* oe —-_se we «@ “eae ~ a ae ee er Te eee ee eee ere : , (mar) 5 eee ete ve gfe fete tate oa * eo bm A Botham . Ree eens a“ +n eee Ae 7 = * . * e 5 ¥ —. + # . ‘ ~ AM SOM, : i* _ \ | MMO AO sae DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR MINE VENTILATION AND VENTILATORS (Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., London) LOCATION OF MINERAL FIELDS (Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, London) DISRUPTED STRATA (Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, London) DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS BN M. H. HADDOCK, F.G.8., A.M.I.Min.E. Principal, The Mining and Technical Institute, Coalville, Leicester, England First EpiIrion McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK AND LONDON 1931 CopyricHt, 1931, BY THE McGraw-Hitt Book Company, Ine. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. PREFACE The amount of trouble, litigation and random specula- tion that could be avoided by a correct knowledge of the course of deep boreholes is immeasurably great. It is generally agreed among those most concerned that the deep borehole which does not deviate from its intended direction has yet to be bored. Bearing these significant facts in mind I have attempted in the following pages to trace the evolution of modern borehole-surveying devices and add various problems relevant to strata location and orientation. Since most of the world’s deep borehole projects are outside the British Empire I have supplemented my experience and observations by information from many and varied sources. In this respect I have been most generously aided by many workers in America, Germany, Russia and elsewhere, and I hope these are all sufficiently acknowledged where the respective transcriptions appear in the text. In particular I am indebted to the several acute and vigorous bodies of oil-field investigators centered about Oklahoma and the Gulf Coast in America and the Rumanian societies on this side. Some methods of bore- hole exploration have not been dealt with here either because they are shrouded in commercial secrecy or because they do not appear to add very materially to the advance- ment of the art. Generally speaking the present geological engineer does not seem to be enamored of the highly ingenious and exact Suite of post-war instruments, being in many cases content to sacrifice precision to rapidity, ease and cheapness. For these reasons the old and tried acid-bottle and similar fluid methods still hold the field in point of numbers, though the gyrocompass and multiple photographic methods Vv vi PREFACE have entered the lists with the weapons of accuracy and certainty which alone can solve the problem satisfactorily. The history of our subject has not always escaped the stigma of charlatanry and perhaps it has often deserved it. With the growing application of established scientific principles and the subsequent checking and verification of these by other boreholes, shafts, etce., we may regard the day of skepticism as vanished. There is now arising an insistent and ever increasing desire for frankness, clarity and truth in borehole investigation which must one day achieve the universal respect accorded an exact science. Built on such foundations it is indeed difficult to imagine this ideal failing. M. H. Happocx. LEICESTER, ENGLAND, September, 1931. CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER I DEVIATION AND Ims CAUSES. . . 5... 4.) 5 5a. i CHAPTER II AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SuRVEYS. ... 22 CHAPTER III INSERUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES ........ . 46 CHAPTER IV COweMORUNNIDATIONS os . nc. ea bak sn oe ee et” 4 CHAPTER V FLuip METHODS OF SURVEYING BOREHOLES. ...... 95 CHAPTER VI CoOMeASSOAND. EnwMB-BoOB MmrHops. ... 4... . 2. 121 CHAPTER VII LSE OAU NM GE TE OD Sa 20s, (ee 2 eee bea 18 CHAPTER VIII PHOROGCRAPHIC™ NIWEHODS (5... . = 2 0 2 2 ss « we LTS CHAPTER IX Gyroscoric Compass Mrtuops OF SURVEYING BOREHOLES 204 CHAPTER X GropuysicaAaL Mretuops or INVESTIGATING BOREHOLES . . 225 CHAPTER XI JP TRO TRIABINIS goog gs ANE NW i Mette tee lige et gat ee tea 1 CHAPTER Xa 1S UB ROGIRATEIER) 3 eh a yg) gs Cae Ia ca ae Pere) Li sD) x Te UR. Se Lah hy ee DOF vii 00525 ‘DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS CHAPTER I DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES The primary purpose of a borehole survey is to determine the extent of the borehole in length and deviation. The deviation is surveyed in angular deflection in amount and bearing; the amount relative to the intended initial direc- tion and the bearing with respect to the local meridian or any other fixed reference mark. In many boreholes frequently only the amount of deflec- tion suffices. Thus in exploratory borings in unknown measures the direction of deflection is of less value than the degree of deflection, owing to the remainder of the data being absent from our conclusions. However, for a correct decision respecting the strata penetrated, this knowledge is unconditionally necessary. Still more important are these determinations when the hole has to hold a pumping or bailing plant, as in certain petroleum borings. Here the longevity of the borehole is in considerable degree influenced by any noteworthy devia- tion from the plumb. Rods, or the bailing rope, con- tinually chafe in the same part of the casing; in a short time it becomes seriously injured. That all deep boreholes deviate—and by deep boreholes we imply all those over 1,000 ft. in extent—is established beyond any doubt, and indeed much shallower boreholes deviate in more or less degree. Dr. Otto Stiitzer of Kiel has recently cited a case! where two boreholes in the Moreni oil field of Rumania, com- 1Z, deut. geol. Ges., Bd. 81, Heft 10, p. 5386 1929. 1 2 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS menced vertically and at a distance of 60 m. apart, actually met at a depth of 850 m. About 25 years ago interest in the survey of boreholes was quickened by a series of very ingenious contrivances which were invented to cope with borehole deviation. Borings hitherto considered vertical were now subject to doubts. In 1908 Joseph Kitchen presented the results of his surveys of some 22 deep boreholes on the Rand before the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy! which stimulated a wide discussion and was supported by many other instances of deflection. He surveyed the dip of the holes at intervals of about 500 ft. and averaged his results, which method, though not precise, sufficed as an indication of the great deviation in this area. With an average total borehole depth of 3,370 ft. he found an average horizontal displacement of 1,165 ft. with an average lowest depth of survey points of 3,015 ft. He shows in Table I figures of average angular deviations obtained by instrumental survey in the holes. TaBLE I.—AvERAGE ANGULAR DEVIATION IN RAND BOREHOLES! Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Depth, feet 1 to 8, 9 to 16, 1 to 16, 17 to 22° 1 to 22; degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees 500 4.7 2.5 3.6 8.8 5.0 1,000 10.6 9.2 9.9 15.6 11.4 1,500 20.2 NORA 19.9 20.2 20.0 2,000 24.9 27.8 26.4 25.4 26.1 2,500 27.3 30.1 28.7 3,000 32.9 34.4 33.6 3,500 42.5 4,000 47.7 1 After J. Kitchen by permission of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. These tend to oppose the general rule that inclined strata exaggerate the deviation which, however, may be a local circumstance. The accompanying displacement is shown in Table II. 1 The Deviation of Rand Boreholes from the Vertical, by Joseph Kitchen, Session 1907-1908. DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 3 Tasie I].—Averace Horizontat DispLACEMENT IN RAND BOREHOLES Depth, feet 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 Nos. 1 to 8, feet 15 85 210 400 610 860 1,150 1,485 t Nahe O 200 400 600 Nos. 9 to 16, feet 10 70 190 390 635 910 + At 2000Ft. along Borehole +> » 3000” » ” > 49000» » 23 Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 to 16, IZ) 1i@) 22, ton22. feet feet feet 10 35 20 75 145 95 200 290 225 395 485 420 625 885 uy ! ! 200 400 600 18 Fig. 1.—Sketch showing curves of boreholes and amount of horizontal displace- ment at various depths. (After Joseph Kitchen.) (a) Vertical projection. (6) Horizontal projection. The displacement is thus in these cases proportional to the square of the borehole length and it usually tends to describe a right-handed or clockwise curve. In one case the displacement was 2,573 ft. away in a borehole depth of 4,419 ft., z.e., a vertical depth of 3,288 ft. Mr. Kitchen 4 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS grouped his results graphically about the same vertical, giving the remarkable suite of horizontal displacements shown in Fig. la and the accompanying angular deviations shown in plan in Fig. 10. All other influences considered equal, the amount of deviation depends a great deal on the method of boring. Many are of the opinion that the greatest deviation is obtained in the rotary system yielding cores as in the shot, calyx or diamond processes, and the least in the percussion systems particularly the free-fall systems. In a recent! statistical survey of results which appear to support this contention the data yielded from 21 boreholes was as follows: Taste JI].—Summary or SoME RUMANIAN AND Russi1aAN BOREHOLES Usine DIFFERENT METHODS Number Most Method of boring of Deion, favorable Weng Remarks meters case boreholes case urbme borers sees 5 580 Ie ZOLA | Senos : : ees In the (Kapeljuschnikov)..... 4 BGS ulate Dy (5) ee: Rotary system........ 4 840 AP 30" lee eee hai aye SOD Ie nako rere: inl! GP Rod percussive........ 1 480 1° 20’ Rope percussive....... 1 606 3 LOM eee In the American rotary....... 10 580 92220! 4 Ble same “A HOOK alitenieen cee 25° 0 strata American-Chield rotary 1 595 5° 10) Gee ee However, this point is very debatable. The diamond- drillers claim that diamond-drilled holes can not drift as much as holes drilled by other methods because the core barrel nearly fills the hole. In hard rock the core barrel normally occupies all but 14.6 in. of the diameter of the hole. The rotary drill prevents the hole from drifting as much as would occur by other methods by using at the bottom a long steel drill collar of a diameter nearly equal to that 1A. L. Schachnazarov, Engineer ‘“Asnef’’ Oil Trust, Baku, in Petroleum, Not 235 pe (2: DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES LL 92 8¢ g8 88 68 qua0 10d qd: T &62 6 STS LZ LOE ¢ FOL 9° OT 4ooj ‘OSBIOAV “MOIZIOIIP SUIS 9Y} Ul SAVM|S OIG SUOTZVIAVP OY} SUILENSSE ‘UOTZCIAZP [8309 OG, CG = “4 OOT 19d 4093 pu’ sooisop Ul 9[sUB UOTZeUI[DUI Oy, YO ‘quiod painsveu 944 YSNOIY) [BOI}ZIOA B pUw YNOUT VJoOYoI0gG 94} UVeM4oq 9DUBISIP [BQUOZTIOFY _ OOT 10d OOT 10d OOT 10d 4F 1 °8E SIR P 438° 06 0 L¢9§ 866% 1GE 066 10€ 0G iST 0of9 F 68S FL 0OT z9d OOT 108d OOT 19d 4I SLE 43.60 43 8°82 0 16 GIST WP oGT i0€ oO 100 069 8 968 66 OOT 10d OOT 10d OOT 10d 43 9° GT 436°0 439° P9 9°22 G8z'T 100 06 10€ 00 1ST OV G96 9 OOT 10d OOT s0ed OOT 10d 43 1°11 436°0 43 PS 0 LF 0¢gs IGF 09 10€ 00 IST 0GE ¢ oI 6 OOT 10d OOT 10d OOT 10d TL 43€°0 “43 €°9G GT LSP 190 oF JOT 00 “SL oS G 68 6 OOT 10d 0OT 19d 4S F°S 431°96 00 TEL 190 0& 100 00 JOE oGT 6 OF G 001 sed OOT 10d WS E 439° F1 0:0 FIT 160 06 100 00 106 o8 L8 0 ee eee esBIoAy | UINUITUIT, | WNUIxey foes peer WINUITUIYAL |UINUIXB YY | Pay : ‘eseioAy | ‘UINUIIUITy ad 10) q (wossapuy laifV) CPs GcP Tél LE yooy “UINUIIXB IA, SHIOHHNOG VINUOAITVD GGZ WOUd VIVG AATIdNO)— A] AITEV |, 000°9 000°¢ 000°F 000°€ 000°% 000'T 00g 4023 ‘y3dep poinsveyy 8& VOT S91 616 ES GGG GGG sofoya10q jo Ioquinn 6 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of the hole. On the other hand, percussive borers claim that curvature is more easily detected and rectified by a reciprocating action especially by a free-falling tool.? With regard to rotary boreholes a perusal of Table IV will well repay the reader. The table is taken from a compilation® covering 255 California boreholes bored by the rotary system. The total depth was 1,158,542 ft. and the total number of measurements 13,150. As addi- tional proof of this almost universal deviation of deep holes we may cite the recent researches of D. R. Snow and H. B. Goodrich‘ carried out upon some 90 wells in the Seminole oil field of America. These holes have been drilled since 1927 and show the data collected in Table V. TaBLE V.—SUMMARY OF RESULTS oF 90 Ort WELLS (After Snow) Maximum | Vertical EP exGEHLENS © possible Number of wells | ee total wells : correction, feet Wiad ee horizontal : drift, 4,500 ft. 20 Less than 25 PPA. L3P, 474 9 From 25 to 50 10.00 669 28 From 50 to 100 Bll, Wi 943 24 From 100 to 200 26.67 1,327 4 From 200 to 300 4.44 1,615 5 Over 300 5.56 90 Total surveyed: 377,719 ft. Total vertical correction: 9,290 ft. (per well, 103 ft.). Average angle of deflection: 12 deg. 44 min. In some relatively shallow boreholes, as in the concentric circumferential suites of boreholes preliminary to sinking shafts by the freezing process or by cementation, extreme accuracy of data respecting the course of the holes is of 1 Diamond Drilling, U. S. Dept. Commerce, Bur. Mines, Bull. 248, p. 60. 2 Of. Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker, No. 23, p. 279, 1910. 3 A. Anderson of Fullerton, California, in Oil Weekly, October, 1929. 4 See also Oil Gas Journ., p. 32, Mar. 14, 1929, and p. 218, Apr. 4, 1929. DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 7 great importance. It is here that we find the greatest advancement in the technique of borehole-survey apparatus. This is significant not only because the proximity of other boreholes greatly increases the possibility of deflection but ignorance of the actual courses of the holes here would give rise to great trouble and expense later on; and perhaps 500 500 500 500 00 ox|500 OY LOO 350 450 500 500 450 250 450 we 450 500 500 500 Fic. 2.—Course of a full suite of boreholes for a freezing shaft (depths in meters). disaster when encountering the unsolidified gaps between widely isolated frost walls or cementation zones. ‘These possibilities will be apparent from a perusal of Fig. 2, which is an actual survey of the course of such holes previous to sinking operations. As the shallower seams and veins are won in the world’s mineral fields it is manifest that deep prospecting holes to 8 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS fresh deposits will become more common. In these daily growing cases, especially in those situated near property boundaries, legal disputes will be settled by the results of borehole surveys. Again the deep borehole being the most straightforward and direct verification for any completed geophysical survey, any doubt which may arise as to (1) mapped lenses being missed in the borings, (2) the nature of the body surveyed aboveground (3) its extent, etc., can only be verified by a thorough instrumental survey of the boreholes concerned. Since deviation of a string of tools may take place in the ultimate up to and beyond 60 deg. from the originally intended direction,' and boreholes are. now attempting the enormous depth of 10,000 ft. and more, the great significance of deflection surveys is obvious. Horizontal and inclined boreholes, particularly upward inclined holes, deviate sooner and to greater extent than vertical ones.2 They also give rise to a special set of deflection apparatus, but, generally speaking, results of surveys of such holes are not so reliable as those of vertical ones. Thus most of our remarks will apply to deep vertical boreholes. There is no doubt that the best evidence of initial or subsequent deflection in boreholes is to be obtained from the precision with which the working of the entire system of boring is checked. ‘The onus rests almost entirely upon the boring master and personnel, chiefly because the site is usually situated far from the headquarters of the boring company and its direct command. Thus the master borer should be selected mainly on his experience, skill and ability, other qualifications notwithstanding. There is more responsibility upon him than in any other sphere of technical work. This applies more in foreign and remote lands. Thus it is important that all hands graduate in the actual school of practice from the meanest position upward. 1 Kitchen, op. cit., mentions one deflection of 66 deg. 2 Justice, J. N., CHANNING, Park, Trans. Inst. Min. and Met., Vol. 12, p. 319; Proc. Lake Superior Min. Inst., Vol. 2, p. 23, 1894. DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 9 The modern tendency to standardized reserve parts and processes, also the recent step toward normalizing as many of the movable or removable parts as possible will tend to unify knowledge of and the results of deflection. It will tend toward closer correlation of data and more exact anticipation of deviation and therefore more successful handling of the problem when it arrives. This will be aided by duplicating staffs too, such as smiths and fitters in diamond boring and tool dressers in chisel boring. They must always have a clear rinsing circuit with the borehole base, especially in rapid-stroke boring as by the Raky method. They will need exceptional skill in rope boring. Another essential adjunct to the detection and elimina- tion of curvature lies in the supervision of the water circuit by the master borer and the leading hand and by maintain- ing a keen supervision for traces of oil or minerals. This is closely connected with the amount of water struck in the borehole, the pressure on the rinsing pumps, etc., so that they may have to decide upon the cutting off of water according to the strata pierced or its increase under certain conditions; or even decide to change the type of borer. In their responsible positions as borehole casers and core extractors much will be learned respecting deflection which can scarcely be described in writing. The best aid to all of these observations will be found in a thoroughly checked and entered log of progress, a study of which will assist very materially in reading any progress graph which may be attached in the derrick house. These provide pictorial and descriptive checks on the tendencies to deviate and often their causes. Strata profiles and sections should be kept as well as vertical sections. Finally the care of the actual samples, or cores, is absolutely essen- tial as the final check on any adduced ideas as to deviation, etc. It will be seen that the requirements demanded of a good master borer are so exacting and varied that the systematic training of such a person is a really essential 10 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS need. Unfortunately, apart from Rumania, there are no actual master borers’ schools in Europe. The Detection of Incipient Curvature in Boreholes.— Suspected curvature of the rods may be checked by noting the following surface indications of the deflection. It must be noted that these indications may be entirely absent, making the curvature untraceable without instrumental means. ; a. The uneven wearing of the chisel or crown bit due to encountering unequal resistances at the floor of the hole. The contact surface of the tool tends to become inclined due to excessive wear on one side. It also tends to snap off. b. Lateral abrasions of the rods and brushing of the rope sides in rope boring. ‘This is due to side wear and in the case of rigid rods will usually show the side on which curva- ture is occurring, 2.e., the “‘off”’ side. c. Difficulty in Inserting the Casing.—Frequently the casing sticks fast as often does the boring tool owing to the curvature. d. Scoring of the core and core box in rotary boring. This will often provide fair information as to the cause of the deflection. e. Laboring of the Rig Gear.—The surface engine labors under the extra load, the bearings run hot and general signs of lack of uniformity ensue. f. Study of the Progress Reports.—This often provides clues which can be reduced to curvature as the cause of variations in the progress graph. g. Throttling of the circulating water, the circuit being accomplished in gusts and frequently hindering or loading the plant. Lesser deflections may be corrected by second- ary boring or partial reaming. The borehole will thus be widened and the casing set without being influenced by the previous borehole walls. This simple remedy only applies to deflection which has been detected just after it has begun. h. Instrumental Means. The Anschiitz-Kaempfe Acoustic Device.-—Nearly all of the many and varied devices for DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES At surveying boreholes and many of those applied in core orientation may be used for detecting initial curvature or deviation. However, most of these are only suited to separate application, very few of them being fitted for employment during actual boring operations especially with percussive boring systems. The difficulty has been well solved by the device of Dr. Hermann Anschiitz-Kaempfe of Kiel which provides an acoustic or audible warning of the initial stages of deflection. He invented this apparatus in 1915 and improved on it a few years later. It applies particularly to percussive boring but may be modified for rotary boring. It is essentially a means of detecting deviation, measuring it, and later correcting it. It has been applied successfully in both Europe and America. The apparatus as applied in borehole surveys is Shown in Plate I, Figs. 1 to 5. Figure 1 (Plate I) is a vertical section of the boring chisel bar and bit. Figures 2 and 3 are enlarged views of _ this section at an angle of 90 deg. to each other, while Fig. A shows the electric drive circuit. The hollow bit holder a holds the beveled bit a; below and the connection a; above to the rods, the dotted lines xx being the normal flushing circuit. A closed outer casing tube a3 mounted in the hollow bit holder a holds the transmitter and the inner casing tube ai; which is longitudinally adjustable in this by means of buffer springs b and 6, and held by lugsc. An accumulator battery with electric motor d in the transmitter drives a worm d, with its wheel d, on support d3 and thus the toothed wheels ds. Four pins e about the worm wheel dz engage consecutively on rotation with the finger f of hammer /; controlled by pressure spring g. Thus for each revolution of wheel dz four blows of the hammer f; are produced at fo. Toothed wheel d, engages another toothed wheel h on shaft h, and carries a screw thread barrel h; which can be dis- connected by spring slides 7, 7; and72._ There is an electric contact k on slide 2. The ball and socket end / of the barrel shaft hi allows it to oscillate under the adjustable spring pressure pin m DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS 12 SS S N N So a PuatEe I.—The Anschiitz-Kaempfe deviation detector. DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 13 and m, held by springs n and n,; and plungers n2 and 7; in cylinder 0. Rod m, passes up into a hollow space in plunger 72 so that when the pressure of spring n acts, pres- sing plunger nm» downward, rod m, passes into the space in m3. ‘This space has a check-valve controlled upper end p, which opens when the plunger n. descends and closes when it ascends, equilibrium of pressure being effected by a fine bore pi. The brackets q carry an electrical contact r which is closed when plunger nz is in its upper position (Fig. 2) and broken when this descends. The lugs s hold the heavy pendulum ¢ in a frame and the swing of ¢ into casing a, is arrested by a stop wu and in the other direction by a stop u;. This pendulum carries a second part of the contact k of slide 2 so that the positions of the pendulum ¢ and slide 7 decide whether the contact k is opened or closed. The two electric contacts k and r are arranged in the circuit from the source of power d, which operates worm d,;. These two contacts (Fig. 4) are arranged in series so that the motor is stopped if only one is switched out. This occurs as follows: The plunger mM, continues its descent by momentum after the boring tool has struck its blow, and this compresses the adjusted springs n and 7, thus turning the screw spindle h, and disen- gaging it from the half nut h. so preventing slide 7 from moving. But contact r is now broken, stopping motor d and screw spindle h,. Plunger nz can only move back upward slowly, owing to the design of air valve p and the hollow space n3, and this is designed so that before the spin- dle can return to its working position and r close a new blow—assuming regular working—with a downward move- ment of the plunger takes place. In interrupted working, say over 20 sec. between blows which is a maximum time for springs n and n,, the mass of plunger n» and the valve p function; n2 returns to its initial position, throws in spindle h, and closes the r contact. This starts motor d if contact k is also closed. The closure depends on the position of the pendulum ¢, for when we have deviation of the bit to the left throwing ¢ to the right, or engaging it with stop w:, contact 14 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS k is open and the motor with its connections stops. If, on the other hand, the bit holder has deviated to the right (Fig. 5) the working circuit is closed, the motor actuating worm d;. Now worm wheel d, with pins e engages hammer f, to strike the wall of casing a, as each pin passes lug f. These blows on the casing are clearly perceived at the sur- face and counted by means of a listening earpiece on the rods or any simpler device. At the same time as worm wheel d, starts, the screw spin- dle h; moves slide 7 to the left in opposition to the action of spring 72. The pendulum contacting on the slide follows this motion until it hangs free, breaking contact k and stopping motor d. Until this happens we get four hammer blows per revolution of worm wheel d:, so the observed total number of blows indicates to what extent slide 7 has moved to the left in order that pendulum ¢ hangs free and vertical; that is to say, it is a measure of the deviation of the bit holder and bit. The surface observer has now only to stop the boring blows from time to time and listen to the blows of hammer f; against the boring rods in order to ascertain the extent of the deviation. Turning the chisel 90 deg. gives the inclination compo- nent in the plane of the reader’s vision as against that of the drawing and where the component is greatest is the direc- tion of maximum inclination. Otherwise two independent pendulums in planes at 90 deg. to one another can be used. Having got this line of major inclination the deep edge of the beveled chisel is turned to deal with it and correct the deviation. Though the device gives only the inclination component relative to the chisel and not to the geographical position of the borehole, twisting of the rods need not be heeded so long as the transmitter does not twist relative to the chisel. | In this way incipient or initial deviations can be quickly detected and corrected. The device can, with suitable modification, be applied to rotary boring and it can also DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 15 be employed apart from the bit holder as a plumbing apparatus, the principle of acoustic signals being preserved. However, in spite of all precautions we cannot always note at once a big and gradual curvature at its commence- ment from the above observations alone. The detection of a suspected curvature being essentially a surface task in the initial stages of deflection, the next procedure is to investigate the causes previous to checking the amount and direction of the deflection. ‘The causes are numerous and often local, and in many cases are due to faulty surface conditions. The Causes of Borehole Deviation.—a. Incorrect Center- ing at Surface-—This, though sometimes tending to right itself in such methods as the free-fall system, of course soon leads to heavy deflections. b. Alternating hardnesses of successive layers of hard and soft rock. Inexpert handling of the drill feed whether by the multiple gear or hydraulic feed here tends to cause racing in the shaly and soft beds and laboring in the harder strata. The tool tends to supplement this by following the softer stratum unless fed or geared to meet the circum- stances.! In such cases boring has to be undertaken very carefully and frequent patroning, or damming and reguid- ing, has to be resorted to, thus removing immediately the slightest deviation from the plumb. Taste VI.—Mon’s ScaLe or HARDNESS No. Mineral Relative hardness TL. ONE hey aes es eee eras i ee Hasily scratched with the finger nail 2 | Rock salt................| Not easily scratched with the finger nail 3 | Cale-spar................| Easily scratched with a knife 4 | Fluor spar | _ : : ree 3 | Anette .| Not easily scratched with a knife Gia Pes pareiacnes sen cae es Difficult to scratch with a knife 7 | Quartz | 2 eae Pee et tL Cannot be scratched with a knife 9 | Sapphire 10 | Diamond 1 See also Hugh F. Marriott, discussion to Deviation of Rand Boreholes, etc., p. 115. 16 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Thus if any mineral above be used in the form of a sharp point it will scratch the preceding members of the series, e.g., Should we find a piece of mineral which will scratch calcite but not fluorite its hardness is between 3 and 4, say about 3149. TaBLE VII.—HARDNESS OF SOME ComMMon MINERALS Mineral Hardness Remarks on cores Asphaltie seo 0) cr amoeer eS Melts at about 100°C. NUM. goo 55e 5.5 BATIEESA Aen ay et ee oe 2.5 Bommmnoniieae eee 2.25 Brittle Brown haematite....... 4.25 Lenticular fracture Calaminesee epee 5 Cassiteritesom ante con ee GES CenUSsiteme aes veces 3.25 Chromitesyare eee on at) Sometimes magnetic Coppenclancese anes DAS Conindume ena ee 9 Hels ens aaren cucyan irre ye 6.5 Graphitese. 7 soy see ie Splits easily GuyPSUIN ae eyes Alea, Oe 1.25 Cleaves readily aematiicus as ee ee 5.5 iHorblendesssse sense: 5). liimientiewe ree anaes 5.5 Sometimes magnetic Maonetite cy sea en 5.5 Very magnetic Mealaichitenaeae eee 3.25 IMCS rai erage ears ns 25 Cleaves easily IMOKRPONCIREL, Ss0 cose oso s6 5.5 Native copper.......... j 2.25 Ozokeritesyos meee se OM5 Melts at about 60°C. Pyrolusite..... Ph) Quartz U Cleaveless Sal lGaee eee tenant 2.5 Dissolves in water Silver/clanceauer ean see BD DN5s Breaks in slices Sodasnitens. eases 125 Dissolves in water Spathicvoress. seo oe eee 350 Nodular Stibniteyecr ete ee D, Sometimes flaky Sul phurs. seceyicae cane 1.55 Brittle Roum Aline sea een Me25 Fractures easily \WWOlBEMIS pasado aap dos 5.25 ; ZAIN GAO ENCE we arene 3.25 Coals: ANTHIMNCNKS 0.606000 0 2.25 Brittle, shelly fracture Bit UIMINOUSsEe eee 25) Brittle, cubic fracture Gites cv Soeur cites 5 Friable and platy DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 17 The hardness of minerals is fairly constant but of rocks this is not the case. This is due to the fact that minerals have a more definite and rigid chemical constitution than rocks, since the latter are aggregations of minerals. The minerals in rocks being in any proportions between certain arbitrary limits the hardness of a particular rock varies with its type, 7z.e., the percentage of its dominant mineral. c. Inclined strata especially rapid changes in the inclina- tion as in boring through sharp unconformities, domes, folds and thrusts. The tool tends to follow the dip at the contact. (However, this is not a rigid statement.)! If we are dealing with the percussive system we must bore with short strokes so that the cutting tool meets a cleaner face since the rinsing water can better deal with the débris. With no rinsing system the hole must be sludge pumped often so that the direction of impact is in the prolonged line of the rods. If this is not done the chisel will nurse the dip. In the rotary system of boring these difficulties are often almost insurmountable. Other geological causes of deviation of a drill hole may be: 1. Bowlders, concretions and dykes. 2. Faults, thrusts and unconformities. 3. Caving and movement of strata in the uncased part of the hole. 4. General earth movement. d. Lack of Rigidity in the Rods.