UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS VOLUME VI PHILADELPHIA THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 1914-1916 CONTENTS Number 1. HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA, George Grant MacCurdy, pages 1 to 22, plates I to X Number 2. THE DANCE FESTIVALS OF THE ALASKAN ESKIMO, E. W. Hawkes, pages 1 to 42, plates XI to XV Number 3. A PRE-LENAPE SITE IN NEW JERSEY, E. W. Hawkes and Ralph Linton, pages 43 to 80, plates XVI to XXIV UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS VOL. VI NO. 1 HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA BY GEORGE GRANT MAC CURDY PHILADELPHIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 1914 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS VOL. VI No. 1 HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA BY GEORGE GRANT MAC CURDY PHILADELPHIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 1914 HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. Thirty years ago "Crania Ethnica" made its appearance. Referring to the inhabitants of New Britain, now called Neu Pommern, de Quatrefages and Hamy declared that: "nothing is known of their crania of which there is not a single example in the scientific collections."1 Neu Pommern is the first large island directly east of German New Guinea; Gazelle Peninsula is the eastern end of Neu Pommern. Large collections of crania have been made since then, but they have been only partially described; so that our knowledge of Neu Pommern craniology is still meager. In 1899 learning of a series of twenty-four skulls from Gazelle Peninsula, the property of the University Museum, I obtained permission to examine them. The study which I now present was begun at that time and finished in the summer of 1913. The present inhabitants of Melanesia are of mixed blood; Negrito, Papuan, and Dravidian being the chief elements. The several islands are not uniformly affected by intermixture. Thus according to Turner,2 two distinct types of skull have been met with in New Guinea — a brachycephalic in which the breadth of the cranium as a rule exceeds the height; and a dolichocephalic in which the height usually exceeds the breadth. I have yet to hear of a brachycephalic type existing in Gazelle Peninsula. The crania under consideration cer- tainly do not reveal it. They are not only all dolichocephalic, but with a single exception (11613 and perhaps 11612), are also remarkably homogeneous in character. 1 Text, p. 276. 2 Challenger report. (3) 4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. Dr. R. Hartman1 speaks of the men as varying in height from i. 60 m. to 1.80 m., generally slender and the muscles only moderately well developed. The head is high and narrow (hypsistenocephaly) with here and there a tendency to scapho- cephaly. According to the same author, the frontal protuber- ances are rather large. The torus occipitalis transversus is sometimes prominent, the superciliary arches well developed; the demarcation between forehead and nose is sharp, a char- acter common among Melanesian races. The nose is rather flat, the chin broad; the eyes are deep set, appear small, and are dark to grayish-brown. The ears are well-formed; the muscles which move the jaws are strong. The large teeth are white when not colored yellowish-brown by chewing betel. GENERAL CRANIAL CHARACTERS Eleven of the skulls from Gazelle Peninsula are of the male sex, eight are of the female sex, and five are of youths and children. The average age of the adults was about thirty- eight years. Norma occipitalis. — Viewed from behind, there is a promi- nent crest at the vertex in Nos. 16911 and 18283, male and female respectively. In the female series, there is a pronounced depression in two crania (11614, 18283) along the sagittal suture from the lambda to within 27 mm. of the bregma. The norma lateralis in the males reveals prominent glabella and superciliary ridges with the exception of No. 1 1622. When resting on their bases, the mastoid processes do not touch in any of the male crania; No. 18280 rests on the occipital con- dyles; and all others, on either the posterior margin of the foramen magnum, or the occipital immediately back of the foramen magnum. Only one female cranium rests on the mastoid processes; one rests on the condyles, and all the others, on either the posterior margin of the foramen magnum or the occipital just back of the foramen. 