RESEARCH REPORT REPORT 1082 28 NOVEMBER 1961 DIRECTIVITY FUNCTION OF A GENERAL RECEIVING ARRAY FOR SPHERICAL AND PLANE SOUND WAVES K. K. Warner U.S. NAVY ELECTRONICS LABORATORY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA A BUREAU OF SHIPS LABORATORY 7801 34OdeYy/ TAN THE PROBLEM Evolve sonar array designs to optimize beam formation with various types of conventional or novel arrays, with plane and curved wavefronts; and derive directivity functions for general arrays which may be very large in terms of wave- lengths, and may have an arbitrary distribution of elements. The elements may be arranged discretely or continuously; the arrays may be one-, two-, ar three-dimensional. RESULTS Expressions are presented which allow the determination of directivity patterns for any kind of array, conventional or novel. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Employ the general directivity function to find array directivity patterns not now available. 2. Program the general directivity function for an electronic computer. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Work was performed by the author, a member of the Special Research Division, under AS 02101, S-F001 03 04, Task 8051, NEL L3-2, as a portion of the sonar techniques pro- gram. The report covers work performed mostly between June and September 1960, and was approved for publication 28 November 1961. The author wishes to thank Dr. C. J. Krieger for his val- uable suggestions, many of which have been incorporated into the report. 0 (HU MN 0301 0040553 NOMENCLATURE D Gear Yo> a) (2c, Ys z,) Glo (Ba 9 (cos a, COS 8B, cos 7) D| ay) ay). a) BE, or E Cony) B 7m ar I distance from the sound source to the origin of the array coordinates of the sound source with respect to the origin of the array coordinates of the pu element with respect to the origin of the array the direction angles of the line joining the origin with the source measured frLOmIthelyc, psa ss eeSpecimvelly, a unit vector in the direction of the vector outward from (0, 0, 0) to (xo, Yo» Zo) Where cos a, cos 8, and cos y are its direction cosines phase difference of the aoe element with respect to the origin angle between the vectors (-x%0, -Yo» -Z0) and (200 = 2, Yo — Y.> Zo 7 Z,) distance from the source to the sus element .th response of the 7° element directivity function the normalized directivity function weighting factor assigned to the an element or element (x, y, 2) region in 2-space region in 3-space generalized region dimensional differential [e) oN ayaa B N W ) 9 or X rora Gan Be) w a> de> ds Soy Ue ni sound pressure at a distance p from the source wave length of sound with velocity ec wave number se) = Aner density of the medium angle measured in the x-y plane from the x-axis in a counterclockwise direction radius of a circle polar coordinates of the see element separation between consecutive elements) inthe 2-2 Yar dire cLion respectively substitution variables, defined where used in the text rectangular coordinate system; the coordinate system whose origin is the sound source and such that the positive € -axis contains the line segment from the origin of the array to the sound source CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... page 5 PAR® I (GENERAL THRORY {2 5 IL, 2. 3. Discrete Distribution of Elements... 5 Continuous Distribution of Elements... 9 Shading... 12 PART 1s VAP PEICAION SIO wr ORM ieee! ls 2. Discrete Distribution of Elements... J5 Continuous Distribution of Elements. . £4 APPENDIX A: NOTE ON A DOUBLE LIMIT PROCESS... APPENDIX B: DIRECTIVITY FUNCTION IN VECTOR NOTATION... .41 APPENDIX C: FORMULAS FOR EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INTEGRALS... 43 APPENDIX D: PERTURBED CYLINDRICAL WAVE FRONT...46 REFERENCES...50 ILLUSTRATIONS Rectangular coordinate system showing a source and a spherical wave front passing through a typical element of a general array... 6 Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source and a typical element of a plane array... 9 and elements of a linear array... 15 and elements of a circular array.. 17 and elements of a rectangular array...19 and elements of a rectangular parallelepiped.. .21 and a line array... 25 and a rectangular array... 26 and a solid rectangular parallelepiped... 28 and a circular ring... 29 and a circular disk...34 Element on spherical surface... 