—Even in the tightest joints the slightest joint play will initiate curvature with straight rods, just as railway curves can be made entirely of straight rails. e. The Proximity of Other Boreholes—In boring by percussive methods, for instance in the freezing process for shafts, the ground is disturbed by the continual shock of the tool so that new holes put down near by tend to deviate into the zone of least resistance. Again any iron such as parts of old tools or casing in the old hole will accentuate the deflection. This of course applies also 1 KITCHEN, op. cit., p. 100. 18 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS to new holes near those old holes which have been shattered at their base by time charges to increase the yields as was first done in the Pennsylvania oil field. f. Fissured Strata.~—These may direct a borehole in any direction. g. Pressure on the Rods.—In many boreholes, particularly in diamond drilling, the tool tends to turn against the dip of the strata and this is greatly affected in the case of a hole nearly meeting the strata plane, 7.e., nearly flat strata in vertical holes; that is to say, ‘‘face on”’ in inclined holes. Hydraulically fed drills in these cases are best, like the Sullivan, which control the rod pressure and adapt it to keep the crown pressure constant. Thus in soft strata the water escape in the hydraulic cylinder being more rapid the drill descends more quickly and vice versa in hard strata. On the other hand, screw feed drill speeds are set between fixed limits regardless of petrologic changes in the hole. In harder strata greater pressure on the rods tends to produce a screwlike action. h. Reduction of Borehole Diameter—The necessary peri- odical changes in diameter to lessen the weight on the engine and crown no doubt affect the plumbness of the hole. The upper parts of the hole being wider allow the rods more latitude, and the rods tend to curve by displacing the center of the crown bit from the hole center. Alterna- tions in hardness supplement this eccentricity. Longer core barrels up to 50 ft. have in places been adopted to ameliorate this tendency. 1. Oversetting the Diamonds in the Crown.—It is considered good practice to set the diamonds so that the hole is about 14, in. more in diameter than the core barrel; 72.e., 442-in. projection for the diamonds over the crown. Any greater overset makes too much play between the core barrel and hole or between drill rods and hole so tending to set up lateral movement. qj. Weak Core Barrels and Small Holes—Weakness of the barrel especially at the crown screw tends to twist the tool 1 Dickinson, Josepy, F. G.8., Trans. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 35, p. 397. DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 19 and in turn the hole. Thus long barrels are often faulty for want of strength and undue pressure on the crown. There appears to be much in favor of bigger holes and reduction not proceeding beyond 114 in. at 2,000 ft. Weak barrels may cause screw deflection. The crown often returns to its original direction after deflection has occurred in some West Australian borings. With big rod reductions the play cannot be entirely eliminated at the step joint. k. Static Electricity and Magnetism of Rods.—This effect due to frictional abrasion is often very pronounced and ean be demonstrated by means of a poker of soft iron, a hammer and compass. It must, if of definite persistent polarity, tend to deviate the rods toward the pole sought.! Magnetism will tend to arise also from brushing with casing and the strata if heavily iron borne as in the basic igneous rocks. Some further notion of the causes of borehole deviation may be obtained by considering the eventualities inherent in all boreholes, as yet beyond human control, as are evidenced in any attempt to fix the dip of strata abso- lutely from observation on a given core. Only approximately can we obtain the dip angle of strata bored through by considering the core features alone. This is very simple but the estimating of the direction of the dip and thence the strike of the beds in such a case cannot be done without some form of stratameter which gives the dip and strike accurately from the data presented. The objection here is that the observation is too local and the data too scanty. We have to assume that the core yielding the data has been accurately gripped by the core catcher. ‘Thus in the surface check on the core no account has been taken of the turn of the rods on tearing off the core previous to extraction. An American method of partially avoiding this is to score a continuous line down the rods after tightening with special joints and then check the dip shown against this line of known azimuth. Now the longer the line of rods and tools the less can they be regarded 1 JENNINGS, J., Jour. S. African Assoc. Eng., Vol. 12, p. 7, 1906; CooKE, L. H., Trans. Inst. Min. and Met., Seventeenth Session, p. 126, 1907. 20 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS as a rigid rod because under the influence of their growing proper weight, rending, shear and turning forces arise which cannot be checked aboveground. Unfortunately, regard- less of any errors of observation or measurement at the sur- face, the circumstances attending the wrenching off of the core and the working of the rods influence the deduc- tions very greatly. In solid strata the core is wrenched off by a sharp jolt, otherwise we cannot tell whether the core and strata are in their proper natural relation as before rupture. In friable strata the core is frequently released during boring operations due to the successive boring shocks, and this also occurs frequently in rigid strata where we have intercalated beds of clayey and shaly rocks. Furthermore, the instant of jar for tearing off the core often witnesses a slight rotation of the rods. The lower surface of each core section should exhibit no traces of shear horizontally; the fracture should be clean, for then we can feel more secure that the small wrench twist is absent. In order to ensure that the twist is eliminated or minimized, the rod should be raised a little off the hole base before the fangs of the core catcher come into action. This gives the grip a better chance of making an accurate engagement, because the spin of the string of tools has abated. This spin definitely affects the direction of bore- holes. The catcher now brought into action, a sharp upward thrust will stand a better chance of yielding a core with the conditions between core and strata preserved as before rupture. No change from this position must occur during extraction of the rods. The rod marks must be carefully watched and bumping of the string of tools on the borehole walls prevented. There should be no traces of turning at the core grips. These conditions are so rigorous and so difficult of application and the circumstances attending the wrenching off of the core are so utterly beyond entire control that absolutely exact results can not be hoped for from one core alone. With cores of small diameter the small wrench twist gives an error of several degrees and the smaller the diam- DEVIATION AND ITS CAUSES 21 eter the greater the error; furthermore the smaller the diam- eter the greater the lack of control in extraction or boring, hence the greater tendency to deviate. The best dip and strike data are to be obtained from computations on depths yielded by three or more boreholes not in the same straight line. CHAPTER II AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS Previous to discussing the various instrumental methods of surveying deep boreholes some of the more important ancillary records kept on modern plants will be described. These additional memoranda aid very materially in check- ing the accumulated borehole data in that they frequently save much time and guesswork as to causes of various curious features incident to deep boring. PROGRESS RECORDS These are continuous automatic checks or descriptive graphs of the progress of the borehole in respect to length and time. They provide a check on the difficult and often unreliable observations of the boring personnel. They yield conclusions as to the successive hardnesses of the strata pierced and assist in their determination, since each stratum corresponds to a definite boring pace. The simplest device is a scale fixed on the rods and read every 5 min. and booked, but it is more exact to have a record depending on the length of hole and revolutions per minute, since the rapidity of boring through strata depends on the r.p.m. of the rods in the rotary or the number of strokes per minute in the percussive system. They are known as stratigraphs or strata-progress recorders. Jahr’s stratigraph! (Fig. 3) consists of a pen recording on a graph drum the latter revolving at the same rate as the rods and its motion round being at right angles to that of the pen. Thus the increase of depth of the crown bit will appear as abscissae and the corresponding revolutions as ordinates. The recorded line is thus the steeper the 1, Jahr, Chief Mine Surveyor, Breslau. 22 AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 23 faster the boring progresses and the flatter the slower the crown penetrates the measures; therefore a horizontal portion of the line shows that the tool is not piercing the rocks even though the rods are rotating; that is to say, that the rod feed is not paying out. When the plant is D | ee i WA LAE Fig. 3.—Jahr’s stratigraph—the derrick drive. idle, and therefore the driving shaft of the recorder, the registration ceases. The most important inferences from the record are provided by changes of direction in the pen line because they show that different strata have been struck and thus provide valuable clues as tothe conditions arising in this new ground. Such a change in the line only occurs in the flatter measures; in inclined deposits the change is more gradual because the crown only then penetrates the new stratum gradually. In Fig. 3 note that the motion 24 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of the graph paper n is caused by the sinking of the rods a. A hook e on aring on the boring spindle catches in the chain. This chain runs over the rollers g, gi and g2 and is kept taut by the weight h. The motion of the roller g is trans- mitted by means of a bevel wheel on the shaft / so that the paper moves corresponding to the deepening of the borehole. The speed of the paper depends on the transmission between the bevel wheels 7 and k. The pen moves on an endless chain p (Fig. 4) at right angles to the direction of the drum graph, and it is driven by the toothed wheels qg and q!. Yj Z = N N ale pd | We at Van ela —— —— ° Revolutions of the Crown > | XJ Borehole SXSSSSS885 depth |SClay Shales WANN ANNAN ne, 4b, Fia. 4a. Fic. 4.—Jahr’s stratigraph—the recorder. Fig. 4a.—Showing relation of record to measures for estimating depth and thickness of beds. The chain is driven by belting r from the driving shaft of the engine S. The recorder has several pens m1, m?, etc., spaced on the chain p at vertical distances equal to the depth of the record paper. Whenever a pen reaches the top edge of the paper it leaves it just as the next lower pen comes into action to continue the record, since their distances apart equal the depth of the graph paper. ‘Thus the record is got as a continuous series of broken lines which can be cut and arranged later if desired. It will be seen that the quicker the boring rods sink the more the curve will approach the abscissa direction and there will be a change in the curve for every different speed AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 25 of sinking. On the upper edge of the paper (Fig. 4), a curve scale can be fixed for the continuous series of borehole depths, which can be diminished to a definite scale by means of suitable transmission bevels 7 and k. Thus, given favorable conditions, we may obtain the approximate dip of the strata by noting the length of the transition in the curve between two changes in it. Note in Fig. 4a, which shows the progress of a diamond-drill borehole, that the curve is uniform to a as the crown is cutting in clay shales; from a onward, where the crown encounters the milder strata (coal) the curve flattens, and from b to c where it is entirely in coal it flattens more, steepening again at c on passing through the softer coal into more hard shale. An enlarged view of the borehole is shown in Fig. 4a to assist in elucidating the problems arising. Thus bd is the borehole diameter and ab the depth difference read on the curve scale, hence the strata dip ab tan a = bd (1) from which the actual thickness cg is easily obtained, since thickness of strata = ac COS a. To facilitate reading, the depth of each change of strata may be marked on the record. If necessary the recorder can be driven independent of the plant. This method has been well tried with good results at one of the deepest boreholes in Germany, at Czuchow in Upper Silesia. Still it is only an aid to recording strata and is not infallible especially in very varied thin alternations of highly inclined beds. Better results would arise if the paper were made to move corresponding to the strata dips. Jahr’s method may, however, be regarded as a valuable adjunct to boring. Lapp’s Stratigraph.—Here the pen moves by clockwork at a definite rate over the paper which moves corresponding to the deepening of the borehole. The recorder is connected to the rope drum shaft on the pay-out feed from which the rods hang. In Fig. 5 we have a view of Lapp’s device in which the worm wheel s transmits its motion through a 26 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS chain on to the scroll paper winding on a shaft. As soon as the feed apparatus turns backward, e.g., on dropping into the borehole, the paper roll is automatically cut out; the pen then indicates a straight line across, as when the plant is at rest. The pen works by clockwork and in one hour moves over the breadth of the paper and after auto- matic reversal works back in the next hour. Thus the record is a continuous zigzag line. The apparatus is enclosed in a glass-topped case which permits of a constant Fig. 5.—Lapp’s stratigraph. observation of the progress of the borehole respecting the corresponding time. It does not cut out when the plant is idle as in the case of Jahr’s device, and, since this latter is a check on the actual working time, it can be considered that Jahr’s method is superior. But it can be applied to percussive boring since it works off the tool feed; however this may be a source of uncertainty since the feed is here hand operated. Thus the record depends on the careful manipulation of the feed which if correct, 7.e., if the record corresponds exactly to the progress of the hole, will give uniform results with Jahr’s method. Both methods lack in that uniform rotation of the rods is not always obtained in practice. The Foraky Recorder.—This stratigraph is a clockwork device with paper roll and recording apparatus. The AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 27 principle of recording the progress of the borehole is here again dependent on the sinking of the rods and time. The paper is turned by clockwork and the recording pen is driven by the feed device. The paper roll is chosen of such diameter that the clockwork rotates it on its axis once in 12 hr. and 1 mm. of paper corresponds to 1 min. of time. Therefore millimeter paper is chosen for the graph. The CL MMT C6] Fic. 6.—Foraky stratigraph. recording contrivance is driven from a screw spindle on the rod feed in such a way that a sinking of the rods of 10 em. corresponds to a progressive motion of the pen of 1 em. The inked pen C (Fig. 6) moves! proportionally with the descent of the rods. It is connected to the rods by the screw spindle d from the feed device and by a cone-wheel trans- mission gear e actuating the screw spindle f. This carries a positive nut g holding the penc. The axis of the clockwork b gives the true reading and the whole is encased in the casing h for protection. The apparatus is placed on a frame in the boring tower but not in contact with it. It has been successfully applied to depths of over 4,000 ft. 1 Gliickauf, p. 417, Mar. 18, 1911. 28 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS The results obtained are very satisfactory but the apparatus exhibits the same deficiencies as Lapp’s appa- ratus because the basis of the record is time and not the revolutions of the rods, and here even in a higher degree. Since the motion of the recording surface is always uniform it turns too quickly in solid strata and too slowly in broken strata. In this way the variations in the recorded line, upon which the stratigraph depends as stated previously, are weakened, while in Lapp’s method where the pen works by clockwork they are increased. The irregularities in the velocity of rotation of the rods in working are of no great importance since the expenditure of power for the proper action of the crown is small as compared with the movement of the rods. Depth Measurers.—There are many types of these, the . Measuring Kc Whee! \ SN Fig. 7.—Depth measurer. direct depth measurer of the Lucey Products Corporation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, known as the Thatcher Depth- ometer. It is easily assembled on a rod frame and is very portable, being only 15 to 16 lb. in weight and can be used on ropes up to 114 in. diameter. The measuring wheel transmits its revolutions by toothed gearing for direct reading, and it can be used on bailing and apparatus lower- ing ropes as well; also it can be used when letting the rope into the hole or when pulling it out. Borehole Diameter Measurers.—Decisions as to the variations in the diameter of a borehole are often necessary to settle difficulties arising during boring. AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 29 These difficulties may occur when . Casing operations are obstructed. . Cutting bits jam on extraction. . Abrasion develops at localized places. . Cushioning occurs on the percussion stroke. . Water circulation is affected. 6. Sludging, pumping, bailing and such operations are hindered. The action of these gages need not be intermittent, 7.e., a continuous reading can be made for only one insertion of the apparatus. Former methods of laborious multiple readings are thus avoided. A borehole becomes restricted chiefly owing to the following causes: 1. Inexpert tiller work on hand-turned drilling with a straight bit; cruciform or horseshoe bits are less likely to cause diameter restriction. 2. Buckled casing due to joint or sheet rupture under internal pressure or external strata movement on weak casings. 3. Earthquakes. 4. Time charges at hole base. 5. Curvature of the borehole and its causes. 6. Uneven wear on the cutting tool not attended to in time.! Rumpf and Kleinhenn’s Apparatus.—This apparatus can also. be used for tubes and flues. The chief part SD OP ON of the device (Fig. 8) consists of a system of calipers arranged to follow the inner walls of the borehole or casing, its movement being obtained as a magnified image either optically or mechanically inside the borehole. 1Wotzasek, F., Z. J.V.B., p. 178, June 20, 1928. 30 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Figure 8 shows a longitudinal section of the device placed in casing 6 being examined. It will be seen that the central body 1 of the apparatus closes the tubular wall 2 into a chamber. About the central body 1 are the levers 4 which turn on axes 3 and carry rolling calipers 5 following the borehole or casing walls. These levers 4 may have any suitable form in cross section, preferably a definite form at their ends 8, e.g., triangular, in order to get a sharp projection image which is thrown on the frosted glass 10 by a dry-battery lamp 9. The levers press on the casing walls by the action of springs 7, pressing them against the central boss on the other side of the fulcrum axes. Figure 9 shows another form of construction wherein the caliper system 5 and spring 7 are arranged in another order of leverage. In each case springs 11 also assist springs 7 in centering the apparatus in the borehole or casing. A sim- ple removal device is a set of hooks 12 and draw cables 13 uniting into a central cable. ee ee ae == Tous Ell = \ Ere. 110. Figure 10 shows the most recent form of the device produced in the laboratories of the Batavian Petroleum Company (Astra Romana). Here the displacement of the caliper system due to diameter variation is indicated optically in a magnified image. The caliper system 5 is here a piston system working in a cylindrical case and pressed on to the borehole or casing walls by springs 7. A source of light produces a magnified image on dise 10 AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 31 through a system of lenses 14. It is found advantageous for registering results to have a series of concentric circles on the frosted glass plate 10, each circle corresponding to a definite variation in the diameter of the borehole. A kinematographic registration also suits the apparatus well, in which case the hood 10 is completely replaced by a kine- matographic recording device. When employing the latter the motion of the apparatus down the hole must be uniform, so the survey film obtained will yield an exact image of the condition of the borehole or casing diameter. We will not deal with any of the old time-wasting and tedious methods of single observations and records. PRESSURE RECORDS It is well known that in horizontal and inclined boreholes the tendency to deviation is greater than in vertical ones! Although this tendency is mostly downward with horizontal and upward with inclined holes, many holes, particu- larly in inclined measures, tend to deflect upward.? Alter- nating hardness, etc., also affects this. These deviations are accentuated by the action of gravity and lower side abrasion on the rods due to the weight of the crown. In the case of horizontal and well-inclined boreholes (from the vertical) maximum manometers are employed to register the water pressure in the hole. The ‘‘Burbach’’ Pressure Recorder.—Where the deflec- tion is downward, as in the usual cases, this method employs the principle of gaging the pressure of the rinsing water at various points in the borehole and contrasting these records with the conditions at the borehole mouth. Where the deflection is upward the pressure on the rinsing pump may be gaged. a. When the borehole deviates downward, a tube piece is screwed on to the boring rods. The apparatus of the 1 Justice, J. N., Trans. Inst. Min. and Met., Vol. 12, p. 319; KircumEn, J., ibid., Seventeenth Session, 1907-1908. + JANSON, Proc., Vol. 11, p. 48; Lake Superior Min. Inst., Vol. 2, pp. 26-30, 1894, 32 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Burbach Works, Beendorf, Germany, contains a manom- eter c with a bent measuring tube d (Fig. 11). The fluid enters through holes a from the borehole and holes 6b to the measuring chamber and gaging tube. The manometer is provided with an indicator which fixes the highest pres- sure. The measurements are very simple; the rods and BERN BESS Uf Y po en, LLLLEXZPIPIS 1 — BSS ESS Fig. 11.—Horizontal borehole pressure recorder. (Burbach.) gage are pushed into the hole to the spot to be measured, the hole being full of rinsing water. Then on pulling the gage out and reading the highest pressure thereon the deviation from the horizontal can be calculated by consider- ing the specific gravity of the rinsing fluid. This latter, of course, is essential since water is not the only fluid; in potash mines magnesium chloride liquor is used. Borehole set horizontal Atmospheres of Pressure Fic. 1la.—Horizontal borehole profile. Figure lila illustrates this simple principle, being an actual example from a German potash mine where a fluid of 1.275 sp. gr. is being employed. To get the ordinate at the length 340 m., where the gage has registered 2.5 atm. of pressure fall, proceed thus: 1975.7 19.60 m and similarly for the length 500 m. registering 4 atm. fall: 10D 4 b. When the borehole deviates upward, the pressure 1s read at each desired spot by sending in the gage on the rods AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 33 to the place noted and then extracting and reading. Or, as said before, a continuous pump pressure record is kept. The borehole depths read from the rod are entered as abscissae and the computed deviations from the horizontal as ordinates, as shown in Fig. lla above. We thus get a line showing the course of the borehole. When the actual borehole is not intended to be horizontal the depths are projected, otherwise we get foreshortening errors. To lessen errors we may plot true borehole lengths against measured pressures direct. These methods are not affected by the smallness of the hole.* Brigg’s ‘‘Clinoscope.””—This is another and more recent method of measuring the deviation of horizontal boreholes. It consists of a mercurial transmitter and Wheatstone ! 5 az \N a Se YAN s Fig. 12.—Brigg’s clinoscope, vertical section of transmitter. bridge recorder, the tilting of the mercury into the horizon- tal position varying resistances which are measured by the bridge. Fie. 13.—Brigg’s horizontal clinoscope. Plan of transmitter. In Figs. 12 and 13 is shown the transmitter which is a fiber box half filled with mercury g in the container d. Two circular pits at i, 7 (Fig. 13) are connected by a slot s, the surface of the mercury, when the transmitter is level, 1 THIELE, P., Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Abweichung von Horizontal- bohrungen in der Vertikalebene, Kali, p. 32, Jan. 15, 1913. 34 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS being at g. Two parallel resistance conductors a‘ and a’ and a steel needle c pass through the fiber lid 1. The needle connects the mercury to earth by way of the trun- nion n, the case e and the borehole lining. By dipping into the mercury the conductors are connected in parallel. Any change of inclination alters the length of conductors immersed, and thus the relation between the resistance of the conductors is a direct function of the tilt. This rela- tion is determined by means of a Wheatstone bridge which will be detailed later when discussing Professor Brigg’s ‘‘clinophone”’ for vertical boreholes. The most disagree- able feature of the apparatus is the employment of mercury, which is an unsatisfactory medium to employ in mining owing to its so easily becoming dirtied and thence unreliable. THERMAL SURVEYS These are usually resorted to in cases where we need 1. The geothermal gradient of the strata of a given area. 2. To investigate the frost columns in a freezing shaft. 3. To employ geophysical data in oil zones, etc. 4, Purely scientific researches. They are purely thermometer surveys undertaken with some special form of maximum or minimum thermometer using various fluids and systems of calibration. Numerous devices! have been invented to meet these needs, and in all cases it is necessary for the apparatus to remain in the hole some hours in order to acquire the temperature of its surroundings. a. Measuring Decrease of Temperature-—The Mom- mertz apparatus (Fig. 14) is one of the best known low- temperature contrivances used in borehole temperature surveys, 1.¢., in freezing shafts. A sheet-iron flask a contains a liquor which can withstand great cold, and this vessel is closed by means of a wooden plug. It hangs inside another flask c and between them is an insulating space on the vacuum-flask principle of exhausted air. The outer 1 See the final chapter of Ambronn and Cobb’s “‘ Elements of Geophysics ” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 35 flask has a screw top and suspending device. Its base is a pointed lead end. After the flask has hung a long time at the spot being measured, it is rapidly taken out and the temperature of Shaft .aq Freezing Pipe SS p <5 Lead d; “Vacuu iy == hkK— @=—— Liquor Pa nor —— ess . ELLE PAE L LS SSS Fig. 14.—The Mommertz low temperature borehole thermometer. the solution read. This gives the temperature at the said spot after due allowance for the fluid being used. The time needed for the apparatus to assume the temperature of its surroundings is decided by trial for each case. The results are more or less approximate but useful. b. Measuring Increase of Temper- atures.—There are many kinds of maxi- mum and minimum thermometers in use. A favorite type of maximum ther- mometer is that in which the capillary is left open and ground off into a fine point with a reservoir surrounding it for the overflow. This overflow can be measured in various ways against known bath temperatures. The Hallock! type has a secondary capillary for measuring the separated mercury. A well-known type of maximum and minimum thermometer is that of Six (Fig. 15) in which the liquid is alcohol Fig. 15.—The Six maximum and mini- mum thermometer. in the tube A at the end B of which is a thread of mercury BC, the remaining part of the thread and part of the bulb D being again alcohol. The former end of the thread is for minimum and the latter for maximum readings. There are two indexes, one of glass the other of iron or both of glass 1 Jonnson and Apams, Econ. Geol., Vol. 11, pp. 741-762, 1916. 36 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS with side springs of steel as at G. For the bottom index glass is used. Glass being wet by alcohol the index retreats with it owing to capillarity and on rise of tempera- ture the alcohol flows past it without moving it, the spring also holding it; thus we get the minimum reading £. The upper index may be of iron, since alcohol does not wet iron, so that on rise of temperature the iron is pushed up and remains there when the column falls, showing the maximum temperature F. Otherwise the spring glass index is used. These can afterward be reset by a small magnet acting on the springs. Full accounts of up-to-date thermal survey methods can be obtained elsewhere. Length Recorder for Use When Inspecting Ropes.— This device? is now employed for hoist ropes, and lowering Fig. 16.—Elevation. Fic. 16a.—Plan. ropes for valuable apparatuses and is used to enable a rope inspector to find the position of broken wires or worn or distorted places accurately to within a few inches. In Figs. 16 and 16a a measuring wheel a, grooved to suit the diameter of the rope d, is kept in driving contact with the 1 VAN ORSTRAND, C. E., Apparatus for the Measurement of Temperatures in Deep Wells by Means of Maximum Thermometers, Hcon. Geol., Vol. 19, pp. 229-248, 1924. McCourcuin, J. A., Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 5386, May, 1930. SEIFERT, C., Fortschritte Mineral., Bd. 14, Part 2, pp. 167—291, 1930, for notes on geological thermometers and bibliography. 2The firm of Reinhard Wagner, Bergwerksdarf Oberhausen (Rhld), Germany; see also Gliickauf, Dec. 10, 1929. AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 37 latter by two rollers b, c, carried byaframee. The bearing pressure on a is regulated by the screw h adjusting the com- pression of the spring g. The base plate p is notched at r, and the end piece 7 of the frame f is detachable, so that the apparatus can be put into position round the rope. The frame f is mounted on a beam / carried by the springs oand bars m,n. The castors g, mounted on vertical pivots, ride on the platform on which the inspector stands. The spindle of the wheel a is coupled directly to the recording train k, which indicates directly the length of rope that has passed a at any particular moment. The complete apparatus, which has proved quite satisfactory in practice, weighs about 57 lb. Construction of Borehole Sections or Profiles.—Obvi- ously it is only possible to portray the course of a borehole with any degree of accuracy by referring the observed data all to one plane. Having the depth and inclination data at hand, there are three methods of plotting these in any arbitrary vertical plane! viz.: 1. Plotting the angle from the point where recorded down to the next recorded point. 2. Reversing 1 by plotting upward to the preceding recorded point on the chart. 