nee : Stieece na ese eae ean ion Sartor CUO Se pa s teeoroo TOEO O WAM QA — IOHM/TEIN Se a 4 ae or : ’ : \ b — SG apy 5 ¢ ; An RA Meee WER ts arash ue on 86° 80° a DEN “ay ee | Sor ke J South tr, aa t 100 - 1000 s fra d 1000.- NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN BOTTOM CHART. The Contour lines show the approximate increase of depth by every half mile trom 2000 fins: 1000 Fathams . 1 Nautic Mile Submarine Telegraph Cables. thus ———_— NN semi a A FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, COMPRISING INSTRUCTIONS, GENERAL AND PARTICULAR, FOR ITS NAVIGATION. BY ALEXANDER GEORGE FINDDAY, FR.G.&., Honorary Member of the Societa Geograjicu Italiana. SIXTEENTH EDITION. REVISED AND EDITHD BY W. R. KETTLE, F.R.G.S. 5 7 ee A LONDON : PUBLISHED BY IMRAY, LAURIE, NORIE & WILSON, Lrop., 156, MINORIES, E. “O'sr the glad waters of the dark blue Sza, Our thoughts as boundless, and our souls as free, Far as the breeze can bear, the billows foam. Survey our Empire, and behold our Home.” —TLord Byroim ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. PREFACE TO THE THIRTEENTH EDITION. SO More than sixty years have elapsed since the First Edition of this work nade its appearance—a period which has witnessed a total change in the aspect and requirements of Hydrography, as in most other departments of knowledge. Professing to deal with the subject in its present condition, this Edition bears no resemblance to the book in its original form, except in the title it bears ; every topic and every page have been changed by the accession ot facts, due to the research which modern refinement brings to bear upon every branch of scientific enquiry. There has been no greater advance made during any portion of the long time which has elapsed, since its first appearance, than has taken place during the last twenty years ; and, to represent that advance, this Edition has been entirely remodelled, and may be considered rather as a new work upon the former arrangement, than as a revised production. The examination of the bottom of the Ocean, almost a new subject, and yet in its infancy, has already dispelled many of those dangers which were formerly believed to exist. The various features which have been elucidated in the Wind and Current systems, and their bearings upon the best Routes for traversing the Ocean ; the more exact acquaintance with the Magnetical condition of the Earth, and the most important connection this has with the increasing number of iron ships; with many other subjects, will be duly discussed in the ensuing pages. To enumerate here the authorities to which we are indebted would be to offer a long list: we have duly acknowledged them throughout the work ; and we trust that this 7hirteenth Edition may do as good service to the mariner in its quiet utility, as those which have preceded it. A. G. Finppay. Lonpon, February, 1873. “HE foregoing Preface may be said to apply equally to this Fifteenth Edition, in its reference to the rapid increase in our knowledge of the Ocean and its shores. -In 1879 the Fourteenth Edition was issued, care- fully revised, with numerous additions bringing it abreast of that date, N. A. O. 1* iv PREFACE. and this has now in its turn been thoroughly revised. The Tables of Positions have been reconstructed ; the Chapters and Diagrams on the Winds, Currents, and Passages, embrace information from the latest and most reliable sources of knowledge on these subjects, especially the Sections on the Winds and Weather of the Northern Atlantic, on the Gulf Stream, and on the new Uniform Routes for Steamers, to minimise the risks of collision; the subject of Ice, as a danger to navigation, is also fully discussed, and includes a Code of Ice Signals for the vicinity of the Newfoundland Banks; while the descriptions of the Coasts and Islands, and of the Scattered Rocks and Shoals, have been completely re-written. The theory of Storms and Hurricanes has received due attention, azd the Section on Hurricanes and the Law of Storms, illustrated by new diagrams, has been entirely remodelled; as appertaining to the same subject, an article has also been added on the use of Oil in Calming Rough Seas, illustrated by diagrams. The latest information concerning the Depth, Temperature, &c., of the Ocean, has been colleeted and embodied in the Section on tiose subjects. We could exten our remarks, but prefer that tnose who may use this Work should draw their own conclusions as to its value. We have now only to thank the numerous authorities, to whom we are indebted for the increase of our knowledge, which has added so considerably to the bulk of the volume, and to solicit fresh information from those who may be in a position to amend or add to it. W. B. K. Lonpon, Octover, 1894. It having become necessary to reproduce this Work in the midst of a dis- astrous War, it was found impossible to prepare an entirely new edition. The Uniform Routes for Steamers have been revised, consequent upon the appalling loss of the steamer Titanic ; a new chart of the Magnetic Varia- tion and Dip inserted ; and the descriptions of the Coasts and Islands have been omitted, as being out of date. W. RE Lonpon, January, 1918. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL REMARKS, WITH CONTENTS. SECTION I TABLES OF DETERMINED POSITIONS AND THE AUTHORITIES, ETC., INCLUDING THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL REMARES... Limits of the Atlantic Ocean, 1; Remarks on the Charts, 2—3; Length of Coast Line, 5—6. > TaBpuEs OF DETERMINED Positions, Eto. sds 2. 3. . Coasts of France—Positions of Places, 27—30; Notes England and Wales—Positions of Places, 8—11; Notes ............. ve Coasts and Islands of Scotland—Positions of Places, 12—14; Notes Coasts of Ireland—Positions of Places, 16—18; Notes Norway and Sweden—Positions of Places, 19—22; Notes Seeccesecece . Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium—Positions of Places, 23—26; INOLEN bcs ceccucsesssssesceteececercctabcecdecececcecccoe topo satetescc ns ate kaa alent Seeeseevescesesoce . Coasts of Spain and Portugal—Positions of Places, 31—34; Notes... . The West Coast of Africa—Positions of Places, 36—41; Notes . The Azores or Western Islands—Positions of Places, 44; Notes . Madeira and the Canary Islands—Positions of Places, 45—46; Notes . The Cape Verde Islands—Positions of Places, 47—48; Notes . The Feroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador, and the Coast of Newfoundland—Positions of Places, 49—55; Notes Poe eerecedessesece . Gulf and River of St. Lawrence, with Cape Breton Island, &¢.— Positions of Places, 57—62; Notes SOE STO TOES EHEHRO SHOE EE EEE EEE OES EE EEEEOED . Nova Scotia, &c., Southern Coasts—Positions of Places, 63—65; Notes . Atlantic Coasts of the United States—Positions of Places, 66—72; Notes SOPOT OHH SSTSETOEOHSEEE TOSS EEOEEEEEESEEESH OSE EEE SESS SESE ESS HOSES ESET ESE OEO EES ESS Peeeroecceseecsoce . The Bahama, and Passage Islands—Positions of Places, 77—80; Notes . Cuba, Jamaica, &c.—Positions of Places, 81—83; Notes . Haiti or Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, and the Virgin Islands— Positions of Places, 84—87; Notes POO SRT SHOT HEHE OTO OHH O OHO EseaEseseesessss® . The Caribbee and Leeward Islands—Positions of Places, 88—90; Notes OPPOSES EEO SHEE EEE HH SEES ESOT EE ERO SESESEOESESEE SSE HT EOE SES ESE SES EE SESE EE ESSE SSD . The Coasts of Guiana, &c., to the Mexican Sea, inclusive—Positiong of Places, 92—96; Notes OOOO COTO SEH H EHH HEH TEH SHES TES TOSSES SESS SOOT EE DEES Eee vi CONTENTS. SECTION IL GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS, TIDES, AND CURRENTS, AND ON THE DIFFERENT PASSAGES OVEB. THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. PAGE I.—The WINDS eoeceeveereeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeees sree ee eeeeeeeteene 97 1. GeneRAL Remarks, 97; Theories of Halley, Hadley, and others, on the Wind System, 98—101; Aqueous Vapour, 101; The Atmosphere, and Proportions of Land and Water, 102; Force of the Wind, with Tables of Force and Velocity, 103—106; Wind and Weather Nota- tions, 103, 104; Land and Sea Breezes, &c., 106—107; Wind System of the Northern Hemisphere, 107. 2. Toe Motions AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE, 108; Use of the Barometer, 108; Barometer Normals, &c., 108—111; Changes in Atmospheric Pressure, 111; Buys-Ballot’s Law, 112—113; Remarks by Captain Henry Toynbee, 1183—116; Barometric Waves, 116; Mr. W. R. Birt’s Researches, 116—117; Barometric Gradients, 117— 124; Methods of Foretelling Storms, 118—121; Remarks by Mr. Birt on the Weather Charts of the Meteorological Office, 122—124. 8. NortH ATLANTIC WINDS AND WEATHER, 124; Wind Regions of the North Atlantic Ocean, 124; Wind and Weather Charts, &c., 125; Monthly Forecasts, from the United States Pilot Charts, 126—128. 4. Tae N.E. Trape Winn, 128: Region, 128; Direction and Force of the Trade Winds, 129; Mean Rates of Vessels, 129—131; Northern Limit, 181; Equatorial Limit, 131—132; Table showing Equinoctial Limits of the Trade Winds, 182; Direction and Duration of the N.E. Trade Wind, 1382—135; Maury’s Summary, 135—136; Captain Toynbee’s Remarks on the Winds during each Month, in the region between lat. 20° N. and 10° S., from long. 10° W. to 40° W., 1836—140. Winds of the Atlantic Islands, 141; West Indies in general, 141; at Jamaica, 142; Bahama Islands, 144; the Bayamos, near Cuba, 144; Guyana, Cumana, &c., 145; Gulf of Mexico, 146; the Norths, 146— 150; Gulf of Mexico, North Coast, 150—152. 5. EquaroriaL CauMs AND WInps, 152; Limits Defined, 152—153; Table of Extent, 154; Captain Toynbee’s Remarks, 155; Maury’s Cloud-Ring and the Rains, 156. 6. THe Arrican Monsoons, 157; Extent of the Monsoons, 157—158; Winds and Seasons on the African Coast, by Captain Midgley, 158— 160; Coast from Cape Blanco to Cape Palmas, 160; Windward Coast, &c., 160—161; Remarks by Comm. Bourke, Baron Roussin, and Lieut. Bold, 161—163; The Harmattan, 164—168. 7. Winps anp CauMs on THE Tropic, 168; at Bermuda, 169, CONTENTS. 8. THE ANTI-TRADES, OR PassaGE Winps, 170; Definitions, 170—171; The Winds between 55° and 40° N., 172—177; Captain H. Toynbee’s Remarks on Hight Logs, kept by Captain J. A. Martyn, in Passages over the North Atlantic, 177—178; Notes by Captain R. Inglis, 178—180; Effect of Sea Temperature on the Passage Winds, 180. Storms in the North Atlantic Ocean, between lat. 40° and 55° N., 181; General Tendency from West to East, 181; Remarks by Captain Toynbee and Professor Buys-Ballot, 182—183; Description of Cy- clonic Wind Systems, 183—184; Anti-Cyclones, 185; Various Remarks on Cyclonic Gales of the North Temperate Zone, 185—187 ; On Ordinary Gales, 187; Information from New York, Danish, and London Meteorological Offices, 189—196; Records of Storms ex- perienced by Steamers of the North German Lloyd, 196—198. Winds of the British Isles, 198; Weather, in Cyclonic and Anti-Cyclonie Systems, 200—203 ; Winds at Greenwich, 203; Winds at Liverpool, 203—206; English Channel, 206; Diagrams explained, 207; Bay of Biscay, 208—211; North and West Coasts of Spain and Portugal, 211—213 ; America, Gulf and River St. Lawrence, 2183—215; Nova Scotia, &c., 215—216; South Carolina, &c., 216. 9. Hurricangs, 217; Defined, 217—223 ; Season, 223 ; Regions, 223— 226; Indications, &c., 226—228; The Storm Centre, and how to avoid it, 228—231; Investigations by Padre Viiies, of Havana, 231— 232; Rules, &c., for Avoiding their Violence, 282—248; Storm Card, by Lieut. Evans, 234—241; Remarks by Captain Leighton, 241—243; Short Rules for Action, 243—245; Practical Hints by Padre Vijes, 245—248; The Storm Wave, 240; Oil on Rough Seas, 248; Examples of Famous Hurricanes, 248—258; On Making Use of Hurricanes, 258—259; Squalls and Tornados, 259—264. 10. WaTERspouTs, 264; Definition, 264; Principles of their Formation, 264; Description by Malté-Brun, 265; by Mr. M. Downie, 265—267 ; by Mr. G. Maxwell, 267; by the Hon. Capt. Napier, 268; Examples of Casialties caused by them, 270. Pe CEES yea: sin's 4 ai6\nloie:o'ein a. o.oss,nis's iene ejeliphevajel tes ofa shclaiet dial Explanation of Tidal Phenomena :—The Action of the Moon, 271; Of the Sun, 272; The Tidal Wave, and its Velocity, 273; The Establish- ment, and the Corrected Establishment of the Port, 274—275; The Semi-menstrual Inequality, 275; The Age of the Tide and Difference of Two Diurnal Tides, 275; Height of Mean Water, 275; Action of Atmospheric Pressure, 276; Various Phenomena, 276—277. Tipe Tasie:—River Thames, and South and West Coasts of England, 278 ; Scotland, &., 278—279; England, East Coast, 279; Ireland, 279—280; Norway, France, Spain, and Portugal, 280—281; Atlantic Islands and the West Coast of Africa, 281—282 ; Newfoundland and the St. Lawrence, 282; New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, &c., 282— 283; United States, 2883284; Gulf of Mexico and West Indies, 284; Remarks on the Tide Table, 284—293. vii PAGE 271 CONTENTS. TTT saline CURRENTS: 4), 25 sje: caois sje annie Aol « 9:9. 8 sraierahe Some e General Remarks, 294 ; Drift of Bottles, &e., 295—297 ; Circulation of the Ocean, &c., 297—298; Depths of Current, 298—299; Definitions, 299; Current Systems, 299—301. 1. RENNELL’s CURRENT, or the Occasional Current Athwart the Entrance of the English Channel..........c0ccsccscsssccscesescoscseesses = 2. The NortH AFRIcAN CURRENT, an Easterly and §.E. Drift to the Coasts of Europe and Africas .....scecacss>sscvessonsndessinase+sesetsscesaae 8. The Guinea CuRRENT, being an Easterly Stream Across the Atlantic, and along the Coast of Africa, into the Bights of Benin and Biafra 4.) The iSARGASSOISBA: ‘sce cceddelsas.tecdectsceecercees costes cod cedeesetenteeee teres 5. The’ NORTH HQUATORIAL CURRENT .....cccccccscccccscvsccssocsccccccoccccccses 6. The Sourm HQUATORIAL CURRENT <-.cccossseccesscscaccescccsteccoccectseteaee 7. CURRENTS of the CARIBBEAN SEA and the GuuF of MEXICO ............ 8. The Gur SPRRAM cbs cacccscescessceeve ves cnersbbearenek venues suaseerse eee ae 9. NortH-EastEeRty SET to the Coasts of Western Europe, &c. ......... 10. ‘The ARctic)or LABRADOR CURRENTS .. ccvsesseses cos saceccsscccoessosseeseacene IV.—MAGNETIC VARIATION AND DIP, with a CHarz ...... V.—PASSAGES OVER THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN.... 1. GENERAL REMARKS and GREAT CIRCLE SAILING ....sccscececeeceeeecececesons 2. To and from the’ Hinglish Channel... ..22--ssancsseoncessasapcetnoesso Tor) pe co rT Dw GC on Nore He OO Anos Dw one PRO PRE oo} on AODOHOCHRODAWIDOO to —) 18 18 18 17 18 19 19 19 18 19 | 19 19 19 35 15 35 55 30 30 30 10 : i GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. AUTHORITIES. The GrRanD TRIGONOMETRI- CAL or ORDNANCE SURVEY of England, &. 7 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 11 ENGLAND, WEST COAST. VAR. LAT. N. LONG. W. | WEST, AUTHORITIES, 1895. fo) ! " ° U ” hs ° ! Black Rock, Lighthouse...) 58 26 89 | 8 2 28 The GRAND TRIGONOMETRI- Liverpool, Custom House) 53 24 10 | 2 59 12 | 18 40 | cat or OrDNANcE SuRvEy of North-West Lightship...... 538 30 52.| 3 80 48 England, &e. Formby Lighthouse......... 58 8219 | 38 38 56 Formby N.W. Mark ...... 53 384 0} 8 5 53 Rossal Point, Landmark...| 538 55 15 | 3 2 56 Fleetwood, Lighthouse ...| 53 55 35 | 3 O 22 Wyre Lighthouse............ 53 57 13 3 1 46 Laneaster Steeple............ 54 3 4; 2 48 14 Walney Island, Light ...... 54) 255 | 8 10 33:)19 0 St. Bees Head, Lighthouse| 54 80 48 | 3 88 8 | 19 20 Whitehaven, Pier-head Lt.- BATESO. os acisesacadgieecison seeded 54 83 10 | 3 35 50 Maryport, Lighthouse...... 54 48 0} 8 80 21 Lee Scar Lighthouse ...... 54 51 46 | 3 24 48 Skinburness Lighthouse ...| 54 52 47 | 38 22 46 Workington, Chapel Hill...| 54 88 28 | 3 34 11 Southerness, Lighthouse...| 54 52 22 3 35 37 | 19 25 Criffell, Station in the Sur- vey, 1,831 feet above sea! 54 56 26 | 3 87 37 ISLE OF MAN. Point of Ayre, Lightho.) 54 24 56 | 4 22 1/ 19 45 North Barrule, Station, 1,840 feet high ......... 54.17 27 | 4 23 32 Snea Fell, Stat., 2,034 ft.| 54 15 50 | 4 27 35 Chicken Rock, Lightho.| 54 215) 4 50 10] 19 50 Peel, Lighthouse ......... 54 12 45 4 42 23 NOTES. 1. Greenwicn OpsERvaTory, the Prime Meridian.—This Observatory was founded during the reign of Charles II., and the Prime Meridian in general use passes through its great transit instrument. In 1884, a Conference of delegates, appointed by twenty-five European and American countries, assembled at Washington, in the United States, for the purpose of fixing a universal Prime Meridian, to do away with the inconvenience experienced from various countries each assuming a meridian of its own. Twenty-two delegates voted in favour of Greenwich; San Domingo voted in the negative; while Brasil and France abstained from voting, the latter favouring a so-called ‘“ neutral ” meridian, to pass through the Azores or Behring Strait. The Geodetic Conference held at Rome, in 1883, also very decisively expressed its opinion in favour of Greenwich. French charts adopt the meridian of Paris; Spain adopts the meridian of San Fernando, Cadiz; and Portugal that of Lisbon. Most other nations use the meridian of Greenwich. From 720 observations of the Pole Star, made during eighteen months of 1825 and 1826, the latitude of the Royal Observatory was deduced as 51° 28’ 38”. By a later correction it was placed in 51° 28’ 40-16"; but by the Grand Trigonometrical Survey it is taken as 51° 28’ 38-30". 2. PLymoutH BREAKWATER.—On the northern side, near the centre, is a landing pier, on the East end of which is a granite pillar, with a brass plate, on which is engraved its sorrect latitude and longitude, 50° 19’ 59” N., 4° 8’ 52” W. 12 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 3. Fatmouta.—Dr. Tiarks ascertained, in the summer of 1822, by the comparison of sixteen excellent chronometers, carried backward and forward between Greenwich and Falmouth, that the western longitude of the latter had been given at 44 seconds of time, or 1’ 6” of arc too little, by the first Trigonometric Survey. In consequence, twenty-nine of the best chronometers belonging to the Admiralty were subsequently committed to the care of the doctor, and a vessel was appointed wherein he was to sail, backward and forward, between Dover and Falmouth, until the longitude in time, between these stations, and between them and Portsmouth, as an intermediate station, was settled beyond any doubt. The result was, as to all places on the South Coast of England, between the meridians of Greenwich and Falmouth, if 1 second be added to every 4 minutes of longi- tude, as given by the original Survey, the exact longitude, according to the chronometers, will be obtained. These differences have since been entirely settled by the re-examination of the triangles, now completed. VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. In the latter part of this volume, some observations on the general subjeot will be found, among which, as to the secular change, which requires attention, the more especially from the care demanded in the navigation of iron ships. In these Tables we give the approximate variation for the year 1895, reserving such remarks upon former results for the section specially devoted to the subject. The Variation is now decreasing on the Coast of Englard at an average rate of about 53' or 6’ per annum, according to the most recent observations at the Greenwich Obser- vatory, varying irregularly from 5’ to 8}' between successive years. The rate at which it is increasing or decreasing in this and other regions is also shown on the special Diagram given hereafter. 2. ISLANDS AND COASTS OF SCOTLAND. VAR. LAT. N. LONG. W. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. | 1895. PSs aye EDINBURGH; the Observa-| ° ' "” emt OY TORY c atts oochedenue asta e [1]] 55 57 23 | 3 10 54 | 19 30 The GRAND TRIGONOMETRI- Inchkeith Lighthouse ...... DO 2 TEN a 20 6 CAL or ORDNANCE SuRVEY of Isle of May, Lighthouse...| 56 11 9] 2 33 22 Great Britain. East Lomond, 1,461 ft. ...| 56 14 31 3 13 10 IFENNOSS! ccc sswseecessssccaceces 56 16 45 | 235 O Bell Rock, Lighthouse...... 56 26 4| 223 7|)19 5 Dundee nliaiwac.assesecnceseees 56 28 11 2 59 10 | 19 25 Buddon-ness, High Light) 56 28 8 | 2 44 54 Arbroath, the Abbey ...... 56 33 45 | 2 34 53 ReaghiGadiccerccsesctecsceecees 56 36 55 2 29 24 Montrose, Scurdy Ness, TiighGhOUsesescctseeessesewes 56 42 5| 226 6 Girdleness, Lighthouse .... 57 815] 2 2 40 Aberdeen, Marischal Coll| 57 8 57| 2 5 42/19 6 | Aberdeen, North Break- water Lighthouse......... 57 833| 2 4 6 | Belhelvie or Orrock, Dove- COLE ceccceee Seeeneserstvecrasne 57 15°52 2. 3 57 Buchanness, Lighthouse...) 57 28 14 | 1 46 22 Peterhead, Old Mill.........| 57 30 44 | 1 47 82 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS, 13 ISLANDS AND COASTS OF SCOTLAND. a LAT. N. Rs Sara acf? Rattray Head, Pile ......... lai cobhoe, Fraserburgn, Kinnaird! Head Lighthouse ......... | 57 41 52 Troup Head, Staff .........| 57 41 38 Macduff, Spire ............... | 57 40 5 Covesea Skerries, Lightho.| 57 43 15 Tarbetness, Lighthouse ...| 57 51 55 Noss Head, Lighthouse ...| 58 28 38 Duncansby Head ............ 58 38 30 Dunnet Head, Lighthouse! 58 40 19 ORKNEY—Pentland Sker- ries, Upper Light... [2}| 58 41 26 Stromness, Church ...... 58 57 44 Hoy, Rora Head ......... 58 52 30 Cantick Head, Lightho.| 58 47 10 Kirkwall Light ............ 58 59 9 Start Point of Sanda, Bishthouse............... 59 16 42 N. Ronaldshay, Lightho.| 59 23 6 Stronsay, Station in Survey ....... ROCOHD SOOO 59 5 38 Fair Island, summit......... 59 82 45 Scaddon'Lighthouse...... 59 30 45 Foul Island, sum. (1,369 f%.)| 60 8 24 BREE SICILY” cievecesgecesecsas 59 4 50 North Rona Island ......... 59 7 16 SHETLAND— Sumburgh Head, Lighthouse...... 59 61 17 Bressay Island, summit} 60 7 48 Lerwick; the Fort Flag- Mibrilieracncsadentearsfase sac 60 9 22 Whalsey Island, summit} 60 20 1 Out Skerries, Lighthouse} 60 25 30 Yell Isle, Reafrith Kirk] 60 35 55 Fetlar Isle, summit ...... 60 37 12 Haaf Gruna, summit ...| 60 39 44 Balta Island, summit ...} 60 45 3 Saxavord, Survey| 60 49 39 Lambness, on Unst...... 60 49 O Burraford Holmes, Lt.- HOUSE tee desccatsasscs cack 60 51 20 Ramna Stacks, N.end...| 60 39 50 Ve Skerries, off St. Mag- ISDE EY ons o oFeinadnavennan 60 22 30 Fugloe Skerry, near Papa} 60 20 15 Scalloway Castle .........] 60 8 10 ! WESTERN CoastTs. Holburn Head ...........000 58 37 20 Cape Wrath, Lightho. [8]| 58 87 838 Loch Laxford, N.W. Point] 58 24 40 LONG. W. ee fad pat fet =O OooocorFrorFE Or O98 CHR DOR HD POD BOD OD ODDO 24 | VAR. WEST, | 1895. AUTHORITIES. ONS a — —— ° ’ The GRAND TRIGONOMETRI- CAL or ORDNANCE SURVEY. 19 10 19 45 19 50 The OsBsERvATIONS of Mr. 19 0 | George Thomas, R.N., on his Survey of Shetland, &c., 1825 to 1833, and later observers. 18 55 rs SR 14 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. ISLANDS AND COASTS OF SCOTLAND. Ru Stoer, Lighthouse ...... Flannan or Seven Hunters, Idd ena AY Keres on gecoeccocconad Butt of Lewis, Lighthouse Ru Rea, Station in Survey Stornoway Lighthouse, in NGG WAS eure saa: see teceteaaces Glash or Scalpa, Lightho. Storr Hill, in Skye ......... ° On bo ao =e OO TON OV o St. Kilda, Peak at N.E. end Monach Isles, Shillay Lt.- TS UHSIEY BS 286 geepoce soase ecb Ben More, 8. Uist; Station Barra Head, Lighthouse... Skerryvore Lighthouse ... Dubh Artach Lighthouse... Ardnamurchan Pt., Lt.-ho. Tobermory, Mull; Light on Runa Gal Rock ...... Lismore Lighthouse, Sound rag ill an osenesssertenone Oban, Light on Pier......... 56 Ben Nevis, summit ......... Ben Tartevil, or Tart-a- bhaile, Islay Island ...... Rhynns of Islay, Lightho. Jura Island, North Pap,| DIG O MCC Le me-eesecemeres csc Sgeir Maoile Lighthouse... Mull of Cantyre, Lightho. Sanda Island, Ship Rock BR ras cote dinate ome aaer Campbelltown, Devaar Lt. Goat Fell, Arran Island ... Ben Lomond, Station in SHWAIESY —saoncacaosnbacsoda[T Troon, Lighthouse ......... f Pladda Lightho., Arran Id. Little Cumbrae, New Light- INOUSE Re sseessccacweseeeales Toward Point, Lighthouse GLASGOW OBSERVATORY ... Ardrossan, Horse Island WPT Ke 6opcccosndopcéocasasonae Ayr, Lighthouse ........... Turnberry Point, Lightho. Corsewall Point, Lightho. Mull of Galloway, Lightho. Southerness, Lighthouse... Coe co bo me O ob uN —_ Ho ce SOile enon or or & oO D> or or or lor) Ooonnaa- DODO & (>) one | is Or Or Or Oro > > Called a VAR. WEST, | AUTHORITIES. 1895. 22 23 22 22 21 21 21 20 20 | The ADMIRALTY SURVEY, based on the Ordnance ‘tri. 15 | angulation, 50 15 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 18 ‘ NOTES. 1. Eprnsureu.—The geographic position of the Astronomical Observatory on the Calton Hill, was given by the Ordnance Survey, in 1816, as longitude 8° 10’ 54” W. But this result appears to have been affected by a singular cause, which demonstrates the refinement to which these operations have been carried. It was afterwards found that the attraction of the mass of Arthur’s Seat (a hill to the southward of it) had drawn the plumb-line (or zenith sector) towards it, and thus produced an error of several seconds in the calculation. This error was established in 1839, by Professor Henderson, who made the longitude 8° 10’ 45”. Some interesting experiments were made on this curious point, during the late Ordnance Survey, by which, not only the effect of mountainous masses on surveying operations was ascertained, but also the density of the earth was established. Since the completion of the triangulation of the Ordnance Survey, a new principle for ascertaining the difference of longitude has come into operation. The extension of the electric telegraph has placed Greenwich Observatory in direct connection with most other important Observatories; and in April, 1857, a series of instantaneous signals was trans- mitted between it and Edinburgh, under the direction, at the latter place, of Professor Piazzi Smyth, the worthy son of the excellent Admiral Smyth, well known to all sailors. The results of these experiments placed its longitude at 12™ 43-0485 in time, or 3° 10’ 45-72” in arc, confirming Mr. Henderson’s previous result. It is now, however, considered to be in long. 3° 10’ 54”. 2. OrKNEys, &c.—The Orkney Islands were originally surveyed by the elder Mackenzie. Murdoch Mackenzie, F.R.S., was the first surveyor of our coasts, who conducted his operations on right principles. His first work, Orcadia, or the Orkney Islands, with part of Lewis, was done at his own expense, and was published in 1750. Its accuracy is great, and its utility is still unequalled. He was afterwards employed by the king in surveying the coasts of Ireland, &c. Later in life his works were attacked, most unjustly, by Dr. Anderson, which called forth suitable replies and justification from John Clark, in 1785. This work may be said to have commenced the Admiralty Surveys. 3. WEST OF SCOTLAND, AND THE HEBRIDES.—Up to a recent date the charts of the whole of this portion of our shores remained nearly in the same state that they were left by Murdoch Mackenzie. Notwithstanding their imperfections, however, statistics have shown that no great detriment to navigation arose from their so-called ‘“ disgraceful” condition, an epithet which took twenty-five years of organized surveying parties, and £250,000, to remove. We may here add that they were examined, and partially surveyed, by Captain Joseph Huddart, whose charts were long of good service. Captain Huddart also surveyed a great portion of the St. George’s Channel at the expense of the predecessors of the publisher of this work. The Variation of the Compass on the Coasts of Scotland is now decreasing at ike rate of about 9’ per annum. 16 Tur NORTHERN COAST. Tory Island, Lighthouse...| Fannet Point, Lighthouse Innistrahul, Lighthouse ... Lough Foyle, Dunagree Point, E. Lighthouse Magilligan Tower ...[1]| Londonderry Cathedral Port Rush Bengore Head Rathlin Isle, Lighthouse... Knocklaid Mountain (1,690) feet) | see eeeeoesesseseseees ee eseeeescocecssesses| Tor Point Garrone LOllusesesssesscscsesers The Maidens, West Rock see eeeeerereeseeerers ENP HUROUBE: csace eens secede Hunter Rock (9 feet) ...... Blasio Heads sencsscaencsses see Carrickfergus Castle......... Belfast, Mouth of the JEEPS Ceca de pessoa Divis Mount (1,560 ft.) Bangor Castle Copeland Lighthouse Donaghadee, Pier Head ... Ballyhalbert, Fort South Rock, Old Lightho. St. John’s Point, Lightho. Slieve Donard (2,797 ft.)... Carlingford, Haulbowline Rock Lighthouse ...... AIT (1920567), ccc ccecteese Clogher Head ......cscccsess Drogneda, Bridge............ Balbriggan, Light............ St. Patrick’s Island Rockabill Lighthouse Lambay Island, summit .. Howth Hill, peak (548 ft.) Howth Bailey, 8.E. point, IAP NGDOURG - 256 onow ese cccaes Poolbeg Lighthouse Dublin, Nelson’s Pillar [2] DunsINnK OBSERVATORY Kingstown, Lighthouse on East pier Wicklow Head, Upper Lt. | eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeres GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS, 38. COASTS OF IRELAND. 52 57 | | | LONG. W. ° mo & ADMDDIMP HD “1-1 0 oO o> DAD DD AAADAADS HDHD OD Or Or Or Or Cr Cr OU GD Or Or Or Or Or or o> ~- OD oo =I or kt Or Or CO 1 Or 39 me oO em 10 45 Cc on He Orn oe 31 oro bo bw Or Ors ee oO? Oo He 20 _ ae) De Con SOMO wD PRO VAR. WEST, 1895. 20 40 20 20 20 35 20 30 | AUTHORITIES, The GRAND TRIGONOMETEI- caAL Survey of Ireland, aud the Surveys of Capt. William Mudge, R.N., F.R.A.S., and other Officers. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 17 COASTS OF IRELAND. — ree | LAT.N. LONG. W. | WEST, | AUTHORITIFE | 1895. ee es - = So af —— ie} , ” ° , " o 7 a 52 41 56 | 6 12 58 The Granp Trr A Forth Mountain ............ 52 18 58 | 6 33 39 CaL SURVEY, &c. uhed a Rosslare Harbour, Pier Lt.| 52 1510] 620 0 : Tuskar Lighthouse ......... 5212 9| 612 22] 920 0! THE SOUTHERN Coast. Saltees Lightvessel ......... 52 218] 6 39 30 Coningmore Rock............ 52 510] 6 87 30 Hook Lighthouse, near MMMEEIO TG: crond waccacveecnee 52 724] 6 55 43 | 20 25 ifelwick Head .........0.002. 52 3810} 7 32 15 Mount Kneckmeldown ...| 5213 40] 7 54 51 Roche Point, Lighthouse...) 51 47 33 | 8 15 15 Daunt’s Rock Lightvessel]/ 51 43 0} 816 O HeOberts Head .........0..00- 51 43 55 | 8 18 50 Kinsale, South Lighthouse} 51 86 11} 8 31 58 | 21 10 Galley Head, Lighthouse] 51 31 50 | 8 57 10! Stags of Castlehaven ...... 51 28 0} 9 18 80 Cape Clear, Old Lighthouse} 51 26 2| 9 29 3 | 21 45 Fastnet Rock, Lighthouse] 51 23 18 | 9 36 25 Crookhaven, Lighthouse...| 51 28 35 | 9 42 39 Ss CE 51 27 0} 9 49 30 Mount Gabriel ............... 51 33 80 | 9 382 30 pt 22 i 51 382 30 | 9 51 15 Hungry Hill, Station in UREN a cnicircniacidow cine ccs 51 41 13 | 9 47 27 Bantry Bay, Roancarrig Island, Lighthouse ...... 51 39 10 | 9 44 49 Bear Island, Signal Tower on West end «............. 51 37 438 | 9 53 40 / 22 5 THE WESTERN Coast. Dursey Island, South Point| 51 34 45 | 10 14 10 | Bull Rock, Lighthouse ...| 51 35 30/1018 3 | 22 20 Skelligs, Lighthouse ...... 51 46 6 | 10 82 29 Valentia Isle, Cromwell Point Fort .....scsss00s 51 55 50 | 10 19 15 | 22 380 West end ......e.ee0 [3]| 51 55 22 | 10 20 41 MGuIUS FVCad:....sccsescececss bl 57-6 | 10 19-20 Dunmore Head, Dingle Bay| 52 6 30 | 10 28 40 | Feaghmaan Station at Tearaght Island, Lightho.| 52 4 30 | 1040 0O/| 22 50 Great Foze Rock ............ 52: 1 15,) 10:41 5 Mount Brandon, Station ...| 52 14 6/1015 10 Kileradan Head, Lightho.| 52 34 47 | 9 42 34 Scattery Id., Round Tower| 52 36 42} 9 81 15 Limerick Cathedral ......... 52 40 4] 5 87 23} 21 40 Loop Head, Lighthouse ...| 52 33 88 | 9 55 55 | 22 30 Mutton Island, Lighthouse} 53 15 14] 9 8 11 Arran Island, Lighthouse! 53 7 88 | 9 42 6 i Slyne Head, N. Lighthouse] 53 23 59 | 10 14 1] 238 5 Inishgort Lighthouse ...... 58 49 85 | 9 40 138 ) ! { eA. O. 4 18 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. WEST COAST OF IRELAND. ee Gh oh i) 1 | VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. W. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. | a ° Uy " ° Uy " ° ' Clare Island, Lighthouse...| 53 49 38; 9 58 58 The Granp TRIGONOMETRI- PNGHAMBENCEIO | Ivetesesslen/seiecee 53 58 20 | 10 16 O | 28 20 | can Survey, &c. Slieve More, Achil Island| 54 0 35 | 10 8 26 Hagle Island, Lighthouse...| 54 16 0| 10 5 32 Tawnaghmore, Station ...| 54 17 40 | 9 35 47 Telling or Teelin Head ...| 54 42 0} 8 48 10 | Rathlin O’Birne Lightho.| 54 39 47 | 8 49 52 | 22 40 St. John’s Point, Lightho.| 54 34 8 Ballyshannon Church... ... 54 80 11 Slieve League (1,977 feet); 54 39 5 Rinrawros Point, Lightho.| 54 50 0 Bloody Foreland (1,024 ft.)| 55 8 14 Muckish Hill (2,186 ft.) ...} 55 6 O CHANIA iva. deetiensienisescov'es 57 36 20 15 41 , 22 30 w- 10 0OO®O oo SU) iw) oO 41 32 | 27 20 | Capt. Vidal, «ec. 1 a NOTES. 1. The positions of places on the Irish coasts depend upon the observations made in the Trigonometrical or Ordnance Survey. The principal triangles, commencing with the measurement of the base on the East side of Lough Foyle, in 1826-8, were extended over the whole area, between that period and 1852, and gave results which may be practically taken as absolutely correct. Since that period, the minute surveys of the land, on a very large scale, have also been completed; and upon this basis our Admiralty surveyors have constructed our present charts, by adding the soundings and maritime features outside the low-water line. The names of Mudge, Bedford, Wolfe, Beechey, Frazer, and Church, should be mentioned among the officers connected with those operations. 2. Dusiin.—The Astronomical Observatory at Dunsink, 3 miles N.W. of Dublin, in lat. 53° 23’ 13” N., long. 6° 20’ 80” W., is a point verified by triangulation as well as by observation. 3. VALENTIA.—One of the most important geodetical operations in connection with the Ordnance Survey, was the chronometric determination of the difference of longitude between Valentia and Greenwich, in December, 1845. This are, one of the largest which could be measured in the British Isles, has been of very great importance, as well in verifying the accuracy of the T:igonometrical Survey, as in determining the true figure of the earth. It was carried on by Professor Airy, the Astronomer Royal, assisted by Mr. Sheepshanks, Mr. Hartnup, Mr. Hind, and several other observers, by means of thirty pocket chronometers. The stations were Greenwich, Liverpool Observatory, a temporary Observatory at Kingstown, and Feaghmaan at Valentia. The final determination of the longitudes, chronometrically, were—Liverpool, 12™ 0:05; Kingstown, 24™ 31°208; and Valentia, 41™ 23-23%. By the Ordnance Survey, these longitudes were made—Liverpool, - 12" 0°35 Xingstown, 24” 31°488; and Valentia, 41™ 23-07%. The Variation of the Compass is now decreasing on the Coast of Ireland at the rate of from 6}! to 8’ per annum. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS, 19 4 NORWAY AND SWEDEN. me ar ee Moudiuga Island, Berezov Bar, Lighthouse Swiatoi Nos, Lighthouse...| North Cape Lofoten Islands, Skomvecer Lighthouse........sc0000. Svolvaer Light Vaagé or N. Hellig Vaer Lt. Nyholmen, Lighthouse ... Tr Island, Sée Id., Lt.-ho. Andersbak Id., Lighthouse Mangvardkua, conical ben. Donnes 6e, Church at N. end Bjérn Market-place Alstené, Syv Séstre Mts., South one Skjerver I., Klep Harbour Siola Island, summit Vegen I., Gulsvaagfjeld Mt. Vegtinden Mountain ... Sjelva Beacon, off Minlamd Hoiholmtinderne Mount., DOUGH Peal... .ccccecsececsae Andalshatten Mtn., 8. pk. MevalOC. SUIMIMNIG ..occccvcses Helgeland Oflissen beacon, BEI MAIOG oc sosccnovennenns Heilhornet, remarkable Mt. Lekée, beacon on summit Vigten Islands, Sulafjeld POC MUsccccscccarscncsceese Indre: or Inner Island, Rorvig, on East side... Grinna beacon ............... Prestée Light, near Nerée Gjcen, Brakstad ............ Otter den, Findanger Fjeld PPATMOSs VIG, veccceccesecens Nordé Lighthouse............ Oxbaasheia, Village at 8. aaNaaaec ence sno scesscesen- Buholmene, cone beacon... Vigs Sjelen, summit......... eeeceescoseoreesee Peeeceesseseessesesesene BERET OHUPCH..1.cccccsncsosesy Almindingée, Hvalhovden or South point............ Halten Island, Lighthouse Leikua Beacon, off Lysé... Suuls Fjord, Sulen Tower Fréien Island, Titterodden, or West point ....... aeees LONG. 40 39 25 11 14 14 14 11 12 12 12 12 12 if if iQ! 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 16 48 46 54 36 1 24 59 19 41 36 35 82 35 45 ol 54 19 26 26 i 54 9 30 12 11 87 45 10 49 inl 10 13l 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 59 if 13 " 41 33 80 26 24 31 10 1 9 9 27 53 0 A5 0 55 30 30 20 0 30 30 30 45 8 31 45 8 19 10 ° , EAST. | 8 15 WESI. 10 5 1, “Q tt 0 1i 36 12 15 12 15 —— 13 18 - SS AUTHORITIES. Russian Surveys. The TRIGONOMETRICAL SUR- VEY, made by order of the Norwegian Government, by Capt. Vibe, &c., as explained in the Notes. 20 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. COAST OF NORWAY. OO ee VAR : LAT. N. | LONG. E. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. my 2) AME sid | __ ° t " ° ' " ° . WiVo; GUAStiONd wocncesssccssss 63 40 0; 9 7 O The TRIGONOMETRICAL SUR- Great Kopperen Hill, on VEY, made by order of the Mainland. cesccvrcssseeseoss 63 48 15 9 45 O Norwegian Government. Hitteren Id., Béré Light...| 63 34 20| 914 O | Omdasfjeld, on N. side} 63 383 25 | 8 43 O | 13 35 | Trondhjem Channel, Ter- | ningen Lighthouse ...| 63 29 50} 9 3 10 | 13 30 Agdenes Lighthouse ...| 63 88 40 | 9 45 30 Trondhjem, Munkholmen MOVE partanssedenoseseesses 63 27 30-| 10 23 30 | 12 18 Gathedrals/..teccc.ses2- [2]| 63 25 49 | 10 28 40 Smoelen Island, Maaberg- tuen, on North side...... 63 25 38; 8 1 O Eddé ; Trondhjem §S. Chan- nel, Light on Ringholm| 63 18 45 | 8 14 0 Grip Island, centre ......... 63 18 0] 7 385 40 Brathaarskallen Lightho.| 63 14 0| 7 37 O Stavenes Lighthouse ...... 63 640! 7 40 10 Aver6, Quaernaes.........00. 638 O 20 744 O Meknokken Mountain...| 62 58 80 | 7 385 15 Christiansund, Indlandet Pehle ee 68 6 0] 74815/14 5 Frey den, Frey Kollen Mt.| 68 3 0} 746 O Qvitholm, Lighthouse...... 63 125] 7 14 30 Stevshest, summit ......... 62 59 Oj ¥ 12 30 Bjérnsund, Lighthouse ...| 62 53 40| 6 49 30 Ona Island Lighthouse ...| 62 51 45 | 6 33 15 Sando, Church <<<. 62 49 81) 6 385 30 Romsdals Oerne, Harré UEPENS oes tee cessorese-sesennes 541715} 8 39 20 Ténning, South Church ...| 54 18 55 | 8 56 30 Biisum Harbour ..... evens 54 740] 8 51 50 Helgoland, Lighthouse ...| 54 10 59 | 753 0, 12 55 Bésch Sand Beacon ...[1]| 54 4 385 | 8 38 45 The Surveys made by the Elbe River, Outer Light- GERMAN ADMIRALTY. VOSBOLINO Fle cecascsbenwe 54 1015), Sielo 208 | el2nSsbn) Scharhérn Beacon ...... 538 57 10! 8 24 35 | Neuwerk Lighthouse ...| 53 54 55 | 8 29 55 Kiel or Ball Beacon ...| 53 53 30 | 8 41 25 Cuxhaven, Lighthouse...} 53 52 28 | 8 42 45 Gluckstadt, Pier Light...| 53 47 10 | 9 24 45 Autona, Observatory ...| 53 32 45 | 9 56 39 | 11 45 Hampure, Observatory] 53 33 5 | 9 58 81 | Weser River, Outer Light- | Sidi eecccceecccdscesssereee 538 54 15} 7 49 20 | Rother Sand Lighthouse} 53 51 20| 8 5 5 Hohe Weg Lighthouse...} 53 42 50 | 8 14 40 Meyers Legde Lightho.| 538 43 30 | 8 24 30 Longwarden Church ...| 53 36 20 | 8 18 382 Bremerhaven, Lightho.| 53 33 20 | 8 383 45 | 12 30 Bremen, Observatory ...| 53 4 388} 8 49 O Jade River, Minsener Olde! GOS MCRCOR ees cs0s000% 53 46 30 | 8 O 55 Schillighorn Lighthouse] 53 42 25 | 8 1 30) WILHELMSHAVEN Obser- ViLLOMVieteneeinesisisee ces cece 58 81 52| 8 8 48| 12 45 Wangeroog Lighthouse 53 47 28 | 7 58 59 | W@lnimehtien. eine cok ueecssces «i Be Cup BOL Fei ay) Spikeroog, Beacon near MILE adi totecoeuce truant 53 46 80 | 7 42 40 | Langeroog, North beacon FIG AT VIAZE ...scecesercnas 58 4510] 7 29 0 | Baltrum. village at W. end] 53 43 45 | 7 22 10 Norderney Beacon ......... 58 42 40| 7 9 30} 138 15) SEMI 5. 6f ok 5c vcsheaslestoes 538 42 30| 7 8 35 Juist, Eastern Village...... 538 40 40] 7 0 O Coast oF Hoxanp. [2] Borkum, Lighthouse ...... 58 85 20 | 6 40 16] 18 25 The Great TRIANGULATION PACU, FLOURO....s0ec0s0000 53 82 25 | 6 381 46 by Baron Krayenhoff, and the Delfzyl Church............+2- 53 19 58 | 6 55 38 Surveys made by Admiral Emden, West Church...... 58 92) Ded Beale Ryk, Captains Keuchenius, Schiermonnik-oog, High Van Rhyn, &c. TIPHLNOUSES sccacessessss0s 53 2919 | 6 9 42) Ameland, Hollum Church DOWD )S:35 thes disecesavecstant 53 26 5 88 15 | | Ce GHOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 25 COAST OF HOLLAND. ; | : VAR. LAT. N. LONG. E. WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. | te} , " ce] ’ Eh et ° ’ Ameland, North Lightho.| 53 27 0] 5 37 20 The Great TRIANGULATION Terschelling, | Brandaris by Baron Krayenhoff, and the METTIVONOUSC..¢.-s-cccc0saece 53 21 40 | 5 12 54 Surveys made by Admiral Harlingen, W. Ch. Tower] 53 10 29 | 5 24 45 Ryk, Captains Keuchenius, Vlieland, Lighthouse near | Van Rhyn, &e. East end..........0. «.-.| 65 17 48} 5 3 31} 14 20 | Posthuis near West end) 53 16 5) 5 58 40 | Franeker Steeple ............ 538 1114| 5 32 42 Makkum, Church Tower...| 53 3 37] 5 23 59 Bolsward, Church Tower] 53 38 55} 5 31 35 Hindeloopen, Tower ...... 52 56 87 | 5 23 57 Stavoren, Church Tower...| 52 52 57 | 5 21 39 | Urk Island, Church Tower] 52 39 46 | 5 35 88 Vollenhoven, Station ...... 52 40 538 | 5 57 4 Muiden Church............ ca} 52 19 64 | 5 4 17 Amsterdam, West Tower of | | Cian i ee [3]| 52 22 82} 453 2| 14 25 Marken Island, Light ...... 52°27 31/25 8-30" | Enkhuisen, Church Tower] 52 42 15 | 5 17 35 | | Wieringen Island, Ooster- land Tower......s++. vesseee| 52 55 55) 5 0 40 Eyerland, Lighthouse at RARE IOI so cdeccseseecesene 53:11 0 | -4)-51):30 Texel, Oostereind Church] 58 5 5]! 4 5238 Hoorn, Church Tower...| 58 1380); 4 45 5 | Willemsoord, Time Signal OH) ESIACE....:00-.0s+00. [4]| 52 57 50| 4 46 36 | 14 30 Kykduin Lighthouse ...... 52 57 5 | 4 43 20 Calandsoog Steeple... ...... 52 49 55 | 4 41 50 Egmond-aan-Zee, Lightho.| 52 87 10 | 4 87 20 Ymuiden or Noord Zee Haven, South Pier-head|! 52 28 0| 4 34 O Zandvoort, Lighthouse ...| 52 22 20 | 4 31 38 Nordwyk, Beacon............ 52 14 45 | 4 26 O anwyk, Light ...........0... 5212 2] 4 23 28 Leen, Observatory...[5]| 52 920]; 429 3 | 14 30 Scheveningen, Lighthouse] 52 610/ 416 0 Hook of Holland Canal, | North mole-head Light) 5159 10/ 4 5 5 | | Voorne Island, Brielle, | Light at entrance...... 51 54 25 | 4 10 40 | Hellevoetsluis, Time | Signal on the Hospital| 51 49 19 | 4 7 40 | 14 35 Rotterdam, Time-ball ...... bl 54 3 4 28 51 Goedereede, Church Tower MIG Sc sesarseats dive se cuss 5149 5| 38 58 38 Iron Beacon Light, on | Worth sidece 640 2: 51 49 42| 38 55 45 | Schouwen Island, Brou- wershaven South Mill] 51 48 22 | 38 54 40 Renesse, East Lightho.| 51 44 82 | 3 47 45 Lighthouse at West end’ 51 42 33 8 41 30. Zierikzee, Great Tower 5139 2 8 54 52) DerA- O. 26 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. | VAR. | LAT. N. LONG. E. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. | 1895. | ° mou ° baw, Of Frail Walcheren Island, Veere The Great TRIANGULATION Great Tower .........2.. 51 382 52 | 38 40 2 by Baron Krayenhoff, &c. West Kapelle, Light......) 5IBL 46.) 8 OF 0 Middelburg Tower ...... 51 30 0} 8 36 55 Flushing or Vlissingen, Time Signal ............ | 5126 85 8 385 48 | 14 50 | BELGIUM. Antwerp, Cathedral Tower, 51 138 20 | 4 24 10 |_ The French GovERNMENT BrvussELs, Royal Observa- | Surveys, &c. BOE Mina seb siaenecercselees [6]| 50 51 11 | 4 22 18) 14 25 is leyycirs ILS) ey hceaececessnecceeee 51 20 25 | 3 14 20 Blankenberg, Lighthouse 5118 50; 38 7 5 Ostende, Lighthouse East GM AR bOUT een-.sessaecnsnen 511415 | 2 55 45 | 15 20 Nieuport, Lighthouse ...... | 51 9 30| 2 48 55 NOTES. 1. Expt anp WEsER Rivers.—The details given in the Table are taken from the Surveys of these entrances, made by the German Admiralty, based on the triangulation of Professors Gauss and Schumacher. The longitudes are dependent on that of the well- known Observatory at Altona. 2. Hoxiuanp.—The charts of the Coast of Holland are based upon the great triangula- tion of that country, by Lieut.-General C. R. T. Krayenhoff, the account of which was published in 1813. Upon the points thus established, the coasts and channels about Vlieland, Ameland, &c., were surveyed by the late Capt.-Lieut. S. J. Keuchenius, published in 1831-34 ; the Texel Channels, by Lieut. A. Van Rhyn, 1840; the Zuider Zee, by the game, in 1841; the Schelde Channels, by the late Vice-Admiral J. E. Ryk, 1841; Goeree and the Maas, by the same, in 1827; and Brouwershaven Gat, by Captain Keuchenius, 1826. These fine Surveys were deserving of all confidence, and have been re-examined and amended in later years by other officers. 3. AMSTERDAM.—The triangulation of Baron Krayenhoff was dependent on the position of the western tower of the Cathedral of Amsterdam, which was considered to be in longitude 4° 53’ 16°86” E. Its longitude, by electric signal, appears to be as shown, 4° 53' 2:55" KE. By a Government Notice, dated August 1st, 1826, Greenwich was named as the prime meridian for Netherlands hydrography. 4. Time S1enazs have been established at Willemsoord for the Nieuwe Diep, at Helle- voetsluis, and at Flushing, all in electric connection with the Observatory at Leiden. 5. Lerpen.—The National Observatory of Leiden was established in 1854, under Professor Kaiser. Its longitude was obtained by electric telegraph time-signals, between Paris and Leiden, and fixed at 17™ 56-60* in time, or 4° 29’ 9-0" E. in are, but by a very careful determination, deduced from a great number of telegraphic signals made with Greenwich, in the autumn of 1880, by M. M. Bakhuyzen, it is considered to be in 4° 29' 3" BE. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 27 6. BrusseLs.—The Observatory at Brussels was considered, by the observations con- ducted therein, to be in latitude 50° 51’ 10°7”, iongitude 0" 17™ 29-0* in time, East of Greenwich. Although this position may not affect those of the coast, which were obtained by an independent process of triangulation, yet the change in the assumed longitude of the Observatory of Paris, with corresponding alterations in the relative connexions between that and other observatories, affect the longitudes of places on the coasts, in such a minute degree, it is true, that it is perfectly inappreciable by means at the ordinary sailor’s command; yet it is noticed here to show to what refinement these operations are earried on. It will also demonstrate the almost insuperable difficulty there is in arriving at an exact conclusion. This subject has been alluded to in connexion with the Edinburgh Observatory, and will be hereafter with that of Paris. In 1859, a series of instantaneous electric signals was made to connect the Observatories of Brussels, Berlin, Altona, &c.; and the longitude of Brussels, as given by M. Quetelet, came out as 17™ 28°98, or 4° 17’ 30°5” Hast of Greenwich—a very close approximation to the independent assumption. Later observations, however, have determined the position as given in the Table. The Variation of the Compass is now decreasing on the Coasts of Denmark, North Germany, &c., at the rate of 74’ per annum. 6. COASTS OF FRANCE. VAR. LAT. N. LONG. E. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. NoRTBERN Coast. [2] Paris, Observatory...... [1]| 48 50 11 | 2 20 15 | 14 55 The FrENcH GOVERNMENT Belgian Frontier, Corps de SURVEYS originated from the ERPGLEM inca soudcsssasssocesese 51 5 20} 2 82 50 triangles intended merely for Bergues, great spire........., 50 58 8| 2 26 30 the admeasurement of the Dunkirk, Belfry tower...... 51 212] 2 22 87 | 15 25 | degrees of the meridian in Heuguenaar Tower ...... 51 228) 2 22 50 France, but ultimately carried Cassel, Western Mount ...| 50 48 1] 215 48 on throughout the kingdom. Gravelines, Church spire...| 50 59 10| 2 7 44 These were commenced by Oye, Station in Survey ...| 50 58 48 | 2 2 82 M. Picard, who effected an ad- Calais Spire ....sessseceeeesee| 50 57 383 | 151 9 | 15 40 | measurement between Paris Lighthouse........... susecee! JOLOL 45), 9 51S 20 and Amiens in 1669, and Coquelles, West Mill ...... 50 55 41 | 1 47 53 finally completed by Messrs. Cape Blanc-Nez ........ .-| 50 55 83 | 1 42 34 Mechain and Delambre, in Mont Couple, summit...... 50) 52) £7 1 42 20 1798; after having exercised Cape Gris-Nez, Lighthouse] 50 52 10} 135 0 the abilities and industry of Ambleteuse, Windmill ...| 50 48 45 1 36 40 M. Cassini the elder, his son, Boulogne, Colonne de la and grandson; and since then Grande Armée ......... 50 44 31} 187 O| 15 45 |of MM. Miraldi and de la BEROEELS «Cocca voaccensntes 50 43 8 1 36 53 Caille, with other of the most Cape d’Alprec’h, Lightho.] 50 41 57 1 33 50 eminent French astronomers, Lorne] Point ........ sivtoness (00 c0,00)| 134 36 &c., up to the present time. Etaples Church ....... caexe] 00 S062.) Ff 88°35 Touquet, South Light...... 50 81 23 | 1 35 35 Berck, Lt. on Haut-Banc} 50 23 52| 1 83 24 Cayeux, Lighthouse......... 560 11 42;'} 181 O St. Valery-sur-Somme, Lt.| 50 11 30] 1 87 40 Tréport Steeple...............| 50 3 89 {/ 1 22 30 | Dieppe, Semaphore......... 49 56 0) 91 “5 35 St. Jacques Church ......1 49 55 85| 1 438. 15 50 | 28 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. NORTH COAST OF FRANCE. Pointe d’Ailly, Lighthouse St. Valery en Caux, Chapel Fécamp Abbey ...ccscseeseees Cape d’Antifer .....sssseoees Cape La Héve, N. Lightho. Le Havre, Steeple of Notre DAME <.....ccrccccnsccevesees Honfleur, Western Light... Rouen, Bridge ...cccccscseeee Oyestreham Church......... Pointe de Ver, Light ...... Port en Bessin, Light...... St. Marcouf Isles, Lightho. Fort La Hougue, Lightho. Cape Barfleur, Lighthouse Cape Levi, Lighthouse Cherbourg, Central Fort on the Digue ...... scvccccccces Querqueville Spire ......+4. Cape La Hague, Lightho. Alderney, Braye Harbour, SMG Ot MIGIE assesses cores Casquets, Lighthouse Guernsey, St. Pierre North PP OE OAC wieccovevasese- sees Hanois Rocks, Lighthouse Jersey; St. Helier, Eliza- beth Castle........... “5 Corbiére Rocks Lightho. Chausey Island, Lightho. Cape Carteret, Lighthouse Granville, Lighthouse...... St. Malo, Light............... Cape Frehel, Lighthouse... Le Rohinet Islet ..... aceeuse Caper ed Tigi. smmescesns ations Les Comtesses, Western ROCK Facer cotdeele saan gueates Grand Léjon Rock, Lt.-ho. Harbour Isle, off St. Quay Isle Bréhat, Paon Point THENTHOUSO Si csdcasececssese Héaux de Bréhat, Lightho. Roches Douvres, Lightho. Tréguier River, La Corne Rock Lighthouse ......... Les Sept Les, Lighthouse Triagoz Lighthouse ......+.. Tle de Bas, Lighthouse near the West end......s.cceeve .| Pointe de Pontusval, Licht- house Cero eer eee eee eeeereeerne LONG. VAR. WEST, 1895. 16 10 | 17 15 Were 17 25 AUTHORITIBS. The FReNcH GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. The Survey by Captain Martin White, R.N., and Mr, Richards, &e. The excellent Surveys of the Coast by the French En- gineers, under the direction of M. Beautemps Beaupré, in 1830—1831, and later surveys. + PR eS GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 99 WEST COAST OF FRANCE. AUTHORITIES. The Hyprocrapuic Sur- veys of the Western Coasts of France, made by the French Engineers, under the direc- tion of M. Beautemps Beau- pré, with later observations. REMARKS. It is to be remarked, that the longitudes, as given in the Con- naissance des Temps, compared with those in the Charts of the Piloie Francais, constructed be- tween 1816 and 1827, under the direction of M. Beautemps Beau- pré, showed a difference amount- ing to, at the least, 51-5", the former Survey being so much less, which was occasioned by the later determination of the geographical position of Crozon, near Brest, as explained in the The longitudes given in the Table are corrected. VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. W. | WEST, 1895. ° ! ” ° Uy " | ° , Chenal du Four, Lightho. 48 8120| 448 5 | Ouessant, or Ushant, N.E.| Lighthouse ........ aco 48 28 30 | 5 38 15 | 18 15 Tue Bay or Biscay. Les Pierres Noires Light- RMEUISCWectcnsesseccctcceccs ces 48 18 40 | 4 54 45 Lampaul Church .......... | 48 33 40 | 4 39 15) Kermorvan, Lighthouse ...| 45 21 44 | 4 47 15 St. Mathieu, Lighthouse...| 48 19 49 | 4 46 10 Portzic, Lighthouse ......... 48 21 88 | 4 82 15 Brest, St. Louis Church...| 48 23 20 | 4 29 80! 17 65 Mrozon Church 48 14 48 | 4 29 20 Toulinguet Point Lightho.! 48 16 45 | 4 387 45 Tevennec Rock Lighthouse| 48 4 20] 4 47 40 Bee du Raz, West extreme! 48 222] 4 44 20 Ile de Sein, Lighthouse ...| 48 235 | 4 51 55 Ar-men Rock, Lighthouse| 48 3 0| 4 59 50/18 5 Penmare’h Lighthouse 47 47 53 | 4 22 25 Peniret Lighthouse ......... 47 43 17 | 3 57 10 | 17 380 Tle de Groix, Western Lt.- ‘LILES oe eee 47 38 55 | 3 80 30 | Port Louis, East point of note. EUDEAMCOR pees-css lor mor mer) or Or or hb ee bo a bo > © ie) oo Ws) E. 30 on oo Sy) oo o°oocoeo w o ooon VAR. WEST, 1895. 16 5 15 40 15 25 15 5 14 45 AUTHORITIES. Captains Vidal, Owen, Pur- chas, Kelly, Denham, and other and more recent ob- servers, including the officers of the French vessels Zulisman, Gabhés, Guichen, &e., 1882— 1856. Lieutenant Field, 1881. Lieutenant Field, 1881. Lieutenant Field, 1881. Lieutenant Field, 1881. Commander Pullen, 1891. Lieutenant Field, 1881. H.M.S. Growler, 1869, GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS 41 THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA. | VAR LAT. LONG. B. | WEST, AUTHORITIES | 1895. | One faect |' cOMd Frat | o or North | Mepe st.-John .........0.0 Te 1G O59 92s .@ | | Captains Vidal, Owen, &e., &c. Corisco Island, N.W. por 0 55 54! 9 20 15 , 15 25 _ Cape Esterias ............... 0 88 80 | 9 21 15 | ® Point Clara or Joinville .... 031 0; 9 21 O| Gaboon River, Gombe or { Round Corner Point, HVS GHOUSC...0...000.0yee 018 80 | 9 19 30 | 15 30 Libreville, Flagstaff...... (0) GAB aly) 8) Bey sy French Officers. South HG LOPOZ .ccs..oeac-oeeess 036 0| 843 0/16 0| | AFRICAN ISLANDS. | FERNANDO PO North. | Lieut. Badgley, Captain Clarence Peak .........00 3.35 20 | 8 46 30, W. F. Owen, Comm. Boteler, Cape Bullen, Northern | and Spanish and Portuguese SXILEMNITY -...rccecnsees 3 47 45 8 43 15 | Surveys. Adelaide or EnriqueIslet; 3 46 0} 8 4717/15 0° Santa Isabel, Point Wil- | liam or rernanda, Lt.. 3 46 0} 8 47 42 * Cape Horatio, N.E. ex- | tremity ..cccccssseseeee 34615] 8 5615 Cape Vidal, Hast extr.. 3 0918 | 8 58° 0" Cape Barrow, South Rock’ 3811 50| 8 44 0O| Cape Eden, 8.W. extr. 318 30] 8 27 0 Cape Badgley, Westextr.| 321 0] 8 25 0 Charles’ Folly, N.W. ene 3 28 15] 8 29 40 | Cabras or Goat Isle, Lt.- RRS periiasanqsiesooeets'secs 3 382 25 | 8 34 40 epeler Hock... .sc0s0.s.. | 8 87 15 | 8 35 30 | | PRINCES ISLAND | PEPATIGONIO vis esncseecass Wades: 25 7 2b 155) t5 40 | Ponta das Agulhas, or | West Point, summit...| 1 35 30 | 7 20 25 | Carocha Island, or | | Dutchman’s Cap ...... 1 30 50! 7 25 40 | South Brother Rock ...; 12110] 7 17 30 ST. THOMAS ISLAND | Ilha das Cabras, Light- ee oF Sanetoonde oe 0 24 0; 6 43 80 | 16 15 NNA DE CuHaAveEs Bay, Observation Spot [8] c 20 88 | 644 7 | Commander Pullen, 1891. outh | Rolas Isle, S.W. Point... 0 1 0) 6 81 40 | North | Ponta Hurd]; ccccesccaves| O71 20) 6528 . 0" | | ANNO BOM ISLAND | South. | Turtle Island.......s.sesse | 194 18| 5 3812/17 5| Fernando Po Rock ...... 12836 5 36 42 | | RAL: | 7 42 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. NOTES. 1. Carpe Spartet.—The remarks of Mr. William Chapman, master of H.M.S. Iilustrtous, appeared to confirm the longitude of Tofifio, from whom he differs only 40 seconds in latitude, which he represents as so much more to the southward. The observations of Captain Smyth gave the lat. 35° 47’ 15”, and the long. 5° 55’ 45”, by chronometer and lunars. ‘The coast, from Cape Spartel to Cape Bojador, was surveyed in the Hina and Raven, under Lieutenants Arlett and Kellett, 1835. 2. Empire oF Marocco.—The points determined by Captain Washington we owe to an excellent Paper, entitled ‘‘ Geographical Notice of the Empire of Morocco; by the late Lieutenant (afterwards Rear-Admiral) John Washington, R.N.,” given in the first volume of the ‘‘ Journal of the Royal Geographical Society ;” a communication replete with interesting and useful information. Captain Washington afterwards became Hydro- grapher to the Navy. 8. Crry or Marocco.—The scientific traveller, Don Juan Badia y Leblich, commonly called Ali Bey, from his observations in 1803-4, gave the centre of Marocco as in lat. 81° 387’ N., long., long. 7° 35’ 30’ W. On reference to the Astronomical Journal of Captain Washington, there appear upwards of 100 sights for determining the longitude of the city. Distances between moon and sun; moon and stars East and West of her; and altitudes of the moon when in the prime vertical—thé mean results of which give the longitude of a garden at the S.W. angle of the city as 7° 36’ W.; lat. 81° 87’ 20”, the mean of about 20 meridian altitudes of the sun. 4, CapE GEER, &c.—M. le Chevalier Jean Chas. de Borda was charged, in 1776, by Louis XVI., with a commission to the Canary Islands and the West Coast of Africa, for the express purpose of making observations, and determining the chief points of the Canary Islands, &e. He was furnished with time-keepers, by which he ascertained the positions, as they appeared in the earlier Charts and Tables. On this expedition, M. de Borda, in the ship La Boussole, was accompanied by the Espiegle, M. le Chastenet Puysegur, who afterwards composed the Pilot for St. Domingo; also by Captain Don Josef Varela, and another intelligent officer of the Spanish marine; all of whom assisted in the operations. But in the years 1817-18, Captain (afterwards Baron) Roussin was employed by the French Government in surveying the coast between Cape Bojador, in 26° 7’ N.. and the Isle de Los, in 93°; and this officer gave, most satisfactorily, many points not before ascertained. Again, in 1820 and 1821, Captain William FitzWilliam Owen, in H.M.S. Leven, was commissioned by the English Admiralty to examine and settle the coast from Cape Noon southward; and his observations still further, and in a much more important degree, tended to perfect the hydrography of Western Africa. To Captain Owen’s work, there- fore, we refer most particularly in the Tables; and have only to add that there is a re- markable coincidence, in general, in the results of the two commanders ; and that even in comparing either with those of M. de Borda, the differences, practically considered, are of little moment. »? Most of the positions given in the Tables are as they appear on the most recent charts, though there still exists some amount of uncertainty as to the exact longitude of the various points on the West Coast of Africa, and in many parts even as to the latitude. A survey of the Canary Islands, and the continental coast thence northward to Cape Spartel, was made by Lieutenants William Arlett and H. Kellett, commanders of the Etna and Raven, in 1835; the particulars of which are given in the “ Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,” vol. vi. 5. Strrra Leong, &c.—In preparing former editions of this work, we collected a large number of observations, which had been made, from time to time, on the coast of Guinea, ges we GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 43 &e., between Sierra Leone and Cape Lopez; they included those previously given by the officers of H.M. ships Argo, Amelia, Inconstant, Tartar, and others, and we finally appended to such as we selected for the tabular statement the following remarks :— * Although we have paid the utmost attention in the comparison of different results, charts, and descriptions, as shown in the Tables and Notes, we are by no means satisfied with the conclusions as to many points eastward of Cape Palmas and St. Andrew’s Bay. Indeed, all that has yet been done by the naval officers, and others, prove only the necessity of a new series, in order to establish so much as may be correct, and to rectify so much as may not be so.” Happily, such rectification has taken place to a great extent, and many doubts, on the most important points, have recently vanished. We give a specimen, on the longitude of Cape Sierra Leone. Many years ago, the late Sir George Young gave the longitude of this Cape as 12° 33' 47; the French tables after- ward, as 12° 54’; the Requisite Tables, 13° 9’17” ; H.M.S. Argo, 1802, as 13° 12’; the Inconstant, 1816, the same; the Amela, in 1812, 13° 17’ 30”; the Leven (Captain Owen), in 1826, 138° 18’ 0”; the Eden (Captain Owen), in 1827, 13° 18’ 10”; Captain Sabine, Royal Artillery, in 1822, 13° 19’ 0’; and Captain Purchas, in 1827, 18° 19’12". Captain Owen’s longitude, as given in the Table, appears to be correct. It may be added, that Lieut. Raper assumed the North Battery to be in 13° 14’ 30”, or nearly as in the Table. By 318 lunar distances (23 sets), taken in the West Bastion of Fort Thornton, at Freetown, Captain Sabine, in 1822, made the longitude of that spot 18° 15’ 11” W.; and in 1827, Captain Owen, in the Aden, made that of the Victualling Office 13° 14’ 30”. Latitude of the latter, 8° 30’ 6”; of Fort Thornton, by Captain Sabine, 8° 29’ 21”. 6. AssINIE.—Observations made by the officers of the French vessel Guichen, in 1886, place the old Powder Mill in lat. 5° 4’ 45” N., long. 8° 18’ 15” W. The COAST of GUINEA, between Cape Three Points and Cape Lopez, including the off-lying islands. Although this portion of the coast of Africa is described in the _ “Directory for the South Atlantic Ocean,” we have considered it proper to continue the series of points in the Table. For the description of the coast, and remarks upon the positions, we refer the reader to the above work. 7. Kotonou.—In 1890, Lieut, Serres, of the French Navy, determined the longitude telegraphically from Libreville, as 0° 0™ 24:86 East of Paris, equivalent to 2° 26’ 80” East of Greenwich. 8. Bonny anp St. Toomas Istanp.—These positions were accurately determined by means of telegraphic signals with the Cape of Good Hope Observatory, by Commander Pullen, R.N., in 1891. The VARIATION of the Compass is decreasing on the West Coast of Airica, at the rate of 8’ to 4’ per annum, 44 Formigas or Ants: Formigao or Hormigon,| highest rock, 35 feet Dollabarats Shoal, 11 ft. Santa Maria or St. Mary: Ponta do Castello, or 8.E. Point Villa do Porto, Quay ... Maldebarea Rock, off the N.W. Point Ponta dos Matos San Miguel or St. Michael’s: Ferraria or West Point Ponta Delgada, Castle... Villa Franca, Island...... Pta. Retorta, S.W. Point Arnel Point, Lighthouse Ponta da Ajuda.........0--- Morro da Ribeira Grande Porto Capellas, Morro... Ponta de Bretanha Terceira: Monte do Brasil, near Angra, South edge ... Praya, Ponta de Malma- renda Pta. de Serrata or W. Pt. St. George: Topo Island, off S.H. Pt. Ponta de Rosales, or N.W. Point Graciosa: Fort at Praya Ponta de Fozo do Porto, or West Point Pico: The summit of the peak eeeresceseecoes eeeccesceesseeeresese eoeccee eccce eeeeeeeecccs Pta. da Ilha, or E. Point} é Magdalena Rocks, off W. Point, North Rock ... Fayal: Horta, Santa Cruz Castle The 8.E. point, or Morro da N. 8. da Guia Caldeira, sum., 3,351 ft.| : Ponta da Negra, W. Pt. Flores : Santa Cruz, Fort ..... esi Corvo: South Point, or Ponta do Pesqueiro-alto 37 37 39 28 47 43 VAR. WEST, 1895. 23 23 24 1 w ie} 0 | 22 55 30 30 | 22 50 30 10 | 23 0 | 23 0 30 40 40 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 9. THE AZORES, OR WESTERN ISLANDS. AUTHORITIES, The Survey made by Capt. A. T. E. Vidal, 1842. es tee eg ae Bel ee GHOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 45 NOTES. The positions here given accord with those on the latest charts, but it is possible the longitudes may be somewhat in error, and this will ke decided when the telegraph cable has been established. M. Fleurieu ascertained the position of the Mount of Brasil, near Angra, in Terceira, to be lat. 38° 38’ 87” N., long. 27° 12’ 27” W. Tofiiio’s result was lat. 38° 38’ 10”, long. 27° 14’ 40”, a remarkable comcidence, considering the distance of time at which the observations were made. The longitude of this spot was, therefore, assumed by the Spanish commander, as the meridian referred to for the points sub- sequently determined. The summit of the Mount, as given by Captain FitzRoy, R.N., is in lat. 38° 38’ 35”, long. 27° 12' 54”. ' Captain Alexander T. EK. Vidal, R.N., who re-surveyed these islands, placed the Fort at Villa do Porto, in St. Mary’s, in lat. 36° 56’ 30’, long. 25° 9’ 45” W. The VaRiaTiow of the Compass is decreasing among the Azores, at the rate of about 23’ per annum. 10. MADEIRA AND THE CANARY ISLANDS. | VAR. | LAT.N. | LONG. w. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. | 1895. MADEIRA. ° 0 “ ° ’ w ° 4 Funcuat, Flagstaff of Fort Bnet IO! Wuseacccancon sce [1]| 82 388 4 | 16 53 58 | 18 50 Captain Matthew Flinders, Camera de Lobos............ 32 88 25 | 16 58 50 H.M.S. Investigator ; General Ponta do Pargo, the West Sir Thomas Brisbane; Capt. Point, Semaphore ...... ppd ais) W/W a) W. F. Owen; Capt. Vidal; Tristao, or N.W. Point ...| 32 51 25 | 1712 0O and U. §. Officers, 1878-9. San Jorge or North Point} 32 49 45 | 16 54 25 Ponta de San Lourenzo, PAPHTHOUKE...0.00600ccecene 32 43 10 | 16 389 O Cape Garajao, or Brazen | Head, S.E. extremity ...| 832 87 30 | 16 51 0O | Pico Ruivo, summit, 6,056 HEC tise Metesssscsevees Eaeseeces 32 45 O | 16 56 30 Porto Santo: | Villa Baleira on the ) South side ..........c000 33 3 30 | 16 19 45 | 18 40 | Captain A. T. H. Vidal Baixo Island, S. Point...| 82 59 40 | 16 22 35 North-East Rock, 380 ft.| 88 7 40 | 16 15 45 Dezertas : Chao Island, Sail Rock! 32 34 50 | 16 32 10 Dezerta Grande, summit, MPGOO Sis swosvecattsncescse 32 31 15 | 16 30 25 Bugio Island, Agulha or South Point ............ 32 23 15 | 16 27 10 The Salvages: Great Salvage, Burt Peak, on West side ...| 830 7 31 | 15 54 20 | 18 25 Great Piton Islet, South! bOiGbecssedeesees Sipecene 80 0 0/16 4 0 46 ee CANARY ISLANDS. Lanzarote : Allegranza Isle, Lt.-ho. Port de Naos, Lightho. Cape Pechiguera, Lt.-ho. Fuerteventura: Isle of Lobos, Point Mar- tino, Lighthouse ...... Point Jandia, the S.W. Point, Lighthouse Canaria, or Grand Canary: The Isleta, or N.E. Point, AGH iROUSE:.;,.0..+-<20-- Point Maspalomas, or S. Point, Lighthouse Cape Sardina, Lightho. Tenerife : Santa Cruz, Mole Lt. [2] Pico de Teide, summit... Orotava, N.W. side ...... Punta de Anaga, East Point, Lighthouse...... Punta de la Rasea, South Point Pta. de Calera, W. Point} ‘ Palma: Sta. Cruz, on the E. side Taxacorte, on the W. side Cumplida Point, Lt.-ho. Fuencaliente, or South BOM beierecssescesseesiee cscs Hierro or erro: Port de Hierro ............ Point Orchilla, S.W. Pt. Pta. de la Restinga, S. Pt.| THE CANARY ISLANDS. LAT. N. 28 46 30 41 40 37 30 LONG. 18 0 18 25 18 45 19 0 NOTES. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. AUTHORITIES. The SPANISH GOVERNMENT Surveys, &c. 1. Funcwan.—The latitude of Funchal is well ascertained, though from the isolated position of the island there have been some differences in the longitude as given by various observers. The longitude was estimated by M. Bory, in 1772, as 16° 56’. Our respected countryman, Captain Flinders, from observations in H.M.S. Investigator, 1801, made the latitude of the road to be 32° 87’ 44”, and the greatest longitude, by any of six chrono- meters, 16° 54’ 26”. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 4% Sir Thomas Brisbane, on his voyage to New South Wales (1521), obtained his time at the house of Mr. J. W. Gordon, at Funchal, by four excellent chronometers, by which the mean longitude was concluded as 16° 54’ 36”. At the same time the latitude of the tower, on Mr. Gordon’s house, was found to be 32° 38’ 19-7”, and that of Loo Rock, 32° 37’ 53:8’, The longitude given by Sir Thomas Brisbane was confirmed by ten Admiralty chronometers, under the care of Dr. Tiarks, in 1823, which gave for the longitude of the British Consul’s Garden, 16° 54’ 45” (in time, 1" 7™ 89s); the latitude is 32° 38’ 22” N. Captain Fitzwilliam Owen, from observations in H.M.S. Leven, 1820, gave the landing-place, near the Loo Castle, in lat. 832° 37’ 42” N., long. 16° 55’ 30” W. By telegraphic determinations from Lisbon, made in 1878 and 1879 by United States officers, in connection with establishing secondary meridians for the East Coast of South America, the longitude of the flagstaff of Fort St. Jago was ascertained to be 16° 53’ 53:4” W.; the latitude is given as 32° 38’ 4:08” W. This would place the British Consul’s House in longitude 16° 54’ 30” W., very nearly the position ascertained by Dr. Tiarks. 2. TENERIFE.—The position of Santa Cruz in the Table is that given by Captain Vidal on his completion of the survey of these islands (1844), and is apparently correct. Pre- vious observations placed the longitude generally one or two minutes more to the west- ward of those in the Table. Captain Fitzwilliam Owen, from his observations in the Leven, 1820, made the Mole Head in lat. 28° 27’ 54” N., long. 16° 15’ 0” W. The peak in lat. 28° 16’ 24” N., long. 16° 39’ W. The Variation of the Compass is decreasing at Madeira and the Canary Islands, at the rate of about 3’ per annum. 11. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. W. | WEST, | AUTHORITIES. 1895. | North Point ........s..064. 16 51 O| 22 55 O|} 20 15 The Survey by Lieutenants HOMbE OM! .csccses seeeee 16 34 15 | 22 56 30 (afterwards Captains) Vidal Lion’s Head, summit ...) 16 41 35 | 22 59 40 and Mudge, R.N., 1819—1821, Bonavista: compared with the obser- Sol or N.W. Point ...... | 16 13 10 | 22 56 380 vations of Captains King, Pontinha or N.E. Point) 16 11 45 | 22 44 0| 20 5 | Poster, Owen, &c., &e. | Ch th OS Lf ih oy | Sal or Salt Island: English Road, Lightho. | | on Small Island ...... / 16 9 10 | 22 57 15 Curral Velho or South Pout) 2... Dutscdocenenecs 15 57 O | 22 49 10 ME LOMPEVOCK Uecescessecscices 1548, 023 9 5 | Mayo, or Isle of May: | iorhit EP OMb seccccrss esse |} 1519 0| 28312 5 English Road, Light on Pee Ue ces sccesacrrecnsecs: 15 7 30 | 23 13 20 BOUL PONE ...ccscccconss. 15 6 40 | 23 10 15 f 48 LAT. N. | LONG. W. o , ” ° ' u Island of St. Iago: Bighude, or Non Point| 15 19 30 | 23 45 45 East Point, Porto do Lobo, Lighthouse perce | 14 59 30 | 23 25 15 Porto Praya, Quailld.[1]| 14 58 40 | 23 30 34 Bas LOM: csccanesesane-c | 14 58 380 | 23 48 40 Island of Fogo: | North) Pomtpessenscseeeeess| 15 1 20 | 24 21 380 Town of N.S. da Luz,| Lt. near Fort Carlotta) 14 52 15 | 24 81 0 Brava: | Jalunga or East Point, | bn hed oi ieee teN Se arrcceron) 14 50 30 | 24 40 10 South Omit scccsec-crcsees 14 46 0O | 24 42 40 East Rombo Islet, N.end| 14 55 45 | 24 40 30 St. Nicholas : ! | a SueLOlM Ub eceeseeaceeesenes 16 34 30 | 23 59 30 North eP ont). -ces.ceccssss 16 41 45 | 24 20 40 West Point, Lighthouse) 16 387 45 | 24 26 20 SouthpLomt) pee-eeccccceeces 16 28 20 | 24 18 15 Rolla Road, Flagstaff near Preguiza Fort ...| 16 34 30 | 24 16 0 Raza, Landing Place on IWieStISIGeG! weecccecesecseteee 16 388 0 | 24 37 O Branca, North Point ......' 16 41 O | 24 41 30 St. Lucia: | ASE Olnibecsiese cance cenesee |16 46 O | 24 41 45 INMostd ay 1eteybonn Conspoacoccacde 16 49 QO | 24 47 10 St. Vincent : | Porto GRANDE, Flag- staff at Telegraph OfiCecicscwetasaverscss [2]| 16 53 20 | 24 59 22 Bird Island, Lt.-ho.| 16 54 45 | 25 1 10 West Point.........ccccecee- 16 50 0} 25 5 30 VAST OINUsesswanetsenee sta 16 52 © | 24 528 St. Antonio: [3] Punta do Sol or North Point, Lighthouse 171215 | 25 54 \Wiseig Teterbaiy) Aaqocqsoscoaced 17 4 0} 25 22 1 South) Lolnti.......c..--es- 16 55 0 | 25 18 4 East Point, Bull Point, Lighthouse.........sssee 17 6 50 | 24 59 2 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS. J : | : 19 55 | | | | GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. ee oe ee The Survey by Lieutenants (afterwards Captains) Vidal and Mudge, R.N.,1819—1821, compared with the obser- | vations of Captains King | Foster, Owen, &e., &o. 19 55 | U. 8. Officers, 1878-9. 19 55 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. £9 NOTES. 1. Porto PrayA.—The longitude of this place appears to be well determined, particular attention having been directed to it by many of our most skilful navigators. Captain FitzRoy placed the West point or landing-place on Quail Island (called also Gun Point), at Porto Praya, in longitude 23° 30’ 0” W. Captain P. P. King made it 23° 30’ 17’; Captain Vidal, 23° 31’ 28”; and Captain Owen, 23° 31’ 3”; therefore, 23° 80’ 34”, the longitude formerly assigned to it by Mr. Purdy, in previous Sditond of this work, cannot be far from the truth. Telegraphic observations by MM. de Sugny and Garnier, 1885, place the flagstaff on Quail Island as 6° 4’ 49-6” West of Dakar East jetty, which would make it 23° 30’ 17” West of Greenwich. 2. St. Vincent.—The position of the flagstaff in front of the Brasilian Submarine Telegraph Company’s Office was determined, by telegraphic means, by United States officers, in 1878 and 1879, in connection with the establishment of secondary meridians on the Hast Coast of South America, to be in long. 24° 59’ 22-3” W., or about 1’ 50” eastward of the position previously given. The latitude is 16° 53’ 20-12” N. 3. Captain King made Terrafal Bay, at the 8.W. end, by eleven chronometers, in longitude 25° 20’ 1”; Captain Owen made : 25° 21’ 42”; and Captain Foster, 25° 22’ 56” the mean from these being about 25° 21’ 380”; and the West point, 25° 23’ 10”. The Variation of the Compass is creasing among the Cape Verde Islands, at the rate of about 1’ per annum. 12. THE FHROE ISLES, ICELAND, GREENLAND, LABRADOR, AND NEWFOUNDLAND. | j VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. W. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. Fs ° ’ " ° , " ° , Tas FAROE ISLANDS. | Mranken Islet .......00css0s- | 61 23 40 | 6 46 0} 24 0 The Survey by Capt. Born, Suderé, Porkerji ............ 61 42 0} 650 O of the Danish Navy, 1790-5, Sandé, Village of Sand ...) 61 52 80/| 6 50 0 corrected by later observers. Waags, Sorwaag .......ccess 62 6 380| 715 0 Myggenes, West point .... 62 8 0| 7 36 0 Strom6, Thorshavn .........| 62 240) 646 QO} 24 30 Osteré, Ristang or N. Point, 62 22 0} 6 56 0 Fuglo, East point.......000e 62 20 80| 6138 0 ICELAND. Snefells Jokel, 4,696 feet} 64 48 0/23 48 0| 4040| Mr. Bjorn Gunnlaugsson’s Breidavik, Stapi .....0......, 64 46 15 | 23 35 0 Survey, 1849, the French Akra Nes eeesseeseses eeececece 64 39 40 22, 25 0 Survey, 1859, ke. Thormod’s Skar, S. point) 64 25 30 | 22 17 30 Reikiavik, Hill to N.W. ...! 64 8 38 | 21 54 58 | 88 20 Cape Utskalar, Beacon ...| 64 4 50 | 22 40 45 Na A. O; 8 50 GHOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. ICELAND AND GREENLAND. VAR. LAT. N. LONG. W. | WEST, 1895. ° t " ° My " ° LU Reykjanes Point, Lightho.| 63 48 30 | 22 41 50 Geirfuglasker.....ssesseeseeee 63 48 0| 28 5 0 Grindavik Church............ 63 49 0 | 22 80 0 Herdisarvik, anchorage ...| 63 51 30 | 21 46 15 Keflavik, anchorage......... 63 50 30 | 21 26 30 Olfusa, ENtrANCE .,.cccceeeer 63 52 O | 21 10 15 Piorga, ENtVANCE ....eceeeeee 63 46 40 | 20 48 15 Affall, entrance........cccce-- 63 387 45 | 20 380 30 Markarfliot, entrance ...... 63 31 30 | 20 0 0 Mount Hekla, 5,364 feet... 63 59 0/19 39 0 Portland Head, the South point of Iceland ......... 63 23 45 | 19 6 380 | 35 40 Ingolfs Hofde ........-seee0 63 48 50 | 16 85 O Horne Fiord, entrance 6415 0; 15 8 380 Hvalsbak Islet ........sssc00 64 40 0|13 12 0 Rode Fiord, Krosnes ......| 65 1 30 | 13 32 50 | Hornnes, East point of Meelamd: Gocc.cdvesseesshe ..| 65 10 50 | 18 28 0 | 82 10 Langanes, N.E. point...... 66 23 0 | 14 28 0 Revsnes, North point of Weiss brett Goseeseeoecacese se 66 33 30|16 8 0 "TiOPWEGS cravdcoes dedee se ahus dust 66 13 40|17 7 O Grimsey Church .........++ 66 83 30|18 0 0 HolariChurch =2...s0.0<0.0-¢ 65 45 30|19 5 0 Skagen, Skagataa........0«- 66 8 0| 20 38 30 North Cape -....5.sccccersses 66 29 O | 22 25 30 | 40 25 Staalbierg Huk, W. point) 65 30 25 | 24 380 15 GREENLAND. Land reported, 1870 ...[1]| 78 383 0/19 0 0/|46 0 Cape Bismarck .....++++ss++ 76 47 30 | 18 80 O Pendulum Island, 3,000 ft.| 74 89 0 | 18 3130 Cape Hold-with-Hope, 3,000 feet .....c.ecrerseoess 73 30 0O | 20 32 30 | 45 O K. Francis Joseph Fiord, entrance, C. Humboldt] 73 10 30 | 22 27 30 Davy Sound, Smith Island) 71 49 0 | 2215 0 Cape Gladstone.....sscceceres 71 33 0 | 21 40 O Scoresby Sound, Cape Brewster.....ccccccsseseseees 70 11 0} 21 59 O | 48 30 Knighton Inlet, C. Barclay) 69 14 0 | 24 25 0 Cape Grivel ....sccceeseeeeees 68 34 0 | 25 388 O Horror Bay, entrance...... 66 49 0| 384 5 O| 50 50 Cape Dan.......sseeseeeees [2]| 65 31 0| 387 0 O Dannebrogs Oe, summit...| 65 19 0 | 39 34 0 Cape Lowenorn ....seeeeeee 64 30 0| 40 7 380 Colberger Heide ......+.04.- 64 4 0| 40 35 0 Cape Mosting «...carssereeee 63 40 0 | 40 33 0 Cape Juel ..cccccesssereeeeeees 63 138 0|41 5 O Cape Bille ............ ees ae 62 0 80 | 42 3 O| 51 80 Cape Tordenskiold ......... 61 25 O | 42 20 0 Cape Discord.....+...-c0eee+++| 60 53 0 | 42 36 0 AUTHORITiB&S. Mr. jorn Gunnlaugsson’s Survey, 1849, the French Survey, 1859, &e. North German Polar Ex- pedition, 1870. The Danish GOVERNMENT CHARTS. The CHart of GREENLAND, published by authority at Co- penhagen in 1832, toillustrate the voyage of Captain Graah, corrected by later explorers. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 61 GREENLAND AND LABRADOR. eet eee VAR. | LAT. N. LONG. W. | WEST, | AUTHORITIES. 1895. | ° ’ " ° , " ° , BBO VAHOC. ..ccecevesssecedes 60 85 0} 42 50 O DanisxH Cuarts, &a, Cape Farewell or Staten- Joona Eee 59 46 0 | 43 52 80| 47 5 Frederiksdalor, Ikigeit ...,; 60 0 0O/| 44 43 0 Arsuk Fiord, Ivugtut ...... 6113 0/48 7 801} 50 35 Mrederikshaad .....sccesses. 62 0 0} 49 42 O BREAD anciccnsessvsacvessees 64 11 O | 51 42 80 Hamborgerland, West end! 65 84 0 | 5310 0 Holsteinborg, Flagstaff ...| 66 55 42 | 58 42 0 Disko Bay, Egedesminde...| 68 42 0 | 52 45 0 Christianshaab ............ 68 48 0 | 51.6 0)| 65 0 PAKODSHAVN sccvcccsnsesess CGO 12930) |) 12). 0 DENY ENS ‘wos cys ......0..9.cescsoscseseccscsesceases 12 0:05 Resulting longitude ............... 4 44 31°89 or Cambridge 71° 7’ 58°55” West of Greenwich. This longitude, which is 1:79% in excess of the longitude of 1851, is a very close approximation to that established by Dr. Bowditch and Mr. Borden for Boston as in the previous Note, and is also nearly identical with that of New York, as obtained by Mr. Dent’s chronometers in 1839. Later observations make the longitude to be 71° 7’ 39” W., as given in the Table. 3. New Yorx.—In the Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Diary, or United States Almanac, fox 1820, Mr. Nash, the Editor, having the reputation of an excellent observer, gave parti- culars of a great many meridian and circum-meridional observations taken at his school. - Broadway, New York, from which he inferred the latitude of No. 331, Broadway, as 40° 42’ 58”. The difference of latitude, trigonometrically found, between Mr. Nash’s and the City Hall, was somewhat less than 1,300 feet, which, assumed as 13”, gives the latitude of the Oity Hall 40° 42’ 45”, z.e., allowing 40° 42’ 58” as the latitude of No. 331, Broadway. By observations of a solar eclipse, which Dr. Bowden observed at New York, he found the difference of longitude between Greenwich and Colombia College, equal to 74° 0' 45" W. On the 29th of May, 1818, at a few minutes past noon, the longitude of No A.C, 11 74 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. No. 331, Broadway, by the mean of three distances of the sun and moon, appeared to be 74° 0’ 42”, and Mr. Nash adds, ‘‘I am inclined, for the present, to place the City Hall in 74° W.” By seventy lunar distances, forty of Pollux East, and thirty of Aldebaran West of the moon, in December, 1822, and January, 1823, Captain (afterwards General Sir Edward) Sabine gave the longitude of the cupola of Colombia College, New York, as 74° 3/ 27”, and the latitude which he assigns to it is 40° 42’ 43”. Mr. De Witt, on his survey of the province, gave the longitude as 74° 3’. The chronometers of Messrs. Arnold and Dent, however, appeared to have decided the longitude of New York. Four of them were embarked in the British Queen steam-vessel, under the care of Captain Roberts, on her first voyage from England to America, in July and August, 1839, and gained the longitude of the City Hall in New York, as 45 56™ 3:358 = 74° 0’ 49". A second experiment was made on the next voyage of the same vessel, in October and November of the same year, by another set of four chrono- meters, and by this the difference of longitude between the Observatory at Greenwich and the City Hall, New York, appeared to be 45 56™ 0-24*, say 74° 0’ 10”. M. Daussy, the French Hydrographer, had previously given it in the Cunnaissance des Temps as 4h 56™ 0°728, or 74° 0’ 11”. By the determination of the United States Coast Survey, from data up to 1851, it was in longitude 74° 0’ 3-09"; but, by the subsequent correction of the Cambridge longitude, as shown before, it is in 74° 0’ 15”, as in the Table, very nearly identical with the deter- mination of M. Daussy and Mr. Dent. 4. WasHINGTON.—In our former editions, the Dome of the Capitol was placed in longi- tude 77° 0’ 20”, agreeing closely with the State Survey of 1816. Later observations place it in 77° 2’ 0” W. Szaton Station, in the City of Washington, is the point to which all telegraphic differences of longitude are referred, and which have now placed it in connection with most of the important places on the Coasts of North-West America, and established, beyond controversy, their true relative longitudes. 5. NortH Carouina.—The longitudes of the coasts South of Cape Henry, at the Chesapeake, as far as Cape Fear, or Section IV. of the United States Coast Survey, are dependent on that of Stevenson Point, the West Point of Little River, on the North side of Albemarle Sound. The base line upon which the triangulation was established, was measured upon Body Island, on the coast of Pamplico Sound, the South end of it being near the Lighthouse. 6. CHARLESTON.—The longitude of Charleston was obtained from Seaton Station, in Washington, by Electric Telegraph, in 1850, by Professor Walker and Lieutenant Gibbes. Section V. of the United States Coast Survey system is thus connected with the rest of the series. 7. Care Fiorina, &c.—In 1845, Captain Edward Barnett, R.N., made a running survey of the Coast of Florida and the adjacent banks. His longitudes found by eight chrono- meters by meridian distance from Havana, and in other portions of this region, have been found very consistent. He placed Cape Florida in longitude 80° 3’ 0” W. But the United States Surveyors maxe tnis position w primary point for the longitudes in Section VI. of the Coast Survey, and they made 1t, according to their estimate of 1851, 80° 5’ 0’, and in 1859, 80° 9’ 29”, or 63’ farther West than Captain Barnett. Yet Sand. Kay was placed by the United States authorities, in November, 1852, as 81° 52’ 43”, while Captain Barnett’s longitude was 81° 51’ 12”, a difference of only 1}’. 8. Key Wesst.—The position of the Naval Storehouse was determined by United States officers in 1875-6, the longitude being ascertained by electric telegraph. 9. Mopite.—F ort Morgan, on Mobile Point, is made the primary station of Sections VIII. and IX. of the United States Survey, or between it and the Mexican frontier. 10. New OruEeans.—The longitude-of New Orleans is of some interest. The United States Coast Survey assumed a considerable degree of importance from its extent, and these results being extended to the other portions of the territory, rendered the con- GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 75 sideration of a primary meridian for the western world one necessary to be determined in the early state of the operations. The Capitol of Washington would naturally appear to be the fittest starting point; but as the introduction of greater diversity in astronomic and other Tables than at present exists is certainly not desirable, the United States Survey Department commissioned Professor Bache to report on the subject. Impressed with the inconvenience attached to the introduction of a fresh mode of reckoning meridional distances, and at the same time to give due importance to the geodetical operations carried on in America quite independent of any in the eastern hemisphere, he recommended, if any transatlantic meridian were to be assumed as a primary, that of New Orleans would be the fittest. The progress of the survey having shown that New Orleans was in long. 90° 0’ 0”, or nearly so, it became manifest that one objection to a new fractional element being intro- duced was in some degree removed if this were taken. With this view, if any meridian were to be assumed for the United States, that of 90° West of Greenwich, wherever it may fail, is the fittest. If in the course of the operations any correction be found necessary to this meridian, as marked in some part of New Orleans, let it be removed accordingly. Thus the first meridian of the United States would be one-fourth of the circumference of the globe, or six hours in time, West of that of Greenwich. VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. The question of Magnetic Variation or Declination received much attention from the United States Survey Department, under the superintendence of Professor Bache, who. with Mr. J. E. Hilgard and other officers, have reported on the subject.. The amounts given in the Table can only be considered as approximate. The line of No Variation intersects the coast about Charleston. To the north-eastward of this line, the Westerly variation is increasing about 3}’ per annum in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras; about 3}’ per annum near New York, and on the Coast of Maine. The lines of equal variation run about N.W. and §.E. true on the Coast of Maine; N.W. by N. and §.E. by S. about New York; and N.N.W. and §.S.E on the Coasts of Carolina and Georgia. —@aqee wee eee ee 76 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 16. THE BERMUDA ISLANDS. ss Sgr. qc VAR. | LAT W. | LONG. W. | WEST, AUTHORITIES. 1898, | 8 ° aw. ° leat ° , Ireland Island, South extr. of breakwater......... [1]| 32 19 20 | 64 51 35 The Trigonometrical Sur- Somerset Island, beacon...| 32 17 4 | 64 53 55 vey, by Captain Thos. Hurd, Gibb’s Hill, Lighthouse [2]} 832 15 4 | 64 51 36| 8 20) R.N., between the years 1783 Castle Island, entrance of and 1797, adjusted by the ob- Castle EHarbours...:..<..s: 32 20 18 | 64 41 50 servations of Captain Edward St. David’s Head, Lightho.| 32 21 42 | 64 40 40 Barnett, R.N., 1846, and later Fort Cunningham, entr. o St. George’s Harbour ... Mills Breaker, eastern edge OCHS ECE ..420.000coeseces observers. 32 22 18 | 64 41 0 32 24 30 | 64 39 20 32 28 20 | 64 47 45 Challenger Bank, N.E. ex- tremity 24 fathoms ...... 32 735 | 65 415 NOTES. 1. Between the years 1783 and 1797, Captain T. Hurd, R.N., was employed in the survey of these beautiful islands, the outline of which survey was published by the British Admiralty. Captain Hurd deduced his longitudes from Wreck Hill, which may be taken as having been within 4’ or 5’ East of the correct longitude. In the chart of the Bermuda Islands, published by Mr. Laurie, the longitude is deduced from recent observations, but notice was issued, in 1886, that from further investigation the Dockyard Clock Tower at Ireland Island appeared to be in long. 64° 49’ 35”, or about 2’ to the eastward of the position previously accepted. This would affect all the positions here given. Now that telegraphic communication exists with the islands, from Halifax, N.S., the exact longitude will probably be ascertained before long. Wreck Hiii.—Captain Hurd considered this to be in lat. 32° 16’ 20’, long. 64° 50’; but, according to the corrected position of Ireland Island flagstaff, this is 1’ 25” South, and 4’ 40” Kast of its right place. 2. Gips’s Hitt LicutHousEe.—The position of this was obtained by triangulation from Treland Island. Recent observations, by English and United States Officers, make the longitude to be 64° 50’ 7” W. The Vagiarion of the Compass is increasing at Bermuda, at the rate of about 2’ per _ annum. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 17 17. THE BAHAMA AND PASSAGE ISLANDS. —_—_—_— EAY.N. | LONG. W. | WEST, LITPLE BAHAMA BANK. Matanilla, or Maternillo Bank, N.W. end...... [1]} 27 21 Outer part of the Western! UCCL ihevsincsssedecdscossescese Path Memory Rock ............-. 26 56 Settlement Point, W. end of Grand Bahama Island| 26 41 Burrow Kay, off 8.E. point| 26 25 Hole in the Wall, Lightho.| 25 51 Elbow Kay, Lighthouse ...| 26 32 Moraine Kay.......... ececeees 26 2 Walker Kay ........ aueeeeaeea | 27 15 GREAT BAHAMA BANK. The Southern Kays, The Jumentos, &e.: South Hd., nearly awash| 22 2 The Brothers, §.E. rock} 22 1 Kay St. Domingo......... 21 41 EMV VICLUE'.cc2c.ccsscsseses 22 Little Ragged Isle, Beacon on South end] 22 9 Ragged Island, Flagstaff} 22 11 Racoon Kay, Beacon ...| 22 21 Channel Kay, Beacon...| 22 31 Jamaica South Kay...... 22 42 Man of War Kay, N.endj| 22 48 Flamingo Kay, centre...| 22 52 Water Kay, S.W. point | 22 59 Peat Kay s.s) oococo 12 38 29 3 11 14 8 45 40 2 37 30 ee eee LONG. W. 50 i) o ist) oo — bo joy) [o2) - bo oO oo, So ooofo C=) VAR. EAST, 1895. Ons nts 15 | AUTHORITIES, Surveys by officers of the Spanish Navy, with partial Surveys by Captain Richard Owen, R.N., & recent English Surveyors. 12 83 CUBA, JAMAICA, ETC. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. VAR. LAT. N. LONG. W. | EAST, 1895. °o , " ° , u ° ' Port Padre, Point Guinchos| 21 18 0 | 76 32 45 Port Naranjo, East side of GMbLAWCOsstccseseresensiseies OA (OP ibeba po Peak of Sama, summit (885 FEGU) tees cessesernececersseses OAL ay (ON) Visto Port Nipe, Roma Point ...) 20 47 0 | 75 81 45 Port Sama, East side of OMGLanCCrecscceaceseessccesss Of, (908) a 420 Lucrecia Point, Lighthouse} 21 4 24 | 75 86 54| 1 30 Port Cayo Moa, Pajaros or South Bointiecsesecesessce 20 41 20 | 74 538 32 Port Baracoa, Lighthouse| 20 21 40 | 74 29 0 JAMAICA, Anp IsLEs ADJACENT. [5] Navassa Island, N.W.extr.| 18 24 30| 75 3 O0|] 2 0 Morant Kays, N.E. kay ...| 17 26 30 | 75 58 20 Formigas Bank, shoal spot| 18 33 0 | 75 44 45 Morant Point, Lighthouse] 17 55 5 | 76 11 50 Port Morant, Bowden Pier| 17 63 15 | 76 19 55 Morant Town Church...... 17 52 55 | 76 25 30 Lamottes Bank (4fathoms)| 17 50 5 | 76 30 40 Cow Bay Point.......0sssess 17 52 20 | 76 387 5 Plum Point Light............ 17 55 40 | 76 47 20 Port Roya, Fort Charles Flagstaff.........sece+ [6]| 17 55 56 | 76 50 38 Kingston, Fort Augusta Lt.| 17 58 0 | 76 51 30 St. Michael Church...... 17 58 O| 76 47 30 Portland Bight, Pigeon Id., CONbLersseccsccesccccscsecaces Wea 40017 “6.20 Portland yLOmteeseccscecs ccs Ly AQ LD ih LON 0 Carlisle Bay, Pier House...| 17 46 30 | 77 17 28 oun deelleee ese sccerees cess 17 51 380 | 77 23 0 Alligator Reef, N.E. end...| 17 48 40 | 77 32 20 Pedro Bluff, S.W. extreme| 17 51 12 | 77 45 15 | 2 55 Black River Anchorage, @hurchisasscocs sceccessscess 18 1 25) 77 51 55 Savanna la Mar Fort, ruin| 18 12 20} 78 8 54 South Negril Point ......... 18 16 15 | 78 23 48| 38 5 SteluciaseHorbicccesessceesne 18 27 45 | 78 11 34 Montego Bay, Fort......... 18 29 25 | 77 56 56 Falmouth, Fort.........ce00.. 18 30 34 | 77 40 24 St. Anne Bay, Prison ...... 18 26 24| 7718 50] 2 40| Port Maria, N.W. Wharf...| 18 23 0 | 76 54 54 Port Antonio, Fort flagstaff| 18 11 15 | 76 27 24 Manchioneal Harbour, N. entrance point .......cee- 18 215) 76 17 10 PGA COMES ssccdushoavesccaevehs 17 59 30 | 76 15 20 Pedro Bank, East end, Portland Rock ... [7]| 17 6 20| 77 2715| 8 9 Baie VCAKCLS cecscesccess 16 48 80 | 78 12 O l DNA | COR Cee sercweveneneees 17 87 380 | 78 51 | AUTHORITIES. Surveys by officers of the Spanish Navy, with partial Surveys by Captain Richard Owen, R.N., & recent English Surveyors. From the Surveys of Capt. Richard Owen, R.N., 1835, 2 80 | and more recent Surveys. United States Officers, 1875. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 83 . JAMAICA, ETC. Path ae pe VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. Ww. | EAST. AUTHORITIES, 1895. & , ” ° ' " ° ' Baxo Nuevo, Kay ........., 15 51 0 | 78 38 O From the Surveys of Capt. Grand Cayman, Fort Richard Owen, R.N., 1835, George, West end... [8]/ 19 17 45 | 81 23 50 | 8 465 | and more recent Surveys. Little Cayman, West point) 19 39 30 | 80 7 30 Cayman Brac, Scott House, near 8. W. point......... 19 41 20 | 79 54 9 MOMENI b..ssecinsecdeosees 19 45 0O| 79 44 25 3 O65 Pickle Bank, Centre ...... 20 23 20 | 80 29 50 Serranilla, S.W. Kay ......| 15 47 45 | 79 51 27 | 38 45 NOTES. 1. Cape Mays1.—Captain Foster placed Cape Maysi in 74° 5’ 18”, considering Chagres as 78° 57’ 19”. Captain Owen made it 74° 8’ 0”. 2. St. [aco pE Cusa.—Mr. Nicholls, Master of the Shearwater brig of war, in 1819, communicated the situation of the Morro Castle of St. Iago, from observations made in that ship, as follows :—Latitude observed, 19° 57’ 50”; longitude by lunars, 76° 2’ 45; by chronometer, 76° 0’. The Spanish Chart of the harbour represented the Morro as in 75° 55’ 33” W. Telegraphic determination from Havana, by United States Officers, in 1875, placed the Morro Lighthouse in long. 75° 52’ 6” W. 3. Cape ANTONIO, Isux or Pings, &.—On the 12th of August, 1817, Capt. Livingstone came to an anchor off Cape Antonio, in 7 fathoms; and, by an excellent observation, found his latitude to be 21° 53’ 54”, confirming that given by the Spanish Officers. The longitude was considered as well established between 84° 57’ and 84°58’. The Baron von Humboldt gave 84° 57’; Captain Owen, 84° 58’; the Spanish Officers had pre- viously given it as 84° 57’ 30”. The position given in the Table accords with that on the most recent charts. 4, Havana AND LiGHTHOUSE.—The longitudes in the western part of the Caribbean Sea depend upon the position of the Morro Lighthouse, Havana, given by Don José Joaquin de Ferrer, Astro. Soc. Mem. iv., page 586 ; long. 82° 22’ 12” W. Note: Telegra- phic determination from Washington, United States, by the United States Hydrographic Office in 1875, placed Morro Lighthouse in long. 82° 21’ 23” W. The position of the Engineer’s post, near the steam wharf under fort No. 4, Havana Harbour, has been deduced from the Morro Lighthouse, and is here given as being convenient for rating chronometers, lat. 23° 8’ 53” N., long. 82° 20’ 48” W. The position formerly given was lat. 23° 8’ 18” N., long. 82° 22’ 4” W., the longitude being the mean of twenty results from stars eclipsed by the moon, by Don Josef Joachim de Ferrer, 1809-10-11-12. This place, which was taken by Lieut. Raper as a secondary meridian, was considered by him as in long. 82° 21’ 57” W. The difference, 17’, between this and Mr. Purdy’s position, as given in our previous editions, is but trifling, and the difference between Mr. Purdy’s position in 1850 and that determined electrically from Washington in 1875, is but 17”, the latter position placing it in 82° 21’ 23”. 5. JAMAICA in general.—In his “ Outline of Jamaica, 1821,” Mr. De Mayne gives Morant, or the eastern point, in longitude 76° 12’, and South Negril, or the western point, in 78° 25’ W. Mr. Leard, in his survey of 1791, gave Morant Point in 76° 3’, and South Negril in 78° 33’; consequently, he represented the island more than 15’ longer than it has since been exhibited. 84 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 6. Port Royat.—Telegraphic determination from Havana, by United States Officers, in 1875, placed the flagstaff at Port Royal in long. 76° 50’ 88” W. The northern coast, it appears, was placed too far North from 1 to 2 miles. %. Porttanp Rocx.—Portland Rock is a single kay, 14 to 20 feet above the sea, and covered with small bushes. It has been variously represented in from lat. 17° 74’ to 17° 13’, and from long. 76° 82’ to 77° 31’. In Mr. De Mayne’s Chart it appears in 17° 73' N., and 77° 29' W. ‘The position given in our Table cannot, we think, be far from the truth. The Officers of H.M.S. Winchester, in 1834, by numerous altitudes, &e., gained the latitude of the rock as 17° 7' 25”, long. 77° 27’ 4". 8. Granp CayMan.—The latitude of the S.W. kay of the Grand Cayman, as observed by Captain Livingstone, August 5th, 1817, appeared to be 19° 14’, not 19° 14’, the parallel formerly assigned; the longitude was communicated to us by the late Captain Hurd, as a determination to be relied on, and it appears to have been confirmed by Captain J. W. Monteith. Don J. M. Herrera, of the Spanish Navy, 1863, placed the Hast extreme of the Easterm Little Cayman (Cayman Brac) in lat. 19° 45’ 15” N., long. 79° 46’ 24” E. The §.E. point, according to Mr. Dunsterville, lies in lat. 19° 16’ N., long. 81° 6’ 40” W. The VaRIaTion of the Compass is decreasing around the Coasts of Cuba, Jamaica, &c., at the rate of 23’ to 2’ per annum. 19. HAITI OR SANTO DOMINGO, PORTO RICO, AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. | VAR. LAT, N. | LONG. W. | EAST, AUTHORITIES, | 1895. i 1 ° Ped ° HAITI OR SANTO DOMINGO. Isle of Mona, West Point} 18 4 0 | 67 5615} O O | Spanish Surveys. Cape Engatio......ccccscseseee 18 35 51 | 68 20 0 Isle of Saona, West poe 18 14 0} 68 47 0 Espada Point .....0.00000+. 18 21 0 | 68 28 15 Quiabon River, entrance...) 18 20 20 | 68 53 23 \ Boca de la Romana........- 18 22 0] 68 56 37 IMISIGCORIS cccacescccssscoseseccens 18 25 50 | 69 10 25 Santa Catalina Island, W. RGU esosevercese ces eesteance 18 19 0} 68 59 O City or Santo Domineo, Cathedral, W. portal [1] | 18 28 17 | 69 52 26 0 380 Lighthouse.........c..ssee0 18 27 54 | 69 52 59 United States Officers, 1890. Neiva Bay, River entrance Capt. Richard Owen, R.N. Alta-Vela, or the High Sail and Edw. Dunsterville, Esq. © [2]! 17 29 80 | 71 88 O R.N., 1826, &.” Pta. Ajugas, or False Cape; 17 47 0 | 71 41 O Frayle Rocks, South end...| 17 87 0} 71 41 O Cape Jacquemel, or Jacmnel 18 11 20 | 72 35 15 | 1 20 Jacmel, Wharf ..ccccscccceres 18 13 30 | 72 33 39 _ @ bo nse oO ro) Or (Je) oO GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 85 HAITI OR SANTO DOMINGO. VAR. LAT. N. | LONG. W. | EAST, AUTHORITIES. 1895. ° , u ° , " o ’ Aquin Bay, Grosse Kay, RGIE wodcvecancasctssadeecis 18 18 80 | 73 28 0 Capt. Richard Owen, R.N., St. Louis, the For ......... 18 14 37 | 73 34 30 and Edw. Dunsterville, Esgq., Aux Cayes, the Town Mole| 18 11 18 | 73 46 15 R.N., 1826, &c.| Isle 4 Vache, East point..., 18 4 0/} 73 35 25 Point Abacou ..... dadseeseoe|| 200, 2 40) | (73 47 30 _ Pointe a Gravois ............ 18 2 20] 73 57 O Cape Tiburon, extremity...| 18 22 0| 74 29 30] 1 50 Irois Bay, House on the MBO ncn can suudwaccaadesdes0 18 23 48 | 74 29 33 Isle of Navaza, middle...... 18925 454|70, <3 0 Cape Dame Marie, or Donna Maria......... wedece 18 87 30 | 74 27 31 Staff-Comm. Kiddle, R.N., Jérémie Bay, Wharf ....... 18 38 0| 74 5 45 1873. Miragoane Harbour, Town) 18 28 0| 73 4 30 Pirogues, on Rochelois Reef} 18 38 30 | 73 12 20 Hummock of Petit Gonave| 18 41 30 | 72 48 10 Isle of Gonave, West point} 18 55 26 | 73 18 30 Port Au Prince, Fort Alex- EMEP Ere cesisonccsto J 4 Fresh breezes; topgallant sails and royals (5). Fresh winds ; reefs (6). Strong winds; treble-reefed topsails (7). Gales; close-reefed topsails and reefed courses (8). stay-sails (9). Heavy gales and storms (10). Very heavy gales; great storms; tem- pests (11). 2 y, | | \ Strong gales; close-reefed topsails and | J | Tornados ; cyclones; hurricanes (12), 15 106 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE W.NDS. There is no question that the figures in this Table may be open to some doubt, as the subject is a difficult one, and they are given independently of the different forces exerted by aqueous vapour and by air. Sir Henry James also drew up a more complicated Table, and foreign and other observers have also prepared various other Tables, differing more or less from that just given, which will suffice for the sailor’s use. The results vary much, according to the form of Anemometer used. From exhaustive experiments recently made by Mr. W. H. Dines, it was found that the pressure upon a plane area of fairly compact form is about 14 lb. per square foot at a velocity of 21 miles per hour, or in other words, a pressure of 1 lb. per square foot is caused by a wind of a little more than 17 miles per hour.* After the disastrous failure of the Tay Railway Bridge and other strue- tures, owing to heavy gales, an inquiry into the subject led Mr. Thomas Hawksley to draw up the following Table.t Prcaenke Velocity. Deen Velocity. in lbs. per ; in lbs. per ? Square Hoot. | Zectper | Miles ver || schare Hoot. | Zoster | Mies pox 0:25 10 .6°8 20°25 90 61:2 1:0 20 13°6 25:0 100 68:0 2°25 30 20:4 30°25 110 74:8 4-0 40 27-2 36:0 120 81°6 6°25 50 34:0 49-95 130 884 9-0 60 40:8 49-0 140 95-2 12525 70 476 56°25 150 102-0 16:0 80 54-4 (18.) The Alternation of the Sea and Land Breezes in warm latitudes is an important feature in coast navigation. Its cause is generally well under- stood, being owing to the different powers of radiation and absorption of heat possessed by land and water. So that, generally, when the day tem- perature is highest on the land, the strongest will be the alternating breezes. During the day the radiation of the sun’s heat on the land causes the air to expand and rise from the surface, and then the sea air rushes in to fill the void. It frequently occurs that the surface of the soil will show a temperature of 120° under the meridian sun, and sink to 50° or 60° during the night ; while the sea, rarely having a higher temperature than 80°, and from being a bad radiator fluctuates but very little, it follows that it is alternately warmer and colder than the land, and hence the phe- nomena in question. The minimum temperature of the twenty-four hours occurring a little before sunrise, and the maximum about 2 p.m., the change of these breezes occurs generally at some little time after those hours. The above theory of Land and Sea Breezes does not satisfactorily account for the known fact that the Sea Breeze always sets in first in the offing, * An account of these experiments is given in the Report of the Meteorological Council to the Royal Society, for the year ending March 31st, 1890, pp. 36—45. + ‘On the Pressure of the Wind upon a Fixed Plane Surface,” by Thos. Hawksley, C.E., F.R.S., in the Report of the British Association, 1881, pp. 480—482. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. 107 and not on the coast. Professor Laughton accounts for the Sea Breeze by the excess of barometric pressure seaward owing to evaporation, and for the Land Breeze by the descent of the column of air forced up by the Sea Breeze. It is to be remarked that both Land and Sea Breezes are only well developed on coasts backed by hills. (19.) The wind decidedly veers round the compass according to the sun’s motion, 7.e.,in the Northern Hemisphere from North through N.E., East, S.E., to South, and so on, often making a complete circuit in that direc- tion, or more than one in succession (perhaps occupying many days in so doing), but it rarely backs, and very rarely, or never, makes a complete circuit in the contrary direction, except in very high latitudes. Professor Dové argued this to be the direct consequence of the rotation of the earth; and, although the observation was recorded by Lord Bacon, in 1600, it is now known as Dové’s Law of Gyration.* (20.) Professor Coffin, from his elaborate discussions, considered the following to be a general description of the Wind system of the Northern Hemisphere :— Ist. That from high Northern latitudes the winds proceed in a Southerly direction, but veer towards the West as they approach a limit ranging from about lat. 56° on the Western continent, to about lat. 68° on the Eastern, where they become irregular and disappear. The area of this zone is about 11,800,000 square miles. 2nd. That farther South there is a belt of Westerly winds, less than 2,000 miles in breadth, entirely encircling the earth ; the Westerly direc- tion being clearly defined in the middle of the belt, but gradually disappear- ing as the limits are approached on either side. The area of this zone is estimated to be about 25,870,000 square miles. 3rd. That South of the zone last named the mean direction of the wind is Easterly. This area is estimated to contain 60,760,000 square miles.+ Professor Dové contended that there are but two systems, the 1st and 3rd of the foregoing.t * When speaking of the wind veering with the sun, of course the shifting of the cyclonic winds in the Northern Hemisphere is not included. + “Winds of the Northern Hemisphere,” by Professor Coffin, A.M., Pennsylvania, U.S., in ‘‘ Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge,” vol. vi. t See Report of the British Association, 1845. See, also, Professor Mitchell, in the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xix., page 254. A great amount of information will be found on the general subject in the works of Kiamtz and Romme, who have also laboriously studied and generalized the phenomena of the Winds, and to whose iabours much that is here said is owing. ee ee ee ( 108 ) 2.—_THE MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE, with Introductory Remarks on the Use of the Barometer. (21.) As so many references will be made in the succeeding pages to the indications afforded by that invaluable instrument, the Barometer, we here give a few remarks upon its use. So much depending upon the read- ings being correct, masters of vessels are advised to compare their Baro- meters as often as possible with Standard instruments on shore, so as to ascertain the exact error if any. This can easily be done, without removing the ship’s Barometer (in ports where reliable Barometer observations are daily taken, at a stated time, with a Standard instrument), by taking an observation on board at the same time, correcting it for previous error (if any) and temperature, and then comparing the result with that of the Standard. An Aneroid should always be gently tapped before it is read off, to make sure that the pointer marks correctly. The Barometer should be set and read at regular hours, every four hours if possible in a general way, or more frequently when a change in the weather is imminent, and the readings entered at once in the log. (22.) Corrections are necessary in the reading of the Mercurial Barometer to reduce its indications to the standard temperature of 32° I. at sea-level. As the column of mercury shortens when cooled and lengthens when heated, allowance must be made according to the temperature recorded by the attached Thermometer, and deduction made as follows :—At 40° F., -03: 50°, 06: 60°, 0'8: 70°, -11: 80°, -14. An addition of about ‘001 must also be made for each foot that the instrument is placed above sea-level. A slight correction for temperature must also be made for observations with Barometers having a brass scale extending upwards from the cistern, for which a Table is given at the end of this work. Thus, at 40° F., bar. 30:0, 031 must be deducted: at 50° F., -058; at 60°, :085; at 70°, -111; at 80°, ‘138; the difference for *5 above or below 30:0 being only -001 to -002. In making entries in the ship’s log only the actual reading of the Baro- meter should be recorded, with the temperature of attached Thermometer.* (23.) Barometer Normals.—Owing to the regular observations made and recorded in sea-ports and ships’ logs for long series of years, it has been rendered possible to draw up Charts and Tables showing that the barometric pressure lies in regular zones over the Ocean, and by comparing his obser- vations with these records the seaman may readily ascertain whether there is any serious departure in these readings from the mean pressure, either in the way of excess or deficiency, and this knowledge, combined with observations of the actual direction and force of the wind, and of the changes that take place in these, will furnish him with the means of guiding. his action with confidence, as will be further explained hereafter. * The French, and other nations using the decimal system, apply it also to the Barometer scale, the latter being marked in millimétres, 1 of which = nearly ‘04 inch (03937). The following amounts are equivalents:—27 inches, 685-8 millimétres; 27°5 in., 698°5 mm.; 28-0 in., 711:°2 mm.; 28°5 in., 723°9 mm.; 29:0 in., 786-6 mm.; 29°5 in., 749°3 mm.; 30-0 in., 762°0 mm. ; 30°5 in., 774-7 mm. BAROMETER for November. BAROMETER for j February e i & ove 7 ny, “sf a 80° o ° 50° SUM men A 4 face page 109. ee Se = a Oe = = DNS ; te A | -— Reh} a Noe BAROMETER for ied ty eh A ‘-. ‘ " BAROMETER Jee BS for August. BAROMETER NORMALS. 109 The accompanying diagrams are taken from the ‘“ Charts showing the Mean Barometric Pressure over the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans,”’ published by the Meteorological Council, in 1887. On these charts the observations are considered as taken with the cistern at 11 feet above sea- level, reduced to 32° F. The months selected are February, May, August, and November, as representing the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn seasons of the Northern Hemisphere. The probable pressure for the inter- vening months can be easily deduced with fair accuracy. We may also refer here to the useful Table of Barometer Normals appear- ing on the United States monthly ‘“ Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean,” published at the Hydrographic Office, Washington. These differ slightly from the figures shown on the above charts. As stated in (21), unless the exact error (if any) of the ship’s Barometer is known, no practical use can be made of these Charts or Tables. (24.) The lines drawn on the diagrams show where certain barometric pressures, indicated by the figures upon them, are observed. These lines are termed isobaric lines, or Isobars, because they pass over places having equal barometrical pressure. It will be seen that, speaking generally, in winter the barometer is highest over the land, which is then colder than the sea ; and lowest over the sea, which is then warmer than the land. In summer the barometer is lowest over the great continents, which are then relatively hot, and highest over the sea, which is then relatively cool. Over the Equator, and between the Tropics, where the temperature is always comparatively high, the barometer is low relatively to the neigh- bouring zones just beyond the Tropics, where the temperature is relatively low, and the barometer is high.* (25.) The main features brought out by these Charts are that over the sea the pressure is more uniform throughout the year than over the con- tinents, and that, roughly speaking, the Ocean, that part of the earth’s surface which more immediately concerns the seaman, may be divided in respect of barometric pressure into five great areas. First, a belt of moderately low pressure, over the Calm belt of the Equa- torial region. Then, North and South of the Equatorial region, are two belts of high pressure, over the Trade Wind regions. Proceeding to the higher latitudes, and towards the Poles, we again find, in each Hemisphere, an area of Jow and diminishing pressure. In the Equatorial region the barometer stands at, or close to, 30:0. From the Tropic to about lat. 40° N. and §., the readings are above 30:0, and in the central parts of the oceans readings as high as 30°2 are found over large areas.” North and South of the parallels of 40°, the pressure diminishes, and in mid-winter, South of Greenland and Iceland, an area of low pressure, 29°4, exists, which disappears in mid-summer, the baro- meter then standing half an inch higher.* e Captain Toynbee also remarked in a lecture at the United Service Institution, May 19th, 1871 :—‘‘ Having treated of the more permanent areas of high and low pressure in the North Atlantic, here let me add, that * “ A Barometer Manual for the Use of Seamen,” published by the Meteorological Council. 110 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. similar areas of high and low pressure are found to exist in the other great oceans. If these areas were quite fixed, and the only disturbances to which the air of the North Atlantic was subjected, the direction and force of the wind might be expected to be equally fixed. But, besides the above, local and temporary disturbances are very common.” (26.) The diagrams show the mean barometrical pressure, but this is liable to variation from several causes, periodical and non-periodical. The Diurnal Variation (mainly due to temperature) is one of the most regular of recurring phenomena in the Tropical and adjacent seas, gradually diminishing in higher latitudes, and is hardly perceptible within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. This diurnal variation of pressure consists of a double oscillation, there being two periods of increase and two of decrease; the barometer rising from about 4 a.m. to about 10 a.m., then falling to about 4 p.m., and again rising till about 10 p.m., when it once more falls to 4 a.m. In Tropical seas the daily range between the highest and lowest may be taken at about ‘07 or ‘08. In the British Isles the changes of pressure due to this cause are hardly more than one-fourth of those observed in the Tropics, amounting on the average to about -02. The Annual Variation of pressure is also a well-marked phenomenon within the Tropics, and in these seas it amounts to about ‘10 ; on approach- ing the land it becomes mueh greater. As, however, the annual variation takes place very gradually, it calls for no further comment here. The non-periodical changes of pressure are those immediately associated with changes of weather. The extent of these changes, under ordinary conditions, and taking the average of the various seasons of the year, varies with the latitude, being smallest near the Equator and increasing as we recede from it. Within the Tropics, the ordinary fluctuations of the barometer, including the diurnal variation, seldom exceed ‘3 or -4, except in the event of one of those furious and dreaded revolving storms commonly known as Hurricanes, Cyclones, or Typhoons (according to the part of the globe in which they occur), when the barometer may fall much more, and in the dangerous part of the storm-field may fall to the extent of 2 inches or more. The magnitude of the range in the higher latitudes, as compared to the Tropics, is exemplified in the British Islands, where the average range in the course of a month is about 1-7 for January, and 0:9 for July. (27.) Range.—The following Table is given in the ‘‘ Barometer Manual” pie SOB ee Between Lat. 65° and 60° N. —«.......0-e- 1-70 to 1-80 1-0 GOP 150? 1 Peescecesce=s, 1-80 — 1-50 1-00 to 0-80 BO° — 40% «= ceacsoerenre| 1-50 — 1-25 0-80 — 0-60 40° —— SOG a plese eaeseese 1-25 — 0-65 0-60 — 0-40 30° — N. Tropic............ } 0-65 — 0-40 0-40 — 0-30 N. Tropic — Equator ............ 0-40 — 0-20 0-30 — 0-20 Equator — S. Tropic ...........- 0-20 — 0-35 0-20 — 0-35 as the approximate range of the Barometer, under ordinary conditions of In severe storms the range is naturally much greater; as an weather. MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 111 example it may be stated that during the great storm of January 26th, 1884, the barometer in Leith fell to 27 60 inches, and at Kilcreggan, near Greenock, to 27°32 inches. At the latter end of this work we give some further remarks on the Barometer, including those by the late Admiral FitzRoy, which may be referred to in connection with what has been stated in the foregoing pages on this subject. Having thus briefly recorded the chief points to be observed in making use of the indications afforded by the Barometer, we now proceed to deal with the second part of this Section, referring to the Motions and Pressure of the Atmosphere. (28.) Mr. W. Clement Ley, in the pamphlet previously quoted on p. 104, says :—Changes of Weather are closely related to changes of Wind, and changes of Wind to changes in the distribution of Atmospheric Pressure. It would not indeed be safe to assert that the weather conditions are, in all cases and absolutely, the effects of atmospheric currents, or that the atmospheric currents are absolutely the effects of the distribution of pressure ; for the inter-action between these several elements is not quite so simple as would be conveyed by such an assertion. When the atmo- sphere is in a state of equilibrium no movement of air can of course occur, but as soon as the equilibrium is disturbed a current of wind is generated, the air tending to move from the district of greater to the district of Iss pressure ; in other words, the heavier air tends to drive out the lighter. Absolute equilibrium is in nature hardly ever attained, the air being kept in almost perpetual agitation by changes of pressure. The prime cause of atmospheric disturbance is found in the unequal distribution of solar heat over the earth’s surface. As soon as a current of wind is established, the effect of the earth’s rotation on its axis is to cause this current to deviate to the right of what would otherwise be its course in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern. The winds thus blow to a certain extent rownd instead of directly into any area in which the pressure of the atmosphere is rela- tively low, and the centrifugal force of the currents themselves helps in this case to maintain the inequality of pressure. This effect of the force of the earth’s rotation varies with the latitude. In the high latitudes we find that if we describe lines along which at any given time the pressure of the atmosphere at the level of the sea is equal, while it is higher on the one side and lower on the other, the wind blows in a direction which, for practi¢al purposes, may be regarded as parallel to those lines. In low latitudes, on the other hand, the winds move more nearly at right angles to such lines, and at the Equator the deflecting effect of the earth’s rotation is zero, and the air must consequently there travel in direct lines from the points at which the pressure is greatest to those at which it is least. (29.) The intimate connexion between the fluctuations of the Barometer and changes in wind and weather is familiar to all. As Mr. Piddington says: ‘“‘ The commander who is watching his Barometer is watching his snip, and that in the most efficient manner.” This remark has a greater 112 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. force now than when it was first made; because, since that period, the sailor has greatly extended the use of the Aneroid Barometer, which, by its immediately showing any atmospheric change, gives a longer and more assured warning. The Mercurial Barometer used at sea, from having its column much contracted in one part to overcome the “pumping” action which the vessel’s motion would cause, is much more sluggish in its action, and hence it may not indicate a change till a part of its predictions has passed over. (30.) But the isolated observation of the Barometer, and other indica- tions of the condition of the atmosphere, made at sea, must necessarily be of infinitely less value in guiding the sailor than are those made within the range of the stations from which telegraphic Weather Reports are sent to each other, and by a comparison of which many very important conelu- sions can be quickly arrived at. It is this minute examination and com- parison of the varied state of the meteorological conditions existing at one and the same moment at stations widely separated and extending over the West and N.W. of Europe, that some remarkable laws have been arrived at, and great advances made in the general subject of atmospheric meteorology. (31.) But, although this method of comparison is not possible to the ship at sea, yet it is thought that the method by which ‘weather pre- dictions” are made; the reasons why barometric pressures indicate certain general facts; why land disturbances from heat and cold, and differing temperatures in sea water, bring about, or point to, great and broadly- marked differences in wind and weather; are proper subjects for the sailor’s study, and, as such, are not out of place here. Tn laying as briefly as we can the results arrived at by the various ob- servers, or by a combination of their deductions, we shall mostly give the words of the authors themselves, referring to the works quoted for more extended information. (32.) When the Cyclone theory was propounded, which was in the first place done by Mr. Redfield, then by Sir W. Reid, Mr. Piddington, Dr. Thom, and other pioneers in this all-important subject, the ‘“‘ Law” was established that these Hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere, having a low barometer in the centre of their vortex, will have this centre or vortex on the left hand of any one standing on its circumference with his back to the wind; the case being reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. In the further investigation of the laws which govern the movements of the air, consequent on the recommendations of the Brussels Congress, the Dutch nation, well known to be foremost in the rank of enquirers, in 1857 established an Observatory at Utrecht, known as the Royal Meteorological Institute of Holland; and here the late Dr. Christopher H. D. Buys-Ballot pursued for several years an enquiry into the data afforded by the daily weather telegrams which were sent to this Observatory from several parts of the kingdom, and he arrived at the very important conclusion that the same Law which had been established by Redfield and Reid in regard to the local meteors, known as Cyclones, is applicable, on the very much broader scale, to the whole system of winds over the whole of the globe. But confining the remarks to the Northern Hemisphere, and more pagti- BUYS-BALLOT’S LAW. 113 eularly to Holland, Professor Buys-Ballot determined the Law which is known by his name, and is briefly stated in these words :— Buys-Ballot’s Law. If, on any morning, there be a difference between the barometrical readings at any two stations, in Holland, a wind will blow on that day, in the neighbourhood of places on the line joining those stations, which will be inclined to that line at an angle of 90°, or thereabouts, and will have the station where the reading is lowest on its left-hand side. (33.) Dr. Buys-Ballot explained this Law, and the reasons for propound- ing it, and its application to an apparatus, termed an Aéroclinoscope, for indicating, each morning, at each port in Holland, the wind which may be expected to blow there during that day, in a pamphlet, dated 1860.* This Law is the same as that known to hold good in the case of Tropical Cyclones, and also proved to be true in the case of winds in these latitudes, by Dr. Lloyd, in his ‘‘ Notes on the Meteorology of Ireland,” 1854. How- ever, Professor Buys-Ballot was the first to insist on its importanee as a means of foretelling wind, both as to direction and force. (34.) The further investigation of this Law, and its application to weather predictions, were vigorously carried on by Capt. Henry Toynbee, F.R.A.S., —a, name well known to seamen—in connexion with the Meteorological Office ; and in his Report on Isobaric Curves, 1869, he makes the follow- ing remarks on the general subject. ‘Whilst considering Buys-Ballot’s Law, I have been struck by a few facts which seem to indicate its relation to the general circulation of the air in moderately high latitudes. Here it may be well to repeat that Law, viz., ‘If you turn your back to the wind (however light) in the higher Northern latitudes, there will be a lower pressure to your left than to your right hand.’ This order is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere ; hence it is probable that as the Equator is approached the wind will blow directly from a high towards a low pressure. “‘ With regard to the winds of the Northern part of the North Atlantic, during our winter a high barometer exists over the cold land in Europe and America, whilst it is relatively low over the sea, hence the prevalence of strong South-Westerly winds on our side of the Atlantic, and of North- Westerly winds in Newfoundland, as given in Mr. Buchan’s work.t These winds work round an area of low pressure over the water, which seems to account for the prevalence of North-Hasterly winds in Greenland. «Then, as spring advances, the air over the land becomes heated, causing the barometer to fall, whilst water, changing its temperature much more slowly, does not act so quickly on the air above it, and the result is * Eenige Regelen voor aanstaande Weersveranderingen in Nederland voornamelijk in verband met de dagelijksche Telegraphische seinen. Utrecht, 1860. An English version of this is ‘‘The Foretelling of the Weather in connexion with Meteorological Observations,” by Captain F. H. Klein. Translated by A. Adriani, M.D., 1863. + “A Handy Book for Meteorology,” by Alexander Buchan, Second Edition, 1868. NW. A.-0; 16 114 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. that a higher barometer sometimes exists over the water than over the land, which is probably the cause of so much North-Hasterly wind at that season in England. ‘“‘ Again, to the Northward of the N.E. Trades, in the Calms of Cancer, there is a region of very high barometer which does not extend up to the coast of Africa or America (see the French ‘Atlas des Mouvements Généraux de l’Atmosphére’). It is also well known to seamen that this area of high barometer extends farther North in the summer; which, taken into consideration with the heated land and consequent lower pressure on the coasts of Spain and Portugal, seems sufficient to account for the prevalence of Northerly winds on those coasts. The N.W. wind, which so very generally precedes the N.E. Trades with ships outward bound from England, seems to result from the draught of air, in accord- ance with Buys-Ballot’s Law, between this area of high pressure and the lower pressure to the Kast and N.E. of it. For the same reason the South- Easterly tendency of the N.H. Trades, on the Western side of the Atlantic, between 20° and 30° N. (see the Pilot Charts for the Atlantic Ocean), is probably due to the air drawing round this area of high pressure. In fact, it seems most probable that this area of high pressure is a perpetual ‘ Anti- Cyclone,’ the name given by Mr. Francis Galton, in his ‘ Meteorographica,’* to patches of high pressure round which the wind revolves in a contrary direction to that of a Cyclone, which is an area of low pressure; and that this area of high pressure is a downward current of air, which has over- flowed from the various high temperatures and low pressures around it, out of which the air seems to issue in various directions, being governed by the neighbouring low and high pressures ; whilst in it there is a large extent of equal pressure and consequent calm (‘the Horse Latitudes’) which should be avoided by sailing ships as a kind of atmospheric shoal. It will be noticed that the route of West Indian Hurricanes is round this area of high pressure. The effect of the earth’s revolution upon these down- ward and upward currents of air is supposed to be the cause of their revolving in contrary directions. ‘In working up the meteorological data for that part of the Atlantic between 20° N. and 10° S., I notice that in the winter there is a tendency for the N.E. Trades to draw to the S.E., on the S.W. side of the Cape Verde Islands, which probably arises from the air being cooler and heavier over the land, thus bringing Buys-Ballot’s Law into play to deflect the wind. ‘‘Tt is well known to those who navigate the South Atlantic, that an outward bound ship on the Western side of that ocean has a N.E. wind towards the Southern verge of the 8.H. Trades, whilst a homeward bounder in the same latitude, but near the African coast, has a S.W. wind. These winds seem to result from the same cause, which has been alluded to in the North Atlantic, viz., an area of high pressure over the central part of the ocean, which decreases as you approach the land on either side. ‘“‘ In the Proceedings of the Meteorological Society, February 17th, 1869, are given ‘ Results from Meteorological Observations, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, for twenty years, by Sir T. Maclear,’ * “ Meteorographica,” by Francis Galton, F.R.S., F.R.G.S.—Macmillan & Co, ¢t Full descriptions of the Cyclone and Anti-Cyclone are given hereafter. BUYS-BALLOT’S LAW. 115 which show that the barometer is from two to three-tenths higher in their winter than in their summer. Now it seems very probable that there is not a corresponding change in the pressure over the warm water to the South of Africa, which would cause an increased barometer difference, and therefore, according to Buys-Ballot’s Law, an increase in the force of the Westerly winds. «The same Law probably holds good off Cape Horn; and as we may uppose that a higher pressure sometimes exists over the South Shetlands ind Graham’s Land, than over the water to the North of them, Buys- Ballot’s Law would require that Easterly winds should be more common in the neighbourhood of that land than near Cape Horn, as experienced by Captain James Gales. «This intimate relation between barometer differences and the direction and force of the wind increases the value of barometer observations, for it is clear that when their relation is better established, we shall be able to form a good estimate of the one by knowing the other, and the method now adopted in the office of sifting all our data into one-degree squares for each month will, it is hoped, enable us to draw monthly isobarics for important parts of the sea, which will be related to the direction and force of the winds prevailing in each month. Such work for a few of the important squares near the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn will show where the barometer difference is least in a given distance, and as a con- sequence where the wind is generally most moderate, whilst the direction in which the isobarics run will show the direction of the prevailing wind, helping the navigator to decide on the best route. Seamen, who fear a calm more than a gale, will be glad if we can give them the monthly positions of the different areas of high and equal pressure where there are calms, in order that they may avoid them.” (35.) In his pamphlet, ‘‘ Weather Forecasting for the British Islands,” 1890, Captain Toynbee makes the following remarks regarding permanent areas of high and low barometric pressure over the Ocean :— ‘‘ Now, remembering that the force of a wind depends upon the amount of difference between barometers at a given distance from each other, if we can show that there are certain localities where the barometer is generally high and others where it is generally low, then, if a low-barometer system appears between such high and low barometer areas, the winds on the side of that system which is nearest to the high barometer will be stronger than those on the side which is nearest the low barometer. Such & case occurs in the Northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, where, in the latitude of the Azores and to the Southward of them, the barometer is generally high, there being an accumulation of air on the Northern verge of the N.E. Trades. The position of this area of high barometer is pretty constant, although it changes its latitude with the sun, coming North in summer and receding South in winter. ‘To the Southward of Iceland there is a part of the Atlantic where tha barometer is generally lower than it is in the space surrounding it. This is more particularly the case in winter, when there is a great difference between the temperature of the warm water brought into that neighbour- hood by the Gulf Stream, and that of the cold air over the neighbouring 116 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. continents and islands. Over Siberia, in January, the mean height of the barometer is nearly thirty-one inches, whilst South of Iceland and Green- land it is about twenty-nine and a half inches, which fact well accounts for our prevailing §8.W. winds in winter. ‘“« Knowing these facts, it is easy to realise that the storm-centres whick come from the Atlantic towards our West coasts pass along the Northern side of the large area of high barometer which prevails in the neighbour- hood of the Azores, and have the area of low barometer which prevails to the Southward of Iceland to the Northward of them. They are therefore, as it were, subsidiary to the larger system which is situated in the Atlantic, more especially in winter, and their Westerly winds are generally stronger than their Easterly winds, owing to the fact that the greater barometer difference or gradient is on their Southern sides.” (36.) Barometric Waves.—In 1843, the late SirJohn Herschel presented a report to the British Association on the result of some investigations he had made into the barometric changes registered at the term-days of the Equinoxes and Solstices, and arrived at the following conclusions :— ‘1, We have succeeded in tracing distinct barometric waves of many hundreds of miles in breadth over the whole extent of Europe. Not only the breadth, but the direction of the front and the velocity of the progress of such waves have been clearly made out. «2. Besides these distinctly terminated waves, we have been able, if not to trace the rate and law of progress, at least to render very evident the existence of undulating movements of much greater amplitude, so great indeed as far to exceed in dimension the area in question, and to require much more time than the duration of a term-series (86 hours) for their passage over a given locality. At the same time it must be recollected that the records of every meteorologist bear ample testimony to this conclusion in the fact of long-continued rises, falls, and stations (both high and low) of the barometer continuing for many days or even weeks. ‘3, In Europe, Brussels is clearly entitled to be regarded as a point of comparatively gentle barometrical disturbance. Very deep waves itis true, and very extensive ones ride over it; but with regard to smaller ones it may be regarded as in a certain sense a nodal point where irregularities are smoothed down, and oscillatory movement in general is more or less checked; and: such movements increase in amount as we recede from Brussels as a centre, especially towards the N.W. as far as Markree.” (37.) Mr. W. R. Birt, in the further enquiry into the subject of barometric waves, as reported to the British Association, between 1843 and 1848, established in the year 1846 the fact that each wave is accompanied by two streams of air, constituting two oppositely directed winds; and it is not a little interesting to remark, in passing, that this discussion, although unaccompanied by the actual projection either of barometric gradients or isobars, anticipated them both, inasmuch as the heights of the barometer are so arranged as to serve all the purposes of projected isobars and the determination of gradients, and this was effected as early as 1844, by barometric heights being treated geographically—an essential element of the isobar. Tt will be needless to follow the progress of this subject through all its BAROMETRIC WAVES. 117 stages, but this will suffice to show that this important topic was inyes- tigated when the means of doing so were much more difficult to obtain, and that some of the decisions now accepted were clearly pointed out in former times. In the course of Mr. Birt’s researches on atmospheric waves, he had an opportunity of testing the correctness of Professor Dové’s suggestion, which he found to be in close accordance with the truth, for he not only ascertained the existence of the 8.W. and N.E. compensating currents, but also that of another set of oppositely directed and compensating winds at right angles to them. These were N.W. and 8.E., with a lateral motion towards the N.E. He also carefully discussed the barometric phenomena with relation to both these sets of currents, and arrived at conclusions which the reader will find in detail in Mr. Birt’s third report, presented to the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Report, 1846, pp. 132 to 162), but which may be briefly enunciated as follows :—During the period which passed under the examination of the writer, he found the barometer gene- rally rising with N.E. and N.W. winds, and that as a maximum or highest reading of the mercury approached, the wind died away mostly to a calm. On the other hand, with S.W. and S.E. winds, the barometer generally fell, the force of the wind proportionally increasing until the mercury passed its minimum or lowest reading. There is one important feature which the study of the Barometer hag brought to light, and which is by no means devoid of significance, viz., that its oscillations are much greater in the neighbourhood of water. Thus it appears that the junction lines of land and water form by far the most important portions of the globe in which to study atmospheric waves; for, in the great systems of European undulations, it is well known that these oscillations increase, especially towards the N.W., and the late Professor Daniell shewed from the Mannheim observations that small undulations, having their origin on the Northern borders of the Mediterranean, have propagated themselves Northward ; and thus, but in a smaller degree, the waters of the Mediterranean have contributed to increase the oscillations of the barometer, like the larger surface of the Northern Atlantic. From such considerations as these, it becomes very desirable that our knowledge of the rise and fall of the Barometer, in immediate connexion with the direction and force of the wind on the surfaces not only of our large oceans, but also of those of our inland seas, and especially in the neighbourhood of extensive archipelagoes, should be increased. (38.) In a future page, in the Section devoted to a description of tha Winds encountered in the Northern part of the Atlantic, this subject of Atmospheric Waves will be again adverted to; and then it will be mora plainly seen how it is applicable to the daily experience of the navigator. (39.) Barometric Grapients.—The primary principle, that the atmo. sphere moves in a series of waves, indicated by the high or low pressura 6f the barometer, having been established, the next step was to estimate the dimensions of these waves, and the relation of this element to the changes in the wind’s direction and force. In this enquiry several observers recorded the results of their work, including Mr. W. R. Birt, before men- tioned, Dr. Lloyd, in his ‘‘ Notes on the Meteorology of Ireland, 1854,” 118 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. and several other gentlemen; but Mr. Thomas Stevenson, C.E., in 1867,* was the first who proposed to define the dimension or magnitude of these atmospheric waves as ‘‘ Barometric Gradients,” & term since adopted by the Meteorological Office. Its further development, and the application to weather predictions, have been carried out by the superintendents of that office, R. H. Scott, M.A., the Director, and Captain H. Toynbee. Mr. Robert H. Scott, M.A., in his work entitled ‘‘ Weather Forecasts and Storm Warnings,” page 48, says :—‘‘ No very precise relation has yet been established between the amount of the gradient and the force of the wind, but a gradient of 0-02 inch per 15 miles indicates the probability of as much wind as an ordinary yachtsman likes to meet with.” The Standard Gradients adopted by the Meteorological Office are expressed in hundredths of an inch of the mercury for a distance of 15 nautic miles, a measurement almost identical with that adopted on the Continent, of 1 millimétre for 60 miles. The system of announcing the probability of a coming storm, inaugurated by the late Admiral FitzRoy, having been abandoned, it may be well to briefly allude to the system now in use, and this will be best done by quoting the words of the Report by Robert H. Scott, Esq.t ‘In order to test the truth of this Law (Buys-Ballot’s) as applied to our own daily Weather Reports, and its value as indicating the approach and progress of storms, I have investigated these Reports for a period of nine months, viz., from October to December, 1864, and from October, 1867, to March, 1868, inclusive. Captain Toynbee, the Marine Superin- tendent of the Office, has also been engaged in the study of these Reports. «The observations discussed are all those taken at our own stations within the limits of the British Islands, and, in addition, those from Brest, L’Orient, Rochefort, and the Helder. In 1864, the Helder was not a reporting station, and accordingly Heligoland was taken instead. All these stations, except the last named, are situated within the area of a circle, 700 miles in diameter, whose centre is at Birmingham. , “The mode of investigation was threefold :— “T, To ascertain the greatest difference of pressure existing between any two stations within the area, at 8 a.m. on each day, with the resulting direction for the wind according to the Law, and compare therewith the strong winds reported as having occurred during the twenty-four hours which succeeded the time of the observed barometrical difference. “TI. To extract the daily barometrical differences, and the resulting directions for the wind, along certain lines within the area, and compare therewith the winds recorded in the vicinity of those stations during the succeeding twenty-four hours. * In the Report mentioned in the note below,t Mr. Scott says :—“ Mr. Stevenson measures his Gradients as an inch of mercury in a variable number of miles. I measure mine as a variable number of hundredths of an inch of mercury per 100 miles.» Mr. Stevenson’s Paper contains, as far as I am aware, the first proposal to estimate the intensity of storms numerically. It was printed in the ‘Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society’ for January, 1868.” + “Report of an Enquiry into the Connexion between Strong Winds and Barometrical Differences,’ by Robert H. Scott, M.A., F.R.S. BAROMETRIC GRADIENTS. 119 “TIT. To extract each strong wind which was recorded at any station, and compare therewith the barometrical differences recorded along the lines in the vicinity of that station. ‘« By these three enquiries it was sought to ascertain :— ‘1. What is the connexion between general barometrical disturbances and weather succeeding it. «2. What accordance do the strong winds actually observed show with the directions over each district of the area as given by the Law. “3. What amount of indication was given of each strong wind by barometrical differences in its vicinity.” (40.) We cannot here follow out the discussion into the details, but Mr. Scott drew this conclusion from them :— ‘Tt appears, then, as a final result, that if we notice on any morning a difference of 0°60 inch between any two stations, the chance is 7 to 3 that there will be a storm within the succeeding twenty-four hours. On the other hand, the chance is 9 to 1 that any storm which sets in will be pre- ceded by unmistakeable signs of its approach, although the barometrical difference of readings may not amount to 0°60 inch at 8 a.m. ‘‘ Before leaving this branch of the enquiry, there is one result which seems of sufficient importance to deserve a special notice. ‘“‘T find that although there is a preponderance of instances in which the difference of six-tenths is followed by a gale, yet on several occasions the barometrical inequality exists after the violent motion of the air has come to anend. In ten instances during the whole nine months, I find that at 8 a.m. on the day after a serious gale there was a difference of, or exceed- ing, 0-6 inch, while there was not a gale during the remainder of the day. This seems to me to be a very remarkable result, and one well deserving of future investigation. ‘It appears, also, that as regards direction the Law receives strong confirmation :— ‘‘ Southerly gales are preceded by a relatively low pressure in the West. ‘‘ Westerly gales are preceded by a relatively low pressure in the North. ‘“‘ Northerly gales are preceded by a relatively low pressure in the Hast. “ Kasterly gales are preceded by a relatively low pressure in the South. ‘In devising a system for testing the Law as applied to the different districts of the British Islands, and the North and West Coasts of France, we are met by various difficulties. The simplest statement of the Law is that according to it the wind at any point will blow in the direction of a tangent, at that point, to the isobaric curve which represents the atmo- spherical conditions existing a short time previously. ‘Firstly, the whole system of isobaric curves, or the whole distribution of atmospherical pressure, is known to be subject to a motion of transla- tion over the earth’s surface; but of this motion the direction and the rate vary, from day to day, to a considerable extent, and in a manner independent of each other. Neither of these points have been as yet satisfactorily investigated. Secondly, the wind, especially in storms, seldom blows for many hours consecutively from the same point, but either veers or backs, the former motion being much more usual than the latter. ‘These considerations show us that we must not interpret the Law too 120 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. strictly, but must make some allowance for translation and for change of direction. ® «The method adopted for testing the winds on each day will be under- _ stood by reference to the adjoining plate, which is reduced from the given map for January 16th, 1868, showing the barometrical readings and the wind at the various stations at 8 a.m., with the gradients and their changes during the preceding twenty-four hours. ‘Tt will be seen from these that the area has been, so to speak, trian- gulated, as well as the situations of the reporting stations will allow. By this means we have got a large number of lines of variable lengths, running in different directions. Perpendiculars are let fall on each of these lines, and the direction of the lines are taken according to the approximate compass bearings of these perpendiculars, which are the wind directions indicated, according to the Law, by differences of barometrical readings at the extremities of the respective lines. ‘‘ Tn order to render the results obtained from lines of different lengths strictly comparable with each other, they have been reduced to one uniform standard of 100 miles. The actual length of each line, and the factor requisite to reduce its indications to those of the uniform standard length, and also the directions for the two winds indicated according as the baro- metrical reading at one end of the line is higher or lower than at the other, are here subjoined. ‘These directions, of course, differ by 180°. eee Tine: Length in | Factor.| Indicated Wind. W.30° N. | Valencia to Greencastle ...... 236 3 E.S.E. or W.N.W. W. 40° N. | Greencastle—Nairn .........00 180 $ S.H. je eNpive N. 30° W. | Greencastle—Leith ........000 144 $ S.S.E. ,, N.N.W. EH. 10° N. | Leith—Nairm..............:c.0006 100 1 Ei. caaies Wis E. Liverpool—Leith ..........cs0e 156 $ hh.) Oe ae E. 40° N. | Liverpool—Greencastle ...... 189 $ NB) aes N. 30° W. | Liverpool—Scarborough ...... 110 1 8.S.E. ,, N.N.W W. 40° S. Scarborough—Leith ..........4 131 2 N.EL 435 Seve W. 40° S. Helder—Nairn ..........cccecees 394 NES Sse N. 30° E. | Heligoland—Nairn ............ 445 ; N.N.E. ,, S.S.W. S. 10° KE. | Heligoland—Liverpool......... 380 + Ne ane Ss N. 10° BE. | Helder—Liverpool ............ 284 s IN. ae S. N. 30° W. | Heligoland—London ......... 330 io 8.S.E. ,, N.N.W. N. 30° W. | Helder—London ................ 200 s S.S.E. ,, N.N.W. W. 30° N. | Heligoland—Rochefort ...... 600 é E.S.E. ,, W.N.W. W. 30° N. | Helder—Rochefort ............ 480 5 E.S.E. ,, W.N.W. W. 10° S. Weymouth—Liverpool......... 172 3 Hi.) hy ee W.10° S._ | Rochefort—Weymouth ...... 287 4 Bie ys% ae W. 10° S. London—Scarborough......... 175 + Hanes W. N. 20° W. | Penzance—London ............ 220 $ 5.5.E. ,, N.N.W. iN. 45° Hie Rochefort—Brest ....cccseccoses 200 4 IN. HS, 25; Se W. 20° S. Brest—Penzance .....cccccceeee 101 al E.N.E. ,, W.S.W. N. 45° E. Brest—Valencia .......cccseone 307 s N.E. |; 9S Ne4 Drs Penzance—Roche’s Point ... 138 2 N.Es. (5, awe N. 10° E. Valencia—Roche’s Point...... 82 a ING ae ek N. 20° W. | Valencia—Liverpool............ 287 $ S.S.E. , N.N.W. ‘«‘ These factors are, as will be seen, merely the nearest simple fractions to the proportions between the length of each line and the standard length, BAROMETRICAL READINGS AND THE WINDS OBSERVED At each Station at 8 a.m. Jan.16, 1868.. With the Lines & Gradients. RES TOES ees He DA THE WINDS RECORDED as EXTREME WINDS | | are shewn wi red BAROMETRIC GRADIENTS. 121 ne eee ee SS — W.13 |— 6 Weymouth-Liverpool Veymouth. 8.w. 8, Portsmouth. 8, . 9, Holyhead. — Winds Date.| Gradient. Line, SS SEE Extreme. Next Morning. : (|S.W. 9, Ardrossan. — Jan.16} S.S.E. 12 |+-25| Leith—Greencastle - LIS.W. 8, Leith. at S. 9, Holyhead. ee S.W. 21 |+14! Liverpool-Greencastle { Sw. niyo aeeat cis S.W. 12 |— 4|Helder—Nairn - i; S.W. 8, Leith — S.W.19 |+ 3 Scarborough—Leith - J |W. 8, Yarmouth — | S. 12, Valencia. —_ S.W. 25 |+10, Penzance-Roche’s Pt. ) |S.W. 9, Cape Clear. — W.S.W.14|— 2, Brest—Penzance - - } |S.S.W. 8, Penzance. — 8.S.W. 9, Plymouth|S.W. 9, Plymouth. W.12 |—16 Leith—Nairn - - -)/(|S.W.8, Leith, —= W.16 |— 4\Liverpool—Leith - -§ |S.W. ?: Ardrossan. — Ss. = | S. Ss) ‘Sis t | .W. 9, London. = | W.12 \— 6London- Scarborough 4 |, 8, Yarmouth. vii | : Preceding : Date | Wind Station. Giidionts Line. Jan 16Evening | Si | 8 | Holyhead- -| S.W. 21 |+14| Liverpool—Greencastle. bis SS 12 | Valencia S.S.W.| 8 | Penzance j S.W. 25 |+10 Penzance—Roche’s Point S.S.W.| 9 | Plymouth Ss. 8 | Weymouth ss.w.| 8 Ne (acne ta §.8.E. 5 |+11) London—Penzance, S.W. 8 | Leith - : Sw. | 9| Ardrossan .f| S:S-B.12 |425) Leith—Greencastle, pps 9 Oape Clear -| S.W. 25 |+10) Penzance—Roche’s Point W. 2 een cath i W.12 |— 6) London—Scarborough, 17|\Morning| S.W. 9 | Plymouth - SW. 8 E Grinmionthe | W.S.W. 14|— 2) Brest—Penzance. “This shows us that the only gradient exceeding 0°12 on the 16th, which was not followed by a very decided fulfilment, was that of West 13 from Weymouth to Liverpool. The predominating storms on the South coast of England were Southerly, and had very little Westing in them. They gave, however, abundant indications of their approach in the change of gradient of (+ 11) in the direction 8.8.K. from London to Penzance. ‘On the whole it will be seen that on the morning of the 16th there was a gale at only one station, viz., South 10 at Valencia, and on the morning of the 17th there were only two, viz., S.W. 9 at Plymouth, and S.W. 8 at Portsmouth, while between these two dates gales were felt at 10 stations, which might reasonably have been foreseen by an examination of the morning reports of the 16th, on the principles laid down in the preceding pages. (41.) What has been said previously, as to the Isobaric Lines and Baro- metric Gradients, refers exclusively to the observations made and collected WAS O: 17 122 MOTIONS AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. simultaneously on land. It is quite clear that this is inapplicable to the condition of a ship on a voyage. Still something can be learned from the known phenomena of what is probable, and the reader is referred to a valuable paper in the ‘‘ Mercantile Marine Magazine,” 1872, by Mr. Birt, for many important practical hints, which are too long for quoting here, but a few extracts must suffice. They relate to an examination of the Weather Charts, issued by the Meteorological Office, between March 15th and April 13th, 1872, the results of which are given in a tabular form.* ‘In order to see the practical bearing of this Table (not repeated here), it is necessary to recall the main feature of Buys-Ballot’s Law, viz., that the areas of high and low pressure are specially related to the direction of the wind. Taking the direction of the wind from Kast to West for example, and sailing or steaming with it, the area of high pressure is on the star- board or North, and that of low pressure on the port or left. The steepest gradient between Portsmouth and Dover during the thirty daysis + -142, wind at Dover North force 6. This gradient occurred on the 19th, but as no return for that day was received from Scilly, the barometric section from Scilly to Dover is not complete. The section for the previous day, the 18th, is complete, and shows a difference of about a quarter of an inch between the extreme stations. At all the stations the barometer was falling between 8 a.m. of the 18th and 8 a.m. of the 19th. Suppose we take a vessel on the 18th, having just passed the Straits at 8 a.m. During her passage down Channel her barometer rose, wind off Dover W.N.W., force 3, area of high pressure towards 8.S.W. On consulting the Weather Charts, we find the isobars so arranged as to indicate the anterior slope of an atmospheric wave, stretching from §.8.W. or thereabout, towards Norway N.N.E.; the vessel was therefore sailing or steaming towards the crest. In the case of a vessel steaming up Channel on the 19th, she would have had a falling barometer with increasing wind force. ‘On selecting the steepest gradient, dip towards the West (—), we find it to be — 071, wind South, force 3, at Dover, on March 27th, the wind increasing in force Westward, being at Scilly 7, with a sea disturbance of 6, marked ‘rough’ on the map; area of highest pressure to the Hastward ; passage up Channel, barometer rising, wind force decreasing; down Channel, barometer falling, with wind force increasing. The Weather Chart for this day shows the isobars arranged as the posterior slope of a N.W. atmospheric wave. A vessel coming up Channel approached the crest rather obliquely. : ‘‘ It must especially be borne in mind that each vessel is entirely isolated, the commander having only the height of the barometer and direction of the wind at his ship, with Buys-Ballot’s Law, from which he is able to infer in what directions the high or low pressures exist, but whether he is approaching a crest or trough directly or obliquely, his data are inadequate to determine. We are not aware that sufficient has been effected at land stations to enable him to ascertain the general lay of the isobars from the rise or fall of the barometer at his ship, and here we see the value of discussing a large number of observations, in order to mark out with * See, also, ‘‘ Weather Charts and Storm Warnings,” by R. H. Scott, M.A., F.R.S. BAROMETRIC GRADIENTS. 123 approximate precision the barometric affections of such a line as the South Coast of England. To effect this the labour is considerable, and it can only be accomplished on the large scale by an office charged not only with the work of collecting data, but of utilizing such data when obtained. ‘‘ In tabulating this, we have the whole line from Dover to Scilly divided into three portions, Dover to Portsmouth, Portsmouth to Plymouth, and Plymouth to Scilly. So far as the most important feature—the barometric gradients—is concerned, each portion differs, more or less, from its neigh- bours. Taking the gradients facing the Hast (+), we have on the line Portsmouth to Dover these gradients occurring on 20 days. On the line Plymouth to Portsmouth 12 days, and from Scilly to Plymouth 15 days. Of the reverse or facing the West (—), Dover to Portsmouth 7 days, Portsmouth to Plymouth 13 days, and Plymouth to Scilly 12 days. On three occasions the barometer was equal in height at Dover and Ports- mouth, on five at Portsmouth and Plymouth, and on two at Plymouth and Scilly. These results clearly show that the barometric movements are very complex ; nevertheless, it is possible that each portion of the Channel may have its specific type. ‘“‘ A graphical representation is conclusive as to the connection between barometric differences or gradients, wind force, and sea disturbance. A determination of the law of this connection is important. We can, how- ever, look at this matter in another light; for instance, we can take the mean wind force and sea disturbance for each station as under :— Dover .... 