36 Source, typical element, and point of compensation in vector notation. ..42 Source and perturbed cylindrical wavefront passing through a typical element...46 Example of a perturbed cylindrical wave front... 49 39 INTRODUCTION The work described here was done as part of the general program to improve long-range sonar receiving arrays. It had a twofold purpose: first, to show that previous work on array directivity functions can be subsumed under a more general method, and, second, to bring together results that are scattered throughout the literature. The advantages of the general results of this report are that the directivity pattern can be determined for any distance and direction of the sound source from the array, and for any geometrical configuration of the array. PART I - GENERAL THEORY 1. Discrete Distribution of Elements If the source of the sound wave is at a distance D from the origin of the array, then the sound wave will be spherical in shape when arriving at the array. Furthermore, the sound wave will expand radially from its source. Let (x0, Yo. Zo) be the coordinates of the source with respect to the origin of the array. Let (x;,y;,2;) be the coordi- nates of the 7'% element of the array. A unit vector in the direction of the line joining (0, 0, 0) and (xo, Yo» 20) will be (cosa, cosb, cosy), the direction cosines of the line. Then, from figure 1, the phase difference with respect to the origin from the 7°" element is ae + + + = a, # [ x, cosa y, Coss Zz, Cosy p, (cosy, 1)] (1) where & = Zing and } is the wavelength of the incoming sound wave. Equation (1) is obtained as follows: D=(x.,y.,2.) ° (cosa, cos8, cosy)+p, cosy, U U U U U SOURCE (x0, Yo, Zo) ELEMENT 69 W550 or, 4 U x, cosaty, cos8tz, cosy WAVE FRONT Figure 1. Rectangular coordinate system showing a source and a spherical wavefront passing through a typical element of a general array. or, expanding the dot product: D=y.co0OSaty,cosB8ts.cosyto.cosy. a8, eg ae y ae Ve ee = = D-9. = x.cosaty,cosBts.cosytp.(cosy,-1) aD D p, = %, cosa ty, cosB Za y p.,( v, Equation (1) follows on multiplication by x. The response of the see element is by definition 7,exp(jwt) - exp( jo ,). * (See list of references at end of report. ) Letting the time variation factor of the response equal 1, the response becomes PR. = Hexp jo, If a direction defined by the unit vector (cosq,, COS85, COSy7o ) should be compensated for, the response of the 7t4 element becomes R, = H,exp je, expr 8, = £,exp j(6,-6, ,) 1K The directivity function is by definition” Vv Vv R= ye = \ Eexp j( 8% ;) oil BA Al that is, the sum of the responses of the elements. Hence, compensating for a spherical wave, the directivity function for a finite number of discrete elements is *Page 15 of reference 2. **This function is also known as the directional characteristic or the beam pattern of the array. R= ) £,exp Jil, (cosa- COSa5 +y, (cosB-cos8p ) + s + =il\e = z, (cosy cosy, ) p, (cosy, 1) Po ,(cosy, , 1)] (2) By simple geometry, it can be shown that P, = \/D°-2D(x, cosaty, cos8t+z,cosy)+tr,? (2a) t t t t t where 7..° = x,*+y,2+z.2, and that t hein! D-(x,cosaty, cos8tz cosy) U U U (2b) cost. = Ve 0; If compensation is made for a plane wave front arriving from a direction (cosa, COs, , COSy,) and if the actual source is a finite distance D in a direction defined by (cosa, cos8, cosy), it can be shown that the directivity function is WV Re Ve, exp Jhlx., (cosa- cosa, ry, (cos8- cosa ) -_ U Gal +2, (cosy-cosyo +p, (cosy ,-1)] (3) Now if D> =, in equation (3), the directivity function be- comes in the limit that for a plane wave front: MV R= » B exp Jhl x, (cosa-cosay yy, (cos8-cos8o ) t=1 tz, (cosy- cosy, )] because p .(cos,-1)50 as D>». This can be shown by use of L'H6pital'S rule’ 2. Continuous Distribution of Elements By a continuous distribution of elements, it is meant that the elements are in a region of space where they are every- where contiguous and dense. (a) Array in the Plane (fig. 2) Z SOURCE P(xo ’ Yo AO) ) W(x, y) a B ELEMENT (x, y) Figure 2. Source and a typical element of a plane array. Let the array consist of the points of the boundary and the interior of a region 8B. Let B be a connected and a compact set. Let (AA porte AA.) be a partition of B such that the responses on AA; are approximately equal. Then the response on AA, is approximately ~ ; att + es R, E(x,.y,) {exp jk [x, cosa y,COs8 p(x ,, y,)(cosy(x,, y,) 1)]}a4, where (x., y,)is