3. Averaging 1 and 2 by plotting at the point on the chart either way, downward and upward, halfway to meet subjacent and superjacent plotted points obtained in the same way. Since methods 1 (A Fig. 17) and 2 (B Fig. 17) assume no gradual change of dip as usually obtaining in practice, but imply sudden regular dip changes, they are not now employed or recommended. Method 3 (C Fig. 17) will enable us to average subjacent data and plot this mean. The three lines A, B and C (Fig. 17) are plotted on the assumption that the hole deviates in one plane, say the WE plane of the paper. If a hole has been assumed to bear in 1 These methods are also discussed by Prof. F. H. Lahee, Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Vol. 13, No. 9, p. 198, to which we are indebted for Fig. 17. 38 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS only one plane (a common error of borehole chart makers) and it is later decided to allow for lateral directional devia- tions, or for depicting any borehole data in one plane, proceed thus: In Fig. 17a the profile of C (Fig. 17) is reproduced dotted and the hole is assumed to have the C hole dips and depths A_B C __ Surface ne, 7. Pia. 17a. Fic. 17.—Section showing methods of plotting deviation of boreholes where readings are made at intervals and angular deviation is assumed to be all in same vertical plane. Fic. 17a.—Section showing a hole wandering in three dimensions revolved into the WE plane. Fie. 17b.—Plan of Fig. 17a. throughout but alters in azimuthal directions from point a as shown on the left of the figure. Our problem is to visualize the borehole in the WE plane as in the previous Fig. 17. As ab is now bearing N.55°E. rebat it 35 deg. to ab’; project this line to ab? and drop perpendicular to the depth line of 6 at b?. (Imagine a to be the apex of a cone of side and dip ab with the new ab 35 deg. out of the old ab plane; the actual depth and length of the new ab AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 39 are unaltered except for the distortion due to projection. ) Join ab? and draw 6°c, parallel to bc. The hole is now 65 deg. out of the WH plane; slew 6%c; this amount to b'c’ and project to b%c? getting c® on the c depth line as previ- ously. Join b’c?. In the same way get the due north part of the hole cd to show a vertical c*d* only, since it can have no lateral trend in the WE plane of the paper; and so on to e?, the last length being an extraneous addition to C (Fig. 17). It would be well to smooth a curve through these constructed points, and the same applies to the plan view of Fig. 170. Borehole Models.—These are very useful and instruc- tive adjuncts to any scheme of deep boring or precision boring, as in freezing shafts. 'Thurmann of Halle, Saxony, constructed the interesting and helpful model shown in Fig. 18 in 1909 to assist in visualizing the relative trends and positions of boreholes in a freezing shaft frost wall. It will be seen that he merely erected discs of sheeting or millboard at depths on the central rod scaled from the prog- ress chart, the said rod representing the shaft center. Thus, in the figure, the dots on the discs represent the posi- tions of the boreholes at the various levels or depths. The dotted line shows the position of a supplementary borehole to deal with the wide space in the frost wall between bore- holes 2 and 3. Figure 19 shows a glass model of the Chanslor-Canfield Midway Oil Co.’s No. 96 Olinda oil well in California, one of the deepest wellsin the world. Itis thought that some facts relating to the true shape of the course taken by the lower part of the well, obtained from a study of the model, would have remained unknown without its aid. The model is seen to be easily constructed from depth planes scaled from the boring logs and the positions of the instruments on each plane surveyed as shown. The bottom plane surveyed is 6,948 ft. deep. It is conceiva- ble that valuable results may be had from models outlining the course of well or boreholes and these would be more exact than sketched-in hypothetical underground contours. 40 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS In this particular model the vertical line represents the plumb line from the derrick floor. The curved line is an accurate representation of the course of the drill hole through the formations. The model was made by drilling holes through sheets of glass in the surveyed posi- tions of the hole at differ- ent depths. A black cord threaded through these holes represents the well. The Sperry-Sun Well Sur- veying Company of Philadel- phia also employs an attrac- tive and useful method of depicting deviation. They west \ eal mn YEN 7 ARES SE|7 (oe lL | Q Pre. 18. Fie. 19. Fira. 18.—Thurmann’s borehole model. Fra. 19.—Glass model of the Chanslor-Canfield, Midway Oil Co.’s No. 96 Olinda oil well in the Fullerton, Calif., Field, showing the course of a very deep borehole. (After Anderson.) project the surface position of the borehole on to the lowest depth model plane as the center of deviation coordinates. From this axis the relative displacements are plotted at their respective depths (Fig. 19a). The AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 41 finished model is then pasted up at the sides giving the borehole as one edge of a distorted prism (Fig. 190). Lesser Deflection Records for Short Holes and Small Deviations : The Plumbing Basket.—This method employed in plumbing holes which have not deflected more than [ms LSS | [ll ce ae (a) Fie. 19a AND b.—The Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Co.’s model. the borehole width, is often resorted to, since it is rapid and cheap. It was evolved by the Parisian firm Entreprise générale de fongage de puits études et traveaux de mines. It is much appreciated in surveying freezing shaft holes and prospect holes. It? consists of a receptacle or basket filled with lead and let down into the hole on a hawser. The basket A (Fig. 20) is slightly less in diameter than the hole. 1CaVALLIER and Dauvsine, Annales des mines, Paris, 1900. Series 9, Vol. 18, p. 392; KoutEeR, Bergbaukunde, Vol. 6, p. 634; Berg und Hiitt. Zitg., p. 276, 1901. 2Scumipt, Trans. Inst. Mining Eng., Vol. 52, No. 2, p. 178, 1917; ERLINGHAGEN, Glickauf, p. 705, June 8, 1907. 42 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS It is preferably, but not necessarily, suspended from the pulley S over the hole center C at the surface. The dis- tance CB varies in amount and bearing according to the deflection. If this suspension point S is at a height h above, and the basket A at a depth D below, the surface and the measurable distance CB be called m, then the deviation X of the hole is obviously ID) =e Ip X=mit2=m i (2) Erlinghagen! simplified the process in a survey of freezing shaft boreholes for the shaft sinking firm of Gebhardt- Nordhausen. He employed a drum of 0.314 m. diameter, 7.e., 1 m. circumfer- ence, which carried a wound copper wire exactly 10 m. above the center of the Eres Ue mouth of the hole. It carried a heavy weight or plumb bob which moved freely, allowing the wire to take up an exact perpendicular posi- tion. A crosspiece with two measuring lines at right angles is fixed on the hole mouth to facilitate reading. The depth is taken from the number of unwound coils from the drum, each being 1m. The computation (2) above now becomes i mn Sone 5 10 The method is not bound to fail when the wire fouls the sides of the hole, for in case of the hole deviating back to its original position at greater depths the wire will hang free of the sides. The method can be applied for depths down to about 300 ft., and instances of its successful application at over 600 ft. are on record. Certainly with big deflec- tions it is useless, but for surface and near-by subsurface conditions in most holes down to 100 yd. it is a useful auxiliary record. The all important dimension m is checked as follows (Fig. 1, Plate II). The coordinates (x1y1) of C, the center 1 Ghiickauf, No. 23, 1907. AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 43 of the hole at the surface, are known with respect to the X and Y axes, and the depth of any point A on the wire can be found, since we can get the length L of the wire direct. f m(L+l)td X=——— c L 9192 ayay an Fic.4 Puate IJ.—Illustrating the basket method. From the similar triangles SCB and BaA (Fig 1) right angled at C and a, we get CB SB CB SB En a oe = A and CB: SA CO =) ae 8 = ee Then, by coordinate geometry for the small length CB = m, CB =m = V (22 — 41)? + (y2 — yi)” (4) It will be seen that m is a function of the length L of the 44 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS hole and L + 1 of the wire. The azimuth of CB is easily taken from Ly — 1 ee (5) We first detect contact of the wire in the hole by m becom- ing constant, but, as already stated, it may vary again if the hole diverges back to its former direction later on. If this latter contingency arises it can be demonstrated as follows: Each deviation of the hole gives a new value in amount and azimuth for m, thus giving in a crooked hole a series of values, a1, G2, a3... a, at different points 1,2, 3...mn. At each of these points trace the bore- hole cross sections as shown in Fig. 4. Here the circles representing the circumference at the said points 1... are projected downward on to a line aq . . . » which is the continuous horizontal traverse of the deflections a; . Gd, in bearing. The centers of the circles are corre- spondingly subscript figured 1...n. If the line SA do not touch the borehole sides, 7.e., it is straight, we find it on the projected plan as the line ca,. That is to say, that if we make a vertical section of the borehole through ca, and draw in SA, it must not touch the sides. The points must be inside the borehole section circumfer- ence circles at the corresponding levels. If one or more do not obey this requirement, point S may be shifted for a new suspension and therefore new plan point C’. Failing any agreement with the above demands, on moving S to the limiting lateral positions, the method ceases to be of utility any further. When point C has been retreated a distance d to C’ (Figs. 1 and 5) and the projection completed, the new deviation w is got from the new suspension and hole lengths aandb. Thus w= (a+b) +d (6) Other but perhaps more troublesome methods have been adopted as modifications of the above method.! 1K, Scumipt, op. cit., p. 180. AUXILIARY REGISTRATIONS IN BOREHOLE SURVEYS 45 Errors of measurement arise from the following sources. a. Incorrect Adjustment of the Plumb in the Hole.—This arises often in unlined boreholes which frequently prevent the plumb fitting the hole like a piston. This mostly arises in chisel-bored holes which tend to ovality in cross section. Ten millimeters inexactitude renders the method unadopta- ble. The application of spring-centering mechanism to remedy this is not to be recommended. b. Sag of the Rope.—This occurs with long ropes holding small weights and it renders false readings of m. These errors increase, with the slope of the hole and its depth, according to the catenary law. The rope should be very light compared with the weight; or it may be ridded by centrally fixing the plumb at the measuring place and tensioning the rope.! c. Incorrect Readings.—Inexactitude in reading m in- creases as m diminishes, greatly influencing the coordinates. Repeated micrometer readings should be made and the mean taken. 1See Wache’s device, German Patent No. 3859, or Gltickauf, No. 46, 1904. CHAPTER III INSTRUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES The determination of the course of boreholes by instru- mental means has occupied the minds of investigators since before the middle of last century. It received great impetus during the early eighties and the opening years of this century. Since the World War much work has been done, principally in the Mid-continent oil fields of America, South Africa and Germany in devising new means to the above end. From simple tests with plumbing baskets and by simple fluid apparatuses the progressive trend through various mechanical, optical, and photographic contrivances to the highly skilled gyroscopic methods has proceeded, until today the last two named means are being exploited vigorously. Probably the most widely adopted method in employment today is a modified form of fluid method, and it is now customary for contracts in drilling to specify a limiting permissible error in verticality of 1 part in 100. Thus we are faced with a universally applica- ble standard of attainment expected of any method offered in the profession. The paramount requirements which have to be fulfilled by a successful device are as follows: a. It should record continuously on going down the hole and similarly make a check record upward on extrac- tion. Very few inventions meet this need. b. It should measure both the inclination and bearing of the borehole. This could be done by simultaneous registrations from one source or two initial sources register- ing at the same time. It is the great time-saving injunction. c. It should be under direct surface control with respect to registration as well as depth. 46 INSTRUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES 47 d. It should be immune from injuries due to water or mud pressures, chemical actions in the hole or strata, etc. e. It should be uninfluenced by local attractions such as are set up by magnetic strata, metallic linings and rod magnetism. f. It should be simple and free from many technicalities and therefore less liable to derangement and needing less supervision. g. It should be easily understood and, if possible, capable of being read direct with few adjustments. h. It should be capable of registering at great depths, 7.e., it should be of small diameter. This claim is a failing of most instruments. 1. Its data should always be subject to check up and down the hole and also by different means. The several methods invented to investigate the course of boreholes may be broadly classified under the following general heads, though certain instruments may be included under two or more of these: 1. Fluid methods utilizing the shape of the fluid outline in a cylindrical retainer. Such a fluid may be hydrofluoric acid, cement, gelatine, mercury, copper sulphate, wax or paraffin. 2. Plummet and magnetic needle methods in which the dip and deflection are read on special arcs in the instrument or by core measurers aboveground. 3. Electrical methods, wherein plummets are actuated or pricking cones are set in motion, also electrolytic deposition devices, wax-warming ares, and other registration con- trivances. 4. Pendulum methods either simple or compound. 5. Photographic methods wherein the position of plum- mets and compasses is recorded, or where kinemato- graphic records of successive positions of these, or direct photographic views of the unlined sides of the hole, are provided. Multiple photographic devices and multiple views of shaped notches, etc., are included here. 48 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS 6. Gyrostatic methods where the principle of the gyro- scopic compass is employed. 7. Plastic cast methods in which set models of the hole and its core stump are provided. 8. Pricker methods operated by electromagnet plungers, levers, plumb bobs or in any other way, on paper strips, soft discs or plates. 9. Inertia methods wherein the inertia of a heavy rotating body is employed. 10. Seismographic or geophonic methods in which vibrations caused on the surface by explosions or the vibra- tions caused by drilling, particularly cable-tool drilling, are recorded. The general subject of borehole investigation can thus, by the above methods, be broadly divided into two main issues: a. The actual survey of the course of the borehole in azimuthal deviation and inclination from the line of its intended course. b. Core orientation in which the original underground position of the core is established. It is, of course, limited in its field of application by being only applicable to holes yielding cores. The two main branches a and 6 of our subject necessarily merge one into the other by reason of their close relation and the instruments employed being often of dual utility. Core orientation provides useful information as to the direction and amount of stratigraphic dip; information very difficult to obtain when boreholes incline through inclined beds. This will be seen by Fig. 21, where we will often meet the difficulty of having unreliable data as to whether a or a is the truthful vertical thickness of the seam. The great value of core orientation surveys in fields insuffi- ciently mapped geologically, as in wild-cat ventures, is obvious; also where evidence is misleading or misinter- preted, as often in unconformities, asymmetric conditions, hidden dislocations, alluvial deposits and where we get change of facies.1 The retention or rejection of accumu- 1 Macreapy, G. A., Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., May, 1930. INSTRUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES 49 lated data bearing on the problem will be decided by this core knowledge. Also the probable line of development in the field concerned. It is singularly useful in seeking index beds or marker or key beds and therefore decides the spacing of holes and life of a lease. It is considered that shale with a dip over 5 deg. is the most favorable stratum for core orientation, since dips are rarer in massive formations. Hard sands are more objec- tionable owing to their wearing out the cutters, and soft sands tend to crumble and plug the barrel; also false bedding occurs more frequently in sands. The chief difficulty is the transporting of the cores to the surface in a satisfactory condition. At all events sufficient has been said to show that the practice of borehole surveying and core orientation has progressed far since the day of Dr. Newell Arber! who was rather emphatic in disclaiming the reliability of any methods purporting to show the direction of dip of beds in a borehole. In all methods of borehole surveying and core orienta- tion, one of the prime factors influencing the choice is the cost, since the cost consists not only in the actual expense 1 Geology of the Kent Coalfield, Trans. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 47, p. 694. 50 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of the survey but also the time loss which could otherwise be taken up in drilling. According to recent findings! the direct and indirect costs of making separate directional surveys with every 500 ft. of additional hole amount approximately to 2 to 3 per cent of the total cost of a producing well. The increased cost due to the changes in drilling practice in order to keep a hole straight and the cost of straightening a crooked hole ordinarily range from 5 to 10 per cent of the total cost of the hole, depending upon the work required to correct possible crooks in the hole. Thus apart from any considerations (in oil-well drilling) of improved spacing, better drainage and higher recovery per well and per acre which arise from correct surveying of boreholes, it will be seen that good surveying will tend to lighten the burden of straightening costs. This because it also yields enlightening data on dry wells and causes of dryness. Accuracy of Borehole Surveys.—Respecting the accuracy to be expected in a contract for borehole survey work it may be mentioned that demands here vary in stringency with the importance of the survey. Freezing shaft con- tracts frequently require a minimum limit of reliability in readings of 1 in 150, 7.e., 1 off the vertical for every 150 deep. Or again they may desire a deflection record not exceeding 214 deg. off the vertical, since beyond this no frost wall is safe at depths of over 100 yd. Hence the desired accuracy decides the type of apparatus being employed, whether crude methods with unreliable direction records, like pricking bobs without orientated rod couplings, or the more precise pendulum and gyroscopic methods which often yield accurate results up to 1 in 3,000. ‘The purpose of the boring will therefore, in the end, decide the nature of the survey apparatus. The purposes for which boreholes are put down are as follows: 1. To locate a seam, stratum, oil zone, salt or any other mineral. 1 Mourpny P. C., and Jupson, 8S. A., Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Vol. 14, p. 603, May, 1930. INSTRUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES 51 2. To obtain the thickness, depth and constitution of such deposits. 3. For shaft sites. 4. For conducting electric cables (Fig. 22), steam and compressed air pipes, also haulage ropes to the mine. Connection Wooden Reel to Pole Line 7-07 which Cable y was shipped : hell ? Several turns of Wire around Reel, Timbers supporting REQRSES Casing of . Borehole 4. ile (a) Wooden Clamp holding two strands of Cable Cb) Fig. 22. 5. For hydraulic stowing. 6. For utilizing any hydraulic head which peculiar geo- logical conditions may provide in old workings (Fig. 23). E/.+800' Fig. 23.—Ideal cross section of a synclinal basin. 7. To aid ventilation by draining off gases. 8. For circulating tubes when sinking by the freezing process. 9. For cementation. 10. For checking any other boreholes. 52 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS This last item of check is probably the most important aspect of accuracy. If possible the method being adopted should be checked later by methods dependent on a totally different operating principle. Then the results -— i ! Derrick Floor Plan View of an O11 Well Comparing Results of Several Surveys Dernickinas Floor \y! Derrick--5 Simultaneously" on One String of Drill hipe Fie. 24.—Plan of an oil well comparing Fig. 25. results of several surveys made under varied conditions. (After Macready.) could be compared graphically as in Fig. 24 (after R. P. McLaughlin)'. Failing this a check survey should be made in and out of the borehole as in Fig. 25.2 The manner of compiling a check will be seen from Table VIII, wherein 1 By the courtesy of Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. (Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 586, 1930). 2 Ibid., p. 588. INSTRUMENTAL SURVEY OF BOREHOLES 53 the old and tried method of acid etching is compared with a recent plunger-pricker method for amount of dip only.! TasBLteE VIII.— Comparative SURVEYS OF AN O1L BOREHOLE IN THE SEMINOLE District, OKLAHOMA Depth, | Driftmeter reading, | Acid-bottle reading, feet degrees degrees, corrected 252 0 0 499 2 0 748 1 4 1,005 4 1% 1,257 10 124 1,360 10 Te 5l2 17% 19146 1,758 Ie 19144 2,002 24 28 2,094 28 2,268 28 3216 2,502 3416 3814 2,745 38 3916 3,009 4016 4116 3,255 39 4016 However, these checks are relative and cannot be claimed as absolute; the only absolute checks are actual observa- tional ones as 1. Where a hole is followed by a shaft or drift. 2. Where a hole has been bored between known and occupied places, as between stopes, working seams, etc. 3. Where boreholes deviate and meet; all methods thus registering the same meeting spot in both holes. 1 Petroleum Engineer, December, 1929. CHAPTER IV CORE ORIENTATION Introductory Note.—This branch of instrumental survey in boreholes being the older of the two main divisions previously noted, we will deal with it first. It has not been so extensively employed as the other department of bore- hole surveying dealing with the course of the borehole proper. Among the chief factors not already discussed which either influence the relative positions of boring tool and strata pierced or provide useful evidence of the same, we may mention the following, of which a running record should be kept.? 1. The type, size, and dimensions of bit used. 2. The size of drill stem. 3. The size and depth of the hole. 4, Weight of mud used. 5. Pressure employed on the bit. 6. Speed of rotation or number of strokes per minute. 7. The stroke or fall in percussive boring. 8. The weight on the tool in percussive boring. 9. Rate of water circulation. 10. Ease of running in and coming out with drill stem. 11. Ease of setting the casing. The various orientation methods can be nearly all grouped into the four following classes: a. Orientating the core barrel by measuring or aligning the drill pipe out of the hole. b. Attaching an instrument to the core or core box in the hole during operation previous to extraction. 1 See also a useful questionnaire by F. H. Lahee for the Research Com- mittee of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., July, 1929, for notes on checking observations, etc. 54 CORE ORIENTATION 59 c. Lowering an instrument on to a freshly cut core and then extracting it with or without the core. d. Photographic devices for the walls of the hole. Kind’s Method.—Kind’s core drill is the earliest form known, having been employed in coal strata near Forbach in Lorraine in 1844! using a free-fall percussion drill (Rotary core drilling was first adopted in 1861 by the French engineer Leschot). Kind also made the first core orientation. The method has long been superseded and information thereon is Fie. 26.—Kind’s borer. Fie. 27.—Kind’s core breaker. scarce. It was employed in 1854 in Forbach yielding a half-meter core which was brought to bank in as unaltered a condition and position as possible. Figure 26 shows Kind’s fork-shaped borer which provided the thin core 12 to 20 in. long and was then extracted. A core breaker a (Fig. 27) was lowered to tear off and lift out the core b; this breaker had a toothed inner cylinder c keeping the teeth d forced out during insertion and sus- pended by a cord from the surface. To prevent turning he employed two index arms held against the rods, one by a man in the derrick near the top of the drill rod and the other at the derrick floor. These arms aligned the pipe against twist. The method yielded cores of only about half 1RepMayngE, R. A. S., ‘‘Modern Practice in Mining,’”’ Vol. 1, p. 91. Macreapy, G. A., Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Vol. 14, 1930. Korsricu, A., Pr. Zeitschrift, Vol. 36, p. 256, 1888. 56 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS the width of the hole, and diamond drilling with its small holes later on made it obsolete. A similar method was also applied by the engineer Zobel in Schénebeck in 1855.1 Lubisch’s Method.—The boring master Lubisch improv- ed on Kind’s method in the Upper Silesian mineral fields in 1887. He diamond drilled a core first without a core catcher, leaving the stub standing in the hole. Then he lowered a second tube (Fig. 28) over the stub and marked it in a definite manner respecting the meridian and later extracted it, orientating it as in Kind’s method. It suited small holes better. In Fig. 29 the steel tooth of the orientating tube closes about the core and makes a definite i SS | ii SS SRAAANE SSS = Fies. 28 anp 29.—Lubisch’s core Fic. 30.—Vivian’s pilot-hole core marker. compass. mark which was expected to have a definite known surface orientation. After lifting out this marker device a core extractor was let down to bring out the scribed core. Now the scribed longitudinal mark is adjusted to the vertical plane by means of a spring pen hanging on the rods and the dip and strike read. Lubisch improved his apparatus later by adding a cap carrying a steel scriber which gave a mark at right angles to the side mark, and he also improved the joints to prevent twisting on insertion and extraction. Lubisch’s advantage over Kind was in the more rigid hollow rods and the possibility of working in smaller bore- holes. For success the following demands, difficult and nearly impossible to attain altogether in practice, are to be fulfilled: 1 Mitt. Markscheiderwesen, Heft 4, p. 37, 1902. CORE ORIENTATION 57 1. There must be no mud or cavings between the core and borehole walls. 2. The core must be sufficiently rigid so as not to fracture on extraction and to preserve the markings. The changing of the rods, etc., make condition 1 very difficult, since we then interfere with the rinsing. In very hard rocks condition 2 might be impossible, owing to lack of clarity in the marking. In soft rocks this latter condition is impossible. These methods, it will be seen, take up much time and are not now in operation. Vivian’s Method.—The method of the American diamond driller, Vivian,! marked a new departure and significant advance in core orientation. He drilled a small pilot hole of a few inches diameter and lowered a small instrument case into it, so that a part of it was fixed in the pilot hole. This case held a compass needle clamped by a weight used in setting the case. When the core was recovered the case was also recovered attached to its upper end. Figure 30 shows the compass c and its arresting apparatus a and the tap neck 6 in the pilot hole d. The needle, free at first, is fixed by letting down the weight. This was all retrieved later in the normal method of core catching. Above- ground the needle is freed and the core turned to give the position before arrest. The core now is in the same posi- tion as in the hole, and so its dip and strike can be obtained. The demerits are 1. The apparatus is almost, if not quite, impossible of use under a big head of water pressure. 2. Cavings filling the pilot hole as when concussion occurs during coring, rupture of the core and mud. 3. In small holes the pilot hole thins the core itself to a too fragile degree, the wall thickness in diamond boring needing to be at least 12 to 18 mm. and in addition we must consider the play on both sides. 4. A compass can not be set vertically true in a small core. 1Trans. N. E. Inst. Min. Eng., p. 45, 1881-1882. 58 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS 5. Great loss of time in boring pilot hole, exchanging rods and extracting cores. Vivian’s method has had very little usage owing to the small probability of success. Kendall’s Apparatus.—This apparatus was invented by P. F. Kendall at Owen’s College, Manchester, in 1887, and it was arranged to be set in a pilot hole like the Vivian method, but the compass in the case was clamped by lifting off the weight of the setting tool. A core was then taken out with the compass attached to the top of it. The magnetic compass is attached by means of a peg or cement to the top of the core and left standing by the boring tool, Cc b ———" Fic. 31.—Kendall’s apparatus. and the needle is automatically locked by the release of a spring when the lowering tool is withdrawn. In Fig. 31 is Shown the compass box a with its strong screwed-on lid b, and inner glass lid c held by a screw collar. The pillar d bears the compass card e while f is a tube sliding on d flanged and serrated at the top. About this is a spiral spring 7 pressing the flange upward for its toothed edge to grip the compass card e against the glass lid c. A slot and pin on d prevent rotation of the tube. The catch lever g holds down f by the flange when the apparatus is set; it turns on pin g’ on the box floor. The floor trigger h hinged to g has a flange and spiral spring h’ for operating the catch lever and permitting f to grip the card bearing the needle. An India-rubber ring under the card aids the teeth CORE ORIENTATION 59 grip, preventing sliding. In action the lowering tool holds trigger h out. At the core and after sufficient time has elapsed and the needle has come to rest, the lowering tool on being withdrawn releases the trigger h, throwing the catch g, allowing f to ascend and lift the card off its bearing, pressing it against the glass lid c. _ The core is now wrenched off and lifted to bank and on unscrewing lid 6 the orientation of the core is read. The weaknesses of the apparatus are the same as those of Vivian’s apparatus; chiefly insufficient protection against water pressures which is more necessary here, since there are more moving parts. \ \ NY SSNS SSANS ANS “ WSS YN WANN y SS ~ NSA SSS NAAN SS NSS AASS AAS \ NANNY ~‘ SS SANA SA Zl The drawbacks of space demands in the Gy core and trouble in the measuring Ve, method have not been removed any 77277] more than in Vivian’s method. Again G4 ANNANNANNAANN NANSANNS ANS SNS SS SSS SN there is the liability of premature dis- turbance of the needle due to shocks as in wrenching off the core. ‘There appear to be as little data in professional literature respecting its actual employ- GNIS ment as in the case of Vivian’s apparatus. S327. Wolff’s Apparatus.