1 Forschungsreise S.M.S. "Gazelle" in den Jahren 1874 bis 1876, I. MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. The inion is not prominent, never exceeding 2 of Broca's scale even among the males. The linea nuchae suprema is easily visible in four males and one female. The occurrence of parietal foramina may be shown to best advantage by tabulation: Males Side Females Side Il62I right I 1620 right 1 1610 1 1613 " 1 1612 " I 1609 " 1 161 1 {s 18284 " 16911 " 11619 left 11617 left 16913 both 11618 " 18282 " 1 1615 both Region of the pterion. — The frequency with which a con- tact between the frontal and temporal bones takes place varies among the different races of mankind. In the series from Gazelle Peninsula the temporo-frontal articulation occurs on both sides in three crania and on one side in four crania. In two of the latter the temporal bone touched the frontal by means of a point only, instead of along a suture line. The so-called pterion retourne is found therefore either on one or both sides in 29 per cent of the crania. Or to put it in another way out of total of 48 pterions (counting the two sides in every case) the reverse form occurs ten times, which is 20.8 per cent of the whole. There are only three occurrences of wormian bones in the region of the pterion (in one case on both sides). Thus ten out of the twenty-four crania have anomalies of the pterion. This is practically the same percentage (41 .6) as in the series of 1 50 crania from Neu Pommern and Mioko described by Krause. He found the reversed pterion in 32 but of 150 crania (21.3 per cent); in ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. fourteen of these it occurred on both sides, making 46 reversed pterions out of a total of 300 (15.3 per cent). Krause also reports epipteric bones in 31 crania (on both sides in 18). The Papuans are also noted for the relatively great number of irregularities in the pterionic region. In a collection of fourteen crania from New Guinea belonging to Yale Uni- versity Museum, I found the reversed pterion in five (on both sides in four of these) ; while epipteric bones were present in seven out of the fourteen crania. Dorsey1 also found a high percentage of irregularities of the pterion in a series of twenty crania from New Guinea, only half of them having the normal pterion in H; two crania with pterion in K, four with pterion reversed by a frontal process from the temporal bone, and four with epipteric bones. Thus the natives of New Guinea as well as of the islands directly to the east are characterized by an unusually high percentage of anomalies in the region of the pterion. Articulatio spheno-maxillaris. — A union of the ala magna of the sphenoid with the superior maxillary; i. e., the failure of the cheek bone to reach the fissura orbitalis, takes place in nineteen out of twenty-three skulls (82.6 per cent) and as follows : Males Side Females and Youths Side 18280 Both sides 18281 Both sides Il62I " " 18283 " " 1 1610 " " I 1609 " " 11617 " " 16912 n 11 11612 " " I 1619 " " 11618 « u Il6l6 K it 18282 " " 16913 " ,11622 " " 16914 « « 16911 Left side I 1620 " " 1 1615 Field Columbian Museum, Publication 21. MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. 7 The external auditory meatus is not affected, in a single instance, by exostoses. Foramen pterygo-spinosum. — The spheno-pterygoid fora- men is formed by the ossification of the ligamentum pterygo- spinosum. It occurs as follows in the series from Gazelle Peninsula: No. 18282, male. Right side, the foramen is complete, the processes from the pterygoid lamina and spina angularis meeting in a suture line. On the left side, the two processes lack 12 mm. of joining. No. 11613, female. On right side, a completely ossified ligament forming a small spheno-pterygoid foramen. No. 11614, female. Processes for attachment of the liga- ment at either end, 5 mm. apart on right side, and 6 mm. apart on left side. Turner found the spheno-pterygoid foramen with com- plete osseous boundaries in three skulls of the Challenger series. According to Roth,1 the percentage of occurrences for 287 Europeans is 4.8. Its percentage