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In my research work, and in connection with my lectures at the University and Technical School of Munich, I have for some time felt convinced that there existed a very evident gap in the literature relating to the diseases of plants. There was need of a newer and more complete work on cryptogamic para- sites and the diseases induced by them on higher plants, a work furnished with many accurate illustrations, with a survey of the newer literature, and with a general part wherein parasitism and the relations between parasite and host are discussed from a botanical standpoint. Therefore, I have undertaken to write a book intended to supply in some degree this pressing w^ant. Here the attempt has been made for the first time to review in a general and comparative manner the biological, physiological, and anatomical relationships accompanying the phenomena of parasitism. Already De Bary has considered the varying degrees of parasitism and the phenomena of symbiosis in his celebrated Morphology and Biology of the Fungi ; while AYakker has laid the foundations of our knowledge of the alterations in the anatomy of plants diseased by the agency of fungi, more especially, however, those alterations accompanying 'hypertrophy,' I venture to continue this difficult and comprehensive chapter of plant physiology, because for ten years I have devoted my time to the study of plant pathology. The book may be all the more acceptable since I have confirmed a large number of the observations and added the results of my own investigations, many of them now published for the first time. The present time is favourable to my work. The great Sylloge Fimgorum of Saccardo (with its appendices in Vols. ix. and X.) has been recently completed ; the classic investigations VI author's preface. of Brefeld in the domain of mycology, and containing liis classification of the fungi, are now well advanced ; the Krypto- gamni-Flora of Kabenhorst is nearly completed ; and the newer literature and observations are now periodically reviewed in the Zcitschrift fur PflanzenTcrankheiten, and other magazines. The recent publication of several investigations on the influence of parasites on the anatomy of their host-plants greatly facilitated the compilation of the general part of the work. I have here attempted to summarize in a systematic manner the preventive and combative agencies available against the more important diseases of economic plants. In many cases these are supported by facts given in the chapters on the natural and artificial infection of host-plants, and their disposition towards diseases produced by lower organisms. As already indicated in the title-page, the book deals only with those diseases of plants produced by the cryptogams and other lower organisms of the vegetable kingdom. The large number of jxirasites which attack such lower plants as algae and lichens, although not altogether neglected, have as a rule been omitted, otherwise the book could not have been brought within the limits of a single volume. In the second or systematic part of the book, the pathological phenomena are considered along with the description of the organism producing them. Where the diseases are of economic importance, measures for pre- vention and extermination are also suggested. Notices of greater length are given to such parasites and diseases as have formed the subject of special investigations. We could only aim at a complete list for Germany and the neighbouring countries, yet we have included many species of interest occurring in other parts of the world, notably in America. Though it will be possible to identify most of the more important parasites by the aid of this book, we do not intend it to replace the systematic works ; we purpose rather to add to the descriptions given in Eabenhorst, Saccardo, and similar works. This book is intended above all to be, in the terms of its title-page, " an Introduction " ; hence it seeks to orient in a general way, to give a summary of our knowledge, and to indicate the way to more detailed records. On this account great care has been taken in the citation of home and foreign literature, not only up to the time of finishing the manuscript author's preface. vii (Easter, 1894), but also during the time of proof-reading up till the following Christmas. Eeference to the book will be rendered easier by the numerous illustrations, which are almost exclusively the work of the author, and reproduced either from drawings or from photographs of the living objects, in many cases taken in situ. I consider it more essential to illustrate the habitus of pathological objects rather than to give drawings of microscopic subjects ; those one may find in other works. Some of the illustrations are copied from the excellent plates of Tulasne, Woronin, De Bary, Klebs, Eeess, Cohn, and Eobert Hartig ; while a number of woodcuts have been borrowed from the well-known Lchrhuch cler Baumhrank- Jieitcn of the last named author. The grouping of the ' Fungi imperfecti,' wdiich have not yet been worked up for the German flora, is based on Saccardo's Si/Uofje ; hence the arrangement into Hyalosporae, etc., which is intended for the benefit of those having access to Saccardo. Particular attention has been paid in the two Indices to the scientific names of both parasites and hosts, to popular names, and to technical expressions. In my labours I received great assistance from the following sources : From the collection of pathological material begun by Professor Eobert Hartig, and now carried on with my help in the Botanical Institute of the Eoyal Bavarian School of Forestry in Munich ; from the facilities for research and photography afforded by the laboratories of the same institution ; from the Eoyal Library of Munich, the Library of the L^niversity, and the private pathological library of Professor Hartig. Living material for investigation has been kindly sent to me from many sources, particularly from the following gentlemen : Herr Lehrer Schnabl of Munich, Geh. Oberregierungsrath Prof. Kiihn of Halle, Hofgartner Kaiser of Munich, Prof. Dr. Fries of Upsala, Forstrath von Plonnies and Oberforster Losch at Amorbach. Preserved material came from Herr Hauptlehrer Allescher of Munich, Director Dr. Goethe and Dr. Wortmann in Geisenheim, Prof. Dr. Stahl of Jena, Prof. Dr. Magnus of Berlin, Prof. Dr. Grasmann and Prof. Dr. Loew of Tokio. Dr. Bruns of Erlangen kindly photographed some specimens in the botanical museum there. Numerous botanists have greatly assisted me by sending papers, especially Dr. Dietel of Leipzig ; I have also to Vlll AUTHORS PREFACE. thank him for valuable aid with the Uredineae. To Prof. Dr. Soxhlet I am indebted for literature and the opportunity given to establish a museum of pathological material in connection with the agricultural division of the Munich Technical School. Dr. Solla of Trieste, while working in our laboratory here, very kindly translated the earlier fascicles of the ' Funghi parasitici ' of Briosi and Cavara as far as they were then published. Prof. Dr. Wollny allowed me to carry out some researches on his experimental fields. Very opportune were the investigations of my pupils, Dr. Woernle and Dr. W. G. Smith, on the anatomical changes in plants attacked by Gymnosporangeae and Exoasceae respectively. To all these gentlemen, and to many more who sent me material, but whom it is impossible to name individually in this place, I here express my warmest thanks. The reproduction of my drawings and photographs has been most carefully carried out by Herr 0. Consee of Munich. I am also deeply indebted to the publisher, Herr Springer, for the excellent manner in which he has done his work ; this will no doubt be also appreciated by the reader. v. TUBEUF. Munich, December, 1894. NOTE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. Since the publication of this work, I have received a large contribution of original papers. Though there was no time to embody all these in the English edition, yet many of them have been used for its correction and amplification. Some were of such a kind as to necessitate the re-writing of whole sections, notably those on the genera Exoascus and Gymnosporangium. The remainder will be thoroughly revised if a second German edition be called for. I again take the opportunity of thanking all those who have sent me literature, and I shall be grateful if they will continue to do so in the future. V. TUBEUF. Munich, December, 1895. PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. My justification for placing another translation in our libraries is that no such book as this exists in the English language, and that I could not, for some considerable time, see my way to collect so many observations on the cryptogamic parasites of higher plants, or to find so many suitable subjects for the pictorial illustration of their habits and structure, as Dr. von Tubeuf has given us. The work was undertaken all the more willingly, because, while working under the guidance of the author, I had seen the book take shape in his hands, and even added some items to its pages. The aims of the book are sufficiently set forth in the author's preface, and in the preparation of an English edition these have been kept in view. The first or general j)art and the more important descriptions in the second part are practically translations, but a certain amount of modification was found necessary in adapting the work to the requirements of English readers. With this object many additions were made both by the author and myself. Those which I have inserted are in most cases indicated by the use of (Edit.); this has, how- ever, been entirely omitted in the group ' Fungi imperfecti,' and nearly so in the Uredineae, on account of the number of changes found necessary. I also thought it advisable to indicate whether the different species of fungi had been recorded for Britain and North America; this has been done generally by the use of brackets, — (Britain and U.S. America.) The records for Britain are taken from the works of Plowright, Massee, and others ; those of three groups, — the Uredineae, Basidiomycetes, and ' Fungi imperfecti ' were, however, revised by Professor J. W. H. Trail of Aberdeen, a well-known authority. For America X PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. the records of economic interest are selected chiefly from Farlow and Seymour's Host- Index, which contains the complete list. I here take the opportunity of expressing ray thanks to Professor T. Bayley Balfour for valuable aid and advice; to Professor J. W. H. Trail for kindly revising important parts of the proofs; to my brother, liobert Smith, for assistance in proof- reading, and to other friends who have aided me. The difficulties of translation are well known ; in the present case they have been increased by the technical nature of the subject, and by the modification which the original has under- gone. Faults there must be ; for those I ask the indulgence of the reader. W. G. SMITH. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, October, 1896. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following are some of the more important general works and text books. Books and papers on special subjects are given throughout the text as foot-notes : — General Works on Fungi. TuLASNE. Selecta fungorum carpologia. 1861-1865. De Bary. Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria. English edition. 1887. ZoPF. "DiePilze." Schenk's Handbuch der Botanik. 1890. LuDwiG. Lehrbuch der niederer Kryptogamen. 1892. Brefeld. Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Mycologie. 1872-1891. Tavel. Vergleichende Morphologic der Pilze. 1892. Saccardo. Sylloge fungorum. 1882-1893. Winter, Fischer, and Rehm. " Die Pilze." Eabenhorst's Kryptogamen- flora. Schroeter. " Die Pilze." Cohn's Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. 1885- 1894. (Incomplete.) Schroeter. " Die Schleimpilze und die Pilze." Engler-Prantl natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien. 1892-1894. (Not yet complete.) Cooke. Handbook of British Fungi. 1871. Plowright. British Ustilagineae and Uredineae. 1889. Farlow and Seymour. Host-Index of the Fungi of the United States. 1888-1891. Massee. British Fungus-Flora. 1892-1895. Works ox Diseases of Plants. Unger. Die Exanthema der Pflanzeu und einige mit diesen verwandte Kraukheiten der Gewachse. 1833. Wiegmann. Die Krankheiten und krankhaften Misbildungen der Gewachse. 1839. Meyen. Pflanzeupathologie. 1841. Xll BIBLIOGRAPHY. De Bary. Untersuchuiigen Uber die Brandpilze und die durch sie verur- sachten Kraiiklieiten der Pflanzen. 1853. KtJHN. Die Kraiikheiten der Kulturgewiichse und ihre Verhiitung. 1858. Hallier. Phytopathologie ; die Kraiikheiten der Kultnrgewachse. 1868. Hartig, R. Wichtige Krankheiten der Waldbaunie. 1874. Hartig, R. Die Zersetzungserscheinungen des Holzes. 1878. Frank. Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen. I. Aufl. 1880, II. Aufl. 1894-1896. Hartig, R. Lehrbuch der Baumkranklieiten. I. Aufl. 1882, II. Aufl. 1889. (Editions in English, French, and Russian.) Smith, Worth. G. Diseases of Field and Garden Crops. 1884. Sorauer. Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. II. Aufl. 1886. Wolf and Zopf. Krankheiten der landwirthschaftlichen Nutzpflanzen durch Schmarotzerpflanzen. 1887. Sorauer. Die Schaden der einheiraischen Kulturpflanzen durch thierische und pflanzliche Schmarotzer. 1888. Marshall Ward. Timber and some of its Diseases. 1889. KiRCHNER. Die Krankheiten und Beschadigungen unserer landwirthschaft- lichen Kulturpflanzen. 1890. Frank and Sorauer. Pflanzeuschutz. 1892. Prillieux. Maladies des plantes agricoles et des arbres fruitiers et forestiers causees par des parasites vegetaux. 1895. Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten (since 1891). The Publications of the Division of Vegetable Pathology of the Department of Agriculture, U.S. America, issued from Washington. The Bulletins of the Agricultural Experimental Stations, issued by many of the States and Universities of the United States. Exsiccata of Parasitic Fungi, by (a) Briosi and Cavara, (b) Eriksson. " Economic Fungi " of U.S. America, by Seymour and Earle ; Exsiccata begun 1890, (still being issued). Etc., etc. CONTENTS. PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. THE PARASITIC FUNGI. PAGE § 1. Definition of the Parasitism of Fungi, ... 2 § 2. Classification of Parasites and Saprophytes, - - 3 § 3. Mode of Life of the Parasitic Fungi, - - - 7 CHAPTER II. REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. § 4. Effect of Parasitic Fungi on their Host, - - - 14 § 5. Effect of Parasitic Fungi on the Form of the Host-Plant, 22 § 6. Effect of Parasitic Fungi on Cell-Contents, - - 31 § 7. Effect of Parasitic Fungi on the Cell-Wall, - - 36 § 8. Effect of Parasitic Fungi on the Tissues of their Host, 40 CHAPTER III. RELATION OF PARASITE TO SUBSTRATUM. ^ 9. Effect of the Substratum on the Development of the Parasite, ------- 45 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. § 10. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION, - - 50 I'AOE CHAPTER V. § n. DISPOSITION OF PLANTS TO DISEASE, - - 58 CHAPTER VI. § 12. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES, - - 63 I. Extermination and Removal of the Parasitic Fungi alone, - - - - - 65 II. Removal and Destruction of Diseased Plants, - 71 III. Avoidance or Removal of Conditions which Favour Infection, ------ 75 IV. Selection of Hardy Varieties, - - - 81 CHAPTER VII. § 13. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF DISEASES OF PLANTS, 83 CHAPTER VIII. SYMBIOSIS: MUTUALISM, 86 CHAPTER IX. SYMBIOSIS: NUTRICISM, 92 Ectotrophic Mycorhiza, ----- 93 Endotrophic Mycorhiza, - - - - - 97 Mycodomatia of the Alder, etc., - - - - 99 Mycodomatia of the Leguminosae, - - - . 101 CONTENTS. PART SECOND. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF THE CRYPTOGAMIC PARASITES. PAGE I. THE PATHOGENIC FUNGI OF PLANTS, - - - 104 A. Lower Fungi (Phycomycetes), - . . . io6 (1) Chytridiaceae, ..... 106 (2) Zygomycetes, . . . . - - 114 (3) OoMYCETES : PEROyoSPOREAE, . - . .115 B. Higher Fungi (Mycomycetes), - . - .135 Ascomycetes, - . - - - - 136 A. Gymnoasci, ..... 137 The Parasitic Exoasceae, - . - 144 B. Carpoasci, - - . - - - 168 Perisporiaceae, .... 170 Pyrenomycetes, . . - - 183 Hysteriaceae, ..... 232 Discomycetes, - . . - . 240 Ustilagineae, ...... 275 Uredineae, . - . - . . . 328 Basidiomycetes, - . - . . .421 Fungi Imperfecti — I. Sphaeropsideae, . - . 463 II. Melanconieae, - - . 482 III. Hyphomycetes, . - - 496 II. THE PATHOGENIC SLIME-FUNGI, - - - 522 III. THE PATHOGENIC BACTERIA, - - . .53a IV. THE PATHOGENIC ALGAE, - . . - 539 INDEX ,0F PARASITES, - - - - . - 556 GENERAL INDEX, 580 ERRATA. Page 9, Fig. 1, for " Erysipheae " read " Erysiphe." 35, line 11 from foot, fur " tyrosin " read " tr3^psin." 181, 185, 195, 256, 305, 312, 337, 355, 403, 404, 420, 24, for " quercinium " read " quercinum." 6, for " Nectrina " read " Nectria," 3, for " setuloso " read " setulosa." 6, for " Belionella " read " Beloniella," 11 from foot, /c?" Tolysporium" read "Tolyposporium." 16, for " heloscladii " a7ul " Heloscladium " respectively, read " helosciadii " ayid " Helosciadium." 10, for " Onybrychis " read " Onobrjchis." 25, for " Cichoria" read " Cichorium," 9, for " Cypressus " read " Cupressus." 5, for " Escheveria " read " Echeveria." 3, for " Thecospora " read " Thecopsora." PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. THE PARASITIC FUNGI. The true Fungi, together with the Myxomycetes or Slime-fungi, and the Schizomycetes or Bacteria, constitute a group of the Cryptogams characterized by lack of chlorophyll. In consequence, the members of the group are unable to utilize light as a source of energy, and must obtain their food as organized material, complex in comparison with the simple substances required by green plants. These fungi, in short, are, in common with animals, ultimately dependent for the greater portion of their support on living or dead chlorophyllous plants. According as they obtain nutriment from dead organic remains or from living plants or animals, we distinguish them as Saprophytes and Parasites respectively. The same mode of nutrition is found in the case of most non-chlorophyllous Phanerogams, and also in a few chlorophyllous plants, both Cryptogams and Phanero- gams. When parasitic Fungi, Bacteria, and other lower organisms attack higher plants, they, as a rule, endeavour to penetrate the living organs of their host. It is only when this penetration has taken place to some extent, and the parasite has thereby come into more or less close contact with the tissues of its host, that conditions suitable to a parasitic mode of nutrition are established. To deal with the lower forms of vegetable parasites, with their relations to their respective hosts, and with the structural altera- tions which they bring into existence in the latter, is our object in the present book. A 2 THK PARASITIC FUNGI. § 1. DEFINITION OF THE PARASITISM OF FUNGI. Parasitic Fungi are those whicli, stimulated by the cell- contents of another living plant, penetrate wholly or partially into its tissues, and draw their nutriment from that source. Saprophytic Fungi are those which make no attempt to penetrate the tissues of living plants, but derive their nutriment from a dead substratum. Intermediate between these two extremes come those fungi which, in consequence of some stimulus, attempt to effect an entrance into the tissues of living plants by the secretion of some fluid or ferment, but only attain their object after first killing the part they attack {e.g. Sderotinia sderotiorum). A special position must also be ascribed to certain forms which inhabit the wood of trees, but have not the power to penetrate through the outer tissues ; they depend on first gaining entrance through wounds into dead parts of the bark or wood, and, after living there for a time as saprophytes, extend into the living elements and cause their death. Many parasites may be artificially cultivated so as to pass some part of their life-history on dead pabulum, and even in natural conditions many of them regularly live for a season in a saprophytic manner. On this account it appears to me more correct, in distinguishing between parasites and saprophytes, to lay less weight on the adaptation to nutrition and more on their response to the stimuli exerted by living plant-cells. The nature of this stimulus which affects parasitic hyphae has not as yet been investigated. It appears probable, however, especially from the investigations of Pfeffer and Miyoshi,^ that the influence is primarily a chemical one, and that the nutritive value of the stimulating substance is not a measure of the ensuing effect. Biisgen states that the formation of adhesive-discs by germinating spores is induced by a stimulus due to contact, whereas the production and penetration of the first haustorium is independent of contact, and is probably due to some chemical stimulus (see p. 9). Miyoshi's investigations have also proved that saprophytic fungi are capable of penetrating into living plant-organs, even ^ Miyoshi. " Ueber Chemotropismus d. Pilze."' Botan. Zeitung, 1894; also " Die Durchbohnmg von Membrauen durch Pilzfaden." Pringsheini's Jahrhuch, 1895 Pfeffer. " Uel)er Election organischer Nahrstoffe." PriiK/^liehn's Jahrhuch, 1895. DEFINITION OF THE PARASITISM OF FUNGI. 3 of boring through cell-walls, if the part be impregnated with a stimulating solution. They behave here completely as parasites. For example, hyphae of Penicillium glaucum penetrate into living cells of a leaf injected with a two per cent, solution of cane sugar, while without previous injection of the leaf they have never been observed to do so. Pcnicilliutn is also known, in certain circumstances, to become parasitic. Many species of fungi are capable of passing the whole or a part of their life as parasites on living plants. Conspicuous in this respect are the Uredineae and Ustilagineae, many Ascomy- cetes, including all Exoasceae and Erysipheae ; and amongst the lower fungi, most of the Chytridiaceae and all the Peronosporeae. Nor does this exhaust the list, for amongst the remaining fungi we may find isolated families, genera, and even species occurring as parasites, while forms closely related to them are saprophytic. To classify the parasites, saprophytes, and intermediate forms, we shall adopt that arrangement proposed by Van Tieghem and De Bary. § 2. CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES AND SAPROPHYTES. 1. True saprophytes are such as regularly pass through their whole life-history in a saprophytic manner. They may derive their nourishment from different kinds of pabulum, or be limited to some definite substratum. The true saprophytes do not come within the scope of this book.^ 2. Hemi-saprophytes (the 'facultative parasites' of De Bary) are wont to pass through their whole development as saprophytes, but on occasion are capable of existing wholly or partially as parasites. Amongst them are included particularly such species as may be designated " occasional parasites," which commonly occur as saprophytes, and only under certain conditions become parasitic. 3. True parasites (the 'obligate parasites' of De Bary). These undergo no part of their development as saprophytes, but live in every stage of existence as parasites. 4. Hemi-parasites (the 'facultative saprophytes' of De Bary) are capable, if need be, of becoming saprophytes for a season ^Johow proposes the term Holo-saprophj'tes for those nonchlorophyllous Phanerogams which live exclusively saprophytic on organic debris, in contrast to those possessing chlorophyll, which he names Hemi-saprophytes. 4 THE PARASITIC FUNGI. but as a rule they live througliout their whole development as parasites. Within each of these four divisions one may introduce a number of subdivisions. H emi-saprophytes. The majority of saprophytes are never parasitic, yet there are a number which become so occasionally. Thus some species of Mucor and Pcnicillium can penetrate into thin-skinned fruits, and this they do the more easily, the further the fruits are from the condition of full vital energy, to use De Bary's expression.^ Related to these are other fungi which, although incapable of effecting entrance into plants in active life, may yet do so as the plant, though still living, begins to wither. In such cases the parasitism is somewhat difficult to prove. In particular, the so-called ' Fungi imperfecti ' contain forms of tliis kind. Amongst the hemi-saprophytes we may include the species of BotrytU, which are able to penetrate into unfolding parts of plants, but not into the older parts. We may specially mention Botrytis Douglasii as a form more generally known as a sapro- phyte, but which becomes parasitic on immature organs, and which penetrates young needles of various conifers to kill them, whereas it is unable to attack older needles. In this case the thickness of the membranes would seem to act as a protection, just as the vital energy of the plant does in the preceding cases. In Sclcrotinia sderotiorum, Scl. ciborioides, and Scl. Fuckeliana, a saprophytic existence must, as in the example just mentioned, precede the parasitic condition ; in fact De Bary holds that these forms can only become parasites after their mycelium has been saprophytically strengthened ; the parasitic condition is not necessary to them, for they can go through their whole develop- ment on a dead substratum. Pythium De Baryanum is also to be regarded as a hemi-saprophyte which attacks and kills seedlings of many plants as a parasite, but otherwise vegetates on dead plant remains. Cladosporium herharum, one of the commonest of saprophytes, behaves similarly, but it is of less frequent occurrence than Pythium, and in fact its parasitism has only been suspected quite recently. ^This has been confinned by Davaine (Compt. rend, lxiii., 1866, pp. 277 and 344) and Brefeld {Sitzun(jsher. d. naturforsch. Fr. zu Berlin, 1875). CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES AND SAPROPHYTES. 5 As further examples of fungi, capable, as parasites, of killing living cells, but which pass through more or less of their life as saprophytes, may be taken species whose mycelium inhabits the wood of trees and shrubs. Amongst these are numerous Polyporeac, which find admission only by wounds in the wood. At first these destroy and derive nourishment from the substance of dead parts of the wood, but later they begin to attack the parenchyma of the living wood, and extending outwards kill, as they go, cambium, bast, and rind, till they reach the exterior, and there develop sporophores. As examples we may take those species investigated by E. Hartig of Munich, e.g. Poly- porus fomcntarius, P. igniarius, P. Hartigii, P. sulphurcus, Stcrcum liirsutum, Tramctcs inni} The heart-wood is a part of the tree generally avoided by insects, which would in very short time destroy the sap-wood with its rich starch-content, e.g. Annohiac in oak. Again, the heart-wood resists the influence of certain saprophytic fungi much longer than the sap-wood, hence it is preferred as the timber used for railway sleepers. Although in these cases we might describe the heart-wood as possessing antiseptic properties, yet tliis would scarcely be accurate, since it is just this very heart-wood which is always first attacked by the wound-parasites of trees, and gives them a hold on the tree as parasites. See also Chap. V. Since these dangerous tree-fungi can live wholly as sapro- phytes in the heart- w^ood, and in the sap-wood partly as such, partly as parasites, they are also able to vegetate further, and to reproduce themselves on felled stems, especially when the necessary moisture is provided. Thus, for example, Agaricus aclijjosus, a wound-parasite of the silver fir, produces its yellow sporophores on felled stems and split wood during the whole summer in moist parts of the forest, while in a cellar or other moist chamber the development of sporophores may continue over a year. In fact, I have found that a billet of beech-wood, after being placed under a glass and allowed to lie completely dry, on again being soaked from time to time, continued to produce a crop of toadstools annually for five years. Some wound-parasites occur occasionally as typical sapro- phytes on dead wood. Thus Polyporus emnosus, perhaps better ^ R. Hartig, Zersetzungseischeiniuu/en des Holzes, 1878, and other works. G THE PARASITIC FUNGI. known as Traindt's radicipcrda, is an undoubted parasite of pines, spruces, and other trees, yet on timber in mines ^ it grows luxuriantly, and reproduces abundantly from sporophores, which, however, ditl'er somewhat from the typical form. Again, the rhizomorph-strands of Agaricus melleiis grow under dead bark, in the earth, in mines, and in wooden water-pipes, while other forms of its mycelium are completely parasitic ; thus the apices of the rhizomorphs penetrate the bark of young conifers, and, in the form of a mycelium, live parasitic on rind, bast, and cambium. Polyporus vaporarius, a true parasite on living Scots pine, is also an enemy of timber in newly-built structures, or in subterranean spaces and cellars, so long as it can obtain the necessary moisture. Polyporus sulphureus produces sporophores on the bark of living trees, as well as on the dead stools of felled trees. Many other related forms would probably be able to live on dead timber if they were not dependent on a certain degree of moisture, and could submit to drying-up as easily as, for example, Polyporus ahidinus, a true saprophyte, and one of the most common enemies of old wooden bridges. Fungi from other groups are also known to effect an entrance into the wood of trees through wounds only, yet when once in, they spread rapidly, and at length bring about the death of their host. The spores of Cucnrhitaria lahurni were demonstrated by me to germinate on the laburnum, on wounds produced by hail and otherwise, and to send into the wood so exposed a mycelium, which spread through the vessels and into the rind, killing all the tissues on its way. Similarly Ncdria cinnabar ina, after it has killed its host, lives thereon as a saprophyte, and develops patches of conidia and perithecia on the dead bark. Pcziza Willkominii, although really a strict parasite on the living rind, yet continues to grow and to reproduce itself on the dead branches. Hemi-parasites. If the examples already given, i.e. Mucor, Penicillium, Botrytis, Pythium, are typical of hemi-saprophytes, then there may arise a doubt whether the remainder, the wood-destroying Polyporeae, Ncdria, Cucurhitaria, and Afjariciis mcUcus, should not be regarded ^ Harz, Botan. Centralblatt, 1888, Vol. xxxvi. ; Magnus, Botan. Verein d. Prov. Brandenbnrii , 1888. CLASSIFICATION OF PARASITES AND SAPROPHYTES. 7 as hemi-parasites. They must, however, be inchided amongst the hemi-saprophytes, because doubtless they are capable of going through their whole development as saprophytes. The hemi-parasites include, amongst others, the XJstilagineae, all of which live for a time as parasites, and cannot, even by artificial cultivation, be made to complete their life-history as saprophytes. While, however, many of the Ustilagineae are adapted to a com- pletely parasitic life, others can, in the form of sprouting conidia, live and multiply saprophytically. The conidia of Eo:ohasidimn and Exoascus continue to bud off conidia for a considerable time in nutritive solutions, yet in nature, the spores probably produce infecting hyphae at once, and the fungus is but little suited to sustain a saprophytic mode of life. Phytoijhtliora infcstans is more easily reared as a saprophyte, and occurs in nature as such, hence it approaches somewhat towards the hemi-saprophytes. True Parasites. The Uredineae may be taken as the most typical of the true parasites ; they constantly pass through their whole life-history on living plants, and cannot be cultivated on a dead substratum. So also the Erysipheae, although frequently their spores only reach maturity on a dead substratum, as do also those of RhyfAsma and Polystigma. Ergot of grain and the Sderotinia inhabiting berries, are also truly parasitic, even though their apothecia or perithecia are produced from hibernating sclerotia, and though their conidia can be saprophytically cultivated on dead pabulum. The Peronosporeae and Protomyces are also true parasites. In many other forms the development of germ-tubes, or the sprouting of conidia, may be obtained in artificial nutritive solutions by exclusion of rival fungi and bacteria, yet it is doubtful whether this takes place in nature. § 3. MODE OF LIFE OF THE PAEASITIC FUNGI. The parasitic fungi may be divided according to the place of their occurrence and their mode of attack on the host, into two categories, which may be designated epiphytic and endophytic 8 THE PARASITIC FUNGI. parasites. ^ The former have their vegetative mycelium spread over the surface of the host-plant, the latter penetrate into the plant and there develop their mycelium. I>otli receive nourish- ment from the cells of the host-plants, generally by means of special absorptive organs inserted into the cells of the host, the so-called hansturia. We may distinguish the following groups of parasites accord- ing to the degree of their penetration into the organs of the host-plant they attack : 1. Epiphytes: {a) with haustoria which only sink into the outer membranes of the host ; {h) with haustoria penetrating into the cavity of the host- cells. 2. Endophytes : ('0 with a mycelium which grows in the walls of the host-cell, and is generally nourished without the aid of haustoria ; {h) with a mycelium which grows in the intercellular spaces only, and is nourished with or without haustoria ; (c) with a mycelium which penetrates into the host-cells and becomes an intracellular mycelium ; (d) lower fungi which live completely in a host-cell. 1. Acquisition of nutriment by the epiphytic parasitic fungi. The simplest mode of acquiring nutriment is found in yeasts (Saccharomyces apiculatus, etc.) which frequent the outside of living fruits, and live on the drops of sugary solution which diffuse therefrom. - ^ Epiphytic parasites always produce their reproductive organs outside their host-plant. In the case of endophytic parasites, the reproductive organs of some are produced inside the host-tissue, e.(j. the zygospores and oospores of Chytridiaceae and Peronosporeaf, the chlamydospores of the Ustilaffineae ; others form their sporocarps wlioUy or partially embedded, the spores and conidia only being discharged externally ; while a large number form sporocarps on the surface after the epidermis lias been torn. Conidia are generally abjointed from the free surface of the host-plant. The terms epiphytic and endophytic parasites have been chosen with regard to the development of the parasitic food-absorbing mycelium. Some authors regard epiphytism somewhat differently, and include amongst endophytes those forms which live on the surface of the host and peneti-ate only by haustoria. If this be accepted, epiphytism is very exceptional amongst parasites of the higher plants. Zopf (" Die Pilze") gives as examples of this condition only the following: the Laboulbe7iiaceae inliabiting the chitinous skeleton of certain insects, and Jle/ano- spora paralitica on filaments of species of Isaria ; these have no communication between the mycelium and their host. Species of CAae/oc/of/mni parasitic on fungi and absorbing the cell-wall of the host at the point of contact, could, strictly speaking, no longer be classed as epiphytes. -Biisgen. " Ueber einige Eigenschaften d. Keimlinge parasitischer Pilze." Botan. Zeitung, 189.3. MODE OF LIFE OF THE PARASITIC FUNGI. 9 I can however hardly regard as parasites, fungi like these which live on an accidental outflow from plants or plant-cells, even though they regularly frequent places where an outflow is to be expected. They exert no influence on the host-plant, and they are nourished by substances which can no longer be regarded as belonging to the host. I would rather include them amongst non-parasitic epiphytes which, without specially adapting themselves, settle on any part of a living plant where sugary solutions suitable for their nutriment may occur. One might imagine however such epiphytes inducing a diffusion of nutritive substance from the cells of the host-epidermis to the closely adherent fungal hyphae ; then we should have the simplest mode of parasitic acquisition of nutriment on the part of epiphytes. They would take up food-material from the epi- dermal cells in much the same manner as many intercellular hyphae do from the adjoining walls of the host-cell.^ Epiphytic parasites frequenting the surface of plant-organs generally endeavour to increase their supply of nutriment from the host-cells by formation of haustoria, which pierce the cuticle or the whole cell-wall. Blisgeu has shown experimentally that the adhesive discs, often formed on the germination of a spore, owe their origin to a contact-stimulus ; the formation and direction of the infecting hyphae, on the other hand, though depending on this, are much more determined by a stimulus originating from the host-cell itself. In this we have a confirma- tion of the accuracy of our definition of parasite and saprophyte. The appressoria, adhesion-organs or adhesive discs just mentioned, are char- acteristic of many parasites. They are formed chiefly on epiphytic mycelia, liut also accompany the earlier life of other fungi. In the case of epiphytes, pores are formed on definite places of ^ ^ , „ . . ^ Fig. 1. — gp, Spore of Erysipneae such an adhesive-disc, and from these umhem/erarum germinating on the epidermis of a host plant ; an ad- haUStOria are developed, or a hypha is heslon-disc and haustonum have been '^ ' *^ ^ formed. (After De Bary.) given off and enters the host-plant to form a mycelium. The appressoria of the Erysipheae are very characteristic; in many they are broad lobed discs (Fig. 1); in ^ Compare those cases of parasites on insects and fungi already given, p. 8 (note). 10 THE PARASITIC FUNGI. Others, like rodoq)ha('ra castcu/7ici, they take the form of broadened closely-clinging hyphae with haustoria. Frank describes a swell- ing of the germ-tube of Fusidadinm trcmulae just before the infecting hypha pierces the cell- walls of its host. A similar phenomenon can be observed in Poly stigma ruhrum, in Gnomonia crythrostoma, and in the germinating aecidiospores of Mdampsora Goejypcrtiana. Some other examples will l^e mentioned in our next section. Haustoria of the epiphytic Parasites. The most inconspicuous haustoria are those of Herpotrichia nigra and Trichosj)haeria varasitica, described by E. Hartig.^ Flo. 2. — Haustoria of Trichosphaeria }^arasilica. (Details on Fig. 88.) (After R. Hartig.) They are tiny hyphal processes resting on the host-epidermis, and sunk into the outer walls of the epidermal cells, so as to pierce the cuticle but not the whole wall (Fig. 2, d, e; also Fig. 90). The Erysipheae are typical epiphytes, which weave a mycelium over the surface of plants they attack ; the mycelium retains its hold by adhesion-discs or appressoria, and from certain parts of these a fine thread-like process is given off, which, after piercing the epidermal wall of the host, swells inside to a simple or branched sac, the haustorium. The ^ Lehrhurh d. Baiimhrankheiten, II. Aiifl. English translation by Professor Somerville. Macmillan & Co., 1894. MODE OF LIFE OF THE PARASITIC FUNGI. 11 haustoiia of Podosphaera castagnci (Fig. 71) are bladder-like, those of Oidium Ttickeri are lobed. The simplest formation of haustoria consists in an outgrowth of the mycelium which depresses the cell-wall of the host without piercing it (e.g. Pcronos2wra densa). In other cases the cell-wall, at first only depressed, becomes ultimately broken through. Certain lower fungi live parasitic on other fungi and adhere to their hyphae by means of well-developed adhesion-discs from which haustorial structures are formed inside the hyphae of the host. Thus Piptoayhalis frcscnia is parasitic on hyphae of some species of Mucor, and produces from a swollen bulb-like appres- sorium a tuft of very fine haustoria inside the il/^/(?o?'-hypha. Synccphalis proceeds even further, for the haustorial process grows and branches inside the host, becoming, in fact, an endophytic mycelium. A further advance towards endophytic parasitism is presented by the Chytridiaceae, low forms of fungi living on alg-ae or fungi ; some send haustorial structures into their host, others develop a mycelium whose attack however is directed against only one host-cell. Fischer, in his " Phycomy- cetes," thus describes the latter forms : " The vegetative body, a resting swarmspore, consists of a spherical or ellipsoidal part which becomes a sporangium, and of a filamentous vegetative portion which spreads through the host-cell as a haustorium or mycelium and dies away after the formation of the sporangium. This primitive mycelium is unicellular, and may be unbranched or very finely branched." 2. Acquisition of nutriment by the endophytic parasitic fungi. The simplest case of the endophytic mode of life is presented by those fungi which vegetate in the epidermal membranes of their hosts, and derive their nutriment osraotically through the inner cell-walls. They live covered by the cuticle, which must have been penetrated by an infecting hypha at the time of first attack. This mode of life is exhibited by many fungi, particularly by the Exoasccac ; the mycelium of these vegetates under the cuticle of the host plant, and ruptures it at the time of ascus-formation. In spite of their limited distri- bution the species of this group so influence the development of their hosts as to induce pustule-like outgrowths, crumpliug and distortion of leaves, and even "witches' brooms." In some 12 THE PARASITIC FUNGI. of the E.coasccac the bases of the asci penetrate deeply between the walls of the epidermal cells, so forming an intermediate stage leading to other Uroasccac and endophytic fungi, with a mycelium growing between, or in the cells of tissues which lie deeper than the epidermis. The mycelium of Cycloconium olcaginum grows in the epi- dermal cell-membranes, branching dichotomously under the cuticle and sending through it erect hyphal branches for pro- duction of conidia.^ The germinating conidia of Sphaccloma ampclinum are said by De Bary to penetrate the cuticle, and to produce a mycelium which spreads thereunder and breaks out just before formation of conidia. Mycoidca parasitica, an alga, lives under the cuticle of leaves of Thea and Camellia. We have next to consider fungi with a mycelium which lives and multiplies in the intercellular spaces of living plants. Like the Exoasccae just mentioned, they push their way between neighbouring cells and spread through the already existing intercellular spaces. Numerous Uredineae behave in this way, and towards the period of reproduction the mycelium is capable of increasing so much that the cells of the host-tissues become isolated and even displaced. The various species of Hystcrium have an intercellular mycelium, which kills those cells with which it comes in contact. Certain forms, e.g. Caeoma pt'^'^Hor- quum and Fcridermium piini (Fig. 247) possess a mycelium which, while still intercellular, sends off here and there little lateral branches into the host-cells. It is an easy step from forms like these to forms whose mycelium is no longer strictly intercellular, but derives nutriment by means of specialised haustoria. Haustoria of the endophytic Parasites. A large number of endophytic parasites frequenting hosts which do not immediately succumb to their attack, possess "haustoria" or special organs for the ac(|uisition of nutriment from the cells of the host. The haustoria are lateral outgrowths of the mycelium with a limited period of growth and a more or less constant form. They are more varied in form, but otherwise quite comparable with haustoria of the epiphytes, especially with those of the Erysipheae. One of the simplest forms of ^ Figures in Fumjhi Paro-sitti, Cavara and Briosi. MODE OF LIFE OF THE PARASITIC FUNGI. 13 haustorium on an endophytic mycelium is that exhibited by the parasite Cystoims ; the hyphae send off very fine filaments which penetrate the walls of a host-cell and swell up to little button-like sacs. Many Peronosporeae (P. i:)y(jraru:a, P. nivea, P. viticola and Phytophthora omnivora) have haustoria of the form just described, whereas others have them thread-like and branched {P. calothcca of the w^oodruff), or crenately lobed {P. "parasitica). Amongst the species of Uredineae and Ustilagineae, haustoria are not uncommon and present many varied forms. They are, however, few in number, or confined to certain parts of the mycelium, so that they may be easily overlooked. Haustoria in the form of long sacs of various lengths are produced by Mclamjjsora GoepjwrHana in the tissues of both cowberry and fir-needle. Crymnosporangium in juniper has occasionally very delicate button-like haustoria. Endophyllum sempervivi in the house-leek has haustorial branches which, according to Zopf, are coiled together and anastomose frequently with each other. Tuhurcinia amongst the Ustilagineae possesses short branched haustoria resembling one-sided clusters, and Mclanotacnium endogenum has similar haustorial-tufts even more branched.^ Urocystis pompliolygodcs in Hcpatica triloba has spirally coiled haustorial hyphae, while Tilletia endopliylla, Sorosporiuni sap)onariae,'^ and many species of Ustilago, have haustoria with the form of knotted hyphae. Amongst the Hymenomycetes, Exohasidium vaccinii forms a mycelium which permeates the host-tissues with numerous hyphae, but the only haustoria are hyphae which here and there penetrate into a cell. No haustoria have as yet been found amongst the Basidiomycetes,^ Pyrenomycetes, or Discomycetes. The two groups last-mentioned have an inter- cellular or intracellular mycelium, which as a rule quickly kills all cells with which it comes in contact. ^ Senckenhtrgische nahirforsch. Ges. Ahhandl. 1880. Plates I. and IV. ^ Prinrjsheiin's Jahrhuch, 1869. Plates VII., VIII. ^Saraiiw has figured haustoria in mycorhiza of beech, without however determining exactly whether they belonged to a Hymenomycete. Reess also figures similar organs on mycorhiza produced bj' one of the Tuberaceae. CHAPTER 11. REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. The reaction of the host to the attacks of parasitic fungi is fairly constant for the same host and fungus. The various fungi, however, exert on the same host-plant each an influence of its own, while different host-plants behave very differently under attacks of the same fungus. § 4. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THEIR HOST.» A. Killing of Host-Cells.