—This device was invented. in 1889,1 and marked the introduction of a new feature. In this method the apparatus was lowered over a stub of core in the hole and a mold taken. Clockwork was used to clamp a magnetic needle after a predetermined time. The core was then removed and orientated from the clamped needle attached to it. Figure 32 shows Dr. Wolff’s method for fixing the compass in a mold or cast, the latter being a plastic material. The apparatus consists of a two-part tube A,A., with a lead filling B, which serves to guide and hold tight the lower plastic mass giving the imprint of the 1 See German Patent, 47, 221, Oct. 27, 1888; also Osterr. Z. Berg-Huittenw., Nos. 41-43, 1906. wea oe rrr ZZ 7, ANAN ww N NSS 4 44447 NSS meee 49 OTT ee NAS ANS (77 Fig. 32.—Wolf’s core- cast device. 60 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS core below. Between A; and A» is a compass box C of non-magnetic material with a compass D and a clockwork mechanism FE screwed on tight, which has been set to operate at a predetermined time. The plastic mass having been lowered over the core stub and allowed to harden, and the needle arrested, the apparatus is raised and the position noted. The core is now lengthened by the usual coring process, wrenched off and raised to bank. Here it is fitted to the impression in the cast and turned with the com- pass until the needle plays in the position previously noted. The dip and strike can now be read. The method appears theoretically to be well suited to its purpose and it has the advantage of increased protection for the compass and clockwork mechanism, and also the time taken in insertion and employment is shorter than in previous methods. However, its success depends on many factors which preclude its adoption in general practice. Thus we have the following disadvantages: 1. Mud and cavings prevent good impressions. 2. A flat upper fracture on the core surface is more suited to the process than inclined ones, because very inclined wrench faces prevent good impressions. 3. On inclined core faces tube A, is likely to slip and ren- der results faulty. 4. The core must be solid and fast; this is not possible in shales, schists, ete. 5. On fitting the mold aboveground the core must have been raised in exactly the same position as it had when the mold was taken, and this is almost impossible. 6. The minimum size of core is 5 to 6 cm., otherwise the impression is not clearly recognizable. 7. Even with all the above conditions fulfilled, taking the mold, lengthening the stub, wrenching it off and raising it occupies too much time. Koebrich’s Apparatus.—In this method the position of the compass with respect to the core is ascertained by means of a clearly cut mark on the top face of the core with the aid of the apparatus shown in Figs. 1 to 6 (Plate CORE ORIENTATION 61 III). In Fig. 1 (Plate III) note that the cross-guided heavy rod a is connected to the straight bit chisel a; by means of a conical joint. The bit has a small recess X on one side. Over the heavy rod the gun-metal body K is fixed by a conical Oynhausen joint bb’ (Fig. 2). The bored-out non- magnetic box K encloses a watertight ground-in stopper fant | 1 SSSSNSy SSUS SSS H aE oe! 4 el H ULE_4 Aho 4 i 14 = UZZZLLLLLLLL LLL nq Un pein Ny (Be q SS a DDT DEE, i LOLLY Ly GHEE NS ae aca Str laa T NN || Cie oe a S210) ow a NO MUCLARTTMULLELILLILLITLILTTLLUY YS ff ff I PPTMSSUTLLLLLLELLTOLELDLESSSTTSSELEET ED ASSASSA ASSESSES SENS STS TEESE SSS SHES STH TTS SSS TTT GSAS SSE SST SSSR SSSA DSTO NMI. The internal construction of the apparatus is much simpler and the arrest of the needle i + oO. S 5) a ———— Sy Wy SS STILE KES G2 Gen a Ls VL ED eS nS ise 1 58 6 5 sy Se Eider RN ITI AAANUARRRRRAAANY — ED, TL, yoo YLALUY SS OOH LS SSSR SMA SEG LLLLLL LD oO Zz for in Meine’s apparatus. Fig. 37.—The North German Deep Fic. 36.—Thurmann’s stratameter. Boring Co.’s stratameter. occurs much sharper than in Meine’s device, because the transmission of the arresting action takes place by means of only two pieces of mechanism and not by means of a series of intermediate members. The North German Deep Boring Company’s Strata- meter.—The North German Deep Boring Company of Nordhausen have produced a device of the stratameter 72 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS type but somewhat different in construction.' In Fig. 37 the tube R, lies inside a wide tube R2 (moved by the rods with nuts and spring) and carries in its upper part the closed compass box B filled with oil. The rinsing current escapes by way of the holes O, O, in the head of the core tube A:. When a determination is being made the external tube is’ lifted up so far that these openings are covered by the internal projections V of the external tube. In this way an excess pressure of water is set up which actuates a spring- loaded piston k a little further up through the bores n,n. This causes the rod S to free the needle which was hitherto fixed. After the needle has settled down, the external tube is lifted higher and when the water holes O, O are passed by V, they are again free and the piston k is unloaded. Then the spring F again comes into operation and the needle is fixed orientated. It can now be drawn further so that the core, broken off by the core breaker on the external tube, can be raised to bank. The apparatus is in many ways similar to that of Meine or Gothan in principle and construction, but the needle is freed by the rinsing water pressure by moving the tubes relative to one another. The needle is also brought to rest inasimilar way. There are two advantages in these varia- tions over the other methods. First, there is a slight saving of time in that the needle does not follow the turning movement of the rods but after adjustment can rotate with them and swing back before coming to rest. Second, there is the by no means small advantage that the needle is always ready for measurement and cannot be thrown off through unavoidable thrusts on the pin. Unintentional freeing of the needle is absolutely impossible, since the rinsing current is suited as long as the wider openings O, O are free and should a throttling of the passage through O, O occur the piston & will soon be influenced. Such a throttling, however, cannot occur if the outer tube is raised. 1German Patent No. 168,596; also Osterr. Z. Berg-Hiittenw., No. 48, p. 561, 1906. CORE ORIENTATION 73 The instrument can also be so constructed that the needle is not freed by the relative displacement of the two tubes R, and R, but by an improved water lead in which a valve is closed under the pressure of a spring. The valve spring is so adjusted that the valve stays open with the normal rinsing current and will only shut on an increase in the speed of the rinsing pump. The same objections apply in the main here as to the apparatus of Gothan with respect to core fractures, etc. Lapp’s Device.—This simple apparatus was invented in 1906 by Heinrich Lapp of the well-known firm of deep borers in Ascherleben, Germany. The simple principle shown in Figs. 38, and 39 has been adopted since in numer- ous devices. Figure 38 shows a longitudinal section’ of this core orientator with two horizontal sections below. It consists of a cylinder a of suitable dimensions made in two halves, the lower one fitting over the core in the hole. Under the magnetic needle b, which is borne on a spring spindle bearing c, is a plate d of soft material. The needle has a lower side pricker e. Above the needle on a rod 2 is a plunger f carried through a shear pin h and having a ring buffer g at its bottom end. On the rods being lowered and the bottom of the cylinder fitting over the core stub, the plunger f descends by its own weight, or by the rod action, and buffer g presses the needle down, making an imprint of e in the soft plate d and holding the needle in its position of rest. The shearing pin h prevents any turning and the lug & with the peg k’ in the housing a serves for correctly adjusting the housing in the core tube. The device suffers from the usual defects of this type of apparatus, 2.¢., cavings, poor cores in friable strata, turning shocks, etc. Compare Hillmer’s deviation and dip measuring apparatus made by the same firm and dealt with later on. Koerner’s Core Orientation Apparatus.—This apparatus was invented in 1907 by a German engineer, G. Koerner, 1 German Patent No. 171,849, May 25, 1906. 74 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of Nordhausen. It is essentially a double-gimbaled pendu- lum apparatus. It is screwed to the upper part of the core box and carries indicating needles which are fixed in posi- O Q 6, — 4 4 4g Hy: / Y j Yy- Ne jee x SENN SSSSSS ZZZZZE N N | \I N | N fd § \ ee S Fies. 38 and 39.—Lapp’s core Fie. 40.—Koerner’s core orientating orientator. apparatus. tion by dropping in a weight and releasing a fixing device which forces pointers into a cork disc. Like his deviation device, it shows the dip in amount better than direction, the latter being obtained by computation. The pipe drill and core barrel are orientated out of the well by measuring each stand. Figure 40 shows the apparatus for aligning CORE ORIENTATION 75 the cores on the surface. To the upper portion of the core box a screwed to the boring rods 6 is secured a plate holding a pipe c, which leaves a space between it and the walls of the core box for rinsing water. In the center of ¢ are oscil- lating needles d and e supported on their respective gimbals or universal suspensions f and g. Gimbals g are weighted on one side by weight h, causing e to incline. Above d and below e are cork pistons 7 moved by springs 7 toward the needle points of d and e. The cork disc 7 is held by rod k allowing d to oscillate freely and carries an arm lever | rotatable about the long axis of the apparatus, the lower end of this lever holding another arm m by means of rod c to actuate the lower cork plunger 7. Under the top plunger 7 is a gunlock trigger-releasing device actuated by rod n operating springs j7 which press the cork pistons 7 against the points of pendulum needles d and e. Needle d is used for indicating the dip of the bore- hole and e for the lateral deviation due to the action of weight h. ‘To facilitate this the cork discs 7 are faced with paper scales on which the needle points prick holes. As electric cables can not be introduced into the hole during boring, the positions of the indicating needles are fixed by a messenger weight dropped in releasing the above device from n. The movement relative to the meridian is taken with respect to a mark made on the core box. In core boring the needles are fixed before wrenching off the core; then the core is extracted and the core box arranged on the surface in such a manner that it is slightly inclined and a definite mark arranged on the meridian. The cork pistons 7 are withdrawn and the needles released, taking up a position in accordance with the inclination of the core box. After the needles come to rest pistons 2 are again released, and the new position of the needles, in which the scale of the apparatus coincides with the merid- ian, is recorded. Thus, as shown in 40a, we get the points Fic. 40a. 76 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS a and b obtained underground to take up the new positions a’ and 6’ on the surface. In both cases the parallelogram of displacement gives the direction in which weights h have dipped plumb needle e; which directions are shown by lines oc and oc’, and, since the line is in the meridian, angle coc’ will be the rotation of the apparatus on extracting the core box. If the core is turned with its mark from points c to c’ it will have its proper geographical position aboveground as below. A pendulum may be used instead of the plumb line. The chief objections to the appliance are: 1. Dropped messenger weights are unreliable. 2. In the mud rotary system the apparatus may fail to function. 3. Much time is taken up in surface orientation. 4. Many unaccountable turning movements are not provided for. The apparatus, particularly in respect to the methods of aligning the geographical positions above and below ground, has been subjected to severe criticism by Dr. Freise' and the engineer, Erlinghagen.? Rapoport’s Method.—The idea of this device* is one embodying the former notion of a mold, as in Wolff’s apparatus. It is very ingenious and though apparently unsuited to the conditions of actual practice, in its present form, contains the germ of an idea which may be useful to investigators and inventors. We have failed to trace any literature dealing with its application in the field, but believe it should not be disregarded. Figure 41 shows the apparatus which consists of a cylinder a, let down into the borehole and having an axial channel 6 to which an upper conductor c can be joined for compressed air or pressure water. Underneath, channel 6 is closed by a valve d which opens an exit channel e on excess of internal pressure. The hollow body a possesses four borings f at 90 deg. to one another radially in superposi- 1 Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker, 1907. * Gliickauf, p. 737, June 15, 1907. 3’ German Patent No. 172,179. CORE ORIENTATION 77 tional planes. In each of these, under the pressure of a spring, is a movable piston g on rods h carrying on their exterior ends hinged movable porcelain heads k. If the rod is moved outward by internal pressure these heads take a mold of the borehole walls. A compass n whose needle m is arrestable by the lever o actuated by the spring p is used for taking the strata strike. There is a piston con- nected to o which, as a result of the pressure of spring p, can Fig. 41.—Rapoport’s device. close a duct leading to the channel 6. The piston is pressed up when a means of pressure appears in 6 and the needle is freed to take up its position. If before raising the appa- ratus out of the hole the pressure channel is closed, the piston g goes in first and then q is brought by the spring p to the original position, thus again locking the needle. Obviously very hard strata, and very friable strata too, make the application of the device, in its present form, useless; but, as said, we present the apparatus for its possi- ble use under suitable modifications. Florin’s Method.—This ingenious apparatus was in- vented by a chemist, Jean Florin, of Brussels in 19081 and 1Fiorin, J., Enregistrer l’orientation des strates au fond des trous de sondage, Annales des mines de Belgique, Tome 13, p. 781, 1908. 78 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS consists of a photographic device with a lead block base. The apparatus was lowered over the core which had been previously marked by the trepan and the lead block took an impression of the core head while the needle inside was photographically checked by special appliances. In Fig. 42 it will be seen that no clockwork or other complicated mechanism is required, the strong, pressure- proof box holding very little movable apparatus. This box Fig. 42.—Florin’s camera device. is filled with water and inside suspended by rubber rings is a simple photographic apparatus a. Below this is a magnetic needle b, a phosphorescent disc ¢ and an inter- changeable lead base d. Staggered holes with gratings allow water to penetrate to the interior in such a way as to counteract pressure effects while preventing foreign bodies from entering. Starting at the top we have the photographic apparatus in the non-metallic box in which is a small round and rigid celluloid film covered with an emulsion of silver bromide in gelatine, very sensitive to light and obtainable at any CORE ORIENTATION 79 chemist’s. This film is placed exactly so as to receive the image of the needle b and guide marks on the phosphorescent disc c below it. The very luminous objective has an aperture of f.3 and focal length of about 40 mm. and is specially corrected for the refractive index of water; the distance from the film is constant. In front of the objec- tive is a small shutter plate h which opens only on pressure being applied, on a rod projecting externally, when the apparatus meets the core. The magnetic needle 6 is freely suspended uncontrolled by any mechanism and is swung so as to function even when the apparatus is tilted. Behind it is the thin copper disc c covered with a substance insoluble in water and containing calcium sulphide. (This is very phosphorescent when properly made in the way employed for this device.) It has the property of great luminous emission. Black guide lines have been traced on the disc. A small distance from the above parts is a plate of phos- phor bronze sufficiently thick and strong in which are four holes of different diameters. These holes serve as guiding points and enable one to ascertain whether the lead plate has been displaced during the manipulation of the appara- tus. Other guiding points enable the bronze plate to be set; also all the rest of the movable parts of the device. Against the plate is a lead plate for taking the core impres- sion on its outside and the impression of the holes on its upper face. For action the disc is taken out and made very phos- phorescent by burning before the surface of the sulphide a few centimeters of magnesium ribbon; this strongly excites the phosphorescence so that the disc remains luminous enough to enable one to read a watch in the dark for 4 or 5 hr. This is then screwed back in and the lead plate put on and the shutter closed. Now in a dark chamber the sensitive film is fixed and the apparatus filled with water and closed up, the water being as near as possible in temperature to that in the borehole, avoiding air bubbles. This does not affect the action of the apparatus at all. The instru- ment is now ready to lower into the hole. 80 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS First a trepan is sent down to mark the core head with a blow and then raised to allow the apparatus to enter. The lead plate d on the base outside takes an impress of the core face with its mark. At the same time the lever coming into contact with the core uncovers the objective. After a few seconds the needle is at rest and overexposure of 20 to 30 min. allowed. The image of the needle and the guide points is thus fixed on the sensitive plate. The device is now raised, an interior spring closing the shutter. At the surface the lead plate shows the core-face impress with trepan mark on the lower side and the impression of the four holes on the other. The film, when developed, shows the position of the needle and the guiding marks on the phos- phorescent disc. Thus the core is orientated and later coring is completed and the core compared. The instrument is robust, the lenses of the objective being completely isolated in the middle of it and being of great thickness are strong enough for the job. It is only nec- essary to clean the device carefully after use, the whole of the parts, except the needle, being of copper alloy. If the borehole water is too hot for normal gelatine the film should be plunged into a bath of 5 per cent formalde- hyde solution; this makes the gelatine insoluble and capable of resisting decay without impairing the sensitiveness of the film or the development of the image, which is done by a slow process. The phosphorescent plate is designed to do away with electric lamps with accumulators which ~ are not suitable for shocks. The factors operating against the device are the great consumption of time in letting in the trepan to mark the core and its extraction, etc. Cavings also affect the marking and friable strata prevent its employment. If there is no orientating coupling it suffers all the defects of any other apparatus, giving directions aligned on its own markings. Goodman’s Core Orientation and Borehole Deflection Apparatus.—This device was invented by Professor Good- man of Leeds University in 1908 and can be employed both for orientating cores and surveying borehole devia- CORE ORIENTATION 81 tions. It consists essentially of a tube which can be fitted over the core stub, the tube containing a hemispheri- cal pendulum and clockwork arresting device adjustable to a predetermined instant.' In Fig. 43 the hollow cylinder 6 is shown in the borehole a, its prolonged lower part being capable of fitting over the core stub with a scratching tooth of steel or diamond for Fic. 43.—Goodman’s apparatus. scribing the same. The hollow pendulum c bearing on pivot d on the circular base e is graduated externally on its rim c, and has an agate bearing 7 for the pivot. The cone ends in a short screwed stem g, and a magnet h rests on it. The hemispherical screwed cap nut k holds stem g, securing the needle h to the top of the cone c. The base plate e is borne on a flange of cylinder b and is framed to the upper clockwork base plate / by pillars m. On top of nut k a small plunger n is provided axially central passing through the 1See also British Patent No. 23,003, Apr. 29, 1909. 82 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS upper base plate 1. Its lower end mn; is enlarged and hollowed round to make an all-round contact on the hemispherical cap k. A helical spring o about n presses under 7 and against n. The upper end of n passes up through lever p which is hinged at g and has a cross pin at r to facilitate disengagement of n from k. On releasing p the spring o pushes plunger n down on to cap nut f, fixing the cone and needle in position. This release is provided by the clockwork in frame s by means of flexible wire or cord t, from the alarm spindle uw. After winding up, the alarm is set at any chosen instant for release and in this state is lowered into the borehole. When release occurs tis unwound from u, freeing spring o and pushing n down, thus fixing the cone and magnet in the position in which they have come to rest. The hermetical seal is completed by means of the cap piece w. Other mechanical or electrical means for release may be adopted. The magnet is secured so that its center line les in the central plane of the cone passing through the 0 to 180-deg. mark. i. - “Depth of Reefalon q ; hae: Oe Cause of Borehole | ' Bottom of Hole ~ ~ ’ \ 1 ' 4765 Estimated 0) 500 1000 1500 [emtriar noce —_——SS SSS |ve tically below Mouth of Borehole Fic. 80. Mollmann’s Apparatus.—This device,! invented in Dort- mund in 1904, is an improvement on previous pendulum or plumb-bob apparatuses in that the vertical position 1 German Patent No. 155,849, Oct. 22, 1904. 132 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of the plumb is taken from a pendulum swinging in a definite rotatable plane with the aid of a vernier and scale on a graduated circular segment. In this way errors in obtain- ing the position of the apparatus are either eliminated entirely or essentially lessened. Figures 1 to 4 (Plate VII) show the interior of Méllmann’s apparatus. Through the center of the covers 6 and 0b; of housing a (Fig. 1) go two screws c and c; bearing a rotatable fork d. Below cover b is a plate f with an attachment e against the one side of which presses a spring g in a groove (Fig. 4), and this presses the portion e against a rod h. This rod h can be worked up and down by clockwork from the wheel 2’ on its prolonged screwed axis k. According to the lft of the rod h a lug n under disc f engages, through the bore m of disc f, a disc p held by spring pressure. Between the dises f and p there is a plate g which is bridged to the fork d and can move it up and down in a slit. The plate q and its bridge is borne on the upper part of the fork under a constant spring pressure by rod r which at its lower end lies on the nose y which is likewise spring-pressed against lever h;. The latter is connected by lever s; to the disc ¢ (seen in end view in Fig. 2) which is displaceable laterally in the fork d and coated with felt H on one side. On the same axis as disc ¢ is the upper end wu of the indicator z which is widened here and toothed. The lower end of z carries a millimeter or circular graduated vernier while the primary scale v for this is on the fork d. A side weight consisting of little tubes of mercury w is attached under fork d, the purpose of which is to turn the fork and indicator z at every inclined position of the borehole. Above the apparatus a clockwork is placed which fixes a magnetic needle k’ on one side and can turn toothed wheel z’ with spindle & on the other side. This turning screws up rod h turning spring g so far that it brings the bore m over the lug n above the spring pressed plate p. The attach- ment n can now enter bore m of disc f, raising plate q and fixing it between f and p. This fixes the fork on the one COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 133 | EY, ==) Lt NGNNANN PN SN al |= |I Yfy IISSS S&S vA OW Miiiz EE —————— PAY | AR NSW ENR Ny KS FiG.3 Puate VII.—Méllmann’s deviation apparatus. 134 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS hand, and on the other hand, by the simultaneous raising of the bar r attached to q, the nose y of lever h; is liberated. This is drawn away by the pressure of a spring action on the head of lever s’ and the felt-faced disc ¢ is thus pressed against the widened part u of the indicator z. In this way it is brought to rest and permits of a direct reading when the whole is brought to the surface. Though the device of Méllmann constitutes a progressive step in the science of borehole surveying it is intermittent in action. Owing to the pendulum being only allowed to swing in the plane normal to the fork beams it rapidly comes to rest, hardly 8 to 10 sec. being needed. It is also very easily read by the ordinary boring personnel. The accuracy of the scale readings is read in 20-min. ares for 10 deg. being thus far superior to previous devices; but even this accuracy is unnecessarily high owing to its being greater than that of the compass. This apparatus is accurate, rapid, reliable and sure in action but unfortunately it is unreliable in respect to orientation of the deviation. Bawden’s Apparatus.—This device, invented in Kalgoor- lie, West Australia, in 1905 by Wm. R. Bawden, contains many features which are to be seen in Gallacher’s apparatus of 13 years later. The inner tube A (Fig. 81) has head joint covers k and k,; with counterweight sectors g, g: on the loaded axial pivots which support the tube A. Tube A is attached by further attachments to the counterbalance sectors g, gi. The mag- netic needle n is likewise enclosed by a loaded spherical housing d and by means of Cardan suspensions all round is thus so mobile that its pin always stands vertical. The spherical housing d has an opening for filling with fluid gelatine and is closed from above by a screw cover and hardwood plate. For obtaining the dip of the hole two pendulums p, and 2 are provided and are rotatable with graduated ares e and f on metal plates. On both sides of the plates are reading glasses. The tube A is connected to the plate by a bow. Before using the apparatus the pendulum housing and COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 135 compass housing are completely filled with warmed gela- tine and then adjusted into tube A which is filled with hot water to keep the gelatine fluid. Before reading, the latter is again taken out. The protection tube A’ is screwed over tube A and the apparatus sent into the hole. The counter- balance sectors always permit a rotation of the internal Fies. 81 and 82.—Bawden’s apparatus. tube in such a manner that the pendulum can always play free. On the gelatine solidifying the pendulum and the needle are fixed in their positions of rest and these are read aboveground. The apparatus of Bawden utilizes the principle of Mac- George’s device as also does that of Cross,! which latter therefore need not be mentioned here. The Bawden 1 Denny, C., ‘‘Diamond Drilling,” pp. 76 et seg., Crosby Lockwood. 136 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS apparatus does not escape all the defects of MacGeorge’s apparatus but it is more convenient to handle and more robust. Its great disadvantage is that its action is not continuous up and down the hole, it having to be extracted for every reading. Hillmer’s Apparatus.'—Hillmer also adopted the prin- ciple of a plumb-bob point let down on to a prepared base, as shown in Fig. 88. The cylindrical housing a (Fig. 83) is filled with a fluid and is let down on hollow rods into the borehole. It consists of a fluid- filled cylinder a with a pendulum P sup- ported on ball bearings in such a way that it will also maintain its upright position when the housing is inclined. Above the point S of the pendulum is a soft plate G which can- not turn and bears a spring F in such a way that it keeps off the pendulum point. On the upper surface of the plate, freely swing- ing on a point, is a magnetic needle N which has an attachment A pointing downward. A piston K is provided over the needle in the housing the rod of which is carried through a central opening in the housing top and carries on its top enda piston K;. There is a spring F, between the latter and the top of the hous- ing which by its pressure keeps piston K in the highest position. In using the device proceed as follows: After having lowered the apparatus to the spot to be measured, and both pendulum and needle have come to rest, a means of pressure (water, compressed air, or the like) is conducted through the hollow rods on to piston Ki. This presses down K and plate G. The attachment A on the magnetic needle and the point S of the pendulum now bore into the soft plate and both are thus fixed. After raising the apparatus to bank, the position of the two marks can be used to get the inclination of the borehole. Idiel, fq 1F REISE, F., ‘‘Stratameters and Borehole Dip Measurers,” p. 53, Aix-la- Chapelle, 1906. COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 137 The device is certainly simple and ready for use at any time without delay or special preparation, and it is suited to manipulation by the ordinary boring personnel. Of its drawbacks we may mention: 1. The pressing down of the plate; the needle and pendu- lum point might be injured by this but it might be regulated by controlling the piston pressure. 2. The waste of time brought about by letting hollow rods into the hole. 3. It has no special centering device and it must be exactly centered. At great depths unbalanced rod loads upset instruments not specially centered. Dr. Freise of Aachen speaks of the apparatus being shrouded in trade secrecy, a feature that unfortunately does not apply to this apparatus alone. Gallacher’s Apparatus.—This apparatus was invented in Johannesburg in 1918 and possesses features of remarkable ingenuity and mechanical skill. It is designed to survey both the deviation from the vertical and from the azimuth, these to be read direct from the instrument on withdrawal, without surface calculations. We enter into some detail respecting it here because it appears to have lacked the necessary publicity such a device merits. It consists of an outer casing a (Fig. 3, Plate VIII) with an inner casing b longitudinally pivoted in it by means of an adjustable footstep bearing in the bottom end c. The inner casing (Figs. 1 to 2a, Plate VIII) carries the controlling and recording elements in the form of clock- work, plumb bob (in the shape of a weighted cylinder) and compass, and spring device for controlling the clockwork and fixing the plumb bob and compass at any desired spot. This inner casing is suitably cut away and windowed oppo- site its weighted side. Figure 1 shows the inner casing at the clockwork d end; Fig. 1a shows the other end of the inner casing carrying the cylindrical plumb bob e, compass f and the clamping device g for both. 138 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Figure 2 is a view of Fig. 1 turned on its long axis 90 deg. with cover on. Figure 2a is a view of Fig. la turned on its long axis 90 deg. partly in section and partly in elevation with cover on. Figure 4 is an enlarged view of the plumb bob controlling and clamping device g in the inner casing and the compass set free with it, Fig. 5 being a sectional view of Fig. 4 on line vz. It is possible to have three operative positions of the fixing and clamping arrangements for the plumb bob and compass, 2.