some point in AA,. Then the directivity function fs approximately u pew ial U i=1 or N ee ° + + —_ R ) Ble, y, texp jax, cosa y, cose p(c,. y, Kcosy(a,, y,) 1)]}a4, i=l Letting 7-0 as max |a4,|>0 R= { Fx, y) {exp jk xcosatycosstp (x, y)(cosy(x, y)-1) ]}dA (5) B This equation is for the uncompensated array. If the array is compensated for a planar wave front whose direction is defined by (cosag, COS85, COSy,), then the directivity function is R= i Ex, y) {exp jz[x«(cosa- cosa, )+y(cos8- CosB, ) B +o (x, y(cos¥ (x, y)-1)]}d4A (6) If a spherical wave front is compensated for, the directivity function is Be i E(x, y) {exp jx[ x(cosa- cosa, )+y(cos8- cosBo) B +o(x, ycosy(x, y)-1)-05 (x, y (cosy (x, y)-1) ] }aA (b) Three-Dimensional Array By reasoning analogous to that used in deriving equation (5), it can be shown that, if 7 is a region in 3-space, then the directivity function is (® R= | 1a ($6. vafemp [xcosatycosstzcosy dE +o(x, y, z(cosv(x, y, z)-1)] bday Or, if compensated for a spherical wave front r R= / E(x, y, 2) {exp jk [x(cosa- cosa, )ty(cos8- cosB, ) df + z(cosy-cosy,)+ (x, y,z)(cos (x, y, z)-1) -0o (x, y, z)(cosl> (x, y, z)-1) 5 | QV) In Appendix A, it is shown that Li P D ae | IB Ges Ws &)) jo [xcosatycos8tzcosy Te to(x, y, z)(cosh(x, y, z)-1)] | dy Li i | Cae E(x, unferos [xcosatycos8tzcosy oF t+o(x, y, z)(cosv(x, y, z)-1)] jer which is R= { E(x, y, 2) | exp jk [xcosatycos8tzcos 7] | ay Op 11 Hence, as D>», the directivity function becomes that of a planar wave front. The corresponding result for a planar wave front and direction of compensation can similarly be derived and is R= i Elx, y, 2) \exp.jit [x(cosa- cosa )ty(cosB- cosB, ) See +z(cosy-cosy,)]}dV (c) Generalization of Results (a) and (b) Let F be a region containing elements (x, y,z). Then the generalized directivity function is Rs Jim. Ys Z) | exp jk[2(cosa- cosa, )ty(cos8- cosB,) +z(cosy-cosy7o )to(x, y, z(cosW(x, y, z)-1) -00 (x, ys z)(cosvo (x, y, z)-1)] } dF where (Ce Ube) = \f (oe- 200 P+(y- yo)? (2-2 )? NxXo* tyo*t+Z07 -(xcosatycos8tzcos 7) o (x, Yy> 2) Nico +Yo* +Z0* =) cosy(x, y, Z) where 3. Shading In the foregoing expressions, F(x, y,z) and #, are called the shading coefficients. These functions are wéighting factors such that if properly chosen will produce a high main lobe and low side lobes in a given directivity function.™ If E(x, y, Zz) = 1 or 1g C= 1, then the equations reduce to the case of an unshaded array (i.e., all elements equally weighted). So far the directivity function has been concerned principally with the effect of phase differences. However, the sound pressure will also affect the pattern in that it decreases with distance from the source. This effect can be taken care of, in the continuous distribution case, by letting sles Pd hi D E (x,y) =4 (x, y) G5) Then, the uncompensated directivity function is given by p= | awl, Woy fexps1D-olx, we y) XH» | In the above equation, w(x, y) is a shading factor, CS is a weighting factor that takes account of the decrease in sound pressure amplitude with distance from the source, and D-o(x, y), the exponent of the exponential function, is the phase difference of the element at (x, 1) with respect to the origin. There is a corresponding, similar result for the discrete distribution case: N = D ; — R )) Dy exp jz[D p, | ae @ Y D In most applications a 1, so that F(x, y)~wls, y). Thus this correction factor for the decrease of sound pressure amplitude is absorbed into the factor 7x, y). *Reference 2, page 16, and reference 3, page 15. **This treatment is for the 2-dimensional array, but it can be extended to 3 dimensions. In either case, a spheri- cal wave is incident on the array. 14 In order to ascertain when this correction term can be approximated by unity, consider the sound pressure ata distance o(x, y) from a point source emitting spherical waves; then the sound pressure is given by - = -00 kCA 0 Hi 40 3K Py = Ge, peers Lue: kote, yt 9 where the symbols have the meaning ascribed to them in the nomenclature. The sound pressure amplitude is me |= Oo eA fe) Oo)” Saw and at a distance D- Se OGiCA ey Weg = The sound pressure amplitude drop between D and P(x, y) by the wave is given in db by Fy H D 2010g, 5 em = 2010g, 5 o (x, y) D ’ D : : ao : etal If 0 oS Ga) <1.1, then, the amplitude error is +ldb or less, which is considered small enough in most cases so D NRK eok that 1 4 a Ga) can be replaced by unity *Reference 4, page 30, e.g. (1.41) **Reference 5, page 457 PART II - APPLICATIONS OF THEORY 1. Discrete Distribution of Elements (a) Linear Array (Compensated) Let V = 2m elements be placed a distance d apart on the y-axis. Let the position of the ith element be given by (0, (t+1/2)d, 0). Then by equation (3) (fig. 3), +77 /2 P= ) Byexp,fal (¢#1/2)d(sine- sing, +p ,(cosy,-1)] ~=-/2 where 948 DP -2D(441/2)a singt+(1+1/2)? a? and _ D-(441/2)d sing Pi cosy. Vs LE ACOWUR CE Plxo » Yo ) i (0. (-2)3) Figure 3. Source and elements of a linear array. 