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ON gs a Siwosvvesse ove oo Se MLSs SOMES ES ve j wor tit On Ne eee wt vovw 4 gon ) YourLE Tt i e we wt SIDE cA _ 00 wo VSL Wess < Cees we ~S cw ceawwyeeennoynne wal TWA AA " \ 7 gh ve svupwusuevuyteerssoe' wv oh ~ ‘ ich * pda) ww Ais Vvuve A DAA ~ Ww Se a wees nace 2S ag < \% = ~ t - A . rn — | | DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ALCYONARIA COLLECTED PS BY THE U.S. FISHERIES STEAMER “ALBATROSS,” MAINLY IN JAPANESE WATERS, DURING 1906 BY CHARLES C. NUTTING Professor of Zoology, State University of Iowa No. 1923.—From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. 43, pages 1-104, with Plates 1-21 Published November 23, 1912 Washington Government Printing Office 1912 BY CHARLES C. NUTTING Professor of Zoology, State University of Iowa Vol. 43, pages 1-104, with Plates 1-21 Published November 23, 1912 cE NRE *e> Washington Government Printing Office 1912 DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ALCYONARIA COLLECTED BY THE U. 8S. FISHERIES STEAMER “ALBATROSS,” MAINLY IN JAPANESE WATERS, DURING 1906. By Cuartes C. Nutrine, Professor of Zoology, State University of Iowa. INTRODUCTION. But an insignificant proportion of the aleyonarian material col- lected by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross during her cruise in the Northwest Pacific during 1906 was secured outside of Japanese waters. Hence this paper is substantially a contribution to our knowledge of the Japanese Alcyonaria. The surprising richness of the marine fauna in the vicinity of Japan has long been recognized, and the extent of the collection of Aleyona- ria secured by the Albatross was, in some degree at least, anticipated, although the number of new forms is somewhat greater than might have been expected, especially in view of the number of excellent papers that have appeared in recent years treating of the Alcyonaria of those regions. A number of more or less extensive collections have made their way to European museums and have been reported on by various writers. Perhaps the most important of these collections was that made during 1904-5 by Dr. F. Doflein and reported on by Prof. W. Kiikenthal, who has discussed the Aleyonacea and Gorgonacea! in three masterly monographs, giving excellent discussions of these groups in general, as well as of the species collected by Doctor Doflein. The Pennatulacea are being reported on by Dr. H. Balss, who has given some preliminary descriptions in the Zoologischer Anzeiger for 1909. _A notable work, Primnoide von Japan, by K. Kinoshita, appeared in the Journal of the College of Science of the Imperial University of Tokyo, 1908. The descriptions and figures in this work are excellent, and proved an unusually efficient aid in identification of species in the progress of the present work. _ 1 Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Doflein, Japanische Alcyonaceen, 1906; Japanische Gorgoniden, Teil I, 1908; Teil II, 1909. PROCEEDINGS U. S. NATIONAL Museum, VoL. 43—No. 1923. 48702°—Proc.N.M.vol.43—12——1 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL, 43. Wright and Studer, in their report on the Aleyonaria of the Chal- lenger expedition, described a number of species from Japanese waters, and others have since been reported from that region. In view of these comprehensive monographs and other less pre- tentious papers, it would seem that the alcyonarian fauna of the Japanese region had been pretty thoroughly worked, and that further investigations of the same region would not be very profitable, at least:so far as the discovery of new forms is concerned. On the contrary, however, the collection secured by the Albatross is of ex- ceptional interest, adding many species, most of which are new, to the already extensive list from that region, as well as furnishing numerous items of interest concerning the geographical distribution of the group. 4 As a whole the Japanese Alcyonaria are more circumscribed in their distribution than one would consider likely, there beihg com- paratively few species found both in Japanese waters and other parts of the Western Pacific, as is well shown in comparing the lists of species in the present work with those found in the monographic reports on the aleyonarians of the Gulf of Manaar by Thomson and Henderson,! and the two bulky works which constitute the reports on the Alcyonaria secured by the Investigator in the Indian Ocean.? _ Such a comparison shows that the faunz of the Indian Ocean and of Japan are by no means intimately related, reminding one of the same condition of affairs found in the Caribbean Sea as compared with the adjacent waters of the North Atlantic. SYSTEMATIC SYNOPSIS OF ALCYONARIANS COLLECTED BY THE U. §. FISHERIES STEAMER “ALBATROSS” IN THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC DURING 1906. [The asterisk (*) indicates a new genus or species.] Order ALCYONACEA. Family CoRNULARIDE. Clavularia dispersa, C. sulcata,* C. eburnea, C. japonica.* Family NreratHyipa. Inthophytum roseum.* Dendronephthya splendens, D. acaulis, D. magnacantha,* D. nigripes,* D. oviformis.* Paraspongodes striata. Family ALcYonIDa. Alcyonium kiikenthah,* A. gracillimum. Mdalia rubra, N. gracilis.* Bellonella flava.* Anthomastus japonicus.* 1 Report on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, The Alcyonaria, 1905. 2 Thomson and Henderson, Report on the Alcyonarians collected by R. I. M.S. S. Investigator in the Indian Ocean. 1 The Aleyonaria of the Deep Sea, 1906; 2. (Thomson and Simpson) The Alcyonaria of the Littoral Zone, 1909. no. 1923. DHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 3 Family SIpHONOGORGIDA. Siphonogorgia splendens. oes Order PENNATULACEA. Family PENNATULIDA. Pitilosarcus brevicaulis.* Pennatula aculeata, P. sulcata, P. murrayi, P. pendula, P. naresi, P. longistyla,* P. rubescens,* P. brevipenna,* P. inermis.* Pieroides sagamiense. Halisceptrum gustavianum, H. cystiferum, H. album.* Family VIRGULARIDA. Virgularia, sp.? Balticina finmarchica, B. pacifica, B. californica. Halipteris christir. Family UMBELLULIDE. Umbellula magnifiora, U. carpenter, U. eloisa.* Family KopHoBELEMNONIDA, Kophobelemnon ferrugineum, K. hispidum.* Family ANTHOPTILIDA. Anthoptilum murrayi. Family EcHINopPTILip=. Echinoptilum macintosht. Family Proropriuipa. Protoptilum orientale.* Stachyptilum macleari. Trichoptilum spinosum.* Helicoptilum * rigidum.* Order GORGONACEA. Suborder HOLAXONTIA. Family CorysogorGIDaA. Lepidogorgia petersi. Chrysogorgia lata, C. flexilis, C. agassizii, C. dichotoma. Family PRIMNOIDA. Calyptrophora ijimai, C. japonica, C. kerberti. Stachyodes megalepis. Caligorgia flabellum, C. ventrilabrum, C. aspera. Plumarella spinosa, P. flabellata, P. carinata, P. spicata,* P. adherans.* Thouarella hilgendorfi, T. recta,* T. typica, T. striata, T. alternata.* Primnodendron* superbum.* Family Muriceipa. Acanthogorgia striata, A. fusca,* A. paradoxa.* Anthomuricea aberrans.* 5 Muriceides cylindrica,* M. nigra.* Muriceila reticulata,* M. abnormalis.* Thesea placoderma. Acis syuamata, A. spinifera.* 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL, 43. Sa a Pe cA Tk MENT SOU A REE ES ee Placogorgia japonica.* Villogorgia brunnea.* Elasmogorgia filiformis, E. ramosa.* Menella indica. Bebryce hicksont. Family PLEXAURIDA. Euplexaura pinnata. Family isipz. Acanella norman. Bathygorgia profunda. Ceratoisis paucispinosa, C. philippinensis. Melitodes dichotoma. Parisis fruticosa. Family Gor@onipza. Platycaulus danielssent. Leptogorgia beringt.* Callistephanus pacificus.* ‘ Family GoRGONELLIDA. Scirpearella gracilis, S. rubra. Suborder SCLERAXONIA. Family BriaREID&. Paragorgia nodosa, P. regalis.* The above list shows that the collection contains 102 species of Alcyonaria distributed among 54 genera belonging to 18 families. There are 40 new species and 2 new genera. The Muriceide includes the largest number of genera (11) and 17 species. The family con- taining the greatest number of species is the Primnoidz, with 18 species and 1 new genus. The genus represented by the largest number of species is Pen- natula, with 9 species, 4 of which are new, and this genus probably has the greatest geographical range. The 40 new species, constituting just about 39 per cent of the whole number, are pretty well distributed over the various families and genera of the order, although there is a proportionally greater number in the family Muriceide than in any other, 11 of the 17 species of this family bemg new. Of the 18 species of the Primnoidze but 5 are new. no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 5 Record of dredging stations at which Alcyonaria were secured during the northwest Pacific cruise of the ‘‘ Albatross” in 1906. 4894 4895 4918 4924 4934 Position. West pt. Yunaska Id., S. 37° E., 43.5 miles. Koniuji Id., S. 22.5° W., 27 miles. 54° 20’ 30’’ N.; 179° 09’ 30”’ E. 54° 30’ 40’ N.; 179° 14’ BE... 54° 30’ N.; 179° 17’ ....... 54° 30’ 30” N.; 179° 14’ E.... Semisopochnoi Id., r. t. 8. 45° W.,1.t.S.12° W., about 12 miles. 52°01" N.; 174° 39’ Bes... 5. 52° 14’ 30’ N.; 174° 13’ E.... East Cape, Attu Id., S. 18° W., 4 miles. North pt. Copper Id., N. 79° -, 8.5 miles. Cape Monati, Bering Id., N. 52° W., 8.75 miles. Cape Monati, Bering Id., N. 50° W., 8.2 miles. Torperkov Id., Hbr. of Nikolski, Bering Id., N. 58° E., 44 miles. Cape Tsiuka, S. 58° W., 10.3 miles. Cape Tsiuka, S. 61° W., 10.6 “Niigata Lt., S. 25° E., 21.5 Niigata Lt., S. 29° E., 18 miles. Tateisha Zaki Lt., S. 53° E., 8 miles. Saigo Misaki (Dogo Id.), S. 64° W.., 6.1 miles. Oki Shima, S. 29° W., 5.3 miles. Oki Shima, S. 70° W., 7.5 miles. Nomo Zaki, N. 57° E., 16.5 miles. Ose Saki Lt., N. 2° W., 10 miles. Ose Saki Lt., N. 29° E., 5.5 miles. Ose Saki Lt., N. 41° E., 5 miles. Ose Saki Lt., N. 42° E., 4.7 miles. Gwaja Shima, S. 38° EH, 34 miles, Nagada Saki, N. 8° E., 18 miles. Depth in fathoms. 1,217 1,766 764 244-237 426 344-372 43-33 71 135 106-95 95 95 361 159 miles. aoe Misaki Lt., N.77.5° E., | 152-103 Kind of bottom. Species of Aleyonaria. Fine black sand.......| Anthoptilum murrayi. No specimen.......... Pennatula aculeata, Bathygor- gia profunda. Green-brown mud: | Balticina pacifica. fine black sand. Gray sand; green mud.| Plumarella spinosa. Broken shells........- ? Plumarella spicata, ? Thoua- ; rella hilgendorfi. Greenish brown sand..| Paragorgia nodosa. Fine black gravel..... Thouarella striata, Primnoden- dron superbum. Gray mud; sand; peb- | Plumarella spicata, Leptogor- bles. gia beringi. Fine gray sand; peb- bles. Coarse pebbles........ Greensand =a 2. ces cee Shells; coarse gravel... Sand; shells; gravel. Dark green sand ...... coarse Fine gray sand.......- Brown-green mud.... Fine green sand; shells. Fine gray sand; broken shells. Dark gray sand; bro- ken shells. Gray sand; broken shells; pebbles. Green sand; broken shells; pebbles. Gray sand; Globiger- ina; broken shells. No specimen; rocky... Clavularia eburnea, Plumarella spinosa, Muriceides cylin- rica, Callistephanus pacifi- cus. Plumarelia flabellata, Muri- ceides nigra. Plumarella spinosa. Clavularia sulcata. Balticina pacifica. ? Helicoptilum rigidum. Nidalia rubra, Ptilosarcus brevicaulis. Piilosarcus brevicaulis, Halis- ceptrum gustavianum, Meli- todes dichotoma. Nidalia rubra, Siphonogorgia Spine, Pennatula long- istyla, Halisceptrum album. Elasmogorgia filiformis. Echinoptilum macintoshi. Piilosarcus brevicaulis, Pen- natula inermis, Haliscep- trum album. ? Dendronephthya acaulis, D. splendens. Clavularia japonica, Dendro- nephihya oviformis. Acanthogorgia paradoxa, Meli- todes dichotoma. Clavularia japonica, Dendro- nephthya splendens, Pluma- rella carinata, Muricella re- ticulata, Parisis fruticosa, Melitodes dichotoma, Scir- pearella gracilis, S. rubra. lavularia japonica, Bellonella flava, Siphonogorgia splen- dens, Chrysogorgia dichotoma, Plumarella adhzrans, P. carinata, Thouareila typica, Acanthogorgia paradoza, The- sea placoderma, EHuplexaura innata, Parisis Jruticosa. Plumareilla adherans, P. carie nata, Thouarella hilgendorfi, ? Muriceides cylindrica, Pa- risis fruticosa. Stachyodes megalepis. 2) Calyptrophora japonica. Siphonogorgia splendens, Pen- natula sulcata, P. murrayi, Thouarella hilgendorfi. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. a Record of dredging stations at wh cruise of the BBP HOS ela gOS RL Oa 2 Station number. 4935 4936 4946 4947 4948 4956 4958 4959 4960 4973 4975 4976 4977 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4990 4992 4998 5005 5006 5007 5015 5016 5026 5029 5031 5043 5047 5050 5054 5056 Position. Sata Misaki Lt., N. 58° E., 4.5 miles. Sata Misaki Lt., N. 21° E., 5.7 miles. Okiko Jima, N. 31° E., 4 miles. Okiko Jima, N. 17° E., 4.4 miles. O Shima Lt., N. 11° E., 12 miles. Mizunoko Shima Lt., N. 22° W., 33 miles. Mizimoko Shima Lt., N. 26° W., 29.3 miles. Mizimoko Shima Lt., N. 23° W.., 28.5 miles. Mizimoko Shima Lt., N. 19° W., 30.5 miles. Shio Misaki Lt., N. 82° E., 12.5 miles. Shio Misaki Lt., N. 49° E., 7 miles. Shio Misaki Lt., N. 59° E., 6.4 miles. Shio Misaki Lt., N. 65° E., 7 miles. Benkei Mizaki Lt., 8. 2° E., 12 miles. i Benkei Mizaki Lt., $.3° W., 15 miles. Kamoi Mizaki Lt.,N.17°H., 15.2 miles. Benkei Mizaki Lt.,N.35° E., 15 miles. Kamoi Mizaki Lt., N.76° E., 3.2 miles. AZo AN ING a0 580 Hyseeer oe 45° 24’ N.; 140° 49’ 10" B.... 47° 39’ 10” N.; 141° 31’ 40" B. 46° 04’ 40’ N.; 142° 27’ 30” B. 46° 04’ N.; 142° 29’ H.......- 46° 03’ N.; 142° 31’ E........ 46° 44’ N.; 144° 02’ E........- 46° 44’ 30’’ N.; 148° 45’ EH... 48° 36’ 10’’ N.; 145° 17’ 30" E.. 48° 22’ 30’’ N.; 145° 43’ 30’ E.. 44° 04’ N.; 145° 32’) E....... 42° 10' 20’’ N.; 142° 15’ 20’ E.. Kinka San Lt., N. 69.5° W., 11.6 miles. Kinka San Lt., N. 78° W., 25.7 miles. Omai Saki Lt., 8. 