5?«n^w^A^^xio, l^'^^^-^..e^'^' '^^.^X:^' 1 01. as Txhv lit it '?«??e5J«s-->2S«'^ SM«W««^^ ISftys^'^^^^^^l*^ >*v;'''*\>«,.--S "m^im ■cZS::^rM sK^^rmmW^ .^AAf^f^ M^ 'CCw^i ^m-.^rA, ^!^*:/^A^Ar' ./^^^ «fW*SK i^f^imm rj a^ ol thread- "kneed tentacles". Gonynema: Haeckel, 1S79. System der I'edusen. Gonionemus : Murbach, lvS95, Journal Morph. , XI., 2 Gonionemus Murbachii : Mayer, 1901, Brooklyn Inst. Sci, , Bui. , Vol. I. , L. Gonionema : A. A^assiz, mss. Gonionema Murbachii . Perkins, J. H. Univ. Circ, May, 1902. INTRODUCTION, This genus was established by Dr. Alexander Agassiz to include a medusa which he discovered in 1802 in the Gulf of Georgia, V/ashington Territory, Its most striking char- acter, anatomically, is t\\e peculiar form of the tentacles, v/hich are bent at an angle near the tip, and at the angle bear a sucking organ by means of v/hich the medusa makes it- self fast to any favorable object. This peciilarity in tlie form of the tentacle suggested to Agassiz the name which he pi-oposed. Tho form of the word which I use is that which Professor Agassiz offers in correction of the original one, which was m error as to its ending. For a long time the CiUlf of Georgia was the only lo- cality from which this genus was described. In 1894, how- ever, another habitat was discovered far distant, at Y/oods Hole, '^Massachusetts, and since then members of the gemis have been found at the widely separated localities of the Fiji Islands and Alaska, and a closely allied genus, Olin- dias , has been described from the coast of Brazil and the Bahamas, This last instance was that in which Mayer de- scribed a species (aphrodite) of Gonionema ; but as a matter of fact this medusa possesses rather the characters of the Oliniadae, two distinct kinds of tentacles and papilliform gonads being present. These far distant localities will in all probability be connected in the fiiture, during the course of further research, by a chain of other localities. The history of the Woods Hole Gonionema is interest- ing. In spite of the fact that the "eel-pcnd", at the cen- tre of the village of Woods Hole, connected with the outer harbor by a narrow inlet, is from its location easy of ac- cess to collectors, and although many stvidents of tlie group had investigated the waters around Woods Hole summer after summer for a mmnber of years , Gonionema was never found in the Atlantic Ocean until 1394. This season a number of specimens were taken from the "eel-pond", the creature hav- ing made an astonishingly sudden appearance upon the scene. It seeiris incredible that it could have been living in this small body of water for any time previously, or at any rate that a number of individuals had been there. But the medu- sa at once secured a good "foot-hold" and since the first summer has been very plentiful; its numbers remain undimin- ished by the wholesale raids of collectors, in spite of the keen anxiety of some of those especially interested in it. Luring the summer of 1894 when the jelly-fish was first found at Woods Hole Professor W.K.Brooks secured a number of the specimens and made drawings both of live medusae and of sections of preserved material. Some of these drawings, figures 29, 30 and 33 are now published, with Dr. Brooks' generous permission, for the first time. The first printed account of the Woods Hole Gonion- ema , since recognized as a distinct species, was published in 1895 by Dr. L. Murbach. The species has frequently been mistaken for G^. vertens. It was not until 1901 that the specific name Murbachii was bestowed upon it by Dr. A. G. Meyjr (1901). The work which I have done on the life-his- tory of the species was orip;inally undei'takon and has since boen prosecuted with Dr. Murbach's kind encouragement, and I have received from him many favors in the way of material and helpful suggestions. The work has been carried on dur- ing the past two years at the U.S. Fish Commission laborato- ry, whei-e I have had the great privilege of working during the summer, and under the direction of Professor W. K, Brooks at the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, I wish to acknowledge my obligations to T)r, Bumpus , Dr. II, K, Smith and Dr. V/hitman for courtesies which they have extended to