15 16 If D-~, then +N /2 RS y H, exp jk(7#1/2)d(sin6- sinh, ) t=-W/2 And if the E, are all equal, and I = 2m m ip = 25 )) exp ji(i-1/2)d(sine-sing, ) wel Applying the geometric symmetry of the array m R= 2B, ) cos(ie(i-1/2)a(sing- sing, )) aml Then, using the identity* ie sin oy 2 Y cos(i-1/2) x = ————, where = 2m sin = wail 2 the directivity function becomes, Re Ey sine) o where = ns (sin§- sin, ) *Reference 2, page 16. This is the equation for a linear array of / = 2m elements* or, if the directivity function is normalized ) aK Kk es sin(/e Ry = By isin) (b) Circular Array (fig. 4) (Compensated) Let the circle have a radius 7. Then for a discrete set of elements on the circumference, the position of the it element is x. = rcosg. . = rsing. = 0 i Di» U; D522, » SOURCE JAG 35 5 Uy 5 Bo) ELEMENT (x. y,) Figure 4. Source and elements of a circular array. *Reference 2, equation (A9), page 16. **Reference 1, equation (51), page 56. 17 18 Substituting these polar coordinates in equation (3) and FA 0 t WV R= > B,expJk jr I(cosp , (cosa- costo sing, (cos8-cos8o ) | Gai + - p, (7, ,\(cos¥,(r, 9 ,) 1) It is easy to verify the relationships cosa = cos@sin y cos8 = sin§ sin y obtained by introducing spherical coordinates. Substituting into R and simplifying: WV R= ) B,expJjh | r[(sinycos(6-9 ,)- sinyo COS(Qo - ,)1 t=1 +o,(8,8, (cosy, (6, 0,)-1) Let D-~; then, the directivity function becomes that of a planar wave front for a circular array: MV R= ) B,expjkr| sin y(cos(6-9 ,)- sinyo cos(8o -9,)] Call Let WV = 2m elements be placed symmetrically with respect to the x-axis with equal angular displacement between any two consecutive elements. Let this angular displacement be 7.5°; then 2; = (t+1/2) 7.5° for the ith element. Further, let 6 = 0° and y = At WOOm sethen W/2 R= ) Bvexpsjer[cos(-(i41/2)7. 5°)-cos(t+1/2)7.5°]* i=-W/2 *Reference 3, pages 13-15 (c) Rectangular Grid (Uncompensated) Let WV, = 2m be the number of elements in the x-direction, and Nz = 2n be the number in the y-direction. Let the separation of any two consecutive elements be d, and dz in the x-direc- tion and y-direction, respectively (fig. 5). Ah P(x, Yo: Zo) (x, Y,) Figure 5. Source and elements of a rectangular array. Then the coordinates of the jth element will be (7 + 1/2)d,, (2 + 1/2)dz, +1/2 depending on whether 7 is negative or positive, respectively . Then the uncompensated oar corresponding to equation (3) becomes +N, a a7 R= \ y E, 7 OxP Je LGA / Addy cosat(2+1/2)dscoss ye ae ol (cosy, hall 3 20 Let D-o; then a plane wave front will be incident: +11 +e ae ee a if = ) \ 2, pexp jk [(t41/2)d, cosat(t+1/2)dz cose J pata 27M 2 2 Applying Euler's Formula and noting that because of symmetry the odd function cancels in pairs (letting #, 28 be equal) ue mie R= 4B, my )cos(e(i-1/2)a, cosa) * cos(k(2-1/2)ds cosp) OA, 2a. Then by using the identity of Section (a) stn yx 2) cos(i- 2) 4 —————— Lig Ot. OG SEL oy the directivity function becomes PzE sin(W,é) , sin(Wsn) i, 2 sin(é) sin(n) where bs kiddy ze kidz Ee = 79, ©Osa Metis —z_cosB Letting fi. ee 1 and normalizing _ sin(W,&) sin(Izq) * (9) Ry eee eames N,sin(é) Nz sin(y) *Reference 1, page 37, equation (29). Similarly, one can derive a corresponding result when a direction (cosa), COS85), COSy)) has been compensated for. The result is similar to equation (9) except that e = 7 (cosa - COSA ) and Ade2 i 2 (cos - cos& ) (d) Rectangular Parallelepiped Let a finite number of elements be arranged in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped such that J, = 2m, Ns = 2n, V3 = 2p are the number of elements in the x-direction, the y-direction, and the z-direction, respectively. The separa- tions in any axis direction between consecutive elements are equaltaeleectathesseparcationtbeng nid en G sully thei ay sur=, directions, respectively. Then the coordinates of the ith