^ 1. Absorption of living cell-content by parasitic fungi. The lower fungi give us examples of the simplest mode in which fungus-parasites draw nutriment from their host-cells ; particularly those forms parasitic on algae or other fungi. The most primitive of all are numerous species which, applying themselves to a host-cell, bore through its walls and enter the cavity. There they derive nutriment at the cost of the living cell-content, — the plasma, cell-sap, ehloroplasts, starch grains, etc., — and finally kill the cell. The host-cell does not survive the later development and reproduction of the parasite. The effect of the fungus is however limited to the ^ Billroth ("uber die Einwirkungen lebender Pflanzen und Thierzellen aufeinan- der, " Sammlunr/ Medic. Schriften. Wiener Hin. Wochenblatt, 1890), compares in a masterly way the effects of micro-organisms and of injuries on animal and vege- table tissues. He employs Virchow's terms " foi-mative stimulus " and "formative irritability " ; the former to denote the capacity of micro-organisms in producing outgrowths of definite form or the formation of new tissues ; the latter, the capacity of the tissues to react to such stimuli, and to produce outgrowths, etc. A comparison of the external phenomena of fungoid diseases in the case of animals and plants recently formed the subject of a short paper by Lewin. - Perniciasmus. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THEIR HOST. 15 cell attacked which is at once killed before it can enlarge or otherwise react to the influence of the intruder. Good examples of such parasites are presented by some of the Chytridiaceae — the Archimycctes of Fischer — which, as a rule, inhabit only isolated cells of their respective host-plants. This mode of nutrition is equivalent to that of the Myxomycetes and Mycetozoa, which absorb the cell-contents after completely enveloping the living cell, or after slipping inside or sending a haustorial process into it. A second series of parasites consists of those which live on the contents of the host-cell, and give it time to react to the stimulus exerted by the intruder. The reaction generally results in a cell-enlargement or fungus-gall, which in the simpler cases includes one cell only. The gall harbours one or more parasites, which gradually use up the cell-contents. As examples we have Olindmm tumacfaciciis and 0. uredinis^ Pscudolpidium saprolegniae, Olpidiopsis scq'trolegniae, Rhizoimjxa liypogaea} etc. A specially striking case is that of Pleotrachcliis fulgcns, which causes the rudiment of the sporangiophore of Piloholus Klcinii to become hypertrophied and gall-like.^ We have as a third series those parasites which penetrate into living cells and absorb their contents, at the same time stimulating the host-cell to abnormal and increased growth, as well as some surrounding cells not directly in contact with the fungus. In this case the parasite exerts a far-reaching effect, and produces a gall composed of more than one cell. Species of Synchytrium are examples. The fungus itself penetrates into one cell only, which enlarges ; but simultaneously the surrounding cells grow and multiply to form a wall or rampart enclosing the cell originally attacked. Other parasites do not absorb the host-contents as a whole, but only withdraw osmotic substances by means of delicate processes of the fungus-hyphae. These haustoria penetrate the wall of the host-cell, but the fungal protoplasm inside them remains separated from the host-proto- plasm by a delicate membrane. In the case of the vine-mildew and some other Erysipheae, the cells thus preyed on turn brown and die. With other related forms {e.g. Sphacrothcca castagnci), ^ See Fischer's Phycomycetes. - This causes a slight swelling of the root-hairs of various plants and absorbs their content. ^Zopf, Beitrdge zur Physiol, u. Morphol. nied. Organismen, ii. 1892. 16 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. absorption by haustoria results in a deformation and distortion of attacked organs, which embraces even cells far distant from the point of attack, yet without death following directly to any cell. 2. Absorption of cells or tissues by parasitic fungi. Tlie total al).sorpti()u of colls or tissues by parasitic fungi constitutes a special form of cell-destruction. Cases of this kind occur particularly amongst the Ustilagineae. Thus Urocystis violae so stimulates the cells of Viola that they divide and produce a delicate tissue, rich in protoplasm ; this nutritive tissue is used up when spores are formed, but without any great detriment to the host-plant. At the time of spore-formation of other Ustila- gineae a great destruction of the host-tissues may, however, take place ; this is especially mai'ked in attacks of Ustilago maydis, V. avcnac, Tillctia tritici, on the ovaries of their respective hosts, as well as in other cases to be considered later. o. Killing of host-cells and tissues by fungi which excrete ferments. The simplest case under this heading is presented by species of Sdcrotinia studied l^y De Bary, e.g. Scl. sclerotiorum. The mycelium of these, while still lying on the outer surface of the host-plant, excretes a ferment which sinks through the mem- branes into the cell-cavities, causing death to the protoplasm and even destruction of whole tissues. A similar process may be assumed in the case of numerous fungi with a mycelium which grows only in the intercellular spaces, yet causes immediate death to any cell it may touch. This is the case with many leaf-spot diseases, like those due to Cercos2)ora, Hystermm, etc. So also do the apices of rhizomorph- strands kill portions of the bast of living Conifers with which they may come in contact. The rapid death of tissue following the attack of such deadly fungi as Phytophthora is probably due not altogether to the deprivation of nutriment, but also to the effects of a poisonous excretion. This, however, has not as yet been satisfactorily ascertained. B. Killing of Organs or Whole Plants. A larsfe number of fungi have a mvcelium which never ex- tends beyond a very short distance round the point of first infection, and causes only local disease, frequently with no EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THEIR HOST. 17 perceptible disturbing effect on the host. Such is the case particularly with leaf-spot diseases ; the tissues of isolated spots are killed and fall out, the leaf appearing as if perforated by shot, but otherwise exhibiting no discoloration or other symptom of disease. In contrast to these there are fungi which, directly or indirectly, bring about death of their host or some part of it. The simplest example of parasitic fungi killing their host directly is presented by one-celled or few-celled plants, which soon succumb to attack even on a single cell. Where, however, the host is a highly organized plant, its organs will resist the attack of the parasite for some time. Thus with Phytvphtliora fagi, the mycelium spreads rapidly through the tissues of a seedling, so that death ensues in a few days. Similarly species of Peronospora rapidly kill leaves, branches, and fruits ; likewise Clados23ormm , Sqotoria j^fc^'f^tsitica, and others. Somewhat different in their action are those fungi which kill some tender part of a plant directly, and thereby in- directly further the death of other parts dependent thereon. As examples, take Pestalozzia Hartigii (Fig. 301) and Phoma ahietina (Fig. 293), which kill only some small portion of a young plant or branch, but thereby cause drying-up of higher or distal parts. GiUbcra vaccinii on stems of cowberry (Fig. 95) is another example. Similarly cankers arising from Nectria ditissima (Fig. 80), or Peziza Willhommii. Again, Agaricus melleus and Tramctes radiciperda kill roots or lower portions of the stem, and bring about the death of trees of all ages. The case varies somewhat with certain wound-parasites like Nectria cinncdjctrina and CucurMtaria lahurni. There the my- celium extends so vigorously in the water-conducting organs, as to kill them and fill up the vessels, causing thereby so serious a disturbance in conduction, that branches or whole plants wither away in summer. The wood-destroying Polyporcae and Agaricini act similarly, although more slowly ; they attack large branches and stems, destroying all parts of the wood, duramen as well as sap-wood, and finally the bark. There are also cases where organs of the attacked host remain alive, but suffer on account of the hypertrophy of other parts. In this way portions of a plant may be killed although not directly the seat of the parasite. This is particularly the case where hypertrophied organs undergo increased growth and B 18 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. Utilize the water which would otherwise have ascended to higher parts of the branch-system (Fig. 3). It must indeed be assumed that the latter are preyed on by tlie hypertrophied parts and give up plastic material, which they would otherwise have utilized themselves or stored up as reserve material. On branches attacked by mistletoe and other phanerogamous parasities, it can easily be observed, particularly on broad- leaved trees, that a supporting branch grows vigorously in the parts under the influence of the root-system of the parasite, whereas the distal parts of the same branch-system remain stunted and finally die. The mistletoe-bush thus comes to form the termination of the supporting branch. If, in consequence of this, the branch ceases to produce the leaves necessary in preparing food for it, then like every other leafless branch it dies. Such branches carrying leaves of the mistletoe alone may frequently be found on firs, pines, and broad-leaved trees ; even whole tree-summits have been seen on the silver fir with every branch terminated by a mistletoe-tuft, not unlike some huge candelabrum. In a similar manner a witches' broom, developed from a lateral bud, exhibits throughout an increased growth, while the branch supporting it remains thin and dies from the insertion of the broom outwards. So also in attacks of Gymnosporangmm on juniper it may be observed that the parts attacked have their growth much accelerated and many of their dormant buds developed, while the distal parts of the same branch die oE In all such cases it is quite probable that, as the distal parts die back, any food material which they may contain finds its way into the hypertrophied region. C Shortening of Life. Many fungi inhabit a plant without disturbing the develop- ment of any part or causing immediate death, yet with such effect that the vegetative period of the organ in question terminates earlier than normally. A very striking example of this is presented by the needles of silver fir on the witches' brooms caused by Aecidium elatinuvi. The needles normally vegetate for several years, but when infiuenced by this parasite they live only a single season. So also needles of spruce attacked by Accidwm cor- EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUx\GI ON THEIR HOST. 19 '^•^^*?icrfj?ix' Fig. Z.—Exoascus cerasi. Witches' broom of cherry. The supporting branch is dead from its apex backwards to the seat of aninfected lateral bud, which has developed into a witches' broom. On the tree the supporting branch pointed slightly more downwards than is shewn. J natural size. (v. Tubeuf phot.) 20 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. itscans, which may, in addition, bring ubont death of the whole shoot. Needles of spruce beset by aecidia of Chrysomyxa rhododcndri are cast after reproduction of the fungus in August or September, while with Chry>iomyxa ahietis the needles of Conifers fall in May. The latter examples differ somewhat from the former in that the mycelium lives in the witches' broom for years, and continues to send out new shoots with deformed needles, whereas in the Chrysomyxa attack the my- celium is confined to the needles and falls with them. Examples from other groups of fungi are the witches' brooms of Alnus incana caused by Exoascus einphyllus. The leaves of these are fully developed though somewhat modified in form ; their life-period is, however, shorter than that of normal leaves, and they fall earlier. It may be observed here that this phenomenon of- premature defoliation is one recorded as a consequent of many parasites. The witches' broom twigs of the alder grow and produce buds almost normally, yet the whole broom-system dies in a few years, and long before the normal life-period of the tree. The war of extermination by mycelium against host-plant may frequently last for a very long time. Hartig gives an example of a larch which had carried on the combat with the larch-canker (Peziza Willkommii) for over eighty years, because during active vegetation of the host the parasite was unable to make headway. . D. Premature Development of Buds. The unfolding of buds in spring in advance of those of normal plants is also a feature of many diseased plants. This is manifest in the earlier unfolding of buds on witches' brooms of the silver fir and cherry. The alder witches' broom, already referred to, is however exceptional, in that its buds open after those of normal twigs.^ A premature flowering may also result, so that flower-buds formed in summer unfold the same autumn instead of during the following spring. Thus in a recent autumn a violet opened in a plot in the garden of Professor Hartig in Munich. The flower was found to be somewhat stunted, and its stalk beset ^ Smith, " Untersuchungen d. Anat. u. Morph. tier durch Exoasceen veru- sachten deformationen." Inaug. Diss. Municli, 1894, p. 16. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THEIR HOST. 21 by pustules of Urocystis violae, the mycelium of which liad perennated in the stem. Kerner in his " Pflanzen-leben " ^ mentions a similar case where flowers of Primula clmiana and P. mijiima attacked by Uromyccs j^rimidae intcgrifoliac unfolded prematurely in autumn. E. Preservation of the Host-Plant and of Host-Tissues. (Conservation.) In contrast to those parasites which attack a plant, or parts of it, and immediately kill it or otherwise exert a direct destructive influence, we have these which live for a longer or shorter period with their host without producing such an effect. Cohabitation of this kind may last only for a short time and terminate with the first reproductive period of the fungus, or it may last for years as a perennating symbiosis, or as a perpetual one like that of lichens. This phenomenon is particularly conspicuous amongst the Uredineae. These throughout their whole development adapt themselves to an existence with living host-cells, so that the latter die only after the reproduction of the fungus. Frequently the mycelium lives in perennial organs for a length of time, even for many years. The attacked parts are of course injured to a certain extent, and hypertrophy of the most varied kind, accompanied by characteristic phenomena, may take place, yet this only towards the termination of the period of development. The Ustilagineae are in a similar manner adapted to an exis- tence in living organs, and there produce their spores. At the time of spore-formation and liberation they are deadly enemies of their host-tissues, yet previous to this they vegetate in the living tissues with little or no apparent injurious effect. Some like Ustilarjo pcrennans, even pass the winter in the living host- tissue without killing it. The individual species of the Hysteriaceae, Discomycetes, Pyrenomycetes, Hymenomycetes, and lower fungi differ very much in their action ; many of them inhabit living tissues for a length of time without injurious effect, while not a few, like the Exoasceae, even perennate from year to year. The galls pro- duced as a result of Exobasidium do not die till the fungus has reproduced itself. It is unnecessary at this place to give details 1 English Edition, Natural History of Plants (Oliver), n., p. 525. 22 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. of Other examples, since many of these will be referred to again in other chapters, particularly when hypertrophy is under consi- deration. § n. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE FORM OF THE HOST-PLANT. 1. Arrest of growth, and Atrophy. While a large number of fungi produce more or less extensive enlargement of parts of their host, others cause arrest of organs, crippling, impoverished nutrition, and even atrophy of an extreme kind. Incompletely developed organs of this kind may originate even where the fungus in possession produces only local hypertrophy. In- teresting examples are presented by many species of Synchytrmm { S. tarao.ricum and S. cmi- mones). The former is endo- phytic in Taraoxicum, and exerts a stimulus resulting in increased growth, not limited to the single cell attacked, but ex- tending to neighbouring cells, which, in consequence, multiply and form a ring-like swelling round it. The leaves as a whole, however, are poorly developed, so that the lamina in very extreme cases may be represented only by the midrib and narrow margin (Fig. 4) ; while on leaves attacked on one side, that side alone is stunted, the other is normal. Taraxacum leaves badly attacked by Puccinia are not at all deformed, whereas those of Anemone show striking arrest of growth (Fig. 190). Leaves of Cirsium attacked by P^iccinia snaveolens exhibit an arrest of the same kind, remaining less divided and of softer texture (Fig. 186). Flowers affected by parasitic fungi present many striking malformations. Magnus ^ describes such a case in Anemone Fig. i. — Synchylriv.m taraxaci. Partial atroiihy of laminae of Taraxacum officinale. About i natural size. (v. Tubeiif phot.) ^ Magnus, " Einfluss v. Parasiten auf d. Ausbildung d. befalleneu PflAiizen- theiles." Naturuiss. Bvndschau, 1891, No. 2o. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE FORM OF HOST-PLANT. 23 ranuncidoides under the influence of Aicidiv.m imndaiiim. In the simpler cases the floral leaves weie narrow, elongated, and greenish, stamens were formed but not carpels ; in more pro- nounced cases, the petals were only represented as small, simple, Fig. 5. — Cherry tree in blossom, with three " witches' brooms " in foliage, (v. Tubeuf phot.) stalked, green leaves, the stamens were reduced in number and there were no carpels. One case exhil)ited, in place of a flower, only two leaflets terminating the flower-peduncle, one of them palmately divided. 24 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITKJ ATTACK. True atrophy is best seen in those cases where flower-forma- tion is suppressed. This effect of parasitic fungi on their host is by no means uncommon, the fungus alone reproducing itself, while the assimilating host-plant remains sterile. This atrophy is found not only in annual plants, but also in those where the symbiosis might be designated as perennial. The last-mentioned case is exemplified in Accidium elatinum, the witches' broom of which never bears flowers ; again, by witches' brooms of Exoascus Fig. 6. — Euphorbia Ci/parissias. A healthy flowering normal plant compared with the attenuated non-flowering form inhabited by Aecidiuni euphorbiae. (V. Tubeuf phot.) ccircsi (Fig. 5), which bears only leaves when the rest of the tree is in blossom. Another perennial symbiosis behaving thus is shown in Euphorbia Cyparissias attacked by Accidium euphorbiae ; year after year the diseased shoots produce only leaves, which assist in the reproduction of the fungus (Fig. 6). Similarly with many other Uredineae. Arrest of the seed occurs in ovaries of species of Primus under the influence of Exoasci (Fig. 7). In flowers attacked by Ci/stopics EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE FORM OF HOST-PLANT. 25 the ovules become atropliied, whereas the rest of the flower is hypertrophied. Similarly with flowers of cowberry deformed by Exohasidiv.m. 2. Hypertrophy. — Many para- sitic fungi cause abnormal enlarge- ment or other malformation of plants which they attack. The simplest case of hypertrophy is seen in the enlargement of a uni- cellular plant as a result of an endophytic parasite, e.g. Filobolus KIcinii with Plrotrachclus. The same example is also the simplest possible case of a gall caused by a plant, and distin- guished by the name of " fungus- galls " or Mycocecidia, from Zooce- cidia, the galls caused by animals. Larger galls occur on leaves attacked by Si/nchytrium, where not only the single cell attacked becomes enlarged, but also the surrounding cells ; these galls, however, form but tiny points on diseased leaves. Similar small and local enlargements of the leaf-cells, accompanied frequently by cell multiplication, are caused by many other fungi, e.g. species of Exoascus. More extensive malformation may embrace some part or even the wdiole leaf, so that it is more or less enlarged and beset with blister-like outgrowths, as with other Exoasceae (see Figs. 62 and 64). Other gall-forms are presented by Exohasidium on the alpine-rose (Fig. 259), where the gall is always localized to a small area of the leaf, and on the cowberry, where the gall may extend over whole leaves, and even include the shoot (Fig. 256). Hypertrophy of the whole shoot, resulting in elongation and thickening of the twigs, is a phenomenon frec[uently met with in the " witches' brooms," to be referred to later. And just as entire branch-systems may become hypertrophied and elon- gated, so may whole plants, if the mycelium, instead of remaining localized, spreads throughout the plant. Examples of this will Fig. 7. — Fruit of plum deformed by Exoascus pruni ; the stone is shrivelled and abortive, -i natural size. (v. Tubeuf phot.) 26 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. be described when we consider Euphorbia with Accidium etiphorbiac (Fig. 6), house-leek with EndoiyhyUum, anemone with Aecidinm (Fig. 190), and cowberry witli Cab/ptosjiorn (Fig. 202). Where plants, like the cowberry and anemone, live in com- munities, then these elongated individuals rise above their healthy neiglibours, and the fructifying fungus has a better chance of having its spores distributed by wind. It must, however, be observed that when hypertrophy of a whole shoot or plant occurs, every part need not be enlarged to a propor- tionate extent ; in fact some parts generally remain abnormally small, r.(j. leaves in cases of rusts upon cowberry, fir, anemone, and others. On the other hand, both shoots and leaves may be abnormally enlarged, as in cases of alder with Exoascus Tosquinctii or Ex. tpiphyllus} Hypertrophy of the roots occurs on alder, where large tubers are produced by Frankia (Fig. 21). On Leguminosae, tubercles of various sizes are caused by Ehizohium (Fig. 22). Eoots of Juncus develop thick-lobed outgrowths as a result of Schinzia (Fig. 179). Eoots of turnip infested by Plasmodiopliora have irregular swellings of all sizes (Fig. 315). Mycorhiza frequently exhibit tubercles or balls formed by the massing together of very short dichotomously branched rootlets into clumps (Fig. 18). Cycad-roots, under the influence of Rhizobium and Nostoc, also exhibit hypertrophy.- We shall now proceed to consider hypertrophy of the repro- ductive organs, and at the same time to notice some other changes induced in the flower by parasitic fungi. Influence of parasitic fungi on the development of reproductive organs of host-plant. Disease of the flower and fruit, when not caused by fungi which kill the cell, generally causes striking floral malformation. These we may group as follows : 1. Atrophy or total suppression of flowers. 2. Arrested development of flowers. 3. Development of rudimentary organs. 4. Abnormal formation of flowers. 5. Hypertrophy of parts. 6. Transformation into sclerotia. ^ See also § 7. -Schneider, Botanical Gazette, 1894, p. 25. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE FORM OF HOST-PLANT. 27 The two first cases have already been considered. The arrest of the flowers of anemone, as a result of Aecidium punctahim, is a further example of Case 2, and at the same time exemplifies Case 4, in that the floral leaves become crreen foliage leaves, though of a very stunted kind. The petals of Cruciferae hyper- trophied under the influence of Cysto2nifi candidvf; often become green, and at the same time much altered in shape. A particularly interesting case is presented by the develop- ment of the stamens of the pistillate flowers of Lychnis dioica infested by the mycelium of Usfilago violacca. These stamens normally remain rudimentary, but in the diseased abnormal flowers become fully developed like those of the staminate flowers, except that the spores of the parasite replace the pollen in the anthers. Giard ^ has designated this phenomenon as " castration parasitaire," and he distinguishes three modifica- tions amongst unisexual flowers. {a) Stamens appear in pistillate flowers ("androgene castration parasitaire "). This occurs, as already mentioned, in pistillate flowers of Lychnis dioica frequented l)y UstUayo. (b) Ovaries are developed in staminate flowers (" castration thelygen "). Examples : Carcx praccox with Ustilago caricis, Buchloe dactyloidcs with TUlctia liichlo'eana, and Androj^oyoti provincialis with Ustilago andro^wgonis. (c) In flowers of either sex the sexual organs of the other appear in consequence of the influence of the parasite ("amphigene castration parasitaire "). Giard compares these cases with that of the development of the organs of the latent sex in animals, e.g. of cock's feathers on an old hen, or growth of horns on castrated or " gimmer " animals. In both cases the phenomenon is due to the same cause; in the animals the organs of the latent sex appear as the result of the normal organs becoming functionless or being destroyed by castration ; in the plants through stimulation of the latent rudiments by the fungus, which does not, however, cause suppression of the organs already present. In some respects the phenomenon is comparable with what happens when the terminal shoot of a tree is lost and some neighbouring lateral shoot turns vertically upward to replace it. The effect of fungi on the reproductive organs of plants ^ Mangin and Giard, Bulletin scient. de la France et de la Belgiqne, 1884. 28 REACTION OF HOST TO I'ARASITKJ ATTACK. may also be seen amongst lower cryptogamic plants, two cases of which may be mentioned here.^ Pleotrdchchts fulgens, inhabiting the mycelium of Piloholus Klcinii, causes the formation of galls and the suppression of sporangia, while at the same time zygospores, normally rare, occur in large numbers. Likewise a species of Syncrphalis parasitic in Pilohohis vrystallinKs causes suppression of sporangia and stimulates formation of zygospores. The transformation of floral organs may resemble that observed by De Bary, in which, as a result of attack of Peronospora violacea on Knautia arvcnsis, the stamens appeared in the form of violet petals. Doubling of flowers is also caused, as in Saponaria officinalis, under the influence of Ustilacjo saponariae, and Compositae with Peronospora radii. The Ustilagineae, perhaps, cause the greatest amount of varia- tion on the flower, because many of them produce their spores in the floral organs of their host. Thus, in the anthers live Ustilago violacea, holostei, scahiosae, intermedia, succisae, hetonicac, major, scoi'zonerac, ca2Jensis, pinguicolae, VaUlantii, and Tiihurcinuc jjrimulicola ; the last named also occurs in ovaries and stigma. So also do many others inhabit the ovary or some other part. Many, like Ustilago iiiaijdis, form spores throughout the plant as well as in the flower, and bring about hypertrophy and destruction of parts. Amongst these are Ustilago avenae, perennans, hordci, nnda, tritici, pianici miliacci, reiliana, crucnta, sorglii, Crameri, caricis, tragopogonis, Tillctia lacvis, etc. Ogsto2)us (Fig. 35) causes very characteristic hypertrophy of all parts of the flower, particularly an enormous outgrowth of the ovaries and floral envelopes, whereas other parts are. arrested in their growth. Wakker investigated a number of Cruciferae with flowers deformed by this parasite, and found variations in the form and anatomy of the deformations produced on the different host-species. PJ.cohasidium also causes w^ell-marked hypertrophy of flowers, and even of the whole inflorescence of cowberry. Woronin ^ describes and figures such cases (Fig. 256). All parts of the flower may be attacked and grow to a great size, becoming ^Zopf., Beitrage zur Physiol, und Alorph. niederer Orijanismen, 1892. Zopf., "zur Kenntniss d. Infections-Krankheiten nied. Thiere u. Pflanzen." yova Ada d. L Leop. -Carol. D. Akad. Hallt., 18S8, p. 356. - Naturforsch. Gesellschaft Freiburg-i.-B., 1867. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE FORM OF HOST-PLANT. 29 at the same time fleshy and of a bright rose-red colour ; the ovules are sterile or abnormally formed. Wakker, however, found no very marked change in the anatomical structure of such flowers. The species of the Exoasceae also produce striking hypertrophy of flowers. Thus there are the sac-like outgrowths of the catkin-scales or ovaries of poplar caused by Taphrina Johansonii and T. rhizophora (Fig. 52), and the "pocket-plums" or "fools" due to Exoascus loruni (Figs. 49 and 51). In these last- mentioned cases, the outer layers of the ovary become thick and fleshy, sometimes remaining green, while the stone and kernel remain rudimentary. The alder, under the influence of Exoascus alni incanac, has the catkin-scales much enlarged, deprived of chlorophyll, and of a red colour (Fig. 53). Mummification, or the transformation of the fruit into a fungal resting-body or sclerotium, is not unfrequent. In some respects this process resembles the change in ovaries brought about l)y XJstilagineae. Here, however, we have to do neither with hyper- trophy of the fruit, nor yet with its complete destruction. The best-known sclerotium is that of Claviceps purpurea (Fig. 84). It first fills up the base of the ovary, then kills it and grows out as a large horn-like sclerotium. The sclerotium of the oak {Sderotinia Batschiana) completely replaces the acorn, leaving only the outer covering enclosing it. Likewise, in the mummified berries of bilberry, cowberry, crowberry, cranberry, and others, one finds the normal parts almost wholly replaced by the resting-mycelium of some species of Sderotinia. Formation of new Organs. Although parasitic fungi commonly induce hypertrophy of existent organs and development of normal latent structures, they are seldom associated with formation of new organs. As such, however, we must regard the formation of adventitious buds on the fronds of Ptcris qv.adriaurita, Pietz, and Aspidium aristatum, Sw., under the influence of Taphrina Laurenda, and T. Cornu cervi, respectively.^ Buds or bulbils of this kind occur normally on several species of ferns ; but in those just mentioned they appear only as a result of the parasite, and develop into structures reminding one of a witches' broom. 1 Giesenhawen, Flora, 1892. 30 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC ATTAf cess of dissolution by ferments, o, of T/it/c/V.ora tOWaraS Cnc outer parts Ol i,-;,,.ui.c ■ l,, oi Polr/porus sulplmreus ; c, of Poly- thp (fVQin no n l-inrl <-.f ImoV j'orM i(/niarius. In a and b the iodine-reaction Llie gldUl as a kina OI nUSK, Is shown by shading. (After R. Hartig.) which is in time gradually used up. In Polyporus sidphurcus the operation is reversed ; the starch-cellulose appears to be dissolved out first, leaving a residue of granulose. These observations were based on the assumption that the starch-grain consisted of a granu- lose portion wliich turned blue with iodine, and a starch- cellulose portion which became yellow ; or again, on treating the starch-grains with dilute acids the granulose was dissolved, while the cellulose remained in the form of a skeleton. Although more recent investigations have shown that the cellulose-skeleton results from the action of the acids, and that this view of the constitution of the starch- grain was not quite correct, yet Hartig's observations prove that tlie various fungus- ferments have each their own action on starch-grains ; his results are also supported by other facts. Other fungi besides Polyporeae utilize the starch of their host-plants, thus Phytophtliora in leaves of the potato. The formation of calcium oxalate is influenced by action of parasites. From Wakker's synopsis of the phenomena of hyper- trophy, we find that calcium oxalate normally present in crystal- sacs in leaves and flowers of Rhamiius Frangida, is wanting in parts deformed by Acculiivm rliamni ; crystal-sacs are less abundant in diseased stems than in healthy ; the calcium oxalate in galls of Erobasidium is not present in crystal-sacs, as in the non-deformed organs, but as ill-defined solitary crystals of limited 36 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC AITACK. number ; on the other hand, crystal-sacs, normally absent, are, under the influence of E.wascus alni incaimc, formed in hyper- trophied catkin-scales of alder. It may be here observed that calcium oxalate crystals are foinid in the mycelium of many fungi. De Bary' found them very common, particularly in the mycelium of species of Botn/tis, and he remarks thereon : " it ma}' well be assumed that the oxalic acid is formed from the sugar inside tiie living oxygen-absorbing fungus-cell, but is immediately ejected therefrom by the carbon dioxide produced in respiration ; in other words, an oxida- tion-fermentation takes place in the plasma of the mycelium. The oxalic acid is probably separated in combination with potassium and converted into calcium oxalate, when calcium is present in the pabulum of the mvtelium.'' j; 7. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI OX THE CELL-WALT.. The effect of the mycelial hyphae of parasitic fungi on the cell-wall may be either mechanical or chemical. The intra- cellular hyphae of fungi and the apices of the haustoria of intercellular fungi must penetrate through the cell-walls of their host, either of the epidermis, or the membranes of other cells, consisting of cellulose alone, or in some state of lignification.- The membranes may be simply pricked, as Ijy a fine needle, so that the opening, because of the elasticity of the cellulose, closes up again after the perforating hypha has died. This is the case with many Uredineae. In such cases the hypha is constricted in passing through the cell-wall and swells out again in the free cell-cavity. Frequently, as in the case of Prrono- spora (lensa, the haustorium will only cause a depression in the membrane of the cell without penetrating it. In addition to purely mechanical perforation of the mem- brane, the effect of the hyphae may also be a chemical one, so that the wall is dissolved and the holes produced remain long after the hyphae which made them have disappeared. This solvent effect is probably always present in cases where per- foration of lignified membranes takes place. It is a constant 1 De Bary. Botan. Zeitun;/, 18S6. 2 De Bary. Biology and Morphology of the Fungi. English Edition. H. M. Ward. " On a lily-disease," Ann ah of Botany, 1888. Miyoshi. " Die Durchbohrung v. Membranen durch Pilze." 'Pringsheim's Jahrbuch, Vol. 28, 1895. EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE CELL-WALL. 37 accompaniment of the attacks of wood-destroying fungi on the woody parts of trees and shrubs. Besides actual perforation of the lignified membranes of their host, the hyphae of many of the Polyporeae and Agaricini exert a solvent effect on the walls, which extends over a considerable area, and is evidently due to the excretion of some ferment. The dissolution of the walls takes place, moreover, in a way sf) characteristic for each species of fungus that they can be determined by it alone. From this it must be deduced that each wood-destroying fungus excretes a ferment peculiar to itself, which causes a character- istic dissolution of the host. Our present sources of informa- tion on these points are the very valuable investigations of Professor Piobert Hartig of Munich. ^ Some of his results will repay our careful consideration, but we must preface briefly some facts regarding the process of lignification and the forma- tion of heart-wood in our forest-trees. The elements of the wood of dicotyledonous trees and woody plants are derived from the cambium ; their walls consist at first of pure cellulose, and when lignification takes place the so-called incrusting substances are laid down in the thickened cellulose wall, particularly coniferin, vanillin, wood-gum, tannin, etc. ; or as they may be collectively called, lignin. The cellulose membrane itself is coloured lilac with chlor-zinc-iodine ; when lignified it no longer shows this reaction, but has others peculiar to itself, the best known being red coloration on treatment with phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid, or yellow coloration with aniline sulphate ; chlor-zinc-iodine colours lignified tissues brownish-yellow. Copper-ammonium-hydrate dissolves cellulose but not wood.^ If the incrusting substances be removed from the lignified membranes by treatment with Schulze's solution, caustic soda, or other solvent, the cellulose remains and reacts as such. In the process of conversion of alburnum into dura- ' The most important of these works are : Die ZcrsktziuKjsi'rsche.hiunfitu d. Hohei d. Xadelhoher u. d. Eiche. With 21 coloured plates. Springer, Berlin, 1S7S. Der echte Hausschicamm, Meridius lac/tryman-s, 1885. Wichtir/e Kranl-heiten d. Waldhduma, 1874. Lehrbnch d. Baumkrankheitm, I. and II. Edition, 1882 and 1889. English translation of II. Edit, by Prof. W. Somerville. Lehrhuch d. Anatomit u. Physiolotjie d. Pjianzen, 1891. - For further reactions see : Zimmermann. Die bofauische Microtechnik. 1892. Strasburger. Das bofanische Praktikum, 1887. English Edition, 1889. 38 REACTION OK HOST TO I'AIIASITIC ATTACK. men otlier substances make their appearance in the ligiiified walls, chiefly tinctorial phlol)aphenes. Tlie walls of the wood-elements are, however, not lignitied to the same extent. The primary layer of the wall is, as a rule, lignified most and contains but little cellulose. In con- sequence, on treatment with lignin-solvents, it becomes first dissolved while the secondary and tertiary membranes, although their lignin is also partially dissolved out, remain behind as a distinct framework of cellulose. AVith longer treatment destruc- tion of the tissue proceeds till only the pure cellulose membi-anes of the isolated cells remain. The ferments of many fungi act in this way ; for example Tramctes 2nni, as shown in Fig. 1 2 ; at a the wall is in its normal condition, showing a primary Fio. 12. — Section of tracheides of pine-wood in process of dissolution by the feiinent of Trnmeles innl. ^\^. (After R. Hartig.) wall and two striated secondary membranes ; at h the fungus- ferment has caused a splitting of the primary wall, which formerly appeared as a single layer, and the elements are separating from each other ; the " filling-material " of the inter- cellular spaces (under c), and the ring of lime surrounding the cavity of the pit d, remain for a longer time ; the right wall of the cell h consists only of cellulose, (as indicated by the striation being no longer shown, although still present) ; in the cell <' the primary wall has disappeared, and the secondary and tertiary membranes thin off towards / in which only the ash constituents remain as fine granules, better seen in Fig. 13. In contrast to the lignin-dissolving fungi, there are those which dissolve cellulose. When wood is treated with sulphuric EFFECT OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE CELL-WALL. 39 acid the cellulose is dissolved out, and the primary wall remains almost intact, while the secondary after swelling is converted into sugar and gum. Certain fungi {e.g. Polyporvs vajwrcnHn.s, P. Schv;cinitzii and P. svlphnmifi), act in the same manner, first dissolving out and consuming the cellulose before attacking the wood-gum. When wood is destroyed by fungi of this Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fio. 13. — Tracheid of Pinus si/lvestris destroyed by Trametes pint. The primary cell-Wall is completely dissolved from below upwards to a, a ; 6, secondary and tertiary layers of the walls consisting in the under portion of cellulose only, in wliich granules of chalk are recoffnizable ; c, fungus-hyphae boring through the walls, leaving holes d and c. (After R. Hartig.) Fig. 14. — Tracheid of Pinus destroyed by Polyporui Schweiiiitzii. The cellulose has been extracted, and the wall consists only of wood-gum. The fissures are a result of drying-up, but they do not extend into the primary wall a, h. Crossing of the fissures takes place at the bordered pits c, and at the bore-holes d and e ; /, simple fissures. (After R. Hartig.) kind, the primary wall, containing but little, is hardly affected, and the secondary membranes shrink together, so that numerous fissures are produced running in a spiral direction, corresponding with that of the stratification (Figs. 13 and 14.) The tertiary membrane varies in its nature ; it may consist of pure cellulose or be more or less lignified, or even cuticularized. In the wood-fibres of some plants {Cytisus, Hamulus,) this 40 REACTION OK HOST TO PARASITIC ATTACK. layer becomes normally loosened from the other membranes, and appears as a separate tube in the cavity of the fibre. Variations of this kind in the structure of the wood must of course influence the action of the attacking fungus. The decay may be a local one, as with Tramek.s pini, T. radicvpcrda, Thelcphora pcrdix, which cause destruction of isolated spots only and produce holes here and there throughout the wood. On the other hand, the wood may be uniformly converted into H discoloured decayed mass. The walls may Ije simply pierced by little holes corresponding to the perforating hypha, or large portions of them may be more or less completely dissolved away, and either the cellulose or lignin remain behind as a skeleton. Hartig gives an interesting case which accompanies dry-rot {Mcrulius lacrymmis): the mycelium adherent to the cell-walls dissolves out the lime granules included in the mem- branes by the excretion of some fluid containing carbonic (or other weak) acid, in much the same way as roots corrode limestone. The dissolution of starch in wood has already been considered. In conclusion should be mentioned Hartig's observation that normal spruce wood, on treatment with ferric chloride, the reagent for tarmin, gives no coloration, such as is given by the same wood when destroyed by dry-rot. § 8. EFFECTS OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON THE ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF THEIR HOSTS. Effects of this kind can only be looked for where mor- phological changes have resulted from the presence of parasitic fungi, particularly in the case of hypertrophied organs. Wakker^ was the first to collect recorded evidence of anatomical changes due to hypertrophy ; he added to these by his own investi- gations, and classified the results. We shall therefore in this division depend chiefly on his publications. Enlargement of host-cells is one of the most frequent pheno- mena accompanying attacks of parasitic fungi. It may take place with both intracellular and extracellular parasites. A single cell hypertrophied in this way is the simplest possible form of a "fungus-gall" (see p. 25). Examples of 'Wakker, PriiKjsheim' s Jahrbiich, 1892. EFFECTS OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON TISSUES OF HOST. 41 simple galls of this kind are cells of Filohulus Klcinii inhabited by Pleotrachelus fulgens, cells of turnip infested by Plasmodio- phora, or of dandelion with Sijnchjjtriurn. Cell-enlargement resulting from the influence of extracellular parasites is most distinctly seen in those algal cells, which form lichens with the hyphae of certain fungi. Thus according to Stahl, the algal cells of the lichen Endocarpon ^j^/.s?7/?(?7i become enlarged six-fold. Cell-enlargement accompanies all hypertrophy of plant organs, whether the parasite lives purely intercellular, or has haustoria. At the same time one generally finds a disappearance of the intercellular spaces present in the normal tissues ; in some special cases, however, these may become more numerous and larger. Cell-enlargement, accompanied by disappearance of normal intercellular spaces and chlorophyll, are shown by Woronin's illustrations to be very marked in the galls on cow- berry, due to Exobasidium vaccinii. Cell-enlargement is also frequent in cases of hypertrophy due to Exoasceae ; thus in Taphrina av.rea, although the mycelium is only subcuticular or penetrates but slightly into the epidermal layer, yet the cells are much enlarged and their walls are strikingly thickened (Fig. 63). Smith ^ found that when leaves became thickened in consequence of attacks of certain species of Taphrina, tlieir cells became larger and rounder, so that the large intercellular spaces of the spongy parenchyma disappeared and the char- acteristic appearance of that tissue was lost. The epidermis, as has already been indicated, is influenced by fungi which live between the cuticle and cell-wall, as well as by epiphytic fungi, whose haustoria penetrate it. The epidermis is, however, more frequently destroyed by endophytes, which rupture it in forming their reproductive organs. Some of these produce their sporocarps inside the epidermal cells, and, as they enlarge, cause detachment of the outer walls of the cells from the remainder, to form for a time a covering which is ultimately ruptured as the sporocarps attain maturity. Where the fungi live under the cuticle (e.g. the Exoasceae), this alone is ruptured when the asci are formed. The repro- MVilliam G. Smith. " Untersuchung d. Morphologic u. Anatomie d. clurch Exoasceen verursachten Deformationen." Inaiig. Dissertation, Munich, 1894; also, Zeitschrift , 1894. 