Pi|iliiii(lll()|ii tCtOji ■'liifflntiiwitwiiriwwf' - ®t|P E B- HtU ffitbrarg Nnrtlf (Earnltna S^tat^ This book was presented by Library of CJongress 'Q,H367 G77 NORTH S00725728 V BAI ESSAYS ANl T THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. FISHER PROrES ■ ■<, w >- O^ V. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BROADWAY. 1876. Enteekd, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the OfDce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PEEFAOE. These papers are now collected at the request of friends and correspondents, who think that they may be useful ; and two new essays are added. Most of the articles were written as occasion called for them within the past sixteen years, and contributed to various periodicals, with little thought of their form- ing a series, and none of ever bringing them together into a volume, although one of them (the third) was once reprinted in a pamphlet form. It is, therefore, inevitable that there should be considerable iteration in the argument, if not in the language. This could not be eliminated except by recasting the whole, which was neither practicable nor really desirable. It is better that they should record, as they do, the writer's freely-expressed thoughts upon the subject at the time ; and to many readers there may be some advantage in going more than once, in different directions, over the same ground. If these essays were to be written now, some things might be differ- ently expressed or qualified, but probably not so as 158797 iv PREFACE. to affect materiallj any important point. According- ly, tliey are here reprinted unchanged, except by a few merely verbal alterations made in proof-reading, and tlie striking out of one or two superfluous or immaterial passages. A very few additional notes or references are appended. To the last article but one a second part is now added, and the more elaborate Article XIII. is wholly new. If it be objected that some of these pages are written in a lightness of vein not quite congruous with the gravity of the subject and the seriousness of its issues, the excuse must be that they were written with perfect freedom, most of them as anonymous contributions to popular journals, and that an argu- ment may not be the less sound or an exposition less effective for being playful. Some of the essays, however, dealing with points of speculative scientific interest, may redress the balance, and be thought suflB-ciently heavy if not solid. To the objection likely to be made, that they cover only a part of the ground, it can only be replied that they dp not pretend to be systematic or complete. They are all essays relating in some way or other to the subject which has been, during these years, of paramount interest to natm-alists, and not much less so to most thinking people. The first appeared be- PREFACE. . y tween sixteen and seventeen years ago, immediately after the publication of Darwin's " Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," as a review of that volume, wliicli, it was tben foreseen, was to initiate a revolution in general scientific opinion. Long before our last article was written, it could be affirmed that the general doctrine of the derivation of species (to put it comprehensively) has prevailed over that of specific creation', at least to the extent of being the re- ceived and presumably m some sense true conception. Far from undertaking any general discussion of evo- lution, several even of Mr. Darwin's writings have not been noticed, and topics which have been much discussed elsewhere are not here adverted to. This applies especially to what may be called deductive evolution — a subject which lay beyond the writer's immediate scope, and to which neither the bent of his mind nor the line of his studies has fitted him to do justice. If these papers are useful at all, it will be as showing how these new views of our day are regarded by^ a practical naturalist, versed in one de- partment only (viz.. Botany), most interested in their bearings upon its special problems, one accustomed to direct and close dealing with the facts in hand, and disposed to rise from them only to the consideration of those general questions upon which they throw or from which they receive illustration. . vi PREFACE. Then as to the natural theological questions which (owing to circumstances needless now to be recalled or explained) are here throughout brought into w^hat most naturalists, and some other readers, may deem undue prominence, there are many who may be inter- ested to know how these increasingly prevalent views and their tendencies are regarded by one who is scien- tifically, and in his own fashion, a Darwinian, philo- sophically a convinced theist, and religiously an ac- ceptor of the " creed commonly called the Kicene," as the exponent of the Christian faith. " Truth emerges sooner from error than from con- fusion," says Bacon ; and clearer views than com- monly prevail upon the points at issue regarding " religion and science " are still sufficiently needed to justify these endeavors. Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Mass., June, 1876. C O IsT T E IsT T S . *:(:* This Table of Contents, and the copious Index to the volume, were obligingly prepared by the Eev. G. F. Weight, of Andover. ARTICLE I. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION. PAOJ5 Views and Definitions of Species. — How Darwin's differs from that of Agassiz, and from the Common View. — Variation, its Causes unknown. — Darwin's Genealogical Tree. — Darwin and Agassiz agree in the Capital j'acts. — Embryology. — Physical Connec- tion of Species compatible with Intellectual Connection. — How to prove Transmutation. — Known Extent of Variation. — Cause of Likeness unknown. — Artificial Selection. — Reversion. — In- terbreeding.— Natural Selection. — Classification tentative. — What Darwin assumes. — Argument stated. — How Natural Se- lection works. — Where the Argument is weakest. — Objections. — Morphology and Teleology harmonized. — Theory not athe- istical.— Conceivable Modes of Relation of God to Nature , 9 ARTICLE II. DESIGN versus NECESSITY—A DISCUSSION. How Design in Nature can be shown. — Design not inconsistent with Indirect Attainment ... . . . . .62 viii CONTENTS. ARTICLE III. NATURAL SELECTION NOT INCONSISTENT WITH NATURAL TUEOLOGY. PAGE Part I. — Premonitions of Darwinism. — A Proper Subject for Speculation. — Summary of Facts and Ideas suggestive of Hy- potlieses of Derivation . . . , . . . 87 Part II. — Limitations of Theory conceded by Darwin. — What Dar- winism explains. — Geological Argument strong in the Tertiary Period. — Correspondence between Rank and Geological Suc- cession.— Difficulties in Classification. — Nature of Affinity. — No Absolute Distinction between Vegetable and Animal King- doms.— Individuality. — Gradation ..... 104 Part III. — Theories contrasted. — Early Arguments against Darwin- ism.— Philosophical and Theological Objections. — Theory may be thcistic. — Final Cause not excluded. — Cause of Variation unknown. — Three Views of Efficient Cause compatible with Theism. — Agassiz's Objections of a Philosophical Nature. — Minor Objections.— Conclusion ..... 129 ■ ARTICLE IV. SPECIES AS TO VARIATION, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, AND SUCCESSION. Alphonse De Candolle's Study of the Oak Genus. — Variability of the Species. — Antiquity! — A Common Origin probable. — Dr. Falconer on the Common Origin of Elephants. — Variation and Natural Selection distinguished. — Saporta on the Gradation be- tween the Vegetable Forms of the Cretaceous and the Tertiary. — Hypothesis of Derivation more likely to be favored by Bot- anists than by Zoologists. — Views of Agassiz respcctino; the Origin, Dispersion, Variation, Characteristics, and Successive Creation of Species contrasted with those of De Candolle and others.— -Definition of Species. — "Whether its Essence is in the Likeness or in the Genealogical Connection of the Individuals composing a Species . . . . . . .178 CONTENTS. ix ARTICLE V. SEQUOIA AND ITS HISTORY : THE RELATIONS OF NORTH AMERICAN TO NORTH- EASTERN ASIAN AND TO TERTIARY VEGETATION. PAGIT Age and Size of Sequoia. — ^Isolation. — Decadence. — Related Ge- nera.— Former Distribution.— S.imila»ity between the Flora of Japan and that of the United States, especially on the Atlantic Side. — Former Glaciation as explaining the Present Dispersion of Species. — This confirmed by the Arctic Fossil Flora of the Tertiary Ppriod. — Tertiary Flora derived from the Preceding Cretaceous. — Order and Adaptation in Organic Nature likened to a Flow. — Order implies an Ordainer . . . . 205 ARTICLE VL THE ATTITUDE OF WORKING NATURALISTS TOWARD DARWINISM. General Tendency to Acceptance of the Derivative Hypothesis noted. — Lyell, Owen, Alphonse De Candolle, Bentham, Flower, Allman. — Dr. Dawson's " Story of the Earth and Man " exam- ined.— Difference between Scientific Men and General Specu- lators or Amateurs in the Use of Hypotheses, . . . 236 ARTICLE VIL EVOLUTION AND THEOLOGY. Writings of Henslow, Hodges, and Le Conte examined. — Evolu- tion and Design compatible. — The Admission of a System of Nature, with Fixed Laws, concedes in Principle all that the • Doctrine of Evolution requires. — Hypotheses, Probabilities, • and Surmises, not to be decried by Theologians, who use them, perhaps, more freely and loosely than Naturalists. — Theolo- gians risk too much in the Defense of Untenable Outposts . 252 ARTICLE VIII. " WHAT IS DARWINISM ? " Dr. Hodge's Book with this Title criticised. — He declares that Dar- winism is Atheism, yet its Founder a Theist. — Darwinism GONTENTS. FAOB fouudcd, however, upon Orthodox Conceptions, and opposed, not to Theism, but only to Intervention in Nature, while the Key-note of Dr. Hodge's System is Interference, — Views and Writings of St. Clair, Winchell, and Kingsley adverted to . 266 ARTICLE IX. CHARLES DARWIN : SKETCH ACCOMPANYING A PORTRAIT IN " NATURE." Darwin's Characteristics and Work as a Naturalist compared with those of Robert Brown. — His Illustration of the Principle that " Nature abhors Close Fertihzation." — His Impression upon Natural History exceeded only by Linnaeus. — His Service in restoring Teleology to Natural History . . . . 283 ARTICLE X. INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS. Classification marks Distinctions where Nature exhibits Grada- tions.— Recovery of Forgotten Knowledge and History of what was known of Dionaea, Drosera, a*nd Sarracenia . .289 ARTICLE XL INSECTIVOROUS AND CLIMBING PLANTS. Review of Darwin's Two Works upon these Subjects. — No Absolute Marks for distinguishing between Vegetables and Animals. — New Observations upon the Sundews or Droseras. — Their Sen- sitiveness, Movements, Discernment of the Presence and Ap- propriation of Animal Matter. — Dionasa, and other Plants of the same Order. — Utricularia and Pinguicula. — Sarracenia and Nepenthes. — Clknbing Plants ; the Climbing effected through Sensitiveness or Response to External Impfession and Auto- matic Movement. — Capacities inherent in Plants generally, and apparently of no Service to them, developed and utilized by those which climb. — Natural Selection not a Complete Ex- planation . ........ 308 CONTENTS. xi ARTICLE XII. DURATION AND ORIGINATION OF RACE AND SPECIES. PAGE Part I. — Do Varieties in Plants wear out, or tend to wear out ? — The Question considered in the Light of Facts, and in that of the Darwinian Theory. — Conclusion that Races sexually propa- gated need not die of Old Age. — This Conclusion inferred from the Provisions and Arrangements in Nature to secure Cross-Fertilization of Individuals. — Reference to Mr. Darwin's Development of this View . . . . . .388 Part II. — Do Species wear out, and, if not, why not ? — Implication of the Darwinian Theory that Species are unlimited in Exist- ence.— Examination of an Opposite Doctrine maintained by Naudin. — Evidence that Species may die out from Inherent Causes only indirect and inferential from Arrangements to secure Wide Breeding. — Physiological Import of Sexes. — Doubtful whether Sexual Reproduction with Wide Breeding is a Preventive or only a Palliative of Decrepitude in Species. — Darwinian Hypothesis must suppose the Former . . 347 ARTICLE XIIL evolutionary teleology. The Opposition between lijorphology and Teleology reconciled by Darwinism, and the Latter reinstated. — Character of the New Teleology. — Purpose and Design distinguished. — Man has no Monopoly of the Latter. — Inference of Design from Adap- tation and Utility legitimate ; also in Hume's Opinion irresisti- ble.— The Principle of Design, taken with Specific Creation, totally insufficient and largely inapplicable ; but, taken with the Doctrine of the Evolution of Species in Nature, applicable, pertinent, and, moreover, necessary. — ^Illustrations from Abor- tive Organs, supposed Waste of Being, etc. — All Nature being of a piece. Design must either pervade or be absent from the Whole. — Its Absence not to be inferred because the Events take place in Nature. — Illustration of the Nature and Prov- ince of Natural Selection.— It picks out. but does not origi- xii CONTENTS. PAGE natc Variations ; these not a Product of, but a Response to, the Environment ; not physical, but physiological. — Adapta- tions in Nature not explained by Natural Selection apart from Design or Final Cause. — ^Absurdity of associating Design only with Miracle. — "What is meant by Nature. — The Tradition of the DiYiNE in Nature, testified to by Aristotle, comes down to our Day with Undiminished Value 356 Index 391 DARWINIANA. I. the okigin of species by means of natural selection/ (AmEEICAN JOtTKNAL OF SCIENCB AND AkTS, MaVCTl, 1S60.) This book is already exciting mnch attention. Two American editions are announced, through which it will become familiar to many of our readers, before these pages are issued. An abstract of the argument — for " the whole volume is one long argument," as the author states — is unnecessary in such a case ; and it would be difficult to give by detached extracts. For the volume itself is an abstract, a prodromus of a detailed work upon which the author has been labor- ing for twenty years, and which " will take two or three more years to complete." It is exceedingly compact ; and although useful summaries are appended to the several chapters, and a general recapitulation con- ^ " On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life," by Charles Darwin, M. A., Fellow of the Royal, Geological, Linnsean, etc., Societies, Author of " Journal of Researches during H. M. S. Beagle's Voyage round the World." London : John Murray. 1859. 502 pp., post 8vo. D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State Collega 10 LARWINIANA. tains the essence of the whole, yet much of the aroma escapes in the treble distillation, or is so concentrated that the flavor is lost to the general or even to the scientific reader. The volume itself — ^the proof -spirit — ^is just condensed enough for. its purpose. It will be far more widely read, and perhaps will make deeper impression, than the elaborate work might have done, with all its full details of the facts upon which the author's sweeping conclusions have been grounded. At least it is a more readable book : but all the. facts that can be mustered in favor of the theory are still likely to be needed. Who, upon a single perusal, shall pass judgment upon a work like this, to which twenty of the best years of the life of a most able naturalist have been devoted ? And who among those naturalists who hold a position that entitles them to pronounce sum- marily upon the subject, can be expected to divest himself for the nonce of the influence of received and favorite systems ? In fact, the controversy now opened is not likely to be settled in an off-hand way, nor is it desirable that it should be. A spirited conflict among opinions of every grade must ensue, which — to borrow an illustration from the doctrine of the book before us — may be likened to the conflict in ISTature among races in the struggle for life, which Mr. Dar- win describes ; through which the views most favored by facts will be developed and tested by " Natural Selection," the weaker ones be destroyed in the pro- cess, and the strongest in the long-run alone survive. The duty of reviewing this volume in the Ameri- can Journal of Science would naturally devolve upon TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. H the principal editor, whose wide observation and pro- found knowledge of various departments of natural history, as well as of geology, particularly qualify him for the task. But he has been obliged to lay aside his pen, and to seek in distant lands the entire repose from scientific labor so essential to the restoration of his health— a consummation devoutly to be wished, and confidently to be expected. Interested as Mr. Dana would be in this volume, he could not be ex- pected to accept its doctrine. Yiews so idealistic as those upon which his " Thoughts upon Species " ^ are grounded, will not harmonize readily with a doctrine so thoroughly naturalistic as that of Mr. Darwin. Though it is just possible that one who regards the kinds of elementary matter, such as oxygen and hy- drogen, and the definite compounds of these ele- mentary matters, and their compounds again, in the mineral kingdom, as constituting species, in the same sense, fundamentally, as that of animal and vegetable species, might admit an evolution of one species from another in the latter as well as the former case. Between the doctrines of this volume and those of the other great naturalist whose name adorns the title- page of this journal [Mr. Agassiz], the widest diver- gence appears. It is interesting to contrast the two, and, indeed, is necessary to our purpose ; for this con- trast brings out most prominently, and sets in strongest light and shade, the main features of the theory of the origination of species by means of l^atural Selection. The ordinary and generally-received view assumes the independent, specific creation of each kind of plant * Article in this Journal, vol. xxiv., p. 305. 12 DARWmiANA. and animal in a primitive stock, wliicli reproduces its like from generation to generation, and so continues the species/ Taking the idea of species from tins perennial succession of essentially similar individuals, tke chain is logically traceable back to a local origin in a single stock, a single pair, or a single individual, from wliicb all the individuals composing the species have proceeded by natural generation. Although the similarity of progeny to parent is fundamental in the conception of species, yet the likeness is by no means absolute ; all species vary more or less, and some vary remarkably — partly from the influence of altered cir- cumstances, and j)artly (and more really) from un- known constitutional causes which altered conditions favor rather than originate. But these variations are supposed to be mere oscillations from a normal state, and in ^N^ature to be limited if not transitory ; so that the primordial differences between species and species at their beginning have not been effaced, nor largely obscured, by blending through variation. Conse- quently, whenever two reputed species are found to blend in l^ature through a series of intermediate forms, community of origin is inferred, and all the formes, however diverse, are held to belong to one species. Moreover, since bisexuality is the rule in Nature (which is practically carried out, in the long-run, far more generally than has been suspected), and the heritable qualities of two distinct individuals are min- gled in the offspring, it is supposed that the general ^ " Species tot sunt, quot diversas formas ab initio produxit Infini- tum Ens ; quae formas, secundum generationis inditas leges, produxere plures, at sibi semper similes," — Linn. Phil. Bot., 99, 157. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 13 sterility of hybrid progeny interposes an effectual barrier against tlie blending of the original species by crossing. From this generally-accepted view the well-known theory of Agassiz and the recent one of Darwin diverge in exactly opposite directions. That of Agassiz differs fundamentally from the ordinary view only in this, that it discards the idea of a common descent as the real bond of union among the individuals of a species, and also the idea of a local origin — supposing, instead, that each species origi- nated simultaneously, generally speaking, over the whole geographical area it now occupies or has occu- pied, and in perhaps as many individuals as it num- bered at any subsequent period. Mr. Darwin, on the other hand, holds the orthodox view of the descent of all the individuals of a species not only from a local birthplace, but from a single ancestor or pair ; and that each species has extended and established itself, through natural agencies, wher- ever it could ; so that the actual geographical distri- bution of any species is by no means a primordial ar- rangement, but a natural result. He goes farther, and this volume is a protracted argmnent intended to prove that the species we recognize have not been in- dependently created, as such, but have descended, like varieties, from other species. Yarieties, on this view, are incipient or possible species : species are varieties of a larger growth and a wider and earlier divergence from the parent stock ; the difference is one of degree, not of kind. The ordinary view — rendering unto Caesar the 14 BARWINIANA. things that are Cgesar's — looks to natural agencies for the actual distribution and perpetuation of species, to a supei-natural for their origin. The theory of Agassiz regards the origin of species and their present general distribution over the world as equally primordial, equally supernatural; that of Darwin, as equally derivative, equally natural. The theory of Agassiz, referring as it does the phenomena both of origin and distribution directly to the .Divine will — thus removing the latter with the former out of the domain of inductive science (m which efficient cause is not the first, but the last word) —may be said to be theistic to excess. The contrasted theory is not open to this objection. Studying the facts and phenomena in reference to proximate causes, and endeavoring to trace back the series of cause and effect as far as possible, Darwin's aim and processes are strictly scientific, and his endeaV^r, whether suc- cessful or futile, must be regarded as a legitimate at- tempt to extend the domain of natural or physical science. For, though it well may be that "organic forms have no physical or secondary cause," yet this can be proved only indirectly, by the failure of every attempt to refer the phenomena in question to causal laws. But, however originated-, and whatever -bo thought of Mr. Darwin's arduous undertaking in this respect, it is certain that plants and animals are sub- ject from theij^ birth to physicaf influences, to which they have to accommodate themselves as they can. How "ritefallyTFey''are'^born to'Trouble," and how incessant and severe the struggle for life generally is, the present volume graphically describes. Few will THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. • 15 deny that sucli influences must liave gravely affected the range and the association of individuals and species on the earth's sui'face. Mr. Darwin thinks that, acting upon an inherent predisposition to vary, they have suf- ficed even to modify the species themselves and pro- duce the present diversity. Mr. Agassiz believes that they have not even affected the geographical range and the actual association of species, still less their forms ; but that every adaptation of species to climate, and of species to species, is as aboriginal, and therefore as inexplicable, as are the organic forms themselves. Who shall decide between such extreme views so ably maintained on either hand, and say how much of truth there may be in each ? The present reviewer has not the presumption to undertake such a task. Having no prepossession in favor of naturalistic theo- ries, but, struck with the eminent ability of Mr. Dar- win's work, and charmed with its fairness, our hum- bler duty will be performed if, laying aside prejudice as much as we can, we shall succeed in giving a fair account of its method and argument, offering by the way a few suggestions, such as might occur to any naturalist of an inquiring piind. An editorial charac- ter for this article must in justice be disclaimed. The plural pronoun is employed not to give editorial weight, but to avoid even the appearance of egotism, and also the circumlocution which attends a rigorous adherence to the impersonal style. We have contrasted these tw^o extremely divergent theories, in their broad statements. It must not be inferred that they have no points nor ultimate results in common. 16 DARWINIANA. In tlie first place, tliey practically agree in upset- ting, each in its own way, the generally-received defi- nition of species, and in sweeping away the ground of their objective existence in ^Nature. The orthodox conception of species is that of lineal descent : all the descendants of a common parent, and no other, con- stitute a species ; they have a certain identity because of their descent, by which they are supposed to be recognizable. So naturalists had a distinct idea of what they meant by the term species, and a practical rule, which was hardly the less useful because difficult to apply in many cases, and because its application was indirect : that is, the community of origin had to be inferred from the likeness ; such degree of similarity, and such only, being held to be conspecific as could be shown or reasonably inferred to be compatible with a common origin. And the usual concurrence of the whole body of naturalists (having the same data be- fore them) as to what forms are species attests the value of the rule, and also indicates some real founda- tion for it in Nature. But if species were created in numberless individuals over broad spaces of territory, these individuals are connected only in idea, and spe- cies differ from varieties on the one hand, and from genera, tribes, etc., on the other, only in degree ; and no obvious natural reason remains for fixing upon this or that degree as specific, at least no natural standard, by which the opinions of different naturalists may be correlated. Species upon this view are enduring, but subjective and ideal. Any three or more of the hu- man races, for example, are species or not species, ac- cording to the bent of the naturalist's mind. Darwin's THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 17 theory brings us the otlier way to the same result. In his view, not only all the individuals of a species are descendants of a common parent, but of all the related species also. Affinity, relationship, all the terms which naturalists use figuratively to express an underived, unexplained resemblance among species, have a literal meaning upon Darwin's system, which they little sus- pected, namely, that of inheritance. Varieties are the latest offshoots of the genealogical tree in " an un- lineal " order ; species, those of an earlier date, but of no definite distinction ; genera, more ancient species, and so on. The human races, upon this view^, like- wise may or may not be species according to the notions of each naturalist as to what differences are specific ; but, if not species already, those races that last long enough are sure to become so. It is only a question of time. How well the simile of a genealogical tree illus- trates the main ideas of Darwin's theory the following extract from the summary of the fourth chapter shows : " It is a truly wonderful fact — the wonder of which we are apt to overlook from familiarity— that all animals and all plants throughout all time and space should bcrelated to each other in group subordinate to group, in the manner which we every- where behold — namely, varieties of the same species most closely related together, species of the same genus less closely and unequally related together, forming sections and sub-genera, species of distinct genera much less closely related, "and genera related in diiferent degrees, forming sub-families, families, or- ders, sub-classes, and classes. The several subordinate groups in any class cannot be ranked in a single file, but seem rather to be clustered round points, and these round other points, and so on in almost endless cycles. On the view that each species has been independently created, I can see no explanation of this 18 DARWimANA. great fact in the classification of all organic beings ; but, to the best of my judgment, it is explained through inheritance and the complex action of natural selection, entailing extinction and divergence of character, as we have seen illustrated in the diagram. "The afiinities of all the beings of the same class have some- times'been represented by a great tree. I believe this simile largely speaks the truth. The green and budding twigs may represent existing species; and those produced during each former year may represent the long succession of extinct spe- cies. At each period of growth all the growing twigs have tried to branch out on all sides, and overtop and kill the sur- rounding twigs and branches, in the same manner as species and groups of species have tried to overmaster other species in the great battle for life. The limbs divided into great branches, and these into lesser and lesser branches, were themselves once, when the tree was small, budding twigs ; and this connection of the former and present buds by ramifying branches may well represent the classification of all extinct and living species in groups subordinate to groups. Of the many^twigs which flour- ished when the tree was a mere bush, only two or three, now grown into great branches, yet survive and bear all the other branches ; so with the species which lived during long-past geological periods, very few now have living and modified de- scendants. From the first growth of the tree, many a limb and branch has decayed and dropped ofi"; and these lost branches of various sizes may represent those whole orders, families, and genera, which have now no living representatives, and which are known to us only from having been found in a fossil state. As we here and there see a thin, straggling branch springing from a fork low down in a tree, and which by some chance has been favored and is still alive on its summit, so we occasionally see an animal like the Ornithorhynchus or Lepidosiren, which in some small degree connects by its afiinities two large branches of life, and which has apparently been saved from fatal compe- tition by having inhabited a protected station. As buds give rise by growth to fresh buds, and these, if vigorous, Ijranch out THE ORIGIN OF SPEGIE8. 19 and overtop on all sides many a feebler brancli, so by genera- tion I believe it has been with the great Tree of Life, which fills with its dead and broken branches the crust of the earth, and covers the surface with its ever-branching and beautiful ramifi- cations." It may also be noted that there is a significant cor- respondence between the rival theories as to the main facts employed. Apparently every capital fact in the one view is a capital fact in the other. The difference is in the interpretation. To run the parallel ready made to our hands : ^ "The simultaneous existence of the most diversified types under identical circumstances, .... the repetition of similar types under the most diversified circumstances, .... the unity of plan in otherwise highly-diversified types of animals, .... the correspondence, now generally known as special homologies, in the details of structure otherwise entirely disconnected, down to the most minute peculiarities, .... the various degrees and different kinds of relationship among animals which (apparently) can have no genealogical connection, .... the simultaneous existence in the earliest geological periods, . •. . . of representa- tives of all the great types of the animal kingdom, .... the gradation based upon complications of structure which may be traced among animals built upon the same plan ; the distribu- tion of some types over the most extensive range of surface of the globe, while others are limited to particular geographical areas, .... the identity of structures of these types, notwith- standing their wide geographical distribution, .... the com- munity of structure in certain respects of animals otherwise en- tirely different, but living within the same geographical area, .... the connection by series of special structures observed in animals widely scattered over the surface of the globe,. . . . the definite relations in which animals stand to the surrounding world, .... the relations in which individuals of the same ^ Agassiz, " Essay on Classification ; Contributions to Natural His- tory," p. 132, et seq. 20 DABWINIANA. species stand to one another, .... the limitation of the range of changes which animals undergo during their growth, ... * the return to a definite norm of animals which multiply in vari- ous ways, .... the order of succession of the different types of animals and plants characteristic of the different geological epochs, .... the localization of some types of animals upon the same points of the surface of the globe during several suc- cessive geological periods, .... the parallelism between the order of succession of animals and plants in geological times, and the gradation among their living representatives, .... the parallelism between the order of succession of animals in geo- logical times and the changes their living representatives under- go during their embryological growth,^ t • • • t^^ combination in many extinct types of characters which in later ages appear disconnected, in different types^ .... the parallelism between the gradation among animals and the changes they undergo during their growth, .... the relations existing between these different series and the geographical distribution of animals, .... the connection of all the known features of Nature into one system — " In a word, the whole relations of animals, etc., to surrounding Nature and to each other, are regarded under the one view as ultimate facts, or in their ulti- mate aspect, and interpreted theologically ; under the other as complex facts, to be analyzed and interpreted ^ As to this, Darwin remarks that he can only hope to see the law hereafter proved true (p. 449); and p. 338: "Agassiz insists that ancient animals resemble to • a certain extent the embryos of recent animals of the same classes ; or that the geological succession of ex- tinct forms is in some degree parallel to the embryological development of recent forms. I must follow Pictet and Huxley in thinking that the truth of this doctrine is very far from proved. Yet I fully expect to see it hereafter confirmed, at least in regard to subordinate groups, which have branched off" from each other within comparatively recent times. For this doctrine of Agassiz accords well with the theory of natui-al selection." TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 21 scientifically. The one naturalist, perhaps too largely assuming the scientifically unexplained to be inexpli- cable, views the phenomena only in their supposed relation to the Divine rnind. The other, naturally expecting many of these phenomena to be resolvable imder investigation, views them in their relations to one another, and endeavors to explain them as far as he can (and perhaps farther) through natural causes. But does the one really exclude the other ? Does the investigation of physical causes stand opposed to the theological view and the study of the harmonies between mind and [N'ature ? More than this, is it not most presumable that an intellectual conception re- alized in J^ature would be realized through natural agencies ? Mr. Agassiz answers these questions afiarm- atively when he declares that '^ the task of sciencejs to investigate what has been done^"toTnc[uire if pos- sible hoio it has teen done^ rather than to ask what is possible for the Deity, since we can hiow that onlyhy what actually exists / " and also when he exter ds the argument for the intervention in l!Tature of a creative mind to its legitimate application in the inorganic world; w^hich, he remarks, "considered in the same light, would not fail also to exhibit unexpected evi- dence of thought, in the character of the laws regulat- ing the chemical combinations, the action of physical forces, etc., etc." ^ Mr. Agassiz, however, pronounces that "the connection between the facts is only intel- lectual " — an opinion which the analogy of the inor- * Op: cit., p. 131. — One or two Bridgewater Treatises, and most; modern works upon natural theology, should have rendered the evi-. dences of thought in inorganic Nature not " unexpected." 2 22 DARWimANA. ganic worlclj just referred to, does not confirm, for there a material connection between the facts is justly held to be consistent with an intellectual — and which the most analogous cases we can think of in the or- ganic world do not favor ; for there is a material con- nection between the grub, the pupa, and the butterfly, between the tadpole and the frog, or, still better, be- tween those distinct animals which succeed each other in alternate and very dissimilar generations. So that mere analogy might rather suggest a natural connec- tion than the contrary; and the contrary cannot be demonstrated until the possibilities of Mature under the Deity are fathomed. But, the intellectual connection being undoubted, Mr. Agassiz properly refers the whole to " the agency of Intellect as its first cause." In doing so, however, he is not supposed to be offering a scientific explana- tion of the phenomena. Evidently he is considering only the ultimate ivhy, not the proximate why or how. ISTow the latter is just what Mr. Darwin is consid- ering. He conceives of a physical connection between allied species ; but we suppose he does not deny their intellectual connection, as related to a supreme intelli- gence. Certainly we see no reason why he should, and many reasons why he should not. Indeed, as we contemplate the actual direction of investigation and speculation in the physical and natm'al sciences, we dimly apprehend a probable synthesis of these diver- gent theories, and in it the ground for a strong stand against mere naturalism. Even if the doctrine of the origin of species through natuml selection should pre- vail in our day, we shall not despair ; being confident THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 23 that the genius of an Agassiz will be found equal to the work of constructing, upon the mental and material foundations combined, a theory of N^ature as theistic and as scientific as that which he has so eloquently expounded. To conceive the possibility of '' the descent of species from species by insensibly fine gradations" during a long course of time, and to demonstrate its compatibility with a strictly theistic view of the uni- verse, is one thing ; to substantiate the theory itself or show its likelihood is quite another thing. This brings us to consider what Darwin's theory actually isj and how he supports it. That the existing kinds of animals and plants, or many of them, may be derived from other and earlier kinds, in the lapse of time, is by no means a novel proposition. I^ot to speak of ancient speculations of the sort, it is the well-known Lamar ckian theory. The first difficulty which such theories meet with is that in the present age, with all its own and its inher- ited prejudgments, the whole burden of proof is nat- urally, and indeed properly, laid upon the shoulders of the propounders ; and thus far the burden has been more than they could bear. From the very nature of the case, substantive proof of specific creation is not attainable ; but that of derivation or transmutation of species may be. He who affirms the latter view is bound to do one or both of two things : 1. Either to assign real and adequate causes, the natural or neces- sary result of which must be to produce the present diversity of species and their actual relations ; or, 2. To show the general conformity of the whole body of 24 DARWINIANA. facts to sucli assumption, and also to adduce instances explicable by it and inexplicable by the received view, so perhaps winning om- assent to the doctrine, through its competency to harmonize all the facts, even though the cause of the assumed variation remain as occult as that of the transformation of tadpoles into frogs, or that of Coryne into Sarzia. The first line of proof, successfully carried out, would establish derivation as a true physical theory ; the second, as a sufficient hypothesis. Lamarck mainly undertook the first line, in a theory which has been so assailed by ridicule that it rarely receives the credit for ability to which in its day it was entitled. But he assigned partly unreal, partly insufficient causes ; and the attemj)t to account for a ^progressive change in species through the direct in- fluence of physical agencies, and through the appe- tencies and habits of animals reacting upon their structure, thus causing the production and the succes- sive modification of organs, is a conceded and total failure. The shadowy author of the " Yestiges of the Natural History of Creation " can hardly be said to have undertaken either line, in a scientific way. He would explain the whole progressive evolution of ISTa- ture by virtue of an inherent tendency to develop- ment, thus giving us an idea or a word in place of a natural cause, a restatement of the proposition instead of an explanation. Mr. Darwin attempts both lines of proof, and in a strictly, scientific spirit ; but the stress falls mainly upon the first, for, as he does assign real causes, he is bound to prove their adequacy. It should be kept in mind that, while all du-ect TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 25 proof of independent origination is attainable from the nature of tlie case, the overthrow of particular schemes of derivation has not established the opposite proposition. The futility of ' each hypothesis thus far proposed to account for derivation may be made apparent, or unanswerable objections may be urged against it ; and each victory of the kind may render derivation more improbable, and therefore specific creation more probable, without settling the question either way. New facts, or new arguments and a new mode of viewing the question, may some day change the whole aspect of the case. It is with the latter that Mr. Darwin now reopens the discussion. Havino; conceived the idea that varieties are in- cipient species, he is led to study variation in the field where it shows itself most strikingly, and affords the greatest facilities to investigation. Thoughtful natu- ralists have had increasing grounds to suspect that a reexamination of the question of species in zoology and botany, commencing with those races which man knows most about, viz., the domesticated and culti- vated races, would be likely somewhat to modify the received idea of the entire fixity of species. This field, rich with various but unsystematized stores of knowledge accumulated by cultivators and breeders, has been generally neglected by naturalists, because these races are not in a state of nature ; whereas they deserve particular attention on this very account, as experiments, or the materials for experiments, ready to our hand. In domestication we vary some of the natural conditions of a species, and thus learn experi- mentally what changes are within the reach of vary 26 DARWINIANA. ing conditions in Xatni'e. TVe sejDarate and protect a favorite race against its foes or its competitors, and tbns learn what it miglit become if Katm^e ever afford- ed it equal opportunities. Even when, to subserve human uses, we modify a domesticated race to the detriment of its native vigor, or to the extent of prac- tical monstrosity, although we secure forms which would not be originated and could not be pei^etuated in free ISTature, yet we attain wider and juster views of the possible degree of variation. "We perceive that some species are more variable than others, but that no species subjected to the experiment persistently refuses to vary ; and that, when it has once begun to vary, its varieties are not the less but the more sub- ject to variation. "ISTo case is on record of a variable being ceasing to be variable under cultivation." It is fair to conclude, from the observation of plants and animals in a wild as well as domesticated state, that the tendency to vary is general, and even universal. Mr. Darwin does " not believe that vaiiability is an inherent and necessary contingency, under all circum- stances, with all organic beings, as some authors have thought." 