Sllllii % AV I r THE DANISH INGOLF-EXPEDITION. VOL. II, PART 4. CONTENTS: ADOLF SEVERIN JENSEN: THE NORTH-EUROPEAN AND GREENLAND LYCODIN^. PUBLISHED AT THE COST OF THE GOVERNMENT BY THK UlKKCriuN LiK THK ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM OK THE UNIVERSITY. 7 "^(^JAj^jp^- COPENHAGEN. H. HAGERUP. PRINTED BY BIANCO I. UNO. 1904. I THE DANISH INGOLF-EXPEDITION. VOLUME H. 4. THE NORTH-EUROPEAN AND GREENLAND LYCODIN.^. BY ADOLF SEVERIN JENSEN. WITH lo PLATKS, i CHART AND 33 FIGT'RE.S IX THE TEXT. COPENHAGEN. PRINTED BY BIANCO LUNO. 1904. Published, August the 2 2"<^ 1Q04. CONTENTS. The North-European and Greenland Lycodinas. Pag. Preface i. Introductory Remarks 2. Systematic 2. Biology 8. Distribution of the species of Lycodinas in the Xorth- Europeau and Greenland Waters 9. Systematic Part 10. Lycodinte ro. Key to the determination of the European and (ireen- land 64, — reticulatus Reinh. var. n. macrocephalus . . 66 — seminndus Reinh 71 — agnostus Jensen 79 Lycenchelys CJill 82 Key to the determmation of the species of Lycenchelys of North-Europe and Greenland 82 Lycenchelys mursena Coll 82 — sarsii Coll 86. — kolthoffi n. ,sp 88, — ingolfianus Jensen 90. Lycodonus (ioode & Bean 93 Kev to the determination of the European species of Lycodonus 94 Lycodonus flagellicauda Jensen 94 — ophidium Jensen 97 Appendix 98 418^1 yf^^J^7^ The Lycodinse of North Europe and Greenland. By Adolf Severin Jensen. T T fliilst engaged in working at the section ^ Ptsces for the c Conspectus Faitna: GroenlandtccB>, V V the present anthor undertook a more extended research into the Greenland species of Lycodince. This led quite natnrall>- to a revision of the remaining Lycodes-material in the Zoological Musetim, so that the work gradually developed into a systematic working out of all the species of North Europe and Greenland. From lack of material I was unfortunately obliged to omit the North American forms almost entireh'. It is right and fitting that the work in its entiret)-, as it now appears, should be published in the reports of The Danish Ingolf-Expedition» as a supplement to The Ichthyological Results , seeing that this Expedition has provided the greater proportion of the material for the research. It seems to me also that it would be an injustice to the Expedition, if its rich and valuable collection of fishes were not utilised scientifically in a greater degree than has hitherto been done, the late Prof. C. F. Liitken having been prevented by ill health from going deeper into the work. Several zoologists in foreign countries have afforded very great assistance during the course of the work, by lending me specimens which it was of special interest to study anew; without this assistance various important questions would have remained unsolved, and I take this opportimity to express m}- warmest thanks to the following scientists: Conservator J. Grieg (Bergen), Prof. N. Knipowitsch (St. Petersburg), Dr. E. Lonnberg (Upsala), Geh. Regier.-Rat, Prof. K. 1\I 6 b i u s (Berlin), Hofrat, Dr. F. Stein dachner (Vienna) and Prof. T. Tullberg (Upsala). I owe especial thanks to Prof. F. A. Smitt (Stockholm) and to Prof. R. Collet t (Christiania). Prof. Smitt with the utmost willingness, gave me the greatest possible freedom to study the rich collection of L>codes in the Riks-Museum. This collection was of great value as it supple- mented that of the Museum here in many ways. Prof. Collet t with rare generosity has sent me several of his type-specimens for examination, so that ni}- determinations have attained a sirrety which otherwise would not have been reached. I have been permitted also, to study a large portion of the valuable Lycodes-material which has been received at the Christiania Museum within recent years. To Prof. Collett, who has laboured inde- fatigably throughout a long period of years, to increase our knowledge of the Lycodes-group and has enriched the literature with a series of fundamental papers on the subject, I feel myself in addition in a debt of a more ^Jersonal character for the interest with which he has followed the progress of my work. The Ingolf-Kxpedition. If. 4 I LYCODIN^. My manuscript was completed in early summer 1902, but the printing was delayed as, during that Slimmer through the kindness of Dr. Johan Hjort, I got the opportunity to take part in the investigations of the steamer -Michael Sars». An important collection of Lycodes was made durino- the expedition and I was permitted to include this material in my work. For this friendliness I would Dr. Hjort to accept my best thanks. Last but not least, to Mr. Th. Bloch my thanks are also due for the care with which he has executed all the figures of the 10 plates as well as most of the drawings in the text. If one has not made oneself familiar with the L>codes through several years study, an exact determination of the species is often of great difficult}- (insurmountable in many cases for the young stages), and one is frequently at a loss if descriptions only are given. I consider the n-iany figures in this treatise to be of great value therefore, especially the series which illustrates the diverse appearances of certain species according to age, sex and individual variation. Dr. H. M. Kvle has done me the favour of undertaking the translation into English. Introductory Remarks. Systematic. The first certain knowledge concerning the group of fishes here dealt with, dates from 1831 when J. Reinhardt sen. formed the genus Lycodes. With regard to the systematic position of this new genus, the same author in 1838 expressed as his opinion that it was very closely allied to Zoayces on account of the slight developoment of the ventral fins, the lack of a swimbladder, the formation of the digestive organs, mode of fixation of the scales and the whole form of the body'). With regard to the structure of the skeleton also, the two genera agree as was shown much later by W. Lilljeborg^j. It must be accepted therefore as perfect!}- correct when the American ichthyologists D. S. Jor- dan & B. W. Evermauni) make the Lycodince a subdivision of the family Zoarcidce Swainson (1839), characterised (as opposed to Zoarcina;) by the unpaired fins being evenly developed all round, the dorsal fin having no lo-w'cr spinous portion, and (as opposed to Gymitehnce) by ventral fins being present. As time went on, a considerable number of species has been described from Greenland and North Europe, and their authors have retained them within the original genus Lycodes Reinli. It seems to me more natural to subdivide the species of North Europe and Greenland into 3 genera: Lycodes, Lycenchelys and Lycodontis. Compared with some foreign (American) genera these have the following structural characters in common: teeth occur both on the intermaxillary and the man- dible, and on the vomer and palatines; the mandible has no barbule. The relationships may be shortly displayed in the following n-ianner'): 1) Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, 1S3S, p. 153. 2) Sveriges och Norges P'iskar, II, 1891, p. 4 & 13 — 18. 3) Jordan & Everniann: The Fishes of North and Middle Anifric-i, Part III, 1898, p. 2456. (Washington). 4) A more detailed diagnosis of the genera will be given later. LYCODIN.E. Lycodes Reinhardt Lycodes Reiuhardt, Overs. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl., 1830—31, p. 74 ivahlii). Body moderately elongated (zoarciform), height over the anus ca. 7 — 12' 2 times in the total length. R. br. 6. Lycenchelys Gill. Lycenchelys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliilad., 1S84, p. 180 (mufcena). Body very elongated (anguilliform) , height over the anus ca. 16 — 24 times in the total length. R. br. 6. Lycodoniis Goode & Bean. Lycodonus Goode & Beau, Bull. Mus. Coiiip. Zool., X, No. 5, 1SS3, p. 208 (mirabilis ). Body very elongated (anguilliform), height over the anus ca. 21 — 30 times in the total length. R. br. 5. In addition to being natural, such a division of the old genus Lycodes Reinh. contributes in an important manner to simplify a review of the species. In the present treatise 19 species are described in detail. Of these 6 can now be ascribed to the genera Lycenchelys and Lycodonus ^ which are characterised b\' a very elongated, eel-shaped body. The genus Lycodes thus limited contains the 13 species with a less elongated, zoarciform body. We may now pass over in review the characters of importance for the distinction of the species, beginning with the genus Lycodes^ which in spite of the reduction that has taken place contains a somewhat considerable number of very difficult and much disputed species. Lycodes Reinhardt fcf. the synoptic table p. 11 — 12). In a treatise on «Gronlands og Islands L)coder», C. F. Liitken has given a review of some species known to him and divides them into three subdivisions according to the course taken by the lateral line'). A foundation is thus laid, in my opinion, for a natural grouping of the species of Lycodes, on which one must build further. The species dealt with in the present work may also be grouped according to Liitken's system, in the following manner^): a) lateral line single, ventral: L. vahlii Reinh. 3) L. /rtgtdus Coll. L. atlanticjis Jensen. 1) I/Utken: Korte Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyographi. III. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kbhvn., 1879 — So (p. 329). 2) A single species, L. inicrocephahts Jensen, cannot for the present be brought into any certain group, as it is only known from a quite small individual on which the course of the lateral line cannot be determined with certainty. 3) Concerning the proper place of this species Liitken has had some doubt, as he writes: «Lineae medio-lateralis interdum vestigium ?» but that has happened because he had assigned to L. vahlii a specimen of L. eudipleurosHctus mihi which possesses a double lateral Une. . LYCODIN.^. 4 b) lateral line double, ventral and mediolateral: L. esvtarkii Coll. L. eudipleurostictus Jensen. L. pallidiis Coll. L. platyrhinus Jensen. c) lateral line single, mediolateral: L. rossi Malmgr. L. lutkenii Coll. L. reticulatus Reinli. L. setmnudtis Reinh. L. agnostjis Jensen. With regard to the second group, it must be mentioned that the mediolateral branch of the lateral line is freqttently indistinct in two of the species, namely L. esmarkii and L. pallidus, so that it is often only after a very careful study of a large number of specimens that one can rightly deter- mine their position — this holds especially for L. pallidus, which stands as a sort of transition form between groups a and b, so far as the lateral line is concerned '). . For the rest, the groups a and b seem in other respects also, to stand near to one another and to form together a separate subdivision contrasted with group c. Thus, in groups a and b the tail is relatively long, whilst the head and trunk together (or the distance between the snout and the anus) most often amount only to 36,5 — 45 "/o of the total length (sometimes reaching 47'Yo in males of L.frigidus}; in group c on the other hand the tail is relatively short, whilst the head and trunk together amount to 43— 52 °'o of the total length. Groups a and b may therefore be described as long- tailed, group c as short-tailed. In close connection herewith is the number of rays in the unpaired fins. This is throughout larger in the long-tailed species than in the short-tailed, and ver\- naturally so, since the anal fin entirely and the dorsal fin for the most part, belong to the tail. In groups a and b the number of rays in the dorsal fin is 94—118, in the anal fin 81 — 102'), in group c the number is 90—97 for the dorsal fin, 70—78 for the anals). It will appear from the foregoing that the groups of Liitken based on the lateral line only, are not of equal value, but that the groups having the ventral and ventral-mediolateral hues form together one subdivision over against the group with the mediolateral lateral line. For practical I) Whilst speaking of the lateral line, it should be mentioned that one finds in some of the species, and in all three groups, a shorter or longer series of pores placed relatively remote from one another on each side of the back an indication of a dorsal lateral line. =) Both here and in the special portion of the work, the upper ray.s of the tail fin are reckoned with the dorsal fin, the lower rays with the anal fin. since the unpaired fins pass without break right round the tip of the tail. — I think it not unnecessary to remark that all my statements of the number of fin-rays are based on my own observations, which do not always agree with those given in the literature. 3) Probably the number of the vertebra; will also be greater in the long-taileil than in the short-tailed species, but the material in my hands is too httle to allow any certain conclusions to be drawn in this regard; in four species of groups a and b I have counted 98 — iiS vertebrae { L. vahlii 98—116, L. frigidii.i 103—107, L. eudipleurostictus 106 and L. esma>'l;ii ii.s— iiS), in two species of group c ^ L. reticulatus and L. seniuitidus) 93--96 vertebrje. LYCODIN^. reasons however, it is convenient to again split up the first division according as the lateral line is ventral or ventral-mediolateral (cf. the table of analysis p. ii— 12). We may now refer to some of the characters which have special importance in distinguishing the species within the greater groups based on the course of the lateral line. Scales. Of the present species two are perfectly devoid of scales, namely Lycodcs agiiostus Jensen (Tab. VI, fig. i) and A. platyrhiiiiis Jensen (Tab. VI, fig. 2). The well-known ichth\-ologist P. Bleeker lias laid such great weight on the absence of scales that he has formed a special genus Lycodalepis '), which only differs from Lycodes in this one character, and the later American naturalists have followed him. It seems to me that Lycodalepis is an unnatural genus. If the two scaleless species mentioned are removed from the genus Lycodes^ they are then separated from species to which in other respects the\- are closely allied. L. agnostics has its true place amongst the species of Lycodes with mediolateral lateral line, not only on account of the situation of the lateral line, but also on account of the relatively short tail (the head and trunk together are 46—52 "o of the total length) and the number of rays in the unjmired fins (D. 90 — 93, A. 70— 72). L. platyrhinns on the other hand, belongs rightly to the Lycodes with doidjle lateral line, partly because of the ventral-mediolateral lateral lines, partly because of the long tail (head and trunk together are 37°,, of the total length) and the nunil^er of rays in the unpaired fins (D. 99, A. 82). One must be content therefore, to regard the absence of scales as a good specific character and not ascribe to it any generic importance. 0{ the remaining species of Lycodes dealt with in this treatise, there is one which in its slight development of tlie scaly covering, is a transition form to the naked species, namely L. seniiiiudiis Reinh. As the name denotes, it is only half covered with scales, on the tail namely-'), and moreover the scaly area ends in front in the shape of a wedge leaving a naked part dorsally and ventrally (Tab. IX & Tab. X, fig. i). Some variation appears in this species however, as the scaly wedge some- times sends a portion forward on to the trunk; l^ut as a rule the naked abdominal region is one of the characters which aids to a ready determination of L. scinimtdiis. The naked L. agiiostits and the half naked L. seminudus belong, as mentioned, to the group with mediolateral lateral line. Tlie remaining species of this group, A. rossi Malmgr., L. liitkenii Coll. and /,. reticnlatits Reinh. have the scaly covering developed almost to the same extent, and it extends for- wards on tlie sides of the trunk to a point which lies under or a little in front of the beginning of the dorsal fin; but the front part of the back and the belly are always naked, and the fins are likewise devoid of scales. Most of the species of the groups with ventral or ventral-mediolatei'al lateral lines are remark- able for the stronger development of the scaly covering. In adult individuals the scales cover the whole of the bod\- (head excluded) and extend on to the unpaired fins. Such is the case in L.vahlii Reinh., L.. frigidiis Coll., /,. atlaiiticus Jensen, A. esmarkii Coll. and L. eudiplenyostictus Jensen. Of these species L.frigidiis is easily recognisable by its extremely small scales ("Tab. V, fig. i a). L.palHdns ') Versl. K. A. W. 2e Rks. VIII, 1S74, p. 369 (ihucosus). -) Jordan c&. Evermann form a sxibgeiius Lycias under Lycodes, characterised by the tail only beini;; scaled; into this subgenus are brought L. seminudus Reinh. and the imperfectly described L. iieiii/ostis of Krover, later lost and never rediscovered (Fishes of North and Middle America, III, 1S98, p. 2463). LYCODINie. Coll. as a rule has a less develoi^ed scaly covering-, as the anterior portion of the back and a large part of the belly are naked, and the scales (in general) do not extend on to the unpaired fins (Tab. IV, fig. I & Tab. V, fig. 2); in the variety squamiventer mihi however, the scales reach to the neck and to the underside of the belly, and appear as well on the unpaired fins (Tab. IV, fig. 2), but it is not excluded that I liave made an error in considering this form as a variety of L. pallidus ; it must perhaps be raised to a separate species. Lastly L. plafyr/n'niis, as stated above, is entirely naked. All in all, the extent of the scah- covering furnishes often a good specific character when adult individuals can be examined. Colour. One species can be said with certainty to be uniformly coloured at all ages, without spots or bands, and that is L. frigidzis Coll. (Tab. V, fig. i a, b). The reason for this, I presume, is that this species is restricted to great depths (450 — 1455 fathoms). L. atlanticiis Jensen, L. pallidus Coll. var. (vel sp. n.) squamiventer mihi (Tab. IV, fig. 2 a, b), L. tnicrocephalus Jensen (Tab. I, fig. i) and L. platyrhin-its Jensen (Tab. VI, fig. 2) have likewise no markings so far as one can judge from the present scarce material, and they all live at great depths (respectively 516 — 1423 f., 537 — 957 f., 799 f. and 1 010 f.). The remaining species which do not reach in general to so great depths, possess a more lively colouration as a rule, because dark and light alternate; dark and light cross-bands are the most frequent combination, but rings, network or festooned markings can also occur. Some examples may here be mentioned where the colour markings afford a method of determining certain species. L. esmarkii Coll. is remarkable for a specially characteristic colouration. When quite young (Tab. Ill, fig. 2 a) it shows light, A-shaped cross-bands, which in medium-sized individuals (Tab. Ill, fig. 2 b) enclose dark spots or stripes, and which finally in the adults (Tab. Ill, fig. 2 c) change to form festooned markings. In all the remaining species, the body of the quite young is adorned with dark and light cross- bands (sometimes the one, sometimes the other is the more prominent), and this colouration is still retained essentially in the older individuals of the following species: L. ezidiplcurostictus Jensen, L. rossi Malmgr., L. liitkenii Coll. and L. agnostics Jensen, whereas L. pallidus Coll., L. vahlii Reinh., L. reticulatus Reinh., and L. seminudus Reinh. frequently assume another colouration with age. L. pallidics as a rule becomes uniformly coloured with age, and the same is often true of L. semimidus. In L. vahlii the bands disappear almost entirely in the adults or become resolved into ringshaped stripes and irregular spots; one, two or three black spots, the one behind the other, occur almost always on the anterior corner of the dorsal fin , so that the species can readily be recognised (Tab. I, fig. 2 & Tab. II, fig. 1). In L. reticulatus the bauds change in the older individuals to form a charac- teristic network, especially on the anterior portion of the body (Tab. II, fig. 2 & Tab. VIII). However variable the colour markings may on the whole seem to be, they frequently give good specific characters. On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that^ecially the young of various species are so similar to one another in colouration, that confusion may very readily occur. LYCODIN.S;. The pectoral fins often give good specific characters. The number of raj-s in the present species varies from 15 to 23, but the variation within the individual species is sometimes very limited. The length of the pectoral fin also is sometimes a good determining character between nearly allied .species. The posterior margin of the pectoral fin is in general rounded, but the condition in L. eudipleiirostichis (Tab. Ill, fig. 1) is characteristic in that the lower rays are somewhat longer than the middle ones, so that an indentation occurs (the same may also occur in iudividuals of L. frigidus, see Tab. V, fig. i a). Other characters which might be taken into consideration, though not to so great an extent, are the relative height of the body (the dimension choseu in this work for the greater or less elongation is always the height over the anus, which is to some extent independent of distension caused bv food or sexual products), the relative length of the head (which is nevertheless rather variable within the individual species, tlie males as a rule having longer heads than the females or young), size of the eyes, condition of the teeth etc. A gap in the present work is the almost entire absence of the structural anatomy; I must leave this aspect of the diagnosis of the Lycodinse to others who can afford the necessary time. I have only been able to examine the appendices pyloriccu, which in tlie present species of the genus Lycodes are always two and very small, with e.xception of L. esniarkii Coll., where they are wanting altogether. Geographical Distribution. A not unimportant factor to be taken into account in deter- mining a specimen, is where it was found, each species hawing its characteristic, horizontal and vertical distribution, as will be mentioned in detail in the special part. A sunnnary is given on p. 9—10 for orientating the species which inhabit the various seas within the entire area; but though this summary is based on a large amount of material, the possibility is of course not excluded that future investisrations mav still find new forms within these seas. Lycenchelys Gill and Lycodonus Goode & Bean. To the genus Lyceiicke/ys I have referred 4 European and Greenland species: L. miirceiia Coll., L. sarsii Coll., L. kolthofji Jensen and L. ingolfianus Jensen, the determination of which does not cause great difficultv. A good specific character is formed seemingly by the large pits of the lateral line along the upper jaw aud under the eye. In L. mgolfiamis their number is 8, in the others only 7 Other o-ood characters are to be found in the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout, the relative length of the head and the number of ra)s in the pectoral fin.s. The colouration in L. murcena is uniform, and this species also is restricted to great depths (340—620 f.); what the condition is in L. ingolfianus is not known, as only one adult specimen (uniformly coloured) has been found; L. koltho/fi has a strongly spotted (marbled) colouration; L. sarsii has dark markings in the young becoming indistinct in the older stages. Each of these four species has its own separate area of the sea, so that one can conclude from the region alone which species is to hand. — Cf. for the rest, the synoptical table which is given later. LYCODINjE. Of the o-enus Lycodovus only two species are present from the region here considered: L. flagellicauda Jensen which inhabits the polar depths from Spitsbergen down to Iceland and the Faeroe Channel and /-. ophidhtm Jensen of which only a yonng specimen from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean (sonth from Iceland) has been found. Cf. for the rest, the synoptical table. Biology. The Lycoditice are bottom-fishes which swim b\- vigorous movements of their strong tail. As the fishing apparatus often brings them up alive to the surface, even from great depths, one can well believe that they are tenacious of life. Lycodes frigidits. for example, which is essentially a deep water fish, was kept alive during the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition by being placed in some water in a tub; according to Collett, they generalh' remained at rest in a half coiled-up condition, somewhat like Zoarces viviparus. During the Michael Sars* expedition of 1902 I placed two Lycodes esmarkii, taken from 275 fathoms depths, in a tub with water and they remained alive several hours; other individuals of the same species showed themselves extremely active on being preserved and remained living for a long time. According to the observations of Collett, myself and others, the Lycodi7icr live chiefly on Crustacea: copepods ^C«/rt;///.9;, cumacece, isopods, amphipods and AtcSi-pods (H/ppolyte, Hymenodora ttc). In the alimentary canal of the following species onl\- the remains of Crustacea were found: Lycodes rossi, L. reticu/atns, L. semiiindus^ L. agnostits and Lycodonus flagellicauda. Lycodes vahlii and Lyceii- chelys sarsii feed both on Crustacea and small bivalves. Lycodes frigidns according to Collett, lives chiefly on Crustacea, but he has also found in them the remains of a cephalopod; during the Ingolf Expedition a Goiiatus was found in one, and I have taken from their stomachs the beaks of ink-fish and remains of fishes. Collett found fish remains in I^ycodes liitkenii. Lycodes endipleHrostictits feeds on Crustacea, but one just as frequently finds in them the tubes of tubicolous worms, and once I have taken a Priapulus from its stomach. Lycodes esmarkii seems to feed exclusiveh- on echinoderms, especially ophiuroids, partly also on Antedoii and Echijuis ; both Collett and I myself have found their stomachs and intestines crammed full of broken skeletons of these animals. The Lycodince are not despised either by other fishes. At West Greenland they are found not rarely in the ston:achs of the sGreenland shark» ( Somniosus microcephalus) ^ and I ha\e once taken a Lycodes (indeterminable) from the stomach of a cod. Concerning the beginning of the spawning period but little is known. Collett says that Lycodes esmarkii spawns in the early winter months at Finmark, and that L. vahlii (= L. gracilis) spawns during July — October in the Skagerak; I have found the last named species with ripe roe in the beginning of July (Iceland). In the - and mandible, vomer and palatines. Undei'jaw withont barbnles. Scales .small, covering a greater or less part of the trnnk and tail, sometimes wanting. Lateral line ventral or m e d i o 1 a t e r a 1 or both medio- lateral and ventral. Branchiostegal ra\s 6. - & ' The characters which are of special importance for distingnishing between the nnmerous species of this genns have been mentioned in detail in the introduction (p. 3 — 7). A detailed diagnosis is given under each species and I shall here endeavour (p. 11 — 12) to draw up a Key for the deter- mination of the North European and Greenland species — the many difficulties in the wa>- of separa- ting such nearly allied species must be the excuse for the apparent shortcomings. Tentative key for the determination of the European and Greenland species') (and varieties) of Lycodes. I. Vahlii-esmarkii group: Lateral line \entral or both \entral and mediolateral. Distance between the snout and the anus 36,5 — 45 (47)% of the total length. D. 94 — 118; A. 81 — 102. A. Lateral line single, \-entral. a. Rays in the pectoral fins 23. (East coast of North America; 516 — 1423 fathoms). L. atlanticiis Jensen; p. 25. b. Ra\s in the pectoral fins 17 — 21. 1. Colour (at all ages) uniform, without spots or bands. (Polar Depths from Spitzbergen to Iceland and Fseroe Isles; (260?) 450 — 1455 fathoms). L.frigidus Coll.; p. 22. 2. Body with dark cross-bands, in adults ring-shaped markings or more uniform; in the anterior corner of the dorsal fin almost always one or more dark spots. (Kattegat, Skager Rak, Norway, Iceland, southerly West-Greenland; 30 — 3CX3 fathoms). L. vah/i't Reinh.; p. 13. B. Lateral line double, ventral and mediolateral. a. Body naked. (Polar Depths between Jan Mayen and Iceland; loio fathoms). L. platyrkimis Jensen; p. 51. b. Body with scales. a. Pyloric appendages absent. Rays in the pectoral fins 22 — 23, in the dorsal 113 — 118, in the anal 97 — 102. Hind-margin of pectoral not indented. (Finmark and towards Bear Island, Norway-Shetland Slope, Faeroe Channel, east of the Faeroes, Fseroe-Iceland Ridge, east of Iceland, Nova Scotia; 150 — 300 (620) fathoms). L. esmarkii Coll.; p. 27. /9. Pyloric appendages present. Rays in the pectoral fins 20-22(23), in the dorsal 100 — -103, in the anal 88 — 92. Hind-margin of pectoral indented. (Polar Depths west from Norwa\-, north from the Fieroe Isles and east from Iceland, Spitzbergen, northerly East- and West- Greenland; 150 — 470 fathoms). L. eudiplenrostictus Jensen; p. 2)i- ') A North American species, L. atlaniicus Jensen, is included in the key because I know it at first hand. /,. inicro- cephalus Jensen (from the Atlantic Ocean south from Iceland, 799 fathoms; p. 53) is omitted, because the course of the lateral line in this species cannot be determined with certainty — only one small specimen being known; for the rest, it is easily distinguished from all the above species by reason of its small head, which is only 17,3 °o of the total length. J 2 LYCODIN^. J-. P\loric appendages present. Rays in the pectoral fins 17 — 21, in the dorsal 94 loi, in the anal 81— 86. * Belly naked on the underside. 1. Longitudinal diameter of the eye 4,5—3,1 "/o of the total length. (Kara Sea, Polar Depths west from Norwa}', north from the Fseroe Isles and north from Iceland, Spitzbergen, northerly East-Greenland; 18 — 495 fathoms). -v L. pallidus Coll.; p. 38. 2. lyongitudinal diameter of the eye 5,6 — 4,7 ",„ of the total length. (Polar Depths south from Jan Mayen; 371 fathoms). L. pallidus Coll. var. similis mihi; p. 39. ** Belly with scales also on the underside (either the whole or in all cases the greater portion). (Polar Depths west from Norway, north from the Fseroe Isles and east from Iceland; 537 — 957 fathoms). L. pallidus Coll. var. (vel sp. n.) squamiventer mihi; p. 39. II. Reticulatus group: Lateral line mediolateral. Distance between the snout and the anus 43 — 52% of the total length. D. 90 — 97; A. 70 — 78. a. Body naked. (Kara Sea, Ice Sea of Siberia; 15 — 100 fathoms). L. agnostus Jensen; p. 79. b. Body more or less covered with scales. a. Length of the pectoral fin 16,8 '^o of the total length, number of rays 23. (West from vSpitz- bergen; 459 fathoms). L. liltkeiiii Coll.; p. 59. /?. Length of the pectoral fin 14,4 — 13% of the total length, number of ra}s 17-21. * Colour marked by dark cross-bands. Rays in the pectoral (17) 18 — 19 (20). (Kara Sea, East Finmark, Spitzbergen; 5 — 100 fathoms). L. rossi Malmgr. ; p. 55. ** The dark cross-bands (in older individuals) form network patterns. Rays in the pectorals 19 — 21. 1. Longitudinal diameter of the eye 2,7 — 4 "o of the total length. (West Greenland; 100 fathoms). , '*^^ ,: L. reticulatus Reinh. ; p. 61. 2. Longitudinal diameter of the eye 4,3 — 4,8 % of the total length. (Northerly East Greenland, Jan Mayen; 40 — 150 fathoms). L. reticulatus Reinh. var. macrocephalus mihi; p. 66. y. Length of the pectoral fin 11,8 — 9,6% of the total length, number of rays 19—22. (Kara Sea, Polar Depths between Norway and Fseroe Isles, east from Iceland and south from Jan Mayen, Spitzbergen, northerly East Greenland, W^est Greenland; 100 — 600 fathoms). L. seminudus Reinh.; p. 71. ■'o .r.:i "^i 13 LYCODIN^. Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt. Tab. I, Fig. 2 a, b, c & Tab. II, Fig. i a, b. Fig. I & 2 in text. 1831. Lycodes Vahlii Reinhardt, 0\ers. Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Fork. 1830 — 31, p. 74. 1835. L. Vahlii Reinhardt, Overs. Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Fork. 1834 — 35, p. 77. 1838. L. Vahlii Reinhardt, Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, p. 153, Tab. 5. 1866. L. gracilis M. Sars, Fork. \' Selsk. Cliria. 1866, p. 40, PI. i. Fig. 1—3. 1875. L. gracilis Collett, Norges Fiske; Tillcegsh. til Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1874, p. icx). 1880. L. Vahlii Lixtken, ]\Iedd. Natnrh. P'oren. Kbhvn., p. 3ri. 1880. L. liigubris Liitken, ibid. p. 315. 1891. L. rossii Lilljeborg (nee MalnigrenI, Sveriges och Norges Fiskar, III, p. 785. 1895. L. Vahlii Sniitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 613 (partini). 1898. L. gracilis Lxitken, The Danish Ingoif Expedition, II, i, p. 22. 1S99. L. gracilis Collett, \'idensk. Selsk. Skr. Chria. No. 6, PI. I— III. 1901. /.. Vahlii forma gracilis Smitt, Rih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 22. 