2°7 Wind. 2:0 Sea. | Plymouth.. 2-4 Wind. 1°5 Sea, Portsmouth 3:5 __,, 3°01, DOULy, ect 4, 44 ,, “« These numbers show that, with the exception of Plymouth, both wind force and sea disturbance increase as we proceed Westward. Bearing in mind that the scale of wind force is O—12, and that of sea disturbance 0—9, the increase of sea disturbance is greater in proportion at Scilly than within the Channel. «We have already alluded to the isolated condition of each vessel as she sails or steams up or down Channel ; and from the above example of dis- cussing the daily readings, it appears that in the passage down Channel a commander, on the average, meets with increasing force of wind, increasing sea disturbance, and increasing barometric gradients. An important question here arises: How is a commander to ascertain his gradient in his isolated position? On passing the Straits, his barometer stands at a certain height, on passing Portsmouth it has risen, but the difference will not give him his gradient, for he is ignorant of the height of the mercury at Dover when he is off Portsmouth. The rise he records is compounded of two quantities, that due to the gradient he has sailed through plus (+) the absolute rise of the barometer at the two stations during his voyage from one to the other; or it may be that the portion due to the gradient is reduced by a fall of the barometer during the interval. For example, the gradient on March 19th, between Portsmouth and Dover, was + -142. On the 18th the barometer stood at 30-01 at Portsmouth, on the 19th it was 29°94, fall in the 24 hours 0°07. On the 18th, at Dover, the barometer 124 NORTH ATLANTIC WINDS AND WEATHER. read 29°87, on the 19th 29°78, fall in the 24 hours 0°09. The barometric difference between the stations on the 18th was 14, on the 19th -16. If, then, the barometer at the ship, on the 18th, off Dover, read 29°87, and off Portsmouth on the 19th, 24 hours afterwards, 29-94, the captain would record a rise of 0:07, the barometer having really fallen 0-08 at a point intermediate between the stations: thus, while a real gradient of + -142 existed between Dover and Portsmouth on the 19th, the barometer having fallen at both stations during the previous 24 hours, a captain sailing from Dover to Portsmouth during the same 24 hours would record an apparent gradient of + :062, the reduction from the real gradient arising from the fall of the barometer at both stations, while the rise of his barometer resulted from his sailing toward the region of higher pressure.’’* 38.—_NORTH ATLANTIC WINDS AND WEATHER. (42.) The Wind Regions of the North Atlantic Ocean may be thus defined :—To the North of the Tropic of Cancer are the Anti-Trades,t or Passage Winds, which, though variable, have a general tendency from S.W. to N.E.; in these temperate and Arctic regions the general barometric pressure is moderate, with occasional appearances of areas of high pressure. South of these is a belt of Calms and Variable Winds, distinguished by a high barometer, called by Commander Maury the ‘“‘ Calms of Cancer,” also known to sailors as the ‘‘Horse Latitudes,” as hereafter explained. This belt varies between 30° and 35° N., according to the season. South of this, and extending to about 8° to 5° N., but varying in its Southern as in its Northern limits, is the great region of the N.H. Trades. In the space between the Equator and this region of Trades are the ‘‘ Doldrums,” or Calms, of the Equator; and upon the African coast there is a regular alternation of the winds, similar to the monsoons in other parts. Hach of these regions will be treated of separately in the following pages. (43.) In the spaces which separate these wind systems those storms known as Hurricanes, Tornados, Typhoons, or Cyclones occur. This important branch of the present subject is fully considered hereafter, but the occurrence of storms is an exceptional case in the vast system of « atmospheric circulation we have been considering. * Those wishing further information on this subject should refer to a Paper on « Barometric Gradients in connection with Wind Velocity and Direction at the Kew Observatory,” by G. M. Whipple and T. W. Baker, in the Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society, 1882, pp. 198—203. + The term “ Anti-Trades,” adopted by Sir John Herschel, is expressive and appro- priate. By others they have been named Cownter-Trades, which designation may more exactly define the upper currents over the Trade Winds. They have also been vaguely called ‘The Variables,’ a term which is best confined to the characteristic of the Belts of Calm or shifting winds about the Tropics. face p 125 Shetlands | NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN WINDS Showing the Limits of the Trade Winds and Observed Courses of Rotary Gales in Aug. 1873, thus __ & Feb. 1870. — From Official Reports published by the Meteorological Office) | Centre pf Gale Barometier about 29-5|in Permanent Arta of ES Barometrical Bar.| 30:2 Flores HIGH Fayale res BL | to B05 iniiatary Graciosa. ry con Cad Steof Gibcaltag | 1 sy Itvopie of| Camcer AD 8 Fincent Zee gsal- O W |(29/9. 30 in.) WIND AND WEATHER CHARTS. 125 (44.) Wind and Weather Charts, &c.—As before stated, it is to Captain Maury that the credit is due for initiating the system by which data from ships’ logs are collected and formulated on the Meteorological Charts now published by our own and foreign nations. Captain (then Lieutenant) Maury’s “‘ Pilot Charts” were published in 1849, and were republished in a different form, in 1855, by our own Meteorological Department, under the direction of Rear-Admiral FitzRoy, and by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, which has done so much for the advancement of this knowledge. Since that time a great impetus has been given to these researches by the gratuitous labours of innumerable commanders of vessels, and others, who have kept carefully-compiled logs specially for the use of the various meteorological institutions, on which the more recent publica- tions are based. Among the more noted of these works may be mentioned those of our own Meteorological Office, including the ‘‘ Synchronous Weather Charts of the North Atlantic and the adjacent Continents, from August 1st, 1882, to September 38rd, 1883;” ‘Wind and Current Charts,” by Lieutenant Brault, of the French Navy, 1880; ‘Daily Synoptic Weather Charts of the North Atlantic Ocean, &c.,” published by the Danish Meteorological Institute and the Deutsche Seewarte (a continuation of the work com- menced by the late Captain Hoffmeyer, of the Danish Navy); the Charts accompanying the Report on Atmospheric Circulation, based on the Observations made on board H.M.S8. Challenger, 1873—1876, and other Meteorological Observations, by Alexander Buchan, M.A., LL.D., 1889; Atlantischer Ozean. Hin Atlas von 386 Karten, die physikalischen Verhaltnisse und die Verkehrs-Strassen darstellend, mit einer erlauternden Hinleitung,’’ published at Hamburg by the Deutsche Seewarte, 1882; and last, though not least, the valuable ‘‘ Meteorological and Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean,” issued monthly by the United States Hydrographic Office, Washington. (45.) Still, after all, but little has been done by these laborious re- searches towards showing the mariner what weather, &c., to expect with certainty in any particular district outside the Trade Wind regions, or as to the course of, and area covered by, disturbances he may meet with. In one passage favourable winds may be met with, and in the next passage at the same season nothing but head winds and bad weather may be ex- perienced. The Weather Charts show with precision what has occurred, but what the future weather may be in the Northern part of the North Atlantic Ocean appears to be only a matter of chance. If it be difficult to forecast the weather ashore for only a few hours ahead, with all the appliances and advantages of a fixed observatory, how much more difficult must it be when dealing with a solitary vessel on the wide ocean. Space will not allow us here to enter into the interminable discus- sions connected with this subject, even: were it of much practical use to do so. Many more years of patient observation are necessary before any system can be hoped to be evolved from such discussions. All we can do in this work is to show, for the guidance of mariners, the results of what has hitherto been effected, while the student must refer for full details to the works already quoted, and others too numerous to mention. 126 NORTH ATLANTIC WINDS AND WEATHER. (46.) We here give the Monthly Forecasts appearing on the United States Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, and afterwards proceed to describe the Wind Regions enumerated in the opening paragraph (42) of this Section, commencing with the Trade Wind. January.—Stormy weather will prevail over the Northern part of the North Atlantic and along the American coast North of Hatteras. Strong Westerly and North-Westerly gales may be expected every five or six days along the transatlantic steamship routes, accompanied by heavy snow- squalls and followed by clear and very cold weather. In the Gulf of Mexico severe Northers will occur as often as once in ten days, and Northerly gales may be encountered occasionally in the Caribbean Sea. The N.E. Trades will reach their extreme Southern limit. Fog will be encountered more frequently than during December on the Grand Banks and off the coast to the Westward, and Ice may reach South of the latitude of Cape Race, especially toward the end of the month. February.—Stormy weather is likely to prevail off the American coast and over the Atlantic generally North of the 35th parallel, where fresh to strong gales, principally from the Westward, will be encountered about once a week. Northers will occur less frequently in the Gulf of Mexico, but may still be of great violence. Icebergs and field-ice may be encoun- tered off Newfoundland and over the Grand Banks. The regions of fre- quent Fog are over the Grand Banks and George’s Shoal. March The weather on the North Atlantic will be considerably less severe than during February, the average Southern limit of the region of frequent gales being a line from about Hatteras to the English Channel. To the Northward, gales may occur as often as once in six days. Along the coast of the United States, from Hatteras Southward, the winds will be variable. » Northers will be less frequent in the Gulf of Mexico, but may be fiercer on their first day and have less North-Westing in them. The N.E. Trades will be somewhat weaker than in February. Icebergs and field-ice have been encountered in March as far South as the 40th parallel, between the 41st and 55th meridians. Fog will be encountered with increasing frequency off the Grand Banks and the coast to the Westward. April— Westerly winds, of less force, however, than during March, will prevail over the transatlantic steamship routes Kast of the 60th meridian ; West of that meridian, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States, the winds will be variable. Gales may be expected about once a week North of the 32nd parallel. Fewer Northers will be felt in the Gulf, and those that do occur will not last so long as earlier in the season. The N.E. Trades, having reached their Southernmost point, will now begin to extend farther North. Probably very little or no Ice will be encountered this month South of the 45th parallel. Considerable Fog will be experienced off the Grand Banks and along the coast as far South as Hatteras. May.—Fair weather will prevail generally over the North Atlantic, with occasional Northerly gales along the American coast, and moderate North- Westerly gales along the transatlantic steamship routes, North of the 40th parallel. Northers in the Gulf of Mexico will occur less frequently and will not last long, but are liable to be of great violence. There will be a notable increase of Fog off the Grand Banks, due to the Northward MONTHLY FORECASTS. 127 movement of the Gulf Stream and the Southward extension of Ice brought down by the Labrador Current. Icebergs and field-ice may be encoun- tered as far South as the 43rd parallel, between the 46th and 50th meridians. June.—Generally fair weather will prevail, with occasional gales along the transatlantic route and off the Atlantic coast of the United States. West Indian Hurricanes which occur as early as June originate, generally speaking, in lower latitudes than later in the season, and are most liable to recurve in the belt from latitude 20° to 23° N. Considerable Fog will be encountered off the Grand Banks and the coast to the Westward as far South as Hatteras, and also in the vicinity of the British Isles. Icebergs and some field-ice may be encountered between the Grand Banks and the 45th meridian, as far South as the 43rd parallel. July.—Generally fair weather will prevail. Occasional moderate gales, frequently accompanied by electric phenomena, will be felt North of the 40th parallel; and West Indian Hurricanes are apt to occur, especially during the latter part of the month. Frequent Fogs may be expected over the Grand Banks, off the American coasts North of Hatteras, as well as in mid-ocean, along the transatlantic route. Icebergs may be encoun- tered to the Southward and Eastward of the Grand Banks, possibly as far South as the 41st parallel. August.—F air and exceptionally fine weather may be expected generally over the Atlantic this month. The principal danger will be from Hurri- canes, and navigators should watch carefully to avoid them, if possible, or at least meet them to the best advantage. August, it should be remem- bered, is the principal Hurricane month. (Full directions are given in the Section dealing with them, for the best action to be taken on encountering one of these dangerous storms). There will be considerable Fog over and Westward of the Newfoundland Banks, as far as the American coast, but it will be less frequently met with than during July. Only a few bergs and little or no field-ice will be encountered off the Grand Banks. September.—Moderate or fair weather may be expected, with occasional gales North of the 35th parallel and between the coast of the United States and Bermuda. West Indian Hurricanes are very likely to occur, and should be prepared for. There will be less Fog along the trans- atlantic steamship routes, and little or no Ice will be encountered off the Grand Banks. October.—Generally moderate weather will prevail, but gales may be experienced along the transatlantic route and off the American coast three or four times during the month. Although October is the last month of the West Indian Hurricane season, several of the most severe Hurricanes on record have occurred about this time, and no precaution should be neglected. It will be well to remember that October Hurricanes recurve in lower latitudes, generally speaking, than during July and August. There will be less Fog than during September, and no Ice will be encountered South of the latitude of Cape Race. November.—The West Indian Hurricane season is now at an end, and the gales that are encountered with increasing frequency North of the 40th parallel are mostly from the Westward and North-Westward. During the 128 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. winter months the usual track of storms is Eastward across the Northern United States and Canada, and then about E.N.E. over the Atlantic, where they are followed by severe and long-continued Westerly gales. Probably no Ice will be encountered South of the latitude of Cape Race. Fog will be less frequent, owing to prevailing North-Westerly (off-shore) winds. Strong Northers are likely to occur in the Gulf of Mexico. December.—The region of frequent and severe storms over the North Atlantic this month lies almost entirely to the Northward of a line from Bermuda to the Azores, the great pathway of winter storms being a belt about 500 miles wide stretching E.N.E. from Newfoundland toward and to the Northward of the British Isles. Very heavy Westerly gales follow the storms which move rapidly Eastward along this belt. Danger from Fog, however, is at its minimum, as the warm water of the Gulf Stream is well to the Southward, and dry off-shore winds prevail on the Grand Banks, and off the coast of Nova Scotia. Little or no Ice will be encoun- tered. In the Gulf of Mexico, Northers become more frequent. The N.H. Trades are fresh and steady, sometimes interrupted in the Caribbean Sea by strong Northerly gales. 4—THE NORTH-EAST TRADE WIND. (47.) The regions of the Trade Winds oecupy nearly one-halt of the entire surface of the globe. From their constancy and regularity they form by far the most important part of the circulatory system of the atmosphere, although generally their strength is inferior to many of those smaller but compensating currents which are experienced in extra-Tropical regions. (48.) The primary source from which the ensuing statistics of the Winds are chiefly derived is the extensive collection of observations recorded in the Pilot Charts of Lieutenant M. F. Maury, U.S.N., published in 1849, On our Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, in four sheets, to which this work especially refers, these wind records are also arranged in a simple and comprehensive graphie form. In 1876 the Meteorological Office issued an analysis of the Meteorology of the Equatorial Region of the Atlantic, between lat. 20° N. and 10° §., and long. 10° to 40° W. This elaborate work, produced by Captain Toynbee, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., is chiefly derived from data collected by the late Admiral FitzRoy, and may be said to super- sede the above-mentioned work of Lieutenant Maury, or that part of it which relates to the crossing of the Equator. We give farther on, Captain Toynbee’s remarks on the Winds observed in this region. (49.) The North-East Trade Wind blows over the Tropical region be- tween lat. 36° N. and the Equator, seldom, however, reaching these ex- tremes.; When uninterrupted by gales or hurricanes, caused by the dis- turbing influences of land or rain, it is a fair weather region which procured for it the term of ‘The Lady’s Gulf,” by the old Spaniards. From the difference 0-055 inch in the observed mean barometric pressure by the Dutch in the N.E. and S.E. Trades, between the parallels of 5° and 20°, THE TRADE WIND. 129 which is 29-968 inches for the former, and 80:023 inches for the latter, it was inferred by Captain Maury that the greater pressure in the 8.H. Trades indicates a greater force and velocity* than the N.H. Trades. This, as investigated by him, was confirmed by the daily rate of vessels passing through them. He compared the sailings of 2,235 vessels, and found that the homeward-bound vessels crossed the Trades of the North Atlantic with the wind abeam at an average rate of 5:6 knots per hour, and across the Trades of the South Atlantic at an average rate of 6 knots. As the latter is with the wind generally dead aft, he argued that this rate would be increased 2 or 24 knots with the wind on the beam, and make the difference still more evident. The comparative duration of each of these winds in the Atlantic is thus given by Captain Maury :— N.E. TRADEs. S.E. TRADES. Between Latitudes Mean Annual Mean Annual Direction. Duration. Direction. Duration. ° ° ° Oand 5 76 days. EK. 34 8. 308 days. b «10 it eve E. 41 §. g990 HOM 5, 25 2085 10s Bil Se 305y Howes. 20 OTe mes EB. 34 §. 253 5; 20 ,, 25 167° 45; E. 34 8. AGB 5 Means 153 days. E. 36 8 272 days.t (50.) The Force or Velocity of the Wind is an important element in these calculations, and Captain Maury’s system was enlarged upon by Lieutenant J. C. de Brito, of the Portuguese Royal Navy, who investigated the rates of sailing of 1,548 tracks across the Atlantic, and arrived at some important and unexpected results, differing in some degree from the con- clusions of the great American meteorologist. Lieutenant de Brito reduced the courses of all his ships to the most favourable point of sailing for all ships, that is, with the wind free, and took the months of February and March for one season, and those of August and September for the opposite. His enquiries related to both Trade Winds—the §8.E. as well as the N.H. | * Tt is generally argued, that less barometric pressure indicates increased force of wind, and not the reverse, as it is here argued; but from the following note it will be seen that these pressures are more nearly alike than is stated above. + As this Table is founded on the assumption that the Equator is the division between the two wind systems, instead of the parallels of 5° to 9° N., as is really the case, it cannot be taken as a fair comparison of their relative duration. If the parallel of 5° N. be taken as a division, the mean barometric pressure in the N.E. Trades is 30:057 inches, and in the §.E. Trades 30-034 inches, making the latter the least. If the winds recorded between 0° and 5° N. be added to the §.E. Trades, it will give a mean duration of 239 days, and make the N.E. Trades 172 days. We AO. ; 18 130 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (51.) For the N.E. Trade he had 803 tracks—424 Dutch, and 379 American. The region of this Trade he divided into four parts, viz. :— 1. The Eastern, or that frequented by ships going South and passing to the Eastward of the Cape Verde Islands. 2. The mean route of vessels going South and passing Westward of those islands. 3. The Central part, containing the routes to the Southward of ships from Europe and America. 4. The part containing the Westernmost homeward routes of American vessels. For February and March, he found that— 1. East of the Cape Verdes, the mean rate of 20 vessels, from 30° N. to 5° N., was 6:1 miles. 2. West of the Cape Verdes, the mean rate of 71 vessels, from 30° N. to 5° N., was 6°3 miles. 8. For the Central part, the mean rate of 262 vessels, from 25° N. to 5° N., was 6°5 miles. 4. For the Westernmost route, 44 American ships sailing from the Equator to 25° N., between long. 32° and 33° W., gave a mean rate of 6:7 miles. Hence, for the whole region of the N.E. Trade, during February and March, the Mean Rate was 6°4 miles. For August and September, when the N.K. Trade is weakest, and is in its most Northern position— 1. East of the Cape Verdes, the mean rate of 18 vessels, from 30° N. to 15° N., was about 6°3 miles. 2. West of the Cape Verdes, the mean rate of 155 vesssls, from 30° N. to 15° N., was 6°5 miles. 3. For the Central part, the mean rate of 198 vessels, from 30° N. to 15° N., was 5:3 miles. 4. On the Westernmost route, 35 American homeward-bound vessels, from 10° N. to 30° N., gave a mean rate of 4:8 miles. And for the whole region of the N.E. Trade, during August and Septem- ber, the Mean Rate was 5:7 miles. For the strength of the S.E. Trade, there were 655 tracks—417 Dutch, and 238 American; and the regions given are :—1l. The Western, in which the vessels go Southward. 2. The Central, in which the ships are coming from the East Indies. During August and September, it appears that— 1. For the Western route, 232 vessels gave a mean rate of 7-5 miles. 2. For the Central route, 124 vessels gave a mean rate of 7°4 miles. During February and March, the results are as follows— 1. For the Western route, 142 vessels gave a mean rate of 7:0 miles. 2. For the Central route, 157 vessels gave a mean rate of 7:1 miles. The S.W. Monsoon region gives, according to 90 Portuguese ships, an average rate of 4:9 miles for February and March; and 5:3 miles for August and September. THE TRADE WIND. 131 (52.) From these observations it appears that the N.E. Trade undergoes, in the two epochs, considerable change of strength, viz., equal to 0-7 mile in favour of the February and March period; on the other hand, the S.E. Trade is stronger by 0-4 mile in the August and September period than during that for February and March. Comparing the two Trades (N.H. and 8..) together, it would seem that the 8.E. is 1:2 mile stronger than the N.E. Again, ships bound to the Southward may generally expect to find the N.E. Trade stronger on the Central route, during February and March, than more to the Eastward ; while in the August and September epoch, they will find this wind blowing with its greatest intensity between the meridians of 20° and 25° W. This last observation deserves consideration, because it is generally believed that the wind is stronger in proportion as the distance from the African shore is increased. (53.) The N.H. (like the S.H.) Trade Wind, blows over a wider area in the Eastern part of the Atlantic than on the American side, as at the meridian of 10° W. they extend from 35° or 38° N. to 25° or 28° §.; while on the American side the limits are from 28° or 30° N. to 23° or 25° S. : but on the Eastern side the intervening space of Calms is much wider. The extent and limits will be best comprehended by an inspection of the diagram of the Winds; the limits there shown are taken from the tabular state- ments by Commander Maury and by the Dutch Meteorological Institute, and for the Equatorial region by Captain Toynbee. This will explain the various lines and fluctuations better than a long series of words. The Northern Limit of the N.E. Trade Wind, as will be seen, extends on the Hastern side of the Atlantic, that is off the coast of Africa, to lat. 35° as a mean, in August and September, being then at its greatest Northern extent; but it is frequently encountered when in lat. 38°, or sometimes even at 40°. To the Westward of the meridian of 30° the Northern edge seldom extends Northward of 33° or 34°, while toward the Bahamas the Northern limit is 30° N. This extreme Northern declination appears to be attained in August and September, as stated before, and then following the sun in its southward course, it reaches its Southern limits in March or April. In January, its mean limit on the Eastern side is about the Canaries; over the Eastern half of the Atlantic in about 25° N.; in the centre about 22° N.; and over the Bahamas it seldom vibrates to any great extent throughout the year. The extent of variation between the Northern edge of the Trade Winds when first encountered, as shown by Maury’s Trade Wind Charts, seems to be as much as 10 degrees of latitude—a wide range of probability—and in many cases there appears from these charts to be as much chance of meeting them in one latitude as another. Of course this is taking into account the Belt of Calms and Variable Winds usually (but not always) found on the edge of the Trades, which will be spoken of presently. (54.) The Southern Edge of the N.E. Trade Wind is limited in the Eastern part by that broad region so embarrassing to the sailor, known as the ‘‘ Doldrums,” or, especially during the Northern summer months, by a set of winds blowing towards the coast of Africa, known of old as the 132 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. West African S.W. Monsoon. ‘This wedge-shaped area, whose apex reaches in July to 40° or 45° W., extends on the African coast at that period from 5° N. to 16° or 17° N. To the West of this there is still a belt of almost constant rain ‘“‘under the Equatorial cloud ring,” called the Equa- torial Calms, which, however, is much narrower, and perhaps at times may not be encountered. The Trade Wind is at its Southerly limit in March and April, reaching in mid-ocean sometimes to 3° S., but seldom so far as 3° N. on the Eastside. It remains there for two or three months, and then advances Northward till August and September, when it is seldom found South of the parallel of 9° N.; indeed, this parallel may be taken as the mean Southern limit of the N.E. Trade. This Northern division of the Trade Winds is owing to the unequal distribution of land in the two Hemispheres. . The following useful Table was drawn up by the late Captain Horsburgh, as the limits usually found in the track generally pursued by the Hast Indiamen, at the commencement of the nineteenth century :— TABLE, showing the Equinoctial Limits of the N.E. and S.E. Trade Winds, between the Meridians of 18 and 26 degrees West. —_——_ INTERVAL N.E. TRADE WIND. S.E. TRADE WIND. Rerun General Probable General Probable M CEASES. Extremes. Mean. Extremes. Mean. B wath Lat N. Lat. N. Lat. N. Lat. N. aa ° ° ° ° ° ° ° In January at...... 3 to 10 5 0% to 4 22 24 February......... 2 to 10 4 03 to 3 13 34 March, .c.cessceses 2 to, 8 43 04 to 24 1f 34 APTI Scneanc-Vone 24 to 9 5 O to 24 14 32 Wiciviesssaseneessnce 4 to 10 63 0 to 4 24 4 RE Ces ceneeeeeecnes 64 to 13 84 0 tod 3 54 DUEL Sosetecestssese 84 to 14 11 1 to 6 34 7% ATI SUStie.csereswes 11 to 15 is? 1 tod 34 92 September ...... 9 to 14 114 1 tod 3 84 October ......... 74% to 14 10 1 tod 3 7 November ...... 6% to 12 8 1 tod 3 4} December ...... 3 eto 7 54 1 to 44 33 2t (55.). An inspection of the Weather Charts will show that at times the two Trade Winds are separated by only a very narrow belt of Calms, and vessels have even passed from one to the other without being becalmed for an hour. Thus, as before stated, it is impossible to state certainly where the Trade Winds will be met with or lost at various seasons. All that the charts and diagrams can do is to show their probable limits. (56.) The Direction of the N.E. Trade Wind is an important nautical consideration. Its mean direction in the circuit of the earth is estimated at N. 47° E., but it varies considerably under the influence of the land, and especially so in the North Atlantic. As mentioned above, the Trade Wind blows much more from the Northward to the Eastward of long. 25° —that is, within 400 or 500 miles of the African coast,—than it does in Diagrams Ulustrating the direction of 5 ok N Es TRABE WIND. between Latitudes 10° & 20° N. FlGia2: Long. 30° 40°W. we Fe wh if Wy, ee - a Zz é on =i — ¥ Lael o ae ————_ - ¥, oO, “a a Hy Wi a “1 Be. Stare \S FIG. 6. South of Jamaica 7 par ye The arrows represent Winds blowuvg toward the centre. 5. ee eee ee Mar. une Sep. Dec. The length of the arrows is proportionate to the frequency of that wind and the proportion per cent will be given by this scale. 60 70 80 90 100 20 50 oe esos fe toepcces|ecseperen|ecsspsesefars Peres peseeyes opesenpmencgesss eS SLOPUST ak THE TRADE WIND. 133 the open ocean. Between the Canaries and Cape Verde, during the Northern summer months, it blows from N.N.E. and N.E. for 55 days out of every 100 days. During the winter months, from January to March, the wind in the neighbourhood of Cape Verde draws very much toward the land, or from N.W. and West. This point will be more fully discussed in a later part of this work. (57.) In order more fully to exemplify the duration and direction of the Trade Wind, the adjoining diagrams have been selected from the Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. They will show the particulars of the wind between the parallels of 10° and 20° N.; that is, in the main strength of the N.H. Trades. They have been adapted from Maury’s Pilot Charts, as appeared before (48), and will show the per centage of winds from any quarter in each of the four calendar seasons ; and also the amount per cent. of Calms encountered. The plate will explain the different arrows (indi- cating the seasons) which are supposed to represent winds blowing toward the centre of the circle, because the winds take their names from the quarters from whence they come, the North point being supposed to be at the top of the page, the South at the bottom, the Hast to the right, and the West to the left hand. The length of the uppermost arrows is propor- tioned to the duration or frequency of that wind, according to the scale attached ; so that by applying the compasses to any one of the arrows, it will give, according to the scale, the amount of wind per cent. for that direction. These arrows are given for sixteen points of the compass, omit- ting the ‘“‘by”’ points, in each season. The arrows altogether make up the length of 3 inches, that of the scale given.* In the centre of each diagram is given the amount per cent. of Calms encountered in the respective seasons. As the Force of the winds is not given in the Pilot Charts, this register of the Calms is the more important, as it is the only scale we can apply to the force of this wind; as, by analogy, we may argue that where Calms predominate, there also do light and baffling winds, and the reverse. (58.) An analysis of the wind-roses in Captain Maury’s Chart, from which these diagrams are constructed, will give the following figures as to the prevalence and direction of the winds along the main strength of the N.E. * There is one remark which it is necessary to make here respecting these wind obser- vations (220,000 in number). They have been taken from a vast quantity of different log-books, whose remarks are notmade with the definite accuracy necessary for scientific precision. A slight inspection of the figures given on the diagram, or of the Board of Trade charts, will show that in these data the direction of the wind is loosely and in- definitely given throughout. Thus, a wind between North and Hast is set down asa N.E. wind, &c., &c., and not so often as N.N.E. or E.N.E. as must really occur. Con- sequently, the arrows representing these principal or cardinal points are longer than they ought to be, and the intermediate ones shorter; in fact, they form a zig-zag or irregular curve around the centre; whereas it is manifest that this curve should be some- what symmetrical, and that the wind blows from the intermediate points in some regular ratio to those on either side of it. Until we get more exact records added together in great numbers, as has been done in the Pilot Charts with these imperfect logs, it is plainly futile to draw any precise or refined conclusions from their teaching. This is not said to underrate their value. To the sailor, who only requires a general exact knowledge of the subject, they teach as much almost as he requires to know as to the direction of the wind. , 134 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Trades in the North Atlantic. It must be premised, however, that these figures, as well as the data from which they are derived, will give only a general view of the phenomena likely to be encountered, and the chances per cent. that a ship will have of meeting with similar winds or calms. The figures in these columns give the number of days (or observations) the wind blows in each hundred, from the respective directions :— Fig. 1.—In the neighbourhood of the Cape Verde Islands. Between N. & E. E. &8.|S. & W.| W.&N. Winter 11 Spring EK. H., N.N.E. | 1:8 Summer .N.E. .N.E. 85 Autumn HK. 4:7 Fig. 2.—Between Lats. 10° and 20° N. and Longs. 30° and 40° W. Winter 45 41 2 2 E. by N. 3 N. East. 2°5 Spring 48 48 2 2 E.N.E. East. 2:0 Summer 48 32 12 2 E.N.E. N.E. to E. 6:3 2 E. by N East. 5:0 Autumn 32 51 9 | é : Winter 60 26 8 6 N.E. 4 E. N.E. 17 Spring 70 25 0 5 N.E. by E. N.E. 0-6 Summer 63 29 4 4 | H.2E. N.E. 5:0 Autumn 50 34 4 2 N.E. 3 E. N.E. 3-1 Fig. 4.— Between Lats. 10° and 20° N. and Longs. 50° and 60° W. Winter 66 Spring 65 Summer 63 Autumn 59 Winter . by N.4 1:0 Spring EK. $N. East 0:7 Summer East. East 0:3 Autumn E. by N. East. 4-1 ) Fig. 6.—In the West Part of the Caribbean Sea, South of Jamaica, de. | Winter 47 49 6 | 58 | BbyN | NEB. | 67 Spring 42 50 Sie 0 E. by N East | 29 Summer 44 56 Os aD E.N.E | East | 10-0 Autumn 54 43 5] | Oral E.N.E N.E., E | 96 THE TRADE WIND. 136 (59). In examining the figures in these Tables, and the illustrative diagrams, it will be seen by Fig. 1, that about the Cape Verde Islands, or that part of the Atlantic most frequently crossed by vessels from Hurope,, the mean direction of the Trade Wind is to the Northward of N.E.; and further, that Calms and light airs are more prevalent than farther to the Westward, especially in the summer and autumn months, July to December. It has always been held that the wind draws more to the Eastward as you get to the Westward of the usual crossing of the Equator, and this an inspection of Fig. 2 will verify, when it is seen that the mean direction is South of E.N.E., and that the Calms, taking the year round, are less frequent. Whether the Cape Verde Archipelago has an influence in thus causing the Trade Wind to assume a more Hasterly direction to the Westward cannot very well be determined; but it is certain that this E.N.E. direction is not maintained between longitude 40° and the West Indies, as Figs. 3 and 4 show that winds hold persistently to the N.E., or a little to the South of it, although winds to the Northward of N.K. are very rare. It is probable, also, that the winds recorded from the other directions are exceptional. The Easterly direction of the Trade Wind in the Caribbean Sea will be readily noticed. It will be further remarked on in the observations on the winds of the West Indies, hereafter. (60.) The calendar seasons of Northern latitudes are here taken as the quarters of the year. In the American charts these seasons are made to include the month before the usual reckoning; thus, winter. begins with December ; spring, with March, &c. Perhaps the latter mode of division would be rather more applicable to the Tropical phenomena than that here chosen, because it appears that the changes in the inter-Tropical seasons (to which, however, the terms winter, spring, &c., are not applicable) seem rather to coincide with the American calculation. But as these changes are certainly not simultaneous in the Northern latitudes, and, as including such a difference would involve some confusion, the ordinary terms used to designate European seasons is here adhered to as being readily compre- hended and sufficiently exact. (61.) The following summary of Trade Winds was given by Commander Maury, in connection with his ‘‘ Wind and Current Chart ” :— “There is a marked difference in the prevailing direction of the wind, not only according to the season of the year, but also according to different parts of the ocean, including even those parts which are between the same parallels of latitude, but in different longitudes. “‘ As a general rule it may be remarked :— “Ist. That in the North Atlantic, the nearer to the coast of Africa and the Equator, the more the so-called N.E. Trade Winds haul to the South. “2nd. That to the West of long. 45°, between 20° and 30° N., the N.E. Trades blow much more steadily in May, June, July, and September, than they do during the rest of the year; and that during the other months, particularly in March, they blow between these parallels nearly alike from all points of the compass. “3rd, That between lat. 15° and 20°, they are most variable, West of 136 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. long. 85°, in the months of September, October, and November ; while to the Hast of 30°, between these parallels, they are most variable in February, March, April, and October. “4th, That between lat. 10° and 15°, to the West of 35°, they are steadily between E.N.E. and §.E., except in July, August, September, October, and November, when they are more variable, being most variable in the three months first named. To the Hast of 35° W., between these parallels, they may be said to lose their Trade character during the months of July, August, September, and October, particularly in August and September, when they blow nearly alike from the four quarters. Calms, too, are more frequent here in these months. “5th. That between the Equator and 10° N., to the East of long. 30°, the winds assume a new feature. It may be said, almost literally, that in this part of the ocean they uniformly blow, when they blow at all, during the months of July, August, and September, from some point between 8.H. and West. They blow most between South and W.S.W., and very rarely from any point between North and E.8.H. To the West of this meridian, during the same months, they blow most between 8.H. and N.H., inclining more and more to the North as you go West. These are the months in which the winds vary in this part of the ocean.” (62.) The following are Captain Toynbee’s remarks which accompany the Monthly Charts* of the Prevailing Winds in the region of the Atlantic between lat. 20° N. and 10°S., and long. 10° to 40° W. In the chapter of this work devoted to Passages, some illustrations will be found, together with Captain Toynbee’s remarks on the Best Route across the Equator. January.—Since December, the N.H. Trade has advanced about 2° to the Southward on the Western side of the district where it now prevails to the Equator ; but on the Eastern side it holds much the same position as in December. On the Hastern sideit falls lighter and draws more Northerly than it does farther to the Westward, while near to the African land it becomes very light and North-Westerly. It has decidedly increased in force since December. In Square 40 it is very squally and gusty, much more so than in the Squares to the Eastward, which is the more remarkable as Square 40 is open sea, whilst Square 39 contains the Cape Verde Islands. Perhaps the proximity of Square 40 to the area of high pressure may have something to do with it, as the gusts often come with a clear sky and with very little wind between them, as though they were the effect of down- ward rushes of dry air. Sharp gusts with blue sky, very cool weather, and the atmosphere very transparent, are often experienced at the Polar verge of each Trade. The S.E. Trade only prevails to the Equator on the Western side of the district ; to 4° N. in its central part; and there is a prevailing Southerly . -wind up to 8° N. on its extreme Hastern side, but it is very light, and tthe weather very unsettled. Near the Equator the S.H. Trade has very decidedly decreased in force since December. * “Meteorological Data for the nine 10° squares of the Atlantic, which lie between lat. 20° N. and 10° S., and extend from long. 10° to 40° W.,” published by authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1876. THE TRADE WIND. 137 February.—The N.E. Trade has advanced nearly 2° to the Southward since January; it now extends to about 4° N. on the Hastern side, and to the Equator on the Western side of the district. It still falls light and becomes North-Westerly near the African land. Between 10° and 20° N. it has decidedly decreased in force since January, whilst between 0° and 10° N. its force has increased. It is still very gusty in Square 40°, and in some cases the gusts are strongest when the sky is clear, and are called ‘‘ hard clear squalls.” The §.E. Trade prevails to 2° N. in the central part of the district, whilst on the Eastern side a light South-Westerly wind prevails between 4° and 6° N., where it is met by the light North-Westerly wind of the N.E. Trade. The S.H. Trade has decidedly decreased in force since January. In Square 302 there is frequent mention of squalls or sudden shifts of wind from §.E. to N.E., as though the upper current of air some- times forced itself to the surface. March.—The N.H. Trade holds much the same position in the central part and on the Hastern side of the district as in February, but it has advanced to the Southward of the Equator near South America. Its direc- tion has become more North- Westerly on the Eastern side of the district than it was in February, where it also continues to be much lighter than on the Western side. It has decreased in force since February. Square 40 is still remarkable for having strong gusts of wind, and in some cases it is recorded that they are stronger with a clear than with a cloudy sky. The S.E. Trade still prevails to 2° N. in the central and Hastern parts of the district, and a South-Westerly wind is found to prevail as far as 8° N. between 15° and 20° W., where it meets the prevailing North-Westerly wind of the N.H. Trade, both blowing towards the area of lowest pressure. It seems to have slightly increased in force since February. April.—The direction of the N.H. Trade is very similar to that for March, it being still North-Hasterly on the Western side of the district, Northerly between 20° and 25° W., and drawing into a light North-Westerly wind on its Eastern side, where it extends 2° more to the Southward than in March. Between 18° and 20° N. there has been but little change in its force since March, but to the Southward of that latitude it has decidedly decreased. Gusts of wind are rarely reported in Square 40, but puffs (a weaker kind of gust) were still very common, and much more frequent than in Square 39. The §.E. Trade only prevails to 4° S. on the Western side of the district, but it extends to 4° N. on its Eastern side. The prevailing South-Hasterly wind shown between 8° and 10° N. on the Hastern side of the district is the result of only one observation, whilst the North-Westerly winds which surround it number thirty, so that North- Westerly winds may be supposed to prevail there. The S.H. Trade has slightly increased in force since March. May.—The direction of the N.E. Trade is very similar to that of April, though rather more Hasterly between 20° and 25° W..; its force has in- creased in the Northern part of the district, but decidedly decreased to the Southward of 10° N. It has generally receded fully 2° before the S.E. ICA. .O: 19 138 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Trade, but on the Eastern side it has given way 4°. The N.E. Trade is still much more gusty in Square 40 than in 39, and the gusts are some- times heavy with clear weather. Gusts and puffs are also common in the Northern part of Square 4. The S.E. Trade prevails to the Equator on the Western side, and a Southerly wind to 8° N. on the Eastern side of the district ; besides gain- ing so much on the N.E., the §.E. Trade has decidedly increased in force since April. June.—The direction of the N.E. Trade continues very similar to what it was in May, drawing into a North-Westerly wind near the coast of Africa. Its force has decidedly increased between 16° and 20° N., but decreased to the Southward of 16° N. It has generally receded 2°, and in some parts of the district 4° to the North. It is still much more gusty and puffy in Square 40 than in Square 39. The S.E. Trade prevails to 6° N. except on the extreme Western side of the district ; on its Eastern side South- Westerly winds prevail to 8° N., and even to 10° N. between 15° and 20° W. The 8.H. Trade has very decidedly increased in strength since May. July.—The N.E. Trade still draws more Northerly and eventually North- Westerly as it approaches Africa; its force has very decidedly decreased since June, and it has receded nearly 4° before the Southerly wind. In Square 40 it is very much more gusty than in Square 39, so much so that although Square 39 had nearly four times as many wind observations as Square 40, the number of gusts and puffs there is not nearly so great. The §.E. Trade now prevails to 10° N., and there is a prevailing S.S.W. wind up to 12° N. on the Eastern side of the district; between 12° and 14°N. on the same side the prevailing wind is West, and to the Northward of that latitude North-Westerly. Having frequently passed from the North- ward between the Cape Verde Islands and Africa in July, I can well re- member the wind going from N.W. to West and 8.W. as we sailed to the Southward. The July diagram gives a picture of the winds then sailed through. The S.E. Trade has increased in force since June, especially the Southerly winds to the North of the Equator. August.—The N.E. Trade is still lighter, more Northerly, and in some cases North-Westerly near Africa. Its force has decreased since July, and it has receded about 2° to the Northward, its Southern limit being now in about 12° N., its most Northern verge for the year. The 8.E. Trade prevails to 6° N. on the Western side of the district, while the prevailing Southerly wind now extends to 14° N. on the Eastern side. On the Northern side of the Equator its force has very decidedly increased since July, but it has not changed much in the South. The S.H. Trade is more Southerly in Square 303 (near South America) as well as more squally and unsteady than in the Squares to the Eastward. The diagram shows that between 14° and 8° N., North-Hasterly and South- Westerly winds prevail in spaces which lie abreast of each other and in the same latitude, the N.E. being to the Westward of the 8.W.; such a state of the atmosphere makes it probable that whirls revolving similarly to West India Hurricanes will be formed, and suggests that this is their birth place, which has been proved true in some eases. ; THE TRADE WIND. 139 September.—The N.E. Trade has generally increased in force, but is blowing in nearly the same part of the district as in August. The Southerly winds North of the Equator continue to blow over the same part of the sea as in August; they also continue to draw into South- Westerly winds as they approach the area of lowest pressure near the West Coast of Africa; their force has very decidedly decreased since August. To the Southward of the Equator the 8.H. Trade has decidedly increased in force since August. The gradient for North-Hasterly winds seems to be steeper than for South-Easterly of the same force; this appears to be common in other months also, and probably indicates that the N.E. Trade gradient gets some of its supply of air from a downward movement, whilst that part of the S.H. Trade with which we are dealing is probably more entirely a horizontal motion of air. The dry, transparent, gusty nature of the Northern part of the N.E. Trade probably points to the same fact. October.—The N.E. Trade has advanced several degrees to the South- ward, especially on the Eastern side of the district, and now prevails to 8° N.; by this change it has extended over that part of the sea where there is the highest temperature of both air and sea, so that instead of North- Westerly and South- Westerly winds blowing into the area of highest temperature, there is a hot N.E. wind blowing from it! The N.E. Trade has increased in force since September. The 8.E. Trade prevails to 8° N., and there is no prevailing South- Westerly wind, it having given way to the N.E. Trade. The S.H. Trade has very much decreased in force since September, especially in the Southern part of the district. Hasterly squalls, veering from N.E. to §.E., are very common between the Trades in October. November.—The N.E. Trade has advanced about 2° to the Southward since October, and now prevails to 6° N.; it still extends over the hottest area of air and sea, and, as in October, has not that tendency to draw into a North-Westerly wind near the Coast of Africa which it had in previous months. In the most Northern part of the district it does become more Northerly near Africa, but in about 10° N. it becomes more Easterly again, and draws away from the land. The N.E. Trade has decreased in force near its Northern limits since October, and increased near its Southern limits ; in the extreme North of the district the percentages of South- Easterly and South-Westerly winds have much increased since October, which seems to show that the Northern limit of the Trade is not very far North of the district in November. The 8.E. Trade prevails to 6° N., and, as in October, has fewer South- Westerly winds at its Northern verge than in previous months. South of the Equator it has increased in force since October, but scarcely changed to the Northward of it. December.—The N.E. Trade has advanced 2° to the Southward since November, and now prevails to 4° N. Near the African land the wind again becomes light, and more Northerly, changing even to N orth- Westerly between 6° and 10° N., but the prevailing wind still blows North-Easterly, from the hottest air and sea. The most remarkable feature in the direction of the N.E. Trade in December is its prevalence at East between 10° and 140 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. 20° N. and 25° to 30° W. ; between 18° and 20°, 40 per cent. of the wind observations are from East, or some point to the Southward of Hast. It seems most probable that this remarkable difference in the direction of the wind is caused by the Cape Verde Islands, though it is difficult to say why they should not have a similar effect in some other month. The N.H. Trade has decidedly increased in force since November. Considering the number of wind observations in each Square, the percentage of gusty and puffy winds is much greater in Square 40 than in Square 39. Between 16° and 17° N. and 34° and 35° W. there were heavy squalls without either clouds or rain. Fine weather winds, and squally winds having a force 7 or upwards, are more common in Square 40 than in 39. The S.E. Trade prevails to 4° N. It has very decidedly decreased in force since November. Conclusion.—The N.E. Trade sometimes seems to draw round the Coast of Africa in the same way that water does round a rock, whilst the current arrows show that the sea has a similar motion. The Trade gets weakest in that part of the sea where the difference of temperature of both air and sea is greatest, which is contrary to the theory of some meteorologists. Sometimes it seems to blow from hot towards cooler air, as shown in the diagrams of October and November. The remarkable clear-weather gusts experienced in Square 40 have been remarked upon in the course of the Paper as probably downward rushes of air. The ‘‘Remarks on Wind” show that both the N.E. and S.E. Trades are often more Easterly in direction and weaker in force during the night than during the day. Attention has been called to the fact that in December, the commence- ment of the Harmattan season, the N.E. Trade is diverted into an Hast wind on the Western side of the Cape Verde Islands, whilst to the Hast- ward of them it blows from N.N.E. It has also been shown that during the Southern winter the wind and weather near Cape St. Roque are much more unsettled than they are in parts of the sea in the same latitude, but farther East; also that the wind becomes very Southerly near the South American Coast, whilst in the Southern summer it is very Northerly. N. B.—It should be clearly understood that whilst the diagrams only show the wind from that point of the compass which has the largest number of observations, a great variety of other winds blow in those parts where the two Trades meet, especially in the atmospherical eddy which curves round the South-Western part of North Africa; into it the Northern verge of the S.E. Trade is drawn as a light South- Westerly wind, where it meets the Southern verge of the N.E. Trade drawn into a N.W. wind, and the result of their meeting is the greatest confusion of light airs, calms, squalls, rain, thunder, and lightning of the most awful kind, together with water- spouts, &c., &c. To the foregoing general remarks the following, respecting particular localities within the scope of the N.E. Trade Wind, are added. Further application of them will occur in the Section on Passages, and other remarks will be found in Section TIT. THE WEST INDIES. 141 (63.)—Winds of the Atlantic Islands—The winds upon and near the different islands in the Atlantic Ocean are very variable and uncertain, especially where the land is high and irregular. In general, regular sea and land-breezes alternately prevail; the Sea-breeze by day and the Land- breeze by night, as the land is alternately heated and cooled: but the direction of these breezes is varied by the quality and figure of the land, and other local circumstances. If the land be very high, it generally intercepts the prevailing wind, and so affects the air as to produce, on the lee-side, either a calm, a gentle breeze in an opposite direction, or a kind of eddy, which is sometimes very troublesome to sailing ships. Such is the case under the Western part of Madeira, and to leeward of the Canary Islands. The Grand Canary is so high as to stop the current of the N.E. wind which prevails there ; and on the Eastern side there is a calm, or a gentle breeze from 8.W. The calms and eddy winds, occasioned by the figure and height of the Canaries, extend from 30 to 90 miles beyond them to the S.W., according to the height of the respective islands. The boundary of the calms may be seen, for, within them, the water is smooth; without them is the regular undulation of the sea, caused by the general wind; and at the end of them, the winds, by setting in opposite directions, produce a breaking of the waves with a foam, like the billows on a rocky shoal just beneath the surface of the ocean. From a consideration of the particulars now described, the cause of those copious dews which fall in the night on the islands, &c., situated within the Tropics, will be apparent. For as the great power of the sun by day causes an extraordinary evaporation of the water of the ocean, so, in the night, the exhalation, ceasing to retain the same degree of levity acquired from the heat of the sun, becomes, by the absence of the power which produced it, so dense and heavy as again to fall back to the earth. The air at the same time cooling, by the same cause, is also affected by the descending moisture, and thus acquires an additional tendency to increase the land-breeze. (64.) West Indies.—The following description of the winds prevailing over these regions in general, in the different seasons, is taken chiefly from Captain Livingston’s translation of the ‘‘ Derrotero de las Antillas,” or Spanish Directory for the West Indies. On the Eastern coasts of Central America, and among its islands, the course of the general Easterly or Trade Wind is uninterrupted, though subject to some modifications in direction and force. At a short distance from the land the sea-breeze calms at night, and is replaced by the land- breeze. This variation happens every day, unless a strong wind prevails from the Northward or Southward ; the first of these being experienced from October to May, and the second in July, August, and September. The general Easterly wind, of the Tropical regions, is felt on the coast of Guayana, and on the coasts of the Caribbean and Mexican Seas, but with variations which may be denominated diurnal and annual. The diurnal period is that caused by the sea-breeze, which strikes the coast usually at an angle of two points, less or more, from a right angle, accord- ing to the locality and other circumstances; and then the land-wind, 142 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. which, coming from the interior, always blows off shore. The sea-breeze comes on at about 9 or 10 in the forenoon, and continues while the sun is above the horizon, increasing its force as that luminary augments its altitude, and diminishing in a similar proportion as the sun’s altitude decreases. Thus, when the sun is on the meridian, the sea-breeze is at the maximum of its strength; and at the time that the sun reaches the horizon this breeze has perceptibly ceased. The land-breeze commences before midnight, and continues until the rising of the sun, sometimes longer. A space of some hours intervenes between the land-breeze ceasing and the sea-breeze coming on, during which there is a perfect calm. The annual period of the Trade Wind here is produced by the proximity or distance of the sun, which occasions the only two seasons known in the Tropics, the rainy and dry seasons. The first lasts from June to November, when the sun is inthe Tropic of Cancer, and heavy rains with loud thunder are prevalent. In this season the wind is generally to the Southward of East, but interrupted by frequent calms, yet it occasionally blows with force, and the atmosphere is thick and cloudy. When the sun removes to the Tropic of Capricorn, the dry season com- mences, and then the Trade Wind, which is steady at N.E., is cool and agreeable. At this season, North and N.W. winds are sometimes found blowing with much force; and, indeed, in some degree, they regularly alternate with the general wiud, as they are more frequent in November and December than in February and March. In the change of the seasons there is a remarkable difference; for in April and May no change is experienced in the atmosphere, and the weather is, in general, beautifully fine; but in August, September, and October, there are usually calms, or very light winds; and dreadful Hurricanes in these months sometimes render the navigation perilous. From these perils, however, are generally exempted the Island of Trinidad, the Coasts of Venezuela (the old Tierra Firma), the Bays of Darien and Honduras, and the Bight of Vera Cruz, which the Hurricanes seldom reach. In the space of sea between the greater Antillas (Cuba, Jamaica, Hayti, and Porto Rico), and the South American coast, the general N.E. or Trade Wind regularly prevails; but near the shore local peculiarities are found. (65.) Jamaica.—At Jamaica the air is, in most places, hot and unfayour- able to European constitutions; but the cool sea-breezes, which set in every morning, render the air more tolerable; and that upon the high grounds is temperate, pure, and cooling. It lightens almost every night, but with- out much thunder; nevertheless, when the latter happens, it is very terrible, and roars tremendously. On the Northern side of the island the sea-breeze from the South-East- ward comes on in the morning, and gradually increases until noon, when it is strongest; at two or three in the afternoon its force diminishes; and, in general, it entirely ceases by five o’clock. About eight in the evening the land-breeze begins; this breeze extends to the distance of 12 miles to the Southward from the island. It increases until midnight, and ceases at about four in the morning. The sea and land-breezes are more regular than otherwise from the latter part of January until May. In the middle of May the sea-breeze generally THE WEST INDIES. 143 prevails for several days and nights, especially about the time of full and change of the moon ; and thus they continue throughout June and part of July ; from that time the sea-breeze diminishes, varies, and veers round to S. by W., or 8.S8.W., with frequent calms. August, September, and October, are the Hurricane months, in which there are generally strong gales of wind, with much rain. In December, January, and February, when the North winds pre- dominate, their force checks the sea-breeze. The Southern coast is that which, of course, is least exposed to these winds, being sheltered, in a great measure, by the mountains. When combined with the land-breeze, they render the air very cold and unhealthy. During the months of July and August, the sea-breeze about the island generally blows impetuously, and in frequent squalls. At this season, vessels bound hence to Kurope would have the most advantageous passage through the Strait and Stream of Florida ; but in October Northerly winds frequently extend over all the Bahamas, Cuba, and for some time on the North side of Jamaica; but the current of air is forced upward by the mountains of the latter, and its strength is spent in the heights. In seasons when it is more impetuous, it rushes through the windings and defiles of the mountains upon the Northern Coast, particularly in the neighbourhood of Kingston, and has sometimes been known to continue for several days in succession. During the winter the land-breeze is more general off the shores than in summer; it sometimes continues throughout the day as well as night; and Westerly winds prevail over all the space between Jamaica and Cuba, and even to the Island of Hayti or St. Domingo. They have been experienced from Port Royal, through the Windward Channel; but this is not generally the case. In November, Southerly winds prevail on the South side of the island, and have been known to extend to the Mosquito Shore, whence vessels have arrived in five or six days, that might, at other times, have been as many weeks, when beating against the sea-breeze. The Southerly winds are generally faint ; nor do they come upon the land until it be heated by the sun, and are often expelled by a fresh land-breeze soon after mid-day, which abates in a few hours. The return of the sea-breeze, falling sooner or later in autumn, is gradual, first approaching at the East end, then advancing a little; and in some years it reaches Morant Point fourteen or twenty days before it is felt above Kingston. It also blows for a week or two later on the East end of the island than at Kingston; and has been known, in some years, to pre- vail there in the day time during the whole time it was unfelt at the former place. (66.) At the Cayman Islands, summer winds range from E.N.E. to S.S.E. Rainy weather sets in about the middle of May and continues till August. Heavy squalls are prevalent from East and E.N.E., in June, coming on suddenly at or before midnight. From November to April, the direction of the wind is from N.K. to North, seldom varying for more than 48 hours. There is at that time very little smooth water, and landing is difficult. When the land winds are strong on the coast of Cuba, the swell rolls 144 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. across and breaks heavily on the Northern shores of these islands, - _— Lieutenant Carpenter, R.N., 1880. (67.) The Bahama Islands are all within the influence of the Trade Winds. Their lowness, of course, exempts them from the regular land wind; but in the summer season a light breeze frequently comes from the Florida shore in the night, and reaches the Western side of the Little Bahama Bank, but no farther. At this period the wind generally prevails to the Southward of East, and the more so as their N.W. extreme is approached; the weather is then very variable, and squalls rush down with great violence, accompanied with heavy rains and an oppressive atmosphere. They are within the zone of Hurricanes, and a year seldom passes without their being visited by a heavy gale at least, from the $.E., which inflicts serious damage both on shore and at sea. In the winter months, from about November till the middle of March, the Trade Wind is frequently interrupted by N.W. and North winds. In December and January this may be expected almost weekly. Previously to this change the wind will draw round to the South and 8.W. In about twenty-four hours, or less, dark masses of clouds will be seen rising from the Westward, and in a short time the wind will rush down suddenly from that quarter with the force of a double or treble-reefed top-sail breeze. It will soon veer round to the N.W. and North, with clear weather, and re- main between these points two or three days. It will then haul gradually to the N.E., perhaps with increased force, accompanied by heavy squalls, and wear itself out at East in the course of a few days. The barometer is scarcely any guide. (68.) Among the local winds of the West Indies are the Bayamos, violent gusts which blow from the land on the South side of Cuba, and are so termed from being felt more severely off the Bight of Bayamo or Buena Esperanza, than off any other part of the coast. When heavy and dense clouds gather over the mountains, a Bayamo blast may be expected; after this, the surest prognostic is the thunder, which invariably precedes the gust ; it is therefore advisable to take in all sail with the greatest expedition, so soon as the first or more distant clap of thunder is heard, the wind following it almost immediately. Fortu- nately, however, these dreadful squalls are of short duration ; but, as a repetition of them frequently occurs at intervals of half an hour or an hour, great attention is necessary, especially during the night, to prevent the ship being unprepared ; as it is almost certain that, if she were overtaken by one of these squalls, whilst under sail, she would either upset or lose her masts. These sudden tempests are attended with sheet and forked lightning, vivid in the extreme; and the flashes following each other in quick succes- sion, have the momentary effect of illuminating every object, and leave behind them a sort of blue indescribable appearance; the sea is whitened with foam, and the rain falls in torrents, surpassing any, perhaps, witnessed in other regions; for it appears as if the clouds had opened their store of waters to deluge the earth ; in fact, we cannot better describe the extreme heaviness of the shower, than by giving the sailor’s observation on it, namely, that it ‘‘comes down by buckets full.” The Bayamo Squall, how- THE COASTS OF GUAYANA, VENEZUELA, ETC. 145 ever, a\“hough the most awful of any in the Caribbean Sea, and creating much anxiety to those exposed to its fury, is grand and sublime.*— Lieutenant Evans, ‘ Revision of Geographic Terms,” page 107. (69.) On the Coast of Guwayana, the cool season is from November to May, when the N.H. wind reaches the shore ; the hot season is from June to November, when S.E. and variable winds and calms prevail. Land winds from 8.W. to N.W. blow at intervals close to the shore. On the Coast of Guayana (the Derrotero again continues) there are no land-breezes, nor more wind than is generally experienced between the Tropics. In January, February, and March, the winds here blow from North to H.N.E., and the weather is clear. In April, May, and June, the winds are from Hast to S.H. In July, August, and September, there are calms, with Tornados from South and 8.W.; and in October, November, and December, there are continued rains, while the sky is, in general, obscured by clouds. In the dry season, which is from J anuary to June, the heat is very great ; and in the wet season, from August to November, rains and thunder are constant and violent. On the Coasts of the Venezuelan provinces of Cumana and Caraccas, as far West as Cape la Vela, the Trade breeze follows by day the regular course, H.S.E. to H.N.E., but at night inclines from the land. From that cape to Cape San Blas, along the Coast of New Granada, the general wind alters its direction, for it blows from N.K. or N.N.E., except in the months of March, April, May, and June, when it comes to E.N.E., and is then so uncommonly strong as to render it necessary for vessels to lie-to. These gales, which are well known to mariners, extend from about mid- channel of the Caribbean Sea to within 5 or 10 miles of the coast, where they become weak, especially at night. The Trade Wind blows from the N.E. into the Gulf of Darien with great strength from November to March, or later. In July, August, and September, vessels proceeding to windward will frequently be assisted by a Westerly wind near the coast. As far as the Gulf of Nicaragua, these Westerly winds occur from July to November or December, and are known to the pilots of that country as Vendavales (rainy winds), but these winds never pass the parallel of 13° N., nor do they blow constantly, but alternate with the sea-breeze. Upon the Mosquito Shore, Honduras, and Eastern Coast of Yucatan, the general Trade Winds or breezes prevail from January to June ; but, during the first two or three of these months, they are occasionally interrupted by Norths. In June, July, August, and September, the wind generally comes from the 8.E.- with occasional very heavy squalls from the 8.W., tornados, * The winds on the South Coast of Cuba, when the Trade is not blowing steadily, have a remarkable rotary motion following the course of the sun, according to Dové’s Law of Gyration (19). Thus, in the evening, the wind comes off the land about North; by daylight it will be N.E.; at 8 a.m., E.N.E.; at noon, H.S.E.; at 2 p.m., South; at 4 p.m., S.W., in which quarter it generally dies away into a calm until the land-wind comes off again. By a knowledge of this a vessel may creep fast to windward during the calm months of May, June, and August, and frequently at other seasons. The Trade is found to be unsteady, especially in the night. ING AiO) 20 146 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. and calms. In September, October, November, December, and January, the prevailing winds are from the S.W. and N.W. quarters, with frequent heavy gales from W.S.W. to W.N.W. and North. On the North Coast of Yucatan, between Cape Catoche and Campeche, the N.E. Trade Wind prevails, with North winds during their season. From June to September the weather is squally. On the Coast of the Mexican Sea, from Vera Cruz to Tampico, the breeze from E.S.E. and East prevails in April, May, June, and July ; and at night the land-breeze comes off from South to S.W.; but if the land-breeze is from the N.W., with rain, the wind, on the day following, will be from North, N.N.E., or N.E., particularly in August and September; these winds are denominated, in the country, Vientos de Cabeza or Vendavales (head or down-coast winds) ; they are not strong, nor do they raise the sea; with them, therefore, a vessel may take an anchorage as well as with the general breeze; but they impede getting out, for which the land-breeze is required. These Vientos de Cabeza, or head winds, reach 60 to 90 miles from the coast, at which distance those at Kast and H.8.H. are found. (70.) From the middle of September until the month of March, caution ig necessary in making Vera Cruz, for the Norths are then very heavy. The narrowness of this harbour, the obstruction formed by the shoals at its entrance, and the slender shelter it affords from the Norths, render an attempt to make it, during one of them, extremely dangerous, for it will be impossible to take the anchorage. The following description of the winds here was written by Don Bernardo de Orta, a captain in the Spanish Navy, who was captain of the port, and surveyed it. Although in the Mexican Sea it cannot be said that there is any other constant wind than the general Trade breeze of this region, yet, from Sep- tember to March, the North winds interrupt the general course, and in some degree divide the year into two seasons, wet and dry, or of the Breezes and Norths ; the first, in which the breezes are settled, is from March to Sep- tember ; and the second, in which the Norths blow, is from September to March. For greater clearness we shall explain each separately. (71.) The Norths.—The first of the Norths is regularly felt in the month of September ; but in this month and the following one, October, the Norths do not blow with much force. Sometimes it happens that they do not appear: but, in that case, the breeze is interrupted by heavy rains and Tornados. In November the Norths are established, blow with much strength, and continue a length of time, during December, January, and February. In these months, after they begin, they increase fast; and in four hours, or a little more, attain their utmost strength, with which they continue blowing for forty-eight hours ; but afterward, though they do not cease for some days, they are moderate. In these months the Norths are obscure and North-Westerly, and they come on so frequently that there is, in general, not more than four or six days between them. In March and April they are neither so frequent, nor last so long, and are clearer, but yet they are more fierce for the first twenty-four hours, and have less North- Westing. In the interval before November, in which, as we have said, the Norths are established, the weather is beautiful, and the general breeze blows with great regularity by day; the land-breeze as regularly by night. VERA CRUZ—THE NORTHS. 147 There are various signs by which the coming on of a North may be fore- seen: such are, the wind steady at South; the moisture of the walls, and of the pavements of the houses and streets; seeing clearly the Peak of Orizaba, and the mountains of Perote and Villa Rica, with the cloud on those of St. Martin having folds like a white sheet; the increase of heat and of dew; and a thick fog, or low scud, flying with velocity to the South- ward. But the most certain of all is the Barometer ; for this instrument, in the time of the Norths at Vera Cruz, does not vary more, between its highest and lowest range, than ‘80, that is to say, it does not rise higher than 30°6 inches, nor fall lower than 29°8 inches. The descent of the mercury predicts the Norths; but they do not begin to blow the moment it sinks, which it always does a short time before the North comes on. At these times lightning appears on the horizon, especially from N.W. to N.E.; the sea sparkles; cobwebs are seen on the rigging, if by day. With such warnings, trust not to the weather, for a North will infallibly come on, This wind generally moderates at the setting of the sun; that is, it does not retain the same strength which it had from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon, unless it commences in the evening or at night, for then it may increase. Sometimes it happens that after dark, or a little before midnight, it is found to be the land-wind, from the Northward and Westward; in which case, should it get round to the Southward of West, the North will be at an end, and the general breeze will, to a certainty, come on at its regular hour; but, if that does not happen at the rising of the sun, or afterward, and at the turn of the tide, it will return to blow from the North, with the same violence as on the day before, and then it is called a Norte de Marea, or Tide North. The Norths, also, sometimes conclude by taking to the Northward and Eastward, which is more certain; for if the wind in the evening gets to N.E., although the sky remain covered the day following, but by night the land-breeze has been from the Northward and Westward, the regular breeze will surely ensue in the evening, good weather succeeding and con- tinuing for four or six days; the latter period being the longest that it will last to, in the season of the Norths; but ifthe wind retrograde from N.E. to N.N.E. or North, the weather will be still unsettled. Examples are not wanting of Norths happening in May, June, July, and August, at which times they are most furious, and are called Nortes del Hueso Colorado ; the more moderate are called Chocolateros, but these are rather uncommon.* * From the late Lieutenant John Evans, R.N. (a gentleman to whom we were in- debted for many valuable communications), we received the following description of a North in the Mexican Sea, which occurred in March, 1828:— ““We had observed, during our run over the Catoche Bank, a very extraordinary white hazy-like appearance, very distinct from the common fog, haze, or mist. This was seen principally in the Northern quarter, and attracted much notice; the air, at the same time, ‘ breathing gently at South,’ and the sympiesometer falling unusually low, gave us strong indications of an approaching North. On the 15th there appeared on the sky only a few small cwmuli and dark strati; in the morning the air was very light from the South, and was so warm, or rather hot and oppressive, that, like the sirocco it affected the breathing of some of us. At 10 a.m. it changed to the N.E., with fine weather, the 148 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (72.) Commander G. A. Converse, U.S.S. Enterprise, states that what is designated in Aspinwall (Colon) as a “ Norther” is not necessarily a gale of wind. In fact, the wind frequently does not blow home, and is at such times quite light ; but a very heavy ground swell heaves into the bay. When the wind does blow home, as happened during the Norther of December 19—21, 1890, no vessel can remain at anchor with safety. There is no way of predicting these dangerous Northers. The barometer gives no indication; the ‘fitful showers of rain in large drops’”’ may or may not be an indication. The gradually increasing swell supposed to be a forerunner of a Norther frequently proves to mean nothing. The Norther of December 19—21, 1890, was preceded, on the 18th, by a heavy swell and threatening weather, but towards evening the swell decreased, the weather cleared, and it looked like a fine night. Later in the night the swell commenced to heave in with greater force, so that steamers were com- pelled to leave their wharves. After daylight on the 19th, the full force of the Norther began to be felt, and in a very short time it became so rough that all steamers put to sea. The Pacific Mail steamer Newport cut her lines and steamed across the bay to the anchorage under the lee of Toro Point, but was soon compelled to abandon this anchorage and put to sea. One steamer, lying in the harbour, with two anchors down, dragged nearly 1 mile before she could get sufficient steam to be able to slip and go to sea. During the season of Northers, steamers visiting this port keep steam up constantly, and are ready to move at a moment’s notice. However long the weather may have been threatening, when the Norther does break it comes suddenly and leaves no time for preparations. If compelled to get under-way, the surest way is to slip the cable and steam out to sea. It would be almost impossible to get up anchor without damage to the ship at such times, and there is always a risk of hooking the old anchors and chains with which the bottom of the harbour is strewed. In standing off and on the Port of Aspinwall, the Enterprise, having on three previous occasions encountered the Easterly current which habitually sets along the coast, made allowance for it on the 19th, the first day of the Norther, with the ship kept under steerage way only, heading N.N.W. By an observation between rain-squalls, on the morning of the 20th, it was found that the Norther had practically neutralized the current ; the absence of driftwood, seaweed, and floating logs had been remarked. On the night of the 20th, the Norther had somewhat abated, and the ship was headed N.N.W., as on the preceding night. On the morning of the 21st, a certain amount of drift was observed, and, when an observation was obtained, it wind gradually freshening. At sunset the cwmuli changed into dark nimbus, of a deep purple, edged with a bronze colour; from these clouds proceeded squalls with rain, the wind veering from N.E. to N.N.W., after which it cleared up, the clouds all dispersed, and at 8 p.m. a fresh North came on, with a rapidly-rising sea (which a short time before had been perfectly calm and smooth). The sympiesometer fell to 29:80, which was. lower than it had ever done before. It blew a gale all night, with a heavy sea; no clouds; the stars bright and large. The same white hazy-like appearance took place before the North set in. Early in the morning of the 16th the wind died away suddenly, almost to a calm; and at 8 a.m. became a moderate breeze.” GULF OF MEXICO—VERA CRUZ. 149 was found that the ship had been set to the N.E. some 16 miles in 9 hours. While it is usually thick with frequent rain-squalls during these Northers, there are times when it lifts and the high land at the back of Point Man- zanilla can always be recognized if within 30 miles of it. If it is clear, it can be distinguished much farther off (from 40 to 60 miles).— United States Notice to Mariners, No. 9 of 1891. Northers are winds proceeding from an Anti-Cyclone over Northern Mexico and Texas, when there is a storm or region of low pressure moving up the Atlantic coast of the United States. The name Norther is applied to the heavy sea, even though the wind itself may not reach as far South as Colon. On December 18th, 1890, at Colon a heavy swell set in, with threatening weather, moderating towards the evening, but increasing at night to such an extent that all the steamers had to put to sea. In this case, observations prove that an Anti-Cyclone was moving slowly East- ward over Texas, the North-Westerly winds in its front swept down through Yucatan Channel, and, combining with the North-Easterly winds prevailing over the Caribbean Sea, sent very heavy seas from the North- ward into Colon.* (73.) The Wet Season, or Season of the Breezes, at Vera Cruz, is from March to September ; the breezes at the end of March, and through the whole month of April, as already explained, are, from time to time, inter- rupted by Norths, and are from H.S.E., very fresh; the sky sometimes elear, at other times obscure. At times these come from S.E., and con- tinue all night, without giving place to the land-breeze, which prevails in general every night, excepting when the North wind is on. The land- breeze is freshest when the rains have begun. After the sun passes the zenith of Vera Cruz, and until he returns to it, that is, from the 16th of May to the 27th of July, the breezes are of the lightest description, almost calms, with much mist or haze, and slight tornados. After that time the pleasant breezes from N.W. to N.E. some- times remain fixed. From the 27th of July to the middle of October, when the Norths become established, the Tornados are fierce, with heavy rains, thunder and light- ning; those which bring the heaviest wind are from the East, but they are also those of the shortest duration. Calms also occur. In the season of the breezes the total variation of the barometer is 0-4; the greatest ascent of the mercury is to 30°36 inches, and its greatest descent to 29:96 inches. The thermometer in July rises to 87°, and does not fall to 824°. In December it rises to 803°, but never falls below 664°. This, it must be understood, was ascertained in the shade, the instrument being placed in one of the coolest and best ventilated halls in the castle. In the months of August and September, rarely a year passes without Hurricanes near Florida and the Northern Antillas ; but to Vera Cruz, or any part of the coast thence to Campeché, they seldom or never arrive; all that is felt being the heavy sea, which has arisen in the higher latitudes. Hurricanes begin to the Kastward and Northward ; and, although they do * United States North Atlantic Pilot Chart, March, 1891. 150 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. not always go round the same way, yet, in general, they’next go to the Southward and Eastward, with thick squally weather and rain. From Tampico to the Bay of San Bernardo, breezes from the South- Eastward are steady and pleasant from April to August; but, in the remaining months, this coast is much exposed to gales from the Hast and E.S.E., which blow without intermission for two or three days, before a North comes on. As far North as about latitude 264°, there are land- breezes in the summer, which blow from midnight until 9 a.m. (74.) Gulf of Mexico, North Coast.—On the Lowisiana Coast, from San Bernardo Bay tothe Mississippi, in winter, the South winds are very tem- pestuous and squally, the most dangerous months, however, being August, September, October, and November, the season of Hurricanes. Between the Mississippi and lat. 28° N., on the Florida Coast, from April to July, the Trade Wind prevails from N.E. and §S.E. in the morning, changing in the evening to S.W. These S.W. winds, known as Virazones, are very squally in August, September, and October, during which months South winds blow hard. North winds blow from November to March. On the West Coast of Florida the Trade Wind blows till noon in summer, when the sea-breeze sets in. In winter, November to March, the wind blows from S.W., and raises a heavy sea. In Florida Strait, and over the Bahama Islands, the Trade Wind blows from one or two points Northward of East in winter, and to Southward of it in summer. Northers occur in the former season. From June to October, at the Bahama Islands, light Southerly winds and calms, with terrific squalls, are experienced. A series of observations on the Winds and Tides were made by the officers of the United States Coast Survey, between June, 1847, and July, 1852. The force and direction of the wind were noted at three stations— at Galveston, in Texas, lat. 29° 18’ N., long. 94° 46’ W.; at Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, about the middle of the North coast, in lat. 30° 13’ N., long. 81° 0' W.; and at Kay West, one of the Florida Kays, in lat. 24° 38’ N., long. 84° 48’ W. These observations, however, have the same imperfection as that noticed in the note (*) on page 133—that the winds are not recorded equally for all points of the compass. However, the following general re- marks are useful and interesting as derived from these observations, and are arranged in the form of diagrams, which need not be repeated here. (a). Winds from some Northern quarter prevail from September until February, both inclusive, and Southerly winds from March to August, inclusive. Winds from the Eastward prevail throughout the year, except at Fort Morgan, in May, June, July, and August, when the sea-breeze is from the S.W. In the whole year the winds from the same quarter, North and South, balance each other nearly, while the Easterly wind greatly predominates over the Westerly. (6). The months may be arranged, according to the prevailing winds, into the following classes:—The Winter, consisting of December and January; the Spring, of March and April; the Summer, of May, June, and July; of preparation for change, August; the Autumn, of September October, and November. The Winter and Summer types are extremely distinct. At Kay West GULF OF MEXICO. 15f. in December and January, N.E. and North are the prevailing winds; at Fort Morgan, North, E.S8.E., and East; at Galveston, North and N.W.; then E.N.E. and §.E. The general course of the N.E. Trade Wind is supposed to be disturbed by local action at Fort Morgan and Galveston, the local position of greatest warmth being the Gulf. The Summer type, May, June, and July, gives 8.H. as the prevailing wind at Kay West; winds from the 8.H., South, and 8.W. (sea-breeze), at Fort Morgan ; and from South, 8.E., and East, at Galveston, blowing towards the land. August resembles July, with the appearance of winds which prevail in the autumn. In September, October, and November, at Kay West, winds from E.N.E. prevail; at Fort Morgan, North, N.E., and East; and at Galveston, North, N.E., East, and N.W. In March and April, the spring period, 8.E., §.S.E., and East winds prevail at Kay West; North, 8.8.E., and E.S.E., at Fort Morgan; and North, §.E., and South, at Galveston. February resembles January, with a preparation for the spring period ; and, like August, it is characterized at Fort Morgan and Galveston by a general diminution in the quantity of wind. January presents the full winter type of the winds on the Gulf; and June-and July the full summer type. The changes are quite gradual, and tolerably regular, from one extreme to the other. (c). The following deductions are made from these observations in regard to the least and greatest quantities of wind in the principal directions in different portions of the yeavr. The North wind is at a minimum at the three places in July, and at a maximum in January; it is a very remarkable feature at all three places in January. The N.W. wind almost dies out at all three from May to September, first gaining strength at Galveston, in October, and reaching its maximum in all the places in December. Its quantity at Kay West and Fort Morgan is small when at the maximum. The Northers and North-Westers both appear in force in April, at Gal- veston. There is very little West wind at either place, but more at-Fort Morgan than either of the others, and chiefly during June and July. South-West wind is of rare occurrence, except at Fort Morgan, where it constitutes the sea-breeze of summer, and reaches its maximum in June and July, suddenly diminishing in September. There is but little South wind at Kay West; at Fort Morgan it increases in amount in the spring, and is the greatest in June. It is decidedly a marked feature as one of the prevailing spring winds at Galveston, reaching its maximum in May, and becoming quite small in August, re-appearing in the winter, and rapidly increasing in March. The N.H. wind is at a minimum at the three places in July and August; is largest in quantity in September, October, November, and December, at Kay West; in September and October, at Fort Morgan; and in Sep- tember, December, and January, at Galveston. The sudden increase of this wind in September, after its small quantity in August, is remarkable at all three places. 152 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. The winds intermediate between N.E. and §.K. occur during the changes from N.E. to §.E., and it would be of little value to refer to the greatest and least quantities. The S.E. wind is at a minimum in December and January at Kay West; in January and February at Fort Morgan ; in December and January at Galveston. It is at a maximum at Kay Westin July; but, being replaced during the summer to a great extent by the sea-breeze (S.W.) at Fort Morgan, makes its minimum in November, and at Galveston in May, doubtless from the disturbing effect of the land; it is again large in July. This is the sea-breeze of Kay West, and, as well as the South wind, that of Galveston. (d). The movement of the prevailing wind at Kay West, where the dis- turbing causes of the land are the least, is very instructive. The prevailing wind in April, May, June, and July, is the 8.H., hauling to the Eastward in August, and becoming E.S.E. In September and October it passes farther North toH.N.E., and in November and December becomes N.E.; in January it reaches North; returning Southward, in February it is N.N.E., in March East, and reaches the §.H. in April. The local action is thus seen to prevail for the greater part of the year over the general. For the whole year the 8.E. wind exceeds any other from an Easterly point. The Easterly wind at Fort Morgan reaches no farther South than E.S.E. in the spring and summer. In September, the prevailing wind is N.E., passing to H.N.E. in October, and back to E.S.H. in the winter and spring. The general tendency for the year is then E.S.H. The changes at Galveston resemble those at Kay West, the general absence of E.N.E. and E.S.E. winds being due to defects in the observa- tions. In the Strait of Florida the Trade breezes are the prevailing winds, but they are interrupted by Norths in the winter, and by Calms in the summer, Although the Northern limit of this channel is within the boundary of the Trade Wind, it is necessary to remember that in winter, or from November till April, the variable winds from the Southward and Hastward, and Southward and Westward, are met with in lat. 27°, and even before; and in summer, from May until September, the winds in the whole channel are variable from the Southward and Eastward, and Southward and Westward. 5.—EQUATORIAL CALMS AND WINDS. (75.) The N.E. and 8.E. Trades, blowing towards each other, meet and are neutralized near the Equator (6). This neutral line of Calms and Varying Winds is sometimes known by the name of the ‘‘ Doldrums,” an uncouth term, which, we think, has had unmerited authority given to it. It is, perhaps, a corruption of the Spanish doloroso, or old Portuguese dolorio, ‘‘ tormenting.” Commander Maury says, ‘‘This region of Doldrums has a mean average breadth (around the globe) of about 6 degrees of latitude. In this region, EQUATORIAL CALMS AND WINDS. 153 the air which is brought to the Equator by the N.E. and S.E. Trades ascends. ‘his Belt of Calms always separates these two Trade Wind zones, and travels up and down with them. If we liken this Belt of Equatorial Calms to an immense atmospherical trough, extending as it does entirely around the earth; and if we liken the N.E. and S.E. Trade Winds to two streams discharging themselves into it, we shall see that we have two currents perpetually running in at the bottom, and that, there- fore, we must have as much air as the two currents bring in at the bottom to flow out of the top. What flows out of the top is carried back North and South by the upper currents (8), which are thus proved to exist and to flow counter to the Trade Winds.” This Belt of Calms follows the sun in his annual course, though the limits do not range so much in latitude as the sun does in declination ; and, generally, they pass from one extreme of latitude to another in about three months. The whole system of Wind and Calm Belts moves North- ward from the latter part of May till some time in August; it then remains almost stationary till the approach of winter, when it commences to go Southward, and proceeds in that direction from December to February or March. “The great ‘sun swing’ of this Calm Belt,” says Captain Maury, “ ig annual in its occurrence; it marks the seasons, and divides the year into wet and dry for all those places that are within the are of its majestic sweep. But there are other subordinate and minor influences which are continually taking place in the atmosphere, and which are also calculated to alter the place of this Calm Belt, and to produce changes in the thermal status of the air which the Trade Winds move. These are unusually severe winters or hot summers; remarkable spells of weather, such as long continuous rains or droughts, over areas of considerable extent. Either within or near the Trade Wind belts it is tremblingly alive to all such influences, and they keep it in continual agitation ; accordingly we find that such is its state, that, within certain boundaries, it is continually changing place and limits. This fact is abundantly proved by the speed of ships, whose log-books show that it is by no means a rare occurrence for one vessel, after she has been dallying in the Doldrums for days, in the vain effort to cross that Calm Belt, to see another coming up to her ‘hand over fist,’ with fair winds, and crossing the belt after a delay in it of only a few hours instead of days.’’* (76.) These remarks of Captain Maury, coupled with the experience of most sailors who cross the Line, will demonstrate that the limits of thig Calm Belt cannot be very exactly defined, and it is only the doctrine of chances that can determine when any particular ship will lose the Trades, and encounter the Doldrums. On page 132 (54), is given the Table drawn up by Captain Horsburgh, as the probable Equinoctial Limits of the N.E. and §.E. Trades, and con- sequently of the intervening Belt of Calms. This applies to that part of them, between 18° and 26° W., which was usually traversed by the Hast India Company’s ships. The diagram of the Winds, and also the chart * “ Physical Geography of the Sea,’ 1860, page 358. N. 4. 0. 21 154 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS illustrating Captain Toynbee’s monthly discussion of the winds between 10° S. and 20° N., and from 10° to 40° W. (62), pp. 136—140, will serve to assist the seaman in quickly finding the latitude in which he may expect to fall in with these troublesome winds. In the Chapter on Passages, the routes recommended for Crossing the Equator will be found. The follow- ing approximate estimate of the breadth of this Calm Belt is derived from Maury’s Trade Wind Chart, &c., and given in the Hydrographic Office Pilot Charts, and also by Dr. Van Galen.* It is of course in a measure superseded by the work of Captain Toynbee, mentioned above, but is given here, as it may be useful taken in connection with that work, in showing the amount of reliance which may be placed on these deductions :— TABLE of lhe Average Extent of the Equinoctial Calms. Month. January February ... eeeccecccsoe eccccccce eeeesscccese September ... October November ... December ... | Oo 0 ° \e] Limits, 29 = a ae oes! N. 3°N.| 38°N. | S. — lee N. 8 ies S. — 3 ein Bae eed UES: — eee} Eatin tel f N. aan ne” S. = | 2 (N. 4 | 4 eek oH | 4 ( N. Geren VG dS. — 4 ( N. 8 9 se — 5 N. ta 12 aerate 6 f N. 11 12 Ss. 8 6 N. 10 10 Sg. 7 6 N. 61k ie S. 6 6 N. 2 4 { S. pal eo 4 40° to 35° We { | 35° to 30°/30° to 25°/25° to 20°! 20° to 15° W. W. 2°N. 2 w. | wW. | 3°N.| 3°N.| 6°N. 0 1 (ee 3 4 6 18; |e 0 2N. | 2) oe 28.1.4 SaNaee QN.| 8N.] 6 26: | 1S. eee 4N.| 5N.| 6 1.°/ 40 1 9N.| 8 9 0 1 1 rf 12 = 2 2 1 12 13 = 2 2 1 19 12 =f 2 1 1 10 1 Es 2 1 1 6 8 10 2 1 1 4 5 1 1 2 1 This Table will show that, during the winter months, and in the Western part of the ocean, the limits of the Trade Winds (as given in the Table) approximate, and leave no interval of Calm. In the Northern summer months, however, the Calm Belt is much more distinctly marked, although ® « Zeil, Wind, en Stroomkaarten Toegelicht,” door Dr. P. van Galen. Rotterdam, EQUATORIAL CALMS AND WINDS. 155 its mean breadth is not one-third or one-half what it is on the Eastern side. This fact is also graphically explained by the diagram of the Winds. As we said before, on pp. 131-2 (53, 54), the limits of the Trades vary to the extent of 10° of latitude, and therefore the figures given in the preceding Table can only be taken as a possible approximation. There is one remark which it may be as well to urge here: that, as this Belt of Calms runs East and West, the navigator will clear them soonest by making a direct Southern or Northern course, as far as possible, as he thus runs directly across them ; by beating too much Hast or West, he is retarding himself in that direction. (77.) In modern navigation, a calm is almost more to be dreaded than a storm ; for, in the former, a sailing ship is helpless, and in the latter her great sailing powers, and the many appliances now available, suffice to disarm the fury of many ordinary gales. It is, therefore, of primary im- portance that the commander of a sailing vessel should be aware of what regions are subject to calms in different seasons, and by this knowledge carefully avoid their detaining and troublesome influences. It is to this knowledge that the improvement of the trans-equatorial passage must be looked for. It has been strongly advocated, of late years, that a much more Westerly crossing should be taken than was adopted in former years; but it very frequently happens that the accounts of the voyages in one month abound with bitter complaints against this Western crossing, while those of another season are equally full of its praises. This topic will be more fully dilated on hereafter, in the Chapter devoted to general sailing directions. It will suffice here to give a general insight into the areas of calms and baffling winds which exist in this Equatorial belt, and especially in that part of it where the S.W. African Monsoon is felt; and in that part of our subject some further remarks will be found. (78.) In Section 2 and its accompanying diagrams (page 108) reference has already been made to the barometric indications in these regions. In an excellent discourse given by Captain Toynbee, at the United Service Institution, May 19th, 1871, the following passage occurred, which will be in place here :-— “The ship from England, bound across the Equator, finds the wind to draw more Northerly as she approaches the Southern verge of the N.E. Trades; whilst, after passing through the Equatorial Calms, the S8.E. Trades commence at South. It is also found that as this zone of Doldrums is approached, the barometer falls; itis an area of low pressure; and the zone of Equatorial Doldrums travels with it between the Equator and 10° or 12° N. during the year. ‘«‘ Into this zone the air seems to blow from North to South, whilst the pressure still remains lower than on either side; we have, therefore, reason to suppose that here, on the border line of two Hemispheres, the air is drawn directly towards the lowest pressure. It will be remembered that, at a certain distance from the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere, the air draws round an area of low pressure, keeping the lowest pressure to its left, whilst at a certain distance from the Equator in the Southern Hemisphere, this order is reversed, and the lowest pressure is to the right of a person standing with his back to the wind. Hence it is reasonable 156 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. to expect that the air will move directly for the area of lowest presses in a part where the two Hemispheres meet.” (79.) The Trade Winds are essentially evaporating winds. From their high temperature, in passing over a large extent of ocean, they become loaded with aqueous vapour, which becomes evident when they meet and neutralize each other in this zone of Equatorial Calms. The result is the formation of the ‘‘ Cloud Ring” of Captain Maury, which he likens to the rings of Saturn or the belts of Jupiter. Under this oppressive and constant companion of the Equatorial Calm, the rain falls in torrents, and by the progress of the sun in the ecliptic it causes the phenomena of the tropical seasons, divided, as is well known, into the wet and dry. A consideration of the chart and the shifting of this belt will explain how it is that some places have two rainy seasons and others only one, by the passing of the cloud ring over them. ‘‘Tt is broader than the Belt of Calms out of which it arises. As the air with its vapours rises up in this calm belt and ascends, these vapours are condensed into clouds, and this condensation is followed by a turgid intumescence, which causes the clouds to overflow the calm belt as it veers poth to the North and South. The air, flowing off in the same direction, assumes the character of winds which form the upper currents counter (8) to the Trade Winds. These currents carry the clouds still farther to the North and South, and thus make the cloud ring broader. At least, we infer such to be the case, for the rains are found to extend out on to the Trade Winds, and often to a considerable distance North and South of the calm belt.” This oppressive region, most tedious to navigators, is, however, not at all times subject to this great amount of deposition, which has procured for it the appellation of ‘‘ The Rains ;” and especially during the winter months, when its extent is more limited, it may be crossed without en- countering either those torrents of rain, or almost unbearable calms. This compensating belt to the evaporation of the Trades, of course, is subject to squalls, and especially to thunder-storms, the natural result of the con- flicting elements. Altogether, its effect on the health and spirits, its enervating influences, its oppressive and damp heat, make it one of the most unpleasant regions of the globe.* * Attention to personal cleanliness is very important during the detention caused by these calms. Dampier gives a quaint description of the ill effects of his men not drying their clothes and lying down on their hammocks while wet, which caused all to become offensive and open to attacks of disease. Captain Maury says, ‘‘The emigrant ships from Burope to Australia have to cross it. They are often baffled in it for two or three weeks; then the children and passengers who are delicate in health suffer most. It is a frightful graveyard on the wayside to that golden land.” 6.—_THE AFRICAN MONSOONS, (80.) The influence of the land upon the Trade Winds, and the inter- vening Calms, is very powerful on the EKastern side of the Atlantic; and the peculiar configuration of the Coast of Guinea, trending as it does along the very axis or line of division of the N_rthern and Southern Wind sys- tems, causes a different set of phenomena to arise. During that part of the year when the sun is in the Southern Hemisphere, the Trades and Calms follow the normal or usual course, as it is then exerting its maximum force on the sea with its low absorptive and radiative powers; but when, during the Northern summer, it is raising the temperature of the land of the Guinea Coast, a new phase arises from the heated atmosphere over the land drawing the wind towards it ; and instead ofa 8.H. or N.H. wind, we have a South and 8.W. wind occurring with great regularity. Major Rennell says, ‘‘In the space lengthwise, between Cape Verde and Cape Mesurado, and in certain places to the extent of 200 miles off shore (150 off Sierra Leone), a regular change of winds and currents takes place, according to the seasons. That is to say, a N.K. or North wind and S.E. current, from September to June; and, in the rest of the year, a S.W. wind and N.E. or Northerly currents, in effect a Monsoon, and this extends, in respect of the wind, nearly through the whole space between the two continents.* (81.) In Dampier’s Discourse on the Trade Winds, and his illustrative Chart (1697), we find a solution of the origin of these 8.W. winds, which is that still held to be most feasible. It is, that they are derived from the §.E. Trades, and not from a diversion of the N.E. Trades. This also was suggested in the ‘“‘ Mercantile Marine Magazine,” of 1856, the data being derived from Maury’s charts. An important element in determining the reality or otherwise of this suggestion is the position of the Calms. Are they interposed between the N.H. Trade and Monsoon, or between the Monsoon and §8.H. Trade? But this consideration may not have great weight in this region of calms, and besides the probability of this origin is increased by the data for the direction of the 8.H. Trade, which is shown not to blow with regularity to the Hast of a line joining Cape Palmas and Angola. (82.) There is another conclusive evidence of the Westerly extension of the Monsoons in the Hasterly current which is met with almost constantly during the seasons of their prevalence. These are very persistent as far as longitude 40° W., and are at times encountered as far North as latitude 16°, but more usually between lats. 6° and 11° N. This origin of the anomalous Guinea Current was indicated in our chart of the Atlantic Ocean, published in 1858. A similar current is shown to exist in the Pacific Ocean, West * The existence and character of this S.W. African Monsoon was thus early recog- nized and named (at the latter end of the eighteenth century). The term ‘ newly- discovered’? Monsoons, given to them by our American friends, is therefore not quite applicable. 158 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. of Panama Bay. This feature will be further dilated on when we come tc the Section on Currents. (83.) These South, 8.S.W., and S.W. winds prevail, according to Maury’s Pilot Charts, chiefly during the months of July, August, September, and October, and are then felt as far to the Westward as 35° or 40° W., he- tween the parallels of 5° and 8° N. In the Western part of this area they diminish in frequency as the sun proceeds to the South, and are scarcely felt in the North Atlantic during the months of December, January, and February. The chances of encountering this adverse wind must have an important bearing on the choice of a route for crossing the Equator during these months, but we leave this subject to be discussed under the heading of Crossing the Equator, in the chapter on Passages given hereafter. Between December and April, which is the season most visited by calms, the wind has still a Southern tendency; but, during the season of the Monsoon, the calms are at a minimum near the coast. It is difficult to explain in words the relative duration, force, or frequency of the winds in this changeable locality, without an appeal to the chart. The reader is referred to those illustrating the Winds of the region between 20° N. and 10° S., and to the chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, in four sheets, before alluded to (48). (84.) In the Gulf of Guinea, as far North as Cape Palmas, the prevail- ing winds are S.W. and Southerly ; between Cape Palmas and Cape Roxo, S.W. winds prevail between June and September, and N.E. winds during the remainder of the year. In the latitude of Sierra Leone, this S.W. wind extends to long. 32° W. in the middle of the Northern summer. (85.) The following remarks, by the late Captain Midgley, who had great experience on the African Coast, will be found of service in explaining the character of the winds and seasons :— I will here offer a few remarks on the general variable winds and weather which prevail between the parallels of 4° and 10° N., and the meridians of 18° and 25° W., or between the N.E. and S.E. Trade Winds. The winds generally incline from the Southward, between the Trades, and few vessels pass from one Trade Wind to the other without meeting with very unpleasant weather, in the shape of calms, light baffling winds, squalls, and rain, particularly when the sun is much to the Northward. In June, July, and August, heavy squalls seem to prevail from the 8.W., with a great deal of rain, and the wind often blows hard from this quarter for several hours together, and then falls calm, leaving a heavy and confused short sea, which causes a vessel to labour and strain more than she would do in a gale of wind. When the sun is far to the Southward, the weather is comparatively fine, with light Southerly and 8.E. winds, occasionally, however, interrupted by squalls and rain; and the calms are of shorter duration, owing, probably, to the limited breadth of the space between the Trade Winds at this season. In this part of the ocean, when much lightning is seen in a heavy dense cloud, in any quarter of the compass, the wind may be expected to come out suddenly from that quarter, especially if there is any rain, even though the wind may be blowing at the same time with moderate force from an opposite quartei. Forked or chain lightning is the almost sure fore- eee THE AFRICAN MONSOONS. 159 rnmner of a heavy squall; it is a monitor whose warning should not be neglected.* Whenever there is much lightning, and the wind is unsteady and bafiling about, prepare for a change. A heavy dense cloud, having a squally appearance, may rise and pass slowly over the vessel directly to leeward, with perhaps little or no increase of wind; and when the danger may be supposed over, the vessel is suddenly taken aback with a smart squall. This, I presume, arises from the cloud which has just gone over the ship, being opposed in its progress to leeward by a stronger current of air from the opposite quarter. On this account, when clouds are in motion from opposite quarters of the compass, a better look-out, if possible, should be kept to leeward than to windward. Keeping a good look-out upon the surface of the water is an excellent method of judging of the force of the wind in an approaching squall ; but, on account of the heavy rain which invariably accompanies the squalls alluded to, very little sound judgment can be exercised with respect to their strength ; they are generally, however, tolerably heavy, and require sail to be considerably reduced. In June, July, and August, the weather is very wet and squally. Some- times dense masses of clouds are seen in rapid motion from the 8.E., Southern, and 8.W. quarters of the horizon: these clouds have a bulky and confused appearance, as if tumbling or rolling over each other ; are of a dirty dark drab colour, with ragged edges, and inky-looking small clouds flying about the edges of them. In their approach towards the zenith they gradually appear to unite and form the apex of an angle, and, thus united, blow with incredible violence from the §.W. quarter (veering about two or three points or more) for upwards of two hours, during which time the rain descends in torrents, perhaps accompanied by a waterspout or whirlwind. Ships should be well prepared for these dangerous visitors; for they come with a similar violence to the Arched White Squall of the West Indies. I have experienced two squalls of the above description (both in the month of July), and in one of them lost a good fore-topsail, after the reef tackles, &c., were hauled out snug, and the ship had been for some time running directly before the wind. Upon both occasions my barometer fell three- tenths of an inch very suddenly, which enabled me to take in sail in time; for the squalls did not look particularly alarming until about eight or ten minutes before they reached the ship. To the inexperienced in this part of the ocean, I would beg to remark, that much sheet lightning is always suspicious, and forked or chain lightning universally so; and the latter is, in some degree, indicative of a change, as of an increase of wind. After the wind has blown steadily, with fine weather for a few hours, and it then begins to be variable, and fly suddenly about, squalls and rain may be expected. * In those parts of the North Atlantic Ocean which are not in the general influente nt the Trades, I have very frequently remarked that lightning is indicative of a change of wind. 160 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. The moon has great influence on the weather ; for ‘t is most squalty ard unsettled, with much rain, about the full and change. I perfectly agree with Captain Cheveley, that the month of July is, perhaps, the worst in the year for making southing between the Trades. I have made two homeward passages in July between the meridians of 22° and 26° W., and met upon each occasion with the same weather as described by that gentleman; namely, strong 8.W. winds, hard squalls, and torrents of rain, with a heavy sea, and Northerly currents. (86.) Between Cape Blanco and the entrance of the Kier Gambia, Captain J. W. Monteath states that during the months of November, December, January, February, and March, the winds from the Hast and N.E. are prevalent. In this time the nights are cool; but scarcely has the sun arisen above the horizon, when the air becomes dry and parching. Never- theless, these five months are the winter in this part of Africa, and this is the most healthy season. Between the Gambia and Cape Palmas the inland winds, during the same season, are variable. In June, July, August, September, and October, the country situated between Cape Verga and Cape Mount is much exposed to Hurricanes or Tornados. ‘These, however, do not occur in any part of the coast North- ward of Cape Verga. From the 20th degree of North latitude to the environs of the Line, the atmosphere emits its waters to the earth; the only difference is, twenty days sooner or later in the arrival of these torrents. During the other eight months in the year there does not fall a single drop of water. Between the Cape Verde Islands, and in their neighbourhood, Southerly and §.W. winds generally blow in July, August, September, and October. These islands, when the sun is in their zenith, are generally surrounded by thick fogs. From Sierra Leone to Cape Palmas, the ordinary course of the winds on the coast is from W.N.W., and beyond Cape Palmas, from W.S.W. to S.W. and 8.5.W. Although, in the Gulf of Guinea, the wind blows generally from the Southward, and 8.S.W. toward the coast, they take, in South latitude, a more Westerly direction near the land, and then prevail from S.W. and W.S.W. between Cape Lopez and Benguela. But they veer proportionally more Southerly as the distance increases from the coast. Winpwarb Coast, &c.—The name of Windward Coast has been given by our navigators to the whole of that coast which extends from Cape Mount to the River Assinee, thus embracing the Gold Coast, and thence continues to the Westward, including the three particular coasts called, 1st. The Coast of Adou, or Quaqua; 2nd. The Ivory or Teeth Coast ; 3rd. The Grain or Pepper Coast. From January until May, the weather here, along shore, is commonly fair and clear, with cooling breezes, and gentle Southerly winds. But about the middle of May, South and 8.E. winds begin, accompanied not only with Hurricanes and stormy gusts, but also with thunder, lightning, and great rains, which continue, more or less, until the conclusion of the year. On the Gold Coast, from Assinee to the River Volta, the wind in January begins to blow from the S.W. quarter, and becomes stronger in February THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA. 161 bringing with it sometimes rain, and sometimes a Hurricane. About the end of March, and beginning of April, those heavy tempests, called by the Portuguese Tornados, arise, accompanied with a deluge of rain, thunder, and lightning; these continue to the end of May, and are announced by the darkness of the sky in the 8.E. During the rainy season, that is, in May and July, little or no land- winds are felt; but from the sea it blows from the 8.W. and W.S.W., making a very great swell, which continues even in August, although the rains begin to cease in that month. The weather becomes fair in September, and the air clear, with gentle South winds; and this continues till January, the hottest days being in _ December. (87.) Commander E. G. Bourke, R.N., F.M.S., remarks : The winds on the African coasts are already so well known as to render much comment unnecessary, the usual sea and land-breezes being, with few exceptions, constant ; the latter, however, are nowhere very strong, and as a rule are not felt before midnight, nor do they last later than 8 a.m. The sea-breeze commences about 10 a.m., reaches its maximum strength at 4 p.m., and then gradually falls light, but frequently, and especially in the Gulf of Guinea, it maintains its full strength until it suddenly drops, and gives place to the land-breeze. The sea-breeze blows from West to N.W. to the North of Cape Palmas, to the South of that point it is from 8.8.W. to W.S.W. true. North of Cape Palmas the land-breeze comes from Easi to E.N.E., from Cape Palmas to Fernando Po from the N.W., thence to Cape Lopez (1° 8.) from the East, and to the South of that cape it is from the S.E. These breezes extend nowhere far from the shore, as at a distance of 20 miles to seaward the constant 8.W. Monsoon is but rarely disturbed, and then only by Tornados and the Harmattan. The chief characteristic of the climate of the Coast of Western Africa is moisture, which is accompanied by a temperature by no means high for the latitude. This averages 79° between the Equator and 10° N.; from the Equator to 10° S. it is from 4° to 5° lower.—Journal of the Meteoro- logical Society, Vol. iv., 1878, pp. 25, 27. (88.) Remarks by Baron Roussin.—Cape Bojador to the Isles de Los.— On the whole extent of the African coast there are but two seasons, namely, the rainy and dry seasons. The division of the two is connected with the periods when the sun crosses from one Hemisphere to the other, and is modified as he advances to, or recedes from, the Equator. The Rainy Season commences at each place on the coast to the Northward of the Equator, at the time when the sun passes the zenith of that place in his course to the Northward. It is, usually, during the month pre- ceding this event that the change of weather takes place. It may there- fore be calculated that, at the Isles de Los, the first point exposed to the rainy season, and which lie in 94° N., the first violent squalls do not occur before the 10th or 15th of May. Their arrival seems to be affected by the moon ; for they almost always commence, and are most violent, on the lays of the new and full. J: er. NF 22 162 . OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. The rainy season* ends in very violent squalls, with intervals of calm, of which there are at least two, and frequently more, during the twenty-four hours ; and we remarked that they generally happen on the rising or set- ting of the sun or moon. In the country, these squalls are generally called Tornados ; but, according to the best information, the Tornado, properly speaking, is to be met with only to the Southward of Cape Verga. They generally begin to form themselves in the N.E. or E.N.E. quarter of the horizon, which seems completely on fire during an hour or more. The storm then gradually shifts round to Kast and E.8.E., becoming darker in the horizon. Having arrived at S.E., it attains its full vigour, when thunder and lightning become incessant. A moment of absolute calm then takes place, which is caused by the obstruction which the usual winds from the N.W. meet with from this immense mass of clouds. Shortly after, a small arch is formed at the horizon, which increases and rises rapidly. The more defined the edge of this arch appears, the more violent will be the storm, as it is a proof that the column of air has divided much heavier clouds, and is more confined. When the summit of this arch has attained an altitude of about 45°, the hurricane bursts forth, and torrents of rain immediately follow. The crisis of its greatest violence generally lasts from 15 to 20 minutes; it afterwards gradually becomes weaker ; and, finally, nothing remains but rain, attended with very little wind. It then shifts round from S.E. to W.S.W., then to the quarter from which the usual winds blow, to exhaust itself to the Northward in another squall from the S.H. The rainy season, at any place, continues from four to six months, accord- ing to its proximity to the Equator, and the Tornados continue to decrease, both in frequency and violence, during the two latter months of the season. In ten days or a fortnight after the sun has passed the zenith of any place on his way to the South, it is considered as free from bad weather. On the 15th of November, a gun is fired at Goree, which announces the return of the fine season. The squalls here spoken of, and the winds which precede or follow them, generally occupying so very small a portion of the year, may be considered as momentary convulsions in a state of climate almost unchangeable; a sky nearly always serene, and generally clear. On the greater part of the African coast, from Cape Bojador to the Isles de Los, regular winds blow, and no rain ever falls during eight months. The prevailing winds in this country blow from N.E. to N.W.; it may, therefore, be said that they follow the direction of the coast from North to South, and that they seldom vary from the limits here assigned. The dry season commences in the latter part of October at Senegal; a little later at Goree; and at each intermediate place toward the Equator it becomes gradually later. It is not till the beginning of December that its return is observed in the parallel of the Isles de Los. * Captain Adams, in his sketches, says that the Wet Season, North of the Equator, commences in the month of May, and terminates in July, when the Dry Season begins, although heavy showers of rain fall during the months of Octoberand November, which enable the Africans to reap a second harvest of maize ; but the rains commence and ter- minate six weeks earlier near the Equator than at the Northern boundary, where the periodical rains cease. THE WEST COAST OF AFRICA. 163 (89.) Lieutenant Bold also says, that the Winds and Weather on all parts of the Windward Coast are much alike, excepting that the rains commence rather earlier in the 8.H. The wintry season makes its appear- ance early in June, by strong breezes and occasional heavy gusts from the Southward and S8.H., accompanied with rains, which increase violently and continue until the latter end of August ; this is succeeded by a series of close foggy weather, during which the land appears enveloped in vapour, occasioned by exhalations from the humid soil. This is justly considered to be the most pernicious season in the year to the European constitution ; the whole atmosphere being then impregnated with deleterious matter, generated by decayed vegetation. During the rains there are no land winds, neither in the month of October, when the wind is strong down the coast; in the following month it gradually draws down to the South and Westward, with occasional rain. Toward the middle of December the weather begins to clear up, and the summer season to make its appearance ; this continues until June, with a beautiful clear sky and gentle refreshing breezes from the §.S.W., during the last ten or twelve weeks of which the Tornados prevail very violently; but these come on generally in the evening, and give ample warning to the navigator to prepare against their dreadful impetuosity. The same intelligent navigator adds:—The seasons on the Gold Coast are precisely similar to those of the Windward Coast, with the exception of their successively commencing a month earlier. Along the coast, in the winter season, when the winds are from the §.W. the swell and surf on the beach are excessively high, and too dangerous in many parts to permit landing. The seasons on the Coast of Dahomey, éc., are nearly similar to those of the Gold Coast; the rains commencing in May, preceded by Tornados and equally boisterous weather, with Southerly and 8.S.E. winds from the month of March, causing a heavy sea in the bight, with a violent surf along shore. The finest months here are from September to March, during which the winds are from W.N.W. to W.S.W., with cool refreshing breezes by day, and land winds at night. But it is to be observed that, in the rough season and the winter months, there are no land winds, and the current is frequently found running rapidly to windward. (90.) Commander E. G. Bourke remarks, that on the coast of Liberia, between Capes Mount and Mesurado, as well as upon the coast Westward, between Cape Mount and Cape St. Anne, the rains begin with May, and continue till October, accompanied with great thunder and lightning, and furious gusts of wind from the North-Westward. During this time the sea sets so hard to the N.H. along the coast, and with mountainous billows, that it is impossible to approach the shore ; so that sailing ships which, between July and September, happen to fall below Cape Mount, cannot, without, great difficulty, get about to the South. The Winds, &c., of the Bight of Biafra, and the African Coast to the Southward, are described in the ‘“‘ Directory for the South Atlantic Ocean,”’ by the aathor of the present work. 164 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (91.) The Harmattan—On the Gold Coast, as well as the Windward Coast, an Hasterly wind, called the Harmattan, prevails during the months of December, January, and February. This wind comes on indiscriminately, at any hour of the day, at any time of the tide, at any period of the moon and continues sometimes only a day or two, sometimes five or six days, and it has been known to last fifteen or sixteen days. There are generally three or four returns of it in every season ; it blows with a moderate force, not quite so strong as the sea-breeze, which every day sets in, during the fair season, from the West, W.S.W., and S.W.; but somewhat stronger than the land-wind at night, from the North and N.N.W. In the “ Philosophical Transactions,” vol. lxxi, 1781, an account of the Harmattan was first given by Matthew Dobson, M.D., F.R.S., from the enquiries and observations of Mr. Norris, of which the following is the substance :-— On that part of the Coast of Africa which lies between Cape Verde and Cape Lopez, a singular periodical Easterly wind, named, by the natives, Harmattan, prevails during the months of December, January, and Febru- ary. Cape Lopez lies to the Southward of the Line. At the Isles de Los, which lie to the Northward of Sierra Leone, this wind blows from the E.S.E.; on the Gold Coast, trom the N.K.; and at Cape Lopez and the River Gaboon, from the N.N.E. The Harmattan comes on as above described. A fog or haze always accompanies it, and the gloom is sometimes so great as to render near objects obscure. The sn is thus concealed the greatest part of the day, and appears only a few hours about noon, and then of a mild red colour. At 2 or 3 miles from shore the fog is not so thick as on the beach ; and at 12 or 15 miles distance it is entirely lost, though the Harmattan is felt for 30 or 35 miles off shore, and blows fresh enough to alter the course of the current. Extreme dryness is a property of this wind. No dews fall during its continuance, nor is there the least appearance of moisture in the atmosphere. All vegetables are much injured, and many destroyed. The seams in the sides and decks of ships become very leaky, though the planks are 2 to 3 inches thick. Iron-bound casks require the hoops to be frequently driven tighter, and a cask of rum or brandy can scarcely be preserved; for, unless kept constantly moistened, the hoops fly off. The Harmattan has, likewise, very disagreeable effects on the skin, lips, and nose, which become sore. The effects of the Harmattan in evaporation are great, as will appear by the following comparative statement :—At Liverpool, the annual evapora-. tion is about 36 inches; at Whydah, 64 inches; but, under the influence of the Harmattan, at the rate of 133 inches. This wind, though so prejudicial to vegetable life, is highly conducive to health ; so that fluxes, fevers, small-pox, &c., generally disappear in spite of the doctor; and it contributes to the cure of ulcers, and cutaneous eruptions. The baneful effects which have been said to arise from the prevalence of this wind proceed from the periodical rains, which fall in March, April, &c., and are ushered in by the Tornados from the N.E. and E.N.E., accompanied with violent thunder and lightning, and very heavy showers. ‘The earth, drenched by these showers, and acted upon by an THE HARMATTAN. 165 intense solar heat so soon as the storm is over, sends forth such noisome vapours as are the occasion of putrid fevers and other diseases. On this coast, from the middle of February to the first week in March, @ wind up the coast, from 8.8. W. to §8.8.E., prevails for about three weeks. The Tornado season embraces part of March, all April, and the greater part of May, about twelve weeks altogether. The rainy season sets in at the latter end of May, lasts all June, and till about the 20th of July, about eight weeks. Hence, high winds and squalls, with very heavy rains, to the middle of August, about three weeks. The rain ceases; and then, for the first three weeks in September, the weather is foggy and close, without any breeze. From this time, for about six weeks, the wind blows fresh down the coast; the Tornados and Southerly winds then succeed, with some rain, generally called the latter rains, lasting about four weeks, to the beginning of December, when the Harmattan season commences. (92.) Remarks on the Harmattan, by Baron Roussin.—Although the winds from N.E. to N.W. prevail on the N.W. Coast of Africa during the dry season, that is, from November to May, they are, nevertheless, occa- sionally interrupted between the 1st of December and the 1st of February by the land-wind, which blows from E.N.H. to E.S.E., and sometimes with violence. It is this wind which the inhabitants of the country call the Harmattan. It comes on at different periods in the above interval, and blows during one, two, and sometimes five or six successive days. This continuance, however, is rare, as it is generally interrupted by the sea-breezes, which commence about noon, after a calm of one or two hours. These alternate land and sea-breezes generally last till the end of February, when the usual winds entirely prevail. The Harmattan, which passes over the most arid country of the globe, is of an extremely dry nature, and would probably become insupportable, were it not frequently allayed by the sea-breezes above mentioned. Notwithstanding the salutary effect of these breezes, the drought is astonishing, so long as the Harmattan lasts. Mankind is inconvenienced ; vegetables suffer so much as to be nearly killed; the sun loses its brilliancy, and is only to be seen when near noon; the sand, brought with it from the desert, pervades the atmosphere, and prevents objects from being distinguished at the distance of a quarter of a mile. Nevertheless, the effect of the Harmattan is not really injurious to health; it is remarked that it even purifies the atmosphere, by destroying the noxious vapours with which it is replete on the conclusion of the rainy season. It is usually onthe return of the Harmattan that recovery com- mences from disorders which are incident to the climate. The fog which accompanies the Harmattan loses nothing of its density when 9 miles out at sea. On the edge of the Bank of Arguin, which is 30 miles from the land, it prevented our distinguishing the horizon during three successive days. This state of the atmosphere is not permanent, but varies with the winds which produce it; and, in general, independent of the Harmattan, the African Coast, from Cape Bojador to Cape Verde, is con- tinually covered, during the whole dry season, with a white mist, which is seen from the sea much sooner than the land, of which it is a sure indica- tion. This mist, which is nothing but sand, the extreme fineness of which 166 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. allows of its being supported by the least agitated air, is particularly re- markable on that part of the desert between the parallel of 22° and Senegal. We have seen it at the distance of 15 miles, when the coast could scarcely be seen at 9 miles. This dust, alluded to on pp. 99—100, is further remarked on at the end of this volume; by some it is considered to consist of fine ashes blown from the regions of forest fires in the interior. (93.) Remarks by Captain T. Boteler, of H.M.S. Hecla.—Between the Isles de Log and Sierra Leone, the Harmattan Season sets in with November, or about a month earlier than off the Gambia, and prevails through December and part of January, but not quite constantly ; for occasional intervals of clear weather, accompanied by the refreshing sea- breezes from the N.W., sometimes afford a respite to its oppressive effects. Nor does the Harmattan blow uniformly, either in the same direction, or with the same strength; for it ranges through eight points of the compass, from N.N.E. to E.S.E.; and, however fiery at the commencement, declines, after the first month, to a comparatively light breeze. The peculiar haze, which more or less envelopes the Coast of Africa at all times, is at its maximum during the influence of the Harmattan ; and, though partially dispersed by the Tornados and the rainy season, returns with increased density when they cease. Strangers should, therefore, be on their guard when estimating their distance from the land, as the decep- tive effect of this haze makes it appear much farther off than it really is ; for the contrast which the coast presents to the eye, in different states of the atmosphere, is very great. In clear weather, the view of the fertile shelving hills in the Isles de Los, the stupendous features of the distant mountains, the plains covered with trees, and the beautiful little island of Matacong (described hereafter), are highly interesting; while, in hazy weather, nothing is visible but a low mangrove coast, enveloped in mist, with an indistinct opening of a river here and there, or peskae a column of smoke rising from a native village. The rainy season continues for four months, from May to September ; but the Tornados, which invariably accompany its commencement and termination, generally cease between those periods. They blow from the E.S.E., and with great fury: but they seldom last more than three hours. The prevalent winds, during the rest of the rainy season, are from the Southward and Westward, and are usually so light as to give way in the afternoon to the N.W. sea-breeze. (94.) Mr. G. T. Carter, Administrator of the Colony of Gambia, in his Report for 1888, states that the Harmattan usually sets in early in Decem- ber, and. is eagerly looked for after the airless, oppressive weather in October and November. It is an exceedingly dry wind, and though cool and bracing in the early morning, becomes hot under the influence of the sun, as it slackens in the middle of the day. The Harmattan is an inter- mittent wind blowing for a few days, being then succeeded by the refresh- ing sea-breeze, which in its turn gives way to the Harmattan. This inter- change usually lasts up to the middle of April, the month of February being the time when the Harmattan is most prevalent. The months of July and October are decidedly the most unhealthy and THE HARMATTAN. 167 unpleasant months in Bathurst. In July, the sea-breeze has stopped blow- ing, the sun is very hot, and stifling, airless days may be expected pre- paratory to the commencement of the rains, which are generally ushered in by the storms known as Dry Tornados, followed by these storms accom- panied by heavy rain. The middle of June is about the time when rain may be first expected, but the wet season does not become thoroughly established until a month: later, the latter part of July and the whole of August and September being: conspicuous for more or less continuous rain. The rainfall varies from 40 to 80 inches. w As a rule, I think it may be considered that a heavy rainy season means a healthy season, more especially if Tornados are frequent with their usual accompaniment of thunder and lightning. No one who has resided in Western Africa can fail to appreciate the pleasant sensations experienced after one of these beneficent storms has passed over; a weight seems lifted from one’s being, the air becomes unusually clear and pure, and the temperature is considerably lowered. The wind seldom blows with suffi- cient force to do any material damage during the progress of a Tornado, and the most violent storms usually expend their force in the course of an hour or two. The Island of St. Mary has the advantage (in one sense) of possessing a light, sandy soil, and consequently the heaviest rain soon percolates through and does not stagnate on its flat surface. Taken as a whole, the climate of the Gambia is decidedly superior to that of any other British Settlement in West Africa, though at certain seasons intermittent and remittent fevers are very prevalent, few Europeans escaping an attack of one or other of these forms between the months of July and October. Natives form no exception to this rule, though with them the disease is rarely fatal. The point which has always struck me about the Gambia is the dryness of the climate as compared with Sierra Leone and the Gold Coast. From December to June there are periods of phenomenal dryness, more especially during the occurrence of the Har- mattan, but the sea-breeze, which blows from the North and N.W., and is the prevailing wind during these months, is not charged with moisture to the same extent as similar winds in Sierra Leone and on the Gold Coast. The height of the thermometer in the Gambia, or, indeed, West Africa generally, must not be taken as a guide to one’s sensations of heat; for although the thermometer rarely exceeds 90° indoors, yet there are times at Bathurst when, to judge by one’s feelings, 10° might well be added to the 90°. This is especially the case during the month of October, which is exceedingly trying to Huropeans. The rains have ceased, and the pro- cess of drying up is going on, or, in other words, Nature’s distillery for malaria is in active operation. There is rarely a breeze of any kind, or if at alla land wind charged with poison from miles of foetid swamp. Such as it is, however, it is welcomed, for during the oppressively still days and nights there seems to be an absence of air for breathing purposes. This, however, is the dark side of the picture, and, fortunately, the state of things described is only of short duration. Taking all things into con- sideration, climatically speaking, the conditions of life are more bearable 168 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. in the Gambia than in any other part of West Africa. This opinion, I may add, is based upon nearly 14 years experience gained in Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast, and the Gambia. P (95.) Commander E. G. Bourke, R.N., says that the haze (mentioned before) is prevalent during the whole season, so that whether the Har- mattan be felt on the surface of the earth or not, it is probably going on in the upper regions of the atmosphere. By the motions of the upper clouds, the N.E. Trade seems to be always blowing over the Northern part of Western Africa, and it may be that the Harmattan is only the N.K. Trade extending itself to the surface from unusual strength, or other at present unknown cause. I observed sheet lightning every evening during the con- tinuance of this wind, but only to seaward, which was doubtless due to the rapid evaporation from the surface of the sea owing to its being in contact with such very dry air.* 7.—WINDS AND CALMS ON THE TROPIC. (96) Between the N.E. Trades and the Westerly winds which prevait more or less to the Northward of them, there is a belt of variable and light winds, which have, perhaps somewhat vaguely, been called the Calms of Cancer—a term which will not express its characteristics. It is called, also, the Horse Latitudes, from the fact that vessels in former years, employed in carrying horses to the West Indies, were frequently obliged to throw them overboard during the embarrassment caused by the continual changes, sudden gusts and calms, rains, thunder and lightning, which are general in it (42), page 124. (97.) This zone is caused by the uniting, or interchanging, of those upper but contrary currents which pass Northwards over the N.K. Trades in con- sequence of the heat acquired under the tropical sun having reached the Northern extreme of this superheating influence. They here meet the currents passing Southwards to feed the Trades from the polar regions, and thus pressing against them cause the high barometer peculiar to this belt, standing as it does at a higher level than either to the North or South of it. Captain Maury infers that the mean height of the mercury in this belt is 30-21 inches, and at the Equator 29:93 inches. Admiral FitzRoy states the mean height of the barometer in the latitude of England to be 29-95 inches. This greater height of the mercury, showing increased pressure, will be an index to the sailor that he has reached this intervening belt between the Passage and Trade Winds. * Journal of the Meteorological Society, vol. iv., page 26. litt WINDS AND CALMS ON THE TROPIC. 169 From the lower part of this zone pass out two currents of air, one to feed the N.E. Trades, as before described, and the other to form the Anti-Trades or Passage Winds: and it is fed by the Polarand Tropical counter-currents which flow over these different wind systems. (98.) The mean latitude of this belt is from 30° to 35° N., but varying with the motion of the sun in the ecliptic, as explained in (53), page 131. In fact, the Northern edge of the Trade Wind may be taken as the axis over which this belt moves, sometimes of great breadth, as 10°; at others, not felt at all. The mean position of these Tropical Calms, é&c., will be best comprehended from the diagram of the Winds. As is well known, this belt is the line upon which the dreaded Cyclones turn; they pass to the W.N.W., to the South of it; and to the H.N.E., to the North of it; showing the origin of the struggle between the Polar and Tropical currents, which is evident in their tremendous phenomena. (99.) As was said in (53), page 131, the range over which the Northern limits of the N.H. Trade is met with, seems to be, from Maury’s chart, about 10° ; but as this and later meteorological charts cannot be pronounced absolutely perfect, being derived from insufficient data, it may be said that the mean position of the Tropical Calms in the various seasons of the year cannot with certainty be predicted ; but as it does not offer the same obsta- cles to navigation as those of the Equatorial regions, it is of less import- ance to the sailor, who, by ordinary sagacity and prudence, may guard against the squalls, thunder-storms, and calms, which characterize it. (100.) To the Westward of the meridian 50° W.,—that is, the Western half of the N.E. Trade in the North Atlantic—the Trades are very light during the months of September and October; perhaps at other times of the summer and autumn. They will be most felt between the parallels of 15° and 25°; but not with any certainty near the American coast. This region may therefore be added to the Tropical Calms during these months. As examples of the winds, as observed upon the lands lying in this belt, we select the remarks upon the Bermudas. (101.) Bermuda.—The winter, or cold season, at Bermuda, is the most agreeable, and lasts from November to March, the mean temperature being 60° ; the predominant winds are then from the Westward ; if to the North- ward of this, fine, hard weather, with a clear sky, accompanies them. This is the favourable time for refitting ship, painting, &c. The close of this is often a very fine, bright day, with little wind and partial calms, when the wind is certain of going round to the §8.W. ; the weather becoming hazy, damp, subject to heavy rains and gales. The thermometer immediately attains 60° to 70°. These alternate North-Westerly and South- Westerly winds prevail through nine months of the year, the wind remaining at no other point for any length of time. This change is exhibited by a difference of 14° in the temperature. At this season it seems advisable for ships bound to the southward to wait and take the first set-in of the North- Westerly winds. In most cases, it will ensure a quick run to the Variables, and often to the Trades._-Mr. H. Davy. In the latter part of February, spring commences, and the weather usually continues mild, with refreshing showers of rain and gentle breezes from the N..A.O. 23 170 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS South and West, until the end of May. In June, the summer sets in, and the weather becomes hot. Calms now succeed to the gentle breezes of May; the air is sultry and oppressive, and long droughts are common, which are often broken up by heavy thunder-storms. In September, the weather changes its character, and becomes again mild and agreeable. The dew-point in Bermuda usually ranges high. The climate being therefore moist, is favourable to vegetation at all seasons, except during the droughts of summer, and the storms of winter. Hurricanes and tempests are very frequent, as is to be expected from the proximity of the isles to the variable limit of the Trade and other prevailing winds. Few autumns pass without Hurricanes of more or less violence. The Bermuda Squails are sudden and violent tempests, occurring par- ticularly in the winter season. Some further remarks on this subject will be found in Section III, According to the observations registered at Her Majesty’s Dockyard, in 1853-4, the Easterly winds, or those to the Hast of North or South, pre- vailed for a mean of 139 days, and Westerly winds for 186 days; the remainder being made up of calms and variable winds. 8._THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. (102.) In a previous page, 124 (42), the reason is given for applying the term Anti-Trades to the variable, but Westerly, winds which prevail to the Northward of the Tropic of Cancer. In the consideration of these winds, which only extend over an area, compared to that of the Trade Winds, as 5 is to 12 (thus showing their vastly inferior importance in the atmospheric economy), it will be found that it is impossible to accurately define their direction and character at any particular season. The great difference which exists between the winds and seasons of different years, which, however, when combined with a series, show a well-marked and consistent average, will demonstrate that it is only the doctrine of chances which can determine whether a single ship will encounter a particular wind at a par- ticular time and place. Therefore, this Section will be less definite in its teachings than that on the Trade Winds. (103.) There is one fact which modern meteorological study has esta- blished, and that is the frequent progress of storms in an Hasterly or North-Hasterly direction across the Atlantic, in the regions of the Anti- Woe Si a NORTH Diagrams Ulustroting the darections of ANTI-TRADES or PASSAGE WINDS. ; Lat. 52° .N. Long.10° W. Long15° W. all: apy itm, Ss CALMS oe 2S CALMS A, Paes Mine pc. <—* a) peer —-, Shaws er -——s Sun24 sn ae. race , Se a ane S- AY, Wh yes ~ Hy y ww7y, BIS g HN HS Lat.47° N. | Lat. 52°N. \ L 20° W. Tong.25°W. ong.20 = May, as a SS el, nb “Das SS Ge. SS Win ay a a ee vin Nope a ea eer Ee pr = 51h a Fy ancl! SF EY, Daas Re — Lat.47° N. : Lat.47° N. Long.30°W. ww \ Long.40° W. \ ng a Ml, so WWeley?, ’e Cae tee SS ea = ss pred: « = r. Pe =, ee Ssum47 A 25:2 =u, A Aut_2°5 ., < Aut.-36 » oF Ayn fy Ww Ht Lat.42° N. Lat. 42°N. Long 45°. Long.65°W. ANI " QM lng, = Spesae = — Sort ee Ausc2s —— Spring May o——SurnmmerjAug: + Autumn,Nov. Mar. June Sep. Dec: The length of the arrows ts proportionate to the frequency of that wind and the proportion per cent will be gwen by this scale. 5 Ne 20 30 40 =e 60 70 80 90 400 aaah eecepeces}oone yp seeepors see peteepeeespes seeders Snes! eel Peery ieee eee Ric ees eee poses SLOeUs thi face p.171 2h Wid —— THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. \71 Trades. ‘This was alluded to in the Section on Atlantic Weather (pages 124—128), and will be further discussed, together with the rotatory nature of such storms. ‘I'he reader is also advised to refer to Section 2, on the Motions and Pressure of the Atmosphere, where full particulars will be found of the causes which lead to the appearance of these storms. (104.) ‘The most accurate and extensive observations—extensive because continuous—which have been made upon the direction and force of the wind in these latitudes, are those made upon land, and especially by self- registering instruments, which have been in operation for a series of years, and give absolutely the quantity and path of the wind passing over the observatory during their operation. But these observations, however ex- cellent, are fallacious; they do not give the correct normal direction of the wind, but that of the wind under the powerful influence of the adjacent land and its configurations. This may be obviated by the erection of anemometers on isolated spots, as was done at Bermuda, or any other position distant from any great mass of land.* (105.) I'he Westerly predominance of the Anti-Trades wiil be more manifest from an examination of the quantity (or force) ot the wind, rather than its prevalence, from those quarters; so that mere nwmerical preponderance gives an imperfect notion of the real proportion of Westerly or Easterly winds. Thus, as before remarked (*) on page 133, the Pilot Charts of Captain Maury and others, though the result of vast labour and of the first importance as grand repertories of facts, are deficient in this respect. A perfect Wind Chart is yet to be constructed. (106.) But there have been numerous analyses of these Wind Charts, combined with observations derived from other sources. We need not further allude to the series of Wind Charts drawn up from Captain Maury’s numerical data by Admiral FitzRoy, nor of those arranged by the Nether- lands Meteorological Institute at Utrecht, and others previously mentioned (page 125). But there is one essay which is of much importance, published by the Hamburg Meteorological Office (Norddeutsche Seewarte), and trans- lated by our own Meteorological Department, in 1872. It was drawn up by Herr von W. von Freeden, Director of that Office,t and is entitled, ‘‘On the Winds, &c., of the North Atlantic, along the Tracks (and from the logs) of North German Lloyd Steamers, between the Channel and New York.” * On page 103 (14), the question of force, as encountered by ships in motion, is alluded to as not giving a correct estimate, as it ought to be the real amount without the effect of the ship’s driving before it. The land observations also are modified by the above- mentioned influence. A plan was proposed by Professor Piazzi Smyth, in conjunction with Captain H. Toynbee, to have the wind recorded from the mast-head, as the only part of a ship not affected by the eddies from her sails; the direction and force to be com- municated electrically to the cabin and there recorded. See ‘‘ Report of the British Association,” vol. xxv., page 45. + Translated from No. III. of the Mittheilungen aus der Norddeutschen Seewarte, Ueber die Dampferwege zwischen dem Kanal und New York, nach den Journal-Ausziigen der Dampfer des Norddeutschen Lloyd, in den Jahren 1860-67. Nebst Wind ind Wetter in derselben Zeit. Von W. von Freeden, Direktor. 