1^0 one supposes variation could occur under all circumstances ; but the facts on the whole ^ imply a universal tendency, ready to be manifested under favorable circumstances. In reply to the assumption that man has chosen for domestication animals and plants having an extraordinary inherent tendency to vary, and likewise to withstand diverse climates, it is asked : " How could a savage possibly know, when he first tamed an animal, whether it would vary in succeeding generations, THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 27 and whether it would endure other climates? Has the little variability of the ass or Guinea-fowl, or the small power of en- durance of warmth by the reindeer, or of cold by the common camel, prevented their domestication? I cannot doubt that if other animals and plants, equal in number to our domesticated productions, and belonging to equally diverse classes and coun- tries, were taken from a state of nature, and could be made to breed for an equal number of generations under domestication, they would vary on an average as largely as the parent species of our existing domesticated productions have varied." As to amount of variation, there is the common remark of naturalists that the varieties of domesti- cated plants or animals often differ more widely than do the individuals of distinct species in a wild state : and even in l^ature the individuals of some species are known to vary to a degree sensibly wider than that which separates related species. In' his instructive section on the breeds of the domestic pigeon, our au- thor remarks that " at least a score of pigeons might be chosen which if shown to an ornithologist, and he were told that they were wild birds, would certainly be ranked by him as well-defined species. Moreover, I do not believe that any ornithologist would place the English carrier, the short-faced tumbler, the runt, the barb, pouter, and fantail, in the same genus ; more especially as in each of these breeds several truly- inherited sub-breeds, or species, as he might have called them, could be shown him." That this is not a case like that of dogs, in which probably the blood of more than one species is mingled, Mr. Darwin proceeds to show, adducing cogent reasons for the common opinion that all have descended from the wild rock- pigeon. Then follow some suggestive remarks : 28 DARWINIANA. " I have discussed the probable origin of domestic pigeons ■at some, yet quite insufficient,- length ; because when I first T^ept pigeons and watched the several kinds, knowing well how true they bred, I felt fully as much difficulty in believing that they could ever have descended from a common parent as any natu- ralist could in coming to a similar conclusion in regard to many species of finches, or other large groups of birds, in Nature. One circumstance has struck me much ; namely, that all the breeders of the various domestic animals and the cultivators of j)lants, with whom I have ever conversed,, or whose treatises I have read, are firmly convinced that the several breeds to which each has attended are descended from so many aboriginally dis- tinct species. Ask, as I have asked, a celebrated raiser of Here- ford cattle, whether his cattle might not have descended from long-horns, and he will laugh you to scorn. I have never met a pigeon, or poultry, or duck, or rabbit fancier, who was not fully convinced that each main breed was descended from a dis- tinct species. Yan Mons, in his treatise on pears and apples, shows how utterly he disbelieves that the several sorts, for in- stance a Eibston-pippin or Codlin-apple, could ever have pro- ceeded from the seeds of the same tree. Innumerable other examples could be given. The explanation, I think, is simple: from long-continued study they are strongly impressed with the difierences between the several races ; and though they well know that each race varies slightly, for they win their prizes by selecting such slight differences, yet they ignore all general arguments, and refuse to sum up in their minds slight diff*er- ences accumulated during many successive generations. May not those naturalists who, knowing far less of the laws of in- heritance than does the breeder, and knowing no more than he does of the intermediate links in the long lines of descent, yet admit that many of our domestic races have descended from the same parents — may they not learn a lesson of caution, when they deride the idea of species in a state of nature being lineal descendants of other species ? " The actual causes of variation are unknown. Mr. Darwin favors the opinion of tlie late Mr. Kniglit, the THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 29 great pliilosoplier of liorticulture, that variability under domestication is somehow connected with excess of food. He regards the unknown cause as acting chiefly upon the reproductive system of the parents, which system, judging from the effect of confinement or cul- tivation upon its functions, he concludes to be more susceptible than any other to the action of changed con- ditions of life. The tendency to vary certainly appears to be much stronger under domestication than in free J^ature. But we are not sure that the greater variable- ness of cultivated races is not mainly owing to the far greater opportunities for manifestation and accu- mulation— a view seemingly all the more favorable to Mr. Darwin's theory. The actual amount of certain changes, such as size or abundance of fruit, size of udder, stands of course in obvious relation to supply of food. Really, we no more know the reason why the pro- geny occasionally deviates from the parent than we do why it usually resembles it. Though the laws and conditions governing variation are known to a cer- tain extent, those governing inheritance are appar- ently inscrutable. " Perhaps," Darwin remarks, '^ the correct way of viewing the whole subject would be, to look at the inheritance of every character whatever as the rule, and non-inheritance as the anomaly." This, from general and obvious considerations, we have long been accustomed to do. ]lS^ow, as exceptional instances are expected to be capable of explanation, while ulti- mate laws are not, it is quite possible that variation may be accounted for, while the great primary law of inheritance remains a mysterious fact. 30 DARWimANA. The common proposition is, that sjyecies Teproduce their like I this is a sort of general inference,, only a degree closer to fact than the statement that genera reproduce their like. The true proposition, the fact in- capable of further analysis, is, that individuals repro- duce their like — that characteristics are inheritable. So varieties, or deviations, once originated, are perpetu- able, like species. Not so likely to be perpetuated, at the outset; for the new form tends to resemble a grandparent and a long line of sunilar ancestors, as well as to resemble its immediate progenitors. Two forces which coincide in the ordinary case, where the offspring resembles its parent, act in different direc- tions when it does not and it is uncertain which will prevail. If the remoter but very potent ancestral in- fluence predominates, the variation disappears with the life of the individual. If that of the immediate j)arent — ^feebler no doubt, but closer — the variety sur- vives in the offspring ; whose progeny now has a re- doubled tendency to produce its own like ; whose pro- geny again is almost sure to produce its like, since it is much the same whether it takes after its mother or its grandmother. . In this way races arise, which under favorable con- ditions may be as hereditary as species. In following these indications, watching opportunities, and breed- ing only from those, individuals which vaiy most in a desirable direction, man leads the course of variation as he leads a streamlet — apparently at will, but never against the force of gravitation — to a long distance from its source, and makes it more subservient to his use or fancy. He unconsciously strengthens those THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 31 variations wliicli lie prizes when lie plants tlie seed of a favorite fruit, preserves a favorite domestic animal, drowns tlie uglier kittens of a litter, and allows only the handsomest or the best mousers to propagate. Still more, by methodical selection, in recent times almost marvelous results have been produced in new breeds of cattle, sheep, and poultry, and new varieties of fruit of greater and greater size or excellence. It is said that all domestic varieties, if left to run wild, would revert to their aboriginal stocks. Proba- bly they would wherever various races of one species were left to commingle. At least the abnormal or exaggerated characteristics induced by high feeding, or high cultivation and prolonged close breeding, would promptly disappear; and the surviving stock would soon blend into a homogeneous result (in a way pres- ently explained), which would naturally be taken for the original form ; but we could seldom know if it were so. It is by no means certain that the result would be the same if the races ran wild each in a sepa- rate region. Dr. Hooker doubts if there is a true re- version in the case of plants. Mr. Darwin's observa- tions rather favor it in the animal kingdom. With mingled races reversion seems well made out in the case of pigeons. The common opinion apon this sub- ject therefore probably has some foundation. But even if we regard varieties as oscillations around a primitive centre or type, still it appears from the readiness with which such varieties originate that a certain amount of disturbance would carry them be- yond the influence of the primordial attraction, where they may become new centres of variation. 32 DARWINIANA. Some suppose that races cannot be perpetuated indefinitely even by keeping up the conditions mider wliicli they were fixed; but the high antiquity of several, and the actual fixity of many of them, nega- tive this assumption. " To assert that we could not breed our cart and race horses, long and short homed cattle, and poultry of various breeds, for almost an infinite number of generations, would be opposed to all experience." Why varieties develop so readily and deviate so widely under domestication, while they are apparently so rare or so transient in free Nature, may easily be shown. In K"ature, even with hermaphrodite plants, there is a vast amount of cross-fertilization among various individuals of the same species. The inevi- table result of this (as was long ago explained in this Journal ^) is to repress variation, to keep the mass of a species comparatively homogeneous over any area in which it abounds in individuals. Starting from a suggestion of the late Mr. Knight, now so familiar, that close interbreeding diminishes vigor and fertili- ty ;^ and perceiving that bisexuality is ever aimed at in Nature — being attained physiologically in numer- ous cases where it is not structm^ally — Mr. Darwin has worked out the subject in detail, and shown how general is the concurrence, either habitual or occasional, of two hermaphrodite individuals in the reproduction of their kind ; and has drawn the philosophical inf er- 1 Yolume xvii. (2), 1854, p. 13. ^ AVe suspect that this is not an ultimate fact, but a natural conse- quence of inheritance — the inheritance of disease or of tendency to dis- ease, which close interbreeding perpetuates and accumulates, but wide breeding may neutralize or eliminate. TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 33 encG tliat probably no organic being self -fertilizes in- definitely ; but tbat a cross witli another individual is occasionally — perhaps at very long intervals — indis- pensable. AYe refer the reader to the section on the intercrossing of individuals (pp. 96-101), and also to an article in the Gardeners^ Chronicle a year and a half ago, for the details of a very interesting contribution to science, irrespective of theory. In domestication, this intercrossing may be pre- vented ; and in this prevention lies the art of pro- ducing varieties. But " the art itseK islSTatm-e," since the whole art consists in allowing the most universal of all natural tendencies in organic things (inheritance) to operate uncontrolled by other and obviously inci- dental tendencies. No new power, no artificial force, is brought into play either by separating the stock of a desirable variety so as to prevent mixture, or by selecting for breeders those individuals which most largely partake of the pecularities for which the breed is valued.^ We see everywhere around us the remarkable results which ]N"ature may be said to have brought about under artificial selection and separation. Could she accomplish similar results when left to herself ? Variations might begin, we know they do begin, in a wild state. But would any of them be preserved and carried to an equal degree of deviation ? Is there any- thing in l^ature which in the long-run may answer to ^ The rules and processes of breeders of animals, and their results, are so familiar that they need not be particularized. Less is popularly known about the production of vegetable races. We refer our readers back to this Journal, vol. xxvii., pp. 440-442 (May, 1859), for an ab- stract of the papers of M. Vilmorin upon this subject. 34 DARWimANA. artificial selection? Mr. Darwin thinks that there is; and Naticral Selection is the key-note of his discourse. As a preliminary, he has a short chapter to show that there is variation in IN^atui'e, and therefore some- thing for natural selection to act upon. He readily shows that such mere variations as may be directly referred to physical conditions (like the depauperation of plants in a sterile soil, or their dwarfing as they approach an Alpine summit, the thicker fur of an ani- mal from far northward, etc.), and also those indi- vidual differences which we everywhere recognize but do not pretend to account for, are not separable by any assignable line from more strongly-marked varieties ; likewise that there is no clear demarkation between the latter and sub-species, or varieties of the higest grade (distinguished from species not by any known incon- stancy, but by the supposed lower importance of their characteristics) ; nor between these and recognized species. " These differences blend into each other in an insensible series, and the series impresses the mind with an idea of an actual passage." This gradation from species downward is well made out. To carry it one. step farther upward, our author presents in a strong light the differences which prevail among naturalists as to what forms should be admit- ted to the rank of species. Some genera (and these in some^ countries) give rise to far more discrepancy than others; and it is concluded that the large or dominant genera are usually the most variable. In a flora so small as the British, 182 plants, generally reckoned as varieties, have been ranked by some bot- anists as species. Selecting the British genera which THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 35 include the most polymorphous forms, it appears that Babington's Flora gives them 251 species, Bentham's only 112, a difference of 139 doubtful forms. These are nearly the extreme views, but they are the views of two most capable and most experienced judges, in re- spect to one of the best-known floras of the world. The fact is suggestive, that the best-known countries fm'- .nish the greatest number of such doubtful cases. Illus- trations of this kind may be multiplied to a great ex- tent. They make it plain that, whether species in l!Tature are aboriginal and definite or not, our practical conclusions about them, as embodied in systematic works, are not facts but judgments, and largely fal- lible judgments. How much of the actual coincidence of authorities is owing to imperfect or restricted observation, and to one naturalist's adopting the conclusions of another without independent observation, this is not the place to consider. It is our impression that species of ani- mals are more definitely marked than those of plants ; this may arise from our somewhat extended acquaint- ance with the latter, and our ignorance of the former. But we are constrained by our experience to admit the strong likelihood, in botany, that varieties on the one hand, and what are called closely-related species on the other, do not differ except in degree. When- ever this wider difference separating the latter can be spanned by intermediate forms, as it sometimes is, no botanist long resists the inevitable conclusion. When- ever, therefore, this wider difference can be shown to be compatible with community of origin, and explained through natural selection or in any other way, we are 36 DAEWINIANA. ready to adopt tlie probable conclusion ; and we see beforehand liow strikingly tlie actual geograpliical association of related species favors tlie broader view. Whetber we sbould continue to regard the forms in question as distinct species, depends upon wbat mean- ing we sliall finally attach to that term ; and that de- pends upon how far the doctrine of derivation can be carried back and how well it can be supported. In applying his principle of natural selection to the work in liand, Mr. Darwin assumes, as we have seen : 1. Some variabihty of animals and plants in nature ; 2. The absence of any definite distinction be- tween slight variations, and varieties of the highest grade ; 3. The fact that naturalists do not practically agree, and do not increasingly tend to agree, as to what forms are species and what are strong varieties, thus rendering it probable that there may be no essential and original difference, or no possibility of ascertain- ing it, at least in many cases ; also, 4. That the most flourishing and dominant species of the larger genera on an average vary most (a proposition which can be substantiated only by extensive comparisons, the de- tails of which are not given) ; and, 5. That in large genera the species are apt to be closely but unecjually allied together, forming little clusters round certain species — ^just such clusters as would be formed if we suppose their members once to have been satellites or varieties of a central or parent species, but to have attained at length a wider divergence and a specific character. The fact of such association is undeniable ; and the use w^hich Mr. Darwin makes of it seems fair and natural. TEE OBIGIN OF SPECIES. 37 The gist of Mr. Darwin's work is to sliow tliat sucli varieties are gradually diverged into species and genera tlirougli natural selection 1 tliat natm'al selection is the inevitable result of the struggle for existence which all living things are engaged in ; and that this struggle is an unavoidable consequence of several natural causes, but mainly of the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase. Cui'iously enough, Mr. Darwin's theory is grounded upon the doctrine of Malthus and the doctrine of Hobbes. The elder DeCandolle had conceived the idea of the struggle for existence, and, in a passage which would have delighted the cynical philosopher of Malmesbury, had declared that all ISTature is at war, one organism with another or with external ISTature ; and Lyell and Herbert had made considerable use of it. But Hobbes in his theory of society, and Darwin in his theory of natural history, alone have built their systems upon it. However moralists and political economists may regard these doctrines in their original application to human society and the relation of popu- lation to subsistence, their thorough applicability to the great society of the organic world in general is now undeniable. And to Mr. Darwin belon^'s the credit of making this extended application, and of working out the immensely diversified results with rare sagacity and untiring patience. He has brought to view real causes which have been largely operative in the establishment of the actual association and geo- graphical distribution of plants and animals. In this he must be allowed to have made a very important contribution to an interesting department of science, 38 DARWINIANA. even if his theory fails in the endeavor to explain the origin or diversity of species. "Nothing is easier," says our author, "than to admit in words the truth of the universal struggle for life, or more diffi- cult— at least I have found it so — than constantly to bear this conclusion in mind. Yet, unless it be thoroughly ingrained in the mind, I am convinced that the whole economy of Nature, with every fact on distribution, rarity, abundance, extinction, and variation, will be dimly seen or quite misunderstood. We behold the face of Nature bright with gladness, we often see superabundance of food ; we do not see, or we forget, that the birds which are idly singing round us mostly live on insects or seeds, and are thus constantly destroying life; or we forget how largely these songsters, or their eggs, or their nestlings, are de- stroyed by birds and beasts of prey; we do not always bear in mind that, though food may be now superabundant, it is not so at all seasons of each recurring year." — (p. 62.) "There is no exception to the rule tliat every organic being naturally increases at so high a rate that, if not destroyed, the earth would soon be covered by the progeny of a single pair. Even slow-breeding man has doubled in twenty-five years, and at this rate, in a few thousand years, there would literally not be standing-room for his progeny. Linnaeus has calculated that if an annual plant produced only two seeds — and there is no plant so unproductive as this — and their seedlings next year pro- duced two, and so on, then in twenty years there would be a million plants. The elephant is reckoned to be the slow^est breeder of all known animals, and I have taken some pains to estimate its probable minimum rate of natural increase ; it will be under the mark to assume that it breeds when thirty years old, and goes on breeding till ninety years old, bringing forth three pairs of young in this interval ; if this be so, at the end of the fifth century there would be alive fifteen million elephants, descended from the first pair. " But we have better evidence on this subject than mere theoretical calculations, namely, the numerous recorded cases of the astonishingly rapid increase of various animals in a state of TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES.. 39 nature, "when circumstances have been favorable to tbem dur- ing two or three following seasons. Still more striking is the evidence from our domestic animals of many kinds which have run wild in several parts of the world ; if the statements of the rate of increase of slow-breeding cattle and horses in South America, and latterly in Australia, had not been well authenti- cated, they would have been quite incredible. So it is with plants : cases could be given of introduced plants which have become common throughout whole islands in a period of less than ten years. Several of the plants now most numerous over the wide plains of La Plata, clothing square leagues of surface almost to the exclusion of all other plants, have been introduced from Europe ; and there are plants which now range in India, as I hear from Dr. Falconer, from Cape Comorin to the Himalaya, which have been imported from America since its discovery. In such cases, and endless instances could be given, no one sup- poses that the fertility of these animals or plants has been sud- denly and temporarily increased in any sensible degree. The obvious explanation is, that the conditions of life have been very favorable, and that there has consequently been less destruction of the old and young, and that nearly all the young have been enabled to breed. In such cases the geometrical ratio of in- crease, the result of which never fails to be surprising, simply explains the extraordinarily rapid increase and wide diffusion of naturalized productions in their new homes." — (pp. 64, Go.) "All plants and animals are tending to increase at a geo- metrical ratio; all would most rapidly stock any station in which they could anyhow exist ; the increase must be checked by destruction at some period of life." — (p. 65.) The difference between tlie most and the least pro- lific species is of no account : " The condor lays a couple of eggs, and the ostrich a score; and yet in the same country the condor may be the more numer- ous of the two. The Fulmar petrel lays but one Qgg^ yet it is believed to be the most numerous bird in the world." — (p. 68.) *' The amount of food gives the extreme limit to which each 40 DARWmiARA. « species can increase ; but very frequently it is not the obtaining of food, but the serving as prey to other animals, which de- termines the average numbers of species." — (p. 68.) " Climate plays an important part in determining the average numbers of a species, and periodical seasons of extreme cold or drought I believe to be the most effective of all checks. I estimated that the winter of 1854-'55 destroyed four-fifths of the birds in my own grounds; and this is a tremendous destruc- tion, when we remember that ten per cent, is an extraordinarily severe mortality from epidemics with man. The action of climate seems at first sight to be quite independent of the struggle for existence ; but, in so far as climate chiefly acts in reducing food, it brings on the most severe struggle between the individuals, whether of the same or of distinct species, which subsist on the same kind of food. Even when climate, for in- stance extreme cold, acts directly, it will be the least vigorous, or those which have got least food through the advancing winter, which will suffer most. When we travel from south to north, or from a damp region to a dry, we invariably see some species gradually getting rarer and rarer, and finally disappearing ; and, the change of climate being conspicuous, we are tempted to at- tribute the whole effect to its direct action. But this is a very false view ; we forget that each species, even where it most abounds, is constantly suffering enormous destruction at some period of its life, from enemies or from competitors for the same place and food; and if these enemies or competitors be in the least degree favored by any slight change of climate, they will increase in numbers, and, as each area is already stocked with inhabitants, the other species will decrease. "When we travel southward and see a species decreasing in numbers, we may feel sure that the cause lies quite as much in other species being favored as in this one being hurt. So it is when we travel northward, but in a somewhat lesser degree, for the number oi species of all kinds, and therefore of competitors, decreases northward; hence, in going northward, or in ascending a mountain, we far oftener meet with stunted forms, due to the directly injurious action of climate, than we do in proceeding THE ORiam OF SPECIES. 41 southward or in descending a mountain. "When we reach the arctic regions, or snow-capped summits, or absolute deserts, the struggle for life is almost exclusively with the elements. "That climate acts in main part indirectly by favoring other species, we may clearly see in the prodigious number of plants in our gardens which can perfectly well endure our climate, but which never become naturalized, for they cannot compete with our native plants, nor resist destruction by our native animals." —(pp. 68, 69.) After an instructive instance in wliich " cattle ab- solutely determine the existence of tlie Scotch fir," we are referred to cases in which insects determine the existence of cattle : " Perhaps Paraguay offers the most curious instance of this; for here neither cattle, nor horses, nor dogs, have ever run wild, though they swarm southward and northward in. a feral state; and Azara and Eengger have shown that this is caused by the greater number in Paraguay of a certain fly, which lays its eggs in the navels of these animals when first born. The in- crease of these flies, numerous as they are, must be habitually checked by some means, probably by birds. Hence, if certain insectivorous birds (whose numbers are probably regulated by hawks or beasts of prey) were to increase in Paraguay, the flies would decrease — then cattle and horses would become feral, and this would certainly greatly alter (as indeed I have observed in parts of South America) the vegetation ; this, again, would, largely affect the insects ; and this, as we have just seen in Staffordshire, the insectivorous birds, and so onward in ever- increasing circles of complexity. "We began this series by in- sectivorous birds, and we had ended with them. ISTot that in Nature the relations can ever be as simple as this. Battle within battle must ever be recurring with varying success ; and yet in the long-run the forces are so nicely balanced that the face of Nature remains uniform for long periods of time, though as- suredly the merest trifle would often give " the victory to one organic being over another. Nevertheless, so profound is our 42 DARWINIANA. ignorance, and so high our presumption, that we marvel when we hear of the extinction of an organic being ; and as we do not see the cause, we invoke cataclysms to desolate the world, or invent laws on the duration of the forms of life!"— (pp. 72, 73.) " When we look at the plants and bushes clothing an en- tangled bank, we are tempted to attribute their proportional numbers and kinds to what we call chance. But how false a view is this ! Every one has heard that when an American forest is cut down, a very diiferent vegetation springs up ; but it has been observed that the trees now growing on the ancient Indian mounds, in the Southern United States, display the same beautiful diversity and proportion of kinds as in the surround- ing virgin forests. What a struggle between the several kinds of trees must here have gone on during long centuries, each annually scattering its seeds by the thousand; what war be- tween insect and insect — between insects, snails, and other animals, with birds and beasts of prey — all striving to increase, and all feeding on each other or on the trees, or their seeds and seedlings, or on the other plants which first clothed the ground and thus checked the growth of the trees ! Throw up a hand- ful of feathers, and all must fall to the ground according to definite laws ; but how simple is this problem compared to the action and reaction of the innumerable plants and ani- mals which have determined, in the course of centuries, the proportional numbers and kinds of trees now growing on the old Indian ruins ! " — (pp. 74, 75.) . For reasons obvious upon reflection, tlie competi- tion is often, if not generally, most severe betwen nearly related species when they are in contact, so that one drives the other before it, as the Hanoverian the old English rat, the small Asiatic cockroach in Russia, its greater congener, etc. And this, when duly considered, explains many curious results ; such, for instance, as the considerable number of different gen- era of plants and animals which are generally found to inhabit any limited area. TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 43 "The truth of the principle that the greatest amount of life can be supported by great diversification of structure is seen under many natural circumstances. In an extremely small area, especially if freely open to immigration, and where the contest between individual and individual must be severe, we always find great diversity in its inhabitants. For instance, I found that a piece of turf, three feet by four in size, which had been exposed for many years to exactly the same conditions, sup- ported twenty species of plants, and these belonged to eighteen genera, and to eight orders, which showed how much these plants differed from each other. So it is with the plants and insects on small and uniform islets ; and so in small ponds of fresh water. Farmers find that they can raise most food by a rotation of plants belonging to the most difi'erent orders ; Nature follows what may be called a simultaneous rotation. Most of the animals and plants which live close round any small piece of ground could live on it (supposing it not to be in any way pe- culiar in its nature), and may be said to be striving to the utmost to live there ; but it is seen that, where they come into the closest competition with each other, the advantages of diversi- fication of structure, with the accompanying difierences of habit and constitution, determine that the inhabitants, which thus jostle each other most closely, shall, as a general rule, belong to what we call different genera and orders." — (p. 114.) The abundance of some forms, tlie rarity and final extinction of many others, and the consequent diver- gence of character or increase of difference among the surviving representatives, are other consequences. As favored forms increase, the less favored must dimin- ish in number, for there is not room for all ; and the slightest advantage, at first probably inappreciable to human observation, must decide which shall prevail and which must perish, or be driven to another and for it more favorable locality. We cannot do justice to the interesting chapter 44 DARWINIANA. upon natural selection by separated extracts. The following must serve to sliow how the principle is sup- posed to work : " If during the long course of ages, and under varying condi- tions of life, organic beings vary at all in the several parts of their organization, and 1 think this cannot be disputed ; if there be, owing to the high geometrical powers of increase of each species, at some age, season, or year, a severe struggle for life, and this certainly cannot be disputed : then, considering the infinite complexity of the relations of all organic beings to each other and to their conditions of existence, causing an infinite di- versity in structure, constitution, and habits, to be advantageous to them, I think it would be a most extraordinary fact if no variation ever had occurred useful to each being's own welfare, in the same way as so many variations have occurred useful to man. But if variations useful to any organic being do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterized will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life ; and from the strong principle of inheritance they will tend to produce off- spring similarly characterized. This principle of preservation I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection." — (pp. 126, 127.) " In order to make it clear how, as I believe, natural selec- tion acts, I must beg permission to give one or two imaginary illustrations. Let us take the case of a wolf, which preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness ; and let us suppose that the fleetest prey, a deer for instance, had from any change in the country increased in numbers, or that other prey had decreased in numbers, during that season of the year when the wolf is hardest pressed for food. I can under such circumstances see no reason to doubt that the swiftest and slimmest wolves would have the best chance of surviving, and so be preserved or selected — pro- vided always that they retained strength to master their prey at this or at some other period of the year, when they might be compelled to prey on other animals. I can see no more reason to doubt this than that man can improve the fleetness of his TEE OEIGm OF SPECIES. 45 greyhounds by careful and methodical selection, or by that un- conscious selection which results from each man trying to keep the best dogs without any thought of modifying the breed. "Even without any change in the proportional numbers of the animals on which our wolf preyed, a cub might be born with an innate tendency to pursue certain kinds of prey. Nor can this be thought very improbable; for we often observe great differences in the natural tendencies of our domestic ani- mals: one cat, for instance, taking to catching rats, another mice ; one cat, according to llr. St. John, bringing home winged game, another hares or rabbits, and another hunting on marshy ground, and almost nightly catching woodcocks or snipes. The tendency to catch rats rather than mice is known to be inher- ited. Now, if any slight innate change of habit or of structure benefited an individual wolf, it would have the best chance of surviving and of leaving offspring. Some of its young would probably inherit the same habits or structure, and by the repe- tition of this process a new variety might be formed which- would either supplant or coexist with the parent-form of wolf. Or, again, the wolves inhabiting a mountainous district, and those frequenting the lowlands, would naturally be forced to hunt different prey ; and from a continued preservation of the indi- viduals best fitted for the two sites, two varieties might slowly be formed. These varieties would cross and blend where tliey met; but to this subject of intercrossing we shall soon have to return. I may add that, according to Mr. Pierce, there are two varieties of the wolf inhabiting the Catskill Mountains in the United States, one with a light greyhound-like form, which pur- sues deer, and the other more bulky, with shorter legs, which more frequently attacks the shepherd's flock." — (pp. 90, 91.) We eke out tlie illustration here with a counterpart instance, yiz., the remark of Dr. Bachman that " the deer that reside permanently in the swamps of Caro- lina are taller and longer-legged than those in the higher grounds." ^ * " Quadrupeds of America," vol. ii., p. 239. 