DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES A THESIS ACCEPTED IN PARTIAL SATISFACTION OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BY CARL HARTLEY DECEMBER, 1919 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. 934 Contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry ~ WM. A. TAYLOR, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER June 16, 1921 DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES X By CARL HARTLEY, formerly Pathologist, Office of Investigations in Forest Pathology CONTENTS - Damping-Off in General . . Aiadvars Density of Sowing Damping-Off of Conifers Moisture and Temperature Factors . . . Causal Fungi Chemical Factors Relative Importance of the Damping-Off Biologic Factors Fungi on Conifers Acknowledgments Damping-Off Fungi as Causes of Root- Summary Rot and Late Damping-Off Literature Cited Relation of Environmental Factors to Damping-Off WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 j RECEIVED “1921 SEP.8 BOOUMENTS DIVISION : 3 : De Caer ak hn hoi) soar ua ont) ol. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE | BULLETIN No. 934 Contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry WM. A. TAYLOR, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER June 16, 1921 DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. By Cart Harrrey, formerly Pathologist, Office of Investigations in Forest Pathology. CONTENTS. Page. Page. Damping-off in general________--~~_ 1 Damping-off fungi as causes of root- Damping-off of conifers__________~ 7 rot and late damping-off________ 70 (OFDITSETW La Nata ya eb ae a 2 tvelation of environmental factors to Connie PUM: 2 2G Gaim pin o- Ofte os Se i 73 Husariamispp® —. o-oo 34 je Density vor SOWwimNe == = ess are 74 Pythium debaryanum__—_____-_- 355 | Moisture and temperature factors—_ 7) Rheosporangium aphanider- @hemicalisfactorns 225 ee eee 79 BRD USS Sse tn SW Pores ee) do.|) Biologic! factors. —=+2- 2-2 = > eee 82 Phytophthora spps se —— 2+ Se 59) | -Acknowledemen tes 22 62 86 Miscellaneous phycomycetes____ 61 ‘Summary eee Peet eas, Me 86 UW Eher sumo. see ee ae G2) | aterature cited =—---=— aan ae 91 Relative importance of the damping- Bit Lune: OM cOniters = ss 5 te 65 DAMPING-OFF IN GENERAL. Damping-off is the commonest English name for a symptomatic croup of diseases affecting great numbers of plant species of widely separated phylogenetic groups. It is commonly used for any disease which results in the rapid decay of young succulent seedlings or soft cuttings. Young shoots from underground rootstocks may also be damped-off before they break through the soil (66).t| The same term is even used for diseases affecting the prothallia of vascular crypto- gams (2). The name apparently originated in the fact that the dis- ease is usually most prevalent under excessively moist conditions. In those cases in which the disease becomes serious without the pres- ence of unusual amounts of moisture the term is a misnomer. It is, however, so thoroughly established in practical use that it would be impossible, even if desirable, to establish any other name. 1 The serial numbers in parentheses refer to ‘‘ Literature cited,’ at the end of this bulletin. 19651°—Bull. 934—21——1 2 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. While the parasites reported as causing damping-off are probably not as numerous as the host species which are subject to it, a con- ‘ siderable number are known. Two quite different types of damping- off parasites may be recognized. In the first type we have fungi, such as Pythium debaryanum Hesse and Corticium vagum B. and C.., soil inhabiting and primarily saprophytic, which attack a great variety of hosts, and are at least better known, if not more destruc- tive, as damping-off organisms than as parasites on older plants. They are specialized as to the type and age of tissues which they at- tack rather than as to host. The second type includes fungi less common as saprophytes and with a relatively limited, sometimes very closely limited, host range. Phoma betae, the systemic parasite of sugar beet (37), is an excellent example of the host-specialized para- site, transmitted in the seed and capable of seriously injuring various parts of the older plant at different stages of growth as well as at- tacking seedlings. Most damping-off parasites are intermediate in habit between the extremes of these two types. Of those which are somewhat host specialized, the following may be mentioned : Phomopsis verans, the cause of foot-rot of eggplant, reported by Sherbakoff (128) as a frequent cause of damping-off of this host and believed to be carried on seed. Gibberella saubinetii (Mont.) Sace. (29) and the imperfect fungi which kill grain seedlings as well as cause diseases of the older plants (S80; 126, p. 218). Species of Gloeosporium and Volutella named by Atkinson (2, p. 269; 52) as able to kill seedlings er cuttings of particular host plants. Glomerella (Colletotrichum) gossypii, described by Atkinson (1) and Barre (4) as likely to cause damping-off of cotton (112). Fusarium lini, the flax parasite, reported by Bolley (14) as destructive .to young seediings. Phoma lingam, the cause of black-leg of cabbage, at least under inoculation conditions able to kill quickly seedlings of cabbage and other crucifers Ci2ur Peronospora parasitica (Pers.) De Bary, a downy mildew attacking cabbage and various other crucifers, reported as killing thousands of very young cabbage plants in Florida seed beds (41). The entomophthoraceous Completoria complens, on fern prothallia (1; 87, p. 203). Bacillus malvacearum, a parasite of the leaves of cotton plants, which can also cause damping-off of its favorite host (113) and the bacteria from diseased cucumber plants with which Halsted (53) caused typical damping-off of cucumbers. Damping-off fungi with wider host ranges include Phytophthora fagi, Aphanomyces levis (100), Rheosporangium aphanidermatus (38, 39), Botrytis cinerea, and certain Fusaria. The so-called prop- agation fungus, “ vermehrungspilz,” a sterile damping-off mycelium which Sorauer (133, p. 821) believed related to Sclerotinia and for — which Ruhland (115) has erected a new genus, considered by both 115 eae S DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 3 authors the most serious enemy encountered in growing softwood cuttings in Germany, if distinct would be a further addition to these generalized parasites. However, it is now believed (34) to be identi- ‘al with Corticium vagum. Common generalized parasites of older plants, such as Sclerotinia libertiana, Sclerotium rolfsti (129), and Thielavia basicola (47), capable of attacking roots or other parts of older plants of numerous species, may also be considered among the damping-off fungi when they cause the death of small seedlings, as occurs, for example, in attacks by Sclerotinia libertiana on lettuce (20, p. 28) and celery (103, p. 536) in seed beds. Further study will probably result in multiplying almost indefinitely the number of more or less important damping-off parasites, both of the specialized -and unspecialized groups, although the most important of the latter type are probably already known. Most of the references in literature to damping-off describe its occurrence in truck crops and the losses caused in these crops. Ac- cording to Haisted (53, p. 342), weed seedlings are also very com- monly attacked. Duggar (33) names lettuce, celery, cotton, sugar beet, cress, cucumber, and sunflower as especially susceptible to injury by the two most important damping-off organisms. Except for the plant species in which damping-off by seed-carried parasites is common, it appears that the economic damage from damping-oft is serious only with plants whose culture involves the raising of the seedlings in crowded seed beds for subsequent transplanting. For example, tomatoes do not ordinarily suffer from damping-off in the field (70), but the growing of seedlings in flats for subsequent trans- planting is sometimes seriously hampered as a result of the preva- lence of damping-off. This same principle holds in general for trees. Broad-leaved trees, which are usually not as crowded in the seedling stage as are the conifers, seldom give rise to complaint on the score of damping-off. The conifers, subject to serious losses in nursery beds, are not believed to be greatly affected in this country by the better known types of damping-off under forest conditions (68) except in the less common cases in which seedlings come up in close groups from squirrel hoards, artificial seed spots, or similar sources. A considerable number of broad-leaved trees have been reported at one time or another as injured by damping-off, though complaints of commercially serious losses are not common. The cases which have come to the writer’s attention are listed below: Cause not determined: Orange (438, 108). Olive, in greenhouse at the University of California. Russian wild olive (Hiaecagnus sp.), serious at an Iowa nursery; oral re- port by Mr. C. R. Bechtle, formerly of the United States Forest Service ; at another nursery in the same region this plant was reported as very little subject to injury. a BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Cause not determined—Continued. Magnolia (31), troublesome if the pulp is not washed off the seed before planting. Bucalyptus spp. (88, p. 45; 181), serious under moist conditions, Betula spp. Communication by Dr. Perley Spaulding, of the Bureau of Plant Industry ; found especially susceptible in a Pennsylvania nursery. Carob, at United States Plant Introduction Garden, Chico, Calit. Dr. Mel T. Cook states that damping-off is more serious in carob seedlings if the seed is removed from the pod than if.pods and seeds are sown together. Robinia pseudacacia (138). Apple, in greenhouse at the Michigan Agricultural College. Sclerotinia sp. (Hurope) : Betula (79), a disease of seed and germinating seedlings. Phytophthora fagi (Europe) : Fagus. Hartig (59) and many other writers; seriously affected, even in forest. Platanus (15). Acer (15), A. platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus (86, 104). Robinia (59, 73). Fraxinus (73). Acacia (59). Cercospora acerina (Europe) : Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus (58). Pythium debaryanumn: Tilia europea and T. ulmifolia (187), serious. Robinia (75, p. 18-14), killing germinating seed. Catalpa (126). Rhizoctonia: Citrus seed beds (180) ; much loss. Catalpa (126). Botrytis cinerea: Catalpa (126). Fusarium sp.: Citrus seed beds (1380) ; much loss. The sugar beet is apparently the only plant whose damping-oft diseases have been investigated with any degree of completeness by modern methods. While there is a great mass of literature on damping-off, it is mainly descriptive and on control measures. Most of the reports of the causal relation between the different fungi and the disease in the various host plants have been based on demon- strations of the presence of the fungus in diseased seedlings. In a great number of these cases identification has been doubtful. Even when a fungus is known to belong to a parasitic species, it is by no means certain that the mycelium found belongs to:a para- sitic strain. It has been found, for example, that only part of the strains of Corticium vagum occurring in sugar beets are able to attack that host vigorously (38, p. 154). Similar data for pine appear in figures 1 and 2. Furthermore, even parasitic strains of several of the damping-off organisms are so widely distributed as DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 5) saprophytes that one of them might easily get into a killed seedling after some other parasite had caused its death. Not only in the ‘ase of seedlings killed by fungi like Peronospora parasitica, but in wosT \ PINUS BANKSIANA — PINUS RESINOSA YEAR expr| zea | 20a | a | oe | 7 LIVING SEEDLINGS PER 100 1M CONTROLS Fig. 1.—Diagram showing the relative activity of different strains of Corticium vagum in inoculations made at the time of sowing the seed. In experiments Nos. 36, 45, and 47 the values are plotted for the number of seedlings appearing above the soil. For the other experiments the number of seedlings surviving at the close of the experiment have been taken. Explanation of symbols: O=Strain 147, from spruce seedlings, Washington, D. C., 1910; strain 50, from pine seedlings, Nebraska, 1909; (J/==strain 253, from Elaeagnus sp., Kansas, 1913; [§=strain 230, from the same lesion as strain 233; @ =strain 183, from bean, New York, 1910. HOST PINGS BANKSIANA PINUS RESINOESA YEAR| 1913 S13 191 F- (914- /H18 exrt| san | eee | # | 4 | ve | 7 | 7 A lig. 2—Diagram showing the relative activity of different strains of Corticium vagum, as indicated by the number of seedlings surviving in inoculated soil. Explanation of symbols: @=—Strain 189, from sugar beet, Michigan, 1910 (light-brown mycelium with few sclerotia) ; A=strain 211 and A= strain 212, from sugar beet, Colorado, 1910; W=strain 186, from potato, Ohio, 1910; [J=strain 187, from potato, New York, 1910; 4+—=strain 205, from Douglas fir, Colorado, 1911; X==strain 192 and O=strain 206, from pine, Nebraska, 1911. sf) ° SEEDLINGS SURVIVING PER 100/N CONT) o fo} fo) cases of true damping-off produced by the rotting type of parasite, much of the rapid decay of the seedling after death is brought about by bacteria and fungi other than the one causing death. 