€., a. Compass needle fixed from independent movement with its compass case and plumb bob free to move about their pivots. b. Compass needle and plumb bob both free with com- pass case held against movement on its pivot. c. Compass needle and plumb bob both fixed with com- pass case free to move on its pivot. Figure 6 shows Fig. 4 when condition c above is obeyed. Figure 7 shows an enlarged view of the inner casing with compass f and that part of the clamping device which directly operates it. Figure 8 shows a cross section of the inner casing with compass and compass-clamping device. In the assembled view (Fig. 3) the upper pivot h and bearing are of non-magnetic material, like phosphor bronze, as also are the nearest rod connections. In small holes the apparatus is placed on the end of the drill rods; in large ones it is let down by a flexible wire. Both inner case b and outer case a are cast in brass or other non-magnetic metal. The inner case is suitably weighted to cause it to turn on the end pivots, bringing the registration device under the inspection cover windows. The weighting means are the lower and heavier portions of the controlling and recording elements and the base plates, their centers of gravity lying below the center line of the end pivots and opposite the inspection covers. The clockwork control 2 (Fig. 1), near the pivot end, consists of a lever escape- ment, a train of wheels j, and their cooperating pinions k and main spring barrell. The clock itself dis provided with 139 COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS ‘snqeiedde s 1oyoey[eg— IIIA ALVIg > Ulla UND, f Ae’ WELZ LLL. ify Yy vem: iEewane 140 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS independent setting and adjusting mechanism shown at m (Fig. 2); its dial n can be graduated to represent any number of hours, preferably a number not much exceeding the maximum time of its employment. The clock is, as said, controlled automatically and capable of wide and varied adjustment. The plumb bob e (Figs. 1a, 2a) is a loaded pivoted cylinder with peripheral graduations for about 110 deg. and it oscillates in consonance with any variations in the inclina- tion of the inner and outer casingsa and b. Its graduations can be read through a casing cover glass o (Fig. 2a), which carries a zero mark. The spring-operated means for clamping this plumb bob are the clamping levers p,p, which, when in action, bear on the plumb bob, retaining it in the position it assumes at the point to be surveyed. This clamping of the bob takes place through the cam plate q (Figs. la, 2a,4,6). This clamping device permits of adjust- ment of the plumb bob and compass at any of the three positions a to c above. Between the plumb bob e and the bottom pivot in the inner casing 6 is the other recording element, the compass f (Figs. la, 2a, 8). Its box is pivoted at right angles to the casing end pivots. Its clamping device is the bell-crank lever s engaging cam plate g. This lever projects to hold a spring ¢ actuating the releasing and retaining lever u keeping lever s engaged in cam plate q and thus, by further leverage, engaging the compass box e about and below. The compass box is suitably borne and loose bushed for leverage clamping by means of springs working in grooves from the levers, as seen in Figs. 7 and 8. Cam plate gq is fixed in its position by a pin v before insertion into the borehole and on its removal allows the necessary initial engagements to be made. In the position shown in Figs. la, 2a, and 4, cam q and its cooperating parts are set by pin v. The clock is now set so that after a predetermined time the end of releasing lever u will be engaged. ‘This releases lever u, the plumb bob and compass being both free (Fig. 8) with the compass needle clamped by a spring x. In this COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 141 position the whole of the recording elements (plumb bob and compass) remain until the point to be surveyed in the hole is reached. In due course a pin y engages with the end of lever u (Fig. 1) until finally cam gq engages pin z in the position shown in Fig. 4. This is the position of the clamping device after the apparatus has arrived at the survey point in the hole and sufficient time has elapsed for the compass box to come to rest. Here the compass box is clamped with needle and plumb bob free on their pivots. Further movement of lever u disengages a projection or tooth giving the position shown in Fig. 6. The ensuing movement of cam qg actuates levers clamping the plumb bob e and, simultaneously by levers and connecting rods, releas- ing the compass box and clamping the needle by spring x as already said. It is clamped in the magnetic north so that the free compass box gives us the direction of deviation of the borehole directly; and the graduations on the plumb bob relative to the zero indicator on the cover plate give the amount of dip, also directly. It will thus be seen that this instrument enables the data to be clamped or released after insertion and also gives control over the recording elements. The clock can be set at will independent of its mainspring and both compass and plumb bob can also be reset at will. All readings are direct with no additional surface computations and each element is fully controlled. Objections which can be raised against this apparatus are a. The mechanism is too complicated and refined for small holes. b. Readings are not continuous down the hole, each point requiring extraction and reading at surface. c. Liability to mechanical complications. d. Compass unreliable in magnetic strata and lined holes. The Briggs Clinophone.—This is a plumb bob or pendu- lum device with aural electrical registration applying the Wheatstone bridge principle and is employed in precision surveys of boreholes. That is to say, it is used where deviations of more than 1 in 150 are not permissible, as in 142 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS some deep freezing shafts. Here contracts frequently stipulate a survey capable of registering a deviation of 1 in 200 or 1 off the vertical in every 200 deep. The normal range of this device is about 2 deg. from the vertical. It makes and maintains claims to simplicity, cheapness, lightness, rapidity and ability to survey narrow deep holes, giving a continuous record of amount and direction of dip. It was successfully employed at Seaham Colliery Sinkings. We are indebted to Professor Briggs for the following details and personal notes. The Transmitter and Receiver.—The transmitter is hung in the hole on the rods and the receiver is situated near the mouth of the hole, the two electrically connected with a flexible five-strand cable. T\77 SN L? SZ Fie. 84.—Clinophone receiver. The transmitter! has a plumb B (Plate IX) hung on a ‘‘G”’ violin string A connected to needle H through the wire wrapping of the string. The needle dips into a solu- tion (NaSO,) F in the vulcanite cup H# which has four platinum foil electrodes eyez, es and ew, 90 deg. apart (Fig. 8, Plate IX) each reaching to the cup base. These connect respectively to the rods Dy,Dz,Ds; and Dy insulated from 1 See also Brypon, A. D., Trans. Inst. Min. Engr., Vol. 71, p. 431; Brices, H., Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 46, p. 223, Edinburgh, 1926. 143 COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS Leather Washer | Sweated Joints Rings V andZ D o res Clamping Plug f Sectional Elevation Hal Klingerite flasher “We Ring R Rings K andL te) 2 [res Square. Vertical Section on b b Fic. 1 Pirate [X.—Briggs’ clinophone transmitter. 144 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS the outer case and having terminals ty,tz,t; and tw (Figs. 1, 2). A fifth terminal ¢ is connected to line A and therefore H. The strands c are led to the five terminals. The cable C goes out to the surface outside the rods. Cup E can be inserted in only one position and is replaced by a wooden clamping plug when not in use. A tail piece is hung 30 ft. below the transmitter to aid centering. Figure 84 shows the receiver connections which are in a wooden box 11 by10by7in. The cell bis an ordinary pocket torch, 4-volt refill, hence the claim to cheapness, and J is a small induction coil, its secondary connected to condenser C, for clearing the telephone note. The five strands of the cable are attached to terminals 7y,7x,7's,T7w and T (the last is the plummet strand, the others the above mentioned ty, ty,ts and tw of Figs. 1 and 2, Plate IX) and from there to the respective electrodes of the transmitter cup. Needle a is held by the operator and loose flexed to the dish EH, which holds salt solution (say, NaSO,) and has four plati- num electrodes e’x, e’n, e's, e’w. It has a glass floor with a dial scale the concentric circles of which are minutes of are and the radial lines 5-deg. bearing each. The operator wears a low-resistance headphone R, one receiver of which is coupled to the terminals 1 and 2, giving NS deflections, the other to 3 and 4, giving EW deflections. The rods have a special orientating coupling by external scribing in relation to the vulcanite cup L.! It will be seen from the wiring diagram (Fig. 85) that the wiring system involves two applications of the Wheatstone bridge connections to the liquid resistances of the earphone indicators. Needle a is moved about the receiving dish base until the noise in both earphones is a minimum, when a occupies the same position in the dish as plummet needle H (Plate IX) in the transmitting cup, and this is read on the cup base dial. The receiver connections are reversed, as in Fig. 85, because H will occupy a position diametrically opposite to the hole dip. The bob must be at rest in the hole to get a clear minimum sound and it takes about 10 1 Brypon, A. D., op. cit., p. 437. COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 145 min. to come to rest. The needle position is illustrated in Fig. 86 and is seen to be at the intersection of two equipo- tential lines the dotted circle being the actual range of the plummet needle which is thus the reading needle range. Differing connections, of course, vary the mesh of equi- potentials, and a connection suited to a person with uneven zh SCENE Ww Dish “Ez Fic. 86.—Equipotential lines in receiv- ing-dish. First arrangement. SS Transmitting ¥ Dish Tee ‘es Fig. 85.—Clinophone wiring diagram. Fic. 87.—Equipotential lines in receiv- ing-dish. Third arrangement. hearing is found by short-circuiting the electrodes in adja- cent pairs and coupling an earphone between the pair using the good ear only. Such an arrangement (Fig. 87) will give a locus of minimum noise points as a straight line. Short-circuiting on another cardinal point electrode we get another minimum noise line. The intersection of these two loci can be easily and exactly fixed and is the point sought; now read off its dip and bearing in the dish scale. The average reading error of an observation is about 5 min. of arc with an 1814-in. plumb bob, and this may be reduced by carrying a longer plumb line or by having a check reader and alternative connections. 146 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS The instrument we have had the advantage of examining was suited to a 4-in. borehole and was about 35 lb. in weight, 40 in. long and had 5¢-in. walls. It is efficient and certainly cheap and convenient and has been tested for an external pressure of 600 Ib. per square inch. Kegel’s Apparatus.—This is an ingenious floating plunger plumb-bob device invented by the mining engineer Karl Kegel of Freiberg in Saxony in 1919! and capable of many alternate constructional rearrangements and modifications. It gives the apparatus at the place being surveyed a definite direction from which it cannot deviate. In Fig. 1 (Plate X) the heavy rod 6b or chisel c or both are attached to the main rods a as also are guide devices d and plumbing medium e. The action of the last named will be seen from sections EF and CD, it being premised that other constructions of plumb and connecting tubes will attain the same end. The plumb g here floats in the plumbing fluid h and has a bottom plunger carried through the guide iso that as a result of the buoyancy it always floats upright over the guide hole. The upper plunger of plumb g pro- jects through three contacts j, k and | and lies against a particular contact should there be any borehole dip. The guide casing recess belonging to the particular contact concerned has its own electric motor and current supply. There are thus three of these, one for each of 7, k and l. The motion of any one motor is transmitted by a worm and worm wheel m on spindle n. The wheel and spindle are connected by spring and groove in such a way that the spindle may move axially through the wheel. The spindle passes through the fixed nut o on the housing or casing d and is displaced according to how it is rotated. With similar rotation any two given motors will turn back accordingly and so displace their spindles backwards. Thus the spindles act as centering screws. On being let into the hole the three motors with special supply current may be so switched in as to draw in their spindles and 1 German Patent No. 317,663. COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 147 reverse again when the survey spot in the hole has been reached, thus pressing them out against the borehole walls. The worm wheels thus move back on the spindles and press back the contact springs p interrupting the direct-current supply so that only the current to the plumb g and contacts j, k andl remains. The motors can be set in action at any PLATE X.—Kegel’s apparatus. time by means of another current supply from outside; thus the centering may be actuated at will. Instead of the plumb g and its connections, a gyroscope or direction indicator (magnetic needle) may be employed which will maintain a definite horizontal direction by the action of an electric motor or plummet, giving thus not only the amount of dip but its direction also. For example, the plumb g can be held to a definite orientation by a gyroscope and the upper plunger rod of the plumb can give a definite dip. By varying the dip and bearing of this plunger the direction of the attached boring tool can 148 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS be altered to give any desired curvature of borehole. We may get the centering motion without the worm wheel gearing in other ways, ¢.g., by wedges displaced forward or backward. Likewise in place of the electric motor other power can be employed, such as valves operated by the plumb or a gyroscope. The direction apparatus can be fixed solid or detachable on the rods. The greatest demerits of the device are that it is inter- mittent in action and there is no device to prevent turning on insertion or extraction. Maillard’s Apparatus.—This simple and cheap device! consists chiefly of a simple plumb-bob electrical contact apparatus. Figures 88 and 89 show a longitudinal section of the apparatus which is a series of hermetically sealed hollow rods a connected to a body 6, which has a play of about 4 mm. in the hole lining A. The body 6 has external guide springs c for centering. In the upper part of b is a circular ebony membrane d with an opening f. Below the membrane d is a conical recess. A cable g passes through f and holds a brass plumb bob h of cylindrical shape with a spherical end. This latter rounded part of the bob is the only part allowed to make contact with the slanting sides of the recess; it is rounded to lessen friction on being moved up or down. Cable g is an insulated electric wire passing through the hollow rods a. It will be seen from Fig. 89 that the complete electric circuit is by way of the source j at the surface, through the cable g, the plumb h, the borehole casing A, the galva- nometer & and back to the source j. When taking a measurement the apparatus is let down into the hole, which is already provided with casing A, by means of the hollow rods a, successively screwed up at the surface in the normal way, to the desired spot to be surveyed. The partial turns of the tube a which may be called a1, a2 . . . a, are related to a fixed starting direction 1Pechelbronn Société anonyme d’exploitations miniéres et Georges Maillard. French Patent July 27, 1925. German Patent No. 492,573, Mar. 4, 19380. COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 149 such as the true north. The angular displacements of the apparatus in the hole are found thus: When plumb / is in last contact (7.e., the last touching position before disen- gagement) with the sloping side of b, we are at the limiting position at which the circuit is closed and the galvanometer Fig. 89. deflects. By slowly hauling up the plumb bob we can find this spot, for, after it, the contact is interrupted and the needle of the galvanometer adjusts itself back to zero. We thus know the length of the plumb line hanging in 6 from f, because we know the amount hauled out to make last contact. Thus it will be seen that any angular posi- tions a1, a2... a, given by the apparatus correspond to certain critical lengths l,, 1, . . . 1, of the cable g. These 150 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS can be plotted for maximum, ax, ly and minimum an, l, values of angular devia- tions and lengths. In Fig. 90 we have an easy way of getting the borehole inclination 7 at the depth concerned. Con- struct the triangle xyz in which the angle xyz and the side xy are known from construction and the side xz is also known, being equal to the maximum length ly, above (previously obtained by raising and lowering h and plotting; to this add the length of the plumb bob). The angle sought is zzy = 90 deg. — i. Repeat this pro- cedure from place to place to get the amount and direction of dip, the latter being more satisfactorily obtained by taking three such readings at 120 deg. apart in azimuth at Fic. 90. SSS I,-V. Batter Z(10 Used)” Flexible Battery Wire SLT TSS SCS SSCS SSCS CSCC OCSC SSO OCS ree 4 -Retracting Spring SSS SS PPP LLL LLL Le 5 Universal / Bearing a aa eo BS) S555 ra N SS -Electromagnet SSS Plumb Bob SSS SSS aa SSSSSS55 Plunger Controlled by Magnet 3 5 9. 0 DILL TTT TALLER 2 LILI ILLIA RII SS oF er a ASS ==! i i i “il Paper Disk Cork Disk Tapered Steel Nose Fig. 91.—The driftmeter. each given spot and making a graphic or tabular check. COMPASS AND PLUMB-BOB METHODS 151 It would be difficult to imagine a simpler device and it has recently been protected in Germany. We may visualize the following possible defects: 1. The angular positions aj, a2, etc., being dependent on the inner rods are not free from objections. 2. Friction of the cable at the membrane and hindrance to the same should pressure water and mud penetrate the many joints. 3. The device may become cumbersome in deep holes. 4. The borehole must be lined all the way. The Driftmeter.—This is a recently developed American apparatus! being a pricking plumb-bob device. The instru- ment (Fig. 91) is about 31¢ ft. long and weighs about 30 Ib. and is suited for rope lowering with a depth-measuring appliance or it may be fitted to the rods. The principal parts are the clock, the ten 114-volt batteries, the leaden plumb bob fixed on a solenoid or electromagnet and the magnet-controlled pricker plunger passing through a universal bearing which has a mobile suspension. Under the pricker is a 23¢-in. registering paper (Fig. 92) divided into 15 circles of 1 deg. each and is thus suitable for filing. Space is provided on the back of this paper disc to record depth, well F's. 92-—Drift- number and other data. In this way deflec- Se ee tion angles are found direct to about 15 min., no preliminary work being necessary, the instrument being ready for use as soon as a new paper disc is fitted and the clockwork set. The clock can be adjusted to a definite time; then by the contact brush making connection with the battery and magnet the plunger is set into action perforating the paper disc. A retracting spring keeps the plunger off the paper when the current is shut off. The resulting reading is direct and needs no computation. The same sheet can be repeatedly used by marking each perforation as made, so getting a series of indications of the deviation. Since it requires no special skill the ordinary boring personnel can 1 The Driftmeter Co., Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma. 152 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS use it, thus giving a constant cheap control on the progress. The plunger being made of a non-magnetic alloy or lead eliminates any chance disturbing magnetic influences. It can be made in sizes as low as 1.9 in. for running inside 4- in. drill pipe. Its greatest disadvantage is that it is inter- mittent in its action, having to be hauled out after each record, the clock being reset and, if necessary, the paper dise changed. CHAPTER VII PENDULUM METHODS Introductory Note.—The physical features of the pendu- lum which are essentially those of the plummet have been among the great attractions of physicists for the last 300 years. The outstanding features marking the discoveries of Newton, Foucault and Kater are all incorporatedin modern borehole survey instruments of this class. Our reason for distinguishing this suite of apparatuses from the compass and plumb bob section is that generally the plumb bob is used as a dropping pricker, a plunger pricker, a balanced vertical bar, or in some other way not fully utilizing its oscillatory properties. This is not a rigid statement, since many compass devices also apply the swinging bob. The pendulum proper is being understood when we con- sider the elliptic or circular paths of a hanging bob or rigid- limbed pendulum. It has the outstanding advantage of independence of the magnetic north or the constitution of its surroundings, working and obeying its astronomical north-seeking faculty as well in magnetically disturbed regions as without them. Its possibilities are evidenced by the success of submarine and aerial navigation, since gyrocompass action is an adaptation of the pendulum principle. Koerner’s Apparatus for Measuring Deviation.—This device, which is essentially a spring pendulum apparatus, was invented in 1906 by G. Koerner, an engineer of Nord- hausen, Prussia, the suspension of the plumb line or pendu- lum being altered by mechanical means and the oblique positions of the same recorded photographically. In Fig. 93 the tube a is kept to the hole center by the feeler spring wheels b pressing on the sides of the borehole. 153 154 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS The central plate c holds a frame d carrying a graduated glass plate e. A rotatable spindle f in the center of these \= 1 hy 5355555 AAS ZA SSS SSS SSS r SS55559 5) a WA, SS SSS SSS os Se ee 1 es Vi Sassy LZZLZLLZZZZ SSS ty eo WLLL, Fig. 93. plates c and e carries a plumb line g on an arm A, and also a graduated index 7 slotted to take the plumb line. In the bottom of the tube are four electric incandescent PENDULUM METHODS 155 lamps 7 for illuminating the glass plate e, the index 7 and the plumb line g. There is also here a camera k and a rolling film n driven by clockwork / and electrically controlled by the cable line m. The frame d and glass plate e and the plumb line g can be placed at an angle in the tube a by means of the spring o on rod p and spring q bearing on plate c. The staple r is arranged to carry a lowering rope. If the apparatus is suspended by rod p the frame and springs will occupy the positions shown bold in Fig. 93, the springs being compressed and the rod f being parallel to the walls. If, however, the apparatus is suspended from the staple r the springs are released to the dotted position of Fig. 93, forcing the frame to the inclined position. To make a reading the appliance is suspended by rod p with two external points on its casing in the meridian. Then plumb line g takes the position of the dip, and so the position of the dip of the borehole orifice is found. This position is photographed from below. Suspend the appli- ance on the staple r without turning and bring the plumb line spindle f into the inclined position. The plumb line g now assumes a position which is determined by the dip of the borehole and the inclined position of the axis f in accordance with the parallelo- gram of displacements. The film n is advanced by electrically releasing the clockwork 1; the lamps 7 are again switched _ in and the new position of the plumb line or recorded photographically. By compar- ing the two readings a diagram of the type shown in Fig. 94 is obtained, from which the deviation is found. The extent of the dip is calculated from the amount of deflection of the plumb line from the center of the scale on e and 7 and from the length of the plumb line itself. The distance of the bottom of the plumb line is read on a special scale on 1. The objections to the apparatus are as follows: 1. Double suspension is liable to introduce turning errors. Fie. 94. 156 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS 2. There is no guarantee of continued alignment of the meridian indexes. 3. The feeler centering springs are liable to error and they also preclude the adoption of this method in very narrow boreholes. 4, Springs are objectionable in boreholes holding water under high pressure. 5. The apparatus becomes too involved if attempts are made to obtain continuous readings. Erlinghagen’s Apparatus.—This appa- ratus introduced a significant change in the construction of deviation instruments. It is a pendulum apparatus with electrically operated registration mechanism. It con- sists essentially of an electromagnet operated pendulum and a clockwork-driven recording paper strip in which the pendulum pointpricks a set of definitely arranged marks. The clockwork is also released simultaneously with the pendulum by means of drawbars. Provided the apparatus keeps from turn- ing on being let down the hole, it is a very suitable apparatus and Chief Engineer Erlinghagen of Nordhausen, the inventor, tried various devices to attain this end. He first employed a longitudinal slit g down Fic. 95.—Erling- the apparatus c (Fig. 95) with the rope a EC eae held in the slit. This was not entirely satisfactory. Later he employed telescopic lenses held by counterspring nuts in the apparatus, as in Figs. 96 and 97, which solved the difficulty. Figure 96, left, shows the entire apparatus assembled ready for insertion in the hole with the lenses collapsed. Figure 96, right, shows the device in the extended condi- tion. Only electric current is used for the determination apparatus. The tubes can be let out by loosening a brake i A , t t Y ) i 157 PENDULUM METHODS an) i] O Cc 2 G CY) WY ae < S 32 oS (S) tb) (Up) Figs. 96 and 97.—Erlinghagen’s new apparatus. 158 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS f which actuates two drums on which a thin wire rope h to the head of the lower tube is wound. For closing the lenses up again spiral springs on the drums coil up the wire automatically. On the top end of each tube is a headpiece Side View Section C-D Ty yd th > (hs SSS SSS 7 OLLI RAL, CLIO OTT. Ga: YG) Suction Ele Al Sechoniaee Fie. 98.—Centering device. Fie. 99.—Erlinghagen’s electromagnet. X in which the measuring apparatus (Fig. 97) is guided by the thin ropes h exactly on the center line of the tubes or lenses. ‘The lower spiral spring 7 and the levers k& serve to hold the lowest lens of the telescope exactly in the middle of the borehole when in the extended condition. It will be seen that in small diameter boreholes the brake loosening device and telescope lenses would be inadvisable owing to PENDULUM METHODS 159 the thickness of the lenses themselves (which is at least 60 mm. inside width for high water pressures and 130 mm. outside). Therefore a new form of fixing device for simultaneous centering was adopted by Erlinghagen in 1906 in cooperation with Professor Klingenberg of the General Electric Company in Berlin, as shown in Figs. 98 and 100. The borehole magnet was made by having an I-shaped bronze frame, between the webs of which on each end a n- shaped iron was placed enveloped by a magnetic coil. The legs of the iron were beveled (Fig. 99) corresponding to the internal diameter of the borehole. The coils have to be absolutely watertight. The coil was wound with enameled wire and the bearing spots repeatedly insulated from one another and the whole placed in a zinc case and waxed up. The neck has a soldered bridge through which the winding wire is carried well insulated. The construction has been tested for hours under a pressure of 9 atm. Figure 98 shows the centering device where we have three link-arm borne steel rolls pressed outward together by a strong central steel spring, from which it swings down to the bottom of the apparatus in fixed links. Above, it is movable up and down by a linked ring and a movable center bolt. There are three of these centering devices, one to center the upper magnet, another the lower magnet and the other to hold the measuring apparatus properly in the middle. The measuring apparatus (Fig. 100) has a powerful frame of three steel rings connected by two longi- tudinal ribs having, in the upper part, a glass encased clock- work. Under this a roll paper 50 mm. wide winds from roll r, over the cork-lined plate p on to roll rz with uniform veloc- ity, only roll r. being clockwork driven. As the angular velocity of the clock is always the same, that of the paper increases the more paper is wound on to rz giving a uni- formly accelerating motion. To control the time points of the measurements the paper must move uniformly and this is done by means of the string drive s on roll rz which has a slipping arrangement. Under the paper strip moves the point of the universally suspended spring pendulum. 160 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS moe Wee eeope wanes ||| __E ars aos 7 r ji | Zale TN 1 n iS Fig. 100.—Erlinghagen’s measuring apparatus. PENDULUM METHODS 161 The pendulum, being very sensitive to shocks and taking about 20 min. to subside, has a hair brush damping device h which brings it to its position of rest in about 45 sec. For working the measuring apparatus a horseshoe magnet m on the floor of the apparatus is switched in so that con- nection is made by way of the bearing plate e which is attracted downward. Plate e is connected by drawbars to the clockwork. The weight of the clockwork is taken by springs f so that the magnet has very little force to over- come. The point of the pendulum sticks up into the paper strip when measuring, and at the same time four points ¢, arranged in the center ring and which lie on concentric circles on the periphery of the guard tube, mark four points on the paper strip, by which we are able to recognize the center point of the measuring figure at that instant. The conductor wire for the magnet coils goes along one of the long drawbars to a clamp for current rod u. The head here is specially sealed against entry of water under high pressure, thus preserving the clockwork and magnet. This is done by means of opposed nuts c and copper rods *& on floor 6 bushed to the insulating plate J and slip rings d,d. ; The direction line of the paper may be noted on the out- side of the tube with the whole apparatus above it, so that on letting it into the hole one knows how it stands. The conductor and lowering rope are all in one, the conductor being insulated with cement, bitumen and tape. The inventor gives details! of surveys carried out with the apparatus, which did not turn on extraction or insertion, and these facts were checked by an investigation in a blind shaft between two levels belonging to the German Solvey Works in Bernburg. The results of two surveys at Solvey- hall with the apparatus and a later normal instrumental survey check are to be seen in Fig. 101. A series of 160- mm. tubes were arranged for the apparatus test; the normal survey shows a constant survey traverse distance from the apparatus survey. Erlinghagen’s apparatus marked a new 1 Gliickauf, p. 748, June 15, 1907. 162 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS epoch in the evolution of borehole deflection apparatus; it was the impetus to many later designs and constructions. It conquered the continuous record problem, if however crudely, successfully. We may mark from its inception the rapid evolution of new methods which began in the first decade of this century. Its chief drawbacks are: 1. It is costly and complicated to make. 2. It is heavy though easy to manipulate. 