6 61290290 LOZL € UII Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/descriptiveilluO2royauoft “>. DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY CONTAINED IN THE MUSEUM OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. VOL. Il. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE COLLEGE; AND SOLD BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. MDCCCCII. ALERE b FLAMMAM, PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STRERT. PREFACE TO THE SECOND VOLUME. Tue second volume of the Physiological Catalogue comprises descriptions of the Nervous System of the Invertebrata (exclusive of sense-organs), and of the Brain and Spinal Cord, with their membranes and blood-vessels, of the Vertebrata. The descrip- tions of the Invertebrata have been intrusted to Mr. R. H. Burne, B.A. Oxon., Assistant in the Museum, who has so largely enriched this department of the Collection ; he has also described the Brain and Spinal Cord of Fishes, Amphibia, and Birds, also Spinal Cords and Membranes. Prof. G. Elliot Smith, M.D., Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge, who has contributed so much to our knowledge of the Brains of Mammals, has described those of Reptiles and the Mammalia, his work forming by far the largest and most important part of this volume ; he was assisted in the Primates by Mr. W. L. H. Duckworth, M.A. Cantab. The specimens of Mammalian Brains have all been re- - mounted on the improved plan devised by Mr. William Pearson, our Prosector, that enables all the convolutions to be seen. The generic and specific names used are those most recently adopted in the British Museum. The value of the work has been greatly enhanced by the admirable drawings made by Mr. J. Green with his accustomed skill. C. STEWART, Conservator. 28 July, 1902. CONTENTS. VOL. Il. D. NERVOUS SYSTEM. INVERTEBRATA. ECHINODERMATA. OPHIUROIDEA . ECHINOIDEA HOLOTHUROIDEA . ANNELIDA. OHMTOPODA HIRUDINEA . GEPHYREA . ARTHROPODA. CRUSTACEA . ARACHNIDA . MYRIAPODA . INSECTA . MOLLUSCA. PELECYPODA AMPHINEURA Fa ea: GAMIGOPODA Soe sts ee he CEPHALOPODA . PROTOCHORDATA. TUNICATA CEPHALOCHORDA . Nos. vi CONTENTS OF VOL, I. VERTEBRATA. BRAIN. PISCES, CYCLOSTOMI . ELASMOBRANCHIL. Sqvaipa Rasrpa HOLOCEPHALI . GANOIDEL TELEOSTEA., ANACANTHINI ACANTHOPTERYGII . PHARYNGOGNATHI . Puysostomi . PLEeCTOGNATHI . DIPNOI AMPHIBIA, URODELA. ANURA REPTILIA. LACERTILIA . OPHIDIA . : ORNITHOSAURIA . DINOSAURIA . EMYDOSAURIA . CHELONIA AVES. STRUTHIONIFORMES . ANSERIFORMES FALOONIFORMES CORACIIFORMES PASSERIFORMES MAMMALIA. MONOTREMATA. Ornithorhynchide . Echidnida . 87—96 97—105 106 107—118 119 120—121 122—125 126 127 128—132 133 134 135—139 140—147 148—157 158—173 174—182 183 184—188 189—190 191—196 CONTENTS OF VOL. II. MARSUPIALIA. PoLYPROTODONTIA. Dasyuride . Peramelide . Didelphyide DIpRoroDonmTIA. Macropodide Phascolomyide . Phalangeride . INSECTIVORA. Erinaceide . Talpide . Tuparde Centetide . . DERMOPTERA. Galeopithecide . RODENTIA. ScruROMORPHA. Castoride Sciuride . HystRICOMORPHA. Octodontide Hystricide . Chinchillide Dasyproctide Caviide . MyomorpHa. Dipodide Muride , DUPLICIDENTATA, Leporidee CHIROPTERA EDENTATA. Dasypodidee Glyptodontide . Bradypodide Megatherude Myrmecophagide . Manide . Orycteropidee Vil Nos. 197—203 204—206 207—208 209—221 222—224 225—229 230—231 232 233 234 235—236 237—241 242—244 245 246 —248 249—251 258 259—260 261—265 266 267—270 271—272 273—278 279—280 281—286 287 288—289 CONTENTS OF VOL, II. Mustelide . Ursida . Poxntpepra. Phocide . UNGULATA. \ Hyracorpera AMBLYOPODA -Pronoscrra ToxoponTIA. . PERISsODACTYEA. Tapiride . Rhinocerotida CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Mysracocett. Balenide PRIMATES. ProsiMit. Chiromyide Lemuride ANTHROPOIDBA. Hapalide Cebide Cercopithende . Simiide . Hominide . Membranes of the Brain . Blood-vessels of the Brain . SPINAL CORD. . PISCES. CYCLOSTOMI ELASMOBRANOHII . TELEOSTEA AMPHIBIA REPTILIA . AVES MAMMALTA. MONOTREMATA INSEOTIVORA EDENTATA OARNIVORA . UNGULATA . OCETAOEKA . * PRIMATES Membranes of the Spinal Cord VOL. Il. ix Nos. 523—530 531—532 533—548 549—553 554—593 594— 643 644—674 675—728 729—740 741—748 749 750—752 7538—755 756—757 758—-764 765—771 772—7173 774 775—776 777—780 781—790 791—796 797—805 806—808 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. NERVOUS SYSTEM *. Ae INVERTEBRATA. Loeb, Comparative Physiology of the Brain, 1901. ECHINODERMATA. Cuénot, Arch. de Biol., t. xi. 1891, p. 445 (Anat.). Romanes & Ewart, Phil. Trans., vol. clxxii. 1881, p. 836 (Physiol.). In the Echinodermata there are three distinct systems of central nervous organs—superficial oral, deep oral, and apical—that occur, either in the form of a circumaxial ring (apical system of Echinids and Ophiurids), radial cords (apical system of Asterids and deep oral system of Holothurians), or more usually as a combination of the two (superficial oral system). All three are not invariably present, and there is also variation in their respective importance. The superficial oral system occurs in all and usually predominates over the others, but in Crinoids it is relatively weak and the chief place is taken by the enormously developed apical system. The apical and deep oral systems are * In this volume are included descriptions of the nervous system of Invertebrata and Protochordata and of the brain and spinal cord, with their membranes and blood-vessels, of Vertebrata. VOL, Il. B 2 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. sometimes absent. ‘The whole central system, whether it is continuous with the general body-epithelium (Asteroidea) or is comparatively deep-seated, always retains strong indications of its epithelial origin. Two kinds of nuclei lie in the super- ficial parts of the nerve-cords—some large and with distinct nucleoli, belonging apparently to ganglion-cells, others small and deeply staining. The latter belong to attenuated supporting epithelial cells that traverse the cord at right angles to its surface. The spaces between them are filled by nerve-fibrille. Ch. Transverse section through the Radial Cord of Echinus esculentus. x 700. O.L. Connective-tissue lamina, G.C. Nuclei of ganglion (?) cells. 8.0, Supporting cells, N.F. Nerve-fibrils. Isolation of the several radial cords of the oral system from the cireumoral ring destroys all power of co-ordinated action between the different arms or segments, although the move- ments of the individual parts of each are still in perfect harmony amongst themselves. From this fact the circumoral ring might be thought to be a co-ordinating centre for the general body movements, and thus of somewhat higher functional value than si : the radial cords, but it is probably nearer the truth to consider all parts of the system of equal value and the cireumoral ring simply as the path along which stimuli may pass from one segment to another. OPHIUROIDEA. D. 1. Two specimens of the oral central nervous system of a Snake-armed Starfish (Ophiocoma echinata). The superficial oral system consists of a pentagonal ring that surrounds the mouth near its passage into the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 3 cesophagus, and of five radial cords. Each cord arises from the ring at a point opposite one of the radii and passes down the arm between the vertebral ossicles and the ven- tral plates (fig. 2). A cavity (epineural canal) lies between Fig. 2. V. AN. R.C. eR ® Diagrammatic transverse section of the Arm of Ophiocoma echinata. X40, A.V. Ambulacral vessel. E.C. Epineural canal. M. Intervertebral muscle. P. Median partition of epineural canal. P.V. Pseud- hemal vessel. R.C. Radial cord. T.F. Tube-foot. V. Vertebral ossicle. V.P. Ventral plate. the body-wall and the superficial surface of the oral ring and radial cords; it is usually single, but in Ophiocoma a partition of connective tissue divides it longitudinally into two separate channels. The superficial oral system is to a large extent sensory in function; it innervates the entire body surface, the ambulacra, the mouth, and alimentary canal. The deep oral system (not distinguishable in the specimen) forms a thin layer of nervous tissue upon the deep surface of the superficial system, separated from it by a delicate layer of connective tissue. Upon its deep surface lie the pseud- heemal and ambulacral vessels. The deep oral system is the motor centre for the intervertebral muscles of the arms, and probably also gives off fibres that accompany the peri- pheral and ambulacral nerves of the superficial system. The oral ring and proximal parts of the radial cords are shown in an isolated state in the upper specimen, and in B2 4 . PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. their relations to the disc in the lower; in both cases only the most general features can be seen. ‘I'he apical system has been removed with the genital ring sinus in which it lies. 0.C.A1292C. Brit. Mus. Hamann, Jena. Zeitschr., Bd. xxiii. 1889, p. 235. ECHINOIDEA. D. 2. Part of the body-walls of a Sea-urchin (Zchinus esculentus) showing the oral nervous system. The superficial system corresponds in its main features to that of Ophiurids. The oral ring (indicated by black — paper) lies around the mouth-opening between the teeth and the pharyngeal wall, separated from the latter by an epineural canal. Opposite each of the five radii it gives off a cord that leaves the lantern of Aristotle between the pyramids, passes under the arch of the auricula, and runs along the mid-line of the radius, separated from the inner surface of the ambulacral plates by an ‘‘ epineural canal,” and from the general body-cavity by the radial canals of the pseudhemal, blood-vascular, and ambulacral systems. Near the apical pole the cords pass through the test and become lost in the general surface epithelium. From the oral ring a few fine nerves are given off to the alimentary canal, and from the radial cords arise a series of ambu- lacral and peripheral nerves. The latter perforate the test and form upon its outer surface an intricate plexus, by which the movements of the spines and pedicellarie are controlled. The deep oral system (not visible in the specimen) is in a reduced condition, and is only present upon the inner surface of the oral ring at the point of origin of the radial cords; it innervates the masticatory apparatus, and is entirely wanting in agnathous forms. In this specimen parts of the oral systems have been exposed, showing the circum-oral position of the nerve-ring and its relation to the radial cords. One of the latter with its ambulacral nerves has been isolated by the removal of the ambulacral plates of one radius. The apical system has been removed with the genital-ring sinus. Hamann, Jena. Zeitschr. Bd. xxi. 1887, p. 119. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA, 5 HOLOTHUROIDEA. D. 3. A Sea-cucumber (Holothuria nigra) with the nervous system shown by the removal of the bivial body-walls. The oral ring of the superficial system surrounds the mouth under cover of the calcareous ring and in close contact with the oral integument. The five radial cords given off from it pass beneath the radiai pieces of the cal- careous ring and along the radii; they are separated from the deep surface of the integument by an epineural canal. The deep oral system (not visible in the specimen) is confined to the inner surface of the radial cords, and is separated from the muscles of the body-wall by the pseud- heemal, blood-vascular, and ambulacral vessels. The re- spective share taken by the two systems in the innervation of the body has not been satisfactorily determined. There is noapical system. Black paper has been inserted beneath the oral ring at the points of origin of the radial cords and in various places beneath the cords. The calcareous ring has been removed. O.C. A 1292 b. Ludwig, Bronn’s Thier-reich, Bd. ii. Abth. 3, 1889- 1892, p. 64. ANNELIDA., Retzius, Biol. Untersuch., N.F. Bd. ii. p. 1, iii. p. 1, iv. p. 1, vii. p. 6, ix. p. 83, 1891-1900. The central nervous system is bilaterally symmetrical ; it consists typically of a pair of preeoral (cerebral) ganglia situated in the prostomium, and of a series of post-oral ganglia, arranged segmentally in pairs.along the ventral mid-line of the body and united together by transverse commissures and longitudinal connectives. ‘l'his ventral chain of ganglia shows great diversity in the degree of concentration of its parts in a transverse direc- tion. Longitudinal concentration is rare and never extreme. Frequently the segmental ganglionation is absent, and the chain is then represented by a fibrous cord with a continuous layer of ganglion-cells on its ventral surface. The size and complexity of structure of the cerebral ganglia depend entirely upon the degree of development of the cephalic sense-organs. Apart from particular functions due to their connection with 6 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. ~ these organs, they do not seem to differ in kind from the post- oral ganglia, and, except for a certain inhibitory power, cannot be regarded in any special way as controlling or co-ordinating centres for the rest of the nervous system. Hach pair of ventral chain ganglia constitutes a reflex centre for its innervation area. In the ventral chain of many Annelids there are a limited number (usually three) of medullated giant nerve- tubes ; in many instances connections have been seen between them and giant or medium-sized cells upon the ventral surface of the ganglia. Their function is still doubtful, but they are probably nerve-elements and not simply supporting structures. A definite visceral system is present connected with the cerebral or subcesophageal ganglia. In certain forms the central nervous system is still closely united to the epidermis (subcuticula), and in these cases the fibres of its supporting tissues can be traced directly to the elongated bases of the epidermal cells. CHAUTOPODA. Racovitza, Arch. Zool. Exp., sér. 3, t. iv. 1896, p. 183 (Brain). D. 4. The anterior part of the body-walls of a Lug-worm (Arenicola marina) opened from the dorsal aspect. The nervous system, as might be expected from the sluggish habits of the worm, is poorly developed. The cerebral ganglion is a small lobulated body situated, as in other Polychwtes, in the prostomium (in the specimen the anterior part of the body-wall is turned inside out, so that the cerebral ganglion and inverted prostomium form a small excrescence above the cut edge of the pharynx). There are three distinct paired centres in the ganglion, constituting a fore-, mid-,and hind-brain; each is situated beneath and in close contact with a particular sensory area of the prostomial epithelium, upon which labial palps, tentacles and eyes, and a nuchal organ may respectively be developed in higher Polychwtes. ‘The cerebral ganglion is connected by a pair of long connectives (from which the nerves to the otocysts arise) to a ventral cord, that lies within the body-cavity internal to the circular muscles; NERVOUS SYSTEM.—-INVERTEBRATA.,. 7 it shows no sign of metameric ganglionation, but on a level with each annular furrow gives off a delicate pair of nerves. Neuropile* appears to be mainly confined to the cerebral ganglion. The medulla of the cord consists of a dorsal strand of nerve-fibres, covered on its ventral surface by a continuous layer of unipolar ganglion-cells, mostly of small size (fig. 3). At the point of union of the cord with Fig. 3 NL. P. GF. M ‘ Hy a ¢ pasar uM, Pn i, x Transverse section through the Ventral Cord of Arenicola marina. x 50, C.M. Circular muscles. G.C. Ganglion- cells. G.F. Giant fibres. L.M. Longitudinal muscles. M. Medulla. N.L. Neurilemma. N.S. Neuroglia septum. P. Peritoneum. the cesophageal connectives and on a level with the anterior end of each setigerous segment, are a pair of giant ganglion- cells. In several instances a direct connection has been traced between these cells and three giant fibres that lie along the dorsal aspect of the cord. The distribution of the giant fibres is still doubtful. The cord is surrounded by a neurilemma, and is permeated by a considerable quantity of neuroglia fibres. These are specially concen- trated in the sagittal plane, and form a_ partial septum between the two halves of the cord. In the specimen the general form and position of the cerebral ganglion, circum- cesophageal connectives, and ventral chain can be seen, but * * The felt-work formed by the ultimate ramifications of ganglion-cell processes. hr Vie) es ae i oe es a, ee a is ieee) me y = = 4 e a) YS i) r. ry a a a ; n a3 * a ss % . + PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. it is not possible to distinguish the nerves arising from them. 1900, p. 468. D. 5. Two specimens of the anterior part of the nervous system % of a Polychwte (Marphysa sanguinea), shown respectively — in an isolated state and from the left side within the body, In this active worm, with definite cephalic sense-organs, the cerebral ganglia are well developed (fig. 4). ‘They lie 2 in the prostomium at the base of the swollen palps, and — are clearly separable into two main regions—fore- and mid-brain—each of which consists of a pair of owcvonlg masses united by a transverse commissure, and coated with Wowte teens Brain of Marphysa sanguinea. x 25. A.N. Antennary nerves. E. Eye. F.B. Fore-brain. F.C. Its com-. mieeure, ELB. Hind-brain. LL.M. Longitudinal muscles — M.B. Mid-brain. M.C, Its commissure. O.N. Optic nerve — (ES.C. (Esophageal connective. P.L. Palp-lobules. V.N. Vis- — ceral nerve. small unipolar yanglion-cells. The fore-brain lies in front of and below the mid-brain, and is mainly concerned with the innervation of the palps, into which the anterior part ; of each of its lobes is prolonged as a bundle of arborescent _ ganglionic processes. , Each lobe also sends a root from its ” ventral surface to the. visceral nerve, and another from its lateral parts to the circumcesophageal connective. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 9 The mid-brain is the centre of origin for the nerves to the eyes and tentacles. Its postero-lateral parts are pro- longed backwards to form a pair of indistinct lobes, from which fibres extend to the nuchal region—they apparently represent the third area of the Polycheete brain (hind- brain). From each side of the mid-brain a second root is given off to the circumeesophageal connective; it unites Transverse section through a Ventral-chain Ganglion of Marphysa sanguinea. X 76. C.M. Central medulla. O.T. Connective tissue. G.C. Ganglion-cells, G.F. Giant fibre. L.M. Longitudinal muscles. N.R. Nerve- root. P.G. Pigment masses. with the first (derived from the fore-brain) immediately outside the ganglion. The ganglia of the ventral chain lie close together, one in each segment, and are united by definite though short fibrous connectives. A pair of para- podial nerves rises from each ganglion. Upon the ventral surface of the cord’runs a single large “ giant fibre.” Jourdan, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. ii. 1887, p. 250. D. 6. T'wo specimens of the nervous system of a Sea Mouse (Aphrodite aculeata). The cerebral ganglion is of large size and complicated structure ; it lies in the prostomium and consists of a central mass of neuropile, separable into two main centres—the fore- and mid- brain. Between the two, on their posterior surface, liesa third, very definite mass of neuropile, from which a pair of stalk-like processes project upwards towards the dorsal integument. Hach stalk 10 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Ld expands somewhat at its distal end and is capped by a number of closely packed nuclei, surrounded by a limited amount of protoplasm. Small ganglion-cells of a similar nature (ganglionic nuclei) are found in connection with the sensory centres in many Invertebrates, and in this instance they complete the striking resemblance that these stalked structures bear to the fungiform bodies of Insects. It is to be noticed that the neuropile at the base of the stalks is condensed here and there to form glomeruli similar to those found in the olfactory centres of Arthropods and Transverse section through the Brain of Aphrodite aculeata, x 50. ©. Root of wsophageal connective. F.B. Fore-brain. G.C. Ganglion- cells. GL, Glomerali. G.N, Ganglionic nuclei. M.B, Mid- brain. S. Stalk of “fungiform body.” 8.T. Supporting tissue. Vertebrates. The relations of the “fungiform bodies” to the cephalic sense-organs is doubtful. The cerebral ganglion is enclosed in a thick capsule composed of large granular stellate cells lodged within a loose vacuolated connective tissue; a protecting and supporting layer of somewhat similar structure is present around the cerebral ganglion and ventral cord of Gephyrea. In the meshes of this tissue lie a number of moderate-sized ganglion-cells, forming a sparse layer around the brain. A pair of long slender connectives pass on either side of the pharynx to_ the anterior ganglion of the ventral chain. Each arises by two roots derived respectively from the fore- and mid- NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA, ll brain. The ganglia of the ventral chain are transversely concentrated and show no external sign of their paired nature ; they are metamerically disposed and united to one another by a pair of closely approximated connectives. Each ganglion gives off three pairs of nerves, the largest of which arises furthest back and innervates the parapodia, while the two anterior pairs supply the trunk muscles and skin of the segment in which the ganglion lies. All parts of the ventral chain are enclosed in a thick fibrous neuri- lemma (subcuticular fibrous tissue), on the outer surface of which there isa delicate homogeneous membrane (fig. 7). Fig. 7. S.F. a CM. Part of a Ventral-chain Ganglion of Aphrodite aculeata in transverse section. xX 150. C.M. Central medulla. G.C. Ganglion-cells. H.M. Homogeneous membrane. N.L. Neurilemma. S.F. Supporting fibres, Many delicate fibres derived from the neurilemma traverse the substance of the connectives and ganglia. Ganglion- cells are confined to the ventral surface of the ganglia; they are lodged in the meshes of the neurilemma. In the upper specimen the anterior portion of the nervous system including the brain and 7 ventral chain ganglia is shown in an isolated condition. Below is an entire animal in which the nervous system is displayed in situ by the removal of the ventral body-walls from the mid-line. Rohde, Zool. Beitr., Bd. ii. 1890, p. 1. 12 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 7. Two specimens of the nervous system of an Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) showing the anterior part isolated and the whole system in situ. The cerebral ganglion issmall and bilobed. It is situated above the posterior part of the buccal cavity in the third body-segment, and is united by a pair of fibrous connectives to the ventral cord. The latter lies free in the body-cavity, and swells slightly 3 within each segment to form a ganglion, from which three pairs of nerves are given off to the body-walls. Between oa the ganglia, the cord is almost, though not quite, free from Transverse section through a Ventral-chain Ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris, X 125, BL. Blood - vessel. ©.M. Central medulla, G.C. Ganglion - cells. G.F. Giant fibres. M. Muscle-fibres, NL', NL’, The two layers of neurilemma. S.T. Supporting tissue. ganglion-cells. The central nervous system is surrounded by a neurilemma, in which two layers are distinguishable : (i.) an outer layer largely composed of longitudinal musele- fibres, (ii.) an inner cuticular layer. Within the cuticle lie the connectives and ganglia embedded in a supporting fibrous tissue (? neuroglia) (fig. 8). Three medullated giant fibres run along the dorsal surface of the cord; their relations to the rest of the system are still obscure, but it is certain that at the hinder end of the cord the two lateral NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 13 fibres are in connection with ganglion-cells that lie in pairs on the ventral surface of a certain number of the posterior ganglia of the chain. Anteriorly the lateral fibres are said to break up in the subcesophageal ganglion. The median fibre apparently arises from cells in the same ganglion. Branches from all three fibres have been seen to enter the lateral nerves. It is probable that the giant fibres act as a direct path of communication between all regions of the nervous system, and are particularly concerned in bringing about the simultaneous contraction of the whole body-wall, such as takes place when the worm shoots back into its burrow. In creeping, contraction occurs slowly segment by segment. The co-ordination of this segmental contrac- tion is apparently due, not so much to connections within the central nervous system as to an orderly sequence of independent stimuli, each of which is caused by the stretching of the integument of any one segment by the contraction of the longitudinal muscles of the segment in front. | Friedliinder, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. xlvii. 1888, p. 47, & Bd. lviii. 1894, p. 661 (Anat.). Friedlander, Arch. ges. Physiol., Bd. lviii. 1894, p. 168 (Physiol.). D. 8. An Harthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) with the ventral body-walls removed to show the nervous cords, their ganglia and lateral branches. O. C. 1296. Hunterian, HIRUDINEA. D. 9. The ventral body-walls of a Leech (Hirudo medicinalis) with the nervous system exposed from the dorsal aspect. The central system lies amongst the parenchyma internal to the body-walls. The cerebral ganglion is a small bilobed body situated close behind the jaws on the upper surface of the pharynx ; it is of very simple construction and probably, as its removal causes no appreciable difference in the actions of the animal, differs little if at all in function from the ganglia of the ventral chain. It innervates the cephalic sense-organs, and jaws. A pair of extremely short connec- tives unite the cerebral ganglion around the anterior part of PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. pharynx to a series of (apparently) 23 transversely la ventral-chain ganglia. The first of these (subesophageal ganglion) is of some size and represents the four anterior ganglia of the chain ; the following 21 are simple rounded masses, situated segmentally, and each giving off two pairs of nerves to the body-walls of its seg- ment. The terminal ganglion is a compound structure like the first, and represents a longitudinal concentration of at = least 7 pairs of ganglia ; it supplies the anal sucker. The a successive post-oral ganglia are united to one another by —__ three connectives—a lateral pair similar to those of other worms and a delicate median ventral cord (nerve of Faivre) Fig. 9. Transverse section through the Ventral-chain Connectives of Hirudo medicinalis, xX 200. BS. Blood-space. (©, Connectives. M. Muscle-fibres. N.F. Nerve of Paivre. NL’, NL*. The two neurilemma-sheaths. P.O, Pig- ment-cells, 8, Septa. that originates in the subeesophageal ganglion and extends throughout the length of the chain ; it is lost in the dorsal r parts of each ganglion (figs. 9 and 10). wg Each simple post-oral ganglion consists of a laterally paired mass of neuropile, invested on its lateral and ventral surfaces by unipolar ganglion-cells of different sizes. Two of these at the anterior end of the ventral surface of each ganglion are of colossal proportions (‘1 mm. diam.), and contribute fibres to the lateral nerves of the same side. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 15 There are no giant fibres in the connectives. The ventral cord is surrounded by a double neurilemma-sheath — (i.) an outer sheath that loosely envelopes the cord and extends for some distance along the lateral nerves : it forms the outer wall of the perineural blood-vessel; (ii.) an inner sheath, that closely invests the cord and binds the three connectives into a single strand. Offshoots from Fig. 10. Transverse section through a Ventral-chain Ganglion of Hirudo medicinalis, x 125. C.M. Central medulla. G.C. Ganglion-cells. G.GC. Giant ganglion-cells. this inner sheath penetrate amongst the fibres of the con- nectives and dip into the substance of the ganglia, where they separate the ganglion-cells into three definite groups and form an investment to the central medulla. Both sheaths contain many muscle-fibres. The outer neurilemma-sheath has been removed and black paper placed beneath the nerve-cord. OQ. C. 1295. Leuckart, Die Parasiten des Menschen, Bd. i. 1894, p. 579. GEPHYREA. ‘ D. 10. The anterior and posterior parts of the body-walls of a Gephyrean (Sipunculus nudus) showing the nervous system. The cerebral ganglion is a rounded mass with slight lateral swellings, situated upon the dorsal surface of the cesophagus at the base of the tentacles, Nerves for the tentacles arise PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - its postero-lateral surface, and upon its anterior face re number of finger-like processes of doubtful function (possibly sensory). It has been shown that a special reflex connection exists between the cerebral ganglion (a purely sensory centre?) and the motor centre that controls the retractors of the introvert. Two long (11 mm.) circum- cesophageal connectives (from which the nerves for the retractors of the introvert are given off) unite the cerebral ganglion to the ventral cord. The latter for the first part of its course lies loose in the body-cavity accompanied by a strand of muscle (mostly removed in the specimen) ; about 10 mm. in front of the nephridia it becomes closely applied to the body-wall, and runs in this position between two bundles of the longitudinal muscle-layer to the posterior extremity of the body, where it terminates in a spindle- shaped enlargement. So long as the ventral cord lies close to the body-wall it gives off, about the middle of each circular muscle-band, a pair of lateral nerves, that run between the circular and diagonal muscle-layers towards the dorsal mid-line, but do not meet to form a complete ring round the body. In front of the nephridia the nerves come off more irregularly and are enveloped in strands of muscle; they supply the anterior end of the trunk and the introvert. No nerves arise from the cord within the introvert. The cord is a mixed motor and sensory centre in which impulses are slowly propagated (100-200 mm. per second) in either direction. The cerebral ganglion consists of a central mass of neuro- pile surrounded by unipolar ganglion-cells varying in size from 4-55 mw, and arranged in fairly definite groups; a few bipolar cells occur in the neighbourhood of the digitiform processes, The substance of the ganglion is permeated by a network of neuroglia fibres, and it is enclosed in a pro- tective layer of large stellate cells (neuroglia cells ?). The cord is composed of a fibrous core covered on its ventral surface by ganglion-cells; it shows no sign of ganglionation or lateral duplicity. It is surrounded by a double sheath of neurilemma, the space between the two being filled with stellate cells similar to those around the cerebral ganglion. The posterior enlargement does not differ in structure from NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 17 the rest of the cord ; its size is mainly due to an increase of the stellate cells between the neurilemma-sheaths. In the specimen the introvert is retracted. A red rod has been placed in the mouth and black paper beneath the different parts of the nervous system. Metalnikoff, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. Ixviii. 1900, p. 293 (Anat.). Uexkull, Zeits. Biol., N.F. Bd. xv. 1896, p. 1 (Physiol.). ARTHROPODA. Bethe, Arch. f. ges. Physiol., Bd. Ixviii. 1897, p. 449 (Physiol.). The central nervous system agrees with that of Worms in its bilateral symmetry and general plan of construction, but is always entirely free from the integument. The cerebral ganglion is comparatively simple in many cases, but shows a gradual increase in size and complexity of structure as the cephalic sense organs become more perfect and the intelligence more pro- nounced. This brain development is noticeable in the increasing complication of the optic ganglia and in the development of glomerular condensations in the neuropile of the antennary lobes very similar to those in the olfactory lobes of Vertebrates, but is particularly marked by the appearance, among the higher orders, of peculiar cerebral organs (fungiform bodies) whose development seems to be linked in some obscure way with the growth of the intelligence. The visceral system is always clearly defined. Its centres of origin (cesophageal ganglia) show a gradual migration from their original post-oral position to- wards the cerebral ganglion, and finally fuse with it, although always united by a post-oral commissure. The ventral chain in all except the lowest groups shows a considerable degree of concentration laterally, but varies in longitudinal concentration within the widest limits—from the Phyllopods with a pair of ganglia to every pair of appendages, to the Brachyura, some Arachnids and Insects, in which it is represented by a single post-oral ganglionic mass. The segmental character of the nervous system is functional as well as structural, for each ganglion forms an independent reflex centre for the activities of its innervation area. Co- ordination is mainly due to transmission of stimuli from ganglion VOL. I. Cc 18 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, to ganglion, but also, at least as concerns locomotive movements, to the influence of a definite centre of co-ordination—the subceso-_ phageal ganglion. The cerebral ganglion exerts a higher controlling influence over the rest of the system than in Worms, owing to its increased inhibitory power and to the production of the general muscle tonus (state of constant partial contraction). It is hard to say whether any power of initiation should be assigned to the cerebral ganglion—its removal generally results in the cessation of spontaneous locomotion, but this may be due — ‘ “ to decrease in muscle-power following upon loss of tonus. ve ORUSTAOEA. D. it. The isolated nervous system of a ‘Phyllopod (Apus - produetus). The central system is in an essentially primitive ‘= Fig. 11. C.G. “(ES 6G. sS= sz a 7) (* | ie Diagram of the anterior parts of the Nervous System of Apus, after Zaddach and Pelsencer, : ut A.C", A.C. Centres for antennary nerves’ 1. and 11. A.N}, A.N*, An-— 4 tennary nerves. (ES.G. (Esophageal ganglion, O©.G. Cerebral ganglion. ©.N. Optic nerve. V.C. Visceral centre, = / ss NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 19 condition, and reminds one, in the ladder-like construc- tion of its ventral chain, of that of certain Tube-worms (e.g. Serpula). The cerebral ganglion is a small quadri- lateral body, situated in front of the cesophagus close beneath the eyes, and so placed that its proper ventral surface faces upwards and its anterior border backwards. It gives off a pair of nerves from the outer angles of its true anterior end to the eyes. The first pair of antennze are supplied by a pair of small nerves that seem to rise from the circumcesophageal connectives; their true centres of origin are, however, situated in the lateral parts of the cerebral ganglion. On a level with the posterior margin of the mouth, each circumcesophageal connective enlarges to form an cesophageal ganglion, which gives off two nerves —a small one from its outer aspect to the second antenna, and a visceral nerve from its inner surface ; the two ganglia are united by a double commissure. The condition of the antennary nerves in Apus suggests that the direct origin of these nerves in the higher Crustacea from the cerebral ganglion is the result of an anterior concentration of centres originally separate and post-oral in position. The ganglia of the ventral chain are paired and, in the anterior region of the body, widely separate. They are united to one another transversely by a double commissure and longi- tudinally by a pair of connectives. In the posterior part of the body the ladder-like appearance of the chain is lost owing to the shortening of the commissures and connectives, although the individuality of the ganglia is maintained. The ganglia correspond in number and position to the appendages, and are thus more numerous than the body segments. The second pair of maxille alone seem to have no corresponding ganglia; their nerves arise from the connectives.. The specimen is so small that only the most important of the above-mentioned characters are visible, such as the wide lateral separation of the ventral-chain ganglia and their gradual approximation to one another posteriorly. O. C. 1302 1. Pelseneer, Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci., vol. xxv. 1885, p- 433. o2 20 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 12. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Barnacle (Lepas anatifera). The small bilobed cerebral ganglion lies on the anterior wall of the cesophagus at its entry into the stomach; it gives off a large nerve on either side to the peduncle, and an extremely fine pair (not visible in the specimens) from its anterior surface to the vestigeal eye. The visceral nerves arise from the circumeesophageal connectives close behind the cerebral ganglion. The sub- m@sophageal ganglion is the largest and most important nerve-centre in the body; it sends a large pair of nerves from its dorsal surface to the adductor scutarum muscle, and also supplies the mouth-parts and first pair of cirri, It is followed by a chain of four segmentally placed ganglia, . each of which gives off a pair of nerves to the cirri of its segment; the terminal ganglion is slightly larger than the others, and represents a fusion of two, it innervates the last two pairs of cirri and the penis. The ganglia are moderately concentrated in a transverse direction, but the connectives—particularly at the anterior end of the chain— are distinctly separate. Between them runsa small median nerve (not visible in the specimens), that arises in the sub- msophageal ganglion and is ultimately distributed to the — rectum. In the upper specimen the nervous system is shown in an isolated state, and in the lower from the right side within the body. O, C. 1302 x. Gruvel, Arch. Zool. Exp., sér. 3, t. i. 1893, p. 489. D. 13. A Stomatopod (Lysiosquilla, sp.) with the nervous system displayed from above. The small quadrilateral cerebral ganglion lies in the second cephalic segment; it gives off three large pairs of nerves respectively to the eyes and to the two pairs of antennw, as well as a few delicate branches (not shown in the specimen) to the neighbouring muscles and integument. The circumosophageal con- nectives, owing to the extended character of the head- region, are remarkably long in front of the mouth; on either side of the asophagus they swell slightly to form a pair of small esophageal ganglia, that give off the visceral nerves and are united together behind the esophagus by a single commissure. A short distance behind the cesophagus NERVOUS SYSTEM.——-INVERTEBRATA. 21 the connectives join the subesophageal ganglion—-an elongated mass formed by the longitudinal concentra- tion and fusion of eight pairs of ganglia; it innervates the mandibles, maxillze, and five anterior pairs of thoracic appendages. The last three thoracic and the six abdominal ganglia are segmental in position; each gives off three pairs of nerves, distributed respectively to the appendages and lateral muscles of the same segment and to.the flexor muscles of the one behind. The terminal ganglion supplies the sixth abdominal segment and the telson. All the ventral- chain ganglia show a high degree of transverse concen- tration, combined (except in the case of the subcesophageal ganglion) with well-marked longitudinal separation. The connectives are bound up in a common neurilemma-sheath. Bellonci, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, vol. xii. 1878, p. 518. D. 14. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Lobster (Homarus vulgaris). The cerebral ganglion is lodged immediately below the bases of the eye-stalks; it is roughly quadrilateral in shape, with a pair of conspicuous rounded eminences (globuli) upon its lateral margins. Each of its upper angles is connected by a nervous tract to a rod-shaped optic ganglion that lies within the eye- stalk; from its lower angles arise the antennary and in- tegumentary nerves; the circumcesophageal connectives are given off from the middle of the ventral border. ‘The cerebral ganglion, as in other Decapods, has considerable structural complexity (fig. 12). Three regions can be traced in it, of which the anterior two correspond probably to the proto- and deuto-cerebrum of the Insect brain, while the third is a part of the tritocerebrum peculiar to Crus- tacea. The protocerebrum is the optic centre; it consists of the optic ganglia, and of a quadrilateral mass (proto- cerebral lobes) that forms the upper part of the cerebral ganglion. The protocerebral lobes are separated by a slight median furrow; they are traversed by numerous commissural fibres, and have in the middle of their sub- stance a transverse bar of dense neuropile that probably represents the corpus centrale of the Insect. 22 : PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Each optic ganglion contains four neuropile masses placed at intervals between the retina und the optic tract — and united together by decussating fibres ; upon the cae oe surface of the centre nearest the tract is a winiald excrescence ~ that may possibly represent the fungiform body of the Insect i a brain in a very rudimentary state. . “A , There are two pairs of centres in the deutocerebrum— i the lateral lobes (globuli) united by a stout commissure, Horizontal section through the Brain of Astacus fluviatilis. x 40. ©.C. Corpus centrale. C.GB. Commissure of globuli, C©.PC.L. Com- missares of protocerebral lobes. D.C. Deutocerebrum. GB. Globulus. GL. Glomeruli. G.N. Ganglionic nuclei. O.D. Decuseating bundle of optic tract. 0.T, Optic tract. sles” aT Protecerebral lobe. T.C. Tritocerebrum. om and, internal to them, two smaller neuropile masses con tiguous in the mid-line ; each pair gives rise on either side to a root of the first antennary nerve. The nature of the § a globuli is obscure ; some compare them with the fone ; q bodies, others with the antennary lobes of Insects, In we NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA, 23 of the latter view, it may be said that the globuli of Crusta- ceans agree with the antennary lobes of Insects in having glomerular condensations of their neuropile, in giving off a root to the antennary nerve, and in receiving a large decussating tract from the fungiform body of the opposite side, assuming such to be the nature of the protuberance on the optic ganglion of the Lobster. The tritocerebrum constitutes the centre for the second antennary and the tegumentary nerves. The complicated structure of the cerebral ganglion is apparently mainly due to its connection with highly developed sense-organs, yet the fact that its removal causes more disturbance to the normal activities of the creature than in Worms—particularly by destroying the capability of spontaneous locomotion—suggests that it possesses to some degree, at any rate, the power of controlling, or perhaps even of initiating, activities in the rest of the nervous system. A pair of small csophageal ganglia are situated upon the circumcesophageal connectives on a level with the cesophagus, but some distance in front of the post- cesophageal commissure by which they are united. Hach of them gives off, besides a few delicate filaments to the esophagus, two stout nerves. One of these runs forward, parallel to the cesophageal connectives, half-way to the cerebral ganglion, and at this point unites with its fellow of the opposite side and with a median nerve derived from the cerebral ganglion, to form the gastric nerve—a trunk that runs in the median plane along the anterior and dorsal surfaces of the stomach to the pylorus, at which point it forms a small ganglion and divides into two lateral branches which are distributed to the intestine. The second of the two nerves supplies the upper lip and is connected by a branch to the components of the gastric nerve where they unite to form the median trunk. The subcesophageal ganglion innervates the mouth appendages and gives off from its dorsal surface a few nerves to the body-muscles ; it is composed of six pairs of ganglia fused together. The removal of this ganglion occasions [in the Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis) | the loss of all power of co-ordinated locomotion, 24 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. although other co-ordinated movements of the limbs can still take place. The rest of the ventral-chain ganglia (five thoracic and six abdominal) are transversely con- centrated but longitudinally widely separated. They are situated segmentally, and each gives off a pair of nerves to the appendages of its segment and a second pair to the neighbouring trunk-muscles. In the abdominal region, a third pair of purely motor nerves arise from the connectives behind each ganglion and are distributed to the great abdominal flexor. The terminal ganglion innervates the 6th abdominal segment and the telson; it also gives off a small rectal nerve, probably comparable to the median nerve in the ventral cord of Lepas. The connectives of the ventral chain share in the lateral concentration seen in the ganglia; in the thorax they lie side by side and (except between the third and fourth ganglia where the sternal artery passes between them) are bound up in acommon neurilemma-sheath. In the abdomen they are — closely contiguous. The ganglion-cells of the central system are mostly unipolar, and vary much in size, from large pear- shaped cells *2 mm. in diameter to ganglionic nuclei, in which the nucleus is surrounded by a mere film of protoplasm. The latter occur always in masses in connection with certain definite parts of the central system—e. g., the globuli and a restricted area of the subcesophageal ganglion. The nerve-fibres derived from ganglion-cells that lie within the central system are tubular, with a thick neuroglia-sheath (in which myelin may occur) containing a semifluid sub- stance. After leaving the ganglion-cell they give off a few lateral twigs, that break up in the neuropile and provide a means of communication between the difterent nerve- elements. The main fibre then passes either directly into one of the peripheral nerves and is distributed to the muscles, or runs within one of the connectives to a neigh- bouring or distant ganglion and there breaks up in the neuropile. The sensory fibres are very delicate; they arise, a8 in Worms, from cells in or close beneath the skin, and enter the ganglia as part of a peripheral nerve. Within the ganglion they divide into anterior and posterior NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA, 25 branches, that run in the connectives to neighbouring or distant ganglia. The ganglion-cells cover the lateral and ventral surfaces of the neuropile masses of the ventral-chain ganglia; the connectives occupy the dorsal surface. In each connective there is a giant nerve-tube ; it originates in a large cell on the ventral surface of the cerebral ganglion and runs the whole length of the chain without apparently giving off lateral branches; it finally divides and passes into the nerves of the tail-fin (uropodites). The giant fibres in their origin and distribution present a striking parallel to Mauthner’s fibres in the spinal cord of Fishes, and it has been suggested in both cases that possibly they put the steering and balancing apparatus under the direct control of the brain. In the upper specimen the origin and course of the visceral nerves are seen from the left side, indicated by black paper; in the lower the nervous system is shown, as a whole, in its natural position from above. The left eye has been removed to expose the antennary nerves. O. C. 1302 1. Krieger, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxili. p. 527 (Anat.). Allen, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. xxxvi. 1894, p. 483, & vol. xxxix. 1896, p. 33 (Histol.). Bethe, Arch. f. Phys., Bd. lxviii. 1897, p. 449 (Physiol.). D. 15. A Lobster (Homarus vulgaris), dissected to show from the ventral aspect the cerebral ganglion and ventral chain. The origins of the optic and antennary nerves are shown, also the divergence of the connectives for the passage of the cesophagus. The degree of transverse approximation of the con- nectives in the region of the thorax has been made apparent by the removal of the common neurilemma-sheath, by which they are naturally bound together. * O.C. 1301. Hunterian. D. 16. The cerebral ganglion with the eyes and the principal nerves given off from the ganglion, displayed in situ, from a Lobster (Homarus vulgaris). O.C. 1303. Hunterian. 26 P PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 17. Scyllarus arctus, with the nervous system exposed. The cerebral ganglion is remarkable for its relatively large size ; it gives off the usual nerves to the cephalic sense-organs, but the optic tracts and ganglia, owing to the great breadth of the head, are peculiarly long and slender. The sub- wsophageal and thoracic ganglia are longitudinally appproximated, but (with the exception of the components of the submsophageal ganglion) are not fused together. Between the 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and 4th thoracic ganglia the connectives are quite separate, leaving in the latter position a large opening between them for the passage of the sternal artery ; elsewhere they are bound together by a common neurilemma-sheath. The last thoracic ganglion — is connected with a chain of six segmentally placed ubdominal ganglia. They are transversely concentrated, und are connected together by an apparently single cord, the result of the transverse concentration of the paired connectives, | Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. vii. 1889, p. 73. D. 18. The isolated nervous system of a Hermit Crab (Zupagurus bernhardus). The transverse and longitudinal concen- tration of the components of the subcesophageal-thoracic _ mass is greater than in Scyllarus, but posterior to the subeesophageal centre the outlines of four ganglia can be traced upon the ventral surface of the mass. Three of these are situated in front of the perforation for the sternal urtery, and respectively innervate the three anterior pairs of thoracic appendages. The fourth centre is formed by the fusion of the last two thoracic ganglia with the first abdominal, it innervates the two posterior pairs of thoracic limbs and the anterior part of the abdomen. The mass is perforated between the 3rd and 4th thoracic ganglia by the _ sternal artery, and has also two minute openings between the 2nd and 3rd and Ist and 2nd; beyond the indication afforded by these apertures, all external traces of connectives are lost. The abdominal chain consists of five pairs of transversely concentrated ganglia united by separate connectives. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 27 D.19. A Spider-Crab (Maia squinado) dissected from above. The cerebral and esophageal ganglia, with the nerves that arise from them, are essentially similar to those of the Lobster, except for the great development of the integu- mentary nerves given off from the posterior corners of the cerebral ganglion. The circumcesophageal connectives are remarkably long, owing to the position of the ganglia of the ventral chain. The latter are concentrated to the maximum degree in the longitudinal direction, and are fused together to form an oval mass in the middle of the cephalothorax, from which nerves radiate to the appendages and body. The large appendicular nerves are composed of bundles of small fibres without a common investment. From the dorsal surface of the central mass, at its anterior end, a pair of small nerves are given off to be distributed to the roof of the gill-chamber, and from the posterior end of the mass a bundle of nerves pass into the abdomen. O. C. 1303 ab. Audouin & Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat., t. xiv. 1828, p. 92, D. 20. A* King-Crab (Limulus polyphemus) dissected from the dorsal aspect. The entire cephalothoracic part of the central nervous system is concentrated around the oral end of the cesophagus in the form of an oval ring. The pre- oral part of the ring represents the cerebral ganglion ; it projects anteriorly as a subconical, feebly bilobed mass (protocerebrum) from whose anterior end nerves are given off to the lateral and median eyes, and to a ventral integu- mentary pit otf unknown function situated in front of the mouth. | From its dorsal surface, near its union with the lateral parts of the ring, arise a pair of delicate integu- mentary nerves that innervate the ventral skin of the cephalothorax external to. the limbs. Between the protocerebrum ana the lateral parts of the ring are a pair of centres (indistinguishable superficially) united by a small pre-oral commissure ; they form part of the cerebral ganglion and give off nerves to the chelicer» and viscera. The protocerebrum is remarkable for an 28 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - excessive development of a pair of outgrowths similar in many respects to the fungiform bodies of the Insect- brain (fig. 13). Each of them consists of an arborescent mass of peculiarly dense neuropile coated by a thick layer of ganglionic nuclei; they cover the whole surface of the protocerebral lobes with the exception of a small area on the dorsal surface. Their function is entirely unknown. Fig, 13. From an enlarged model of the Brain of Limulus, after Viallanes, CH.N. Nerve to chelicerw. F.B. Fungiform body. O,G. Optic ganglion. O.N, Optic nerve. OOC.G, Ocellary ganglion. OC.N. Ocellary nerve. P.L. Protocerebral lobe. SN. Nerve to sensory pit. V.N. Visceral nerve. The lateral and posterior parts of the ring are composed of six pairs of ganglionic masses intimately fused together longitudinally and united transversely by a series of com- missures; the posterior pair are fused in the mid-line to form a single “ post-oral” ganglion. Seven pairs of integumentary nerves are given off from the dorso-lateral margins of the ring, and from its —— i NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 29 ventro-lateral border six pairs of pedal nerves, distributed respectively to the five pairs of walking appendages and to the operculum. A pair of fine nerves for the chilaria arise from the ventral surface of the “‘ post-oral”’? ganglion. The ring is united posteriorly by connectives to a chain of six pairs of transversely concentrated ganglia, situated in the abdomen. From each of these, except the last, two pairs of nerves are given off—one to the appendages (gills) of the segment proper to the ganglion, the other to the integument. The latter are united on either side external to the bases of the limbs by a longitudinal con- necting cord, parts of which only are to be seen in the specimen. ‘The three posterior ganglia are fused together to form a single mass, which sends nerves to the last two pairs of gills, the hinder extremity of the abdomen, and the post-anal spine. . The central nervous system, together with the motor and some few sensory nerves, is enveloped by a large arterial blood-space; a pair of arteries—branches of the anterior aorta—open into the space on either side above the anterior part of the nerve-ring. Experiments upon this nervous system show that, although parts of it are much concentrated, each segmental centre is entirely inde- pendent in its actions, the regulation and orderly sequence of the movements of different segments being due to the transmission of stimuli from centre to centre, and not to the influence of any one specialized centre of co-ordination. Viallanes, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. xiv. p. 405 (Anat.). Hyde, Journ. Morph., vol. ix. 1894, p. 431 (Physiol.). ARACHNIDA. St. Remy, Arch. Zool. Exp., t. v dis, 1887, p. 1. D. 21. The nervous system of a Scorpion (Pandinus imperator), exposed from the dorsal aspect. The main part of the central system lies in the cephalothorax and is concentrated around the cesophagus in a compact mass that represents the cerebral and first nine ventral-chain ganglia. The cerebral part of the mass is bilobed ; it innervates the median and lateral eyes and the chelicerze. On either side of the cesophagus it is continuous with the anterior region of the 30 ' PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. large oval subcesophageal ganglion—a composite mass from which nerves are given off to the mouth, the pedipalpi, the four pairs of walking-legs, and the first four segments of the abdomen. The cephalothoracic mass is united by a pair of delicate connectives to a chain of three abdominal and four post-abdominal ganglia, all of which are trans- versely concentrated but are united by separate connectives. The last abdominal and the first three post-abdominal ganglia lie severally in the segments that they innervate, but the first two free abdominal ganglia are approximated to the cephalothoracic mass, being respectively two segments and one segment in advance of their nerve distribution. The terminal ganglion of the chain lies in the 4th post-abdominal segment; it supplies the 4th and 5th segments of the post-abdomen and the post-anal spine.. The three posterior ganglia and their connectives show a marked increase in size compared with those in front of them, correlated no doubt with the great activity of the post-abdomen. O.C. 1297 B. Blanchard, L’organisation du Régne Animal (Arach- nides), 1852, p. 39. D. 22. A Spider (Avicularia avicularia) dissected from the dorsal aspect. The central nervous system is extremely concen- trated; it lies in the middle of the cephalothorax behind the mouth, encircling the horizontal part of the oesophagus and extending backwards beneath the stomach. The supra- cesophageal part of the system is small and feebly bilobed ; | it innervates the eyes and rostrum. On either side of the ; csophagus it is connected to the suboesophageal mass by a pair of ganglionic centres that give off nerves to the cheliceree and viscera, The third and largest part of the central system lies beneath the oesophagus and stomach, separated from them by the entosternite; it has an oval form and is composed of six pairs of fused ganglionic centres that represent the ganglia of the ventral chain, From this mass nerves are given off to the pedipalpi, to the four pairs of walking-legs, and to the abdomen. Fibrous partitions, derived from the neurilemma, penetrate to a certain extent between the several centres of the sub- cesophageal mass. O.C. 1300, Schimkewitsch, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 6, t. xvii. 1884, p. 15, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 31 D. 23. A Pentastomum tenioides, in which parts of the nervous system are shown from above (fig. 14). The central system is in a degenerate condition ; it consists of a bilobed ganglionic mass, situated behind the cesophagus. Its lateral parts are united in front of the ceesophagus by a delicate commissure, in which there is no sign of a pre- oral ganglion. The ganglionic mass gives rise from its posterior surface to a pair of longitudinal nerves of some Fig. 14. The Nervous System of Pentastomum tenioides, after Leuckart. ©. Pree-oral commissure. G. Ganglion. L.C. Longitudinal cords. ES. Cisophagus. size that extend to the hinder part of the body; it also gives off from its anterior and lateral regions several small nerves to the alimentary canal, body-muscles, and cephalic hooks and papilla. The specimen shows little beyond the main ganglionic mass. O. C. 1294 ¢. Spencer, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci, vol.xxxiv. 1893, p. 33. ; MYRIAPODA. D. 24. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes). The central system shows the Arthropod type in a very simple condition ; it consists of 32 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. a bilobed cerebral ganglion of relatively uncomplicated structure, and of a chain of 22 transversely concentrated post-oral ganglia, united to one another by transversely separate connectives. The cerebral ganglion (fig. 15) is composed of two pyriform lobes on either side, situated one above the other with their long axes at right angles. The’ dorsal pair are set transversely to the axis of the body, and give off from their pointed outer ends a bundle of optic nerves. The ventral pair innervate the antenne ; they lie slightly in advance of the dorsal lobes The Brain of Scolopendra morsitans, after St. Remy (Ventral aspect). A.L, Antennary lobes. O.L. Optic lobes. V.N. Visceral nerves, with their axes longitudinal. In front they are continued into the antennary nerves, and behind into the circum- cesophageal connectives. Glomerulated condensations occur in their neuropile similar to those found in the antennary lobes of other Arthropods, and from their posterior parts nerves are given off to the viscera. The subcesophageal ganglion is larger than the rest of those in the ventral chain; it innervates the jaws and other mouth appendages, The succeeding 21 ganglia are similar to one another. They are arranged segmentally, and each gives off four pairs of nerves—one to the limbs and the rest to the body- wall and trachez of the same segment. a NERVOUS SYSTEM.——-INVERTEBRATA. 33 In the lower specimen the nervous system has been ex- posed from the dorsal aspect, the isolated anterior part of another being mounted above. D, 25. A Centipede (Scolopendra morsitans) with the integument and muscles removed from the right side so as to give a lateral view of the nervous system. The Hunterian de- scription of this specimen is as follows :—“ Centipede—the brain a small roundish body laid bare: the two great nerves going to the tail with ganglions at the places where they give off nerves, as in the Lobster.”” The part above alluded to as the brain is the large subcesophageal ganglion; the union of the connectives above the oesophagus is not shown. ‘The ventral position of the ganglia and the nerves given off from them are well displayed in this preparation. O. C. 1298. Hunterian. D. 26. The isolated nervous system of a Centipede (Scolopendra sp.). Preserved in Goadby solution. INSEOTA. Viallanes, Ann. des Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. xiv. p. 429. Binet; Jour. de |’Anat., t. xxx. 1894, p. 449. Brandt, Hore Soc. Entom. Ross., t. xv. 1879, p. 2. In the Insecta, apart from the complexity of the cerebral ganglion, one of the most noteworthy features is the variable degree of longitudinal concentration of the ganglia of the ventral chain, either when comparison is made between adults of different species or between the larva and imago of the same species. As a rule the nervous system of the adult is more concentrated than that of the larva. Concentration usually appears first amongst the abdominal ganglia, resulting in the fusion of some at the posterior end of the chain and the in- clusion of some in front in the metathoracic ganglion. The thoracic ganglia also fuse in various ways, though less fre- quently. The pro- and mesothoracic, meso- and metathoracic, or all three, may thus unite. Although in some Orders (e. g. Lepidoptera) a certain definite arrangement of the ganglia is fairly constant, in most it is not VOL e II . D 34 i PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. so, and a variety of stages of concentration occur within the Order. In the embryo the nervous system is usually entirely unconcentrated, and the adult condition is attained by the suc- cessive fusion of ganglia in the embryonic and pupal stages. Some embryos, however, have a single unsegmented post-oral mass, from which the ganglia of the adult are produced by subsequent segmentation. D. 27. Models of the brain (cerebral ganglion) and right fungi- form body of a Black-beetle (Periplaneta orientalis) x 60, with a drawing of a transverse section through the left half of the ganglion, the position of which is indicated by a black line on the model. The cerebral ganglion in Insects consists to a large extent of a pair of proto- cerebral lobes in connection with the optic ganglia ; thus the size of the brain depends mainly upon the degree of development of the eyes, and need not necessarily afford an indication of the state of intelligence of the individual. The brain further comprises a second pair of centres (deutocerebrum), probably olfactory, in connection with the antenne; and a third pair (trito- cerebrum), situated in the roots of the cireumcsophageal connectives, that innervates the labium and gives rise to the visceral system. It apparently corresponds to the cesophageal ganglia of Crustaceans. The protocerebrum consists of the optic ganglia (not shown in the model) and of a pair of large protocerebral lobes, contiguous in the mid-line. The latter are united by commissures, and each contains several remarkable struc- tures. The most striking of these are the fungiform bodies —organs that are possibly indicated in Crustacea, but reach their full and characteristic development in Insects, ; One is lodged in each protocerebral lobe; it consists of two masses of dense neuropile (calyces, F) deeply concave from side to side, and situated near the dorsal surface of the brain with their concavities facing upwards. (The calyces are exposed on the right side of the model.) Their neuropile derives its fibres from a cap of ganglionic nuclei (coloured yellow), Hach calyx gives off from its lower (convex) surface a short pedicle, that unites with its fellow NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 35 to form a common neuropile-stalk (peduncle, G). This stalk penetrates directly downwards through the substance of the protocerebral lobe till it reaches the mid-horizontal plane of the brain. Here it gives off two branches, one of which (cauliculus, H) curves forward and upward near the anterior surface of the brain to terminate in a rounded end close beneath the anterior lip of the outer calyx ; the other (trabecula, I) runs diagonally downwards and inwards, till it meets its fellow, without fusion, in the mid-line. The fungiform bodies do not directly give rise to any nerves, but they enter into close relations with all parts of the brain by means of fibrous tracts, the most important of which pass to the optic ganglion of the same side, to the opposite fungiform body, to the corpus centrale, and to the antennary lobe of the opposite side. Fibres belonging to this latter tract continue directly past the fungiform body into the optic ganglion, and constitute an optico-olfactory chiasma similar to that seen in Decapod Crustacea. In spite of the evident importance of these structures their function is still unknown, but it is noteworthy that within the same Order their size increases roughly in pro- portion to the intelligence of the Insect, and among social forms they may even vary in development between the persons of the society—being, for instance, proportionately larger in the Worker bee than in the Drone or Queen. The protocerebral lobes are united across the mid-line by two bands of deeply staining neuropile. One of these (the pons) lies immediately below the dorsal point of union of the two halves of the brain; it is in the form of a for- wardly directed horseshoe, and stands in close relation to the roots of the nerves to the white spots (vestigeal ocelli). A similar though backwardly directed horseshoe-shaped band gives origin to the ocellary nervesin Limulus, and there is a somewhat similar strand in the fore part of the brain in Decapod Crustacea. The second commissural band (corpus centrale) is larger and of more complicated structure ; it has the form of a erescentic plate hollowed below, and consists of two layers of neuropile. It lies approximately in the centre of the D2 36 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, — ‘brain, and apparently forms a nucleus to which fibres from all parts converge. The most important tracts in con- nection with it are derived from the fungiform bodies and optic and antennary lobes ; beneath it lie a pair of small neuropile masses—the tubercles of the corpus centrale. (The corpus centrale and tubercles are shown in the drawing directly above the trabecula.) A similar though simpler median band lies between the protocerebral lobes in the Decapod Crustacea. The antennary lobes (deutocerebrum) consist of two lobules on either side united by transverse commissures ; the ventral of the two gives off the larger part of the antennary nerve (probably olfactory) ; its neuropile is glomerulated. A second smaller root of the antennary nerve is derived from the dorsal lobule, it is chiefly motor in function. A small tegumentary nerve rises from the anterior face of the ventral lobule. Each half of the tritocerebrum gives off a nerve from its anterior surface that meets its fellow in the mid-line to form a triangular ganglion (frontal ganglion, E) from which a median nerve runs back along the alimentary canal, These models, which were cast from originals recon- structed from a series of transverse sections by Mr. B. T, Newton, have been diagrammatically painted and have certain parts and areas indicated by letters and numbers, the key to which is mounted below the models. Newton, Quart, Journ. Mier. Sci., vol. xix. 1879, p. 340. D. 28. Two specimens of a Cockroach (Blatta americana) dis- sected to show the nervous system from the dorsal and ventral aspects. The dorsal surface is shown in the left-hand specimen, the ventral in the right. The cerebral ganglion lies in the head, and is so placed that the optic lobes lie vertically above the antennary. The subsophageal ganglion for the innervation of the mouth-parts is also situated in the head close below the cerebral; it is united by a pair of connectives to a ventral chain composed of 9 paired ganglia, The anterior three are larger than the rest, and lie one in each thoracic segment at equal distances NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA, 37 apart. Hach gives off nerves (seen best in the right-hand specimen) to the legs and body muscles, and (in the case of the posterior two) to the wings. In the abdomen the ganglia of the chain are situated at irregular intervals—the first four fairly close together, the last three somewhat further apart. The terminal ganglion (6th) is larger than the rest and represents a fusion of the two posterior larval ganglia; it innervates the hinder end of the body, the rectum, the genital organs, and the cerci. Each of the other abdominal ganglia gives off a single pair of nerves to the body-walls and trachez. The ventral-chain ganglia are composed of definite dorsal and ventral masses of neuropile, from which the nerves arise by two or more independent roots, that appa- rently convey either motor or sensory impulses according as they spring from the dorsal or ventral mass. The pro- bability of a localisation of motor and sensory functions in opposite regions of the cord of Arthropods has been dis- cussed since the idea was brought forward by Newport. Later observations have tended to show that in the case of Crustacea such localisation does not occur, but that in Insects it most probably does. This latter con- clusion rests not only upon physiological experiments, but is also based upon anatomical grounds—more particularly upon a comparison of the alar nerve-roots in flying beetles with those of beetles whose wing-cases are present but immoveable. In the former case each alar nerve rises by two main roots, one from the dorsal mass of neuropile, the other from the ventral. In the beetles with purely pro- tective non-motile wing-cases (e.g. Blaps mortisaga) the dorsal root is entirely absent (Binet, /. c.). Preserved in Goadby solution. Miall & Denny, Life History and Structure of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis), 1886, p. 86. D. 29. A large female Orthopterous Insect (Karabidion australe) with the nervous system shown from the dorsal aspect. The thoracic ganglia are nearly equal in size, and lie, widely separated, in the three thoracic segments. There are six free abdominal ganglia, situated respectively in 38 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. successive abdominal segments from the 2nd to the 7th. Each of the anterior five innervates the segment in which it lies; the 6th gives off nerves to the hinder end of the body. The 1st abdominal segment is supplied by the metathoracic ganglion. O. C, 1299 k. D. 30. A Locust ( Tropidacris latreille:) dissected from the dorsal aspect. The cerebral ganglion is small compared with the size of the head, and is united to the subosophageal ganglion by relatively long connectives. The three thoracic ganglia are separate, although the meso- and metathoracic show a certain amount of approximation. The metathoracic ganglion is much larger than the other two; it sends a number of nerves to the anterior parts of the abdomen in addition to those to the metathorax, and probably repre- sents a fusion of the true metathoracic ganglion with a certain number of abdominal ganglia. Within the abdomen there is a chain composed of five separate ganglia situated respectively in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th segments. The first of them innervates the fourth segment; the last is larger than the others and is no doubt a compound mass, O. C. 1299 c. D. 31. A female Stick-insect (Pseudobacteria?) showing the nervous system from the dorsal aspect. The entire system is of the most delicate nature and, in conformity with the general structure of the insect, is greatly extended longi- tudinally. The cerebral and subcesophageal ganglia are not visible. The three thoracic ganglia are separate ; they are followed by a chain of five abdominal ganglia situated respectively in the 2nd to the 6th abdominal segments. The first of these free ganglia innervates the 2nd segment of the abdomen, so that presumably the first primitive abdominal ganglion is included in the meta- thoracic, The terminal ganglion innervates the posterior region of the body and the genitalia, The genital organs are also shown in this specimen. O. C, 1299 p. Miiller, Nov, Act. Nat, Curios., Bd, xii, 1825, p. 568. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 39 D. 32. An immature Water-Scorpion (Belostoma) showing the nervous system. In all the Hemiptera the post-oral part of the central nervous system shows a high degree of longitudinal concentration, and in none perhaps more so than in the Water-Scorpions. In this example the sub- cesophageal ganglion lies close to the cerebral, in the pro- thorax ; it is almost contiguous with the prothoracic ganglion, the approximation of the two being evidently due to the forward position of the 1st pair of legs. The meso- and metathoracic ganglia are fused with one another and with the abdominal chain to form a round central thoracic mass from which nerves are given off to the two posterior pair of thoracic limbs and to the abdomen. Owing to the half-macerated condition of the specimen, the component parts of the central thoracic mass are visible as three pairs of opaque centres representing respectively the meso- and metathoracic ganglia and the united ganglia of the abdominal chain. O. C. 1299 B. D. 33. Two specimens of the nervous system of another species of Water-Scorpion (Vepa cinerea). In its main features this system corresponds with that shown in the last speci- men, but the longitudinal concentration is even more marked. In this species the subcesophageal ganglion is completely fused with the prothoracic. In the upper specimén the nervous system is seen isolated ; in the lower in situ. QO. C. 1299 Ba. D. 34. The nervous system of a Lepidopterous larva exposed from the dorsal aspect. The cerebral ganglion consists of two small rounded lobes contiguous in the mid-line. It is united around the cesophagus by a pair of short connectives to a ventral chain, composed (as in the great majority of Lepidopterous larve) of 11 equal-sized ganglia—i.e., 1 subeesophageal, 3 ‘thoracic, and 7 abdominal. The sub- cesophageal and prothoracic ganglia are approximated to one another ; but the remainder lie at about equal distances apart in successive segments of the body. The terminal ganglion is distinctly grooved transversely and represents a fusion of two embryonic ganglia. As in the adult, it 40 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. innervates the reproductive organs in addition to the hinder region of the body-wall. The connectives of the ventral chain are very slender ; they lie close side by side, except between the three thoracic ganglia where they are trans- versely separated. O. C. 1299 a. D. 35. The larva of a Moth (Metura sawndersii) contained within its protective case and dissected from the ventral surface. The nervous system is of extreme delicacy. It does not differ in the number of its post-oral ganglia from that shown in the preceding specimen, but the altered positions of the ganglia relative to the body-segments and to one another suggest that those changes have begun, which finally, during the pupal stage, produce the longitudinal concentration of the nervous system found in the imago. — The first abdominal ganglion is for example markedly approximated to the metathoracic, and lies with it in the metathoracic segment. O. C. 1299 F. D. 36. Two specimens of the nervous system of the larva of a Goat Moth ( Cossus ligniperda) : one in situ seen from above, the other isolated. The cerebral and subwsophageal ganglia are moderately separate, but the prothoracic is almost confluent with the suboesophageal. It is followed by a chain of 10 ganglia (2 thoracic and 8 abdominal). Between the thoracic ganglia the connectives diverge laterally, leaving an oval space. In the anterior of these spaces, in the left specimen, a small median nerve can be seen, which arises from the prothoracic ganglion and ends in two lateral branches close in front of the mesothoracic. It belongs to a series of median sympathetic nerves, found commonly among insects ; as a rule each rises from one of the two connectives close behind a ganglion, or from the ganglion itself, runs to the succeeding ganglion and there divides into two lateral branches, each of which joins one of the peripheral nerves and is distributed to the respiratory organs. The abdominal ganglia are situated at equal distances apart, with the exception of the first which is approximated to the metathoracic, and the last two which are almost contiguous. Cattie, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd, xxxv. 1881, p. 304. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 41 D. 37. A Lamellicorn Beetle (Dynastes centaurus) dissected from above to show the nervous system. The cerebral ganglion is comparatively small; it is united to the subceesophageal by connectives of moderate length. In the thorax there are three ganglionic masses, of which the anterior two are simple and respectively constitute the pro- and meso- thoracic ganglia ; the posterior mass is elongated in shape, and consists of the true metathoracic ganglion fused with a short cylindrical appendage that represents a concentra- tion of the abdominal chain ganglia, and innervates the abdomen. This arrangement of the ganglia is the one usually found among Lamellicorns. D. 38. A male Longicorn Beetle (Macrotoma) showing the nervous system from above. The cerebral ganglion is small relative to the head, and is united to the subcesopha- geal ganglion by long connectives. The thoracic ganglia are separate, with approximation between the meso- and metathoracic. The latter innervates the anterior part of the abdomen, as well as the metathorax. There are four free abdominal ganglia, the first of which is situated on the boundary-line between the thorax and the abdomen, This number and arrangement of the ganglia is charac- teristic of this family of Beetles. “0. GC. 1299 a. D. 39. The nervous system of a Hornet ( Vespa crabro), isolated. The large size of the cerebral ganglion is due, partly to the bulk of the protocerebral lobes—the centres for the great compound eyes, and partly to the high degree of develop- ment of the fungiform bodies. The latter differ in many respects from those of the Black-beetle (D 27); their calyces are larger and arch to a considerable extent over the anterior and posterior surfaces of the proto- cerebral lobes; the peduncle and its two calycal branches are remarkably stout, but the cauliculus and trabecula are insignificant, and without definite outlines. The ocelli receive their nerves from three centres that lie directly beneath them. The cerebral ganglion is continuous around the cesophagus with the small subcesophageal ganglion. There are two ganglia in the thorax—the first is the pro- 42 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. thoracic, the second a compound mass that represents a fusion of the meso- and metathoracic ganglia with the first two abdominal. In the abdomen there are five separate ganglia, the last of which is double and is formed by the fusion of two larval ganglia. Viallanes, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. ii, 1887, p. 1 (Brain). MOLLUSCA. v. Ihering, Anat. des Nervensystemes .... der Mollusken, 1877. Garstang, ‘Science Progress,’ vol. v. 1896, p. 38. The central nervous system of the Mollusca may be compared with that of an Annelid or Arthropod in so far as it is essenti- ally bilaterally symmetrical and consists of a paired pree-oral centre united around the cesophagus to a ventral system below the gut. But in Molluses the ventral system, when longitudinally elongated, shows no true metameric segmentation, and thus differs fundamentally from the ventral chain system of Annelids and Arthropods, although it much resembles the ventral cords of a Turbellarian. In addition to the pre- and postoral centres common to most Invertebrates, there are present others peculiar to the Mollusca. The most important of these are certain pallio-visceral centres for the innervation of the mantle, gills, and parts of the viscera, They occur either as a simple ganglionic loop uniting the lateral parts of the circum-oral system, or as a number of isolated ganglia (pleural, branchial, abdominal) united together by a fibrous commissure and due apparently to the disintegration of some such generalised loop. Modification in the various groups of Molluses tends either towards the concentration of all the centres towards the head (Gastropods, Cephalopods), or—in the Peleeypods—towards the diminution and suppression of the cerebral and pedal ganglia owing respect- ively to the absence of the head with its sense-organs and to the degeneration in many forms of the foot or byssal apparatus. Besides this reduction of the anterior ganglia, there is, in the Pelecypods, a backward migration of the pallio-branchial centres — (visceral ganglia) and a progressive increase in their size, lateral f t NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 43 concentration, and complexity of structure, depending upon the perfection of the mantle sense-organs or the formation of siphons. PELECYPODA. Rawitz, Jena. Zeits., Bd. xx. 1887, p. 384. D. 40. A wax model of the nervous system of Nucula nucleus, x 25. The central system, as in other Pelecypods, consists of three pairs of ganglia united to one another by com- missures and connectives. The cerebral ganglia lie in front of the mouth united by a short commissure ; each gives off three nerves that respectively innervate the anterior adductor, labial palps, and anterior part of the mantle. Posteriorly, the cerebral ganglia gradually di- minish in thickness and pass insensibly into a pair of long cerebro-visceral connectives, by which they are united to the visceral ganglia. The latter are small and laterally separate ; they lie ventral to the gut at some little distance in front of the posterior adductor united by a definite commissure, and innervate the gills, posterior adductor, and posterior part of the mantle. The cerebro-pedal connectives arise from the inner ventral surface of each cerebral ganglion by two roots, that remain separate for a fourth of the distance to the pedal ganglion. The double origin of these connectives from each cerebral ganglion has been thought to indicate that the latter is a compound structure consisting of two ganglia comparable to the cerebral and pleural of the Gastropod. But it may be, that the posterior root of the cerebro-pedal connective is the proximal part of the otocystic nerve running free for the first part of its course and not completely united with the cerebro-pedal connective as in most other Pelecypods. It is suggestive in this connection that in Solenomya (another of the Protobranchia) the otocystic nerve is entirely free _ from cerebral ganglion to otocyst. The pedal ganglia lie in the substance of the foot closely united together by a double commissure; they innervate the pedal muscles. The nervous system shows its low organisation by the diffuse distribution of ganglion-cells upon its surface (indicated by 44 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. yellow in the specimen). They not only form a layer of some thickness upon the three pairs of ganglia and the root of the branchial nerve as in other Pelecypods, but cover the outer and dorsal surfaces of the cerebro-visceral connectives and the cerebral and visceral commissures. Pelseneer, Arch. de Biol., t. xi. 1891, p. 166. Drew, Quart. Journ. Micro. Soc., vol. xliv. 1901, p. 373. D. 41. The nervous system of an Edible Mussel (Mytilus edulis), isolated. The ganglia are small—the pedal and visceral of approximately equal size, the cerebral slightly smaller. The latter lie on either side of the mouth, united by a long preeoral commissure. From the posterior extremity of each a single cord is given off, which shortly divides to form the cerebro-pedal and cerebro-visceral connectives. The pedal ganglia lie between the viscera and the foot ; they are closely applied to one another, and each gives off two main nerves—a large one from its lateral border to the pedal muscles, and a smaller posterior one to the byssus gland. The visceral ganglia lie some distance apart upon the antero-ventral surface of the posterior adductor, united to one another by a slightly ganglionic commissure. Each ganglion gives off two principal nerves, an anterior ganglionic branchial nerve and a large posterior trunk that supplies the mantle and posterior adductor. D. 42. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Scallop (Pecten maximus)—one isolated, the other shown. within the body from the left side. The remarkable perfection of the sense-organs on the mantle-border of the Scallops, and the large size and energy of their adductor muscle, are accompanied by a corresponding development of the visceral ganglia, the centres from which these parts are mainly innervated. The ganglia are completely fused in the mid-line, and form a rectangular mass situated upon the ventral surface of the adductor, near the centre of the animal. Each anterior corner receives one of the cerebro-visceral connectives ; external to these arise the branchial nerves, followed, along each lateral margin of the ganglion, by a series of lateral mantle-nerves, distributed to the middle NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 45 region of the mantle-border. From each posterior corner arises another bundle of nerves (posterior pallial), which innervates the posterior adductor and the hinder sixth of the mantle-border. The branches of the pallial nerves just before their final distribution are united by a ganglionic cord (not shown in the specimen) that runs completely round the mantle parallel to its edge. The cerebro-visceral connectives lie for their posterior third upon the surface of the adductor ; anterior to that point they traverse the superficial parts of the gonad to reach the small cerebral ganglia. The latter lie behind the mouth, united preorally by a very long and delicate commissure; they give off nerves to the anterior part of the mantle and labial palps. The pedal ganglia are small and contiguous in the mid-line ; they lie above the foot, between the cerebral ganglia. O. C. 1808 & 5. D. 43. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Pond-Mussel (Anodenta cygnea), shown respectively from the left side in situ, and isolated. The ganglia are more marked than in Mytilus, but show much the same relative proportions to one another. The cerebral lie at the postero-lateral margins of the mouth, and are united preeorally by a long commissure ; each gives off the usual nerves to the mantle, palps, and anterior adductor. The pedal ganglia are closely applied to one another, and are situated in the upper part of the foot embedded in the viscera; they give off numerous nerves to the pedal muscles and integument. The cerebro-visceral connectives run one on either side of the body on a level with the line of attachment of the gills; at their anterior end they lie far apart near the surface of the visceral mass, but towards the visceral ganglion run close together, between the organs of Bojanus. The visceral ganglia are larger than either cerebral or pedal; they are fused together to form a bilobed mass* situated on the ventral surface of the posterior adductor. They give off several small visceral filaments from their anterior surface, and two pairs of larger nerves from their lateral and posterior borders. The lateral pair supply the gills, and have at their origin a ganglionic area that underlies a 46 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. special branchial sense-organ (osphradium). The posterior nerves are distributed to the mantle (particularly to the papille that surround the inhalent opening) and to the posterior adductor.. In the lower specimen black paper has been placed beneath the ganglia. 0. C. 1303 8 a, AMPHINEURA. Plate, Zool. Jahrb., Suppl.-Bd. iv. 1898, p. 151. D. 44. The central nervous system of a Chiton (Hanleya abyssorum), showing some of its more important features. The nervous system in this and other Amphineura consists: fundamentally of two pairs of longitudinal cords united anteriorly to a circumoral ring. An even layer of ganglion- cells covers all parts of the cords and ring, without local concentration to form special ganglia, except in the Aplacophora and one species of Chiton. The outermost pair of cords (lateral cords) lie in the body-walls above the branchial furrow, lodged between the main branchial vessels; they innervate the mantle with its sense-organs, and, from their slightly thickened posterior. fourth, the gills and probably also the renal organs and heart. They are continuous with another above the rectum, and thus form an elongated loop, comparable, apart from its relation to the rectum, to the visceral loop of Gastropods and Pelecypods. The ventral or pedal cords extend throughout nearly the whole length of the foot, buried in its substance. They are united together by a large number of very delicate and somewhat irregularly disposed commissures, and give off from their outer and ventral surfaces numerous pedal nerves, that unite to form a rich plexus in the muscles of the foot. The first and last of the series of pedai commissures are far stouter than the rest, (in the specimen these two are perfect, the roots only of the other commissures and of the pedal nerves are shown). The pedal and lateral cords of the same side unite together in front to form the band- like anterior part of the circumoral ring. Behind the mouth the ring is completed by a slender strand, that terminates on either side in a swelling at the anterior end NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 47 of the pedal cord. From these swellings, which much resemble the labial lobes of Haliotis, two pairs of con- nectives are given off—one to the ganglia of the subradular organ (imperfect in the specimen), the other to the buccal ganglia, which lie as usual upon the posterior surface of the buccal mass, between the cesophagus and radular sac. The buccal system in this and certain other species forms a second complete ring around the gut: the buccal ganglia being united by commissures both below the cesophagus and above the roof of the buccal mass. The buccal ganglia probably innervate the whole alimentary canal. O. C. 1305 c. Burne, Proc. Malac. Soc., vol. ii. 1896, p. 4. D. 45. The anterior part of the nervous system of the same species of Chiton, isolated to show the two nervous rings (cireumoral and buccal) that surround the alimentary canal. QO. C. 1305 vb. GASTROPODA. Bouvier, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 7, t. iii. 1887, p. 1. D. 46. An isolated specimen of the nervous system of an Ormer (Haliotis tuberculata). The cerebral ganglia are small but fairly distinct, and are united in front of the mouth by a long ribbon-like commissure. From the lateral parts of each, two connectives pass beside the buccal mass to a compound pleuro-pedal ganglion beneath the gut. The greater part of this ganglion belongs to the pedal system, and extends backwards in the substance of the foot as a pair of flattened cords, fused to one another and to the pleural centres at their anterior end, and united at intervals by nine transverse commissures. Nerves are given off from this “ ladder-like ” pedal system to the foot and epipodium. The pleural ganglia form a pair of indefinite excrescences on the dorsal surface of the fused anterior ends of the pedal cords. They give off a pair of large mantle-nerves, and are united together, as in other Prosobranchs, by a commissural loop (visceral loop), that in its passage from ganglion to ganglion is twisted in the form of an 8. This twisted or -streptoneurous loop is characteristic of the Prosobranchs, 48 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, - = and always bears in its different parts a definite relation to the gut. The arm of the visceral loop that rises from the left pleural ganglion passes beneath the gut to the opposite side of the body ; here, at a point slightly posterior to the free tip of the gill, it forms a ganglion (subintestinal ganglion) from which the gill and olfactory organ (osphra- dium) are innervated. The loop continues its course round the margin of the mantle-cavity, and at its hindermost extremity forms another ganglion (abdominal ganglion), from which several nerves are given off to the viscera. On the left side of the mantle-cavity, opposite the sub- intestinal ganglion, a third ganglion (supraintestinal) is formed for the innervation of the left gill and osphradium. After leaving this ganglion the loop turns to the right over the dorsal surface of the intestine, and finally enters the right pleural ganglion. Nerves are given off from the cerebral ganglia to the sense-organs and integument of the head ; those to the lips take their origin, in common with the buccal connectives, from a prominence on the antero-ventral surface of each ganglion (labial lobe). The buccal ganglia form a single horseshoe-shaped band, situated on the posterior wall of the buccal mass between the radular sac and cesophagus. O. C. 1305 F. Lacaze-Duthiers, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 4, t. xii, 1859, p. 247. D. 47. The nervous system of a Limpet (Patella vulgata), isolated. This nervous system agrees in its general features with that of Haliotis, but differs from it in the following important particulars :—The ganglia are more pronounced and independent: this difference is particularly marked in the separation of the pleural and pedal ganglia. The pedal cords are not fused at their anterior end, but form a pair of ganglionic enlargements united by a stout commissure. Posteriorly they gradually become purely fibrous. The pedal cords are united by two commissures only. The labial lobes are detached from the cerebral ganglia. A nerve of some length is interposed between the sub- and supraintestinal ganglia and the visceral loop. 0. C. 1305 x. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 49 D. 48. The nervous system of an Apple-Snail (Ampullaria urceus), isolated excepting the pedal nerves of the right side. The nervous system of this Prosobranch affords a striking example of a condition of the visceral loop, known as zygoneury ; by this is meant the presence of certain con- nections between the sub- and supra-intestinal ganglia and the pleural ganglion of the same side, whereby a kind of false orthoneury arises that to a greater or less extent masks the original streptoneurous condition of the loop. These connections occur commonly among Prosobranchs, and can be present on one or both sides constituting right, left, or double zygoneury according as the nervous union takes place between the right pleural and subintestinal ganglia, the left pleural and supra-intestinal, or both. In this specimen double zygoneury is shown in an extreme form. The visceral loop passes from the left pleural ganglion beneath the intestine to a small subintestinal ganglion partially fused to the right pleural ganglion-—this fusion constitutes the right zygoneurous connection. From the subintestinal ganglion the visceral loop runs round the margin of the mantle-cavity as usual, giving off a nerve to the mantle on the right side and several to the viscera from a bilobed abdominal ganglion situated at its posterior ex- tremity. The left arm of the loop, after giving off a few small nerves, enters an elongated supra-intestinal ganglion, which gives origin to a stout nerve for the osphradium and several smaller branches that are said to pass across the roof of the mantle-cavity to the gill, which in this molluse is displaced from the left to the right side by the development of the lung-sac. The supra-intestinal ganglion is connected by a large trunk to the left pleural ganglion (the left zygoneurous connection) and to the right pleural ganglion by a delicate filament that passes dorsal to the intestine and subintestinal ganglion, and represents the supra-intestinal arm of the streptoneurous loop in a very much reduced condition. The pleural ganglia are fused to the pedal to form a pair of subcesophageal masses, in each of which the constituent parts are separated by a shallow depression. They are connected by three commissures—one between the pleural VOL. Il. EK 50 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. centres, the other two between the pedal. The nerves from the pleural ganglia innervate the mantle ; one of those on the right side is of large size, and forms a considerable ganglion before breaking up to innervate the penis, rectum, and neighbouring parts. The pedal ganglia are continued backwards in the substance of the foot as a pair of longi- tudinal fibrous cords, connected together by 3 or 4 delicate commissures. From their outer sides a number of pedal nerves are given off, which towards the margin of the foot form a rich plexus with minute ganglia at the meeting- points of the nerve-filaments. The pedal system, except for the absence of ganglion-cells in the longitudinal cords, closely resembles the “ ladder-like” system of Vivipara [Paludina]. The cerebral ganglia are united by a long ribbon-like commissure; they innervate the cephalic sense- organs, and are united by a pair of long connectives to two small buccal ganglia situated in the usual place on the posterior surface of the buccal mass and connected by a subcesophageal commissure. O. C. 1305 a. Burne, Proc. Malac. Soe., vol. iii. 1899, p. 317. D. 49. A Heteropod (Carinaria mediterranea) with the nervous system displayed from the left side. The system, which is very delicate compared with the size of the animal, bears many resemblances to that of a Prosobranch, particularly in the possession of a crossed (streptoneurous) visceral loop. The ganglia are considerably lobulated. There are two main pairs—(i.) the cerebral (fig. 16), from which nerves are given off to the large and highly-organised eyes, the otocyst, tentacles, and labial region of the integument ; and (ii.) the pedal ganglia. The latter lie above the fin within the body ; each is bilobed, with the two lobes one above and slightly in front of the other. The upper lobe receives a stout connective from the cerebral ganglion, and gives off from its hinder end a connective to the visceral ganglion of the same side, and from its upper surface 3 or 4 tine nerves that radiate to the body-wall. A large nerve for the penis rises from the upper lobe on the right side. .The lower lobe sends nerves to the body-wall and to the various regions of the foot, that to the fin being NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 51 particularly large. A pair of long slender connectives arise from a lobe (fig. 16, PL.L.) on the posterior surface of each cerebral ganglion and accompany the alimentary canal ; near the visceral mass each crosses to the opposite side of the body—the left below the gut and the right above, and upon reaching the visceral mass is joined by the above-mentioned pedo-visceral connective, and swells to form a small visceral ganglion upon the surface of the gastric gland. These two visceral ganglia represent the Fig. 16. PL.V. C. Cerebral Ganglia of Carinaria mediterranea. C.P.C. Cerebro-pedal connective. O.N. Optic nerve. PL.L. Pleural lobe. PL.V.C, Pleuro-visceral connective. supra- and subintestinal of a Prosobranch ; each is united by a delicate filament to a large abdominal ganglion situated upon the gastric gland midway between the two. The gill is innervated from the supra-intestinal ganglion. Ganglia comparable to the pleural of other Gasteropods are not present as independent centres ; they are probably fused with the cerebral ganglia, forming the lobes from which the visceral loop arises. Pelseneer, OC. R. Acad. Sci., t. exiv. 1892, p. 775. : ™ D. 50. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Roman Snail (Helix pomatia), shown respectively in situ from the left side, and isolated. The central system is much. concentrated. It consists of two main ganglionic masses—(i.) a paired oblong cerebral ganglion, united by two connectives on either side of the E2 52 - PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. cesophagus to (ii.) a large compound subcsophageal mass formed by the fusion of pedal and pleural ganglia with the four centres of the short untwisted (orthoneurous) visceral loop. The two halves of the cerebral ganglion are united by a short commissure ; each is indistinctly lobulated, the most conspicuous lobe forming a conical projection (tentacular Fig. 17. Diagrammatic reconstruction of the Pleuro-pedal mass of Helia pomatia. x 20. C.P.C. Cerebro-pedal connective. C.PL.C, Cerebro-pleural connective. P.G, Pedal ganglion. PL.G. Pleural ganglion. V.L. Visceral loop. lobe) on its anterior surface, from which arises a large nerve for the optic tentacle and eye and a smaller one for the otocyst. From the antero-lateral margins of the ganglion, nerves are given off to the lips and anterior tentacles, and from its ventral surface a pair of delicate buccal connectives. The substance of the subcsophageal mass (fig. 17) is traversed between the pleuro-visceral and pedal centres by the anterior aorta. The pleural ganglia give off no nerves. Four large nerves rise from the ganglia of the visceral loop; three of them innervate NERVOUS SYSTEM,—INVERTEBRATA. 53 the mantle and respiratory organs, the fourth enters the visceral mass and is distributed to the genital organs. The pedal ganglia are united by two distinct commissures ; each gives off a large bundle of nerves to the foot. The entire central system is enclosed in a thick sheath of connective tissue (fig. 18). There are two distinct kinds of ganglion-cells—large unipolar cells, some of immense size (‘17 mm.) situated around the subcesophageal and Horizontal section through the right Cerebral Ganglion of Helix pomatia. x 40. C.T. Connective tissue. G.C. Large ganglion-cells. G.N. Ganglionic nuclei. T.L. Tentacular lobe. buccal ganglia and on the posterior surface of the cerebral, and small cells with a minimum of protoplasm, very similar to the ganglionic nuclei of Arthropods, crowded together upon the lateral surface of the tentacular lobes of the cerebral ganglia. The neuropile of the tentacular lobes derived from these cells is peculiarly dense. In the upper (isolated) specimen blue paper has been placed beneath the four nerves that rise from the visceral loop, and in the-lower specimen the main features of the nerve distribution have been indicated by black paper. O. C. 1305 A a. Nabias, Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, sér. 5, t. vii. p. 10. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 51. A Slug (Limaz rufus), laid open longitudinally along the back, and with the viscera removed, to show the nervous system. The cerebral ganglia are pear-shaped and situated at some distance apart united by a commissure. They innervate the same organs as in the Snail. The esophageal nervous ring is completed below the gut by. a larger ganglionic mass from which nerves radiate to supply the body. The principal nerves are the two inferior ones which extend on either side of the mid-line of the ventral surface straight to the hinder end of the body, giving off branches from their outer sides to the muscular foot. A small asymmetrical ganglion is formed on the nerve that supplies the heart and respiratory apparatus. The subcesophageal ganglion is a compound body, formed, as in the Snail, by the fusion of the pedal, pleural, and visceral ganglia. O. C. 1304. Hunterian. D. 52. The same species of Slug laid open along the ventral aspect, and with the viscera removed to show more especially the suboeesophageal ganglion and its nerves. A bristle occupies the place of the esophagus. O.C. 1305. Hunterian. D. 53. A Slug (Limaz sp.) with the body-walls divided longi- tudinally along the ventral surface, and divaricated to show the nervous system in position. Preserved in Goadby solution. D. 54. Two isolated specimens of the nervous system of a Pond- Snail (Limnea stagnalis). The central nervous system although decidedly concentrated is much less so than in the Land-Snail. The three pairs of ganglia that form the circum-cesophageal ring (cerebral, pleural, and pedal) are independent and joined together by short commissures and connectives. The orthoneurous visceral loop is extremely short, yet its ganglia and the fibrous strands that unite them to one another and to the pleural ganglia can be clearly distinguished. The distribution of the nerves that arise from the various ganglia corresponds in the main with that seen in //elix, but it should be noticed that at the end of one of the terminal branches of the pallial nerve given NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 55 off from the right visceral ganglion there is a small round ganglion ; this underlies a sensory pit (probably olfactory) situated close to the respiratory orifice. The cerebral ganglia are considerably lobulated. Blue paper has been placed beneath the visceral loop in both specimens. O. C. 13054 db. Lacaze-Duthiers, Arch. Zool. Exp., t. i. 1872, p. 437. D. 55. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Sea-Hare (Aplysia punctata), seen from the dorsal aspect, isolated (upper specimen), and in situ. The several ganglia of the circum-cesophageal ring are separate, definite in outline, and of moderate size. The cerebral ganglia lie close together above the cesophagus, on either side of which they are united by a pair of short connectives to the pedal and pleural ganglia. Hach pleural ganglion lies slightly behind and below the pedal ganglion of the same side, joined to it by a very short connective. The pedal ganglia are united by two commissures—one short and stout passing directly from ganglion to ganglion, the other longer and more delicate. The pleural ganglia give rise to a long untwisted (ortho- neurous) visceral loop, that extends backwards through the cavity of the body to the pericardium. Here it is completed by a large bilobed ganglion, from which nerves are given off to the body-wall, generative organs, and gill. The branchial nerve arises from the upper of the two lobes, and at the base of the gill forms a small round ganglion that underlies a special sense-organ (osphradium). The chief nerve given off from the lower lobe supplies the genital organs. Although the visceral loop is essentially ortho- neurous, it shows a variable but distinct tendency towards a streptoneurous twist. When seen from above its left arm appears in the posterior part of its course to lie directly beneath or even in some cases slightly to the right of the right arm. This partial streptoneury is interesting in view of the unmistakably twisted loop of another Opisthobranch (Actwon). The nerve distribution resembles that in other Gastropods ; the sense-organs of the head and the integu- ment around the mouth are supplied from the cerebral ganglia; the pleural nerves innervate the anterior parts of 56 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the lateral body-walls, while the ventral and posterior parts of the body receive nerves from the pedal ganglia. The buccal ganglia are contiguous in the mid-line ; they lie on the posterior surface of the buccal mass between the cesophagus and radula-sac, and give off nerves as usual to the buccal mass and alimentary canal. D. 56. A Sea-Hare (Aplysia sp.) opened longitudinally to the right of the dorsal mid-line, and with the body-walls spread to either side to show the nervous system in situ. The viscera have been removed with the exception of the buccal mass and part of the heart. The outlines of the ganglia are less distinct than in the previous specimen, as the connective-tissue sheath by which they are enveloped has not been removed. Preserved in Goadby solution. D. 57. Two specimens of the nervous system of a Nudibranch ( Archidoris tuberculata). The central system is extremely concentrated. It consists of a single supra-cesophageal lobulated mass, in which can be traced three pairs of centres that apparently represent cerebral, pleural, and pedal ganglia. The cerebral, which form the anterior part of the mass as seen in the lower specimen, give off, as usual, buccal connec- tives and nerves to the cephalic sense-organs. The pleural and pedal centres supply the body-wall and generative organs. The lateral parts of the compound ganglion are united below the esophagus by a triple commissure ; two of its constituents arise in the pedal ganglia and correspond to the two pedal commissures of Tectibranchs (e.g. Aplysia), the third (marked by black paper in the upper specimen) unites the pleural centres and may be regarded as an orthoneurous visceral loop. QO. C. 1305 Ba, D. 58. A Nudibranch (7ritonia hombergii) with the nervous system exposed from above. The central system consists of four ganglionic masses concentrated in a transverse band above the anterior end of the msophagus. The inner pair are contiguous with one another in the dorsal mid-line ; each represents a fusion of a cerebral with a pleuro-visceral centre. From the anterior (cerebral) NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 57 portion, nerves are given off to the integument and sense- organs of the head. The posterior (pleuro-visceral) part innervates the lateral and dorsal regions of the body-wall. The two outer centres represent the pedal ganglia; they are in contact with the lateral surfaces of the pleuro-visceral centres ; each sends several large nerves to the foot. As in Archedoris the lateral parts of the supra-cesophageal mass are united below the gut by a triple commissure enclosed in a common neurilemma-sheath. Preserved in Goadby solution. v. Ihering, Anat. des Nervensystemes... der Mollusken, 1877, p. 174. CEPHALOPODA. Note.—In describing the Cephalopod nervous system it has been assumed for convenience’ sake that the funnel and mantle-cavity are situated on the ventral aspect of the animal, and the beak at the anterior end. D. 59. The anterior parts of a male Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pomptlius) from which the viscera and left half of the body-walls and funnel have been removed to show the nervous system én situ. The central system shows no differentiation into separate ganglia, but is coated evenly in all parts by a continuous layer of ganglion-cells ; it is situated entirely within the head region, supported by the upper part of the large cephalic cartilages. Above the oesophagus lies a transverse cylindrical bar of nervous tissue directly continuous at either end with an antero-posteriorly flattened optic ganglion. The extremities of the supra- vesophageal bar are connected below the cesophagus by two semicircular nervous bands that rise by a common origin from either end of the bar and slant respectively for- wards and backwards towards the ventral surface of the csophagus. The anterior semicircular band is_ thick at either end, but rapidly tapers towards its middle, until beneath the osophagus it forms a narrow com- missural strand. It gives off on either side from the lower end of its thickened region a stout nerve for the funnel, and from its anterior surface, between this point and its junction with the supra-cesophageal bar, a large number of nerves for the outer and lateral series of tentacles. 58 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. One of those on the left side is larger than the rest and innervates the spadix—an accessory sexual organ in the male formed by the modification of certain of the tentacles of the lateral series. The posterior semicircular band is of equal calibre throughout. From the hinder margin of its lateral parts a series of nerves are given off to the body- muscles, as well as a pair on either side to the posterior region of the funnel. From its postero-ventral border it gives rise to two large nerves that run backwards upon the ventral surface of the body to the neighbourhood of the gills ; here each gives off two branchial branches and is said to then continue onwards to terminate among the viscera (this continuation is not shown). Nerves from the supra- cesophageal bar supply the olfactory tentacles and pit, the otocyst, and parts of the hood. This centre also gives origin near either end to two strong connectives, that after a sinuous course join a ganglion (pharyngeal ganglion) upon the lateral surface of the buccal mass. The pharyngeal ganglia of opposite sides are united beneath the gut by two commissures, one of which passes anteriorly along the inner border of the lower beak, giving off two large nerves to the tissues within it, while the other passes transversely between the cesophagus and radula-sac and has upon its course a pair of buccal ganglia from which nerves are distributed to the buccal mass and esophagus. Although the central nervous system shows a certain degree of specialisation in being concentrated in the head, it is on the whole in a very simple and primitive condition, and reminds one, especially in the band-like form of its several parts and the diffuse distribution of ganglion-cells upon its surface, of the condition observed in the Amphi- neura, The three nervous bands of which it is composed probably represent the typical centres of the Mollusea in a state of great simplification, namely :—cerebral (supra- esophageal bar) for the innervation of the head region with its sense-organs, pedal (anterior semicircular band) innervating the tentacle complex and the funnel, and pleuro-visceral (posterior semicircular band) for the mantle, gills, and viscera. O. C. 1306 Aaa. Graham Kerr, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1895, p. 673. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 59 D. 60. The anterior or muscular part of the body of a female Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius) laid open longitudin- ally along the dorsal aspect, and with the sides divaricated to show the nervous system. In the female the inner ring of tentacles consists not only of two lateral groups, as in the male, but also of a ventral series located in two lobes that lie one on either side of the ventral mid-line. A pair of large nerves (the left one is indicated by black paper) for the innervation of these are given off from the anterior subcesophageal band on the outer side of the funnel- nerves. Hach enlarges as it nears the tentacular lobe to form a triangular ganglion, from which branches radiate to the individual tentacles. O. C. 1306 a. Owen, Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius), 1832, p. 36. D. 61. The head of a Cuttle-fish (Sepia officinalis) dissected from the dorsal aspect to show the form and position of the central nervous system. It is extremely concentrated, and forms a compact ring around the fore part of the cesophagus protected externally by a cartilaginous capsule. The ring is divisible into a pyriform supra-cesophageal mass (cerebral ganglion) and a larger oblong subcesophageal ganglion, united together on either side of the cesophagus by stout connectives. The cerebral ganglion is joined on either side by a short stalk to a large kidney-shaped optic ganglion, from whose distal margin a number of nerve-fibres arise and perforate the cartilaginous optic capsule to reach the retina. Upon the dorsal surface of each optic stalk there is a small rounded excrescence from which the olfactory nerve takes its origin (see Olfact. Organs, Section E). Upon the right side bristles have been placed beneath the superior ophthalmic nerve—a small nerve that rises from the hinder part of the subcesophageal mass close to the base of the circum- cesophageal connective, and innervates the globe of the eye and the integument on its dorsal surface. OQ. C. 1306 D. 60 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 62. The central nervous system of a Cuttle-fish (Sepia officin- alis), isolated to show the relations of its parts, the origin of the main nerves, and the anterior portion of the visceral system. The pointed anterior extremity of the cerebral ganglion is joined by a pair of connectives to a small independent ganglion (supra-pharyngeal), which is probably a dis- connected piece of the cerebral ganglion and not a part of the visceral system. This ganglion is situated on the dorsal surface of the cesophagus close behind the buccal mass, and innervates the peristomial membrane by a number of nerves that radiate from its anterior margin. It is united to the anterior part of the suboesophageal mass by a pair of connectives, that rise from its posterior surface, and by a second pair from its outer extremities to a buccal ganglion that lies below the oesophagus on the posterior wall of the buccal mass. Nerves from this latter centre supply the buccal mass, radula, and alimentary canal. The cerebral ganglion is further united by connectives to the subceesophageal mass. ‘There are two on either side—a small one that arises from its anterior extremity and joins the suprapbaryngeo-subcesophageal connective close to the suboesophageal mass, and another, extremely short and stout, that forms the lateral part of the cireum-cesophageal ring below the optic stalk. This last is superficially single, but internally two fibrous strands can be distinguished that pass respectively to the anterior and posterior parts of the subasophageal mass, and represent cerebro-pedal «and cerebro-pleural connectives. The subcsophageal mass may be divided into an anterior and a posterior region. The anterior innervates the arms and fore part of the funnel, and may be regarded as a pedal ganglion. The posterior region contains the pallial and visceral centres; it projects backwards beyond the cerebral ganglion and gives off three large pairs of nerves respectively to the mantle, to the posterior part of the funnel, and to the viscera and gills; two smaller pairs arise from its dorsal and ventral surfaces and innervate the superficial parts of the eyes. O. C, 1306 ¥, Pelseneer, Arch. Biol., t. viii. 1888, p. 723. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—INVERTEBRATA. 61 D. 63. The isolated nervous system of a Cuttle-fish (Sepia officin- alis) showing the origin and course of the main nerves. The innervation area of the cerebral ganglion includes the eyes (through the mediation of the optic ganglia), the olfactory pit, the otocyst (by nerves that perforate the subeesophageal mass), and, indirectly through the supra- pharyngeal ganglion, the lips. The anterior (pedal) region of the subcesophageal mass is composed of a brachial and an infundibular centre. The brachial nerves arise from the anterior margin of the former ; they are 10 in number—8 for the non-retractile arms and 2 for the tentacles. Just before the separation of the 8 arms from their common muscular base, their nerves are united together by a circular commissure, the main part of which enters a small ganglionic enlargement upon each brachial nerve, while a smaller strand leaves the commissure on one side of the ganglion, passes across its inner surface, and joins the commissure again on the other side. In the free part of each arm the nerve is central in position and ganglionic. The nerves for the anterior part of the funnel arise from the ventral surface of the in- fundibular centre—their extremities can be seen in the specimen projecting beyond the optic ganglia. A pair of large mantle-nerves are given off from the lateral posterior corners of the pleuro-visceral centre. Each of them runs diagonally backwards to the retractor capitis muscle ; at this point it gives off a branch from its inner margin, and then passes through the substance of the muscle to the dorsal wall of the mantle-cavity. Here it divides into two branches, one of which shortly enters a large round ganglion (g. stellatum), from which nerves radiate to all parts of the mantle; the other passes along the median surface of the stellate ganglion and is distri- buted to the lateral-fin fold. The posterior infundibular nerves arise slightly in front of the pallial, from the ventral surface of the pleuro-visceral centre. The visceral nerves are given off close side by side from its posterior border. They run backwards to the ventral surface of the gastric gland, perforate the subhepatic cartilage and continue close beneath the skin, one on either side of the cephalic vein to 62 PHYSIOLOGIOAL SERIES. * the external renal openings. Just posterior to the subhepatic cartilage, each nerve gives off a branch from its lateral surface to the retractor infundibuli, and a little further hack a second branch from its median side to the rectum and ink-sac, Dorsal to the external renal openings the two main trunks are united by a plexiform commissure, and from this point continue along the antero-lateral margin of the kidneys till they reach the bases of the gills. Here each forms a ganglion and passes forwards along the gill to its anterior end. Numerous delicate fibres from the plexiform commissure ramify amongst the viscera and establish con- nections with a large splanchnic ganglion situated upon the stomach. The splanchnic ganglion is further connected to the buccal ganglia by an extremely fine pair of nerves that lie upon the walls of the cesophagus, From the active predaceous habits of the Dibranch Cephalopods and the great concentration of their central nervous system, one may conclude that the latter is a highly-specialised and efficient organ, but as to its actual working little definite is known. It may be said, however, that:—The cerebral ganglion (in certain cases at any rate, though apparently not in all) exerts a general inhibitory influence over the rest of the system. In its anterior part is located a centre for the fixation of the arm-suckers, their relaxation depending on another centre in its posterior part. Each brachial nerve forms a reflex centre for the general movements of the arm in which it lies. The pleuro-visceral mass, and not as might be supposed the stellate ganglion, is the reflex centre for the respiratory movements of the mantle; it is also the controlling centre for the chromatophores. The action of the heart can take place independently of the cephalic central system, although its pulsations are regulated by the subcesophageal mass, O. C, 1306 B. Chéron, Ann. Sci. Nat., sér. 5, t. v. 1866, p. 41. D. 64. A section of the mantle of a large Cuttle-fish (Sepia officinalis) showing one of the pallial nerves with the ganglion stellatum. The branch of the pallial nerve that NERVOUS SYSTEM.—PROTOCHORDATA. 63 passes without being implicated in the ganglion, through the substance of the mantle to the muscle-fibres of the lateral fin, is indicated by a black bristle. O. C. 1307. Hunterian. PROTOCHORDATA. TUNICATA. D. 65. A Simple Ascidian (Phallusia mammillata) from which the dorsal parts of the test have been removed to show the nervous system. In the adult this is in a much reduced condition ; it is minute compared with the bulk of the animal, and consists of a rod-like ganglion that lies on the muscular body-wall upon the dorsal surface between the oral and atrial apertures, close in front of the latter. From either end it gives off a pair of nerves that respectively innervate the integument and muscles of the oral and atrial siphons. A few small nerves for the general body-wall arise from its lateral parts. The hinder end of the ganglion is prolonged backwards as a fine ganglionic cord, that runs along the dorsal edge of the branchial sac and terminates upon the liver. This cord (visceral cord) apparently inner- vates the anterior region of the alimentary canal ; it has been shown to be the degenerate remains of the portion of the larval dorsal cord that lies between the cerebral vesicle and the tail. O.C, 1307 a. Presented by Prof. C. Stewart. Van Beneden & Julin, Arch. de Biol., t. v. 1884, pp. 317 & 633. : CEPHALOCHORDA. D. 66. The isolated central nervous system of a Lancelet (Amphioxus lanceolatus) showing its general form and some few of the spinal nerve roots. The central nervous system in Amphiorus consists of an unsegmented tubular cord of roughly triangular cross section. At either end it narrows to a point, but otherwise is of approximately similar calibre throughout. It lies upon the dorsal surface of the notochord, extending from its hinder extremity to a point some little distance behind its anterior end. The 64 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. anterior pointed region terminates in a median eye-spot and gives off two pairs of purely sensory nerves to the snout. From the rest of the cord a series of mixed and motor nerves arise, that correspond in number and position to the septa sbetween the myotomes and consequently alternate on either side. The central canal is lined by a sup- porting epithelium. This is surrounded, as in Vertebrates, by a layer of ganglion-cells, while the outer parts of the cord consist of non-medullated nerve-fibres of different sizes. Some of these, which arise from giant ganglion-cells that lie across the canal in the anterior and posterior thirds of the cord, are of remarkably large size and remind one of Miiller’s fibres in Cyclostomes or of the giant fibres in _ Invertebrates. In front the canal broadens out to form a cerebral vesicle, that probably corresponds with the three primary vesicles of the vertebrate brain. A small evagina- tion of its dorso-anterior wall extends towards the olfactory pit and indicates the last closed connection of the central canal with the exterior (a similar excrescence occurs in the embryos of Vertebrates) ; while below, another median evagination apparently represents the infundibulum, As the walls of this “ brain”’ region are thinner than in other parts of the cord, there is no external sign of a cerebral enlargement. O. C. a, 1847. Willey, ‘ Amphioxus,’ 1894, p. 82. VERTEBRATA. BRAIN. Edinger, Anat. Central Nervous System, 5th ed. (Engl. trans.) 1899. Edinger, Abhandl. Senckenberg. Gesell., Bd. xv. 1890 (Cerebrum). Haller, Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxvi. 1898, p. 632 (Bibliog.). PISCES. OCYOLOSTOMI. D. 67. The brain of a Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The Cyclostomes have an extremely simple brain, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 65 similar in many respects to that of a low Urodele or to the embryonic stages of higher Vertebrates. It consists of a slight enlargement of the anterior end of the cord accompanied by a corresponding increase in the size of the central canal and its partial transverse division into three ventricles. Upon this foundation certain excrescences have been developed in connection with the senses of sight and smell. The dorsal wall is to a very large extent purely epithelial, nervous matter being mainly confined to the floor and side walls. The primitive condition of the brain is also shown by the relatively large size of the ventricles, Brain of Petromyzon marinus (enlarged). [For list of abbreviations, see page 508. ] and by the absence of any special thickenings of their nervous walls. The medulla forms nearly half the brain (fig. 19, A). It passes behind insensibly into the cord, and in front is laterally expanded with separation of its walls in the mid-dorsal line to enclose a large pyriform opening (fossa rhomboidalis) covered by a thin vascular membrane. This roof consists of an epithelium continuous with that lining the fourth ventricle, of pia mater and blood-vessels ; it is considerably larger than the fossa and in consequence projects in all directions into the cranial cavity, and in VOL. II. F PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. conjunction with the similar vascular roof of the optic lobes spreads out over a large part of the dorsal surface of the brain. These two choroid plexuses have been removed together and mounted at the side with their under surfaces exposed to show the complicated folding of their walls (fig. 19, B). The roof of the medulla behind the open rhomboid fossa is slightly thickened on either side of the mid-line, and here gives origin to the hinder roots of the vagus (the roots are not shown in the specimen). Similar thickenings in the lateral walls of the fossa give origin to the 7th and 8th cranial nerves, and another pair of swellings in the floor of the fourth ventricle, seen through the open rhomboid fossa, are the motor nuclei of the 5th pair of nerves. The floor of the fourth ventricle is indented in the mid-line by a sharp furrow, on either side of which is a slight thickening due to a pair of tracts (fasciculi longitudinales posteriores) that connect the thalamencephalon with the cord and on their way form connections with the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves. They are particularly well marked in Fishes, The rhomboid fossa is bounded in front by a narrow but slightly thickened lip—the cerebellum. The mid-brain con- sists above of a pair of very prominent rounded eminences —the optic lobes. They contain a common ventricle derived from the aqueduct of Sylvius and are superficially separated from one another in the dorsal mid-line by a groove. Their walls are composed for the most part of nervous tissue from the outer surface of which the optic nerves are given off, but this is replaced at the anterior end by an epithelial choroid plexus (the fore part of the speci- men at the side) similar to that covering the rhomboid fossa. The removal of this plexus has exposed a minute opening situated at the anterior end of the optic lobes and bounded in front by a band of commissural fibres (posterior com- missure)—not externally visible—that marks the boundary line between the mid-brain and thalamencephalon or primary fore-brain. The thalamencephalon is remarkably deep from above downwards. Its roof is epithelial in its anterior part and NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 67 projects beak-like above the cerebrum, but posteriorly it is nervous and swollen to form an asymmetrical pair of ganglia (ganglia habenulz), the smaller (left) of which is in con- nection with the pineal body. In the specimen these ganglia can only be distinguished as a single median thickening in front of the optic lobes. The ganglia habenule are one of the most constant parts of the vertebrate brain. They are always present on either side close in front of the epiphysial evagination, are united by a commissure, and are always in connection by tracts with the olfactory area of the cerebrum and with the corpus interpedunculare. The latter can be seen in the specimen as a small median protuberance close behind the origin of the oculo-motor nerves. The floor of the thalamencephalon is expanded ventrally to form a capacious infundibulum. Lobi inferiores and saccus vasculosus are absent, but there is said to bea well marked saccus infundibuli in the posterior wall of the infundibulum. A similar structure occurs in Elasmo- branchs and embryo Teleosts. The side walls consist mainly of tracts that connect the cerebrum with the more posterior regions of the brain. They are covered super- ficially by the optic tracts on their way downwards and forwards from the optic lobes to the chiasma in front of the infundibulum. The thalamencephalon is continuous at its anterior end, on either side of the mid-line, with a pair of hollow lobes—the secondary fore-brain—each consisting of two parts: a posterior lobe (the hemisphere), and a larger anterior lobe (the olfactory bulb) from which a nerve is given off to the nose. A slight lobulation observable upon the surface of the olfactory bulbs is due to a glomerular condensation of the neuropile close beneath the surface. The hemispheres are mesially united by a commissure (anterior commissure) that lies in the dorsal parts of the anterior wall of the thalamencephalon (lamina terminalis). They have ganglion-cells scattered irregularly throughout their walls and show no signs of cortical structure. Ahlborn, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxix. 1883, p. 191. F 2 SE ae 68 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. ELASMOBRANOHII. Miklucho-Maclay, Beitriige z. verg]. Neurol. 1870. Edinger, Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. lviii. 1901, p. 661 (Cere- bellum). The brain of the Elasmobranchs only partially fills the cranial cavity. It has generally an elongated narrow form, with the several regions lineally arranged and, except in the case of the cerebellum, with but little overlapping of parts. It is chiefly remarkable for the great development of the centres in connection with the sense of smell—olfactory bulbs and peduncles, and cerebrum. The lamina terminalis is more or less thickened—excessively so in Rays—and frequently is indented in the mid-line to form small lateral ventricles. The optic lobes are well marked, as are also the several parts of the hypo- thalamus (infundibulum, lobi inferiores, saccus vasculosus and saceus infundibuli). The cerebellum, asin Bony Fish and Birds, is strongly developed ; it overlaps the optic lobes and medulla to varying degrees and frequently shows complex transverse folding. Posteriorly it is continued into the convoluted margins of the rhomboid fossa (medullary auricles). In Sharks the medulla is usually long and without definite separation from the cord, but is much shortened in Rays. It owes its large size mainly to the great development of the nuclei of the cranial nerves, especially those in connection with the respiratory nerves (x.) and the sensory nerves of the skin (v. and the lateral-line nerves). It also contains great longitudinal motor tracts (fasciculi longi- tudinales posteriores) in its floor, besides less developed tracts in connection with the optic lobes (fillet) and cerebellum, The walls of the brain are nervous except for the vascular epithelial roof of the rhomboid fossa and third ventricle. There is no sign of cortical formation in the cerebrum, but its walls consist of a relatively thin outer molecular stratum anda thick cellular layer surrounding the ventricles. In its base definite cell-masses give rise to the anterior commissure and to longitudinal tracts that pass to a large ganglion (nucleus rotundus) in the thalamus, which ‘in turn gives off fibres to the hinder parts of the brain. A second pair of tracts pass from the cerebral roof (pallium) into the base of the thalamencephalon, and decussate behind the optic chiasma in close contiguity with tracts from the base of the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 69 mid-brain (decussatio post-optica). The thalamencephalon also contains in its dorsal parts a pair of ganglia habenule connected by tracts with the olfactory parts of the cerebrum, and with the tectum opticum, corpus interpedunculare (Meynert’s \bundle), and hypothalamus. In the lower parts of the thalamus lie another pair of ganglia (g. geniculata) situated under cover of the optic tracts. They are very constant throughout vertebrates and contribute fibres to the opticus. The hypothalamus, whose walls consist of a fibrous reticulum interspersed with numerous ganglion-cells, is the chief point of origin of the great fasciculi longitudinales posteriores ; it is also connected with the cere- bellum and tectum opticum. In the roof of the mid-brain (tectum opticum) there are two chief layers—an outer layer consisting of the roots of the opticus and containing numerous ganglion-cells in its deeper parts ; and a deep fibrous layer in which the fibres for the most part run transversely and constitute a tectal commissure, thickened in its anterior parts to form the posterior commissure. On either side the fibres pass backwards into the medulla (some crossing in the floor as the commissura ansulata), and constitute the anterior termination of a large sensory tract (fillet) that extends into the cord and is connected in the medulla with the sensory cranial- nerve nuclei. Part of this tract arises from a nucleus in the posterior part of the tectum—the homologue of the posterior corpora quadrigemina of Mammalia. A nucleus of large cells (roof nucleus) lies in the mid-line at the hinder extremity of the tectum beneath the transverse commissure ; its meaning is doubtful, though probably it is a nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. The cerebellum consists, as in all vertebrates, of four layers— molecular, intermediate (Purkinje’s cells), fibrous, and nuclear ; the fibrous being situated external to the nuclear, and not as in Teleosts, Birds, and Mammals, on its deep surface. The layers vary in thickness in different regions, the nuclear for instance being almost entirely concentrated in a pairsof ridges, one on either side of the mid-line (longitudinal zones). Tracts connect the cerebellum with the thalamencephalon, mesencephalon, and spinal cord, but the greater part of the fibrous layer is in direct connection with the sensory cranial nerves. 70 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. SQUALIDA. D. 68. The brain of Notidanus griseus exposed within the skull from the dorsal and ventral aspects. The Elasmobranch brain is found in its simplest and most primitive condition in the Notidanide, and presents in them many features that in other members of the class are transient, occurring only during certain developmental stages. The following characters should be particularly noticed as indications of primitive construction :—The rela- tively great length and narrowness of the brain; the absence of any marked local thickening of its walls; their general thinness and the consequent spaciousness of the ventricles (for these and other internal features see Maclay, t. ii. tig. 12) ; the simple unconvoluted cerebellum ; the great development of the medulla, its length, wide dorsal open- ing, and gradual passage into the cord. The fore-brain (cerebrum) is deeply cleft anteriorly (more so than in any other Elasmobranch) by an infolding of the lamina terminalis; its cavity is thus separable into a posterior unpaired chamber—the fore part of the third ventricle—passing in front into a pair of anteriorly directed pockets, or lateral ventricles. The latter are continuous at their anterior end with the cavities of the long olfactory peduncles, by means of which the olfactory bulbs, which are situated directly beneath the olfactory organ, are connected to the rest of the brain. The olfactory bulb has always in Elasmobranchs (except it seems in Eehinorhinus) this close relation to the olfactory organ, so that the length of the peduncle varies in different forms according to the position of the organ with regard to the brain. The peduncle is usually, as in this case, hollow, but sometimes when very long it is solid; it has the same structure as the olfactory bulb, and together with it is an outgrowth from the fore-brain. The thalamencephalon is comparatively short and wide. The fore part of its roof is membranous and forms a conical sac-like protrusion (paraphysis) between the hemispheres. The hinder part is concealed by the optic lobes; it contains the ganglia habenulw and gives origin to the thread-like NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 71 epiphysis. The floor is evaginated in the mid-line to form the infundibulum. This is hidden in the specimen by the hypophysis—an ectodermic glandular structure closely attached to its ventral surface. The lateral parts of a large vascular dilatation of the posterior wall of the infundibulum (saccus vasculosus) can be seen protruding beyond the lateral parts of the hypophysis. On either side of the _ infundibulum, in front of the saccus vasculosus, are a pair of globular enlargements—the lobi inferiores. Each of them contains a cavity (not shown) in connection with that of the infundibulum. The optic lobes are of considerable size, although neither here nor in any other member of the group do they reach the size and importance that they do in most Teleostean fishes. They are oval in form, separated dorsally by a superficial longitudinal groove, and contain a large com- mon cavity. Their posterior part is covered by the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. No part of the Hlasmobranch brain is subject to more variation than the cerebellum ; in this species it occurs in its simplest form, although well developed when compared with that of certain other Vertebrate groups (e. g. Cyclostomes, Amphibia). It is superficially perfectly smooth except for a slight median longitudinal furrow, and when seen from above is diamond- shaped with pointed anterior and posterior lobes, within each of which extends a part of the common cavity. A single median opening leads from the latter into the fourth ventricle. On either side of the posterior cerebellar lobe lies a convoluted portion of the thickened margin of the rhomboid fossa; this ridge (medullary auricle) is clearly seen on the left side; it passes to the mid-line under cover of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum; here meets with its fellow of the opposite side, without fusion, and then, turning abruptly upwards into the cavity of the cerebellum, forms a projecting longitudinal ridge (dorsal longitudinal zone of Burckhardt) that runs close beside the mid-line to its anterior extremity. From their microscopic structure the medullary auricles should be included in the cerebellum. The course of this pair of zones is not visible in the specimen after they pass under cover of the cerebellum. 72 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. The medulla is large and remarkably long, with an exten- sive rhomboid fossa roofed over by a thin pleated vascular membrane (turned to one side in the specimen). Within the cavity certain ridges and swellings—due to tracts and nerve nuclei—show with great clearness. A. parti- cularly prominent pair on either side of the mid-ventral line are the fasciculi longitudinales posteriores. On the outer side of these lie a pair of lesser swellings—the motor nuclei of the vagus ; and outside these again, on the lateral walls of the ventricle, another very pronounced pair, re- markable for their beaded appearance. They are the sensory nuclei of the vagus. In front they pass under cover of the auricles. In the swollen border of the rhom- boid fossa, just before it bends to form the auricles, lie the nuclei of the acusticus and lateral line (tuberculum acusticum and lobus lines lateralis). O. C. 1311 Bd. Presented by Dr, Albert Ginther. D. 69. The brain of a Greenland Shark (Lemargus borealis). This brain differs little in its essential features from that of Notidanus. In detail the following differences are ap- parent :—The lamina terminalis is not so deeply indented, so that although the fore-brain is clearly separable into unpaired posterior and paired anterior regions, the latter are not so prominent. The optic lobes with their associated tracts and nerves are far less developed. The cerebellum is relatively larger and extends forward to the anterior border of the optic lobes. It shows upon its dorsal surface a shallow transverse indentation—the first indication of the transverse folding so strongly marked in some of the higher Elasmobranchs., The dorsal walls of the cerebrum and thalamencephalon have been turned to one side, exposing the cavities of these parts and showing in the floor of the third ventricle a long slit leading into the infundibulum, saccus vasculosus, and lobi inferiores. The latter are prominent and about equal in size to the optic lobes. The thalamencephalon roof is epithelial and vascular; it is much convoluted on its inner surface, and forms a choroid plexus that hangs within the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 73 third ventricle and extends slightly into the lateral ven- tricles. The cerebellum has been divided in the mid-line, and the two halves have been separated to show the large cerebellar cavity and the course of the longitudinal zones along the roof on either side of the mid-line. The latter are specially well seen coursing backwards upon the ventral wall of the anterior lobe. The floor of the fourth ventricle has been exposed by turning the vascular roof to one side. Owing to the divi- sion of the cerebellum and to the somewhat unnatural separation of the side walls of the medulla, the fore parts of the fasciculi longitudinales and of the vagal lobes are brought into view. ‘The fine transverse strands visible at intervals on either side of the fasciculi posteriores are tracts connecting them with the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves. The motor nucleus of the vagus and the relation of the root of the superficial ophthalmic lateral-line nerve to the lobus lineze lateralis are particularly clear. O.C. 1311 Be. Presented by W. Cowan, Esq. D. 70. Parts of the cranium of a Spinous Shark (Hehinorhinus spinosus) with the brain shown from the dorsal aspect. This brain, like those of the two other representatives of the Spinacidee (Acantlias and Lemargus), is of an essen- tially simple type. This is particularly shown by the relatively large size of the medulla (it occupies about half the brain-length), its extensive rhomboid fossa and gradual passage into the cord. The cerebellum is rounded and, for that of an Elasmobranch, very poorly developed ; it shows a feeble transverse groove. The parts of the brain in front of the cerebellum are somewhat indefinite in outline owing to imperfect preservation, but it can be seen that the optic lobes and nerves are small, the thalamencephalon fairly long, and the cerebrum of medium size, without median division and apparently with a considerable cavity. From either side of the cerebrum is given off an immense solid olfactory nerve, without however any cor- | | . | 74 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . responding development either of the fore-brain or of an olfactory bulb; in fact it is stated that an olfactory bulb is absent. This marked disproportion in development between the olfactory nerves and the cerebrum, with the apparent absence of definite olfactory bulbs, suggests that the nerves, although evidently to a great extent fibrous, probably also have the nature of olfactory centres; it should be noticed in this connection that shortly before entering the cerebrum, ‘each olfactory nerve undergoes a very perceptible enlarge- ment. The poor development of the optic parts of the brain are probably to be accounted for by the deep habitat of this Shark. The brain occupies only a small part of the spacious cranial cavity. . This preparation is from a fish caught off the coast of Cornwall. | O.C.1311B a. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq. Jackson & Clarke, Journ, Anat. & Physiol., vol. x. 1876, p. 76. D. 71. Part of the skull of a Spiny Dog-fish ( Acanthias vulgaris) with the brain exposed from the dorsal and ventral aspects. This is a simple brain like the preceding specimen, but shows certain differences that foreshadow more pronounced features in the relatively complex brains of higher Sharks; such are a pair of indistinct rounded eminences upon the dorsal surface of the fore-brain at its hinder end, and the deepening of the transverse cerebellar furrow. The median indentation of the fore part of the cerebrum is strongly marked and terminates on the dorsal surface in a rounded pit—a nutritive foramen of very constant occurrence among Elasmobranchs. The olfactory peduncles are slender and of moderate length with small olfactory bulbs; on the other hand, the visual organs and optic lobes are very strongly developed. The lobi inferiores are also well marked and oval in form. The medulla does not differ in any important way from that of previously described primitive forms. Its cavity is exposed on the right side. D. 72. Part of the cranium of a Spotted Dog-fish (Seylliwm catulus) with the brain in situ. This brain, in comparison NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 75 with those previously described, shows a noticeable increase in the size of the parts in connection with the olfactory organs (olfactory bulbs, peduncles, and cerebrum). On the other hand, the optic region is weak. The olfactory bulbs are each partially divided into a right and left half by a shallow groove—an indication of incipient duplicity, of interest in view of the complete separation of the olfactory bulbs into two parts in Carcharias. They are united by short thick peduncles to the lateral parts of the cerebrum. The latter is strongly convex in front and shows but slight indications externally of separation into lateral lobes ; its postero-dorsal parts are raised to form a pair of rounded eminences similar to those seen in Acanthias. The cerebrum is continuous behind with the remarkably long and narrow thalamencephalon. The tela choroidea forms a close-fitting membranous roof to this region, and shows very clearly between its posterior fourths an opaque band—the com- missura habenulw. The epiphysis, which rises close behind this commissure, is long and thread-like as in most Elasmo- branchs; it extends forwards over the cerebrum and terminates on a level with the olfactory bulbs in a thickened end. In this and most other genera it is said to be solid except close to the brain, and to consist of cells embedded in a finely granular intercellular substance. The cerebellum is quite simple, though of some size ; it has a median longitudinal furrow and slight lateral inden- tations. (The asymmetry noticeable in this cerebellum is probably unnatural, due to distortion during hardening.) The medulla is of a higher type than in the previous speci- mens ; it is shorter and broader and has a more definite limit towards the cord. The brain fills the greater part of the cranial cavity. D. 73. The brain of a Spotted Dog-fish (Scyllium catulus) opened to show its internal structure (fig.20). The roof of the cere- brum has been removed to show the direct continuity of the unpaired part of the cerebral cavity with the third ventricle behind, and with the lateral ventricles in front. The latter are separated by a thick median septum, and are continued from their postero-lateral parts through the olfactory 76 ae PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . peduncles to the ventricles of the olfactory bulbs. The walls of the cerebrum are thick throughout, with no local swellings suggestive of corpora striata. On either side a choroid plexus projects downwards and forwards from the roof of the thalamencephalon into each lateral ventricle. Behind the cerebrum the brain has been longitudinally bisected and the two halves have been turned to either side. The saccus vasculosus has been opened from behind showing its cavity Fig. 20. LAT. se OLF BULB. Aa OLF. TR. ae “ot «" £ FOR. LOB. INF. Va : “ fi”. GANG. HAB. . . PF os fq Brain of Scyllium catulus (dissected), continuous with that of the infundibulum, as well as a pair of large oval apertures in the lateral walls of the infundibulum that communicate with the ventricles of the lobi inferiores. In the floor of the thalamencephalon in front of the chiasma there is a small median pit (recessus preopticus), and at the point of union between the wall of the saccus vasculosus and the floor of the mid-brain, another (saccus infundibuli) which is found also in Cyclostomes and embryo Teleosts. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 77 Close behind the point of origin of the epiphysis, the cut edge of the roof of the brain is thickened by the presence of the posterior commissure. The mid-brain contains a considerable cavity (aqueduct of Sylvius) which sends lateral offshoots into the optic lobes. The roof (tectum opticum) of this region is moderately thick ; its division into outer and inner layers is very evident upon the section surface. In dividing the cerebellum the roof has been cut along its right lateral margin and turned aside entire with the left half of the brain. The thin simple character of its walls, and the complete course of the longitudinal zones from the medullary auricles to the boundary line between the cerebellum and mesencephalon are shown. D. 74. Part of the skull of a Basking Shark (Selache maxima) with the brain exposed from above. The brain is relatively small and somewhat shorter and broader than those pre- viously described ; it occupies a small part only of the spacious cranial cavity. The cerebrum is globular with thickened (?) walls, and is superficially without signs of lateral division. The olfactory bulbs and peduncles have been destroyed, but the root of the (apparently solid) right peduncle can be seen rising from a slight eminence at the antero-lateral corner of the cerebrum. The thalamencephalon is very short, and is completely hidden in dorsal view between the cerebrum and optic lobes. The latter are of considerable size and are covered by the anterior lobe of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is large, with a series of twelve or so deep transverse fissures. The fish from which this dissection was made was caught in the North Sea; it measured 12 feet in length. O. C. 1311 46. Presented by Dr. Albert Giinther. D. 75. A similar dissection of the hinder part of the skull of a somewhat larger Basking Shark (Selache maxima). The parts of the brain anterior to the optic lobes are absent. In this specimen the large size and convoluted structure of the cerebellum are very clearly shown ; it should be noticed that the median transverse furrow is more pronounced than 78 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the rest; it is the representative of the single furrow in such forms as Acanthias, The medulla is a good example of the elongated open type; in it, the several prominences are very clear, more particularly the arrangement of the convoluted auricles and the lobus lines lateralis. O0.0.1311 4. Presented by Sir E. Home, Bart. D. 76. The brain of a Porbeagle (Zamna cornubica) divided in the median sagittal plane, and with the halves so mounted as to show the lateral and median surfaces. alate This brain (fig. 21) reaches a comparatively high state of development; itis distinguished by its antero-posterior con- centration, the large size of the fore-brain and optic lobes, and the excessive development and structural complication of the cerebellum, The fore-brain is globular and, owing to the — - SOW . Ws Brain of Lamna cornubica, in sagittal section, immense thickening of the lamina terminalis, almost solid, its ventricle (best seen at the back of the left-hand specimen) being all but obliterated. The olfactory peduncles are narrow at their origin from the antero-lateral parts of the cerebrum and gradually become inflated as they approach the small olfactory bulbs. In this part their walls are extremely thin (see the cut edges of a square window in the figure). It seems likely that the small size of the olfactory bulbs is compensated by the great development of the cerebrum. The thalamencephalon is very short—compressed between the cerebrum and the large optic lobes. The latter are com- pletely covered dorsally by the cerebellum, The structure of the cerebellum is well shown in the right-hand specimen: NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 79 although to all appearance nearly solid it will be seen to ‘be formed of a single sheet of nervous tissue thrown into a complex series of transverse folds, between each of which penetrates a part of the general cavity of the organ. This complex folding is manifestly only a further extension of the simple transverse grooves seen in Acanthias or Caleus. The position of the original median transverse furrow is marked by the deepest and most complex fold. The lobi inferiores are small and open widely into the infundibulum. The medulla is considerably shortened antero-posteriorly. O. C. 1811 Bb. D. 77. The cranium of a Tope (Galeus communis) showing the _ prain in stéu. The brain affords in its general construction and proportions an excellent example of that of an Elasmo- branch, in which all the typical features are strongly marked without any excessive specialisation of any one part. Thus itis long and narrow, though not so much soas in low types like Wotidanus ; the optic and more especially the olfactory centres are highly developed ; the cerebellum is large and transversely furrowed, though not so complex as, for instance, in Zamna; the medulla is of some length, though far shorter than in primitive forms. Beyond these more general features, in which this brain occupies a central position among those of Hlasmobranchs, it should be noticed that the olfactory bulbs, although not double as in Carcharias, are very distinctly bilobed. They are united to the cere- brum by short, thick, hollow peduncles. The cerebrum is of the massive type with strongly thickened lamina terminalis, and has upon its dorsal surface two pairs of rounded eminences in place of the single pair noted in Acanthias ; it shows no other external sign of lateral separation. The cerebellum has four main transverse fissures besides a few somewhat more partial and indistinct. The lobi inferiores, hypophysis, and saccus vasculosus are prominent, and very typical in form and arrangement. D. 78. The brain of a Tope (Galeus communis) isolated. The vascular roof has been removed from the rhomboid fossa. O,C. 1311. Hunterian. 80 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 79. The brain of a Shark, probably a species of Carcharias. The fore-part of this brain agrees in all important particulars with the published descriptions of that of the Blue Shark (Carcharias glaucus). The olfactory bulbs are completely double, each part being attached to the olfactory peduncle bya short separate stalk. The peduncles are long and apparently solid, and terminate on either side in an oval swelling upon the lateral parts of the cerebrum, far back towards the ventral surface. The large and massive cere- brum shows no external sign of division upon its dorsal aspect, but beneath there is a slight median furrow. Pos- teriorly it overhangs the thalamencephalon and mevts the anterior surface of the optic lobes. In other respects this brain closely resembles that of Galeus. O. C. 1311 B. D. 80. A specimen of the brain of a Shark, with the medulla removed. It is probable from the general form of the cerebrum, and more particularly from the characteristic method of origin of the olfactory peduncle (seen on the right), that this is the brain of a Carcharias. It is strongly bent artificially towards the ventral aspect, and a piece has been removed from the left side of the cerebrum by trans- verse and sagittal incisions, to show the immense thickness of the dorsal cerebral wall and the relatively small size of the ventricle. Upon the transverse sectional surface, a portion of the choroid plexus can be seen protruding from the ventricular cavity. The method of apposition of the medul- lary auricles in the mid-line can be clearly seen beneath the posterior lobe of the cerebellum. O. C. 1311 aa, D. 81. The cranium of a Monk-fish (Rhina squatina), with the brain in situ exposed from the dorsal and ventral aspects. The brain in this fish is remarkable for the slight develop- ment of the olfactory centres, for not only are the bulbs and peduncles peculiarly small for an Elasmobranch, but the cerebrum is also feeble. The latter is thin-walled (so that its apparent size is deceptive), with a pair of rounded swellings on its dorsal aspect, and is deeply cleft anteriorly as in some of the lower Sharks. The low type of the brain is further shown by its long narrow form; and by the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 81 relatively great development of the medulla, its gradual passage into the cord, and widely open rhomboid fossa. In contrast to the large medulla, the cerebellum is small, its greater part consisting (asin the Rays) of the posterior lobe. Its sides are somewhat swollen to form a pair of lateral lobes (peduncles) close in front of the medullary auricles. The optic lobes are oval and of moderate size ; the lobi inferiores scarcely distinguishable ; the hypophysis small; and the saccus vasculosus and infundibulum very large. It should be particularly noticed that the brain combines features characteristic respectively of the Sharks and Rays—the cerebrum and medulla conforming to the former type, the cerebellum to the latter. The brain occupies only a small part of the spacious cranial cavity. RAJIDA. D. 82. The cranium of a Skate (Raja batis) with the brain exposed. The brain occupies only a small part of the cranial cavity, and is chiefly remarkable for the strong development of the olfactory centres and for the antero- posterior shortening of the medulla and the prominence of the auricles and lobi linez lateralis. The olfactory bulbs are solid and differ considerably in shape from those of Sharks ; each is laterally lengthened and bears a somewhat similar relation to its peduncle that the foot of a stocking does to the leg, the heel being repre- sented by the swelling at the end of the peduncle, and the foot by the part of the bulb that extends outwards along the posterior surface of the olfactory capsule. The peduncles are solid and very long; each terminates in a strongly pro- nounced swelling on the lateral surface of the cerebrum. Owing to the presence of these the cerebrum is remarkably broad ; it is convex anteriorly, but has no median groove; upon its dorsal surface are a pair of indistinct eminences. The thalamencephalon and mid-brain are well developed but in no way remarkable. The former is somewhai longer and narrower than in many Rays. The optic lobes, although dwarfed by the great size of the fore-brain, are in reality well-developed; the lobi inferiores, infundibulum, VOL. II, G 82 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. saccus vasculosus, and hypophysis are also strongly marked, The latter is connected (as in other Elasmo- branchs) by a blood-vessel to a transverse bar of vascular connective tissue closely adherent to the perichondrium. The cerebellum differs from that of a Shark in the slight development of its anterior lobe. Its surface is smooth except for a single transverse furrow and slight lateral indentations. At the sides of the posterior lobe lie the strongly developed auricles and lobi line lateralis ; the latter apparently owe their size to the peculiarly large nerve- supply necessary for the lateral-line organs and ampulla. The medulla shows a very high degree of antero-posterior concentration, the rhomboid fossa extending only a short way beyond the cerebellum. D.83. The brain of a Skate (Raja batis) dissected to show its internal structure. The dorsal parts of the cerebrum have been removed to show the solidity of its walls and the extremely small size of the ventricle. The latter, although of some little extent in the horizontal plane, is reduced to Fig. 22. OLF.TR. 4 VENT. CER. gr . Ase Se SiTees Cerebrum of Raja batis (horizontal section), a mere slit dorso-ventrally. Its outline can be traced with difficulty in the specimen; it is clearest towards the extremities of the lateral ventricles. Behind the cerebrum, the brain has been divided by a mid-sagittal incision and its two halves have been separated. Its internal structure differs in several particulars from NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 83 that of Seyllium (D. 73), the most noteworthy being the relatively small size of the cavities of the optic lobes, the more massive structure of the cerebellum, and the absence of a cavity in its anterior lobe. Upon the right side, the posterior lobe of the cerebellum has been removed to show the complicated folding of the medullary auricle and its passage into the longitudinal zone of the cerebellum. The olfactory bulbs and the greater part of the peduncles have been removed. Transverse sections of them are mounted above to show that they do not contain a cavity. D. 84. The cranium of a Torpedo (Torpedo galvanii) opened from above to expose the brain. A pair of immense electric lobes form the most striking and important feature of the brain; they are developed in the floor of the medulla, and apparently represent the motor vagal lobes of other Elasmobranchs in a state of excessive hypertrophy. Pro- jecting upwards, they entirely fill and obliterate the rhomboid fossa and are bounded anteriorly by the auricles and cerebellum. Hach gives rise to two large bundles of nerves for the electric organ. The electric lobes contain a number of gigantic ganglion-cells, the axis-cylinders of which pass directly into the electric nerves. The brain, with the exception of the electric lobes, is poorly developed. The cerebellum is very small, diamond-shaped, and, but for a cruciform furrow, smooth. The optic lobes are of moderate size, although the nerves are remarkably slender. The cerebrum is globular, with slight prominences on its dorsal surface ; it receives at its antero-lateral corners a pair of fine solid olfactory peduncles. O.