42 RKACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC: ATTACK. ductive inyceliuni of the following forms also grows only under the cuticle : Rhytisma andromedac, the spermogonial mycelium of Puccinia anemones, Fhragmidivm, and other Uredineae. In many cases of hypertrophy the epidermal cells become enlarged in a radial direction, and this, as in Taphrina aurea, may be accompanied by considerable thickening of the walls. In other cases, like that produced by Si/nrhi/fnuvi, the epidermal cells may become gelatinous. • The cork becomes abnormally increased in many examples of hypertrophy. Thus in witches' broom of alder due to F.roasc/'s qnphyUua a phelloderm is formed, while on normal twigs phellem alone is produced. Cork is found in juniper needles with (ri/mnosjjoraiu/iiim jvniperinum, though never in the normal needles. On the other hand, cork-formation is suppressed in twigs of hawthorn, deformed by Rocstelia lacrrata. The so-called "wound- cork" is constantly associated with attacks of parasitic fungi ; it separates diseased portions of rind and Imst from sound, forms sheaths round bundles of sclerenchyma, and permeates the medullary rays. Collenchyma was found by Wakker to be absent in all cases of hypertrophy of parts of plants where it is normally present ; for example, in stems and petioles of cowberry attacked by Exobasidium, stems of buckthorn with Aecidium rhamni, of Crataegus with Rocstelia. lacerata, of nettle with Aecidium urticae, and of Sawfuisorhia with Xenodochus carhonarius. On stalks of Umbelliferae with pustules of Protomyces, I found, where the collenchyma region was involved, that that tissue was not developed (Fig. 46), In all cases of hypertrophy, parenchyma plays an important part. Most abnormal outgrowths result from multiplication and enlargement of the cells of the parenchyma, the formation of mechanical tissues being more or less suppressed. Thus the gigantic examples of hypertrophy exhibited by turnips infested by P]asmodiop)hora, consist almost exclusively of parenchyma. Thickening of stems or branches is generally due to increase of the rind-parenchyma, as in buckthorn under influence of Aecidium rhamni, hawthorn with Gymnosporangium davariae- formc, in most witches' brooms, and in many other cases. In EFFECTS OF PARASITIC FUNGI ON TISSUES OF HOST. 43 the witches' brooms due to Accidium clatinum, the pith appears enlarged as the result of increase of the medullary parenchyma. In diseased leaves, i>alisade parenchyma can frec^uently no longer be distinguished from spongy, and only irregular polygonal cells are formed. As examples may be given needles of tir with Accidium ahietinum, and leaves with galls due to Exoasceae. Finally, there may be a marked increase of wood-pareijchyma, both of medullary rays and the wood proper ; this is especially well marked in Jvnipcrus communis affected by Chjmnos'porcmgiuvi junipcrinum} where in consequence of an enormous increase of the parenchyma of rind and medullary rays, the tracheidal regions become separated by broad wedge-shaped rays, and at the same time they are peripherally intersected by bands of paren- chymatous tissue resulting from increased development of the wood-parenchyma (Fig. 220, etc.). The Sclerenchyma is generally suppressed where hypertrophy occurs. Examples mentioned by Wakker are stems of cowberry with Exohasidium, of hawthorn with (jrijmnosporangiutn, of Sanguisorhia with Xenodockiis, and alder catkin-scales with Exoascus. On the other hand, sclerenchyma is developed in stems of Cirsium as a residt of Puccinia suaveolens, whereas normally it is absent. The secondary vessels of the wood frequently remain irregular, and with imperfectly absorbed partition-walls. According to Wakker, this is the case in Vaccinium with Exohamlivm, Crataegus with Rocstclia, and Rhammi.s with Accidium. Suppression of interfascicular cambium- was observed by Wakker in buckthorn and nettle with their respective Aecidium parasites. Prolonged activity of the same tissue he found in Sisymhriam with Cystopus. Arrest of lignification was found by Wakker in medullary rays of Crataegus with Eoestclia, and in deformed scales of alder catkins affected by Exoascus. We have already considered increased growth in length and thickness in connection with hypertrophy. It need only be added that increased thickness of woody plants may be due to increase of the rind, the bast, the pith, or medullary rays, and not ^ P. Wornle. " .Anatomische Untersuchung d. durcli Gymnosporangiuni-Arten hervorgei'ufenen Missbildungen. " Inaixg. Diss., Miiiichen, 1894 ; also, ForstUch- nafnnniss. Zeit-schrift, 1894. 44 REACTION OF HOST TO PARASITIC A'lTACK. to increase in the actual wood elements. This is the case in twigs of silver fir witches* brooms, in young swellings of juniper attacked by fTi/mnoxporaiujiiini, and in the thickened twigs of Alhizzia resulting from Uromyecs Tcp'pcrianiia (Fig. 181). There may be, however, a distinctly increased growth of the wood. Thus, with attacks of Gymno^'porangmm frequenting juniper, especially G. mhinae, there is often a marked thickening of branches due to increase in the xylem-elements. Again, one finds cankers due to Aecidium elatinum, accompanied by stem- swellings with a diameter twice or three times that of the normal, and in which the bark and bast form but a thin layer in proportion to the part made up by the wood. Exceptionally striking are the gigantic woody knots formed on the Japanese Pinus dcnsijiora, and P. Thunbergii affected by Peri- dcrmium gifjantcvtii (Fig. 15). Wakker found that mu- cilage canals of Rhamnua Franyida affected by Aeci- dium were not so well developed as in normal twigs. IJesin-canals are often irregularly formed and ab- FK!. 13.— at this (V. Tnbeuf phot.) 13. — Wood-swelling on i'irtu^ (?c/isir?o/(t, attacked normally multiplied ill con- place by Periderraium giganlev.m. J natural size. " *• beuf phot.) sequence of parasites. The (On Pmits r/iiuiterpustilllargerexaniples may occur.) ^ ^ resin-canals of the spruce were found by Hartig to be so numerous in plants attacked by Atjaricas melleus that an abnormal quantity of resin is produced in the wood, and flows from the diseased roots ; hence has arisen the name " resin-glut " or " resin-flux " by which the disease has long been known. A particularly noticeable flux of resin takes place from pine-bark in presence of Pcridcrmium pini ; the mycelium grows in the medullary rays and resin- canals, causing an excretion of resin from all living parenchyma in the wood, so that both bast and wood become completely impregnated with resin, and thin sections of wood transmit a rose-coloured li^ht. CHAPTER III. KELATION OF PARASITE TO SUBSTRATUM. § 9. EFFECT OF THE SUBSTRATUM ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARASITE. A NUMBER of parasitic fungi live only on one species of host. For example Sclcrotinia haccantm on Vaccinium Myrtillus, Chrysomyxa ahietis on Picea excelsa, Triphragmmm ulmariae on Sinraea ulmaria, Hysterium nervisequitmi on Abies pectinata, Rhytisma androuudae on Andromeda yolifolia. De Bary^ proposed for cases like this the term monoxeny, while to cases in which a parasite frequents several different species of host he gave the name polyxeny, or more particularly, dixeny, trixeny, etc. As examples of polyxeny may be mentioned Rhytisma scdicinum found on all species of willow, and Rhytisma aceriniim on the genus Acer. Other parasites attack not only difierent species of some genus, but also different genera ; thus, Pv.ccinia graminis occurs on various cereals and grasses, Phytophthora omnivora on many different plants, Phyllactinia suffulta on leaves of Corylv.s, Fag us, and many other trees ; Clavice2)s 2^'^^''Wrea on a large number of cereals and grasses, Cystoinis candidus on many Cruciferae, and Ncctria cinnaharina on all kinds of broad-leaved trees. Monoxeny and polyxeny must be carefully distinguished from the autoecism and heteroecism of the Uredineae. Many species of this group go through their whole life-liistory, and produce all their forms of spore on the same host, others, however, pro- duce some forms of spore — spermatia and aecidiospores — on one host, and the remainder — uredospores and teleutospores — on 1 Bofanische Zeitung, 1867, p. 264. 46 IIKLATION OF PARASITK TO SUBSTRATUM. another host. Such heteroecious parasites may be, however, also monoxeiious ; for example, Mclamjjsora Goeppertiana has its teleutospore-form only on the cowberry, its aecidiuni-form only on the silver fir. On the other hand, Chrysomyxa rhododcndri frequents several species of Rhododendron, while the aecidia occur only on Picca cccelsa ; Cronartiuni nsclcpiadeum comes on both Gentiana and Cynanchum, the aecidial stage only on Pinus sylvestris. With Gymnosporanyium clavariaeforrnc this condition is reversed, the teleutospore-form occurs only on Jimipcrus covwmniH, the aecidial on various species of Crataegits and other genera. The effect of various substrata on the development of any fungus may l)e most conveniently investigated : {a) on facul- tative parasites and saprophytes, (6) on polyxenous species of fun<^i, (c) in cases where the fungus inhabits essentially different organs or tissues of the same host. The most obvious effect of the substratum is presented during the germination of spores. The spores of most parasites ger- minate in water. Those of certain smut-fungi, especially in the fresli condition, will not germinate at all, or only to a very limited extent in water, whereas they will do so immediately and unanimously on being offered a nutritive solution. Tilletia, a genus of Ustilagineae, behaves, however, in quite the reverse way, it germinates only in water, and refuses to do so in nutritive solutions. Hartig found that the spores of dry-rot (Mcridius) would neither germinate in water nor in the usual nutritive solutions, but that they did so at once on adding alkalies to the water, such as those supplied by addition of urine. Very characteristic is the behaviour of these spores, which only germinate in contact with their host-plants, like many Chytridieae ^ (Synchytrmm), as well as Complctoria and Protomyccs? Others again send out germ-tubes which remain small and soon die away if an immediate opportunity of penetration into a host is not presented. De Bary states this to be the case with swarm-spores of Cystopus, Pcronospora nivca, Erysipheae, etc. Amongst the Uredineae, the germ-tubes are short-lived ; they will penetrate into almost any ' De Bary, Morphology and Biology of the Fiiiuji, chap. vii. "-' An exactly parallel case is presented by the seed of Orobaucheae, which germinate only in contact with the roots of their host (Koch's "Orobanchen," Heidelberg, 1887). EFFECT OF SUBSTRATUM ON DEVELOPMENT OF FARASTfE. 47 host, but soon die off, if it be not a suitable one. De Baiy also observed a germ-tube of Peronospora pygmaea, which frequents Anemone, making its way into Banimculus Ficaria, but soon to die. Germinating spores of Cystcrpus canduhis will enter the stomata on leaves of any of their host-plants, especially Ccqosella, but will only develop further if they are successful in penetrating into the cotyledons. Variation in the substratum produces very great difference in the formation of the reproductive organs. Thus many Ustila- gineae produce conidia by continuous sprouting only when cultivated in nutritive solutions, while their resting-spores are developed only from a mycelium which inhabits the reproductive organs of their host ; this is the case with Ustilayo caricis, U. anthearum, and U. tritici. In others the spores are found in all parts of the flower, and even in the inflorescence, as in Ustilayo crucnta and U. trayopugonis, while in Ustilayo maydis spores are also produced in leaves and stems. The various parts of the same plant behave very differently in this respect. The Ustilagineae just considered reproduce them- selves only on certain organs of their host, although the mycelium is also present in other organs. Other fungi behaving similarly are Epiclilo'e typhina which produces its perithecia only on the surface of the sheath of one of the leaves just below the inflorescence ; Aecidium elatinum develops its aecidia only on the needles of the witches' broom ; Aecidium euphorhiac has its aecidia only on the leaves of its host ; JExoascus pruni has asci only on the fruit ; Cedyptospora produces teleutospores in the epidermal cells of the stem, never of the leaves ; and so on in many other cases. The formation of oogonia of Cydopua exhibits a striking vari- ation according to the host-plant. Cystojnis candidus on Capsclla produces conidia alone, never oogonia ; yet the latter are plenti- fully developed in flowers of Brnssica, being confined, however, to the flowers, while conidia are produced in all parts. Cysto2nis hliti forms conidia only in the leaves, and oogonia only in the stems of AmarantluLS hliturn} The mycelium of many other fungi can only grow in certain organs, while germ-tubes from the spores are only able to pene- trate into certain parts of the host. Thus, Kronscus alni incanae 1 De Bary, Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, English Edition, p. 391. 48 RELATION OF PARASITE TO SUBSTRATUM. has a mycelium only in catkin- scales ; E.i:oascus p7'nni, however, hibernates in the twigs, and forms reproductive organs only in the walls of the ovary ; Aeciclium struhilinum grows only on the cone-scales of spruce; Claviceps frequents only the young ovaries of cereals and grasses ; and so on, other fungi inhabit only leaf, stem, root, or flower. In this connection points of considerable interest are presented b,y the behaviour of many Uredineae hitherto little investi- gated. As was pointed out by De Bary, the germ-tubes produced from both uredospores and aecidiospores (in Puccinia dianthi those from sporidia also), penetrate into the stomal a of any phanerogamous plant. If, however, that should not be a host-plant of the fungus in question, then the germ-tubes die away in the stomatal air-cavity. If the host suits the fungus only in a limited degree, then no hypertrophy will result, and the latter will attain only to the formation of spermo- gonia. Let the host, however, be the one best suited to the fungus, then hypertrophy will result and aecidia be developed. Very conclusive evidence of this interesting condition has been furnished by numerous experiments which I have carried out with spores of Gymnosporanyium} If one infects Crata.rjjvH Oxyacantlm with G. clavariaeforme, very marked stem- hypertrophy results, even by the time the spermogonia have made their appearance ; there is also consideraljle swelling of leaves and slight enlargement of cotyledons, while aecidia are produced in numbers everywhere. When the same fungus is used to infect Pyrus Ancv/paria, no yellow spots or malformation of any kind results, and spermogonia, hardly visible with a lens, are formed only here and there. A similar infection on Pyrus latifolia {P. Aria X tormincdis) results in a crop of badly developed aecidia. If quince be infected, then without any hypertrophy whatever, little red spots bearing numerous spermogonia are formed on the leaves, but the development of the fungus ceases there ; on the death of the quince leaves, the chlorophyll is retained in the immediate neighbourhood of the spermogonial spots, so that they remain for some time as green islands on the yellow leaf. E. Hartig's infections with Melampsora trcvndae also led to varied results ; on Pimis there ensued a distinct disease of the cortex (Cacoma pinitorqinim)^ ' V. Tubeuf, Centralblatt f. Bacteriologic u. Farasitenkunde, 1891. EFFECT OF SUBSTRATUM ON DEVELOPMENT OF PARASITE, 49 while on Larb: only little cushions appeared on the needles (Caeoma laricis). These variations in the effect of the substratum on the development and reproduction of the parasites assist us to understand the well-known resistance of certain varieties and species against epidemic diseases, which are sweeping off their near allies. Thus, we know that some varieties of cereals suffer from attacks of rust-fungi more than others grown under like conditions. Similarly amongst the varieties of vine some are known to be more sensitive to disease than others. These points will be more fully discussed in a subsequent chapter. CHAPTER IV. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION. § 10. Ill artificial infection we have a safe mode of distinguishing whether a fungus is parasitic or not ; in other words, whether it is capable of penetrating into the organs of living plants. This method of investigation should always be resorted to in determining the cause of disease, more especially if mycelium or sporocarps of several fungi are present on the diseased material simultaneously. For it not unfrequently happens that the disease has made so much progress as to make it quite impossible to determine whether or not any fungi present on the dead remains are really the cause of disease. In many cases where one finds a mycelium in living parts, it has disappeared, and only sporocarps remain in portions already killed. Injuries due to insects frequently accompany fungi on a diseased plant, so that it is extremely difficult to say which was the primary cause of the damage, and artificial infection must be resorted to. So also with injuries from some external source like drought, heat, cold, moisture, and mechanical causes. Fungi appear so soon after hurtful agents like these, that it becomes doubtful whether they are the cause of the death of the host, or the result of it. Minute observations in situ of all the circumstances connected with the attack, combined with examination of numerous speci- mens and comparison with neighbouring plants, enable one, after some experience, to say with a fair degree of certainty, whether the disease in question is of fungoid origin or not. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION. 51 The exact proof, however, is best obtained by means of experi- mental infection. With many parasites the sporocarps are normally developed saprophytically on a dead substratum, so that if parasitism be suspected it can only be proved by infection. Thus the perithecia of Nedria cinnabariiui develop only after the death of the plant-organ, which the fungus attacked when alive. The more complex reproductive organs of many fungi are developed only on dead remains of the host, while on living or dying parts one finds various forms of conidia of doubtful relation- ship. In many cases it has been possible, by means of artificial culture alone, or combined with artificial infection, to prove various forms of reproductive organs to be stages in the life of the same fungus. When a group of fungi contains both saprophytes and parasites, it is often necessary to determine whether some species is para- sitic or purely saprophytic. This is particularly the case with the groups of Pyrenomycetes, Discomycetes, Hymenomycetes, several groups of the lower Fungi, the Bacteria, and Myxomycetes. It is unnecessary, however, with the Uredineae, Ustilagineae, Per- onosporeae, Exoasceae, and other groups known to contain parasites exclusively. But even in these last-mentioned groups experimental in- fection is necessary for obtaining information on other points. The reproductive organs of Uredineae cannot be reared in artificial solutions, so that their cultivation must be carried out on the living host-plant. In this way alone can we ascertain the relationship of uredospores, teleutospores, and aecidial-forms, where any doubt occurs as to their belonging to the same species. Infection becomes particularly valuable when one has to investigate heteroecious Uredineae, whose various forms of reproductive organs inhabit several host-plants. Thus it was by means of infection that De Bary discovered the connection of Accidium herbcridis on the barberry, and Fuccinia graminis on cereals ; likewise Hartig, the relationship of Mclampsora Gocp- pertiamt on cowberry with Accidium coliimnarc on needles of silver fir. There still remain many aecidia, teleutospores, and uredospores, whose related forms have not yet been found. Infections are also necessary to determine the species of a fungus. It has been found, for example, that Gi/mnosporangium 52 NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION. confusum and G. sabinnc may, in their aecidial stage, be dis- tinguished as two species inhabiting distinct hosts — Crataerjiis and P'i/riis respectively — whereas, in their teleutospore stage on juniper, they scarcely vary. In infection we have an important aid in determining the host-plants of the various forms of heteroecious fungi, and in this way it has been found that the same fungus behaves difierently according to the host-plant on which it is present. Thus, in the genus Gy^nnosporangium, I have found that a certain species had well-developed aecidia on one plant, poorly developed ones on another, while on a third only si)ermo- gonia appeared. Similarly, in that case already mentioned, Hartig found the Mclam2)sora of the aspen to produce on the pine a disease of the cortex, accompanied by marked deformation, while on the larch the symptoms were mere inconspicuous aecidia on the needles. Amongst the Ustilagineae, experimental infection is necessary to determine whether the natural infection of host-plants results from germinating spores (chlamydospores), or from germinating conidia (sporidia). Klihn was able by this means to demonstrate exactly that the spores of Ustilagineae produced germ-tubes capable of direct infection. Brefeld succeeded in observing the penetration of germinating sporidia into a host-plant. In this way he proved, amongst other facts, that maize may be attacked by Ustilago maydis on any young part ; also, that the mycelium remained local. Oats, on the other hand, could only be infected by Ustilago avenae at the neck of the young seedling, and the mycelium extended through the plant till it reached the inflor- escence, where the spores are formed. In the case of the Exoasceae, two points were cleared by the aid of artificial infection — the penetration of spores into leaves of host-plants, and the production of witches' brooms. Sadebeck,^ by means of infections of Exoascus epiphyllus on Alnus incana, has produced witches' brooms artificially, thus proving that these malformations really originated from the mycelium of Exvascus. It is by infection-experiments that one determines into which part of a host the germ-tubes penetrate, whether into leaf, flower, fruit, stem, or root, and also whether it passes through the epidermis, or between two adjacent epidermal cells, or through ^ Kritische. Unter.mchtinrjen iiber d. clwch Taphrina herioryehrachteji Baum- kranl-heiten, 1890. NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION. 53 the stomata. Also, whether the germ-tube formed from a germinating spore penetrates direct, or if, as shown by De Bary for Sderotinia, a mycelium vigorous enough to penetrate must first be developed saprophytically. In this connection De Bary ^ states that tlie germ-tubes from all aecidio- spores and uredospores only penetrate by stomata, and thence extend through the intercellular spaces. Entry through the stomata has also been observed on the germ-tubes from sporidia of Leptopucdnia dianthi, and from spores of Entyloma. On the other hand, germ-tubes from the spores of teleutospores, from spores of Peronosporeae, Ustilagineae, Sderotinia, Polystigma, Pro- tomyces, and Sijndiytrium effect an entrance through the outer cell-walls into the epidermal cells or stomatal guard-cells. De Bary also describes the peculiar behaviour of zoospores of Cystopus and Peronospora unihelliferarnm, which, if they come to rest near a stoma, germinate, and the germ-tube enters therein, whereas one developed in water soon dies. Certain fungi penetrate sometimes through the membrane, sometimes by a stoma, e.g. — Phytophthora infestans, Peronospora parasitica, Exobasidium vaccinii. In the case of Phytophthora omnivora, Hartig found that the germ-tubes from the zoospores crept along the surface of the leaf till they reached a place where two epidermal cells adjoined ; there they entered, and only rarely grow into the epidermal cells. The germ-tubes of Protomyces macro- sporus and Tuburdnia trientalis enter their hosts in the .same wav. From experiments, one is able to determine the conditions favourable, or otherwise, to infection by parasitic fungi; to ascertain the influence of temperature, air-moisture, water-content of the host, hairiness of the leaves, and the effect of resin or other excretions as protections to wounds. For example, it was in this way that Hartig found Salix pulchra {pruinosn x daphnoides) to be a hybrid which, on account of its hairy leaves, is more resistant to Mclampsora than Salix pminosa.'^ Much investiga- tion remains yet to be done in this direction to ascertain what varieties or species of cultivated plants are likely to be least liable to attack by epidemic diseases.^ The methods used in carrying out artificial infection are based on the observation of cases of natural infection. Most frequently infection is performed by means of spores, less often with mycelium. The spores of lower forms of fungi are generally distributed by means of water, especially in dew or rain. Zoospores are ^ Morphology and Biolor/y of the Ftrngi, English Edition, pp. 361-362. -Hartig, Diseases of Trees, English Edition, 1894, p. 171. ^See Chapter v. on "Disposition." 54 NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL INFECTION. completely adapted for distribution in water. Amongst the higher fungi, spore-distribution almost always takes place by means of wind. Insects as agents are rare, although one does occa- sionally find special adaptations intended to secure their visits. The spores of many fungi are forcibly ejected from the sporo- carps, asci, or sporangia ; some of the many arrangements which ensure this will be given in the special part of this book, others will be found in the works of Zopf,^ and De Bary.^ Ludwig, in his text-book,^ points out that the spores of many Ustila- gineae frequenting entomophilous flowers, are provided with ridges and spines, which are probably an adaptation to their transportation by insects; smooth-coated spores are more common on leaves, stems, and organs other than the flower, and are evidently distributed l)y the agency of wind. The mode of distribution and infection is quite apparent in many fungi. Thus in the oat-smut (Ustilajo avenoe), the diseased ears in a field rise above the sound, so that the light dusty spores are shaken out in clouds by the slightest wind ; they hibernate on the earth or on straw, and germinate in spring to infect the oat-seedlings at the base of the stem. Equally simple is the distribution of spores and conidia from one plant to another by wind during summer. Good examples of this mode are the conidia of the Erysipheae, and the aecidiospores and uredospores of the Uredineae. Thus, the yellow spores of C]irysomy.ra rlwdodcrulri, when the aecidia are present in very large numbers on the needles of spruce, may cause the phenomenon known as " sulphur-rain." It is well known that this is generally due to the yellow pollen of conifers caught and carried to the ground in showers of rain, but E. Hartig describes a case observed by him near Achen-see (Tyrol), where objects were covered by a yellow dust, consisting exclusively of spores of Chrysomjpxi. Spores of this kind are capable of transport to very great distances, so that heteroecious species can still keep up their connection even though by no means near each other. Aecidiospores of all kinds are distributed more by wind than by insects. In rare cases, however, the aecidia have a sweet floral iZopf, Die Pilze, 1890, p. 349. -De Bary, Morpholoe carried out, while at the same time the cultivator could have advice with regard to the nature of any disease and its treatment. Another system for the supply of information is to be found in collections of specimens of plant- diseases arranged for easy reference in places accessible to the public. State supervision over crops under cultivation is also desirable with a view to collect and distribute information concerning prevalent crop-diseases. The same agency could also arrange and, if need be, enforce a general and simultaneous treatment of widespread epidemics, where proved methods were known and advisable. Such regulations for supervising and combating a plant-disease are already universally applied against the Phyl- loxera. Similarly in Germany and other countries official notice is annually given for extermination of mistletoe ( Visciim album) on fruit-trees, and in Prussia the combating of Gnomonia erythrostoma is carried out by order of the police authorities. The tar-ringing of trees as a preventive against attacks of pine moth {Gastrojyacha pint), is regularly enforced everywhere in forest-countries, and with the best result. In a similar manner, in most countries, this and other forest pests are supervised by the penal code, and combated with success. By arrangements of this kind it is possible to keep certain diseases completely in check. Thus, as a result of regular in- spection and the timely use of tar-rings, a dangerous outbreak of pine moth is well-nigh impossible. Again, the universal steriliza- tion of the seed-corn of cereals before sowing has done much to exterminate smut-diseases. In the case of the Dodder-disease, much can be done for its prevention by the careful purification of clover seed. We shall consider the methods for combating parasitic fungi under the following heads : I. Methods for extermination and removal of the parasitic fungi alone. (1) Killing of fungi attached to seed through sterilization by means of hot water or copper steep-mixtures. (2) Combating leaf-frequenting fungi by dusting or spraying with mixtures containing sulphur or copper. (3) Excision and extermination of the sporophores of Polyporeae and- Agaricini on orchard or garden trees. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 65 (4) Eemoval and destruction of dead parts of plants carrying sporocarps or other hibernating stages of any fungus. II. Methods for combating fungi by removal of diseased plants or plant-organs. (1) Eemoval of the parts of a host-plant harbouring fungi. (2) Eemoval of the whole or part of a complementary host of a heteroecious fungus, for the purpose of saving the other host or hosts. III. The avoidance or removal of conditions which favour infection. (1) Preventive measures against wound infection; antiseptic and aseptic wovmd-treatment. (2) Avoidance of localities favourable to disease. (3) Avoidance of the massing together of plants of the same species and like age ; rotation of crops on the same cultivated area. (4) Avoidance of neighbourhood of those plants which are hosts of the same heteroecious fungus. IV. Selection and cultivation of varieties and species of cultivated plants least liable to the attacks of parasites. I. Extermination and removal of the parasitic fungi alone. (1) That the seed be clean and free from the spores of parasitic fungi, is a most essential condition. The purity of seed is investigated in seed-control stations,^ where special attention is paid to purity of seeds {e.g. clover, from its liability to contain seeds of the parasitic Dodder), and to their freedom from spores of smut or other fungi. As a preventive against smut, especially those forms due to species of Ustilagineae, sterilization of the seed is adopted,^ This is chiefly carried out by the use of " steeps," which kill the smut-spores adherent to the seed. The composition of the steep-liquid, and the duration of immersion are the points to be attended to, and for these various recipes are extant. Eecently 1 State-aided stations of this kind are fairly numerous in Germany, France, and other continental countries, also in America. It is thus somewhat remark- able that in Britain this important work receives no state recognition, but is left in the hands of more or less experienced analysts, or others. (Edit.) -Swingle, W. F. "Grain-smuts and theii- prevention." Yearbook of U.S. Dept. of Ag7-iculture, 1894. A very useful summary. (Edit.) E 66 PREVENTIVK AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. it lias been pointed out that the different species of Ustilago have different powers of resistance, and must be treated accordingly. It has been found from experience that when trustworthy and tested steeps are in general use in any neigh- bourhood, the diseases of crops caused by Ustilagineae gradually disappear. This is due to the fact that the smut-fungi frequent principally the cultivated cereals, while they are comparatively rare on the wild grasses from which, as in the case of " rusts," they might make their way to the cultivated forms. Sterilization hy Copper Sulphate. The " steep " which is in most general use is that first recom- mended by Kiihn ^ in 1858. It consists of a i per cent solution of copper sulphate prepared as follows : 1 lb. crushed commercial sulphate of copper (blue vitriol or bluestone) is dissolved in hot water and added to 22 gallons of water. The seed is poured into the " steep " and allowed to stand covered with the liquid for a night (twelve to sixteen hours). The seed is then taken out and allowed to drip. An improvement on this method consists in running off the copper sulphate liquor and adding milk of lime (prepared by soaking 1 lb. good lime in 4 gallons of water), after stirring for about five minutes, again run off the liquor and allow the grain to drip. If sown by hand the seed may be used in a few hours, if by machine it must dry for twenty-four hours. Sterilization hy Hot Water. Jensen's method for treatment of seed-grain by hot water, consists in placing the seed for a certain time in water at a temperature which does not injure the grain, but is sufficient to kill any adherent smut-spores. This takes place in five minutes in water at 132° F. (55° C), but the germinating power of the grain will not be injured though it remains a quarter of an hour. The immersion is carried out by placing the seed in a vessel easily permeable by water ; a bushel basket lined with coarse canvas serves very well. A convenient quantity of seed ^Julius Kiihn, Die Krankheiten d. KnUnrgewdchse, 1858, p. S6. Numerous articles on this subject have from time to time appeared in the agricultural Journals and Bulletins. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 67 to handle in such a basket would be a full half-bushel. The hot water is best contained in two large boilers, the first at a moderate temperature, serving to wet the grain somewhat and to prevent cooling of the water of the second boiler, which must be maintained between 130' F. to 134' F. A lower temperature will not ensure death of all spores, a higher will injure the grain. The grain is immersed a few minutes in the first boiler, then placed in the second for fifteen minutes, being meanwhile frequently shaken to ensure complete sterilization. Next the basket and its contents are cooled in cold water and the grain spread out to dry.^ The important point in the application of these methods is their general and simultaneous use throughout a whole district. For smut-diseases the removal of diseased plants is at the same time a preventive and a combative measure. This is not difficult where the plant is large or the disease conspicuous, as with the maize-smut ; the diseased plants can then be re- moved and burnt before the smut-spores are shed. If the smut is not very prevalent it is possible to keep it in check by removal of diseased specimens on such crops as maize, barley, wheat, and oats. This treatment can also be applied to some garden-smuts like that on violets. Brefeld recommends as a preventive measure the avoidance of the use of fresh farmyard manure. Smut-spores from in- fected hay or straw, which finds its way to the manure heap, germinate there and multiply yeast-like giving rise to conidia, which, on exhaustion of nutrition, give rise to germ-tubes capable of infecting seedling plants. The spores are capable of germination even after being eaten with the fodder and passing through the digestive canal of animals. In this connection Professor Wollny carried out the following experiment at my instigation : three fields situated at some distance from each other were sown with maize, which I had mixed with living spores of Ustilago maydis collected the previous autumn. One field was left unmanured, the second received old farmyard manure, the third fresh. All plants in the first plot grew up healthy, two of the second were diseased, and eleven of the third. The summer being a dry one the number of diseased iln the literature issued from the United States Experimental Stations other "steeps" are given, with results. (Edit.) 68 PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. plants was smaller than usual. The immunity from smut with old manure is probably explicable on the assumption that in it the kind of nutriment suitable for the smut-conidia is ex- hausted, so that any spores, which may sprout, die off. It must, liowever, be here observed that the spores of some species of smut-fungi {e.cj. TiUctia, the stinking brand of wheat) do not germinate directly in manure, but do so in water easily. The spores of most smuts are adapted to a long winter rest. (2) Other diseases are fought and prevented from spreading by the direct extermination of the fungus or its reproductive organs while in full activity on the growing host-plant. For this purpose Fungicides are used, either as powders or solutions applied to diseased plants. These reagents are employed with most success against epiphytic fungi, where the mycelium is fully exposed on the surface of tlie host. The Erysipheae are generally treated in this manner, especially the powdery mildew of the vine {Oidium Tuckeri or Uncimda sjnralis). This vine-parasite is combated by dusting from time to time with dry powdered sulphur or flowers of sulphur. The sulphur may be simply shaken from a tin with perforated lid, or it may be blown on by a sprayer provided with a bellows, or dusted on by a sulphur-brush, consisting of a hollow handle filled with sulphur which distributes the powder through fine perforations in its end to a tassel of fine bristles. In a similar manner may be treated the powdery mildews of hop, rose,, peach, apricot, apples, etc., caused hy Erysipheae. Fungicides are also used against fungi with endophytic mycelia. The Peronosporeae cause injury to quite a large number of cultivated plants, and many methods of treatment have been employed against them. The mycelium lives inside the host-plant, especially in its leaves, and only the conidiophores make their appearance externally. Dusting with sulphur or spraying with preparations of copper has on this account little effect on the mycelium, but will kill the conidiophores, while any conidia or oospores, which may alight on the leaves, will be prevented from germinating. The most general forms of fungicides are various preparations of copper, of which the following are some of the more important : ^ ^ Considerable liberty has been taken here with the original. The author's account has been extended with the assistance of the Jow'tial of Mycology and PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 69 Bordeaux Mixture or Bouillie-Bordelaise, a 2 to 4 per cent, solution of copper sulphate and lime. It is prepared by dis- solving 6 lbs. of copper sulphate in warm water, and placing this mixture in a barrel capable of holding about -4-4 gallons ; in another vessel slake 4 lbs. of fresh- burnt lime, and make it up to a creamy whitewash with water ; strain the lime through coarse canvas into the barrel of copper sulphate solution, fill up with water, stir thoroughly, and the mixture is ready for use. This mixture may be used either more concentrated, or somewhat diluted. Ammoniacal Solution of Copper Carbonate. This may be prepared directly by dissolving 5 oz. of copper carbonate in enough water to form a thick paste ; dissolve this paste in three pints of strong aqua ammonia (or as much as may be necessary to effect complete solution) then dilute to 45 gallons. If copper carbonate cannot be obtained, make it by mixing (a) 3 lbs. of copper sulphate in 2 gallons of hot water, (b) oh lbs. washing soda in 1 gallon hot water ; mix (a) and (b), add water up to 10 gallons, stir up, and allow to settle; pour off the clear liquid, fill up again with water and allow to settle ; on again pouring off the clear water a greenish sediment of copper carbonate remains. This dissolved in as much aqua ammonia as necessary, may be kept till required when it is to be diluted at the rate of 1 pint to 2 gallons of water. Eau Celeste. Dissolve 2 lbs. of copper sulphate in about 8 gallons of water ; when completely dissolved add 3 pints of strong aqua ammonia and dilute to 45 gallons. This may be used in a modified form. Fungicides like these are used chiefly against attacks of vine mildew {Pcronospora viticola), potato disease {Phytophthora in- festans) and Peronosporeae generally ; also for numerous other leaf-diseases caused by various fungi. What the results of any given experiment may be, is as yet difficult to say till more is known of the effects of the reagents, the strength of the mix- ture to be used, the kind of plant and its stage of development, and other factors dependent on climate. The efficacy of a fungicide lies less in its effects on the fungi actually present other American literature, not the least important being " Bordeaux Mixture as a Fungicide," by D. C. Fairchild ; U.S. Amer. Bulletin, No. 6, 1894. In this connection reference may also be made to E. G. Lodemann's account of the "Spraying of Plants" (Macmillan, 1S96). (Edit.) 70 I'HKVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. and causing disease, than on its capacity to kill spores which light on the leaf, or to jn-event their development to a dangerous extent. On this account crops liable to attack should be dusted or sprayed in early spring, and at intervals thereafter as long as tliere is any risk of disease. Used in this way, fungicides soon repay themselves in increased yield of healthy produce ; on the one hand, they hinder the development of the fungus, on the other hand, they act like antiseptic wound-treatment in preventing infection. What part the copper compounds play is as yet not completely established ; Itumm ^ considers that they are not actually absorbed by the plant, but only give rise to some electrical effect. The advantage to be gained from the use of fungicides may be greatly increased if all diseased plants or portions of them be removed before the remedy is applied. Precautions nmst also be taken against reappearance of the disease. In the case of infected forcing boxes, frames, or glass-houses, disinfection by some of the above fungicides is certainly advisable. Leaves on other plant-remains containing resting-spores of the fungus should be burnt, and soil containing diseased material should be watered with a fungicidal solution which will kill the fungus while it does no harm to the leaves or roots of plants. Finally a rotation of crops of as long a duration as possible will do much to keep epidemic fungoid diseases in check. (3) Frequently the ravages of a parasite can be considerably reduced, although not completely stopped, by destroying its reproductive organs. Methods of this kind are particularly useful in the case of the Polyporeae which inhabit the wood of many fruit-trees. The excision of the sporophores must be carried out once or twice a year, l)ecause the mycelium remains alive inside the stems and continually gives off new sporophores on the surface. The diseased tree lives on and produces fruit for many years, maybe till the wood of its stem becomes so much decayed that death ensues. Fungi of this family are even more destructive on those trees which are cultivated not for their fruit alone but also for timber, e.g. olive, sweet chest- nut, and hazel. (4) By the removal and destruction of dead plants or portions of plants containing reproductive or hibernating organs of para- ^ C. Rumm, Berkhfe d. deut.'ich. hotan. Ges. 1S93. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 71 sites, much may be done to shorten the existence of a disease, and to prevent its reappearance in the following spring. Fungi which reach maturity on fallen leaves are easily com- bated in this way. Hartig gives a striking example of the success of this measure. In the English Garden, a large park in IMunich, the leaves are carefully removed at frequent intervals as they fall, and utilized as stable-bedding ; here Rhytisma acerinuvi, the black spot of the sycamore leaf, is hardly known, whereas in the park at Nymphenburg, and in other places round ]\Iunich, where the leaves are allowed to remain lying, the leaf-spot is very common. Rhytisma salicinnm can be treated in the same way in osier-nurseries. In plum orchards Polystigma ruhrum may be held completely in check by removal of fallen leaves. So also the numerous mildews (Erysipheae) of our cultivated plants. Cherry leaves killed by G^nomonia erythrostoma remain hanging on the trees, but the disease has almost disappeared since the practice of removing and destroying these was introduced in gardens, like those of the Altenland, once completely devastated by this parasite. The progress of the disease caused by Ncctria cinnabarina is reduced if the branches which die during the summer be at once removed and burnt before the red fructifying patches appear. It would also be advisable to burn in the autumn other dry brushwood, since it frequently contains Ncctria and other wound-fungi, and if left over winter only serves as a nursery and source of infection for all neighbouring trees. In a similar way should be treated branches infected with sporo- carps of Cucurhitaria lahurni and such-like fungi. Immediate removal, burning, or burying of young trees attacked by Phytophthora omnivora is of advantage in prevent- ing the distribution of the fungus by conidia and swarm-spores during summer, its hibernation in dead tissues, and its continued distribution in the following spring. The hibernating oospores of many other lower fungi may be similarly got rid of by destruction of the plant-remains inhabited by them. II. Removal and destruction of diseased plants or portions of these. (1) The removal of symbiotic organs comes here particularly into notice. Amongst these are the " witches' brooms " which 72 PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. live for years on their host deriving nutriment from them ; they also are detrimental to fruit trees because they bear neither flower or fruit, and on some timber trees they so deform the stems as to consideraljly reduce their value. The witches' brooms of the cherry or the plum grow into large infertile bushes of striking appearance, so that they may be easily detected and removed in autumn or spring ; those on hornbeam, birch, and alder are of less practical importance, but should be cut off wherever accessible. Great damage is caused by the witches' broom {Accidium elatinum) of the silver fir in producing canker spots which may in some cases attain gigantic dimensions and thereby much reduce the value of the timber, or maybe render it quite valueless. The cankered spots are, in addition, frequently attacked by wound-parasites, whereby the stem is weakened and breaks over at the canker, causing breaches in high forest, which can- not be refilled. The witches' brooms should therefore, as far as accessible, be cut off' while still young, and all cankered trees should be removed at the first thinning. The removal of twigs of plum bearing the so-called '"' pocket- plums " or " fools " is also to be recommended, because the my- celium of the fungi causing these hibernates in them. Eose-twigs affected by rose-mildew {Sj^haerotheca pannosa) should also be cut away as soon as possible, before many plants have fallen victims. Portions thus removed are both worthless and dangerous, hence should he destroyed. So also all trees rotted by fungi should be removed from their healthy neighbours, and, if possible, burnt or buried, or otherwise rendered harmless. This forms a convenient place to consider generally the wood-destroying wound-parasites of our timber-producing plants. The wood-destroying wound-parasites belong chiefly to the families of the Polyporeae and Agaricini, and each possesses a mode of life and method of destroying its host, so similar to that of its relatives, that it is quite impossible to consider them separately in a practical way. They are enemies of our fruit orchards, our parks, and our forests, and the means to be em- ployed against them varies in the hands of the fruit-grower, the gardener, or the forester. Every fruit-tree, whether grown in a garden, an orchard, or PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 73 on a roadside as in some countries, is an object of such value that, if need be, costly methods can be employed on its behalf. Its branches must be kept free of all intruders like the mistletoe, witches' brooms, mosses and lichens, and above all, from the sporophores which indicate the presence of a wood- destroying fungus. This is all the more easy ]:)ecause the trees are frequently closely examined for pruning, for crop, or for insect attacks. The sporophores of fungi on stems and branches should, as already indicated, be early and carefully cut out, the wound scraped and tarred over.