Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ————— ae ; oleae) He UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, EURSAU OF ENTOMOLCGY, WASHINGTON, D. ©. January 15, 1924. forest Entomology Brief 55. DEFOLIATION OF EVERGREDN TREES. 4 Leaf eating by caterpillars, similar insect larvae, and adult beeties is the most evident, frequensiy observed and often complained of form of insect attack cn shade and ornamental trees. Such insect work as it approaches the stripping of leaves from the whole tree or shrub, or a part, is frequently a sericus injury to evergreens. The defoliated part or the whole tree may die, or under more favorable Circumstances may only be stunted, but the vitality of evergreens stripped of their leaves is considerably impaired, even when they do not die, and they become attractive and easy prey for a number of other insect enemies. Evergreens attacked by leaf-eating insects should be sprayed with a lead arsenate solution as soon as the insects are observed, and it is important in view cf the menace of defoliation to evergreens that they be systematically examined at intervals in order to check any in- sect feeding work when it is beginning. some accessory methods, such as the collection and destruction ef coccons and egg masses. the burning of infested leaves or needles, and the cutting and burning of infested shoots, are available for use against certain species, Advice concerning the use of these methods can of course only be given when the insect attacking the tree is positively krowm as the result of an examination of specimens submitted, or, in rare instances, when descriptions given are sufficiently accurate for recognition. any of the accessory methoés suggested above when underlined are con- sidered advisable in combating the specios involved. WILGIAM MIDDLETOR , Specialist in Shade-Tree Insects. Approved: B. C. Craighead, ist in charge of Forest Insect Investigations. 7 2 eat hha 40 mid torr it: eS a ile es bP av Cai tak 1 a perineal a ie trie pie. ORR, ods sehen 20009 a Re) 1 a) awn *S bony. wh ae Ct guptosdas, focent oxide poattinge $2 eitvcle: he Relbysngyinast-s Teta kee a Se) aM boe Ct ooh tae Omni teas we ety wont ee ian sas Sida