©.1310. Hunterian. Rohon, Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, t. i. 1878, p. 151. HOLOCEPHALI. D. 85. Two specimens of the brain of a Sea-Cat (Chimera monstrosa). In the lower specimen the brain is seen én situ from above, the hypothalamus and neighbouring parts being also exposed through a window cut in the cranial floor. In the upper specimen the internal structure is shown by | @ 2 84 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the removal of the roof of the thalamencephalon and the upper part of the left hemisphere, and by the sagittal division of the hinder parts of the brain and the turning to one side of the left half (fig. 23). Fig. 23. LONG. ZONE GANG. HAB. - - - ”* - wee” * - ; ‘ TUB.ACOUS. * LOB.LIN. LAT. : HEM. MED. AUR. OLF. BULB. Brain of Chimera monstrosa (dissected). The brain is divisible into three well-defined regions :— (i.) A large anterior mass composed of two pairs of con- tiguous lobes, the anterior of which are small and in connection with the olfactory organs and the posterior united together in the mid-line ; they are the olfactory bulbs and cerebral hemispheres. (ii.) A remarkably long and slender thalamencephalon. (iii.) The mid-brain, cerebellum, and medulla—a considerable mass, remarkable for its great dorso-ventral depth. This hinder part, owing to the resemblance that the sides of the thalamencephalon bear to olfactory peduncles, was formerly supposed to include the cerebrum, A more detailed examination will show that this brain, in spite of its obvious peculiarities, is, apart from the cerebrum, essentially that of an Elasmobranch. The olfactory bulbs are small and rounded in form; each is feebly bilobed. They are separated from the hemispheres byafarrow. Each hemisphere is fusiform, and is attached to its fellow near the middle of its median surface by a delicate lamina terminalis continuous above and below with the roof and the floor of the thalamencephalon. Slightly behind the lamina a large semicircular opening (foramen of Monro) leads on each side from the 3rd ventricle into a cavity that _ NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 85 extends within the hemisphere to the olfactory bulb. The posterior part of this cavity is mainly occupied by a prominent swelling on the lateral wall of the hemisphere, that probably represents the corpus striatum. The thalamencephalon forms a tube 25 mm. long ; its sides are ribbon-like and fairly thick, but the floor and roof are composed only of epithelium and pia mater. The roof is more extensive than the space between the lateral walls and thus bulges upwards, particularly in front, in a sac- like manner. It is infolded in the mid-line in its anterior two-thirds to form a choroid plexus, small processes of which project into the lateral ventricles. At its hinder end it forms a conical projection that accompanies the epi- physis. In front of the epiphysis the roof of the thalamen- cephalon is swollen to form a pair of prominent ganglia habenule which, as in the Amphibia, form a projecting lip when the tela choroidea is removed (upper specimen). Behind the epiphysis, the anterior border of the optic tectum is thickened to form the posterior commissure. The optic lobes are of considerable size, and contain a large ventricle, the lower half of which is partly filled bya swelling of the lateral walls. The cerebellum is simple, though well developed: it is diamond-shaped, with anterior and posterior lobes each containing an offshoot from the common ventricle; its surface is smooth with the exception of a longitudinal furrow and a feeble transverse indentation. The inner surface of the cerebellum is marked by a pair of prominent longitudinal ridges similar to those of Elasmobranchs, and, like them, continuous with the medullary auricles. The medulla is strongly concentrated antero-posteriorly, and is remarkable for the great development of two pairs of lobes. One pair (lobus linex lateralis) is continuous with the auricles and gives origin on either side to the dorsal root of the ophthalmicus superficialis vu. The second pair (tuberculum acusticum) lie below them, and give rise to the lateralis and the lower roots of the lateral- line branches of the vil. nerve. The lobus vagi is nodulated as in Blasmobranchs. The lobi inferiores, though small, are remarkably prominent. The saccus vasculosus is well- developed. 86 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. From the above it will be seen that the hinder part of the brain is closely similar to that of an Elasmobranch, parti- cularly in the conformation of the cerebellum and medulla. The optic lobes show a slight tendency towards the Teleostean type in having an enlargement on their lateral walls suggestive of the torus semicircularis, but the hypothalamus is essentially that of an Elasmobranch. The cerebrum in its relation to the olfactory bulbs, in the considorable separa- tion of the hemispheres and the relative thickness of their dorsal and ventro-lateral walls, is closely similar to that of a Dipnoan or low Amphibian. Wilder, Proc. Ac. Sci. Philad. 1877, p. 219. GANOIDEL. D.86. Part of the skull of a Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) with the brain exposed from the dorsal and ventral aspects. In comparison with the size of the fish (this individual weighed 154 lbs., and measured 6 ft. 4 in.) the central nervous system is peculiarly small. The brain occupies only a part of the spacious cranial cavity, and in its superficial features combines characters found in Elasmobranchs, Amphibia, and Teleostea: for example, the medulla resembles that of a low Shark or Amphibian, whereas the cerebellum is very similar to that of Ceratodus but is provided with a valvula as in Teleosts. Or, again, the mid-brain and thalamencephalon have a strong superficial likeness to those .of Ceratodus, whereas the cerebrum resembles that of a Teleostean in having an epithelial pallium. The medulla broadens gradually from the cord towards the cerebellum, and has a very widely-open rhomboid fossa covered by a strongly pleated vascular roof (removed and mounted on the left in the specimen). In its floor are a pair of well-marked fasciculi longitudinales, each of which sends a strong offshoot to the motor root of vit. In the hinder part of the rhomboid fossa on either side lie the sensory vagal lobes, nodulated as in Sharks. To the side and in front of the vagal lobes, the margin of the rhomboid fossa swells to form a conspicuous lobe on either side (lobus linewe lateralis) that gives origin to certain nerves of the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 87 lateral line. In front of the lobus linew lateralis the margins of the rhomboid fossa bend upwards and slightly outwards to form the posterior crura of the cerebellum. The cerebellum forms an upstanding recurved anterior border to the rhomboid fossa. Its anterior parts (not shown in the specimen) project within the optic lobes, forming a valvula cerebelli as in Teleosts. Molecular, nuclear, and intermediate layers are present in the cere- bellum, but, as in Elasmobranchs, the distribution of the nuclear layer is very partial, and Purkinje’s cells are irregularly disposed. The optic lobes are very small and, as in Dipnoi and Urodeles, form a single globular enlarge- ment without a distinct median furrow. They are said to contain small tori longitudinales and semicirculares similar to those of Teleosts. The thalamencephalon is narrow and fairly long, with a well-developed hypothalamus. The sides of the infundi- bulum are swollen to form a pair of small lobi inferiores. The saccus vasculosus is well-developed. As in most Elasmobranchs and many Teleostea, the epiphysis is long and thread-like ; towards its base it is in close contact with the roof of a large conical paraphysis. The cerebrum is of relatively small size, and consists of basal ganglia (striatum and epistriatum) covered by an epithelial roof, in which a few nerve-elements have been observed. The olfactory bulbs are sessile on the cerebrum; each contains a cavity in connection with the cerebral ventricle, and receives a large olfactory nerve indistinctly separable into two bundles, Johnstone, Zool. Jahrb., Bd. xv. 1901, p. 59. TELEOSTEA. Rabl Ruckhard, Arch. Anat. u. Phys. 1898, p. 345 (Pallium). Haller, Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxvi. 1898, p. 632 (Histol., Bibliogr.). : The brain of Bony Fishes differs from that of Elasmobranchs in many important features. It is far more concentrated longi- tudinally, and is remarkable for the strong development of the optic lobes, which in some cases completely dominate the rest of the brain and render it nearly globular in form. On 88 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the other hand the olfactory region, whose great development. forms one of the most striking features of the Elasmobranch brain, is peculiarly feeble in the Teleostea. The olfactory bulbs are small, either sessile upon the cerebrum or connected with it by long peduncles, and the cerebrum itself is represented by a pair of rounded basal ganglia roofed over by an epithelial non- nervous pallium (fig. 24). The thalamencephalon shows essentially the same features in both groups, although much compressed antero-posteriorly in the Teleostea. The cerebellum is large, except in some sluggish bottom fish (e. g., Lophius, Cyclopterus), but is usually solid and not hollow as in the Elasmobranchs. Its anterior parts Fig. 24. also are strongly developed, and protrude forward beneath the tectum opticum into the cavity of the optic lobes, forming the highly characteristic Teleostean valvula cerebelli. The medulla is in most cases much concentrated and often shows remarkably well-developed facial and vagal lobes. The basal ganglia of the cerebrum have much the same minute structure as in Elasmo- branchs; they are united by commissural strands (c. interlobu- laris) that occupy a thickening of the floor of the common ventricle. These commissures are derived partly from the olfactory areas and partly from the striatum. Their relation to the anterior commissure of Mammals is doubtful. The thalamencephalon, in minute structure and arrange- ment of tracts and nuclei, is approximately similar to that in Elasmobranchs, the cerebro-hypothalamic tracts being, however, : ; Ss i ee ee or a aa . NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 89 specially strong. The tectum opticum has also essentially the same structure in both groups, although its elements are in Teleostea arranged somewhat more definitely in layers. The ependyma and nervous tissue also are greatly developed on either side of the mid-dorsal line of the tectum forming a pair of longitudinal ridges (tori longitudinales), traces of which are also found in Reptiles and Birds. The lateral parts of the optic lobes contain a pair of large nuclei (n. laterales), from which a considerable proportion of the fillet-—a particularly well- developed tract in Teleosts—takes its origin. They are super- ficially visible as a pair of bulgings into the cavity of the optic lobes (tori semicirculares). The cerebellum and valvula show the structure common to the cerebellum of all Vertebrates ; Purkinje’s cells are, however, somewhat irregularly disposed. The valvula is connected by tracts to the lobi inferiores. ANACANTHINI, D. 87. The cranium of a Cod (Gadus morrhua) in sagittal section, showing the brain from the left side. The cranial cavity is very extensive, and is only partially occupied by the relatively small brain. The latter shows well the main Teleostean characters. The olfactory bulbs are small round bodies lying close beneath the olfactory capsules; they are con- nected by long delicate tubular peduncles (the ventral parts of which only are nervous) to the basal region of the cere- brum. The peduncles lie close side by side for the posterior two-thirds of their course; in front they diverge towards the olfactory capsules and gradually increase in calibre. The basal ganglia of the cerebrum form two pronounced swellings of the cerebral floor; they are separated from one another dorsally by a deep sagittal fissure and are ventrally united by a transverse commissure. Lach is dis- tinctly lobulated, the two main lobules (striatum and epistriatum) lying respectively antero-lateral and postero- mesial. The roof of the cerebrum (pallium) is entirely non-nervous and consists of a continuation of the ependyma that lines the brain-cavities, in conjunction with the pia mater. In front it is continuous with the epithelial roof of the olfactory tracts, and behind with that of the thalamen- 90 4 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. cephalon. ‘The dorsal and lateral parts of the thalamen- cephalon are much restricted, being buried to a considerable extent by the optic lobes ; but the hypothalamus is strongly developed, the lobi inferiores in particular being large and prominent: they lie almost directly below the optic lobes. The latter are of great size, of almost globular form, and are separated in the mid-line by a sharp furrow. The optic tracts arise mainly from their superficial parts, and pass forward on either side of the thalamus to the ventral surface of the cerebrum; here they leave the brain and cross—the right below the left—to form the optic nerves. The cerebellum is tongue-shaped with its free end over- hanging the rhomboid fossa. It is connected with the basal parts of the brain by a pair of prominent anterior crura that give passage to the cerebellar tracts and contain the nuclei of part of the trigemino-facial nerve complex. The medulla, in comparison with that of a Shark, is much concentrated. The rhomboid fossa is consequently small. Its borders show definite swellings, due to the posterior crura of the cerebellum and to the nuclei of the posterior cranial nerves. D. 88. Parts of the head of a Cod (Gadus morrhua) with the brain exposed from the lower surface. The optic nerves, before entering the brain, cross one another, the left beneath the right. Behind this crossing lies the large spherical pituitary body attached to the antero-ventral surface of the infun- dibulum. It covers the anterior parts of the lobi inferiores., Behind it in the mid-line, separating tlie posterior parts of the lobi inferiores, is a small saccus vasculosus continuous with the distal end of the infundibulum. In this specimen the distribution of the third pair of cranial nerves is shown. It sends branches to the inferior, superior, and internal recti and to the inferior oblique, as well as a ciliary branch to the eyeball. A bristle is placed beneath the branch to the inferior oblique. O. C, 1380 A. 8. D. 89. A sagittal section of the cranium and brain ofa Cod ( Gadus morrhua). Black paper, inserted behind the pallium, brings out clearly the relations of this membrane to the basal NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 91 ganglia and olfactory tracts. At the root of the olfactory tract can be seen the cut edge of the commissura inter- lobularis (fig. 25, ant. comm.). The common cavity of the infundibulum and saccus vasculosus is clearly shown ; in the side wall of the former isa minute opening that leads into the ventricle of the right lobus inferior. At the anterior end of the tectum opticum lies the section surface of the small posterior commissure. A narrow passage leads from the aqueduct of Sylvius into the cavity of the optic lobes *. In the section this cavity is largely obliterated by one of a pair of longitudinal ridges (tori longitudinales) that lie on either side of the mid-dorsal Fig. 25. TECT. OPT. AQ. SYL. CER. TORUS. LONGIT. / CORP.STR.. POST COMM. PALL. : ™~ bs / * 3 SR VENT. “ SAC. VASC. ANT. COMM. FOR. LOB. INF. VALV.CER. Brain of Gadus morrhua in sagittal section. line of the tectum. The torus is thickest anteriorly where it abuts on the posterior commissure, and gradually fades away posteriorly. The hinder part of the optic ventricle is occupied by a forwardly projecting process of the cerebellum (valvula cerebelli). This structure is formed by the invagination of the anterior parts of the cerebellum into the cavity of the mid-brain, and thus in sagittal section shows two superposed layers—the lower one continuous behind with the cere- bellum and passing in front by reduplication into the dorsal layer. The latter is closely applied to the first, and is continuous posteriorly with the hinder margin of the tectum opticum. Beneath the posterior lobe of the cerebellum can * In fig. 25 the leading line from aq.s¥L. points somewhat too far back. 92 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. be seen the cut surface of the nervous bridge that unites the two posterior crura of the cerebellum, and behind this the lobus facialis and lobus vagi. O. C. 1308 0. D. 90. A similar specimen in which the structure of the optic lobes and valvyula cerebelli is more clearly visible. In this specimen the left optic nerve crosses above the right. D. 91. The brain of a Cod (Gadus morrhua) dissected from above. The posterior lobe of the cerebellum and the tectum opticum with the exception of the torus longitudinalis have been remoyed, thus exposing the medulla and the cavity of the mid-brain. Within the optic ventricle are certain marked prominences: on either side a large semi- lunar excrescence (torus semicircularis) due to the presence at this spot within the latero-ventral walls of the mid-brain of a nucleus in connection with the fillet : in the central mid-line at the hinder end of the ventricle a subconical projection (valvula cerebelli), the structure and relations of which are shown in the previous specimens: and in the dorsal mid-line a pointed tongue-like process that extends from the posterior commissure to the hinder end of the tectum opticum. This structure, composed of the two tori longitudinales, consists of nerve elements and a local thickening of the ependyma that lines the brain-cavities. Beneath its broad anterior end lies the narrow opening by which the optic ventricle communicates with the aqueduct of Sylvius. The dorsal surface of the medulla is occupied by a series of swellings that almost entirely close the rhomboid fossa, and are due mainly to the sensory nuclei of the cranial nerves (fig. 26). Judging by Goronowitsch’s account of these structures in Lota, their relation to the several cranial nerves should be approximately as follows :—The prominent lateral crura of the cerebellum contain besides cerebellar tracts, a pair of large nuclei from which arise the acoustic and lateral-line nerves. These lobes apparently represent the tuberculum acusticum of Elasmobranchs (Johnstone, Zool. Jahrb, 1901, p. 159) or the Sturgeon shifted forward owing to the concentration of the medulla. Close behind ~—" NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 93 the cerebellum and exposed by the removal of its free extremity, are a pair of prominent lobes (posterior crura of cerebellum); they are united above the fourth ventricle by a commissure, but otherwise are very similar in aspect to the lobi lines lateralis of Elasmobranchs. They must, however, be compared with the medullary auricles as they consist entirely of a backward prolongation of the cere- bellum. Behind these, on a level with the exit of the Fig. 26, OLF.TR, CORP.STR. ~~ PALL. TECT. OPT. TOR. LONG, on VALV.CER.” CER. ers *. LOB. FAC. LOB. VAG. Brain of Gadus morrhua (dissected). vagus from the brain, are a pair of lobes almost contiguous in the mid-line and each indistinctly divided by a longi- tudinal furrow. They give origin to the sensory roots of the facial and glosso-pharyngeal and represent a dis- membered portion of the lobus vagi of Elasmobranchs. Behind and to the sides of these lobes are elongated and somewhat irregular excrescences from which arise the sensory roots of the vagus. Goronowitsch, Festschr. fiir Gegenbaur, Bd. iii. 1897, p. 14 (Lota). 7 94 PHYSIOLOGIOAL SERIES. D. 92. The brain of a Bib (Gadus luscus) exposed from the left and ventral aspects. In comparison with the brain of the Cod, there are noticeable differences in the relative proportions of the parts—the cerebral basal ganglia and optic lobes being much more nearly equal in size. ‘This is due partly to an increase in the size of the basal ganglia, and partly to a decrease in the optic lobes relative to the brain as a whole. The right optic nerve crosses below the left. The saccus vasculosus is more prominent than in the Cod, and the pituitary body very much smaller. The lobi inferiores meet in the mid-line behind the saccus vasculosus. O. C. 13880 a 5. D. 93. The head of a Five-bearded Rockling (Motella mustela) with the ventral surface of the brain exposed. The optic nerves cross—the right below the left—at a considerable distance in front of the brain. In this specimen parts of the trigeminal nerve are also shown. O. C. 1380 A 7. D. 94. The head of a Sole (Solea vulgaris) with the brain exposed. Owing to the torsion of the skull the fore’ part of the brain is rotated to the right, but the region behind the optic lobes is quite similar to that of other fishes except for a hardly perceptible tendency to bend towards the right. The medulla is fairly long, with a pair of very prominent lobes (facial ?) upon its dorsal surface. The cerebellum is small, nearly globular in shape, and projects slightly back- wards over the rhomboid fossa. The optic lobes are also of moderate dimensions, and give off equal-sized optic nerves. ‘The left nerve passes above the right and twists round above the sphenoid bone to reach the left eye which is displaced to the right side of the fish. The thalamencephalon is remarkably elongated for a Teleostean, and forms a conspicuous neck between the optic lobes and corpora striata. The olfactory bulbs are large and are separated from the basal ganglia by a considerable constriction. The parts NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 95 of the fore-brain show a distinct tendency towards a linear arrangement, the olfactory bulb and corpus striatum of the left side being thrust to amarked degree behind the corre- sponding parts on the right. The lobi inferiores are globular and prominent. D. 95. The head of a Brill (Rhombus levis) with the brain exposed from the right (blind) side. The brain is perfectly sym- metrical. The optic lobes are relatively somewhat larger than in the Sole, The corpora striata are very small, with sessile olfactory bulbs at their anterior end. The left optic nerve passes below the right. O. C. 1380 a 11. D. 96. A similar specimen of the brain of a Hallibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris) exposed from the right (ocular) side. It closely resembles that of the Brill except for its larger size. The infundibulum and saccus vasculosus are very prominent. The right optic nerve is slightly smaller than the left, it crosses beneath it ; both are of immense size. ACANTHOPTERYGII. D. 97. Part of the cranium of a Gilt-Head (Chrysophrys aurata) with the brain exposed from the right side. The small olfactory bulbs are sessile on the cerebrum ; each gives rise to a stout olfactory nerve. The basal ganglia are immensely developed ; each is a lobulated globular body slightly larger than one of the optic lobes. The latter are of moderate dimensions ; the lobi inferiores are large and longitudinally elongated. The cerebellum is small, quadri- lateral in outline, and of considerable dorso-ventral depth. The right optic nerve crosses beneath the left; its distal part has been opened out to show its flat ribbon-like form and pleated folding. O. C. 1380 A 20. D. 98. The brain of a Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) exposed from the right and dorsal aspects. The olfactory bulbs and corpora striata are small and closely contiguous, form- ing together a pyramidal anterior extremity to the brain. The lobi inferiores are small, but the optic lobes are of 96 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. * remarkable size, pressing in front against the corpora striata and overhung posteriorly by the cerebellum ; they are globular in shape, separated in the mid-dorsal line by a shallow groove. Upon the antero-lateral surface of each is an indentation from which emerges the main part of the optic tract. The lobule that lies postero-ventral to the indentation is due to an overlapping of the tectum opticum. The right optic nerve crosses below the left ; both are of great size, although the eyes in this fish are comparatively small. The cerebellum is of moderate size; it is egg- shaped, with its narrow end projecting forwards over the hinder half of the optic lobes. The crura cerebelli are strongly pronounced. The medulla is much shortened antero-posteriorly, O. C. 1380 a 18. D. 99. The cranium of a Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) with the brain exposed from above. The roof of the optic lobes and the anterior free end of the cerebellum have been removed to show the valvula cerebelli. This organ occupies the Fig. 27. Valvula cerebelli of Scomber scombrus. major part of the cavity of the optic lobes and is to a great extent responsible for their size. It consists of a central lobe directly continuous with the cerebellum, and of two lateral lobes or wings formed by the reduplication of the anterior ends of the central lobe. This relation of the lobes to each other is shown in the diagram (fig. 27). D. 100. The skull of a Fishing-Frog (Lophius piscatorius) with the brain exposed from the dorsal and ventral aspects, and with the origins, and in some cases the peripheral parts, of the cranial nerves shown. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, . OF The brain is feebly developed and occupies only a small part of the spacious cranial cavity. The fore-brain is re- markably small ; it forms a pyramidal eminence in front of the optic lobes. The bulbi olfactorii are sessile on the basal ganglia, but in this specimen are hardly to be distin- guished. They give off delicate olfactory nerves. The optic lobes are large in comparison with the feeble development of the rest of the brain, but are not in reality particularly strong. They are separated in the mid-dorsal line by a shallow groove. The cerebellum is extremely small for a Teleostean, forming merely a little rounded excrescence between the hinder margins of the optic lobes. The medulla is followed by a swollen region of the cord with a single pair of eminences upon its dorsal surface. This enlargement is by some included in the medulla, and homologized with the vagal lobes, but from its micro- scopic character (Ussow, Arch. Biol. t. iii. p. 642) it seems that it more likely is a modified part of the cord, comparable to the metameric swellings found in this region in the Gurnard. It should be noticed that in both cases the anterior spinal nerves are strongly developed. The pituitary body is a remarkable structure both for its enormous size and its position a centimetre or more in front of the brain. It is spherical and connected to the infundibulum by a long delicate pedicle. The pineal gland is situated in a similar way beneath the cranial roof far in front of its point of origin upon the roof of the thalamencephalon, The same forward shifting is noticeable to a less degree in the eyes, in the position of the optic chiasma, and in the point of exit from the brain of the trigeminal complex of nerves. Possibly in all cases it is due to the great development of the anterior face-region. The lobi inferiores are peculiarly small ; they lie one on either side of a prominent saccus vasculosus. In this specimen the spinal cord is*‘also shown (for description see D. 754). O. C, 1308 n. D. 101. The isolated brain of a Fishing-Frog (Lophius pisea- torius), This specimen shows the features mentioned in VOL, Il. H 98 _ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the description of the previous specimen, but with greater clearness. The pedicle of the pituitary body is nearly 20 mm, long. O. C, 1308 M. D. 102. The brain of a Gurnard (T'rigla hirundo) exposed in situ from above. The olfactory bulbs are of some size ; they are sessile on the cerebrum, and each gives origin to a stout olfactory nerve. The basal ganglia are globular, smooth, and very large; the optic lobes are also well developed and somewhat flattened antero-posteriorly. The small cerebellum projects slightly backwards; it has prominent crura. ‘The medulla is short, with well marked vagal lobes on either side of the rhomboid fossa, The anterior part of the cord is much thickened, and shows upon its dorsal surface a series of 5 pairs of metameric enlargements, which are fully described in the section devoted to the spinal cord. O. C. 1308 a. D.103. A young Lump-Fish ( Cyclopterus lumpus), 3°5 em. long, : with the brain and spinal cord exposed from above. The brain is similar in all essentials to that of the adult, but is shorter and broader in outline, larger relatively to the size of the body, and more nearly fills the cranial cavity. The latter feature is common to the young of many Teleosts. O. C. 1308 La, D. 104, The head of a Lump-Fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with the brain exposed from the dorsal and ventral aspects, The brain is poorly developed in every part. The minute olfactory bulbs are sessile upon the cerebrum. The optic lobes are oval in outline, and, although they form the largest region of the brain, are very small in comparison with those of most other Teleosteans. The cerebellum hangs backwards over the front part of the rhomboid fossa; it is oval, quite small, and without prominent crura. The medulla is remarkably long and narrow, and merges gradually into the cord much as in the lower Sharks. It shows no definite superficial eminences, and no doubt owes its simple unmodified character to the peculiarly feeble development of the cranial nerves. Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 99 D. 105. A Dragonet (Callionymus lyra) with the brain and spinal cord exposed from above. The optic lobes are very strongly developed. The cerebellum very closely resembles that of Lophius ; it is a small rounded eminence lodged between the hinder margins of the optic lobes, and protrudes slightly over the rhomboid fossa, The medulla is small and shows no clear separation from the cord. In this specimen the corpora striata have been removed. O. C, 1308 1. PHARYNGOGNATHI. D.106. The head of a Wrasse (Labrus sp.) with the brain shown in situ from above. The brain occupies the greater part of the cranial cayity. 1t is remarkable for the great development of the basal ganglia, which equal, if they do not exceed, the optic lobes in size. Each is roughly triangular when seen from above, and is contiguous in the mid-line with its fellow by one of its sides. Their surface is distinctly lobulated. The cerebellum is tongue-shaped ; its greater part hangs backwards over the rhomboid fossa but there is also a small anterior lobe. Its surface is crinkled, probably by shrinkage. The crura cerebelli are well-marked. O. C. 1308 a. PHYSOSTOMI. Mayser, Zeits. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxxvi. 1882, p. 259. -D.107. The brain of a Carp (Cyprinus carpio) shown in situ from above (fig. 28). In the Carp family the brain is distin- guished by the great development of the vagal and facial lobes. This development renders the medulla unusually broad and defines it abruptly from the cord. The vagal lobes form a pair of large wing-like swellings on either side of the rhomboid fossa, and embrace between their anterior ends the unpaired facial lobe—a rounded body situated in the dorsal mid-line behind the cerebellum. This “lobus impar” represents apparently a fusion of the two .small facial lobes seen in the Cod (Goronowitch, l.c. p. 23). The cerebellum, though much elevated, is of moderate size; it hangs slightly backwards over the medulla, The optic lobes are superficially very large, but H2 100 D.108. The head of a Tench ( Tinca vulgaris) exposed from above. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, . owe their size mainly to the great development of the valvula cerebelli. Their roof is composed as usual of two chief layers—an outer cellular and fibrous layer from which the optic tracts arise, and an inner commissural layer; but the outer layer is deficient over a large triangular area in the mid-dorsal parts, leaving a semitransparent membrane (the commissural layer) through which the wings of the valvula cerebelli can be seen (upon the right Fig. 28. Brain of Cyprinus carpio. side black paper has been inserted beneath a part of this exposed commissural layer), The epiphysis is small and pear-shaped. The olfactory bulbs are situated close to the olfactory organs. The olfactory peduncles are somewhat widely separate, but are connected, as far as the bulbs, both dorsally and ventrally by a delicate membrane (black paper is inserted beneath its anterior end), the upper layer of which is a forward extension of the pallium. This brain has the same general characters as that of the Carp, but differs from it in the smaller size and more globular form of the cerebellum. The tectum opticum also has only a small median area deficient in the outer layer, from which—as this deficiency is apparently due to the thrusting aside of the lateral parts of the tectum by the contained valvula cerebelli—one may infer that the valvula is less developed. Presented by T. W. H. Burne, Esq. D. 109, The isolated brain of a smaller Tench (Tinca vulgaris), This specimen is similar to the last, but, in addition, shows "4 So NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 101 the crossing of the optic nerves—the left below the right— as well as the union of the lobi inferiores in the mid-line behind the saccus vasculosus. The olfactory bulbs and peduncles have been removed. O. C, 1880 4 15. D.110. The head of a Barbel (Barbus vulgaris) with the brain exposed from above. The cerebellum is considerably larger _ than in the Tench; it is oblong and overhangs the anterior part of the medulla. The optic lobes are well-developed. In the mid-line the outer layers of the tectum are deficient, exposing a transparent commissural area of triangular outline through which the valvula cerebelli is indistinctly visible as in the Carp. The left basal ganglion has been removed, exposing the short thalamencephalon with the ganglia habenulee—two small whitish excrescences on the dorsal margins of the thalamus. The crossing of the optic nerves—the left above the right—can also be seen. From the anterior end of the corpora striata delicate olfactory peduncles are given off. The olfactory bulbs in this and other Carps lie close to the olfactory capsules: they are not shown. | O. C. 1308 z. D.111. Brain of a Bleak (Alburnus alburnus). It closely re- sembles that of the Tench (D. 108), except in the somewhat smaller relative size of the “ lobus impar.” D. 112. The brain of a Roach (Leuciscus rutilus) exposed from above. The “lobus impar” and lobi vagi, though dis- tinctly visible, are far less developed than in the other specimens of Cyprinoid brains. Presented by Mr. S. Epprett. D.113. The head of a Pike (Lsoa lucius) with the brain exposed fromabove. For that of a Teleostean, the brain is long and narrow, with tapering medulla and open rhomboid fossa. The cerebellum and optic lobes are considerably developed, the latter having a long oval shape. The epiphysis is saccular and pear-shaped ; it overhangs the small basal ganglia and extends forward to the anterior extremity of the olfactory bulbs, which are sessile on the cerebrum. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D.114. The head of Mormyrus jubelini with the brain exposed from the left side. In the Mormyride the brain is re- markable for the immense development of the valvula cerébelli. This organ does not lie as in other Teleosts completely within the optic lobes, but projects through the tectum opticum, thrusting its lateral parts downwards to either side, and spreads out in three pairs of lobes or wings over the surface of the brain, completely concealing it from view when looked at from above, and extending so far down on either side as to leave exposed only the lower parts of the hemispheres and optic lobes. This unusual relation of the valvula cerebelli to the tectum opticum appears to be a further extension of some such process as that seen in the Carp (D. 107), in which the lateral parts of the tectum are divaricated and the central area much thinned out, but without extrusion of the valvula. The wings of the valvula are called from their position anterior, lateral or middle, and posterior. Their deep surface is occupied by a layer of small cells (nuclear layer) covered superficially by a number of parallel ridges each composed of molecular, nuclear, intermediate, and fibrous layers. In the specimen the exposed surface of the posterior wings has a finely corrugated appearance due to these ridges, but the anterior and lateral wings are smooth, because, by folding, the deep nuclear layer has become superficial in position. The olfactory bulbs are small and are situated close to the olfactory organs. They are connected by delicate peduncles to the cerebrum. The left basal ganglion can be seen below the anterior wing of the valvula; it has a somewhat oblong shape. Close behind it, below the anterior part of the lateral wing of the valvula, lie two narrow masses of brain-substance. The anterior of the two is the laterally depressed left half of the tectum opticum ; the other is part of the torus semicircularis, . Presented by J. 8. Budgett, Esq. D.115. The brain of Mormyrus kannume exposed in situ from above. The wings of the valvula cerebelli have been re- moved from the left side to expose the underlying parts of the brain. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 103 The basal ganglion is well developed and is clearly divided into two lobes, an outer and anterior, and a median and posterior—the striatum and epistriatum. The cavity of the optic lobe is bounded in front by the displaced tectum opticum and is occupied by the large torus semi- circularis. Fig. 29. ».---OLF. BULB CORP. STR: 1 a... ANT. WING. e. 4 TECT.OPT. _-POST. WING. ROOT VALV. CER. ~* cen LOB. IMPAR.-~ Brain of Mormyrus kannume. The cerebellum is small and tongue-shaped, with its pointed apex directed forwards. Its base is separated in front by a transverse groove from a small rounded emi- nence—the posterior part of the root of the valvula. Behind, a similar but shallower groove divides it from a small lobe (fig. 29, x.) said to resemble in microscopical features the 104 £ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. lobus impar of the medulla, although superficially it apparently forms part of the cerebellum. The medulla is remarkable for the immense development of a lobe upon its lateral and dorsal parts. This lobe (lobus impar) probably represents a fusion of a large median facial lobe, such as that seen in the Carps, with a pair of vagal lobes. The latter envelope the sides of the facial lobe and bound with their upper swollen borders a depressed central area— the median parts of the facial lobe. Presented by G'. A. Boulenger, Esq, Saunders, Phil. Trans. vol. elxxiii. 1882, p. 927. 3 D.116. The brain of a Herring (Clupea harengus) shown in situ from above. It is remarkable for the great size of the optic lobes and the shortness of the medulla. The optic lobes are oval with a slight lateral depression about the middle. The outer layers of the tectum are deficient in the mid- line at the posterior end, leaving a small triangular area of commissural fibres exposed, The basal ganglia are very closely applied to one another in the mid-line, forming an apparently single globular mass ; they are continuous anteriorly with a pair of conical olfactory bulbs. The cerebellum is oblong and very deep from above downwards. The medulla is much concentrated, and has a well-marked facial lobe behind the cerebellum. O. C. 1308 c. D.117. The fore part of an Eel (Anguilla vulgaris) with the brain exposed from the dorsal aspect. In front of the medulla the several regions of the brain are of approxi- mately equal size, and as each is more or less clearly bilobed, the brain appears to consist of four pairs of rounded equal-sized nodules situated one behind the other. The anterior pair (olfactory bulbs) are slightly pointed in front and give off two large olfactory nerves, The optic lobes and cerebellum are divided down the middle by a shallow groove. The cerebellum is considerably broader than long, with its anterior and posterior borders parallel. The medulla is small and much shortened. D.118. The head of a Conger Eel (Conger vulgaris) with the brain exposed from above. The brain is more elongated NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 105 than in Anguilla. It is remarkable for the large size of its olfactory centres and the linear arrangement of its several parts. It also shows a very decided right-handed rotation of its anterior end. The olfactory bulbs are of great size and are separated from the cerebrum by short peduncles. Each receives an immense nerve from the olfactory organ. The right bulb lies partly below the left, much as in the Sole. The basal ganglia of the cerebrum are considerably lobulated, and with the olfactory peduncles can be seen to be covered by a relatively close-fitting pallium. The thalamencephalon is remarkably long for a Teleostean, forming a narrow neck between the cerebrum and the moderately developed optic lobes. The cerebellum is quadrilateral with a marked longitudinal groove on either side. The medulla is small and much concentrated. The fish from which this specimen was made measured 5 ft. 7 in. in length. PLECTOGNATHI. D.119. A Globe Fish (Dzodon sp.) opened along the dorsal surface to show the brain and spinal cord. The brain lies in a capacious cranial cavity, and in dorsal view has an outline very similar to the conventional club on a playing ecard; this is due mainly to the great development of the optic lobes. The basal ganglia are also large; each is distinctly divided by a furrow into a lateral and a median lobe. The olfactory bulbs are not shown. The cerebellum is oblong and overhangs the medulla and anterior part of the cord. The spinal cord is remarkably short, ending in a fine filament less than 10 mm. behind the posterior border of the cerebellum. ‘The remainder of the neural canal is occupied by a cauda equina, indicated on a level with the pectoral fins by black paper. ~ QO. C, 1808 kK. DIPNOI. _D.120. Parts of the skull of Ceratodus forsteri with the brain exposed. In most characters the brain is very primitive and closely 106 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. eo resembles that of a Urodele Amphibian. It is, for instance, very long and narrow, with spacious ventricles enclosed by thin or, in parts, epithelial walls. The medulla is very like that of a low Shark—long, and very broad in front with a widely open rhomboid fossa and well marked medullary auricles. It gradually merges into the cord behind. The highest development is shown by the cerebral hemispheres, which are large, like those of Amphibia, and greatly expanded in their ventral parts. They are separated from one another in the mid-line as far back as the anterior commissure. Their walls are thin and even purely epithelial in their dorso-median parts, where they are closely attached to a large glandular paraphysis that projects from the roof of the thalamencephalon wedge- like between them. In front, the lateral ventricles are continued by a narrow passage into the cavities of a pair of strong olfactory bulbs. In the pussession of definite olfactory bulbs Ceratodus differs markedly trom Protopterus or the Amphibia, and shows more resemblance to Elasmo- branchs. A window has been cut in the left hemisphere and olfactory bulb to show the continuity of their cavities and the relation of the glandular paraphysis to the mesial wall of the hemisphere. The thalamencephalon a::d mesencephalon, as in Urodeles, are very long and narrow. The former shows a pair of strongly marked ganglia habenule. - The epiphysis, which is not shown in the specimen, is small. The optic lobes form a single prominence of small size between the thalamencephalon and the cerebellum. It is narrower in front than behind, and is divided mesially by a conspicuous but narrow dark band due to a local thinning of the roof. The cerebellum is slightly damaged ; it is more strongly developed than in Amphibia, though less so than in Fishes, and forms a broad transverse band behind the optic lobes, continuous laterally with the medullary auricles. In the floor of the fourth ventricle lie a pair of small fasciculi longitudinales posteriores, and in the lateral walls, rather far back, a pair of longitudinal ridges—the vagal lobes, which in position resemble those of Sharks but are without their characteristic nodulation. q j a a! a ee oe — a = ee oe NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 107 The epithelial roof of the rhomboid fossa is much pleated ; it has been longitudinally bisected and turned to either side. Upon the lower surface of the brain, the great ventral expansion of the hemispheres and _ their clearly defined median separation can be seen. The hypophysis has been removed and mounted on the left, thus uncovering the large funnel-like infundibulum. In this specimen the olfactory organs are also shown. On the left, the floor of the narial chamber has been removed to show the transversely pleated character of the roof. A red rod has been inserted into the anterior and posterior nares on the right. O. C. 1309 B. Saunders, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. iii. 1889, p. 157. D.121. The brain of a Mud-fish (Protopterus annectens). It chiefly differs from that of Ceratodus in being shorter and more compact, in the absence of separate olfactory bulbs, and in the feeble development of the cerebellum. In all these features it also more nearly resembles the brain of an Amphibian. The cerebral hemispheres are remarkably deep dorso- ventrally, they are united at their posterior end by an anterior commissure situated in the lamina terminalis (this is not shown). In front of the ganglia habenule the epithelial roof of the thalamencephalon is prolonged forwards as a conical paraphysis. The medulla is shorter than in Ceratodus, with the borders of the rhomboid fossa swollen and, half way between the calamus scriptorius and the cerebellum, curved inwards towards the mid-line. There are no de- finite lobi inferiores, but they are possibly represented by the slightly swollen lateral walls of the infundibulum. Burckhardt, Centralnervensystem v. Protopterus, Berlin, 1892. a AMPHIBIA. Osborn, Jour. Morph. vol. ii. 1889, p. 51. In the Amphibia, and especially among the Urodeles, the brain is of a remarkably low type and closely resembles that of a Dipnoan. 108 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. With the exception of the medulla and cerebrum, all parts are very poorly developed. The medulla is similar in form to that of a low Shark, with wide open fossa rhomboidalis and no sharp boundary towards the cord. ‘The hemispheres, in- cluding the olfactory bulbs which are at the best only slightly indicated, form the largest part of the brain, and show signs of incipient pseudo-occipital lobes. But their size is somewhat deceptive, as the walls are relatively thin throughout. They consist of an outer molecular and an inner cellular layer, and show no signs of cortical formation, unless possibly a small aggregation of cells in the outer layer of the median wall should be regarded as a rudimentary hippocampal cortex. The hemispheres are united by an anterior commissure, in which two portions can be distinguished: one between the basal parts—the true anterior commissure; and the other connecting the olfactory regions of the pallium—a hippocampal commissure. The hemispheres are connected to the thalamencephalon by a large basal tract on either side. The ganglia habenule are always well marked and externally visible, though not so strong as in the Cyclostomi and Dipnoi. The pineal gland is ves- tigeal. The optic lobes are only developed to any extent in the Anura, and in them have a many-layered tectum. The roof nucleus, in connection with the trigeminal nerve, is particularly strong in Urodeles. The cerebellum, although small, is com- posed of three layers—nuclear, intermediate and molecular, but an internal fibrous layer, owing to the small size of the cerebellar tracts, is not differentiated. URODELA, D, 122. A Menopoma (Menopoma alleghaniensis) with the brain and spinal cord exposed from above. This specimen, although somewhat damaged, shows clearly the chief superficial cha- racters of the Urodele brain. The cerebral hemispheres are separate in the mid-line nearly to their posterior extremities. Each is large and oval in shape, and projects backwards to some exent over the lateral parts of the thalamencephalon, forming a rudimentary pseudo-oecipital lobe. Independent olfactory bulbs are absent, but two strong double olfac- tory nerves arise from the antero-ventral parts of each hemisphere. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 109 The thalamencephalon and mesencephalon differ little from one another in diameter, and form together a narrow cylin- drical neck between the hemispheres and the broad anterior end of the medulla. A large hole between the hinder extre- mities of the hemispheres indicates the spot from which the conical vascular paraphysis has been removed ; its posterior border is formed by two slight thickenings, the ganglia and commissura habenule. The optic lobes are very weak, and do not differ materially from those of Protopterus. The cerebellum is quite rudimentary—a mere narrow band of nervous tissue forming the anterior border of the rhomboid fossa. The medulla is flattened from above downwards. In front it is broad, but gradually narrows posteriorly, and merges imperceptibly into the cord. Its lateral walls diverge widely in front and bound an extensive rhomboid fossa. O. C. 1311 F. D. 123. The, head of a larval Axolotl (Amblystoma tigrinum) showing the brain. It differs little from that of Meno- poma except for the stronger development of the optic lobes. In this specimen the paraphysis and ganglia habenule are very clear.: Stieda, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd, xxv. 1875, p. 285. D.124. A Menobranchus lateralis with the brain exposed from above. It agrees in all essentials with that of Menopoma. QO. C. 13115. D.125. The head of a Proteus anguinus showing the brain. The __ olfactory bulbs are separated from the hemispheres by a slight constriction. The ganglia habenulee are remarkably large; close behind them lies the minute epiphysis. The optic lobes, as might be expected in a blind creature, are scarcely differentiated. ANURA. D.126. The head of a Bull Frog (Rana ee) with the brain exposed from above. This brain, though formed on a ies plan to that of a Urodele, differs from it in the relatively greater breadth 110 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - of the thalamencephalon, in the larger size of the optic lobes, and in the stronger development of the cerebellum, The olfactory bulbs are separated from the hemispheres by a shallow constriction and are fused together in the mid- line. Behind this union the hemispheres are separate as far back as the anterior commissure. Between their posterior extremities there is, in the specimen, an oval aperture in the roof of the thalamencephalon caused by the removal of the paraphysis ; its hinder margin is formed by the slightly protuberant ganglia habenule and their commissure. The optic lobes form the broadest part of the brain. They are prominent oval bodies separated in the mid-line by a deep gutter. In front they diverge and expose a part of the tectal commissure. Between this and the thalamencephalon is a small crescentic pit at the base of which lies the posterior commissure. A deep furrow sepa- rates the optic lobes from the cerebellum. ‘ The medulla is somewhat shorter than in the Urodeles. The epithelial and vascular roof of the rhomboid fossa has been removed and mounted at the side to show its pleated under surface. Keker, Anat. of the Frog (Engl. trans.), 1889, p. 141. REPTILIA. Edinger, Senckenberg. naturf. Gesell., Bd. xix. 1896 (Cere- brum) & Bd. xxii. 1899 (Thalamencephalon). Haller, Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxviii. 