3 46 DARWINIAITA. The limits allotted to this article are nearly reached, jet only four of the fourteen chapters of the volume have been touched. These, however, contain the fundamental principles of the theory, and most of those applications of it which are capable of something like verij6.cation, relating as they do to the phenomena now occurring. Some of our extracts also show how these principles are thought to have operated through the long lapse of the ages. * The chapters from the sixth to the ninth inclusive are designed to obviate difficulties and objections, " some of them so grave that to tliis day," the author frankly says, he " can never reflect on them without being staggered." We do not wonder at it. After drawing what comfort he can from " the imperfection of the geological rec- ord " (Chapter IX.), which we suspect is scarcely exag- gerated, the author considers the geological succession of organic beings (Chapter X.), to see whether they bet- ter accord with the common view of the immutability of species, or with that of their slow and gradual modification. Geologists must settle that question. Then follow two most interesting and able chapters on the geographical distribution of plants and animals, the summary of which we should be glad to cite ; then a fitting chapter upon classification, morphology, em- bryology, etc., as viewed in the light of this theory, closes the argument ; the fourteenth chapter being a recapitulation. The interest for the general reader heightens as the author advances on his perilous way and grapples manfully with the most formidable difficulties. To account, upon these principles, for the gradual TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 47 elimiDation and segregation of nearly allied forms — such as varieties, sub-species, and closely-related or rep- resentative species — also in a general way for their geo- graphical association and present range, is compara- tively easy, is apparently within the bounds of possi- bility. Could we stop here we should be fairly con- tented. But, to complete the system, to carry out the principles to their ultimate conclusion, and to explain by them many facts in geographical distribution which would still remain anomalous, Mr. Darwin is equally bound to account for the formation of genera, families, orders, and even classes, by natural selection. He does " not doubt that the theory of descent with modification embraces all the members of the same class," and he concedes that analogy would press the conclusion still further ; while he admits that " the more distinct the forms are, the more the arguments fall away in force." To command assent we natu- rally require decreasing probability to be overbalanced by an increased weight of evidence. An opponent might plausibly, and perhaps quite fairly, urge that the links in the chain of argument are weakest just where the greatest stress falls upon them. To which Mr. Darwin's answer is, that the best parts of the testimony have been lost. He is confi- dent that intermediate forms must have existed ; that in the olden times when the genera, the families, and the orders, diverged from their parent stocks, grada- tions existed as fine as those which now connect close- ly related species with varieties. But they have passed and left no sign. The geological record, even if all displayed to view, is a boot from which not only many 48 DARWmiAITA. pages^ but even wliole alternate chapters, have been lost out, or rather which were never j^rinted from the autographs of ]S'ature. The record was actually made in fossil lithography only at certain times and under certain conditions (i. e., at periods of slow subsidence and places of abundant sediment) ; and of these rec- ords all but the last volume is out of print ; and of its pages only local glimpses have been obtained. Geologists, except Lyell, will object to this — some of them moderately, others with vehemence. Mr. Dar- win himself admits, with a candor rarely displayed on such occasions, that he should have expected more geological evidence of transition than he finds, and that all the most eminent paleontologists maintain the immutability of species. The general fact, however, that the fossil fauna of each period as a whole is nearly intermediate in charac- ter between the preceding and the succeeding faunas, is much relied on. "We are brought one step nearer to the desired inference by the similar " fact^ insisted on by all paleontologists, that fossils from two consecu- tive formations are far more closely related to each other than are the fossils of two remote formations. Pictet gives a well-known instance — the general re- semblance of the organic remains from the several stages of the chalk formation, though the species are distinct at each stage. This fact alone, from its gen- erality, seems to have shaken Prof. Pictet in his firm belief in the immutability of species " (p. 335). What Mr. Darwin now particularly wants to complete his inferential evidence is a proof that the same grada- tion may be traced in later periods, say in the Tertiary, THE ORIGm OF SPECIES. 40 and between that period and tlie present; also tliat the later gradations are finer, so as to leave it doubt- ful whether the succession is one of species — believed on the one theory to be independent, on the other, derivative — or of varieties, which are confessedly deriv- ative. The proof of the finer gradation appears to be forthcoming. Des Hayes and Lyell have concluded that many of the middle Tertiary and a large pro- portion of the later Tertiary mollusca are specifically identical with living species; and this is still the almost universally prevalent view. But Mr. Agassiz states that, " in every instance where he had sufiicient materials, he had found that the species of the two epochs supposed to be identical by Des Hayes and Lyell were in reality distinct, although closely allied species." ^ Moreover, he is now satisfied, as we under- stand, that the same gradation is traceable not merely in each great division of the Tertiary, but in particular deposits or successive beds, each answering to a great number of years; where what have passed unques- tioned as members of one species, upon closer examma- tion of numerous specimens exhibit difi'erences which in his opinion entitle them to be distinguished into two, three, or more species. It is plain, therefore, that whatever conclusions can be fairly drawn from the present animal and vegetable kingdoms in favor of a gradation of varieties into species, or into what may be regarded as such, the same may be extended to the Tertiary period. In both cases, what some call species others call varieties ; and in the later Tertiary shells * " Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences," vol. iv., p. 178. 50 LAEWINIAITA. this difference in judgment affects almost half of the species ! "We pass to a second difficulty in the way of Mr. Darwin's theory ; to a case where we are perhaps en- titled to demand of him evidence of gradation like that which connects the present with the Tertiary mol- lusca. Wide, very wide is the gap, anatomically and physiologically (we do not speak of the intellectual) between the highest quadrumana and man ; and com- paratively^ recent, if ever, must the line have bifur- cated. But where is there the slightest evidence of a common progenitor? Perhaps Mr. Darwin would reply by another question: where are the fossil re- mains of the men who made the flint knives and arrow- heads of the Somme Yalley ? We have a third objection, one, fortunately, which has nothing to do with geology. "We can only state it here in brief terms. The chapter on hybridism is most ingenious, able, and instructive. If sterility of crosses is a special original arrangement to prevent the confusion of species by mingling, as is generally as- sumed, then, since varieties cross readily and their offspring is fertile inter se, there is a fundamental dis- tinction between varieties and species. Mr. Darwin therefore labors to show that it is not a special endow- ment, but an incidental acquirement. He does show that the sterility of crosses is of all degrees; upon which we have only to say, Natura nonfacit saltiim,^ here any more than elsewhere. But, upon his theory he is bound to show how sterility might be acquired, through natural selection or through something else. And the difficulty is, that, whereas individuals of the TEE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 51 very same blood tend to be sterile, and somewhat re- moter unions diminisb this tendency, and when they have diverged into two varieties the cross-breeds be- tween the two are more fertile than cither pure stock — yet when they have diverged only one degree more the whole tendency is reversed, and the mongrel is ster- ile, either absolutely or relatively. He who explains the genesis of species through purely natural agencies should assign a natural cause for this remarkable result ; and this Mr. Darwin has not done. "Whether original or derived, however, this arrangement to keep apart those forms which have, or have acquired (as the case may be), a certain moderate amount of difference, looks to us as much designed for the purpose, as does a ratchet to prevent reverse motion in a wheel. If species have originated by divergence, this keeps them apart. Here let us suggest a possibly attainable test of the theory of derivation, a kind of instance which Mr. Darwin may be fairly asked to produce — viz., an in- stance of two varieties, or what may be assumed as- such, which have diverged enough to reverse the move- ment, to bring out some sterility in the crosses. The best marked human races might offer the most likely case. If mulattoes are sterile or tend to sterility, as some naturalists confidently assert, they afford Mr. Darwin a case in point. If, as others think, no such tendency is made out, the required evidence is want- ino* A fourth and the most formidable difficulty is that of the production and specialization of organs. It is well said that all organic beings have been formed on two great laws : unity of type, and adap- 52 DARWINIANA. tation to the conditions of existence. ^ Tlie special teleologists, sncli as Palej, occupy themselves with, the latter only ; they refer particular facts to special design, but leave ^an overwhehning array of the widest facts inexjDlicable. The morphologists build on unity of type, or that fundamental agreement in the struct- ure of each great class of beings which is quite inde- pendent of their habits or oonditions of life ; which requires each individual '•' to go through a certain for- mality," and to accept, at least for a time, certain or- gans, whether they are of any use to him or not. Philosophical minds form various conceptions for har- monizing the two views theoretically. Mr. Darwin harmonizes and explains them naturally. Adaptation to the conditions of existence is the result of natural selection ; unity of type, of unity of descent-. Accord- ingly, as he puts his theory, he is bound to account for the origination of new organs, and for their diversity in each great type, for their specialization, and every adaptation, of organ to function and of structure to condition, through natural agencies. Whenever he attempts this he reminds us of Lamarck, and shows us how little light the science of a century devoted to structural investigation has thrown upon the mystery of organization. Here purely natural explanations fail. The organs being given, natural selection may account for some improvement ; if given of a variety of sorts or grades, natural selection might determine which should survive and where it should prevail. On all this ground the only line for the theory to ^ Owen adds a third, viz., vegetative repetition ; but this, in the vegetable kingdom, is simply unity of type. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. no Ou take is to make the most of gradation and adlierence to type as suggestive of derivation, and nnaccountable upon any other scientific ^dew — deferring all attempts to explain how suck a metamorphosis was effected, until naturalists have explained how the tadpole is metamorphosed into a frog, or one sort of polyp into another. As to why it is so, the philosophy of effi- cient cause, and even the whole argument from design, "would stand, upon the admission of such a theory of derivation, precisely where they stand without it. At least there is, or need be, no ground of difference here between Darwin and Agassiz. The latter will admit, with Owen and every moi3)hologist, that hopeless is the attempt to explain the similarity of pattern in members of the same class by utility or the doctrine of final causes. " On the ordinary view of the inde- pendent creation of each being, we can only say that so it is, that it has so pleased the Creator to construct each animal and plant." Mr. Darwin, in proposing a theory which suggests a how that harmonizes these facts into a system, we trust implies that all was done wise- ly, in the largest sense designedly, and by an intelli- gent first cause. The contemplation of the subject on the intellectual side, the amplest exposition of the unity of plan in creation, considered irrespective of natural agencies, leads to no other conclusion. We are thus, at last, brought to the question. What would happen if the derivation of species were to be substantiated, either as a true physical theory, or as a sufficient hypothesis ? What would come of it ? The inquiry is a pertinent one, just now. For, of those who agr^ with us in thinking that Darwin has not estab- 54 DARWimANA. lislied his tlieoiy of derivation many will admit with ns that he has rendered a theory of derivation much less improbable than before ; that such a theory chimes in with the established doctrines of physical science, and is not unlikely to be largely accepted long before it can be proved. Moreover, the various notions that prevail — equally among the most and the least religious — as to the relations between natural agencies or phe- nomena and efficient cause, are seemingly more crude, obscure, and discordant, than they need be. It is not surprising that the doctrine of the book should be denounced as atheistical. "What does sur- prise and concern us is, that it should be so denounced by a scientific man, on the broad assumption that a material connection between the members of a series of organized beings is inconsistent with the idea of their being intellectually connected with one another through the Deity, i. e., as products of one mind, as indicating and realizing a preconceived plan. An as- sumption the rebound of which is somewhat fearful to contemplate, but fortunately one which every natural birth protests against. It would be more correct to say that the theory in itself is perfectly compatible with an atheistic view of the imiverse. That is true ; but it is equally true of physical theories generally. Indeed, it is more true of the theory of gravitation, and of the nebular hy- pothesis, than of the h}q)othesis in qviestion. The latter merely takes up a particidar, proxhnate cause, or set of such causes, from which, it is argued, the present diversity of species has or may have contingently re- sulted. The author does not say necessa/inly resulted ; THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 55 tliat the actual results in mode and measure, and none other, must have taken place. On the other hand, the theory of gravitation and its extension in the nebular hypothesis assume a universal and %iltimate physical cause, from which the effects in JSTatm-e must necessa- rily have resulted, l^ow, it is not thought, at least at the present day, that the establishment of the E'ew- tonian theory was a step toward atheism or pantheism. Yet the great achievement of Newton consisted in proving that certain forces (blind forces, so far as the theory is concerned), acting upon matter in certain directions, must necessarily produce planetary orbits of the exact measure and form in which observation shows them to exist — a view which is just as consistent with eternal necessity, either in the atheistic or the pantheistic form, as it is with theism. IN'or is the theory of derivation particularly exj)osed to the charge of the atheism of fortuity ; since it mi- dertakes to assign real causes for harmonious and sys- tematic results. But, of this, a word at the close. The value of such objections to the tlieory of deri- vation may be tested by one or two analogous cases. The common scientific as well as popular belief is that of the original, independent creation of oxygen and hydrogen, iron, gold, and the like. Is the speculative opinion now increasingly held, that some or all of the supposed elementary bodies are derivative or com- pound, developed from some preceding forms of mat- ter, irreligious 1 Were the old alchemists atheists as well as dreamers in their attempts to transmute earth into gold ? Or, to take an instance from force (power) — which stands one step nearer to efficient cause .than 56 DARWIN'IAAU.^ form — was tlie attempt to prove that heat, light, elec- tricity, magnetism, and even mechanical power, are variations or transmutations of one force, atheistical in its tendency ? The supj^osed establishment of this view is reckoned as one of the greatest scientific tri- Tunphs of this centmy. Perhaps, however, the objection is brought, not so much against the speculation itself, as against the attempt to show how derivation might have been brought about. Then the same objection applies to a recent ingenious h}^3othesis made to account for. the genesis of the chemical elements out of the ethereal medium,^ and to explain their several atomic weights and some other characteristics by their successive com- plexity— hydrogen consisting of so many atoms of ethe- real substance united in a particular order, and so on. The speculation interested the philosophers of the Brit- ish Association, and was thought innocent, but unsup- ported by facts. Sm-ely Mr. Darwin's theory is none the worse, morally, for having some foundation in fact. In our opinion, then, it is far easier to vindicate a theistic character for the derivative theory, than to establish the theory itself upon adequate scientific evi- dence. Perhaps scarcely any philosophical objection can be urged against the former to which the nebular hypothesis is not equally exposed. Yet the nebular hypothesis fi.nds general scientific acceptance, and is adopted as the basis of an extended and recondite illus- tration in Mr. Agassiz's great work.^ How the author of this book harmonizes his scien- tific theory with his philosophy and theology, he has ^ " Contributions to Natural History of America," vol. i., pp. 127-131. THE ORIGIN- OF SPECIE^. 57 not informed us. Paley in his celebrated analogy witli the watch, insists that if the timepiece were so con- structed as to produce other similar watches, after a manner of generation in animals, the argument from design ^would be all the stronger. What is to hinder Mr. Darwin from giving Paley's argument a further a-fortiori extension to the supposed case of a watch which sometimes produces better watches, and contriv- ances adapted to successive conditions, and so at length turns out a chronometer, a town clock, or a series of organisms of the same type ? From certain incidental expressions at the close of the volume, taken in con- nection with the motto adopted from "Whewell, we judge it probable that our author regards the whole sj^stem of Nature as one which had received at its first formation the impress of the will of its Author, fore- seeing the varied yet necessary laws of its action throughout the whole of its existence, ordaining when and how each particular of the stupendous plan should be realized in effect, and — with Him to whom to will is to do — in ordaining doing it. Whether profoundly philosophical or not, a view maintained by eminent philosophical physicists and theologians, such as Bab- bage on the one hand and Jowett on the other, will hardly be denounced as atheism. Perhaps Mr. Dar- win would prefer to express his idea in a more general way, by adopting . the thoughtful words of one of the most eminent naturalists of this or any age, substitut- ing the word action for "thought," since it is the former (from which alone i:he latter can be inferred) that he has been considering, " Taking IsTature as ex- hibiting thought for my guide, it appears to me that 58 DARWimANA, while limnan tlionglit is consecutive. Divine thought is simultaneous, embracing at the same time and for- ever, in the past, the present and the future, the most diversified relations among hundred's of thousands of organized beings, each of which may present compli- cations again, which to study and understand even imperfectly — as for instance man himself — mankind has already spent thousands of years." ^ In thus con- ceiving of the Divine Power in act as coetaneous with Divine Thought, and of both as far as may be apart from the human element of time, our author may re- gard the intervention of the Creator either as, humanly speaking, done from all time, or else as doing through all time. In the ultimate analysis we suppose that every philosophical theist must adopt one or the other conception. A perversion of the first view leads toward athe- ism, the notion of an eternal sequence of cause and eff'ect, for which there is no first cause — a view w^hich few sane persons can long rest in. The danger which may threaten the second view is pantheism. We feel safe from either error, in our profound conviction that there is order in the universe ; that order pre- supposes mind ; design, will ; and mind or will, per- sonality. Thus guarded, we much prefer the second of the two conceptions of causation, as the more phil- osophical as well as Christian view — a view which leaves us w^ith the same difiiculties and the same mys- teries in ^Nature as in Providence, and no other. ITat- ural law, upon this view, is the human conception of continued and orderly Divine action. » Op, cit, p. 130. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. 59 We do not suppose that less power, or otlier power, is required to sustain tlie universe and carry on its operations, than to bring it into being. So, while conceiying no improbability of " interventions of Cre- ative mind in ISTature," if by such is meant the bring- ing to pass of new and fitting events at fitting times, we leave it for profounder minds to establish, if thej can, a rational distinction in kind between his work- ing in K^ature carrying on operations, and in initiating those operations. We wished, mider the light of such views, to ex- amine more critically the doctrine of this book, espe- cially of some questionable parts; for instance, its explanation of the natural development of organs, and its implication of a " necessary acquirement of mental power" in the ascending scale of gradation. But there is room only for the general declaration that we cannot think the Cosmos a series which began with chaos and ends with mind, or of which mind is a result : that, if, by the successive origination of spe- cies and organs through natural agencies, the author means a series of events which succeed each other irrespective of a continued directing intelligence — events which mind does not order and shape to des- tined ends — then he has not established that doctrine, nor advanced toward its establishment, but has accu- mulated improbabilities beyond all belief. Take the formation and the origination of the successive degrees of complexity of eyes as a specimen. The treatment of this subject (pp. 188, 189), upon one interpretation, is open to all the objections referred to ; but, if, on the other hand, we may rightly compare the eye " to 60 DARWINIANA. a telescope, perfected by tlie long-continued efforts of the highest human intellects," we could carry out the analogy, and draw satisfactory illustrations and infer- ences from it. The essential, the directly intellectual thing is the making of the improvements in the tele- scope or the steam-engine. "Whether the successive improvements, being small at each step, and consist- ent with the general type of the instrument, are ap- phed to some of the individual machines, or entire new machines are constructed for each, is a minor matter. Though, if machines could engender, the adaptive method would be most economical ; and economy is said to be a paramount law in Xature. The origination of the improvements, and the suc- cessive adaptations to meet new conditions or subserve other ends, are what answer to the supernatural, and therefore remain inexplicable. As to bringing them into use, though wisdom foresees the result, the cir- cumstances and the natural competition will take care of that, in the long-run. The old ones will go out of use fast enough, except where an old and simple ma- chine remains still best adapted to a particular pur- pose or condition — as, for instance, the old Newcomen engine for pumping out coal-pits. If there's a Divin- ity that shapes these . ends, the whole is intelligible and reasonable ; otherwise, not. We regret that the necessity of discussing philo- sophical questions has prevented a fuller examination of the theory itseK, and of the interesting scientific points which are brought to bear in its favor. One of its neatest points, certainly a very strong one for the local origination of species, and their gradual diffu- THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Gl sion under natural agencies, we must reserve for some other convenient opportunity. The work is a scientific one, rigidly restricted to its direct object ; and by its science it must stand or fall. Its aim is, probably, not to deny creative inter- vention in Xature — for the admission of the inde- pendent origination of certain types does away 'with all antecedent improbability of as much intervention as may be required — but to maintain that I^atural Selection, in explaining the facts, explains also many classes of facts which thousand-fold repeated inde- pendent acts of creation do not explain, but leave more mysterious than ever. How far the author has succeeded, the scientific world will in due time be able to pronounce. As these sheets are passing through the press, a copy of the second edition has reached us. "We no- tice with pleasure the insertion of an additional motto on the reverse of the title-page, directly claiming the theistic view which we have vindicated for the doc- trine. Indeed, these pertinent words of the eminently wise Bishop Butler comprise, in their simplest ex- .pression, the whole substance of our later pages : " The only distinct meaning of the word ' natural ' is stated^ Jixed^ or settled ; since what is natural as much requires and presupposes an intelligent mind to render it so, i. e., to effect it continually or at stated times, as what is supernatural or mi- raculous does to effect it for once." 11. DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. — DISCUSSION BETWEEN TWO READERS OF DARWIn's TREATISE ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES, UPON ITS NATURAL THEOLOGY. (Ameeican Jotjrnal of Science and Aets, September, 1S60.) D. T. — Is Darwin's theory atheistic or pantheistic? or, does it tend to atheism or pantheism ? Eefore at- tempting any solution of this question, permit me to say a few words tending to obtain a definite concep- tion of necessity and design^ as the sources from which events may originate, each independent of the other ; and we shall, perhaps, best attain a clear understand- ing of each, by the illustration of an example in which simple human designers act upon the physical powers of common matter. Suppose, then, a square billiard-table to be placed with its corners directed to the four cardinal points. Suppose a player, standing at the north corner, to strike a red ball directly to the south, his design being to lodge the ball in the south pocket ; which design, if not interfered with, must, of course be accomplished. Then suj)pose another player, standing at the east corner, to direct a white ball to the west comer. This design also, if not interfered with, must be accom- plished. Next suppose both players to strike their DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. 63 balls at the same instant, with, like forces, in the direc- tions before given. In this case the balls would not pass as before, namely, the red ball to the south, and the white ball to the west, but they must both meet and strike each other in the centre of the table, and, being perfectly elastic, the red ball must pass to the west pocket, and the white ball to the south pocket. "We may suppose that the players acted wholly with- out concert with each other, indeed, they may be ignorant of each other's design, or even of each other's existence ; still we know that the events must happen as herein described. Now, the iirst half of the course of these two balls is from an impulse, or proceeds from a power, acting from design. Each player has the design of driving his ball across the table in a diagonal line to accomplish its lodgment at the opposite corner of the table. Neither designed that his ball should be deflected from that course and pass to another corner of the table. The direction of this second part of the motion must be referred en- tirely to necessity^ which directly interferes with the pui'pose of him who designed the rectilinear direction. We are not, in this case, to go back to find design in the creation of the powers or laws of inertia and elasticity, after the order of which the deflection, at the instant of collision, necessarily takes place. We know that these powers were inherent in the balls, and were not created to answer this special deflection. We are required, by the hypothesis, to confine atten- tion in point of time, from the instant preceding the impact of the balls, to the time of their arrival at the opposite corners of the table. The cues are moved 64: DARWINIANA. by design. The impacts are acts from design. The first half of the motion of each ball is under the direction of design. AYe mean by this the particular design of each player. But, at the instant of the col- lision of the balls upon each other, direction from design ceases, and the balls no longer obey the par- ticular designs of the j^layers, the ends or purposes intended by them are not accomplished, but frustrated, by necessity, or by the necessary action of the powers of inertia and elasticity, which are inherent in matter, and are not made by any design of a Creator for this special action, or to serve this special purpose, but would have existed in the materials of which the balls were made, although the players had never been born. I have thus stated, by a simple example in physi- cal action, what is meant by design and what by ne- cessity ; and that the latter may exist without any dependence upon the former. If I have given the statem.ent with what may be thought, by some, un- necessary prolixity, I have only to say that I have found many minds to have a great difficulty in con- ceiving of necessity as acting altogether independent of design. Let me now trace these principles as sources of action in Darwin's work or theory. Let us see how much there is of design acting to produce a foreseen end, and thus proving a reasoning and self-conscious Creator ; and how much of mere blind power acting without rational design, or without a specific purpose or conscious foresight. Mr. Darwin has specified in a most clear and unmistakable manner the operation of DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. C5 his three great powers, or rather, the three great laws by which the organic power of life acts in the forma- tion of an eye. {See p. 169.) Following the method he has pointed out, we will take a miihber of animals of the same species, in which the eye is not developed. They may have all the other senses, with the organs of nutrition, circulation, respiration, and locomotion. They all have a brain and nerves, and some of these nerves may be sensitive to light; but have no com- bination of retina, membranes, humors, etc., by which the distinct image of an object may be formed and conveyed by the optic nerve to the cognizance of the internal perception, or the mind. The animal in this case would be merely sensible of the difference be- tween light and darkness. He would have no power of discriminating form, size, shape, or color, the dif- ference of objects, and to gain from these a knowledge of their being useful or hurtful, friends or enemies. Up to this point there is no appearance of necessity upon the scene. The billiard-balls have not yet struck together, and we will suppose that none of the arguments that may be used to prove, from this organism, thus existing, that it could not have come into form and being without a creator acting to this end with intelligence and design, are opposed by any- thing that can be found in Darwin's theory ; for, so far, Darwin's laws are supposed not to have come into operation. Give the animals, thus organized, food and room, and they may go on, from genera- tion to generation, upon the same organic level. Those individuals that, from natural variation, are born with ligTit-nerves a little more sensitive to light 60 DARWmiANA. tlian tlieir parents, will cross or interbreed witli those who have the same organs a little less sensitive, and thus the mean standard will be kept up without any advancement. If our billiard-table were sufficiently extensive, i. e., infinite, the balls rolled from the cor- ners would never meet, and the necessity v^hioh^Q have supposed to deflect them would never act. The moment, however, that the want of space or food commences natural selection begins. Here the balls meet, and all future action is governed by neces- sity. The best forms, or those nerves most sensitive to light, connected with incipient membranes and hu- mors for corneas and lenses, are picked out and pre- served by natural selection, of necessity. All cannot live and propagate, and it is a necessity, obvious to all, that the weaker must perish, if the theory be true. Working on, in this way, through countless genera- tions, the eye is at last formed in all its beauty and excellence. It must (always assuming that this the- ory is true) result from this combined action of natural variation, the struggle for life, and natural selection, with as much certainty as the balls, after collision, must pass to corners of the table different from those to which they were directed, and so far forth as the eye is formed by these laws, acting up- ward from the nerve merely sensitive to light, we can no more infer design, and from design a designer, than we can infer design in the direction of the bil- liard-balls after the collision. Both are sufficiently accounted for by blind powers acting under a blind necessity. Take away the struggle for life from the one, and the collision of the balls from the other — and DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. G7 neither of tliese was designed — and tlie animal would have gone on without eyes. The balls would have found the corners of the table to which they were first directed. AYhilCj therefore, it seems to, me clear that one who can find no proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator except through the evidence of design in the organic world, can find no evidence of such design in the construction of the eye, if it were constructed un- der the operation of Darwin's laws, I shall not for one moment contend that these laws are InGOTYipatiMe with design and a seK-conscious, intelligent Creator. Such design might, indeed, have coexisted with the necessity or natural selection ; and so the billiard-play- ers might have designed the collision of their balls ; but neither the formation of the eye, nor the path of the balls after collision, furnishes any sufficient proof of such design in either case. One, indeed, who believes, from revelation or any other cause, in the existence of such a Creator, the foun- tain and source of all things in heaven above and in the earth beneath, will see in natural variation, the strug- gle for life, and natural selection, only the order or mode in which this Creator, in his own perfect wis- dom, sees fit to act. Happy is he who can thus see and adore. But how many are there who have no such belief from intuition, or faith in revelation ; but who have by careful and elaborate search in the phys-* ical, and more especially in the organic world, in- ferred, by induction, the existence of God from what has seemed to them the wonderful adaptation of the different organs and parts of the animal body to its, G8 DARWINIAN-A. apparently, designed ends ! Imagine a mind of this skeptical character, in all honesty and under its best reason, after finding itself obliged to reject the evi- dence of revelation, to commence a search after the Creator, in the light of natural theology. He goes through the proof for final cause and design, as given in a summary though clear, plain, and convincing form, in the pages of Paley and the " Bridgewater Treatises." The eye and the hand, those perfect instruments of optical and mechanical contrivance and adaptation, without the least waste or surj)lusage — these, say Paley and Bell, certainly prove a designing maker as much as the palace or the watch proves an architect or a watchmaker. Let this mind, in this state, cross Dar- win's work, and find that, after a sensitive nerve or a rudimentary hoof or claw, no design is to be found. From this j)oint upward the development is the mere necessary result of natural selection ; and let him re- ceive this law of natural selection as true, and where does he find himself ? Before, he could refer the exist- ence of the eye, for example, only to design, or chance. There was no other alternative. He rejected chance, as impossible. It must then be a design. But Dar- win brings up another power, namely, natural selec- tion, in place of this impossible chance. This not only may, but, according to Darwin, must of necessity produce an eye. It may indeed coexist with design, but it must exist and act and produce its results, even without design. Will such a mind, under such circum- stances, infer the existence of the designer — God- when he can, at the same time, satisfactorily account for the thing produced, by the operation of this natural se- DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. G9 lection ? It seems to me, therefore, perfectly evident that the substitution of natural selection, by necessity, for design in the formation of the' organic world, is a step decidedly atheistical. It is in vain to say that Darwin takes the creation of organic life, in its sim- plest forms, to have been the work of the Deity. In giving up design in these highest and most complex forms of organization, which have always been relied upon as the crowning proof of the existence of an in- telligent Creator, without whose intellectual power they could not have been brought into being, he takes a most decided step to banish a belief in the intelligent action of God from the organic world. The lower or- ganisms will go next. The atheist will sav, Wait a little. Some future Darwin will show how the simple forms came neces- sarily from inorganic matter. This is but another step by which, according to Laplace, " the discoveries of science throw final causes further back." A. G. — It is conceded that, if the two players in the supposed case were ignorant of each other's pres- ence, the designs of both were frustrated, and from necessity. Thus far it is not needful to inquire w^heth- er this necessary consequence is an unconditional or a conditioned necessity, nor to require a more definite statement of the meaning attached to the word neces- sity as a supposed third alternative. But, if the players knew of each other's presence, we could not infer from the result that the design of both or of either was frustrated. One of them may have intended to frustrate the other's design, and to 4 70 DARWINIANA. effect his own. Or both may have been equally con- versant with the properties of the matter and the relation of the forces concerned (whatever the cause, origin, or nature, of these forces and properties), and the result may have been according to the designs of both. As you admit that they might or might not have designed the collision of their balls and its conse- quences, the question arises whether there is any way of ascertaining which of the two conceptions we may form about it is the true one. ]^ow, let it be re- marked that design can never be demonstrated, Wit- nessing the act does not make known the design, as we have seen in the case assumed for the basis of the argu- ment. The word of the actor is not proof; and that source of evidence is excluded from the cases in ques- tion. The only way left, and the only possible way in cases where testimony is out of the question, is to infer th§ design from the result, or from arrangements which strike us as ada])ted or intended to produce a certain result, which affords a presumption of design. The strength of this presumption may be zero, or an even chance, as perhaps it is in the assumed case ; but the probability of design will increase with the particu- larity of the act, the specialty of the arrangement or machinery, and with the number of identical or yet more of similar and analogous instances, until it rises to a moral certainty — i. e., to a conviction which prac- tically we are as unable to resist as we are to deny the cogency of a mathematical demonstration. A single instance, or set of instances, of a comparatively simple arrangement -might suffice. For instance, we should DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. 