsived this offico until oon of SATURDAY, tho 2lst day of November the delivery in tho vanits of tha Senate Wine of

the Capitol, of Four Hundred Tons (2740 Iba. to the ton) of large Bag or Bteambost-lurnace WantTe Asi Cost. ‘The Co

to bo of best quality, thoroughly ccreonod, ‘hed in th presencs of the Chfaf Eneineer to the

Bonato,orblsguictant and to be delivered as abovo co or before thedeh day o

wwe delivery atthe satne pleco on or before fad Shay of December, of Billy Cords of bext Pine Woon, the

reasoned. The Boal aad Wood to bo packed away in the vaults, asthe Chiof Enginocr shal direct.

‘December following.

QEORGE T. BROWN, Sergeant-at-Arms United btstes Sor


ian. Proi

a from five

pesala Horves in lols of pot Tess than twenty-five, (,) ‘be from fifteen (25) t9 eixteqn (13) Bands hich, arene Gh ee ntae ty sac elds well beaten tothe sed figsompsctir ‘The abillty of the bidder to

be caarant tures must be ai

io us uhtial oeiasalo of the GlerE of a wearest Court, orof Coe


Oavaner Donmic, Oynox oF ra Oummy Quarranuierny ‘asmrxGron,,D.

OROSALS an colisiisd end will bo rersived at thls e

fia for the fernehiny 0 OAVALEY HORSES,

lelivered at Pitts a

be Sunayivasia ;Philndeiphles fon Olly, Syracaee, N.X..or Indianapolis, In-

Wil be consldayed for, the farabhing of

built in good flesh, and free from all de-

Dis asteezent wast

by tne repose persons whee tas tio guetan

nility of the xuarantors mt be Sara ta


States Dirwict Attorney, dressed. to Hfentenant Gotonat G

dorsed on the exvelopa



yposals m1 G. Sawtelle, Chief Quart . Cavalry Bureat d ae Pa er for sere” fentenant Célopel and bl quiemantz, - cvalry Buresw:

awit, PEOPOSALS. eee at PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR WAY, STRAW, | watern tat Quanrenwasran’a Orrice, U8. M. Con AND GRAIN.

Fonaor Drrantucxr, Assigraxr, Qvanrnpycastan’s O: AtgsAnouta, Va, Noz. 15 WRITTEN PROPOSALS are’ invited for faralshing Hay, Biraw, Oat, and Cor, for the use of the Govern- meat, ta be delivered at Aloxandrl en the Potomac or its tributaries, and in such quantities Within the amount proposed for, and at euch times asthe undersigned may dircet, ie Tho proposals to bo addresied to tho undersigned, and to state the quantity and price of ect article offered. Fropozala will bo received for five thousand (5,000) bushels of Cora or Oats and Gfty (60) tons of Uay or Straw and upwards, untets it ehall bo for the interest of the Government to contract for a Jess amount

all t


oon tas ports of New York and Georgecown | 13 A FIRST-CLASS AOU


‘The greatest caro uscd ip the handling and storaea of | gro pr TAGOLOR CxRCERD THROUGH YROM ALTINORD.

‘Thres Daily Trips PHILADELPHIA £0 PITTSBURG, Twi ui jaktinj

SeaoyOy AT LAREIOTESO : NORTHERN CENTRAL nd fora rae onsatobWrit41 ROUTE WASHINGTON ANDiBALTIMORE ots in the WEST, NORTHWEST, and SOUTHWEST, Maroach Tickala sppiy at the Office of the North Sfiteliroad Company. Ne SR SCE Pessapivanta avencs, Waibiagton, and at Calvert Station, Ballimore.

ores, carriages On furnitare Pilerean NORCARATO SPLEMT IN: “SuokING AND S&.

| Fo asually cent by xpress. | | FP,



to omplaint, and by ent aonnt aoe ate afi the deiats of Its waalnces the | M.,trains.on tha N managars of this line will endeavor to merit a contin- Ta Ey ee gal ang) Bonnar

eis intended to be a rermanont line, | Ceatral Railroad for all parts of the Wet.