6 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Inoculation experiments are therefore probably even more neces- sary in damping-off investigations than in studies of most other dis- eases in order to demonstrate etiological relationships. Unfortu- nately, most of the inoculation work with damping-off organisms prior to 1900 was either crudely done by placing diseased seedlings against healthy ones or consisted of experiments in which purity of cultures and validity of controls did not receive sufficient con- sideration. Recent investigations not primarily directed toward damping-off, but which have decidedly increased our knowledge of the relation between Corticium and the disease, are those of Peltier (98) and Fred (43). The latter established a strong presumption that the difficulty in securing stands of various field crops having oily seeds in soil where green manures had been recently turned under is due to the killing of the sprouting seed by damping-off organisms. In tobacco, sugar beet, and pine, whose damping-off has received considerable attention, it has been found that the damping-off proper is commonly preceded by the killing of many of the sprouting seeds in the soil (88; 68, p. 522; 81, p. 5) and followed, after the plants become too large to be killed by the damping-off organisms, by root sickness and the death of small roots (88, p. 161; 64; 100). This latter has been reported also as a serious matter in the case of Corticium vagum for potato (51), a host on which damping-off is not important because of the lack of commercial propagation from seed. Pythiuim debaryanum further has been reported as continuing to work in the cortical tissues and leaves of tobacco plants which have been in- fected too late to result in death (81). The fact that a number of the damping-off fungi are able to attack young or soft tissues of so great a variety of plants and are much less able to kill older plants suggests that resistance to damping-off may be in part based on purely mechanical factors. Hawkins and Harvey (71) recently have extended, to Pythium debaryanum the idea, developed by Blackman and Welsford (12) and Brown (16) for Botrytis cinerea, of the importance of mechanical penetration in the fungous invasion of plant tissues. While for 2. cinerea mechanical pressure was found to be the main factor only in cuticle penetration, with P. debaryanum. the penetration of the cell walls of all parts of the potato tuber was apparently largely dependent on mechanical puncturing by the hyphe, only tubers with mechanically weak cell walls being susceptible to decay by the fungus. The extreme sus- ceptibility to P. debaryanum and Corticium vagum of soft, thin- walled tissues and the resistance of older stems and root parts would fit in well with such a theory as to the method of wall penetration, as in the older tissues the thicker cell walls would obviously be a serious bar to the extension of a fungus dependent partly or en- DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. if tirely on mechanical puncturing for its progress from cell to cell. Hartig (61, p. 147-150) shows a fungus which he does not name, but which is evidently a species of Fusarium, dissolving the young un- euticularized epidermis of pine seedlings; but he states that it can not so dissolve older epidermis. The increased protective value of the epidermis of older plants can only in part explain the immunity most of them develop against serious attack by damping-off organ- isms, as lesions already started or which may later develop from the infection of young roots are unable to extend into the older parts of the plants. It may be mentioned here that the writer in a very preliminary test. found strains of Corticitum vagum and Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon which had been proved able to cause damping-off of pines also apparently able to destroy filter paper in inorganic salt solu- tion, while Pythiwm debaryanum seemed not so able. Ruhland (116), on the other hand, found the strain of the “ vermehrungspilz ” (Corticium vagum) which he tested to be very weak in cellulose- destroying ability as compared with Botrytis cinerea. DAMPING-OFF OF CONIFERS. HISTORICAL. While the losses from damping-off in seed beds of dicotyledonous tree species are occasionally serious and in the case of beech in Europe have required considerable study, they have been so far overshadowed in this country by the losses in coniferous seed beds that practically all the attention thus far, both as to etiology and measures of prevention, has been devoted to the disease in conifers. The literature on the damping-off of conifers is considerable. A large part of it, because of the extensive early development of plant pathology and forest planting in Germany, has been writ- ten by Germans. A large portion of the German articles on it was either by foresters or by botanists in the day when most patho- logical work was of the reconnaissance type. Therefore, while the work of one of the best known of the parasites on coniferous seed- lings was noticed in Europe as early as the eighteenth century (21, p. 252-253) most of the European data available are observational. The only fungi which were at all definitely connected with the dis- ease on conifers seem to have been Fusarium (/usoma spp.) and Phytophthora fagi (P. omnivora De Bary in part). The dampine~ off Rhizoctonia was described in Germany in 1858 and Pythium de- baryanum in 1874; the fact that neither of these, important in conif- vrous seed beds in both the eastern and western United States, has ever been reported from conifers in Europe is perhaps the best evi- 8 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. dence of the relatively small amount of actual investigation carried on there on this disease in the nurseries. A number of references to the damping-off of conifers in the English horticultural and botani- ‘al literature yield even less definite information as to the causal fungi than do the German articles. e With the awakening of interest in reforestation in the United States between 15 and 20 years ago and the first efforts to grow pimes in quantity for forestry purposes, attempts were made to de- termine the cause of the disease in this country and to develop direct- control methods. Duggar and Stewart (32) made what appears to be the first report of Rhizoctonia in connection with the damping-off of conifers. Spaulding (136, 137), in work begun in 1905, eon- tributed much to our knowledge of the etiology of the damping-off of pine in this country, especially in relation to Fusarium, and origi- nated the sulphuric-acid method of control. The writer in 1910 re- ported preliminary inoculations on conifers with both Rhizoctonia and Pythium debaryanum (62). The work of Gifford (46) and Hofmann (77) added to the information on the causal relation of Fusarium spp. and P. debaryanum, respectively. Hartley, Merrill, and Rhoads (68) have recently established the parasitism of a num- ber of strains of the Corticium vagum type of Rhizoctonia on pine seedlings under inoculation conditions, have confirmed Spaulding’s conclusions as to the parasitism of Yusarium moniliforme Sheldon, and have given preliminary data on other fungi. They consider ?. debaryanum and C. vagum more important in pine seed beds than any single Fusarium species. Hartley and Hahn (69) have announced successful inoculations on pines with P. debaryanum and PRheospo- rangium aphanidermatus Edson, with less satisfactory evidence of the parasitism of Phytophthora sp. and a fungus tentatively referred to Pythium artotrogus. Hartley and Pierce (67) report the finding of P. debaryanum in Tsuga mertensiana and Pseudotsuga taxifolia as well as in the pines. In damped-off pine seedlings they find /. debaryanum more commonly than C. vagum, especially in beds which have received disinfectant treatments. Other considerations, how- ever, keep them from concluding that the former is necessarily the more important of the two. Both of these latter papers and all of the reports of Pythium with the exception of Hofmann’s are brief notes, presenting no evidence in support of the statements mace. DESCRIPTION. The symptoms of damping-off in conifers have already been de- scribed in some detail (68). In the paper cited, injury due to exces- sive heat of the surface soil and injury caused by high wind, both of which may easily be confused with damping-off, are described and accompanied by colored illustrations both of different types of damp- DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 9 ing-off and of these nonparasitic troubles. The detailed descriptions will not be repeated here. A brief summary of the different types of disease recognized as included in damping-off follows: (1) Germination loss: The radicles are killed very soon after the seeds sprout and before the seedlings can appear above ground. This is an important type, which can be caused probably by any of the organisms commonly capable of causing the better known types of trouble (61, 63, 68, 187). (2) Normal damping-off (figs. 3, 4, and 5): The seedlings are killed by fungi invading either the root or hypocotyl after the seedling has appeared above the soil and while the stem is still dependent largely on the turgor of its cortical tis- sues for support. In sandy soils root infection is more common than hypocotyl infection, though the latter is the type most emphasized in the early horticul- tural descriptions. Biittner (26) some time ago recognized the frequence of Fic. 3.—Normal type of damping-off of Pinus: ponderosa. At the left is a damped-off seedling or root sprout of the southwestern ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya). (Photo- graphed by 8S. C. Bruner.) root infections. Damping-off in beds out of doors is primarily in most Cases a root rot, either of this type or of the types preceding and following. (3) Late damping-off includes cases of the root-rot type occurring only after the seedling stems have started to become woody and the cortex has begun to shrivel. The damping-off parasites, or at least part of them, continue to kill seedlings by rotting their roots for some time after the stems become too woody to be decayed. The seedlings affected do not fall over till a considerable time after death. For convenience, all cases of this sort up to the purely arbitrary age of two months are classed as damping-off. However, in weather permitting of average speed of development the seedlings are usually able to resist attack before they reach this age. Seedlings at the marginal age between suscepti- bility and nonsusceptibility to killing infections are found often with the younger parts of their roots killed, but with the older portions apparently able to resist invasion by the fungus, recovery taking place by laterals. Dr. R. D. Rands and the writer in 1911 established the ability of seedlings from 43-day-old beds of Pinus sylvestris, P: banksiana, P. nigra austriaca, and P. nigra poiretiana to survive such infections, even when more than half of the root system has been destroyed, by transplanting such root-sick seedlings and 10 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. observing their continued growth (fig. 6). An article recently found (25) shows that Biittner had earlier made the same sort of demonstration of recovery of root-sick conifers. Observations on olive seedlings in 1916 showed cases of partially rotted roots which were recovering by sending out lateral root branches. (4) Top damping: The cotyledons or upper part of the stem are invaded by the parasite, sometimes before the seedling breaks through the soil. The infec- tion may or may not be fatal. A special case of this type, probably caused by ¢ different parasité from those most commonly active, is that which in a publica- tion above referred to was described and figured as “black-top” (68). It is Itc, 4.—The beginning of an epidemic in drill-sown Pinus banksiana. Black crosses (X) indicate disease foci where the germinating seed were apparently killed and from which the disease is now spreading to adjacent seedlings. (Photographed by Dr. J. YV. Hofmann.) distinguished from ordinary top damping by the very dark color of the invaded tissues and its apparent dependence on some unusual set of climatic factors for its progress in the seedling after infection. The killing of dormant seed by fungi is a matter of some practical interest in seed beds, and possibly still more so in forests, as it may help to explain the failure of certain conifers to reproduce except on mineral or certain other special soil types (68). With sugar beets Pythium debaryanum (100) is said to attack dormant seed as well as seeds which have sprouted. It is to be presumed that with conifers some of the damping-off fungi will be found to attack dormant as well as sprouting seed. This matter is now under investigation. DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. iT Something is already known about the seed fungi of herbaceous plants (76, 91), broad-leaved trees (79, 92), and juniper (95). RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES. Of the types of damping-off described in the foregoing pages the first two are ordinarily the most important. Late damping-off is rarely as serious as the normal type of damping-off. Top damping is only of importance in cases of excessive and unusual atmospheric moisture, so far as the writer’s experience indicates. In the Middle West it has proved relatively insignificant. The three types which Fic. 5.—Nearly complete destruction of the seedlings of Pinus banksiana at an unusually early age, at Garden City, Kans. (Photographed by Dr. J. VY. Hofmann.) occur after the seedlings appear above the soil surface can, of course, be evaluated by frequent counts during the damping-off season. This has apparently not yet been done by anyone. However, in experi- ments on damping-off control by soil disinfection, data have been obtained on comparative emergence (number of seedlings appearing above the soil surface) in treated and untreated plats and on the total parasitic losses after the seedlings appear which permit a certain amount of analysis of the losses due to damping-off parasites. The data from five nurseries bearing on this point are presented in Table I. 12 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TABLE I.—Relative importance of losses by damping-off before and after conifer seedlings emerge from the soil. Basis. Loss in control plats. Number of Emerged ae Nursery and species. Series. plats. (viable seeds). | nee 0. Disinfectant. |- = Ta ema | 401 Ly | to Treat- Con- | Be- S AMinvng anil einer ed. | trols. |'fore: After.|Total.| col. 7. | 1 P4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bessey (Nebraska sand hills): | | P.ct.| P.ct.| P.ct.