3. Its mechanism and tubes limit the diameters for which it can be adopted. Normal Tre rrumental Garvey Fig. 101.—Checked survey by Erlinghagen’s method. 4. Pin-pricking devices are crude and likely to cause confusion in reading. 5. Moisture is likely to injure the apparatus and cable. Thurmann’s Apparatus.—This apparatus is built on the proportionality principle, the basis of the lead-basket plumbing method, but it greatly extends the limits of applicability of that principle. H. Thurmann, Sr., of Halle obtained reliable results with his apparatus, which is a double plumb bob and linked- tube device, at fair depths. The invention! (Figs. 1 to 9, Plate XI) consists of straight tubes joined by special cruci- form joints movable in all side directions but not rotatable. 1 Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker, No. 17, p. 190, 1909. 163 PENDULUM METHODS Hrs 0 mca OAT i 1G. Mo OT _—————— ——<—=VS 164 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS An apparatus ¢ is arranged in each link tube 71,72, ete., and called a ‘‘pot head,’ owing to its first being made pot shaped. On the floor of this head rests a cork-lined base m, (Fig. 5) covered with tin foil and having impressed coor- dinate axes. A tong-shaped device s above the head has one fixed z and one spring-moved limb s (Fig. 2) which carries the plumb weights 1. From the latter in each head or top there is a pair of common threads or wires; this common wire is laid over the transom d carried by the tongs. In the base of the little trestle of the tongs is an adjusting piece n between set screws 0 with two fine holes for guiding the plummet fibers. This permits of a hair adjustment of the plummet points exactly perpendicular over the zero of the coordinate axes arranged under the head on a perfectly horizontal plate. The gudgeons of the cross joints f of the link tubes lie at right angles to one another in their crossing vertical planes. The coordinate axes of the marked plate and of the tin-foil plate have definitely arranged and assured symmetrical positions on the whole of the plumbing heads. Thus in each tube of the linked series we have a separate measuring operation assured independent of its neighbor. It does not matter if the break points between two tubes do not lie on the axis of the borehole, because the preceding and succeed- ing errors compensate for each other. In horizontal pro- jection we then have a simple figure of the deviation of each tube. The metal plumb bobs are not affected by water, chemicals, pressures or mud, thus combating some of the objections to Erlinghagen’s and Haussmann’s appa- ratuses. The fundamental idea of the apparatus will be clearly seen by considering two equally swinging pendulums side by side, especially when they have a small difference in length. In each apparatus are two plumb bobs on a com- mon string. The string is led over the transom, and when let down in a dipping tube the plummets mark parallel lines on the cross axes at a corresponding distance from the position of rest. Should the line be at any instant at greater or less distance than the normal case provides, an oblique PENDULUM METHODS 165 line will be shown. A graduated sight on the uppermost link is used for orientating in the vertical against the coor- dinate axes. Thus the plumb line can be viewed at any time and a new marking plate can also be put in at any time. In this way any doubtful measurements can be recognized at once and remedied at any time, an advantage which did not hold for the predecessors of this apparatus. In previous instruments a series of measurements below each other necessitated separate readings and extractions for each, or separate depth readings at each place with all the attendant trouble and waste of time. Again errors increase with the depth. This apparatus can be arranged in lengths to suit the hole. For a 240-m. hole, say, Thurmann would not employ sixty 4-m. tubes but ten or at most twenty tubes respectively 24 or 12m.long. There is a special plumb for each section of hole surveyed so that any errors cannot be cumulative. Moreover, each error can be corrected, as said above. Therefore it is only necessary to correctly orientate the whole apparatus from the surface down, and to aid this direction rods (Fig. 9) are used. These are a series of tubes equal in length to the link tubes and having tooth and notched ends connected by overscrewed thimble joints to prevent them rotating. The above noted diopter is adjusted to the direction rods on exactly the same line as is chosen for the uppermost plumbing section of the link tube. In this way the coordinate axes of the marking planes lie sectionally in exactly uniform orientation for plumbing. Freezing shafts are best plumbed from the center by this device, the center being the coordinate axes center. The inventor claimed that the method was cheaper than its predecessors for freezing shafts and also surer; that it was unaffected by water, mud, chemicals or pressures and that it was direct and easily controlled. Among its demerits we may mention: 1. There is insufficient provision against relative turning of the tubes; this spoils the deduced results. 166 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS 2. It is heavy and cumbersome and thus not suited for great depths. 3. It is not easy to manufacture and in some cases, 7.e., big deviations, will be difficult to manipulate. 4. It uses up more time than a lighter and simpler device. 5. It has too many movable parts. The Denis-Foraky Teleclinograph.—This is a pendulum apparatus and one of the best known of the modern precision devices employed in freezing shaft boreholes.? It is remarkably accurate, being in many cases somewhat of the order 1 in 3,000.2. The principle is best understood as follows: Imagine a cylindrical tube (Fig. 102) of length AO with a system of rigidly orientated coordinates X Y on one end when in situ in the hole. Knowing the coordinates of o’ and the projection of A on the coordinate plane, we also get the position of the axis zz’ of the tube which on a centered plumb is the hole axis also. Then by making a series of 10-m. interval observations we can get the borehole trace in 10-m. stretches projected on the horizon- y talplane. The freely oscillating pendulum Px], A will, if given an initial impulse, describe a surface the trace of which on plane X Y will be an ellipse with center o’, which is the vertical projection of A. More correctly, but differing not sufficiently to affect the results with such small angles involved, it is the sphere to which the above plane is a tangent upon which the trace is generated. On the sphere parallels are traced to the axes XX’ and YY’ at a distance k and actually occupied by the conducting bars (reglets) on which the pendulum point contacts every time it crosses one, closing a circuit with a registering apparatus. rz CK ¢A> Fic. 102. 1 See a full description in Prospectus of Foraky, Société anonyme d’entre- prise de forage et de foncage, Brussels. 2 ApamM, D., Colliery Engineering, p. 414, Nov. 24, 1924. PENDULUM METHODS 167 The movement of the point on its elliptical trajectory can be represented by that of a point moving uniformly on a circle of the same amplitude (sinusoidal law of the pendulum). In particular the passages over the bars at a, b, c and d will synchronize with the points of the same order a’, 0b’, c’ and d’ on the circle (Fig. 103) and o’p measures on this figure, y, one of the desired coordinates for finding 22’. Fig. 103. This uniform circular synchronous motion is indicated aboveground by a registering pen in the receiving appara- tus; an electromagnet records the passages over the bars by controlling the penholder in the circuit. Thus we may get the figure 0”, a’’, b’’, c’’, d’”’ (Fig. 103a), the last four points being the passage points of the pendulum over the bars. The value of y deduced from the diagram will then be o''mk ne The same reasoning with another projection following the other system of bars (reglets) would give from the same diagram completed by the other four points of contact:' (11) gL = = (11a) The ratio of the recording pen and the transmitting pendulum is k’’/k. k’’ and k’”’ depend on the values of the lengths OX and OY, usually different. 1 ForAKy, loc. cit., p. 71. 168 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS The apparatus itself is in three distinct elements; the transmitter for the base of the borehole, the surface receiver connected electrically to the transmitter, and the lowering rods with orientation couplings. The transmitter is a strong, pressure-proof, steel tube with a pendulum, the trajectory grid plate and the electrical connections inside. The pendulum! (Figs. 104, 104a) Fie. 104.—The Denis-Foraky tele- Fig. 104a.—The Denis- clinograph pendulum. Foraky teleclinograph pendulum. has a Cardan suspension at A the functions of which are resolved in an elastic system made up of two crossed springs (Fig. 105). The system has the property of acting in such a way that the instantaneous centers of rotation of the pendulum may be taken as coincident with A. The pendu- lum is not allowed to swing freely under the force of gravity. No two similar double systems constitute a suspension without play or friction, and this method of construction 1Happocx, M. H., ‘‘Location of Mineral Fields,” p. 92, Crosby, Lockwood & Sons, London. PENDULUM METHODS 169 equalizes the elasticity constant proper to each of the two perpendicular axes, making it the same in all directions. An ingenious mechanism gives the necessary impulse to the pendulum at each station. For convenience in reading, the ellipse caused by the pendulum under this impulse should be as nearly a circle as possible. This mechanism consists of a crank on point P (Fig. 106) capable of being dis- placed along its vertical axis. It is brought to its initial angular position by ——S—> a coiled spring and to its vertical position by a plate spring. By the action of a surface-operated electric motor placed above the pendulum top, a half turn is given to the coil spring and simultane- ously, by means of a ramp, the crank is displaced on its vertical axis. P strikes against a copper dome on the pendulum and the crank is liberated from the action of the motor, and under the influence of the spring it describes an arc aM and rises back to its former position. Point a, struck by P, describes a tangential trajectory to the arc. At the moment of release a is going along the tangent M and the pendu- lum has to describe the ellipse of major axis NN’. If the impulse is suited the path NWN’ will equal a circle MM’. Actually in the grating or grid the thin bars (reglets) or coordinate lines are fine V grooves cut in the spherical silver grating rae. OG: plate (Fig. 107). The pendulum point (Figs. 104 and 108) breaks circuit with the grating surface at these coordinate lines, the break being recorded by the electromagnet controlled pen in the surface receiver. This receiver (Fig. 109) is a 1Loc. cit., pp. 72 et seq. The counterforce of the cross springs in the suspension is analyzed here with the aid of Fig. 104. Fie. 105. 170 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS rotating plate with a paper sheet on which the pen traces a low-pitch spiral each circuit synchronizing with the pendulum swing. The pen (Fig. 109) is on the jointed system consisting of an isochronous regulator ensuring that the periodicity of the pen circuit is constant for all positions. The trace of the grating pen is an enlarged reproduction of the pendulum swinging contact figure owing to the action of the electromagnet on the pen. This enables the coordinate axes X X and YY to be drawn. My w7 NaN NEN NIA 35 Ni iN MIA MAS GZ, KY) 40 40 apis 39 39 | 1b Y Se eee Ss AIRY 0) Lo ICIS) AY 7h SI \| N SS 33 Fic. 107. Fig. 108. Fie. 109. The grooves of Fig. 107 form these axes by causing the breaks in the circle. The coordinates of the grating center, with respect to the vertical, are obtained from the diagram ; thus = CH and GE! = ae ilk Using a coordinate length of 10 m. XG/) = ae //l and since XC = ie BE! 5. ORC /E (116) we get for a 10-m. length XC SHO MORE (11c) PENDULUM METHODS Niza x is scaled direct from the diagram using the center as zero : Me ote 10k and having the indexes at the divisions + - e and placing it so that these indexes coincide with the lines y’y’, y’’y’”’ (ig. 110). Fie. 110.—Actual diagram made by teleclinograph showing method of measuring deviation by coordinates. There is a special orientating coupling which allows the rods to follow the hole curvature but maintain their surface orientation.2 Figure 111 is a survey by the teleclinograph checked from shaft records later. It was taken in the No. 8 borehole of the Steaua Romana No. 17 suite of shaft holes and well illustrates the plan wanderings of a hole. It was surveyed in 1925 and is discussed by Friedenreich.? Kinley’s Inclinometer.—This instrument, invented by M. M. Kinley, the oil-field fire fighter of Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1 After ApAM, D., loc. cit., p. 412. See also Scumipt, F., Trans. Inst. Min. Eng., Vol. 52; p. 178. FRIEDENREICH, O. L., Analele Minelor din Romdnia, p. 693, November 1926. 2 FORAKY, op. cit., p. 82. 3 INiGl.> Os WOLs 172 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS does not render the direction of deviation but the amount only. It is well suited to rapid, simple and fairly accurate records for working or completed wells. It is essentially a pendulum or plumb-bob recording device in a cylindrical watertight housing. The lower end of this housing is externally threaded and it is attached to the bit or core catcher. The original Kinley instrument! was lost in a Texas company well. Here the recording unit (Fig. 112) includes a support frame B with an upturned arm on a 20.0 20 40 60 80 100cm. 250 er TSE PE IRS PWS QS Chplemel? PLISECLITDNSISLTELLS TD GITI RTOS ED ae ni NY eos ZT one 184 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS This method was used to survey a hole in the Heidelberg district of the Transvaal which ultimately deviated 58 deg. off the vertical, the hole being 6,656 ft. deep. A special pilot wedge device (Fig. 122) 2 in. in diameter and 18 in. long with oblique face 6 in. long was first lowered (wedge face upward) and its being solid on the floor assured by letting down the rods. Another rod 3 ft. long screwed at both ends was used to get the wedge position. This last rod (Fig. 123) had a spiral spring on one end and a 2-in. cup with a 14-in. diameter brass pin through it at the other end. This cup was filled with lead which projected about 1 in. beyond its edge and turned to its diameter. The end of the rod with the spiral spring was No Woes Noi yn Pin | Pin Prick \ \ Prick ! Bie: 121" screwed into the instrument base instead of the lower plug. The top end of the instrument was screwed into a brass tube 10 ft. long and then again screwed to the ends of the drill rods. It was then lowered in on to the wedge. A chisel cuts an impression in the lead, a photograph being taken of the magnetic needle at the same time. A disc of lead is sawed off on gaining the surface and the direction of the wedge calculated. The guide wedge (Fig. 124) is an exact counterpart of the pilot wedge and is screwed into the said main deflecting wedge, which is solid, 2 in. in diameter and 7 ft. long. These wedge devices are not an essential part of the equipment but are added because they enable other sections of the reef to be taken in the same borehole, saving the expense of extra holes. PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 185 Many successful borehole surveys have been made with this apparatus and W. Gallacher, the inventor of the instrument illustrated in Plate VIII, added to the above ancillary devices various means for obtaining successive 22 NSS Z) \ SYF m2 Za LLL H-eper © Up ne, 12s Fig. 124. Fic. 122.—Pilot wedge. Fig. 123.—Payne-Gallwey’s wedge surveying attachment. Fie. 124.—Guide wedge. deflections in the same hole. It was also a wedge device. Mr. Hoffmann! gives several instances of its successful application. | 10Op. cit., p. 9: 186 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Haussmann’s Apparatus.—This apparatus was invented by Prof. Karl Haussmann at the Technical High School in Aix la Chapelle in 1907. It is essentially a double magnetic needle, spirit level and photographic device and has com- Surface 6160) N60 eee fizon 6030 N40°E~ 5900! Nate Z 3100/1 MN NN 2080/Noa"e f 2600 N55°E /4850' N50°E £--\600' N58°E ~..1350' N102°E Norte: All Bearings Magnetic 58124/Commencement of Deflection ' 6000' 4 ‘ 6656°Bo¢tom of Hole Fie. 125.—Course of a South African drill-hole, vertical and horizontal views. (After J. I. Hoffmann by permission of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London.) manded such respect for a long time on the Continent that we shall enter into some detail regarding it. Figure 126 shows the assembled plumbing cylinder with guide springs and an attachment for the core cather below and one for the rope or rods above. The conductor cable runs along the rods and down into the interior of the cylin- PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 187 der. On the right is an accumulator with cells and on the left, on the tripod, a current switch connected to the accu- mulator and coupled to the cable reel. The plumbing cylinder has a non-magnetic casing 40 mm. wide, 10 mm. thick and 750 mm. long and is in three Fic. 126.—Haussmann’s apparatus assembled. parts; the lower one for taking the plumbing apparatus, the middle one the registering apparatus and the upper one the connection to the electric conductor. At the ends of the middle section are two corresponding graduated circles divided into 10-deg. intervals; the two other sections carry reading marks. The upper mark lies in the plane of symmetry of the suspension device and the lower one corresponds with channels in the lower casing in which 188 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS the plumbing frame with the registering apparatus is inserted. Thus one can screw up the casing without nut surfaces and still if needed be Ry able to read the position of the registering apparatus against a guide rod.! The Guide Springs —The longitudinal guides above and below the cylinder are of steel and ringed at their ends, the rings being rotat- able about the plumbing cylinder. The outer ring can be adjusted up and down it. ‘These springs (Fig. 127) must act simi- larly together so that the most outer points always lie on a f conical surface through the axis of the apparatus. The Inclination Measurer.— Figure 128 shows the internal construction of the dip meas- urer. One of the three bars forming the frame has a lamp (4 volts, 0.45 amp.) with a reflecting parabolic mirror 6 res 12 below, 1b (Big, 128). lheusident™ conductor wires leading up from the lamp are well coiled about one another in order not to |g influence the neighboring magnets. Next ff above the lamp is a plain glass plate c witha |F swinging magnetic needle d held by arme. A little above this an adjustable level f is pro- vided with a glass floor on the cover of which a second magnet swings. The glass plate may be removed so that both magnets, oppositely influenced, may give a suitable intersection angle. Above the level on its glass cover are concentric rings 2 mm. apart, then come the lenses g and h (Fig. 128). Some convex 1 Gliickauf, No. 7, p. 233, Feb. 15, 1908; Mitt. Markschei- derwesen, Heft 9, p. 53, 1908. PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 189 lenses can also be set here. On the upper surface of the level is a mark a a (Fig. 129) representing the abscissa Pia. 129. axis on which the direction of the throw is taken. The two convex lenses g and h from which the latter is screened throw the image of the level with the con- centric rings, the abscissa axis, and the upper needle ns (Fig. 129) on to a sensitive paper strip 7 (Fig. 128) working on rolls R, and R, and shafts 7, r. This is the headpiece with registering device shown in Fig. 128. Below the frame (not visible in Fig. 128) is a central lug for stick- ing in the casing. ‘There are connec- tion screws for the level and the whole frame, for connection and screwing in the frame to the cylin- drical casing. The Registering Apparatus.—This is shown in Fig. 130 on a greater scale than in Fig. 128. A long strip of paper very sensitive to light winds from a roll R, over two guide roll shafts r in the image plane of the level and lens system. From here it Fre. 130.—Haussmann’s runs on over the fixed drive roll R,. - Te##*eTing apparatus. There is a solenoid e above the rolls provided with a clutch n 190 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS which engages in a cog wheel z on the upper roll. If the cur- rent to the solenoid is shut off the core rises and the clutch turns the upper roll one tooth further, thus drawing the paper strip a corresponding piece forward. On interrup- tion of the current the clutch is snapped into the next tooth by a small spiral spring f. The base of the registering device is fitted exactly to the end plate of the plumbing frame. The Current Supply.—The conductor wires go from the lamp and solenoid to three concentric measuring rings which are in the cover of the registering apparatus insulated from each other. One of the rings is connected to both the lamp and solenoid. From here on the cable is led into the upper part of the casing and terminates in three spring rods sliding on three rings in the cover of the register- ing device when screwed up. ‘This gives an easy connec- tion between cable and lamp or solenoid. From the rods the cable goes through the neck of the plumb cylinder casing with suitable screw nut tightening and protection from water. It is a three-wire cable, but two will do if a suspension rope is used or rods, and, if there is a reversing device, one will do. The Switch—This apparatus is switched in between the source and the cable roll. It is used for cutting off, inter- rupting, regulating, and reversing the current. It carries a variable resistance in a wooden frame with an ammeter and voltmeter between, which is an attachment for switch- ing in a control lamp in the circuit. The plugging arrange- ment is for closing or reversing the current to either the lamp or solenoid of the plumbing apparatus. There is a press button for the supply to the lamp as well as a moving measuring arm which slides over a toothed measuring plate which has spaces filled with a non-conducting substance. A numbered rotating ring is fitted for the number of teeth. The plate is connected to the registering apparatus. If the accumulator is switched in and the arm turned the registering roll turns correspondingly. The functioning PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 191 of the apparatus depends on the action of the solenoid armature. The Guide Rods.—If magnetic orientation fails, as, for instance, with lined holes, a mechanical means must be resorted to for obtaining a definite direction, and his is done by means of the guide rods. These are made of stiff-membered cross links as in Fig. 131. In the end of equal lengths of tube taps are fitted which are crosswise to one another and have alternate interior and exterior guide surfaces. The several members are bolted in right- angled planes immovable; thus the rods can press against a winding borehole without turning their members in shear. Over the borehole the guide jack or trestle is set up which gives a definite orientation to the rod Brae de members as they are let into the hole and for adding fresh members. Haussmann used members 75 em. long, 1 em. thick, and 4 cm. wide, strengthened above. _ The Level—The level is used instead of a plumb bob and cuts out much inconvenience; the plumb oscillates a lot and slowly comes to rest and is also not so exact as the level in such a narrow space. The level on the other hand comes to rest quickly and its sensitiveness is quite inde- pendent of the length of the plumbing cylinder and no magnification of readings is necessary. The Crossed Magnets——Magnetic needles are suited to undisturbed regions, unlined holes, and iron-free places, but one has no control over a magnetic needle. Two needles close together, swinging in parallel planes, cross when under contrary influences; we thus have a means of locating disturbances and preventing false readings. If a magnetic deflection is present the cross angle of the two magnets will vary and on the vertical turning axis of the magnetic needles is a differential variometer for horizontal intensity. In some cases cutting out faulty orientation survey spots will not give a correct notion of the survey SSossSy [2 | 3 ios SiS> Saba GS 7 192 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS as a whole, and in such cases mechanical means must be used. The Mechanical Guide of the Rods.—The above-mentioned rods of stiff members with cross links are movable on all sides in their long axis but not at all in the cross direction, so that they can follow a winding hole without losing their orientation. Thus the borehole course is resolved into short pieces. The correct working of these guides is an important preliminary of all surveys. Trial of rods through 180 deg. before every test is considered a good check. | Meridian omica ee \ Astron 3.0m. Fic. 132.—Borehole survey by Haussmann’s method. In plumbing a hole in undisturbed conditions, first arrange marks for depth measurements on the rope or use a measuring wheel, or, if using rods, mark the rods for a given direction on the scale of the registering apparatus. Now when ready switch in the resistance for the lamp and solenoid and read with the ammeter and voltmeter. The first survey is made with the plumb cylinder hanging free in the hole. By means of the switch lever we can PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 193 bring a new piece of photographic paper strip into the picture plane and by pressure on the middle button of the switch box illuminate the lamp. We have now to get the depth which is got from the rope or rods and in this way ean carry out hundreds of surveys without pulling the plumbing cylinder out of the hole. A dark room is impro- vised in which to develop the sensitive figures of Fig. 129. The results can be evaluated by means of a polar coordinate sealer or a rectangular coordinate tracer. Figure 132 shows an actual survey by this method of a borehole with a 2.9 per cent deviation off vertical, the small circles being the horizontal sections of the borehole at the respective depths in meters, the axes numbers being the lateral displacement in meters. For Haussmann’s apparatus the following advantages over previous devices have been made and they appear to be well founded: 1. A higher degree of accuracy is obtained with a sensi- tive level than with a plumb bob or pendulum. The level permits of a reading accuracy of 0.1 to 0.01 per cent. 2. It provides a sure reading in magnetically disturbed regions, giving reliable direction determinations. 3. Repeated measurements can be made, each giving a sharp photographic indication. 4. Good centering. 5. Simple and rapid assembling and measuring, which holds also for great depths. Owens’s Apparatus.—This is an illuminated clinometer and compass device, invented by Dr. J. 8S. Owens in 1925, and having an external and internal casing like Gallacher’s apparatus. The inner one bearing two corner tubes is free to rotate on the long axis pivots. This, of course, keeps the inner casing with the clinometer and compass always swinging into the vertical and horizontal planes, respectively; the other inner carrier tube holds mechanism which controls the length, number and interval of expo- sures. This mechanism is a clock-operated controller making and breaking circuit with electric lamps. The 194 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS clinometer is an eccentrically weighted drum bearing a strip of sensitized paper which rocks close to a diaphragm with apertures in it. The magnetic needles and apertures move on one spider and they are encircled by a strip of sensitized paper on a drum and all light is excluded except at the apertures. On top of this is an opal glass lit up by the lamps which flood the inside with subdued light, and this gives the photographic record of the needles. When horizontal each lamp lights up half of the dome, and when the instru- ment is vertical one lamp lights up the whole dome, so that illumination is constant at all angles. The instrument is best understood if taken part by part.? Figure 1 (Plate XII) shows the complete instrument. At the ends of the external casing 3 are screwed two similar watertight plugs 1 and 55 of non-magnetic material, the latter having the hauling rope eye. ‘The two separate internal carrier tubes 5 and 39 are bayonet jointed for easy removal. In Figs. 1 and 2, on pivots 6 and 21, is a cradle 26 with a compass, clinometer and two lanterns. By way of cap bolt 21 a stud 25 makes electrical contact with a dry battery. The weight of the cradle 26 keeps the clinometer in a vertical plane, as in Bawden’s method. It is borne on end pivots 7 and 19, and there are two lamps at 35 on the central line of the cradle in front of and behind the com- pass, the one always throwing light on the clinometer holes. These lamps are connected in parallel to bolts 20 and contact finger 57. The clinometer 27 (Figs. 2, 3) is a drum on a spindle free to revolve at right angles to the cradle pivots and has oil damping in its bearing sleeves; and behind are spring clips 9 for the record paper 10. On its side next to the compass is the aperture plate 11. The magnetic compass is spherical and borne on pivots 63 at right angles to the cradle pivots (Figs. 2, 4). Its lower half 33 is solid, thus being the righting weight which 1 Dr. J. S. Owens’s paper read before the Institute of Mining and Metal- lurgy, Jan. 21, 1926. 195 PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS quoUINIysUL SUIAVAINS sjoyas1og 8,SueEMGO “IQ—I]IX ALvIg EOUe| SUL wy pub JUdUUNI{sUl Jo JUaWebUbIUY ssadui07 21, dUb_yy Sponig YBNosY, UOI49aG p91 4 SMAAK ai =) SS : SSS YI SH HH ch tb Ib Ob Le SSS inh i SS SESS WOl9S6lL9 Ss ¥ $2 82 72 Jofewoul|) LSP T SSS SS UOlJOAI|J [OUO!LIaS ¢'914 Wan rats Sor Ni SCZ 9u © Y) | ann | gun (l= SF =a ; Sy Ly SvSb rh chtb Ih Ov 6c at gsc vE 72 Ie OL GZ BZ LZ SS “ne 4 BS a oes ce ENS UL = SN GZ LLLLLLLS Ss SLLSELS SD: I UMMM, Le) G # ¢ Z i 196 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS keeps it horizontal, and the upper half 15 is a hollow dome. In an annular recess inside the bow] 33 is a strip of sensitized paper fixed relative to the bowl in which the needles move. The needle pivot in the bottom part of the bowl 33 holds the needle, which is a standard sewing needle, on carrier 62. There are four of these rectangular needles; two 30 flat, and two 31 on edge on the bearing spider 29. This spider has two opposite holes at right angles to the center lines of the needles, and two white paper reflectors 65 opposite the holes. In the cradle on the compass side of each lantern is a diaphragm 34 (Fig. 2) with a bell-mouthed hole with clip held screens. A number of screens of tracing cloth are placed in these to adjust the intensity of light on the dome. The compass has a sliding cover 13 over the upper half and is finished dead white inside for even lighting. This all provides uniformly diffused light of suitable intensity within narrow limits. The controller is for determining the length and interval of exposures which may be two or four per hour, dependent on the setting of contact finger 44. A control screw 50 (Fig. 1) insulated from the control base 49 is prolonged into a spring plunger 38 by means of which a good contact is made to the dry battery. Owing to the high-pitch, left- hand thread on this small diameter screw the drum retreats from the clock when it is revolved by the crank. This crank is fixed to the minute-hand spindle of the clock and drives the drum through the insulated pin 50 projecting from the spider 52 carrying drum 51. This drum has four longitudinal metal contact strips 45 in electrical connection with the spider for giving two or four exposures per hour. The circumferential width of these strips is such that a series of exposures of increasing length are got during each revolution of the drum, and this enables the records to be identified. The drum contacts, as shown by the finger 44, on slide 41. At the end of carrier tube 39 is the clock 48 withits minute- hand spindle extended to carry a crank 47 with a milled setting knob 54 on opposite ends. It is readable from the PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 197 opening over the controller. The standard dry battery 37 in carrier 39 bearing on plunger 38 presses its central stud on to the contact bolt 21. The insulation rod 59 (Fig. 5, Plate XII) is attached when the instrument is in use and coupled to the drill rods or rope for lowering. Before making the survey the device is taken to a dark room where the two carrier tubes are taken out and uncoupled and record strips of bromide printing paper are fitted to the clinometer and -Magnetic Needle Inside View from above of Compass Apertures and Needle Fra. 183.