1901. L. vahlii Jensen, \'idensk. Medd. Natnrh. Foren. Kbhvn. p. 202 & p. 212. The height over the anns anronnts in general to 8 — 1 1 °/o of the total length. The lengtli of the head in tlie males is 19,6 — 23,8";o, in the females 18,8 — 21, 4",, of the total length. The tail is considerably longer than the head and trnnk together, the distance from the snont to the anns being in males 37,8— 42,3 "„, in females 36,5 — 41,7 "^o of the total length. The yonnghave 8 — 10 broad, dark cross-bands over the bod)-; these bands in the adnlts either disappear entirel}- or dissolve into ring-sliaped stripes and irregular spots; on the anterior corner of the dorsal fin is almost always a black-brown patch, behind which there often is one or two more dark spots. Scales begin to appear at a total length of ca. 60 mm.; at a length of ca. 100 mm. the tail and the trnnk are completely covered by scales, as also the base of the unpaired fins. Lateral line ventral. Pyloric appendages 2. The length reaches 520 mm. D. 95— 117. A. 84— 98. P. 17- 20. Vert. 98 — 116. Distribution. Southerl\- West-Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia; 30—300 fathoms. L.vahlii typica: ma.ximum length 520 mm. D. 117 — 113; A. 98 — 90; P. 20 — 19. Vert. 116 — 112. (Greenland. — liigubris: maximum length 355 mm. D. 105 — 103; A. 90; P. 19—18 (17). Vert. 105. Iceland. — gracilis: maximum length 196 mm.') D. 97 — 95; A. 86—84; P. (19) 18 — 17. Vert. 100 — 98. Scandinavia. Remarks on the S >■ u o n >■ m \-. In 1866 a Lycodes, taken in the Christiania Fjord, was described b}- M. Sars under the name L. gyacilis. It was a very young specimen, only 43 mm. long, characterised by 10 saddle shaped cross-bands on a background. The species was not rediscovered until in 1S8S, when Consen'ator Storm took 4 specimens, 97— 137 mm. long, in Trondhjem Fjord; a fifth, very small individual was taken in the same fjord 6 years later. Lastly, during some of the practical fisheries investigations 'I Cf. however Appendix, p. 21. J, LYCODIN^. carried out b\ Dr. C. G. Joh. Petersen and Dr. Johau Hjort in 1897 — 98, a ver\- lar^e number of individuals was taken in the Kattegat, Skager Rak and Christiania Fjord. Based on this rich material, Prof. R. Collett publi-shed in 1S99 a detailed description with numerous figures of the species and of its changing appearances from the young stages up to the reproduc- tive period, the latter stage being reached in these waters at a length of 125 — 150 mm.; the largest specimen was 17S mm. M During tlie same period, the geographical distribution of this species became widened to embrace Iceland and West Green- land^l; Collett had obtained from Iceland in 1S91 a young specimen from B. Grondal of Re\-kjavik, and the Ingolf expedi- tion took 2 specimens 143 and 244 mm. long in Davis Straits in the summer of 1895; the last specimens were determined In- the present author as X. gracilis and were pubUshed under this name in the report on the ichthyolo.gical results of the Ingolf expedition (Liitken 1. c). Prof. Collett in the same treatise, examined the relation of L. gracilis to allied species. Lack of sufficient material oblicred Collett to leave unsettled whether or not L. gracilis is identical with L. rossi Malmgr. and L. pallidus Coll., both known from Spitzbergen. Further it is possible, he states, that L. gracilis may be shown to grow elsewhere to a greater size and be identical with some earlier described form, whose young stages are as yet unknown. On the first possibihty, I am unable to give Prof. Collett any support, as L. rossi is in all probability the young stage of another species (= L. cclaius mihi)3) and L. pallidus is a good species as I shall show later. On the other hand, L. gracilis is in my opinion identical with the species long known from Greenland which Reinhardt (sen.) set up as the type of the genus, namely L. vahlii'<). Our Museum possesses half a score of specimens of this Lycodes, and 7 of these were examined bj- Reinhardt and Liitken whilst 3 are of more recent date (1885); the value of the material is diminished by the bad preservation of the specimens on the whole, but it is quite sufficient to sustain the certainty of the contention here set forth. Further, I am in a position to furnish proof that the L. higubris from Iceland (Ofjord), described by Liitken in 1880, must also be referred to L. vatilii. We see therefore the peculiar phenomenon that one and the same fish has been ascribed to 3 different species, according as it lives in the waters of Scandinavia, Iceland or Greenland. The reasons for this are twofold: partly because the separate authors have had only a Umited material to decide upon; partly because the specimens fall into three groups, which severallv present certain differences, and each of these groups possesses its own geographical and separate region. As a contribution to the knowledge of the importance of geographical' elements;) for the formation of separate races the present example is not without interest, and we shall therefore look into this point a Httle closer later (p. 19). I shall proceed now to treat of the separate forms, employing as titles the names they have hitherto borne. Lycodes gracilis M. Sar.s. The form from Scandinavia i.s .so well known from CoUett's latest researches (1899) that I need not dwell npon it. Collett's treatise I shall snppose as known in the following pages. Lycodes vaklii Reinhardt. Tab. I, Fig. 2 a, b. At the time when I was assisting Prof. Liitken with the revision of the manuscript of The Ichthyological Results; of the Ingolf Expedition, I saw that two small L>codes, taken in Davis Straits out from Sukkertoppen in 88 fathoms, must be ascribed to Z. gracilis with which I was familiar through the mmierons specimens from the Skager Rak presented by Dr. C. G. Joh. Petersen to the Zoological Museum. Prof. Liitken .sent these two specimens to Prof. Collett who was then busy with his monograph on L. gracilis ; Prof. Collett acknowledged the correctness of the determination and has mentioned the discovery in his treatise. At the same time, subjecting the other preserved material in the Museum of Lycodes from Greenland to a hasty review, it struck me that the \oungest of the specimens labelled under the ') A somewhat larger specimen, 196mm. long, was taken later (1900) in the Gullmar Fjord (Bohusliiu); it is preserved in the Riks-Museum at Stockholm, where I have had the opportunity of seeing it. 2) By an error in writing Collett has < East-Greenland > (1. c. p. 8). j) Later: A rich material recently obtained has made it clear to Prof. Collet t also that /,. rossi is an independent species. ■11 It might appear as if Prof. Smitt had already published a similar opinion, but his Height over the anus » 143 28 54 13.5 197 37 72 19.5 235 45 88 -> 244 49 95 23 260 52 99 22 295 5S.5 iiS 25 310 65 127 32 335 I 365 66 j 87 128 \ 152 31 1 35 385 90 '57 30 410 90 160 415 80 170 44 The length of the head is therefore in females i8,S— 21 " o, in males 19,6— 23,8" o of the total length; in the specimens from Scandinavia the figures, expressed in % from Collett's statement of measurements, are 18,8—21,4 % and 20,4—22,7 'V>, respectively. Further, the head and the trunk together (i. e. distance from snout to anus) is in the Greenland .specimens 36,4— 41,6° o, in those from Scandinavia 37,1— 41,3 >^'o of the total length. — In other words, there is as close an agreement as is possible between the Greenland L. vahlii and Scandinavian L. gracilis , with regard to the most important measurements of the body '). Colour-markings. The smallest, Greenland specimen (one from the Ingolf Expedition) is a male 143 mm., figured in Tab. I, fig. 2 a. The body is adorned with broad, dark cross-bands, 2 on the trunk and 7 on the tail; on the tail posteriorly the bands extend right across and out to the borders of the unpaired fins, further forward they reach below to only a little tinder the median line; for the rest, each band has a light part in the centre which is not much darker than the grayish yellow ground- colour of the back and sides. In the anterior part of the dorsal fin are 3 very dark, elongated spots, the M In lii.s work Skandinaviens Fiskar II, 1S95, p. 615, Prof. F. A. Suii tt has expressed the conjecture that L.gyaci/is, which was only known at that time (in the literaturei from the original specimen of Sars, is the young stage of L. vahlii. — In a later note On the Genus Lycodes {Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) V, 1900, p. 57), written after the appearance of Collett's treatise on L. gracilis, the same statement is repeated, but at the same time, L. gracilis is given in his analytical table as a peculiar form (iorealis) of Z. vahlii, specially characterised by this that the length of the head is usually > less than 22 " o of the total length, whilst in L. vahlii iypica (forma arciica) the length of the head exceeds 22 0/0 of the total length ; with regard to the first form it is correct that the length of the head is usually less than 22 ° o of the total length (see above); but it does not agree with the results of my measurements to say, that the length of the head in L. vahlii exceeds more than 22 ° o of the total length (see above) — for the simple reason that Smitt's L. vahlii-t is not the same as L. vahlii Reinhardt, as we shall soon see. — Lastlv, in his latest contribution concerning the systematic relations of the genus, Smitt speaks thus: .Within the limits of the former species (i. e. L. vahlii) it is easy enough to distinguish a local form, gracilis, living in the more southerly- localities on the European side of the Atlantic and perhaps b\- this geographical selection from the true home of the genus stopped in the evolution and retaining the juvenile characters». (On the genus Lycodes. II. Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-.Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, 1901, p. 20). About the same time I expressed a similar idea, as I also looked on L. gracilis as a local form of L. vahlii (but as a dwarf form indeed, not as a form which had preser\'ed the characters of the young of L. vahlii; cf. Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn. 1901, p. 202 and the present treatise p. 19), and in a footnote (1. c. p. 203) I cited Prof. Smitt's opinion as agreeing essentially with my view; but since I have had the opportunity, tlianks to Prof. Smitt, of examining his L. vahlii typical, at Stockholm, I must take back my earher half-agreement witli his view; the form mentioned is not L. vahlii Reinhardt at all, but contains heterogeneous elenient.s, chiefly specimens of L. pallidus Collett and L. eudi- pleurosticltis mihi — two species which, in my opinion, show no special relationship to L. vahlii Reinhardt. 1 6 LYCODIN^. 2nd and 3rd of which are in line each with its cross-band, whilst the ist, in the very front corner of the fin, is in line with the posterior edge of the foremost cross-band. Specimens from the vSkager Rak show the same colonr-markings as the foregoing, bnt the comparison mnst be made with mnch smaller specimens, becanse the cross-bands in those from the Skager Rak ha\e already disappeared as a rnle at the same size as the above. The next larger specimen is a female of 197 mm. long, determined as L. vahlii b\- Liitken. The colonr-markings are as in the foregoing; the dark cross-bands are howe\er somewhat fainter, bnt that may perhaps be dne to their longer preservation in spirit. Observation of the remaining specimens shows that the colonr-markings of the yonng become more and more indistinct with age, especialh- in the males. Even in the largest female, 415 mm. long, there are still traces of the dark bands, although they are partly resolved into ring-shaped markings. The larger males, on the other hand, are darker than the females on the whole, so that the bands, partly in the form of rings, can scarcely be discerned or have entirely disappeared; at the same time, the belh- is often of a .sharply delimited, relatively light, .sometimes even qixite white colonr (Tab. I, fig. 2 c). The dark spot on the anterior corner of the dorsal fin is vers- conspicnons both in the male (Tab. I, fig. 2 c) and female (Tab. I, fig. 2 b), sometimes also the second and third spot. The seal}' co\'ering has already attained essentially to its fnllest extent in tlie 143 mm. long specimen (Tab. I, fig. 2 a), as it extends forwards to the neck (on a line across the gill openings), to the bases of the pectoral fins and of the ventrals as well as ont on to the nnpaired fins. The lateral line is as in L. gracilis ■. it conrses along the ventral border of the tail and rises dorsally over the anus in (jrder to reach the upper notch of the gill-opening i). The number of fin-rays differs somewhat from that in the Scandinavian specimens, which is probabh in relation to the fact that the Greenland form, taken on the whole, is a stronger race; in this regard also, the Iceland specimens are transition-forms so that no specific distinctions can be grounded on these differences. This point will be further considered later (p. 19). Since the general appearance of the body offers no mark of distinction either — that the species reaches a ver\' much greater size at Greenland than at Iceland (cf. p. 19) denotes again onh a racial difference — I look upon it as certain, that the Greenland L. vahlii and the Scandinavian L. gracilis belong to the same species. Lycodes liignbris Liitken. Tab. II, Fig. i a, b. Before treating of this form I think it opportune to refer to some L\codes which ha\e receuth- been received at the Zoological Museum from the east coast of Iceland. They were procured b\ ■) This seems to dispute Liitken's observation: .As Hr. CoUett has called to my attention, there is some rea.son for considering there is another lateral line, a niediolateral, in one of the present specimens (Nr. 7) (Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. iSSo, p. 312) and Collett's still more definite assertion; it must however be admitted, that one of the typical specimens of L. vahlii exhibits traces of a niediolateral line (The Norw. North-Atl. Exp., Fishes, p. S6|. From an exact examination of the specimen concerned, I have come to the resvilt that Collett's observation was perfectly correct; but at tlie same time I am nevertheless of the opinion that this .specimen is not /.. vahlii at all — in spite of the fact that it is one of Reinhardt's type-.speciniens but on the contran,-, is identical as species with the fishes brought home by the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition from Spitzbergen, which Collett took for young specimens of L. esmarkii Coll., but which I have been obliged to distinguish as a special species (see further under L. en(iip/eurosiic/us \i. },b). LYCODIN^. 17 stud. mag. R. Horring during hi.s cruise on the navy-schooner is certainly identical with the fourth specimen but the fifth is no longer in the Museum. Liitk en has remarked that his Iceland L)codes stood near to L. vahlii in respect to body form, scale-covering and course of the lateral line. The Ingolf-Expedition. II. 4. 3 l8 LYCODIN^. As a determining character, he first names the colour which, in the Iceland specimens is «of a perfectly uniform grayish or gray-brownish, without bands, network or the like, either on the back or fins; the only marking apparent to the eye is that the under part of the belly and head are somewhat lighter, thoiigh to a var}'ing degree in the different individuals, and a whiter part especially is present at the corners of the mouth, embracing generally the limbs of the underjaw and the overlip and with a tolerably sharp boundary where it meets the darker head above . It may be remarked meantime that L. vahlii — according to Lutken's own perfectly correct statement — has only dark bauds in the young, and that the bands in the old (at least in the males) seem to dissolve entirely into an uniform dark colour >. Since he pointed out the probable difference in the colouring, L,iitken has obviously compared the Iceland specimens with young L. vahlii; if the comparison however had been made with older L. vahlii — which would have been better, since L. liigubris Liitken consisted only of developed specimens — the result would have been quite different, namely that there was the most perfect agreement between them; even the white part along the limbs of the underjaw and the overlip are found in individual larger males of L. vahlii. An important patch of colour, which Liitken either overlooked or attached no weight to, has also to be mentioned: in the anterior corner of the dorsal fin the characteristic dark spot of L. vahlii-gracilis, so often referred to above, is clearly seen in two specimens, less clearly in the third, of L. lugubris. Again, according to Liitken, the Iceland form differs from the Greenland in having fewer rays in the pectorals, namely 17—18 against 19—20 in L. vahlii. The break is rather small by itself to make one think this \ Here may be added also that in the older males, the row of teeth on the intermaxillary becomes Fig. I. L. vahlii (J. Fig. 2. L. ' I ilia longer than that on the palatals, whilst in the females the row on the intermaxillary is only of the same length or even shorter than that on the palatals. Concerning the colour, Collett states that old males seem as a rule to be more uniform than the females usually are at the same stage. The same holds also, but in greater degree, for the specimens from Greenland. Reproduction. According to Collett, L. vahlii (L.gracilis-^^) spawns in the Skager Rak from July to October; the greatest number of eggs he found in a female was 30 — 48 and their maximum size was reckoned to 4 mm. in diameter. In a female 210 mm. long, taken on July 8th, 1899 at Seydisfjord on the east coast of Iceland, I find on the contrary not less than 93 eggs, whose size is 4,5 mm. in diameter (in addition, this female contained some individual eggs, obviously late in development, and numerous small eggs reserved for the next spawning period). The Greenland specimens do not throw much light on the breeding conditions, partly on account of the bad state of preservation, partly because data with regard to the catch are LYCODINiE. 21 wanting. In a 247 nun. long female, taken on July nth 1895 off Holstensborg, the eggs measured scarceh' i mm. in diameter, so that it was hardly ready for spawning in that year. A female 310 mm. long, taken at Snkkertoppen August 5tli 1885, seems to have spawned as the ovaries are collapsed and contain very small eggs only. In a male of 180 mm., taken at Iceland on April 30th, the testes are very small (9,5 mm.) and little developed. In a male 300 mm. long, likewise from Iceland, the testes measured ca. 30 nnn. (the free folds being ca. 7 nmi.) and are much swollen. In larger males from Greenland the testes reach a length of ca. 45 mm. (folds ca. 20 mm.). Distribution. In Scandinavia the .species has been taken in Trondhjem fjord"), in the Christiania fjord, also in the Skager Rak and in the eastern Kattegat as far as the deep channel E. from Lseso, at 30—300 fathoms depth (cf. Collett 1. c. 1S99 and C. G. Joh. Petersen-)). At Iceland: on the east coast stud. mag. Horring has taken 7 specimens at Reydarfjord, 44 fathoms, one in outer Reydarfjord, 60 — 80 fathoms, one in Nordfjord's Floin, 35—55 fathoms and one in Seydis^ord, 30 — 60 fathoms; from the North Land the Museum has obtained 5 specimens during the seventies from 0fjord; I have also had a further specimen from the same fjord but of later origin 3); in the North-West Land, Capt. Bast obtained a specimen in Arnarfjord in 1894, and lastly a specimens) has been taken at <,North-west Ice- land*, ca. 80 fathoms. At Greenland: the species has been taken at the following places all lying along the south-westerly stretch of coast: Nanortalik (ca. 60° N.L.), Fiskentes, Godthaab, Snkkertoppen and flngolf's;) St. 31 (66° 35' N.L.), 88 fathoms; the distribution therefore extends over ca. 6'/2 degrees of latitude. Appendix. During my participation in the cruise of the Norwegian fisheries steamer, « Michael SarS'> in the summer of 1902, a specimen of Lycodcs vahlii gracilis was taken in the English trawl at a depth of 190 fathoms; the place (St. 47) lay off the south-west of Norway (60° 57' N.L. 3° 42' E.L.). Lastly, through the kindness of Prof. Collet t, I have had the opportunity to examine a specimen which was taken (by the « Michael Sars>, 14.5.01) much further to the north of Norway than the species was hitherto known, namely at Baadsfjord (East Finmark). This specimen is conspicuous by its considerable size, 268 mm. Amongst the hundreds of specimens which have previously been reported from Scandinavia, none — as already mentioned — exceeded 196 mm. in length, but they came from much more southerly regions (especially the Skager Rak). In the fjords of East Finmark, where the conditions are half arctic, the species can thus attain almost as great a size as at Iceland; in the number of fin-rays also this specimen approaches to the variety lugubris^ as the pectoral fins have 19 rays, the dorsal fin loi, and the anal', 89. ij Cf. Appendix this page. 2) Beretning IX fra den biologiske Station, p. 17 — 32; Fiskeri-Beretning for Finansaaret iSgS — 99 (Kjobenhavn, 1900). 3) This belongs to the Natural History Society at Reykjavik and was kindly lent me by nij- friend, Adjunkt B. SEemundsson. 22 LYCODIN^. Lycodes frigidus CoUett. Tab. V, Fig. I a, 1>. 1878. Lycodes vahlii Collett, Fiske indsamlede under den norske Nordhavs-Exjjeditious 2 forste Togter; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Cliria. 1878, No. 4, p. 11 (partim). 1878. L. frigidus Collett, Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionens sid.ste Togt; Forh. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 14, p. 45. 1880. L. frigidtis Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishes, p. 96, PI. Ill, Fig. 23 — 24. 1887. L. reticulatus Giinther (nee Reinhardt), The Voj-age of H. M. S. Challenger, XXII, Report on the Deep-Sea Fishes, p. -]-], PI. XIII. 1887. L. frigidus Giinther, ibid. p. 79. 1891. L. frigidus Lilljeborg, Sveriges och Norges Fiskar, II, p. 19. 1895. L. frigidus Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 610, Fig. 146. 1898. L. frigidtis Liitken, The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, II, i, p. 20 (partim). 1899. L. frigidus lyonnberg, Bihang K. Sv. Handl. Bd. 24, Afd. IV, No. 9, p. 24. 1901. L. reticulatus forma frigida Smitt, Bill. K. Sv. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 29 (partim). No. 10, 11 & 12. 1901. L. frigidus Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Natnrh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 213. The height over the anus amounts to 9 , 5 — i 4 , 2 "/o of the total length (in the young, 8—9,6%). The length of the head in the males is 23,6 — 27,6%, in the females 22,4 — 25,2% of the total length. The tail is somewhat longer than the head and trunk together, as the distance between the snout and the anus is in the males 43,7 — 47%, in the females 38,2 — 45,6% of the total length. The colour is uniformlj- reddish gray or brown gray (in living specimens, yellow brown to chocolate colour), without bands or spots; the gill-covers and fins are dark brown toward the margins. The scales are unusuall}' small, covering the whole of the body as far as the head, and the base of the fins also in the fully grown; in the younger, the middle part of the belly, the fins and along their bases are most often naked. Lateral line ventral'). Pyloric appendages 2^). The size reaches to ca. 560 mm. D. 99— 104. A. 85--90. P. 19 — 21. Vert. 103 — 107 (2 I — 22 + 81 — 85). Distribiition. Polar depths from vSpitzbergen down to Iceland and the Fceroes, (260?) 450— 1455 fathoms. Prof. Collett has given detailed information with regard to the numerous specimens taken on the Norw. North -Atlantic Expedition, representing the species from the younger stages up to 510 mm.; a new and searching description is therefore unnecessary. I shall simply content myself with making some comments, in part sui^plementary, in part for correction. I give below the measurements of 17 specimens from the Ingolf Expedition; tlie sex is stated where it could be determined with certainty, which is already possible at a length of ca. 100 mm. I) lu well-preserved specimens a series of dorsal pores remote from one another, can also be seen. =) I do not agree here -with CoUett, who states that the pyloric appendages are wanting. hYCOBlNJB. 23 S ? 0 ? s ? ? $ ? ? $ ; during my visit to the Stock- holm Riks-Museum I discovered that under this denomination were placed: i specimen of L. perspi- cillum Kroyer (=Z. r^^/«^/rt/«j Reinh. juv.?) (No. i), 8 specimens of L. pallidus Coll. (No. 2— 9) and 3 specimens of the veritable L. frigidjis Coll. (No. 10 — 12). Distribution. The Ingolf Expedition has taken L. frigidus at the following stations which all lie north, north-east and east of Iceland and south of Jan Mayen3): St. 124 495 fathoms — o^6C. 5 specimens 125 729 — — o'-'S - I — 120 885 - — i°o - 6 no 781 - — o°8 - 2 — 102 750 - --o°9- 6 — 104 957 — — i°i - 7 - ') After this was written, I have observed a female L. frigidus with fully ripe eggs. The specimen was ca. 500mm. long, with an enormous ovary, 84 mm. long, 47 mm. broad, which contained 500 eggs, almost ready to be spawned, of a diameter of 7 mm. It was taken on the 29th of August 1902, north from the Faroes (63° 13' N.L., 6° 32' W.L., depth 975 fathoms, temperature of the bottom — 0,51° C.) by the fisheries steamer (Michael Sars». 2) Liitken has also suggested that L. pallidus was a (subspecies or form-> of L. frigidus. Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kbhvn., 1880, p. 317. 3) 2 other specimens were brought home in addition to these 63, but the number of the station was lost later. LYCODIN^. 25 St. Ill 860 fathoms — o°9 C. 6 specimens - 119 loio — — i"o - 10 — - 112 1267 — — i-i - 6 — - 1 18 1060 — — i°o - 8 — - 117 1003 — — i°o - 5 — - 113 1309 — -- i°o - I — The EngHsh expeditions of the Knio:ht Errant and Triton (1880 and 1882) caught a large number of specimens in the cold portion of tlie Faeroe Channel at 540 — 640 fathoms, bottom-tempera- ture 292 and 30- F.; the largest of these specimens was a male which measured ca. 558 mm. (22 inches) ')• The Norw. North-Atlantic Expedition took 15 specimens, 37—510 nnn. long, off the west of Norway, west from Bear Island and west from Spitzbergen; the depths were (260) 457—1333 fathoms, bottom- temperature (^ I -I) — o°7 to — 1-6C. -'). Again, the Nathorst Expedition of 1898 took i .specimen off West Spitzbergen where the depth was 2750 meters and the bottom-temperature — i°4 C. Further, the Kolthoff Expedition of 1900 caught 3 specimens between Jan ]\Ia\en and Greenland (72"' 42' N.L. 14° 49'W.Iv.) at 2000 meters. La.stly, the Michael vSars in 1902 caught 17 .specimens (290— 530 nnn. long) north from the Fseroes (63" 13' N.L. 6" 32' W.L.), where the depth was 975 fathoms, also 2 specimens (366— 430 mm. long) in the cold area off western Norway (63 7' N.L. i' 38' E.L.), where the depth was 650—720 fathoms. L. frigidus is so generalh- distributed over the deeper and deepest parts of the Polar Depths, from Spitzbergen down to Iceland and the Fseroes, that it may be reckoned amongst the most characteristic inhabitants of this deep-sea ba.sin. I feel \-er\- dubious, therefore, on finding that the American authors have identified a L}codes occurring generalh- in the western part of the true Atlantic Ocean, with L. frigidus Coll. from the ice-cold Polar Depths. I believe, indeed, I am in a position to sa}- there must be some error in this determination. Although it is be>ond the scope of the present work to enter upon the American forms, I shall vet make an exception in this case since it presents a very important question in biological regard, namel\-, whether a species of fish can be connuon to the warm ground in the depths of the Atlantic and to the ice-cold depths of the Northern Ocean. Lycodes atlanticus Jensen. 1895. Lycodes frigidus Goode & Bean (nee Collett), Oceanic Ichthyology, p. 305; iSIem. of the Mu.seum of Comp. Zool. at .Harvard College, vol. XXII. 1898. L. frigidus Jordan & Evermann (nee Collett), Fishes of North America, III, p. 2465. 1901. L. atlanticus Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 207. 1) Giluther (I.e. I has referred this to L. 7-eiiculatus Reinh., but both F. A. Siiiitt and Liitken have remarked upon its resemblance to L. frigidus Collett. It agrees perfectly in fact with the large male of L. frigidus from the Ingolf Expedition, as appears both from Giinther's description and figure; onl}-, Giinther gives his specimen a mediolateral lateral Hne, which must rest on some error. 2) It is possible that the specimen from the relatively small deptli (260 fathoms) with high bottom-temperature (_(- i°i c.| arises from an error in determination; Prof. Collett has kindly informed me that it was given away to some Museum so that the determination cannot now be controlled; concerning a second specimen from 350 fathoms (N. North-Atlantic Exped. St. 124) which Collett has mentioned, I have already remarked that Uie early appearance of the scaly covering indicates that it is no L. frigidus (cf. p. 23). The Ingolf-Expedition. H. 4. 4 26 LYCODIN^. The leiioth of the head amounts to 22,6 ^''o of the total leng-th, the distance between the snout and the anus 37,6 "o, the height over the anus 11,4 "v.- Colour unifornil) l)ro\vn, without bands or spots. The scales, which are of the usual size, extend forward to the head as well as out on to the unpaired fins and base of the pectorals. La teral line v en t ra 1. !'• 23. Distril)Ution: Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of North America, 516 — 1423 fathoms. In the work mentioned above, Goode & Bean have identified a Lycodes taken in large numbers in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of North America (35'" 12' 10" — 41° 53' N.L. 65" 35'- - 74" 34' 45" W.L.), at 516—1423 fathoms depth, with L. frigidus Collett from the ice-cold depths of the Northern Ocean. Unfortunately, the authors have contented them.selves with copying Collett's diagnosis, and impart no information whatsoever on their material apart from a recital of the separate localities. And if one consults the most recent and principal work on the North American fishes by Jordan & Ever maun, one also finds nothing concerning the American form, as these authors have contented themselves with studying a t>pe-specimen from the Northern Ocean sent bv Prof. Collett. Thanks to the generosity of the Smithsonian Institution our Zoological Museum has meantime come into the possession of a specimen of the American L. frigidzis k On comparing this individual with specimens from the Polar Depths I find that they belong to two distinct species. In the uniform brown colouration, the ventral lateral line and other, though more general, features the two forms present a certain resemblance to one another, but on closer examination they are seen to be quite different in important characters. Measurements of the .\merican specimen are as follows: Total length 338 mm. Length of the head 76,5 — Distance from snout to anus. . . 127 — Height over the anus 38,5 — Put into percentages, the length of the head is therefore 22,6%, the distance between the snout and the anus 37,6%, the height over the anus ii,4"/o of the total length. The sex cannot be determined as the internal organs of the fish have been destroyed. Comparing this individual now with specimens from the Polar Depths, of the same length and of both sexes, we find a very distinct difference with regard to the most important measurements. 'I'otal leiij^th in iiini. Leiioth of tlie head in o o of the total lengtli Distance from snout to amis — — L. frigi ■fits Coll. ? I.L. frigidus » G. & B. 327 345 338 25>i 23,8 22,6 44,6 43,4 37,6 The tail in the American form has therefore a much greater proportion of the length in rela- tion to the rest of the body; in agreement with this its head is relatively somewhat smaller. lA'CODIN.B. 27 Other differences are also present, which jnst as distincth' declare against the two forms being- identical. The American specimen, for example, has much larger scales so that the nnmber in the vertical line from the anus to the base of the dorsal fin amonnts to 34; whereas, on the same line in a specimen of L. fngidus from the Polar Depths there are ca. 55 scales, although its total length is the same. Lastly, the American form has 23 rays in the pectoral fins whilst the number in the species from the Polar Depths is at most 21. I can come to no other conclusion therefore, than that we have to deal with two species well separated in important structural features. The American form must conseqnenth' be renamed, and convenientl\ L. at/ant/cns^], which cluiracterises it zoo-geographicall\ in contrast to the L. frigidus of the ice-cold Polar Depths. For the rest, it must be left to the American ichth\ologists to give us further enlightenment upon this species since they have of it a large material at their disposal. Lycodes esmarkii Collett. Tab. HI, I'iK- 2 «. 1'. c. 1869. Lycodes Vahli Esmark, Bidrag til Finmarkens F'i.skefauua; Forh. \-. Skand. Naturf. lo. Mode i Chria. 1868, p. 524. 1875. [..esmarkii Collett, Norges Fiske; Tillsegsh. til Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl. Chria. 1874, p. 95. 1879. Z-. z'a/i/zy Collett, Meddelelser oni Norges Fiske i Aarene 1875--78; Forhandl. \'idensk. Selsk. Chria. 1879, No. I, p. 62 (partim), 1880. L. esmarkii Collett, The Norw. North-Atlantic Expedition, F'ishes, p. 84 (partim), PL III, F'ig. 22. 1884. L. esmarkii Collett, Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1879 — 83; Nyt Magaz. f. Natnrvidensk. 29 B., p. 73 (partim). 1891. L. esmarkii Lilljeborg, Sveriges och Norges F'iskar, II, p. 6 (partim). 1895. L. Vahli? Smitt, Skandinavieus Fiskar, II, p. 613 (partim). Fig. 149. 1899. L.vahlii honnheiXg, Bihang K. Sv. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. Hd. 24, .'Xfd. I\', No. 9, p. 23. 1901. L. esmarkii Jensen, Medd. Naturh. P'oren. Kbhvu., p. 213. Height over the anus amounts to 8,9 — 14,4",, of the total length. Length of the head in adult males is 21 — 24°,,,, in adult females and voung iudi\i duals 19,2 — 21,9% of the total length. The tail is distinctly longer than the head and trunk together, as the distance between the snout and the anus amounts to 37,5 — 42,9 "/o of the total length. The posterior margin of the pectorals rounded without indentation. Colour brown, with a light stripe oxer the neck (or a light spot on each ') I ought however to explain, that the new specie.s has point.s of connection with the Lycodes terra-nova: from the banks of Newfoundland, 155 m., founded by R. Collett in 1S96 (Resultats Camp. Scient. .