| Pinus banksiaha.........--. Average of 9....|Sulphurie acid} (a) | (») | 37.8 |e27.2 | 65.0) ¢1.39 z-Finus ponderosa.......-..- ASVeOT AGO Ol 2. aoa ek O2e oe ae 6 8] 28.1 |): 27.3}, 5504 1.03 SgeePinus resinosa.............- Average ona: -t\0c. doe 22220). 4 7} 29.4 | 54.1 | 83.5 . 54 . len City (southwestern Syeeansas): | PF einus austriaca. 2.3.5... Average of 2....| Copper — sul- 4 3 | 69.0 | 27.5 | 96.5 | 2.52 phate. } ints banksianas..) ose os eee Cover sae Zine chlorid. .. 3 2) 8057 | 12.0: | 92°71) 6.72 Pinus ponderosa..........- Average of 7....| Copper — sul- 17 29 | 15.3 | 30.9 | 46.2 4 phate. Cass Lake (northern Minne- sota): ING LOD LTS iene Formaldehyde 6 3 | 3.8 | 37.2 | 41.0 10 INOSLO52 oes gee leneee Goes 6 3 | 25.7 | 36.2 | 61.9 71 See Bn tae No. 1058........| Zine chlorid. .. 4 4| 5.7 | 26,2 | 31.9 22 Pinus resinosa....-....----. NO HORE 5-225 dost 22502 4 3| 7.4] 43.6] 5.1 18 Nos. 1057 and | Heat.......- se 4 2/ 4.9] 16.9 | 21.8 | 29 1061. Bese oh chigen): 107. Formaldehyde] * 6| 3)-5.9| 45.3 | 512| 13 Bihan Poneto abet cs Fores I\ (Lycee seeepiene tee Sulphuric acid 2 7 | 582] 18.0} 76.2) 3.25 | Nos. 791 and | Formaldehyde | 7 8 | 12.6 | 36.1 | 48.7 35 Fort Bayard (New Mexico): 792. >) linus ponderosae..-)).-- 2. Nos. 891 and | Sulphuricacid 8 6} 14.5.) 18:6") 33.2) .78 \{ 892. a Area counted, 122 square feet. b Area counted, 78 square feet. ¢In Pinus banksiana av the Bessey Nursery, the loss after emergence is slightly low and the ratio slightly high, because of the closing of counts on afew of the series before damping-off was erftirely over. The procedure was to average the number of seedlings which emerged in the control plats in each series and subtract this number from the average number emerging (that is, appearing above the soil surface) in the treated plats in the same series. The treated plats chosen were the ones which allowed the averaging of the greatest number of plats treated with the same disinfectant. Only those plats were taken in which there was no evidence of injury to the seed or seedlings by the disinfectant and in which the amount of normal damping-off during the first few days after emergence was so slight as to indicate satisfactory initial control of the parasites by the treatment. In such plats it was assumed that the germination loss was unimportant, and the average number of seedlings appear- ing on them was taken as representing the number of viable seeds per plat. The difference between this emergence figure and the average emergence in the controls was taken as indicating the extent of para- sitic loss before the seedlings appeared, including any destruction of dormant seed by parasites which may have occurred as well as the killing of germinating seed. Both this figure and the number DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 13 of seedlings which succumbed to damping-off after emergence were reduced to a percentage based on the indicated number of viable seeds, and they are directly compared in columns 6 and 7 of Table | ee three of the nurseries the data of the same species of pine and with the same treatment were averaged. The data in Table I do not indicate any regularity either in the extent of loss before emergence, the loss after emergence, or in the ratio between these RNs 2 ONOR two values. For ob- SS ZX oP VAN Nels ret vious reasons, no reg- ¥ SW gr Wy y ularity is to be ex- pected in any of these items. The table is of some interest, however, in confirm- ing the evidence of the inoculation ex- periments, of obser- vation of sprouting seed dug up in the beds, and of the par- tial or complete fail- ure of emergence at the centers of large damping-off foci (figs. 4,7, and 8) that the work of parasites before the seedlings appear may in some cases be of consider- able importance. ‘It is obviously impos- sible to make any general quantitative statement of the se- riousness of such loss, 5 ; ‘ ; Ic. 6.—Root sickness in Pinus nigra poiretiana. The two in view of the yvarla- seedlings at the right are healthy. The three at the left Mone in: its extent at or tye call quctecs, All axe putting out lateral roots trom different times and the lowermost sound point. Similarly injured seedlings places and of the in- when transplanted lived and made satisfactory growth. accuracy of any computations based on the relative emergence of hosts as irregular in their germination as the conifers are known to be. The case is complicated in addition by the fact that, despite careful avoidance of treated plats known to have suffered chemical injury, it is probable that a few seedlings were killed before emergence by the disinfectants used in some of the 14 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cases. It may furthermore be that in other cases the disinfectant had a stimulating effect, resulting in better germination in the treated plats, entirely aside from that resulting from parasite control. The number of disinfectant methods which concurred in giving apparent increases in germination, however, makes it seem reasonably cer- tain that no great part of the increase was due to this stimulation. In addition to the different disinfectants shown in the table, mer- curic chlorid, heat, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and ammonia all apparently resulted in approximately the same increases of germina- tion in tests at the Bessey Nursery as the sulphurie acid which was used as the standard for comparison in most of the series. Relative emergence in treated and untreated plats, as well as damping-off ig. 7.—A clean-killed area in a bed of Pinus ponderosa, caused by Corticium vagum. Inside a 12-inch circle at the center of this ‘‘ patch”? no seedlings appeared. It will be noted that the weeds as well as the pines have been killed with the exception of Salsola tragus. loss after the seedlings appeared, was determined at two nurseries in addition to those given in the table. The results at these nurseries in general confirmed those at the five nurseries covered by the table in showing lower emergence in the controls. Although it is impossible to draw positive conclusions, some idea of the seriousness of losses before the appearance of the seedlings above ground can be obtained by studying the data in Table I. The fact that such losses appear considerable, sometimes exceeding the losses from the damp- ing-off that occtirs after emergence, is believed to explain the com- mon failure to secure satisfactory results from control measures taken after the seedlings have come up and the disease has become noticeable. It is somewhat interesting to note that the data in the DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 15 table tend to confirm field observations that, as compared with other species, Pinus resinosa is more susceptible to the later forms of damping-off than to germination loss. Further indication that the killing of germinating seed before emergence may be important enough to help explain cases of poor germination is obtained by an entirely different method, as follows: At the Wind River Experiment Station of the United States Forest Service counts of the seedlings emerging and of those which later died were made on a number of untreated plats by forest officers, who kindly permitted the writer to use the data obtained. The counts were made separately on 10 plats each of noble fir (dies nobilis) and silver fir (Abées concolor). The plats of each species had been sown with equal quantities of seed. It appeared on in- spection of the figures that the plats which showed the poorest emer- Fic. 8.—The area shown in figure 7 after the bed had been weeded and damping-off had practically ceased. (Photographed by S. C. Bruner.) gence were also the ones which suffered the most subsequent loss. The coefficient of correlation between the number of seedlings emerging and the percentage of subsequent loss in the same plats was found to be —0.49+0.16 for the noble fir, and —0.50+0.16 for the silver fir, an average of —0.49+0.11 for the two species, confirming the conclusion drawn from inspection of the figures. In other words, poor emergence and heavy subsequent loss were in general associated. The simplest explanation of this association appears to be to suppose that both poor emergence and subsequent loss were largely due to the same cause, namely, the damping-off parasites. Another possible explanation of the correlation would be to neglect parasites as im- portant causes of the poor emergence in certain plats and to suppose that the higher subsequent loss in such plats was due to heat injury, the less dense stands affording less shade to the bases of the seedlings composing it. As damping-off is in general so much more important than heat injury as a cause of death after emergence and the dif- ference in the degrees of shade between the plats with the denser 16 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and the plats with the thinner stands must have been very slight, this latter explanation has not much to support it. The data are believed to constitute further evidence of the importance of parasites in de- creasing the percentage of emergence in coniferous seed beds. That the effect of parasites on emergence should have been large enough in this case to make itself apparent on the face of the figures, despite the variations due to other sources, is especially interesting in view of the fact that the losses after emergence in these plats were not high =e ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF DAMPING-OFF. The importance of damping-off in coniferous nurseries in Europe is indicated by frequent reference to the disease in the literature. Biittner (25, 26) states that whole beds are frequently destroyed by it. Baudisch (9) speaks of the death of entire stands in many nurseries as the result of damping-off. In the United States Spauld- ing (137) considers damping-off a serious obstacle in forestation operations. Clinton (28, p. 348-349) reports serious damage to conifers in New England nurseries. The writer has found the dis- ease especially prevalent in nurseries in Nebraska and Kansas, a some- what unexpected situation in view of the relatively dry conditions prevailing there. A correspondent has reported heavy loss in seed beds in Texas. The economic importance of the disease in conifers is due in part to the rather heavy average losses experienced at many nurseries and in part to the irregular character of the losses. In one season losses may be negligible, while the next season the beds of certain species may be practically wiped out. Even without this element of uncertainty the losses experienced are expensive, because of the high cost of coniferous seed. The seed of some species costs from $3 to $5 a pound and seldom shows a germination of more than 60 per cent under nursery conditions. All inoculations with fragments of agar cultures scattered broadcast at one side of the pot, including about one-fourth ofits area. Nothing was added to the controls in experiment 62, but sterile agar was added to the controls in experiments 66, 67, and 68. DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 43 TABLE III.—/noculation experiments with Pythium debaryanum in pots of steri- lized soil—Continued. | Pythium strain. Results. Damp- Num- ; : : : ing-off | Sur- Series, pepe nent number, Initialstrain px jhe aR Emerged| after | vival 5 | No. from which it at * |\(per 5-pot| germi- | (per 5- | wasreisolated. | POS unit). | nation} pot (per | unit). cent). Series B.— Reisolated strains— Continued. OOOtes e- No. 295 (in P. 5 (a) 9 67 3 ponderosa, expt. 58). 345...... No. 218 (in P. 5 (a) 15 33 10 banksiana, E expt. 58). Palace 2A No. 258 (in P. 5 (a) 36 25 27 banksiana No. 66, Pinus banksiana. . F expt. 62, 2 | unit). CG ae eee dote Aen. 5 (a) 59 10 54 cit Sea e No. 348 (in P. 5 (a) 25 100 0 banksiana, expt. 62). ABOE: S5e8 No. 347 (in P. Sup (a) 41 72 11 banksiana, expt. 62). Controls. |-5..-c8teonctho = 71) BARA See Bee 75 14 64 (eas. J252 No. 295 (in P. 5 (a) 7 57 3 ponderosa, expt. 58). Wa5be ao. No, 218 (in P. 5 (a) 24 37 15 banksiana, ( expt. 58). BUA eo No. 258 (in P. 5 (a) 57 24 44 banksiana, expt. 62, 2d unit). No. 67, Pinus banksiana.. (415...... No. 258 (in P. 5 (a) 30 37 19 banksiana, expt. 62, Ist unit). \|419...... No. 348 (in P. 5 (a) 62 65 22 banksiana, | expt. 62). (450: aa52 3 No. 347 (in P. 5 (a) 53 27 | 39 banksiana, expt. 62). | @orrtrolsile seen. 93 Resta eameatrs 87 5 | 83 Doorn ae ws No. 295 (in P. 5 (a) 85 26 | 63 ; ponderosa, expt. 58). Bane No. 218 (in P. 5 (2) 76 24 58 banksiana, expt. 58). HALAS ees No. 258 (in P. a (a) 98 14 84 banksiana, expt. 62, 2d unit). No. 68, Pinus resinosa. -. ..|{415...... No. 258 (in P. 5 (a) 92 11 82 banksiana, expt. 62, Ist unit). 419 eos No. 348 (in P. 5 (a) 95 45 52 banksiana, expt. 62). 