with partial and com- plete bony walls, is much higher among some races: Asiatics, 32 per cent; Australians and Papuans, 50 per cent; Africans, 30.6 per cent; American Indians, 20 per cent. The Pars tympanica (anterior portion) of the temporal bone is either perforated or extremely thin in two male (i 1617, 11615) and three female crania (11614, 18283, 11613). Fiye males (Nos. 18280, 11610, 11612, 16911, 18282) and two females (18283, 11609) have prominent para-mastoid processes. There is a prominent third occipital condyle in No. 18283. This anomaly2 is important in that it admits of comparisons being made with the single median condyle of birds and scaly reptiles. J. F. Meckel3 was the first to call attention to the condylus tertius in man. In a series of 876 crania at Leiden, Dr. Halbertsma found seven well developed cases of the third 1 ArMvjur Antbropologie, XIV, 73. 2 Blake, Anthropological Review, V, p. CXVII. 3 Meckel's ArcU-o, 1815, I, 644. 8 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. condyle, not including those in which there is merely an artic- ular groove for the tooth of the epistropheus. Dr. H. Allen states that in the Morton collection of crania, ten specimens possess a third condyle. Sir William Turner mentions four cases among the 143 crania described in the Challenger Report. He also describes a skull from Port Moresby,1 New Guinea, possessing the condylus tertius. According to Krause there are three cases of condylus tertius in 1 50 crania from Neu Pommern and Mioko. There are slight traces of the metopic suture in three crania, two males (11612, 11615) and one youth (16913). The frontal bone articulates with a process of the superior maxillary between the lachrymal and the os planum (lamina papyracea) of the ethmoid in two crania (11610, 11619) and, in each case, on the left side only. This marks a reversion to the pithecoid arrangement as pointed out by Sir William Turner.2 Among anthropoids, the os planum is triangular, and the fronto-maxillary articulation always occurs between it and the lachrymal. The infra-orbital suture is present in two males (11621, 11612), and two females (18283, 11609). The fossae caninae are pronounced in all. Apertura pyriformis. — The anterior nasal opening presents anthropoid characters in every instance. Four of the male crania (11615-17-18, 16911) possess accentuated simian grooves or gutters; while the fossa pre-nasalis is pronounced in six male (11610-12-21-22, 18280-82) and four female crania (11613-14-19-20). The characteristic human type (forma anthropina) does not occur once in the series. In two instances, the nasal bones reach to the level of the lower margin of the orbital opening. The anterior nasal spine averages less than No. 2 of Broca's scale. The spina nasalis posterior exhibits no marked variations. It is never 1 Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, XXII, 360. 2 Report on Human Crania, Vol. X of the Challenger Report, p. 12. MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. 9 prominent and, in every instance, is formed by the facies nasalis of the right and left os palatinum. The sutura inci- sivum is fairly distinct in No. 11612, an adult male. There is not a single example of os zygomaticum duplex (os Japonicum) in the series. The direction of the malo- temporal suture is rather steep, and the suture is short in all but three of the males (11611-22, 16911). The same may be said of the female crania, with two exceptions (11623, 18283). Wormian bones are rare and generally insignificant in size. They occur in only eleven crania, five male, three female, and three children. In addition, there is the suggestion of an os Incae in Nos. 11621 and 16914. In the former, the sutures branch off from the lambdoid suture very near the asterion to disappear after a course of some fifteen mm.; in the latter, the same condition obtains, except that the sutures branch off directly from the asterion. In No. 18282, a child of ten years, there is an epactal bone. The sutures are simple, gen- erally falling between i and 3 of Broca's scale. Krause found the interparietal bone in fifteen out of the 150 crania described by him; in six of these the interparietal might be classed as a true Inca bone. THE TEETH The teeth that remain are remarkably