\lbert I, Fasc. X, p. 54 . But in two specimens of similar size (370 & 310 ram.) to the above named L. atlanlicus, the length of the head is 18,9 -18,4 "o, the distance from snout to anus 35,1 — 35,5 °o, of the total length. In addition, there is a characteristic difference in regard to the teeth- equipment of the palatines: in L. ierrx-novce there are only 3 — 5 teeth on the palatines, and the whole row is scarcely half so long as that on the intermaxillaries ; whereas, in L. atlaniicns there are lo teeth on the palatines, and the whole row is more than double that on the intermaxillaries. 28 LYCODIN^. side of the neck) and 5 — 9 whitish yellow cross-lines on the bod\-, which are /!; -formed in the yonng, bnt in the medi nm-si zed specimens enclose dark spots or stripes and finall}' form festoon-shaped markings. The scales cover the whole of the body as far as the neck and base of the ventral fins and extend far ont on to the nnpaired fins. The lateral line is double, mediolateral and ventral, bnt often indistinct, especially the mediolateral. Pyloric appendages are wanting. The length reaches to 705mm. D. 113— 118. A. 97 — 102. P. 22 — 23. Vert. 115 — 118 (23 + 92 — 95)M- Distribution. Finmark, 150 — 200 fathoms; between Norway and Bear Island, 200 fathoms; Norway-Shetland Slope, 275 fathoms; Fteroe Channel, 620 fathoms; east from the Faeroes, 228 fathoms; between the Faeroes and Iceland, 250 fathoms; east from Iceland, 300 fathoms; Nova Scotia. Remarks on the S y n o n y m }•. L. esmarkii was founded in 1S74 by Collett for a Lj-codes occurring in the fjords of Finmark, which was however already mentioned by Esmark in 1868 and referred by him to L. vahiit Reinh.; CoUett also, at a certain period (1878—79), was inclined to place these two species together, but finally raised L. esinarkii to an independent position. Through Colletfs exertions a b)^ no means small material was graduallj' acquired; in 1S83 the number amounted to 22. .\11 these specimens were remarkable for their large size, tying between 575 and 705 mm. Prof. Collett kindly permitted me to examine the smallest specimen which up to the present has come from Finmark ; it measured about 443 mm. Further I have had 3 larger specimens under examination which our Zoological Museum owes to the generosity of Collett. Meantime, the Norwegian North- Atlantic Expedition during 1877 — 78 found 4 Lycodes, 81 — 295 mm. long, on the banks off the Lofotens and on the north-west coast of Spitzbergen, concerning which Collett holds it for extremely probable that they are the hitherto wanting young stages of L. esmarkii; the three largest of these are figured in the work on the fishes of the expedition (PI. II, fig. 19, 20, 21) and for comparison an adult L. esmarkii from Finmark is also given (PI. Ill, fig. 22). The differences which appear between them, especially in the colour-markings, could be ascribed according to Collett, to the great difference in age and size. In 1896, the Ingolf Expedition obtained a 260 mm. long Lycodes north-west from the F'teroes which in colour-mar- king recalls greatly the largest from the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, and for other reasons also must be considered identical with the presumed \'Oung stages of L. esmarkii Coll. On opening this specimen I found the gut pro\'ided with two pyloric appendages, small yet quite distinct, whilst L. esmarkii of Collett displays no trace of tliese^). An investigation, undertaken thereafter on a specimen from the Norwegian North-AUantic Expedition , showed that this likewise possessed pyloric appendages. It was therefore clear that the supposed young of L. esmarkii could not be stages in the development of this fish, but must belong to a separate species. A detailed comparison further strengthened the independence of the two forms, so that I was obliged to set up a new species for the specimens obtained away from Finmark, which I have called L. etidipletirostictus ; an explanation of this point will be given later (p. 34—37). Whilst I have been obliged to remove from L. esmarkii a form that had previously been considered its young stages, I have at the same time had the satisfaction of being able to show a true early stage of L. esmarkii. This I found in a small Lycodes, which the Swedish Nathorst Expedition of 1S9S obtained between Norway and Bear Island, and which has already- been described as to its most important characters by Dr. E. Lonnberg (1. c ). This author ascribed it to L. vaklii, as he hke Prof. S m i 1 1 declares himself unable to distinguish between L. esmarkii and L. vaklii^ a position I cannot agree with (cf. p. 31 — 32). On a \' o u n g specimen of Lycodes esmarkii. Tab. Ill, fig. 2 a. A comparison between the siDecimen jnst referred to (from the sea between Norway- and Bear Island) and L. esmarkii from Finmark will show how it ma\- rightly be considered as a very young specimen of L. esmarkii. ') Collett found Vert. 23 + 95 in one specimen, in another I counted 23 — 92, Lilljeborg (1. c. p. 16) also 23 + 92 in a third. -) After this was written, I have been able through Dr. E. Lonnberg's kindness, to examine a well-preserved specimen in the Museum at Upsala of the Finmark /.. esmarkii and could convince mj-self that the pyloric appendages were completely wanting. LYCODIN.E. 29 Its dimensions are as follows: Total length ^ 192 mm. Length of the head 39 — Distance between snont and anus 73 — Height over the anus 17 — The length of the head is thus 20,3 °'o of the total length and falls therefore within the limits of variation occurring in the adult specimens from Finmark; thus, the measurements given b\- Prof. Collet t, reckoned in percentages, show the length of the head as 19,2-24"/,, of the total length (in 10 males 22,2 — 24 "/o, in 12 females 19,2 — 21,970). Again, the head and trunk together (or distance between snout and anus) is 38 "o of the total length, which figure is very close to that of the adult individuals, where (in 4 specimens) it is 38,3 — 42,9%')- It is the colouration however which makes one think at once of L.esmarkii. The ground- colour is dusk)- brown above, yellowish white below; the scales are whitish and show as light points against the dark background. On the brown ground-colour the body is marked b\- 7 whitish \-ellow bands which are distributed wide apart with exception of the last. The foremost of these bands extends from the gill-cover over the edge on to the middle line of the neck; the band on the one side does not reach so high up and does not therefore meet with that on the other side. The second band lies almost over the end of the pectorals; it begins at the upper margin of the dorsal fin and divides like a horse-shoe a little below the line of the back. The third band, which lies somewhat behind the anus, is similarh- branched but more angularh'; the fourth and fifth bands have also more or less the distinct form of a A- The si.xth band as also the seventh, which lies near to the sixth, just at the end of the tail, extends across the tail and out to the borders of the fins in the form of forward projecting arches. — If one compares this with Collett's figure of an adult L.esmarkii (1. c. PI. Ill, fig. 22) one sees that the colouration of the latter is onh- a further development of that in the present young specimen, as the bands by much branching have assumed the form of festoons. The pectoral fins have 22 rays, which number agrees with that of the adults from Finmark; in five of these I have counted 22 — 23 rays, the above mentioned specimen of 443 mm. has 23 ra\'S-). The lower rays are gradually shortened so that the posterior margin of the fin is evenly rounded as in the adults. The dorsal fin has 117 ra}-s, the anal 102, which numbers also fall within the variations found in the adult specimens from Finmark, viz. 113 — 118 ra^'s for the dorsal, 97 — 102 for the anal, according to Collett. The scaly covering extends forward to the light band on the neck, to the base of the pectorals and ventrals, also some wa\' on to the unpaired fins, especially the dorsal fin, but the fore- most part of the anal fin on the other hand is naked. The scales have therefore almost reached their complete distribution. 1) .\.s it might be of interest to have the ineasuremeiit.s of the specimen ca. 443 mm. mentioned above, the .smallest hitherto obtained from Finmark, I give them here: distance between snout and anus 175 mm. 139.5 "o of the total lengthl, length of the head 90 mm. (20,3 °/o of the total length), height over the anus 54,5 mm. (12,3 <> o of the total length). The specimen is badlv preserv'ed and the colour has almost entirely disappeared, the internal organs have been removed so that the sex cannot be determined. -) When Collett gives 20—23 raj-s, it must be remembered, that the lower number has arisen through including under L. esmarkii the specimens with smaller number of fin-rays (= L. eudipUurostictus) from the Norwegian Xorth-.A.tlantic Expedition. lO LYCODIN,^. The lateral line begins abo\e the upper notch of the gill opening; its pores to the ninnber of some t\vent\ can be followed as far as the middle of the posteriori} extended pectoral; from this point one can observe by good light a \er\- weak light line bending down towards the anus and further along the lower border of the tail; this fine line represents the \entral lateral line, but pores can onlv be seen here and there singh' and indistinct. I belie\e I have seen weak traces of a medio- lateral lateral line in the form of a few wideh separated pores. The lateral line in this young specimen is thus in the same stage of development as in the adult L. esmarkii ; in these the lower (ventral) branch can as a rule be followed; so far as concerns the upper (mediolateral) branch, Collett declares that it is alwa\s indistinct'), and this I can confirm as onh- in one of the three adult specimens at \\\\ disposal have I found it possible to trace some single oblong pores. Lastly, it ma\' be added that this \oung specimen shows not the slightest trace of pvloric appendages, which are also wanting in the adult L. esmarkii, as already mentioned |p. 28). All the characteristics displayed above lead to the conclusion that this small specimen from the open sea off Finmark is a young stage of /,. esmarkii from the coasts of Finmark. A p p e u d i X. After the foregoing had been written I have had the further opportunit\' of examining 6 specimens of L. esmarkii obtained during my participation in the 1902 summer-cruise of the : Michael Sars to the seas of Shetland, the Faeroes and Iceland. The distribution of this species — hitherto considered somewhat local has thus become considerabl\- extended. Some remarks on these specimens may fittingly find a place here. The smallest of the specimens was taken in the Fteroe Channel. The total length is 188 mm., 4 mm. smaller therefore than the one referred to (p. 28—30) from the seas between Norway and Bear Island. For the rest, they agree very closel\-, chiefly in regard to the most important proportions, as will be seen: Total length in mm Length of the head in " o of tlu- total length Distance between snout and anus Height over the anus — — L. esmarkii juv. from - one of Reinhardt's type-specimens, is in no wa>- L. vahlii but belongs to the following species which is pro\'ided with two lateral lines (see more in detail p. 36). If now, one wishes to settle the independence of L. esmarkii — just as it has been done above, by consideration of the identical and exclusion of the unrelated elements — as against L. vahlii, one must first and foremost lay stress on the following characters: (i) want of pyloric appendages; (2) the larger nmuber of ra\s in the pectorals; (3) the characteristic colouration; (4) the double (ventral and mediolateral) lateral line. They differ from one another also in biological relations; L. esmarkii lives on the whole at greater depths than L. vahlii, and feeds chiefly on echinoderms whilst L. vahlii feeds on Crustacea and Mollusca. Distribution. According to Collett, L. esmarkii must be considered a stationary and scarcely a rare fish on the coasts of Finmark; almost all the specimens examined hitherto have been caught in the Varanger Fjord on lines, and at the depth of 150—200 fathoms. Between Norwa>- and Bear Island (73" 3' N.L. 18° 30' E.L.), where the depth was 410 m. and bottom-temperature + 2° C. the Nathorst Expedition caught the \oung specimen (192 mm.) referred to in detail above (p. 28) on the 4th of September 1898. It was taken by the Norwegian Fisheries steamer Michael Sars in the sunnner of 1902 at the following places: Slope between Norwa> and Shetland (62^ 30' N.L. 1° 56' E.L.), depth ') The apparently smaller variation in>na>'kii arises from the fact that the numbers are based on measurements of only 5 specimens and of these but one only was a young individual. (Appendix: in one of the specimens obtained later ["Michael Sars » 1902] the distance between the snout and the anus amounts to only 37,5 °;o of the total length). LYCODIN^. 33 275 fathoms, bottom-temperature + 4''88 C, 2 specimens (371— 374mm); Channel between Shet- land and the Faeroes (60° 19' N.L. 5° 39' W.L.), depth 620 fathoms, bottom-temperature — o°i5 C, I young specimen (188 nnn.)'); east from the Faeroes (62° 26' N.L. 4'' 49' W.L.), depth 228 fathoms, I specimen (552 mm.)'); between the Fee roes and Iceland (62° 59' N.L. 10" 37' W.L.), depth 251 fathoms, bottom-temperature -f 3° 24 C, i specimen (521 mm.); east from Iceland {64° 58' N.L. 11^ 12' W.L.), depth 300 fathoms, bottom-temperature — o°38 C, i specimen (383 mm.). Judging from these captures, L. esmarkn\ which was hitherto considered as a species occurring locally at Finmark, has probably a continuous distribution over the deeper parts of the coastal plateau of the Northern Ocean and its shelving sides («.slopes»), from Bear Island and Finmark down to Stat, thence towards Shetland and tlie east banks of the Fieroes, north of the Fseroes and along the broad ridge from the Fseroe Isles to the Iceland plateau. Exceptionally, it may venture over the sloping banks of the ocean down into the polar depths. Again, it occurs on the east coast of North America, as Collet t has identified 4 fully grown specimens from off the coast of Nova Scotias). Ly codes eudipleurostictus Jensen. Tab. Ill, Fig. i a, b. /SS" "^ 1878. Lycodes vahlii Collett, Fiske indsamlede under den norske Nordhavs-Expeditions 2 forste Togter, ,*C 1876 og 1877; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 4, p. 11 (partim). f- 1878. Z. ^'rt/^/zy Collett, Fiske fra Nordhav.s-Expeditionens sidste Togt, Sommeren 1878; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 14, p. 54 (partim). \ 1879. L. vahlii Collett, Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1875—78; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1879, No. I, p. 62 (partim). 1880. L. esmarkii Q.o\\fi\X, The Norw. North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishes, p. 84 (partim), PI. II, Fig. 19—21. 1891. L.esmarkii Lilljeborg, Sveriges och Norges Fiskar, II, p. 6 (partim). 1895. L. vahlii S\mX\.^ Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 613 (partim). 1898. L. Esniarkii Liitken, The Danish Ingolf Expedition, II, i, p. 21. igoi. L.esmarki Knipowitsch, Ann. Musee zool. I'Acad. Imp. St. Petersbourg, T. VI, p. 21. 1901. L. I 'ahlii forma pallida Smitt, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 24 ( p a r t i m ), No. 13. 1901. L. Vahlii typica vSmitt, ibid. p. 26 (partim). No. 40, 41 & 42. 1901. L. eudipleurostictus Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Klihvn. p. 206. The height over the anus amounts to 8,1- 13,6 "o, the length of the head to I g , 8 — 24,3 ° o of the total length. The tail is distinctl>- longer than the head and trunk together, as the distance between the snout and the anus is 36,7 — 41,4% of the total length. The posterior margin of the pectoral is indented. Colouration M Giinther (Chall. Exped. Deep-Sea Fishes, 1887, p. 77) also refers 2 specimens from the F'seroe Channel, 608 fathoms, to this species, but tliej- perhaps belong to L. eudipleurostictus mihi which has been confused with L. esniarkii. 2) This specimen was taken on a line, the other specimens in the English trawl. 3) Goode and Bean refer also to this species a number of specimens, taken at 39° 43'— 42° 43' N.L. and 62° 20' — 71° 42' W.L.. 224—420 fathoms (Oceanic Ichthyology, 1895, p. 303), but one cannot tell if the determination is correct. The Inoolf-Expeditton. II. 4. 5 34 LYCODIN^. brown with a light spot on each side of the neck (sometimes a light stripe across over the neck), and with 5 — 8 as a rnle narrow whitish yellow cross-bands over the ■trunk and tail (sometimes partly assuming a ring-form). The scales cover the whole of the bod}' to in front of the dorsal fin and to the ventrals, and extend out on to the unpaired fins. The lateral line is double, divided just behind the root of the pectoral into a mediolateral and a ventral branch, both distinct. P\'loric appendages 2. Size reaches to 325 mm. D. 100 — 103. A. 88—92. P. 20 — 22 (23). Vert. 106 (20-^86). Distribution. Northerly West- and East-Greenland, ca. 150 — 400 fathoms; Spitz- bergen, 260 — 460 fathoms; west from Lofotens in Norway, 350 fathoms; off Norway- Shetland Slope , 360 — 420 fathoms; north from the Fseroes, 470 fathoms; east from Iceland, 300 — 340 fathoms. I have been obliged to found this new species for the 4 specimens brought home by the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition from Spitzbergen and from the seas off Lofoten, which Prof. Collett after some reflection, considered were young specimens of L. esntarkii of Finmark, also for a similar specimen (260 mm. longi taken by the Ingolf Expedition north-west from the Fseroes (figured in fig. I a of Tab. III). In addition, there is a further specimen from Umanak in West Greenland, referred formerly by Reiuhardt sen. to the Z. z/a/^/// founded by him. Lastly, I have been able to examine 4 specimens in the Stockholm Riks-Museum, taken in Franz Joseph's Fjord (northerly East Greenland) by the Nathorst and Ko 1th off Expeditions, and considered by Prof. F. A. Smi tt as «forms-; of L. valilu'^). As I shall now proceed to confirm the necessity of the resolved upon separation from L. esmarkii\ I ma\- first of all set down the proportions of the 9 specimens. 2) Franz Josephs Fjord Off Lofoten Spitz- berofen Franz Josephs Fjord ? Total length in mm. Length of the head — Distance from snout to anus — Height over the anus — 68 Si 114 16,5 iS,5 25 27 31.5 45 5.5 7 12 165 39 66 17 Franz Josephs Fjord N.W. f. Spitz- Spitz- Fseroes bergen bergen ? 5 ? Franz Josephs Fjord 227 54 94 26 260 265 295 57 60 65 102 105 1 16 3) 31.5 32 40 75 126 35 The form of the body is on the whole not unHke that of L. esmarkii\ and the inost important proportions are somewhat similar; thus, the length of the head amounts to 21,9— 24,3° o, the distance between the snout and the anus to 38,9 — 41,4 °o of the total length. The fins on the other hand .show in several -wa^'s, tolerably great differences from those of the foregoing species. Whilst the pectorals in L.esinarkii have 22—23 rays, the number in the present species is mostly 21, more rarely 22, only in a single specimen and in one of its pectoral fins is the ■1 My original diagnosis (1. c.) has been changed somewhat out of regard for these 4 specimens (likewise also for the still later obtained 17 specimens of the (Michael Sars» Expeditions of 1900 and 1902 [cf. p. 36]). 2) The West Greenland specimen is in a tolerably bad condition and will therefore be described by itself (p. 36). . 3) Collett has 160, which must be a misprint. LYCODIN^. 35 number 23. Again, the pectoral fins in Z. endtpleurostictits are remarkable in that the lower rays are somewhat prolonged and project distinct!}- forward beyond the middle ra>s; the posterior border of the fin thus displays a distinct indentation. Collett even has remarked upon this peculiarity in his }oung specimens of iL.esntarkii\ but he imagines that the fin changes during development — a condition, Collett admits however, he has never seen, nor anything similar, in other species. We have just seen (p. 29 and p. 31) that the real \oinig stage of L.esmarkii shows no such incision of the pectoral — so that this may be considered as one of the characteristic features of L. eiidzplettrosii'ctits^). Again, the vertical fins have distincth' fewer fin-rays. In the L. esmarkii from Finmark, according to Collett, the dorsal fin has 113— 118 ra)'s, the anal 97 — 102; in the specimens from the Norw. North-Atlantic Expedition on the other hand, the dorsal fin has onh" 102 — 103 rays (from the Ingolf Expedition, loo), and anal fin 88—92 rays (from the Ingolf Expedition, 90). Collett explains the larger number of fin-rays in the large specimens from Finmark by assuming that vertebrse might continue to be laid down along with the rays belonging to them during the wliole develojjment, but I hardly think that Prof. Collett retains this opinion. Scales. Concerning the two largest specimens (265 and 295 mm.) from the Norw. Xorth-Atlan tic Expedition, Collett has declared that the scaly covering extends forward in front of the beginning of the dorsal fin, and on the belly to the veutrals; the dorsal and anal fins are likewise covered with scales nearly to their margins. The 260 mm. long specimen from the Ingolf Expedition is quite similar. In the two \oung specimens from the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition the scaled integument is for the most part fulh' developed on the body; in the largest individual (114 mm. total length) both the fins and the skin along their base are still naked ; in the smallest (81 mm. total length) the scales on the tail are just beginning to develop*. With regard to the three larger specimens (165 — • 320 mm) in the Stockholm Museum, I have noted that the scales reach forward to the head and out on to the unpaired fins; the 68 mm. long individual was still naked on the posterior half of the tail, whereas the remaining part of the tail as well as the trunk to a little behind the base of the pectoral shows indications of scales. The lateral line in I.. eudipleiirostictHS is very distinctly double (I have founded the name of the species on this characteristic). It arises singly at the upper end of the gill-openings, forms a slight arch over the free edge of the gill-cover, then divides a little posterior to this into two branches, the upper of which, the mediolateral, is the most distinct and courses along the middle line of the whole bod\- right to the caudal fin; the lower branch, the ventral, courses slantwise downwards towards the anal fin, then runs along the edge of this fin towards the caudal fin. Such is the case in the medium-sized and largest specimens. In the 81 mm. long specimen both lines are still indistinct, but they are already apparent in the one 114 mm. long. — In L. esmarkii the mediolateral line is often more or less indistinct. The colouration ol L. eudzpleiirostictus is rather different from that of the foregoing species and can hardly be thought to give rise to that in L. esmarkii, as Collett believed. The ground- I) Smitt (I.e. 1901) states that the pectoral is incised in more of the Nathorst-Kolthoff Expeditions' L3'Codes than the four I have here referred to L. eiidipleurosiicius, but after a personal inspection of the specimens in question I have not been able to confirm this statement. In L. frigidiis on the other hand, the posterior margin of the pectoral is often weakly incised. 36 LYCODIN^. colour is brown, more or less dark, with narrow whitish yellow cross-bands whose number varies from 5 — 8. Further, as sign of a neck-band, there is a more or less distinct whitish yellow spot immediately over the upper end of the gill-opening, sometimes lower down on the edge of the gill-cover; concerning one of the specimens from East Greenland I have indeed noted: the neck light across over. What especially distinguishes L. eiidipleurostictjis from the foregoing species in the colouration, is that the vertical bands show no signs of resolving themselves into the characteristic festooned markings of the adult L. esiiiarkii. When we add to this that the gut immediately behind the stomach is provided with 2 small appendages, whilst the L. esmark/i of Finmark is wanting in any trace of such, we have the most important differences between the present and foregoing species. The Greenland specimen yet remains to be briefly mentioned. It was sent from Umanak in 1S34 and mentioned by Reinhardt sen. amongst the 7 Lycodes which served for the preparation of his detailed treatise on L. va/ii//'^)\ its preservation however was not good, and R. when preparing his description, seems to have made no further use of it, otherwise its distinctness from L. valtlit might have been apparent to him. Nor did Liitken find anything remarkable in it. Prof. CoUett however, on a visit to our Museum, discovered that this specimen showed signs of a mediolateral in addition to the ventral lateral line usual to L. valilii^). This fact was for me still more striking: the two lateral lines are especially distinct, just as distinct as in the other specimens of L. etidipleiirostictus at my disposal. Further, the number of rays in the pectorals agrees with this species and amounts to 21, a number that is never reached in L. vahlii. Where the colour is preserved, it is in agreement with the present species. Its length is ca. 275 mm. I do not hesitate therefore to separate this specimen from L. vahlii and place it with L. eiidipleurostictus. Appendix. After completing my MSS. on L. cudiplcurostictus I have had the opportunit\- of studying a series of specimens, caught during my participation in the 1902 summer cruise of the Norwegian steamer IMichael Sars . These specimens should be briefl\' described here as they lead to a few changes in the diagnosis. The most important measurements of these 16 specimens, likewise of a 17th taken during the 1900 cruise of the * Michael Sars», are as follows: Total length in nun. Length of the head — Distance from snout to amis — Height over the anus — 75 16 28 6,25 152 34 203 43 57>5l 74,5 17 I 24 205 I 206 209 223 441 46,51 45 I 50,5 82 i 82 I 82,5! 87 21 22,5 24 ; 24 i\ $ ? i 5 I ? I - cover the anterior part of the tail, also the trunk as far as the beginning of the dorsal fin, though the anterior portion of the back and the whole of the belly are naked. The 104 mm. long specimen (Tab. IV, fig. i c) is already almost entirely covered with scales, from near the tip of the tail forward as far as the dorsal fin extends; the anterior part of the back is however naked, as also a small portion under the base of the foremost part of the dorsal fin and the belly, or speaking more accurately, that part of the trunk which lies under the branch of the lateral line descending towards the anus. In the 115 mm. long specimen, there is a slightl}- larger naked part posteriorly on the tail, but the scaly covering has the same distribution 1) According to Collett 9S — loi. 2) — - — S4-S6. 3; — - — 18—19. The Ingolf-Expedition. IT. 4. ,2 LVCODIN-€. in front, likewise in the 130 mm. long specimen, though here the end of the tail is scaled. In the 133 mm. long specimen, there are one to two rows of scales under the descending part of the lateral line, and the scales extend a little further forward towards the head; the neck (in front of the dorsal fin) is still however naked. The scales have a similar distribution in the specimens of 135, 140 and 158 mm. length, but there are respectively 3 to 4, 2 to 3, and 2 to 3 rows of scales under the branch of the lateral line descending towards the anus; the largest of the specimens (Tab. IV, fig. i d) has still a naked strip under the foremost part of the root of the dorsal fin. Lastly, in the specimen of 183 mm. (Tab. IV, fig. i e) the scaly covering extends from the tip of the tail to tolerably near the base of the pectorals, and there are ca. 6 rows of scales under the descending portion of the lateral line, but the belly itself is still naked, as also the back in front of the dorsal fin; in one respect this specimen differs from all the foregoing, namely, that the scales extend out on to the base of the dorsal and anal fins. The lateral line begins over the upper end of the gill-opening, forms a slight arch over the edge of the gill-cover and bends thereafter down towards the anus; from there it can be followed — though often with difficulty and only under the lens — a shorter or longer distance along the tail, in the neighbourhood of the edge of the body. ^lost often there are also more or less distinct traces of a mediolateral lateral line, especially on the tail. The descending part of the lateral line is developed early and is seen already on the 53 mm. long young. Colour. The two smallest (53 — 53,5 nnu.) show 9 dark cross-bands, which are very sharply marked on the dorsal fin, but lower down on the body become quite feeble; between these darker cross-bands the yellowish ground-colour of the body shows itself as light cross stripes; the anal fin is dark-coloured posteriorly, almost black (Tab. IV, fig. i a). During development the dark cross-bands become more and more indistinct; they persist longest on the dorsal fin as dark patches, especially on the hindmost part. There is also some individual variation. In one specimen of 85 mm. (Tab. IV, fig. I b) the bands are already tolerably faint on the dorsal fin and hardly to be distinguished on the body; in one 104 mm. long (Tab. IV, fig. i c) on the other hand, they are still rather distinct right across. The following remarks on the remaining specimens will be sufficient: total length 115 mm.: 10 distinct dark markings on the dorsal fin, faint shadows on the body under them, anal fin dark posteriorly; total length 130mm.: traces of dark markings on the dorsal fin posteriorly, anal fin dark posteriorly; total length 133 mm.: 9 dark markings on the dorsal fin, two such on the posterior part of the anal fin; total length 135mm.: faint traces of dark markings on the dorsal, under them indistinct shadows on the body, anal fin darkened posteriorly; total length 140 mm.: two very faint shadings posteriorly on the dorsal fin, anal a little darkened quite at the posterior end; total length 158mm.: 12 indistinct dark markings on the dorsal fin, here and there traces also of faint shadows under them on the bod}' (Tab. IV, fig. i d). Finalh", the 183 mm. specimen is uniformly coloured, brown, with the scales showing somewhat lighter than the ground-colour (Tab. IV, fig. i e). The belly in consequence of the dark peritoneum, has commonly a more or less darkened appearance; also, the posterior margin of the gill-covers and the skin over the branchiostegal rays, sometimes also the pectoral fins, are darkened. LYCODINiB. 43 Sexual organs. Only in one of the individuals to hand are the eggs so large that they can be recognised with the naked eye, namely in the one of 183 mm.; the sack-formed ovary is 14 mm. long and contains a somewhat small number of eggs, whose diameter does not exceed 1,5 mm.; the date of capture was the 28th of July. Lycodes pallidv.s from the Kara Sea. From the Kara Sea 11 specimens, 85 — 160 mm. long, have been obtained and are mentioned by L lit ken (I.e.). Calculated from my measurements, the height over the anus is 8,4— 8,7° o, the length of the head 22,6 — 24,6 °',j, the distance between the snout and the anus 41,4 — 43,1%, the longitudinal diameter of the eye 3,3—4,1°,, of the total length. Compared with the specimens from the Ingolf Expedition, L. pallidus from the Kara Sea has therefore a somewhat more slender body and the tail is relatively a little shorter. The pectoral fins have throughout fewer rays, their number being 18 or 19, seldom 17. The head, anterior part of the back and the belly are always naked. The smaller specimens have distinct dark cross-bands on the bod)* and unpaired fins, in the older these become less clear on the body, and the largest (160 mm.) is almost without markings. Liitken mentions only one lateral line, viz. the ventral, but faint traces of a mediolateral branch can be detected in several specimens. Lycodes pallidus from Spitzbergen. The two type-specimens of the species, 93 and 164 mm. long, were taken at Spitzbergen at 260 and 459 fathoms. In these, the length of the head is 22,6 ° o, the distance between the snout and the anus 39— 39,8° o, the height over the anus 8,5 — 9,1%, the longitudinal diameter of the eye 4,3 ° o of the total length. The pectorals contain 18—19 rays. Scales cover the body as far as the region of the pectoral fins, but the head, neck, middle of the belly and the fins are naked; in the smallest specimen the scales extend farthest forward, namely, immediately to the base of the pectorals, and only a small strip along the middle of the belly is naked; in the largest individual on the other hand, a larger part of the belly is naked (cf. PI. Ill, fig. 26 and 27 in Collett, 1. c. 1880). The colour is gray- brown, with 5 — 7 dark markings on the dorsal fin and an almost indistinguishable shading on the body under each of them; a dark patch likewise on the anal fin towards the end. Of the lateral line Collett has onh- seen the ventral branch. — For the rest, see the detailed and careful description of Collett. Again, N. Knipowitsch (1. c.) has described a specimen, 188,5 '"™- 'o^^o' taken in Stor Fjord at 60 fathoms depth. In it, the length of the head is 25,2 °/o, the distance between the snout and the anus 42,4%, the height over the anus 9%, the longitudinal diameter of the eye 3,5% of the total length. The pectorals contain 18 ray.s. The scaly covering extends to a little in front of the commen- cement of the dorsal fin, the belly is naked. The colour is brown-gra}-, with indistinct traces of darker cross-bands. The ventral lateral line is distinct, traces of a mediolateral branch are also to be seen. Of specimens from Spitzbergen I have myself made occasional notes concerning three; one (6 147 23,1 42,2 8,5 4-1 207 24,9 44,7 9,9 3,1 Tlie largest of the individuals is remarkable for its great breadth of head just behind the eyes; it is a male and the same characteristic has already been noted for this sex in another species {L.vahlii, cf. p. 20 with fig. i & 2); further, the snout in this individual extends unusually far forward in front of the underjaw. The pectorals contain 18, 18 and 19 rays. The distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 28,2 — 31,2% of the total length. On the side of the body the scales extend forward to a little behind the root of the pectorals, but both the anterior portion of the back and the belly on the other hand are free from scales, even in the largest of the specimens. The 207 mm. long specimen is wanting in cross-bands, uniformly grajish brown, lighter underneath especially on the underside of the head forward; the anal fin darkish, the front part lighter and with a light border. The colour in the 147 mm. long specimen is very dark, rusty brown, with extremely faint indications of cross- bands; the belly and fins are of a dark mouse-gray, the anal darker posteriorly, the underside of the head lighter in parts. In the one 117 mm. long, the colour is likewise very dark except on the fore- most part of the imderside of the head, with very indistinct bands, which are however, very apparent on the dorsal fin, especially towards the margin, to the number of 7 with a dark spot on the point of the tail; the anal fin blackish, especially posteriorly, forward lighter on the lower margin. The ventral lateral line is distinct, also the mediolateral in parts, yet only in the smallest individual. Lycodes pallidus from East-Greenland. In the Stockholm's , Riks-Museura '^ I have seen not less than 53 specimens, taken at the northerly East-Greenland by the Nathorst-Kolthoff Expeditions of 1899 and 1900. A large number of these specimens have been described by F. A. Smitt (I.e.) under the names: L. vahlii forma pallida^ L. vahlii f. typica and L. retiailatits f. frigida. ]\Iost of the specimens are under 100 mm. in length, only 18 are above that from 105 — 178 mm. In 33 of these (55,5 — 178 mm.) the length of the head is 20,7 — 25,3%, the distance between the snout and the anus 38-44,4' „, the height over the anus 8—10,3%'), '^he longitudinal diameter of the eye (in individuals of 125 mm. and over) 3,4—4,5% of the total length. The pectoral fins contain 18—19, more rarely 20 rays. A young specimen of 55,5 ram. is still naked, but scales have begun to appear in another of 65 mm. In specimens of total length 70-125 mm., the scaly covering extends forward ■) In one case ii,i°/o, in young specimens sometimes as low as 7,3 °'o. LYCODIN.S;. 