4505 = 52 No. 347 (in P. 5 (a) 84 40 51 banksiana, expt. 62). (Ontrols)| sete aes f. TS. eee eee 104 0 104 @ Allinoculations with fragments of agar cultures scattered broadcast at one side of the pot, including about one-fourth of its area. Nothing was added to the controls in experiment 62, but sterile agar was added to the controls in experiments 66, 67, and 68. As has been stated, securing positive results did not always mean that the control pots remain uninfected. Even with the most care- ful treatment and the use of boiled water throughout the experiment 44 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. it proved difficult to keep the control pots entirely free from damp- ing-off. Cultures from seedlings which damped-off spontaneously in control pots indicated that Pythium as well as Fusarium may be introduced by accident, even when insects, birds, and rodents are ex- cluded. This agrees with the evidence of Hofmann (77) that Pythium debaryanum is sometimes disseminated by wind, despite its apparent lack of adaptation to wind distribution. It is also in- dicated, however, that unheated tap water increases damping-off when used on control pots and probably carries this semiaquatic fungus. Notwithstanding infections in the controls of a number of the experiments, it is believed that the large number of pots whose results have been considered in drawing conclusions, the fact that the Pythium pots lost more heavily than the controls in every one of the 16 experiments, and the magnitude of the differences between both the emergence and subsequent damping-off figures for the inoculated pots and the controls in most of the experiments establish the parasitism of the fungus in inoculation on autoclaved soil without it being neces- sary to present all the evidence in detail. The pot series which in- volved reisolation and reinoculation (Table IIT), together with the results given for other purposes in Tables V and VI, seem sufficient by themselves to establish a parasitic relationship. REISOLATION AND REINOCULATION. In a number of the experiments dead seedlings in the inoculated pots were examined and typical Pythium hyphe and spores were found. In three of the experiments in which the controls remained entirely free from disease up to the time the experiment was closed, reisolations: and reinoculations were made in accordance with the usual rules of proof. The results are given in Table III. From Table IIT it will be seen that five strains reisolated from Pinus banksiana and one strain reisolated from P. ponderosa gave positive results in pots of P. banksiana and P. resinosa. In addition to the reinoculations shown in the table, the strain reisolated from Pinus ponderosa (No. 338) was again reisolated in duplicate from P. banksiana in experiment 62, and both these secondary reisolations gave cultures which were parasitic on P. banksiana and P. resinosa in subsequent inoculations. That the organisms reisolated were actually the same as those used in the initial inoculation is indicated not only by the absence of dis- ease in the control pots of experiments 58 and 62, but by the distine- tive characters of some of the strains. In general, cultures reisolated from strongly parasitic initial strains were themselves strongly parasitic and vice versa. This is shown by comparing the figures for the initial and reisolated strains, as shown in Table IV. Each figure represents the average results in 10 pots of jack pine and 5 of red DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 45 pine in experiments 66, 67, and 68 combined. The figures are rel- ative, the mean survival of 47 different strains used in all three ex- periments being taken as 10. A survival figure above 10 therefore means that the strain was less destructive than the average Pythium, and a figure below 10 indicates more than average virulence. As strain 218 was not used in these three experiments, strain 345 can not be compared. Tas_e 1V.—Comparative virulence of original cultures and reisolated strains of Pythium debaryanum in experiments 66, 67, and G68. a = Rela- Rela- Pythium strain. Description. Be | Pythium strain. Description. ae vival. | vival. IN@nouscisen se .aca Original culture......... UGH |WIN} 4005s oe ee Reisolated from 338. ..-- 9 HAS Seon aon Reisolated from 258... .. UZ} HW ENO34 fee ose cas Original culture......... 4 INGHAT DE. osc oseet Se ccs Oe ose Sseeee DN | Nowe 50 meee eee Reisolated from 347... .. 7 Nos2d0e-2.-2--.2|. Original culture. ....2..2 AvIMNOy S48ee creas ee Original culture......... 10 INCHGK eee Reisolated from 295. .... AN Ov4O es tee ee Reisolated from 348. .... 4 NMOe408S2-320--52 Reisolated from 338. ...- 6 These figures are not absolutely consistent, but are to be viewed as contributing to the evidence furnished by the absence of damping- off in the control of experiments 58 and 62 that the cultures reiso- lated in those experiments were actually identical with the original strains. A further proof of this identity is in the fruiting tendencies of the strains. Both Nos. 414 and 415, the strains neolited from original strain 258, exhibited the peculiarly sparse spore production which has been characteristic of strain 258 for the entire period dur- ing which it has been in culture. The other reisolated strains, taken from pots inoculated with normally fruiting strains, all showed normal spore production. : PURITY OF CULTURES. A slight deficiency in the evidence as to the parasitism of Pythium debaryanum both in the writer’s work and apparently in all previous investigations except those of Peters (100) and possibly Knechtel ° is the lack of single-spore cultures. The large number of strains which have remained apparently pure through numerous subcultures and have retained their individual characteristics as to virulence and fruiting tendencies (one strain having been carried on artificial media continuously for eight years without material change) give very strong justification for believing that the cultures used were pure. In three early inoculation tests the cultures used were after- wards found to have been contaminated by bacteria carried by mites; the positive results obtained in these three were the basis of the ear- 5 Knechtel’s work in Rumanian has been available to the writer only in the German abstract, which makes an ambiguous statement on this point. 46 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. liest report of pathogenicity (62), but have not been used as evidence in the present bulletin, though the contaminating bacteria in one of them, when tested independently, showed no evidence of parasitism. In all the experiments mentioned in the foregoing as giving positive results with Pythium the cultures used were apparently pure. Cultures from single chlamydospores should be reasonably easy to secure, part of the chlamydospores in water cultures being separa- ble from the mycelium by vigorous shaking, and further inoculation tests with cultures so obtained are probably desirable. The experi- ments so far conducted are believed to be sufficiently conclusive, how- ever, for all practical purposes. For isolation of absolutely pure lines of this or any other coenocytic fungus, it is evident, as pointed out by Dr. W. H. Weston (146), that isolations should be made from the uninucleate swarm spores. For the determination of the bare fact of pathogenicity such a refinement would be superfluous. CROSS-INOCULATIONS. The physiological identity of the Pythium attacking coniferous seedlings with the one which attacks dicotyledons is indicated by the results of several inoculation experiments. The last two experi- ments, one with jack pine and one with red pine for the host, are the most comprehensive and give results sufficiently decisive so that quotation of the corroborative evidence from earlier experiments is considered unnecessary. The results appear in Table V. Each unit consisted of five 3-inch pots except in the controls, in which 23 pots were used in the jack-pine experiment and 18 in that with red pine. In the second experiment, separate records were kept of the survival in each pot, and the probable error calculated from the controls was less than two seedlings per pot for a single pot, less than 0.9 for a mean of 5 pots, and less than 0.5 for the mean of the 18 control pots. While the number of controls was, of course, in- sufficient to furnish an exact basis for such a calculation, the small value found tends to confirm the impression gained from inspection of the table that considerable confidence can be placed in the results. The difference appearing in Table V between jack pine and red pine in point of susceptibility to germination loss from Pythium agrees with field observations in Nebraska, the red pine at the Bessey Nursery, though on the whole more susceptible than jack pine to damping-off losses, having given indication of more resistance to the disease Tor the first week or two. Inoculations in other experiments on western yellow pine indicate that the strains which attack it are identical with those attacking jack pine and red pine. The conclusion reached from the cross-inoculation results is that the Pythium causing damping-off of the three species of pine men- DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 47 tioned is identical with Pythiwm debaryanum, causing leak of potato tubers and the damping-off of seedlings of two dicotyledonous families. TABLE V.—Results pf inoculations on jack pine and red pine with Pythium debaryanum from various hosts. Inoculation results. On jack pine. On red pine. Strain. Host from which isolated. a ; | Sur- " - Emerged Damp-| vival Emerged Damp Sur ing-off 2 ing-off | vival (per 5-pot (per (per |(per 5-pot (per_ | (per unit). cent) 5-pot]| unit). coat a5 eee on |pULULD) = Sea eees | Dicotyledons: | No. 131 4 POLAUOTOIIDOD. Seci--a2 noc acmica coe cee 45 36 30 101 23 15.6 No. 810) DO or daic.s tess adowscie ce ceseemicisee 45 34 | 30 62 41 7.4 Average potato. ............--- 45 ah} 30 82 32] 11.6 No. 294 ¢ Sugar-beet seedlings. ..........-.-.-- 50 8 | 46 79 36] 10.2 No. 295 ¢ Originally potato strain 131, but twice inoculated on and reisolated from sugar-beet seedlings by Ed- SOM sce cinas oceans sowles Seas we 28 | 32 19 62 48 6.6 No. 296d Sugar-beet seedlings. ...............-- 19 | 32 13 68 58 5.8 Average, sugar beet..........- 32 | 24 26 70 47 7.4 No. 529 Fenugreek seedlingsd...............- 36 31 25 102 26] 15.0 No. 530: DOS sere see oe ten ee cca eee oeeee | 60 49 3 108 22 16.8 Average, fenugreek......-.,... 48 40 28 105 24) 16.0 Conifers: No. 258 Western yellow-pine seedlings.---...- 58 | 9 53 109 Lal eeLSe10 No. 550 Sitka spruce seedlings.............-- 15 80 3 39° 98 2 No. 555 Engelmann spruce seedlings........- 42 29 30 45 70 5.0 Average, Spruces.......-------| 29 55 17 42 84 2.6 Raa cartinale es ot ay ti) ats 87 Ble 183 104 0| 20.9 a Furnished by Mrs. C. R. Tillotson: has been used » Furnished by Dr. L. A. Hawkins: cause of leak. successfully on sugar-beet seedlings by Dr. H. A. ¢ Furnished by Dr. H. A. Edson. Edson. : d Viseased material furnished by Prof. W. T. Horne. VARIATIONS IN VIRULENCE OF PYTHIUM STRAINS ON PINE. In Pythium debaryanum strains, as in the case of Corticium vagum, there appeared to be a considerable difference in the parasitic activity of different strains used in the same experiment. Figures 14, 15, and 16 show graphically the results from inoculations with different strains of P. debaryanum in all the experiments in which it was possible to compare directly the activity of different strains. All the inoculations involved at the time of sowing the addition to the soil of cultures on nutrient media in recently autoclaved 3-inch pots. In experiment 31C the inoculum fragments were scattered over the whole pot, in 31D at only one point in each pot, and in the others were distributed over about one-fourth of the pot’s area. As noted elsewhere, the variations observed in the results may have been due in part to differences in the ability of the different strains to main- 48 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, tain themselves saprophytically in the soil used rather than entirely due to difference in virulence. The data shown in figures 15 and 16 indicate in the first place ‘rather more accidental variations in the results with Pythium than with Corticium (see figs. 1, 2,10, and 11). The agreement between original and reisolated strains from the same original source is de- cidedly less good than in the case of Corticium (see experiments 71 and 72, figs. 10 and 11). In general, there are only two strains of HOST PINUS BANASIANA YEAR IAB EXPT. gS" o 8 LIVING SEEDLINGS FERIOOIN CONT) Fig. 14.—Diagram showing variations in virulence as indicated by the living seedlings in pots of autoclaved soil inoculated with different strains of Pythium debaryanum. For experiments Nos. 31 and 66 to 72, inclusive, the surviving seedlings at the end of two or three weeks after germination are shown. For the other experiments damping-off was so heayy in the inoculated pots that the survivals did not give differential results for the different strains, and the germinations are therefore shown. The reports are based for experiments Nos. 71 and 72 on 2 or 3 pots for each strain in each experiment, and for the other experiments on not less than 5 pots for each strain. In experiments Nos. 66, 67, and 68 the number of pots in each experiment for the strains whose reisolations were also used varied from 10 to 40 for each strain, the results of the separate 5-pot units being shown in figure 15. The strains indicated by the different symbols are as follows: From potato: @—Strain 131, isolated in 1909, California, Furnished by Mrs. C. R. Tillotson. From sugar beet: O=Strain 295 and its reisola- tions from pine. No. 295 was furnished by Dr. H. A. Edson as a reisolation of strain 131, after having been passed by him through two generations of sugar-beet seedlings. A =Strain 294, isolated in 1912. Furnished by Dr. Edson. A=Strain 296, isolated in 1912, Wisconsin. Furnished.by Dr. Edson. X=Strain 297, originally from pine, Nebraska, 1911. Passed through two generations of sugar-beet seedlings by Dr. Edson. From pine seedlings: +—=Strain 255, Kansas, 1913. Chlamydospores numerous ; oospores rare. Strain 258 and its reisolations, Kansas, 1913. A sparsely fruiting strain. =Strain 218 and its reisolation, Kansas, 1912. ©—Strain 347 and its reisolation, Washington, D. C., 1915. -J—Strain 348 and its reisolation, Washington, D. C., 1915. A=Strain 349, Washington, D. C., 1915. H]—Strain 354, Minnesota, 1915. Pythium which can be said to have definitely shown difference in activity continuing through several years and on different species of pine. These are strains 295 and 258. As No. 258, the weak strain, has also been found abnormal in its fruiting tendencies, the evidence in these graphs does not indicate a decided difference in virulence between different typical strains of Pythiwm debaryanum. The other strain, which seems rather uniformly weaker than No. 295, is No. 131, which according to Dr. Edson’s records was originally the DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERISS. 