71 not doubt that a pump was designed to raise water "by the moving of the handle. Of course, the conviction is the stronger, or at least the sooner arrived at, where we can imitate the arrangement, and ourselves produce the result at will, as we could with a pump, and also with the billiard-balls. And here I would suggest that your billiard-table, with the case of collision, answers well to a machine. In both a result is produced by indirection — by apply- ing a force out of line of the ultimate direction. And, as I should feel as confident that a man intended to raise water who was working a pump-handle, as if he were bringing it up in pailfuls from below by means of a ladder, so, after due examination of the billiard- table and its appurtenances, I should probably think it likely that the effect of the rebound was expected and intended no less than that of the immediate im- pulse. And a similar inspection of arrangements and results in E^ature would raise at least an equal pre- sumption of design. You allow that the rebound might have been in- tended, but you require proof that it was. ' We agree that a single such instance affords no evidence either way. But how would it be if you saw the men doing the same thing over and over ? and if they varied it by other arrangements of the balls or of the blow, and these were followed by analogous results? How if you at length discovered a profitable end of the opera- tion, say the winning of a wager ? So in the coun- terpart case of natural selection : must we not infer intention from the arrangements and the results? But I will take another case of the xerj same sort. 72 • DARWINIANA. tliongli simpler, and better adapted to illustrate natural selection ; because the change of direction — ^jour ne- cessity— acts gradually or successively, instead of ab- ruptly. Suppose I bit a man standing obliquely in my rear, by throwing forward a crooked stick, called a boome- rang. How could he know whether the blow was in- tentional or not ? But suppose I had been known to throw boomerangs before ; suppose that, on different occasions, I had before wounded persons by the same, or other indirect and apparently aimless actions ; and suppose that an object appeared to be gained in the result — that definite ends were attained — would it not at length be inferred that my assault, though indi- rect, or apparently indirect, was designed ? To make the case more nearly parallel with those it is brought to illustrate, you have only to suppose that, although the boomerang thrown by me went for- ward to a definite place, and at least appeared to sub- serve a purpose, and the bystanders, after a while, could get traces of the mode or the empirical law of its flight, yet they could not themselves do anything with it. It was quite beyond their power to use it. Would they doubt, or deny ^ny intention, on that account ? Ko : they would insist that design on my part must be presumed from the nature of the results; that, though design may have been wanting in any one case, yet the repetition of the result, and from different positions and under varied circumstances, showed that there must have been design. Moreover, in the way your case is stated, it seems to concede the most important half of the question. DESIGN VERSUS HEGESSITY, 73 and so affords a presumption for tlie rest, on tlie side of design. For you seem to assume an actor, a design- er, accomplishing his design in the first instance. You — a bystander — infer that the player effected his de- sign in sending the first ball to the pocket before him. You infer this from observation alone. Must you not from a continuance of the same observation equally infer a common design of the two players in the com- plex result, or a design of one of them to frustrate the design of the other ? . If you grant a designing actor, the presumption of design is as strong, or upon con- tinued observation of instances soon becomes as strong, in regard to the deflection of the balls, or variation of the species, as it was for the result of the first impulse or for the production of the original animal, etc. ■ But, in the case to be illustrated, we do not see the player. We see only the movement of the balls. ]^ow, if the contrivances and adaptations referred to (p. 229) really do " prove a designer as much as the palace or the watch proves an architect or a watch- maker " — as Paley and Bell argue, and as your skeptic admits, while the alternative is between design and chance — then they prove it with all the proof the case is susceptible of, and with complete conviction. For we cannot doubt that the watch had a watchmaker. And if they prove it on the supposition that the unseen operator acted immediately — i. e., that the player di- rectly impelled the balls in the directions we see them moving, I insist that this proof is not impaired by our ascertaining that he acted medlatehj — i. e., that the present state or form of the plants or animals, like the present position of the billiard-balls, resulted from 74: DARWIFIANA. the collision of the iDdividuals with one another, or with the surroundings. The original impulse, which we once supposed was in the line of the observed moYe- ment, only proves to have been in a different direc- tion ; but the series of movements took place with a series of results, each and all of them none the less determined, none the less designed. "Wherefore, when, at the close, you quote Laplace, that " the discoveries of science throw final causes far- ther back," the most you can mean is, that they con- strain us to look farther back for the impulse. They do not at all throw the argument for design farther back, in the sense of furnishing evidence or presump- tion that only the primary impulse was designed, and that all the rest followed from chance or necessity. Evidence of design, I think you will allow, every- where is drawn from the observation of adaptations and of results, and has really nothing to do with any- thing else, except where you can take the wo7xl for the will. And in that case you have not argument for design^ but testimony. In ISTature we have no testi- mony ; but the argument is overwhelming. Ilow, note that the argument of the olden time — that of Paley, etc., which your skeptic found so convincing — was always the argument for design in the movement of the balls after deflection. For it was drawn from animals produced by generation, not by creation, and through a long succession of generations or deflections. Wherefore, if the argument for design is perfect in the case of an animal derived from a long succession of individuals as nearly alike as offspring is generally like parents and grandparents, and if this argument is not DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. 75 weakened when a variation, or series or variations, has occurred in the course, as great as any variations we know of among domestic cattle, how then is it weak- ened by the supposition, or by the likelihood, that the variations have been twice or thrice as great as we for- merly supposed, or because the variations have been " picked out," and a few of them preserved as breeders of still other variations, by natural selection ? Finally let it be noted that your element of neoessity has to do, so far as we know, only with the picking out and preserving of certain changing forms, i. e., with the natural selection. This selection, you may say, must happen under the circumstances. This is a necessary result of the collision of the balls ; and these results can be predicted. If the balls strike so and so, they will be deflected so and so. But the variation itself is of the nature of an origination. It answers well to the original impulse of the balls, or to a series of such impulses. We cannot predict what particular new variation will occur from any observation of the past. Just as the first impulse was given to the balls at a point out of sight, so the inpulse which resulted in the variety or new form was given at a point beyond ob- servation, and is equally mysterious or unaccountable, except on the supposition of an ordaining will. The parent had not the peculiarity of the variety, the pro- geny has. Between the two is the dim or obscure region of the formation of a new individual, in some unknown part of which, and in some w^holly unknown w^ay, the difference is intercalated. To introduce necessity here is gratuitous and unscientific ; but here you must have it to make your argument valid. 76 DARWINIANA. I agree that, judging from tlie past, it is not im- probable that variation itself may be hereafter shown to resnlt from physical causes. When it is so shown, yon may extend your necessity into this region, but not till then. Bnt the whole course of scientific dis- covery goes to assure us that the discovery of the cause of variation will be only a resolution of varia- tion into two factors : one, the immediate secondary cause of the changes, which so far explains them ; the other, an unresolved or unexplained phenomenon, which will then stand just where the product, varia- tion, stands now, only that it will be one step nearer to the efficient cause. This line of argument appears to me so convincing, that I am bound to suppose that it does not meet your case. Although you introduced players to illustrate what design is, it is probable that you did not intend, and would not accept, the parallel which your supposed case suggested. When you declare that the proof of design in the eye and the hand, as given by Paley and Bell, was convincing, you meaUj of coui'se, that it was convincing, so long as the question was between design and chance, but that now another alternative is offered, one which obviates the force of those argu- ments, and may account for the actual results without design. I -do not clearly apprehend this third alter- native. Will you be so good, then, as to state the grounds upon which you conclude tliat the supposed proof of design from the eye, or the hand, as it stood before Darwin's theory was promulgated, would be invali- dated by the admission of this new theory ? DESIGN VEItSUS NECESSITY. 77 D. T. — As I have ever found you, in controversy, meeting the array of yonr opponent fairly and directly without any attempt to strike the body of his argument through an unguarded joint in the phraseology, I was somewhat surprised at the course taken in your answer to my statement on Darwin's theory. You there seem to suppose that I instanced the action of the billiard balls and players as a parallel, throughout, to the for- mation of the organic world. Had it occurred to me that such an application might be supposed to follow legitimately from my introduction of this action, I should certainly have stated that I did not intend, and should by no means accede to, that construction. My purpose in bringing the billiard-table upon the scene was to illustrate, by example, design and necessity^ as different and independent sources from which results, it might indeed be identical results, may be derived. All the conclusions, therefore, that you have arrived at through this misconception or misapplication of my illustration, I cannot take as an answer to the matter stated or intended to be stated by me. Again, follow- ing this misconception, you suppose the skeptic (in- stanced by me as revealing through the evidence of design, exhibited in the structure of the eye, for its designer, God) as bringing to the examination a belief in the existence of design in the construction of the animals as they existed up to the moment when the eye was, according to my supposition, added to the heart, stomach, brain, etc. By skeptic I, of course, intended one who doubted the existence of design in every organic structure, or at least required proof of such design. Kow, as the watch may be instanced as a 78 DARWINIANA. more complete exliibition of design than a flint knife or an hom'-glass, I selected, after the example of Paley, the eye, as exhibiting by its complex but harmonious arrangements a higher evidence of design and a de- signer than is to be f oimd in a nerve sensitive to light, or any mere rudimentary part or organ. I could not mean by skeptic one who believed in design so far as a claw, or a nerve sensitive to light, was concerned, but doubted all above. For one who believes in design at all will not fail to recognize it in a hand or an eye. But I need not extend these remarks, as you acknowl- edge in the sequel to your argument that you may not have suited it to the case as I had stated it. You now request me to " state the grounds upon which I conclude that the supposed proof of design from the eye and the hand, as it stood before Darwin's theory was promulgated, is invalidated by the admis- sion of that theory." It seems to me that a sufficient answer to this question has already been made in the last part of my former paper ; but, as you request it, I will go over the leading points as there given, with more minuteness of detail. Let us, then, suppose a skeptic, one who is yet con- sidering and doubting of the existence of God, having already concluded that the testimony from any and all revelation is insufficient, and having rejected what is called the a priori arguments brought forward in nat- ural theology, and pertinaciously insisted uj)on by Dr. Clark and others, turning as a last resource to the argu- ment from design in the organic world. Yoltaire tells him that a palace could not exist without an architect to design it. Dr. Paley tells him that a watch proves the DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY, 79 design of a watclimaker. He thinks this very reason- able, and, although he sees a difference between the works of ]^ature and those of mere human art, yet if he can find in any organic body, or part of a body, the same adaptation to its use that he finds in a watch, this truth will go very far toward proving, if it is not en- tirely conclusive, that, in making it, the powers of life by wdiich it grew were directed by an intelligent, reason- ing master. Under the guidance of Paley he takes an eye, which, although an optical, and not a mechanical instrument like the watch, is as well adapted to testify to design. He sees, first, that the eye is transparent when every other part of the body is opaque. Was this the result of a mere Epicurean or Lucretian " for- tuitous concourse " of living " atoms ? " He is not yet certain it might not be so. Next he sees that it is spherical, and that this convex form alone is capable of changing the direction of the light which proceeds from a distant bodv, and of collectinoj it so as to form a distinct image within its globe. ^^Text he sees at the exact place where this image must be formed a curtain of nerve-work, ready to receive and convey it, or excite from it, in its own mysterious way, an idea of it in the mind. Last of all, he comes to the crystalline lens. Now, he has before learned that without this lens an eye would by the aqueous and vitreous humors alone form an image upon the retina, but this image would be indistinct from the light not being sufiiciently refracted, and likewise from having a colored fringe round its edges. This last eSect is attributable to the refrangibility of hght, that is, to some of the colors being more refracted than others. He likewise knows 80 DARWmiANA. that more tlien a hundred years ago Mr. DoUond hav- ing found out, after many experiments, that some kinds of glass have the power of dispersing light, for each de- gree of its refraction, much more than other kinds, and that on the discovery of this fact he contrived to make telescopes in which he passed the light through two object-glasses successively, one of which he made of crown and one of flint glass, so ground and adapted to each other that the greater dispersion produced by the substance of one should be corrected by the smaller dis- persion of the other. This contrivance corrected entire- ly the colored images which had rendered all previous telescopes very imperfect. He finds in this invention all the elements of design, as it appeared in the thought and action of a human designer. First, conjecture of certain laws or facts in optics. Then, experiment proving these laws or facts. Then, the contrivance and formation of an instrument by which those laws or facts must produce a certain sought result. Thus enlightened, our skeptic tm^ns to his crystal- line lens to see if he can discover the work of a DoUond in this. Here he finds that an eye, having a crystalline lens placed between the humors, not only refracts the lio;ht more than it would be refracted bv the humors alone, but that, in this combination of humors and lens, the colors are as completely corrected as in the combination of Dollond's telescope. Can it be that there was no design, no designer, directing the powers of life in the formation of this wonderful organ ? Our skeptic is aware that, in the arts of man, great aid has been, sometimes, given by chance, that is, by the artist or workman observing some fortuitous DESiaiT VERSUS NECESSITY. 81 combination, form, or action, around liim. lie has heard it said that the chance arrangement of two pairs of spectacles, in the shop of a Dutch optician, gave the direction for constructing the first telescope. Possibly, in time, say a few geological ages, it might in some optician's shop have brought about a combination of flint and crown glass which, together, should have been achromatic. But the space between the humors of the eye is not an optician's shop where object-glasses of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, are placed by chance, in all manner of relations and positions. On the hypothesis under which our skeptic is making his examination — the eye having been completed in all but the formation of the lens — the place which the lens occupies when completed was filled with parts of the humors and plane membrane, homogeneous in texture and surface, presenting, therefore, neither the variety of the mate- rials nor forms which are contained in the optician's shop for chance to make its combinations with. How, then, could it be cast of a combination not before used, and fashioned to a shape different from that before known, and placed in exact combination wdth all the parts before enumerated, with many others not even mentioned ? He sees no parallelism of condition, then, by which chance could act in forming a crystalline lens, which answers to the condition of an optician's shop, where it might be possible in many ages for chance to combine existino: forms into an achromatic object-glass. Considering, therefore, the eje, thus completed and placed in its bony case and provided with its muscles, its lids, its tear-ducts, and all its other elaborate and 82 DARWINIANA. curious appendages, and, a tliousand times more won- derful still, without being encumbered with a single superfluous or useless part, can tie say that this could be the work of chance ? The miprobabilitj of this is so great, and consequently the evidence of design is so strong, that he is about to seal his verdict in favor of design, when he opens Mr. Darwin's book. There he finds that an eye is no more than a vital aggregation or growth, directed, not by design nor chance, but moulded by natural variation and natural selection, through which it must, necessarily, have been developed and formed. Particles or atoms being ag- gregated by the blind powers of life, must become under the given conditions, by natural variation and natural selection, eyes, without design, as certainly as the red billiard-ball went to the west pocket, by the powers of inertia and elasticity, without the design of the hand that put it in motion. [See Darwin, p. 169.) Let us lay before our skeptic the way in which we may suppose that Darwin would trace the operation of life, or the vital force conforming to these laws. In doing this we need not go through with the forma- tion of the several membranes, humors, etc., but take the crystalline lens as the most curious and nicely ar- ranged and adapted of all the parts, and as giving, moreover, a close parallel, in the end produced, to that produced by design, by a human designer, Dollond, in forming his achromatic object-glass.' If it can be shown that natural variation and natural selection were capable of forming the crystalline lens, it will not be denied that they were- capable of forming the iris, the sclerotica, the aqueous humors, or any and all LESION VERSUS NECESSITY. 83 the otlier parts. Suppose, tlieii, that we have a num- ber of animalsj with eyes yet wanting the crystalline. In this state the animals can see, but dimly and im- perfectly, as a man sees after having been couched. Some of the offspring of these animals have, by nat- ural variation^ merely a portion of the membrane which separates the aqueous from the vitreous humor a little thickened in its middle part, a little swelled out. This refracts the light a little more than it would be refracted by a membrane in which no such swell- ing existed, and not only so, but, in combination with the humors, it corrects the errors of dispersion and makes the image somewhat more colorless. All the young animals that have this swelled membrane see more distinctly than their parents or brethren. They, therefore, have an advantage over them in the struggle for life. They can obtain food more easily ; can find their prey, and escape from their enemies with great- er facility than their kindred. This thickening and rounding of the membrane goes on from generation to generation by natural variation; natural selection all the while "picking out with unerring skill all the improvements, through countless generations," until, at length it is found that the membrane has become a perfect crystalline lens. ISTow, where is the design in all this ? The membrane was not thickened and round- ed to the end that the image should be more distinct and colorless ; but, being thickened and rounded by the operation of natural variation, inherent in genera- tion, natural selection of necessity produced the result that we have seen. The same result was thus pro- duced of necessity.) in the eye, that Dollond came at, 84: DARWmiANA. in the telescope, with design, through painful guessing, reasoning, exj)erimenting, and forming. Suppose our skeptic to believe in all this power of natural selection ; will he now seal up his verdict for design, with the same confidence that he would be- fore he heard of Darwin ? If not, then " the supposed proof from design is invalidated bv Darwin's theory." A. G. — ^Waiving incidental points and looking only to the gist of the question, I remark that the argu- ment for design as against chance, in the formation of the eye, is most convincingly stated in your argument. Upon this and uj)on numerous similar arguments the whole question we are discussing turns. So, if the skeptic was about to seal his verdict in favor of design,, and a designer, when Darwin's book apj^eared, why should his verdict now be changed or withheld ? All the facts about the eye, which convinced him that the organ was designed, remain just as they were. His conviction was not produced through testimony or eye- witness, but design was irresistibly inferred from the evidence of contrivance in the eye itself. ITow, if the eye as it is,' or has become, so convin- cingly argued design, why not each particular step or part of this result ? If the -production af a perfect crystalline lens in the eye — you know not how — as much indicated design as did the production of a Dol- •lond achromatic lens — you understand how — then why does not " the swelling out " of a particular portion of the membrane behind the iris — caused you know not how — which, by '^ correcting the errors of dispersion and making the image somewhat more colorless," DESIGN VERSUS NECESSITY. -85 enabled the "young animals to see more distinctly than their parents or brethren," equally indicate design — if not as much as a perfect crystalline, or a Dollond compound lens, yet as much as a common spectacle- glass ? Darwin only assures you that what you may have thought was done directly and at once was done in- directly and successively. But you freely admit that indirection and succession do not invalidate design, and also that Paley and all the natural theologians drew the arguments which convinced your skeptic wholly from eyes indirectly or naturally produced. Recall a woman of a past generation and show her a web of cloth ; ask her how it was made, and she will say that the wool or cotton was carded, spun, and woven by hand. When you tell her it was not made by manual labor, that probably no hand has touched the materials throughout the process, it is possible that she might at first regard your statement as tan- tamount to the assertion that the cloth was made without design. If she did, she would not credit your statement. If you patiently explained to her the theory of carding -machines, spinning - jennies, and power-looms, would her reception of your ex- planation weaken her conviction that the cloth was the result of design ? It is certain that she would believe in design as firmly as before, and that this belief would be attended by a higher conception and reverent admiration of a wisdom, skill, and power • greatly beyond anything she had previously conceived possible. Wherefore, we may insist that, for all that yet 86 LAEWINIANA. ap|)earSj the argument for design, as presented by tlie natural theologians, is just as good now^ if we accept Darwin's theory, as it was before that theory was pro- mulgated ; and that the skeptical juryman, who was about to join the other eleven in a unanimous ver- dict in favor of design, finds no good excuse for keep- ing the court longer waiting/ \} To parry an adversary's thrust at a vulnerable part, or to show that it need not be fatal, is an incomplete defense. If the discussion had gone on, it might, perhaps, have been made to appear that the Darwinian hypothesis, so far from involving the idea of necessity (except in the sense that everything is of necessity), was based upon the opposite idea, that of contingency.] III. NATURAL SELECTION NOT INCONSISTENT WITH NATCEAL THEOLOGY. Atlantic Monthly fob July^ August, and October, 1860, eepkinted in 1861. I. !N"ovELTiES are enticing to most people; to ns tliey are simply annoying. We cling to a long-accepted theory, just as we cling to an old suit of clothes. A new theory, like a new pair of breeches (the Atlantio still affects the older type of nether garment), is sure to have hard-fitting places ; or, even when no particu- lar fault can be found with the article, it oppresses with a sense of general discomfort, l^ew notions and new styles worry us, till we get well used to them, which is. only by slow degrees. Wherefore, in Galileo's time, we might have helped to proscribe, or to burn — had he been stub- born enough to warrant cremation — even the great pioneer of inductive research; although, when we had fairly recovered our composure, and had leisurely excogitated the matter, we might have come to con- clude that the new doctrine was better than the old one, after all, at least for those who had notliing to unlearn. Such being our habitual state of mind, it may well 88 DARWIJSflANA. be believed that the perusal of tlie new book '' On the Origin of Species by Means of JSTatural Selection" left an uncomfortable impression, in spite of its plau- sible and winning ways. We were not wholly unpre- pared for it, as many of our contemporaries seem to have been. The scientific reading: in which we induls'e as a relaxation from severer studies had raised dim forebodings. Investigations about the succession of species in time, and their actual geographical distribu- tion over the earth's sui'f ace, were leading up from all sides and in various ways to the question of their origin. ]^ow and then we encoimtered a sentence, like Prof. Owen's " axiom of the continuous operation of the ordained becoming of living things," which haunted us like an apparition. For, dim as our con- ce]3tion must needs be as to what such oracular and grandiloquent phrases might really mean, we felt con- fident that they presaged no good to old beliefs. Foreseeing, yet deprecating, the coming time of trouble, we still hoped that, with some repairs and makeshifts, the old views might last out our days. Ai^res nous le deluge. Still, not to lag behind the rest of the world, we read the book in which the new theory is promulgated. "We took it up, like our neighbors, and, as was natural, in a somewhat captious frame of mind. Well, we found no cause of quarrel with the first chapter. Here the author takes us directly to the barn-yard and the kitchen-garden. Like an honorable rural member of our General Court, who sat silent mitil, near the close of a long session, a bill requiring all swine at large to wear pokes was introduced, when NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 89 he claimed the privilege of addressing the house, on the proper ground that he had been "brought up among the pigs, and knew all about them '^ — so we were brought up among cows and cabbages ; and the lowing of cattle, the cackle of hens, and the cooing of pigeons, were sounds native and pleasant to our ears. So " Yariation under Domestication " dealt with fa- miliar subjects in a natural way, and gently intro- duced " Yariation under JSTature," which seemed likely enough. Then follows " Struggle for Existence " — a principle which we experimentally know to be true and cogent — bringing the comfortable assurance, that man, even upon Leviathan Hobbes's theory of society, is no worse than the rest of creation, since all JSTature is at war, one species with another, and the nearer kindred the more internecine — bringing in thousand- fold confirmation and extension of the Malthusian doctrine that population tends far to outrun means of subsistence throughout the animal and vegetable world, and has to be kept down by sharp preventive checks ; so that not more than one of a hundred or a thousand of the individuals whose existence is so wonderfully and so sedulously provided for ever comes to anything, under ordinary circumstances ; so the lucky and the strong must prevail, and the weaker and ill-favored must perish ; and then follows, as naturally as one sheep follows another, the chapter on " l^atural Selection," Darwin's cheval de hataille, which is very much the l^apoleonic doctrine that Providence favors the sti'ong- est battalions — that, since manv more individuals are born than can possibly survive, those individuals and those variations which possess any advantage, however 90 DARWimANA. sliglit, over the rest, are in the long-run sure to sur- vive, to propagate, and to occupy the limited field, to the exclusion or destruction of the weaker brethren. All this we pondered, and could not much object to. In fact, we began to contract a liking for a system which at the outset illustrates the advantages of good breeding, and which makes the most " of every creat- ure's best." Could we " let by-gones be by-gones," and, begin- ning now, go on improving and diversifying for the future by natural selection, could we even take up the theory at the introduction of the actually existing species, we should be well content ; and so, perhaps, would most naturalists be. It is by no means difficult to believe that varieties are incipient or possible spe- cies, when we see what trouble naturalists, especially botanists, have to distinguish between them — one re- garding as a true species what another regards as a variety ; when the progress of knowledge continually increases, rather than diminishes, the number of doubtful instances ; and when there is less agreement than ever among naturalists as to what, is the basis in ^Nature upon which our idea of species reposes, or how the word is to be defined. Indeed, when we consider the endless disputes of naturalists and ethnologists over the human races, as to whether they belong to one species or to more, and, if to more, whether to three, or five, or fifty, we can hardly help fancying that both may be right — or rather, that the uni-humani- tarians would have been right many thousand years ago, and the multi-humanitarians will be several thou- sand years later ; while at present the safe thing to NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 91 say is, that probably tliere is some truth on both sides. " ISTatural selection," Darwin remarks, " leads to divergence of character ; for the more living beings can be supported on the same area, the more they diverge in structm-e, habits, and constitution" (a principle which, by-the-way, is paralleled and illustrated by the diversification of human labor) ; and also leads to much extinction of intermediate or unimproved forms. !Now, though this divergence may " steadily tend to increase," yet this is evidently a slow process in ]N"ature, and liable to much counteraction wherever man does not interpose, and so not likely to work much harm for the future. And if natural selection, with artificial to help it, will produce better animals and better men than the present, and fit them better " to the condi- tions of existence," why, let it work, say we, to the top of its bent. There is still room enough for im- provement. Only let us hope that it always works for good : if not, the divergent lines on Darwin's litho- graphic diagram of " Transmutation made Easy," omi- nously show what small deviations from the straight path may come to in the end. The prospect of the future, accordingly, is on the whole pleasant and encouraging. It is only the back- ward glance, the gaze up the long vista of the past, that reveals anything alarming. Here the lines con- verge as they recede into the geological ages, and point to conclusions which, upon the theory, are inevitable, but hardly welcome. The very first step backward makes the negro and the Hottentot our blood-rela- tions— not that reason or Scripture objects to that, 92 DARWINIANA. tliougli pride may. The next suggests a closer asso- ciation of oui' ancestors of the olden time with " our poor relations " of the quadrumanous family than we like to acknowledge. Fortunately, however — even if we must account for him scientifically — man with his two feet stands upon a foundation of his own. Inter- mediate links between the Bimana and the Quadru- mana are lacking altogether ; so that, put the gene- alogy of the brutes upon what footing you will, the four-handed races will not serve for our forerunners — at least, not until some monkey, live or fossil, is producible with great-toes, instead of thumbs, upon his nether extremities ; or until some lucky geologist turns up the bones of his ancestor and prototype in France or England, who was so busy "napping the chuckie-stanes" and chipping out flint knives and arrow-heads in the time of the drift, very many ages ago — before the British Channel existed, says Lyell ^ — and until these men of the olden time are shown to have worn their great-toes in the divergent and thumb- like fashion. That would be evidence indeed: but, until some testimony of the sort is produced, we must needs believe in the separate and special creation of man, however it may have been with the lower ani- mals and with plants. ]^o doubt, the full development and symmetry of Darwin's hypothesis strongly suggest the evolution of * Vide " Proceedings of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science," 1859, and London Aihenceicm, passim. It appears to be conceded that these " celts " or stone knives are artificial pro- ductions, and apparently of the age of the mammoth, the fossil rhi- noceros, etc. NATURAL SELECTIOJS-, ETC. 93 the human no less than the lower animal races out of some simple primordial animal — that all are equally " lineal descendants of some few beings which lived long before the first bed of the Silurian system w^as deposited." But, as the author speaks disrespectfully of spontaneous generation, and accepts a supernatural beginning of life on earth, in some form or forms of being which included potentially all that have since existed and are yet to be, he is thereby not warranted to extend his inferences beyond the evidence, or the fair probability. There seems as great likelihood that one special origination should be followed by another upon fitting occasion (such as the introduction of man), as that one form should be transmuted into another upon fitting occasion, as, for instance, in the succession of species which differ from each, other only in some details. To compare small things with great in a homely illustration : man alters from time to time his instruments or machines, as new circumstances or con- ditions may require and his wit suggest. Minor altera- tions and improvements he adds to the machine he possesses ; he adapts a new rig or a new rudder to an old boat : this answers to Yay^iation. " Like begets like," being the great rule in l^ature, if boats could engender, the variations would doubtless be propa- gated, like those of domestic cattle. In course of time the old ones would be worn out or wrecked ; the best sorts would be chosen for each particular use, and further improved upon ; and so the primordial boat be developed into the scow, the skiff, the sloop, and other species of water-craft — the very diversification, as well as the successive improvements, entailing the 94 DARWINIANA. disappearance of intermediate forms, less adapted to any one jDarticular purpose ; wherefore these go slowly out of use, and become extinct species : this is Natu- ral Selection. I^ow, let a great and important advance be made, like that of steam navigation : here, though the engine might be added to the old vessel, yet the wiser and therefore the actual way is to make a new vessel on a modified plan : this may answer to SpecijiG Creation. Anyhow, the one does not necessarily ex- clude the other. Yariation and natural selection may play their part, and so may specific creation also. Why not ? This leads us to ask for the reasons which call for this new theory of transmutation. The beginning of things must needs lie in obscurity, beyond the bounds of proof, though within those of conjecture or of ana- logical inference. Why not hold fast to the customary view, that all species were directly, instead of indi- rectly, created after their respective kinds, as we now behold them — and that in a manner which, passing our comprehension, we intuitively refer to the super- natural ? Why this continual striving after " the un- attained and dim % " why these anxious endeavors, especially of late years, by naturalists and philosophers of various schools and different tendencies, to pene- trate what one of them calls " that mystery of mys- teries," the origin of species ? To this, in general, sufficient answer maybe found in the activity of the human intellect, " the delirious yet divine desire to know," stimulated as it has been by its own success in unveiling the laws and process- es of inorganic l^ature ; in the fact that the principal NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 95 triumplis of onr age in physical science have consisted in tracing connections where none were known before, in reducing heterogeneous phenomena to a common cause or origin, in a manner quite analogous to that of the reduction of supposed independently originated species to a common ultimate origin — thus, and in various other ways, largely and legitimately extending the domain of secondary causes. Surely the scientific mind of an age which contemplates the solar system as evolved from a common revolving fluid mass — which, through experimental research, has come to re- gard light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemical aflin- ity, and mechanical power as varieties or derivative and convertible forms of one force, instead of inde- pendent species — which has brought the so-called ele- mentally kinds of matter, such as the metals, into kindred groups, and pertinently raised the question, whether the members of each group may not be mere varieties of one species — and which speculates steadily in the direction of the ultimate unity of matter, of a sort of prototype or simple element which may be to the ordinary species of matter what the Protozoa or what the component cells of an organism are to the higher sorts of animals and plants — the mind of such an age cannot be expected to let the old belief about species pass unquestioned. It will raise the question, how the diverse sorts of plants and animals came to be as they are and where they are, and will allow that the whole inquiry transcends its powers only when all endeavors have failed. Granting the origin to be supernatural, or miraculous even, will not arrest the inquiry. All real origination, the philosophers will 96 DARWINIANA. saj, is supernatural ; their very question is, whether we have yet gone back to the origin, and can affirm that the present forms of plants and animals are the primordial, the miraculously created ones. And, even if they admit that, they will still inquire into the order of the phenomena, into the form of the miracle. You might as well expect the child to grow up content with what it is told about the advent of its infant brother. Indeed, to learn that the new-comer is the gift of God, far from lulling inquiry, only stimulates speculation as to how the precious gift was bestowed. That questioning child is father to the man — is phi- losopher in short-clothes. Since, then, questions about the origin of species will be raised, and have been raised — and since the theorizings, however different in particulars, all pro- ceed upon the notion that one species of plant or animal is somehow derived from another, that the dif- ferent sorts which now flourish are lineal (or unlineal) descendants of other and earlier sorts — it now con- cerns us to ask. What are the grounds in ISTature, the admitted facts, which suggest hjqDotheses of derivation in some shape or other ? Reasons there must be, and plausible ones, for the persistent recurrence of theories upon this genetic basis. A study of Darwin's book, and a general glance at the present state of the natm^al sciences, enable us to gather the following as among the most suggestive and influential. We can only enumerate them here, without much indication of their particular bearing. There is — 1. The general fact of variability, and the general tendency of the variety to propagate its like — ^the NATURAL SELECTION, ETC, 97 patent facts tliat all species vary more or less ; tliat domesticated plants and animals, being in conditions favorable to the production and preservation of varie- ties, are apt to vary widely ; and that, by interbreed- ing, any variety may be fixed into a race, that is, into a variety which comes trne from seed. Many such races, it is allowed, differ from each other in structure and appearance as wfdely as do many admitted species ; and it is practically very difficult, even impossible, to draw a clear line between races and species. Witness the human races, for instance. Wild species also vary, perhaps about as widely as those of domestication, though in different ways. Some of them apparently vary little, others moderately, others immodei-ately, to the great bewilderment of systematic botanists and zoologists, and increasing disagreement as to whether various forms shall be held to be original species or strong varieties. Moreover, the degree to which the descendants of the same stock, varying in different di- rections, may at length diverge, is unknown. All we know is, that varieties are themselves variable, and that very diverse forms have been educed from one stock. 