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FROM THE PRONUCLEAR STAGE TO THE STAGE OF MESO- DERM ANLAGE, END OF THE FIRST TO THE END OF THE NINTH DAY CONTENTS Mt OCLC EL OTe iron eee cate OS eis a a eas pctee coe oleh 2 ale vias 3 3 Material amndineth ods sea Saat tse seen oe oo te 2 oe eee 5 OWVilaniGn, MEN OMAINON, Ail WEINGANOKOM so. s5onceonecesnseocicscoosrcencoan & Pronucleansstage tek, noc tee his Seine cau Beet ook aa ke 13 Sepment avionustacessncme ce anleot oe Rie cineca oldie to 5 eee 21 DECC IIES AO Chet ete A te SER Nees See ae etuiciclla dha |S a1 roe 21 AZ COU S HAM CR sey s oe aes SAS ne ke asda e eb od 3 DA ee Bee, S=Cellistiaea enone oh snes, hte bis Waite Mer via 2). ot on 31 avo mlG—celilustaice cc) oie ane s Seoeen eh kent a0 BE Summary of segmentation stages, rate, and volume changes................ 36 Completion of segmentation and blastodermic vesicle formation............ 42 Blastodermic vesicle, blastocyst, or germ vesicle..........................- 56 Late stages of blastodermic vesicle, beginning o: entypy of germ layers.... 63 Development and differentiation of the egg-cylinder....................... 73 Late stages in egg-cylinder differentiation, and the anlage of the mesoderm 92 Conclusions'::4 Vara ot ik one Gey er Siniee Relais Ses oe oy 4S 3 ee 108 MEGeTratumeclhued i ware iemM Re hehe nn Set ti od Ae ey ce Fc ee Cree le INTRODUCTION The early developmental stages of placental mammals, em- bracing the stages of sex cell maturation and fertilization, of segmentation, of blastodermic vesicle and germ layer forma- tion, though subject of numerous contributions extending over many years, have in no form been completely investigated. The literature dealing with the phenomena of maturation and fer- 3 4 G. CARL HUBER tilization as observed in placental mammals has in recent years been enriched by a number of studies to the extent that for cer- tain of the mammals—bat, rabbit, guinea-pig, mouse, and rat—the data at hand are sufficiently complete to enable a clear and comprehensive presentation, based on observed facts, and permit of comparison with similar phenomena as observed in other vertebrate and invertebrate forms. As concerns the process of segmentation in placental mammals, there are still lacking sufficiently comprehensive observations embracing a number of forms to enable a clear and succinct presentation of the rate of blastomere formation, the cytomorphosis of the cells, and of the relative position of the several segmentation stages in the genital tract. This is no doubt owing to the diffi- culty of obtaining the necessary material timed so as to admit of proper staging, and the impossibility of making extended ob- servations on living material. Our knowledge of the phenomena of blastoderm vesicle formation, though comprehended in its general phases, is lacking in detail, except for a very limited number of forms. The process of germ laver formation is of such fundamental importance to a clear comprehension of later developmental stages, both in phylogeny and in ontogeny, that a brief account of observed facts in any one form may not be regarded as wholly without value. Opportunity presented itself, while stationed at The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, to collect and fix an extended series of embryological stages of the albino rat. This material has proven sufficiently comprehensive to enable a presentation of the several developmental stages of this mammal, beginning with the pronuclear stage and extending to the stage of the an- lage of the mesoderm. For this period, which extends to about the tenth day after insemination, only very few of the essential stages are lacking, though for certain of the stages confirmatory preparations would have been desirable. The material at hand, however, seemed sufficiently complete to present a con- nected account of the stages it is hoped to cover. The embryology of allied forms, especially of the mouse, has received much more extended study than has that of the rat, though the develop- ~ DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 0 ment of the rat has received especial consideration by Fraser, Christiani, Selenka, Duval, Robinson, Widakowich, and as concerns maturation and ovulation, by Sobotta and Burekhard, Kirkham and Burr. The pertinent literature will be considered in connection with the presentation of my own results. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material on which this investigation is based was obtained from albino rats (Mus norvegicus albinus, Donaldson)! taken from the extensive rat colony of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. The experience gained in the breeding, feeding, and growth experiments, extending over many years, conducted by Donaldson and his associates and resulting in numerous ex- cellent publications, was at my disposal while collecting this material. The material used was all carefully timed, so that sequence of stages was obtained with some degree of certainty. With care and experience, it is possible to regulate and observe insemination, so that stages may be approximated quite accu- rately. Kirkham and Burr state that ‘‘on several different occasions we have observed actual pairing’ of the albino rat. Widakowich states that he was unable to obtain accurate data as to the age of the embryos except by observing coitus. Ac- cording to this observer, a female rat permits many males to copulate in the course of several hours, receiving males 30 times or oftener, when suddenly she drives them away. Sobotta and Burekhard, on the other hand, admitted males a few hours after parturition, depending on the fact that many mammals ovulate soon after parturition. Though attempts were made, they were unable to observe pairing, and they state that the ‘Dieners’ charged with the care and feeding of the rat colony were only seldom able to observe attempts at pairing. At The Wistar Institute no difficulty is experienced in pairing albino 1Melissinos and Widakowich state having used as material the albino rat, variety Mus rattus albinus. Donaldson has conclusively shown, that by reason of physical characters—blood crystals, shape of the skull, etc.—the albino rat kept as pet or laboratory animal cannot be Mus rattus albinus, but must be Mus norvegicus albinus. 6 G. CARL HUBER rats. Dr. J. M. Stotsenburg, to whose experience and care- ful records I am greatly indebted for the trustworthiness of the material collected, made use largely of females who had born one litter. Pairing was seldom attempted a few hours post partem, as was done by Sobotta and Burckhard, but usually about 30 days after the birth of a litter, which may have been nursed or otherwise disposed of. The great majority of females used in pairing were at the time free from ‘domestic cares.’ The females employed were kept in separate cages for some time before giving birth to young and until the time of mating. About 30 days after the birth of a litter, a male was placed in the cage with the female. If the female was in heat, copu- lation usually took place soon after. The male was left with the female for an hour to an hour and a half, during which time several pairings would occur, and at the end of which time the female would try to hide from the male, climb the side of the cage and defy him with her teeth. The male albino rat is not prostrated by the sexual act, the same male serving for several successive copulations. In case the female was not in heat, this soon became evident and the male removed, to be again placed into her cage 24 or 48 hours later. The time when the, copu- lation was first observed was noted on the card attached to the cage and gave the time from which the age of the embryo or respective stage was reckoned. The time given is, therefore, that of ‘insemination,’ a term which Long and Mark have intro- duced to indicate ‘‘the introduction of the male sexual elements into the genital tracts of the female by the act of coitus or other- wise.’ This time could be accurately noted, while ‘semina- tion’ which “applies to the access of the spermatozoa to the eggs in the oviducts, the coming into contact of the male and female reproductive cells’? can not be accurately timed. The success attained in pairing albino rats as above stated, obviated the necessity of depending upon chance material or resorting to ‘artificial insemination’ as described for the mouse by Long and Mark. Iam at loss to understand why Widakowich should regard the age determinations of Sobotta and Melissinos (mouse embryos) more accurate than his own, reckoned from the time DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 7 of observed coitus. The slight though observable variation in the rate of development in a series of ova of the same animal, more marked when supposedly similar stages of several animals are investigated, precludes the accurate timing of stages. As fixing fluids, there were used Zenker’s fluid, sublimate- aleohol, Flemming’s fluid, Bouin’s fluid, and Carnoy’s fluid. After a few trials, all were discarded in favor of Carnoy’s fluid, prepared by mixing 6 parts of absolute alcohol, 3 parts of chloro- form, and 1 part of glacial acetic acid. This somewhat illogi- cally compounded fluid penetrates rapidly and does not cause shrinkage. Tissues are fixed in it for several hours, then washed in several changes of absolute aleohol in which it has been my custom to store the tissues. The following procedure was prac- ticed in all stages up to about 12 days after insemination: The animals were anaesthetized and the head severed from the body, to admit of free bleeding. The rat was then fastened to a board, and thorax and abdomen opened by a mid-sagittal in- cision, the abdominal walls pinned back, and the intestine ele- vated toward the thorax. With as little manipulation as pos- sible, the ovaries were separated from their attachment, the mesometrium cut, the uterine horns elevated and the vagina severed. The whole genital tract was then placed on a clean slide and arranged in approximately normal position. Slight tension was maintained by tying a thread to the connective tissue removed with each ovary and bringing the threads along the reverse side of the slide and tying them to the vagina. If the slide is clean, the mesometrium of each uterine horn may be spread out evenly and caused to adhere to the slide. Ovaries, oviducts, and uterine horns may thus be spread out in normal position and each uterine horn fixed as a straight tube. When thus arranged on the slide, the preparation was placed in a relatively large quantity of Carnoy’s fluid, fixed, and then trans- ferred through several absolute alcohols. For nearly all the material used in this study, the method of fixation was as here given. In the earlier stages of material collection, attempts were made to obtain segmentation stages in warm normal salt solution. Several were thus obtained and were used to control 8 G. CARL HUBER the observations made on sections, as will be discussed later. By cutting the oviduct at about its middle, freeing it from its mesosalpinx and cutting the uterus about | ecm. below the in- sertion of the oviduct, a pipette fitted with a rubber bulb and filled with warm normal salt solution can be inserted into the uterine cavity and moderate pressure made. It is usually possible to wash into a watch erystal a certain number of the contained segmenting ova. Before reading the article by Widakowich, essentially the same method as employed by him, for isolating implanted blastodermic vesicles was developed. This may be quite readily done after fixation in Carnoy’s fluid and teasing under a stereoscopic binocular. Vesicles sectioned in situ, however, gave on the whole more satisfactory results, so that teasing out implanted vesicles was not resorted to. The fixed tissues were imbedded in paraffin, using xylol as a clearing fluid. For stages including those falling within the period ranging from the first to the fourth day after insemination, the ovary and oviduct to its insertion in the uterus, were em- bedded en masse. For stages falling within the period of fifth to sixth day after insemination, the uterine horns were divided into segments measuring about 1.5 em., and sectioned parallel to the plane of the mesometrium. For later stages, after the enlargements in the uterine horns are distinctly evident, these were removed and cut severally in the three planes. The great majority of the sections were cut at a thickness of 10 1; certain ones at a thickness of 5u;afew at athickness of 7u. The sections were fixed to the slide by the water-albumen method. The great ma- jority of the series were stained in hemalum, counterstained in Congored. This solution, which presents certain advantages as a counterstain for embryologic tissues, is prepared as follows: 0.5 ems. of Congo red (Griibler) is placed in 100 cem. of distilled water and the water brought to boiling. This should give a clear solution. Before cooling, add 100 cem. of distilled water and 10 cem. of absolute alcohol. The Congo red solution thus pre- pared may be kept many weeks. After staining the series in the usual way in hemalum, they are differentiated in acid alcohol, and passed through several washes of ‘tap water’ into distilled DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT Q water. They are then stained in the Congo red solution, which may be diluted with distilled water about five times. With the diluted solution, the counterstaining requires one to two hours. The sections are then rinsed in distilled water, differentiated in 80 per cent alcohol, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in damar. Certain of the series were stained in Heidenhain’s iron-hema- toxylin and counterstained in Congo red. The drawings accom- panying this contribution were nearly all drawn on coarse ‘Ross board,’ with the aid of the camera lucida at a magnification of 1000 diameters, using pencil and India ink. Such drawings admit of liberal reduction, and give a detail not readily obtained otherwise. Free use has been made of the Born method of re- construction, especially for earlier stages. The majority of the models thus obtained are here reproduced. I desire to express my sincere thanks and appreciation of the very material aid given me by Mr. Wayne J. Atwell, then Assist- ant in the Department of Histology and Embryology of the University of Michigan, in the making of the reconstructions of the oviducts included in this account. OVULATION, MATURATION, AND FERTILIZATION When this study was projected, it was the purpose to begin it with the stages of maturation and fertilization. During the time of material collection, there appeared the contribution of Sobotta and Burckhard: “Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies der Weissen Rate,’’ covering these stages fairly completely. Duplication of their work did not seem necessary, so that my own studies begin with the pronuclear stage, to which stage the above mentioned investigators had carried their observations. Therefore, as concerns the process of ovulation, maturation, and fertilization as observed in the albino rat, I am confined for my data to the literature; from which a brief résumé is here made. The normal gestation period for non-lactating albino rats may be roughly estimated as from 21 to 23 days. As has been shown by King, the period of gestation of lactating albino rats varies 10 G. CARL HUBER from a minimum of 24 days to a maximum of 34 days. The aver- age number in a litter is six. In lactating females suckling five or less young and carrying five or less young, the period of gestation usually does not exceed 23 days and may thus be con- sidered as normal. In lactating females suckling five or less young, while they are carrying more than five young, the period of gestation may be prolonged from one to six days. In lactating females suckling more than five young, the period of gestation is always prolonged, and may be prolonged to a maximum of 34 days. Daniel’s studies on the white mouse lead him to formu- late the following law: ‘‘The period of gestation in lactating mothers varies directly with the young suckled.’ Such exact relation between the number of young suckled and the extent of the prolongation of the gestation period was not observed by King for the albino rat. In the albino rat, ovulation occurs spontaneously and is not dependent on copulation, which act, however, may precede or follow ovulation. Kirkham and Burr state that ovulation usually occurs about 24 hours after parturition and that the developing ova can be traced in the ovary through the two oestrus cycles preceding their discharge. Long, in his study No. 3, by Mark and Long, finds that ovulation must occur in the albino rat on an average not less than 18 hours after par- turition. Sobotta and Burekhard state that ovulation always occurs within 36 hours post partem, though at very variable periods, often only a few hours after the completion of parturi- tion; again, much later. A second ovulation period apparently occurs some 30 days post partem, as would appear from the successful pairings conducted by Dr. Stotsenburg. This agrees with the observations of Melissinos, who found that pairings were more numerous when attempted 29 days after parturition, than when attempted 20 to 21 days after parturition, as practiced by Sobotta. Semination probably takes place in the ampullar portion of the oviduct. Relatively few spermatozoa enter the oviducts and Sobotta and Burekhard estimate that the life of the spermatozoa in the genital tracts of the albino rat is only about 10 hours. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 11 The phenomena of maturation and fertilization in the albino rat have been carefully studied by Sobotta and Burekhard, from whose account the following brief summary is taken: The behavior of the ovum of the albino rat with respect to the forma- tion of polar bodies is very similar to that of most other mammals studied. The first polar body is given off within the ovarian follicle, the second in the oviduct and only after semination. The first maturation spindle, developed from the nucleus of the oocyte of the first order, forms usually immediately after par- turition. Kirkham and Burr state “it is usually formed less than 24 hours after parturition.” It is short and broad, with the chromatin scattered. The first maturation spindle lies near the center of the ovum, then passes toward the surface assuming a tangential position, and only with the beginning of metakinesis, takes a radial position. The chromosomes of the first maturation spindle, estimated as numbering 16, appear in the form of modified rings, which are divided transversely across to form short rounded rods with a longitudinal direction in the diaster stage. The first polar body is formed in the ovarian follicle and appears to be relatively large. It is evident only in the ovarian ovum, and appears to be lost soon after its formation. Its fate is doubtful. The first polar body is nearly always missing in tubal ova. Kirkham and Burr state that ‘the rare occurrence of the first polar body associated with the egg in the tube is to be attributed to its rapid disintegration, which begins as soon as it is formed, and may lead to complete disappearance before ovulation occurs.”’ The second maturation division begins immediately after the completion of the first, without an inter- vening resting phase. The spindle formed is narrower and longer than the first, with the chromatin massed. In its monas- ter stage, it lies in a tangential position, with the chromatin in diads, and with the lines of division at right angles to the axis of the spindle. The appearance of the second maturation spindle in the monaster stage marks the end of the maturation phenomena in the ovary. The monaster stage of the second oocyte division was not observed in the ovary by Sobotta and Burekhard, but was seen by Kirkham and Burr. The first [2 G. CARL HUBER division Sobotta and Burekhard regard as a reduction division, a heterotypic longitudinal division; the second as an equatorial division, a homeotypic longitudinal division. Ovulation prob- ably occurs during the monaster stage of the second maturation division. The tubal ova are surrounded by a relatively thin oolemma to which are adherent a variable number of discus cells. They are smaller than the ovarian ova; the latter measuring 60 u to 65 u, the tubal ova 55 » to 60u. The recently discharged tubal ova are to be found in the distended ampullar portion of the oviduct, where they are found clumped together surrounded by discus cells. Semination takes place in this region. The spermatozoa usually enter while the tubal ova are in the mon- aster stage of the second maturation division, after which meta- kinesis begins. The second maturation spindle assumes a radial position in the metakinetic phase. The second polar body is smaller than the first, and usually les compressed between the oolemma and the ooplasm, and is evident during fertilization and segmentation. The spermatozoan head penetrates the thin oolemma and the ooplasma; the long middle piece and _ tail following the head into the ooplasma, as has been shown by Coe, and Kirkham and Burr. The long middle piece, soon after penetrating the ooplasma, presents an increase in stainability, and its spiral thread becomes evident. The spiral thread, as Duesberg has shown, has its origin in the mitachondria of the spermatid. It may be, therefore, that the male sexual cell introduces mitachondria to the egg cell at the time of fertilization. Some little time after the penetration of the sperm head, this enlarges and becomes vacuolated, and diplosomes with polar rays become evident. As the sperm head begins to metamor- phose, tending to the formation of the male pronucleus, the chro- mosome group of the dispireme of the second maturation spindle, undergoes metamorphosis to form the female pronucleus. This enlarges rapidly to form a vesicular nucleus which lies free in the ooplasm, while the metamorphosing male pronucleus, usually smaller, is accompanied by a deeply staining thread-like struc- ture, derived from the middle piece. The centrosomes of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 13 first segmentation spindle are by inference derived from the sperm centrosome. The data here given, as concerns the matu- ration and fertilization phenomena pertaining to the albino rat, unless otherwise credited, have been drawn from the account of Sobotta and Burckhard, whose account is accompanied by excellent figures. Long has studied in living ova of mice and rats the phenomena of maturation and fertilization. Tubal ova were placed in Ring- er’s solution on an especially constructed slide and spermatozoa introduced. It was possible to seminate the ova of rats with rat spermatozoa and to observe the formation of the second polar body. The formation of the second polar body, ‘usually near the first polar cell, may begin within five minutes to two or more hours after the spermatozoa are introduced. The con- striction may be finished three-fourths of an hour later.’ ““The first appearance is an elevation clearer than the rest of the cell. The swelling becomes higher, and at one side of the elevation there appears a depression which is the beginning of the constric- tion which presently encircles the whole swelling and cuts it off from the egg.’”’ Nothing couldbe said as to the changes which the chromatin undergoes after the spermatozoa have penetrated the egg. The eggs remained alive and apparently normal for about twelve hours, after which they began to degenerate. PRONUCLEAR STAGE As has been stated, my own observations on the develop- ment of the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus) begin with the pronuclear stage. The material at hand for this stage is listed in table 1, page 258. Thus there are present in the series 34 ova showing a pro- nuclear stage and 9 ova showing the second maturation spindle in the monaster phase. The latter may be dismissed with the brief statement that they represent unfertilized ova. In rat No. 108, with 7 ova in the stage of the second maturation spindle, killed 24 hours after the observed copulation, there was found no trace of spermatozoa in the oviduct. Two reasons may be offered for the non-appearance of fertilization in this case: 14 G. CARL HUBER TABLE 1 | | STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT RECORD HOURS AFTER BEGINNING NUMBER OF | ees tS 2aaF uy NUMBER OF INSEMINATION | OVA | | Second matu- | Pronuclear ration spindle eae : A | ats 106 24 hours 8 | 8 107 24 hours 11 | 10 1 108 24 hours if 7 109 24 hours, 15 min. 9 8 1 110 24 hours, 15 min. 8 s Total 43 34 9 Ovulation may have occurred so late that the spermatozoa may have died before the ova reached the ampullar portion of the oviduct. This explanation, it would seem, is invalidated by the fact that the position of the ova in the oviduct, as shown by graphie reconstruction, is essentially the same as in the other four rats studied, and in which fertilized ova were found, so that ovulation must have preceded the killing of the animal by some hours. The other reason, more plausible, attributes non-fertili- zation to a pathologie condition of the genital tract. In this rat, one ovary was distinctly pathologic, with periovarian capsule greatly distended with a sanguinous liquid, while the upper end of the uterine horn with adjacent oviduct on the other side, as seen in sections, presented evidence of inflammation and epithe- lial desquamation, in part occluding the lumen. It seemed evident, therefore, that the spermatozoa introduced in the genital tract were unable to penetrate to the oviduct and consummate fertilization. The other two unfertilized ova, found with ova in the pronuclear stage, were in oviducts in which no spermato- zoa were found. Both in the mouse and the rat, relatively few spermatozoa reach the upper end of the oviduct; too few, it would seem, to consummate fertilization of all the ova in certain cases. Tn all of the ova which contained the second maturation spindle, this was in the monaster phase and in tangential position. In size, shape, and chromatin configuration, all presented the char- acteristics described and figured by Sobotta and Burckhard and Kirkham and Burr, therefore, need not be considered further. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 15 The stage of pronuclei was observed in over 100 ova of the white rat by Sobotta and Burckhard. According to these ob- servers, the two pronuclei show in the earlier stages of their development, large chromatin-like nucleoli, the number of which varies. Some little time later, one or several such chroma- toid nucleolar bodies with irregularly formed chromatin masses arranged on the linin network are to be observed. At a still later time, the chromatin becomes distributed over the linin network, throughout the nuclear space, giving the appearance of a fine chromatin network. One of the pronuclei is, as a rule, somewhat smaller than the other. This is regarded as the male Fig. 1 Tubal ova, albino rat. X 200. A, rat No. 110, 24 hours, 15 min., ovum in pronuclear stage, larger nucleus female pronucleus; B, and C, rat No. 59, 2 days, 2-cell stages, thin oolemma showing in C, only partially seen in B; D, rat No. 62, 2 days, 22 hours, 3-cell stage, the nucleus of the unsegmented blastomere in the monaster phase, only one of the other two cells showing in the figure. pronucleus, since near it the ‘sperm centrum’ was now and then observed. The pronuclei lie in about the center of the ovum. The pronuclear stages of my own material, observed in 34 ova, obtained 24 hours after the beginning of insemination— thus at the end of the first day of development—all present essen- tially the same stage of metamorphosis. As may be seen in A of figure 1, the nuclei are distinctly membraned, and are of relatively large size. The ovum here sketched measures in the stained preparation 70 u by 62 u, and is, therefore, of slightly oval form. Sobotta and Burckhard give 55 u to 60 yu as the size of the tubal ova, and 60 » to 65 uw as the size of the ovarian ova in 16 G. CARL HUBER the white rat. JXirkham and Burr give the diameter of the living unsegmented egg of the rat as of 0.079 mm. As may be seen from A and B, of figure 2, the tubal ova, even when free in the oviduct, are not of necessity spherical in shape, but often slightly compressed, as may be clearly seen in four models of tubal ova in the pronuclear stage, reconstructed at a magnifica- tion of 1000 diameters, in my possession. Depending on the plane of section, the diameter of a tubal ovum may thus vary to the extent of 5 u to 8 uw. The two nuclei in the preparation shown in A of figure 1, measure, the larger one, regarded as the female pronucleus, 23 » by 16 yu, the smaller 17 uw by 15 u. Essen- tially all of the chromatin is distributed over the linin network in fine granules, the larger nucleus presenting one large, faintly- Fig. 2. Models, made after the Born method, of two tubal ova of the albino rat in the pronuclear stage. > 200. A,rat No. 106, 24 hours; B, rat No. 110, 24 hours, 15 min. Reconstructions made at a magnification of 1000 diameters, figure reduced in reproduction. staining chromatoid nucleolus, The ooplasm is finely granular, distributed so as to give the section a slightly mottled appear- ance. When compared with figures given by Sobotta and Burekhard (figs. 21 to 24, plates 9-10) showing pronuclear stages of the ova of the rat, my own seem to fall in about the middle of this series, thus some little time after their formation, but not immediately preceding the stage of segmentation spindle formation. In the albino rat, and perhaps in other mammals, the pronuclear stage, in its various phases of nuclear metamorphosis, must constitute a stage covering a relatively long period. If it is assumed that semination occurs about 10 to 12 hours after the beginning of insemination, such assumption being justified by the observations of Sobotta and Burekhard, according to whom the life of the spermatozoa in the genital tract of the white rat is only about 10 hours, and if it is recalled that in DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 17 living rat ova Long found that the constriction of the second polar body may be completed three-fourths of an hour after its inception, then it must be evident that the pronuclear stage extends through a period which exceeds 10 to 12 hours, since in none of my pronuclear stages obtained 24 hours after insemina- tion was evidence of first segmentation spindle observed. In order to determine accurately the relative position of the ova within the oviduct during the pronuclear stage and the stages of segmentation, oviducts containing ova were recon- structed after the Born wax plate method. In form, relations, and general structure, the oviduct of the albino rat is essen- tially the same as that of the mouse as described by Sobotta. The oviduct of the rat measures from fimbriated end to termination in the uterine horn from 2.5 em. to about 3.0 em. It presents eight to ten fairly constant major folds, the middle group of which is closely applied to the ovarian capsule. The upper or distal folds pierce the capsule, ending in the fimbriated end found within the capsule, while the lower or proximal folds, proximal with reference to the uterine horn, effect connection with the uterine horn. These relations are essentially the same as those described by Sobotta for the oviduct of the mouse. This observer recognizes four segments in the oviduct of the mouse, characterized by epithelial lining, nature and extent of folding of the mucosa, and thickness of the musculature. The first segment, which falls to the infundibulum, presents a thin muscu- lature and high mucosal folds with epithelial lining consisting of relatively short cylindrical cells with distinct cuticular border and long cilia. As characteristic of this portion of the tube there are further described accessory nuclei compressed between the epithelial cells. Only this portion of the oviduct is ciliated. In the second segment, the lumen is large and the folds of the mucosa prominent. They are covered by a non-ciliated epithe- lium, without distinct cuticular border. The musculature is relatively thin. In the third segment the musculature is well developed with circularly and longitudinally disposed cells. The lumen is narrow and the folds are nearly absent, while the epithe- lium is of a simple columnar variety. The fourth segment, not so well characterized, consists of the loops which make con- 18 G. CARL HUBER nection with the uterine horns, with folds and epithelium much as in the third segment, and a prominent musculature. In all essentials, this description applies to the oviduct of the albino rat, except that in the first segment the accessory nuclei de- scribed by Sobotta as found between the epithelial cells were not evident in the rat. In figure 3, is reproduced a model of a wax reconstruction of the right oviduct of rat No. 106, killed 24 hours after the beginning of insemination, and containing eight ova in the pronuclear stage. This oviduct measured from fimbria to termination in the uterine horn 3.2 cm. It pre- sents 10 major folds, which folds may be recognized with more Fig. 3 Model of right oviduct of rat No. 106, 24 hours. X 10. Fimbriated end and infundibulum removed in the drawing so as to expose underlying loops; their relative position given in dotted outline. The position of the ova, which are outlined in circles, is shown as if seen through a transparent wall. ‘The rela- tive position of three of the eight ova found within this tube cannot be revealed in this view of the model. or less clearness in all the models made and here reproduced. The slight difference in the relative position of these folds as seen in the several figures may be accounted for by the varying de- grees of tension to which the tissues were subjected prior to fixation. In rat No. 106, the ovaries with oviduct and upper end of the uterine horn, were excised and placed in the fixing fluid without applying any tension. Of these 10 major folds, the four distal ones, those beginning with the fimbriated end, fall to segments one and two of Sobotta’s designation, having a wide lumen and folded mucosa. In the figure, the position of the ova is indicated by small black circles. By reason of the relation of the folds, only five of the.eight ova can be brought DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 19 to view in the aspect of the model sketched. The position of the first and the last of the series is correctly given. The ova are situated in a loop of the oviduct which is about 8 mm. from the fimbriated end. By the end of the first day after the begin- ning of insemination, the ova have thus travelled about one- fourth the length of the oviduct. In figure 4 is reproduced a model of a detailed reconstruction of that portion of the oviduct Fig. 4 Model of the segment of the right oviduct of rat No. 106, 24 hours, containing the ova the general position of which is shown in Figure 3. 50. The wall is in part removed, so as to expose the lumen. Note the character of the folds of the mucosa. ‘The relative position of the eight contained ova, all in the pronuclear stage, is clearly shown. containing the ova, representing a loop of the tube with one side cut away, this to show the extent and character of the mucosal folds, the width of the lumen and the relative position of the several ova. The figure presents these facts so clearly that lengthy description is deemed unnecessary. The several ova are distributed through a tube segment measuring about 2.5mm. inlength. They lie free in the lumen, apparently bathed in a fluid from which there is only a small amount of precipita- tion at the time of fixation. Their position in the oviduct at 20 G. CARL HUBER this stage, free in the lumen, is well shown in figure 5, which is from a longitudinal section of a loop from the left oviduct of rat No. 109, showing three ova, with but few remaining discus cells and a thread of coagulum linking the ova together, an appearance quite characteristic at this stage. The figure was drawn by aid of camera lucida from a single section. All of the ova, of which there are seven, distributed through this loop, con- tain two pronuclei; in none of the ova figured do the two pronuclei Fig. 5 Camera lucida drawing of a portion of a section of the left oviduct of rat No. 104, 24 hours, 15 min. »X 100. Three ova with a few discus cells, are shown as lying free within the lumen. The ova are in the pronuclear stage, not shown in this section, but readily ascertained by tracing through the series. The loop of the oviduct here shown in section is cut longitudinally, thus the folds of the mucosa are not prominent. fall in the same section. My series contains seven oviducts with pronuclear stages, with accompanying ovary, cut serially. Only one of the oviducts, rat No. 106, was reconstructed in wax. In the other six, graphic reconstructions were made. This permits analysing the loops, determines their sequence, but does not readily admit of measuring their length. In the six oviducts graphically reconstructed, the position of the ova, the number of which varies from one to seven in the several tubes, is essen- tially as in the wax reconstruction figured. It would appear, DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 21 therefore, that in the albino rat, 24 hours after the beginning of insemination, the ova are to be found in the pronuclear stage, with the ova distributed in the end of the third to the beginning of the fourth major loop of the oviduct, a portion of the oviduct having a relatively wide lumen and lined by a much folded mucosa and possessing a relatively thin muscular wall, having thus migrated about one-fourth of the length of the oviduct. SEGMENTATION STAGES 2-cell stage. The material on which my own observations of this stage are based is listed in table 2. TABLE 2 HOURS AFTER BEGINNING EC NUMBER NU) a r OV: STAGE =eVELOPMEN RECORD NUMB OF INSEMINATION NUMBER OF OVA TAGE OF DEVELOPMENT 60 1 day, 18 hours vi 2-cell stage 59 2 days 8 2-cell stage it. 9 ae yr . 58 2 days, 17 hours 8 J fy 2 IEE SESS; ’ | 1, 3-cell stage 61 2 days, 18 hours 8 2-cell stage 9_-np via 62 2 days, 22 hours 11 Be ac oe: 1, 3-cell stage Thus in all 40 ova after the completion of the first segmenta- tion division and 2 ova in the 3-cell stage, in each of which the undivided blastomere presents a nucleus in mitosis. My own material lacks stages showing the formation of the first segmentation spindle, the conjugation of the two pronuclel, and the first segmentation division. I am forced to proceed from the pronuclear stage to that showing the first two blasto- meres. It was not possible to supplement my material after this was sectioned and the stages determined, since it was only after leaving The Wistar Institute that this gap in my series was recog- nized. This is the more to be regretted since neither Melissinos, Sobotta and Burekhard, nor Kirkham and Burr, all of whom have considered maturation and fertilization as observed in the albino rat, discuss these stages in their account. In the albino rat, the fusion of the two pronuclei on the first segmentation D2, G. CARL HUBER spindle, and the first segmentation division would appear to fall to a period ranging from the beginning to near the middle of the second dayafter the beginning of insemination, probably about 30 to 32 hours after insemination. In the mouse, in which these stages have been very completely and carefully investi- gated by Sobotta, the conjugation of the pronuclei and the first segmentation spindle formation falls to the end of the first day after copulation. These phenomena appear to be passed through rather quickly in the mouse ovum, covering a period of only about one and a half to two hours. The 2-cell stage with resting nuclei extends through a relatively long period. In the mouse it extends through nearly an entire day, as shown by Sobotta, who found 2-cell stages present through a period ranging from 25 hours to 48 hours after copulation. Melissinos often observed the 2-cell stage with resting nuclei in both mice and rats in material gathered 24 hours after copulation and to 44 hours thereafter. It is to be regretted that this ob- server does not differentiate more specifically between ova of mice and rats in his description. As a rule it is impossible to determine except by inference to which of the two varieties of ova his account refers. It may be assumed that the statements made apply equally well to the ova of either the mouse or the rat. In my own material, the 2-cell stage was observed during a period extending from 1 day, 18 hours to 2 days, 22 hours after the beginning of insemination, thus for a period extending over more than 24 hours. In the albino rat, the first two blastomeres are equivalent cells of essentially the same size and structure, as may be seen from B and C, of figure 1, drawn respectively of ova found in the right and left oviducts of rat No. 59, killed two days after the beginning of insemination, and regarded as repre- sentative ova. The two cells of each ovum are not spherical, but of shghtly oval form, with relatively large, distinctly mem- branated nuclei, with fine chromatin granules scattered on the linin network and a number of relatively large chromatoid nucleoli. The cytoplasm presents a granular appearance, the granules being evenly distributed throughout the cell. In my own material, I seldom find the two cells lying in the same plane, DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 23 but one cell, as a rule, rises slightly higher than the other. This is more clearly seen in reconstructions than in sections. In figure 6 are shown reconstructions of the 2-cell stages, figured in B and C of figure 1. In B, of the figures, the plane of section is at right angles to the vertical axis of the reconstruction as shown in B of figure 6, while in C of figure 1, the plane of section is parallel to the vertical axis of the reconstruction shown in A of figure 6. The equivalence or non-equivalence of the first two blastomeres of the segmenting mammalian ovum has been the subject of discussion since the time of Van Beneden’s funda- mental observations on the segmentation of the ovum of the rab- bit. This discussion has been summarized a number of times in recent years, and need not be entered into here. Suffice to say that the consensus of opinion of the more recent contributors A B Fig. 6 Models, obtained by reconstruction after the Born method, of the 2-cell stages of the albino rat. Rat No. 59, 2 days. X 200. is, that the first two blastomeres of the mammalian ovum are equivalent in size and structure if the stage is observed soon after its formation. As above stated, the 2-cell stage of the mam- malian ovum extends through a relatively long period, probably about 24 hours. The two cells do not as a rule divide synchron- ously, the division of one preceding the other by some little time, resulting in a 3-cell stage. The cell to divide first increases slightly in size and presents a clearer protoplasm prior to its division. Ina2-cell stage, viewed in this phase of eytomorphosis, one of the cells appears slightly larger with clearer protoplasm than does the other cell, explaining the difference in size and structure observed by Van Beneden and by other observers who concur in his views. I am convinced that a difference in the size of the two cells may be accounted for by the plane of section in which they are cut, even though the nuclei of both cells are included in the section. In the figures of sections of the 2-cell 24 G. CARL HUBER stage of the mouse, given by Sobotta and Melissinos, the nuclei of the two cells he in about their center and essentially in the same plane. In my own material of the 2-cell stage of the albino rat it is not unusual to find the nuclei of the respective cells nearer the opposite poles of the two cells than at their centers, as shown in C, of figure 1. In B of this figure, where the two nuclei appear as lying much nearer the center of the cells, they are in reality placed much as in C, as is shown by the reconstruction. od Fig. 7 Model of the right oviduct of rat No. 59, 2 days. X10. Not quite the entire oviduct was available for reconstruction, the upper end of the uterine horn thus not shown in the figure. The position of the four 2-cell stages, each of which is outlined in a circle, found within the tube, is shown as if seen through a transparent wall. To determine the position of the segmented ovum in the 2-cell stage in the oviduct, reconstructions were made of two oviducts. In figure 7 is shown a reconstruction of the right oviduct of rat No. 59, killed two days after the beginning of insemination. In preparing the material for embedding, this oviduct was cut not quite at its insertion into the uterine horn. The portion of the oviduct reconstructed measures 2.29 cm. Nine major loops are shown. The four ova in the 2-cell stage found in this tube are situated in the sixth to the seventh loop at a distance of about 1.4 em. from the fimbriated end. This portion of the oviduct falls to segment three of Sobotta’s designa- tion. It is lined by non-ciliated epithelium resting on a mucosa with inconspicuous secondary folds, but presenting four or five characteristic major folds. This portion of the oviduct is closely DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 25 applied to the outside of the ovarian capsule, and conspicuous in all of the figures of models of the oviducts here presented. The detail of the distribution of the ova in the tube is given in figure 8, a reconstruction under a higher magnification of the segment of the oviduct containing the ova. The lumen is exposed so that the character of the mucosal folds may be seen. The ova are spaced in a segment of the tube measuring 3 mm., and are Fig. 8 Model of the segment of the right oviduct of rat No. 59, 2 days, con- taining the four 2-cell stages as shown in figure 7. X 50. Note the absence of prominent folds in the mucosa. The segment presented in the reconstruction measures 3 mm. The four 2-cell stages contained in this tube are relatively widely spaced. in this case more widely separated than is usual for this stage. In figure 9, there is reproduced a reconstruction of the left ovi- duct of rat No. 62, killed 2 days, 22 hours after the beginning of insemination. This tube was also cut a little before its in- sertion into the uterine horn. The portion reconstructed meas- ures 2.45 ecm. In it there are found five ova in the 2-cell stage, situated about 2 em. from the fimbriated end, and in the last loop of the third segment of the oviduct. The five ova are closely 26 G. CARL HUBER grouped between two opposing folds of the mucosa. Their general relations are shown in figure 10, a reconstruction under higher magnification of the segment of the oviduct containing Fig. 9 . Model of the left oviduct of rat No. 62, 2 days, 22 hours. X 10. Not quite the entire oviduct was available for reconstruction, thus the relative posi- tion of the upper end of the uterine horn is not shown in this figure. Fimbriated end and infundibulum removed in the drawing, so as to expose the underlying loops; their relative position is given in dotted outline. The position of five 2- cell stages, found within this tube, is given as if seen through a transparent wall. Fig. 10 Model of the segment of the left oviduct of rat No. 62, 2 days, 22 hours, containing the five 2-cell stages, the general position of which is shown in figure 9. 