172 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (107.) We extract the following from the work, premising that the charts referred to have not been copied here. 1. Tae Winns or tHE Nort ATLANTIC, BETWEEN Lat. 55° anp 40° N. We have made two Wind Charts dealing with the winds having a force of 0 to 9, Beaufort Scale, of which the first, constructed according to the old system of Maury, contains the aggregate number of observations collected by Maury, Andrau, and the Norddeutsche Seewarte (the Ham- burg Meteorological Office), amounting to 55,710 observations, including calms and variables. The second chart exhibits, partly numerically and partly graphically, 16,653 observations, made specially in the routes of the North German Lloyd steamers, during the eight years 1860—1867. From the detailed information given in these charts we condense the masses of figures into closer groups, and elucidate the relative frequency of occurrence of any wind by means of per-centages. In the first place we give— A.—GENERAL WinD Taste for the North Atlantic, between Lat. 55° & 40°, in the Yearly Period, and referred to Hight Points of the Compass. No. of | Long. | Lat, N. | Obser- Calm. | NE. | E. | SE. | 8 | 8.W.| W. | N.w.| N. : vations. | | ° ° ° °o | | ae 55—50} 4,224 140} 250; 364} 443, 558] 712) 828; 562; 322 .« 5— 35) 8p.c.|6p.c.| 9p.c. |10 p.c.|13 p.c. |17 p.c.| 20 p.¢.|13 p.¢.| Bp. c. 50—45195,454 1,078 | 2,328 | 2,495 | 2,283 | 2,906 | 3,909 | 4,220 | 3,650} 2,451 4p.c.|Q9p.c.|10p.¢.| 9 p.c. |11 p.c.|15 p.c.|17 p.¢.)14 p.c.)10p.¢. * 5,384 187 | 887) 3879] 302| 622) 917)|1,067| 864) 625 35—55 83 p.c.|6p.c.| Tp.c. | 6.6. |11p.¢.|17 p.c.| 20 p. c.|16 p.c.| 12 p.c. 45—40) 8,007 876| 611] 583] 721/ 1,047 | 1,284 | 1,899/1,082| 850 5p.c.|8p.c.| Tp.c.|9p.c. |13 p.¢.|16 p.c.| 17 p.c.)13 p. ¢.) 11 p. ec. 65—74| ,, {12,641 555 | 1,093 | 1,124} 914 | 1,550 | 1,900 | 2,221 | 1,744 | 1,360 4p.c.|Q9p.c.|Op.c.| 7 p.c. |12p.¢.|15 p.¢.)18 p.c.|14p.¢.)11 p.c. Total ...... 55,710} 499 | 2,336 | 4,619 | 4,945 | 4,663 | 6,683] 8,722 | 9,735) 7,902) 5,606 Ses 2 8p.c.|9p.c. | 8p.c. |12 p.c.J16 p.c.|18 p.c.'14 p.c.j)10 pc. By adding one-half the intermediate points to each of the four adjacent cardinal points (thus, W. = W. + 45.W. + 4.N.W.), we find that— Westerly winds are 33 per cent, Southerly Ma 23 ~ Northerly s 22 ry Easterly 3 LT ” Calms and Variables 5 ”? The Westerly to Northerly winds are more certain to be found between 35° and 55° W. in higher latitudes, whilst the South to S.E. winds will be THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS 173 met with more frequently in the lower latitudes, below 45° N. LEasterly winds are always more prevalent in lower latitudes, corresponding to the preponderance of the Westerly winds in high latitudes. The distribution in the separate months of the year, and in seasonal quarters, will lead to practically useful results. The following Table shows :— B.—GENERAL WIND TaBLeE of the North Atlantic, between Lat. 55° & 40°, jor separate Quarters, and the Eight principal Points, nm per-centages of the Wind’s frequency. N N. Quarter. W. Reine Fae able. Salar Pp. ¢.[p. C./p. c.|p. c.| p. c. |p. c.| p. c. |p. c. ° ° ° ° 595 | (5550, 946 | — Poe le Fel (Ol 16 | 1 «onl aaa: ag Winter. | 50—45| 4,886 1 ge -8 |) 9-20") 14.) Is a7 11a) ae 10,067 ob- {| 5, 5. | (50—45] 952 2 Saeelh opt eel) tote wa oon eae as servations. (45—40) 1,241 1 3 Sil p16) etSh |e Zell Seed Oe Ome te ‘| 55—74 | 45401 2,042 1 2. Bat 8 | byl 9 tO. 1 lee Niete 595 | §55— S07 4 Beli Fe N12) Mie ibal = ae tS) tan 8 Spring. ( 50—45| 7,414 | — Pais tn Cogs Og ACT i pm er) 14,922 ob- {| 5... | (50—45] 1,042 | — Be 8) 6 lao te: Pie eae 3 servations. {45—40| 2,355 1 5 ob} Seby Bebe) 8 1de) 46> Lae 1@ i) 12 ‘| 55—74 | 4540! 3,206 | 4 |10/10) 8|12! 18 | 16] 14 | 12 595 | (55—50| 1,340 | — ad hE Sile 8) ] 1S lS. (at ly as | 8 Summer. PaO 45 TOT | Ga Sie) Gul Ol aly | Boul teete 17,377 ob- {| 95 55 | (50—45] 1,787 2 Bb Gs) earl aphdSy! Tote bdo teior of te servations. ( 14540, 2.770 | — 6G.) 6 TONG Neste oot ie sea ane 55—74 | 45—40| 4,409 2 CM 5 Wk Uk ol Fj aD co] ld Bsa sae ae 1,033 2 Dull Gi hie Get Tlh Oke. a OOat ct mel ag Autumn. ( 50—45| 6,083 | — 4) 85 et | eae te Note | ip tp 13,344 ob- /| 5... | ( 50—45) 1,603 2 3°) “C6 Mea 12 | dee ager a7 \as servations. | | 4540 1,641 1 mW 0.01) Ya i Kl i Te Fs ‘| 55-74 | 4540! 2,984 1 4 | £07 S| GeO 12 ga) tyes If we compare— Long. OE anit NE.| E.|S.E] s. | S.W. al W. Cc. A. The distribution of the winds across the entire ocean, in the yearly and quarterly periods, we see that the per-centages of the winds’ frequency vary very much. If the differences of the per-centages, as compared with the mean yearly values, are expressed by numbers five times too great, and if we indicate by — when the quarterly number is smaller, and by + when it is larger than the yearly number, we get (reckoning right across the ocean) :— Quarter. | Variable. \catms. Winter ...... —1 —3/ SPIN es co c.6: —4 0 Autumn ... 0 —l Summer ... —2 | +9 a - 174 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. We perceive with remarkable clearness the double period of the decrease of the N.E. to §.E. winds in winter and summer, in contrast to an increase of the South to N.W. winds in the same seasons, and conversely an in- crease of N.E. to S.E. winds in spring and autumn, and a less frequent occurrence of the South to West winds at the same time. The reason why the N.W. and North winds are proportionally less frequent in summer may be because the region of average uniform heating of the oceanic atmosphere then extends beyond 55° N., whilst in all other seasons the limit falls down to 50° N., and so gives the cold polar wind an opportunity of breaking into the warmer equatorial current at, or to the South of, 50° N. But if we look at the distribution of the N.W. and North winds in separate meridional! strips, we find them decidedly more frequent in the Eastern parts ot the ocean, as far as 35° W. in summer (23 p.c.* against 21 p.c.; 27 p.c. against 24 ».c.); on the contrary, in the Western parts, as far as 74° W., they occur much less often (16 p.c. against 24 p.c.; 15 p.c. against 25 p.c.). Here the summer heating of the Huropean as well as the American con- tinent evidently exerts its influence, and it attracts the cold N.W. wind of the ocean towards the European coasts lying trom §.W. to N.E.; while for the same reason it diminishes the frequency of this wind on the American coast, and, on the other hand, must increase the 8.H. and South winds (the Tables give 24 p.c. against 19 p.c.). These explanations as to the causes of the prevailing summer winds on our coasts are here shown by unequivocal numerical values. B. An enquiry into the distribution of the winds with reference to longi- tude only, seems still called for from our special considerations. Our General Wind Table gives the following mean values of the winds’ frequency ; the per-centages are now doubled :— | Longitude. _ Variable. | Calms| 1.E.| E.| 8.5. | 8. | s.w.| W. | NLW.| WN. eee | Between 5°—35°W.| 2 7 | 15 |19| 19 | 24] 32 | 37| 27 | 18 5 Meee Bp 8 g | 14 | 14] 15 | 24] 33 | 37] 99 | 93 » «Boo —74° W 2 |! g | ig |18| 14 |24| SO | 36) soeueeee | it RE Fe EN =v | From which it at once appears that between 35° and 55° W.., that is, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, the Easterly winds throughout are less frequent than in the districts bordering it to the Hast and West ; that the South winds are equally numerous in all three districts; the remaining winds, between S.W. and North, are decidedly more frequent in the central strip than to the West and Hast of it. But if we again compare the per-centages of the same longitudinal section in the year with the separate quarters, and keep to the above notation, we obtain— = —— Oe ee * These figures are obtained by comparing the results for the summer, in Table B, page 173, with those for the year, in Table A, page 172. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS, 176 1. Between 5° and 35° W., in doubled per-centages. NE. | BSE ese SN. | We | NeW Ne Quarter. | Variable. calms. Winter ...... —1 —2| —2|; —3 Oo; +6; +4; +2; —2/] —2 Spring ...... —2 Oo}; +3; +5 7) +2; —4] —7| —4 0 Summer —2 +4; —2; —6; —5| —2) +4; +4/ +5 0 Autumn 0 —1; —1|; +1; +3; —2 Oo}; —2|} +3] -1 In the Eastern parts of the Atlantic, therefore, the distribution of the winds in autumn agrees for the most part with the yearly mean, whilst the absolute differences are greatest in spring and summer. In winter and summer we find fewer Hast winds, but more Westerly winds, than in the yearly mean; but S.W. to N.W. winds are more especially prevalent in summer than in the year generally, and the preponderance of the N.W. winds still continues inautumn. On the other hand, we find in spring a strong set of cold Kasterly, z.e., continental winds from the Steppes towards the ocean, and the 8.W. to N.W. winds must give way tothem. This is a detailed confirmation of our above generalizations as to the causes of the N.W. winds in summer. If the sea gets thoroughly warmed in summer, we then have frequent calms near the Channel. 2. Between 35° and 55° W., in doubled per-centages. Quarter. eveeatle. Calms.) N.E.| E. | Sz. Se 1 S-We i We. iN We ING Winter ...... 0) —3 Oo} —1 1) On| —4 |) 68) | 4s! ee Spring ...... =o o| +2); —1/ -—1] —2/ —1/ —2] 45! 42 Summer ...| —1 “P99 | =F Oo; +5| +6] +5| —8, —8 Autumn ) QO} +4) +1 Oo}; —1| —6| —5 44 | +3 The small numerical differences in winter and spring are very striking, whilst in summer they are exceedingly high, and in autumn moderate ; on the whole, however, they are smaller than between 5° and 35° W. The change of the sign is about the same as before, but it is to be remarked that in summer the N.W. and North winds are, relatively, extremely rare, compared with the South to West winds, whilst in autumn exactly the reverse takes place. The prevalence of Hasterly winds in spring and autumn, which was exhibited between 5° and 35° W., is no longer trace- able; these winds have exhausted themselves, 7.e., generally speaking (for, e.g., in February, 1870, our steamers encountered, in 48° W., the Hast wind which had come from 60° H., and brought the most severe winter cold over central Germany, which was, by the way, a propagation in a straight line of an Hasterly gale, which the advocates of the Cyclone theory have not yet explained) ; at the best, the N.E. only occurs some- 176 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. what frequently in conjunction with N.W. and North, evidently in tne closest connection with the decreasing northern declination of the sua. 8. Between 55° and 74° W., in double per-centages. | ican Quarter. | Variable. |Calms, N.H.) E. 8.E.| 8. s.W. | w. |nw.| N. Winter ...... 0 ei) —9| —9] —4| —6|—10) -2) eee Spring ...... 0 0 | 2| +2) +2 0o|—4 Oo; +2 ummer +2 a6 O} +4/ +6 | 419)| =o) Sere Autumn 0 Oo; 42} —2| —2| —4|—6 0 |. + Gir That the characteristics of summer and winter vary greatly from the yearly mean is seen immediately, and at the same time the almost com- plete discontinuance of the symmetry in the variation of the wind numbers in winter and summer on the one hand, as compared with spring and autumn on the other. Certainly the Hasterly winds fall short in winter but with them also the Southerly and South-Westerly, and, in their stead, the powerful winds from N.W. and North prevail, which are known to sailors as the dreaded snow-storms. In spring, if the sea cannot rise in temperature as quickly as the flat American continent, owing to the flow of ice over the Banks of Newfoundland, the N.E. to S.E. winds blow on to the land; in summer, the cool §.EK. to §.W. winds prevail on the American coast, blowing from the cool sea on to the land, which has been raised to Italian heat, until, at length, in autumn, the cold N.W. wind accompanies the sudden transition to winter. As, in summer, with the increasing Northern declination of the sun, the Gulf Stream also advances some degrees to the Northward, calms are not rare, owing to the greater equality of temperature between land and sea. The task now remains to us—after having investigated the distribution of the Winds, so important for general climatology, according to longitude —to prove whether, for the practical purposes of navigation (and we always keep in view the interests of sailing vessels as well as steamers) :— C. The distribution of the winds according to latitude and longitude leads to results which are worth notice. The question now presents itself whether a ship, in any certain season of the year, should keep a decidedly or partially Northern or Southern course from and to America, and what she should do in any certain position if overtaken by contrary wind or gale. We have only to deal with the general question what answer should be made for the separate quarters of the year. With this object we shall investigate for each longitudinal section the simple per-centages of the winds to the North and South of the latitudes under consideration. If the Southern zone has a less per-centage than the Northern, we shal] denote the same by the sign —, and the converse by the sign +. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS, 177 1. Between 5° and 35° W., in doubled per-centages, mee, — a Quarter. | Variable. \Calms. N.E.| E. | S.E.} S. |S.W.} W. pow N. ee a aol ed 0 | —10 soe 0 Winter ...... +2 Seri Eta ees Spring ...... 0 +2) +8 0; —8]|] —8 0 Oo; +2) +4 Summer (0) +2); +6) +2) —4] —8|/| —4/—2/ 44] 44 Autumn —4 +4) +4) +4 Oo; +4; —8 —10 Oo; +6 The differences increase steadily from winter and spring until autumn, otherwise they are pretty equal. Therefore, in winter, we have to expect more Easterly winds to the South of 50° N., and fewer South to N.W. winds, than to the Northward of 50° N.; in spring, the N.W. to N.E. winds prevail to the South of 50° N., while the S.E. and South winds greatly decrease ; also in summer, where the 8.H. to West winds are in the minority, and the same in autumn, where to the South of 50° N. the North to N.E. winds and South winds are in the minority. Accordingly, on an average, outward-bound vessels would do better to keep to the Southward of latitude 50° N., and homeward-bound ships would mostly stand a better chance to the Northward of 50° N. Of course we exclude the special conditions of each month, which may be worked out in the same manner as the above results for seasons. 2. Between 35° and 55° W. |] Quarter. | Variable. Calms. N.E.| E. ——_ | ——————_— |X | — | —————— | a | a | fe Winter ...... —2 2| +4) —2, +2 Onl Eo On 9 | ee Spring ...... +2 4 Oo; —6} +4 +4 O|—2]| —4] -2 Summer —4 +2); +2; +2/ +10/ +6] —6);—4]/ -6] -2 Autumn —2 +4; +4] +6 | +10) —2| —6|—12| —2 0 In this strip the differences increase considerably until autumn; in all the seasons we find fewer West to N.W. winds to the South of 45° N. than to the North of it, so that a ship desirous of avoiding inconvenience from South to 8.W. winds, has only to hold off to the Northward in order to continue her outward course on the starboard tack with success. In summer and autumn especially we find more N.E. to §.E. winds to the South of 45° N. than to the North of it, but of course it must not be for- gotten that the absolute frequency of Hasterly winds is generally less than the Westerly. (108.) Captain H. Toynbee, the Marine Superimtendent of the Meteoro- logical Department of the Board of Trade, made a rigid examination of a very important series of logs, kept by Captain J. A. Martyn, of the Royal N. A. O. 24 178 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Mail Steamers’ tracks between the Channel and New York.* There were eight of these logs, and for each of them a separate diagram was made (which cannot be given here), exhibiting the character of wind, weather, barometric pressure, air and sea surface temperature, the specific gravity of the sea-water, and the readings of the dry and wet bulb thermometers. Being thus uniformly arranged, a series of important deductions was derived from their teachings by Captain Toynbee, which bear out in a remarkable degree the observations previously made by Sir John Herschel and Mr. Birt, on Barometric Waves (see (36) and (37), pp. 116—117 ante). (109.) Captain Toynbee remarks :—Having considered the eight dia- grams, I propose giving a few more facts before drawing any conclusions. First, the peculiar undulations in the barometric curves, accompanied by corresponding changes in the wind, weather, and temperature, are quite in accordance with the experience of seamen in corresponding Southern latitudes; there, from the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope down to 55° S., a similar series of changes is experienced, the winds commencing at North and ending at West or S.W.; it will be borne in mind that in this case the South is the polar wind. There, also, ships running to the Eastward seem to keep company with a Westerly gale, so that the wind continues from the same quarter for days. With the object of discovering the breadth of these belts of Southerly wind accompanied by a decreasing pressure, and of Westerly wind accom- panied by an increasing pressure, I have calculated the number of geo- graphical miles which the ship steamed to pass through them, and find from seven of those on diagram 1, that each belt occupied about 20 hours, and the ship steamed about 150 miles; also, that in diagram 1, the Westerly wind belts were about as broad as the Southerly ones. Now, by referring to the homeward passages, it will be seen that the steamer often kept in the same wind for days together, and in some cases had a decreasing pressure with a North-Westerly wind, and an increasing pressure with a Southerly wind ; it therefore seems probable that she then kept pace with the general motion of the gale to the Kastward, and, in fact, sometimes outstripped it, so that we can hardly be wrong in esti- mating that these systems of winds were travelling to the Hastward at least at a rate of about eight miles an hour ; hence, on the outward passage, whilst the ship steamed 150 miles to the Westward, the gale, by a rough estimate, may be said to have moved about 150 miles to the Eastward, giving a breadth of about 300 miles for each of the Westerly and Southerly wind belts. (110.) The accompanying quotation from a letter I received from Captain R. Inglis, Marine Superintendent to the Cunard line of steamers, contains the opinion of one who has had great experience in Atlantic weather. He thinks that the Westerly winds of the Atlantic are caused by the meeting of two currents of air; whether he be right or not, his facts are very in- teresting. Writing from Liverpool, he says :—‘‘ Between this country and New York is the route of which I have had most experience, and the * “ Report on the Meteorology of the Nortn Atlantic, petween the parallels of 40° and 50° N.,”’ by Captain Henry Toynbee, 1869. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 179 locality in which we have the most interest here.” . . . ‘ Drawing a line N.E. from the Caribbean Sea clear of the Coast of Florida, it would cut our track to New York between the meridians of 40° and 50° W. ; this will be found to be the Western limit of the great S.W. Equatorial current; this current of air from the §.W. touching the earth is now brought into contact with the North wind flowing to the Southward, and the steady flow of the two currents, upper and lower, is interrupted; the Northerly current in the latitude I have named will then have a course from nearly due North, certainly not past N.N.E., the Southerly current of air will be S.W., therefore, by coming into collision, an almost continuous Westerly wind will blow between 40° W. and England.” ak cg Ue ‘“« Having accepted this theory, I determined to put it to a practical test, when commanding the screw steamer Alp, in 1857. It so happened that whilst making a passage from Havre to New York we fell in with a heavy gale of wind from the Westward, and it occurred to me that the wind being West I was in the line of contact, so that if my theory were correct, the more I steered to the Northward the more the wind would norther. We were steering West, so I put the ship’s head off to N.W., and set the fore and aft sails; the ship’s way increased, and in twelve hours the wind hauled sufficiently to the Northward to enable me to lay my course on the starboard tack; by attending to this we beat the Africa, one of our powerful mail boats, a whole day. ‘*¢ Aoain, coming from New York, we often fall in with a S.W. gale, with the weather bright and clear; this will continue for one or two days, how long depends upon the northing we are making; if the ship is going due Kast she may carry the §.W. wind right across the Atlantic; if she is making northing she will fall in with drizzling rain; when this occurs, look owt, for the wind will fly round to N.W. suddenly. This has become a saying with sailors navigating the Atlantic, and it is always so, for then the ship is approaching the line of contact; the S.W. wind being warm and laden with moisture is coming into contact with the cold North wind, condensation ensues, and rain is the consequence. After the shift to N.W. we have squalls of hail; finally, as the ship gets to the Northward, the wind hauls to North, and we have fine clear weather. «This, as a rule, is a true explanation of the steady gales we meet with in the Atlantic, which, in mid-ocean, last for six or seven days; but this is not always the form which these two currents take, very often we meet with rotary storms of small circumference. When steaming out to the West- ward we often meet with these circlets, if I may so name them; in them we have the wind from all points of the compass during the twenty-four hours, with rain and dirty weather, not blowing very hard, but still dis- agreeable ; this may last three, four, or five days; now these rotary storms are all going on ata rapid rate to the Hastward, and finally strike our coast; they are occasioned by the opposing currents of air being of unequal force, and would naturally resolve themselves into the rotary form. ‘‘Tt is a singular thing to note that this current of air very rarely touches the Coast of Spain; the times in which they have aS.W. gale on the Coast of Spain, South of Cape St. Vincent, during a year, might be counted on your fingers. 180 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. “On the contrary, I have no hesitation in saying that during eleven months of the year there is a strong Northerly wind blowing down the Coasts of Spain and Portugal, and further the prevailing wind in the Mediterranean is from the North, and this is the way I account for the supply of air being kept up that is necessary to fill up the vacuum caused by the air ascending near the Line. ‘Tf this theory be true, it follows that the great object of gathering the data you wish our captains and others navigating the Atlantic to collect, will be to determine where the line of contact is at the different seasons; of course it will vary North or South according to the declination of the sun. ‘Tt would be of immense benefit to us to know that, on the passage out, by keeping to the North we should ensure Northerly winds, and that during the homeward passage a more Southerly course would keep our ships in a South-Westerly wind.” (111.) It seems quite clear that the steady Westerly winds spoken of by Captain Inglis were experienced during the passage home, whilst the quick changing circlets to which he alludes were met with on the outward passage, which facts are borne out by Captain Martyn’s log; and the natural con- clusion is that homeward the ship was moving with a wave or system of weather, whilst outward she met several such waves. (112.) Temperature, &c.—It is a curious coincidence that the spot which Captain Inglis speaks of as the Western limit of the great South- Westerly Equatorial current of air is the position of the Eastern edge of the first cold water met with on the outward passage, and where Northerly dis- turbances seem to be very common in the wind. The effect of the Temperature of the surface water on the wind and weather seems to be a phenomenon of universal occurrence; in the warm water on the Eastern edge of the Agulhas Bank the wind is notoriously unsteady, insomuch that however fresh and fair the wind may have been toa ship coming from the Eastward, she is almost sure to get baffling unsettled weather in this warm water, and the clouds have a more tropical doldrum appearance : whereas, in the patchesof cold water in the Southern Hemisphere, hail squalls from the 8.W. are common (see my paper on the Specific Gravity, Temperature, and Currents of the seas passed through during five voyages from England to India, read before the Royal Geo- graphical Society, May 8th, 1865), just as hail and snow-storms from the N.W. are common in the cold water to the Eastward of North America, and ships are said to run out of it into the warm water of the Gulf Stream to refit after a fight with a winter gale. In fact, over cold and warm water in close proximity, we have the same forces in operation as those which enable land and sea-breezes to reverse the prevailing wind of the season ; and if atmospheric pressure relatively increases over cold water, then according to Buys-Ballot’s Law, there would be a tendency to Northerly winds on the Eastern edge of a patch of cold water in the Northern Hemisphere, whilst Southerly winds would be more prevalent on its Western edge, unless its effect be masked by greater influences. It will be noticed that from England to about 40° W. and 47° N. the surface temperature is very uniform; in diagrams 5 and 6 this uniform temperature extends farther West; then in about 49° W. a patch of cold THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 181 water generally exists, after which streaks of warm and cold water were met with. On reaching longitude 65° W., a sudden decrease took place in the temperature of the surface water, with water somewhat warmer farther to the Westward. The Specific Gravity is a difficult observation to make on board ship when there is much motion. Captain Martyn and Captain Watson fre quently found the water warmer at 20 feet deep than at the surface, which taken together with the fact that the cold water has the least specific gravity, makes it possible that the Gulf Stream passes under this cold water on its way to the North-Hastward.* (113.) The dry and damp bulbs show clearly that the West and N.W winds were generally the driest experienced during the eight passages, but there happened to have been very little Hasterly wind. There are some striking instances of extreme dryness in air which, having passed over cold, was then over warm water. 9. Storms In THE NortH ATLANTIC OCEAN, BETWEEN Lat. 40° & 55°. (114.) A careful study of any series of the North Atlantic Weather Charts will show that Northward of the Trades the general tendency of atmospheric disturbances is from West to Hast, or from W.S.W. to H.N.E, Nevertheless, there is no certainty that any Storm met with will follow the usual path; it may suddenly turn off in a different direction, or may disappear altogether. They also vary greatly in their area; one may cover the whole extent of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, while another may be of very limited dimensions. Many vessels widely apart may be involved in the same disturbance, or two vessels, comparatively close together, may meet with totally different weather. One may be experiencing a violent gale, of which the other may be in complete ignorance. This variation, in the shape and size of a Storm system, is one of the most harassing uncertainties with which the navigator has to deal. He knows by careful watching of his barometer that there is bad weather in his immediate vicinity, he ultimately decides his position with regard to the approaching disturbance, but the magnitude, limits, and intensity he can know nothing of until he has experienced its extent and felt its violence. Several storm areas travelling to the Eastward sometimes follow one another in quick succession, moving along their path at an average speed of 18 to 20 miles an hour. In this case, vessels bound in opposite direc- tions would apparently meet with different weather at the same time in * In Captain Watson’s last log I find the following entry :—March 27th, 1869, position at noon, lat. 40° 42’ N., long. 63° 28’ W. Noon, surfave temperature 67°; specific gravity 1:0270 2 p.m. ‘ 38°: x 1:0260 4 p.m. oF 38°; 7 5 p.m. “ 52°; 3 1:0265 (The ship was steaming to the Hastward). Here there were two sudden changes of Temperature and Specific Gravity in a few hours. The correction for Temperature has not been applied to the Specific Gravity observations ; it would have increased the difference between those of the warm and cold water. 182 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. the same place. A vessel bound from Europe to America would pass through a succession of heavy gales, while a powerful steamer homeward bound might outstrip the gale, or remain involved for days in one storm system. (115.) ‘‘ We are, then, in possession of facts to prove that between the latitudes of 35° and 50° of both hemispheres the air commonly moves to the Eastward in a series of gales or systems of wind, which commence with an equatorial wind, increasing temperature, and decreasing pressure; that during a heavy shower of rain, when the pressure is at its lowest, the wind shifts suddenly to a Westerly or even more polar direction, accom- panied by a sudden increase of pressure and decrease of temperature, and commonly followed by finer weather. This isso thoroughly understood by experienced seamen, that when the pressure is decreasing fast, with an equatorial wind, and a heavy shower of rain comes on, accompanied fre- quently by a lull in the wind, they prepare for the sudden shift of wind, which generally comes in a gust. ‘Tt seems probable that these systems of wind, which have such regular habits, are waves of air rolling along to the N.H. in the Northern, and to the §.E. in the Southern Hemisphere ; that in their front the warm air is rising, and losing part of its moisture and weight by condensation, until a climax of low pressure comes, which is immediately followed by a downward rush of cold air, forming a West or N.W. wind, causing the heavy shower of rain or hail when it first comes in contact with the lower warm air; also an increasing pressure and decreasing temperature. “‘The North-EHasterly direction taken by these waves, would most likely be due to the existence of a lower pressure over the Northern part of the Atlantic than over the land to the Eastward of it; whereas the changes of wind from South by the West to N.W. would be due to the internal action of the wave as it sweeps along; a section of the wave would represent a kind of revolving motion in the air, with its lower edge press- ing on the earth’s surface, whilst its upper edge is well inclined towards the Pole. ‘“‘ Professor Buys-Ballot says :—‘ It is certain that, if after an unfayvour- able condition of pressure a S.W. wind has set in, which has veered with stormy weather towards N.W., we find that generally a very unfavourable condition, and usually the greatest difference, will be observed next day, without being followed by fresh wind.’ May not this be because part of the North-Westerly wind is a downward motion instead of its being horizontal ? “During Captain Martyn’s outward passages (to which reference has been made in (108) ) he had a decreasing pressure with a Southerly wind, and an increasing pressure with a Westerly and North-Westerly wind, show- ing that he was meeting gales; whilst during his homeward passages he had the pressure and wind steady for days together, showing that he was either moving to the Eastward about as fast as the gale, or steaming faster than the gale was moving, and had a decreasing pressure with a Northerly wind, and an increasing pressure with a Southerly wind, caused by his entering these systems of wind on the opposite side to what he did on the passage out. — THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 183: “The setting in of a Southerly wind with a decreasing pressure imme-- diately after a North-Westerly wind on the outward passage is illustrated by the diagrams,* which explain the nautical saying that the wind backs to blow. Experience shows that the common habit of the wind in these latitudes is to back from N.W. to South, the exception being when it com- pletes the circuit and goes to North and East.” (116.) Captain Toynbee, in his pamphlet on ‘‘ Weather Forecasting,” remarks :—Systems of low barometric pressure change their positions and sometimes move very quickly, generally having a high barometer to their right and a low barometer to their left as they proceed along their tracks. Considering the general disposition of barometric pressure in the Northern part of the Atlantic, which has been alluded to in (25), we have the reason why the Atlantic storms generally move along an Easterly track, and often diverge to the North-Hastward as they approach our islands; in fact, they have a tendency to move as subsidiary systems round the South and East sides of a prevailing area of low barometric pressure which has its centre somewhere to the Southward of Iceland. (117.) Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones.—Before proceeding farther with this subject, it is necessary that some description should be given of the two classes of atmospheric disturbance, to which several allusions have been made in the preceding pages, especially in Section 2, on ‘‘ The Motions and Pressure of the Atmosphere,” pages 108—124. Farther on, when we describe the Winds of the British Isles, we shall give further particulars respecting them, illustrated by diagrams showing the distribution of Clouds and Weather. (118.) Cyclones.—The term ‘‘ Cyclone,” says Mr. Ley, ‘‘ was originally only applied to the Hurricanes of the lower latitudes, but since the laws which connect the wind with the distribution of pressure have been shown to be universal, it is obvious that around any area of reduced pressure the wind must circulate in the same general way as it circulates in a Tropical Hurricane. Now the areas of reduced pressure, though subject to great variety of figure, approximate, generally speaking, to circular or oval forms, as we should, from our general knowledge of the motion of fluids, expect to be the case. All such systems of reduced pressure, and their co-existing systems of currents, are therefore spoken of as ‘‘ Cyclonic.’’} In a Cyclonic system, in the Northern Hemisphere, the wind blows round a central area of low barometric pressure, in a direction contrary to the hands of a watch, draw- ing slightly inwards towards the centre, as shown Area of Pressure in the accompanying diagram. From this the in- apa ference is drawn that within a relatively low baro- to that of metric area the air is ascending, consequent on the gurrounding area. : condensation of aqueous vapour over a large area, while the surrounding air is forced in by the higher pressure upon it. * “Report on the Meteorology of the North Atlantic, between lat. 40° and 50° N.,” by Captain H. Toynbee. + “ Aids to the Study and Forecast of Weather,” by W. Clement Ley, M.A, 184 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Mr. Ley remarks :—‘ The district in which the condensation is most active occupies the front of the Cyclone. A little consideration will show that over the North Temperate Zone it is on the Eastern side of a Cyclone that this condition will in ordinary cases occur, since it is on this side that we have Southerly winds, while these winds, in moving from warm to colder regions, experience a diminution in their capacity for holding water vapour. ««A Cyclone must not therefore be regarded as a revolving disk, the whole of which is propelled over the earth’s surface, but rather as an eddy of spirally ascending air, which eddy is being constantly reproduced on one side of its original position. Fresh portions of the atmosphere are thus perpetually thrown into cyclonic circulation, and it is only by a metaphor that a progressive Cyclone can be said to preserve its identity during its progress. ‘Cyclonic systems exhibit the tendency to run in a series, a fact which it is difficult to explain, if a Cyclone is regarded simply as a revolving disk. When the atmosphere over an extensive district is much charged with water vapour, the formation of a large nimbus is sufficient to originate a Cyclonic system ; but a considerable portion of the atmosphere which is drawn into the circulation never reaches the front of the Cyclone at all, being left behind, as the Cyclone is rapidly developed over another part of the earth’s surtace; this part of the atmosphere, therefore, falls calm before it has parted with its aqueous vapour, and is in the condition favourable for the propagation of another system. «An objection to the condensation theory of Cyclones is occasionally drawn from the fact that 7 some cases both heavy and extensive rainfall is found to occur in the immediate rear of a centre of depression, when travelling Eastwards. Recent investigations, however, render it probable that the axis of a progressive Cyclone is commonly so inclined, that at the height of a few thousand feet above the earth’s surface the area of least pressure lags considerably behind the area of least pressure observed at the earth’s surface. It will therefore occasionally happen that, over the wind which blows in the rear of a depression, currents flow in nearly an opposite direction to that wind. These latter currents consequently pre- cipitate their water through the lower stratum of relatively dry air.” Bearing of the Centre.—In accordance with Buys-Ballot’s Law, a person standing with his back to the wind, in the Northern Hemisphere, near any low barometric area, will have the centre about two points to the front of his left hand, or, in other words, with a ship running before the wind, about two points before the port beam. By the direction of the wind he may know in what part of a Cyclonic area his vessel is; by his barometer he can tell whether the centre is approaching or leaving him; and knowing the usual track of such Storms he can manoeuvre so as to avoid the centre. (See the Section on Hurricanes or Tropical Cyclones hereafter). As the Cyclone moves along its course, it is evident that the barometer will be falling more or less at every portion of the front, and rising more or less everywhere in the rear, so that there must be aline of places some- where across the Cyclone where the barometer has touched its lowest point and is just going to rise. This line is called the ‘“ trough ” of the Cyclone, THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 185 (119). Anti-Cyclones.—In (34) an Anti-Cyclonic system is described as an area of relatively high barometric pressure, around which, in the Northern Hemisphere, the wind blows with watch-hands, 7.e., contrary to what it does in a Cyclone, but drawing slightly owt from Area of Pressure relatively the centre, as shown in the adjoining diagram. It pee is conjectured that within such an area the air is surrounding area, descending from higher regions, and spreads out over the lower barometric areas surrounding it, Mr. Ley remarks :—“ An Anti-Cyclone represents the position of a downward movement of the air, which has lost the greater part of its water vapour in previous Cyclonic circulations. In the district, therefore, near the central calm of an Anti- Cyclone, the currents take up instead of precipitating vapour ; this explains why it has no principle of progressive development (or forward movement). The Anti-Cyclone presents a great contrast to the Cyclone in this respect, that instead of shifting their geographical position rapidly, they are ex- ceedingly sluggish in their movements; and, indeed, frequently remain stationary for a very considerable period. (120.) ‘‘Here the reader is warned against another possible misappre- hension. ‘The terms ‘Cyclone’ and ‘ Anti-Cyclone’ do not refer to the actual level of the barometer within the areas to which they are applied, but to its level relatively to the level in surrounding districts. The observer may find the mercury in his barometer above its mean height (23), and yet may possibly be situated at the centre of a Cyclonic system at the time, because the mercury may be still higher at all stations at a certain distance from his own. Contrariwise he may find the mercury in his barometer below the mean, and yet may be at the centre of an Anti-Cyclone, because the barometers on all sides of his station may have lower readings at the time than his own.” (121.) Captain H. Toynbee, in his pamphlet ‘‘ Weather Forecasting for the British Islands,’ published in 1890, remarks: ‘ It is clear that winds from all directions blow in connection with each of these systems. For instance, both have a South wind, but with very different characters. In the case of a Cyclonic or low barometer system, the South wind is on the Eastern side, where the air is rising and haying its vapour condensed into cloud and rain, by which heat is given out. In the case of an Anti- Cyclonic or high barometer area, the South wind is on the Western side, where the air is descending and is comparatively cool and dry, haying a tendency to take up moisture instead of giving it out. ‘‘ Between the South wind on the Western side of an Anti-Cyclone and the South wind on the Hastern side of a distant Cyclonic area, there will be a prevailing Southerly wind, and in passing from the high to the low barometric area, a position will be come to where the air will cease to descend. As the low pressure area is approached, the ascending air will be entered, and clouds and rain will be experienced. ‘“‘Hixperience shows that when a storm-centre has passed away, it is frequently followed by a mere ridge of relatively high barometer ; between IVA Oe 25 186 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. which and the storm which has passed away the wind has veered from S.W. to West and N.W., accompanied by a fast-rising barometer and generally very fine weather. The first indication of there being another storm to the Westward of the ridge is given by the appearance of cirrus clouds, which generally move from the N.W. or West. When the crest of the ridge has passed, the barometer begins to fall, and the wind backs to the Southward of West as the Eastern side of the incoming storm-centre approaches the observer.” (122.) The following remarks are taken from the section on Cyclonic Gales of the North Temperate Zone, given in the ‘‘ Barometer Manual.” These gales generally commence at South, and end at West or N.W., with little or no Kast wind. The probable reason of this is that the areas of low pressure to which they are related have steep gradients only on their East, S.E., South, and §.W. sides, there being little or no difference of pressure between their centre and the more permanent depression which lies to the North of them. Whenever areas of both high and low pressure are liable to pass over any region it is obvious that the direction of the wind, taken alone, will not be a sufficient guide as to what weather is to be expected. If, for instance, in the Northern Hemisphere, an area of high pressure be passing off to the Eastward, the wind in the rear of it will veer through 8.H. to South. Although this direction of the wind shows that the barometrical readings are lower to the Westward than to the Eastward, it is not by any means an indication that a serious diminution of pressure, which may possibly bring a Storm with it, is approaching, although the wind in front of such a depression would be Southerly also. It is therefore necessary in such circumstances to look for other signs, besides the mere direction of the wind, when striving to foresee what is coming. Moreover, it must always be remembered that, although it is most com- monly in connexion with considerable falls of the barometer that severe Storms are experienced, yet the sudden large increase of pressure which not infrequently follows such depressions, or takes place in their proximity, may be accompanied by very violent winds. Caution, therefore, will always be requisite on the occasion of any sudden change of pressure, whether it be in the direction of increase or decrease. The Cyclonic Storms of the Temperate Zones do not often present the phenomena of a central calm, with the winds blowing from nearly opposite directions on each side of it. There is, therefore, not so much risk of being taken aback asin the Tropical Cyclones; the tack on which it will be safest to lie-to, if obliged to do so, will be the same as that for the Cyclones (to the Chapter on which the reader is referred). The most serious sudden shift of wind which is to be expected in these Storms is that from 8.W. to N.W., in the Northern Hemisphere. This is generally accompanied by heavy rain or hail, with thunder and lightning, while the temperature falls several degrees with the first blast of the N.W. wind. In considering how to act in such circumstances, there are two matters to which the seaman’s attention should be directed, as they seriously affect the conclusions he should draw from his barometer readings. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 187 The first is that on the one tack his barometer has a tendency to rise, on the other it has a tendency to fall. The tack of rising barometer is the starboard in the Northern, the port in the Southern Hemisphere. This may be explained as follows :— According to Buys-Ballot’s Law, in the Northern Hemisphere, the lower barometer is on your left when your back is turned to the wind, and as when you are thus placed a ship on the starboard tack is advancing towards your right, she goes towards the higher barometer and recedes from the lower. In the Southern Hemisphere this is reversed. But this rule will only be strictly applicable so long as no change takes place in the baro- metric pressure, and it may so happen that a high pressure towards which the ship is going may be receding from her faster than she sails, and a lower pressure may be coming up astern and overtaking her ; or it may be that a lower pressure towards which the ship is sailing may be moving away faster than she sails. Still the influence of the tack must always be felt, and on the whole it may be said that in the Northern Hemisphere, a rising barometer on the starboard tack is not a sufficient indication of improving weather, and other signs should be looked for before trusting it. In all cases for the Northern Hemisphere a rising barometer on the port tack is a valuable indication of improving weather, while a falling barometer on the starboard tack is an important warning in the other direction. This order is reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. The second point to consider is the relation which the course and speed of the ship bear to the tracks and progress of the areas of low barometric pressure and their corresponding wind systems, in parts of the ocean where the general tracks of Storms are known. Ships bound Westward across the Atlantic meet the advancing Storm systems, and when homeward bound run with them; consequently, the rapidity with which the barometer falls or rises and the wind shifts is pro- portionately greater in the former case than in the latter. (123.) From the same pamphlet we make the following extracts con- cerning the ordinary Gales of the North Temperate Zone. The ordinary gales of the North Temperate Zone commence at §.E. or South and end at West or N.W. The following may be cited as an illus- tration of what frequently occurs to a sailing ship. A homeward-bound ship, in about lat. 45° N., long. 30° W., falls in with a fresh Southerly wind, and from what has been said, the captain knows that there is a lower pressure to the West of him, and he may safely consider that it is travelling to the Eastward ; but his ship is also going East, and his barometer may remain steady, or even rise if he is outstripping the low pressure in its advance. In the event of having to heave-to, the amount of fall in the barometer per hour is a good though not certain guide ; a fall of -04 to -10 of an inch per hour is usually considered to be a serious indication of the approach of a Southerly gale, which may be followed by an equally fast rise, acecom- panied by a West or N.W. gale. With a Southerly wind and falling barometer, a ship bound to the West: ward might gain by running to the Northward with the object of causing 188 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. the wind to back to the Eastward, but the type of gale in which this is possible resembles a Cyclone, and does not represent the ordinary gales of these latitudes which begin at South and end at West or N.W. Again, it might be possible for a ship, with the first of the Southerly wind which exists on the East side of the area of low pressure, to get less wind by running to the North, but as the extent in latitude of the Cyclone area is not known, and as there is no certainty that she would get into more moderate weather by doing so, she might do herself more harm than good. It seems, then, probable that a ship bound to the Southward or West- ward must face one of these gales if she meets it. A weak ship, whose object is to stem the sea and get safely through, without considering pro- gress, should lie-to on the starboard tack, as the wind generally shifts from South to S.W., West, and N.W. This would of course be the best plan for any ship which found the gale too heavy for her. But a well-conditioned ship, bound to the Westward, may keep on the port tack until the wind shifts to West with a rising barometer, and then tack to the South-West- ward. This plan would, of course, tend to bring her into the trough of the sea, and she would be more likely to be caught aback as the wind changed, but we are assuming that her captain will be prepared to meet these risks. When the wind has shifted to N.W., the starboard tack takes her away from the centre of such a disturbance, though she may soon sail into the Southerly wind of the Eastern side of another low-pressure area coming towards her. This would be a very common occurrence in winter. (124.) Captain H. Toynbee, in the pamphlet mentioned in the note on page 178, remarks :—There are some practical questions respecting these gales which are of great importance to seamen, one of them being: When a ship is bound to the Westward, and meets the Southerly wind on the Eastern edge of one of these gales, can she bring about a more favourable wind by running to the North, or otherwise mancuvring, or must she undergo all its changes from South by the West to W.N.W. or N.W. as it is sweeping by her to the Eastward ? We are not without evidence leading to the supposition that there is a polar limit to these Westerly gales ; for instance, Buchan, in his ‘‘ Handy Book of Meteorology,” gives a Table of the prevailing winds in January, which shows that Iceland has about an equal amount of wind from all directions, whilst the prevailing wind in Greenland is Easterly, and in Newfoundland North-Westerly. The Meteorological Journal of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Captain Trollope, R.N., shows that when she was frozen up in Port Clarence, Behring Strait, during the winter of 1853 and 1854, she experienced North-Hasterly winds for two-thirds of the time. It seems probable that Westerly gales are not so common in 60° N. orS. as they are in 40° or 50°, so that, other circumstances being equally favour- able, the higher latitudes are the better for making westing. It is common with seamen to call the zone between lat. 40° and 50° ‘‘the Roaring Forties,” which seems to support the above idea. If these Westerly gaies extend over several degrees of latitude, there does not seem to be any chance for a ship bound Westward to bring about a change by maneeuyring until they have swept by, and if the wind is not so strong as to make a beam sea dangerous, the best plan seems to be to THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 189 follow Captain Inglis’ example (110), and in the Northern Hemisphere to stand on the port tack until the wind shifts to West or N.W., when the starboard tack would be the most favourable. Then, again, the strength of these gales certainly seems to bear some relation to the amount of atmospheric depression ; but gales that com- mence at South and end at West or N.W., with an absence of Hasterly winds, cannot be dealt with as ordinary Cyclones, though there can be little doubt that the starboard, being the ‘‘ coming up ”’ tack, is the best to lie-to upon in the Northern Hemisphere, as it enables a ship to stem the sea. (125.) The Report of the Director of the New York Meteorological Observatory for 1872 contains some interesting information respecting Storms in the North Atlantic Ocean. Charts are constructed in the Observatory, illustrating the progress and direction of barometrical and thermometrical waves crossing the United States, and the influence exer- cised by them on the regions which they pass, and endeavours have been made to trace from these data the progress of American Storms across the Atlantic, and to predict the time of their arrival on the European coasts. For this purpose the registers at the New York Observatory were com- pared with those kept at Valentia and Falmouth, distant about 3,100 miles, and it was thus found that there are many atmospheric waves which traverse the Atlantic, and that within certain limits the times of their passage may be pretty accurately predicted. ‘If, in the case of a Westerly wind, which is travelling about 200 miles in twenty-four hours, the exact time be found at the lowest reading of the barometer, and the speed be ascertained for 24 hours before and after that time, the mean of these two numbers will give the true rate of the storm in 24 hours. Thus, if 4,200 be divided by the number thus found, the result will be the number of days which the Storm will take to cross from New York to Valentia or Falmouth.” An actual example of the application of this rule is given, and is worth quoting :—‘‘ On the 4th of October, 1869, there occurred a low barometer at the New York Observatory at 1 p.m. In the 24 previous hours the wind had travelled 313 miles ; and, in the 24 succeeding, it made 286 miles. The mean of these numbers is 299, by which, if 4,200 be divided, the result is 14 days for the passage of the Storm across the Atlantic.” This calculation was exactly right, for the Storm arrived at Falmouth on the 18th of October. It is stated in the report that, from the year 1869 to 1872, the computa- tions made respecting 86 atmospheric disturbances expected to cross the Atlantic failed in only three instances to give accurate results. ~ Further * Tt is not within the province of this work to advise the commander how to manceuvre his vessel in stormy weather, as he must naturally be the best judge of her behaviour and capabilities under the stress of wind and sea. We may, however, call attention to a correspondence in the ‘‘ Nautical Magazine,” 1882 and 1883, regarding the management of screw steamers when lying-to, with engines stopped. The Illinois, wfth engines disabled in a storm, safely lay-to for 12 hours, with the wind and sea from two to four points abafit the beam, and on another occasion successfully repeated the same operation. See, also, the Remarks on the Use of Oii in Storms at Sea, given hereafter. 190 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. experience since that date has not been so satisfactory, and our own Meteorological Office has given up for the present any attempt at predict- ing Storms crossing the Atlantic. It is impossible to say that any Storm leaving the American shore will reach us, and, if it does, what part of the Kuropean coast it will first strike. Captain Hoffmeyer, of the Danish Meteorological Office, in a pamphlet published in 1880, discussed 285 Storms, which occurred during a period of 21 months. The results seem to show that only about 25 per cent. of our Storms could possibly have been telegraphed from the United States. Of 59 Storms which left the American coast in 1879, 37 (63 per cent.) crossed to Europe, the time across averaging five days, or about 18 miles an hour. The late Professor Loomis, the celebrated American meteorologist, from his observations, considered that 47 per cent. of the Storms which left the American coast arrived on the European coast, and he states, in one of his Contributions to Meteorology, that ‘‘ when Storms from the American continent enter upon the Atlantic Ocean, they generally undergo important changes in a few days, and are frequently merged in other Storms which appear to originate over the ocean, so that we can seldom identify a Storm in its course entirely across the Atlantic.’’* (126.) In the publication of the Meteorological Office mentioned below,t and in any series of Weather Charts published, the fact of Storms travel- ling Eastwards is very lucidly shown in the diagrams by the daily positions of the isobars; and in the remarks given hereafter on the Winds of the British Isles, some further remarks will be found, showing that the pro- gress of the main body of the air is to the North-Eastward across the British Isles. That it occasionally travels to the South-Westward is also mentioned. The chart for each one of the 11 days embraces the observations of about 30 ships, together with those of many land stations. Captain Toynbee draws the following conclusions from the study of these charts. 1. As to the origin of the numerous gales experienced during the 11 days with which we have been dealing. By referring to the charts it will be seen that almost invariably there was a Northerly wind on the American coast, and a Southerly wind at some distance to the Eastward of that coast. This state of the wind, considered in connection with Buys-Ballot’s Law (page 113), requires that there should be a trough of low pressure between two high pressures. Buchan’s Monthly Charts of Isobars,} giving the mean pressure over the globe, show that the above is the case in the months of January and February. The January chart shows the isobar of 30:2 over the American land, and again over the sea just to the Northward of the N.E. Trades, and we know that between these high pressures the hot Gulf Stream flows, which may well ‘ —— * «‘ American Journal of Science,”’ 1876. + “A Discussion of the Meteorology of the part of the North Atlantic lying North of lat. 30° N. for the Eleven Days ending February 8th, 1870, by Captain Henry Toynbee. t “The Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere and the Prevailing Winds over the Globe ior tue Montus and for the Year.”” By A. Buchan, M.A., F.R.S.E. ‘“ Transactions of the Royal Societv.’’ Edinburgh, vol. xxv. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 191 be supposed to cause an unusually low pressure, for, other circumstances being the same, it is found that the barometer is lower over warm than over cold water. For instance, the meteorological data of the 10° square between the Equator and 10° N., and from 20° to 30° W., show that the lowest pressure exists over the hottest water (62).* Bermuda seems to be peculiarly placed with regard to the winds of which we are speaking, for the observations given in the first number of the publi- cations by this office, as well as those given by Buchan, together with others sent by General Lefroy, which are quoted in this paper, show that these islands are subject to alternations of Northerly and Southerly winds in winter, whilst in summer scarcely any Northerly wind is recorded. The fact of this alternation between Northerly and Southerly winds in winter seems to show that the position of this area of low pressure may be variable, and that it may sometimes lie to the Hastward, sometimes to the Westward of the islands. When summer sets in, and an area of low pressure takes the place of the high pressure over the land, the element for a Northerly wind is taken away, so that Bermuda and the American coast are subject to Southerly winds. It will be readily understood how this alternation of high and low baro- meter over the land in winter and summer accounts for the extremes of cold and heat experienced by the East Coast of America, whilst we on the Eastern side of the Atlantic are, in accordance with Buys-Ballot’s Law, subject to Southerly winds in winter, the highest barometer being then to the Eastward of us. To return to our subject: If the trough of low pressure cannot be shown to change its position, we have strong proof that frequent collisions take place between the Northerly and Southerly winds which blow in its neigh- bourhood, causing eddies, and that these eddies pass over Bermuda on a North-Easterly route, producing first a South-Hasterly and then a North- Westerly wind. We are thus led to the conclusion that these gales are caused by a collision between opposing currents of air. The few storms dealt with in this paper support the idea that most of the winter snow-storms of the Coast of America are connected with these gales. Besides the trough of low pressure over the Gulf Stream to which we have alluded, Buchan’s charts show a larger area of depression in the neighbourhood of Iceland at this season of the year, which is related to the prevailing winds of winter. It is probable that this low pressure is frequently intensified by the areas of low pressure which travel towards it from the Hast Coast of America, and that these areas of low pressure, taken in conjunction with the very high pressures which generally exist over the land in winter, are the causes of our winter gales. 2. We will next consider the tracks of these gales. All the evidence gained by studying the data for these 11 days shows that they move to the North-Eastward, and probably at a mean rate of nearly 30 miles an hour. To give a graphic representation of their progress, the last chart has been * The conclusions derived from a study of the data for this region for J. anuary will be found in the Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society for 1871. 192 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. constructed; it contains reductions of the whole 14, placed under each other in the order of time. There it will be seen that the gale of the 30th of January was South of Halifax at 8 a.m., had advanced towards Newfound- land by 6 p.m., and was half across the Atlantic by 8 a.m. of the 31st, when it seemed to be lost in the normal area of low pressure over the centre of the Atlantic. A similar gale appeared on the 2nd of February; it advanced to the North-Eastward, and was lost by the 4th. On the 4th, a N.E. gale was blowing on the American coast, and a moderate S.H. wind in 32° N. and 51° W. Unfortunately there was a large space of sea in the South-Western quarter of the chart without ships, so that we have not such clear evidence of the progress of this gale; still on the dth we find a very heavy gale and remarkable low pressure in the middle of the Atlantic, with a heavy N.E. gale blowing in Iceland and on the American coast, and an equally heavy S.W. gale in about 30° W. There are reductions of three charts for the 5th, viz., at 8a.m., 3 p.m.,and 8 p.m. These show the North-Hasterly progress of the area of lowest pressure. On the charts of the 6th and 7th, the direction of the wind indicates that another area of low pressure was advancing from the South-Westward, which showed itself to the South-Eastward of Newfoundland on the 8th. On this last chart three areas of low pressure are shown, the last just appearing on the South-Western corner of the chart; this the extracts prove to have been very severe, and to have advanced to the North-Hast- ward, and it again was followed by another area of low pressure. The point of lowest pressure and complete eddy may be formed just where the counter-currents of air are in close contact, and its apparent motion may be caused by the closing in on each other of these currents of air, by which means the eddy is being constantly re-formed at the new point of contact. The chart of 8 a.m., February 5th, is supposed to illus- trate this idea. {[f we consult Buchan’s Isobars of Mean Pressure for these months, we find that they trend to the North-Eastward from the Coast of America to England, and that the prevailing wind follows them, drawing rather towards the area of lowest pressure in the neighbourhood of Iceland. Henee, it seems fair to suppose that the tracks of these occasional eddies may be influenced by the main stream of air which seems to be flowing to the North-Eastward round and into the area of lowest pressure, just as an eddy in a river is carried along by the main stream. The data we have been dealing with prove that the points of lowest pressure in these areas of low pressure do not generally cross the British Islands; for instance, at 8 p.m., February 5th, the barometer was down to 97-38 in about 51° N. and 25° W., and at 8 a.m. of the 6th it was 28:22 in about 55° N. and 18° W., with a hurricane blowing from S.S.W. This direction of the wind indicates that there was a lower pressure to the West- ward, hence we may conclude that the area of lowest pressure took a very Northerly course. Still, its influence was felt at all the self-registering observatories, taking Valentia first, and passing on to Aberdeen. In the general remarks following the extracts for February 5th, we have pointed out how the gale which Valentia experienced later in the day is THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 193 pictured on our 8 a.m. chart. The reader will do well to study the remarks published in the Quarterly Weather Report for February 4th to the 7th, as well as its Plate VIII. There it is shown on page 10 how at 8 a.m. of the 5th, ‘‘ neither the daily chart nor the barograms showed any very serious sign of disturbance.” On page 11 there is the following remark: ‘‘ The facts appear to show that the gale which ensued on our coast was to the full as much to be attributed to the advance of the high pressure Westward from Russia, as to that of the low pressure Eastward from the Atlantic.” The isobars on our charts for the 6th, 7th, and &th, seem to prove the force of this remark. Whatever may be the cause of these areas of lowest pressure, the five diagrams which follow the charts, as well as a large number of others received from the commanders of steamers to and from America, who are observing for this office, show that very many of them are experienced in the Atlantic, and the difference between the barometer curves of outward and homeward bound steamers, as well as the extracts from logs, show that they are travelling to the North-Eastward. Normal state of Atmospheric Pressure and Wind between England and North America in Winter. Undulations of Barometric Presswre moving 30 to 40 miles an hour to the North-Eastward, with their accompanying Winds. We have, then, two important facts: 1. By consulting Buchan’s Isobars, we find that during the winter months the normal state of pressure is high over the land on each side, and low over the sea in the central part of the Atlantic, also that the pressure gets lower as you go North from the Azores. Let the line A B C in the diagram above be supposed to represent a section of the normal state of pressure across the Atlantic, with a lower pressure to the North than to the South of it, then the arrows may be supposed to represent the normal direction of the wind. 2. Besides this normal state, we have, as it were, the crests and hollows of waves of pressure moving to the North-Eastward. These (the diagrams Na AsO 26 194 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. show) sometimes follow each other very closely, and may be represented by the line DI. Keeping Buys-Ballot’s Law (page 113) in mind, let us suppose that a ridge of high pressure (EK) be experienced travelling to the North-Eastward, we know that it would be accompanied by corresponding winds, viz., Northerly followed by Southerly. If merely a Depression (F), then Southerly winds would precede Northerly. If a Ridge and Depression (G), then Northerly, Southerly, and Northerly, would be the order of the winds. If a Ridge and Depression be followed by another Fiidge (H), then Northerly and Southerly changes would be twice experienced. Now it is hardly possible to look at the diagrams which accompany this paper without perceiving that they give sections of disturbances which could be explained by some one of the above cases. We may also suppose that after they have passed over a ship, the winds will be inclined to take up the normal direction as shown on the line A B C. If the reader can suppose such changes of pressure as are represented by the line D I to be travelling to the North-Hastward over a sea which has its normal pressure represented by the line A B C, he will get the idea we wish to convey. In the course of this paper it has frequently been remarked that with a steamer bound to the Eastward, the barometer was falling with a Northerly and rising with a Southerly wind. Now it is quite clear that this would always be the case with a steamer steering to the Eastward, if the atmo- spheric pressure over the Atlantic were always in the normal state repre- sented by the line A B CG, and this order of rise and fall would be reversed with a steamer bound to the Westward. Again, suppose it were possible that a steamer could go to the North- Eastward faster than an atmospheric disturbance represented by the depression F, and so cut through it, then it is clear that she would have a falling barometer with a Northerly, and a rising barometer with a Southerly wind; but if these disturbances move ata speed of 30 miles an hour, it is clear that a steamer could not outstrip them, but only keep longer under their influence when steaming fast to the North-Eastward, than when standing still or going to the Westward. Hence we may conclude that when the barometer falls with a Northerly and rises with a Southerly wind, as a ship steams to the Hastward, she is experiencing, either the normal state of pressure, or a slowly moving disturbance. We give only two instances of the barometer falling in a Northerly wind, with a ship steaming to the Westward, and they were both in the great gale of February 5th. They seem to indicate that the depression was increasing in intensity faster than the ships could move away from it, Such cases should be considered as important warnings. The various extracts which follow the 8th of February, when an Easterly wind set in on the North-Eastern part of the chart, and worked its way to the South-Westward, seem to show that such a state of things does not check the formation of cyclonic gales off the Coast of America, for they were still experienced, and, judging from the Bermuda data, the North- Westerly winds were stronger. The routes which the gales took seemed, THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 195 however, to be more Northerly, as if the Easterly wind interfered with their usual progress to the North-Eastward. Considering the normal state of the wind, it seems clear that in so far as the direction of the wind is concerned, a sailing ship bound from England to America at this season of the year (February), should keep her yards well in, and gain good way, even though she may get driven to the North- ward by the South-Westerly winds which prevail on the Eastern side of the Atlantic, for there is good reason to expect that the wind will draw to the Northward of West as she gets over to the Westward. The chances of meeting with ice, and other risks, would of course need careful con- sideration. The very little progress (360 miles in a direct line N.4E. from lat. 31° 30’ N., long. 72° 30’ W., to lat. 38° N., long. 71° 15’ W.), made during the 11 days by No. 38 (the sailing ship Nicoline), bound from Santos to New York, makes it probable that she would have gained by making her northing several degrees farther to the Eastward, where the charts show that a Southerly wind prevailed; instead of closing with the land, where ‘there was an almost constant fresh Northerly wind. This paper gives sufficient evidence of the caution needed when a S.E. wind sets in with a falling barometer. Captains used to the trade know these gales well.* It is not necessary to repeat here what has already been said in the Barometer Manual, on the use of the barometer to seamen, and its various action depending on a ship’s course and speed. Mr. Meldrum, the meteorologist of the Mauritius, in pursuing a similar enquiry with regard to the weather in the Southern Indian Ocean, finds that there waves of high and low pressure follow each other on an Easterly course at an average speed of about 20 miles per hour. It wiil be remembered that we find these waves to travel at the rate of 30 or 40 miles per hour. When we consider how the Northern part of the North Atlantic is much more surrounded by land than the Southern part of the Indian Ocean, causing more sudden differences of temperature, we may well suppose that the differences of pressure will be greater in the North Atlantic, giving more activity to the changes of weather. Mr. Meldrum also finds that the Hurricanes of the Southern Indian Ocean take their origin in the district lying between the N.W. Monsoon and §.E. Trade, where the barometer is generally lower than to the North- ward and Southward, just as we have already stated that the winter gales * In connection with barometric changes, we may here advert to the constitution of the atmosphere, as mentioned (12) on page 102. To that statement we add the follow- ing couelusions arrived at by rrofessor Dové, of Berlin, from his observations. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Barometer falls during E.S.E. and East winds; passes from falling to rising during S.W. winds; rises with those from W.N.W. and North ; and has its maximum rise with a N.E. wind. The Thermometer rises with E.S.K. and South winds; has its maximum with S.W.; falls with W.N,W. and North; and has its minimum with N.E. winds. The Elasticity of Vapour increases with E.S.H. and South winds ; has its maximum at $.W.; and diminishes during the wind’s progress by West and N.W. to North; at N.E. it has its minimum. 196 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. off the coast of North America take their origin over a lower pressure between two areas of higher pressure. (127.) In conclusion we give some extracts from an exhaustive examina- tion of the records of Storms experienced by the steamers of the North German Lloyd, contained in the pamphlet mentioned on page 171. In this pamphlet, Storms are considered as violent winds of force 10, 11, and 12 of Beaufort’s Scale (page 104), of which 829 were recorded in the eight years (1860—1867) under discussion, between the parallels of 40° and 52° N. Were those of force 9 included, the number would be raised to about 2,500. The steamers experiencing them were barque or brig rigged, and used their sails to the utmost. Consequently, it was an im- portant question to determine the nature of the Storms in the zone fre- quented by these ships, the directions they take in the different months of the year, and whether they occur more frequently in certain zones and between certain meridians than in others, taking into consideration the number of ships observing, with the relative frequency of the gales. The tabulated returns show that November, December, and January, are the chief Storm months; in February, April, and October, they are not half so numerous, and still less so in March and September. The calm period is from May to August. January and February each show 19 per cent. of the Storms occurring during these years ; November, 12 per cent. ; February and April, each 9 per cent.; October, 8 per cent.; March and September, each 6 per cent. (appearing to show that the Equinoxes are not such stormy periods in the Northern part of the Atlantic as is generally supposed) ; May, June, July, and August, each show 3 per cent.* As regards the quarters from which these 829 Storms were experienced, it was found that West to N.N.W. winds preponderate (482 out of the 829), and next come the North to E.N.E. gales (158 in number); the least number (107) being from Hast to §.5.W. But the most severe Storms generally commence from the latter direction; the wind then falls calm, and afterwards shifts through South, to break out with increasing fury from S.W. to W.S.W.; it then veers rapidly to N.W., or rather, the dense cold N.W. wind breaks with overwhelming power into the rarefied S.W. current. With regard to the longitude in which these 829 Storms were experienced, it will be seen from the tabulated returns that the frequency of the gales between 30° and 35° W. begins to increase in a very striking manner from the directions West, W.N.W., N.W. especially, and North, and to hold in an equal degree as far as 45° W. To the West of 55° W. most of the gales are North-Easterly. This is a convincing proof that the cold water of the Polar Current flowing over the Banks of Newfoundland brings with it a mass of air which falls into the track of our steamers in a North- Westerly direction as far as 35° W., and between 45° and 40° N., but beyond 50° W. * These figures, however, do not coincide with those of the ‘‘ Charts of Relative Storm Frequency,” published by the United States War Department. These charts are founded on observations during the ten years 1874—1883, and show that March and April are the months in which the greatest number of Storms occurred in the North Atlantic; the fewest occurred in June and July. THE ANTI-TRADES OR PASSAGE WINDS. 197 in the remaining portion of the track frequently breaks in as a N.E. wind. In both cases it seeks out the warm 8.W. air current which accompanies the warm Gulf Stream, and impinges on it at right angles, bringing the wind vane quickly round, and it is followed by hail and sleet if the North wind lasts, and by snow if the South wind returns. The barometer alter- nately rises and falls while these invasions of the N.W. wind into the region of the S.W. current, which is continually flowing on, are constantly repeated, until at length the force of one current or the other enables it to put an end to the struggle, at least for a time. In winter, the truce is never of long duration. As soon as the differences of tension have again become large enough, the conflict and the alternate displacement is renewed. The majority of Storms occur between long. 30° and 55° W., being 94 more than in the equally large space between 30° and 5° W., and 241 more than in the district from 55° to 74° W., which is only 6° narrower. But in this last third of the route, N.E. Storms are much more prevalent than in the other sections, whilst in the first third, outside the Channel, the S.B. Storms occur remarkably often; in the last third, however, they do not disappear nearly so completely as the S.W. Storms do. It is clear, however, that in the practice of steam navigation to and from America, the Polar or Equatorial gales which allow a ship to lay her course are less important than the Westerly or Easterly. Counting the total number of N.W. and 8.W. Storms as Westerly; and the N.E. and S.E. Storms as Hasterly ; we find that three-fifths of the Storms are from S.W. to N.W., and one-third of the whole number take place in the three winter months : on the other hand, about one-sixth of the total number blow from an Easterly and Northerly direction respectively ; and only 6 per cent. from a Southerly direction. In examining the Tables to see whether the occurrence of Storms depends in any way upon the latitude, it will be found that in December and Feb- ruary the region of Storms, as far West as 35° W., lies uniformly about 50° N. ; from 35° to 77° W., decidedly between 50° and 45° N. InJ anuary, as far as 35° W., to the North of 50° N.; from 35° W., first North then South of 45° N. In March, decidedly between 50° and 45° N. In April it is more uniformly distributed from above 50° N. to South of 45° N. In May, between 45° and 50° N., but on the whole there are but few Storms. In June, North of 50° N. In July and August, between 45° and 50° N. In September it is uniformly distributed ; but the number of Storms is increasing. In October, from 50° N. to 40° N. In November, North of 50° N. to 35° W., and afterwards pretty uniformly distributed ; generally in October and November, no great differences observable in the distribu- tion. Between lat. 40° and 45° N., and long. 55° and 74° W,, Storms prevail from October to March, being strongest in January; from April to Sep- tember they very seldom occur in that district. Referring toa remark that the cold Polar Current between 40° and 55° W. forms the reservoir for the N.W. and N.E. Storms which break out from that region, it is by no means to be inferred therefrom that all N.W. Storms 198 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS, which blow to the Eastward of those meridians originate only within this band. On the contrary, it is evident from the Tables that even if that band forms the region where the Polar Current flows most strongly South- wards, yet a quantity of narrower air currents take the same course, and their interstices are filled up by currents of equatorial air of different breadths, which flow more or less quietly side by side in opposite direc- tions until the increasing differences of tension create a necessity for re- storing equilibrium. In those regions of atmosphere lying to the Eastward of an equatorial wind (which comes up with a low barometer), an efflux of the air takes place (therefore a rapid fall in the barometer) with winds backing to S.E.; meanwhile the 8.W. wind advances, the barometer falls to its lowest point, and the thermometer rises to its highest ; but the heavy rain which now falls so lessens the tension of the Southern air, and the difference of pressure becomes so great, that the polar current lying to the Westward rushes in furiously, the wind vane quickly veers to West and N.W., and with rapidly rising barometer equilibrium is restored amid electrical discharges, sleet, and hail squalls. In all these conditions, which find their outward expression in the change of wind direction, pressure, and temperature, neither the cyclonic theory of the Tropics nor the so-called laws of gyration are wanted, which, if we consider them in the most favourable light, are neither more nor less than expressions for long-established views. (128.) British Isles—‘‘ Weather Charts and Storm Warnings” is the title of a small work written by Mr. Robert H. Scott, M.A., F.R.S., Director of the Meteorological Office in London, as a help and guide to the sailor in using the cone signals, and also to those studying the Weather Charts now so generally inserted in the daily newspapers. In this book, of which a revised edition was published in 1887, will be found all the latest knowledge which has been gained relating to the Winds of the British Isles. Another useful little work, giving much information in a condensed form, is ‘‘ Weather Forecasting for the British Isles,” 1890, by Captain Henry Toynbee, F.R.A.S8., &c., from which we have already made several extracts. We give below a short summary of the most interest- ing facts. It has been found that nearly all our Storms are of a rotatory nature, and travel from S.W. to N.E., or from the Westward towards the Eastward, as is evidenced by the fact that out of twenty-three Storms felt in Hamburg in the year 1869, twenty-two had previously passed over some portion of the British Isles. As before stated, when dealing with the Storms of the North Atlantic Ocean (page 183), these Storms are divided into two classes—Cyclonic, in which the wind revolves against watch-hands around a centre of low barometric pressure, and Anti-Cyclonic, in which case the wind revolves with watch-hands, or in the same direction as the hands of a watch, around a central area of high barometric pressure. These terms are, however (as before stated on page 185), only relative, having no reference to a high or low level of the barometer, but to that level as compared with pressures in THE BRITISH ISLES. 199 the surrounding regions. At the centre of a Cyclonic area the level may be above 30 inches, and it may be below 29°5 inches at the centre of an Anti-Cyclonic system. Of these two classes, the latter is of rarer occurrence; and whereas the Cyclonic Storms travel with some rapidity, Anti-Cyclonic areas travel much more slowly. It is a remarkable fact worth mentioning, that in some places the Anti-Cyclonic areas are noticed to remain as it were sta- tionary ; this is frequently the case at the entrance of the English Channel, especially in early autumn, when they have been known to remain for days together in the same locality. The centres of the Storms generally pass on the Northern side of the British Isles, hence we get more of the S.W., West, and N.W. winds than of those Easterly winds which would be found on the Northern side of the central area of lowest pressure. To this fact we may attribute the prevalence of Westerly winds, shown in the Table, drawn up from observations made at Liverpool. Owing to the sinallness of the area covered by the British Isles, it is seldom that a perfect rotatory gale can be traced in its passage, but inferences are drawn from the observations made on small portions of such Storms, at stations in these islands and on the Continent. The best idea which we can gain, for practical purposes, of the winds which affect us in these islands, is that the air over the Atlantic Ocean, North of latitude 40° N., is constantly flowing from West to East, like a gigantic river. If such a river be flowing rapidly, we often see on its surface small waves, each with its own eddies and circulations, which are carried on with the stream. If we could look at the upper surface of the atmosphere, we should see much the same sort of conditions, except that what corresponds to the hollow of the wave would be a patch of defective pressure, while that which corresponds to the crest of the wave would be an area of excessive pressure. (129.) The more characteristic Winds of the West of Europe, and especially of our own islands, are due to atmospheric disturbances pro- ducing areas of high or low pressure; the rapidity and intensity of the development of which, with the direction of their paths and their position, determine the force of the Wind, the direction in which it blows, and the manner in which it veers or backs, that is, changes its direction. But how the changes of pressure are determined, and what causes the transfer of the disturbed area (commonly under the form of an atmospheric eddy or vortex, in a definite direction, usually from West to East), is still to be ascertained ; though here, too, it is obvious that the distribution of the land and sea areas, and of the ocean currents, on which the temperature of the superincumbent air so immediately depends, combined with the rotatory motion of the earth, are among the principal agencies at work. The winds of our islands have commonly, more or less distinctly, the gyratory character, which is one of the secondary results of the rotation of the earth.* * See ‘Lectures on Geography,” delivered before the University of Cambridge, by Gencral R. Strachey, R.E., F.R.S., published in the Proceedings of the Royal Geogra- phical Society, April, 1888, page 230. 200 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (130.) Weather.—Regarding the Weather accompanying Cyclonic Storms which cross the British Isles, the Hon. Ralph Abercromby has carefully studied the Weather Charts issued by our Meteorological Office, and given his conclusions in the work mentioned below,* as follows :—The broad features of the Weather in a Cyclone are—a patch of rain near the centre, a ring of cloud surrounding the rain, and blue sky outside the whole system, The precise form and position of these areas vary with the type of pressure distribution, with the intensity (wind force) of the Cyclone, and the rate of its progress ; they are also influenced by local, diurnal, and seasonal variations. The weather and sky over the whole front of a Cyclone—+.e., all that lies in front of the trough (118) is characterized by a muggy oppressive feel of the air, and a dirty gloomy sky with clouds of a stratified type. The line of the trough is often associated with a squall or heavy shower, com- monly known as a ‘‘ clearing shower.’ The whole of the rear of a Cyclone is characterized by a sharp brisk feel of the air, and a hard firm sky with clouds of cumulus type, cirrus being almost unknown in the rear of a cyclone-centre in the Temperate Zone. It might obviously be expected that the weather in any part of a large Cyclone, as, for instance, in one of those which completely cross the Atlantic Ocean, would be very different from the weather in a small Cyclone which perhaps only just crossed the British Isles, and this is fully borne out by observation. In very large Cyclones, the steepest gradient, and the bad weather which accompanies them, are always found at some distance from the centre. Round the centre itself, when the gradients are very steep, the sky is broken with hardish clouds, and there is a cold pleasant feeling in the air. In small Cyclones the heaviest rain usually surrounds the centre, and extends more or less to one end or the other, according to the direction of the nearest area of high pressure, and the steepest gradient. The broad features of the Weather in an Anti-Cyclone, are— blue sky, dry cold air, a hot sun, and hazy horizon, with very little wind—in fact, the very antithesis of everything which characterizes a Cyclone. Synoptic charts show great irregularity in the position of cloud, &c. (131.) Mr. Ley, in his pamphlet already quoted on pp. 183, 184, makes the following remarks, and by comparing these with the accompanying diagram, a clear idea will be obtained of the distribution of Clouds and Weather in a typical Cyclonic disturbance. In the most general way it may be stated that foul weather charac- terizes the Cyclonic, and fair weather the Anti-Cyclonic systems ; and it will at once be seen that to this statement corresponds the old but loose and vague rule that the barometer falls before rain or storm, and rises before fine or calm weather. In the extreme front of a large depression, there commonly stretches a great bank or sheet of cirro-stratus cloud. The movement of the upper current which carries the outlying parts of this elevated cloud-bank is * « Weather, a Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Ohanges from Day to Day,” by the Hon. R. Abercromby, F.R.M.S., &., 1887. THE BRITISH ISLES. 201 often nearly tangential to the edge of the cloud-bank itself, and nearly opposite to the direction of the wind which is presently about to spring up at the earth’s surface, and in nearly all cases it makes a greater angle than 90° with this wind. It is important to observe that when this move- ment is very rapid, the approaching depression may be expected to be “deep,” and probably attended by strong winds at the earth’s surface. As the sheet extends over us, the upper current backs very quickly, and continues to do so over the whole front half of the advancing system. RO- ST ciR RATy 9 Overcast STRATO- CUMULUS é Dirty Sky loexacneo guy Petey Eee STR ete Fs 290 vy STRATO-CUMULUS x MUGGY Bar. BLUB “MULUS WINDY CiKRUS Distribution of Clouds and Weather in a typical Cyclonic Disturbance. As the centre advances towards us, we commonly observe composite cloud (ximbus), the rain or snow being accompanied by the new current of air belonging to the depression. This cloud-bank extends in most instances nearly over the whole front half of the system, both on the right hand and left hand of the centre’s path, but its character differs very considerably on the two sides. If the centre is passing so as to leave our station onits right, the nimbus usually continues until the centre has almost reached its nearest point to us. Then, usually after a sudden increase of precipitation, the sky clears, the cirro-stratus terminating in an abrupt line, while the wind at the earth’s surface begins to veer. Up to this time the barometer will have continued to fall, except in those cases in which the whole system is be- coming rapidly shallower ; and the pressure now begins to rise, except in those instances in which the depression is becoming rapidly deeper. The appearance of the sky in the rear of the disturbance, but stil on the right hand side of the centre’s course, is usually very unlike that in the front. Comparatively few upper clouds are observed, and the movement Ne ALO: 27 202 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. of these is commonly noticed to be nearly the same with that of the current on the earth’s surface. In lieu of cirro-stratus we see fleecy cwmulus. Shower-clouds are also common over this district. The atmosphere in this part of the disturbance is in most cases clearer or more devoid of haze than in the front, and temperature is also commonly lower; but marked exceptions occur to both these rules. A rapid and excessive decrease of temperature is not uncommon when the wind has begun to veer, particu- larly near the centre of the Cyclonic circulation. Let the reader now turn his attention to the other side of the Bec 8 path, and let him suppose the barometric minimum in its onward progress to leave his station on the left of its course. Here the mimbus extends over us, the wind after springing up commences to back, and continues to do so throughout the passage of the disturbance. On this side we very rarely experience the abrupt change from a rainy to a clear sky which is so usual on the right hand side. As the centre passes, the higher cloud forms gradually degenerate into banks of dreary stratus, often attended with an increase rather than any diminution of haze. As the rear of the system approaches us on this side the bolder forms of cwmulus are rarely seen, and in place of the shower-clouds we commonly notice gloomy-looking banks of condensed vapour in the middle and lower levels of the atmosphere, while cirrus has usually almost or altogether disappeared. In the actual centre of a large depression the sky is often comparatively clear. Shower-clouds are frequently visible, but these have usually here a thin soft and disintegrated aspect, while cwmulus tends to spread itself into stratus, and cirrus lies in broken, though watery-looking patches. CLOUDLES ss Cold Air, Hot Sun, & Frost STRATUS Distribution of Clouds and Weather in an Anti-Cyclonic Area. (182.) The above diagram shows the general distribution of clouds anu weather in a typical Anti-Cyclone, but the weather which characterizes CHART OFTHE WIND LIVERPOOL OBSERVATORY 1852.3.4.5. eens BY 16.7 BS Scale of 10,000 miles. Mean of 4 years. Birmingham -mean of 4 years. _ = er ee? ee 6B ’ GREEN WICH—LIVERPOOL. 203 our Anti-Cyclones is subject to modification according to the seasons. In summer, brilliant weather usually accompanies them, and in the central districts particularly the sky is often nearly or totally devoid of cloud; at other times light fleecy cirrus, whose motion is extremely slow, is the principal cloud visible. In winter, dry weather stratus is the most common form of cloud, occasionally covering nearly the whole of the Anti-Cyclonic system with an unbroken canopy. (133.) From statistics, recently prepared at the Meteorological Office, of Gales and Storms occurring in the British Isles during the fifteen years 1870—1885, it appears that the most stormy area is at the entrance of the English Channel. Agreeing with the experience of the North German Lloyd steamers, as described on page 196, the summer is shown to be nearly free from Storms, they being almost exclusively confined to the winter half-year, the latter half of January being the stormiest period of all. Contrary to the general idea, there is no marked stormy period at either Equinox, though the frequency increases after the autumnal Equinox, and decreases from January towards the vernal. (134.) Greenwich.—The following Table gives the Mean Annual Number of Days of Prevalence of the Different Winds during the forty-nine years from 1841 to 1889, from the Records of the self-registering Osler Anemo- meter at Greenwich Observatory.* Mean 1841—1864 ............ 39 46 23 21 32 107 41 24 32 » 1865—1889 ............ 40 44 31 23 37 106 50 21 13 » 1841—1889 ........... 40 45 27 22 85 106 46 22 22 (135.) Liverpool At the former Liverpool Observatory, near the Waterloo Dock, an Anemometer, the invention of Mr. A. Follett Osler, F.R.S., registered the force, or rather the motion and direction of the air, for the years 1852—1855. The lines thus drawn by the machine itself are reduced on the adjoining diagram, and represent the actual direction and distance, according to scale, travelled by the wind over the instrument. Upon looking at these lines, except the general tendency to the Eastward, there is no similarity between the years; yet, by taking the absolute motion throughout the year of the wind from any quarter, and forming a single diagram, there is seen to be a remarkable identity in them all. Thus, the main direction of the wind in 1854 was rather to the Southward of West; in 1852, it was to N.W.; and in the other two years, although to the West, yet the wind was very devious. Notwithstanding the wide difference in the lines formed in these different years, yet if the whole amount of wind in each year is arranged graphically for each point of the compass, they are very similar to each other, showing that a fixed law prevails; which is still more evident if the duration of their prevalence were taken instead of their quantity or velocity. This is shown by the wind-stars on the diagram. * On the Relative Prevalence of Different Winds at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1841—1889, by William Ellis, F.R.A.S., published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1890, pp. 221—224. 204 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (136.) The total amount of the Horizontal Motion of the air at Liverpool, as registered by the Anemometer, is also exceedingly alike in different years, as shown by these figures :— Rain. Wind in Miles. Calms. Quantity. Duration. 114,276 19 hours. 31:59 inches. 683 hours. 105,989 De at 22-47 ~,, 625 ,, 128,283 4 Doce, 53 gare 103,405 12.3 DIS O10. 112,989 15°5 hours. 24°67 inches. 597 hours or 24 days 21 hours. The Seasons have an influence on the velocity of the wind; thus, these observations show that in Winter (December to February), the mean rate is 15-6 miles per hour; Spring (March to May), 12:1 miles per hour; Summer (June to August), 11:8 miles per hour; and Autwmn (September to November), 11:5 miles per hour. In the day, winds are stronger than at night; thus, at midnight, it travels 11:2 miles per hour ; 6 a.m., 11:8 miles per hour; 9 a.m., 12°9 Direction. Miles per hour. miles per hour; noon, 13:2 miles per hour ; Ne eeeeeeeeeseeees 78 : INGNEHGccce-eeeseenene 6-2 3 p.m., 14:6 miles per hour; 6 p.m., 12:7 Ney Ca bn ee 6-6 miles per hour; and 9 p.m., 11°6 miles per tae steeeeconseoens Ae hour. 7 | nei oe But the more important generaldeduction j| S.B. ue. 11-6 to be derived from these observations is the | set: encessocenew ie fact, as before alluded to (135), thatallwinds | s.S.W. wu... 118 having a Westerly bearing travel very much | eae veseeeseeenens ioe the fastest; those from South to Hast pro- | Ww. 1 eg ceed at a much slower rate; while such as WieIN a WWicg csscarceeneneae 19-0 come from the North and Hast average but oe ot ae an little more than a third of the rate of the Westerly winds. All this is made clear by a glance at the column of figures in the annexed Table, which gives the Mean Rate in Miles per Hour of the winds from the various directions ; and will show further that the wind-roses and figures of Maury’s and other charts do not give an accurate knowledge of this zone of winds, as the Westerly winds, though by them made greatly to predominate, do not show the actual amount of those winds by, perhaps, one-half or two-thirds of their real quantity. All the strongest gales recorded in those years came from Western quarters. (137.) In continuation of the above observations, the Anemometer records show the mean annual duration of winds from the various quarters, for the twelve years 1852—1863 inclusive, to be as arranged in the following LIVERPOOL. 205 Table, in which we also give the maximum and minimum number of days occurring during that period. Mean Number | Maximum Number] Minimum Number Soete mae of Days. of Days. of Days. 1st. Winds between N. & E 51-4 75-0 in 1855 24-7 in 1863 Br, 4, eS 116-0 134-1 in 1861 93-9 in 1854 a. 4 ee San 84-5 125-0 in 1863 59-9 in 1855 4th. a ge WES IN 112-6 138-0 in 1854 92-8 in 1852 The mean duration of Calm for the twelve years was 0°8 day per annum, varying between 0:2 day in 1857 and 1°6 day in 1858. (138.) Notwithstanding that the results shown by the Liverpool Anemo- meter are of the utmost value, and great labour and skill were exercised in reducing them to a comprehensive form by the late Messrs. John Hartnup, father and son, the able superintendents, yet they contain evidence of the interference of land influences, as alluded to in (104), page 171. The self-recording anemometer showed that the winds from W.N.W. and §.S8.H. were most prevalent, whereas the prevalent direction in England as a whole is from the West; showing that the form of the valley of the Mersey has much to do with diverting the normal direction of the wind. Still the observations, as before stated, are most instructive and important.* (139.) About the year 1865, the site of the Observatory at the Docks being wanted for other purposes, the instruments were removed to a new Observatory on Bidston Hill, on the opposite side of the Mersey, at an elevation of about 190 ft. above sea level. The increased elevation, and more open character of the situation, doubtless give the records of the Anemometer more reliability. We are indebted to the courtesy of the Astronomer to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board for copies of the Reports issued from the Bidston Observatory, from which a similar Table of the Winds recorded by the Anemometer has been drawn up. They extend over a period of 20 years, from 1868—1887, and show a large preponderance of winds in the §8.W. quadrant over the previous records at the Docks. Quadrant Mean Number |.laximum Number} Minimum Number of Days. of Days. of Days. ist. Winds between N. & E 55-0 74-4 in 1875 39-4 in 1874 2005 ~ 5, 5p E.&S§ 102-2 119-3 in 1872 85-7 in 1887 8rd. op S. & W. 114-7 138-1 in 1882 100-1 in 1870 4th. p et Nilo @9 NI 93-0 114-5 in 1869 77-8 in 1882 The mean duration of Calm for the 20 years was 0-3 day per annum, varying from 0-1 to 0-7 day per annum. * Report of the British Association, vol. xxv., pages 127—142; and, also, ‘‘ Report of the Direction and Strength of the Wind at the Liverpool Observatory, 1852—1863.” It is from these sources that the above facts and figures are derived. 206 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. For the 22 years from 1867 to 1888, the average annual Laim/fall was 29-235 inches, varying from 23°700 in 1873 to 45°664 in 1872. (140.) There is one remark respecting land observations, which is im- portant :—“ All the synoptic charts hitherto advanced at the Board of Trade exhibit a marked diminution of force on land compared with that on the sea coast. Indeed, the coast itself offers similar evidence in its stunted, sloping trees and comparative barrenness.”* The trees in many localities form excellent wind-vanes, as, by their growth, they show exactly the direction from whence the most powerful and persistent winds come. It would seem, also, that the land has a tendency to draw the wind towards it, so as in some measure to make it appear that the prevalent direction is more across the line of direction of that coast than is really the case. Looking at the simultaneous observations now daily collected and published for a great extent of coast, this is very apparent. All these arguments tend to lessen the value, in some degree, of those extended and accurate records of the wind on land. The mean direction of the wind, derived from land observations, however, as given by Kamtz and Dovyé, is as follows :— Pmiptamd ) 24 a. acc tS. 65 We) Denmark”... eee S. 62° W. France and Holland.... 8. 88° W. | Sweden ............. S.°77" We Gerkmaly 2... ... ces aes S. 76° W. | N. part of United States 8. 86° W. (141.) English Channel.—The following are the results of fifteen con- secutive years observations upon the wind, taken by M. Nell de Bréauté, at the Chapelle, near Dieppe, at an elevation of 490 feet above the sea :— — ———eC—C—S——C—CCrr | Direction of Mean Number the Wind. of Days. Bisscuori: Minimum. South. 37 In 1828— 54 days. | 1820 and 1825—28 days. S.W. 93 1823—121 __,, 1831—67 _,, West. 48 1830— 72 ,, 1829—31 ,, N.W. 52 1825— 72 ,, 1832—38 ,, North. 36 1819-= 56) 4;, 1821—21 ,, N.E. 41 1826— 54 ,, 1828—22 ,, East. 23 1820— 41 ,, 1821—12_,, S.E. 81 istg— 46 ,; 1827—19 ,, Total, 361 days. From this Table the following conclusions may be drawn ;— In the 365 days of the year there are about 361 of wind, and 4 or 5 of dead calm, If the horizon be divided into four equal parts, there will be— 135 days with the wind between South and West,t 94 . 5 between West and North, fal bs Fe between North and East, 61 oA on between East and South. * Third Number, Meteorological Papers, by Admiral FitzRoy, 1858, page 99. + Upon comparing this direction of West to South with the Liverpool observations, as given in the diagrams, page 203, the disturbing action of the land will be evident. ENGLISH CHANNEL. 207 The maximum of winds between S. and W. takes place in November and Dee, The minimum rh May and June. The maximum of winds pen W. and N. takes place in July and August. The minimum a October and December The maximum of winds Rereeen N. and E. takes place in May and June. The minimum Pa October and November. The maximum of winds hee EK. and S. takes place in December & January. The minimum ' ue June and July. Moderate winds from North and N.E. are those which bring fine weather. In summer the N.E. wind blows more particularly in the afternoon; in the morning the wind is S.E., a slight breeze, and towards noon it changes quickly to N.E.; then it freshens, and towards the evening it sinks; at night it is calm, and the coolness condenses the vapours. When this condensation does not take place, it is a sign of a change of wind. Dead calms are of rare occurrence, and do not last long, except during summer. When they occur in winter, it is regarded as a precursor of bad weather. It is always, in reality, an indication of a change in the direction of the wind. (142.) The remarks made in the foregoing pages will be ample for the purpose of giving the sailor an idea of the relative Duration, Force, and Direction of the Wind in the Northern part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Reverting to the observation made on page 203, it may be re-stated, that not- withstanding the variable nature of its changes, and the great difference that is found to occur between one period and another, yet, when these are combined in a long series of observations, there is great similarity ; and this will be accounted for in a measure by the researches of our own and the United States Meteorological Offices, which have shown that there is a systematic progress of air from the Westward to the Hastward in our latitudes (see pp. 181—198 and pp. 198—199). For the service of the mariner, in foretelling what weather is approaching, he is referred to Section 2, on the Motions and Pressure of the Atmosphere, and for further information he can consult the ‘‘ Barometer Manual for the use of Seamen”’, or ‘‘ Instructions in the use of Meteorological Instruments,” issued by the Meteorological Office, and to ‘‘ Weather Charts and Storm Warnings,” by Robert H. Scott, M.A., F.R.S., &c. The diagrams adjoining page 171 have been drawn up from Maury’s Pilot Charts in the same manner as those given at page 135, to illustrate the Trade Winds. They are selected from those parts of the ocean most generally traversed by ships crossing it in the strength of these Westerly winds. "heir localities are shown by the latitude and longitude assigned to each diagram, which thus represents the wind in the region for 150 miles around that position. But, as will be seen at a glance, there is a great similarity in the general features of them all. The principle upon which these Wind-roses are constructed is explained on page 133 (57) ; and the six examples there given are analyzed in page 134. The remark in the note (*) should be particularly attended to in connection with the observations in these Anti-Trade winds, as itis clearly futile to endeavour to lay down any refined rule for their practical applica- 208 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. tion. As there certainly isa doubt as to the accuracy of the recorded direction of the wind to the extent of two points—to lay down rules for sailing over any area with a course limited to a few degrees, certainly appears to be a needless refinement with the present data to argue upon, but in future years extended knowledge may make it possible to lay down such rules. (143.) In comparing the observations, recorded by Mr. Osler’s self- registering wind-guage at Liverpool, as shown in page 204, with the second diagram adjoining page 171—that for lat. 52° N., and long. 15° W.—or off the West Coast of Ireland, where we might expect to find some degree of similarity, there appears to be scarcely any accordance at first sight. But upon referring to the evidence of the greater force of the Westerly winds over the Easterly, as shown by the figures (136), page 204, we arrive at a reason why this apparent discrepancy exists. If the arrows on the West (or windward) side of these diagrams were enlarged in proportion to the relative force, and the Easterly arrows diminished in like manner, there would be a much nearer approximation. This comparison will demon- strate how the direction of the valley of the Mersey, and the line of docks and walls at Liverpool around the observatory, diverted the true direction of the winds. For the purpose of still further exemplifying this, the mean of the observations recorded at Birmingham for four years, by another anemometer of Mr. Osler’s, is given. Although this is inland, and neces- sarily subject to land influences, the Westerly preponderance is clearly marked, and serves to bear out the modern discovery of the progress of Cyclonic disturbances across the British Isles from West to East, their centres generally passing North of our islands. The diagrams, as we give them, or the figures in Maury’s chart, must be studied, should any greater exactness in the relative duration of any wind be required than can be acquired at a cursory glance; and in the former case, as was before explained, the length of the arrow applied to the scale at the bottom of the plate will give the exact ratio per cent. of the wind represented by that arrow. One general remark only need be given; it is, that the greatest irregu- larity in the direction of the wind in these latitudes appears to occur about the Azores; during the summer months the wind is frequently from Northern quarters, driving before it the colder water from the polar regions, and thus abnormally reducing the temperature. Besides this, there appears to be a conflict between this Southern and Western tendency, and the Trade Wind which is established to the West of them. (144.) Bay of Biscay.—The winds in the Northern part of the Bay of Biscay do not differ greatly from those experienced in the entrance of the English Channel. As we approach the head of the bight, however, it is necessary to use great caution, and observe all indications of the change of the wind. The prevailing winds in the Bay of Biscay are those from N.W., West, and S.W., with frequent severe gales from those quarters, accompanied by rain, hail, and thick weather, and a mountainous sea. A low barometer, a Westerly swell, and other threatening appearances, indicate the approacn of one of these gales. Very often it commences at South or S.W., with BAY OF BISCAY. 209 rain and thick weather, and then gradually veers round to West and N.W., with clearer weather, and may then, after a day or two, back to the 8.W. and blow for several days from that direction. EHasterly winds occur at intervals, being most common about the Equi- noxes, especially in spring. In June, July, and August, fine weather pre- vails, with light Southerly and 8.E. winds, though gales may occur from Hast or West. In October and November dense fogs prevail, but seldom last more than 24 hours. Northerly winds prevail and are strongest on the parallel of the Pertuis; thence they decrease in frequency and force in approaching the Pyrenees, and the same in nearing the English Channel. The greatest number of days of North-Hasterly winds is about on the parallel of the Island of Groix, and on the island itself these winds are much more frequent than those from the §8.EH. The days of N.E. wind decrease as the Pyrenees are approached. The Hast winds blow equally throughout. The number of days of S8.E. wind is greatest at Brest, and least at the Island of Aix; and the number of days of South wind increases as the Spanish coast is approached ; at Biarritz it is three times as great as at Brest. The number of days of §.W. wind is about the same throughout (60 days a year), with a slight increase at Brest, and this wind always brings bad weather. N.W. winds are most frequent at Brest and least so at Biarritz. The localities most affected by the different winds depend somewhat on the contour of the coast; thus, the heaviest §8.W. gales are experienced between Brest and the mouth of the Loire; the heaviest Westerly gales abreast Pertuis and the Gironde district ; and the heaviest W.N.W. gales in the lower portion of the bay. In summer, the reigning winds on the coast at the head or 8.H. angle of the bay, are those from N.H. and Hast, which become North and N.N.W. in the Gulf of Bilbao. These alternate with N.W. and West winds, which generally drop at night, during which they are replaced by the land breeze. In autumn, Southerly winds prevail, and are usually very violent. They last for two or three days, and sometimes for eight or nine days, the weather being clear ; but as soon as they shift to §.5.W., the sky becomes covered with heavy clouds, and almost immediately the ‘ Vendavale”’ or dirty weather from §.W. and West comes on. This, after some days’ duration, passes to N.W., with heavy rains and a stronger sea. This wind, much dreaded by seamen, from the heavy surf which it sends in, and because it debars entrance to the few harbours on the Biscayan coast, is very lasting. It is nct uncommon to find it continue for fifteen days consecutively, with only two or three days of even moderate weather. But with this N.W. wind there is no fear of being drifted on to the coast, as it is never entirely hidden, and there are sufficiently clear intervals to allow you to make out the land. It is not so with North and N.N.E. winds; they blow perpendicularly on to the coast, and will not allow ships embayed to clear off shore. They completely hide the land, and are accompanied by much rain and hail, NSA. O; 28 210 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. which follow each other almost without interruption. They generally last but a short time, and occur between the middle of December and the end of February, or the beginning of March. The N.E. wind is not frequent in winter, but it is accompanied by thick fogs, in which case it blows heavily for two or three days, and is then called Nord-Este Pardo (the dirty North-Easter). When it shifts to the 8.H., by the East, you should as far as possible keep in with the coast, because the wind will shortly come from South. When the South wind, after lasting two or three days, veers to S.W., either get off the land or else enter some harbour, because the N.W. wind will soon come on. In the spring the winds are generally very light, and nearly always from N.W. or 8.W., accompanied by rain. In some years these winds last until July. The ocean-swell from the N.W., coming from the open Atlantic, is the heaviest and most dangerous on this coast; it penetrates every harbour and creek, and there is no shelter from the waves inany of them until the bars at the entrances become uncovered by the ebb tide. This dangerous state of the sea commences in the middle of September or beginning of October, and, with slight interruption, it continues through two-thirds of the year. This swell is almost always a precursor of the wind from that direction, and sometimes precedes it by twenty-four hours. Sometimes in the summer season enormous waves are seen to set in during perfectly calm and serene weather. They close every harbour, and dash on the coast like enormous mountains of water, and break on the outlying banks with 20 to 40 fathoms water over them. It is needless to state that these are most dangerous to a ship close in with the shore. Captain FitzRoy states that they overtopped the mainyard of the Thetis, 56 feet above the water-line. In August there is a danger of encountering a peculiar squall or tornado, called on the Biscayan coast Galerna. It is formed on the land by the sun’s heat, and shifts by the S.W.; the horizon becomes obscured, and it quickly increases in strength as it passes to N.W. Every precaution should be taken against them; they are excessively violent, and last three or four hours. They bring rain, and sink at night in the N.W. Sometimes, especially in summer, the Galerna is a sudden shift from South to N.W. without any notice, and in this case is very dangerous. It is also common to see winds blowing at the same time from South and N.W., only separated by a narrow belt of calm between the heavy waves they send up. The South wind is foretold by the atmosphere being so clear that the distant lands and inland peaks become very distinct, and apparently close-to. If the high lands are very clear and distinct, with the wind from Kast, and a line of ashy-coloured clouds should be seen on the peaks, the South wind is coming on. The local sailors also can foretell the approach by the clouds of dust raised inland, or by the direction of the smoke from the dwellings on shore ‘«« Why should the sea be higher, or more dangerous, in the Bay of Biscay than it is in the middle of the Atlantic or elsewhere? Is it really so? are questions often asked. ‘T believe that there is a shorter, higher, and consequently worse sea, in and near the Bay of Biscay, than is often found in other places, and NORTH COAST OF SPAIN 211 attribute it to the effect of immense Atlantic waves rolling into a deep bight, where they close upon each other, and receive vibratory undulations from each shore; augmented, perhaps, by the peculiar formation of the bottom of that bay, the variation in depth, and the effects of currents, which, when running over uneven ground, or against the wind, alone cause a heavy swell—a striking exemplification of which may be seen on the Bank of Agulhas, near the Cape of Good Hope.”—Captain Litzhoy, vol, ii., page 45. (145.) North Coast of Spain—About Santander the prevalent winds in winter are between South and N.W., by the West. With Southerly winds the atmosphere remains clear for a few days, but they are then considered to be the precursors of N.W. winds. They commence in October and cease in February. When South winds bring clouds and rain they shift soon to S.W., and then rapidly to West, always accompanied by fogs, and terminate at N.W., blowing violently, and raising a heavy sea with strong gusts. When they are at N.W. there are clear intervals which allow the sailor to make out his position on the coast. The heaviest gales generally commence at South very violent, and they are the more strong according as the sky is clearest. When it is overcast you may look for it from N.W. with squalls. If the N.W. wind should shift suddenly to North and N.N.H. it becomes very dangerous, because it will not allow vessels to find shelter, on account of the rapidity with which it closes all the harbours. If after two or three days of Northerly wind it returns to West, by the N.W., it will increase in that direction ; but if it shifts to the N.H. the weather will be more quiet, and there may be some days of fine weather. When, after a continuation of N.E. winds, it should shift to S8.E., by the Hast, you may expect Southerly winds soon, and with them bad weather again. In autumn there is a continuation of fine weather, especially after the bad weather which usually accompanies the Equinoxes. The spring is almost always a continuation of the winter, during which the Westerly winds prevail; they are not so strong, but the accompanying rains are more abundant. In summer, which generally begins in July, the prevalent wind is from N.E. Close in with the land they haul to seaward, while the sun is above the horizon, and to the land during the night. The barometer rises with winds from West to N.E., by the North, and falls with’all other winds. (146.) Near Cape Pefias contrary winds are often met with, Hast or N.E. winds in the offing becoming West or 8. W. near the cape, or vice versa. In summer the prevalent winds are Easterly, and in winter between S.W. and West, the latter bringing dirty weather. Northerly gales occur between December and March, and are known as T'ravesias. At Ferrol the prevalent winds are N.E. in summer, and 8.W. in winter, the latter bringing bad weather even in summer. (147.) West Coast of Spain and Portugal.—Captain J. McKirdy says :— “T have usually found the winds off Spain and Portugal either up or down the coast, and have heard them spoken of as the ‘ Portuguese Trades.’ 212 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Crossing the Bay of Biscay with a North-Westerly breeze, it is almost sure to lead down the coast, and coming from the Southward with a §8.E. or S.W. wind it will lead up. I have seen it once, in the summer time, blow- ing right on shore, but it was only a moderate breeze, and the weather was beautiful. I have noticed that if the weather is changing from fine to bad, the sky remains clear long after the barometer has begun to go down; say with a S.W. or S.H. breeze coming on, the glass indicates an approach- ing disturbance, the wind pipes up and the sea rises, then small clouds begin to fly, getting bigger every minute until rain falls, and the sky gets quickly overcast, with heavy rain at intervals. When it is going to fly to the N.W., a harder squall and a heavier shower seem to usher in the change. The barometer springs up a little, then stops, and, as the squall moderates, a thin patch is seen to the N.W., which quickly develops, and soon the sky is cleared, possibly to become partially overcast again. Now the barometer is rising briskly, and the sea goes down as quickly as it rose; two or three hours will raise or allay a good heavy squall. “There appears to be a perpetual swell coming from the Westward, summer or winter, sunshine or storm. Any time I have passed up or down this coast it has been here, sometimes long and low; at other times high and hollow, but always perceptible, and often a nuisance; for, running down with a North wind and accompanying sea, the two meeting make a ship very uncomfortable. ‘“‘ Generally speaking, I notice that from whatever quarter the wind may come, the sky keeps clear as long as the breeze is light to moderate in force, but if it freshens it becomes overcast at once; blowing fresh from §.W. to N.W., I may get a blink of the sun for sights, but a strong breeze away by N.E. round to the Southward means a grey coating of clouds all over the sky.” —Nautical Magazine, November, 1880, pp. 917—918. We have no trustworthy observations on the prevailing winds on the Coast of Portugal, as affected by local circumstances. (148.) Cadiz—The sea breezes here vary from West to N.N.W., and are generally strongest at the full and change of the moon, when they not unfrequently blow during the whole night. They set in most commonly with the flood, and are of less strength when the tide makes near noon; indeed, at that period calms are not uncommon throughout the day. The land wind seldom reaches the anchorage, although above Puntales Castle there is scarcely a night without it. The S.E. and East winds are most dreaded by the inhabitants, but they are by no means so destructive in their effects as the 8.W. and Westerly gales, which send a heavy sea into the bay; whereas the East being an off-shore wind seldom creates any swell of consequence. These winds most commonly set in at the full and change of the moon, particularly the former, and blow with great violence ; they are seldom known in the winter months, and generally commence in May or June, with intervals of a fortnight or three weeks, and their average duration is three days, but at times five. The inhabitants consider that when the hills of Ronda appear near and distinct, it is a sign of an Easterly wind, but there are exceptions to this rule. It may, however, be considered almost to a certainty, that when the hills have the above appearance, an Easterly wind exists in the Strait of BRITISH AMERICA. 213 Gibraltar. Whenever there,is southing in the wind, the atmosphere is always hazy; and if to the Westward of South a dampness ensues, but if to the Kastward of South it becomes hot and dry. (149.) Strait of Gibraltar.—It may be said that two winds only prevail constantly in the Strait of Gibraltar. They are those from East and West, being called by local seamen Levante and Ponente. These winds are, gene- rally speaking, the results of those from N.E. and S.E., as well as from N.W. and §.W., that are blowing outside the two ends of the strait, and which, on reaching the narrows of the strait, become Hast and West. Nevertheless, strong South-Easters do not fail to blow in the strait, pro- ducing serious damage in the Bay of Algeciras, particularly in winter ; as well as South-Westers quite as severe, and commonly called Vendavales. According to observations made at Gibraltar, it appears that Hasterly winds prevail during July, August, September, March, and December; and that in the other months Hast and West winds prevail alternately, but mostly the latter.* (150.) America—When navigating the Hast Coast of Newfoundland, seamen should be on their guard against an indraught among the Fogo and Wadham Islands into Sir Charles Hamilton Sound, Bonavista, Trinity, and Conception Bays; with Easterly and N.K. winds, this indraught is very strong, and these winds are accompanied by thick weather.—H.M.S. Tenedos, 1885. Tae Guur AND River or St. LAwRencE.—Rear-Admiral Bayfield states that, during the navigable season, the prevailing winds are either directly up or directly down the estuary of the St. Lawrence, following the course of the chains of high lands on either side of the great valley of the river. Thus, a 8.E. wind in the gulf becomes E.S.E. between Anticosti and the South coast, E.N.E. above Point de Monts, and N.H. above Green Island. The Westerly winds do not appear to be so much guided in direction by the high lands, excepting along the South coast, where a W.S.W. wind at the Isle Bic has been seen to become West, W.N.W., and N.W., on run- ning down along the high and curved South coast, until it became a N.N.W. wind at Cape Gaspé. These winds frequently blow strong for three or four days in succession; the Westerly winds being almost always accompanied with fine, dry, clear, and sunny weather ; the Hasterly winds as frequently with the contrary, cold, wet, and foggy. In the spring, the Easterly winds prevail most, frequently blowing for several weeks in succes- sion. As the summer advances, the Westerly winds become more frequent, and the S.W. wind may be said to be the prevailing wind in summer, in all parts of the river and gulf. Light South winds take place occasionally ; but North winds are not common in summer, although they sometimes occur. Steady North winds do not blow frequently before September, excepting for a few hours at a time, when they generally succeed Hasterly * Further information on the Winds, &c., of the Strait of Gibraltar, will be found in the Sailing Directions accompanying the Charts , 214 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. winds which have died away to a calm, forming the commencement of strong winds, and usually veering to the S.W. The N.W. wind is dry, with bright clear sky, flying clouds, and showers. After the autumnal Equinox, winds to the Northward of West become more common, and are then often strong steady winds of considerable duration. In the months of October and November, the N.W. wind fre- quently blows with great violence, in heavy squalls, with passing showers of hail and snow, and attended with sharp frost. Thunder-storms are not uncommon in July and August; they seldom last above an hour or two, but the wind proceeding from them is, in general, violent and sudden, particularly when near the mountainous part of the coast; sail should be fully and quickly reduced on their approach. Strong winds seldom veer from one quarter of the compass to another directly or nearly contrary ; in general they die away by degrees to a calm, and are succeeded by a wind in the opposite direction. It is not here meant that they may not veer to the amount of several points. N.W. winds seldom veer round by North and N.E. to East and §.E.; but they do frequently, by degrees, to the 8.W., after becoming moderate. 8.W. winds seldom veer by the N.W. and North to the Eastward, but sometimes by the South to §.H. and East. Easterly winds generally decrease to a calm, succeeded by a wind from the opposite direction. In the fine weather Westerly winds of summer, a fresh top-gallant breeze will often decrease to a light breeze or calm at night, and spring up again from the same quarter on the following morning ; under these circum- stances only, may a land-breeze off the North coast be looked for. The same has been observed off the South coast also, but not so decidedly, nor extending so far off shore. Admiral Bayfield adds, I have occasionally carried the North land-wind nearly over to the South coast just before daylight; but have never observed the South land-wind extend more than 5 or 6 miles off, and that very rarely. Under the same circumstances, that is, with a fine weather Westerly wind going down with the sun, a S.W. land-breeze will frequently be found blowing off the North coast of Anticosti at night and during the early part of the morning. If, however, the weather be not settled fair, and the wind does not fall with the sun, it will usually prove worse than useless to run a vessel close inshore at night in the hope of a breeze off the land. Such is the usual course of the winds in common seasons, in which a very heavy gale of wind will probably not be experienced from May to October, although close-reefed topsail breezes are usually common enough. Occasionally, however, there are years, the character of which is decidedly stormy. Gales of wind, of considerable strength, then follow each other iN quick succession, and from opposite quarters. Among the difficulties of the navigation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence are the Fogs and Ice. In spring, the entrance and Hastern parts are frequently covered with Ice, and vessels are sometimes beset for many days. Being unfitted for contending with this danger, they often suffer from it, and are occasionally lost. But all danger from Ice is far less than that which arises from the prevalence of Fogs: these may occur at any time during the open or navigable season, but are most frequent in the early part of summer, BRITISH AMERICA. 215 They are rare, and never of long continuance, during Westerly winds, but seldom fail to accompany an Easterly wind of any strength or duration. This observation is, however, subject to restriction, according to locality or season. Thus winds between South and West, which are usually clear weather winds above Anticosti, are frequently accompanied with Fog in the Eastern parts of the gulf. Winds between South and East are almost always accompanied with rain and Fog in every part. E.N.E. winds above Cape de Monts, at the mouth of the river, are often E.S.E. or S.E. winds in the gulf, being changed in direction by the high lands of the South coast, and have, therefore, in general the same fogey character. This is said of winds of considerable strength and duration, and which may extend over great distances. Moderate and partial fine weather winds may occur without Fog at any season, and in any locality. In the early part of the navigable season, especially in the months of April and May, with clear weather, N.E. winds are of frequent occurrence, and they some- times occur at other seasons, and in every part of the gulf and river. The Fogs sometimes last several days in succession, and to a vessel either running up or beating down, during their continuance, there is no safe guide but the constant use of the deep-sea lead, with a chart containing correct soundings. The Fogs which accompany Easterly gales extend high up into the atmosphere, and cannot be looked over from any part of the rigging of a ship. They, however, are not so thick as those which occur in calms after a strong wind, and which are often so dense as to conceal a vessel within hail; whilst the former frequently admit the land or other objects to be distinguished at the distance of half a mile or more, in the daytime. The dense Fogs which occur in calms, and even in very light winds, often extend only to small elevations above the sea; so that it sometimes happens, when objects are hidden at the distance of 50 yards from the deck, they can be plainly seen by a person 50 or 60 feet up the rigging. In the months of October and November, the Fogs and rain that accom- pany Easterly gales, are replaced by thick snow, which causes equal em- barrassment to the navigator. Nova Scoria.—The prevailing winds on all the §8.E. coast are from W.S.W. to 8.W., nearly as steady as Trade Winds, excepting that during the summer months they are rather more Southerly, accompanied with but little intermission by fog, which requires a North-Westerly wind to disperse it. It is, therefore, recommended not to leave an anchorage without making arrangements for reaching another before dark; or with appearances of a fog coming on, which, with a 8.W. wind, is so sudden, that you are unawares enveloped in it; nor to keep at sea during the night, if it can be avoided. Whenever the wind blows directly off the land the fog is soon dispersed. In the spring and summer months dense fogs or rain almost always accompany all winds from the sea, from E.N.E., round South, to W.S.W. In winter, the rain is frequently replaced by snow. During the autumnal and winter months, winds from between North and West become more frequent, and, being off the land, are always accompanied with clear weather. 216 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Strong gales of wind do not often occur in May, June, or July ; but after the middle of August they are often of great strength, and it becomes the more necessary to attend carefully to the indications of the barometer. Strong winds from East, round South, to W.S.W., are always accompanied by a falling barometer. When, therefore, these winds begin to abate, and the barometer at the same time ceases to fall, a change of wind, more or less sudden, to the opposite direction may be expected, with a rising barometer and fine weather; and if it be winter, with intense frost, coat- ing the vessel, her sails, and rigging, with ice. Again, a high barometer, stationary or beginning to fall, indicates that a S.E. or S.W. wind, with accompanying rain and fog, is not far distant ; and if, at the same time, there be a bank of clouds rising above the North- Western horizon, the indication is certain. Bay or Funpy.—The prevailing winds in summer are from South to S.W., in autumn from North to N.E. Winds from South to 8. W. generally bring fog, which often comes on suddenly. In summer, the haze from burning forests in Maine is almost as bad as fog. SoutH Carouina, &c.—About this coast, if the wind blows hard from the N.E. quarter, without rain, it commonly continues so for some time, perhaps three or four days; but, if such winds are attended with rain, they generally shift to the Hast, E.S.H., and $.H. S.E. winds blow right in on the coast ; but they seldom blow dry, or continue long. In six, eight, or ten hours after their commencement, the sky begins to look dirty, which soon produces rain. When it comes to blow and rain very hard, you may be sure the wind will fly round to the N.W. quarter, and blow hard for twenty or thirty hours, with a clear sky. North-West winds are always attended with clear weather ; they some- times blow very hard, but seldom for longer than thirty hours. The most lasting winds are those which blow from the S8.S8.W. and W.N.W., and from the North to the E.N.E. The weather is most settled when the wind is in any of these quarters. In summer time thunder-gusts are very common on this coast; they always come from the N.W. quarter, and are sometimes so heavy that no canvas can withstand their fury; they come on so suddenly, that the greatest precaution is necessary to guard against the effects of their violence, <5 face page 27. Courses of lartous HURRICANES, as represented bi W*C._ REDFIELD, ESQ® and Licul.Col. Sor W" Reid. RE_CB Ke. with later examples Zot Lh eo os B a io oe ov CBreton qi on fi } =r sD / FOUNDI.AND 4. st John’s 40 v1 aug Ramillies, 7. ab Sep! 1601782 2 Bay of = AY Honduras 3 #% \/Oct!6"760 @ Bermudas OcrI9 be -* ? i 75H “ 4 Sep18 190) opp oe Pommiies, E “Da StLacdiy StVincent 7B atbadors "Sepp < 5 IMlyy Ps ae “Tey Ye Sa YMartinique #9 >y, th 40 ry August 1837. AE 3 Prt i Longitude West 70° from Greenwich 10 ioys a eat ‘ ) fox Loin 3 e ve + ‘ f 1 . =o a lek! ‘ee ieee yl ee.) bP Mat AE a tt 4 P ‘ t ° pase : : | a; t) % rc : : f 14 | by ’ a) ae “7 & song de dd a 4p set IE Mi a : i _ % . hn (2.2087) 9.—HURRICANES. (151.) Among the most extraordinary phenomena of nature may be classed those tremendous meteors, the Hurricanes and Tornados of the Tropical Regions. There are various names applied to these storms : Cyclones, Revolving Storms, Kotary Gales, Hurricanes, Tornados (Portu- guese and expressive ‘‘re-turned”), Typhoons, &c.; but all are meant to describe much the same thing. Up to within quite a recent period they were very imperfectly understood, and were only regarded as terrible con- vulsions of the aerial system, when all order seemed to be broken up. But these, like many other apparent anomalies in nature, have been found reducible to system; and their various seemingly capricious motions all subject to general rules, which, in this case, have been aptly denominated “The Law of Storms.” (152.) Authorities.—The discussions on the progressive nature of Hurri- canes appear to have originated in a paper, entitled ‘‘ Remarks on the Prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast of the North American States,” by William C. Redfield, of New York, 1831, which proved to be a very important and valuable addition to nautical literature.* The subject, adopting the ‘‘ Redfield Theory,” was afterwards amplified and illustrated by Lieutenant-Colonel (afterwards Sir) William Reid, R.H., C.B., Governor of the Bermudas and of Malta, in the volume entitled ‘‘ An Attempt to Develop the Law of Storms by means of Facts, arranged according to - Place and Time, and hence to point out a Cause for the Variable Winds, with a view to practical use in Navigation,” 1838. As connected with this subject, the names of Redfield and Reid will be imperishable. We say that the discussion appears to have originated in the before- mentioned works ; but, without deciding on the claims of priority, it must be mentioned that, besides the names of Reid and Redfield, those of Mr. Piddington, at Calcutta ; of Dr. Thom, and more recently Professor Meldrum, in the Indian Ocean; of Mr. Espy, in America; and of Professor Dové, at Berlin, must be enrolled with them, as the primary instigators of the enquiry into the origin and nature of Storms. Mr. Piddington’s ‘“‘Hornbook” contains the most valuable information on this important topic. Among more recent writers on this subject we may mention the Padre * The origin of the revolving theory has been attributed to others earlier in the field then Redfield and Reid. Among others, to Colonel Capper, who published his well-known work on Winds and Monsoons, in 1801; to Rom ne, a French author, in 1806; and to several others. But these all fell short of establishing the law, inasmuch as they only noticed the shifting character of the winds in one spot, and did not reach the conclusion that these shifts had an invariable character, and that the whole meteor was progressive. + “My attention was first directed to the subject from having been employed at Bar- badoes in re-establishing the Government buildings blown down in the Hurricane of 1831, when 1,477 persons lost their lives in the short space of seven hours. I was in- duced to search everywhere for accounts of previous storms, in the hope of learning something of their causes and mode of action.’’—Reid, ‘ Law of Storms.” eA: 29 218 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Vifies, of Havana; Professors Wojeikof, Mohn, and Hildebrandsson ; Messrs. Blanford, Elliott, and Willson, in India; Dr. Doberck and Pére Dechevrens, in China; Mr. Knipping, in Japan; Messrs. Birt, Jinman, Evans, Scott, Buchan, Ley, and Toynbee; and Professor Ferrel and Lieutenant Hayden, in the United States. The writings of these gentle- men, with those of numerous others, are chiefly to be found in various periodical publications, and have been used in the compilation of the following remarks, which, it is hoped, will be found to contain the essence of the subject, though there are difficulties in reconciling the many con- tradictory and confusing statements. (153.) Character.—Although the ‘‘ Law of Storms” is now fully recog- nized, opinion is not yet unanimous as to the real character and con dition of these remarkable meteors. Reid, Redfield, and others, contend that they are real vortices—currents of air revolving round a progressive centre ; others, as Thom and Meldrum, contend that the wind blows in spirals around this centre; Espy, that the wind blows toward the centre ; others, again, consider that the vertical motion of the air will explain many of the phenomena. Jinman considers that, as the air is blowing away from one area, another current necessarily blows towards and into that area, causing the peculiar features of these Hurricanes. It would be out of place, and far too discursive for this work, to discuss at length these various propositions ; they may readily be found in the numerous works extant. One more remark may suffice. Is it not possible, nay, probable, that each of these theories may be correct as to individual Cyclones, which may be (and are) of such varied character as not to be reducible in all cases to a fixed rule? However, it is certain that in many examples the true Revolving Storm is the proper appellation. (154.) Rotation—One fact with regard to these Storms appears to be now all but indisputable, and that is the rotary or gyratory character of the winds round a circular, or nearly circular, area or vortex of low baro- metric pressure, which moves forward at the same time along certain tracks, according to the locality in which it is found. Concerning the rotary character of the winds, simultaneous observations at different positions during the progress of these Storms show there can be no doubt that the winds which formed them were rotating round central areas. The way in which the wind veered at all the places over which it passed, . cannot be explained on any other supposition. The depression of the barometer within the areas of the storms, and the circumstance that the depression was greatest everywhere at or near the centre, also indicates another important feature, viz., that there is a diminished atmospheric pressure within the whole area of a Cyclone, and lowest of all at the centre. The diminished weight of the atmosphere at the places passed over by the Cyclone may be accounted for by the suction which draws air towards it from all quarters and the effect of which is necessarily to produce revolving currents ascending spirally towards the area in the upper regions of the atmosphere where a vacuum or great rarefaction originatoc. In the paper referred to in (156) is a description of a Waterspout which ws seen to extend upward to a height of 1,700 feet, and of several Dust HURRICANES. 219 Storms which were more than double that height. If there be a close analogy between Cyclones and these smaller whirls, it may be inferred that the gigantic whirls composing the former are greatly higher, or perhaps several miles in height, and consequently the direction of the wind expe- rienced during a Cyclone may not always agree with the direction of the progress of the scud above, which may be accounted for by the spiral column not rising perpendicularly in the air. This will be referred to again later on. (155.) Incurvature of Wind —It is now considered that the wind only blows circularly round the vicinity of the centre or vortex, while at parts of the Storm farther away it does not blow in a strictly circular course round the centre, but spirally or incurving towards it, as shown in the illustrative diagrams. The curve which the wind describes is in reality a spiral around the focus. If these were drawn, that for the Northern Hemisphere would be curved in the same direction as the figure 6; for the Southern it would be this figure reversed, or like the figure 6 on the back of the paper, both beginning at the top. This indraft or incurvature of the wind varies according to the latitude and also the quadrant of the Storm. Padre Vifies found that, in the West Indian Hurricanes which he had studied, in the front part of the Storm the winds blew almost in a circle, while in the rear the inclination, or in- draft, was so great that the winds blew almost towards the centre. When in latitudes higher than 30°, however, the Hurricane may cover so great an area as to render the indraft imperceptible. This indraft of course affects the problem of finding the bearing of the centre, discussed hereafter. (156.) Similes——Perhaps the idea of an ascending spiral whirl may be the simplest simile to which to compare the circulation of the winds in a Cyclone. In a paper by D. M. Holme, LL.D., published in the Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society, 1869, pages 8305—322, it was pointed out that the whirls which frequently occur in the atmosphere, known as Waterspouts, Whirlwinds, and Dust Storms, often originate in the upper regions of the atmosphere, and descend in the form of an inverted cone to the earth’s surface. They are. also formed by currents of air ascending from tke earth’s surface spirally and rotating at the same time. These ascending currents have'been distinctly noticed, by various articles (such as hay, straw, branches of trees, and in some cases animals) being seen carried up in the interior of the whirling cylinder. If it were possible to have an aneroid in the interior of it, a depression indicating diminished atmospheric pressure would most probably be observable. In this paper it is attempted to prove that Cyclones have many features in common with Waterspouts, Dust Storms, and Whirlwinds. (157.) Origin.—The most difficult part of the Cyclone theory remains to be mentioned. What causes the suction to which the indraught of air may be attributed ? What determines the course which all these West India Cyclones take in their passage over the earth’s surface? The latter question is the less difficult of the two. If the Cyclones are formed, as they appear to be in the Atlantic Ocean, a little to the North of the Equator, it ig evident that they must move in the first instance to the Westward, haoaies the general atmospheric current is in that direction. When they reach the 220 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. West India Islands they get into another current, which carries them first N.W., then North, and ultimately N.E. But how is the whirling cylindrical column of a Cyclone formed ? There are several ways in which a whirl may be formed. (1.) If a tub be filled with water, and a small orifice be made in the bottom, the water in the tub as it runs out rotates. At first only the part over and near the orifice rotates, but ultimately the rotation extends to more distant parts. (2.) If a stream of water be made to flow through a body of water which is quiescent, whirls or eddies will be formed which consist of columns more or less vertical. They may be seen any day in rivers where the current passes a point of rock projecting into the stream, and when that current comes in contact with the body of the water sheltered by the rock. These eddies are still more common where two currents, running in different directions, touch one another ; along the line which separates them whirls are formed, the rotation being in the direction of the stronger stream, and its progressive motion being also in the same direction. (3.) If along glass cylinder be immersed a little way into a body of water, and the air be suddenly exhausted or rarefied by drawing it out at the top of the cylinder, the water rises, and in rising rotates. With regard to the cause of the air rising. There must frequently be, in the upper regions of the Equatorial atmosphere, condensations of the warm vapours which are carried up from the surface of the ocean by the ascend- ing aerial currents. These condensations will produce great rarefaction, and that rarefaction will draw towards it air from the lower regions of the atmosphere, and in drawing it will probably cause rotation.* Low pressure, violent winds, and heavy clouds and rain, are always observed in well-defined Cyclones, and are closely dependent on one another. A local decrease of pressure, from whatever initial cause, re- quires the inflow of the surrounding air. The winds thus aroused acquire, except close to the Equator, a rotation around the low pressure centre as they approach it, because they are moving on a rotating sphere. Their inward spiral motion thus begun must become more rapid near the centre in accordance with the well-known mechanical law, as illustrated by a whirlpool. The centrifugal force produced by the rotation causes a further decrease of pressure at the centre, and thereby confirms the circulation of the Storm. ie The low pressure at the centre, in spite of the continual spiral inflow of air, shows there must be a compensating escape of air by ascent and out- flow above; the slowly-ascending air, still whirling around the centre, is necessarily cooled by its own expansion as it rises, and thus vapour is con- densed, and heavy clouds form giving rain. The latent heat given out by the condensation of so much vapour retards the cooling of the ascending air and maintains it at a higher temperature than that of the surrounding ee * To cause this rotation, the ascending current would appear to require a limited space to pass through, and this hole, as it were, might be formed at a point of contact of the upper and under layers of three strata of air. That it is possible for patches of air of different consistencies to exist side by side, has been proved by the fog-signal — experiments carried on by the Trinity House.—Ep. HURRICANES. 221 air at the same altitude. This relative warmth of the cloudy storm area maintains the outflow of the upper currents in the same way as the Equa- torial warmth causes the Poleward flow of the lofty Anti-Trades. (158.) Direction of Rotation, &c.—In the Northern Hemisphere, as already explained on page 183, the winds in Cyclonic Storms, invariably revolve from right to left, past the North, or against the sun, i.e. in the opposite direction to the hands of a watch lying face upwards. Originating within the Tropics, the Storm progresses bodily to the W.N.W., then N.W., and North, forming a cycloidal curve in about lat. 30°, and runs off to the N.E. South of the Equator, or in the Southern Hemisphere, this rule is reversed, the Storm revolving from left to right, or with watch-hands, passing onwards in a 8.W., and finally in a §.E. course. These Storms, however, do not seem to be encountered in the South Atlantic Ocean, within the S.E. Trade Wind area. The illustrative diagrams will give the reader a better idea of the circulation of the wind in a Hurricane, North of the Equator, than any written description. The spiral lines in that for low latitudes show the course of the wind around the vortex, its direction at any point on this diagram being the same as the curve at that point. By plotting arrows at all points having the wind from the same direction, North for example, and joining them by a dotted line, it will be found that this line curves towards the centre. The angle of bearing of the centre therefore, supposing the Cyclone to be of a normal character, gradually decreases from about 10 points (or it may be 11, 12, or 13 points, or even more) of the compass at the margin to about 8 points nearer the vortex, where the “ Hight Point Rule,” hereafter given, becomes correct. (159.) Form, &c.—A Cyclonic area is rarely circular, but usually more or less oval, seldom perfectly symmetrical, and the vortex or centre is often displaced towards one side. The vortex also sometimes oscillates or moves from one side of the area to the other. The longer axis of the oval usually lies in a line with the path of the Storm, and its effect is as if the circle had been distorted, thus giving a much greater preponderance of the winds due to the longer sides of the oval. An irregular motion of the vortex, as above described, will cause great perplexity and apparent want of regu- larity, yet the Storm itself may be strictly a revolving one. Another cause of complexity in revolving Storms is, that they have been known to separate into two, and in other cases two or more Storms encountering each other have coalesced. The vortex or focus of a Cyclone, where reigns a calm accompanied by heavy and confused seas, with a blue sky in the Tropics (known as the “‘bull’s eye’’), may be of considerable size, from 10 to 30 miles in diameter in some Storms, and in others, it is thought, may be next to nothing. Here the barometer may read 2 inches or more below the normal. This is the most dangerous part of a revolving Storm, asin its passage the wind suddenly shifts from one point to the other, and here it is generally most violent. Around this the wind circulates in an ever widening circle as it progresses on its course, until the disturbance may cover an area of 1,000 miles or more in diameter. 