^ In this way the fungus will be deprived of its sporophores and the safety of other trees ensured, although it must be remembered that the mycelium still continues to destroy the wood and probably to produce new sporophores. If the sporophores appear on weak branches, these would best be completely cut off and the cut end tarred over. Trees although diseased and requiring annually to have sporophores cut out should still be spared, as they often continue to live and yield heavily for years. Amongst the sporophores which appear frequently on fruit-trees are those of Polyporus igniarius, P. fulvus, P. hisindus, P. sulphureus, P. squamosus, P. spumcus, Hydmim Schicdcrmayri, and others to be more closely considered in the special part of this work. Particular attention of this kind is of course more difficult for the park-gardener, because his trees are higher and stand closer together. The trees are, however, of less value individually than fruit-trees. It is advisable, as far as possible, to keep the trees clean, to tar all wounds and to remove poorly developed branches and stems. To the forester in high forest all this is, however, a matter of difficulty. The trees are high, the forest large, and the individual trees of a value which does not allow of costly labour being expended on them. Yet there is one forest operation in which a plantation may at small cost be easily cleared of diseased stems. This is the repeated process of thinning, during which all diseased and backward trees should be felled. In forests of high value with high-priced timber and near towns or centres of industry, this cleaning out is, of course, easy, but in remote forests with a small working staff, ^ The sporophores cannot be removed too young ; the wounds produced should be treated with tar ; see Section iii., p. 77. 74 PREVENTIVK AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. deficient modes of conveyance, and a small demand for the thinned-out material, this may appear impracticable. I shall give one example how the number of " fungus-sponges " (as the sporophores are called) decrease with enclosure and intro- duction of proper forest-management.^ Bischoffsreut is a forest in Bavaria, near the Bohemian frontier, consisting of mixed spruce and fir up to four hundred years, and beech up to two hundred. Forty years ago the sporophores of Pohjporus fomentarius, the tinder-fungus, were so numerous and large that for their collection for manufacture of caps, gloves, tinder, etc., a sum of one hundred gulden (£8 10s. Od.) was paid annually as rental. Ten years ago the same brought in a revenue of twelve shillings ; to-day it is free. In course of time the diseased stems have been gradually felled and less wood has been allowed to remain lying in the forest to decay ; as a result the wood-destroying fungi have now but little foothold. A mixed damp virgin forest is especially favourable for the life and distribution of fungi of this kind.^ All fallen wood remains lying, while injuries from storm afford easy spots for infection. In Bischoffsreut eighteen per cent, of the felled heavy wood was at one time useless and rotten. (2) It is often possible to avert diseases of valuable cultivated plants caused by heteroecious fungi, by keeping the supplemen- tary host at a distance, or, if the disease has already broken out, to remove it altogether, with the view of keeping the more useful host free from the dreaded disease. The best example of this is presented by the heteroecious rust-fungus Gymnosporangium sabinac. One host frequents Ji/MijK'rus sabina (savin), the other damages pear-trees, causing, in the case of a severe attack, considerable loss. It would thus be easy to exterminate pear-rust by removing the not very decorative savin-bush. Particularly in nurseries, it would be well to avoid placing pear-trees near the savin, an arrangement very suitable for cultivating the Gymnosjjorawjiv.m. As another example we may take Mclam^jsora treimdae frequenting the aspen, the supplementary host of (a) Cacoma pinitorquum (the pine twister), and (h) Cacoma laricis (larch 1 V. Tubeuf, " Mittheiliing lib. eiiiige Feinde d. Waldes." AUeg. Forxt.-n. Jarjdseitung, 1887. -V. Tubeuf, " Vegetationsbilder, aus d. boehmischen Urwalde." Oefiferrcich, Foritzeitiaiij, 1890, p. 108 ; with six figures. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 75 needle-rust). The exclusion of the aspen from the neighbour- hood of pine plantations is advisable as a means of limiting the pine -disease, and is now being recommended in forestry. Still another example is Puccinia graminis the rust of wheat and its Accidivvi on the barberry. This is, in all probability, able to reproduce itself by means of uredospores on wild grasses, and to retain its position without the barberry, yet the latter doubtless tends to distribute the disease, and its removal minimises the risks of attack. An investigation of the heteroecious rust-fungi will easily furnish many examples of the same kind, and lead to the con- clusion that Eupliorhia cyjyarissias, for example, should be exterminated near fields of peas or other Leguminosae because of Uroviyccs jnsi, and U. striatus. III. Avoidance or removal of conditions which favour infection. Various examples of this have already been given when the conditions disposing plants to disease were under considera- tion in our last chapter. (1) The most important measures of this class are those directed against infection through wounds. This may be attained by avoiding any unnecessary wounding of woody plants, and the immediate treatment of any wounds rendered necessary in pruning or other operations. When the stems of woody plants are injured, the first step towards healing the wound proceeds from the tree itself. Conifers containing resin have in it a very ready agent im- mediately available ; the resin escapes from its ducts and soon hardens into a crust on exposure to air. In the case of non- resinous conifers and of broad-leaved trees, the first steps towards healing are less obvious, but it has been found that a healing tissue immediately begins to form on wounded surfaces.^ It consists of a parenchyma, the formation of which is induced apparently by atmospheric air penetrating into the wood, and ^v. Tubeuf, " Ueber normale u. pathogene Kernbildung d. Holzpflanzeu u. d. Behandlung v. Wunden derselben, Zeitschn/f f. Forst.-n. Jagd.-iresen, 1889. Contains Bibliographj- of allied papers. R. Hartig, IJist^asf" of Trees, English Edition, 1S94. Gauneisdoifer, Si(ziuigd>er. d. k. Akad. d. Wisxen^ichaft , Vienna, 1881. Boehm, " Ueber die Function d. veget. Gefasse," Botan. Zeitung, 1879. 76 PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. its object probal)ly is to restore the same condition of gaseous pressure inside the tree as existed previous to the injury. A number of woody plants, for example, Robinia and Qucrcus, which normally form tyloses in their heart-wood or sap-wood, do the same on wounded surfaces, and thereby stop up all the cut vessels.^ The formation of tyloses is due to sac-like ingrowths into the vessels from adjoining parenchyma, and can only take place where rapid growth of the closing membrane of pits or the thin portions of the wall of annular or spiral vessels occurs. Tyloses- formation takes place in normal heart-wood, and also in the sap-wood of many kinds of trees, except in the very youngest water-conducting year-rings. It also occurs in leaf-scars at the the time of normal defoliation.^ Species of trees in which tyloses are not normally produced in the heart-wood, but in which the vessels of that region become filled with resinous secretions, use these substances as healing agents in the case of leaf-fall or wounds to the wood. For these reasons it is quite correct to designate these preliminary steps towards w^ound- closure as a pathogenic formation of duramen, and the tissue derived from the process as wound-duramen. Similarly a corky tissue — wound-cork — may be formed in consequence of wounds to the bark or as an accompaniment of certain diseases. I have repeatedly observed that the normal duramen is preyed on for nutriment by many wound-parasites, and also that this wound-duramen is not sufficient to keep out germinating spores of the wound-parasites. It cannot therefore be designated a protective wood, nor are the artificial methods of closing wounds so superfluous as some would have us believe.^ Frank says : " The use of all such artificial means of healing wounds is thus only necessary in serious cases, in which, in consequence of delay in the healing-process, decay would be inevitable without some septate agent. Smaller wounds, and particularly cut surfaces of twigs or thinner branches, are, by the natural formation of protective wood accompanying every wound of tlie wood, sufficiently protected for the few years the 1 Molisch, " Zur Kenntniss d. Thyllen," Akad. d. Wissenschaft, Vienna, 1888; Wieler, Biolog. Centralblatt, 1893. - Staby, " Ueber Verschluss d. Blattnarben nach Abfall d. Blatter," Flora, 1886. ^ Prael, Primisheim's Jahrhuch, 1888. Temme, Landwirth>:chaftl. Jahrhuch, 1885. Frank, Die Krankhtiten d. PJlanzen, 1894, p. 153. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 77 wound must remain open till completion of occlusion." If we followed this view, then numerous wounds would be left freely open as entrances. for wound-parasites, and serious loss would result. It is just the numerous smaller wounds {e.g. those produced by hail), which are the principal places of infection for species of Nectria, Cucurhitaria, Hymenomycetes, etc., in fact, they form very convenient places whence a tree may be easily infected artificially. The following points in regard to treatment of branches may be conveniently summarized here. Trees in closed plantations are naturally stripped of their branches by these dying in con- sequence of deficient illumination ; they then break off, and the short stumps are soon occluded or grown over. During this process there is always a risk of infection by fungi, and " snag-pruning " ^ is employed to shorten the period of occlusion as much as possible. This at the same time prevents the in- clusion of long branch-stumps in the timber, and reduces the number of knots in sawn boards. Such dead snags or stumps are deficient in nutritive materials and very dry, so that they are less suited for the entrance of wound-fungi than wounds on the living branch. The usual process of forest-pruning is necessary to produce clean boles, to increase the illumination for undergrowth, or to utilize the branches so removed. In the operation, all branches should be cut off close to the shaft, no snags should be left, nor must injury be inflicted on neighbouring bark. The operation is best carried out in autumn or winter when the bark is most adherent to the wood, occlusion then begins with the renewal of vegetative activity in spring and is well advanced by the time the greatest dispersal of fungus-spores takes place. Infection by fungi will, however, be rendered quite impossible if wounds are immediately painted over with tar, or^ in the case of smaller wounds on garden stock, with tree-wax \ these reagents, if applied in winter, will easily penetrate into the wood, and even replace the formation of protective wound-wood. Hartig says on this subject : ^ " tarring produces satisfactory results only when pruning has been done in late autumn or in winter, because it is only then that the tar is absorbed by the surface of the wound. It would appear that the absorption of tar is due partly to the diminished amount of water in the 1 Trockenastung. - Hartig, Diseases of Trees. English Edit. p. 258-59. 78 IMIKVKNTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. wood during autumn, and partly to the consequent negative pressure of air in the tree. When pruning is undertaken in spring or summer the tar altogether fails to enter the wood, and the thin superficial layer does not prevent the cut surface from drying later and forming fissures into which water and fungi may enter." From what has been said it folio w.s that dicotyledonous trees may be best pruned in the months of October, November, and December — perhaps also in January and February, — and that a good coat of coal-tar should be at once applied to the wounds. Conifers should also be pruned in autumn and winter, for although the wounds resulting from removal of small branches with no heart-wood are soon protected by an excretion of resin, yet thicker branches with heart- wood, which secretes no resin, must be tarred over. Similar precautions are advisable to protect the stools of trees felled in order to produce coppice. Wounds are produced on fruit-trees by removal of branches, by pruning and grafting, and again during the fruit-harvest. Hail and wind are frequent sources of wounding. Gnawing of the bark by animals, such as mice and other rodents, may also occur. Red deer, by peeling off the bark, are a source of great damage in the forest. In this way spruce plantations may be so peeled, and in consequence so subject to red-rot that they have to be prematurely felled. The trees which suffer most are those like spruce, silver fir, Weymouth pine, and Douglas fir, which remain for a considerable time smooth-barked, whereas species with a rough bark are comparatively safe ; the latter can also cover up any wounded surface by means of an excretion of resin. Conifers suffer most from peeling, but the broad- leaved trees are not quite exempt. At certain seasons the deer rub the fur off the young antlers or knock off the old ; for this purpose they generally .choose younger plants, which, in consequence of the injury, frequently dry up. Injury by deer is more serious in summer than in winter, because with the increased temperature and moisture the spores are able to convey infection quickly and easily. Injuries similar to peeling by deer are produced in gathering resin, and in the process of " testing " the timber of conifers. Both practices are, however, prohibited in well-managed forestry, and occur only as misdemeanours. Resin-collecting of whatever PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 79 kind, whether from spruce, larch, pine or the silver fir, necessi- tates removal of the bark, and probably cutting into the wood itself. The exuded resin and naked wood dry up in course of time and crack, thereby allowing the entrance of fungus-spores, which germinate in the fissures of the wood and lead to its destruction. The forests of spruce and fir in Bavaria furnish valuable wood suitable for the manufacture of violins and other musical instruments. Till recently the practice was first to split a test- piece from the standing tree to ascertain the cleavage of the stem. If the test did not split true, the tree was left standing and wounded ; such stems naturally were soon attacked by fungi (Polyporeae and Agaricini) and succumbed to some storm. The beech is frequently injured in a somewhat similar manner by the woodmen, who hew out large pieces of the stem to obtain material for wedges from the very tough occlusion-tissue which is afterwards formed. Stems so damaged soon fall a prey to Polyporus fomcntarius. Wounds to the wood are also frequently produced during the felling of neighbouring trees, or as a result of storms, or by the action of woodpeckers, ants, and other enemies. In short, wounds are so common that the necessity of practical remedial measures for closing them as entrances for destructive parasites, must be at once evident. (2) Localities should be avoided which are known to pre- dispose certain plants to disease. Just as one avoids cultivating tender plants in cold situations, or planting our less hardy trees in places known to be liable to frost, so ought we to avoid the cultivation of plants in localities which will render them more than usually liable to infection by fungi. Thus the formation of spruce-nurseries at considerable elevations has had to be abandoned, because it was observed that they were there liable to complete destruction by Hcrpotrichia nigra. For similar reasons the hole-planting of spruce in elevated situations must be avoided. In nj^oist localities nurseries of Douglas fir and other trees are in danger of attack from Botrytis ; while close glass-houses and hot-beds are breeding-places for many parasites which would at once die away with good ventilation. (3) The neighbourhood of plants which are supplemental hosts of the same heteroecious fungus should also be avoided. (See also p. 74.) 80 PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. (4) The massing of numbers of the same species of plant together is dangerous, because it presents a favourable oppor- tunity for tlie rapid spread of epidemic diseases. On this account the smaller fields of small holdings tend to prevent any epidemic from assuming serious proportions. Still l:)etter is a system where, as in Xorthern Italy, a few rows of vines alternate with narrow strips of Indian corn with gourds or melons on the ground below, and strips of grass or millet intervene here and there. Wherever similar plants must be cultivated in close neigh- bourhood over extensive areas, as in vine cultivation, any epidemic, which may obtain a hold, soon produces disastrous effects. Our cultivated forest plants, when occupying extensive areas, are particularly open to attacks of certain fungus-diseases. Thus Pines from Hystcrium 2J'inastr{, Caeoma jnnitoi-qmim, and Feridermium j^Jtm ; pole-forests of pure spruce from Hysteriurti 7nacrosporum, all plantations of conifers from Trametes radi- ciperda and Agaricus mdleus, the latter especially if preceded by beech forest, the stools and dead roots of which offer the Agaricus an opportunity for easy and abundant development. The prevention of many epidemic diseases is one of the advantages claimed by Gayer ^ in favour of natural regeneration and mixed plantations. On exposed areas the prevailing strong winds facilitate distribution of many fungus-spores, while, at the same time, they introduce the supplemental hosts of of heteroecious fungi {e.g. aspen, ragwort, cowberry, etc.), which would be excluded from a closed permanent mixed forest natur- ally regenerated. Of course, we do not maintain that, under these conditions, diseases are entirely absent, because it is just on naturally-sown beech seedlings in closed forests that Phytoph- thora finds a habitat. Similarly Trichosphacria on silver fir, and other parasites, are in closed forest provided with that degree of atmospheric moisture which favours them. In fact, several parasitic fungi exhibit adaptations to such conditions. Diseases, speaking broadly, are less dangerous in mixed forest ; they never attain the same distribution, and they are more easily restricted where trees of different dispositions are grown together. Thus, the forests of Bavaria consist, in the lower elevations, of mixed beech, silver fir, and spruce ; higher up ^ Gayer, De7- Waldbau. PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. 81 the beech is omitted, and in the more elevated parts spruce alone is planted. The fir alone is attacked by PJwma ahietina Aecidium elatinum, Lophodcrmium nerviseqimiin, Tricliosphacria jKirasitica ; the spruce, on the other hand, has to itself Loj^hoderminm macrosporum, Chrysomyxa abietis, Hciyotricliia nigra, while both are subject in youth to PcsUdozzia Harticjii, and later to several wood-destroying fungi. The storing together of crops like apples, potatoes, onions, turnips, etc., should be carefully carried out. They should be handled as little as possible, and decaying individuals should be sought out, and destroyed when possible, to save the remainder. IV. Selection of hardy varieties. An important method for the protection of plants from disease, both from the preventive and remedial side, consists in the selection and cultivation of varieties and species of plants able to resist the attacks of parasitic fungi. It has already been mentioned that different varieties and species show different powers of resistance against enemies. As a further example, we have numerous American grape-vines which are not attacked by downy mildew {Plasmo2)ara viticola), that dangerous enemy of the European vine of cultivation {VifAs vinifcra). Some American vines {r.(j. VitU riparia) are proof against the phylloxera, the root-louse which attacks the roots of European vines and devastates the vineyards of the wine-producing countries ; while, on the other hand, other American vines are no more resistant than the European. In fact, it was the importation of those vines into Europe for experimental cultivation which brought us both phylloxera and the downy mildew. The cultivation of such disease-proof species would ensure us immunity from the phylloxera, if it were not that the wine from these vines has neither the quality nor the flavour possessed by the European. On this account the grafting of European vines on American stocks has been introduced, whereby the roots remain unattacked by the phylloxera, and the grapes are of tlie approved standard. Very good results have also been obtained from experiments in hybridization of American and European vines with the object of obtaining roots from the American parent, and grapes from F 82 PREVENTIVE AND COMBATIVE MEASURES. the European. The long and patient experiments of Millardet ^ are the most conspicuous amongst many which, by means of grafting and hybridization, have aimed at obtaining disease-proof vines. Millardet, out of numerous hybrids raised by him, has succeeded at last in obtaining vines with roots proof against phylloxera, leaves resistant to attacks of downy mildew, and grapes which impart the esteemed flavour to the various old and well-known European wines. From these many ruined vineyards of southern France have been already re-stocked, and promise well. The results obtained from Eriksson's investigations on cereal- rusts ave also worthy of notice.'^ This investigator, after carrying on cultivations for a number of years, has found that there are varieties of wheat able to resist the more frequent forms of rust, and in no way endangered by them. By a similar method of investigation, varieties suitable for cultivation in the rust- infested districts of Australia have also been obtained. ' Millardet, "Notes sur les vignes americaiues." 8er. in. Mem f/e /a -soc des .sciences ck Bordeaux, 1891; Jonrn. d'a< Slvrfraerne, 1893. With BibliogiajDhy. -Kaminski, Mem. de la soc. des sciences natur. de Ckerhow(/, T. 24, 1 882. •^ Frank, Berichte d. deiitsch hotan. Ges., 1885. ••Muller, Studier over Skovjord som Bidrarj til SJcovdryhiimjens Theori, 1878. •'' Johow, "Die chlorophyllfreien Hiimuspflanzen," Pringshei77i's Jahrhiicli, 1889. 94 SYMBIOSIS. (2) On chlorophyllous plants. Frank has extended Ivaminski's theory to include the iiiycorhiza of trees and other green phints. This assumption is founded on his observations of the common occurrence of mycorhiza im the Cupuliferae, and many other plants. He says that all trees are probably capable, under certain conditions, of entering into symbiosis with mycorhiza-fungi, and that in this way the tree is supplied not only with the necessary water iuid mineral food-constituents from the soil, but also with organic material derived directly from humus and decaying plant-remains. The tree is thus enabled, through the mycorhiza, to directly utilize organic vegetable remains. Frank supported this theory by anatomical investigation of the mycorhiza of numerous plants and later by physiological experiments. The latter consist in the coniparative cultivation of seedling forest-trees in a sterilized humus-soil, and also in a non-sterilized soil containing the mycorhiza-fungi. These experiments showed, in the case of beech, that those trees in sterilized soil with normal roots and root-hairs without mycorhiza, were poorly developed, and died after several years, while the others with mycorhiza grew vigorously. Frank also pointed out that mycorhiza are developed only in soils containing humus, and in the humus layer. He assumes that the fungus conveys to the tree-roots not only carl^on compounds, but also, since the mycorhiza- cells contain no nitric acid, niti'ogen in organic compounds. The mycorhiza-caps suppress the formation of root-hairs, but I have frecjuently seen hairs on neighbouring roots or on parts of the same root behind the fungus-cap (Figs. 17 and 18). In soil free from humus, root-hairs are always present and carry on their work normally. Schlicht ^ found that pines growing in poor sandy soil without humus had no mycorhiza, but only normal root-hairs, lleess found that pines near Erlangen had quite as many rootlets without mycorhiza as with. It would thus appear that while every tree possesses a number of roots with fungus on them, yet the complete transformation of the whole root-system to mycorhiza is by no means so general as ^ Schlicht, Inaug. Dissertation, Berlin, 1889, p. 9. Frank, B<'r. d. chutsch. botan. Ges., 1892, p. 588. Reess, Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1885, p. 295. ECTOTROPHIC MYCORHIZA. 95 Fig. 17. — Spruce seedling in third year, grown in clay-loam. Typical coral-like mycorhiza are absent. The strong root to the right shows, on its newer parts and on all lateral roots, only root-hairs and no fungus. The remaining roots are not modified in any way — some are covered with loose fungal caps, others have both fungal caps and root-liairs, while otliers are quite free froin fungi. rod\\ces cellulose tubes, which become tilled with the fungus. According to Beyerink,^ these tubes consist of bacterial slime secreted by the Rhizohium. The epidermal tissue of the tubercles consists of a loose layer of cork with many intercellular spaces; this arrangement is stated by Frank* to facilitate the usual transpiration.^ iHellriegel u. Wilfarth, Berichtt d. deuUch. hot an. Ges., 1889; also ZfAUchrift f. d. BilbenzurJcer-Indwitrie, 1888. - Ber. d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1894, p. 11. ■^Gentrcdbl. /. Bacterologie u. Parasitenkunde, 1894. ■* Ber. d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1892. ■"'Schneider (Bulletin of the Torrty Cluh, 1892), gives a slioi't account of American Fhizohia, and refers to the chief works on this sul)ject. (Edit.) PART SECOND. SYSTEMATIC A1{EAXGE:\IENT OF THE CliYPTOGAMIC PAEASITES. I. THE PATHOGENIC FUNGI OF PLANTS. The vegetative body of the Fungi is a thalloid structure known as a mycelium, and composed of one or more liyphae. The hyphae are cells included in a firm wall of fungus-cellulose of varying composition ; they grow apically, and hence are always filamentous in shape. In the simpler cases, the mycelium is a non-septate tube unbranched or branched ; in the more complex forms, it consists of a system of hyphae divided into cells by cross-septa. By the union and anastomosing of numerous hyphae, a tissue may be formed not unlike the parenchyma of higher plants, hence receiving the name pseudo-parenchyma. From this tissue may arise distinct structures of many kinds, such as the sporophores of the Polyporeae, or strands of tissue like the well-known rhizomorphs of Agaricus melleus, or masses of resting-mycelium like the sclerotia of ChiviceiJs. It is also not uncommon to find a differentiation in the structure of the vegetative mycelium in the form of lateral outgrowths of the hyphae, developed as organs for the collection of nutri- ment— the haustoria, — or as organs of attachment — appressoria. Reproduction may take place sexually by the union of two cells or nuclei, the product of which is a spore or zygote capal^le of germination ; or asexually by means of endogenous spores or swarm-spores, or by the abjunction of conidia of different kinds. Sexual reproduction is common amongst the lower fungi, but in the higher forms, if existent at all, it is very THE PATHOGENIC FUNGI OF PLANTS. 105 obscure and is replaced by numerous and complex modes of asexual multiplication. The lower forms of fungi, in the structure of the thallus, mode of reproduction, and adaptation to an aquatic life, exhibit distinct relationship with the Algae, particularly with the Siplioneac. Since the fungi do not possess chlorophyll, their nutrition is carried out by the absorption of organized material in a saprophytic or parasitic manner. Parasitic fungi are the cause of numerous and dangerous diseases of plants, whereas they only rarely bring about a diseased condition of the animal body. Bacteria on the other hand, which cause so many animal diseases, seldom affect plants injuriously. While many parasites are strictly limited to a parasitic mode of life, a large number naturally spend a part of their lives as saprophytes, and others may be made to do so artificially on nutritive substrata under suitable conditions. The latter method forms in fact a valuable aid for completing our imperfect knowledge of the life-histories of parasitic forms. In addition to the well-marked parasitic fungi, there are many saprophytic forms which become parasitic for a relatively short time or under special conditions of environment. The Fungi are divisible into two large groups, the lower fungi (Phycomycetes) and higher fungi (Mycomycetes). The systems instituted by various investigators differ not a little from each other. Three of the principal are : De Bart. Zopf. Brefeld. (1) Phycomycetes (1) Pliycomycetes (1) Phycomycetes (2) Ustilagineae (2) Mycomycetes (2) Higlier Fungi (3) Ascomycetes («) Basicliomycetes {a) Mesomycetes (4) Ureclineae {h) TTredineae Heraiasci — Hemibasiilii (5) Basidiomycetes (c) Ustilagineae {b) Mycomycetes id) Ascomycetes Ascomycetes — Basidio- mycetes We shall in the present work consider the Puugi in the following order : Lower Fungi or Phycomycetes : Chytridiaceae, Zygomycetes, Oomycetes. Higher Fungi or Mycomycetes : Ascomycetes. Ustilagineae, Uredineae, Basidiomycetes. 1 06 PHYCOMY CETES. A. LowKR Fungi (Phycomycetes).*- The lower fnn,i,'i possess, at least in their earlier stages, single-celled niyeelia, which may in the higher families become branched. They reproduce sexually by oospores or zygospores, asexually by conidia. The I'hycomycetes are divided into : Chytridiacene, Zijijomijcdea, and Oom/jcdrs. (1) CHYTRIDIACEAE. The fungi of this family are chiefly parasites on aquatic plants, or on land-plants inhabiting moist places. The my- celium is one-celled, very rudimentary, or altogether absent. Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of zoo- sporangia which usually produce uniciliate swarm-spores. Sexual reproduction is rare, and is effected by fructification of one cell by a fertilization-tube from another ; the resulting bodies are zoosporangia which on germination set free swarm-spores. Hibernation is effected by resting-spores produced from sporangia in which the formation of swarm-spores is suppressed, and which become clothed in a thick membrane. Some of the species cause interesting deformations on the organs of plants. The Chytridiaceae include the families of Ol])idiaccac, Synchy- triaceac, Cladochytriaceae, Rhizidiaceac, Hyjjochytriaceac, and Oochy- triaccae. Of these, only the first three contain species parasitic on higher plants. They occur epidemic only in moist situations, and rarely cause great damage to cultivated plants. OLPIDIACEAE. The whole vegetative body becomes a single zoosporangium or a resting-spore. Sexual reproduction is very rare. Olpidium. The vegetative body consists of a naked mass of protoplasm, the product of a single spore. This becomes later enveloped in a thin wall of cellulose, and forms a zoosporangium with a long neck through which the cell-contents are ejected as uniciliate swarm-spores. The cellulose membrane may become thicker and a resting-spore (sporangium) result, which in course of time germinates and gives off swarm-spores. ^ Bibliography — A. Fischer in Rabeuhorst's Kryptogamen Flora, 1892. Schroeter in Eiujhr-Prantl Pjlanzenfamilien, 1892. OLPIDIUM. 107 Olpidium brassicae, (Wor.)^ { — Chytridium brassicac, Wor.) Oabljage-seedliiigs die if this fungus finds its way into the tissue at the neck of the root. The spherical sporangia are formed at this place, and tlieir long necks project out of the cells enabling the uniciliate swarm-spores to escape. Eesting-spores with a warty thickened membrane occur in the cells of the epidermis. Fig. 24. — Ch>jtHdiwn brassicae, Wor. Cell containing three sporangia, two of which are discharging zoospores ; one sporangium is already empty. Resting- spores inside the cells of a cabbage-plant. (After Woronin.) The disease is favoured by moisture, and restricted by dry surroundings. Ground subject to attack should be planted with crops other than cabbage. Olpidium trifolii, Schroet. { = Synchytrivrii trifolii, Pass.) Produces deformation of the leaves and petioles of Trifolimn repens. The fungus lives in the epidermal cells. Olpidium lemnae, Fisch., in epidermal cells of Lcmna. Olpidium simulans, De Bary and Wor., in Taraxacum officinale. A number of other species inhabit algae, spores, fungus- mycelium, pollen -grains, and eggs of Rotatoria. The genera Rcessia, Pscudolindium, Olpidiopsis, FIcotrachclus, Ectrogclla, Pleolpidium are parasitic only on lower plants, especially on algae. SYNCHYTRIACEAE. The whole mycelium divides up into a number of sporangia, which remain together as a sorus. The winter resting-spores 1 Woronin, Pringsheini's Jahrhuchf. iciss. Botauil; 1878 (Fig. .31). 108 PHYCOMYCETKS. originate from the whole niyceliuiu or parts thereof, and are isolated or united into a sorus. Synchytrium and Pycnochytrium.' Here, as in Olpidium, the mycelial hyphae are wanting, and the vegetative l)ody escapes from the spore as a naked mass of plasma, which is later enclosed in a membrane. This vegetative body may also develop into a sorus of thin-walled sporangia ; these separate in water, and each ejects from a pore numerous swarm-spores with a single long ciliuni. In the event of resting- spores being formed, the membrane of the vegetative body becomes thickened into a brown exospore. The resting-spores on germination liberate their contents as a single mass, or as several zoospores. In the former case the single mass divides at once into zoospores, or into a sorus of sporangia, which ultimately give off zoospores. These fungi are found in the interior of cells, especially of the epidermis. The one cell inhabited by the fungus grows out as a simple papilla, or several neighbouring cells are also modified, and grow out along with the original one to form a gall-like swelling. The species of Sijnchytrium generally in- habit the epidermal cells of land plants, yet disease caused Ijy them is commoner in moist than in dry situations. They cause so slight deformation and damage to cultivated plants that they are of little practical importance. The Pycnochytrium of De Bary is regarded b}' Fischer as a sub-genus, by Schroeter as a genus. Synchytrium. The sori of zoosporangia are formed b}' direct division of the mature sporophore, and are enclosed in the colourless membrane of the mother-cell. Synchytrium taraxaci, L)e Bary and Wor. (U. S. America).^ This produces, especially on Tarcoxicum, warty galls composed of a diseased epidermal cell, enlarged and surrounded by a wall of ' Scluoeter : Cohn\ Beitriige z. Biol. d. Pflanzen I., 1875, and in Engler-Prantl Pflanzenfamilien, 1892. De Bary and Woronin, Bericht. d. natforsch. Gen. zu Freiburg, 1863. - We propose to indicate in this way species recorded in Seymour and Farlou's "Host-index" for North America; British species by (Britain). (Edit.) SYNCHYTRIUM. 109 less swollen neighbouring epidermal cells. The sporangia contain reddish-yellow drops of oil, so that the swellings appear yellow. The organs attacked are much distorted and more or less stunted. The same fungus occurs on other Compositae, and is pro- bably identical with S. san- guineiun of Schroeter, which produces dark red, crusty swell- ings on Cirsium imlustre and Cre'pis biennis. Along with S. taraoxici one often finds Olpidimn simulans. S. fulgens, Schroeter (U. 8. America), produces reddish- yellow swellings on the leaves of Oenothera biennis and 0. , f . Fig. 2j. — Siiiichyti-lv.iit laiv.raci. Leaves of innricata ; when reStmg-SpOreS Taraxacum qflcinaU so deformed by the fungus . 1 « -I , that the laminae are all more or less undeveloped. appear they form brown crusts, (v. lubeuf phot.) The sori of zoosporangia are detached from the liost-plant as single sporangia, which become scattered over the leaves. S. trifolii, Pass. ( = OJjridiuni trifolii, Schroeter), is as yet little known. Other American species are : — S. papillatum, Farl., on Geranium. S. decipiens, Farl., on Anqjliicarpaca. S. vaccinii, Thomas,^, on Vaccinium, Gaidthcria, Kalmia, Rhododendron, etc. Pycnochytrium. The sori of zoosporangia are not produced directly from the mature sporophore, but the contents of the sporophore pass out by a fine opening and form a thin-walled vesicle, the protoplasm of which breaks up into sporangia. Schroeter divides the genus into two sub-genera. (A) Mcsochytrinm. The discharge of the original sporophore 1 Halsted, " Cranberry gall-fungus " ; N. Jersf^y Agric. Coll. Bullet. 64, Dec. 1889. With figures. 110 PHYCOMYCETES. and the foriuation of zoosporaiigia take place in the cells of the living host-plant. In addition, spores are formed which have a resting period. (B) Only one kind of spore is formed ; it has a resting period, and only proceeds to produce sori of zoosporangia after decay of the host-plant. (a) Clmjsochytrium : protoplasm contains a yellow oil. (b) Lcucochytrivm : protoplasm colourless. Each of these divisions is sub-divided into forms with simple vesicles, and those with compound. Mesochjrtrium. Synchytrium (Pycnochytrium) succisae, De Bary and ^^'or.^ This parasite forms warty swellings and yellow spots, generally 'r-\' Fio. 2(3. — Si/nchytrium succisae. A, A mature sporocarp inside its host-cell. B, In the upper part of the cell a sorus of swarm-sporangia after escaping from its covering, which lies below it. C, Isolated swarm-sporangium. D, Swarm- spores. (After Schroeter.) on the radical leaves and base of stem of Scahiosa succisa. Infection is lu'ought about in damp situations by means of swarm-spores. These have a single cilium, and bore their way into the host-cell. After entrance, they produce a plasma-mass, which becomes enclosed in a delicate membrane. The cell so formed sprouts at its uppermost pole, and gives rise to a new spherical cell, into which the older discharges itself. In the second cell numerous small sporangia are formed, so that it represents a sporangial sorus ; beside it is always found the empty membrane of the first cell. The sorus breaks up later into single sporangia, which on opening, set free their contents ^Schroeter, " Pflanzenparasiten aiis d. Gattung Synchj'trium."' Cohn's Beit); z. Biolog. d. Pflanzen, 1S75. PYCXOCHYTRIL'M. 1 1 1 as zoospores swarming by means of a cilium. In addition, resting-spores are developed singly or in groups. The first effect on the host-cell of the entrance of a swarm- spore is that it becomes distinctly larger. At the same time neighbouring cells are so stimulated that they multiply and form a prominent ring-shaped swelling. The sporangia discharge their zoospores on the host-plant itself, and these pass into other cells of the swelling ; here they form resting-spores and the host-cells die. 8chroeter states that the resting-spores may be found from August onwards. S. stellariae, Fuck. On Stdlaria media and S. nemorum. The reddish-yellow hemispherical swellings are produced on leaves, stems, liower-stalks, and sepals, either isolated or as a crust. The resting-spores generally form brown crusts. The host-leaves may be somewhat crumpled, but beyond this undergo little de- formation.^ Chrysochytrium. (1) Forming simple vesicles: Synchytrium myosotidis, Klihn (U. S. America). The epi- dermal cells when attacked swell up to form club-shaped processes, while the cells with no fungus remain unaltered. The normal hairs of the host-plant are fewer on diseased than on healthy parts. This parasite attacks Boragineae, e.g. Mijosotis stricta, Litliospermvm arvense. S. cupulatum, Thomas, produces red eruptions on PofentiUa argeniia and Drijas octoiKtald. ; diseased cells of the host-plant contain red sap. S. punctum, Sorokin. On Plantei.go kmccoki.ta and P. media. S. laetum, Schroet. On Gagca. (2) Forming compound vesicles : S. aureum, Schroet. Attacks many herbaceous plants as well as leaves of many shrubs and trees. Frequent on Lysimaclna Nmnmuhiriei, Fragevria, etc. The cells attacked are swollen and enclosed in a patch of enlarged neighbouring cells. S. pilificum, Thomas. On PotentUla Tormentillo. The vesicles are hemispherical, and bear on their summits a tuft of abnormally elongated hairs. Thomas ^ found this species 1 Clendenin (Botanical Gazette, 1894, p. 296) describes and figures a Synchytrimn on Stellaria media in America (Edit.). - Ber. d. dfvtsch. hotan. Ges., 1883, p. 496. 112 I'lIYCOMYCETKS. on Stems, Hovver-stalks, radical and cauline leaves, and floral envelopes. Leucochytrium. (1) Forniin;^ simple vesicles: S. punctatum, Schroet. On Gayea pratcmis. S. rubrocinctum, Magnus, forms little red eruptions on Scun- frujja (jraiiuhitii, the cell-sap of the host-plant becoming red. S. alpinum, Thomas. On Viula hiflora. . S. anomalum, Schroet. (U. S. America). On Adoxa Moscha- tcllviui, less common on Ranunculus Ficnria, Isojjyrum thalidroidcs and Rumc^c Acetosa. The size and shape of the swellings, as well as of the spores, are very variable. (2) Forming compound vesicles : S. anemones, De l>ary and Wor. (U. S. America). On Anemone nemorosa, A. ranuncidoides and Thalidrum purpura- FiG. ■27.—Syiicliytnw>i anemones. The sporocarps form black points on leaves, petioles and perianth of the Anemone ; the lamintie are also stunted and distorted, (v. Tubeuf del.) sccns, attacking stems, leaves, or flowers, and forming eruptions whose cells contain a red sap. In very bad cases, crumpling and swelling of attacked organs occur. pycnochytriu:m. 1 1 .^ S. globosum, Schroet. Where the attack is severe, this causes pearly swellings or incrustations ; it frequents plants like Viola, Galivm, Achillea, So'nrJws, My satis. S. mercurialis, Fuck., is very common on Mercurialis perennis though seldom injurious to it. One severe case is thus de- scribed by Schroeter : " In spring the stem of the plant was covered by a thick uneven glassy crust, which in course of time became raised into wing-like processes running down the stem and coated on both sides with white granules of the immature parasite ; the leaves were completely rolled together, crumpled, and covered with glistening prominences as with fine silver sand. The plant in this condition developed poorly, scarcely flowered, and soon died, so that by the end of Septeml)er few diseased examples could be found." CLADOCHYTRIACEAE. The vegetative body is frequently a Ijranched mycelium. It lives intercellular as a saprophyte, or intracellular as a parasite, and forms intercalary or terminal swellings, in which zoospor- angia or resting-spores are produced, then it disappears. Sexual reproduction does not occur. The parasite lives in and forms swellings on aquatic plants, or land plants in moist situations. The genera Urophlyctis and Physoderma contain species parasitic on higher plants ; together with the saprophytic Cladosporangivm, these are regarded by Fischer as sub-genera of Cladocliytrivm, and as such they are also here regarded. Uroplilydis has both zoosporangia and resting-spores, Physo- derma has only resting spores, Cladosjxiranyium only zoospor- angia. Urophlyctis. The delicate mycelium is unbranched, or only slightly branched, and lives endophytic, boring through the walls of the host-plant. At the place where a hypha enters a host- plant it forms a swelling or collecting cell (sammelzell), which generally becomes differentiated into a larger cell rich in contents, and an outer smaller one with few contents, but with fine terminal bristles. From the collecting cells new hyphae originate and produce other collecting cells in neighbouring host-cells. The zoosporangia are situated outside the host-cells, H 1 1 4 I'HYCO.MYCETES. but send a hyphal process inside, whicli branches into a tuft of rhizoids. Kestin^f-spores may be found, several in each cell. Cladochytrium (Urophlyctis) pulposum, (Wallr.), causes on leaves, stems, and Ihnvers of Chr/Kqjof/ium and Atriplcx glassy swellings, in the undermost cells of which are situated the zoosporangia. The resting- spores have brown shining walls and lie inside the cells. The zoospores are uniciliate. CI. (Ur.) butomi, Biisgen. On leaves of BidomuH umbellatus. Black spores are produced containing resting-spores. The col- lecting cells have tufts of hair. Physoderma. Zoosporangia are absent. Kesting-spores formed, several in it u. Ja(jd-wesen ISlo; also, UntersurhinKjen aux d. /orsthotan. Inst. Miinchens, ISSO. 118 I'HYCOMYCETES. first leiiilets. or swaniiiiiir Til cells e (liseasc is spread during summer by conidia, produced from sporangia. The passage through winter is effected by means of oospores, resulting from fertiliza- tion of an ovum in the oogonium Ijy a fertilization-tube from an antheridium. The intercellular mycelium is at first nonseptate, later septate, and forms small haustoria. Seedlings of other plants, besides those already mentioned, and also succulents {e.g. Semjyervivum and Cactvs} may be attacked and killed by this same fungus. This epidemic cannot well be combated except by methods applicable only in the nursery. The most effective method is to plant no young seedlings in plots which have already been diseased, but to reserve such plots for older plants to which the fungus is not dangerous. If the disease be not very general, attacked plants may be removed singly and destroyed. Since moist air is very favourable to distribution of the disease, all nettings or trellises should be removed from seed-bed» threatened by attack. In dry Fig. 2S.—Pli!/toplit/ion: omnivora. Cotyledons airy loCaliticS there is IcSS- ivnd primary leaves in earlv stage of attack ; ■, ,.. the disease forms brown spots where patches danger tO SeedlUlgS thail 111 of mycelium are developed. 4 natural size. -^i (V. Tubeuf del.) " mOlSt. The fungus often appears in such force that seed-beds of beech or conifers are denuded of every plant within a few days, and in the forest beech- seedlings may, during damp weather, be completely exterminated over great areas. PHYTOPHTHORA. 119 Another parasite of conifer seedlings — Fasoma imrasiticum — which somewhat resembles Phytophtlwra, is figured and described amongst the " Fungi imperfecti." Phytophthora infestans, De Bary.^ This parasite was first observed in Europe in 1845, and has since then become Fio. 29. Fic. 30. Fio. 29.— Celhilav tissue from diseased cotyledon of Beech. The starch-gi-ains have been absorbed from the cellprotoplasm which has shrunk awaj* from the cell-wall n ; b, b. Intercellular fungal hyphae with very tiny haustoria ; c, c, fertilized oogonia, each containing a single oospore. (After R. Hartig.) Fig. 30.