50. Note the compact grouping of the ova. the ova, cut so as to expose the lumen. At the magnification used it was not possible to reproduce in the model the exact shape of the several ova, their relative position is, however, correctly given. In all, ten oviducts, containing 40 ova in the 2-cell stage, are included in my series. Of these, two, as above given, were reconstructed by the Born method. The other eight were reconstructed graphically, beginning with the uterine DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 27 end of the tubes. In six of these, the ova are quite closely grouped as given in the reconstructions shown in figures 9 and 10. In the remaining two they were more widely spaced, about as shown in figures 7 and 8. In the oviducts taken from rats Nos. 58, 61, 62, killed respectively 2 days, 17 hours, 2 days, 18 hours, and 2 days, 22 hours, after insemination, the ova are found in a portion of the tube which corresponds very closely to that shown in the reconstruction presented in figure 9. In rat No. 60, killed 1 day, 18 hours after insemination, the ova are more widely spaced and are situated in a segment of the oviduct approximately one loop nearer the fimbriated end than that given in figure 7, a model of the oviduct of rat No. 59, killed two days after insemination. In one of the segmented ova of rat No. 60, the two blastomeres resulting from the first segmentation division are distinctly sep- arated by a space equal to about one-half of the diameter of each of the cells. No oolemma is discernible. The two separated cells appear normal in size, shape, and structure, as do also their nuclei. They lie free in a slightly distended portion of the lumen, and appear not to have been separated as a consequence of ma- nipulation. The possibility of each developing separately is suggested, and may be offered as a possible explanation of the occurrence of very small embryos now and then found among others showing normal development. King states that “On dissecting pregnant females (rats) one frequently finds one or more embryos that are much smaller than the rest. While in some instances such small embryos appear normal and are presumably either runts or embryos that have resulted from superfecunda- tion, in the majority of cases they are pathological, probably because of faulty implantation of the ovum.” My own material contains pathologic ova and embryos in different stages of development. This portion of the material will be considered in Part II, where the possibility of the occurrence of half em- bryos will be discussed. As may have been seen, the 2-cell stage of the albino rat covers a period of somewhat more than 24 hours, extending from about the middle of the second day until toward the end of the third 28 G. CARL HUBER day after the beginning of insemination. During this period the segmented ova migrate in the oviduct for a distance equaling nearly half its length. The trustworthiness of the material, it would seem to me, is shown by the fact that in the shorter time stages the segmented ova are situated nearer the fimbriated end, while in the longer time stages they approach the region of the insertion of the oviduct into the uterine horn. This is clearly shown in the reconstructions shown in figures 7 and 8. A 3-cell stage was observed only twice: in one of eight ova contained in the oviducts of rat No. 58 (2 days, 17 hours) and in one of eleven ova found in the oviducts of rat No. 62 (2 days, Fig. 11 Two views of each of three models of 4-cell stages of the albino rat. Rat No. 50,3 days, lhour. X 200. A, B, and C, gives aside view, A’, B’, and C’ a vertical view, of each of the three models. 22 hours). All the other ova found in these two animals were in the 2-cell stage. In the two 3-cell stages noted, the undivided blastomeres of each ovum presented a nucleus in mitosis; in one, in the monaster phase, in one, in the diaster phase. The divi- sion of the first two blastomeres, resulting in the 4-cell stage, it would appear, occurs in the albino rat toward the end of the third day. The material gathered at the beginning of the fourth day after insemination presents throughout a 4-cell stage. In D of figure 1 is shown reproduced one of the sections of a series of six sections including one of the ova in the 3-cell stage. Only one of the two cells resulting from the division of one of the first two blastomeres is included in the section; the cell in mitosis represents the undivided blastomere. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 29 4-cell stage. The material includes the oviducts of two rats, Nos. 50 and 63, killed 3 days and 1 hour after the beginning of insemination, with twelve ova in the 4-cell stage. In figure 11, there are shown two views of each of the models obtained by reconstruction after the Born method, at a magnification of 1000, of the three 4-cell stages found in the oviducts of rat No. 50. The drawing of the reconstructions do not present the conventional figures of the 4-cell stage of the mammalian egg. In none of the twelve ova of this stage was the plane of section such as to include all of the four cells in one section. Nearly all Fig. 12 Cross-section of right oviduct of rat No. 50, 3 days, 1 hour. ™ 100. This section contains two cells of a 4-cell stage of the albino rat, slightly com- pressed between the folds of the tubal mucosa. lie in a portion of the tube which presents a relatively narrow lumen, and appear as if slightly compressed between the folds of the mucosa. I am not disposed to regard this as a resultant of fixation, due to contraction at the time of fixation. In figure 12 is reproduced a cross section of the right oviduct of rat No. 50, passing through a 4-cell stage. It is evident that in shape the two cells included in the section, conform in the main to the form of the lumen, the mucosa appearing as slightly retracted to one side of the egg mass. This conformity in shape of cell mass to the form of the lumen I find quite general in my material showing segmentation stages of the albino rat, to some extent 30 G. CARL HUBER even in the 2-cell stage, more clearly shown in the 4-cell and later segmentation stages, as will appear from further reconstructions presented. It would seem to me reasonable to assume that these cell masses are of such plasticity that they are molded by the tubal mucosa rather than they would compress the mucosa and maintain an inherent form. A number of segmented ova in presumably the 6- and 8-cell stages were removed from oviducts by injection and studied in warm normal salt solution, in a liy- ing state. In the warm normal salt solution the morula masses Fig. 13 Model of right oviduct of rat No. 50, 3 days, 1 hour. »X 10. A short segment of the upper end of the uterine horn, lower part of the figure, is included. The fimbriated end and a part of the infundibulum removed in the drawing so as to expose the underlying loops; their relative position is indicated in dotted outline. The position of the four ova in the 4-cell stage, at the beginning of the last loop of the oviduct, is shown as if seen through a transparent wall. presented a nearly spherical form, conforming to the conventional illustrations of the same. In none of the sections of fixed material of my series was this the case. The form of the cell mass, assumed by the segmenting mammalian ovum in early stages of segmenta- tion, therefore, seems to me a question more for academic dis- cussion than one of fundamental importance. The right ovi- duct of rat No. 50 (3 days, 1 hour) was reconstructed after the Born method. This model is reproduced in figure 13, and includes the uppermost end of the uterine horn. The oviduct DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 31 measures 2.8 cm. and contains four ova in the 4-cell stage, situ- ated at the beginning of the last loop leading to the uterine horn, 2.25 em. from the fimbriated end, thus in the fourth seg- ment of the oviduct as of Sobotta’s designation. In figure 14 is reproduced a detailed reconstruction of the segment of the oviduct containing the ova, with the convex portion of the wall of this loop, as shown in figure 13, removed. The section re- produced in figure 12, passes through the lower of the three upper ova, shown in reconstruction in figure 14. In the figure of the reconstruction as also in that of the section, is shown the groove in which these three ova lie. The other oviducts con- Fig. 14 Model of the segment of the right oviduct, rat No. 50, 3 days, 1 hour, containing the four ova in the 4-cell stage, the general position of which is shown in figure 13. The convex portion of the wall of the loop containing the ova is removed, so as to expose the lumen. taining 4-cell stages were reconstructed graphically, beginning with the uterine end. The position of the ova in each is essen- tially as given in the model reproduced in figure 13. 8-cell stage. In rat No. 57, killed 3 days, 17 hours after the beginning of insemination, there are found in the left oviduct, six segmented ova in the 8-cell stage and one segmented ovum in the 11-cell stage. The right ovary and oviduct was injured in the process of embedding and could not be used for sectioning. The ova are spaced in the loop of the oviduct which terminates in the uterine horn. Six of the segmented ova were recon- structed, the seventh was not detected at the time the recon- structions were made. The six models obtained are reproduced By G. CARL HUBER in figure 15, two views of each model being shown. Five of the models, A to E, show 8-cell stages. In F, there is figured an 11-cell stage, three of the cells having completed the next following division. As may be seen from the figures, the form of these morula masses is not spherical but in the main slightly oval, with further irregularities better shown in the models than in the illustrations, due to the fact that the egg masses con- form to the shape of the lumen of the oviduct in the region in which they are found. The mucosa lining the segment of this — Fig. 15 Models, obtained by reconstruction after the Born method, of 8- cell and 11-cell stages of the albino rat. Rat No. 57, 3 days, 17 hours. X 200. Two views of each model is presented. A-A’, to E, E’ are of models of 8-cell stages; F and F’ of a model of a 11-cell stage. oviduct containing the ova presents four quite regular longitudi- nal folds. In figure 16, there is presented a model of a detailed reconstruction of the segment of the oviduct containing the ova, their relative position in the tube and their relation to the major folds is clearly shown. One of these folds it was necessary to in part remove so as to bring to view in the drawing certain of the ova. In figure 17, there is reproduced a portion of one of the sections of the series from which the medel shown in figure 16 was made. The fold of the mucosa occupying the center DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 33 Fig. 16 Model of the segment of the oviduct, rat No. 57, 3 days, 17 hours, containing the ova shown in fig. 15. > 50. A portion of the wall of the oviduct and a part of the major folds of the mucosa are removed in the drawing so as to expose the contained ova. The relative position of the seven ova found in the tube is shown, as also the extent and character of the folds of the mucosa. The exact form of each of the several ova could not be reproduced in the model at the magnification used; their position is given correctly. Fig. 17 Camera lucida drawing of a portion of a section of the left oviduct of rat No. 57, 3 days, 17 hours. X 100. This section is of the series of sections from which the models shown in figures 15 and 16 were made. Sections of four 8-cell stages, as seen in a single section, are included. The close proximity of three of these ova, their relation to the tubal wall and mucosal folds is to be noted. 34 G. CARL HUBER of the drawing, and greatly occluding the lumen, is the fold re- moved in the model. In this very fortunate secticn four of the morula masses are included; all are of the 8-cell stage and repre- sent in section the four ova which are placed closely together as seen in the model figured in figure 16. In figure 19, A, there is reproduced at higher magnification another of the sections of the series, including the right one of the three ova in close apposi- Fig. 18 Model of the left oviduct of rat No. 51, 4 days. x 10. A short segment of the upper end of the uterine horn was included in the reconstruction, lower end of the figure. The position of three of the morula masses, 12-cell to 16-cell stages, in the terminal part of the oviduct is to be noted, a further one is located in the upper part of the uterine horn. These are shown as if seen through a transparent wall. 200. A, 8-cell stage, rat No. 57, 3 days, 17 hours; six of the eight cells, each cut in the plane of its nucleus, are included in the section figured. B, C, and D, 12-cell to 16-cell stages, from right oviduct, rat No. 51, 4 days. the right side. Itis somewhat difficult to determine definitely the number of cells constituting each of the morula. The number appears to vary between 12 and 18, though nearly all of the moru- la masses show certain nuclei in mitosis. The left oviduct with a short adjoining segment of the uterine horn was reconstructed. Slight tension was applied to the tissue prior to fixation, which accounts for the elongation of the proximal loop of the oviduct. The model is reproduced in figure 18. As is evident on study of this figure, three of the morula masses are situated in a por- tion of the oviduct just prior to its insertion in the uterine tube. These are closely grouped between folds of the mucosa. 200. A and B, rat No. 46, 6 days, 14 hours; C, rat No. 54, 6 days, 16 hours; ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Trager; ect.n., ectodermal node; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; v. ent., visceral layer of entoderm; p.ent., parietal entoderm. was drawn under camera lucida from one section, then by super- imposing certain of the cells so as to give proper orientation, the lower half of the figure was added from the succeeding section. The slightly oblique plane in which this vesicle was cut made this procedure desirable. This relatively small vesicle seems in excellent state of fixation, as is evident from the symmetrical outline shown by the successive sections of the series. When compared with vesicle E of figure 23, though the two are sepa- rated in time of development by only afew hours, it is evident 66 G. CARL HUBER that a distinct advance in development has taken place. The so-called floor of vesicle A, the region of the germinal dise of former stages, directed toward the mesometrial border, is mark- edly thickened, resulting in an outgrowth toward the mesometrial border and an ingrowth into the cavity of the vesicle. The out- growth forms the anlage of the ‘Triiger’ (Selenka) or the ‘ecto- placental cone’ (Duval), and appears to have developed largely as a result of an increase in size of the more superficially placed cells, since cell proliferation is not marked in this region. It is admitted that the critical stages are here lacking in my material. These stages appear to fall to the early hours of the seventh day, the material for which is lacking. As may be seen from the figure, the cells constituting the an- lage of the ectoplacental cone are of relatively large size with large vesicular nuclei, and are continuous at the base with the parietal ectodermal cells which form the roof of the vesicle or its antimesometrial portion. In the cell mass which extends into the cavity of the blastodermie vesicle or blastocyst in which there is recognized the anlage of the ‘egg-plug’—‘Eizapfen,’ or ‘egg cylinder’—‘Eicylinder’ (Sobotta) there is evident a fairly clearly circumscribed compact mass of cells, which stain some- what more deeply than the surrounding cells and which may be designated as the ectodermal node. It represents the anlage of the true ectoderm of the embryo, as may here be stated in anticipation of further description. In all of the vesicles of this stage of development, even when cut obliquely or in cross section, this small nodule of compactly arranged cells is evident. It is circumscribed both from the cells of the ectoplacental cone as also from the cells lining the blastocele. The metamorphosis leading to the formation of the ectodermal node will receive con- sideration in a brief general discussion of this stage. The cells covering the egg-plug, and surrounding the ectodermal node, so far as it extends into the blastocele, are arranged in a single layer, forming a dome-shaped membrane, which appears as forced into the cavity of the vesicle consequent on development of the ectodermal node. This layer of cells constitutes the yolk ento- derm, the anlage and differentiation of which has been previously DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 67 considered. The antimesometrial portion of this vesicle, its roof, consists of a single layer of somewhat flattened cells, the parietal or transitory ectoderm. The parietal ectoderm presents on its inner surface a few—four in the section figured—entodermal cells of irregular outline. These may be designated, after So- botta, as cells of the parietal entoderm. Vesicle B, of figure 24, taken from the same rat as was vesicle A (rat No. 46, 6 days, 14 hours) presents a very favorably cut vesicle, which, however, is slightly compressed from side to side, so that its form appears more nearly circular in the sections cut in the plane of the figure, than were they cut at right angles to this plane. This is especially true of the ectoplacental cone, which for the greater part appears in only two sections of 10 u thickness, while in the plane of the figure it measures nearly 90 wu. Cognizance of this is to be taken in considering the relative size of the ectoplacental cone as shown in this figure. This vesicle is only very slightly older than that shown in A of this figure. Its ectoplacental cone is made up of a core of relatively large cells, bordered by more flattened cells, which in this prepara- tion stain somewhat more deeply than do the more centrally placed cells. These covering cells are continuous with the cells of the parietal ectoderm. The cell mass projecting into the blastocele is more definitely circumscribed than in the slightly younger stage shown in A of this figure. The ectodermal node appears as an oval mass composed of compactly arranged cells, and is separable on all sides from the surrounding cells. The yolk entoderm, which may now be known as the visceral layer of the entoderm (Sobotta) passes as a single layer of cells of quite regularly cubic or short columnar form, nearly about the ecto- dermal node to reach the base of the ectoplacental cone, extend- ing over on the parietal ectoderm at one side (see right side of figure). A few of the cells of the parietal entoderm, three in the figure, are evident. The parietal ectoderm forming the roof or antimesometrial portion of this vesicle consists of a single layer of flattened cells, which rest on, and are adherent to the decidual tissue; the uterine epithelium lining the decidual erypt in which the vesicle is lodged having in part disappeared in the immediate region of the vesicle. 68 G. CARL HUBER Vesicle C of figure 24 (rat No. 54, 6 days, 16 hours) presents a stage which is almost identical in development with that shown in B of this figure, though in shape these two vesicles, as seen in sections, appear quite different. The vesicle shown in C is less compressed than the one shown in B, and probably presents more correctly the form of the blastodermic vesicle or blastocyst of the albino rat at this stage of development. The ectoplacental cone presents a cylindrical outline and contains two cells showing mitotic phases, both included in the section figured. Its cells, more particularly the ones bordering the periphery, present a vacuolated protoplasm, the vacuoles containing lightly colored globules which from reaction to the stain are to be regarded as blood cells or fragments of such, which blood cells are regarded as of maternal origin. In this preparation, the decidual crypt contains a small amount of extravasated maternal blood, found in part surrounding the ectoplacental cone; also in the antimes- ometrial portion of the erypt in relation with the roof of this vesicle. ‘These findings will receive further consideration in the succeeding pages. The cell mass projecting into the cavity of the vesicle, consisting of the ectodermal node and the layer of visceral entoderm is slightly larger than in the preceding stage but presents no special features deserving discussion. The vesi- cle in the section sketched presents very few cells of the parietal entoderm. The parietal ectoderm forming the roof of this vesicle consists of a single layer of flattened cells in the proto- plasm of certain of which vacuolization is evident. Certain of the cells show inclusions of lightly staining globules of a color similar to those found in the cells of the ectoplacenta, particularly evident in the lower right of the figure in which they are repre- sented as uncolored circumscribed areas. The color reaction of these globules is like that of the maternal blood cells and frag- ments of blood cells found in the decidual erypt in the immediate vicinity of the vesicle, and they are regarded as blood cells or fragments of such, taken up by the cells of the parietal ectoderm at this stage in the development of the vesicle. The blastodermic vesicles or blastocysts figured in figure 24, represent an important stage in the development of the albino DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 69 rat, as also in a number of other rodents, in that they show the anlage of the phenomenon known as the inversion of the germ lay- ers or entypy of the germ layers. ‘‘Inversion of the germ layers Blatterumkehrung’—in the ova of rodents was probably first recognized by Reichert in the guinea-pig, mouse, and rat, though it was much more fully and correctly described by Bischoff as observed in the guinea-pig and a little later by Hensen, also in the guinea-pig. Further observations on this phenomenon were recorded by Kupffer in his study of the development of the field mouse, Arvicola arvalis, and by Fraser on the gray and white rat and the mouse. Selenka gave this question special study, and in a number of monographic communications deals with the phenomenon of Blatterumkehrung as observed in three varieties of the mouse, the white rat, and the guinea-pig. Selen- ka’s observations have formed the basis for future work on this problem. They have been widely accepted and extensively quoted. It was he who introduced the term ‘Triiger’ to denote the cell mass which results from proliferation of the covering cells. His own words concerning this point read as follows: Wahrend bei dem Kaninchenei, nach erfolgter Sonderung der forma- tiven Furchungszellen in fiusseres Ektoderm und inneres Entoderm, die gesammste Lage der fusseren Deckzellen zu einer diinnen resisten- ten Membran zusammenschrumpft, verdickt sich bei den Nagern mit invertirten Keimblittern der mit den formativen Zellen in Con- tact befindliche Abschnitt der Deckschicht unter lebhafter Zellver- mehrung zu einem sphirischen oder konischen Gebilde, welches ich als ‘Triger’ bezeichne; * * * * Die Einwucherung dieses Triigers ins Innere der Keimblase hat zur Folge, dass die scheibenférmigen Grundblitter (Ektoderm und Entoderm) sich nicht wie beim Kanin- chen zu zwei concentrischer Hohlkugeln erweitern, sondern, ehe sie noch zu dieser Gestalt gelangten, ins Centrum der Keimblase vor- geschofen, vorgestiilpt und damit invertirt werden. In a later publication, this observer also suggested the name ‘Entypie des Keimfeldes’ as a more comprehensive term than ‘Blitterumkehrung’ under which may be included types with inversion of the germ field without actual inversion of the germ layers. In later years Duval, Christiani, Robinson, Jenkinson, Sobotta, Kolster, D’Erchia, Spee, Burckhard, Melissinos, Wida- kowich, Lee and others have studied the earlier developmental 70 G. CARL HUBER stages of rodents presenting the so-called inversions of the germ layers. O. Hertwig in his chapter ‘‘Die Lehre der Keimblitter”’ gives a brief résumé of our knowledge of the inversion of the germ layers as observed in certain rodents, noting that three main modifications are to be observed. The first and simplest, as found in the field mouse; the second or intermediate as found in the rat and mouse; the third and most complex as observed in the guinea-pig. Hertwig’s account is based largely on the observa- tions of Selenka, the accuracy of which is now questioned from many sides. My own conclusions concerning the early stages of the entypy of the germ layers in the albino rat are made on stages which do not portray the very beginning of this process. The vesicles shown in figure 24, in which this process is well initiated, however, present appearances, on the basis of which certain conclusions may be drawn. It is the contention of Selenka that the Trager or ectoplacental cone is developed as a result of proliferation of covering or Rauber’s cells, superimposed on the formative cells of the germ disc. He is followed in this view by Jenkinson, who states that “At a certain stage this proximal trophoblast (the so-called Rauber’s cells of the rabbit) certainly becomes very thin, but it never wholly disappears, and soon thickens again to form the Traiger, or, to use a modern expression, trophoblastic syncytium, which is destined to play an all-important part in the formation of the placenta.’’ The account of Melissinos is difficult to follow, owing to his application of the term ‘Rauber- sche Schicht.’ The outer layer of the blastocyst in the region of the germinal disc is said to have a transitory existence and to disappear almost completely in the earlier stages of blastocyst formation. Ina later paragraph he states, ‘“‘dass nur die Rauber- sche Schicht existiert und sogar in den folgenden Stadien mit zahlreicheren Kernteilungsfiguren, und dass sie den Placentar- conus liefert.’’ Attention has previously and on a number of occasions been called to the fact that in the albino rat I have not been able to differentiate a distinct covering layer—Deckschicht or Rauber’s Schicht (Selenka); trophoblast layer (Jenkinson)— and have expressed myself as wholly in accord with Sobotta’s DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 71 observations on the mouse egg as concerns this point. He has critically reviewed Selenka’s and Jenkinson’s contentions as to the participation of the covering layer in the formation of the Triger or ectoplacental cone, reaching the conclusion that there is no evidence in support of this. In accord with Duval and in this I coneur—he states: ‘“‘Die mesometrale Spitze des ‘Trigers Selenkds’ ist, wie auch Duval richtig bemerkt, sogar ganz auffillig arm an Mitosen.”’ The anlage of the ectoplacental cone or Triger, it would appear to me, is primarily the result of enlargement of its constituent cells, this enlargement of cells involving the more peripherally placed cells of the somewhat thickened germinal disc. In none of my preparations showing early stages in the formation of this structure are mitotic figures evident. Grosser in his figures 67 and 113, shows a germinal vesicle of the albino rat of 65 days in its normal position in the decidual crypt. The vesicle there figured is about identical in time and stage of development to those figured by me in figure 24. In his figures, the Triger (7’r.) is represented as consist- ing of relatively few cells in which no mitoses are evident. In slightly older stages after the means of nutrition of the vesicles is improved through ingestion of maternal blood cells (Sobotta) mitotic figures may be observed in the ectoplacental cone, as shown in C of figure 24. In the rat as in Mus sylvaticus and the guinea-pig (Selenka) the ectoplacental cone arises as a solid mass of cells; in Arvicola arvalis (Kupffer) it is at first a hollow structure and is in part formed by invagination; in the white mouse (Sobotta) the form of this cell mass may vary greatly and may be solid or penetrated by a mere slit or again by a more extensive cavity. The earlier stages in the formation of the egg-plug or egg- eylinder I have not been able to follow. In the youngest stage showing this, at my disposal, A of figure 24, it consists of a cen- tral node of compactly grouped cells, of polyhedral form, quite definitely demarked from the surrounding cells, and very generally of oval form. This mass of cells I have designated the ectoder- mal node. In Grosser’s figures (67 and 113, e, Hc) an identical structure may be observed, designated as ‘Ectoderm der Em- 2, G. CARL HUBER bryonanlage.’ The same may perhaps be observed in figure 26, plate 14, of Selenka’s account. In figures 26, 28, 31, and 33 of Christiani’s contribution this may be postulated, though his figures are useless for a close comparison. Duval does not figure this stage. Sobotta’s (03) figure 7, and figure 33 of the con- tribution of Melissinos, appear to give a corresponding stage for the mouse, but in neither of these figures is the ‘ectodermal node’ so clearly depicted as in Grosser’s and my own figures, at least not until a somewhat older stage. Figure 6 of Sobotta (03) may very probably be regarded as representing an inter- mediate stage between that shown in E of figure 23 and in A of figure 24. By a proliferation of the cells of the germinal area as shown in the former figure a stage resembling that shown in Sobotta’s figure 6, is readily postulated. That the formation of the ectodermal cells is in part due to rearrangement of the cells of the germinal area I believe to be the case, since cell pro- liferation is not marked in this stage. The enlargement of the more peripheral cells of the germinal area, leading to the anlage of the ectoplacental cone, would of necessity cause the forming ectodermal node to foree the yolk entoderm into the cavity of the vesicle, and thus form the anlage of the egg-plug and initiate the phenomenon of entypy of the germ layers. O. Hertwig, in describing the inversion as observed in the mouse and rat, after considering the formation of the Traiger through proliferation of the cells of the Deckschicht, following here Selenka’s account, states, referring to the Trager, ‘“Durch ihn wird der formative Teil des Ektoblasts nach dem Centrum der Blase vorgetrieben, wobei er sich in eine allseits abgegrenzte Epithelkugel umwan- delt.”’ And again, in referring to the development of the guinea- pig, he states: ‘‘Wie bei Maus und Ratte zieht sich das forma- tive Ektoderm zu einer Epithelkugel zusammen.” Hertwig thus appears to regard the formation of the ‘Epithelkugel,’ the ectodermal node, as in part at least developed owing to a rearrangement of the cells of the germinal disc. After the formation of the egg-plug or egg-cylinder that portion of the yolk entoderm which covers it is designated by Sobotta as the visceral layer of the entoderm. The scattered entodermal cells, attached DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 73 here and there to the inner surface of the parietal ectoderm, in the albino rat at no time forming a continuous layer, he has desig- nated as the parietal entoderm. He is followed in this by Wida- kowich. This nomenclature has been used by me in the sense employed by Sobotta. The parietal or transitory ectoderm (Kolster’s ‘feinfasserige Haut’) forming the roof or antimesome- trial portion of the vesicles, is constituted of a single layer of flattened cells, which in the rat show no regional differentiation. The resorption of maternal blood, incidentally noted with reference to celis of the ectoplacental cone and certain of the cells of the parietal ectoderm in connection with vesicle C of figure 24, to which phenomenon attention has been drawn by Sobotta and Kolster for the mouse, will receive further consider- ation in the discussion of older stages. DEVELOPMENT AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE EGG-CYLINDER The material at hand is listed in table 8. TABLE 8 RECORD NUMBER AGE NUMBER OF OVA 17 8 days, 17 hours (?) | 2 (not all cut) 35 8 days, 18 hours (?) 6 21 7 days, 16 hours 10 66 7 days, 16 hours Wows 27 7 days, 17 hours 7 89 7 days, 20 hours 5 81 7 days, 22 hours 7 94 8 days 7 95 8 days 9 5 96 8 days For the stages showing the development and differentiation of the egg-cylinder in the albino rat I am able to present a series of stages which follow one another in close succession. The figures presented are in themselves so elucidative that an extended description is obviated. The stages under consideration fall within the eighth day after the beginning of insemination, judging from the great majority of the specimens at my dis- posal, although two rats (Nos. 17 and 35) killed in the latter 74 G. CARL HUBER half of the ninth day, contained stages which are younger than nearly all of those obtained the latter half of the eighth day. I am unable to state whether this is owing to a retardation in the rate of development of the ova in rats Nos. 17 and 35, or due to an error of record. The record gives date and hour of insemination and of killing, and J have no reason to doubt its accuracy. However, the two rats in question give the only instances of marked deviation from what appears as a normal rate of development as presented by the bulk of my material. Sobotta (11) has called attention to the difficulty of obtaining successively staged material in the mouse, and cites Kolster as contending: ““Man kénne auf die Altersbestimmung gar nichts geben.” During this stage of development the decidual crypts lodging the ova are deeper than in the preceding stage, their mesometrial portion being narrower, though they are not as yet separated from the uterine lumen. The orientation of the decidual crypts and the contained egg-cylinders is perhaps more readily made than in slightly younger stages, though not definitely enough to insure the cutting of sections in a given plane. Sections of the egg-cylinder cut in the longitudinal plane may be obtained by cutting parallel to the plane of the mesometrium or at right angles to the same. However, it is still largely a matter of chance as to whether the sections ob- tained pass through the midplane or at an angle thereto. In figure 25, there are reproduced representative sections of three germinal vesicles taken from the same uterus (rat No. 35, 8 days, 18 hours) which show three closely approximated early stages in the development of the egg-cylinder. Noneof these three vesicles is cut in exactly the mid-longitudinal plane; especially is this true of the ends of the vesicles. Furthermore, the antimes- ometrial portion of each, lower part of the figure, composed of the thin-walled parietal ectoderm, shows a certain amount of folding, so that a portion of each wall is cut en face instead of en profile. The appearances here presented by the antimesome- trial portion of these vesicles is not to be confused with a ‘giant cell’ formation of this portion of the roof of the vesicle, described by Sobotta in his earlier publications, but corrected and retracted DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 75 in his later communications. Vesicle A, figure 25, when com- pared with vesicle C of figure 24, shows only a slight difference in degree of development. Vesicle A is of more elongated and of more distinctly cylindrical form. Its thin-walled portion (an- ect pl Fig. 25 Longitudinal sections of blastodermic vesicles of the albino rat, show- ing entypy or inversion of germ Jayers with early stages in egg-cylinder formation. The ectoplacental cone of each is not cut through its entire length and the lower portion of each vesicle is slightly folded. X 200. A, B, and C, rat No. 35, 8 days, 18 hours, after insemination. To fit properly into the entire series these three vesicles should be from the early hours of the seventh day after insemina- tion. ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triiger; ect.n., ectodermal node; ez. ect., extraembryonic ectoderm, early stage of its ingrowth shown in vesicle A; p. ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; v.ent., visceral layer of entoderm; p.ent., cells of parietal entoderm. timesometrial portion) is longer, its cavity more extensive; this is owing to a further flattening of the cells of the parietal or transitory ectoderm. In vesicle A in the section preceding the one figured, the ectoplacental cone is thicker by about two 76 G. CARL HUBER rows of cells than in the one figured; the section figured not pass- ing through the center of this structure. In vesicle A, the ecto- dermal node, which is distinctly demarked, no longer rests against the base of the ectoplacental cone, as in C of figure 24, but has been forced farther into the cavity of the vesicle by reason of proliferation of the cells at the base of the ectoplacental cone, resulting in the formation of a nearly cylindrically formed column of compactly arranged, polyhedral-shaped cells interposed be- tween the ectodermal node and the base of the ectoplacental cone, but merging into the latter without sharp demarcation. To this mass of cells the name of extraembryonic ectoderm has been given by Widakowich. However, under this term this author includes also the cells of the ectoplacental cone. The ectodermal node is of larger size than in the slightly younger stage, C of figure 24, the result of cell proliferation. In the section sketched, three mitotic figures are evident in this struc- ture. Its cells are of polyhedral shape, and show no definite arrangement. The ectodermal node and the extraembryonic ectoderm, to the base of the ectoplacental cone, together form a cylindric structure enclosed within a layer of visceral entoderm, which in the section figured is in part cut tangentially, and thus simulates an epithelium consisting of two layers of cells, but consisting in reality of a single layer of cells. Eetodermal node, extraembryonic ectoderm, and the layer of visceral ento- derm together form a structure of cylindric shape which ex- tends into the cavity of the vesicle for a distance about one-half its extent, forming the anlage of the egg-cylinder (Sobotta). Very few parietal entodermal cells are to be found on the inner surface of the parietal ectoderm. Vesicles B and C of figure 25 differ from that discussed under A, only to the extent to which the ectodermal node has been forced into the cavity of the vesicle owing to further growth of the extraembryonic ectoderm, to the extent that in C, the elongated egg-cylinder approaches the antimesometrial end of the cavity of the respective vesicle. Eetodermal node and extraembryonic ectoderm are at this stage distinctly demarked, though in close apposition. An indenture from the surface at the region of the union of these structures DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT oe with a consequent infolding of the layer of visceral entoderm is not as a rule evident, if so, only very slightly, as to the left in B; such infolding of the visceral entoderm is not regarded as having special significance. These structures, ectodermal node and extra- embryonic ectoderm, are appropriately referred to as ectodermal eylinder by Widakowich, and with the visceral entoderm, as constituting the egg-cylinder of Sobotta. Under A of figure 26 (rat No. 17, 8 days, 17 hours), there is shown a representative section of a vesicle which is only very slightly older than that shown under C, figure 25. This vesicle was exposed, by teasing away, after fixation, the decidual tis- tue forming one side of the decidual crypt; this being done before embedding, so as to admit of orientation of its long axis. This accounts for the collapsed state of the thin wall of the vesicle and its slight folding, also for the fact that the ectoplacental cone is reflected upon itself. The egg-cylinder is cut in a very favor- able longitudinal plane. In its antimesometrial portion, lower part of the figure, the cells of the ectodermal node now show definite arrangement in practically a single layer, with alter- nating nuclei. The beginning of a central cavity is evident with reference to which the cells are arranged. This cavity is the anlage of the ‘Markamnionhohle’ of Selenka, more appropriately known as the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. The cells forming the wall of the ectodermal vesicle (Ektoderm- blase, Selenka), derived from the ectodermal node, may now be known as the primary embryonic ectoderm (Widakowich). The extraembryonic ectoderm in the mesometrial portion of the egg cylinder has differentiated to form a relatively long irregu- larly cylindric structure, continuous with the base of the ecto- placental cone, composed of irregular polyhedral cells, com- pactly arranged and showing as yet no definite orientation. In these cells active proliferation is evidenced by numerous mitoses. The egg-cylinder is covered by a single layer of cells of the visceral entoderm. Over the antimesometrial end of the egg- cylinder, the entodermal cells now present a cubic or thick pave- ment form, while along the sides of the egg-cylinder they are of columnar form, especially long in the region where the primary Fig. 26 Longitudinal sections of egg-cylinders of the albino rat, showing the anlage of the antimesometrial and mesometrial portions of the proamniotic cavity. X 200. A, rat No. 17, 8 days, 17 hours; B and C, rat No. 81, 7 days, 22 hours, after insemination. A, shows the very beginning of the development of the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity developing within the ectodermal node; C shows the beginning of the proamniotic cavity develop- ing in the extraembryonic ectoderm; ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triger; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; ez.ect., extraembryonic ectoderm; v.ent., vis- ceral entoderm in B and C, the cells of this layer showing the anlage of the three zones showing absorption of maternal hemoglobin; a.met.pr., antimesometrial portion of proamniotic cavity, developing in the ectodermal node; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; ect.ves., ectodermal vesicle; met.pr., mesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, developing in the extramebryonic ectoderm. 78 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 79 embryonic ectoderm and the extraembryonic ectoderm meet. The special eytomorphosis undergone by the columnar cells of the sides of the egg-cylinder, in contradistinction to those of the antimesometrial end, will be considered in later pages. The visceral layer of the entoderm extends to the base of the ecto- placental cone, in part passing over onto the layer of parietal ectoderm. In the section figured, cells of the parietal layer of the entoderm are not evident. The ectoplacental cone has grown in length in the direction of the lumen of the uterus or the mesometrial border. In the great majority of my preparations this structure is slightly compressed from side to side, so as to be broader in a plane parallel to the long axis of the uterus. In vesicle A, it is cut at right angles to the long axis of the uterus, thus appears as much narrower than in the other two vesicles of figure 26, which were cut in a plane parallel to the plane of the mesometrium. The increase in size of the ectoplacental cone is the result of active cell proliferation. Mitotie figures to the number of one, two or three, may now be observed in nearly every section of this structure. The parietal or transitory ectoderm, continuous with the base of the ectoplacental cone, has been reduced by this stage to a thin, practically homogeneous membrane, presenting scattered, flattened nucleated cells on its inner surface. This thin membrane is now quite firmly adherent to the wall of the decidual erypt, throughout nearly its whole extent. Under B of figure 26 (rat No. 81, 7 days, 22 hours) there is shown a representative section of a vesicle which is slightly more advanced in development than that shown in A of this figure. The antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, the anlage of which was shown in the preceding stage, is well estab- lished. Its wall, consisting of primary embryonic ectoderm is composed of a single layer of cells with nuclei in essentially the same plane. The primary embryonic ectoderm forms a closed vesicle (EKctodermblase, Selenka) distinctly demarked from the extraembryonic ectoderm. In this as in the preceding stage the extraembryonic ectoderm forms a long cylindrical structure continuous at its mesometrial end with the base of the £0 G. CARL HUBER ectoplacental cone. The cells are of irregular polyhedral form, compactly grouped, showing as yet no definite arrangement. Cell proliferation as evidenced by mitoses is active, amply ac- counting for the increase in length of this structure. The vis- ceral entoderm encloses the long egg-cylinder as a single layer of cells and is continuous at its base with the parietal entoderm, well shown at the left of the figure. The ectoplacental cone of this vesicle is very favorably cut in a plane parallel to the long axis of the uterus. This vesicle was unusually well fixed and may be regarded as showing normal relations of the thin mem- branous wall, derived from the parietal ectoderm, and of the egg-cylinder, which reaches quite to the antimesometrial end of the vesicle. Vesicle C of figure 26, obtained from the same uterus as was vesicle B (rat No. 81, 7 days, 22 hours), differs from that shown under B, in that it presents the anlage of a mesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. In the extraembryonic ectoderm, near its junction with the base of the ectoplacental cone, two irregular spaces may be observed. These are distinctly evident, passing through the entire section, only in the section figured. The antimesometrial portion of the egg-cylinder is not cut quite through its center, so that the primary embryonic ectoderm of the ectodermal vesicle appears as a stratified epithelium, and the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity appears as relatively small, this owing to a slight curvature shown by this egg-cylinder. The other features presented by this vesicle are sufficiently well portrayed in the figure to obviate the neces- sity of further description. In figure 27, there are shown three further stages of egg-cylinder differentiation, showing progressively older stages than shown in the preceding figure. Under A of this figure, there is re- produced a representative section of a vesicle taken from the same uterus as were vesicles B and C of figure 26 (rat No. 81, 7 days, 22 hours). The figure is not of a single section, but is com- bined from two sections, superimposed so as to give correct dimensions and relations. The egg-cylinder of A of this figure differs from that shown in C of figure 26, in that the mesometrial : Wee ect & eS rae i) shee we pr.emb, ect.~ NN k Fig. 27 Longitudinal sections of egg-cylinders of the albino rat showing fusion of the antimesometrial and the mesometrial portions of the proamniotic cavities. XX 200. A, rat No. 81, 7 days, 22 hours; B, rat No. 96, 8 days; C, rat No. 94, 8 days, after insemination; ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triger; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; exr.ect., extraembryonic ectoderm; ect.ves., ecto- dermal vesicle, with wall composed of primary embryonic ectoderm, at + junc- tion with the extraembryonic ectoderm; a.met.pr., antimesometrial portion of proamniotic cavity; mel.pr., mesometrial portion of proamniotie cavity; pr.c., proamniotic cavity; v.ent., visceral entoderm; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm. 81 82 G. CARL HUBER portion of the proamniotic cavity, developing in the extra- embryonic ectoderm, is of greater dimension. Two relatively large spaces, bordered by a single layer of cells of the extra- embryonic ectoderm, are to be observed. At the junction of the extraembryonic ectoderm and the ectodermal vesicle of primary embryonic ectoderm a further space of triangular out- line may be seen. The primary embryonic ectoderm is ar- ranged in the form of an oval-shaped vesicle, forming the anti- mesometrial end of the egg-cylinder. Its wall is relatively thin at the region of its apposition to the extraembryonic ectoderm, just below the triangular space above mentioned. This ecto- dermal vesicle is peculiar in that its cavity contains the re- mains of four cells. A study of the series of sections shows that these cells do not represent the crest of a fold of the wall of this vesicle, since they are not nearly so distinct in preceding and succeeding sections. It may only be conjectured that during the rearrangement of the cells of the ectodermal node, resulting in the formation of the ectodermal vesicle, certain of the cells became separated from the wall and remained free in the cavity. The primary embryonic ectoderm, forming the wall of the ectodermal vesicle is readily differentiated from the extraembryonic ectoderm, both by the fairly sharp definition of the ectodermal vesicle and by reason of the fact that its cells stain somewhat more deeply than do the cells of the extraem- bryonic ectoderm, as also the cells of the visceral entoderm. In the egg-cylinder shown under B of figure 27 (rat No. 96, 8 days) the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, developing in the ectodermal node, and the mesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, developing as several discrete spaces in the extraembryonic ectoderm, have in part joined to form a single proamniotic cavity. The mesometrial portion of this cavity is still bridged by a septum of extraembryonic ectodermal cells, closing off a relatively large space found in its mesometrial portion. With the junction of the antimesometrial and the mesometrial portions of the proamniotic cavity, the primary embryonic ectoderm and the extraembryonic ectoderm become a continuous layer, the line of union of the two portions, however, remains evident and is readily recognized in all the egg-cylinders DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 83 of this and older stages, a question which will receive further consideration in following pages. In C of figure 27 (rat No. 94, 8 days) the proamniotie cavity forms a continuous, single space. The figure presented is drawn from two sections; its greater portion, to the base of the ecto- placental cone from one section, the ectoplacental cone from another section. The junction of the membranous wall of the vesicle to the base of the ectoplacental cone, in the two sections used for the figure, was superimposed under camera lucida in joining the portions drawn from the two sections. It is be- lieved that the drawing as presented gives correctly dimen- sions and relations of the different parts of this vesicle. The wall of the antimesometrial portion of the single proamniotic cavity is formed by the primary embryonic ectoderm, the cells of which are for the main of irregular columnar shape, with alternately placed nuclei. These cells are in active proliferation, as is evidenced