49 same strain, No. 131 having been twice used in his inoculation ex- periments on sugar beets and strain 295 recovered from the second experiment. The apparent difference between this original strain and its supposed reisolation may possibly be due to the treatment given strain 131. Before it was used in any of the experiments shown but after it had been used by Dr. Edson, it was allowed to get very dry and was revived with great difficulty, growth being very slow. While it apparently recovered all of its normal growth qualities after one or two transfers, it 1s thought that this may possibly explain the apparently decreased 6a ema virulence in the later yggp experiments. EXPT. The failure to se- cure as definite indi- cations of constant OX” virulence differences Se as were obtained for NES several of the Cor- N80 ticilum strains is be- = lieved to be in part }Q20 due to a smaller S& actual difference be- Nit i) tween the different q 0 CEES Sa onermpeguriep tenn ty amr pearing inthe graphs figure 14, giving the results for original and reisolated ea coon oni ho ae) rts Latent, Taek meh Bet Des larger accidental va- give an idea of the degree of variability in the success of riation between re- ite harass fn testad at ee in symbols used will sults in pots inocu- lated with the same strain. The growth of Pythium on agar media is much more affected by variations in the substratum than is the growth of Corticium, and it is rather natural to expect greater variations when the two fungi are added to autoclaved soil. In experiments 66, 67, and 68 a number of strains not used in the earlier experiments were tested, in addition to the strains previously used. The survival results for all the different strains, both original and reisolated, 47 in all, are shown graphically in figure 16. The results in experiments 66 and 67, both on Pinus banksiana, are averaged and taken as the subject, while the results with the same strains in experiment 68 are made relative and shown by the broken line. . The correlation between the performance of the same strains on the two species of pine is by no means as clear in the graph as it was in the case of the Cor- ticium strains (fig. 11). The areas bounded by the broken line and 19651°—Bull. 984—21——_4 50 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. » the horizontal line showing the location of the mean for experiment 68 are much larger below "ihe means than above it in the left-hand portion of the graph, while the reverse is true in the right-hand portion. To this extent the relative activity of the strains in this experiment agrees with the performance of the same strains in the two jack-pine experiments, as shown by the solid line. It can not be decided from an inspection of the graph whether there is a real agreement, in view of the large accidental variation present. How- ever, the correlation coefficient, 0.446-+0.079, five and one-half times its probable error, indicates a considerable correlation, not as good as was found for the Corticium strains, but sufficient to establish a strong presumption that observed differences in activity of the dif- ® is} p 8 8 SEEDLINGS SURVIVING PER S-POT UNIT 6 SCORE ERE GEE EEE CE EL OCECR OPC EGKEE ERR ORSE CLES EE STRAINS OF PYTH/IUM poh Bs NUM Fig. 16.—Diagram showing the comparative virulence of 47 strains of Pythiwm debaryanum in successive inoculation experiments on species of Pinus. The results in experiments Nos. 66 and 67 (on Pinus banksiana) are shown by the solid line, the strains being arranged from left to right in the order of descending virulence indicated by the number of seedlings surviving in those experiments. The results from the use of the same strains in experiment No. 68 (on Pinus resinosa) are shown by the broken line. Such correlation as there is between the two curves (coefficient 0.45+0.08) goes.to indicate a real difference in virulence between the different strains. The strains indicated by the underscored numbers are original strains,-and those not underscored are reisolations from the original strains in earlier inoculation experiments on pine seedlings. ~ ferent strains in these inoculation experiments were in part actually | due to differences in the capacity of the strains. It has been suggested in the foregoing that the difficulty in demon- strating constancy in the difference in virulence between the various | strains of Pythium debaryanum is due in part to the lack of such extreme differences as were observed between the various Corticium strains. Figure 13 shows the distribution of the different original Pythium strains according to the virulence indicated in the three inoculation experiments of figure 16 (application to autoclaved soil at the time of sowing). Each value plotted is based on the average results in 15 ge? Of the strains used, 21 were from species of pine, 1 from spruce, 2 from potato tubers, 2 fore fenugreek, 3 from sugar beet, and 6 from soil direct. Despite the considerable paeee of 4} DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 51 strains, they are not much more representative than the smaller num- ber of Corticium strains experimented with. All of the strains from soil direct and 11 of the strains from pine were taken at approxi- mately the same time from the same nursery in Michigan by Mr. Glenn G. Hahn; despite the fact that these were the most recently isolated of the strains used, nearly all of them proved weak in the inoculations. Of the 17 strains which proved the weakest (out of 35), all but 3 were from this Michigan nursery. The 18 strains from other sources (5 from California, 2 from Minnesota, 2 from Kansas, 1 from Wisconsin, 2 from an unknown locality, and 6 from Washing- ton, D. C., representing two coniferous and three dicotyledonous host genera), as shown by solid circles in figure 13, for the most part were rather closely grouped within the more virulent portion of the range. The coefficient of variability in the survivals allowed by the 35 Pythium debaryanum strains is 39+38.6 per cent, while for the smaller number of original strains of Corticitum vagum in experi- ments 71 and 72 it is 63+9.7 per cent. It is evident from figure 13 that if there had not been a disproportionately larger number of strains from the Michigan nursery the variability of the P. de- baryanum strains would have been much less than 39 per cent. The number of strains was, of course, altogether insufficient for either fungus to represent adequately a population as immense as the total number of strains of either of these omnipresent species. The above data, however, contain the only available information of which the writer is aware on variation in the virulence of different strains of P. debaryanum. . The evidence as a whole, both from the results shown in figure 13 and the experience with 6 other strains which were not used in the experiments on which figure 13 was based, lead the writer to believe that most strains of Pythium debaryanum taken from lesions in plants are ordinarily likely to prove rather virulent parasites on pine seedlings. It further appears that the variation in virulence between the different strains of P?. debaryanwm on pine seedlings is less than the variation in strains of Corticium vagum. PYTHIUM INOCULATIONS ON UNHEATED SOIL. Inoculations with Pythium debaryanum were made in western Kansas on a fine sand containing little humus after treating the soil with acid followed by lime. Commercial sulphuric acid was applied at the rate of 14.8 c. c. per square foot of bed, followed two days later by 25.5 grams of air-slaked lime raked into the soil (0.16 liter of acid and 0.274 kg. of lime per square meter). The acid was diluted before applying with 256 volumes of water. The seeds were sown in drills, and inoculum was placed in the drills at the time of sowing. Each unit involved approximately 11 linear inches of drill, and all 59 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. received equal quantities of seed. Three strongly parasitic strains of Pythium were used, and a total of 12 units of jack pine and an equal number of western yellow pine was inoculated with 12 inter- spersed units of each species as controls. The mean results are as follows: Pinus banksiana.—Inoculated plats: Emerged, 64.24.9; died during the next 17 days. 25 per cent. Control plats: Emerged, 85.53.6; died during the next 17 days, 13 per cent. Pinus ponderosa.—Inoculated plats: Emerged, 34.6£1.8; died during the next 9 days, 39 per cent. Control plats: Emerged, 45.4+1.3; died during the next 9 days, 25 per cent. The difference in emergence apparently due to the inoculation is for the first species three and one-half and for the second nearly five times its probable error. While, of course, 12-unit means are in- sufficient to allow the calculation of entirely reliable probable errors, they give some idea of the amount of variability of the results and the confidence which can be given them. It is impossible to give any such expression applying directly to the damping-off percentages and their differences, for the reason that averages for this item have been made in the writer’s work not by averaging the percentages for the individual units but by totaling all the seedlings and the dead seedlings on the plats to be averaged and recalculating the percent- age from these figures. This seems the only safe method, as other- wise units in which germination is low by accident or by the action of parasites will be given an influence on the resultant mean entirely disproportionate to the number of seedlings which they contain. Average values for damping-off obtained by this method and by the method of averaging the percentages of the individual plats or pots are often very different; it not uncommonly happens that the units in which germination is lower than the average also have especially high damping-off percentages, both phenomena being caused by an unusual activity of parasites. In such case to average the percentages themselves usually gives a higher damping-off figure than to total the seedlings for the different units and redetermine the percentage, and the latter practice is considered the better. In the present case the differences in the damping-off percentages obtained by the two methods are not great. The figures obtained by averaging the per- centages of the ultimate units are as follows: Pinus banksiana.—Inoculated, loss 30.95.0 per cent; controls, loss 13.2+2.8 per cent. Pinus ponderosa.—tInoculated, loss 40.05.1 per cent; controls, loss 24.1-43.3 per cent. The differences between the inoculated and control plats in damp- ing-off percentage were for the first species a little over and for the second a little under three times their indicated probable errors. DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 53 The results in general make it appear that the Pythium was able to kill some pines both before and after their appearance above the soil surface on the soil treated with the acid and lime. The control in this experiment did not receive the nutrient substratum added with the Pythium inoculum, but an experiment run under the same con- ditions at nearly the same time, in which seven strains of hyphomy- cetes with the same substrata entirely failed to decrease survival, indicates that the rice subtratum was not in itself the cause of the observed result. The rather weak action of the Pythium in these experiments stands out in sharp contrast to the results with Corticium vagum in the same experiments, practically all emergence being pre- vented by most of the Corticium strains used, some of which had proved less active than Pythium in tests on autoclaved soil. In a soil in Nebraska, somewhat similar but with more humus, 5.5 ec. c. (three-sixteenths fluid ounce) of sulphuric acid per square foot applied in solution at the time of sowing had been found greatly to decrease damping-off. In different parts of beds treated with acid from 10 to 17 days earlier, 96 plats, each 3 inches square, were laid out, and each plat was inoculated at the center. Interspersed with these were 96 plats set apart as controls. Emergence had already begun at the time of inoculation. Jack pine, red pine, and Corsican pine were the hosts, and three Pythium strains of known parasitism, growing in pieces of prune agar the size of peas, constituted the inoculum. The damping-off after emergence was less than 1 per cent higher for the inoculated plats than for the controls. Even such a light inoculation would probably have given some results in auto- claved soil, so the experiment indicates, as would be expected, that this acid-treated soil was less favorable for Pythiwm debaryanum than steamed soil. On pots containing entirely untreated soil the following series of inoculations were made at the time of sowing the seed : Inoculation at one point in each pot: Experiment 25. Jack and western yellow pine, 1 pot of each inoculated ; survival 18 days after emergence slightly greater in both than in the six controls. Experiment 27. Jack pine, 73 pots, 27 controls; average emergence, 59 in inoculated pots and 56 in controls; damping-off, 39 per cent in inoculated pots and 87 per cent in controls. Experiment 29. Jack, Corsican, and western yellow pine, 112 plats in- oculated just as emergence commenced instead of at seed sowing, as in other cases, and 112 controls alternating with them; damping- off was less in the inoculated plats than in the controls. Experiment 31. Jack pine, 8 pots inoculated, 8 controls; inoculated, emergence 33 per cent, damping-off 18 per cent, survival 198; con- trols, emergence 88 per cent, damping-off 26 per cent, survival 196. Experiment 58A. Jack pine, 5 pots inoculated, 5 controls; inoculated, emergence 59 per cent, damping-off 32 per cent, survival 40; controls, emergence 51 per cent, damping-off 12 per cent, survival 45. 