45 to near the root of tlie pectorals, but a portion of the end of the tail is still more or less free from scales; at a total length of 137 nnn. and over, the tail is completely covered with scales, so that these extend from the tip of the tail almost to the root of the pectorals, but the head, belly and fins continue to be naked even in the largest specimens. On the trunk and tail, there are 7 — 11 dark cross-bands (frequently also a dark spot at the end of the tail), which may become indistinct in the older (seldom in the relatively small individuals), especially on the foremost part of the body; they remain as a rule, however, on the dorsal fin; the anal fin is usually light in front, posteriorly on the other hand, it is more or less blackish (from the fusing together, entirely or in part, of the most posterior cross-bands) not rarely with a narrow, light strip along the lower margin; more rarel\- the anal fin is uniformly dark the whole way. Sometimes a light spot is present over the edges of the gill-cover or a light stripe across the neck. The ventral lateral line is distinct, especially on the part descending towards the antis; a distinct mediolateral lateral line is seldom seen; sometimes there is a short series of pores forwards under the dorsal fin'). Lycodes palh'diis from the cruise of the «]\Iichael Sars~> 1902. Six specimens of a Ljcodes, which I think L. pal/idus, were taken off the Shetland-Norway Slope > at ca. 420 fathoms depth. The most important measurements are as follows: $ $ 98 121 122 142 iSi 186 22,8 23,1 23 23,2 24 22,6 40,8 40,9 39-8 42,3 42 41 8,9 10,2 9.4 10,6 9.1 8,7 Total length in mm Length of the head in " o of the total length Distance between snout and anus. ... — — Height over the anus — — In addition, the longitudinal diameter of the eye is 4,1— 3,8° o, the length of the snout (to the eye) 7,6— 8,5 '^^o, the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout 28,7—30,470 of the total length. The pectoral fins contain 19—20 rays. The scaly covering is almost equally developed in all specimens and extends towards the root of the pectoral fins; the anterior part of the back and the fins are naked, likewise almost all that part of the belly which Hes under the branch of the lateral line descending towards the anus. The ground-colour is brownish, but darkened on the belly by the peritoneum shining through; on the body itself no cross-bands appear; in the three smallest specimens on the other hand, rather distinct black markings appear on the dorsal fin, especially on the most posterior part, and weak traces of these can be detected also in the three larger individuals; the anal fin is grayish in front, dark posteriorly. The ventral lateral line is distinct, frequently even a good bit beyond the anus; a mediolateral lateral line is rather apparent in a single individual (that of 142 mm.), in others only scattered elements of it are to be seen. I) I have also observed such dorsal pores sometimes, in L. fallidiis from other regions. 46 L,YCODIN^. Lycodes pallidus from Jan Ma yen. (van simi/is m.). Tab. V, fig. 2 a. b, c, d & Tab. VI, fig. 3 a, b, c, d. I consider as belonging to a distinct variety, 15 sijecimens which the Ingolf Expedition obtained in the neighbourhood of Jan jMayen (St. 116), at 371 fathoms depth. Liitken (1. c.) had referred 10 of them to L. pallidus Coll. , to which they indeed are closely related , the remaining 5 to L. liitkenii Coll. to which the}- have a certain resemblance in colour-marking but no close relation other- wise. In my preliminary report (I.e.) I have formed these L}codes from Jan Mayen into a separate species (L. similis), pointing out at the same time their near relationship to L. palluius; with my present increased knowledge of L. pallidas I consider it best to regard them as a local variety of this species. The most important measurements of these specimens are as follows: Total leugth iu mm. Length of the head — Distance between snout and anus — Height over the anus — 49 12 21 1 30,5 5 1 7,5 73 I 74 18,5 18 31 7>5 ? \$ 106 log ' 118 I 125 25,5 26 2S I 31 46 48 I 51 53 11,5 11,5 12,5, 14 125 130 301 30 55! 55 132 31.5 57 14 14 13 134 31 56 143 37 62 145 35 60 15.5; 161 17 21 19 170 40 73 175 44 75 The body as to form has a great similarity to that in the t\pical L. pallidus, but it is throughout somewhat higher, and is thus less elongated; the height over the anus amounts to 10— 12,4% of the total length. The tail again is throughout somewhat shorter, the distance between the snout and the anus being 41,4—44% of the body's whole length. The head is of similar length as in the typical L. pallidus and amounts to 23-25,9% of the total length. It appears however less length}-, as the height over the neck is greater and as a rule is contained not quite twice in the length; it is consequently less depressed, and its lateral aspects approach more to the vertical. Seen from the side, its upper border from the neck to the posterior margin of the pupil is almost horizontal, and then inclines sharply almost in a straight line down to the snout. The eyes are relatively a little larger than in the typical form, their longitudinal diameter (in specimens of 118 mm. and over) being 4,7—5,6% of the total length; their upper margin projects outwards over the level of the forehead; seen from above, there is a tolerably small space between the two eyes; on the cranium the breadth of the forehead is V^o of the length of the head. The snout is not depressed, as in the true L. pallidus , but somewhat high; on the whole its head is higher than in the previous form whether the snout or the neck is considered. The length of the postorbital part of the head is somewhat the same in both forms; consequently, on account of the greater dimensions of the eye, the snout is relatively a little shorter in the variety similis and amounts to only 6,2—7,5 % of the total length against 6,8—8,5 % (or more) in the typical L. pallidus. The cup-shaped depressions along the margins of the jaws, and the nostrils are as in the typical form, nor do the teeth show an^- differences. LYCODIN^. 47 The dorsal fin begins about the same place as in typical specimens, namely at a distance from the snout which is 29 — 32,2% of the total length; it has ca. 94 — 96 rays, the anal fin ca. 81—82 rays; as usual, half the tail fin is reckoned in both. The pectoral contains 19—20, seldom 21 rays. The ventral fins are just as small as in typical L. paUidus. Scales. The smallest specimen (49 mm.) is naked (Tab. VI, fig. 3 a). In the 73 — 74 mm. long specimens the scaly cov-ering extends from the beginning of the dorsal fin some distance on to the tail, but the anterior part of the back and the belly are naked (Tab. V, fig. 2 a). In the 106 and 109 mm. long .specimens the end of the tail is further naked (Tab. V, fig. 2 b). It is only late that this portion begins to be covered with scales, viz. at a total length of 118 — 130 mm. In the larger specimens the scales extend from the tip of the tail forward to a line from the anterior end of the dorsal fin, yet the anterior part of the back and a strip just forward under the base of the dorsal fin as well as the greatest part of the trunk under the branch of the lateral line descending towards the anus, are free from scales (some specimens may have 2 — 3 rows of scales at the most, on the belly imder the lateral line); scales on the unpaired fins cannot be discovered. The scales are relatively large as in the typical form and are fairly close together. The lateral line is double. The ventral branch is distinct on the stretch from the edge of the gill-covers down to the anus, also for a shorter or longer distance along the underside of the tail; the mediolateral line is more or less apparent, sometimes specially distinct with a considerable number of pores and short lines. Some pores are sometimes seen forward under the dorsal fin. Colour. The variety similis occurs in two different colour-forms, namely in one with indistinct cross-bands (Tab. V, fig. 2 a, b, c, d), another with these distinct (Tab. VI, fig. 3 a, b, c, d). Under the first come 10 specimens. The two young specimens of 73— 74 mm. (Tab. V, fig. 2 a| have 4 dark bands over the first two-thirds of the dorsal fins, almost black and most distinct towards the edge of the fin; under each of these patches there is a more or less distinct, brownish cross-band on the body. The anal fin is black posteriorh-, to a more or less extent, on the margin or even to the base. The peritoneum shines through giving the belly a blue-black appearance, and the posterior margin of the gill-cover as well as the skin over the branchiostegal rays is dark. Otherwise the ground-colour is yellowish brown. Two specimens which follow these in size and measure 106 — 109 mm., are similarly coloured; the dark markings of the fins appear mainly, however, as stripes on the margins, and the anal fin is not very dark posteriorly (Tab. V, fig. 2 b). Six other specimens at 125 (Tab. V, fig. 2 c), 130, 132, 134, 143 and 175 mm. (Tab. V, fig. 2 d) , display similar colouration or have the dark markings almost entirely obliterated, so that the body seems almost uniformly brownish, with light scale-points and dark belly and gill-cover. The other colour variety is shown by 5 specimens. The first is the 49 mm. long young specimen (Tab. VI, fig. 3 a) : it has a very broad cross-band on the trunk and 4 over the tail, decreasing in size posteriorly; the bands are brown, but there is a lighter part in the centre of those in front; a light band extends across the neck from gill-cover to gill-cover; the anal fin is shaded with black posteriorly. 4 specimens of 118, 125, 145 and 170 mm. have preserved this colouration in the main (Tab. VI, fig. 3 b, c, d): all show a light band across the neck as well as the dark brown cross-bands on the trunk and tail, all, or in every case the most anterior of them, with a light 48 LYCODIN^. centre'); on the anal fin the dark bands may be scattered or fused together to form a lengthy patch on the fin posteriorly. In this group of specimens also, the scales appear as lighter points, and the belly and gill-covers are dark. — This remarkable variation in colour-marking is not a sex-difference as both males and females occur in both colour-forms. The sexual organs are little developed in the specimens to hand. In the largest male (175 mm. long) the testes are 10 mm. long, 4,5 mm. broad, without developed free folds. In the largest female (170 mm.) taken on the 23rd of Jul)-, the ovary is ca. 10 mm. long, and contains a tolerably small number of eggs of 1,5 mm. in diameter. It is especially the less elongated body-form, the somewhat shorter tail and the relatively large eyes, which justifies the variet>- similfs. Lycodes palHdus \'ar. squamiventer m. Tab. IV, fig. 2 a, b. The 12 specimens, now to be mentioned in more detail, were taken partly by the Ingolf Expedition of 1896 in the waters east from Iceland (St. 105, 104, loi) and north from the Fseroe Isles (St. 141), partly b)' the «Michael Sars Expedition of 1902 off the Shetland-Norway < Slope ; the depths were 537 — 957 fathoms. The most important proportions of these 12 specimens are as follows: Total length in mm. j 117.5 Length of the head — j 24,5 Distance between snout and anus — il 47 Height over the anus — 11 w S2 a^ 0 « M ^ >i ? 128 143 27 32 50,5 55 12,25 14 a o O " S ^ 147 31 60 14 155 34 63.75 i4>75 ~ o O " M . S o O " $ s -a- o " » o O " 170 36 68 16 79 180 37>75 37 68 70 17,5 17 230 50 90 22 24s 55 97 25 248 I 260 51! 51.5 94 104.5 •25 28 The form of the body is similar to that in the typical L. pallidus ; the anus has almost the same position, namely in its distance from the snout which is here 37,9 — 41,1 % of the total length, and the height over the anus is 9,4 — 10,8% of the same length. The head is relatively shorter than in both preceding forms, as its length is only 19,6 — 22,4% of the total length, somewhat depressed, especially in adult specimens. The eyes have a similar length as in the typical L. pallidtts^ their longitudinal diameter being 3—4,4% of the total length. The snout, whose length is 7—8,7 % of the total length, is relatively somewhat higher in the young specimens than in the old, where it is depressed. The tube-shaped nostrils are well-developed; the teeth-characters as usual. I) The colouration of these specimens has a delusive resemblance to that in L. liiikenii , which must be the reason why I^iitken in the earlier report on the Fishes of the Ingolf Expedition referred them to that species. LYCODIX^. 4g The dorsal fin, whose distance from the snout is 27 — 29",, of the total length, contains 96 — 97 rays, the anal fin 81 — 82 (half the caudal fin is reckoned with each). The pectorals have 18—20 rays. The ventrals are on the whole, somewhat longer and more developed than in the other forms of L. pa/lidits. Scales. We do not know the yomigest stages, but the smallest of the present specimens is already remarkable for the strong development of scales, tliongh it is onh- 117,5 nun. 'o'lR! the scal\' covering extends forward to the neck and almost to the base of the pectorals, as well as forward on the bell\- to a line drawn almost between the anterior third of the pectorals. The 128 mm. long specimen has scales on the whole of the belly, to the base of the \entrals, and scales have begun to appear on the base of the unpaired fins; the scaly covering has thus almost reached its fullest development in this small specimen, as much as it does in the Lycodes genus, as it is essentially onh- the head which remains naked. The three largest specimens (245, 248 and 260 mm.) have only advanced further in that the scales have spread out more on to the unpaired fins. The remaining specimen.s, whose lengths lie between 143 and 230 mm., display a little variation, as the scaly covering in some of them has almost the same distribution as in the largest individuals, whereas in others the scales on the belly only reach forward to a line between the anterior third of the pectorals or to the ti]; of the ventrals when stretched out backwards, and there ma\' also be a naked stri]) in the middle line of the back in front of the dorsal fin; in all, the scales extend out more or less on to the unpaired fins. — Whilst, in the two previous forms of L. pallidus^ the scales did not extend below on to the belly itself, the underpart of the belly is always scaled in the present form, either to the base of the ventrals or at least to a short distance from it, and on the whole also, the scales extend further for- ward on the back as well as, except in the smallest specimens, out on to the base of the unpaired fins. The scales themselves are small, on the whole less than in the other forms of L. pallidns ; the\- are sometimes so close together that the\- partly give one the impression of being imbricate. The lateral line has its origin over the upper edge of the gilI-co\-er, bends down towards the anus and can be followed a shorter or longer distance along the lower edge of the tail, sometimes even to the tip of the tail. In addition to this \'entral lateral line, more or less distinct traces of a mediolateral branch are to be seen, sometimes as only single pores, sometimes more numerous pores, partly also as a thin line. The colour is uniform, without bands or spots, dark-brown or lighter, yellowish brown or gray-brown, in all the specimens at hand; the scales stand out lighter than the ground-colour; the belly and posterior margin of the gill-cover are darker. Sexual organs. The testes are \-er>- broad relative to the length and with very small free folds; in one specimen 245 mm. long, the testis measures 16 nmi. in length by 7 mm. in breadth, the free fold is only 3 mm. long. The largest individual (260 mm.) is a female taken on the 28th of June; the ovar)- is 22 mm. in length and contains eggs with a diameter of 3,5 mm. The next largest female is 147 mm. long; the ovar>' is onh- 8 mm. long and contains extremeh- small eggs. In certain respects therefore, the present form is somewhat distant from L. pallidits: the head is relativelv a little shorter; the scales are less and have a wider distribution, both on the belh-, back The Ingolf-Expedition. II, 4. 7 CO LYCODIN^E. and unpaired fins; the colour is uniform and shows no indication of bands or spots (though it must be remembered, however, that the young are unknown). For the rest, it has a ver\- great resemblance to L. pallidus^ and I tliink it most prudent meantime to consider it a variet\- of this species. In time it ma\' possibly be raised to a separate species, and its name sqiiamiventer could then be retained as the specific name. As the facts are at present, I regard it as a deep water form of L. pallidtis. It lives at depths of 537 — 957 fathoms, whilst the true L. pallidus in my opinion is not known to go to greater depths than 495 fathoms. It seems to me worthy of remark in this regard, that one of the specimens of L. pallidus from the deepest place (the 183 mm. long specimen described before and represented in fig. i e on Tab. IV) forms in part a transition stage to the variety sqiiamiventer ^ being scaled on the upper- most part of the belly (6 rows of scales beneath the descending branch of the lateral line) and contrary to the usual, has scales on the base of the unpaired fins. D i s t ri b u t i o n. The typical L. pallidus is found in the Kara Sea, at Spitsbergen, at north-eastern Greenland, and north from Iceland, north from the Faeroes and N.N. E. from Shetland. In the Kara Sea the Dijmphna Expedition took 11 specimens at a depth of 46— 106 fathoms. At S p i t z b e r g e n the Norw. North-Atlantic Expedition took 2 specimens where the depths were 260—459 fathoms, and the bottom-temperature -j- i°i and — i' C; a Russian Expedition i sjjecimen in Stor Fjord at a depth of 60 fathoms, and bottom-temperature of — 2°C.; the Kolthoff Exj^edition of 1900 I specimen at the mouth of Ise Fjord, where the depth was 185 fathoms, and the IMichael Sars - 1901 2 specimens at Ise Fjord at a depth of 140 fathoms. At north-eastern Greenland no fewer than 53 specimens have been taken. The Nathorst Expedition of 1899 took it in Franz Josephs Fjord, at 400 fathoms (4 specimens) and at 73"^ 20' N.L. 21' 20' W.L. where the depth was yj fathoms (i specimen). The Kolthoff Expedition of 1900 obtained it at the following places: Franz Josephs Fjord, head of Myskoxe Ba\', 53 fathoms (2 specimens); Franz Josephs Fjord, outer part of Myskoxe Ba\', 106 fathoms (i specimen); mouth of Franz Josephs Fjord, 106 — 212 fathoms (4 specimens); off Franz Josephs Fjord, between Bontekoe Island and Mackenzie Bay, 132 fathoms (2 specimens); Mackenzie Bay, 6'/2 — 18 fathoms (35 specimens, i of 178 mm., i of 125 mm., the rest between 40 — no mm.); off Mackenzie Bay, 53 fathoms (3 specimens); S.E. from Walrus Island (74" 30' N.L. 18° 40' W.L.), 42 — 53 fathoms (i specimen). The Ingolf Expedition of 1896 took 7 .specimens north of Iceland at St. 124 and 126, where the depths were 293—495 fathoms, and bottom-temperature — 0^5 and o°6 C. The same Expedition of 1896 took 4 specimens north from the Fteroes at St. 138, at a depth of 471 fathoms, and bottom-temperature - o°6 C. Off th e Shetland-Norw ay Slope (62° 43' N.L. 1' 26' E.L.) the ]\Iichael Sars» in 1902 took 6 .specimens, where the depth was ca. 420 fathoms and bottom-temperature under 0° C. The variety similis was taken by the Ingolf Expedition of 1896 (15 specimens) south from Jan Ma5-en (St. 116) where the depth was 371 fathoms and bottom-temperature — o'4 C. LYCODIX.^J. 51 The variety sqtiamiveiiter was taken by tlie I ugolf Expedition of 1896 east from Iceland (St. 105, 104, loi), where the deptlis were 537 -957 fathoms and the bottoni-teniperature 0^7 to- -11 C. (5 specimens); north from the Fa;roe Isles (St. 141) at 679 fathoms and bottom-temperature — o°6C. ( I specimen); and b\' the IMichael Sars in 1902 off the S li e tl an d -Norwa \- Slope (63° 7' N.L. I" 38' E.L.), where the depth was 650 fathoms and bottom-temperatnre under o' C. (6 specimens). L. pallidns lives in polar waters; in southern latitudes therefore, it is first met with at great depths (300 fathoms and deeper) but in high arctic seas it comes up quite to the snblittoral zone. Ly codes platyrhinus Jensen. Tab. \"I, fis- 2. Figs. 3 — 5 in text. 1898. Lycodes f7'igidiis Liitkeu, The Danish Ingolf Expedition, II, i, p. 20 (partim). 1901. L. platyrhinus Jensen, Vidensk. ^ledd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn. p. 20S. B o d ^• z o a r c i f o r m , yet r e 1 a t i v e 1 v more elongated t li a n in most other species of the genus L^■codes, the height over the anus being onl\' 8,2",, of the total length; the length of the head is 19,9",, of the same length, the distance between the snout and the anus 37%. The colour is uniforml\" of a rudd\- brown-gra\'. Scales are wanting. Lateral line double, \- e n t r a 1 and m e d i o 1 a t e r a 1 , most distinct in its course towards the anus. The size (of the single specimen) 148,5 mm. D. 99. A. 82. P. 15. Distribution. Between Jan Ma}'en and Iceland, loio fathoms. Onh- one specimen of this species, which was placed b\" Liitkeu with L. frigidiis. is at hand for in\estigation; it is a male. The most important proportions are the following: Total length i48)5 i""!- Length of the head 29,5 — Distance between snout and anus. . 55 — Height over the anus 12,25 — The form of the bod\- is more slender than in most other species of the genus Lycodes^ the height over the anus being only 8,2 '^' \, of the total length. On the trunk the height is almost uniform and the tail tapers very gradually down to the tip. The tnmk is somewhat compressed, its thickness being i' \ times in the height, and the tail becomes gradually more and more compressed. The anus lies a little behind the termination of the anterior third of the bod\-, the distance between the snout and the anus being 37",, of the total length. The head is broad, flat in front and tolerably short, its length being 19,9",, of the total length. The height over the crown is somewhat greater than the breadth at the same place, but further forward the head becomes very low without at the same time losing in breadth; the end of the snout is blunt, but low, seen from above it is broadly rounded off. The eyes are small, so that their longitudinal diameter is scarcely ' gth of the total length of the head; the\- are placed high up, on the ver\- margin of the forehead, but at a fairh- clear distance from one another amounting to quite one 7* 52 LVCODIN.E. and a lialf times the diameter of the e\e. The length of the snout to the eye, is not quite 3'/2 times in the wliole length of the head. The lower jaw extends almost as far forward as the npper, whose posterior angle lies under the anterior third of the eye. The lips are tolerably fleshy. The teeth are small and pointed, placed as usual on the intermaxillar}', palatal, vomer and mandible. The grooves for the pores of the lateral line are in parts considerable and very deep, surrounded b\- soft, projec- ting borders; from the snout to under the eye there is a row of 7 distinct pits, and another row of pits, likewise 7 in number, from the tip of the mandible to the lower posterior corner of the FiP -5. Head of l.ycodes platyrhiuus, seen from above, the side and from underneath, x i. preoperculum. The tube-shaped nostrils are situated a little above the interspace between the two foremost grooves of the upper jaw. The dorsal fin begins almost over the posterior third of the pectoral when extended back- wards, at a distance from the snout equal to 26,3 % of the total length. Both this fin and the anal fin are covered by a thick skin, so that it is difficult to count the rays; I have reckoned the number to be 99 in the dorsal fin, 82 in the anal, half of the tail fin being as usual reckoned in each. The pectoral, which contains 15 rays, is of an oblique quadrangular form; its length is ii,3°/o of the total length. The ventral fins are short (almost of the same length as the space between the eyes) and placed very close to one another. Of scales no trace can be observed; whether this naked condition is a constant featttre or only due to the small size of the specimen, can naturally not be decided with certainty, but the scaly covering is generally far advanced in development at a length of ca. 150 mm. in the Lycodes which are on the whole provided with scales, so that the first alternative is the most probable. The ventral branch of the lateral line is only distinct in its cotu'se down towards the anus. It begins on the neck, forms a small arch over the free flap of the gill-cover and inclines thereafter down towards the anus, but becomes already indistinct over the anus. Along the median line of the side a tolerabh- distinct line with not a few pores is to be seen under the lens; the pores are some- what far apart in front but closer together posteriorly. The colotir is uniformly a ruddy brown-gray, the fins and underside of the head lighter, dirty gra}-; the dark peritoneum shows through the belly. Distribution. A single specimen ($) was taken by the Ingolf Expedition in 1896 between Jan Mayen and Iceland (St. 119), where the depth was loio fathoms and bottom-temperature — i°o C. LVCOinN.5i. 52 Relation of tlie species to Lycodes fngidus Coll. L. platyrhinus was placed with L. frigidiis Coll. by Liitkeii, and it certainly presents some resemblance with this species in appearance, nameh-, in its uniform, rudd\- brown-<^ray colour; but a more thorough comparison will at once show important differences of wliicli the followiufj ma\- be emphasized. L. frigidiis has a less elongated body-form, the height o\-er the anus, in a specimen of similar length, being io"/o or somewhat more of the total length; the tail especially is quite different in appearance when seen from the side, as it becomes pointed posteriorly somewhat quickly in L.fyigidus. Again, the head is larger in L. frigidiis, its length being 22"',, or more of the total length. L. frigidiis has more rays in the pectoral fins, nameh' 19—21. Lastly, the scaly covering in L. frigidiis is far advanced at the total length of the present .species, and its lateral line is single (ventral). Lycodes microcephalus Jensen. Tab. I, fij;. 1. Fij<. 6 — S in text. 1901. Lycodes microcephalits Jensen, Vidensk. ^Nledd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 206. The height over the anus is 8"'„ of the total length. The head is small, its length being only 17,3 "o of the total length. The tail is much longer than the head and trunk together, the distance from the snout to the anus being 38,3°,, of the total length. The colour is a uniform yellowish white, without bands or spots, blue-black on the b e 1 1 >•. Lateral line m e d i o 1 a t e r a 1 ( ? ) , only apparent on the trunk. The scales extend to the point of the pectoral fin, but naked spots occur here and there, especiallv on the tail posteriorly; incipient scale-formation on the unpaired fin.s. Size 81 m m. D. 9 2. A. 76. P. I 5. Distribution. Northern Atlantic Ocean S.W. from Iceland, 799 fathoms. Onh- one specimen is present for examination. Its most important proportions are the following: Total length 81 mm. Length of the head 14 — Distance between the .snout and the anus 31 — Height over the anus 6,5 — The form of the body is somewhat elongated; the greatest height lies over the belly a little in front of the anus and goes 10 times in the length. The trunk itself is almost of even height, but lessens at the anu.s, its height here going 12' 2 times in the total length; the tail tapers slowK- and fairly evenlv towards the point. The greatest thickness lies across the cheeks and is but little less than the o-reatest height of the bodv; the trunk is a little smaller, and the tail becomes more and more compressed towards the tip. The anus lies a long distance in front of the middle of the length of the bodv, its distance from the snout being 38,3 "/o of the total length. 54 LVCODIN.-E. Tlie head is less tlian in some of the Lycodes species here treated of, its length being only 17,3 °,„ of the total length. For the rest it has a thick and plnmp appearance; seen from the side, the npper and lower edges converge slightly forwards, and the end is bhmt; seen from above it narrows a little towards the broad rounded end of the snout. The e\-es are placed so high up that their upper margin projects a little in front of the forehead; their longitudinal diameter is 5'^ times in the length of the head; seen from above, the distance between the eves is equal to the diameter of the eye. The length of the snout to the e\ e, is about 3+- times in the length of the liead. The lower jaw extends almost as far forward as the upper, whose posterior angle lies under the anterior third of the eye. The lips are thick. The tubular nostrils are well-developed. Of large, cup-shaped pits there is a no small number: i behind the eye, towards the upper side, 5 under and in front of the eye, i behind and i in front of the nostril, 8 on the preoperculum and mandible, lasth- i on the neck Fig. 6 — 8. Head of Lycodes microcephalus, seen from above, the side and from underneath. X 2. a little in front of the origin of the lateral line. Further, there is a number of fine lateral line pores on the top of the head, the operculum and preoperculum. The dorsal fin begins relativeh- far forward, namely, at a distance from the snoitt which is equal to 21,6" r, of the total length; it contains ca. 92 rays, the anal fin ca. 76 ra>-s (half the tail fin being reckoned with each). The ventral fins are relatively long (3,5 mm.), but ver\- thin. The pectorals are 8,5 mm. long and contain 15 ravs, the lowermost of which extend at their points beyond the covering skin. The scales already show a tolerably wide distribution, namely, forward to the tip of the pectoral fin when laid backwards. They are not set very close together, here and there also are some naked spots, especially on the hindmost portion of the tail, and in front the scaly covering projects forwards in the shape of a wedge leaving the belly and back bare. Further, the scales show signs of going to spread out on to the unpaired fins. The lateral line seems to be mediolateral. It begins over the upper notch of the gill-cover, forms a slight arch over the flap of the latter, and can then be followed along the median line of the trunk as far as the vertical line through the anus; the pores are tolerabh- distant from one another and only number 21 on the whole distance mentioned. Possibly there is likewise a \entral branch, as on the one side there seem to be 2 — 3 pores on the belh- in front of the anus. The colour is a uniform brownish yellow without any .signs of stripes. The belly shows blue-black owing to the peritoneum shining through. In the journal of the Expedition it is written LYCODIN^. cc concerning the fresh fish: ahnost without colour, a Httle bhiish gra\- in tone; tlie top of the head sHghtly reddish; the side of the trunk and belly (over the peritoneum) dark blue . An unpaired sexual organ is present. No pyloric appendages to be seen. Distribution. The single specimen taken in 1896 by the Ingolf Expedition") was obtained S.W. from Iceland, were the depth was 799 fathoms and the bottom-temperature 4^5 C. (St 78). This new species does not seem to stand anyway near an>- of the other L)-codes; L.atlanticus mihi, to which one might be inclined to relegate it as the young, has a relativeh- greater head and more numerous ra\-s in the pectorals (23). Lycodes rossi Malmgren. Tab. VII, Fig. i a, b, c, d, e, f. g. \Z2'S>.Q)Blennms polaris Ross (vix Sabine) in Parr_\-, Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole, p. 200. 