by numerous mitoses. The wall of the meso- metrial end of the proamniotic cavity is formed of a single layer of cells of the extraembryonic ectoderm; these cells are of quite regular shape with nuclei placed in about the same plane. They stain less deeply than do the cells of the primary embryonic ectoderm. In this egg-cylinder (C, fig. 27) the proamniotic ‘avity does not extend so near the base of the ectoplacental cone as in a number of other preparations in my possession, showing about the same stage of development; in certain of these, the proamniotic cavity extends to near the mesometrial end of the egg-cylinder. A more definite characterization of the different parts of the ege vesicle of the albino rat at the stage of development shown in C, figure 27, end of the 8th day, seems desirable, and in doing so I shall use the terminology used by Sobotta and Widakowich. The vesicle under consideration has reached a length of 0.65 mm., and a width of 0.12 mm. Somewhat more than one- fourth of its length consists of ectoplacental cone or Trager. The cavity enclosed is derived from the cavity of the blasto- dermic vesicle with germ disc, the blastocele, and is termed by Sobotta and Widakowich the ‘Dottersackhéhle’ or yolk-sae cavity. This cavity is bounded by a thin structureless mem- 84 G. CARL HUBER brane derived from the parietal or transitory ectoderm and the seattered cells forming the parietal layer of entoderm. This membrane is continuous with the base of the ectoplacental cone and presents scattered flattened cells on its inner surface. I have designated this thin membrane with cells on the inner surface as the parietal or transitory ectoderm (Kolster’s feinfaserige Haut). The egg-cylinder which extends to the antimesometrial end of the yolk-sae cavity, encloses the proamniotic cavity, the antimesometrial portion of which is walled by primary embryonic ectoderm, its mesometrial portion by extraembryonic ecto- derm, the two forming a continuous layer, with line of union of the two types of ectoderm evident. The uncleaved extra- embryonic ectoderm is continuous with the base of the ecto- placental cone. The egg-cylinder is surrounded by a single layer of cells of the visceral entoderm, differentiated so as to consist of a portion which surrounds the antimesometrial end of the egg-cylinder in relation with the primary embryonic ec- toderm; the cells of this portion being of a rather thick pavement type, constituting the primary embryonic entoderm, and fur- ther a portion which covers the sides of the egg-cylinder, with cells of a columnar type, showing special cytomorphosis. The egg-vesicles and egg-cylinders of the stage of development under consideration and for somewhat older stages show no bilateral symmetry so far as can be discerned by study under the micro- scope. In longitudinal sections of egg-cylinders, cut respectively in two different planes, at right angles to each other, no differ- ence in form, relation and structure of different parts can be observed. Selenka, Kupffer, Duval, and Sobotta have pre- viously called attention to this fact and shown that longitudinal sections of egg-cylinders may be obtained no matter whether the sections are cut parallel to the plane of the mesometrium, thus parallel to the long axis of the uterus, or at right angles to this plane. The want of bilateral symmetry is also evident in cross sections of the egg-cylinder, as may be seen from the series of sections presented in figure 28 (rat No. 27, 7 days, 17 hours). The cross-cut egg-cylinder, from several sections of which these figures were drawn, represents a stage of develop- DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 85 ment very similar to that of the egg-cylinders shown in longitudi- nal section in figure 26. Widakowich, after discussing very briefly the mode of develop- ment of the egg-cylinder, discusses and figures an egg-cylinder of the albino rat, obtained 6? days after the last coitus. His figure 3 corresponds in stage of development very closely to that shown by me in A of figure 27. In his figures, there is pre- sented an egg-cylinder showing the anlage of the mesometrial Fig. 28 A series of cross sections at different levels of an egg-cylinder of the albino rat after the anlage of the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. X 200. Rat No. 27, 7 days, 17 hours, after insemination. The sec- tions selected for the several levels drawn, A to D, are as follows: A, middle of ectoplacental cone; B and C, through extraembryonic ectodermal portion of egg-cylinder, just below junction with ectoplacental cone (B), and just above ectodermal vesicle (C); D, through middle of ectodermal vesicle. Compare with B, figure 26, a longitudinal section of an egg-cylinder of the same stage of development; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; ez.ect., extraembryonic ectoderm; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm of the ectodermal vesicle; v.ent., visceral entoderm; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm; a.met.pr., antimesometrial portion of proamniotic cavity. portion of the proamniotic cavity. Emphasis is given to the fact that in the antimesometrial portion of the egg-cylinder, there may be recognized the primary embryonic ectoderm. His own words with reference to this point read as follows: Der Schnitt zeigt nun sehr deutlich, dass sich die Zellen, die die antimesometrale Hohle so begrenzen, dass die alte Kugel-oder Eiform dieses Teiles noch zu erkennen ist—das primire embryonale Ectoderm —intensiver fiarben wie die Zellen des mesometralen Abschnittes oder die des Ectoplacentarconus—das extraembryonale Ectoderm. Die Kerne zeigen keinerlei Unterschied in der Farbung, wohl aber das Plasma, dass im antimesometralen Teile von dichterer Structur zu sein scheint. This description corresponds very closely to that given by me for a similar stage. The differentiation of these two kinds of ectoderm was also recognized by¥ Robinson, who states: S6 G. CARL HUBER ( The epiblastic cylinder is closed at its distal end, the trophoblastic at its proximal, and the open ends of the two cylinders are in close apposi- tion, but not indistinguishably fused, for the character of each por- tion of the ectoderm, after treatment with carmine, is still quite dis- tinctive; the protoplasm of the trophoblast being tinged much more faintly than that of the epiblast. Selenka, on the other hand, who has recognized in his ‘Ekto- dermblase’ with ‘Markamnionhohle’ a distinctive structure, believes this to blend completely with the Trager. Since his account with reference to this point has influenced later workers, I may be permitted to quote him in the original. Referring to the ‘Ektodermblase’ with ‘Markamnionhohle,’ he states: Dieser Ektodermkeim, welcher von dem vorriickenden Tragerzap- fen anfinglich sehr wohl abgegrenzt ist, indem beiderlei Gebilde sich in Folge der convexen Kriimmung ihrer einander zugekehrten Flachen sozusagen nur in einem Punkte beriihren, fliesst endlich mit dem Traiger vollstandig zusammen, und zwar bei der Waldmaus bevor, bei der Ratte und Hausmaus aber nachdem die Markamnionhéhle enstanden war. That the proamniotic cavity of the egg-cylinder of the albino rat has its anlage in two distinct cavities, the one developing in the ectodermal node in the antimesometrial portion of the egg- cylinder, which is the first to develop; the other in the meso- metrial portion in the extraembryonic ectoderm, was recognized by Selenka. (fig. 30, plate 14, E, Markamnionhohle, E’, falsche Amnionhohle), Duval (fig. 100,) Robinson, and Widakowich (fig. 3). Corresponding stages of egg-cylinder development as presented by me in figures 26 and 27, for the albino rat, are shown by Sobotta (’02), for the mouse in his figures 12 to 14 and text figures a to f. On comparison of my figures with Sobotta’s, it becomes evident that the egg-cylinder of the rat is much longer and more slender than that of the mouse. According to the account of Sobotta, the egg-cylinder of the mouse, soon after its anlage, shows by reason of a distinct transverse furrow a division into two parts, an antimesometrial portion of globular form, surrounded by a visceral layer of entoderm, corresponding to what I have designated as the ectodermal node; and a meso- metrial portion which early,shows the anlage of a proamniotic DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 87 ‘cavity. A lumen is obtained in the antimesometrial portion later than in the mesometrial portion. As development proceeds, this sharp demarkation of antimesometrial and mesometrial portion is gradually lost. This, as stated in his own words, reads: Sehen wir von dem die (der Keimhéhle zugekehrte) Oberfliche des Cylinders tiberziehenden Dotterentoderm zuniichst ab, so sieht man, dass die Furche, welche die oben erwiihnten mesometralen und antimesometralen Abschnitte in Stadium der Fig. 11 u. 12 trennte, jetzt wieder wenig deutlich ist. Es bahnt sich eine Verschmelzung beider Abschnitte wiederum an, was man am leichtesten daraus er- sieht, dass bald (Fig. 14) beide Abschnitte ein gemeinsames Lumen erhalten, With the formation of a continuous proamniotic cavity, this is bordered by a single layer of ‘ectodermal cells,’ with al- ternately placed nuclei. The cells are described as being the same throughout; neither in text nor figure does Sobotta differ- entiate between ectodermal cells derived from the antimesome- trial portion of the egg-cylinder and those derived from the mesometrial portion. Melissinos also recognizes antimesome- trial and mesometrial portions in the development of the egg- cylinder of the mouse, in his figure 34. According to this ob- server, the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity is the first to appear; later it appears in the mesometrial por- tion, the two cavities joining as development proceeds. The parts of the ectoderm derived from these two portions may be recognized, however, after a single proamniotic cavity has developed. ‘This Melissinos states in the following words: ‘‘Trotz aller Vereinigung der beiden Héhlungen bleibt die Unterscheidung des normals abgesonderten antimesomtralen Abschnittes von dem mesometralen immer leicht zu machen, sei es durch eine klare Grenzlinie oder durch eine an der Peripherie des visceralen Dotterblattes befindliche Furche.”” The account of Melissinos is more in agreement with the presentations as observed in the albino rat than is that of Sobotta. Selenka, Sobotta, and Melissinos recognize three different regions of constriction to which significance is given, in the egg-cylinder of the mouse. As stated by Sobotta, the first con- 88 G. CARL HUBER striction is in the region of the original furrow which demarks the antimesometrial and the mesometrial portions of the egg- cylinder, the region of the primary amniotic fold; the second where the mesometrial cavity ends; and the third where the original blastodermic cavity reaches its mesometrial end. The three folds recognized by Melissinos, are characterized by the specificity of the ectoderm. Since his statement concerning this point is somewhat involved, I find it necessary to use his own words; they read as follows, referring to these folds he states: Der eine derselben a liegt antimesometral und ist der bekannte erste kugelférmige Buckel (Ektoderm) mit den langlichen, cylinder- pyramidalen oder polygonal-pyramidalen Zellen; der zweite 6 liegt in der Mitte und besteht aus kubisch-polygonalen Zellen, und der dritte Buckel c, aus polygonalen Zellen bestehend, legt mesometral und ist von dem mittleren durch Einschniirung, von der Basis des Ectoplacentarconus aber durch die bekannte Urfurche des Eicylinders getrennt, in der sich das viscerale Dotterblatt zum parietalen Dotter- blatt umbiegt. So far as I am able to determine, the account of Melissinos agrees with that given by Sobotta, as concerns the folds of the ege-cylinder of the mouse. Selenka’s account need not receive special consideration. In well-fixed egg-cylinders of the albino rat no such folds are recognized. At the line of junction of the primary embryonic ectoderm and the extraembryonic ectoderm, a slight infolding of the layers, variable in degree, is recognized. Other foldings of the wall of the egg-cylinder I have regarded as accidental and not of special significance. Therefore, I am wholly in accord with Widakowich, who has also discussed this question with reference to the albino rat and has described the low fold in the region of the junction of the primary embryonic ectoderm and extraembryonic ectoderm. Referring to that fold, he states: “Dass war die einzige konstante, bald stiirker, bald schwiicher ausgeprigte Einschniirung der Proamnionhohle.”’ Sobotta deserves credit for having described fully the differ- entiation and cytomorphosis of the cells of the visceral entoderm of the egg-cylinder, and since his observations on this point apply in the main to the albino rat, they may at this time be given DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 89 consideration. During the early stages of egg-cylinder differ- entiation and anlage of the proamniotic cavity, the layer of viscer- al entoderm differentiates into a portion which is in relation with the primary embryonic ectoderm of the antimesometrial portion of the egg-cylinder, in which region the cells of the en- toderm are first of short cubic shape, later of the pavement type; this portion may be regarded as forming the primary embryonic entoderm, since it forms the greater part of the entoderm of the embryo. The greater part of the visceral entoderm, that which surrounds the sides of the mesometrial portions of the egg-cylin- der, consisting of extraembryonic ectoderm, differentiates into cells of the columnar type. In this latter portion, with the formation of a continuous proamniotic cavity, the entodermal cells undergo characteristic cytomorphosis. In them, as stated by Sobotta, there may be recognized three main zones: (1) a basal zone with denser protoplasm containing the nucleus; (2) a middle zone with markedly vacuolated protoplasm; (3) an outer zone in which hemoglobin granules are recognized, the latter zone staining deeply in eosin. These three zones in the cells of the visceral entoderm in the region of the extraembryonic ectoderm of the egg-cylinder may be recognized in figures 26 and 27, not so clearly as in Sobotta’s colored figures, particularly his figure 17 (03) and figure 8 (’11).. However, I am able to follow closely his description in my own preparations of a somewhat older stage than thus far figured. It is Sobotta’s contention that in the extravasated blood surrounding the egg vesicle, in close apposition to its thin outer wall, there may be observed many red blood cells which, though presenting normal form, show a distinctly granular content. These granules stain deeply in eosin and are in shape, size, and reaction to stain very similar to granules found in the peripheral part of the cells of the visceral entoderm. On the outer surface of the thin wall of the vesicle; on its inner surface; in the cells lining this; in the yolk sae cavity; and on the outer surface of the cells of the visceral entoderm, similar granules are found. These appearances are interpreted as showing an absorption of maternal hemoglobin by the ento- dermal cells of the mesometrial portion of the egg-cylinder. 90 G. CARL HUBER Sobotta’s statement concerning this point, which, owing to its importance, | quote in full, reads as follows: Man wird diese mikroskopisch erkennbaren Verhaltnisse nicht an- ders deuten kénnen als in folgender Weise: Die Hamoglobinschollen, die durch die fussere Wand des Dottersackes in die Dottersackhoéhle gelangt sind, werden von der Oberfliche des zylindrischen, die ganze Seitenfliche des Eizylinders iiberziehenden visceralen Dottersack- epithels aus resorbiert und zwar geschieht das in der Weise, dass die Himoglobinschollen ziinachst als solche in der Zelle selbst eintreten, dann aber im vacuolisierten Teil der Zelle gleichsam verdaut werden, wobei die einzelnen kleinen Schollen vorher zu grésseren Tropfen zusam- men-fliessen scheinen. My own observations on the albino rat as concerns this phe- nomenon, more particularly as concerns the structure of the cells of the visceral entoderm in the region of the extraembryonic ectoderm, corroborate Sobotta in many particulars. This question will beagain and more fully considered in a contemplated later publication dealing with the implantation and decidua formation in the albino rat. It could not be considered now without a discussion of the changes involved in the development of the decidua, a question which I am not prepared to consider fully now. It may be stated, however, that judging from my own preparations and the figures of Grosser, the extravasation of blood into the egg chamber is not nearly so extensive in. the albino rat as is shown in the figures of Sobotta for the mouse. The thin membrane which surrounds the yolk-sac cavity, which I have designated as the parietal or transitory ectoderm, is derived in development from the parietal or transitory ecto- derm, and the relatively few parietal entodermal cells, as de- scribed and figured for younger stages. At the stage of egg-cylin- der development under consideration—with ccntinuous pro- amniotic cavity—this structure appears as a thin, practically homogeneous membrane with scattered, flattened nucleated cells on its inner surface. Sobotta regards these cells as derived from the parietal entoderm, the cells of the parietal ectoderm having disappeared. As concerns this, I am unable to speak with certainty, since the Congo red solution used as a double stain is not particularly favorable in differentially coloring these DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 9] cells. However, I am disposed to regard these flattened cells as derived from the parietal ectoderm. The parietal entodermal cells are never numerous in the rat, and mitotic figures are sel- dom observed in them. With the extension of the vesicle with the enlargement of the blastocele, the cells of the parietal or transitory ectoderm become attenuated until they appear for the greater part as a thin cuticular membrane, and I am dis- posed to regard the flattened nucleated masses of protoplasm lining the inner surface of this membrane as derived from the cells of the parietal ectoderm. Much attention has been given to certain large cells which are found in close relation with the outer surface of this thin mem- brane. These cells, generally referred to as giant cells (Riesen- zellen) were, by Duval, Sobotta (earlier publications) and Gros- ser thought to be of embryonic origin and derived from the cells of the parietal ectoderm. Selenka, Disse, Kolster, Melis- sinos, Pujiula, Widakowich, and later Sobotta (11) regard them as derived from the maternal tissue and as representing differ- entiated decidual cells. It is not my purpose to consider more fully these cells in the present communication, since they are by me not regarded as of embryonic origin. My own observa- tions as concerns them agree in the main with those of Wida- kowich, who, in the albino rat has followed their origin from decidual cells. Since not of embryonic origin, they have been disregarded in making the figures. I have previously, in connection with a discussion of the structure of vesicle C, figure 24, alluded to the fact that the cells of the ectoplacental cone as also the cells of the parietal or transitory ectoderm have a phagocytic action for maternal blood cells. This Sobotta has also observed for the mouse, in which he is confirmed by Kolster who has further shown that the cells of the ectoplacental cone also take up fat particles. Withthe ingestion of maternal blood cells by the cells of the ectoplacental cone, more particularly, with the absorption of hemoglobin by the entodermal cells of the mesometrial portion of the egg- cylinder, a period of rapid growth of the egg vesicle is initiated. To this Sobotta has called attention for the mouse; the same 92 G. CARL HUBER is evident in the albino rat. Indeed, Sobotta presents the far-reaching conclusion that the explanation of the phenomenon of germ layer inversion or entypy of the germ layers is to be found in the dearth of food supply of the ovum in the stages preceding the formation of more definite relations between the ova or germ vesicles with the decidua. It is thought by this observer that the inversion of the germ disc has for its purpose the increase of the absorptive surface of the visceral or yolk sac entodermal epithelium, which as a differentiated layer comes to surround nearly the whole of the egg-cylinder on comple- tion of the inversion, and is thus increased in extent and brought in relatively close relation with the maternal blood lacunae surrounding the egg vesicle. LATE STAGES IN EGG-CYLINDER DIFFERENTIATION AND THE ANLAGE OF THE MESODERM In the rat series there are found 24 egg cylinders showing the stages of development considered in this section; certain of them are cut longitudinally and others cross-wise. For the special consideration of egg-cylinder formation just prior to the anlage of the mesoderm, I present two egg-cylinders obtained during the latter half of the ninth day after insemination; one of these was cut longitudinally, the other in favorable cross- section. The egg-cylinder shown in figure 29, rat No. 40, 8 days, 17 hours after insemination, seems unusually well fixed, as evidenced by its symmetrical outline, and is cut in a very favorable plane. The sections are from a series cut at right an- gles to the long axis of the uterine horn. The decidual crypts lodging the egg-cylinders of this stage are by this time nearly completely separated from the lumen of the uterus, and are surrounded by a well-developed decidua. Extravasated mater- nal blood nearly surrounds such egg-cylinders. Fig. 29 Longitudinal, sagittal section of egg-cylinder of the albino rat show- ing the final mesoderm-free stage. > 200. Rat No. 40, 8 days, 17 hours, after insemination; ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triger; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; ez.ect., extraembryonic ectoderm; pr.c., proamniotic cavity; v.ent., visceral entoderm, absorptive for maternal hemoglobin, cells showing the three zones described by Sobotta; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm. a c o a E o = a 94 G. CARL HUBER The egg-cylinder shown in figure 29 presents a total length of 1.15 mm., a width of approximately 0.18 mm. The ectopla- cental cone presents a length of 0.4 mm. and of the proamniotic cavity, 0.5 mm., of which 0.2 mm. falls to the antimesometrial portion lined by primary embryonic ectoderm. This egg-cylin- der differs only in shape and size from that shown in C of figure 27, obtained 8 days after insemination. The primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm lining or enclosing the proam- niotic cavity are readily differentiated. The primary embryonic ectoderm, derived from the ectodermal nede, constitutes a pseu- dostratified epithelium, composed of relatively long columnar cells, with nuclei radially placed with reference to the lumen of the proamniotic cavity, and shows active cell division, no less than 12 mitotic figures occurring in the section figured. The protoplasm of its cells stains distinctly deeper than does that of the cells of the extraembryonic ectoderm. The cells of the latter are of cubic, short columnar, or polyhedral shape, ar- ranged in a single or double layer, with no definite arrangement of the long axes of its nuclei. It is, therefore, possible readily to distinguish—by reason of shape and size of cells, relative posi- tion of nuclei, reaction to stain of protoplasm—between the cells of the primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm, and to determine the sharp line of junction at which the two types of cells form a continuous layer, a fact which will receive further consideration in dealing with the anlage of the mesoderm as observed in slightly more advanced stages. At the meso- metrial end of the proammiotic cavity, the cells of the extraem- bryonic ectoderm become continuous with the cells at the base of the ectoplacental cone; in the region of this Junction, active mitosis are often to be observed. In this egg-cylinder the visceral entoderm may readily be differentiated into two portions. The portion which surrounds the primary embryonic ectoderm to nearly the region of its junction with the extraembryonic ecto- derm, consists of a single layer of bread, flattened cells which assume a cubic or short columnar shape as the mesometrial border of the primary embryonic ectoderm is approached. This portion of the visceral entoderm we have designated as DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 95 the primary embryonic entoderm. The portion of the visceral entoderm surrounding the sides of the egg-cylinder in the region of the extraembryonic ectoderm, to near the base of the ecto- placental cone, consists of a single layer of columnar cells, regu- larly arranged and presenting the three zones described by So- botta. In this stage of egg-cylinder development of the albino rat, the absorption of hemoglobin granules derived from maternal blood cells, first shown for the mouse by Sobotta and Kolster, may be readily made out. In preparations stained in hematoxylin and Congo red, in and on the outer zone of the visceral entodermal cells there may be observed granules staining deeply in the Congo red, presenting the color reaction of hemoglobin. In the mid- dle zone of these cells the protoplasm is distinctly vacuolated, while the inner zone, containing the nuclei, presents a denser protoplasm. The transitory or parietal ectoderm consists of a homogeneous membrane, closely adherent to the maternal de- cidua, especially along the sides of the egg-cylinder. This layer presents scattered nucleated protoplasmic masses of spindle or dome shape on its inner surface, the relations and distribution of which may be clearly seen in the figure. Attention needs yet be drawn to the ectoplacental cone of the egg-cylinder. Its relation to the maternal decidua is very intimate, so that in places, owing to blood extravasations, it is difficult to differentiate between embryonic and maternal tissue. Many of the cells of the ectoplacental cone present a vacuolated protoplasm, the vacuoles enciosing maternal blood cells. Therefore, they are distinctly phagocytic. Sobotta has also observed and described this for the mouse. Referring to a slightly older stage after the anlage of the mesoderm, his own words read as follows: Weiterhin sehen wir im Stadium der Fig. 5 auch eine starke Ver- langerung und Vergrésserung des Ectoplacentarconus, an dem im meso- metralen Teile jetzt Vacuolen auftreten, die in spaiteren Stadien regel- missig gefunden werden und zwar erfillt mit miitterlichen Blutex- travasaten. Die Ebrnaihrung des Embryo mit miitterlichem Hamo- globin * * * * ist jetzt im vollen Gang. Absorption of maternal hemoglobin by the cells of the ecto- placental cone appears to be established at a relatively earlier period in the rat than in the mouse. 