me in my work. Note on the Ontogeny of the Trachomedusae. Gonionema . according to Ilaeckel's classification, falls in- to his third order, the "Trachomedusae". Haeckel character- ized this order as follows: "development, hypogenesia (not metagenesis), but usually with metamorphosis". Subse- quent research into the life-history of members of this group has shown that each clause of this statement is open to emendation. In the first place, the "usually" is super- fluous, and therefore ei-roneous. The exceptions which Haeckel supposed to exist and which caused him to say "usu- ally with metamorphosis" have been shown to be no excep- tions, but cases of somewhat easily misunderstood metamor- phosis. Such, for exami'le, v/as the case of Liriope, which has been studied by Metschnikoff (1874) and Brooks (1886). T?ie larva is a true hydra, although its free swimming mode of life and its siiperficial aspect caused it to be mistaken, formerly, for a gonosome. My investigations of a jelly-fish which Haeckel in- cludes in his order "Trachomedusae" show that the first part of Haeckel's statement also requii-es revision, and that metagenesis does occur in the "Trachomedusae". Although there may bo some differ*ence uf opinion as to the exact definition of the terms "metagenesis" and "hypogenesis" ,the following notion of the process of alternation of genera- tions !nay be safely acr-epted as tliat generally held. The prodTzction by a lai-va of offspring unlike itself, and its own ultimate death without undergoing metamorphosis, are frequent accompaniments of the intermediate as of the pri- mary process of multiplication; but they are by no means essential to the process of metagenesis or alternation of generations. Creatures which multiply sexually at one point of their life-history, and at another point nonsex- ually by budding or fission, are said to have a metagenetic development. In Gonionema (Figs. 3 - 23) a large number of adult individuals are produced from a single egg through an intermediate process of rmiltiplication; buds which are developed upon the body of the hydra larva drop off and, beginning as planulae, just follow exactly the same co\irse of development as the parent; both parent and offspring la- ter change into fully developed medusae. "Gonionema"has , then, a metagenetic form of development. The mere presence of a hydrula stage in the life-history is of course not enough, accor-ding to generally accepted notions of the mean ing of terms, to constitute alternation of generations (Murbach, lcS95 , p. 496). These emendations of Haeckel's description of the order add evidence to that already put forward (Brooks, 1895, p. 300) and by others that the hard and fast lines drawn by Haeckel and the Hertwigs between the "Trachylinae" and the "Leptolinae" , on the r^round of anatomical differ- ences or of developmental features, are not borne out by tho facts. The Ifertwigs (1S7S) hold that "the m-arginal sense-organs (Gehflrorgane) alone furnish characteristics which enable us in every case to distinguish the 'Trachome- dusae' (Trachomedusae and Narcomedusae of Kaeckel) from the i^ampanularian medusae (Vesiculatae) without knowledge of their development". Dr. Brooks has, however, described a species of Laodice which unites in its anatomical features tVie characters of both the Loptolinae and Ti-achylinas , hav- ing T,he ocelli of the former order and the chitinous p:orran- gium containinp; the developing medusa buds, (A.":assiz, 1865, p. 12j) wiiile Professor Bi-ooks has demonstrated (lo9r;) that it also possesses the true endodermal sense-clubs of the Trachylinae. It may bo that the present record of obsei'vations on Gonionema will be of intei-est as contributing some new points to the present meagre knowledge of the manifold forms and types which are exhibited in the development pro- cesses of this great gi-oup, I. GONOSOME. Gonionema is a very attractive feature of the Woods Hole fauna. Its exquisite glassy umbrella, marked with a cross of yellow or brown by the four radial canals and the gonads, a brilliant row of closely set spots of gleaming phosphorescent green outlining its edge, the fringe of delicate streaming tentacles strung with bead- like clusters of thread cells, are all