54° W., 29.5 miles. Ose Saki., N. 37° E., 5 miles. Depth in fathoms. 103 39 51 65 720 405 405-578 578 600 712-545 549-544 544 Kind of bottom. SPOMES tikes ceike ace Brown sand; broken shells; pebbles. Dark gray volcanic sand; broken shell; pebbles. Green-brown mud; fine ray sand; Forami- era. Brown mud; stones... Brown mud; pebbles; Foraminifera. Brown mud; small stones. Brown mud; finesand. Green mud..-.-....2-- Brown mud, fine gray sand. Green mud; fine gray sand. Brown mud; fine black sand; coral; rock. Green mud; black sand; gravel. Black sand; gravel.... Dark sand; gravel... .- Brown mud; fine black sand; coral; sand. Dark gray sand; broken shells; pebbles. Dark gray sand; broken shells; Foraminifera. 282 | Green mud; broken : pneu: Foraminifera. See Co eS ees ed La ich Alcyonaria were secured during the northwest Pacific “‘ Albatross’’ in 1906—Continued. “ Species of Aleyonaria. Dendronephthya splendens, Si- phonogorgia splendens, Stachyodes megalepis, Calyp- trophora japonica, Acantho- gorgia fusca, Placogorgia ja- ponica, Bebryce hicksont, Elas- mogorgiaramosa, Parisis fru- ticosa, Melitodes dichotoma. Dendronephthya magnacantha, D. splendens, Chrysogorgia dichotoma, Stachyodes mega- lepis, Caligorgia flabellum, C. aspera, Thowarella hilgen- dorfi, T. typica, Acanthogor- gia striata, Muricella reticu- — lata, Thesea placoderma, Acis squamata, A. spinifera, Pla- cogorgia japonica, Villogorgia brunnea, Parisis fruticosa. Nidalia gracilis. Virgularia, sp.? Pennatula brevipenna. Kophobelemnon hispidum, Acanella normani. Pennatula pendula. Pennatula penduia, Trichop- tilum spinosum. : Pennatula naresi. Pennatula naresi, Umbellula eloisa, A nthoptilum murrayi. Umbellula magnifiora, Helicop- tilum rigidum, Chrysogorgia flexilis. Anthomastus japonicus, Lep- idogorgia petersi. Kophobelemnon hispidum, He- licoptilum rigidum, Lepido- gorgia peterst. — Balticina finmarchica. Balticina californica, Halipter- is christit. Clavularia dispersa, Balticina pacifica. : Balticina californica. A nthomuricea aberrans. Kophobelemnon ferrugineum. Clavularia dispersa. Bailticina finmarchica. Alcyonium gracillimum. Alcyonium gracillimum. A lcyonium gracillimum. Halisceptrum cystiferum, .Um- bellula carpenter. Alcyonium kikenthali. Lithophytum roseum. Ceratoisis philippinensis. Balticina pacifico, . A nthomastus japonicus. Balticina finmarchica. A nthomastus japonicus. Protoptilum orientale. Pennatula sulcata, Protopti- lum orientale. VOL, 43. No. 1923. DEHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. fF; Record of dredging stations at which Aleyonaria were secured during the norihwest Pacific cruise of the ‘‘Albatross’’ in 1906—Continued. eee Position. Depth in) Kind of bottom. Species of Aleyonaria. 5070 | Ose Saki, 8. 8°. W.,1.8 miles. 108 | Mud; sand; broken | Dendronephthya magnacantha, shells. Caligorgia aspera, Pluma- rella adhzrans, Thoucrella hilgendorfi, Acanthogorgia paradoxa, Muricella abnor- malis, Placogorgia japonica, Melitodes dichotoma. 5071 | Ose Saki, S. 53.5° W., 2.6 BYMiBs coaneees (C2) SARs Dendronephthya acaulis, Para- miles. spongodes striata, Penna- tula_rubescens, Stachyptilum macleari, Menella indica. 5072 muna Eat Lt., S. 37° W., | 284-148). Gray: mud........--.. Pennatula inermis. -7 miles. 5074 pat ca IIS SiG as, Niven AUN sissies COs anes ate aes Dendronephthya nigripes. 4m 5079 | Omai Saki Lt., N. 29° H., 24 475-505 | Pebbles..............- ?Chrysogorgia lata, Calyptro- miles. phora ijimai, Thouarella al- ternata, T. recta, Paragor- gia regalis. 5080 | Omai Saki Lt., N. 23.5 E., 28 505 | Fine gray sand; Glo- | Umbellula carpenteri, Lepido- miles. bigerina. gorgia petersi, Chry ysogorgia agassiztt, Calypirophora 2dt- mai, Thouarella aliernata. 5083 | Omai Saki Lt., N. 23.5° E., 624 |..... GOs AER te Sees Ceratoisis paucispinosa. 34.5 miles. 5087 | Joka Sima Lt., S. 84.5° E., 614 | Green mud: .-....-.-- Calyptrophora ijimai. 14.8 miles. 5091 | Yoga Shima Lt., N. 15° W., 197 | Green mud; coarse | Chrysogorgia lata. 4.2 miles. black sand; pebbles. 5092 | Joga Sua LijNe Yew 70 | Coarse black sand.-..- Pennatula sulcata. 3.5 miles. : 5093 | Joga Shima Lt., N. 8° W., 5 BOM eases OhoR ri eree acres Calyptrophora kerberti, Thoua- miles. rella hilgendorfi. Jt appears that alcyonarians were secured from 75 stations during the cruise. The greatest yield was from station 4936, at a depth of 103 fathoms, where 16 species were secured; the next best haul being from station 4894, with a yield of 11 species. This last was almost equaled at station 4935, where 10 species were dredged. Other good hauls were from station 4893, where 8 species were secured; and station 5070, yielding 8 species. All of these extraordinarily suc- cessful hauls were from depths ranging from 95 to 108 fathoms, and all were in Japanese waters. The deepest haul was near Bering Island, where Felicoptilum rigidum, a species for which a new genus of sinnerrlte is described, was secured from a depth of 2,700 fathoms. At station 4766, near Koniuji Island, one of the Aleutian Group, in a depth of 1,766 fathoms Pennatula aculcata and Bathygorgia profunda were secured. At sta- tion 4765, Anthoptilum murrayi was dredged from 1,217 fathoms, and at station 4780, Plumarella spicata and “Pyaginne beringt from a depth of 1,046 fathoms. These were the four deepest hauls at. which Aleyonaria were obtained. Of the 6 species from these depths, 3 are pennatulids, and 3 belong to the Gorgonacea, while all belong to families of wide distribution in the deep seas. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL, 43. Geographical and bathymetrical distribution of Alcyonaria collected by the “ Albatross” in the northwest Pacific during 1906. [The asterisk (*) indicates a new species.] Bathymetrical distribu- Geographical distribution. tion (in fathoms). mn ek eontue $18 § 18 cop) rt fete [pei es eo | 3 BE é 5 S) Ses Name. ele|s .||.. Slee si/8\s|./3/21% |o8las Blole|8/s/2|8 lgs\se NG ee eS) slSlSle/ClS|s Fake [sis /Siss Blslsiaisleléle lexisl=l|slelele S ita | may ec | Bigs ie pes eo/P l/s] ] 8 a] sj] SOietls {32 o;}+ x Si/a\e See sj iS |¥|/ol18/s]ss Bb | Hi/8l|Hliom @ salolal|alo}]o Clavularia dispersd.....-+------------ (Cass SUIeGnte) 793 soe ooankonooeos|paoo|eecoi|Poca|sosclaas|ssocllaacelleSacliessaiass- Clavularia eburnea..-..--------------- Clavularia japonica *_.......---------- Lithophytum roseum *....------------ Dendronephthya splendens ....--- Dendronephthya acaulis....-.-. Dendronephthya magnacantha *...-...- Dendronephthya nigripes *.....---.-.- Dendronephthya oviformis *....---.-.- Paraspongodes striata. ..--.----------- Alcyonium kikenthali *....-.-.---.--- Alcyonium gracilimum..---.--------- DRUG TOUT oo soa ease aoaSHessso< INE TTS Hs 3 eas cee nose cones BELLO ELLUM LGN Mco oe eae a neen = aise Anthomasius japonicus *...-.-.-.----- Siphonogorgia splendens...-.--.--.---- a6 Ptilosarcus brevicaulis *.....--..-..--- + ; Pennatula aculeata.....---------------|---- SO Nam || Seeelleodelesoalpsise|ace: + f----}b] He] eR] ty st LEAN BUNCH AS SB eA bokesasoosoone celeselsonaeees|-seeleestieocsiesescuolesas +]+ 4) + |----]---- Pennatula murrayt....--------5-5-.-- rs tel ereseaes| boseeke St hy aes) ise) RO! sic ie] (apes We ec sgeeliscinc Pennatula pendula....-.----------.-.- te eee ea ese Be Brees eee pera ee soee)seel sas +] + d--.- IPCANEEULONTLONESte meee ince eieaiianieiae laa seer aero) RO Wea) [rel Laermer) evened (esses | Pe +] + |... Pennatula longistyla *......-..--.----- te Pennatula rubescens *....--.--.------- + Pennatula brevipenna*.....--.....--- + Pennatula inermis *......------------ + Pteroides sagamiense..----------- oe Haliscepirum gustavianum . .-.- 4) a Halisceptrum cystiferum ...-- -| + Halisceptrum album *.....-.---.--.--- + WORDS oso essobcosbocaossosse — Balticina finmarchica......------.-..-- oe Balticina pacifica....-.--.-.---------- a+ Bac NM CHLUfOTNICH.- =~ 2 mene we = + ETO M LCT IS CHTESUIL mia alnclcloate iain ainsi eee + Umbellula magniflora......-.-.-.-...- + Umbellula carpenteri.....-.-----..-..- aL Cnbeliailarelois mee erm cence oeeee cee + Kophobelemnon ferruginewm....-......| + Kophobelemnon hispidum *.....- ees + Anthoptilum murrayi...-.--------.--- ab Echinoptilum macintoshi.-.-...-....-- ab Protoptilum orientale *...-- en Racy ae Stachyptilum macleari........-.---.-.- + Trichoptilum spinosum *.......-.--..- + Helicoptilum rigidum *...-...--..-.--- + he. SE CICOGOTOLO PCLCT Sta ee ee eee eee + Chingy sogorgiaatdese ase ese ae sb Chiysagongiaileriis ee ene ee ae He {pes Chrysogorgia agassizit-...--.-.-222-5-_- ak Chrysogorgia dichotoma.-........-...... ae Caliyptrophond 1jIneiee eee ea eee =e ee Calypirophora japonica.......---.....- ak Calyptrophora kerberti.....-.-. Beet Stachyodes megalepis . -- te Caligorgia flabellum ... - ah Caligorgia ventrilabrum . . See oe Caligorgimasperd see eee eens + PUN CUOSDULOS Uae eenenar sence ae + Plumarella flabellata...........-----.- + PLUMOnEULG CORN ane eeeeene eee een + ELTON CLLG SIC hem eeie seer te | ae Plumarella adherans *......-.-....-.- + NO. 1923, DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 9 . Geographical and bathymeirical distribution of Alcyonaria collected by the ‘‘ Albatross’? in the northwest Pacific during 1906—Continued. Bathymetrical distribu- Geographical distribution. tion (in fathoms). : y oY} ‘ $|s EE mM = wo! = a0 oO 3 Cn N Sel ete aed ; 3 (48 aay glzla| |alS\. eee » Ss a | Sis Blolslalel2|@ lesee are Q |. =) dq 210 BIZ ev A eS lh So. |= els 2 /e(ClS|S ZRF leis isles SS! fer ee la leuee| Sila] Leela) |e Cs a mie ies = qd |} 28 @ se 2S) 8 SSS ee ica ee ee iS) SSE iy eae |S) 3 Sig | Plo/SI/SI/8/& eS |< = Sle i/Hloa 4 ese loaloajaslsnso Thouarella hilgendorfi.......----.----- + [?-+ OSS bee SN eR fH fb ]) sb) ae ak PAMOUMRCUOTECLE E -3). a\5b eese ete oes =~ Se css + PRROUAT EMG CY DICE oe sees see Bek + PMO TELLORGET OL @2 28 es cinelecice cies] <2 = Thouarella alternata *........-.-.-- easel] Se ieese Primnodendron superbum *........---|---- Acanthogorgia striata ....--..--.------- SE |loscel|aco- Acanthogorgia fusca *......-.-.-.----- ap |jese= Acanthogorgia paradozra *.........-..-- = Anthomuricea aberrans *.....-...----- se Muriceides cylindrica *.......-.-.-.-.- + MMU TMCCLUES NOTE fo <= 2 < J tinasee eons + Muricella reticulata *....-...--..-.-.- ar Muricella abnormalis *...-.-.....-.--- + RRCSEOMMIQCOOCTMNG 2. =---2 52-5222 + PALISISIIMOMOL Se cans see on cesses en + PRP SISPIMILIFET > tan bcc ce coe once snces Family MURICEIDA} Axis horny, unjointed, not surrounded by a regwar series of water- vascular canals. Calyces various, but never with apertures turned toward branch; a pseudo- ipeeans present, composed of 8 parts each of which is attached to a tentacle base and is usually com- posed of 3 spicules forming an acute-angled triangle; collaret present, composed of circular rows of spicules; coonenchyma usually bristling with spicules which are of exceedingly varied form. Genus ACANTHOGORGIA Gray (emended by Verrill and, later, by Nutting.) Calyces tubular, their walls with spicules arranged en chevron; margins with a crown of pomts composed of spicules with a distal thorny point and a proximal mass of tubercles or branched processes, the two parts being separated by a bend in the main shaft of the spicule. ACANTHOGORGIA STRIATA Nutting. Acanthogorgia striata Nuttinc, Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition, III, The Muriceide, 1910, p. 20. But a fragment of a branch 3.9 cm. long was secured by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross. The calyces are rather thickly emplanted on all sides of the branch, in no apparent order. The individual calyces are tubular, with a constriction at the distal end, 2.7 mm. high and 1.3 mm. in diameter. The margin is crowned with an indefinite number of sharp thorny points, usually in small bundles of 3 or 4, projecting 1 mm. above the margin. The calyx walls are distinctly striated longitudinally on account of the darker brown mesenteries showing through, and are furnished with 8 longitudinal bands of spicules very distinctly arranged en chevron. Inside of the crown of pomts are a number of similar points some of which lie along the dorsal surfaces of the infolded tentacles. Spicules: The crown spicules are all of the regular acanthogorgian type, about 1 mm. long, the distal portion smooth and the proximal part not very abruptly bent and tuberculated. The other spicules are small warty spindles with an occasional tuberculate form. Color: The colony is light-brown, and the calyces are longitudinally striated with 8 darker bands. 1 The definitions for the Muriceide and the genera included in it in the present work are condensed from the definitions given in the author’s Monograph on the Muriceidze of the Siboga Expedition, 1910. no. 1923. DHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 73 Locality —Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. Distribution.