— Phi/tophthora oinnivora on the epidermis of a Beech-cotyledon, c. Outer wall of epidennal cell ; b, cuticle ; c, hyphae growing between cell-wall and cuticle, causing the slight protuberance d ; e, spot whei'e a hypha has emerged through the cuticle and developed as a sporangiophore/; after the first sporangium has reached maturity a second begins to form, g and A, whereby the first is displaced ; 1-, a stoma from which sporangiophores have developed. (After R. Hartig.) only too well known. It attacks leaves, shoots, and tubers of potato and other Solanaceae, e.g. the tomato (S. Lycopcrsicum). The potato leaves become discoloured, brown-spotted, and crumpled, especially in damp weather. The sporangiophores (gonidiophores of De Bary) issue from the stomata in ^ De Bary, Journal of Botany, 1876, and Journal of the. Royal Agric. Society, 1876. 120 I'HYCUMVCKTES. tufts, and form a white border round the brown parts of the leaf; they are monopodially branched and produce terminal sporangia (gonidia), which are easily detached. The sporangia on germination either pro- duce a varying number of zoospores, or germinate directly like conidia to form a mycelium capable of pro- ducing new conidia. The potato -disease is distin- guished from Fhytoi^hthora omnivora in the absence of sexual reproduction by oospores.' It is generally assumed that the mycelium hibernates in potato-tubers, from which the fungus recommences to spread in spring. Boehm,^ however, contests this, and holds the hibernation of the fungus to be quite unknown, and that from the tubers of Fig. 31.— Surface of a Beech-seedling with swarm- ;i disCaSCd plaut, either a spores a, h ; the gerin-tubes from these penetrate '^ between adjacent epidermal cells ; c, sporangivmi with healtllY plant Or llOUC at zoospores already germinating inside it, infeslaas. The Potato disease. A, Potato leaf with brown spots and white patches of fungi on the lower iide. B, Groups of conidio- j.hores emerging from a stoma close beside a hair of the potato leaf. C, Conidio- I'hores and conidia, much enlarged. Z», Leaf of potato much shrivelled up and brown, as in the later stages of the disease, fv. Tubeuf del.) 122 I'HYCOMYCETES. same author also quotes the disease on Solannm caripense at Quito, and on Petunia hyhrida at Upsala. The potato disease is above all an associate of moist weather. In such circumstances, the conidia are produced very rapidly and the zoospores readily distribute themselves in the moist soil. There is thus greater risk to the potato crops on wet soils. For wintering, potatoes as healthy as possible should be chosen. This is particularly the case if the tubers are required as seed : for the fungus-mycelium spreads from the tuber into the shoot. Wliole tubers are less liable to infection than those cut or broken. Some varieties {e.g. thick-skinned) are less easily infected than others ; such should be selected and bred. As a preventive measure the leaves may be sprayed witli Bordeaux mixture, or with a copper carbonate mixture.^ J>y these means conidia and zoospores which alight on the plants are killed and their germination prevented. The leaves them- selves remain uninjured if the copper compound bo used dilute enough. These compounds may even be beneficial to the growth of the host-plant, as was found by Eumm- for the vine, and Frank and Kriiger^ for the potato. Frank and Kriiger found on using a two per cent, copper sulphate and lime mixture, in which the copper is known to be the potent constituent, that the potato leaves were stronger, their chlorophyll-contents greater, their power of assimilation and transpiration was increased, the life of the leaf was lengthened, and the yield and starch-contents of the tubers were increased. They regard the effect of the copper on the leaf as the result of a chemotaxic stimulus. Jensen recommends disinfection of seed-potatoes by heating at -40' C. for four hours. Ph. phaseoli, Thaxter, lives in young bean-pods and causes them to shrivel up. The fungus is as yet incompletely known, having only been observed in America where Thaxter * reports great destruction of Lima bean {Phascolus lunatus) near New Haven. ' See also § \'l. Detailed expeiimeiits of this kind are frequently described in the magazines relating to agriculture. (Edit.) - Ber. d. deutach. botan. Ges., 1895, p. 189. ' Ber. d. dentKch. botan. Ges., 1894, p. 8. 'Thaxter, Botanical Gazette, 1889. CYSTOPUS. 123 Cystopus (Albugo). The mycelium is branched and grows between the cells of living plants, obtaining its nourishment by means of haustoria. The conidial cushions rupture the epidermis of the host. The conidia or sporangia are smooth-coated, and are produced acropetally in chains on short stalks from which they fall off separately when ripe. The sporangia germinate and discharge Fig. 33. — Costopi'.s candidus on plants of Capsella hario. pastorig. The fungus has caused distortion and thickening ; the white porcellanous conidial cushions shew up distinctly on the dark background, (v. Tubeuf phot.) swarming spores with two unequal lateral cilia. The egg-cells, produced singly in each oogonium, are fertilized by an antheridium. The thick-walled oospores remain enclosed in the intercellular spaces of the host-tissue, and on germinating in spring discharge swarming spores. Cystopus candidus (Pers.) Lev. White Paist. This fungus 124 PHYCOMYCETES. is very frequent on wild and cultivated Cruciferae throughout the whole world, and causes deformation of shoot, leaf, and flower. Fio. 34. — Ci/Atopus canditli'n. B, Conidiophores isolated from the cushion ; the conidia or spomiigia are united by intermediate cells. C, Sporangia breaking up to form swarm-spores. D, Swarm-sporos escaping. E, Swarm-spores in motile condition. F, Swarm-spores come to and germinating. 0, Two germ-tubes entering a stoma of Lcpidiuni scUivam ; the stoma is shown from the inside, so that the spores from which the germ-tubes arise are on the outer surface and unseen. (After De Bary.) Fio. 35. — Flower of Radish (Raphanns sativus) hypartrophied by Ci/slojms auididi'.s. The much-enlarged ovary stands out in the centre. The anthers are leaf-like ; the petals are much enlarged and hang downwards ; the sepals are somewhat enlarged. (Specimen from Botanical Museimi of Erlangen, and photographed by Dr. Brims.) The couidiai cushions form thick white stripes with a porcellaneous appearance, by which they are easily distinguished from the cushions of Feronospora parasitica often present on the same plant. CYSTOPUS. 125 Besides conidia, spherical oospores may also be present ; these are generally produced on the stems of the host-plant, but also on Hower-stalks and ovary-walls. The spherical conidia arise in simple chains on short coni- diophores, and are loosely connected by tiny intermediate cells. The conidial cushions rupture the epidermis and the ripe conidia fall oft' to produce biciliate swarming cells (Fig. 34). These give rise to oemi-tubes which enter the stomata of seedlings and Fio. :i6. — Flower of Radish hypertrophied by Ct/stopi's cainiidv.s. The white swollen conidial cushions occupy the enlarged petals, sepals and ovaries. (Dr. Bruns' phot.) develop to intercellular mycelia, fine short lateral twigs of which pierce the wall of the host-cells and become little spherical haustoria. The oogonia arise as thick-walled spherical swellings on the mycelium. The antheridium, after applying itself to the oogonium, widens and projects a fine fertilization-tube through the wall to the egg-cell. After fertilization is effected, the egg-cell is enclosed in a firm uneven membrane, and hibernates inside the oogonium. In spring the plasma of the oospore forms numerous biciliate 126 I'll V COM YCETES. swarm-spores which escape from the enclosin;:^ coats and germinate on seedling jdants. De l>ary ' found germ-tubes of Ci/n(opus entering all the stomata of Lcpidiuiii sativinn and of Capsclla, but they only developed further if the part attacked were the cotyledons. Magnus - observed an infection of Haphanus Baphanistrum in which the unopened buds were infected by swarm- spores. Oogonia may be found in the flowers of this same plant, whereas conidia alone only are present in OapscUa. White rust is most commonly observed on CapsrUit, causing slight local swelling or marked hypertrophy. It is also found to injure radish {llaphanas sativus), horee radish (Cochlcaria armor acia), cress (Lcjudium sativum), species of cabbage and turnip (Brassica Napus, B. nigra, B. Bapa, B. olcracea), wall- flower (Cheir- antJiKs Cheiri), water cress {Nasturtium amphihium, etc.), caper-plant {Ca'pp)aris s2nnosa), and other wild and culti- vated plants belonging to, or closely allied to the Cruciferae. Wakker^ investigated the changes brought about on a number of Cruci- ferae by Cijstopus. Some plants showed little or no deformation or anatomical alteration, others showed much. While the anatomical changes in the various species examined agreed in general, yet some showed a predominant or exclusive formation of conidia, others of oospores. The changes Fio. 37. — Cystojmi portulacae, D. C. m, mycelium ; .;', basidia ; c, spores with intermediate cells. (After Tulasiie.) ' Morpholoijy and Biology of the Fungi. English fiditiou. - Abhand. d. hofan. Verehis d. Prov. Brandenburg, xxxv. .) Pringsheim's Jakrbuch, 1892. CYSTOPUS. 127 observed on Crqisella may be summarized here : the fungus attacks all parts above ground, and causes enlargement of parenchymatous cells ; it forms only conidia ; formation of chlorophyll is increased ; the formation of interfasci- cular cambium is diminished or altogether suppressed ; the intrafascicular cambium retains its activity longer ; accessory vascular bundles make their appearance ; cX^v^^^i^^^^'^^^ no differentiation of tissue takes place in the ovary wall, the secondary vessels remain incomplete, and the embryo dries up. C. portulacae, D. C. On Portulaca oleracea and P. sativa (U. S. America). C. tragopogonis, Pers.^ (C. spimilos^is) (Britain and U. S. America). On Compositae, e.g. Chamomilla., Achillea, Cirsium, Scorzonera, etc. The markings on the spore-coat take the form of a double net- work. C. convolvulacearum, Otth. (C ipomoeae-pandiu-anae, Farl.). On Con- volvulaceae. (Halsted " gives this as one of the causes of rot in sweet potato in America.) C. bliti (Biv.-Bern.). On species of Amarantaceae (U. S. America). C. lepigoni, de Bary. On Spergularia (Britain). Basidiophora. The non-septate mycelium inhabits intercellular spaces of living plants, and is nourished by small haustoria. The conidio- phores issue in tufts from the stomata, and have a characteristic form ; they are unbranched with club-shaped ends, from which arise several sterigma-like conidiophores with almost spherical conidia. The conidia or sporangia are produced in large numbers, and on germination discharge numerous zoospores with two lateral cilia. The oospores are formed singly in the oogonia, and appear as yellowish-brown bodies in the interior of the plant. Basidiophora entospora, Roze and Cornu. On Erigeron ccma- dcnsc, A.stcr, Solidago, etc. (Britain and U. S. America). Plasmopara. The mycelium is richly branched and grows intercellular, nourished by little button-shaped haustoria. The conidiophores ^Magnus, Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1893. ^ Zeitsrhrift f. PflanzenkranJchdten, 1895, j). 338. 128 PHYCOMYCETES. arise in tufts from the stoinata ; they are branched in various ways, and from each branchlet a single conidium is abjointed. The contents of the conidia emerge as swarming cells with two lateral cilia, or as vesicles which emit a germ-tube. The egg-cells occur singly in each oogonium, and are fertilized by an antheridiun). The oospores remain long enclosed in the thick-walled oogonium. Fio. 39. — Planmopara viticola. Vine leaf with white spots on the under surface, from which tufts of conidiophores emerge, (v. Tubeuf del.) Plasmopara nivea (linger). (Britain and U. S. America). Inflicts great injury on various wild and cultivated Umbelliferae, e.g. carrot {Daucus Carota), parsley (Fetroselinum sativum), chervil {Anthrucu>i Cerefoliuvi). Plasmopara viticola, Berk.^ The Downy or False Mildew of ^Bibliography. De Bar}', Annal. d. sci. nat., 1863. Viala, Die Pilze d. Wtiiistockts ; with good 1)ibliography. Prillieux, Annal. de. Vinstit. nat. agronomigue, 1881. Cornu, Le Peronospora des Vignes, Paris, 1882. Sajo, PLASMOPARA. 129 the Vine. This parasite was introduced into Europe from America.^ It makes its appearance in early summer as white patches on the under surfaces of leaves, sometimes also on stalks and fruit. In the course of the summer the leaves show brown spots and dry up. The white patches consist of tufts of branched conidiophores, from which ovoid conidia are abiointed. These on germina- FiG. iO. —PlasmoiMi-a viticola. Conidiophores, much enlarged, (v. Tubeuf del.) tion in rain-drops discharge six to eight swarming cells from which germ-tubes grow into the epidermis of the host-plant ; thus the disease spreads rapidly during moist weather and a Peronospora viticola, 1890. Maguus, Wittviaclc's Gartenzeit, 1883. Scribuer, Reijort of U.S. Dept. of ArjricuUure for 1886, pp. 96-105; this contains an excellent account of this milde-n-. Articles on this subject dealing with remedial measures are frequently published in the U.S. Amer. Department reports and bulletins, in the bulletins from experimental stations, and in the horticultural journals. 1 Seymour and Farlow give it as occuring on every American species of V\fis. I 1 30 PHYCOMYCETES. wet season is very favourable to it. The mycelium is uon- septate and spreads through the intercellular spaces of the host, nourished by button-like haustoria sunk into the host-cells. The antheridium comes into contact with the oogonium by a fertilization tube, which, however, remains closed. The oospores hibernate in leaves and fruit. Frcvcntion} Ammoniacal copper carbonate solution, eau celeste, or Bordeaux mixture, prepared as described on p. 69, may be used. The tirst-named solution seems least liable to injure the foliage ; the others must, on this account, be used with care. The first application is made about the time the Fig. 41. — Plasmopara pycimaea on Anemone nemorosa. Conidiophores emerging from a stoma. Intercellular mycelium with haustoria. (v. Tubeuf del.) berries are well formed, and the sprayings are repeated every twelve to fifteen days, or ofteuer if there are heavy rains, till the grapes begin to colour. It must, however, be remembered that sprayings of this kind do not reach the mycelium inside the leaf, but only act superficially, killing any developing conidiophores or conidia which may alight on the leaf. These fungicides are, at the same time, remedies for powdery mildew (Uncinula). " Sulphuring" as a remedy for this and the powdery mildew- has been recommended hy continental writers.^ The burning of all diseased vine-leaves is strongly recommended. Attention also should be given to the cultivation of disease-proof varieties.^ PI. pygmaea (Unger). On Ranunculaceae (Britain and U.S. America). PI. pusilla (De Bary). On Geraniums. 1 Galloway, "Fungous diseases of the grape and their treatment," U.S. Dept. of Aijric, Farmera' Bulletin, No. 4, 1881. -Oesterr. Weinbaukongress, 1891. Reported in Oe-it. landwirth. Wochenhlatl, X., 1881. ^Millardet (see Chap, vi.) PLASMOPARA. 131 PI. viburni, Peck. Oii Viburnum (U.S. America). PI. densa (Eabh.). Oii Scropliularineae (Britain). PI. ribicola (Schroet.). On Ribes rubrum (U.S. America). PI. epilobii (Eabh.). On Epilobium pahistre, and E. parvifoliurii. PI. obducens (Schroet.). On cotyledons of Impatiens (U.S. America). PI. geranii (Peck.). On Geraniums in America. PI. Halstedii, Berl. and de Toni. On Silphium, Rudheckia, Helianthus, and many other American Compositae. Sclerospora. Mycelium intercellular in living plant-tissues, and deriving nourishment by means of haustoria. The conidiophores are thick, short, and divide at their apices into short broad branches, from each of which a single conidium is abjointed. The conidia in germinating discharge swarming cells. One oospore is formed in each oogonium. Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) lives in several species of Setaria (U.S. America). Bremia. Mycelium intercellular in higher plants, and nourished by little button-like haustoria. The conidiophores are branched, and at their apical ends become swollen in a char- acteristic manner, so as to resemble a hand held cup- like with the fingers project- ing separately upwards, like the tentacles of Hydra. The jj^ conidia are aljjointed singly from the tentacle-like pro- cesses, and germinate, emit- ting a germ-tube through a definite thin spot in their coat. Oospores originate singly in oogonia. Bremia lactucae, Eeg. {Pcronospora gaiLgliun iformis Berk.^) (Britain and U.S. America). The richly-branched conidio- phores appear singly on attacked parts of plants. This fungus ' Cornu, Compt. rend., 1S78. Fig. i2.— Bremia lo.ctucac. (v. Tubeuf del.) 132 PHYCOMYCETES. may cause considerable damage to the lettuce {Ladvca saliva), this being especially the case in France. The parasite is most dangerous in forcing-houses during winter or early spring, and spreads rapidly, favoured by the damp atmosphere. The young diseased plants are stunted, and take on a pale colour, Karly removal and destruction of diseased plants is to be recommended; also abandonment for lettuce-cultivation of infected houses or frames. In addition to lettuce, this fungus attacks a number of Compositae, cjj. Cineraria, Sonchiis, etc. Peronospora. The mycelium is intercellular in living plants. The haustoria may be simple, button-shaped, or thread-like, or may branch inside the host-cell. The long and much-branched conidiophores produce conidia singly at the ends of their branches. The conidia produce a germ-tube. The oospores are brown-coated and are formed singly in the oogonia ; they germinate in spring. Peronospora Schachtii, Fuck.^ is injurious to the inner leaves of sugar beet and mangold {Beta vulgaris), while young seedlings are killed by it. The mycelium hibernates in the roots ; as yet oospores have not been found. P. effusa (Grev.) This causes injury to spinach (Spinacia.) oleracea) and other Chenopodiaceae (Britain and U.S. America). P. Schleideni, Ung. Kills the leaves of cultivated and wild species of onion {Allium) (Britain and U.S. America). P. dipsaci, Tul. Injures stems and leaves of Dipsacus Sylvester and D. FuUonum. P knautiae, Fuck., of K7iautia and Scahiosa, is probably identi- cal with last. P. viciae (Berk.) (Britain and U.S. America). A dangerous .species to many Papilionaceae (especially peas, beans, tares, lentils, etc.), often causing great damage to field crops. In recent years the new fodder-plant Lathy rus sylvestris has been frequently attacked.^ P. trifoliorum, De Bary ^ (Britain and U.S. America). Dis- tinguished from the preceding form by its irregularly marked 'Kiihn, Bofan. Zeitiuuj, 1873. - Zeilschrift f. PJIaiizenkrankheifen, ii., p. 225 ami 28.3. ^ Smith, Disea^iC'i of Crops, Lontloii, 1SS4. PERONOSPORA. 133 oospore-coat (oospores of P. viciae have a coat with a regular net- work). It occurs on stems, leaves, and petioles of clovers, lucerne and other Papilionaceae, often with disastrous effect. P. sparsa, Berk. (Britain and U.S. America). This parasite on the rose was first observed in England. It injures indoor roses, causing a fall of the leaf, preceded by the appearance of lilac-coloured spots which, on the underside of the leaf, are closely beset with a white coating of conidiophores.^ Fig. 43. — Pu-onosporo. viciae. Conidiophores and conidia. (v. Tubeuf del.) P. arborescens (Berk.). On leaves and shoots of wild and cultivated poppies ; especially injurious to seedlings of garden species. P. parasitica (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). This pro- duces greater or less deformation of attacked stems of many wild and cultivated Cruciferae. Amongst cultivated plants the most liable to injury are the varieties of turnips and cabbage, radish, rape, cress, wallflower, also the mignonette. It is generally found along with Cystopus candidus on shepherd's purse {CapscUa). P. cytisi, Eostr.,^ attacks seedlings of laburnum in Denmark, causing death in a few days. The leaves become brown spotted, ^ Zeitschrift f. P.-krank., ii., p. 386, (description of attack in Silesia.) ^ Rostrup, Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenkrankhdten, 1892. Magnus, Hedicigia, 1892. 134 PHYCOMYCKTES. and branched conidiophores with light-brown conidia arise from their underside. Numerous oospores may be found in the leaves. Kirchner ^ observed the disease on leaves of four-year-old plants, yet without injurious effects. The following are other British or American species: Peronospora ficariae, Tiil. On Ranunculus, Myommis, etc. P. corydalis, De By. On Corydalis and Dicentra. P. violae, De By. On Viola tricolor. P. arenariae var. niacrospora, Far!. On Silene. P. alsinearum, Casp. On Cerastium. P. claytoniae, Farl. On Claytonia. P. lini, Scliroet. On Linum. P. potentillae, De By. On Rosaceae e.g. O'eum, Fragaria, and I'otentilla, P. Arthuri, Fail. On Oenothera. b Fio. 44. — Peronospora alsinearum. Sexual organs, c. Young condition ; b, for- mation of ovum and fertilization-tube ; c, after fertilization, (periplasm some- what contracted by preparation, and the fertilization-tube unusually thick) ; n, anthcridium ; o, oogonium, x 350. (After I)c Bary.) P. leptosperma, De By. On Conipositae e.g. Artemisia. P. Candida, Fuck. On Androsace and other Primulaceae. P. cynoglossi, Burrill. On Cynoglossv.m. P. myosotidis, De By. On Myosotis and Echinospermum. P. sordida. Berk. On Nicotiana and Scrophularia. P. hyoscyami, D. By. On Tobacco in America and Australia (Garteris Dryopleris, Cystopteris fragilis, and Scolopendrium officinale. 142 ASCOMYCETES. The Slime- or Mucilage-flux of Trees. This is a very common phenomenon in our avenues, parks, and forests. It can be observed during the period of vegetation on several species of trees, particularly on spots wounded Ijy removal of branches, by frost rupture, or by some other cause. The wound may, however, be so grown over or occluded tliat at first sight the slime appears to flow from the uninjured bark. These slime-fluxes are very common on dead branch- snags and in places affected with sun-stroke or frost- wounds ; while I have frequently found them on dead tree-stools and on wooden water-pipes where the water trickled from some fissure. It is thus probable that they are always produced on the site of some wound, although Ludwig, without giving any details, says that there may be no previous injury. I have never observed any case where a tree with a slime-outflow became sickly and died, and the cases of death recorded by Ludwig are probably due to some other cause. Ludwig, however, says decidedly that the white slime-flux on oak, as well as the brown flux of apple, horse-chestnut, and others, are really parasitic phenomena. I must say, however, that I have carefully examined the occluding tissues on frost- cracks showing slime-flux, and found them quite healthy. The white slime-flux of the oak.' According to Ludwig, the white slime-flux of the oak and other species of trees takes place during moist weather, and from June to September. It flows from branch-scars, former frost-ruptures, and other wounded places ; also from apparently uninjured bark. Ludwig believes that such wounds are infected by the agency of insects, particularly hornets ; that the disease spreads through the bark and breaks out in various places. On such spots the edges of the wound are alternately occluded and killed again, so that a flux-wound may come in course of time to resemble a "canker-spot." Large areas of the bark die off, and the death of the wood frequently follows. 1 Ludwig : (1) " Ueber Alkoholgiihrung u. Schleimfluss lebender Biuime u. deren Urheber." Ber. d. dentsch hotan. Ges., 1886. (2) " Ueber profuse Guminose d. Eichen u. waiter. Mitth. lib. Alkoholgahrung u. .Schleimfluss lebender Biiume." Ceiitrhl. f. Bakt. u. Parasitenkunde, 1890. (3) Lehrbuch, 1892. (4) Forst.-natur- wiss. Zeitschr., August, 1894. ENDOMYCES. 143 The slinie-flux is the product of an alcoholic fermentation and has at first a distinct odour of beer. The fermentation produces a transparent foam in which are found Endomyces Magnusii (Ludw.) and a jenst, Sacchaivmyces lAidwigii (Hansen); this latter, Ludwig regards as a stage of the Endomyces. Later a gelatinous slime is developed in the foam from the presence of Leuconostoc Lagcrhcimii (Ludw.) Since this latter plant does not appear in the early stages of the disease, it cannot be the cause, and Ludwig says that the alcoholic fermentation due to the Endomyces always appears first ; this conclusion requires confirmation. The milky outflow of trees. ^ Towards the end of winter and in spring a white foamy slime flows from freshly cut birches or hornbeams. According to Ludwig, this is due to Endomyces vernalis (Ludw.) Red slime-flux.^ Ludwig found on the cut twigs of hornbeam, a red fungus which he called Rhodomyces dcndnyporthes. This may occur alone or along with the white flux, which it colours red. Brown slime-flux.^ This is found on apple-trees, elms, birch, horse-chestnut, poplar, oak, etc., from spring till winter. The slime, Ludwig says, is developed in the wood, and breaks through, causing the bark to decay. The wood is destroyed and smells of butyric acid. The slime contains micrococci {Micrococcus dendroporthes, Ludw.) and a form of Torida {T. monilioides). In Thuringia, many avenue- trees {e.g. chestnuts, apples, and birch), are reported to have been killed from this cause. That the disease was really the result of a Bacterium, and that death was due to this slime-flux, has yet to be proved, as Ludwig himself states. Black slime-flux. Ludwig considers briefly some forms he found in a black slime-flux observed by him on beeches. 1 Ludwig, Lehrbuch der nied. Kryptogamen, 1S92. - Ludwig, Centralhl. f. BakL u. Parasitenktcnde, 1888. 1 44 ASCOMYCETES. Chocolate-brown slime-flux.' A slime-flux of this colour appears on the stumps, of felled beeches ; it contains numerous forms of Oidium, and later Ascobolus Constantini (Roll) is developed in large quantity.^ THE PARASITIC EX0ASCEAE.3 In this family are included the genera Exoascus, Magnusiella, and Tcqjhrina. The asci of most of the known species are prochiced from a mycelium which lives under the cuticle of the host-leaf, in a few {cjj. Magnusidla fiavci), the mycelial hyphae are developed between the cells of the epidermis, while in others {c.rj. M. iwtcntillac), the mycelium permeates the whole leaf-tissue and the asci arise from hyphae situated under the epidermis. T. Laurcncia and a few others have an intracellular mycelium, and produce asci inside the epidermal cells. A number of species are known to possess a perennating mycelium, in the remainder the hyphae are wholly used up in the formation of asci. The ascospores produce conidia before leaving the asci, which are therefore frequently found filled with minute conidia instead of the usual ascosj)ores. In nutritive solutions the conidia sprout yeast-like ; on a host-plant, they give rise to a hypha which penetrates the cuticle. ' Ludwig, " Ein neuer Pilzfluss d. Waldbaume," Forst.-naturwiss. ZeitschHft , 1893, and 1894. -Kriiger lias found various micro-organisms, including a fungus {Prototheca) and several algae, in the slime-flux of broad-leaved trees. (Zopf, Beitr. z. Phjjiiol. 71. Morph. niecL Orfjanismen , 1894.) ■' Sadebeck : (1) Untersuch. iib. die Pilzgattung Esoascus, 1884. (2) Kritische Untersuch. iib. die diirch Taphrina-Arten hervorgehrachten Bcmmkrankheiten, 1890. (3) Die parasitischen Exoasceen, 1893. (4) " Einige neue Beobachtungen u. kritische Bemerkungen lib. die. Exoasceae," Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1895. Johanson : (1) Studier ofcer Svampslcujet Taphrina, 1887. (2) 0?m Svamp- sU'igtei Taphrina orh dithoraude Svennka arter, 1885. i Rostrup, Taj>hrinaceae Daniae, 1890. De Bary, Beitriine z. Morph. ?<. Physiol, d. Pilze, 1864-1870. Giesenhagen, " Die Entwickelungsreihen der parasitischen Exoasceen." Flora, ErijunzniKjshcuid, 1895. With numerous figures from microscopic sections. Atkinson, " Leaf-curl and plum-i)ockets." A contribution to the knowledge of the prunicolous Exoasceae of the United States. Cornell Univ. Atus). " Witches' Brooms " ( Hexenbesen) are bushy growths, which remind one at first sight of stranger-plants growing, like mistletoe, on the branches of other plants. They generally originate from a bud which has been infected during the previous summer, either directly or through its subtending leaf. This bud produces a twig capable of abnormally increased growth, most of its sleeping l)uds are developed into branches, and the whole system shows marked negative geotropism. (See Fig. 3). The spores of the fungus are produced on the leaves of the broom. The characteristic features of a witches' broom are : that, without regard to the direction of the liranch on which it is borne, it is negatively geotropic in a marked degree, and endeavours to develop like a terminal leader shoot ; that the point of infection is distinctly conspicuous as the starting point of the broom. Sadebeck regards any twig-hypertrophy as a witches' broom, even that of Uxoascus Tosquinetii where there is no basal swelling and the twigs exhibit only very slight negative geotropism. The forms of witches' brooms are very varied. Amongst the best known are the hanging broom-like masses developed from buds of the leader shoots {e.g. on cherry trees). As a result of the rich growth of twigs and their premature death, many of these brooms l^ecome tangled nest-like structures. The twigs in some are much elongated, in others shortened, in every case, however, they are abnormally numerous. As a rule the original leader shoot, on which some lateral bud has developed into a witches' broom, shrivels up and dies, its contents being, as it were, absorbed by the hypertrophied branches. Other general features have already been discussed in Part 1. of this book. Smith^ found that the form of the witches' broom is not determined exclusively by the fungus. The perennating my- celium indeed gives the first impetus towards its formation, 1 Smith, loc. cit. K 146 ASCOMYCKTES. but it is completed by the weight of the broom itself, the excessive development of sleeping buds, and the premature death of twigs. Smith also investigated the anatomical changes occuring in witches' brooms due to Exoasceac. From his resumii we select the following : " In a witches' broom the increased thickness of the twigs and branches is due to a proportionally greater increase in the bark than in the wood, the hypoderm, especially, having its cells more numerous and larger, while their normal arrangement in longitudinal rows is lost. The cork-cells are enlarged and retain their plasma- content longer. The phelloderm is Ijetter developed. In the sclerenchyma-ring, the primary bundles of bast-fibres are smaller and fuither apart from each other, or they may be quite absent ; the bast-fibres are shorter and have thinner walls ; sclerenchymatous cells are more numerous, larger, and have thinner walls. The phloem is increased chiefly through enlarge- ment and increase in number of its medullary rays; phloem crystal-deposits tend to he multiplied. In the wood, the parts most enlarged are the pith and medullary rays ; tracheae are more numerous, but their component elements are shorter ; the wood-fibres have thinner walls, wider lumina, and are often cham])ered ; the normal course of the long elements is much disturbed by the greatly enlarged medullary rays. Sadeljeck has recently divided the parasitic Uxoasceac into these genera : (a) Mafjnvddla, with asci isolated on the ends of mycelial threads which lie between the epidermal cells ; in the other genera the asci arise from a subcuticular hymenium ; (&) Taphrina, without a perennating mycelium ; (c) E.roa>iCvs, with a perennating mycelium ; {uiniUa, P. maritima, P, nigra, P. americana. E. Faiioivii (Sad.) {E. varius, Atk.) on Prunun scrotina, causing also deformation of twigs. E. lonr/ijn's (Atk.) on Prvni's americana. E. confusi's (Atk.) on Prunus virginiana. E. rhizipcs (Atk.) on Prunus triflora. E. cecidomophilus (Atk.) on insect-galls on the fruits of Priinvs virginiana. E. mirahUis (Atk.) on Prunus angustifolia, P. liortv.Jana, P. a.mcricana. [Also species on Pruntis suhcordata, P. Clncasa, and ]\ pennsylvcmica.] E. alni incanae (Ktihn) {E. amcntoruvi, Sad.) on Alnus incana. E. alni glutinosac (Tubeuf) on Alnus glutinosa. E. Robinsonianus ((liesh.) on Alnus incana. E. Johansonii (Sad.) on Populus trcinula, P. trcmuloides, P. grandidentata. E. rhizoj^horus (Johan.) on Po2)uh's alba. II. Species which (1) produce witches' brooms, or (2) at least cause deformation of shoots ; asci produced on the leaves. (1) E. cjnpliylliis (Sad.) {E. ho/ralis, Johan.) on Alnus incana (uniform grey coating of asci on both sides of leaf.) E. turgidus (Sad.) on Bctula verrucosa (coating of asci on under surface accompanied by slight crumpling of leaf). E. hetulinus (Rostr.) on Betula ijuhescens and B. odorata (coating of asci on under surface). THE TARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 15^ E. alinnvs (Johan.) on Bdula nana (coating on under surface). B. carpini (Rostr.) on Carjmivs Betvlus (coating on under side, and crumpling of leaf). E. cerasi (Fuck.) on Frunus Cerasvs and P. avium (coating, chiefly on under side, and crumpling of leaf). E. insititiae (Sad.) on Frunus Lisititia, P. domestica, F, 2)cnnsylvanica, (F. spinosa?) ; (coating on under side, and crumpling of leaf). E. accrimis (Eliass.^) on Acer plafanoidcs ; (asci on Ijoth surfaces). E. aesculi (Ell. et Ever.) on Aescnhis californica; (coating on both sides). E. Kruchii (Vuill.) on Querci's Ilcr. E. cornu cervi (Giesh.) on Asjndium aristaivm. E. Laurencia (Giesh.) on Ftcris quadriaurita (with deforma- tion of leaves). (2) ^. nanus (Johan.) on Bdida nana (white coating on upper side). E. hacteriosiicrmus (Johan.) on BcMa nana (coating on both sides). E. decipieiis (Atk.) on Frunus americana (coating on both sides). E. jmrjmrasccns (Ell. et Ever.) on Bhus copallina (crum- pling and red-colouration). E. Tosquinetii (West.) on Alnus giutinosa and A. gluf.x incana (large blisters and elongation of shoots). E. pruni (Fuck.) on Frunus domestica (blistering and crum- pling). E. minor (Sad.) on Frumis Chamaccerasus. E. deformans Berk, on Fersica vidgaris and Amygdalus communis (blistering and crumpling). E. crataegi (Fuck.) on Crataegus Oxyacantha (spots and blisters on the leaves). E. mirabilis (Atk.) on Frunus angustifolia, F. hortulana, F. americana (on twigs, leaves, and fruits). E. celtis (Sad.) on Celtis australis (brown spots). E. githa,ginis (Eostr.) on Agrostemma Githago. ^Svenska J'et.-Akad. Handl. 20, 1895. 154 ASCOMYCETES. III. Species whicli produce (1) pustule-like outgrowths, (2) leaf-spot, or (3) smooth coatings of asci. E. aureus (Pers.) on Populus nigra (incl. jnjramidalis) and P. monilifera. E. i)olys'porus (Sor.) on Acer tartaricum and A. Pseitdo- ■platanus. E. hullatus (Berk, et Br.) on Pyrus commiunu and Cijdonia japonica. E. carneus (Johan.) on Betula nana, B. odorata, and B. intermedia. E. coerulescens (Desni. et Mont.) on Qucrcus j^uhescens, Q. sessilijlora, Q. Cerris, Q. lanrifolia, Q. rubra, Q. tinxitoria, Q. aquatica. E. Sadchecldi (Johan.) on Alnus glvtinosa. E. ulmi (Fuck.) on Ulmus camiMstris, U. moyitana, and U. americana (spots and blisters). E. virginicus (Sey. et Sad.) on Ostrya virginica. E. australis (Atk.) on Car])inus americanus. E. filicinus (Eostr.) on Aspidium spinulos^im. E. potentillae (Farl.) on Potentilla geo'ides, P. canadensis, P. sylvestris. E. githaginis (Eostr.) on Agrostcmma GWiago. E. lutescens (Eostr.) on Polystichum Thclypteris. E. umhellife7^aruni (Eostr.) on Heracleum Sphondylium, Peu- cedanum 'pnl^'stre and P. Orcoselinum. E. ostryac (Mass.) on Ostrya carpinifolia (brown spots). E. hctulae (Fuck.) on Betula verrucosa, B. pubescens, B. turkestanica (whitish spots). E. Jiavus (Farl.) on Betula populifolia, B. papyracea. E. acericolus (Mass.) on Acer camjiestre and A. Pseudo- platanus. E. fasciculatus (Lag. et Sad.) on Nephrodium (whitish spots). The following are some of the more important species of Exoasceae : Exoascus pruni Fuck. (Pocket-plums). This attacks the ovaries of Prunus domcstica (plum), P. Padns (bird cherry), and P. virginiana, causing the mesocarp to grow rapidly, whereby the fruits increase in size and become much changed in form. THE PARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 155 while the stone, including the embryo, remains stunted. (Fig. 49.) The "pocket-plums" (fools or bladder-plums) dry up, and remain hanging on the tree till autumn. De Bary found on the plum a withering of calyx and stamens resulting from the development of the hymenium of this Exoascus ; on the bird cherry, according to Magnus and Wakker, enlargement of the stamens occurs. Sometimes a considerable thickening and twisting of the young shoots takes place, and their leaves curl up. Fir 4^ — Eroascus pruni. Twig of Plum, with four deformed fruits ; one iiuijiittl pluiii is partially hidden, the other is in the middle, i natural Mze. (v. Tubeuf del.) The mycelium hibernates in the soft bast of the twigs, and proceeds thence in spring into young shoots and ovaries. According to De Bary, the infected ovaries double their size in two days, and are full grown in eight days. The asci form a close layer under the cuticle of the ovary, and finally rupture it. 15G ASCOMYCKTES. Exoascus Rostrupianus Sad. This fungus causes " pockets " on rn/ni/,s spitiosa (sloe) similar to the preceding species. According to Sadebeck, the asci in this case are more slender. Pio. 49. — Exoascus 'prwui. Malformed Plums — "pocket plums"; one which is cut shows the rudimentary stone. 4 natural si/.e. (v.'Tubeuf phot.) Fici. 50. — Exoascus on twig of Prvnv.s Padvs (at end of July). Four of the ovaries- are m.alformed. (v. Tubeuf del.) Flu. .01. — Exoascus prvni. Young twigs of Plum, showing effects of mycelium. The shoots are swollen and distorted, one disea.sed leaf remains hypertrophled and much crumpled; ou one spur a and a "pocket" plum are borne. Specimens from the Museum at Geisenheim. J natural size. (v. Tubeuf phot.) THE PARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 157 Exoascus communis Sad. This produces pocket-plums on Primus amcricana, P. inLinila, and P. maritima in America, Similar " pockets " also occur on Pricnus suhcordata, P. Chicasa, and P. pciinsylvanica, in America, as a result of some Exoascus. Exoascus Farlowii Sad. produces similar deformation of carpels and floral envelopes on Pruiius serotina in North America. Exoascus Johansonii Sad. produces carpel- enlargement on the female catkins of Populus trcmula, P. trcmuloicles and P. grandidentaia ; the contents of the asci are yellow. (Fig. 52.) The anatomy of the deformed ovaries has just been described by Sadebeck.^ Exoascus rhizophorus Johau. causes similar fio. -yi.-E.coascus <> Ti J Johansonii Sad. on enlargement or the lemale catkins oi Populus Popuiv.stremv.ia. (v. ^ ^ Tubeufdel.) alba. Exoascus alni-incanae Ktihn {Ex. amentoruvi Sad.) This species is readily distinguished by the absence of a stalk-cell on the ascus. It causes increased growth and enlargement of the seed-scales of alder catkins, the fruit itself being seldom attacked. The fleshy bladder-like outgrowths at first appear as little red processes ; later, the asci are developed on the outer surface as a whitish coating. On many of these red processes may still be recognized the trifid apex of the normal scale, (this is really formed from five smaller scales fused into a single large one with a trifid apex). A number of these red outgrowths are generally present on each infected catkin, yet the alders continue to flower vigorously every year. Wakker,^ in investigating the anatomy of the deformed scales, found the following alterations : — ^the scales are increased to many times their original size and contain two cavities; all parenchy- matous cells become regular and iso-diametric ; lignification of the elements of the wood is more or less interfered with, and fewer wood-fibres are produced ; there is an accumulation of transitory starch. Exoascus alni-glutinosae Tubeuf. This is a new species distinguished by v. Tubeuf in 1895. It occurs in the Sudetic mountains, Italy, Denmark, and Sweden, on Alnus glutinosa. Its habit is similar to that of Ex. alni-incanae, but the asci 1 Sadebeck (See Literature), 4. p. 144. - Printjsheim's Jahrhuch, 1892. 158 ASCOMYCETES. contain only conidia, whereas those on Alnvs-incana are said by Sadebeck to contain only ascospores, unless on very rare occasions. In the lower and higher Alps, although both species of alder are not infrequently found together, yet the Rvoascus is found only on Alniis incana, and no species occurs on A. glutinosa. Fig. 53. — Exoascus abii-incanae in catkins of Alnus incana. Many of the scales are developed as elongated red soft tongue-like structures, on which the asci arc produced as a whitish coating, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Exoascus epiphyllus Sad. (Ur. horealis Joh.^) The witches'- broorn fungus of the white alder {Alnus incana.) The author 2 was the first to describe and figure this form of disease in 1884; and Sadebeck recently succeeded in pro- ^ K. Sven. Vet. Akad. 18S5 and 1887. Tubeuf, Botan. CentralU., 1890. - Tubeuf, Beitrage z. KennUms d. Baun\h'anJcheiten, 1888. THE PARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 159 ducing the brooms by artificial infection of alder. The disease is common and epidemic, and a single tree may carry as many as a hundred brooms. The witches' brooms are composed of many thickened twigs, beset with an abnor- mal number of lenticels, and the point of infection shows a distinct swelling, from which the broom tends to turn directly upwards. The leaves are somewhat modified, they are larger and thicker than the normal, they unfold later and wither earlier, while their stipules remain attached for some time. The brooms of alder only survive a few years, and by their decay cause the death of large branches, and frequently of the whole tree. The asci, which are sunk in a depression of their stalk-cell, form a white coating on both surfaces of the leaves. The mycelium hibernates in the buds. Exoascus turgidus Sad. causes the formation of witches' brooms on Bet via verrucosa. The leaves form- ed on the brooms are some- what crumpled, and the asci are produced on their lower surface. Exoascus betulinus Eostr. produces witches' brooms on Betula puhescens and B. odorata. Fig. 54. — Exoascus epiphyllus. Witches' broom in first year, showing swelling at the point of infec- tion. The leaves are already shed in autumn, while the normal still remain 1 natural .size. After V. Tubeuf.) 160 ASCOMYCETES. * Witches' brooms on birch are very common in Scotland. They appear as tangled masses of twigs, which at first sight give the impression of some bird's nest. I have frequently examined the leaves borne on these brooms, and have never failed to find the asci of an Exoascus. Sadebeck gives in his monograph the two above-named species as found on birches bearing v.itches' brooms. Mites {cfj. PhyUyjitus) have also been given as the cause of these malformations. On close examination of brooms which undoubtedly bore Exoascus, I found that a broom results from a prolific development of small twigs on one or a few knotty swollen parts of a branch. Each central Fig. (tb.^Witchf.s' Broom oftlic Hornbeaia. Exoascus carpini on Carpinv.s Belulus. The bush measures about i metre across, and arises laterally from a branch, the upper normal part of which has been removed, (v. Tubeuf phot.) knot we may regard as the position of the Inid which was first infected, and from which the broom system took its origin. As one result of the attack of the fungus, the greater number of the buds in the axils of the scales of the infected bud have grown out as twigs, but not into well-developed ones. In consequence, nearly every twig has been killed back by the winter, but not completely, so that from each twig- Ijase has sprung a new crop of stunted immature twigs like the first, and equally liable to be killed in the following winter. Thus has arisen that tangled mass of dead or sickly birch twigs which we call a witches' broom. [Edit.] THE PARASITIC! EXOASCEAE. 161 Exoascus alpinus Johan. and Ex. nanus Johaii. Both occur on Bftuhi nana, and induce formation of hypertrophied twigs. ^'VK/. / Fig. 56. — Witches' Broom of the Cherry. Exoascus cerasi on Prv.nus Cerasus. The whole left side forms a large broom. A smaller example occupies the summit of the crown, while another hangs downwards to the right. In winter condition. (v. Tubeuf phot.) The mycelium of Ux. nanus hibernates in twigs, and penetrates L 162 ASCOMYCETES. into the inner tissues of newly-formed twigs and leaves. The mycelium of Ex. alpinus passes the winter in the buds, spreading thence in spring into young twigs and leaves. Fig. 57. — Exoascus cerasi on Prunus droius. Cherry-tree iii blossom, with the exception of four witches' brooms. The tree is as yet leafless except the brooms, which are in full foliage and show up dark. (v. Tubeuf phot.; Exoascus carpini Eostr. is common on Carpinus Beiulus (horn- beam) (Fig. 55). The brooms produced are bushy and densely leafed ; the twigs are thickened and much branched ; the leaves THE PARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 163 iire- somewhat curled up, and the asci appear on their lower surface.! Exoascus cerasi Fuck, occur.s very commonly on cherry trees {Prunus Ccrasus and P. avium) both in Europe and America.^ It produces witches' brooms, which may be large, upwardly directed, bush-like, and very conspicuous structures, with numerous thickened and elongated twigs (Fig. 3); or they may be small, hanging bunches of twigs with upturned free ends. The leaves are somewhat wavy, slightly crumpled, and reddish ; on their lower epidermis they bear asci, and fall otf prematurely. Fig. i)S. — Normal twig of Cherry from a tree in blossom, as in Fig. 57. (v. Tubeiif phot.) The brooms are visible at a considerable distance in the winter (Fig. 56), wiiile they are even more conspicuous during the Howeriug season (Fig. 57). At the latter time, before the leaf-buds open, the cherry trees are normally covered with white blossom, while the brooms bear leaves only, and rarely blossom. Hence they produce little or no fruit. Each tree ^ Wehmer (Bot. Zeituwj 1896) discusses the formation of these witches' brooms. (Edit.) - E. Rathay, " Uber die Hexenbesen d. Kirschbaumen." — Sitz%mgsher. d. K. K. Akad. zu Wien, 1881. 164 AKCOJIYCKTKS. may bear several brooms, and every tree in a fruit-gaiden may be attacked, so that this disease has assumed consider- able economic importance. As a preventive measure, the removal of all brooms at the time of pruning the trees is strongly recommended. [According to Shirai {Tokio hotanical magazine, 1895) witclies' brooms are produced in Japan on Prunus pseudo-cei'asv.s, by a distinct species, Ex. j-iscufhi- crrasiis.] Exoascus minor Sad. This species induces hypertrophy of shoots of Prunus Cham.a(cera>>v.s and P. Cerasi's, but cannot be said to cause formation of witches' brooms. The m^'celiuni hibernates in the buds, and spreads only underneath the cuticle, while that of Kr. cerasi lives in the tissue of the twigs and leaves. It is characteristic of this species that only leaves here and there on a twig may Fig. 5i».