54 BULLETIN 934, U. S: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Inoculations at two points in each pot: Experiment 26A. Jack pine, 8 pots inoculated, 4 controls; inoculated, emergence 29 per cent, as compared with 89 per cent in the controls ; subsequent damping-off the same in both. Inoculations at four points in each pot: Experiment 58B. Jack pine, 5 pots inoculated, 5 controls; inoculated, emergence 51 per cent, damping-off 10 per cent, Survival 46; controls, emergence 438 per cent, damping-off 22 per cent, survival 34. Hxperiment 59A. Jack pine, 5 pots inoculated, 5 controls; inoculated, emergence 55 per cent, damping-off 2 per cent, survival 54; controls, emergence 50 per cent, damping-off 8 per cent, survival 46. Of these experiments, No. 29 was in the original fine sandy soil of a nursery in Nebraska in which Pythium is commonly found native and damping-off losses are usually heavy. Experiments 58A and 59 were conducted on soil from the same source which had, been kept dry in the laboratory for five years; experiments 25, 27, 31, and 58A were on greenhouse mixtures of sand and soil. In experi- ments 31, 58A, 58B, and 59 parallel inoculations were made on auto- claved portions of the same soil, with definitely positive results in three of the four cases. In the heated soil the results were positive, not only because of smaller losses in the controls but because the losses in the inoculated pots were actually heavier in the sterilized soil than in that untreated. Tnoculations broadcast : Experiment 31. Jack pine, 8 pots inoculated, 8 controls; inoculated, emergence 31 per cent, damping-off 89 per cent, survival 129; con- trols, emergence 388 per cent, damping-off 26 per cent, survival 196. Experiment 59. Jack pine, 5 pots inoculated, 5 controls; inoculated, emergence 58 per cent, damping-off 22 per cent, survival 45; controls, emergence 44 per cent, damping-off 2 per cent, survival 48. Even with these broadcast inoculations the results on untreated soil were too indefinite to allow the drawing of positive conclusions. In both experiments much heavier losses than these resulted from inoculations on steamed soil. It is evident that experiments on steril- ized soil do not always show what can be expected on ordinary soil. The same thing is indicated by the results of Edgerton with tomato wilt (36). CONCLUSIONS AS TO THE PARASITISM OF -PYTHIUM DEBARYANUM. Pythium debaryanum has been found in low-altitude nurseries in all the species of conifers from which a serious effort has been made to obtain it, and its parasitism has been indicated in autoclaved soil on all of the conifers on which inoculation has been attempted. Therefore, although the work reported has been limited to a relatively small number of hosts, it seems likely that it will be found able to cause damping-off in most of the species of the Abietoideze which suffer seriously from the disease. Just how active as a parasite it is DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 55 under ordinary nursery conditions is yet to be proved. The results in inoculations on disinfected soil, together with the frequency with which the fungus has been isolated from seedlings in the nurseries, lead the writer to believe that it is an important cause of disease in the seed beds. Further experiments on unheated soil, however, are considered desirable. RHEOSPORANGIUM APHANIDERMATUS. ; CULTURAL STRAINS. A culture of a parasite on radishes and sugar beets, described by Edson (39) under the above name, was obtained from him, and an- other strain, shown by Edson’s records to be a subculture from the same original strain, was furnished by the department of plant pathol- ogy of the University of Wisconsin. In parallel cultures on solid media this fungus proved in many ways remarkably like Pythiwm debaryanum, reacting in practically the same way to the different media on which it was grown both in relative growth rate and in spore production. Mycelium, chlamydospores, oogones, antheridia, and oospores are not recognizably different from those of Pythiwm debaryanum. The oospores have seemed on the whole slightly larger -and the mycelium a little more inclined to aerial growth than most of the Pythium debaryanum strains, but neither difference was suffi- cient to have diagnostic value. Swellings of the hyphe occurred at points in contact with glass, just as with Pythiwm debaryanum (P1. I, figs. 5 to 7). In liquid cultures the Rheosporangium was readily distinguished from Pythium by the formation of the presporangia described by Edson. Autoclaved cylinders of turnip, 15 to 20 mm. long, cut with a 5-mm. cork borer, proved convenient bases for growth of both Rheosporangium and Pythium in water culture and quite as satis- factory as sterilized beet seedlings. Presporangia were also pro- duced in autoclaved soil, and in a single lot of corn-meal agar they were formed abundantly in the agar in Petri dish cultures. In none of the writer’s cultures, either with flies, sugar-beet seedlings, or turnip cylinders as nutrient bases, were mature escaped sporangia or swarm spores commonly produced. The Rheosporangium was not obtained in any of the numerous cultures made from coniferous seedlings or from seed-bed soil. INOCULATION EXPERIMENTS. The Rheosporangium cultures above referred to, strain 229 fur- nished by Dr. Edson and strain 351 received from the University of Wisconsin, were tested on pine and red-beet seedlings, with parallel inoculations with Pythium debaryanum. The results appear in Table VI. 56 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Ls TaBLE VI.—Results of parallel inoculation with Rheosporangium aphanidermatus and Pythium debaryanum on pine seedlings in autoclaved soil. —————————e Results, Experiment number, host, and inoculating fungus.« Phpetns Emerged |Damping-| Survival (per cent | off (per | (per cent ofseed). | cent). | ofseed), No, 30, Pinus ponderosa: : Per pot. | Per pot. | Per pot. Rheosporangium, strain 229)... -...-:-....22.-. ce sesee 5 23 3 22 DAVIN ANSEL ORNS = so eee ee een eee en eee 5 M4 38 9 Can trp ISHRaee sae ee ce cater teehee et ee ne 5 20 22 16 No. 31, Pinus banksiana: Rheosporanpium, Strain 220... soe cee as ease ec ce ence b) 45 13 40 ° PV ihiome strainieen wu ek ee eee 10 12 44 7 CONTLOIS® sane dow ae sce he mate fae tee aenoetae cats ee ee ane 25 43 5 41 Per 5-pot Per 5-pot No. 58, Pinus banksiana: unit, unit. Reosporaneium’ Strain 220.225 Sa. eee ee ee aa 5 46 12 45 PAV UHI MI AS SCE AIS Sees 2 Se hse rhe ech ott ee eg a 40 2.6 50 123 ConthOlsee peepee eee se een eee a Oe rae 10 7 0 78 No. 59, Pinus banksiana: Rheosporanpium strain 2200220 -2- 22. ken ee. ee eee ce 5 46 11 41 VRS SUPAINS 8b eae kes eras Rae et pew ce be ea Re eee 40 15 35 10 DiS TNT OH Ra Seat afog SARE MEE ah Salt cd pet AD el hPa ee 10 64 0 64 No. 61, Pinus banksiana: RUNSOSPOrANPiumMs StraiNisol 2. ss ae ecS-s a naese ooee noses 20 16 36 10 VEDI a SCPAMNS 2. cole soca aaass abo eee ese yeas 20 2 57 1 CGT RO See ee ce Tey eee cee ne care e Beaeree a eet 20 60 2 59 No. 61, Pinus banksiana and beets in same pots: Beets} Rheosporangium, SUSI Sole ee oer cena ee eet son 5 { os c) 88 (>) 8 No. 61, beets alone: heosporanriumy strain ool’ ..2) ba. -aase Saeco ean ee 5 43 72, 12 No. 62A, beets: x re aa , 5 A SERBIA 2O tone ena ea ree ees 5 ¢ ( 8s Rheosporangium{* 7a DOW espace et ae ee noe eck er Re ae 4 42 35 27 PD ULI eaS GPS atte ese nephews | eee Be ahs afar 20 12 83 2 Goniroissee ere sen oa eee ae es Bee dancin 3 gee etn Mp ee 11 86 0 86 No. 62A, beets: 6 5 Me v 4 ; . SULA 220 cree oe cee aero ie eee E 4 Rheosporangium eteaiyt rt lads ere ade Cie Pe ia 5 © 27 78 c6 CONT TOIS ee tees ae ech ce tae ene ee eee ee eee 5 c77 1 c 76 No. 62A, beets and Pinus banksiana in same pots: E Boots} Rheosporangium, Strain/220.- So cceegs c+ os oe 5 { re os “e Beek ;Rheosporangium, Strainigole eon sass een ee Sats 5 { ae ae - Pines ‘ $1 0 81 Boots yoontrols Stee craigs cistela betes be oases aes case eee eee 5 { 67 0 57 No. 62B, Jack pine: @ 35 ¥ = ” © ‘ F Strain 220). co n8,: seen eec cue hace ee meet oe 2 Rheosporangium( rain Sole ene cree eet pe ueareee 2 53 10 48 Py EITM, Strain: 258 a2 ganache a. ac ese seenes ie eaa ses 2 10 100 COnmtimolseers he ee ee eet. ne plene es ee ce inem 3 82 0 82 No. 66, Jack pine: oe : : 5 “ 5 te : SULAUM: 229 cies comic cae on tn oe sete ae a : Rheosporangium froin OR Waa een wee bee iat Bae TY 5 80 52 39 Pythiam, 47'strains and substrains.....//522.--..-..----.-e 235 43 33 29 Controlsi2eee Se aaa goo. Re Sateen eerie et ras epee 25 75 14 64 No. 67, Jack pine: Se 8 ae - see ALATIG strain 229........ Raiarete Saale seein. ERS Rheosporangium{ strain 391 220.2 5 88 6 83 Pythium, 47 strains and substrains..............-. ae 235 51 26 38 Controls shee see nc Sa, ee eee ate ee ea 23 87 5 83 No. 68, Red pine: t a ie ae ee Strain) 229" < cee n cee omeren eens Sea re 5 5 Rheosporangium) strain $51... ss lecceclseee heen tL 5 124 0 124 Pythium, 47 strains and substrains.-....- bs SARS occ Reo 235 86 7 63 Controlssze se a5 oP es ee er ce eee a ee eee 18 104 0 104 2 Location of the inoculum: In experiment 30, at one point at the edge of each pot; in experiment 31, over the entire pot; in all other experiments, over one-quarter the area of each pot. > The breakage of the one seedling not killed while sprouting prevented the determination of results. c Double seed density in these pots; emergence and survival figures halved to allow direct comparison with otherunits. This high seed density may explain in part the higher loss in strain 351 than in strain 229. @ Experiment 62B was conducted at the same time as 62A, but with a different soil. Table VI shows that in experiments 30 and 67 the loss was less in the Rheosporangium pots than in the controls and that in experiment 68 the results were entirely negative, while in the remaining seven DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 57 experiments the losses were heavier in the Rheosporangium pots. Especially in experiments 61 and 62A the evidence indicates very strongly that both germination loss and subsequent damping-off of the seedlings which come up can be caused by inoculation with Rheo- sporangium on jack pine under favorable inoculation conditions. It is, however, obvious that in all of the experiments the parallel in- oculations with Pythiwm debaryanum gave much more positive re- sults. The Pythium was active under conditions in which the Rheo- sporangium gave no evidence whatever of parasitic capacity. It furthermore appears that the two strains of Rheosporangium, though probably identical originally, differed in virulence at the time of their comparison in these experiments. The greater virulence of strain 351 was quite distinct in most of the comparative tests on beets as well as on pines. The possibility that the original culture was really a composite of two or more strains, of which different ones survived in the subcultures kept at Washington and Madison, re- spectively, seems worth considering. Such an accident might also have been responsible for the divergence of Pythium strains 131 and 295 referred to in another section. Further evidence of the parasitism of Rheosporangium was ob- tained in inoculations with cultures reisolated from seedlings killed by the original strains in experiment 62. Typical Rheosporangium, identified by presporangium formation, was easily recovered from the damped-off seedlings in pots of pines only, those of beets only, and the pots in which both hosts were sown. The recovery of a virulent Pythium strain from a single one of the pots inoculated with the weaker Rheosporangium shows that despite the absence of dis- ease in the controls a shght amount of contamination did occur. However, the comparative ease with which the Rheosporangium was isolated from seedlings in other pots inoculated with it and the fact that it has never been obtained in the numerous cultures made from controls and from pots inoculated with other organisms leave little room for doubt that the strains isolated were really recoveries of the Rheosporangium used in the original inoculations. The results of reinoculation with these strains are shown in Table VIT. From Table VII and by comparison with Table VI it appears— (1) That in one experiment each on jack pine and red pine the reisolated Rheosporangium strains gave positive results. In a second experiment on jack pine (No. 67) the difference between the Rheosporangium pots and the con- trols was not significant. (2) That, as in Table VI, the Pythium strains used proved on the- whole decidedly more parasitic than the Rheosporangium strains. In experiment 66 this is not shown by the percentage of seedlings damped-off, but is sufficiently evident when the germination loss as well as the subsequent damping-off per- centage is considered, the survival being here, as in most other cases in which 58 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ‘ either of the groups of pots compared is seriously affected by parasites, the most convenient index of the comparative activity of the fungi used. In such a comparison as that between the Rheosporangium pots and the controls in experiment 68 (Table VII), accidental variations in emergence, of course, over- shadow the slight effect of the fungus, and the definitely determinable per- centage of loss after emergence is the only value which can serve as a basis for any definite conclusion, Taste VII.—Results of inoculations on pine seedlings with initial and reisolated strains of Rheosporangium aphanidermatus compared with parallel inocula- tions with Pythium debaryaniumn, Results - ‘ Num-| Num- Experiment number, host, and ate . . inoculating fungus. Reisolation source. borat ey ot Emerged Dara Survival pots. "|(per 5-pot ie cr |(per 5-pot unit) cent) unit). No. 66, Pinus banksiana: Rheosporangium— | LAND eae aca ce coe ener Edson from beet...-...-- 5 1 63 9 58 URAL Sole seo es tek scmste se aac Olnss ccc chesnce cmos 5 1 80 52 39 Strains 403 and 404.....-.-- Strain 229 from beet. -.-- 10 2 78 43 44 Strains 405, 406, and 407...| Strain 351 from beet... - 15 3 63 48 36 Strains 417, 430, and 433...| Strain 351 from pine..... 15 3 72 42 41 AIM OLAL OE soe acess scan shee Sensis. cece tenses <2 50 10} 70+2.7 40 4243. 8 GontroOlsieese= seers cscs cess tin |s=ecnaeee dan tececs ss.caceige hy aeeeade 75 15 64 IPVUNWIM NW AVerar Ose chen t acted Co ceecar soa eccwae need ane 235 47 43 33 29 No. 67, Pinus banksiana: Rheosporangium— Strain@2on eet 22 eek 5 1 107 0 107 Sursimispleas sees scene d 5 1 88 6 83 Strains 403 and 404 10 2 91 8 84 Strains 405, 406, and 407...) Strain 351 from beet... -- 15 3 92 4 88 Strains 417, 430, and 433...