2. Species of the same genus are not distinguished from each other by equal amounts of difference. There is diversity in this respect analogous to that of the varieties of a polymorphous species, some of them slight, others extreme. And in large genera the un- equal resemblance shows itself in the clustering of the species around several types or central species, like- satellites around their respective planets. Ob- viously suggestive this of the hypothesis that they were satellites, not thrown off by revolution, like the 98 DARWimANA. moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and onr own solitary moon, but gradually and peacefully detached by divergent variation. That such, closely-related species may be only varieties of higher grade, earlier origin, or more favored evolution, is not a very violent supposition. Anyhow, it was a supposition sure to be made. 3. The actual geographical distribution of species upon the earth's surface tends to suggest the same notion. For, as a general thing, all or most of the species of a peculiar genus or other type are grouped in the same country, or occupy continuous, proximate, or accessible areas. So well does this rule hold, so general is the implication that kindred species are or were associated geographically, that most trustworthy naturalists, quite free from hypotheses of transmuta- tion, are constantly inferring former geographical continuity between parts of the world now widely disjoined, in order to account thereby for certain generic similarities among their inhabitants; just as philologists infer former connection of races, and a parent language, to account for generic similarities among existing languages. Yet no scientific explana- tion has been offei'ed to account for the geographical association of kindred species, except the hypothesis of a common origin. 4. Here the fact of the antiquity of creation, and in particular of the present kinds of the earth's inhab- itants, or of a large part of them, comes in to rebut the objection that there has not been time enough for any marked diversification of living things through divergent variation — not time enough for varieties to have diverged into what we call species. NATURAL SELECTION, ETG. 99 So long as tlie existing species of plants and ani- mals were tlioiight to have originated a few thousand years ago, and without predecessors, there was no room for a theory of derivation of one sort from an- other, nor time enough even to account for the estab- lishment of the races which are generally believed to have diverged from a common stock. Not so much that ^YQ or six thousand years was a short allowance for this ; but because some of our familiar domesti- cated varieties of grain, of fowls, and of other animals, were pictured and mummified by the old Egyptians more than half that number of years ago, if not ear- lier. Indeed, perhaps the strongest argument for the original plurality of human species was drawn from the identification of some of the present races of men upon these early historical monuments and records. But this very extension of the current chronology, if we may rely upon the archaeologists, removes the difliculty by opening up a longer vista. So does the discovery in Europe of remains and implements of prehistoric races of men, to whom the use of metals was unknown — men of the stone age, as the Scandina- vian archseologists designate them. And now, " axes and knives of flint, evidently wrought by human skill, are found in beds of the drift at Amiens (also in other places, both in France and England), associated with the bones of extinct species of animals." These implements, indeed, were noticed twenty years ago; at a place in Suffolk they have been exhumed from time to time for more than a century; but the fnll confirmation, the recognition of the age of the deposit in which the implements occur, their abundance, and 100 DARWINIANA. the appreciation of tlieir bearings upon most interest- ing questions, belong to tbe present time. To complete the connection of these primitive people with the fossil ages, the French geologists, we are told, have now " found these axes in Picardj associated with re- mains of .Elejyhas jp7nmigenius^ Rhinoceros tichoj'hi- nuSy EqiiiLS fossilis^ and an extinct species of Bos^ ^ In plain language, these workers in flint lived in the time of the mammoth, of a rhinoceros now extinct, and along with horses and cattle unlike any now existing — specifically different, as naturalists say, from those with which man is now associated. Their connection with existing human races may perhaps be traced through the intervening people of the stone age, who were succeeded by the people of the bronze age, and these by workers in iron.'' I^ow, various evidence carries back the existence of many of the present low- er species of animals, and probably of a larger nimiber of plants, to the same drift period. All agree that this was very many thousand years ago. Agassiz tells us that the same species of polyps which are now building coral walls around the present peninsula of Florida actually made that peninsula, and have been building there for many thousand centuries. 5. The overlapping of existing and extinct species, and the seemingly gradual transition of the life of the drift period into that of the present, may be turned to 1 See " Correspondence of M. Nickles," in American Journal of Sci- ence and Arts, for March, 1860. 2 See Morlot, " Some General Views on Archaeology," in American Journal of Science and Arts, for January, 1860, translated from " Bul- letin de la Society Vaudoise," 1859. NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 101 tlie same account. Mammoths, mastodons, and Irish elks, now extinct, must have lived down to human, if not almost to historic times. Perhaps the last dodo did not long outlive his huge ISTew Zealand kindred. The auroch, once the companion of mammoths, still smwives, but owes his present and precarious existence to man's care. J^ow, nothing that we know of forbids the hypothesis that some new species have been inde- pendently and supernaturally created within the period which other species have survived. Some may even believe that man was created in the days of the mam- moth, became extinct, and was recreated at a later date. But why not say the same of the auroch, contempo- rary both of the old man and of the new ? Still it is more natural, if not inevitable, to infer that, if the aurochs of that olden time were the ancestors of the aurochs of the Lithuanian forests, so likewise were the men of that age the ancestors of the present human races. Then, whoever concludes that these primitive makers of rude flint axes and knives were the ancestors of the better workmen of the succeeding stone age, and these again of the succeeding artificers in brass and iron, will also be likely to sujDpose that the Eqxtus and Bos of that time, different though they be, were the remote progenitors of our own horses and cattle. In all candor we must at least concede that sucn consid- erations suggest a genetic descent from the drift period down to the present, and allow time enough — if time is of any account — for variation and natural selection to work out some appreciable results in the way of diver- gence into races, or even into so-called species. What- ever might have been thought, when geological time 102 DARWINIANA. was supposed to be separated from the present era by a clear line, it is now certain that a gradual replace- ment of old forms by new ones is' strongly suggestive of some mode of origination which may still be opera- tive. When species, like individuals, were found to die out one by one, and apparently to come in one by one, a theory for what Owen sonorously calls "the continuous operation of the ordained becoming of liv- ing things " could not be far off. That all such theories should take the form of a derivation of the new from the old seems to be inevi- table, perhaps from our inability to conceive of any other line of secondary causes in this connection. Owen himself is apparently in travail with some trans- mutation theory of his own conceiving, which may yet see the light, although Darwin's came first to the birth. Different as the two theories will probably be, they cannot fail to exhibit that fundamental re- semblance in this respect which betokens a commu- nity of origin, a common foundation on the general facts and the obvious suggestions of modern science. Indeed — to turn the point of a pungent simile directed against Darwin — the difference between the Darwin- ian and the Owenian hypotheses may, after all, be only that between homoeopathic and heroic doses of • the same drug. If theories of derivation could only stop here, con- tent with explaining the diversification and succession of species between the tertiary period and the present tune, through natural agencies or secondary causes still in operation, we fancy they would not be generally or violently objected to by the savants of the present NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 103 day. But it is liard, if not impossible, to find a stop- ping-place. Some of tlie facts or accepted conclusions already referred to, and several others, of a more gen- eral cliaracter, wliicli must be taken into tlie account, impel the theory onward with accumulated force. Viy^es (not to say vii'us) acquirit eundo. The theory hitches on wonderfully well to Lyell's uniformitarian theory in geology — that the thing that has been is the thing that is and shall be — that the natural operations now going on will account for all geological changes in a quiet and easy way, only give them time enough, so connecting the present and the proximate with the farthest past by almost imperceptible gradations — a view which finds large and increasing, if not general, acceptance in physical geology, and of which Darwin's theory is the natural complement. So the Darwinian theory, once getting a foothold, marches boldly on, follows the supposed near ances- tors of our present species farther and yet farther back into the dim past, and ends with aij analogical infer- ence which " makes the whole world kin." As we said at the beginning, this upshot discomposes us. Several features of the theory have an uncanny look. They may prove to be innocent : but their first aspect is suspi- cious, and high authorities pronounce the whole thing to be positively mischievous. In this dilemma we are going to take advice. Following the bent of our preju- dices, and hoping to fortify these by new and strong arguments, we are going now to read the principal reviews which undertake to demolish the theory — with what result our readers shall be duly informed. 104 DARWINIANA. II. " I can entertain no doubt, after the most deliberate study and dispassionate judgment of which I am capable, that the view which most naturalists entertain, and which I formerly entertained, namely, that each species has been independently created, is erroneous. I am fully convinced that species are not immutable ; but that those belonging to what are called the same genera are lineal descendants of some other and generally extinct species, in the same manner as the acknowledged varie- ties of any one species are the descendants of that species. Furthermore, I am convinced that itfatural Selection has been the main, but not exclusive, means of modification." This is the kernel of the new theory, the Dar- winian creed, as recited at the close of the introduc- tion to the remarkable book under consideration. The questions, " What will he do with it ? " and " How far will he carry it ? " the author answers at the close of the volume : " I cannot doubt that the theory of descent with modifica- tion embraces all the.merabers of the same class." Furthermore, "I believe that all animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors, and plants from an equal or lesser number." Seeing that analogy as strongly suggests a further step in the same direction, while he protests that " analogy may be a deceitful guide," yet he follows its inexorable leading to the inference that — "Probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed." * • * Page 484, English edition. In the new American edition {vide Supplement, pp. 431, 432) the principal analogies which suggest the NATURAL SELEGTIOF, ETC. 105 In tlie first extract we liave the tliin end of tlie wedge driven' a little way ; in the last, the wedge driven home. We have already sketched some of the reasons suggestive of such a theory of derivation of species, reasons which gave it plausibility, and even no small probability, as applied to our actual world and to changes occui'ring since the latest tertiary period. We are well pleased at this moment to find that the conclusions we were arriving at in this respect are sustained by the very high authority and impartial judgment of Pictet, the Swiss paleontologist. In his review of Darwin's book * — the fairest and most ad- mirable opposing one that has appeared — he freely accepts that ensenible of natural operations which Darwin impersonates under the now familiar name of l^atural Selection, allows that the eiq^osition throughout the first chapters seems " a la fois jyt'u- dent et fort^'' and is disposed to accept the whole argument in its foundations, that is, so far as it re- lates to what is now going on, or has taken place in the present geological period — which period he car- ries i)ack through the diluvial epoch to the borders of the tertiary.^ Pictet accordingly admits that the extreme view are referred to, and the remark is appended : "But this inference is chiefly grounded on analogy, and it is immaterial whether or not it be accepted. The case is different with the members of each great class, as the Vertebrata or Articulata ; for here we have in the laws of homology, embryology, etc, some distinct evidence that all have descended from a single primordial parent." ^ In Biblioiheque Universelle de Geneve^ March, 1860. ^ This we learn from his very interesting article, " De la Question 106 DARWIFIANA. tlieoiy will very well account for the origination by divergence of nearly-related species, whether within the present period or in remoter geological times ; a very natural view for him to take, since he appears to have reached and published, several years ago, the pregnant conclusion that there most probably was some material connection between the closely-related species of two successive faunas, and that the numer- ous close species, whose limits are so difficult to de- termine, were not all created distinct and indepen- dent. But while thus accepting, or ready to accept, the basis of Darwin's theory, and all its legitimate direct inferences, he rejects the ultimate conclusions, brings some weighty arguments to bear against them, and is evidently convinced that he can draw ii clear line between the sound inferences, which he favors, and the unsound or unwarranted theoretical deduc- tions, which he rejects. We hope he can. This raises the question, Why does Darwin press his theory to these extreme conclusions ? Why do all hypotheses of derivation converge so inevitably to one ultimate point ? Having already considered some of the reasons w^hich suggest or support the theory at its outset — which may carry it as far as such sound and experienced naturalists as Pictet allow that it may be true — perhaps as far as Darwin himself unfolds it in the introductory proposition cited at the begin- ning of this article — we may now inquire after the de I'Homme Fossile," in the same (March) number of the Bihliotheque Universeile. {See, also, the same author's " Note sur la Periode Qua- ternaire ou Diluvienne, consideree dans ses Kapports avec I'Epoque Actuelle," in the number for August, 1860, of the same periodical.) NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 107 motives which impel the theorist so much farther. Here proofs, in the proper sense of the word, are not to be had. "We are beyond the region of demonstra- tion, and have only probabilities to consider. What are these probabilities? What work will this hy- pothesis do to establish a claim to be adopted in its completeness % Why should a theory which may plausibly enough ' account for the diversification of the species of each special type or genus be expanded into a general system for the origination or successive diversification of all species, and all special types or forms, from four or five remote primordial forms, or perhaps from one \ We accept the theory of gravi- tation because it explains all the facts we know, and bears all the tests that we can put it to. We inchne to accept the nebular hypothesis, for similar reasons ; not because it is proved — thus far it is incapable of ;proof — but because it is a natural theoretical deduction from accepted physical laws, is thoroughly congruous with the facts, and because its assumption serves to connect and harmonize these into one probable and consistent whole. Can the derivative hypothesis be maintained and carried out into a system on similar grounds ? If so, however unproved, it would appear to be a tenable hypothesis, which is all that its author ought now to claim. Such hypotheses as, from the conditions of the case, can neither be proved nor dis- proved by direct evidence or experiment, are to be tested only indirectly, and therefore imperfectly, by trying their power to harmonize the known facts, and to account for what is otherwise unaccountable. So the question comes to this : AVhat will an hypothesis 108 DARWmiANA. of tlie derivation of species explain which tlie opjDos- ing view leaves nnexplainecl ? Questions these which ought to be entertained before we take up the arguments which have been advanced against this theory. "We can barely glance at some of the considerations which Darwin adduces,. or will be sure to adduce in the future and fuller exposition which is promised. To display them in such wise as to indoctrinate the unscientific reader would require a volume. Merely to refer to them in the- most general terms would sufiice for those familiar with scientific matters, but would scarcely enlighten those who are not. Wherefore let these trust the im- partial Pictet, who freely admits that, "in the absence of sufficient direct proofs to justify the possibility of his hypothesis, Mr. Darwin relies upon indirect proofs, the bearing of which is real and incontestable ; " who concedes that " his theory accords very well with the great facts of comparative anatomy and zoology — comes in admirably to explain unity of composition of organisms, also to explain rudimentary and representa- tive organs, and the natui'al series of genera and species — equally corresponds with many paleontological data — agrees well with the specific resemblances which exist between two successive faunas, with the parallelism which is sometimes observed between the series of paleontological succession and of embryonal develop- ment," etc. ; and finally, although he does not accept the theory in these results, he allows that " it appears to offer the best means of explaining the manner in which organized beings were produced in epochs an- terior to our own." NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 109 What more than this could be said for such an hypothesis? Here, probably, is its charm, and its strong hold upon the speculative mind. Unproven though it be, and Q^m^o^xo^^ jyi'ima facie with cumula- tive improbabilities as it proceeds, yet it singularly accords with great classes of facts otherwise insulated and enigmatic, and explains many things which are thus far utterly inexplicable upon any other scientific assumption. We have said that Darwin's hypothesis is the natu- ral complement to Lyell's uniformitarian theory in physical geology. It is for the organic world what that is for the inorganic ; and the accepters of the latter stand in a position from which to regard the former in the most favorable light. Wherefore the rumor that the cautions Lyell himself has adopted the Darwinian hypothesis need not surprise us. The two views are made for each other, and, like the two counterpart pic- tm-es for the stereoscope, when brought together, com- bine into one apparently solid whole. If we allow, with Pictet, that Darwin's theory will very well serve for all that concerns the present epoch of the world's history — an epoch in which this renowned paleontologist includes the diluvial or quaternary period — then Darwin's first and foremost need in his onward course is a practicable road from this into and through the tertiary period, the interven- ing region between the comparatively near and the far remote past. Here Lyell's doctrine paves the way, by showing that in the physical geology there is no general or absolute break between the two, probably no greater between the latest tertiary and the quater- 110 DARWmiANA. naiy period than between tlie latter and the present time. So far, the Lyellian view is, we suppose, gen- erally concurred in. It is largely admitted that nu- merous tertiary species have continued down into the quaternary, and many of them to the present time. A goodly percentage of the earlier and nearly half of the later tertiary moUusca, according to Des Hayes, Lyell, and, if we mistake not, Bronn, still live. This identifi- cation, however, is now^ questioned by a naturalist of the very highest authority. But, in its bearings on the new theory, the point here turns not upon absolute identity so much as upon close resemblance. For those who, with Agassiz, doubt the specific identity in any of these cases, and those who say, with Pictet, that "the later tertiary deposits contain in general the debris of species i^ery nearly related to those which still exist, belonging to the same genera, but specifically different," may also agree with Pictet, that the nearly- related species of successive faunas must or may have had " a material connection." But the only material connection that we have an idea of in such a case is a genealogical one. And the supposition of a genealogi- cal connection is surely not unnatural in such cases — is demonstrably the natural one as respects all those tertiary species which experienced naturalists have pronounced to be identical with existing ones, but which others now deem distinct. For to identify the two is the same thing as to conclude the one to be the ancestor of the other. No doubt there are differences between the tertiary and the present individuals, differ- ences equally noticed by both classes of naturalists, but differently estimated. By the one these are deemed NATURAL SELECTION-, ETC. \l\ quite compatible, b j the other incompatible, with, com- munity of origin. But who can tell us what amount of difference is com.jMtihle with community of origin f This is the very question at issue, and one to be settled by observation alone. Who would have thought that the peach and the nectarine came from one stock? But, this being j)roved, is it now very improbable that both were derived from the almond, or from some common amygdaline progenitor? "Who would have thought that the cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, and kohlrabi, are derivatives of one species, and rape or colza, turnip, and probably ruta-baga, of another species ? And who that is convinced of this can long undoubtingly hold the original distinctness of turnips from cabbages as an article of faith? On scientific grounds may not a primordial cabbage or rape be as- sumed as the ancestor of all the cabbage races, on much the same ground that we assume a common ancestry for the diversified human races ? If all our breeds of cattle came from one stock, why not this stock from the auroch, which has had all the time between the diluvial and the historic periods in which to, set off a variation perhaps no greater than the difference be- tween some sorts of domestic cattle ? That considerable differences are often discernible between tertiary individuals and their supposed de- scendants of the present day affords no argument against Darwin's theory, as has been rashly thought, but is decidedly in its favor. If the identification were so perfect that no more differences were ob- servable between the tertiary and the recent shells than between various individuals of either, then Dar- 112 DARWimAI^A. win's opponents, who argue the immutability of species from the ibises and cats preserved by the ancient Eg}^3tians being just like those of the present day, could triumphantly add a few hundred thousand years more to the length of the experiment and to the force of their argument. As the facts stand, it appears that, while some ter- tiary forms are essentially undistinguishable from ex- isting ones, others are the same with a difference, which is judged not to be specific or aboriginal ; and yet others show somewhat greater differences, such as are scientifically expressed by calling them marked varieties, or else doubtful species; while others, dif- fering a little more, are confidently termed distinct, but nearly-related species. Now, is not all this a question of degree, of mere gradation of difference? And is it at all likely that these several gradations came to be established in two totally different ways — some of them (though naturalists can't agree which) through natural variation, or other secondary cause, and some by original creation, without secondary cause ? We have seen that the judicious Pictet an- swers such questions as Darwin would have him do, in affirming that, in all probability, the nearly-related species of two successive faunas were materially con- nected, and that contemporaneous species, similarly resembling each other, were not all created so, but have become so. This is equivalent to saying that species (using the term as all naturalists do, and must continue to employ the word) have only a relative, not an absolute fixity ; that differences fully equiva- lent to what are held to be specific may arise in the NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. II3 course of time, so tliat one species may at length, be naturally replaced by another species a good deal like it, or may be diversified into two, three, or more species, or forms as different as species. This con- cedes all that Darwin has a right to ask, all that he can directly infer from evidence. We must add that it affords a locus standi^ more or less tenable, for in- f ening more. Here another geological consideration comes in to help on this inference. The species of the later ter- • tiary period for the most part not only resembled those of our days — many of them so closely as to sug- gest an absolute continuity — but also occupied in gen- eral the same regions that their relatives occupy now. The same may be said, though less specially, of the earlier tertiary and of the later secondary; but there is less and less localization of forms as we recede, yet some localization even in palgeozoic times. While in the secondary period one is struck with the similarity of forms and the identity of many of the species which flourished apparently at the same time in all or in the most widely-separated parts of the world, in the tertiary epoch, on the contrary, along with the increasing specialization of climates and their approxi- mation to the present state, we find abundant evi- dence of increasing localization of orders, genera, and species ; and this localization strikingly accords with the present geographical distribution of the same groups of species. Where the imputed forefathers lived, their relatives and supposed descendants now flourish. All the actual classes of the animal and vegetable kingdoms were represented in the tertiary 114 BARWmiANA. faunas and floras, and in nearly the same propoi-tions and the same diversities as at present. The faunas of what is now Europe, Asia, America, and Australia, differed from each other much as they now differ : in fact — according to Adolphe Brongniart, whose state- ments we here condense^ — the inhabitants of these different regions appear for the most part to have ac- quired, before the close of the tertiary period, the characters which essentially distinguish their existing faunas. The Eastern Continent had then, as now, its great pachyderms, elephants, rhinoceros, hippopota- mus; South America, its armadillos, sloths, and ant- eaters ; Australia, a crowd of marsupials ; and the very strange birds of New Zealand had predecessors of simi- lar strangeness. Everywhere the same geographical distribution as now, with a difference in the particular area, as respects the northern portion of the continents, answering to a warmer climate then than ours, such as allowed species of hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and elephant, to range even to the regions now inhabited by the reindeer and the musk-ox, and with the seri- ous disturbing intervention of the glacial period with- in a comparatively recent time. Let it be noted also that those tertiary species which have continued with little change down to our days are the marine animals of the lower grades, especially moUusca. Their low organization, moderate sensibility, and the simple con- ditions of an existence in a medium like the ocean, not subject to great variation and incapable of sudden change, may well account for their continuance; while, on the other hand, the more intense, however ^ In Compfes Rendus, Academie des Sciences, February 2, 1857. NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. II5 gradual, climatic vicissitudes on land, which have driven all tropical and subtropical forms out of the higher latitudes and assigned to them their actual limits, would be almost sure to extinguish such huge and unwieldy animals as mastodons, mammoths, and the like, whose power of enduring altered circum- stances must have been small. This general replacement of the tertiary species of a country by others so much like them is a note- worthy fact. The hypothesis of the independent creation of all species, irrespective of their antece- dents, leaves this fact just as mysterious as is creation itself ; that of derivation undertakes to account for it. Whether it satisfactorily does so or not, it must be allowed that the facts well accord with that hypothe- sis. The same may be said of another conclusion, namely, that the geological succession of animals and plants appears to correspond in a general way with their relative standing or rank in a natural system of classification. It seems clear that, though no one of the grand tijjpes of the animal kingdom can be traced back farther than the rest, yet the lower classes long preceded the higher; that there has been on the whole a steady progression within each class and order ; and that the highest plants and animals have appeared only in relatively modern times. It is only, however, in a broad sense that this generalization is now thought to hold good. It encounters many ap- parent exceptions, and sundry real ones. So far as the rule holds, all is as it should be upon an hypothe- sis of derivation. The rule has its exceptions. But, curiously enough, IIG DAEWINIANA. ■ tlie most striking class of exceptions, if sncli tliey be, seems to ns even more favorable to tlie doctrine of derivation than is the general rule of a pm-e and sim- ple ascending gradation. We refer to what Agassiz calls proplietic and sjnitlietic types; for whicli the former name may suffice, as the difference between the two is evanescent. "It has been noticed," writes our great zoologist, " that cer- tain types, which are frequently prominent among the repre- sentatives of past ages, combine in their structure peculiarities which at later periods are only observed separately in different, distinct types. Sauroid fishes before reptiles, Pterodactyles be- fore birds, Ichthyosauri before dolphins, etc. There are entire families, of nearly every class of animals, which in the state of their perfect development exemplify such prophetic rela- tions. . . . The sauroid fisbes of the past geological ages are an example of this kind. These fishes, which preceded the ap- pearance of reptiles, present a combination of ichthyic and reptilian characters not to be found in the true members of this class, which form its bulk at present. The Pterodactyles, which preceded the class of birds, and the Ichthyosauri, which pre- ceded the Cetacea, are other examples of such prophetic types." — (Agassiz, " Contributions, Essay on Classification," p. 117.) Now, these reptile-like fishes, of which gar-pikes are the living representatives, thongh of earlier ap- pearance, are admittedly of higher rank than common fishes. They dominated nntil reptiles appeared, when they mostly gave place to (or, as the derivationists will insist, were resolved by divergent variation and natural selection into) common fishes, destitute of rep- tilian characters, and saurian reptiles — the intermedi- ate grades, which, according to a familiar piscine say- NATURAL SELECTION, ETG. I17 ing, are "neither fisli, flesh, nor good red-herring," being eliminated and extinguished by natural conse- quence of the struggle for existence which Darwin so aptly portrays. And so, perhaps, of the other pro- phetic types. Here type and antitype correspond. If these are true prophecies, we need not wonder that some who read them in Agassiz's book will read their fulfillment in Darwin's. ^ote also, in this connection, that along with a wonderful persistence of type, with change of species, genera, orders, etc., from formation to formation, no species and no higher group which has once unequivo- cally died out ever afterward reappears. Why is this, but that the link of generation has been sundered ? Why, on the hypothesis of independent originations, w^ere not failing species recreated, either identically or with a difference, in regions eminently adapted to their well-being ? To take a striking case. That no part of the world now offers more suitable conditions for wild horses and cattle than the pg^iipas and other plains of South America, is shown by the facility with which they have there run wild and enormously mul- tiplied, since introduced from the Old World not long ago. There was no wild American stock. Yet in the times of the mastodon and megatherium, at the dawn of the present period, wild-horses — certainly very much like the existing horse — roamed over those plains in abundance. On the principle of original and 'direct created adaptation of species to climate and other conditions, why were they not reproduced, when, after the colder intervening era, those regions became again eminently adapted to such animals ? Why, but 6 118 DARWmiAFA. because, by tlieir complete extinction in Soiitli Amer- ica, the line of descent was there utterly broken ? Upon the ordinary hypothesis, there is no scientific explanation possible of this series of facts, and of many others like them. Upon the new hypothesis, " the succession of the same tj^Des of structure within the same areas during the later geological periods ceases to be mysterious, and is simply explained by inheritance." Their cessation is failure of issue. Along with these considerations the fact (alluded to on page 98) should be remembered that, as a general thing, related species of the present age are geographi- cally associated. The larger part of the plants, and still more of the animals, of each separate country are peculiar to it ; and, as most species now flourish over the graves of their by-gone relatives of former ages, 80 they now dwell among or accessibly near their kindred species. Here also comes in that general " p>arallelism be- tween the order of succession of animals and plants in geological times, and the gradation among their living representatives " from low to highly organized, from simple and general to complex and specialized forms ; also " the parallelism between the order of succession of animals in geological times and the changes their living representatives undergo during their embryological growth," as if the world were one prolonged gestation. Modern science has much in- sisted on this parallelism, and to a certain extent is' allowed to have made it out. All these things, which conspire to prove that the ancient and the recent forms of life " are somehow intimately connected together NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 119 in one grand system," equally conspire to suggest tliat the connection is one similar or analogons to gen- eration. Surely no naturalist can be blamed for entering somewhat confidently upon a field of specula- tive inquiry wliicli here opens so invitingly ; nor need former premature endeavors and failures utterly dishearten him. All these things, it may naturally be said, go to explain the order, not the mode, of the incoming of species. But they all do tend to bring out the gen- eralization expressed by Mr. Wallace in the formula that "every species has come into existence coincident both in time and space with preexisting closely-allied species." ISTot, however, that this is proved even of existing species as a matter of general fact. It is ob- viously impossible to prove anything of the kind. But we must concede that the known facts strongly suggest such an inference. And — since species are only con- geries of individuals, since every individual came into existence in consequence of preexisting individuals of the same sort, so leading up to the individuals with which the species began, and since the only material sequence we know of among plants and animals is that from parent to progeny — the presumption becomes exceedingly strong that the connection of the incoming with the preexisting species is a genealogical one. Here, however, all depends upon the probability that Mr. Wallace's inference is really true. Certainly it is not yet generally accepted ; but a strong current is setting toward its acceptance. So long as universal cataclysms were in vogue, and all life upon the earth was thought to have been 120 DABWimAN'A. suddenly destroyed and renewed many times in suc- cession, such a view could not be thought of. So the equivalent view maintained by Agassiz, and formerly, we believe, by D'Orbigny, that irrespectively of general and sudden catastrophes, or any known adequate phys- ical cause, there has been a total depopulation at the close of each geological period or formation, say forty or fifty times or more, followed by as many indepen- dent great acts of creation, at which alone have species been originated, and at each of which a vegetable and an animal kingdom were produced entire and com- plete, full-fiedged, as flourishing, as wide-spread, and populous, as varied and mutually adapted from the beginning as ever afterward — such a view, of course, supersedes all material connection between succes- sive species, and removes even the association and geo- graphical range of species entirely out of the domain of physical causes and of natural science. This is the ex- treme opposite of Wallace's and Darwin's view, and is quite as hypothetical. The nearly universal opinion, if we rightly gather it, manifestly is, that the replacement of the species of successive formations was not com- plete and simultaneous, but partial and successive ; and that along the course of each epoch some species prob- ably were introduced, and some, doubtless, became ex- tinct. If all since the tertiary belongs to our present epoch, this is certainly true of it : if to two or more epochs, then the hypothesis of a total change is not true of them. Geology makes huge demands upon time ; and we regret to find that it has exhausted om's — that what we meant for the briefest and most general sketch of some NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 121 geological considerations in favor of Darwin's hy- pothesis has so extended as to leave no room for con- sidering " the great facts of comparative anatomy and zoology" with which Darwin's theory "very well accords," nor for indicating how " it admirably serves for explaining the unity of composition of all or- ganisms, the existence of representative and rudimen- tary organs, and the natural series which genera and species compose." Suffice it to say that these are the real strongholds of the new system on its theoretical side; that it goes far toward explaining both the physiological and the structural gradations and rela- tions between the two kingdoms, and the arrangement of all their forms in groups subordinate to groups, all within a few great types ; that it reads the riddle of abortive organs and of morphological conformity, of which no other theory has ever offered a scientific explanation, and supplies a ground for harmonizing the two fundamental ideas which naturalists and phi- losophers conceive to have ruled the organic world, though they could not reconcile them ; namely, Adap- tation to Purpose and Conditions of Existence, and Unity of Type. To reconcile these two undeniable principles is the capital problem in the philosophy of natural history ; and the hypothesis which consist- ently does so thereby secures a great advantage. We all know that the arm and hand of a monkey, the foreleg and foot of a dog and of a horse, the wing of a bat, and the fin of a porpoise, are fundamentally identical; that the long neck of the giraffe has the same and no more bones than the short one of the ele- phant ; that the eggs of Surinam frogs hatch into tad- 122 DAEWINIANA. poles with as good tails for swimming as any of their kindred, although as tadpoles they never enter the wa- ter ; that the Guinea-pig is furnished with incisor teeth which it never uses, as it sheds them before birth; that embryos of mammals and bkds have branchial slits and arteries running in loops, in imitation or remi- niscence of the arrangement which is permanent in fishes ; and that thousands of animals and plants have rudimentary