— Twig from witches' broom in bc attacked, whilc their ncigll- foliage, as in Fig. 57. Photographed at same " . • i i i time as Fig. .58 for compaiison. (v. Tubeuf l3ours remain quitc healthy ; both flowers and fruit may also be borne. Diseased leaves appear much crumpled, and Sadebeck states they have an odour of cumarin ; they turn brown pre- maturely and fall off. Exoascus insititiae Sad. is found on Prunus domestica and P. Lisititi.a in Europe, and P. pennsylvanica in Xorth America. It causes formation of witches' brooms smaller than those on the cherry tree, yet probably more common in the fruit garden. They bear no fruit, and are a source of considerable loss. The mycelium hibernates, like that of Ex. cerasi, in the bark of twigs, and spreads in spring into the buds. The leaves of the host bear asci on the lower epidermis ; they are always more or less curled up, and fall off early. To prune off" all brooms is the best preventive measure. THE PARASITIC EXOASCEAE. 165 Exoascus deformans (Berk.) causes the " curl disease " of the peacli {Frrsica vtilgaris), and may inflict ijreat injury. The Fio. tiO. — E.'oaicas ininor. Curl disease of Cherry. mycelium hibernates in bark, pith, and medullary rays of twigs, 50 that it reappears each year. An U'vasciis, wliich occurs B Fig. til. — £.i:oascus deformans. Comparison of uoriual seetion of leaf of Prv.nv.s Persica with a hypertrophied one, B ; in the latter the mycelial hyphae have been slightly shaded. The sections are from different parts of the same leaf, and are drawn with the same magnification. (After W. G. Smith.) on the almond {Aiiiyydalus communis), resembles Kr. deformans so closely that they are now regarded as the same species. 1G6 ASCOMYCKTES. This is supported l)y Smith's investigations, in which an an- atomical comparison of diseased twigs of peach and ahiiond showed no difference in the patliological effects. Exoascus crataegi Fuck, occurs on Crataef/us Oxyacantha, and causes red swellings on the leaves and flowers, accom- panied by hypertrophy of shoots in which the mycelium perennates. Exoascus Tosquinetii (West.), The deformation caused by this species is freijuent on the black alder {Ala us gliitinosa). The thickened, elongated, wrinkled twigs render attacked parts very conspicuous in contrast to the normally developed parts of the tree. The leaves may l)e wholly attacked and much enlarged, or they may only be hypertrophied at places so as to form pustule-like swell- ings. The epidermal and mesophyll- cells of diseased leaves become greatly en- larged. Exoascus aureus (Pers.). The leaves of the lilack poplar {Pdjni/us 'iiif/ra) attacked by this parasite exhibit pustules (Fig. 62). The asci are formed as a golden coating on the concave side of the pustules, which is, in most cases, the under side of the leaf, rarely the upper. The cells forming the pustules have thicker walls and a somewhat different shape from the normal epidermal cells, and they are not unfrequently sub-divided by walls of secondary origin (Fig. 63). According to Smith, the cells of the palisade parenchyma have also thickened walls, as well as being elongated and occasionally chambered ; the cells of the spongy parenchyma are enlarged and have thicker walls ; so also are the cells of the collenchyma of" the leaf venation. Fici. 0-. — Exoascus av.rtvs. Leaf of nUjra, showing the p\istule-like swellings. Tubeuf del.) (V. THE PARASITIC EXOASCKAE, 167 Exoascus coerulescens (Mont, et Desm.) produces similar blisters on oak leaves. Flu. 63. — Exoascus aureus. Leaf section from the margiu of a swelling, showing normal and hypertrophied tissue. The cells of the swelling are abnormally elongated with thickened walls, and some show secondary cell-division. The bases of the asei are wedged in between the cells ; one ascus is shown with conidia. (v. Tubeuf del.) Exoascus cameus Johan. occurs on leaves of odorata, B. nana, and B. intermedia. The pustular outgrowths rise above Fici. G4 — Exoascvs cc Tubeuf del.) Fig. 6-5. — Section of nomial leaf of Betuta odorata. (After W. G. Smith.) Fig. 6G.- Section of leaf hypertrophied by attack of Exoascus carntus; the asci of the fungus coat the upper epidermis. Di-awn with the same magnification as Fig. 65, for comparison. (After W. G. Smith.) 168 ASCOMYCETES. J\'v, the upper surface of the leaf (Fig. 04), and the upper epidermis alone bears the asci. In the pustules, the leaf may be two to four times as thick as healthy parts. The greatly increased thickness is due for the most part to enlargement of the cells of the mesophyll, while at the same time their normal arrangement is completely lost (Figs. 65, 66). The elements of the tibro- vascular bundles are enlarged ; the cells of the upper epidermis are more numerous, contain a reddish sap, and their walls are thickened. All chlorophyll is destroyed in the pustules. Ex. polysporus (Sor.) causes swollen spots on leaN'cs of Acer tartaricum. Ex. buUatus (Fuck.) causes similar spots on leaves of pear {Pyrv.s communis) and quince {Cydonia japonicn). Ex. Sadebeckii (Johan.) causes simple spots on leaves of Alnus (jlvMnom. Many other species, named in our list and in Sadebeck's papers, will be found described in detail in one or other of the papers already cited. B. Carpoasci. Fig. 67.— E.r.oascus /lolysporui on Acer tartaricum from Sweden. Tho :attacked leaf shows pale spots with brown centres. The former result from the Taphrina, and are covered by a white coating of asci ; the brown spots are produced V)y other fungi which grow on the spots already killed. * nat. size. (v. Tubeuf del.) {Ascomycetes loith Sporocarps.) The asci of the Carpoasci are not formed directly on the mycelium, but from a special part of it, which becomes more or less enclosed in another non-ascogenous portion. From these two portions of the mycelium a sporocarp is formed, in which we can distinguish three distinct constituents : («) the envelope containing {h) the paraphyses and (c) the asci. Amongst the Gymnoasci the envelope, if present, is never more than a loose hyphal tissue, but in the Carpoasci both paraphyses and envelope are present, the latter with char- acteristics distinctive of each species. The sporocarps of the lower Carpoasci are completely closed structures containing only one or a few asci ; those of the higher forms, however. CARPOASCI. 169 contain many asci, and the envelope is pierced by a definite aperture. Brefeld endeavours to explain the ascocarp of the Erysiplieae from the sporangial structures of the Zygosporeae (Rhizopus and Mortierella) ; De Barj^ and Zopf,^ on the other hand, see in it an oosporangium, like that -of the Oosporeae. Under this latter view the envelope of the Carpoasci is morphologically homologous to the antheridia of the Saprolegnieae and Peronosporeae. In the latter group the antheridium generally takes the form of an open fertilization-tube, in the Saprolegnieae it remains closed, and is physiologically no longer an antheridium. Zopf found in one of the Saprolegnieae {DictyucJttis carpophonis), an envelope resembling that of the Erysipheae, and on this ground he, along with De Bary, links the Erysipl'.eae to Oomycetes like Achyla through forms like Podosphaera. The reproductive cells or ascospores result from direct nuclear division inside the asci. They are generally simple and uni- cellular, but it is not uncommon to find that, by the formation of cross and longitudinal walls, each spore forms a cell aggre- gation (sporidesm of De Bary), with each cell capable of germination on its own account. The number of cells in each aggregation, as well as the size and shape of each cell, are in many cases constant, and form points for the determination of species. Appendages to the spores are characteristic of many species. The Carpoasci possess, in addition to ascospores, other means of reproduction. Thus, thick-walled chlamydospores occur either in the mycelium as resting-spores (Hi/pomi/ces), or as spores (oidia) resulting from a breaking-up of hyphae. Many kinds of conidia may also be produced, some from the germinating ascospores, some abjointed from a branch of the mycelium or from some form of special conidiophore. These latter may be produced isolated, or massed together in hollows of the stroma, or in closed structures resembling ascocarps, and called pycnidia. The various forms of reproductive organs presented by each species will be more closely considered as we proceed. The Carpoasci are arranged, according to the structure of the ascocarps, under the following divisions : — the Peris- poriaceae, Pyrenomycetes, Hysteriaceae, Discomycetes, and Hel- ' De Bary. Beitrcige z. morph. u. Physiol, d. Pilze. - Zopf. Beitrage z. Physiol n. morph. neider Organismen. Heft 3, 1893. 1 70 ASCOMYCETES. vellaceae. All these groups include forms parasitic on plants, except the last, which is saprophytic. IriiinnoaxcuH and Ctcnomyccs are forms intermediate to the (Jymnoasci and Carpoasci ; they have the asci enclosed in a slimy envelope of mycelial tissue. We place them along with the former group, although Brefeld puts them in the latter. PERISPORIACEAE. The Perisporiaceae are distinguished by having an ascocarp or perithecium which never opens, so that the asci are only exposed by decay of the envelope. It includes three families, the Erysipheae, Perisporieae, and Tuberaceae. ERYSIPHEAE. The members of this family all live as parasites on the outer surface of plant-organs, and have a much-ljranched, white, septate mycelium, which derives nourishment from the interior of the epidermal cells of the host by means of haustoria of various forms. The Erysipheae or Mildews appear as white spots and coatings, on which the ascocarps or perithecia appear later as black points. On microscopic examination, the perithecia will be found to contain one or many asci, while externally they are beset with thread-like appendages of a definite form and definitely arranged, so that they are of great use in determining the various species. The fungus passes through the winter l)y means of the ascospores. These do not ripen till spring, when, liberated by decay of the ascocarp, they are carried to plants, where they germinate, especially on the leaves, and form a mycelium. In addition, the fungus is propagated throughout the summer by means of conidia produced on special conidiophores in acropetal series or chains, of which the distal terminal conidium (acrospore) is the oldest and largest. The ripe conidia fall off and produce a mycelium which is at once fixed in place by the formation of haustoria. Prevention. " Sulphuring " is the method chiefiy used for combating mildew. This consists in dusting powdered sulphur (flowers of sulphur) over the plant threatened with attack. ERYSIPHEAE. 171 The operation is done by hand or by special implement. One of the best known of these is the " Sulphur Puffl" This consists of a brush with a hollow stem to contain flowers of sulphur, the end of the stem being perforated to allow the sulj)hur to escape on to the plant. Sulphuring must be carried out during dry weather to prevent the pow^der being washed away. It has also to be frequently repeated, so that young growing shoots, flowers, fruits, leaves, and all parts liable to attack, may be kept well dusted. Sulphur prevents germination of conidia on the leaves ; it also kills the mycelium, while the plant itself remains uninjured. Besides sulphuring, various copper solutions give very good results, while at the same time they act as a preventive against the false mildews {Plasmopara, Fcronospora, etc.). Sphaerotheca. Perithecia spherical with thread-like appendages; they contain one spherical ascus with eight colourless oval ascospores. Fio. 08. — Kosc-milihu: Sjihaerollicca pentose. The fungus forms a white luealj- coating on the leaf, especially on the lower side ; the leaves are also more or less curled up. (v. Tubeuf phot.) 172 ASCOMYCETES. Sphaerotheca pannosa Wallr. (Britain and U.S. America). Tliti liose-niildevv. The mycelium forms a thin white coatiog on the leaves, and is nourished by lobed haustoria inserted into the epidermal cells. Young leaves or buds when attacked become more or less deformed, their function is interfered with, and death may result. In this way great damage is done in rose-gardens. This parasite also attacks young leaves and fruits of peach and apricot. Vui. ijO.~ Hiihacrothcca pannosa on Peach. The mycelium aud conidiophoM are shown on tlie epidermis of a leaf. (After Tulasne.) Rose-mildew is propagated during summer by ovoid, uni- cellular conidia abjointed in acropetal series from erect conidio- phores. The perithecia have short simple appendages, and contain elliptical spores. The disease may be combated by " sulphuring "; according to liitzeina-Bos, spraying with Bordeaux mi.xture has also shown good results. SPHAEROTHECA. 173 Sphaerotheca (Podosphaera) castagnei Lev. (Britain and U.S. America). The Hop-mildew. The mycelium is found on all parts of hop-plants, causing considerable damage, especially when it attacks the young inflorescences. The perithecia have recumbent, brown, simple appendages. This species appears chiefly on various Compositae, Eosaceae (esp. Sjnraea Ulmaria), Cucurbitaceae, Geraniaceae, etc. Sorauer reports it as very injurious to apple-trees. Fig. 70. — Sphaerotheca castariiiei on Spiraea Ulinaria. The white mycelial coating covers every part of the inflorescences. Two specimens are much less deformed than the others, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Oidium farinosum Cooke. Attacks young leaves and calyx of apple: it is easily distinguished from the oidium-condition of the preceding species.^ Sph. mors-uvae B. et C. The Gooseberry-mildew. Is specially injurious to Ilihcs Uva crispa and other species of Ribcs in America. Spraying with a solution of potassium sulphide (i oz. in 1 gallon water) at intervals of twenty days is recommended.- ^ Sorauer, Hedwirjia, 1889. - Halsted (U.S. Department of Ar/riculture, Report for 1887) describes this disease (Edit.). 174 ASCOMYiJETKS. Sph. epilobii Lk. occurs on Epilohiiim (U.S. America). Sph. Niesslii Tliiini. on Sorbus {Pyrns) Aria. Sph. pruinosa ('. et Pk. on Ithun in America. j2Q0QDo Fio. 71.— Sphacrotheca castagnei. Epiphytic mj-celium on epidermis of S/ni-aea Ubnaria. Three haustoria are embedded in epidermal cells. Two conidiophores are shown, from one of which a conidium has become detached. A hair of Si>iraea is sliowu at one side. (v. Tubeuf del.) Podosphaera. This genus is distinguished from Sphacrothcca by its upright perithecial appendages, which branch dichotomously towards their extremities. Podosphaera oxyacanthae D. C. Apple powdery mildew, also occurring on pear {Fijrus), hawthorn (Crataegus), mountain ash {Pyrus Ancuparia), and medlar {Mcspilus). In America this disease is very injurious to apple-cultivation.- It attacks chietly young seedling plants, stunting their growth and causing them to lose their leaves. P. tridactyla Wallr. This causes injury to leaves of various species of Primus (cherry, plum, and sloe)^ (Britain and U.S. America). -Accoimt by M. B. Waits {U.S. Department of Agriculture, Report for 1888) ; notes on treatment in Fairchilcl's experiments [Journal of Mycolorjy, vii. p. 256), and elsewliere (Edit.). 3 Halsted Zeitschrift f. PJlanzenkrankheiten, 1895, p. 338) gives as additional liosts; Apple, Crataegits Oxyacantha, Amelanchier canadensis and Spiraea (Edit.). PODOSPHAERA. 175 P. myrtillina Schub. ou leaves of Vacdnium MyrfiUus (bil- berry), V. aligiiiosum, and J^nipctrmn nigrum (crowberry), (U.S. America). Erysiphe. The perithecia contain several asci, each with two to eight oval hyaline spores. The appendages are like these of Sphae- rotluca, simple and thread-like. Erysiphe graminis D. C. Mould or mildew of grass and wheat, (xrass and cereals, especially wheat, often suffer serious damage from this parasite. The mycelium appears on the leaves as white or brownish spots, generally on the upper surface. Colourless conidia {Oidimii monilioides, Lk.) are produced acro- petally in chains. The somewhat rare perithecia have brown appendages, and contain eight to sixteen asci, with four to eight spores each ; the spores mature in spring as the dead leaves lie on the ground. This mildew^ has inHicted great loss both in Europe and America. Dusting the threatened crop with " flowers of sulphur " will probably check the first stages of an attack, but care in destroying infected crops is by far the most effective preventive. Erysiphe martii Lev. This fre- quents various Leguminosae (clover, beans, vetches, peas, lupines, etc.), Cruciferae, and other plants (Britain and U.S. America). Er. umbelliferarum De Bary. Occurs on various Umbelliferae (Britain). Er. communis Wallr. on tobacco, also on various Eanun- culaceae, Papilionaceae, etc. (Britain and U.S, America). Er. tortilis Wallr. on Oorniis sangiiinea (Britain and U.S. America). Er. galeopsidis D. C. on Labiatae (Piritain and U.S. America). Er. cichoriacearum D. C. on Compositae, Boragineae, and also causing considerable damage to cucumbers (Britain and U.S. America). Fig. 72. — £i-ysijihe v.mhelliterarum. Germinatiou of a couidmni {sp) on Aiithriscus syli'tstris. An attach- ment-disc has been formed, and a e;erm-tube has penetrated the epider- mis to become the first haustorium. (After De Bary.) 176 ASCOMYCKTKS. Microsphaera. The perithecia contain several asci with two to eight spores, and the a})pendages have dichotoiuously branched ends like those of Pi>(hifij)h(i(r(i. Microsphaera astragali \). C. Occurs on Astrof/alus glyqi- pln/Ilos and A. riryatns (Britain and U.S. America). M. berberidis D. C. on Barberry (Britain). M. lonicerae D. C on species of Lonicera. M. grossulariae Walh\ on Gooseberry (Britain and U.S. America). M. lycii Lasch. on Lycixim, and Desmodiinn (Britain and U^.S. America). M. evonymi D. C. on Evonymus europaeiis (Britain). M. alni D. C. on Almis ghitinosa, Betula verrucosa, and B. pubescens,. Rhamnvs cathartica, Vihiirmim Opnlvs, and V. Lantana, etc. (Britain and U.S. America). M. densissima (Schwein.)'. This species forms orbicular patches on tlie leaves of (^nereus tinctoria, etc., in North America. M. Guarinonii Br. et Cav. on Cystisus Lalmrnum. Also several other American species. Uncinula. The perithecia contain several asci with two to eight spores. The appendages have involute ends, and are shnple or dicho- tomously branched. Uncinula spiralis B. and C- (U. S. America and Britain). The Vine Mildew. This disease was first observed in England in 1845, and since then has spread over the whole of Eur(j})e. The conidial stage has caused widespread injury, but the perithecia remained quite unknown till 1892, when they were ob.served on vines in France by Couderc. and in 1893 in large numbers by Yiala. In America, a similar disease is also well known ; its perithecia have been long recognized and named Uncinv.lo spiralis. The identity of the American and European mildew was first suggested by A^iala in 1887, and may now be assumed. The perithecia ^ when mature are brown, spherical, and beset with 1 Atkinson, Biilhtin of Torrey Botanical Club, Dec. 1894. - In consetjueiice of recent investigations, this species has been trausfen-ed from the genus Erysiphe, and revised with the author's consent. (Edit.). Viala, Coinj)f. rend, cxix, 1S94, p. 411. Prillieux, Bu/l. de la Soc. niycol. de France, 1893. ^B. T. Galloway {Botanical Gazette, 1895, p. 486), gives a recent account of the development of this Uncinula. (Edit.). UNCINULA. 177 appendages having hooked tips. Within the perithecia are found the ovoid asci containing the spores ; there are from four to ten asci in each perithecium, and four to eight spores in each ascus. The conidial stage was formerly known as Oidiam Tuclrri. The conidia are abjointed as oval colourless bodies from simple septate conidiophores, to the number of two or three in each chain. They germinate at once, and as they are formed in large numbers, especially in moist weather, the disease spreads rapidly. The mycelium is non-septate, or almost so, and attaches itself to the epidermal cells of vine-leaves and young grapes, by lobed attach- ment-discs, from which simple sac-like haustoria make their way Fig. 73. — Uncinulo, aceris. Perithecia. (After Tulasne.) into the cells. The mycelium forms white spots, but after a time causes the death of cells near it, so that brown withered spots appear. The leaves generally wither, the grapes, however, continue to grow at the places not attacked, till rupture of the coat ensues, then they shrivel up or fall a prey to mould-fungi. Sulphur is the preventive generally used (See p. 170). Uncinula aceris D. C. (Britain). This appears as white spots on the leaves of species of Acer, native and cultivated. When attacked by this mildew, young unfolding leaves are stunted in growth, while older leaves in autumn still retain their chloro- M 178 ASCOMYCKTES. phyll in diseased spots, so that when dead and yellow, they ure still spotted with green. The conidia are oval, so also the spores of whicli six to eight are found in each ascus. U. Tulasnei Fuck, produces a white coating over the whole leaf-surface of Acer 2ilcUanoides. The conidia are spherical. U. circinata C. et Peck, is found on species of Acer in America. U. salicis L). C. (Britain and U.S. America). This species occurs on leaves of the willow, and produces white spots or thick coatings on one or both surfaces. It is also found on leaves of poplar and birch. U. prunastri D. C. on Prmius spinosa (Britain). U. Bivonae Lev. on Ulmus montana (U.S. America). Also other American species. Fkj. 74. — Uiicinula salicis. Perithechim (After Tulasne.) Phyllactinia. The spherical perithecia are flattened at the poles, and enclose several asci containing two or three oval sulphur-yellow spores. The appendages are sharp-pointed hairs with swollen bases. Phyllactinia sufifulta Kebent. {Fh. guttata Wallr.) produces white spots or coatings on the leaves of many trees, e.;j. beech, hornbeam, ash, birch, hazel, oak, etc. (Britain and U.S. America). PERISPORIEAE. The Perisporieae include the following genera Thiclavia, Bime- rosporium, Mafpiusia, Ccphalotheca, Zopfiella, Anixia, Eurotium, 75. — Fhi/llactinia siiff'idta on Fagus .'<>/lcalica. The leaf is partially covered by a white mycelium, ou which the perithecia apjiear as black points, (v. Tubeuf del.) PERISPORIEAE. 179 Aspergillus, Pcnicilliuin, Zopfia, Fc/'isjjonurn, Lasiubotnjs, Apio- sporiiitn, Capnodiuiii, AsUriiia, Microthyrium. To this sub-division of the Perisporiaceae belong some com- mon forms of mould-fungi which are generally only saprophytic, Fig. 7i5.—Phyllacthiia suffulta from Beech. Perithecium, with characteristic appendages. Contents of the perithecium : asci, spores, and chains of cells resembling paraphyses. (v. Tubeuf del.) but occasionally find their way into fruit with broken epidermis. They are thus found carrying on secondary decay and rot, where other diseases have begun the attack. 180 ASCOMYCKTES. In this group are included certain species of fungi which are able of themselves to induce rot in ripe fruit. Davaine ^ was the first to direct attention to these, and recently they have been made the subject of very searching investigations by Wehmer.- According to this author, only a limited number of species of fungi accompany this kind of rot and give rise to it primarily. As a rule they effect an entrance by some wound, possibly also through lenticels or other apertures. Some forms prefer certain species of host-fruit, in some cases even certain varieties. Wehmer gives the following synopsis : Fruit. Apple, ^ Peai', Medlar, ; Grape, Plum,- Cause of Ripe-kot. [ Penicillmm glaucum. \ Mucor piriformis. \{Mucor stolonifer.) f Pen icillium glaucum . \^ Botrytis cinerea. ^ Mucor racemosus. y Penicilliwn glaucum . Fruit. Orange, Citron, Mandarin Cherry, - Walnnt, - C.VUSE OK KiPE KOT. Penicillium italicmn, Penicilliximolivaceum. Pen icillium glaucum , (Botrytis cinerea. y Penicillium glaucum . He then arranges them according to their occurrence, beginning' with the most frequent : Penicillium glaucum Link. : on stone-fruits, pome-fruits, grapes, walnuts, especially common on apples. Penicillium italicum Wehiner : on southern fruits, c.f/. citron, orange, mandarin, Mucor piriformis Fisch. : on pome-fruits, particularly on pears. Botrytis cinerea Pers. : on grapes and walnuts. The following are less common species : Penicillium olivaccum Wehmer : on southern fruits. Mucor racemosus Fres. : on plums. Mucor stolonifer Ehrenb. : on apples, Eipe fruit should be so treated as to remove risk of infection as much as possible. This is done by storing the fruits in airy, dry places, and in loose contact with each other. A damp atmosphere promotes infection and facilitates the progress of rot. All decaying fruit should be separated at once, and valuable fruits are best isolated by wrajDping singly in tissue paper before transportation. 'Davaine, " Recherches sur la pourriture des fruits et des vegetaux vivants,"' Compt. rend., lxiii., 1866. ^Wehmer, Beitrage z. Kenntniss einheimischer Pilze, Jena (Fischer), 1895. PERISrORIEAE. 181 Species of fuugi included in this group are the cause of those black, sooty coatings found on leaves frequented by green iiy {Aphis) and other leaf-insects. These are purely epiphytic and saprophytic forms which derive nourishment from the "honey-dew" excreted l)y the insects.-^ They multiply very rapidly, and soon form dark coatings on the upper side of leaves and twigs. Little damage need be feared, since the leaves retain their green colour, and the coating is not enough to stop access of light. Amongst them are species of Cap- noclium, Meliola, and Apiosporium, as well as the conidial forms Fmnago, Tonda, Antrnnaria. Tlie modes of reproduction of these forms are exceedingly varied. According to Zopf- they form: (1) ascocarps; (2) many- celled large conidia ; (o) unicellular, very small conidia ; (4) isolated and clustered conidiophores ; (5) gemmae; (6) buds in a yeast-like manner ; while every fragment of a mycelium can produce a new growth. Any of the species may frequent many various plants, and can pass easily from one host to another. Some of the better-known forms are : Capnodium salicinum Mont. (Britain). This occurs on species of willow, poplar, hop, and many other plants. If it appears early and abundant on hop it may cause considerable damage. {Fumcujo vafjans is a conidial form). C. quercinium Pers. on oak. (U.S. America.) C. taxi Sacc. et Eoum. on Taxus. 0. foedum Sacc. (spermogonium form = CJun'tophoma focda). On the leaves of oleander. (U.S. America.) The genus Apiosporium forms similar sooty coatings. A. pinophilum Fuck. This covers with a black coating whole twigs and leaves of silver fir ; the needles however retain their green colour completely. {Antcnnaria and Tornla are forms of this.) A. rhododendri Fuck. ; A. ulmi Fuck. ; and other species. The conidial form Pellicidaria wliicli produces grey coatings on the coifee- plant is considered among the Hyphom3^cetes. Species of Meliola also produce sooty coatings. M. citri Sacc. and M. Penzigi Sacc, occur on Citrus in ' Biisgen, Der Honiijthau. Bio/oijische Studien an PJlanzeu. Jena (Fischer). -Zopf, "Die Conidienfriichte v. Fumago. " yora nrta, Bd. 40. Also: Zopf, Die Pilze; Tulasue, Select. Jung., iii. 182 ASCOMYCETES. Southern Europe and America. Sooty mould of the orange is also ascrilx'd to Capnodium ciiri Berk, et Uesm.^ M. camelliae Catt. on Camellia jajwnica. According!; to Briosi and Cavara, this causes drying up of the leaves. Stempliylium ericoctonum Br. et Baiy, the " sooty-dew " of indoor lieatlia is considered amongst the Hyphoniycetes. Lasiobotrys. L. lonicerae Kunze.- The peritliecia form black masses on green leaves of species of Loniceru. If these be removed the epidermis remains uninjured, except for a slight cavity with a lighter green colour than the neighl)0uring surface. Thielavia. Perithecia splierieal and without an aperture. The asci contain eight brown unicellular spores. Paraphyses absent, Conidia and ehlamydospores are formed. Thielavia basicola Zopf.^ This is the only species of the Perisporieae which causes a really serious plant-disease. It is allied to the Erysipheae, and produces three kinds of repro- ductive organs on the underground jDarts of plants of Lupine : (1) Cylindrical, delicate, hyaline ehlamydospores, produced in pistol-shaped branches of the mycelium. (2) Thick-walled, brown-coated, resting conidia arranged several in a row, like spores of a Phragrnidium. (3) Perithecia, or little, spherical,, permanently closed, brown structures with ovoid asci containing eight brownish lemon-shaped spores. A white coating of the hyaline conidia is first formed, then a brown coating of the dark conidia, and finally perithecia. The mycelium bores through the cell-walls and fills first the cells of the cortex, later those of the deeper parenchyma of the host-root. The disease of the root soon causes a stunting of the shoots and leaves, finally death of the plant. The roots attacked are at first brown, then they rot and become detached. iW. G. Farlow, Bvli. Biussey ImtUtite, i. 1876, p. 404; Swingle and Webl)er,. "Diseases of citrous fruits," U.S. Dept. Ac/rk. Bxdl. 8. 1896. - Jaczewski inchules Laniobotrys with the Cucnrhitariaceae. •'Zopf, " Ueber die Wurzelhrilune d. Lupinen." Zeitsc/tri/t /. l\flanztril-ra))h' liciten, I. p. 72. THIELAVIA. 183 The fungus has been observed on Lupinus anovstifoliv.s, L. albus, L. thermis, Trigonella cocrulea, OnobrycMs Crista gaUi, Pisi'm sativum, Senecio elcgans, and Ci/clamcn} Thielaviopsis ethaceticus Went.- has been given as the cause of a sugar-cane disease in Java. The Tuberaceae form a third sub-division of the Perisporiaceae. The group includes the Tubereae and the Elaphomycetes. It contains no forms injurious to plants. In investigating ElaiJhomyces granulatus and E. raricgaivs, Eeess^ found that it not only formed mycorhiza, but was also parasitic on the roots of Plnvs and destroyed them. PYKENOMYCETES. The ascocarp or perithecium of the Pyrenomycetes is a closed structure provided with an opening by which the ascospores are discharged. The ascocarp of the Perisporiaceae, as has already been pointed out, has no such opening. The inner wall of the perithecium is clothed with («) the asci, {h) delicate fungal filaments. Of the latter, those in the depth of the perithecium are known as paraphyses, and among them the asci originate ; others around the sides and opening of the perithecium are the periphyses, which grow inwards so as to close both pore and canal. Perithecia may occur isolated or massed together, and are frecpiently sunk in a special cushion of fungoid tissue, the stromata. The Pyrenomycetes may also produce chlamydospores and various forms of pycnoconidia and free conidia ; these also are frequently developed on special stromata. According to Bref eld's researches, the structures so well known as spermogonia with their contained spermatia are only pycnidia containing conidia, which have in many cases been artificially caused to germinate. The Pyrenomycetes include a large number of forms par- asitic on all parts of living plants, most of them are capable of existing for some part of their lives as saprophytes, and as ^ This fungus is described as causing a root-rot of Viola odorata in U.S. America [Connect. Agric. Exper. Stat. Report for 1891). (Edit.) -Went, Archie/ voor de Java-Suiktrindustrie. 1893. "Reessand Fisch., " Untersuch. iib. Bau u. Lebensgeschichte d. Hirschtriiffel." Bibliotheca botan. Heft 7. 1887. With lUus. 184 ASCOMYCETKS. a rule they reach maturity only on the dead remains of host plants. Many of them are enemies of woody plants, and the mycelium of some can live in the elements of the wood itself, hence they constitute a dangerous group of wound parasites. The Pyrenomycetes may be sub-divided thus : 1. The Hypocreaceae having soft coloured perithecia often placed several tngeihcr (jn a stroma. 2. The Sphaeriaceae with firm dark-coloured perithecia frequently embedded in a stroma. o. The Dothideaceae with perithecia so embedded in a .stroma that they have no distinct wall of their own. All three divisions include forms parasitic on plants. (1) HYPOCREACEAE. The Hypocreaceae consists of a single family bearing the same name. Of the seventeen genera contained therein only .six contain plant parasites, viz. : — Gihhcrella, Calonectria, Ncdria (including Nectriella), Polystigma, Ujnchloe, Claviceps. The re- mainder are saprophytic only, and do not come within the scope of the present work : they are — Melanospora, Selinia, Ekviheromyccs, Hypomyces, Sphacrostilhe, Letendraea, Hypocrca, Pleonectria. Barya, Oomyces, and Cordyceps. Gibberella. The perithecia have a transparent blue or violet colour, and form tufts on the stromata. A stroma is not present in all the species. The spores are light-coloured, and spindle-shaped or oblong. G. moricola Ces et de Xot. Passerini gives this as the cause of a disease of young twigs of mulberry. G. pulicaris (Fr.) is very frequently found on trees. (Britain). Calonectria. The perithecia are yellow or red, and occur isolated or several together. The asci contain spores composed of three or more cells, rarely of one cell. C. pychroa Desm. causes death to young leaves of planes (esp. P. occidciitalis) ; it also multiplies by means of conidia {Fusarium platani). NECTRIA, 185 Nectria. Perithecia yellow or red iu colour, and generally produced in close tufts on stromata of the same colour. The asci con- tain eight bicellular spores and few or no paraphyses. Conidia of various kinds and shapes are also produced. Nectrina cinnabarina Fr.^ (Britain and U.S. America). The Jbrighc-red, button-shaped conidial cushions of this fungus may Fio. 77. — Nectria ciaiu'.bariiw., with peri- tliucia on the dead bark of a still-living stem of Elm. Infection has evidently begun at the wound of a cut branch near the middle, and extended outwards, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Fig. 78. — XectrUi ciivaalMnno.. Portion of branch (magnified). Light-coloured cushions of conidiophores with conidia are breaking out towards the upper end, and colonies of hard red perithecia towards the lower end. (After Tulasne.) he found almost at any time on the dead Ijranches of many deciduous trees, e.g.,, Acsculus, Acer, Tilia, Morns, Ulmus, etc.; also on Loniccra, Samhucus, Rohinia, and Pijrus, in America.^ ^T\\\a.s,i\e, Select fiuifj., 1865. - Behrens [Zeitsrh. f. P flanzenkrankheiten (1895) ascribes to NerAria the very ■common tuberous swellings on the twigs of Abies halsamea ; these, however, may arise without the agency of the fungus. 186 ASCOMYCKTKS. The dark-red masses of thick-coated, warty perithecia appear in autumn and winter on the dead branches only ; the asci contain eight biceUular hyaline spores which germinate directly to form a mycelium. Infection of a new host-plant is effected by the mycelium, which enters by open wounds into living branches ; it is quite unable to penetrate the living bark and is dependent on wounds. The mycelium spreads rapidly through the tissues of the host, especially through the vessels of the wood ; the cam- bium and rind are not attacked directly, but are killed in conse- quence of the destruction of the wood.^ The regions attacked in the wood appear as greenish stripes, and withering of leaves, followed by death of branch after branch, results in conse- quence of the growth of mycelium in the water-conducting elements of the wood. For protection against this and all other parasites, which find entrance by wounds, it is recommended to prune or dress trees only when necessary, and to paint all wounds with tar or tree-wax. This Ncctria is one of the commonest parasites of our parks and fruit gardens, hence all branches already attacked should be removed and burned, likewise all blown timber which might serve as a nursery for production of spores or conidia. Nectria ditissima Tul. (Britain and U.S. America). This is a common parasite and a frequent cause of the canker of beech, apple, and other trees.^ The mycelium lives chiefly in the bark, causing it to die and form cracks. Under ordinary conditions all cracks and fissures are occluded or Fio. 79. — Nectria cinnahorinc. Enlarged section of perithecial colony. Germinating ascospores. (After Tulasne.) ' Mayr in Hartig's Unlersiichuwjeii a. d. forKt-hotan. Iiisttttit zu Mi'mchen, in. Berlin, 1882. Brick, Arbeiten d. Iiofmi. Museums, Hamburg, 1892. Wehmer {Zeiisch. f. Pflanzcnl-rankheiten, 1894 and 189.5), opposes Mayr's con- clusions and holds that Nertria can penetrate intact, living bark. -Goethe, " Ueber Krebs d. Apfelbiiume. " Rhtin. Blattf. Ohsf., Wein, u. O'ar- tenbau, 1879. R. Hartig, Unttrs^ich. aus d. forst-hotmi. Listitut. zu Miinchen, i. NECTRIA. 187 grown o^'er in course of time by the activity of neighbour- ing living tissues, but the rapid development of the mycelium of this Ncdria prevents any such healing, and brings about death of more bark. As a result the so-called " cankers " are Fig. 80. — Nectria ditissinia. Canker on a stem of Beech, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Fig. 81. — Nectria ditissima. Canker on Huzel. The l^lace of infection, a partially broken branch-fork. produced. The mycelium at first gives off* tiny unicellular conidia on the bark, then later white cushions bearing fine conidiophores, from which are abjointed multicellular conidia, shaped like a sickle. Infection is brought about by the germination of spores or conidia on wounded parts of the 188 ASCOMYCETKS. bark,^ and even on young unfolding leaves. The red lemon- shaped perithecia break through the bark as compact patches. They are distinguished from the perithecia of N. cinnaharina by their smooth exterior and their smaller asci and asco- spores. Combative measures to be used are plentiful dressing of wounded places with tar, and the burning of all infected material. Nectria cucurbitula Vx!^ (Britain and U.S. America). This parasite on conifers generally, is particularly injurious to spruce {Picca). It enters the host by wounds, such as those caused by the caterpillars of the spruce moth {Graijholitha pactolana), or by hail. The mycelium lives chiefly in the bark and bast ; during the active growth of these tissues further extension of the mycelium is almost completely hindered by the formation of a secondary cork, but in the resting periods of these tissues of the host, new hyphae are rapidly produced, lieproduction is brought about by little unicellular, and larger multicellular sickle-shaped conidia produced on conidiophores. The mycelium frequently proceeds as soon as formed to give off the smaller variety of conidia. The dark-red perithecia are produced later on the same stromata as the conidia. The asci contain eight bicellular spores ; the paraphyses are very delicate and slightly branched. The fungus sometimes occurs epidemic in spruce plantations, and may be the cause of many deaths. According to ]\Iagnus, the larch and cembran pine may also be attacked. As a pre- ventive measure all dead parts should be cut out and burned. Nectria Rousseliana Tul. lives in and kills leaves of the box (B(Lvns). Nectria pandani Tul.^ is said to be the cause of a disease on FaiulanaSy also ascribed to Mclanconium pandani. The Pandanus disease has been reported from the Botanic Gardens ' Young forests in districts subject to hailstorm, (e.ij. on the lower Alps of Bavaria), may become completely infested with Xectria through hail-wounds. ( Edit. ) -R. Hartig, Unttrsuch. aui d. fors(-botan., Iti'ititut. i., 1888. •'.Schroeter ("Ueber die Stammfaule d. Pandaneae," Cohii's Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pllanzen. Bd. I., 1895) suggests that this Melanronium is a conidial form of Nectria. During the investigation of a case of a Pandanii-i killed in the Palm House at Edinburgh Botanic Garden, J. H. Burrage found both forms present an I agreeing in order of development with .Schroeter's observations. (Edit.) NECTRIA. 189 of Breslau, Berlin, Paris, Kew, Glasnevin (Dublin), and Edinburgh. Nectria ipomoeae Hals.^ Stem-rot of egg-plant and sweet potato. In America this attacks young growing plants, and causes stem-rot. The Fusarmm-sta,ge developes as a white mouldy coating on the withered stem, and is followed later by flesh-coloured clusters of perithecia. V *■ Poly stigma. On the leaves of species of Prunus, one finds bright-coloured spots, these are the stromata of this family, and in them are embedded pycnidia containing hook- shaped conidia. Perithecia embedded in a similar manner are developed after the fall of the leaves, they contain asci w'ith eight unicellular elliptical spores, which are expelled on reaching maturity in spring. Poly stigma rubrum (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). This appears as red circular spots on the leaves of plum and sloe. Micropycnidia are developed in summer on the under-surface of the leaf and give rise to curved conidia. The perithecia begin their development in summer, but only reach maturity in the following spring, after the leaves have fallen from the tree and lain on the ground over winter. The asci are club- fig. &% - Pobjstig,u.. ruhrv,u shaped, long-stalked, and contain eight proAcSred^SscoJtafn Sri- spores, which are set free in succession "^^^^T^^ia^ from April to June. Germination ensues rfl£l'ieff!'7v.°?ubeufdd.7'''* on young leaves, and in six weeks pycnidia reappear. A variety, "Amygdali Desm.," is found on the leaves of the almond {Amygdalus communis). Frank and Fisch found in connection with P. rvhrum, certain hyphae which they designate as trichogynes, while they regard the small form of conidia as spermatia which 1 Description and illustrations in N. Jersey Agrk. Exper. Station Rejwrt , 1891. 190 ASCOMYUKTES. fertilise the trichogyne and cause it to develo]) as an ascogoniuni. P. ochraceum (Wahlenb.) (P. fulvum 1). C.) causes yellowish- red spots '111 leaves oi' Primus Paclm. P. obscurum Juel. produces thickened leaf-spots on Astragalus alpinus and A. oroboules ; on the under side these are whitish, on the upper side they show the spermogonia as red points. The damage caused by Polystifjma is easily kept in check l)y burning infected leaves in autumn. Epichloe. The stromata form on the stems of grasses yellowish mould- like coatings in which the flask-shaped perithecia are embedded. Fig. 83. — Epichloe lyphina, forming numerous white cushions, which completely encircle the grass-stems, (v. Tubeuf phot.) The asci are cylindrical, and contain eight thread-like unicellular EPICHLOE. 191 spores. The formation of perithecia is preceded on the same stroma by that of conidia.^ Epichloe typhina Tul. ^Britain and U.S. America). This may be found on many grasses as a mouldy coating which surrounds the hauhns and causes withering of the parts above it. The fungus not unfrequently attacks such fodder-grasses as Dadylis, Poa, and Phleum 'pradensc, causing severe loss where these crops are much grown. On the white stromata conidiophores are produced, and from them small, ovate, unicellular conidia are abjointed. These are followed later by perithecia embedded in the same stromata. The asci, of a somewhat yellowish colour, are long with button-shaped apices and contain eight thread- like spores, Ep. Warburgiana, Magii.- is an interesting species found on arrowroot {Maranta) in tlie Philippines. Claviceps. The sclerotia are black horn-like bodies, and on them the stromata are developed as stalked structures, with spherical heads, in which the flask-shaped perithecia are embedded. The asci contain eight thread-like spores. Claviceps purpurea (Fries^) (Britain and U.S. America). This fungus becomes most apparent, when in the stage of the well-known "Ergot" grains, bluish-black curved sclerotial bodies in which the mycelium perennates over winter. Ergot is found in the ears of our cereals, especially in rye, also in other cultivated and wild (Iramineae. The sclerotia fall into the ground direct, or are sown out with the seed, and in spring or early summer produce a large number of stromata, each consisting of a violet stalklet carrying a reddish-yellow head. The ovoid perithecia are completely buried in the head of the stroma, and contain the asci, each with eight thread-like ascospores. The spores, after ejaculation, germinate on flowers of Gramineae, and the septate mycelium developes in the outer ^Atkinson, G. F. [Torrey Club Bulletin, 1894, p. 222), proposes a revision of the species of Epichloe and other species of N. American graminocolous Hypocreareae. (Edit.) - Magmis, Internat. Bot. Coivjress, 1892. •' Tulasne, Annal. d. sci. natur. 3 ser. xx. Kuhn, Mittheilunrjen d. land- icirth. Imtitut. Halle, 1863. 192 ASCOMVC^KTKS. coats of the ovary, till gradually l)Ut completely it fills up the whole cavity. Outside the ovary the mycelium forms an Fig. ii4.—C'lariceps iiurpurea. Ernot. Sclerotia or Ergot-graius in ears of Rye. (v.'Tubeuf phot.) irregular wrinkled white stroma or sphacelia, from the hollows and folds of which little ovoid conidia are abjointed from short CLAVICEPS. 193 conidiophores. A very sweet fluid, the so-called " houey-devv," is separated from the sphacelia ; this attracts insects, which carry the conidia to other flowers. Since the conidia ai^e capable of immediate germination, and give rise to a mycelium which penetrates through the outer coat of the ovary, the disease can be quickly disseminated during the flowering season of the grasses. After the formation of conidia has ceased, the sclerotia become firmer, with a dark wrinkled cortical layer and an internal firm-walled pseudoparenchymatous Fig. S5. —Claviceps purpurea. A, Sclei-otiuin with seven strotnata {ci). B, median longitudinal section through the upper part of a stroma, the flask-shaped perithecia {cp) are embedded in the head. C, Perithecium in longitudinal section (highly magnified) — hy, hyphal tissue ; sh, cortical tissue of the stroma ; c/j, orifice of the perithecium. " D, Isolated ascus ruptured, so that the thread-like asco- spores (sp) have begun to escape. (After Tulasne, from Sach's Lehrlmch.) hyphal tissue. In this condition they are introduced along with grain into bread, which when eaten acts as a powerful poison, producing very serious results (Ergotism). The sclerotia are also used medicinally, and are collected for this purpose {Secede cornutum). Robert (Frbhner, Lehrbzich der Toxikologie fiir Thierartze, 1890) states that Ergot contains three poisonous agents : (1) Cornutin, an alkaloid which produces that particular effect of ergot in causing contraction of the uterus. (2) Sphacelic acid, a non-nitrogenous, resinous, non-cry stallizable sub- stance, in.soluble in water and dilute acids, but soluble in alcohol, and N 194 ASCOMYCETES. forming, with alkalies, salts soluble in water. This is the real cause of ergot poisoning and gives rise to gangrene. In large doses it produces cramp similar to strychnine, and tetanus of the uterus. (3) Ergotic acid, a nitrogenous, easily decomposed glycoside, which has no effect on the uterus. It is more a narcotic which diminishes reflex excitability and finally stops it. Robert experimented chiefly with cattle and fowls. He found that an acute course of the poisoning can be distinguished from a chronic ; also a gangrenous ergotism from a spasmodic. The symptoms of the disease are : (1) Gastro-enteric, an excessive salivation accompanied with rednes.s, blistering, inflammation, wasting and gangrenization of the mouth-epithelium; similar changes also occur on the epithelium of the gut, i)roducing vomiting, colic, and diarrhoea. (2) Gangrenization and mummifica- tion of extremities, consisting of a drying-up, a dying-off", and a detach- ment of extremities, such as nails, ears, tail, wings, claws, toes, and point of tongue. (3) Spasmodic contraction of the uterus and consequent abortion. (4) Nervous phenomena such as in- sensibility, blindness, paralysis, etc. The presence of ergot may be de- tected both microscopically and spec- troscopically. The fungus may be combated by careful separation and de- struction of sclerotia, and by the use of clean seed.