| Strain 351 from pine...-- 15 3 83 3 80 PN METARO MS metres ae cee so ctmte sae mee ee aaa ets ate e 50 10} 90+2.4 4 8642.9 @ontrolsteie Sete Hee e222] cee ease Sess oe sels. a5 Eee 87 5 83 IPYUHINMFaVverage:.< S.cncocea|socn ec tecccasben nesescece 235 47 51 26 38 No. 68, Pinus resinosa: Rheosporangium— Seren 220 ee caenieesecs « Edson from beet......-- 5 1 105 0 105 Siren sole. ee sig Se OLS. eee eo 5 1 124 0 124 Strains 403 and 404.-.....-.- Strain 229 from beet... -. 10 2 102 1 101 Strains 405, 406, and 407...) Strain 351 from beet.....| 15 3 105 5 100 Strains 417, 430, and 433...) Strain 351 from pine...--| 15 3 100 3 97 JAY BERS GSE Gn Saga) Ga NOUS EE BE Osos SAH SoBe Sac 50 10 | 105+2.3 2 102+2.5 Controls: eee semdut cle ac ca wteetee bh coos suas sk ceempeuacmesees US ies acer 104 0 104 Pythium) averace:.-. csc eesc | Sees seae cons eeaeees Orie) 235 47 86 27 63. A frequency graph based on the survivals of the 50 individual pots inoculated with Rheosporangium in experiment 68 yields a rather interesting asymmetrical curve (fig. 17). The shape of the curve is taken as indicating that in a large number of the pots the inocula- tion produced no effect, while in the smaller number of pots in which the inoculation apparently “took,” the loss was rather heavy. This is a rather common phenomenon in inoculations which are only partly successful, part of the pots being free or practically free from loss, while others are nearly cleaned out. It will be seen again in NN eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeeeEeEeEeEeE DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 59 figure 18. This suggests, further, that part of the lack of activity was due to the failure of the fungus to maintain itself vigorously in the soil till the pines reached a stage of sprouting in which they could be readily attacked. Direct inoculations after the seed starts to sprout are therefore desirable to supplement the experiments reported. The survivals in the controls did not show any such asymmetrical distribution. While the Rheosporangium has given rather definite evidence of parasitism. on Pinus banksiana under favorable conditions, the activity of the strains available has been much less than that of the Pythium debaryanum strains. In view of the fact that the fungus has not so far been isolated from pine it can be concluded to have no general importance in pine seed beds. Its very rapid growth on prune agar makes it very easy to isolate when present. & °o LY ° PHYTOPHTHORA SPP. ~ Ss Phytophthora fagi R. Hartig has been commonly reported FERCENTAGE OF POTS 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 3I SF as the cause of death SEEDLINGS SURVIVING PER POT of seedlings of va- Fic. 17.—Diagram showing the results of inoculation of rious plants in Eu- Pinus resinosa seedlings with Rheosporangium aphanider- a = matus, as indicated by the number of seedlings surviving rope, including con- in inoculated pots (solid line) and control pots (broken ifers and herbaceous line). The shape of the curve for the inoculated pots is ] t 1] taken as indicating that a large proportion of them plants as we as were entirely unaffected by inoculation, while those which beech iD, 8, 15. 55, ‘were at all affected suffered considerably. This is a = F frequent result in inoculations with weak parasites added 56, a1, 59, 73, 104.) at the time of sowing the seed. It has been grouped with the rather indefinite Phytophthora omnivora and with P. cactorum, the enemy of cactus, ginseng, and other plants. Wil- son (147, p. 54) considered it distinct, but Rosenbaum (114). in his biometric comparison of Phytophthora cactorwum and a single strain of P. fagi, failed to find ‘significant morphological differences. If P. fagi is even physiologically different from the American strains of P. cactorum, its introduction into the United States is to be guarded against. There is certainly no fungus in the United States causing the damage to coniferous seedlings which European reports have attributed to P. fagi there. As P. fagi attacks roots, it presumably can be carried in soil as well as on plant parts. 60 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. A test made on jack pine with a culture of Phytophthora cactorum, furnished by the department of plant pathology of Cornell Univer- sity, resulted negatively. At the time of sowing the seed three pots were inoculated with cultures on nutrient agar inserted at several points in each pot. After emergence additional fragments of prune- agar cultures were placed in contact with the seedlings, and they were POTS WW/7H PYTHIL/T n 40 Q 9 DO S 4 X40 POTS WITHOUT : PYTHIUM 9 & 30 8 O-VF- 1S-24 3O-F4 FS-SI9 60-74 75-89 90-10F- SLLQOLINGS SURVIVING PER POT Fig. 18.—Frequency of pots with different numbers of surviving seedlings of Pinus banksiana, inoculation experiment No. 81. The solid lines represent pots to which cultures of saprophytic organisms were added. The broken lines are based on pots to which no saprophytes had been added. The solid lines are based on 78 pots in the upper graph and 80 pots in the lower one; the broken lines on 33 pots in the upper and 25 pots in the lower graph. Pythiwm debaryanum was added just after sowing the seed at a single point in each pot represented by the two upper lines. Cultures of Saprophytes were applied broadeast two days before the Pythium inoculations were made. sprayed with a spore suspension. The pots were covered with glass to increase atmospheric moisture, and the seedlings were occasionally sprayed with an atomizer. The soil was an autoclaved mixture in which simultaneous inoculations in a different room with Pythium and Corticium proved successful. The failure of the Phytophthorz may possibly have been due to the lower temperature at which the pots incculated with it were kept (15° to 20° C.). DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 61 A species of Phytophthora was isolated by Mr. R. G. Pierce from damped-off Pinus resinosa in Minnesota and used in four inocula- tion experiments, the results of which appear in Table VIII. In the first of these experiments unboiled water was used on the pots, and mice obtained access to the pots of the second test. Probably as a result of these things infection occurred in the controls in both cases, and the results were inconclusive; in the later experiments these two sources of infection were eliminated, and in experiments 68 and 72B the controls were free from disease. Parasitic activity was in- dicated rather strongly in experiments 68 and 72 (on P. resinosa and P. banksiana) and to a certain extent in experiment 66. In experi- ment 67 it was evident that the Phytophthora was nearly or entirely inactive. Comparison of the results in experiments 66 and 68 with the results from inoculations with Rheosporangium aphanidermatus in the same experiments (Table VII) suggests that the Phytoph- thora may be better able to attack the pine from which it was isolated than the Rheosporangium, while the latter fungus caused consider- ably more destruction to Pinus banksiana than the Phytophthora. Comparison of the results in the pots inoculated with Phytophthora and those inoculated with Pythium debaryanum in all the experi- ments indicates that the Phytophthora strains used were less virulent than most of the strains of P. debaryanum and very certainly less destructive than the most dctive strains of either P. debaryanum or Corticium vagum. ‘This species of Phytophthora has been reisolated from damped-off Pinus ponderosa in experiment 72. Direct inoculations of the stems of seedlings of Pinus resinosa soon after they emerge from the soil have so far confirmed the lack of parasitism of Phytophthora cactorum and of the cultures of Phy- tophthora sp. grown by the writer. The identity of this species has not yet been determined. It is able to grow only about one-fourth as rapidly as Pythiwm debaryanum on the medium which has been used for isolation and may therefore be more common in the seed beds than the small number of isolations by the planted-plate method would indicate. However, its oospores, larger and darker than those of Pythium debaryanum (usually over 20 yin diameter), should have been recognized in the routine microscopic examination of planted- plate cultures had this species been frequently present, even if it had not grown fast enough to get out ahead of the other organism and allow isolation. It is not believed that it is common enough in pine seed beds to be of importance, even if other strains should be found more virulent than those which have been available. MISCELLANEOUS PHYCOMYCETES. A fungus, apparently referable to the somewhat indefinite Pythium artotrogus (Mont.) De Bary, was isolated by Mr. Glenn G. Hahn from Pinus resinosa in Michigan and from damped-off Pinus bank- 62 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, siana in pots of autoclaved soil which had received tap water at Washington, D. C. It agreed both in the appearance and measure- ments of its spiny oogones and smooth oospores with Pythiwm arto- trogus (P. hydnosporus) as described and figured by Butler (23). In addition to the spores which Butler describes, there appeared in apparently pure prune-agar cultures of different strains bodies with smooth walls, of camerliat irregular ovoid outline, and mostly larger than either oospores or oogones. They are very much less abundant than the sexual spore forms. Their greatest diameter varied from 11» to over 40 y. The germination of these bodies was not observed. Efforts to induce the fungus to produce swarm spores by growing them in liquid nutrient media and transferring them to pure water were unsuccessful. This failure to produce zoospores is further in- dication of the identity of the fungus with that described by Butler, who says that asexual reproduction is unknown. The strain from Michigan was a rather weak growing organism, difficult to maintain in tube cultures without rather frequent trans- fers. Its parasitic activity in the experiments reported in Table VIII is nil or negligible. Because of the poor seed and small number of seedlings involved in experiment 72B, the percentage of damping- off there given means only a single Seolinie dead. The Washington strains, on the other hand, though evidently not strong parasites, did apparently cause the death of a number of seedlings. The best evi- dence of this is in experiment 68, in which there was damping-oft in each of the five 5-pot units containing the Washington strains and none in any of the 18 control pots. The available strains were less active not only than Pythiwm debaryanum, but less than the Rheo- sporangium and Phytophthora strains used. The fungus is be- lieved to be a potential parasite on pine seedlings, but not one of any general importance. What is probably the same fungus had ap- peared in the writer’s cultures from western nurseries in conjunc- tion with P. debaryanum, but not commonly, and it had not been isolated. While its growth rate is only about half that of P. debary- anum on prune agar, it is nevertheless so much faster than that of many fungi that it Spaultl have been more often obtained in culture were it at A common in damped-off seedlings. Another fungus, presumably an oomycete but producing only chlamydospores in the writer’s cultures, was obtained from damped- off olive seedlings furnished by Prof. W. T. Horne and from soil direct, both at Berkeley, Calif. The fungus is apparently the same as one which has been occasionally seen in cultures from pine seed- lings in the Middle West, but had not before been isolated. The hyphe are ordinarily nonseptate, and the growth on corn-meal agar is superficially much like that of Pythiwm debaryanum, but with greater tendency toward local zonation and aerial growth and less DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 68 than half as rapid. Chlamydospores are mostly intercalary, at first subspherical, soon becoming polygonal, and after a few days they shrivel and exhibit thick, angular walls. In size the unshrunken spores usually he between 8 and 12 y in diameter, but bodies as large as 20 p occasionally occur. Antheridia have not been observed, and the shriveled bodies are not believed to be oospores, though the observations made have not been sufficient to exclude such a possi- bility. No other spore form was obtained in water culture, using various nutrient substrata. In inoculation the strain from olive (the “undetermined Phycomycete” included in Table VIII) has given negative or nearly negative results in three inoculation tests in which other fungi gave positive results. In a test not included in the table, in which Pinus ponderosa was the trial host, damping-off was slightly higher in the inoculated pots than in the controls, but the difference was apparently due to accidental infection with Botrytis and Pythium debaryanum. As all the seedlings in pots inoculated with P. debaryanum in this additional experiment were killed, the rela- tive unimportance of this strain of the small-spored fungus was further indicated. An additional test of both the olive strain and the strain from soil was made by inoculating seedlings of Pinus banksiana and P. ponderosa growing on filter paper in Petri dishes. Some of these were kept wet with water, some with an inorganic culture solution, and some with the inorganic solution plus peptone and dextrose. Agar cultures were applied directly to the seedlings. The seedlings inoculated with the small-spored fungus remained alive as long as the control seedlings, while parallel inoculations with Pythium debaryanum resulted in the early decay of the seedlings. TasLe VIII.—Results of inoculations with miscellaneous oomycetes on pines in autoclaved soil at the time of sowing. {In all the experiments included in this table, the inoculum consisted of fragments of agar cultures distributed with the seed at one side of each pot over about one-fourth of the pot area. The controls received sterile agar in the same way.] Results. Num- es ‘h pel Experiment number, host, and inoculating fungus. ber of pots. |Emerged. ee Survival. No. 66, Pinus banksiana: Per 5-pot Per 5-pot Phytophthora sp.