422 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. There is a Jarge amount of variation, however, in the size, shape, and velocity of these Storms. They are smallest and most violent in the Tropics, where the cloud-ring averages about 500 miles in diameter, and the region of stormy winds 300 miles, or even less. Some examples of vessels passing through the vortex are given at the end of this Section. (160.) Though the circular theory is now so generally adopted, it is as well here to notice that of Captain George Jinman, who thus expounds his views :—Every Hurricane or Gale has two distinct sides, formed by two currents of air flowing in opposite directions, and crossing each other at two points. The two sides are nct always equally developed at the earth’s surface—that is, the one often blows harder than the other; it is but seldom, in fact, that the winds in the two sides are equal in force. The greatest force will be found at either confluence, but rarely of equal force at both. It may blow with hurricane violence at both confiuences, and only a moderate gale at the sides.* The centre of a Storm is not the most dangerous part. There are times in which it would be possible for a steam-ship to pass from one side of the gale to another, across the centre, and yet not experience more than a moderate gale, whilst vessels on either side of her, under the confluences, may be exposed to violent Hurricanes. A vessel may become embayed, as it were, in a Storm, in such a position that it may be almost impossible for her to escape altogether uninjured. There are many positions, indeed, in which a ship, especially a dull sailing one, may be overtaken, and be unable to escape. One confluence is generally more distinctly marked than the other, espe- cially in extra-tropical latitudes; so much so, indeed, that, for a long time, 3 imagined that there was but one ; which at that time I named the centre- line, or core of the gale. The one on the West side of the centre, in either Hemisphere, is always more marked than the one on the Hast side. When I say more marked, I mean that the meeting of the two winds may be seen more distinctly ; as, for instance, in the North Atlantic, when the wind flies from 8.W. toN.W. This takes place at the confluence on the West side of the centre. On the East side, where the winds forming a confluence are from the S.E. and §S.W., their meeting is not so distinctly marked. The wind seldom flies from S8.H. to 8.W. ; it more usually veers, but rather more quickly than at any other part of the Storm. The reason is simply this: the §.E. and 8.W. winds, flowing out from the Equator, are more highly charged with vapour, and are warmer than a Westerly or Northerly wind, and consequently have a greater tendency to ascend and to mix with each other. A N.W. wind, on the contrary, is a dense, cold wind—a descending wind; and on coming in contact with a S.W. wind, it con- denses the vapour which the latter has taken up, thus producing torrents of rain at their junction. Here we have one material proof that the winds do not blow in circles ; for, on passing from one wind into another, as from «I am satisfied that many of those Storms which have been described by some writers as dowble Hurricanes or Cyclones, were nothing more than the two confluences of the same Storm. HURRICANES. 293 a S.W. into a N.W., a long bank of wimbus (rain-cloud) may often be seen stretching away from S.W. to N.E., or with the wind just left, and at right angles to the wind entered, before which it is being rapidly driven; showing distinctly that the two winds are in contact, and blowing at right angles to each other. This could not be the case if the wind blew in circles—if it was one continuous current of air blowing round a centre. (161.) Season.— West Indian Hurricanes, as Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean are generally called, are especially liable to be en- countered from July to October inclusive, though June may also be num- bered among the Hurricane months. October, although the last month of the Hurricane season, is one of the most dangerous. August is specially liable to these dreaded Storms, the maximum being reached between the middle of August and the middle of October. They are comparatively rare during the other months, though not entirely unknown. The follow- ing is a list of 8355, which occurred in the West Indies during a period of 363 years, arranged according to the months, taken from a chronological Table drawn up by M. André Foey, of Havana, for the years from 1493 to 1855. May | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. 5 10 | 42 96 80 69 June, too soon; July, stand by; August, look out you must; September, remember; October, all over. Jan. Feb. | Mar. | Apr. 5 6 7 ula 17 7 355 Nov. me a This rhyme is true so far as the specially dangerous months are con- cerned. The experience, however, of over 300 years records, shows that June is not too soon, and that in October they are not all over. (162.) Regions—West Indian Hurricanes originate in the Tropics, usually to the Westward of long. 40° W., and rarely to the Southward of lat. 10° N.* As a general rule, their origin seems to be about the Northern edge of the belt of Equatorial rains and calms, to the Eastward of the Windward Islands. Starting as whirlwinds on a gigantic scale, they at first move bodily Westward, sometimes crossing the Gulf of Mexico and reaching the coast of the United States with destructive violence; but more often curving to the Northward and North-Hastward, following up the Gulf Stream towards Newfoundland, and then inclining away to the Eastward around the area of high pressure over mid-Atlantic. Thus they may be encountered anywhere within the Tropical limits given above; also over the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico; over a broad belt curving North- Westward from about St. Thomas, including the whole area from Bermuda to the United States coast and British America. Farther to the North-Eastward these Storms gradually lose their distinctive character, though their tracks can at times easily be traced across the Atlantic towards Northern Europe Cyclones are rarely, if ever, formed to the South of the mid North Atlantic Anti-Cyclone, mentioned in (25), though they sometimes originate * See Captain Henry Toynbee's remarks, given ante, on e 138, P § pag 224 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS, on its §.W. side. On the North side of this Anti-Cyclone, Cyclonic areas frequently arise, moving away to the Eastward. On its §.E. side, near Madeira, Cyclones are also occasionally formed ; these either work very slowly to the S.W., or cross over towards the Strait of Gibraltar.* The lowest latitude of any centre of low pressure which has been dis- tinctly traced in the North Atlantic Ocean is 6° 6’ N., and there are eight cases of Cyclonic Storms whose paths have been traced to points South of lat. 10° N. Hard gales and violent squalls of wind sometimes occur directly under the Equator. (163.) Path or Track.—We have before stated (158), that besides its circular motion the Cyclonic Storm also moves forward bodily along certain tracks, according to the locality in which it is found. The investigation of the records of a very large number of West Indian Hurricanes has led to the following conclusions with regard to the tracks which they generally follow, though, as will be seen from the practical examples hereafter given, no dependence can be placed upon any Storm following a certain track, so much depending upon the meteorologival conditions of the area surround- ing it. Professor W. Ferrel well describes the progressive motion of a Cyclone as depending mostly upon the general motions of the atmosphere, but also upon the tendency of the Cyclone to press towards the Pole. In the Trade Wind latitudes the wind at the earth’s surface is Westward, or at least has a large Westerly component, and hence the Cyclones in these latitudes are carried Westward by this Westward motion of the air, especially at certain seasons; and having likewise a tendency toward the Pole, the resultant of the two is a Westward motion, inclined a little toward the Poles, or in the Northern Hemisphere a motion about W.N.W. After having arrived at the parallel of 20° to 33° or 35° in the Tropical calm belt, where there is no Westward motion (according to the season), the progressive motion is a Polar one mostly, but after progressing still nearer the Pole, into the middle and higher latitudes, the general Hastward motion of the atmosphere here, which is great in the upper regions, now carries the Cyclone towards the East, and the direction of the progressive motion, which is usually about E.N.E., is the resultant of this Eastward motion and the motion towards the Pole. All well-developed Cyclones, therefore, having their origin in the Tropics, have mostly a progressive motion represented by a curve somewhat in the form of a parabola, as will be seen from the diagram showing the courses of various Hurricanes. Padre R. P. B. Viiies, of Havana, as the result of his study and long experience of this subject, states that between lat. 10° and 15° N.a Hurri- cane moves-almost due West. In June and October its course changes rapidly to N.W. and North, recurving about lat. 20° to 23°. In July and September it continues on its N.W. course to lat. 27° to 29° before recwrving. In August it continues on its N.W. course to lat. 30° to 32° before re- curving. ——_— ——— * « Weather,” by the Hon. R. Abercromby, 1887. + Prof. E. Loomis, ‘‘ On Areas of Low Pressure,” American Journal of Science, 1885, STORM CARD _ NORTH’ HEMISPHERE. ge f Nerun WW. or Port Port Diagram for finding a ship's positior relative to the Storm centre, by means of the direction of the wmd and fall of the Barometer. (See instructions on page 230) wind 3 1 ' ' 1 / 7 To 5 af ; igosee fF ” duto SU ruvENE ork uo'R NORMAL HURRICANE TRACK face page 225. \eche IN HIGH LATITUDES ee © a 9a" set 3” E.N.E. = 4 i £ NEY/ e ia, KE Jily & Sept. 29°55 s bi ris: August ——_ 33_55 e. . ; n. | | | / ES \\ss.e. Track __ NNE+toE.N.E. NNW. \ \ a CG 14 \s. /[ Velocity, 20t030m.avhour nw aaa on ee ee ee W.N.W Seen ee aww —> Ze Ww Ww W.S.W : Zp oe DangeroY IN MIDDLE LATITUDES J vie E.N-E. (Storm Recurving’) NNE/ Z neil y _ oe cae % June Oot, 20.23 S ty ERE = Fly & Sept. 27°29 5 et Tis Paes eae to ee EON want Bg, 3 35 NW Ses 2 hg My .! So en 1% ‘a seth bo Track __ NNWtoN.NE. = Ss ae > : * % wus a - a /, 4 rai Velocity, 5t010m. an hour. z S.S.W. wsw. Z) Dangerous semicircle &- en: IN LOW LATITUDES June & Oct.—10°_20° July & Sept.— 10°27 August —— 10-30 Track __ Wb.Nto NNW. Velocity, about hour. Navigable semicircle HURRICANES. 225 At the beginning of the season some of the Hurricanes of June and July keep well to the South and cross the Caribbean Sea, and at times also the Island of Cuba, in a W. by N. direction approximately. From the begin- ning of August to the end of September these Tropical Cyclones, in the first part of their track, take generally a W.N.W. direction or a course between W.N.W. and N.W., and all of them recurve outside of the Tropics, gene rally between lat. 27° and 33°. As the season advances, the initial direction of the tracks inclines more to the Westward, the Hurricanes keep farther South and recurve in lower latitudes, so that those of October, and even some at the end of September, come to us (at Havana) from the Southern part of the Caribbean Sea, and recurve in the vicinity of the Tropic of Cancer, or before reaching it, with this peculiarity, that where several have come in succession, each one has recurved not only in a lower latitude, but also farther West than the pre- ceding. The interval in these cases from one to another is not legs than twelve or fourteen days. These Hurricanes are without doubt the most to be feared for the Western portion of the Island of Cuba.* The illustrative diagrams, mainly derived from the United States Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, show the circulation of the winds in a normal West Indian Hurricane. The large arrows show the direction of the path along which the Storm is advancing, according to the latitude; the small arrows fly with the wind, and show the indraft or incurve towards the centre. The central shaded portion shows the specially dangerous region, and the right hand side of this, facing the Storm’s path, is che dangerous semicircle, about which more will be said later on. (164.) Mr. Redfield says :—At stations within the Tropics, the changes of wind, during the passage of the Hurricane, are sometimes known to exceed those which pertain to the passage of a regular circuit of wind ; these changes sometimes running through the entire circuit of the compass, and even more. Again, they have been known to shift backward and forward, in alternate and fitful changes, when near the crisis of the Storm. These phenomena, so far from disproving the rotative character of these gales, only prove something more, and afford, at least, probable evidence in support of one or the following positions :—1. That high land and other obstructions often produce sudden and fitful gusts and changes in these violent winds. 2. That, in accordance with our observations of minor vortices, the action of rotation is often impelled, excentrically, around a smaller circuit, in the interior of the advancing Storm. In the Northern inter-tropical latitudes the recession or departure of the South-Eastern limb of the Storm appears to be followed, not unfrequently, by strong squalls or gusts from the S.H., this being the true course of the general Trade Wind which determines the track of the Storm. These gusts, or squalls, if mistaken for the regular action of the Hurricane, may occasion erroneous deductions in regard to the course of the Storm. At stations apparently within the regular track of the Storm, there will * « Apuntes relativos a los Huracanes de las Antillas en Setiembre y Octubre de 1875 y 1876,” by Padre R. P. B. Viiies. N.A.O. 30 226 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDs. sometimes be an absence of violent wind; or the violence will pertain to only one of the phases, which the Storm presents, in its regular course over such locality. Some Storms are interrupted in their development by the near approach of another Storm. Care must be taken, therefore, not to mistake the N.E. wind of a Storm whose North-Western limb is thus intercepted by a bordering Storm, and which hence is sometimes followed by the natural current of air from the S.W. quarter, for the changes that pertain to the centre of a rotary gale. (165.) Velocity—The velocity or force of the wind in a Cyclonic Storm varies according to the distance from the vortex, being least near the cir- cumference, and greatest near the central calm space, where it has been estimated sometimes to attain a speed of 125 to 150 miles an hour. With regard to the rate of progression of the storm-field along its track, the examination of a large number of records has led to the following results. At its origin, and in low latitudes, its average rate of movement is 17 miles an hour, but this is reduced to 10 or 5 miles an hour where the storm recurves in middle latitudes, and here it has even been known to become almost stationary for several days. As # bears off to the Hast- ward its speed increases to 20 or 30 miles an hour, though Professor Loomis, from his researches, finds they here attain an average speed of only 18 miles an hour. From their nature there must necessarily be considerable variation in the course and velocity of these Storms, but the above figures give the average. (166.) Indications.—The earliest and surest of all warnings of an approaching Hurricane will be found in that invaluable, and seldom-failing monitor, the Barometer ; the language of which, in the Torrid Zone, is unmistakable, because there it is usually tranquil and undisturbed. When any such warning symptoms are observed, in any quarter of the world, it may be supposed that no time should be lost in making all due prepara- tion, and especially if to such menacing appearances be added the confused and troubled agitation of the sea which often precedes these revolving storms, and always shows that they are at no great distance. But if these combined prognostics should occur within the limits of those regions in which these Cyclones occur, let the seaman immediately consider the pos- sibility, at least, of his being about to encounter a storm of that revolving type of which we have been treating. The Barometer will be found an unerring indicator of the approach of these meteors, provided proper attention be paid to its monitions. As a general rule, the following will be its usual vibrations :—Just previous to the commencement of the Hurricane, the mercury will suddenly rise above its normal or ordinary level (see (23) and the accompanying diagrams of Mean Barometric Pressure), accompanied by Anti-Cyclonic winds of some duration, with cool, dry, bracing, and beautiful weather, a clear sky, and very transparent atmosphere.* In a day or two, or sooner, it will begin to fall, and the wind probably rises, showing that the Storm has begun. * The Hurricane of September, 1885, was thus indicated at Havana, while it was yes 1,200 miles away. HORRICANKS. 227 The mercurial column then begins to descend, rapidly at first, and then more slowly, till the centre of the Hurricane has passed over, when it begins gradually to rise, and the reverse of the commencement ensues ; it attains a higher level, and then as suddenly falls to the mean height. This 1s if the whole of the meteor pass over it, and the centre be crossed. Upon a little consideration, it will be evident that the form of the surface of the revolving storm, or the section of the vortex, is described by the variations in the barometric column. It by no means follows that, prac- tically, this will always be found: a ship may only skirt the exterior of the storm, and, consequently, the mercury will only rise, or oscillate, according to the relative position of the Hurricane and the ship; but it may be taken as an indication, when the barometer begins slowly to rise, after being depressed, that the greatest danger has passed over, or that the ship is steering away from it. Therefore, should there be any sudden change in the barometer, either rising or falling, its indications should never be neglected, especially during the period, and in the regions, subject to these storms. The barometer sometimes sinks two inches during the progress of a Hurricane.* One great advantage in the Aneroid Barometer is, that its variations occur simultaneously with their causes. In the Mercurial Barometer the friction of the mercury on the tube, and other reasons, concur to make the column rise or fall at some time after the change has occurred. In this the Aneroid Barometer possesses great advantage, and it has another very great claim to notice—that it clearly shows very minute changes, which the oscillation or pumping motion of the mercury in very bad weather will not allow to be estimated. Another warning of the coming Storm is a long low swell from the direc- tion in which it is approaching. In the open ocean, when the waves have free action in deep water, the unbroken swell of the ocean travels with immense velocity, rising at times to about 400 miles an hour. Any extra- ordinary swell or rollers, more or less confused, may be taken as the evidence of some distant Storm. Another early sign is when light feathery cirrus clouds are seen radiating from a point on the horizon where a whitish arc indicates the bearing of the centre, though it may still be hundreds of miles away. Unmistakable signs are a falling barometer; halos about the sun and moon; increasing swell; hot, moist weather, with light variable winds; rolled and tufted forms of clouds, with deep lurid red and violet tints at dawn and sunset; a heavy mountainous cloud- bank,of a dark or leaden appearance, on the distant horizon, with darting forks and threads of pale lightning.t This cloud-bank may be seen, perhaps, * At midnight, December 22nd, 1892, the corrected reading of the barometer on board the steamer Werkendam, was 27°75, near the centre of a Hurricane, in lat. 39° 41’ N., long. 30° 41’ W., one of the lowest readings recorded in the North Atlantic Ocean (see page 111). ¢ Although it is true that the prognostics of a common coming storm are, in general, sufficiently plain to be understood by a spectator, from the angry appearance of the firmament, yet it is also true that there is no particular indication in any one quarter of the horizon sufficiently marked, like the space occupied by the Black Squall panoply of the Caribbean Sea, so that an acute seaman may say, ‘‘thence will the blast come.” On the contrary, the clouds gather together (we speak from experience) in dense masses, 228 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. twelve hours before the wind comes on. The peculiar cirro-stratus clouds, the invariable precursors of the Hurricane, soon appear, looking like white and delicate feathers or great and showy plumes crossing the firmament. These beautiful clouds remain fixed at times, and do not change their forms for hours. The weather becomes heavy, the heat oppressive and sticky, causing profuse perspiration, and the humidity of the air increases. In a short time the cloud-bank of the Hurricane appears on the horizon, the wind freshens every moment, and the first nimbus and broken cwmulus clouds commence to disintegrate and fly about with gusts, light rains, and passing squalls. These increase in number and intensity, with the more rapid fall of the barometer, as the storm-centre approaches. Electrical discharges are rarely seen at this period. Lieutenant E. Hayden, U.S.N., remarks that one of the most important indications of an approaching Hurricane is the marked cyclonic circulation of the wind and the lower and upper clouds. A Cyclone is an ascending spiral whirlwind, with a rotary motion against the hands of a watch in the Northern Hemisphere. The surface wind blows spirally inward, being only circular very near the centre; the current above, carrying the low scud and rain clouds, blows in almost an exact circle around the centre; the next higher current, with cwmulus cloud, in an outward spiral ; and so on, up to the highest cirrus clouds, which radiate directly outward. The angle of divergence between the successive currents is almost exactly two points of the compass. Ordinarily, with the wind from North, the low clouds come from North also, but on the edge of a Hurricane when the wind is North, the low clouds come from N.N.E. mvariably. In the rear of a Hurricane, the wind blows more nearly inward; thus, with a S.H. wind the centre will bear about West, the low clouds coming from §.8.E. Great activity of movement of the upper clouds, while the Storm is still distant, indicates the Hurricane to be of great violence. If the radiating cirrus plumes are faint and opalescent, fading gradually behind a slowly thickening haze, the approaching Storm is an old one of large area; if of snowy whiteness, against a clear blue sky, it is a young Cyclone of small area but great intensity. Padre Vifies’ remarks are given later on, in (169). (167.) Storm Centre.—It will be very readily understood that the whole care of the shipmaster, when he first encounters a Storm, is to know how it may be avoided, or otherwise its destructive effects may pass over his vessel in its utmost fury. When the first force of the expected Hurricane reaches his ship, the first point that requires to be known is on what part of the circumference the vessel may be; that being ascertained, it is usually comparatively easy to get out of its way, or at least to avoid its worst effects. Occasional disasters must occur, in spite of all human fore- of a cinereous hue, in every direction, until the whole canopy of heaven is overspread, and the gloom at last becomes so intense that, even at mid-day, to speak within bounds, beyond a quarter of a mile no object can be even indistinctly seen. There are, however, some degrees of variation in the intensity of the obscurity; but we all know that the measure of distance by the eye upon such an exciting occasion is not likely to be very exact; at one period in a Hurricane, just as the ship was dismasted, at the crisis, near noon, we could not clearly distinguish the end of the bowsprit from the quarter-deck.— Lieutenant Evans. HURRICANKS. 229 sight; but a careful study of what has been stated, together with the . following remarks and rules, should enable any shipmaster to see the approach of one of these dreaded Storms with some amount of equanimity.’ When there is abundance of sea-room, the danger of these Hurricanes becomes very much diminished, and the mariner is left much more free to choose the best course for avoiding their fury. There is one position in which a ship may enter a revolving Storm which is attended with the utmost danger, that is directly in its path. Im ‘this case the wind will not shift, as it would on either side of the line of pro- gress, but will continue in its first direction until the centre or focus be passed, when it would suddenly shift to exactly the opposite point, a change which the seaman would dread. The focus, as before mentioned, is'the most dangerous part of the Hurricane, as there the strength of the wind concentrates, sudden shifts of wind take place, and heavy and confused seas break. It is obvious that the nearer the vortex is approached the quicker the shift of wind will be, and vice versa. Here, too, the sea becomes confused ; the waves raised by the opposing winds surrounding it here interfere with each other, and the appearance, as described by some, is that of the water rising and falling in pyramidal heaps, the usual succes- sion of waves being obliterated. Sometimes the sea rises or subsides in a very sudden manner. (168.) Bearing of the Centre——The description of these Storms must be carefully studied, to avoid getting entangled in the central regions of the Cyclone, where fierce squalls and heavy seas often make it dangerous for any vessel, even a high-powered steamer, to manceuvre in such a way as to run out of the Storm. The natural inference from what has been stated in the foregoing pages, concerning the form and movements of these Storms, is that the ship-' master’s first care must be to avoid their centre and path, and, to do this, certain clear rules have been evolved, by which the bearing of the centre and the track of the Storm may be readily ascertained with some amount of certainty. For, as we have already stated, it is one of the remarkable laws of these storms that in opposite Hemispheres they revolve in opposite directions—in North latitudes against the course of the sun, that is to say from right to left, or in a direction contrary to the movement of the hands of a watch ; and in Sowth latitudes from left to right ; and, secondly, it is known that, no matter how great or how little may be the size of the storm- field, the wind continually blows in a more or less circular course round and round a centre or vortex. It therefore necessarily and demonstratively follows that this centre must always be more or less at right angles to that circular course ; or, in other words, that the bearing of the centre lies from eight to thirteen (or more) points of the compass from the direction of the wind, as stated in (158). In (155) it is also shown that in the rear of a Cyclonic Storm the wind sometimes blows nearly directly towards the centre. The diagram facing p. 225 is taken from the United States Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, September, 1887, and may be used as a general guide for action when a Hurricane of normal character is met with Here dotted lines are drawn frym each wind-arrow at the margin to the 23C OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. centre, in the way explained in (158), so that to find the direction of the wind at any point follow the dotted line out to the margin and read it there. The circles are Jsobars, see (24), and the barometer falls ‘20 inch trom one of these circles to the next. This illustrates very clearly the rate at which the barometer falls as you approach the centre—-at first slowly, as the broad outer ring is traversed, then more and more rapidly. Near the centre, where the Isobars are very close together, it has been known to fall an inch in 50 miles. Of course, as you recede from the centre, the barometer rises as you pass from one Isobar to the next. Lieutenant E. Hayden, U.S.N., gives the following example to show the use of this diagram. Suppose that on a certain day at 4 p.m., for instance, the wind is E.S.E., and the barometer -20 inch below the normal: Find at the margin of the diagram the wind-arrow marked E.S.E., and fo'low the dotted line in toward the centre as far as the Isobar marked ‘‘:20 inch below normal! ;” this intersection (marked a) is your position on the diagram ; for, by the method of construction just explained, this is the place, and the only place, where, at the same time, the wind is E.S.E., and the barometer ‘20 inch below the normal. Referring to the compass and scale which accompany the diagram, you will find that the centre (Low) bears S.W. by S., distant 250 miles. Plot this 4 p.m. position of the centre on your track chart, from the 4 p.m. position of your vessel. Later in the day, say 8 p.m., suppose that the wind is S.H. by E., and the barometer is ‘30 inch below the normal (having fallen -10 during the interval): With this wind your position must be half-way between the dotted lines leading in towards the centre from the arrows marked S.E. and E.8.E., and with this barometer reading it must be half-way between - the Isobars marked ‘:20 inch below normal” and ‘:40 below;’’ it is therefore at the point marked 6, and the centre bears S.W., distant 200 miles. Plot this 8 p.m. position of the Cyclone centre on your track chart in the same way as before. You thus have the position of the Cyclone centre at 4 p.m. and at 8p.m. plotted on your chart, and the line joining the two positions is the track of the centre and the distance it has moved in 4 hours. Suppose, again, that at 10 p.m. the wind is still from S.H. by E., but the barometer stands :40 inch below normal, having fallen -10 in 2 hours. Your position is now at the point marked ¢ on the diagram, found by exactly the same course of reasoning as before, and the centre now bears S.W., distant about 175 miles. Plot this 10 p.m. position in the same way on your track chart. If you have been lying-to, this will evidently indicate hat the storm’s track has recurved, and that you are directly in front of the centre. But no matter whether you have been lying-to or not, your vessel’s track and position at any time, and the track and position of the cyclone centre, are both plotted on your chart, and you can closely watch every change of relative position in order to avoid the centre and dangerous semicircle of the Hurricane. With regard to the use of this and similar diagrams, the Hon. R. Aber- cromby remarks :*—Sometimes good results are thus obtained, but I am * “ Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society,” 1889, page 328. HURRICANES 231 of opinion, considering the oval and varying nature of a Cyclone’s form, and the great differences in the rate of barometric fall, that the application of any such calculation or projection must be illusory. (169.) Padre Vifies, of Havana, in the pamphlet mentioned in the note on page 225, remarks as follows :—For an observer who has to rely solely on his own personal observations, as is the case with seamen, it is of the greatest importance to be able to determine with the closest possible approximation the bearing of the centre at different times and during different phases of the Hurricane. The following indications, deduced from the appearance and disposition of the clouds, and from the direction of the air currents, will be of great utility. 1. As soon as the upper region commences to cloud over, the cirrus veil appears most dense in a particular part of the horizon where a whitish arc is formed which, when the sun rises and sets, changes to an intense dark red. This cirrus arc forms part of a misty aureole which surrounds the Hurricane, and is, consequently, the first indication which enables us to fix its bearing. 2. It has been observed that the cirro-stratus clouds (166) are so situated that their focus of radiation or divergence nearly corresponds to the bear- ing of the centre. This is considered a very good indication, and is forti- fied by numerous observations. To readily determine the position of this focus, it is only necessary to observe that when several of these cirro-stratus clouds diverge materially, and consequently are at some distance from the zenith, we must suppose them prolonged to the point of meeting. This should also be done when the cirro-stratus clouds show a slight curvature due to rotation, which has been observed in a few instances. 3. The cloud-bank of the Hurricane presents itself above the horizon so that its centre nearly corresponds to the bearing of the storm centre. In order to distinguish it easily and not confound it with the squall clouds, particularly when the horizon is indistinguishable, it is necessary to note the following indications :— The cloud-bank of the Hurricane is distinguished from any other cloud by its appearance, by its relate fixity of position, by the movements of the squalls, and by the direction which the scud takes in relation to it. Its appearance is that of a cwmulo-stratus cloud, which is formed in its upper part by a combination of rounded and cone-shaped clouds, while its lower part consists of a very dark nimbus cloud, whose base cannot be seen. The nimbus of the squall has no particular form ; its base, however, is some- times well defined, forming a dark band above the horizon. As to its relative fixity of position, it is evident that the cloud-bank of the Hurricane does not move readily from one point of the horizon to another, but remains for a long time in one position, or moves very slowly, particularly during its first phases. The clouds of a squall, on the con- trary, appear in different parts of the horizon and change position fre- quently. With respect to the movements of the squalls, it is seen that these at first disengage themselves from the cloud-bank, and then diverge. The cumulus clouds, which are first seen near the middle of the cloud-bank, 232 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. assume gigantic proportions as they rise towards the zenith, gradually spreading out and covering the sky. Very soon appears the base of the cloud forming above the horizon the dark band characteristic of the squall. With this cloud comes the rain, when the wind freshens and veers imme- diately to the right, blowing sometimes almost directly from the cloud-bank, which, when the squall has passed, is seen in the same point of the horizon as before. Later, the squalls arise from one extreme of the cloud-bank and follow more or less closely the general movement of rotation. Finally, if the direction of the scud above the cloud-bank be noticed, it will be seen that it flies parallel to it as it rotates, so that an observer who is looking at the cloud-bank sees the clouds fly always from left to right in horizontal lines ; thus, if the cloud-bank bears South, the clouds above it fly horizontally from East to West. This does not happen when the observer looks at any other point of the horizon where there may be a heavy cloud, as he will soon see that the scud does not fly in horizontal lines, nor does it move from left to right relatively to himsell. The low clouds in the interior of the Hurricane fly ordinarily in directions nearly perpendicular to the bearing of the centre, and consequently, apply- ing the Law of Storms to the direction of these clouds, a much closer approximation will be obtained in the determination of the bearing of the centre than if the same Law be applied to the direction of the winds on the outer edge of the Hurricane. The same may be said of the violent gusts of the squalls if the wind veers always to the right, and its con- vergence is lessened or done away with altogether. The cumulus, cirro-cumulus, and cirrus clouds which precede the Hurri- cane generally diverge, that is to say, their direction forms, with the bear- ing of the centre, an angle less than eight points, with the very noticeable peculiarity that if different strata are observed it will be seen that the _ divergence increases with the elevation. The gusts of the first squalls which break away from the cloud-bank also diverge. The following Table shows graphically the approximate bearing of the centre, according to the observed direction of the movement of nimbus clouds and squalls ; in fact, it is the old Hight Point Rule applied to them. The bearings for the intermediate points can easily be found. Ii the niméus clouds and squalls move North, the centre will bear East. ” ” N.E. ” S.E ” ” Hast ” South ” ” S E. ”» S.W 5 s South Fs West ” ” S.W. ” N.W . r West ” North ” ” N.W. ” N.E (170.) Rules, &c.—Having endeavoured in the foregoing pages to give a succinct account of Hurricanes and their attendant phenomena, we now proceed to the rules and directions which have been given by various authorities to avoid their violence, as deduced from the barometer and weather phenomena. On the first suspicion of a Hurricane, lie-to or stop the engines, and make everything fast. Being stationary, the shifts of wind are more easily HURRICANKS. 233 observed, so as to determine in what part of the Storm the vessel is involved, and the approximate bearing of the centre. Also carefully and frequently observe and record the changes of the barometer, and the direction of the wind and lower clouds. First and foremost we give the old time honoured Hight Point Rule for finding the approximate bearing of the centre, though, as previously stated in (155), from recent advances in our knowledge of these Storms, the old rules for dealing with them need revision, especially in low latitudes. Rules based upon the strictly circular theory of the wind (see ‘‘ Storm Card ”’ diagram, page 225) may be reliable near the centre and in high latitudes, but nearer the Equator become unreliable. Eight Point Rule—Look to the wind’s eye—note its bearing by the compass—take the eighth point to the RIGHT thereof—and that will be the bearing of the centre of the storm if in North latitude; or, if in South latitude, it will be the eighth point to the LEFT of the direction of the wind. For example: Suppose the vessel to be in lat. 14° N., with a gale of wind from E.8.E., and the barometer and sky indicating a Cyclone— then look at the compass, take the eighth point to the right of H.S.E., and §.S.W. will be the bearing of the brewing storm, 7f it be of a revolving type; or, under similar appearances of the weather, in lat. 14°58., with the wind §.W., take eight points to the left of S.W., and S.E. will conse- quently be the direction of the centre of the impending gale. In the former case, the vessel will be on the Northern edge of the storm-field ; and in the latter, she will be somewhere in its North-Western segment. The Hight Point Rule gives only an approximate idea of the bearing of the centre, and it is probably less reliable in the dangerous than in the navigable semicircle. For instance, with the wind from N.H., the centre may bear anywhere from South to S.E. ; with the wind Kast, it may bear from §.W. to South; and with the wind S.H., it may bear 8.W., West, or even W.N.W. in the Tropics. The best rule is that :—The centre bears about eight points to the right of the direction from which the low clouds come, or, what is the same thing, eight points to the right of the wind at the moment of a sudden shift in a heavy squall. After such a shift, the wind will remain steady in direction for a time, but the centre is meanwhile moving along, and the angle of bearing changes until the next shift, when it becomes eight points again. (171.) Line of Progression—Having ascertained approximately the bearing of the centre, the next step is to ascertain its probable distance, and the path along which it is moving, for which the reader is referred to the diagrams, and the remarks on pages 229—232. (172.) Dangerous and Navigable Semicircles—From what has been stated, it needs but little consideration to show that, for a sailing vessel especially, one part of the Storm must be more dangerous than the other, and that is the right-hand semicircle facing its path, as here the winds may drive her in front of the Storm’s track, where she may be over- whelmed by the vortex. A steamer, on the other hand, with plenty of. sea-room, should have no difficulty in manceuvring so as to avoid it. Wir 30. 31 234 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. By the diagrams it will be seen that the winds of the Dangerous and Navigable Semicircles of a Revolving Storm depend much upon the latitude; at any given position in the Dangerous Semicircle, with a vessel hove-to, the winds will be found to veer, while they back in the Navigable Semi- circle. It is especially dangerous to encounter a Hurricane during its re- curve, as it then slows down and sometimes remains almost stationary for several days, the spirally in-blowing winds tending to involve a vessel deeper and deeper in the Storm. Cool weather is characteristic, in extra-tropical regions, of the Navigable Semicircle, owing to the indraught from the North-Westward. Warm weather, on the contrary, indicates the Dangerous Semicircle where the air is drawn from the South-Eastward. The Hon. R. Abercromby remarks :—The so-called Dangerous Semicircle owes part of its bad reputation to the fact that the weather is usually more severe on that side than the other. The reason ordinarily assigned for the epithet ‘‘dangerous” is that a ship running before the wind in that semicircle will cross the path of the Storm in front of the vortex ; while a scudding ship in the other semicircle will cross behind the vortex. This is perfectly true; but the whole character of the weather is also more severe, because the highest pressure, strongest wind, and worst weather are usually found on the side of the Dangerous Semicircle.* Mr. Meldrum, the well-known meteorologist, has established the fact that when a Hurricane occurs in the Trade Wind area, a belt of intensified wind is usually formed on its Polar side, in which there is a falling barometer with increasing wind, making it difficult to discover whether the vessel is really involved in the Storm. In this case, not until the barometer has fallen at least six-tenths of an inch, is it safe to assume that, because the Trade Wind increases in force and remains steady in direction, you are on the line of advance of the Storm. By attempting, under this impression, too early to cross its track, running free as soon as the wind begins to freshen, you are liable to plunge directly into the vortex. (173.) In order to simplify the remarks concerning the shifts of wind which a vessel hove-to will experience during the progress of a Cyclone, and to render them perfectly clear, a copy of the figure on page 235, by the late Lieutenant Evans, who wrote on this subject under the name of ‘Stormy Jack,” may be drawn on thick paper or card-board. The outer circle, to be fixed, represents the points of the horizon; the inner circle, to be movable, and attached, with a button in the centre, so as to revolve on the outer or under circle; thus the inner circle may represent the phases of the wind, as it gyrates round a centre, the arrows showing the revolution of the aerial current from right to left. The movable circle is sub-divided into four quadrants, with the phases of the wind marked on the rim, for the purpose of facilitating the mode of operation. (174.) To use the instrument, formed as above, place the movable circle upon the under one, East in juxtaposition with the North point of the horizon. @ The vessel’s position may be marked as a stationary spot on the outer circle—say under the N.N.W. verge, where the wind, as shown by * « Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society,” 1888, pages 316—317. HURRICANES. 235 the arrow and corresponding line on the inner or movable circle, will be from E.N.E. ; then revolve the upper circle in the direction of the arrows, and the changes of the wind will be seen as they occur progressively on the spot marked, supposing the storm to be encountered in low latitudes, when on its line of progression to the North-Westward. It will thus be seen that on the N.E. verge of the Hurricane, the wind will come from the §.E.; on the North verge the wind will be East; and if on the West it will be Northerly, as shown in the figure. Thus, the changes of the wind will be to the Kastward, going round to the 8.E. and South, and ending with it at about 8.W. by 8. The subject, when considered, will be readily understood ; only bearing in mind that the shifts of wind will appear, in most cases, to be from left to right, while the wind is actually revolving in the contrary direction. The direction of the wind is almost independent of the progression of the Storm; and as the current of air sweeps round the ccntre in a more or less circular path, it follows that, under every point of the horizon, there will 236 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. be experienced a wind blowing at an angle of eight points or more to it (158). Thus, were the Cyclone really circular (which seldom or never happens), under the North point of the horizon there will be an East wind ; under the South point, a West wind; and: under the Hast point, a South wind. So that, were the Storm stationary, a ship seudding round the entire circle, from any given position, would experience the wind from every point of the compass in regular succession ; but this can very rarely, if ever, happen, on account of the progressive movement of the entire meteor, As these Storms do not pursue a uniform velocity (226), the rate of their actual progression can be arrived at only after they have ceased to act on any two or more stationary spots, or upon two ships, by noting the exact time each experienced the first shock of the Hurricane, and also the time of its departure respectively. Some cause, or causes, operate to accelerate the rate at one time, and retard it at another. It again becomes necessary here to observe that, although the general course of the Hurricane in the West Indies has been found to be N.W. or W.N.W., yet in two or three instances we have reason for believing that either a deviation in particular parts of its course, or a vibration or oscilla- tion of the entire meteor, has taken place. Any deviation, however, from the general course pursued by these Storms can easily be detected, from the veering of the wind; as that ought to be regular, when the progressive path of the Storm is regular, except at or near the vortex. For instance, if the Hurricane commences at E.N.E., and the wind does not follow the regular successive changes, as noted above, we may be assured that the Storm is not pursuing a course to the N.W.; and the true line of progres- sion may be ascertained by the circle, so as to gain the corresponding points of change to those which occur. (175.) Again, if the Storm commences at North, the wind ought to veer (under the same progressive direction: of N.W.) to the N.W., West, and end with it about W. by 8. or W.S.W. But if, after the wind has got to West, the Storm should end with it at South (as it did at Antigua, 1804), we shall be assured that a deviation had taken place to the Westward in the progression, or otherwise a vibration or oscillation to the Southward. The uncertainty of these aberrations should not deter the navigator from placing confidence in the general remarks here given, as these (based on Mr. Redfield’s theory) have been arrived at from experience, from facts which are incontrovertible, and from a careful study of the subject; and besides, should these variations not happen, and toa certainty they do not always occur (at least on the ocean), he may benefit by them ; whilst under a, case of their occurrence, no rules can possibly be given for his guidance ; he must place his vessel in the best position his judgment points out, and passively await the result. As the Storm progresses into higher latitudes, the line of progression almost invariably changes to the North and N.H. (224), and then the sequence of the shifts of wind would naturally be different to what they are when the course of the Storm is W.N.W. or N.W., as will easily be seen by a reference to the illustrative diagrams. We shall now endeavour to explain, in the plainest manner we can, the HURRICANES. 237 operation of the wind, and its effect on a vessel in each of the quadrants of the Storm, when the line of progression is to the N.W. (176.) First, or N.H. Quadrant.—Wind from South to Hast. The changes of wind, 1f a vessel be lying-to, will appear to take place from left to right, throughout ; as the wind will seem to draw round from the Hast- ward toward the South, although it is in fact proceeding the contrary way, or from right to left. The navigator’s attention is particularly directed to this apparent paradox; for, whilst he notes the wind down in his journal as veering with the sun, it is all the time, as remarked before, going the contrary way. The delusion is occasioned by the progression of the Hurricane to the N.W., which, by receding from the vessel’s position, has the effect of bringing up the more Southerly phases of the wind in succession, and, consequently, imparting to these an apparent contrary direction to that which the whole current of air is actually pursuing. This deceptory process is somewhat similar to the well-known astronomical illusion every day before our eyes ; we allude to the apparent course of the great luminary. Not only can we imagine, from the evidence of our sense of seeing (not at all times to be depended upon), that the sun is moving from Hast to West, but, in common parlance, such an idea is invariably expressed ; yet everybody knows that this is only apparent, and that the delusion is occasioned by the diurnal rotation of the earth round its axis from West to Hast. This point, however, once ‘clearly understood, will no longer perplex us. We now proceed with the First Quadrant. Ifa ship scuds to the North- ward, the direction of the alteration of the wind will in a great measure depend upon her velocity, as she is crossing the course of the progression obliquely ; if she keeps pace with the Northerly advance of the Storm, the wind will remain the same; if she exceeds it, the wind will draw round to the Eastward ; and if the progression outstrips her, the changes will be to the Southward. In either of the latter cases the variations will be few, in all probability ; and the Westerly progress may be expected to cause the ship to be speedily thrown out of the circle of operations. A ship is likely to enter this quadrant only under the Northern verge from the North to the N.E. point: if she happens to be standing to the Southward, within the limits of the Trade Wind, she will be liable to be taken aback ; but if standing to the Northward, of course she will not. (177.) Second, or S.H. Quadrant.—Wind from West to South. With a ship lying-to, and the wind from any point between South and §.W., the shifts will be from the Southward toward the West, apparently from left to right. If the wind be between S.W. and West, there will be few if any changes, as the ship will be near the posterior line of the progression; what changes may happen will probably be from West towards the South. The vessel will soon be clear of the commotion. It seems pretty evident that a sailing vessel will not, in the first instance, be liable to fall under the S.E. verge in this quadrant, for this reason—that she cannot overtake the Hurricane, as its velocity, in all probability, at any time would exceed her rate of sailing. She may, however, just touch laterally about the Southern verge, where she should get the wind from the West. To enter this quadrant, therefore, a ship must pass through some other. 238 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (178.) Third, or S.W. Quadrant.—Wind from North to West. With a ship lying-to, with the wind from the Northward, as the Storm pro- gresses it will draw round to the Westward, from right to left, truly as apparently so. As a ship scuds to the Southward and Eastward, the wind will draw round in the same manner as mentioned above. It appears obvious, that a vessel falling into the Storm, under any point in this quadrant, would merely feel the “ brush’’ but she will be liable to be taken aback if standing to the Northward or North-Westward on first entering the scene of operation, supposing her to be within the limits of the Trade Wind. (179.) Fourth, or N.W. Quadrant.—Wind from East to North. If a ship lies-to, with the wind at any point between Hast and N.E., it will appear to draw round from left to right, or from N.E. by E. to Hast. If she lies-to with the wind between N.E. and North, the shifts will be from right to left, or from N.E. by N. to North. Under the N.W. verge (where the wind is at N.E.), a ship, being then in the line of the anterior pro- gression, will drift, probably, into or very near to the centre of the Storm, which, on account of the sudden shifting of the wind there (167), should, if possible, be avoided, as there the greatest danger may correctly be con- sidered as existing. If a ship scuds, under the same circumstances of winds, the changes will appear the same as above given; but slower in the first instance, and quicker in the second, for these reasons: that in the one case, the points of change are receding from her as she advances; and, in the other, they draw toward her approach, her velocity through the water accelerating the alterations; and this difference is occasioned by the progression of the Storm to the N.W. Within the limits of the Trade Wind, if a ship be standing to the South- ward, she will not be liable to be taken aback, on striking the Storm in this quadrant, but she would be so if steering to the Northward. (180.) It should be constantly held in remembrance, that, under all cir- cumstances, the wind remains the same; or, in other words, that under any given point of the horizon, the wind will be found to blow from a par- ticular direction unchangeable, so that there is actually no shifting: the changes observable being occasioned by the progression of the Storm to the N.W., and the movements of the vessel. From this peculiar character of the tempest, the course which a ship will pursue through the circle of operations, as also the successive changes of the wind, as these appear to take place, become an easy problem to solve, after having noted the point from which the first wind or the first shift, if felt (provided no divergency in the course, or vibratory motion of the meteor), takes place. (181.) No general rules can be laid down for the guidance of the mariner for placing his ship in such a position as to ensure her not being taken aback when the Storm shall be first felt, because until that moment arrives, when the direction of the first blast is to become his “polar star,” he cannot, with unerring certainty, anticipate his position with respect to the particular verge of the Hurricane that is approaching him. Under such unavoidable circumstances, he must use his best judgment _ HURRICANES. 239 in preparation for meeting the worst, and be ready to lay his vessel to, or to scud, according to the direction of the wind first experienced. To be quite sure of what he is about to do, perhaps the safest plan would be to wait until the first shift takes place after the commencement of the Storm; by which measure his position would be confirmed, a point of material con- sequence to arrive at. Every experienced seaman, after having given the theory his best atten- tion, and made himself familiar with the whole working of the wonderful meteor, will of course follow the dictates of his own nature and judgment, upon an occasion that will assuredly call forth the full exercise of it. Without, therefore, presuming or desiring to obtrude upon him the manner we ourselves should act under a case of such uncertainty, which would demand all the resources of mind of the individual commander, for the first time placed in such a dilemma, we shall nevertheless offer it here as a mere illustration. Let us, then, suppose that we are steering to the Northward in our ship, within the limits of the Trade Wind (call it E.N.H.), and that certain prognostics appear, which our judgment informs us forebode a Storm. If it happens to be the Hurricane season, we are bound by prudence to pre- pare the ship for encountering a tempest of that nature, even though appearances may induce us to think that such would not eventually happen; for, whether a mere common gale or a Hurricane should follow, every sensible person will admit that, during that season, it is the wisest as it is the safest plan, to be prepared to meet the worst that may happen under such appearances. It must be recollected that nature herself proclaims the warning, and her admonitions are not to be disregarded with impunity. Without loss of time, we make the ship snug, hatches battened down, &c. This done, we should bring her to the wind on the starboard tack, with her head to the Northward, with a fore and a mizen storm stay-sail. We cannot, as we said before, anticipate under what verge of the Storm we shall enter, but we shall have done all that prudence can dictate, by lying- to without square sails, and of course making up our minds to have the fore-and-afters blown to shreds by the new wind, come from whatsoever quarter it may. In this position we must wait patiently until the first shift of wind takes place. If this should be from E.N.H. to E. by N. and East, we should make ourselves easy in the position obtained, with refer- ence to the particular verge of the Storm, as well as in what we had placed the ship; having the assurance (from the shift of wind) that the anterior verge which had struck us would be now running away at the rate of from 15 to 20 miles an hour, whilst our drift to the Westward would not exceed 3+ miles in the same time; so that every point that the wind drew round toward the South would tell as plainly as if a map of the whole operations were suspended in the heavens overhead, for our consolation, that our exit from the commotion was rapidly drawing nearer and nearer; and that, if the ship proved equal to contend with the crisis, and no vibration occurred, we should escape the centre. This may sound, in the style of the celebrated Francis Moore, of pre- dicting memory, very like “taking a peep into futurity.” We are not, however, studying the doctrine of probabilities. As far as we at present 240 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. know of the matter, and (thanks to Mr. Redfield) we have gained a pretty general insight into it, there appear but two circumstances at all likeiy to upset our calculations and foresight of what is to happen, and these are, as intimated before, a divergency in the line of progression, or a vibration of the entire meteor ; and here we are taught that, with all the wide and searching capacity of our minds, there is a point beyond which it is not permitted man to peer. We have been allowed, however, to glean enough of the economy of this wonderful phenomenon to excite our unfeigned grati- tude to Him ‘‘ who rules the whirlwind and the storm.” We proceed— On the other hand, if the shift of wind was to the N.E., or even a point on either side, we should immediately know that we were ‘“‘in the very jaws of the lion ;’’ and to escape being overwhelmed in the vortex, we must run for it.* On this occasion, every moment is of importance, when we bear in mind that we are now in the path which the centre will follow. To the 8.W., therefore, we start away, not without an impressive dread, as the wind comes veering round and round toward North, of a too close ap- proximation to the vortex, toward which the curve the ship makes inclines. If we could tell the exact diameter of the Hurricane, and its precise rate of progression, we could calculate pretty accurately whether, and at what distance, we should pass the centre ; but as these data can never be ob- tained, we have nothing otherwise than prudence to guide us in this par- ticular case, the most perilous that can occur. There is a very nice point to be determined upon at this juncture, and one, although there will be but a few minutes for decision, that should not be rashly settled; a sort of choice between the scalping-knife and the toma- hawk—a very forlorn hope, take which measure you please—it is this: whether to scud under square sail, or to run with bare poles? Now, how- ever desirable it is that topsail should be carried in a storm (where the waves rise to a great height, and break in heavy surf, and a ship’s way is lessened as she drops into the trough), to prevent her from being pooped, yet, we say, although it should be practicable to set a close-reefed main- topsail, the propriety of so doing is questionable until the wind has drawn round to the Westward of North (and then it might as well be left alone), for not before that will the dreaded centre have been passed ; and as there can be no certainty of a ship’s safety until that ‘‘ consummation” has been accomplished, the chance of being taken aback with square sail deserves the most serious consideration of the commander. The danger in both cases is imminent; but, in determining for ourselves, we should run with bare poles, until finally thrown out of the Storm. Indeed, after all the judgment, care, anxiety, and apprehension which may be displayed and felt on so trying an occasion, our approximation, notwithstanding the vessel’s dash of 12 or 13 knots, may be so near the vortex as that every stick shall be blown out of her. And we impressively declare our convic- tion, that hitherto the majority, if not all, of the vessels that have been lost in Hurricanes and Typhoons, have foundered by falling into the centre * When the line of progression is to the W.N.W. (a direction which some of the most Southern Storms have pursued), it would be wrong to scud with the wind at N.E.; but when at N.N.E., it would be proper to do so. HURRICANES. - 24] with square sail set whilst scudding. On lying-to, no sail would stand the disruptive puffs for five seconds ! We have ourselves, in utter ignorance of the operations as they occur and are here stated, been scudding in a frigate, partly dismasted, with reeled main-sail (the only sail available), before the furious blast of a Hurricane, after the wind had veered to the §.W. As it happened, we had fortunately dropped into the second quadrant, and were drawing near our exit, but we knew nothing of that; and if it had happened in the fourth quadrant, and we had got into the centre, there is no doubt but that the ship must have foundered. But to proceed :— No other resource is available to us under such circumstances as de- scribed above: and no other alternative remains except the desperate one of heaving-to, defying the fury of the Storm, and taking the chance of being thrown directly into the centre of commotion ; where, if the ship do not founder, she would, there is scarcely a doubt, lose her masts, and be otherwise completely assailed at all points by the raging elements. The N.W. verge of the Hurricane, whilst it advances in that direction, is the ‘‘very head and front” of the danger, the nucleus of which follows, in a direct line, the advance of that point. The consequences, be they the foundering of the ship, or the loss of her masts, &c., are inevitable, if prompt and active measures are not taken to get out of that position. Should the wind, at first, keep steady at E.N.E. for some time, which it would do (if the storm is of great extent) when a ship enters under the N.N.W. verge, the navigator may be a little puzzled how to act, as antici- pating a shift, to determine his position; he need be under no apprehen- sion; the shift will come in due time (according to the extent of the cir- cumference) from the H. by N., and so gradually round (but quickening as he approaches the centre) to the Southward : he may, however, expect to lose some of his spars when the crisis arrives. We have dwelt longer upon the action of the wind in the fourth or N.W. quadrant, because under this anterior verge the greatest peril may follow; and we may now be permitted to express a hope that mariners may derive some little advantage from the perusal of this paper, as the writer has devoted his best attention to the subject with the sole view of rendering them, as brother sailors, a service. JOHN Evans. (182.) We will close this portion of our remarks with some genciai observations on the subject by Captain Richard Leighton, of Montrose, to whom we are indebted for numerous additions to hydrography :— ‘1st. Outward-bound ships. As the S.E. storm-wind is generally nearly directly in front of the Storm, on meeting with that wind and a falling barometer, &c., you should bear off freely to the North- Westward, that is, nearly at right angles with the route of the gale, and all that you run that way will increase your distance from the centre when it passes you; whilst, if you run Westward, you will pass so near to the centre that you will be taken aback by the wind flying into the North-Westward ; the object is to skirt the gale, and haul more Westerly as the wind veers to the Eastward. «2nd. When the wind is to the Southward of §.H., it appears that you ALO; 32 242 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. must pass through the right-hand semicircle, and should haul-to and hold all the southing that you can; lay down the bearing and distance of the centre, and as soon as practicable, by a second bearing and distance, estimate the route of the gale and its progress (168). “3rd. Estimate your distance, and the course that you are likely to make, clear of leeway, and some veering in the wind, and this will give you an idea at what distance you are likely to pass the centre, and what is likely to occur. Knowledge is power. Most carry sail long enough, but many don’t set it soon enough. ‘4th. The farther the wind is to the Southward, the nearer you must pass to the centre, and as the wind veers and breaks her off, she will lay in the trough of the sea, and is most likely to get damage in that way, so that if the wind gets loose, it is time to be upon the right tack (that is, the starboard tack, with Westerly winds, in the Atlantic, being in the right- hand semicircle). Every one knows best what his own ship will bear, and what she will perform ; however, if you will go ahead till the last minute, whon the barometer stops falling, it is high tume to have her round upon the right tack, as there is generally a tremendous gust shortly after the barometer stops falling, or when it has made a slight rise ; and the ship should be upon the starboard tack, that she may come up and bow the sea when she takes it. “‘ 5th. To wait for ‘the lull,’ or the ‘ sky to the Westward lighting up, to indicate the shift,’ will often be too late.” (183.) We have given the above explanatory remarks of Lieutenant Evans and Captain Leighton in full, as they are still worthy of study. We now, howé ver, proceed to give the results of the researches of the latest authorities on this subject, in as condensed and simple a form as possible. A Northward-bound vessel, after encountering a Hurricane in the Tropics, is liable to encounter the same Storm again in higher latitudes, after it has recurved. If, when lying-to, the Storm wind begins to shift in the opposite direction to what it did at first, it is evidence that the Storm track is recurving, and your semicircle is changed. Immediate action must be taken to suit the new conditions. If your vessel is making any great headway, it may give you a shift of wind contrary to what you would have if lying-to. If on its approach the wind veers, or changes with the sun, through North, East, and South, the observer is on the right of the Storm track, and the centre will pass to the right of the direction in which it was first determined. When the wind backs, or changes through North, West, and South, the observer is on the left of the path, and the centre will move to the left of its first direction. (184.) Sir W. Reid's Rule for Laying Ships to im a Hurricane.—That tack on which a ship should be laid-to in a Hurricane has hitherto been a problem to be solved, and is one which seamen have long considered im- portant to have explained. In these tempests, when a vessel is lying-to, and the wind veers by the ship’s head, she is in danger of getting stern- way, even when no sail is set ; for in a Hurricane the wind’s force upon the masta and yards alone will produce this effect should the wind veer ahead; and it is supposed that vessels have often foundered from this HURRICANES. 243 cause. When the wind veers aft, as it is called, or by the stern, this danger is avoided, and a ship then comes up to the wind, instead of having to break off from it. If these great Storms obey fixed laws, and the explanation of them in this work be the true one, then the rule for laying a ship to follows like the corollary of a problem already solved. In order to define the two sides of a Storm, that side will be called the Right-hand Semicircle which is on the right of a Storm’s course, as we look in the direction in which it is moving, just as we speak of the right bank of a river. The Rule for laying a ship to will be :—When in the Right-hand Semi- circle to Heave-to on the Starboard Tack ; and when in the Left-hand Semi- circle to Heave-to on the Port Tack, in both hemispheres.* True North, and Wind Kast. Dangerous Semicircle. Ship on Starboard Vuck. “YR4ON PUY pup 18944 ONAL True East, und Wind South. Navigable Semicirele. Ship on Port Tack. True South, and Wind West. In the above diagram, showing a typical Cyclonic Storm progressing to N.W. by N., in the direction of the great arrow drawn across it, the black ships are on their proper tack, the white ships being on the wrong. If we look at the black ships in the left-hand or navigable semicircle of the figure, it will be seen that they point with their heads to the Storm’s centre. If they forge ahead, they will draw towards the Storm’s central track. (185.) Rules for Action—1. Watch carefully for earliest indications, observing and recording observations of barometer, thermometer, wind, and weather, at frequent intervals, for reference. When the approach of a Hurricane is suspected, consider your latitude and the month, to decide your position with regard to the probable direction and recurve of the Storm (163). * “ An attempt to Develop the Law of Storms,” 3rd (last) edition, 1850, page 509; and ‘The Progress, &c., of the Law of Storms and of Variable Winds,” 1849, page 25. 244 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. 2. When a decided fall of the barometer, freshening rain squalls, and other unmistakable signs (166) indicate the close approach of the Cyclone, observe the shifts of wind very carefully to determine your position with regard to the Storm track. It is sometimes best to lie-to when thus observing the shifts of wind, or you may be led into serious error: a fast steamer may run into the dangerous semicircle of a slow-moving Cyclone, and yet get shifts of wind characteristic of the navigable semicircle. 3. If the freshening gale remain steady in direction, you are in front of the track of the advancing Storm. Square away at all hazards, and run with the wind on the starboard quarter, keeping your compass course as the wind shifts. If obliged to lie-to, do so on the port tack. 4. If the wind shift to the right, you are-to the right of the Storm track, in the dangerous semicircle. Put the ship on the starboard tack, to head the ship away from the centre, and make as much headway as possible. If obliged to lie-to, do so on the starboard tack, and make all the head- way you can. 5. If the wind shift to the left, you are to the left of the Storm track, and in the navigable semicircle. Bring the wind on the starboard quarter, and keep your compass course if possible. If obliged to lie-to, do so on the port tack, when the ship will head towards the centre, and should make as little headway as possible. 6. Any attempt to cross the Storm track is dangerous. If you decide it must be attempted, crowd sail and keep the wind well on the starboard quarter. 7. In scudding, always keep the wind well on the starboard quarter, in order to run out of the Storm. If obliged to lie-to, always do so on the coming-up tack, so that the wind will shift aft and not take you aback. 8. Should you get into the central calm of a Tropical Hurricane, look out for a terrific squall from a point of the compass almost exactly opposite to that from which the wind was blowing when it fell calm. 9. To prevent heavy seas breaking on board, use oil, about which more will be said later on. (186.) Meldrum’s Brief Rules for Action.—1. If the squalls freshen with- out any shift of wind, you are on or near the Storm track. Heave-to on the starboard tack, and watch for some indications of a shift, observing the low clouds particularly. If the barometer fall decidedly, say half an inch, without any shift, and if wind and sea permit, run off with the wind on the starboard quarter, and keep your compass course. 2, If the wind shift to the right, you are to the right of the Storm track, and in the dangerous semicircle. Put the ship on the starboard tack, and make as much headway as possible until obliged to lie-to, which do on the starboard tack. 3. If the wind shift to the left, you are to the left of the Storm track, and in the navigable semicircle. Bring the wind on the starboard quarter, and keep your compass course. If obliged to lie-to, do so on the port tack. 4. In scudding, always keep the wind well on the starboard quarter, in order to run out of the Storm. 5, Always lie-to on the coming-up tack. Experience has shown that any attempt on the part of a sailing vessel HURRICANKS. 245 to cross in front of a Cyclone, and so get into the navigable semicircle, is fraught with the greatest danger, and should never be done except as a last resort. (187.) Practical Hints for the Benefit of Vessels leaving the Port of Havana, or Navigating in the West Indies, during the Hurricane Season.— We cannot do better in closing this subject than to quote the excellent advice given by Padre Viiies, of Havana, translated from the pamphlet mentioned in the note on p. 225.—/ Nautical Magazine, November, 1885.) When there are Indications of a Hurricane to Windward :— 1, From Havana to the Hastward, navigation is very dangerous in August and September, but not so much so in October, as the Hurricanes then come in lower latitudes. In this last case, a sailing vessel should wait until the Hurricane has passed into the third quadrant, or bears somewhere between South and West, in order to take advantage of the winds from the S.E. shifting to South and S.W. 2. Navigation to the Northward is also very dangerous in this case. No sailing ship should try it, but a steamer can do so if sure to have time to get out of Florida Strait and away from the coast before the storm can reach her. If the captain resolves to do this he should go at full speed, to get clear of the strait and as far away as possible from the coast of Florida and the Gulf Stream, in order to have plenty of sea-room. He should do this from the moment he observes the first indications of the Hurricane, which may possibly be close upon him. This is, without doubt, one of the regions of greatest danger, not only on account of the many storms which cross it with various directions and velocities, but also because in the bight between Cape Cafaveral and Cape Fear there is scarcely a manceuvre possible which is not dangerous. In this part of the ocean it is preferable for a vessel to be in the dangerous semicircle of the storm, because at least there is always left the expedient of getting out by lying-to with the ship’s head to the N.E., East, or S.E., as the occasion demands, while in the navigable semicircle the ship is squeezed between the track and the coast without space to run. Innu- merable are the ships which in the last few years have been wrecked on this coast. If the steamer is going to Spain, by making an Hasterly course South of the Bermudas after leaving the Strait, she soon leaves the zone where the storms occur. She will probably have headwinds at first, which ‘will somewhat retard her voyage, and which would prevent a sailing vessel from following the course indicated. . 3. Navigation to the Westward in the case supposed is scarcely attended with any danger, on account of the few Hurricanes which cross the Gulf of Mexico on the first branch of their track, and in case of curving well to the Southward they do not enter the Gulf very far. They give plenty of time, so that captains, being forewarned and having enough sea-room, can easily keep clear of the Hurricane in case of necessity. If the Hurricane presents itself from the S.S.E. to South or S.W., or with Easterly winds shifting to the Southward :— 1. Navigation to the Hastward presents no danger. 2. The voyage to Vera Cruz and New Orleans may be very dangerous, 246 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. and the same may be said of navigation to the Northward, for these Hurricanes cross the Eastern portion of the Gulf and the Southern States with great velocity after curving, and frequently surprise ships which are sailing Westward, and reach those which a short time before left for the North. When the Hurricane is to the North of Havana, or bears between West and North :— 1. Navigation to the Hastward is not only without danger, but also has the advantage of favourable winds. 2. Navigation to the North or to the West is also without danger if the Hurricane has already curved, because then the Storm travels faster than a ship and outstrips her rapidly. But if the Hurricane is curving, although navigation to the Westward is without danger in some cases, it will always be disadvantageous, because it is necessary to struggle against headwinds and heavy seas, wasting time, consuming coal uselessly, and straining the vessel without advancing much. To start North, this case presents no danger, but there may be danger in continuing in that direction. At all events the case is very simple, and if the captain has not intentionally put himself into the storm, or does not get in front of it, it is very certain that it will not seek him. It is evident, then, that he should not venture to pass Florida Strait in the storm, and leave the centre to the West or bear- ing between West and South, but rather wait until it has finished curving and disappears to the Northward, or between North and Kast. (188.) Captains of vessels making the voyage from Spain to Cuba by way of Puerto Rico, from July to the end of October, on entering the zone of storms should keep a good look-out for the first indications of the Hurri- cane, in order not to be surprised and perhaps overwhelmed. This refers to storms in their first branch, distant from their origin and from the curve of their track, and which are violent, of short radius, and advance with great rapidity. If the first indications show that the bearing of the centre is South or S.W., by laying the ship to or slowing down, the storm will withdraw to the Westward or between West and North. If it appears between §.E. and South, it will not be prudent to go on, or at least it will be necessary to use much caution, moderating the speed as long as the storm does not move off to the 8. W. If the first indications show the centre to bear 8.E., or S.E. by E., the ship is in a much more critical situation, perhaps in the track itself, and not very distant from the centre in the dangerous semicircle. She should be laid-to immediately, and allowed to reach N.E. as much as possible, utilizing for this purpose the diverging gusts of the first squalls even before the Cyclonic winds of the body of the storm are well established. If, during this manceuvre, it is seen that the centre moves towards the South, keep on lying-to, always on the starboard tack, luffing as the wind shifts to the right until it blows from the third or fourth quadrant. If, having laid his ship to at the first indication of the storm, and it veers towards the first quadrant, the captain should see that the centre maintains the same bearing, that the barometer falls rapidly, and the wind increases in strength every moment, then the ship is in front of the track HURRICANES. 247 of the centre, or very close to it. Only in this extreme case, and when the captain is very certain of his observations, is it deemed prudent to bear up and risk running before the storm in order not to be overwhelmed. In performing this manoeuvre, taking into consideration the convergence of the superficial or outer currents of the Cyclone, it is considered better tudgment not to run directly before the wind, but to keep it always on the starboard quarter. If the centre is first seen bearing E.S.E., or between Hast and E.S.E., it is probable that the ship is either im the track itself or in the navigable semicircle. To lie-to, in this case, would be a loss of precious time. It would be best, therefore, to run without losing a-single moment, on a course petween South and West, thus giving a chance for the Hurricane to with- draw in the direction of the first or fourth quadrant, or between Hast and West, through North. Finally, if the Hurricane bears East, or E.N.E., run on a course between South and West, providing the wind freshens and the barometer falls. This case is almost free from danger, and presents no difficulties in manoeuvring, as long as the ship is well away from the coast. (189.) Ships bound from South America to Havana, in August and September, should go South of Cuba, entering the Caribbean Sea in the vicinity of Trinidad, and make their longitude without going much to the Northward before reaching the meridian of Cape San Antonio. If, while crossing the Caribbean Sea, they should have indications of a Hurricane to the Eastward, they should run immediately to the Southward as far as possible. From the end of September to the beginning of November, on the con- trary, the navigation of the Caribbean Sea is very dangerous, particularly in the vicinity of Cape San Antonio, while the voyage to the North of Cuba is less dangerous than during the preceding months. During October, ships should go well to the Eastward of the Windward Islands and to the North of Puerto Rico, and endeavour to make their latitude as soon as possible, as far as the parallel of 20°, between the meridians of 40° to 50°. Considering the track generally taken by Hurricanes in October, steamers starting for Spain during this month will go safer by way of Puerto Rico than to the Northward. Steamers from Cape San Antonio to Havana, in October, as soon as indications of a Hurricane are observed, if they are near Cape San Antonio, will do well to run for the Bank of Yucatan, and wait there, or else run out of their course to the Westward until the storm has passed, and take advantage of the favourable winds which follow it to continue their voyage. If, on the first indications of a Hurricane, the ship finds herself between Cape San Antonio and Havana, the first thing to do is to get clear of the coast and the currents ; when this done, if the centre bears between East and South, which is the most probable, continue running with the gale to W.S.W., and when the storm has passed to the N.E., the winds which follow it can be utilized to continue the voyage. If, when well away from the coast, the centre bears in the third quadrant, or between South and West, lie-to for some time, in order to observe if the centre remains on the game bearing, or veers towards the second quadrant. If either is the case, 248 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. run immediately with the wind on the starboard quarter; but if it is seen that it veers to the Westward, the wind shifting to the right, lie-to with the head to the Eastward. This last case is exceedingly dangerous, and navigation in these waters should be avoided as much as possible during the month of October. Knowing that occasions may arise when these observations will be of use, they are recorded here in the hope that they may prove of benefit in some emergency. The danger of navigating these waters is great, the difficulties many and often insuperable, the losses and shipwrecks all too frequent. If by means of these incomplete notes a single disaster should be averted, they will not have been written in vain.—P. V. (190.) The Storm-Wave—the result of the Cyclone or Hurricane—and, perhaps, the greatest terror to seamen, almost always appears in the character of a heavy cross-sea, the period of which is irregular and uncer- tain. The disturbance within the area of the Cyclone is not confined to the air, but extends also to the Ocean, producing first a rolling swell, which eventually culminates in a tremendous pyramidal sea and a series of storm- waves, the undulations of which are propagated to an extraordinary dis- tance behind, before, and on each side of the storm-field.* (191.) Oil on Rough Seas.—In conclusion, as being intimately connected ‘with the subject of Storms, we here call attention to the beneficial use of Oil in allaying the roughness of the sea, when applied in a proper manner. At the end of this work will be found a special article on this subject, with examples of its use by vessels in distress and otherwise. (192.) EXAMPLES.—To illustrate the preceding remarks and directions, accounts of a series of Revolving Storms are given, illustrated by the diagram, before alluded to, at the commencement of this section. Routes on the Chart.—No. I. Trinidad to Yucatan, over the middle of the Caribbean Sea; June 23 to 28, 1831. No. II. Barbadoes to the Mississippi; August 10 to 17, 1831. No. III. Guadaloupe to the Bank of Newfoundland; August 17 to 29, 1827. No. IV. Guadaloupe and Antigua to Charleston, and thence to the Bay of Fundy ; September 3 to 10, 1804. No. V. Antigua, passing over Cuba, to the coast of Texas; August 12 to 18, 1835. No. VI. Barbuda to Charleston, and thence to the Bank of Newfound- land; August 12 to 19, 1830. No. VII. From the intersection of lat. 20° N. and long. 60° W. (N.E. of Barbuda), passing to the West of Bermuda, and thence N.E. to the parallel of 424°; September 29 to October 2, 1830. No. VIII. From the parallel of 22° (North of Porto Rico) to Cape Hat- teras and the coast of Maine; September 1 to 5, 1821. No. IX. From near the same spot as No. VIII., on a similar route, but more to the Eastward ; August 22 to 27, 1830. No. X. From the parallel of 30° N., on the East side of the Gulf Stream, to ce Sable of Nova Scotia ; January 13 to 16, 1831. ® « Remarks on » Waves,” i in the Nautical Magazine, September, 1887, puge 759, —= HURRICANES. 249 No. XI. Inland Storm, over the Lakes, and thence to the Gulf of St. Lawrence; November 10 to 12, 1835. No. XII. From near the meridian of 50° W. to the Northern part of Cuba, thence progressing to the Sowth of West to Vera Cruz; August 30 to September 7, 1883. No. XIII. From Martinique to Porto Rico, Turks Islands, and the Southern part of Florida; August 18 to 25, 1891. No. XIV. From 21° N. and 47° W. to Bermuda, and thence to the East- ward ; September 16 to 26, 1891. No. XV. From near 39° N. and 51° W. to the North-Eastward and then Northward ; June 8 to 10, 1891. No. XVI. From 234° N. and 57° W. to 20° N. and 60° W., and then re- curving to the Northward, passing over Newfoundland; August 15 to 23, 1892. The route designated as No. I. is that of the Hurricane which visited the Islands of Trinidad, Tobago, and Grenada, on June 23rd, 1831. Pursuing its course through the Caribbean Sea, it was subsequently encountered by H.M. schooner Minx, and other vessels, and its swell was thrown with great force upon the South- Eastern shores of Jamaica on the 25th, while passing that island, where the wind at this time was light from the Northward. After sweeping through the Caribbean Sea, the Hurricane entered upon the coast of Yucatan, on the night of the 27th, having moved over the entire route from Trinidad to the Western shore of the Bay of Honduras, in a little more than 100 hours, a distance of nearly 1,700 miles, equal to 17 miles an hour. Track No. IT. is that of the Hurricane which desolated Barbadoes in the night of August 10th, 1831; and which passed Porto Rico on the 12th; Aux Cayes, in Hayti, and §. Iago de Cuba, on the 13th; Matanzas on the 14th; was encountered off the Tortugas on the 15th; in the Mexican Sea on the 16th; and was at Mobile, Pensacola, and New Orleans, on the 17th; a distance of 2,000 miles in about 150 hours, exceeding 13} miles an hour. Its course, until it crossed the Tropie of Cancer, was nearly W.N.W. Mr. Redfield adds—* In pursuing its Northern course, after leaving the ocean level, it must have encountered the mountain region of the Alleghanies, and was perhaps disorganized by the resistance opposed by these elevations. It appears, however, to have caused heavy rains in a large extent of country North-Eastward of the Mexican Sea.” Track No. III. is that of the destructive Hurricane which swept over the Wind- ward Islands, August 17th, 1827; visited St. Martin and St. Thomas on the 18th; passed the N.E. coast of Hayti on the 19th; Turks Islands on the 20th; the Bahamas on the 21st and 22nd; was encountered on the coast of Florida and South Carolina on the 23rd and 24th; off Cape Hatteras on the 25th; off the Delaware on the 26th ; off Nantucket on the 27th ; and off Sable Isle and Bank on the 28th. Its ascertained course and progress were nearly 3,000 miles in about eleven days; or at the average rate of about 11 miles an hour. The direction of its route, before crossing the Tropic, nearly N. 61° W., and in lat. 40°, while moving Eastward, N. 58° E. Track No. IV. The extensive Hurricane of September, 1804, which swept over the Windward Islands on the 8rd of that month; the Virgin Islands and Porto Rico on the 4th; Turks Islands on the 5th; the Bahamas and the Strait of Florida on the 6th; the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas on the 7th; Chesapeake and Delaware, with the contiguous portions of Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey, on the 8th ; and the States of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine, on the ALO. 33 250 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. 9th; being on the high lands of New Hampshire a violent snow-storm. The destructive action of this storm was widely extended on both sides of the track indicated upon the chart, and the same fact pertains in a greater or less degree to the other storms herein mentioned. It appears to have passed from Martinique and the other Windward Islands to Boston, by the usual curvilinear route, in about six days, a distance of more than 2,200 miles, at an average progress of about 15} miles an hour. Track No. V. The route of the Hurricane which ravaged Antigua, Nevis, and St. Kitt’s, in the afternoon and night of August 12th, 1835 ; St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Porto Rico, on the 13th; Hayti and Turks Islands on the 14th; the vicinity of Matanzas and Havana on the 15th; was encountered off the Tortugas, on the Bank of Florida, on the 16th ; in lat. 27° 21’, long. 94°, and other points, on the 17th and 18th; and at Matamoras, near the Mexican shore, lat. 26° 4’, on the 18th, where it was most violent during the succeeding night. It also passed over Galveston Bay, in Texas, and there blew with violence from the S.E.; while at the mouths of the Mississippi and along the Northern shores of the gulf, the gale was not felt. This storm is remarkable, as moving more directly and farther to the West than is usual for storms which pass near the West Indian Islands, it having reached the Mexican shores before commencing its sweep to the North- ward. Course about N. 73° W.; progress more than 2,200 miles in six days; nearly equal to 15} miles an hour. Track No. VI. The memorable gale of August, 1830, described hereafter, which, passing close by the Windward Islands, visited St. Thomas on the 12th, was near Turks Islands on the 13th; at the Bahamas on the 14th; Eastern coast of Florida on the 15th ; coasts of Georgia and the Carolinas on the 16th; off Virginia, Mary- land, New Jersey, and New York, on the 17th; off George’s Bank and Cape Sable on the 18th; and over the Newfoundland Bank on the 19th; having occupied about seven days in its ascertained course from near the Windward Islands, a distance of more than 8,000 miles; the rate of its progress being equal to 18 miles an hour. If, adds Mr. Redfield, we suppose the actual velocity of the wind, in its rotatory movement, to be five times greater than this rate of progress, which is not beyond the known velocity of such winds, it will be found equal, in this period, to a rectilinear course of 15,000 miles. The same remark applies, in sub- stance, to all the storms which are now passing under review. Track No. VII. This storm was encountered to the Northward of the Caribbee Islands on September 22nd, 1830; its route was to the Eastward of all those pre- viously described, and was found on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland, October 2nd, having caused great damage and destruction, on its widely-extended track, to the many vessels which fell in its way. The ascertained route may be estimated at 1,800 miles, and the average progress 25 miles an hour. Track No. VIII. Experienced in September, 1821, as more fully shown here- after, this Hurricane was extremely violent: it was encountered to the North- Eastward of Turks Islands, on the Ist of the month; to the Northward of the Bahamas and near the latitude of 30° on the 2nd; on the coast of the Carolinas early in the morning of the 8rd; and from thence, in the course of that day, along the coast of New York and Long Island; and it is represented to have continued its course across the States of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. The diameter of the storm appears to have exceeded 100 miles; its ascertained route and progress about 1,800 miles in sixty hours, equal to 30 miles an hour. A similar but less violent storm swept along the same portion of the coast of the United States on April 28th, 1835. Track No. IX. The route of a violent and extensive Hurricane, which wasen- . countered to the Northward of Turks Islands, August 22nd, 1830; Northward of | the Bahamas on the 23rd; and off the coast of the United States on the 24th, HURRICANES. 251 25th, and 26th of the same month. It produced much damage, but scarcely reached the American shores. Its duration was about forty hours, and progress more tardy than some others. Track No. X. A violent Hurricane and snow-storm, which swept along the American coast from the parallel of 30° N., on December 5th and 6th, 1830. This track corresponds to another storm of similar character, which swept along the coast on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of January, 1831. These violent winter storms exhibited nearly the same phases of wind and general characteristics as those which appear in the summer and autumn. Track No. XI. The violent inland storm which passed over the Lakes Erie and Ontario on November 11th, 1835. This storm was very extensive, spreading from the sea-coast of Virginia into the Canadas, to a limit unknown. The anterior portion of this gale was but moderately felt, and its access was noted chiefly by the direction of the wind and the great fall of the barometer; the violence of the storm being exhibited chiefly by the posterior and colder portion of the gale, as is common with extensive overland storms. The regular progression of the storm, in an Hasterly direction, was established by facts collected by Mr. Redfield, from the borders of Lake Michigan to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the coasts of New England and Nova Scotia. Jn pursuing the descriptions above, it isto be noted that the lines on the chart, representing the routes, are given by Mr. Redfield as but approximations to the centre of the track or course of the several storms; and the gales are to be con- sidered as extending their rotative circuit from 50 to 300 miles or more, on each side of the delineations; the superficial extent of the storm being estimated both by actual information and by its duration at any point near the central portion of its route, as compared with its average rate of progress. The circular figure which appears upon the chart, on Tracks Nos. I., V., and VII., will serve, in some degree, to illustrate the course of the wind in the various portions of the superficies covered by the storm, and also to explain the changes in the direction of the wind, which occur successively at various points, during the regular progress of the gale. (193.) The tracks and descriptions of these storms, which occurred so many years ago, are still reliable and typical of those encountered in more recent years. We therefore let them remain, only giving here some more modern instances of irregularity in their phenomena. Track No. XII. On September 4th and 5th, 1888, the Northern part of Cuba was devastated by one of the most destructive Hurricanes recorded. It originated in the N.E. Trade Wind belt, Eastward of the meridian of 60°, on August 30th and 31st. On September 1st, its centre was near lat. 20° N., long. 60° W., moving to W. by N. at about 16 miles an hour. Thence it passed Northward of San Domingo, and on the night of September 3rd it struck the Cuban coast near Sagua La Grande with devastating force. Continuing its course, it passed over the island, to the Southward of Havana, and then developed a most remarkable feature, changing its course to the South of West. After leaving the West end of Cuba on the 5th, it took a W.S.W. direction, skirting the North coast of Yucatan, and reached Vera Cruz on the 7th, where it did much damage to the shipping. In connection with this Storm, it is reported that the master of the Spanish mail steamer Cataluna, about to sail from Puerto Rico for Havana, seeing unmis- takable signs of an approaching Hurricane, quickened his departure and put his vessel on her course at full speed, keeping the North wind as nearly abeam as possible, and arrived at his destination in advance of the Hurricane, which had not gained a mile on him. This action, though very risky, is mentioned in order to show how a skilful navigator, thoroughly understanding the Law of Storms, 252 OBSSHRVATIONS ON THE WINDS. may not only escape them, but may avail himself of their strong winds to assist him on his passage. Track No, XIIT. On August 18th, 1891, a most destructive Hurricane was ex- perienced at Martinique, of which further particulars are given later on. This storm took a somewhat irregular course, crossing over Porto Rico, the Caicos, Crooked Island, and lower Florida, finally dying out in the N.E. part of the Gulf. This unusual course, and its failure to recurve, are remarkable, probably one to areas of high pressure to the Northward. Track No. XIV. shows the course of a Hurricane which passed near Bermuda, September 21st, 1891. Here, after recurving, it bcre rapidly away to the Eastward. Track No. XV. shows the abnormal course of a Hurricane which passed about 500 miles East of Newfoundland on June 9th and 10th, 1891. This was probably due to an Anti-Cyclonic area of high pressure lying to the Eastward. Track No. XVI. shows the unusual track of a Hurricane experienced in the Tropics, between August 15th and 19th, 1892. Observations seem to indicate that it moved in a South- Westerly direction towards St. Thomas, before following the track usually taken by these storms in the Tropics. This Hurricane was of small area, but most violent in energy. (194.) The Great Hurricane, which commenced at Barbadoes on October 10th, 1780,* was preceded in the evening of the 9th by weather remarkably calm, but the sky surprisingly red and fiery, and during the night much rain fell. The storm approached from the 8.E., and the ships of the squadron stationed here experienced the Hurricane, each in turn, according to the place she was in. A letter from Dr. Blane, dated from the Sandwich, Sir George Rodney’s flagship, stated that it was not previously apprehended that there would be anything more than such a gale as they experience from time to time at that season; but, on the evening of the 10th, the wind rose to such a degree of violence as clearly to amount to what is called a Hurricane. At 8 p.m. it began to make an impression on all the houses, by tearing off the roofs, and overthrowing some of the walls. As the inhabitants had never been accustomed to such a convulsion of nature, they re- mained for some time in security, but they now began to be in the utmost con- sternation. * * * * It was thought to be at its greatest height at midnight, and did not abate considerably until eight next morning. During all this time, most of the inhabitants had deserted their houses, to avoid being buried in the ruins ; and every age, sex, and condition, were exposed in the fields to the impe- tuous wind, incessant torrents of rain, and the terrors of thunder and lightning. Many were overwhelmed in the ruins, either by clinging for shelter too long in the buildings, or attempting to save what was valuable, or by unavoidable accidents in the fall of walls, roofs, and furniture, the materials of which were projected to great distances. Even the bodies of men and cattle were lifted off and carried above the ground. From an estimate of the number of deaths reported to the governor, they amounted to more than 3,000. All the fruits of the earth were destroyed: most of the trees torn up by the roots, and many of them stripped of their bark. The sea rose so high as to destroy the fort, carrying the great guns many yards from the platform, and demolishing the houses near the beach. A ship was driven on shore against one of the buildings of the naval hospital, which, by this shock, and by the impetuosity of the wind and sea, was entirely destroyed and swept away. * * * * The mole-head was swept away; and ridges of coral rock were thrown up to above the surface of the water ; but the harbour and roadstead were, upon the whole, improved, having deepened in some places 6 feet, in others many fathoms. The crust of coral, which had been the work of ages, * The track of this Hurricane is shown on the Chart, commencing between Nos. i. and ii. HURRICANES. 253 was broken up, leaving a soft oasy bottom, and many shells and fish were found ashore, which had been previously unknown. The Hurricane passed, in succession, over the Islands of St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Martinique, and Dominica, and included within its area those of Guadaloupe, St. Christopher, St. Eustatius, &e. At St. Vincent, every building was blown down, and the town destroyed. At St. Lucia, which was near the centre of the Hurricane, all the barracks and other buildings were blown down and the ships driven to sea. At Martinique, likewise, all the ships that had brought troops and provisions were blown off the island. On the 12th, four ships with their crews foundered in Fort Royal Bay. The other ships were blown out of the roads. In the town of St. Pierre, on the N.W. coast, every house was blown down, and more than 1,000 people perished. At Fort Royal, the cathedral, seven churches, other religious edifices, many public buildings and 1,000 houses, were blown down, as well as the hospital of Notre Dame, in which were 1,600 sick and wounded, the greater part of whom were buried in the ruins. The number of persons who perished in Martinique is said to have been 9,000. Dominica likewise suffered greatly, and Guadaloupe was within the Northern verge of the Hurricane. At St. Eustatius, although not far within the N.E. verge, the loss was very great. On the 10th of October, at 11 a.m., the sky on a sudden blackened all round; it looked as dismal as night, attended with the most violent rains, thunder, lightning, and wind. In the afternoon the gale increased; seven ships were driven on shore near the North point, dashed to pieces on the rocks, and their crews perished. Nineteen vessels cut their cables and went to sea. In the night every house to the Northward and Southward was blown down, or washed away with the inhabit- ants into the sea, a few only escaping. The houses to the East and West were not so much hurt till the afternoon of the 11th, when the wind, on a sudden, shifted to the Eastward ; and at night it blew with redoubled fury, and swept away every house; but the forts, barracks, hospital, cathedral, and four churches remained. Here between 4,000 and 5,000 persons are supposed to have lost their lives. Advancing North-Westward, the centre of the Hurricane on the 14th had reached to the Mona Passage, on the West of Porto Rico. Here the Ulysses and Pomona, with a fleet under their convoy, suffered greatly, and here the Deal Cast/c frigate was wrecked. Another frigate, the Diamond, fell within the Western verge of the storm on the 15th, but happily escaped by passing Alta Vela, on the South side of Haiti. Above the parallel of 20°, the Stirling Castle was lost on Silver Kay Bank, and most of her crew perished. On the 18th we find, in about 221° N., and 69° W., the Trident, Ruby, Bristol, Hector, and Grafton, men-of-war, on the S.W. verge of the storm. The ship last-mentioned, on the 16th, at noon, was -in lat. 263°, long. (by estimation) 71° 30’; heavy gales and cloudy weather ; lying- to under trysails; the gales split the sails to ribands. On the 18th, lying-to; strong gales and heavy squalls.—17th to 18th, carried rapidly to the South-East- ward, when the Trident, Ruby, and Hector, came in sight as above; at 11 a.m., spoke the latter, in great distress. ; The Ruby, Trident, and Bristol on the 15th, were as high as 274° N., and they, tioo, from the Western border of the Hurricane, were driven to the Southward. until they joined company. Here the detail becomes imperfect, until we reach the Bermudas; but to the N.E. of these isles we find the Berwick, on the 19th, which had fallen, on the 17th, within the border of the Hurricane from a position to the W.N.W., near the latitude of 35°. This ship had previously been one of Rear-Admiral Rowley’s squadron ; she was proceeding to England under jury-masts, and had reached to the North of the latitude of the Bermudas, when the Hurricane overtook her. On the 16th, at 11 a.m., during calm, there was a great swell from the Eastward. On the 17ta, at 1 p.m., she was taken aback; wore ship and handed topsails; at 3, equally, with rain ; loosed the topsails ; 6 to 8 p.m., wind E. by N., fresh gales. On 254 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. ‘ the 18th, winds variable from the Eastward, E. by N. to E.S.E. ; after midnight, strong gales and heavy squalls. At noon, by estimation, Bermudas S. 53° E., 93 miles. 19th, at 1 a.m., weather moderate, and the ship proceeded on her course. On the 18th, about fifty vessels were driven on shore at Bermuda. We have been the more particular in giving these details, from having formerly been misled by imperfect data. In the delineation of the “Great Hurricane,” given by Colonel Reid, he first assumes a circle having a radius of about 170 miles, which gradually expands, on its N.W., North, and N.E. course, to 270 miles, with, we may presume, a diminished and proportionate momentum, on the parallel of Bermuda. The colonel observes that, on reading the logs and the various accounts of this Hurricane, and comparing the different reports of the wind, it will be found hat no storm yet deseribed, proves more strongly than this, the rotatory nature ot Hurricanes. (195.) Trinidad, June, 1831.—(No. I. on the Chart.;\—On June 23rd, 1831, Trinidad, in the parallel of 104° N., experienced one of the most awful storms of wind and rain ever remembered by the oldest inhabitant. The gale commenced at 5 o’clock on Thursday morning, and continued till 11. The wind, after shifting from East, North, West, and South, finally settled at S.W., and blew without inter- mission until 3 in the afternoon. FEleven or twelve vessels were driven on shore, and several of them severely damaged. It was subsequently stated that the Hurricane was felt at all the Southern islands, where the loss it occasioned was very great. Such a storm had not happened at Grenada since the year 1780; the devastation was extensive and dreadful; and the loss in that colony was estimated at £80,000. Its course to Yucatan is described hereafter. (196.) Barbadoes, August, 1831.—( No. II. on the Chart.)—In the night following August 10th, one of the most devastating Hurricanes that had ever been expe- rieneed visited Barbadoes. Not a single house was left uninjured, and the greater part were levelled with the ground. On the 11th it passed over the Islands of St. Vincent and St. Lucia, extending a portion of its influence to Martinique and islands to the N.W., and to Grenada on the South, but exhibiting its principal violence between 124° and 14° N., or the parallels of Barbadoes and Martinique. On the 12th it arrived on the Southern coast of Porto Rico; from the 12th to the 13th it swept over the South side of Hayti, and extended its influence as far Southward as Jamaica. On the 13th it raged on the Eastern portion of Cuba, sweeping in its course over large districts. The town of Aux Cayes, in Hayti, was almost destroyed by its force, and that of St. Iago de Cuba was very much damaged. On the 14th it was at Havana and toward the West end of Cuba. On the 15th it praceeded North- Westward, and on the 16th and 17th it arrived on the Northern shores of the Mexican Sea, in about the 30th degree of latitude, raging simultaneously at Pensacola, Mobile, and New Orleans, where its effects were continued till the 18th. At New Orleans, on the 17th, it came on in dreadful gales, from N.E. to S.E., accompanied with torrents of rain. Almost all the shipping in the river were driven on shore, and very few of the smaller craft escaped total wreck. The back part of the city was completely inundated. The sugar-canes, above and below the city, were laid flat, and the loss was enormous. The gale was felt at Natchez, 300 miles up the river ; and hereabout it spent itself in heavy rains, after having oecupied a period of six days in the cycloidal course from Barbadoes. At most of the istands, during the Hurricane, the winds in the earlier part of the storm were from a Northern quarter, and in its later periods from a Southern quarter, of the horizon; from which it results, that the gyratory action was from right to left, as in the storms which pass to the Northward of the great islands, and along the Western coast of the ocean. The distance passed over by the storm, in its passage from Barbadoes to New HURRICANKS. 255 Orleans, is equal to 2,100 nautie miles. The average rate of progress about 14 miles an hour. (197.) Hurricane of 1830.—The storm which passed the city of New York, on August 17th, 1830, was there, and along all the coast Northward of Cape Hatteras, considered as a North-East storm.—(Sce Chart, Route VII.) It appears that this storm commenced at the Island of St. Thomas, on the night between the 12th and 13th of August. On its progress, in the afternoon of the 14th, it commenced at the Bahama Islands, and continued during the succeeding night, the wind almost round the compass during the existence of the storm. On the 15th, in the Florida Channel, its effects were very disastrous. Without the strait, in lat. 26° 51’, long. 79° 40’, the gale was severe from N.N.E. to S.W. Late on the same day, off St. Augustin, it was equally so. At 20 miles North of St. Mary’s, from 8 p.m. on the 15th, to 2 a.m. on the 16th, it was from an Eastern quarter, then changed to 8. W. Off Tybee and at Savanna, on the night of the 15th, it changed to N.W. at 9 a.m., on the 16th, and blew till 12. On the 18th, at Charleston, the gale was from §.E. and East, till 4 p.m.; then N.E. and round to N.W. At Wilmington (North Carolina) the storm was from the East, and veered subsequently to the West. In the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, at sea, the storm was very heavy from §.E., and shifted to N.W. Early in the morning of the 17th, the gale was felt severely in the Chesapeake, from the N.E. Off the Capes of Virginia, on the 17th, lat. 36° 20’, long. 74° 2’, ‘*a perfect hurricane,” from South to §.8.E., from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m., then shifted to N.W. Off Cape May, lat. 32°, long. 74° 15’, in the afternoon of the 17th, a heavy gale from E.N.E. Coast of New Jersey, same afternoon, heavy at N.E. Again, in lat. 89°, long. 73°, at E.N.E. In the same latitude, long. 70° 30’, a ‘‘ tremendous gale,” commencing at S.S.E., and veering to North. Afternoon and evening of the 17th, at New York and in Long Island Sound, gale at N.N.E. and N.E. Off Nantucket Shoals, at 8 p.m., severe at N.E. by E. In the night of the 17th, off Nantucket, and in the Gulf Stream, lat. 38° 15’ long. 67° 30’, ‘‘ tremendous,” commencing at South, and veering, with increasing severity, to S.W., West, and N.W. Peninsula of Cape Cod, in the night between the 17th and 18th, severe at N.E.; 18th, at Salem and Newbury, heavy gale from N.E. In Iat. 39° 51’, long. 69°, severe from S.E., suddenly shifting to North. In lat. 41° 20’, long. 60° 25’, *“‘ tremendous hurricane” from N.N.E. | Off Sable Island, in the night of the 18th, lat. 48°, long. 594°, “* tremendous heavy gale,” from South and S.W. to West and N.W. In lat. 48°, long. 48°, a severe gale from the South; the manner of change not reported. This remarkable storm appears to have passed over the whole route above described in about six days, at an average of about 16 miles an hour; the duration of its most violent portion, at the several points over which it passed, may be stated at from 7 to 12 hours; and the width of its track is supposed to have been from 150 to 200 miles. ‘On the Western part of the Atlantic Ocean, between the parallel of New York and the Northern limit of the Trade Wind, the prevailing winds, for a consider- able period, both previously and subsequently to the occurrence of this storm, were South- Westerly, or fromthe Southern quarter; and over the whole breadth of the Atlantic, on the route frequented by ships in the European trade, fresh South- Westerly or Westerly winds also prevailed at the same period, for many weeks, These facts are well established by numerous marine journals, which have been consulted in relation to this subject.” Of the vorticular or rotative character of the storm, striking evidence was afforded by the journals of two ships, the Britannia and the I llinovis, both bound from America to Europe ; the particulars of which are fully given by Mr. Redfield. 256 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. (198.) In about a week after the storm last described, another occurred, which passed New York on the 26th and 27th of August, and which was, also, on this coast, a N.E. storm, of about three days duration. From the Eastward of the Bahamas it appears to have passed Northwardly between the Florida Stream and the Bermudas ; and touching the American shore near Cape Hatteras, raged with great fury for about forty hours at each locality, as it swept the great central curve of the coast; and passing from thence, continued its course over George’s Bank, in a North-Easterly direction. It was evidently of greater compass, and slower progress, than the preceding storm, as proved by a collation of the various reports of mariners; and its long duration, and its effects were almost equally violent. The next remarkable series of Hurricanes appear to have originated in the vicinity of the Windward Islands, near the close of September, 1830, and which, passing Westward of the Bermudas, on a course nearly North, assumed thence a more Easterly course, toward the Southern edge of the Grand Bank of Newfound- land.—(See the Chart, Route VII.) This storm was very disastrous. In lat. 203°, long. 63°, it commenced, on Sep- tember 22nd, at 1 p.m., and continued till 6" 30™ p.m., from N.E. and §.W. alternately. On the same day it passed through lat. 22° 46’, long. 65°. Atnight, on the 30th, in lat. 26° 7’, long. 663°, ‘‘ very heavy,” for five hours and a half. On the 1st of October it arrived at lat. 30° 38’, long. 63°; severe at S.E., shifted to N.W.; thence it was found in lat. 33°, long. 663°; lat. 34° 9’, long. 66° 12’; lat. 35°, long, 68°; lat. 38°, long. 68°; lat. 384°, long. 57°; lat. 40°, long. 61°; lat. 40° 25’, long. 58° 24’; lat. 41°, long. 55°, and very severe. By an average estimate of rates and distances, it appears to have proceeded at the rate of about 27 miles an hour. The extensive Hurricane of 1804, which swept over most of the Windward Islands in the West Indies, commenced at Martinique, on the 3rd of September, reached Savanna on the 7th, Boston on the 9th, and became a snow-storm on its arrival in the interior of New Hampshire. The great gale of 1815 commenced at St. Bartholomew’s on the 11th of Sep- tember, and reached Rhode Island on the morning of the 23rd, where it was awfully destructive from the S8.E., while in the South-Eastern parts of Massa- chusetts, it was then blowing at South; at New London, from East to 8.E. ; and at New York, from North to N.N.W. (199.) 4 S.E. storm in Septersber, 1821—(see Chart, Track VIII.)—was expe- rienced in the central parts of Connecticut, commenced blowing violently from E.S.E. and S.E., at about 6 p.m. on the 3rd of September, having been preceded by afresh wind from the Southern quarter, and flying clouds. It continued blowing in heavy gusts, and with increasing fury, till about 10 p.m., when the wind sud- denly subsided. A calm or lull, of perhaps fifteen minutes duration, ensued, but was terminated by a violent gust from the N.W., which continued till about 11 p.m., and then gradually abated. Much damage was sustained, and fruit-trees, corn, &e., were uniformly prostrated toward the N.W. At New York the same storm was experienced, with at least equal violence, about three hours earlier than in Connecticut, but blowing from a more Eastern quarter. In the North-Eastern parts of Massachusetts it was experienced some hours later ; and at Providence, in Rhode Island, the storm was felt in the South- Eastern quarter, but not severely; as was also the case in the South-Eastern parts of Connecticut. In the N.W. portions of the latter state, and the adjacent towns of Massachusetts, the gale blew with its chief violence from the N.W. quarter, and the trees and corn were uniformly prostrated toward the S.E. At New York the gale was from N.E. to East, and commenced blowing with violence at 5 p.m., continued with great fury for three hours, and then changed to West. More damage was sustained in two hours than was ever before witnessed in the city, the wind increasing during the afternoon, and at sunset wus « slurricdne. At the time of low water the wharfs were overflowed, the water having risen 18 feet HURRICANES. 257 in an hour. Previous to the setting in of the gale, the wind was from South to §.E., but changed to the N.E. at the commencement of the storm, and blew with great fury till evening, and then shifted to the Westward. (200.) The Cyclone of August, 1870,* took the following course. The calm centre passed Antigua on August 21, at 6" 40™ a.m. ; St. Kitt’s, at 9" a.m.; St. Eustatius, at noon; St. Thomas, at 5" 15™ p.m.; Turks Island, August 22, at midnight ; Long Island, August 23, at 5" 30™ p.m. ; Great Exuma, at 8" 30™ p.m.; Nassau, August 24, at 4" 80" p.m. ; and reached the vicinity of Key West, about 8" p.m., on the same day. The rate of progress of this Cyclone, in passing Antigua, was 18 miles per hour. At St. Thomas it slackened to 13} miles per hour. In Florida it was only 8} miles per hour, and farther North only 5 miles per hour. This diminution in the pro- gressive movement may probably be accounted for by the obstruction to the Cyclone created by the hills in several of the islands over or round which it had to pass. With regard to the diameter of the Cyclone, Mr. Jahncke, of St. Thomas, who seems to have studied the whole phenomena most scientifically, estimated what he calls the ‘‘inner or furious part,” at about 180 or 200 miles ; the entire diameter was about 300 miles. Others, however, judging from the track marked on some of the islands by the damage done, estimated the diameter at only 50 or 60 miles. As to the central part, where a comparative calm existed, that of course was formed by the meeting of opposite winds, just as near the Equator a calm region prevails from the same cause. The diameter of this central cyclonic calm may be estimated ; for if it lasted half an hour at any place passed by the Cyclone, and the Cyclone itself was moving forward at the rate of 18 miles an hour, the calm centre must have been about 9 miles in diameter. The following shows the barometric depression and direction of wind at St. Thomas :—August 21, noon, 29°83, wind N.E.; 1 p.m., 29°57, N.N.E.; 2 p.m., 29°19, N.N.E.; 3 p.m., 29°17, North; 4 p.m., 28°85, N.N.W.; 5 p.m., 28°68, West; 5> 35™ p.m., calm; 6 p.m., wind 8.W.; 7 p.m., wind 8.8.W. The barometer rose gradually after the calm. This Cyclone is stated to have been divided into two portions in passing the high ground (6,000 feet) of Puerto Rico. One part of the Cyclone diverged to the N.N.W., and the other and larger portion proceeded onward W.N.W. The first part of the Cyclone, Mr. Jahncke states, went towards Bermuda, and was encoun- tered by the brig Ada, in lat. 26°, long. 69°. (201.) Mr. Keevil, United States Consul at Martinique, gives the following account of the severe Hurricane which occurred there on August 18th, 1891 (see Track No. XIII. on diagram) :— Early in the morning the sky presented a very leaden appearance, decidedly threatening, with occasional gusts of variable winds, mostly from E.N.E. The temperature was very oppressive during the entire day. The barometer varied only slightly, but was a little higher than usual until the afternoon, when it com- menced to fall, at first gradually, and then very rapidly. It is stated by fishermen, who were in the vicinity of Caraval Rock at 10 a.m., that an immense wave, about 100 feet high, passed from the direction of St. Lucia, closely followed by another smaller one, although the sea in the vicinity was quite calm at the time. The storm struck the East side of the island at about 6 p.m:, rushing through the ravines with terrible force, and destroying everything in its path On the elevated plains the ruin was most complete. One very peculiar feature of the * Notes on West India Cyclones, by D. Milne Holme, LL.D. “Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society,” 1874. See alsc page 219. N. A. 0: 34 258 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. Hurricane was the deafness experienced by every one during the storm (possibly the result of the reduced barometric pressure). During the Cyclone the wind veered from E.N.E. to § S.E., the latter being the most destructive. During the storm there were incessant flashes of sheet lightning, unaccompanied by thunder, and immediately after the storm there were two distinct shocks of earthquake, at intervals of about five seconds. Early in September I visited Trinité, and all the way the destruction was most complete, the trees and vegetation looking as though there had been a forest fire, although without the charred appearance. The factories and distilleries appear to have been more completely destroyed than other property. The thermometer ranged from 90° to 100° Fahrenheit during the storm. There was a deluge of rain, one account stating that over 4 inches fell in a few hours that evening. My own residence was unroofed and flooded with water, as was the case with nine-tenths of the buildings in St. Pierre and throughout the island; the loss of life was small in St. Pierre, but large in the interior towns, notably in Morne Rouge, where eight in one family lost their lives. The total loss of life, so far as reliable information can be obtained, was 700, and the loss of property was enormous. All the fruit, the main reliance of the labouring class, was destroyed, and prices of provisions advanced 300 per cent. Every vessel was wrecked or badly damaged, about fifty sail in all. The scene the island presents would be difficult to describe. Such a night of terror the imagination can scarcely picture. (202.) Examples of vessels passing through the Vortex.—In August, 1887, the American steamer Knickerbocker was steered right into the heart of a Hurricane. Passing Cape Hatteras, bound South, at midnight, on the 21st, at noon, it was blowing a stiff breeze from E.S.E., with a heavy sea. The course was continued, and on the 23rd, in lat. 80° 10’, long. 77° 28’, a fierce gale from E.S.E. was en- . countered, with immense cross sea; at 4" p.m., blowing a Hurricane from East to E.S.E., heavy rain, sea a mass of foam; 9» p.m., wind suddenly lulled, baro- meter 28:90; 10" 15" p.m., wind suddenly came out from W.N.W. to West, in a fearful Cyclone, ship hove-to, terrific rain, the sea lashed to foam. 24th, 1" 30™ a.m., frightful Cyclone from W.N.W., immense cross sea, barometer 28°20. At 3" a.m., it began to moderate, the barometer rising gradually. Captain Roggeveen, of the steamer Veendam, reports :—At 8" a.m., December ist, 1890, in lat. 41° 13’ N., long. 59° 58’ W., wind E.S.E., force 9, barometer 28°19 ; long, high-rolling sea, dark stormy-looking sky. At 3° 45™ p.m., lat. 42° 42’, long. 60° 42’, it fell calm with enormously high seas rolling in from S.E. At once the wind came from W.N.W., blowing a full hurricane; barometer 27:95. ON MAKING USE OF HURRICANKS. (203.) Mr. Piddington suggested that it might be possible to make use of these Storms, by taking advantage of the favourable wind which some portions of their circumference offer for expediting the voyage. This was also proposed by Sir W. Reid, in his ‘‘ Law of Storms.” Mr. Piddington gave rules for this, in the regions he made more particularly his study— the Indian and China Seas. In order to benefit by the Hurricane, several conditions are necessary ; and it need not be again insisted on, that any error or ignorance of the centre of rotation may be fatal. Of course, the first consideration is, in what part of the circumference is the ship, and in what bearing is its centre ?—then, at what rate, and in what direction, is it travelling ?—and HURRICANKS. 259 is it so violent that the ship cannot weather it? All these things must be weighed well by the mariner, before he endeavours to lay his ship on that tack which will appear the best to forward his voyage. Should the Storm be advancing in the same direction as his course, and the position of the ship be upon the anterior verge, should it travel at a rate above that which he can keep up, it is evident that it will pass over him, and the consequence need not be remarked upon. Should the vessel be upon the posterior verge of the Hurricane, it will, if travelling at 20 or 30 miles an hour, soon leave her, and then no advantage can follow; and if the Storm be travelling slowly, a vessel in this position might run into the heart of it, owing to the great indraft of the winds, as explained in (155). Thus, to ‘‘make use of a Hurricane,” several conditions are absolutely necessary: these are—‘‘1l. The ship must get into the Storm precisely where the wind blows fair for the prosecution of the voyage—which is quite a matter of chance. 2. If she happen to do so, she must, to derive benefit, regulate her speed exactly to that of the meteor. Can she do that at pleasure? There would be no difficulty in ascertaining the fact of her pre- serving her station, or not, by the wind remaining steady, or veering ; but there is a necessity that would bind her, and which cannot be evaded with impunity when a high sea follows ; she must carry a certain proportion of sail to prevent her from being pooped. Now this sail may give her a greater velocity than the meteor at the time; hence she would run ahead of it. Again, the rate of the meteor may be greater than her utmost speed; hence she would be ejected.” Again, as stated in (163), vessels, making use of the favourable wind on the Eastern side of a Cyclone, must take steps to avoid the Storm at its point of recurving from N.W. to N.K. A vessel steering to the Northward, having the wind aft, may possibly keep up with the progress of the Hurri- cane ; but on reaching its point of recurving would be in danger of haying the vortex pass over her. SQUALLS AND TORNADOS. (204.) Captain Andrew Livingston, of Liverpool, to whom we are in- debted for much valuable information, gives the following description. ‘Squalls are generally of three kinds. That called the Arched Squall is frequently experienced, and usually rises from the horizon in the form of an arch; but sometimes it assumes the appearance of a dense dark cloud, particularly when highly charged with rain, or electric matter. From the time that the arch or cloud is first seen above the horizon, its motion is sometimes very quick to the zenith, the interval being scarcely sufficient ta allow a ship to reduce the necessary sail before the wind reaches her, which happens when the cloud has approached the zenith. At other times the motion of the cloud is very slow, and not unfrequently it disappears, or is dispersed, the impulse of the wind being not then sufficient to reach a ship. As a general rule, it may be observed, that if in these squalls there be rain preceding the wind, the latter will probably follow the rain in-sudden severe 260 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. gusts; whereas, if the wind precedes the rain, the squalls are seldom so furious, and terminate in moderate showers of rain. The general rule, however, is often interrupted by the operation of local causes. ‘The Descending Squall is not so easily discerned as the former, because it issues from clouds which are formed in the lower parts of the atmosphere, near the observer; and when clouds are thus formed, they generally pro- duce showers of rain, and successive squalls of wind. In the Mexican Sea, heavy and very sudden descending squalls come at times from very small clouds. These are scarcely felt until the cloud is almost right over the ship’s masts. “The White Squall is not often experienced; but it sometimes happens near to, or within, the Tropics, particularly in the vicinity of mountainous land. This squall generally blows very violently for a short time; and, as it is liable to happen when the weather is clear, without any appearance in the atmosphere to indicate its approach, it is consequently very dan- gerous. The only mark that accompanies it is the wind.” (205.) Captain FitzRoy says :—‘‘ Undoubtedly the worst wind, next to a Hurricane, which a vessel can encounter, is a violent White Squall, so called because it is accompanied by no cloud or peculiar appearance in the sky, and because of its tearing up the surface of the sea, and sweeping it along so as to make a white sheet of foam. Of Squalls of this description, frequent in the West Indies, and occasionally felt in other parts of the world, no notice will be given much above the horizon ; but, by consulting a good barometer or sympiesometer, and frequently watching the surface of the sea itself, even a White Squall may be guarded against in sufficient time. ‘“‘Dark clouds, hard mixed with soft, and inky fragments in rapid motion beneath them, accompanied, perhaps, by lightning and distant thunder, are the forerunners of a heavy squall. Soft shapeless clouds, in which it is impossible to point out a definite edge, usually bring rain, but not wind ; and, generally speaking, the more distinctly defined the edges of the clouds are, the more wind they foretell. A little attention to these simple observations, so familiar to persons who have been some time at sea, may save young officers unnecessary anxiety in one case, and prompt them to shorten sail at a proper time in the other.’’—(‘‘ Voyage of the Beagle,” vol. ii., page 49.) | (206.) Mr. F. A. Jahncke,* of St. Thomas, says on this subject :— White Squalls are sometimes terribly destructive to vessels, either capsizing them, or carrying away their masts. They occur with fine weather and a good breeze, but I have not heard that they happen on land, but always at sea. It must be a rapid descent of the Equatorial Wind met below by the Trade Wind, which arrests its circular motion; that must be the cause, as their duration is only for a few moments. Captain Toynbee remarks that he has been struck by the frequency of Squalls from the direction of the upper current of air in parts of the sea where the lower wind was from nearly an opposite direction. In studying * General Remarks on West India Cyclones, by F. A. Jahnoke, see “‘ Quarterly Journal of the Meteorological Society,’’ No. 10, April, 1874. HURRICANES. 261 Square 3 (see Sections on Trade Winds and Passages), he found that at the Northern verge of the S.EH. Trade the upper clouds very frequently moved from N.H., and Squalls would come from N.H., though the steady lower wind was always S.H. or Southerly, as if the upper current of air sometimes forced its way downward through the lower current, causing the Squall, and then rose again. »« Wiute Squall.—On November 14th, 1878, when 160 miles off Cape Sable, the barque Bel Stwart was struck by a White Squall, in a comparatively smooth sea and clear sky. At 6 p.m., all hands being on deck, a strange sighing of the wind was noticed, and the sky became suddenly threaten- ing, though the barometer showed arising tendency. Without a moment’s notice, the sea forward seemed to swell up to meet the lowering sky, and swept across the bows, doing much damage to the masts and spars. Ina moment the barque was left a comparative wreck wallowing in the trough of the tremendous seas. This seems to show that the vessel ran into an incipient Tornado and Waterspout. (207.) Tornados are formed in a similar manner to Cyclones, from which they differ chiefly in size. Both have a gyratory and forward motion, but a Tornado is much less in area, very rarely attaining a diameter of 1 mile. It consists of an ascending column of air rotating around a region of very low pressure, sometimes the direction and rotation being with watch- hands, but mostly the reverse, according to the researches of Mr. Finley on 600 Tornados occurring in the United States. When these Tornados pass over the land, the central pressure is so low, that the air contained in closed dwellings has been known to burst the doors and windows out- ward, while the enormous velocity of the wind itself sweeps everything before it. The Tornado derives its appellation from the Portuguese, signifying a whirlwind. It is known on all the coast of Africa, between the Rio Nunez, in lat. 104° N., and the Equator, but is most severely felt on the Windward Coast, and seems intended by Divine Providence to expel the noxious matter with which the air is so frequently charged. The Tornado first announces itself by the appearance of a small silvery cloud in the zenith, which gradually increases and descends towards the horizon, and the scene becomes veiled over with the most impenetrable darkness. At this moment the functions of nature seem to be paralyzed, and the elements to have ceased their operations; the most profound and solemn stillness reigns around, with scarcely a breath of air from the heavens, in consequence of which the whole physical system feels oppressed with sensations of approaching suffocation; violent and reverberated peals of distant thunder and lightning commence, gradually advancing and increasing to an extreme not easy to describe ; the atmosphere, at times, in a continued blaze for minutes, without intermission. At length the gust arrives with sometimes the greatest irresistible violence, the impulse of which no gails can fre- quently withstand. It is fortunately not of long duration, extending from one to three hours, and concludes with a furious deluge of rain, which descends rather in columns than in drops. The great danger is in the sudden impulse of the gust, which would immediately dismast or overturn a vessel unprepared for the event. Nothing can be more exquisitely de- 262 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. lightful than the subsequent clear and pure state of the air, creating an apparent regeneration of the animal as well as of the vegetable world. Commander E. G. Bourke, R.N., says :—Tornados are met with as far as 10° S., and almost always come from the Eastward, or dead against the prevailing winds: they do not appear to have any rotatory motion, and have scarcely any effect on the barometer; if they cause any change, it is a slight rise on their approach. This is to be looked for, as they work dead against the usual wind, and the two currents of air seem to meet; certain it is that the S.W. wind blows till the squall reaches the observer, when a sudden change occurs to the N.E. It appears to me that the cold upper current of air forces its way against and under the exceedingly hot and moist lower one, forcing it upwards, where it is rapidly condensed into angry-looking clouds which fringe these storms, the Tornade being in this way constantly fed with rain and electricity as it progresses. On the approach of a Tornado, the temperature frequently falls 15° in 3 or 4 minutes. I traced the path of one for 120 miles along the Gulf of Guinea, which travelled that distance in 4 hours, and its course was W.S.W. true. This Tornado I observed on shore at Accra, and by referring to the logs of the men-of-war which were at anchor off other places, I discovered its rate of progression. Tornados are most violent and frequent in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone, and also at the island of Fernando Po: they are most frequent at the commencement and close of the rainy season (June to September), and are most violent at the former period; they do, however, occur occasion- ally throughout the dry season, but I have never seen one during the rainy season proper. They extend a long distance to seaward, in fact, all over the region of the 8.W. Monsoon, but diminish in frequency as the distance from land increases. During the rainy season (June to September), espe- cially in the Gulf of Guinea, the S.W. Monsoon (it then being at its greatest strength) frequently blows home to the coast, obliterating the sea and land breezes. On these occasions the weather is most oppressive, as the night temperature remains very high, the diurnal range being but 3° or 4°.— Journal of the Meteorological Society, vol. iv., 1878, page 26. (208.) Captain Henry Toynbee, in his remarks accompanying the Monthly Charts, mentioned in the note on page 136, states as follows :— In April, Tornados occur on the S.W. coast of North Africa. They gene- rally commence with a South-Hasterly gust, and then back to the Hast- ward, sometimes working round until they end at 8.W.; but their action does not seem to be always the same. They occur where the Northerly wind is giving way to the Southerly, or the Southerly to the Northerly, as these winds work their way to the Northward or Southward, so that their season varies with the latitude; but they may be said to begin on the Southern part of this coast in April, and to work their way Northward during the summer months ; then as the Northerly wind advances to the Southward, they are felt again on the Southern part of the coast in October. (209.) Dr. A. Borius, of the French Navy, gives the following account, trom his experiences of a great number of Tornados in Senegal :*— * « Récherches sur le Climat du Sénégal,” par Dr. A. Borius. HURRICANES. 262 The Tornado usually follows a day of calm, and of overpowering heat- The South-Westerly breeze, which prevails during the winter season, has: given place to calms and light airs from North to N.E. Owing to this. direction of the wind, the sky is completely clear of clouds, yet the Southern part of the horizon becomes dark, a small cloudy black mass appears to the South and S8.E., and foretells the formation of a Tornado. After a time, which varies from two to four hours, this black mass begins to move and to approach the zenith. This motion is slow, and I have always seen it in a direction nearly from South to North. When the mass of nimbus has risen to about 25° above the horizon, it forms a regular semicircle there, beneath which the sky can sometimes be seen. The edge of this moving black mass shows sharply on the blue sky, which is mottled by a few white fleecy clouds, moving with the North-Easterly winds which have become rather more energetic in the lower regions of the air. When at about 45° from the zenith, this accumulation of clouds pre- sents a most characteristic appearance. It is a vast black circle, a sort of mushroom without a stalk, seen in a three-quarters view from below; its outline clearly defined in front, and to the right and left edges, but il} defined behind in the part which touches the horizon. These clouds are sometimes, but rarely, furrowed by lightning, and in general no thunder is heard. Below the most distant part of this black mass, large white clouds are seen. Sometimes the motion of the meteor is so slow, that it takes half an hour to reach the zenith ; sometimes scarcely five minutes elapse from the time when the clouds are seen to begin to move until they are fairly overhead. The meteoric mass seen from below has no longer any definite form, the sky being quickly invaded by clouds which seem to move in complete disorder. It is generally at the moment when the front edge of the Tornado reaches the zenith, often a little sooner, and sometimes only when two-thirds of the sky are covered, that a wind of extreme violence comes from a South- Easterly direction. - This storm lasts at the most for a quarter of an hour, during which time the wind backs to Kast, then to N.E., North, and finally to N.W. ; it then passes to the S.W., lighter at first, but regaining its energies at S.W. The change of wind is not always so regular as this, for sometimes it freshens up again from §.E. Sometimes it gets lighter and lighter until it becomes N.W., and never goes beyond that quarter. In some Tornados the wind stops at North, the Tornado disappears, calm and rain succeed, and then light steady South-Westerly winds. The only constant thing is, the greater force of the wind at the beginning of the Tornado. Its force is only really dangerous quite at the beginning, and when the wind is from the §.E. Sometimes the meteor disappears in 10 or 15 minutes; it then only con- sists in this rapid motion of the wind, and this passage of black clouds, without rain, or thunder-storm. This is the least frequent form, and is called a Dry Tornado. Generally, when the wind passes to 8. W., a thunder-storm bursts, the rain falls with extreme violence for a quarter of an hour, then becomes moderate, and the wind remains light at South or S.W. 264 OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINDS. It must be remarked that, even when the Tornado is dry, it is always followed by a fallin the temperature, very sensible to the thermometer. This proves that it is not formed at the level of the soil or of the sea, but in the higher regions of the atmosphere, and that the axis of its gyratory movement is not vertical, or that the motion of the air is rather spiral than circular. Some remarks on Tornados, as experienced off the West Coast of Africa, are given previously, on pages 158—16s. 10.—WATERSPOUTS. (210.) The well-known phenomenon, called a Waterspout, which is fre- quently seen on the Atlantic, proceeding from black dense clouds, always uppears in warm weather, generally in calms, or with little wind; but they nave been seen during a fresh gale. It has been shown, by the celebrated Dr. Franklin, and other writers, that a Whirlwind on land, and a Water- spout at sea, arise from the same general causes, and may be considered as one and the same. At sea they are commonly harmless, unless ships happen to be immediately under them ; but if, in the progressive motion of the whirl, it passes from the sea over the land, and there suddenly breaks, violent and mischievous torrents are the consequence. At sea, after the spout breaks, the water descends in the form of very heavy rain. In the vicinity of a spout, the wind commonly flies round in sudden gusts, and all ships should therefore take in their square sails. That a Waterspout and Whirlwind are identical has been amply demon- strated by those who have seen this meteor pass from the sea to land, and ‘the contrary. They have both a progressive as well as circular motion; they usually appear after calms and great heats, and mostly happen in the warmer latitudes. (211.) The general principles underlying the formation of Whirlwinds, Tornados, and Waterspouts, are described as follows by Lieutenant EH. Hayden, U.S.N. A layer of warm moist air at the surface of the sea happens to have above it a layer of cooler and drier air, and sooner or later the warm light air ascends through the cooler heavier air above. Sometimes this takes place over large areas; at other times it is more local, and the lower layer attempts to escape through a break or opening in the upper layer as through a funnel. Under favourable conditions this action becomes very intense, being increased by the moisture of the ascending column becoming condensed, thus liberating latent heat. As the warm air rushes up, it takes a whirling motion, and a suction or partial vacuum is created at the centre, which often draws water for some distance up the centre. The direction of rotation is not always uniform as with Cyclones. When a Waterspout is forming, its upper portion is often visible first, WATERSPOUTS. 265 appearing to descend from the clouds, but by closely examining it with a telescope it will be seen that the motion is upwards ; the moisture in the rising air becoming condensed lower and lower down, thus making it appear to be actually descending. The area from the North coast of Cuba to lat. 40° N., between the United States coast and Bermuda, is pre-eminently a region where Water- spouts are liable to occur. This is owing largely to the warm moist air over the Gulf Stream, and the cool dry air brought over it by the North- Westerly winds coming off the coast. (212.) Marine Waterspouts, therefore, are caused by the action of atmo- spheric currents. Malté-Brun thus describes them :—‘‘ Underneath a dense cloud, the sea becomes agitated by violent commotions, the waves dart rapidly toward the centre of the agitated mass of water, on arriving at which they are dispersed into aqueous vapours, and rise whirling round, in a spiral direction, toward the cloud. This conical ascending column is met by another descending column, which leans toward the water, and joins with it. In many cases the marine column is from 50 to 80 fathoms in diameter near its base. Both columns, however, diminish toward the middle, where they unite; so that here they do not extend more than 8 to 4 feet in diameter. The entire column presents itself in the shape of a hollow cylinder or tube of glass, empty within. It glides over the sea without any wind being felt; indeed, several have been seen at once fol- lowing different directions. When the cloud and the marine base of the Waterspout move with unequal velocities, the lower cone is often seen to incline sideways, or even to bend, and finally to burst in pieces. A noise is then heard, like the noise of a cataract falling in a deep valley; light- ning frequently issues from the very bosom of the Waterspout, particularly when it breaks, but no thunder is ever heard.”’ In order to prevent the danger which a vessel would be exposed to by coming in contact with these tremendous columns, it is the practice, where possible, to discharge upon them a cannon-ball, which, passing through them, causes them to burst, and consequently removes all chances of injury connected with them. This phenomenon is accounted for in the following manner :—T'wo winds meet—a vortex ensues; any cloud which happens to be between them is condensed into a conical form, and turned round with great velocity ; this whirling motion drives from the centre of the cloud all the particles contained in it; a vacuum is thereby produced, and water, or any other body lying beneath this vacuum, is carried into it upon the usual and well-known principle. The cannon-ball, breaking this cylinder, which is always partly hollow, causes it to fall to pieces, in the same manner as a touch upon the surface of a bubble reduces the re- splendent mass to a drop of common water. (213.) The following description of a Waterspout, seen during a fresh gale upon the coast of North America, was written by Mr. Murdo Downie. ‘‘ Upon the forenoon of the 9th of October, 1795, while cruising in His Majesty’s ship Resolution (then bearing the flag of the late Admiral Murray), in company with H.M.S. Africa, commanded by the late Admiral, then Captain, Home, in lat. 32°, and long. 664° W., having the wind at NvA. 0: 35 266 WATERSPOUTS. N.N.W. blowing a fresh gale, and the ship steering by the wind Hast for the Islands of Bermuda, we were surprised by a Waterspout, formed in an instant, directly to leeward, at about 2 miles, or little more, distant. Both the Africa and we fired several 18-pound shot at it, which fell a little short; and, although some of the shot fell very near, yet they had no visible effect upon it. Its appearance was that of a long slender pillar, with the upper end spreading into a large dense cloud, of which it seemed to form a pant, and the lower end reached to within about 20 or 30 feet of the sea, where it was obscured from the sight by water being violently thrown up and agitated, so as to resemble a number of fountains or water-engines playing perpendicularly round the lower end of the spout. The pillar became more transparent in proportion as it decreased in size from the cloud downward, until at the lower end, where it was almost perfectly so; and a small column, of an equal diameter, and more transparent than the rest, appeared up through the middle, so that at about the lower end it resembled an empty glass tube in appearance; from thence the transparent column in the middle became gradually obscured, the higher up, by the opacity of the outside, until it altogether disappeared near the cloud. The spout appeared at its full size, or nearly so, when first seen, and began to de- crease shortly after, and in a short time vanished in a slight shower. ‘“« We were too intently gazing at this extraordinary phenomenon to mark the exact time it lasted, but supposed it to continue ten or fifteen minutes; and its distance from the ship was pretty accurately ascertained by the shot fired at it nearly reaching ; but what appeared most remarkable was, that, although the wind blew so strong a gale, that the ship could carry only reefed topsails (from which the velocity of the wind cannot be esti- mated at less than 30 or 40 miles an hour), yet the Waterspout seemed to move but very little from the place where it was first seen. The ship was going at the rate of 54 miles an hour, and increasing her distance from the spout; yet, after continuing the above-mentioned time, it was considerably within the verge of the visible horizon (about 6 miles), as seen from the quarter-deck, when it vanished. Now, allowing the ship to have increased her distance from the spot half a mile during its continuance, and that it vanished a mile within the verge of the visible horizon, leaves 24 miles for the spout to move in ten minutes; whereas the wind must have gone at least 5 miles in that time, and consequently 24 miles faster than the Water- spout. Indeed, it is very probable the Waterspout did not move so much, in proportion to the wind, as the above calculation gives the least difference between their motions that could have been allowed from the observations; the intention of this calculation befng principally to prove that the Water- spout in some measure resisted the force of the wind. ‘“‘T have always observed that Waterspouts, Lightning, and other elec- trical phenomena, are far less frequent toward the middle of the ocean than they are upon the land, or near it, and when they happen upon the sea, the cloud that contains them is generally observed to have come from off the land; from which reason we find that electrical phenomena are more frequent, and are found to reach to a greater distance, upon the sea bordering the East coast of North America, than upon that bordering the West coast of Europe; because of the prevailing Westerly winds carrying WATERSPOUTS. 267 the clouds charged with electric fluid off the land upon the sea near the American coast; whereas, upon the European coast, these winds confine the clouds upon the land. It is also a known fact, that within the limits of the N.E. Trade Winds, and half-way between the Cape Verde and Windward West India Islands, more especially in the latitude of these islands, scarcely any of these electrical appearances ever happen ; whereas, upon the shores of Africa and America, in the same climate, they frequently rage with great fury.” (214.) Description of Waterspouts by Mr. George Maxwell.