well preserved, and in only five crania do any of the alveoles manifest a patho- logical condition. The wisdom tooth is never lacking. There are two examples of supernumerary teeth, as follows: one on the lingual side of the lower right canine in 11621 (male), and one on the lingual side of second lower left premolar in 1 1609 (female). Almost without exception, the upper molars of both the males and females have three roots, and these are generally spreading. The first molar is the largest except in three crania where all three are of about equal size. In three 10 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. instances, the third upper molar has a single conical root; and in four, there is a tendency to fusion of the roots. The first upper premolars have two roots in eight out of seventeen skulls. In one of these, there is the suggestion of a third root by the deep grooving of one of the two roots. The roots of the first upper premolars are flattened and grooved in the other crania. The second upper premolars have divided roots in three crania; in thirteen, the roots are grooved or flat; and in only one, are there single, conical roots. The alveolar arch of the upper jaw is massive and pro- jects beyond the third molar 8.6 mm., on an average, among the males; and 5.2 mm., among the females. There is but a single case of crowding of the teeth, and then only the incisors are affected. The palate inclines to be deep. The length in situ of the lower molars averages 34.6 mm. The three are generally of about equal size; when not, it is the third or the first which is the largest. In two cases, the third molar has three roots. All other third lower molars have two roots, with a single exception, where there is a fusion of the two roots. All the first lower molars have five cusps where the number can be determined with certainty. Fifty per cent of the second lower molars, and 21.4 per cent of the third, have only four cusps. The first lower premolar is supplied with an anterior root in five crania; while in nine, there is a single, grooved or flat- tened root; and in four, there is a single, conical root. There is one example of a divided root among the second lower pre- molars; five examples of a grooved or flat root; and twelve, of a conical root. The third molar is generally situated well in front of the ascending ramus of the lower jaw, when the jaw is so held as to bring the anterior margins of the rami in a line with the eye. With the lower jaw held in this position, the entire crown of the third molar can be seen in thirteen out of a total of eighteen cases. Fortunately each cranium is supplied with its own lower jaw. MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. MEASURES Capacity. — The capacity1 (measured by shot) is small, averaging, for the males, 1345.2 cc.; and for the females, 1214.5. The range of variation for both sexes is small also (1078-1470), both extremes being of the male sex. Of the Hamburg2 collection, twenty-six are from Neu Pommern, and 120 are from Mioko, the principal island imme- diately to the east of Neu Pommern. The crania from both these islands are described as being very much alike, recalling the Viti Island type. The average capacity for the males is 1267 cc.; that for the females is 1180 cc.; and for both sexes 1232 cc. (maximum 1530, minimum 990). As Mioko is sepa- rated from Gazelle Peninsula only by the narrow St. George Channel one would expect to find unity in the ethnic type. The comparison of averages is largely deprived of its signi- ficance if the series are too small, the sexes mixed, and methods employed are different. Whatever the method great care must be exercised in order to eliminate the personal equation; other- wise the results for the same cranium may vary as much as 100 or even 150 cc. The following table then simply indi- cates that the cranial capacity for Neu Pommern and Mioko is small whatever the method or whoever the operator: Authority No. Sex Capacity Krause I SO s Male I2^7) millet MacCurdy I ,8 ( Female Male(io) iiSoj I345)shot I Female (8) .... 1214] Virchow3 refers to a female skull from Neu Pommern with a capacity of only 860 cc. It came from the same burial 1 Broca's methods of measurement, unless otherwise specified have been followed. 