—The ee is North Celebes, 80 meters; also found by the Siboga Expedition in Banda Sea, 304 meters. ; ACANTHOGORGIA FUSCA, new species. Plate 10, figs. 1, la; plate 19, fig. 5. Colony flabellate in form, very dark in color, 12 cm. in height, and with a spread of 13 em. The stem is unbranched for 6.1 cm., above which two large branches are given off from each side and a stub on one side. The main branches are closely approximated, and each sends off several irregularly disposed lateral branches which sometimes fork, but usually remain simple. The calyces are very thickly distributed on all sides in indistinct whorls or spirals of 4 or 5, the distance between calyces being usually considerably less than 1 mm. The individual calyces are tubular with an abrupt constriction just - below the tentacle bases, 1.8 to 2 mm. in height and with a greatest - diameter of 1.2mm. There is a crown of conspicuous points projecting upward and outward from the margin, each point being formed by a single long sharp spicule projecting 1 mm. beyond the margin. The calyx walls are filled with long spindles arranged en chevron in 8 rows, their points projecting upward and outward from the walls. The distal parts of the walls are much lighter in color than the rest and seem to have smaller spicules, excepting those of the margin. Inside the crown are a number of similar thorny spindles bending over the tentacle bases and almost completely ae the latter when viewed from above. The spicules are all spindles. Those of the crown are of the regular acanthogorgian type, 1.7 mm. long, with a long, slender, smooth pointed distal part, and a much shorter, densely tuberculate (but not branched) proximal part which is bent at an angle with the distal part and immersed in the calyx wall. The other spicules are bent or curved, rather slender spindles with surfaces covered with not very closely crowded pointed tubercles. Color: The stem is dark brown, calyces umber-brown lightening on distal parts; crown and tentacular portions appearing white on account of the dense tuft of colorless spicules. Locality. Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N. 58° E., 4.5 miles; 103 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30051, U.S.N.M. 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43. ACANTHOGORGIA PARADOXA, new species. Plate 11, figs. 2, 2a; plate 20, fig..1. Colony (fragmentary) irregular, 5.5 cm. in height and with a spread of 2.8 cm. The main stem is but 9 mm.long. Immediately above the base it gives off 2 short stubs of branches, 1.8 cm. above this a forked lateral branch is produced, and about 6 mm. above this lat- ter is a branch bearing 2 laterals which are on opposite sides. The calyces are thickly emplanted on all sides of the stem and branches, there sometimes being irregular whorls of about 5, although no regular arrangement is discernible. The individual calyces are strictly columnar in shape and attain . a height of 3 mm. and a diameter of 1.3 mm. The margin is sur- rounded by a crown of spicules consisting of an irregular number of sharp points projecting upward and outward. Within the crown are a number of other similar points bending over the tentacle bases. The spiculation of the calyx walls is unique in the genus Acanthogorgia. Their surface is covered by a layer of vertical and parallel spindles many of which extend straight from base to crown, their proximal ends even bending and extending for some distance over the cceenen- chyma surrounding the calyces. Some of these spindles are nearly -3 mm. long. Inside of these and occasionally showing between them are a number of much smaller spindles which, at least near the distal ends of the calyces, show the en chevron arrangement character-_ istic of the genus. Spicules: The crown spicules are of the regular acanthogorgian type, attaining a length of nearly 3 mm. The proximal immersed por- tion is proportionally larger than in the last species and densely tuber- culate, and the distal part has a few distant points and is not so smooth as in the last. The spicules of the outer layer of the calyces and branches are coarse, short, often bent, densely tuberculate spindles sometimes 3 mm. long. * Besides these there are the much smaller spindles of the inner layer. Color: The whole colony is a rather light, clear tan-brown. Localities —Station 4890; Ose Saki Light, N. 2° W., 10 miles; 135 fathoms (type). Station 4894; Ose Saki Light, N. 41° E., 5 miles; 95 fathoms. Station 5070; Ose Saki, S. 8° W., 1.8 miles; 108 fathoms (fragment). Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30035, U.S.N.M. This form may need a new genus to include it; but as it substantially agrees with the definition given for Acanthogorgia, it is thought best to place it here. ro. 1923. DEHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 7 655 Genus ANTHOMURICBEA Wright and Studer. Calyces cylindrical, without a crown of points, walls with spindles arranged en chevron. Operculum conspicuous, 8-rayed, the basal part with small spindles en chevron. Spicules without ‘‘Stachelplatten.”’ ANTHOMURICEA ABERRANS, new species. Plate 13, figs. 3, 3a; plate 20, fig. 2. Colony flabellate, irregularly branching, 9.7 cm. high and with a spread of 8.5cm. This stem is 3.4 mm. in diameter, slightly com- pressed laterally. After sending off four minute lateral branches it forks about 1.2 cm. from its base, into two large branches, both of which send off several irregularly disposed lateral branches which subdivide in the same manner until in one case branching of the fifth order is produced. The ultimate branches are scraggly, some- thing like those of an oak tree. The calyces are often in lateral position, but are on all sides of the terminal parts of the colony. They are as much as 2 mm. apart on main stem and branches, and about 1 mm. apart on the twigs. The individual calyces are very low verruce, but not entirely included although they closely approach this condition when the polyp is in complete retraction. When partly expanded the calyx may even approach the form of a very short tube, or rather circular - band or collar, about 0.5 mm. in height and 1.5 mm. broad at base. The calyx walls are filled with simple spindles which are often curved. Some are bent and more or less horizontal, while others are oblique or even vertical. In a dried fragment where the polyp was fairly well expanded the upper part of the calyx wall was armed with spindles arranged plainly en chevron, as in Anthomuricea. The polyp is com- pletely retractile, but often rests with the collaret on the margin. The collaret is well marked but narrow, consisting usually of two or three circular rows of spindles.. The operculum is composed of the usual three spindles arranged in an acute-angled triangle, reenforced by others in varying numbers. Each of the long sides of the triangle is often composed of two curved spindles lying side by side, instead of a single one. Spicules: The spicules of the ceenenchyma are small warty spindles lying haphazard. All spicules in this species are rather slender spin- dles, often curved and covered moderately well with tubercles, seldom exceeding 1.3 mm. in length, being smaller than in other species of the genus. Color: The colony is gray; axis yellowish-brown with a faint golden luster. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43. i eA a EMO eA Locality Station 4987; Kamoi Misaki Light, N. 76° E., 3.2 miles; 59 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30037, U.S.N.M. This species differs from others in the genus in the calyces, which are not truly cylindrical, and in the tendency toward a definite en chevron arrangement in the calyx walls. Genus MURICEIDES Wright and Studer (emended by Nutting). Muriceides StupER-+ Clematissa STUDER. Calyces cylindrical or conical, their walls filled with vertically placed spindles, clubs, disks, tri-radiate forms, etc. No crown of points. Spicules on tentacle bases arranged en chevron. MURICEIDES CYLINDRICA, new species. Plate 11, figs. 1, la; plate 20, fig. 3. Colony straggling in habit, 15 cm. in height, soft and flexible, flat- tened at branch origins, giving off two ramified branches near its base which are at right angles to the other branches. These latter are on the same plane and are very irregularly disposed, there being 6 on one side and 3 on the other. The calyces are irregularly distrib- uted on the branches, but are ordinarily lateral in position although they are on all sides of the distal twigs. On an average they are about 2 mm. apart, although this varies greatly. The variation in size of individual calyces is also very great. They are tubular in form and are surmounted by the polyp head, which is relatively large. A typical calyx measures a little over 2 mm. to margin and is 1.7 mm. in diameter, and the mass of tentacles and operculum rises about 2 mm. above this. The walls are filled with rather small, short, much tuberculated spindles vertically arranged and ending in jagged, irregular, not conspicuous points around the margin. The polyps are apparently not retractile, all of them resting with the collaret above the margin. Collaret very strong, composed of several transverse rows of rather small spindles aggregated in a conspicuous band. The operculum is heavy, composed of numerous rather small spin- dles arranged en chevron on basal parts of tentacles and lying parallel in vertical bands on distal parts.’ These bands are broad and conspicuous, covering the entire dorsal surfaces of the tentacles. The ccenenchyma of stem and branches is covered with small, stout, warty spindles irregularly disposed, but more often longitudinally arranged. Spicules: These are all spindles, small for this family, those of calyx walls longer and relatively more slender than those of the coenen- no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. Te chyma, which are often terete forms, closely tuberculated. Small irregular spicules with expanded bases are sometimes seen. Very rarely they are branched. Color: The colony is dull yellowish-brown, and the spicules are colorless. . Localities Station 4781; lat. 52° 14’ 30’’ N.; long. 174° 13’ E.; 482 fathoms (type). % Station 4895; Ose Saki Light, N. 42° E., 4.7 miles; 95 fathoms. Ty pe-specumen.—Cat: No» 30046, U.S.N.M. In general appearance this species resembles the genus Anthogorgia, but differs notably from that genus in the arrangement of the oper- cular spindles and im the size of the spicules in general. A specimen from station 4895 appears to belong to this species, but the calyces are much smaller, as if shrunken. MURICEIDES NIGRA, new species. Plate 12, figs. 1, 1a; plate 20, fig. 4. Colony flabellate, resembling Muricea or Plexaura in general appear- ance, 17.5 cm. in height and with a spread of 9cm. The stem is short, and is 6.5 mm. in diameter. A branch is given off 1.7 mm. from its base, and this again branches, throwing off several lateral branchlets, some of which are again divided; 6.6 cm. from its base the stem again divides into two subequal parts each of which bears several lateral branchlets which are directed upward, as in Pleraura. The calyces are rather regularly distributed on all sides of the stem and branches without, however, showing any definite order. They are about 2 mm. apart on distal parts of the colony and more widely separated on the proximal parts. The individual calyces are tubular, a typical one measuring 3 mm. to its margin, and it has a diameter of 2mm. Many, however, are *much shorter. The walls are filled with quite small spindles, irregu- larly arranged, but with a strong tendency toward a vertical position. ‘The spicules are smaller than in UM. cylindrica. The polyps are only partially retractile, resting with their collarets above the margins. The collaret is well marked, with 2 to 4 rows of spicules encircling the polyp just below the tentacle bases. The operculum is dome-shaped, moderately high, composed of spicules arranged en chevron on tentacle bases, and others forming longitudinal bands of 3 or 4 spicules in width on the distal parts of the tentacles. The ccenenchyma bears small spindles arranged longitudinally. Spicules: These are mostly spindles which are minute for this family, rather closely tuberculated. There are also a few small, irreg- ular tuberculate forms. Color: The colony (in alcohol) is very dark brown, almost black. The black color is most unusual among the Gorgonacea. This may, 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou. 43, however, possibly be due to some action of the preservative or other chemical process. Locality.—Station 4784; East Cape, Attu Island, S. 18° W., 4 miles; 135 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30019, U.S.N.M. Genus MURICELLA (emended). Calyces in the form of verruce or truncated cones, spicules all spin- dles vertically arranged except on tentacle bases, where they are en chevron. Calyx margin often showing eight blunt points. MURICELLA RETICULATA, new species. Plate 14, figs. 1, la; plate 20, fig. de Colony flabellate and reticulate, 24 cm. in height and with a spread of 15.5cm. The main stem is straight for much of its length, giving off numerous but trregularly disposed lateral branches, laterally com- pressed except at basal portion, where it is round and 4 mm. in ~ diameter. On the branch-bearing part it is 5 by 3.5 mm. in section. The main branches are likewise compressed in the same manner, espe- cially in their proximal parts. Those on one side are alternating stubs and large branches which often again divide, usually in a pmnate . manner, the ultimate twigs often anastomosing with those of adjacent branches. Branchings of the fourth order are sometimes attained. The branches are about 5 cm. apart. The calyces are thickly dis- tributed on all sides of the branches, but are less abundant on the back of the colony and most abundant on distal parts of the twigs, where they are usually less than 1 mm. apart. The individual calyces are low cones or short tubes according to the state of retraction of the polyps. A typical calyx measures 1 mm. high to the collaret and is 1.3 mm. broad at the base; but they vary much in size. Their walls are covered with rather heavy warty spin- dles which often encircle the basal part, but may lie in almost any direction. On the distal parts the spindles are smaller, tending to be vertical, sometimes approaching an en chevron arrangement, forming blunt points which arise at regular intervals around the margin. Tentacles armed with strong socal which are arranged en chev proximally and are Ion fre ciel distally. Spicules: Besides the spindles in the calyx walls and polyps, there are two sorts found in the ceenenchyma: 1, very large, heavy tuber- culate spindles which are placed often at distant toma and some- times attain a length of 2.5 mm.; and 2, spindles of much smaller size, often lyig deeper on stem and branches, usually longitudinally disposed except where they encircle the calyx bases. Color: Colony deep chocolate-brown, silvered by the large colorless spicules. p's) ON OO eee, ee Se ae ee no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 79 Localities. —Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms (type). Station 4893; Ose Saki Light, N. 29° | ee miles; 106-95 fathoms. Ty pe-specomen.