more or less famil- iar to many American biologists (Fig, 1), On cloudy days or toward nightfall it is very active, swimi^iing upv/ard to the top of the water and then floating back to the bottom. In swimming it propels itself upward with I'ytlimic pulsa- tions of the bell-mar{;;in, t?ie tentacles shor-tened and the bell very convex. ("Pig. 2) Upon reaching the surface the creature keels over almost instan+ly, and floats slowly downwards with bell relaxed and inverted, and the tentacles extended far out horizontally, forming a wide expanse of stinging threads, which carry certain destruction to animals even larger than the jelly-fish itself, if they are unwary enough to be caught within their reach. Gonionema contin- ues this peculiar fishing up and down in the water with little respite. Occasionally it fas+ens itself to the eel grass or other object near the bottom, or stops midv/ay in its course with tentacles extended as in my figure 1, well- nigh invisible, but a deadly foe to small fish or crusta- ceans, which cross its path. II. GONADS. In the mature Gonionema the sexual organs are "frill-like lobes, passing from one side to the other of the chimiferous canal". (Agassiz, 186b). Their form and position is shown in figures 3 and 4. The free edge of the ribbon of tissue is thickened and rounded, and is bent back- wards and forwards across the radial canal. The color of the i^onads has been supposed to afford means of descrimi- nating between the sexes, the males differing from the fe- males in the brigliter yellow of the gonadial tissue. But this distinction aces not hold, and it is necessary to ex- amine the individual medusae with a lens in order to sepa- rate the sexes. The ovarian eq,g5, enclosed in the ectoderm of the gonads of the female, give them a granular appear- ance as contrasted with the more homogeneous and translu- cent tissue of the male. When a large number of the jelly- fish are separated into t-/o vessels, one containing the males and the other the females, +he general color tone is, it is true, brighter and more lively than that of the fe- males. But the specimens in each dish range all the way from light straw color up through orange, ochre, sienna, to dark brown. III. EMBRYOLOGY. It is my purpose to give in outline the main points in the early part of the life-history of Gonionema. I have not discovered that this species exhibits any nota- ble peculiarities. I shall lay greater emphasis upon cer- tain features of the later developmental stages, which have more significance in so far as they are less familiar. 10 A. DEHISCENCE - The e.-^gs are embedded in the ectodenmal tissue of the gonad as in a gelatinous matrix. The round thicken- ed edge of the ribbon contains the riper eggs, but the thin- ner portion is v/ell packed with maturing ova. Dehiscence takes place by the breaking down of the superficial ecto- dermal investment and the liberation of the eggs and sper- matozoa imbedded in its substance. The contractions of the umbrella in swimming piit a strain upon the subumbral walls and help to rupture the epithelium of the gonads, V/hat the cytological change is which precedes the extrusion of the sexual elements or the nature of the causes which effect this change are matters of uncertainty. We know only that these conditions can be artificially induced by means to be mentioned presently. The process of dehiscence occupies only a very few moments. Host of the eggs which are ready for fertiliza- tion are extruded all at once, coming out of the bell-cav- ity in a cloud at each contraction of the marginal ring. Two or three minutes after the first eggs are extruded only a few belated ones are loosened from the gonads and expell- ed from the subumbral cavity two or three at a time. Fig- ure 3, is drawn from a sketch made of a medusa in the act 11 of spayming. The specimen was held inverted in a v/atch- glass under the microscope, Althoixgh not Tree to swim, it went throush the motions, contracting the bell rythmically. In this way the softened ectodermal tissue of the gonad was ruptured, and the e^gs expelled. Little round pits are left by the ep;gs , like bullet-molds. The earliest date at which fertile medusae have been found was the first of Ju- ly; the latest, the