1864. Lycodes rossi Malmgren, Om Spetsbergens Fiskfauna; Ofvers. Kgl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Forhandl., p. 516. 1880. L. rossi Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishes, p. 106. 1886. L. reticulatus Rhdt. (?) jun., Liitken, Kara-Havets Fiske; Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte, p. 136, Tab. XVII, Fig. 4—5. 1886. L. Liltkenii Liitken, ibid. p. 128 (partim). Tab. XVI, Fig. i (nee Fig. 2— 6). 1895. L. reticulatus Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 612 (partim), Fig. 148. 1899. L. rossi Collett, Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Chria., No. 6, p. 8 (cum fig.). 1901. L. reticulatus Reinh. (?), Knipowitsch, Ann. ]\Iusee Zool. I'Acad. Imp. St. Petersbourg, T. \T, p. 25. 1901. L. reticulatus forma reticulata Smitt, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 33 (partim). No. 23 & 27. 1901. L. reticulatus forma semiuuda Smitt, ibid. p. 32 (partim). No. 16. 1901. L. celatus Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 208. 1901. Z. rfj-i-// Jensen, ibid. p. 213 (partim). Of the total length the height over the anus is (8,5) 9,4—11,7'%, the length of the head 22,4 — 25,3",,, the longitudinal d iameter of the ey e 3,6 — 4 ° „, the distance between the snout and the anus 43,1 —49,3 "^'o, the length of the pectorals 13, i — i3,6'"o. The voung have dark cross-bands on a light ground, the bands relatively light in the centre, but with a very dark m a r g i u ( o n t h e d o r s a 1 f i n , b 1 a c k i s h ) ; a light band across the neck. In larger individuals the dark (6—10) cross-bands on the side of the bodv are partlv confluent below, so that the light interspaces partly show as saddle-shaped markings from the free edge of the dorsal fin down towards the lateral line; the light neck-band frequently divides up into several spots. The scalv covering in the older individuals reaches forward to a point, which lies almost under the beginning of the dorsal fin, and is wedge-shaped in front so that the ') The specimen was overlooked and not inclnded in The Ichthyological Re.sults . 56 LVCODIN.E. anterior part of tlie back and belly are free of scales, likewise the head and fins. The lateral line is nied iolateral. Pyloric appendages 2. Size 223 mm. D. 91— 96. A. 71— 76. P. (17) i <^ V HI be bt} V u J2 J 0, o. rr. 0; ? ^ ? ? 191 |20S 223 47.5I 50, 55 I 92 101 no 11.25 16.5 21 24 24,5 The form is moderately elongated, the heiglit over tlie anus being 8' 2— 10' , times (in vonng individnals sometimes ahnost 12) in the total length. As in other Lycodes species tlie head is .some- what depressed, whilst the somewhat compressed trnnk passes evenh- into the strongh- comjjressed tail. The head is a little broader than the trunk; its greatest thickness lies over the cheeks and is ca. I' ,0— I- Q greater than the greatest height of the trnnk. In adult specimens the anus lies almost at the middle of the body, as its distance from the snout is 47,8—49,3",, of the total length; vounger specimens (under 120 mm.) have relatively longer tails, the distance of the anus from the. snout in them being 43,1—47 " ,, of the total length. The head is relatively .small, its length being only 22,4-25,3°,, of the total length. The eves are situated high up, so that their upper margins project forward over the forehead, and the space between them is .somewhat hollow; their longitudinal diameter (in specimens of 118-223 ininl is 6 — 6,9 times in the length of the head or 4—3,6% of the total length; they are thus relative]) .small. The length of the snout, reckoned to the eye, is 2,9 — 3,7 times in the length of the head or 7,6— 8,6" „ of the total length. The upper-jaw extends to the vertical line through the middle of the e\e; the end of the snout projects a certain distance in front of the underjaw. The lips are thick; the inider- lip has a dependant fold on each side, and the fold of skin along the underjaw's lower edge is oxer- lapping on the chin. The tube-shaped nostrils are well-developed. Along the upper and under-jaws are shallow jDits for the lateral line. The strong teeth are placed in a single row on the inter- maxillaries (10 — 15), on the palatals (9 — 14) and on the mandible (10 — 15I; on the foremost part of the jaws (e.specialh- on the under-jaw) they form however a double row; further, there is a small group (4 — 5) on the portion of the vomer hing between the anterior ends of the palatals. The dorsal fin begins at a distance from the .snout equal to 30—31,7",, of the total length; it contains 91 — 96 rays, the anal 71 — 76. The ventral fins are small (of a length almost equal to the breadth of the forehead between the eyes). The length of the pectorals is 13,1 — 13,6",, of the total length, i. e. almost equal to the distance between the posterior margin of the eye and the edge of the gill-co\er; the\- contain most frequenth' 18—19, more rarely 17 or 20 rays, of which tlie lower ones project at their points beyond the covering skin. The scales in the larger specimens (163—223 mm.. Tab. MI, fig. i f &. g) cover the .sides of the tail almost completelv, but on its foremost part are already somewhat distant from the dor.sal fin and continue forward from thence on the side of the trunk as a broad wedge, ending a little behind. The Ingolf-Expedition. II. 4, 8 58 LYCOniN-U or at a point opposite to, the beginning of the dorsal fin; the head, anterior part of the back, the belly and fins are thns quite free of scales. The two smallest specimens (32 and 54,5 mm., Tab. VII, fig. i a & b) are naked, but scales have already begun to show on the 60,5 mm. specimen, on the foremost part of the tail and on the trunk to the point of the closed pectoral fin, mainly above the median line of the side. In the 65 mm. long specimen, only some few scales can be observed on the boimdary between the trunk and the tail, up towards the back, but in three young specimens of 68,2, 75 and 75,8 mm. (Tab. VII, fig. I c & d) a distinct strip of scales is seen on the side of the Ijody, in front to the middle of the pectoral when laid backwards and posteriorly an almost equal distance behind the anus. In the 85 mm. long specimen, the scaly covering is relatively very earh' developed, as it has here essential!}- the same distribution as in the adults, onh- the end of tlie tail is naked (which may also occur in part in much larger specimens); the individuals of 114 and 118 mm. are in a similar condi- tion, but one of 105 mm. is much less advanced: in this the scales are only on the foremost three fifths of the tail and on the trunk to a little distance behind the tip of the pectoral, and for the most part they onh- extend from the back more or less to near the middle line of the side; only on a small portion do they reach below this. These examples should sufficiently illustrate the variations in the distribution of the scales in \'oung and medium-sized specimens. The lateral line is single, mediolateral, arises at the upper end of the gill-opening, forms a slight arch on the shoulder and courses along the dorsal aspect of the trunk but more in the median line on the tail. (_)ver the first obliqueh' descending part of this lateral line there is a horizontal row of 4 to 5 pores, placed somewhat remote from one another, and there is a similar row between the posterior part of the head and the front end of the dorsal fin. Colour. I shall begin with a description of the smallest specimen but 32 nun. long (type- specimen of L. yossi Malmgr.). As fig. i a of Tab. \'n in natural size shows, this has 8 broad, dark bands on the body, and also a dark spot at the end of the caudal fin. The first of these bands reaches from behind the head to the front end of the dorsal fin, the second band lies under and a little beyond the posterior portion of the pectoral, the third has its anterior border lying over the anus, the most posterior (eighth) covers the end of the tail. All the bands reach down over the linear depression along the middle of the side of the body; the fifth extends to near the anal fin, the sixth, seventh and eighth extend on to this fin. Above, the>- all extend on to the dorsal fin. The ground-colour is \-ellow white (that is, on the specimen now much bleached; Malmgren wrote: dilute fulvo flavus ), and the bauds which are saddle-shaped, have a small, dark margin with lighter centre. The first band is separated from the dark posterior margin of the head by a light stripe across the neck. There is a dark streak on each side of the head, from the snout on to the gill cover'). — The next smallest specimen (54,5 mm.), represented in fig. i b of Tab. \'II, is ver\- similar to the foregoing in colour- markings, but the bands are broader and their number is only 7. Then comes the 60,5 mm. specimen ; whose colouration agrees completely with that of the t\pe-specimen. The 65 ram. specimen from the "V/ Kara Sea displays a certain difference as a small, dark-brown spot appears in the lighter centre of the y' ■) The figure in F". A. Sniitt (1. c. 1895) show a hght spot behind the eye, towards the upper .side, but I think the artist has depicted the brain showing through the skull; Malmgren says expressly (concerning the specimens at hand, two this timei: in the Spitzbei'gen specimens the light spots on the dark crown characteristic for the last-named (i. e. L. perspiciliu»i Kr. | are moreover wanting*. LYCODIN.'E. ^g bands (see fig. 5, Tab. X\'II of Liitkeii 1. c. 1886]; this specimen has 9 dark cross-bands (besides the dark spot on the point of the tailj, but it does not stand alone, as in my fig. i e, Tab. VII a specimen witli 10 cross-bands will be seen, whilst on the other hand, the number of bands in a specimen 114 mm. long is reduced to 6. — In .specimens not qnite young the sharp boundar\- between the dark cross- bands on the side of the body gradually disappear, dark colonr-material being here deposited ; the light interspaces between the bands then assume the form of saddle-shaped markings, which extend from the free edge of the dorsal fin down towards the lateral line, but the>- ma\- be traced especially on the posterior part of the tail right across the body (cf. the two largest figures on Tab. VII). — The light dark-margined band, which extends across the neck and down on to the free fold of the gill- cover, is frequentl)- divided in part or entirelx', into three Hght spots b\- a dark longitudinal streak on each side, sometimes even into four spots by another dark streak on the middle line of the neck; rareh- it is represented only by a light spot on and over the gill-cover. In all the 3 females the eggs are small, at the most with a diameter of 1,5 nnn. (in the 205 nun. female, taken the 26th of July 1901). Distribution. L. rossi is a high arctic fish, hitherto only fonnd in the Kara Sea, in Por- sanger Fjord and at Spitzbergen. At Spitzbergen, it has been taken at several places. First by a Swedish expedition of 1861 in Treurenberg Kay, at 5 fathoms depth, and at Fosters Lslands in Hinlopen Straits, in eacli case a qnite small specimen; next, b\ the Russian expeditions of 1899 and 1900 in the Stor Fjord, where the depth was 39 — 75 fathoms and bottom-temperatnre — 0,7 to — 1,6' C, a small specimen at each place. The Kolthoff Expedition of 1900 took one specimen 163 mm. long in Ise Fjord (Coal Bay) at 100 meters depth, and another of 87 mm., \\'. from C. Mitra (79'' 10' N. L. 11° E. L.) at 100 meters. Lastly, Dr. Joh an Hjort-in 1901 took a number of specimens (54,5 — 205 mm. long) in Green Harbour (an arm of Ise Fjord), where the depth was 75 fathoms. In the Kara Sea the Dijmphna Expedition of 1882—83 obtained fonr specimens (65 — 223 nnn. long) at 46 — 100 fathoms depth. Finalh', Dr. Hjort during the 1900 crnise of the Michael Sars;, obtained it in one of the fjords of East Finmark, namely in the innermost part of the Porsanger Fjord (the so-called 0stpol) where the depth was 30 — 50 fathoms and the bottom-temperatnre — 1,2" C. Relation to allied Species. L. rossi stands verv close to the Greenland L. reticulahis Reinh.; it has however a more slender form, and on the whole fewer rays in the pectoral fin (|i7| 18— 19I20I against |i9|2o|2i|), and its colouration does not change over with age into the network-formation (reticulate). Concerning its relation to L. reticulattis \ar. macrocephalus see p. 70. L. lutkeiin Coll. is also a closely allied form (cf. p. 61). Lycodes liitkenii Collett. 1878. Lycodes retictilatus Collett (nee Reinhardt), Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionens sidste Togt; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 14, p. 59. 1880. L.liitkemi Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishes, p. 103, PL III, Fig. 25. 6o LYCODIN^. In relation to the total length, the length of the head is 25,7 "/o, tlie distance between the snont and the anns 47,3 "/o, the height over the anns 12,7 " o, the lon- gitndinal diameter of the eye 3,3 "^'o, the length of the pectoral 16,8 "'o. The colour is gra\' -brown with 7 broad, dark cross-bands; a light band across the neck. The scales extend to a point under the anterior end of the dorsal fin. The lateral line is niediolateral. Pyloric appendages 2. The size (of the single specimen, a female), 370 mm. D. 94. A. 76. P. 23. Distribution, \V. from North Spitzbergen, 459 fathoms. Remarks on the Synonjiny. L. liitkeiiii was established in iSSo by R. Collett for a .species, a single specimen of which. 370 mm. long, was taken bj' the North-Atlantic Expedition W. from North Spitzbergen, where the depth was 459 fathoms and the bottom-tempe- rature — 1° C; it was previously described by the same author in 1878 under the name L. reiiculatus Reinhardt, an error that Collett himself corrected in the interval after he had examined the real L. reticulaius in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Later, /,. liilkciiii was reported, on the authorit}' of Liitken, to liave been again found in numbers both bv the Dijmphna and Ingolf Expeditions. In 1.SS6 he referred no less than 28 specimens from the Kara Sea to L. luikeiin: I have co::ie to the conclusion however, that the largest of these specimens must be referred to L. rossi Malmgr., and that the others constitute a new species, belonging to the scaleless Lycodes: Lycodes agnostas (cf, p, 791, In 1S98 further, Liitken mentioned quite briefly that the Ingolf had taken 6 L. lutkenii S. from Jan Mayen, Five of these however, are a colour- variety of Lycodes pallidas Coll. var. similis mihi (cf. p. 46). The sixth specimen was rightly determined according to my earlier opinion, as expressed in my preliminary report on the Lycodes of the Ingolf Expedition (1. c), but after examining a whole series of similar specimens in the Stockholm Riks-Museum, brought from East Greenland by the N athorst- Kol thof f Expeditions, I have come to a different conclusion, namely; that we have here a form which cannot be separated from L. se- tninudtis Reinhardt, and must be considered as a colour-variety of this species (see further p. 72/ On Lycodes liitkenii Coll. (nee Liitken). This form has been described in detail and well illustrated by Collett in his work on the fishes of the North-Atlantic Expedition. After I had learnt, through the kindness of Prof. Collett, to know it for myself, I became quite at one with him in believing it to be a distinct species from L. reticiilatiis Reinh. as C. has well shown (1. c. p. 104). In certain respects, L. liitkenn is nearly re- lated to L. semiimdiis, as we now know it with the banded colour-markings, and I shall therefore briefly discuss the mutual relations of these form.s. If the single female specimen of L. liitkenii is compared with a specimen of L. seminudus of the same sex and similar size, they agree essentialh- in the most important proportions of tlie body; vet L. ii{tke)m is a less slender form, as will be seen: L. seminudus ? L. lutkenii ? Total length m nmi 335 25.1 46,9 10,2 170 Length of the head in ° 0 of total length 25,7 Distance from snout to anus.. 47.3 12,7 Height over the anus LYCODIX.E. 6 1 Tlie head is of similar form as in L. seiniimdiis, but seems to be less broad-snouted. The eyes seem relatively a little smaller, their longitudinal diameter being 3,3° o of the total length (against 3,7 °/o in the abo\'e specimen of L. scii/ifnid//s), and the flap of the gill-cover is not bent upwards. The number of teeth is somewhat less than in L. seminudjis ; on the intermaxillary I have coiuited 15 in series, 15 on the palatines, 5 on the vomer, and on the mandible 15 in series (cf. p. 78). The dorsal fin begins at a distance from the snout, wliich is equal to 30 "o of the total length. The number of rays in the unpaired fins falls within that in L. seminudus. The pectorals, on the other hand, show a very important difference, being of a much greater size, their length being 16, S " „ of the total length; in none of the 18 specimens oi L. scmimidus does the length of the pectorals exceed ii,8"„ of the total length. The scales e.xtend further forward than in the most scaled specimen of L. sejnimidus, namely to a point under the anterior end of the dorsal fin, but at the same time both the belly and anterior portion of the back are naked. The colouration agrees on the whole with that in the banded forms of L. semiuttdus ; that the dark bands are rather indistinct (except on the dorsal fin) comes probably from the advanced size of the specimen. The differences mentioned, especially the less .slender form of the body, and the large pectorals, seem to me so important, that L. liitkciiii Coll. ought to be held distinct from L. seminudus Reinh. (Later. A. liltkenii presents even greater resemblance to L. rossi Malmgr., whose appearance in the adult condition is now known. Of important differences I can onl\- mention, that in A. rossi the pectoral fins are shorter (their length being 13,1 — 13,6" o of the total length) and contain fewer rays, nameU' 17—20. All the same, I think it best to keep these forms separate so long as transitional forms are not found). Lycodes reticulatus Reiuhardt. Tab. II, Fig. 2. Fig. 9- 10 in text. 1835 1838, 1880, 1895 1897 Lycodes reticulatus Reinhardt, Overs. Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1834—35, p. 77. L. reticulatus Reinhardt, Kgl. D. \'idensk. Selsk. Skr. VH, p. 167, Tab. 6. L. reticulatus Liitken, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p.318 (partim). L. reticulatus Smitt, Skandinaviens Fi.skar II, p. 611 (partim). L. reticulatus Vanhoffen, Gronland-Expedition der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, II, i, p. loi. The height over the anus amounts to 11,3 — 14,2 " o of the total length. The length of the head in males is 25,1 — 26,5 "/o, in females 22,4 — 24.4 » ,, and the longi- tudinal diameter of the eye 4—2,7 '\ o of the total length. The distance between the snout and the anus in males is 46,7 -49,7 " o of the total length, in females 46,2-47,4"/,,. The length of the pectoral is 13—14,2 " „ of the total length. Young specimens have 7 — 9 dark cross-bands on the trunk and tail, which lall or essentially only tlie foremost) form network markings in the older; a light band across over the neck 62 LtYCODIN^. and dark lines of network on the sides of the head. The scaly covering reaches to a point nnder or a little in front of the anterior end of the dorsal fin, bnt the belly and the anterior part of the back as well as the fins are naked. The lateral line is niedio- lateral. Pyloric appendages 2. Size up to 3S0 nnn. D. 92 — 93. A. 75. P. 19 — 21. Vert. 93 12 I —22 -f 72 — 71). Distribution. West Greenland, ca. 100 fathoms. Remarks on the Synonymy. Of the 10 .specimens referred by Liitken (I.e.) to L. yelicnlaius ReiiiU., I think we ninst reject the following: Nr. iS must be broujiht under L. semimidus Reinh. ; Nr. 24 and Nr. 25, now prepared .skeleton.s , I am unable to determine with perfect certainty, lint in all probability they likewise belong to /,. semiimdiis Reinh. I-'urther reasons for this separation will be found under /.. seminudus Icf. p. 71 and p. 75I. I.,astly, it cannot be considered absolutely certain, that Nr. 23, t3-pe-specimen to L. perspicilhim Kroyer, is the young form of the present species; it is better therefore, to discviss it separately with some young specimens of similar appe- arance which have appeared later (cf. p. 64 — 66). Description. After separating out the foreign elements as mentioned above, onr knowledge of L. reticulatus rests upon 6 specimens preserved in the Museunt here. Their .proportions are given below along with those of a seventh (255 mm. long) which was taken later by Dr. E. Vanhciffen and preserved in the Berlin Museum, from which I have had it for inspection. ? 5 ? ? ^ 5 z Total leii.snon\m\-list for L. rettculatns nnist be augmented b\- the following names: 1844. Lycodcs perspicillum Kroyer, Overs. Kgl. D. Mdensk. Selsk. Forh. p. 140. (i^Ai). L. perspzcz'lhmt Kroyer, in Gaimard: \'oyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie etc., Zoologie, Poissons, PI. 7. 1862. L.perspiciliuiii Kroyer, Tidsskr. 3. R., i. R, p. 289. 1880. L. perspjcilliuii Liitken, \'idensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn. \\ 321. 1898. L.perspuillnm Liitken, The Ingolf Expedition, II, i, p. 22, Tab. IV, Fig. 5. 1899. L.Lutkenii Holmqnist (nee Collett), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi.story (7), vol.3, P- 221 (partim). 1901. L. retiatlatiis forma frigida vSmitt, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. I\', No. 4, p. 29 (partim), Xo. i. 1901. L.perspiciliuiii Jen.seu, Vidensk. Medd. Xaturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 213. This form is known by 3 specimens from West Greenland. One of these is tlie 65 mm. long specimen') described in detail by Kroyer and figured in Gaimard's < Voyages (PI. 7, fig. A^). A second specimen, 43 mm. long, was taken by the Ingolf Expedition of 1895 o^^ Sukkertoppen (63° 24'N.L.) at 68 fathoms deptli; the figure cited, painted from the living fish, gives an idea of its appearance. Lastly, Dr. A. Ohlin who was with tlie Peary Auxiliary Expedition as Zoologist, also obtained a 43 mm. long specimen in Murchison Sound (between 77— 78° N.L.) at 45 fathoms depth; it is the one of the two specimens which Holmqnist (1. c.) has determined as L. liltkenii Coll.; F. A. Smitt has later referred it to L.retimlatus ioiraz. frigida i \ of the incorrectness of both determinations I have been able to convince myself by an examination of the specimen itself, which is preserved in the Riks-Museum at Stockholm. The most important proportions of these 3 specimens 3) are as follows: Total length Length of the head Distance from snout to anus Heifrht over the anus 43 43 10 10 18,75 1S.75 4,35 4,5 15 28 6,5 The length of the head is therefore 23,1—23,3°,,. the distance between the snout and the anus 43 — 43,6 °/o, the height over the anus 10 — 10,5 °'o of the total length. It is clear therefore, that these young forms are relatively long-tailed in comparison with the adult L. reticulatiis . but this is no absolute objection to their being referred to the named species, because in other Lycodes I have observed an approximateh- similar disagreement between the \oung and adult individuals (cf. e. g. L. rossi, p. 57). M Kroyer mentions and figures (PI. 7, fig. B) still another specimen, ca. 40 mm. long, but that has been disposed of long since. 2) The figure is not entireh- successful, showing amongst other tilings not the slightest trace of scales. 3) Liitken mentions and figures still a fourth L. perspicillum? -, 69 mm. long, in Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk- botaniske Udb3'tte>, 1886, p. 137— 13S, Tab. 17, fig. 6. This specimen was from Greenland (Disko Bay); it must have been lost as I cannot find it in our collection. Concerning the other -L. perspicillum}" from Kara Sea mentioned at the same place, see L. rossi Mahngr. (p. 56). The Ingolf-Expedilion. 11. 4. 66 LYCODIN^. The colouration (cf. Tab. II, fig. 3, representing Kroyer's type-specimen) consists of 9— 11 dark saddle-shaped cross-bands on the trunk and tail, the most posterior on the outermost point of the tail; each of these bands is bordered by a very dark, sharph- outlined margin; the most anterior band is separated from the dark upper surface of the head by a light cross-stripe (neck-band); the head is encircled by a dark-brown O-shaped stripe, extending from the snout to the front margin of the eye, from the posterior margin of the eye to the gill-cover's edge and from there on to the neck in front of the light neck-baud; further an oval spot, light-coloured but surrounded by a brown ring is observed behind the eye towards the upper edge of the head. — This regular banded marking seemed to me previously to tell against these individuals being considered the young of the network-marked L. retJciilatns ; but after I had seen in a series of specimens of the nearly allied L. retia/iatiis var. macrocephaliis^ just such a similar change in colouration, occuring with age (cf. p. 68 — 69 and Tab. VIII), I think it very probable that L. perspicilluin can change in a similar manner to L. veticulatits. The scales in the largest specimen show on the middle third of the body, namely on the portion from a point under the anterior end of the dorsal fin, to the middle of the tail; in the smallest specimen of L. reticitlatHS the scales also cease at some distance from the end of the tail. Taking all in all, it seems to me extremely probable, that L. perspicilluni Kroyer is the young stage of L. reticulattis Reinhardt, as C o 1 1 e 1 1 was the first to remark. Complete certainty, of course, will not be arrived at until the transition stages are found. I ma>- just add, that according to Goode & Bean (Oceanic Ichthyology, 1895, p. 307), the Albatross has taken specimens of L. perspicillunt Kr. off the east coast of North America (45'^ '^^^jz — 47" 29' N.L.), at 59 — 86 fathoms depth; the figures given (PI. 80, fig. 278 & 278 a) suggest that these author's L. perspicilliim^ which they consider a separate species, is identical with Kroyer's; it agrees well therefore, that there should be a form on the east coast of North America which is probabh- the same as L. reticiilatus Reinhardt (cf. p. 64). var. macrocephalus m. Tab. VIII, Fig. i a, b, c, d, e, f. 1886. Lycodes reticulatus Steindachner, Die Osterr. Polarst. Jan Mayen (Internat. Polarforsch. 1882—83), 3. Bd., p. 107. 1901. L. reticulatus forma reticulata Smitt, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 33 (partim). No. 26 & 28—36, Fig. 4 — 5. 1901. L.reticulatJis forma seminuda Smitt, ibid. p. 31 (partim). No. 13. In proportions of the total length, the height over the anus is 10— 12, 2%, the length of the head in males 26,2 — 28, 6 "/o, in females and young 25 — 26,6%, the longitudinal diameter of the eye 4,3—4,8%, the distance between the snout and the anus 46,2 — 50,6%, the length of the pectorals 13 — 14,4%. The young have 7 — 9 dark and dark-bordered cross-bands on a light ground, and in addition a dark spot on the end of the caudal fin; a light band across over the neck, and often a dark longi- tudinal streak on the sides of the head. In older specimens a more or less distinct I.YCODIN^. 67 network-marking is developed from the dark borders of the bands, especially on tlie front portion of the body. The scaly covering in older individuals extends from a little behind the root of the pectorals to the end of the tail or ceases somewhat in front of this, but the belly and the anterior part of the back are naked; there are no scales on the fins. The lateral line is mediolateral. Pyloric appendages 2. Size 245 mm. D. 91—96. A. 72 — 78. P. (19)20 — 21. Distribution. Northern East Greenland, ca. 50 — 150 fathoms; Jan Ma\en, ca. 40 — 100 fathoms. Of this form, which I ha\-e thought it best to consider as a \ariet\' of the foregoing species, there is a number (14) of specimens, presenting a special interest as they show transition stages in markings from the young with sharph" marked black cross-bands to a network formation in the adults (cf. Tab. VIII), reminding one quite of that in L. reticulaUis. Por this reason Prof. Smitt (I.e.) lias referred (the most of) these specimens to the West-Greenland species; I cannot but think however that the differences are important, and I nnist for the time being hold them in part distinct. Eleven specimens were taken at northern East Greenland by expeditions; two were taken at Jan Ma3'en in 1900 b\' the steamer Michael Sars and kindh' handed over to me for examination by Prof. Collett; one was likewise taken at Jan Mayen by Dr. Fischer and has been placed at my disposal b\- Prof. F. Steindachner. Description. The most important proj)ortions of all 14 specimens are as follows: Total leugtli in mm. Length of the head — Distance from snout to anus — Height over the anus — 2 c o TO gj Q\ o 16 o ^S Q SCO TO a; ON o S 00 ^ CO , 5 ^ East- to "a CT^I Greenland ? I 5 I 5 |8 ft ON c " CO East-Greenland 1900 ^,^;5 i S,S 5.1 52.5 1 1.5 12 54-5 12.5 iig i 120 30 30.5 58 56,5 14 13 133 34 61,5 14 156 42 195 53 245 70 76 94! 1 24 16 20' 30 The form is moderately elongated, the height over the anus going 8—10 times in the total length. The greatest thickness lies forward on the cheeks and is ca. I'/j times greater than the height at the same place; the trunk is alread>- somewhat compressed, as its thickness a little in front of the end of the pectoral goes about 1,4 times in the height, and the tail becomes gradually more and more conrpressed. The anus lies almost at the middle of the bod\-, its distance from the snout being 46,2—50,6% of the total length. The length of the head is 26,2— 28,6°;o of the total length in males, 25— 26,2 °o in young females and small specimens. Seen from the .side, its upper and lower margins each form a slighth' curved line, seen from above the outline is somewhat oval. The top of the head is slightly arched. The eyes are placed high up, so that their upper margins project forward over the forehead; their 9* 68 LYCODIN^. longitudinal diameter .is contained 5,4 — 6,7 times in the length of the head, or is 4,3 — 4,8% of the total length; the distance between the two eyes is a little smaller than the longitudinal diameter of the eve. The length of the snoiit, measured to the eye, is contained 2,7 — 3,3 times in the length of the head or is 8 — 9,8 "„ of the total length. The upper jaw reaches to the vertical line through the middle or anterior third of the e>e, and anteriorly extends a little way in front of the under jaw. The lips are thick; the underlip has a dependant fold on each side, and the fold of skin along the lower margin of the lower jaw is spread out like a flap on the chin. The nasal tubes are well- developed. Along the upper and lower jaws there are shallow pits for the lateral line. The teeth are short but strong; I have counted 8 — it teeth in a row on the intermaxillary, 8 — 10 on the palatine, 1—5 on the vomer, 9—14 in a row on the mandible; forward on the intermaxillary and mandible there is further a posterior row of teeth. The dorsal fin begins at a distance from the snout which is equal to 29,2 — 32,3% of the total length; it contains 91 — 96 ra\s, the anal fin 72—78 ra>-s. The ventral fins are short (almost of the same length as the longitudinal diameter of the eye). The length of the pectoral is almost equal to the distance from the snout to the posterior margin of the eye and amounts to 13 — 14,4% of the total length; thev contain 20—21 rays (only in one specimen - that of 113 mm. — have I found 19 ra}-s). Scales. The smallest of the present specimens, which is 61 mm. long, lacks any trace of scales. In the 83 mm. specimen (Tab. VIII, fig. i c) scales have begun to appear as a small strip round the lateral line, forward to the middle of the posteriorly extended pectoral and posteriorly almost the same distance behind the anus. The further development of the scaly covering consists essentially in the appearance of scales on the posterior part of the tail also, and at the same time the rows are increased in a vertical direction. Some variation exists however. Thus, the scaly covering in a 133 mm. long specimen (Tab. VIII, fig. 1 d) does not have any greater extension relatively than in that of 83 mm., whilst in another only 116 mm. long, it approaches distinctly nearer to the root of the tail. In some of the largest specimens the scales extend from a little behind the base of the pectoral to, or nearh- to, the beginning of the caudal fin, but they are less close together at the root of the tail fin, and the belly as also a stretch on the back anteriorly are naked; in other specimens just as large the end of the tail is however still naked, and that holds also for a narrow stretch along the base of the dorsal and anal fins (Tab. VIII, fig. i e & f|. No scales are to be seen on the unpaired fins. The lateral line begins over the operculum, forms a slight arch on the shoulder and from there courses along the median line of the body. A shorter or longer series of pores, with wide inter- spaces and without the character of a true lateral line, is often to be seen on the anterior portion of the back above this mediolateral lateral line. Colour. The young have 7 — 9 dark cross-bands on a light ground, and in addition a dark spot on the end of the tail; the bands again are bordered by a more or less marked edge of darker, almost blackish colour; the hindmost 2 — 5 bands extend out on to the anal fin as darkish streaks in line with those on the dorsal fin where the bands end; further forward the bands extend more or leSs down below the median line of the side. Across over the neck and on to the operculum extends a light band which is most frequently divided in part or entireh- into three light spots by a dark streak on each side, which crosses from the dark edge bordering the neck-baud in front and behind. LYCODIX.E. 69 On the side of the liead, from the snout to under the eye and out on to the gill-cover, a dark streak often runs. — The central part of the cross-bands becomes lighter and lighter with age, or several light spots appear in each band, retaining the dark border, so that a reticulate marking is formed, as is seen in fig. i e. Tab. VIII. The distinct network-marking does not occur equally early or strong in all specimens. The largest of those present (245 mm. long) is essentially at the same stage as that of 195 mm. represented in fig. i f, whereas the specimen only 156 mm. long represented in fig. i e. Tab. VIII, presents a very distinct reticulate marking. Of the specimens from Jan Mayen a somewhat distinct reticulate marking is already seen in that of 119 mm. (Tab. VIII, fig. i b), and even in the specimen 87 mm. long such a marking has already begun to form in the foremost band; in the specimen 83 mm. long (Tab. VIII, fig. i c) an oval spot, hght and surrounded b}- a dark ring, is present behind the eye towards the upper side. Concerning the reproduction, but little can be elucidated, as none of the females are more than 120 mm. long. In a female of this size, taken on the 7th of July 1900 at East Oreenland (72° 25' N.L.), the eggs measure .scarcely 0,5 mm. in diameter. In the largest of the males (245 mm. long) the testes are well-developed, 16,5 mm. long. Distribution. L. reiicnlatus var. macrocephaliis is a high-arctic fish, only known from northern East Greenland and Jan JMayen. At East Greenland 11 specimens, whose .size lay between 61 and 245 mm., were taken be- tween 72' 2s' and 74^ 35' N.L. The several localities are distributed as follows: 72"" 25' N.B. 17" 56' W.L. 300 metres 6 specimens Kolthoff Expedition 1900. -o:'^^2' — 24'' 38' — 100 — no - I ^ Nathorst — 1899. 