—There can be no doubt that Waterspouts have, in most cases, been accompanied with electrical phenomena; and it is equally certain that the spiral and ascend- ing motion of the water has been produced by a gyratory movement in the air, arising from the meeting of two opposite winds. Mr. Maxwell had opportunities, during several voyages to the Congo, of frequently witness- ing this interesting phenomenon; and in a drawing, from which the sub- joined figure has been made, he represented the different states of a Water- snout, as they commonly occur. At their first formation, Mr. Maxwell says, they appear as at A, where the black cloud drops from a level surface into a conical form, before the disturbance at the surface of the sea, as shown at D, is observed. The effect produced at D is like that of a smoking furnace. The black conical cloud now continues to descend, as shown at B, till it almost reaches the surface of the sea, and the smoke-like appearance rises higher and higher, till it forms a connection with the cloud from which the spout appears to be suspended. In this condition it is said to put on its most terrific appear- ance to vessels which have the misfortune to be in its neighbourhood. When the spout begins to disperse, it assumes the appearance shown at ©. The black cloud generally draws itself up in a ragged form, but leaves a 968 WATERSPOUTS. thin transparent tube, CH, which reaches the water, where the smoke-like commotion still prevails. Mr. Maxwell observed, at this time, in the upper part of the tube, a very curious motion. This singular fact, of the existence of a transparent tube, confirms a description, by Mr. Alexander Stewart, of Waterspouts which he saw in the Mediterranean, in 1701. ‘‘ It was observable of all of them, but chiefly of the large pillar, that toward the end it began to appear like a hollow canal, only black in the borders, but white in the middle; and though at first it was altogether black and opaque, yet one could very distinctly per- ceive the sea-water to fly up along the middle of this canal as smoke does up a chimney, and that with great swiftness, and a very perceptible motion; and then, soon after, the spout or canal burst in the middle, and dis- appeared by little and little; the boiling up and the pillar-like form of the sea-water continuing always the last, even for some considerable time after the spout disappeared, and perhaps till the spout appeared again, or re- formed itself, which it commonly did in the same place as before, break- ing and forming itself again several times in a quarter or half an hour,” — Philosophical Transactions, 1702. Admiral William H. Smyth, in his interesting volume on Sicily and the Sicilian Islands, remarks that ‘‘ Waterspouts and various singular meteoric phenomena occur in that neighbourhood. Among the latter, on a warm, ‘cloudy, and hazy day, the 19th of March, 1814, it began to rain in large drops, that appeared muddy, and they deposited a very minute sand of a yellowish red colour. The wind, on the day before, had been blowing strongly from the §.8.W. to the N.E.; and, during the time the rain fell, was fromthe §.W., which leads to the supposition that it was transported from the deserts of Africa.”” This remark accords with a number of others on the sand from the Sahara or Desert, which is carried by the wind over the Atlantic, to an almost incredible distance from the Western coast.* (215.) To the preceding descriptions we annex another, as given by the Honourable Captain Napier, R.N., F.R.S.E., in 1814. “On the 6th of September, 1814, in lat. 30° 47’ N., long. 62° 40’ W. (about 140 miles to the S.H. of the Bermudas), at 1" 30" p.m., the wind being variable between W.N.W. and N.N.E., the ship steering S.E., an extraordinary sort of whirlwind was observed to form about 3 cables’ lengths from the starboard bow of H.M.S. Hrne. It carried the water up along with it in a cylindrical form, in diameter, to appearance, like that of a water-butt, gradually rising in height, increasing in bulk, advancing in a Southerly direction, and, when at the distance of a mile from the ship, it continued stationary for several minutes, boiling and foaming at the base, discharging an immense column of water, with a rushing or hissing noise, into the overhanging clouds; turning itself with a quick spiral motion, constantly bending and straightening, according as it was affected by the variable winds, which now prevailed from all points of the compass. It next returned to the Northward, in direct opposition to the then prevail- ing wind, and right upon the ship’s starboard beam, whose course was i @ Colonel Reid, in his ‘Law of Storms,” gives a chapter (xi.) on “ Waterspouts and Whirlwinds,” with several beautiful figures of the same. ; WATERSPOUTS. 269 altered to East, in hopes of letting it pass astern. Its approach, however, was so rapid, that we were obliged to resort to the usual expedient of a broadside, for the purpose of averting any danger that might be appre- hended ; when, after firing several shots, and one, in particular, having passed right through it, at the distance of one-third from its base, it appeared for a minute as if cut horizontally in two parts, the divisions waving to and fro in different directions, as agitated by opposite winds, till they again joined for a time, and at last dissipated in an immense dark cloud or shower of rain. The near edge showered in large heavy drops on the ship’s deck, until the cloud was quite exhausted. «« At the time of its being separated by the effect of the shot, or more probably by the agitation occasioned in the air by the discharge of several guns, its base was considerably within half a mile of the ship, covering a portion of the surface of the water at least half a furlong, or 300 feet in diameter, from one extreme circumference of ebullition to the other; and the neck of the cloud into which it discharged itself appeared to have an altitude of 40° of the quadrant, while the cloud itself extended overhead, and all around, to a very considerable distance. ‘“‘ Allowing, then, from the ship, a base of little more than one-third of a nautic mile, say 2,050 feet, and an angle of 40° to the top of the neck, we shall then have, for the perpendicular height of the spout, about 1,720 feet, or very nearly one-third of a statute mile. A little before it burst, two other Waterspouts, of an inferior size, were observed to the South- ward, but their continuance was of short duration. ‘‘ When danger was no longer to be apprehended, I observed the baro- meter, and found it at 30-1 inches, with the surface of the mercury very convex ; an appearance which it had not assumed when at the same height at noon, about two hours before ; the thermometer stood at 82°, having risen 1° since that time. “ During the continuance of the Waterspout, and the subsequent rain, which might be a little more than half an hour, the wind blew from all points of the compass at different times, generally shifting at opposite points, never longer than a fresh breeze for a moment, but in most in- stances quite light. It was unattended with any thunder or lightning, and the water that fell from the cloud was perfectly fresh. ‘«« Although this phenomenon was rather terrific in appearance, yet I am not inclined to think it would have been attended with any serious calamity to the ship, had even the whole quantity fallen on board, allowing the loftier sails to have been taken in, the hatches battened down, and scup- pers open. The cylinder or spout, coming in contact with the masts and rigging, would naturally be destroyed; and the air rushing in, instanta- taneously, to restore the equilibrium, the torrent would thus be checked in its fall by the mere weight or force of a tropical descent. I have heard many reports of ravages committed by these aqueous meteors, but never yet met a person who had actually witnessed or experienced any such distressing effects.” (216.) Numerous instances of vessels meeting with Waterspouts, are recorded on the United States Monthly Pilot Charts of the North Atlantic Ocean, from which the following accounts are taken. 270 WATERSPOUTS. In December, 1886, when in a position to the South of the Mississippi, the sailing vessel Strwan reported that the clouds suddenly dispersed, and the vessel was surrounded by Waterspouts, no less than eighteen being counted near the vessel. They were eventually dispersed by a squall. Casualties —On January 14th, 1887, Captain Scott, of the barque Autocrat, when in lat. 32° 13’ N., long. 76° 9’ W., had his vessel struck by a Waterspout, which threw her on her beam ends, and did some damage to the deck fittings. On February 9th, 1887, the barque Winomah, when in lat. 22° N., long. 40° W., was struck by a Waterspout, and had all her yards broken. On March 25th, 1887, the schooner Jose Olaverri, when in lat. 36° N., long. 61° 20’ W., was struck amidships by a large Waterspout, which tore the fore and main sails, and flooded the decks. On February 11th, 1888, in lat. 32° 4’ N., long. 76° 6’ W., the barque Reindeer, Captain Strandt, was under full sail, when a heavy Waterspout passed over her, completely dismasting her below the heads of the three lower masts. No previous warning was received ; the weather was apparently clear at the time, and the whole affair was over in a few minutes. Captain Cleary, of the steamer River Avon, states that on January 28th, 1888, in lat. 39° 30’ N., long. 57° 20’ W., he saw what he took to be a heavy squall to the S.E. Upon looking at it with his glass, he saw that it was a whirlwind, raising the water to a great height. It must have been over a mile in diameter, but he hesitates to even estimate the height to which the water was raised or the size of the spout, although it must have had terrific power. Shortly afterwards a smaller one passed close to the ship, whirling along the water and raising the spray to a height of fully a hundred feet. On April 25th, 1891, when in about lat. 30° 30’ N., longitude 76° W., the schooner Baltic was suddenly struck by a Waterspout, and thrown on her beam ends. A boat was carried away, and the mainmast had to be cut away to right the vessel. On April 10th, 1888, in lat. 41° 59’ N., long. 47° 30’ W., Captain McKay, of the steamer Pavonia, observed a large Waterspout, accompanied by several smaller ones, travelling to the N.E. at the rate of 30 miles an hour, and the vessel’s course had to be changed to avoid them. It was in shape like a huge hour-glass, accom- panied by a terrific roaring, and the water at its base churned into such a commotion that it shook the great steamer. The spout broke amid light- ning, thunder, hail, and rain; and pieces of ice, some 4 to 6 inches in diameter, fell on deck. On April 29th, 1889, at about 6".30™ a.m., when situated about 4 miles to the North of Royal Island of the Bahamas, Mr. C. L. Calloway, chief officer of the steamer Santiago, observed a Waterspout from off the star- board bow, which broke about 30 yards from the ship, and sali water fell in drops on the deck. The whirlpool appeared from 50 to 70 yards in diameter, the water circling from West to East, or against the sun. The water was whirling very rapidly for several minutes after the break, show- ing what tremendous circular force there must have been. ee ( 271 ) Il—THE TIDES. (217.) As introductory to a General Table of the Tides, we shall give a few passages from M. Malté-Brun, explanatory of the subject; and also the results of the extensive observations and profound researches of Professors Airy and Whewell and the late Sir John Lubbock. The water of the sea yields to the slightest impression; and, although its density and weight combine to retain it in constant equilibrium, it is agitated to a certain depth by rapid and varied motions. These motions may be classed according to the manner in which the particles move, and according to the nature of the agents which cause the motion. Three kinds of motion may be distinguished in the sea, considered in reference to their causes. The Tides are sidereal motions, because they depend upon the influence of the heavenly bodies. General Currents, and the greater number of Particular Currents, have their causes in the very element that is agitated by them; these, then, are motions of the sea ttself. The third kind comprehends Atmospheric motions, produced by the action of the Winds. The TrpEs are regular and periodical oscillations, which the seas undergo from the attraction of the celestial bodies, principally those of the moon and sun. (218.) Action of the Moon.—Let us first consider the single action of the moon upon the sea; supposing that luminary to be in the plane of the Equator. It is evident that, if the moon exerted upon all the particles of the sea an equal attraction, and parallel to the earth’s centre of gravity, the entire system of the globe, and of the waters which cover it, would be influenced by a common motion, and their relative equilibrium would not suffer any change. The equilibrium is disturbed only by the difference between the attractions which the moon exerts, and the inequality of their directions. Some parts of the globe are directly attracted by the moon; others only obliquely. The former are in conjunction with the moon ; and a line drawn from the centre of the two planets would pass through their zenith. The latter are in quadrature with the moon—that is to say, a line drawn from the terrestrial centre to their zenith would make an angle of 90° with the line which connects the centres of the two planets. The attracting force acting obliquely is decomposed by the obliquity of its angle of incidence; thus the parts in conjunction being more strongly attracted than those in quadrature, the weight of their particles is diminished. It is necessary, then, to there being an equilibrium in all parts of the sea, that the waters should rise under the moon, in order that the excess of weight of the particles in quadrature, above those in conjunction, may be compensated by the greater height of the latter. The waters, however, rise, not only on the side where the attracting planet is, but also on the opposite side; because, if the planet attract the superior waters more than it attracts the centre of the earth, it also attracts this centre more than it attracts the inferior waters in the opposite hemi- 272 THE TIDES. sphere. These waters will then approach less toward the attracting planet, than the centre of the earth approaches to it. They will remain as far off, from and behind the centre, as the superior waters advance from it on the side of the moon. Two promontories, or eminences of water, will therefore be formed by the action of the moon upon the earth; one on the side toward the moon; the other on the side opposite to it; which gives the sea an appearance of an elongated spheroid, whose great axis will pass through the centre of the moon and of the earth. It is High Tide under the moon and in the opposite point at 180° of distance ; consequently, in the two intermediate points, or at 90° of distance from the moon, the tide will be Low. The earth, by its rotatory motion, successively presents to the moon, in the space of twenty-four hours, all its meridians, which, consequently, are found by turns, and at an interval of six hours, sometimes under the moon, and sometimes at a distance of 90° from it; hence it follows that, during the time which passes between the departure of the moon from one meridian, and its return to the same meridian, that is, in the space of a lunar day (which exceeds the solar day by about 503 minutes), the waters of the sea will ebb twice, and flow twice, in every part of the earth, although in a manner almost insensible in those places which are distant from the path or orbit of the moon. (219.) Action of the Sun.—lIf we now imagine the sun to be in the plane of the Equator, it is evident that, as its action is similar to that of the moon, it should excite in the ocean an agitation similar to the lunar Tides, Thus the sea would ebb twice, and flow twice, during a solar day; but, on account of the immense distance from the sun, those solar Tides will be much smaller than those which result from the action of the moon. On account of the inequality which exists between the solar and lunar days, the action of the sun will sometimes change the position of the lunar Tides, and at other times will unite its influence with that of the moon. In the syzigies, or conjunctions, the action of the moon concurs with that of the sun to raise the waters. This is the reason why the highest Tides happen at new and full moon; or when the moon is in its first and third quarters. In the quadratures, the waters of the sea are depressed by the action of the sun, at the same point where the action of the moon raises them, and reciprocally. Thus the Tides of the quadratures ought to be less. (220.) The. Height of the Tidal Wave produced by the moon is to that produced by the sun as 100 to 38. When combined, of course, they pro- duce the spring tide; opposed, they make neaps. The range of these tides is as 138 to 62, or nearly as 7 to 3; Newton (from the Severn tides) made it 4:48 to 1, which is far toolarge. Laplace (from the Brest obser- vations) made it 2°90 to 1; and the late Sir John Lubbock and Dr. Whewell, about 2°66 to 1. Ofcourse, these relations are very much con- trolled in action by the configuration of the coast or channel. (221.) What we have already explained regards the position of the sun and moon on the Equator. Let us now consider these heavenly bodies in their various declinations, and we shall see the elevation vary in the inverse ratio of the cube of the distance of tne water. THE TIDES. 273 Without entering into details, which would require mathematical demon- strations, we shall remark only, that the proximity of the sun and moon seems to be the cause to which we must refer the extraordinary equinoctial tides, which happen most frequently, the one before the vernal equinoz, and the other after the awtwmnal ; that is, both of them at the time when the sun, passing through the meridional signs, is nearest us. But this does not happen every year, because there are sometimes variations produced by the situation of the orbit of the moon, and by the distance of the syzigies from the equinoxes. (222.) This, then, is the general Theory of the Tides, and from these observations their general laws may be inferred ; but it has been reserved for later times to pursue the inquiry into detail, and to develop the minor effects which modify, and in some places totally change, the character of the Tides. It is chiefly to the late Rev. Dr. Whewell, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and to the late Sir John Lubbock, that our present knowledge of the Tide laws is owing, and from their observations we will give some extracts. (223.) In the Rev. Dr. Whewell’s papers on the subject of the Tides, he commences :—‘‘ Ever since the time of Nrewron, his explanation of the general phenomena of the Tides, by means of the action of the moon and the sun, has been assented to by all philosophers who have given their attention to the subject. But, even up to the present day, this general explanation has not been pursued into its results in detail, so as to show its bearing on the special phenomena of particular places—to connect the actual Tides of all the different parts of the world—and to account for their seeming anomalies. With regard to this alone, of all the consequences of the law of universal gravitation, the task of bringing the developed theory into comparison with multiplied and extensive observation is still incom- plete; we might say, is still to be begun.* (224.) The Tidal Wave.—The tidal wave is not owing to the transfer of the body of water, which would be a current, but to an elevation of its surface. This motion is, as may be readily conceived, compatible with immense velocity ; and it may be taken as a rule, that the broader the wave, the greater will be its velocity. If the earth were in equilibrium, and its surface entirely covered with water, and under the influence of the moon’s attraction, it would assume the form of an ellipsoid, having the semi-axis directed towards the moon longer by about 58 inches than that transverse to it; that is, the water would become higher by that amount. This is merely adduced to show what may be the amount of the luni-tidal wave, without entering into any other considerations. (225.) Velocity of the Tidal Wave.—As the whole of the tidal wave must circulate around the globe in twenty-four hours nearly, the velocity must be very great; but it is greatly modified. In the middle of the Atlantic it would appear to travel at the rate of about 700 miles an hour, but on * « Hssay towards a First Approximation te a Map of Cotidal Lines ;” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1833, page 147. N. A. 0. ‘ 36 274 THE TIDES. the coast it is widely different ; hence its velocity along the Eastern coast of England varies from 35 miles to 160 miles per hour. In the open ocean, where nothing intervenes to obstruct the course of the tidal wave, it travels probably with regularity ; and it may be presumed that its height is also inconsiderable. But when this wave, from an open ocean, approaches a narrow channel—such as the Bristol or English Channel—from being hemmed in, as it were, it forms a tide cwrrent. Now, along the centre of such a channel the tidal wave would travel with much greater speed than on the sides. Hence the distances at which the hour-marks represent high water will be wide apart in the centre, and transverse to its general direction ; while, on the shores, the direction of the wave would be altered, and it will approach parallel to the shore ; hence the hour-marks will be close together, and parallel to the general direction of the main tide-current. The tide-wave, advancing through the contracting channel, towards the end becomes of great height, and, as at Bristol, and in the Bay of Fundy, sometimes rises to the enormous height of 50 or 70 feet; just in the same manner that the surf runs up a shelving beach. The variation in the height of the Tide (as is found to be the case in some parts of the coast of France) between places near each other, and having high water at the same time, is to be accounted for by the con- vex form of the tidal wave. In some parts of the world, as in Australia, Kamschatka, &c., the Tides offer very singular anomalies. At Adelaide, in South Australia, it is high water only once in the twenty-four hours, and that during the night. This arises from what are called interferences, whereby two distinct sets of tidal waves, in their combination, produce apparent rest.* (226.) One of the most important circumstances of this subject is, that, in an open channel, the flood current (the current which runs till high water) will continue running for three hours afterwards, or till half-ebb ; and the ebb current, which then begins, will run after low water till half- flood. The time of slack water is intermediate between the times of high water and low water. In proportion as the channel is obstructed at the farther end, the flood current runs for a shorter time after flood; and in a closed creek, the flood current ends at high water.t Another error to correct is this :—‘‘ That the time of the change of current, or the time of slack water, as it may be termed, never coincides with the time of high water, except close inshore, and within its influence ; the interval is generally considerable. Great confusion has arisen from these two times not being properly distinguished.”—Piul. Trans., 1833, page 162. (227.) The Establishment of the Port.—The vulgar establishment of the port is the interval of time by which the time of high water follows the moon’s transit on the day of the new and full moon. This is, corrected, the mean value of the interval, freed from the semi-menstrual inequality. Its value at the London Docks is 1" 26™ minutes, by the mean of all the obser- vations.—Phil. Trans., 1834, page 19. * Phil. Trans., 1833, page 154. + Phil. Trans., 1833, page 215. THE TIDES. 275 The Corrected Establishment.—The mean luni-tidal interval, or corrected establishment of each place, differs from the vulgar establishment, or time of high water for new and full moon; for the time of high water at syzigy is affected by the semi-menstrual inequality belonging to the moon’s posi- tion one or two days earlier, and is therefore later by about thirty minutes than the mean interval would give it.* (228.) Semi-menstrual Inequality—The interval of tide and moon’s transit is affected by a considerable inequality, which goes through its period twece in the space of one month; it may be considered as depending upon the moon’s distance from the sun in right ascension, or, which is the same thing, on the solar time of the moon’s transit. The difference of the greatest and least intervals at London is 1* 28™.+ (229.) The Age of the Tide.—The Tide does not depend upon the passage of the moon upon that particular day or hour, but from some previous transit ; hence the Tide is observed to take place at London at two o’clock on the days of new and full moon; therefore, as the Tide of London is found to be determined by the position of the sun and moon upon two days and a half before it occurs, 1" 26™ is the corrected establishment for London, as explained in (227). (230.) Difference of the Two Diurnal Tides.—It has been remarked in various places, by separate observers, that the evening Tide is higher than the morning Tide in one part of the year, and lower at another. This is thus explained by Newton. From the vernal to the autumnal equinox, the sun has North declination ; and as the moon’s orbit is never much inclined to the sun’s, a line drawn from the earth’s centre to the moon would meet the earth’s surface, on the side towards the sun, in North latitude. Now, such a line is the axis of the tide-spheroid, supposing the Tide to be always under the moon ; and the Tide taking place when the moon in the meridian is higher, as the place is nearer to the vertices or points where the axis of the tide-spheroid meets the earth’s surface. Hence, in this case, the Tides which occur on the side of the earth next the sun, or the day Tides, would be larger for a place in North latitude than the Tides on the opposite side. For a similar reason, the night Tides would be higher in winter. : (231.) Height of Mean Water.—The mean between high and low water is found to be constant and permanent, however much may be the differ- ence of high and low water. It has been found, from a great number of observations on the South coast of England, not to vary more than 2 or 3 inches ; therefore all heights ought to be referred to the mean level of the sea, instead of the vague and uncertain data of high or low water. The refined surveying operations have demonstrated one singular fact, which could only have been elicited in the laborious and exact processes carried on during the Ordnance Survey. It is, that the mean level of the sea, aS We assume it, is not a level, from whatever cause it may arise, and it is difficult to assign one. It is found that the mean level of the sea around Ireland is lower on the South than it is on the North coast * Phil. Trans. (Whewell), 1836, page 292. ¢ Phil. Trans., 1834, page 19, t Phil. Trans., 1839, page 154. 276 THE TIDES. Taking Courtown in Wicklow as the standard—a spot remarkable as the node or axis of the great tidal wave of the St. George’s Channel, and where there is little or no rise or fall; at Ballycastle on the North, the mean sea level is higher by 0-881 foot, and lower on the South at Castle Townsend by 0-938 foot, than it is at Courtown. Thus the mean level is nearly 1 foot 10 inches higher on the North than it is on the South of Ireland. Of course this fact has no bearing upon the seaman’s application of tidal phenomena, but it is curious. (232.) It has been found that a low barometer causes a higher Tide and the reverse. This element in the disturbance of the regular Tides, the effects of atmospheric pressure, has been estimated by different observers, and its amount has been ascertained with considerable accuracy. Thus, at Liverpool, there is a difference in the height of high water of 10-1 inches for a variation of 0:91 in the barometer ; and at London it has been caleu- lated by Mr. Dessiou that the water rises 6:3 inches for -90 depression of the barometer. M. Dausssy has ascertained that, at Brest, the ocean rises -223 metre, or 8°78 inches, for a depression of 0°158 metre, or -622 inch, in the barometer.* These results are nearly identical with those ascertained by Sir James Ross in the Arctic regions, in 1848, by means of the steady level of the winter ice. These refinements in tidal calculations are, perhaps, of little practical value for the mariner when at sea; they may be useful in entering a dock ; but they are of the utmost service in generalizing the phenomena of the Tides, upon which so little, it may be said, is known that may be applied. (233.) The foregoing are the principal effects of the causes which produce the Tides in reference to their rise and fall. There is another branch of the subject, however, which is of great importance to the navigator ; that is, the currents formed by the alternate elevation and depression of the ocean. As before mentioned, in the open sea it may be considered that there is no tidal current, and that the tidal wave is propagated without any actual displacement in the particles of the water. But when this wave approaches the coast, the case is widely different, and the wave must necessarily form a current, sometimes flowing in one direction, and at others in the opposite one. This variation in the progress of the flood and ebb tide-wave must vary with every locality, and is influenced by the par- ticular configuration of the coasts, &c., by which it passes. The question of the form and transmission of waves is so complicated, and involving mathematical analysis of so high an order, that it cannot be usefully dwelt on here. Upon the direction in which the great tidal wave is propagated, we at present have much to learn. It was supposed by the late Sir J. Lubbock, that it travels from the Cape of Good Hope to Gibraltar in twelve hours ; from Gibraltar to Edinburgh in about twelve hours; and from Edinburgh to London in about twelve hours,} which is in accordance with Bernouilli’s theory. Passing North-Eastward from the South Atlantic, it strikes the S.W. shores of Great Britain and Ireland, and becomes divided by these * Phil. Trans., 1836, pp. 220, 221; and Conn. des Temps, 1834, t Phil. Trans,, 1836, page 218, THE TIDES. 277 lands; one portion of the great wave passes Northward to the West of Ireland, a portion of it enters by the North Channel, and meets a large portion from the South which has passed up the St. George’s Channel; another passes up the English Channel passing on to the North Sea along the Dutch and German coasts, and with another portion of the Western branch which enters the North Sea between Norway and Scotland, causes a circulation of tides which is still involved in some obscurity, but which is elucidated elsewhere ; the remainder passes North-HKastward along the Norway coast on to the Polar basin. Along the American coast the great waye passes from South to North, making high water at a later hour con- tinually, and entering the various bays and outlets in the same manner. It may at once be mentioned that in low latitudes the rise and fall of the Tide is very inconsiderable, and therefore comparatively unimportant. (234.) In 1834, from the recommendation of the Rev. Professor Whewell, a series of Tide observations were made, during a fortnight in the month of June, at the coastguard stations in Great Britain and Ireland; and in the following year a much more extensive series was taken simultaneously between the 8th and 28th of June. ‘‘ Thechain of places of observation extended from the mouth of the Mississippi round the Cays of Florida, along the coast of North America, as far as Nova Scotia; and from the Straits of Gibraltar, along the shores of Europe, to the North Cape of Norway. The number of places of observation was twenty-eight in America, seven in Spain, seven in Portugal, sixteen in France, five in Belgium, eighteen in the Netherlands, twenty-four in Denmark, and twenty-four in Norway; and observations were made by the coastguard of this country at 318 places in England and Scotland, and at 219 places in Ireland.”’ This large number of observations was also undertaken at the instigation of Professor Whewell, and their reduction was made by Mr. Dessiou and assistants, under his directions. The details and results are given in the ‘¢ Philosophical Transactions,” 1836, page 289, et seq. These observations gave a far greater insight into the nature of the tidal progress than was had previously. A still more refined series was carried on for the English Channel by Admiral Beechey, as hereafter shown. (235.) In the ensuing Tide Table for the North Atlantic Ocean, the vulgar establishment (227) is given as the tidal hour at full and change. These figures are taken chiefly from the various Government Nautical Surveys and the special observations which have been made in various places, as given in the Tables published by the Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty, the United States Coast Survey, &c. The height of the tide is here quoted as the vertical rise above the mean low-water level of spring tides. Attached to the Table are some brief remarks on peculiarities of the tidal phenomena, in the form of notes. ( 278 ) TIDE TABLE, The Figures in Brackets (1), (2), €c., refer to the subjoined Notes. eee Place. Full and Change. England— Thames and South Coast. Ace London Bridge (1)... 1 58 London Docks ...... it &p) Gravesend .........6++ ho INOLOl eestecsccsreseses 0 30 Margate ........sec0e- 11 45 Ramsgate ........0++ 11 44 Done ccccesssccecs ens 11 15 Dover (2) ......eeeee- 11 12 Folkestone ......-.+06+ Tbe Dungeness ........0++- 10 45 Rye Bay ....sereeee Ao | al) Hastings .......secseees 10 53 Beachy Head......... 11 20 Newhaven .......ceee- iit Gul Shoreham ........000. 11 34 Littlehampton Bar 11 20 Selseaailli een scsccecre 11 45 Portsmouth Dock Wiigsl paetaodoaconocs 11 41 Southampton (8) ... { i a West Cowes .......+- { e 10 0 Hurst, Camber ...... { Soba Needles Point ...... 9 46 ; 9 0 Christchurch ......... { 11 30 Poole, entrance...... { . ee Portland Breakwater} 7 1 Bridport ............... 6 5 Exmouth ............ 6 21 MOLDAY.......-sscseeeres 6 0 Dartmouth............ 6 16 Devonport Dock Wii ciseccesecsecvnee 5 48 Plymouth Break- WELK mescecsosceeuces 5 37 FOWEY ..--ceceeceesceees 5 14 Falmouth ..........2- 4 57 cETUVOWessscesesseses sess a) Thre Gras eo sahecoco eno’ 5 0 PenZANCE ........000- 4 30 Scilly Isles,St.Agnes, 4 30 England and Wales— West Coast. St. Ives ..cccccces 4 44 Padstow cecccscccccccce 5 138 Lundy Island (4) ... 5 15 Place, Barnstaple Bar...... 1Bytslertordsl Gappaseoacoscce fracombe ............ Bridgewater Bar ... Flatholm Island ... King Road............ IByetsiol ageccocosaccsos Sharpness .......ceeee Chepstow ..cccccesece Newport ......-.eceeees Cardiff, Penarth ... Barry Island ......... Porthcawl ............ Swansea, Mumbles Llanelly Bar ......... AUB TA ON? Soogcon-ostecenes- Cardigan (5) ......... Aberystwith ......... St. Tudwall Road... Bardsey Island ...... Caernarvon.........0. Holyhead ............ Beaumaris .-..--c--0. River Dee, Air Point WHesterines.ccssscoene- North-West Light- Play ®) aedeconcanoncdonn: Liverpool ............ Formby Point ...... Ribble Lighthouse... Fleetwood, Wyre Lut. Ort isascacsacshsesecs Toaneaster «<..ivescucss Poulton-le-Sands ... Piel Harbour (Pier) Whitehaven ......... Workington ......... Maryport ............ Port Carlisle ......... Southerness ......... ; Annan Foot ......... Isle of Man. Port St. Mary ...... Castletown ......cccess | RON PAS Sg! TAR D: Place, High Water, Full and Change. TIDE TABLE. Place, Scotland, West Coast. Kirkcudbright ...... Port Patrick ......... Largs Greenock <........... Port Glasgow......... Dumbarton Glasgow Burnt Isles, Kyles of Bute Ardrishaig, SHV AAC venatee tess svssss HA VOLATY <.-<-cesess0ces Gigha Sound ......... Jura, Hast Coast ... Easdale Sound ...... Crinan Ceeccsccccce Coe cessesesecee Soe ceeesesesecoeses Tobermory, Mull ... Portree, I. of Skye Kyle Akin ............ Ullapool, LochBroom Poolewe, Loch Ewe Berneray, Island of Harris Stornoway .....e.eeees Cape Wrath ......... POMTEYS Os assiaasscneseessee Stroma, South side Swona, Fast side ... West side ......... Great Skerry, East BIGO. ceeescescteees aose Orkneys. Stromness .. WSUKGWA Ecc sccsuedoenoee Deer Sound . Widewall ..... noone Otterswick ...... Bese Shetland Isles. cee reercecsscoesee Scalloway ........... Sumburgh Head ... Bae TRG 5 comnics sce. Scotland, East Coast. Duncansby Ness ... Wick: (osvesacesccesseces Cromarty Dingwall ‘Orwell River, Inverness Peterhead Aberdeen Montrose Arbroath .....c0000cers- Ce er) woeeceeseere ececccersose weeeeecesere eeercoceocees [eith, qetecsat< AMO svsseseseeee woacceseeseoese England, East Coast. Holy Island Harb. Blyth Tyne River Bar...... Newcastle Hartlepool Sunderland Tees River, Bar...... eeseecere eeceessseses Wihithy kt ote tcc: | Scarborough Flamborough Head Humber Riv., Spurn Point eoecceeseessens eeereecee eooeesesases Goole ececsoseesseces Cromer Leman and Ower Lightvessel......... Yarmouth Haven... Lowestoft Orfordness Woodbridge Haven, Bar Harwich Harbour... Ips- eee ree eeesceces eeeeceseecee Bearer recess eseese wich” Gunfleet Sand, N.E. ODO iicncssssdacevcres MeN aie... ccccenerssse Maplin Lighthouse ecaeeesesereeee Ireland, South and East Coasts. Cape Clear ............ Baltimore Kinsale Queenstown @orkseicessncoee eae Ballycottin.........+6. Youghal Ballinacourty, Dun- QATVAN ....ceseeseeees Waterford, Duncan- eeesecece DHWHHHNHHEDHOOF = fe KF © OCF HOON AD AOon BPRWWwWHWmHD = or n oboe be OF SA “280 TIDE TABLE. Place, sl ea Place. Full saith | Change Sps. | Nps. Change. Sps. | Nps, legten, || sam, || a: bom: «4 fie ee ATL OW ssc ss csccsesessss 8 0 4 23 | Crookhaven ........ 4 9 93 | 8 Wicklow ......-seceeeee 10 29 9 64 | Skull ..........sscceeee 4 2 9% | Th Dalkey Island ...... 10 45 | 13 | 11 | Cape Clear............ 4 0 9 64 Kingstown ........+++. 11 12 | 114) 82 Dublin Bar.-...-:<0.<. 11 12 |12-14| 9-11 Howth Harbour GL) jpg} jy ak) eaeey, ae Balbriggam ..........+. 10 40 | 13 Iceland, Reikiavik... 5 O | 17% | 134 Dundalk esc ccweceseces 10 56 | 15 | 114} Feroe Islands, Fu- Carlingford Bavr...... PEO | Gy sre gloe Fiord ...... 11 15 64 | 44 Ardglass ...........0.0. Om 6 12 Leervig Fiord 0 30 64 | 43 Lough Strangford, Waagoe Fiord .. 6 0 94 | 7 Killard Point...| 1053 | 14 | 113 Hides Fiord ...... 11 0 93 74 Strangford Quay 0 31 | 103 | 8%] Archangel ............ 7 28 24 Sviatoi Nos ......... 915 | 14 Ireland, North and ees | OSE Lofoten Islands 081 | Oa Donaghadee ......... 11:13 | 112 | OF] Veerd noon 9 ve’ Belfast......c0cccecssees 10 43 93 | 8 | Tre Islands ......... 11 45 7 Lough Larne......... 10 48 63 | 6}] Trondhjem Bay...... 11 14 | 8:9 Red Bay, pier ...... 10 31 4 4 | Romsdals Islands... | 10 45 6 | Ballycastle Bay...... 6 25 3 Del Bergenie-ccsnsere sees 1 30 & Port Rush ............ 6 8 54 | 34 Coleraine ............ 6 24 6 A Lough Foyle, Mo- 4 North Sea, E. Coast. Will G) 7 6 7% | 54 | Skagen or the Skaw 5 56 1 Londonderry ...... 8 1 73 | 53%] Blaavand Point 1 44 LPH) ote Rathmullen, Lough Teh Graney pcseanocsecaase 2 45 43 | Swilly .....ccccscceee 5 42 | 124 | 9 | Hider, Tonning...... 155 | 114 Sheephaven ......... 5 32 | 112 | 84] Elbe, Hamburg...... 5 10 64 Gweedore Bay ...... 5) GPA || lil 8 Cuxhaven ......... 049 | 103 Donegal Harbour... 518 | 115 | 8% Entrance ......... noon 11 RGMDO GS/s: 5 c02scelecses- 5 16 | 114] 84] Helgoland ............ 11 48 9 \.2 Ballyshannon Bar 518 | 113 | 84] Weser, outer light- Sligo Bay, Oyster VOSSGL “<.:ccscsecssece 0 20 93 PUAN joes edenncaseres 5 23 | 114 | 84] Bremerhaven......... 1 4 | 102 Killala Bay ......... 5 22 | 104| 8 | Wilhelmshaven 0 52 | 113 | Broadhaven Har- Wangeroog ......... 11 37 8t | [OTHE 66 -crprcostosnsnes 5 O | 103} 74] Borkum .............. 10 30 7 Achillbeg ............ 5 14 | 1023 | 8 | Ameland Gat......... 9 30 64 | Westport.........eesees 4 57 | 122 | 94] Terschelling (West) 8 40 6 | inishbofin’ <-.-2.--.--- 4 34 | 123 | 94] Harlingen ............ 9 0 54 Roundstone ......... 4 28 | 134 | 10} | Amsterdam ......... 8.0 | dea Greatman Bay ...... 4 39 | 153 | 112 |] Nieuwediep ......... 7 27 4 | Killeany, Arran Is. 4 28 | 134 | 10) | @exel Bar \-.-...- 20... 6 0 44 3a GALWAY we ctocqncoauces 4085142 Td”) Yandans ..-cccnsses 3 0 5} Liscanor Bay......... 4 23 | 1382/10 | Rotterdam............ 3 45 x ee River Shannon, Li- Brtelle.itcsscccseceeooes 3 0 5 SHOVICK res .cn ssc 6 10 | 18% | 134 | Hellevoetsluis ...... 2 30 54 Foynes Island 5 385 | 154 | 12 | Flushing ............ 0 54 | 15 | 11 LAEDOLG, Secccsoscens 4 57 | 144 | 10$ | Antwerp ...........000. 425 | 15 | Malbaha %.ccccsecess 416 | 13 OA 1) OSGONO Sa ..0c0.ssenseees 025 |15 ; 11 Smerwick ............ 3 50 | 114 | 8 | Nieuport............... 018 | 16 | 18 Castlemaine ......... 430 | 144) 9% { POM UG ce serceedeene neni 351 | 1023 | 7% ny Valentia Harbour... 3 42 | 11 8 shige Peay ihe Kenmare River, Dunkerque ......... O 8 | 16% | 134 West Cove ......... 3 52 | 10 7% | Gravelines ............ noon 19 | 15} Bantry Harbour ... 3 47 | 10 VE ORB rece peesenss esc ans 11 49 | alae Castletown, Bear- Cape Grisnez......... 1 2h en 16} A VOM foc esccceacenere 414 93 | 7%} Boulogne .......0. | 11 28 | 253 | 193 Black Ball Harbour| 3 40 9% | 74] Cayeux ........ cooveee | 11 14 | 28% | 22 Dunmanus Harbour 3 57 94 | 7] Dieppe.......... abessess 11 8 1 27a me TIDE TABLE. 281 Place. Full oe Change. beam! Fécamp ......sseereee | 10 47 TTAVEE: —- cvscecssssee 15 918 TONGUE chscbceceses | 9 99 FSREAOUL cccccoccoveesse | 8 59 Cherbourg ............ 0) FICOLNOVN serccsicncees | 6 46 Guernsey, St. Pater | 6 37 Jersey, St. Helier...; 6 29 Oerteret, <...0.c08as-~s lea Giny St. Germain ......... | 6 20 Régneville ............ ; 6 20 Granville: <2cccccseess | 6 9 Tles de Chausey...... 6 14 Wancaleltescciecssscces | 6 20 Les Minquiers ...... 6 6 Ste Malo tisisscevseeces i GED IBLOURbL Pe scseccseansses heiep rol Héaux Lighthouse 5 45 ME GOUION , onooseccre ene Wary ta aoe Ploumanach ......... 55 Morlaix Road......... | 4 58 Heder Bas: 2..c.cese00. i Abervrac’h ............ | 414 Wehanti 9s eivecec _ 3 46 France, West Coast. | IS COSWc ieerescuserevees | _ 38 47 Tle de Sein ............ Hoe Oe Concarneau ......... 3 12 Port Louis, L’Orient 3 11 St. Nazaire............ oe Bh ek Tle de Noirmoutier 3) 1 Tle d’Oleron ......... BO La Rochelle ......... 3° (45 MROCNELOIG .o0cccceces Lid O MIG QUAI). csceeseesess | Gh Bs Gironde River, Cor- | douan Lt. rouse 3 55 Bariiliaicnecssscesces | By 20) IBOLdeaAUX ...0..0.. | 6°50 Arcachon, entrance 4 10 Adour Riv., Boucaut | 3 53 Bayonne .........+. | 38 46 St. Jean de Luz | 3 6 Spain and Portugal. Port Passages ...... 3 20 Bilbao, Bar............ | care 0 EROWM) ‘ossicconcees ses 3 20 Santander ............ 3 30 GoOminn a) <2... .s0sscce : BAN, (aseaeecarsoseces 3 0 3 1 West India Islands. | St. Lopes Kings- 2 Cuba, Havanua...... 8 14 3 GOW! osc cnseeeences a0 LAS) ok Bahia de Cadiz Grenada, St. George TEN ensasoaoaoocce 9 20 3 Ea DOUN eeceesscates 2 40 14 2. Port Baracoa...... 7 23 2 MODSSO) We eccescesccesses 3 0 4 2 Santiago de Cuba 8 30 2 Trinidad, Boca Manzanillo......... 10 40 4 Grande ......... 3 30 4 24 Santa Cruz......... noon | 4 Port of Spain...... 4 30 4 8 Port Xagua ...... 4 57 2 Icacos Point ...... 4 14 7 + St. Domingo, Cape Gulf of Maracaibo 5 15 25 Haytien ......... (0) 3 Cartagena ............ LO Tea al Port au Prince ... Sy (Oe? | vale? Caledonia Harbour | 11 40 14) 2 St. Domingo ...... irreg. 2? Orinoco River, entr. 6 0 3 Samana Bay ...... 9 30?|] 3? Demerara River ... 4 28 9 6 Fort Dauphin ... 0 54 | 34] Berbice ............... 4 30 | 8-10) 6 Jamaica, Port Royal} 11 0 1 Corentyn River...... 5 10 84 | 54 Grand Cayman ...... 9 25 14 SUNIN AM feodsecscasesers 6 O | 9-10} 5-6 Goring ayy Wee cense sees 8 30 3 Maroni River ...... 5 0 9 6 NDACOUee castccdeone seer 8 0 3 Cayenne River ...... | 4 37 | 5-7 REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. The following notes draw attention to peculiarities of the Tides as met with in various regions of the North Atlantic Ocean, of which more full and detailed accounts will be found in the Sailing Directions which accom- pany the Charts of the various coasts. (1.) River Thames.—During strong North-Westerly gales, the Tide marks high water earlier in the River Thames than otherwise, and does not give so much water, whilst the ebb tide runs out later, and marks lower; but, upon the gales abating and the weather moderating, the Tides put in and rise much higher, whilst they also run longer before high water is marked, and with more velocity of current, nor do they run out so long or so low. REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. 285 (2.) English Channel.—The Tides of the English Channel were but im- perfectly understood till Rear-Admiral Beechey, R.N., investigated a mass of observations which had been made about the year 1847, and which demonstrated that there was a great resemblance in the characteristics of the tidal phenomena of the English and Irish Channels, and this investi- gation led to a more extensive series of observations throughout the English Channel, which were also discussed by Admiral Beechey. From his valuable contribution to science and the mariner, in the ‘‘ Philosophical Transactions” for 1848 and 1851, we make the following extract :— Instead of the progressive changes of stream turning progressively later as the Tide advances up the strait, they cease at a certain point, which is, in the English Channel, between the Start and Gulf of St. Malo; and in the North Sea, between the Texel and the Estuary of Lynn. Between these spots there is a Tide peculiar to the Channel, quite distinct from that of the seas on either side of it, which are always running in contrary directions. When these streams meet, the Tide is ever varying in its direction, according as the strength of one stream prevails over that of the other, giving to the water a rotary motion, with scarcely an interval of slack water; in the space between them the Tide sets steadily towards Dover, while the water is rising there, and away from it while it is falling at that place. This ‘‘trwe Channel Stream”’ is about 180 miles in extent in either direction, from the point of union of the Tides in the Strait of Dover to the region of rotatory Tides off Lynn, and off the Start and St. Malo. As the true Channel Streams are always running in opposite courses, there is necessarily a point where they meet and separate, and this occurs in the Strait of Dover. But im this strait, the stream, although it first obeys one tide and then another, does not slack with the Channel Streams, but is found to be still running at high and low water on the shore, at which times those streams are at rest, so that the Strait of Dover never has slack water throughout its whole extent at any time. I have, in con- quence, called this an intermediate tide. The limits of neither of the streams appear to be stationary, but range to and fro as the tide rises and falls at Dover, travelling to the Hastward on both sides, and at high and low water suddenly shifting 60 miles to the Westward to recommence their Easterly course with the next tide; and, although so far apart, they possess the remarkable peculiarity of shifting together ; so that the Channel Streams preserve, as nearly as possible, the same relative dimensions. In the Strait of Dover, this line of meeting and of separation oscillates between Beachy Head and the North Foreland, a distance of about 60 miles. When the water on the shore at Dover begins to fall, a separation of the Channel Streams begins off Beachy Head. As the fall continues, this line creeps to the Eastward ; at two hours after high water it has reached Hastings ; at three hours, Rye ; and thus it travels on, until at low water by the shore it has arrived nearly at the North Foreland on one side of the strait, and at Dunkirk on the other. At this time the Channel Streams on both sides slack, but in that portion which I call the inter- mediate stream, in the Strait of Dover, the water is still running to the 286 REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. Westward ; and when the new Channel Streams make, as the water rises on the shore, this intermediate portion is found to unite with, or to oppose, one or the other of these streams, according as it was before the reverse ; so that, as before mentioned, the line of meeting at low water appears off Beachy Head to recommence its Hasterly course. This intermediate stream forms a remarkable feature in the tidal system of the Channel; it is well established, as the line of meeting and of separation occupies a very limited space, and it seems to be entirely due to the contracted form of the Channel in this immediate locality preventing the free escape of the water. Admiral W. Bullock, in order to test the point of separation, anchored two vessels a mile apart, between Beachy Head and Dungeness, and found both vessels at the same time to ride with their heads in opposite directions in obedience to the streams, which were then running opposite ways. The Channel Stream, which I have described as running between the intermediate stream and the rotatory or mixed streams at the outer ex- tremities of the Channel, pursues a steady course along the main trunk of the strait, slacking only towards high and low water at Dover, when it is pre- paring to invert its course; and, contrary to the generally received opinion of a progressive slack water in a strait having a progressive establishment, this stream has the peculiarity of slacking throughout its whole extent at nearly the same time; and this time, as was anticipated in my former paper (‘‘ Phil. Trans.,” 1848), corresponds nearly with the time of high and low water on the shore at Dover, the site of the combined wave, and the virtual head of the tide. A simple rule thus su‘lices to guide the sailor up the main Channel Stream. It is, that the stream runs toward Dover while the water is rising there, and away from it while falling. The tidal hours for Dover, there- fore, answer for the whole of the Channel. The meeting of the stream off the Casquets and the Start in the English Channel, and the direction there given to the water at a particular time of the tide, will fully answer for the numerous wrecks about the Channel Islands ; whilst near the Strait of Dover, an unexpected set of the stream directly down upon the Somme, and in a part of the Channel where, from its narrowness, a true stream might be expected, is evidence of the danger of approaching this part of the Channel, if ignorant of the set of the stream. And, most singularly, this occurs exactly in the spot where those disastrous wrecks of the Conqueror and Reliance took place, and where the Cwragoa, one of H.M. frigates, so narrowly escaped a similar fate. Further particulars on the Tides of the English Channel will be found in the Sailing Directions accompanying the Chart. (3.) Southampton, &c.—This port has the singular advantage of having two high waters, which adds not a little to its dock facilities. The same phenomenon is also found in other places within the Isle of Wight, and is owing to the Channel Tide passing round either end of the Isle of Wight, and arriving at the port at different times. It will be observed that at Poole the rise and fall is insignificant, while on the opposite side of the Channel we have the gigantic tides of the Bay of St. Malo, a similar feature to that which is found in the Bristol Channel. REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. 287 (4.) Bristol Channel.—The Tides of the Bristol Channel are remarkable for their magnitude and rapidity. There are few places in the world where they are exceeded. The Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, and the Bay of Mont St. Michel, on the French coast, are somewhat analogous. The effect of these rushing waters is to alter the channels and shift the banks in the upper portion of the Bristol Channel in a most extraordinary manner. Some idea is given in our Sailing Directions for the Bristol Channel. Outside the Bristol Channel, spring tides rise from 22 to 24 and 26 feet; but as that channel narrows, or contracts in its breadth, the velocity and vertical rise increase in proportion ; and so much that, in King Road, it rises to the height of 40 feet and upwards.* Between Nash Point and Bridgewater Bay, past Hurlstone Point, &c., the Tide sets with great velocity over the Culver Sand, into Bridgewater Bay and River. Through Caldy Sound, the stream from Caermarthen Bay makes Westward nearly two hours before the flood has done running without the island; and the stream makes Hastward through the sound, as well as between the Hel- wick Sand and Worm’s Head, nearly two hours before the Channel ebb ceases. At Lundy Island, ordinary spring tides rise 27 feet, equinoctial springs 31 feet, and neaps 13 feet. In Barnstaple Bay, ordinary springs rise 25 feet, equinoctial 28 feet, and neaps 15 feet. In this bay, at from 2 to 3 miles from shore, a gentle stream sets to the Eastward, from the time of low water to four hours flood, and then to the Westward until low water again. In mid-channel, between this bay and Lundy Island, the streams of flood and ebb set tide and tide each way, according to the time of flowing on the shore, at the rate of 3 miles an hour on springs and 2 miles upon the neaps, allowing half an hour for slacking and veering out. It should be understood that, within the range of Swansea Bay and its offing, at about 5 miles West of the Scarweathers, the first-quarter flood sets directly toward them; after which, and until half-flood, it sweeps 1 mile outside, nearing the West end of the Nash Sands; and ultimately setting, till high water, 8.S.E. by compass, which points well outside of all. It averages a rate of 4.and 5 knots on springs,.and 3 knots upon neaps, and changes exactly at the same time that it ceases to rise on the shore ; but slack water always lasts half an hour. It has been observed that, over the shoals, and through the different channels, the velocity of the tides is greatly increased, and there is reason for believing that on springs the rate is nearly 6 knots. There is always a strong tide under these shoals, which is, of course, increased or decreased according to the vertical rise. This is of consequence when working up near them, as some advantage may, in the daytime, be taken of it, by keeping on the proper side. Its influence will be manifest to any vessel thus situated, as she would nearly make her course good seneeaoenemmerenpaee ces 25 ee Ml echt tate ity See a) es Ba Sie ld ey * Captain Andrew Livingston, ef Liverpool, to whom our eailier editions of this work were much indebted for many valuable and useful communications, informed us that he actually measured fully 50 feet rise of water, in November, 1813, at King Road, in a spring tide, At Chepstow, above, on the opposite side, the vertical rise of a spring tide also averages 50 feet, not uncommonly attaining 60 feet, and has even been known to reach 72 feet. 288 REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. when under their lee, but be swept away furiously on opening the different passages. Should it be desirable to have the true tide, it will therefore be requisite to keep on the North or South side of all the shoals, according to the ebb or flood. (5.) St. George’s Channel.—Much that has been said of the English Channel Tides is applicable to those of the St. George’s Channel, a full description of which is given in the Sailing Directions accompanying the Chart. In the St. George’s or Irish Channel, experiments have shown that, not- withstanding the variety of times of high water throughout the channel, ihe turn of the stream over all that part which may be called the fair navigable portion of the channel is nearly simultaneous; that the Northern and Southern streams in both channels commence and end in all parts (practically speaking) at nearly the same time; and that time happens to correspond nearly with the time of high and low water on the shore at the entrance of Liverpool and of Morecambe Bay, a spot remarkable as being the point where the opposite tides, coming round the extremities of Ireland, terminate. So that it is necessary only to know the times of high and low water at either of these places to determine the hour when the stream of either tide wll commence or terninate in any part of the channel. For this purpose the Liverpool Tide Table may be used, subtracting 18 minutes from the times there given, in consequence of the George Pier being later in its high water than the point which is considered the head of the Tide. The Tide from the Atlantic enters the St. George’s Channel by two channels; of which Carnsore Point, the S.E. point of Ireland, and St. David’s Head, the S.E. point of Wales, are the limits of the Southern one; and Rathlin and the Mull of Cantyre the boundaries of the Northern. The central portion of the stream of flood or ingoing stream, runs nearly in a line from a point midway between the Tuskar and the Bishops, to a position 16 miles due West of Holyhead; beyond which it begins to expand Eastward and Westward; but its main body preserves its direction straight forward towards the Calf of Man and on towards Maughold Head. Here it is arrested by the flood or Southern stream from the North Channel coming 1ound the Point of Ayr, and is first turned round to the Eastward by it, 3nd then goes on with it at an easy rate direct from Morecambe Bay; thus shanging its direction nearly eight points. The outer portions of the stream are necessarily deflected from the course of the great body of the water by the impediments of the banks on the Irish side of the channel, and by the tortuous form of the coast on the Welsh side. The Eastern portion rushes with great rapidity between the Smalls, Grassholm, and Milford Haven towards the Bishops, which it passes at a rate of between 4 and 5 knots; sets sharply round those rocks in an E.N.E. direction, right over the Bass Bank, and into Cardigan Bay; makes the circuit of that bay, and sets out again towards Bardsey, at the other extremity of it; the streams still continuing outside towards the South Stack, which it rounds, setting towards the Skerries at a rate of upwards of 4 knots; and, finally, turns sharp round those rocks for Liyver- pool and Morecambe Bay; completing on its way the high water in the Menai, and filling the Dee, the Mersey, and the Ribble. REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. 285 (6.) The Western portion of the stream, after passing the Saltees, runs nearly in the direction of the Tuskar, sets sharply round it, and then takes a N.E. 4 N. direction, setting fairly along the coast, but over the banks skirting the shore; so that vessels tacking near the inner edge of the sands on the flood, and on the outer edge on the ebb, have been carried upon them and lost, especially upon the Arklow and Codling Banks. Abreast of the Arklow is situated that remarkable spot in the Irish Channel, where the tide scarcely rises or falls. The stream, notwithstanding, sweeps past it at the rate of 4 knots at the springs, and reaches the parallel of Wicklow Head. Here it encounters an extensive projection of the Codling Bank ; and while the outer portion takes the circuit of the bank, the inner stream sweeps over it, occasioning an overfall and strong rippling all round the edge, by which the bank may generally be discovered. Beyond this point the streams unite and flow on towards Howth and Lambay, growing gra- dually weaker as they proceed, until they ultimately expend themselves in a large space of still water situated between the Isle of Man and Car- lingford. There we have not been able to detect any stream; for there another remarkable phenomenon occurs—the water rising and falling, without having any perceptible stream. This space of still water is marked by a bottom of blue mud. Such is the course of the flowing water at the Southern Channel. In the North Channel, the stream enters between the Mull of Cantyre and Rathlin Island simultaneously with that passing the Tuskar into the Southern Channel, but flows in the contrary direction. It runs at the rate of 3 knots at the springs, increasing to 5 knots near the Mull, and to 4 knots near Tor Point, on the opposite side of the channel. The main body sweeps to the S. by E., taking nearly the general direction of the channel, but pressing more heavily on the Wigtonshire coast. The central portion, midway between the Mull of Galloway and the Copeland Islands, presses on towards the Northern half of the Isle of Man; and while one portion of it flows towards the Point of Ayre, the other makes for Contrary Head, and is there turned back to the N.E. nearly at a right angle to its early course. Passing Jurby Point, it re-unites with the other portion of the stream, and they jointly rush with a rapidity of from 4 to 5 knots round the Point of Ayre, and directly across all the banks lying off there, and catching up the stream from the South Channel off Maughold Head, they hurry on together towards that great point of union, Morecambe Bay. This bay, the grand receptacle of the streams from both channels, is notorious for its huge banks of sand, and also remarkable for a deep channel scoured out by the stream, and known as the Lune Deep, which is the great haven to all vessels bound to Fleet- wood, &e. Such is a general description of the streams in the Irish Channel, which are produced by the flowing of the water, or which, for the purpose of distinction, we may designate the ingoing streams. The ebbing, or outgoing streams, do not materially differ from the reverse of those, except that in the Southern Channel they press rather more over towards the Irish coast. Na ARO; 38 290 REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. (7.) Havre.—Here high water remains stationary for 1®, and only rises or falls 13 inches for the space of 3", much facilitating the use of the docks. (8.) Bay of Biscay.—On the coasts of the Bay, the tidal wave advancing from the Westward, makes high water almost at the same hour all around its shores ; and the range also does not vary greatly. (9.) Strait of Gibraltar—In the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar, the surface current mostly and generally sets to the Hast; but on each side the flood tide sets to the Westward. On the European side, West of the Isle of Tarifa, it is high water at eleven oclock, but the stream without con- tinues to run until two o’clock. On the opposite shore of Africa, it is high water at ten o’clock, and the stream continues to run until one o’clock ; after which periods it changes on either side, and runs Eastward with the general current. Near the shores are many changes, counter-currents, and whirlpools, caused by, and varying with, the winds.* (10.) West Coast of Africa.—The currents on the African coast (hereafter explained) render the given times of high water uncertain. Between Cape Cantin and Cape Blanco they are strong, and set as shown on the chart. In the road oft the Senegal, the current sets chiefly to the S.W. From the bar, strong freshes come down after the rains, and a powerful current of fresh water sets from the river to some distance out to sea. In the Bay of Yof, to the N.E. of Cape Verde, the currents set rapidly, and sometimes in very dangerous whirls. At the mouth of the Gambia, the greatest rise in the dry season is not more than 6 feet. Here the tide continues to run on the surface for an hour and a half after it ceases flowing on the shore. The level of the sea, in the vicinity of Cape Coast Castle, is higher, by at least 6 feet, in the rainy season (which is the season of the strong 5. W. and Southerly winds, between April and September), than in the more serene weather of the dry season. In the rainy season, or S.W. Monsoon, trunks of trees are frequently carried on shore, and found at 6 or 8 feet above the level of the sea in the dry season. In the rainy season, also, the tides ebb and flow regularly in the several rivers; but, in the dry season, the same rivers run ebb con- stantly, the level of the sea being then too low to allow the tide-waters to enter their mouths. (11.) Newfoundland.—On the coasts of Newfoundland the Tides are very irregular, being greatly influenced by the prevailing wind. On all the Eastern coast they have nearly the same rise; springs about 6 feet, neaps 4 feet. At the entrance of St. John’s they set-in in a bore. Between Cape La Hune and Cape Ray the flood sets to the Westward in the offing very irregularly, but generally two or three hours after high water on shore. See more particularly our ‘‘ British American Navigator,” * Commander Gorringe, U.S.N., when examining the bank he discovered in 1876, lying 130 miles West of Cape St. Vincent, found the Tides setting regularly N.E. and S.W., at the rate of 14 mile an hour. When examined by the officers of H.M.S. Salamis, in March, 1877, they were found to be the same. REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. 291 in which also will be found a full account of the Tides of the River St. Lawrence, &c., of which a condensed account follows. (12.) River St. Lawrence.—The flood tide, entering the River St. Law- cence, proceeds upwards in the wide and deep channel of the estuary, till it is obstructed by the contracted breadth of the river near Red Island, and the sudden shallowing of it near this part; from this cause it is prevented from continuing in its upward course, and in consequence of the quantity of water here collected not finding a sufficient outlet, it is reverted, and forms an eddy-flood. The stream of flood, therefore, runs in opposite direc- tions, on either side of the river. This stream coming from the Eastward, as it approaches the Northern part of Red Island Bank, runs very strong, sometimes at a rate of 4 knots, bearing round at this part, and proceeding in a different direction towards Razade Islands, with a velocity of from 2 to 3 miles per hour, and then proceeds onward with a constant current downwards, thus adding to the current of water from the river itself, and increasing its strength. It is strongest inshore, and extends about half- way over, diminishing in strength towards the middle; and from this difference in its velocity, and the unequal depth of the river, occasioning those violent whirls and ripples which occur in its strongest parts. On the South coasts of that part of the river between Cape Gaspé and Green Island, there is no upward current from the tides that is available for navigation; during the floods at spring tides, there is a Westerly current felt close inshore, the line between the two streams being marked by strong rippling. Off Point de Monts there is very little or no stream of flood, excepting close inshore, and the downward current is constant off that point. The point diverts the current to the §.5.E., which runs at arate of from 1 to 2 miles an hour, so that it is difficult for a vessel to beat round it with a Westerly wind. During the ebb tide the stream runs down on both sides, strongest on the South, and weakest in the middle of the estuary. On the North shore it is turned to the Southward by the projecting points at the Bay de Mille Vaches, Port Bersimis, the Peninsula of Manicougan, and Point de Monts; this fact is important, and ought to be attended to, as this Southern ten- dency is increased at these points, by the water brought down by the large rivers between them. On the South side the stream of the ebb tide is also increased, by the efflux of water from the Saguenay River, which, setting with great velocity across the tail of Red Island Bank, adds to the downward course of the stream. At 9 miles below Tadousac, or the Saguenay, is the eddy of the flood, and the stream on the surface always sets thence downward. Off Tadousac, the tide ebbs six hours eight minutes. Both streams here run three- quarters of an hour after high water. At Green Island it ebbs six hours twenty-four minutes, and flows six hours. At the Isle aux Coudres it ebbs six hours twenty minutes, and flows six hours. Here the ebb stream continues an hour and a quarter after low water, and the flood three-quarters of an hour after high water. Within the Pillars, off St. Jean, the tide ebbs six hours fifty minutes, and flows 292 REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. five hours twenty-five minutes. Both streams continue to run an hour after high and low water by the shore, but they are influenced in duration by strong winds. At the Isle of Orleans the stream ebbs seven hours, and flows five hours twenty minutes. At Quebec it flows four hours forty-five minutes only, but the ebb runs seven hours and forty minutes. From Green Island to Quebec the Tides rise irregularly, but very con siderably. From Coudre to Quebec the water falls 4 feet before the tide makes down. At the Isle of Coudre, in spring tides, the ebb runs at the rate of 2 knots; in extraordinary high tides, assisted by winds, the ebb has here been known to run quite 7 knots, and the flood 6 knots. Between Apple and Basque Isles, the ebb of the River Saguenay uniting here, it runs full 7 knots in the spring tides; yet, although the ebb is so strong, the flood is scarcely perceptible; and below the Isle of Bic there is no appearance of a flood tide. (13.) Bay of Fundy.—Off Cape Sable the Tide runs at the rate of 3, and sometimes 4 miles an hour; and in the Bay of Fundy the Tides are very rapid, but uncertain both in velocity and direction. Cape d’Or and Cape Chignecto are high lands, with very steep cliffs and deep water close under them. The same kind of shore continues to the head of Chignecto Bay, where very extensive flats of mud and quicksands are left to dry at low water. Here the Tides come in a bore, rushing in with great rapidity ; they are known to flow at the Equinoxes from 60 to 70 feet perpendicular; and it is remarkable that, at the same time, they rise in the Bay Verte, on the Northern side of the isthmus, only 8 feet. (14.) Mount Desert Rock.—At Mount Desert Rock the stream of flood divides to run Eastward and Westward. With the Skuttock Hills about N.N.E., and within 12 or 15 miles of those of Mount Desert, the flood stream sets E.N.E., and the ebb W.S.W.; but, at the distance of 27 or 30 miles from the land, the current, in general, sets to the 8.W. and more Westward. From Mount Desert Rock to the Fox Islands, at the entrance of the Bay of Penobscot, the flood stream sets W.S.W. along shore; but it nevertheless runs up to the Northward into Isle Haute Bay, &c. (15.) Nantucket, &c.—Off this island and its vicinity is that remarkable but dangerous collection of shoals, which are so well known to all who navigate these waters. Their form and situation, and also the peculiarities of the Cape Cod Peninsula, lead to the inference that these characteristics are owing to some singular effect of the Tides and Currents. This subject has been partially investigated by the United States Coast Survey. ‘The region about Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard is the dividing space between the cotidal hours of xii. and xv., and in this locality the combination of two apparently distinct tide-waves is observed. This com- bination presents the most singular forms, giving at times four high tides - in one day near the junction of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard Sounds, and distorting the tide-wave generally, not only in these sounds, but also on the open sea-coast of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard and Islands, and in Muskeget Channel. The great disturbance of the ocean level thus produced gives rise to those remarkable currents so peculiar to this neigh- b ourhood, and so disastrous to commerce.” REMARKS ON THE TIDE TABLE. 293 (16.) Florida, &c.—Near Kay West, on the Florida Reef, the Tides are, in some measure, regular within the reef; the flood setting to the West- ward, and the ebb contrary. To the Westward, between the Tortugas and Cayo Marques, the flood sets variably through to the Northward, and the ebb to the E.S.H. It is remarkable that, on the South side of these kays, the flood comes from the South-Hastward; but on the North side of them, all the way from Kay West, the flood runs to the Hastward, along the edge of the bank, and to the Southward, through the little channels, in order to fill up the intermediate bays and lagoons, with the assistance of the flood from the Southward. Westward of Kay West there is a general current to the South-West- ward, along the reef, and to some distance to the South side of it. In Chatham Bay it runs tide and half-tide ; viz., three hours flood, then three hours ebb ; next nine hours flood, &. Here, in some places, it is a mere fall; but in some of the channels it is as much as four men can do to stem the current with a boat. During a S.E. gale or storm, the water in the bays and rivers of West Florida has been known to rise 7 feet perpendicular, and vessels of burden _ have been driven in among the pine trees, at some distance from shore. From Cape Roman, Northward and Westward, the tide seems to ebb and flow only once in the twenty-four hours; but it is irregular, and much governed by the winds. Yet the effects in a dry season are very perceptible in the rivers at a distance from the sea. (17.) Bahamas, &c.—Although at the Bahamas the rise and fall are inconsiderable, the tide of flood sets an indraught on the Northern part of the Little Bahama Bank from every point of the compass, which renders an approach very dangerous. The tide sets with some force directly on and off the Western side of the Grand Bank of Bahama, particularly at the full and change of the moon. It is high water at half-past seven or thereabout, and the rise is 3 or 4 feet. On the Middle Ground of this bank the tides set in every direction. In Providence N.W. Channel the current runs generally to the Eastward, about 2 miles an hour. Near Egg Island, to the N.W. of Eleuthera, it is, however, uncertain, and great attention should be paid to the lead. In the passage within ligg Island the tide runs at the rate of 4 miles, and rises about 4 feet, the flood setting Eastward, and strongly over the reefs. About the Berry Islands and Providence the water rises 2 feet higher when the sun comes to the Northward of the Line, than it does when the sun is to the Southward, and its strength is in a similar proportion. Here and at the Bemini Isles the flood sets to the N.H. fe ( 294 ) III —THE CURRENTS. (286.) General Remarks.—A Current is to be understood as a stream on, or a particular set in the direction of, the surface of the sea, occa- sioned by Winds and other impulses, exclusive of (but which may be influenced by) the causes of the Tides. It is an observation of Dampier, that Currents are scarcely ever felt but at sea, and Tides only upon the coasts ; and it certainly is an established fact that Currents prevail mostly in those parts where the Tides are weak and scarcely perceptible, or where the sea, apparently little influenced by the causes of the Tides, is disposed to a quiescent state. This will be obvious by an attentive consideration of the following descriptions. The necessity of attention to the silent, imperceptible, and therefore dangerous operation of Currents, will be equally apparent. (237.) The usual method of estimating the existence, direction, and velocity of a Current, is the comparison between the observed position of a ship and that obtained by dead-reckoning. It may be as well to observe in the outset, that this method of observation involves some amount of fallacy, as a Current will be the general receiver of all errors or imper- fections of observation, and beyond doubt the strength of Currents hag been frequently exaggerated from this very cause. Now, as the latitude is attained far more easily and accurately than the longitude, it follows that this exaggeration has been chiefly shown in those Currents supposed to move to East and West. Still, by combining a large number of obser- vations, we may safely conclude that they will neutralize each other’s errors, and afford something like an accurate conclusion. (238.) An excellent repository of a vast number of early Current obser- vations is found in the elaborate charts of Major Rennell, a great mine for facts in surface Current theory. Commander Maury’s charts, and the more recent ones of our own and other Meteorological Offices, likewise afford a great addition to our stock of knowledge. This is also increased by numerous detached observations scattered through many works. All these, as far as attainable, were integrated at a great expenditure of labour, in the Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, published by Mr. Laurie, which this work particularly elucidates. (239.) But since that chart was constructed, a much more extensive series of observations has been incorporated with those just named, in a set of charts, one for each month of the year, published by the Meteorolo- gical Office in 1872. They were contained in the first 800 registers col- lected by that office, and were reduced by Mr. R. Strachan. In addition to these registers, the whole of the available data in Rennell’s and Maury’s charts were integrated with them, and thus gave a far more perfect view of the Atlantic Currents, between the Equator and 40° N., and from the African coast to the Gulf of Mexico, than was before attainable. A portion of the information then collected was shown by Admiral FitzRoy, in 1859, on the Wind Charts published by the Meteorological Department, which face page 295 10° e ¢ EE Rees eS * HUDSONS i % ATLANTIC OCEAN : CURRENTS yy The red lines shew the general direction toa They are close in proportion to the velocity. 2 i The blue @unsverse lines thas —-26:_, muuke the intervals or spaces between which the water moves, uv euch interval of 10 days. The arrows shew the daly velocity and. direction : : Fa A.B Mean Isotherm between cs Temp 60° in July & 50" Jan&) | Be - Ar uso I driftor | i velocity. i | TI td M E pavakbireg- were See Pages 370-3.) a a = samp [he Guinea Curkent exter Gamb; ine ain Dec, 0 Jor. June,e Segre. Oct, $ or furtly THE CURRENTS. 295 showed the phenomena for the months of February, May, August, and November, being the middle month of each seasonal quarter. The discussion and integration of Current observations involve a great amount of tedious labour, and there is no question but that the data used by Rennell and others required much revision, as each succeeding and better estimate gives a lower rate of progress to the movement of the surface waters, though previous discussions as to their nature have been confirmed. In the remarks on the Meteorological Office Current Charts, Mr. R. H. Scott, the Director, says:—The number of observations em- ployed in the construction of the General Chart exceeded 7,500, each of which took 24 hours to make, so that some idea may be formed of the length of time required to accumulate them, and the great difficulty which is experienced in collecting information about Currents. (240.) In this book, limited as it necessarily is to generalities, space could not be afforded to give the introduction of these Monthly Charts, but in the subsequent descriptions of each branch of Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic we shall add the notes which elucidate the Current Charts, and which were also drawn up by Mr. R. Strachan. In pursuing these calculations, it was found that in many localities the Currents were represented as most devious and erratic, frequently of great strength, and yet, on a mean, showing that there was no continued set of the waters in any special direction. The diagrams of the direction of the Wind at the Liverpool Observatory (page 203), in their more complicated parts, give a good notion of their motions, as their paths, when traced, resemble each other much. In other parts, as in the great Equatorial Current, the motion, as estimated, is remarkably uniform, and this demon- strates that these observations generally are entitled to confidence. (241.) In founding any theories of circulation or movement of the ocean waters upon the basis of the (acknowledged to be) imperfect observations used by Major Rennell, it may be objected that many of them are now old, and therefore still less trustworthy. To this it may be replied, that they were mostly taken in wooden ships (with very little iron in them to affect the compasses) by careful navigators, in an age when great pains were taken with the dead-reckoning. A doubt may very fairly be expressed whether the observations of an equal number of modern ships would give as trust- worthy results; their greater speed, and less attention to D.R., more refined astronomy superseding it ; and errors in the compass owing to the iron used in the construction or cargo of the modern ship, all tend to give con- fidence in these old observations. (242.) There is one general result in discussing any large number or collection of Current observations. They show that the surface water moves at a much lower velocity than has been attributed to Current motion generally. Perhaps this may in some degree arise from the fact that only those of remarkable strength have been selected, without properly taking into account the greater number of observations which would give a much more moderate rate. (243.) Bottles—It has heen a well-known practice for many years to send these floating messengers as indicators of Currents. In 1843, Captain A. B. Becher, R.N., drew up a very interesting chart of the North Atlantic 296 THE CURRENTS. with the points of ‘‘despatch and arrival” of a very large number of these Current Bottles. The practice and the accuracy of the teaching of these Bottles led to a long controversy, which, however, did not tend to over- turn their authority, so it need not be longer adverted to here, than to say that the principal objection to them was, that they were rather impelled by the prevailing Wind than drifted in the Current. But this is also a demonstration of what can be otherwise proved, that the Winds and sur- face Currents of the Atlantic and other Oceans obey the same laws, and move very much in the same circuits. These Bottles, then, will form an important part of the subsequent demonstrations of the direction and rate of Currents. Captain Becher’s chart bears intrinsic evidence of its trust- worthy character, as in each region the Bottles obey precisely the law which would, 4 priori, be laid down for them. In July, 1891, the United States Hydrographic Office published a chart showing the tracks of a large number of Current Bottles* and Floats which had been recorded during recent years. This, also, confirms the accepted theory of the circulation of the Ocean. (244.) Prince Albert of Monaco, assisted by Professor Pouchet, and a grant from the Paris Municipal Council, during the years 1885, 1886, and 1887, made a series of current experiments on board his sailing yacht Hirondelie, the results of which he communicated to the Paris Academy of Sciences, who published them in the ‘“‘Comptes Rendus.”” He also furnished a resumé of them to the meeting of the British Association, at Edinburgh, in 1892, published in the ‘‘ Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society,” September, 1892.+ The floats used were casks, pence globes, and bottles, weed to pre- vent their being acted on by wind, and containing the usual document. In 1885, floats Tenia 169 were launched along a line of 170 miles in a N. 14° W. direction from a position 110 miles N.W. of Corvo, Azores. In the next year, 510 floats were launched nearly along the meridian of 17° 40' W., between lat. 42° 34’ and 50° N. In 1887, floats numbering 931 were launched along a line from the Azores to the Banks of Newfound- land, and 63 others in mid-Atlantic, between the Banks and the coast of Treland. Of these floats, 227 had come to hand again, and their tracks, as shown on the chart drawn up by the Prince, appear to confirm the usual theory of the North Atlantic Currents. From them he concludes that the mean daily velocity of the Ocean currents is as follows :—The region comprised between the Azores, Ireland, and Norway, 3°97 miles ; between the Azores, France, Portugal, and the Canaries, 5:18 miles; from the Canaries to the West Indies, the Bahamas, and even to Bermuda, it attains a daily speed of 10:11 miles; and in the Eastern portion of the arc, which extends from Bermuda to the Azores, it falls again to 6°42 miles. The mean velocity which the combined results give for the surface circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean is 4°48 nautical miles in twenty-four hours. * Bottles used far this purpose should be painted some conspicuous colour, weighted $9 43 to keep the corks out of the water, and securely sealed. ¢ Professor Pouchat published his observations in a book entitled “Courants de )’ Atlantique,” face page 297. lo 7 eee: _————- Sa | Anping, A | 1 | “ i aeroe 18 i | Shetlands 43° Poamlye NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN showawg Drift of Bottles, Derelicts, &c. 1885-1894. ‘Aratcrvlam | | at I lean no Perceira | AA Aug. 24 : 7 m, = Oct. 13. 87 May 13} Dec. 26 '22| ne + 91 ancgig SE June’ S Antone S Vincente gSal CVerde Isles Bonavts |, gt Maio Brava 3 "Tago | These exargples are splected trom the S.Pilot Chhprts ye Atlantic Ocean sal St Pauls 1? | — alt or SSS $< oe Fernando Noronha Rocas Son peau s GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 297 It is apparent that circulation is more active on the Western semicircle of the vortex than on the Eastern one; and this is explained by the com- bined action of various causes, as the Trade Winds, the Equatorial Currents, and the Gulf Stream, also the powerful evaporation which in the Tropics stimulates the circulation of the waters. The accompanying diagram shows graphically the drift of some of the more remarkable Bottles, Derelicts, &c., recorded in the U.S. Pilot Charts. (245.) It may be observed that this section deals chiefly with the Surface Currents of the North Atlantic Ocean, as that is the only feature which affects navigation. But this superficial action is not the only point to be considered in relation to Ocean Currents, as it will not explain many phenomena known to exist.e The researches carried on in H.M. Ships Inghtning and Porcupine, in 1868—1870, and Challenger, 1873—1876, under the superintendence of Dr. Carpenter, Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., and Professor Wyville Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S., together with the more recent explorations carried out by government and private vessels of our own and various other nations, have thrown much light on the temperature, condition, and probable movements of the lower beds of ocean water, which will be alluded to at the end of this work. Indeed, this may be considered as a comparatively new branch of terrestrial physics, from which many most important facts will be derived. (246.) That the waters of the Ocean do circulate over and intermingle with every portion of the water-surface of the globe is certain. Its com- position and character are syerywhere, in every region, almost exactly the same. This universality of character can only be accounted for by infer- ring that the Ocean waiters are continually being intermingled, as is the case with the atmosphere, before described (2), page 98. It may be objected thst the specific gravity of the surface water varies considerably in different regions, and that it is therefore an argument against this intermingling of the sea-waters. But it will be found that there are local causes which affect the saltness of the surface water. In the Arctic regions, where it is frequently found of great density, or in- creased saltness, it is doubtless caused by the formation of Ice, subtract- ing the fresh water from the surface. Again, in the Equatorial regions, it is usually found of low specific gravity, or containing less salt, which may also be accounted for by the great rain-fall which, by intermingling the light fresh water with the surface, lowers its density. Very much specula- tion has been used on this variation in the surface density and on its dynamic effects, in producing currents and other phenomena. But it is deferentially urged against this reasoning, that almost all the experiments made upon the density of the water at any considerable depth (above 20 or 30 fathoms) show a remarkable uniformity in the density in all regions, varying within very narrow limits, from 1:024 to 1:028 ata temperature of 60° F’., as will be shown in a later part of this book; and that, therefore, the real character of sea-water, below local influences, is everywhere nearly the same. But we have remarkable proofs that not only the upper stratum, but also the whole Ocean to its bed is of one universal character. In recent deep- IN. Ae Or 39 298 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. sea exploring expeditions, samples of water have been brought up from the greatest and intermediate depths, and on analysis the components have been found to be in all cases almost identical, the exception being that at great depths the proportion of lime is larger. Animal life, also, is found at great depths, adapted to the great pressure under which it exists. Dtring the voyage of H.M.S. Bulldog, in the summer of 1860, when nearly midway between Ireland and Greenland, there were brought up from a depth of 1,260 fathoms, or nearly 14 statute mile, several live starfish, which had clasped their slender arms round that part of the sounding line which lay on the bottom. Now, as the process of winding this line in would occupy upwards of an hour, had the water varied in character even in a slight degree, they would have loosened their hold and died. It is needless to pursue this subject further now. It will be found more amplified hereafter, when the question of the Depth of the Atlantic is dis- cussed. It is only here cited in order that should the mariner in the course of his voyage be able, from his own observations, to add to our knowledge of this subject, it will afford him great interest, and be beneficial to the rest of the world. (247.) The subject of the Temperature of the Ocean will also be treated of specially hereafter. It is of importance in some localities, as it will indicate the changing from one Current to another, as from the Gulf Stream into the cold Arctic Current within it, or the reverse. It was formerly thought that a decrease of temperature was a sure indication of approach- ing shoal water, and its study was therefore inculcated as a precautionary measure. This point, however, has been shown to be in general fallacious. It arose from the fact that vessels crossing the Gulf Stream, or attaining soundings on the American coast, experienced a very sudden decrease of heat in the water. This is now accounted for in a very different way; therefore this topic is not of so much importance in the practice of navi- gation as it was formerly thought to be. (248.) Leaving for future Sections (those on the Gulf Stream, and on the Depth, Temperature, and Circulation of the Ocean) the remarks on the origin and causes of Ocean Currents, it may be here briefly remarked that the action of the Wind seems to be a main cause of the general swrface circulation. Doubtless there are several other forces which combine with or help to neutralize the action of the Wind, such as the Tidal Wave, the rotation of the earth, the differing effects of Temperature, of Specific Gravity on the surface, and of the very difficult subject of wave-action, which should be taken into consideration. But the tiny ripple raised by a breath of air on the surface of still water, enlarged by accumulation into an oscillating wave by a more powerful wind, may be driven forward into a wave of translation, and thus the Wind becomes the real origin of a Drift and finally a Stream Current, which may be satisfactorily traced over a great portion of the Ocean surface. (249.) There are many evidences that the general surface Currents, which alone control a ship’s movements, have but very little depth. A very few fathoms below the surface their velocity and power become much decreased, and it is more than probable that at a moderate depth, com- pared with the dimensions which have been usually attributed to them, GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 299 they cease altogether, or become imperceptible to ordinary means of measurement. This has been found to be eminently the case in the expe- rience gained in laying submarine telegraph cables. If the motion of the surface water were continued to any great depth, or if there were change- able and varying sub-surface streams, it would very greatly interfere with the success of these enterprises, but no such obstacles have shown them- selves to be of any magnitude. (250.) Of Currents there are two distinctions :—1. The Drift Current ; 2. The Stream Current. The Drift, or Drift Current, is the mere effect of a constant or very pre- valent Wind on the surface water, impelling it to leeward until it meets with some obstacle which stops it, and occasions an accumulation and consequent Stream of Current. It matters not whether the obstacle be land or banks, or a Stream of Current already formed. The Drift Current is generally shallow, and at a mean, perhaps, of no more than half a mile an hour, when the wind is constant and a good breeze. Such a Current, from a predominance of Westerly winds, occupies the Northern region of the North Atlantic, from the N.W. and West to the E.N.E. and S.E.; and such, likewise, is that occupying the central portion of the Ocean under the influence of the Trade Winds. The Stream Current is formed by the accumulated waters of a Drift Current. It is more limited, but it may be of any bulk, or depth, or velocity. Of such is the temporary stream setting at times from the Bay of Biscay to the West of Ireland ; and of such is the Gulf Stream, setting from the Mexican Sea to the Banks of Newfoundland, and terminating to the West of the Azores. In some parts the Current is compounded of Drift and Stream; for a Stream, already formed, may pass through the region of a prevalent wind, in a direction according with that of its Drift Current, and receive an acceleration of motion from it accordingly. Of such are the Equatorial Currents, which will be presently noticed. (251.) The illustrative chart at the commencement of this section, page 295, will best explain the general Current system of the North Atlantic Ocean. Although this gives the mean of all observations throughout the year, and therefore would require considerable modification in various parts, if it were made to show what is to be expected at any special time or season, yet it will correctly represent that circulatory system which is found to be common to all the Oceans. There appear to be two gyrations of the water of the North Atlantic Ocean. Around a central area, crossed by the parallel of 30° N. latitude, and termed the Sargasso Sea, the whole of the water between lat. 10° N. and 42° or 43° N., limits varying with the seasons, revolves against the apparent course of the sun. To the North of this, a portion of the water is deflected to the N.E., and revolves around some point not very far from Iceland, though some have considered that, after circulating around the Arctic basin, it re-enters the area on the West. As the meteorological Equator, or the division between the phenomena of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, lies to the North of the terrestrial Equator, we find that a reverse current, of varying magnitude 300 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. and force, runs from West to Hast on this division, or from 2° or 3° to 8° N., across the whole breadth of the Ocean, and along the African coast ; while, to the South of it, the Westerly Current of the South Atlantic runs across the Ocean and along the Northern face of the South American continent, a portion thus entering the Northern circulatory system. There is then some difficulty in assigning a separate designation for each part of what is almost a continuous stream, and in former times when the . subject was much less understood, some inappropriate terms were applied to various portions, and have become recognized and followed throughout. For the present, therefore, we are compelled to use a somewhat confused nomenclature, but it will be sufficiently explanatory till a general revision of the science may impose a new terminology. As before stated, the charts drawn up by Mr. R. Strachan, for the Meteorological Office, will be considered as the ground-work of this section, but with some modifications of the nomenclature used. (252.) Of the Current regions of the North Atlantic Ocean, the first in order, from the Land’s End of England, is Rennell’s Current, a temporary but extensive stream, which sets at times from the Bay of Biscay to the Westward and N.W., athwart the entrance of the English and St. George’s Channels, and to the Westward of Cape Clear. Second.—The Easterly and S.H. Currents to the coasts of Hurope and Africa, and Southerly to the coast of Guinea, where it may be termed the North African Current, flowing to the Westward of South, and merging into the Westerly Drift.* Third.—The Guinea Current, an Easterly stream across the Atlantic, between 5° and 8° N., and continuing along the coast of Africa, into the Bights of Benin and Biafra.t Fourth.—The Sargasso Sea, or central area between the Azores, Canaries, and Bermudas, &c., in which it seems that there is no particular drift or very various and nee currents, and it is covered with the well-known Sargasso or Gulf-Weed. Fifth.—The North and South Equatorial Currents, the vast streams caused by the Trade Winds. That of the N.H. Trade, running from between the Tropic and Cape Verde, on the Hastern side, towards the Caribbee Islands, having a general Westward tendency; and that from the S.E. Trade, which is usually found to the North of the Equator, pass- ing strongly to the Westward, South of the counter or Hasterly Guinea * This Southern set along the coast of Portugal and N.W. Africa is a faint converse of the Gulf Stream on the opposite side of the circulatory system. The Northern portion of it was termed by Rennell the North Atlantic Current, as trending from the termina- tion of the Gulf Stream to the coasts of Europe, &c. (Investigation, &c., page 53). In the Meteorological Office Work, 1872, it is called the North African Current. For the present, the name which has been applied in former editions of this work is provisionally retained. + Since it has been established that this Guinea Current has a different origin and character to that assigned it by Rennell and others, who argued that it was a continua- tion of the North African Current, the term in some degree is a misnomer. It is an Equatorial Cownter-Current, which is found in some seasons to run across all Oceans, This origin was first intimated by the author in 1853. RENNELL’S CURRENT. 301 Current, and then strongly to the W.N.W. along the Guayana and Colom- bian coasts, part joining the N.E. Trade Wind Current Northward of Tobago. Sixth.—The Currents of the Colombian or Caribbean Sea, a continuation of the Great Equatorial Streams into the Mexican Sea, from the South- Eastward and Hastward. Seventh.—The Gulf Stream, an outset from the Mexican Sea, setting thence to the North-Hastward, through the Strait of Florida, and thence Eastward toward the Newfoundland Banks, &e. Highth.—The North-East Drift, which passes over the Eastern side of the Atlantic, from the area East and South of the Newfoundland Banks towards and past the N.W. Coast of Europe and into the Arctic Basin. Ninth.—The Arctic or Labrador Current, passing Southwards from Davis Strait down the coast of Labrador, round Newfoundland, and thence South-Westward past Nova Scotia and the coast of the United States inside the Gulf Stream. In explaining this subject, we shall endeavour, in the first place, to establish the facts which prove the existence of these Currents, and then attempt to deduce the causes, according to the given description. (253.) Masters of vessels are sometimes disappointed in not finding the expected set and velocity of the normal Currents. At times the set may be directly opposite to that looked for, or no Current at all may be found, even in the area traversed by the Gulf Stream ; but these irregularities are usually of short duration, being due to abnormal meteorological con- ditions and other causes. -1.—RENNELL’S CURRENT. (254.) In the Bay of Biscay, the prevalence of N.W., West, and S.W. winds causes a heavy swell and considerable current, needing due con- sideration. The waters of this gulf have a vast gyratory movement, irre- gular in outline, and variable in velocity, on account of the considerable effect of different winds. The S.H. current, setting on to the N.W. point of the Spanish peninsula, is divided there into two branches, one setting South along the Portuguese coast, and then turning to the Eastward about Cape St. Vincent; the other setting East along the North coast of Spain, and North along the West coast of France, where it is 15 or 20 miles across, and is felt at 30 or 40 miles off shore: it becomes wider as it pro- ceeds Northward, and is probably joined at times by the streams from the rivers of France. On the parallel of about 48° 20’ N. it is about 80 miles across, and the set, following the coast line, is nearly W.N.W., passing 15 or 20 miles from Ushant and across the entrance to the English Channel, where it is called Rennell’s Current. The commotion of the waters at the time of the flood tide in the Channel, all along the line of separation, has 302 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURREWTS. undoubtedly given rise to most, if not to all, the reports, formerly quite frequent, of rocks and broken water in this vicinity. It is hardly necessary to add that all search for such dangers has been unavailing. The currents on the N.E. extremity of Spain, about Corufia, where the Eastward drift is separated into two branches by the projection of the land, are generally governed by the winds. The coast is thus dangerous in those which come from North to West, and where they are light and the sea heavy it is best to keep well off shore, otherwise the outer rocks may be passed at 2 miles distance. To the Eastward of Cape Ortegal, and at a considerable distance from shore, but at what distance cannot be well defined, the Easterly or N.E. current is constant, and it also runs with great velocity, quite overpower- ing the effect of the tide. With N.E. winds, but not with others, this Easterly drift is found close inshore. The current very rarely runs to the Westward. The drifts are more sensible to the East of Cape Penas than to the West. They generally run to W.N.W. in the summer, and to Hast and E.N.E. constantly in the winter. A strong Easterly current is a sure pre- monitor of a N.E. gale. On the Biscayan coast the drift is to the Kast during the winter season, impelled by the constant S.W. and N.W. winds. The current frequently attains a rate of more than 3 miles an hour, when a strong gale from N.W. has occurred. A strong Easterly current during calm and serene weather is generally the precursor or indication of a gale. or squall from N.W. From the same cause a very high tide may be looked for in all the harbours. In summer the current often runs to West and W.N.W., but with little velocity, so that it may be taken almost as a general rule that the current is constantly to the Hast at a certain distance off the land, as before stated. The farther you proceed up the Bay of Biscay towards Bayonne, the currents increase in strength, and turn to N.H. and North up the coast of France. Their rate is much increased by a N.W. gale, when they attain a velocity of 4 miles, and sometimes more than 5 miles an hour, accord- ing to the local seamen. The rapid drift of this Northerly current during winter gales, which always blow from $.W., will explain how the innu- merable wrecks occur on the banks off Arcachon and Cape Breton. (255.) Rennell’s Current, which is occasionally of considerable breadth and strength, frequently sets athwart the entrances of the English and St. George’s Channels to the N.W. and W.N.W., at some distance to the Westward of the Isles of Ushant and Scilly. As it apparently depends on temporary circumstances, it is considered as a temporary stream ; and, although a certain quantity of Northerly indraughtis always to be allowed for, with the tide of flood, on approaching the Scilly Islands, on the Ocean the Current, unless with particular winds, will be scarcely, if at all, per- ceptible. The general causes of Currents, so far as they depend upon the state of the Winds, &c., are generally known to seamen; and that a long-continued wind, in one particular direction, will either produce a stream where no obstruction exists, or cause an accumulation of the water against an RENNELL’S CURRENT. 303 opposing coast, until a reverberation takes place, needs no demonstration. The latter appears to be the case in the present instanee. A long and continual prevalence of Westerly and South-Westerly winds, in combina- tion with a current that commonly sets into the Southern part of the Bay of Biscay, occasions an accumulation of water in the Bay, which seeks an escape, by setting to the N.W. or W.N.W. It would be very difficult to understand that the great preponderance of winds from the Westward of North and South, which prevail in the latitudes off Cape Finisterre, should not have some effect in forcing the water toward the coast ; and, if so, what can become of it, unless it forms some Current, which we should very naturally expect to find would follow the trend of the coast against which it is propelled. That such a Current does actually prevail is too well known to be doubted. Mr. Kelly, the author of a treatise on Navigation, in two volumes, pub- lished in 1733, gave a particular instance of it (Vol. i., page 434); by which he shows that a ship becalmed with her sails furled for forty-eight hours, was in that time carried by the current 46 miles to the Northward; and we have many subsequent examples of vessels which have been set, by the,course of the stream, to the Northward, or upon the rocks, of Scilly. But the writer to whom we are more particularly indebted for an elucida- tion of the subject, is the late Major RENNELL,* who gave an illustration of it, which placed it beyond all controversy ; and from whose paper, pub- lished in the ‘‘ Philosophical Transactions” of the year 1793, we extract the following observations :— ‘Tn crossing the Eastern part of the Atlantic, the Hector, Kast India ship, * From the name of this gentleman, the Current is now generally denominated RENNELL’s CURRENT. The Currents of the Ocean appear to have attracted the atten- tion of Major Rennell at an early period, and they continued to occupy his attention until the last ebb of his honourable life. The results appeared before the world in five large charts, with a descriptive volume, dedicated to his Majesty King William the Fourth, under the editorship of Mr. John Purdy, the original author of this volume. The Major’s first Chart and Remarks on the Agulhas or South African Current appeared in the year 1778, and the important pamphlet on the Scilly or ’thwart Channel Current, in the year 1793. In the meantime, and subsequently, some cursory remarks on the same subject were introduced in the ‘Illustration of the Geography of Herc- dotus,’”’ the Philosophical Journals, &c. In or about the year 1810, on the suggestion of a friend (Mr. Purdy), who expressed a wish to see all his writings on this subject com- bined and republished, he commenced his Cwrrent Charts of the Atlantie Ocean, and col- lected from the journals of his numerous friends a gleaning of information which, at length, from repeated accumulations, presented a most beautiful and singular instance of successful perseverance, on a subject never before attempted upon a plan so compre- hensive. To an ordinary mind such a topic would have been regarded as dull, unin- viting, and impracticable ; by the author it was appreciated according to its importance and usefulness to mankind, and he treated it accordingly. He had long lamented the general ignorance prevalent on this subject, and which had, from time to time, produced so much loss of lifeand treasure, especially in relation to his native country. It is true that, in later times, practice and experience had taught the mariner, in many cases, how to shape his course to the best advantage ; but still he was deficient in theory, and knew not the rationale, the why and wherefore, of the courses which he adopted, and the variations which might be most advantageously made in his outward or homeward passages, according to the fluctuations of season and circumstances. Such knowledge is now, in a great measure, supplied. 304 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Captain Williams, in 1788, encountered, between the parallels of 42° and 49°, very strong Westerly gales; but particularly between the 16th and 24th of January, when, at intervals, it blew with uncommon violence. It varied two or more points, both to the North and 8.W., but blew longest from the Northern point; and extended, as subsequently appeared, from the coast of Nova Scotia to that of Spain. “Within 60 or 70 leagues of the meridian of Scilly, on the 30th of January, between the parallels of 49° and 50°, the effect of the Current was first experienced, which set the ship to the North of her intended parallel, by nearly half a degree, in the interval between two observations of latitude; namely, in two days. The wind, ever afterward, prevented the ship from regaining the parallel; for although the Northern set was trifling, from the 31st until she arrived near Scilly, yet the wind, being scant and light, never enabled her to overcome the tendency of the Current. It is also to be observed that the direction of the Current was much more Westerly than Northerly; the ship crossed it on so very oblique a course as to be in it a long time, and was driven, as it appears, nearly 90 miles to the West by it; having soundings in 73 fathoms, in the latitude of Scilly, and afterwards ran 150 miles by the log, directly East, before she reached the length of the Islands; running, in effect, 120 miles, and shallowed the water only 9 fathoms. «The Current was not only sensible by the observations of latitude, but by ripplings on the surface of the water, and by the direction of the lead line. In consequence of all, the ship was driven to the North of Scilly, and barely able to lay a course through the passage between those islands and the Land’s End. “There being no timekeeper on board, the longitude was uncertain ; but it was concluded that the Current, at times, extends to 180 miles West of Scilly, and runs close to the West of the islands. The breadth of the stream, where the Hector crossed over it, was supposed to be about 90 miles. ‘A journal of the Atlas, East India ship, Captain Cooper, furnishes much clearer proofs, both of the existence of the Current, and the rate of its motion. This ship, outward bound, in January, 1787, had advanced 55 leagues to the Westward of Ushant, when violent gales began at South, and for four days continued between that point and W. by 8.; during Among the names of the contributors to the work on the Currents, that of General Edward Sabine is conspicuous. In the year 1825, this gentleman published his Account of Experiments to determine the Figure of the Earth by means of a Pendulum vibrating seconds in different Latitudes, as well as on various subjects of philosophical enquiry, in which he refers to the subject of Ocean Currents in the following terms :— “On a general review of the Currents particularized on the Pheasant's progress (in 1822) in her voyage, commencing at Sierra Leone and terminating at New York, it was found that she was indebted to their aid, on the balance of the whole account, and in the direction of her course from port to port, not less than sixteen hundred geographical miles, the whole distance being nine thousand, affording a very striking exemplification of the importance of a correct knowledge of the Currents of the Qcean to persons engaged in its navigation; and, consequently, of the value of the information in the acquisition ard arrangement of which Major Rennell passed the latter years of his most useful life.” RENNELL’S CURRENT. 305 which time the ship was lying-to, with her head N.W. On the fifth day the wind abated, but was S.W.; stormy weather then ensued for nine days, the wind blowing from all points between South and §.8.W., but chiefly, and most violently, from W.S.W. and 8.W.; and when the ship then proceeded Southward on her voyage, she was, by reckoning, only 23° of longitude West of Cape Finisterre; but, by timekeepers, more than 44°. ‘On the day the gale commenced, the reckoning was within fourteen minutes of that by the timekeepers ; the latter beimg more Westerly, owing to the current. On the third day after, the difference was about twenty- four minutes, when the ship was 75 miles §.W. from Scilly, in soundings of 76 fathoms. The ship, in longitude 8° 28’, had entered into the stream; and, her course being opposite to that of the Hector, it facilitated her pro- gress, and carried her clear of the S.W. coast of Ireland. ‘« After this, in the course of fifty-one hours, the ship had set two whole degrees to the Westward of her reckoning ; and in the forty-five hours fol- lowing, she had a further set of twenty-three minutes; so that, in four days only, she had been carried by the Current no less than 2° 23'; and, since the gale began, 2° 32’ of longitude, or 93 nautic miles. ‘“‘ Tt consequently appears that the Atlas experienced a Westerly Current, from about 72 miles W.S.W. of Scilly, to near 4° of longitude West of the meridian of Cape Clear, where its effect was imperceptible. It may, there- fore, be inferred, that the stream goes off to the N.W. in the parallel of 51°; between long. 14° and 15°, and the S.W. coast of Ireland. ‘‘No Northern set is indicated in the journal of the Atlas. This would have been remarkable, had the weather permitted nice attention to the reckoning; but it is to be remarked, that observations on the latitude were not regularly made; and, besides, that the great distance of 36 miles was allowed for only twenty hours’ drift to the N.W., when the ship was lying-to. ‘From the nature of this Current it must be obvious that its velocity will always be proportionate with the strength and direction of the wind, by which its direction will always be eared and that the middle of the stream will preserve its original course in a greater degree than its borders. The direction of this appears to be N.W. by W.; the Eastern border more North; and the Western more West; so that the Northerly current is stronger close to the West of Scilly than more to the Westward. ‘‘From the foregoing observations may be deduced the following in- ferences :— “1st. That ships, which cross the Current obliquely, steering a true E. by 8S. course or more Southerly, will continue longer in it, and be more affected by it, than those which steer more directly across it. In crossing it with light winds, the effect will be the same. Allowance must be made for the more Northerly direction of the Eastern edge of the Current. “9nd. That, after the continuance of Westerly gales, even should a good observation of latitude be made, it would be imprudent to run Eastward from the Atlantic during a long night. For a ship might remain in the Current so long as to be drifted from a parallel, deemed a very safe one, to that of the Rocks of Scilly. It is, therefore, recommended that vessels, at N. AO: 40 306 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. such times, should keep, at the highest, 48° 45’, because in 49° 30’ the whole effect of the current may be experienced in the worst situation. But from the Current in 48° 45’, a Southerly wind will set the ship into the Channel. Coming from the Atlantic, it would be still better to make Ushant. “3rd. That ships, bound to the Westward from the Channel, with a South-Westerly wind, so that it may appear indifferent which tack they go on, should prefer the port tack, as they will then have the benefit of the Current.” (256.) In a Supplementary Paper on the effects of Westerly Winds in raising the level of the English Channel, dated 22nd June, 1809, Major Rennell stated :— ‘‘ In the observations on a Current that often prevails to the Westward of Scilly, which I had the honour to lay before the Royal Society many years ago, I slightly mentioned, as connected with the same subject, the effects of strong Westerly winds, in raising the level of the English Channel, and the escape of the superincumbent waters, through the Strait of Dover, into the then lower level of the North Sea. ‘‘ The fact of the high level of the Channel, during strong winds between the West and §.W., cannot be doubted; because the increased height of the tides in the Southern ports, at such times, is obvious to every discern- ing eye. Indeed, the form of the upper part of the Channel, in particular, is such as to receive and retain, for a time, the principal part of the water forced in, as may be seen by the chart; and as a part of this water is con- tinually escaping by the Strait of Dover, it will produce a Current, which must greatly disturb the reckonings of such ships as navigate the Strait, when thick weather prevents the land, or the lights of the Forelands and the Goodwin, from being seen. ‘There is another circumstance to be taken into the account, which is that the shore of Boulogne, presenting a direct obstacle to the water im- pelled by the Westerly winds, will occasion a higher level of the sea there than elsewhere ; and, of course, a stronger line of the Current toward the Goodwin. ‘Tt must, therefore, be inferred, that a ship passing the Strait of Dover, at the back of the Goodwin Sands, during the prevalence of strong West or S.W. winds, will be carried many miles to the Northward of her reckon- ing; and, if compelled to depend on it, may be subject to great hazard from the Goodwins. ‘Tt will be understood, of course, that although the stream of Current alone has been considered here (in order to simplify the subject), yet that, in the application of these remarks, the regular Tides must also be taken into the account. But, from my ignorance of their detail, I can say no more than that I conceive the great body of the Tide from the Channel must be subject to much the same laws as the Current itself. The opposite Tide will, doubtless, occasion various inflections of the Current, as it blends itself with it—or may absolutely suspend it; and the subject can never be perfectly understood without a particular attention to the velocity and direc- tion of the Tides in moderate weather, to serve as a good groundwork.” (257.) After the publication of the first paper on the Currents of the RENNEULL’S CURRENT. 307 English Channel, and the supplementary paper immediately preceding, Major Rennell published some further important observations upon it, which were read before the Royal Society, April 13th, 1813, and from which the following extracts are taken :— ‘‘ During the interval of twenty-one years, since the Society did me the honour to receive my Observations on the Current to the Westward of Scilly, more facts relating to that Current have been collected, as well as obser- vations on its effects, in different parts of its course, between Cape Finis- terre and Scilly, the whole tending to confirmation of the general system set forth in 1793 ; and, in one instance, affording perhaps a clearer proof of the strength of the stream, in respect to its Northerly direction, than any of eco adduced on the former occasion. ‘In pursuing the detail of these facts and observations, I shall noeae in the neighbourhood of Cape Finisterre, and proceed with the course of the Current along the Bay of Biscay ; and thence across the mouth of the English Channel to Scilly, and the entrance of St. George’s Channel. ‘“‘ The first three facts (not detailed here) regard the Current from the open sea, setting into the South side of the Bay of Biscay, and along the North coast of Spain ; which Current was supposed, in the former paper, to be occasioned by the prevalent Westerly winds, which force the water near the shore into the bay, and along the Southern coast of it. The water 80 displaced would be followed, of course, by the adjacent water behind it, in the open sea; and so on successively, to a certain extent. This cause must surely be referred to as the origin of the Scilly Current. The three facts converge, as it were, to one point; that is, in the proof that the waters of the Atlantic flow into the Bay of Biscay, along the North coast of Spain. ‘Tt would seem that the North-Westerly current, by Scilly, did not, at least in many cases, balance the Easterly current round Cape Ortegal and the land of Finisterre.* The loss of His Majesty’s frigate Apollo, with most of her convoy, may surely be attributed to the operation of this Current. Captain (afterwards Commissioner) Wallace assured me, that after having made, as he supposed, ample allowance for clearing Finisterre, yet, in the night, he had a very narrow escape from shipwreck. Very many others have been brought into the same kind of danger; so that the land of Finis- terre, were it not discernible at a considerable distance, and its offing clear of rocks and shallows, and, moreover, situated in a finer climate, would prove a kind of Scilly to mariners. “‘T have not been able to obtain any proofs on record concerning the course of the Current rownd the Bay of Biscay. I formerly collected some information from a French commander respecting it. He said that the setting of the Current along the coast of France, to the North and N.W., was a fact well understood, and even acted on, by many in the choice of the tack, on which the Current gave the greatest advantage with head winds. * Nor, admitting an equal rate in both places, could it well be. For the Current enters the Bay of Biscay in an Kast direction, but goes off from it V.W.; so that, if a ship were carried 50 miles to the N.W. from Ushant, she would only have made about 35 miles westing ; but, in the other case, she would be carried tha whole 50 miles East- ward, toward the Bay and Cape Finisterre. 308 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. “‘ One circumstance, and that a very striking one, in respect to this par- ticular, is, that the soundings in the Bay of Biscay show little or no muddy bottom to the Southward of the Gironde Riwer, but everywhere to the Northward. This seems to show that the mud of the Gironde, Charente, Loire, &c., &c., is all carried to the Northward ; and by what cause but a Northerly current? Had the motion of the sea been variable, the mud would surely have been distributed to the South, as well as to the North, of the mouth of the Gironde. The alluvial embouchwres of the rivers in general here, and the positions of the banks formed by them in the sea, point to the North or N.W.; apparently the effect of the same sea- current.’’* (258.) From experiments made by Prince Albert of Monaco, in his yacht Hirondelle, in the summers of 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888, with floats of peculiar construction, he considers that during the summer there is no current setting East along the North coast of Spain, and thence to the Northward. On the contrary, his experiments show that the Current sets §.S.E. into the Bay of Biscay, and then due West along the North coast of Spain around Cape Finisterre. As before stated, there is no doubt that this Current largely depends upon the prevailing winds. (259.) Caution—Great caution is necessary when approaching the parallel of Cape Finisterre from the Northward, on account of the pro- bable indraught into the Bay of Biscay, and no favourable opportunity should be lost for ascertaining the error, if any, of the navigating compass. Great loss of life and property annually occurs on this coast,+ through * From a view of the Chart of Soundings between Spain and Ireland, one might be led to suppose that the deep water and steep shore along the North coast of Spain had been partly occasioned by the water driven in from the Atlantic, in Westerly storms, along that coast ; and which had gradually worn away the matter there, and deposited it on the bank which extends from Bayonne to the Westward of Ireland. For the bank seems to expand, as it goes Northward, in like manner as the Current; and the water is shallower than might be expected, in proportion to the depths farther in. + During the five years 1888—1892 inclusive, 176 British merchant vessels were wrecked on the North and West coasts of Spain and Portugal. Our readers will not fail to remember the loss of H.M.S. Serpent, with only three sur- vivors out of the crew of 176. She struck at 10.30 p.m., November 10th, 1890, under Cape Villano, and at once broke up. The finding of the Court Martial which investi- gated the loss was, that it arose from ‘‘an efror in judgment of those responsible for the navigation of the ship, in not having shaped a course sufficiently to the Westward.” In connection with this, it may be stated that H.M.S. Lapwing, on the following night, unexpectedly made the land near Cape Villano, having previously during the day ascertained by a momentary glimpse of the sun that the vessel had been set 60 miles out of her course into the Bay. Again, early in the morning of February 7th, 1893, the Anchor Line steamer Trimacria was wrecked in the same locality, from the same cause, with the loss of thirty- four lives, only seven of the crew and oae passenger being saved by swimming ashore. The vessel was on the rocks and amidst the breakers almost before those on board had time to apprehend danger. Case after case could be recorded, showing that though the dangerous character of the current hereabout is known, due allowance for it is not always made, in some cases with fatal resuits. Some further remarks and cautions are given hereafter, in the Section on Passages, showing that danger might be averted by the use of the deep-sea lead. RENNELL’S CURREN®. 309 vessels crossing the Bay, on their course to the Southward, trusting blindly to the course set to clear all danger, even at night, while the insidious force of the Easterly Current has set them many miles to the Eastward of their supposed position. Disasters have occurred here, both by day and night, to all kinds of vessels, from the small coaster, with its imperfect appliances, to the British man-of-war with every aid to naviga- tion at its disposal, and this within the last few years. Some have considered that these losses might be due to local attraction of the compass, but numerous observations by officers of the French navy and others have established the fact that no such irregularity in the devia- tion exists hereabout. Captain C. MacMahon, of the Clan Line steamer Clan MacArthur, in the Standard of March 18th, 1893, remarks :—‘‘ The interest which has been aroused by the late wrecks about Cape Finisterre and on the coast of Portugal is, by public inquiry, demanding the cause of these disasters. “There can be no doubt that the primary cause is bad weather and overcast sky, when crossing the Bay, preventing commanders of vessels getting sun or stars to fix their position or correct their compasses by. The secondary cause is the difference of opinion among nautical men about the amount of indraught into the Bay caused by the Easterly Atlantic current and increased’ by Westerly winds and gales. To this is added the leeway a vessel makes. To get an approximate value of the combined in- draught and leeway is of the utmost importance. A most favourable instance occurred with this vessel on her present voyage for testing the indraught and leeway at its maximum point. “We left Liverpool on the 16th ult. Until 6 a.m. on the 19th we had strong Southerly and South-Westerly gales, with high seas, Westerly swells, and overcast weather. The wind shifted to N.N.W. on the 19th, so that we got a good position by observation at noon, lat. 44° 24’ N., long. 9° 49' W. From this position, a straight line due South true passes 23 miles West of Cape Finisterre (90 miles South) and 12 miles West of the Burlings. It was blowing a fresh gale at the time, with a high sea and Westerly swell. ‘“« At 9.32 p.m. on the 19th, Cape Finisterre bore S. 83° E. true, distant 12 miles. I had allowed 8°, or three-quarters of a point, for leeway and indraught to make a trwe South course. In other words, since noon, in a 90 miles run, with an allowance of three-quarters of a point for all causes, Twas set towards the land 11 miles, passing Finisterre 12 miles West instead of 23 miles. This, I think, was a fair test of the maximum in- draught and leeway about Finisterre.”’ EXPERIMENTS ON RENNELL’S CURRENT. (260.) Inset into the Bay of Biscay.—A Bottle from the Lady Louisa, bound to St. Michael’s, in lat. 45°, long. 13° 45’, February 2nd, 1830, was found on the coast of Lit, in the province of Bayonne, October 14th, in the same year. Channel Soundings into the Bay.—A Bottle from the brig Hope, from Havannah, March 81st, 1838, in lat. 50° 10’, long. 9° 43’; wind strong from the Eastward for three days ; was found on June 1st, 1838, on the coast of Rochefort, having pro- 310 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. bably been first impelled to the S.W. by the ebb tide and prevalent wind, and thence following the general inset to the South and East. From Channel Soundings to the West of Scotland.—A Bottle thrown from the ship Duke of Marlborough, Captain Jeffery, by Mr. George Thom, near the Sole - Bank, in lat. 48° 38’, long. 9° W., was found on the shore of Carsaig, near the middle of the South side of the Island of Mull, April 14th, 1821, and made known by Mr. Hector Maclean. At the time this Bottle was thrown into the sea, the ship was bound to London from the Cape of Good Hope, and an allowance was made for Current to the N.W. of 12 miles in the twenty-four hours. From the spot in which it was dropped, it seems unquestionable that the Bottle was carried by the Current to the West and North of Ireland, and thence between Islay and Mull, to the place in which it was found. It, therefore, well answered Mr. Thom’s purpose of confirming Rennell’s Current. Bay of Biscay to the North of Scotland.—A Bottle, enclosing a song composed on board, from the Great Western steamer, on her voyage to New York, at mid- night of September 10th, 1838, in lat. 48° 3’ N., long. 9° 52’ W., was picked up by Captain Thornton, of the Ceres, in passing through the Pentland Firth, on the 16th of the same month. It must, therefore, have drifted to the North- Westward and Northward, off the Western coast of Ireland, and thence to the N.E. and East, by the general drift from the Greenland Seas. St. George's Channel.—A Bottle from the ship Osprey, of Glasgow, Alexander M‘Gill, master, which sailed from Greenock. This Bottle (No. 310) was thrown into the sea, March 1st, 1822, on the ship’s return from Calcutta, in lat. 49° 54’ N., long. 12° 20’ W. It was found on the shore, upon the South side of Milford Haven, on the 6th of the following month. Easterly Current to Bristol Channel.—A Bottle from the brig Albert, R. L. Robertson, master, lat. 47° 20’ N., long. 22° W., January 24th, 1822, on the pas- sage from Virginia to England, the wind then about W.N.W., and had so pre- vailed for two or three days. Found in Rockham Bay, about 4 miles West from Ilfracombe, July 29th, 1822, and attested by the agents to Lloyd's. Bay of Biscay, North Side—A Bottle thrown from the ship Graham Moore, July 6th, 1821, in lat. 47° 47’ N., long. 7° 51’ W., was found September 15th, 1821, on the coast of St. Jean de Mont, arrondissement of Sables d'Olonne, department of La Vendée ; and made known by the Journal de Paris. This bottle was im- pelled in an E.S.E. direction, the North- Westerly current not then prevailing, and was within the influence of the Tide. ” By Captain Livingston’s Journal, November 28th, 1820, ‘It appears that in 24 hours, ending at noon of yesterday (on the passage from Gibraltar), we made about 15 miles North by current ; and in 24 hours, ending at noon this day, about 13 miles North, and in the two days rather more than 20’ E. Therefore, about N. 403° E., 87 miles, in the 48 hours.” Inset to, and Outset from, the Bay of Biscay.—A Bottle from the Jris, Captain Skinner, in lat. 47°, long. 21°, September 9th, 1802, was found at the Isle of Skye (lat. 57° 15’, long. 6° 20’), February 22nd, 1803. (Probably carried into the Bay on an Eastern direction, subsequently Northward by Rennell’s Current, and thence by the Eastern Drift to Scotland). The ship Jessie, Bevan, master, left London for the Bahamas, about November 18th, 1833. She was struck by lightning, and abandoned by her crew, in lat. 45°, Jong. 14°, and on February 5th, 1834, drove on the Isle de Groiz, near L’Orient, and was immediately dashed to pieces. Inset ; Bay of Biscay.—A Bottle from the Carshalton Park, Lieutenant J. Steele Park, July 27th, 1827, in lat. 48° 39’, long. 10° 24’, was picked up, December 21st, 1827, on the shore of Pembron Road, near the Loire, in the Bay of Biscay, lat. 47° 19', long. 2° 30’ W. A Eottie from H.M.S. Arrow, in lat. 48° 30’, long. 9° 25’, July 14th, 1838 ; wind RENNELL’S CURRENT. 311 from S.W. for five days, a fresh gale, and then S.W. Another Bottle from the Maitland, transport, in lat. 49° 5’, long. 18° 19’, March 10th, 1888. Both found, on the 25th of February, 1839, on the shore of Arcachon, in the Bay, lat. about 44° 40’ N. A metal cylinder, cast from H.M.S. Chanticleer, Captain H. T. Austin, May 8rd, 1831, in lat. 44° 383’, long. 11° 4’ W., was found near Vivero, on the North coast: of Spain, 12th of September following, at about 150 miles from the spot where it was dropped into the sea. . A Bottle from the bark Mary, of London, Abyah Locke, master, April 12th, 1832, in lat. 48° 30’, long. 16° 56’, was found on the coast of Jart, lat. 36° 26’, March 4th, 1833. | Another Bottle from the same vessel, April 1st, 1832, in lat. 46° 15’, long. 17°58’, was found near Cape Ferret, 44° 38’, February 21st, 1833.’ A Bottle thrown over from the Wellington, August 23rd, 1837, in lat. 45° 10’ N., long. 12° 58’ W., was thrown on the South coast of the Isle of Ré, probably about the end of February, 1838; found March 2nd, 1838. Tide Water on Soundings.—A Bottle from the bark Wallace, of Alloa, bound to Van Dieman’s Land, April 12th, 1835, in lat. 52° 13’, long. 15°, was picked up at 5 miles from Ushant, August 21st, 1835. A Bottle from the Kent, troop ship, in lat. 50° 20’, long. 19° 0’ W., August 19th, 1836, was picked up near Cape Blancnez, a few miles from Boulogne, December 20th, in the same year. Bay of Biscay, South Side.—A Bottle from the schooner Morning Star, of Liver- pool, Captain Andrew Livingston, October 7th, 1821, lat. 42° 45’ 39” N., long. 13° 3’ 21” W., was found about 22 miles to the Northward of Bayonne, lat. 43° 58’ N., long. 1° 20’ W., and made known in the Moniteur of January 24th, 1822. One of the most singular routes of the kind that we have met with was a Bottle covered with barnacles, picked up at Mizen Head, on the 8.W. coast of Ireland, October 19th, 1837. Its enclosed note stated that it was dropped off Cape Horn, from the Salem, R. Crukers, master, of the United States, in lat. 53° 3’ S., long. 67° 5' W., on June 24th, 1830. (261.) Velocity.—The daily rate of the inset into the Bay of Biscay, as estimated from the drift of the Bottles quoted in Captain Becher’s chart, (243), is as follows :—(The numbers refer to Bottle Chart in the Nautical Magazine for November, 1852)—No. 2 (drifted 250 miles) 4-8 miles per day; No. 3 (230 m.) 3°3 m.; No. 3a (270 m.), 455 m.; No. 5 (420 m.), 1:8 m.; No. 11 (150 m.), 0°7 m.; No. lla (100 m.), 3 m.; No. 16 (200 m.), 1-2 m.; No. 28 (700 m.), 4-5 m.; No. 28a (700 m.), 2°2 m.; No. 33 (650 m.), 4-1 m.; No. 37a (680 m.), 2m.; No. 40 (980 m.), 3:1 m. It will be seen that the longest courses have the quickest rates, so we may suppose that when the ' Bottles become entangled in the shore tides and devious drifts, they do not travel so fast in direct distance. The mean rate of all these Bottles is 3:26 miles per day. The rate of those which travel up the English Channel is very much greater, averaging 11 to 14 miles per day. The foregoing are the principal arguments and facts from which the existence of the ‘thwart Channel Current is inferred. That there is some cause for the drifting of the various vessels, &c., in a Northward and West- ward direction, there can be no doubt; nor can there. be any doubt that 312 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. the stream varies both in strength and in direction. Without enquiring into the sufficiency of the cause to produce these effects, or of the correct- ness af the views promulgated by Major Rennell, the foregoing remarks have been repeated, as originally given; and here we would add, that they were formed long before any correct knowledge of the Tides or of the Tidal Currents was acquired, and also that a very just estimate of the amount of derangement of the regular Tides, or of the set of the Current across the mouths of the English and St. George’s Channels, is formed from his dissertations. The remarkable revolution of the tidal streams at the entrance of the English Channel, caused by the cross-action of that wave proceeding up the English Channel with that of the wave coming Northward, has been well developed in the observations discussed by Admiral Beechey, as stated on page 285. 2.—THE EASTERLY AND SOUTH-EAST DRIFT-CURRENTS TO THE COASTS OF EUROPE AND AFRICA. (262.) The Currents on the shores of the North Atlantic Ocean seem to have different tendencies to the South and North of the English Channel. They are certainly very devious and uncertain ; but along the West coast of Ireland and Scotland, as well as in the offing, the general set is to the Northward. Off the Southern part of the Bay of Biscay there is a well- marked Current to the S.E. and Sowthward, not only during those periods when the Westerly winds have been prevalent, and causing the Rennell’s Current, last described, but it appears to be constantly met with; and, \herefore, in sailing Southward from British ports, this tendency of the waters should be carefully considered, especially when the shores are neared, for there they run strongest. (263.) As stated hereafter, this well-marked Current was considered to be a portion of a stream, which, running to the Southward and Hastward along the African coast to the Bight of Biafra, was the head of the Guinea Current. But in a discussion on the general system of Ocean Currents,* it was shown to be exactly analogous to an Equatorial Counter-Current, setting from Kast to West, between lats. 5° and 8° or 10° North, across the entire breadth of the Pacific Ocean. In an examination of the then existing data, it was found that this well-known Guinea Current was but an extension of this Cownter-Current, which might then be traced nearly over to the American coast. In the much more extensive series of Current observations collected in the Meteorological Office, and arranged by Mr. R. Strachan, the character of this Current is fully established in accordance with the views expressed * On Oceanic Currents, &c., by A. G. Findlay, in the Journal of the Royal Geogra- phical Society, vol. xxiii., 1853, pages 222, 233, &c. THE NORTH AFRICAN CURRENT. 313 in 1853. As the charts contained in that work* embrace a much wider range of observation than was before attainable, we shall quote on this Current, as on the other branches of the subject, the general remarks based on the results obtained for each month. (264.) By a careful calculation of the Currents experienced by the ships cited in Maury’s and Rennell’s Charts, they appear to set with great regu- larity, and constantly to the South-Hastward. The experience of eighty- two ships for the year gives a mean direction and rate of 9:1 miles per day to BE. 34° S., for the offing of 350 miles off Cape Finisterre and the Northern part of Portugal. The average of the months is greater than this :— January, 9°4 miles to 8. 40° E.; February, March, April, 11, 15-9, and 12°8 miles per day to H. 24°8.; May, July, 12°8 and 10 miles per day to 8. 25° E.; August, October, November, 20°2, 10°5, and 16-7 miles per day to 8.S.E. These, compared with the drift of Bottles, show that the latter must be affected by surface causes, as their rate of travelling is much less.t All these observations are integrated on the Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, referred to previously. (265.) We now give the remarks drawn up by Mr. Strachan on this Current in the work before quoted, first those for the annual mean, and then for each month in succession. The North African Current.—lIf a line be traced from the Azores to Madeira, and thence to the African coast, in lat. 28° N. (Canary Islands), it will be seen that to the Northward, as far as lat. 40° N., the average general direction of the Current is to the S.H., at from 3 to 12 miles a day, the rate being strongest between long. 10° and 15° W. Hastward of the 10th meridian the direction becomes more Hasterly toward the Straits of Gibraltar, but counter-currents have been experienced off the coasts of Spain and Morocco. It is to be noticed that the resultant rate close to the coast of Portugal is only 1:4 mile a day, arising from the variation in direction of the observations here. South of Madeira the Current, between the coast and the 20th meridian, turns to the South, and then to S.S.W., down to lat. 10° N., its rates ranging from 3 to 13 miles per day. Between the meridians of 10° and 20° W., and the parallels of 30° and 10° N., this Current appears to slough off to the $.S.W., S.W., W.S.W., and finally merges with the Westerly drift of the North Equatorial Current about the meridian of 20° W., the rate being about 6 to 9 miles a day. On the whole it does not appear that the waters of the North African Current mingle to a great extent with those of the Guinea Current. On the contrary, it would seem that they are finally forced towards the West by the superior strength of the Guinea Current. Even the portion of the Current which passes Eastward of the Cape Verde Islands does not appear * Currents and Surface Temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean, from the Equator to lat. 40° N., for each month of the year. + Beane the set of the Current by Captain Becher’s Bottle Chart, mentioned on page 295, we get the following :—Bottle No. 7 (drift 500 miles), 3-2 miles per day; No. 8, the carcase of a dead whale (220 miles), 8 miles; No. 9 (300 miles), 12 miles; No. 13 (250 miles), 4-1 miles; No. 18 (1,000 miles), 3 miles; No. 136 (550 miles), 5-5 miles per day, giving an average of nearly 6 miles per day. NVA. O: 41 314 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. in general to mingle with the Guinea Current. The general tendency Northward, which the Guinea Current exhibits off Sierra Leone, must lead rather to the inference that some of the water of this Current finds its way into the Westerly Drift (North Equatorial Current), mingling with the receding North African Current about lat. 10° N. Off the African coast, from 10° to 17° N., the Current is a variable one, at times setting to the Northward, fed by the Guinea Current, but more frequently to the Southward, fed by the North African Current. Here, therefore, the general rate comes out low, being from 3 to 6 miles, though the seasonal rates are much higher. Among the Cape Verde Islands the rate is also extremely trifling, and this is probably accounted for by the effect of tides upon a ship’s course near the land, as sets in various direc- tions have been reported here. January.—The North African Current, flowing to the Southward between Portugal and long. 18° W., acquires an Easterly tendency towards the Mediterranean Sea. After passing Madeira, it flows to the Westward of South, extending to long. 25° W. in the latitude of the Cape Verde Islands, where it merges into the Westerly Drift. The portion which passes between these islands and the continent merges into the Guinea Current about lat. 10° N. The daily rate of this Current is from 6 to 18 miles. February.—The North African Current, between the parallels of 40° and 30° N., extends from the coast to long. 18° W. Here it appears to be fed by a drift from the W.N.W., which is traceable to long. 35° W., anda tendency towards the Mediterranean is apparent. The daily rate is from 9 to 22 miles. Southward, to the 20th parallel, observations are deficient, but between 20° and 10° N. the Current, though very feeble, is still per- - ceptible. Eastward of the Cape Verde Islands it tends towards the land while drifting onward to join the Guinea Current in lat. 10° N. Westward of these islands it soon becomes lost in the Westerly Drift. From the 20th to the 5th degrees of latitude the rate of this Current varies from 8 to 19 miles per day. March.—The North African Current does not appear to have a decided Southerly set near the land as much as along the 20th meridian, where it travels 20 or 30 miles a day abreast Cape Verde. The Easterly tendency towards the Mediterranean is well marked at from 7 to 20 miles per day. To the North of the Canary Islands there is evidence of a counter Westerly set at the rate of 10 to 14 miles. From lat. 15° N., long. 20° W., to 5° N., 15° W., a North-Westerly set has at times been experienced of 17 to 23 miles daily, considerably stronger than the South-Hasterly sets, which are reported there in this month. From 20° to 10° N., and 25° to 27° W,, the Currents appear to be uncertain, but to the Westward the Westerly Drift seems established. April.—The North African Current exhibits more decided southing than in March, but the inset to the Mediterranean is scarcely perceptible. It extends about 10° from the land, from lat. 40° to 8° N., where it joins the Guinea Current on the right, and the Westerly Drift on the left, May.—The tendency of the Current towards the Mediterranean is still evident, but the flow Southward is more decided than in April. From 40° N. to the Canary Islands the rate is from 7 to 21 miles. This Current THE NORTH AFRICAN CURRENT. 315 extends generally about 10° from the land. South of the Canary Islands the Current tends towards the West. It mingles with the Guinea Current about lat. 7° N., and with the Westerly Drift along the meridian of 25° W., reaching as far South as 7° N. As a South-Westerly current its rate is about 12 miles. June.—The North African Current can be traced from lat. 40° to 9° N. It still sends an Easterly current towards the Mediterranean, at a rate of 6 to 18 miles. Between the Canary and Cape Verde Islands its direction is South-Westerly, but the stream is feeble, the rate being from 6 to 18 miles. It does not pass between the Cape Verde Islands and the coast, but lies entirely to the Westward of these islands, where it soon becomes merged in the Westerly Drift. Between lats. 20° and 9° N., longs. 23° and 30° W., it is stronger than elsewhere, its velocity ranging from 8 to 19 miles per day. In July the Current appears to be feeble and unsettled, and the indraught to the Mediterranean is barely traceable. In August it does not seem that the Current is well maintained, nor is there decided evidence of a set towards the Mediterranean; however, the observations in this month are deficient. September.—The North African Current can be traced to the Cape Verde Islands, but it is feeble throughout its course. Very little tendency is apparent towards the Mediterrnean ; indeed, the direction of the set is sometimes opposite. ; In October the Current reaches to lat. 10° N., but it is feeble and irregular, being best defined close to the coast. In November the Current is str onger and more regular than in September and October. Off Portugal its set is E.S.E. » and rate about 12 miles. It can be traced as far South as lat. 9° N. In December the North African Current has become a steady flow, and can be traced at times from lat. 40° N. to 10° N. In the region of the Cape Verde Islands it loses force, and becomes less regular. (266.) Im addition to these remarks we give, as in previous editions, the particulars of various Bottles and other experiments, which are very in- teresting, and will be serviceable in estimates of what amount of Current may be expected in this part of the voyage. Toward the Bay of Biscay.—The ship Carshalton Park, Captain J. S. Park, on returning from Jamaica to London, July, 1824, in lat. 48°, long. 18°, got into a stream setting to the Southward, and which thence operated so strongly against the ship, that some difficulty was found in getting sufficiently far to the Northward for a good Channel track. The wind shifted suddenly from 8.W. to North; the vessel immediately hauled up E. by S.; and although the weather was fine, and the water quite smooth, she made no better than a true E. by N. course.* South-Easterly Current off Channel Soundings.—In August, 1826, Captain Living- ston, in the Jane, between lat. 48° 53’, long. 16° 7’, and Cape Clear, had a set of * The same ship, on the 10th of July, was on Channel soundings, the latitude by meridian altitude of the sun, 48° 53’; the longitude, by chronometer and lunar, 9° 44’ and 9° 56’ respectively, ‘‘kept the ship EK. 4 S. and generally Hast till 11.51 p.m., when, by the moon’s meridian altitude, it was found that the latitude was 49° 21’. We had 316 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. 1° 14’ S. and 1° 54’ E. So that in four days the vessel was set, by a counter-current, 74 miles South and 65 miles East, or nearly S. 41° E., about 99 miles; equal to a daily average of 24? miles. Off the Coast of Portugal.—A Bottle from the brig Freeland, Captain T. Midgley (from Liverpool to Africa), in lat. 41° 50’ N., long. 14° 23’ W., February 11th, 1833, was picked up close to the shore, off the Harbour of Vigo, on March 1st following, having traversed, in a true E. } N. direction, about 240 miles. St. George’s Channel to Cape St. Vincent.—On August 14th, 1823, Captain Living- ston, in the sloop Favourite, on his passage from Liverpool to Gibraltar, took his departure from the Smalls Lighthouse, and thence he regularly made observations on the Current, &c., so far as adverse weather permitted. On the 23rd he had arrived on the parallel of 46° 23’; previously to which the course seems to have been materially affected by the Tide, but here the differences amounted to 51’ 55” Southerly, and only 4’ 39” Northerly. From lat. 46° 23’, on August 23rd, to lat. 36° 52’, on August 31st, the Current invariably predominated to the Southward, and between these parallels amounted to 89 miles in the eight days. At 4" 53™ of August 31st, with Cape St. Vincent bearing true North, an excellent meridian altitude of the planet Saturn gave lat. 36° 52’8”. The total Southing to this point gave 2° 18’, and the difference of longitude between dead-reckoning and that by landfall gave 1° 42’ 7” of Easting. In the brig Friends, of Glasgow, August 24th, 1820, Captain Livingston states— “The current set us round Cape St. Vincent without our having seen the cape, though we steered courses for the purpose of seeing it, and we were looking out for it, when I got a lunar, and ascertained thes we were then past it. Immediately after this the sea became smooth, being broken off by the cape.” Between Cape Finisterre and the Azores, the general drift of the surface of the sea appears to be to the South-Eastward; varying, however, to the East and West, and even to the Northward, as the winds operate, either one way or the other, more especially during winter, as already noticed. H.M.S. Pactolus, in May, 1816, experienced a current South a little East, at the average rate of 30 miles a day, from the English Channel to St. Michael’s. Captain Charles Hare, in the brig Ward, from New Brunswick, September, 1823, with Westerly winds, which had prevailed for fourteen days, between lat. 43° 40’ and 45° 20’, long. 222° to 16°, found the current E.S.K., 14 mile in the hour. Between Portugal and the Western Islands.—Captain George Cheveley, in June, 1830, lat. 44° to 27°, long. 11° to 21°, found the Current set S.E., three-quarters of a mile an hour. The Current along the Coast of Portugal appears to set nearly in the direction of that coast. On the 25th of October, 1810, a gunboat for the service of Cadiz, being in tow of the Rebuff gun brig, broke adrift in a gale of wind, in lat. 39° 44’, long. 9° 38’ W. On the 19th of November following, his Majesty’s sloop of war Colum- bine, when cruizing 8 or 9 miles to the Westward of Cadiz Lighthouse, observed a gunboat to leeward, which proved to be the identical boat that twenty-five days before had broken adrift from the Rebuff. The distance traversed by the boat was about 350 miles, or 14 miles a day, chiefly by the Current, the wind in the mean- time being so various as nearly to render the drift negative, or, if anything, against the set of the Current. On the Currents setting toward the Bay of Biscay and the Strait of Gibraltar, Captain, afterward Admiral, Sir Erasmus Gower made observations in five passages gone, during this interval of 114 51™, 68 miles by the log, carefully attended to, in smooth water. Now, allowing 24 points of variation, we ought to have made 26’ of northing ; whereas, in point of fact, we made 13’ only.” Influenced, probably, by the Channel ebb, the Current appeared also to have a ten- ‘dency to the West. COAST OF PORTUGAL, ETC. 317 to Madeira, from which he concluded the most general direction to be to the $.E., and the mean yelocity about 11 miles in every 150 miles.* In proceeding to Tenerife, Sir Erasmus Gower observed a constant Current set- ting to the Southward at the rate of a mile an hour; equal to 22 miles in the distance between Madeira and that island. Captain Mackintosh, of the Hindostan, who had made twenty passages in this route, generally experienced a Current from the 39th degree of latitude to that of the Canaries. Jn this part of the ocean he generally found, from repeated and accurate observations, that this Current sets to the E.S.E. He found it strongest opposite to the entrance into the Mediterranean or Strait of Gibraltar; and, in one voyage, the Current was computed, by his chronometer, to set about 40 miles per day. This current inclines more Southerly as it approaches the Canaries. It strikes on the coast of Morocco, and takes, about Cape Boiador, a different direc- tion. Nearly inshore, from an indefinite point, one part of the stream sets North- ward toward the Strait of Gibraltar, and the other part sets to the Southward. M. le Baron Roussin, in the corvette Bayadére, bound from Rochefort to Brasil, in February, 1819, after passing Cape Finisterre, found the prevailing Winds from noon to noon, and Currents, as follow :— Latitude. Longitude. Winds. Currents. ° ? ” ce) , uW February 22 ... 42 43 38... 1140 6... N.—W.N.W.... S.S.E. 24 miles. ~ 23 ....40 3 28... 13 4417 ... N.—N.E. see Oe ae) SL ee + 24.%.. 3% 3 49)... 18 85 30... N-E. Perichrep) tet) Reser 5 25 ... 3413 11 ... 14.10 80 ... N.K.