1900, p. 252. The Reptilian brain is narrow and of considerable length, with moderately developed optic lobes and, except in swimming forms, with insignificant cerebellum, The medulla oblongata shows astrong longitudinal dorso-ventral curvature, convex below, In this class the brain differs most markedly from that of a lower Vertebrate in the great structural advance of the cerebrum, notably in the presence, for the first time in the Vertebrate series, of an undoubted cerebral cortex (fig. 80). The condition of the pallium is of special importance. It is not only much larger than that of an Amphibian, but is also much more highly NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 111 differentiated. The mesial wall of the hemisphere is composed of a large dorsal area—the hippocampus, and a ventral spindle- shaped area—the tuberculum olfactorium (see fig. 31). A re- latively narrow strip of thick ganglionic matter extending from the lamina terminalis behind to the olfactory peduncle in front separates these two areas; this body may be called para- terminal, because its most distinctive feature in the adult is that it lies alongside the lamina terminalis, and in the foetal brain is developed from those parts of the walls of the neural tube which are placed alongside the end or terminal plate. Its Fig. 30. Section of pallium of Tropidonotus natrix, x 150. surface forms the precommissural area, and in Mammals its upper part becomes stretched and otherwise modified to form the septum lucidum (vide Journ. of Anat. & Phys. vol. xxxii. _p. 411). In Reptiles and Monotremes the peculiar cortex, of which the tuberculum olfactorium is formed in Meta- and Hutherian mammals, although present, is ill-defined; so that the corpus striatum seems to extend to the surface of the ventral half of the brain. : A comparison with the condition found in the Monotremes (vide infra) and in the feetal state of all mammals, clearly demonstrates that the whole of the mesial surface of the cerebral hemisphere of the reptilian brain, which is not precommissural area nor tuberculum olfactorium, represents and is homologous 4 112 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. with the hippocampus of the mammalian brain (figs. 31, 32, & 33). This hippocampal formation also extends beyond the dorso-mesial edge of the hemisphere, and forms in different reptiles and birds a variable area of the dorsal surface (see “ Further Observations on the Fornix,” Journ. Anat. & Phys. vol. xxxii. p. 245). The hippocampal formation presents a very different appear- ance to its mammalian homologue because that peculiar modifi- cation of the edge of the hippocampus which in Mammals produces the fascia dentata, has not yet occurred in the Sauropsida, although in many Sauria the first stage in the development of the fascia dentata, viz., a formation of numerous small cells at the ventral edge of the flat hippocampal plate, is distinctly recognizable. Two simple rounded commissures are placed close together in’ the lamina terminalis. The dorsal of these represents the psalterium of Mammals, being derived from the hippocampus. In many Reptiles such as Sphenodon and the Lacertilia, the caudal half of this commissure is separated from the rest and crosses the middle line not in the lamina terminalis but in a fold of the roof between the paraphysis and dorsal sac. This “ com- missura aberrans hippocampi” (usually known by the misleading title “‘commissura pallii posterior”) is probably a modified in- heritance from the Amphibia, in which certain fibres from the caudal part of the cerebral hemisphere cross the mesial plane along with the fibres of the superior commissure (commissura habenulz). That part of the pallium which forms the bulk of the whole nervous system in Mammals is represented in Reptiles by a small insignificant area on the dorso-lateral aspect of the hemisphere, which is not sharply differentiated from the pyri- form lobe below it. The neopallium (as I have called this part of the palliam (Journ, Anat, & Phys. vol. xxxv. 1901, p. 431) is so poorly developed that the fibre-systems to which it gives rise—internal capsule, pes pedunculi, and pyramidal system, are absent in the reptilian brain. The chief cerebral tracts are in connection with the olfactory centres, and include some between the olfactory areas and the hippocampal cortex that are of special importance, as they are the first cortico-sensory connec- tions to appear in the Vertebrate series. ‘ NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 113 In the thalamencephalon the tracts and nuclei are larger and more numerous than in lower forms, indicating a greater com- plexity of connection between the fore and hind parts of the brain, due mainly to the presence of cortical tracts. The nuclei rotundi, in which the main part of the strio-thalamic tracts terminate, are particularly large and form the greater part of the protuberant thalami. There are also two end nuclei of some of the optic fibres which are supposed to represent the lateral geniculate bodies. On the other hand, the connection between the hypothalamus and cerebellum is usually very weak. The fasciculus longitudinalis posterior rises partly from the hypothalamus, but mainly from a large-celled nucleus in the floor of the mid-brain. The epiphysis is in most cases strongly developed, and in Lacertilia is in connection by its distal end with a median veetigial eye lodged in a foramen in the cranial roof. The infundibulum shows scarcely any signs of a saccus vas- eulosus except in the swimming forms. The cerebellum, as in Amphibia, owing to the small size of the tracts that enter it, has no clearly defined inner fibrous layer. In the Reptiles there is an increase in the number of acoustic nuclei, corresponding to the development of a rudimentary cochlea (lagena). LACERTILIA. D. 127. The brain of a Monitor Lizard ( Varanus varius). In general form this is a typical example of the brain of a Reptile. The olfactory bulbs are long and narrow, and are united by short peduncles to the pear-shaped hemispheres. The hemispheres form the broadest part of the brain, and parts of them, representing the pyriform lobes, bulge down- ward behind the tuberculum olfactorium to form pseudo- temporal lobes. Posteriorly they are contiguous with the anterior face of the optic lobes and completely cover the thalamencephalon. In the dorsal mid-hne, between the cerebrum and optic lobes lies the club-shaped epiphysis, with a small vestigial eye in connection with its distal end. The optic lobes are well developed, and form a pair of rounded eminences separated from one another in the mid- line by a deep furrow. VOL. I. I 114 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. ‘ eo The cerebellum is of moderate dimensions and has the plate-like form usual among Reptiles. It is concave in front and arches forward slightly over the optic lobes. The medulla shows well the characteristic Reptilian flexure. Its fourth ventricle (rhomboid fossa) is considerably restricted. OPHIDIA. D. 128. A Ringed Snake (Tropidonotus natrix), shortly before hatching, with the brain exposed from above, showing in linear succession the olfactory bulbs, cerebral hemispheres, optic lobes, and medulla. The thalamencephalon and cere- bellum are respectively covered by the caudal poles of the hemispheres and the hinder part of the optic lobes. The epiphysis forms a minute protuberance between the cere- brum and optic lobes. Preserved in Goadby solution. Rathke, Entwicklungsgesch. der Natter (Coluber natriz), 1839, pp. 36, 80, 180, 199. D. 129. A similar specimen with the brain exposed from below. Preserved in Goadby solution. D. 130. A similar specimen with the left side of the brain laid bare. The flexure of the medulla oblongata is very marked. The relation between the form of the cerebral hemisphere and the developing globe of the eye is well shown. Preserved in Goadby solution. D. 131. The brain of a Python (Python seba). The brain is very long and narrow and peculiarly flat from above downwards. (In this specimen a certain amount of this flatness is due to artificial pressure during preservation.) The hemispheres are pear-shaped, moderately broad behind with well marked caudal (pseudo-occipital) and ventral (pseudo-temporal) lobes, and terminate in front in olfactory bulbs, each of which receives a stout bundle of nerves. Posteriorly they abut against the optic lobes. The cerebellum is poorly developed and forms a flat, almost horizontal, sheet of neryous tissue overlying the fore part of the fourth ventricle. a eee : 7 | 2) NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 115 A small epiphysis lies between the hinder ends of the hemispheres. The infundibulum is prominent and gives attachment to a large spherical hypophysis. O.C. 1318 a. D. 132. The brain of an Indian Python (Python molurus) in sagittal section seen from the left. The dorso-ventral flattening of the brain is well seen. The right olfactory bulb and peduncle and the cerebral hemisphere have been sagittally divided to show their cavities. That of the olfactory bulb is capacious and is connected with the lateral ventricle by an extremely delicate lumen in the ventral part of the peduncle. From the outer wall of the hemisphere a pair of lineally arranged eminences (corpus striatum) project into the ventricle. Beneath them can be seen the cut surface of the lower part of the striatum. The mesial wall of the hemisphere has been mounted on the right side to show the paraterminal body—a longitudinal ridge- like thickening of the wall that fits into a depression along the lower border of the striatum. The flattened tectum opticum is separated into corpora quadrigemina by a longitudinal fissure (shown in the pre- vious specimen) and by a shallower transverse groove, visible in this specimen as an indentation upon the cut edge between the posterior two thirds. The posterior eminences are formed by a pair of nuclei that contribute fibres to the fillet. In the Snakes the large trigeminal roof-nucleus situated along the mesial area of the tectum beneath the commissural layer is seen to advantage. The openings from the aqueduct of Sylvius into the lateral optic ventricles are small and situated far forward. The cerebellum, although small, is relatively thick. The rhom- boid fossa is covered by a delicate membranous roof, the anterior part only of which, as in the Turtles, is pleated and vascular. The hypophysis is mounted on the léft, below the in- fundibulum ; it shows well the two parts of which it is composed. The Snake from which this specimen was obtained measured 15 feet in length. Rabl-Ruckhard, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. lviii. 1894, p. 694. 3 12 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. ORNITHOSAURIA. D. 133. A cast of the cranium and parts of the cranial cavity of a Pterodactyl (Seaphognathus purdoni). 'The brain in this creature appears to have entirely filled the cranial cavity. It was of an essentially Avian type. The hemispheres were large and oval—longer and narrower than in most Birds, but rounder anteriorly than in recent Reptiles. They extended well back over the thalamencephalon and partially covered the optic lobes. The latter were enor- mously developed forming the broadest part of the brain, and occupied the usual Avian position upon the latero- ventral parts of the mesencephalon. . In Birds this position is due to the thrusting aside of the optic lobes by the great forward development of the cerebellum. Thus it is legitimate to infer from the position of the optic lobes that in this creature the cerebellam was strongly developed, although it is not represented in this cast. DINOSAUBIA. D. 134. The cast of the cranial cavity of a Dinosaur (Jguanodon mantelli). The description of the brain from such a cast as this must of necessity be to a large extent a matter of inference; for although the anterior and lateral parts of the cranial cavity seem to have approximately followed the contours of the brain, such was evidently not the case in the mid-dorsal region. The brain as a whole was long and narrow, with no very marked ventral flexure of the medulla. The hemispheres were peculiarly short and broad, and remind one more of those of a Bird than of a Reptile, being shorter and more abruptly tapering in front than even in the Crocodiles, They were strongly arched above, extremely prominent in their lateral parts, and flattish below. In the mid-line in front they were prolonged into either olfactory peduncles or bulbs, it is not apparent which. The optic chiasma and infundibulum are strongly marked. The space between the dorsal parts of the cerebrum and the crest of the cerebellum shows no brain contours, as evidently here the brain did not reach the cranial roof. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 117 The optic lobes, which apparently occupied this space (for no signs of them are visible in the Avian position upon the lateral or ventral surface) were probably of some size, to judge by the magnitude of the optic nerves. The cerebellum was of considerable extent in transverse and dorso-ventral directions, but whether it was also antero-posteriorly ex- panded as in Crocodiles, Chelonians, and Birds, or a mere transverse plate as in other Reptiles, it is difficult to say. The form of the projecting lateral parts favours the latter supposition, Andrews, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, vol. xix. 1897, p- 585. EMYDOSAURIA. D. 185. The head of a young Sharp-nosed Crocodile (Crocodilus americanus) with the brain exposed from above. The hemispheres form by far the largest part of the brain. They are short and broad with a strongly arched dorsal surface, and in general features much resemble those of a Bird. Anteriorly they abruptly taper to form a pair of long olfactory peduncles, by which they are connected with two strong fusiform olfactory bulbs that lie side by side close behind the nasal chamber on a level with the anterior margin of the eyes. The optic lobes are moderately developed, and lie upon tke dorsal surface of the brain between the hemispheres and the cerebellum. The cere- bellum is very large for that of a Reptile and superficially bears some resemblance to that of a low Shark, being a smooth rounded protuberance above the anterior end of the fourth ventricle and showing upon its surface a feeble transverse furrow. O. 0. 1817 a. Rabl-Riickhard, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxx. 1878, p. 336. D. 186. “ The brain of a Crocodile six feet long” *. This brain measures only 40 mm. in length, and does not equal 25 mm. * This, in all probability, is the Crocodile alluded to in the following passage from a Hunterian MS. obtained from the executors of Sir Everard Home, and entitled ‘Modern History of the Absorbing System ’:— “Tn the beginning of the winter 1764-5 I got a Crocodile which had been in a show for several years in London before it died.” 118 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . in breadth at the broadest part. The specimen is still largely covered by the dura and pia mater. The Bird- like form of the hemispheres is very striking. Upon the left side, part of the pallium has been removed to expose the lateral ventricle, which is reduced to a narrow slit by the great development of the corpus striatum. Openings have been also made through the walls of the left optic lobe and the cerebellum. The olfactory bulbs and tracts have been removed. O. C. 1318. Hunterian. D.137. The brain of a young Crocodile divested of its membranes. The original description states that the brain is, “to ap- pearance, made up of five parts; two, anterior, answering to the cerebrum; two behind these which answer to the ‘nates and testes’; the posterior, the cerebellum.” The transverse furrow upon the latter is very strongly marked. The left half of the medulla has been removed. O.C. 1317. Hunterian. ' i a * I D.138. A longitudinal section of the head of a young Crocodile, showing the brain in sagittal section from the left. The brain is too small to show the anterior and posterior com- missures, but upon the inner wall of the thalamencephalon, towards the dorsal aspect, a roughened area is probably the cut surface of the median (soft) “ commissure,” which is found in certain Reptiles. The cavities of the right optic lobe and of the cerebellum and their connections with the aqueduct of Sylvius and the fourth ventricle are very clearly shown. A marked protuberance into the optic ventricle from the posterior wall of the lobe is due to the presence at this spot of a large lateral nucleus, similar to that found in Teleosts. The medullary flexure is strongly marked. O.C. 1315, Hunterian. a_i eer D. 139. The left half of the same head. The section in this case passes slightly to the left of the mid-line. By this means, although the olfactory peduncle is unavoidably removed, the ventricles of the hemisphere and olfactory bulb, and the relation of the latter to the nasal cavity are very clearly NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 119 shown. The pallium is quite thin and the lateral ventricle is to a great extent occupied by the corpus striatum, though apparently not so much so as in the adult. O. C. 1316. FHunterian. CHELONIA. D. 140. The cranium of a Turtle (Chelone mydas) with the brain exposed from above. The Turtle’s brain is very instructive, because it readily lends itself to comparison with the corresponding organ in the Amphibia and the lower Ichthyopsida on the one hand, and with that of the diver- gent Avian and Mammalian phyla on the other. The brain does not fill the roomy cranial cavity, in which respect it resembles the condition found in Ichthyopsida and differs from birds, mammals, and many other reptiles. In this specimen, the olfactory nerves (not peduncles), the olfactory bulbs, the cerebral hemispheres, the mesen- cephalic roof, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata. are visible in linear succession. The true olfactory nerves (which are such short and insignificant filaments in most Vertebrates, and in man and all mammals have practically no intra-cranial course, because they enter the bulb as soon as they perforate the ethmoid bone) are collected into greatly elongated (40 mm.) rounded cords, that arise anteriorly from the mucous mem- brane of the nasal fossee and end by being inserted inio the olfactory bulbs. The fibres during their course are collected into three bundles—dorsal, ventral, and lateral—which end respectively in the dorsal, ventral, and lateral surfaces of the olfactory bulb. The latter is a hollow, laterally com- pressed vesicle, attached to the anterior extremity of the cerebral hemisphere by a cylindrical peduncle, which is so short that without close examination the bulb appears sessile. The cerebral hemisphere is also a hollow, laterally com- pressed vesicle, more than thrice as long as, and propor- tionately deeper than, the olfactory bulb. It completely overlaps the thalamus, but does not cover the roof of the mesencephalon. The epiphysis, together with the dorsal sac and paraphysis, forms a large pyriform mass projecting upwards from between the hinder parts of the two hemi- spheres. 120 PHYSIOLOGIOAL SERIES. The optic lobes are rounded, of moderate size and sharply defined. They lie upon the dorsal surface of the brain in the depression between the cerebrum and cerebellum and are separated mesially by a sharp furrow. The cerebellum is a large hollow hemispherical protuberance hanging like a hood over the anterior end of the rhomboid fossa. Its walls are relatively thin. The fourth ventricle (rhomboid fossa) is spacious ; it is covered by a membranous roof, the lateral parts of which are extensively pleated and highly vascular (this vascular membrane has been removed and mounted on the left). In the floor of the fourth ventricle lie a pair of well marked fasciculi longitudinales. Stieda, Zeits. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxv. 1875, p. 361. 7. - le ei D. 141. The brain of a Turtle (Chelone mydas) isolated and seen from the left side. The olfactory peduncle is continuous posteriorly upon the ventral surface with a rounded hemi- spherical boss, known as the tuberculum olfactorium, which extends backwards at the base of the brain almost to the optic chiasma, and includes also part of the lateral and mesial walls of the hemisphere. The hemisphere is relatively very deep dorso-ventrally, and is thus in striking contrast to that of Testudo or the Ophidia. The dorsal parts of the hemi- spheres extend back-nearly to the optic lobes, but laterally leave a considerable area of the thalamencephalon, covered by the optic tracts, exposed. The infundibulum is very prominent. The ventral curvature of the medulla oblongata is well seen. 0. 0.1312 p. 8 —— a PS D.142. The brain of a Turtle (Chelone mydas). The dura mater has been removed from the left side, and the vessels of the pia mater minutely injected, ‘The partial removal of the dura shows how loosely it envelopes the brain and atthe sametime displays the form and disposition of the cerebral organs. A __ white bristle has been inserted into the infundibulum, and a black bristle into the ruptured distal extremity of the epiphysis. The sac-like membranous roof of the medulla is shown, with a bristle placed beneath its non-vaseular inedian part. Black thread has been tied round the 6th, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 121 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th cranial nerves. The forward course of the accessorius roots to join the vagus are particularly clearly seen. O. C. 13812. Hunterian. D. 143. The brain of a Turtle (Chelone mydas) in sagittal section seen from the left side. In this section the thin mesial wall of the right hemisphere has been exposed showing a tract of fibres radiating over the precommissural area. A similar though far more strongly marked tract (tr. hippocampo- Fig. 31. PARAPHY. MONRO FOR, DORS: SAC PAR. STALK MESEN. / comm. sup.” COMM. POST, A f SGU HIP. ie OLF. BULB. OLF. NERVE RAMUS 0. j OLF NERVE RAMUS V. AREA PRECOM. ” : ”” COMM. D” OLF. TUBER. SOF T COMM. \ CORP. MAM. MED. OBLs XN iX& . COMM. V. “THIRD VENT. OPT. CHI. “CORP. PIT. Brain of Chelone mydas, in sagittal section. mesencephalicus) is found in Birds; it forms a direct con- nection between the hippocampus and the tectum opticum. The anterior commissure and psalterium can be seen close together in front of and below the foramen of Monro. The optic thalamus is small ; it is joined to its fellow across the cavity of the third ventricle, as in the Mammalia, by a large soft “commissure” in which is situated a central nucleus of considerable size. The roof of the third ventricle is evaginated to form a group of three successive elongated outgrowths, constituting together the club-shaped promi- nence seen in the previous specimen between the hinder parts of the hemispheres. The foremost outgrowth is the paraphysis, the intermediate and largest the dorsal sac, and the most caudal the epiphysis. The specimen also shows very clearly the large cavities of the optic lobes and 122 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . cerebellum, in open communication respectively with the aqueduct of Sylvius and the fourth ventricle. The limits of the vascular and non-vascular portions of the membranous roof of the fourth ventricle are also very clearly shown. D. 144. The left cerebral hemisphere of the previous specimen divided by a longitudinal vertical section and with the twa halves mounted to show the internal surface. Fig. 32. OLF. BULB. The lateral wall. The mesial wall. Chelone mydas, left hemisphere. The corpus striatum (which is seen in the lower part of the lateral and ventral walls of the ventricle) is relatively very small. It consists of a narrow and thin band of grey matter that extends, in the floor of the ventricle, from the olfactory peduncle in front to the anterior end of the optic thalamus behind, and fuses with the latter body beneath the foramen of Monro. In its slenderness and general relations it resembles the corpus striatum of Amphibia and Sphenodon, and differs in these respects markedly from that of Ophidia, Lacertilia, and Mammalia. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 123 From the lateral wall of the hemisphere an enormous bulging extends into the ventricle and almost obliterates it. This has been called the epistriatum by Edinger ; its nature is best demonstrated in Sphenodon (fig. 33), in which it is clearly seen to be a large invaginate fold of the pallium (probably the homologue of the pyriform lobe of Mammals). This eminence is prolonged further in the caudal direction than the corpus striatum and becomes continuous with a Fig. 33. NON. HIP PAL. EPISTRI. EPISTRI. ane SESS MRR AR SH SH Ti BRR E arenes PERRIER SHER ATE HOM aeRO MS wie 7 ‘ CORP. STRI. Diagrammatic transverse section through the hemisphere of Sphenodon. mass of grey matter, which represents the nucleus amygdalz of Mammals. This nucleus consists of a thickening of the lateral wall of the small descending cornu of the lateral ventricle just behind the caudal extremity of the corpus striatum. On the lateral surface of the brain there is a triangular flattened area corresponding to this body, just as there is on the ventral surface in many mammals (e. g. Erinaceus, Perameles). D.145. The brain of a large Turtle (Chelone mrydas). The dura mater is reflected from the right side, showing its extensive development and the loose trabecular tissue by which the space between it and the pia mater is occupied. A par- ticular development of this tissue consisting of parallel vertical strands occurs above the optic lobes; they give 124 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. passage to numerous blood-vessels (not seen in the specimen). The ventricle of the right hemisphere has been opened showing the thinness of the pallium, the spaciousness of the cavity, and the prominence of the epistriatum. Part of the right side of the cerebellum has also been cut away to show its remarkably thin walls and large cavity continuous with the fourth ventricle. The epiphysis is well shown. The arteries in this specimen have been injected. O. C. 1813. Hunterian. D. 146. The brain of a Turtle, with the ventricles of the cere- bellum, optic lobes, and cerebral hemispheres laid open. The following is Mr. Hunter’s description of this prepara- tion :—“ In the first or superior ventricle is an eminence which extends a little way into the olfactory nerve and runs through the whole length of the ventricle. The plexus choroideus is also seen in the ventricle. The ven- tricle of the nates is exposed, and a white bristle is placed in it, as is the ventricle of the cerebellum with a black bristle lying in it. At the lower part of the ventricle is a continuation of the tunica arachnoides, which shuts up or makes part of the ventricle. In the angle or quadrangle made by the cerebrum and nates, &., is a duct or canal like the infundibulum leading from the upper part of the skull to the last ventricle.” In the above description the “ first ventricle” is that of the right cerebral hemisphere with the epistriatum (‘an eminence”) exposed. The “nates” (optic lobes) include both nates and testes of Mammalia. The “ conti- nuation of the tunica arachnoides” is the non-vascular epithelial roof of the fourth ventricle; a small part of it can be seen at the hinder margin of the cerebellum on the right. The “canal” is the basal part of the epiphysis. O. C. 1314. Hunterian. D. 147. The brain of a Tortoise (Testudo tabulata). Relative to the size of the creature (the shell measured 280 mm. in length) the brain is extremely small. Its most highly developed parts are in connection with the olfactory organs ; the olfactory bulbs in particular being very large—quite NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 125 two thirds the size of the hemispheres. The main part of the hemispheres lies behind the foramen of Monro, forming extensive pseudo-occipital lobes that reach backwards on either side to the hinder margin of the mid-brain. The anterior parts of the hemispheres are very short. The epi- physis is remarkably well developed. The optic lobes and cerebellum do not essentially differ from those of the Turtle. The roof has been removed from the left hemisphere and olfactory bulb showing the continuity of their ventricles, and in the case of the former the relatively slight promi- ‘nence of the corpus striatum and the position of the choroid plexus. Upon the left side, the cavities of the optic lobe and cerebellum have been opened showing the thinness of their walls and the forward protrusion of the choroid plexus from the roof of the rhomboid fossa into the cavity of the cerebellum. AVES. Bumm, Zeits.wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxviii. 1883, p. 480 (Cerebrum). Brandis, Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. xli. 1893, p. 623; xliii. 1894, p. 96; xliv. 1895, p. 534. Boyce & Warrington, Phil. Trans., vol exci B. 1899, p. 293. The brain is remarkably constant in form throughout the class of Birds, and may be readily distinguished by its form, and more particularly by the position of the optic lobes, from that of any other living vertebrate. It differs from the brain of lower forms mainly in its relatively greater breadth and in the shortening of its base. Its most characteristic features are the great development of the cerebrum, optic lobes, and cerebellum. The cerebrum is usually broader than long ; its size is due almost entirely to the development of the corpora striata. The hemi- spheres cover the thalamus and frequently also the greater part of the optic lobes, and in addition to well-marked pseudo- occipital lobes usually have definite though rudimentary pseudo- temporal lobes. By the forward projection of the cerebellum, the optic lobes are always more or less depressed laterally towards the ventral surface. The olfactory bulbs and hypothalamus are weak ; the medulla is flexed as in Reptiles though not so strongly. 126 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. The corpora striata are structurally separable into several areas, comparable apparently to the putamen, nucleus caudatus, and globus pallidus of Mammalia. They are connected with the nuclei of the thalamus by large and complex basal tracts. The pallium, except for an extension of its cortical area, is essentially the same as in Reptiles; it is in parts extremely thin. The cortico-thalamic tracts are, however, stronger and more numerous than in lower forms, and an important connection first appears in this group between the cortex of the pseudo-occipital lobe and the tectum opticum. Injury to this tract has been shown to interfere with the vision of the opposite eye. Another connection between the cerebrum and tectum opticum (traces of which occur in Reptiles) attains a strong development, in Birds. This tract (tractus hippocampo-mesencephalicus) arises from the surface of the median wall of the hemisphere, coils round the cerebral peduncle and terminates in the tectum. Its function is not known. The geniculate bodies are enormously developed. The tectum opticum is also highly differentiated, and shows many alternating layers of ganglion-cells and neuropile. The fillet is particularly large, and rises to a great extent as in Fish from a prominent lateral nucleus. The cerebellum is relatively greater than in any vertebrates other than Fish and Mammals, It corresponds, as in the lower groups, with the mammalian vermis. The tract of fibres connecting the cerebellum with the acoustic centre is particularly strong. STRUTHIONIFORMES. D. 148. The cast of the cranial cavity of a Moa (Dinornis mazi- mus). This, which is probably a trustworthy representation of the brain, differs in several particulars from the brain of living Ratite Birds. It is as a whole somewhat more elongated, owing mainly to the greater length between the anterior extremities of the hemispheres and the optic chiasma. The hemispheres are less arched above, broader in front, and show more marked mesial eminences on either side of the dorsal mid-line. The olfactory bulbs are rela- tively large. The optic lobes and nerves are smaller actually than in the Ostrich. The cerebellum has the usual Avian he NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 127 form, but its apex seems to lie further forward than is usually the case. The medulla is only slightly flexed. The hypophysis is very large. D.149. The brain of an Ostrich (Struthio camelus). This specimen shows well the chief superficial characters of a Bird’s brain : great longitudinal compression of the basal parts; minute olfactory bulbs sessile on the anterior extremities of the hemispheres; strong development of the cerebrum and optic lobes; depression of the latter towards the ventral surface, and great size of the cerebellum. These characters taken together at once distinguish this brain from that of any lower vertebrate, although the development of the optic lobes is equalled in many Teleosts and that of the cerebellum in the higher Sharks. Each cerebral hemi- sphere is short, and very broad behind, with an indentation on the base in the position of the mammalian Sylvian fissure, forming the anterior boundary of a small pseudo- temporal lobe, and with indications upon the dorsal surface of a longitudinal furrow that extends forwards to the base of the olfactory bulb and forms the lateral boundary of a mesial eminence. The hemispheres are strongly arched above, contiguous in the mid-line, slightly concave below and bluntly pointed in front, with the points lying close side by side and termi- nating in a pair of small olfactory bulbs. The hemispheres extend backwards over the roof of the thalamencephalon and conceal the greater part of the optic lobes. The latter are a pair-of oval prominences situated on the latero-ventral aspect of the mesencephalon with their long diameter directed downwards and forwards. At their anterior ends they pass directly into the optic tracts, which form a complete chiasma in front of the infundibulum. The chiasma has been partly dissected to show the crossing of the nerve- fibres. The cerebellum represents the Mammalian vermis ; it is remarkably large, and forms an upstanding rounded or sub-conical eminence that projects forwards between the hemispheres above the roof of the mesencephalon, and backwards over the rhomboid fossa. It is slightly flattened from side to side and convex in front and behind, with a 128 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. slight concavity in its anterior face where it abuts against the pseudo-occipital lobes of the cerebrum. It is deeply fissured transversely, as in higher’ Sharks and Mammals. The medulla is short and passes into the cord by a some- what abrupt constriction. O. C. 1321s. D. 150. A similar specimen seen from the ventral surface. The optic lobes, tracts, and chiasma are well shown, as is also the sharp ventral flexure of the medulla. O.C. 1321s a. D. 151. The brain of an Ostrich (Struthio camelus) injected. The right lateral ventricle has been exposed by the removal of the lateral wall. It shows clearly the foramen of Monro, with a choroid plexus —an offshoot of the vascular epithelial roof of the thalamencephalon—projecting through it into the ventricle. On the left an opening has been made in the dorsal wall (pallium) of the hemisphere to show the natural position of the plexus. The outer wall of the right optic lobe has been removed by a tangential section to expose its cavity—a lateral diverticulum of the aqueduct of Sylvius. The thickness of its walls is somewhat exagge- rated by the direction of the section. The dorsal parts of the cerebellum have also been cut away, showing the transverse folding of the organ, and laying bare the apex of the cerebellar ventricle—an offshoot of the fourth ventricle. A black bristle has been inserted into the ruptured end of the left olfactory bulb and others mark the positions of the chief cranial nerves. A brown bristle is placed in the cavity of the infundibulum. O. C. 1822. Hunterian. D. 152. Part of the section of cerebellum removed from’ the preceding specimen. QO. C. 1823. Hunterian. D. 153. The brain of an Ostrich (Struthio camelus) with several of its cavities exposed from the right side. The corpus striatum has been entirely removed, showing the extent of the lateral ventricle in a sagittal plane, and the foramen of Monro (indicated by a blue rod). The right optic lobe has also been mostly cut away, to show the thickness of the mid- brain floor and the relatively thin teetum—here upon the a NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 129 point of merging into the tectal commissure. The cerebellum is in sagittal section, showing its cavity and the depth of its transverse folding. D. 154. Parts of the brain of an Ostrich (Struthio camelus). The anterior half of the cerebellum and the valve of Vieussens have been removed, exposing the anterior part of the fourth ventricle and the optic lobes. The latter are widely divari- cated and are united by a broad commissural sheet (tectal commissure), which is slightly thickened on the boundary line between mid-brain and thalamencephalon to form the posterior commissure. The dorsal parts of the thalamencephalon are also shown by the removal of the pseudo-occipital lobes of the hemi- spheres. The roof (tela choroidea) is epithelial and vascular ; it is evaginated. towards the anterior end to form the epiphysis (somewhat damaged), and in front sends a vascular offshoot into each of the lateral ventricles (on the right side the hemisphere has been cut through the middle of the foramen of Monro to show the continuity of this plexus with the tela choroidea). The side walls of the thalamencephalon are thick and appear, when seen from above, as two rounded eminences (optic thalami) covered laterally by the optic tracts. In the left hemisphere the relatively immense proportions of the corpora striata and the delicacy of the pallium are shown. O. C. 1321s. D. 155. A cast of the cranial cavity of an Ostrich (Struthio camelus). D. 156. Brain of a Rhea (Rhea americana). Upon the left side part of the pallium has been removed, exposing the corpus striatum. A small excrescence can be seen upon the right peduncle of the cerebellum, at the point towards which the ends of the transverse fissures converge. This pro- minence is not present in the specimens of Struthio (cf. especially D. 149), but is found in most other birds ; it probably corresponds with the flocculus cerebelli of Mammals. O. C. 1821 R. VOL. Il. K PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 157. Three transverse sections through the fore-brain of a Ki-wi (Apteryx) in front of the foramen of Monro. The uppermost section is taken close behind the olfactory bulbs; the middle one slightly in front of the lamina terminalis, and the lower through the anterior commissure. They show the relatively immense development of the corpora striata and the extreme thinness of the median walls of the hemispheres. The termination of the anterior commissure in the corpora striata and its relation to the anterior extremity of the third ventricle are also well displayed. QO. C. 1821 Q. ANSERIFORMES, D. 158. The head of a Wattled Brush-Turkey ( Catheturus lathamit) with the brain exposed from above. The cerebral hemi- spheres are slightly longer and more sharply pointed in front than in the preceding specimens. They show clearly the longitudinal dorsal furrows meeting in the mid-line close behind the olfactory bulbs. The small clavate epi- physis can be seen wedged in between the anterior end of the cerebellum and the cerebral hemispheres. O. C. 1321 0. D. 159. The brain of a Honduras Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) showing the small size and rounded form of the hemispheres. The longitudinal dorsal furrows are conspicuous at their anterior end. The cerebellum is well developed. O. C. 1821 . D. 160. The brain of a Fowl (Gallus ferrugineus v. domesticus). The hemispheres have much the same proportions as in Catheturus, but do not extend so far back. The olfactory bulbs are clearly shown, The cerebellum has well marked floceuli. In this specimen also the strong ventral convexity of the medulla, characteristic of Birds and Reptiles, and the large size of the optic lobes, tracts and nerves are well marked. The hypophysis has been removed, exposing ~ the open end of the infundibulum. Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq. D.161. A sagittal section of the head and brain of a Polish Fowl (Gallus ferrugineus vy. domesticus), showing the modified form of the brain correlated with the cranial protuberance NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 131 characteristic of this breed. The entire brain is much lengthened. The cerebrum is pushed strongly forward and upward to occupy the cavity of the cranial protuberance, and is separated from the somewhat depressed cerebellum bya waist-like constricted region consisting of the thalam- encephalon and mesencephalon. The distortion of the brain in this breed does not seem to entail any noticeable change in habits or intelligence. This specimen also shows well the structure of the optic chiasma. Upon its section surface a number of stripes are visible, successively dark and light. This appearance is due to the cut edges of a series of band-like bundles of nerve-fibres derived alternately from either optic nerve. O. C, 1321 5. Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq. Tegetmeier, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1856, p. 366. D. 162. The brain of a Bustard (Otis sp.). The specimen, although in a bad state of preservation, shows the general form of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are remarkably short and broad and almost globular in contour. They leave most of the thalamencephalon exposed and cover no part of the optic lobes. (This may be due partly to artificial displacement. ) The tectal commissure is overhung posteriorly for about one-third of its extent by the anterior lobe of the cere- bellum. In front it is separated by a transverse groove— the infolded posterior commissure—from the thalamen- cephalon. The roof of the third ventricle has been removed exposing its slit-like cavity bordered by the prominent optic thalami. Between the postero-median margins of the cerebral hemispheres lies the epiphysis. Its stalk originates from the thalamencephalon roof in front of the optic thalami. O. C. 1321 8. D.163. The brain of a Wattled Crane (Grus carunculatus). The cerebral hemispheres are strongly arched above, flat below, and from the dorsal aspect have an almost quadrangular outline. Their anterior ends are rounded and give attach- ment to the olfactory bulbs on their ventral surface. The K 2 132 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. dorsal furrows are well marked and bound a pair of strong median prominences. They meet in the mid-line behind the anterior border of the hemispheres. The hinder parts of the brain call for no remark. O. C. 1821 Bb. D. 164. Brain of a Stone-Curlew (Gidicnemus bistriatus). The bad condition of this specimen has apparently led to a certain amount of distortion (e.g. the large interval between the hemispheres and optic lobes is probably unnatural). The hemispheres are markedly globular with well-defined pseudo-temporal lobes. O. C. 1321 Ba. D. 165. The brain and spinal cord of a Goose (Anser ferus) at about the twelfth day of incubation. At this stage the brain shows much resemblance in its hinder parts to that of anadult Lizard, and in its hemispheres to that of an Am- phibian or low Shark, e. g. Notidanus. The optic lobes are large, and occupy a dorsal position immediately in front of the cerebellum. The latter is as yet remarkably small, as in adult Amphibia or Reptilia. The medulla is strongly flexed, and the rhomboid fossa is lengthened and widely open in front, as in Urodeles. The thalamencephalon forms a distinct segment between the optic lobes and the elongated hemispheres. O.C. 1319. Hunterian. D. 166. Median sagittal section of the brain of a Goose (Anser ferus). In this section the brain-cavities are shown. In front, the spacious third ventricle communicating by the foramen of Monro with the ventricle of the right hemi- sphere and prolonged ventrally behind the optic chiasma into the infundibulum. The anterior wall of this ventricle (lamina terminalis) gives passage to the double anterior commissure. Note the protuberant optic thalami in the upper part of the ventricle and the cut edge of the delicate tela choroidea. Posteriorly the third ventricle is connected with the fourth by a narrow passage, the aqueduct of Sylvius, roofed over by the posterior and tectal commissures, and prolonged laterally to form the cavity of the optic lobes. In this NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 133 specimen the large size of the cerebellum, its small cavity continuous with the fourth ventricle, and its composition of layers of white and grey matter are also clearly visible. D. 167. The brain of a Goose (Anser ferus). The hemispheres have been pressed to either side to show the lamina terminalis and the anterior commissure. This method of treatment has also uncovered the dorsal surface of the thalamen- cephalon, the tectal commissure, and anterior lobe of the cerebellum. The origin of the tractus hippocampo-mesen- cephalicus can be clearly seen upon the surface of the median walls of the hemispheres. O.C. 1321 a. D. 168. The brain of a Goose (Anser ferus) partially divided from above by a median sagittal incision and with the two halves turned aside to show the diverticulum of the fourth ventricle within the cerebellum and the arrangement of the layers of white and grey matter that form the arbor vite. The outer surface of the left optic lobe has been removed to expose its ventricle, and a bristle has been passed from it into the aqueduct of Sylvius to demonstrate the continuity of the two cavities. The right lateral ventricle has been opened by section of its thin mesial wall. Its extent and continuation into the olfactory bulb are thus shown, as well as the great disproportion in bulk between the corpus striatum and pallium. O. C. 1821. Hunterian. D. 169. The brain of a Duck (Anas boscas) from which the greater part of the left side has been removed. The superficial appearance of the brain is very similar to that of the Goose. In taking away the left hemisphere the anterior commissure has been isolated and kept intact from its termination in the left corpus striatum to its entry into the right hemisphere. The optic tracts and chiasma have also been dissected, showing in the latter the interlacing of six large independent bundles of fibres (three belonging to each optic nerve) as they pass from one side to the other. All the fibres of the optic nerves cross to the opposite side of the brain in the chiasma. ‘The course of the ascending root of the tri- geminal nerve has also been dissected. out, and a bristle 134 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. is placed beneath the 4th nerve. The relation of the concave anterior surface of the cerebellum to the cerebrum is very clearly shown. The flocculus is strongly marked. O. C. 1380 15. D. 170. The brain of a White Stork (Ciconia alba) from which the right, hemisphere has been removed to show the optic tract upon that side. The optic lobes are peculiarly pro- minent. The emergence of the fourth pair of nerves from the valve of Vieussens is clearly shown. The great interval between the hemispheres and cerebellum is probably arti- ficial, O. C. 1380 A 33. D. 171. The brain of a Saddle-billed Stork (phippiorhynchus senegalensis). This specimen is badly preserved, but shows the rounded form of the hemispheres and their relations to the optic lobes and cerebellum. O.C. 13821 Be. D. 172. The brain of a Brazilian Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasiliensis) showing its 1 Flange form and long oval hemispheres. O. C, 1821 a a. D. 173. The brain of a Heron (Ardea cinerea). FALOCONIFORMES. D. 174. The brain of a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sul- phurea). The hemispheres are remarkably large, extending back so as to completely cover the dorsal surface of the optic lobes. They are oval in shape, and have a strongly marked “Sylvian” fissure upon their ventral surface, behind which the hemisphere expands to form a very definite pseudo-temporal lobe. Dorsal longitudinal furrows are present, but in this specimen are indistinct. The Parrots are among the few Birds in which the cerebrum is longer than broad. The cerebellum and optic lobes are relatively rather small. O. C, 1821 a. D. 175. The brain of a Cockatoo (Cacatua triton). This specimen shows similar features to the last, but owing to its better state of preservation the cerebral furrows are more pronounced, O. C. 1321 aa. —— ———— mT NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 135 D. 176. The brain of a Great Horned Owl (Bubo maximus). This remarkable brain is distinguished by an immense lateral development of the hemispheres accompanied by a marked approximation of their anterior extremities to the optic chiasma. The enlargement chiefly affects the median part of each hemisphere between the dorsal longitudinal furrow and the mid-dorsal line. By the great development of this area the parts of the hemisphere external to, and including the anterior half of the dorsal longitudinal furrow have been thrust outwards and downwards, so that what under typical conditions would be the lateral parts of the hemisphere occupy a ventral position, and what in other birds would be its dorsal vault forms here its anterior and lateral border. This transformation of parts, accompanied by a marked shortening of the distance between the olfac- tory bulbs and the chiasma, gives to the long axis of the fore part of each hemisphere a nearly transverse direction. The ventral surface of this brain compares well with that of the Goose (D. 167), in which the dorsal parts of the hemispheres have been artificially thrust to either side. In other features, except for the strong development of the optic lobes, the brain is quite typical. O. C. 1321 kK. D. 177. A similar specimen, in which the upper part of the left hemisphere has been removed to show that the great lateral expansion of the cerebrum is due to an immense enlarge- ment of the corpus striatum. QO. C. 1321 Kk a. D.178. The hinder parts of the brain of an Owl (Séria sp.) showing the strong development of the optic lobes and thalami in this keen-sighted bird, and the relatively com- plex formation of the chiasma. In place of the half dozen large interlacing bundles seen in the chiasma of the Duck (D. 169), each optic nerve here splits into five delicate laminze that interlace and alternate with one another as they pass through the chiasma to the optic tract of the opposite side. A certain number of fibres are said aiso to pass direct from each optic nerve to the tract of tae same side—a condition apparently correlated with the frontal position of the eyes. O. C. 1380 10. 7 D. 179. The brain of a White-tailed Eagle (Haliaétus albicilla). The hemispheres are very broad. The dorsal parts of the right one have been removed to’ show the ventricle, the large corpus striatum, and the narrow cut edge of the pallium. The lateral parts of the corpus striatum have been cut away on the left. The large optic lobes have been treated in a similar way on either side, showing in each the narrow slit-like ventricle and the thickness of the walls. The postero-ventral wall, owing to the presence of the large lateral nucleus, is peculiarly massive. The cerebellum is well developed; its right half has been remoyed. This specimen also shows very clearly the club-shaped epiphysis and the origin of its stalk from the roof of the thalamencephalon between the optic thalami. 0. 0. 18211, 136 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 180. The brain of a Sparrow Hawk ( Accipiter fringillarius). The hemispheres are broad and somewhat’globular in shape. They cover only the anterior parts of the optic lobes. The latter, as in all birds of prey, are very strongly developed. 0. C, 1321 m. D. 181. The head of a Griffon Vulture (Gyps sp.), with the brain exposed from above. The hemispheres are strongly developed; they are remarkably broad in their posterior part, but much more pointed in front than in the previously described Falconiformes. O. C. 1821 0. D. 182. Two parts of the brain of a Vulture (Vultur) in transverse section. The upper specimen is the anterior extremity of the cerebrum, seen from behind. In the lower specimen the section has also been made through the hemispheres, but somewhat further back, just in front of the optic chiasma, through the anterior commissure. The section surface faces to the front ; it shows clearly the position and relations of the anterior commissure, as well as the lateral ventricles, corpora striata, and pallium. | 0.0. 1321p, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 137 CORACIIFORMES D.183. The brain of a Condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus). The hemispheres are much narrower and longer than in the Falconiformes. They extend backwards so as nearly to cover the optic lobes. The cerebellum and a great part of the left hemisphere have been removed exposing the left optic lobe and thalamus and the tectal commissure. O. C. 1821 N. PASSERIFORMES. D.184. The brain of a Touraco ( Zuracus sp.). This specimen is not well preserved, but shows that the hemispheres are globular and very moderate in size, extending back only over the anterior third of the optic lobes. The latter are somewhat exceptionally large. QO. C. 1321 4. D. 185. The brain of a Crowned Pigeon (Goura coronata). This specimen differs little from the last. The hemispheres are small and globular. They do not cover any part of the well-developed optic lobes. O. C. 1321 F. D.186. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Solitaire (Pezophaps solitarius), giving without doubt a trustworthy representation of the brain. The hemispheres are of moderate size with but slight indications of dorsal longitudinal furrows. They are widely separated mesially, especially in their posterior parts, and extend back over the anterior half of the optic lobes. The latter are well developed and strongly depressed towards the ventral surface. The cerebellum is of some size; its peduncles lie about midway between the anterior and posterior extremities. In front it extends between the hinder ends of the hemispheres. The hypophysis is small and narrow. ‘D. 187. The brain of a Lyre-bird (Menura ated): The hemi- spheres are of very large size. The area between each dorsal longitudinal fissure and the mid-line is strongly developed somewhat as in the Owl (D.176). But instead of the hemispheres being short, as in that case, they are re- 138 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. markably long—the distance between the olfactory bulbs ; and the chiasma being very considerable, and the hinder ~ parts being prolonged backwards over the entire dorsal i“ surface of the optic lobes. As these parts are also very a deep dorso-ventrally the optic lobes are more depressed than usual, and lie entirely upon the ventral surface. a O. C. 18211. ~ D.188. The brain of a Bower-bird (Ptylonorhynchus violaceus). The hemispheres are well developed, and completely cover the dorsal surface of the optic lobes. They are relatively broader and rounder than in the preceding specimen. No furrows are visible upon their surface. The cerebellum is _ ~ comparatively small. 0. C. 132114. — MAMMALIA. Orper MONOTREMATA. Family OrniTHORHYNCHIDA. D. 189. The brain of a Duck-billed Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus); also a right cerebral hemisphere, dissected to show the fascia dentata in the mesial wall. : This brain, in common with that of the Spiny Anteater, — exhibits in the relative proportions of its various constituent parts and in their degree of histological differentiation un- — mistakeable evidence of its conformity to the mammalian — type. But, on the other hand, the structural plan of several — important regions of the brain (notably of the cerebral — commissures and the neighbouring parts) differs in a very _ pronounced manner from that which obtains elsewhere — among mammals (excluding the Marsupials in regard to — certain of these features). It is significant that the general arrangement of the “commissural region,” which is so — peculiar in the Monotremes, essentially agrees with the — structural plan which is common to most non-mammalian — vertebrates. 3 Many of these peculiarities can be satisfactorily studied — only by histological examination, and hence do not come — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 139 within the scope of this account, but others may be appre- ciated by the naked eye even in specimens so imperfect as these. The elliptical olfactory bulb (figs. 34, 35, 36, and 37) projects well beyond the anterior end of each cerebral hemi- sphere, and appears to have a pointed anterior pole. This is due to the fact that the true olfactory nerves are collected into a compact bundle (compare specimen 13801 [O. ©.]), which is inserted into the anterior pole of the olfactory bulb (fig. 35). Such an arrangement is commonly found among Fig. 34. (Nat. size.) aN CER. HEM. Fig. 35. (Nat. size.) PYR.L._ : OLF. TUBER-4...7-| Tuser.V. ‘Ly the Sauropsida and Ichthyopsida, and occurs nowhere else in the Mammalia, not even in the Spiny Anteater. The lateral wall of the olfactory bulb is peculiar in being deeply invaginated so as to practically obliterate the olfactory ventricle. On the left bulb, an oblique furrow indicates the situation of this invagination (fig. 34). The pyriform lobe is seen upon the ventral surface of the hemisphere (fig. 35) as a very narrow, sinuous band pro- longed backward from the peduncle of the olfactory bulb. In the separated hemisphere (fig. 36) its posterior extremity 140 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. is seen to extend on to the mesial surface of the hemisphere, — where it expands to form a pyriform tubercle, which is placed immediately below the “tail” of the hippocampus (fascia dentata). The pyriform lobe is separated from the rest of the “pallium” by an exceptionally deep rhinal fissure, _ which is seen in the specimen (fig. 35) as a mere line bi 4 the ventral surface. To the mesial side of the anterior half of the pyriform lobe there is a deep endorhinal fissure separating it from — Fig. 36. (Nat. size.) Fig. 37. (Nat. size.) an elliptical projection of peculiar cortex, commonly known ” as the tuberculum olfactorium. The presence of a definite endorhinal fissure is peculiar to the Monotremes; in other mammals there is merely a shallow furrow in the corre= | sponding situation lodging the compact (external) olfactory — tract. In the Monotremes there is no such compact tract, because the fibres which proceed from the olfactory bulb — to the pyriform lobe are scattered diffusely over the surface of the latter. In comparison with the brains of most other mammals #4 will be found that these regions of the brain—olfactorjeall bulb, olfactory tubercle, and pyriform lobe—are relatively — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 14] small in the Platypus. This fact, which is especially note- worthy in a lowly-organised mammal, is readily explained by the lessened importance and value of the sense of smell to an animal whose active life is chiefly aquatic. The optic and oculo-motor nerves and the associated parts of the brain are exceedingly small, because the sense of sight is of limited value to an animal which spends much of its time in dark burrows. Under such circumstances the sense of touch is a much more serviceable guide, and hence it is not surprising to find the organs of this sense highly developed. The chief tactile organ is the broadly expanded snout, covered with an extremely delicate soft skin.. The latter is most richly supplied with numerous branches of the trigeminal nerve (see specimens 1380 H and 13801 [O. C.]), which terminate in peculiarly modified end-organs (Wilson & Martin, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 1895, p. 660). The enormous development of the fifth nerves exercises a most marked influence upon the configuration of the region of the pons Varolii and medulla oblongata. The sensory nerves coming from the snout are inserted (wholly in front of the pons) as two large strands on each side—a mesial nerve coming from the maxillary region (representing the conjoint ophthalmic and superior maxillary divisions of Human Anatomy), and a lateral nerve from the mandibular _ region, At their insertion a huge mass of nerve-cells is developed as a receptive organ, so as to produce a great swelling, the tuberculum quinti, upon each side of the ventral surface of the hind-brain (fig. 35). The small narrow band of pontine fibres is stretched across this pro- minence at the situation of its greatest breadth. In the caudal direction, the tuberculum quinti tapers to a point upon the lateral aspect of the upper part of the spinal cord. The post-pontal part of the tuberculum quinti corresponds to the tubercle of Rolando in the brain of other mammals. The motor root of the fifth nerve emerges on the deep aspect of the cephalic projection of the tuberculum quinti and, after extending around the mesial edge of the latter, extends transversely outward in front of the pons to join the mandibular root, Owen committed the peculiar error | 142 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. of mistaking it for the pons. On the left side of the specimen (fig. 35, v.M.) this motor root has been cut short. — The other cranial nerves conform to the usual mammalian plan, which is seen to better advantage in the brains * 7 other animals (vide infra). > Perhaps the most inexplicable feature of the brain of then Platypus (as also of the Spiny Anteater) is the relatively large size of the so-called “ palliam ” of the cerebral hemi- — sphere. The term “ pallium” is at the present time used in a perplexing variety of ways by different writers, and — all of these applications of the term are strangely at vazlanil 4 with that which Reichert intended to convey when he in- — troduced the word “mantle” or “ pallium.” There are three distinct varieties of mantle in all mammalian hemi-— spheres:—a basal pallium or pyriform lobe, a marginal — pallium or hippocampus, and a more variable area inter- — calated between these two regions, which has hitherto — received no exclusive title. To indicate this region I shall employ the distinctive, if hybrid, name “ neopallium” *. Among lowly-organised mammals there is, according to Dubois, a more or less intimate relationship between the — size of this cortical area and the extent of the. variou sensory surfaces of the body. In the case of the Piatra in which the visual apparatus is very poorly represented — and the auditory nerve is not remarkable for its large — size, one naturally looks to the enormous trigeminal nerve — for the explanation of the large neopallium. But that this — cannot be regarded as the full explanation is shown by the still more obtrusive greatness of the neopallium in the — Spiny Anteater, in which the trigeminal nerves are not extraordinarily large and none of the other cranial nerves — attain to exceptionally great dimensions, As one is naturally loathe to explain this large neopallium as ana-_ logous to that of the Primates, in which the neop: m becomes enlarged and elaborated out of all proportion t the extent of the sensory areas in association with the development of the higher psychical faculties, a satisfactory — * Journ, Anat, & Phys, 1901, p. 431. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA.,. 143 explanation of the large size of the neopallium in the Monotremes (and in Tachyglossus more especially) cannot be offered at present. Professor C. J. Martin has shown that stimulation of the cerebral cortex of Platypus in the situa- tions shown in figures 34 and 37 gives rise to definite muscular actions: thus stimulation of the “ arm-area” (1) produces a digging movement in the opposite fore- limb, of areas (2) and (8) produces movements of the eyelids, and of (4) retraction of the head (Journ. of Phys. vol. xxiii. 1898, p. 383). This shows that physiologically the cerebral cortex of Platypus reacts in a manner analogous to that of lowly placental mammals. In striking contrast to the relatively large size of the cerebral cortex, is the smallness of the efferent tracts which pass from it to other regions of the central nervous system. The pes pedunculi and the pyramidal tract are so insigni- ficant, that they give rise to no projection upon the surface. of the brain. The pyramidal decussation is very diffuse. With the exception of the hippocampal and rhinal fissures, which subdivide the pallium into its three funda- mental constituent parts, the hemisphere of the Platypus is devoid of true fissures or sulci. The general smoothness of the neopallium is, however, disturbed by depressions for the bony capsules of the floccular lobes of the cerebellum _ (compare figs. 34 & 35) and by aseries of vascular furrows. The most noteworthy of the latter consist of-a series of large shallow channels produced by very large veins, which converge towards the apex of the hemisphere (fig. 37). The large size of these veins is due to the fact that the longitudinal venous sinus is practically, if not completely, obliterated (because the falx cerebri is bony), and the general cerebral veins enlarge to replace them. The spurious resemblance of the brain of Platypus to the avian type is thus considerably accentuated, because in many birds an analogous arrangement of the cerebral veins is found. — Several well-marked transverse furrows are produced by the branches of the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. The cerebellum of Ornithorhynchus is a slightly simplified 144 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. form of that of Tachyglossus (vide infra). The only marked — difference, and that of no systematic significance, is the projection of the floccular lobes [which are lacking in this specimen]: in the Spiny Anteater’s brain they are flattened and sessile. 4 In the separated cerebral hemisphere (fig. 36) part of the overhanging neopallium has been removed in order to expose the fascia dentata lying in the mesial wall of the a hemisphere. . The peculiar position of this specialised fringe of the hippocampus and its relations to the commissures ee 4 with the condition seen to much better advantage in the — specimen of the Spiny Anteater’s hemisphere (D.191). In — the Platypus, however, the caudo-ventral part of the hippo- campal are dwindles to much more insignificant proportions — than is the case in Tachyglossus. 3s It thus happens that that (caudo-ventral) part of the are, which alone persists in an undisturbed condition in the — Eutherian brain, is here an exceedingly diminutive tail-_ like appendage of the chief mass of the hippocampus, which — is placed further forward in the hemisphere on the dorsal aspect of the commissures. It is, moreover, a very signi-— ficant fact that this, the most bulky part of the hippo- campus in the Monotreme, occupies this cephalic (anterior) — position in the mesial wall, which its representative in the — Sauropsida and many Ichthyopsida occupies. 4 Presented by Prof. G. Elliot Smith. — Elliot Smith, Jour. Anat. & Phys., vol. xxxiii. 1899, p. 310. D. 190. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Duck-billed Platy 0 ~ (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). j This shows the actual size and shape (when viewed from — the dorsal aspect) of the brain of Platypus. The configu- ration of the base of the brain cannot be accurately es, | because the casts of the huge maxillary parts of the t geminal nerve are superposed. The most prominent pa i ’ of the mesial ridge between these nerves indicates the si and shape of the pituitary body. Gervais, Nouv. Arch, Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 248. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 145 Family Ecurpnip~z. D. 191. The brain of a Spiny Anteater (Tachyglossus [ Echidna] aculeatus), in which the greater part of the lateral and dorsal walls of the left cerebral hemisphere have been dis- sected away so as to expose the hippocampus in the lateral ventricle. In spite of the marked contrast between the general appearance of this brain and that of the Platypus, there is the closest structural agreement in most of the essential features of the two. The most obtrusive feature of this brain is the relatively enormous development of the cerebral hemispheres, which are much larger, both actually and relatively, than those of the Platypus. In addition the extent of the cortex is very considerably increased by numerous deep sulci. The meaning of this large neopallium is quite incomprehensible. The factors which the study of other mammalian brains has shown to be the determinants of the extent of the cortex, fail completely to explain how it is that a sma'l animal of the lowliest status in the mammalian series comes to possess this large cortical apparatus. In other small, terrestrial, insect-eating mammals such as the Pangolins and the Anteaters, and in the fossorial Bandicoots, Hed ge- hogs, and Armadillos, we find highly macrosmatic brains with small neopallia: and yet in Tachyglossus, whose mode of life is not dissimilar to many of these mammals, we find alongside the large olfactory bulb and great pyriform Jobe of the highly macrosmatic brain a huge complicated neopallium. In the remarks concerning the brain of the Platypus (D. 189), it was tentatively suggested that the enormous development of the trigeminal nerves might explain to some extent the large size of the receptive organ and “storehouse,” so to speak, for tactile impressions. But sucha suggestion does not help us in the case of the Spiny Anteater, because the trigeminal nerves are much smaller than they are in the Platypus, and yet the neopallium is much larger. The eyes and optic tracts are still very small, as in the Platypus, so that another factor in determining a large pallial area is lacking. . VOL. II, L 146 chief determinants of the extent of the neopallium. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, The auditory nerves are indeed large, but the me al geniculate body, which it is customary to regard as_ an integral part of the cortical acoustic path, cannot even be — recognised as a projection behind the optic thalamus lon specimen D, 193] ; ; so that it is unlikely that the cortical — auditory tract is sufficiently largely developed to exple ing the large neopallium. Nor is the extent of the surface 0 the body, the tactile acuteness of which can hardly be heightened by its covering of spines, sufficient to ayaa large tactile area in the cortex. Yet these are the factors” which in lowly organised mammals are supposed to be the] b= Fig. 38. (Nat. size.) © - OLF. BULB_ < Dubois has clearly demonstrated that among the more — lowly organised Mammalia the size of the cerebral ie varies with the extent of the various sensory curhenee the body, and that the lowlier the position of the cre; : in the Mammalian phylum the smaller this cortical ron . sentation becomes. But in the Spiny Anteater all these generalisations are upset: for this small animal, with n specially acute sense except that of smell—and a high degree of macrosmatism is usually associated with a small — neopallium—occupies the lowliest status in the Mammalian — hierarchy, and hence should have the feeblest cortical presentation for its sense-organs. f The cerebral hemispheres are short and broad (fig. 38). q Their growth in the antero-posterior direction appears to” ¢ NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 147 have been restrained by the resistance of the cranium, and they have extended chiefly in the lateral direction. This lateral extension has been carried to an extreme degree in the postero-ventral region of the neopallium, which has grown downward and then mesially so as to produce a peculiar bending of the pyriform lobe (fig. 39). Fig. 39. (Nat. size.) In all ant-eating mammals the snout is prolonged to form a long tubular structure which lodges the vermiform tongue. This elongation of the skull may involve the cranial cavity, and in that case the brain assumes an elon- gated form in adaptation to the shape of its bony case. The Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga, D. 282) and the Aard- vark (Orycteropus, D. 288) afford instances of this, On the other hand, the elongation may be restricted to the beak, and the brain then becomes packed away, so to speak, in a short cranial cavity lying entirely behind the maxiilary region. The brain of the Pangolin (Manis, D. 287) and that under consideration exemplify this type, in which the brain develops in a cavity which restricts its antero-posterior growth. The hemispheres thus expand chiefly in the lateral direction, and the restriction to elongation expresses itself in a series of transverse sulci, the disposition of which is re-described in the account of the next specimen. The olfactory bulb is a large, flattened, foot-like mass partly overlapped by the anterior pole of the hemispnere. L 2 148 - PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, * It rests in the cranium upon a broad cribriform plate, through the namerous foramina of which small bundles of — olfactory nerve-fibres proceed to the ventral surface of the — olfactory bulb. A short peduncle connects the bulb to the cephalic extremity of the pyriform lobe, The latter is a — peculiar, sinuously curved band of cortex, which extends along the whole length of the base of the hemispheres. The extraordinarily twisted form of the pyriform lobe is’ quite distinctive of this brain. This is seen to advan tage c on the left side, in which the neopallium has in great p been removed and the pyriform lobe left (fig. 40). Fig. 40. (Nat. size.) The olfactory bulb slightly overlaps the tuberculum olfactorium posteriorly. The olfactory tubercles are = 4 Jarge, bat are so placed in the floor of a deep depressiot the prominent lips of which are formed by the pyrifoll lobes, that their greatness is not apparent. + Behind this fossa the latter almost meet, so much are they bent towards the mesial plane (fig. 39). In the 7 2p cleft between them the delicate optic nerves may be seems Emerging between the posterior part of the py orm lobes and the pons Varolii are the ribbon-like iipetatal oe nerves. It is a peculiarity of the Monotremata that the trigeminal nerves are inserted into the brain-stem wholly in front of the pons. ‘4 Note the large size of the auditory nerve, which is placed immediately behind the point where the pontine fibre: enter the cerebelium. ‘The other cranial nerves call for no special comment, ; In spite of the great size of the pallium, the pyramic 1 al tracts are so insignificant that they form no prominence on NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA., 149 the surface. The roots of the hypoglossal nerve, however, serve to indicate the lateral limit of each pyramid. There is a diffuse crossing of the fibres of the pyramids, instead of the compact decussations found in most mammals. The trapezoid body, which is such an obtrusive feature of most mammalian brains, is not recognisable as such by the naked eye in the Monotremes. The cerebellum is noteworthy for the small dimensions of its lateral parts, and from the fact that its structural plan cannot be certainly brought into harmony with that which is common to all the Meta- and Eutheria. It, how- ever, closely agrees with that of the Platypus. But there is a large sessile floccular lobe, in marked contrast to the pedunculated, encapsuled flocculus of the Platypus. In the left cerebral hemisphere the lateral ventricle has been opened so as to expose the hippocampus. The latter presents an appearance which is characteristic of the Monotremes. For, although the hippocampus also extends through the whole length of the lateral ventricle in the Marsupials, as it does here, it is only in the Monotremes that we find the largest and plumpest part of the hippo- campal arc occupying the dorsal and cephalic position. The caudo-ventral part of the hippocampal are rapidly tapers to a point in Tachyglossus, and even to a more marked degree in Ornithorhynchus. O. C. 13823*. Ziehen, Semon’s Forschunygsreise, Jena. Denkschr. Bd. vi. 1897, p. 4. D.192. The left cerebral hemisphere of a Spiny Anteater ( Tachy- glossus [Echidna] aculeatus): also a coronal section of another left hemisphere. A rough area in the centre of the mesial surface of the hemisphere indicates the place from which the optic thalamus was detached (fig. 41). In front of this area the elliptical sections of two commissural bands are to be seen The lower or ventral commissure (comM.v.) is much the larger of the two and contains nerve-fibres corresponding to the anterior commissure of other mammalian brains. But, as the coronal section (fig. 42) [which passes through the two commissures] clearly shows, the ventral commissure 150 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. * has a much wider distribution than the anterior com- missure of most Eutheria, for it connects the whole of — the two cerebral hemispheres, excepting the hippocampal formations only. Now in all Eutheria part of the neopal- lium is connected to the other hemisphere by means of the corpus callosum, so that the ventral commissure of the Spiny Anteater represents not only the anterior commissure, but — also the corpus callosum of the Eutheria. , Fig. 41. (Nat. size.) FASC . DENT. COMM.D. a! OLF. BULB PYR.L. Fig. 42. (Nat. size.) The dorsal or hippocampal commissure (comM.D.) is much smaller. It was erroneously believed by Flower (Phil. Trans. 1865) to represent the corpus callosum ; but as it is wholly derived from the hippocampal formation — by means of the fornix, it cannot be strictly regarded as — the representative of a commissure (the corpus callosum) — which is derived from cortical areas (neopallium) other than — the hippocampus (Elliot Smith, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. wa vol. ix. 1895, p. 635) *. * This view, which was originally stated by Owen in 1837, and conclu- sively demonstrated by modern methods by Symington (Journ. Asad & Phys. 1892), has recently been called in question by several writers, without a tittle of evidence to justify their irrational refusal to recognise a fact which — is unquestionable and so easily demonstrable. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. TSI Upon the upper surface of the dorsal commissure there is a narrow band of cortical substance, which is obviously the cephalic prolongation of the fascia dentata. A study of the mesial surface of the hemisphere shows this at a glance, and an examination of the coronal section confirms the opinion that the structure in question is really the fascia dentata. The caudal portion of this structure may be seen (behind the rough area on the corpus striatum) occupying the position in which we are accustomed to look for it in the Hutherian brain. It appears to be depressed below the level of the rest of the surface, because the neopallium tends to bulge over the marginal hippocampal region. The clearly-defined hippocampal fissure separates the fascia dentata from the neopallium. But, unlike the arrangement found in the higher mammals, the fascia dentata (with the hippocampal fissure bounding it on its dorsal or peripheral side) extends far forward above the dorsal commissure. This explains the presence of the hippocampal formation in the peculiar position in which it is seen in the coronal section. There (fig. 42) we see the fibres of the small dorsal commissure spreading out to form the ventricular covering (or alveus) of the hippocampus, from which they are wholly derived. By means of this section, it is easy to correlate the appearance of the ventricular surface of the hippocampus (seen in the last specimen, fig. 40) with the mesial distribution of the fascia dentata (which is merely a specialised marginal fringe of the hippocampal formation) in the hemisphere of this specimen. It is now also possible to understand how it is that the dorsal commissure is derived from the hippocampus. (Hlliot Smith, Journ. Anat. & Phys. vol. xxxii. 1897, p. 32.) The hippocampal fissure extends only a short distance beyond (2. e. in front of) the dorsal commissure, so that the fascia dentata (of which it forms the uorsal boundary) appears [in a spirit-preserved specimen] to blend with the neopallium above it, and also with the precommissural area below it. Ina fresh brain the fascia dentata may, however, be readily distinguished by its colour, and may be traced forward into close proximity to the olfactory peduncle. 152 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. [In this specimen the olfactory bulb has been removed, and the irregular cut surface of its peduncle can be seen upon the ventral surface of the anterior pole of the hemisphere. | At the concave margin of the postcommissural part of the fascia dentata there is a strand of white fibres—the fimbria or fornix. This consists of a group of fibres collected from or going to the hippocampus. In all Marsupials and placental mammals the fimbria projects as a prominent crest; but in both Monotremes it consists merely of a slight thickening of the edge of the alveus, which does not project to form a ridge. Anteriorly its fibres appear in this specimen to pass bodily into the dorsal commissure, but many of them do not do so. A considerable proportion of the fibres of the fornix bend downward behind the ventral commissure as a compact bundle (the anterior pillar or column of the fornix), which enters the optic thalamus and proceeds toward the corpus mammillare: others again enter the precommissural area, and are known as the precommissural fibres (of Huxley). These fibres can be satisfactorily seen only in fresh specimens or in histological preparations (compare Journ. of Anat. & Phys. vol. xxxii. fig. 6, p. 36). In this specimen the fissures and sulci may be studied with advantage. The rhinal fissure is ockreonitamaly deep in the Mono- tremes, and especially in Tachyglossus, as the coronal section (fig. 42) shows. ,It pursues a very tortuous course on the lateral, ventral, and caudo-mesial surfaces of the hemisphere. Just before it leaves the lateral to reach the basal surface a of the hemisphere, it gives off a short horizontal branch as deep as itself. This branch is probably produced by factors analogous to those which cause the so-called ‘“ Sylvian fissure” in other mammals ; it is, in other words, a kink a produced by the downward growth of the neopallium behind it, and, as such, has a claim to be called the © f “Sylvian fissure” equal to that of, say, the Cat’s brain. — At the same time there is no reason for regarding it as a strict homologue of the similarly-named fissure of other mammals. The same term is used simply as a matter of con- venience in the same way that it is applied to the Edentate, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 153 Carnivore, Ungulate, and Primate brain respectively, in which no exact correspondence exists. We know-from the distribution of the claustrum that the exact cortical areas from which the lips of the Sylvian fissure are formed in different higher Orders [or even Suborders and Families— compare the Cynoid, Arctoid, and Pinniped Carnivores and the progressive modifications in their various families] are not strictly homologous in different mammals ; so that if we use the term ‘‘ Sylvian” for all these various types of fissure, we are also justified in using it for the fissure of the Spiny Anteater’s brain, which is clearly caused by analo- gous factors of growth, without thereby implying any strict homology in the cortical areas which form its lips. It will avoid much confusion, however, if we call this sulcus (fig. 43, syL.F.) “ pseudosylvian.” Fig. 43. (Nat. size.) OLF. BULB. elaoo-) The sulci of the neopallium of the Spiny Anteater. vary very considerably in different individuals, and there is no clue to indicate whether any of them should be regarded as the representative of a sulcus of other mammalian brains. On the other hand, the arrangement of the sulci suggests that they might be due to purely mechanical factors operating in an uniformly growing pallium, the longi- tudinal expansion of which is restricted. The most constant of all the sulci are three distinguished as a, 8, and ¥ in the diagrams (figs. 38 and 43). [The figures (38, 39, and 43) illustrating this account are drawn from the preceding specimen (D. 191) in order that both hemispheres might be represented. The description, however, applies more especially to this specimen (D. 192), 154 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. in order that the arrangement of the sulci on the cranial — surface may be compared with ‘that of the mesial surface (fig. 41).] The suleus « begins immediately behind the pseudo- sylvian, and pursues a course upward, 7. e. mesially, to terminate just in front of the caudo-mesial angle of the dorsal surface. F The sulcus y is the deepest and most constant of the — radiating sulci on the mesial surface of the hemisphere, — It appears to spring from the hippocampal fissure at a short distance behind the supracommissural exposed portion _ of the fascia dentata. In most brains it crosses the dorsal edge and joins the sulcus 8 on the dorsal surface. The latter pursues a course for a variable distance in front and parallel to the suleus a. Its mode of termination is variable. In this specimen it bends forward opposite the mid-point of the sulcus a, and, after a short oblique course, ends in a bifid extremity. In the other specimen (D.191) it behaves in a different manner (fig. 43, 8). In specimen D.192 — there is a short sulcus below 8, which may be regarded as — a part of the same sulcus, as the two are commonly united as in specimen D. 191. ; On the dorsal surface of the hemisphere there are commonly two oblique or sagittal sulci (fig. 38, 8 and e), — and behind them a short sulcus y, parallel to # and £. Behind 8 there are two sulci, { and », and behind these again two others, o and p. . The greater part of the hemisphere is thus divided intoa _ series of slightly oblique transverse bands by the series of _ sulci, y, 8, a, €+, and o+p. The shallow sulcus 7 on ~ the mesial surface (fig. 41) is placed above and parallel to the anterior part of the hippocampal fissure *. , It is very significant that the most constant and primitive sulci of the Meta- and Eutherian neopallium, such as the — calearine (splenial), orbital (presylvian), and suprasylvian — sulci, are absent. This is one of the many manifestations — of the great gap which separates the Monotremes from all — other mammals. Presented by Prof. G. Elliot Smith. Waldeyer (Review only), Merkel and Bonnet’s Ergeb- — * The indicating letter has been omitted in the figure, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 155 nisse, Bd. viii. 1898, p. 372. (The more recent work by Bela Haller [ Morph. Jahrb. 1900, p. 463] is quite mis- leading.) D.193. The left cerebral hemisphere of a Spiny Anteater (Tachy- glossus | Echidna] aculeatus), dissected to show the hippo- campus in the lateral ventricle. In this specimen parts of the mesial wall have heen torn asunder, and as a result the exact shape of the hippocampus can be seen to better advantage than in specimen D. 191. The latter specimen shows the same structures, however, in situ. . D.194. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Spiny Anteater (Tachy- glossus aculeatus). Gervais, Nouv. Arch. d. Mus., t. v. 1870, p. 247. D.195. The optic thalami, mid-brain, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata of a Spiny Anteater (Zachyglossus [| Echidna] aculeatus). Fig. 44. (x 2.) S, OPT. THAL. PINEAL. _ . ANT. QUAD. CORP -POST. QUAD. CORP This specimen was prepared by the late Sir William (then Professor) Flower (see Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 18) to demonstrate the corpora quadrigemiina, concerning the existence of the posterior pair of which some doubt had been raised by the writings of his predecessor, Sir Richard Owen. On the dorsal aspect (fig. 44) the small oval masses of the optic thalami will be observed in front, separated by 156 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . the narrow mesial slit-like third ventricle. At its caudal extremity a blunt rounded sac is found representing the pineal body, and in front of this the ganglion habenule and teenia thalami are found on each side of the ventricle, as in all other vertebrate brains. Perhaps the most significant feature of this specimen is the absence of any protuberance corresponding to the mesial geniculate body. In this a respect the Monotreme brain differs most markedly from that of all other mammals. The absence of any markedly projecting lateral geniculate body is not so peculiar, not only because this body is not prominent among the lowlier mammals, but also because the visual apparatus, of which it forms an important part, is poorly developed in the Monotremes. The quadrigeminal bodies are comparatively small and flat as comparedwith those of other mammals. The pons Varolii is prolonged into a forwardly-projecting process or rostrum in the mesial plane, probably because the nuclei pontis are scattered throughout a much greater antero-posterior extent than the narrow lateral parts of the pons occupy. This peculiar rostrum is distinctive of the Monotremes, since it is also found in the Platypus. Im- mediately in front of the rostrum note the interpeduncular body, one of the oldest parts of the brain in the phylogenetic sense. The rounded knob formed by the corpora mam- inillaria, the oculo-motor nerves, and the delicate optic tracts conform to the usual mammalian type. In comparison with the corresponding organ in other mammals, the cerebellum in the Monotremes presents — features so peculiar that no exact comparisons with that of other mammals can be instituted with any degree of certainty. The fissura prima (preclivalis of Human — Anatomy) is apparently placed very far back, so that the greater part of the cerebellum, including the whole of the — anterior and the greater part of the dorsal surface, corre- sponds to the anterior lobe of other mammals (the combined lobus centralis and lobus culminis of Human Anatomy). Thus the whole of the postclival region, which in the higher mammals becomes so greatly expanded that it forms the bulk of the organ, becomes relegated to the caudo-ventral region NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 157 of the cerebellum and is a narrow insignificant strip, which is expanded laterally only to a very slight degree. ‘The region of the nodulus agrees with that of other mammals. The floccular lobe is sessile in Tachyglossus, but projects for a considerable distance in Ormthorhynchus. It is a simply foliated appendage, and is not divisible into flocculus and parafloceulus ; nor can a ventral and dorsal segment be recognised as in other mammals, although the radiating feather-like arrangement of the folia in Tachyglossus is a simplified form of the two-layered type of paraflocculus. The cerebellum differs in a most marked manner from that of other mammals, and seems to be a highly specialised modification of the primitive mammalian type. Its most significant feature is the relatively small size of its lateral parts. Seeing that most of its exposed part probably represents the anterior lobe of the mammalian cerebellum, in which there is no clear line of demarcation between vermis and lateral hemispheres, such distinctions are also lacking in the Monotreme. QO. C. 1823**. Ziehen, Semon’s Forschungsreise, Jena. Denkschr. 1897, p. 23. D.196. The cranial cast of a.so-called “ Proechidna” (Proechidna The brain is distinctly larger than it is in 7. aculeatus ; the olfactory bulbs project much further beyond the hemi- spheres ; the hemispheres are proportionately much longer than in the other species and are extremely large and richly convoluted for so lowly a mammal. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, pl. xiv. Oxvnr MARSUPIALIA, Suborder POLYPROTODONTIA. * Family Dasyvuripz. D.197. The brain of a Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus [ Dasyurus] ursinus) (), in which the left cerebral hemisphere has been separated from the rest of the brain. 158 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. This is one of the simplest and most generalised types of — the mammalian brain, and presents a marked contrast — to the specialised Monotreme organ. Its most obtrusive feature is the relatively enormous size _ of the olfactory bulbs, which are attached by short thick — peduncles to the front of the cerebral hemispheres. In — the great majority of mammals the olfactory apparatus — is largely developed ; and in the case of a terrestrial, offal-_ eating animal, like Sarcophilus, the importance of the sense of smell becomes enormously enhanced and it becomes 4 the dominant sense. This finds expression (asin Perameles, vide fig. 52) in the huge development of the olfactory bulb, in the large elliptical olfactory tubercle on the base of — the brain, ina pyriform lobe which forms a large part of 7 ventral surface and almost half of the lateral aspect of Fig. 45. (Nat. size.) x SULC.ORB. / Y 4 \ RN bee 4 ~ RAIN FP, PYRLL. OLF.TUBER. * hemisphere, and in a large hippocampal formation which | forms a considerable part of the mesial wall. ) This brain shows very clearly the definite connections which the olfactory peduncle establishes with both the lateral and mesial walls of the cerebral hemisphere. ice. the lateral aspect (fig. 45) the peduncle is dire continued into the pyriform lobe, and a layer of medw fibres upon the latter becomes collected into a definite bundle—the olfactory tract or so-called “ external olfactory root ’—which proceeds backwards in the shallow gre between the pyriform lobe and the olfactory tubere distributing fibres over the surfaces of both. The tea finally ends in a little nodule behind the olfactory tubercle — (fig. 45, *), which may be called the tubercle of the olfé tract [Retzius calls it the “ gyrus intermedius ”]. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 159 A well-defined rhinal fissure begins anteriorly in the cleft between the olfactory bulb and the apex of the hemisphere, and separates the pyriform lobe from the neo- pallium. Upon the mesial surface (fig. 46) the olfactory -bulb may be distinctly seen to be connected by a short cylindrical peduncle to the precommissural area of the mesial wall. The tuberculum olfactorium is seen immediately below the latter. | In the caudal region of the mesial wall the fascia dentata and fimbria are seen presenting features such as we find in most mammals. The prominent, broad fimbria at once distinguishes this hippocampal formation from that of the Monotremes. Fig. 46. (Nat. size.) HIP, F. SULG. CALC. FASC. DENT, sey, bo OLF. TUBER” ‘ comm.v. This fimbria is seen to pursue a regular arcuate course upward and forward to reach a point immediately above the large ventral (modified anterior) commissure; and many of its fibres then cross the middle line in close relation to the upper extremity of the lamina terminalis, so as to form a smaller dorsal commissure, which is thus derived by means of the fornix (fimbria) from the hippo- campus. Histological examination shows that the fibres of this dorsal commissure are not grouped irregularly to form a round bundle, as in the Monotremes, but are compactly arranged in a crescentic form. In some Marsupials this dorsal commissure becomes more acutely bent so as to be distinctly bilaminar. Some of the fibres of the fimbria do not enter the dorsal commissure and are divided into two groups, a scattered anterior group of pre- commissural fibres and a posterior group—the so-called anterior pillar of the fornix—which proceeds behind the ventral commissure and passes through the optic thalamus toward the corpora mammillaria. 160 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. The fascia dentata (like the hippocampal fissure which marks its peripheral boundary) proceeds upward and forward alongside the fimbriaas far as the dorsal commissure; and thenit passes forward above the dorsal commissure and appears to lose itself in the precommissural area immediately above the attachment of the olfactory peduncle. Ina | fresh brain (or by means of histological examination) the — fascia dentata may be traced forward practically into — continuity with the oltactory peduncle (Trans. Linn. Soe., Zool. ser. 2, vol. vii. 1897, pl. 15. fig. 8). The hippocampal fissure accompanies the fascia dentata in the greater part of its course, but stops just as it approaches the neighbour- hood of the olfactory peduncle. The mesial surface of the olfactory peduncle passes backward into direct continuity with the precommissural area, which is separated above by the fascia dentatafrom the neopallium. This precommissural — area is continuous below with the tuberculum olfactorium, and is bounded posteriorly by the lamina terminalis — containing the dorsal and ventral commissures. The retention in an undisturbed state of the cephalic portions of this hippocampal formation is the most interesting feature in the brain of the Marsupial. In this it agrees — with the Monotreme, but is the more instructive because — the caudal parts of the hippocampus in the Marsupial have — assumed the configuration which is met with in other — mammals, : The cephalic parts of the hippocampal formation are — retained in the Marsupial because the dorsal commissure is _ derived from the hippocampus, and the great non-hippo-— campal commissure (corpus callosum) has not yet made its appearance to disturb the integrity of the hippocampal are, — It is the absence of the corpus callosum and the 7 ‘ q of the supracommissural and precommissural parts of hippocampus undisturbed that renders the cerebral hem sphere in the Monotremata and Marsupialia so pander to the student of the higher mammalian brains, For the corpus callosum consists of a series of fibres at first ; intermingled with those of the dorsal or hippocampal = commissure, but distinguished from them by the fact that they come from a cortical area (the neopallium) other than — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA., 161 the hippocampus and do not form part of the fornix. But as this series of neopallial fibres increases in number in the Eutherian brain, the corpus callosum rapidly extends and assumes the large dimensions which we usually associate with this body. As it does so it naturally stretches a portion of the great hippocampus (of which the fascia dentata forms the only part visible upon the surface), and the hippocampus atrophies in the region of stretching. Thus in all mammals possessing a corpus callosum, the hippocampus persists in an unchanged state only so far forward (or so far up) as the splenium of the corpus callosum, but its anterior part is represented by vestiges upon the upper surface of the corpus callosum and along a _line joining the anterior extremity of the latter to the olfactory peduncle. In man these vestiges together with some longitudinal fibres in connection with them are generally known as the longitudinal stric of Lancisius. (For a fuller elucidation of these peculiarities see Journ. Anat. & Phys. vol. xxxii. 1898, p. 30.) The precommissural area is also of interest in the Marsupial, in view of the fact that in most other mammals the upper part of the corresponding region becomes stretched by the growing corpus callosum to form a folium of the septum lucidum in each hemisphere. Upon the postero-superior region of the mesial wall of the hemisphere, there is a short arcuate sulcus running parallel to the hippocampal fissure. The corresponding sulcus in the Ungulata was named the “‘ jissura splenialis ” by Krueg, from its relationship to the splenium of the corpus callosum. There can be little doubt that this sulcus represents the anterior calcarine sulcus [7. e. the true calcarine fissure, the stem of the Y-shaped complex] in the human brain, and hence we may call it “ calcarine ” in Sarcophilus (Elliot Smith, Proc. Anat. Society, 1899) *. * For the demonstration of this homology compare the conditions found in Manis, Choleepus, Daubentonia and the other Primates. The most diverse views are put forward by various writers as to the possibility of homologising the sulci of one brain with those of another. Some writers attempt to institute comparisons upon a purely topographical basis between the cerebral sulci of brains of even different Orders of VOL. Il. M 162 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. In the smaller Dasyuride this sulcus is not present. | The cranial surface of the hémisphere is not quite smooth, — The rhinal fissure separates the pyriform lobe from the — Fig. 47. (Nat. size.) neopallium, and in addition the latter is also marked D several shallow furrows (figs. 45 and 47). .Of these the mammals; whereas others go to the opposite extreme and deny in toto the possibility of homologising the sulci found in one Order of mammals with those of another. 4 There can be little doubt that the fundamental constituents of manga the sulci found in the Metatheria and Eutheria are morphologically st elements which can be certainly homologised in many different Orders, The exact homology of the hippocampal and rhinal fissures in all mamm is beyoud question, because the peculiar histological features of the “7 these fissures enable us to certainly identify them. The developme history and the behaviour of the fundamental constituents of the sulcus of Primates and the upper part of the vertical ramus of the su commonly called “splenial” in other mammals indicate their identity. — the same manner we can recognise the suprasylvian, lateral, coronal, and orbital (presylvian) sulci in the most diverse Orders of mammals. Moe - these names were originally applied to the Carnivora (vide infra). a By “fundamental constituent ” I mean the stable basis of a sulcus, whick seems to be produced (even when the mechanical conditions must be vastl: different) in various Orders of mammals in response to some factors other that the mere general expansion of the neopallium. The extending cortex may be accommodated in the neighbourhood of such a sulcus by the prolongation of the latter: or, again, the furrow in question may become confluent with various other sulci in different mammals. Thus the calcarine sulcus (sem stricto, i.e. the short post-splenial furrow, which indents the wall of the NERVUUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 163 deepest and most constant is a short oblique furrow situated just above the mid-point of the anterior rhinal sulcus (i. e., the anterior horizontal part of the rhinal). It represents the presylvian sulcus, which is one of the most constant features of the mammalian neopallium. There are many reasons for regarding this presylvian sulcus as the earliest form of the sulcus known in Human Anatomy by the name “orbital.” [Compare the account of the Prosimian brain. | Behind the upper extremity of this sulcus there is a shallow transverse depression (figs. 45 & 47, x), which is of interest because the brain of Thylacinus, the large relative of Sarcophilus, exhibits a deep sulcus in the corresponding position. Above and parallel to the posterior rhinal fissure there is a short horizontal sulcus, and in front of it a small triradiate sulcus (vy). These clearly represent the great sulcus, which I have distinguished as “ horizontal” in the ventricle and thus produces the calcar avis) is undoubtedly a definite morphological feature, which is the common property of the Meta- and Eutheria. Yet in the Carnivora, Ungulata, and many other mammals its ventral end may be prolonged almost or quite as far as the rhinal fissure, merely because the expanding cortex in this region is most readily accommo- dated by the extension of this already-existing sulcus. In the Carnivora and Ungulata the upper end of the calcarine stlcus becomes confluent with the intercalary sulcus, forming the so-called “splenial.” In the Primates the lower end of the calcarine sulcus does not become prolonged and the upper (posterior) end joins, not the intercalary, but the postcalcarine sulcus. Now, in such a catalogue as this, it is quite impossible to explain on every occasion whether it is the “ calcarine,” or the “ prolonged calcarine,” or a “calcarine complex” to which we refer, without endless confusing periphrases, which would make the accounts hopelessly involved. The same kind of misunderstanding might arise also in the case of the suprasylvian, lateral, or orbital sulcus. The reader must therefore bear in mind that the same names are employed in different Orders in order to indicateas concisely as possible where to look for the homologous sulci, rather than to suggest the identity of the whole of . any suleus called by any given name. It is also impossible to discuss in a catalogue of limited Siuoosions all the reasons which have led to the adoption of the views set forth in the brief accounts of the various specimens. The student who is not acquainted with the nomenclature used for the _ sulci is referred to the figures of the brain in the Carnivora (infra). M 2 164 ‘ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Thylacine (fig. 50). It is not possible to suggest any — homology between this and ‘a named sulcus of any ore mammalian brain. The neopallium in the Tasmanian Devil thus exhibits features of interest as a connecting link between the smooth — hemispheres of the smaller Dasyurids and the deeply — fissured hemispheres of the Thylacine, the suleal pattern of which it so clearly foreshadows. The base of the brain (compare with Perameles, fig. 52) presents features which differ in a very marked manner from those of the Monotreme brain, and closely agree with — the characters of the vast majority of other mammals, — Thus the pons presents the appearance of an almost — uniform transverse band and lacks the peculiar rostrum of — the Monotreme ; moreover, the majority. of its fibres pass — in front of the trigeminal nerve ; the pyramidal tracts — appear as prominent bands which decussate in a more or less compact mass, and not as a diffuse crossing, as in the Monotremes: the trapezoid bodies, which are not. recognisable as such to the naked eye in the Platypus and the Spiny Anteater, are now very prominent and well- — defined features. Each half of the trapezoid body consists of a large strand of fibres which springs from the acoustic — tubercle (where the nerve-fibres from the cochlea end), — and, after pursuing a transverse course on the caudal side of the pons, dips into the medulla and passes chiefly into the lateral fillet of the opposite side. It constitutes the chief cerebral path for auditory impulses. The pituitary body has been torn away with the infun-— dibulum, so that the mesial slit-like third ventricle has been — opened up between the large optic chiasma and a a distinctly paired corpora mammillaria. In the depress nn behind the latter note the large interpeduncular body contact with the pons. a The cerebellum conforms to a simple type such as y mM find in the Insectivora, Rodentia, Chiroptera, and Dasy- podide (Edentata). Projecting upon each side there is a large irregular mass of folia resting upon the lateral aspect of the pons and medulla oblongata, and separated from the — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 165 rest of the cerebellum by a deep fissure. This is the floccular lobe. In man the representative of this mass becomes reduced to very insignificant proportions and forms the flocculus. In this brain, however, the floccular lobe is almost, if not quite, equal in size to the whole of the rest of the so-called lateral lobe. Two shallow sagittal grooves separate the upper surface of the cerebellum into three projecting ridges, each of which is subdivided by a small series of transverse furrows. In each of these grooves a triangular area of medullary matter is exposed. The area seen in this specimen between the floccular lobes corresponds to that region of the human cerebellum which lies behind and below the preclival fissure and in front of the uvula. Part of the uvula in this specimen may be seen as a little tongue-like process extending backward and forming an operculum over the apex of the fourth ventricle. The most significant feature of this organ to the human anatomist is the extreme diminution of the lateral hemispheres; but when the intimate association existing between the cere- bellar hemisphere and the opposite cerebral hemisphere is ‘remembered, it is not surprising to find these parts of the cerebellum so poorly developed in a brain in which the pallium as a whole, and especially the neopallium, is so diminutive. The anterior lobe, which is relatively so large in the Monotremes, is completely hidden in this brain by an overhanging hood formed by the region lying behind the fissura prima (vel preeclivalis). O. CO. 1823 Bob. R. Owen, Todd’s Cyclopzedia, 1847, vol. iii. p. 291. D.198. The brain of a Tasmanian Devii (Sarcophilus [Dasyurus] ursinus). This specimen shows the real proportions of the huge olfactory bulbs. The hemispheres have been drawn apart so that a much greater part of the corpora quadrigemina is exposed than when the parts are in their natural position. [Compare the casts D. 199 and fig. 47. | This specimen is represented in Owen’s ‘ Anatomy of Vertebrates,’ vol. iii. p. 104. O. C. 1823 o ff. 166 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 199. Cast of the cranial cavity of a Tasmanian Devil (Sarco- philus (Dasyurus] ursinus). ~ [In duplicate. | This shows better than the actual specimen (which is liable to distortion) the large proportions of the olfactory bulbs and the relations of the cerebellum (the chief divisions of which are clearly seen) to the cerebral hemispheres. Note the orbital sulcus on the hemisphere (fig. 45). * P. Gervais, Nouv. Archiv. Mus,, t. v. 1869, Pl. xiv. fig. 8. D. 200. A young Australian “Native Cat” (Dasyurus viver- rinus), with the brain and spinal cord exposed én situ, ; Parts of the hemispheres have been removed so as to expose the hippocampi from above. O. C. 18230), — hs ae ee ee a eh D. 201. The right half of the brain of an Australian “Native Cat” (Dasyurus viverrinus), separated by a mesial sagittal — section. Two white bristles have been inserted into the hippo- — campal fissure just above the prominent fascia dentata — which rests upon the dorsal commissure. A black bristle — has been inserted just below the ventral (anterior) commis-_ sure and another in the centre of the large “soft” or ‘‘ middle commissure ” (so-called). The cavity of the third — ventricle in which the latter is placed may be clearly seenin this specimen. Its communication with the lateral ventricle, 4 viz., the foramen of Monro, may be distinctly seen in the — groove between the dorsal and soft commissures. : Note the large size of the aqueduct of Sylvius, whicht opens from the posterior extremity of the third ventricle into the mid-brain. The roominess of this canal is very suggestive when it is recalled that in most submammalian — forms a ventricle exists in this situation and extends into — the “‘ optic lobes.” Note further the simplicity of the cerebellum, Its — deepest fissure—the fissura prima—opens on the anterior surface near the apex of the organ: it is the homologue of — the preclival fissure of Human Anatomy. d All of these features (excepting the arrangement of the hippocampus and the commissures) are common to other lowly mammalian brains, such as those of the Insectivora. — OQ. UC, 1828 ¢. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 167 D. 202. The right cerebral hemisphere, the caudal part of the left cerebral hemisphere, and the brain-stem and cerebellum of a Tasmanian ‘‘ Wolf” (Thylactnus cynocephalus). The mesial aspect of the hemisphere (fig. 48) presents the typical arrangement of the cerebral commissures and hippocampus ; and, as such, this identical specimen was figured by the late Sir William Flower (Phil. Trans. 1865). Fig. 48. (x2.) FASC. DENT OLF. BuLB 4 Uf J. FASC . DENT. COMM.V. He, however, erroneously regarded the dorsal commissure as a true corpus callosum. ‘There is a well-developed ealearine sulcus beginning just above the caudal extremity of the rhinal fissure. It is prolonged upward and forward after the manner of the splenial complex in many orders. An oblique section has been made through the left hemi- sphere (fig. 49) (in the plane indicated in fig. 48) in the Fig. 49. (x2.) CALCAR SULE CALC...» region of the deepest part of the calcarine sulcus. The latter is thus shown to be “complete” or “total”; in other words it gives rise to a bulging—the calcar avis or so-called hippocampus minor—in the ventricle immediately to the peripheral side of the true hippocampus. There is a deep and sharply-defined rhinal fissure, acutely bent at the junction of its anterior and posterior parts 168 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. (fig. 50). A deep and extensive orbital (presylvian) sulcus springs from the rhinal a short distance in front of the angle and proceeds transversely across the hemisphere as & two conjoined arcs. The upper arc, the convexity of if a» As Fig. 50. (x3) ’ OLF.TR. which looks backward, was probably a distinct sulcus originally. Here it has fused with the orbital suleus (figs. -50 and 51). It extends on to the mesial wall of the hemi- Fig. 51. (x3.) a)\..OLF. BULB, \,_.- SULC. ORB, sulcus prolonged from the cephalic extremity of the hippo- — campal fissure. J A shor‘ kink-like depression extends upward from the — angle of the rhinal fissure for a short distance, and may | NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 169 be regarded as analogous to the “Sylvian fissure” of Oarnivores *. A deep sulcus (y) begins near the posterior margin of the hemisphere and pursues a course parallel to the posterior rhinal almost as fur forward as the “ Sylvian fissure.” Its anterior extremity is joined by a shallow oblique sulcus to a second deep furrow (x) which pursues the same direction as the posterior sulcus but on a slightly higher level. The whole complex forms a great sulcus crossing the hemisphere obliquely as far as the dorso-mesial edge, where it almost reaches the upper extremity of the prolongation of the calcarine sulcus (fig. 48). The determination of the homo- logies of these furrows is fraught with great difficulty ; but it will be found, I believe, that the sulcus y represents the suprasylvian and the furrow x the coronal sulci of other mammals. In the right hemisphere of a Thylacine described by Beddard the sulci x and yY overlap but do not join. In the left hemisphere of his specimen the condition described in this hemisphere is found. In front of the presylvian there is a short separate hori- zontal sulcus analogous to that called “prorean” in the Carnivora. On the left hemisphere it joins the presylvian. There is a shallow olfactory sulcus (i.e. the depression in the neopallium which lodges the olfactory bulb and peduncle.) There are also a few ill-defined punctate depressions below and above the x+y complex sulcus. The plan of the sulci isa more complete elaboration of that faintly foreshadowed in the Tasmanian Devil. It has undoubtedly considerably diverged from the plan found in most placental mammals, though not to such a marked extent as that of the Monotremes or even of the Diprotodont Marsupials. _ The optic tract may be seen spreading out on the lateral tubercle of the optic thalamus. Behind the latter note the * But this is a feature vastly different from the true Sylvian fissure of the Primates (vide infra). In the latter part of this work I have therefore dis- carded the erroneous name “Sylvian ” and called it “ pseudosylvian.” The earlier part was already in print before I fully appreciated the utterly mis- leading effects of calling this furrow “ Sylvian.” 170 7 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. large mesial (posterior) geniculate body and the great corpora quadrigemina of which the anterior pair are especially prominent. The cerebellum conforms to the same plan as that of Sarcophilus. But the mesial and lateral parts of the region behind the primary fissure are unusually prominent. They are separated the one from the other by exceedingly deep broad furrows in which large medullary areas are exposed. The mesial ‘ vermis” is twisted toward the right and the lateral areas are expanded in a feather- like pattern, such as is common in Carnivora, Edentata, and other Mammalian Orders. F. E. Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1891, pp. 140-145. D. 203. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Tasmanian Wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus). This shows that the olfactory bulbs are laterally com- pressed and of large size ; they are borne on long peduncles so that they are placed almost wholly in front of the hemispheres. The peculiar shape of the cerebral hemispheres is clearly demonstrated, and the relatively small size of the pointed apices which constitute the presylvian part of the hemi- spheres is shown. The positions of the sulci described in the actual brain are clearly indicated. The peculiar configuration of the cerebellum is also shown in a very striking manner. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 229. Family PeramMeLip”. D. 204. The brain of a Rabbit-Bandicoot (Thalacomys lagotis). [This specimen lacks the greater part of its olfactory bulbs and the projecting portions of the cerebellum. ] The general features of this brain are like those of the brain of asyurus, but the cerebral hemispheres are more distinctly conical. O. OC, 1823 oh, D. 205. The brain of a Bandicoot (probably Perameles nasuta). This specimen was labelled “Dasyurus ” in the old Cata- logue; but the pointed cerebral hemispheres, the pronounced lateral “ spreading ” of the caudal parts of the pyriform lobes, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 171 thesimplicity of the cerebellum, and its markedly-projecting, pedunculated floccular lobes clearly show that it is the brain of Perameles. In fact, it exhibits the characteristic features of the genus in a much more distinctive manner than the specimen (D. 206) labelled ‘‘ Perameles.” In both speci- mens the large olfactory bulbs are damaged so that their great size is not properly shown. The brain of Perameles is even more generalised and simple than that of Dasyurus. Italso closely resembles the brain of that most generalised of all Hutherian brains—the Hedgehog’s—in all points except the arrangement of the commissures: for Hrinaceus, like all Hutheria, possesses a true corpus callosum. Fig. 52. (Nat. size.) / ...-- OLF. BULB. SOLE. TUB: Bat VIR be --. TUB. OLF TR. SORT. Tits %).... TUB.CIN, The rhinal fissure is shallower and shorter than it is in Sarcophilus : there is only a faint indication of the orbital (presylvian) sulcus, which closely resembles that of Hrina- ceus; the cerebellum is much simpler, and there are no exposed medullary areas between the mesial and lateral portions of the organ. The accompanying drawing (fig. 52) represents the characteristic features of the base of the brain in a fresh specimen. O. OC. 1323 cd. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 242. [The reader is warned that Gervais’ figure 12 on Plate xiii. obviously represents the brain of some small Macro- pod, and not a Perameles as it is labelled. | 172 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 206. The brain of a Bandicoot (Perameles sp.). The prominent floccular lobes (compare fig. 52) have been removed from this specimen. O. C. 1323 ci. Family Diperpuyip”. D. 207. The brain of a Virginian Opossum (Didelphys marsu- pialis). This closely resembles the brain of Perameles and the Dasyuride. Note the well-defined rhinal fissure which does not extend the whole length of the hemisphere, so that posteriorly the pyriform lobe and the neopallium become freely continuous. Note the shallow orbital (presylvian) sulcus, especially on the right hemisphere. The hemispheres have been separated in order to expose the dorsal (hippocampal) commissure placed in front of the third ventricle. The cerebellum is simple like that of Perameles. O. C. 1823 B. Herrick, Journ. Comp. Neurol. vol. ii. 1892, p. 1. D. 208. The brain of an Opossum (Didelphys), with the arachnoid and pia mater in situ, This shows the true proportions of the olfactory bulbs and also how much of the corpora quadrigemina is uncovered by the cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres. O. C. 1823 Ba. Owen, Todd’s Cyclopedia, 1847, vol. iii. p. 292. Suborder DiproTopONTIA. Family Macropopip”. D. 209. A series of five coronal sections of the cerebral hemi- e spheres of a Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rujicollis), These specimens serve to demonstrate a peculiar bundle — of fibres (seen in the second section), the presence of which is peculiarly distinctive of the Diprotodont Marsupials. The uppermost section passes in front of the cerebral commissures and shows the relations of the precommissural NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 173 part of the hippocampus to the neopallium above it and to the precommissural area below it. (These features are perhaps seen to better advantage on the back of the second slice.) (Fig. 53.) Fig. 58. (x13.) HIP, F. ,NEOPAL., HIP. FASC, DENT. ~~~ CAP.INT. (--- PRECOM. AREA. “RHIAN. F- OLF . TUBER. The second section (fig. 54) passes through the two cerebral commissures. The dorsal commissure is seen passing into the alveus of the hippocampus on each side. From this section it is possible to appreciate how the pallial operculum descends on the mesial side of the hippocampus toward the dorsal commissure, so as to shut out the fascia Fig. 54. (x13.) FASC . DENT. COMM.V. COMM.D. dentata in a view of the mesial wall (compare the specimens of the Black-faced Kangaroo). . The ventral commissure is seen (in the second section) to split into two bundles in the corpus striatum. The ventral bundle, which includes about half the fibres of the commissure, passes transversely through the corpus striatum, and joins the external capsule. This is the manner in 174 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. which the whole of the neopallial fibres of the ventral commissure behave in the Monotremata (fig. 42), the Poly- protodont Marsupialia, and the Eutheria. But in aut the Diprotodont Marsupials the dorsal half of the ventral commissure bends upwards in the corpus striatum, as it does in this section, and ultimately reaches the neopallium by the same route as that pursued by the internal capsule. This dorsal bundle I have called the “ fasciculus aberrans.” It — was first represented in a figure by Flower (Phil. Trans. 1865), and first described by Symington (Journ. of Anat. & Phys. 1892) in Macropus. 1 have recently examined the brain in every genus of the Marsupialia (excepting Caeno- lestes), and found this ‘“‘ aberrant bundle ” to be invariably present in the Diprotodontia, but never in the Polypro- todontia, nor in other mammals. [This fact is here recorded for the first time. ] The third section passes through the hemispheres a short distance behind the commissures, and the “ splenium ” of the hippocampal commissure is still seen in the depths of the slice above the slit-like third ventricle, which separates the optic thalami. This section passes through the optic chiasma. The fourth section has been cut still further back. It exhibits the fimbria on the hippocampal formation, and it is easy to understand by comparison with the third section how the fibres of the fimbria reach the dorsal commissure. : 0. C. 1823 a 1. Symington, Journ. of Anat. & Phys., vol. xxvii. 1892, p. 69. . hag | oe a D. 210. The left cerebral hemisphere of a Yellow-footed Rock- Wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus), from which the lateral wall of the ventricle has been removed in order to expose the hippocampus (fig. 55). The disposition of the hippocampus is the most character- istic feature of the brain in Marsupials, in all of which, — both Poly- and Diprotodont, it presents a constant arrange- ment such as this specimen exhibits. Instead of being restricted to the descending limb and posterior part of the body of the lateral ventricle, as is the case in most NERVOUS -‘SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 175 mammals, the hippocampus extends forward as a large arcuate bulging upon the mesial wall of the ventricle ; this proceeds above the cerebral commissures, and reaches a point near the cephalic extremity of the hemisphere. [Similar dissections have been made in brains of Hrin- aceus (vide infra, D. 230) and Lepus (vide infra, D. 264) in order to demonstrate the difference between the Meta- and HKutheria in regard to this feature.] The anterior extremity of this great hippocampal arc is narrower than the more caudal part, and tapers to a rounded extremity. The inferior or caudal extremity is large and plump, and does not taper. In the Monotremes, which are the only other mammals possessing this hippo- campal are in its undisturbed simplicity, its caudal portion Fig. 55. (Nat. size.) CUT SURFACE bee OF THE PALLIUM. is relatively small, and tapers to a point. In regard to these features, the Marsupial approaches much more nearly to the Eutherian plan than does the Monotreme. Upon close examination of the ventricular surface of the hippocampus a series of oblique fibres (alveus) may be seen proceeding from the hippocampus to form a fringe-like band at its concave margin. This is the fimbria or fornia, and is here seen in its most simple form. Elliot Smith, Journal of Anat. & Phys., vol. xxxii. 1897, p. 30. D. 211. The two cerebral hemispheres and the left half of the brain-stem and cerebellum of a Black-faced Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus, var. melanops). _ Above the large elliptical ventral commissure, note the elongated, horizontally-placed, U-shaped dorsal (hippo- _ eampal) commissure, the shape of which is characteristic of 176 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the Macropodide. There is a typically complete hippo- campal are of the usual Marsupial type, but its dorsal part is hidden by a great pallial operculum which descends as far as the dorsal commissure, so as to produce a spurious resemblance to the Eutherian condition. Such a neopallial operculum is found in all large Marsupials, such, for in- stance, as the Thylacine. In the right hemisphere this _ pallial operculum has been removed by dissection (fig. 56), and the fascia dentata is thus seen to extend far forward — above and beyond the dorsal commissure, just as it does in the Tasmanian Devil (D. 197) and in all Marsupials. The arrangement of the hippocampus in the ventricle may 7 § a * Fig. 56. (Nat. size.) cCOmmMm.0O. FASC DENT. ‘, roa SULC GEN. ; thus be correlated with the distribution of its specialised — fringe (fascia dentata) in the mesial wall of the hemisphere. — Above the upturned .caudal extremity of the rhinal — fissure a deep calcarine sulcus is found: it is prolongs a obliquely upward and forward for a short distance so as to converge with an anterior oblique suleus toward the dorsal _ edge of the hemisphere. This anterior oblique sulcus is apparently analogous to the genual suleus of other mail . malian orders. Immediately in front of the genual suleus — and the anterior extremity of the hippocampal fissure there — is a short rostral sulcus extending obliquely upward and — slightly forward. On the right side it bifurcates and — becomes Y-shaped. a There is a deep and typically-bent rhinal fissure. From — the neighbourhood of the angle of this fissure on the left hemisphere three sulci diverge widely in the neopallium. — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 177 The interpretation of these raises a question of great difficulty. There can be little doubt that the most anterior represents the orbital or presylvian sulcus of other mam- mals*, It does not actually open into the rhinal fissure, but begins near it, and proceeds obliquely upward and forward. In this course it is joined by the anterior ex- tremity of a great inverted V-shaped sulcus, which may possibly represent the suprasylvian sulcus. But upon this question it is impossible to express a decided opinion at present f. The other two sulci which diverge from the angle of the rhinal fissure are probably to be regarded as essentially “Sylvian ” (in the sense in which this term is applied, say, in speaking of the Cat’s brain). The more posterior, which » we may distinguish as sulcus B, freely communicates with the rhinal fissure and with the sulcus tentatively called suprasylvian in such a manner that the presylvian and suprasylvian sulci, the sulcus B, and a short basal piece of rhinal fissure form a pentagonal pattern. The deep ver- tical sulcus which springs from the rhinal fissure between the lower ends of the presylvian sulcus and sulcus B may be distinguished as a. It ascends almost as far as the angle of the so-called “ suprasylvian ” sulcus. The sulcus which it is customary to call ‘ Sylvian fissure ”’ in mammals other than the Primates is a feature of little morphological stability, and is to be regarded as essentially of the nature of a kink produced by the flexure of the hemisphere. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to speak of it as being developed in response to the stress produced in this region of the neopallium by the ventral extension of its ventro-caudal region. In the Kangaroo this stress seems to be relieved by the two sulci a and B * Not the orbital pure and simple, but the orbital joined to a second more dorsal (mesial) sulcus, the direction and situation of. which is probably determined by the bias given to the expanding cortex by the presence of the orbital sulcus. Compare the left hemisphere of specimen D. 216. ~ Close examination shows that the anterior limb of the V—which is the smaller and more unstable element and may represent the coronal suleus—is not joined to the caudal limb, which is the supposed homologue of the suprasylvian. VOL. Il, N 178 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. instead of the customary single sulcus, which is the so- called “ Sylvian fissure.”” On the right hemisphere of this brain a third sulcus, which may be distinguished as 0, shares the representation of the pseudosylvian furrow. The sulcus ¢ is divided into two parts, but neither of these, nor the sulcus B joins the so-called suprasylvian. The latter is not joined to the orbital sulcus on the right side. In each hemisphere there are two horizontal prorean sulei in front of the orbital sulcus. There is also an extensive vertical sulcus parallel to the sulcus B, near the posterior margin of the hemisphere. (Ziehen describes a brain of Macropus rufus. Jena. Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 54.) © D. 212. The brain and the upper portion of the spinal cord of a Giant Kangaroo (Macrepus giganteus). This is the largest brain found in any existing Marsupial, although the extinct forms Thylacoleo and Diprotodon possessed brains of much greater size. In this specimen the large olfactory bulbs are missing, but the size and shape of these parts of the brain are well shown in the casts of the cranial cavity (D. 215). The orbital (presylvian) sulcus and the sulci a and B all spring from the rhinal fissure. The sulcus B on the left side joins the suprasylvian sulcus, and the latter extends almost as far forward as the orbital (presylvian). A prorean sulcus is present. On the right side there is an additional sulcus between the sulci A and B, and the orbital sulcus is small. It isa strange fact that the “ paramedial ”’ suleus (compare tig. 58), which is such a characteristic feature of all other — representatives of the Macropodide, is lacking in this, the — largest member of the family. Behind the suleus B there are a number of small sulci, which on the whole assume a vertical (transverse) direction. — The characteristic features of the base of the mammalian — brain are exceedingly clearly demonstrated in this specimen (fig. 57). Note especially the thin-walled pouch of the ~ infundibulum, from which the pituitary “si has been torn away. ae es NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 179 The cerebellum conforms to the type presented by the smaller Marsupials, but the folia are much more numerous. In most other Orders of mammals we find in the larger members that the cerebellum becomes more compact, and the region behind the primary (preclival) fissure ceases to assume the hood-like form covering the anterior lobe. As a result of the slighter degree of expansion of this part of the cerebellum in such mammals, the exposed medullary area becomes greatly reduced, or even disappears. But in the Kangaroo this does not happen. The type of the Fig. 57. (x 2) smaller members of the Order with a hood-like covering for the anterior lobe and exposed medullary areas is re- tained, as it is in the Thylacine ; and the only difference consists in the larger size of the organ and a richer supply of fissures, and consequently more numerous folia. O. C. 1323 aa. Ziehen, Jena. Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 54. D. 213. The left cerebral hemisphere, optic thalamus, and part of the mid-brain of a Giant Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). There is a typically prolonged calcarine ‘sulcus, and the genual and rostral sulci are joined. There is a well-developed sulcus a—the “‘ Sylvian fissure” of most writers. The sulcus B, the ‘“ suprasylvian ”’ sulcus, and the “ coronal ” sulcus are joined to form a large are. There is a large presylvian sulcus. N 2 180 _ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. The cephalic portion of the fascia dentata and the characteristically bilaminar dorsal commissure of the Macro- podidee are well demonstrated. O. ©. 1823 ai. D, 214, The right hemisphere of the same brain of the Giant Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) as specimen D. 213, cut transversely through the two cerebral commissures. 7 Upon the mesial surface of the hinder [lower in bottle] 4 fragment the arrangement of fascia deniata and fornix typical of the Marsupialia, and already described in the Black-faced Kangaroo, may be seen. The features of a coronal section through the commissures _ are seen, perhaps, to better advantage than in speci- men D, 209. O. C. 1823 ak. ~~ fs * D. 215. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Giant Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). [In duplicate.] This cast shows the true shape and proportions of the largest brain of an existing Marsupial, and permits us to compare the impression of the interior of the cranium with actual brains of the same species. We are thus able to appreciate to how great an extent we can rely upon casts of the cranial cavity in the interpretation of the features of the brain in such extinct forms as Thylacoleo. The shape of the large projecting olfactory bulbs is shown more accurately than in the other specimens. This peculiar form of bulb occurs also in all the Lemuroidea and in — many Ungulates. Note also the pronounced ventral extension of the postsylvian area of neopallium and the — very marked tapering of the anterior poles of the hemi- spheres. The relation of the hemispheres to the cerebellum, olfactory bulbs, and the pituitary body is very ariking . demonstrated. Fs It will be seen that from such a cast as this it is possible to map out the pattern of the cerebral sulci with almost as much certainty as in the actual brain. Thus we see the deep orbital and the shallower prorean — sulci, just as clearly as in specimen D. 211. The two pseudosylvian sulci diverging from the angle of the rhinal are also clearly exposed. The great V-shaped sulcus which — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 181 I tentatively called “‘ suprasylvian ”’ is also seen to consist of two limbs. Of these the posterior (as a study of this series of Macropod brains shows) is much the more stable and represents in all, probably, the suprasylvian sulcus of other Orders, in spite of the fact that its topographical relations are so peculiar. The anterior limb of the V may represent the coronal sulcus of the Carnivora and Ungulata. We can also see a transverse sulcus extending inward from the angle of the V, just as we sometimes find in the actual brain (see D. 211). It is interesting to note that there is a large shallow depression in the place of the lateral (‘ para- medial ”’) suleus—a fact which is not demonstrable in the actual brains. This is of great interest when the peculiar absence of this sulcus in the larger, and not in the smaller, Macropods is recalled. There isa deep, long, postlateral sulcus. D. 216. The brain of a Parry’s Wallaby (Macropus parry?). A short deep “ Sylvian fissure ’—suleus A—extends almost vertically upward from the bend of the rhinal fissure (figs. 58 and 59). Fig. 58. (Nat. size.) ... OLF. BULB | ai ay The orbital (presylvian) sulcus and the sulcus B both spring from the rhinal fissure, and diverge widely as they ascend. On the left hemisphere the short extent of the true orbital sulcus is seen, because it is not joined to the 182 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. “ false orbital.” [This is not shown in fig. 59, which represents the condition found on the right hemisphere reversed. | The suprasylvian suleus is connected neither with the sulcus B nor with the orbital. As in the Thylacine, the prorean sulcus joins the orbital on the right side only. Fig. 59. (Nat. size.) SULC . ORB. SULC . SUPRAS. On the caudo-mesial angle of the dorsal surface the characteristically Macropod paramedial sulcus is found (fig. 58). It probably represents the earliest form of the - sulcus called “ lateral” in Carnivores and se Sra and “ intraparietal ” in Primates. There are two fragments (D and p’) of a vertical sulcus behind the sulcus B. O. C. 1823 Ac. D. 217. A rough dissection of the brain of a Macropus. On the right side almost the whole of the cerebral hemisphere has been removed. On the left side the roof of the hemisphere _ and the greater part of the hippocampus have been removed _ in order to expose the fornix (fimbria) proceeding obliquely i across the optic thalamus to the dorsal commissure. : The nucleus caudatus is also exposed in the left hemi- sphere. This dissection was made by the late Sir Richard (then Professor) Owen for bis memoir in the Phil. Trans. _ 1837. O.C. 1323 ae. D. 218. The brain of a Bennett’s Wallaby (Macropus rujicollis). The general features of this brain resemble those of Parry’s Wallaby (D. 216). The arrangement of the sulci in this species is interesting — because it is intermediate between that of the Kangaroo NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 183 and the smaller Macropods. The arrangement of the three sulci which diverge from the region of the angle of the thinal fissure is identical with that of the Giant Kangaroo. But there is a sulcus, the “ paramedian,” springing from the postero-superior part of the great arc formed by the supra- sylvian and sulcus B, which is not represented in the Kangaroo’s brain. It proceeds obliquely backward to the postero-mesial corner of the upper surface. This sulcus is seen in its typical form on the left hemisphere only : on the right side two small sulci take its place. The interest attaching to the paramedian sulcus is that it is a very characteristic feature of the smaller Macropodide. QO. C. 1323 ab. Ziehen, Jena. Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 71. [In Ziehen’s specimen the sulcus A, his yy, is much more imperfect than in this specimen. | D. 219. The brain of a Derbian Wallaby (Macropus derbianus). This is not unlike the brain of Bennett’s Wallaby. The cerebral hemispheres have been separated from above in order to expose the dorsal or hippocampal com- missure, which may be seen as a narrow transverse band in front of the third ventricle. O. CO. 1823 ah. Ziehen, Jena. Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 71. D. 220. The brain of Rat-Kangaroo (Bettongia gamardt) (?). The pallium is almost devoid of sulci, and in shape not unlike that of the Phalangers. There is, however, on the caudo-mesial angle of the dorsal surface the characteristic paramedian sulcus of the Macropodide. This sulcus prob- ably represents the “lateral sulcus” of the Rodents, Ungulates, and Carnivores. O. C. 1323 4g. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 240. _D. 221. The brain of a Tree-Kangaroo (Dendrolagus inustus) ( ? ), in which the left hemisphere has been separated from the rest of the brain. The olfactory bulbs have been removed. In shape the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum conform to the Macropod type. But the hemisphere is remarkable for 184 4 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . the paucity of sulci. There is a short sulcus a (“ Sylvian fissure”) on the right side, but it is almost completely aborted on the left side. There is a short deep paramedian, the characteristic Macropod, suleus; and also a small prorean sulcus. No other sulci are found on the cranial surface. But there are a number of shallow ill-defined depressions which conform to no known pattern. On the mesial surface there is the characteristic, oblique, prolonged calearine sulcus and a more characteristic inter- calary sulcus than is usually found in Marsupials. The features of the cerebellum, and in fact of all parts of this - brain, are demonstrated with exceptional clearness. | O. C, 1323 Ap. Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1895, p. 136. Family Pazascotomyip”. D, 222. The brain of a Wombat (Phascolomys ursinus), in which the left hemisphere has been separated from the rest of the brain. The short, broad, blunt anterior extremities of the hemi- — spheres of this brain form a marked contrast to the pointed anterior poles of most other large Marsupials, such as the — Kangaroos and especially the Thylacine. The cerebral sulci are in many respects peculiar. Per- haps the most significant feature is the absence of a well- defined calcarine sulcus, which is such a constant feature in the Marsupialia, and also in the Eutheria with the ex- ception of the peculiar Order of Rodents. — A typical orbital (presylvian) sulcus, such as we findin _ the Carnivora, appears to spring from the rhinal fissure far forward near the olfactory bulb, It is prolonged back- , ward under a small operculum, which meets the lower (pyriform) lip of the rhinal fissure, and then appears to curve upward again in what may be called the Sylvian region (fig. 60,a). This apparent upturned caudal ex- — tremity of the orbital sulcus, which may be regarded as — the representative of the sulcus A of the Kangaroos, presents a close resemblance to the arrangement found in many Viverride (e.g. the Civet, vide infra). [A com- parison with the latter will indicate why the two sulci a and — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 185 B of the Kangaroo were spoken of (supra) as representing the so-called ‘ Sylvian fissure ” of the Carnivora.] Behind the sulcus A there is a short deep sulcus B pro- ceeding obliquely upward and backward from a triangular depression at the bend of the rhinal fissure. Fig. 60. (Nat. size.) SULC.SUPRAS. SULC.LAT. / ‘, SULC. P. LAT. Tih as ginleite. i car cheer: by RHIN.F, Above the sulcus a there is a long oblique suprasylvian sulcus (figs. 60 & 61). As this sulcus is directed upward and backward, it resembles the typical suprasylvian sulcus Fig. 61. (Nat. size.) ~ SULG. P. LAT. (e. g. in the Carnivora) much more closely than that of the smaller Macropods (e.g. Parry’s Wallaby, fig. 59), the obliquity of which is upward and forward *. * This difference may possibly be associated with the pronounced dwindling of the anterior regions of the hemisphere in the Macropodide. 186 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. ‘To the mesial side of this suprasylvian sulcus there is a _ “lateral ” sulcus placed midway between the anterior and — posterior extremities of the hemisphere. It is widely separ- _ ated from its morphological posterior extremity (fig. 61, 8), which is a notch on the caudo-mesial angle. The latter — may be regarded as the representative of the paramedian — suleus of the Kangaroos. On the right hemisphere it is joined to a long transverse “ post-lateral” sulcus. = small sulcus F (fig. 60) may represent the postsylvia (posterior suprasylvian) sulcus of other Orders. There is a small separate prorean sulcus (fig. 61), and behind it there is a short transverse sulcus @, which m 7 | represent the coronal sulcus of other Orders. On the mesial surface (fig. 62) the typically Marup e arrangement of commissures and hippocampal formation is Fig. 62. (Nat. size.) q comm .D. { SULG. GEN. SULC. ROST. \ seen. The dorsal commissure is not elongated to the same extent as in the Kangaroos, so that it more closely resembles. that of the Polyprotodont Marsupials. The prolonged genual sulcus is like that of the Kangaroo, as is also th rostral suleus. There is also the most extraordinary ab sence of the calcarine sulcus, in place of which there 4 merely a small irregular pit (u). Lower down we find a short horizontal sulcus above the rhinal fissure (fig. 62). eee O. C, 1323 Ai R. Owen, Todd’s Cyclopedia, 1847, vol. iii. p. 293. W. H. Flower, Phil. Trans. vol. clv. 1865, p. 646. D. 223. Two casts of the cranial cavity of a Wombat (Phas omys ursinus). a a These casts admirably show the broad flattened cerebral NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 187 hemispheres and the projecting olfactory bulbs, as in the Kangaroos. The cerebral sulci are very deep furrows, conforming to the same pattern as in the brain (D. 222). Gervais, Nouv. Archiv. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 235. D. 224. The brain of a Wombat (Phascolomys ursinus), dissected to expose the dorsal or hippocampal commissure from above. This dissection was made by the late Sir Richard (then Professor) Owen to demonstrate that the dorsal commissure of the Marsupial is derived from the fornix, i.e. that it is a hippocampal commissure or psalterium (Phil. Trans. 1837, p- 90; also Todd’s Cyclopeedia, vol. iii. p. 294, fig. 117 ; also ‘Anatomy of Vertebrates,’ vol. iii.). The greater part of the cerebral hemispheres has been removed so as to expose the upper surface of the dorsal commissure, which may be seen passing into the fimbria upon each side. On the right side the fascia dentata may be seen lying upon the fimbria and extending obliquely across the upper surface of the dorsal commissures so as to reach the mesial surface of the hemisphere in front of the commissure. The corpora striata have been exposed in the lateral ventricles. Part of the cerebellum has been removed so as to open up the fourth ventricle. O. C. 1323 ao. Family PHALANGERIDA. D.225. The brain of a Brown Phalanger ( Yrichosurus fuliginosus) . | In general appearance this brain is not unlike that of | the Rat-Kangyaroos. It exhibits a shallow depression in | the situation where the characteristic paramedian sulcus | occurs in the smaller Macropodidee. Traces of a prorean | sulcus and that called “‘ suprasylvian ”’ in the Kangaroo are | present. , Although the neopallium is much larger than that of many of the smaller Polyprotodont Marsupials which possess a well-defined orbital sulcus, the latter feature is not clearly defined. O. C. 1323 am. Ziehen, Jena. Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 84. 188 ’ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. D. 226. The brain of a Flying Phalanger (Petaurus breviceps). In all respects like a small specimen of Trichosurus. [The olfactory bulbs are lacking in this specimen. ] O. C. 1323 Be. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 243. D. 227. The brain of a Koala or Australian “ Native Bear” (Phascolarctus cinereus) (3). The most noteworthy feature of this brain, as in Dendro- lagus (D. 221), is the paucity of sulci in such a relatively large neopallium. The few sulci which are found are exceedingly variable, and it becomes very difficult to determine their homologies with any certainty. The most pronounced sulcus (in this specimen) ascends from about the mid-point of the rhinal fissure, and may possibly represent the Carnivore pseudosylvian sulcus. In many cases, however, it is quite insignificant and does not join the rhinal fissure. In such cases there is oftena much deeper sulcus behind it, which Ziehen calls “Sylvian.” — In front of these pseudosylvian sulci there is a very faintly marked orbital (presylvian) sulcus. ; ; In addition very shallow furrows traverse all parts of the neopallium. The dorsal commissure is very small. The hippocampus _ presents the typical Marsupial arrangement. There is a short calcarine (splenial) sulcus, which cannot be seen in this specimen. O. C. 1323 ar. Ziehen, Jenaische Denkschr., Bd. vi. 1897, p. 98. Elliot Smith, Journ. Anat, & Phys., vol, xxxiii, 1898, p. 30. D. 228. The brain of a Koala (Phascolarctus cinereus), ( ¢). The sulci are much more imperfectly developed in this specimen. There is a pseudosylvian sulcus on the left — hemisphere only. O, O. 1323 as. D, 229. Casts of the cranial cavities of two skulls of the extinct — Thylacoleo carnifex. | The same peculiar, broad, flattened ahene which charac- terises the brain of Phascalomgaa is also presented by these NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 189 two casts.. The brain, however, was much larger than that of any living Marsupial, being about as large as that of a Pig, Hyzena, or Entellus Monkey. It possessed very large olfactory bulbs lying almost wholly in front of the hemispheres. There was a very deep vertical “ orbital sulcus,” resem- bling in position that of Macropus or Phascolarctus rather than that of Phascolomys. A very deep prorean sulcus; a deep (single), oblique, pseudosylvian sulcus (such as that labelled B in Phascolomys) ; suprasylvian and lateral sulci resembling those of Phascolomys rather than those of Macropus, and a postlateral sulcus are the most striking features of these hemispheres. | Gervais, Nouv. Arch. de Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 236. Orprer INSECTIVORA., Family HRINACEID«. © D. 230. The left half of the brain of a Hedgehog (Hrinaceus europeus), which had been divided by a mesial sagittal section (figs. 63, 64, & 65). : Also the left half of another Hedgehog’s brain, dissected to show the hippocampus in the lateral ventricle. Fig. 63. (x 14.) NEOPAL. _ RHIN.F. $ “ 2 SULC. ORB. 4 OLF. BULB. This is one of the simplest and most generalised of mam- malian brains. It closely resembles the brain of the Poly- protodont Marsupials (and especially Perameles) in all points except the arrangement of the cerebral commissures and the hippocampus, because the Hedgehog possesses a small corpus callosum and the Marsupials have none in the _ true sense. The resemblance between the brains of the | ae ale PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Hedgehog and the Bandicoot is, however, very close, asa glance at figs. 52 and 65 so clearly demonstrates. . In the Hedgehog the olfactory apparatus is extra- — ordinarily largely developed, as we might expect in such a — lowly mammal of fossorial habits. Fig. 64. (x14.) HIP, CORP. CALL ° ei sder comme ., The neopallium is reduced to exceedingly diminutive proportions, so that the rhinal fissure (fig. 63) is placed — very high up upon the lateral wall of the hemisphere. Thus the pyriform lobe forms the greater part of the lateral” wall, q Fig. 65. (x14.) OLF. BULB, 6", There is a short, very shallow, transverse orbital (pre- sylvian) furrow on the dorsal surface, as in Perameles and Sarcophilus. Inthe nearly-related and larger Gymnura this shallow furrow becomes converted into a deep suleus. _ The fascia dentata makes its appearance upon the NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 191 ventral surface of the hemisphere, on the mesial side of a depressed area corresponding to the nucleus amygdale. The simple cerebellum is slightly more elaborated than that of Perameles, so that it comes to more closely resemble that of Sarcophilus. It has sessile flocculi (comp. figs. 65 and 52). In the dissected specimen (fig. 66), the lateral ventricle is prolonged forward to communicate by a narrow channel with the large cavity in the olfactory bulb. The hippocampus is placed in the caudal part of the chief cavity, and does not extend so far forward as in the Marsupial (compare the Wallaby’s brain, D. 210). The meaning of this is that when the corpus callosum makes its appearance (as it does for the first time in the Eutheria), the cephalic extremity of the Fig. 66. (x12.) HIP, LAT, VENT. OLF. VENT. hippocampus becomes reduced to a mere vestige lying partly upon the upper surface of the corpus callosum and partly in front of the latter body. The existence of a corpus callosum and the vestigial nature of the anterior part of the hippo- campal are are the great distinguishing features of the Kutherian brain, when compared with that of Marsupials and Monotremes. Flatau and Jacobsohn, Vergl. Anat. d. Centralnerv. 1900, p. 341). Ganser, Morph. Jahrb., Bd. vii. 1882, p. 591. Elliot Smith, Journ. Anat. & Phys., vol. xxxii. 1897, p. 44. D. 231. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Hedgehog (Erinaceus europeus) . Shows the exact size and shape of the cerebral hemi- spheres and olfactory bulbs, 192 ‘ PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Family T'cPipz. D.232. The brain of a Mole (Talpa europea) (2), exposed ) in situ. This simple, highly santencalt brain resembles that of the Hedgehog but shows signs of greater specialisation, . It is, however, smaller, more flattened, and the optic part of the brain are very poorly developed. Ganser, Morph. Jahrb., Bd. vii. 1882, p. 591. Family Tupaups. D. 233. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Tupaia (Tupaia tana) Family Canter: D. 234. The cast of the cranial cavity of a Tenrec (Centeter ecaudatus). ‘ The olfactory bulbs are even larger in proportion to the size of the brain than they are in the Hedgehog. Such brains as those of Centetes and Hrinaceus enable us to appreciate the characters of the earliest Hutheria, and such forms as the Eocene Ungulate Dinoceras. a In the case of Centetes, however, the small size of the hemispheres is largely a secondary retrogressive char ge which occurs in the development of each individual (Forsyth Major). Suborder DmeRmMoprTera, Family Gazzorrruecips. 4 D. 235. The brain of a Colugo (Galeopithecus volans), which has been divided in the mesial sagittal plane; and the le cerebral hemisphere separated from the brain-stem (figs. 67 68, 69, and 70). 2 This brain is of great interest because it presents a § of well-defined cerebral sulci, and at the same time oxhibi features which justify the lowly status usually cone Galeopithecus in the mammalian series, j NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 193 Thus the small size of the cerebral hemispheres which leave the greater part of the corpora quadrigemina exposed ; the high degree of macrosmatism in an arboreal animal; the prominence of the hippocampus; the small dimensions of the corpus callosum; and the smallness and primitive simplicity of the cerebellum, all point to the lowly status of this peculiar mammal, not far removed from the Insectivora. Fig. 67. (Nat. size.) Fig. 68, (Nat. size.) ~ ,OLF. BULB. OLF. BULB. bs i \ TRS, x RHIN.F. ACOU.TUB Fig. 69, (Nat. size.) Fig. 70. (Nat. size.) SULC.CALC. CORP. QUAD. SULC. ROS. OLF.puLe,-"% 4 \ FI! FASC.DENT, The very definite series of deep sulci on the cerebral hemisphere, however, at once separates Galeopithecus from the Insectivores proper. On the mesial surface there is a relatively small and very obliquely-placed corpus callosum. The large fascia dentata is, to a great extent, exposed on the surface (fig. 69). There is a deep calcarine (splenial) sulcus, beginning, as is usual, near the termination of the rhinal fissure and pursuing a course approximately horizontally forward. Its VOL. II. 0 ee i a Se e - 194 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - slightly upturned anterior extremity overlaps the posterior extremity of a sulcus curiously like the rostral sulcus of the Sloths (fig. 69). The peculiarly-sinuous rhinal fissure is placed high up on the lateral wall of the hemisphere. Its posterior ex- tremity rises to a much higher level than any other pirt of the fissure (fig. 68), as often happens also in the Eocene Mammalia. In the small neopallium we find short sulci corresponding to the orbital (presylvian) sulcus (x), and the so-called ‘Sylvian fissure ” (y) of such mammals as the Three-toed Sloth and many Carnivores. Midway between these sulci and the interhemispheral cleft there is a longitudinal sulcus almost as long as the hemisphere, presenting a slight concavity toward the mesial plane (fig. 67, w). There is nothing to help us to decide whether it represents either the suprasylvian or the lateral sulcus, unless it be the fact that the former is the — more primitive and stable of the two sulci in mammals generally. But its resemblance to the conjoint suprasylvian and coronal sulci in such small Ungulates as Dorcatherium and 7ragulus seems to be more than a fortuitous likeness. The cerebellum is unusually small and presents all the primitive simplicity of the Insectivore organ. [The greatly-projecting floccular lobes have become knocked off in this specimen. | The anterior quadrigeminal bodies are extremely large and bulge upward between the cerebellum and the cerebral — hemispheres. The posterior quadrigeminal bodies and the — mesial geniculate bodies are of moderate dimensions, It is of interest to note that the tractus pedunculuris transversus, which is feebly developed or perhaps absent in Marsupials and certain of the Insectivora and Edentata, is — well-developed in Galeopithecus. Presented by Prof. G. Elliot Smith *, W. Leche, Kong]. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., Bd. xxi. 1886, p. 48. * This is one of several specimens which had been extracted and care- fully preserved by Dr. Charles Hose, of Borneo, and generously given to the writer fur examination, . NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 195 D, 236. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Colugo (Galeopithecus volans). [In duplicate.] This cast shows the true shape and proportions of the olfactory bulbs, cerebral hemispheres, and the main mass of the cerebellum. It gives some idea as to the exact area of the quadrigeminal bodies exposed. The rhinal and “ modified suprasylvian” furrows are well shown. Gervais, Journ. de Zool., t. i. 1872, p. 445. Orper RODENTIA. Section ScruROMORPHA. Family CasTorRIDZz. D. 237. The brain of a Huropean Beaver ( Castor fiber). Most parts of the brain of the Rodents present features such as are common to most of the Eutheria; but in respect to the arrangement of the sulci of the cerebral hemispheres, the Rodentia are the most aberrant group of the Eutheria (excepting perhaps the peculiarly-modified Sirenia). The most noteworthy features in the brain of the Beaver are the obliteration of a great part of the rhinal fissure and the utter absence of sulci in the large pallium. The meaning of this is not altogether clear, but appearances suggest that the growth of the brain in a roomy cranial cavity which has exercised little restraint on the growing hemispheres may explain this absence of sulci and imperfection of the rhinal fissure. But even admitting this, the smoothness of such large hemispheres isa peculiar phenomenon, which is much rarer than is generally supposed. Thus even in the small Hrinaceus, among the primitive Insectivores, there is a well-developed rhinal fissure and distinct traces of at least one neopallial sulcus ; and in Gymnura and, especially, Galeopithecus there are deep sulci, in spite of the fact that these brains are much smaller than that of the Beaver and represent a more primitive type. Then, again, among the Hystricomorphine Rodents we find 02 196 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - cerebral hemispheres of the same dimensions as, or even smallerthan, the Sciuromorphine Castor, possessing numerous deep sulci. This is one of the enigmas of cerebral morphology which we are utterly unable to satisfactorily explain at present. QO. C. 1323 RB, Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 597. D. 238. The brain of a Beaver (Castor jiber), dissected to show the distribution of the fibres of the corpus callosum. This dissection was made by Prof. Richard Owen for purposes of comparison with the brain of the Wombat (D. 224). Its object was to demonstrate by comparison the absence of the corpus callosum in the Marsupial. R. Owen, Phil. Trans. 1837, p. 89. O. C. 13823 Ba. D. 239. The brain of a Beaver (Castor fiber), dissected to show the hippocampus and fornix. This dissection was also made by the late Prof. Richard Owen. By comparison with D. 238, it will be seen that when the corpus callosum has been removed, as in this specimen, an arrangement of the fornix is exposed which is analogous to that which may be seen in the Marsupial (D. 224) without removing any such commissure. Hence, Owen argued, the corpus callosum is lacking in the — - Marsupial. ' This rough dissection does not clearly demonstrate the further fact that in the Rodent the hippocampus does not — extend forward so far as it does in the Marsupial. O. C. 1823 Bb. D. 240. The brain of an American Beaver (Castor canadensis), (od) There is a shallow sagittal furrow on the dorsal surface of each hemisphere, which. might represent either the corono-lateral or the suprasylvian sulcus. The latter is the more stable and precocious of the two sulci, and is rarely absent when the lateral sulcus exists. Yet we know for certain that this sometimes happens in the case of Tamanduas (Edentata). NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 197 From the position of the sulcus in this specimen and by _ comparison with the brains of Dolichotis and Tamanduas, it seems more likely to be a representative of the lateral (or combined lateral and coronary). Note that the corpus callosum is rather short and plump, such as is found in the more primitive Insectivora. O. C. 1323 wl. D. 241. Two casts of the cranial cavity of an American Beaver (Castor canadensis). Family Scrvrmz. D. 242. The right half of the brain of a Squirrel (Sciwrus vulgaris). No sulci are present in the pallium. The corpus callosum is long and narrow with a definite genual thickening. The anterior quadrigeminal bodies are very large, probably because an active arboreal animal needs a well- developed visual apparatus. O. C. 1323 F. D. 243. The brain of a Squirrel (Sciurus capistratus). In spite of the large size of the anterior quadrigeminal bodies, they are completely hidden by the cerebral hemi- spheres. : 3 O. C. 13823 Fa. D. 244. The left half of the brain of a Squirrel (Sciurus capis- tratus). Observe the large size of the optic nerve, with which the prominence of the anterior quadrigeminal bodies is associated. © | O.C. 1328 Fe. Section HystrRICOMORPHA. Family OcToponTIpZ. : D. 245. The brain of a Coypu (Myocastor coypus), (¢ ). This brain resembles that of the Beaver but is much ‘smaller, The rhinal fissure however is well developed. The pallium is devoid of well-defined sulci, although there - is aslight furrow on the caudal surface, possibly representing 198 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. the calearine (splenial) sulcus. It extends upward so as to slightly notch the dorso-caudal margin of the hemisphere. The corpora quadrigemina are partially exposed. According to Beddard other sulci may be present in the pallium. O. C. 1323 Be. Gervais, Journ. de Zool., t. i. 1872, pl. xxiii. fig. 7. (In this memoir cranial casts of numerous Rodents are described.) Family Hysrricipz. D, 246. The brain of a Porcupine (Hystria sp.). The cerebral hemispheres are very broad. (Their posterior extremities do not diverge in the manner Beddard describes, and the corpora quadrigemina are quite hidden.) The base of the brain resembles in shape that of the Beaver, but the rhinal fissures are deep and well-defined. There are two chief sulci and several pit-like a tn on the pallium. A short shallow posterior furrow runs paratial to the interhemispheral cleft and resembles the paramedian sulcus of the Kangaroos. There is a longer oblique sulcus further forward which cannot be strictly compared to any sulcus in other mammalian brains. It is impossible to say with any degree of certainty whether it represents the suprasylvian or a lateral element of such a form as the Capybara. There is no Sylvian fissure, although Beddard describes ‘such a fissure in his specimens. O. ©. 