96 G. CARL HUBER The egg-cylinder presented in figure 29 constitutes the final mesoderm-free stage, the final stage in which no distinct bilateral- ity may be determined. I assume that the egg-cylinder pre- sented in the figure is cut in the sagittal plane. This assumption is based on the fact that the primary embryonic ectoderm ex- tends slightly farther toward the mesometrial pole on the one side than on the other. In good frontal sections one side of the egg-cylinder in this stage of development should present a mir- ror picture of the other side. The side on which the primary embryonic ectoderm extends farther toward the mesometrial pole, the left in the figure, is regarded as containing the caudal end of the future embryo. In the primary embryonic ectoderm of this region, it is believed, will develop the primitive streak and groove, and thus the anlage of the mesoderm. Not in all the egg-cylinders of this stage of development found in my series can the caudal end of the future embryonic area be postulated prior to the anlage of the mesoderm, and in cross-sections no such differentiation can be made. The proamniotic cavity of the egg-cylinder shown in figure 29 presents a regular and nearly smooth contour, not divisible into regions such as described for a similar stage for the mouse by Selenka, Melissinos, and Sobotta. A very slight constriction is to be observed only in the region where the primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm are joined in a continuous layer. I am thus wholly in accord with Widakowich, who in describing a similar stage in one of his preparations, states: ‘‘Das war die einzige konstante, bald stirker, bald schwiicher ausgeprigte Einschniirung der Proamnionhéhle,” as previously quoted. A series of figures of critical regions taken from a series of cross-sections of an egg-cylinder of a stage nearly identical with that shown in figure 29, though of a slightly smaller egg-cylinder, is given in figure 30, rat No. 42, 8 days, 16 hours, after insemina- tion. The sections chosen for the several drawings, A to D, are from the following regions, as may be ascertained by compari- son with figure 29; A, through about the middle of the ectoplacen- tal cone; B, through the proamniotic cavity just below its meso- metrial end; C, through the proamniotie cavity just above the DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 97 region of the junction of the primary embryonic and extraem- bryonie ectoderm; D, a little above the middle of the antimeso- metrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. The levels of the Fig. 30 Four figures from a series of cross sections of an egg-cylinder of the albino rat in the stage of development shown in figure 29. > 200. Rat No. 42, 8 days, 16 hours after insemination. The levels at which the several sections drawn were taken is approximately indicated by the several crosses found to the left of figure 29. A, middle of ectoplacental cone; B, ectoplacental end of the proamniotic cavity; C, just above level of junction of the primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm; a little above the middle of primary embryonic ectoderm. The want of any definite bilateral symmetry of albino rat egg-cylinders of this stage of development is shown by this series of sections; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; ex.ect., extraembryonic ectoderm, surrounding mesometrial portion of proamniotic cay- ity; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; v.ent., visceral entoderm; p.emb. ent., primary embryonic entoderm; pr.c., proamniotic cavity. 98 G. CARL HUBER several sections drawn in figure 30 is approximately indicated by the several crosses found to the left of the egg cylinder drawn in figure 29. In A of figure 30, there may be observed a vacuolization of the protoplasm of the more peripherally placed cells of the ecto- placental cone, the vacuoles enclosing maternal blood cells. The more centrally placed cells of this ectoplacental cone show a tendency to concentric arrangement. Figures B and C present structural appearances nearly identical. The egg-cylinder is bounded by the thin layer of parietal or transitory ectoderm having scattered masses of nucleated protoplasm on its inner surface. This membrane of apparently homogeneous structure stains sharply in well fixed preparations and may be readily discerned. The cells of the visceral entoderm, somewhat taller in the section taken nearer the antimesometrial pole (C), present clearly the three zones to which attention has been drawn. The cells of the extraembryonic ectoderm bounding the mesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, are of cubic, short columnar, or poly- hedral form disposed in single or double layer, presenting relative- ly lightly staining protoplasm. In D of figure 30, the cells form- ing the primary embryonic ectoderm are of distinct columnar shape, with relatively deeply staining protoplasm and nuclei arranged nearly in a single layer except for such as show mitotic phases. The cells of the primary embryonic entoderm are of a broad, pavement type for a greater part of the circumference, and may be contrasted with the cells of the visceral entoderm shown in B and C of the figure; the latter are absorptive cells, the former not. This series of figures, more especially B, C, and D, show clearly the absence of bilaterality in the egg-cylinders of the albino rat at this stage of development. The slight com- pression observed in this egg-cylinder, as shown in the figures, I regard as not of moment. Fig. 31 Longitudinal sagittal section of egg-cylinder of the albino rat show- ing anlage of the mesoderm. X 200. Rat No. 34, 8 days, 18 hours, after insem- ination; ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triger; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; ez.cct., extraembryonic ectoderm; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm; mes., mesoderm in anlage; pr.c., proamniotie cavity; v.ent., visceral entoderm. Vent. pr emb.ect\_ pr emb. ent__ 100 G. CARL HUBER Grosser has figured in his figures 68 and 114, an egg-cylinder of the albino rat which measures nearly 2 mm. in length. The age of this is given as 83 days. So far as may be determined from his figures, the preparation is not described in his text, the age, size, form, and structure of the egg cylinder shown in figure 29 and Grosser’s figures 68 and 114, are very similar. In Grosser’s figures, I see no evidence of his having differentiated between primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm, while the reference letters for ectoderm and entoderm are reversed. Selen- ka’s figure 31, plate 45, may be of a similar stage. This figure is, however, too diagrammatic to admit of close study. No differ- ence is shown in the shape and structure of the cells bounding the two parts of the proamniotic cavity. Christiani’s figure 39 may be of the same stage, but is too schematically drawn. Figure 4 of the article of Widakowich is of a slightly older stage and presents only a part of the egg-cylinder; it is recorded as about 63 days old. The stage under consideration is not figured by Widakowich, although his text description corresponds closely with what has been here presented. The next stage and the one with which this communication is to be completed is one of importance since it is characterized by the anlage of the mesoderm. My own observations may be introduced with the consideration of an egg-cylinder, a section of which is presented in figure 31, rat No. 34, 8 days, 17 hours, after insemination. This was cut in the sagittal plane and measures 1.1 mm. by 0.2 mm., of which 0.4 mm. fall to the ectoplacental cone. This egg-cylinder is almost an exact dupli- cate, both in size and form, of that figured in figure 29 of the same age. In the egg-cylinder shown in figure 31, however, there may be observed, to one side, in the region of the junction of the primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm, and between primary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm, a small group of cells which lie in close relation to the ectoderm and constitute early mesodermal cells. The sections of this series pass not exactly parallel to the mid-sagittal plane throughout the whole extent of the egg-cylinder; especially is this true of its an- timesometrial portion, in the region of the primary embryonic DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 101 ectoderm. This portion in the section figured, passes a little to one side of the mid-sagittal plane. The two sections preced- ing the one figured enclose the mid-sagittal plane, and in them, the group of cells found between primary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm are in closer relation to the ectodermal layer and at all points distinctly separated from the entoderm. They are regarded as having wandered from the primary embryonic ectoderm to the place they occupy, a fact which is more easily ascertained in cross sections of a similar stage, as will appear from further discussion. From a study of very slightly older stages it can be determined that this region constitutes the primitive streak region of the future embryonic area. It is not my purpose at this time and in this communication to give es- pecial consideration to the much discussed question of the origin of the mesoderm in Mammalia. In the rat, this question is complicated by the question of the anlage of the amniotic fold, which separates the proamniotic cavity into amniotic cavity proper and the ectoplacental cavity, the development of which will be considered in a projected contribution. In anticipation of this second publication, however, the following facts may here receive consideration. Widakowich presents in his figure 4, giving only the antimesometrial end of an egg- cylinder obtained the latter part of the 7th day, the anlage of the mesoderm as observed by him. This figure and my own figure 31 present almost identical relations, his figure showing only three mesodermal cells between primary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm. His own words concerning the anlage of the mesoderm in the albino rat, with which I find myself in full accord, except as to the age of the egg-cylinder, read as follows: Das erste auftreten des Mesoderms beobachtete ich an Keimen vom Ende des 7 Tages. Die ersten Mesodermzellen liegen im Bereiche der vom mesometralen Ende des stiirker fiirbbaren primiren embryo- nalen Eetoderm gebildeten Falte. Es kommt hier eine ganz bestimmte Stelle in Betracht, die dort liegt, wo sich spiter das hintere Ende des Primitivstreifens befindet. There is, however, wide divergence of the views of authors as concerns the anlage of the mesoderm in the rat and mouse. 102 G. CARL HUBER Selenka, it would seem, in part at least, interpreted correctly the development of the mesoderm in the rat, although a stage showing its anlage was not observed. Duval believes that the mesoderm has origin from a thickened part of the entoderm, probably in the region of the anterior portion of the future em- bryonic area; the primitive streak was not recognized. Christi- ani’s figures 45 and 47, transverse sections of the egg-cylinder from the eighth day, give correctly the relative position of the mesoderm with reference to the primitive streak; however, they show stages some little time after the anlage of the mesoderm. According to Robinson, in the early part of the eighth day the cavities of the epiblast (primary embryonic ectoderm) and of the trophoblast (extraembryonic ectoderm) meet and fuse to form a hollow cylinder, the proamniotic cavity. He states that ‘‘For a time the united cavities of the epiblast and tropho- blast increase in size, together with the general growth of the ovum, and this increase continues until in the latter part of the eighth day the mesoblast appears around the margin of the epiblast where it is in apposition with the trophoblast.’’ Robin- son was able to differentiate between the primary embryonic ectoderm (epiblast) and the extraembryonic ectoderm (tropho- blast) and his figure 14 (plate 23-24), though schematic, shows that he recognized the positions of the anlage of the mesoderm correctly, as also its derivation from the primary embryonic ectoderm. The observations of Melissinos, bearing on the an- lage of the mesoderm have been critically reviewed by both Widakowich and Sobotta, and I am wholly in accord with their views when they state that no credence can be given these ob- servations since it is clear that Melissinos has confused sagittal and frontal sections in such a way as to make his observations of no value. According to Melissinos, the mesoderm arises from the outer surface of the middle fold of the egg cylinder, in the region of its union with the antimesometrial ectodermal fold; it is certain that it does not arise from the part of the egg- cylinder that has differentiated from the primary embryonic ectoderm; but, if I interpret him correctly, from the extra- embryonic portion of the ectoderm. That Melissinos did not DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 103 have before him the stages showing the anlage of the mesoderm seems clear. Sobotta’s (11) observations, mouse material, deserve fuller consideration. In interpreting his results, I am mindful of the fact that he was unable to locate the line of union between primary embryonic and extraembryonic ectoderm, as can readily be done in suitable rat material, as has previously been shown by Robinson and Widakowich, and to which atten- tion has constantly been drawn in this communication. I am unable to state from personal observation whether in the white mouse these two types of ectoderm which form the lining of the proamniotic cavity, can be differentiated on ascertaining the right technical method. Sobotta’s material seems well fixed. If not, it would seem to me difficult to determine definitely the exact place of origin of the mesodermal cells, whether extra- embryonic or embryonic. Sobotta recognized the anlage of the mesoderm in the mouse during the last hours of the seventh day or first hours of the eighth day. This is said to appear at the caudal end of the future embryo as a group of loosely ar- ranged cells lying between the inner and outer layers of the ege-cylinder. At the place where the mesodermal cells arise from the inner layer of the egg-cylinder, there is developed a fold, recognized as the caudal amniotic fold (‘“‘Schwanzfalte des Amnios’’). After discussing these observations at length, Sobotta concludes as follows: Was die Deutung dieser friihen Stadien der Mesodermbildung in der Keimblase der Maus anlangt, so handelt es sich hier nicht um die Bildung des embryonalen Mesoderms, die erst mit der eigentlichen Gastrulation spéter emsetzt, sondern um Entstehung ausserembryo- nalen Mesoderms, besonder des Teils des mittleren Keimblattes, dass bei der Bildung der primiren Eihaiute, Amnios und Chorion in Betracht kommt und des den ausserembryonalen Teil der Leibeshdhle, das Exocoelom auskliedet, der Héhle, die eben Amnios und Chorion von- einander trennt. Es erfolgt also, um einen kurzen Ausdruck zu gebrau- chen, die Bildung des Amniosmesoderms. An embryonic anlage is said not to exist at this stage; this is recognized only after the development of the primitive streak. It is not my purpose to enter fully into a discussion of this im- portant question in this communication. This would involve 104 G. CARL HUBER consideration of older stages, and the making of a number of reconstructions, which it is not contemplated to consider now. It must suffice to state at this time that in the albino rat, as shown by Widakowich and here shown by me, it is possible to delineate clearly the primary embryonic ectoderm and to show that the first evidence of the mesoderm is found antimesometrial to the future amniotic fold and in the region of the future primi- tive streak; therefore is mesoderm which I would regard as peristomal mesoderm in the sense of C. Rabl, reference to which is made by Sobotta in his discussion of this question. It may be that the rat offers more suitable material for the elucidation of this question than is to be found in the mouse. In the albino rat, the anlage of the mescderm is from the sagittal portion of the caudal region of the primary embryonic ectoderm, the caudal part of the future primitive streak and antimesometrial to the amniotic fold. Sobotta gives very favorable consideration to the observations of Widakowich, touching this question, which he regards as ‘‘Bei weitem die beste Darstellung des Gegenstan- des.’ My own observations fully confirm those of Widakowich. These questions will receive fuller consideration in a later pub- lication dealing with the embryology of the albino rat, carrying the development from the time of the anlage of the amniotic fold to the stage of embryo form, the material for which is at hand. In figure 32 are shown cross-sections of the antimesometrial portion of three egg-cylinders in the region of the developing mesoderm. Sections drawn in A and B, were taken respectively from egg-cylinders cbtained from the same uterus as was the one shown in sagittal section in figure 31, rat No. 34, 8 days, 17 hours, after insemination; C, from rat No. 41, 8 days, 16 hours, after insemination. It is very probable that the series from which A of this figure was drawn, is net cut in exactly the cross plane. A study of the series shows, however, that the deviation from this plane is not marked. The sections from which this figure was drawn pass a little below (antimesometrial) to the region of junction of the primary embryonic and extraembry- onic ectoderm. To one side, the lower in the figure, the primary embryonic ectoderm shows a slight thickening and evidence of DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 105 pr.emb.cct. Fig. 32. Three cross sections from egg-cylinders of the albino rat, show- ing early stages in the development of the mesoderm. X 200. A and B, rat No. 34, 8 days, 17 hours; C, rat No. 41, 8 days, 16 hours, after insemination. These sections taken from three egg-cylinders are through the primary embry- onic ectoderm, near its junction with the extraembryonic ectoderm, thus through the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. A, early stage, in anlage of the mesoderm; B, anlage of the primitive streak and groove; C, well developed primitive streak and groove, with lateral wings of mesoderm; pr.emb. ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm; mes., mesoderm; pr.str., primitive streak; pr.gr., primitive groove; p.ect., parie- tal or transitory ectoderm; pr.c., proanmiotic cavity. cell proliferation. The cells of this region have not the form of tall columnar cells, such as seen in the greater part of the remaining primary embryonic ectoderm, but are of polyhedral 106 G. CARL HUBER form and are continuous, in the mid sagittal plane, with cells that have wandered between the primary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm, cells regarded as constituting the mesoderm. In all of the sections of this series, so far as the mesoderm ex- tends, this is distinctly separable from the entoderm, and is continuous with the primary embryonic ectoderm only along a narrow region of thickened primary embrycnic ectoderm, situ- ated in the mid-sagittal plane, and which may in this series be regarded as the anlage of the primitive streak. From the sides of this region of slightly thickened primary embryonic ectoderm, the extent of which is evidenced by the absence of an external limiting membrane, cells wander laterally to form the mesoderm. B, of figure 32, presents essentially the same appearance, although representing a slightly older stage. The sections of this series I regard as cut fairly well in a plane at right angles to the long axis of the respective egg-cylinder. The section taken for the sketch is. situated a very little further away from the line of junction of the primary embryonic and extraembryonic ecto- derm, than is the section the drawing of which is shown in A of this figure, as may be judged from the more uniformly pave- ment type of the entodermal cells. The triangular form of the proamniotic cavity is regarded as normal, and as indicating an early stage in the anlage of the primitive groove. In this figure, in its lower portion, the region of the primitive streak is readily discernible by reason of the fact that there is wanting here an external limiting membrane, and further by reason of the form of the cells and the form and relative position of their nuclei; certain of these cells indicating, both by their form and their position, the source and the direction of the wandering of the cells which constitute the anlage of the mesoderm. The wan- dering of the mesodermal cells between the primary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm, to form the lateral mesodermal wings, is clearly shown in this figure, especially to the left. The anti- mesometrial ends of the egg-cylinders, sections of which are shown in A and B of this figure, are as yet free from the invading mesoderm, as is also the part of the egg-cylinders lying opposite the region of the primitive streak, the upper portions of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 107 respective figures, these forming the region of the future anterior ends of the respective embryos. In © of figure 32 is shown a drawing of one of the sections of a series of cross-sections of an egg-cylinder taken from rat No. 41, 8 days, 16 hours, after in- semination, presenting a stage in which the primitive groove may be definitely made out. This figure is not unlike figure 6 of the article of Widakowich, obtained from an egg-cylinder secured on the eighth day. Concerning this figure he states: “Das Eectoderm steht in direktem Zusammenhange mit zwei Mesodermzungen die gegen die der Primitivrinne gegeniiberlie- gende Seite zu auswachsen.” The section drawn in C© of this figure is taken from the region very near the junction of the primary embryonic and the extraembryonic ectoderm, as may be observed from the character of the entodermal cells, in the lower part of the figure. The increase in the thickness of the mesodermal wings, the result, in part at least, of proliferation of mesodermal cells, as evidenced by the presence of mitotic figures, is clearly shown