—S.E..... S.E. Gi 3s 26) ...):82 917 x 15114 40... Nuand N.E., 2 §.10°R19 But on arriving at the Canaries, with the wind North and N.E., the Current had changed. * The effect of a Current setting to the South-Eastward, and the necessity of a com- petent knowledge of Currents in general, cannot in any way be more forcibly shown than by noticing the melancholy catastrophe of His Majesty’s ship Apollo, Captain J. W. T. Dixon, and the merchant ships under her convoy, on the 2nd of April, 1804. The Apollo, with sixty-nine ships for the West Indies, sailed from the Cove of Cork on the 26th of March. With a fair wind, blowing strong, they steered about W.S.W. until the 31st, when the wind changed more to the Westward. At noon, on the Ist of April, latitude observed, 40° 51’ N., longitude, by account, 12° 29’. At 8 p.m. the wind shifted to S.W., and increased to a gale, with a heavy sea. The convoy stood to the §.S.E., and, at half-past three next morning, struck on the coast of Portugal, in about 40° 22' N., 9 miles to the Northward of Cape Mondego. Captain Dixon, and about sixty men of the Ayolio, perished in their endeavours to reach the shore; the other part of the crew remained two days clinging to a fixed part of the wreck, without nourishment. About forty sail of merchantmen were wrecked about the same time; some sank with all their crews, and most of them lost several men. This lamentable event was attributed to want of chronometric observations, and the consequent ignorance of the set of the Current, which must certainly have been very strong. “The immediate cause of the loss of so many of the Aypollo’s convoy appears to have been the blind confidence with which the commanders followed their commodore; either keeping no reckoning themselves, or believing his more accurate than their own. Several ships were saved by leaving the convoy, and it is said that the commander of a Clyde ship warned the commodore of his danger in time to have avoided it.” —4. L. A more recent example of the fatal effects of this current being disregarded is the loss of the Anchor Line steamer Rowmania. On the night of October 28th, 1892, she sud- denly ran aground near Peniche, on the coast of Portugal, only two passengers and six lascars saving their lives out of a total complement of 112 crew and passengers. 318 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. On the course of the same vessel, from Brest to Brasil, in October, 1821, the Current had set in the last 24 hours (October 6th), lat. 40° 24’ 36”, long. 14° 29’30", §.. 15° E., 20 miles; on the three following days, nearly in the same direction, but with less than half the strength. In lat. 35° 20’ 50”, long. 12° 54’ 40”, 15 miles S.E. In lat. 33° 54’, long. 12° 48’, it had set only 6 miles S. 5° E.; but, on the next day, in 34° 18’ 24” N., and 12° 21’ W., 25 miles 8. 25° E.; and again in 34° 14’ 34” N., 12° 13’ W., South, 20 miles. Off the African coast, lat. 32° 56’ 20’, long. 13° 16’ 20’, it had set 32 miles to the S.W., or in a direction nearly parallel with the shore. At about 222 miles W. 4 S. from Cape Mondego, on the 9th of June, 1799, M. de Humboldt, in the sloop Pizarro, was on his voyage to the West Indies; and, on this day, in lat. 39° 50’, long. 13° 50’, he says that they began to feel the effects of the Current setting toward the Strait of Gibraltar, &c. From the parallel of 37° to that of 30°, the vessel was sometimes carried, in twenty-four hours, from 18 to 26 miles to the Eastward. The direction of the Current was, at first, E. by S8.; but nearer the strait it became due East, and it assumed a more Southerly direc- tion on the passage towards Tenerife. ‘‘Several pilots, who frequent the Canary Islands, have found themselves on the coast of Lanzarote, when they expected to make good their landing on Tenerife.” Don Vicente Tofino sailed on the 27th of April, 1785, in the Luca, from Cadiz, for Mogador, and on the lst of May, before mid-day, arrived at the last-named port. On the 5th he sailed from it, and on the morning of the 8th anchored again in Cadiz. On his voyage out, he found that the Current, in four days, had set him 214 miles S. 18° E., and on his return §. 49° W., 39 miles. This variation of the Current shows, that the waters throughout all this extent do not always run to the S.E., but that they vary, with the line of coast, to the South- Westward also. H.M.S. Pique was once set to the §.E., 98 miles in five days, between Cape Finisterre and Madeira. H.M.S. Raleigh, August, 1826, found the Current from off Cape St. Mary, toward the Strait, to set W. 34° S., 26 miles in the twenty-four hours. (267.) The following observations on the Currents between the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, are selected from Commander Maury’s “ Sailing Directions‘” 1859, vol. ii. The experience of all the ships whose logs are there recorded, is nearly unanimous in stating the Southerly and Easterly drift. Of course, the vibration of the Trade Winds with the seasons has much to do with the Southern limit of this Southerly set, as will be seen below :— Ship Jenny Pitts, Captain J. L. Snow, December 27th, 1853, lat. 30° 3’ N., long. 20° 0’ W., current 8 miles 8S. by W.; 28th, 28° 52’ N., 18° 10’ W., 6 miles 8.S.W.; 30th, 25° 26’ N., 18° 26’ W., 8 miles S. by E.; January Ist, 1854, 19° 51’ N., 22° 55' W., 8 miles S. by E.; 2nd, 16° 42’ N., 21° 23’ W., 10 miles South; 3rd. 13° 42' N., 22° W., 8 miles South. Ship Margaret Mitchell, Captain T. Jameson, January 11th, 1854, lat. 30° 16’ N., long. 17° 35’ W., 22 miles E. by 8.; 13th, 26° 7’ N., long. 20° 24’ W., S. 39° W., 14 miles; 14th, 24° 15’ N., 20° 11’ W., 12 miles E. by 8.; 16th, 20° 18’ N., 20° 34’ W., 18 miles 8S. } W. Ship Romance of the Sea, Captain W. W. Henry, February 18th, 1855, lat. 30° 10’ N., long. 18° 10’ W., 14 knot an hour N.E.; 19th, 29° 20’ N., 19° 0’ W., 1} knot N.E.; 20th, 26° 0’ N., 19° 28’ W., 1 knot H.N.E. Ship Gloriana, Captain Henry Toynbee, from London to Sydney, April 22nd, 1855, 30° 18’ N., 19° 20’ W., 12} miles S. 5° W.; 24th, 26° 3’ N., 21° 32’ W., 8} miles N. 25° E. ; 25th, 23° 88’ N., 22° 50’ W., 44 miles N. 12° W.; 26th, 20° 37’ N., 24° 22' W., 64 miles N. 15° E.; 27th, 17° 22’ N., 26° 4’ W., 94 miles 8. 57° W.; 28th, 14° 5’ N., 26° 23’ W., 16 miles S. 60° W.; 29th, 11° 12’ N., 26° 36’ W., 20 miles 8. 9° W. Ship Resolute, Captain D. McKenzie, June 17th, 1864, lat. 29° 54’ N., 21° 12’ W., COAST OF MAROCCO, ETC. 319 12 miles S. 60° E.; 19th, 26’ 1' N., 24° 2’ W., 12 miles S. 13° E.; 2st, 21° 44’ N., 26° 22° W., 12 miles W.S.W. Ship Orion, Captain H. Libbey, July 3rd, 1856, lat. 29° 5’ N., long. 23° 30° W., 12 miles South. Ship Panther, Captain N. G. Weeks, August 10th, 1854, lat. 28° 9’ N., 22” 30’ W., 12 miles W.S.W.; 12th, 23° 32’ N., 25° 38’ W., 15 miles W.S.W., dc. Mote.—The ship was at this time in the N.E. Trades, which have during the summer reached to the higher latitude. Ship Hurricane, Captain St. Very, August 22nd, 1855, lat. 30° 31’ N., 18° 0’ W., 12 miles S.W.; 23rd, 27° 11’ N., 19° 15’ W., 8 miles 8.4 W.; 24th, 23° 50’ N., 19° 25' W., 11 miles S. by W.; 25th, 21° N., 194° W., 6 miles S. 4 W.; 26th, 18° 4’ N., 19° 45’ W., 7 miles S. 4 W. Barque Mea, Captain B. Buxton, August 17th, 1859, lat. 25° 41’ N., 21° 14’ W., 12 miles South; 18th, 23° 16’ N., 22° 54’ W., 8 miles South. Barque Adler, Captain E. Thiel, October 27th, 1849, lat. 25° 17’ N., 23° 33° W., 27 miles S. 31° W. for two days; 30th, 18° 13’ N., 25° 49° W., 13 miles 8.W.; 31st, 15° 45’ N., 26° 35’ W., 12 miles S.W. 4 W. (Trade Wind). Ship Colorado, Captain Ricker, October 19th, 1855, lat. 31° 15’ N., 16° 49' W., 12 miles 8.E.; 20th, 28° 33’ N., 18° 47’ W., 24 miles 8.S.E.; 21st, 26° 16’ N., 20° 11' W., 12 miles S.W.; 24° 22’ N., 21° 15’ W., 6 miles §.W. (268.) Mr. James Grey Jackson, in his valuable ‘‘ Account of the Empire of Morocco,” stated that the coast, between the latitude of 20° and 32° North, is a desert country, interspersed with immense hills of loose sand, which are, from time to time, driven by the wind into different forms, and so impregnate the air with sand, for many miles out to sea, as to give the atmosphere an appearance of hazy weather. Navigators, not aware of the circumstance, never suspect, during such appearances, that they are near land, until they discover the breakers on the coast, which is, in some parts, so extremely flat, that a person may walk a mile into the sea without being over the knees; so that ships strike when at a con- siderable distance from the beach. Added to this, there is a current, which sets in from the West towards Africa with inconceivable force and rapidity, with which the navigator being generally unacquainted, he loses his reckoning, and, in the course of a night, perhaps, when he expects to clear the African coast, in his passage Southward, he is alarmed with the appearance of shoal water; and, before he has time to recover himself, finds his ship aground on a desert shore, where neither habitation nor human being is visible. In this state his fears are soon in- creased by a persuasion that he must either perish in fighting a horde of wild Arabs, or submit to become their captive; for soon after a ship strikes, some wandering Arabs, strolling from their duar in the desert, perceive the masts from the sand-hills ; and, without coming to the shore, repair to their horde, perhaps 30 or 40 miles off, to apprise them of the wreck, when they immediately assemble, arming themselves with daggers, guns, and cudgels. Sometimes two or three days or more elapse before they make their appearance on the coast, where they await the usual alternative of the crew either delivering themselves up, rather than perish with hunger, or throwing themselves into the sea.t * London, quarto, 1809. See, also, the affecting ‘“‘ Narrative of the Shipwreck and Captivity of M. de Brisson,’ in 1787; and that of Robert Adams, wrecked in the American ship Charles, John Horton, master, 1810. This subject is noticed more par- ticularly in the description of the coasts of Africa, hereafter. + Even at the present time, as more fully described hereafter, it is necessary to remember the merciless character of these Arabs. On August 20th, 1892, the Spanish trading cutter Icod, when anchored at Parchel, near Cape Bojador, was boarded and looted by Moorish corsairs, who carried off eleven of the crew as prisoners, the other five escaping in the cutter’s boat. 320 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. The Elza, commanded by John Searchwell, sailed from Cork for Rio Janeiro with settlers, on the 12th of August, 1627, and ran ashore on the coast of Africa, during a fog, on the 25th of the same month. Whilst making signals of distress, three fishing boats from Canary came to her assistance, and succeeded in saving all the lives on board, consisting of 18 mariners, 244 men, 46 women, and 42 children ; in all, 350 persons, who arrived at Canary on the 3rd of September. About the end of October, in the same year, the Olymphe, trom Havre fot Buenos Ayres, with colonists, was cast away on the same part of the African coast. The passengers, about 300 in number, consisting of French, English, Germans, and Swiss, were taken from the shore, saved from captivity by Canarian fishing-boats, and conveyed to the Grand Canary, where they were landed on the 7th of November. Such have been the effects of the Current! (269.) The ship Montezuma, of Liverpool, Knubly, master, sailed on the 26th of October, 1810, from Brazil, but was wrecked on the 28rd of the next month, at 3 am., on the African coast, somewhere between Capes Noon and Bojador. Among the crew, who were taken and sold by the Arabs, was Alexander Scott, an apprentice. This person was detained in the country for nearly six years; and a very interesting account of his captivity, drawn up by Dr. Traill, with geogra- phical observations on his routes, and remarks on the Currents which produced the catastrophe, by Major Rennell, were given in the fourth volume of the ‘“ Edin- burgh Philosophical Journal.” As these remarks give a very clear notion of the movement of the waters, derived from observation, we repeat them as heretofore. (270). Major Rennell, in 1819, remarks on the Currents between Cape Finisterre and the Canary Islands :—‘‘I should consider myself highly culpable if I neglected to state, by way of caution to navigators, the result of my inquiries respecting the Currents which appear to have caused the shipwreck of the Montezwma, and of a great number of other ships of our own and other nations, on the Western coast of Barbary, having examined a multitude of journals of ships that have sailed in that track, with time- keepers on board, and which have also, when opportunities presented themselves, had their rate checked by celestial observations. “The general result is, that navigators who depart from the parallel of the Southern part of the Bay of Biscay (or say 45°), and sail in the usual track Southward, will be assailed first by a S.#. current, and then by an Easterly one, until they have passed the parallel of Cape Finisterre, when the Current will again turn to the South of East, and gradually become a S.E. Current, till, having passed Cape St. Vincent, it becomes Easterly again, owing, no doubt, to the indraught of the Strait of Gibraltar; and this Easterly Current is pretty general across the mouth of the bay between Cape St. Vincent and Cape Cantin. ‘Beyond this bay (which may be termed the funnel, of which the Strait itself is the spout) the Current again becomes 8.E., or rather more Southerly (as it is more Easterly toward Cape Finisterre), and continues as far as the parallel of 25°, and is, moreover, far beyond Madeira West- ward ; that is, at least 390 miles from the coast of Africa, beyond which a S.W. Current takes place, owing to the operation of the N.E. Trade Wind. «The rate of motion of this Current varies very considerably at different times; that is, from 12 to 20 or more miles in 24 hours.—I consider 16 miles as rather below the mean rate. I have one example of 140 miles in eight days, in one of His Majesty’s ships, equal to 174 miles per day; and, i» BETWEEN ENGLAND AND THE CANARY ISLANDS. 39) another, of only 12 miles; and in a very well kept East India ship’s journal, 170 miles in nine days to Madeira, or 19 miles per day. The direction of the stream likewise varies, but is commonly more toward the South than the East, after passing the mouth of the Strait. ‘‘ Near the coasts of Spain and Portugal, commonly called the Wall, the Current is always very much Southerly, owing, perhaps, to the falling in, obliquely on the shore, of the great mass of water brought by the S.E. Current ; which can run off only toward the South, and round Cape St. Vincent toward the Strait’s mouth. Amongst the Canary Islands, and between them and the coast of Barbary, the Currents are less regular. ‘Tt may be taken for granted that the whole surface of that part of the Atlantic Ocean, from the parallel of 40° to 45° at least, and to 300 to 400 miles off shore, is in motion toward the mouth of the Strait of Gibraltar. “ According to what has been said, in the course of the above remarks, it must be expected that a ship, sailing in the usual track to Madeira or the Canaries, will be carried to the South-Hastward, at the rate of 16 miles per day; that is, even if she has a fair wind, she will be carried by the Current 150 or 160 miles to the South-Eastward, in the course of a voyage to Madeira or the Canaries ; and, consequently, on a S.H. by S. course, will be carried 80 or 90 miles to the Eastward of her intended port. If we suppose a S.H. course, the error in easting will be no less than 109 miles; which distance, if they are bound to Tenerife, would carry them to Allegranza or Forteventura ; and, if intending to make Allegranza, would place them on shore on the coast of Barbary. The French and Spaniards report that their ships have often made Allegranza when they supposed themselves on the line toward Tenerife. It must be added that, if a ship had a long passage, the error would be greater in proportion, and might possibly amount to 200 miles of easting. “It would seem advisable, therefore, that every ship going to the Canaries, or intending to sail between those islands and the mainland of » Africa, if without timekeepers, should, to every day’s reckoning, add ten miles of easting. This would, in the first instance, prevent them from decewing themselves as they went forward ; in like manner, as it is better to set a clock forward at once, than to charge one’s memory continually with its being too slow. Ten miles does not seem too much as a cautionary measure, as a ship has very lately been carried 99 miles to the Hast in eight days in that track. What would not have been the error had she had even a moderately long passage ?”’ The preceding description of the Currents between the English Channel and the Canary Islands was corroborated, 1826, by Captain R. H. N ewby, in the Napoleon schooner, which left Dartmouth on the 21st of July, and was set to the Eastward of her reckoning, while crossing the Bay of Biscay, 1° 21’ of longitude in 48 hours. On Monday, the 25th of the same month, the entrance of Ribadeo bore S.W. by compass, about 15 miles, and the vessel was then in about 6° 55’ W. The effect of the Easterly Current was proved by the bearings of a re- markable mountain inland, and some whitish cliffs on the shore; and Captain Newby says, the schooner was setting to the Eastward as fasi as IN Aa) 4 s 43 322, OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. he had noticed a ship to lose ground to the Eastward while standing in- shore of Beachy Head during a strong flood tide and moderate Westerly breeze. At about 5 p.m. the wind veered to the N.E., and even then, although the vessel was going at the rate of 34 knots through the water, she made very little way to the Westward till toward sun-down, when the breeze freshened to 7 or 8 knots. During the night, passed Cape Ortegal; and the next morning, at 6 a.m., the light tower at the entrance of Coruiia bore South. Upon going over the two days’ work, July 27th and 28th, it appeared that, instead of passing, as supposed, to the Westward of Madeira, the Napoleon was actually out of sight of the island to the Hastward ; and had the vessel been involved in fog, or have been bound to Lanzarote or Fuerteventura, and steering, by reckoning, a fair course for them, the consequence must have been that she must have fallen into broken water when least expected, or have grounded on the mainland, somewhere between Cape Ghir and Cape Noon, and property, if not life, would have been lost. (271.) Coasts of Spain and Portugal.—Besides the Northern branch of the Atlantic Hasterly drift which sets into the Bay of Biscay, there is a Southern branch, which from Cape Ortegal turns gradually to the 8.H. and Southward along the coast, and, after passing Cape St. Vincent, sets Hastward towards the Strait of Gibraltar. This is in ordinary weather, but with strong Westerly winds it sets towards the land, and this unsus- pected drift has led to the loss of numerous vessels, as detailed previously on page 317. With strong Southerly winds, the current may be found setting Northward. Due attention to the soundings, when the position is uncertain, should keep a vessel clear of danger along this coast, bearing in mind the Hasterly onshore current usually accompanying N.W. and Westerly winds, and the effects of the heave of the sea affecting the steering. (272.) The following remarks on the Currents on the Western coast of the Spanish Peninsula are given in the Anuario Hidrografico for 1867 :— On the Western shore of the Peninsula the Currents are strong, and in its immediate neighbourhood run from South to North, and North to South, according to the prevailing wind. But in the offing they incline to the N.E. or 8.E., according as the wind may be S.W. or N.W. Against these onshore winds vessels must therefore take precaution, for if the S.W. wind is blowing, or even the N.W. also, the vessel will drift to the shore. Expe- rience has shown that allowance must be made for drift by steering more Westerly courses than the lay of the coast would require to keep clear of it, especially when it is blowing hard. It is observed on the coast of Galicia, and the same would naturally occur on the coast of Portugal, that, on one or even two days previous to a gale, the Current sets towards that point of the horizon from which it will eventually come; that is, when the Current sets to the South without any apparent cause, the Vendaval (144) will come in a gale, and a similar result follows when the Current sets to the North. So that the fishermen, who have most to do with allowing for Currents, know very well by them when a N.E. or S.W. wind is about to set in. NORTH-WEST COAST OF AFRICA, ETC. 323 The Current generally produced by the wind sets to the N.E. and North, when that is from any point between South and West, and it sets to the South when the wind is anywhere between West and East from the North- ward. In winter, the Current sets mostly from some point between North and East, and in summer from some one between North and West; and its hourly rate is about 2 miles, and even more, with a strong Vendaval. The navigator who finds himself off Cape Finisterre with a Vendaval to beat against, must be careful of the shore in bad weather, for he will be drifted insensibly to leeward until he has passed Cape Prior. With respect to ships off Cape St. Vincent, bound towards Cape Finisterre with fresh N.H. winds, they will find enough to do, to overcome the Current they will meet with along the coast. And with fresh N.W. or S.W. winds there is also a rise in the level of the sea, in all the estuaries and ports of the Peninsula, the reverse of what takes place at Cadiz and in the Bay of Biscay with N.E. winds. (273.) Tue Baron Roussrin’s Remarks ON THE CURRENTS BETWEEN Care Bosapor AND THE IsuES DE Los. The general Currents on the African coast, between Cape Bojador and the Isles de Los, with the exception of some places subject to a more or less regular tide, are uniform during the eight months which comprise the fine season. They follow exactly the trend of the coast from North to South. From Cape Bojador to the Bay of St. Cyprian (lat. 22° 20’) they there- fore set to the S.S.W.; from that bay to Cape Blanco, and along the whole extent of the Bank of Arguin to its Western point, which is in the parallel of 20° 6’ 20” N., they set S. by W. To the Southward or this point the waters, being no longer guided by the edge of the bank, which turns abruptly to the S.H., do not follow in a body, within a certain space, any fixed or determined direction. One part of their mass experiences a number. of irregular windings, until, finding itself in the active body of the general Current, which left the bank at its most salient point, it rejoins it, and is carried on as before. In the vicinity of Tanit Bay, in the parallel of 19°10’ N., it again resumes its former direction, and follows the trend of the coast, thus setting to the Southward as far as near Portandik, and from thence S.S.W. to the Marigot of Musquitos. It then sets S. 4 W. till abreast of the Bar of the Senegal, where, in a space of 12 miles in circumference, it is disturbed by the stream of that river. This stream is so strong as to oblige vessels at the anchorage off the bar to trend to it, in spite of the strongest winds. The Current, joined by the waters ot the senegal, pursues its course along the coast, which trends to the 8.W., observing a very gentle curve, which forms the Bay of Yof, and which terminates at Cape Verde. The strong Currents hitherto pretended to set into the Bay of Yof are, therefore, merely chimerical. Cape Verde being the most Western point of Africa, and hence forming an obstruction to the general direction of the waters which flow along that coast, must occasion a great variety of Currents in 324 OBSERVATIONS ON TiiK CURRENTS. its vicinity. This is,in fact, what takes place, and it would, therefore, be difficult to define a particular one. This only appears certain: vessels passing in sight of Cape Verde are not carried on it, as is generally sup- posed ; but, on the contrary, they are swept off by the prevailing tendency which the waters have to flow to seaward. In running close to Almadie Rocks, this repulsion is sensibly felt during the eight months which I have mentioned. It appears that the Current rushes between the rocks, and spreads itself in different directions. Immediately to the Southward of Cape Verde the Current is almost imper- ceptible, and it is scarcely possible to assign any particular direction to it as far as Cape Naze. The whole of the coast lying between this cape and ' Cape Manuel forms a well defined bay, totally free from Current, and in which there is not a single river. The same is observed with respect to the roadstead of Goree, although, according to the observations of Mr. Adanson, a regular tide exists there, with a rise and fall of 24 feet. In the offing of Cape Verde the Current has been always found to set to the Southward. From Cape Naze it again follows the direction of the coast, interrupted only at the mouths of the principal rivers, which lie between this cape and Cape Roxo. From this point, localities of a very different nature produce | particular effects in the Current. The Archipelago of the Bissagos here succeeds the straight coast which extends to the Northward. Large rivers empty themselves amongst these islands, forming various channels, more or less encumbered with sand-banks. These obstacles cause a variety of Currents, which will be explained when treating on the Bissagos. Strength of the General Current.—The rate of the general Current on the African coast, deduced from numerous observations, has never exceeded 14 mile per hour on the coast itself, and on the outer edge of the banks; and more frequently it has been found from seven to nine-tenths of a mile. This is diminished one-third, and frequently one-half, at a distance of 12 miles from the coast. Should a sailing vessel have run past her port, there is no fear of her not stemming this Current, and, by long boards, easily regaining her destination. In the Rainy Season, which is from the commencement of June to the end of October, as the wind blows from various directions, the Currents are no longer regular, and it is impossible to establish any positive law respecting them; but, even under these circumstances, their strength 1s not so great but that it may be surmounted. ( 325 ) 8.—THE GUINEA CURRENT. BEING AN EASTERLY STREAM ACROSS THE ATLANTIC, AND ALONG THE COAST OF AFRICA, INTO THE BIGHTS OF BENIN AND BIAFRA, (274.) In the description of the Winds (6), page 99, and (80, 81), page 157, and in the diagram illustrating the Best Monthly Routes Across the Equator, it is shown, that between the N.E. and §.H. Trade Winds there is a Belt of Calms and Variable Winds, which, on the African coast, assume the character of monsoons, as, during the summer months espe- cially, the wind blows more or less toward the African coast. In the Currents there appears to be an analogous system, as there is an Easterly Current flowing with considerable velocity Eastward, in an oppo- site direction to the great Equatorial Drifts on either side of it. Its existence and character along the Guinea Coast has been long known. It was formeriy thought to be a continuation of that Current which we have just described as passing Southward from Western Europe, but later inves- tigations seem to point to the fact that it is a flowing back of the waters heaped up to the Westward by the prevalent winds. In tracing the Currents of the Pacific Ocean,* we find that there exists a precisely similar Current in that great ocean setting into the Bay of Panama, in the same latitude. This Current is traced very far to the Westward—in fact, nearly across the ocean.f (275.) Commencing with the ordinary Westernmost part traversed by vessels crossing the Equator, we select from Commander Maury’s Sailing Directions the following facts :— Captain H. T. Walter, barque Phantom, says :—In July, 1853, between lat. 5° and 8° N., and about long. 36° and 38° W., the Current set us fast to the Eastward. Again, in August, 1854, about the same latitude and longitude, the Current set us 110 miles N.N.E. in three days. Capt. Millet writes :—December 25, 1855, lat. 4° N., long. 29° W., have experienced an Easterly Current these last two days. I have always noticed such along these latitudes, sometimes more to the Northward than this, and in lat. 1° N., and long. 44°. We have here examples at opposite seasons of this Current in the Western crossing of the Atlantic. Ship James Brown, Captain C. W. Kerlin, January 12, 1856, lat. 8° 43’ N., long. 31° 37’ W.; current 20 miles Easterly. 18th, lat. 5° 30’ N., long. 80° 21’ W., 28 miles Easterly. Crossed the Equator on the 16th, and experienced no Westerly Current. Ship Margaret Mitchell, Captain T. Jameson, January 23, 1854, lat. 4° 36’ N., long. 22° 25’ W., 18 miles E. by S. 24th, lat. 8° 1’ N., long. 22° 80’ W., S. by E. 20 miles. * See Directory for the North Pacific Ocean, by A. G. Findlay, and also Journal ot the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii., pp. 222, &c., as before quoted on page 312. + The non-continuity of this Guinea Current with that which flows Southward from Portugal and N.W. Africa, the North African Current, was demonstrated by the author many years ago, and its analogy with the Equatorial Counter-Current in the Pacific, and also with a periodical Easterly Current in the Indian Ocean. 326 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Ship Gravina, Captain C. Sprague, March 4, 1855, lat. 2° 48’ N., long. 26° 46’ W., S. 34° E.17 miles. 6th, lat. 1° 22’ N., long. 27° 43’ W., 12 miles N. by E. Barque Eglantine, Captain Gleason, April 7, 1855, lat. 11° 28’ N., long. 24° 25’ W.; Current setting to Eastward, though the ship was steering S. by W. 4 W. Ship Mary L. Sutton, Captain P. E. Rowland, April 24, 1856, lat. 16° 4’ N., long. 88° 80’ W.; Current East 45 miles. 25th, lat. 12° 40’ N., long. 32° 32’ W., East 10 miles. 26th, lat. 9° 22’ N., long. 31° 20’ W., East 10 miles. (This is more to the Northward than usual). Ship -detos, Captain D. McLaughlin, May 18, 1856, lat. 5° 43’ N., long. 24° 44’ W., 24 miles E. by N. 19th, lat. 3° 39’ N., long. 24° 10’ W., 14 miles E.N.E. 20th, lat. 2° 56’ N., long. 24° 0’ W., 15 miles E.N.E. 21st, lat. 2° 15’ N., long. 23° 34’ W., 15 miles E.N.E. 22nd, lat. 1° 20’ N., long. 25° 15’ W., 10 miles N.E. Ship Edwin Flye, Captain W. Flye, June 27, 1856, lat. 5° 38’ N., long. 26° 17' W., N. 8° E., rate 1:2 mile per hour. 28th, lat. 4° 45’ N., long. 27° 29’ W., N. 18° E., 1 mile per hour. 29th, lat. 3° 52’ N., long. 25° 12’ W., N. 22° E., rate 1:3 mile per hour. Ship Panther, Captain N. G. Weeks, August 19, 1854, lat. 7° 57’ N., long. 25° 54’ W., 24 miles E. by S. 20th, lat. 6° 55’ N., long. 23° 28’ W., N.E. 3 E. 48 miles. 21st, lat. 5° 41’ N., long. 20° 30’ W., 48 miles N.E. by E.3 EH. 22nd, lat. 4° 56’ N., long. 18° 7’ W., E. by N., 1°2 mile per hour. 23rd, lat. 2° 41’ N., long. 20° 4’ W., 1 mile per hour 8.E. by 8S. Barque Wea, Captain B. Buxton, August 27, 1849, lat. 5° 57'N., long. 19° 32’ W., half knot per hour N.E. 28th, lat. 4° 12’ N., long. 17° 33’ W., half knot N.E. 29th, lat. 4° 0’ N., long. 19° 47’ W., 6 miles E.N.E. in the day. Brig Director, Captain Skinner, writes :—‘‘ You perceive that I had a strong Current between lat. 7° and 5° N., on September 7—10. Not getting an observa- tion for four days, I found the brig nearly 38° farther Hast than I expected; whether I had it in one, two, three, or on the fourth day, I cannot say, but suppose I had some each day. I was speaking with several captains, and they say that they have always found a strong Current about them going to the Eastward.” Captain Maury adds :—‘‘ An Eastwardly Current is often found North of the Line in summer and fall; and at those seasons it may be counted on with some degree of certainty.” (This refers to the Western crossing of the Equator recom- mended by Captain Maury). Ship Flying Dutchman, Captain A. Hubbard, October 12, 1854, lat. 8° 55’ N., long. 40° 52’ W.—‘‘I notice for the last two days (from lat. 11° 28’) the lines of agitated water, previously noticed, appear all to run nearly E.N.K. and W.S.W., and follow each other at regular intervals of some 4 or 5 miles; the motion of the waves running at right angles to the line of rip. October 14, lat. 6° 46’ N., long. 39° 4’ W., Current East, 1 knot. 15th, lat. 6° 50’ N., long. 37° 26’ W., Current East, 14 knot. One year ago last July I experienced a similar Current in the same latitude, but some 10° farther East. October 16th, lat. 6° 49’ N., long. 36° 25’ W., East 1} knot. 17th, lat. 6° 29’ N., long. 35° 18’ W., S. 79° E. 2 knots. 18th, lat. 5° 59’ N., long. 34° 19’ W., Hast, Northerly, 1 knot. 19th, lat. 5° 43’ N., long. 33° 33’ W., East, Southerly, 14 knot, slight current rips. 20th, no Current. All these days generally calm, or light variable airs.” Ship Raven, Captain J. Crocker, October 27, 1855, lat. 6° 18’ N., long. 29° 50’ W., Current N.E.1 mile. 28th, lat. 5° 24' N., long. 29° 50’ W., N.E. 1 mile. 29th, lat. 5° 10’ N., long. 30° 0’ W., N.E. 1 mile. 30th, lat. 4° 40’ N., long. 80° 0’ W., N.E. 2 miles. Ship Robert Patten, Captain G. 8. Paine, October 30, 1856, lat. 10° 14’N., long. 88° 50’ W., ‘‘ tremendous tide-rips, the strongest I ever saw.” October 31, lat, 8° 26’ N., long. 382° 38’ W., Current changes to Eastward, $ knot per hour. Ship Scargo, Captain N. Crowell, October 4, 1856, lat. 6° 53 N., long. 25°18’ W., Owrrent 24 miles East. 5th, lat. 6° 25’ N., long. 24° 42’ W., 18 miles E. by §. THE GUINEA CURRENT. 327 6th, iat. 5° 36’ N., long. 23° 59’ W., 18 miles E. by S. 7th, lat. 4° 48’ N., long. 238° 29’ W., 18 miles E. by S. Schooner Thomas A. Ward, Captain J. D. Hoff, October 30, 1855, lat. 6° 5’ N., long. 27° 40’ W., the last twenty-four hours have been the most calm that I ever saw, not a breath from any quarter, and a terrible rolling sea. We drifted S.E. 35 miles. Ship Colorado, Captain Ricker, November 1, 1855, lat. 5°51'N., long. 21° 54’ W.. Current 20 miles 8.K. 2nd, lat. 5° 22' N., long. 20° 55’ W., 20 miles S.E. Barque Clara, Captain EK. Cook, December 9, 1854, lat. 6° 48’ N., long. 26° 56’ W., 1:3 knot per hour N. 35° E. 10th, lat. 6° 9’ N., long. 27° 57’ W., 1 knot N. 62° FE. 11th, lat. 6° 10’ N., long. 26° 46’ W.. 0°8 knot N. 37° E. The foregoing are the principal notices of the Easterly Current as re- corded in Captain Maury’s Sailing Directions, vol. ii., 1859, and, in fact, is nearly all that is mentioned on Currents, as but very few, if any, of the abstract logs quoted in that work mentioned any Westerly or other Currents, the only exception being that in some very few cases a Northerly set is noticed. Besides this, there is frequent mention of current or tide-rips, often of a very formidable character, denoting great activity and change in the Currents of this troublesome region. (276.) Some records of more recent Bottles are given below :— A Bottle from the ship Douro, in long. 31° 5' W., on the Equator, June 28rd, 1880, was picked up on the beach near the entrance of the. River Niger, in lat. 4° 43’ N., long. 6° 35’ K., in April, 1881. The least distance traversed was about 2,300 miles, in 10 months. (See Drift diagram, page 297). A Bottle from the ship Patriarch, in lat. 2° 46’ N., long. 22° 3’ W., December 11th, 1884, was picked up on the beach near Grand Popo, in May, 1885, having drifted about 1,200 miles in five months. (See Drift diagram). Four Bottles from the steamer Buccaneer :—One, in lat. 6° 40’ N., long. 12°82’ W., January 6th, 1886, was washed ashore, March 5th, 1886, 10 miles from Addah, in lat. 5° 47 N., long. 0° 35' E., having drifted 862 miles in 58 days, or 15 miles a day. Another, in lat. 4° 49’ N., long. 9° 38’ W., January 8th, 1886, was found on the beach at New Sierra Leone, lat. 6° 8’ N., long. 1° 17’ E., March 2nd, 1886, having drifted 690 miles in 53 days, averaging 13 miles a day. Another, in lat. 6° 25’ N., long. 14° 31’ W., March 14th, 1886, was washed ashore on the beach, in lat. 4° 45° N., long. 8° 31’ W., May 12th, 1886, having drifted 372 miles in 59 days, at the rate of 6°3 miles a day. (See diagram). Another, in lat. 0° 21 N., long. 7 36 E., January 29th, 1886, was picked up on June 25th, 1886, in lat. 3° 14 N., long. 9° 57 E., having drifted 230 miles in 147 days, or only 1°6 mile a day. (See Drift diagram). The first two were thrown overboard to the West of Cape Palmas, and were carried very rapidly to the Eastward. The third was also thrown over to the Westward of Cape Palmas, but much farther off shore, and in the month of March. It was drifted right across the routes of the first two, and was cast up on the Kroo coast. Had the same current prevailed in March as did in January, on arriving in the track of these it ought to have been carried, like them, into the Bight; instead of this, it never even passed Cape Palmas. The fourth was thrown over between the Gaboon River and St. Thomé, and drifted very slowly in a North-Easterly direction, and stranded near Cameroon River, having required 147 days to make good a distance of 230 miles. No doubt it covered a great deal more ground, being drifted backwards and forwards by the very conflicting currents of this region. J 328 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (277.) One of the most remarkable examples of this Easterly Current recorded, and one which unmistakably demonstrates its existence and activity, was encountered by John Alexander Mann, Hsq., F.R.G.S. and F.R.A.S.* He left Cayenne in French Guayana, in the brigantine Monte Christo, 120 tons, bound for Paranahyba, on July 26th, 1862, the day of the new moon; the wind blowing from the Kast. A direct Northerly course was steered until the 30th, when the ship was in 7° N., and the. log, by dead reckoning, was the same as Cayenne, 7.e. 52° 14’, On August 7th, spoke the Austrian brig Rarita, which gave longitude 27° 14’; that of the dead reckoning of the Monte Christo gave 42° 14’, so that the vessel had been drifted nine hundred miles to the Eastward, and for eight consecutive days she had been drifted 32 knots an hour to the H.S.H. There was a great doubt as to the accuracy of the longitude, but at noon of the 15th, in lat. 0° 45' S., they spoke a Dutch brig, which gave the longitude as 27° 8’, while the D.R. placed them in 44° 0’, which, com- pared with the position on the 7th, shows that they were drifted 120 miles farther to the Eastward. In fact, had the ship been left to the Current, it would have soon reached the African coast, having drifted 1,020 miles in 20 days. Throughout the remainder of the voyage, which lasted 14 days longer, the same Current was experienced. The captain of the Loyal, which arrived some days after, abandoned his chronometer from the same cause, believing it to be out of order. Afterwards, in sailing from Surinam to Cayenne, in the Alecton, French man-of-war steamer, Mr. Mann met with the same phenomenon. (278.) These facts are very important, in connection with the Westerly crossing of the Equator, which has been strenuously advocated, and the influence of this powerful Current, which appears to have much constancy during the Northern summer months, may have much to do with the readiness with which vessels, having reached too far to the Westward, contrive to weather the Hastern extremity of Brasil. This will be adverted to hereafter. (279.) The Kasterly Current thus passing across the Atlantic strikes the coast of Africa about Sierra Leone and the coast of Liberia. Of course, when near the shore, it assumes its direction to the S.E., and runs with great velocity. As is shown by the Chart of the Currents, at page 295, its mean annual velocity is between 14:1 miles and 26°5 miles per day, strongest in the summer months. Its mean direction off Cape Palmas and Cape Coast Castle is E. 12° N., and its calculated velocity from Major Rennell’s and Captain Maury’s observations is—for January, 17°4 miles to 27°6 miles; February, 26 miles to 32 miles; April, 11:5 miles to 33-7 miles; May, 22°7 miles to 36 miles; June, 30 miles; July, 18:2 miles; August, 15°7 miles to 26-4 miles per day. These are from the records of 75 observations. (280.) Its Southern edge appears to be in about 24° to 2° N. up to the head of the Bight, and as the Southern streams set in an opposite direction, they are serviceable in making a return passage as presently explained. * See Proceedings of the Royal Geographioal Society, Vol. VII., 1863, pages 50, 51, THE GUINEA CURRENT. 329 The temperature of the Guinea Current is high, and demonstrates its Equatorial origin, although the branch of it which comes from the North- ward past Cape Verde has probably a lower temperature as coming from a higher latitude. The Equatorial Current to the Southward of the Guinea Current is also of a lower temperature, coming direct along the African coast from the Southern Polar regions. The mean summer tem- perature is about 78°, but in our winter and autumn months it is higher, being from 82:6° to 83° as a mean, and sometimes it is found higher than this. (281.) H.M.S. Challenger, in crossing this Current, August 10th to 21st, 1873, made the following observations on the Temperature of the sea at different depths. From the Cape Verde Islands, 300 miles West of Cape Verde, her track was in a general South-Hasterly direction for 88 miles to & position 150 miles §.5.W. of Sierra Leone; thence, in the next two days, she proceeded to a position 160 miles to the 8.S.W., or 310 miles from Sierra Leone. Temperature Observations, in Degrees (Fahrenheit), by H.M.S. Challenger, while crossing the Guinea Current, in August, 1878. | | POSITION OF SHIP, DEFTH. . A { . > : ae | : ae [2b [se 22 ee 28 oe | ue [ee | ae So | St | oa | aS) SS! as SE TRS | | ae man nN nN maa aN | a _ | ioe | - At the Surface...| 74 | 74 | 79 | 79 | 78 | 78 | 78 | 79 | 79 | 78 » 25fathoms | — | — | — | 60 | 69 | 65Z; — | — | 72 | — a eee Se GaN es Pad. eno ie ser Ni G8ehroGis 6Rwnenme BRERA 55 Se ee ee ay Mea am partes yey ae NR ala 5. me, S72.| 62 | 52 | BL) | 58 1 5k 1 BB ea) 56. pon Paton 544 | 52 4 50 | 483 | 483 | 47 | 50 | 492] 58 | 51 00. . 55 560 | 47 | 46 | 46 | 43 | 45 | 45 | 43 | 43 | 42 AO) «4, AGa 49° | 42 | 42) 40 | ar ay oa ol 40 meee", ABR naa (uO | a0 | 40!) 48 va 40 | 40 | 38 P1000: 43 EEE TUT cay ors cad agers ol hers (cg gree tad ene Ween (care ea Bre ADs: 55 — 36 | 36 —|— — — | 37 — | 36 The above Table, it must be remembered, refers to the time of year when the Guinea Current is at its greatest power. Subsequently, in returning home, the Challenger, in the passage from Ascension to the Cape Verdes, in April, 1876, found the surface temperature in lat. 2° 30’ S. to be 824°; in 0° 15’ S., 814°. In lat. 3° N., long. 15° W., 300 miles S.W. of Cape Mesurado, the temperature was 83° on the surface, in the same position in which a temperature of 78° only was found in August, but the warm water did not penetrate to so great a depth. At 50 fathoms, 65° was found in August, but only 59° in April. Sir Wyville Thomson remarks :— ‘* Where the rate of the current is highest, we have as usual a rapid fall in the temperature below the surface. This is caused by the cooler water rising to supply the place of the hot surface water, which is being rapidly drifted and evaporated away.” Nu A. OC: 43 330 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (282.) At the distance of about 177 miles South of Cape Palmas (long. 73° W.) the outer border of the Guinea Current sets to the East; and it continues in the same direction to a similar distance South of Cape Three Points (long. 2° W.); we thence, at 2° North of the Line, find it take a more Northerly course, toward the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra; in the latter it mixes with the waters of the South African Current, which, coming from the South, sets thence to the North and N.W., and both, uniting, form a head in the bight. From this bight and Southward of the Equator the Currents thus blended set to the S.W., W.N.W., and N.W. in one expanding and united stream, which greatly facilitates the passage of ships from Fernando Po to Sierra Leone. The prevalence of the Harmattan wind, described on pages 164—168, must interrupt the course of this Current ; but its existence, at other times, nearly as described, has long been confirmed, and is incontestable. (283.) Near Cape Mount the Current sets in towards the shore as above stated. The ship Charles, a French whaler, in 1833, was wrecked on the coast of Liberia, about 90 miles to the S.E. of Cape Mesurado, probably on the reefs near the River Sestros. This vessel had left the port of Havre for the fishery near Tristan da Cunha, in the Southern Ocean, but the captain, intending to run along the coast beyond Cape Palmas, in the hope of falling in with whales, unfortunately lost his reckoning, by being deprived, for forty-eight hours, of all means of taking observations; and was moving at the estimated rate of 7 miles an hour, when he found him- self close on shore in the midst of breakers, which in the course of the night forced him on the reef, and dashed the ship to pieces. The captain and crew got safe to land, but were soon stripped by the blacks. In this condition they made their way along the shore to the N.W., until they reached Cape Mesurado, where they were received with all kindness by the colonial agent of Liberia. The catastrophe is evidently attributable to this Easterly Current. Captain C. T. Rudge, ship Jane Black, December, 1856, says :—“ It is my opinion that the current along the coast from the Bissagos Shoals to Cape Palmas is variable ; and in the parallel of Cape Mount, coming from the Westward with S.W. winds, I have always found northing in the set, let the current be Easterly or Westerly. Ten miles off the land the current runs parallel to the land either way, strongest off the capes. I have com- manded ships on the West coast of Africa 12 years, and have found the currents very variable at all times.” On the Western side of Cape Palmas it sets along shore with such force to the S.E., that ships which do not steer a point nearer than the true course will be carried from the land. About Cape Three Points, likewise, the stream runs strongly to the Eastward, and frequently sets directly in upon the reefs about that cape. Hastward of this cape the Current has carried many experienced mariners, bound to Cape Coast or Annamaboe, to leeward of those ports, and occasioned much trouble, with delay, in beating up again. About Zerra Formosa, in July and August, the Current has also been found to set strongly to the Hastward.* * In the Derrotero de las Antillas the following remarks are said to have been found THE GUINEA CURRENT. 33! (284.) Enseigne C. Martin states that from the experiences of French cruisers on the West coast of Africa, it is found that between the Canaries and Cape Palmas the current is very weak and close to the coast, being rarely felt Westward of long. 16°. From Cape Palmas to Cape Formosa it follows the trend of the coast, and appears to divide against the latter cape, a weak portion continuing its course between the Niger and Fer- nando Po, the main body appearing to trend off to the South and 8.W. In the channel separating Fernando Po, Princes, and St. Thomas Islands from the coast, the current was generally found running N.W., perhaps due to the outflow of the River Congo. Here this seems to meet the 8.W. branch of the Guinea Current, and the two combining bear off to the Westward as the Equatorial Current.* (285.) Mr. J. Y. Buchanan, F.R.S., gave a paper at the British Associa- tion, 1892, ‘‘ On the Temperature, Density, and Motion of the Waters of the Gulf of Guinea,” from observations made in the telegraph steamer Buccaneer, in January, February, July, August, and September, 1886. He states that the surface-water of high temperature all over the Gulf of Guinea forms a layer of generally not over 30 fathoms in thickness. A moderate breeze off shore easily blows it away, and its place is taken by the denser and colder water immediately below it. Generally, the current along the Guinea coast was found to set strongly to the Eastward, as the well-known Guinea Current, and this was confirmed by the current bottles thrown overboard and afterwards found. In the Bight, near the Island of St. Thomé, the current set in a North-Westerly direction and was strong enough to set the ship back, while heaving in the sounding wire, by about as much as she steamed forward between soundings. Between Ascension and Conakry, some interesting current observations were made in the neighbourhood of the Equator. Here a strong current to the Eastward was found at 50 fathoms, as much as 1°3 knot per hour, the surface-water setting to the Westward at about 0°5 knot per hour; so that the net Easterly current below was at least 0°8 knot per hour. The change in the character of the Current at different times is shown by the fact that from the Equator towards Sierra Leone, in March, the Buccaneer experienced no Easterly curreut, and a bottle thrown overboard was washed ashore on the Kroo Coast, whereas, if the same current had prevailed in both March and January, the bottle would have been carried round Cape Palmas and into the Gulf of Guinea. (286.) Thus far, we give a general description of this remarkable Current. What follows is from the Meteorological Office Monthly Analysis, 1872, with which is incorporated further information gained from a study of Captain Toynbee’s work on the Meteorology of the Area included between among the papers of the deceased Admiral Don Josef Varela. ‘‘ At Prince’s Island, and in its vicinity, the waters generally run to the North, which circumstance ought to be kept in mind in making the island, and steering for the anchorage. There are also currents to the South, but they are not so strong, nor of so long duration. The pilots of the place say that the currents depend on the phases of the moon, but we found that they were irregular.”” From this we may infer that there is some irregularity in the outset or revolving current ; for which, consequently, every precaution should be taken. * “Revue Maritime et Coloniale,”’ tome 65, 1880, pp. 5—22. 332 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. lat. 20° N. and 10° S., and long. 10° to 40° W., published by the Meteoro- logical Office, in 1876. (See the Diagrams illustrating the Best Monthly Routes Across the Equator). The observations made on the Western portion of the Guinea Current are neither as complete nor as numerous as might be wished, nevertheless they lead to the conclusion that from the 20th meridian Westward this Current undergoes periodical changes. We shall make this evident from a tabular statement of the information yielded by the charts illustrating the above-mentioned works. GUINEA CURRENT. On 20th meridian flows Chart. Commences in— between latitudes— Gonoralieess core scsctesecerees ieee | 50° W. 8° N. 8° and 10° N, URINE TAY oeaqcdundeosocosonesucnecss 25 6 2 53) eo iglercistinvad 2. evs cp> -¢-camasseaces | 26 10 ¥4. 04,5 WIE Ze) os) W oaorencaacenenacasconcoses 28 13 | A eae A\FaystI” sprsssaeobeinsesosenapasseaSoss 25 6 PA vee 1, WieiVeenheerccesseene>ee ser eaeeneasees 35 2 See et) SUNG Sie eccsmecccesets-ciescensnneons 30 6 Bikes Salyer cco asec ceeeeereeee 42 oe gs ae AUBUSE .......ccccesccsercsccrcsas 1 45 tf BTS eo September ..........ssccccseserees | 37? 8 Oh ale Geto nerin eo Sho ecvoree | 50? 7 So aie INOVOMI Pero scsccccesssacenccesees 30 6 3 OD e16 December jicscdesosacshocceessneoss 23 5 73.34 40 Tt thus appears that the Guinea Current has its maximum extent in August, reaching to 45° W., and occupying 11° on the meridian of 20° W.; and having its minimum extent in December, attaining long. 23° W., and having a width of only 7° on the meridian of 20° W. From December to August it is extending its longitude Westward, and widening Northward ; and from August to February it is losing its extension Westward, and its Northern limit is retreating Southward again. (287.) In January the Guinea Current appears to originate about long. 25° W., lat. 6° N.; at long. 20° W. it extends from lat. 2° to 10° N. Here it is joined by the North African Current, which checks its tendency to the Northward, and the united waters flow Eastward along the coast of Guinea, being traceable nearly to Fernando Po. From its origin to Cape Palmas its rate is from 10 to 15 miles per day, but off this cape it acquires a greater velocity, ranging from 13 to 35 miles per day, which it maintains until it reaches the meridian of 5° E. The Southern limit of this Current is probably about lat. 2° N., but observations are here wanting. In February it commences in long. 25° W., lat. 10° N., but is seldom felt so far West. From the 20th meridian it is well defined up to Fernando Po, trending Southward to St. Thomas, its Southern limit being about * During February and December, frequent Westerly Currents have also been re ported here. THE GUINEA CURRENT. 333 lat. 2° N. From 20° to 10° W. it has a rate of about 10 to 20 miles in the 24 hours, and seems to be occasionally reversed ; from 7° to 0° W., its rate has been observed to be as much as 44 miles, though this can hardly be usual; farther Eastward the rate varies from 13 to 24 miles. An eddy current is indicated in the Bight of Benin. In March the Guinea Current can be traced from lat. 13° N., long. 28° W. At first it appears as a weak current having a rate of 5 to 10 miles in the 24 hours; but near the African coast, and in about the region of 2° N. and 18° W.., its velocity increases to 20, 30, and 40 miles, the strongest current being marked on its Southern limit. In April it commences in about 6° N., 25° W., and rapidly widens till it extends from 8° N. to 2° N. on the 20th meridian, with a rate of 12 to 23 miles. It maintains about the same rate to long. 8° W. Between 5° and 0° W. its rate is from 26 to 36 miles; farther Eastward it loses strength, and either dies out in the vicinity of Fernando Po, or is deflected Southward, and drawn in with the Equatorial Current. The Current has been observed to run strongly to the Southward, in lat. 12° N., 28° W. In May it seems to be felt at times as far West as 35° W., about lat. 2° to 5°N. In 30° W. it is farther North, and on the 20th meridian it lies between lat. 3° and 10° N. Along this route its rate is from 13 to 33 miles. As it nears the African coast, it is felt at times as a Northerly Current, probably influenced by the wind. Here, too, its rate is from 12 to 13 miles. In the Gulf of Guinea it is Easterly, the rates varying from 16 to 45 miles. In June the Guinea Current probably commences about lat. 6° N., long. 30° W. hence it spreads Northward and Southward, so that when it crosses the 20th meridian its width is from lat. 3° to 8° N. Its rate thus far is from 15 to 20 miles. Between 20° and 25° W. the North African Current is running strongly to the Southward between lat. 8° and 18° N. The Southern portion of the Guinea Current finds its way, but with con- siderable northing, into the Gulf of Guinea. Here its rate is strong, from 16 to 36 miles, and it appears to be confined within narrow limits of lati- tude. A counter-current has been observed in the Bight of Biafra. Captain Toynbee remarks :—‘‘ The Easterly Current on the coast of Africa has become stronger since May. Perhaps this may be accounted for by the fact that the N.E. Trade extends much farther North than in the winter, drawing more water off Africa, whilst there are fewer Westerly gales in the North to heap water against Africa, hence the deficiency must be made up by an increased Hasterly current near to the Equator. It will be seen that it does increase in amount, and becomes more North-Easterly near the coast of Africa as the summer advances.” In July it is indicated about 6° N. and 42° W., if the observations here are trustworthy. Observations are wanting to the Eastward till it crosses the 35th meridian, between lat. 7° and 11° N. In long. 20° W. it extends from 4° to 12° N., its rate being from 15 to 20 miles a day. A portion of ‘ts waters is turned to the N.W. by the coast about lat. 10°N., and passes io the Northward past Cape Verde, but the main current passes into the Gulf of Guinea, attaining a rate of 28 miles. Between the meridians of 10° W. and 0° there are no observations of this Current, but it is shown Eastward, between the coast and lat. 2° N., where its rate is from 32 to il 334 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. miles. Although the Western limit of this Current is not well defined, the data show that its rate and extent are remarkable. In August the Guinea Current is indicated between lat. 8° and 10° N., in long. 45° W., and from 40° to 30° W. there are but few observations. It appears, however, to be running at a velocity of from 15 to 20 miles day in this region to the Southward and Northward of Hast. At 30° W. it extends from 5° to 12° N. latitude, and at 20° W. from lat. 4° to 15° N. At this part its rate is between 10 and 25 miles per day. Farther Hast- ward it is stronger, and off Sierra Leone has a velocity of 50 miles, with direction Northward of East. Abreast Cape Verde it neutralizes the North African Current. In September it can be traced to 37° W. longitude. In long. 30° W. it extends from 5° to 10° N. latitude; in 20° W., from 3° to 14° N., and its rate is from 8 to 32 miles. It maintains about the same rate in the Gulf of Guinea, where its Southern limit is about lat. 1° or 2°. N. Its velocity is increased to 30 and 40 miles in the 24 hours in rounding the Coast of Liberia. It appears to neutralize the North African Current in about lat. 12° N., Southward of Cape Verde. In October it has been noticed in 50° W., between 5° and 10° N. Thenee to 30° W. there are only a few observations. At 30° W. it extends from 6° to 10° N., and at 20° W. from 3° to 10° N. Both the rate and set are variable, though the general tendency towards Africa is evident. Between 15° and 20° W., and 4° and 8° N., it appears as a strong Current, with a velocity of 30 to 40 miles in the 24 hours. In the Gulf of Guinea its rate is greater than in 20° W., but nowhere exceeds 23 miles. The isotherm of 80°, in lat. 3° N., seems to mark the border of this Current. In November it cannot be traced farther than 32° W. At 30° W. it extends from about 4° to 10° N., and at 20° W. from 3° to 10° N. It appears to be now losing strength and regularity. From 20° to 10° W. the obser- vations are deficient in number. Off the Coast of Africa it runs more to the Southward of East than in previous months, indicating the effect of the Westerly winds North of the N.H. Trade, driving water against Africa, which runs to the Southward. In the Gulf of Guinea it is also feeble and unsettled as to direction. In December the Guinea Current is indicated in 23° W., latitude 4° to 6° N. The set is irregular, and the rate feeble, from 11 to 14 miles. It has contracted in breadth since November. At longitude 18° W., its breadth is probably from 3° to 10° N. latitude. Thence to longitude 10° W. observations are wanted. The Current has been observed far to the Westward in this month, in one or two instances between lat. 6° and 8° N., and long. 35° and 40° W., and also in 47° W. and 5° N. In the Gulf of Guinea it flows between the coast and lat. 24° N., at a rate vary- ing from 20 to 36 miles, ( 335 ) 4.THE SARGASSO SEA. (288.) The central portion of the North Atlantic Ocean, which is com- prised between the Trade Wind and Anti-Trade Wind systems (42), page 124, also bounded on the South by the Westerly Drifts of the Trade Winds, and to the North by the Easterly Current, presently described, appears to be in a different physical condition to the other portions of the Atlantic Ocean, and indeed from any other portion of the globe. Its apparently chief characteristic is well expressed by the name now usually applied to it—the Sargasso, or Weedy Sea. The well-known gu/f- weed, which is found more or less over its whole area, seems to be quite peculiar to it. There may be a somewhat analogous physical condition in the North Pacific Ocean, but this is not so easily defined. This gulf-weed is constantly found, in greater or less quantity, scattered over its whole area, and when it is found in places not its usual habitat, it may be safely inferred that it has drifted out of this extensive area by the action of the Current. (289.) It is very difficult to define the limits within which this gulf-weed is found. The fluctuations of the seasons greatly affect them, as they do the limits of the Trade Winds and intervening Calms, the more particularly as it is to the varying Currents caused by these winds that the weed is retained in its locality. Consequently, we may look for its North and South boundaries more to the Southward during the Northern winter months, and the reverse during the summer. The Tropic, or about the parallel of 23° N., may be its Southern edge in the longitude of the Azores, from whence this limit extends to the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas. Its Northern edge runs from the Azores to the outer edge of the Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras. This will give a breadth of 1,000 miles in its Eastern part, and a length of 3,000 miles from East to West. As before stated, its limits may change greatly at different times, but it may always be looked for within this area, that is between the Southern edge of the Gulf Stream and the Northern limit of the Equatorial Current. According to the investigations of Dr. O. Kriimmel,* the area of maximum weediness (where the weed covers from 10 to 25 per cent. of the surface) forms an ellipse between lat. 25° and 35° N., and long. 40° to 73° W. The weed has been found as far North as lat. 52°, in long. 45° W., and as far South as 15° N., but it is only found Northward of lat. 45° N. in late summer and autumn. (290.) There has been much speculation as to the causes and conditions which have made and retained this peculiar area in its integrity. * A good account of this weedy sea, which is called by the French ‘‘ Mer de Varec’h,” by Captain Leps, of the French Navy, is given in the “ Annales Hydrographiques,’ 1857, page 565, &c.; another more recent account, illustrated by a map, is given by Dr. O. Kriimmel, in Petermann’s “ Mitteilungen,” 1891, pp. 129—141. As the con- clusions there arrived at entirely accord with the particulars given in this volume, it has not been thought necessary to quote from them to any large extent, 336 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Major Rennell says:—It has been observed that the waters of the Atlantic have a greater tendency toward the middle of the Ocean than otherwise, and this seems to indicate a reduced level, forming a kind of hollow space or depressed surface. It is certain that the setting of the Currents is such as might be expected to take place if such a hollow existed; for the Currents do really set into the Sargasso Sea from the North and from the South; whilst in the middle part, although within the region of the Trade Wind, the Currents are not regular, but indicate a kind of vortex.* By others it is considered as an immense eddy or whirlpool, formed by the inclination of the water to the Westward, caused by the influence of the Trade Winds and the Gulf Stream. Others, again, argue that it is a raised surface, maintained in a quiescent condition by the surrounding currents, and retaining all floating matter that is poured into it by the surrounding influences. It is also considered as the grand receptacle of the Gulf Stream, which, recurving at the Azores, here turns into this space ail that it has trans- ported through its long course. All these theories have some facts to bear them up in some degree, but others can be adduced to show their futility. (291.) Itis here urged that a simple explanation can be given of this curious region, in the analogous condition of the atmosphere, so powerful an agent in the production or alteration of Ocean Drifts and Currents. By referring to Maury’s Trade Wind Charts, cited on page 128 (48), it will be seen that there is an uncertainty about meeting with the Northern edge of the N.E. Trade Winds through an extent of at least 10° of latitude; add to this the vibration of this zone of Trade Winds consequent on the motion of the sun in the Ecliptic, which amounts to from 5° to 8° in latitude, as exemplified in the diagram of the limits of the Trade Winds at page 125, and we have a range of 15° to 18° of latitude over which, during some portion of the year, and over a large section of it throughout the year, there is nothing but light airs and variable winds, being, in fact, the ‘Horse Latitudes,” see page 168 (96 to 100). Under this zone, therefore, the sea is subject to no continued or regular drift, and, consequently, whatever is thrown on to its surface will remain for a long time, and the Sargasso, or gulf-weed, being one of the few marine plants which lives when broken from its rocky bed, may exist here for a very long period, and thus accumulate by the fresh additions constantly brought by the outer or Eastern edge of the Gulf Stream, as well as that drifted around the Northern part of the Atlantic, and passing with the S.E. current by the Azores (262) into this quiescent zone. That the Gulf Stream is the primary feeder to this weedy sea will be shown presently. (292.) There is another condition, also, which favours the maintenance and growth of this peculiar plant. The temperature of this water is very equable, less warm than that under the more vertical sun, and not varying more than 6° or 7° Fahr. throughout the year in the Eastern part, or 8° or 9° in the Western part. This temperature is, as said, lower than that of * Rennell’s “Investigation,” page 72. THE SARGASSO SEA. 337 the Southern part of the great Equatorial streams to the South of it, but it is higher than that of the Current which sets S.E. and South between the Azores and Spain, and lower than that of the surface of the Gulf of Mexico and the early course of the Gulf Stream. It may, therefore, be considered that it approximates to the water-climate of the bottom near the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, that of the sea around the Bahamas, &c., where it is known that this weed grows naturally. (293.) The Sargasso or Gulf-weed, which is the peculiar characteristic of this area, is one of the few plants, aquatic or terrestrial, which will live and flourish when separated from its native stem. Its appearance is too well known to require any detail. The sea was called Sargagao by the early Portuguese navigators, from the weed bearing berries like grapes, ‘“‘garga.”’ This term has thus been corrupted into Sargasso, and been applied. to the plant itself instead of the place it grows on. There are more than one species of it known to botanists, as sargasswm vulgare, &c., distinguished from each other by the form of the leaves and the fructifica- tion. These different species are more or less abundant in different localities. It is frequently called fucus natans—floating sea-weed; and is known to sailors as gulf-weed, that famous stream being always more or less marked with it. (294.) The old story of Columbus, wno had much difficulty with his men, when they declared that even the sea changed its nature into terrestrial to prevent his proceeding on his discovery voyage to America, has been oft repeated. In his account he stated that ‘‘sometimes the weed comes in such compact masses as to cause the sea to look like a coagulated mass.” The sea is commonly studded over, like an inundated meadow, with the bushes, which arein some places very abundant, and in others more dis- persed. If we imagine the surface of a wide extended moor, covered with water, the furze and heath bushes would appear something like the clusters of fucus scattered over the thickest part of this sea. The fructification of all sea-weeds is peculiar, but they require a fixed basis to vegetate. Although apparently flourishing in vast areas in the Sargasso Sea, they can only be looked on as cut flowers rather than as complete plants, although their constitution enables them to live a long period without being fixed to their parent rock like most other alge. They are found in every state of decay, and when old they become covered with minute and beautiful parasitic growths, which deserve much attention by those who have the leisure and taste to examine them, especially with the microscope, which in this region reveals a vast and little known world. Besides this, too, the tufts afford protection and shelter to a vast quantity and variety of minute fishes, crabs, and other crustacea and animalcule, which will afford an inexhaustible fund of interest to the observer. Naturally enough, there is a limit to its separate existence, and when subjected to any change of temperature, or difference of locality unsuitable, by a continuous wind or current, large areas become decayed, die, and sink to the bottom, to be renewed by the continual fresh importations from the Gulf of Mexico. It is sometimes drifted on to the shores of the British Isles and Western Noa. @. 44 338 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Kurope, and appears among the other sea-weeds in the various works on algology, but it is accepted as a shipwrecked stranger, not as a native of our shores. (295.) The Gulf of Mexico abounds with the native growths of the Sar- gasso weed. It is found attached to the rocks, at the bottom, in most parts of it. The soundings on the Campeche Bank, Chiriqui, the Andros Islands, on the Bahama Banks, New Providence, &c., all furnish the supply of growing plants. The spores (or seeds) of these become attached to these rocks in the manner usual with all algz, and the young plant grows, not from a root, because the attachment to the rock is not of that nature, till it attains some size, when offering greater resistance to the progress of the continual current than the stalk is able to bear, it becomes detached, rises to the surface, and then is borne onward by the stream till it emerges through the Gulf of Florida by the Gulf Stream. As will be shown here- after, this stream has a tendency to throw all floating bodies off to the right-hand of its course; it follows, that this weed is gradually cast off into this central area, aided probably by the Westerly prevalence of the winds which at times occur in this part. One opinion may be safely controverted, that which assigns the depths of the Atlantic over which it is found as its native place. The great depth and consequent cold disproving the possibility of a plant living in such extremes of temperature. In the Paper mentioned in the note on page 335, Dr. Kriimmel ecaleu- lates that after leaving Florida Strait or its vicinity, it would take about six months for this weed to reach a position West of the Azores. It then moves away very slowly, and gradually decays and sinks. (296.) H.M.S. Challenger, in crossing the Sargasso Sea (June 14th to July 1st, 1873), found the Current variable, both in strength and direction ; in 63° W. 19 miles N.E.; in 59° W.12 m. N.E.; in 538° W. 6 m. §.8.E. ; in 504° W. 17m. E. by, N.; in 49° W.-18 m. N-N.E.; in 46° WoaGiae West; in 42° W. 22 m. N.W. ; in 38° W. 27 m. North; in 36° W. 4 m. North; in 35° W. 16 m. E.S.E., and in 32° W. 8 m. S.W. The depth westward of 38° W. was between 2,000 and 3,000 fathoms, with a bottom of oaze, and with no signs of weed, disproving entirely the idea of some naturalists that the weed grows in this locality. Hastward of 38° W., the depth varied from 1,675 to 1,000 fathoms. The temperatures of the sea surface were greater in the Western part of the district, 734°, than in the Eastern, where it was generally found to be about 71°; at 100 fathoms the temperature was about 66°; at 500 fathoms about 483°; and at 1,000 fathoms about 374° Fahrenheit. “The floating islands of the gulf-weed, with which we had become very familiar, as we had now nearly made the circuit of the ‘Sargasso Sea,’ are usually from a couple of feet to two or three yards in diameter, sometimes much larger; we have seen, on one or two occasions, fields several acres in extent, and such expanses are probably more frequent nearer the centre of its area of distribution. The general effect of a number of such fields and patches of weed, in abrupt and yet harmonious contrast with the lanes of intense indigo which separate them, is very pleasing. These floating islands have inhabitants peculiar to them, and I know of no more perfect THE SARGASSO SKA. 339 example of protective resemblance than that which is -hown in tha gulf- weed fauna.” —Sir Wyville Thomson, ‘‘ Voyage of the Challenger,” vol. ii., pp. 9—10. (297.) Captain Andrew Livingston, on his way from New Orleans to the Strait of Florida, saw large quantities of it; and every one who has navi- gated the Gulf Stream has remarked the weed in it, or along its borders. Sir Philip Broke and the Baron Alexander von Humboldt say that the stream contains a great deal. Sir Philip says, ‘‘ We were always surrounded with gulf-weed.”’ Major Rennell adds, ‘‘ He spoke of that part of the Gulf Stream out in the Atlantic; the others might speak of other parts.” In the “Sailing Directory for the Windward and Gulf Passages, the Bahama Islands, &c.,” by A. G. Findlay, is a description of Andros Island, and it is there shown, that in the great sponging district, upon the Bahama Bank, West of Andros, vast quantities of the gulf-weed are produced ; and this is one of the beds from which the ocean has been supplied. On this subject, we have the following remarks by Captain Livingston, whose name has so frequently occurred in the preceding pages :— ‘« Many persons suppose that the gulf-weed (fucus natans) grows upon the rocks about the Bermudas; others, that it originates among the Florida Reefs ; and a third party, that it grows upon the water without ever adhering to anything fixed. ‘* All these positions seem to me equally wide of truth. Neither on the Bermuda Rocks, nor among the Florida Reefs, has a single branch of gulf- weed ever been found growing upon the rocks; and, among all the gulf- weed met on the ocean, no person has ever found a single tuft with roots, or that, on mature examination, could be supposed, by any person of sound judgment, to have grown on the surface of the water. On the contrary, every stalk of the weed seems to have been broken off short from some- thing to which it firmly grew, and all the ends of these stalks are uniformly decayed, or dried up, from the end to a short distance. ‘Tt has been stated, as a well-known fact, that the fucus natams grows on the rocks along the Gulf of Paria, and on the coasts of Caraccas, &c. If this be the case, it is rather strange that it should not rather grow on other rocks and coasts of the West Indies. It has also been stated, that in the whole sea of floating bushes, Mar do Sargasso, not a withered plant is ever discovered. This is not true, as I have seen abundance of fucus natans in a state of great decay. I note the following from my journal of the Brilliant, from Gibraltar towards Havanna: February 8th, 1819, ‘the weed much decayed ;’ 9th, a.m., ‘weed passed through, much decayed ;’ 10th, p.m., ‘ passed through much decayed weed; I remark, that the farther we run to the Westward, the more decayed is the gulf-weed;’ 13th, ‘the gulf-weed begins to look fresher.’* ‘« These particulars have been given in order to show that I have not spoken at random; on the contrary, actually made my remarks on the spot. * On the 8th of February, the Brilliant was in 24° 17’ N. and 65° 1’ W. On the 9th, in 24° 34’ N. and 66° 59’ W. On the 10th, in 24° 51’ N. and 68° 39’ W. On the 12th, in 25° 34’ N. and 71° 5’ W. On the 9th, the ship passed the meridian of Porto Rico, and was hence proceeding toward Providence Channel, Bahama. The decayed weed, wa have no doubt, had drifted from the central area of the ocean.—Fin. 340 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Some of the weed was quite brown, and in small fragments, evidently separated into such by its state of decay. It is true that the weed soon decays when it is taken out of the water, as I have often tried the experi- ment. The weed is never of a verdant green colour, but seems as if blanched from having been, in some degree, hid from light; I suppose from vegetating under water.” (298.) Mr. Turner, and many other botanists, thought that the greater part of the fuci (weeds) which we gather on the surface of the ocean, and which, from the 28rd to the 35th degree of latitude, appear to the mariner like a vast inundated meadow, grow primitively at the bottom of the ocean, and float only in their ripened state, when they are torn off by the motion of the waves. «The causes that uproot these weeds, at depths where it is generally thought the sea is but slightly agitated, are not sufficiently known. It has been said, that if the fucus adheres to the rocks with the greatest firmness before the display of its fructification, it separates with great facility after this period, or during the season which suspends its vegetation, like that of the terrestrial plants. The fish and the mollusce that gnaw the stems of the sea-weeds no doubt contribute also to detach them from their roots. ‘“«On proceeding hence, toward the West Indies, from the 22nd degree of latitude, we found the surface of the sea covered with flying-fish, which threw themselves up into the air 12, 15, or 18 feet high, and fell down on the deck. I do not hesitate to speak of an object, of which voyagers discourse as frequently as of dolphins, sharks, sea-sickness, and the phos- phorescence of the ocean. None of these objects can fail of affording interesting observations to those who make them their study.”’ (299.) Captain Bourke, in the brig Archibald, December, 1815, found large quantities of the weed near the parallel of 20°, to the Northward of the Island Porto Rico, and of the Eastern part of Hayti; but on the passage through the Bahama Channel, Eastward of the meridian of 70°, and on the North sides of Hayti and Cuba, none of the weed was seen. This may be accounted for on the supposition that it was drifted by the current from the great bed of weed to the N.E., as before explained. Lieutenant John Evans, R.N., states:—‘‘In November, 1810, H.M.S. Belvedere, in the centre of the Atlantic, lat. 33° 20’, long. 41° 37’, passed through prodigious quantities of fucus natans, in line North and South, as far as the eye could see; and, notwithstanding that there prevailed a very heavy swell from the North, their position was not altered. The quantity of this weed met with between the 30th and 36th degrees of latitude is really astonishing ; at times you may sail for leagues through it, covering, as a mantle, the surface of the sea. I have often seen it in lines about 300 or 400 fathoms in length (sometimes only a few yards), and frequently in large and small patches of irregular shape, but generally in a circular form. The deep-sea line should be put over the side frequently in this particular part of the Atlantic.” On the 17th of April, 1828, at noon, in the Mexican Sea, a vessel, under the command of Lieutenant John Evans, was in lat, 26° 52’, long. 89° 17’. On this day fucus natans, or gulf-weed, was seen, in parallel lines, 8.8.E. and N.N.W. It was in flower, and completely covered with young bar- THE SARGASSO SHA. 341 ~ nacles. ‘‘ From lat. 25° to 28° in this sea we met with fucus in parallel lines, S.S.E. and N.N.W.; it flowers like fern and other cryptogamia. In calms, the fuci float near the surface, some of the leaves appearing above water; the patches seen in the Florida Stream, and the bunches examined, were old, brown, and covered with young barnacles.” In the year 1825, the brig Hrin, from the Pacific Ocean to Liverpool, when to the Westward of the Azores, passed compact parallels of fucus natans, in lat. 39° 59’, long. 33° 46’. The weed was less broken than any they had before seen; the medules large and of a deep yellow-brown colour, and the lines extending, as far as the eye could reach, in a direction about S. by E., being nearly at right angles with the vessel’s line, which was K. by N. The wind was 8.E. by S., strong gales and a heavy sea. (300.) The fucus natans is found in localities to the Hastward of the Sargasso Sea. For the following communication we are indebted to the late Captain Thomas Midgley, and it is a great acquisition to our know- ledge of the wide range that this plant has :— “On my outward passage to Africa, in a perfect calm, at daylight on the morning of the 18th of January, 1841, in lat. 6° 46’ N., long. 14° 56’ W., I found the ship amongst a number of small bunches of weed, and many cuttle-fish shells. ‘On carefully examining some of the bunches of weed, I was surprised to find it the true fucus natans, or Sargasso or gulf-weed, being in every respect precisely the same as that found in the N.E. Trades, but apparently much fresher, having exactly the same kind of oblong, narrow, serrated leaf, same stem, same nodules, and just the same pale yellow colour. The pods were also surrounded with a very fine kind of network (flustra), and there were a very few minute barnacles attached to the stem, which scarcely showed any marks of decay; indeed, the two bunches brought on board (which were each about 4 inches in diameter) appeared to hava been but very recently separated from the parent stem, and they each contained a small but very lively crab. ‘“« The lively fresh appearance of the weed, and the two crabs, induced ne to try for soundings, and, as the weather was perfectly calm and the water smooth, I was enabled to get a perpendicular cast of 112 fathoms, with a well-armed heavy lead, but found no bottom. ‘The weed was in detached and small bunches, and could only have tended over a comparative limited space; for when a breeze of wind sprang up, and the vessel had sailed 20 miles to the Eastward, there was not a single sprig or bunch to be seen. ‘This weed appears to be unknown upon the Kroo coast, for I had two intelligent natives of Sangwin and Grand Sestros on board at the time I picked the weed up, and they severally declared they had never seen it upon any part of the coast. ‘The vessel had been perfectly becalmed for fourteen hours previous and two hours subsequent to the time of picking up the weed, so that she gradually drifted amongst it by a current, which I found, by good observa- tions and carefully-kept reckoning, to set E. by S. by compass, very nearly three-quarters of a mile per hour. Temperature of water, when weed was picked up at daylight, 79°, and at noon, 81° F 342 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (It had evidently been drifted out of the area by the Guinea Current, described on pages 325—334. Its not being known farther East is probably owing to the difference in the temperature of the sea, which kills the weed before it can arrive there). (301.) Mr. Luccock, in his ‘‘ Notes on Brasil,” likewise described the Green or Weedy Sea. He states that it extends from 11° to 35° of North latitude, and from 30° of longitude to an indefinite distance Westward. “Here,” he says, ‘‘the ocean is covered by nodules of sea-weed, from 3 to 18 inches in diameter, somewhat resembling in form a cauliflower when stripped of its leaves. They float lightly on the water, in parallel lines, at a very few yards from each other, and have a yellow-brown colour, like the long stringy fibre which is sometimes seen floating in the English Channel, and which I suppose to be the natural colour of all marine plants, growing deeply beneath the surface of the water. These nodules, or spherules, are composed of a vast number of small branches, about half an inch long, which shoot from each other at an angle of about 40°; hence they multiply continually towards the superficies of the sphere; and each extreme point produces a round seed-vessel. This is little more than one-tenth part of an inch in diameter, is hollow, and contains a small reddish-brown seed, scarcely occupying one-fifth part of the husk. The leaf of the plant springs from the joints of the branches, is oblong, indented at the edges, about 14 inch long, and a quarter of an inch broad. ‘“‘ When the nodule is dexterously taken up, all the branches may be traced to one principal stalk; and this invariably shows a fracture, the part by which it has been joined to some larger stem. This fracture is frequently quite fresh, and, in large and vigorous plants, shows distinctly a woody part and a cortex. On the edges of the latter, the first symptoms of decay appear. They become brown, and separate themselves from the wood. This, also, then assumes a darker colour, and exhibits the regular process of disorganization, just in the same manner as does a slip from a currant or gooseberry bush. In process of time, the whole of the plant assumes a darker hue; and, as it decays, floats considerably lower than it did. When kept out of the water for a few hours, it becomes harsh and brown, and acquires the peculiar smell of marine vegetables in a state of putrefaction. “A great number of very minute barnacles are found upon the leaves and stalks. The seed-pod is usually enveloped in a sort of honeycomb work, which may be taken from it, and, when examined by a lens, resem- “bles in appearance the network of a fly’s eye. (This is.called flustra). Among other inhabitants of the plant is frequently a number of small crabs, perfectly formed, and evidently young, yet vigorous and active ; and when a nodule, taken fresh from the water at night, is hung up in a small cabin, it emits phosphorescent light enough to render objects visible. “The singular arrangement of the plants, in parallel lines, is evidently owing to the wind, whose direction they always observe. Each nodule places itself under the lee of its more windward neighbour, and thus ob- serves the law of floating bodies when exposed to a current of air. Should | the wind suddenly change, as it sometimes does, a point or two, in this part of the Atlantic, and blow strong, these lines become broken, and form THE NORTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. 343 what are commonly called fields of weed. These, however, are generally small, and seldom, I suspect, remain long so disarranged.” Mr. Luccock was of opinion that the weed grew on the bottom in the area where it is found floating, but more recent explorations have disproved this; as before stated. 5.—THE NORTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. (302.) The name which is usually given to the great Drifts of the Trade Winds, having as wide a range of latitude as 50° or 60°, is scarcely expres- sive. The Hguatorial Current, strictly speaking, is the counter-current we have just described. However, the Drift which is intended passes to the S.W. and West of the Azores and Canaries, and from the Coast of Africa to the Gulf of Mexico, Northward of the Easterly Counter-Current in the North Atlantic; while the great Drift of the S.E. Trade Wind, crossing the Equator Southward of the Counter-Current, and running strongly to the N.N.W., along the coast of Guayana, joins its strength to the Northern portion, and thus, together, they pass between the islands and through the Caribbean Sea. The Drift of the N.E. Trade is not so poueee as that of the 8.E. Trade, as the interference of the land causes such a great change in the regularity of the winds which certainly must be taken as the greatest cause in the production of these currents. In general, it is a very feeble current, and the mean rate has been over-estimated in former times by many observers. In its Northern limits in the open ocean its annual average, from a careful calculation, amounts from 8:2 miles to 11:6 miles per day; in its Southern and stronger portion it is from 16 to 22-4 miles per day. Westward of the Cape Verde Islands, its mean direction is nearly due West, which is remarkable, considering the northing of the Trade Wind. It would seem scarcely necessary to enlarge much upon the rate and extent of this well- known current; but, as it may be interesting to compare individual ex- perience with that of preceding voyages, we give as heretofore a series of examples by which the ordinary rate and circumstances may be reckoned on, (303.) H.M.S. Challenger (February 15th—March 14th, 1873), in cross- ing the North Atlantic directly between the Canary Islands and Sombrero, the Northern extreme of the Caribbee Islands, found the Current to flow as indicated in the Current Chart, page 295 ; the velocities, however, were greater in places. In long. 19° W. the Current flowed to the 8. by W. at a rate of 10 miles in the 24 hours; in 22° W., 9 miles 8.8.W.; in 25° W., 13 or 14 miles W. by S.; in 31° W., 10 miles W.S.W.; in 33° W., 21 miles W.S.W. ; in 35° W., 14 miles W.S.W.; in 37° W., 8 miles W.S.W. ; between 39° and 42° W., 11 or 12 miles W.S.W.; between 42° and 45° W., 16 miles W. by S.; in long. 463° W., 12 miles 8.8.W.; in 483° W., 11 miles W.N.W.; in 51° W., 7 miles W.S.W.; in 53° W., 4 miles W.S.W. ; in 54° W., 18 miles West; in 554° W., 15 miles W.S.W. ; in 573° W., 16 344 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. miles West ; in 604° W., 16 miles W.S.W.; in 62° W. (70 miles N.N.E. from Barbuda), 10 miles N.W. ; and off Sombrero, 7 miles W.N.W. The wind observed was about N.E., between the Canary Islands and 35° W.; thence Kast, with a little South in it as the Caribbee Islands were approached. The temperature of the sea surface was 64° F. at the Canaries, and increased, as the voyage proceeded, to 75° at Sombrero. A temperature of about 464° was found right across, at a depth of about 500 fathoms, and at 1,000 fathoms the temperature varied from 37° to 39°. Bottom temperature, 34° to 36°. (304.) As it would be beyond the scope of this work to give a series of monthly charts, like those published by our Meteorological Office, although they are very interesting and most important, our remarks must be limited to those verbal extracts from that work, such as have been given previously. The Westerly Drift.*—Under this name are included the Currents of the vast central expanse of the North Atlantic Ocean, bounded on the East by the North African Current, on the South by the Guinea Current, on the West by the chain of the West India Islands, and the Northerly and North-Easterly portion of the Gulf Stream, and on the North by the Easterly part of the Gulf Stream. The Westerly set may be considered to commence at the 30th meridian. T’rom lat. 8° N., as its mean Southern limit, to the parallel of 20° N., the get is more constant and steadier than it is farther Northward. Indeed, as the latitude increases, the regularity of the set and the rate decrease. Here the latter averages from 12 to 24 miles a day, and this part of the Drift enters the Caribbean Sea with the Equatorial Current. Between the parallels of 20° and 25° N. the Drift averages from 8 to 12 miles, and can be traced to about long. 63° W. From 25° to 30° N. the set is irregular, and the rate from 4 to 1 miles, traceable also to long. 63° W. Between 30° and 40° N. the set is so irregular in direction and feeble in force as to lead to the conclusion that here the true Westerly Drift does not exist. From lat. 36° N., long. 65° W., to the Bahamas, along the right edg of the Gulf Stream, we find evidence of a counter-current setting to the S.W., and then to the South, at about 12 miles a day; and about lat 28° N., long. 78° W., turning to the S.E., in conformity with the contout of the Bahama Shoals. This South-Hasterly Current is probably periodical and seems at times to extend to long. 63° W., in lat. 34° N., its greatest rate not exceeding 15 miles a day. About long. 64° W., from lat. 20° to 27° N., there is a feeble Northerly set, but not supported by many obser- vations. (305.) In Janwary the Westerly Drift of the North Equatorial Current seems cvnfined to the Torrid zone, and to vary from 6 to 24 miles per day. ‘There are indications of an Easterly Drift in lat. 23° N. Farther North the observations are deficient and conflicting, but indicate a Drift to the ‘Southward of West. * By this term it is to be understood that what we call the North Equatorial Currant or Drift is meant. THE NORTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. 345 In February the vast central area of the Atlantic Ocean appears to have variable currents, judging from the very few observations recorded for February. The Westerly Drift of the Tropics, if it exists at all, must be very feeble, not averaging more than 8 or 12 miles daily. Between lat 30° and 37° N., long. 42° to 65° W., the Drift seems to be Northerly, but the observations are not numerous. (See, however, the remarks relating to H.M.S. Challenger, on pages 343—344). In March it does not appear to extend beyond lat. 25° N. Between 27° and 55° W. observations fairly represent the general: Westerly set, while they give its rate at from 6 to 35 miles; it has its greatest rates in lat. 5° N. In April the Westerly Drift may be said to extend to 30° N. The obser- vations differ greatly as to the rate, though they agree in indicating greater strength in the lower latitudes. In mid-ocean, between 30° and 40° N., the directions are variable, and the rates feeble. *In May, North of the Equatorial Current to lat. 30° N., and from 25° W. to the West Indies, the general movement of the ocean seems to be to the Westward, at a rate of from 6 to 18 miles. In the Western portion of this region observations are, as usual, deficient. In June it appears in mid-ocean and towards the Bahamas. It does not extend Northward of 30° N. The rates are various, ‘and the observations are altogether scanty, as they are for July, August, September, and October.* In November it exhibits a decided set to the Southward, between 25° and 30° N., and 40° to 60° W. In December the Westerly Drift seems to maintain its usual gentle flow, but from lat. 20° to 40° N., long. 40° to 70° W., there are scarcely any data. (306.) In the work (before mentioned in the note, page 136) by Captain Toynbee, avery full discussion of the direction and strength of the Currents between 10° S. and 20° N., and from long. 10° to 40° W., is given. Any verbal description of this work would give but a poor idea of its utility, and it has been thought best to give the information in the diagrams relating to the Best Monthly Routes Across the Equator, given hereafter, to which therefore the reader is referred. (307.) It will be scarcely necessary to recapitulate the evidence upon which the mean rate was set down in the chart of the North Atlantic Ocean, before referred to (see (48) page 128). The General Chart of the Currents, at page 295, will, with the foregoing remarks, fully explain this part of the subject. As the Current is well established, we need not extract the numerous observations given by Captain Maury, as they almost all tend to the same conclusion. But the Drift of Bottles is so marked an evidence, that we give a number of instances which will be very instructive. * Between September 4th and 10th, 1887, in lat. 23° 30'N., long. 34° to 48° W., Easterly and South-Hasterly currents, of 7 to 21 miles a day, were experienced by three ships of the United States training squadron, where a decided Westerly drift is almost invariably reported. On the 11th, this Easterly set was lost, and the usual drift (W.N.W., 18 miles,) met with. The Trades were fresh, with no unusual meteorological conditions. Ne Ad. 45 346 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (308.) Bottles—The following have been selected from Captain Becher’s list, explaining his Bottle Chart, in the ‘‘ Nautical Magazine,’ of Novem- ber, 1852. It has been before quoted in (243), pages 295—296 :— Nl : ; | Where jeft. | Se a vc Ship. | Signature. | — Where found. | 3 |S Ey a Latitude | Long. i ZA 2 > N W. 5 A a Aint A lea Maid ea Means de a GO. ai ms ° ° Stata Thunder .......ce000] OWEN .......4 1833; 28-4 25-5 | Bahamas ......... 506/2750) 5 OSPICY Pe cashacteas weet nase ences cess 1822) 13-3 39-2 | Bahamas ......... 216/2610} 12. C. Dunmore ...... Rebertson.../1828} 27-4 28-ON i Cubaiecsecsesseccess 4387/2530) 5 Kaboreasesssserveccnss Creswell .../1825) 24-0 19-0 | Mosquitia......... 519|3300} 6 Wellington........ .| Liddell ...... 1836; 17-9 29:0) )||PADRCO) caeweecceess 265|4000) 15. CHO cnet ccaceeucdes | Belcher ....+. 1837 17-3 36-6 | Antigua ......... 196|1410; 7 Stratford ......... WOGCKEY.. cscs 1836} 14-5 34-4 | Jamaica ......... 278)/2460| 8 OS IRS) /cadcaceceanceca REneenpaartectaces 1820 4-1 24-3 | Barbadoes ...... 139}2220} 16 William Lockerby| Parker ...... 1838} 14-1 25-2 | Grenadines ...... 169/2110} 12. WDEDINGYcaanecece cacve laceenseeseasasieal 1820 5-2 24-7 | Martinique ...... 322)2300! 7 1S 2 Re 11822 6-2 15-6 | Trinidad .........| 192/2920) 15. C. McCarthy ...... Biel @iiedssena 1824; 22-0 53-5 | San Salvador ...| 226)1200) 5 Harlequin ......... Cunningham)1851; 24-7 30-4 | Turks Island ...| 300/2300) 7 Walligner.c2s-2.00. EGuipexeea 1843} 19-2 30:8: ||P CaleOs wecccactesacee 375|2250| 6 MworBrothers....2.|ta.cccbaesomeccsss 1826] C. Verde Islands} Crooked Island | 3822800) 7 Duke of Marlboro’| Thorn ...... 1820) C. Verde Islands; Hayti ............ 283)2610) 9 INTE Ghoobentecadnc ISRGGYS neces. 1842) 14-5 34-4 | Martinique ...... 277|2100| 7 Minny (esneiike | Locke... 1836 14-5 | 34-4 | Barbuda ......... 278|1700| 6- Enterprise ......... Collinson .../1850 1-1 26-8 | Honduras......... 367/3800) 10- Investigator ...... | McClure ...;1850| 12-4 26-1 | Ambergris Kay | 186/3610) 20. TREN IS) Aoq5dodocsanGar Messum......)1852 0-5 8. | 22-6 | Martinique ...... 155)/2430) 15. SOPMIA cvowssnarcennes Saxony sas) 11848) 5:2 40:3 | Grenada ......... 151)1320) 8 Race-horse ......... Js (o100(: eee 11835} 8.6 52-0 | St. Vincent ...... 35] 610) 17 Race-horse ......... | Home ...... 11835 Ths) 47-8 | Tobago ::..c0..000 50}1000| 20 Race-horse ......... lomienerereses 1835} 11-5 61-5. | Maracaibo ...... 17| 240) 14- The mean rate of travelling of all these Bottles is 10°6 miles per day. But this: average requires several qualifications which will make it considerably higher. The distances are measured direct, but it is most probable that these messengers pursued a more or less devious course. Again, it will be seen that the Bottles thrown out on the Northern part of this Trade Wind drift have travelled much slower to their destination than those which started from near the Equator. (309.) Besides the above, we add the following examples of Bottle drifts :— Central Drift to the Virgin Isles.—A Bottle from the Emerald, Captain Nockells, bound to Jamaica, December 17th, 1831, in lat. 36° 40’, long., by chron., 12° 32. Found on the North side of Anegada, January 8th, 1833. The winds for the last three days, previous to the 17th of December, were from North and N.W. to 8.W. - For eight days preceding these it blew a continued and heavy gale from S.W. and W.N.W.; the barque lying-to the whole time, and drifting from lat. 41° 28, 227 miles to the Northward. Equatorial Current to Tobago—A Bottle from the-schooner Julia, William Davidson, master, in lat. 6° N., and loug. 40° W., November 6th, 1821. Found March 7th, 1822, near the shore of Little Rocky Bay, Tobago. Central Drift and Equatorial Currents.—A Bottle from the ship Gambia, in the River Gambia, lat. 18}° N., in the latter part of 1831, was picked up on the Southern side of Virgin Gorda, lat. 18° 30. Central Drift and Equatorial Currents—A Bottle from the Two Brothers, of Baltimore, in lat. 17° N., long. 26° W. (off St. Antonio), November 21st, 1826, THE NORTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. 347 was found at Acklin or South Crooked Island, in Jat. 22° 12’ N., long. 74° 18’, on Deceinber 8th, 1827. Hence it appears to have drifted, in a W. by N. direction, from the vicinity of the Cape Verde Isles to the West Indies, under the influence of the drift from the N.E. and the Equatorial Current, probably, in the first instance, W.S.W. and thence W.N.W. Madeira to the West Indies.—A Bottle from the ship Symmetry, of Scarborough, Captain Smith, on her way from Leith to Buenos Ayres, off Madeira, June 9th, 1825. Picked up at Salt Kay, Turks Islands, after a lapse of ten years, June 9th, 1835. Cape Verde Islands to Brasil_—The Hazard, of Greenock, August 4th, 1812, lost the N.E. Trade in lat. 11° N., long. 25° W.; and the wind, until the 12th, varied from West to S.W. ; from the 12th to the 17th it generally blew from South, never exceeding one point Easterly. Gained the 8.E. Trade on the 17th, in lat. 2’ N., long. 27° 30’ W.; the Trade kept Southward between Penedo de San Pedro, or St. Paul’s Islets, and the coast of Brasil (at Rio Doce), and experienced a Westerly current amounting to nearly four degrees. Attested by Captain J. W. Monteath. Between Madeira and Brasil.—In the Jane, Captain Livingston, April and May, 1824, found a surplus effect of currents, between Madeira and Brasilian Trinidad in thirty-nine days, equal to 1° 19’ 47” S., and 6° 3’ W. A Bottle from the ship Hesperus, about lat. 37° N., long. 28° W., May 12th, 1878, was picked up at Mobile Bay, May 22nd, 1880, having covered a distance of about 5,500 miles, at the mean rate of 8 miles a day. A Bottle from the ship Patriarch, in lat. 18° 29’ N., long. 27° 8’ W., December 23rd, 1884, was picked up in 1887 (? date), on the Eastern side of Caicos Bank, having drifted 2,523 miles to W. 4 N. (310.) The foregoing is a sufficient elucidation of the features, velocity, and limits of the N.E. Trade Wind Drift of the Atlantic Ocean, but, as before mentioned, particularly in (53 to 60), pages 131—135, the division between the Northern and Southern systems of Wind, and consequently of Current, being to the Northward of the Equator, the South Equatorial Current ultimately combines with the North Equatorial Current, part of their united waters entering the Caribbean Sea, and forming the origin of the Gulf Stream, and the rest appears to trend off to the Northward out- side the islands, as explained hereafter, in the Section dealing with the Gulf Stream. 6.—THE SOUTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. (311.) The South Equatorial Current, which passes over the Equator in its Northern portion, in its direction is, like that of the Northern Equato- rial Current, nearly due West. Setting upon the Northern coast of South America, it runs with great velocity close in-shore at times, sometimes reaching 100 miles per day, and not unusually 60 miles. It is scarcely necessary to dilate on this Current, as it appears to be regularly and con- stantly met with. Arrived to the Northward of Tobago, it combines with the North Equatorial Current, and the united streams thence proceed as described above. Its progress through the Caribbean Sea, &c., will be 348 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. dealt with in the next Section. For an idea of its strength and direction in the Equatorial region, between the longitudes of 10° and 40° W., the reader is referred to the diagrams illustrating the Best Monthly Routes Across the Equator. (312.) It will be seen that, throughout the breadth of this Ocean, the set of the stream is not to S.W. or N.W., as might be expected from the direction of the Trade Winds, which may be taken as the prime mover of these mighty drifts, but Westward. This fact would seem to indicate that the rotation of the earth on its axis has more to do with its motion than has usually been attributed to it. But our present knowledge of the sub- ject is not sufficiently extensive or accurate to define what amount of action is due to that source, or how much to the wind, lunar influences, or temperature, all of which combine to produce the phenomena we are considering. Theoretical speculations, however, are not necessary in a practical work, although they may be interesting. (318.) In the “Sailing Directory for the Caribbee or West India Islands,” by A. G. Findlay, will be found ‘‘ Remarks on the Currents of the Atlantic and West Indies, made by Lieutenant A. H. Bisschop Greevelink, in the Echo, a brig of the Dutch Royal Navy, during four years of service, 1833—1837,” and which describes the route of that vessel from England to Surinam, in August and September, 1833. ‘On the evening of the 13th of the month, the Echo, having arrived in lat. 17° N., and long. 35° W., lost the Trade Wind, and the wind then shifted to the N.W., with a strong breeze; gloomy weather, and much rain, during the twenty-four hours. The following day the wind, diminishing, passed to the §.W. and §.S.E., and terminated in a calm; currents weak and variable to the §.W. and Eastward. ‘On the morning of the 16th, in lat. 14° 40’, long. 30° 20’, a light breeze sprang up from the 8.E., and from that time till we reached the coast we had to struggle with a never-ceasing variety of wind and weather, continual rains with squalls, and scarce a day passing without lightning in one or other quarter of the horizon. On the 18th we passed by several ripplings or eddies, being then in lat. 12°, and long. 39°30' W. They usually stretched from East to West, and were often seen to cover the whole surface, every- where boiling and bubbling as in a cauldron. Current always weak, and during the last forty-eight hours to the West and W.N.W. at a rate of half a mile an hour. «« After losing the Trade Wind we had to creep over more than 900 miles, as the wind had left us, in every appearance, for ever; the rains were copious and continual in this space, and lightning was seen very frequently. On the 18th (lat. 11° 52’, long. 39° 25’), we passed through a number of eddies; and on the 24th (lat. 8° 3’, long. 45° 37’), the first indication of a change in the colour of the sea became visible; yet it was slight, and may be attributed to a branch of the Northerly current observed in the succeed- ing day. On the 27th (lat. 5° 52’, long. 48° 38’), we received a gentle S.H. breeze, which brought us, though slowly, toward the coast. In the night of the 28th (lat. 5° 7’, long. 49° 56’), we crossed the edge of meeting currents from the Ethiopic Ocean and Brasilian shore, and from the Marajion; after which, we entered the boundary of the tides. In the evening of THE SOUTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. 349 September 30th, came to anchor in 53 fathoms. In the night, observed longitude by chronometer, 54° 11’ 45”. ‘« Although we had not seen land since we lost sight of the Lizard, by which to examine our timekeepers, I felt not the least doubt about their rate (the one a Knebel, and the other a Parkinson and Frodsham), by their reciprocal conformity, corroborated by my lunar observations (which, by-the-bye, I think are never to be neglected); and as I was desirous to obtain some observations about the Currents, so peculiarly remarkable in these seas, I took every opportunity which circumstances allowed to satisfy my curiosity. “On the 22nd of September and subsequent days, the ripplings became less in number; and on the 24th, in the afternoon, about the 8th degree of latitude and 46th of longitude, we perceived the first change in the colour of the water from the common blue to a somewhat darker hue; and, as this was somewhat an uncommon case, I attributed it to a branch of Current observed the following day at noon, setting due North, at the rate of more than a mile an hour, straight across a South-Hasterly Current observed during the preceding days, mingling the muddy waters of the Maraiion and other rivers with those of the ocean. From the 24th to the 28th nothing particular occurred; we were always steering to the S.W. with light variable winds, and a continuance of rain sufficient to penetrate our very bones. Currents, weak and changeable, being lastly observed to run N. by W., 18 miles in twenty-four hours. This, at present, I call weak, being afterward accustomed to fall in with a velocity of twice and thrice that number of miles. At noon we altered our course to W.S.W., being then in lat. 5° 7’, and long. 49° 45’ 55”. ‘Tn the night, however, having a lunar altitude, we were not a little surprised at finding the ship thrown 35 miles to the Northward of her sup- posed situation, although I may say to have been prepared for this occur- rence by Captain Edward Sabine’s relation in the ‘‘ Memoir,”’ whose track we were crossing just then, in the same month. «« At break of day we saw the water totally altered in colour, and thickly mingled with mud, as if we were sailing in a flood of ochre; hove the lead, and found 45 fathoms, fine sand, white and black. At seven in the morn- ing, by chronometric observations, I found the Westerly offset 33’ 38”; and finally, at noon, in lat. 5° 21’ 49”, long. 51° 46’ 15”, it appeared evident that the Current, in the last twenty-four hours, had been running with the rapidity of 67 miles to the N. 30° W. In the afternoon we perceived the land toward the 8.W. by S., being the Family Islands of Cayenne, and at the same time we entered the boundary of the tides. ‘‘ This, indeed, seems to confirm the opinion of those seamen who attri- bute the principal strength of Currents hereabout to the waters of the Marafion, &c., predominating over those of the ocean; but this is to be admitted in a partial degree only; for, as operating on the general direc- tion of the Equatorial Current, I esteem it as of no influence at all.” (314.) The numerous voyages made by the Echo, in the West Indian Seas, with a particular detail of each, more especially in regard to the Currents, are given in the volume before mentioned ; and from these voyages and experiments the general inductions are, that between the Caribbee 300 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Islands and the Coast of Guayana, in the months of August, September, and October, the Current veered to the Northward of N.W., and in other months more Westerly, or even to the Southward of West, as in November and December, 1834; but we learn, also, that the greatest velocity of Current has been observed in August and September, when the Marajion is at its lowest level, as well as in December and March, when this river begins to increase, and attains its greatest height ; even on examining the details, in order to discover any regularity in its force, we find an irregu- larity reconcileable only with that of the wind; and, more generally, by applying the theory of Trade Winds, and their influence upon the surface water of the Ocean. After having once rebounded from the Brasilian Coast, the united Equatorial and Ethiopic Currents are again compelled to retire Westward by the influence of the S.H. Trade Wind (apparently, also, by the dispo- sition of the waters in these regions to retire Westward) ; and, although at passing the Marajion, which disembogues towards the N.E., the com- bined Current may, in some degree, according to its variable form and strength, derive an impulse to the Northward, yet it soon yields to the force of the N.E. Trade Wind, and the South-Westerly Drift thereby pro- duced, which sets toward the Caribbee Islands. In proportion to the force and extent of these winds, the general current is pressed toward the shore of Guayana, as in December, 1835, and November and December, 1834; or allowed to expand freely to the North, as in August, September, and October; even to the N.E., as in March, 1837, especially when preceded by long and violent indraughts, and followed by calm weather. . By the influence of the Maranon waters, the general Current is pre- vented from sweeping the coast to the Westward of Cape North; as the stream of this great river, being unobstructed, seems to gather all its strength, and force the Western boundary of that gigantic drift to an un- certain distance from shore. In this manner we may account for the weak Westerly Current, creeping along that part of the coast comprehended be- tween the Marafion and Gulf of Paria, called the region of the tides, and which is produced by the remaining effluxion of the Marafon, confined between the Western border of the general Current and the muddy banks of Guayana. It is incorrect to fix this border in 9 fathoms, as I have found it in twice and thrice that depth ; but, on the other hand, I think that if what has been supposed by Admiral Cosmé de Churruca should ever happen again—I mean the destroying of the Equatorial Current by the action of the rivers—the Atlantic will be found of a whitish hue, so far as these Currents shall reach, because their thick muddy waters never mingle with those of the ocean until they have been subdued by, and are at rest with them.* * The great force of the Marajion current was observed by Captain W. Code, in the ship Albion. He says :—On October 8th, 1857, at noon, lat. 5° 14’ N., long. 50° 1’ W., current North, 18 miles. This current must be caused from the waters of the Riyer Maraiion. The water is not salt, merely brackish taste, the sea boiling and making a great noise, which I have found seldom to occur when the currents are strong.— «Meteorological Report,” 1872, page 30. THE SOUTH EQUATORIAL CURRENT. 351 (315.) H.M.S. Challenger (August 21st—September 6th, 1873) crossed the South Equatorial Current from lat. 3° 25’ N., long. 15° W., 420 miles W.S.W. from Cape Palmas, to Cape San Roque; visiting on the way St. Paul’s Rocks and Fernando Noronha. She found the Currents much as represented in the illustrative diagram, page 295, but having generally a greater velocity ; thus, in lat. 3° 25' N., long. 15° W., the Current flowed 9 miles to W.S.W. in the twenty-four hours. Thence she steered direct for St. Paul’s Rocks, and in long. 17° 30' W. found the Current setting 23 - miles to the N.W. in twenty-four hours; in long. 20° W., 20 m. W.N.W.: in 22° 30’ W., 17 m. N.W.; in 24° 30’ W., 26 m. W.N.W.; in 26° 30’, 21 m. W. by N.; in 29° W. (50 miles E.N.E. from St. Paul’s Rocks) the high velocity of 39 m. to W. by N. was found; at 70 miles S.W. of St. Paul’s Rocks, 29 m. W.N.W.; midway between St. Paul’s Rocks and Fernando Noronha, 25 m. §.W.; near Fernando Noronha, 21 m. West: at 60 miles S.W. of Fernando Noronha, 27 m. N.W.; at 90 miles East of Cape San Roque, 30 m. W.N.W. ; and on the coast of Brasil the Currents were gene- rally found flowing to the N.W. and West, as far as 15° S. The wind at the commencement of this passage blew from the §.8.E., but afterwards came more from the Eastward. At Cape San Roque its direc- tion was from the S.E., varying in force from 3 to 5 (Beaufort scale, see page 104). The temperature of the surface water observed in this passage varied from 77° to 78°. At a depth of 10 fathoms in the Eastern and cen- tral part of the region traversed, the temperature of the water was 78°, while near St. Paul’s Rocks at this depth it was only 77°, and near Fer- nando Noronha only 75°. At 50 fathoms, in the central part of the district, it was 62° to 63°, and in the Western 67°. At 100 fathoms the tempera- tures were from 55° to 57°, and at 1,000 fathoms 36° to 37°. The higher temperature at 50 fathoms in the Western than in the Eastern part of the district, seems to indicate the banking up of the warm water to the West- waid by the prevalent wind. (316.) On this Current the following is extracted from Mr. R. Strachan’s remarks in the Meteorological Report, 1872 :— The South Equatorial Current commences on the African coast, and seems to extend at times as far as to 3° N. lat., though more commonly here it is not found beyond 1° N. To the first meridian its rate is from 12 to 17 miles. It now extends generally to lat. 3° N., and maintains this limit to long. 25° W., during a course nearly West of over 1,500 miles, at rates changing from 26 to 12 miles per day. It now has a tendency to the N.W., and attains lat. 6° or 7° N., and, as a general result, maintains this limit until it reaches the coast of Brasil. Near the Equator the mean rate is less than 24 miles per day, and this becomes lower as the latitude in- creases, so that in lat. 5° N. its velocity is less than 18 miles. For nearly 300 miles from the coast of Brasil and Guayana the direction of the Current is affected by the land. Off Brasil, the rate is from 62 to 37 miles per day; off Guayana, it is from 31 to 24 miles. Having passed the 50th meridian, the Northern edge merges with the Westerly Drift of the North Equatorial Current, though in some months this is effected in longitudes more to tha Eastward, even so far as the meridian of 25° W. (317.) Commander J. R. Bartlett, U.S.N., from examinations made in 362 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. the surveying steamer Blake, in 1879, concluded that ‘‘ the Equatorial Current, which sets directly against the Windward Islands, is by them and their connected ridges deflected Northward, and so following their outer edge passes around the Virgin Islands to the Westward and through the deep channel to the Northward of San Domingo.” He suggests, also, that on reaching Cuba the current divides, a part flowing N.W. through the Old Bahama Channel, and a part through the Windward Passage between Cuba and San Domingo, and thus by Cape San Antonio into the Gulf of Mexico. He also remarks :—‘‘ The. Current, always found flowing North along the BHastern side of South America, on reaching Tobago divides, part join- ing the Equatorial Current setting North along the chain of islands; the remainder following the coast-line of Trinidad and the Spanish Main, and so around the entire circumference of the Caribbean Sea, finding at last an outlet at the Mona Passage and Anegada Channel, to join the Equatorial Current on its way to the Gulf of Mexico.” Both these theories are quite contrary to that founded on later inves- tigations made in the same vessel by Lieutenant Pillsbury and other officers. Professor Alexander Agassiz, who accompanied Commander Bartlett, says :—‘‘ In the present state of our knowledge it is. difficult to trace the path of the Equatorial water as it is forced into the Eastern Caribbean.”* (317.) Lieutenant Pillsbury states that, from his observations, the Current caused by the S.E. Trade Wind sets towards the Windward Islands with varying strength, and leaves the island of Tobago with a course about N.N.W., joining the current caused by the N.E. Trade 8.W. of Barbados. The united flow is then between the islands, the strongest being in the passage South of St. Lucia, and lessening in velocity in the passages to the Northward as the latitude increases. Beneath the Westerly surface current in these passages is an underflow setting out to the Kastward. (318.) Bottles.—A bottle from the ship Patriarch, in lat. 12° 47’ N., long. 24° 47' W., December 20th, 1884, was picked up afloat at Colon, February 1st, 1886. It had thus traversed a distance of about 3,500 miles in 408 days, or at the rate of over 9 miles a day. A bottle, thrown from the steamer Patrician, December 12th, 1887, in lat. 1° 10’ S., long. 27° 3’ W., was picked up February 10th, 1888, in lat. 9° 19' §., long. 42° W., a drift of about 900 miles to W. 4+ S. in 60 days, at the rate of 15 miles a day. (See Drift diagram, page 297). A bottle, thrown overboard off Pernambuco, Brasil, July 28th, 1885, was picked up on the beach at Little Cayman Isiand, West Indies, March Ist, 1888, where it had probably lain more than 2 years. (319.) An example of an extraordinary velocity on the Northern edge of this Current,is given by Captain W. Code, ship Albion: 1857, from August 5th, noon, lat. 0° 36’ N., long. 43° 21’ W., to 6th, noon, lat. 1° 51' N., long. 45° 59' W., experienced a Current of N. 72° W. 73 miles, although not the slightest rippling or agitation of the sea was visible. On the 7th, at noon, lat. 3° 50’ N., long. 48° 40’ W., the Current was Pe a reverie ee * «Three Oruises on the United States Coast Survey Steamer /'/ahe, 1877—1880.” by Ajexander Agassiz, 2 vols., 1888. THE CARIBBEAN SEA. — 353 tound to have been N. 61° W. 108 miles. Surprising current ; measured log lines and log glasses which are correct, so EBete is no doubt that. oe current has carried the ship the distance saanh 7.—THE CURRENTS OF THE COLOMBIAN OR CARIBBEAN SEA, THE GULF OF MEXICO, ETC. (320.) We have previously mentioned (302) that the combined streams of the North and South Equatorial Currents impinge upon the Eastern side of the Caribbee Islands, and some part passing to the Westward through the channels between them causes the Westerly Drift through the Caribbean Sea, which is not so persistent as it is in the Ocean to the Kastward, as will be presently explained. We first give particulars of the currents in the channels between the islands, and then proceed to describe those within. (321.) In all the passages of the Windward. Teal a Westerly surface inflow prevails to a greater or less extent, but in those on the Northern side of the Caribbean Sea there is no fixed current. In addition to this flow there is a large volume of water entering _ the ee from the break of the waves. Mr. R. Strachan, in his observations upon the Meteorological Office Current Charts, 1872, states that the Westerly Current, which enters the Caribbean Sea, has a rate of 37 to 46 miles a day North of Trinidad, but the rate decreases in the other passages as the latitude increases, and in lat. 17° N. it is only 12 miles a day. In Grenada Passage, between Trinidad and Grenada, according to the Spanish Derrotero de las Antillas, &., the Current has been found to set nearly West; on the South side half a point Southerly, and on the North side half a point Northerly, its velocity being from 1 to 14 and 2 miles per hour. Commander Heyerman, U.S.S. Yantic, January 28th, 1888, in pro- ceeding from lat. 11° 59’ N., long. 60° 52’ W., to Port of Spain, Trinidad, found a current of 23 knots an hour setting W. 1° 8. Observations taken in February, 1889, by the United States Coast Survey steamer Blake, tended to show, however, that there was no per- manent Westerly current in this passage, but that the surface currents were variable, with an under-current setting out to the Eastward, at a considerable depth. This deep under-current was also found in the passages to the Northward. Between Tobago and Barbados the mean direction of the surface current was North, although the Trades were blowing with a force of 2 to 7 Beaufort Scale. Between Grenada and St. Vincent, among the Grenadines, the Currents are devious; but the general inset appears to be W. by N. In St. Lucia Passage, between St. Vincent and St. Lucia, the Current gets in from the Eastward, but runs more Northerly ; and within, on the NW. ASG: 46 354 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. West, it has been found setting to the N.W. Its velocity was found to be greater here than in the passages more to the Northward, as already stated At some distance below the surface the Blake found a tidal current, below which the water set out to the Hastward. In Martinique Passage, between St. Lucia and Martinique, the current has been found to run nearly North, but very variable on the Western side of Martinique. The U.S.S. Kearsarge, on March 19th and 20th, 1889, to the South- Eastward of Barbados, found a South-Hasterly current, of 30 and 20 knots a day respectively ; on the 29th, between Barbados and Martinique, the current set due North, 10 knots in 14 hours ; and between Martinique and Santa Lucia, 4 knots in 1 hour, and 8 knots in 4 hours. In Dominica, Guadaloupe, and Antigua Passages, there is usually a gentle Westerly current. In Dominica Passage, between Martinique and Domi- nica, it has also been found to run nearly North, and between Montserrat and Antigua N.W. At the distance of about 60 miles, within (or Westward of) the range of the Caribbee Islands, and to the Virgin Islands, the Current has been found setting, in general, to the W.N.W., from 1 to 14 mile an hour. On the leeward side of the Virgin Isles devious currents are found, frequently to the South-Eastward. The same have been observed on the Western side of St. Christopher's, &c. (322.) On the Northern coasi vj Haytt, and in the Windward Passages, there does not appear to be any general Current. On the North side of Cuba the case is nearly the same; but in the channel there is a regular tide throughout the year, subject, however, to certain variations. In Anegada and Mona Passages, the Blake found irregular and weak tidal currents, with probably a slightly preponderating current out of the Caribbean Sea on their Eastern sides, and into it on their Western sides. Other observers state that in Mona Passage, between Porto Rico and Hayti, the Current has been marked as frequently setting to the N.W., and we have instances of a set through to the §8.W.; but Captain Monteath, in February, 1816, when proceeding Southward toward Porto Rico, from lat. 934° to 22°, long. 64° to 65°, found the Current setting N.N.H. at the rate of 20 miles in the 24 hours; and he says, that off the N.W. point of Porto Rico it invariably sets from the Caribbean Sea to the North and N.N.H. On the Western side of the passage it set North, 2 miles an hour ; but there have been instances of an inset from the N.W. In the Windward Passage, between Hayti and Cuba, the Blake found the currents to be the same as in Anegada and Mona Passages, but more decided in velocity, probably depending upon the strength of the wind. In the Bahama Passages the Currents are devious; both weather and lee currents having been found. These, also, appear to be influenced by the tidal causes; for the tides are operative on the banks, and sometimes set strongly. In Bahama Old Channel and St. Nicolas Channel the current has been found to run North-Westward and South-Eastward, its direction depend- ing mainly upon the prevailing wind. In Santaren Channel it is very weak and irregular. BAHAMA ISLANDS, ETC. 359 (323.) Bahama Islands.—The following remarks by Captain W. C. Berry are extracted from Captain Maury’s “ Sailing Directions,” 8th edition, vol. ii., page 19. He says :—‘‘ Having had long experience in the trade between New York and New Orleans, I herewith furnish you with a few remarks on Winds and Currents. For the last six years I have commanded the ship Vicksburgh, constantly trading between these two ports. In making the passage out, after passing the Hole-in-the-Wall, I have fre- quently found a Current, from 1 to 3 miles per hour, setting to the Hast- ward through the N.W. Providence Channel, particularly after the wind has prevailed from the Westward a few days. This, no doubt, has been the cause of putting a number of vessels on shore among the Berry Islands. I have latterly made it a point to take the last bearings of the light on the Hole-in-the- Wall, and either haul up or keep off as I found the current ; generally running on a West course until quite down with Little Stirrup Kays, then steering W. by N.4N., by compass, if in the night, until I was up with the Great Isaacs.” (324.) Lieutenant G. C. Hanus, U.S.S. Enterprise, states that in No- vember, 1890, when off the Bahama Islands, a current of about half a knot an hour was found, setting W.N.W. Between Castle Island and Cape Maysi, Cuba, the current encountered was slight at first, setting to the Westward, but, on approaching Cape Maysi, and after sighting the light, a current was found of about 14 knot per hour setting to the Westward, and gradually decreasing in force until after the light bore West, when the current changed to the Southward and Westward with gradually diminished force. (325.) Of the Currents in the vicinity of Anegada and the Virgin Islands, Sir Robert Schomburgk says :— .“¢Tt is well known that the Tropical Current, caused by the earth’s rota- tion, sets to the Westward, and its grand movement in these latitudes is directed through the Caribbean Sea; but it is probable that a branch of it, turned aside by the North-Eastern coast of South America, sweeps along the Caribbean Islands to the N.W. till it reaches the Bahamas; and it is this branch which at present attracts my particular attention, and in proof of the existence of which I adduce the following remarks :— ‘*‘ Vessels bound from America to the West Indies, and chiefly to St. Thomas’s, frequently find themselves to the North of the Virgin Islands ; and this deviation from their intended course has but too often proved fatal, having brought them on the reefs of Anegada when they thought them- selves far to the Southward of that dangerous island. Nor can repeated occurrences like these be attributed exclusively to errors in the observations for determining the latitude, or to false reckoning.” The American brig William and Thomas left New York October 28th, 1829; made Bermuda on the seventh day after her departure, when, con- trary winds retarding her course, land was discovered in the morning of November 15th. According to reckoning, it was supposed to be St. Martin’s, but it was fortunately known, on approaching, to be Virgin Gorda, or pro- bably, in the night, the vessel would have gone on the reefs oi Anegada. The English brig Francis, bound from Nassau, in New Providence, to trinidad, cloudy weather having precluded an observation for several days, 356 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. was supposed to be far distant from Anegada; but making land in the evening, supposed to be St. Martin’s, was wrecked at 11 p.m. on the reefs of Anegada.* The American brig Lewis, bound from Philadelphia to St. Thomas’s wa Maracaybo, and supposed on the day previous to be on the parallel of St. Thomas’s, was wrecked on the South-Hastern reef of Anegada, April 9th, 1831. During his continuance at Anegada, Sir Robert Schomburgk ee additional proofs of the existence of a North-Westerly Current. He found on the South-Eastern reef several buoys with tyer (coir) ropes attached to them, which appeared to have come from St. Martin’s. On September 24th, 1831, after a severe gale, two buoys were found on the same reef, which had probably been attached to anchors on some ground to the 8.H. On sounding between Virgin Gorda and Anegada, Sir Robt. Schomburgk threw the log every thirty minutes, and, taking bearings of some remark- able objects, the drift was found to be always Westerly; and the result appeared to be the same whether the tides set North or South. On one day he left his anchorage, and sailed 10 miles to the Northward of Anegada, where the boat was lowered, and rendered stationary by means of a kettle filled with stones, it being then Southern tide; in spite of which the log was carried N.W. by W. A similar experiment was made in the waters between Virgin Gorda and Anegada, with the advantage of anchoring ; and the set was always the same, the drift being nearly 1 knot. The North-Western or ebb tide between Anegada and Tortola is much stronger than the flood to the 8.E.; undoubtedly from the circumstance that tide and current work the same way. On these circumstances Sir R. Schomburgk observes, that the wind, from March to June, frequently blows from the South and S.E., and the velocity of the N.W. Current will be thus increased; in consequence of which, vessels bound during that time for these islands are more subject to error in their course than at any other period; and lighter bodies being more influenced by the currents than heavier ones, may be taken as the specific cause of the last remark. (326.) The Rollers, or Heavy Ground Swell, off the North-Eastern portion of the Antillas, which has from time to time produced so much mischief, was first described by Sir R. H. Schomburgk, as shown in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1835, to which the reader is referred for a complete explication of the subject. The phenomenon appears to be caused by the meeting and combination of the Drift from the N.E., and the Equatorial Current from the S.E. or E.8.H. It rises, rages, and subsides, says Sir R. H. Schomburgk, when the air is calm, when there has been no indication whatever of a previous gale, or even when light airs have, for a considerable period preceding, come from the Southward of East. The waves approach in gentle undu- lations, but suddenly swell against the shore, and break with the greatest * A great quantity of cork shavings are annually washed ashore on the North side of Anegada. They are considered to be drifted by the Equatorial Current from the coasts of Spain and Portugal. THE ROLLERS OR GROUND SEA. 357 impetuosity. The rise takes place sometimes gradually, but more frequently quite unexpectedly, the waves reaching an uncommon height. / Aheavy “Ground Sea” is distinguished by something grand and sublime. The sea approaches in undulating masses, which suddenly rise to large ridges, crested with foam, and form billows that burst upon the beach with the greatest impetuosity ; the spray flying, where the waves dash against cliffs, often more than 100 feet high, attended with loud roarings resembling thunder, which subside into a rumbling noise, caused by the nodules and fragments of rock with which the breaker was charged when advancing, which on its retreat roll backward, and are again driven forward by the next surge. Wave then follows upon wave in quick succession, there being, apparently, only a short interval after the third. The sea, for many miles from shore, assumes a peculiar aspect, different tints of blue, from the lightest to the darkest, forming a strong contrast with the snowy foam of the breaking waves, when they strike against a hidden rock, or with the white line visible along the whole coast. The Hastern Bahamas, the North- Eastern coast of Jamaica and Hayti, but chiefly Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and, in a less degree, the Northern Caribbee Islands, are subjected to this Ground Sea. It may be considered, as a rule, that whenever the wind gets to the Northward of East for a day or two, there will be a Grownd Sea on the Northern side of the islands. The friction of the wind on the surface of the water causes little elevations or ridges, which, by continuance of the force, gradually increase, chiefly when the wind sweeps over a great extent of water. Finding no resistance, and having sufficient depth to sink directly down, they proceed with the direction of the wind, and remain natural waves, until they meet repercussion from dashing against the shore, when they rise to an elevation much above their natural state. The period when the Ground Sea sets in is generally in October, and it continues, though with some intermission, till April and May. The wind accompanying or preceding a Ground Sea is, generally, from the Hast of North; the waves are, therefore, propelled, more or less, in a Western as well as Southern direction, and the Bahamas, and even Bermuda, may escape, whilst the islands from Barbadoes to Porto Rico, but more particu- larly the latter and the Virgin Islands, receive their first impulse. A Southern gale will likewise produce a heavy swell on the Southern side of these islands; and, during the gale of August 30th and 31st, 1833, this was felt with great violence on the Southern shore. But, generally speaking, ueither in force nor duration are these surges to be compared with those of the Northern side; the group of the Virgin Islands being protected, in this direction, by the Caribbee Islands or by the Colombian coasts, and not exposed to the swell of the main ocean. To one who crosses during a severe Ground Sea, from the Southern side of Tortola to the Northern, where the breadth of the island is inconsider- able, the singular spectacle is afforded of the sea, which on the Southern side is perhaps ‘‘as smooth as glass,’ on the Northern shore tossing, foaming, and roaring, as if agitated by a severe gale. The effect is most curious, and if it were not for the warning that is heard long before the cause becomes visible, one might fancy the wand of a magician in action. 358 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. The Northern coast of Porto Rico is subjected to a Ground Sea, of scarcely less force, and which has had the same effect on its coast as that of the Virgin Isles. The old ‘‘ English Pilot” observes, that the sea along the North coast of Porto Rico ‘‘ beats sometimes very ragingly.”’ The force of the waves that batter against the cliffs on which the Morro stands is amazing; and any observer will admit that the spray is sometimes carried more than 100 feet high. It has been said that, several years ago, a brig, in consequence of carelessness, here became unmanageable, and was soon dashed to pieces against the cliffs, but few of the crew escaping. (327.) Caribbean Sea.— Within or Westward of the Windward Islandy there is a prevailing Westerly drift, weak and uncertain in the Eastern part of the sea, but gradually increasing in strength to the Westward. This drift, passing from the Atlantic through the Caribbean Sea into the Gulf of Mexico to feed the Gulf Stream, is not nearly so constant nor so strong as might be argued, a priori, from the apparent magnitude of that mighty current. Not only is it inconstant even in the mid-channel, but it is diverted by local causes and land configurations into opposite directions as hereafter is shown to be the case along the Colombian coast and in tha great Bays of Guatemala and Honduras. It appears to combine with the Tides in some degree, especially about the coasts of Cuba, Jamaica, and Hayti. Upon referring to the description of the Guinea or Equatorial Counter- Current, as recited in pages 325 to 334, it is shown that it extends much tarther to the Westward, during the period when the sun is in Northern signs. The Western extension of the Guinea Current, coincident with the increase of the Belt of Equatorial Calms (75), page 152, and (83), page 158, may owe its origin to the same causes, hitherto almost unexplained, as those to which this uncertainty of the Westerly Drift across the Carib- bean Sea is owing. Whether it is owing to the influence of the moon and the Tide, the effect of barometric variations and distant and local Winds, or of Temperature and the changes of the seasons, or of some hitherto unexplained effect of the earth’s rotation, has yet to be argued. It is probable that hereafter a systematic examination of these apparently contradictory phenomena will lead to some important conclusions in the general subject of Meteorology. (328.) Mr. R. Strachan, from his investigations, found the average daily Westerly drift in this sea to be about 20 miles. In the Spanish Derrotero de las Antillas it is stated that in crossing from the Southern coast, or from Cartagena, to the Northern islands, it has been discovered that from La Guayra to the Eastern pert of Hayti, on a voyage made in December, a difference of 106 miles to the Westward was tound during the seven days the voyage lasted. (329.) Lieutenant G. C. Hanus, of the U.S.S. Enterprise, states that in November, 1890, when in the fairway of the Caribbean Sea, between lat. 14° 40’ N., long. 75° 28’ W., and lat. 13° 32’ N., long. 77° 4’ W.; the current was found to run about 14 knot per hour, setting about W.N.W.; * but, from this latter position the Westerly set was rapidly lost, and the next day a slight Easterly current was found, which gradually increased as the coast was approached near Colon. THE CARIBBEAN SEA. 359 (330.) Lieutenant A. H. Bisschop Greevelink, in cormmand of the Dutch Royal Navy brig Echo, 1833—1837, from his four years experience in these seas, came to the following conclusions::—‘‘ The direction of Currents ini the Atlantic is reconcileable with the force and direction of the Trade Winds, but the height of the water-level in the Caribbean Sea will some- times baffle every calculation both within and without the range of islands, as shown indubitably by experiments founded, not only upon the method of ascertaining Currents at sea, but also within sight of land, and obser- vations made on shore along the coasts. It has also been found that during calm weather, even with strong HKasterly winds, the Currents have some- times been running for days together to the Eastward, especially in the latter parts of January and July, when, by the then prevailing strong winds, the water is heaped up in a very uncommon degree, and the inner part of the Caribbean Sea, most probably overcharged, succeeds in re- establishing its equilibrium by forsaking the power of its wrathful driver. In this manner, I think, we ought to reconcile those circumstances men- tioned (314) by the illustrious Spanish commander, Admiral Cosmé de Churruca. ‘In the Caribbean Sea the force and direction of the Currents are more distinctly modified by the direction of the wind. With continual light winds and smooth water the Currents are generally weak, augmenting only in proportion to the increasing wind. This may serve as a proof that, among other less perceptible causes, under which they are governed here, Wind is the most powerful agent ; for the indraught through the channels appears plainly to proceed from the force and extent of the Trade Winds. In this sea, from the Windward Islands Westward, to 72° of longitude, the general direction of Currents, observed during our four years cruize, was N.W. and Westerly ; the weakest in October, November, April, and May; the strongest in December, January, February, and March, along the coast of Venezuela, and in July and August in the Northern parts; - but, in general, so much always depended on the force of the wind, that, with few exceptions, almost every voyage was affected by a force of current corresponding to that of the prevailing wind.” (331.) From Trinidad, Westward, and off the North side of the Leeward Isles, the Current has been found setting West and S.W. to the Gulf of Maracaybo ; thence 8.W. also to Cartagena. From Cartagena toward the Channel of Yucatan it has been found N.N.W., N.W., W.N.W., and N.W. by N., from 1 to nearly 2 miles, and then decreasing to 13 mile per hour. On these coasts it has also been found setting to the Eastward, as shown, in the following pages. ‘¢Qn the Colombian (now Venezuelan) Coast,’ according to the Derrotero de las Antillas, ‘‘from Trinidad to Cape la Vela, the Westerly Current sweeps the frontier islands, inclining something to the South, according to the strait which it comes from, and running about 14 mile an hour, with little difference. Between the islands and the coast, and particularly in the proximity of the latter, it has been remarked that the Current at times runs to the West, and at others to the Hast. From Cape la Vela the principal part of the Current runs W.N.W.; and, as it spreads, its velocity diminishes. ‘There is, however, a branch, which runs with the 360 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. velocity of about a mile an hour, directing itself toward the coast about Cartagena. From this point, and in the space of sea comprehended be- tween lat. 14° and the coast (the Bay of Guatemala), it has, however, been observed, that in the dry season the current runs to the Westward, and in the season of the rains, to the Hastward. “On the, Mosquito Shore, and in the Bay of Honduras, no rule ca be given for the alterations of the Current. All that can be said is, at a good distance from land, it has generally been found setting towards the N.W.” (332.) The Baron Alexander von Humboldt, in describing his passage from Cumana, Westward, to La Guayra, said :—‘‘ The general motion of the waters between the Tropics towards the West is felt strongly on the coast during two-thirds of the year only. In the months of September, October, and November, the Current often flows toward the Hast, for fifteen or twenty days in succession. Vessels on their way from La Guayra to Port Cabello have been known to be unable to stem the current that runs from West to Kast, although they had the wind astern. The cause of these anomalies is not yet discovered. The pilots think that they are the effect of some gales of wind from the N.W. in the Gulf of Mexico ; yet these gales are much more violent in spring than in autumn. It is also remarkable, that the Current to the East precedes the change of the wind. It begins to be felt, at first, during a calm ; and, after some days, the wind itself follows the Current, and becomes fixed in the West.’— Personal Narrative, vol. iii, page 378. (333.) Captain C. S. Cochrane, R.N., in his Journal, March 16th, 1823, ‘says :—‘‘ In the afternoon we perceived high land through the haze, and hauled up for it, wishing to make a point about 50 miles to windward of Santa Marta; but on getting inshore, we found that we were 7 miles to leeward of that place, the Current from the Hastward having been run- ning for the last twenty-four hours upward of 2 knots an hour; which agrees with Baron Humboldt’s account, that the Current runs from 1} to 2 knots an hour, according to the force of the wind and season of the year. The natives say, that the moon likewise has a considerable effect on this Current, which, at the changes of new and full, runs to the Hast- ward for twenty-four hours. ‘« Here I must caution all captains of ships navigating on this line of coast to allow for the Current, in general, at least 14 knot per hour on an average, with an increase in proportion to the strength of the breeze, and an abatement at the new and full moons; otherwise, vessels heavily laden, overshooting their ports, may lose as much as three weeks by having to stand away nearly to the Antillas before they can get sufficiently to wind- ward to gain the port they have missed; and even men-of-war run a risk of carrying away spars and masts in beating up.’’—Vol. i., page 52. (334.) The following extracts from the J ournals of Lieutenant Greevelink will be found of interest :— ‘In January, 1834, the Hcho, in crossing the Caribbean Sea, from Curacao to windward, experienced a drift of 40 miles to the West, and escaped only by running straight for the coast of Hayti, beating to wind- ward along that and the coast of Porto Rico, with the best success, and even assisted by weak Hasterly currents when near the shore. The wind THE CARIBBEAN SHA. 361 was from the E.N.E., sometimes blowing a gale; but, when sheltered by the land, the water was tolerably smooth. ‘‘In December, 1836, the Hcho, then on her passage from Surinam to Curacao, with sharp breezes, found the Current sweeping through the channel between Tobago and Grenada ; and, farther on, along the Leeward Islands, with a velocity of more than 2 miles an hour to the W. by N.; but, in October, 1836, on the same route, with light wind and calms, the water ran for days together to the Northward, at the rate of only half a mile an hour. ‘In March, 1836, the same vessel, from Curacao to La Guayra, with very strong winds, spent six days in beating up against a Current of 40 miles mean daily strength; and on April 8th left La Guayra for Porto Cabello, in the bight to the Westward, when, instead of making this passage in some hours, she had, during three days, to contend with light, variable, and even Westerly winds, and Currents to the N.K. 15 miles daily. “The Baron von Humboldt’s remark about the increase of the Currents near the Testigos proved true on our approach to the same islands, in December, 1835.* In the morning of the 12th, the longitude observed was 62° 45' 15”, and the difference West in twenty-four hours appeared to be 32’ 15”; shortly after, the cluster of rocks came in sight; and at noon, at the very moment that the sun passed the meridian, the 8.W. island, placed by Don J. F. Fidalgo in 63° 12’, bore East, distance 1 mile, having run by log 20 miles to the W. 3 N.; so that, during these last four hours, the Westerly difference amounted to 8 miles, whereas, in former watches, it was only 54 miles. ‘“‘ A similar circumstance, we have reason to believe, also takes place at other groups of this range of sunken islands, and near such capes as are low and reaching far out, so as to obstruct the motion of the water beneath, and thereby redouble the force of the surface current, as denoted by the many instances of shipwreck and carcases of vessels (sad admonishers of precaution) spread among these flat, barren rocks, and produced solely by the irregularity of currents, which baffle every calculation, even those of the coast traders. ‘But this variety in the Westerly Currents here is not the only cause of danger. The total change in the setting of the Currents from West to Hast is of a nature which requires the utmost care and attention, as they not only occasionally happen with calms, but also sometimes with fresh breezes from the Hastward. One of the first mentioned instances, particularly remarkable, we observed during our passage in October, from Surinam, through the Channel of Grenada, toward Curagao. On the 7th and 8th, between the Island of Tobago and Cape Malapasqua, the water flowed to the N. by H. and N. by W., with a trifling force; when suddenly, on the oth, we had a difference of 17’ 54” North, and 34’ West; and, on the follow- * The remark is as follows. The Baron, on approaching the Testigos, July 14th, 1799, says :—‘‘ During a calm, the Current drew us on rapidly toward the West. Its velocity was 3 miles an hour, and increased as we approached the meridian of the Testigos, a heap of rocks, which rise up amid the waters.”’ N. And: 47 362 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. ing day, at the new moon, we were driven 11’ 12” to the North, and 35’ 54” to the Hastward of our supposed situation. This case was too singular not to excite our attention, as the high mountains of Caraccas showed us, almost hourly, the East or Westerly direction in which we were driven, the weather being perfectly calm, and the water constantly smooth, by which means we were able to verify our chronometrical observations, and to remove every doubt respecting the truth of so extraordinary a circum- stance, the result whereof was as follows :— ‘“« By the Westerly Current we drifted in sight of the high land near La Guayra, and kept working up against the strong Easterly set the whole following day. On the 10th, from seven in the morning till four in the afternoon, we had 14 miles difference West, agreeing with the bearing of Monte Avila. From that time till six in the evening, when that mountain, of which we had lost sight for a moment by drifting to the Westward, again became visible, the water flowed again to the Eastward; and on the 11th, at six in the morning, with an observed latitude, and the said mountain bearing 8.E. by S., we were in long. 67° 21'; and this by calculation being 67° 47', we found a difference of 26 miles to the Eastward in sixteen hours. From this time till four in the afternoon, again 10 miles to the West; and from thence until the following morning, 22 miles Easterly difference. During the night we hove-to to the Southward of Caraccas Bay, Curagao, and were obliged to keep Little Cwragao in mind, as the Current was set- ting strongly to the Eastward. ‘‘ Whether this flux and reflux were caused by the moon (then new), or by any other agent, I shall not attempt to determine. Indisputably there occasionally appear satisfactory reasons for ascribing to that luminary some influence over the Currents in these regions, and the above-mentioned case is probably one of them ; but, as Captain Livingston says on the subject, ‘the Winds have a still more powerful influence.’ Indeed, when roving in these seas, studying the ‘Memoir’ and the ‘Colombian Navigator,’ and enjoying the pleasure of reading all that science and skill have ever pro- duced in the description of these regions, we always meet with Captain Livingston’s remarks as so many illustrations, and feel a continued increase of respect for so accomplished a navigator. “‘The reflux of the Current to the Eastward, for some hours daily, we had also occasion to observe, in January, 1834, near the coast of Hayti, Porto Rico, and even in the Atlantic, while working up with smart breezes, and even with very strong winds; and once, in May, 1835, a merchant vessel, steering for Curacao, with her mainmast broken, passed in thé night to the Southward of Buen Ayre and Little Curagao without seeing the land, being totally unacquainted with any existing Current, and consequently with her real situation. At daybreak, finding herself opposite the Kastern part of Curacao, and supposing it to be the Island of Buen Ayre, she stood to the West for Curacao, as she thought ; but on her passing the Harbour of St. Anna she guessed her error, and tried to gain the entrance, in which she succeeded toward sunset, after hard struggling with a strong wind and a rough sea, but assisted by a Current to the Eastward. “Tt should be borne in mind that the captain of this vessel was unpro- wided with a time-keeper, from want of which he knew nothing about THE CARIBBEAN SHA. 363 Hasterly or Westerly Currents; and if, on his approaching Buen Ayre, he had accidentally stood a few miles to the N.W., so as to make its Northern coast, he would have found a watery grave, designated, perhaps, only by some piece of floating timber, a splinter, or broken spar. ‘The uninterrupted Easterly Currents alluded to have already been mentioned by Baron A. von Humboldt; and, whenever I witnessed them, T found them just as described by that celebrated traveller. It may, how- ever, be remarked that although this change in the general motion of the water is most common in the three months quoted, and chiefly along the Colombian coast, yet sometimes it also happens in other months, and in other parts of the Caribbean Sea; as we, in fact, once experienced it in December, once in April, near the coast above mentioned, and once in March, on our passage from Guadaloupe to Barbadoes, during whieh, vessels from St. Vincent’s made their way toward the same islands in a few hours.” (335.) Observations taken in February, 1889, by the officers of the United States Survey steamer Blake, showed that South of Curagao the current generally ran to the Westward on the surface, and to the Eastward under- neath, but the under-current is of such volume that it is lable at times to entirely overcome the surface set. (336.) In the Bays of Guatemala and Honduras, the Currents are fre- quently found to be running rapidly from West to Hast, especially near the shores. This counter-current is seldom encountered outside the lines which join their outer points. From Cape la Vela, or Northward of the Bay of Guatemala, the Current generally sets to the N.W. toward the Channel of Yucatan, as before remarked. ‘In the space between Cape Gracias 4 Dios and Cape de la Vela, off- shoots and eddies from the great Equatorial Current are found. This assertion is not merely grounded on those of former navigators, or on the examination of the coast outline, but on actual experience.’’