organs which, at least in numerous cases, are wholly useless to their possessors, etc., etc. Upon a derivative theory this morphological conformity is explained by community of descent ; and it has not been explained in any other way. I^aturalists are constantly speaking of "related species," of the " affinity " of a genus or other group, and of " famil}^ resemblance " — vaguely conscious that these terms of kinship are something more than mere metaphors, but unaware of the grounds of their apt- ness. Mr. Darwin assures them that they have been talking derivative doctrine all their lives — as M. Jour- dain talked prose — without knowing it. If it is difficult and in many cases practically im- possible to fix the' limits of species, it is. still more so to fix those of genera ; and those of tribes and families are still less susceptible of exact natural circumscrip- tion. Intennediate forms occur, connecting one group with another in a manner sadly perplexing to sys- tematists, except to those who have ceased to expect absolute limitations in Isature. All this blending could hardly fail to suggest a former material connec- tion among allied fonns, such as that which the hypothesis of derivation demands. NATURAL selection; ETC 123 Here it would not be amiss to coDsider tlie general principle of gradation throngliout organic Nature — a principle wliich answers in a general way to the Law of Continuity in the inorganic world, or rather is so anal- ogous to it that both may fairly be expressed by the Leibnitzian axiom, Natura non agit saltaihn. As an axiom or philosophical principle, used to test modal laws or hj^otheses, this in strictness belongs only to physics. In the investigation of E"ature at large, at least in the organic world, nobody would undertake to apply this principle as a test of the validity of any theory or supposed law. But naturalists of enlarged views will not fail to infer the principle from the phe- nomena they investigate — to perceive that the rule holds, under due qualifications and altered forms, throughout the realm of ITature ; although we do not suppose that E'ature in the organic world makes no distinct steps, but only short and serial steps — not in- finitely fine gradations, but no long leaps, or few of them. To glance at a few illustrations out of many that present themselves. It would be thought that the dis- tinction between the two organic kingdoms was broad and absolute. Plants and animals belong to two very different categories, fulfill opposite offices, and, as to the mass of them, are so unlike that the difficulty of the ordinary observer would be to find points of com- parison. "Without entering into details, which would fill an article, we may safely say that the difficulty with the naturalist is all the other way — that all these broad differences vanish one by one as we approach the lower confines of the two kingdoms, and that no ahso- 124 DAEWINIANA. lute distinction whatever is now known between tliem. It is quite possible that the same organism may be both vegetable and animal, or may be first the one and then the other. If some organisms may be said to be at first vegetables and then animals, others, like the spores and other reproductive bodies of many of the lower Algge, may equally claim to have first a charac- teristically animal, and then an unequivocally vegeta- ble existence. !Nor is the gradation restricted to these simple organisms. It appears in general functions, as in that.of reproduction, which is reducible to the same formula in both kingdoms, while it exhibits close ap- proximations in the lower forms ; also in a common or similar ground of sensibility in the lowest forms of both, a common faculty of effecting movements tend- ing to a determinate end, traces of which pervade the vegetable kingdom — while, on the other hand, this in- definable principle, this vegetable " Animula vagula, blandula, Hospes comesque corporis," graduates into the higher sensitiveness of the lower class of animals. Nor need we hesitate to recognize the fine gradations from simple sensitiveness and volition to the higher instinctive and to the other psychical manifestations of the higher brute ani- mals. The gradation is undoubted, however we may explain it. Again, propagation is of one mode in the higher animals, of two in all plants ; but vegetative propaga- tion, by budding or offshoots, extends through the lower grades of animals. In both kingdoms there NATURAL SELECTION, ETC. 125 may be separation of the offshoots, or indifference in this respect, or continued and organic union with the parent stock ; and this eitlier with essential indepen- dence of the offshoots, or witli a subordination of these to a common whole ; or finally with such subordination and amalgamation, along with specialization of func- tion, that the same parts, which in other cases can be regarded only as progeny, in these become only mem- bers of an individual. This leads to the question of individuality, a sub- ject quite too large" and too recondite for present dis- cussion. The conclusion of the whole matter, how- ever, is, that indi\dduality — that very ground of l)eing as distinguished from thing — is not attained in IS^ature at one leap. If anywhere truly exemplified in j)]ants, it is only in the lowest and simplest, where the being is a structural unit, a single cell, memberless and or- ganless, though organic — the same thing as those cells of which all the more complex plants are built up, and with which every plant and (structurally) every animal began its development. In the ascending gradation of the vegetable kingdom individuality is, so to say, striven after, but never attained; in the lower ani- mals it is striven after with greater though incom- plete success ; it is realized only in animals of so high a rank that vegetative multiplication or offshoots are out of the question, where all parts are strictly mem- bers and nothing else, and all subordinated to a com- mon nervous centre — is fully realized only in a con- scious person. So, also, the broad distinction between reproduc- tion by seeds or ova and propagation by buds, though 126 DARWINIANA. perfect in some of tlie lowest forms of life, becomes evanescent in others ; and even the most absolute law we know in the physiology of genuine reproduction — that of sexual cooperation — ^has its exceptions in both kingdoms in parthenogenesis, to which in the vege- table kingdom a most curious and intimate series of gradations leads. In plants, likewise, a long and fine- ly-graduated series of traiisitions leads from bisexual to unisexual blossoms ; and so in various other respects. Everywhere we may perceive that Nature secures her ends, and makes her distinctions on the whole mani- fest and real, but everywhere without abrupt breaks. "We need not wonder, therefore, that gradations be- tween species and varieties should occur ; the more so, since genera, tribes, and other groups into which the naturalist collocates species, are far from being always absolutely limited in Nature, though they are neces- sarily represented to be so in systems. From the ne- cessity of the case, the classifications of the naturalist abruptly define where Nature more or less blends. Our systems are nothing, if not definite. They ex- press differences, and some of the coarser gradations. But this evinces not their perfection, but their im- perfection. Even the best of them are to the system of Nature what consecutive patches of the seven col- ors are to the rainbow. Now the principle of gradation throughout organic Nature may, of course, be interpreted upon other as- sumptions than those of Darwin's hypothesis^cer- tainly upon quite other than those of a materialistic philosophy, with which we ourselves have no sym- pathy. Still we conceive it not only possible, but NATURAL SELECTION', ETC. 127 probable, tliat this gradation, as it has its natural ground, may yet have its scientific explanation. In any case, there is no need to deny that the general facts correspond well with an hypothesis like Dar- win's, which is built npon fine gradations. We have contemplated quite long enough the gen- eral presumptions in favor of an hypothesis of the derivation of species. AYe cannot forget, however, while for the moment we overlook, the formidable diffi- culties which all hypotheses of this class have to en- counter, and the serious implications which they seem to involve. We feel, moreover, that Darwin's par- ticular hypothesis is exposed to some special objections. It requires no small streiigth of nerve steadily to con- ceive, not only of the diversification, but of the forma- tion of the organs of an animal through cumulative variation and natural selection. Think of such an organ as the eye, that most perfect of optical instru- ments, as so produced in the lower animals and per- fected in the higher ! A friend of ours, who accepts the new doctrine, confesses that for a long while a cold chill came over him whenever he thought of the eye. He has at length got over that stage of the complaint, and is now in the fever of belief, perchance to be succeeded by the sweating stage, during which sundry peccant humors may be eliminated from the system. For ourselves, we dread the chill, and have some misgiving about the consequences of the reac- tion. We find ourselves in the " singular position " ac- knowledged by Pictet — that is, confronted with a the- ory which, although it can really ex}3lain much, seems inadequate to the heavy task it so boldly assumes, but 128 DARWINIANA. which, nevertheless, appears better fitted than any other that has been broached to explain, if it be possible to explain, somewhat of the manner in which organized beings may have arisen and succeeded each other. In this dilemma we might take advantage of Mr. Dar- win's candid admission, that he by no means expects to convince old and experienced people, whose minds are stocked with a multitude of facts all regarded during a long couj^se of years from the old point of view. This is nearly our case. So, owning no call to a larger faith than is expected of us, but not prej^ared to pronounce the whole hypothesis untenable, under such construc- tion as we should put upon it, we naturally sought to attain a settled conviction through a perusal of several proffered refutations of the theory. At least, this course seemed to offer the readiest way of bringing to a head the various objections to which the theory is exposed. On several accounts some of these opposed reviews especially invite examination. "We propose, accordingly, to conclude our task with an article upon " Darwin and his Keviewers." III. The origin of species, like all origination, like tlie institution of any otlier natural state or ord^r, is be- yond our immediate ken. We see or may learn how things go on; we can only frame hypotheses as to how they began. Two hypotheses divide the scientific world, very unequally, upon the origin of the existing diversity of the plants and animals which surround us. One assumes that the actual kinds are primordial ; the other, that they are derivative. One, that all kinds origi- nated supernaturally and directly as such, and have 'continued unchanged in the order of ITature ; the other, that the present kinds appeared in some sort of genealogical connection with other and earlier kinds, that they became what they now are in the course of time and in the order of Mature. Or, bringing in the word species, which is well defined as " the perennial succession of individuals," commonly of very like individuals^as a close corpora- tion of individuals perpetuated by generation, instead of election — and reducing the question to mathemati- cal simplicity of statement : species are lines of individ- uals coming down from the past and running on to the future ; lines receding, therefore, from our view in either direction. Within our limited observation they 130 DARWINIAKA. appear to be parallel lines, as a general thing neither approaching to nor diverging from each other. The first hypothesis assumes that they were parallel from the unknown beginning and will be to the un- known end. The second hypothesis assumes that the apparent parallelism is not real and complete, at least aboriginally, but approximate or temporary ; that we should find the lines convergent in the past, if we could trace them far enough ; that some of them, if produced back, would fall into certain fragments of lines, which have left traces in the past, lying not exactly in the same direction, and these farther back into others to which they are equally unparallel. It will also claim that the present lines, whether on the whole really or only approximately parallel, sometimes fork or send off branches on one side or the other, producing new lines (varieties), which run for a while, and for aught we know indefinitely when not interfered with, near and approximately parallel to the parent line. This claim it can establish ; and it may also show that these close subsidiary lines may branch or vary again, and that those branches or varieties which are best adapted to the existing conditions may be continued, while others stop or die out. And so we may have the basis of a real theory of the diversificatiorh of species ; and here, indeed, there is a real, though a narrow, estab- lished ground to build upon. But, as systems of organic E^ature, both doctrines are equally hypotheses^ are suj^positions of what there is no proof of from experience, assumed in order to account for the ob- served phenomena, and supported by such indirect evidence as can be had. DABWIiV A^s'-D HIS REVIEWERS. 131 . EYen when the upholders of the former and more popuL^r system mix np revelation with scientific dis- cussion— which we decline to do — thej by no means thereby render their view other than hypothetical. Agreeing that plants and animals were produced by Omnipotent fiat does not exclude the idea of natural order and what we call secondary causes. The record of the fiat — " Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed," etc., " and it was so ; " " let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind, and it was so " — seems even to imply them. Agi-eeing that they were formed of " the dust of the ground," and of thin air, onlv leads to the conclusion that the pristine individuals were coi'poreally constituted like existing individuals, produced through natural agen- cies. To agree that they were created " after their kinds" determines nothing as to what were the origi- nal kinds, nor in what mode, during what time, and in what connections it pleased the Almighty to intro- duce the first individuals of each sort upon the earth. Scientifically considered, the two opposing doctrines are equally hypothetical. The two views very unequally divide the scientific world; so that believers in "the divine right of majorities " need not hesitate which side to take, at least for the present. Up to a time quite within the memory of a generation still on the stage, two hypoth- eses about the nature of light very unequally divided the scientific world. But the small minority has al- ready prevailed : the emission theory has gone out ; the undulatory or wave theory, after some fluctuation, 132 DARWINIANA. has reached high tide, and is now the pervading, the fully-established system. There was an intervening time during which most physicists held their opinions in suspense. The adoj)tion of the undulatory theory of light called for the extension of the same theory to heat, and this promptly suggested the hypothesis of a correlation, material connection, and transmutability of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. ; which hy- pothesis the physicists held in absolute suspense until very lately, but are now generally adopting. If not already established as a system, it promises soon to become so. At least, it is generally received as a tenable and probably true hypothesis. Parallel to this, however less cogent the reasons, Darwin and others, having shown it likely that some varieties of plants or animals have diverged in time into cognate species, or into forms as different as spe- cies, are led to infer that all species of a genus may have thus diverged from a common stock, and thence to suppose a higher community of origin in ages still farther back, and so on. Following the safe example of the physicists, and acknowledging the fact of the diversification of a once homogeneous species into varieties, we may receive the theory of the evolution of these into species, even while for the present we hold the hypothesis of a further evolution in cool susj)ense or in grave suspicion. In respect to very many questions a wise man's mind rests long in a state neither of belief nor of unbelief. But your intellect- ually short-sighted people are apt to be preternaturally clear-sighted, and to find their way very plain to posi- DARWm AND EIS REVIEWERS. 133 tive conclusions upon one side or tlie otlier of every mooted question. In fact, most people, and some philosophers, refuse to hold questions in abeyance, however incompetent they may be to decide them. And, curiously enough, the more difficult, recondite, and perplexing, the questions or hypotheses are — such, for instance, as those about organic Nature — the more impatient they are of suspense. Sometimes, and evidently in the present case, this impatience grows out of a fear that a new hypothesis may endanger cherished and most important beliefs. Impatience under such circum- stances is not unnatural, though perhaps needless, and, if so, unwise. To us the present revival of the derivative hy- pothesis, in a more winning shape than it ever before had, was not unexpected. We wonder that any thoughtful observer of the course of investigation and of speculation in science should not have foreseen it, and have learned at length to take its inevitable com- ing patiently ; the more so, as in Dar^\dn's treatise it comes in a purely scientific form, addressed only to scientific men. The notoriety and wide popular pe- rusal of this treatise appear to have astonished the author even more than the book itself has astonished the reading w^orld. Coming, as the new presentation does, from a naturalist of acknowledged character and ability, and marked by a conscientiousness and candor which have not always been reciprocated, we have thought it simply right to set forth the doctrine as fairly and as favorably as we could. There are plenty to decry it, and the whole theory is widely exposed 134 . DARWINIANA. to attack. For tlie arguments on the other side we may look to the numerous adverse pnblications which Darwin's volnme has ah'eady called out, and especially to those reviews which propose directly to refute it. Taking various lines, and reflecting very diverse modes of thought, these hostile critics may be expected to concentrate and enforce the principal objections which can be brought to bear against the derivative hypothe- sis in general, and Darwin's new exposition of it in particular. Upon the opposing side of the question we have read with attention — 1. An article in the North Amieri- can Review for April last ; 2. One in the Christian Examiner^ Boston, for May ; 3. M. Pictet's article in the BiHliotheqxie Universelle, which we have already made considerable use of, which seems throughout most able and correct, and which in tone and fairness is admirably in contrast with — 4. The article in the Edinburgh Review for May, attributed — although against a large amount of interaal presumptive evi- dence— to the most distinguised British comparative anatomist ; 5. An article in the North British Review for May; 6. Prof. Agassiz has afforded an early opportunity to peruse the criticisms he makes in the forthcoming third volume of his great work, by a publication of them in advance in the American Journal of Sc'ence for July. In our survey of the lively discussion which has been raised, it matters little how our own particular opinions may incline. But we may confess to an im- pression, thus far, that the doctrine of the permanent and complete immutability of species has not been DAEWm AI^^'D HIS REVIEWERS. 135 establislied, and may fairly be doubted. We believe that species vary, and that " JSTatural Selection " works ; bnt we suspect that its operation, like every analogous natural operation, may be limited by some- thing else. Just as every species by its natural rate of reproduction would soon completely fill any country it could live in, but does not, being checked by some other species or some other condition — so it may be surmised that variation and natural selection have their struggle and consequent check, or are limited by something inherent in the constitution of organic beings. We are disposed to rank the derivative hypothe- sis in its fullness with the nebular hypothesis, and to regard both as allowable, as not unlikely to prove ten- able in spite of some strong objections, but as not therefore demonstrably true. Those, if any there be, who regard the derivative hj^othesis as satisfactorily proved, must have loose notions as to what proof is. Those who imagine it can be easily refuted and cast aside, must, we think, have imperfect or very pre- judiced conceptions of the facts concerned and of the questions at issue. ' We are not disposed nor prepared to take sides for or against the new hypothesis, and so, perhaps, occu- py a good position from which to watch the discus- sion and criticise those objections which are seemingly inconclusive. On surveying the arguments urged by those who have undertaken to demolish the theory, we have been most impressed with a sense of their great inequality. Some strike us as excellent and perhaps unanswerable ; some, as incongruous with 136 DARWIRIANA. other views of tlie same writers ; otliers, when carried out, as incoraj^atible with general experience or general beliefs, and therefore as proving too much ; still others, as proving nothing at all ; so that, on the whole, the effect is rather confusing and disappoint- ing. We certainly expected a stronger adverse case than any which the thoroughgoing opposers of Dar- win appear to have made out. Wherefore, if it be found that the new hypothesis has grown upon our favor as we proceeded, this must be attributed not so much to the force of the arguments of the book itself as to the want of force of several of those by which it has been assailed. Darwin's arguments we might resist or adjourn ; but some of the refutations of it give us more concern than the book itself did. These remarks apply mainly to the philosophical and theological objections which have been elaborately urged, almost exclusively by the American reviewers. The North Bi^itisJi reviewer, indeed, roundly de- nounces the book as atheistical, but evidently deems the case too clear for argument. The Edhibicrgh re- viewer, on the contrary, scouts all such objections — as well he may, since he records his belief in " a continuous creative operation," a constantly operating secondary creation al law," through which species are successively produced ;• and he emits faint, but not indistinct, glimmerings of a transmutation theory of his own;^ so that he is equally exposed to all the ^ Whatever it may be, it is not " the homoeopathic form of the trans- mutative hypothesis," as Darwin's is said to be (p. 252, American re- print), so happily that the prescription is repeated in the second (p. 259) and third (p. 271) dilutions, no doubt, on Hahnemann's famous princi- DARWIN AND ELS REVIEWERS. 137 philosophical objections advanced by Agassiz, and to most of those urged by the other American critics, against Darwin himself. Proposing now to criticise the critics, so far as to see what their most general and comprehensive objec- tions amount to, we must needs begin with the Amer- ican reviewers, and wdth their arguments adduced to prove that a derivative hypothesis ought not to he true, or is not possible, philosophical, or theistic. It must not be forgotten that on former occasions very confident judgments have been pronounced by very competent persons, which have not been finally ratified. Of the two great minds of the seventeenth century, I^ewton and Leibnitz, both profoundly relig- ious as well as philosophical, one produced the theory of gravitation, the other objected to that theory that it was subversive of natural religion. The nebular hy- pothesis— a natural consequence of the theory of grav- itation and of the subsequent progress of physical and astronomical discovery — has been denounced as athe- istical even down to our own day. But it is now^ large- ly adopted by the most theistical natural philosophers as a tenable and perhaps sufiicient hypothesis, and where not accepted is no longer objected to, so far as we know, on philosophical or religious grounds. The gist of the philosophical objections urged by pie, of an increase of potency at each dilution. Probably the supposed transmutation is per saltus. " Homoeopathic doses of transmutation," indeed ! Well, if we really must swallow transmutation in some form or other, as this reviewer intimates, we might prefer the mild homoeo- pathic doses of Darwin's formula to the allopathic bolus which the Edinburgh general practitioner appears to be compounding. 138 DARWINIANA. the two Boston reviewers against an hypothesis of the derivation of species — or at least against Darwin's particular hypothesis— is, that it is incompatible with the idea of any manifestation of design in the uni- verse, that it denies final causes. A serious objection this, and one that demands very serious attention. The proposition, that things and events in E^ature were not designed to be so, if logically carried out, is doubtless tantamount to atheism. Yet most people believe that some were designed and others were not, although they fall into a hopeless maze whenever they undertake to define their position. So we should not like to stigmatize as atheistically disposed a person who regards certain things and events as being what they are through designed laws (whatever that expres- sion means), but as not themselves specially ordained, or who, in another connection, believes in general, but not in particular Providence. We could sadly puzzle him with questions ; but in return he might equally puzzle us. Then, to deny that anything was specially designed to be what it is, is one proposition ; while to deny that the Designer supernaturally or immediately made it so, is another : though the reviewers appear not to recognize the distinction. Also, "scornfully to repudiate" or to "sneer at the idea of any manifestation of design in the mate- rial universe," ^ is one thing ; while to consider, and perhaps to exaggerate, the difficulties which attend the ■ practical application of the doctrine of final causes to ^ Vide North Anerican Eevieio, for April, 1860, p. 475, and Chris- tian Examiner, for May, p. 457. DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 139 certain instances, is quite anotlier tiling : yet the Bos- ton reviewers, we regret to say, have not been duly regardful of the difference. Whatever be thought of Darwin's doctrine, we are surprised that he should be charged with scorning or sneering at the opinions of others, upon such a subject. Perhaps Darwin's view is incompatible with final causes — we will consider that question presently — bnt as to the Examiner's charge, that he " sneers at the idea of any manifesta- tion of design in the material universe," though we are confident that no misrepresentation was intended, we are equally confident that it is not at all warranted by the two passages cited in support of it. Here are the passages : "If green woodpeckers alone had existed, or we did not know tlxat there were many black and pied kinds, I dare say that we should have thought that the green color was a beau- tiful adaptation to hide this tree -frequenting bird from its enemies." "If our reason leads us to admire with enthusiasm a multi- tude of inimitable contrivances in Nature, this same reason tells us, though we may easily err on both sides, that some contriv- ances are less perfect. Can we consider the sting of the wasp or of the bee as perfect, which, when used against many attack- ing animals, cannot be withdrawn, owing to the backward serratures, and so inevitably causes the death of the insect by tearing out its viscera ? " If the sneer here escapes ordinary vision in the detached extracts (one of them wanting the end of the sentence), it is, if possible, more imperceptible when read with the context. Moreover, this perusal inclines us to think that the Examiner has misapprehended the particular argument or object, as well as the spirit, 140 DARWINIANA. of the author in these passages. The whole reads more naturallj as a caution against the inconsiderate use of final causes in science, and an illustration of some of the manifold errors and absurdities which their hasty assumption is apt to involve — considerations probably equivalent to those which induced Lord Bacon to liken final causes to " vestal virgins." So, if any one, it is here Bacon that ^' sitteth in the seat of the scornful." As to Darwin, in the section from which the extracts were made, he is considering a subsidiary question, and trying to obviate a particular difficulty, but, we suppose, is wholly unconscious of denying '' any manifestation of design in the material universe." He concludes the first sentence : — " and consequently that it was a character of importance, and might have been acquired through natural selection ; as it is, I have no doubt that the color is due to some quite distinct cause, probably to sexual selection." After an illustration from the vegetable creation, Darwin adds : " The naked skin on the head of a vulture is generally looked at as a direct adaptation for wallovring in putridity ; and so it may de, or it may possibly be due to the direct action of putrid matter ; but we should be very cautious in drawing any such inference, when we see that the skin on the head of the clean- feeding male turkey is likewise naked. The sutures in the skulls of young mammals have been advanced as a beautiful adaptation for aiding parturition, and no doubt they facilitate or may be indispensable for this act ; but as sutures occur in the skulls of young birds and reptiles, which have only to escape from a broken egg, we may infer that this structure has arisen from the laws of growth, and has been taken advantage of in the parturition of the higher animals." DARWIN AND HIS EEVIEWERS: 141 All this, simply taken, is beyond cavil, unless the attempt to explain scientifically how any designed result is accomplished savors of impropriety. In the other place, Darwin is contemplating the patent fact that ^' perfection here below " is relative, not absolute — and illustrating this by the circumstance that European animals, and especially plants, are now proving to be better adapted for ISTew Zealand than many of the indigenous ones — that " the correction for the aberration of light is said, on high authority, not to be quite perfect even in that most perfect organ, the eye." And then follows the second extract of the reviewer. But what is the position of the reviewer upon his own interpretation of these passages ? If he insists that green woodpeckers were specifically created so in order that they might be less liable to capture, must he not equally hold that the black and pied ones were specifically made of these colors in order that they might be more liable to be caught ? And would an explanation of the mode in which those wood- peckers came to be green, however complete, convince him that the color was undesigned ? As to the other illustration, is the reviewer so com- plete an optimist as to insist that the arrangement and the weapon are wholly perfect {quoad the insect) the normal use of which often causes the annual fatally to injure or to disembowel itself ? Either way it seems to us that the argument here, as well as the insect, performs hari-hari. The Examiner adds : "We should in like manner object to the vs^ovil favorable^ as implying that some species are placed by the Creator under un- favorable circumstances, at least under such as might be ad- vantageously rao.dified." 7 142 BARWmiANA. But are not many individuals and some races of men placed by the Creator " under unfavorable circum- stances, at least under such, as might be advantageously modified ? " Surelv these reviewers must be livino^ in an ideal world, surrounded by '' the faultless monsters which 0117' world ne'er saw," in some elysium where imperfection and distress were never heard of ! Such arguments resemble some which we often hear against the Eible, holding that book responsible as if it origi- nated certain facts on the shady side of human nature or the apparently darker lines of Providential dealing, thouo^h the facts are facts of common observation and have to be confronted upon any theory. The North American reviewer also has a v/orld of his own — just such a one as an idealizing philoso- pher would be apt to devise — that is, full of sharp and absolute distinctions : such, for instance, as the " abso- lute invariableness of instinct ; " an absolute want of intelligence in any brute animal ; and a complete monopoly of instinct by the brute animals, so that this " instinct is a great matter " for them only, since it shai-ply and perfectly distinguishes this portion of organic ISTature from the vegetable kingdom on the one hand and from man on the other : most convenient views for argumentative purposes, but we suppose not borne out in fact. In their scientific objections the two reviewers take somewhat different lines ; but their philosophical and theological arguments strikingly coincide. They agree in emphatically asserting that Darwin's hypothesis of the origination of species through variation and natu- ral selection " repudiates the whole doctrine of final DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 143 causes," and " all indication of design or purpose in the organic world. ... is neither more nor less than a formal denial of any agency beyond that of a blind chance in the developing or perfecting of the organs or instincts of created beings. ... It is in vain that the apologists of this hypothesis might say that it merely attributes a different mode and time to the Divine agency — that all the qualities subsequently appearing in their descendan-ts must have been implanted, and have remained latent in the original pair." Such a view, the Examiner declares, "is nowhere stated in this book, and would be, we are sure, disclaimed by the author." We should like to be informed of the grounds of this sureness. The marked rejection of spontaneous generation — the statement of a belief that all animals have descended from four or five progenitors, and plants from an equal or lesser number, or, perhaps, if con- strained to it by analogy, " from some one primordial form into which life was first breathed " — coupled with the expression, " To my mind it accords better with w^hat we know of the laws impressed on matter by the Creator, that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes," than " that each species has been independently created " — these and similar ex- pressions lead us to suppose that the author probably does accept the kind of view w^hich the Examiner is sure he would disclaim. At least, we charitably see nothing in his scientific theory to hinder his adop- tion of Lord Bacon's " Confession of Faith " in this regard — 144 LARWINIANA. "That, notwithstanding God hath rested and ceased from creating [in the sense of supernatural origination], yet, never-. theless, he doth accomphsh and fulfill his divine will in all things, great and small, singular and general, as fully and ex- actly by providence as he could by miracle and new creation, though his working be not immediate and direct, but by com- pass ; not violating IsTature, which is his own law upon tlie creature." • ^ However that may be, it is uiideiiiable that Mr. Darwin has pui-posely been silent upon the philosophi- cal and theological applications of his theory. This reticence, nnder the circumstances, argues design, and raises inquiry as to the final cause or reason -why. Here, as in higher instances, confident as we are that there is a final cause, we must not be over-confident that we can infer the particular or true one. Perhaps the author is more familiar with natural-historical than with philosophical inquiries, and, not having decided which particular theory about efficient cause is best founded, he meanwhile argues the scientific questions concerned — all that relates to secondary causes — upon purely scientific grounds, as he must do in any case. Perhaps, confident, as he evidently is, that his view will finally be adopted, he may enjoy a sort of satisfaction in hearing it denounced as sheer atheism by the incon- . siderate, and afterward, when it takes its place with the nebular hypothesis and the like, see this judgment reversed, as we suppose it would be in such event. Whatever Mr. Darwin's philosophy may be, or w^hether he has any, is a matter of no consequence at all, compared with the important questions, whether a theory to account for the origination and divereifi- DARWIN AND EIS REVIEWERS. 