in this figure. The mesoderm is dis- tinctly separable from the entoderm as also from the primary embryonic ectoderm except in the region of the primitive streak and groove. The growth of the mesoderm after its anlage has been correctly shown for the albino rat by Selenka, Robinson, and Widakowich; the latter especially giving excellent figures. His figure 5 is especially instructive. In this, he represents the appearances shown by two views of an isolated egg-cylinder, with the primitive groove in anlage, showing the lateral extensions of the mesoderm. Sobotta (11) has given the best and most comprehensive account of the anlage and growth of the meso- derm in the mouse. An excellent cross-section of a mouse egg- cylinder in the primitive streak stage is presented in his figure 6, which presents very similar appearances to my C of figure 32. None of the figures of cross-sections of egg-cylinders included by me show the very beginning of the anlage of the mesoderm, though A of figure 32 approaches this very closely, as does also figure 31, presenting a sagittal section. The evidence at hand warrants the conclusion that in the albino rat, the mesoderm has its anlage in the caudal region of the primary embryonic 108 G. CARL HUBER ectoderm, from a narrow zone of cells situated in the region of the future primitive streak. From this region there is an out- wandering of cells which invade the potential cleft between pri- mary embryonic ectoderm and entoderm, spreading laterally in wing-like sheets. This I would regard as prostomial mesoderm in the sense of C. Rabl. The anlage of the mesoderm in the albino rat, and the early stages of its lateral extension, with the anlage of the primitive streak and groove, falls to the latter part of the ninth day after insemination. Beginning with the pronuclear stage, found at the end of the first day, 8 days are required for the completion of the process of segmentation, blastodermic vesicle formation and the forma- tion of the primary germ layers—ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm—in all, 9 days out of a possible 21 to 23 days, the normal gestation period of the albino rat. CONCLUSIONS Early stages of mammalan development may readily be obtained from the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus). When care is exercised, mating may be observed and the age of the embryo, reckoned from the time of mating (insemination), determined with a fair degree of accuracy. Ovulations occur about the time of parturition and again 29 to 30 days post partem. This latter period is more favorable for obtaining insemination and semination, thus fertilized ova. The process of fertilization probably takes place during the latter half of the first day after insemination. The pronuclear stage, a stage which extends through a period of perhaps 12 to 15 hours, in the middle phase, is observed at the end of the first day after insemination; the fertilized ova having wandered about one-fourth of the length of the oviduct by that time. Of the two pronuclei, the female pronucleus is slightly the larger. The two pronuclei le near the center of the ovum, are distinctly membraned, and do not fuse prior to the formation of the first segmentation spindle. The formation of the first segmentation spindle and the first segmentation occur during the early part of the second day after DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 109 insemination. The resulting 2-cell stage extends for a period of about 24 hours and is found in about the middle of the oviduct. The first two blastomeres are equivalent cells. One of these segments before the other, resulting in a 3-cell stage, present for each ovum for only a relatively short period. The 4-cell stage is observed at the end of the third day after insemination. The ova have by this time traversed about nine- tenths of the length of the oviduct. The 8-cell stage is observed the latter half of the fourth day after insemination and at the end of the fourth day the ova pass from the oviduct to the uterus in the 12-cell to 16-cell stage. The oolemma is lost usually in the 4-cell stage, the segmenting ova conforming in shape to the general form of that portion of the oviduct in which they are found. Three successive segmentation stages, spaced at intervals of about 18 hours, resulting in 2-, 4-, and 8-cell stages oceur dur- ing transit through the oviduct. During the fourth segmenta- tion the ova pass from the oviducts to the uterine horns, at the end of the fourth day. The mass increase of the ova during the first three segmenta- tions 1s approximately from 0.15 c.mm. in the pronuclear stage to 0.18 c.mm. in the 8-cell stage. The slow rate of segmentation and the relatively small mass increase may be attributed to the relative searcity of the embryotroph during transit through the oviducts. During the early hours of the fifth day after insemination, all of the segmenting ova are found lying free in the lumen of the uterus, spaced about as in the later stages of development, the fifth series of segmentations having been completed by this time, the resulting morula masses having ovoid form, measuring approximately 80 u by 50 uw and consisting of from 24 to 32 cells. The mechanism operative in spacing the ova in the uterine horns has not been determined. The early stages of blastodermic vesicle formation are observed during the middle and latter half of the fifth day. The seg- mentation cavity begins as a single, irregularly crescentic space, eccentric in position, and arising between the cells of the morula. 110 G. CARL HUBER By the end of the fifth day after insemination, all fertilized, normal ova are found in the blastodermic vesicle stage. One pole of each vesicle, its floor, consists of a relatively thick mass of cells, in which there is no differentiation in layers and no evidence of ectodermal and entodermal cells. The other pole of each vesicle, its roof, consists of a single layer of flattened cells, bordering the segmentation cavity. During the sixth day, the blastodermic vesicles which still lie free in the lumen of the uterus, increase in size, partly as a result of extension of the roof cells, partly owing to rearrange- ment and flattening of the cells of the floor. This portion of the vesicle now presents the form of a concavo-convex disc, forming about one-sixth of the vesicle wall and consisting, as a rule, of three layers of cells, the inner of which is now differen- tiated to form the yolk entoderm. During the seventh day after insemination the blastodermic vesicles become definitely oriented in a decidual crypt, the thicker portion, its floor, being directed toward the mesometrial border. The phenomenon of the ‘‘inversion of the germ layers’’ or ‘‘entypy of the germ layers” is initiated, the result of cell rearrangement and cell enlargement in the germinal disc, mani- fested as an outgrowth to form the ectoplacental cone or Trager and an ingrowth into the vesicle, the anlage of the egg-plug or ege-cylinder. In the egg-plug there is recognized a circum- scribed, compact mass of cells, staining more deeply than sur- rounding cells, which constitute the ectodermal node, the anlage of the primary embryonic ectoderm of the future embryo. This ectodermal node, so far as it extends into the cavity of the blastodermic vesicle, is surrounded by yolk entoderm. During the eighth day after insemination, the egg-cylinder comes in definite relation with the maternal decidua and re- celves as embryotroph maternal hemoglobin, partly through phagocytic action of the cells of the ectoplacental cone, partly through absorption of maternal hemoglobin by the cells of the entoderm, initiating a period of very active growth as evidenced by active mitosis. The egg-cylinder increases in length, and entypy is completed. A cavity develops in the ectodermal DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT 1h node, the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity. A little later a second cavity develops in the extraembryonic ectoderm, the mesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, the two cavities fusing by the end of the eighth day to form a single proamniotic cavity, lined in its antimesometrial portion by primary embryonic ectoderm, and in its mesometrial portion by extraembryonic ectoderm, the two types of ectoderm forming a continuous layer with the line of junction readily distinguish- able. No evidence of bilateral symmetry is at this stage ob- served in the egg-cylinder. During the ninth day after insemination there is observed the anlage and the early developmental stage of the mesoderm and the anlage of the primitive streak and groove. The meso- derm has its anlage in the caudal portion of the primary em- bryonic ectoderm in the sagittal region and is of the nature of prostomial mesoderm, extending laterally in wing-like exten- sions between the ectoderm and entoderm. Lt, G. 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Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop., Bd. 3. Van BENEDEN, E. 1899 Recherches sur les premiers stades du développe- ment du Murin. (Vespertilio murinus.) Anat. Anz., Bd. 16. Wipaxkowicn, V. 1910 Uber die erste Bildung der Koérperform bei Entypie des Keimes. Beitriige zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ratte. Zeitsch. f. wissensch. Zool., Bd. 94. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALBINO RAT, MUS NORVEGICUS ALBINUS II. ABNORMAL OVA; END OF THE FIRST TO THE END OF THE NINTH DAY CONTENTS LEONG IDAHO eee eee ae OAS oltrcn cen doe dap ros Moc cfacdsneionotcadcr sco aomeabic 115 vantnembr ys iim): Wismarnelliay cram eye alee ate xs apoyenetaiiste: son's ciana ste aw cee nansperevnouere of aes 117 Degeneration of ova at the end of segmentation.....................+-.-- 120 Incomplete. or retarded Segmentation: th, fees se ance os ele oe were ots ee 121 Abnormal secmentatlonecaivainys td OLIMaulOMs se sr este sees tem cris eit rsee yet: 126 Degeneration of ova as a result of pathologic mucosa..................... 129 Imperfect development of ectodermal vesicle.....................00000ees 132 iworees-cylindersimone decidual crypt... acess: acts one. seelnee etal 138 (Ciayine NUEMONANS Sac 6 WeaRNATH SG aa ES Gemoics cae Berk alc cuee hoe PRIA ee reaena oRe I & trey 5 cl ctr cee 140 Gat HieeH OURS, CSMEELG |G eS cS cx ovoettacs h SacI CCIE Oar EEE trent AcicearS ott Aattrco rai 142 INTRODUCTION In the course of my study of the normal development of the albino rat, from the end of the first to the end of the ninth day after insemination, as recorded in Part I of this series of contri- butions, there were encountered from time to time ova which appeared to deviate both in rate and type of development from what, as a result of extended study, came to be regarded as the normal developmental cycle of the albino rat. When taken col- lectively, the number of these abnormal ova is not large, al- though they embrace nearly all of the developmental stages studied. When taken. singly, it may be stated that while it is comparatively easy to record the points of deviation from the normal, it must be admitted that the probable fate of the respec- tive stages can only be conjectured. Nevertheless, a record of 115 116 G. CARL HUBER the abnormal stages met with seems warranted, especially in view of the fact that the literature is very meager in its ac- count of early stages of mammalian ova presenting abnormal development. The excellent and comprehensive studies of Mall on pathologie human ova, extending over many years, may be interpreted as leading to the general conclusion that pathologic ova and mon- sters ‘‘are produced from normal eggs by conditions which either interfere with their nutrition or poison them.” There is evi- dence to show that defective implantation, using the term in its broadest sense so as to include relation to the embryotroph or pabulum, is directly associated with abnormal development. Comparative experimental teratology so successfully followed by a number of European and American experimental embryolo- gists warrants the conclusion that all of the abnormalities or malformations observed in the human embryo may be brought forth by the application of suitable mechanical interference or chemical solutions. Experimental teratology possesses the very great advantage of enabling the observer to follow the pathologic process from step to step, admitting more readily of their inter- pretation, than when single stages are obtained from nature. The evidence appears to be accumulating that the primary causes which produce pathologic ova lie not in the germ cells, but are rather to be sought in the environs of the germ cells in the course of their development. I am cognizant of the fact that the interpretation of the chance findings of abnormal stages of mammalian ova is much more difficult than of abnormal ova produced experimentally. The fact, however, that nearly all of the abnormal ova observed by me in my albino rat material were found in tubes and uteri con- taining normal ova also, tubes and uteri which so far as observ- able appear in most instances to be normal, and the further fact that certain of the abnormal ova are of stages prior to what may be regarded as showing implantation, stages concerning which we possess no data as far as human ova are concerned, has lead to the tentative conclusion that certain of the abnormal ova may be the resultant of abnormal germ cells, perhaps of an abnormality which may not show a structural expression. PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT a It is my primary purpose to make records of the abnormal ova observed in the material at hand; and to follow these records with a brief consideration of the observations made. There is no literature dealing with the problem immediately at hand—abnor- mal rat ova. It is not my purpose at this time to enter into the extensive literature of comparative experimental teratology. This has been critically summarized relatively recently by O. and R. Hertwig, and by Mall, in his several contributions deal- ing with human pathologie ova. HALF EMBRYOS IN MAMMALIA The first preparation to which attention is called is one taken from the oviduct of rat No. 60, 1 day, 18 hours, after insemina- tion. The two oviducts of this rat contained seven ova in the 2- cell stage, to one of which especial attention was drawn in Part I (page 271). As there recorded, in one of the 2-cell stages, the first two blastomeres were separated by an appreciable distance. There is loss of oolemma. The possibility of half embryos in Mammalia was suggested. The preparation under consideration is figured in figure 1, A and B. In A of this figure there is pre- sented a portion of the wall of the oviduct, its epithelial lining and the immediately adjacent mucosa, including the fourth of a series of six sections (10 «) passing through the two blastomeres. In this region, the cilia of the epithelium are clearly observable, as may be seen from the figure. In B of this figure there are sketched in approximately relative position the several sections of the series passing through the two blastomeres, the relative position of which, with reference to the walls of the tube, is shown in A of the figure. The six drawings were made from a well ribboned series; the slide was moved from section to section by means of a mechanical stage, and the perpendicular indicated on each drawing as made. The relative position of the several drawings, therefore, is quite correct. It may be observed that throughout the series the two blastomeres are separated by an appreciable space, and that one of the cells has rotated slightly on its axis. If these two blastomeres had remained in close appo- sition, they would present the appearance of a normal 2-cell stage 118 G. CARL HUBER A Fig 1 Oviduct and ovum of albino rat, in 2-cell stage, with first two blasto- meres separated. Rat No. 60, 1 day, 18 hours, after the beginning of insemina- tion. X 200. A, epithelial wall of oviduct with adjacent mucosa, and the fourth of a series of six sections of the 2-cell stage with separated blastomeres, showing them in their relation to the epithelium. B, the series of six sections which pass through the separated blastomeres, the fourth of which is shown in A. The series reads from right to left. as shown in B and © of figure 1, Part I. There is here clearly a separation of the first two blastomeres and not a close approxi- mation of two unfertilized ova. In all of the unfertilized ova met with in the oviducts in the series at my disposal, these pre- sent the second maturation spindle and oolemma and are not to be confused with the blastomeres of the 2-cell stage, either as to size or structure. Both of the blastomeres in the prepara- tion under consideration present normal protoplasmic structure, having a finely granular protoplasm. Their nuclei, as may be seen from the figures, are of normal size and structure. They pre- sent regular form, are distinctly membranated, have large chro- matoid nucleoli, and chromatin seattered in fine granules and threads. However, attention needs to be drawn to the presence of two micro-nuclei, one in each of the two blastomeres, showing in the third and fourth section of the series respectively (B, fig. 1). These micro-nuclei are nearly free from chromatin, each presenting a small chromatoid nucleolus. They are not to be regarded as cell inclusions, as perhaps representing phagocytic leucocytes. It may be conjectured that they were formed by amitotic division, by budding and constriction from the parent PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 119 nuclei, perhaps indicating altered metabolism in the two blasto- meres. I am inclined to think that both of these cells would have degenerated in the course of further development; however, their fate can only be guessed and not predicted. The possibility of their developing into half embryos is suggested. Half embryos developing as a result of a separation of the first two blastomeres has not been observed in the Mammalia, and an experimental test of the question is for the present not a probability. As a result of experimental embryology it has been clearly shown that through mechanical interference polysomatous mon- sters may be produced from normal ova. The first two blasto- meres are totipotent as expressed by Driesch. Driesch was able to produce polysomatous forms by mechanical separation of the first two blastomeres in sea urchin eggs; Wilson, by sepa- rating through shaking of 2- and 4-cell stages in Amphioxus; O. Hertwig, Herlitzka and Spemann, by separating the first two cells in amphibian eggs; O. Schultze and others, by use of gravity and compression; and Loeb and others by use of chemical agents. By various means, then, when suitably applied and at the right time, hemiembryos have been produced by separating or poten- tially separating the first two blastomeres in certain forms. O. Hertwig states: Bei den kleinen, mit geringen Mengen von Dotter ausgestatteten Kiern der Wirbeltiere sind spontan entstandene, das heisst, ohne ex- perimentelle Eingriffe veranlasste Mehrfachbildungen ausserordentlich selten, bei manchen Klassen tiberhaupt noch nie beobachtet worden, dagegen sind sie relativ hiufige Befunde bei manchen untersuchten Arten von Knochenfischen und V6geln, besonders bei der Forelle und beim Hiihnechen. So far as I am aware, the possibility of hemiembryos in Mam- malia has not been shown. In the albino rat, the oolemma may be lost as early as the 2-cell stage. In forms with early loss of oolemma, the separation of the two first blastomeres does not appear to me as an impossibility. The probable fate of sepa- rated mammalian blastomeres can only be conjectured, since it is manifestly impossible, for the present, to follow them in further development. 120 G. CARL HUBER DEGENERATION AND DEATH OF OVA AT THE END OF THE SEGMENTATION STAGES In figure 2, A and B, are presented drawings of typical sec- tions of two morula masses showing complete degeneration and death. The degenerated ovum shown in A, of this figure was obtained from rat No. 52, 4 days, 15 hours, after insemination. In all, eight normal ova were found in the uterus of this rat, Fig 2 Ova of the albino rat in late segmentation stages, showing death and dissolution of the constituent cells. X 200. A, rat No. 52, 4 days, 15 hours, after the beginning of insemination. B, rat No. 68, 4 days, 16 hours, after the beginning of the insemination. This figure shows an imperfectly developed morula with probable retention of oolemma. these showing late morula stages and stages of early blastodermie vesicle formation, three of which were sketched and are shown in A, B, and C of figure 20, Part I. The degenerated ovum here under consideration lies in very close proximity to the normal blastodermic vesicle shown in C of figure 20, Part I. The shallow mucosal pits harboring the two ova are in contiguity. The two contiguous pits resemble each other very much; the mucosa underlying them is in every respect the same, indicating, it would seem, that to a certain stage in development—to the end of segmentation—the development of the degenerated ovum proceeded normally. The degenerated egg-mass measured ap- proximately 80 u by 50 u by 40 uw. In reaction to stains, it dif- fers markedly from the adjacent normal vesicle. The staining is very pale; cell boundaries are indistinct or lost, and the nuclei searcely retain any coloring matter. Scattered through the pro- toplasm are found small globular masses, perhaps of lipoid character. Protoplasm and nuclei present evidences of cytolysis and chromatolysis, and have the appearance presented by ne- crotic tissue. Had normal development supervened, both ova PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 12] (the pathologie and the adjacent normal one) would in all proba- bility have been enclosed within the same decidual crypt, a con- dition exceedingly rare, judging from the material at hand. Whether the very close proximity of these two ova bears causal relation to the death of one, by reason of the consequent lessen- ing of the available pabulum or embryotroph, can only be con- jectured. There is at this stage no question of faulty implanta- tion, the ova, though presumably permanently lodged, lie free in the lumen of the uterus. Whether on the other hand, the death of this ovum was the result of some inherent nutritional deficit must also remain unanswered. However, this prepara- tion may serve to show that ova of the albino rat, after reaching the uterine tube, and after apparently normal segmentation, may undergo death and dissolution, for reasons which are not structurally discernable. B of figure 2, rat No. 68, 4 days, 16 hours, after insemination, is from the uterus of a rat containing four ova in early stages of blastodermic vesicle formation, three of which were sketched under D and E of figure 20, and the series of figure 21, Part I. The preparation here described lies free in the lumen of the uterus, and appears to represent an uncompleted segmentation, with cells and nuclei showing cytolysis and chromatolysis. The mass is surrounded by a thin membrane regarded as an oolemma. Normally the oolemma of the segmenting ova of the albino rat is lost in the 4-cell stage, now and again in the 2-cell stage. Whether the retention of the oolemma may be brought in causal relation to the death and dissolution of the enclosed cells is problematic. That such causal relation may exist for the ova of the albino rat, appears to me as not impossible. This degenerated egg-mass presents the only instance of the late retention of the oolemma in the albino rat material at my disposal. INCOMPLETE OR RETARDED SEGMENTATION The blastodermic vesicles presented in figures 3 and 4 have been interpreted as showing incomplete or retarded division of certain of the cells of early stage morula masses. The probable fate of such blastodermic vesicles in further development cannot 22 G. CARL HUBER be projected with any degree of certainty. The most charac- teristic vesicle showing this phenomenon is presented in figure 3, and is taken from rat No 58, 5 days after insemination, the uterus of which contained seven blastodermic vesicles showing early stages of development, four of which are reproduced in figure 22, Part I. In A and B of figure 3 are reproduced two consecutive sections of a series of five sections of 10 » thickness, includ ng this ovum. In the lower part of this ovum there is found a small segmentation cavity, bounded by cells which present normal appearances. The roof of this vesicle is slightly Fig. 8 Early stages of the blastodermic vesicle of the albino rat, presenting evidence of irregular or retarded segmentation. 