‘or freleht, passage, and all other bustac connected | warded to and iro;


Daa marion the Uni ‘on tho. O13,

heaves, Cumbarlaed. Iiliels,

(Ex, | the West, by tho Peansylvania Central Hallroi Companies,

bs particalar to mark pack: Vas of any point | onxraat, HatboiD”

General Tisket Agen matd.sbtt





B corner of bixth


ang S30,

ate Tal jescriptlon: ba fo By ths roate Trolehts of ell deteriptlons san be, fore Wisconsin, Lows, and

vania Central Rallroed alco connests o Mr cote fou ponds gna bs forwarded mi Kentucky. en

cipp. W iteonsle, Ani ed rivers, and of Oleye- ‘Sandusky, and Obiago with steamers to all North.

pert entracting the transportation Company can roly with confidence

oyna PeasrLyanis


Agent Northern Cents:

Superintendent Alloane, Penne General Superintendent Altoepe, Benn

lito, jivantn, Peassylvanin,


Goneral Frajebt Arant Aedohin

Com to be put up in good sacks of abont two (2) busbele. and oats in sacks of abont threo (3) busbels each, which P Aro to ba farnleked free of chance to tuo Government. ‘Tho hay and straw to bacecurely hated.

Allarticles (arcished ander this siverlisement to bo gubjegt to u rigid inepection, by the Government Inxpoc

oF :

Purchases will ba wado from time to timo, under this advertisement, from. the lowest responsible bidder, a3 the interests of the publlo fervice may require,

‘The underciened reserves tho Tizbt to reject apy and all efor which may. bo dormed incompaulbla with the {atereata of the Government.

Paymoats will bo taade in tach fonds as may be provi- ded frow tho United States Treasury, aud as far as pras- Heable, apon delivery ; bat the uadercigmed reserves the Hehe to withbold tee whole or auy part of the payments Unt tho cowplete folsliment of agreement

‘Good recarity will be required for two faithfal faiAll- mont of any agtenuent made ander this advertisement,

WILLIAM SLODDAND, ol-2nd Capt. and Aesirtant 0. Mt.


Carey Assioraxy Derorov W,

ARTRRMLSTED's OFTIOE, waror, Now Iii B st. north 'WASMINCTON, ‘November 1%, 1883, Sratnp Prorosata will be resolved ct thiz oboo ontil Moxpiv, Navember 2%, 1863, at 12 o'clock M,, for deliver

pot Qonttermoster may direct, one million (1,000,(0) feet Eimer of tho following Bad god dw arlotlon, via Siz bandred gad fits 1

‘Twenty thousand (2,00) feet $4 or two (2) inch white ping esiamen culllp

foot lope, (hemlock. i “izty-eix thousand (65 010) feet csuntllng, 9 by 4, four

tean fect Jong, thesaloek) bunigite Blosaad (ton fot seantlng, Shy dcelztese “Bixty-als thousand (0100) feet ecantlins, 3 by 4, elgh- teen fect long, (bowloak.)

Etityrels thounand (00) fectecaatllng, 3 b

I) Ail the abavedereribed fo be good merchantable Lam her, anbiect to theinenection of an got appointed on the'part of tho Goyernimen!

‘All tho Lomber to bo delivered on or beforo the Math day of Decomber, 1833,


Hor Walia 85, 125 &. heater 9 8.1, For Wilmiectoa até, pa Aad 1 : OF Mow Certle ot 815 p32. and

Doran at 00) o,f en Laave Rew Cai

are Gberar at 74% a.f'p. 1.

Lene Heltisore fo

lishrary pd intertzosie

oe Wi : an Geore

ing in Yao clty of Weantogton, nteuch points ax the Do | fetove Coaster nl S45 =

ond 1a. m

joussnd (69.60) feck of Ak or | | Brel

eng () inch white pins comson cullings age tacos

‘Sixts-aix thousnad (63,(C0) fect tcantlicg, Sby 4, twolve | _ asoy

{eo follywing ‘Tealns cole aiiges Ptilsdleonia to Dal rrenty | » from Fhusdelphls te Witmincics, Mm m. fect ions, (netalos “R

rom Wlieineion to Phitesch mm Esitimore to Phiindeln!

8 ident PW a Pultadephlay ss


attochsls will sae or Panrailla and lotercestalé Wilsitzston for Perryville and Ixiormertine.

thio ead Shier odes

On red Go

ning Tend 8.2%) ye em

ond Taadsdesit


Tho fall name and post-ofico address of the bidder must annear in the propeeat.