last week of September, The period of maximum sexual activity is from the middle of July to the middle of August, B. Periodicity - As stated by Murbach (1895) the eggs are normally extruded at about eight o'clock P.M. This is the case during the earlier part of the summer, but lat- er in the season, when the days are shorter, half-past sev- en, or even shortly after six is the normal time for spawn- ing. Further than this, extrusion of the eggs may be arti- ficially induced in Gonionema, In this respect this form differs markedly from some other marine animals which ex- hibit equally definite times of spawning. Dr. Ilurbach found that during the daytime after being shut up for an hour in a dark place the ripe medusae would deposit eggs and sperm. My experiments show that this is true in the 12 afternoon to a much greater extent than early in the day; before two o'clock in the afternoon the hovir in the dark would sometimes bring about the deposition of a very small number of eggs, and if the period of darkening was length- ened to an hour and a half, a slightly larger number of eggs were foiind in the water. But after two o'clock an hour's shutting away from the light brought about an appa- rently normal spawning. I fovmd that the stimulus of the withdrawal of light is surprisingly definite in its ef- fects; the condition of the tissues arrives at the point requisite for the release of the eggs almost on the minute. This constancy is not appreciably affected by raie form of a thick pad. The tissue immediately around the pad grows out in a flange so that the organ becomes a vacuum-cup strongly mus- cular around the edge (Fig. 28) . After the tentacle has grown out to a length of six to eight mm. and has increased in diameter considerably, the cavity of the circular canal is drawn into it. The en- dodermal cells, arranged radially about tlie axis, thicken until they are forced away from the centre, and a tubular cavity is left(Fig. 2). As this process takes place first 57 at the proximal end of the tentacle, within the tissue of the bell-margin (Pig. ;^4) the cavity of the circular canal is carried out along the axis of the tentacle towards the tip. In this way the tentacle, which was originally imperforate as in the lax-val condition, has becone hollow, r. The Sense-Organs. - The origin of the sense-organs is very similar to that of the tentacles (Figs. 27 ^: 30), In fac" it seems clear from a study of these processes in Gonionema that the sense-organs must necessarily be regarded as mod- ified tentacles. In the case of these sensory clubs (S.*^.) the endodermal tissue of the circular canal (End. ) grows down in a plug into the ectodermal tissue of the bell-mar- gin ( Ect . ) This latter becomes closely applied to the outside of the plug, as a thin investigating epithelium, and it also spi'eads out in a thin lamella over the inner surface of the capsule which appears in the ectoderm in front of the developing club. Figures 34 and 55 are draw- ings by Professor Brooks from sections cut transversely across the bell-margin, showing the early stage in the for- mation of a sense-organ. I have not been able to demon- strate the presence of sensory hairs in tlio cavity of the capsule. The cells at the tip of the club soon begin to 58 secrete the solid concretion which later attains a consid- erable size. The concretion is invested v/ith the thin mem- branous ectodermal covering. In Gonionema the concretions correspond with the composition which has been given for similar structures in other medusae - a lime carbonate de- posit in an organic matrix. Thus it is seen that both ten- tacle and sense-organ consist of an endodermal core which appears first and grows out from the lining of the circular canal. In each case this core becomes invested with a tu- nic of ectoderm which remains associated with it. XIII. NEHATOCYSTS. - In the hydra stage the earliest appearance of nematocysts was as interstitial cells arising from eith- er tissue-layer. Their growth in Gonionema is much as it is in Cordylophora lacustris . as described by Morgenstern (1901), They are carried out on the tentacles by migration along with the ectodermal layer in which they arr> set. The extreme attenuation of the tentacle as