é gaa Ae Macho gos ae ay 2 anit tormed into Naa aie ah: CoLuMBI at iaea PUBLICATION 37. Doster B Vou. I, No. 14. Ox bl a Laywo, sr 7 DESCRIPTION OF APPARENTLY NEW SPECIES AND SUB-SPRCLIES 5E45 OF wed MAMMALS FROM OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. BY Cr TO rs i Peokes CURATOR OF DEPARTMENT. Cuicaco, U. S. A. May 9g, 1899. fa J FreLp CoL_umMBIAN MuSEUM | PUBLICATION 37. ZOOLOGICAL SERIES. Voi? lt; Neva. DESCRIPTION OF Poke es ENE oN Wo STi Tis AND: SUB-SPECIES OF MAMMALS FROM OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. BY DinG. YS EEnom aR See CURATOR OF DEPARTMENT. Ciiesco. We oe As May 9, 1899. i ‘ fi ’ ' i ‘ i i . ’ § ‘ “ t q = - ' 7) ' } ‘3 ’ i ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 W! * ; iy ' , ' Y 5 DESCRIPTIONS OF APPARENTLY NEW SPECIES AND SUB- SPECIES OF MAMMALS FROM OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. BY De Gee EPLIOn WIR Stn. 1. Neotoma macropus surberi, subsp. nov. Type locality. Cation three miles west of Alva, Oklahoma Ter- ritory. Adult g. Collected February 20, 1899, by Thaddeus Surber. Characters. Similar to VV. macropus, and WV. m. canescens, but darker above, with a longer tail having the upper part almost black. Color. Entire upper parts of body, and forelegs, and flanks, iron gray, the hairs tipped with white. Top of head same color, but the cheeks a paler gray. Under parts white, hairs of chin, throat, breast and space between hind legs, white to the roots, those of remaining portion plumbeous at base. Hands and feet pure white to wrists and ankles. Tail long, above grayish black on basal third, almost pure black for remaining parts. Side& and under parts pure white. Ears slightly covered with brownish-black hairs, the bases hidden by tufts of iron-gray hairs. Whiskers long, black with a few white bristles intermingled. Cranial characters. The skull of the present sub-species is considerably larger than that of JV. micropus, even the female’s exceeding in size that of the male of that species. The inter- orbital space, however, is narrower, the palate longer, as is also the upper tooth row. The nasals also are longer and broader anteriorly. Zygomatic width much greater, and the zygomatic arch more square in outline posteriorly, the process of the squamosal projecting outward and then ata right angle forward. Measurements. Total length, 430 mm. Tail, 197. Hind foot, 43. Skull. Occipito-nasal, length, 50 mm. Basilar length of Hen- sel, .43. Greatest zygomatic breadth, 28. Greatest mastoid breadth, 20. Breadth across postorbital processes, 10. Least inter-orbital breadth, 6.5. Palatal length, 10. Length of nasals, 20. Upper tooth row along alveolus, 10. Height of coronoid 279 280 FIELD CoLumMBIAN MusEUM—ZOoo.Locy, VOL. I. process from angle,15. Greatest length of under jaw from outer edge of condyle to alveolus of incisors inside, 30. This handsome wood rat was procured by Mr. Surber in a rocky cafion a few miles from Alva in the northwestern part of Oklahoma Territory. It appears to be scarce, only three indi- viduals having been seen, two of which were secured. But as Mr. Surber is still working in the Territory it is hoped he may obtain additional specimens. JV. m. surberi is related to the WV. macropus and NV. m. canescens style of wood rat, but can readily be distinguished from both, by its larger size, much longer tail, and darker color. Not having any specimens of WV. m. canescens, I sent one of my specimens to Dr. Allen and it was compared with his type, and he states that swrder¢ is a darker gray with the upper surface of the tail much darker. His specimen was taken in May, the type of swrder¢ in February.