—Cat. No. 30045, U.S.N.M. This species bears a superficial resemblance to Versluysia ramosa (Thomson and Henderson); but the spiculation of calyces and ten- tacles shows it to be a Muricella. MURICELLA ABNORMALIS, new species. Plate 11, figs. 3, 3a; plate 20, fig. 6. Colony (incomplete) consisting of three simple, straight, cylindrical branches, joined at their bases. The largest is 7.3 cm. in length and has a diameter of 4.5 mm. The general aspect of the branch is not at all like the typical Muricella, but more like the genus Thesea. The spiculation, however, shows that it can not belong to the latter genus. The calyces are thickly distributed on all sides, being seldom more than 1.5 mm. apart and usually much closer. The individual calyces are short cylinders or truncated cones, a _ typical one measuring 2 mm. in height and 1.9 mm. in diameter. Their walls are filled with loosely embedded long slender spindles, much more delicate than is usual in this genus, vertically disposed in proximal parts and with their distal ends approximated in an en chevron arrangement in distal part. Some of these spindles reach from base to beyond the margin of the calyx. Margin with 8 tri- angular points, usually equidistant, formed by the distal ends of one or more of these spindles. The polyps are retractile, and their spiculation differs from most species of this genus. There is a distinct, strong collaret composed of two or more circular rows of long, often curved, spindles. The oper- - culum is composed mainly, if not exclusively, of three spindles which are so disposed as to form an acute-angled triangle pointing toward the center of the operculum. This is yuite different from other species in the genus. Spicules: These are all slender, often bent or curved spindles; some- times attaining a length of 2 mm., but much more slender than is usual in this genus. Their surface is covered with sharply pointed tubercles which are much more thickly distributed on the larger than on the smaller spindles. These spindles, especially when curved, closely resemble many found in the genus Acanthogorgia. Color: Very light yellowish or creamy-white. The axis is brown. Locality Station 5070; Ose Saki, S. 8° W., 1.8 miles; 108 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30093, U.S.N.M. It is with great hesitation that I place this species in the genus Muricella on account of the peculiar formation of the pseudo-oper- culum. Otherwise it goes into the genus easily enough. 1 Ceylon Pearl Oyster Reports, Supplementary Reports, No. XX, 1905, p. 301. 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43. Genus THESEA Duchassaing and Michelotti (modified by Nutting). Calyces verruciform, their walls filled with broad scale-like spindles armed with thorny processes on one side only, the opposite edge being tuberculate. Scales imbricating, the thorny processes being upper- most and overlapping the lower edges of other spicules. Heavy ordinary spindles are also present. THESEA PLACODERMA Nutting. Thesea placoderma Nurtine, Muriceide of the Siboga Expedition, 1910, p. 54. Colony flabellate, not reticulate, 7.3 ¢m. in height and with a spread of 4.6 cm. ia | The main stem is 2 mm. in diameter and gives off a few stubs of branches on one side and a number of simple twigs and two compound ‘branches on the other. Branches of the third order sometimes pro- duced. The distance between branches varies considerably, perhaps averaging 4to6mm. The calyces are mostly lateral, with a few on front and back, particularly on distal parts. They are ordinarily less than 1 mm. apart. The individual calyces are low verruce of variable height, usually not exceeding 1 mm., and about 1.3 mm. in diameter. Their walls are filled with heavy plates or spindles with their upper edges armed with a row of jagged teeth. These scales are imbricating, the teeth pointing upward and outward and surrounding the margin with an irregular series of points. The polyps are retracted to their collarets. The operculum is heavy, each flap being composed mainly of two long spindles with their proximal ends divaricated and their distal ends approximated to form a point near the center of the mass of infolded tentacles. Spicules: These are of the characteristic Thesea type, as described above. The ccenenchyma of stem and branches is covered with scale- like plates with irregular, often jagged, edges. Color: The axis is dark brown, and the general color of the colony is grayish-brown. Localities Station 4894; Ose Saki Light, N. 41° E., 5 miles; 95 fathoms. ‘Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. = The type-locality is in Flores Sea, Hast Indies, 73 meters. Genus ACIS Duchassaing and Michelotti (modified by Nutting). Colony branched, calyces varying in form, their walls and the ten- tacle bases with spindles not en chevron. Spicules of the cenenchyma very heavy spindles or plates, their edges often fitted as in mosaic. — ‘no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 81 ACIS SQUAMATA Nutting. © Acis squamata Nurtine, Muriceide of the Siboga Expedition, 1910, p. 42. Colony flabellate, very profusely branched, 6.2 cm. long and with a spread of 5.2cm. The base is lacking, the part preserved consisting of two main branches which anastomose distally, their basal parts being free. The larger branches are three in number, sending off numerous side branches some of which again divide until branches of the fourth order are produced. Side branches very closely approxi- mated, often not more than 1mm. apart. The calyces are all anterior or antero-lateral, mostly the latter, close set, less than 1 mm. apart and often contiguous. The individual calyces are variable in shape, being low verrucae, short tubes, or truncated cones. A typical one measures 1.7 mm. in height and 2 mm. in diameter. Their walls are armed with large squarish plates often in two, sometimes in three, series. The trans- verse diameter of these plates is usually longer than the vertical, and their free edges are thin and finely ctenate, the other edges being fitted together forming a complete covering. The free edges are usually rounded. The distal row looks like an operculum composed of a flattened scale for each tentacle, but dissection shows that the true operculum is under these and is composed of two comparatively slender spindles lying longitudinally along the dorsal surfaces of the tentacles. The ccenenchyma is covered with squarish or polygonal plates, their edges nicely fitted. Those on the anterior surface of the colony are much larger than the others, sometimes reaching a length of 4mm. Those on the back of the colony are small, squarish or polygonal plates averaging not more than 1 mm. in diameter. The spicules have already been described. They are the heaviest that the writer has seen in the Gorgonacea. Color: The axis is dark brown, and the polyps are dak umber- brown with a slight purplish se. The general surface is white, but the dusky color of the axis and polyps shows through somewhat, imparting a slightly bluish tinge. Locality Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. The type-locality is Dutch East Indies, near Saleyer Island, 400 meters. \ The U.S. Fisheries steamer Albatross specimens agree with the type except in the color of axis and polyps, which, in the type, are much lighter. This may be due partly to the fact that the Srdoga material has been longer preserved in alcohol than that secured by the Albatross. 48702°—Proc.N.M.vol.48—12——6 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. you. 43. ACIS SPINIFERA, new species. Plate 13, figs. 2, 2a; plate 21, fig. 1. Colony flabellate, straggling in habit, 9.6 cm. in height nl with a spread of 10 cm. The main stem is erect, slightly smuous, 2.5 mm. in diameter. The first branch arises 1.7 cm. from the renee. The branches are lateral and, for the most part, sub-opposite, 6 on one side and 7 on the other, about 9 mm. apart on the average, and 1.8 mm. in diameter. Some of them give off branchlets to the fourth order. The calyces are thickly emplanted on all sides of the stem and branches, often less than 1 mm. apart. The individual calyces are in the form of short cylinders or broadly truncated cones, a typical one measuring 2.4 mm. in height to top of spines and 2 mm. broad at base. The walls are covered with broad scale-like plates, usually broader than long, imbricating. Those of the lower row have free rounded margins which are finely ctenate and overlap the plates of the upper row. The marginal plates have — broad bases, the sides of which overlap and are suddenly narrowed distally into prominent spine-like points which surround the margin with a conspicuous crown of points which are somewhat spatulate and often project more than 1 mm. beyond the margin. Usually — there are but two rows of plates on each calyx wall, although the — edges of the plates of the surrounding ccenenchyma may extend — somewhat upward over the basal part of the calyx. The collaretis © well developed, consisting of two or more rows of transverse spicules. The operculum is regular, composed of three spindles forming an ~ acute angled triangle. There are two layers of spicules on the stem and branches. First, — an outer layer of heavy plates or scales, usually polygonal, of various ~ shapes and sizes, sometimes with edges nicely fitted; but the larger — ones often have the edges more or less imbricated, and are rarely as © large as the calyx spicules. Second, a very thin delicate of 4 minute rather sparsely distributed spindles. Spicules: Mostly polygonal plates of various shapes and sizes, the — largest usually curved to fit the calyx or branch, attaining a size of © 2.5 by 2mm. The spine scales of the margin are often 2 by 1 mm. © There are also spindles from the collaret and operculum, and minute ~ ones from the inner layer of the ccenenchyma. ] Color: The colony is tan-brown throughout, and the axis dark 7 golden-brown. q Locality.—Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 7 103 fathoms. 4 Ty pe-specimen.—Cat. No. 30088, U.S.N.M. pS Py cy > ti no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 83 This form resembles Acis spinosa Thomson and Simpson,! but _ differs in color, and has much larger spicules, according to the meas- | ~ urements given by these authors. Genus PLACOGORGIA Wright and Studer (emended by Nutting). Colony flabellate, sometimes reticulate; calyces low cones or ver- truce, their walls filled with imbricating disks or ‘‘Stachelplatten;”’ operculum composed of three spindles forming an acute-angled tri- angle in each opercular flap. PLACOGORGIA JAPONICA, new species. Plate 13, figs. 1, la; plate 21, fig. 2. Colony Gncomplete) 8.4 cm. long. Stem 6 mm. wide at base above which it forks into two very unequal main branches, the smaller of which forms the main part of the specimen. This again forks 1.6 em. from its origin, and but one of the resultant branches remains. _ Above this the stem is unbranched for 2.5 cm., when it again forks. The ultimate branchlets are 3 diameter. The calyces are dis- _ tributed on all sides, more thickly on the distal parts, forming clusters on the ends of the twigs, and sometimes being as much as 2.5 mm. apart on the proximal parts of the colony. The individual calyces are low, dome-like verruce, a typical one measuring 2.1 mm. in diameter at the base. The calyx walls are filled with spindles or long flattened plates of various forms and variously arranged. Sometimes these plates encircle the base and at others they are all vertical in position, looking like strong spindles. In other cases the plates are haphazard in position, the distal ones with a tendency to be vertical. These vertical spicules are often triangular plates with comparatively straight edges, their acute angles forming a series of irregular points around the margin. - The polyp is retractile, but often rests with the collaret just above the calyx margin. This (the collaret) is strong, composed of two or three rows of encircling spindles. The operculum is composed of three spindles forming an acute-angled triangle on each flap. The points of the triangles thus formed reach almost to the center of the mass of infolded tentacles. Spicules: These are mostly heavy plates with various contours, but never forked nor conspicuously branched. They are usually oblong, sometimes squarish, triangular, or roughly oval in outline, seldom exceeding 2 mm. in length, and have their corners rounded. There are a few small spindles. 1 Alcyonaria of the Indian Ocean, vol. 2, 1909, p. 77. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. you. 43. Color: The axis is brown proximally, lightening distally; colony in general apparently dark brown, but this seems to be accidental, as the spicules when wm situ are covered with black or dark-brown specks which do not appear in the cleaned spicules. The polyps are umber- brown. Localities. —Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N. 58° E., 4.5 miles; 103 fathoms. Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. Station 5070 (type); Ose Saki, S. 8° W., 1.8 miles; 108 fathoms. ; Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30096, U.S.N.M. This species approaches Muricella, on the one hand, in the strong spindles, and Acis in some of the plate-like spicules. It bears some ~ : resemblance to Acanthomuricea ramosa Thomson and Henderson.! This species, however, will go very well into the genus Placogorgia of authors. Genus VILLOGORGIA Duchassaing and Michelotti ee by Wright and Studer). Colony flabellate, often reticulate; coonenchyma thin; calyces short; cylinders with an operculum in which each flap is composed of three spindles arranged in an acute-angled triangle. Spicules mainly tri- radiate or quadriradiate forms, or ‘‘Stachelplatten.”’ | VILLOGORGIA BRUNNEA, new species. Plate 12, figs. 2, 2a; plate 21, fig. 3. Colony flabellate and reticulate, 5.8 em. high and with a spread of 4.9 cm. Main stem 2 mm. in diameter; 6 mm. from its base it forks into two subequal branches, offshoots of which anastomose. Branch- lets opposite and irregularly alternate, some of the distal ones again branching. The distance between branchlets averages about 5 mm. The calyces are mainly lateral, but some are on the front of the colony, irregularly alternate on antero-lateral surface, about 1:5 mm. apart. The individual calyces are in the form of short cylinders, a typical one measuring 1.3 mm. high to margin and 1.5 mm. broad. They are often more like broadly truncated cones. Their walls are filled with small triradiate and quadriradiate spicules, the points of which are inconspicuous but which are directed slightly upward and outward from the walls. There are no marginal points. The polyps usually rest with their collarets on the margin. Collarets well marked, con- sisting of two or more circular rows of spindles. Operculum formed mainly of three spindles in the usual position for this genus, forming an acute-angled triangle pointing toward the center of the dome- shaped tentacular mass. There are usually a few accessory spicules parallel with the others. 1 Aleyonaria of the Indian Ocean, vol. 1, 1906, p. 61. No. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 85 Spicules: These are mainly small triradiate and quadriradiate _ forms and butterfly shapes. Irregularly branched and radiate forms, with a few true spindles and a few clubs and daggers are found. Color: A rather lively yellowish-brown. Locality.—Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30098, U.S.N.M. Another specimen from the same station is characterized by much more prominent spicules, those on the calyx walls forming evident points. Genus ELASMOGORGIA Wright and Studer (emended). Colony simple or sparingly branched, very slender and flexible; calyces very low and distant verruce; spicules medium-sized spindles, not attaining the size of those in Muricella or Acis. ELASMOGORGIA FILIFORMIS Wright and Studer. Elasmogorgia filiformis Wricut and StupErR, Challenger Reporis, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 133. Colony an unbranched stem, very slender and flexible, 47 cm. long, diameter 1 mm. Although in places the calyces tend to be lateral and alternate, they are really on all sides of the stem, somewhat distant but irregularly spaced, being about 3 mm. apart. The individual calyces are low conical verruce, about 0.7 mm. high and with a basal diameter of about 1.8 mm., although this is hard to estimate because the calyx walls slope so insensibly into the general surface of the cenenchyma. The calyx walls are filled with small short spindles arranged transversely on lower parts and a few small ones vertically placed around the margin, their ends forming an inconspicuous circlet of points. The polyps are usually completely retracted and almost entirely concealed by the indrawn margins. Some of them, however, rest with the collaret on the margin. The collaret is well marked, consisting of two or more circular rows of spindles. The operculum is strong, each flap consisting of three spindles forming an acute-angled triangle, reenforced by others lying parallel to these, or disposed longitudinally on the distal parts of the tentacles. . The cenenchyma is filled with a compact layer of short stout spindles lying lengthwise of the stem. Spicules: These are all rather small spindles for this family, their surface covered with conspicuous verruce. Color: The colony is rather dark brown; axis almost black. Locality Station 4837; Tateisha Zaki Light, S. 53° E., 8 miles; 57 fathoms. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou. 48 Poe GSE eS Ae ee a a Tah toa. SS General distribution.—Type-locality, Arafura Sea, 28 fathoms. Reported by Nutting from California coast, 75-134 fhe and Dutch East Indies, 112 meters. ELASMOGORGIA RAMOSA, new species. Plate 15, figs. 2, 2a; plate 21, fig. 4. Colony subflabellate in form, 12.5 cm. in height and with a spread of 8.5 cm. Stem sinuous, 3.2 mm. in diameter, giving off irregularly disposed lateral branches at varying distances. Some of these latter branch until branchings of the fourth order are attained. The branches are slightly clavate at ends, with a distal diameter of 2.3mm.,andnearbaseof 1.7mm. The calyces are entirely immersed, so that merely the mouths are evident as oval openings in the general surface of the coonenchyma. The calyx walls are not differentiated from ccenenchyma and are covered with short terete spindles with ctenate edges, sometimes imbricating. The operculum is irregular with mostly longitudinal spicules; sometimes there is an approach to the regular arrangement of three forming an acute-angled triangle. The spicules are all spindles which are short, small for this family, and covered with verruce. Color: The colony is very light grayish-brown. Locality—Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N. 58° E., 4.5 mie 163 fathoms. Type-specimen.—Cat. No. 30043, U.S.N.M. The regular branching seems to be a character which is sufficient to constitute a new species. Genus MENELLA Gray (emended by Nutting). Colony sparingly branched; ccenenchyma thick; calyces included, elliptical in cross section. When the polyps are retracted there is a series of 8 soft lobes inside of the calyx margins. Spicules various, true spindles being rare. MENELLA INDICA Gray. (The original reference is not accessible to the writer, who identifies this species on the strength of the description given by Wright and Studer, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. LIv.) Colony an unbranched cylindrical stem, 29.5 cm. long, average diameter 1.8 mm., but the diameter near the clavate end is 2.1mm. Calyces distributed rather unevenly on all sides, the low verruce fading almost insensibly into the general surface and making it hard to determine their limits. Two mm. is a common distance from sum- mit tosummit. The individual calyces are almost entirely included, distinctly oval in section, less than 1 mm. in height. Diameters 1.3 ar 1923. DHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 87 Sides eee and 1.8mm. The calyx walls are studded with sharp, conspicuous points projecting upward, particularly evident around the margin, where they form a crown of numerous points. Similar projections give a bristling appearance to the entire cenenchyma. The polyps are completely retractile and are all sunken so that the operculum is considerably below the margin. The operculum is composed of delicate spindles, two of which are nearly parallel along the dorsum of each tentacle. Spicules: These are exceedingly varied in form. The most con- spicuous is a quadriradiate form consisting of a triradiate base from which a much larger, straight, comparatively smooth point arises. This is the form that furnishes the bristling points mentioned above. There are also triradiate and multiradiate forms, symmetrical and unsymmetrical, a few five-pointed stars and ordinary spindles. Color: The cclony is rather dark grayish-brown; the spicules colorless. Locality —Station 5071; Ose Saki Light, S. 53.5° W ., 2.6 miles; 57 | fathoms. General disiribution.—The type-locality is ‘‘india”’ (Gray). The U.S. Fisheries steamer Albatross specimen agrees well with the description given by Wright and Studer. The stem is very flexible, so that it can be tightly coiled without breaking, even after several years immersion in alcohol. Genus BEBRYCE Philippi (modified by KOlliker). Coenenchyma very thin, the outer layer filled with peculiar spicules which are shaped like a collar button and have usually frilled or scal- loped margins. They usually have a darker center and lighter mar- ginal area when in situ. BEBRYCE HICKSONI Thomson and Henderson. Bebryce hickson1 THomson and Seaaeaoe Ceylon Pearl Oyster Reports; Sup- plementary Reports, No. XX, 1905, p. 294. Colony flabellate, rudely pinnate, 10.2 cm. high and with a spread of about 9.4cem. The mainstem is straight and, like the main branches, is distinctly flattened, being 1.5mm.by2mm.insection. The branches are all lateral and in the same plane. One branch is compound and the others are simple on one side of the colony, and there are two compound branches and two short stubs on the other side. Branch- ings of the fourth order are produced, but there are no anastomoses and no terminal calyces. The calyces are almost all lateral in position, except near the distal ends of twigs, where they are on ali sides. Generally they are either alternate or opposite in arrangement. The individual calyces are conical or dome-shaped; a typical one measures 1.2 mm. in height and 2 mm. in diameter. Their walls are 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou. 43. filled with small round disks with darker centers and lighter edges. The polyps are retractile, with well-marked collarets consisting of usually three wavy bands of spicules, the convexities lying at the tentacle bases. The operculum is strong, composed of the usual three spindles forming an acute-angled triangle reenforced by other similar spindles, some of which lie along the dorsal surfaces of the tentacles. Spicules: These are of the characteristic ‘‘collar-button”’ type of this genus, the central stalk or pillar between the two expanded por- tions being rather longer than in other species, and the edges of the lower, or larger, disks being frilled. There are also a few slender, tuberculate, ane often curved spindles. Locality Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N. 58° K., 4.5 miles; 103 fathoms. General distribution.—Type-locality, Ceylon Seas; also reported from the Dutch East Indies (Nutting). Family PLEXAURID. Axis composed of lime salts and corneous matter, not in regular segments; calyces often included, found on all sides of the stem and branches; spicules various, often club-shaped; caenenchyma thick, with a regular series of large primary water-vascular canals arranged ‘around the axis cylinder. Genus EUPLEXAURA Verrill (emended). - Axis consisting of a horny core surrounded by a thick cylinder of horny material extensively impregnated with calcareous matter. Calyces rather large for this family. Spicules mostly short, warty spindles and small crosses. EUPLEXAURA PINNATA Wright and Studer. Euplexaura pinnata Wriaut and Stuper, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 144. Colony subflabellate, straggling in habit. Stem round, 4 mm. thick, unbranched for 4.8 cm. of its length. It then gives off a pair of opposite branches which attain branchings of the fourth order. Above this a number of lateral branches are given off, some opposite, some subopposite and some alternate; all rather distant, the distance varying from 1 cm. to 2.3cem. The branches are slightly clavate at their ends and have a diameter of about 2.5 mm. The ealyces are fairly regularly distributed on all sides of the stem and branches and are completely included in the coenenchyma, their oval openings alone indicating their presence aside from a slight tumidity around the margins. They are about 1.8 mm. from center to center. The polyps are completely rectractile. The tentacles bear longitudinally disposed curved spindles. en A ae ee ee a eS a ae. re ene a no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 89 _ Spicules: These are all small ovate or terete forms; densely tuber- culate clubs, double clubs and sometimes double wheels or collar- button forms, reminding one of the genus Bebryce, are also found. Color: The colony is grayish-brown. Locality.—Station 4894; Ose Saki Light, N. 41° E., 5 miles; 95 fathoms. Type-locality Kobe, Japan, 8 and 50 fathoms. The primary water-vascular canals are not easily made out, and this species is hard to differentiate from some Muriceidz, such as Bebryce. Family ISIDH Gray (modified by Wright and Studer). _ Axis composed of alternating calcareous and horny joints, both of which are amorphous. . Genus ACANELLA Gray (amended by Verrill). Branches arising from the short horny internodes of the axis. No external layer of scale-like spicules. ACANELLA NORMANI Verrill. Acanella normani VERRILL, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, vol. 16, 1878, p. 212. Colony erect, tree-like, 16 cm. high. The root bears heavy branch- ing calcareous processes. The stem with lower nodes shorter and the upper longer, dividing into three main branches about 3 cm. from its base. Each of these gives off usually two, sometimes three branchlets in verticils from its horny nodes. Branchings to the fourth order are attained. The ccenenchyma is thin. The polyps are uniserial and distant on proximal parts of the branches, none on the stem and larger branches, often about 4 mm. apart, sometimes opposite, more closely crowded on distal parts where the terminal ones are often in pairs and larger than the others, sometimes attaining a height of 4.5 mm. The calyces are variable in shape, sometimes cylindrical, sometimes almost obconical as if on pedicels. Their walls are armed with long sharp spindles, which often project far beyond the margin in eight points. Some of these spicules on the outer side of calyx are very large and strong, running the entire length of the calyx and attaining a length of 3.5mm. They are often curved and pass obliquely partly around the calyx walls. Their surfaces are covered with minute spinules, as described by Verrill. Color: The colony is ivory-white with a brownish cast. Polyps golden-brown. Locality—Station 4956; Mizunoko Shima Light, N. 22° W., 33 miles; 720 fathoms. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43, General distribution —Type-locality, Atlantic coast of North America, at considerable depths. Genus BATH YGORGIA Wright and Studer. Spicules of polyps and ccenenchyma bar-like forms with turgid rounded ends, often biclavate. BATHYGORGIA PROFUNDA Wright and Studer. Bathygorgia profunda Wricut and Sruprr, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 32. A fragment secured by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross — evidently belongs to this species. It is 11.4 em. long, and consists mainly of two stems or branches which seem to adhere throughout, a condition which is probably accidental or abnormal. The longest calcareous joint is 4.2 em. long. The horny joints are very short. The calyces are distant, unequally distributed on all sides of the stem or branch, and are spaced about 7 mm. apart. There ig a small branch given off from near the top of one of the calcareous joints, the polyps vary greatly in size, one of the largest being 4 mm. in height with a diameter of 1.5 mm., somewhat larger distally. There are a number of large, biclavate spicules or bars with enlarged ends. These bar-like forms are mostly longitudinal, but may be oblique on the basal part of the body. They seem to be stuck on to the surface of the ccenenchyma, and attain a length of 2mm. The upper part of calyx walls and bases of the tentacles bear smaller spicules of the same shape, usually longitudinal in position, but often criss-cross. The dorsal surface of the tentacle on median parts is covered with small bar-like spindles which are mainly transverse. Spicules: These are all bar-like forms, with turgid ends and surfaces irregularly striated and bearing minute points. The ccenenchyma is thin and contains numerous minute spicules of the same type. Color: Orange-brown, with the axis showing plainly through the ccenenchyma. The polyps are dark brown, silvered by the spicules. Locality —Station 4766; Koniuji Island, S. 22.5° W., 27 miles; 1,766 fathoms. Type-locality— Between Yokohama and the Sandwich Islands, 2,300 fathoms. . Genus CERATOISIS Wright. Calyces with a crown of needle-like spicules; axis simple or branched; cceenenchyma and often the calyces with oblong lenticular or oval scales with comparatively smooth surfaces. no. 1923. DHSCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 91 eS eT TST See ET CRS SLT SG Ta pn a ee a es s CERATOISIS PAUCISPINOSA Wright and Studer. Ceratoisis paucispinosa Wricut and Stuper, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 28. . A few fragments are ascribed to this species. The largest is a denuded axis 13 cm. long; longest joint, 2.4 em.; diameter, 1.6 mm. The horny joints are very short. Another fragment has a few polyps. The calyces are long and slender, curved basally so as to lie along the stem facing upward. Length to tip of spines, 6.5 mm; diameter at margin, 1.8 mm.; near base, 1.3 mm. There are a few remarkably long pointed spines lying vertically in the polyp walls, some of which have their points projecting beyond the margin, forming a very conspicuous crown of points. One of these spicules in 4.5 mm. long. Similar spicules lying loose in the bottle measure 5 mm. in length. The ccnenchyma of the stem contains a number of sparsely scattered comparatively minute bar-like spicules. Locality.—Station 5083; Omai Saki Light, N. 23.5° E., 34.5 miles; 624 fathoms. General distribution.—Type-locality, Hyalonema Grounds, off Japan, 345 fathoms; Hawaiian region (Nutting); Dutch East Indies (Nutting). CERATOISIS PHILIPPINENSIS Wright and Studer. Ceratoisis philippinesis Wricut and StupErR, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 27. A number of large fragments with the cenenchyma and calyces well preserved are included in the U.S. Fisheries steamer Albatross material. ‘This species breaks so easily at the internodes that it is unlikely that complete specimens will be secured by dredging. There is no evidence of branching, and it is likely that in life the species is a very beautiful rod-like form. The largest fragment is 13 cm. long and has a diameter of 1.7 em., including the calyces. One large node is 5.2 cm. long and 4 mm. in diameter, without the ceenenchyma. ‘The surface is smooth, with an appearance of longitudinal striation, and the axis is hollow except at the ends. The calyces are densely aggregated on all sides of the stem, not in definite verticils but in about ten very irregular longitudinal rows; and quite contiguous. The individual calyces have long cylindrical bodies tapering below into a thick pedicel. Sometimes they are as much as 1 em. high to the top of the mass of infolded tentacles. Around the margin there is a regular series of rod-like white spicules alternating with the eight tentacle bases, but not projecting appreciably beyond the tentacles. These spicules are sometimes 3 mm. long and are entirely rod-like in 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43. form. They have a thick coating of ceenenchyma when the polyps are well preserved. The tentacles have a few irregularly disposed, but mostly longitudinal, much smaller lenticular spicules on the dorsal surface. They often occur in two irregular longitudinal rows. The dorsal surfaces of the pinnules bear minute spicules. Color: The colcny is a bright orange-brown. The axis is white, with the horny nodes brown. Locality.—Station 5029; lat. 48° 22’ 30’’ N.; long. 145° 43’ 30” E.; 440 fathoms. _ General distribution.—Type-locality, off the Philippines, 82 fathoms; Dutch East Indies (Nutting). Section SCLERAXONIA, Axis composed of calcareous spicules which are either free or fused into a more or less solid mass. Family MELITODID. Axis composed of alternating horny and calcareous joints both of which have a sclerogorgic basis with free or fused spicules. Genus MELITODES Verrill. Colony branched and reticulate; coenenchyma with an outer layer of spiny spindles or half-sided spindles. Verruce rather prominent. MELITODES DICHOTOMA (Pallas). Isis dichotoma Patuas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 229. Colony flabellate in form, the base lacking, 11.3 cm. long and with a spread of 6 cm. The main stem is composed of short, alternating horny nodes and calcareous internodes, the former being more swollen. The unbranched portion of the stem is about 4 cm. long, S-shaped. The diameter of the nodes is about 5.5 mm. and of the internodes 3.8 mm. The branching is dichotomous as a rule, dividing sometimes until the sixth order of branchings are produced. The branches and branchlets gradually decrease in size. The horny nodes at bifurcations from 8.5mm. to 2.5mm.apart. There are a few anastomoses in the distal parts of the colony. The calyces are lateral, alternate or opposite as a rule, although they are not infrequently found on the front of the colony, often contiguous. The individual calyces are low, dome-shaped verruce usually about 1 mm. in height and 1.6 mm. in diameter at the base. Their walls are filled with spicules which appear like ctenate scales on superficial view, but are really red spindles which are often curved and irom the convex side of which heavy, sometimes branched, yo. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. aS tubercles arise. These convex edges are what look like ctenate and often imbricating scales on superficial view. There are also many terete spindles, clubs and other forms. The polyps are completely retractile, the collaret well developed. A pseudo-operculum much like that found in the Muriceide is formed by numerous white, often curved spindles arranged longitudinally on the dorsal surfaces of the tentacles and assuming an en chevron arrange- ment on their basal parts. The coenenchyma is thick, encrusted with spicules such as are found on the calyx walls. Color: The colony is brick red and the polyps colorless, in alcohol. Some of the fragments from station 4808 are pink, others white, others yellowish The pink ones have the polyp spicules yellow. Localities —Station 4808; Cape Tsiuka, S. 61° W., 10.6 miles; 47 fathoms. Station 4890; Ose Saki Light, N. 2° W., 10 miles; 135 fathoms. Station 4893; Ose Saki Light, N. 29° E., 5.5 miles; 106 fathoms. Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N. 58° E., 4.5 miles; 103 fathoms. Station 5070; Ose Saki, S. 8° W., 1.8 miles; 108 fathoms. General distribution —Type-locality ? (Pallas). Found by the Chal- - lenger in Torres Strait, and reported by Ridley from South Africa. Possibly an adequate amount of material and complete specimens would enable one to separate this species into definite groups; but with the material at hand this is impracticable. Genus PARISIS Verrill (emended by Studer.) Colony branched, the branches arising from the calcareous seg- ments; calyces prominent; spicules of irregular forms but consti- tuting a tesselated pavement on the surface of the coenenchyma. PARISIS FRUTICOSA Verrill. Parisis fruticosa VERRILL, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., vol. 1, 1864, p. Eva The specimens are fragmentary. The largest is a branch, flabellate in form, 6.4 cm. long and 2.8 mm. in diameter; 1.5 cm. from its basal end it gives off a large branch, from a calcareous internode, which forms the main part of the colony. The nodes are 5 to 6 mm. long, fluted and rough on surface. The branchlets are mostly broken off on one side, and on the opposite side there are 4 branches, one of which gives off lateral twigs. One of these twigs is forked distally. The other fragments show some anastomoses. The calyces are lateral, sometimes opposite, and often subopposite. They are about 2 mm. apart from summit to summit, conical in shape, a typical one being 1.3 mm. high and 2 mm. broad at base. The calyx walls are covered with a mosaic-like pavement of polygonal or irrecular spicules, and similar ones cover the ceenenchyma. The speci- mens are covered with erect, minute. needle-like sponge spicules, as 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou.43. hc SE AC aR SRNL SSN Sea as described by Wright and Studer. The polyps are entirely retracted, the calyx walls meeting at the point of the cone. The tentacles are destitute of spicules. There are often two large ova or planule in the basal part of the calycular cavity. Spicules: These are rather irregular disks than spindles, with an oval outline, and coarsely tuberculate throughout. Sometimes they are thickly branched and have an irregular outline. Color: The colony is light yellow or creamy-white. The internodes are brownish. Localities Station 4893; Ose Saki Light, N. 29° E., 5.5 miles; 106-95 fathoms. Station 4894; Ose Saki Light, N.41° H., 5 miles; 95 fathoms. Station 4895; Ose Saki Light, N. 42° E., 4.7 miles; 95 fathoms. Station 4935; Sata Misaki Light, N.58° E., 4.5 miles; 103 fathoms. Station 4936; Sata Misaki Light, N. 21° E., 5.7 miles; 103 fathoms. . General distribution —Type-locality, Sulu Sea; ?Mauritius (Ridley) ; off Kei Islands, 103 fathoms (Wright and Studer). Family GORGONIDA. Colony branched, usually flabellate; axis usually horny, not jointed ; calyces lateral; spicules usually in the form of spindles; stem and _ branches often flattened. Genus PLATYCAULUS Wright and Studer. Axis with a calcareous center; calyces prominent; spicules spiny spindles and stellate forms. ‘ PLATYCAULUS DANIELSSENI Wright and Studer. Platycaulus danielsseni Wricut and StupER, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 147. Colony roughly flabellate, profusely branched; the branches, but not the axis, flattened. The axis does not show the calcareous center described by Wright and Studer. Length 19.5 cm., spread about 18 em. The stem and proximal parts of main branches are not flattened, although the lateral position of the calyces gives the appearance of a flattening of the branches. The stem is 4.5 mm. in diameter and forks 1.8 cm. fromits base. One of the resultant branches is irregularly branched, approaching a pinnate manner of branching, giving off two short simple branchlets and two compound branchlets on one side and three simple branchlets on the other. The other main branch is very profuse and complex in its branching, some of its branchlets being turned down and bound together by parasitic ophiurans. The branches are all lateral and mainly pinnate in their branchings, the side branchlets being lateral and irregular but usually given off at right angles. Branchings of the “No. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 95 fourth order produced. There are many parasitic ophiurans and anemones on the colony. The calyces are usually lateral in position, but there are a few on the front of some of the ultimate twigs. They vary greatly in their relative position and in the distance between them. The distal branches are distinctly flattened; but the axis is round and very slender, the flattened appearance of the branches being due to the thickening of the cenenchyma between the lateral calyces. The calyces are in the shape of domes or short tubes according to the state of contraction of the polyps. Their walls are filled with small spindles and stellate forms, and the region near the margin bears a number of dark red, comparatively heavy, bar-like forms trans- versely placed. These are continued over the bases of the tentacles and the tentacles themselves, being here longitudinal in position and packing the whole dorsal surfaces of the infolded tentacles. The coenenchyma contains very numerous terete spindles with regular whorls of tubercles and also double crosses, crosses, and minute stellate forms packed in several layers. A cross section of the stem shows a series of well-marked nutrient canals such as are seen in the Plexauride, to which this genus is closely allied. Besides the spicules already described, there are numerous club- _ shaped forms. The specimen is exceedingly friable, and fell to pieces in handling. It had been preserved in formalin, and it is barely possible that this had dissolved the calcareous portion of the axis. Color: The colony is dark red. The spicules are red by reflected light, the bar-like forms being darker, almost crimson and yellowish by transmitted light, which may account for the ‘‘amber color” of the original description. Locality—The label for this specimen is lost. Type-locality— Banda, East Indies. Genus LEPTOGORGIA Milne Edwards and Haime (emended by Verrill). » Colony flabellate and reticulate; branches flattened and grooved by the water-vascular canals; spicules minute double spindles. LEPTOGORGIA BERINGI, new species. Plate 16, figs. 1, la; plate 21, fig. 5. Colony flabellate, much branched, 7.9 cm. high and 7.2 cm. broad, base missing. The stem is 2 mm. in diameter, very slightly flattened. The axis is entirely horny. The stem branches 1.8 cm. from its base into four main branches, three of which are large, subequal and irreg- ularly branched, producing branchings of the fifth order. The fourth 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. you. 43, main branch is anterior and gives off a number of lateral branchlets which are unequally distributed, being from 4 to 25 mm. apart. The calyces are very prominent and are mainly lateral but often anterior in position; but the back of the colony is bare. The calyces average about 2 mm. apart. The individual calyces are tubular in form. A typical one meas- ures 2.5 mm. to the top of the infolded tentacles, and 1.3 mm. in diam- eter. Its walls are filled with small fusiform spindles, closely packed, with no definite arrangement. Toward the margin there is a ten- dency to form eight broad shallow longitudinal folds, extending upward over the bases of the tentacles and forming a thick crest on their dorsal surfaces and eight lobes to the calyx margin. The distal parts of the tentacles are completely hidden and bear few if any spicules. _ The spicules are very small short terete spindles, densely tubercu- late, the tubercles forming regular whorls around the body of the spicule. Sometimes there is a girdle without tubercles around the center, forming double spindles or double heads. The ccenenchyma of the stem and branches is packed with similar spindles, usually longitudinal in position. Color: The colony is very light yellowish, almost cream color. The axis is dark brown proximally, lightening distally. Locality —Station 4780; lat. 52° 01’ N.; long. 174° 39’ H.; 1,046 fathoms. Ty pe-specimen. —Cat. No. 30044, U.S.N.M. This species seems to be a Leptogorgia according to the definition given by Verrill, but has longer and more prominent calyces than any other species of the genus of which I can find description. Genus CALLISTEPHANUS Wright and Studer. Colony feebly branched; axis horny and calcareous; calyces dome- shaped; ceenenchyma thick; spicules spiny spindles, clubs and half- sided warty clubs. CALLISTEPHANUS PACIFICUS, new species. Plate 14, figs. 2, 2a; plate 21, fig. 6. Colony flabellate in form, 7.3 cm. high and 6.4 cm. broad, diameter of stem 1.8 mm.; 1.4 cm. above its base the main stem produces two opposite branches, projecting at right angles, but afterwards bent upward. One of these is unbranched and the other bears three branchlets on one side; 1.1 cm. above these the stem bends suddenly, giving off from its convex side another branch; 4 mm. above this it bears a large branch, then an opposite pair and a simple branch on one side. The distance between branches varies from 4 to 11 mm. : no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 97 The calyces are lateral, sometimes alternate and sometimes opposite, and about 3 to 4 mm. apart from summit to summit. The axis effervesces slightly in acid, but has no definite calcareous center. | _ The individual calyces are conical in shape, sometimes tubular. A typical one measures 1.2 mm. in height and 2.2mm.indiameter. The calyx walls are filled with irregularly placed small spindles, giving a granular appearance. The polyps are retractile, but often rest with the collaret on the calyx margin, and the tentacles are held in a verti- cal position, except their tips, making a subcylindrical mass with 8 corrugations. The collaret consists of several rows of rather small warty spindles. The tentacles are armed with numerous similar spindles arranged en chevron basally and in several longitudinal rows distally. The coenenchyma of stem and branches is filled with spicules simi- lar to those in the calyx walls, with occasional stout, blunt-ended, bar-like forms irregularly placed. Spicules: These are exceedingly varied in form. There are regular _ warty spindles, small double spindles, radiate forms, clubs, etc., be- sides the very peculiar bar-like forms mentioned above. These are thicker and denser than the others, and more deeply colored, being an intense crimson while the others are nearer brick red or scarlet, 3 mm. long. Color: The colony is light crimson in color, axis dark brown. Locality —Station 4781; lat. 52° 14’ 30’’ N.; long. 174° 13’ E.; 482 fathoms. Ty pe-specomen.—Cat. No. 30024, U.S.N.M. This species, although bearing a very close resemblance to Cal- listephanus korent Wright and Studer, differs materially in its spicules, particularly in the bar-like forms which are quite abundant and char- acteristic. Geographical considerations render it unlikely that the two are identical. Family GORGONELLIDA. Axis consisting of a homogeneous calcareous structure or of a cal- - eareous core, not jointed, often fluted by the impressions of the water- _ vascular canals. Spicules usually girdled forms such as double heads, stars, and double clubs. Genus SCIRPEARELLA Wright and Studer. Gorgonellidz which are simple or branched, not reticulate; calyces in spirals or oblique rows in adult specimens, lateral in young colonies, rather prominent; ccoenenchyma rather thick, with spiny spindles and double heads. 48702°—Proc.N.M.vol.48—12——7 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. VOL. 43. SCIRPEARELLA GRACILIS Wright and Studer. Scirpearella gracilis Wricut and STUDER, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 156. : : Colony incomplete, unbranched. Axis stony, round, 1.9 mm. in diameter. The specimen is 29 cm. long, with a basal diameter of 3 mm. and a distal diameter of 2 mm. The calyces are in four rows or two pairs of rows, those of each row of a pair alternating with those of the other row of that pair. Indi-— vidual calyces low conical verrucee with the point inclined toward distal end of the colony, 0.9 mm. in diameter at base and 1 mm. high. The walls are filled with minute spicules most of which are warty double heads. The polyps are retractile, and the dorsal surface of the ten- tacles is packed with small well tuberculated spindles longitudinally arranged. The spicules are all small, most of them being densely tuberculate double heads or spiny spindles with a distinct depression around the middle. There are also a number of small crosses and a very few minute ordinary spindles. Color: The colony is very light grayish with a pinkish tinge. Locality Station 4893; OseSaki Light, N.29° E., 5.5 miles; 106-95 fathoms. General distribution.—The type-locality is off the New Hebrides, 130” fathoms. The species is also widely distributed in the Indian Ocean, Dutch East Indies, etc. SCIRPEARELLA RUBRA Wright and Studer. Scirpearella rubra Wricut and StupER, Challenger Reports, the Alcyonaria, 1889, p. 107. A single fragment 13.2 cm. long was secured. The calyces are more nearly tubular than in the last species, nearly 2 mm. high and 1.8 mm. wide at base. The margin shows 8 shallow lobes or corrugations. The spicules are much as in the last species, but the girdle around their middle is less conspicuous and often obliterated. A few of the polyps are much larger than the others, sometimes measuring 2.5 mm. high and 3.7 mm. in diameter at the base. On one of these being opened the body cavity was seen to be filled with an oval mass whose nature was not ascertained. Locality. —Station 4893; Ose Saki Light, N. 29° E., 5.5 miles; 106-95 fathoms. General distribution—The type-locality is on the Hyalonema Grounds, off Japan, 345 fathoms. It is also found in the Dutch Hast Indies (Nutting). Suborder SCLERAXONIA. Gorgonacea with an axis cylinder composed of calcareous spicules, fused or free, immersed in a more or less fleshy matrix. ee ee es no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 99 Family BRIAREIDA. Scleraxonia with a pseudo-axis composed of closely packed spicules which are not fused. Genus PARAGORGIA. Colony upright, branched; axis with large water-vascular canals; siphonozooids present. PARAGORGIA NODOSA Koren and Danielssen. Paragorgia nodosa Korun and Danreussen, Nye Gorgonider og Pennatulider tilhorende Norges Fauna, 1883, p. 18. Colony consisting of a thick stem with short, simple clavate branches, 17 cm. long, 9 mm. in diameter at base. The stem is strongly archea throughout so that its distal end points downward, perhaps on account of being forced into a small bottle. The stem gives off a number of branches from all sides, some of which are merely irregular nodules seated immediately on the stem, and others are clavate branches. One of these is 3.4 cm. long, 4 mm. in diameter near its base, and 14 mm. across the thickest part of the nodulated, club-shaped distal end. These end sweilings are sometimes more like rude nodulated spheres than clavate in form, and at times such spheres are seated directly on the stem without evident pedicels. Nearly all of the polyps are situated on these nodulated portions. In one case there are about 18 calyces situated on one of these spher- ical terminations of a branch. The calyces are about 6.5 mm. apart, from opening to opening. Occasionally a polyp is seated on a main stem or branch, where it may be the beginning of a new branch. The individual calyces are low verruce with 8-lobed margins, about 3 mm. in height and 6 mm. in diameter at the base. Small polyps appear in the spaces between the larger ones. The polyps are completely retractile, and in retraction the tip of the infolded ten- tacles are far below the calyx margin, the latter itself bemg involuted during the compiete retraction of the polyp. The tentacles bear longitudinal spindles. The zooids are minute, and their external openings so tightly closed in alcoholic material as to be invisible. On dissection they can be seen in considerable numbers just beneath the surface. They appear to have but a single mesentery. A,cross section of a branch shows the undifferentiated axis-to be composed almost entirely of an aggregation of small spindles tray- ersed by large and conspicuous longitudinal canals of the water- vascular system. Spicules: These are mostly rather small irregular tuberculate spindles, and a few irregular minute double-heads, crosses, etc. The spicules in the pseudo-axis are mostly white in color. 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou. 43. Color: The colony is a light red, tending toward a salmon color. The polyps are yellow, with red spicules. Locality.—Station 4772; lat. 54° 30’ 30’ N.; long. 179° 14’ E.; 344-372 fathoms. General distribution—The type was from Norwegian waters, 300 fathoms. PARAGORGIA REGALIS, new species. Plate 15, figs. 1, la; plate 21, fig. 7. Two large specimens of this superb species were secured, but they are so friable that it is impossible to remove them without much breakage from the narrow-necked jar in which they were preserved. The largest specimen is about 30 cm. in height, rudely flabellate in form. The main stem is round and about 1.2 cm. in diameter. The axis is composed mainly of closely packed spindles and is tray- ersed by numerous water-vascular canals. There are two lateral stubs of branches on the lower part of the main stem. Above these the stem forks, and at the base of one of the resultant branches a small furcate branch is given off. Hach of the main branches gives off several small laterals, and these again fork, and this mode of branching continues until the ultimate branches are produced. All of the branches and twigs are round, nodulated in places and terminate in rounded knobs. A typical end knob is 5.5 mm. in diameter, while the twig supporting it is but 2 mm. across. Branchings up to the so order are produced. The calyces are inserted on three sides of the branches, nodules and terminal swellings, being more thickly implanted on the distal parts of the colony, lacking on stem and larger branches and seldom seen on the backs of the branches except on the terminal swellings. The individual calyces are almost entirely included, being indicated merely by slight swellings around their openings. The margins are divided into 8 distinct lobes. Young polyps are scattered among the larger ones and are of all sizes up to the maximum. The largest verruce are about 2 mm. in diameter, and some of the smallest are hard to discriminate from zooids. The calyx walls are packed with small terete spindles, as is the general surface of the ccenen- chyma. Thepolyps are completely retractile. The upper parts of the polyp bodies are armed with 8 longitudinal bands of smail red spindles, very short and stout and longitudinally arranged. These bands broaden at the tentacle bases and pass on, up the dorsal sur- faces of the tentacles, where they are usually transversely plated, but may lie in any direction. The smaller or rudimentary polyps so intergrade with zooids, if the latter are present, that it is hard to determine which is which. Possibly the zooids are lacking altogether. SS nT RS SO OE ee Ce te e iE 5° } 4 g x no.1928. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 101 ' Spicules: These are mostly small, rather slender and straight, irregularly tuberculate spindles. There are a few minute double heads, crosses, etc. The spindles are rather larger and more slender, especially those of the axis, than in P. nodosa. Those of the axis are usually white or colorless. Color: The’colony is a light, clear, brick-red, which fades to nearly white at the base of the main stem. Locality—The type and one other specimen were found at sta- tion 5079; Omai Saki Light, N. 29° E., 24 miles; 475-505 fathoms. Type-specimen. —Cat. No. 30018, U. S, N.M. This is a very well marked species, with much smaller calyces and less well differentiated zooids than the last. Its size is far beyond the maximum of the type of the genus, P. nodosa, and both the nodules and individual calyces are much less prominent. LITERATURE CITED. Bauss, H. Ueber Pennatuliden des Miinchen Museums, Sonderabdruck aus dem Zoologischen Anzeiger, vol. 34, Nos. 13-14, June, 1909. Brunpin, A. Alcyonarien aus der Sammlung des zoologischen Museums in Upsala, Bihang til Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar, vol. 22, Afd.4, No.3. Stockholm, 1896. Danretssen, D. C. Forbandl. Vidensk.-Selsk., Christiania, 1858. Husrecat, A. A. On a new Pennatulid from the Japanese Sea, Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1885. JiincEeRsEN, H. F. E. The Danish Ingolf Expedition, I, the Bore ides 1904. Kinosuita, K. Primnoidz von Japan, Journal of the Cates of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, vol. 23, article 12, Tokyo, 1908. On some Muriceid Corals belonging to the Genera Filigella and Acis, Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, vol. 27, article 7, - Tokyo, 1909. K6éuuiker, A. von. Anatomisch-Systematische Beschreibung der Alcyonaria. Die Pennatuliden, 1872. ; Report on the Pennatulida dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876, Challenger Reports, Zoology, vol. 1, pt. 2, 1880. Koren, J. and Danietssen, D.C. Nyt Neen for Toten vol. 5, 1848. Nye Gorgonider og Pennatulider tilhorende Norges Fauna, 1883. KitxentHat, W. Alcyonaceen von Ternate, Abhandl. der Senckenb. naturforsch. Gesellschaft, vol. 23, Heft I, 1896. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonarien, II, Die Familie der Nephthyiden, Teil I, Zool. Jahrbticher, Abth. fiir Syst. Geographie und Biologie der Thiere, vol. 19, 1903. (Same publication as above), Teil II, 1905. Japanische Alcyonaceen; Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte Ostasiens, Heraus- gegeben von Dr. F. Doflein. Einleitung von Dr. F. Doflein. Miinchen, 1906. und GorzAwsky, H. Japanische Gorgoniden (same publication as above), Teil I, Die Familien der Primnoiden, Muriceiden und Acanthogorgiiden. 1908. Japanische Gorgoniden (same publication as above), Teil II, Die Familien der Plexauriden, Chrysogorgiiden und Melitodiden. 1909. Diagnosen Neuer Japanischen Gorgoniden. Reise Doflein, 1904 (5). Zool. Anz., vol. 32, Nos. 20-21, 1908. 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vou. 43. Ti ek aS ES EO oti) VI SO Nurtine, ©. C. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands in 1902, Proceedings of the U. 8. National Museum, vol. 34, 1908, pp. 543-601. Alcyonarians of the Californian Coast, Eneeee ines of the U. S. National Museum, vol. 35, 1909, pp. 681-727. Gorgonacea a the Siboga Expedition, III, the Muriceidz. Leiden, 1910. Pautas, A.S. Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766. Sruper, Tu. Ubersicht der Anthozoa Alcyonaria welche wihrend die Reise S. M.S. Gazelle um die erde gesammelt wurden. Monatsbericht der kénigl. Akademie der Wissenschaiten zu Berlin, 1878. Tromson, J. A, and Hunperson, M.A. Report on the Pearl Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar, Supplementary Reports, No. XX, The Alcyonaria. London, 1906. An account of the Aleyonaria collected by the Royal Indian Marine Sur- vey Ship Investigator in the Indian Ocean. I, The Alcyonaria of the Deep Sea. Calcutta, 1906. and Simpson. (Same publication as above.) II, The Alcyonaria of the Lit- toral Zone, Calcutta, 1909. Verrmt, A. E. Notice of recent additions to the Marine Fauna of the Hastern coast of North America, No. 2. American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. 16, 1878. Report on the Anthozoa and on some Additional Species dredged by the Blake in 1877-1879, and by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk in 1880. Bul- letin of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, vol. 11, No. 1; Cambridge, 1883. Notice of the Remarkable Marine Fauna occupying the outer banks off the Southern Coast of New England, No.9. American Journal of Science and Arts, ser. 5, vol. 28, 1884. Verstuys, J. Dis Gorgoniden der Siboga Expedition, I, Die “Chrysseonntes Leiden, 1902. (Same publication as above) II, Die Primnoide, Leiden, 1906. Wricut, E. P., and Sruper, Ta. Report on the Alcyonaria collected by H. M. 8. Challenger during the Years 1873-1876, vol. 31, part 64. London, 1889. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. The photographs were made from nature by C. C. Nutting. The spicules were drawn under the camera lucida by Dayton Stoner. PLATE 1. Fig. 1. Clavularia japonica, natural size; 1a, single calyx X 4.3. . Clavularia sulcata, natural size; 2a, single calyx X 4.3. . Lithophytum roseum, natural size; 3a, portion of colony X 4.3. ob re PLATE 2. . Dendronephthya nigripes, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Dendronephthya magnacantha, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. . Dendronephthya oviformis, natural size; 3a, part of branch X 4.3. . Bellonella flava, natural size; 4a, part of colony X 4.3. mem CoO bb re PLATE 3. Fig. 1. Alcyonium kiikenthalt, natural size; la, part of surface X 4.3. 2. Anthomastus japonicus, natural size; 2a, zooids on surface X 4.3. 3. Nidalia gracilis, natural size; 3a, part of colony X 4.3. : A F 4 | ; Fig. Ono Ob Bm OO bh eH Fig. 1. Fig. 1. no. 1923. DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFIC ALCYONARIA—NUTTING. 103 PLATE 4, . Pennatula brevipenna, natural size; la, single leaf < 4.3. . Pennatula longistyla, natural size; 2a, part of leaf x 4.3. . Ptilosarcus brevicaulis, natural size; 3a, single leaf x 4.3. PLATE 5, . Pennatula rubescens, natural size; la, single leaf x 4.3. . Halisceptrum album, natural size; 2a, single leaf x 4.3. . Pennatula inermis, single leaf < 4.3. PLATE 6. . Protoptilum orientale; 1a, end of colony X 4.3. . Kophobelemnon hispidum, natural size; 2a, single tentacle < 4.3. . Umbellula eloisa, natural size; 3a, single tentacle x 4.3. . Balticina pacifica, part of colony X 4.3. PLATE 7. Thouarella recta, natural size; la, part of branch X 4.3. . Helicoptilum rigidum, natural size; 2a, part of colony x 4.3. . Trichoptilum spinosum, natural size; 3a, group of polyps X 4.3. Pate 8. Plumarella adhxrans, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Plumarella spicata, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. PLATE 9. . Thouarella alternata, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Primnodendron superbum, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. Puate 10. . Acanthogorgia fusca, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Thouarella striata, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. PLATE 11. . Muriceides cylindrica, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Acanthogorgia paradoxa, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. . Muricella abnormalis, natural size; 3a, part of branch X 4.3. Puate 12. . Muriceides nigra, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Villogorgia brunnea, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. Puate 13. . Placogorgia japonica, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Acis spinifera, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. . Anthomuricea aberrans, natural size; 3a, part of branch X 4.3. Puate 14. .1. Muricella reticulata, natural size; la, part of branch X 4.3. Callistephanus pacificus, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3, Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. me © De o> Ot oar wWNr aor WN Ee IIOP OD . Paragorgia regalis, natural size; 1a, part of branch X 4.3. . Elasmogorgia ramosa, natural size; 2a, part of branch X 4.3. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. ‘PLATE 15. : ‘ PLATE 16. a . Leptogorgia beringi, natural size; la, part of a X 4.3. . Calyptrophora ijimat, natural size. oe . Calyptrophora ijimai, natural size, showing cgabbiotté annelid and the remark- able structure of shawanewes peed spicules created by its presence. PLATE 17. . Clavularia suleata. Four spicules, a, b, c, and d, X 120. . Clavularia japonica. Four spicules, a, b, ¢, and d, X 250. . Lithophytum roseum. Three spicules, a, 6, and ¢, X 250. . Dendronephthya nigripes. Three spicules, a, 6, and c, X 64; 6 is about one- half total length. . Dendronephthya magnacantha. Two spicules, a and b, X 64. . Dendronephthya oviformis. Two spicules, a and b, X 64. Puate 18. . Alcyonium kiikenthali. Three’spicules, a, 6, and c, X 120. . Nidalia gracilis. Three spicules, a, 6, and c, X 250. . Bellonella flava. Five spicules, a, X 250; 6, ¢, d, and e, X 88. . Anthomastus japonicus. Two spicules, a and 6, X 250. . Helicoptilum rigidum. Two spicules, a and 6, X 64. . Plumarella spicata. Three spicules, a and 6b, X 120; c, X 250. PuaTe 19. . Plumarella adherans. Three spicules, a, b, and c, X 120. . Thouarella recta. Three spicules, a and b, X 120; c, circumopercular scale, 20: . Thouarella alternata. Four spicules, a, circumopercular scale, X 64; b, c, and d, X 88. . Primnodendron superbum. Three spicules, a, 6, and c, X 88. . Acanthogorgia fusca. Four spicules, a, 6, c, and d, X 64. PuatTE 20. . Acanthogorgia paradoxa. Three spicules, a, b, and c, X 88. . Anthomuricea aberrans. Three spicules, a, b, and c, X 88. . Muriceides cylindrica. Five spicules, a, b, c, d, and e, X 64. : a . Muriceides nigra. Three spicules, a, 6, and c; aand c, X 88; b, X 64. . . Muricella reticulata. Three spicules, aand b, x 64; ¢, X 88. . Muricella abnormalis. Two spicules, a and 6b, X 64. PLATE 21. ‘ . Acis spinifera. Four spicules, a, b, c, and d, X 64. ; . Placogorgia japonica. Three spicules, a, b, and c, X 88. ; . Villogorgia brunnea, Four spicules, a, b, c, and d, X 120. . . Elasmogorgia ramosa. Three spicules, a, b, and c, X 88. . Leptogorgia beringi. Two spicules, a and b, x 250. . Callistephanus pacificus. Six spicules, a, b, c, d, e, and f, X 120. . Paragorgia regalis. ‘Two spicules, a and b, X 88. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 1 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 102. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM © ‘ PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 2 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 102, U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL 3 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 102. 2 ae anh ch ive U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 4 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 108. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 438 PL. 5 3 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103, U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 6 leptiacee” $ ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF FLATE SEE PAGE 108. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 7 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103. Cs Sve Lae, - SE 4 are , ; me 3 Bohr page's mre ~— — 5 sz U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 8 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103. PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 9 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 10 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 11 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. For EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 12 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 103. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 13 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. For EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 108. since U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 14 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 108. Tara NM U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 15 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. tl U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 16 ¥ S ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 438 PL. 17 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 13 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 19 3 Peo, ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 PL. 20 ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 43 "Sp, 9 Pa 23079 223 500 0 £2 F298 2990 23 aS BO gop *g? ALCYONARIA FROM THE NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN. FOR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 104. ts al Yo | | a4 ae) eee Oe! 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