— unit. |Percent.| unit. BURST oer nate eos a arr e cman criss oie osiotiaae ten emae Ne aie. sit 5 70 30 49 PPT T Nis ect, COA oat dat Je ka Sak Sab ahha aeecteeiaere gates 5 75 28 54 (SUID G TSU ENB YA | mata Se a SS AR Se ee eee me bce ek 5 94 16 79 Pythium artotrogus (?), Michigan strain. ...............-....-- 4 115 14 99 Wndetermingd Piycomycete: 922-6 -- ooce- -secccen se ceceseereee 5 83 9 76 MELT OSS sereag he SSO ey, Sapte 2 BA SE RL EC) St as habiins 25 75 14 64 No. 67, Pinus banksiana: Phytophthora sp.— | [ ming CCS te eae = a ie aa Na ag ea A ie oa wen ah er | 5 96 | 1 95 BirAInt ye? Nace eerie se. co ee ee Bevis: | aay aes ae seeeS. 5 88 3 85° SLRs Te Teena ts ee oe on cee aid GT EE oS cwie as aa oe bin sire pele Gace 5 99 0 99 Pythium artotrogus (?), Michigan strain. ...............------- 5 102 ny) 100 WmnderenntinsavenyeCOmMycetess. 2... os = ccna csewewensawisinwser ens 5 98 0 98 Gtr Olena soe eet eke yatsmenemecelive ys aap asiweaicite ves 23 87 5 83 64 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TasBLE VIII.—Results of inoculations with miscellaneous oomycetes on pines in autoclaved soil at the time of sowing—Continued. Results. INGE |e ee Exporiment number, host, and inoculating fungus. ber of | cabal pots. Emerged. ae Survival. No. 68, Pinus resinosa: : Per 5-pot | Per 5-pot Phytophthora sp.— unit. |Per cent.| wnit. SUN EEL GTI a 8, a ef lio Nest i ea pe 5 104 DUPAIN Na eater cee aeiaton sche of ators chs Aad Seta ooh ee ka 5 109 18 , 89 IGUAL ot Orme he cee ete ean eae tec Cee not ote ceva 5 98 5 93 Pythium artotrogus (?), Michigan strain................-2.26+- 5 121 0 121 Pythium artotrogus (?), Washington, D. C.— SUVA R 2a ee ten Oe eh oa (oan at rate ha heel 5 122 1 121 SUSE NGPA PS el ie Sk ah Bi iy AR ee eh Zi alana re 5 120 9 109 SU ha hts 55 Ss Sea ee OR Se ee eee ee eee See ar eae eer Pe 5 96 5 91 SUPA Odea see a ae ahois reas cone amie cine caches ween fee 5 110 6 103 SUPAITN ROS ote les ect em aamactsloaeineniae doe soe oc emee eoeaeten 5 94 uf 93 Undetermined’ Phycomycete.-.. ie oc ee 5 84 Z 82 Goniralses sane (Eee on oldie ac Rats aioe neck ae acee caa ges beea Pee 18 104 0 104 No. 72A, Pinus resinosa: Per 3-pot Per 3-pot Phytophthora sp.— wnit. unit. PUUBEALENS (id Oi a, NOR ine cedars ean cere A eae oe a Se ae ra 3 20 35 13 Pythium artotrogus (?), Michigan strain. .....................- 3 62 0 62 Pythium artotrogus (?), Washington, D.C.— SS GRETA OL op eee cae ee ee ee anc oe Mc eee aes 2 45 i 42 SSUggo0t PUES ARIES Se Seale nes 4 ent ee ene ae Ge eee eee | 3 37 0 37 OYA CUAOURSS SE LL w, SAV ARSE MEE EM ad tas Se ins banat NE Ue Bae in ame Se 3 40 25 30 @ontrolss2-p- sass Bais Site d ciate see eee ania ae & plow ane reede 16 35 5 33 No. 72B, Pinus ponderosa: lel ayyucejovakilaleyes Ws ob RAs oe ogee Set Se eee ia eee eee 3 8 50 4 Pythium artotrogus (?), Michigan strain. ..................-..- | 3 13 8 paz Pythium artotrogus (?), Washington, D.C.— : BTCA eee Nee ne ee te oe Se RE on eee ees 3 11 0 il Siren bay SVS ROME 8 SS RUE Ne ere Pa I eR ee ee Ty eae Wi 2 29 6 27 DIEERIDESGO Re Soe see te dace ear eion Rinne oe ac eeeee eens onan 2 6 0 6 Gontrolss--. - ste- oc on « Be SEES HE COC E Een TS cc On Sener 14 9 0 9 OTHER FUNGI. Data on the possible relation between various other fungi and the damping-off of conifers have been already summarized by Hartley, Merrill, and Rhoads (68, p. 546-550). Pestalozzia funerea on the basis of the experiments of Spaulding (135), Botrytis cinerea on the basis of observation and very preliminary inoculations, and 7'richo- derma koningi on cultural evidence only are all believed to be po- tential causes of damping-off, though not ordinarily important. A/- ternaria sp. is under a certain amount of suspicion on account of its frequent association with the damping-off of conifers, but it has never been used in experiments. Rhizopus nigricans (incorrectly re- ported as Mucor), 7'richothecium roseum, Rosellinia sp. from nursery soil, Chaetomium sp. from maple roots, strains of Penicillium and Aspergillus, Phoma betae, and Phoma spp. are all reported to have been used in inoculations with negative results. Pay Since the publication of the above summary a preliminary success- ful inoculation experiment with Botrytis cinerea on recently emerged Pseudotsuga taxifolia has been found briefly mentioned in an article by Tubeuf (140) on another disease. Further experiments with va- DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 65 rious strains of Botrytis, both from conifers and from other hosts (the latter supplied by the departments of plant pathology of the California and New York (Cornell) Agricultural Experiment Sta- tions), have already yielded confirmatory evidence of the parasitism of B. cinerea. While a considerable number of fungi have been considered in the _ foregoing, it is entirely possible that there are still parasites which have received no consideration and that some of them may perhaps be important. The moist-chamber method of culturing parasites for isolation yields only those which produce spores readily; the planted-plate method is not well adapted to the isolation of slow- growing fungi or bacteria. It is suggested that in further culture work with damped-off conifers an attempt be made to secure slow- growing organisms by dilution plates of teased-up fragments of recent lesions. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE DAMPING-OFF FUNGI ON CONIFERS. The relative importance of the different damping-off parasites is something that has not been thoroughly investigated for any host. The most information on this point is that given by Busse, Peters, and Ulrich (22) for sugar beet. In this case they find the special- ized Phoma betoe distinctly the most important, with Pythiwm de- baryanum second and Aphanomyces levis third. Peters (100) apparently considered Rhizoctonia unimportant as a cause of beet damping-off. The opposite was indicated by a small number of cultures by Edson (38) from beet seedlings on Kansas and Colorado soil. These yielded more Corticium vagum than any other parasite and no Pythium at all. Johnson (81) states that most of the damping-off of tobacco seedlings is due to Pythiuwm debaryanum and Corticium vagum. Atkinson (1), speaking for cotton in Alabama, and Sherbakoff (127, p: xev; 128; 129), speak- ing for truck crops in Florida, make Corticium vagum the impor- tant damping-off parasite, with P. debaryanum negligible. Horne (oral communication) found the same situation in tobacco seed beds in Cuba. Atkinson (3), in an article on trees, held that many of the cases of damping-off attributed to P. debaryanum are in real- ity due ta C. vagum. Peltier (98, pp. 336-337) has reported P/i- zoctonia solani as the cause of damping-off of a large number of plants, recording his observation of the damping-off of seedlings of nearly 50 species of miscellaneous genera and cuttings of 15 different species, all of which he attributes to the Rhizoctonia. He does not state whether in this case he used diagnostic methods likely to de- tect Pythium debaryanum if it had been present. 19651°—Bull. 934—21 4 wv 66 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. For the conifers, no very reliable data on relative importance have been published. Numerous European reports emphasize the damage due to Fusarium spp., while a smaller number attribute loss to Phytophthora fagi or to both. There seems to have been little effort to determine the presence or absence of Corticium or Pythium, so these reports can not be given great weight. Spaulding’s evident belief (136) in the importance of Fusarium has more weight, as he was on the lookout for the other fungi; the moist-chamber diagnostic method employed in most of this work was, however, not well adapted to the detection of either one. The same is true of the work of Rathbun (106), in which dilution plates of seed-bed soil were employed. Rankin (105) attributes to /usariwm spp. the greatest importance in tree seed beds in this country, with Pythiwm debary- anum and Rhizoctonia spp. important in certain cases. Gifford (46) emphasizes the importance of Fusarium, while Clinton (28) appar- ently found Rhizoctonia (Cortictum vagum) especially prevalent in the examinations he made. On the basis of the data presented or summarized in this bulletin, it is believed that of the various organisms which have been con- nected with damping-off in coniferous seed beds Pythium debary- anum, Corticium vagum, and Fusarium spp. include all of impor- tance. The others, either because of low indicated virulence or infrequent occurrence, and in most cases both, do not seem to merit extensive consideration. In order to form an idea of the relative frequency of the parasites named above as important, there have been brought together in - Table IX the results of the examination of 438 damping-off foci in untreated beds and 304 foci which have appeared in beds which had received various disinfectant treatments. The data are presented by foci rather than by individual seedlings, as was done in the census reported by Busse and his coworkers. Most of the diagnoses were made by planting recently diseased seedlings in plates of solidified prune agar, all the seedlings taken from the same focus, or “ patch,” of damped-off seedlings being put into the same Petri dish. The resulting growth was in some cases transferred to a tube for later examination, but was usually examined directly in the plate. In a smaller number of foci the seedlings were macerated and examined directly without recourse to culture methods. As Pythium debary- anum does not commonly fruit in diseased seedlings of pine or of tobacco (81) and its hyphe are both difficult to find and not in themselves considered a sufficient diagnostic character, this latter method of examination is not so satisfactory for the determination of Pythium as it is for Corticium, which is easily recognized by its DAMPING-OFF IN FOREST NURSERIES. 67 thick-walled truncate-tipped hyphe and characteristic branching. A further difficulty in the direct-examination method, unless the seed- lings are sectioned, is in distinguishing between Corticium hyphe which are in the tissues and those outside. The well-known habit of the Corticium of sending hyphe superficially over the surface of plants which it is not appreciably injuring makes it evident that only hyphe actually found in the tissues have diagnostic value. Direct microscopic examination is, furthermore, very likely to fail to detect Fusarium. The planted-plate method therefore appears the better of the two, and the results of the culture diagnoses appearing in the lowest two lines of Table IX deserve probably more attention than the total occurring a few lines above, in which the results of direct examination of the seedlings are also included. The high proportion of Corticium reported from the Michigan and Minnesota nurseries is probably due in part to the fact that most of the examinations made there were of the direct microscopic type. TABLE IX.—Results of the examination of damping-off foci in coniferous seed beds for Pythium debaryanum, Corticium vagum, and Fusarium spp. | = Beds ofheated Beds treated with Untreated beds. soil. strong acids. | Niuuibet Number Number : showing— - | showing— - | showing— Grouping. : 3 se] ore z Howang AS ‘a5! A BAU Sei Sel. Tree Secteee eialereitenet 1s iinet S/E |S /Eleisiels| aisles o bas | o Lod ) om Oo i] oO wo. ~ “ef ee | ered ee heme) Diced Slee iS) Balice 3 olBBIS | 6 |B) es cS mB iS) & BR 1} |/O|m& | & aA O | & By locality: IBERKOIE Ye CAMion sess sccioao--s---5-55= <= 4 3 1 PAN oeece| acc aaa soc 5| 5| 0 2 MAM TOM COLON Sees: os 2h l Scenes s—5- sce sb 22; 0}. 19 (A Seu ec eee sume leecoc beac REE acs MOMINNENTMCOLO sen as 2252565 20-2 225e24sce5 3 Ls e000 i 5 ee ee eos eed scoed pecs seosibere Garden City, Kans.— Garden City, Nurseries.-...-.-..22----.22 18 4 0 OU Pa SO) | i) | 28)). 852 9 as Nurseries (sand)-.-........-.----. 20 4 9 i LD) ee ae ONE Gr el Ones 9) ae? 8 LB EDISTO) sta pang a 224 | 124} 45) 155] 28/10] 0} 17) 99] 34) 2) 61 OsSS US vee cI Wi gh A 15: | 22 Dil seas pee /eeee| see dt FOnteAO! 0 a Circ.) Le ee ae i ie eae a 7a) PTE Pn) nC In AS | Sr a a a sees tees East Tawas, Mich.— * Beal Nurseries (sand)......-:.-.-.---.--- 45| 14| 33 2 (enone ee fe ee HE i 0 Basti lawasi Nurseries... ..5-22---5.--<26- ie) Sot 7 1 ee eee oe | eee 13} 7) 6 2 Washington ereenhouse.....----.----------- 12 3 3 9 Ualiy CN UN ES ee ee Boe Seco Total: : INAIDRT see Sie eee do cece ous eons 438 | 184 | 162 | 204 | 64/19; O| 33] 163] 64; 12] 82 REECE TAeCraae oceise ms cee 2 Reet ace 100} 42) 37] 47) 100} 30} 0} 52] 100) 39} 5] 50 By diagnostic methods: Direct examination— F LN VET 1 Gel ee Sy lS a oe 156 |}. 39 | 108} 25 Wi eae! eee sae 16| 6] 8 4 BOICON par Gra tet foe te one a ruses see LOD T9257 69! | eetG, eaten eee oleae 100 | 38] 50] 25 Planted-plate cultures— METH DORs ac. shes CMe eee sete 282 | 145}; 54)179| 64/19] 0} 33] 147] 58) 4 78 IR OECOLLG ARO sar serie aiaa desee aia pieces Bae 100! 517 19{ 631100] 30} 0, 5211001 39| 3] 53 68 BULLETIN 934, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, TABLE IX.—Results of the examination of damping-off foci in coniferous seed beds for Pythium debaryanum, Corticium vagum, and Fusarium spp.—Con. Beds treated with| Beds treated with |}Beds treated with formaldehyde. | copper sulphate. zine chlorid. All treated beds. Number Number Number Number , : | showing— . | showing— ; | showing— : showing— Grouping. Z Z ‘ 3 iS a. g Eleldleldlelals|dlelealalaleldla P/GTe Ele ISIS e| eSB) gaat o bd as | oO mH oa a! oO we o —“ oO i] oO = oO a ~ |/SIBl Sila |/Sl/SB]_ slau lSl/s]/si[s1]/ 8 l1sis o = mr Q o = me Q o Bc a 2) [S) 5 ed a n °o ml oO =) °o m1 oO =) fo) inl a) = fo) ca) >) =] - alos ey A lO] Ba A }O|e& PY Oe By locality: CGO yy Calif ment- eel (ten Baa boos |oedel Beare laans BE calsodb| |ncses| ass cdas scot! cae HX) 2 Manito Golot se eee. slp aceceeee Pes heer piace BS BES FSA roca roe Meee Shea lSoane ciccelc< sills on Monument; Colosssssces--|-oec= COE Rebs eee Sere