Its bid is medo in the namo of a frm, the names of all tho parties must appear, or the bid_wuil co considered as ‘tha individual proposal of the pasty cigning it. ?

‘Proposals from dislozal pariics will not be copsidered, and nn osth of allegiancs mest cooompany each proposi-


Fropesals mast bo oddrosied fo Captain Edward L. Haris, Awistant. Qaartermaster, United states Army, Washington, D. O.. and should bs platnly marked Pro~

posals for Lumber, ‘up resconsiblity ef fae eunraates cast be shown k 6 rea5 01 of tha uaraators mast ba shown by tho oficial certificate of the Clerk of ths nearest District Court, or of the United States District Aitoraey.

‘The ability of tho bidder to Gil tae contract, aoald It be awarded to him, must bo guarantes] by two respon- sible persons, pho‘ signatures aro to bosppanded to tao Gusrentee, and eaid guarantee muct accompany tha Bid.

Dudders must be present in person wasn, tho tds aro ongned. or their reoperals will pat Laicsidar<d,

joads ia the cam of Ave thousand 4: tiraed by

the contractor mud both ef bls gaarzotors, will bo re-

‘lred of tho euczocsfal bidder of bidders tron eleaing je contract





Ga apd ofter April $1, 1565, trains will (ey+~

‘Peawpe Koviza Nonra reo: TLIO gas 8 GS

Seravo Wechl Leora Philadel ‘Arrive at Now York, Y. 10,

Tabexa Movrea Bourn r20u t fecays Now York 7,10: Geena Grrive at Wesblanten 620, hal bem 69.80

WB, baeeR i:

iauadent Pa Weand 8. Weil: matt


8b Poliafelphtes Abri


[cajun abe

eee rane , of the spunky of ahd State of ——, 0 Deroby quirantes that —— is able to fuldll tho contract

fn occomdanes with the terms of bis proposition, and that, ghould bis propeatiten bo wooepted, he Will at once exter into a contract in accordance therewith.

bould thecontrct be avazded im’ wo are prepared to become bis securities.

(To this quarsntes just bo appécded the affeial cer- tigeate above mentioned.) Erp

‘The rient to reject any or all bids that may be deemed | sec too high Is reserved by the Dey as thoright to solect from each old such Lumber, at tho price therein panied, aa is required by the Government: nd {n case of tho fallure of the bidder whose, proposal is accepted to furnish within tho thine preseribed,

tho Arsistant Quartermarter to havo the right to cappiy

meh dedsiency by purcsars, and rach bidder to be

Satred withibe dgeronssct coat, oS See rere eS RDWD.L. BARTZ.

pold-9t Captain. A.@ M.U, 8. Army. ROPOSALS HOR HAY, STRAW, ASD GRAIN.

pono SUSTAST Quaszeawiczan'a Opricn, ‘oRAOR DAPARTUENT, CORMEE @ AND 22D, BTS. Wasun270h, 2. On October 16th, 1553,

Written Proporala aro jnvited "fer furnishing Hes, tram, Oats, and Corn for tho ae of this Dopot, to bo d livered at the Rai ijasd Depot or at any of the} Govern: eat Wharves fe this city

‘Tho proporals to bo addressed, to the understened, and thoy should state the quantity of cach article off


D SOUTRWEST. 7.15. traing will leave Balin’ Hones folic:


ON AND AFTER NOV ors rom tha North Ustvert 6: Mall [ea769 Dtescraseem 68 ISB G85 Blac coe ae ‘Acrommodation Teay, f Quartermaster, ag well | Parkton Actommadetion, No. 1, leaved tla... 7-2) 8.) markton Accomm onticn, No.