it is fully extended (Fig. 13) gives an admirable chance to study the construc- tion of the cell-elements, especially the nematocysts. The tentacle appears as a delicate rod of translucent substance 59 partitioned off at intervals by the transverse v/alls of the endoderm cells, and studded alonj; its len,";th with numerous p;listening bead-like bodies, the nematocysts. Above each of tiiese thread-cells a palpocil projects like a thoi'n (Fig. 31). The capsule has a slip;htly unusual form, long and bean-shaped (Fig, 32), Examination with a high power objective, focussed down into the water upon the extended tentacle shows with considerable distinctness a ganglion cell of glistening highly refractive appearance, lying close to each nematocyst (Fig, 32, g.c). In every case this ganglion cell is situated distal to the thread capsule toward tJie free end of the tentacle (Fig, 32 ) . A thin strand of nervous tissue runs in each direction from the ganglion cell, towards the nematocyst pi'oxiraally , towards the free tip of the tentacle distally. It is visible for only a short distance, ?iowever, soon vanishing into the ec- todermal tissue, and none of its branches or terminations are to be followed. It evidently innei'vates the nettling capsule, near the base of which it can be seen. In the gonosome the nematocysts are carried out onto the ectoderm of the growing tentacle in situ, as in the larva. Further growth in the extent of ectoderm is brought 60 about in two '.vays : by multiplication of the cells already incorpoi-ated in the epithelium cf the tentacle, and by im- migration of cells from the thick ectodermal pad at the base. The cartilaginous tissi^e coia])osing this pad is pecu- liar in character. The cell walls are aLnost or quite obliterated, and the gelatinous substance contains the con- cretions already mentioned, v/hich give tho tissue something of the nature of a cartilaginous encasement for the nerve ring lying immediately beneath it. These concretions are not very different in appearance from the concretions of the sense-organs - the "otoliths" as they are called, with, however, quite inadequate evidence that they function as auditory organs. They are solid masses of hard substance, partly calcareous and partly organic. They are not made up of concentric lamellae such as give the concretion in the sensory capsule its onion-like layers. In this whole group of mediisae the older tentacles are left stranded as it were by the growth of the margin of the umbrella beyond their point of origin. As they are in this way carried up onto the exumbral surface the cartilaginous tissue grows so as to fill the space between the base of the tentacle and the bell-margin, fox-ming a round cushion oi" hard tissue. In 61 sections cut through this tentacle pad (Figs, 33 and 34) it is seen that the concretions which lie towards the boll- margin are more dense and homogeneous; that further inwards they are somewhat less solid in appearance, spaces appear- ing within their outer walls; and that at the side nearest the circular canal there are great mmibers of nettling cells in various stages of formation. All gradations are present betvfeen the solid concretion and the nettling cell (Fig. 33), It is therefore evident that the two distinct kinds of specialized cell products, the one for the protec- tion of the delicate nerve ring and the other for capturing and paralizing prey, ai"e produced from the same cells and in the same locality ; ^hat they are, in fact, homologous. Fig\^re 33 was drawn by Professor Brooks to show this fact in Gonionema. Whether the cartilaginous colls actually change into nettling cells after they have become fully de- veloped is not clear. At the inner margin of the cartilag- inous pad the nematocysts lie closely packed together (Fig, 33). From this breeding place the nematocysts work their way out onto the tentacle along which they migrate until they reach a spot where t?iey are needed. In young tenta- cles, which are still elongating, the nematocysts are car- 62 ried out with the ectoderm as it becomes applied to the tentacle-base. But al'ter a certain time the tentacle in- creases only very slowly in length and additional nettling cells are needed to keep up with the inci'ease in diameter. This migration of nematocysts has been seen and described by Hurbach in his paper on the nettling organs in Hydroids (Arch. f. Naturg. 