2 ]. D. E. Schmeltz and R. Krause. Die ethnographisch-anthropologische Abteilung des Museum Godefroy in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1881. 3 Zeitscbrift fur Ethnologic, 1894, XXVI, 505. 12 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. ground as two male skulls, one with a capacity of 2100 cc., and the other 1250 cc. The large skull was probably that of a hydrocephalous individual; and the female skull, that of an idiot. They were collected by Finsch. This goes to show how great individual variations may be even in the same savage race. The three were all of the same type and con- temporaneous. Cephalic index. — The male crania are, each and all, dolicho- cephalic, with an average index of 70 (range 67.4 to 75). The female crania are dolichocephalic, with the exception of a single case of hyperdolichocephaly, having an average index of 72.5 (range 69.5 to 77.2). The appended table will show the length- breadth index to be very uniform in Neu Pommern and Mioko: Authority No. Sex Cephalic Index Krause MacCurdy 150 ,8 / Male and Female. . Male (n) 72.3 70.81 y 71 2 I Female (8) 72- 5/7 Frontal diameter. — Broca's Stephanie diameter is no longer employed by the French school; they having substituted the maximum frontal which is the greatest diameter of the frontal bone wherever found; this coincides very closely with the Stephanie breadth. The average maximum frontal diameter for the eleven male skulls is 108.7 mm., the extremes being 116 mm. and 106 mm., respectively. The average for the eight female skulls is 104 mm. (extremes 108 and 98). The average minimum frontal diameter in the male series is 93.2 mm. (range 98 to 89); while that in the female series is 90.2 mm. (range 95 to 81.5). Eight out of ten male crania have a greater vertical or length-height index than cephalic (the two exceptions being Nos. 11622 and 11615). In other words, the height is greater MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. than the greatest breadth. This is also true of one of the two types of skull found in New Guinea. In the female series, the two indices are practically equal, while the average for both sexes is in favor of the vertical index: Males Females Both Sexes Average vertical or length-height index . . . 73-6 71-5 72-5 Average cephalic or breadth index 70.8 71.6 71.2 /.The same character (hypsistenocephaly) is brought out by the large transverso-vertical index ) ; the Breadth average for the males being 104.1; for the females, 99.7; and for both combined, 101.9. It naturally follows that the crania are markedly phaeno- zygous, the bizygomatic diameter averaging 18.4 mm. longer than the maximum frontal (14.7 mm. for males, and 22.1 mm. for females) and even 1.7 mm. longer than the greatest breadth of the skull: Ten Males Eight Females Both Sexes Bizygomatic diameter 133 4 126 I 1 20. 7 Maximum frontal diameter 108 7 I O4 106.3 Maximum transverse diameter 129.9 126.2 128 Prognathism is a prominent feature in the entire series, the average index, Gnathic1 of Flower, being 106.7 (range 102 to 1 1 1.6). 164. / Basi-alveolar length X 100 V Basi-nasal length . See Journal of the Anthropological Institute, X, 163, ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. Orthognathous (Below 98) Mesognathous (98 to 103) Prognathous (Above 103) Average Males o I 9 Prognathous Females 0 7 It will be seen from the following table that other Mela nesian groups are also prognathous : Authority Number Sex Gnathic Index Flower 8 (Fiji Islands) Male and Female I O3 7 Turner 4 (New Guinea) Male and Female I O4 Q T, / 1 8 (New Guinea). . . Male Io6.5\ Thomas . . . . < 17 (New Guinea). . . Female . . . f 107.1 IO7 7 1 • / 8 (New Guinea) .... Male 107) Dorsey < MacCurdy. . < 7 (New Guinea) .... 