73' 55' — 19^ 20' — 150 - 3 — Kolthoff — 1900. 74" 35' - iS'15' — 150 - I - — - — At Jan Mayen the Austrian Polar station in 1882—83 took a small specimen (87 mm.) at a depth of 100 fathoms, and the Michael Sars» 2 specimens (83—119 mm.) at a depth of 60—75 '"■ o" the 8th of August 1900. Appendix. Two .small Lycodes, taken during the cruise of the 'Fylla> in 1886 by the botanist Th. Holm at northern West Greenland, namely in Baffins Bay, at 92 fathoms, ma>- perhaps be referred to L. re- ticulahis Reinh. var. macrocephalns. These specimens measure: Total length m mm. Length of the head » Distance from snout to anus » Height over the anus > 45,5 47,5 11,5 12 21 5,25 22 5,5 The height over the anus is therefore 11,3—11,6%, the length of the head 25,3%, the distance between the snout and the anus 46,2—46,3 ° o of the total length. In respect to the most important proportions the\- thus stand very close to the above-described }-onng L. reticulatus \-ar. macrocephahis, but the tail is relatively a little longer and the height over the anus a little greater. The coloura- JO LYCODIN^. tioii is also very similar: 7 saddle-shaped bands, bordered b>- a dark margin, break the light ground- coloitr; between the foremost band and the dark-colonred neck there is a light cross-stripe. In addition, a brown stripe is present on the head, extending from the snont nnder the eye on to the gill-covers; further, there is a light oval spot bnt surrounded by a dark margin, behind the ej-e towards the upper side. The pectorals count 20 — 21 rays; in one specimen there are 92 rays in the dorsal fin, 73 rays in the anal. One of these specimens is represented in fig. i a on Tab. \'III. Comparison with Ly codes reticulatus. The present form displa)-s no slight resemblance to L. reticulatiis Reinh. from West Greenland, mainly in respect to colouration, as both in the older stages have the dark cross-bands transformed to a more or less distinct network-formation; furtlier, the\- have a mediolateral lateral line; nor do the numbers of rays in the fins present any differentiating character. On the other hand, it seems as if the variety macrocephaliis was a form with relativeh- large head and large e>'e, which will appear from the following comparison between two male specimens of almost equal size: Total length in mm. Length of the head in o o of total length Longitudinal diameter of the eve — — L. relicrilatus forma typica var. macrocephahis 255 25,1 3.5 245 28,6 4.3 Further comparison between almost equalh- large adult specimens is unfortunateh not possible for the time being, as L. reticHlatiis is not present in smaller nor var. macrocephaliis in larger male specimens than those given, and there is also a great gap in size between the females at hand. I must provisionally suggest that the differences noted cannot be overlooked without further investi- gation and that two varieties are to be reckoned \\ith. If we bring «Z. perspicillum Kr., the supposed young of L. reticulatus, into the comparison, we see that the young of the latter have likewise a smaller head as well as a relativelv longer tail: Total length in mm. Length of the head in o'o of total length Distance from snout to anus — — L. reiicutaius juv. ? (L. perspicillum Kr.) L. i-eticulaliis var. macrocephalus 43 23.3 43.6 43 23.3 43 65 61 83 86 87 23.1 26,2 25 25,8 26,1 43,1 47.5 47.6 48,3 47.4 88 25,6 47.7 L. rossi Malmgr. (from Spitzbergen and the Kara Sea) is also near to the present form, but it has a smaller head (length, 22,4 — 25,3% of the total length) and relatively small eyes (longitudinal diameter, 3,6 — 4"/o of the total length). In addition, L. rossi has on the average fewer rays in the pectorals, namely (17)18 — 19(20), and the marking does not change over into the reticulate. lA'CODIN.U 71 Lycodes seminudus Reinhardt. Tab. IX, I-"ig. 1 a, b, c, d, e & Tab. X, Kig. i a, b. Fig. 11 — 14 in text. 1838. Lycudes seminudus Reinhardt, Kgl. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. VII, p- 223. 1878. L. seminudus Collett, Fi.ske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionens sid.ste Togt, Sommeren 1878; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 14, p. 67. 1880. L. semttitidus Liitken, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kblivn., p. 325. 1880. L. reticulatus Liitken, ibid. p. 318 (parti m). 1880. L. seminudus Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fi.shes, p. 113, PI. IV, Fig. 28. 1895. L. reticulatus Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 611 (parti ni). 1897. L. semimidus Vanhoffen, Gronland-Expedition der Ge.selLschaft fiir Erdknnde zn Berlin, II, i, p. 100. 1898. L. Liitkenii Liitken, The Ingolf-Expedition, II, i, p. 22 (partini). 1901. L. reticulatus forma semiiiuda Smitt, Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Aid. IV, No. 4, p. 31 (partim). No. 14-15, 17 — iS & 20—22. The height over the anus is 9 — 10,6 " o of the total length. The length of the head in males is 27 — 30 " <>, in females 25 — 28 °/o of the total length. The longitudi- nal diameter of the eye is 5,3 — 3 '7',, of the total length. The distance between the snout and the anus is 44,6—50,6 "/„ of the total length. The length of the pectoral is 9,6 — I 1,8 °/o of the total length. The colour is a uniform gray-brown, or there are indi- stinct dark cross-bands on the trunk and tail, or distinct dark cross-bands (7 — 9) and as a rule a light neck-band. The scales as a rule reach forward only to a point a little behind, over or a little in front of the anus (seldom to the tip of the flattened- out pectoral). Lateral line mediolateral. Pyloric appendages 2. The size ca. 500 mm. D. 91-97. A. 73 — 78. P. (19)20— 22. Distribution. West Greenland, ca. 100 fathoms; East-Greenland, ca. 100 — 400 fathoms; Jan Mayen, 370 fathoms; off the Norway-Shetland Slope>, 600 fathoms; vSpi tzbergen, 260 fathoms; Kara Sea, 92 fathoms. Remarks on the Synonymy. The species L. seminudzts was formed in 1S38 by Prof. Reinhardt sen. for a Lycodes almost i" 2 feet long, taken at Umanak in West Greenland. From L. reiiculaius Reinh. to which it stood near in several ways, it was distinguished at the first glance in that the bod}- was uniformly coloured and naked from the snout to the vertical line through the anterior end of the anal fin; in his detailed description however, R. laid less weight on these characters, rightly paying attention especially to other more important structural features (number of the teeth, shortness of the pectorals etc.). The same specimen was dealt with by Liitken in his treatise of 18S0. L. came to the conclusion, after some acquaintance with larger males of /. reticulatus had been gained in the interval, tliat there was nothing else on which a specific difference between L. yeticulatus and L. seminudus could be based, than tlie distinctly less extension of the scaly covering in the latter. This impression in my opinion was due to an erroneous division of the material which Liitken had. So far as I can see, namely, Nr. iS (1. c. p. 332) of the specimens referred by Liitken to L. reticulatus belongs to the pre- sent species; this individual, whose length is 365 mm., possesses certainly a weakly banded marking and a somewhat widely distributed scaly covering, but in more important characters it seems to agree with L. seminudus. In all probability also, the specimens Nr. 24 and Nr. 25 (1. c p. 332) referred bv Liitken to L. reticulatus belong to L. seminudus ; perfect certainty, however, cannot be attained as they are now unfortunately prepared skeletons'). ') Liitken says of these specimens, that the colouration was not at all and the scaly covering only partly recogni- sable. The moderate condition of these individuals has naturally brought it about that a failure in detennination could more easily take place. 72 LYCODIN^. In later years 2 fvirther specimens of L. seminndus have been taken at West Greenland. One of these, a uniformly coloured female of 335 mm., was taken 1S93 by Dr. E. Vanhoffen in Umanak Fjord; it was kindly handed over to me for in- vestigation by the Berlin Museum. The other was sent to our Zoological Museum in 1901 by P. Mtiller of Jakobshavn, governor of the colony; it is only iSo mm. long and of special interest, as in agreement with the above mentioned specimen it shows a not ver\- distinct, yet clearly recognisable, banded marking. Apart from West Greenland L. seminud-us was again found at Spitzbergen by the Norwegian Xorth-.\tlautic Expedi- tion, as a single, uniformly coloured specimen only 128 mm. long; Prof. Collett has kindly handed it to me for study and I can confirm the correctness of his determination. In addition to the uniformlv coloured or weakly banded form, L. semimidits may however also appear with very di- stinct cross-bands and with a light band across over the neck. In the Riks-Museuni of Stockholm I have had the oppor- tunity, through the kindness of Prof. Smitt, to see no less than 7 specimens (129— 2S0 mm. long) from East Greenland (Nathorst and Kolthoff Expeditions of 1S99 and 1900) of a form, which only differs from the typical L. semimidus by the pronounced, Uveher marking. In his treatise of 1901 F. A. Smitt had rightly referred these specimens to Reinhardt's /,. scminudus, but in this species he sees only a form of L. reticuhtus, an opinion I cannot agree with. A similar specimen (180 mm. long) had also been taken by the Ingolf Expedition south from Jan Mayen. In my preliminary notice on the Lycodes of this expedition (1. c. p. 213), I have referred it to L. HHkenii Coll., which again I identi- fied with L. rossi Malmgr. from Spitzbergen, as a small specimen 167 mm. long) from the IngoU Expedition seemed to me a transition-form between L. rossi and the larger specimen from the same expedition referred to L. liilkenii. This position I have meanwhile been obliged to give up. L. rossi Malmgr. is without doubt the young stage of L. celalus established by myself (cf. further p. 56). And since both the specimen of the Ingolf Expedition (that of 180 mm.) aud the above-mentioned 7 specimens of the Nathorst-Kolthoff Expeditions seem constantly to have very short pectorals, whereas L. liitlienii Coll. is characterized specially by large pectoral fins, I consider it best to keep the last named separate from L. semimidus. And the small specimen referred to {from the Ingolf Expedition 1, which I had erroneously taken for a connecting-link with L. rossi, becomes the young form of /. scminudus (cf. further p. 76 — 77). Description. Proportions of the uniformly coloured or indistinctlj- banded form: ?^) ? ¥ S $ Total length in mm. 128 180 335 365 445 Length of the head — 32 46 84 100 127 57 82,5 157 1S4 225 12,5 18,75 34 38.5 50 Proportions of the distinctly banded form: Total length in mm. Length of the head — Distance from snout to anus — Height over the anus — 129 36 61,5 12 5.) 161 43.5 77 16 180 48,5 88 19 180 49 83 16 197 52.5 94 18 21S 61 106 22 250 67,5 116 25,5 280 77 130 28 The form is elongated, the height over the anus going ca. 9'/^— 11 times in the total length. The greatest thickness lies forward on the cheeks and is equal to or somewhat greater than the height at the same place; the trunk is tolerably compressed, its height midway being i' 2 greater than the thickness, and the tail becomes more and more slender posteriorly. The anus in the males lies at, or a little in front of, the middle of the body, its distance from the snout being 46,1 — 50,6 °/o of the total length; in females its distance from the snout is 44,6—48,3% of the total length. 1) The specimen is from Spitzbergen (North- Atlantic Expedition), the others from West Greenland. 2) This specimen is from Jan Mayen (Ingolf Expedition), the others from East Greenland (Nathorst and Kolthoff Expeditions). LYCODIN^. 73 The length of the head in males is 27—28,5%, in females 25-28",, of the total lenoth. Seen from the side, the upper margin is almost horizontal at the neck, and from there slopes gradually, evenly and almost in a straight line down towards the snout, which is low; the under maro-in rises up slighth- onl\- in front; seen from above, the head decreases but little in breadth towards the anterior end of the snout, which is broadly rounded off so that the outline of the head forms an elongated o\-al. The crown is flat, the cheeks almost perpendicular or ouh- slightl>- convex; taken with the depressed and broad, somewhat flat snout, this gives the head a characteristic appearance, re- minding one somewhat of a pike. The eyes are situated high up, so that their upper border juts forward over the forehead; the size decreases a good deal relativeh- witli age, their longitudinal dia- meter going 4,8—9,4 times in the length of the head, i. e. 5,3-3 "o of the total length; the distance \. Fig. II - 12. The head of Lycodes scmhiiidiis, seen from above and underneath. X 3/4. From a 335 mm. long specimen (Q) from the innermost parts of the Umanak Fjord iWest Greenland), 200 m. Drygalski- Expedition (Dr. E. Vanhoffen), 17.3. 1S93. between the two eyes is almost equal to % rds of the longitudinal diameter of the eye (in old .speci- mens qttite equal to this). The length of the snout to the e\-e, is 3,5—2,9 times in the length of the head or 7,5 — 10 "o of the total length. The upper jaw reaches to a perpendicular line through the centre or anterior third of the eye, and anteriorly it extends a little in front of the lower jaw. The lips are rather fleshy along the upjjer jaw and on the sides of the lower, but sontewhat thin in front on the latter; the fold of skin along the under margin of the latter is relati\eh- little developed the whole way (see fig. 12 in text). The free flap of the gill-cover is relative!)- long and bent up at the corner. There is a number of shallow grooves for the lateral line along the upper and under jaws. The teeth are truncate and conical or almost cylindrical, in a double row on the intermaxillary an- teriorly, in three rows (2 in young specimens) on the mandible anteriorly, but otherwise form a single row; in larger specimens I have counted 17 24 teeth in a row on the intermaxillary, 16-24 o" the palatines, 3 — 6 on the vomer and 17 — 26 in a row on the mandible. The [n^oIf-Expedition. II. 4. Iq 74 LYCODIN^. The dorsal fin begins at a distance from the snout equal to 29,6 — 33,7% of the total length; it contains 91 — 97 rays, the anal fin 73 — 78 rays. The ventral fins are small (almost of the same length as or even shorter than the longitudinal diameter of the pupil). The pectorals are relatively broad but short, their length being 9,6 — 11*^0 of the total length or always less than the distance be- tween the snout and the posterior margin of the eye; they contain (19) 20 — 22 rays, of which the lower project at their points from the connecting skin. The scales extend from the end of the tail more or less far forward on the sides of the body; the co\'ering tends to a point in front like a wedge, leaving the side of the back and belly naked for some distance; there are no scales on the fins, or in any case only on the posterior half of the dorsal fin, along the base. In the uniformly coloured or weakly banded form, the scaly covering is subject to great variation in regard to distribution in part independently of the age of the individuals, it seems. In the type-specimen, which is 445 mm. long, the scaly covering extends forward scarcely to a point which lies directly over the origin of the anal fin. In the second largest (365 mm.) on the other hand, the scales reach to a point at the tip of the flattened pectoral and have thus attained the greatest extension known as yet for the species. In the 335 mm. specimen (Tab. X, fig. i b) and that of 180 mm. (Tab. X, fig. I a) the scaly covering extends forward a little in front of the anus, in Collett's speci- men from Spitzbergen (128 mm. long) just a trifle in front of the anus. The specimens present of the distincth' banded variety have a much more regular distribution of the scales (Tab. IX, fig. i b, c, d, e). In 3 specimens of 280, 218 and 180 mm. the scalv covering extends forward like a wedge to a point, whiclr lies directly over the anus, whilst in 5 specimens of 250, 197, 180, 161 and 129 mm. it stops at a short distance behind the anus. The lateral line begins over the gill-cover, forms an arch over the shoulder and courses from there along the middle of the body. On the foremost part of the trunk in well-preserved specimens, a shorter or longer series of pores is present above the lateral line, with wide inter- spaces and without forming an)- true lateral line. Colour. The present species occurs in two coloiu'-varieties, it seems, namely, one uniformly coloured or with slightly marked cross- bands, the other with distinct cross-bands. — Those entireh- uniform of a gray-brown are: Reinhardt's t>-pe-specimen (445 mm. S) from Umanak; Vanhoffen's specimen (335 mm. $| from Umanak Fjord (Tab. X, fig. i b)'); Collett's specimen (128mm. J) from Spitzbergen. A weak banded mar- king is seen in: the specimen (365 mm. $) from Godthaab, referred to (Franz Joseph's Fjord) 760 ni. /^, rei/cu/atus hv Lntken , also the Specimen (180 mm. $) recently sent Nathorst Exped., 14.S.1S99. from Jakobshavn. In the first of these, there are above the median line 7 dark bands, 2 on the trunk and 5 on the tail, which again are somewhat lighter in the centre; in the small specimen, a similar number of somewhat more apparent bands are seen (Tab. X, fig. i a). — Fig. 13. The head uf Lycodes se- minudiis^ of the variety witli di- stinct cross-bands. X 3/4. From a 2S0 mm. long specimen (cf) from northern East Greenland ') By verv favourable hght, exceedingly weak traces of a faded, banded marking may perhaps be detected in this specimen. LYCODIN.E. 75 The specimens from East Greenland and Jan jMayen all show a livelier colonration, as is seen in Fig. I b, c, d, e of Tab. IX and Fig-. 13 8: 14 in the te.xt. They have distinctly 2 dark bands on the trnnk and 5 — 7 on the tail; in addition, the end of the tail (fin I is dark-colonred ; the dark bands are especialh' distinct on the dorsal fin and the npper part of the body, lower down the}- may disappear in the general gronnd-colour, but the\- are often also, especially on the tail posteriorly, separated by light interspaces right across, the light ma>" e\en separate the bands forward on the body and constitute an important part of the colouration. The dark bands are light in the centre, often so light that the margins show as a distinct, dark-brown frame, or that an originalh' single band dissolves into two; sometimes the light in the band is partl\- limited to a romided-off spot (see Fig. i e of Tab. IX). Right across the neck, from gill-cover to gill-co\-er stretches a light, dark-bordered stripe, which some- times however can be limited to a rounded-off light spot on the centre of the neck or \-er\' rareh' ma\' disappear almost entirely. As alread}' mentioned, I am much inclined to refer Nr. 24 and Nr. 25 among L ii t k e n's /.. reticulatus (1. c. p. 332) to L. seniiniidits. Full certaint}- cannot be attained as the specimens are now skeletons, but the considerable length of the head (28,5—29,5 " „ of the total length), the rich provision of teeth (on the intermaxillary 17 — 18 teeth in a row, 5 — 7 on the vomer and 20 in a row on the mandible), as also the shortness of the pectorals (10° oof the totallength) .seem to point certainly in this direction. The number of the vertebrae is 95 — 96 (23 — 24 + 72). I Later addition. During my participation in the summer cruise of the Michael Sars in 1902, a specimen of L. seminitdits was taken on the 26th of June at 62° 58' N.L. i' 56' E.L., and at c. 600 fathoms; the place lies in the cold area off western Xorway. It is a 5 with all the known characters of the species; its most important proportions are as follows: Total length 26S mm. Length of the head 73 — Distance from snout to anus 128 — Height over the anus 28 — In proportions of the total length, the length of the head is therefore 27,2 °o, the distance between the snout and the anus 47,8 --Vo, the height over the anus 10,4",,,; of the same length the distance between the snout and the anterior end of the dorsal fin is 32,1 "v, the length of the pectoral 10,6%; the latter fin contains 21—22 rays. The scaly covering reaches from the end of the tail forward to a point, which lies an eye's length behind the point of the pectoral, being wedge-shaped in front; the scales extend out on to the basis of the posterior part of the dorsal fin. The body is without markings. Further, our Museum has recently received through Air. H. Kraul, director of the Upernivik colony in West Greenland, 4 ver\- large L. semimidus (400—497 mm. long), all males, which are remarkable for their relatively large head (its length being 27,6— 30^ o of the total length). The pectorals, which count (19) 20 rays, amount in length to 11,1—11,8% of the total length. The scah' wedge in one specimen extends forward slightly in front of the vertical line through the anterior end of the 10' 76 LYCODIN^. anal fin, in the three others it ceases a little behind this point. The colouration has almost vanished, vet traces of dark cross-bands and light interspaces may be detected, especially on the dorsal fin.| On an early and a yonng stage of Ly codes seminudus. Amongst the material brought home by the Ingolf Expedition is a small, 67 mm. long Lycodes whicli I take to be an early stage of L. seininudus ; it remained undetermined and is not mentioned in the report on the ichthyological results of the expedition. This specimen was taken at St. 116 (south from Jan Alayen, 371 fathoms), at the same place therefore, where the 180 mm. long specimen of L. seviinudus^ mentioned previously, was taken — a circumstance that might at once make one think of the possible specific identit}- of these specimens. The proportions of this little specimen are as follows: Total length 67 mm. Length of the head 18 — Distance from snout to anus 31 — Height over the anus 6 — Putting these figures into percentage, one finds that the length of the head is 26,9%, the distance between the snout and the anus 46,3 ° o, the height over the anus 9 '^/u of the total length. As is shown in Fig. i a of Tab. IX, which represents this young specimen natural size, it has 8 broad, dark bands over the body. The first band extends from the back of the head to the beginning of the dorsal fin, the second lies over the tip of the pectoral, the anterior margin of the third lies over the anus, the eighth (last) band covers the end of the tail. All the bauds reach from the outer border of the dorsal fin across the back and traverse the linear depression running along the middle of the body; the fifth reaches to near the anal fin, the sixth to the basis of this fin, the seventh and the eighth extend a little on to it. The ground-colour of the body is yellowish white, except on the belly, which is coloured blue-black on account of the peritoneum shining through; the cross-bands have chestnut-brown borders and a somewhat lighter centre. Lastly, one can discern an indication of a neck-band, namely a light spot in the centre line of the neck, beyond the upper notch of the gill- openings. Scales are wanting and a lateral line is not yet apparent. The dorsal fin contains 95 ra)-s, the anal 77, and the pectoral 22. If we now compare this young individual with the specimen of L. seiiizii/idns, iSo nun. long, from the same Ingolf station, we find such a great agreement between them that their specific identity cannot be doubted. Figure 14 below .shows this larger specimen, natural size. The length of the head is 27%, the distance between the snout and the anus 49% of the total length (180 mm.). The head has thus relatively the same length as in the younger specimen, whereas the tail has less preponderance in length over the rest of the body. It must be added that it is a female with very small eggs in the ovary. On the trunk are again the two broad bands, although at the first glance the\- are not recognised as corresponding to the dark bands of the younger specimen; the central part namely has become very light and takes up also such a large part of the band that only its borders stand out lA'CODIN.E. 77 as dark cross-stripes. The tail has only 5 dark Ijands. None of the bands show, as in the yonnger stage, any sharp bonndaries below, as the gronnd colour has here become dark, but they stand out clearly against the \ello\v-white colour of the back and dorsal fin. The neck-band is more strongly deve- loped than in the younger individual and extends from gill-cover to gill-cover as a narrow, light band. The number of rays in the fins is in tolerably close agreement with that in the younger specimen, namely 94 in the dorsal fin, 75 in the anal and 21 in the pectoral. i Fijj. 14. Lycodcs sciuinudiis Reiiih. ($). X i. S. from Jan Slayeii, 371 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition 1S96. Lastly, amongst the specimens from the Kara Sea labelled by Littken L. pallidus^ I have found a voung Lvcodes which undoubtedly belongs to the species L. seminiidics ; this specimen is not named with the other L. pallidns in Liitken's report on the fi.shes of the Dijmphna Expedition, so that L. has probabh- regarded the determination as less certain. Its proportions are as follows: Total length 87 mm. Length of the head 22,5 — Distance from snout to anus 40 — Height over the anus 8 — The length of the head is thus 25,9 "'o, the distance between the snout and the anus 46 %, the height over the anus 9,2 ■^ „ of the total length, which numbers fall within those found in L. scmi- nndus. Just as certain a mark of recognition Hes in the small pectorals whose length is only 10,3 °'o of the total length; they contain 19 rays. Although the specimen is somewhat bleached, one can readily see that the colouration in the main has been the same as in the smaller specimen just described, namely 8 broad, dark and dark- iDordered cross-bands, 2 on the body and 6 on the tail, in addition a dark spot at the end of the caudal fin; on the neck one can detect signs of a light cross-band. Scales have begun to appear on the tail, at some distance behind the anus. It was taken by the Dijmphna Expedition in the Kara Sea at 92 fathoms depth. Distribixtion. A .specimen was taken at West Greenland at each of the following locaHties: Godthaab, Jakobshavn, Karajak Fjord (in the innermost part of Umanak Fjord, 200 meters depth) and Umanak, also 4 specimens at Upernivik. At East Greenland the Nathorst Expedition of 1899 took a specimen as far up as 74' 52' N.L. 17" 16' W.L. (S. from Shannon Island), 350 meters, and 2 specimens in LYCODIN^. Franz Joseph's Fjord, 760 meters, whilst the Kolthoff Expedition of 1900 took 4 specimens at various places in Franz Joseph's Fjord, 200—300 meters. The specimen of the North-Atlantic Expedition was taken on the north coast of Spitzbergen, where the depth was 260 fathoms and bottom-tempera- ture of + 1,1° C. The Dijmphna Expedition took the above-mentioned, but 87 mm. long, specimen in the Kara Sea at 92 fathoms depth. The 2 specimens of the Ingolf Expedition were caught south from Jan Mayen, where the depth was 371 fathoms and the bottom-temperature — 0^4 C. Lasth-, the (.Michael Sars: in 1902 took a specimen in the cold area off tlie west coast of Norway, at 62° 58' N.L. 1° 56' E.L., 600 fathouLS. Comparison between Ly codes scnu'nudits a n d L. reticulatus. As it has often been doubted that these names represent two different species, it ma>' be of use to go over the most important differences between them, so far as the>' are limited in this treatise. The form of the body is more slender in L. seinjnudiis than in L. reticiilatus, so that the height over the anus is g — io,6"„ of the total length in the former against 11,3 — 14,2 ° ,_, in the latter. The head is relatively larger in L. semimidus than in L. reticulatus; in the first-named nameh-, the length in the males is 27 — 30° ;„ in the females 25— 28^/0 of the total length, whereas in the latter the numbers are respectively 25,1 — 26,5 "o and 22,4 — 24,4 "o- The form also is somewhat different: seen from the side, the head in /.. seminudns is more pointed forward, which arises from the snout being much compressed in this species by comparison with L. reticiilatus ; the flat crown and tlie almost vertical cheeks in L. semimidus are also in contrast to the convex cheeks and the somewhat arched crown of L. reticulatus. Ne.xt, T.. seminudus has larger eyes, their longitudinal diameter being 5,3—3^/0 of the total length, whilst the same proportion sinks with age from 4 — 2,7 7o of the total length in Z. reticulatus. The lips in L. seminudus are less flesh\- than in L. reticulatus. and the double fold of skin hanging down from the chin in the latter (see fig. 10 in text) is very little developed in L. semimidus (see fig. 12 in text). Fiirther, the bones of the mouth in L. semimidus have a greater equipment of teeth than those of L. reticulatus : thus in [..reticulatus, I have counted 9 — 14 teeth in a row on the intermaxillary, 8 — 15 in a row on the mandible, 9 — 13 on the palatine; in L. seminudus on the other hand, 17 24 teeth in a row on the intermaxillar>', 17—26 on the mandible, 16 — 24 on the palatine. Lastly may be mentioned, that the free flap of the gill-cover is relatively long in L. semimidus., and that in this species the distance between the gill-openings across the belly is much less than in L. retic7tlatus (cf. fig. 12 with fig. 10 in text). A ver\- evident difference is shown in the size of the pectorals, as their length in L. reticjtlatus is 13 — 14,2 °„ of the total length, but onh- 9,6 — 11,8",, in L. seminudus. The scal\- covering has on the whole a greater extension in L. reticjtlatus than in L. semimidus, so far as we yet know. In all the specimens of L. reticulatus to hand, whose lengths lie between 225 — 380 mm., not only the tail, but also most of the tnnik is covered with scales, as these reach forward to a point which lies under, or indeed somewhat in front of, the anterior end of the dorsal fin. In a single specimen of L. seminudus, that of 365 nnn. namel}-, the scab" covering extends forward to a point at the end of the flattened-out pectoral fin, and in all the remaining (17) specimens LYCODIN.E. 79 whose lengths are from 129 — 497 mm., it does not once extend so far, but ceases a Httle in front of the anus, over the anus or a Httle behind this. Lasth-, as regards colouration, none of the present specimens of L. seminudus ^ not even the distinctly banded, show signs of assuming the network markings so characteristic of L. reticjilatus. Taking all together, the differentiating characters seem to me so important, that the reference of these two forms to one .species would be quite unnatural. If we take L. reticulatiis var. macrocephalus into the comparison, the boundaries between the two species are certainly reduced, so far as the relative sizes of tlie head and eyes are concerned, but the other distinguishing characters (length of the pectorals, distribution of the scales etc.) still hold good. Ly codes agnostus Jensen. Tab. VI, Fig. i a, b. 1886. Ly codes Liitkemi Liitken, Kara-Havets Fiske; Dijmphna-Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte, p. 128 (partim). Tab. XVI, Fig. 2- 6. 1895. L.reticjilatiis Smitt, Skandinaviens Fi.skar, II, p. 611 (partim). Fig. 147. 1901. L. yeticitlatus forma semiiiiida Smitt, Bib. K. vSv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 32 (partim). No. 19. 