hydrophone will be, if the origin of the coordinate system is the center of the rectangular parallelepiped, (7+1/2)d,, (Ce A10/F2)) api (310): 2)) Gain Ctl oo) P(x0+ Yo: Zo) Wit, 2, A) Gans Vas Ba) eae (go 9 Figure 6. Source and elements of a rectangular parallelepiped. ail If no direction is compensated for, the directivity function is SUB hy GM 9 Ns 2 2 2 ee ) y DBs i , [(471/2)d, cosa Sik Sis il Op eh =z 2 = 3 Ua Coot ay +(7+ +(At a a (241/2)ds cosst(h+1/2)ds3 cosy Psie, (COs, | an 1)] By taking account of the symmetry, and letting D>», and assuming f, Lh are constant we, \, jo i 2 oye!) ) Y Lexp j(t-1/2)dy cosa] - Cmte mlanml [exp jz(2-1/2)d2cos8] - [expjx(h-1/2)d3cosy ] Since each summation variable is independent of the other: pes iB n ne) exp jk(i-1/2)d, cosa ] [2) exp jA(2-1/2)dz cos8] [ 2) exp ji(h-1/2)dz cosy | Using the identity in the previous section, the directivity function becomes R=E. sin(h §) : sin(W2 1) t sin(Wa( ) i, 4,hsin(e) sin(») sin(c ) where any i) i} (e) 2) n 2 normalizing, sin(W,¢) . sin(W2 n) sin(V3C) sty a L,hM,sin(e) Wz sin(y) ' Wz sin(C) 0) Note that in equation (10) each factor represents the nor- malized directivity function for a linear array with the respective number of elements in the respective axis direction. If a direction (cosa, COS85, COSy.) had been compensated for, the substitution parameters in equation (10) would have been a5 Fa (cosa- COSA ) 7 = “22 (cos8- cos8o) C= EZ2 (cos y- C0S7o) To show the validity of (11), below, let a = B° 3 S97" ya and Qo =) (Baie = O90)” Bona om a0 and 24 Then the directivity function becomes _sin( 1 cose’ ') sin(W.722(cosy’ - 1)) Tae TOD e ere —..0000 O——— A MN, warn cos8’ ) Nz sin(722(cosy’-1)) a Ts cosa eae) R W381 : ok or rearranging, 2. Continuous Distribution of Elements (a) Line Array From the general directivity function for a continuous distribution of elements, the directivity function for a line array (fig. 7) (see Part I, section 2(c)) becomes: LjP R= ; rca exp ji[ x2(cosa- cosa +p (x) (cosy (x)- 1) ] x=-L/2 When this integral is evaluated, the answer does not appear ina closed form. However, if D-~, the integral > “Reference 6, page 15 (11) P(xo , Yo ) Figure 7. Source and a line array. is not difficult to evaluate. In this case (letting E(x) = constant) Lf[2 sin(T 1 (cosa- Cosa, )) R= exp jizx(cosa-Ccosag) } dx = Lee ah Me AD ee ct (cosa- Cosa, ) If this result is normalized, and if q = 90°-9, then sin(Zz (sing- sing, )) = F- (12) wi (sing- sing, ) Ry This result can also be obtained if equation (8) is norma- lized and Wd>L; then, equation (8) approaches (12). This can be shown by using L' Hopital's rule. 25 26 (b) Rectangular Area Applying equation (6) to the rectangle (fig. 8) aA fo)? R= [ | me y))\ exp jz[x(cosa- cosas )ty(cos8- cosB, ) JOO ald a Nahe ae) +o(x, y)(cosy(x, y)-1)] | dxdy Plxo; Yo, Zo ) yx, y) o(x, y) x Figure 8. Source and a rectangular array. Again, evaluation of the above double integral does not give a closed form solution. However if D--, and if E(x, y) = constant GA 102 exp ji[x(cosa- cosa, )+y(cosB-cosB, )] | dxdy This becomes e/(OL IL é in(20 = mn oe COSA )) sin( (cosR- COSBo )) + (cosa- COSA, ) + (coss- COs, ) or normalized, : \ ; ~ sin( 2 (cosa- COSao )) sin(—"(coss- cose, )) Ry = 2 5 (13) 7 (cosa- COSdo ) <"(cos8- cosa, ) If, however, the direction (cosa,, cos, cosy, ) had not been compensated for, the directivity function would have been new AGI ~ _ (bor \ e ee : sin( "oss ) My S eosa cose R which is equation(30)of reference 1, page 37. It is also possible to obtain this equation from equation (9) by letting VV, d,7a and Nzd2,-b as VW, 7, Nz>0. This is the manner in which Stenzel derives the above equation. (c) Solid Rectangular Parallelepiped (fig. 9) The directivity function for a solid rectangular parallele- piped is, from equation (7), a b Cc 2 2 2 R = ; [ Pale Us cifexpjet ose COSA, ) an Oh -d Ie +y (cos8 - cOS8, )+z (cosy- cosy) +o(x, y, z) (cosy (x, y, z)-1) || dxdydz 27 Plxo » Yo 20) Woe, Ys z) p(x, y 2) Figure 9. Source and a solid rectangular parallelepiped. Because of the extreme difficulties in evaluating the above triple integral when the source is a finite distance from the array, the integral is evaluated for a source at infinity: +y(cos8- cos8>o )+z(cosy- cosyo ) J | dxdyadz Integrating (letting Z(x, y, z) = constant) i at ; : bt ~ ia sin (Zi (cosa- COSA) )) sin (Gicoss- cos8o )) ~ (cosa- COS ) + (cos8-cos®o ) _ (en sin( "(cosy -cosyo )) Tr 7 (cosy-cosyo) 28 and normalizing B (an iL ~ 4 ‘bu = N sin( > (cosa cosa, )) sin + (cos8 COS8, )) a foil = (14) <1(cos8-cos®, ) If c>0 in equation (14), the equation for a rectangular area is obtained, i.e., equation (13). (d) Circular Array (fig. 10) The directivity function for a circular array, obtained from the generalized directivity function,is Se R= | 2G. y){ expj4[x(cosa-cosa, )+ (cos8-cos8, ) S25), +o (x,y (cosy(x,y)-1)] tds where s denotes arc length. IG 5 Ue ) V(x, y) OG Figure 10. Source and a circular ring. 29 30 WER aGl =) 7a COSI OMY iig Sune ntlveta Se2 R= jee. y) exp.falr(cosd (cosa- CcOSd )+sing(cosB- cosBo ) Sasi *otai(cosy(s)-1)1}2¢ Let s = 7, so that D> R= | 20. y) Q=2, expjALr (cosp(cose- cosdo )+sing(cos8- cosBo )) *o(@Nleosy(@)-171 ra Using the relationships cos8- cos8o tan = Po COSA- COSXo _ COSA- COSAHo COS & = (cosa- cosa © +(cos8- cosBo )® cos8-coso sin @ = =. Ni (cosa- cosdo )* +(cos8-cosBo )* the integral becomes R= | 20, y) =D, +o(g)(cosy(g)- 1) ] brag expjklr N(cosa- cosa )* +(cos8- cos8o )* cos(Z- Zo ) so that Let D-~2, Ge R= [aw exp jur a] (cosa- cosdo )* + (cos8- cos8o )° cos(g-Go na D =r and if 5) In the following, let #(g) = Z1 = 0, Ge = 2n exp jkr VN (cosa-cosds )* + (cos8- cos80}” cos(g-Go Mee (15a) aqTl O If Ba 2 OL ga. TI R= ij expjarv (cosa-cosdo )* + (cos8- cosBo )* costars) (150) Oo If fin ==> oe =m TT 2 Rs \ [espns (cosa- costo )* + (cos8-cosBo )* cos(Z-Go | racase TT a These integrals can be evaluated by the use of the formulas (see Appendix C): ei | cos (@-p0 dap = Orien2 Oa be (27) (a) oO cos” * (9-Bo dg = oO 32 T F cos (yrpo bap = Ga VGn 3). 8-3-1 (a) (b) TT B J cos age Ia = Bam ay eae () os D The integrals then yield R = 2rdJo (&) (16a) (where Jo is the Bessel function of order zero) TT R= argo (@)4jr | sin[e(costp-go 11d? (16b) oO R= nro (2}+jr | sin €(costp-po 12 (16c) TT 2 where & = kr .f (cosa- cosao)* +(cos8- cosBo )* These equations are solutions of 15a, 15b, and 15c, respec- tively. If equation (16a) is normalized R = Jo (&) which is the same as the result obtained in reference 1, page 58. If equation 15c is evaluated for a, = 0°, Bo = 90°, 7, = 90°, a = § then il 2 R= r| exp 2jkrsin(g )sin(g-3 ) ag TT 2 which can be written exp,firr(cos(9-g)- cosy fa y iT 4 vw) a—, va This integral yields* T 2 R = Tro ( 2krsing tyr | sin| 2irsingsin( 9-5 )|ag in 2 In general it; =-6@, Ga — 6 areythe limits of integration, the directivity function will have the form R = 28rJo (2)+g(2)+ inl) For example, this is the case when § = 7/3. (e) Circular Disk Applying equation (6) to the case of a circular disk (fig. 11), and letting 3 = 7m Cos?, Y = rsing Rie ij | 20. y) A expjzLr{cos g(cosa- cosa )+sing(cos8-cosBo )} +o(r, g(cos\(r, @)-1) ]}rdrdg “Reference 3) page ts 33 34 P(x0, Yo, Zo) v(7,@) Figure 11. Source and a circular disk. Let the disk have radius a; then a et Re J Vat, y) jexpjkLr {cosg(cosa- cosa ) r=0 g=0 +sing(cos8-cos8o )}+p(7r, g (cosy (7, )-1)] | rarda @ Let D>», and A(x, y) = 1, then oH Bh | Pe | I Jexnsrf const cosa- coms )+sing(cosB- cosBo ) ] rare r=0 g=0 The integral becomes a R= an | ro (rd (cosa- cosco )? +(cos8- cosBo aa O Applying the identity | set (x)dc = xJy (x)* *Reference 1, page 119 The directivity function becomes where E = kas (cosa-cosdo )* +(cos8- cosBo )° If this directivity function is normalized _ 2d, (§) Ry z Let do = 85 = 90°; then & = Aasiny and _ 2/1 (kasiny) ,, Ry ~Fasin y (f{) Spherical Surface Array First, an uncompensated spherical surface array will be considered, followed by a compensated hemisphere. In the case of the uncompensated spherical surface array, the directivity function is given by R= fa, v2) exnstdveosntyoost zcosy]}ds S Let the sphere have radius qa. Then from figure 12, x = asingcos6é y = asingsiné Z = acosg oO *Reference 1, page 20, equation (17). (Up) 35 36 Figure 12. Element on spherical surface. Also, the direction cosines expressed in spherical coordi- nates are cosa = sinycosy cos8 = sinysiny cos y = cosy Where y is the angle measured from the x-axis to projec- tion of the unit vector (cosa, cos8, cosy) on the x-y plane. Let H(x, y,z) = 1, then substituting the above relationships into the expression for #, and simplifying sinddga 6 TT oT R =a" \ j Jesse [singsin,{ cos(9-x)teospcos )| B30 =O Then, integrating with respect to 6, TT R = 20a” | f{expjkacosycos@} Jo (kasinysing)singdg Bao which