0 6.50 8. m, train from Weralagtoy oF Se ee ea re eo oedeaes | ead Tar Met Bepale aoe: boArsistuse Quartermaster apply | dalsus, and Niatarn alls, and for New York Oise

‘Fo 080 p.m, trate from Washington ra. train from Baltimore, for ond Bitteburg and the Wer,


LOW FARE Al Mor Ucketa en6 any taformation apply at wautites of

ivanls Routa’ eqraer of Penusyh Ui"Hizees cader Hatocs! Heal Wes

JOUR N. DUDARRY. enperiatendent Worthera Central fered, | ast-dnols


Great avenco tezton


eT <r 8.00 pe. a

Tnaves at... C07, counecta with tha

ety air a

cmos with Use Imire ant (aa Neri +


0. NORTON, Ticket Acant

ri \d dato of delivery. cert eat en tomas am ‘and Gfty (20) toos ot Hay or Braye, oud upwards, unices it should be for the Intarest of the Government to contract for a less amount. “All grain to be put up in good sacks, of about two (2) cee Sunkrestor, ‘Tho Heviand Straw to be secarely baled.


J: ALED. BARB gnn airs November 17th. 1863. wes

sin Gath 1 ts UB. Acres the corner 2

Pete Soarad aed watsniin acl tit HONDAS,

As there baye been #9 many, ‘each, whicd are to bo farnished at the coat of tho | Relief Acioclation, and being

travelling to Philadel Norshora or Bsstorn

waar THE ONLY PLAGB to procure tickets,

In Ay gun TICKET OFFICE OF THE B. & 0. B.D. COMPANY. o AT TH DEPOT. mae Ttis tho only placo where o passoager can procure = wera you can havo

tha above citing from ERT W. EDMO!

Tecalved ot tho ofice of | SASS" clei


plaints Bde by the sud Disdarred Goldiers


pong barns 8, Dusenger Avent,

December 2st, 1803, at 12 o'clock, M., for the zals of all

the iaanure now on band, or that way bo produced at stables and corrals of this Dopot within the next twelve months rucceeding the date of the letting of the contract

‘Tho magare will bo awarded to the bidders, who will bo requlrod to take it am thoirown oxpenic. The quantity now on band to botaken away within six months from thedate of -ontract, and that which may accumulate, within six months {rom the date at yebich it may be produced.

‘Bida most be made at eo much per cabio yard.

Bids will be received for the quantity on band, and thomubsequent product at each etab.e and corral, fopa-

BOSTON AND Tam. ond 650 yheat bidder, or

gener | G8

ibe Lightning Sxpres Cos, Passengers leaving VW asshiny t. arsive at Becton att a 1. next 107g

Trains of



rately, oF for the WhOle together.

‘bid is made in ths name cZ a frm, the names =! all the parties must appear, or It will be considezed ax the individual proposal of the party sicninc It.

‘The fall maze and post-osico edcrees of the bidder mmust appear in tho proposal.

Properalsmast be addressed to Ceptaln 0, H.Tomp. fey AG MUS Ae Waslngton, D. god’ aicaid be plainly marked Proposals for Manure.”

fayment will be required to be made, in Government

during the manth. : Anoath of allegiance will be required from each suc- cesifal bidder,


33) a funds, ot tho ond of each month, for tho manure romoved nest ad no chorge for handll

Hionlar#, apply to, ood and rusient bonds, in the sum of ($1,000) oue| Seime~te4 Onta cessful

FPIOBERS AND SOLDIERS ON EVRLOUGH oR DISCRARG SOUTH, OR NORTHWEST, sre jorchasa tiskets ct doverament rates, by 021 ies st the Depot of the Baltimore acs mpens ‘This rote hes no change of cars irs ‘ths Ohlo river, one chan: two to Sti Louie

. GOING WREST. formed thi

ake jo Kadi

‘ty Cincinnatl. Re

eae te Ravine vat

of each

thousand dollars, will be required bidder for the faithful performance of hia co ‘Tho Quart that may be deemed to tho interest of @ to eocept. ‘D. 0. RUG ‘Urigadier General and Chief Quartarmaster, Dold Depot Washington.

lovernment not

GAUNTLETS.—Oficers, by sending an order with umber of kid glove they wear, can immediately bo su) piled: at St per air (or Back Gauntlets and Si ferLamb: | lin ents snd companies can be cupplied

UNN & CO.,

Publishers of We Sotewit: KBB, ‘OWWLOz=—51 Park Bow, ‘Boter by ILITARY BUCKSKIN GLOVES snd =e oat

mmtract. er rezorvea tho right to reject all bids 53

nished gratis on appli amp. Mi ices


A Seventh rt=sets. Weriinston. fon. Joseph Lol, and to wore thousand patentecs, for wkom they

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