—Inside view of compass apertures and needle from above. No.1 No.1 $s W N E 6) No.2 No.1 2 i (Datum) (Datum) See ae a (Datum) y ) Datum) _ (c) 907 45° 0% 45% 90% 1357 1807 135° 90" um) 5 “ara: (d) Bots Fig. 134.—Compass record. compass drums. The datum record from which deviations are measured is arranged in the dark room, this being a standard datum such as the horizontal instrument casing with the controller end toward the magnetic north. Now set the record strips with controller to give one exposure and reassemble the carrier tubes in the casing. After time sufficient for exposure the controller automatically stops and it is taken to the hole to be surveyed when the controller is reset. The eyed plug 55 is now unscrewed and the carrier 198 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS tube withdrawn sufficient to expose the controller, which is set for the desired number of records and required interval between time of setting and first exposure. The watch of the operator is synchronized with the instrument clock and the whole apparatus assembled, screwed up tight, and, with the insulation rod attached to the instrument, lowered to the spot to be surveyed. Depth and time are noted, and time for exposure at the spot exceeded, it is lowered to the next spot and so on for the number of spots being Nola (a) Typical Record showing progressive increase in Dip Fig. 135.—Clinometer record. surveyed, after which the instrument automatically ceases working and is withdrawn from the hole. It is now taken to the dark room where the record strips are withdrawn and developed. Assuming that the instrument is horizontal and the con- troller end points toward the magnetic north, which is datum line direction, we get a record as in Fig. 134a. If the said end be pointed northeast, the record is as in Fig. 1346; if southwest, it would be as in Fig. 134c, the dis- placements being typical for these positions. The drums are designed so that 300 deg. equals 3.6 in. on the record strip surface, or 1 deg. equals 0.01 in. Thus by dividers and a diagonal scale we may read hundredths of an inch, PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 199 as seen in Fig. 134d, where distances b, c and d are for records 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Similar reasoning applies to Fig. 185 showing clinometer records. Figure 136 shows a 92m) Floor wee ew ww ww me eee i i = 7 265'260' 200', of Hole 30 7 ICEL, OES oper Zen" 293° Plan Fie. 136.—Actual survey of a Portuguese borehole. typical borehole survey from Portugal constructed from such records. We are indebted to the proprietors of Engineering, and C. F. Casella & Co., London, the makers, ne, WB7/ for the photographic views showing (Fig. 137) the compass and clinometer, (Fig. 138) the casing and inner parts ready for assembly and (Fig. 139) the clinometer and contact drum. 200 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Anderson’s Apparatus.—We have had no personal oppor- tunity of examining this method, the full details of which Fig. 138.—Compass and clinometer. are not accessible. However, it is known to be another application of the orientated drill-stem method, the survey Fie. 139.—Clinometer and contact drum. principle being that of the multiple-photograph method wherein one or more pendulums are photographed for each position. It has been widely and_ successfully PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 201 employed in California. It is about 31% in. in diameter and about 7 ft. long (Fig. 140) and is capable of taking 88 records each trip, the distance between each setting being at the control of the operator. The survey can thus be made in a normal round trip and usually at the rate of 1,000 ies tad (CO oaveay Fie. 140.—Anderson oil-well Fig. 141.—Demonstration frame with survey apparatus about to be the machine set for certain inclination lowered in hole, with stands of from the vertical. drill pipe set back in the derrick. The apparatus, including the pendulums, photographic equipment, timing and actuating devices, is all contained in a watertight welded casing which is constructed to be run into the well on the end of a string of drill pipe or tubing. Thus it can be used in mud and water. It is generally run on tubing or drill pipe, although in the case of one Pan-American well it was run on a sand line. In 202 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Anderson’s sand-line method a set of expansible steel-spring guides is run both above and below the instrument in its shell to prevent rotation in azimuth. A _ practically frictionless swivel connection is made from the end of the sand line to the instrument container. Readings are taken at each stand length and the station distances measured on the drill lengths, the operator taking the instrument as delivered from the well and interpreting End of Survey __ at 6948 ft a ae 5 W Plan of Underground Course of Rotary Hole C=C. Mi. ©. Go: Olinda No.96 i 0' 20'40'60' 80 100' 6/4, Casing Cemented , at 5596 Fre 3 Drill Pipe used below this depth S 2 \- Derrick Floor % 7] : Als 15> Conductor 8/p Casing Cemented “20 + Cemented at 9/2 Ft. at 469] Ft. LS Ay 2677 aa 1000" “Bg, Ba Akrag sip. 7 b 50p 20001” cee of | we Los HODES Nu Bottom of 48 we Ist. Ov] ped 7] 5 QS Il Casing Cemented 8 at 3800 Ft.----? 48 “ Fic. 142.—Plan of very deep borehole surveyed by Anderson. the results on a special orientating stand (Fig. 141). Orientation is thus measured mechanically the direction of drift being referred to a north-south line on the derrick floor so that at each exposure the directional deflection is known at the surface. Interpretations will average within about 7 ft. of arc of being correct for vertical angles and 30 ft. for azimuth. The instrument is also self-checking in that all recorded points must fall on a curve when plotted. Various surveys PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 203 with this instrument have been published,! while Fig. 142 shows the course of the first 6,948 ft. of the deepest well as surveyed by this device. Goodrich? quotes an instance of one survey by this device in a well 6,522 ft. deep taking 6 hr. 45 min. 1§$mitn, F. M., Oil Gas Jour., p. 120, Dec. 2, 1926; Eng. Min. Jour. Press, Feb. 6, 1926; ANDERSON, A., Oil Age, p. 20, September, 1926. 2 Oil Gas Jour., p. 38, Nov. 15, 1928. CHAPTER IX GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING BOREHOLES Introductory Note.—The gyroscope being uninfluenced by local attraction is well suited to the survey of boreholes. The physicist, Foucault, whose pendulum researches are well known, instituted in the middle of last century the law that a spinning wheel with three directions of freedom, 7.e., one which is free to move in all three dimensions, is unin- fluenced by the force of gravity and is suited to indicate the rotation of the earth. In order to have a freely moving wheel it must have Cardan suspension. In order that the action of gravitation be removed the three axes must all meet in the center of gravity of the system (Fig. 143). Such a gyroscope is called an azimuth gyroscope and then if no external force acts on it—whether at rest or rotating—it keeps its position in space unchanged. The term ‘‘azi- Fre. 143.—Wheatstone’s muth gyroscope” is not happily Pies chosen because the magnetic compass also has an azimuth, only this is not optional but zero (meridian). Foucault has also shown that a gyroscope which is com- pelled to move in a horizontal plane endeavors to adjust itself to the north-south line. Such an arrangement is called a gyroscopic compass or gyrocompass. In England and France experiments have been undertaken since well into last century, with the purpose of utilizing the gyroscope as a compass. In Germany experiments have been under- 204 GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 205 taken mainly by the firm of Siemens and Halske. Owing to insufficient technical assistance and faulty knowledge these experiments were more or less abortive. A gyroscope! consists of a heavy wheel mounted on bear- ings free to spin about different axes, usually symmetrical axes perpendicular to the equatorial plane (Fig. 148). When the conditions of dynamical symmetry are not obeyed we get bad static balance, as when a. The center of mass of the gyroscope O does not lie on the spinning axis; as in the case of an eccentrically mounted disc. b. The principal moment of inertia is not coincident with the spinning axis, a torque being thrown on the bear- ings; as when we get oblique but central mounting. c. The moments of inertia about all axes through O are not normal to the axis of spin; as when we have an elliptical centrally mounted disc. These are corrected mainly by distribution of small masses on the disc. When all the axes rx, yy and zz are as in Wheatstone’s gyroscope shown in Fig. 148, it is said to be ‘‘free,’”’ and if any one is locked it is said to be ‘‘con- strained.” This latter feature sets up certain phenomena applied in borehole surveys. Degrees of Freedom.—The spin of the disc about zz is known as the first degree of freedom, the rotation of the disc about yy axis the second and that about the xz axis the third degree of freedom. When the disc spins about zz there is an instantaneous angular movement of the axis zz known as ‘‘precession.”’ It can be noted if a heavy cycle wheel is held vertically in front of the body with the left hand by means of an axle and spun clockwise with the right. The bearing pressure on the left palm tends to vanish and the wheel under the influence of the spin and gravitation rotates anticlockwise about the experi- menter’s body. The free gyroscope tends to keep the axis 1 GLAZEBROOK, SiR R., ‘‘ Dictionary of Applied Physies,’”’ Vol. 1, p. 421. Ross, J. F. 8., ‘‘Introduction to the Principles of Mechanics,’’ Cape, 1923. Haussmann, K., ‘‘ Der Kreiselkompass in Dienste des Bergbau,”’ 1914. 206 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS about which it spins unaltered in direction whether rotating or not. If spinning it resists any attempt to alter the direc- tion of its axis, and the gyroscopic torque dominates when the gyroscope is given a very high speed as is common in borehole practice. This precession is so important in borehole gyrocompasses that it appears to merit fuller detail. At the beginning of this century several trials were made to establish a gyrocompass. Doctor Anschiitz-Kaempfe succeeded in bringing out a gyroscopic compass which maintained its direction for a long time—24 hr.—in the laboratory. He however recognized that it was extra- ordinarily difficult, perhaps impossible, to create a gyro- scope complete and perfect in equilibrium; he therefore, in 1906, added to the gyroscope with three degrees of freedom one with two degrees of freedom and in this way arrived, by progressive simplification, at his first gyroscopic compass with only one high-speed wheel and with damped oscillations. In the most recent form of the Anschitz compass for nautical purposes there are three similar wheels which compensate the regular oscillations of the ship. Precession.—When a simple wheel disc rotates and no lateral force or torque is exerted upon it, it persists in its position because every particle of mass in the disc endeavors to remain in the plane set up. This inertia grows with the mass of the dise and with the angular velocity of the rota- tion. If a torque is exerted on the quiescent disc (which can be imagined as an upward pull on one axis end or a downward pressure on the other end) the plane will incline laterally. If a torque or lateral pressure be now applied to the disc when rotating, we have the inertia of the dise on the one hand and the inclination of the tilt on the other, so that it is a question of what will be the result in the motion due to these two factors acting simultaneously. Let us consider Haussmann’s! simple presentation of these important facts, which we have slightly modified for our purpose. 1 Ibid., p. 51, GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 207 Figure 144 shows a plan and elevation of a rotating disc I with a force acting partially on its axis; also its imagined neighboring position II into which the disc is for the time being inclined. (For clarity the drawing is much exag- gerated.) In the plan the narrow ellipse I gives the original position and II the inclined position of the disc. The direc- tion of the disc in plane I in the plan is shown by the hori- zontal diameter AB of the ellipse. Any mass particle m of the rotating disc I will remain in this position in conse- quence of its inertia, even if the disc inclines a little due Elevation Plan Fig. 144.—Precession. to a lateral torque. ‘This direction of persistence must thus also be present when the particle m rotates in the inclined plane II. If the particle is now compelled to rotate in plane IT it still has the tendency to remain in the direction of plane I. The tangents to plane II give the new, those to I the old, directions of movement. These direc- tions are only equal in C and D, also in E and F; in all other points they differ. Let the divergence of corresponding tangents be indicated by 6 and the angle between planes I and II by A and further let the angular rotation of the particle proceeding from D be w, then we get the relation 5. © eae OF smM5 = sins sino (12) 208 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS For small angles 6 = Asinw. The value of 6 is nil in points D and F, a maximum in A and a minimum in B. Corresponding to the divergence of the tangents there appears a force acting at right angles to the disc, which is nil in D and grows to A and from here on again declines to nil at F then back to D in the same manner but taking a course in the contrary direction. These lateral components effect a rotation of the spinning disc about the diameter DF or in relation to the original position I about the normal diameter CH; and this turning annuls at every moment the tendency to lateral inclina- tion. This turning motion at right angles to the direc- tion of the applied force is called precession. We shall not go into the lesser motion appearing in the periodic repeated dip and rise of the axis known as nutation. The preceding construction applies very fully to a gyroscope imagined as frictionless. In practice the axis of the gyroscopic disc will, in the course of time, show more and more marked inclination owing to the action of friction. As a proof that a force applied to the axis of a rotating gyroscope brings about a lateral movement we have but to consider the common spinning top or child’s hoop. The Action of the Gyroscopic Compass.—Imagine a gyroscope wheel suspended at the equator so that its axis A,A,. (Fig. 145) is horizontal and it goes round from west to east. Regarded from west or south the wheel has a clockwise direction of rotation as shown by I in (Fig. 145). Next instant the wheel, owing to the earth’s rotation, is in position IT (much exaggerated in the drawing). Owing to the inertia of the disc the axis A,,’A.’ stays in position IT parallel to its former position A,,A., while the direction line of gravity in II makes an angle of w») = 15¢ with that in I, owing to the interval ¢ in time between positions I and II and the fact that gravitation acts toward the earth’s center. Thus the disc axis is no longer at right angles to the direction of gravity; its east end is too high, so that the force of gravity acts unequally on the axis. On the west end an upward pull is exerted and on the east GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 209 end a down pull acts. The force of gravity thus gives rise to the precession motion of the gyroscope whereby the east extremity of the axis moves toward the north. When the axis comes into the plane of the meridian the effect of gravitation on both ends of the axis is similar and balances. The gyroscope remains in this position because the meridians at the equator run parallel, and thus it is independent of the earth’s rotation. The meridian is the position of equilibrium which the gyroscope tends to attain in consequence of the earth’s rotation. On the equa- tor the turning axes of the earth and the gyroscope are Horizon Fig. 145. parallel and their rotational senses are the same. In general all rotating bodies tend so to place themselves that in similar turning senses their turning axes are similarly directed. If now we hang the rotating wheel not on the equator but on any other chosen spot on the earth’s surface the gyroscope will still tend to set its axis in the same direc- tion as that of the earth. This can not occur completely owing to the line of gravitation being here no longer normal to the earth’s axis as at the equator, but being inclined to it. The gyroscope will now, as far as is possible, set its axis in the line of the earth’s axis, and it attains its greatest proximity to this when its axis lies in the meridian. If at any place of latitude ¢ the axis of the gyroscope makes 210 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS an angle @ with the earth’s axis, this is then the smallest of all possible angles between a horizontal line and the earth’s axis. For a horizontal line of any azimuth Awe get the corresponding angle of inclination a, from Napier’s laws. Thus cos a = cos ¢ cos A (13) Angle a is greater than ¢ because its cosine is smaller. In Fig. 146 point I, rotates, owing to the earth’s rotation in time ¢, to position II,. The gravity direction lines in Fie. 146. I, and II, do not now make an angle of wo = 15% as at the equator, but a smaller angle w, which can be computed from sin a = Si = COs ¢ (14) Thus for small intervals of time we may write 15¢ cos ¢. The directing force of the gyroscope thus decreases with latitude, it being only a half in 60 deg., a quarter in 75 deg., and a tenth at 85 deg. latitude, of the force at the equator. It is nil at the pole where all great circles are meridians. On the gyroscope axis swinging into the merid- ian plane from the east, the east end of the axis is somewhat GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 211 too high and the gyroscope oscillates over the meridian out again. As the north axis then dips below the horizon a back oscillation sets in. To decrease these oscillations sufficiently rapidly a damping device is provided with the gyrocompass. In Anschiitz’s method the suspension of the compass is obtained by having it connected to a body which floats in quicksilver. Then at any azimuth of the gyrocompass the buoyancy of the mercury takes up the gravitational force, acting through the earth’s rotation on the one extremity of the axis, in the form of a pull upward, and that on the other end is compensated as a pull downward by its proper weight. The Kiel Nautical Instrument Company’s Gyroscopic Compass for Borehole Surveys.—This apparatus! was formerly introduced for warships and submarines by the firm Anschiitz of Kiel. Indeed, it alone made long- distance underwater navigation possible. It is let into the hole on a cable and 2-m. measurements are taken with it. It is held centrally by guide brushes to maintain always the same vertical in the hole. A measuring box (Fig. 147) has two pendulums arranged to rotate about the axis of the apparatus; they Swing in two planes at right angles to one another and a small gyrocompass adjusts the measuring case so that one pendulum swings in the east-west and the other in the north-south direction regardless of how the apparatus turns on being let down. Figure 148 is a schematic view of the measuring box with an east-west pendulum which hangs vertical while the box is inclined with the hole. (The dip here is exaggerated Fie. 148. 1 MarTIENSSEN, O., Electrotechnische Ztschr., Heft 24, p. 462, 1920; p. 694, 1919; and pp. 862, 887, 1911. 212 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS being seldom more than 1 deg.) Below the point of the pendulum is the midline m, m, of the apparatus, and, owing to the dip, the pendulum deviates a little way a from this line east or west. This amount a is measured and if, say, the deviation is a mm. and the pendulum 20 em. long, then in a length of 2 m. the hole is displaced 2 cm. to the west. If we carry all measurements at 2 m. and add all the deflections a we get the total deviation of the hole toward the west in centimeters. Similarly the north-south pendulum point may give deflections 6 at the same times and these are also added as above algebraically. Both displacements are plotted on coordinate paper which permits the position of the hole with respect to its origin being easily found. Thus, for example, for a 300-m. depth in a hole, we employ 150 measurements on the north-south and east-west pendulums and add them for the resulting displacement, say west and south. Figure 1 (Plate XIII) shows the interior of the apparatus which is protected by a steel casing, for loosening which a nut at the bottom can be drawn out. It is tightened with India-rubber gaskets which will suit pressures of 150 atm. The most important part of the device is the gyrocompass hanging under the inclination measurer, the action of which is based on Foucault’s law that the earth exerts, on every horizontal rotating shaft, by its revolution, a force which turns the shaft in the north-south direction, so that the turning of the earth is of the same sense as that of the shaft. The directing force we have discussed on page 208 to be the product of the moment of inertia of the wheel, its angular velocity, the angular velocity of the earth, the cosine of the geographical latitude and the sine of the angle between the meridian and the wheel axis.! If the suspension is free enough this directing force lets the axis of the wheel swing into the north-south line, for then the sine of the angle is nil, but in order to attain suff- cient force the velocity of the wheel must be great. 1MartTieNnsseN, O., Die Theorie des Kreiselkompasses, Zéschr. f. Instrumentenkunde, 1913. GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 213 The gyroscopic compass constructed to meet these demands is shown in Fig. 2 (Plate XIII) and set in the lowest part of the apparatus (Fig. 1). A ring-shaped vessel a filled with mercury is fixed on the rotatable measuring case in a housing with the aid of bows 6. A ring-shaped float c in the mercury vessel holds the wheel cap e by a neck d. In this cap or case runs the gyrowheel on ball bearings, the wheel itself being of nickel steel and having a short- circuit rotor pressed on it. ‘The stator of the small alter- nating-current motor which drives the wheel is fixed in the wheel case, and it is supplied with a 400-cycle per second current, by means of fine silver wiring, causing the wheel to make 25,000 r.p.m. The construction of such a quick running alternating- current motor with short-circuit armature is extremely skillful; the high number of revolutions demands much copper in the rotor so that the turning moment be small, otherwise the wheel will not exceed a definite speed range. The wheel hangs in its case as deep as possible below the float compatible with the tube width against which it would bump if very deep. In this position gravitation tends to hold the axis horizontal and the axis adjusts itself to the meridian by Foucault’s principle, stated above, because the entire floating system is arranged rotatable about the center rod f. A directing force of some tenths gram-centimeter suffices to turn this small gyrocompass but not the whole measuring box, so for that reason the following arrangement is adopted. On the floating system is fixed a contact bead g which, when the float with the wheel turns right or left, makes contact with a contact spring on right or left and in this way a so-called ‘‘turning, take-up, or compensating motor” changes its rotational sense. This is to be found in the uppermost part of the inclination measurer (Fig. 3). It is a small direct-current motor with double armature winding and commutators on both sides; and by the contact bead one or the other of the windings is cut out causing the armature to rotate in the opposite way. 214 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS This take-up motor turns the measuring box with the mercury vessel and contact springs to the rotations of the gyrocompass, for the bead is only out of contact when it hangs free between the contact springs on the mercury vessel. Consequently, the measuring box is always in a definite position with respect to the gyrocompass and thus also to the meridian. In Fig. 2 (Plate XIII) the lower bearing of the compass box is shown at / and in Fig. 3 L is the upper bearing of it. The box itself is shown in Fig. 4. The east-west pendulum a swings in the picture plane and the north-south pendulum 6 at right angles to this. Under each pendulum is a registering casket kk with a registering strip running close under the points. Over the pendulum points lie the cores or armatures dd of two small electromagnets as broad as the strips. When taking measurements the current is sent into the electromagnet by a telegraph key on the surface; the core strikes the pendulum and presses a fine needle on the end of the pendu- lum into the registering paper thus perforating it. Break- ing the circuit the electromagnet operates a catchwork driving the registering strip 5 mm. forward ready for the next measurement. On opening the apparatus at bank and taking the strips out from the casket and reading the deflection of the several holes from the midline of the paper, two separate tables are entered up with the data from the two strips. The sum of the entries in the two tables, east-west and north-south, gives the displacement at the depth concerned. Figure 1 shows the head of the apparatus; the various leads of the cable are tightened with India-rubber the winding cable itself being of medium steel and held by bolts b. Eight lines encased in gutta-percha and jute yarn take the current to the wheel, take-up motor and electro- magnets. The rope is also covered with gutta-percha to distribute the load at the bearing guide roll. The cable drum and motor are in a special lorry as also are the current source and transformer for the direct- current portion and also the necessary controls for the gyro- GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 215 Fig. 2.—The gyrocompass. Fie.1— Fic. 3.—The dip Fic. 4.—Registra- Complete measurer. tion section. instrument. Puate XIII.—The Kiel Nautical Instrument Co.’s gyroscopic compass borehole apparatus. 216 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS wheel current, the take-up motor current, keys, etc. The method has been frequently applied in measuring the devia- tion of freezing shaft boreholes. The makers claim the remarkable accuracy of about 1 in 2,000. Anschiitz Borehole Deviation Instrument.— , Doctor Anschiitz' employs the gyroscopic compass for fixing the direction of deviation and a rigid plumb bob for the amount of deviation. He equips both with transmitting apparatus and a combines these with a receiving apparatus on the surface so that one can read there at once the position of the plumbing apparatus at any chosen position in the borehole. The plumbing device is let into the hole with a cable from which the depth is read. Since the results are given directly on the merid- ian, the astronomical north and the direction of gravity the apparatus is free from partial measure- ment errors. Each individual observation is com- pletely independent of the others, thus obviating the transference of errors. The superiority of this method will thus be greater at greater depths. Since an opening of the tube throughout the appli- cation is not necessary, the dip measurer is always » ready for use and yields unvarying data. Figures 149 to 152 show the constructional parts of the inclination measurer. They are made up of the transmitter (Figs. 149-151) and the indicator or receiver aboveground (Fig. 152). The Transmitter: Plumbing Cylinder and Chief 4 Parts——This is shown in Fig. 149 as a pressure- rig. 149, Proof steel cylinder a bearing a gyrocompass 6 The trans- giving the direction, and a rigid plumb c with aaa @ardan suspension for giving the amount of incli- nation of a borehole at any position. This cylinder has steel feeler brushes d above and below and is let into the _ = ) > i / hf ena! ys (= Gal {| =| AA 1 Haussmann, K., Glickauf, July 4, p. 1076, 1914, also BERGaASSESSOR Wimmetmann, Kohle und Erz, Nos. 13-15, pp. 323-379, 1924. GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 217 borehole by the cable e. Compass and plumb are both provided with a transmitter, which are connected by elec- tric conductors in the interior of the holding cable to the receiver aboveground. The two principal parts of the plumbing cylinder are the gyrocompass and : the hanging plumb bob. The Gyrocompass.—Under the steel cover there is a lead to the compass (Fig. 150). The capped compass case a carries a three- phase motor with a short-circuit rotor. This consists of iron sheets with aluminum rods and star plates. Over the axis a two- pole alternating-current winding is_ slid. At an alternating current of 0.25 amp. and 120 volts, 500 periods, the body wheel of the compass is made to rotate about its horizontal axis at 30,000 r.p.m. The wheel is closed about by a cap which hangs on a floating ball bearing. The ball floats in a vessel of mercury b (Fig. 150). On the float body a small contact ball ¢ is sprung. This rotates with the wheel independent of the mercury bath and the tube. Contact paths d are fixed on the mercury bath and they have slits. These turn independent of the Rana eae wheel with the bath and lamp e in the casing ratus. The jacket. The mercury bath hasa Cardan sus- ®77°comPSS8- pension, 7.e., gimbals, in the lamp e and is connected to the transmitter motor g by means of a spur wheel drive f through a shaft. This motor g rotates the bath and lamp as long as the contact bead slides on one of the contact pathsd. As soon as the bead has reached the slit the electrical circuit is interrupted and the turning ceases. ‘Then the transmitter motor has reached its previously known normal position compared with the wheel. The motor of the transmitter is connected electrically to the receiver motor, the graduated scale of which turns back. Here one may read off the position of the transmitter motor respecting the compass 218 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS wheel and therewith respecting the meridian (by providing a meridian line or azimuth line through the borehole). Thus we get the lateral angle aboveground. The damping of the circle is easily obtained by chambers between which some oil runs in and out on the oscillations of the wheel axis. Above in the steel shell comes the plumbing device (Fig. 151). The rigid plumb bob a hangs by Cardan suspension in a guide and is prolonged in a rod 6b as far above as it hangs below. The plummet carries above and below a small contact bead or ball. Each of these two balls runs in a slit between contact tracts c and d on a lateral support capable of tipping e and f. In space the slits stand at right anglestooneanother. 