^ Claviceps microcephala ( Wallr.) (Britain). This is found on Fhragmifes, Molinia, Nardus, etc. It has smaller sclerotia, which, according to Hartwich,- FlG 8(3.— Sclerotia of ttaiiceps ?m«-oc<;p^ii,-u. Jayd- Zeitung, Jan., 1884. TRICHOSPHAERIA. 197 asci, the latter with eight four-celled light-grey spores, which germinate directly and distribute the fungus over new host- plants. I found this same fungus on Tsuga canadensis ^ at Baden- Baden, and on spruces in several parts of the Bavarian forests.^ It, however, rarely attacks spruces, although they often occur in the same forest with firs. One of the cases of infection referred to above was caused by the diseased branch of a fir lying in contact with a twig of the spruce, so that the mycelium grew from the one to the other ; the spruce needles were killed, and woven on to the twig by hyphae. Fig. 88. — Trichosphaerio. 'parasitica. Mycelial cushion on lower side of Fir needle, a. Filamentous mycelium, which, at h, sends downwards numerous bi'anches to produce a cvishion of parallel hyphae, c. Where the mycelium rests on the epidermis, rod-like haustoria are sunk into the outer wall of the epidermal cells, e e; d shows the mycelial cushion slightly detached from the epidermis, so that the haustoria have been withdrawn. / /, Epidermal cells filled with brown contents. ;j g, Chlorophyllous mesophyll, which becomes brown after the mycelium has penetrated to it. i. Outer court of a stoma filled by a mycelium with no haiistoria, but adhering to the waxy granules of the stomatal aperture. (After R. Hartig.) In woods of young silver fir naturally regenerated, this fungus causes great damage by killing numerous twigs. It occurs every- where in young fir forests, e.g. the Alps, Bavarian forests, the Black Forest, etc. On dry airy situations, on free-standing trees, and on the highest branches of a tree, it is rarely present. 1 V. Tubeuf, Beitrarje z. Kenntn. d. Baumtrankheiten, Berlin (Springer), 1888. -V. Tubeuf, " Trichosphaeria parasitica der Fichte." Botan. Centralblatt, XLi., 1890. 198 ASCOMYCETES. Its injurious effects can be minimized by removal of attacked branches. Trichosphaeria sacchari Massee, is regarded as a dangerous woinid parasite of cane-sugar in the Antilles ; it seems to obtain entrance chiefly by the canals left by a ciiterijillar.' Herpotrichia. The smooth dark perithecia bear long brown hairs, wliicli do not stand erect and stiff, but are more or less prostrate. Fig. 89. — Herpotrichia nigra on a branch of Pinus raontana. The ends of the twigs, with most of the younger needles, are still green ; the others are dead and felted together by hyphae into a black mass. (v. Tubeuf phot.) The asci contain eight spores, at first generally two-celled, later becoming four-celled. ^Massee G. , Annalii of Botany, 1893, p. 515. Barber, " Experimental Cultivation in St. Kitto," Leeward Islands Gazette, 1894. HERPOTRICHIA. 199 Herpotrichia nigra Hartig.^ This parasite is distinguished by its grey inyceliuui, which covers and completely envelops twigs and young plants. On the dwarf mountain pine it is not uncommon to find branches bearing patches of blackened needles closely bound together by gossamer threads, the other parts remaining still green and forming a background against which the blackened masses show up prominently (Fig. 89). Young spruce plants under a metre in height and the lower branches of taller trees are frequently completely enveloped in mycelium, and, where they have been pressed down to the ground by weiglit of snow, the twigs may be woven round and fastened to the earth by a felt of mycelium. Fig. 90. — HerpotricMo. nigra, a, hyphae weav- ing a granular mycelium on the surface of the needle and forming tuber-like bodies over the stomata ; rod-like haustoria are sunk into the outer walls of the epidermal cells. (After R. Hartig). Fio. 91. — Herpotrichia nif/ra. Ascus with germinating spores, (v. Tubeuf del.) I have frequently observed the fungus on Junijjerus com- munis, especially in Bavarian forest-land, and on Jiiniperus nana in the Alps. Professor Peter found it on the latter host in Sweden. The spherical dark-coloured perithecia are covered with prostrate hairs, and contain asci with eight four-celled spores. The spores germinate directly to hyphae. The mycelium closely ^ R. Hartig, "Herpotrichia nigra." A/le//. ForsL-u. Jafjd-Zeitung, 188S. V. Tubeuf, " Mittheilung lib. einige Feinde d. Waldes." A/lPf/. Forst.-u. Jagd-Zeitung, 1887. 200 ASCOMYCKTES. envelops the needles and sends out haustoria similar to Triclio.sjjhaeria 2^<^'''<^sitica (Fig. 90). Herpotrickiu is, in high-lying situations, a very dangerous enemy of young spruces, and nurseries in such places have frequently to be abandoned owing to the death of all the plants. Serious damage also frequently results in young planta- tions where snow lies long and keeps the young trees pressed down towards the earth. Then the fungus, even under the snow-covering, weaves round and fixes the shoots so firmly together, that only the healthy ones are able to free themselves again and to resume their growth in spring. As preventive measures, nurseries should not be established in high situations, nor in valleys where there is a large snow- fall ; while in localities liable to attack, the planting of young trees in basins or cups (hole-planting) should be avoided. The loss from crushing-down l^y snow may be lessened by laying trunks and branches of felled trees amongst the young plants, and by going over them in spring, raising up all prostrated plants. MELANOMEAE. Rosellinia. The perithecia generally occur in numbers together ; they are black, and smooth or studded with bristles. The asci contain eight oval, spindle-shaped, dark-coloured, one-celled spores. Filamentous paraphyses are always present. Rosellinia quercina Hartig.^ The oak-root fungus. This fungus lives in the roots of oak seedlings one to three years old, and causes the leaves and shoots to become pale and to dry up. It spreads only during damp weather, especially in June, July, and August. In wet years it may cause very serious damage, especially in seed-beds. The mycelium pene- trates into the living cells of the root-cortex, extending even to the pith. At first the mycelium is hyaline, but later it darkens, and the hyphae become twisted together into spun thread-like strands — the rhizoctonia. These structures apply themselves to roots of neighbouring plants, and soon enclose them in a weft of hyphae ; by this means the disease is 1 R. Hartig, Untersuch. ati-t d. forsthotan. Instihit zu Miinchen, Berlin, 1888. ROSELLINIA. 201 propagated through the soil from plant to plant. There is a resting-stage in the form of chambered sclerotia, black tuber- like bodies which have their origin in the cortical parenchyma of the roots and break out through the cortex. Eeproduction is effected throughout the summer by means of conidia, pro- duced from a mycelium which vegetates on the surface of the soil ; this mycelium bears conidiophores with whorled branches, from which the conidia are abjointed. The perithecia are spherical structures composed of hyphae with walls which swell up in a gelatinous manner. At first the inside of the perithecium is a gelatinous mass containing the paraphyses and the rudiment of the ascogonium. As the asci are developed, they push their way into the gelatinous mass amongst the paraphyses. Each ascus is a long club- shaped tube, the apex of which is thickened and stains blue with iodine, showing at the same time a canal piercing it. The ascospores are canoe-shaped with sharp ends, and when mature have a dark brown colour. The spores germinate in spring ; in w^ater-cultures germ-tubes are emitted twenty-four hours after sowing. The spores open by a longitudinal slit, and a germ-tvibe emerging from each end branches into a mycelium which soon takes on the form of a rhizoctonia-strand. Infection takes place through the tender non-cuticularized apices of roots. The fungus may be combated if diseased portions of seed- beds are isolated by means of trenches dug round them. If boards soaked in carbolic acid or coal-tar are placed upright in the trenches, greater certainty will be secured that the disease does not spread. Several species of Rhizodonia, probably related to the above, may now be briefly considered. Rhizoctonia violacea Tul.^ (U.S. America). Eoot-fungus of lucerne and clover. The presence of this disease is shown in summer by the plants withering, and finally dying. The mycelium lives inside the roots, and covers them externally with violet coatings on which the sclerotia appear as black tubers. On plants with sclerotia, Fuckel found pycnidia and perithecia of Leptosphaeria {Trematosphaeria or Byssotkecium) cirnnans ; whether the various forms were related could not, however, be determined. ^ Eostrup, Undersoefjelser angaaende Svampedatqten Ehhoctonia, 1886. Tulasne, t'umji h^por/aei, PI. IX. and XX., 1851. 202 ASCOMYCKTES. The disease spreads through tields in a centrifugal direction from a starting-point. Besides the above plants, it is also said by Kiilni to attack carrots, sugar-beet and mangolds, fennel and p(;tatoes ; and Tulasne gives asparagus and red clover as hosts. Prunet ^ believes that the fungus remains three years in the soil, and recommends that diseased fields should not be cropped with lucerne or clover for several years. He also advises the isolation of infected land by surrounding it with a deep trench in which sulphur is strewn, then covered over with soil. The enclosed plot should next be deeply trenched between June and August, and all plant-remains removed and burnt. Rh. crocorum D. C.^ The Saffron destroyer. This parasite attacks and kills corms of the saffron {Crocm sativum). The mycelium finds entrance by the stomata of healthy corms, and covers them externally with a web of violet- coloured mycelium. Rh. solani Kuhn. occurs as black sclerotia on the skin of potato-tubers. Rh. batatas Fr. occurs in America on sweet potato. Rh. allii Clrev. occurs on tubers of shalot (Allium ascalonicum) and onion {A. sativum). Rh. betae Klihn is said to attack beet-root in America.^ We may also consider at this place : Dematophora necatrix Hartig.* The vine-root fungus. This parasite causes a very destructive disease of the vine, and is often confused with attacks of the Phylloxera-insect. It occurs in the United States, and is common throughout France, Switzerland, Italy, and South-west Germany, being known under a variety of names.^ Occasionally it has been known to attack the roots of fruit trees and other plants cultivated in vineyards. ' Prunet, " Sur le Rhizoctone de la Luzerne." Compt. rend., Paris, 1893. Fr. Wagner, " Das Vorkommen des Wurzeltiiters d. Luzerne." Zeitsch. d. Landwirth. Vtrdn in Baytrn, 1894. -Prillieux, "Sur la nialadie des Safrans." Compt. rend., xciv. and xcv. Tulasne, Fungi hypogaei, PL VIII., 1851. ■^ loica Agric. Exper. Station, BuUetin 15, 1891 ; with illustrations. ■* R. Hartig, Untersuchungbn aim d. forMhotan. Inntitid zu Miinchen, iii., 1883. 5 Wurzelpilz, Weinstockfaule, Pourridie de la Vigne, Pourriture, Blanc des Racines, Blanquet, Champignon blanc, Aubernage, Mai nero, Morbe bianco, etc. (Hartig's Lehrburh). DEMATOPHORA. 203 Fifi. 93. — Vine-root with rows of black sclerotia exposed, and bearing bristle-like conidiophores here and there. (After R. Hartig.) Fig. 92.— Vine-stock with Dematophora necatrix (after a prolonged stay in a moist chamber), a. Fila- mentous myeelium passing over into rhizoctonia- .strands (6), which anastomose at c c. d and i, Rhizomorphs growing outwards from the interior.' (After R. Hartig.) Fig. 94.— Portion of Fig. 93 after for- mation of conidiophores. x f . (After R. Hartig.) 204 ASCOMYCETES. Dcmatophora forms fine rhizoctonia-strandH which grow througli the soil from root to root. The mycelium kills the fibrous rootlets, and spreads from these into older roots to form rhizomorph-strands, which, however, have a structure quite distinct from those of Agaricus mellcus. The rhizomorph- strands may pass out of the root into the soil, there to form a filamentous mycelium, or, remaining in the root-cortex, may produce rows of black tuberous sclerotia which on maturity break out to the exterior. On the sclerotia, or other parts of the mycelium, bristle-like conidiophores may be developed as branched panicles from which ovoid colourless conidia are abjointed. This enemy of the vine is rapidly assuming great import- ance. Thus, for instance, in Baden,^ there is no Phylloxera, but whole tracts of vine land are infested with Bematophora. According to Viala," De^natophora forms perithecia, which, however, only develop after artificial culture for several years on decayed plants. If this be so, the fungus should be classi- fied between the Tuberaceae and the Elaphomycetes. Berlese,^ however, contests this view, and regards it as nearly related to Rosellinia. Hartig * suggests impregnation of the vine poles with creosote as a means of combating this disease. Strickeria. Strickeria Kochii Korb. develops its perithecia on the cortex of living Rohiaia I'seadacacia ; its parasitism is however not yet fully established. CUCURBITARIEAE. Gibbera. The black perithecia, beset with stiff bristles, are developed in large groups on a dark pseudoparenchymatous stroma. Gibbera vaccinii Sow. (Britain). In damp situations amongst moist patches of Hypnum and other mosses, one often finds the cowberry {Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea) with its leaves and 1 Beinling, Das Au/treten v. Rebenkrankheilen in Baden, 1891. 2 Viala, Jfonoijraphie du PoiirridU d. Vifjnes, 1891. ^ Berlese, liirisfa di patoloi/ia veyetale, i. *R. Hartig, Lehrhuch d. Baumkrankheiten, English edition, 1894, p. 87. GIBBERA. 205 twigs brown and dead (Fig. 95). If more closely examined, the twigs will be found to bear patches of coal-black, Fig. 96. — Gibbera vaccinii. Isolated asctis with eight spores ; isolated hair from the outside of a perithecium. (v. Tubeuf del.) Fig. 95. — Gibbera vaccinii on Cowberry. The perithecia form black patches on the living leafy branch, as well as the dead Jarown one. (v. Tubeuf del.) Fig. 97. — Gibbera vaccinii. Cross-section of Cowberry showing a patch of perithecia in section ; the hairy perithecia contain paraphyses and asci with spores ; a mycelium permeates the cortical tissue of the host. Short hooked hairs cover the epidermis of the stem. (v. Tubeuf del.) spherical perithecia, which are coated by short, acute, unicellular, black hairs (Fig. 97). The perithecia contain paraphyses and 206 ASCOMYCETEH. asci, the latter with eight or fewer bicelhilar dark-coloured spores. The niyceliuin is dark-coloured, very vigorous, and furnished with many lateral bladder-like outgrowths ; it permeates the whole cortical tissue as far in as the wood, and under the epidermis forms a brown pseudoparenchymatous stroma, which extends over the cortex, and gives rise to numerous perithecia. The living cells of the cortex turn brown in presence of the fungus-mycelium, and collapse, causing the whole shoot above the place of attack to wither and die. Cucurbitaria. The dark perithecia and pycnidia break through the epidermis in large numbers. The asci contain six to eight In'own spores, divided by cross-septa. Cucurbitaria laburni Pers.^ (Britain). The spores of this fungus germinate on wounded parts of laburnum (Cytisus Lahurnum), and, as the branches of attacked plants soon die off, considerable damage to nursery stock may result. The mycelium spreads through the wood, particularly the vessels, in spite of the early stoppage of these by a yellow wood-gum. Diseased parts of the wood of living branches appear as dark strips ; reproductive organs are produced in the bark, and there the plant attempts to isolate the diseased parts by con- tinued cork formation. If diseased, but still living spots on stems be examined, they will be found to include many yellow and l)lack pustule- like swellings, some buried in the bark under a periderm eight to ten cells in thickness, others in process of breaking through or altogether exposed. Many of the pustules will attract attention from the presence of red, twisted, elongated tendrils on them. On the lower parts of dead branches the same appearances will be found, but, in addition, the periderm will generally be ruptured, and the openings so produced filled with spherical dark grey or black fructifications. These are variable in form, and amongst them can be distinguished some which are very large, round, smooth-coated, and light-coloured, with a round pore ; others, which appear more warty, and have a depressed opening ; while still others, generally smaller, have 1 V. Tubeuf, ^'■Cucurbitaria laburni." Botan. Centralblatt, xxvi., 1886. CUCURBITARIA. 207 an acute beaked pore. Where the bark has been lost, a good lens may distinguish the spherical or ovoid dark-coloured perithecia. On the finer twigs the whole bark is often perforated by numerous tiny pycnidia, hardly distinguishable with the naked eye. If these various forms of fructification be submitted to microscopic examination, sections through the yellow pustule^ will show them to have that colour, because the transparent periderm has become loosened from the rest of the bark ; underneath the corky layers will be found a red stroma of pseudo- parenchymatous hyphal tissue. This stroma by its growth causes a gradual rupture and loosening of the corky and other layers of the periderm ; wherever this takes place, conidio- phores are developed, and give off numbers of tiny, hyaline, ovoid or cylindrical conidia. The stroma itself is somewhat spongy, and encloses numerous cavities which also become lined with conidiophores. At a later period the tissue enclosing these cavities may become dark coloured, so that structures similar to pycnidia are formed. In such cavities the red colour disappears, and the hyphae, coni- diophores, and conidia appear transparent. The real pycnidia appear later, and consist of a peridium of coarse pseudoparenchyma con- taining conidia similar to those just described (Fig. 99, a). From the openings of these pycnidia the conidia emerge as red tendrils, rising as much as one centimetre above the pore. Adjoining these forms of sporo'phore just described will be found others : unde- veloped perithecia with young asci ; dark- brown pycnidia with brownish-grey, multi- septate, compound conidia ; or similar pycnidia with unicellular spherical, brownish -grey conidia. Where the disease has made further j)rogress, the pustules Fig. hljirnii. fiS. — Cacurbitaria Plant of La- burnum (diagrammatic); tlie branches 1, 2, 4 are still living, and were in full foliage during the preceding summer ; a, h, c, d, e, places where the rind is dead and the cork -layer ruptured ; at a and b the perithecia are already developed, and the mycelium has extended into the wood. (After V. Tubeuf.) 208 ASCOMYCETES. will be fuuiul chaiijj;ui<^- from yellow to black on account of the peritlerni and dead stroma becoming darker. On dead branches the large cushions of fructifications will be found to include : (a) perithecia with a warty exterior and pores set in a depression; (b) large pycnidia, standing out from the cushions, with brown smooth coats, and full of compound multiseptate conidia (Fig. 99, b; see below No. 3, a); (c) other smaller pycnidia containing the same conidia, but whose pore is situated on a sharp prominence (No. 3, h). All or any of the three forms may be present. Fig. 99. — Cucurbitaria laburni. A, Stroma with pycnidia containing minute unicellular conidia. B, One of the large smooth pycnidia. (After v. Tubeuf.) The mature perithecia have a peridiuin consisting of a loose pseudopareiichyma with a rough warty exterior and a pore set in a distinct depression (Fig. 100.) The paraphyses are long, strong threads, often branched, and between them arise the long cylindrical asci with rounded ends. The normal number of ascospores is eight in each ascus, but fewer is no exception. In addition to the forms already described, pycnidia of still another sort occur (No. 1, c). They are spherical, with a dark-coloured coarse peridium, and are smaller than the stroma- pycnidia. These pycnidia contain no conidiophores, but give off CUCURBITARIA. •209 unicellular couidia, at first white, later grey. It is these pycnidia which cause the fine perforations of the periderm of twigs. Yet another form of pycnidia, previously known as Biplodia cytisi (Awd.), (No. 4). This, like the last, breaks through the corky layers of the bark. It has a peridivmi composed of loose pseudoparenchyma and, without the intervention of conidio- phores, produces two- celled conidia of a dark greyish-brown Fig. lOa.—Cucv.rUtaria loMv.rni. Perithecium isolated. A, Ejaculating ascus ■with the inner membrane as yet unruiitured, but emerging beyond the outer ruptured coat. (After v. Tubeuf.) colour. This form, however, I failed to find in the course of my investigation, although I looked through much material. Tabulatinfj these various forms of fructification we have : A. Pycnidia. 1. White transparent, small, unicellular conidia on long conidiophores : (a) Free on the stroma. (6) Enclosed in cavities in the stroma : (a) In cavities as yet not resembling pycnidia. {(3) In cavities with firm dark-coloured periphery, (c) Enclosed in dark-coloured free pycnidia, with a peridiuui of coarse pseudoparenchjina. 2. Brown, unicellular, round conidia, in little brown pycnidia (Fig. 99, a). O 210 ASCOMYCETES. 3. Brown, inulti.septate coiiiilia : (m) In lnowii, very large, sniootli-coated pycnidia (Fig. 99, b). (b) III darker and smaller jncniilia with pointed ajiertnre. 4. Brown, bicellular conidia, in little daik pycnidia (iJiphdia a/tisi). B. rERITHKClA. 5. Brown, multiseptate a.scos])ores, in perithecia generally of flark colour, and with dej)res.seil jjore (Fig. 100). Oucurbitaria sorbi Karsten. This fungus appears to pro- duce disease in a manner similar to C. laburni. It was described by me in 1886 ^ from specimens collected in the Bavarian forest-land from young PijruH Aiicnparia. They were easily distinguished in August by their withered twigs, both bark and wood being killed in tracts by the mycelium. In another locality I found well-developed perithecia, also on P. Aw-wparia. Oucurbitaria pityophila Fries, occurs on the living branches of various conifers, e.g. Pinus Ccmbra. SPHAERELLOIDEAE. Stigmatea. The naked perithecia are superficially seated on the sub- stratum. The ascospores, eight in each ascus, are clear and two- celled. The species are parasites. Stigmatea robertiani Fr. (Britain and U.S. America), Occurs on living leaves of Geranium Pohcrtianum. St. ranunculi Fries. On living leaves of Ranunculus rep)cns (Britain and U.S. America). St. mespili Sor. (U.S. America). This species appears in spring as reddish-brown spots on the leaves of wild pear-trees. At these places the epidermis becomes ruptured, and cushions are formed from which brown, conidia are given off from short conidiophores. This stage was formerly known as Mortliiera mespili. The conidia are at first obovoid, l)ut later seem to consist of four separate cells arranged in a cross, and each furnished with a transparent bristle. Each conidium produces a germ-tube which penetrates the epidermis, and in a month ' 1 have since found from Saccardo that tliis fungus was descrihed hy Karsten {Mijcol. Fenn., ir. '^ ad nxmos dejectos Sorhl a iirii/xtricu: in Fennia merid. et media"); it was, however, unknown for Germany to that author. (Auth.) STIGMATEA. 211 new conidial cushions may appear. The mycelium itself is brown. From winter to sprinsj, brown perithecia containing eight-spored asci may be found on the same leaves formerly occupied by the conidia. The colourless spores consist of two unequal cells ; they germinate in May, before or after ejaculation from the asci, and bring about new infections. St. polygonorum Fr. occurs on leaves of Folygonura. (Britain and U.S. America). St. andromedae Rehm. On living leaves of Andromeda polifolia. St. alni Fuck. On living leaves of Alnus glutinosa. St. juniperi Desm. On living needles of Juniperus communis. Ascospora. The mycelium forms brown crusts under the host-epidermis, and there the perithecia develop. The asci are small and contain unicellular hyaline spores. The perithecia contain no paraphyses. Ascospora Beyerinckii Yuill.^ The conidial form of this fungus {Curz/iiei'vi BinjcrincJcii) produces a form of the " gum- flux " of cherry ti'ees. The mycelium lives in leaves of cherry, peach, plum, apricot, almond, which in consequence become spotted, and die off along with the young fruit. Mature perithecia may be found in spring. The fungus lives to a certain extent as a saprophyte. Sphaerella. The delicate perithecia are emljedded in the tissues of the host-plant ; they contain asci with two-celled colourless spores, but no paraphyses are present. Sphaerella laricina Hartig."- The needle-cast fungus of Larch. This fungus is the cause of a dangerous larch-disease found everywhere, except in mountainous localities over 1200 metres. The symptoms of disease consist in the needles becoming brown-spotted and falling prematurely in summer. Cushions of conidia are formed in June on the brown spots ; these enlarge, and from their surface rod-.shaped, four-celled conidia are ^ Vuillemin, Tifres ei travaux scientifiqnes, 189U. - R. Hartig, Forstlirfi-nattirn-isi. Zeifxchrift, 1S95, p. 445. Through the kindness of Prof. Hartig we have been enabled to add an account of this important new disease, with the accompanying tigures. (Auth. and Edit.) 212 ASCOMYC'ETES. abjoiiited (Fig. lOo); iu the iuterior of the spots are produced tiny conidia (Lcjjtostroma laricinum), incapable of germination. Fio. 101. — Tuft of larch needles, the greater number of which are more or less attacked by Sphaerella laricina. (After R. Hartig.) The rod-shaped conidia infect particularly the lower needles of the crown, and three weeks thereafter new conidial cushions Fig. 102.— Sphaerella laricina. Section through a diseased spot on a hirch needle. The interior of the leaf is permeated with the intercellular mycelium. Two conidial cu.shions are shown ; from these numerous long rod-shaped conidia are given off externally (those of the upper cushion have nearly all been carried off by rain), while cavities inside the cushions are filled with micro-conidia. X ^K (After R. Hartig.) appear. Their distribution and germination are facilitated by wet weather. The perithecia (Fig. 104) are matured towards SPHAERELLA. 213 spring in the fallen needles, which lie on the ground over winter. The ascospores are mature and capable of infection at the beginning of June. In forests of pure larch, or in mixture with spruce, the ascospores are easily distributed by wind. In larch, underplanted with beech, the spores are kept down towards the ground by the canopy of beech foliage, so that, during the summer, they cannot be carried up to the larch crown. Hartig gives the following interesting facts on its distribution. ,, , , , 111 • 1 • 1 Fig. 103.— «, Rod-shaped As already remarked, the perithecia de- comdia before and after , . . ,1 n 1^ ^ ^ -l^ detachment from the velop in spring on the lallen larch needles, basidia. b, Micro-conidia -, . , , . IT,- ,1 ^ from the interior of the and in low-lying localities the spores reach cushions, x ^i". (After maturity at the beginning of June. Xew ^' ^^^^^^-^ conidial cushions are not found on the larch in our neighbourhood before July. The parasite has thus four months at its disposal Fig. 104. —Sphaerella laricina. Section through a diseased larch needle in June after it has Iain on the ground from the previous year. The mycelium is thick, thick-walled, and of a light-brown colour. The perithecia contain asci and asco- spores. To the extreme right is a pycuidium containing little oblong conidia, alongside a perithecium. x ly^. (After R. Hartig.) for distribution by means of conidia. As, however, we ascend into the mountains, the snow lies longer, so that the perithecia cannot begin to form so early, the ascospores are correspondingly late in reaching maturity, and the season during which the parasite may spread is still further shortened by the earlier commencement of winter. At an elevation of 1500 metres, 214 ASCOMYCETES. active vegetation begins about two and a half months hiter than in the plains, i.e. at the beginning of June. The season of mature spores of Sphaerella is thus delayed till about the middle of August. On 2Gth September I found at this elevation only a few spots on the larch needles, and on these hardly any conidial cushions. By 28th September this larch plantation was already under snow." " It will thus be seen, that while at a high elevation the larch can flourish witli a vegetative period extending only to three and a quarter or four months, the Si^hacrcUa has not the time necessary for its develop- ment, so that the larch, though much handicapped, remains healthy. Similarly with the larch in Siberia, it grows there, as in the mountains, very slowly, yet this parasite can no longer reach it." Sphaerella fragariae Tul. Strawberry leaf - blight.^ In summer free conidia {Ramularia Ttdasnei Sacc.) and pycnidia are produced, while the perithecia ripen in spring. [This destructive disease of the strawberry has been recorded from all parts of the United States. It first appears on the upper surface as small reddish spots, which rapidly enlarge, the centres withering and browning. The growth of the plants and the crop-yield is seriously impaired.] (Edit.) Sph. gossypina Atks.^ [Cotton leaf-blight is a disease on leaves of the cotton plant caused by the 6'«'co.5por« -stage of this fungus. Small reddish spots appear on the leaf, enlarge, and become dry whitish spots with a red margin. The conidia are elongated and produced in long chains. The asci contain eight elliptical spores, which are slightly constricted at the septum when mature, one cell being usually somewhat smaller than the other. This disease frequently accompanies that one known as " yellow leaf-blight," or mosaic disease.] (Edit.) Flo. 105.— Enlarged asci. a, Immature asci without paraphyses, as on April 30. b, Mature asci, from one of which tlie spores are escap- ing, as on June 1. x i|". (After R. Hartig.) ^Trelease, Wincoiisin Exptr. Station, 1885. Scribner, F. L., Report U.S. Dept. of A(/ricuftitre, 1887. papers by Arthur, Dudley, and Garman. 2 Atkinson, Bulletin Torrey Bolan. Club, Vol. xviii., 1891. Plate. Other SPHAERELLA 215 Sph. mori Fuck, causes a similar disease on leaves of mulberry (U.S. America). Sph. taxi Cke. On the yew.^ Sph. longissima Fuck. On living leaves of Bromus asper. Sph. depazeaeformis (Auersw). On living leaves of Oralis acetosella and Ox. corniculata. Sph. brassicicola (Duby.). On withering leaves of Brassicae. (Britain and U.S. America. Sph. laureolae (Desm.). On living leaves of Daphne laureola. Fig. IQ&.^SfihaereUa fragarme on leaf of Strawberry. The section through a spot shows formation of conidia. (v. Tvibeuf del.) Sph. hedericola (Desm.). On living leaves of ivy. (Britain). AUescher- describes other fungi on ivy. Sph. Gibelliana (Pass.). On living leaves of Citrus limonum and C. medica. Sph. polypodii (Eabli.). On living fronds of Poli/podiuin vidgare, Aspidium Filix-mas, Asplenium TrichomaneSy Pteris aquilina. Sph. vitis Fuck. On withering vine-leaves. ^ Worth. (4. Smith, Gardejier'>i Chronicle, xxi., 1884. 2 AUescher, " Blattfleckenkrankheit d. Ephues," Zeitsch.f. Pfl.-krankheiten, 1895. 216 ASCOMYCETES. Sph. sentina (Fr.) (U.S. America). In spring of 1891 this caused at Geisenheini ' a severe spot-disease on the leaves of certain varieties of pear. Other related species occur on pear. There are numerous other sj)ecies of Sphaerella. Saccardo gives 279 species, many of which are probably more or less prejudicial to jjlant** in orchard or gai'den. None, however, are recorded as very injurious. Lae stadia. - This genus is similar to SphaercUa, but has one-celled conidia ; it is distinguished from Physalospora by the absence of paraphyses. L. maculiformis (Bon.) on living leaves of various trees. L. (Physalospora) Bidwellii (Ellis) ^ (Britain and U.S. America). The Black-rot of the Vine. This parasite attacks all young organs and shoots of the vine. On the leaves the symptoms are spots with dark sharply-defined margins, on which the pycnidia appear later as minute black pustules. The leaves die, but do not fall off, as with Sj^haccloma amjjclinvm. The berries show disease when only the size of peas, and finally fall off singly or in clusters. The grapes are not dusty with a mealy powder, nor do they burst as in attacks of Oidivm Tuckcri. Two kinds of pycnidia occur: one sometimes described as spermogonia, has very small rod-like conidia, borne on thread- like conidiophores ; these conidia have not as yet been seen to germinate. The other pycnidial form {Plioma uvicola of Berk, and Curt.) contains forked filamentous conidiophores, from which one-celled ovoid conidia (stylospores) are produced and soon germinate by emission of a septate hypha. The latter form of conidia is produced after the spermogonia, and may be * Geisenheim Jahrbuch, 1892. -According to the laws of priority this genus must, as shown bj' Magnus {Oesterrekh. hotan. Zeit., 1894, p. 201), be called Carlia. Bon. " Bibliography : Cavara, Intorno al disi^ecamento dei yrappoli della vile, 1888. Thiimeu, "Die Black-rot Krankheit d. Weintrauben." Alleg. Wdnzeitunrf, Vienna, 1891. , Galloway and Scribner, Reports for 1888-89, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Viala and Ravaz, Le-^i Progrts ar/ric. et vitirole. Montpelier, 1888-89. Rathay (1), Dtr Blark-rot, 1891. With 19 figures (2). Berkht iih. eine nach Frankreirh z. Erforschuiii/ d. Black-rot Krankheit Beise, 1891. With 7 figures (3). Der White-rot in die Wcinlaube, 1892. Viala. Die Krankheiten d. Weiiistockex. Linhart u. Mezey, Die Krankheiten d. Wein.sforke'i, 1895 (Hungarian). Lr..S. Dept. of Agriculture. Numerous references in reports and bulletins, where details of treatment experiments will be found. LAESTADIA. 217 found right on into autumn, even throughout the winter. Hibernating sclerotia are also produced, the cells of which grow out directly into septate conidiophores with oval conidia. Perithecia, externally resembling pycnidia, are formed in May and June on the fallen berries of the preceding year. The asci have gelatinous walls, which swell and burst so as to ejaculate their spores. Viala and Eavaz successfully infected living grapes by means of the larger conidia, and also by the germinating ascospores. The disease is one of the most dreaded in America. It has been found also in Europe, having been observed in France since 1885, though not as yet in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, or Spain. Moist situations are favouraljle to it. As with other diseases of the vine, the various varieties have different powers of resistance, and a judicious selection of varieties may prove a good preventive measure. According to Yiala, the black-rot is found in the United States on both wild and cultivated vines, but never on the fruit of Vitis rivpestris, V. Berlancieri, V. cincrca, V. Linsccomii, V. Ilonticola, and V. candicans, and very rarely on their leaves. The "vine-stocks" themselves suffer little or nothing from the disease. Eathay says that Vitis rlparia, V. rupestris, and V. SoJonis, so im- portant as grafting-stocks, are seldom affected ; the green shoots of other species, however, may be attacked and the disease be transmitted through the graft-slip. For combating the disease, Galloway, Prillieux, and I'Ecluse recommend Bordeaux mixture.^ Laestadia buxi (Desm.). The perithecia of this species are found as tiny points on yellow spots on the lower surface of green leaves of box. This fungus, regarded by Desmazieres as saprophytic, is said by Briosi and Cavara to be parasitic. PLEOSPOREAE. Physalospora. The perithecia are formed under the epidermis, but are otherwise devoid of covering ; they contain asci and paraphyses ; the spores are one-celled, and ovoid or elliptical. 1 For details see Eathay [loc. cit. ), the American bulletins, etc. 218 ASCOMYCETES. Physalospora laburni (Boiiord.) nccui's on living twig.s of C'litima Lahxrnv.m. Ph. fallaciosa Sacc. On withering leaves of Aletris and J/usa in Berlin Botanic Garden. Didymosphaeria. Perithecia similar to Fhi/salospom, Ijiit with two-celled spores. Didymosphaeria genistae Fuck, occurs on Genista pilosa. D. epidermidis (Fries). On living branches of Berheris, Samhucus, Sah'x, and E>'ca///pt)(><. (Britain and U.S. America). D. albescens Niessl. On living branches of Lonicera XylosUum and Myricaria germanica. D. dryadis (Spe^azz.). On living leaves of Dryas octopetula. (U.S. America). D. populina Yuill. Prillieux and Vuillemin^ regai'd this as a parasite, and the cause of a peculiar dying-off of Populus pyramidalis throughout Germany ; Rostrup, on the other hand, ascribes this to Dotldora sphacriodes Fr. Prillieux legards Xapidadmm trenudae as a conidial form of Didymo- sphaeria ; Vuillemin, however, believes it to be saprophytic. Venturia. The perithecia are embedded in the stroma, and have stift" bristles round the pore ; they contain both paraphyses and eight-spored asci. The spores are two-celled, with or without colour. Venturia geranii Fr. occurs on the living leaves of Geranium pjusillum, G. molle, etc. V. rumicis (Desm.). On withering leaves of Rcme.i: (Britain). V. maculaeformis (Desm.). On living leaves of Epilohinm. V. vermiculariaeformis Fuck. On withered leaves of Euonymus europaeus and Lonicera Xylosteum. V. Straussii Sacc. et Roum. This I have found as a parasite on Erica carnea in Tyrol. It is also .said to cause a disease on Ericaceae in France. The various conidial forms at present placed amongst the "Fungi imperfecti " as Fusidadiuin are probably related to Vcnfvriri. Fusicladium dendriticum AVallr. on apple, and F. pirinum Lib. on pear, are at present the subject of an investigation at the hands of Aderhold,- who has, on account of their perithecia, ^ Bidlet. de la see myrol. de France, 1892; Compf. rend, 1889; Eerw myroL, 1892. 2 Aderhold, "Die Perithecienform v. F^l■s. dendriticum'' Vorlaufig Mittheilung, Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1894, p. 338. VENTURIA. 219 placed them in the genus Vcnturia. His investigations are, however, not quite complete. The scab or black spot of apple and pear is a very familiar disease in America and elsewhere. It attacks leaves, young shoots, and fruits. Dirty greenish spots appear first, then enlarg- ing, they run together, and darken in colour till almost black. If the attack occur on young foliage, it may be dwarfed and killed ; the newly-formed fruit will in such cases be attacked, shrivel up, and fall. If the attack be deferred till the foliage and fruit are well advanced, then spotting results and the fruit remains hard, perhaps cracks. The conidia are oval, unicellular, and yellowish-brown ; they are produced from short conidiophores Fig. 10". — Venturia {Fusicladium) dendritic am forming brown spots on an apple ; those still in the earlier stages have a radiate margin and bear conidia. The enlarged section shows two rows of large-celled parenchyma of the apple, covered by a stroma of pseudopai-enchyma bearing conidiophores and conidia. (v. Tubeuf del.) with warty prominences which grow on spots of leaf or fruit (Fig. 107). The perithecia (as yet described) are distinguished by black bristles surrounding the pore, and occur on fallen leaves. The asci contain eight greenish ovoid spores with two or three cells. In addition to the injury to leaves and destruction of young fruit, the disfiguration of the apples is a cause of considerable monetary loss. Dilute Bordeaux or copper sulphate mixture applied before the opening of buds, and once or twice after 220 ASCOMYCETES. " setting " of the fruit, is recommended. No fungicide should, however, be applied towards tlie ripening season.^ Gibellina. The spherical perithecia are embedded in the stroma, their necks projecting. The asci contain eight brownish spores, oblong or spindle-shaped, and bicellular. Gibellina cerealis Pass. This parasite of wheat has hitherto been fairly common in Italy ; recently it has appeared with disastrous effect in Hungary. According to Cavara, it produces on the under part of the stems, grey plate-like coatings w^ith a brown margin ; these may remain as spots, or enlarge till they form a ring round the stem. The perithecia are little black points arranged in rows, and embedded under the epidermis, except the black projecting necks. The asci have thin walls and break up inside the perithecia ; they contain eight spores arranged in two rows. The spores are spindle-shaped and bicellular, but their germination has not as yet been observed. The mycelium is found in all the host-tissues, besides forming a stroma-like sheath round the stem. The plants attacked l^ecome brown and limp in early summer, and no fruit is produced.- Cavara recommends early removal and burning of affected stems, and the cultivation of crops other than cereals on the infected ground. Leptosphaeria. Perithecia black, rarely with bristles ; at first they are em- bedded in the host, without a stroma. The spores occur four to eight in each ascus ; they are spindle-shaped and generally multicellular by means of cross- walls only. Thread-like para- physes are always present. Leptosphaeria herpotrichoides de Not. This species, gene- rally regarded as a saprophyte, was found by Frank ^ as a parasite on rye. The stalks attacked break over at a node or ' Further details of treatment-experiments are given in Gall and Scribner's " Report on Experiments for 1889," U.S. Amer. Depf. of Afjriat/fnre BuUetin ii. ; also in the Bulletins of various Experimental Stations. Tlie above account has been considerably extended by aid from the American literature. (Edit.) -Cavara (ZeiUchrift f. Pflanzenkranl-htiten, in., 1893, p. 16) gives a detailed account of this fungus with illustrations. ■'Frank, Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenkrankheiten, 1895. LEPTOSPHAERIA. 221 just over the root, thus resembliug the symptoms accompanying an attack of Hessian Fly. L. tritici Pass, is said by Frank t<:> be destructive to wheat in Germanv. (See also Cladospomi.m). L. subtecta Wint.^ In Tyrol the perithecia of this sjjecies accompany disease of the leaves of Erica carnea. Simultaneously Hypodenna ericae Tub. and Sphaeria ericina Tub. were found, the former appearing to cause the disease (see jj. 234). L. anceps Sacc. On living branches of Riles nigrum. L. vitigena (Schulzer). On living tendrils of the vine. L. circinans Sacc. (see Rhizoctonia p. 201). L stictoides Sacc. on Liriodendron tulipifera is an American species. Pleospora. The black perithecia are not developed on a stroma, and are at first concealed in the host-tissues only. They contain paraphyses and eight-spored asci. The spores are multiseptate, and generally coloured. Pleospora hyacinthi Sor.- produces black coatings on the bulb-scales of hyacinth. The mycelium inside the tissues is colourless, but outside is dark red, and its presence causes disease of healthy parts. Certain perithecia which appear on the bulb- scales in autumn may perhaps belong to this fungus. P. tropaeoli Hals, is given as a disease of Tropaeolum in U.S. America.'^ P. hesperidearum Catt. The conidial form {Sporidesmium hesp.) appears as a black coating on the orange. P. ulmi Fr. {var. minor) Allescher, causes a on young elm-seedlings, and the leaves drop off prematurely. P. napi Fuck, is the cause of rape-smut. Leaf-spots carrying conidial cushions {Sporidesmium cxitiosum Kilhn) appear on the rape and other allied root-crops. Other " black smut-diseases " have been ascril )ed to Polydesmus (Spori- desmium) exitiosum {var Dauei) on carrot ; Helminthosporium gramineum Eabh. causing withering of rye and barley leaves ; and Sporidesmium putrefaciens Fuck, which attacks and kills the youni:' lieart-leaves of beet- root. 'v. Tubeuf, Botan. Centralblatt, xxi., 1885. -Sorauer, Handhiich d. Pflanzenh-ankhtittn, ii. Aufl., p. 340; and Unfersuch. i'lb. die EimjeUcranhheit u. d. Russthait d. Hyacinthen. Leipzig, 187S. ^N. Jersey Agric. Exper. Stat. Report, 13, 1892. 2.-rj. ASCOMYCETES, Dilophia. The genus is parasitic and causes swellings. The perithecia remain permanently embedded in tlie tissues of the host-plant. The asci contain eiglit transparent, thread-like, finely-pointed, multicellular spores. Dilophia graminis Sacc. (Britain). This causes deformity of the leaves and intlorescences of wild grasses ; also of rye in France, and wheat in England and Switzerland. Fuckel assumes a relationship between this species and Dilopliospora graminis Desm., but this we regard as doubtful. Ophiobolus. Perithecia scattered and almost spherical ; they contain para- physes and eight-spored asci. The spores are hyaline or yellowish, thread-like, and unicellular or septate. The fungus is minute and inhaltits stems and haulms. Ophiobolus graminis Sacc. was indicated by Prillieux, Delacroix, and Schriliaux as the cause of a cereal disease in France. The cereals attacked broke over very easily near the ground ; they continued to develop, but produced ears of a poor quality, and often quite withered. The disease was designated " maladie du pied des cereales," and described in Jour. (VAgric. practique, 1892; also under the name "la maladie du pied du ble " in Travcmx du labor, de pailiol. vegdtale inst. agronom., 1890. The perithecia have a curved lateral beak; the asci contain eight long, spindle-shaped, multiseptate spores. Frank also records this disease as injurious to wheat in Germany in 1894. GNOMONIEAE. Gnomonia. Perithecia without a stroma, and generally remaining embedded in the es, with only a beaked opening pro- jecting ; they contain no paraphyses. The asci have a thickened apex with a fine central poie. Tlie hyaline spores consist of from one tu four cells. Gnomonia erythrostoma Auersw.^ This is the cause of an 1 Frank, Ber. d. dm/sch. holan. Ges., 1S86 and 1887; also Zeitschrift f. Pjianzenkrankheiten, 1891. GNOMOXIA. 223 epidemic disease of the cherry (Prunus avium and P. Cerasvs), observed for several years past in Xorth Germany and else- where. The fungus attacks the leaves, and there the mycelium grows. The leaves wither prematurely, but remain all winter hanging from the tree by a reddish-brown mycelium. Pycnidia and perithecia are produced in the leaves, the latter reaching maturity in spring, when the two-celled ascospores are ejaculated. The pycnidia contain short conidiophores bearing hook-shaped conidia. The fruit is also attacked, and ripens unequally, so that the cherries are distorted : then they crack and rot. Frank has succeeded in carrying out artificial infection. This takes place in June, and immediately on germination the gerni- hypha produces an attachment-disc on the host-epidermis, whence a hyphal tilament penetrates the epidermal wall, grows through the cell, and reaches an intercellular space. A thick septate mycelium is formed and spreads, especially amongst the spongy parenchyma. There is no stroma, and the perithecia hibernate on dry leaves. Frank recommends the plucking and burning of dead leaves hanging on the trees. This must of course be done throughout the whole district attacked. In one part of Prussia (Altenlande) this precaution was taken twice each winter for two years, with the result that the disease, which had long completely ruined the cherry crop, disappeared, and the harvest increased to its former amount. Gnomonia quercus-ilicis Berl.