becomes R = 2ad\sinka* Thus f# is a constant. This is to be expected since an uncompensated spherical array would not favor any parti- cular direction, because of its symmetry. This result corresponds to the fact that a circular array, if uncom- pensated, has a constant response for a plane wave arriv- ing in the plane of the array. For a compensated hemispherical array the directivity function is R= [ at, Ys B) S! exp Jk ((cosa- COSM )+y(cosB- cosBo ) +2(cOs y- COSYo )) | as where the subscript zero indicates direction of compensa- tion. If the radius of the hemisphere is a, and expressing x“,Y,#, in spherical coordinates as before, R becomes R= \ x0, §),expjzal singcos§ (cosa- cosdo ) +singsiné (cos8- cos8> )+cos@(cosy- cosyo) |} dS _ cos8- cos8o : Let tanvo i eanGCGaGs. Then the integral becomes [at 6){ exp jxasing,/(cosa- cosas )* +(cos8- cosBo )* S cos(e- V5) esp ocossteos y- COSyo )} dS *Reference 7, page 378-9 38 If #(g, 9) = 1, then integrating over a hemisphere, the directivity function becomes T 2 poe | @-08=0 2 TT 3 expjzasing /(cosa- cosa )* +(cos8- cosBo )* cos(8- vy | . ese cos @(cosy- cosyo | singdgd 8 Integrating with respect to 4 = et R = 2na* be (xa sing,/(cosa- cosdo )* +(cos8- cosBo ) (e) . fexeseacosstoos COSyo | sing ag Using the transformation & = cos@, 1 1 R = 2na" lhe (q /1- 2? )cospedét+j es (q./1-2° )sinp§dé 9 oO where g = ka J(cosa-cosdo )® +(cos8- cosBo )* p = ka(cosy-cosyo ) A preliminary search of the literature has failed to produce an evaluation of the integral. A simple method of evalua- ting it is to expand the Bessel function into its series and then integrate term by term. (For further details see remarks in Appendix C.) Another method of approxima- tion is to place a sufficient number of discrete elements on the spherical surface and use the formula for the direc- tivity function of a discrete element array for reception of planar sound waves (the limit of equation (3) as D-=). APPENDIX A: NOTE ON A DOUBLE LIMIT PROCESS Theorem. Let f(x, y) be a function defined on asx0 be given, then there exists a Y (ce) (depend- ing on c, independent of y) such that | 7x, y)-9 a) | <== whenever y2/(c) for each x on aa) This inequality can be written s— - g(x) / (ec). Since g(x) and f(x, y) are integrable functions of x [oy b fo) |G -at)ax< [rey dx < \@or eax a Qa a whenever y=V(c). This reduces to the inequality b D [rte y)dx- | oberon /J(e), which is, by definition, D Db iim Jr: y) ax = [pee y)ax Y CO Uae a a This result can be generalized to higher dimensions by repeated application of the above theorem. Since Hexp(j6) = Feos6+ j#sin§ and each function satisfies the condition of the theorem, and since integration is a linear process, the claim of Part I, Section 2(b) is seen to be true. APPENDIX B: DIRECTIVITY FUNCTION IN VECTOR NOTATION The directivity function for a discrete number of elements compensated for a direction (cosa), cos80, cosy.) anda finite distance Do, with coordinates (x0, Yo,Z0) is N R= ) £,expsklx(cosa- COSA )+y(cos8- cosBo )+z(cos y- cosy ) gol a i ha = p, (cosy, 1) p (cosy, 7 1)] This result can be written in vector notation as follows: Let v = (cosa, cos8, cosy) ee Vo = (cosdo, cos8o, cosyo) ie SO > (xo, Yo, Zo) Then the directivity function becomes i = v~ = o> |r |-7,-0 R= ) F,expjh Ta (v-v0)+ |r-r, | ————-1 ,=] c ate 7 | U = = | 70 |-r., ~& 2 |raoirs | u -1 70-7, | U This can be simplified by multiplication inside the exponential function to M R= ) FE, expel |7|-|7 |- [Py | o> wall > |) 42 ® POINT OF COMPENSATION @ ACTUAL SOURCE Figure Bl. Source, typical element, and point of compensation in vector notation. APPENDIX C: FORMULAS FOR EVALUATION OF CERTAIN INTEGRALS The recursion relationships used in evaluating the integrals (15a), (15b), (15c) are proved by using mathematical induc- tion. As an example the relationships 27 en x ts (2n-1)(2n-3)...5- 3-1 J cos Voll Ona Geman aN. (eu) (@) and 2 [cos 1(g-Go dg = 0, n=1,2... (C2) Oo will be proved. Equation (C1) is first proved. Forn = 1 2 ie (GGo dg = 1/2(9-Po )+1/4sin2(-Go) ait fe) Assume that equation (C1) is true for n = & Then eT] PAN | costs V(9-Go )dg = | cos (Z-Bo dw = 1 2hk+ . aM Spee ok * = 3775 COS Xp fo )sin(g-po)| oper cos’ (2Bo )dg (e) “Reference 8, page 38, integral 267. 43 44 = —s (cos?