1894 ). After the capsules have become established, the ectodermal covering becomes modified to form the cnidocil (Fig. 32, en.). The nerve connection is developed at an early stage. XIV. SEXUAL ORGANS. - In minute specimens of the adult gonosome the gonads t.re frequently found in their first stage of devel- opment. They appear as outgrowths of the ectodermal cover- ing of the radial canals, at first in the for-m of rounded lumps projecting downwards from the radial canal into the subumbrella at a point two-fifths of the distance from the top of the bell to the margin. The rudimentary lump of go- nadial tissue elongates in both directions from the point at which it started. (Text-figure B shows the condition in Olindias , where it is identical at first with that in Go- nionema ) , The Ronad thus becomes an elongated ridge of tissue which finally reaches to the extremities of the chimiferous tubes, and increases in depth until it hangs down into the subumbrella as a ribbon. Early in its devel- opment the ribbon is somewhat sinuous, and as the medusa attains greater diameter the convolutions become more ne- merous and farther extended on either side of the radial canal, until ultimately the folds are packed tightly to- gether in a solid band of tissue, which at the time of ma- turity is extended with sexual elements. The process of formation of the sexual organs is identical in the two sex- es; it is impossible to tell whether a given individual is male or female until the sexual products begin to mature. 64 1. Observations on the development of Gonionema indi- cate that Haeckel's sharp distinctions between jelly- fishes which he groups in his orders "Trachomedusae" and "Leptomedusae" are not justified. 2. Dehiscence occurs in Gonionema with precise perio- dicity, and is definitely affected by changes in light. 3. Segmentation is total and equal; endoderm is formed by delamination of the blastomeres; a solid morula results. 4. A planula stage occurs, and later a hydra stage, in which the polyp develops first two tentacles, then a second pair. 5. Youngest medusae and oldest polyps show marked ho- mologies; direct metamorphosis is suggested. 6. Peculiar pathological phenomena appear, the larva living for weeks in the form of a Plasmodium, with amoebiform activities. 65 7, Alternation of generations occurs, A non-sexual form of multiplication appears durinr; larval life; buds are produced which are detached as planulae and go through the same changes as the parent. 8, The order and arrangement of tentacles in the go- nosome follows a definite plan in cyclic sequence, producing a figure which is cyclically (not bilater- ally,: symmetrical. Tentacles and sense-organs ap- pear at determinate points on the bell-margin, 9, Histogenesis of tentacles and sense-organs sho'.vs their homology, 10, The origin of nematocysts from the ectodermal pad at the base of the tentacle, and tlieir homology with cartilaginous concretions, are establis?ied, 11. Cronads arise as enlargements by proliferation of the ectodermal subumbral epithelium of the radial canal. 66 DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. Plate I, Fig. 1. Adult Gonionema in resting attitude; floating after a period of active sv/iroming. 2/l. " 2. f'edusa in act of swimrning; bell contracted, tenta- cles drawn up at the end of a forward impulse. Pho- tograph from life. l/l. 3. One radial canal from ripe male, shovfing gonad, c. circular canal; r, radial canal. 8/1. " 4. Gonad of female, during dehiscence. 20/l. " 5, Egg during first segmentation; cleavage fui-row half completed. n, nuclei. 1370/l, " 6. Egg during second segmentation, left hemisphere completely divided, right hemisphere in process of dividing. " 7. Hollow blastula 7 hours after fertilization. Opti- cal section of live egg. 67 Fig. a. Two-l'Hyered blastula, endodenn having arisen by de- lamination. Plate II. Fig. 9, Young planula larva. P, posterior end, a, anterior end. 675/1. " 10. Planula larva; posterior end enlarged; endodermal cells at posterior end arranged along the axis of the larva, marking line of future coelenteron. " 11. Two-tentacled polyp, in section; four weeks old. Kc , thickened basal ectoderm. " 12. Polyp, four months old, with five tentacles and five oral lobes, lying in the same planes. " 13. Polyp, five months old; in typical resting atti- tude, tentacles expanded 2 mm. P.T., prehensile tip of tentacles, adhering to bottom. " 14. Five-tentacled polyp, showing form of coelenteron and formation of bud. 68 Plate III. 