1323 Be. Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 600. D. 247. The brain of a Canadian Porcupine (Lrithizon dorsatum). — This brain is much more like that of the Coypu than the Porcupine. Its pallium is quite devoid of sulci. O. OC. 1323 Bm. Presented by St. George Mivart, Esq. D. 248. The brain of a Mexican Tree-Porcupine (Canodon mexicanus). This brain resembles that of the Canadian Porcupine. — Its pallium is entirely free from sulci, but is grooved in all ; directions by vascular furrows, O. C. 1323 wh. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 199. Family CH#INCHILLIDZ. D. 249. The brain of a Viscacha (Viscaccia maxima), in which the right cerebral hemisphere has been dissected to expose the hippocampus from above. There is a vertically-placed, somewhat arched, deep sulcus above the mid-point of the rhinal fissure, but not communicating with it. It may be regarded as the repre- sentative of the sulcus in the brain of Dolichotis (figs. 74, 75, 8), which has been called Sylvio-suprasylvian ; in - other words, it is the suprasylvian sulcus or the Prosimian Sylvian. In front of this suleus the hemisphere gradually tapers to a narrow anterior extremity, and behind the sulcus the hemisphere suddenly broadens. _ There are two well-marked sagittal sulci representing the corono-lateral complex. According to Beddard other sulci may occur. O.C. 1323 Bf. _ Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 599. D. 250. The brain of a Viscacha (Viscaccia maxima). : O.C. 13823 4649. D. 251. The brain of a Common Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera). The pallium is apparently devoid of sulci. It is, however, hidden to some extent in this specimen by the _ membranes, in which the middle cerebral artery is very prominent. O. C. 1823 Eg. Family DasyProcripZé. D. 252. The brain of an Agouti (Dasyprocta agutt). In contradistinction to the flattening which charac- terizes the basal region of the hemispheres in many Rodents, the pyriform lobe and olfactory tubercle in this specimen present the plump, rounded features which distinguish these regions in macrosmatic brains of other Orders. A deep and well-defined sulcus indents almost the whole length of the hemisphere parallel to and a short distance 200 _. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. | from the interhemispheral cleft. A comparison with the brains of Orycteropus, the Anteaters, and Carnivores would lead us to call this the lateral or the conjoint corono-lateral sulcus. Yet it is very unusual to find the lateral suleus present, and the more precocious and fundamentally stable suprasylvian sulcus absent. If, for instance, we compare this brain with that of Galeopithecus and many of the smaller Ungulates, the possibility of it being the supra- — sylvian presents itself. B: Taking all its features into consideration, one is inclined _ to regard it as the analogue of the lateral sulcus of such — a form as Tamanduas. It is also clear that the anterior extremity of snch a sulcus takes the place of the prorean sulcus found in the Marsupialia and Carnivora. Two notch-like indentations in the upper lip of the rhinal fissure may represent the Carnivore pseudosylvian — sulcus and the orbital sulcus. 4g Other sulci have been described in the Agouti ; in this — specimen shallow depressions occupy the positions of all — these sulci. — O. C. 18286. — Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p, 602. | D 253. The brain of the Paca (Agouti paca). This brain agrees with that of the Agouti in presenting notch-like representatives of the orbital and pseudosylvian sulci in the upper lip of the rhinal fissure. The longitudinal (“lateral”) sulcus of the Agouti is here — “broken up into two fragments—anterior and posterior — paramedian sulci respectively, and between them is a short — oblique sulcus (which I shall call “ambiguus”), such as — the Porcupine exhibits. 0. C. 1823 ab, — Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 604. | ‘ Family Caviups«. D. 254. The brain of a Capybara (Hydrocherus capybara), in which the left cerebral hemisphere has been separated from : the rest of the brain (figures 71, 72, and 78). 7 This brain is much the large tound in the Rodentia ;— NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA., 201 and in virtue of the great extent of the mantle of the cerebral hemispheres there are numerous sulci. The aberrant character of the Rodent brain is therefore more Fig. 71. (x3) SULC. COR. “ \ _. SULC. SUPRAS. strikingly exhibited than it is in the smaller and less-richly furrowed brains of the Order. 7 When viewed from above or below the cerebral hemi- spheres present a peculiar lozenge-shape, the lateral edge Fig. 72. (x3.) SULC.CA Lc. SULE. CGR SULC.ROS.... RHIN. F. POST. of each hemisphere being so shaped as to form a projecting angle slightly behind its mid-point. The large olfactory bulbs project freely in front of the hemispheres. 202 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, There is a well-formed corpus callosum with a particularly well-developed genu (fig. 72). The hippocampal formation conforms to the usual Eutherian type. | The rhinal fissure however presents peculiar features. — It consists of a deep, long horizontal anterior rhinal extending two-thirds of the length of the hemisphere and — ending blindly in a triangular depression posteriorly. — There is a shallow posterior rhinal fissure which is not joined to the anterior rhinal on the right hemisphere, and is connected to it only by a very shallow furrow on the — left (fig. 73). In the region of approximation of these — two fissures there is a deep triangular depression, in which — Fig. 73. (x #.) SULC. LAT. = sik COR. SULC. ORB. SULC.SUPRAS. RHIN.F. the anterior rhinal fissure terminates. Holl has shown that * this depression is formed by a suleus which he calls the ectosylvian. There is a typical presylvian (orbital) sulcus which is — placed very far forward and pursues a very oblique, almost — horizontal, course, to join Holl’s ectosylvian suleus, The ‘ upper lip of the latter suleus is opercular and meets the li of the rhinal fissure. The suprasylvian sulcus is deep and oblique, and is o ill supplemented by a second arcuate element. This second — element may be independent (see right hemisphere of this brain), or it may be fused to the true suprasylvian to form a triradiate sulcus (as in the left hemisphere of this and th right hemisphere of the next specimen). Two sagittal sulci, the longer one placed behind ae shorter, extend the whole length of the hemisphere parallel to the interhemispheral cleft. The anterior suleus probably NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 203 corresponds to the coronary, and the posterior to the lateral suleus of other Orders. The adjacent ends of both sulci are bifid. There are a number of other sulci on the cranial surface of the hemispheres, but they are so unstable that they differ considerably on the two hemispheres of the brain and to a much greater extent in different brains. It is the sulci (or rather the absence of sulci) on the mesial surface of the Rodent’s brain by which the aberrant character of this Order is indicated. The rhinal fissure extends high up on the mesial surface (of the Capybara’s brain) parallel to the hippocampal fissure. The most striking fact, however, is the insignificant representative of the calearine sulcus. There is only a small sulcus behind the splenium of the corpus callosum in the situation where we should expect the deep long calcarine sulcus. In most Rodents even this is missing, and in this brain the features of this small furrow are such as to render its homology somewhat questionable. But even granting that this sulcus in the Capybara is the true calcarine, its insig- ficance is very peculiar when we recall that in all other Kutherian Orders as well as in the Metatheria the deep, long calcarine sulcus is the most constant and best defined of all the sulci of the neopallium, In the Capybara again, as in all Rodents, Siar is no intercalary sulcus, if we except the insignificant furrow near the upper surface of the splenium. There is, however, a well-defined genual and also a large rostral sulcus. The cerebellum is remarkable for its small size and compactness (fig. 71). Its folia are arranged in a simple transverse pattern, and as a result there is a close resemblance to the type prevalent in the Ungulata, There is a large floccular lobe. O. C. 1323 ed. Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1899, p. 798. Holl, Arch. f. Anat. und Phys. (Anat. Abth.) 1900, p. 295. D, 255. The brain of a Capybara (Hydrochwrus capybara) (3), in which the left hemisphere has been dissected to show the corpus callosum, 204 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. On the left hemisphere of this brain the peculiar characters of the rhinal fissure are very pronounced. The anterior part of the anterior rhinal fissure is so faintly marked, that the deep posterior part appears to be a back- ward extension of the orbital suleus. It is separated by a wide interval from the posterior rhinal fissure. Note the peculiar lozenge-shape of the brain. This is well shown in a figure of Retzius’s (Biolog. Untersuch., — Bd. viii. 1898, Taf. xii. fig. 1). 0.0. 1823 aa, D. 256. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Capybara (Aye | 2 cherus capybara). [In duplicate.] This shows the true shape and ptoportions of the ana 1 projecting olfactory bulbs: and the peculiar lozenge- shape of the brain as a whole, each cerebral hemisphere having a most pronounced lateral angle slightly behind a point midway between the anterior and posterior poles. Note also the exceedingly small relative size of the cerebellum, Gervais, Journ. de Zool., t. i. 1872, p. 456. D. 257. The brain of a Patagonian Cavy (Dolichotis magellanica) (2), from which the left cerebral hemisphere has been separated (figs. 74 & 75). This brain is not so strikingly aberrant as that of the Capybara. And yet the practical absence of well-defined sulci on the mesial surface shows that this peculiarity of the other Rodentia also occurs in this genus. There is however a faint trace of a genual suleus and a shallow depression where one would expect to find the calearine _ - sulcus. Unlike that of the Capybara, the brain of this Cavy presents a typical well-defined rhinal fissure, such as is seen elsewhere in the Rodentia, in the Rabbit for instance. There is an extensive sagittal sulcus parallel to and coextensive with almost the whole length of the inter- hemispheral cleft. This corresponds to the corono-lateral — suleus of the Carnivora and Ungulata, and possibly also 7 .*, to the prorean sulcus fused to the coronary element. A great vertical sulcus (s) pursues a slightly arched course ; upward from the junction of the anterior and posterior NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 205 rhinal fissures. It probably represents a fusion of the so-called “*Sylvian fissure”? of most non-Primate orders and the suprasylvian sulcus. Such a fusion is found in the Great Anteater’s brain (vide infra) and also, in all probability, in the Primates, in which the complex forms the true Sylvian fissure. In this brain, so as to avoid confusion, we may call it the “Sylvio-suprasylvian complex.” There is a small horizontal presylvian (or orbital) sulcus, which is not joined to the rhinal fissure. There is also a short sulcus of doubtful significance on the external side of the caudal end of the lateral sulcus (figs. 74 & 75). an SULC.ORB.. The resemblance between the cerebral sulci of this brain and those of the Lemurs is very instructive (vide infra). There is a compact cerebellum, which is relatively larger and broader than that of the Capybara. — It also conforms to a more generalized type found in many other Rodents, Edentates, Insectivores, and Marsupials. The floccular lobes project like those of the Rabbit. O. C. 1323 Ha. Beddard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 608. ) 206 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIEs. Section MyomorpHa. Family Diropips. D. 258. The brain of a Jerboa (Dipus sagitta). A simple smooth brain presenting no distinctive features. — O. C. 1828 Bh, 4 | Family Muripz. D. 259. The brain of a Rat (Mus rattus), in which the ltt hemisphere has been in great part removed to show mid-brain, and the right hemisphere has been di show the hippocampus. The typical arrangement of the lowly — cerebellum is well shown. 0. C. 1823 rd. D. 260. The brain of a Rat (Mus decumanus). = q Suborder DupLicIDENTATA. Family Lzporipz. D. 261. The head of a foetal Hare (Lepus europeus) with the brain exposed in situ. 0. ©. 1023 | D. 262. The brain of a Hare (Lepus europorus). O. C. 1828 Gs ry D. 263. The brain of an English Wild: Rabbit (Lepus eid). The only trace of sulci in the pallium is a shallow | posterior paramedian (lateral) sulcus, . 0. C. 1323 ae Presented by H. Power, Esq. Flatau and Jacobsohn, Vergl. Anat. d. Cone 1900, p. 351. ; D. 264, The left cerebral hemisphere of a Rabbit (Lepus cur te culus), dissected to show the hippocampus (fig. 76). Fig. 76. (Nat. size.) Being a larger bein this shows more clearly than the Hedgehog’s brain the difference between the Butherian and NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 207 Metatherian hippocampus. The Rabbit’s hippocampus is restricted to the caudal part of the ventricle and does not extend so far forward as that of the Wallaby (D. 210). Note the continuity of the lateral ventricle with the cavity in the olfactory bulb. D. 265. Two casts of the cranial cavity of a Rabbit (Lepus cuni- culus). Orpver CHIROPTERA. D. 266. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Rousette Bat (Pteropus vampyrus). The brain in the Chiroptera exhibits features which indicate its lowly status in the mammalian series. It does not show signs of any marked specialisation or divergence from the primitive type of the Insectivora. The hemisphere is peculiar in that the rhinal fissure is almost completely deficient, although the well-developed pyriform lobe and neopallium present typical features. In the small bats the minute cerebral hemispheres are separated by a wide gap from the cerebellum so that almost the whole of the corpora quadrigemina is exposed. These hemispheres are, of course, quite smooth. In the larger forms, such as Cynonycteris, there is a well-developed splenial complex of calcarine and intercalary sulci of the typical form. In the largest representatives, such as Pteropus, this splenial are becomes even more extensive. On the cranial surface there is in Cynonycteris a very short, deep suprasylvian sulcus and a small shallow lateral sulcus. The latter may in some cases become deeper and more extensive. In this cranial cast of Pteropus there is a short, deep, suprasylvian and a short, shallow, lateral sulcus. There is no orbital sulcus, nor is there any trace of a pseudosylvian sulcus. . In the larger Bats the cerebral commissures are well- developed and resemble those of Galeopithecus. But in many of the smallest Bats (e. g. Nyctophilus and Vespertilio) the corpus callosum becomes extremely reduced in size so 208 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. that. the commissures present a spurious resemblance to — those of the Marsupialia (Trans, Linn. Soe. vol. vii. pt. 3, — 1897, p. 47). 3 The cerebellum and the other parts of the brain closely — resemble the corresponding organs in Galeopithecus. " In the small Bats the enormous development of the — auditory tracts is specially noteworthy. Flatau and Jacobsohn, Vergl. Anat. d. Centralnery. — 1900, p. 208. | Gervais, Journ. de Zool., t. i. 1872, p. 437. Also — Retzius, Leche, Elliot Smith, and others. Orver EDENTATA, Family Dasypopips. D. 267. The brain of a Six-banded Armadillo (Dasypus seacinctus). _ This is a simple, highly macrosmatic brain resembling — that of the generalised Insectivores in most of its features. The rhinal fissure, however, consists of two fragments — separated by a wide gap (fig. 77). The posterior of these _ Fig. 77. (Nat. size.) RHIN. F, POST, RHIN.F. ANT. OLF. BULB. { . tus.o.r, TUB. OLF, TR. (RHIN.F.PosT.) is prolonged obliquely forward into con-— tinuity with a suleus (8) of the neopallium, which probably corresponds to the orbital or presylvian suleus of other mammalian brains. Above the posterior rhinal fissure there is a second oblique sulcus (6) in the neopallium, which may be regarded as the representative of the suprasylvian sulcus: : of the Carnivora or of the Myrmecophagide. | NERVOUS SYSTEM, VERTEBRATA. 209 On the mesial surface of the hemisphere there is a sulcus which may possibly represent a highly placed calcarine, which has become prolonged forward after the manner of the so-called “splenial” sulcus of Krueg in most mammals. The appearance of the diminutive corpus callosum (c.c.) and the large hippocampal commissure (ps.D., Ps.v.) and anterior commissure (A.C.) are shown diagrammatically in the accompanying scheme (fig. 78), which also exhibits the Tig. 78. relations of the fornix or fimbria (F), the fascia dentata (F.D.), hippocampus nudus (N.H.), and vestigial hippo- campus (v.H.) to the commissures and precommissural area (P). ». Q,C. 18231. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. (2nd Series, Zool.) vol. vil. 1899, p. 297. D: 268. The brain of a Cabassou (Cabassous unicinctus). This is an excellent example of a simple, highly macros- matic brain essentially similar to that of the Six-banded Armadillo, but relatively much shorter and broader than the latter. na The large olfactory bulbs are flattened against the anterior surface of the short cerebral hemispheres (figs. 79, 80, 81). The posterior rhinal fissure is represented only by a very shallow depression (fig. 80), but the supposéd representative of the orbital sulcus is exceedingly well developed (figs. 79 and 80). The representative of the sulcus 8 of Dasypus is much more insignificant in Cabassous (figs. 79 and 80) thai it is in the former. VOL, I. P 210 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. . There is a small corpus callosum and large psalterium (fig. 81), as in Dasypus (compare fig. 78) ; and the vestiges of the supracallosal and precallosal parts of the hippocampal Fig. 79. Fig. 80, (Nat. size.) SULC, ORB. RHIN.F. ANT f { OLF.TuB. Fig. 81. (Nat. size.) HIP. VESTS. HIP. VEST, "é AREA PRECOM, HIP. INV, are are exceptionally clearly demonstrated (fig. 81). The arrangement of these parts agrees with that sho diagrammatically for Dasypus in fig. 78. “i NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 211 There is a very well-developed “ splenial ” sulcus, pro- bably representing the conjoint calcarine, intercalary and genual sulci of other mammals. It extends much further forward than the analogous sulcus in other Armadillos. The features of the typical, primitively simple mamma- lian cerebellum are unusually clearly shown in that of Cabassous (figs. 82, 83, 84, & 85). It closely resembles Fig. 82. (Nat. size.) Fig. 83. (Nat. size.) LOB. CENT. LOB. CENT.-- SECUN.F...- LOB. POST. ..- 4 ‘FLO LOB. POST. Y CORP. QUAD. LOB. ANT.=Lobus centralis+-Lobus AREA C=Lobus tuberis. culminis. x= Lobus biventralis+ Amygdala. AREA A=Lobus clivi. | LOB. Post.= Uvula+nodulus. AREA B=Lobus cacuminis. that of the Rabbit except! that the large cake-like floccular lobe (composed of flocculus and paraflocculus) is here sessile and flattened against the rest of the cerebellum. O. C. 1323 1a. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. vii. 1899, pp. 321 & 371. . D. 269. The brain of a Three-banded Armadillo (Tolypeutes tricinctus). This brain is like that of Cabassous, but is smaller. The suprasylvian sulcus is absent, the orbital (presylvian) sulcus P 2 212 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. a is shorter. There is no pallial sulcus on the mesial surface of — the left hemisphere, but a faintly marked furrow is present — above the corpus callosum in the right side. O.C. 1823 1. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. loc. cit. D. 270. The brains of two Pebas ( Tatu novemeineta). In most of their features these brains closely resemble that of Cabassous. Fig. 86. (Nat. size.) ie RHIN, F. POST. _ RHIN,F, ANT, OLF.BULB - OLF, TUBER. The posterior rhinal fissure is very small and the anterior — rhinal is also very short. There is a well-defined presylvian — (8) but no suprasylvian sulcus. E The most noteworthy feature is the large size of the corpus” callosum in comparison with that of other Armadillos, : O. C. 1323 re, Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. loc. cit. Family GrypProponTips. D. 271. A cast of the cranial cavity of Glyptodon claviceps. This is a replica of Gervais’s model. It shows the extraordinarily small size of the brain in comparison with that of the body of the animal ; the enormous dimensions — of the large, pedunculated and projecting olfactory bulbs 3 the diminutive size of the cerebral hemispheres ; and th extraordinary greatness (especially in breadth) of th cerebellum. ; The cerebral hemispheres are flattened, and the only trace of a sulcus is one in the “ Sylvian region,” which probabl: represents the so-called suprasylvian sulcus of the Arm dillos, unless, after the analogy of Galeopithceus and mz Eocene Mammals, it is a phenomenally high rhinai fissure. Gervais, Nouv.’ Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 42. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 213 D. 272. A cast of the cranial cavity of Glyptodon claviceps (two specimens). This is a less perfect cast of a larger brain than D. 271. Family BraDYPopIDZé. D. 273. The brain of a Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus). [This specimen, having been preserved zz situ in the cranium, exactly retains its normal shape, but is unfortu- nately too soft to permit the arachnoid and pia membranes to be removed. The latter, however, are sufficiently thin to permit the sulci to be distinctly seen. | Fig. 87. (Nat. size.) SULC .DIAG.., OLF. BULB é OLF.. TUBER ‘3 ‘“t H i PARAFLOC. PYP.L, -RHIN-F. Fig. 88. (Nat. size.) \_.---OLF. BULB The contrast between this brain and that of an Armadillo is almost as pronounced as are the differences exhibited in a comparison of the brains of the Cat and the Hedgehog. The contrast between the habits of the fossorial, terrestrial 214 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, Arniadillo and the arboreal herbivorous Sloth sufficiently explain the fact that the former is much more highly a macrosmatic than the latter. ~~ In the Sloth the neopallium is, in comparison with that : of the Armadillo, very large, although it is considerably smaller than that of Carnivores of the same size. It : Fig. 89. (x 2.) corp.ca.. ©& “ee - ~ te. Tee, . ran i OLF.TUBER. / * COMM, ANT, is moreover richly supplied with deep sulci, which con- form to a pattern curiously like that which prevails among the Carnivora. The cerebral hemispianantd are sufficiently large to hide the corpora quadrigemina and to overlap the cerebellum to some slight extent ; it also partly overhangs the olfactory bulbs (fig. 87) but no olfactory suleus is developed. On the ventral surface the posterior part of the pyriform Jobe forms a very pronounced protuberance, commonly NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 215 known as the “ natiform eminence,” and as a result of this prominence there is a deep vallecula Sylvii separating the latter from the anterior part of the pyriform lobe and the olfactory tubercle. In profile the brain presents a general resemblance to the Feline type, although there are many differences. The cerebral hemispheres of the Sloth are, in comparison with those of the Cat, much more highly macrosmatic ; or, to express the same fact more accurately, the neopallium is relatively smaller in the Sloth. The anterior and posterior rhinal fissures meet in an upwardly-directed arc, and the resultant conjoint fissure is placed wholly upon the lateral aspect of the hemisphere and on a much higher plane than the corresponding fissure in the Cat’s brain. A distinctive ‘‘ Sylvian fissure” of the Feline type springs from the apex of the rhinal arch and ascends with a slight backward inclination for a short distance (fig. 87, »). There is a deep sulcus (8) which clearly corresponds to the presylvian (or orbital) sulcus of the Carnivora. It pursues a horizontal course across the blunt cephalic pole of the hemisphere. Its mesial:extremity (fig. 89, 8) is pro- longed on to the inner face ; this mesial prolongation may possibly represent a rostral sulcus. Its lateral extremity does not quite reach the rhinal fissure in this specimen (fig. 87, 8), but in some cases it joins the rhinal fissure and presents relations to the latter and to the Sylvian fissure not unlike the arrangement found in the brain of Galeopithecus. There can be little doubt as to the homology of the -arcuate sulcus 6 (figs. 87 & 88) with the combined supra- sylvian and postsylvian sulci of the Carnivora. The anterior limb of this suprasylvian arc (so we may call it) is very short. There is a short horizontal branch from the posterior part of the arc such as is often found in an analo- gous situation in the Carnivore’s brain. x There is a very small diagonal sulcus (compare the Cat’s brain) in front of and slightly below the suprasylvian arc. There is a sagittally-directed sulcus (y) analogous to that called “ lateral’? in the Carnivora ; it pursues a course 216 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. - parallel to the posterior two-thirds of the interhemi- spheral cleft. It also crosses on to the caudal surface of the hemisphere and approaches, though it usually does not join, the upper extremity of the vertical calcarine. This arrangement, which does not occur in the Carnivora, is of considerable interest in view of the relationship which exists between the calcarine and intraparietal (the probable representative of the lateral) sulcus and the newer inter- calated parieto-occipital sulcus in certain of the Primates (vide infra). The anterior extremity of the lateral sulcus (fig. 88, y) is overlapped on its lateral aspect by a short sagittal sulcus (7), which may possibly represent the coronal sulcus of — the Cat’s brain (vide infra). There is no crucial sulcus. The mesial surface (compare figs. 89 and 90) [which is not exposed in this specimen] resembles that of the Two- toed Sloth in allits essential features (vide specimen D. 275), _ The cerebellum appears to be relatively very small. The — floccular lobes are large cake-like masses flattened against — the lateral aspect of the organ. Hach of these lobes is com- posed of the usual three parts, flocculus and dorsal and — ventral paraflocculi. In marked contrast to the condition found in the Armadillos [vide Cabassous, fig. 83], the dorsal paraflocculus is much the largest part of the floccular lobe — in the Sloth. The rest of the cerebellum is small, narrow — and simple. Its lateral parts are not expanded to the same — extent as the corresponding parts in the Carnivores, the — Anteaters, or even the Armadillos, In this respect the cere-. bellum much more closely resembles that of such forms as — Dorcatherium (Ungulata) and Hydrocherus (Rodentia). O. C. 1328 Hb. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. vii. 1899, p. 296. = D. 274. The brain of a Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) — ( g ), enclosed in the vascular pia and arachnoid membranes. — In this specimen the independent intercalary sulcus can be seen on the mesial surface. The coronal and lateral sulci seem to be fused. O. C. 1323 Ha, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 217 D. 275. The brain of a Two-toed Sloth (Cholapus didactylus). (Figs. 92 and 93 are not drawn from this specimen.) In most of its features this brain presents a most striking resemblance to that of the Three-toed Sloth. But this Fig. 91. (Nat. size.) OLF. BUL B. SULC. ORB \ SULC.COR-L.../ | SULC. SUPRAS :+4 SULC.ENT.L”/ Fig. 92. (Nat. size.) OLF.BULB rioc.. ee o.r.tuper. ***-*- PONS. trap, general similarity renders more remarkable the peculiar absence of the so-called ‘“‘ Sylvian fissure”’ in this larger of the two brains of the Family of Sloths. 218 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIEs. The natiform eminence is much less prominent than it is _ in the Three-toed Sloth ; and the bending of the rhinal fissure is so slight that the whole fissure is approximately horizontal. These two facts are probably correlated with the peculiar absence of the so-called “ Sylvian fissure” of the Three-toed Sloth. Whilst it is surprising to find this feature absent in the larger of the two brains, in which we should expect it to be better developed, it seems to empha- — size the morphological instability of this so-called“ Sylvian e . 2 4 ‘eal Fig. 93. (Nat. size.) HIP, VEST. a” CORP. CALL. OLF. BULB. \ FASC DENT. “HIP. INV. AREA PRECOM. OLF. TUBER. HIP. F. Fig. 94. (Nat. size.) sg P. CORP MAM COMM, MOLL. CORP. INTER. Ps fissure,” which a comprehensive survey of the Mammal Lo so clearly demonstrates. It also leads us to infer that what— we may call the “ feline type of Sylvian fissure” is a mere — kink produced by mechanical factors, of which the most important is the downward extension of the caudo-ventral - part of the neopallium. In Bradypus where such an — extension has taken place (witness the ventral curve of the — posterior rhinal fissure !), this so-called “ Sylvian fissure” NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA, 219 makes its appearance ; whereas in Cholepus, in which the neopallium has not extended downwards in its caudal region (witness the horizontal posterior rhinal fissure), there is no “ Sylvian fissure” even though the cerebral hemisphere is larger and therefore the greater a priori reason for a Sylvian fissure. The extensive and deep suprasylvian sulcus (fig. 92, 8) is also much less acutely flexed than is the corresponding feature in Bradypus. On its ventral side a short horizontal sulcus makes its appearance to compensate for the absence of the Sylvian element, thus affording further evidence of the mechanical mode of formation of the so-called “ Sylvian fissure ”’ of Bradypus. The presylvian or orbital sulcus (8) joins the rhinal fissure in both hemispheres ; otherwise it resembles that of Brady- pus. Onthe left side it joins or becomes confluent with the rostral sulcus, but on the right side it terminates near the mesial edge just behind the upper extremity of the rostral, which is a small independent sulcus. There is an extensive, sagittal, lateral sulcus, which bifur- cates posteriorly. In this specimen (fig. 91) the lateral sulcus is fused with the coronal, but in that from which figure 92 was drawn these two elements were independent (y and). There is also a well-defined entolateral sulcus —i. e. a compensatory sulcus developed on the mesial side of the lateral. The calearine sulcus is peculiar in the Sloths in that itis independent of the intercalary sulcus (with which it is fused in most mammals to form the so-called ‘ spleniai ” sulcus of Krueg). In this respect the Sloths agree with the true Anteaters, the Pangolins, and the Primates. This form of the calcarine sulcus is undoubtedly the primitive, ancestral type for all mammals. The calcarine sulcus is vertical and terminates near the upper margin of the hemisphere (fig. 93, a). The intercalary sulcus begins very far back between the splenium of the corpus callosum and the upper part of the ealcarine sulcus. On the left side it extends horizontally forward almost as far as the rostral sulcus. On the right side its anterior extremity bends upward and notches the 220 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. dorsal edge of the hemisphere in a manner curiously like the conjoint crucial and intercalary sulci of many Carni- vores, such as the Civet. [Figure 93 does not represent this specimen. ] The corpus callosum (¢.c.) and psalterium (P.s.) are relatively short and of a somewhat simple type (fig. 90), and the relations of the hippocampus to the commissures and to the supracallosal (v.H.) and precallosal (v.H//) vestiges of the hippocampal are are clearly shown. ; The posterior quadrigeminal bodies are more prominent than the anterior pair, and the mesial (posterior) geniculate body on each side is so large as to appear likea large caudal projection of the chief mass of the optic thalamus. It — touches the cerebellum posteriorly. These features are some of the physical expressions of a highly acute sense of hearing. __ The cerebellum resembles that of Bradypus but is con- siderably larger (figs. 92 and 94). The large paraflocculus is seen to great advantage. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. vii. 1899, p. 309. D. 276. The brain of a Two-toed Sloth (Cholepus didactylus) (fig. 92). ) In this brain the chief sulcus in the region where the “lateral” sulcus should be found obviously corresponds to that which in the last specimen was called “ entolateral.” ” There is, however, a coronal sulcus like that of Bradypus (D. 273), occupying the situation of the anterior part of the _ “lateral” sulcus of the last specimen; and also a short caudal sulcus on the lateral side of the “ entolateral” which appears to join the calcarine. ‘a This shows to how great an extent this group of sulci lacks morphological stability. They accommodate them=- — selves to slight mechanical differences in the process of © : growth in such a way that no exact homology with appa- — rently identical sulci in other groups can be said to exist. 0. C, 1823. — D, 277. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Two-toed Sloth q (Cholepus didactylus). 7 This shows the exact shape and size of the cerebellum, — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 221 the cerebellar hemispheres, and especially of the olfactory bulbs. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 38. D. 278. The brain of a Hoffmann’s Sloth (Cholepus hof'manni). This brain closely resembles that of the ordinary Two- toed Sloth. In this specimen the anterior extremity of the supra- sylvian sulcus opens into the rhinal fissure, and a curious triangular depression is found behind the junction. This is more pronounced on the right hemisphere and presents a curious resemblance to the fossa Sylvii. There is, how- ever, no true Sylvian fissure, although on the left hemisphere the pit-like representatives of the compensatory supra- sylvian sulci open into the rhinal fissure so as to produce a spurious resemblance to it. It is instructive to note in this specimen how in the pyriform lobe the operation of factors such as produce the pseudosylvian sulcus in the neopallium of many mammals has converted the vallecula Sylvii into a sulcus like the neopallial pseudosylvian sulcus of other forms. On the left hemisphere there are two coextensive sagittal sulci, the mesial of which may represent either the “lateral”? or “ entolateral”’ sulcus, and the external may be either the caudally prolonged “‘coronal”’ or the “ lateral” (see account of specimen D. 276). On the right hemisphere the condition resembles that of specimen D.276. None of these cranial sulci join the calcarine. There are well-developed post-lateral and paracalcarine sulci. Turner, Journ. Anat. & Phys., vol. xxv. 1890, p. 122. Family MzGATHERIIDzA. D. 279. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Megatherium cuviert. This presents an extraordinarily close resemblance to the Bear’s brain, but is considerably larger. There is a deep oblique depression in the ‘“ Sylvian region,” and appearances suggest that there was a long 222 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES, oblique pseudosylvian sulcus, like that of the Bears, with an extensive suprasylvian arc presenting such an acute flexure as is seen only in the Arctoid Carnivores (of existing _ mammals). Tocomplete the resemblance, the area between these two sulci is depressed, as it sometimes is in the Bears, _ and always in the Seals. There was an orbital suleusanda __ lateral sulcus of the typical Carnivore pattern. In front of the latter there was a great transverse sulcus, like the crucial sulcus ; this may, however, be the coronal sulcus. Gervais, Nouv. Arch. Mus., t. v. 1869, p. 39. D. 280. A cast of the cranial cavity of a Pampean Ground-Sloth (Grypotherium listat). ‘‘Compared with the brains of Mylodon and Scelido- therium, . . . that of Grypotherium is observed to be more elongated, witht less divergent and prominent olfactory [bulbs], less constricted cerebral hemispheres, and a larger _ cerebellum. In the form and proportions of its cerebellum, _ it similarly differs from Megatherium. The cerebral hemi- spheres of the existing Cholepus didactylus and Bradypus _ tridactylus are more tapering forward, and their cerebellum _ is relatively smaller than in Grypotherium.” (Smith Wood- ward, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1900, p. 69.) The cast shows only in a very vague manner the arrange- ment of pre- and suprasylvian sulci, resembling those of Choloepus. This specimen is, moreover, interesting as an illustration of the caution needed in drawing inferences from the general shape of a cranial cast; for if the olfae- tory bulbs were broken, as so commonly happens, and the — sulci a little more blurred, one might easily mistake this — q for the cast of some Dugotigelike Sirenian. ay’ Family MyrmecopHacip”. D. 281. The brain of a Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga jubata), The right cerebral hemisphere has been separated from the — rest of the brain. [This drawing of the right hemisphere — has been reversed. ] 7 The elongated form of the cerebral hemispheres presents a marked contrast to that of the Sloths. The olfactory bulbs are very large. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 223 The anterior rhinal fissure is horizontal and forms an angle of about 120° with the posterior rhinal, which crosses on to the ventral surface at a point midway between the vallecula Sylvii and the caudo-ventral angle of the hemi- sphere. On the right hemisphere (fig. 95, reversed) there is a deep triangular depression communicating with the bend of the rhinal fissure. From the apex of this depression a very short sulcus (not more than 5 mm. long) extends upward and slightly backward ; this undoubtedly corresponds to the so-called “Sylvian fissure ” of Bradypus and Felis. Fig. 95. (x 3.) SULC.DIAG, —SULC. COR. LAT. SULC, SUPRAS. SULC.ORB." ies “™SYL.F. i : RHIN.F. OLF.TUBER. PYR.L. There is a short suprasylvian sulcus joined to a much longer postsylvian (or “ posterior suprasylvian” as it is more generally called). In front of the suprasylvian sulcus there is a small deep sulcus analogous to the diagonal of Bradypus and the Carnivores. There is a long, deep, presylvian or orbital sulcus ; it is separated by a short interval from the anterior rhinal fissure and is joined to the prorean sulcus (véde the Carnivora), near the interhemispheral cleft. There is a long, deep, lateral or conjoint corono-lateral sulcus in the posterior two-thirds of the hemisphere, and two short and relatively shallow post-lateral sulci behind it parallel to the postsylvian sulcus. There is a deep, vertical calearine sulcus on the medio- caudal aspect of the hemisphere. As in the Sloths it does not join the intercalary sulcus, which is represented in this hemisphere by two shallow sulci, 224 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. The chief interest of this brain is the wide separation of the so-called “ Sylvian fissure” and the suprasylvian suleus in the right hemisphere. The condition almost always found in Myrmecophaga is seen on the left hemisphere. There the so-called “ Sylvian fissure ” and the suprasylvian sulcus have become confluent so as to form a long, deep sulcus extending almost as far as the lateral sulcus. The postsylvian sulcus is not joined to the suprasylvian element. _ This confluence of these two elements to form a Sylvio- suprasylvian complex is of great interest, because there are many reasons for believing that a similar fusion takes place — in the Primates. If this be so, the “ Sylvio-suprasylvian ” complex of the Anteater is the nearest approach to the — condition of the true Sylvian fissure of the Primates. Now such a confluence of these two sulci may be regarded — as the normal condition in the Great Anteater. The interest _ of this fact is enhanced when it is recalled that the calearine sulcus is separated from the intercalary—another Primate _ feature. O. CO. 1323 kK. Presented by the Zoological Society. Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. vii. 1899, p. 293. D. 282. The brain of a Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga jubatu), in which the right hemisphere has been separated from the rest of the brain. (Figs. 96, 97, 98, 99.) The sulci in this brain are exceedingly interesting when compared with those of the above specimen (D. 281). | The Sylvio-suprasylvian complex approaches so near to — the upper extremity of the postsylvian, as to afford a striking resemblance to the suprasylvian are on the right hemisphere of specimen D, 281; thus it further confirms — the suprasylvian nature of the upper part of the “Sylvio- — suprasylvian ” sulcus, . There is no diagonal sulcus, such as is seen in the preceding specimen. There is a very short posterior ecto- sylvian sulcus on the right hemisphere and none on the left, On the left hemisphere the orbital or presylvian suleus — opens into the anterior rhinal fissure. On the right hemi- — sphere it does not do so; it is also quite independent — of the small prorean sulcus on this side. NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 995: On the right hemisphere there is a typical corono-lateral sulcus ; buton the left side the coronary sulcus is prolonged obliquely backward and mesially beyond the junction. The same phenomenon occurs on the left hemisphere of specimen D. 281. Fig. 96. (x 2.) SULC.COR.LAT: SYL.SUPRAS.COM ” — suLC. P. LATE SuLc. ORB ie be SULC. PROR. OLF.BULB, Fig. 97. (x 3) _OLF. BULB. OLF. PED. Fete SULC PROR, _»SULC. ORB. ‘ RHIN. Fs i -- SULC, COR.LAT. In the right hemisphere there is a single extensive inter- calary sulcus, which is prolonged forward in a “ genual manner ”’ to join the rostral, which is very short On the left hemisphere we find the same condition as in specimen D. 281. VoL, I. Q 226 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. In'this specimen the features of the typical hippocampus, — pyriform lobe, olfactory tubercle, and the large tubercle of ; the olfactory tract are exceedingly well shown (fig. 99). Note also the corpora quadrigemina and the large mesial 4 geniculate body. -% The features of the cerebellum, which resembles that of a the Carnivores, are also very clearly shown. An » 5 tionally clear demonstration of the floccular lobe is afforded. Fig. 98. (x 3.) SULC. INTERCAL.. : j q . OLF BULB. OLF, TUBER. FASC. DENT, HIP. F. Fig. 99. (x 2.) CAC. PERFOR: OPT TR. jj OLF. TUBER pe a The paraflocculus consists of two plump, horizontal, vermi- form bands, which become continuous in front but do no form any projecting petrosal lobule. The flocculus (sensu stricto) is a little mass wedged in between the ventral para- flocculus and the auditory nerve. D. 283. The brain of a Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga j | rat } (?), in which the right hemisphere is separated (fig. 10€ This brain is of great interest because the PS (a especially the anterior) of the Sylvian trigone are so poor developed that this depressed area is wholly exposed, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 227 The suprasylvian element in the Sylvio-suprasylvian complex sulcus is very slightly developed on the left side, and there is a small diagonal sulcus (6' ). The Sylvian trigone shades away anteriorly on the right side, without any very definite terminal sulcus ; but on the Fig. 100. (x 3.) LOS.ANT, RHIN. F. ANT. : is ra DLF-TueER. PYRLL. RAIN. F-POST: left side there is a faintly-marked oblique terminal sulcus, which reaches almost as far as the lower extremity of the presylvian sulcus (8). The prorean sulcus (8’) is again separate only on the right side. QO. C. 1323 Ke. Presented by the Zoological Society. ony yi D. 284. The brain-stem, with part of the cerebral hemispheres, of a Great Anteater (Myrmecophaga jubata). — This specimen is intended to show the corpus striatum in the lateral ventricle ; the communication of the latter with the olfactory ventricle ; the optic tract spreading out on the optic thalami ; the tenia thalami and mesial geni- culate body ; the corpora quadrigemina, of which the posterior pair are the more prominent ; the insignificant tractus peduncularis transversus ; and the broad pons over- lapping to some extent the trapezoid bodies. m ———————————— ‘ee aegis 4 D. 285. The brain of a Tamandua (7% pnmatenk tetradactyla) (figs. 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 & 106). This is a smaller xn correspondingly simplified copy of _ the Great Anteater’s brain. All traces of the “ feline Q2 eS * i, 4 228 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Sylvian fissure” have vanished (fig. 102), but the more stable suprasylvian sulcus remains in this specimen (figs. 101 & 102) to add further confirmation to the interpretation of the Sylvian complex of Myrmecophaga (D. 281). [Some- times, however, even the suprasylvian suleus disappears in Tamanduas (fig. 103) ; this is especially helpful in inter- preting the Rodent brain, for it shows that an undoubted Fig. 101. (Nat. size.) ~ aN m 1 i — ‘ Dp - os y * ae ~ Fig. 102. (Nat. size.) SULC. SUPRAS. SULC. LAT. } my lateral (or corono-lateral) sulcus may exist without the — suprasylvian, which is usually the more precocious and stable feature. | The lateral sulcus is very shallow. In this specimen it — is unsymmetrical and consists of two irregular fragments on each side. The cerebellum (compare fig. 103) is a simplified and smaller copy of that of the Great Anteater. The floccular — NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 229 lobes, however, project.freely, whereas those of the Great Anteater are sessile. The mesial surface of the cerebral hemisphere of Ta- manduas (compare fig. 104) is instructive in showing the Fig. 103. (Nat. size.) ...-OLF. BULB. SULC.ORB. SULC. LAT. MED OBL. ------ Fig..104.. (Nat. size.) PSAL. D. PSAL.V. % CORP, CALL. a” SULC. LIM. PALL. OLF. BULB. ------ ’ ’ OLF..PED.’ ! i * *PYR.L OLF. TUBER. / } \ — i AREA PRECOM. } TUB. OLR. TR. COMM.ANT. exceedingly rudimentary characier of the sulci, in spite of the fact that this brain. is. much larger than that of the Sloths and Armadillos, which have well-defined mesial q sulci. The cerebral commissures and hippocampus (figs. 104 & 105) have now assumed characters like those of the Carnivores and Ungulates. 230 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. Fig. 105. (Nat. size.) Hi) _o.r. TR.TUBER. “%) ... iINFUN. =< aeons oer" ?" wn-ne-s-+efiml-- CRUS. CER, —_— ee. The typical features of the base of the brain are also 4 well shown (fig. 106). ) 0. C. 13823 KO, — Elliot Smith, Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. vii. 1899, p. 293. D. 286. The brain of a Tamandua (7Zamanduas tetradactyla), (3). There is no suprasylvian suleus (compare fig. 103). The lateral sulcus is well marked and simple, as is also the pre- sylvian or orbital. There is a small shallow postlateral — sulcus. 0. C, 1323 Ka, NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 231 Family Manip, D, 287. The brain of a Pangolin (Manis tricuspis), in which the two cerebral hemispheres have been separated from the brain-stem (figs. 107, 108, and 109). Fig. 107. (Nat. size.) OLF. BULB. =~ Fig. 108. (Nat. size.) SULC. SUPRAS. SULC. LAT. 4 { ANT.RHIN.F SULC! POST. RHIN. F SYL.F. Fig. 109. (Nat. size.) SULC. INTER. “s SULC. CALC. This brain is exceedingly small in proportion to the size of the animal, and yet its small, short cerebral hemispheres present a series of deep sulci, which conform to the most typical mammalian pattern. In many points of detail this pattern resembles that of the Three-toed Sloth, while in other respects it resembles that of the Armadillos. 232 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. There is a typical, short, vertical calcarine suleus close ia behind the upper half of the hippocampal fissure. Like that of the Sloths, it does not join the intercalary suleus. It, however, presents as an interesting peculiarity a short | retro-calearine branch, just as the homologous sulcus does a in the Lemurs. There is an elongated intercalary sulcus of about ! the length of the small corpus callosum. In front it joins a short, oblique, rostral sulcus. ne! It is a very suggestive fact that the intercalary suleus, — which is quite independent of the calcarine in the Anteaters — and Sloths and in no other mammals except the Primates, should also be separated from the calcarine sulcus in the Pangolin. 2 The Sylvian region [which unfortunately is irretrievs damaged in this specimen] presents very interesti ng features. In another damaged specimen [in the Museum Store Room] the posterior rhinal fissure, which is ple high up on the lateral aspect, is prolonged forward ints : "a very deep orbital (presylvian) sulcus. Gervais and Weber have recorded further instances of a similar condition in Manis. This complex of posterior rhinal fissure and orbit u sulcus resembles the arrangement seen in the Armadillos and, more distantly, the condition found in Orycteropus, Tapirus, and Moschus (vide infra). In this particular specimen (D, 287), however, the left orbital suleus is certainly not joined to the rhinal fissure. 4 The short anterior rhinal fissure does not reach so far back as the anterior extremity of the posterior rhinal. In this respect it resembles that of the Armadillos. A short, oblique “ Sylvian fissure” springs from the posterior n nal | fissure, just where the latter joins, or appears to join, 3 orbital sulcus. ‘The appearance of the “Sylvian” ant orbital elements recalls that presented in Galeopi There is a typical semicircular suprasylvian sulcus pre ing an arcuate form. There is also a typical, cage directed lateral sulcus. P: The cerebellum and the other parts of the brain are not unlike those of the Sloths, or, rather, present ur intermediate between those of the Armadillos and Sloth NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 233 Considered as a whole, the brain of the Pangolin may be regarded as a smaller and correspondingly-simplified copy of that of the Three-toed Sloth. This fact, in view of the marked contrast in the modes of life of the two animals, must be allowed considerable. systematic importance*. O.C. 1323 M. Presented by the Zoological Society. Max Weber, Zool. Ergebnisse, Leyden, 1892, p. 87. Family OrycreroPopip~. D.288. The brain of an Aard-vark (Orycteropus afer), (2?) (figs. 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, & 115). The brain is of approximately the same size and shape as that of the Great Anteater, but its features present a most striking contrast to it. Fig. 110. (x 2.) RHIN.F. ANT. RHIN.F. POST. y § PYR.L. OLf. BULB. OLF.TUBER. PYR.L. In neither of the specimens [in this collection] does the posterior rhinal fissure join the anterior rhinal, but the two fissures overlap (fig. 110) as they do in the Tapir (vide infra). Sometimes, however, the two fragments unite to form a * When my memoir on the Edentate brain was written, I had not examined a good specimen of the brain of Manis and had to rely on Weber's account chiefly. I therefore saw no reason for associating Manis with the other Edentates, so far as the structure of its brain is concerned. Now that I know the brain itself, I quite agree with the conclusion drawn by Windle and Parsons from myological studies (P. Z. S. 1899), and believe that Manis shows undoubted affinities to all the other Edentates and especially to Bradypus. PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. great sai fissure (fig. 111), which divides the Latceul wall into two approximately equal parts—an upper one ie neopallium, and a lower composed of pyriform lobe, tuber- culum olfactorium, and olfactory bulb. There is no trace of a “Sylvian fissure.” There is *) P typical orbital (presylvian) sulcus (8) which links the — cephalic prolongation of the posterior rhinal fissure to th 7 anterior extremity of the great sagittal lateral suleus” (figs. 110, 111, & 113, y), and from the junction the prorean sulcus extends forwards. 4 ’ Fig. 111. (x 4) * } e OLF.TR. i ae ovr. Tuer. *** Fig. 112. (x 3.) CER. PRIM.F. | — FLOC.F. CORP. PIN. } ae CORP :puUAD. Fis OPT.THAL. | (WH > MED. OBL. AREA TEGMEN. There is a short horizontal suleus (8) in the situation where we should look for the suprasylvian sulcus, 14 peculiar insignificance of the suprasylvian as compare with the lateral sulcus, which is also seen in Tamanduas at many Rodents, presents a marked contrast to the Ungulat condition, where just the opposite condition obtains. ei On the mesial wall there is a large arcuate connra (fig. 114, a) of deep calearine, intercalary, and genual st NERVOUS SYSTEM.—VERTEBRATA. 235 The latter joins the anterior extremity of the callosal sulcus. The corpus callosum is short. There is a very large vestigial hippocampus on its upper surface. Fig. 113. (x 2.) _/OLF. BULB. .-.-PED.QLF. t f------== MED . OBL- Fig. 114. (x 3.) HIP. VEST. *, CORP. CALL. \, \ OLF. TUBER. OLF. PED. Comm. "D -n-0- onsen wn > r The other parts of the brain (vide fig. 112) are not unlike those of Myrmecophaga, although there is no evidence of any close affinity between the two forms. 236 PHYSIOLOGICAL SERIES. In general appearance and in the arrangement of the” horizontal rhinal fissure and its relation to the orbital sulcus, this brain presents some resemblance to that of an Ungulate. But the poor development of the suprasylvian sulcus is a — point in which it differs markedly from the Ungulata. The cerebellum also differs most markedly from the “— a transversely-foliate, Ungulate type.