200. Rat No. 53, 5 days after the beginning of insemination. Fig. 4 Three ova of the albino rat, showing early blastodermic vesicle stages, in each of which certain of the cells suggest irregular or retarded segmentation. « 200. A, rat No. 64, 4 days, 14 hours, after the beginning of insemination. B, rat No. 68, 4 days, 15 hours, after the beginning of insemination. C, rat No. 54, 6 days, 16 hours, after the beginning of insemination. folded and compressed, as a consequence of which the roof wall in the sections figured is presented in part as seen in surface view. In the floor of this vesicle there is to be observed, sur- rounded by other smaller cells, one large cell, of nearly spherical shape, having a diameter which is three or four times as great as that of the majority of the surrounding cells. The protoplasm of this large cell stains less deeply than does that of the majority of the other cells constituting the floor of the vesicle. Its nu- cleus is relatively large and slightly lobulated, so much so that in the section of it shown in A of this figure, in the optical section sketched, the nucleus appears as three separate nuclei, in reality, PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 123 lobules of the same nucleus. In A of this figure there is shown to the lower left of the large cell another relatively large cell, enclosing a globular inclusion, which stained faintly, and the nature of which was not fully determined. In the upper part of each of the two figures are seen cells which show cytolysis and loss of nuclei; regarded as degenerating cells. When compared with the normal blastodermic vesicles obtained from the same uterus, the ovum here described presents a unique appearance, and was readily recognized as showing development and structure which deviated from the normal. At this stage of development, the blastodermic vesicles of the albino rat are still found lying free in the lumen of the uterus, showing no structural relation to the uterine mucosa. This vesicle has been interpreted as show- ing irregular or retarded segmentation. It is conjectured that one of the cells, perhaps of the 8-cell stage, did not undergo further cleavage. The large cell presents an appearance evidenc- ing beginning stages of degeneration, and in further development, would probably have undergone dissolution. The majority of the smaller cells of the roof appear as if normal, as do also the cells of the floor, certain of the smaller cells of the floor presenting mitoses as evidence of further proliferation. In figure 4, A, B, and C, there are presented typical sections of three ova of the albino rat showing what has been regarded as irregular segmentation. A of this figure represents an ovum taken from rat No. 64, 4 days, 14 hours, after insemination, in the uterus of which there were found five normal ova showing early stages of blastodermic vesicle formation, four of which are cut longitudinally, one in a series of cross-sections. In each of the four longitudinally cut series the floor of the respective vesicles is markedly folded, owing to fixation contractions; therefore, fione were sketched as normal stages. In appearance, they re- semble closely the vesicles sketched under C, D, and E of figure 20, Part I. In the pathologic ovum, shown in A of figure 4, there is no evidence of segmentation cavity formation. How- ever, the ovum cannot be regarded as presenting a late morula stage such as is figured in A of figure 20, Part I, since it shows distinct departure from the normal. The marked constriction 124 G. CARL HUBER seen to the lower left of the figure passes through the series of four 10 u sections including this ovum, and in part separates a portion composed of relatively small cells from a larger portion composed of larger cells. The rate of segmentation of certain of the cells composing the upper larger portion of this cell mass appears to have been retarded, thus retarding the development of the whole mass. This pathologic ovum rests normally in a shallow pit of the mucosa, very similar in form and structure to the shallow pit lodging the five normal vesicles found in this uterus. The ovum shown in B of figure 4 was obtained from the uterus of rat No. 68, 4 days, 16 hours, after insemination. with four normal vesicles showing early stages of blastodermic vesicle for- mation. From this uterus was also taken the completely de- generated cell mass with persistent oolemma shown in B of figure 2. This vesicle on superficial observation does not appear to depart markedly from the normal appearance for this stage. In form and size it corresponds closely to the normal ova taken from this uterus. The segmentation cavity seems to have de- veloped normally. The slight folding of the roof seen to the left of the figure is accidental, due to fixation shrinkage, and is very similar to folding of the roof to be observed in many of the normal preparations of the series. In the floor of the vesicle there may be observed three relatively large cells, partly enclosed by smaller cells of a size comparable to that of the cells forming the floor of the normal blastodermie vesicles of this stage of de- velopment. The three relatively large cells, clearly distinguished in the figure, are interpreted as showing a retarded segmenta- tion. So far as may be determined, their protoplasm and nuclei present normal structure, the lowest of the three cells showing an early mitotic phase. I am inclined to the opinion that this ovum would have continued in development, perhaps in later stages showing distinct arrest in development. This hypothesis seems warranted on the basis of the study of a vesicle shown in C of figure 4, taken from rat No. 54, 6 days, 16 hours, after in- semination. Normal stages for the albino rat, taken about the middle of the seventh day after insemination, are shown in figure PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 125 24, Part I. Reference to this figure may serve to show that dur- ing the early hours of the seventh day after insemination, the phenomenon of inversion or entypy of the germ layers is initiated in the albino rat. The ova are, on reaching this stage of develop- ment, enclosed within a well differentiated decidual erypt which communicates as yet freely with the lumen of theuterus. These erypts present a continuous lining of uterine epithelium; the con- tained ova are thus not as yet in direct relation with the ma- ternal decidua. In the normal blastodermic vesicle of this stage, the ectoplacental cone is in anlage, and in the cell mass which extends into the cavity of the vesicle—the egg-plug or egg-cylin- der—there is evident a clearly circumscribed nodule of cells, which has been designated the ectodermal node and recognized as the anlage of the primary embryonic ectoderm; this node is in part surrounded by the yolk entoderm. In the uterus of rat No. 54, there are contained nine blastodermie vesicles, one of which is sketched in C of figure 24, Part I. Not nearly all of these ves- icles are so favorably cut as that shown in this figure, the ma- jority being cut in a plane which is oblique to the long axis of the vesicle. However, in all of them the ectoplacental cone and the ectodermal node may be determined except in the one shown in C of figure 4. This vesicle was obtained from a series of sec- tions passing at right angles to the plane of the mesometrium. It lies free in a deep decidual crypt and passes through six sec- tions of 10 » thickness; thus is compressed from side to side. This vesicle is distinctly smaller than the normal ones taken from this series, especially so as concerns its cavity. An ecto- placental cone is not clearly differentiated, and it is not possible to determine an ectodermal node, nor is it clear that the yolk entoderm has differentiated. In the cell mass from which ecto- placental cone and ectodermal node should have developed, the upper portion of this figure, there are evident, in the sections figured, four relatively large cells with relatively large nuclei, cells which have been interpreted as evidencing retarded seg- mentation with consequent retardation in the normal differen- tiation of the vesicle. On tracing this vesicle through the series of six sections it would seem that the direction of section is favor- 126 G. CARL HUBER able. The uterine mucosa appears to have reacted normally; the decidual crypt in which this vesicle is lodged presenting nor- mal size and form, and the surrounding decidua normal structure. The vesicle itself is retracted from the uterine epithelium, intact throughout the crypt, thus, does not appear to have attained the normal adhesions observed in normal vesicles of this stage. The four ova depicted in figures 3 and 4, appear to present a distinctive type of abnormal development, a type which is in- terpreted as showing retarded segmentation in certain of the cells of the 8-cell and perhaps 16-cell stage. All are found in Fig. 5 Four consecutive sections of the ovum of the albino rat° showing abnormal development of the segmentation cavity X 200. Rat No. 46, 6 days, 14 hours, after insemination. uteri containing normal stages. The appearances presented, if correctly interpreted, speak in favor of a structural or metabolic defect inherent in the cells themselves and not primarily depend- ent on environment, pabulum, or embryotroph. ABNORMAL SEGMENTATION CAVITY FORMATION The following three ova have been grouped as showing irregu- larity in the formation of the segmentation cavity. In figure 5 are reproduced four consecutive sections passing through an abnormal ovum obtained from rat No. 46, 6 days, 14 hours, after insemination. There were obtained from the uterus PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 127 of this rat ten blastodermic vesicles, two of which are repro- duced in A and B of figure 24, Part I, as showing typically early stages of the anlage of the ectoplacental cone and entypy of the germ layers. The ovum shown in figure 5 is found in a decidual erypt which is in very close proximity to the one containing the vesicle figured under B of figure 24, Part I, the two erypts being sep- arated by a distance of approximately 1.3 mm., while the distance between decidual crypts is normally 1 em. to 1.5 em. The de- cidual crypt lodging the abnormal ovum presents a normal ap- pearance, resembling very closely in form, depth and structure Fig. 6 Two ova of the albino rat, interpreted as evidencing retarded or irregular formation of the segmentation cavity. > 200. rep AO) ie) 136 G. CARL HUBER beginning of insemination. The uterus of this rat contains eight egg-cylinders, all of which, except the one here figured, show normal structure, though presenting quite different stages of development. One of these, cut serially in cross-section, is figured in C, figure 32, Part I, as showing anlage of mesoderm with primitive streak and groove. Two of the other egg-cylinders show the anlage of the mesoderm, two others show late pre- mesoderm stages of the egg-cylinder, the remaining egg-cylinders are less fully developed, one showing a development which may be compared to B of figure 26, Part I, thus a much younger stage. By the end of the eighth day and with the early hours of the ninth day after the beginning of insemination in the albino rat, the two parts of the proamniotice cavity, which de- velop discretely, have joined to form a single space (C, fig. 27, Part I). The egg-cylinder shown in figure 9, presents normal development in all parts, except that there is as yet no union of the two parts of the proamniotic cavity. This egg-cylinder is most favorably cut, in longitudinal direction; the plane of sec- tion being almost parallel to the mid-sagittal plane. This egg- cylinder, therefore, is easily followed through the several sections of the series into which it was cut. The irregularity of outline of the ectodermal vesicle, lower right of figure, it is believed, is not due to fixation shrinkage. Judging from size and structural differentiation of this egg-cylinder, union of the antimesometrial and mesometrial portions of the proamniotie cavity should have been completed before this stage of development was reached, with the primary embryonic ectoderm and the extraembryonic ectoderm forming a continuous layer, as shown in figure 29, Part I. The folding of the wall of the antimesometrial portion of the egg-cylinder, lower right of figure, evident in nearly all of the sections of the series, is regarded as indicating an abnormal growth of the primary embryonic ectodermal cells composing the wall of the ectodermal vesicle, as a result of retarded extension of the antimesometrial portion of the proamniotic cavity, perhaps an adjustment to meet the altered mechanical stress resulting from abnormal development. The condition here seen, it would seem, is foreshadowed in the egg-cylinder shown in figure 8. pr.emb. ect. — P eu pr.emb, ent. — ery Tig. 10 Two egg cylinders of the albino rat found within the same decidual erypt, with in part common ectoplacental cone. X 150. Rat No. 87, 9 days after the beginning of insemination. ect.pl., ectoplacental cone or Triiger; p.ect., parietal or transitory ectoderm; v.ent., visceral entoderm; ex.ect., extra- embryonic ectoderm; pr.c., proamniotic cavity; pr.emb.ect., primary embryonic ectoderm; pr.emb.ent., primary embryonic entoderm; mes., mesoderm. 137 138 G. CARL HUBER The causes operative in this retardation of development and differentiation of the ectodermal vesicle and primary embryonic ectoderm, | have been unable to determine. They would ap- pear to be inherent in the egg-cylinder, since ectoplacental cone and visceral entoderm, so far as may be determined from a study of sections, appear to have functioned normally, in furnishing the necessary embryotroph in the form of maternal hemoglobin, as is normal for egg-cylinders of the albino rat of this stage of development. TWO EGG-CYLINDERS IN ONE DECIDUAL CRYPT The ova portrayed in figure 10 present a condition which must be regarded as exceedingly rare, since it represents the only instance of this condition observed in the extended series of preparations of the various stages of the development of the albino rat from the end of the first to the end of the ninth day after insemination, in my possession. This preparation is from rat No. 87, 9 days after the beginning of insemination. The uterus of this rat con- tained, other than the preparation here considered, six egg- eylinders of normal development, all showing a stage which is slightly older than that shown in figure 31, Part I, in that the mesoderm shows further development than is shown in that figure. In the preparation here figured there are found two ege-cylinders enclosed within the same decidual erypt. This figure, which is drawn by combining the drawings made from two sections, is reproduced at a magnification of 150 diameters, while all. of the other figures portraying sections of ova, both in Part I and in Part [If of this communication, are reproduced at a mag- nification of 200 diameters. This should be borne in mind when comparing this figure with the others. In figure 10, the lower portion of the large egg-cylinder to the level of the lower end of the smaller one was drawn from one section, while the remainder of the figure was drawn from the fourth following one. The adjustment was made by overlapping in the camera lucida drawing (x 600) the sharp mesometrial border of the primary embryonic ectoderm of the larger egg-cylinder. Scarcely any PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 139 adjustment was found necessary, none of the right wall of the larger egg-cylinder, and only very slightly so of its left wall. The slight deviation from the longitudinal axis of the larger egg- cylinder made the procedure desirable. It is thought that the figure as presented gives correctly the size of the respective egg- cylinders, and in all essentials, their relations; the greater part of the figure having been drawn from one section. Both of the egg-cylinders reveal normal structure for the stages of develop- ment attained. The larger one is cut in the coronal plane, as is readily determined by the distribution of the mesoderm, one side representing a mirror picture of the other. The direction of sec- tion in the smaller egg-cylinder, except that it is longitudinal, is not to be determined, since before the anlage of the mesoderm, a bilateral symmetry cannot be recognized in sections. Since these two egg-cylinders are in all essentials of normal form and structure, and since their structure is clearly brought out in the figure, an extended description of them at this place seems un- called for. For respective stages the reader is referred to Part I. Attention may be drawn, however, to the fact that the visceral entoderm on the contiguous surfaces of the two egg-cylinders is less fully differentiated, and shows less absorption of the ma- ternal hemoglobin than is seen on the exposed or free surfaces, this, no doubt, for mechanical reasons. Further, that in the region where the two egg-cylinders are in contact, the parietal ectoderm of each can be traced as a distinct layer to the bases of the respective ectoplacental cones, showing that each developed from a separate ovum. The ectoplacental cones are for a short distance distinct. In tracing the sections through the series the impression is gained that the ectoplacental cone of one of the egg- cylinders overlaps that of the other in such a way that in the plane of the sections obtained, one seems continuous with the other, as represented in the figure. The boundary between the two is not distinct, and it would seem that as a result of pres- sure, partial fusion of the two had taken place. The presence of two egg-cylinders, enclosed within a single decidual crypt, as shown in this figure, with one of them having much smaller size and representing a younger stage of development, I believe is 140 G. CARL HUBER not to be explained on the supposition of superfecundation or superfoetation. The record for this rat does not show insemi- nation on successive days. At The Wistar Institute, after all of the supposedly suecessful matings of albino rats, the females rats are caged apart from the males. The smaller egg-cylinder, though appreciably smaller, is in stage of development separated from the other by a time interval of perhaps less than 24 hours. It presents a stage of development which is comparable to C of figure 27 (8 days) and except for size, to the one figured in figure 29 (8 days, 17 hours) of Part I. It is believed that in this case both ova were seminated at about the same time, and pro- ceeded through normal segmentation and that on reaching the lumen of the uterus during the fifth day they became lodged in close proximity in the same mucosal fold. With the development of the decidual crypts, both became enclosed within the same crypt, at perhaps slightly different levels. In further develop- ment one blastodermic vesicle dominated the other and from about the seventh day on, one developed and differentiated more rapidly than the other. Had development continued, two distinct embryos, with separate amniotic cavities, attached to the same placenta, would have been formed, with one embryo large and more fully developed than the other. From mere difference in size and of development of embryos in the same litter it is not warranted to postulate superfecundation nor super- foetation. I am of the opinion that usually when two morula masses are lodged in close proximity in the same mucosal fold, one or the other degenerates (fig. 2, A) and that the normal development of both, as in the preparation shown in figure 10, is of very rare occurrence. CONCLUSIONS A study of the abnormal or pathologic ova met with in the ex- tended series of preparations covering the first ten days of the development of the albino rat, enables grouping them in two main classes: a. Such in which all of the ova of a given rat show, or are associated with, abnormal development. PATHOLOGIC OVA, ALBINO RAT 14] b. Such in which a single abnormal or pathologie ovum is found in the same uterus along with an average number of normally developed ova. When all the ova in a given uterus show abnormality, the presumption seems warranted that the underlying cause of the abnormality is to be sought in an altered or pathologic condition of the uterine mucosa. In the instances observed, the presence of maternal blood with many phagocytic leucocytes was noted in the lumen of the uterus, adhering to and surrounding the ova. From the study of sections of the uteri of an appreciable number of albino rats, in which insemination and supposedly semination seemed normal, but in which on complete serial sectioning of the uterine tubes no ova were found, but in the lumen of the uterine tubes of which the presence of maternal blood and phagocytic leucocytes was noted, the conclusion seems warranted that death and complete absorption of ova, after a given stage of nor- mal development has been reached, may occur. In such cases, one may with propriety speak of faulty implantation, due to altered or pathologic condition of the uterine mucosa, even in cases where no actual implantation would have occurred in cor- responding normal stages. In the two rats (Nos. 91 and 104) in which this condition was observed, the decidual crypts were shallow and not developed to the extent normal for the respec- tive stages, evidencing the abnormal condition of the mucosa. In cases in which a single abnormal or pathologic ovum is found in the uterus along with several normal ova, the pre- sumption seems justified that the underlying cause responsible for the abnormal development is to be sought in the ovum itself, and not in its environs. Abnormal developmental stages, interpreted as due to irregu- lar or retarded segmentation, irregular or abnormal segmenta- tion cavity formation, and retarded development of the ecto- dermal node and primary embryonic ectoderm, where only a single ovum shows abnormal development in a uterus contain- ing the average number of ova presenting normal development, are difficult to explain on the assumption that extraneous in- fluences affecting a single ovum are operative. Practically all 142 G. CARL HUBER of the abnormal ova of the class described, and especially is this true for older stages, present normal relations to the uterine mucosa and the walls of the decidual crypt after implantation, and so far as may be determined by structure, give evidence of normal absorption of maternal hemoglobin in stages in which such absorption is pertinent. It may be argued that a single ovum may be less favorably placed in relation to embryotroph or pabulum, and as a result of unfavorable nutrition, develop abnormally. This is difficult to conceive for stages in which the ova lie free in the lumen of the uterus, namely, to about the be- ginning of the seventh day after the beginning of insemination, when embryotroph or pabulum must be relatively evenly dis- tributed. The presumption, it would seem to me, in such cases is in favor of regarding the primary cause of the abnormal de- velopment as inherent in the ovum. Separation of the first two blastomeres and the presence of two egg-cylinders in a single decidual erypt are regarded as chance findings and as of rare occurrence, since each was met with only once in the material at hand. LITERATURE CITED Literature on pathologic ova of the albino rat is lacking. For the literature of all but the more recent work, dealing with comparative experimental tera- tology, the bibliographies accompanying the chapters of O. and R. Hertwig may be consulted; for that dealing with the pathology of human ova, the bib- liographies accompanying the contributions of F. P. Mall may be consulted. Hertwia, O. 1906 Missbildung und Mehrfachbildung, die durch Stérung des ersten Entwicklungsprozesse hervorgerufen werden. Hertwig’s Hand- buch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwickelungslehre der Wirbeltiere, Bd. 1, Part 1; Fischer, Jena. Hertwie, R. 1906 Der Furchungsprozess. Hertwig’s Handbuch, Bd. 1, Part 1. Matt, F. P. 1900 Welch Festschrift, Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, vol. 9. 1903 Vaughan Festschrift, Contributions to medical science, G. Wahr, Ann Arbor. 1908 may Ay Lae APS QL Huber, Gotthelf Carl 359 The development of H83 the albino rat PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY ae ‘ is “~ -. § = * PH rf 4 Pe: ane < 7 = 7 : hy i : . = vs . 4 . ‘ s ‘ 2 —— + ihe : 4 x ca ning Ne See yes Site senge: on: ; pelaoe Se oes Sort rage ra mee ae eos ie egress pro ps Loose vate o8! veemker Sacro ots : Sra z 5 aie haere MGT tha bee s : ; api 4 : sober ee ppeetadarers eee : Seba eBer ce. fae Pedal ss eat = 5 > ager wo eens ee