'ig. 15. Five months old polyp, with bud just foi'tning. " 16. ThG same, bud 8 hours old. "Ret, ectoderm. " 17. " " " one day old, pear-shaped " 18 " " " three days old. Endoderm isolated from parent by constriction of ectoderm- 19. The same bud, four days old, ready to be detached; showing interradial position on parent " 20, Another individual, bud in process of detachment, showing elongated ectadermal isthmus, " 21, The same, lb -ainutes later. Bud settling on former distal end, " 22. Detached larva, after three days of free- swimming planula life, just attached. Showing nematocysts, " 23, The same, four days later; basal ectoderm much thickened, coelenteron developed, " 24, Larva 23 days old, exhibiting transverse fission of coelenteron and elongated hydrocaulus, " 25. Young medusa with 12 tentacles and 4 sense-organs; 69 showing spherical shape and constricted bell-margin Plate IV. Fig, 26. 32-tentacled medusa with 14 sense-organs. 7th and Sth tentacles have appeared in each quadrant ex- cept quadrant A, where 8th is lacking. 4 sense- organs have appeared in quadrants E and D , 5 in ijuadrants A and C, Fig, 27. Horizontal section of bell-margin at level of ru- diment of tentacle, T.R. Con. calcarious concre- tions; N.R. nerve ring; T tentacle; C.C. circular canal. Fig, 28, Tentacle tip of medusa, showing rings of nemato- cysts, angle of tentacle, and adhesive organ on aboral side. Fig, 29, Cross-section of adhesive organ, G.C. gland cells composing cement gland; M.F. muscular flange; 500/1 drawn by W. K, Brooks. Plate V, Fig, 30, Radial transverse section of bell, at point of or- 70 rigin of sonse-organ, S.C., showing endodex-mal origin; Caps, sensory capsule, surrounded, by ecto- derm; V veliim. Fig, 31. Tentacle tip of larva from above. End, single chain of endodermal cells; On, cnidocil; G.C, ganglion cell. 500/l. Fig. '62, Nematocyst in detail, shoviing cnidocil, Cn. , gan- glion cell, Ci.C, nerve fibres, N.F. running to- wards distal end. 2000/1, Fig. 33, Ectodermal pad at base of tentacle. Three areas of cell secretion, C.P. cartilaginous pad, T, ten- tacle, M. mesogloea; Radial vortical section. Pig, 34, Transverse section, at bell margin, of base of tentacle, showing tentacle pad, C,P, 71 VITA. The writer, Plenry Farnham Perkins, v;as born ^'lay 10, 1S77, in Burlington, Vermont. He is the son of George Hen- ry Perkins, Ph.D., Yale, 1867, Howard professor of Natural History at the University of Vermont; and of Mary Harnham Perkins, of Galesburg, Illinois, A.B., Knox College, 1869. The degree of A.B. was received from the University of Vermont in 1898, at the completion of the regular four years' course in classics, literature, mathematics and the sciences. During the four years since October, 1898, the writer has been enrolled as a graduate student in the Johns }Iopkins University, in the department of Biology, Phys- iology and Physics were taken as subordinate subjects. The summers of 1899, 1900, and 1901 were spent in research at the sea-coast of tliis country and the Bahama Islands. Two papers have been published giving in abstract some results obtained while investigating the development of the Hydro- medusa CTonioneina I'urbachii, the subject of this disserta- tion. A third paper appeared in the University Circulars on a jelly-fish found at Nassau, N.P.Id., not previously known on this coast. ga* -v-^: ^-^ "* ^''^^^js.iv^' *^yy\m ^jjs^V'V ,^^"^ ^^^u.;oy' iU'^v-'Wv.'V lywv,. „ iLi'v, „ /^ww^^^Si^?^ ^,vJ»'W^"'i^i Ww«i»':x«^ ^^mmrn^ Kf. » '\,:^^^- /VVW-jwO^''- ^U^Wi^^W^^^^-"^ ^y/V'W^ :^!^^i-^!^ ^^@S1S«^ MJM^^ :y;^V/^ .N*^>"^ /vwywW**^'!!^^!^^ mm^^ -^^i..^^^m ^-.^v.^^^^^. UjMMfi&^'^.Zi^.'^tm-aa^ "^Si«S^^;^£i^^ mm m^mms^m^ ivw* *^aii«« ?i?^W^/WU^WV^*'^K /^wwv^^w-'v^"rw&^. v^^^^w^^w^^^igi w#^ :^ ^"'WiSV*^ 'vgw'guMUj^^y iJ^''-' :uw^' ,-wi ^^^i4;:^^ftft^'^^^'