'Theuppersupport turns about an axis which is in a position at right angles to that of the lower one. ‘The inclina- tion is resolved into two components at right angles to one another. Naturally the same action can be obtained as well by two sepa- rate pendulums. When the contact balls fit laterally into their slits the current is cut off and the parts concerned will be so far displaced Fic. 151 laterally that no further side contact can take Anschiitz ap- place until the rigid plummet hangs free. The paratus. The 5 % : plumbing de- contact chariot of the transmitter is, however, mice: connected to the corresponding parts of the receiver by means of the electrical conductor in the cable. As long as the transmitter parts are in lateral motion the current to the receiver is cut off and it there displaces a motor contact carriage in the same manner. Both compo- nents are compounded in the receiver yielding the total motion of a magnet bar whose deviation from a mean position is shown on the concentric rings of a graduated plate by means of a small iron ball on a rod which moves accerding to the magnitude of the inclination of the bore- GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 219 hole. Amount and direction of inclination are read off the receiver in tenths of a degree. The Receiver.—The mode of action of the receiver (Fig. 152) has already been described. The alternating motor a in the receiver runs synchronously with the motor in the gyrowheel chamber in the plumbing apparatus and turns the counter 6b (detached in the figure) back in the direction for reading the inclination. Another motor c displaces a Fig. 152.—Anschiitz apparatus. The surface receiver. main carriage d on a horizontal spindle on which a second carriage e turns, also horizontal, but can be displaced 90 deg. to the main carriage. On the carriage e sits a ' bar magnet f with an end pointed upward 90 deg. which reaches close under the scale plate b and on it pulls asmall iron ball. By this ball, on concentric circles, the magnitude of the inclination is read. Doctor Anschiitz has investi- gated the possibility of a coupling table on which the course of the borehole is automatically indicated on the plumbing apparatus being let into the hole. With such a device one would only have to draw in the depth indicated by the cable on the line of course of the borehole. The Transport Lorry.—A lorry carries the cable on a drum as well as a switch plant and all accessories. The cable is marked in 2.5 to 25 m. for reading depths. It carries inside it the conductor cable from transmitter to receiver. 220 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS The apparatus suffices for plumbings up to 700 m. and can, with corresponding cable lengths, be used for any depth. Test Plumbings.—Tests with the above dip measurer in a pipe in a shaft of the Deutscher Kaiser works were carried out to a depth of 350 m. and have yielded the same results on insertion and extraction and on repetition. These have been checked by surveys and give agreeable results as far as comes into general practice. Since in this method partially active errors are avoided, which would make repetition results false, the conclusions to be drawn from the tests are that for a well thoughtout, ingenious and rapid working apparatus it is quite accurate and satisfies all the demands of practice. It should still be mentioned that the dip measurer is also applicable as a stratameter for cores. Speaking of this instrument, after observing a test, Prof. Haussmann of Aix says,! ‘‘The mathematical and physical basis on which the appliance is constructed permits us to recognize that it is free from inherent errors; thus must it also yield correct results with increasing depths.”’ This accuracy fulfills the preliminary conditions for the success of freezing shafts, 7.e., by proving the course of the boreholes. Surwel Gyroscopic Clinograph.—This remarkable device marks the most recent practice in the adaptation of the gyroscopic principle to the survey of borehole deflection. The principal features of the well-known Sperry” gyroscope of navigation are applied. This apparatus consists of three main parts: (1) the box lerel gage (Fig. 2, Plate XIV)* for ascertaining the vertical inclination, which is placed uppermost of the three in the apparatus; (2) the film camera (Fig. 3) making simultaneous moving-reel records above and below; and (3) the lowermost 1 HaussMANN, K., Mitt. Markscheiderwesen, p. 60, Sonderdruck, 1914. 2 GLAZEBROOK, Sir R., ‘‘ Dictionary of Applied Physics,’”’ Vol. 1, p. 421; Vol. 4, p. 255; also British Patent No. 15,669/15; Rawuines, A. L., ‘‘The Theory of the Gyroscopic Compass,’ p. 18, Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1929. 3 By the courtesy of the Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Company, Phila- delphia. GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 221 Wire Line Socket 1 Ball Bearing J Swivel Fie. 2.—The box Fig. 4. level gage. - Batteries -Battery Protective Casing Shock Absorber laine ile Fic. 3.—The camera. Fic. 5.—The pointer compass. Fic. 6.—Specimen photo strip from borehole. Puate XIV.—The Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Co.’s gyroscopic compass device. 222 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS unit, the gyroscope itself (Fig. 4). These three units are assembled, screwed tight, in a high steel jacket 514 in. external diameter, the apparatus itself being about 414 in. in diameter. The lower joints carry dry batteries operating the gyroscope and illuminating the film camera. The top joint ends in a ball-bearing swivel which enables the appara- tus to be sent into the hole either on the drill stem or on a wire line. It is thus independent of many of the objection- able torsional features which render the results of so many devices unacceptable for accuracy. This latter feature plus the north orientating tendency of the gyroscope (and here the special restraining appliances) make this class of instrument independent of the effects due to twist on insertion and extraction of the apparatus. It is claimed that the casing of steel will withstand the mud pressures encountered in holes down to 10,000 ft. deep. The gyro- scope, maintaining the features of rigidity and precession discussed mathematically at the beginning of this chapter, offers great resistance to any attempt to alter the direction of its axis by being caused to spin, by means of the electric motor self-contained, at a very high speed, as in the case of Anschiitz model and that of the Kiel Nautical Instru- ment Company previously described. The direct-trans- mitting motor rotates the gyroscopic disc at about 10,000 r.p.m., and this latter is specially balanced to maintain its axis in the geographical meridian! when once set there. A pointer coinciding with and controlled by the gyroscope (Fig. 5) is set above the gyroscope on its axis over a grad- uated are. To this latter is attached a non-magnetic watch with large minute and second hands giving readings to 14 sec. This enables computations of depth to be made for each site recorded in the hole. A thermometer may also be added here for reading the temperatures encountered which yields data not only on direct thermal conditions but for computation corrections if desired. 1See Rawlings, op. cit., p. 124, for mathematical discussion on balancing the disc. GYROSCOPIC COMPASS METHODS OF SURVEYING 223 The camera! (Fig. 3) which is of special design employs a 16-mm. perforated motion-picture film and has a capacity of 50 ft. There are two lenses recording pictures simultane- ously in opposite directions, up and down. One lens photographs the compass scale and gyroscopic pointer below with the watch and thermometer (if any), while the other photographs the position of the bubble in the graduated level gage box above. These lenses have to be very accurately aligned on the same optical axis and focus, thus superimposing two pictures on one film as shown in Fig. 6, Plate XIV. This enables one to read off the amount and direction of deflection at the same time, while the time for the depth computation is given as well. The film take-up is worked through gears by a small electric motor, which also operates a synchronized and adjustable contact device providing the necessary light flashes for taking the pictures. The camera motor is controlled by an accurate timing device guaranteed to vary less than 7 sec. per day. Thus the camera has a capacity for taking up to 1,000 photographs, giving a practically continuous record of the hole. It also records going into, and coming out of, the hole. The box level gage (Fig. 2) is a ring with top and bottom of ground special glass, the former disc being spherical and having concentric graduations. The position of the bubble relative to these graduations gives the amount of vertical inclination as in the depthometer of a previous chapter. Three different levels are provided with each instrument having maximum inclinations of 20, 40 and 55 deg., respectively. This range of registration of dip angle far transcends that of any other device employing the gyro- static principle. Preliminary runs with an acid-bottle apparatus decide which of these box level gages to select for a particular case. To ensure rapid response of the bubble to quickly altering inclinations the nature and size of the bubble are specially allowed for in the material 1 We are indebted here for some notes kindly supplied by the makers, The Sperry-Sun Well Surveying Company, Philadelphia. 224 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS of the fluid. Lag and oscillation of the bubble have also to be provided against while temperature effects are com- pensated by expansion coils. For operation with a wire line a line meter is applied to the derrick reel starting from zero, and a watch syn- chronized with the gyroscope watch is used for making time readings every 25 or 50 ft., according to the depth of the hole. Thus the depths are easily obtained. The apparatus is run at a fairly constant speed of 150 to 180 ft. per minute in cased holes, thus taking about 1 hr. for a 5,000 ft. hole, but this speed does not apply equally to open holes. h=+ABsin Qo tan d----------. eh ENN) Fig. 167. 3. The Borehole Is on the Downstream Side of the Out- crop and the Strata Dip toward It (Fig. 167).—Here we get L=h—-—H or L = AB’ sin ® tan 6 — H (21d) 250 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Norre.—In this case H must be less than A and if the strata dip in the other direction no location is possible. These will cover all cases of vertical boreholes. b. INCLINED BOREHOLES: LENGTHS, DISPLACEMENTS AND DEPTHS In these cases the boreholes may have an infinite number of dips in amount in two directions at 180 deg. from one another, 7.e., corresponding opposed and “together” dips, and still be at right angles to the strike of the stratum, provided the hole does not leave the plane normal to the stratum strike, 7.e., its full dip or rise direction plane (Figs. 168, 169). The angle 6 of Eq. (20) is 90 deg., making it Jal ae AUB tam a tan a + tan 6 (22) according to the relations of the dips of borehole and stratum. It will be found more convenient to measure the surface slope y in these cases. Fig. 168. 1. The Borehole and Stratum Dip in the Same Direction with the Borehole Upstream of the Outcrop (Fig. 168). la. The Length of the Borehole. H sin a BB” = PROBLEMS 251 ee — OH COt) a mn He BC sin (a — 6) pe Ly A Bin Rat cini(a— 5) > sin (@ =) AB” = H (cot y + cot a) " a AUB eee + 8 OO are Gai OR ee a il cot y + cot a = itl (= all Conyac cos | (22) If the borehole is downstream of the outcrop the first term in the bracket is negative; on a level surface H van- ishes, also y, and since then AB’’ = AB’ = AB, the above form is not applicable, a modification of either Eqs. (216), (21c) or (21d) being then most suitable, which will yield the length, thus AB sin 5 sin (6 — a) aC = L= (24) and so on for other dimensions which need not be repeated here. 16. The Displacement of the Borehole-—This is the shift of the hole and will be in the full dip direction here (Fig. 168). Displacement = DC = B’B” + FC. = H cota + B’C cosa VAN (tan a cot 6 — 1) cot y + cot a tan a cot 6 — 1 = H cota + IDG, = 16! (cot a + (25) Wherein the first term on the right is negative if the bore- hole is downstream of the outcrop; and if the surface is level IDG = IKC Cos) a (26) 252 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS lc. The Total Depth of the Borehole.—This is the distance to the base, v.e., BD. BD=H-+h Bi) sin; a sin (a — 6) = and since BNI INI SO we get AB” cot 6 — cota cot y + cot =) =H+ cot 6 — cot a (27) BD = H(1+ 2. The Borehole and Stratum Dip in Opposite Directions against One Another with the Borehole Upstream of the Outcrop (Fig. 169). Fic. 169. 2a. The Length of the Borehole. BB” — H/sin a he — er COt a: and AB” = H (cot y — cot a). ii — aC — bil =| BO, PROBLEMS 253 BNC = Bais See sin: 6 ~ sin (180 —6— a) sin (6 + a) ja H AB" ~ sina cot dsina-+ cosa of it cot y — cot a lh oe (a 2 lcaworsne + cos -) (28) Compare with Eq. (23) above where similar remarks apply respecting the altitudes of the derrick floor and the outcrop. When the surface is flat AB’’ = AB’ = AB and then AB sin 6 sin (6 + a) Compare with Eq. (24) above. 2b. The Displacement of the Borehole. DC = B’B”’ + FC L= BC = (29) AB” tan a cot6+1 cot y — cota tan a cot 6 + 1 2c. The Total Depth of the Borehole. BD=H+h Bb= ae AB H(1 + Sete (31) = H cota + DC =H (cot ae (30) COE ee cot 6+ cota The reason for choosing the persistent term AB’ is because it is the dimension most likely to give the least trouble in obtaining in practice. Cc. HORIZONTAL BOREHOLES Here the inclination of the borehole is nil, so that in Kq. (20) a = 0 deg., making the expression for the displace- ment x (Fig. 170). H — AB’ sin 6,tané6 AB’ sin 6. — H cot 6 MO 5 = 5 ALG sin 6, and or tan 5 = tan @ cosee 61 (62) Given Three Deviated Boreholes to Determine the Dip and Strike of the Stratum.—Having surveyed three bore- Fie. 183. holes A, B and C and found their net horizontal displace- ments and depths a line may be drawn in a direction connecting the source and end of each. This line will usually be the shortest line between these points and will have the average deflection of the hole throughout. Let us consider a concrete case of three holes set vertically but now deviated until when reduced as above we get their bases data also. Let the surface and borehole data be: Coordinates Dip from Net bearing | Length of |horizontal (90 — : of hole hole, feet | off vertical), x Y degrees A 1,000.00 500.00 N.50°E. 1,200 60 B 100.00 | —800.00 S.80°E. 300 75 G — 600.00 200.00 | N.10°E. 400 80 These points are set out in ABC (Fig. 184). PROBLEMS 275 Set off from A a line at the hole bearing N. 50°E. and on it the dip angle of the hole, 7.e., 60 deg., setting off on the dip line AA; = 1,200 ft. the borehole length. Drop a per- pendicular A,A» to meet the direction line from A in A», and A» will be the plan position of the end of the borehole from A. Ina similar manner, using the relevant data, get B, I 1 -* \ aw) ly a od / A@ Fie. 184.—The three slanting borehole problem. and C,.A»2B2C;, is the actual area encompassed by the bore- hole bases. On line A.C, set off the depths of A, and Cy at these points, respectively, at right angles to this line, so getting A; and C3. Join A; to C3 and produce to meet AC, produced in x. (Note that A.A; is the depth of A» and B.B; is that of B. and CC; that of C2.) Similarly set off A2A’;, the depth of A», and B.B3, the depth of Bz, at right angles to A.B, as shown. Connect A’; to B3 and produce to meet A.B, produced in y. «wand y are on the strike of the stratum. Drop a perpendicular C,D on to the strike line zy and erect one, C,H, at C2 equal to its depth. Join ED and the angle EDC, is the amount of dip and its direction is DC;. Check by B» GF using the same reasoning. 276 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS NOMOGRAPHIC AND ALIGNMENT METHODS These simple and easily understood charts are becoming more and more popular because they can, as a rule, be manipulated by the boring personnel and others who wish to save time. Figure 185! shows the well-known versed-sine relation which can be applied to a hole the deviation of which is either regular or can be approximately meaned throughout its course, giving a straight deflection; that is to say, a constant off-vertical angle. The alignment chart itself A (Fig. 186) is constructed by putting on the left the logarithmic scale A with the scale of versed sines B, or C, on its right and the vertical correction scales corresponding at B, and C». To get a correction, place a straightedge at the desired depth of hole on A scale, say 100 ft., and at the proper off-vertical angle on B, scale; continue and read off the correction on Bz or Cy scale. If the straightedge falls off scale B., then use scales C, and C,. If the measured depth is greater than scale A divide dL TerFical it by 10 and multiply the corresponding results Connection on Bo or C.by 10. Thus if the depth is 2,500 Fic. 185. ft and the off-vertical angle 10 deg. use 250 ft. and multiply the resultant vertical correction of 3.75 ft. by 10, giving 37.5 ft. Use a transparent cellu- loid straightedge with a fine black parallel line near one edge. Based on Fig. 185 Mr. Brindel? discusses a simple employ- ment of mathematical tables and formula, noting that 1. By the Cosine Method. The corrected measurement = (actual measurement) X (cosine of off-vertical angle), 1.€., In Rigs 185) Aue cos BAD. 1 BRINDEL, H. F., Oil Gas Jour., p. 41, Apr. 11, 1929. 2 Tbid., p. 41. Position if Hole were vertical PROBLEMS 277 2. By the Versed Sine Method. The corrected measurement = (actual measurement) — (actual measurement X ver- sine of off-vertical angle) 1.e., BC — AD vers BAD. saiiddo ajbuy yaiym gate ul [OAJaLUy 1000 900 800 100 600 500 400 350 : BSNS SSS i SINAN 3 Shy S mNINNA > oKNN IN ° SUKNANWS < BRAINS ee EN NNAN Bg “RQQnay Me iS XN = = BNC S SSN Sb ts $ EN ANS Be aN SSN oc .s £ aN SN ISSN oes ive) LAIN No es ~~ aS S SS SOF8 : \ “Ss \ ak RSIS ESSN aed ore ae =e es: - Bg 52 ete > =| So IO a a a | ioe) foe) 4 a SIE Sa g mm WJ eae Nar i iS! ANS SW LIE SS 2 pes a RRS SE) INS el LTT TT TTT NSS El 17 UTRIITHENAISNN IE s CIT SSN EEN Vertical correctron for 1000 Ft. of interval ie 1s as follows by 2 278 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS A table of natural cosines and another of natural versines should be kept, the latter being the simpler to use having least multiplying figures. A check on each of these methods would be always advisable; e.g., in a 200-ft. hole A 5: C; Bo Co 1000 Oris! 01 1 900 3° 800 700 600 500 2 A400 3 300 4 8 200 Sat rte 5 Le ie is g 3 8 > 100 103 ty 90 = =| (30) (Ss) S 70 3 = iS) => 60 = 50 208 40 Examples: 100 Ft. Measured Depth 30 30 1° Slope 0/5 Ft. Vertical Correction 4 40 99.985 Fi. True Depth a 20 100 Ft, Measured Depth Bs 5 50 50°Slope a is Ge 35.7 Ft. Vertical Correction > 7 0 64.3 Ft. True Depth ak 's 80 Be A) 90 10 10 100 Fig. 186.—Alignment chart for determining vertical corrections in crooked holes. 5 deg. off the vertical the cosine rule will give a correct vertical distance of 199.24 ft. and the versine rule will give the same. Table IX! shows tabulated data, the results of several such examples as the above. Plate XVII shows Miuilliken’s chart? for the graphic determination of vertical corrections in crooked holes. It is drawn on logarithmic paper, the off-vertical angles being 1 By the courtesy of R. Van A. Mills, of Petroleum Engineering. 2 Charles V. Milliken, of the Amerada Petroleum Corporation, in Oil Gas Jour., p. 102, 1930. PROBLEMS 279 represented by diagonal lines. The measured interval scales are shown on the left and right margins. Pick off the proper measured interval on the left or right margin and follow the horizontal line from this point on the meas- ured interval scale to its intersection with the proper off-vertical line. From here follow a vertical line to the upper or lower margin, as the case may require, where the vertical correction in feet is indicated. TaBLeE [X.—EXAMPLE AND Form or Notes For VERSINE VERTICAL CorRECTION METHOD “ease Off-vertical REGO, Vertical | Corrected | Total true from point of natural 5 angles, ‘ correction, | measure- depth, last measure- versine degrees feet ment, feet feet ment, feet of angle 2 200 5 0.0038 — 0.76 199.24 199.24 190 10 0.0152 — 2.89 AS etal 386.35 195 24 0.0865 —16.77 178.23 564.58 220 6 0.0055 — 1.21 218.79 783 .37 240 15 0.0341 — 8.18 | 231.82 1,015.19 238 a 0.0075 — 1.79 | 286.21 1,251.40 242 9 0.0123 — 2.98 | 239.02 1,490.42 256 6 0.0055 — 1.41 254.59 1,745.01 239 30 0.1340 —32.03 | 206.97 1,951.98 250 25 0.0937 —23.43 226.57 2,178.55 Total 2,270 ENT ngs een ea: == Ia ale 2178.05 BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBREVIATIONS IN THE LITERATURE INDEX Ja iaa\ oJ EM Gel Bop A.I.M.M.E. A.I.M.E.B. A.M.B. A.M .P. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma. American Institution of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, New York. 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INDEX A Absolute check on surveys, 53 Accuracy of borehole surveys, 50 Acid-bottle record, 53, 95 Action of gyrocompass, 208 Advantages, of fluid methods of survey, 97 of seismic methods, 245 Alignment charts for deviated holes, 276, 278 Ambronn, A., cited, 34, 229 Anderson, A., quoted, 5 Anderson’s apparatus, 200 Anschiitz apparatus, 216 Anschiitz-Kaempfe’s device, 10 Anschiitz-Kaempfe’s gyrocompass, 206 Apsidal angle and plane, 114 Atwood’s apparatus, 176 Audible or acoustic device, 11 Auxiliary registrations, 22 Axial dip in gyrocompass, 211 Azimuth gyroscope, 204 B Bailing ropes, 1 Basket or lantern method of plumb- ing, 41 Batteries, dry, 177, 179, 183 Bawdon’s apparatus, 134 Bearing of boreholes, 264 Benzine wash, 181 Bibhography, 283 Boreholes not at right angles to strata strike, 255 to particular points, 261, 262 at right angles to strata strike, 248 Briggs’ clinophone, 141 Briggs’ horizontal clinoscope, 33 Briggs’ transmitter and receiver, 141 Brindel’s chart, 276 Bubble log and oscillations, 224 Burbach borehole pressure recorders, 31 C Californian boreholes, 5 Camera devices, 78, 176, 179, 186, 223 Casing, 10 Centering devices, 153, 156, 164 Channing Park, cited, 8 Chanslor-Canfield borehole model, 39 Check surveys, 53 Circulating water, 10 Clinographs, 101, 220, 224 Clinometers, 104, 193, 198 Clinophone, 141 Clockwork, 59, 81, 87, 110, 123, 132, 137, 151, 156, 161, 220 Comparison of methods of survey, 52, 53 Compass methods, 121, 139, 181, 193 Conductivities of rocks, 230 Constrained gyroscope, 205 Continucus registrations, 22, 30, 36, 84, 94, 126, 145, 161, 166, 1938, 223 Controller, 196 Cooke, Prof. L. H., cited, 19 Copper sulphate method, 114 Core orientation, 48, 54 Core spin, 19 Correction device, 184 Cosine method, 276 Costs of borehole surveys, 50 Counter-dip borehole problems, 248, 249 291 292 Curvature, incipient, 10 Czuchow borehole, Upper Silesia, 25 D Deep boreholes, 1, 8 Denis-Foraky teleclinograph, 166 Depth recorders, 26, 28 Deviation, angular, 2, 274, 275 causes of, 1, 15 factors influencing, 54 Diagrams, 170 Diameters of boreholes, 18, 28, 29 change in, difficulties due to, 29 irregularities in, 29 shrinkage, causes of, 29 Diamond-drilled holes, 3 Dickenson, J., cited, 18 Difficulties due to diameter change in boreholes, 29 Dip, of boreholes, 49, 250, 260, 264 of strata, 22, 96, 177, 179, 256 Direction of beds, 256 Disadvantages of fluid methods of survey, 97 Displacements, and depths of bore- holes, 250, 251, 253, 264 horizontal and vertical, 2, 3, 6, 184, 203 Dixon’s gyrocompass device, 85 Double pendulums, 211, 162 Driftmeter, 151 Driftmeter record, 53 Drum devices, 190, 196 E Electric coring, 231 Electrical geophysical methods, 225 Electrical liquefaction of gelatin, 109 Electrical methods of survey, 47, 111, 113, 156, 166, 127, 148 Electrolytic registration, 113 Electromagnetic examination of ground, 226 Electromagnets, 158, 168 Equator and gyro-action, 209 Equi-potential lines, 145 and methods, 226, 227 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Equi-potential surfaces, 231, 232 Erlinghagen, O., quoted, 41, 76 Erlinghagen’s apparatus, 156 External photographic devices, 176, 179 F Films, 175, 177, 179, 183, 189, 221 Fissured strata, 18, 182 Florin’s method, 77 Fluid methods, 47, 95 Foraky depth recorder, 26 Foucault’s law, 204, 212 ‘“‘Freedom”’ of gyroscope, 205 Freezing-shaft holes, 7 Freise, F., cited, 62, 64, 76, 136 G Gallacher’s apparatus, 137 Gelatine, 63, 102, 108 Geological causes of deviation, 17 Geophone, 240 Geophonic or seismographic meth- ods, 48, 240 Geophysical methods of borehole survey, 225 Goniometers, 105, 108 Goodman’s apparatus, 80 Goodrich, H. B., quoted, 6, 203 Gothan’s stratameter, 64 Graphical problem for boreholes, 271 Gravitation, 208 Ground wave coefficients, 234, 235 Gudgeon joints, 164 Guide rods, 191 Guide springs, 154, 188 Gyro-axis, 209, 210 Gyrocompass, 204, 211, 214, 217 Gyroscopic compass methods, 204 Gyrostatic methods of survey, 48, 83, 85, 204 H Haddow’s method, 121 Hall and Armentrout’s device, 83 Hanna’s inertia-rotor apparatus, 87 INDEX Hardness, of common minerals, 16 of strata, 15 Hatch, Dr. F. H., quoted, 182 Haussmann, Dr. K., quoted, 206, 216, 220 Haussmann’s apparatus, 185 Heiland, Dr. C., quoted, 245 Hillmer’s apparatus, 136 Hoffmann, J. I., quoted, 183, 185 Horizontal boreholes, 32 problems, 253 Hydrofiuoric acid, 97, 98, 108 I Illumination of borehole walls, 177, 179 Inclined strata, 17 Incorrect centering at surface, 15 Incorrect plumbing adjustment, 45 Inclination measurer (Haussmann’s), 188 Inclined borehole problems, 250 Inclinometer, 171 Inertia-rotor method of survey, 48, 87 Inexpert tiller work, 29 Inking device, 174 Instrumental survey of boreholes, 46 Irregularities in borehole diameter, 29 J Jahr’s depth and thickness method, 22 Jarring at core, 20 Jennings, J., quoted, 19 Justice, J. N., cited, 8, 31 K Kegel’s apparatus, 146 Kendall’s apparatus, 58 Kiel Nautical Instrument Com- pany’s apparatus, 211 Kind’s method, 55 Kinley’s apparatus, 171 Kiruna method, 112 293 Kitchen, Joseph, quoted, 2, 8, 17 Koebrich, A, cited, 55 Koebrich’s apparatus, 60 Koerner’s borehole survey device, 153 KXoerner’s core orientator, 74 L Laboring of rig gear, 10 Lahee, Prof. F. H., quoted, 37, 54 Lame’s coefficient, 235 Lamps, 177, 188 Lapp’s core orientator, 74 Lapp’s stratigraph, 25 Latitude and gyro-action, 209, 212 Lengths of boreholes, 248, 250, 252, 263 Lesser deflection records, 41 Levels, 191, 220 Literature index abbreviations, 280 Log checks, 9 Love’s waves, 237 M Maas’ method, 108, 109 Macfarlane’s apparatus, 111 MacGeorge’s clinograph, 101 MacGeorge’s clinometer, 104 MacGeorge’s core orientator, 63 MacGeorge’s guide tube, 107 Macready, G. A., quoted, 48, 55, 92 Macready’s method, 91 Magnetic needle methods, 47, 80, 88, 91, 99, 102, 118, 1382, 134, 138, 194 Magnetism of rods, 19 Magnets, 191 Maillard’s apparatus, 148 Malamphy’s seismic method, 240, 242 Manometer, 32 Marriott, H. F., cited, 15 Marriott’s continuously recording device, 126 Marriott’s intermittently recording device, 128 Martienssen, Dr. O., quoted, 216 294 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS -Master borers, 9 Maximum and minimum thermom- eters, 35 McCutchin, J. A., quoted, 36 McLaughlin, R. P., quoted, 52 Meine’s borehole survey apparatus, 109 Meine’s stratameter, 67 Meridian, true, 209, 212 Messenger weights, 67, 75 Methods of surveying, 47, 54 Milliken’s deviation chart, 277 Models of boreholes, 38 Moh’s hardness scale, 15 Méllmann’s apparatus, 131 Mommertz low temperature bore- hole thermometer, 35 Moreni oilfield borehole, 1 Mud pressure, 54 Multiple photographic devices, 47, 94 Murphy, P. C., and 8. A. Judson, cited, 50 N Neighboring boreholes, 17 Nolten’s apparatus, 98 Nomographic methods, 276 North German Deep Boring Com- pany’s stratameter, 71 Nutation, 208 O Oehman’s apparatus, 182 ““Off-vertical”’ angle, 50, 184, 276, 279 Ohm’s law, 232 Oil wells surveyed, 5, 6 Orientating, of cores, 48, 54 couplings, 117, 118, 158, 171 Otto-Gothan apparatus, 123 Oversetting diamond crowns, 18 Owens’ apparatus, 193 Ve Packing rings, 179 Payne-Gallwey cited, 182 Pendulum methods, 47, 153, 166, 168, 173 Penetration distance from cores, etc., 260 Penetration point 246, 262, 264 Petersson, Prof. W., cited, 113 Phials, 102, 108 Photographic methods, 47, 77, 93, 153, 166, 168, 173 Pilot wedges, 184 Plans of drill holes, 7, 38, 52, 172, 192, 202 Plastic cast method, 48 Plotted surveys of boreholes, 3, 7, 32, 38, 41, 52, 107, 119, 131, 162, 186, 199 Plotting borehole data, 37 Plumb-bob methods, 88, 121, 126, 128, 1384, 136, 1387, 141, 148, 182 Plumbing by lantern-basket method, 41 Plumbing cylinder, 187, 216 Plummet and magnetic needle meth- ods, 47 Plungers, 77, 30, 147, 151 Poisson’s constant, 234 Polarization by Schlumberger, 228 Potential method, 226 Practical problems with boreholes, 262 Precession, 205, 206 Precipitation method, 112 Pressure on rods, 18 Pressure records, 31 Pricker or plunger methods, 48, 73, 75, 123, 186, U5iyelGie tas Problems, 246 one borehole, 246 three boreholes, 269 two boreholes, 265 Profiles or sections of boreholes, 37 Progress records, 22 Progress reports, 10 Purposes of boreholes, 50 R Rand boreholes, 2 Rankine, Dr. A. O., quoted, 238, 243 computations, INDEX Rapoport’s method, 76 Rayleigh waves, 237 Recorders, 160, 169, 172, 187, 219 Records, 192, 196, 198 Redmayne, Sir R. A. S., cited, 55, 64, 112 Reduction of borehole diameters, 18 Registering apparatus, 189, 219 Reinhold’s apparatus, 179 Requirements for successful survey, 46 Rigidity, of gyrocompass, 209, 222 of rods, 17 Rod abrasions, 10 Rods, 1 Rope recorders, 36 Rotation of rods, 20 Riihland’s apparatus, 100 Rumanian boreholes, 4 Rumpf and Kleinhenn’s apparatus, 29 Russian boreholes, 4 8 Sag of plumbing rope, 45 Schlumberger brothers quoted, 227 Schlumberger’s. method, 229 Schmidt, Prof. F., quoted, 41, 44 Scoring of core-box or casing, 10 Seismic methods, 233, 236, 242 Seismograms, 237, 239 Seismograph, 239 Seminole oilfield boreholes, 6, 52 Shaped notches, 47 Shortest borehole of all, 255 Shortest possible borehole at given bearing, 254 Sinking shaft borehole, 262 Six’s thermometer, 35 Slanting boreholes, 255, 266, 274 Small boreholes, 18 Small diameter instrument (Kiruna), 113 Snow, D. R., cited, 6 Special joints, 162 Special three borehole problems, 273 Specific resistivity of rocks, 230 Sperry gyrocompass, 83, 220 295 Sperry-Sun apparatus, 220 Sperry-Sun Company’s model, 40 Spin of boring tools, 20 Spinning axis, 205 Spontaneous polarization, 223 Static electricity of rods, 19 Strata profiles, 9 Stratameter, Gothan’s, 64 Meine’s, 67 North German Company’s, 71 Thurmann’s, 70 Stratigraph, Foraky’s, 27 Jahr’s, 22 Lapp’s, 25 Strike of bedding, 248, 256 Strip films, 91, 157, 173, 177, 179, 183, 189, 221 Stiitzer, Dr. Otto, quoted, 1 Surface receivers, 169, 219 Survey of boreholes, instrumental, 46 Surwel gyroscopic clinograph, 220 Swedish clinometer-goniometer, 105 Switches, 190 borehole T “Take-up”’ motor, 213 Teleclinograph, 166, 171 Temperature measuring devices, 34 Thermal surveys, 34 Thermometers for boreholes, 35, 222 Thickness of beds, 256, 260 Thiele, P., cited, 33 Three-borehole problems, 269, 271 all slanting, 274 special cases, 273 Thurmann’s borehole model, 39 Thurmann’s borehole survey appara- tus, 162 Thurmann’s stratameter, 70 Time-travel curves, 244 Timing device, 200 Torque, 205, 206 Total depth problems, 252, 253 Transmitters, 171, 216 Transverse seismic waves, 235 True dip, 256 296 Two slanting boreholes, problem, 268 Two vertical boreholes, problem, 268 Types of surveys, 48 U Upham and Dixon’s gyrostatic ap- paratus, 85 Upstream boreholes, 250, 252 Upward deviation, 31 V Van Orstrand, C. E., cited, 36 Versine method, 277 Vertical borehole problems, 248 Vertical correction, 6 by alignment chart, 279 DEEP BOREHOLE SURVEYS AND PROBLEMS Vibrometer, 239 Vivian’s method, 57 WwW Wache’s plumbing device, 42 Walls of borehole photographed, hrs IEPA) Waves, electrical, 226 seismic, propagation of, 235, 243 Weak core barrels, 18 Wheatstone’s gyroscope, 204 White, E. E., cited, 108 Wire plumbing, 42 Wiring diagrams, 142, 145 Wolff’s apparatus, 59 Z Zenith angle and plane, 114 .) r aes. oh; te af ° a . * '* ‘ wd ® * % LJ J . % be « a * a. ‘ed Pry . * . : e ; * La * a ~ a > e oP at Po” of Po? * ait * DAI J ae ee Se ae s 3% 4 .