10 (Neu Pommern) 7 (Neu Pommern) Female Male Female ' > 108.5 no] lo^}'06'7 Facial index. — The facial index expresses the ratio of the breadth to the height of the face. The distance from the root of the nose (nasion) to the most prominent point on the alveolar margin between the two upper median incisors (prosthion) is multiplied by 100 and divided by the bizygomatic breadth. The average facial index for the males is 48.8 and for the females 47.8. Both are chamaeprosopic, a character asso- ciated with lowly forms. Index of palate. — The palates are all long in proportion to their breadth, the average index for males as well as females being what Broca would call microseme. None of the palates MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. are megaseme. The human hard palate has been classified as rectilinear and curvilinear. When the branches of the alveolar arch are rectilinear and divergent there is produced the hyperbolic or human type; when the branches are parallel and rectilinear the result is the hypsiloid or simian type. Cur- vilinear branches are either divergent and hence parabolic or convergent and elliptic. The elliptic is a simian form. The arch of the hard palate is elliptic in eight cases (five males and three females), and hypsiloid in the case of three males. In more than half of the entire series therefore the hard palate is of a simian type. Nasal index. — No matter which system is employed (French or German), the series easily falls within the platy- rhine class; eight out of ten males and six out of eight females being platyrhine. The naso-malar index /naso-malar length xioo1 V bimalar length / repr< sents the degree of prominence of the nasal bridge beyond a straight line connecting the anterior margins of the malar bones. It was used by Oldfield Thomas1 with valuable results, and has since been used extensively by Mr. Risley2 in India, who accepts Mr. Thomas' nomenclature, but applies the terms to slightly different groupings of the indices. The series from Gazelle Peninsula is arranged according to both methods: THOMAS Platyopic Mesopic Pro-opic Average Males 6 4 o Platyopic 1 Females 3 A \ '07-3 Mesopic I 1 Account of a collection of skulls from Torres Straits. Journal of the Anthropological Institute, XIV, 1885, p. 332. 2 The Study of Ethnology in India. Journal of the Anthropological Institute, XX, 1891, p. 255. l6 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. RlSLEY Platyopic Mesopic Pro-opic Average Males 10 o 0 Platyopic] f 107.3 Females 7 I 0 Platyopic J The general average index of 107.3 makes the series platy- opic, whichever method is used, since the maximum limit placed by Thomas for platyopism is 107.4 and Risley's maxi- mum limit is 109.9. Thomas gives an interesting comparative table of average naso-malar indices, to which that of the series under discus- sion is added: Number and Kind Average Index Range 7 Gorillas Q Mongols I03 IOS Q 101 .7 to 103.. 8 105 i to 106 9 9 Timor Laut Malays 5 Andamanese 107.4 I O7 => 104.4 to 109.5 105 5 to 1 08 5 25 West African Negroes 35 Torres Straits Islanders 108.5 108 7 1 06 . i to 113.3 1 06 I to I I 2 16 Caucasians 1 8 Gazelle Peninsula (MacCurdy) . . . 1 1 1 . 1 107.3 1 09 . i to 114.2 104.8 to 1 10. i Dental index1. — On the whole, extreme indices seem to characterize the male sex in any given race. That is to say, indices which commonly fall below 100 average higher, and those greater than 100 average lower in the female sex than in the male. In the Neu Pommern series, for instance, the eleven indices smaller than 100, average 77.7 for the males, and 78.3 for the females; while the three indices greater than 100, Flower, Journal of the Anthropological Institute, XIV, 183. MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. average 106.1 for the males and 104.2 for the females. A com- parative study of the published results for other series and races would probably reveal a like relation. This sexual dif- ference of the indices, if indeed it prove to be a general one, is well illustrated in the proportion which the combined length of the upper premolars and molars in situ bears to the basi- nasal length: Authority Number and Country Sex Dental Index Average Index for Both Sexes Flower Flower 21 (Melanesia) 9 (Andaman Islands) . . Male. Male 44.2 44 4 ) Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower 8 (Andaman Islands) 22 (Australia) 14 (Australia) 9 (Tasmania) 4 (Tasmania) Female Male Female Male Female 46.5 44-8 46.1 47-5 48.5 J45-5 J45-5 j 48. i Thomas Thomas Dorsey 5 (Torres Straits) 2 (Torres Straits) 4 (New Guinea) Male Female Male 43-5 44.1 41 J43-8 1 Dorsey 6 (New Guinea) . . Female 45 I43 MacCurdy .... MacCurdy. . . . i (Gazelle Peninsula) .... 