1901. L. agnostns Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 209. In proportions of the total length, the height over the anus is 9,3—12%, the length of the head 22 — 24,8°;o, the distance from the snout to the anus 46 — 52%, the longitudinal diameter of the eye in larger individuals 3,4 — 2,7%, the length of the pectorals 10— 12, 5^0- 9-12 cross-bands, dark with lighter central part; a light stripe across the neck above. Scales wanting. Lateral line mediolateral"). Pyloric appendages 2. Size 233 mm. D. 90 — 93. A. 70—75. P. 16-17. Distribution. Kara Sea, 46—100 fathoms; Arctic Sea of Siberia (Chatanga Bay), I 5 fathoms. In the report on the fishes of the Kara Sea, Liitken referred 28 specimens of a Lycodes to the L. liitkemi described b>- Collett from the deep water at Spitzbergen. From an examination of these specimens however, I discovered that Lutken had mixed two species together under his «Z. liitkenii- ., as I shall now explain. The largest specimen, which is 223 mm. long^), has scales on the tail and a great part of the trunk, whereas the remaining 27 specimens are completely wanting in scales, although amongst them there are specimens up to 186 mm. in length. This alone at the beginning would counsel great caution in brino-ino- these individuals together under one species; certainh- one may find in the present treatise many examples to show that variation ma>- occur within one and the same species of the genus M In well-preserved specimens further, a whole series of dorsal pores can be seen. -) Lutken gives the length to 225 mm. 8o LYCOniN.E. Lycodes with respect to the development of the scaly covering', bnt snch a sndden jump as Liitken here makes possible, would be quite singular. Again, the 27 specimens in comparison with the 28th belong to a relatively small-e}ed form, the longitudinal diameter of the eye (in specimens of over 100 mm.'s length) amounting to only 3,4 — 2,7 " n of the total length; in the two largest specimens (185— 186 mm.) the horizontal diameter of the eve is thus 3— 2,7"n of the total length, but in the 223 mm. long specimen 3,6 ",, of the total length, although in consequence of its greater .size it .should have had relatively still smaller eyes than the two named, if we had to do with the same species. Further, the number of rays in the pectorals .shows a very considerable difference: the 27 specimens have onlv 16-17 I'^ys, whereas the 28th has ig. Liitken indeed, has remarked this difference, but lie endeavoured to explain it awa}- b\' supposing that the number undergoes some increase with age . Although the colouration may seem quite .similar on a cursory view, when rightly seen there is the difference that the 27 specimens have more numerous dark cross-bands, namely 9 — 12 (cf. Liitken 1. c. Tab. XVI, fig. 2— 6), whilst the 28th has only 8 (ibid. fig. i). From all these important differences I drew the conclusion that the 223 mm. long specimen must be specifically distinct from the others, and I was successful later in identifying it with L. rossi Malmgr. (cf. p. 56). The remaining 27 .specimens seemed to me to l^elong to a form which retained its naked condition throughout its whole life; in my preliminar\- report (1. c.) I gave it the name l.ycodes agnostiis. Later I gained a welcome confirmation that I had judged rightly, as I found a specimen in the Stockholm Riks-iVIuseum , which in all respects agreed with the form from the Kara Sea, also in that it was perfectly naked even though its total length was still greater than that of the specimens in nn' hands. F. A. vSmitt in his great work on the Scandinavian Fishes gi\-es a figure of it (fig. 147) under the name L. reticitlatus, Tiiyiicrii , and in his later treatise «0n the genus Lycodes (1. c. 1901) he has mentioned it under the name L. reticulatus forma seminuda' . Its most important proportions are as follows: Total length 233 mm. Length of the head 56,5 — Distance from snout to anus 117 — Height over the anus 22,5 — In proportions of the total length, the length of the head is thus 24,3 "o, the distance between the snout and the anus 50,2 °/o, and the height over the anus 9,7 "/o. The eyes are small, their longitudinal diameter being only 2,7% of the total length. The body, as already- mentioned, is quite free of scales. The lateral line is mediolateral. The colouration has now disappeared so that I cannot decide if the figure in Smitt has struck the right proportion between the Hght and dark bands. The pectorals contain 16 ra>s, the dorsal fin ca. 90 and the anal ca. 70 rays. The specimen, which is a male with well-developed testes [^t, unn. long), was taken on the 24th of August 1878 by the Vega Expedition on the east side of the Taimur peninsula, nameh" in LYCODIN/E. 8l the mouth of Chatanga Bay (75" N.L. 113° 30' E.L.), where the depth was 15 fathoms and the bottom- temperature — 0,8° C. Tlie specimens of the Dijmphna Expedition were taken in the Kara Sea at a depth of 46—100 fathoms. I give below the proportions of 11 specimens chosen according to size: Total length Length of the head . . . Distance from snout to anus Height over the anus « $ ? 66 70 94 105 116 135 138 147 155 185 16 .6.5 23 26 28 33 34 35 37 45 31 32 44 52 58 68 67 70 77 97 ' 6.5 6,5 9 10 1 1 13.5 14 15 15 22 186 41 90 16 In the 185 mm. long female tlie eggs are of a considerable size, namel\- 4,5 mm. in diameter; the date of the catcli is not forthcoming. Comparison with allied forms. A scaleless Iy>codes has not been known hitherto from the European-Greenland coasts. From Arctic North America however, 2 species were known, whicli are described as perfecth- naked, and set up by Kleeker therefore as a sejDarate genus: Lycodalepis, namely L. tumerii Bean (Ala.ska, Bering Straits) and L. nmcosits Richardson (Northumberland Sound, Cmnberland Gulf). The scaleless Lvcodes from the Kara Sea presents great similarity' to L. turverii amongst these, the latter's proportions according to Bean') being as follows: Total length 330 mm. Length of the head in "/o of the total length 23 Longitudinal diameter of the eye — — 2,5 Distance of the anal fin from the snout — — 51 But L. tumeni has 18 rays in the jDectorals, 85 in the dorsal fin, and 67 in the anal; and these data can scarcel}- be regarded as resting on wrong counting, .since Sco field') in a second specimen has found: P. 18, D. 86, A. 67. Nor does the colouration agree, so far as I can discern from the figure which Jordan & P'vermann') have given of Bean's type-.specimen. Until fm-ther information is forthcoming, I must therefore consider the scaleless L>codes from the Kara Sea and Chatanga Ba>- a separate species. The Ettropean L>code.s-fauna is thus enriched b\- an interesting form which has hitherto been mistmderstood. I cannot find however, an\' sufficient ground for adopting the genus-name Lycodalepis proposed b\' Bleeker, since we know forms which, in their weak development of the scaly covering (e. g. L. seimmidiis\ present transitions between entirely naked and perfecth' scaled species; and other characters do not exist which might be the basis for a generic separation of the naked species, .so far as I can see (cf. for the rest p. 5, with remarks on the likewise scaleless L. platyrlnnus mihi). ') Proc. U. vS. Nat. Mus. 1S78, p. 463. 2) List of fishes obtained in the \vaters of Arctic Alaska. The Fur Seals and I-'ur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Part IIL 1899, p. 505. 3) Fishes of North and Middle America, IV, PI. 350, Fig. 858. Bull. U. ,S. Nat. Mus. 1900. The Injjolf-Expedition. 11. 4. II §2 LYCODIN^. N Lycenchelys Oill. Lycenchelys Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1SS4, p. 180 {mitrcBua). The bodv is very elongated (ang nil lit" or in), the height over the anns going ca. 16—24 times in the total length. Teeth on the intermaxillary and mandible, vomer and palatines. Lower jaw with on t barbnles. Scales small. Lateral line ventral or mediolateral, or both ventral and mediolateral. Branchiost egal rays 6. From the waters of North America 3 species of this genns have been described, namely: Lycenchelys verrillii Goode & Bean , off the east coast of the United States (34° 39' 40"— 42° 33' N.L. 68° 22'— 75° 14' 40" W.L.), 75 — 603 fathoms; Lycenchelys paxillus Goode & Bean, off the east coast of the United States (35° 45' 30"— 42° 48' N.L. 63° 07'— 74° 48' W.L.), 263—904 fathoms; Lycenchelys porifer Gil- bert, off Lower California, 857 fathoms"). From the Enropean and Greenland waters are at present known 4 species, distingnished from one another in the following manner: L 7 pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. A. Distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is less than 20% of the total length. a. Length of the head is less than 14% of the total length. Colour uniform. (The cold area, off west Norway, east Iceland, and in the Fteroe Channel; 340—620 fathoms). L. muroena Coll.; p. 82. b. Length of the head is more than 14 "/o of the total length. Dark spotted colouration. (Northern East Greenland; ca. 160 fathoms). L. kolthoffi Jensen; p. 88. B. Distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 21 % or more of the total length. (Skager Rak, south and west Norway; 70 — 300 fathoms). L. sarsii Coll.; p. 86. II. 8 (larger) pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. (Davis Straits; 393 fathoms). L. ingolfianiis Jensen; p. 90. Lycenchelys muraena Collett. Fig- 15 — 19 i" text. 1878. Lycodes murcena Collett, Fi.ske fra den Norske Nordhavs-Exped. 1S76-77; Forh. Vidensk. Seksk. Chria. 1878, No. 4, p. 15. 1878. L.murce7ia Collett, Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionen 1878; Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria. 1878, No. 14, p. 74 (partim). 1880. L. murcena Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishe.s, p. 116 (partim), PI. IV, Fig. 30 (nee Fig. 29 &: 31). 1891. L. murcena Lilljeborg, Sveriges och Norges Fiskar, II, p. 25 (partim). 1895. L.mnrcena Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 616 (partim) (non Fig. 152). 1901. Lycenchelys murcena Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kblivn., p. 214. t) Concernin.c; these species, see Goode & Beau: Oceanic Ichthyology, 1S95, p. 309—312; also Jordan & Ever- niann; The Fishes of North and Middle America, Part III, 1898, p. 2471). IvVCODIN^. 83 The heiglit over tin.- aims is 4,1—5 "j^ of the total length. The head, whose length is 12,9—13,3 ° ,, of the total length, is not particnlarh- broad, the trunk is some- what compressed; the tail becomes much compressed and loses gradually in height towards the end. The lower jaw extends almost to the end of the upper. 7 pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. The distance between the snout and the anus is 27,6—30,4 " „ of the total length. The distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 17,6—18,2 ",, of the total length. The colour uniform yellow- brown. The scales are distributed over the tail and trunk, whilst the head and fins are naked. Lateral line double, dixided into a \'eiitral and medio lateral branch, the latter however frequentl\- indistinct. Pyloric appendages not de\eloped. Size 181 111 m. D. 118— 126. A. 100 — 104'). P. 13 — 15. Distribution. The cold area off west Xorwav, east from Iceland, and in the Foeroe Channel; 340 — 620 fathoms. Remarks on the S }• n o n y m y. Lycodes mni-csna was established bv Collett for a 140 nini. long specimen of an elongated Lycodes, which the North- Atlantic Expedition of 1877 took in the ice-cold waters off Helgeland in Norway, at 350 fathoms depth. In 1878, off Bear Island and Spitzbergen, in ice-cold water and from depths of 459 — 65S fathoms, the North-Atlantic Expedition got 3 other specimens (112 — 19S mm.) hkewise of a very elongated Lycode, which Collett referred to the same species, as he considered certain differences as less essential and a sign of the variability of the species. From a stndy of the figures 29, 30 and 31 of the chief publication of the North-Atlantic Expedition's Fishes I got however the impression that - if the figures were correct — they could not belong to one and the same species: figs. 29 and 31 must represent another species than fig. 30, which formed the tj^je-specinien from the 1S77 cruise of the North-Atlantic F^xpedition. After I had had the opportunity, through the kindness of Prof. Collett. to examine 2 of the specimens of the North-Atlantic Expedition, namely the type-specimen from 1877 and one of the specimens (not figured) from 1S78, my pre- supposition became a certainty: the specimens from the 1878 cruise of the North- Atlantic Expedition ought to form a species by themselves, belonging to the genus Lycodonus Goode & Bean (cf. p. 95) and this I proposed to name L. flagellicauda. To this form further are to be referred, the specimens obtained by the English expeditions of the « Knight Errant» and <: Triton, in the Faroe Channel, and which Giinther referred to Lycodes murcena Coll. (the figures in Chall. Report leave no doubt about the matter), and also the specimens from the Ingolf Expedition referred to I. murana Coll., which were taken north of the Iceland-Faroe ridge^). Of the true Lycodes mura:nai., which ought to be referred to the genus Lycenche/ys Gill, only the type-specimen was known until a short time ago, but during the revision of m\- manuscript 1 have further been able to study 2 specimens, taken by the ..Michael Sars , the one (145 mm. long, in 1900 F:. from Iceland, the other (181 mm. long) in 1902 in the Fseroe Channel. A detailed comparison will vindicate the necessity of the intended separation. Comparison between Lycenchelys nmrcBna Coll. and Lycodonus flagellicauda m. The form of the body is throughout more elongated in L. flagellicatida ; in L. murcBna namel}-, the height over the anus is 4,1— 5"'o of the total length, in specimens of L. flagellicauda of similar size 3,4—4,4%. In other regards also the form is essentially different. L. murcsna is a com- pressed form: the trunk is already (if not distended by sexual products) somewhat thinner than high, and the tail quicklv becomes strongly compressed; close behind the anus, the thickness is to the height 1) Accordiuo- to Collett \). iiS, A. loo; according to my obsen,-atious in another specimen D. 126, A. 104. 2) But not the large specimen from Davis Straits, because it forms a distinct species both from L. murmna and from L. flagellicavda : Lycenchelys higolfianus (see p. 901. Nor the young specimen from the Atlantic .S. from Iceland; though it stands very close to L. flagellicauda, it represents in my opinion quite a separate species: Lycodonus ophidium (cf. p. 971. 11* 84 LYCODIN.B. in the relation of about i : 2 (sometimes 2 : 3), and tliereafter the tail becomes narrower towards the root of the candal fiu. L. flagellicaiida on the other hand has a much broader body: the trunk is round; at the beginning of the anal fin the body is almost as thick as high, and the tail has almost the same thickness relatively in the greatest part of its length, onl\- near the end does it become compressed. Seen from above, L. murcena (fig. 16) with its compressed tail looks therefore rather different by the side of the round-tailed L. flagellicanda (fig. 30). The difference is most appa- rent indeed, if the animals are viewed from the side: in L. uuiycena (fig. 15) the tail displays a gradual decrease in height, whereas in L. flagellicaiida (fig. 29) the tail becomes directly remarkably low, as the lower edge immediately behind the anus rises upwards with a rapid slope; by its specialh- slender, whip-like tail, L. flagellicauda stands on the whole quite isolated amongst the Fig. 15 — 1 5. Lycenchelys muyana, seen from the side and from above. X i. The scales are omitted. The oval ring over the upper figure shows the form of a cross-section at the place indicated. — The figures are drawn from Collett's type-specimen of Lycodes tnurcena from the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition of 1S77. Lycodes known to me. — The distance between the snout and the anus in L.murcEjia is 27,6 — 30,4% of the total length, in specimens of L. flagellicaiida (of similar size| 24,2 — 28 "/o, i. e. on the whole is greater in L. murcena. Fig. 17 — 19. Head of Lycenchelys murcrna, seen from above, the side and below. X ^ i. Drawn from Collett's tvpe-specimen from the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition of 1S77. The head has about the same relative length in the two species; in the specimens at hand of L. murcena the length of the head namely is 12,9 — 13,3 % of the total length, in adult specimens of lA'CODIX.E. «5 L. flagc/licmida 12,7 -14,2 ■■ „. But for tlie rest, there are apparent differences. The head in L. flagcllu-aiida (fig. 31) is much broader than in L. murcena (fig. 17). In L. munrna the undeijaw, seen from below, forms a tolerably steep arch, and its end reaches almost as far forward as the upper jaw (fig. 19); in L. flagellicauda on the other hand, the under jaw forms a flat arch, and its an- terior end lies a good way behind the point of the upper jaw (fig. 33), so that the mouth always stands open . As a result of the breadth of the head, the eyes in L.flageUicauda are more upturned than in L. murcena, in which the\- look more out to the side. Teeth are found in botli species on the jaws, palatines and vomer, but the>- are relatively long in L. iimrceiia. The number of branchiostegal rays is 6 in L. nmrcena, o\\\\ 5 in L. flagellicauda. The lateral line's deep, cup-shaped grooves along the upper and lower jaws, reminding one of the suckers of the octopus, adorn the head of L. flagelli- cauda in a characteristic manner; also, the number in the row on the upper jaw is a little different, being 8 in L. flagellicatLda against 7 in L. iuura:na (cf. fig. 32 and iS). The dorsal fin begins, as Collett has also remarked, a little further forward relatively in L. mnnvna, as its distance from the snout in this species is 17,6—18,2 % of the total length, whilst its distance in 12 specimens of L. flagellicauda amounts to 18,8—20,6%. As I could not count the ravs in the dorsal and anal fins of L. murcena with certaint\-, I am unable to sav if any distino-uishino- - ' --00 character can be obtained therefrom; according to Collett the numbers (Z. w/wro'Wrt sens, strict: D. 118, A. 100'); L. flagellicauda: D. loi — 108, A. 97 — 103) would indicate not. On the other hand, L. murcena has certainly a fewer number of rays throughout in the pectorals, viz. 13 — 15; in 12 specimens of L. flagellicauda I have counted 15 — 17 rays, and Collett gives for his two large specimens likewise 15 — 17 rays, onh- a quite small specimen appears to have 13 — 14. The scales are evidentlx- laid down earlier in L. murcena than in L. flagellicauda. The smallest specimen present, 140 mm. long, of L. murcena s. str. is already covered with scales on the tail and the trunk, and the larger specimens (145 and 181 mm. long) are similarly covered; only the middle of the belly (in front of the anus) is naked. L. flagellicauda shows some irregularit\- with regard to the time of appearance of the scales. Of the specimens from the Ingolf Expedition, the largest, whose total length is 204 mm., shows but quite solitary scales on the posterior portion of the tail. The next largest, 200 mm. long, is much more richly provided with scales; it has the posterior portion of the tail densely covered, but further forward on the tail the scales are more spread out and none are to be seen on the trunk. In a 183 mm. long .specimen, the scaly co\-ering has a similar dis- tribution as in the foregoing, but the scales are on the whole less close. Ivastly, two specimens of respectively 184 and 170 mm. are perfecth- naked. These specimens all come from one and the same place (Ingolf St. 104). The remaining specimens (no— 188 mm. long) are either quite naked or .show only weak traces of scales. Of Collett's two large specimens, the one (217 mm. long) was at the same stage as the Ingolf s 204 mm. specimen, whereas the second, 198 mm. long, is much more richly covered with scales than anv other specimen of this species as yet known, not only the tail but also the trunk itself being provided with scales ^j. — Altogether, one may say, that the scales are laid down earlier in M In a specimen obtained later (from the Michael Sars ) 1 have found: D. 126, A. 104. -) In one of 3 specimens 1 have seen later (-Michael Sars» 1902), the scales also extended relatively far forward, namely to the vertical line through the anterior end of the dorsal fin, though they were much scattered; the length of this specimen was 203 mm. h- 86 LYCODIN.E. Z. inurcena sens, str., and have a greater distribution in relation to the total length of the fish, than in L. flagellicauda. The lateral line is double in both species, mediolateral and ventral; the mediolateral branch may sometimes be particnlarly distinct in L. jiiurceiia (see fig. 15), bnt in L. flagellicauda it is always verv indistinct, as even in the most favonrable cases only single pores can be seen'). For the rest, the \entral branch in Ijoth species may be rather difficnlt to follow, or not at all traced, beyond the anns. The colonr in both sj^ecies is nniforni, withont bands or spots. L. mjcrtena is brownish above, below the median line yellowish; the anal fin and pectorals are grayish-white, the dorsal fin dark- gray; on the belly, the black peritonenm shines through; the scales stand out lighter than the gronnd- colonr of the bod\'. L. flagellicauda tends most often to be more gra\-bro\vn. In conclusion I niav give the most important proportions of the three L. miircena present: ? ? Total leiif^th . in mm. Length of the head — 140 18 39 5,75 • 25 145 19,25 40 25,5 iSi 24 55 Height over the anus — Distance of dorsal fin from snout — 9 33 Distribution. With the limitation here given to Lycenclielys murcvna Coll., the .species is only known from 3 .specimens. The first of these (140 mm. long) was taken b)- the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition in June 1877 off Helgeland in Norway, 325 kilom. W.S.W. from Bodo (66" 41' N.L. 6° 59' E.L.), where the depth was 350 fathoms and temperature of the bottom — o°9 C. The second specimen (145 nun. long) was caught in July 1900 by the .steamer cMichael .Sars E. from Iceland (64° 53' N.L. 10° W.L.) where the depth was 340 fathoms and bottom-temperature — o°69 C. Lastly, the third specimen (181 mm. long) was taken in 1902, likewise by the Michael Sars , in the Fferoe Channel (60° 19' N.L. 5"'39' W.L.), where the depth was 620 fathoms and bottom-temperature under o" C. Lycenchelys sarsii CoUett. Fig. 20 22 in text. 1871. Lycodes sarsii Collett, Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Chria., p. 62, c. tab. 1874. Z. .yi?;'^// Collett, Norges Fiske; Tillsegsh. til Forh. Chria. 1874, p. 102. 1884. L. sarsii Collett, Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1879—83; N}! Magaz. f. Naturvidensk. 29 Bd., p. 78, PI. I, Fig. 3-4. 1891. L. sarsii Lilljeborg, vSveriges och Norges Fiskar, II, p. 23. 1895. L. sarsii ,Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 616, Fig. 151. 1898. L. sarsii Collett, Selsk. Skr. Chria. No. i, PI. I— II. 1901. Lyceticltelys sarsii Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 214. 1) Such is the case at any rate in my present specimen.s. Fig. 31 in the Fi,she.s of the North-Atlantic Expedition shows however, a whole row of pores along the linear median furrow of the side; such a condition 1 have not seen. LYCODIN.E. 87 The height over the anus (in medium-sized and adult individuals) is 5,2— 5,9" o of the total length. The head is tolerably broad, the trunk a little compressed, the tail gradually becoming more strongly compressed and losing slowly in height. The length of the head in males is 14,1 — 1 5 "/„, in females 13,7 — 14,2"/,,') of the total length. The lower jaw reaches almost to the end of the upper. 7 pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. The distance between the snout and the anus is in males 27,2 — 28,6" „, in females 26,2 — 27,7 "/„ of the total length')- The distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 21 — 24, 7 "/o of the total length. vSmall specimens uniformly gray-brown along the back, yellow-white on the under- side, somewhat larger specimens similar but with irregular, brown to black cross- markings and shades over the back and tail, and with a dark stripe between the eye and the snout; older individuals uniformly yellowish brown with indistinct shadings down the sides. The scales in developed specimens reach to the h ead and partly out on to the unpaired fin.s. The lateral line ventral, indistinct. Pyloric appendages r u d i m e n t a r \'. The size up to 184 m m. D. ca. 123. A. ca. 117. P. 15 — 16. Distribution. Western and southern N o r w a >• ; S k a g e r R a k ; 7 o - - 3 o o f a t h o m s 3 ). Fig. 20 — 22. Head of Lycenchelys sai'sii, seen from above, the side and below. Prof. Collett has recently (1898) given so detailed and careful information concerning this species, a relatively considerable number of specimens of which has been brought to light by the practical fisheries investigations of Dr. Petersen and Dr. Hjort, that there is no need to treat of it anew. As supplementary information I shall only state the proportions of the 8 specimens from the Skager Rak at my disposal, mentioning the sex; it will thus appear that the differences in propor- tions are not great in adult individuals (cf. Diagno.sis). 1) In small specimens (44—62 mm. long) 14,9—17,500, according to Collett. 2) , :. > 29,8-32,800, i) Concerning the separate localities where the species was taken, cf. Collett 1. c. 189S and C. G. J oh. Petersen, Beretning IX fra den biologiske Station, p. 17, 21 & 22 (Fiskeri-Beretning for Finansaaret 1S9S— 99, Kjobenhavn 1900). — How far the form from vNorth Atlantic, in 180 fathoms-, which Giinther formerh- referred to Angnilla kiencri, and Da}- cor- rected to Lycodes kieneri and Giinther finally to L. sarsii (cf. Voy. Challenger, Rep. Deep-Sea Fishes, XXII, 1887, p. 80), is reaUy a Z. sarsii, I shall leave unanswered as I have not seen the specimen; if the accompanying figure in Chall. Rep. (Fig. 3) purports to be more than a sketch, it would indicate indeed that the form was not identical with L. sarsii. 88 LYCODIN^. Total length Length of the head Distance from snout to anus Height over the anus Sg 12.5 24,5 5 1 28 i8 35.5 7 140 21 40 146 20 39.5 7.5 151 21.5 39.5 7,5 152 21.5 42 9 169 184 24 27,5 46 51 9.5 10 Lycenchelys m/irama Coll. is the European Lycode with which the present species might most easily be confnsed. The following distinguishing characters however, are sufficient to separate them: L. innrccna is a more elongated species than L. sarsii\ the height over the anus i^eing only 4,1 — 5°/„ of the total length. In L. ninrcBna the dorsal fin begins further forward than in L. sars/'i\ its distance from the snout being only 17,6— 18,2 'Vo of the total length. L. inurcEna has fewer rays in the pectorals, namel\- 13 — 15. Lycodoniis flagellicauda Jensen is likewise a more elongated species, the height over the anus being onlv 3,4— 4,4 "/o of the total length, and is immediately distinguished from the present h\ its particularly slender, whip-like tail. Lycenchelys kolthoffi n. sp. Tab. X, Fig. 2. Fig. 23 — 25 in text. 1901. Lycodes Verrillii Smitt (nee Goode & Bean), Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Bd. 27, Afd. IV, No. 4, p. 22, Fig. 1 — 3. The height over the anus amounts to 4,9 — 5,2 " o of the total length. The head, whose length is 14,3— 14,8 °/o of the total length, is tolerably broad and flat, the -'.< ^-\ -^ Fig. 23 — 25. Head of Lycenclietys kollliojfi, seen from above, the side and below, x 2. trunk is approximately cylindrical; the tail is of a low, very elongated form, not much compressed, except near the end. The anterior point of the lower j aw lies a good bit behind the end of the upper jaw. 7 pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. The distance between the snout and the anus is LYCODIN.-E. 89 27,8 — 28,4 "/,, of the total length. The distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 18,6 — 18,9 " o of the total length. The colonr yellow-white, with many brown spots, which on the tail posteriorly, adorn both the unpaired fins and the body between them, but on the foremost part of the tail and on the trunk are mainly on the dorsal fin, the back and the upper part of the side; a dark-brown spot above at the shoulder, and a dark arched band across over the pectoral, on the skin between the rays; top of the head brown, the sides and under surface whitish; a dark band from the snout to the eye, a dark spot behind the eye and one on the gill-cover. The scales extend from the end of the tail to, or a little beyond, the anterior end of the dorsal fin, but the belly and the under part of the trunk (in front of the anus) are naked; no scales on the fin.s. The lateral line double, rather distinct from the flap of the gill-cover down towards the anus (the \- e n t r a 1 branch); in addition, isolated pores are present along the median line (the mediolateral branch). Pyloric appendages not developed. The size (of the two males to hand) ca. 130 mm. D. c a. I 2 4. A. c a. 1 1 o. P. 1 4 — 15. Distribution. Northern Eas t-Cireenla nd, ca. 160 fathoms. Of this new species the Kolthoff Expedition took 2 specimens ($$) off the east coast of northern Greenland (72° 25' N.I^. 17" 56' W.L.) on the 30th of Juh' 1900; the depth was 300 meter.s, and the bottom stony and sandy. The most important proportions of these specimens are as follows: Total length - in mm. Length of the head — Distance fro:n snout to anus — Height over the anus .... — Distance from snout to dorsal fin — Length of the pectoral — Length of the snout — Longitudinal diameter of the eye — $ s 128,5 131,5 19 18,75 36,5 36,5 6,75 6,5 24,25 24,5 14,5 13,5 6,.^ 6,4 3,25 3,25 The North American Lycodes Verrillii Goode & Bean (Oceanic Ichthyology, 1895, p. 309, Fig. 277), with which F. A. Smitt (1. c.) had identified the present form, is quite a different species, as will appear from the following measurements of 2 specimens, presented to the Copenhagen Zoo- logical Museum from the Smithsonian Institution. L. verrii/u' Goode & Bean: The Ingolf-Expedition. II. \ 90 LYCODIN.i;. Total length in mm. Length of the head — Distance from snout to anus — Height over the anus — Distance from snout to dorsal fin — Length of the pectoral — Longitudinal diameter of the eye — 135 25 45 7.25 35 12 5 1 38 22 44 8,5 32 10,5 5.5 Compared with L. verriliii Goode & Bean, therefore, we have in L. kolthoffi: The body is more slender, tlie height over the anns being 4,9— 5,2 "^/o of the total length (against 5,5 — 6,2 % in L. verriliii). The anns lies fnrther forward, its distance from the snont being 27,8—28,40/0 of the total length (against 31,9— 33,3 'Vo in L. verriliii). The head is relatively shorter, its length being 14,3—14,80/0 of the total length (against 19,3 [in $ 16] °/o in L. verriliii). The dorsal fin begins relatively fnrther forward, its distance from the snont being 18,6— 18,9 °/o of the total length (against 23,2—25,9 ^/o in L. verriliii). The pectorals are larger, their length being 10,3— 11,3 "/o of the total length (against 8,3—8,90/0 in L. verriliii). The eyes are relatively smaller, their longitndinal diameter being 2,50/0 of the total length (against 3,7 — 4 o/y in L. verriliii). In addition, the dark colonration is marbled in /.. kolthoffi, bnt in regular cross-bands in L. verriliii. L. kolthoffi stands much nearer to L. sarsii Coll., from which however it can be easily distinguished in that the eyes are relatively a little smaller, that the pectorals are larger, and that the dorsal fin begins further forward; thus in a 140 mm. long L. sarsii 5, the longitudinal diameter of the eye is 2,900, the length of the pectoral 1,^'-':o, the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout 22,20/0 of the total length. In addition, the colouration is quite different; the present species is strongly spotted, whilst adult L. sarsii are more uniform, with only indistinct .shadings down on the sides. Lycenchelys ingolfianus Jensen. Tab. X, Fig. 3. Fig. 26 — 2S in text. 1898. Lycodes murcena Liitken, The Danish Ingolf-Expedition, II, i, p. 20 (partim). 1901. Lycenchelys iitgolfiaims Jensen, Vidensk. !\Iedd. Naturh. Foren., p. 210. The height over the anus is 5,1 °/o of the total length. The head tolerably broad, the body almost round, the tail gradually compressed and losing very slowly in height. The length of the head is 12,40/0 of the total length. The anterior end of lA'CODIN.E. 91 the lower jaw lies a good bit behind the point of the upper. 8 large pores for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. The distance between the snout and the anus amounts to 27,6",, of the total length. The distance of the dorsal fin from the snout is 20 o'„ of the total length. The colour uniformly yellow-brown. Scales cover the tail and the trunk as also the unpaired fins towards their margin. Lateral line double, divided into a ventral and a mediolateral branch. Pyloric appendages very small. The size (of the only known specimen) 275 mm. D. 128. A. 116. P. 17. Distribution. Davis Straits, 393 fathom.s. The single .specimen to hand of this new species, which Liitken liad referred to L. vmrcsna Coll., though with some hesitation, is a female with small eggs in the ovary; the most important proportions are as follows: Total length 275 mm. Length of the head 34 — Distance from snout to anus 76 — Height over the anus 14 — Distance of dor.sal fin from snout 55 — The form of the body is more elongated than in most of the species of the genus, the height over the anus being 5,1 "/„ of the total length. The greatest height of the bod\' lies over the anus; from this the height remains ahnost unaltered towards the head, and posteriorly decreases \-ery slowly and evenly towards the tail. The trunk itself approximates to the cylindrical, its thickness being only i''- — i'/^ times in the height, but the tail becomes gradually more strongly compressed. The anus lies far forward, its distance from the snout being 27,6% of the total length. % i 26 Fig. 26 -28. Head of Lycenchclys ingolfiamis, seen from above, the .side and below. X i. The head is relatively short, its length being 12,4 "/o of the total length. It is tolerably broad, especiallv on the cheeks, where the breadth indeed is a little greater than the height. Seen from the side, the height remains the same from the neck to near the eye, where the orbit shows a little convexitv; from the anterior margin of the eye the snout descends somewhat sharpl}-, yet so that the slope forms a weak arch, and at the same time the lower surface rises up. Seen from above, it is a little bent out over the cheeks, and the point of the snout is broadh" rounded off. The upper Q2 LYCODIN^. surface is flat on the crown, slightly arched on the snout but has a depression between the eyes. The eyes are large, their longitudinal diameter being ' _, of the length of the head; seen from the side, the upper margin projects forward over the forehead; seen from above, there is an eye's diameter between the two eyes; the\' are almost circular. The length of the snout to the eye is ca. 3', times in the whole head. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and reaches only to the vertical line through the tube-shaped nostrils. The upper lip is swollen, the lower lip tolerably thin it the middle, but thick at the sides and provided as usual with a dependant fold. The teeth are small, truncate and conical. On the intermaxillary there are two rows, the first of which is much the longest and consists of 15 teeth on each side, decreasing in size towards the angle of the mouth; the second row has 5 teeth. On each palatal bone there is a tolerably short row of teeth; the vomer is also sparingly provided with teeth. The lower jaw has several irregular rows of teeth in the centre, a single row towards the sides. The dorsal fin begins almost over the point of the flattened-out pectoral, at a distance from the snout equal to 20",, of the total length. It contains, so far as I have been able to count, 128 rays, the anal 116 rays; in both numbers half the tail fin is as usual reckoned. The pectorals, which contain 17 rays, are of a broad oval form; their length is 7,4% of the total length or equal to the distance from the end of the opercular flap to the middle of the lens of the eye. The ventral fins are small (about '/^ rds the diameter of the eye) and thin. The head and the paired fins are naked; the rest of the body is covered with small scales which on the unpaired fins reach to near the margins. The lateral line is double, divided into a mediolateral and a \'entral branch, but for the greatest part of its course it is only discernible under a lens. It begins on the neck, a little above and in front of the posterior corner of the gill-cover, and inclines obliquely therefrom towards the belly, which it reaches at a distance of about '3 rd of the length of the trunk from the base of the pectoral; this descending portion of the lateral line is relatively distinct with pores close together. From there it continues almost on the boundary between the side and the belh' and can be followed a good distance on the tail as an extremely fine light strip with \ery small, but rather closely-placed pores. The mediolateral branch can be followed right out to the base of the caudal fin; its pores are less close to one another than in the ventral branch, so that there are 2 — 3 scales between two successive pores against i — 2 scales in the latter. On the head, the lateral line opens into a number of distinct pores. P'rom the snout to under the eye there is a row of 8 large pores, from the tip of tlie lower jaw to the preoperculum's lower and posterior corner there is another row of 7 similar pores. Between the posterior margin of the eye and the neck is a row of 8 fine pores, whose 5th pair is connected by a cross line of 2 pores. Between the eye and the upper posterior corner of the preoperculum there are 3 pores and on the preoperculum itself another 3 pores. The colour is a imiform yellow-brown on the back, yellowish or grayish on the belly; of markings only a dark border is seen along the free edge of the gill-cover, and the tube-shaped nostrils are coloured black. The scales appear as light points. LYCODIN,^. Q, Distribution. A single specimen (J) was taken by the Ingolf Expedition of 1895 (St. 27) in Davis Straits off the coast between the colonies Godthaab and Sukkertoppen (64° 54' N.I^. 55° lo'W.L.), where the depth was 393 fathoms and bottom-temperature -(- 3°8 C. Relation to allied species. Of these, L.iimrcena Coll. is the one which is most remote from the present species. L. murcejta is namely a still more elongated form, the height over the anus being 4ii— 5°''o of the total length, and it has a more compressed tail; further, its underjaw reaches almost to the tip of the upper, its dorsal fin begins further forward (the distance from the snout is = 17,6 — 18,2 °/o of the total length), and it has fewer rays in the pectorals, namely 13 — 15. L. sarsii Coll. is distincth' nearer to the present species, but its head is somewhat longer (the length in the two females at m\- disposal Ijeing 13,7— 14,2" '„ of the total length), and flatter, and the lower jaw reaches almost as far forward as the upper (see Fig. 21 & 22 in text). In addition, it has fewer rays in the pectorals, namely 15 — 16. On the other hand, there might be some doubt, whether the present species is not identical with the L. paxillns Goode & Bean') taken on the east coast of North America in deep water (263 —904 fathoms). As I am not myself acquainted with L. paxillns , I shall only indicate that this species appears to be less elongated, the height going 16 times in the total length (whereas in L. ingolfianns it is almost 20 times); further, L. paxillus seems to have only 16 rays in the pectorals, 118 in the dorsal and no in the anal fin; lastly, the ateral line is given as being single (mediolateral). Lycodonus Goode & Bean. Lycodonus Goode & Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, X, No. 5, 1883, p. 208 (inirabilis). The bod}- very elongated (angu ill if orm), the height over the anus going ca. 21 — 30 times in the length. Teeth on the intermaxillary, mandible, vomer and palatines. L o w e r j a w w i t h o ti t b a r b u 1 e s. Scales small. Lateral line m e d i o 1 a t e r al or both mediolateral and ventral. Along the bases of the dorsal and anal fins a row of small bony plates ( 1 a t e r a 1 o u t - g r o w t h s o f the u p p e r e n d s o f t h e i u t e r s p i n o u s r a y s ) , on which the rays are superimposed. Bran chios tegal rays 5. This genus, which in relation to the other anguilliform Lycodince is specially characterized by the structure of the interspinous bones and by only having 5 branchiostegal rays, consists now of 3 species from deep water: Lycodonus mirabilis Goode & Bean, off the east coast of the United States (35" 45' 23" — 41° 53' N.L. 65° 21' 50" — 74° 34' 45" W.L.), 721 — 1309 fathoms; L. ophidiuin Jensen, North Atlantic Ocean S. from Iceland, 1089 fathoms; L. flagellicauda Jensen, the polar depths from Spitz- bergen down towards Iceland and the Faeroes, 459 — 1003 fathoms. The American species lacks fin-rays on the anterior (9— 11) jjlates on the back, whereas all the plates bear fin-ra\s in the European species. The two last species can be distinguished from one another by the following characters: ■) Lycodes paxillus Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1879, p. 44. L. paxilloides Goode & Bean, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., X, 1S83, p. 207. Lycenchelys paxilbis Goode & Bean, Oceanic Ichthyology, 1S95, p. 311, Fig. 279 & 2S2 ; Jordan & Ever- niann, Fishes of North America, III, 1S98, p. 2471. 94 LYCODIN.E. a. The distance between the snout and the anns is 24,1 — 28% of the total length, the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout, 18,2—20,6%. L. flagellicauda Jensen; p. 94. b. The distance between the snout and the anus is 21,6 °/o of the total length, the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout 15,3%. L.ophjdium Jensen; p. 97. Lycodonus flagellicauda Jensen. Fig. 29—33 in text. 1878. Lycodes mitrwna Collett, Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionen 1878; P'orh. Vidensk. Chria., 187S, No. 14, p. 74 (partim). 1880. L. niurctna Collett, The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Fishes, p. 116 (partim), PL IV, Fig. 29 & 31. 1887. L. murcena Gtinther, The Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, vol. XXII, Report on the Deep-Sea Fishes, p. 79, PI. XII, Fig. A. 1891. L.murcEna Lilljeborg, Sveriges och Norges Fiskar, II, p. 25 (partim). 1895. L.murcena Smitt, Skandinaviens Fiskar, II, p. 616 (partim), Fig. 152. 1898. L.mttycEna Liitken, The Danish Ingolf-E.xpedition, II, i, p. 20 (partim). 1901. Lycenchelys flagellicauda Jensen, Vidensk. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 210. The height over the anus is 3,4 — 4,4% of the total length. The head, whose length is 12,7 — 14,5%') of the total length, is broad and flat, the trunk round; the tail becomes very low immediately behind the anus and is of a round whip -shaped form, onlv becoming compressed near the end. The front of the lower jaw lies a good bit behind the tip of the upper. 8 pits for the lateral line along the upper jaw and under the eye. The distance between the snout and the anus is 24,1— 28" o of the total length^). The distance between the snout and the dorsal fin is 18,2-20,6":,, of the total length. The colour uniformly gray-brown. The scales may extend to the head, when the total length of the fish is ca. 200 mm., but usually they are much less advanced at this (or a still greater) total length. The lateral line double, divided into a ventral and a mediolateral branch, but of the latter only isolated pores are usually to be seen along the median line of the side 5). Pyloric appendages not developed. The size up to 217 mm. D. loi— 10941. A. 97— 1034). p. (13 — 14) 15 — 17. Distribution. The polar depths from Spitzbergen down towards Iceland and the Fseroes, 459 — 1003 fathoms. 1) In 4 inale.s 13,3—14,200, in 8 females 12,7—13,800, in 2 young .specimens 14,1 — i4,5°o. 2) In 4 males 25— 26,80/0, in S females 24,4—2800, in 2 young specimens 24,1 — 25,40/0. 3) Figure 31 in Collett (N. North-Atlantic Exped., Fishes) .shows a whole row of pores along the middle of the side, but I have not seen anything similar. 4) According to Collett: D. loi — 108; A. 97—103. In two specimens I have found: I). loS— 109; A. 98- 102. LVCODIN^. 95 Under Lyceiichclys imirama (p. 83 — 86) I have described this form in detail and indicated its independence from L. innrccna. In my preliminar\' notice on the LycodincE of the Ingolf Expedition (1. c.) the present form is given as a Lycenchelys^ with the addition however that it would seem most natural to remove it and Fig. 29— 30. Lycodonus flagellicauda, seen from the side aud above, "x i. Scales are omitted, likewise the small bony plates along the bases of the unpaired fins. The two rings over the upper figure represent the form of a cross-section at the place indicated. Fig. 31 — 33. Head of Lycodoiius flagellicanda, seen from above, the side and below. X 5/j. make it into a separate genus. On further research I find this supposition strengthened: ; Lycenchelys» flagellicauda (and the following species, L. ophidiicm) are of one geniis with Lycodonios Goode & Bean. The genus Lycodoiius was founded in 1883 by the American ichth}-ologists Goode & Bean (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. X, No. 5, p. 208) with a single species: L. mirabilis. In 1895, when this fish was again mentioned by the same authors in their work Oceanic Ichthyology) (p. 312), a considerable number of specimens had been taken off the coast of New England, in deep water (721 — 1309 fathoms). Our Musemn possesses two specimens presented by the Smithsonian Institution, so that I can judge of it from personal observation. The two most important peculiarities, which in my opinion, specially characterise the genus Lycodonus, are shared in common by this species and L. flagellicauda (and the succeeding Z. c»^/^/i3?/«/«) : first and foremost, the number of the branchiostegal rays, which is onl\- 5 on each side (in Lycenchelys 96 LYCODIN.B. on the other hand, 6); and next, a peciiHarity in the structure of the dorsal and anal fin: along the bases of these fins there is a row of small bony shields, on which the fin-rays are superimposed, one on each plate; these bony plates are especially aiDparent in L. mirahilis. in lesser degree in L. flagel- licauda^ because it is quite a small fish, but one can observe them easily under a lens, especialh" if the skin is allowed to dry a little; Goode & Bean designate these plates as ectodermal scutes or plates , but on dissection the\' pro\-e to be lateral outgrowths of the outer ends of the interspinous rays (or perhaps more correctly of the small bones fused with the outer part of the interspinous rays). For the rest, the genera Lycenchelys and Lycodoims agree so far as I can see. Goode S: Bean certainly mentioned another peculiarit\- in the latter, namely: < caudal distinct not fully connect with dorsal and anal , but in the two specimens of L.mirabilis at my disposal the unpaired fins join into one, just as in L. flagellicauda. Concerning Lycodomts inirabjlis^ Croode & Bean remark: The first lo or ii scutes do not support rays, but whether ra\s were originalh' present or not cannot be ascertained . In the two specimens at my disposal fin-ra^•s are wanting on the first 9 — 11 plates, and there is no sign that the rays have been torn off, so that it must be a normal condition. In L. flagellicauda (and L. ophidiiim) on the other hand, all the plates bear fin-rays. This difference seems to me indeed of subordinate importance, in any case not so important, that it should prevent the three species being placed within the same genus. For the sake of completeness, I add here the most important proportions of 14 Lycodomts flagellicauda which I have investigated (those of 185, 197 and 203 mm. are from the 1902 cruise of the V Michael Sars , the others from the Ingolf Expedition of 1896). Total length in mm. Length of the head — Distance from snont to anns — Height over the anus — Distance of dorsal fin from the snout . . — 5 ? ? ? ? 5 ? ? ? 5 5 ? no 114 141 162 170 181 183 1S4 185 iSS 197 200 203 204 15,5 16,5 20 20,5 22 24,25 23,5 24,5 25,5 25 27 26,5 28 28 26,5 29 35-5 39,5 43 46,5 45 46,5 50,5 48,25 55 50 54,5 54 3.75 4 5,5 5.5 6,5 6,75 6,75 6,5 7 s 7-5 8,25 7,75 9 20 22 28,5 31 35 36,5 34,5 35,5 36 38 39,5 40 40,25 41 Distribution. The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition took 2 specimens W. from Spitzbergen, where the depth was 459 fathoms and bottom-temperature - i"* C. , and a small individual W. from Bear Island, where the depth was 658 fathoms and bottom-temperature— i°2 C. The English Expeditions of 1880 and 1882 with the 'Knight Errant and Triton obtained many specimens in the Fas roe Channel, where the depths were 540 and 608 fathoms, bottom-temperature 29^2 — 30° F.; in the same channel (at 60'-" 19' N.L. 5" 39' W.L.) the ' Michael Sars» in the summer of 1902 took 3 specimens where the depth was 620 fathoms and bottom-temp, under O" C. Further, the Ingolf Expedition took it in 1896 at the following places: LYCODIN^. 97 St. 117. Soutli from Jan ^layen... 1003 fathoms — i' C. i specimen - 125. North from Iceland 729 — — o°8- 1 - 102. East from Iceland 750 — — 0^9- i — - 104. >. 957 - _ I'^^i. 5 _. - 105. » 762 — — o'S- 2 — - 139. North from Faeroes 702 — — o°6 - i — Lycodoniis flagellicazida is thns widel\- distribnted over the deeper parts of the ^cold area*, from Spitzbergen down to Iceland and the Fceroe Channel. Lycodonus ophidiuni Jensen. J898. Lycodes miircEua Liitken, The Ingolf-Expedition, II, i, p. 20 ipartini). 1901. Lycenchelys ophidium Jensen, Vidensk. Medd Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn., p. 212. The single specimen present, a young individual of iiS mm., stands very near to Lycodonii s flage Ih'cmtda^ but in proportion to the total length, the length of the head is 12 " ,,, the distance between the snout and the anns 21,6 '''o and the distance of the dorsal fin from the snout 15,3 °/o- P- 15- Distribution. North Atlantic Ocean S. from Iceland, 1089 fathoms. As there is but a single and young specimen to hand, only the above preliminary characteri- sation of the species can be given. This specimen has in the main the same characteristic appearance as the young L. ftagelli- cauda and is hardh- to be distinguished from these on superficial obser\-ation. Rut the measurements show that the head is shorter, that the anus lies further forward and that the dorsal fin begins nearer the head. These features will appear on comparison with three L. flagelHcaiida of similar length : Lycodonus flagellicauda Z. ophidium TotaU. Totall.i| , Total!. Total!. no mm. 112 mm. 1 114 mm. iiS mm. In percentage of the total length: 1 Length of the head 14,1% 14,300 ; 14,5 °/o 120/0 Distance from snout to anus 24. 1 ° 0 18.2 °'o 26,8 0 0 ' 25,4 0/0 19,600 19,3 °.'o 21,60,0 Distance of dorsal fin from the snout 15,3 "/o The specimen was taken by the Ingolf Expedition of 1896 in the North Atlantic vS. from Ice- land (St. 65), where the depth was 1089 fathoms and bottom-temperature — 3^ C. In Liitkens report on the ichthyological results of the expedition it is referred to L. nuirceiia Coll. I) From Colletts measurements of a specimen from the Xorth-Atlantic Expedition; t!ie two otlier specimens are from the Ingolf Expedition. The Ingolf-Expedilion. II. 4, ..A APPENDIX. On some new discoveries of Lycodes. Dr. phil. J oh. Schmidt, who condncted the zoological investigations of the Danish steamer «Thor at Iceland during 1903, has liad the goodness to show me the lyycodes taken during this cruise. Of special interest were the following: Lycodes vahlii Reinh. This species occurs, in addition to what has been stated previously (p. 21) at west, north and east Iceland, also at south Iceland, as the Thor> took 3 young specimens at 63° 15' N.L. 20 ■ 4' W.L., at a depth of 326 — 216 m. Lycodes frigidus Q.o\\. i specimen was taken in the polar depths off north-east Iceland (66° 19' NX. 10° 45' W.L.) where the depth was 1440 m., bottom-temp. — o°92 C. Lycodes pallidus Coll. i specimen was taken in the polar depths off north-east Iceland (66° 2' N.L. ii°5'W.L.), where the depth was 1040 — 900 m., bottom-temp. — o°58 C. L^y codes seniinudzis Reinh. 3 specimens (2 55, 31 — 36 cm. long, i J, '^■x, cm. long, all uniformly coloured) were taken in the polar depths off north-east Iceland (66'' 2' N.L. 11° 5' W.L,.) where the depth was 1040—900 m., bottom-temp. — o°58 C. L, i t e r a 1 11 r e published (or coming into the hands of the author) aftertheendoftheyeari902. Romer und Schaudinn: Fauna Arctica. II, i, 1901. Die Fische von E. Ehrenbaum. In this general treatise (p. 123) Prof. Ehrenbaum mentions that Romer and Schaudinn in 1898 took a small Lycodes (67 mm. long) N.W. from Ross Island at a depth of 85 m.; this specimen E. refers to L.reticulatHs'^e\\\\\caAl (in the synonymy-Hst including with others, Z. ^'ow/ Malmgr.); further, that the Olga-Expedition took 2 specimens of L^ycodes (180 and 250 mm. long) at the entrance to Green Harbour in 145 — 180 m. depth, both of which had to be referred to the reh'culaizis-grow^. All these 3 specimens belong without doubt to Lycodes rosst Malmgren. R. Col let t: Om tre for Norges Fauna nye Fiske. Arch. f. ^Nlath. og Naturvidensk. B. XXV. Nr. 2. 1903. On p. 14 — 26, Collet t discu.sses the Lycodes rossi Alalmgr. taken by the Michael Sars;. in Porsanger Fjord and at Spitzbergen, and mentions also a specimen from the bank south from Bear Is- land, depth 130 m., bottom-temp. + 05 C.'). Concerning the delimiting of the species Prof. C. has a similar opinion to my own, being however inclined to consider L. liitkenii Coll. as the fulh- grown stage of L. rosszt - ; I have set forth my own views, on this point on p. 61. i| When CoUett (p. 26) also gives L. rossi as from East Greenland, that is incorrect, but the fault lies entirely with myself, as I at a certain time considered the East Greenland Lycode, which I have named L. rcikulaius Reinh. var. inacro- cephalus in the present work, to be identical with L. rossi and had informed Prof. C. of this. LVCODINx5J. 99 N. Knipowi tsch: Zool. Ergebu. d. Russ. Exped. nach Spitzbergen. Fische. Nachtrao;. Ann. Musee Zool. de I'Acad. Imp. d. Sci. St.-Petersbourg, T. VIII, 1903. In this Prof. Knipowitsch corrects the Lycodes esmm'-ki Coll. and L. reticulatns Reinh. (?) previoiisly described by him from Spitzbergen to: L. eudipleiirostictus Jensen and L. rossi :\Ialmgr. A new discover)- is further mentioned (1901): Lycodes pallidits Coll., a 70,8 mm. long speci- men taken in vStor Fjord, depth loa'/^ m., bottom-temp. — i°8 C. ; L. rossi Malmgr., a 42 nmi. long specimen taken in Stor Fjord, Genevra Bay, depth 42 m., bottom-temperature + 2°3 C. R. Collett: Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1884 — igoi. II. Chria. Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandl. 1903, No. 9. On p. 3 -18, Prof. Collett discusses in detail the 4 Lycodes occurring in Norway: Lycodes valilii Reinh., gracilis M. Sars, /.. rossi Malmgr., L. esmarkii Coll. and Lycenchclys (■■/^ycodes») sarsii Coll. With regard to Lycodes vahlii Reinh., gracilis M. Sars, Prof. Collett agrees with the view- set forth b\- me that L. gracilis ^\. Sars is a form of L. vahlii Reinh. It is common at relatively shallow depths along the whole coast-line of the land, and penetrates far into the large fjords, such as Trondhjem and Christiania Fjords» . . . «it is taken tolerably frequenth- by the fishermen during the fishing for the so called deep-water prawn (Pajidahis borealis)^ which has been carried on within recent )ears in various fjords and bays on the south coast. This fishing takes place in the mouths of the Christiania Fjord at about 30 to 60 fathoms as a rule >. P'rom Finmark, in addition to the specimen from Baads Fjord mentioned in the present work (p. 21), C. mentions 3 others, 179 — 220 mm. long, taken by the Michael Sars during 1901 in Varanger Fjord at ca. 100 fathoms depth. Lycodes esmarkii Coll. Since 1884 Prof. C. has again been able to e.xamine a con.siderable number (almost 50) of adult individuals (the largest 745 mm. long), all taken on lines at the same localities in Finmark as before: Ox Fjord, Vardo and Varanger Fjord. Lycetichelys sarsii Coll. Since C.'s latest report on this species (1S98) only two new specimens have been found, from Trondhjem Fjord, 150 fathoms and from Nordfold in Salten, 280 fathoms. The 19 certain specimens hitherto known were taken within the waters lying between the Skager Rak and the Polar Circle . Ad. S. Jensen: The P'ishes of East-Greenland. ^Meddelelser om Gronland, vol. XXIX, 1904. Contains a report on the Lycodes taken by Swedish expeditions at northern East-Greenland: I^ycodes pallidus Coll. (p. 256), L. eiidipleiirostictus Jensen (p. 257), L. reticnlatns Reinh. var n. inacro- cephalns (p. 258; PI. XIII, fig. 2 a & b), Z. semimidus Reinh. (p. 260] and Lycenchelys kolthoffi n. sp. (p. 261; PL XIII, fig. I). Tab. I. y»^T> K T"-^ « Tab. I. Fig. I. Lycodes microcephalus Jensen ; p. 53. The only specimen, 81 mm. long; nat. size. S.W. from Iceland, 799 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1896. Fig. 2. Lycodes valilii Reinh., fypica ; p. 14. 2 a. A young specimen, 143 mm. long, with distinct banded markings, mentioned p. 15; nat. size. Southerly West-Greenland, 88 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1895. 2 b. An adult female, 310 mm. long, still with traces of the dark bands; reduced to V4 nat. size. Southerly West-Greenland (Sukkertoppen). Copenhagen Museum. 2 c. An adult male, 410 mm. long, where the banded markings have almost disappeared; reduced to ca. Ys nat. size. Southerly West-Greenland (Sukkertoppen). Copenhagen Museum. •-S S CO fev-lMife 0l -Ci ^ t:f s o feq », % ,^ f M^' Tab. II, Tab. II. Fig. I. Ly codes vahlii Reinh., Ingiibris lyiitk.; p. i6. I a. An adult male specimen, 300 mm. long, where the dark bands have disappeared; with characteristic dark spot in the anterior corner of the dorsal fin; reduced to "/15 nat. size. North-west Iceland (Arnar Fjord). Copenhagen Museum, lb. An adult female, 210 mm. long, similar to the foregoing specimen; nat. size. East Iceland (Seydis Fjord). Copenhagen Museum. Fig. 2. Ly codes reticulatus Reinh.; p. 61. An adult male, 255 mm. long; a little reduced. West Greenland (Umanak Fjord). Drygalski Expedition, 1893. Fig. 3. Lye odes reticulatus Reinh. (?), juv. ; p. 64. Type-specimen of iLycodes perspicillmm> Kroyer; nat. size. West Greenland. Copenhagen Museum. s ^ fc:! ^ r,.7//^- ^ *, 4 J ll o I' Tab. Ill, Tab. III. Fig. I. Ly codes ettdipleurostictiis Jensen; p. 33. 1 a. An adult female, 260 mm. long; a little reduced. N.W. from the Faeroes, 471 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1896. lb. A young specimen, 75 mm. long; nat. size. Off the Norway-Shetland Slope , 360 fathoms. < Michael Sars , 1902. Fig. 2. Lycodes esniarkii Coll.; p. 27. 2 a. A young specimen, 192 mm. long, with A-shaped, light bands (cf. p. 28); almost nat. size. Between Norway and Bear Island, 410 metres. Nathorst Expedition, 1898. 2 b. A .somewhat larger specimen, 371mm. long, with dark stripes and spots in the light bands (cf. p. 31); reduced to 3/5 nat. size. Norway-Shetland «Slope>, 275 fathoms. (Michael Sars , 1902. 2 c. An adult ('■ * c\) N i |^J a" S i-\. ■' Tab. VI. Tab. VI. Vig. I. Ly codes agnostics Jensen; p. 79. I a. A medium-sized specimen, 147 mm. long; nat. size. The Kara Sea, 46—100 fathoms. Dijmphna Expedition, 1882—83. I b. K young specimen, 62 mm. long; nat. size. The Kara Sea, 46—100 fathoms. Dijmphna Expedition, 1882—83. Fig. 2. Lycodes platyrhinus Jensen; p. 51. The only specimen, 148,5 mm. long; nat. size. Between Jan Mayen and Iceland, loio fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1896. Fig. 3. Lycodes pallidus Coll., var. siinilis m. ; p. 39 & 46. 3 a, b, c and d. A series of specimens in which the dark bands remain distinct; nat. size. S. from Jan Mayen, 371 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1896. s .1- bq J a i <^ ^: V /,' ' ^*m t ^ , \ \ Tab. VII. Tab. VII. Ly codes rossi Malmgr.; p. 55. I a. Type-specimen of L. rossi Malmgr. Spitzbergen, Treurenberg Bay, 5 fathoms. Stockholm Museum. I b. Specimen, 54,5 mm. long. Spitzbergen, Green Harbour, 75 fathoms. 4 Michael Sars , 1901. I c. Specimen, 68,2 mm. long. Spitzbergen, Stor Fjord, 39 fathoms. St. Petersburg Museum. I d. Specimen, 75,8 mm. long. Spitzbergen, Stor Fjord, 75 fathoms. St. Petersburg Museum. I e. Specimen, 118 mm. long. Spitzbergen, Green Harbour, 75 fathoms. « Michael Sars , 1901. I f. Specimen, 163 mm. long ($). Spitzbergen, Ise Fjord, 100 metres. Kolthoff Expedition, 1900. I g. Specimen, 205 mm. long (J). Spitzbergen, Green Harbour, 75 fathoms. «. Michael Sars , 1901. All natural size. s <5 S ^ S c 5=5 Tab. VIII. Tab. VIII. Lycodes retujc/atHS Reinh. var. macrocephalus m.; p. 66. I a. A specimen, 45,5 mm. long, doubtfully of the present species (cf. p. 69). Baffins Bay, 92 fathoms. Copenhagen Museum. I b & c. Two specimens, 119 and 83 mm. long; in the largest the bands have already begun to assume the net-form. Jan Mayen, 60 — 75 metres. « Michael Sars , 1900. I d, e and f. Three specimens, 133, 156 and 195 mm. long; the intermediate shows very distinct reticulate markings, which is far from being the case in the larger last specimen. Northern East-Greenland (i d from 74° 35' N.L. iS"" 15' W.L., 150 metres; i e and f from 72" 25' N.L. 17° 56' W.L., 300 metres). Kolthoff Expedition, 1900. All natural size. i -«1 f^: ^ ti M f nm 1^ v^ M # ^' t .^ I \ i¥ Tab. IX. Tab. IX. Lycodes sentimidus Reinh.; p. 71. I a. A very young specimen, 67 mm. long, still naked, with distinct dark bands; cf. p. 76. S. from Jan Mayen, 371 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1896. I b, c, d and e. Four specimens, 129 (5), 161 (<5), 218 (?) and 280 {$) mm. long, belonging to the variety with a distinct banded marking (cf. p. 74 — 75). Northern East-Greenland (i b and d from the mouth of Franz Joseph Fjord, 200—300 metres; i c from outer part of Myskoxe Bay, 200 metres; i e from Franz Joseph Fjord, 760 metres). Nathorst Expedition, 1899 and Kolthoff Expedition, 1900. All natural size, except i e which is slightly reduced. ^ ^ 'd ''^ 1/ .'^ kx* r C Si /•\ K^ Tab. X. Tab. X. Fig. I a. Lycodes seminudus Reinh.; p. 71. Specimen, 180 mm. long (J), with less distinct banded marking; cf. p. 74; nat. size. West Greenland (Jakobshavn). Copenhagen Museum. Fig. I b. Lycodes seminudus Reinh.; p. 71. Specimen, 335 mm. long ($), of the uniformly coloured variety; cf. p. 74; reduced to 3 ,, nat. size. West Greenland (Umanak Fjord). Drygalski Expedition, 1893. Fig. 2. Lyce7uhelys kolihoffi Jensen \ p. 88. Specimen, 131,5 mm. long ($)\ nat. size. Northern East-Greenland (72° 25' N.L. 17° 56' W.L.), 300 metres. Kolthoff Expedition, 1900. Fig. 3. Lycenc/ielys ingolfianus Jensen; p. 90. The only specimen, 275 mm. long ($); slightly reduced. Davis vStraits (64° 54' N.L. 55° 10' W.L.), 393 fathoms. Ingolf Expedition, 1895. N *i g 1 ! / \ THE INGOLF-EXPEDITION I895-I896. THE LOCALITIES, DEPTHS, AND BOTTOMTEMPERATURES OF THE STATIONS. Station Nr. Lat. N. Long.W. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. Station Nr. Lat. N. Long. W. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. Station Nr. Lat. N. Long. W. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. I 62° 30' 8° 21' 132 7°2 24 63° o6- 56° 00' 1 199 2°4 45 61° 32- 9° 43' 643 4°i7 2 63° 04' 9° 22' 262 5°3 25 63° 30- 54° 25' 582 3°3 46 6i°32' 11° 36' 720 2°40 3 63° 35' 10° 24' 272 o°5 63° 51' 53° 03' 136 47 61° 32' 13° 40' 950 3°23 4 64° 07' 11° 12' 237 2°5 26 63° 57' 52° 41' 34 o°6 48 61° 32' 15° 11' 1 150 3°i7 5 64° 40' 12° 09' 155 64° 37' 54° 24' 109 49 62° 07' 15° 07- 1120 2°9. 6 63° 43' 14° 34' go 7°o 27 64° 54' 55° 10' 593 -3°8 50 62° 43' 15° 07' 1020 3°.3 7 63° 13' 15" 41' 600 4°5 28 65° 14' 55° 42' 420 305 51 64° 15' 14° 22' 68 7°32 8 63° 56' 24° 40' 136 6°o 29 65° 34' 54° 31' 68 0°2 52 63° 5/ 13° 32' 420 7°S7 9 64° is- 27° 00' 295 5°8 30 66° 50' 54° 28- 22 i°o5 53 63° 15' 15° 07' 795 3°o8 lO 64° 24' 28° 50' 78S 3°5 31 66° 35' 55° 54' 88 ,% 54 63° 08' 15° 40' 691 3°9 [I 64° 34' 31° 12' 1300 i°6 32 66° 35' 56° 38' 318 3°9 55 63° 33' 15° 02' 3'6 5°9 12 64° 3S' 32° 37' 1040 o°3 33 67° 57' 55° 30' 35 o°S 56 64° 00' 15° 09' 6S 7°57 13 64° 47' 34 33 622 3°o 34 65° 17' 54° 17' 55 57 63° 3/ 13° 02' 350 3°4 14 64° 45' 35° 05' 175 4°4 35 65° 16' 55° 05' 362 3°6 58 64° 25- 12° 09' 211 o°8 15 66° 18' 25° 59' 330 -o°75 36 61° 50' 56° 21' 1435 i°5 59 65° 00' 11° 16' 310 -o°i 16 65° 43' 26° 58' 250 6°i 37 60° 17' 54° 05' 1715 i°4 60 65° 09' 12° 27' 124 o°9 17 62° 49' 26° 55' 745 3°4 38 59° 12' 51° 05' 1S70 i°3 61 65° 03' 13° 06' 55 o°4 18 61° 44' 30° 29 1 1 35 3°o 39 62° 00' 22° 38' 865 2°9 62 63° 18' 19° 12' 72 7°92 19 60° 29' 34° 14' 1566 2°4 .40 62° 00' 21° 36' 845 3°3 63 62° 40' 19° 05' 800 4°o 20 58° 20' 40° 48' 1695 i°5 41 61° 39 17° 10' 1245 2°0 64 62° 06' 19° 00' 104 I 3°' 21 58° 01' 44° 45' 1330 2°4 42 61° 41' 10° 17' 625 o°4 65 6i°33' 19° 00' 1089 3°o 22 58° 10' 48° 25' 1845 i°4 43 61° 42' 10° u' 645 o°o5 66 61° 33' 20° 43' 1 128 3°3 23 60° 43' 56° 00' Only the Planklon-Sel used 44 61° 42' 9° 36' 545 4°8 67 61° 30' 22° 30' 975 3°o Station Nr. Long. W. Lat. N. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. Station Nr. Lat. N. Long. W. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. Station Nr. Lat. N. Long. W. Depth in Danish fathoms Bottom- temp. 68 62° 06' 22° 30' 843 3°4 92 64° 44' 32'= 52' 976 i°4 118 68° 27' 8° 20' io5o — i°o 69 62° 40' 22° 17' 5S9 3°9 93 64° 24' 35° 14' 767 i°46 119 67° 53' 10° 19' lOIO — i°o 70 63° 09' 22° 05 134 7°o 94 64° 56' 36° 19 204 4° I 120 67° 29' 11° 32' 8S5 — i°o 71 63° 46' 22° 03' 46 65° 31' 30° 45' 213 121 66° 59' 13° 11' 529 -o°7 72 63° 12' 23° 04' 197 6°7 95 65° 14' 30° 39' 752 2°I 122 66° 42' 14° 44' 115 i°8 73 62° 58' 23° 28' 486 5°5 96 65° 24' 29° 00' 735 I°2 123 66° 52' 15° 40' 145 2°0 74 62° 1/ 24° 36' 695 4°2 97 65° 28' 27° 39' 450 5°5 124 67° 40' 15° 40' 495 — o°6 61° 57' 25° 35' 761 98 65° 38' 26° 27' 138 5°9 125 68° oS' 16° 02' 729 — o°8 61° 28' 25° 06' 829 99 66° 13' 25° 53' 187 6°i 126 67° 19 15° 52' 293 -o°5 75 61° 28' 26° 25' 780 4°3 100 66° 23' 14° 02' 59 o°4 127 66° 33' 20° 05' 44 5°6 76 60° 50' 26° 50' 806 4° I lOI 66° 23- 12° 05' 537 -o°7 128 66° 50' 20° 02' 194 o°6 77 60° 10' 26° 59' 951 3°6 102 66° 23' 10° 26' 750 -o°9 129 66° 35' 23° 47' 117 6°5 78 60° 37- 27° 52' 799 4°5 103 66° 23' 8°52' 579 — o°6 130 63° 00' 20° 40' 338 6°55 79 60° 52' 28° 58' 653 4°4 104 66° 23' 7° 25' 957 — i°i' 131 63° 00' 19° 09 698 4°7 80 61° 02' 29° 32' 935 4°o 105 65° 34' 7°3i- 762 — o°8 132 63° 00' 17° 04' 747 4°6 81 61° 44' 27° 00' 485 6°i 106 65° 34' 8° 54' 447 — o°6 133 63° 14' 1 1 ° 24' 230 2°2 82 61° 55' 27° 28' 824 4° I 65° 29 8° 40' 466 134 62° 34' 10° 26' 299 4° I 83 62° 25' 28° 30' 912 3°5 107 65° 33 10° 28' 492 -o°3 135 62° 48' 9° 48' 270 ■o°4 62° 36' 26° 01' 472 108 65° 30' 12° 00' 97 i°i 136 63° 01' 9° 11' 256 4°8 62° 36' 25° 30' 401 109 65° 29 13° 25' 38 i°5 137 63° 14' 8° 31' 297 — o°6 84 62° 58' 25° 24' 633 4°8 no 66° 44' 11° 33' 781 — o°8 13S 63° 26' 7° 56' 471 — o°6 85 63° 21' 25° 21' 170 III 67° 14' 8° 48' 860 -o°9 139 63° 36' 7° 30' 702 — o°6 86 65° 03' 6 23° 47' 6 76 112 67° 57' 6° 44' 1267 — i°i 140 63° 29' 6° 57' 780 -o°9 87 65° 02' 3 23° 56'. no "3 69° 31' 7°o6' 1309 — 1°0 141 63° 22' 6° 58' 679 -o°6 88 64° 58' 24° 25' 76 6°9 114 70° 36' 7°29' 773 — i°o 142 63° 0/ 7° 05' 587 -o°6 89 64° 45' 27° 20' 310 8°4 115 70° 50' 8°29' 86 o°i 143 62° 58' 7° 09' 388 -o°4 90 64° 45' 29° 06' 568 4°4 116 70° 05' 8°26' 371 -o°4 144 62° 49' 7° 12 276 i°6 91 64° 44' 31° CO' 1236 3° I 117 69° 13' 8°23' 1003 — i°o ►■^■•--(X- ^^. Ml'- • ''SaoSS s? 1 J_Ji i< 'V.