145 cation of animal and vegetable forms through the op- eration of secondary causes does or does not exclude design ; and whether the establishment by adequate evidence of Darwin's particular theory of diversifica- tion through variation and natural selection would es- sentially alter the present scientific and philosophical grounds for theistic views of IsTature. The unqualified affirmative judgment rendered by the two Boston re- viewers, evidently able and practised reasoners, " must give us pause." We hesitate to advance our conclu- sions in opposition to theirs. But, after full and seri- ous consideration, we are constrained to say that, in our opinion, the adoption of a derivative hypothesis, and of Darwin's particular hypothesis, if we under- stand it, would leave the doctrines of final causes, utility, and special design, just where they were before. We do not pretend that the subject is not environed with difficidties. Every view is so environed; and every shifting of the view is likely, if it removes some difficulties, to bring others into prominence. But we cannot perceive that Darwin's theory brings in any new kind of scientific difficulty, that is, any with which philosophical naturalists were not already familiar. Since natural science deals only with secondary or natural causes, the scientific terms of a theory of deri- vation of species — no less than of a theory of dynam- ics— must needs be the same to the theist as to the atheist. The difference appears only when the inquiry is carried up to the question of primary cause — a ques- tion which belongs to p>hilosophy. Wherefore, Dar- win's reticence about efficient cause does not disturb us. He considers only the scientific questions. As 146 DARWINIANA. already stated, we tliink tliat a theistic view of JSTature is implied in his book, and we must charitably refrain from suggesting the contrary until the contrary is logi- cally deduced from his premises. If, however, he any- where maintains that the natural causes throuo^h which species are diversified operate without an ordaining and directing intelligence, and that the orderly arrange- ments and admirable adaptations we see all around us are fortuitous or blind, undesigned results — that the eye, though it came to see, was not designed for see- ing, nor the hand for handling — then, we suppose, he is justly chargeable with denying, and very needlessly denying, all design in organic IN^ature ; otherwise, we suppose not. Why, if Darwin's well-known passage about the eye ^ — equivocal though some of the language be — does not imply ordaining and directing intelli- gence, then he refutes his own theory as effectually as any of his opponents are Hkely to do. He asks : '' May we not believe that [under variation pro- ceeding long enough, generation multiplying the bet- ter variations times enough, and natural selection se- curing the improvements] a living optical instrument might be thus formed as superior to one of glass as the works of the Creator are to those of man 1 " This must mean one of two things : either that the living instrument was made and perfected under (which is the same thing as by) an intelligent First Cause, or that it was not. If it was, then theism is asserted ; and as to the mode of operation, how do we know, and why must we believe, that, fitting precedent forms being in existence, a living instrument (so different * Page 188, EDgUsh edition. DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. WJ from a lifeless manufacture) would be originated and perfected in any other way, or that this is not the fit- ting way 1 If it means that it was not, if he so misuses words that by the Creator he intends an unintelligent power, undirected force, or necessity, then he has put his case so as to invite disbelief in it. For then blind forces have produced not only manifest adaptations of means to specific ends — which is absurd enough — but better adjusted and more perfect instruments or machines than intellect (that is, human intellect) can contrive and human skill execute — which no sane per- son will believe. On the other hand, if Darwin even admits — we will not say adopts — the theistic view, he may save himself much needless trouble in the endeavor to ac- count for the absence of every sort of intemiediate form. Those in the line between one species and an- other supposed to be derived from it he may be bound to provide ; but as to " an infinite number of other varieties not intermediate, gross, rude, and purposeless, the unmeaning creations of an unconscious cause," born only to perish, which a relentless reviewer has imposed upon his theory — rightly enough upon the atheistic alternative — the theistic view rids him at once Kjl this " scum of creation." For, as species do not now vary at all times and places and in all directions, nor produce crude, vague, imperfect, and useless forms, there is no reason for supposing that they ever did. Good-for-nothing monstrosities, failures of purpose rather than purposeless, indeed, sometimes occur ; but these are just as anomalous and unlikely upon Dar- win's theory as upon any other. For his particular 148 BARWINIANA. theory IS based, and even over-strictly insists, upon the most universal of physiological laws, namely, that successive generations shall differ only slightly, if at all, from their parents ; and this effectively excludes ciTide and impotent forms. Wherefore, if we believe that the species were designed, and that natural prop- agation was designed, how can^we say that the actual varieties of the species were not equally designed? Have we not similar grounds for inferring design in the supposed varieties of species, that we have in the case of the supposed species of a genus ? When a nat- uralist comes to regard as three closely-related species what he before took to be so many varieties of one spe- cies, how has he thereby strengthened our conviction that the three forms are designed to have the differences which they actually exhibit ? Wherefore, so long as gradatory, orderly, and adapted forms in Nature argue design, and at least while the physical cause of varia- tion is utterly unknown and mysterious, we should advise Mr. Darwin to assume, in the philosophy of his hypothesis, that variation has been led along certain beneficial lines. Streams flowing over a sloping plain by gravitation (here the counterpart of natural selec- tion) may have worn their actual channels as they flowed; yet their particular courses may have been assigned ; and where we see them forming definite and useful lines of irrigation, after a manner unac- countable on the laws of gravitation and dynamics, we should believe that the distribution was designed. To insist, therefore, that the new hj^othesis of the derivative origin of the actual species is incompatible with final causes and design, is to take a position which DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 149 we must consider pliilosoptiically untenable. "We must also regard it as highly unwise and dangerous, in the present state and present prospects of physical and physiological science. We should expect the philo- sophical atheist or skeptic to take this ground ; also, until better informed, the unlearned and unphilosoph- ical believer ; but we should think that the thought- ful theistic philosopher would take the other side. JSTot to do so seems to concede that only supernatural events can be shown to be designed, which no theist can admit — seems also to misconceive the scope and meaning of all ordinary arguments for design in Na- ture. This misconception is shared both by the re- viewers and the reviewed. At least, Mr. Darwin uses expressions which imply that the natural forms which surround us, because they have a history or natural sequence, could have been only generally, but not par- ticularly designed — a view at once superficial and con- tradictory ; whereas his true line should be, that his hypothesis concerns the ordei' and not the cause^ the how and not the why of the phenomena, and so leaves the question of design just where it was before. To illustrate this from the theist's point of view : Transfer the question for a moment from the origina- tiuii of species to the origination of individuals, which occurs, as we say, naturally. Because natural, that is, " stated, fixed, or settled," is it any the less designed on that account 1 We acknowledge that God is our maker — not merely the originator of the race, but our maker as individuals — and none the less so because it pleased him to make us in the way of ordinary gener- ation. If any of us were born unlike our parents and 150 DARWIFIANA. grandparents, in a sliglit degree, or in whatever de- gree, would tlie case be altered in this regard ? The whole argument in natural theology proceeds upon the ground that the inference for a final cause of the structui'e of the hand and of the valves in the veins is just as vaHd now, in individuals produced through natural generation, as it would have been in the case of the first man, supernaturally created. Why not, then, just as good even on the supposition of the descent of men from chimpanzees and gorillas, since those ani- mals possess these same contrivances ? Or, to take a more supposable case : If the argument from structure to design is convincing when drawn from a particular animal, say a ITewf oundland dog, and is not weakened by the knowledge that this dog came from similar par- ents, would it be at all weakened if, in tracing his genealogy, it were ascertained that he was a remote descendant of the mastiff or some other breed, or that both these and other breeds came (as is suspected) from some wolf? If not, how is the argument for design in the structure of om' particular dog affected by the sup- position that his wolfish progenitor came from a post- tertiary wolf, perhaps less unlike an existing one than the dog in question is to some other of the numerous existing races of dogs, and that this post-tertiary came from an equally or more different tertiary wolf ? And if the argument from structure to design is not invali- dated by our present knowledge that our individual dog was developed from a single organic cell, how is it invalidated by the supposition of an analogous natural descent, through a long line of connected forms, DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 151 from such a cell, or from some simple animal, existing ages before there were any dogs ? Again, suppose we have two well-known and ap- parently most decidedly different animals or plants, A and D, both presenting, in their structure and in their adaptations to the conditions of existence, as valid and clear evidence of design as any animal or plant ever presented : suppose we have now discovered two inter- mediate species, B and C, which make up a series with equable differences from A to D. Is the proof of design or final cause in A and D, whatever it amount- ed to, at all weakened by the discovery of the inter- mediate' forms ? Kather does not the proof extend to the intermediate species, and go to show that all four were equally designed ? Suppose, now, the number of intermediate forms to be much increased, and there- fore the gradations to be closer yet — as close as those between the various sorts of dogs, or races of men, or of horned cattle : would the evidence of design, as shown in the structure of any of the members of the series, be any weaker than it was in the case of A and D ? Whoever contends that it would be, shoidd like- wise maintain that the origination of individuals by generation is incompatible with design, or an impos- sibility in Nature. We might all have confidently thought the latter, antecedently to experience of the fact of reproduction. Let our experience teach us wisdom. These illustrations make it clear that the evidence of design from structure and adaptation is furnished corwplete by the individual animal or plant itself, and that our knowledge or our ignorance of the history of 152 DAE WimANA. its formation or mode of production adds nothing to it and takes nothing away. "We infer design from certain arrangements and results ; and we have no oth- er way of ascertaining it. Testimony, unless infallible, cannot prove it, and is out of the question here. Testimony is not the ajyjyrojyriate proof of design: adaj)tatio7i to jpurjyose is. Some arrangements in JSTature appear to be contrivances, but may leave us in doubt. Many others, of which the eye and the hand are notable examples, compel belief with a force not appreciably short of demonstration. Clearly to settle that such as these must have been designed goes far toward proving that other organs and other seemingly less explicit adaptations in ]!!^ature must also have been designed, and chnches our belief, from manifold con- siderations, that all Nature is a preconcerted arrange- ment, a manifested design. A strange contradiction would it be to insist that the shape and markings of certain rude pieces of flint, lately found in drift-de- posits, prove design, but that nicer and thousand-fold more complex adaptations to use in animals and vege- tables do not a fortiori argue design. "We could not affirm that the arguments for design in ^Nature are conclusive to all minds. But we may insist, upon grounds already intimated, that, whatever they were good for before Darwin's book appeared, they are good for now. To our minds the argument from design always appeared conclusive of - the being and continued operation of .an intelligent First Cause, the Ordainer of JSTature ; and we do not see that the grounds of such belief would be disturbed or shifted ])y the adoption of Darwin's hypothesis. We are not DARWm AND HIS EEYIEWERS, 153 blind to the philosophical difficulties which the thor- oughgoing implication of design in ]^ature has to encounter, nor is it our vocation to obviate them. It suffices us to know that they are not new nor peculiar difficulties — that, as Darwin's theorv and our reason- ings upon it did not raise these perturbing spirits, they are not bound to lay them. Meanwhile, that the doc- trine of design encounters the very same difficulties in the material that it does in the moral world is just what ought to be expected. So the issue between the skeptic and the theist is only the old one, long ago argued out — ^namely, wheth- er organic Mature is a result of design or of chance. Variation and natural selection open no third alterna- tive ; they concern only the question how the results, whether fortuitous or designed, may have been brought about. Organic ISTature abounds with unmistakable and irresistible indications of design, and, being a con- nected and consistent system, this evidence carries the implication of design throughout the whole. On the other hand, chance carries no probabilities with it, can never be developed into a consistent system, but, when applied to the explanation of orderly or beneficial results, heaps up improbabilities at every step beyond all computation. To us, a fortuitous Cosmos is simply inconceivable. The alternative is a designed Cosmos. It is very easy to assume that, because events in Nature are in one sense accidental, and the operative forces which bring them to pass are themselves blind and unintelligent (physically considered, all forces are), therefore they are undirected, or that he who describes these events as the results of such forces 154 DARWimANA. thereby assumes that they are undirected. This is the assumption of the Boston reviewers, and of Mr. Agas- siz, who insists that the only alternative to the doc- trine, that all organized beings were supernaturally created just as they are, is, that they have arisen sj^on- taneously through the omnijpotence of matter.^ As to all this, nothing is easier than to bring out in the conclusion what you introduce in the premises. If you import atheism into your conception of vari- ation and natural selection, you can readily exhibit it in the result. If you do not put it in, perhaps there need be none to come out. While the mechanician is considering a steamboat or locomotive-engine as a mar terial organism, and contemplating the fuel, water, and steam, the source of. the mechanical forces, and how they operate, he may not have occasion to mention the engineer. But, the orderly and special results ac- complished, the why the movements are in this or that particular direction, etc., is inexplicable without him. If Mr. Dar^^dn believes that the events which he sup- poses to have occurred and the results we behold were undirected and undesigned, or if the physicist be- lieves that the natural forces to which he refers phe- nomena are uncaused and undirected, no argument is needed to show that such belief is atheism. But the admission of the phenomena and of these natural pro- cesses and forces does not necessitate any such belief, nor even render it one whit less improbable than before. Surely, too, the accidental element may play its part in I^ature without negativing design in the the- ' In American Journal of Science, July, 1860, pp. 147-149. DARWIN AND HIS EEVIEWERS. I55 ist's view. He believes that the earth's surface has been very gradually prepared for man and the existing animal races, that vegetable matter has through a long series of generations imparted fertility to the soil in order that it may support its present occupants, that even beds of coal have been stored up for man's bene- fit. Yet what is more accidental, and more simply the consequence of physical agencies, than the accumula- tion of vegetable matter in a peat-bog, and its trans- formation into coal ? Is^o scientific person at this day doubts that our solar system is a progressive develop- ment, whether in his conception he begins with molten masses, or aeriform or nebulous masses, or with a fluid revolving mass of vast extent, from which the specific existing worlds have been developed one by one. What theist doubts that the actual results of the de- velopment in the inorganic worlds are not merely compatible with design, but are in the truest sense designed results? Not Mr. Agassiz, certainly, who adopts a remarkable illustration of design directly founded on the nebular hypothesis, drawing from the position and times of the revolution of the world, so originated, "direct evidence that the physical world has been ordained in conformity with laws which ob- tam also among living beings." But the reader of the interesting exposition^ will notice that the designed result has been brought to pass through what, speak- ing after the manner of men, might be called a chapter of accidents. A natural corollary of this demonstration would » In " Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, " vol. i., pp. 128, 129. 156 DARWINIANA. seem to be, tliat a material connection between a series of created tilings — sucli as the development of onaof tbem from another, or of all from b, common stock — is highly compatible with their intellectual connection, namely, with their being designed and directed by one mind. Tet upon some gronnd which is not ex- plained, and which we are unable to conjecture, Mr. Agassiz concludes to the contrary in the organic king- doms, and insists that, because the members of such a series have an intellectual connection, "they cannot be the result of a material differentiation of the ob- jects themselves," ^ that is, they cannot have had a genealogical connection. But is there not as much intellectual connection between the successive genera- tions of any species as there is between the several species of a genus, or the several genera of an order ? As the intellectual connection here is realized through the material connection, why may it not be so in the case of species and genera? On all sides, therefore, the implication seems to be quite the other way. Hetm-ning to the accidental element, it is evident that the strongest point against the compatibility of Darwin's hyj)othesis w^ith design in JSTature is made when natural selection is referred to as picking out those variations which are improvements from a vast number which are not improvements, but perhaps the contrary, and therefore useless or purposeless, and born to perish. But even here the difficulty is not peculiar ; for Mature abounds with analogous instances. Some of our race are useless, or worse, as regards ^ " Contributions to the Natural History of the United States," yol. i., p. 130 ; and American Journal of Science^ July, 1860, p. 143. JDARWm AND HIS REVIEWERS. 157 tKe improvement of mankind ; yet tlie race may be designed to improve, and may be actually improving. Or, to avoid the complication with free agency — tlie whole animate life of a country depends absolutely upon the vegetation, the vegetation upon the rain. The moisture is furnished by the ocean, is raised by the sun's heat from the ocean's surface, and is wafted inland by the winds. But what multitudes of rain- drops fall back into the ocean — are as much without a final cause as the incipient varieties which come to nothing! Does it therefore follow that the rains which are bestowed upon the soil with such rule and average regularity wei'e not designed to support vege- table and animal life ? Consider, likewise, the vast proportion of seeds and pollen, of ova and young — a thousand or more to one — which come to nothing, and are therefore purposeless in the same sense, and only in the same sense, as are Darwin's unimproved and unused slight variations. The world is full of such cases ; and these must answer the argument — for we cannot, except by thus showing that it proves too much. Finally, it is worth noticing that, though natural selection is scientifically explicable, variation is not. Thus far the cause of variation, or the reason why the ottspring is sometimes unlike the parents, is just as mysterious as the reason why it is generally like the parents. It is now as inexplicable as any other origi- nation ; and, if ever explained, the explanation will only carry up the sequence of secondary causes one step farther, and bring us in face of a somewhat different problem, but which will have the same element of 158 DARWINIANA. mystery tliat the problem of variation lias now. Cir- cmnstances may preserve or may destroy the variations ; man may nse or direct them ; but selection, whether artificial or natnral, no more originates them than man originates the power which turns a wheel, when he dams a stream and lets the water fall upon it. The origination of this power is a question about efficient cause. The tendency of science in respect to this ob- viously is not toward the omnipotence of matter, as some suppose, but toward the omnipotence of spirit. So the real question we come to is as to the way in which we are to conceive intelligent and efiicient cause to be exerted, and upon what exerted. Are we bomid to suppose efiiicient cause in all cases exerted upon nothing to evoke something into existence — and this thousands of times repeated, when a slight change in the details would make all the difference between suc- cessive species? "Why may not the new species, or some of them, be designed diversifications of the old? There are, perhaps, only three views of efficient cause which may claim to be both philosophical and theistic : 1. The view of its exertion at the beginning of time, endowing matter and created things with forces which do the work and produce the phenomena. 2. This same view, with the theory of insulated interpositions, or occasional direct action, engrafted upon it — the view that events and operations in gen- eral go on in virtue simply of forces communicated at the first, but that now and then, and only now and then, the Deity puts his hand directly to the work. 3. The theory of the immediate, orderly, and con- DAEWm AND HIS REVIEWERS. 159 stant, however infinitely diversified, action of the in- telligent efficient Cause. It must be allowed that, while the third is preemi- nently the Christian view, all three are philosophi- cally compatible with design in JSTature. The second is probably the popular conception. Perhaps most thoughtful people oscillate from the middle view tow- ard the first or the third — adopting the first on some occasions, the third on others. Those philosophers who like and expect to settle all mooted questions will take one or the other extreme. The Examiner inclines toward, the North American reviewer fully adopts, the third view, to the logical extent of main- taining that " the origin of an individual^ as well as the origin of a species or a genus, can be explained only by the direct action of an intelligent creative cause." To silence his critics, this is the line for Mr. Darwin to take ; for it at once and completely relieves his scientific theory from every theological objection which his reviewers have urged against it. At present we suspect that our author prefers the first conception, though he might contend that his hy- pothesis is compatible with either of the three. That it is also compatible with an atheistic or pantheistic conception of the universe, is an objection which, being shared by all physical, and some ethical or moral science, cannot specially be urged against Dar- win's system. As he rejects spontaneous generation, and admits of intervention at the beginning of organic life, and probably in more than one instance, he is not wholly excluded from adopting the middle view, although the interventions he would allow are few and 160 DARWINIANA. far back. Yet one interposition admits the principle as well as more. Interposition presupposes particular necessity or reason for it, and raises the question, when and how often it may have been necessary. It might be the natural su]3position, if we had only one set of species to account for, or if the successive mhabitants of the earth had no other connections or resemblances than those which adaptation to similar conditions, which final causes in the narrower sense, might ex- plain. But if this explanation of organic I^ature re- quires one to "believe that, at innumerable periods in the earth's history, certain elemental atoms have been commanded suddenly to flash into living tissues," and this when the results are seen to be strictly con- nected and systematic, we cannot wonder that such interventions should at length be considered, not as interpositions or interferences, but rather — ^to use the reviewer's own language — as " exertions so frequent and beneficent that we come to regard them as the or- dinary action of Him who laid the foundation of the earth, and without whom not a sparrow falleth to the ground." ^ What does the difference between Mr. Darwin and his reviewer now amount to ? If we say that accord- ing to one view the origination of species is natural^ according to the other tniraculous^ Mr. Darwin agrees that "what is natural as much requires and presup- poses an intelligent mind to render it so — that is, to eifect it continually or at stated times — as what is su- pernatural does to effect it for once." "^ He merely ' North Americayi Review for April, 1S60, p, 506. 2 Vide motto from Butler, prefixed to the second edition of Darwin's work. DABWm AND HIS REVIEWERS. Id inquires into the form of the miracle, may remind us that all recorded miracles (except the primal creation of matter) were transformations or actions in and up- on natural things, and will ask how many times and how frequently may the origination of successive spe- cies be repeated before the supernatural merges in the natural. In short, Darwin maintains that the origination of a species, no less than that of an individual, is natural ; the reviewer, that the natural origination of an indi- vidual, no less than the origination of a species, re- quires and presupposes Divine power. A fortiori, then, the origination of a variety requires and j)resup- poses Divine power. And so between the scientific hypothesis of the one and the philosophical concep- tion of the other no contrariety remains. And so, concludes the Worth American reviewer, '' a proper view of the nature of causation .... places the vital doctrine of the being and the providence of a God on ground that can never be shaken." ^ A wor- thy conclusion, and a sufficient answer to the denun- ciations and arguments of the rest of the article, so far as philosophy and natural theology are concerned. If a writer must needs use his own favorite dogma as a weapon with which to give coup de grace to a perni- cluus theory, he should be careful to seize his edge- tool by the handle, and not by the blade. We can barely glance at a subsidiary philosophical objection of the North American reviewer, which the Examiner also raises, though less explicitly. Like all geologists, Mr. Darwin draws upon time in the * North American Review^ loc. cit., p. 504. 162 DARWINIANA. most unlimited manner. He is not peculiar in tliis regard. Mr. Agassiz tells us that the con\dction is "now universal, among well-informed naturalists, that this globe has been in existence for innumerable ages, and that the length of time elapsed since it first became inhabited cannot be counted in years ; " Pic- tet, that the imagination refuses to calculate the im- mense number of years and of ages during which th-e fauTias of thirty or more epochs have succeeded one another, and developed their long succession of gen- erations. I^ow, the reviewer declares that such indefi- nite succession of ages is " virtually infinite," "lacks no characteristic of eternity except its name," at least, that " the difference between such a conception and that of the strictly infinite, if any, is not appreciable." But infinity belongs to metaphysics. Therefore, he concludes, Darwin supports his theory, not by scien- tific but by metaphysical evidence ; his theory is " es- sentially and completely metaphysical in character, rest- ing altogether upon that idea of ' the infinite ' which the human mind can neither put aside nor compre- hend." " And so a theory which will be generally regarded as much too physical is transferred* by a single syllogism to metaphysics. Well, physical geology must go with it : for, even on the soberest view, it demands an indefinitely long time antecedent to the introduction of organic life' upon om' earth. A fortiori is physical astronomy a branch of metaphysics, demanding, as it does, still larger "instalments of infinity," as the reviewer calls them, both as to time and number. Moreover, far the ^ North American Review^ loc. cit., p. 48Y, et passim. DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 163 greater part of physical inquiries now relate to mo- lecular actions, wliich, a distinguished natural philoso- pher informs us, " we have to regard as the results of an infinite number of infinitely small material parti- cles, acting on each other at infinitely small distances " — a triad of infinities — and so jphysics becomes the most metajyhysical of sciences. Yerilj, if this style of reasoning is to prevail — " Thinking is but an idle waste of thought, And naught is everything, and everything is naught." The leading objection of Mr. Agassiz is likewise of a philosophical character. It is, that species exist only " as categories of thought " — that, having no material existence, they can have had no material variation, and no material community of origin. Here the predica- tion is of species in the subjective sense, the inference in the objective sense. Keduced to plain terms, the argument seems to be : Species are ideas ; therefore the objects from which the idea is derived cannot vary or blend, and cannot have had a genealogical connec- tion. The common view of species is, that, although they are generalizations, yet they have a direct objective ground in ITature, which genera, orders, etc., have not. According to the succinct definition of Jussieu — and that of Linnaeus is identical in meaning — a species is the perennial succession of similar individuals in con- tinued generations. The species is the chain of which the individuals are the links. The sum of the genea- logically-connected similar individuals constitutes the species, which thus has an actuality and ground of dis- 164 LARWINIANA. tinction not shared bj genera and other groups which were not supposed to be genealogically connected. How a derivative hypothesis would modify this view, in assigning to species only a temporary fixity, is ob- vious. Yet, if naturalists adopt that hypothesis, they will still retain Jussieu's definition, which leaves un- touched the question as to how and when the " peren- nial successions " were established. The practical ques- tion will only be. How much difference between two sets of individuals entitles them to rank under distinct species? and that is the practical question now, on whatever theory. The theoretical question is — as stated at the beginning of this article — whether these specific lines were always as distinct as now. Mr. Agassiz has " lost no opportunity of urging the idea that, while species have no material existence, they yet exist as categories of thought in the same way [and only in the same way] as genera, families, orders, classes," etc. He "has taken the ground that all the natural divisions in the ani- mal kingdom are primarily distinct, founded upon different categories of characters, and that all exist in the same way, that is, as categories of thought, embodied in individual living forms. I have attempted to show that branches in the animal kingdom are founded upon different plans of structure, and for that very reason have embraced from the beginning representa- tives between which there could be no community of origin ; that classes are founded upon different modes of execution of these plans, and therefore they also embrace representatives which could have no community of origin ; that orders repre- sent the different degrees of complication in the mode of execu- tion of each class, and therefore embrace representatives which" could not have a community of origin any more than the mem- bers of different classes or branches ; that families are founded DARWIN AND EI8 REVIEWERS. 105 upon different patterns of form, and embrace representatives equally independent in their origin ; that genera are founded upon ultimate peculiarities of structure, embracing representa- tives wbicb, from tbe very nature of their peculiarities, could have no community of origin ; and that, finally, species are based upon relations and proportions that exclude, as much as all the preceding distinctions, the idea of a common descent. " As the community of characters among the beings belong- ing to these different categories arises from the intellectual con- nection which shows them to be categories of thought, they cannot be the result of a gradual material differentiation of the objects themselves. The argument on which these views are founded may be summed up in the following few words : Species, genera, families, etc., exist as thoughts, individuals as facts." » An ingenious dilemma caps the argmnent : "It seems to me that there is much confusio^n of ideas in the general statement of the variability of species so often re- peated lately. If species do not exist at all, as the supporters of the transmutation theory maintain, how can they vary ? and if individuals alone exist, how can the differences which may be observed among them prove the variability of species? " JSTow, we imagine tliat Mr. Darwin need not be dangerously gored by either born of tliis curious di- lemma. Although we ourselves cherish old-fashioned prejudices in favor of the probable permanence, and therefore of a more stable objective ground of species, yet we agree — and Mr. Darwin will agree fully with Mr. Agassiz — that species, and he will add varieties, " exist as categories of thought," that is, as cognizable distinctions — which is all that we can make of the phrase here, whatever it may mean in the Aristotelian metaphysics. Admitting that species are only cate- * la American Journal of Science^ July, 1860, p. 143. 8 166 • DARWmiANA, gories of thoiiglit, and not facts or things, liow does tMs prevent the individuals, which are. material things, from having varied in the course of time, so as to exemplify the present almost innumerable categories of thought, or embodiments of Divine thought in ma- terial forms, or — viewed on the human side — in forms marked with such orderly and graduated resemblances and differences as to suggest to our minds the idea of species, genera, orders, etc., and to our reason the in- ference of a Divine Original ? We have no clear idea how Mr. Agassiz intends to answer this question, in saying that branches are founded upon diif erent plans of structure, classes upon different mode of execution of these plans, orders on different degrees of compli- cation in the mode of execution, families upon diflerent patterns of form, genera upon ultimate peculiarities of structure, and species upon relations and propor- tions. That is, we do not perceive how these several " categories of thought " exclude the possibility or the probability that the individuals which manifest or suggest the thoughts had an ultimate community of origm. Moreover, Mr. Darwin might insinuate that the particular pliilosophy of classification upon which this whole argument reposes is as purely hypothetical and as little accepted as is his own doctrine. If both are pure hypotheses, it is hardly fair or satisfactory to ex- tinguish the one by the other. If there is no real con- tradiction between them, nothing is gained by the attempt. As to the dilemma propounded, suppose we try it upon that category of thought which we call chair. DARWIN AND HIS EEVIEWEES. 1G7 Tliis is a genus, comprising a common chair {Sella vul- garis), arm or easy cliair {S. cathedra), tlie rocking-cliair (S. oscillans) — widely distributed in the United States — and some others, each of which has sported, as the gardeners say, into many varieties. But now, as the genus and the species have no material existence, how can they vary ? If only individual chairs exist, how can the differences which may be observed among them prove the variability of the species % To which we re- ply by asking, Which does the question refer to, the category of thought, or the individual embodiment? If the former, then we would remark that our cate- gories of thought vary from time to time in the readi- est manner. And, although the Divine thoughts are eternal, yet they are manifested to us in time and suc- cession, and by their manifestation only can we know them, how imperfectly ! Allowing that what has no material existence can have had no material connection or variation, we should yet infer that what has intel- lectual existence and connection might have intellectual variation ; and, turning to the individuals, which repre- sent the species, we do not see how all this shows that they may not vary. Observation shows us that they do. "Wherefore, taught by fact that successive indi- viduals do vary, we safely infer that the idea must have varied, and that this variation of the individual representatives proves the variability of the species, whether objectively or subjectively regarded. Each species or sort of chair, as we have said, has its varieties, and one species shades off by gradations into another. And — note it well — these numerous and successively slight variations and gradations, far 168 DARWimANA. from suggesting an accidental origin to chairs and to theii' forms, are very proofs of design. Again, edifice is a generic category of thought. Egyptian, Grecian, Byzantine, and Gothic buildings are well-marked species, of which each individual building of the sort is a material embodiment. !Kow, the ques- tion is, whether these categories or ideas may not have been evolved, one from another in succession, or from some primal, less specialized, edificial category. What better e\ddence for such hypothesis could we have than the variations and grades which connect these species with each other ? We might extend the parallel, and get some good illustrations of natural selection from the history of architecture, and the origin of the dif- ferent styles under different climates and conditions. Two considerations may qualify or limit the compari- son. One, that houses do not propagate, so as to pro- duce continuing lines of each sort and variety ; but this is of small moment on Agassiz's view, he holding that genealogical connection is not of the essence of a species at all. The other, that the formation and development of the ideas upon which human works proceed are gradual ; or, as the same great naturalist well states it, "while human thought is consecutive, Divine thought is simultaneous." But we have no right to affirm this of Divine action. We must close here. We meant to review some of the more general scientific objections which we thought not altogether tenable, But, after all, we are not so anxious just now to know whether the new theory is well founded on facts, as whether it would DARWIN AND HIS EEVIEWERS. 169 be harmless if it were. Besides, we feel quite unable to answer some of these objections, and it is pleasanter to take up those which one thinks he can. Among the unanswerable, perhaps the weightiest of the objections, is that of the absence, in geological deposits, of vestiges of the intermediate forms which the theory requires to have existed. Here all that Mr. Darwin can do is to insist upon the extreme im- perfection of the geological record and the uncertainty of negative evidence. But, withal, he allows the force of the objection almost as much as his opponents urge it — so much so, indeed, that two of his English critics turn the concession unfairly upon him, and charge him with actually basing his hypothesis upon these and similar difficulties^ — as if he held it because of the difficulties, and not in spite of them ; a handsome re- turn for his candor ! As to this imperfection of the geological record, perhaps we should get a fair and intelligible illustra- tion of it by imagining the existmg animals and plants of IsTew England, with all their remains and products since the arrival of the Mayflower, to be annihilated ; and that, in the coming time, the geologists of a new colony, dropped by the !New Zealand fleet on its way to explore the ruins of London, undertake, after fifty years of examination, to reconstruct in a catalogue the flora and fauna of our day, that is, from the close of the glacial period to the present time. With all the advantages of a sm-face exploration, what a beg- garly account it would be ! How many of the land animals and plants which are enumerated in the Massa- chusetts official reports would it be likely to contain ? 170 BAEWINIANA. Another unanswerable question asked by the Bos- ton reviewers is, Why, when structure and instinct or habit vary — as they must have varied, on Darwin's hypothesis — they vary together and harmoniously, in- stead of vaguely ? We cannot tell, because we can- not tell why either varies at all. Tet, as they both do vary in successive generations — as is seen under domestication — and are correlated, we can only ad- duce the fact. Darwin may be precluded from our answer, but we may say that they vary together be- cause designed to do so. * A reviewer says that the chance of their varying together is inconceivably small ; yet, if they do not, the variant individuals must all perish. Then it is well that it is not left to chance. To refer to a parallel case : before vre were born, nourishment and the equivalent to respiration took place in a certain way. But the moment we were ushered into this breathing world, our actions promptly conformed, both as to respiration and nom'ishment, to the before unused structure and to the new sur- roundings. " Now," says the Examiner^ " suppose, for instance, the gills of an aquatic animal converted into lungs, while instinct still compelled a continuance under water, would not drowning ensue ? " No doubt. But — simply contemplating the facts, instead of theoriz- ing— we notice that young frogs do not keep their heads under water after ceasing to be tadpoles. The instinct promptly changes with the structure, with- out supernatui'al interposition — ^just as Darwin would have it, if the development of a variety or incipient DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 171 species, tliougli rare, were as natural as a metamor- phosis. " Or if a quadruped, not yet furnislied witli wings, were suddenly inspired with the instinct of a bird, and precipitated itself from a cliff, would not the de- scent be hazardously rapid ? " Doubtless the animal would be no better supported than the objection. But Darwin makes very little indeed of voluntary ef- forts as a cause of change, and even poor Lamarck need not be caricatured. He never supposed that an elephant would take such a notion into his wise head, or that a squirrel would begin with other than short and easy leaps ; yet might not the length of the leap be increased by practice ? The North American reviewer's position, that the higher brute animals have comparatively little in- stinct and no intelligence, is a heavy blow and great discouragement to dogs, horses, elephants, and mon- keys. Thus stripped of their all, and left to shift for themselves as they may in this hard world, their pursuit and seeming attainment of knowledge under such peculiar difficulties are interesting to contemplate. However, we are not so sure as is the critic that in- stinct regularly increases downward and decreases up- ward in the scale of being. Now that the case of the bee is reduced to moderate proportions,* we know of nothing in instinct surpassing that of an animal so high as a bird, the talegal, the male of which plumes himself upon making a hot-bed in which to hatch his partner's eggs — which he tends and regulates the heat * Vide article by Mr. 0. "Wright, in the Mathematical Monthly for May last. 172 BARWrniANA. of about as carefully and skilKiilly as the unplumed biped does an eccaleobion/ As to the real intelligence of the higher brutes, it has been ably defended by a far more competent ob- server, Mr. Agassiz, to whose conclusions we yield a general assent, although we cannot quite place the best of dogs " in that respect upon a level with a consider- able proportion of poor humanity," nor indulge the hope, or indeed the desire, of a renewed acquaintance with the whole animal kingdom in a future life.^ The assertion that acquired habitudes or instincts, and acquired structures, are not heritable, any breeder or good observer can refute.