3 (Gazelle Peninsula) .... Male Female 44-9 45-4 J45-3 In the series from Gazelle Peninsula, the combined length in situ of the premolars and molars of the lower jaw averages from 2 mm. to 6 mm. greater than that of the upper jaw. It was, therefore, thought desirable not to calculate indices from measurements on the lower teeth where these were present and the upper teeth were missing. i8 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. All the above groups belong to megadont races, the high- est index being reached by the Tasmanians; and in each series, as might have been inferred, the average dental index of the female crania is higher than that of the males. A like relation of the dental index in the two sexes holds true among anthropoids also, as pointed out by Sir William Flower. The Spina mentalis is either wanting or barely visible. The angle of symphysis is large, being equal to or exceeding a right angle in 47 per cent of the lower jaws. The average for the males is 85.3 degrees and for the females, 89.6. A com- parison of these figures with results for other series including Quaternary man places the series from Gazelle Peninsula very near to the latter: Authority Number and Kind Angle of Symphysis Topinard 1 5 Parisian 71 4° Topinard 1 5 African negro 82 2° Topinard 1 5 New Caledonian 8} Q° MacCurdy 17 Gazelle Peninsula 87 5° de Vibraye Arcy (Quaternary) 00° Dupont Filhol La Naulette (Quaternary) Malarnaud (Quaternary) 94° 100° Fraipont and Lohest Spy No. i (Quaternary) 107° Summary. — The skulls are small and all dolichocephalic. The minimum and maximum frontal diameters average respec- tively 20.3 mm. and 25.7 mm. less than for English crania. The height averages greater than the greatest breadth, a char- acter called hypsistenocephaly. The crania are prognathous, platyrhine, platyopic, phaenozygous, and megadont. Glabella and superciliary arches, prominent. Apertura pyriformis, simian in character. Fossae caninae, pronounced. The teeth are well preserved and not crowded. The wisdom teeth are lacking in none. There is a tendency toward a division of MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. 19 the root of the first upper premolars. The alveolar arch of the upper jaw projects considerably beyond (in one case as much as 12 mm.) the third molars. The percentage of first lower premolars with anterior roots is high. The spina mentalis is practically wanting, and the angle of symphysis, large. 20 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS UNIVERSITY MUSEUM VOL. VI. SKULLS FROM GAZELLE MUSEUM NUMBER MALES 11610 11611 11612 11615 11617 11618 11621 11622 Capacity • • 1328 ft 3 1 08 95 135 115 139 1 08 101 36 35 59 48 26 38 33 28 69 102 I 10 I24 96 33 30 1 08° 88° 69 75 109 107 61 54 87 108 1 86 124 1 06 93 I 12 '38 32 25 I 12 79 3° 26 119° p-QO 67 's4 1470 600 109 182 '34 1 16 94 «35 118 136 104 102 39 30 55 30 11 11 24 70 99 104 1 1.5 98 28 28 109° 75° 74 75 102 102 73 49 97 50 105 1385 760 105 1 88 140 113 98 136 125 131 I IO 103 ^8 II 48 28 38 34 l\ 100 105 125 95 30 29 105° 87° 75 70 94 107 58 90 47 105 1363 633 1 06 184 124 107 90 135 H3 138 J'3 105 37 J9 63 29 4O 27 37 34 24 6l 96 105 117 97 33 ,% r; 75 1 1 1 1 08 60 56 92 42 109 45 1078 703 93 176 122 1 06 94 130 H3 127 IOI 96 3i 24 57 24 4i 25 39 11 62 101 109 116 87 28 23 in0 86° 69 72 104 109 64 61 85 47 1 08 1305 631 "4 176 132 1 08 93 138 122 132 '2 le 55 26 49 27 38 3i 27 69 104 109 121 94 32 £< 85° 75 75 100 1 1 1 76 55 82 50 105 1315 750 97 180 132 I IO 90 130 123 126 1 08 100 11 60 28 48 30 38 35 27 68 100 107 117 93 29 nl° 82° 73 79 96 1 08 68 62 92 52 107 Weight of cranium... Weight of lower jaw Antero-posterior, diameter Transverse maximum, diameter. Frontal maximum, diameter — Frontal minimum, diameter. . . . Bizygomatic, breadth Biauricular, breadth Basibregmatic, height Basialveolar, length Basinasal, length Foramen magnum length Foramen magnum, breadth Palate, length Palate, breadth Nose, length Nose breadth Orbit, breadth Orbit, height Interorbital, breadth Nasoprosthionic length Bimalar, breadth Nasomalar Bicondylar, breadth Bigonial, breadth Symphysis, height Molar, height Mandibular angle Angle of symphysis Cephalic index Vertical index. . . . Transverso-vertical Gnathic Palatal Nasal Orbital Facial Naso-malar Dental MAC CURDY — HUMAN SKULLS FROM GAZELLE PENINSULA. PENINSULA, NEW BRITAIN 21 FEW kLES N |1 bo