—Captain W. S. Smith, R.N., H.M.S. Larne, 1833. (337.) Mr. Town, in his “ Directions for the Colombian Coast,” has said :—‘‘ Although between the Island of Jamaica and the Spanish Main, Westerly Currents are most frequent, yet they do not always prevail; for ships have been known to be driven by the Current from 50 to 60 miles to the Hastward in four or five days. From the beginning of May till No- vember (the Rainy Season), the sea-breeze seldom or never blows home to the Main; and. ships going there should never go to the Southward of latitude 11° until they are at least 40 or 50 miles to the Westward of their intended port; after which they make a South course, as the land-breeze, which is generally from the 8.W., and the strong Hasterly Current, will set you to the Eastward of your intended port; if great care be not taken. When to the Eastward, if light winds prevail, you must stand to the North- ward until you meet the sea-breeze, which will lie between the latitudes of 10° and 11°, and then run to the Westward. ‘“« Being off Porto Bello, in H.M.S. Salisbury, on August 12th, 1816, and being a little to the Eastward of that port, with light variable winds for several days, the ship was set to the Hastward, at the rate of 30 miles per day ; and, being afterwards placed in the same situation, I found it necessary 364 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. to make the land well to the Westward, and to keep close to it. From No- vember until May (the Dry Season) you should endeavour to make the land well to the Eastward, and run along shore; as the sea breezes generally blow very strongly, and the Current sets to the Westward at the rate of about 2 miles an hour. Between Chagres and Porto Bello, during the rainy season, there is generally a Northerly Current, at the rate of 14 to 24 miles an hour. After the end of the rainy season the Current sets to the Southward and West- ward, and strong Southerly and Easterly gales prevail here. From No- vember until May (the Dry Season) the Southerly and Westerly are very light winds, except in squalls, which end with heavy rain. “Tf at Chagres, at any time during the rainy season (May till November), and bound to the Eastward, endeavour to get 12 or 15 miles from the land as soon as you can; for the winds are, in general, very light, and the Current very strong. The latter sets from Chagres directly on the rocks of Porto Bello, and thence along the land K. by N., E.N.E., E.S.H., and according as the land lies; its general rate being from 14 to 24 miles an hour. Great care should be taken when near the land, if a heavy squall and rain appear to be coming on. During this you will have the wind from all points of the compass, and often so strong that all sail must be taken in. “In crossing the Gulf of Darien, little or no Current will be found ; wherever there is any, it sets about South, S. by W., or S. by H., up the Gulf. “Near Cartagena the Current generally goes with the wind ; but off the Islands of Rosarito it sets to the N.W. and N.N.W., from 1 to 2 miles an hour. Between Cartagena and the Magdalena, in the rainy season, you cannot put any dependence on the winds or current ; but from November to May the Trade Wind blows home. ‘«« T should recommend, if turning to windward, with strong Trade Winds, to keep the shore close-to; whereas, by going off from t4e land, you will not only have a heavy sea, but also a strong N.W. Current. If you have light variable winds, approach no nearer to the land than 12 or 15 miles, as you may be certain of an Hasterly Current.” Captain Livingston says :—‘‘ During five weeks in which I remained at Cartagena, in June and July, 1817, the Current inshore set constantly and strongly to the Northward, at the rate, I am convinced, of not less than 14 mile an hour, or nearly as strong as the Mississippi at New Orleans. I have seen the Esk, sloop of war, current-rode against a very fresh sea- breeze, when at anchor, nearly West from the city, distant about half a mile.” On July 31st, 1889, Captain Daniels, of the steamer Caribbean, between Cartagena and Colon, particularly off Farallon Sucio, observed the current to set E.N.E., 5 miles an hour! Off Point Manzanillo, numerous tide-rips were observed from the U.S.S. Enterprise, in November, 1890, and a current of 14 knot per hour setting to the Eastward. Captain James Lockwood, of the Pacific Mail Steam- ship Company, states that he has often found a current close in to the coast as strong as 24 knots per hour. As the land back of Manzanillo is high, and can be seen from 40 to 60 THE CARIBBEAN SEA. 365 miles off, according to the state of the atmosphere, it forms a splendid landmark, and no allowance for the Easterly set is made by most of the captains of mail steamers, as, should the current happen to be slight, or no current at all be encountered, as sometimes happens, and allowance were made for the Easterly current, a vessel would make the low land to the Westward of Colon, where it is difficult to recognize.. By making no allowance, a vessel is sure to make the high land of Manzanillo or that between Manzanillo and Colon. (338.) Captain Lima, of the Pacific Mail steamship Newport, stated, in 1891, that in ninety voyages from New York to Aspinwall he always made Farallon Sucio, off Cape Manzanilla, bearing S. by W. to S. by W. 4 W., even in the rainy season, when no observations could be obtained. His invariable rule is to change his course, so as to allow for the Easterly set near this coast, as soon as he sights logs, trees, and driftwood. At his speed of 12 knots he allows one-half to three-quarters of a point, according to the quantity of driftwood encountered. If the quantity of driftwood is very great, and the discolorization of the water very marked, he sometimes allows as much as 14 point. If he encounters no drift, he makes no allow- ance, and assumes that there is no current.—United States Notice to Mariners, No. 9 of 1891. Some remarks on this Easterly set will also be found on pages 148—149. (339.) In the Bay of Honduras there is no permanent current, but out- side its limits it generally sets to the N.W. With respect to this, Captain W. J. Capes forwarded the following remarks to Mr. Purdy. He says :— ‘“« Between Jamaica and Bonacca the Current generally sets to the North- ward and Westward. Here, in May, 1816, I was set 60 miles to the West- ward by the Current, and found that it set rather Northerly, from one- quarter to half a mile an hour. Between Janiaica and Bonacca are the islands called the Swan Islands. I would not advise any one bound to the Bay of Honduras to make these islands, for it cannot be of service, and the current is so very irregular about them ; and by falling in with them in a dark night, a ship would be in danger of running on shore, as the land is very low. About the Southern Fowr Kays the currents are very uncertain. I have known three ships to be lost on these kays by lying-to for the night, after they have made them; for, at all times, the currents set strongly on them. “Tf a ship be lying-to, under Rattan, it will not be amiss to try the Current. It is my opinion that the Current about Bonacca takes two different directions; one part setting to the N.W., and the other part branching to the §.8.W. I have found it so on several trials, which is the reason that I prefer taking a departure (for the bay) from the middle or Hast end of Rattan ; for, if a ship take her departure from the West end, her course will be N.N.W. (1816); but it very frequently happens that ships get down on the reefs of the Southern Four Kays when they take their departure from the West end. The reason is this—a ship steering N.W. from the West end has more of the Current on her beam, which sweeps round the end of Rattan very strong at times ; consequently, ships that take their departure from the East or middle part do not feel so much of the Current.” 366 OBSERVATIONS ON TEE CURRENTS. (340.) General Description of the Currents in the Bay of Guatemala, by Captain W. S. Smith, R.N.—Captain Mackellar, R.N., a writer worthy of great respect, remarks :—‘‘The Current between the island of Jamaica and the Spanish Main, or coast of Colombia, is not always to be depended upon as setting to the Westward, as is generally supposed ; for, in cross- ing from Jamaica to the Main, ships have been known to be driven to the Eastward by the Current.” This circumstance must be of rare occurrence at the Northern part of the passage, and is here mentioned to make known its possibility. I myself have made runs across between Jamaica and the opposite Main at many times and seasons, and am, therefore, governed by practice as well as theory in the following remarks. 1. Local Current between the South side of Jamaica, the Morant Kays, and Pedro Shoals.—This is very uncertain, both in rate and direction. Its rate may be from 0 to 14 knot per hour ; and its direction, either North, East, or West, according to circumstances. At the Morant Kays, the Current is known to be variable. Over Pedro Shoals it is supposed almost ever to runin a Westerly direction. Between these two dangers, there- fore, it behoves a ship at night to be full of precaution, and not to rely on the continuance of any current she may have ascertained when either to the Northward or Southward of her then situation. 2. Current Southward of the Morant Kays and Pedro Bank, or between the parallels of 17° and 15°. This Current runs, perhaps always, true West to N.W. by W., from 20 to 55 miles per day. Among the Mosquito Shoals the Currents are equally strong and more uncertain. Between latitude 15° and a line extending from Cape de la Vela to Cape Gracias 4 Dios, including some of the Mosquito Kays, the direction is W.S.W. to N.W., 20 to 40 miles per day. 3. In the Bay of Guatemala, Southward of a line between the Capes de la Vela and Gracias 4 Dios, and to the distance of 30 miles from the coast, the sets are so very variable as to baffle all system. Sometimes no current whatever is felt; at other periods it may run North, South, East, or West, 35 miles a day. Let it be borne in mind, however, that their direction is very seldom toward the Hast, but generally toward the West. St. Andrew's Isle and the frontier rocks of the Mosquito Bank are equally beset by changeable currents, of velocities amounting to fifty miles a day. 4. Between Cape Manzanillo, near Porto Bello, and San Juan de Nicara- gua, the Inshore or Land Current sets from Westward to Eastward. It is an eddy, striking out from the Westerly Caribbean Current at Gracias 4 Dios, and eventually returning into it, with a broken and divided force, to the North of Cartagena. The breadth of this Current extends from the land to a distance of about 30 miles in the offing. Its rate is from 1 to 2 knots, and its direction parallel to the curvature of the coast and capes. The streams out of numerous rivers, entering this Current, seem to in- increase its rapidity ; for close inshore, between the rivers, the rate is seldom less than 2 knots; at 6 miles off the land it runs about 1 knot; and ata greater distance the same. (341.) On January 9th, 1892, Captain Reynholds, of the barque Hévding, when in the vicinity of Morant Kays, states that his vessel was set out of her course 15 miles to the Northward by a strong Northerly current. THE CARIBBEAN SEA. 367 The United States directions say that the drift current, off Morant Kays, sets towards West and N.N.W., three-quarters of a knot an hour, after the Trade Wind has been blowing fresh for a day or two. When the Trade is lighter a current setting to the N.E. of Kast is frequently ex- perienced. Vessels having occasion to pass near Morant Kays at night should keep Northward of them. In March, 1889, the steamer Blake, when between Jamaica and Hon- duras, to the S.W. of Pedro Bank, found the surface current running to S.W. by W., gradually changing to the Westward to a depth of 130 fathoms, and tidal below that depth. Between Pedro Bank and Jamaica a tidal or eddy current was found, setting to the Eastward. (342.) From Cape Antonio, the western extremity of Cuba, the Current sets, at times, to the E.S.E., past the Isle of Pines. Captain Livingston informed us that, in March, 1818, he found the current between the Great Cayman and Isle of Pines to set in that direction, at the rate of fully 24 miles an hour, or 60 miles in the 24 hours. In August, 1817, he found the set nearly the same, but the Current not half so strong. The Spanish ‘« Derrotero’’ says :—‘‘ From Cape de Cruz, on the South side of Cuba, it is noticed that there is a-constant Current to the Westward, with some inclination to the Southward or Northward, and which has been known sometimes to set 20 miles in a single day.’’ In opposition to this the exact words of Captain Livingston are—‘‘I have twice experienced a strong Current, setting about E.S.E., between the Caymans and Isle of Pines ; and on the latter of these occasions both my mate and myself separately calculated it to set about about 60 miles per day, or 24 miles per hour. This, however, J incline to think is a very particular case, such as may but seldom occur. The winds at this time were light and Westerly. On the other occasion, so far as I recollect, it set about 12 or 14 miles per day only. All my papers on these subjects have been lost; but the first instance was too remarkable to be forgotten.” A further evidence of this is given by Captain Harry Miles, ship Illustrious. ‘‘ December 29th, 1858, in rounding Cape Antonio, I could not detect any current. At times I have found it strong to 8.H.” (343.) Off the South side of Cuba, between Cape Antonio and Cape Maysi, the current has frequently been found setting to the Hastward when the moon is increasing, or in her first two quarters. It is represented that it runs to the Eastward for a fortnight, and then to the Westward about the same time. Coasters from the Caymans commonly take advan tage of the Easterly Current for making their passage to Jamaica. From this information we may conjecture that the Current, which has been described as setting to the E.S.H. from Cape Antonio to Cape Maysi, is not permanent, but, at times, on the contrary, imperceptible, according to the age of the moon; and this has, we believe, been verified, in several instances, while the cause has remained unknown. Captain Manderson stated, that when a strong Hasterly wind has been blowing between Cuba and Florida, vessels heaving-to off the South side of Cape Antonio, at about 6 miles from the shore, have, in the course of one night, been carried against a strong sea breeze, nearly as high as Cape Corrientes, being a distance of 80 miles. Captain Rowland Bourke, once a 368 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. when lying-to in the Archibald, for the night, off Cape Antonio, also found himself, next morning, off Cape Corrientes. Captain Monteath stated:—‘‘In the months of May, 1814 and 1815 (two voyages in which I was chief mate of the ship Prince Regent from Kingston) ; in June, 1817, in the ship Fame ; and in April and December, 1820, in the ship Mary; between Grand Cayman Island and Cape Antonio, I invariably found the current setting strong to the Eastward, or E.S.E.; and I have heard it generally remarked that vessels shaping a course from the Caymans for Cape Antonio have found themselves off, or even to the Eastward of, Cape Corrientes: this has, in the above cases, invariably happened to myself.” Captain Dunsterville has said, ‘‘I am firmly established in an opinion, from twelve years observation, that not only are the Winds and the Weather on the West India station influenced by the change of the moon, but the Currents also; and it is frequently found that, if the waters run to the Eastward, it is at the change and full of the moon.’ On this subject Captain Livingston says, ‘It is a prevailing opinion with many, that the moon governs entirely the Currents among the West India Islands. No doubt the moon has some effect on them, but the Winds have a still more powerful influence. ‘“‘ Tt is rarely, indeed, on the North side otf the island of Jamaica that there is a Westerly Current when the North and N.W. winds prevail ; the Current then always, or almost always, sets to the Hastward. ‘‘ On the South side of Cuba, when the wind is Westerly, which it often is, you are always certain of a reflowing current round Cape Antonio. This is easily accounted for; as when the fresh Trade Wind ceases, and the Westerly wind sets in, the barrier, which confined the waters in the Mexican Sea, is in some degree removed, and they seek to regain their level as well by the Channel of Yucatan as by the Strait of Florida.” Between the Isle of Pines and the main land of Cuba is a strong North- Easterly indraught, generally running from 1 to 14 mile an hour, and which has caused the loss of many vessels on St. Felipe Kays and the dangerous bank stretching therefrom to the Westward. In the Windward Channel of Jamaica, the Current generally sets with the wind to leeward or 8.W.; yet both here and at Jamaica it is variable. Some have affirmed that, when a Current runs to leeward on the South side of Jamaica, there is frequently one setting Eastward on the North side; and, at other times, no current is to be perceived; also that, when a lee current runs on the North shore, the same circumstances may be perceived on the South shore as were before observed on the North. (344.) Current Bottles—The following records, though old, of the drift of Bottles within the limits of the Caribbean Sea, will prove of interest :— Caribbean Sea to Yucatan.—A Bottle from H.M.S. Chanticleer, in lat. 15° 29', long. 76° 8', to the Southward of Jamaica, at noon February 23rd, 1831, was picked up on April 20th following, upon the Eastern coast of Yucatan, after having traversed a distance of nearly 700 miles, at the rate of 28 miles per day. Serranilla to Yucatan.—A Bottle from a boat belonging to H.M. surveying-ship Thunder, ab anchor under Serranilla West Kay, March 10th, 1884, was picked up THE CHANNEL OF YUCATAN. 369 at Half-Moon Kay, in the Bay of Honduras, on the 23rd of the next month, April ; ‘ate 10 miles per day. Tobago to the Cayman.—A Bottle from the American brig Emma, June 17th, 1838, in lat. 11° 4’, long. 58° 50’, was picked up on the 27th of the following. August, upon the Eastern shore of the Grand Cayman; distance 2,000 miles, at the rate of 28°6 miles per day. Windward Channel, between Jamaica and Hayti.—A Bottle from H.M.S. Thunder, in lat. 18° 56’, long. 74° 56’, April 7th, 1839; current then setting S.W. by S. half a knot; was picked up in the Grand Anse, near Jérémie (long. 74°1’), on the 24th of the same month. Hayti to Florida.—A Bottle, from the ship Robert, Captain Coulter, Eastward of Alta Vela, on the South coast of Hayti, was picked up about thirteen months afterward on the shore near St. Mary’s, in Florida. Some Bottles enumerated in Captain Becher’s list: Ship Racehorse, Captain Home, thrown over in lat. 12° 12’, long. 65° 50’, April 17th, 1836 ; picked up April 22nd, at Bonaire, 150 miles in 5 days. Ship Chanticleer, Captain Austen, thrown over February 23rd, 1831, in lat. 15° 30’, long. 76°; picked up on the East coast of Yucatan, April 30th, 680 miles in 56 days. H.M.S. Thunder, Captain Barnett, thrown over at Chagres, April 22nd, 1840; reached Belize, October 1st, 1840. H.M.S. Thunder, March 10th, 1834, thrown over at Serranilla Bank; picked up near Belize, April 23rd; 575 miles in 44 days. (345.) The Channel of Yucatan, connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Gulf of Mexico, is 105 miles in width, between Cape Antonio and Contoy Island, lying Eastward of Cape Catoche, the N.E. point of Yucatan. The Current most uSually sets with considerable rapidity to the Northward through it, and according to the calculation of observations derived from Major Rennell, Commander Maury, &c., the following is the mean rate of the Current in the various months :—January, 33 miles per day; February, 34 miles per day ; March, 36 miles; April, 33 miles ; May, 17 miles; June, 26 miles; July, 29 miles; August, 31 miles ; September, 30 miles; October, 38 miles; November, 36 miles; December, 48 miles per day. The annual mean of all these observations is 32:7 miles per day. ‘These velocities are much inferior to what might be supposed from the magnitude of the outset of the Gulf Stream, as will be seen hereafter. From the monthly results given in the Current Charts drawn up by the Meteorological Office, the annual mean is given as 33°9 miles per day. Mr. R. Strachan remarks :—The mean velocity of the Yucatan Current is 34 miles, but it flows into the Gulf of Mexico, towards N.W. by N., with a velocity of 41 miles; and at times the Current seems to be carried right across the Gulf. To the North and Hast there is no escape for it, owing to the Gulf Stream ; hence the check felt in issuing from the Yucatan Channel bears it off to the Westward, but not until it has attained its maximum strength in about lat. 23° N., long. 86° W. There are times, probably, when the Yucatan Current is weaker than the Gulf Stream ; then a counter-current, an overflow from the Gulf Stream, flows round Cape Antonio towards the Isle of Pines. Captain Monteath stated as follows :—‘‘ In my passage from Kingston toward Campeché, in the ship Fame, June, 1817, between Cape Antonio and Cape Catoche, I found the current to set due North, 27 miles, ina run of eighteen hours.” N. A. O. 48 370 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (346.) The Currents in this channel were carefully observed by the officers of the United States Coast Survey steamer Blake, in March and April, 1887. We here give the results of these investigations, as detailed by Lieutenant J. E. Pillsbury, U.S.N. It was found that the Northerly current did not fill the whole channel, and the surface currents on either side were variable in their direction. On the Eastern side of the channel, within 20 miles of Cape San Antonio, there was a light but persistent flow into the Caribbean Sea, its direction varying according to the declination of the moon. At the time of low declination its direction was between N.E. by N. and E.S.E., the mean being N.E. by E.; at high declination it was between Hast and 8.E. by5., the mean E.S.E. The average velocity at 34 fathoms was only from 0:50 to 0°75 knot per hour. At high declination an eddy current was found setting from off Cape Antonio along the Colorado Reefs, but at 30 miles off shore it set to the Northward and Eastward. On the Western side of the channel, in 23 fathoms, 5 miles inside the 100-fathoms line of Yucatan Bank, the interference of the stream current with the tidal current was very noticeable ; the flood tide running about N.W. for 18 hours, and on the ebb it ran to the Kastward. In mid-channel the current varied but little from North, the average being N.E. by BE. The axis, or part of greatest velocity, was found to be West of mid-channel, with a bodily movement to right and left, according to the moon’s declination. The velocity averaged about 2 knots, the maximum (about 3 knots) being experienced 10 hours before the moon’s transit. The Blake was anchored at various distances between Cape San Antonio and Contoy Island, when the mean surface velocity of the Northerly current was as follows :—At 25 miles East of Contoy, 3°65 knots an hour ; at 30 miles, 3°25 knots; at 35 miles, 2°37 knots; at 45 miles, 2°79 knots ; at 60 miles, 1:56 knot ; at 76 miles, 1:07 knot; and at 90 miles 0°51 knot. At the first position, which is 5 miles off the 100-fathoms line of Yucatan Bank, an extreme daily variation in speed of 3°95 knots was found at high declination of the moon. It is stated in the ‘“ Annales Hydrographiques,” 1889, page 236, that on one occasion it here attained a velocity of 6} knots an hour. (347.) Gulf of Mexico. The Mexican Sea appears to be the receptacle and terminus of all the waters flowing Westward. It was formerly con- sidered that the Current through the Yucatan Channel diverging Hast- ward and Westward, the Western branch circulated around the whole of the Gulf to Westward and Northward, and thence flowing Eastward and South-Eastward, at rates varying from 14 to 31 miles per day, that it formed what was known as the ‘‘ Great Whirlpool ’’* of the Mexican Gulf, and then joined the Eastern, and perhaps principal, branch of the Yucatan Current, torming the mighty Gulf Stream. Later investigations have shown that the general circulation of the water of the Gulf of Mexico is erratic in direction and feeble in force. Observations at twelve anchorages Society, Philadelphia,” vol. i., p. 250. THE GULF OF MEXICO. 371 of the Blake, between the Mississippi Delta and Yucatan Bank, show a predominating direction to the Southward and Westward in the Northern half of the Gulf and close to Yucatan Bank, while between the two the flow is to the Hastward. The passage of water into the Straits of Florida ig sometimes from the Gulf and sometimes from the Yucatan Passage ; at high declination of the moon it is from the latter, and at low declination it is from the former. (348.) In Captain Maury’s ‘Sailing Directions,” 8th edition, vol. ii., p. 17, it is stated :— There is a constant set from the Caribbean Sea into the Mexican Gulf to form the Gulf Stream, and vessels passing up to the Northward may take advantage of it. It is bifurcated just after entering the Gulf. The Bottle-paper of the Hermes followed this Yucatan Current to the ‘ fork,” and then took the Western branch. ‘‘H.M.S. Hermes, April 15th, 1856, lat. 17° 59’ N., long. 78° 50’ W.., H. Congton, commander, J. EK. Solfleet, master. This Bottle, thrown over at the West end of Jamaica, was found on the South side of Padre Island, lat. 26° 5’ N., long. 97° 10’ W., August 23rd, 1857, and forwarded by Mr. J. R. Butler, who says, ‘The drift shown by the course of this Bottle confirms my own observations since I have been here, viz., that the Current divides between Cape Antonio and Cape Catoche, the Eastern part rounding Cape Antonio, and passing out by the Gulf Stream, while the Western part keeps a Westerly course until it reaches the coast between San Fernandino on the coast of Mexico, and Corpus Christi on Texas, where it meets the South-Westerly Current frem the coast of Florida and Louisiana. And it is strange to remark the mixture of floating objects thrown on the beach of this coast by the meeting of the Currents. Flat-boats, oars, saw-logs, clap-boards, old skiffs, &c., from the Mississippi, mixed up with branches of mangrove, mahogany, bay-cedar, young cocoa-nuts, canoe paddles of mahogany, &c., from the Caribbean Sea and Coast of Honduras.’ ‘“« Tt may be remarked on this that the Easterly winds may have some- to do with the Westerly drift from the Mississippi of objects which float high out of the water. ‘« Another Bottle, from the ship Admiral, S. Picken, commander, thrown over on the Equator, long. 30° 45’ W., February 17th, 1856, came ashore at Aransas Pass, Texas, October 24th, 1856, 250 days afterwards, having drifted 4,300 miles, or 16 miles per day.’’ (349.) It is difficult to define the separation between the Currents which pass Hastward and Westward to the Northward of the Yucatan Channel. It is certain that they set with considerable velocity to the Southward and South-Kastward over the Tortugas Bank, and also to the 8.H. from the Mississippi. Perhaps a line might be drawn from the centre of the strait to the mouth of the Mississippi, to the West of which it may be found that the streams have westing in them, and to the Hast of it that they set towards the Gulf of Florida. (350.) Mr. R. Strachan, in his remarks upon the Meteorological Office Current Charts, 1872, says :—The waters of the Equatorial Current find a passage Westward and Northward round the Gulf of Mexico, and they 372 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. keep up a well-defined movement of its water. Probably, in or about lat. 27° N., long. 90° W., a considerable portion of the Current which passed through the Yucatan Channel finds its way into the Gulf Stream. Here- abouts it would appear that the Currents are intricate, and difficult to ascertain by a day’s run, from their conflicting influence upon the ship’s course. (351.) In the Supplement No. 2, 1891, to the Sailing Directions for the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, published by the United States Hydro- graphic Office, it states, the Current coming up through the Yucatan Channel, takes a general North- Westerly direction, and then runs North- ward to about the latitude of the Rio Grande. Thence it flows Easterly until off the Delta of the Mississippi, where it is diverted to the §.E., and continues on to the Straits of Florida. Off the mouth of the Rio Grande, and thence to Vera Cruz; anywhere within 100 miles from the land,a — Southerly counter-current is usually found. When off the mouths of the Mississippi, within about 50 miles from the shore, a Westerly current is . almost invariably encountered. This Current varies from 1 to 2 knots per hour, growing stronger as the land is neared, and must be allowed for by vessels approaching the passes. A strong, or long-continued Westerly wind, however, occasionally has the effect of neutralizing this current, and sometimes, though rarely, reverses it. A strong and long-continued Norther may have the effect of producing a general Southerly set all over the Gulf. In the centre of the Gulf there is seldom any current except in the case of a heavy Norther. (352.) The following refers to the Currents on Tortugas Bank. Captain H. Miles, ship Illustrious, states :—‘‘ April 16th, 1859, at noon, in lat. 25° 36’ N., long. 83° 33’ W.; at 8 p.m. sounded in 38, 35, 33, and 32 fathoms, bottom at first depth coarse white sand, with broken shells, and gradually becoming of a greenish hue as the water shoaled. The wind being shy from §.W., I anxiously anticipated the Current which Blunt assures us ‘runs lively to the Southward along the edge of Tortugas soundings,’ in lieu of which, by a series of first-class observations, verified on making Bush Kay Light, I ascertained the set N.N.E., 14 mile per hour, since striking soundings. In fact, coupled with former experience, I am convinced that, although during the influence of Northerly and Easterly winds, a S.E. Current of considerable strength most certainly exists, yet with a Southerly breeze it is not only neutralized, but, as in the present instance, may set in a contrary direction, or to N.H.” (353.) The mean temperature of the water of the Gulf of Mexico is pro- bably as high as any part of the Ocean, from several manifest causes, and hence it is, on the shores of this sea, that some of those nurseries of the Sargasso weed exist (292), which, torn from its habitat by the force of the current, &c., is drifted into that great central area of the Atlantic, to which it gives the characteristic peculiarity. It is also probable that animal life is peculiar and abundant in these iepid waters. « Lieutenant Evans remarks :—‘ The phosphorescent lights »bserved in the Mexican Sea shine with greater brilliancy (April) than I had noticed elsewhere; some of these were very large, and flashed like the vriming of a gun, sometimes at a long distance from the ship. I THE GULF STREAM. 373 observed that the little shining spiracies were confined to the sides of the vessel and her wake, and that the waves, when they broke into foam, did not (as in other parts of the ocean) sparkle. ‘“‘ The colour of the water in the Sea of Mexico is of a dark indigo, darker or more intense than that of the ocean generally ; the colour of the sea in the Florida Channel is a fine blue, not so dark as that of the Sea of Mexico, or of the ocean generally.”’ 8. THE GULF STREAM. (354.) The following description of the Gulf Stream is founded ona Paper by the late A. G. Findlay, F.R.G.S.,* with which we have incor- porated much later information from various sources, but chiefly from the Reports of the United States Coast Survey.t There is much that is apparently contradictory in the observations of the various explorers, tending to show, that like most other terrestrial phenomena, this great Ocean Current is subject in its course to various vicissitudes, both in velocity and direction. The whole subject is fraught with many difficulties. In the section on Passages to and from the West Indies, hereafter, are some remarks for the use of vessels being navigated within its influence, within and near the Strait of Florida. (355.) The Florida or Gulf Stream has received more attention, has been the subject of more speculation, and has served as the basis of more theories than all the other Currents of the Ocean collectively. Although modern research, conducted with all refinement, in contradistinction to the imperfect observation of the passing seaman in former years, has shorn it of much of the grandeur and magnitude with which it was formerly invested, still it is a mighty and majestic Current, well worthy of ail the laborious investigation which the philosopher and mariner have bestowed upon it. The investigations carried out by the United States Government sur- veyors have dissipated all preconceived notions of its enormous magnitude; these were commenced in 1845, and when the first reports on the nar- rower portion, at the commencement of the stream, were published, sub- sequent to 1855, they were so startling as to be received almost with incredulity. But the subsequent most careful measurements of its Depth, Velocity, Temperature, and other collateral features, down to the present time, have tended to confirm, to some extent, the statement first made by Commander Craven in 1855, that the narrowest is the shallowest part of * See Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xiii., 1869, pp. 102—112, **On the Gulf Stream,” by A. G. Findlay ; and the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, vol. xiv., 1870. t See the Annual Reports of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, especially that for 1890, Appendix 10 of which consists of a description of the Gulf Stream, by Lieutenant J. HK. Pillsbury, U.S.N., being an account of his explorations daring five yoars, when in command of the steamer Blake. 374 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. its course. From the numerous sections which have been examined, on lines transverse to its course, between the Caribbean Sea and the banks off Nantucket, we are enabled to calculate with some approach to exact- ness, what is the amount, velocity, and temperature of the volume of water which is transported by it into colder latitudes. As these investigations have been made in the spring and summer months, the conclusions arrived at may be incorrect for the other seasons, though there are no good reasons for supposing such to be the case. (356.) It may seem, therefore, somewhat surprising, that—in the face of its now known much smaller volume and much slower rate of travelling, and also of the well-ascertained interferences it has to encounter—a much more extended area should be claimed by some to be under its influence, than was considered to be when very much less was known of its real character. When Major Rennell’s ‘‘ Investigation” was published in 1832, containing a digest of all that was then known, the conclusion was arrived at, ‘‘that as a Current, it may be said to terminate at ordinary times at the Western side of the Azores ;” and this is the sum of all the arguments subsequently used, with the exceptions that Dr. Franklin, in November, 1776, on approaching the Huropean coast, was never appa- rently out of the warm water of the Gulf Stream; and that Colonel E. Sabine, in 1822, found an abnormal warmth of the ocean water in the Eastern part of the North Atlantic, which he attributed to the unusual strength of the Gulf Stream that season. It was only after the acquisition of our comparatively exact knowledge of the Gulf Stream proper, between Florida and the Newfoundland Banks, that the argument was advanced—that it is the Gulf Stream, which, after Araversing the intervening space of the North Atlantic Ocean, transports V the amenity of climate over the whole of the North-Western shores of Europe; and also that in entering the Polar basin, past and around Spitzbergen, it keeps an open sea there, and by its warmth maintains a constant circulation around the North Pole. (357.) It was during active researches in the Arctic regions, when the progress and fate of Sir John Franklin and Captain Crozier, with their ships’ crews, were involved in such profound obscurity, that it was claimed for the Gulf Stream to have volume and power sufficient to have vast influence in ameliorating the Arctic climate. The failure of every attempt to penetrate the mystery, which had been so zealously directed towards the channels West of Baffin’s Bay prior to 1851—1852, led Dr. Augustus Petermann to examine into the possibility of reaching the neighbourhood of Behring Strait by the way of Spitzbergen and Novaya Zemlia, and the elaborate and most useful investigations he then carried on led him to the conclusion that the varied phenomena he then elucidated, the abundance of animal life, the temperature of sea and climate, and certain features in almost every department of physics, could only be attributed to a warm North-Easterly Current, which he considered was an extension of the Gulf Stream.* * See Parliamentary Papers on the Arctic Expeditions; Further Oorrespondence, &c., 1852, pp. 142, et seq.; also Journal of the Roya! Geographical Society, xxii., pp. 118—128, on the Distribution of Animal Life in the Arctic Regions, by A. Petermann, F.R.G.S. THE GULF STREAM. 375 (358.) To this last conclusion we still firmly demur, as in previous editions of this book, subsequent to the time when we were first made acquainted with the true dimensions of the Gulf Stream proper. In saying this, it must be distinctly understood that the effects claimed for it on the Eastern side of the Atlantic are not for a moment questioned. There can be no difference of opinion as to the facts which Dr. Petermann and many others bring forward in the elaborate memoir which he published.* It is rather a question of nomenclature, for the connection between these phe- nomena and the Gulf Stream proper is not shown. The facts are incontrovertible, but it is strongly affirmed that these effects cannot be produced or effected by the Gulf Stream as now known, or by any fluctuations in its character. A very much wider field of action must be brought to bear on the subject; and it is contended that this North-Easterly drift or indraught, along the Scandinavian coast, should have a distinct name, as being an independent Current, having its origin somewhere between the coast of Europe and the Great Banks, and pro- pelled Northward by the §.W. winds which prevail throughout the year on this part of the Atlantic, or by some greater cause. But in thus stating the case, it must be qualified in a degree by the fact that the Gulf Stream water forms a small part of this Current, but it is so cooled down and inter- mingled with the Arctic Current, that if any direct connection does exist, it is with both of these Currents, and that, perhaps, in an equal degree. (359.) In the preceding Sections we have traced the course of the waters from the shores of Europe down to the great set or Tropical Drift, and thence through the Channel of Yucatan to the Western entrance of the narrow channel between the North shore of Cuba and the Florida Kays. Here may be said to be the commencement of the Gulf Stream as an inde- pendent Current, as it flows swiftly hence to the Hastward in opposition to its previous course, and then Northward through the Narrows between Cape Florida and the Bemini Isles. Keeping this direction with its high velocity and temperature, it is deflected to the N.E. by the form of the American coast ; then assuming a more Hasterly direction, and gradually spreading its warmer waters over a broader area, through an immense region of perpetual fogs rising from its tepid waters, it pursues its course with a gradually decreasing rate and temperature, until it reaches the Southern part of the Banks of Newfoundland. At this part it encounters , / the Arctic Current, which crosses its track and imports into it the influences ~ of an Arctic temperature ; owing to this, and the counteracting effects of an adverse current upon its diminished force and much decreased volume, it ceases to maintain its character as the Gulf Stream or an independent Current. (360.) History.—The Gulf Stream was known by its present name, and in its now known form, from very early times. The Northern Equatorial Drift was noticed by Columbus, September 13th, 1492, when in lat. 27° N., long. 40° W., and this is the first Ocean Current observation. In his sub- * Geographische Mittheilungen, Gotha, Justus Perthes, vol. xvi., 1870, parts 6 and 7. This most valuable essay, with ample references, was translated for the United States Hydrographic Office. 376 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. sequent voyages, in 1502-3, he observed the strength of the streams in the Caribbean Sea.* The first voyage through the Gulf of Florida was that by Poncé de Leon, in 1512 or 1513, and this gave the first account of the Stream itself, and he named the present Cape Cafiaveral el Cabo de Cor- rientes, from the circumstance. Several other Spanish voyagers, about this period, also experienced its effects, especially the pilot Antonio de Alaminos, who sailed through it in 1519. In Mr. Kohl’s exhaustive and most in- teresting Monograph,} these and very many other earlier voyages are noticed, and the whole history of the subject dilated on. (361.) That excellent observer, William Dampier, in his “‘ Discourses on the Trade Winds,” &c., published in 1690, page 105, gives the following observations :— “And ’tis as probable that the current, which sets to leeward on all the coast from Cape St. Augustine to Cape Catoch, never enters the Bay of Mezico, but bends still to the Northward, till ’tis checked by the Florida shore; and then wheels about to the Hast, till it comes nearer the Gulph’s Mouth, and there joyning with the soaking current that draws down on the North sides of Hispaniola and Cuba, passes altogether with great strength through the Gulph of Florida, which is the most remarkable Gulph in the World for its Currents, because it always sets very strong to the North. Yet, near the shores on each side this Gulph there are tides, especially on the Florida shore; and Ships may pass which way they please, if they are acquainted. “Tt has formerly been accounted very dangerous to meet with a North in this Gulph; and for that reason our Jamaica ships, to avoid them, have rather chosen to go to the Kastward and pass through the Cacuses (Caycos) in the season that Norths do blow. The Cacuses are sands that lie off the N.W. end of Hispaniola. Those that went from Port Royal in Jamaica had good reason for this; for if a North took them at their going out, it would help them forward in their way, which, should they have been going towards the Gulph, it would obstruct them. Then besides, if a North take a ship in the Gulph, the wind blowing against the Current makes an ex- traordinary Sea, and so thick come the Waves, one after another, that a ship can’t possibly live in it, yet of late they go through at all times of the Year, and if a North takes them in the Gulph, they put away right before the Wind and Sea, with a small head sail; yet the Current is then as strong or stronger than at other times, and forces them back, stern fore- most, against both Wind and Sea; for though the surface of the Sea is raised in Waves and driven violently with the Winds to the Southward, yet the Current underneath runs still to the Northward ; neither is it any strange thing to see two different Currents at one place and time, the super- ficial Water running one way, and that underneath running quite contrary; for sometimes at an anchor I have seen the Cable carryed thus by two * He remarks:—‘I hold it for certain that the waters of the sea move from Hast to West, and that in passing this tract (the Windward Islands) they hold a more rapid course, and have thus carried away large tracts of land, and that from hence has re- sulted the great number of islands.’ Recent observations do not seem to bear out this theory. + Geschichte des SoHetroms und seiner Erforsohung. J.G. Kohl. Bremen, 1868. THE GULF STREAM. 377 different Streams, the under part having been doubled one way, and the upper part the contrary.”’ It is, therefore, somewhat surprising that a claim should have been made for Dr. Franklin as the real discoverer of its nature and its warmth in 1770. The tale is this :—Being in London in that year, he was con- sulted by the Treasury as to why the Falmouth packets were generally a fortnight longer to New York than common traders were from London to Providence, Rhode Island? He therefore consulted a Nantucket whaler, who laid its course on a chart, and explained that the Rhode Island cap- tains, being acquainted with the Gulf Stream, avoided it, while the Fal- mouth commanders, being ignorant of it, were set back 60 or 70 (!!) miles a day by it. Without stopping to refute this altogether, which may be done by Dampier and his predecessors, it will be evident that something else than the Gulf Stream must have retarded them 60 or 70 miles a day in that latitude, if they were thus delayed. (362.) Causes—We have already given some general remarks (248, 249) on the origin and causes of surface currents. There have been very many speculations as to the cause of this great river in the Ocean, but they were _ promulgated before there was any increase of knowledge upon which to found arguments, and, as said before, recent investigations have overturned most of those which have been advanced. It has been supposed that it runs out of the Gulf of Mexico from the superior level of that sea, and facts are not wanting for such an assumption. Captain Manderson, R.N., gave an opinion in his ‘Examination as to the true course of the Florida Stream,” that it was owing to the Mississippi and the floods from the other rivers falling into the Gulf of Mexico. It was still further argued that the velocity of the Gulf Stream might be determined by the floods from thes rivers. But Captain Andrew Livingston, in our earlier editions, overturned this hypothesis by showing that what is poured into the sea by the River Mississippi is not a three-thousandth part of the volume of the Gulf Stream. He thought that it might be accounted for by the motion of the sun in the ecliptic, and its influence on the Atlantic waters. The effect of Temperature is also advanced as the prime mover ; in- creasing its heat, the water expands, and thus becomes higher than the cooler waters beyond it, and as the Gulf of Mexico has the highest tem- perature, here is the head water of the Gulf Stream on that account. Sir John Herschel says on this point :—‘ Let us see what this declivity, formed by unequal temperature, would amount to. The Hquatorial surface-water has a temperature of 84° F.; at 7,200 feet the temperature is 39°, the level of which temperature rises to the surface in lat. 56°. Taking the dilata- bility of sea-water to be the same as fresh, a uniformly progressive increase of temperature from 39° to 84° would dilate a column of 7,200 feet by 10 feet (or 9:971 feet more exactly), to which height, therefore, above the spheroid of equilibrium (or above the sea level in 56°), the Equatorial surface is actually raised by this dilatation. An are of 56° on the earth’s surface measures 3,360 geographical miles, so that (were the water to run direct North) we have a slope of 1-28th part of an inch per mile for the water so raised to run down. As the accelerating force corresponding to N. A. O. 49 378 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. such a slope (of 1-10th of a second, 0-1” of arc), is less than one two- millionth part of gravity, we may dismiss this as a cause capable of creat- ing only a very trifling surface drift, not worth considering, even were it the proper direction to form, by concentration, a current from Hast to West; which it would not be, but the very reverse.” * With regard to this, Lieutenant Pillsbury, U.S.N., states that the tem- perature of the Ocean in the vicinity of the Equator reaches 37° F., at a depth of about 1,000 fathoms, below which the changes are slight to the bottom. The surface has » temperature not far from 80°. The expansion of the water due to this change in temperature is about ‘005, which for the column of 1,000 fathoms would be about 30 feet, giving a grade from the Equator to the Poles of about -06 inch to a mile, an infinitesimal difference. Professor Ferrel considers that the effect of a difference of Temperature in the water of the Ocean between the Equatorial and Polar regions is similar to its effect on the atmosphere. The initial effect, before motion ensues, is to raise the surface of the Ocean at the Equator above that of the Polar regions (calculated by Mr. Croll to be 44 feet), thus giving rise to a motion poleward, compensated by an under-flow from the Poles to the Equator. He also denies that the Winds are the origin of the Currents, and holds that they are primarily due to differences of Temperature, acted on by the effect of the earth’s rotation.f We may here draw attection to an ingenious theory advanced by General H. Mathiesen, of the Danish Army, founded on the study of special surface temperature charts. He combats the generally accepted idea of the circu- lation of the waters of the Ocean, holding that the surface isothermal lines (about which more will be said at the end of this work) indicate warm currents from the Equator towards the Poles, and cold currents from the Poles towards the Equator, the former being of a clear blue colour, and the latter discoloured by various organic substances. He argues that the Winds cannot be considered as the cause of the permanent Oceanic Currents.{ Evaporation has been assumed as another cause, but it can be shown that the lines of maximum evaporation are near the Tropics, that is, near to the point from which the Gulf Stream removes and flows away, instead of running towards, if this be taken as a sole cause. But the line of greatest precipitation is near the Equator, and therefore the surface water of the Ocean is there lighter, or of less specific gravity, than under the evapo- rating Tropical influences ; this source of instability will cause the waters to flow directly towards this line, throughout the whole circuit, and not in the form of a partial stream. Besides this, it is shown by the experiments of deep-sea exploring vessels, that the density of sea-water, at some fathoms below the surface, is very nearly the same all over the ocean (246), so that surface experiments afford but imperfect data, upon which little or nothing can be grounded in the present state of our knowledge. (363.) There have been so many objections raised to the plain fact that * « Physical Geography,” by Sir John F. W. Herschel, 1861. + “Recent Advances in Meteorology,” by William Ferrel, M.A., Ph. D., Washington, U.S., 1886. ~ “ B'tude sur les Courants et sur la Température des Eaux de la Mer dans |’Océan “Atlantique,” par le Général H. Mathiesen ; Christiania, 1892. THE GULF STREAM. 379 the Trade and Anti-Trade Winds will account for many or most of the phenomena of oceanic circulation, that it would be far too discursive for a practical work like this to enter into such a field of speculation. All further theory must be sought for in those works which deal with speculative acience. As stated in (2) page 98, the winds and water of the North Atlantic Ocean seem to follow much the same law, as far as their different natures will allow; that is, they circulate more or less around a central axis or area—the Calms of Cancer in the one case, and the Sargasso Sea in the other. Captain Maury adduced arguments against the theory of assuming the ~ Trade Winds as the prime cause of the Gulf Stream, in opposition to the line of reasoning followed by Sir John Herschel. He drew up several Tables to show that the §.E. Trades have a greater preponderating force over the N.E. Trades in the Atlantic, but he proceeds on the assumption of the Hquator being the division between the two systems. This basis, which he elsewhere disproved, will very inadequately explain the relative force and duration of the two Trade Winds, as shown in (49), page 129. In fact, from arguing in this way, he endeavoured to prove, that from the much greater force (nearly twice) of the Southern Trades, from their much greater constancy, and still further, that from the greater preponderance of Westerly winds within the Tropics, on the North side of the Equator, that the North-East Trade Wind scarcely blows at all in the North Atlantic Ocean ; & position which is disproved by his Pilot Charts, and by the ex- perience of all sailors. The statement need scarcely be argued against, that the §.E. Trades have quadruple the force, and nearly dowble the duration of the N.E. Trades, making them eight times as important. But besides this, the Wind and Current Charts demonstrate that the Northern edge of the S.E. Trades, and their consequent drift, are almost always felt throughout nearly the whole year, to the North of the Equator, and, in fact, send a large proportion of the water into the Caribbean Sea (13), page (102). The Trade Winds may therefore be held to be a great cause of the Gulf Stream, and this opinion is strengthened by the results of the latest explora- tions made by the United States surveyors.* (364.) From careful observations made in the steamer Blake, Lieutenant * “Tt is well known how easily a Current may be induced by the action of the Wind, and how a strong S.W., a N.W., or even a N.E. wind, on our own coasts, raises the tide to an extraordinary height in the English Channel, the River Thames, &c., as those winds respectively prevail. The late Mr. Smeaton ascertained, by experiment, that in a canal of 4 miles in length, the water was kept up 4 inches higher at one end than at the other, merely by the action of the wind along the canal. The Baltic is kept up 2 feet at least by a strong N.W. wind of any continuance ; and the Caspian Sea is higher, by several feet, at either end, as a strong Northerly or Southerly wind prevails. It is likewise known, that a large piece of water, 10 miles broad, and generally only 3 feet deep, has, by a strong wind, had its waters driven to one side, and sustained so as to become 6 feet deep, while the windward side was laid dry. Therefore, as water pent up so that it cannot escape, acquires a higher level, so, in a place where it can escape, the same operation produces a current, and this current will extend to a greater or less distance, according to the force by which it is produced or kept up by the wind.”— Major Renneli, on the Thwart-Channel Current. 5 380 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Pillsbury, U.S.N., concludes that the Gulf Stream receives its water from the Atlantic, partly by means of the current driven by the force of the 8.E. Trade Winds along the N.E. coast of South America, and partly by the current from the N.E. Trades. The water, as a current, flows through the passages between the Windward Islands, only, and not through the Ane- gada, Mona, or Windward Passages. Not all the water-entering the Caribbean as described flows the length of that sea as a Current, but a portion of it returns to the Kastward through the passages, usually as an under-current. In addition, there is a large body of water thrown by the waves into the Caribbean Sea through all the passages. The Current found along the coast, between Trinidad and Curagao, is chiefly produced by the escape of water thrown there by the waves, no large body permanently entering the sea through the passage South of Grenada. The flow of water across the Caribbean Sea is of the same character as that found outside the islands, a scarcely perceptible current on the surface at first, but in- creasing in its velocity farther West. The water thus accumulated in the Western part of the Caribbean Sea escapes into the Gulf of Mexico, raising its surface level above that of the Atlantic. The reported difference of about 40 inches in level between the Gulf of Mexico, at Biloxi, and Sandy Hook, is probably largely in excess of the actual difference, though it is probably many inches. The evidence is that the small periodic changes of level of the Gulf of Mexico (0-3 to 0:41 foot) follow the changes in the Trade Winds, the highest level coming at the time when the winds are throwing the greatest amount of water into the Caribbean Sea, and also that the yearly variation in the Stream’s velocity follows the change in the level of the Gulf. Lieutenant Pillsbury continues :—‘ The average of all the Westerly flow between the islands, from St. Vincent to Antigua, gives a volume equal to about one-half that found in the narrowest part of the Straits of Florida. What, then, can account for the other half? I am convinced that it is the water thrown to leeward by the waves. Once in the Caribbean Sea, every wave formed gives the surface current an additional push by its momentum, so that by the time the part S.W. of Jamaica is reached, the flow has greater velocity than in any of the passages between the islands.” (365.) In previous pages, describing the Equatorial Currents, it was shown (302) to (317), pp. 348 to 352, that the united streams of the Northern Equatorial Drift and the much more powerful stream from the South Equatorial regions, when passing Cape San Roque and the Northern coast of Brasil, have a breadth of not less than 2,000 to 2,200 miles, and these flow with a velocity varying at times from 60 to 80 miles per day in the Southern part, to 10 or 15 miles in the Northern part of the drift. This Equatorial stream, which has a mean annual temperature of 77°6° (varying between 72°5° and 81:4°) on the Hastern or African side, and increasing to 80:°6° (from 79°7° to 84:2°) on the American side, covers an area of not less than 5,400,000 square geographical miles of Tropically heated water. The whole of this moving surface impinges on the Eastern face of the Caribbee Islands, and here another difficulty awaits us. The line of islands diminish the water-way, the openings between Barbuda and Trinidad being in tha aggregate not 230 miles in width, or less than one-half of the range. So THE GULF STREAM. 381 that, theoretically, the stream should rush through the openings between the islands with redoubled velocity, but no such phenomenon occurs. The Currents here are constant, but not more violent than in the Ocean to the East. Moreover, it is shown on pages 358 to 368 (327) to (343), that the current has not sufficient power in the Caribbean Sea to maintain a persistent Westwardly course, but that it is liable to frequent interrup- tions, and is sometimes even reversed. (366.) That part of the stream which fails to enter the passages is now considered to be deflected to the North-Westward, and to join the Gulf Stream after it has issued from the Straits of Florida. It is, however, but ill-defined and of small velocity, and from the evidence of floating bottles and other observations it has been considered that part of this drift forms a recurving current to the Southward and 8.E., along the N.E. side of the Bahamas. So indefinite is this drift, that in the previous edition of this work it was stated that one half of this great drift therefore appears to die out on reaching the obstacle formed by the islands, and no clue has as yet been given to its extinction, but it shows one thing, that the movement must be very superficial, or it would be impossible for a great body of water to be thus quietly arrested.* The only outlet it appears to have is the comparatively puny Gulf Stream with a breadth of not more than one six- hundredth part of the parent source. Lieutenant Pillsbury remarks that it seems evident there are two con- tributions to be found which tend to force the Stream onward, after it has left the Straits of Florida. One the current outside the islands, and the other the prevailing Westerly direction of the Anti-Trades. We have direct evidence of the flow outside the islands in the observations taken between Great Abaco Island and Cape Hatteras. At anchor about 60 miles from the Bahamas, the currents were all to the Northward and Westward, at the surface N.W., and at a depth of 200 fathoms N.W. by N. Midway between it was found that a slow movement reached to a great depth; the directions here were nearly all between N.N.E. and N.E. by E. The meeting of the current outside the Bahamas with the Gulf Stream varies in position. We have no means of knowing the width of this out- side stream, except by temperature observations, and these give over 200 miles. It is slower in movement, but of much higher temperature than the Gulf Stream. We have previously given (325), pages 355—356, Sir Robert Schom- burgk’s remarks on this outer current. Having thus endeavoured to trace the origin of the water of the Gulf Stream, we now proceed to give some account of its peculiarities in the various regions it traverses, premising, however, that in no sense can it be considered as constant, and it is fairly open to doubt whether Lieutenant Pillsbury, U.S.N., is to be considered as infallible when he affirms :— “ That this wonderful Stream is governed by law in all its motions there * There is an exactly analogous case in the abrupt termination to the Guinea Cur- rent in the Bight of Biafra. It is traced up to the coast itself, and with a mean rate of 15 or 16 miles per day, and then disappears; it does not apparently unite with the South African Current setting to the Northward. 382 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. can be no doubt. It has its daily and monthly variations in Veloclty, Direction, and Temp2rature, changing with as perfect regularity as the tides in a harbour.” : (367.) The Gulf Stream has had from the earliest times a very bad repu- tation among ship-masters for its dangerous character, and the hundreds of wrecks and millions of property which have bestrewed its margin have given good occasion for such a description. For not only is it to be dreaded for its stormy nature, but also for its violent stream, which renders a sail- ing vessel quite unmanageable during a calm. At these times, should hazy weather occur, and the sameness of the shores mislead the stranger, he is is open to many difficulties and dangers. But the excellent system of beaconage along the Florida Reefs, and the fine lights which direct by night, have very much reduced its bad character, and diminished the employment of that enterprising race, the wreckers of Kay West and the Florida Reefs. (368.) The Channel of the Gulf Stream.—The peculiar and dangerous character of the shores of the Straits of Florida, and the necessity which existed for the establishment of some means of averting the mischief the Gulf Stream annually occasioned, led to a minute examination of its fea- tures so geologically and geographically interesting, which has been made practically useful by the erection of a fine line of beacons and the necessary lighthouses upon the Florida Reefs. Professor Agassiz, who investigated this subject, has shown that the Florida Kays and Reefs are essentially of coral formation in various stages of existence. At Kay West, the basis of this is shown to be a coarse oolitic rock with cross stratifications, and dipping at various angles in different directions. The formation of coral upon this rock extends not only over the Kays, but also to the mainland of Florida, and by a careful process of in- quiry and reasoning it may be inferred that a very different order of things existed at no very remote period of the world’s history. We have a peninsula—a narrow, flat strip of land, projecting for about 5 degrees from the mainland, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, and forming an effective barrier between the waters of the two seas, which otherwise, even by the change of a few feet in the relative level of the intervening peninsula, would communicate freely with one another ; and this peninsula we now know to have been added to the continent, step by step, in a Southerly direction. We know that the time cannot be far behind us when the present reef, with its few kays, did not exist, and when the channel, therefore, was broader, and the Gulf Stream flowed directly along the main range of kays. We know, further, that at some earlier period the kays themselves were not yet formed, and that the channel between Cuba and Florida was wider still, washing freely over the grounds now known as the mud-flats, between the kays and the mainland, and that there was then nothing to impede a free communication between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. If it is true that the Gulf Stream and the South-West winds have an in- fluence in determining the course of the isothermal lines upon the two sides of the Atlantic, and of raising beyond their normal altitude the mean annual temperatures of North-West Europe, then we may look to the THE GULF STREAM. 383 physical changes which have occurred on the South-Hastern extremity of the North American continent for the cause, or at least a partial cause, of those changes of temperature which have taken place in the beginning of the present period, in those very North-Western portions of Europe which are now so much warmer than the corresponding latitudes on the Kastern side of the American continent; and which, soon after the accumulation of the glacial drift, had as low a mean annual temperature as the coasts of Labrador, Nova Scotia, and New England in our day. The present condition of the Florida country then is this :—On the outer edge we have the ‘‘ Reef,” a submerged line of danger to the navigator, which rises nearly to the surface of the water, on which every variety of coral life is developed. It follows the line of kays within it in a perfectly parallel curve, and forms the boundary to the Ship Channel inside it for hundreds of miles. Upon this line and space are small patches which rise above the surface, of course of dead coral, and upon these is gradually heaped the débris of the reef, in the form of sand and broken coral, till it attains a permanent level above the surface. Within this reef is a channel with depths of 2 to 7 and 8 fathoms, which, with care and some knowledge, may be navigated, and which has various openings to it through the reef. These kays consist generally of coral boulders and the fragments of coral and shells heaped up by the action of the waves, and which have become agglutinated by some obscure process, till they become firm land, not by the upheaval of old coral growths, but by the action of a stormy sea and tremendous waves. They are generally level, and it is only at times that the water rises sufficiently to account for their elevation. On a later page is given an instance of an extraordinary rise in the waters. In the year 1846, the water rose 8} feet above high-water mark at Kay Vaccas. Kay West was entirely inundated during the same gale; and though it is somewhat protected by the reef, the rushes, driven upon it by the flood, might be seen among the trees and bushes, at a height almost equal to its loftiest summit. In 1841 the water rose 10 feet above high- water mark at Cape Romaine, on the Western shore of the peninsula. Proceeding still farther Northward, we find an important result of the operation of the Gulf Stream, in the formation of the range of the Sea Islands of Georgia, so famous for the growth of its peculiar cotton. These low alluvial deposits are the results of gradual accretion still going on, and afford a genial soil for the cotton plant, while the tepid water of the Gulf Stream, which rushes past them, tempers the Easterly winds which blow on this seaboard, and add their important influences to the peculiar growth of this cotton plant. (369.) Characteristics.—The Indications of the Stream are the appearance and the temperature of the water. In its lower latitudes and usual course, where it flows uninterrupted, it may be known in fair weather by its smooth and clear blue surface. Outside the line formed by a ripple on its edge, the water in some places appears like boiling water of a blue colour; and, in other places, it foams like the waters of a cataract, even in dead calms, and in deep water. On the outer or §.E. edge of the Stream, especially in fair weather, 384 OBSEBVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. tnere are great ripplings, which are very perceptible. The appearance ot the sea-weed, by day, is an indication of this edge of the Stream ; this weed being, commonly, on the outer edge of the Stream, in greater quantity and larger clusters than within it. On its inner or N.W. edge the contrast between its clear blue water and the greenish coloured water of the cold Arctic Current is often very marked, besides the great difference in temperature of the two streams. It has been stated by some observers that the water within the Stream does not sparkle in the night. That observant navigator, Captain Living- ston, says that, though this is a common, it is a misconceived, idea :—‘‘ I have frequently seen it sparkle much; even last night it sparkled con- siderably, when we were in about 25° N., and 80° or 79° 40’ W.; and off Cape Roman, Cape Fear, Cape Hatteras, and the entrance of the Delaware, I have seen the water sparkle pretty much, though I think not equal to what it does in many other parts of the Ocean.”—(In the Stream, Sep- tember 10th, 1818.) Mr. Ellicott said (Journal, 1803) :—‘‘ It has been mentioned by Dr. Franklin, that the water of the Gulf Stream does not sparkle in the night. This, so far as my observations go, is incorrect: I saw but little or no difference between that and the other water on the coast; but if there was any, that of the Gulf Stream was the most sparkling and luminous. It may, however, be observed, that the same water is very different, at different times, in this respect. ‘The same ingenious writer and philosopher likewise observes, that the Gulf-weed is a sign of being in the Stream. This is in part true, but by no means to be considered as a general rule, because the water on the borders of the Stream is constantly mixing with the adjoining water, and leaving some of the weed behind, which consequently falls into the eddy currents, and is carried off many miles.” Lieutenant John Evans remarks :—Phosphorescent lights are equally abundant in the Florida Stream as in the Gulf of Mexico, some unusually large and brilliant; and some of the small lights appeared to spring out of the water with a sweeping motion, which I had never before observed ; the temperature of the water was 79°, that of the air 76°. (370.) Extent.—The Gulf Stream may be said to commence its great career between the Tortugas Bank and the Coast of Cuba, and the line joining the Dry Tortugas and Havana may be taken as its starting point. The channel is here 95 miles wide. Between Kay Sal Bank and Sombrero Kay the channel is only 54 miles wide; off Cape Florida, its narrowest and shallowest part, it is 44 miles in width; and between Jupiter Inlet and the N.W. part of Little Bahama Bank the channel is 47 miles wide. This confined part of the Gulf Stream, before it shoots off uncontrolled into the Atlantic, is 330 miles long. Pursuing its way Northward, its warmest waters and strongest current keep near the edge of the bank of soundings which fronts the coasts of Georgia and the Carolinas, following the general curve very strictly, and in its main strength keeping 35 to 50 miles off Cape Hatteras, where the whole area occupied by the cold and warm bands may be included in a THE GULF STREAM. 385 breadth of 150 miles. This portion of its course, from the channel within the Matanilla, is about 590 miles in length. To the Northward of this, its N.W. edge still follows the edge of the bank of soundings, and being diverted more to the Hast by the obstacles lying off it, gradually winds more to the Eastward towards the parallel of 40°, to a line transverse to its course trending 8.H. from Cape Cod, which will be about 480 miles beyond the Cape Hatteras section. It is here from 250 to 300 miles broad. Beyond this it pursues an Easterly course for 1,150 miles to the meridian of 40° W., which is 350 miles East of the Great Newfoundland Bank. After skirting the Southern edge of the Banks of Newfoundland, it proceeds with diminished velocity and temperature to about the meridian of 40° W. just named, when its farther drift to the Eastward cannot be distinguished from that of the whole surface of the Ocean to the North and South of it. The total distance we have thus gone over will be about 2,600 miles, throughout the whole of which its characteristics may be distinctly traced, although its lateral boundaries are not so easily defined. It has been usual to extend its independent existence some 1,200 or 1,500 miles farther to the shores of Western Europe, as before stated, but when its volume in the outset, or in its narrowest part, is considered, it will be no great sacrifice of previously formed opinions to curtail it of its more extended features. Although thus deprived of a large portion of the magnitude with which it was formerly believed to be invested, it is not the less a wonderful stream, as it is able, so expanded and thinned out, to maintain its course and character unimpaired over the counter-currents of a totally different origin and nature wnich flow beneath it. (371.) Throughout the latter part of its course its left-hand margin carries the greatest strength. In the Gulf of Florida its Southern side is the most powerful. Northward of the Gulf its Eastern and South-Eastern side is difficult to define, as it is found that the Gulf Stream may be said to consist of several longitudinal bands of water of different temperatures as presently described. To the Southward of British North America its force gradually disappears till it is lost in the central still water of the Sargasso Sea. ; The diagram of the Currents, which elucidates this section, will give a clearer idea of its relation to the great circulatory system, than any long description can do. (872.) Breadth.—As stated above, it is difficult to define the exact boundaries of the Gulf Stream, especially its Southern side, where, owing to the accession of the warm drift outside the islands (366), temperature observations form no guide. Whilst the more minute examinations which have been made have added much to our knowledge of its features, they have not hitherto been sufficiently extensive to fix its limits, either by an average, or to give us the position of its margin in different seasons. How- ever, aS numerous observations have been given on its drifts, we may give a rude approximation to its extent from the positions where the drift has been found to be appreciable. In the narrowest part it is about 40 miles broad—a breadth it maintains to abreast Cape Canaveral. Off Charleston Nx Aw O8 50 386 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. it may be about 70 miles; off Cape Look-out, 100 miles; off Cape Hatteras, 150 miles ; while off Nantucket, it has probably expanded to 300 miles, so that it has widened to more than seven times the breadth it com- menced with. With regard to its breadth off Cape Hatteras, Lieutenant Pillsbury, U.S.N., states from his observations, taken in May and June, 1887, 1889, and 1890, that the axis of the Stream was found about 10 miles outside the 100-fathoms line, or about 40 miles off the cape, the surface width being then practically the same as in the Narrows of Florida Strait. He considers that between Jupiter Inlet and Cape Hatteras, it is probable the average position of the strongest current will be found between 11 and 20 miles outside the 100-fathoms line. Off and beyond Cape Hatteras, it is, however, liable to more fluctuation in direction, particularly along its edges ; and in its progress to the Hastward, by the time the Newfound- land Banks are reached, it is probable that these fluctuations entirely obliterate the Stream as a body distinguishable from its mate, which has come by the outside passage from the Trade region. Lieutenant G. C. Hanus, of the U.S.S8. Hnterprise, which sailed from New York, October 30th, 1890, for Aspinwall (Colon), says they steered South from Scotland lightship, and entered the Gulf Stream in lat. 36° 30’ N., long. 73° 20' W., about 125 miles North-Eastward of Cape Hatteras, the temperature of the water changing from 61° F. to 75° in one hour. The width of the Stream was found to be from 130 to 150 miles, as nearly as could be estimated. The time of leaving the Stream could not be determined by the temperature of the water on the 8.H. edge, as the temperature changed but slightly, and gradually increased, with slight variations, as the vessel proceeded South. After leaving the Stream, a slight set to the Westward was encountered, which continued until the island of San Salvador was made. That the Southern side of the Gulf Stream, to the Northward of Ber- muda, is very ill-defined, will be best understood by studying the tem- peratures taken by H.M.S. Challenger in April and May, 1873 (see later on). It will be observed that the temperature was higher at Ber- muda than at most stations to the Northward, both at the surface and below. Only in two observations between Bermuda and Halifax was the surface temperature found to exceed that at Bermuda, and then only by 1°. The direction of the currents in the passage between Halifax and Bermuda (May 20—28) also indicate that the Stream here was weak in power. As far as 374° N. the current was observed to flow in a Southerly direction between S.W. and S.E., at rates varying from 10 to 26 miles in the 24 hours. In 37° N. the current flowed strong to the Eastward 32 miles. In 364° N. only 7 miles N.E.; in 35° N. 7 miles E. by N.; and at 60 miles North of Bermuda a weak current of 3 miles flowed to the N.W. The wind in this passage, Southward of 40° N., was generally from the N.E., and varied in force from 3 to 7 Beaufort Scale (p. 104); between 40° N. and 36° N., Southward of this, it was very light. (373.) Depth—Deep-sea sounding is now conducted with such pre- cision and certainty that any doubts which were formerly held on this topic must be abandoned. It is true that the labour and appliances can, THE GULF STREAM. 387 in their extended use, only be at the command of Government vessels; but the United States Navy officers have done well to maintain their national honour in their endeavours to elucidate their famous Current. Between the years 1845 and 1859, the United States Coast Department instituted a series of soundings and temperature observations along and across the course of the Stream, the operations being conducted in the Corwin by Lieutenants Craven and Maffit, and Commander Sands. Their observations in the Straits of Florida were so remarkable as to over-turn all preconceived notions of the great depth and volume of the Stream, though later investigation has shown that their work had need of revision. The first reliable soundings of the bed of the Stream, from Florida Strait to George’s Bank, were made by Commander Bartlett, U.S.N., in the Blake, in 1881 and 1882. Those previously made were with rope or registering devices, which in strong currents or great depths are unreliable. The latest soundings have been made with wire, by which the depth can in all cases be ascertained with certainty and accuracy. The general plan of exploration of the Gulf Stream, laid down in 1845, was to observe the phenomena on sections perpendicular to its axis from well determined points on the coast. In pursuance of this design, numerous sections have since been run between the Western part of Florida Strait and the shoals off Nantucket, extending from the shore to beyond its outer limits. It is difficult to explain the nature of these soundings and their results without diagrams; but they are, of course, of more utility to the physical geographer than to the sailor. What follows on this head is mainly derived from the Annual Reports of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. (374.) In the Straits of Florida, as in the bend of a river, it is found that the deepest water is along its concave or Southern and Western sides, as will be readily seen by reference to the chart, and here the Stream runs strongest. The following particulars of the more important sections are taken from the latest (1893) charts published by the United States Hydrographic Office. Between Kay West and Havana, sounding operations were carried on under Professor Mitchell in 1866 and 1867, in connection with laying a telegraph cable. The distance between Sand Kay and Havana is 823 miles, and the following are the depths shown upon the chart at distances of about 10 miles apart, going from N.N.E. to $.S.W. :— 136 369 508 862 936 924 968 472 fathoms. It will be seen that the deepest water is on the Cuban side, over 900 fathoms being found within 7 miles of Havana. This characteristic is followed all the way along the Cuban side and that of the Great Banks. At Havana, as above shown, there is an abrupt descent of nearly a mile within 7 miles of the shore, while on the side of the Tortugas and Kay West the water is comparatively shallow and the descent gradual. Of this breadth of 82 miles, the Gulf Stream was found not to occupy more than 40 miles on the Southern side of the channel, and Professor Mitchell was led to conclude that the Gulf Stream here has a nearly uniform velocity for a depth of 600 fathoms, although its temperature 388 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. varies in this depth 40° F. At the surface it was from 81° to 82°; ata depth of 274 fathoms, 59°; at 492 fathoms, 45°; and at 555 fathoms, 424°. This at once overturned all former speculations as to its enormous depth, and high temperature to all depths. Besides the remarks hereafter given, a single fact will also suffice to show that the Gulf Stream does not fill this channel. Between 1857 and 1862 Captain E. B. Hunt, of the United States Ungineers, was employed at Kay West, on the threshold of the Stream.* His careful observations fully bore out the elaborate geological survey by Professor Agassiz in 1850-51, and demonstrate that these kays and reefs are slowly, but surely, extending to the Westward by the mechanical agency of a counter- current North of the Gulf Stream, in direct opposition to the strongest part of its course, which will be more fully dilated on hereafter. During bad weather, the sea about the reefs becomes milky, or ‘‘ white water,” from the bottom being stirred up by the waves. This white water is invariably drifted to the Westward, and the matter it carries is slowly ~ deposited both North and South of the line of kays, and to 30 and 40 miles to the Southward of them. (375.) Between Sombrero Kay and Salt Kay Bank, avout 85 miles Hast- ward of the previous section, the Strait narrows to 54 miles, and the soundings across, at distances of about 10 miles apart, are as follow :— 112 239 370 500 385 fathoms. The depth of 385 fathoms is found within 9 miles of North Elbow Kay, and it will be noticed how much the depth has decreased from the pre- vious section, and that the descent from the Florida Reefs is much more gradual. (376.) Between Carysfort Reef and Orange Kay, Great Bahama Bank, the channel is 60 miles in width, the soundings, about 10 miles apart, being as follow :— 118 365 475 465 435 200 fathome. The depth of 200 fathoms is found within 4 miles of Orange Kay, and the deepest water lies nearer the centre of the Strait. (377.) Across the Narrows of the Straits of Florida, between Fowey Rocks and Gun Kay, the channel is 42 miles in width, and this is the most interesting section of the Stream, as careful observations taken within these comparatively narrow limits render calculations of the volume of the Stream to be within approximate limits of the truth. The earlier series of soundings made this to be also the shallowest part of its course, the greatest depth near the centre being stated to be 370 fathoms. Soundings taken at distances of about 5 miles apart from Cape Florida, are as follow :— 21 195 248 214 320 425 -481 481 156 fathoms. (3%8.) Between Jupiter Inlet and Litile Memory Rock, Little Bahama * American Journal of Science, &c., vol. xxxv., pp. 197—210; and pp. 388—396. + Professor L. Agassiz in the Report of the United States Coast Survey, 1851. THK GULE.STREAM. 389 Bank, just before the Stream runs off uncontrolled into the Atlantic, the strait is 53 miles in width, and the soundings, at distances of about 5 miles apart, are as follow :— 20 95 176 250 341 416 439 395 347 294 100 fathoms. The depth of 100 fathoms is found within 1 mile of Memory Rock, and it will be noticed that here, as elsewhere in the Straits, the Eastern side of the channel is the deeper. (379.) The Stream emerges from the Straits over a bank which appears to have still shallower soundings than on the last section, and with refer- ence to this, Commander Bartlett, U.S.N., makes the following remarks :— ‘Instead of a deep: channel which had previously been reported, our soundings show a nearly level plateau extending from a point to the Eastward of the Bahama Banks to Cape Hatteras. Off Cape Carfia- veral it is nearly 200 miles wide, and gradually decreases in width to the Northward until reaching Hatteras, where a depth of more than 1,000 fathoms is found 30 miles off shore. This plateau has a general depth of 400 fathoms, suddenly dropping on its Hastern edge to 2,000 fathoms. “‘ The course of the Gulf Stream can almost be traced by the character of the bottom. On each side the sounding cylinder brought up ooze, but in the strength of the current the hard bottom was washed nearly bare, the specimens being small broken pieces of disintegrated coral rock.’’* Northward of the Straits some curious variations of temperature are found in crossing the axis of the Stream, as will be presently explained. Lieutenant Craven, U.S.N., was under the impression, from his series of soundings off Charleston and Cape Cajiaveral, in the Corwin, in 1853, that the bed of the ocean was here of an undulating character, with two ranges of submarine hills at 96 and 136 miles off Charleston, and 1,800 and 1,500 feet high respectively. On the Cafiaveral section the inner range was said to be 68 miles from the coast. As stated above, no trace of these submarine hills could be found when more perfect apparatus was used, but the bottom was found to be a plateau. Lieutenant Craven noticed ripples on the Charleston section, thought to be in connexion with the irregularities of the bottom. Similar ripples were observed on the Sandy Hook section and on the Montauk section in 1845, and were compared to the “rips” on the Nantucket Shoals. (380.) From Florida Strait, then, nearly as far as Cape Hatteras, the axis of the Gulf Stream has been found to run over a plateau with a general depth of 400 fathoms. To the Northward of this, the ocean is very deep. At 200 miles Kastward of Cape Hatteras the depth is 2,500 fathoms; at 150 miles Hastward of Cape Henlopen, 1,500 fathoms ; at 180 miles E.S.E. of Nantucket, off the S.H. point of George Shoal, 1,350 fathoms; at 230 miles Kastward of Nantucket, off the Hastern edge of George Shoal, 1,340 fathoms ; and at 180 miles Southward of Halifax, and 40 or 50 miles 8.S.E. of Le Have Bank, 1,250 fathoms. Between this latter sounding and Bermuda the depths vary between 2,000 and 3,000 fathoms. These * United States Coast Survey Report, 1882, Appendix 11, 390 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. are depths to which the Gulf Stream has little or no influence, as shown by the Temperatures taken by H.M.S. Challenger, hereafter quoted. (381.) Velocity—As would naturally be expected, from the difficulty of making accurate current observations from vessels in motion, there is great divergence between various observers as to the Velocity of the Gulf Stream. We consider it better, therefore, to repeat much that appeared on this subject in the previous editions of this work, and to give, in conclusion, the results recently obtained from the United States Coast Survey steamer Blake, when at anchor in various parts of the Stream’s course. Our knowledge of the velocity of the Gulf Stream is not sufficiently ex- tensive to pronounce absolutely at what rate it flows as a mean for the whole year. It is very irregular in all parts, and there has been no sys- tematic collection of observations recorded on the subject; those inyes- tigated show there are more variations than can be reconcilable with the change of the seasons. It is stated that the latter part of the month of August and beginning of September is the period in which it attains its greatest strength and highest temperature, and it is weakest and lowest in February, but fluctuates in all seasons according to circumstances. The strength of its Western and Northern borders, in its entire and vast extent. is much greater than those on the Hast and South, which have invariably a tendency to spread over the ocean in whirls or eddies, and are, therefore, comparatively weak. Major Rennell estimated the Gulf Stream to move in the Narrows at from 82 to 96 and 120 miles per day. A more rigid calculation of his and other older data gives 65:4 miles per day as an annual average. This last estimate is much reduced by the investigation carried out by the Meteor- ological Office in 1872, which gives a mean annual rate of only 48 miles per day. The investigations carried out by the United States authorities appear to confirm the earlier figures. (382.) Captain Livingston stated :—‘‘ The calculations of the velocity of the Gulf Stream are not to be depended on. I have found it setting at the rate of 5 knots, and even upwards; this was on the 16th and 17th of August, 1817. On the 19th and 20th of February, 1819, it seemed to be almost imperceptible. In September, 1819, it set at much about the rate described in the charts.” One remarkable instance of its diverging from the usually supposed velo- city is given in a communication of Captain Giles, of the barque Charles, who found it to run 5 and 53 knots, in January, 1843. ‘‘ The first day I began to make any material progress was with the Tortugas bearing about §.E. ; the following day I had a current of 53 miles S.E. by S.; the next day, 60 miles S.S.E.} E. I was then in lat. 24° 10’, long. 83° W. The weather would not permit our sighting the Tortugas, though we passed them very closely. The next day we made, by very good observations, 75 miles of due Easterly current, which, with the ship’s work, placed her in lat. 24° 12’, long. 81° 33’ W. The succeeding day, towards dark, the wind being strong from E.S.E., and considering myself in the vicinity of the in- draught of the Great Inlet, I put the ship's head to the Southward, under close-reefed topsails, and nothing more set, and reached her to till daylight, that being twelve hours good. Towards noon it fell calm; I then found THE GULF STREAM. 391 that we had been set nearly in the direction that the elbow of the land trends one hundred and ten miles, we being at noon in lat. 25° 15’ N., long. 79° 45' W. The following day we had light, variable airs and calms, heavy rain, much thunder and lightning, and very thick weather (as it had been the day previously). We picked ourselves up at noon, lat. 27° 20' N., long. 79° 30’ W., having had the current N. by E. one hundred and twenty miles. I intended to pass through the Providence N.W. Channel, but the current swept us past the mouth of it in the light airs which we had on the last two days of our passage.”’ (383.) Captain (afterwards General) Sabine, F.R.S., said :—‘‘ There can be little hesitation in attributing the unusual extension of the Stream in particular years to its greater initial velocity. ‘““On the 5th of December, 1822, the Pheasant, bound to New York, quitted the Northern boundary of the Stream in lat. 364°, long. 724°. In the Stream, in lat. 36° 14’, long. 72° 25’, the temperature of the surface water was 74°, and of the air, 65°. Between 10 a.m. and noon, the tem- perature had fallen from 74° to 62°4°, being a difference of 11:6°. The surface water on which the ship entered was in motion to the Westward, at the average rate of 16 miles in the following twenty-four hours, and generally to the West and S.W. between the Northern side of the Stream and the banks on the coast of Maryland. This motion may be more pro- perly characterized as a drift current, occasioned by the prevalence and strength of recent Northerly gales, than as a cownter-current. In approach- ing the bank of soundings, the surface water at 8 a.m. and at noon, on the 7th of December, was 59°5°; at 3 p.m. it had fallen to 54:2°; on which, upon sounding, bottom was found in 33 fathoms. On the following morning, in 30 fathoms, the surface was 53°5°, and at 8 a.m. on the 19th, in 12 fathoms, but still with no land in sight (being 20 miles off the coast), 41.5°. In the afternoon of the same day, when about 2 miles distant from Sandy Hook (New York Harbour), the water had finally lowered to 45°. Thus, in a space of the ocean scarcely exceeding 200 miles in direct distance, the heat of the surface progressively diminished from 74° to 45°.” (384.) From the work of the Meteorological Office, before quoted (239), we take the following general, and then the monthly observations on the Gulf Stream, as far as the parallel of 40° N., before mentioned. The Gulf Stream, as far as the observations on these charts go, may be considered to commence near the Delta of the Mississippi. A Current setting N.E. by N., averaging 20 miles a day, in lat. 26° to 28° N., long. 95° to 90° W., appears to cross the 90th meridian, and unite with the Gulf Stream, which takes a direct course to the Florida Reefs, setting 8.E., its rate increasing from 9 to 29 miles per day, in a distance of about 500 miles. On the right it has the Yucatan Current, which it forces Westwird. At times, part of this §.H. Current finds its way round the West end of Cuba into the Caribbean Sea, as previously explained (345) On the left there appears to be an off-flow towards the E.N.E..; and North of the Florida Isles, about lat. 26° N., long. 83° W., the configuration of the land occa- sions a sort of eddy, and the currents experienced there are extremely variable in direction. There being no outlet for the waters towards the N.E., and the Yucatan 392 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS Current confining it on the §.W., the main part of the stream is forced into the Straits of Florida, turning to the N.E. by E. in its passage be- tween the Florida Reefs and Cuba at a mean rate of 39 miles. About lat. 25° N. the straits between Florida and the Bahama Banks become contracted, part being known as the Narrows. Here the set becomes almost due North, and its rate greater, averaging 48 miles. This rate and set is maintained to lat. 30°N. Thence to lat, 32° or 33°N., the direction of the set is N.E. by N., while the rate has decreased to 40 miles. Now the set changes to N.E., and is maintained to lat. 38° N., long. 70° W., the mean rate of the main stream being from 48 to 43 miles. The Stream is strongest towards the land side, being pressed upon by the Arctic Current, which probably causes the very high velocities sometimes ex- perienced about lat. 36° to 38° N., long. 74° to 70° W. On the right side the Stream is free to spread out, being only resisted by a feeble Westerly drift. Here accordingly we find the current weaker, even down to 10 to 20 miles a day. It must be remarked, howeyer, that the observations made on the right edge of the Stream must frequently be in part due to the influence of the Westerly, or rather South-Westerly, drift, upon the ship’s run in 24 hours, the final result depending on the preponderance of one or the other current during the interval. Whenever this has been suspected the observations have been separated from those believed to have been made entirely in the Gulf Stream, and averaged by themselves. In long. 70° W. the width of the Stream averages about 120 miles, extending from lat. 36° to 38° N. Thence its set becomes H.N.E., and its main portion seems to pass North of lat. 40° N., near long. 60° W. Between 70° and 60° W. the rate is from 37 to 27 miles per day. The Southern edge of the Stream can be traced to long. 45° W., about lat. 38° N., but the rate is feeble and the set variable. In January the Gulf Stream may be traced from about long. 87° W. between lat. 25° and 30° N. Thence it flows to the 8.H. and East between the Florida Reefs and Cuba, and is forced to the Northward by the Florida Channel, where its rate is 39 miles. Beyond this, observations are deficient, but they indicate the Stream as far as 37° N., 70° W. In February it can be traced from the 85th meridian, between lat. 23° and 27° N., through the Gulf of Florida, Northward to lat. 32° N.; thence North-Eastward to lat. 37° N., in long. 72° W.; data are wanting beyond this. Its rate, North of Cuba, is 33 miles; through the Narrows, 53 miles; thence to lat. 32° N., 48 miles; beyond this, observations vary from 70 to 21 miles per day. A counter-current to the South-Westward is indicated from 35° to 30° N., which appears to become deflected to the E.S.H. by the Bahamas, but its force is inconsiderable, and it is probably variable in direction as well as in rate. In March it seems to commence about lat. 28° N., long. 90° W., whence it flows S.E., rapidly increasing in velocity, passing around Florida at the mean rate of 40 miles, which it maintains up to 30°N. Farther North- ward observations are not so numerous, and while they indicate a current to the N.E., and then E.N.E., up to lat. 37° N., long. 62° W., they assign to it extraordinary differences of rate. One observer vouches for a rate af 106 miles in 24 hours, about mean position 37° N., 72° W. From THE GULF STREAM. 393 30° to 35° N., the Stream is reported to be unusually weak in this month. There is evidence of a Southerly set between 27° and 30° N., Eastward of the Gulf Stream, as far as long. 70° W. In April the Gulf Stream appears to commence at the mouth of the Mississippi, flowing South-Hastwardly towards Cuba, where it is turned Eastward, and then to the N.E. and North round Florida, Commencing with a rate of 22 miles, it becomes 36 miles off Cuba, and 48 miles off Florida, maintaining this rate to lat. 32° N. Its direction is now to the N.E., but its rate is undiminished to lat. 35° N. Beyond this, observa- tions indicate the current to long. 58° W. in 38° N. It appears to extend from the coast to 65° W. on the parallel of 36° N. The counter-current to the S.W. is shown considerably farther Hastward than in the previous months, being to the East of the 70th meridian in lat. 31° N. Its rate is from 11 to 22 miles. In May it may be considered to commence from the Delta of the Missis- sippi, with a rate of only 16 miles, but flowing S.S.K. it becomes 27 miles; then E.S.E. 35 miles; and passes between Florida Reefs and Cuba at the rate of 44 miles. Between Florida and the Bahamas it has the greatest mean strength yet noticed, 64 miles. Thence it continues North, N.N.E., N.E., and E.N.E., at a mean rate of 40 miles, until it reaches lat. 37° N., long. 70° W. Eastward there are indications of this current across the Atlantic, as far as the Azores, the rates given varying from 6 to 29 miles. On the whole, the Stream appears to be stronger, and to extend farther into the open ocean, than in April. There is evidence of a remarkable overflow from the Gulf Stream, setting E.S.H., at from 14 to 22 miles per day, between lat. 28° and 33° N., shown as far as 70° W.; also into the Santaren Channel, as if all the water could not pass with the main stream, In June it may be considered to commence off the Mississippi at 12 miles per day. Thence it flows S.H. towards Cuba, at from 17 to 38 miles, then East between Florida Reefs and Cuba, at 50 miles. From lat. 25° to 30° N. there are no observations of it. From lat. 30° N. it flows North-Hasterly to lat. 35° N., at from 46 to 63 miles. Between 35° and 40° N. it becomes more Easterly, and its rate is variously given from 14 to 48 miles. It can be traced -to long. 45° W. in lat. 37° N. There is no evidence that it reaches the Azores. It has greater extension Southward between long. 55° and 70° W. than has been noted hitherto. There is no evidence of an overflow North of the Bahamas, although the Stream appears to be quite ag strong as in May. In July the Gulf Stream may still be traced from the Mississippi, flowing South-Hasterly towards Cuba, at a rate of about 24 miles. Between Florida Reefs and Cuba it attains 51 miles, and from 25° to 30° N. it has been found to average 72 miles nearly due North. Thence it flows Hast- ward of North to lat. 36° N. in long. 70° W., at a rate of 30 to 43 miles. Its set is now Hastward, and can be traced to long. 35° W., but the obser- vations are neither numerous nor consistent. On the whole it appears that the Gulf Stream is very strong this month, and that its Southern limit is in lat. 36° N., between long. 40° and 72° W. Ne AAO; a3 | 394 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. In August the Gulf Stream, also, is not represented from its origin to lat. 835° N. From 35° to 40° N., and between 75° and 55° W., it appears to be strong, the rates varying from 12 to 56 miles. In the same latitudes, between long. 45° and 30° W., there is decided evidence of a Southerly set. In September it is traceable from lat. 30° N., long. 80° W., at 72 miles a day, to 38° N., 63° W., at 31 miles. Between 60° and 70° W. it does not appear to extend farther South than about 37° N. In October it passes through the Straits of Florida at 37 miles per day, but the observations are deficient in number. In November, to the East of Florida, it has a rate of 70 to 53 miles ; in lat. 84° N., it is 46 miles. Hlsewhere there are no data. In December the Gulf Stream is well shown from long. 87° to 67° W. In its South-Hasterly flow to the West of Florida its rate is from 10 to 20 miles. East of Florida it flows due North, at from 50 to 54 miles. Thence to lat. 38° N., in its North-Hasterly course, it maintains the rate of from 38 to 58 miles. The Arctic Current, between the Gulf Stream and the coast, has been frequently experienced, its rate being from 10 to 15 miles. It may be the pressure of this cold water which causes the remarkable increase in the rapidity of the Stream about lat. 37° N. (385.) Action of the Wind.—In the Strait of Florida, within the Bahamas, the wind probably retards or accelerates the Velocity. A N.E. gale in the Atlantic will probably bank up the water of the Stream, lowering its Velocity materially, and afterwards the flow will by reaction be greatly increased over the normal speed. There is no evidence of any change in the position of the axis due to the wind in the Strait. Variations in atmospheric pressure in the Gulf of Mexico also cause a considerable retardation or acceleration of the current. When a Northerly gale, increased to a storm, opposes the Stream in its course, this adverse power causes it to fill all the channels and openings amongst the Martyr Isles and Reefs, and to overflow all the low coast. Shipping have even been carried over the low kays, and left dry on shore. During these times, Florida Strait exhibits a scene beyond description. In September, 1769, there was an inundation, which covered the tops of the highest trees on the Cayo Largo, &c., and during which the Ledbury, snow, John Lorain, master, was carried over the reef by the N.W. current of the Stream, caused by a gale from the N.E. The vessel bilged in shallow water, but an anchor was thrown out, and the next day she was found to have grounded on Elliot Kay, with the anchor among the trees. The water is supposed at times to have risen to the height of 30 feet, and to have been running against the fury of the winds at the rate of 7 miles an hour. (386.) Action of the Moon.—Besides the effect which different winds have upon the Stream, it is subject to another power which also directs it toward or from the coast ; and that is, the moon, which, according to her position, has different effects upon it, not, however, in equa! power with those of the wind; but the disposition of the Stream is increased to its extreme, if the effect of both the wind and the moon are combined. For at this time, the ocean rising highest, this regulates the flood and ebb THE GULF STREAM. 395 and divides them in proportionate times ; consequently it directs and in- creases them, with an Easterly moon and wind to the West, and with a Westerly moon and wind to the East ; so that the West and East shores are at times deprived of, and at other times overflowed by, Tides, occa- sioned by these vicissitudes. The boisterous East, N.E., and North winds, which affect the Gulf Stream, generally begin in September, and continue until March; when, if the moon happens just at the time to be on the full or change, they commonly end with a Hurricane. (387.) The United States Coast Survey authorities, in order to render the investigations of their steamer Blake more reliable, decided in 1885 to make the attempt to anchor this schooner-rigged vessel of 218 tons register, along the axis of the Gulf Stream, and there make observations on its Velocity, Temperature, &¢., at various depths. This was successfully accomplished, and much information added to our knowledge, a special form of current meter being used, devised by Lieutenant Pillsbury.* Commander Bartlett, U.S.N., who was in charge of the Blake, between 1877—1880, before any attempt had been made to anchor in great depths, came to the conclusion that 3 knots an hour was a general average to allow for the whole Stream, but between the Bahamas and Florida, in the axis of the Stream, it was as high as 5:4 miles an hour. Mr. Agassiz, who accompanied Commander Bartlett, states in his book, mentioned in the note on page 352, that the Gulf Stream flows at the rate of about one-fourth (sic) of a mile an hour through Yucatan Channel. Through the Straits of Bimini it has a velocity of 4 to 5 miles, but this velocity rapidly decreases as we go North. Off St. Augustine it is rarely more than 4 miles; from thence to New York it decreases to 24 miles an hour; off the Banks of Newfoundland it is reduced to 14 or 2 miles an hour ; and at a distance of 300 miles to the Eastward the velocity of the Gulf Stream, which has constantly been spreading out fan-shaped, is scarcely perceptible. General H. Mathiesen, in the work mentioned in the note on page 378, states that from his researches he considers the mean velocity of the Gulf Stream, throughout its course, to be about 58 miles a day, varying from 61 miles as a mean of January, February, and March, to 52:7 miles as a mean of July, August, and September, (388.) Lieutenant Pillsbury’s Investigations—We have already men- tioned, in the note on page 373, the valuable contribution to our know- ledge of the Gulf Stream, drawn up by Lieutenant J. E. Pillsbury, U.S.N., and we now proceed to give information gained from its perusal. During the spring and summer months of the years 1885—1889, the steamer Blake was employed in making observations on six sections across the Gulf Stream, as follow :—1l. Cape San Antonio to Yucatan Bank. 2. Across the extreme Western part of Florida Strait, near the meridian * A wire half-inch rope was used for this purpose, the length of rope used varying with the bottom, current, and depth, In less than 600 fathoms two to three times the depth was required, and in 2,000 fathoms 3,000 fathoms of rope was generally sufficient. She could remain at anchor with the wind blowing at a force of 6 or more, unless with a heavy sea. The deepest water anchored in was 2,180 fathoms, 396 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. of 84° W. 8. Rebecca Shoal to Havana. 4. Fowey Rocks to Gun Kay. 5. Jupiter Inlet to Memory Rock, Bahama Bank. 6. Cape Hatteras Shoals towards the 8.H. For those navigating the Gulf Stream, the most important questions to be answered are :—What is the surface Strength of the Current, and the Direction of the flow. It is well known that these vary at many if not at all parts of the Stream. Section 4. Between Fowey Rocks and Gun Kay.—As the labours of two seasons, 1888 and 1889, were concentrated on this Section, the results are more complete than at the others, and in studying these results carefully we find the key to the solution of many of the apparent anomalies at points where there are fewer observations on which to base conclusions. The whole width of the strait here is 43 miles, or 39 miles between the 100-fathoms lines. On the East side the bank is abrupt, 100 fathoms being found within 1 mile of Gun Kay ; the current sometimes runs in as far as the depth of 10 fathoms, but generally it is farther off shore. On the West side the slope is more gradual, but the current is frequently found quite close to Fowey Rocks. The bottom varies, coral, clay, and mud being found. The following Table gives the observations, which were only taken down to the depth of 130 fathoms :— Average Velocity in Miles per Hour. Anchorages, Miles Fastof Fowey) (ict tio! wo 2 oie See eee Rocks. , Temperature. 33 fms. | 15 fms. | 30 fms. | 65 fms. |130 fms. | 8 in 205 fathoms. 2-661 | 2-346 | 2-252 | 1-590 | 0-634 | 80-24 113 in 260 » 3-461 2-895 2-936 2-421 1-611 | 81-60 15 in 400 7 3.156 3-062 3.182 2-947 2-202 | 80-33 22 in 480 9 2-727 | 2-667 | 2-695 | 2-503 | 1-860 | 80-38 29 in 420 > 2-123 2-099 2-116 1-975 1-450 79-66 36 in 380 99 1-707 | 1-572 | 1-489 | 1-565 | 1-449 | 78-65 From the above it will be seen that the greatest surface velocity was found at 114 miles East of Fowey Rocks, and this is its average position, but its flow is not at all times superior. The position of the maximum at different times during the month is intimately associated with the changes in the declination of the moon, and, indeed, not only the position, but the velocity and width of the whole Stream as well. In mid-channel the current appeared to flow to a depth of 325 fathoms. Monthly Variation.—Following the changes in the declination of the moon, the velocity of the Stream at any given point in the Narrows is accelerated or diminished, but while it is running faster at one place, at another it is running slower. It is, in fact, a reduction in velocity at the sides accompanying an increase in velocity at the axis, and the reverse; or, in effect, an alternate expansion and contraction of the Stream in width. This is not marked on the East side of the Straits, but is very marked on the West side of the Stream. It seems to be abundantly proved that the Monthly Variation in the Straits of Florida consists of an expansion at high declination, and a con- THE GULF STREAM. 397 traction with an increased localized speed at low declination, That at the time of the contraction there is a deepening of the current at its axis, and that at its expansion it has diminished in depth, but has increased its velocity on the sides. The most marked movement at high declination is an increased speed toward the left side, and but little towards the right side of the Stream. The Daily Variation in velocity, also governed by the moon, sometimes amounts to 24 knots, and is most marked on the surface, being far greater on the West side than on the Hast side of the Stream. It is greatest at the point of greatest average velocity. This difference in rate has taken place within 3 or 4 hours, as if a large wave travelled up the Stream, its front face being steep, and its rear lessinclined. The change has been seen to be accompanied by a tide-rip when the wind was favourable for its formation, and within 5 minutes the speed of the current advanced over half a knot. There are, in reality, two periods of increase and two of decrease during the lunar day, the first or highest maximum about 9 hours before the upper transit, and the lesser at 9 hours before the lower transit. Lieutenant Pillsbury thinks the popular belief that the axis of the Stream changes with the wind, is almost wholly due to the Daily Variation. At the time of the monthly increase, the minimum current for the day follows the greatest maximum by about 6 hours. In the next 6 hours there is an increase in velocity equal to, or perhaps greater than, the pre- ceding maximum. In the third interval there is a fall in speed, to be succeeded by a still greater maximum 9 hours before the next upper transit. At the time of the monthly decrease in velocity the conditions are reversed, the minimum preceding the maximum, and each succeeding maximum or minimum is less than the preceding. In the interval of change there is a short time of irregular velocities, when the maximum for the day arrives before the lower transit instead of the upper. Section 1, between Cape San Antonio and Yucatan Bank, has been already described in (346), page 370, and the flow of the Equatorial Current from the Atlantic through the Caribbean Sea, on pages 358—368. Section 2. Across the Western entrance of Florida Strait.—This section, 125 miles in extent, may be considered the real starting point of the Gulf Stream. Its currents vary greatly in direction, and owing to its great width the velocity is more feeble, and the characteristics which mark the other sections less pronounced. The eddy or counter-current, found on the North side (hereafter described), sometimes reaches this section. Section 8. Between Rebecca Shoal and Havana the Straits are about 73 miles in width between the 100-fathoms lines. Being near the beginning of the Gulf Stream proper, the current does not fill the strait, but on its Northern side has a neutral zone of varying width, in which, at times, an eddy current sets to the Westward. The observations obtained here show that when the moon is near the Equator, the currents are more Easterly than Westerly, and when near the highest declination they are the reverse, although so weak that for the purposes of navigation they are not of much value. Between Rebecca Shoal and Cuba the Currents have been long known 398 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. to be extremely erratic. Vessels sometimes have an Easterly current along the Florida Banks, and sometimes a Westerly. Sometimes they set towards the banks, and at other times towards the middle of the strait. These variable currents are to be expected West of the Elbow, but the width of the variable zone is wider West of American Shoal than it is to the East. Vessels passing across the channel between Rebecca Shoal and Tortugas generally experience a Northerly or Southerly set.* Section 4. Already described, pages 396—397. Section 5. Between Jupiter Inlet and Memory Rock, the observations showed a change in velocity accompanying the changes in the moon’s declination, as at section 4. At 34 fathoms the temperature varied between 82° and 83°3°; at 30 fathoms, between 62:2° and 70°3°; and at 85 fathoms, between 60° and 63°. Section 6. From Cape Hatteras Shoals towards the S.H.—Here the abnormal state of the weather rendered the observations unreliable, but the same dependence on the moon’s declination was observed. The strength of the current, about 25 miles off Cape Hatteras and 5 miles out- side the 100-fathoms line, was found on the surface, on two occasions running to the Northward and Eastward, and on the third to the South- Westward. Ata depth of 200 fathoms the direction of the current was found to change regularly, as though tidal, running for about 7 hours S.E. by 8. 45S., and about 5 hours N.W. by N. 4 N. Observations, taken in this position in the years 1887, 1888, and 1890, showed that at high declination the current ran strong to the N.H. ; at mid-declination also to the N.E., but with much less volume; and at zero declination the set was S.W. ‘The five other anchorages extended to a distance of 76 miles South-Eastward of Cape Hatteras. For about two- thirds of this distance the currents were found to be mostly to the North- ward and Eastward at all depths, while at the two outer stations only the stratum below 65 fathoms was flowing steadily in that direction. Evidence of the movement of the axis of the Stream to right and left were also found in this section. The following Table gives the particulars of the observations::— Anchorage, haoree Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit. ae ed Date. Direction at == Lee ha Peed Fe a ae a a eee Cape Hatteras. the Surface. | 33 tms.|15 fms. | 30 fms. | 65 fms. | 180 fms. | 200 fma, 25 May, 1887. N.E. 3 E. 77-28 | 75-60 | 72-38 | 59-40 | 51-67 | 46-50 25 May, 1889. | N. by E.4 E. | 75-06 | 74-39 72-12 | 64-69 | 538-06 | ...... 25 June, 1889. S.W. by 8 80-19 | 76-19 | 69-13 | 58-13 | 49-56 | 44-75 80 May, 1889. |N.E. by N. 4 N.| 79-80 | 79-50 | 79-00 73-20): | | seseectl il eeeanes 47 May, 1887. | N.E. by EH. | 78-56 | ...02. | ssscse | ceveee | cescee | ceeeee 47 May, 1889. i. by N. 77-90 | 75-79 | 74-38 | 70-94 | 64-50 | 62-63 .|¢ Variable, 523 May, 1989." {i by we. | 74-48 | 73-90 | 71-64 | 67-21 | 64-28 | ..... 6b May, 1889. { Variable, | 74.82 | 78-20 | 71-88 | 70-83 | 65.06 | 61-11 76 May, 1889, West. 77-50 | 76-70 | 74-85 | 70-81 | 64-50 | 62-20 The temperatures show how absolutely unreliable is the commonly © Lieutenant Pillsbury, U.S.N., United States Coast Survey Report, 1887, page 174, THE GULF STREAM. 399 accepted idea, that the warmer the water the stronger the current from the South. The following Table gives the position of the Axis of the Stream, where the greatest Velocity may be found, on the third day after the moon’s highest and after zero declination. Position of Axis. At High Declination.| At Low Declination. | Mean. | East of Contoy Island......... 25 miles. 45 miles. | 35 Miles. INOrtnvof GW ys, 84> 5; Rass oe East of Fowey Rocks ......... Tues fay ett sp igs 1 ea East of Jupiter Lighthouse a Usye Sa GiB} | h9) Fe $.E. of Cape Hatteras......... SIE ys 0 RS oleae Laka hee Fost Passing through the Straits of Florida, the axis of the Stream off Havana is nearest the Southern edge, but after making the bend between Salt Kay and Florida Reefs the axis is from 44 to 114 miles outside the 100-fathoms line on the West side. From Jupiter Inlet to Hatteras the average posi- tion of the axis is probably from 11 to 20 miles outside the 100-fathoms line. The data obtained off Hatteras are not sufficient to decide positively how much the movement of the axis is. The width of the Stream at high declination is about 40 miles, reckoning from the 100-fathoms line, which is about the same width as in the narrowest parts of the Straits of Florida. It is probable that at high declination the position of the axis at Cape Hatteras is not more than 12 or 15 miles farther off shore than the mean position, but the conditions of the current outside the Stream at this point cause a slow surface-flow at times, which may lead to the belief that the Stream itself is very broad. Daily Variation.—When the flow of the Stream is in the vicinity of the land, there is a marked daily variation in the velocity, caused by the ele- vation or depression due to the attraction of the moon and sun. There is a retardation of about 3 hours in the effect produced by this tidal influence. More exactly, the maximum Current near Tobago and St. Lucia occurs 6" 10™ after the moon’s transit; in the Yucatan Passage, about 2 26"; in the Straits-of Florida, off Havana, 3" 4™; off Cape Florida, 3" 26". In the open sea the daily variation is not marked. In the vicinity of Barbadoes the time of high water is about 3 hours after the transit of the moon, giving a retardation of 3" 10™ in the maximum flow. The maximum in the Straits of Florida is the reverse of that of the Equatorial Current, its arrival being 2" 15" after mean low water at the Southern Atlantic ports of the United States. In the Straits of Florida, off Cape Florida, there is but one prominent maximum daily variation of velocity, usually arriving 9 hours before the upper transit of the moon. South of Rebecca Shoal Lighthouse, at a distance of 20 miles, the mean surface velocity is 0:30 knot, with a maximum daily variation of 0:62 (giving at times a Westerly current of 0:32 knot) and a mean daily variation of 0:49; at 35 miles, 0°74, 1:15, and 0°77 ; at 50 miles, 2:24, 0°65, and 0°62; at 68 miles, 2-23, 0°80, anJ 400 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. 0:46; and at 86 miles, 0°77, 0°82, and 0°61. East of Fowey Rocks, at 8 miles, 2°66, 2°38, and 1:07; at 114 miles, 3°46, 1:83, and 1:64; at 15 miles, 3:16, 1:67, and 0:92; at 22 miles, 2°73, 0°36, and ; at 29 miles, 2:12, 0:58, and 0:42; at 36 miles, 1:71, 0-95, and 0°55. At the edges of the Stream in both cases, the surface directions of the currents incline toward the axis at times of low declination, but run nearly parallel to it at high declination. Directions.—Lieutenant Pillsbury, in conclusion, gives the following directions:—A steamer bound from the Northward to Havana or the Gulf ports crosses the Stream off Cape Hatteras; a fair allowance to make in crossing it at right angles is 14 knot per hour, for a vessel’s speed of 5 knots, for a distance of 40 miles from the 100-fathoms line. From the Southern edge of the Stream to Matanilla Shoal no allowance for current can be given. Upon sighting Bahama Bank, time will be saved by running down the Stream on the Hast side as far as Gun Kay, instead of crossing at Jupiter Inlet and running the latitude down on the Florida side. The current is weak on the Bahama side, though this route will be difficult by night until a lighthouse is built at Matanilla. From Gun Kay, an allowance for current of 24 knots an hour (the average velocity of the Stream) will make a course of West good to Fowey Rocke for a 5-knot vessel. The weakest current will be experienced about 3 hours before the transit of the moon. At high declination the strongest current will be found at 7 miles off Fowey Rocks lighthouse, while at low declination it will be found 4 or 5 miles farther Eastward. A vessel running inside the Stream should keep inside the 100-fathoms line from Hatteras to Canaveral, and then as close to the Florida shore as prudence will allow. Crossing the Stream at Havana, a fair allowance for the average current between the 100-fathoms lines is 1:1 knot per hour for a 5-knot vessel. (889.) We here give the remarks by Captain W. C. Berry, on the naviga- tion of the Gulf Stream, in continuation of those previously given on page 355. Bound from New York to New Orleans, he passed through Providence N.W. Channel. He says:—‘‘ The last three voyages, having reached the vicinity of the Little Isaacs in the day time, I have hauled in on the bank between Western Little Isaacs and East Brother Rock, and steered S.W. by W. by compass, which has brought me out in good passing distance from Moselle Shoal. During one of my summer passages out, after passing the above shoal, I was compelled to anchor, and remained there for six days. The wind during all this time was light from the Southward, and I could not help remarking the regularity of the Current setting along the Bemini Islands, ebb and flow, about 2 miles per hour. This continues as far as Gun Kay; when close in, little or no Current is experienced, except the ebb and flow, which is directly off the bank. “In Santaren Channel, the Current is governed greatly by the winds; with strong Southerly winds the Current sets about N.N.W., 2 miles per hour; on the other hand, with strong Northerly winds, little or no Current is felt. After leaving Double-headed-Shot Kay, I have generally hauled over for Florida Reef, and in the day time kept close-in, when I THE GULF STREAM. 401 have frequently found an eddy-current setting to the Westward from 1 to 14 mile per hour. After passing the Tortugas, I have invariably felt a Southerly Current until I had reached the longitude of 84° 30' W., and even further that this at times, particularly in November, 1848. “Returning from New Orleans, I have always made it a point to keep to the Westward until I had reached longitude 85°, latitude 28°, before keeping off. My object in doing this is, that the Wind here generally prevails from the Northward and Hastward, and that the Current generally sets to the Southward and Eastward, which generally facilitates the passage. After rounding the Tortugas, with the wind from the Eastward, I have generally beat down on the Florida side, knowing that the strongest Current prevails on that shore, unless too close in. From Carysfort Reef to Matanilla, I have always endeavoured to keep in the middle of the Stream. During all my voyages, I have made it a rule to steer N. by W. from Matanilla to latitude 22°, and then North to latitude 31°, before hauling up N.E. by N.; by so doing I have, witha few exceptions, kept the strongest current. On some other occasions, I have hauled up on a N.E. by N. course, when in lat. 30°, long. 79° 40’, and have soon found myself on the Eastern edge of the Gulf Stream. After rounding Cape Hatteras, itis advisable to keep to the Westward, especially in the winter season, on account of the prevailing Westerly winds.” (390.) Surface Temperature.—The high temperature of the Gulf Stream is one of its chief characteristics, and has attracted from very early times almost as much attention as its velocity. Some remarks on this subject will be found in previous pages. A work, entitled ‘ Thermometrical Navigation,” written by Colonel Jonathan Williams, was published at Philadelphia, 1799, from which the following extracts are given. It will be seen, however, from what is stated later on, that the thermometer cannot be regarded as a completely reliable guide to its navigation. Commodore Truxton says :—‘‘ In the Stream the water is much warmer than the air; indeed, I have known it 10° warmer; but as soon as you get within the Stream (that is, between it and the coast), the water becomes colder than the air; and the more as you get on soundings, and approach the shore. If mariners, who have not the opportunity of determining their longitude by celestial observations, will only carry with them a good thermometer, and try the temperature of the water, and compare it with that of the air every two hours, they may always know when they come into or go out of, the Gulf Stream. Indeed, I have always made a prac- tice, when at sea, of comparing the temperature of the water and air daily, and often very frequently, during the day, throughout the voyage ; whereby I immediately discovered anything of a current that was going, and afterward found its strength and direction by observations for the latitude and longitude. It is of the utmost consequence in making a passage to and from Europe to be acquainted with this Gulf Stream ; as, by keeping in it, when bound Hastward, you shorten your voyage; and by avoiding it, when returning to the Westward, you facilitate it incon- ceivably ; so much so, that I have frequently, when bound from Europe to America, spoke European ships, unacquainted with the strength and N. A. O. 52 402 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. extent of it, off the Banks of Newfoundland, and been in port a very con- siderable time before them, by keeping out of the Stream ; whereas they lengthened their passage by keeping in it. ‘The general course of the Gulf Stream being marked on the chart, I would advise those who make the Northern passage from Europe never to come nearer the inner line of it, by choice, than 30 to 45 miles ; and then the probability will be that their passage will be assisted by the help of a counter-current, which runs within it. In coming off a voyage from the Southward, be sure to steer N.W. when approaching the Stream, if the wind will permit you, and continue that course until you are within it, which may be easily known by the temperature of the water, as before mentioned. I have always considered it of the utmost consequence, when bound in, to cross the Stream as speedily as possible, lest I should be visited by calms or adverse winds, and driven far out of my way, which would prolong the voyage considerably, especially in the winter.” (391.) From the fact that when crossing the Gulf Stream from Hast to West, the temperature suddenly fell when its Western edge was passed, that is, coincidently with obtaining soundings, it was argued by Colonel Williams, and long maintained, that the thermometer would certainly indicate the approach to soundings by a fall in the temperature of the water, in any part of the ocean. From the facts quoted, he infers that, ‘‘ By the coincidence of these three journals, at so great a distance of time, and without any connection with each other, this important fact seems to be established :—A navigator may discover his approach toward objects of danger, when he is at such a distance as to be able easily to avoid them, by attentively examining the temperature of the sea; the water over banks and shoals, in these regions, being colder, in general, than that of the deep ocean.” Now although this remark holds good as to this portion of the American coast, and in some other parts of the world, under similar influences, yet it is founded on a fallacy, and certainly has not that universal application which former observers endeavoured to claim for it. This question is now generally well understood, and it is only necessary thus to refer to it, as a memorial of past times. When it was first promulgated, the extension of the Arctic Current to the Southward in such a remarkable manner inside the Galf Stream was not suspected. And although Mr. Redfield’s views, given hereafter, are now fully maintained, yet the more extended observa- tions of the United States Coast Survey have revealed such singular facts, that even now we must confess our knowledge of the compensating system of the Ocean to be exceedingly imperfect. His investigations in the Blake led Lieutenant Pillsbury to remark :—“T wish to particularly accentuate the fallacy of the idea, that the thermo- meter may be relied upon to indicate the presence of a current. I can see no way of utilizing it for the purposes of accurate navigation, nor indeed of using it to indicate with certainty that the current is favourable, or the reverse. The inner edge of the Stream is not necessarily marked by a change of temperature. An abrupt difference may be encountered at the true edge of the current, but the cold water may be moving N.KH., or the warm water flowing 5. W.” THE GULF STREAM. 403 (392.) The Mean Surface Temperature of the Gulf Stream, in the early part of its course may be ascertained from the vast and confused mass of figures contained in Captain Maury’s Thermal Charts. The temperatures thus recorded, however, show large variations between themselves in the same periods. This may arise from two causes—the one from the varia- tion known to exist in the Stream itself, and which is frequently con- siderable ; and the other from the imperfection of the thermometers used, and this, as many of the observations appear to have been derived from voyages made before standard thermometers were employed, may include a considerable portion of the discrepancies which exist. Another and very important addition to this branch of the subject, is the work of Lieutenant Andrau, ‘‘ Onderzoekingen met den Zeethermometer,” pub- lished by the Netherlands Royal Meteorological Institute, Utrecht, 1861. The following are the results of the calculations for the temperature of the main strength of the Current from the Narrows of the Little Bahama Bank to the meridian of Halifax. To the Eastward of this, or of long. 60°, the temperature, especially in winter and spring, becomes rapidly lower and very irregular, as will be presently alluded to, and therefore our comparison will now be limited to this section, which comprises a distance of about 1,200 miles, and which is traversed by the Stream in from 25 to 35 days. Winter.—Off Matanilla Reefs, 77°2° ; off Charleston, 75-9° ; off Cape Fear, 73°6°; off Cape Hatteras, 71:0° ; off the Capes of Virginia, 71°0° ; S.E. of New York, 70°5; S.E. of Nantucket, 67:9°; South of Halifax, 62°5°. It has thus cooled 14:7° F. in its passage. Spring.—In Florida Strait, 77°5° ; off Charleston, 76°5°; off Cape Fear, 74:7°; off Cape Hatteras, 72°0° ; off the Capes of Virginia, 72°0° ; S.E. of New York, 70°5; S.E. of Nantucket, 67:4°; South of Halifax, 63 5°. In the latter part of its course it is cooler in the spring than its ratio to the earlier part, owing to the higher velocity of the Arctic Current, which flows under and mixes with it. Summer.—In Florida Strait, 83°2° ; off Charleston, 82:4; off Cape Fear, 81:2°; off Cape Hatteras, 79°8°; off the Chesapeake, 79°8°; S.E. of New York, 79:2°; S.E. of Nantucket, 80°0° ; South of Nova Scotia, 77°9°. Here the water preserves its heat without much diminution, being only 5°3° colder than when it leaves the Gulf. Autumn.—In Florida Strait, 81:7° ; off Charleston, 81°6°; off Cape Fear, 78-0° ; off Cape Hatteras, 75°5°; off the Chesapeake, 75°5°; off New York, 73°0°; off Nantucket, 71°5° ; South of Nova Scotia, 69°2°. Upon comparing these temperatures, which are carried so many miles unimpaired by the Gulf Stream, with those of the inner Arctic Current between the Stream and the shores of Virginia, New Jersey, New York, &c., a surprising difference will be seen, especially in the spring months, when the difference is at a mean 30°, and in other seasons from 15° to 23°. This will be more fully entered into in the next section. (393.) It has been found that the temperature of the Stream varies in a greater degree than could be accounted for by the climates it had passed through, being sometimes warmer to the North, and cooler to the South, of any particular position. This seems to be accounted for by the varia- bility of the source of the Stream in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere, which it would be very difficult to follow up to any specific determination. 404 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. The temperature of the Caribbean Sea is above 80° F. from July to October; during the rest of the year it is below 80°, the minimum, about 75°, occurring in February and March. In the same latitudes, 10° to 20° N., off the African coast, the lowest temperature occurs in January, and the highest in July, when it rises to above 80°, as in the Caribbean Sea; but with this exception these Eastern waters are always from 3° to 7° colder than the Western. It will be noticed that the maximum and the minimum temperatures take place later in the year in the Caribbean Sea than off the African coast. This circumstance is probably due to the prevalent currents. The Gulf Stream keeps the sea off the Southern States, from the Missis- sippi to Cape Hatteras, at a temperature above 80°, from June to October; above 70° during January, February, and March; and above 75° during the intervening months, April and May, November and December. In striking contrast to this high and equable temperature of the seas off the Southern States, is the low and variable temperature of the seaboard of the Northern States, from lat. 40° to 36° N., due to the presence of the cold Arctic Current. Here in January, February, and March, the tem- perature of the sea falls below 50°; in April and May, and also in November and December, it is below 60°; in June and October it is below 70°; and in July, August, and September, it attains to 75°. Sea Temperature in Lon. 74° W. Sea Temperature in Lon. 20° W. | | Change in Months. 300 Miles. 1,800 Miles, Lat.40°N. | Lat. 35°N. Lat. 40° N. Lat. 10° N. ° ° °o ° ° ° January ... 49 68 19 60 70 10 February 39 67 28 57 73 14 March...... 45 70 25 58 78 20 April eccees 50 70 20 57 78 21 May 54 77 23 - 58 76 18 June ....... 62 79 17 62 80 18 Ctl hy eeansoeee 69 82 13 66 76 10 August... 2 78 6 70 80 10 September 65 78 13 {fal 81 10 October ...j 62 75 13 69 82 13 November. 56 72 16 65 80 15 December. 50 71 | 21 60 80 20 | Average ...| 56 74 18 63 78: (s/o See | Where the warm waters of the Gulf Stream intermingle with, or flow side by side with, the cold Arctic Current, the changes in the temperature of the sea are large and sudden, and are noticed by all navigators of that region. If we contrast these extreme changes of temperature off the American coast with the slow change observed off the coast of Africa, the influence of Currents in modifying the temperature of the sea and deter- mining climatic peculiarities becomes strikingly evident. With this view the above tabular statement has been compiled from the Charts, from which it appears that on the meridian of 74° W., the change of temperature from lat. 40° to 85° N., or in 300 miles, is on an average 18°; while on the THE GULF STREAM. 405 meridian ot 20° W., from lat. 40° to 10° N., a distance six times as great, the average change in the temperature of the sea is but 15°. (394.) The investigations carried out by the United States Survey steamer Blake, have thrown some light on this subject. Commander Bartlett, U.S.N., who was in charge between 1877—1884, found that the average surface temperature in the axis of the Stream rarely exceeded 83° in June and July. On one or two occasions the thermometer read as high as 86°, and once 89° at high noon ina dead calm. The temperature at 5 fathoms did not range above the average of 814°. In 1881, in the Stream off Charleston, at a depth of 350 fathoms, the temperature was 50°, but in a hole of 500 fathoms it fell as low as 38°. The general average temperature of the bottom of the Stream was 45°. In 1882, near Cape Hatteras, the temperature in deep water was found to be the same as in the Gulf of Mexico, but farther Northward, where the Stream spreads out, the depths of equal temperatures approached nearer the surface. Lieutenant Pillsbury found that in the Narrows of Florida Strait the temperature of the Stream varied slightly according to the moon’s declination. Here the highest average temperature is at the axis of the Stream, but there are times during the month when the sides are warmer than the axis was-at some other recent time. Isolated observations are of but very little value, for at the same place the variations are great, even in an interval of a few days or perhaps hours. All that we can say positively is that cold surface water comes from either a polar direction or from a lower stratum, and the direction of its flow may be toward any point of the compass. In the Atlantic, the inner edge of the Stream is not necessarily marked by a change of temperature. An abrupt difference may be met at the true edge of the current, and the cold water may be moving N.E. or tne warm water may be flowing 8.W. It is probable, however, that at about the time of high declination, warm water off Cape Hatteras indicates a N.E. current, and that at low declination the edge of the warm water has a set in the opposite direction. In running lines of soundings from the coast as far as the 100- fathoms line, at intervals, from Cape Hatteras to beyond George’s Bank, it has generally been noticed that in the vicinity of a depth from 40 to 80 fathoms, the temperature of the water suddenly changes, the colder being always found on the land side. The tidal impulse being about normal to the coast, and the Stream’s course at right angles to it, Lieutenant Pills- bury believes that to this we may look for the cause of the lesser thermo- metrical variations, owing to the vibratory movement thus produced on the ocean’s surface. (395.) Warm and Cold Bands.—After leaving the Strait of Florida, the Gulf Stream was found, in the early operations of its investigation in 1845-48, to consist of a series of alternate bands of cold and warm water, a fact which was very surprising at the time, but the results of succeeding explorations to some extent confirmed the former ones in this respect. Between Cape Florida and New York the Stream was found to be divided into several bands of higher and lower temperatures, of which the axis 406 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. was the warmest, the temperature falling rapidly inshore, and more slowly outside. This was not only the case at the surface, but, with modifica- tions easily understood, at considerable depths, and must be owing to the meeting of the warm waters of the Stream with the cold water of the Arctic Current. From observations taken under his direction, between 1854—1860, Pro- fessor Bache, Director of the United States Coast Survey, drew up a Table showing the relative distances off shore of these bands (three warm and four cold, varying from 25 to 75 miles in width, within 300 miles from Cape Hatteras) at ten sections between Cape Florida and Sandy Hook. He was led to believe they were caused by irregularities in the bed of the ocean, but by more improved methods of sounding it has since been shown that the bottom is not divided into hills and valleys along the United States Coast. Later investigation with the steamer Blake, on some occasions, has shown an absence of these bands, and, in 1881, Commander Bartlett found no warm or cold bands till he came off Hatteras, and he considered that the work of the Blake seemed to show that the cold bands have no regularity, and only represent the unceasing conflict going on between layers of water of different velocities, and of different temperatures, as reported by Lieutenants Craven and Maffit, U.S.N., and dilated on in the previous edition of this work. In the seasons of 1883 and 1884, the tem- perature of the surface water was taken every mile on the twelve sections between Jupiter Inlet and Currituck, and in no case were any alternate warm and cold bands found, nor was any layer of cold water found at the bottom. The earlier observations on the Hatteras, Cape Fear, and Charleston sections showed a counter-current where the cold streaks were found, but as stated in (391) Lieutenant Pillsbury clearly proved that from his obser- vations the temperature of these warm and cold bands gave no clue as to the direction of their flow. (396.) The “Cold Wall.”—The separation between the warm, deep blue Water of the Gulf Stream and the inner green water of the cold Arctic Counter-Current is sometimes so well marked, that ‘one end of a ship is seen in the one, and the other end in the other current.’’* Although it does not follow that this line of demarcation is so distinct as Captain Maury says, as above, yet a remarkable feature has been elucidated by the United States Coast Survey, so often quoted here. It is, that between the coast and the Gulf Stream there is a fall in temperature so abrupt that it has aptly been called the ‘‘Cold Wall ;” this extends, with varying dimen- sions and changes of its peculiar features, along the coast from Cape Florida, Northward, as far as examined. Professor Bache stated that inside this “ Wall” was another band of water of increased temperature, whilst out- side the warmest band, which is next the ‘‘ Cold Wall,” was another warm and one other cold band. This ‘‘ Cold Wall,” from later investigations, cannot be considered as * H.M.S. Nile is reported to have once found a surface temperature of 46°F. at her bow, while it was 70° at her stern. THE GULF STREAM. 407 permanent, as on some sections its absence was in some years conspicuous. Lieutenant Pillsbury says:—‘‘I am convinced that the so-called ‘ Cold Wall” is not the inner edge of the Stream, but is near the dividing line between the Stream proper and the outside Atlantic current, and that the maximum velocity will always be found some miles Northward of it. The current outside the Stream is not comparable with the latter in point of velocity; its speed probably is never much over 1 knot, and usually much less.” (397.) The earlier surveyors were of opinion that the ‘‘ Cold Wall” appeared at the line separating the Gulf Stream from the Arctic Current, their observations showing the separation between the two currents to be _ 80 well marked beneath the surface, and to the greatest depths, as to have obtained for it the title of the ‘‘Cold Wall,” being, in fact, an upright division between them. This peculiarity was found to exist almost along the whole coast of the United States, where the Stream skirts the bank of soundings. Without diagrams the features cannot be made quite intelligible ; but the main fact, so interesting to the physical geographer, is as above stated—that there appears to be a marked non-aflinity between the waters of the two currents. It was at first supposed the ‘‘ Cold Wall” was cut off at Cape Hatteras, but subsequent researches have qualified this notion. The cold water has been traced as far as the Tortugas. Off Sombrero Kay, in some of the earlier researches, the ‘‘Cold Wall’’ was strongly marked at depths vary- ing from 70 to 100 fathoms, while everywhere the warm water overflowed the ‘Cold Wall,” and reached quite to the shore. (398.) Subsurface Temperatures.—It was formerly held that the Gulf Stream flowed on in one majestic current of warm water from its surface to its bed. The magnitude of its effects, and the extent of the area attri- buted to it, seemed to leave room for no other conclusion. But the first observation of ice-cold water at a small depth, in its narrowest and strongest part, followed by the discovery of the parallel warm and cold bands, over- turned all these hypotheses, and left philosophers in a most perplexed condition to know where to look for an explanation.* How this cold water, flowing directly contrary to the course of the upper strata, should preserve its Polar characteristic almost unimpaired to such an enormous distance from its origin, and under such apparently adverse circumstances, * In the earlier experiments made by the United States Coast Survey, the tempera- ture was gained at all depths, from the surface down to 600 fathoms. At great depths a peculiar thermometer was used, constructed for the purpose, whose principle of action depended on the differing expansion of two metals. It is a spiral coil, composed of two strips of silver and platinum soldered together, which, from their unequal contraction and expansion by the effects of temperature, act on an index, which registers the ex- treme temperatures. But later experiments have shown that many of these results are fallacious, both as respects this differential evil, and especially with the ordinary thermometer with un- protected bulb as formerly used ; and, therefore, all of them will require revision, as the probability, nay certainty, is that the recorded temperatures at great depths have been placed much too high. Of this more hereafter. The more recent investigations have been carried on with the Miller-Casella Thermometer and with Siemens’ Electricas Thermometer. 408 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. could not then be explained. Again, by what power, or source of action, are the lower strata made to move in an opposite direction to those super- incumbent upon them, and which, it might be supposed, would be acted on by the same laws and move in the same manner ? The accuracy with which deep-sea sounding is now carried on has afforded a clue to this mystery. There seems to be a slow movement of the cold waters on the bed of the Ocean from the Arctic and Antarctic regions towards the Equator, forming one of the most remarkable evidences of that grand compensating system by which the Great Creator has ordained that all the harmonies of the universe shall be maintained—which keeps the atmosphere and ocean in a perpetual condition of interchange, and thus makes them fit for the sustenance of his creatures. We have alluded to this universal intermingling of the ocean waters before (246). Of the presence of Polar water in these Tropical regions there can be no doubt. The following extracts from one of the earlier Reports of the United States Coast Survey* will place it beyond question :— ‘The Southern sections present, on a small scale, the same phenomena which we formerly traced over a large expanse in the more Northern ones. Examining the Cafiaveral section, which is the farthest South, we see the Cold Wall almost as plainly as on that from Sandy Hook; the curve, showing the mean results between 70 and 100 fathoms, rises some 17° from ~ 574° to 744° F., in the distance of 23 nautical miles. The warm water, overlying the cold, is deeper in its overflow towards the shore—that is all. Passing the warmest water, there is a fall of temperature of several degrees, followed by a rise. On the St. Simon’s section, the Cold Wall is again well shown, and is the first of those distinct bands of minimum temperature dividing four maxima, of which the greatest body of warm water of the Gulf Stream is the second from the shore. Near the surface the first and fourth maxima are the highest; at 15 fathoms, the first and second; at 150 fathoms, the successive maxima rise as they recede from the shore. The Charleston section presents, as a general feature, between 25 fathoms and 250 fathoms, four minima and three maxima. Within the Cold Wall minimum is a decided warm belt, and probably farther on inshore is a cold one. The rise in the mean of the temperature, at 20 and 30 fathoms, is 11° F., namely from 64° to 75°. The advantage of not relying on surface temperatures, or those near the surface, where the distribution is so much less regular and marked than below, will be recognized in all these results, and was early provided for in my instructions. ‘The underlying cold water from the Northern regions is as plain in the Southern section as it was in the more Northern. At 400 fathoms ver- tically below the warmest water of the Gulf Stream, on the Cape Henlopen section, in August, 1846, the temperature was 49° F., and in the same position off Cape Cajiaveral, in June, 18538, it was 483°.t The latitude * Professor A. D. Bache, United States Coast Survey Report, 1853, pp. 48—49. + Reference may be again made to the note on the previous page relating to these deep sea temperatures. The comparisons with more recent observations show that these temperatures are too high by 2° or 8° at 500 fathoms, and perhaps as much ag 6° or 10° at 2,000 fathoms. This is owing to the great pressure of the water on the wnprotected bulb of the thermometer forcing up the mercury. THE GULF STREAM. 409 corresponding to the first temperature was about 37° 20’, and to the last about 28° 20’. Lieutenant Charles H. Davis, in October, 1845, found a temperature of 40° at 1,000 fathoms, in lat. 39° 25’, long. 69° 1’, and Lieutenant George M. Bache 40° at 2,160 fathoms, in lat. 34° 13’, long. 68° 5’. Lieutenant 8. P. Lee, in August, 1847, found 37° below the Gulf Stream, at the depth of 1,000 fathoms, in lat. 35° 26’, long. 73° 12’; and again 48° beyond the Gulf Stream, at the same depth, in lat. 30° 10’, long. 68° 9’. Lieutenant Richard Bache, in July, 1848, found a temperature of 42° at 1,000 fathoms, in lat. 35° 6’, long. 74° 7’, below the surface of the Gulf Stream. ‘“‘ The fact that the side limits of the Polar Current recede from the shore as the depth increases, is clearly marked on all the sections. Directly down below the maximum surface temperature, we soon plunge into this cold current, the warmer water receding from the shore, and at 400 fathoms reach temperatures, the differences between which, at the North and South, are of an order corresponding to the variations of the ocean waters in different years and at different seasons. For example, at the depth of 400 fathoms, on the Sandy Hook section, in 1846, vertically below the crest of the Gulf Stream the temperature was 51° F.; on the Henlopen section, at the corresponding point, 51°; on the Cape Henry section, 544°; in 1848, on the Cape Henry section, 524°; and on the Hatteras section, 52°; in 1853, on the Hatteras section, 51°; and on the Cape Fear section, 54°; all the foregoing observations being made in July and August of the several years. In June, 1853, the temperature at the point and depth before noted on the Charleston section, was 55°, and near Cape Florida, 14 miles E.N.E. from the light, was 51°, varying from 54° to 46° in the intermediate localities The low temperature of 46° was observed on the Cajiaveral section. The temperature at 400 fathoms, near Cape Florida, is the same as observed on the Sandy Hook section in July, 1846, viz., 49°. “‘T remarked that these differences came within the annual changes near the surface. Not to complicate the examination with surface irregularities, if we compare the maximum temperatures at 12 or 15 fathoms below the surface of the different sections, in the same year, we shail find, as a general rule, an increase of temperature in passing Southward, as 81°, 83°, 82°, from the Sandy Hook to the Cape Henry section; in 1846, 754°, 76°, 774°, 794°, from the Charleston section to that of Cape Cafiaveral. But in succes- sive years we have for the highest temperature at 12 fathoms, on the Cape Henry section, higher than that of Hatteras ; and the temperature in July, 1846, on the axis of the Gulf Stream, higher at Sandy Hook than in June, 1853, at Cafiaveral, by 14°, and higher than Charleston by 54°. It is obvious that here an interesting field of enquiry opens, requiring careful research.” (399.) Counter-Currents.—Besides the great Arctic Current which flows Southward inside the Gulf Stream, and to be described in the next Section, there are some other counter-currents on each side of the Stream which require notice here. They appear in the first part of its course in the Gulf of Florida, where they have been known to flow from the earliest times, and alluded to in (374), page 388. N, A. O. 53 410 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (400.) The Counter-Current along the Florida Reefs is marked on all the old surveys of these reefs, and is, during the summer months especially, frequently met with. It may be readily accounted for. On page 387 (374) it will be seen that the main strength of the Gulf Stream runs past the coast of Cuba, and that the channel is by much the deepest close to the South side, and slopes more gradually from the North. On the shallower water, but not within the reefs, this counter-current runs, by which a vessel may with ease and knowledge work to the Westward. It may be taken as an eddy, aided by the Trade Wind, which may give it an additional impetus. It was well elucidated by Lieutenant E. B. Hunt, U.S. Engineers, who, having stayed in the neighbourhood for some time, obtained some particulars from the well-informed residents of these Kays.* (401.) Captain Geiger, who for some thirty years observed the waters of this vicinity, most of that time having acted as a pilot off Kay West Har- bour, and who was, perhaps, better acquainted than any other person with the Currents there prevailing, gave the following statement of facts :— A strong North or N.E. wind keeps the Gulf Stream back, and makes a Westerly current near the shore. During June, July, and August, the Westerly current prevails more than the Easterly current from 5 to 15 miles from the reef. The direction of the current depends mostly on the wind. The Westerly current prevails from one-third to two-fifths the entire time from year to year, for 2 to 15 miles outside the reef off the West. He had known it 25 to 30 miles off Sand Kay. When the Gulf Stream is strongest on the Cuba shore, the Westerly current is strongest on the North side; and when it is weakest along the Cuba shore, the Gulf Stream sets close along the reef. He had found the Westerly current as far up as Carysfort Reef, but not frequently, and not broad or strong. The current broadens from Carysfort Reef to the West- ward, and continues about constant along its course. The Tides on the two sides of the reef are about six hours apart on an average, but set, on the whole, as much one way as the other over the reef. Sometimes there is a narrow Easterly current for a mile from the reef, then a Westerly current, and then the Gulf Stream. A considerable number of the Gulf traders know of, and make use of, this current in going Westward. After Northers, the Westerly current may be expected. Sometimes in cross- ing to Havana no Gulf Stream indications are found, and sometimes a Westerly current is found along the North shore of Cuba. Notwithstanding Captain Geiger’s long observation of these Currents, he was quite unable to reduce them to rule, or in any way to know before- hand how the current will be found to set. Captain Richardson, pilot, of the United States Coast Survey steamer Corwen, says:—‘‘The Westerly current appears irregularly, chiefly in winter, but sometimes during the prevalence of the regular Trades. It extends from 10 to 15 miles off from Sand Kay, and runs sometimes 2 miles per hour. It never prevails over the reef proper. It spreads farther from the reef as it goes West. Off Indian Kay it sometimes extends 7 miles * Silliman’s American Journal, vol. xxvii., pp. 207—214. See also the remarks on page 388, relating to the ‘“‘ White Water” of the Tortugas. THE GULY STREAM. 