^ That "the human mind has become what it is out of a developed instinct,"* is a statement which Mr, Darwin nowhere makes, and, we presume, would not accept/ That he would have us believe that individ- ^ Vide EdbiburgJi Review for January, 1860, article on "Acclima- tization," etc. ^ " Contributions, Essay on Classification," etc., vol. i., pp. 60-66. ^ Still stronger assertions have recently been hazarded — even that heritability is of species only, not of individual characteristics — strangely overlooking the fundamental peculiarity of plants and ani- mals, which is that they reproduce^ and that the species is continued as such only because individuals reproduce their Uke. • • • • • • « •. It has also been urged that variation is never cumulative. If this means that varieties are not capable of further variation, it is not borne out by observation. For cultivators and breeders well know that the main difficulty is to initiate a variation, and that new varieties are par- ticularly prone to vary more. ^ North American Review, April, 1860, p. 475. ^ No doubt he would equally distinguish in kind between iiistinct (which physiologically is best conceived of as congenital habit, so that habits when inherited become instincts, just as varieties become fixed DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 173 ual animals acquire their instincts gradually/ is a statement wliicli must have been penned in inadver- tence both of the very definition of instinct, and of everything we know of in Mr. Darwin's book. It has been attempted to destroy the very founda- tion of Darwin's hypothesis by denying that there are any wild varieties, to speak of, for natural selection to operate upon. We cannot gravely sit down to prove that wild varieties abound. We. should think it just as necessary to prove that snow falls in winter. That variation among plants cannot be largely due to hy- into races) and intelligence ; but would maintain that both are endow- ments of the higher brutes and of man, however vastly and unequal their degree, and with whatever superaddition to simple intelligence in the latter. [Prof. Joseph Le Conte, in Popular Science Monthly, September, 1875, refers to his definition of instinct as "inherited experience," pubUshed in April, 1811, as having been anticipated by that of Hering, as " inherited memory," in February of the same year. . Doubtless the idea has been expressed by others long before us.] To allow that " brutes have certain mental endowments in common with men," .... desires, affections, memory, simple imagination or the power of reproducing the sensible past in mental pictures, and even judgment of the simple or intuitive kind" — that " they compare and judge" ("Memoirs of American Academy," vol. viii., p. 118) — is to concede that the intellect of brutes really acts, so far as we know, like human intellect, as far it goes ; for the philosophical logicians tell U3 all reasoning is reducible to a series of simple judgments. And Aris- totle declares that even reminiscence — which is, we suppose, " repro- ducing the sensible past in mental pictures " — is a sort of reasoning (rb avafjufivfjaKcoOal iffriv otou (TvKXoyia^6s ris). On the other hand, Mr. Darwin's expectation that " psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation," seems to come from a school of philosophy with which we have -no sympathy. ^American Journal of Science^ July, 1860, p. 146. 174 DARWINIANA. bridism, and that their variation in ISTature is not es- sentially different from mucli that occurs in domesti- cation, and, in the long-run, probably hardly less in amount, we could show if our space permitted. As to the sterility of hybrids, that can no longer be insisted upon as absolutely true, nor be practically used as a test between species and varieties, unless we allow that hares and rabbits are of one species. That such sterility, whether total or partial, subserves a pur- pose in keeping species apart, and was so designed, we do not doubt. But the critics fail to perceive that this sterility proves nothing whatever against the de- rivative origin of the actual species ; for it may as well have been intended to keep separate those forms which have reached a certain amount of divergence, as those which were alwavs thus distinct. The argument for the permanence of species, drawn from the identity with those now living of cats, birds, and other animals preserved in Egyptian . catacombs, was good enough as used by Cuvier against St.-Hi- laire, that is, against the supposition that time brings about a gradual alteration of whole species; but it goes for little against Darwin, unless it be proved that species never vary, or that the perpetuation of a vari- ety necessitates -the extinction of the parent breed. For Darwin clearly maintains — what the facts warrant —that the mass .of a species remains fixed so long as it exists at all, though it may set off a variety now and then. The variety may finally supersede the parent form, or it may coexist with it ; yet it does not in the least hinder the unvaried stock from continuing true to the breed, unless it crosses with it. The common DARWIN AND 'HIS REVIEWERS. 175 law of iiilieritance may be expected to keep both the original and the variety mainly true as long as they last, and none the less so because they have given rise to occasional varieties. The tailless Manx cats, like the curtailed fox in the fable, have not induced the nor- mal breeds to dispense with their tails, nor have the Dorkings (apparently known to Pliny) affected the per- manence of the common sort of fowl. As to the objection that the lower forms of life ought, on Darwin's theory, to have been long ago im- proved out of existence, and replaced by higher forms, the objectors forget what a vacuum that would leave below, and what a vast field there is to which a simple organization is best adapted, and where an advance would be no improvement, but the contrary. To accu- mulate the greatest amount of being upon a given space, and to provide' as much enjoyment of life as can be under the conditions, is what l^ature seems to aim at ; and this is effected by diversification. Finally, we advise nobody to accept Darwin's or any other derivative theory as true. The time has not come for that, and perhaps never will. We also ad- \nse against a simular credulity on the other side, in a blind faith that species — that the manifold sorts and forms of existing animals and vegetables — "have no secondary cause." The contrary is already not unlike- ly, and we- suppose will hereafter become more and more probable. But we are confident that, if a de- rivative h}rpothesis ever is established, it will be so on Si solid theistic ground. Meanwhile an inevitable and legitimate hypothesis is on trial — an hypothesis thus far not imtenable — a 176 DARWINIANA. trial just now very useful to science, and, we conclude, not harmful to religion, unless injudicious assailants temporarily make it so. One good effect is already manifest ; its enabling the advocates of the hypothesis of a multiplicity of human species to perceive the double insecurity of their ground. When the races of men are admitted to be of one species^ the corollary, that they are of one origin, may be expected to follow. Those who allow them to be of one species must admit an actual diversification into strongly-marked and persistent varieties, and so admit the basis of fact upon which the Darwinian hypothesis is built ; while those, on the other hand, who recognize several or numerous human species, will hardly be able to maintain that such species were pri- mordial and supernatural in the ordinary sense of the word. The English mind is prone to positivism and kin- dred forms of materialistic philosophy, and we must expect the derivative theory to be taken up in that in- terest. "We have no predilection for that school, but the contrary. If we had, we might have looked com- placently upon a line of criticism which would indi- rectly, but effectively, j)lay into the hands of positivists and materialistic atheists generally. The wiser and stronger ground to take is, that the derivative hypothe- sis leaves the argument for design, and therefore for a designer, as valid as it ever was ; that to do any work by an instrument must require, and therefore presup- pose, the exertion rather of more than of less power than to do it directly ; that whoever would be a con- sistent theist should believe that Design in the natural DARWIN AND HIS REVIEWERS. 177 world is coextensive with Providence, and hold as firm- ly to the one as he does to the other, in spite of the wholly similar and apparently insuperable difficulties which the mind encounters whenever it endeavors to develop the idea into a system, either in the material and organic, or in the moral world. It is enough, in the way of obviating objections, to show that the phil- osophical difficulties of the one are the same, and only the same, as of the other. ly. SPECIES AS TO VAEIATION, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTEIBUTION, AOT) SUCCESSION. (Amekican Jotjenal of Scienck akd Aets, May, 1863.) Etude siir VEsjpece^ a V Occasion d'une Eevision de laFamille des Cuj^iiliferes^jpar M. Alphonse De Can- DOLLE. — This is tlie title of a paper by M. Alj)]i. De Candolle, gTowing out of his study of the oaks. It was published in the E^ovember number of the Bih- liotheque TJniverselle^ and separately issued as a pam- phlet. A less inspiring task could hardly be assigned to a botanist than the systematic elaboration of the genus Qiiercus and its allies. The vast materials as- sembled under De Candolle' s hands, while disheart- ening for their bulk, offered small hope of novelty. The subject was both extremely trite and extremely difficult. Happily it occurred to De Candolle that an interest might be imparted to an onerous undertaking, and a w^ork of necessity be turned to good account for science, by studying the oaks in view of the question of species. What this term sjyecies means, or should mean, in natural history, what the limits of species, inter se or chronologically, or in geographical distribution, their modifications, actual or probable, their origin, and SPECIES AS TO VARIATION, ETC. 170 tlieir destiny — these are questions wliicli surge up from time to time ; and now and tlien in the progress of science they come to assmne a new and hopeful in- terest. Botany and zoology, geology, and what our author, feeling the want of a new term, proposes to name ejpiontology ^ all lead up to and converge into this class of questions, while recent theories shape and point the discussion. So we look with eager interest to see what light the study of oaks by a very careful, experienced, and conservative botanist, particularly conversant with the geographical relations of plants, may throw upon the subject. The course of investigation in this instance does not differ from that ordinarily pursued by working botanists ; nor, indeed, are the theoretical conclusions other than those to which a similar study, of other or- ders might not have equally led. The oaks afford a very good occasion for the discussion of questions which press upon our attention, and perhaps they offer peculiarly good materials on account of the number of fossil species. Preconceived notions about species being laid aside, the specimens in hand were distributed, accord- ^ A name which, at the close of his article, De Candolle proposes for the study of the succession of organized beings, to comprehend, therefore, palaeontology and all included under what is called geographical botany and zoology — the whole forming a science parallel to geology — the lat- ter devoted to the history of unorganized bodies, the former, to that of organized beings, as respects origin, distribution, and succession. We are not satisfied with the word, notwithstanding the precedent of pahv- ontology ; since ontology , the science of being, has an established mean- mg as referring to mental existence — i. e., is a synonym or a department of metaphysics. 180 DARWINIANA. ing to their obvious resemblanceSj into groups of ap- parently identical or nearly identical forms, wliich were severally examined and compared. Where speci- mens were few, as from countries httle explored, the work was easy, but the conclusions, as will be seen, of small value. The fewer the materials, the smaller the likelihood of forms intermediate between any two, and — what does not appear being treated upon the old law-maxim as non-existent — species are readily enough defined. Where, however, specimens abound, as in the case of the oaks of Europe, of the Orient, and of the United States, of which the specimens amounted to hundreds, collected at different ages, in varied local- ities, by botanists of all sorts of views and predilec- tions— here alone were data fit to draw useful conclu- sions from. Here, as De Candolle remarks, he had every advantage, being furnished with materials more complete than any one person could have procm*ed from his own herborizations, more varied than if he had observed a hundred times over the same forms in the same district, and more impartial than if they had all been amassed by one person with his own ideas or predispositions. So that vast herbaria, into which con- tributions from every source have flowed for years, furnish the best possible data — at least are far better than any practicable amount of personal herborization — for the comparative study of related forms occur- ring over wide tracts of temtory. But as the materials increase, so do the difficulties. Forms, which appeared totally distinct, approach or blend through interme- diate gradations ; characters, stable in a limited num- ber of instances or in a limited district, prove unstable SPECIES AS TO VARIATION, ETC. 181 occasionally, or when observed over a wider area ; and the practical question is forced upon the investigator, What here is probably fixed and specific, and what is variant, pertaining to individual, variety, or race ? In the examination of these rich materials, certain characters were found to vary upon the same branch, or upon the same tree, sometimes according to age or development, sometimes irrespective of such relations or of any assignable reasons. Such characters, of course, are not specific, although many of them are such as would have been expected to be constant in the same species, and are such as generally enter into specific definitions. Yariations of this sort, De Can- dolle, with his usual j^ain staking, classifies and tabu- lates, and even expresses numerically their frequency in certain species. The results are brought well to view in a systematic enumeration : 1. Of characters which frequently ^'ary upon the same branch : over a dozen such are mentioned. 2. Of those which sometimes vary upon the same branch : a smaller number of these are mentioned. 3. Those so rare that they might be called mon- strosities. Then he enumerates characters, ten in number, which he has never found to vary on the same branch, and which, therefore, may better claim to be employed as specific. But, as among them he includes the dura- tion of the leaves, the size of the cupule, and the form and size of its scales, which are by no means quite uni- form in different trees of the same species, even these characters must be taken with allowance. In fact, hav- ing first brought together, as groups of the lowest 182 DARWINIANA. order, tliose forms which varied upon the same stock, he next had to combine similarly various forms which, though not found associated upon the same branch, were thoroughly blended by intermediate degTees ; "The lower groups (varieties or races) "being thus consti- tuted, I have given the rank of species to the groups next above these, whicli differ in other respects, i. e., either in characters which were not found united upon certain individuals, or in those which do not show transitions from one individual to an- other. For the oaks of regions sufficientlj known, the species thus formed rest upon satisfactory bases, of which the proof can be furnished. It is quite otherwise with those which are repre- sented in our herbaria by single or few specimens. These are provisional species — species which may hereafter fall to the rank of simple varieties. I have not been inclined to prejudge such questions ; indeed, in this regard, I am not disposed to follow those authors whose tendency is, as they say, to reunite species. I never reunite them without proof in each particular case ; while the botanists to whom I refer do so on the ground of analogous variations or transitions occurring in the same genus or in the same family. For example resting on the fact that Querciis Ilex^ Q. coccifera^ Q. acutifolia^ etc., have the leaves sometimes entire and sometimes toothed upon the same branch, or present transitions from one tree to another, I might readily have united my Q. Tlapuxahuensis to Q. Sartorii of Liebmann, since these two differ only in their entire or their toothed leaves. From the fact that the length of the peduncle varies in Q. Ro- "bur and many other oaks, I might have combined Q. Seemannii Liebm. with Q. salicifolia ISTee. I have not admitted these in- ductions, but have demanded visible proof in each particular case. Many species are thus left as provisional ; but, in proceed- ing thus, the progress of the science will be more regular, and the synonymy less dependent upon the caprice or the theoretical opinions of each author." This is safe and to a certain degree judicious, no doubt, as respects published species. Once admitted, SPECIES AS TO variation; ETC. 183 they may stand nntll they are put down by evidence, direct or circumstantial. Doubtless a species may rightfully be condemned on good circumstantial evi- dence. But vrhat course does De Candolle pursue in the case — of every-day occmTence to most working botanists, having to elaborate collections from coun- tries not so well explored as Hurope — when the forms in question, or one of the two, are as yet unnamed ? Does he introduce as a new species every form which he cannot connect by ocular proof with a near relative, from Vvhich it differs only in particulars which he sees are inconstant in better known species of the same group ? We suppose not. But, if he does, little im- provement for the future upon the state of things revealed in the following quotation can be expected : "In the actual state of our knowledge, after having seen nearly all the original specimens, and in some species as many as two hundred representatives from different localities, I esti- mate that, out of the three hundred species of CupulifercB which will be enumerated in the Prodromus, two-thirds at least are provisional species. In general, when we consider what a multitude of species were described from a single specimen, or from the forms of a single locality, of a single country, or are badly described, it is difficult to believe that above one-third of the actual species in botanical works will remain unchanged." Such being the results of the want of adequate knowledge, how is it likely to be when our knowledge is largely increased ? The judgment of so practised a botanist as De Candolle is important in this regard, and it accords w^ith that of other botanists of equal experience. " They are mistaken," he pointedly asserts, " who repeat that the greater part of our species are clearly 1 8-i DAR WINIANA. limited, and that the doubtful species are iii a feeble minority. This seemed to be true, so long as a genus was imperfectly known, and its species were founded upon few sj)ecimens, that is to say, were provisional. Just as we come to know them better, intermediate forms flow in, and doubts as to specific limits aug- ment." De Candolle insists, indeed, in this connection, that the higher the rank of the groups, the more definite their limitation, or, in other terms, the fewer the am- biguous or doubtful forms; that genera are more strictly limited than species, tribes than genera, orders than tribes, etc. We are not convinced of this. Often where it has appeared to* be so, advancing discovery has brc>ught intermediate forms to light, perplexing to the systematist. " They are mistaken," we think more than one systematic botanist will say," who repeat that the greater part of our natural orders and tribes are absolutely limited," however we may agree that we will limit them. Provisional genera we suppose are proportionally hardly less common than provisional species; and hundreds of genera are kept up on con- siderations of general propriety or general conven- ience, although well known to shade off into adjacent ones by complete gradations. Somewhat of this greater fixity of higher groups, therefore, is rather apparent than real. On the other hand, that varieties should be less definite than species, follows from the very terms employed. They are ranked as varieties, rather than species, just because of their less definiteness. Singular as it may appear, we have heard it denied that spontaneous varieties occur. De Candolle makes SPECIES AS TO YARIATIOX, ETC. 185 the important announcement tliat, in tlie oak genus, the best known species are just those which present the greatest number of spontaneous varieties and sub-vari- eties. The maximum is found in Q. Hobiir, with twenty-eight varieties, all spontaneous. Of Q. Lusi- tanica eleven varieties are enumerated, of Q. Calli- prinos ten, of Q. coccifera eight, etc. And he sig- nificantly adds that "these very species which offer such numerous modifications are themselves ordinarily surrounded by other forms, provisionally called spe- cies, because of the absence of known transitions or variations, but to which some of these will probably have to be joined hereafter. " The inference is natu- ral, if not inevitable, that the difference between such species and such varieties is only one of degree, either as to amount of divergence, or of hereditary fixity, or as to the frequency or rarity at the present time of intermediate forms. This brings us to the second section of De Can- dolle's article, in which he passes on, from the obser- vation of the present forms and affinities of cupulifer- ous plants, to the consideration of their probable his- tory and origin. Suffice it to say, that he frankly ac- cepts the inferences derived from the whole course of observation, and contemplates a probable historical connection between congeneric species. He accepts and, by various considerations drawn from the geo- graphical distribution of European Ciipuliferce^ forti- fies the conclusion — long ago arrived at by Edward Forbes — that the present species, and even some of their varieties, date back to about the close of the Ter- tiary epoch, since which time they have been subject 186 DARWINIANA. to frequent and great changes of habitation or limita- tion, but without appreciable change of specific form or character ; that is, without prof ounder changes than those within which a species at the present time is kno^vn to vary. Moreover, he is careful to state that he is far from concluding that the time of the appear- ance of a species in Em-ope at all indicates the time of its origin. Looking back still further into the Tertiary epoch, of which the vegetable remains indicate many analogous, but few, if any, identical forms, he con- cludes, with Heer and others, that specific changes of form, as well as changes of station, are to be presumed ; and, finally, that " the theory of a succession of forms through the deviation of anterior forms is the most natural hypothesis, and the most accordant with the known facts in palaeontology, geographical botany and zoology, of anatomical structure and classification: but dhect proof of it is wanting, and moreover, it true, it must have taken place very slowly ; so slowly, indeed, that its effects are discernible only after a lapse of time far longer than our historic epoch. " In contemplating the present state of the species of CupulifercB in Europe, De Candolle comes to the conclusion that, while the beech is increasing, and ex- tending its limits southward and westward (at the ex- pense of ConifercB and birches), the common oak, to some extent, and the Turkey oak decidedly, are di- minishing and retreating, and this wholly irrespective of man's agency. This is inferred of the Turkey oak from the great gaps found in its present geographical area, which are otherwise inexplicable, and which he regards as plain indications of a partial extinction. SPECIES AS TO VARIATION, ETC. 187 Community of descent of all the individuals of species is of course implied in these and all similar reasonings. An obvious result of such partial extinction is clearly enough brought to view. The European oaks (like the American species) greatly tend to vary ; that is, they manifest an active disposition to produce new forms. Every form tends to become hereditary, and so to pass from the state of mere variation to that of race ; and of these competing incipient races some only will survive. Querciis Hohur offers a familiar illustration of the manner in which one form may in the course of time become separated into two or more distinct ones. ■ To Linnaeus this common oak of Europe was all of one species. But of late years the greater number of European botanists have regarded it as including three species, Q. jpedunculata, Q. sessiliflora^ and Q. jpiihescens, De Candolle looks with satisfaction to the independent conclusion which he reached from a long and patient study of the forms (and which Webb, Gay, Bentham, and others, had equally reached), that the view of Linnseus was correct, inasmuch as it goes to show that the idea and the practical application of the term speciesh.2iYe, remained unchanged during the cen- tury which has elapsed since the publication of the " Spe- cies Plantarum. " But, the idea remaining unchanged, the facts might appear under a different aspect, and the conclusion be different, under a slight and very sup- posable change of circumstances. Of the twenty-eight spontaneous varieties of Q. Robur, which De Candolle recognizes, all but six, he remarks, fall naturally under the three sub-species, peduncidata^ sessiliflora^ and 188 DARWINIANA. pubescens, and are tlierefore forms grouped aroiind these as centres ; and, moreover, the few connecting forms are by no means the most common. Were? these to die out, it is clear that the three forms which have already been so frequently taken for species would be what the group of four or five provisionally admitted species which closely surround Q. JRobur now are. The best example of such a case, as having in all probability occurred through geographical segre- gation and partial extinction, is that of the cedar, thus separated into the Deodar, the Lebanon, and the At- lantic cedars — a case admirably worked out by Dr. Hooker two or three years ago.^ A special advantage of tlie GiqyuUferoe for deter- mining the probable antiquity of existing species in Europe, De Candolle finds in the size and character of their fruits. However it may be with other plants (and he comes to the conclusion generally that marine currents and all other means of distant transport have played only a very small part in the actual dispersion of species), the transport of acorns and chestnuts by natural causes across an arm of the sea in a condition to germinate, and much more the spontaneous estab- lishment of a forest of oaks or chestnuts in this way, De Candolle conceives to be fairly impossible in itself, and contrary to all experience. From such considera- tions, i. e., from the actual dispersion of the existing species (with occasional aid from post-tertiary deposits), it is thought to be shown that the principal Cupuli- fercB of the Old World attained their actual extension ' Natural History Rcvieii\ January, 18G2. SPECIES AS TO VAEIATIOK, ETC. 189 before the present separation of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, and of Britain, from the European Continent. This view once adopted, and this course once entered upon, has to be pursued farther. Quercus HobuT of Europe with its bevy of admitted deriva- tives, and its attending species only provisionally ad- mitted to that rank, is very closely related to certain species of Eastern Asia, and of Oregon and California — so closely that " a view of the specimens by no means forbids the idea that they have all originated from Q. Robur^ or have originated, with the latter, from one or more preceding forms so like the present ones that a naturalist could hardly know whether to call them species or varieties." Moreover, there are fossil leaves from diluvian deposits in Italy, figured by Gaudin, which are hardly distinguishable from those of Q. JRobur on the one hand, and from those of Q. Douglasii^ etc., of California, on the other. Xo such leaves are found in any tertiary deposit in Europe; but such are found of that age, it appears, in North- west America, where their remote descendants still flourish. So that the probable genealogy of Q. Bobitr, traceable in Europe up to the commencement of the present epoch, looks eastward and far into the past on far-distant shores. Quercus llex^ the evergreen oak of Southern Europe and Northern Africa, reveals a similar archaeoloo'v ; but its presence in Algeria leads De CandoUe to regard it as a much more ancient denizen of Europe than Q, Bobur ; and a Tertiary oak, Q. ilicoides, from a very old Miocene bed in Switzerland, is thought to be one of its ancestral forms. This high antiquity once 9 190 DARWmiANA. establislied, it follows almost of course that tlie very nearly-related species in Central Asia, in Japan, in California, and even our own live-oak with its Mexican relatives, may probably enough be regarded as early offshoots from the same stock with Q. Ilex. In brief — not to continue these abstracts and re- marks, and without reference to Darwin's particular theory (which De Candolle at the close very fairly con- siders)— if existing species, or many of them, are as ancient as they are now generally thought to be, and were subject to the physical and geographical changes (among them the coming and the going of the glacial epoch) which this antiquity implies ; if in former times they were as liable to variation as they now are ; and if the individuals of the same species may claim a common local origin, then we cannot wonder that " the theory of a succession of forms by deviations of ante- rior forms " should be regarded as " the most natural hypothesis," nor at the general advance made toward its acceptance. The question being, not, how plants and animals originated, but, how came the existing animals and plants to be just where they are and what they are, it is plain that naturalists interested in such inquiries are mostly looking for the answer in one direction. The general drift of opinion, or at least of expectation, is exemplified by this essay of De Candolle ; and the set and force of the current are seen by noticing how it carries along naturalists of widely different views and prepossessions — some faster and farther than oth- ers— but all in one way. The tendency is, we may say, to extend the law of continuity, or something analo- SPECIES AS TO variation; ETC'. 191 goiis to it, from inorganic to organic Xature, and in the latter to connect the present with the past in some sort of material connection. The generahzation may indeed be expressed so as not to assert that the con- nection is genetic, as in Mr. Wallace's formula : " Ev- ery species has come into existence coincident both in time and space with preexisting closely-allied species." Edward Forbes, who may be called the originator of this w^hole line of inquiry, long ago expressed a simi- lar view. But the only material sequence we know, or can clearly conceive, in plants and animals, is that from parent to progeny ; and, as De Candolle implies, the origin of species and that of races can hardly be much unlike, nor governed by other than the same laws, whatever these may be. . The progress of opinion npon this subject in one generation is not badly represented by that of De Can- dolle himself, who is by no means prone to adopt new views without much consideration. In an elementary treatise published in the year 1835, he adopted and, if we rightly remember, vigorously maintained, Schouw's idea of the double or multiple origin of species, at least of some species — a \dew which has been carried out to its ultimate development only perhaps by Agas- siz, in the denial of any necessary genetic connection among the indi\dduals of the same species, or of any original localization more restricted than the area now occupied by the species. But in 1855, in his " Geogra- phic Botanique," the multiple hjqDothesis, although in principle not abandoned, loses its point, in view of the probable high antiquity of existing species. The act- ual vegetation of the world being now regarded as a 192 BARWimANA. continuation, through numerous geological, geograplii- cal, and more recently historical changes, of anterior vegetations, the actual distribution of plants is seen to be a consequence of preceding conditions ; and geologi- cal considerations, and these alone, may be expected to explain all the facts — many of them so curious and extraordinary — of the actual geographical distribution of the species. In the present essay, not' only the dis- tribution but the origin of congeneric species is re- garded as something derivative ; whether derived by slow and very gradual changes in the course of ages, according to Darwin, or by a sudden, inexplicable change of their tertiary ancestors, as conceived by Heer, De CandoUe hazards no opinion. It may, how- ever, be inferred that he looks upon " natural selection " as a real, but insufficient cause ; while some curious remarks upon the number of monstrosities annually produced, and the possibility of their enduring, may be regarded as favorable to Heer's view. As an index to the progress of opinion in? the di- rection referred to, it will be interesting to compare Sir Charles Ly ell's well-known chapters of twenty or thirty years - ago, in which the permanence of species was ably maintained, with his treatment of the same subject in a work just issued in England, which, how- ever, has not yet reached us, A belief of the derivation of species may be main- tained along with a conviction of great persistence of specific characters. This is the idea of the excellent Swiss vegetable palseontologist, Heer, who imagines a sudden change of specific type at certain periods, and perhaps is that of Pictet. Falconer adheres to SPECIES AS TO VARIATION-, ETC. I93 somewliat similar views in his elaborate paper on elephants, living and fossil, in the Natural Jlistory Review for January last. JSToting that " there is clear evidence of the true mammoth having existed in America long after the period of the northern drift, when the surface of the country had settled down into its present foi*m, and also in Europe so late as to have been a contemporary of the Irish elk, and on the other hand that it existed in England so far back as before the deposition of the bowlder clay ; also that four well-defined species of fossil elephant are known to have existed in Europe ; that " a vast number of the remains of three of these species have been exhumed over a large area in Europe ; and, even in the geo- logical sense, an enormous interval of time has elapsed between the formation of the most ancient and the most recent of these deposits, quite sufficient to test the persistence of specific characters in an elephant," he presents the question, " Do, then, the successive elephants occurring in these strata show any signs of a passage from the older form into the newer ? " To which the reply is ; " If there is one fact which is impressed on the conviction of the observer with more force than any other, it is the persistence and uniformity of the characters of the molar teeth in the earliest known mammoth and his most modern suc- cessor. . . . Assuming the observation to be correct, what strong proof does it not aiford of the persistence and constancy, throughout vast intervals of time, of the distinctive characters of those organs which are most concerned in the existence and habits of the species ? If we cast a glance back on the long vista 1 9i DAR WimANA. of physical changes which, our j)lanet has undergone since the IvTeozoic epoch, we can nowhere detect signs of a revolution more sudden and pronounced, or more important in its results, than the intercalation and sudden disappearance of the glacial period. Yet the ^dicjclotherian' mammoth lived before it, and passed through the ordeal of all the hard extremities it in- volved, bearing his organs of locomotion and digestion all but unchanged. Taking the group of four Em'o- pean fossil species above enumerated, do thej show any signs in the successive deposits of a transition from the one form into the other ? Here again the result of my observation, in so far as it has extended over the European area, is, that the specific characters of the molars are constant in each, within a moderate range of variation, and that we nowhere meet with intermediate forms." .... Dr. Falconer continues (page 80) : " The inferences whicTi I draw from these facts are not opposed to one of the leading propositions of Darwin's theory. With him, I have no faith in the opinion that the mammoth and other extinct elephants made their appearance suddenly, after the type in which their fossil remains are presented to us. The most rational view seems to be, that they are in some shape the modified descendants of earlier progenitors. But if the asserted facts be correct, they seem clearly to indicate that the older elephants of Europe, such as E. meridionalis and E. anti- quus, were not the stocks from which the later species, E. primi- genius and E. Africanus sprung, and that we must look else- where for their origin. The nearest affinity, and that a very close one, of the European E. meridionalis is with the Miocene E. planifrons of India ; and of E. primigenius^ with the exist- ing India species. "Another reflection is equally strong in my mind — that the SPECIES AS TO VARIATIOX, ETC. 105 means wliich have been adduced to explain the origin of the species by 'natural selection,' or a process of variation from external influences, are inadequate to account for the phenom- ena. The law of phyllotaxis, which governs the evolution of leaves around the axis of a plant, is as nearly constant in its manifestation as any of the physical laws connected with the material world. Each instance, however ditferent from an- other, can be shown to be a term of some series of continued fractions. When this is coupled with the geometrical law gov- erning the evolution of form, so manifest in some departments of the animal kingdom, e. g., the spiral shells of the Mollusca, it is difficult to believe that there is not, in Nature, a deeper- seated and innate principle, to the operation of which natural selection is merely an adjunct. The whole range of the Mam- malia, fossil and recent, cannot furnish a species which has had a wider geographical distribution, and passed through a longer term of time, and through more extreme changes of climatal conditions, than the mammoth. If species are so unstable, and so susceptible of mutation through such influences, why does that extinct form stand out so signally a monument of stability? By his admirable researches and earnest writings, Darwin has, beyond all his contemporaries, given an impulse to the philo- sophical investigation of the most backward and obscure branch of the biological sciences of his day ; he has laid the founda- tions of a great edifice ; but he need not be surprised if, in the progress of erection, the superstructure is altered by his success- ors, like the Duomo of Milan from the Roman to a diflerent style of architecture." Entertaining ourselves the opinion that something more than natural selection is requisite to account for the orderly production and succession of species, we offer two incidental remarks upon the above extract. 1. We find in it — in the phrase *' natural selec- tion, or a process of variation from external intiu- ences "^an example of the very common confusion of two distinct things, viz., variation and natural 196 BARWimANA. selection. The former has never yet been shown . to have its cause in ^' external influences, '^ nor to occur at random. As we have elsewhere insisted, if not inexplicable, it has never been explained ; all we can yet say is, that plants and animals are prone to vary, . and that some conditions favor variation. Perhaps in this Dr. Falconer may yet find what he seeks : for " it is difficult to believe that there is not in [its] na- ture a deeper-seated and innate principle, to the opera- tion of which natural selection is merely an adjunct." The latter, which is the ensemUe of the external in- fluences, including the competition of the individuals themselves, picks out certain variations as they arise, but in no proper sense can be said to originate them. 2. Although we are not quite sure how Dr. Falconer intends to apply the law of phyllotaxis to illustrate his idea, we fancy that a pertinent illustra- tion may be drawn from it, in this way. There are two sjyecies of phyllotaxis, perfectly distinct, and, we suppose, not mathematically reducible the one to the other, viz. : (1.) That of alternate leaves, with its varie- ties ; and (2.) That of verticillate leaves, of which op- posite leaves present the simplest case. That, although generally constant, a change from one variety of alter- nate phyllotaxis to another should occur on the same axis, or on successive axes, is not surprising, the dif- ferent sorts being terms of a regular series — although, indeed, we have not the least idea as to how the change from the one to the other comes to pass. But it is interesting, and in this connection perhaps instructive, to remark that, while some dicotyledonous plants hold to the verticillate, i. e., opposite-leaved phyllotaxis SPECIES AS TO VARIATION, ETG. 1