#**(2n- o )sin(21-go )+ cos*** 196 singo ) 2 2h+1 oS (oe (Q-Bo dw {e) 2m a J cos” (g- go Nap (0) But 2 i 2k — i Ae 8 ) 8 | cos (W-Go )aw = ses Bay (27) O by induction hypothesis; hence aq 2+ 2) x= x Saas Ril Se) OV open OSS AS: Cy) {e) Hence equation (C1) is established. Similarly, equation (C2) is shown to be valid: ILS = i etl eT | cost gh to dg - sin(g-go)|_ =a fe) Assume that equation (C2) is true for n = &. Then, forn =AtT1 an | cos”***(g- go Jag = (0) i cos?” (g-go )sin(Q-o i eT TE | cos (p-go lag = aaa [cos**(21-go0 )sin(2T7-Zo )+cos? "go sino ] hii | cos?*-*g-p )dg = 0 (©) 2k 2hF1 + since T 2, ' cos?*"1(g-Go dg = 0 by induction hypothesis. In a like manner the other integrals are evaluated. Since the integrals involved often contain Bessel functions in the integrand, or some other function that must be expanded in an infinite series in order to evaluate the integrals, two conditions must be satisfied before the integral can be evaluated: 1. The infinite series must be uniformly convergent, and the individual terms must be continuous. 2. The limits of integration must be within the interval of convergence of the series. All the integrands treated in this report satisfy these con- ditions when term-by-term integration is employed. Furthermore, if the series is an alternating series that is monotone nonincreasing, that is uniformly convergent on its interval of convergence, then the error after trun- cating the series after n terms is majorized by the magnitude of the (n+1)th term. This is a convenient method of judging the error. 45 46 APPENDIX D: PERTURBED CYLINDRICAL WAVE FRONT The function A(r,@) = r+g(g) represents the wave front of a radially expanding cylindrical wave emitted from the source P(x, yo) after some time ¢ (fig. D1). If g(g) = 0, then A(r, g) = r which is a cylindrical wave front inthe plane. The quantities r and g are defined in the &y coordinate system. Y A SOURCE P(x0 , Yo ) ELEMENT (xc, , y,) Figure Dl. Source and perturbed cylindrical wavefront passing through a typical element. The distance D from the origin of the array to the source is given by = x.cosoty. singt Oo D xy sé y,s 8 ee su. Since =r.+ nr,, 0) ins g(0) and zg) = D-h(r,, 0) Is 0 oe i : pan = + ap - - ay x, cosh y, sind p, cosy, r. g(0) But =r+t Pa aa ey hence at f el A 6, kl, coséty, sindtp , (cosy, 1) g(t ,) g(0) ] Now . ro = =| ° au 6, Lo, cose y, sind | since y,70 as D-~. Hence for large D, 6, approaches the phase difference for a plane wave. if The directivity function for an uncompensated discrete array is given by WV = ; ar in§+ -1)+ = R ) £, expselo, cose y, sine p, (cost, 1) gy.) g(0)] sa 47 48 Note that if g(g) = 0 for allg, then the above directivity function becomes that for a cylindrical wave front. If a cylindrical wave front is compensated for (compensa- tion indicated by subscript zero), the directivity function for a discrete number of elements is N fe : : va Beate e R ) B exp flor, (cos COsfo ) y, (sino sino ) p, (cosy, 1) L= - Poy (costoz -1 +9(vz)-9(0) | The various quantities in this equation are easily obtained from geometry: p, = (2. = 20 Ea Ue) p or ys /(x,-Deose +(y, -Dsiné zaman D-(x;cos6+y sind) Py cost, = An example of the function g(g) is sin 4g. Its effect ona cylindrical wave front is shown in figure D2, when r =2-5 that is WS 1 psu : n (25.8) = 25+ sin4 9g ke £3 nl25,0) = Be + sin4 g Figure D2. Example of a perturbed cylindrical wavefront. 49 REFERENCES 1. Stenzel, H., Guide for the Calculation of Sound Processes, Navy Department, 1947 (NAVSHIPS 250-940) 2. Navy Electronics Laboratory Report 757, Simultaneous Multibeam Phase Compensation, VI: Phase Compensator for the Lorad Station- Keeping Receiver System, by C. J. Krieger and R. P. Kempff, CONFIDENTIAL, 7 May 1957 3. Navy Electronics Laboratory Report 806, Simultaneous Multibeam Phase Compensation, VII: Circular Array Phase Compensator for the AN/SQS-11 Sonar, by C. J. Krieger and R. P. Kempff, CONFIDENTIAL, 26 September 1957 4, Stewart, G. W. and Lindsay, R. B., Acoustics, Van Nostrand, 1930 5. Beranek, L. L., Acoustics, McGraw-Hill, 1954 6. Navy Electronics Laboratory Technical Memorandum 397, Proposals for a Receiving Array for Project Artemis, by R. P. Kempff, CONFIDENTIAL, 6 May 1960* 7. Watson, G. N., A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2d ed., Macmillan, 1944 8.) Peirce, B. O., A Short Table of Integrals, 3d-ed., Ginn, 1929 *NEL Technical Memoranda are informal documents intended primarily for use within the Laboratory. 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