411 from the edge of the reef; at Bahia Honda, sometimes 10 miles; and at Sand Kay, from 10 to 15 miles. Some years (as in the winter of 1856-7) there was very little of this current. The Gulf Stream usually runs stronger on the Cuban side. In one case, in 1852, two vessels bound East passed the Tortugas, and separated about 100 miles in twenty-four hours, one captain knowing this current and the channel, while the other kept in the Westerly or counter-current. The tide below the Quicksands and Tortugas sets flood N.N.E., and ebb §.8.E., differing from the Charts.” Lieutenant Pillsbury, U.S.N., remarks on this counter-current as fol- lows :—‘‘ Along the Florida Reefs the neutral zone which borders the Northern edge of the Stream probably begins in the vicinity of ‘The Elbow,’ near Carysfort Reef, and gradually widens until off Rebecca Shoal, where it extends from 15 to 20 miles outside the 100-fathoms line. It is narrowest at high declination of the moon, at which time it probably begins at some point to the Westward of ‘The Elbow.’ The direction of the current in this zone is ordinarily tidal in its character, but it is easily overcome by an abnormal current caused by difference in atmospheric pressure within and without the Gulf.” (402.) But this counter-current, also, is felt on the Cuban side some- times, probably all the way from the Bahama Old Channel. Of this we have several instances from the communications of Captain Livingston and others. The most singular of these, however, is that of Captain Loudon, of the brig Perry, on returning, in the latter part of November, 1827, from New Orleans to Liverpool. Captain Loudon had made the Iron Hills in Cuba; shortly after noon he tacked ship to the Northward and Westward about 8 or 9 miles off shore; next day he kept beating to windward, as near to the middle of the strait as he could judge, and without sighting the land on either side, the wind then blowing a fresh gale from the North- ward; and he continued beating in the same manner until about 8 a.m. of the second day, when, by reckoning, he ought to have been near the Salt Kays ; but obtaining a lunar observation, it showed, to his astonishment, his longitude to be to the Westward of 83°. Supposing his observation to be erroneous, he took a second set of lunar distances, which gave a similar result. Still, however, doubtful, he stood on, and in a short time after- ward gained soundings on the Tortugas Bank! The Northerly gale had now abated, and he worked his vessel in, on soundings, to the Northward of the Dry Tortugas. With a favourable wind he ran through the Tortugas Channel ; but as light and baffling winds succeeded, he made for the Stream as it became dusk, and with such winds got through the strait in the two following days, having, on his way, found the current very rapid along the Martyrs or Florida Reefs. Captain Loudon justly remarked, that so extra- ordinary a circumstance, of which he was positively certain, ought to be generally known. “Masters of vessels from: Vera Cruz, &c., to Havana, often lengthen their voyage by keeping away too much to the Southward after rounding the Dry Tortugas, fearful of being carried away to the Eastward of Tlavana by the strength of the Florida Stream. Some have fetched in about the Port of Honda, the Cock’s Comb, and one vessel even as low as Cape Antonio,” —Lieutenant John Evans. 412 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (403.) Easterly Drift from the Gulf Stream, on the North and N.E. sides of the Bahamas, éc.—The Gulf Stream about the Bahamas appears to have a drift or tendency to the Eastward; and there is reason to believe that an off-set of the Stream, from without the Matanilla Bank, sets, if not generally, very frequently, to the Eastward and 8.H. It would seem as it the Stream, in passing Eastward along the Southern Florida Kays, still kept on this Easterly course with a considerable rate over the shallow Bahama Banks, and in the deep channels to cause very uncertain streams. Captain Livingston said :—‘ The notices we have, tend to prove that an Easterly set-off from the Gulf Stream sets to the Northward of the Bahamas; of this I am so firmly convinced, that if in charge of a ship from Havana, or even New Orleans, bound to Jamaica, I should, if allowed to follow my own plan, run out of the Strait of Florida, and attempt making my passage with the aid of this set-off. This is to be understood, in case I should not have Westerly winds in the Southern parallels; for such winds are, I am told, more frequent than formerly ; and I know that they are by no means of rare occurrence on the 8.W. of Cuba.” (404.) The latter remarks would be adduced by many to prove that the surface of the Gulf Stream is roof-shaped, higher in the centre than at the sides, and that any floating body remaining inactive on it has a tendency to drift to its margins, especially to the Hastward and South-Hastward. How far this assumption will be borne out by more exact observation, it is difficult to judge, but there certainly seems to be some ground for the opinion, as its edges especially are marked by a larger collection of Gulf- weed and other drift matter than are found in the centre. Again, there seems to be a tendency for vessels to be floated to the East and S.H. with- out their knowing it. It has been urged by Captain Maury that this may be owing to the effect of the earth’s rotation, which runs the current from under the ship, in the same way, as he says, the tendency of a railway train going North or South, is to run off the rails to the Hastward of its route. This was made the subject of experiment by M. Foucault and others; but we know so little that it were futile to argue on it. (405.) In the Northern regions of the Stream, when the cold upon the land is in winter most intense, which is generally between December and March, heavy and continued gales very frequently prevail, which commonly proceed from between the North and West, across the course of the Stream, from Cape Hatteras until past George’s Shoal, and bend its direction to the Eastward. Being aided at the same time by the discharge of the great bays and rivers, increased by the force of the wind blowing down them, and the constant supply of Stream along the coast of Carolina, the whole produces so strong a current to the Eastward as to render it impossible for a sailing ship to approach the coast until a change of wind commences. During the prevalence of a Southerly or Hasterly wind, which is not so common here, it has been found that the Current is forced close to, and in some parts upon, the edge of soundings ; being thus pent in between the wind and the shoal grounds near shore, the breadth is greatly diminished, and the velocity proportionately increased. This circumstance has been in particular observed from about the longitude of Block Island, along the edge of the Nantucket Bank, thence beyond George’s Bank, and also along THE GULF STREAM. 413 the coasts of Georgia and part of South Carolina. In the first instance, the Southerly winds forced the Current to the edge of soundings, where it then ran from 1} to 2 knots; and in the latter instance, the Easterly wind forced the Current upon soundings. With West and N.W. winds, the Stream would be removed some miles farther off. The Survey steamer Blake, in July, 1880, when South-Hastwurd of Cape Romain, for 15 miles or more from the 100-fathoms line, experienced a strong current running to the S.W., dragging the vessel, with her trawl down in 142 fathoms, at the rate of 2 knots an hour. The same thing occurred in June, 1886. From what has been said, it is clear that the eddies about the edges of the Stream must vary according to the circumstances above explained. Along these edges, but more particularly along the outer edge, there is generally a current in a different direction, which is accelerated by the wind in proportion to its strength, when blowing contrary to the Stream, and retarded, and perhaps altogether obstructed, by the wind blowing in the direction of the Stream. In the latter case the limits of the Stream will be extended. In December, 1887, the barque Grenada, bound from Laguna to New York, found no current whatever in the Gulf Stream, experiencing strong head winds. Between February 14th—18th, 1888, the schooner Elbridge Souther, crossed the Gulf Stream area several times between lat. 28° and 33° N., and experienced no current, with N.W. and N.E. winds. (406.) Conclusion—We have thus described this famous Stream, per- haps at greater length than is needed, from its origin in the Caribbean Sea and Mexican Gulf to the offings of Cape Cod and Nantucket, a portion of its course much better known than any other, and more easy of definition, which is not the case with its farther progress. The width of the Stream, between the Tortugas and Havana, has been estimated to average only about 40 miles, and not 1,200 feet deep, travelling with a mean annual velocity on the surface of 32:7 miles per day, as previously estimated in this work, or of 30°7 miles as calculated from the Meteorological Office charts. Passing onwards to the Narrows of the Gulf, between the Bemini Islands and Cape Florida, distant 215 miles from the first section, we come to that part which, beyond contradiction, decides the whole cha- racter of the Gulf Stream, as the whole of it passes over this OUTFALL. ‘The Stream is here 394 miles wide, and the water above the temperature of 60° is about 1,200 feet deep in the centre of the Stream. The sectional area of the Stream in this part may therefore be taken at about 6:64 square miles. Its Velocity here was calculated, in former editions of this work, to be about 65°4 miles per day on an annual mean ; but the data of the Meteor- ological Department (1872) gave an annual mean of 48-0 miles per day (in Spring, 43°6 miles ; Summer, 45:1 miles; Awtwmn, 46°8 miles; and Winter, 53:4 miles per day); which is contrary to previous calculations. The later American investigations make it about 72 miles a day in the axis. Now, as the inference is that the colder substratum of the Gulf Stream is moving in a direction opposite to its course, that is, Sowthwardly, there 414 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. is some point where there is no movement. Making all possible allowance for the decrease in velocity from 48:0 miles on the surface to 0:0 at the bottom (and this must be done in an empirical manner, and may be much overrated) the mean velocity of the whole mass will not exceed 36:25 miles per day. The sectional area of the Stream not exceeding 6°64 square miles, it follows that there are not more than 240-7 cubic miles of water passing per day over a given line in this part of its course. Its mean rate of progress, when passing Cape Hatteras, is given as nearly the same as in the Narrows, 47:2 miles per day, though this is in excess of the velocities given at intermediate points. The surface water will take 134 days to pass from Cape Florida to Cape Hatteras, 630 miles apart ; but if the whole mass maintains the same rate, it will not pasg over under 17 days, and will be, at the annual mean, only 4:2° Fahrenheit cooler (varying from 10° to 1:2°). Off New York, it will be 10° cooler (varying from 17° in winter to 3-9° in August). Off Cape Hatteras the breadth of the Stream may be 120 miles, therefore it has expanded to a breadth of more than three times (3:3) its width at the Outfall, and its whole mass will make a bed of water 366 feet thick. From this line to that of the section running 8.H. of Nantaeketl the distance is about 480 miles. On and near this section temperature sound- ings were taken by the United States Coast Surveyors, Commander Craven in 1854, Davis in 1845, and Bache in 1846, and their observations place us in a difficulty; for the warmer waters were not found to exist North- ward of the parallel of 38° N.; the ‘‘Cold Wall” showed itself to the North of this, and then two less warm beds as far as 40° N. But the observations for current motion show its Eastern progress much farther than this, in fact up to 41° N. If we accept the lower estimate of its rate made by the Meteorologial Office, it will take 16 days to move the whole mass from Hatteras to Nantucket, or 33 days from the Outfall, though its temperature has only reduced from 12° to 18° since it left the Gulf of Florida. It is this rapid course, and consequent preservation of its original warmth, that has always made it so remarkable. But while it has thus carried the Tropical heat so near to, and amidst the Arctic cold, its volume must be spread over a very much wider space, for its somewhat undefined breadth off Nantucket may be assumed at 300 miles, or seven times its original breadth; and if its velocity through- out were equal, it could only be 170 feet deep, but as its rate has some- what diminished it may be taken as 200 feet; but then its surface has much cooled down, and the body of warm water cannot be assumed even as high as this calculation makes it. The investigations in the Blake led Lieutenant Pillsbury to infer the volume of warm water passing the Narrows in 1 hour to be 89,872,000,000 tons, almost exactly one-half of this flow being within 100 fathoms of the surface. At the rate of 35 cubic feet of sea-water to the ton, this would amount to close upon 350 cubic miles of water per day, a considerable increase on the figures given above, but still insufficient to affect the argument to any appreciable degree. (407.) This brings this wonderful Current down to the new phase of its character. Hitherto it has been a rapid heat-bearing stream, pressing on THE GULF STREAM. 415 to the American coast, beyond the usual limits of where the division lies in other Oceans between the Westward tendency of sea and air within the Tropics, and the Hastward movements of extra-Tropical latitudes. Hence- forth it leaves the coast on a due Hastward course to the South of the great collection of banks which lie off the British American possessions, -and this portion of the Stream will be considered in the following pages. (408.) Eastern Extension between about 68° and 48° W.—In examining the condition of the Gulf Stream, in the next 850 miles, we encounter many difficulties. Its physical features, the interferences it encounters, the opposing streams which neutralize its onward course, and the ever- varying rate of its current, have all to be taken into consideration. By confining the observations to those made, in the summer season, by the United States officers, off Nantucket, and to the current observations integrated by the Meteorological Office, it might almost be inferred that the Gulf Stream ceased between Nantucket and the S.W. part of Nova Scotia; for while the first makes the whole bulk of its warmer water to lie South of lat. 38° hereabout, the current observations show no Eastward drift to the Northward of that parallel in the same region. But the vary- ing Hasterly drifts, and the generally much warmer water which is found than is due to the latitude, will point to its origin. By the rapid transport of heated water into these regions by its Northern course, one feature is brought into existence which has not been sufficiently considered—that of the Fogs which characterizes the whole section now to be discussed. The Nova Scotia and Nantucket Banks, as well as the Newfoundland Great Bank, are proverbially regions of dense mist. The cool winds condense the evaporation from the warm Gulf Stream waters over thousands of square miles ; and this process, as well known, is one of the most effective methods of cooling that can be imagined. In addition, therefore, to the inter-mixture of an enormous bulk of cold Arctic water* in this part of its course, it has the no less active atmo- spheric agents at work on its surface in bringing down its waters to less than the normal temperature due to the latitude. The area, always more or less enveloped in fogs, and densely so when the prevalent N.W. winds blow, is not less than 20,000 square geographic miles in the offing between Nantucket and the Grand Banks, and this is leaving out of the reckoning all the other areas subject to the same chilling influences. H.M.S. Challenger, in her deep-sea exploring expedition, twice crossed the course of the Gulf Stream in its Eastern portion; the late Sir Wyville Thomson remarked that where they crossed it, about 250 miles Eastward of the Chesapeake, the Stream was 60 miles in width and 100 fathoms deep. We presume that he considered the Stream had a river-like appearance to this extent. * Commander W. Chimmo, R.N., in 1868, found that the Arctic Current swept the rocky bottom bare on the Grand Bank and on the Flemish Cap, at the depth of 250 fathoms. He also found that the under-stratum of cold water was universal, and that the Gulf Stream was very superficial ; thus, in lat. 44° 8’ N., long. 48° 7’ W., whiah would be in the main strength of the Stream, while the surface temperature was Al? at 50 fathoms it was 43°, or 18° colder, and this in July. See Proceedings of the Roya Geographical Society, vol. xiii. 416 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. / Lemperatures (Fahrenheit) observed in crossing and recrossing the Gulf Stream, by H.M.S. Challenger, April and May, 1873. Bermuda towards Sandy Hook. Halifax towards Bermuda, Depth. Ep : - 2 EAE | ae ee fe} o Oo °o Oo A = a | fires | eet aa ce oO)1nS | aod | amo ° ° ° ° At the Surface ... 59 67 |! 72 71 50 fathoms ~~ — 62 — 100 gs 6 55 65 | 64 65 150 — — | 64 — 200 3 47 64 64 64 250 ” oe, = a =e 300 3 42 61 60 62 400 is 39 52 54 55 500 a 39 46 45 — 1000 i 37 — — —_— 1500 a 36 36 36 — Bottom .. wes 35 35 35 — (2850) (1750)| (1240)} (1250)| (2020)| (2800); (2650)! (2650 fms. fms. | fms. | fms. | fms. | fms. | fms. | fms. Taking a general view of the temperatures between St. Thomas and Halifax (each of which places lies on about the same meridian as Bermuda), it is to be noticed that the surface temperature gradually increased to the Northward and Southward of Bermuda; to the Northward by reason of the warm water of the Gulf Stream, till a maximum of 72° is found in 364° N.; and to the Southward by reason of the lower latitude and the Equatorial Currents, until the surface temperature is found to be 79° at St. Thomas. Below the surface, however, a state of affairs was found to exist as follows :—At 100 fathoms below the surface—at Bermuda, a tem- perature of 66° was found ; at St. Thomas, 70°; in 364° N., 664°. At 200 fathoms—at Bermuda, 634°; at St. Thomas, 63°; in 364° N. to 40° N., 63°. At 500 fathoms—at Bermuda, 464°, which temperature continued the same to 40° N.; but at the same depth, in proceeding to the South- ward, the temperature gradually decreased till at St. Thomas it was only 432°, or 3° colder than that found 21 degrees of latitude to the Northward. This, although a small difference, must be due to the effects of the Gulf Stream. Proceeding to the Eastward from Bermuda, towards the Azores the temperature of the surface water decreased gradually, and that at S00 fathoms remained pretty constant at 464° for 700 miles. Commander Bartlett states that the temperatures taken by the Blake, between Montauk Point and Bermuda, did not indicate, in August, 1882, any bifurcation of the Stream into warm and cold bands. The surface temperature increased gradually from 68° F. near the 100-fathoms line to 75°, and remained at 74° and 75° until the Stream was entered, when it ruse as high as 80° and 81°, and continued at nearly the same temperature ali the way to Bermuda. The bottom temperature in 266 fathoms was THE GULF STREAM. 417 403°; at 1,174 fathoms, 374°; at 1,500 fathoms, 36° to 364°; and below this, 36° and 352°, the lowest found. Between Bermuda and Bahama, the surface temperature gradually increased from 68° to 77°, the bottom temperature being about 36°. Series of temperatures, from the surface to the bottom, were taken during the summer of 1884, between Block Island and Bermuda, and thence to Hatteras. The isothermals showed the Labrador Current until nearing the Stream, when they descended gradually, and in the Stream itself abruptly, to the greatest depths. Instead of the warm Stream-water thinning away as it was reported to do when spread out, it was not much over 50 miles in width at the time of their crossing, as shown by the current and high surface temperatures. The temperatures below the surface were much higher than at the same depths off the coast. The ordinary temperature at the bottom off Savannah and Charleston in 400 fathoms was 45°; at the same depth in the Stream, between Block Island and Bermuda, it was as high as 55°. To the Southward, the isothermals remained at almost the same depth as in the Stream, on the entire line to Bermuda. Just North of the Stream the temperature at 400 fathoms was 394° and 40°. Ata point well in the Labrador Current away from the Stream, the temperature at 400 fathoms was 384°. From Bermuda to Hatteras the isothermals were at the same depths as South of the Stream on the previous line, but when in the current off Hatteras, where the Stream trends to the Kastward, they rose to the same depth as off Charleston and Savannah on the plateau. These ¢empera- tures below the surface seem to suggest that the Labrador Current under- runs the Stream at Hatteras, but at no other point. It probably keeps its Western boundary along the 1,000-fathoms line, and thus around the plateau towards the Equator. The Velocity of the Gulf Stream in the section now under consideration is very various ; but, as a mean, has been placed at from 26 to 36 miles per day. If this estimate is reduced to agree with those of the Meteoro- logical Office Charts, 1872, as referred to in the main course of the Stream, these figures must be placed at about 20 or 27 miles respectively, and it would thus take about forty days to bring the Stream from off Nantucket to 48° W., a distance of about 850 or 900 miles. This would make a period of 72 days from Florida. But all such calculations must naturally be very vague, owing to the constant changes in the surface velocity of various parts of the Stream, and at various depths below the surface. From February 16th to 19th, 1889, Captain Wall, of the steamer Montreal, in about lat. 37° N., Westward of long. 64° W., found the Stream setting due Hast, nearly 2 knots an hour, in spite of strong South- Westerly winds. The Limits of the Stream have now become a subject of great difficulty. Formerly it was thought that its waters flowed Eastward as far South as lat. 36° or 37° between longitudes 65° and 55° W., but with a feeble current. But in the Meteorological Office Monthly Charts, of 1872, there is positively no evidence of an Hasterly set to the Southward of lat. 39° NAO; 54 418 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. beyond longitude 60°. This adds very much to the complexity of the problem of how the warmer waters of the Gulf Stream can possibly reach the coasts of N.W. Europe, as strenuously claimed for them by some. The Northern margin is known to be in a continual struggle with the Arctic Current, which sets at right angles to its course with about an equal velocity ; and, therefore, a mere verbal account can give but little definite information.* With this uncertainty about its limits or existence in some parts, it is evidently difficult to estimate its breadth ; but, according to the generally received extent, it may be about 300 or 350 miles on the meridian of 48° W., a most vague amount, but which makes it about eight times the breadth that it was in the Narrows of Florida; and, as its mean velocity is less than one-half of what it was at the commencement, it follows that the whole body of water passing Florida will not be more than 20 or 25 fathoms deep over such a line; and, as its temperature is lower on the surface at the Eastern part of the course in question than it was at its commencement, it follows that the film of warm water it sends up here cannot be more than a few inches in thickness. The area supposed to be covered by it between Nantucket and long. 48° W. is not less than 280,000 square miles; and, therefore, 240°7 cubic miles (see page 414) poured over this per diem will make a stratum of about 5} feet thick per diem. If the larger figures of the American observers on this point be accepted, or about 350 cubic miles per diem, the addition to the thickness of the stratum does not amount to much. Temperature.—There is one singular fact—elicited by later researches, and by a comparison with the Current Charts of the Meteorological Office —which is, that the main body of the warm water, which has been traced along the United States coast, bears off in a due Easterly course South- ward of the parallel of 38° N.—that is, directly across the ocean (not on a Great Circle course, but to the Southward of it) toward the Strait of Gibraltar; and this, too, where there is not the slightest evidence of an Easterly Current on the former monthly or annual mean charts of the Currents. This is very remarkable, and well deserves attention from those who study the distribution of Ocean warmth. There can be no doubt of the fact, since Maury, Rennell, Andrau, and the Meteorological Office, all agree on the point. (409.) The late Dr. Petermann, who gave an immense amount of study to the subject, drew up two charts to illustrate his views, taken from the mean values of Maury’s and other charts, for the months of July and January. On the July chart, the core of the Gulf Stream (Kern des Golf- stroms) shows the form of a tongue, of a temperature of 81:5° (at some places even 84° was observed), extending North of the Equator to the 38th degree of latitude. This may be called not only a warm, but, better, a hot stream. ‘This hot stream thence continues as a double tongue, with a mean temperature of from 77° to 81:55° towards the North as far as the 40th degree of latitude (in one spot only), and towards the Hast to the 43rd * At times the change from warm to cold surface water is very marked. Commander Chimmo found it decrease in going Northward, from 72° to 58° in 24 hours. THE GULF STREAM. 413 degree of longitude ; that is, far beyond Newfoundland. In J anuary, tae tongue of 77° reaches to lat. 37° and long. 70° 30’ W., and at the place where the Kast end of this tongue of 77° terminates in July, we find in January a temperature of 63°5° and 65:8°.* To this it may be added, that the East end of the tongues of warm water above mentioned are 300 miles South of the Southern edge of the Gulf Stream, as usually placed ; and, as stated before, in a part of the ocean where no Hasterly stream is felt. The evidences of this portion of the Gulf Stream being much warmer than is due to the latitude, are much qualified by a reference to the Tem- perature Tables of Lieutenant Andrau, drawn up for the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. For January, the latitudes of these two “ hot tongues” are 36° N. and 33° N. respectively. On taking the figures lying -between these parallels, they show thus, premising that each temperature is given for the mean between each meridian 5° apart; the first being from 50°—45° W., the last to the right hand 20°—15° W. Lat. 36° oe 63-7° | 631° | — | 61-9 Lat. 33° 658° | 658° | 664° | — | 63-90 69-3° These figures show that the temperature is very uniform nearly across he Ocean, and they accord almost exactly with those of our own Meteorological Office. . For July, the hot tongues are in the latitudes of 38° and 34°N., and the figures show a similar result ; and from this it would seem that the main bulk of the hotter waters of the Gulf Stream is lost in mid-ocean, about the meridians West of 45° W. It is, therefore, safe to affirm that Rennell was correct in his statement, that the portion of the Stream to the Southward of lat. 40° (he says 424°), and long. 40°—30° W., drifts with an almost imperceptible surface move- ment, until it is lost in the neighbourhood of Corvo, where its temperature and attributes do not vary from those portions of the Atlantic manifestly far away from its influences. (410.) It is with the Northern portion (North of lat. 40° N.) of the Gulf Stream, then, that we shall have to deal in its future course Eastward, and this is very much cooler than the hot core above adverted to. On the meridian of 50° W. the water in July is at a temperature of 70°, on the parallel of 40° N., and is only 45-5° at 300 miles to the Northward. In January these figures stand at 61° and 34° respectively, and thus in these 5° of latitude the water becomes cooler by 24-5° and 37°; and looking generally at the isothermal lines, it would seem as if they were crowded to the Southward by the land and the influence of the Arctic Current. Arrived at the Grand Bank of Newfoundland, we meet with a totally new feature in its condition. It here encounters the full force of the Labrador Current, which setting Southward over the Banks with nearly equal velocity and bulk, cuts off the Eastward course of the Gulf Stream iu all that part of the current which runs North of 42° or 43° N. The isotherms, derived from the immense mass of figures in Maury’s thermal * Mittheilungen, 1870, page 219; and Knorr, pages 42, 43. 420 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. charts, show, as Dr. Petermann says, that the Polar waters set against and penetrate it like an immense wedge.* This cold-water gulf penetrates for 150 to 200 miles Southward of its general limit; and in July, which is the period when the Arctic Ice drifts down in the greatest quantities, this is most evident, as the Arctic water is not more than 48°, while that of the Gulf Stream to the Southward is 68° and upwards. In January, the period when the Arctic regions are entirely frozen, and no Icebergs descend into these Southern latitudes, the effects on the surface are not quite so mani- fest, but are equally evident as far South as lat. 38° N. Now, this ‘cold-water gulf” is no surface interference of a temporary nature. It is a strong permanent current, flowing to a greater depth than the Gulf Stream at all seasons of the year. That it entirely cuts off all the lower beds of the warmer water is demonstrated by the fact that Ice- bergs, 80 and 100 feet high, have been seen as far South as lat. 36° 10’ N. in April, 1829, and 38° 40’ in June, 1842. This shows that the more powerful Southern Arctic Drift, of which many evidences are constantly met with, in the summer months by the Ice-drifts, and in the winter by the cold water, must cut off the Eastward progress of this Northern portion of the Gulf Stream waters. It is very probable that a small portion of the warm water does get over to the Eastward of this in the ‘hot streaks”’ which are so remarkable; because, although the thermometer on the surface shows that there is no continuity in the waters on the East side of long. 48° with those to the West of that meridian, yet the current observa- tions show that the drift is still, generally, to the Hastward.t (411.) In January, 1890, Captain Williams, of the steamer Montana, bound Eastward, made some temperature observations of the surface water, and at a depth of 15 feet, showing a marked drop Southward of the Banks, between lat. 40° 40’ and 41° 40’ N., long. 52° and 48° W. Between 8 p.m., on January 28rd, and 4 a.m. on the 24th, the sub-surface temperature fell from 70° F. to 40°, and in the next 12 hours rose again to 70°, the distance traversed being about 200 miles. The maximum surface temperature was 64°, the minimum also 40°, the latter being found about the 51st meridian. (412.) The position, depth, and angle of meeting of the Gulf Stream and Arctic Current is continually changing. Small differences in density will determine which water will over-ride the other, causing alternations of temperature, both horizontally and vertically. Not only are the alterna- tions found within the supposed limits of the Stream, but also both inside and outside of it. Possibly at times, owing to its greater density, the warm water of the * Mittheilungen, 1872, page 220; Knorr, page 43. + It is quite certain that the surface motion is not of any great depth, and that at few fathoms beneath the surface it is inappreciable to any ordinary mechanical means, There is direct evidence of this in the deep-sea sounding trials, and more especially in the electric cable-laying experience. In these, if there should be any under-currents of force or in different directions, it would be shown directly by their action on the sub- merged line. In the case of the telegraph cables, the refined dynamometric apparatus employed is, generally, so uniform in its evidence, that the question of sub-surface action may be said to have been settled by it. THE GULF STREAM. 421 Gulf Stream may dip below the cold but lighter water of the Arctic Current, as in the Northern regions warmer water has been found at 2 considerable depth below the colder water on the surface. The same arguments may be used with reference to the bands of warm and cold water (395) met with in the earlier part of its course, where it come in contact with that branch of the Arctic Current, which is con- sidered to have its course to the Southward, off the American coast. In 1886, M. J. Thoulet, from observations taken from the French frigate Clorinde, concluded that where the Arctic Current meets the Gulf Stream at right angles, the water of the former, though colder, is a little lighter, so that instead of passing below the warmer water of the Stream, it mixes with it, almost entirely arresting its speed, and from thence to the North-Eastward it is merely a drift. (413.) Up to this point we have said nothing about the speculations promulgated respecting the heat-bearing properties of the Gulf Stream ; but, in this book, space will not allow us to enter upon them. Those of Mr. James Croll, however, must be noticed, as they refer to a method of estimating this by the powers of absorption of the sun’s rays by the ocean’s surface, represented by the dynamic enumeration of foot-pounds. But we would deferentially demur to his calculations. He takes no account of the time it takes for the water to circulate, or of its ascertained depth. He very much exaggerates the known volume of the Stream, and does not refer to the interferences it encounters, the fog banks, nor to the Arctic or Labrador Current. However valuable his suggestions may be, they must be applied in a different way.* (414.) Having thus brought the Gulf Stream through its remarkable and well-defined course, which on its Northern margin is not less than 2,200, miles, we arrive at the conclusion, which is here repeated from our former editions, that its farther progress as a distinct current cannot be traced. It merges into the general ocean drifts common to the sea for many hundreds of miles on either side of it. This conclusion is in antagonism with that of many who contend for its extension and evidences up to the shores of N.W. Europe, and into the Arctic basin. But while the facts on which this conclusion is based are not for one moment questioned, yet their con- nexion with the stream, which has thus far been described, is not shown, and the effects claimed for it are so immeasurably greater than the parent source, that they must be inevitably referred to much more powerful causes. These will be briefly discussed in the ensuing section, 9. NORTH-EASTERLY SET TO WESTERN EUROPE, ETC. (415.) The previous pages have brought the Gulf Stream up to the meridian of 50° or 48° W. The Southern portion of the Eastward Current, Southward of lat. 40° N., passing over towards the Azores, with the other drifts, forms the head of the North African Current (265), while the portion North of that parallel ceases as a heat-bearing stream on the same * See “ Geological Magazine,” vol. vi., April, 1869; and “ Philosophical Magazine,” February, 1870. 422 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. meridian. Its further progress is manifestly entirely cut off by the very much deeper Arctic Current ; and this is the case throughout the year. But it is contended by Dr. Petermann, that as the ocean becomes sud- denly warmer to the Eastward of the meridian of 48°, and this, too, for an extent of not less than 300 or 400 miles in a N.N.W. direction in July, or N.N.E. direction in January, as shown by the direction of the isotherms, this warmer water must be the Gulf Stream.* Undoubtedly, looking only to the direction of the isotherms, there would seem fo be grounds for this assertion; but the positive fact that the Polar Stream entirely intersects it, and that there is not the slightest evidence of any Northerly set to the Bast of the Great Bank (on the surface at least) precludes such a suppo- sition. The Lastward course of the surface waters is continued alike over the colder as over the warmer areas; and as the surface temperature we are discussing must be dependent in some degree on surface motion, there must be some other great agent at work to produce this effect. How this operates is not clear; and, like many other mysteries of the Ocean, it awaits an explanation. It is certainly not caused by surface current. Looking at the general arrangement of the isotherms, it would seem as if the waters of the Ocean South of the parallel of 45° or 50° N. latitude, and Eastward of the 40° meridian, were at their normal temperature, and that it was the effect of the Polar Stream, and the arrangement of the land on the Western side of the Ocean, that broke up the symmetry, by forcing the warmer waters several degrees of latitude Southward of the position they would occupy but for this combination of causes. The rate of the drift is from 6 or 10 miles to 20 or 24 miles per day; and as far as 50° N. it seems generally to flow due Hast towards the French and Portuguese coasts, and thus forms the head of the occasional Rennell’s Current. But, singular to say, observations are not abundant hereabout, and the true rate can only be given approximately ; it is of no great power, and has but little effect on a vessel’s course. Beyond the doubt, whether the water thus far can be considered as the Gulf Stream, there is no con- troversy as to this part of the Ocean circulation. (416.) It is to the N.E. of this that there is a difference of opinion. It was generally believed, in former times, that the climate of the Western portion of the British Isles, that of Norway, Iceland, and a large area around the Northern part of Europe, was dependent on the Gulf Stream, which flowed continuously throughout as a heat-bearing current; but this cannot now be maintained, since we have been made intimately acquainted with the dimensions and character of the Stream in its greatest strength. (417.) Bottles—The observations for its Velocity and Direction are not very numerous; and, therefore, we have recourse to the drift of floating bottles, about which much controversy took place, at the time they were collectively brought forward in the ‘‘ Nautical Magazine,” in 1853. As they tell a singularly consistent tale, which is entirely confirmed by similar * «Tt is by no means annihilated (by the Polar Stream); on the contrary, it sallies forth intact from the conflict.” ‘Again: ‘The Gulf Stream is not disturbed to any degree, either in its direction or in its temperature, until a very short distance East of Newfoundland, when it bends sharply round to the North.””—Mittheilungen, 1870, page 220. Knorr, pages 43, 44. NORTH-EASTERLY SET TO WESTERN EUROPE, ETC. 423 experiments in the Southern Hemisphere, their testimony must be brought into the question. See (243), page 295, ante. The following statement of the drift of bottles is derived from Captain Becher’s Bottle Chart. Many of the particulars contained in it have been given in our former editions, but they are here given entire in order that an estimate may be formed of the strength of the current in which they have drifted. It may be premised that the length of their courses is given in the shortest or direct distance. It therefore underrates their progress, as they have doubtless not generally pursued the shortest track to their destination :— —— eee hv _— Where left. B | = laa (G2 ie AS ae Ship. Signature. Where found. | 3 a2| 8 Y Lat. | Long. Bet | ee ear. N W. H | (2 2 . ~~ Q oS 4 a ° ° OSPTeY.....eseeeseeee McGill ...... 1822 | 49-6 | 12-5 | Wales ............ 36| 270} 7-5 Wallace ............ Robertson...} 1835 | 52-2 | 15-0 | Ushant............ 130| 450) 7-2 ERYMG) vescccsscseccess R. Hope 1834 | 46-6 | 16-9 | Devon ............ 71| 600) 8-4 MMP Nairancacssscrcesse NWcdltel veconcs 1836 | 50-3 | 19-0 | Boulogne......... 126| 890} 7-0 INIEOE .vescscsccsesee Merret ...... 1839 | 48-2 | 18-9 | Quiberon ......... 177} 700| 4:5 HS OLIVET) aac eaes decei|sawos odedcese'coree 1840 | 46-9 | 18-6 | France............ 94| 700| 7-0 IAI cecescssssscscg Tock ss2..s2:: 1832 | 44-2 | 18-0 | France............ 810| 700} 2-2 TDBGESON .....00000. of Stockton .| 1826 | 55-5 | 18-3 | Killala............ 59| 300} 5-0 President ......... Scott... ....-< 1836 | 48-5 | 19-6 | France............ 128| 650} 4-1 VAM PRIMI soc oeaseeoo|seraderetececesses 1888 | 42-2 | 19-3 | Cork ............... 45| 750|17-0 IPEYSIEN) .cc2cc00e.: Mallard...... 1834 | 47-1 | 20-4 |. Ireland............ 113} 600| 4-1 PA Der os. 226 These bottles, taken from Captain Becher’s list in the ‘‘ Nautical Maga- zine,” 1853, have been selected from those which have made the ordinary drift. The chart which shows their direction points most clearly to the Eastward and North-Eastward drift, although the average rate is not high, being for the above 6°6 miles per day, probably below their actual rate. 424 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Some more recent examples may also be given, and reference should also be made to the Drift diagram, page 297. A bottle dropped from the steamer Sardinian, October 31st, 1889, in lat. 56° 6’ N., long. 17° 24’ W., was picked up in February, 1890, in lat. 69° 28’ N., long. 18° E., on the coast of Norway, having drifted about 1,250 miles es N.E. by N.3N. _ A bottle dropped from the steamer Saturnina, June 27th, 1889, in lat. 50° 15’ N., long. 84° 17’ W., was picked up on the beach near Carnsore Point (Ireland), on February 13th, 1890, having drifted about 1,080 miles to E. 3 8. On September 1st, 1887, a bottle paper was set adrift off Hull, Massachusetts, and was picked up on the beach near San Fernando, Cadiz, February 28th, 1892. The great circle distance from port to port is 2,975 miles, but its probable drift was nearer 4,000 miles, even if it had not made the circuit of the Atlantic. Another good example of this drift is shown by the track of the schooner W. L. White, lumber laden, which was abandoned Eastward of Delaware Bay, March 13th, 1888, and ultimately drifted right across the Atlantic, and went ashore on Haskeir Island, one of the Hebrides, January 23rd, 1889. The most remark- able feature is the zigzag track she followed in mid-ocean, between lat. 44° and 51° N., long. 33° and 44° W., from the beginning of May till the end of October. Previous to this time she followed a course about E.N.E., at an average rate of about 82 miles a day, and subsequently she moved East and N.E., 1,260 miles in 84 days, an average of 15 miles a day; but during the long interval of six months she remained within this comparatively small area, drifted back and forth by the Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current, and tossed about by the varying winds, a constant menace to navigation along the greatest highway of ocean commerce in the world. During these six months alone she was reported by 36 vessels, three of which sighted her in a single day. In her cruize of 10 months and 10 days she traversed a distance of more than 5,000 miles, was reported 45 times, and how many more vessels passed dangerously near her at night and in thick weather it is impossible even to estimate. The schooner Zwenty-one Friends, found abandoned, March 24th, 1885, about 160 miles Eastward of Chesapeake Bay, was drifted to lat. 51° 30’ N., long. 27° 40’ W., in 43 months, or a distance of 2,130 miles to E.N.E. Thence she drifted to the Eastward and South-Hastward towards the North coast of Spain, and was last reported on December 4th, 1885, about 130 miles N.N.E. of Cape Finisterre, having drifted 3,525 miles in 8 months and 10 days. On December 8th, 1887, a gigantic raft of timber left the Bay of Fundy, in tow of a steamer for New York. It consisted of about 27,000 baulks of timber, each 50 to 100 feet in length, bound with chains into a raft 560 feet long, 65 feet wide, and 38 feet deep, drawing 19} feet water, and estimated to weigh 11,000 tons. On December 18th, a Hurricane was encountered about 40 miles §.8.W. from Nantucket South Shoal lightvessel, and the raft got adrift. It rapidly broke up, and the logs drifted away to the Eastward, gradually spreading over a fan-shaped area between lat. 30° and 40° N., though many logs were reported to the North- Westward of the Azores in May, 1888. On June 12th, 1888,-a spruce log drifted ashore at the island of Fayal, in the Azores. On September 4th, 1888, a vessel passed through a number of floating logs, about 100 miles Northward of Madeira.* ® Current Floats.—In the summer of 1889, the United States Coast Survey steamer Blake set adrift a number of floats between Cape Hatteras and George Shoals. They consisted of a weighted staff, carrying five glass tubes, each enclosing the usual docu- ment. Any person finding one of these at sea was requested to remove only one of these tubes, and then set the float adrift again. NORTH-EASTERLY SET TO WESTERN HUROPH, ETC. 425 It will be observed that the velocity of the drift varies greatly, a long course having been performed at a mile an hour and upwards, while in other cases its progress would be inappreciable in the navigation of a ship. There is a very marked feature, that of the Eastward, and not North- Eastward tendency, as might be inferred from the prevalence of the S.W. winds. (418.) Of this Hastward tendency of the waters on the Hastern side of the North Atlantic Ocean there can be no doubt, and this is the great question to be elucidated, which, from its large extent, cannot be fully dis- cussed here. This fact is manifested by abundant proofs. Besides the greater warmth of the water, which diminishes as we proceed Westward, there are Tropical products, such as seeds (the beans of mimosa scandens, cocoa-nuts, &c.), which are frequently washed ashore at the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, &c., all proving a South- Westward origin.* (419.) The arrangement of the isothermal lines on the Ocean North of 45° or 50°, as shown by Dr. Petermann’s charts, as well as by all other physicists, shows that a great change occurs in the static condition of the water North of lat. 50° throughout the year. Instead of the lines of equal temperatures running Hast and West, they have a N.H. and S.W. direc- tion, nearly to Spitzbergen. On referring to the Wind diagrams, given at page 171, it shows that the winds hang generally to W.S.W., or between S.S.W. and W. by N.; and as these South-Westerly winds have the greatest force, they have the greater effect on the climate of the countries under their influence. But when it is known that the water is warmer than is due to the latitude, to a depth perhaps of 500 or 700 fathoms, it is a manifest impossibility that the Anti-Trade wind can be the transporting agent. In the absence, then, of any clearly assignable cause for this elevation of the temperature, it must be considered that the whole body of the upper strata of the ocean-water, on the Eastern side of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1s drifting to the Northward. To assign this cause to the Gulf Stream is to ignore the statistics of the Stream ; and it is again affirmed that this very marked stream-current should have a distinct designation.| As the area which is now claimed to be raised in temperature by the Gulf Stream far exceeds 1,500,000 square miles, it follows that the quantity of water which passes along the American coast, which can reach it, cannot cover it to a greater depth than 6 inches per diem, and this after a period of one, two, or perhaps three years, through the fog-banks of N.H. America, and through the Labrador Stream. (420.) As Dr. Petermann, by his valuable labours, has helped to throw * General Sabine, when at Hammerfest, in 1823, saw some palm-oil barrels drift ashore, supposed to be from a vessel wrecked at Cape Lopez, in the preceding year. + Dr. Petermann suggests that the term ‘‘ Gulf Stream” should be used for this Buropean current, and that the true stream should be called the “Florida Stream.” But this is reversing the argument. The real Gulf Stream has been thus known from the earliest times, and the term has only been applied of late years to the European current. N. A. O. 55 426 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. much light on this remarkable and interesting stream, which he contends is the extension of the true Gulf Stream, we quote his words as to its in- fluence on N.W. Europe, &. (‘‘ Mittheilungen,” 1870, page 220, &c.). “While the (Gulf) Stream has in January, on the 50th parallel of lati- tude, still a temperature of 54:5°, the thermometer shows at the same time, at Prague or at Ratibor (in Silesia), on the same parallel of latitude, tem- peratures of —24°, and still lower ones. (As before remarked, there can be no comparison between land and ocean temperatures. The immense differences of radiation and evaporation, or deposition, between the two conditions, render them quite incongruous. There is no better evidence of this than in the climate about the North Cape. While the sea around it in January has a temperature of 36°, that of the land is sometimes —24° and —26° below zero, a difference of more than 60° of temperature, and this is clearly owing to the direction of the wind, which, as Mr. Buchan shows, prevails from the §8.8.H.*). The isothermal line of 54°5° (10° R.) runs up in July toward Iceland and the Feroe Islands to the 61st degree of latitude. There it meets, for the second time, the Polar Stream, which on the East coast of Iceland again threatens to block up its way and to destroy it. ‘The summer observations of temperature collected by Admiral Irminger, of the Danish Royal Navy, have thrown greatlight on the important ques- tion of this warm-water extension. His conclusions are based on the ob- servations he zealously collected from the voyages of the Danish vessels navigating in the summer season between Denmark, the Orkneys, and Greenland.+ ‘“‘ As already noticed, an arm of the Gulf Stream proceeds towards the North along the West coast of Iceland, and this arm extends to the East along the entire North coast, and does not meet the Polar Stream until it has reached the N.E. end of theisland. Only for the months of May, June, July, and August, figures are found in Irminger’s collection off the North coast of Iceland, all of which show a higher temperature than those off the East coast. In July, temperatures were observed on the North coast, of 45:0°, 47:1°, and 49-3° (Lord Dufferin, 46-0°), while off the East coast, for 6° of longitude, none higher than from 40° to 42°6° were found. * There could be no better evidence of the fallacy of comparing a Jand climate with that influenced by the sea surface than this above quoted. The direction of this §.S.E. wind, passing over some of the coldest plains in Europe, and probably also from great distances, has thus lowered its temperature to this extreme degree. AS.W. wind, on the contrary, brings, as may be readily inferred, the warmer influences of the surface it passes over. Therefore the ocean temperature, on the Western side of the Atlantic, has no manner of relation to the temperature of places many hundreds of miles inland, on its Eastern side, although in the same latitude. + Dr. George Forchhammer, Professor at the Copenhagen University, gave a very valuable paper ‘‘On the Composition of Sea-water in different parts of the Ocean,” which appears in the “ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,” 1865, page 203, et seg. By his extended researches, he has shown the origin of various branches of the Ocean circulation. As regards that flowing around Cape Farewell from the East- ward, he says, from its great salinity, 35-278 per 1,000, that it is very probably the re- turning Gulf Stream. At all events, it is xo polar current, which will be easily seen on comparing it with the Baffin’s Bay current, with a salinity of 33:281, or with the water North of Spitzbergen, 33-623. NORTH-EASTERLY SET TO WESTERN EUROPE, ETC. 427 ‘Between Iceland and the Feroe Islands the Gulf and Polar Streams are contending against each other, and the result of this struggle is a sea divided into a great number of hot and cold bands, which fact was demon- strated clearly by Lord Dufferin’s cruize from Stornoway to Reikiavik, in 1856, and fully corroborated by Dr. Wallich, in the Bulldog expedition of 1860. The chart accompanying Dr. Wallich’s memoir, has a very good representation of these currents. “The fact that the two streams, in their contest, appear as many bands and strata, alongside, over, and beneath each other, is proved not only by the observations of the temperature on the surface of the sea by Admiral Irminger and Lord Dufferin, but also by the researches of Dr. Wallich in regard to the nature of the bottom of the sea. The latter found there some volcanic stones pointing as their origin to Jan-Mayen, and at other places ophiocome of 2 to 5 inches in length, which could have been carried there only by the warm Gulf Stream. Another argument is that the drift ice penetrates here farther to the South than anywhere else East of Iceland. Scoresby, for instance, in 1822, observed great masses of heavy ice in lat. 64° 30’ N., long. 7° 0' W., and detached pieces even as far South as lat. 63° 40’ N., long. 8° W., and as far East as long. 3° W., in lat. 66° 49’ N. Even still farther Southward ice was seen by Sir James Clark Ross, ir lat. 61° 0’ N., long. 6° 0’ W., which is 8.E. of the Feroe Islands. ‘In the same manner the temperature of the sea at the Feroe Islands, even down to the Shetland and Orkney Islands, appears depressed in com- parison with that of the West coast of Iceland. The isothermal lines show from Jan-Mayen, a remarkable concavity as far as the North Sea, which can be caused only by the cooling influence of the Polar Stream. Reikiavik and Stykkisholmr (lat. 65° 4’ N.) have, in July, a temperature of the sea of 52:9° and 50°, while at Thorshavn, in 62° 2’ N., it is only 48:9°. At times the temperature of the air also is, in consequence of this cooling in- fluence, depressed from the Shetland Islands to the German coast. “The mild weather of the British Isles is well known. The mean tem- perature for January at London is 37:4°; at Edinburgh the same; at Dublin 40°5°. The farther we go from Hast to West or from South to North, or, in other words, the nearer to the Gulf Stream, the higher we find the tem- perature. At Unst, on one of the Shetland Islands, 560 miles North of London, the mean temperature of the air for January is 40°3°, and that of the sea even 45°5° (Hast Yell). ‘A drift current, therefore, is out of the question, else the temperature of the air would be higher than that of the sea. Clearly, the warm current of the sea is tempering the air, and not vice versa. The lowest temperature observed in London is only —5° below zero; at Penzance, on the West coast, +24:1°; at Sandwick, on the Orkney Islands, +15-°8°; and at Bressay, on the Shetlands, +14-9°. At Madrid, +13-3° has been observed, and 27-5° even at Algiers, which provides Europe with the cauliflower in winter. ; ‘While on the Western side of the North Atlantic Ocean the Polar Ice reaches down to lat. 36° N. (the parallel of Gibraltar and Malta), and the name of Labrador is sufficient to characterize the climatic qualities of all the land between 50° and 60° N., there extends on the East side of the 428 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Ocean, along the Norwegian coast, cultivated land up to 71° N., the Northernmost land of the world in which, under the influence of the Gulf Stream, agriculture is the main occupation of the inhabitants. Wheat is grown up to Inderéen, in lat. 64° N.; barley up to Alten, in 70° N., where sowing generally is done between the 20th and 25th of June, yielding in the short space of eight weeks, to the 20th or 30th of August, on the average six or seven fold; the potato yields, at the same place, on the average, seven or eight fold—in favourable seasons, even twelve to fifteen fold; it thrives on the coast as far to the Hast as Vads6, on the Russian boundary line. At Alten (70° N.) relishable cauliflower is raised even in less favourable summers.” (421.) On the vexed question of the influence of the sea on the Climate of the British Isles much cannot be said here. In an essay, by Mr. Nicholas Whitley, C.E.,* he arrives at this conclusion respecting it:—‘‘ Our 8.W. wind has its birthplace where the temperature of the sea is at least 55° in January, causing the thermometer on the Cornish coast, under its in- fluence, to stand steadily at 52°, and the great warmth of the past winter resulted from the continued persistency of this wind rather than from any excess of heat inthe sea. “The S.W. wind gives to Penzance a mean winter temperature of 44°, being the same as that of Montpellier; Cork falls short of it by only half a degree; and the mean temperature of the Scilly Isles at this season exceeds that of this noted winter resort by 24°.” In a farther examination of the log-books of the Cunard steamers, sail- ing between Liverpool and New York, for a period of five years, which results have been carefully tabulated, he says, ‘‘ The extent and greatest intensity of the Arctic Current is sharply shown by the thermometer in every voyage. The cold water on the Banks of Newfoundland reaches its mean monthly minimum of 30° in January, and its mean maximum of 52° in September, and its width is fully 400 British miles. ‘On the Eastern side of the cold current, and in close proximity to it, there is a bed of very warm water, having a mean temperature in January of 57°, being 27° warmer than that on the Banks, over a width of about 200 miles. This appears to be a strong eddy of the Gulf Stream, curving Northward, and holding the Arctic Current in its warm embrace. ‘‘ From this part of the sea to near the Irish coast the warmth is more equally distributed through the water, and the thermometer does not detect any well-defined branch of the Gulf Stream flowing to the N.E. There is, however, a decided rise in the temperature about the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, amounting to from 4° to 6° above that of the sea at Scilly, and the figures on the chart appear to indicate that it lies in a S.W. and N.E. direction. It is most probably the drift of the Gulf Stream driven to the N.E. by the prevailing S.W. wind. ‘‘The means represented in the Table show that Hast of the cold water of the Newfoundland Banks (the Polar Stream, which has there a width of 400 miles, and a temperature in January of 30°, and in September of 52°), there is a warm bed of water, 200 miles in width, with a temperature of * See Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xiii., 1869, page 229, et seq. NORTH-EASTERLY SET TO WESTERN EUROPE, ETC. 429 57° in January and 61° in August. Between this bed and the Irish coast the temperature is more uniform ; there is, however, in the middle of this distance, in about longitude 25° West of Greenwich, a belt of water of a decidedly higher temperature.” (422.) What has just been quoted refers to the S.W. coasts; carrying the views farther Northward, there is a very important meteorological paper of Mr. Alexander Buchan, Secretary to the Meteorological Society, ‘On the Temperature of the Sea on the Coast of Scotland,” based on ob- servations carefully collected from numerous stations, between January, 1856, and 1865, and the one great fact elicited is given as follows:— The great excess of the temperature of the sea over that of the air in the North is perhaps the most remarkable fact in the meteorology of Scotland. It is a difference, moreover, as the following Table will show, which may be considered constant from year to year :— 1857 | 1858 | 1859 | 1860 | 1861 | 1862 | 1863 | 1864 Mean annual temperature of the sea at AIG Wi CKarsceenctecsioasiseciererececssstescecdese 49-5 | 49-4 | 49-4 47-5 | 48-6} 48-6 | 48-8 | 48-1 Mean annual temperature of the air at Spi lin| © lduarerecsetecwancisseerancsnsiseieiece 47-5 | 46-0 | 45-7 | 44-1 | 46-3 | 45-8 | 46-4 | 45-5 Mean annual difference...........sssessee- 2:0| 3-4| 3-7| 3-4] 2-3] 2-8] 2-4] 2.6 This Table teaches, if examined closely, the slowness with which changes in temperature of the air are completely propagated through the waters of the Ocean, in those Northern parts where the power of the sun’s rays is greatly diminished. When the tendency of the temperature of the sea to follow that of the air is considered, it can scarcely admit of a doubt that, if the waters of the sea were stationary round Orkney from year to year, their temperature would ultimately fall to that of the air, or at least to within about half a degree of it. But this is not the case; there is some influence at work keeping the temperature of the sea 3° above that of the incumbent air. The enormous amount of heat sufficient to maintain the whole waters of the sea in the North from 2° to 3° above the air, must be brought from warmer latitudes by currents of some sort or other. Since, then, a sea current from the South must be conceded, what is the agent employed? (423.) Hitherto we have referred but very slightly to the movements or temperature of the lower strata of the Ocean waters, but this very wide question has a most important bearing on our present subject. The very important investigations which were carried on in H.M. Ships Lightning and Porcupine, under the superintendence of Dr. Carpenter and Mr. Gwyn Jefferys, will be adverted to in a special section at the end of this book; but, as connected with this portion of our subject, it may be stated that the voyage of the Porcupine, in 1869, demonstrated that there was a stream of warmer water, 900 fathoms deep, between Iceland and Spain, and equally as much near Rockall Bank. Between the latter and the Feroe Islands it reaches to the bottom, or a depth of 767 fathoms, and at this the temperature is 41°5°. 430 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. These last facts are conclusive as to this movement of warmer water not being the Gulf Stream. By what possible reasoning can it be inferred that this can be the Gulf Stream, as it is nearly five times as deep, and hundreds of miles broader than that stream is at its origin; and, as it has been before shown, it receives no “tributaries.” We, therefore, repeat the assertion that this great Ocean current has a distinct origin, and should have a special designation. We cannot pursue the question farther: it must be sought for in the numerous works bearing more especially on this subject, many of which have been referred to. A subsequent Chapter, on the Depth, Temperature, &c., of the Ocean, may be referred to in connection with the surface and deep-sea tempera- tures of this great current. In concluding this brief account of the most remarkable feature in Ocean physics, we can only express the hope that the combined observa- tions of the recent investigations will place this science of Rheology, as it may be termed, on as firm a basis as its cognate branches. 10.—THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. (424.) The last section treated of the warmer Tropical waters which passed into the Northern regions, carrying with them their ameliorating influence on the Arctic climate. The present deals with the same waters as they emerge at a minimum temperature from these frozen regions, and bring their ice and cold into the grand system of Ocean circulation and compensation. (425.) Iceland, &c.—In 1879, Lieutenant C. I’. Wandel, of the Danish Royal Navy, published a pamphlet* dealing with his experiences during three years steam navigation around the coasts of Iceland, from which the following remarks are taken. Near the coasts of Iceland the Currents are influenced by the tidal streams, which revolve round the island, the flood moving with the sun and the ebb against it, though the currents somewhat overcome the strength of the ebb, and the island is thus encircled by a constant current running with the sun. The investigations recently made by the officers of the Danish steamer Fylla, have added much to our knowledge of these seas. It is found that in the offing a constant comparatively warm current runs Westward and Southward respectively off the North and West coasts of Iceland, being bounded by the cold Polar Current which runs down the East coasts of Greenland and Iceland; the latter branch appears to continue along the South coast, and loses itself in Faxe Bay. At 74 miles due North of North Cape the cold current was found to reach from the surface to the bottom. (426.) In Denmark Sound, between Iceland and Greenland, currents of distinctly different natures are found. The warm Irminger Current washes the Western and Northern shores of Iceland, but the cold Polar * «Bemirkninger til Beseiligen af Islands Kyster,” Copenhagen, 1879. See also Thoroddsen’s “Den Groénlindska Drifisen vid Island.” THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. 431. Current of East Greenland is more difficult to define on account of the ice. Captain Mourier, who examined the latter current in 1879, in the Danish vessel Ingolf, always found a comparatively high temperature at the bottom, and the Nordenskiéld expedition of 1883 found the same, demon- strating that this cold current, between lat. 66° N. and Cape Farewell, flows on a bed of warm water proceeding poleward, the surface water being of less density than that of the warm. Its depth was found to extend to about half the depth of the sea in the places examined.* (427.) The limit of the N.E. Drift about Iceland has been mentioned previously (420). To the West of this, then, we may place the great drift which comes down from beyond Spitzbergen, and transports the immense quantities of ice upon the Eastern shores of Greenland, which has generally rendered this, one of the most inclement regions of the world, unapproachable by ships. Several instances of this drift could be recited, but as it is not interesting to navigation, they need not be dilated on, though the Ice this current brings into the low latitudes is an important consideration in the navigation of the North Atlantic Ocean. This branch of the Arctic Drift, however, does not probably furnish many of those gigantic Icebergs, which, drifting down Davis Straits, float over and Hast- ward of the Newfoundland Banks, and far into the Northern margin of the Gulf Stream. The estimated rate of this drift from Spitzbergen, calculated from the rate of vessels in the pack-ice, is from 8 to 14 miles per day.t (428.) It was formerly considered that this S.W. stream, after passing Cape Farewell, the South point of Greenland, made direct for the coast of Labrador, and thence over the Newfoundland Banks. But Commodore Irminger, of the Danish Royal Navy, has demonstrated that it does not do so, but that it passes around Cape Farewell to the Westward, and thence passes Northward in a narrow stream along the shores of West Greenland, and is known as the West Greenland Current. It is considered that a branch of the Gulf Stream flows towards Davis Sound. This would strike the East Greenland Polar Current off Cape Farewell, carrying the ice brought by the latter to the Westward and Northward, its tempera- ture and density thus becoming reduced as it proceeds Northward. “Tf the current existed, which some writers state to run in a direct line from East Greenland to the Banks of Newfoundland, then the ice would likewise be carried with that current from East Greenland; if it were a submarine current, the deeply immersed icebergs would be transported by it; if it were only a surface current, the immense extent of field-ice would indicate its course, and vessels would consequently cross these ice-drifts at whatever distance they passed to the Southward of Cape Farewell. But this is not the case; experience has taught that vessels coming from the Eastward, steering their course about 2° (120 nautic miles) to the * A more detailed account of the observations of the Nordenskidld Expedition vf 1883, will be found in the “Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society,’’ October, 1884, pages 569—578. + See A. G. Findlay, ‘On the course of Sir John Franklin's Expedition,” in tha Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxvi., 1856, page 33. 432 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS Southward of Cape Farewell,* seldom or never fall in with ice before they have rounded Cape Farewell and got into Davis Strait, which 1s a certain proof that there does not exist even a branch of the Arctic Current run ning directly from East Greenland towards the Banks of Newfoundland.’’t The limits of this Spitzbergen Current, as it may be termed, are there- fore indicated by the distance to which the ice it transports is found to extend, and from the examples cited may be taken, as above, to a distance of 120 miles South of Cape Farewell, and to 150 miles off the Danish settlements of S.W. Greenland. (429.) In the space of Ocean between the Southern limits of this current and the known South-Hasterly drift down the Labrador Coast, an anomalous condition seems to exist ; we have no notice of the set of the streams, if any, within it, but its characteristic seems to be the drift-wooa within its area. These floating relics have evidently a Southern origin, and point also to the truth of the statement that a warm current sets toward and past Iceland. ‘« Another proof that the current from East Greenland does not run in a straight line towards the Banks of Newfoundland, is also derived from the observations of the temperature of the surface made on many voyages to and from Greenland. “‘ Supposing that the Arctic Current from Hast Greenland pursued its course in a straight line towards the Banks of Newfoundland, it would be crossed, on the voyage from Copenhagen to the Danish colonies in Green- land, between 38° and 45° W., and so high a temperature in the surface of the Ocean as from 4° to 6° R. (41° to 455° Fahrenheit), as is found only on this route, would, according to my opinion, be impossible only 1° or 2° to the Southward of the parallel of Cape Farewell; as it is a well-known fact, that the principal Ocean currents maintain their temperatures through very considerable distances of their courses. ‘‘ This comparatively high temperature of the surface of the Ocean, so near to the limits of that current which carries enormous masses of ice from the Ocean near Spitzbergen round Cape Farewell, warrants my opinion that the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, move in a North- Westerly or Northerly direction, towards the Eastern and Southern coasts of Greenland, and that this indraught towards the land is undoubtedly the cause of the ice being so closely pressed on to these coasts as it is so frequently on the South coast, and almost constantly on the Hast coast, rendering the Eastern coast entirely inaccessible from seaward. * An observation which it is interesting to mention here, and which gives a proof of the very little difference between the temperature of the surface and that at some depth, is mentioned in the voyage of Captain Graah, page 21. He says, ‘‘ The 5th of May, 1828, in lat. 57° 35’ N., and 36° 86’ W., the temperature of the surface was found 6-3° R, (46-2° Fahrenheit), and at a depth of 660 feet 5-5° R. (44-5° F.).”’ This proves that there is no cold submarine current in the place alluded to, to the 8.E. of Cape Farewell. A still more conclusive experiment was recorded by Sir Edward Parry, in the account of his first voyage, June 23, 1819; in lat. 67° 51’ N., long. 41° 5’, with a very slight Southerly current, the suface temperature was 404° Fahrenheit; and at 235 fathoms 39°, a dif- ference of only 14°. + ‘‘ Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,’ vol. xxvi., pp. 40, 41. THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. 432 ‘« From the foregoing it seems to me to be demonstrated that the current from the Ocean around Spitzbergen, which carries such considerable mass*s of ice, after it has passed along the East coast of Greenland, turns West- ward and Northward round Cape Farewell, without detaching any branch to the South-Westward directly towards the Banks of Newfoundland. * ‘This current afterwards runs Northward along the S.W. coast of Greenland until about lat. 64° N., and at times even up to Holsteinborg, which is in about 67° N.”t—Admiral Irminger. (430.) This current, then, after drifting over the Northern Atlantic Ocean, passes up the Eastern shore of Davis Strait to and beyond the entrance of Baffin’s Bay, between Cape Walsingham and Holsteinborg. It here encounters the Southern set which passes down Baffin’s Bay, especially on its Western side, transporting those immense icebergs which are annually launched from the glaciers of West Greenland and other parts, as described by Dr. Rink. This current, which enters Baffin’s Bay, especially by Lancaster Sound, is the grand outlet of the waters which runs from West to Hast through the Labyrinthine Archipelago, once the scene of the exciting search for the expedition of Sir John Franklin, and is unquestionably the continuation of that drift past Spitzbergen, described previously (419.)t * Graah says in his Narrative (page 23, Hinglish translation):—‘In the mouth of Davis Strait I found the temperature of the surface of the Ocean from 4° to 3-1°R. (41° to 39° Fahrenheit), though we were in the proximity of the ice. From this I con- cluded that a current from the South predominated here, because I never before in the vicinity of ice had found the temperature of the water exceeding 1-8° R. (36° F.), and this conclusion was confirmed when, coming to the Northward of the ice, I found the tem- perature of the water 1-1 R. (34-5° F.).” + Besides the evidence afforded by the Ice-drifts and the Temperature of the water, as cited by the author, conclusive proof of a Northerly set is found in the drift-wuod which has been so frequently met with around Cape Farewell and off the West coast of Greenland. A few examples will suffice. A plank of mahogany was drifted to Disco, and formed into a table for the Danish governor at Holsteinborg (‘‘ Quarterly Review,” No. xxxvi). (But Admiral Sir Edward Belcher thought that this plank is not mahogany, but black-birch, and therefore a Siberian product. If it had made such a lengthened voyage as that from the Gulf of Mexico, it would have become worm-eaten.) Admiral Loéwenérn picked up a worm-eaten mahogany log off the S.E. coast of Greenland. Captain Sir Edward Parry, in his second voyage, September 24th, 1828, picked up a piece of yellow pine quite sound, in lat. 60° 30’, long. 61° 30’ W., and on his third voyage seven pieces of drift-wood were found in the vicinity of Cape Farewell. Again, Captain Sir John Ross found much drift-wood around Cape Farewell, and Captain Sir George Back saw in lat. 56° 50’, long. 36° 30’, a tree with the roots and bark on. These instances might be multiplied; but, as before stated, it is very probable that the drift-wood comes from the Northern coast of Asia.—Ep. { So confident is Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, the famous Danish Arctic Explorer, in the origin of this current, as here described, that he has fearlessly undertaken, in the specially constructed vessel named the Fram, to enter the ice with this current some- where near the New Siberian Islands, and then drift with it. It is devoutly to be hoped that this venturesome scheme, commenced in the summer of 1893, may turn out suc- cessful. The vessel carries a crew of twelve men, with supplies and equipments for five or six years. Fora full account of this expedition, the reader is referred to a paper by Dr. Nansen, in the “ Geographical Journal,” January, 1893, pages 1—82, entitled “ How can the North Polar Region be Crossed ?’ Ne Abe @ 56 434 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. It thus brings into warmer latitudes all the ice which remains from the melting influences of the Arctic summer, and also is continually floating Southwards that which collects in Baffin’s Bay and its inlets. Its South- ward drift is constant, winter and summer, as demonstrated by the drift of several vessels of the Arctic searching squadrons—as the Grinnell Ex- pedition, Sir James Ross, H.M.S. Resolute, Sir L. M‘Clintock in the Foz, &c. A more recent example is that of Captain Tyson and nineteen of the crew of the U.S. vessel Polaris. On October 14th, 1871, they became separated from their ship in lat. 77° or 78° N., South of Littleton Island, and drifted on a floe for more than 1,500 miles, being rescued about 6 months later, on April 30th, 1872, by a sealing steamer near the Strait of Belle Isle. They supported life by hunting and fishing. About 10 miles per day may be taken as the drift down Baffin’s Bay, as estimated by the author in the ‘‘Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,’ quoted previously. (431.) The Baftin’s Bay Current and Spitzbergen Current having united, set with great force down the coast of Labrador, the Westward tendency being probably owing to the earth’s rotation, which here rapidly increases Southwardly in these parallels. It sets along the Labrador coast at rates varying from 10 to 36 miles a day, but is very much influenced by the winds near the coast. When navigating near the Hast coast of Newfound- land, with HKasterly and N.E. winds (which are accompanied by thick weather), mariners must guard against a strong indraught into the great bays of this coast. (432.) But the chief interest of this current to the sailor is the drift ice and great icebergs which it floats Southward across his track, con- stituting one of the most formidable dangers of the Transatlantic naviga- tion. As this is the most important feature it has, it will be dilated on more fully hereafter, as the limits within which these ice-drifts are liable to be encountered are also the limits of the cold Arctic Current now being discussed. (433.) The waters of the Arctic Ocean are thus brought again into that system of circulation which gives to sea-water a universal character (246). In former years it was not thought that its effects extended farther than this, and the cool 8.W. current inside the Gulf Stream was considered to be an eddy of that great current, whose temperature was dependent on the shallowness of the soundings, in contradistinction to the supposed unfathomable depths of the Gulf Stream. Captain Pornton, as stated in the earlier editions of this work, had, however, been led to conclude that the Southward drift past Newfoundland, and the current from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with the eddy from the Gulf Stream, combined to form the counter-current in question. Its true character was first argued out by Mr. W. C. Redfield, a name well known to science. He drew up a summary of remarks and sugges- tions for the observers of the United States Exploring Expedition, under Captain Wilkes, in 1838, and which was read before the American Philosophical Society in May, 1843. From that paper we will make a few extracts :-— ‘* From what source is that South-Westerly current derived, which . - THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. 435 & commonly prevails along the coast of the United States, in the direction which is opposite to the Gulf Stream ? ‘‘ T am aware that it is usually considered by seamen as an eddy current derived from the Gulf Stream; but from this view I am compelled to dissent. For, in the first place, this current never assumes the gyrating form of an eddy ; but continues its course, when unobstructed by gales, in a direction which is generally parallel to the coast. But, secondly, in case this current be derived from the Gulf Stream, it must necessarily partake of the same elevated temperature ; whereas the reduction of temperature which occurs on crossing the North-Western limit of the Gulf Stream is most remarkable, and is almost without parallel in the Atlantic, except in the immediate vicinity of ice. ‘“‘ Tt appears vain to allege the proximity of soundings or shallows as explaining this extraordinary change of temperature, for this cannot avail if the waters of the counter-current be derived from the Gulf Stream, to say nothing of the erroneous character of the position here noticed. ‘¢ From the evidence which is afforded by numerous facts and observa- tions, it appears that the current in question is neither more nor less than a mere sluggish prolongation of the Polar or Labrador Current, which sweeps along the North-Eastern shore of this continent and the Island of Newfoundland ; and this current, if I mistake not, may be traced in its gradations of temperature, by the thermometer, from off the Southern coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, through the entire distance, to Cape Hatteras, if not to Florida. ‘¢ An eddy current, off-setting to the Gulf Stream, would nowhere be so likely to be met with as at the point of intersection of this Stream with the extremity of the Grand Bank of Newfoundland, and sweeping from thence upon the Southern shores of the island of that name; and yet the harbour of St. John’s, in the Southern part of Newfoundland, is known to have continued ice-bound, in 1831, so late as the month of June, although in the latitude of Paris. This fact is a convincing proof of the unimpeded continuation of the Polar Current to the Southward, in this region, not- withstanding the near proximity of the Gulf Stream.” H.M.S. Challenger proved the correctness of this theory. In May, 1873, when 210 miles §.S.E. from Sandy Hook, proceeding to the Northward, Sir Wyville Thomson says,* ‘‘ Although on the surface the influence of the Gulf Stream was still felt to a certain extent, the contrast between the observations of this day and the day before was most marked. We had crossed the ‘Cold Wall,’ and the temperatures registered were almost purely those of the Labrador return current. . . . The collection as a whole had a decidedly Arctic character and recalled some of our dredgings on the coast of Northern Europe, although it seemed that few of the forms were absolutely identical.” The temperature soundings (p. 416) will give an idea of the way in which the cold water underlies the warm in this region. (434.) The Velocity of the Arctic Current, over the Banks and to the Southward of Newfoundland, is very variable, but at times is great. We can SSeS * “ Voyage of the Challenger,’’ vol. i., page 375. 436 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. rather argue from its effects than from direct observation ; for one result of this influx of warm water into a cold region is the production of dense Fogs so peculiarly characteristic of the Banks. ‘‘ Bank Weather” is not favourable to astronomic observations, and hence the paucity of them, and the difficulty of forming accurate estimates. (435.) Upon a survey of the Virgin Rocks, in July, 1829, the Current at about 80 miles E. by S. from Cape Race was found setting over them to the W.S.W., at the rate of a mite an hour. During the survey of these banks, in July and August, 1879, by the officers of H.M.S. Gulnare, little current was experienced, a slight set to the Southward only being percep- tible, except in the immediate neighbourhood of Virgin Rocks and Eastern Shoals. Round these the fishermen report a regular tide, running to the Westward in the morning, and changing gradually to the Northward and Eastward in the afternoon. From the observations made, no law could be deduced, but the fact was established that a tidal stream attains there a velocity of three-quarters of a knot an hour, when there is no sensible stream a few miles away. To different currents must be attributed the loss of the sloop Comus, the transport Harpooner, H.M.S. Drake, and the brig Spence, all of which were lost, at different times, upon one spot, the little bay called St. Shot's Bay, on the South coast of Newfoundland, and lying between Cape Freels and St. Mary’s Bay. The Comus was from the West, and was lost in the night of October 24th, 1816, after having sounded, as supposed, on the inner edge of Green Bank. The Harpooner, a transport with troops, was from Quebec, and bound for London; she struck at 9 p.m., November 10th, 1816. The Drake sailed from Halifax for St. John’s, June 20th, 1822, under very favourable circumstances, upon a direct course for Cape Race; but on the 23rd the weather became thick, and at noon she was supposed to be 90 miles from Cape Race, but at 7" 30™ p.m. breakers were reported ahead, and the ship was soon after a total wreck. The Spence was from Richibucto, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with lumber, bound to Liverpool, and was totally lost at St. Shot’s, at 4" p.m., July 16th, 1822. Another vessel, the George Canning, from Chaleur Bay to Aberdeen, was wrecked here, during a dense fog, on June 17th, 1829. The five vessels, it may be seen, were all from the Westward, and all, it may be presumed, were set to the Northward as well as to the Westward, of the situations which they were supposed to occupy, and the route which each intended to pursue. This can be accounted for only by the supposi- tion of currents winding round the coast, opposing each other, and oper. ating as above explained ; for it seems clear that the Westerly current from the Grand Bank so opposes the Easterly one as to limit its operation Hast- ward, and give it a Northern inflection ; thus producing the indraught into the Southern bays of the island. It appears that the South-Westerly current, over the Grand Bank, sets over the whole of the Northern part of that bank. In a summer voyage, on September 30th, 1826, in lat. 46° 24’, Lieutenant Hare sounded on the outer edge of the Bank, with thick blowing weather from 8.W.; and, on the next day, in 45° 56’ N., 48° 6’ W., had no bottom at 120 fathoms, with a very heavy swell from W.S.W., although he found that a current had THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. 437 carried him S. 67° W., 34 miles. Thus appeared, in close conjunction, a South-Westerly current, with another from W.S.W., where the edges of the two entered into collision with each other. (436.) In August, 1885, Captain Lugar, of the cable-steamer Mackay Bennett, states that the current was found running 8.9.E., at the rate of three-quarters of a mile an hour, when about 45 miles Eastward of the Flemish Cap, or in lat. 47° 30’ N., long. 44° 4" W. At 60 miles farther Eastward, in lat. 48° 0’, long. 42° 35’, the current set about N.N.E., 14 to 24 miles per hour. On August 9th, 1885, the cable-ship Minia, when in lat. 48° 2’, long. 42° 24', found the current setting South-Westward, 1 knot per hour ; then the surface temperature suddenly rose 11°, and the current turned to N.E., 2 knots per hour. Captain Trott, of the Minia, in December, 1884, found the cold current setting strongly along the Southern edge of the Grand Bank. In lat. 43° 10’ N., long. 49° 30’ W., it was observed setting S.W., 2°3 miles per hour, but during the same period no current was found on the bank itself. Hastward of long. 48° 45’ W., a set to the Eastward and N.H. was observed ; the change in direction being clearly indicated by a rise in the temperature of the water from 36° to 41° F. The same vessel, when off the S.E. part of the Grand Bank, between lat. 43° N. and 44° N., and long. 48° and 494° W., during July and August, 1885, found the currents very irregular in direction and strength; but generally to the South-Westward in December, from 1 to 3 knots. Fairly regular tides were experienced on the edge of the bank during fine weather, and sometimes slight currents from all points of the compass. (437.) A branch of the Labrador Current usually sets into the Strait of Belle Isle, between the island and the coast of Labrador, transporting immense quantities of Ice in some years into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, if the bergs are not too large to be intercepted by the moderate depth of the strait, although this feature varies very much indeed in different years. This Current has been observed to run 2 miles an hour with the wind from N.E., while at other times it is almost insensible, and it is stated some- times to run in the opposite direction, especially during the ebb tides with §.W. winds. After it enters the Gulf, it runs 39 or 40 miles farther, when it becomes dispersed and merged into the general streams. The current which sets out of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, between New- foundland and Cape Breton Island, also adds its effect to the main branch of the Labrador Current setting to the S.W. It is composed of the stream of fresh water which constantly sets down the river, and the branch of the Labrador Current passing through the Strait of Belle Isle. This outset is very frequently of some considerable strength, especially with Westerly winds or in calm weather. But its strength is reduced, or it is even re- tarded altogether, with opposing winds, which have a powerful effect on it at all times. Both these currents are modified by the Tides, but in a way directly contrary ; for, while the Strait of Belle Isle current is quickened by the flood, and retarded by the ebb, the other is increased by the ebb, and checked by the flood which enters the Gulf from the Southward. The tidal hour is therefore important in estimating the probable set of these currents, 438 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. which, however, it may be said to be exceedingly difficult at all times to estimate and allow for correctly. (438.) Along the S.H. Coast of Nova Scotia the currents are irregular, and are said to be one of the principal causes of the frequent wrecks on Sable Island. These currents are rendered inconstant and irregular, both in strength and direction, by local and distant winds; but the general tendency is well known to be to the Westward and South-Westward, at an average rate of about 12 miles a day, for vessels find no difficulty in working to windward in that direction, anywhere to the Northward of the Gulf Stream ; and hence it is that many of the vessels wrecked on Sable Island were supposed to have been well to the Eastward of its position when they ran on shore. Sable Island has been famous for its wrecks, which greater knowledge and consequent caution have rendered less frequent. Its position and formation are remarkable, as it lies apparently in the strength of the Arctic Current. Its dangerous character is greatly increased by the prevalent Fogs, which are dense and very constant. As is well known, it is a mere sandbank, about 21 miles in extent, East and West, consisting of two parallel ridges of sand blown above the sea-level, enclosing a shallow lagoon, and forming a curve convex to the Southward, showing the direc- tion of its principal growth. From each end extend long ‘‘bars”’ or shoals, that to the West for 21 miles, and that to the Hast 17 miles, the whole extending over an area of 53 miles, H.S.E. and W.N.W., within the 10-fathoms line. The Westerly winds and current, tending in the same direction, are constantly wearing away the West end, and adding to the East, by drifting the sand of which it is formed, and that which it it brings, to leeward. Of the lighthouses established on it since 1880, two have been washed away, and in 1890 the third was being rapidly under- mined by the waves ; their present positions are given in the Light Book. The wrecks have usually occurred from the effects of the S.W. current which we are now considering, and which, though irregular in its action, has usually some effect on a ship’s course; added to this, as previously shown (408), the Gulf Stream is here found with much diminished force, and consequently there are some anomalies in the immediate neighbour- hood of Sable Island. The best account we have of the streams is that given by Mr. Darby, who was superintendent of the establishment here. Mr. Darby has said, ‘‘ On the South side of Sable Island, the current, in shoal water, with prevailing South and 8.W. winds, sets rapidly East- ward until it reaches the end of the N.E. bar. It then unites and blends with the St. Lawrence Stream, which passes the bar in a §8.S.W. direction, and runs strongest in April, May, and June. I have sufficient reason for believing that the Gulf Stream, on the parallel of 42° 30’, running E.N.E., occasions the St. Lawrence Stream, then running 8.8.W., to glide to West- ward. The strength of this stream has never been noticed, and three- fourths of the vessels lost on Sable Island have been supposed to be to the Eastward of the island, when, in fact, they were in the longitude of it. “ Kasterly, Southerly, and 8.8.W. winds set a rapid current along shore in shoal water, to W.N.W. and N.W.; that is, along the shore of the Western end of the island, but not the Eastern nor middle, as there the THE ARCTIC OR LABRADOR CURRENT. 439 current, with Southerly and S.W. winds, sets to the Eastward. The natural tendency of the flood-tide is toward the coast. When it strikes the island it flows to the Eastward, over the N.E. Bank, and to the Westward, over the N.W. Bank, and passes the West end in a N.W. direction, so rapidly that it carries the sand with it; and the hills of the West end, being high and narrow, they are undermined at their base by it, and tumble down some thousands of tons of sand at a time. This the current beneath catches, and sweeps away to the N.W., increasing the bank. So soon as the current passes the extreme point of the dry bar, it tends more across the bank to the N.E.; the motion of the sea contributing to keep the sand in motion, the current carries it to the N.E., and spreads to the N.W.” (439.) In following the course of the Arctic Current along the coast of the United States, we have no very clear notion of its mean velocity; it is certainly very feeble. But that it does run to the Southward, we have many evidences, besides the temperature of its waters. It is probable that the surface, at least, is obedient to the varying of the winds, which blow over it, and after a long continuance of Easterly winds it often sets directly on shore. But it preserves its course almost unimpaired and quite appreciable on the surface as far South as Cape Hatteras, after which its presence does not appear so manifest, except as a submarine current. In (398), &c., the presence of the cool water it transports is shown to exist, in a great degree, even close beneath the warmest and strongest parts of the Gulf Stream. There is great evidence of current action all along the coast of the United States beyond the Cape Cod Peninsula, itself of remarkable forma- tion. The long straight lines of low alluvial shores, fronting extensive shallow lakes, separated from the Ocean by narrow beaches thrown up by the sea, all bespeak the work of the Ocean and its drifting waters. There is another singular feature, too, in the more Southern portions of its course. The long lines of shoals which project seaward from Capes Hatteras, Fear, Look-out, &c., that is, in the section where its surface action is not so manifest, indicate some process going on which as yet has not been en tirely explained. (440.) Between Cape Henry and Cape Hatteras many vessels have been wrecked, owing, it is stated, to a strong current setting inshore, or to the §.W., from about 6 miles South of Cape Henry to Cape Hatteras. Although the Arctic or Labrador Current sets generally to the Southward, there is reason to assume that near the coast of North Carolina its direction is chiefly governed by the wind. It runs very strong, causing heavy rips, which have every appearance of shoals to those who are not familiar with them. Sometimes the current begins to run quite strong 24 hours in ad- vance of the wind at the same place. The storm, which is almost certain to follow, always sets in from the direction in which the current has started. The currents, over and in the vicinity of Hatteras Shoals, have a velocity of 3 to 5 knots an hour, and are greatly influenced in direction and force by the winds. The surface water of the Gulf Stream extends to within a short distance of the outer shoals for some time after a continuation of Northerly and Easterly winds. Vessels, therefore, should approach this coast with much caution, ob- serving that between Cape Henry and the lighthouse on Currituck Beach, 440 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. a distance of 34 miles, depths of 10 fathoms will be found at from 5 to 15 miles off shore ; thence to Cape Hatteras that depth is found at 1 to 4 miles from the shore. (441.) Commander W. W. Kiddle, R.N., remarks, that to steam-ships crossing the Banks of Newfoundland, this Arctic Current offers a ready means for checking the longitude on the Eastern edge, which should never be lost sight of when the absence of astronomical observations has ren- dered the position doubtful. The degree of accuracy with which this may be carried out is very remarkable, except occasionally towards the close of summer. The Western edge is not so well marked, owing to the drift from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In a similar manner, when approaching St. George’s Shoals from the South or Hast, the thermometer will give unfailing warning of their prox- imity by a sudden fall in the temperature of 2° to 4°.* (442.) In a nautical sense the allusion to this Current is sufficient to guard against its effects in approaching the coast, or in taking advantage ft it to work against the current of the Gulf Stream. Beyond what is stated above, no particular instructions have been issued respecting it. (443.) There is another part of the Ocean in connection with this where the currents are not strong or regular, but peculiar. It is the part between Bermuda and the coast of Georgia. There seems to be some connection with the fact of Cape Hatteras cutting off a portion of the Southern pro- gress of this Current, and the very irregular temperatures that are met with to the South-Hastward of that cape. The cold bands alluded to on page 405 (395) are, perhaps, a portion of this; but it certainly seems as if the cold water, after passing under the Gulf Stream, appears on the surface intermingled with the warmer waters of the Equatorial Current, and cause a slight drift to the South-Hastward, and have something to do with that Eastward tendency of the Gulf Stream (403) in throwing off its floating objects to the Hastward of its course—a fact which has been attributed to its being ‘ 7oof-shaped,’”’ a form owing to the greater force and velocity of its centre, which causes the water along the middle of its course to be higher than the lateral portions. In the Southern part of this Current its influence on navigation, as said above, is of minor consequence. Its principal feature is its ice-transporting powers in the more Northern portion of its career ; and as this has a most important bearing on the navigation between Europe and America, some notes on this point follow. * “ Notes going West,” an interesting article in the Nautical Magazine, August, 1878, page 725. ( 441 ) ICEBERGS, ICH ISLANDS, AND DRIFT ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. (444.) Although we have already noticed, in the previous pages, the annual floats of Ice which descend from the Northern regions, it may not be inapposite to recall to the seaman’s mind the necessity of guarding against these tremendous and dangerous objects—more dangerous than permanent rocks, because unfixed, and more dreadful, because frequently obscured in snow and fog. The Ice which is thus met with is of two descriptions; that which is formed on the surface of the sea during the Polar winter—the Field and Floe Ice ; and that which is formed in the course probably of many years upon land, and is periodically launched into the sea in the form of gigantic Bergs of enormous height and dimensions. Many observers have in recent years added to our knowledge of this subject, and the following condensed account is the result of a perusal of their experiences.* As with the Winds and Currents, so with the Ice; no exact limits can be given for its occurrence, as these vary from year to year according to the season. (445.) Field Ice.—A few words only are necessary with regard to this form of Ice, as its production and presence in the regions under considera- tion is very readily comprehended. It is usually formed near the shore, and on breaking adrift, its motion, more affected by wind than current, causes it to raft and pile until its surface becomes very irregular. It sometimes encloses deeply immersed fragments of Bergs, known as ‘‘ srowlers,”’ which may be recognised by their dark blue colour, and must be carefully avoided by vessels making their way through loose ice. Being less easily seen than Bergs, it may be said to be more formidable to fast vessels. The great danger to vessels attempting to pass through loose Ice, unless specially strengthened, is that a gale may suddenly arise before the vessel can get clear of it, and iron plates easily crack on coming in con- tact with the heavy pieces. If a ship get fast in the Ice, no time should be lost in provisioning and getting out the boats, in case the vessel be suddenly crushed. The drift of Field Ice is chiefly determined by the wind, which some- times causes it to appear of disappear with astonishing rapidity, especially near the land. On February 12th, 1890, the steamer Texas passed a Field about 50 miles long, in lat. 44° N., long. 49° 25' W. On the 17th, the barque Meteor was hemmed in for 9 days among an immense Field South of Cape * Much information has been gained from the ‘ Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean,”’ published monthly by the United States Hydrographic Office, on which the occurrence of Ice is systematically recorded. Among other authorities we may men- tion, ‘‘ Information relating to Ice, &c., on the Coast of Iceland,” by Lieutenant C. F, Wandel, Danish Royal Navy, 1879; ‘‘ A Report on the Movements of the Ice, &c., on the Coast of Newfoundland, &c.,’”’ by Commander Geo. Robinson, R.N., 1889, with a Supplement, 1891; and a ‘‘ Report of Ice and Ice Movements in the North Atlantio Ocewn,”’ by Ensign H, Rodman, U.S.N., 1890. NS AO, 57 442 OBBERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. Race, and the crew had to abandon her, so much was she damaged, being rescued by a passing steamer. On the 22nd, the steamer Conscript cut through more than 100 miles of Field Ice, between 1 and 2 feet thick, when between Miquelon and Cape Breton Island, and stripped the sheathing from her bows. (446.) Along the coast of Labrador, Field Ice begins to form at Cape Chudleigh, on the South side of Hudson Strait, about the middle of October ; at Belle Isle, about the beginning of November; and by the middle or end of November the whole coast is usually solidly frozen, the Ice forming an impassable barrier, till about the end of April. The bays frequently remain frozen over until June. The coasts of Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence are usually blocked with Ice by the middle of January. Navigation in the River St. Lawrence closes about the middle of November, and does not re- open till about May, though much Ice may be found in the Gulf up to July. Commander Robinson states that in December and January, Ice usually forms for 20 to 40 miles, seldom farther, off the Eastern shores of New- foundland, and fills up the deep indentations of the coast. In some seasons very little Ice is seen on this coast, but in the summer months heavy bodies of Arctic Ice drifting Southward form a constant obstruction between Indian Tickle and the Fogo Islands. The French fishing vessels bound to the harbours of Griguet, Croc, and Fleur de Lys, generally endeavour to make the land about Cape Bauld, where the Ice is often loose and broken about the middle of May. Large vessels should not approach Notre Dame Bay before June 10th or 15th, and then only with the aid of a pilot. From a record kept at Belle Isle lighthouse between the years 1872 and 1885, the earliest date of steamers being seen entering the Strait of Belle Isle, varied from June 7th to July 16th, and the last outward-bound from November 11th to 22nd. Off Cape Race the mass of Ice sometimes extends 60 to 100 miles to the South and S.W., and from 150 to 250 miles to the Eastward. In ordinary seasons it seldom extends in a body South of lat. 46° N., and often remains in the vicinity of Virgin Rocks until the end of April. Ordinary cargo steamers have reached St. John’s in March and April by passing through the soft Ice, or rounding its Southern extremity and approaching Cape Race from the §.W. It is only during a continuance of Hasterly winds that the Ice forbids access to St. John’s. In Cabot Strait the Ice usually begins to flow out early in January in sheets; small Bergs, 10 to 18 ft. high, are sometimes seen, but a large Berg seldom. After leaving the strait, the Ice often drifts as far South- ward as Sable Island. The strait may be regarded as closed for ordinary navigation after January 9th; it generally opens between April 25th and May 15th, but some seasons it is later. (447.) Icebergs are a much more interesting subject for discussion, and their majestic proportions at once attract attention and invite enquiry as to their formation ; consequently we find many reasons and speculations have been advanced to account for them, and various localities pointed ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. 443 out as their birth-place. As already stated (424, 427—433), these masses of Ice are brought from their Arctic home partly by means of the East Greenland Current, but mainly by the current passing through Davis Strait from Baffin’s Bay. Investigation has also shown that by far the larger number have their origin on the Western coast of Greenland, as described hereafter. Captain (afterwards Dr.) Scoresby, whose opinion is invaluable, ob- served ‘‘ that, however dependent the Ice may have been on land, from the time of its first appearance to its gaining an ascendency over the waves of the Ocean, sufficient to resist their utmost ravages, and to arrest the progress of maritime discovery at a distance of, perhaps, from 600 to 1,000 miles from the Pole, it is now evident that the proximity of land is not essential, either for its existence, its formation, or its increase.”’ Dr. Scoresby’s acquaintance with Icebergs in progress of formation was confined to Spitzbergen and portions of Greenland, where they do not form so marked a feature as in some other parts. It is to Dr. Rink, a resident in Greenland, that we are indebted for a very complete account of these marvellous phenomena, and in making a few extracts from his work,* we may draw attention to the parallel condition of the South Pole in producing these Icebergs’on a far more stupendous scale than is found in the Northern region; for while in the North their dimensions are usually confined to a few hundred yards, in the South they are very fre- quently miles in extent, and from 2,000 to 3,000 feet in thickness—a magnitude owing to the vast area of the lands in which they are produced, as explained in (449). Their protrusion into the sea involves the same considerations as the ‘“‘ glacier theory” of the land, so very in- teresting and important in geological questions. (448.) Size, &c.—Dr. Rink states that the larger Icebergs in the Northern regions rise above the sea to the height of from 100 to 150 feet and upwards, and some are 4,000 feet in circumference. The cubic contents of the part above can scarcely be considered more than one-eighth of that below the surface of the water, so that the cubic contents of such an Ice- berg may amount to about 66,000,000 cubic yards—a fragment of Ice which, if we suppose it to be fairly landed, would form a mountain about 1,000 feet in height. Of course the form of the Iceberg has much to do with the proportion above and below the surface of the sea; one with a towering spire of small dimensions could naturally be as high above the surface as the base is below. Many instances are on record of Icebergs being met with of far larger dimensions than those given above, and the following are a few of recent occurrence. On January 5th, 1881, a low level Berg, 15 feet high, and several miles in length, was observed from Cape St. John, Newfoundland. In April, 1882, the steamer Hermod was reported to have passed some Icebergs 1,000 ft. long and 500 ft. high, and stove in her bows against one of them. * Dr. H. Rink, “On the Ice of Greenland and the Origin of Icebergs,”’ in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxiii., pages 145---154. 444 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. On April 6th, 1890, an enormous flat-topped Berg, over two miles long, was seen from the steamer Teutonic. On July 18th, 1891, the steamer Kansas passed an Iceberg 500 ft. long, with two peaks 300 ft. high. On May 18th, 1892, the steamer Hajfis is reported to have passed an Iceberg about 600 ft. high and 4 miles long. Icebergs such as these would ground on the Grand Banks of Newfound- land, and remain until further dissolved or broken up. Some consider that these banks have been formed by the masses of soil and rock brought by Drift Ice and Bergs during the course of ages. (449.) Allagree that the Icebergs of the Arctic seas are originally formed on terra firma, from the snow and rains which, from the severity of the climate, are never able to reach the Ocean in a fluid state, but which, in the course of years, are transformed into a mass of Ice, and are then, through some physical agency, similar to that by which the progress of glaciers is effected, thrust forward into the sea, in the form of massy mountains.* For the formation of Icebergs accordingly a tract of land of a certain extent is necessary, in which the sea forms so few and small creeks or inlets that rivers or watercourses of some magnitude must necessarily be present. Where the above-mentioned condition exists, in conjunction with the necessary temperature of the climate, the formation of Ice does not proceed from certain mountain heights, but the whole country is covered with Ice to a certain elevation; mountains and valleys are levelled to a uniform plane; and the river beds are concealed, as well as every vestige of the original form of the country. A movement, commencing far inland, thrusts the outer edge of this mass of Ice forward toward the sea; and when it reaches the frith it may be seen to sink, and to diverge and even extend out several miles. There the agency of the obliterated rwers may be observed in the greater or lesser rapidity with which the matter in a solid state is carried forward to the Ocean. The massy crust, still pre- serving its continuity, proceeds from the shore, borne by the sea, until some circumstance or other destroys the equilibrium, and breaks some fragments off the outer edge, which is again thrust forward, and again detaches new fragments, thus continually renewing the supplies from the interior. A tract or body of land of the requisite size is, in the Northern Hemisphere, only to be found in Greenland, and more especially in that part which lies to the North of the Arctic Circle, where in the interior, * Tt is a well known fact that all the Ice formed from snow upon the surface of land, where the heat of summer is incapable of melting and preventing its gradual increase, has a tendency to extend and move downward, as water would do, according to the same laws, in the case of rain instead of snow haying fallen upon the surface. Those Masses of snow accumulated in high regions of mountain chains, even in the hottest parts of the globe, gather in the valleys, which thus form the natural drainage for the highlands, and being congealed into a compact body of Ice, move slowly down into lower and warmer regions, till the increasing heat, by thawing them, sets a limit to their further spread. These masses of compact Ice spreading down through the valleys or clefts, and constantly furnished with further supplies by the snow accumulated in the surrounding highlands, are, in Europe, seen on the largest scale upon the Alps, where they are known under the name of ‘‘ Gletscher,” or Glaciers. ICH IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. 445 beyond the inlets of the sea, the country increases in breadth from East to West, and affords space for the original birth-place of these large Ice- bergs. Neither Spitzbergen, nor the narrower parts of Greenland, nor the Peninsula, nor the islands which surround it, are adequate in size to produce the yearly excess of indissoluble Ice, which, from that large and unknown continent, is very slowly protruded. The friths or fiords, which, piercing far into the country, receive and transmit the Icebergs, are called Ice Friths. From November to June the water, in which the Icebergs are to proceed to the Ocean, is so covered by the ocean Ice, that they are shut up in the inner ice friths; but in July, and especially in August, they are carried in mass by the current to the open sea. This is called the shooting out of the ice friths, which lasts till late in the autumn, when the con- tinual Easterly storms finally clear out the inner waters, unless the Ice- bergs are intercepted by certain banks, on which they sometimes remain long aground. (450.) Icebergs consist mostly of hard, brittle ice, of which the white colour arises from very fine lineal pores, uniformly distributed through the whole mass, all being of the same size, equi-distant, and parallel throughout the whole Iceberg. This uniform structure may have arisen at the time it was formed in the interior of the country from corned snow —perhaps repeatedly thawed and frozen. The white Iceberg is in many directions crossed by broad stripes of intense blue-coloured ice, which is quite clear, and either contains no air bubbles, or, at all events, very irregular ones. These blue stripes are several feet in thickness, and in them are generally found “ dirt bands” of foreign matters, such as stone, gravel, and clay, which the Icebergs carry off embodied in them. The blue ice is, by thawing, dissolved into regular large grains, which is not the case with the white ice that forms the main mass of the Icebergs. It seems probable that these blue stripes are formed by a filling up of the fissures in the inland ice with water—perhaps mixed with snow, gravel, and stones; and such a refrigeration of the water in the fissures may be supposed to be an important agency in setting in motion these great mountains of Ice.* (451.) Iceland—We have previously mentioned the stream of Ice passing down the East Coast of Greenland. In some seasons this has been known to envelop Iceland. Lieutenant Wandel states that around Iceland, at least near Nordland, Bergs may be met with at all seasons of the year, but the great masses of Drift Ice which hinder navigation usually appear between December and April; some years it may be almost * Transparent ice, free from interior spaces or bubbles, is one of the purest substances in nature, and it is not possible to detect the presence of the minutest portion of air, or any substance that may have been held in solution by the water from which it is formed. The strongest poisons, or colouring matter of any description, are most effectually separated from water by the process of freezing it. This must, of course, only be under- stood to refer to those masses which are quite clear and transparent, for spaces or vacancies left in the ice will naturally contain portions of the adventitious matter. Ice, therefore, is one of the best sources from which a supply of fresh and wholesome water can be obtained, and if these hollows be washed in fresh water, ice water will be found preferable to, and purer than any other. 446 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. absent. As a general rule, the Ice first appears near North Cape, and its drift depends on the winds and currents. Navigation is open near Nord- land early in June; the Ice, however, has been known to remain so late as August 23rd. Lieutenant Wandel is of opinion that the limits of the navigable season, especially for Nordland and Osterland, are April lst and October 15th. Vessels trying to make Nordland or Osterland in March often have to wait a month for the Ice to move, and are exposed to violent storms. Many vessels have also been lost in the fearful storms of October and November. The Ice encountered around Iceland comes either from Greenland or Spitzbergen; that from Greenland consists of great level floes over 30 feet thick, and that from Spitzbergen is exclusively in the form of Bergs, which often ground in depths of 60 to 70 fathoms. On September 22nd, 1877, Lieutenant Wandel encountered a Berg off Skagestrand Bay, 664 ft. high, and at least 2,000 ft. in circumference, while two others were seen stranded. Mr. T. Thoroddsen’s researches show that around Iceland the Drift Ice often appears as early as January, and lasts till autumn ; generally there is very little during September, October, November, and December.* (452.) On the South Coast of Greenland, the settlers and others remark that the Polar Ice always appears in May, June, and July, but there is none in November, December, January, and February. Commander Robinson states that in the month of June sealing vessels visit the Ice Southward and Eastward of Cape Farewell, from which it extends 50 to 80 miles to the Southward, moving Westward 8 to 10 miles a day. In February it is noticed 100 to 150 miles Southward from the cape, terminating in a crook or cape. Rounding Cape Farewell this stream of Ice continues to the Westward and North-Westward, moving 8 to 10 miles a day, part keeping along the coast as far North as Godthaab, when it bears off to the Westward and joins the main stream flowing Southward from Baffin’s Bay. (453.) Icebergs sometimes ground in Belle Isle Strait, but those able to pass through drift up the Gulf, and disappear to the Northward of Anticosti; very few pass out again by Cabot Strait. Bergs drifting to the Westward of Cape Race, usually pass between Green Bank and St. Pierre Bank, but they rarely pass to the Westward of St. Pierre. (454.) Newfoundland Banks, &c.—We have thus traced the course of the drift of the Arctic Ice down to the latitudes in which at some seasons it becomes a great source of danger to the Northern Transatlantic naviga- tion. Icebergs owe their drift almost entirely to current, and may some- times be seen ploughing their way through Field Ice drifting in the oppo- site direction with the wind (445). Vessels sometimes take advantage of this, by means of an ice-anchor and strong tow-line, to get through these Fields, but care is necessary. Many vessels have been damaged by sunken projecting ledges, or by the Bergs suddenly breaking up or turning over, owing to change in their centre of gravity. * «Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Sooiety,’’ October, 1884, page 573. ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. 447 (455.) Many disastrous collisions have occurred with Icebergs, water- tight bulkheads having alone saved the crippled vessels from foundering. Doubtless the disappearance of several vessels may be laid down to collision with Ice. To add to this danger the regions in which they are likely to be met with is much subject to thick and foggy weather. (456.) Precautions.—There is no infallible method known by which the presence of Icebergs may be detected at a distance in thick or foggy weather ; though, in addition to extreme vigilance, several aids have been recommended. The safest course is to take a Southerly route, well clear of the probable Ice limit. Lieutenant Evans, R.N., says, ‘‘ There is scarcely a doubt but that most of the vessels from the West Indies and America, that have been missing, perished in the same manner as the Mouwntstone (see page 451), Icebergs having been met with some degrees to the Southward of the Banks of Newfoundland in June and July. The commanders of vessels, therefore, who have occasion to pass between the parallels of 35° and 50° N., cannot be too cautious ; a look-out man should be placed on the fore-yard during the night, and in foggy or hazy weather also in the day-time. In addition to these, there should be one on each bow ; and during a fog the foresail should be hauled up, especially in crossing the Banks, where Icebergs have been met with aground.” The Jce Blink is a natural brightness or effulgence, caused by emission of rays of light stored up or otherwise, which frequently renders a Berg visible at some distance, even in the darkest night. At short distances this effulgence may appear like a white cloud, extending over, or nearly over, the vessel’s masts. In foggy weather they are seen through the fog by their apparent blackness, if such a term can be applied. The Temperature of the water has also been suggested as a means of detecting the proximity of Ice, but much reliance must not be placed on the use of the Thermometer. Naturally, close to Ice the sea temperature must become lowered, but the distance to which this alteration may extend is entirely problematical, as a little consideration will show. It has been shown that sudden alterations in the surface temperature, ex- perienced in the regions where Ice may be met with, can frequently be explained by the vessel passing from the warm water of the Gulf Stream to the cold water of the Arctic Current, or vice versa. With regard to this, Lieutenant Evans remarks :—Careful attention, too, should be paid to the thermometer, as experience has shown that to be an indicator of Ice. Captain Franklin observes, that the approach to Ice would be evidently pointed out in those parts of the Atlantic where the surface is not continually chilled by the passing and melting of Ice, as in the Arctic Sea; and he strongly recommends a strict howrly attention to the thermometrical state of the water at the surface, in all parts where ships are exposed to the dangerous concussion of floating Icebergs, as a principal means of security. There would be very little trouble attend- ing such a point of duty; yet, we believe, there are many masters who would not undergo it, but trust to chance the safety of their vessel, their own lives, and those of their crew and passengers. Many have made repeated voyages across the Atlantic without having seen floating Ice, and 448 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. therefore become incautious. It is to these we would particularly recom- mend the perusal of this paper. The following extract fully corroborates Captain Franklin’s assertion :—‘‘ The morning of the Ist of August (says Captain Lyon) was thick and foggy, with rain; at 10 a.m. we discovered, through the haze, our first piece of Ice, a small Berg of about 70 feet ; we soon passed this and several others, but saw no floe or brash ice, although there was every reason to suppose that a pack was near, from the sudden smoothness and change of temperature in the water, now at 32°, while the air was at only 34°. Repeated observations of this kind have now brought to a certainty the assertion, that the approach to Ice from an open sea may be ascertained by the sudden change of the thermometer , and acting from past experience, I caused the more active look-out to be kept, on observing it to fall suddenly this morning ; yet this change first took place in a very thick fog, and we ran about 10 miles before the Ice was seen.” Captain Weddell recommends that, with a free side-wind, an Iceberg ox Ice island should be passed on the windward side; as by this means, the loose ice, which always drifts farthest, is avoided. Warning of the vicinity of a Berg may often be obtained by means of the echo of a steam whistle or any sharp noise. The roaring of the sea at the base of a Berg may sometimes be heard at a considerable distance.* (457.) Season.—Ice generally begins to be a source of danger to Trans- atlantic navigation during the month of February, and continues until the end of August, though in some seasons it may occur earlier or later than these months. May is the most dangerous month, and October and November are marked by its all put complete absence. In 1890, the Ice appeared unusually early, and a vast number of enormous Icebergs and Fields were reported. In January its Southern limit was in lat. 45° N., long. 48° 30’ W., about two months in advance of the average. On January 5th, some bergs were seen in lat. 47° N., long. 45° W., and on the 21st, some were passed in lat. 44° N., long. 41° W. (458.) Limits.—These masses of Ice are seldom met with to the Hast- ward of the meridian of 49° W., that is, about 300 miles beyond the limits of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Near to the Banks they become more numerous, and in some years the sea appears to be covered with them, and vast numbers of Bergs ground on the Banks. Mr. W. C. Redfield, to whom the world is so largely indebted for his researches in Meteorology and Physical Geography, published a pamphlet, accompanied by a chart, upon the Ice of the North Atlantic Ocean. In this he considers that the Gulf Stream passes over the cold Arctic Current, which transports the deeply immersed Icebergs into and across it. “No impulsion but that of a vast current, setting in a South- Westerly direction, and passing beneath the Gulf Stream, could have carried these immense bodies to their observed positions, on routes which * In addition to these precautions, we would call attention to the ingenious system of Signals, devised by Captain W. H. Bates, whereby a vessel may readily communicate to another passing, the existence and locality of Ice which may have been encountered, One hoist of flags, of the International Code, is sufficient for a Signal. ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT, 449 cross the Gulf Current, in a region where its average breadth has been found to be about 250 miles.” Other observations on this subject have been given in the chapter on the Gulf Stream. To the Southward the extent of the Ice-drift is uncertain, as it depends upon two causes: the one, the force and extent of the Arctic Current from the Northward ; and the other, the depth to which the Icebergs are immersed. As before mentioned, there appears to be a perpetual struggle between the opposing forces of the Arctic Current and the Gulf Stream to the Southward of the Banks. The area where these currents meet is nearly always distinguishable by the rips caused by the interlacing of the two streams, but this process is made more apparent during the season of the Ice-drifts by deeply immersed Bergs passing quite into the course of the Gulf Stream, under the influence of which they rapidly disappear. The view now accepted of this phenomenon is that the Gulf Stream partly overruns the cool waters proceeding Southward and South-Westward ; and although the Northern edge of the warm waters of the Stream is met with in the summer months over the Southern end of the Newfound- land Banks, or as high as 45° N., yet these Bergs have been found drifting as far South as lat. 39° N., and even to 36° 10’, long. 39° W., or 650 miles South- Westward of the Banks, and beyond the limits of the Gulf Stream. Instances are also on record of their being seen within 60 miles W.N.W. of the island of Corvo. During a regular season Ice is specially to be met with between lat. 42 and 45° N., long. 47° and 52° W.. Its Southern limit varies generally between 40° and 414° N. From temperature observations it is found that the Arctic Current pushes 2° or 3° farther South, between long, 48° and 50° W., and therefore the extreme Southern limit of Ice will most probably be found between these meridians. To avoid dangerous Ice, vessels therefore, in April, May, and June, should not cross the meridian of 50° W., North of the parallel of 39° 30’ N. From March to July Icebergs may be encountered on the meridian of 50°, between 40° and 52° N., but occasionally as far Hastward as 39° or 38° W., when their Southern limit will probably be 39° or 38° N. in 45° W. From July to September, Bergs may still be met with as far Eastward as 38° W., near 44° or 45° N., but more to the Westward (say 50° W.) as low as 43° to 41° N.* On June 25th, 1886, at 8 p.m., the captain of the brig Blanche sighted a large Iceberg, 20 to 30 ft. high. In the morning it was still near the vessel, in lat. 48° 40’ N., long. 15° 22' W., and he naturally remarked that he never expected to see an Iceberg so far to the Eastward. This is the farthest point to the Eastward in which we have a record of Ice being met with. In April, May, and June, 1890, enormous quantities of Ice were seen, as far East as the 35th meridian. One vessel reported 140 Bergs, some 250 ft. high and 1,000 ft. long. On July 10th, 1890, a small piece of Ice, supposed to be the remainder of a Berg, was seen from the steamer Slavonia, in lat. 48° 53’ N., long. 24° 11' W. r * Nautical Magazine, July, 1890, page 580. iN. Ax OC. 58 450 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. (459.) It need scarcely be said, that great circumspection is necessary in passing near the regions where these dangers may reasonably be expected. The following instances, selected from many, others, may operate as suffi- cient cautions :— On June 21st, 1794,'in lat. 45° 18’, on the Eastern steep edge of the Grand Bank, in a thick fog, H.M. frigates Dedalus and Ceres were suddenly involved amidst some very high and dangerous islands of Ice. The weather was so thick that objects were not visible at 50 yards distant. The Dedalus, commanded by Sir C. H. Knowles, hauled up and passed close to the stern of a ship that lay stranded upon one of the Ice islands, and sailed to windward of it through a great quantity of Drift Ice, and to leeward of another Ice island. The Ceres, Captain Thos. Hamilton, passed in the same track, and saw the wreck a quarter of an hour after the Dedalus. The course was East, the wind S.W., the sea very high, as the wind blew hard, the night preceding, from the Southward. Again, on June 15th, 1810, the Dedalus, commanded by Captain Inglefield, with a fleet from Jamaica, in'lat. 41° 33’, long. 51° 17’, to the Southward of the Grand Bank, passed two Icebergs, and the next day another; providentially the fog, which had been very dense, cleared up for an hour, and allowed the fleet to clear the dangers. On August 2nd, 1813, H.M.S. Bedford, 74 guns, then bearing the flag of Vice- Admiral Stirling, accompanied by the Cyane, Captain Forrest, and Fawn, Captain Fellows, with a fleet of 105 sail from Jamaica, at 8 a.m., just as the fog cleared away, fell in with an extensive ridge of Ice, having an Iceberg at each extremity, and about 1 mile in extent, even with the water, over which the seas broke with considerable violence. Had the fog not cleared up as it did, about thirty ships must have struck upon it, as that number were steering directly for this formid- able reef, and were within the extent of its sweep. The thermometer was at this time ranging from 63° to 65°, in lat. 45°, long. 44° 30’. On August 31st, 1816, Captain Gooday, in the ship Jones, in lat. 46° 50’, long. 47° 54', saw an island of Ice, from 1 to 1} mile long, and from 50 to 70 feet high. When first seen, it appeared like a white cloud. In January, 1818, the brig Anne, of Poole, W. Dayment, master, left the harbour of Greenspond, Newfoundland, in the morning, and in the evening of the same day got among Ice; proceeded thus about 40 miles, and at daylight next morning was completely beset, and no opening to be seen in any direction from the masthead. In this state the vessel continued for fifteen days, drifting with the Ice about 60 miles 8.E. by E., or about 4 miles in every twenty-four hours. The Ice was now become very heavy, high above the surface, and about twenty large Bergs were in sight. With this Ice the vessel drove until she was in 44° 37’ N., and about 300 miles to the South-Eastward of Cape Race, when, on February 17th, she got clear through the only opening that appeared in the horizon from East to 8.E., all the rest of the circle forming one compact body of Ice, as far as the eye could reach. The vessel had been shut in for twenty-nine days, in the last fourteen of which she drifted from lat. 46° 57’ to lat. 44° 37’, about 280 miles, or 20 miles a day, S.E. by E., tremendous gales of wind blowing the whole time from the West to the N.W. In the course of this passage the master declared that he saw more than 100 large islands of the solid blue ice, known to traders by the name of Greenland Ice. On January 17th, 1818, the brig Funchal, of Greenock, sailed from St. John’s, Newfoundland. At about 15 miles to the Westward of this port she fell in with a field of Ice coming down from the Northward, about 8 miles in breadth, and ex- tending to the Northward beyond the reach of sight. Having cleared this, and proceeded Westerly about 250 miles, on the 20th, in lat. 474°, she encountered a still more extensive field, floating to the Westward, in the midst of which was an ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. 451 immense Iceberg; she cleared this, though not without difficulty, and brought with her a gale of wind, with snow, sleet, and rain, the whole way to Scotland. On May 6th, 1823, the Mountstone, of and from Plymouth, was lost on an Ice- berg, on her passage to Newfoundland. The master and crew, with passengers, in all ten persons, took to the boat, without’ provisions, from which three only of the number were taken by a passing ship, on the 14th of the same month, the re- mainder having died of hunger! Our next case is that of the Ajax, of Wiscasset, New England, on the passage toward London, March and April, 1826. The following is an extract of a letter from William 8. Shaw, the commander, to his owners on the subject. His means of protecting the vessel, under perilous CinGURHetanCes, are worthy of especial notice. | . On March 12th, at 4 a.m..(sea secodniyt between lat. 42° and 44° N., weather thick and cloudy, with squalls of hail and snow, we ran the brig in between two reefs of Ice, jammed together apparently in a solid mass, the sea being much smoother than usual, which did not alarm us; we knew we were far from land or breakers, until we felt the Ice alongside of us ; so soon as we perceived which, we hove-to until daylight, when we found we were surrounded by a solid body of Ice. Around us were thirty Icebergs, about 150 feet high, and nearly the size of Seg- wine Island. Finding the Ice chafed us badly, we got out fenders. As we had run into the Ice before the wind, it was impossible to get out the same way. At sunrise, discovered a narrow opening to leeward, for which we steered under easy sail, and drove her through. . We were now in a bay, about 14 mile wide, the reefs on either side, and large cakes of Ice in contact with us. ‘“‘The wind still blowing fresh at N.W., we kept her before it about 3 miles, but could not discover an opening to the Southward and Westward ; tacked and steered N.E. about 12 miles, it being very difficult #0 avoid -the large cakes of Ice that crowded thickly around us. . “Finding there was no opening in this direction, and that the two reefs ex- tended as far as we could see—that there were numerous largé islands of Ice North of us, and an almost innumerable collection of small ones ahead, we concluded, at 10 a.m., to crowd her through the Ice; and having prepared fenders of every kind, such as old junk, spars, cordwood, bales of cotton, and part of one cable, we drifted her into it.. We were now in the midst of the Ice in a severe gale, accom- panied with a thick snow storm ; and had it not been for our precaution, in pre- paring fenders, the Ice must have soon made a hole through us. At mid- -day, old Sol deigned to show his brazen face, and laughed at our comical situation. This circumstance enabled us to take an observation, by which we found ourselves in lat, 44° 30’ N., long. 43° W. (between the Azores and Newfoundland). -** As our fenders were nearly destroyed, we were compelled to cut up more of our cable, wooden fenders not sinking deep enough for the purpose of defence under water. You may judge of the difficulty of crowding the brig through by our progress, which was but half a mile an hour, under two reefed topsails and fore- sail, the wind blowing heavily. At one o’clock p.m. we suspended two bales of cotton under our chains, that they might not be carried away by rolling against the cakes of Ice which we occasionally met, some of which were 100 feet in cir- cumference, and 6 feet thick. ** At one time we were so completely enclosed, that I got out, with part of the crew, and walked on the Ice—a walk that few mariners have probably enjoyed at that distance from land on the Western Atlantic Ocean. At 8" in the evening, found the surrounding Ice much thinner, and the islands less frequent; handed all sails except the close-reefed main-topsail, which we hove to the mast to keep her from ranging ahead on the islands. ‘At daylight, finding ourselves clear from the great body of Ice, though not from the islands, we made sail, and steered E.S.E. and E.N.E. for three days, with 452 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. a good breeze, and under short sail during the night. It was the opinion of all hands, that we sailed three hundred miles before we were clear of the large islands of Ice.” In July and August of the same year, 1826, H.M.S. Ringdove was on her passage from New York, and fell in with an immense Iceberg off the Banks of Newfound- land, drifting to the Southward, the magnitude and sudden appearance of which astonished every person on board. In the month of March, 1828, several vessels arrived at New York, which had fallen in with islands of Ice, in lat. 43° to 44°, long. 47° to 49°. This was con- sidered as unusually early in the season for such dangers to be met with. In this season the brig Cutherine and Hannah, Captain Lumsden, which afterwards arrived at Cork, picked up, on the 4th of May, in lat. 45° 11’, long. 56° (near Banquereau), a boat belonging to the Superb, of and from Bristol, for Quebec, which ran foul of an Iceberg on the 21st of April, that stove her forward. This unfortunate occur- rence obliged, all hands to take to the pumps, at which they continued without intermission for two days and a night, when a schooner hove in sight; and the captain proceeded in the jolly boat to treat with them to take the crew. While the captain was so engaged, the vessel being quite in a sinking state, the crew left the pumps to get the boats out to leave her. They succeeded in getting out a boat (the one subsequently picked up), and seven men got into her; upon which they unhooked the tackle, slipped from the ship, but could not regain her, and, it coming on thick weather, they could not find the schooner; thus the unfortunate men were left without provisions, water, mast, sail, or anything that would enable them to struggle for existence, save and except two oars. In this state they were buffeted about for eleven days, when they were fallen in with by the Catharine and Hannah. Of the seven men only two were alive; and one of these survived only twenty-four hours. It is almost superfluous to say, that the only food which they had taken was the bodies of their deceased companions. Captain Barclay, of the Brilliant, for Leith, from Quebec, which he left on June 5th, 1829, narrowly escaped shipwreck, having fallen in with a heavy body of Ice, about 20 miles East of the entrance to the Strait of Belle Isle, in foggy weather. The vessel got clear on the 19th of June, after being three days and nights amongst it, and being obliged to proceed 13° to the Southward. On May 11th, 1833, between the Outer and Grand Banks of Newfoundland, the brig Lady of the Lake, John Grant, master, from Belfast, with 230 passengers, in lat. 46° 50’, long. 47° 10’, fell in with Ice, and while endeavouring to pass between two large pieces, a tongue under water struck the port bow, and stove it entirely in. It is not requisite here to repeat afflicting details ; the consequence was, that the brig soon foundered, and only the captain, with fourteen other persons, were ultimately saved. The barque Perthshire, R. Simpson, from Pictou, Nova Scotia, fell in with a field of Ice, in lat. 46° 19’, long. 46° 40’, on June 8th, 1845. It was above 30 miles in extent, and on its North end there was a ship, high and dry on the ice, with the crew on board; but could not render them assistance. (460.) The following are from Mr. Redfield:—On January Ist, 1844, Captain Burroughs, in the ship Sully, met with an Iceberg, in lat. 45° N., long. 48° W. This is earlier in the winter than any other case which we have met with. Captain Burroughs states, that he had met with Ice near this position on February Ist, on a former voyage. In September, 1822, Captain Couthouy saw an Iceberg aground on the Eastern edge of the Grand Bank, in lat. 43° 18’, long. 48° 50’. Sounding 3 miles inside of it, the depth was found to be 105 fathoms. In August, 1827, the same observer, while crossing the Banks, in lat. 46° 30’, long. 48° W., passed within less than a mile of a large Iceberg, stranded in between 80 and 90 fathoms water. He was. go near as to perceive distinctly large fragments of rocks, and quantities of earthy ICE IN THE ARCTIC CURRENT. £53 matter embedded in the sides of the Iceberg ; and to see from the fore-yard, that the water, for at least a mile round it, was full of mud, stirred up from the bottom by the violent rolling and crushing of the mass. (461.) A very interesting item in our enumeration of Ice- flies is that of those met with in April, 1851, on which were the wrecks of two ships, which had the appearance of, and from all probabilities were, the ships of the unfortunate Arctic expedition under Sir John Franklin. The brig Renovation, of Shields, Captain E. Coward, bound to Quebec, on April 20th, 1851, when near the East edge of the Bank, in lat. 45° 30’, wind N.E., fresh braéze, clear weather, as much as they could carry fore-topmast studding-sail, fell in with Icebergs, one of which was very large, with field-ice attached, on which there were two three-masted ships, having their masts struck and yards down, and all made snug ; to all appearance they had passed the winter together on the ice. Took the spying-glass, and carefully examined them to see if there was any one on board, but could see no one, &c., &e. A further statement says they were apparently two full-rigged ships (one about 500 tons, and the other 350), on an Iceberg, high and dry, the larger one on her beam-ends, &c. Singularly enough, this statement had been published in the ‘‘ Limerick Chronicle,” May 28th, 1851, & year previous to any notice having been taken elsewhere. In our minds there is no doubt but that these were the ill-fated ships which had been drifted out of Melville Sound and Baffin’s Bay, and thus eluded all the elaborate and anxious searches that were made. The incident is a singular one in the history of Arctic Ice.* (462.) Some particulars of later encounters with Icebergs are given in (448). In addition, the experience of Captain Potter, of the ship //ubitant, may be re- corded. He reports having met a remarkable number of Icebergs in lat 49° 80’ N., long. 45° 20’ W., on May 17th, 1892. When the fog lifted in the morning, the ship seemed to be in a great valley, with peak after peak of ice towering all around amid acres of floating ice-cakes, 6 or 8 feet above the water. Twenty- five Bergs were counted in sight, averaging from 100 to 250 feet high, and for some hours the ship sailed along a narrow passage between them, the ice reflect- ing all the colours of the rainbow in the bright sunlight. Clear water was not entered until night, when the ship had run 75 miles through the ice. (463.) Lieutenant J. Steele Park, from whose journal we have given extracts elsewhere, recites the following incident, which will bespeak for itself an inculca- tory caution :— “June 29th, 1826.—A light breeze from the Southward, with fogey ‘ Bank weather,’ as the sailors call it. Steering E. by S. At 8 o'clock this morning it cleared away, and I took altitudes for my chronometer, which made the longitude 49° 42’; and, at the same time, we discovered an island on the starboard beam, 3 or 4 miles off. Shortened sail, hove the ship to, and sent the mate to see what it really was ; for, although I had no doubt of its being an Iceberg, yet it certainly looked something like land; and I did not wish to leave it in any kind of uncer- tainty. The fog, which had cleared away at 8 o’clock, and left a beautiiul blue sky, returned suddenly when the boat was about half-way from the ship. The mate, an active, skilful seaman, had a compass with him, and he apprehended no danger, but pushed on for the island, instead of returning, when he saw the fog Eee * See Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xxvi., pp. 26—35, ‘‘On the Probable Course pursued by Sir John Franklin's Expedition,” by 4. G. Findlay. Not- withstanding that this great mystery was partially cleared up by the expeditions of Dr. Rae and Sir L. M‘Clintock, yet no vestige of the ships themselves have been seen by Europeans. That portion, as well as others, is still involved in mystery; and the opinion is still tenable, and maintained by many, that these derelict ships were the Erebus and Terror. 454 OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURRENTS. spreading. Hour after hour passed away, and no appearance of the boat. Night came on, the grave, with a cold, benumbing drizzle, and a fog so dense that we could scarcely see across the deck. My grand object was to keep the ship as near the same spot as possible. All day and night we kept the bell tolling, and fired a great gun occasionally; a tar barrel was also blazing at the main yard- arm, but all was unavailing. I shall never forget the terrors of that night. I reproached myself as the cause of their destruction ; and I prayed most earnestly for daylight and clear weather. I thought daylight would never come; but it came at last, and the fog was thicker, if possible, than the day before. The most sanguine now began to despair. About 5 o’clock something was heard, like the blowing of a conch shell, but so faint and indistinct that we thought it was only the echo of the great noise we were making on board. However, it was soon dis- covered that the sound was coming nearer and nearer ; but as no person on board knew they had a shell in the boat, we were still in a sad state of anxiety; for it might, perhaps, be a ship sounding her shell in the fog, as is usual at sea. In a few minutes the splash of oars was heard, and in five minutes more the boat was alongside, with all hands safe and sound, thank God! but cold and hungry enough. The mate tells me he rowed round the Iceberg, which he thinks was about 300 feet in length, 150 feet in breadth. and 40 or 50 feet above the surface of the water. It was melting away rapidly; streams of water were gushing down its sides, and they naa only got a few yards from it, on their return, when (to use his own words) ‘it took a sally and fell over on its beam-ends.’ Our last sight of the Ice, when bearing 8.W., 3 or 4 miles, was in lat. 42° 13’, long. 49° 44’.” ATLANTIC OCEAN Lines of Equal MAGNETIC VARIATION AND DIP 1917. The Approccenate araual change is shewn tv anaes and tenths: + sigratying tncrease; - decrease ts 3: IV.—MAGNETIC VARIATION. (464.) Among the many modern changes which have affected the science of navigation, none have been more important than the different relation which the Compass now bears to the ship as compared with its place in former times. Rude instruments, unadjusted, with errors unsuspected, and under in- fluences destructive to their accuracy, have given place to what may be, in some cases, over-estimation of this primary the seaman. In its very nature the Compass is imperfect and incompetent. to show, at sea, the minute quantities which are now disputed over. The consequence is, that _ it is made, like the topic we have just discussed, Ocean Currents, the scapegoat for many errors of seamanship and judgment, which a more intimate knowledge and therefore greater mistrust and induced caution would have avoided. (465.) Our present task deals with the geographic distribution of Mag- netism, not with those local effects caused by the ship or its relation to outer circumstances, but to its position in the Atlantic. The other points, most important in themselves, will be discussed later on. The features of the earth’s Magnetism, as related to the ship, are the. Declination, Inclination or Dip, and Intensity. The Dip and Intensity are very important elements in the adjustment of the Compass in its passage through the varied magnetic conditions which: attend an over-sea voyage across the Equator, but they have but little influence on the directive power of the needle in the latitudes usually traversed in commercial pursuits, - The Magnetic Equator does not correspond with the Geographical Equator, any more than the Magnetic Poles do with the Geographical Poles, but crosses it after the manner of the Ecliptic. On the Magnetic Equator the needle has no Dip, but if it be carried towards the North and South Poles, so will the corresponding ends become depressed from the horizontal, till over the Magnetic Poles it would hang vertical. The Declination or Variation is one of the most important elements in navigation, and its correct estimation and application most essential to the safe conduct of a ship. (466.) The reasons why the Compass is now peed in so much higher consideration than it was in former years are manifest. The great increase. . of the use of iron both for shipbuilding as well as in the fabric of wooden ships, and the consequent vastly increased influence that the ship has upon her Compasses, has been one chief reason why attention is so imperatively demanded. Again, since the universal use of steam, the course of a vessel, in passing directly from one point to another, requires to be much more: accurately laid than was thought necessary when wooden sailing ships only were used. Another reason, which has arisen in the course of years, is that caused by the Secular Variation. The Compasses appearing on charts founded 456 MAGNETIC VARIATION. on accurate surveys, in the course of a few years, in some cases, are 80 affected by this change in the Variation as to endanger the safety of a vessel where they have been implicitly trusted to. The appreciation of this change, which became manifest simultaneously with the necessity for improved Compasses and improved methods of using them, placed the magnetic element in charts on a fresh basis. One most important result of this movement was the appointment by the Admiralty of the late Captain E. J. Johnson as superintendent, in 1842, of the Compass Department. The great improvement in Compasses dates from this appointment, and the investigation of the difficult and varying problems of Local Deviation have been since pursued by eminent men, among whom may be noticed Professor G. B. Airy, Dr. Scoresby, W. Walker, R.N., Archd. Smith, Esq., and many others. These researches have been mainly directed, as before observed, to the effect the ship’s iron has on her Compasses. Captain F. G. Evans, R.N., wno succeeded Captain Johnson, drew up @ far more perfect chart of the geographic distribution of the Magnetic Variation than had hitherto appeared; former charts having become of impaired value from the lapse of time, and from the imperfection of the observations on which they were based. It is from this chart, brought down to the period of 1917, that the accompanying illustrative chart has been constructed. (467.) The Isogonic Lines, or those upon which the Variation is of the same amount, on this chart, will represent this element, generally as near as the ordinary ship’s Compass will show it, and will serve to draw atten- tion to any unsuspected change in the Magnetism of the ship, besides affording the sailor some information when observations cannot be had. (468.) The Variation of the Compass in all parts of the coasts of the North Atlantic Ocean are given with the Tables of Geographic Positions at the commencement of this work. It is for the open ocean that the illustrative chart and these notes are mainly intended, and on the chart is inserted the amount of annual change in different parts, so that the approximate Variation may be ascertained in future years by applying the necessary correction. Around Iceland, the Compass is in many localities unreliable, especially near the shore and over shoals; frequent observations must therefore be made here for ascertaining the error. (469.) But it must not be supposed that this annual change is regular and of the same amount in each year. By the accurate observations which are now self-recorded, the connection between these changes and appa- rently remote causes has been identified. One of these, at the first glance @ very singular one, is that the spots in the sun, if absent or present in Jarge quantities, have a marked magnetic influence on the Declination, thus demonstrating the source from which the Magnetism of the earth is chiefly derived. As the Greenwich Observations will illustrate our subject as wellas any, and thisvolume might be filled with interesting remarks on this subject, the notices will be limited to the following extracts from those Observations, as being sufficient to impart a notion of the ever-varying amount of the Magnetic Variation and Dip. ( 457 ) TaBLE, showing the Mean Monthly Westerly Declination of the Magnet, and the Mean Dip, at the Greenwich Royal Observatory, from 1844 to 1891. Month. 1844 1850 1860 1870 1880 1885 ° i] Td ° , i] ° ’ u ° , W °o , ° ’ January ....esseeeee 93 19 22 | 22 98 5 | 21 14 38/1957 28| 1834-7] 18 4.8 February ......0..... 23 18 43 | 22 27 28 | 2113 21195644! 1834-8] 18 4.3 March *........0000... 23 18 42 | 22 96 54 | 21 14 58} 19 56 21| 18341 | 18 3.7 a 93 18 42 | 22 25 44/2115 411955 6] 18 33-5] 18 3-1 ER 23 19 23 | 22 25 1/|211710/]19 54 50| 18322] 18 26 5 aS 93 19 8 | 22 24 47] 2116 1/1952 52] 18 31-8| 18 1.9 MG Ra csc cvcccceces 23 18 40 | 22 23 41 | 21 15 44 | 19 5257] 18 32.0] 18 1.5 os ee 23 13 25 | 22 22 4/| 2115271195216] 1832-6] 18 1.5 September ......... 93 18 6 | 22 25 43 | 2112 44119 5155] 18 32-3] 18 05 October .......0...66.. 22 12 52 | 2219 11/2113 98/1951 40| 1832-1 | 17 59.4 November ......... 22 11 50 | 22 18 27 | 21 12 49 | 19 51 18| 1830-9 | 17 59.7 December............ | 22 49 41 | 22 18 27 | 21 11 30/ 19 50 26 | 18-30-7 | 17 57-4 Means .......s0000. 23 4 28 | 22 93 47 | 21 14 293) 19 58 89} 18326 | 18 1-7 Mean Dip............ | See | 68 46-9 | 68 30-1 | 67 52-6 | 67 35-6 | 67 27-8 Month. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 | a °o ’ °o i] °o ’ ° ‘ Q rT o January oo... 17 56-3 | 17 52-0 | 17 42-7 | 17 38.0] 17 31-7 | 17 25.8 February ............ 17 55-4 | 1751-6 | 17 424°] 17 36-9] 17 31-1] 17 24.7 BRarch