^ causes brown spots on leaves of Qhc/'cus Ilex. VALSEAE. Mamiania. Perithecia produced in a black stroma, from which their long necks project. The asci have a thickened apex, and contain eight oval hyaline spores with one or two cells. Mamiania (Gnomoniella) fimbriata Pers. (Britain and U.S. America). The stromata of this appear in summer as little black cushions on the leaves of the hornbeam {Carjnnus). The perithecia are developed in these spots, and tlieir long black beaks projecting distinctly above the surface of the leaf cause ^ Berlese, BivUta di Pato/ogia vegefale, i. 224 ASCOMYCETES. rupture of the epidermis. Numerous leaves may be diseased and each carry many cushions, yet Vuillemin, who described the disease,^ does not believe the host-plant is affected to any serious degree. M. (Gnom.) coryli IJatsch. (Britain and U.S. America). The black sLiumata are found in withered spots on the leaves of hazel {Coryhis) ; as a rule, each stroma carries only one peri- thecium witli a long beak similar to that of M. Jimbriata. Fig. lOS. — Mo.miana fihibviala on Carpinua Betx'.lvs. Leaf of Hornbeam seen on lower surface. Stroma (enlarged), with the long black necks of the perithecia projecting from the ruptured leaf-epidermis, (v. Tubeuf del.) Valsa. A stroma is generally present, but is of very variable appear- ance ; embedded in it are the perithecia, with only their beak- like mouths projecting. The spores are hyaline or light-brown, unicellular, and generally bent. Xo paraphyses are present. Valsa oxy stoma Eehm.- This causes disease and death of branches of Aim's viridis in the Alps. The symptoms are withering and drying up of single branches on an otherwise green bush. This disease causes severe loss in the Tvrol, 1 Titres et travaux scientijiques, 1890. ^v. Tubeuf. " Zwei Feinde d. A\]yGner\e,'' ForstUch-natw-H-i'iS. Zeitschrijt, 1892. VALSA. 225 where leaves of the alder are dried in summer for use as winter-fodder for goats. In the branches attacked, a mycelium is developed in the vessels of the wood, whereby the supply of water is stopped and the bark dries up. Black lens-shaped stromata arise under the epidermis of the twig and rupture it. The perithecia are produced under the stromata in the bark, and communicate oo OG K- Fig. 109.— Fa/«a oxystoma on Alnus viridls. A, Portion of branch with stroma of Vaha breaking through the periderm at four places. B, Enlarged section through a stroma from A. C, Asci and ascospores, isolated from a perithecium. D, Portion of younger branch with periderm ruptured by stromata, in which, however, the perithecia are not yet developed. E, Enlarged section through a stroma of D. (After v. Tubeuf.) with the exterior by means of long projecting necks. The asci contain eight unicellular spores of a slightly bent, rod- like shape. Maturity is reached on the dry dead twigs. Externally this disease is identical in appearance with one I ascertained to be due to a beetle {Cryptorliynchus lapaflii), 226 ASCOMYCETES. the larva of which bores canals in the wood of alders, birches, and willows, causing them to die. Most of the other species of Valsa cause only leaf-spot, or occur on dead leaves, Anthostoma. The perithecia are embedded in the substratum or stroma, and have generally long necks. The asci contain eight brown or black, oval, unicellular spores. Paraphyses are always absent. Anthostoma xylostei (Pers.) occurs on living and dead branches of Lonicrra Xylodeuvi. (Britain). Anthostomella pisana Pass, lives on leaves of Chamerops humilis and kills them. DIATRYPEAE. Calosphaeria. Xo stroma is formed, the perithecia arising singly or in groups in the bark under the periderm ; th ey have often long beaks. The asci are club-shaped, and frequently long-stalked ; they contain eight or more spores, which are little, unicellular, and somewhat curved. Calosphaeria princeps Tul. occurs on living branches of cherry and plum. (Britain and U.S. America). Quaternaria Personii Till, has black perithecia and, according to Will- komm, causes death of twigs of beech. (Britain and America). MELANCONIDEAE. Aglaospora. The perithecia are beaked and embedded in the stroma. The spores are furnished with appendages. Aglaospora taleola Tul.^ {Diaporthc takola Fries, and pro- bably nearly related to those Melanconi with appendages on their spores, e.g. Mel. thelebola, previously known as Aglaospora thel. Tul.). (Britain and U.S. America). This fungus causes a disease of twigs and young stems of oak which have not ^ R. Hartig, " Eine krebsartige Rindenkrankheit d. Eiche," Forstlich-naturwiss Zeitsclirift, 1893. AGLAOSPORA. 227 Fig. 110. — Examples of Oak-stem attacked by Aglo.oipora taleola. 1, Portion diseased for two years ; a, the portion still healthy ( x \). 2, Portion diseased for four years ( x -5). 3, Section with spots diseased for four, seven, and ten years respectively ( x y). (After R. Hartig.) 228 ASCOMYGETES. as yet formed a bark. Portions of the rind become brown, dry up, and peel off; this on stronger twigs may be followed by a more or less complete occlusion of the wounded part. The browning also extends into the underlying wood. The mycelium is found both in rind and wood, where it probably obtains entrance through small wounds in the bark. In the second year after infection, a circular stroma is formed in the bark under the periderm. Sickle-shaped conidia are Fig. 111. — Acilaospora ialeola. Portion of cortex with embedded stromata. «, Corky layer; h, after removal of corky layer; c, section of stroma. ( x f.) (After Hartig.) ff;tst)5-*«*»*»« (k.-'''-^* Fio. 112.— Section of stroma of ^e'?nos7?om. a, Boundary of stroma formed of dark brown fungu.s- mycelium ; h, sclerenchyma-strand of the cortex ; c, conidial cushion ; rf, union of necks of two perithecia. (After Hartig.) Fig. 113. — n, Conidia; 6, asco- spore of Agki.ospora toJ.eola ( X ^^). (After Hartig.) superficially abjointed from the stromata; while embedded in it are groups of perithecia with necks which join together into one or a few common channels opening externally. The asci contain eight spores, which are two-celled and bear five thread-like appendages, one on each end, and three round the median septum (Fig. 113). AGLAOSPORA. 229 Ag". profusa Fr. (Britain and U.S. America). This occurs along with, and probably is some form of DothiorcUa rohiniae. Prillieux and Delacroix ^ blame it for killing young twigs of Rohinia pseudacacia in France. Fenestella. The stroma is similar to Eu- Valsa, and contains several long-necked perithecia. The spores, eight in each ascus, are coloured and multiseptate, as in Cucurbit aria. Fenestella platani Tav., to this is probably related Gloeo- sporium nerviseqimim (Fuck.), the cause of a disease on the leaves of Platanus, and described under Gloeosporium. (3) DOTHIDEACEAE. Phyllachora. The perithecia are small and produced in a black stroma buried in the tissue. The asci contain eight hyaline, oval, and unicellular spores. Phyllachora graminis (Pers.). (U.S. America). This species causes elongated black swellings on grasses and sedges (Luzula and Carcx). The black perithecia occur massed together, and embedded in the leaves. The asci contain eight hyaline uni- cellular spores. Ph. trifolii (Pers.), with conidial form known as Polythrincium trifolii Kunz. (Britain and U.S. America). The mycelium causes the formation of roundish dark spots on the green leaves of clover frequented by it, and death ultimately follows. On the spots, especially those on the lower epidermis of the leaf, the conidiophores make their appearance as brown septate structures, constricted at intervals so as to become rosary-like ; they bear terminal, brown, two-celled conidia, the upper cell of which is somewhat spherical, and larger than the lower. Ph. cynodontis (Sacc). On living leaves of Cynodon Dactylon. Ph. podagrariae (Rotli.). On living leaves of Aegopodium Podagraria (Britain). Some other species are found on withering leaves. ^Bulletin nor. myrol. de France, 1890. 230 ASCOMYCETES. Diachora onobrychidis (D. C.).^ This fungus is common on sainfoin (Ouabft/chis mtiva) and Lathyrus tuhcrosus, causing black spots on both surfaces of the leaf. During summer pycnidia arise on the spots, and from them are produced spindle- shaped conidia (spermatia) with tail-like appendages. Later there arise spherical perithecia containing usci arranged in tufts on the walls. The asci contain eight oval, hyaline, unicellular spores. Dothidella. The perithecia are black and embedded in the stroma, similarly to Plii/UacJiora. The pale-coloured spores are, how- ever, two-celled. Dothidella betulina (Fries.). (Britain and U.S. America.) The black stromata form spots on the upper surface of birch leaves. In these the perithecia arise, and reach maturity in spring. The asci contain eight elliptical greenish spores, consisting of two unequal cells with rounded-oft' ends. D. ulmi (Duv.). (Britain and U.S. America.) A species similar to the preceding, and causing round blistered spots of a grey colour on the upper surface of elm leaves. Pycnidia {Piggotia astroidea) are formed in summer, perithecia in the following spring. Dothidea. The stromata have the form of black projecting cushions, in which numerous perithecia are embedded. The asci contain eight greyish or brown spores, consisting of two cells with a constriction between them. Dothidea virgultorum (Fries.) attacks living branches and stems of birch, and develops further on the dead parts. The stromata originate in the wood, then breaking through the bark, make their appearance externally as large black cushions. Whole stems may be covered by these cushions. D. sphaeroidea (Cke.) occurs on living needles of juniper. Plowrightia. The stromata are black, and run together in masses. The asci are eight-spored ; the ascospores ovoid or oblong, hyaline or light yellow, and two-celled. 'J. Mtiller, Pringsheim's Jahrhuch, 1S9.3. PLOWRIGHTIA. 231 Plowrightia morbosa (Sch.) (Britain and U.S. America). Black-knot of the plum tree.^ In America this is a very Fig. Wb. — PloKfirjhtia mor- Ijosa. Ascus, with eight spores. Spores in germina- tion. Filamentous para- physes. (Cop. from Farlow.) Fig. 114. — PloKcightia morbosa. (v. Tubeuf phot.) injurious and widely distributed disease of various species of Prunus, especially plum and cherry. The living branches and twigs become coated with a crust of warty excrescences, and at the same time are more or less thickened and deformed. A mycelium permeates the tissues of those swollen twigs, and forms black crusty stromata in which the perithecia are embedded. The perithecia contain simple paraphyses and eight- spored asci. The spores consist of a larger and a much smaller cell. (Pycno-conidia are produced frequently in artificial culture, 1 Farlow, Bulletin Bussey Institution, Part v., 1876. Humphrey, Anmial Report of Mass. Exper. Station, 1890. Lodeman (Cornell Univ. Exper. Station, Bulletin No. 81, 1894) gives general account of Black-knot and a Bibliography. 232 ASCOMYCETES. but are rarely found in natural conditions ; as yet infection with these lias had no result.) [Remedial treatment must be promptly applied. Trees liable to attack should be frequently examined, so that any young knots may be early removed. If the disease is of long standing, the only remedy left is to remove all knotted branches and burn them immediately.] (Edit.) HYSTEKIACEAE. The ascocarps of the Hysteriaceae, like those of the Discomy- cetes, are known as apothecia. They are distinguished from those of the Pyrenomycetes and Perisporiaceae in that the ascocarp, although formed in or under the epidermis of attacked plant-organs, is not a closed structure or flask opening by a pore only ; it is, indeed, at first completely closed, but later it, as well as the epidermis covering it, splits open and freely exposes the whole hymenium. So long as the apothecium is closed, it is filled with paraphyses, between which the developing asci gradually wedge themselves. The spores are generally thread-like, with a gelatinous membrane. The mycelium lives intercellular, and is often parasitic in living plants. The apothecia, however, only reach maturity on parts which have been killed. In addition to apothecia, little pycnidia (spermogonia) are formed, containing small unicellular conidia. The Hysteriaceae include the Hystcrincae, Hypodcrmuac, Dicliac- naceac, and Acrosj^ermaceae. HYSTERINEAE. Hysterographium. Apothecia black, highly vaulted, and dehiscing by a linear fissure. The asci are club-shaped and thick-walled ; they con- tain eight multicellular spores, which are at first transparent, but later dark-coloured. The branched paraphyses of the upper part form a coloured epithecium.^ Hysterographium fraxini (Pers.) (Britain). This occurs on various Oleaceae and some other species of woody plants. ^ The excipulum of De Bary. HYSTEROGRAPHIUM. 233 Eostriip ^ regards it as a parasite on Fraxinus. Twigs of the ash attacked show flat collapsed plates of bark, on which are developed pycnidia containing one-celled conidia, and, later, the apothecia. On young twigs the diseased part often extends round the whole circumference, and causes the death of the upper living part. As yet I have only found this fungus as a saprophyte. HYPODERMIEAE. Hypoderma. The apothecia are oblong, and at first closed by a thin black cover, which opens by a long fissure. The asci are sessile in Fig. 116. — Hypoderma strobicola on Pinus Strobiis. Ascus containing eight ascospores ■with gelatinous coats ; paraphyses with clavate ends. (After v. Tubeuf.) Fig. \\~ .—Hypoderma strobicola. Isolated ascospores : with and wlthovit a gelatinous coat, and one- or two-celled. (After v. Tubeuf.) some species, but have a delicate stalk in others. The spores, eight in each ascus, are never long and thread-like, but always much shorter than the asci, and two-celled when mature. The paraphyses have button-shaped or hooked ends. Hypoderma strobicola- (Rostr.). Needle-blight of the Wey- 1 Rostrup, Fortsattt Undersoegdstr ov. Siiyllesvampes Angreb pact Skov- traeerne, 1883. -Rostriip, Fortsatte Under-ioegel^er, 1883. V. Tubeuf, Beit. z. Kenntniss d. Baumkrankheiten, 1888 ; also Botan. Centralhlatt, XLi,, 1890. Note : When I decided to place Lophodermium hrachysporum under the genus Hypoderma, there already existed a Hypoderma brachy-tportwi Speg. (1887). For the future I shall therefore call Loph. hrachysponon Rostr. as Hypoderma strobicola. 234 ASCOMYCETES. mouth pine. Accordinif to the observations of Kostrup in Denmark, and myself in various localities of Germany, this is a dangerous parasite on Pinus Strobus. It kills the needles and young shoots, and may devastate whole tracts of forest. The diseased needles become brown in summer, and fall ofi" during next winter. On them are produced apothecia containing club-shaped asci and paraphyses with button- shaped ends. The eight spores of each ascus are at first unicellular, later apparently bi- cellular, and enclosed in a very mucilaginous coat. The asci have an average length of 120 fJL, the spores 20 jul, and when swollen 28 to 30 m. H. pinicola Brunch.^ forms linear apothecia on needles of Pinus sylvcstris. H. ericae Tubeuf.- In Tyrol and Northern Italy, this fungus causes a disease on Erica carnca. It is common and epidemic, causing death of the leaves. Fig. I18.--Leaf of ^cica carnea with apothecia of Hjipoderma ericae on the lower surface. 1, An entire and a dehiscing ascus ; a two-celled aseo- spore. (v. Tubeiif del.) Hypodermella. Similar to Hypoderma, except that the spores are pear-shaped and unicellular ; they occur four in each ascus, and are shorter than it. Hypodermella sulcigena (Link)" has four long, club-shaped, unicellular spores. Eostrup regards it as parasitic on Pinus montana and P. sylrcstvis, its mycelium being found in living green needles, and causing their death. ' Hyp. laricis Tubeuf.- This is a new fungus of the larch- needle I'ouiid by Tubeuf on the Sonnenwendstein (Bavaria) in September, 1894. It was present in large quantity on larches on the upper part of the mountain, and was in every way so decidedly parasitic in character, that there is little doubt as to its being an epidemic disease. The full-grown needles on many of the foliar spurs had died off and turned brown. The ^ Brunchorst, Xo(/fe norskc skorsytfdomnie in Bergom Mu>i., 1892. -v. Tubeuf, Botan. Centralblatt, xxi., 1885, and LXI., 1895. ^Rostrup, Fortmtte Undtrsoeridser, 1883. HYPODERMELLA. 235 apothecia were present on the upper surface of the needles as isolated black spots or united into lines ; they dehisce by an elongated fissure. The asci are cylindrical with rounded apices, and measure about llO/w in length; they are almost sessile. Each contained four hyaline, unicellular, club-shaped spores Fio. 119. — Hiipodermella sulcigena. The apothecia form black lines on the needles. Ascus containing four spores (enlarged). Single spore with a gelatinous covering (still further enlarged). (Cop. from Rostrup.) Fir,. 120. — Hypodenndla lands. Larch- needle with apothecia on the under side. A, Paraph yse, and an ascus containing four spores. B, Isolated (enlarged) asco- spore in its gelatinous coat. (v. Tubeuf del.) (66/u X 16yw) with a gelatinous membrane. The paraphyses are simple hyaline filaments, shorter than the asci. Lophodermium. The oblong apothecia are embedded in the host-tissues under a thin black cover, which breaks by a long fissure. The club- shaped asci contain thread-like unicellular spores, with a mucilaginous membrane. The paraphyses are sometimes septate and furnished with hooked or button-shaped ends. The spores reach maturity on killed portions of plants, and are forcibly ejaculated. The formation of pycnidia (spermogonia) precedes that of apothecia. Many members of this genus are destructive enemies of plants. Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.).^ Pine-blight or needle- cast. (Britain and U.S. America.) This disease of the Scots pine {Pimts sylvestris) is very injurious to young plants, especially those in nurseries. ^Hartig, Diseases of Trees, Eng. edit., 1894. Prantl, Flora, 1877 ; also, ForsUciss. Ctnlralhlatt, 1880. 236 ASCOMYCETES. " Casting " or premature withering and tall of needles is not uncommon in nurseries of pine. Amongst some of the causes which lead to tliis are:^ frost, drought in winter on frozen ground free from snow, drought in summer on dry soil, over- crowding of plants in the nursery, and, finally, a " casting " due to fungi. The symptoms in the case of the present fungus are spotting and withering of the needles, due to the presence of a mycelium inside them. In early autumn, or later if the weather be dry, the pycnidia (spermogonia) make their appearance as little black prominences containing tiny unicellular conidia. The tiat black apothecia are developed later, on first-year seedlings during the first autumn, or on older plants during the second autumn, but generally they do not appear till the third year ; they reach maturity on needles still attached, more frequently, how- ever, on fallen ones. Dehiscence consists in the rupture of their delicate black covering, through pressure of the swelling asci and spores in damp weather. The asci are club-shaped and contain eight thread-like one-celled spores, more or less twisted round one another. The septate paraphyses have a slightly bent point. Diseased seedlings die olf, generally without loss of their leaves. Two-year-old and older plants are always weakened by the loss of needles, and in severe cases are killed. On such, the " casting " or sudden fall of all infected spurs and needles takes place in spring. The mycelium often makes its way from the needles into the tissues of the shoot, and then death of the whole plant soon follows. Disease of the needles of old trees may also occur without inflicting much damage on the trees themselves ; they will, however, act as centres for infection of younger plants, particularly those in seed-beds and nurseries in the vicinity. Confirmatory experiments on infection of pines by this Lopliodcnninm were first carried out by Prantl, later by Tursky and Hartig. The disease appears with such virulence and frequency, that the whole of the young pine-growth of a locality may be destroyed. It is thus a most dangerous disease, and at the same time one difficult to combat. Districts which have ' Holzner gives a summary of numerous theories on leaf-cast, (Freising, 1877). LOPHODERMIUM. '237 suffered by it should, where other soil conditions permit, be planted with Weymouth pine {Pinvs Strohus) and the Douglas fir {Pmudotmga Douglasii), which are, as yet, exempt from attacks of this parasite. Infection would seem to be brought about chiefly by westerly winds (in Germany), which carry diseased leaves or fungus-spores from infected places. Large areas run greater risks than small patches or young trees naturally sown out. Seed-beds of Scots fir should not be placed under the drip of older trees of the same kind, particularly if this fungus is known to exist there. Shelter- belts of other trees often afford much protection from this disease.^ Lophodermium macrosporum Hartig ^ {Hysteriurii). (U.S. America). Scab or rust of the spruce. This disease exhibits itself in various ways. Frequently the needles of the preceding year turn brown in spring, and perithecia are produced in Fig. 121.— 1, Lophoder- 'iidv.rii macrogporuni on Spruce, (v. Tubeuf del.) 2, Lophodemiiiim ahi- etis on Spruce. (After Rostrup.) Fig. 122. — Lophoderniium macrogporum. Section through a mature dehiscing apothecium. (After R. Hartig.) summer, reaching maturity on two-year-old needles. Again, the needles of the two-year-old shoots become brown in autumn, and perithecia appear on them in the following summer, ^ Preventive measures are discussed in greater detail in Prof. Somerville's translation of Hartig's Diseases of Trees, p. 115. ^ R. Hartig, Wichtifje Krankheiten d. Waldbdume, 1874. 238 ASCOMYCKTES. ripening in the spring of the fourth year. Or, again, a "casting" of brown one-year-old needles may take place in autumn. The disease is found everywhere, but in some parts {e.g. in the forests of Saxony ^), it is exceedingly common and very dangerous. The apothecia ai'e developed as long, shining, black swellings on the two under surfaces of the quadrangular needles (Fig. 121). The club-shaped asci emit thread-like spores with gelatinous coats. The ascospores produce a strong germ-tube, which grows inside the needles to an intercellular mycelium without haustoria. Browning and shrinkage of the cells of attacked needles soon follow. The myce- lium also penetrates into the cells of the epidermis, and develops there a coil of hyphae, which, under a black membranous cover, forms an apothecium containing paraphyses and club-shaped asci (Fig. 122). When ripe, the apothecia rupture the overlying epidermis. Little black pycnidia (spermogonia) may also occur on diseased needles.^ On needles which have been prematurely cast, only little spherical apothecial knobs will be found. According to Hartitf, the effects of this fungus on the cells of attacked needles is very interesting. If the disease of the needles appears in autumn, the cells, which at this time are void of starch, become brown and die. If the disease attacks in May, when the needles are rich in starch, their death ensues soon, but the starch only disappears gradually from October onwards, as it is used up l^y the fungus-hyphae. If the disease appears in spring, when starch-storage is just beginning, the cells already attacked become quite full of starch, whereas the other cells of the same needle remain empty. ' Nobbe, Ber. cl. sdchsisches Forstvereins Versa7nmlung zu Scha7idau, 1891. -Another ascomycetous fnngus — Naevia piiiiperda Rehm — occurs alone or together with this species ; Rehm regards it as parasitic (Hedicigia,1892, p. 302). Fig. 123. — Lophodermium macrosporum on Spruce. ■Germinated ascospores ; some have germinated inside the ascus. (After R. Hartig.) LOPHODERMIUM. 239 Lophodermium nervisequium (D. C.)^ (U.S. America). This very common fungus attacks both old and young silver firs. The needles die after becoming brown, and remain for a long 1/ 1 Fig. 124. — Lophoderhiium nervisequhun ■on Abits pectiiiata (Silver Fir). 1, Under surface of needle with apothecia. 2, Upper surface with pycnidia. Fig. 125. — Lophodermium nerciseqv.ium. Section of a needle of Silver Fir. h, Pycnidium on upper surface shedding conidia. o, Apothe- cium on the lower surface. (After R. Hartig.) Fig. ]2i3. — Lophodermium nervisequium on Silver Fir. Portion of a ripe apothe- cium. a a, Filamentous paraphyses ; rod-like cells (conidia?), k, ahjointed from the apex of the paraphyses ; the asci contain eight spores about half as long as the ascus itself, four occupying the upper half, four the lower ; c, a rudimentary ascns ; some mature spores possess a gelatinous coat, others do not ; sfiores escape by an apical opening, e, or by rupture of the ascus./; two gei-minating spores are also shown, one with a gelatinous coat, the other without. (After R. Hartig.) time hanging on the twigs. The disease varies in its develop- ment on the mountains and lowlands, according to climatic ■conditions. ^ R. Hartig, Wichtige Krankheiteii, 1874. 240 ASCOMYCETES. The mycelium lives intercellular, and produces the same effects on the cells of the fir-needles as those of Loj^h. macro- sporum on the spruce. The mycelial hyphae penetrate into the epidermal cells and form a cushion, which bursts the epidermis and gives rise to numerous straight conidiophores, with very small, oval, unicellular conidia. The apothecia are developed while the needles are on the tree or after they have fallen ; they form shining black stripes on the middle nerve of the lower surface of the needle (Fig. 124). The thread-like spores have a mucilaginous coat, and are ejaculated from clvib-shaped asci (Fig. 126). Pycnidia (spermogonia) are often produced before the apothecia as long wavy bands on the middle nerve of the upper surface of the needle (Fig. 125). L. juniperinum (Fries.) (Britain and U.S. America). A common species on dead needles of J^tniper communis, also on needles on the branch ; I have, however, never seen it in such mass as to believe it to be a dangerous parasite. L. gilvum Rostrup ^ attacks and kills living needles of the Austrian Ijlack pine. L. laricinum Duby. The pycnidia and apothecia of this fungus are common on dead needles of larch, but parasitism has not been proved. L. abietis Eostr. A species found by Eostrup on needles of spruce, causing yellow spots and then large black points (Fig. 121, 2). DISCOMYCETES. The Discomyeetes have an apothecium of varying shape, but always more saucer-like than spherical. The ascocarp, at first a closed structure, opens sooner or later and exposes the hymenium. The apothecium is composed of two distinct portions of mycelium. The essential part, often called the hymenial layer, consists of hyphae which give rise to the asci. The remaining portion of the ascocarp forms a support or envelope for the hymenium; it consists of a pseudoparenchyma, and may be differentiated into a sub-hymenial layer or hypothecium with its hyphae interwoven with those of the hymenium, and a lateral portion or excipulum usually more or less cup-shaped. ^ Rostrup, Fort sat te Under soegtlser, 1883. DISCOMYCETES. 241 The paraphyses are developed from the mycelium of the envelope and occupy the interior of the ascocarp, while the asci arise later from the ascogenous hyphae and force their way in. The formation of asci and paraphyses may go on for a long time. Periphyses are not produced. The Discomycetes include five divisions, the Phacidiaceae, Stictidrac^ Tryhlidieac, Dermateaceae, and Pczizeac. Many of the species included in these are parasitic on cryptogamic plants to form lichens, the majority are saprophytes, and only a few isolated groups are true parasites on higher plants. The latter belong to the Phacidiaceae, Dermateaceae, and Pczizeac. (1) PHACIDIACEAE The apothecia are black and thick-walled, at tirst embedded in their substratum, but later breaking through it. The asco- genous layer is spread out on a delicate flat hypothecium. The black apothecia of the species of Phacidium are frequent on leaves and needles. Eehm divides the group into two families : the Puphacidieae and the Pseudophacidieae. EUPHACIDIEAE. The apothecia are embedded in the tissues of the host ; the superincumbent layers of the substratum forming over them a blackish membranous plate, which is ruptured into lobes and exposes the black apothecial disc. Phacidium. The apothecia are fused with the superincumbent layers of the host-plant, and the black cover so formed is split into several lobes. The club-shaped asci contain eight colourless, unicellular, ovoid or spindle-shaped spores. The paraphyses are filamentous. The pore of the ascus is coloured blue by iodine. Phacidium repandum Fr. (Britain). Occurs on living leaves and stems of AspcralcL odorata, Galium mollugo, and other Eubiaceae. The pycnidial form is probably Phyllachora jpunctiformis Fr. Q 242 ASCOMYCETES. Schizothyrium. The roundish or oblong iipothecia (It'liisce by lobes. The club- siiaped asci contain oblong', hyaline, two-celled spores. Sch. ptarmicae Desni. (Britain). This occurs as a parasite on living green leaves and stems of Achillea Ptarmica. The apothecia form little black points, which on rupturing break Flo. 12". — Sc)dzolhyriuin ptannicae on Achillea Ptarmica. (v. Tubeuf del.) up the epidermis into lobes. The thick asci contain two to four large two-celled spores. Paraphyses are present. A pycnidial form is known as Leptothyrium i^tarmica^ (Sacc). Rhytisma. The fungi of this genus live in the tissues of living plants and form sclerotial cushions as isolated black spots. In these places the pycnidia are developed, and are followed by apothecia after the death of the leaves. The apothecia open by a fissure, and contain thread-like paraphyses and club-shaped asci with eight needle-shaped spores, which are septate when mature. Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) (Britain and U.kS. America). Towards the close of summer, the large black spots caused by this fungus on leaves of various species of Acer (sycamore and maple) are by no means uncommon. Pycnidia (Melasmia accrimim L^v.), containing little unicellular conidia, are first produced under the cuticle, while the epidermis and under- lying cells become filled with mycelium till a black sclerotium KHYTISMA. 243 is completed. In the following spring, the sclerotium-spots on the fallen leaves have become thicker and superficially wrinkled. At this stage the apothecia are produced, and dehisce by fine elongated fissures ; they contain club-shaped asci and thread-like paraphyses with hooked ends. The thread- like ascospores are ejaculated with considerable force, and reach Fig. 128. — Rhytisma oxerinv.m. Two apotheclal cushions on leaf of Acer campestre in iirst summer. A, Leaf-apex of Acer platcmoides witli the mature apothecial cushions as seen in the second summer, with their characteristic wavy marking, (v. Tubeuf del.) maturity in May or June. According to Klebahn,^ the spores have a mucilaginous membrane, but this does not throw much light on the problem of how they reach the leaves of trees ; wind, however, would seem to be the agent for distribution. In three weeks after infection, leaves show yellow spots ; in eight weeks the pycnidia appear. ^Botan. CentraMatt, lvhi., 1894, p. 321. 244 ASCOMYCETKS. The disease is best combated by prompt removal of fallen leaves in autumn; where this rule is followed Rhytisma is seldom found (see p. 71). Rh3rtisma punctatum (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). Whereas the spots of the Rhytisma just considered are large, those of this species seldom exceed a few millimetres. They are Fio. 129 — Rhytisma punctatum. Leaf of Acer Pseudoplatami.s with apothecia ; the leaf is yellow, but the spots enclosing the apothecia are still green, (v. Tubeuf del.) black in colour, angular, and scattered over the whole leaf- surface. After the leaf has turned yellow, portions of it sur- rounding spots of this Rhytisma retain their green colour, so that we have black spots on green islands in the yellow leaf. The sclerotia dehisce by valves. The apothecia contain thread- like paraphyses and asci. The asci are club-shaped and contain RHYTISMA. 245 eight needle-shaped unicellular spores ; pycnidia (spermogonia) with little unicellular conidia are also formed. The fungus attacks leaves of sycamore {Acer Fseudoplatanus), the black spots making their appearance in September. The apothecia ripen on the ground during the following summer.^ Fig. 130. — Sections of Maple leaves showing the upper epidermis ruptured by 1, Rhytisma acerinum ; 2, Rhytisnia puncto.ti'.m. Fig. 131. — Rhytisma symmetricuni Mull. Two leaves of Sa.lix purpurea with stromata. A, The upper side. B, The lower side. C, Longitudinal section through the same leaf, showing numerous apothecia on the upper side, fewer on the lower ; the shaded middle part represents leaf-tissue, the remainder is the light fungal stroma in which the darker apothecia are embedded, (v. Tubeuf del.) Rh. salicinum Pers. (Britain and U.S. America). Thickened black wrinkled spots appear frequently on living leaves of various species of willow, e.g. Salix Caprea, S. cinerea, etc., also on some alpine willows, e.g. S. reticulata. These contain apothecia of this fungus, which reach their full maturity during the second summer. ^ Dyscomycopsis rhytismoides Abtill. Black spots similar to those of Rhytisma appear on the leaves of sycamore. The black crusts are here only subcuticular and enclose a transparent tissue from which large spherical spores are produced. The systematic position of this fungus is unknown. 246 ASCOMYCETES. Rh. symmetricum J. Mliller {Rh. autumnalc Schroeter)^ is a form oceuniny; ou Salix intrpurca and recently separated as a distinct species. Tliis willow, one of the best for cultivation, may often be seen with its leaves covered with black spots, and the disease may spread over every tree in a nursery. The apothecia are found on the upper surface of the leaf, on ])lack, shining, and much wrinkled cushions. In addition, black apothecial cushions are developed on the under surface of the leaf, which is not the case with any other species of Rhytisma. According to Schroeter, the spores ripen in autumn on still living leaves. (This species may be synonymous with Rh. australe Dur. et Mont, on Salix purpurea in Algeria.) A species which causes little thick cushions on Salix Caprea has been called Rhytisma ^imhonatum Hoppe. Rh. andromedae Pers. occurs ou leaves of Andromeda polifoUa. (Britain and U.S. America). Rh. empetri Fries, on leaves of Empetrum nigrum. (Britain). Rh. juncicolum Rehm on Juncus Hostii. Rh. urticae Fr. on stems of Urtica dioica. (Britain and U.S. America). Rh. bistortae D. C. on Polygonum viviparum in France, Greenland, and America. PSEUDOPHACIDIEAE. The apothecia are at first embedded in their substratum, under the superincumbent layers of the host-tissue, and form blistered patches ; on rupture, this cover forms a rim round the apothecial cushion; the excipula of the apothecia themselves are membranous, generally black, and dehisce by lobes or fissures on the apex. Cryptomyces. The apothecia break out from the substratum as black crusts. The asci contain eight oval, unicellular, colourless spores. The paraphyses are thread-like and septate. Cryptomyces maximus Fries.^ (Britain and United States). This fungus lives parasitic on twigs of various species of willow. 'J. Mliller, "Zixr Kenntniss d. Runzelschorfs," Prinysheim's Jahrhuch, 189.3. Schroeter, Flora v. Srh/esien, 1894. Both appear to be identical with Rh. amphigenum Wallr. (Flor. Crypt, ii. 412). ■^ Tulasne, Select, fuwjoriim Carpologia, in. CRYPTOMYCES. 247 especially Salix incana, but also on S. purpurea. When the black apothecial cushions break out through the bark, the twigs of the host-plant are frequently still green and leaf-clad. The apothecia originate in the lower bark and so loosen the epidermal layers as to cause the appearance of yellow spots. Black centres appear in the spots, due to the formation of a a Fig. 132. — Cryptomyces laaximun. 1, Cross-sectiou of a twig of Salix incana, with stroma a b ; the mycelium occupies the rind and bast into the cambium, so that a wood-ring for the current year has been only partially developed ; the shaded part between a and h is an aerating tissue, formed of loose hyphae, which, with a, forms the stroma proper ; h, the ascogenous layer. (Lens-magnification.) 2, Asci, showing a dry ascus ; one to which water has been added, so that it is elongating ; one ruptured and ejaculating spores. 3, Young stromata in spring, still covered by the epidermis of the Saliy. 4, Willow twig after det.achment of the patches of Cryptomyces in autumn, (v. Tubeuf del.) black apothecial cover underneath the epidermis. On rupture of the epidermis, black apothecial cushions emerge and cover large areas of the living twigs. Rain causes the apothecia to become gelatinous, and to swell considerably ; on drying the cushions roll up and fall off, leaving scars in the bark (Figs. 132,4). 248 ASCOMYCETES. A lonffitudinal section through a cushion exliibits a thick hypothecium, consisting of a close pseudoparenchynia of hyaline fungal cells, which permeate every tissue of the bark and cause death of the cambium ; above this comes a looser layer with many air-spaces, and over this the layer from which the asci and paraphyses arise. The asci contain eight oval unicellular spores with distinct cell-nuclei. When a section is placed in water, a very evident swelling takes place, and the asci elongate to twice tlieir original length. I have not observed ejaculation of spores, but rupture of the asci occurs in water-preparations and the spores are set free in large numbers. The spores probably germinate and infect young shoots, the mycelium hibernating there. The effects of this fungus are death of diseased twigs of willow above the spot where a sporogenous cushion is formed. Tliis species is also said to frequent Cornvs in America. Cryptomyces pteridis (Eebent.) occurs on fronds of FteriH aquiiina, but whether a parasite or not is as yet uninvestigated. The asci ripen after the fronds have passed through the winter. To this belongs the conidial form Fusidium pteridis Eabh. Clithris. The apothecia, at first spherical, become oblong, and break through the superincumbent layers by a lobed fissure. The apothecial disc is oblong and flat. The club-shaped asci contain eight hyaline spindle-shaped or thread-like spores, with one or more cells. The paraphyses are thread-like. The majority of this group are saprophytes. Clithris (Colpoma) quercina (Pers.) (Britain). According to Schroeter,^ this causes disease and death of living branches of oak. The oblong apothecial discs are greyish-white, and covered at first by a brownish-grey wall which, later, becomes ruptured. The ascospores are simple. Cylindrical pycnidia, with somewhat bent conidia, are also produced. CI. juniperi (Karst.) occurs on living twigs of junii^er. Nothing is known of its parasitism. 1 Schroeter, Pike Schksiens, 189.3. DOTHIORA. 249 Dothiora. The spherical apothecia are embedded in the substratum, which they rupture into lobes, while they themselves dehisce by irregular fissures. The club-shaped asci contain eight colourless or yellow, club-shaped or spindle-shaped, multicellular spores. Paraphyses are never present. Dothiora sphaeroides (Pers.) is regarded by Postrup as the cause of a disease of the Lombardy poplar {Fopulus pyramidalis), in which the branches, particularly those of the upper part of the tree, die one after another till all are gone. The spores are club-shaped and constricted at the middle ; each half is divided by four or five cross-septa, and each cell so formed is again subdivided by a longitudinal septum. Vuillemin ascribes the same disease to Didyinosphaeria pojndina Yuill. (see p. 218). According to Pehm, Bo. spliaeroidcs also occurs on Fopulus tremula, and is distinguishable from Bo. mutila (Fr.) on both Fopulus italica and F. trcmida. Heterosphaeria. The spherical apothecia are at first embedded, but later emerge through the covering layers and dehisce, their apices breaking up into teeth-like lobes : they are dark-brown or black in colour. The asci are club-shaped and contain eight spores, which are colourless, oblong or club-shaped, and consist of one, tw^o, or four cells. Iodine colours the pores of the asci blue. The paraphyses are colourless and thread-like. Heterosphaeria Patella (Tode). (Britain and U.S. America.) The asci contain eight bicellular spores. The paraphyses are thread-like and septate, some being forked or branched ; they bear scalpel-shaped conidia. The mature apothecia are found chiefly on the stems of various UmhcUiferae, e.g. Bcmcus Carota, Anetlmin graveolens, Fetroselinvni sativum, Fastinaca, etc. A variety cdj^testris occurs amongst the mountains on Heraclev.m Spliond^ylium, also on Gentiana hdm, Vcratrum viride, etc. Pehm and others believe that the fungus attacks living green parts of plants, and reaches maturity in the following year on the killed organs. 250 ASCOMYCETES. Scleroderris. A black stroma is formed in the bark of twigs attacked by this fungus, and thence the apothecia break out in great numbers, at first as closed spheres, later as stalked open cups with finely lobed rims. The asci are cylindrical or club- FlG. 134. — i-clerndcrris fidiginosa on living twig of Salic alba. J, Three apothecia, two in section, the third seen from above, showing the cross-like fissure. B, .Sections of diseased branches, whose growth has been arrested in the shaded parts ; on the dead bark apothecia are present. C, Asci, spores and paraphyses. (v. Tvibeiif del.) Fig. Vi3.- -ScleroiUrris full- ainosa on living twig of Salix Caprea. (v. Tubeuf del.) shaped, and contain eight colourless spores which are club- shaped, needle-shaped, or thread-like, and divided by septa into four to eight cells. The pores of the asci are coloured blue by iodine. The paraphyses are thread-like. SCLERODERRIS. 251 Scleroderris fuliginosa (Fries). (Britain and U.S. America.) This was considered to be a saprophyte till my attention was directed to its injurious nature. It occurs on living branches of Salix Caprea, S. trinndra, S. alha, etc., and brings about their death. The black crusts, on which the apothecia develop, appear both on weakly twigs and strong branches. The my- celium makes its way through the tissues to the cambium, which it kills, causing this and neighbouring parts to become brown. Adjacent parts, as yet unattacked, continue at first to grow in thickness, but they too are gradually killed. As a result, the twigs attacked grow irregularly according to the extent and number of diseased places (Fig. 134); and when all or most of the lower tissues of a twig are killed, the higher parts die off with their leaves. Wherever the fungus appears, many trees are generally attacked. Sc. aggregata (Lasch.) develops on the living steins of Rhinantliaceae and )natui-es on thfe dead. Sc. ribesia (Pevs.) is a common species on twigs of red and black currant, but whether parasitic or not is unknown. (2) DERMATEACEAE. The apothecia are developed at first either under the sub- stratum or altogether superficially. The ascogenous layer extends over a thick hypothecium. The Dermateaceae contain the Cenangicac, Dcrmateac, Patcl- larmceae, and Bidgariaccae. CENANGIEAE. Apothecia at first embedded, then exposed. They are sessile, clavate or cone-shaped, and broaden out to discs on opening. Cenangium. Apothecia globose ; on dehiscence at first cup-shaped, but afterwards flatter and more saucer-shaped, with entire margins ; they may occur singly or massed together. The club-shaped asci contain eight colourless, oblong, unicellular spores, and filamentous paraphyses with tliickened apices. Cenangium abietis (Pers.). (Britain and U.S. America.) This fungus is usually a saprophyte, but Thlimen suggests it as an iio'J ASCOMYCETES. occasional parasite. Schwarz^ has recently described it as attacking pines, weakened by an impoverished water supply to the twigs and by other unfavourable conditions. It appeared for a time as an epidemic in the pine forests of Germany, Vjut very soon disappeared again. The symptoms of disease were, withering of twigs in .spring from the apex downwards into tlie region several years old. The epidemic had been previously noticed in the spring of 1892, and was described by Hartig, who, along with Kienitz, regarded it as a result of the long dry preceding winter. The disease has never been observed on pines under five years old, and serious injury only results when the fungus is accompanied by damage done by insects. The apothecia containing the asci are generally produced only on dead twigs and needles. Schwarz regards as a conidial form of this species, Brun- cliorstia dcstnccns Erikss., which will be described in greater detail amongst the " Fungi imperfecti." In addition to Brun- chorstia, other pycnidia with unicellular conidia occur. DERMATEAE. The apothecia, at first spherical and embedded in their host, break out in clumps; they are generally short and thick-stalked, and open to form a roundish saucer-shaped disc with an un- broken rim. The hypothecium is thick and often coloured. Dermatella. A stroma is developed under the bark of the attacked parts of the host, and in it originate dark brown apothecia with short thick stalks. The bark is ruptured and the apothecia emerge as flat, expanded, .saucer-shaped discs with a complete rim. The asci are club-shaped and thick-walled. The spores, at first unicellular, later multicellular, are large and colourless or brownish. The are septate and generally forked ; they often form a coloured epithecium. Dermatella prunastri (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). According to Ludwig, this lives as a parasite on the living bark of plums, apricot, sloe, and other species of Prinms. ^Schwarz, Die Erhrankunij d. Kiefern durch Cenangium abieti^, Jena, 1S95. DERMATELLA. 253 Apothecia and pycnidia {Sphacroncma spurium Fr.) are both developed. The ascospores are one-celled and hyaline. [Wagner^ adds the following species found bv him in Saxony as more or less marked parasites : (Edit.) Dermatea (Pezicula) cinnamomea (Pers.) on Querciis. It attacks the lind in places injured by deer, and causes injury to the trees. D. (Pez.) carpinea (Pers.) kills many young hornbeams ; it probably obtains entrance through wounds. D. (Pez.) acerina Karst. is a doubtful parasite on Acer Fseudoplatanus.'] BULGARIACEAE. Bulgaria polymorpha Wett. (B. inquinans Fr.) (Britain and U.S. America). A dangerous enemy of the oak,- causing death. Researches into its parasitism are still wanting. The sporocarps develop on dead bark, especially of beech. (3) PEZIZEAE. The apothecia are never embedded, but appear as saucer- or cup-like structures on the substratum ; they are fleshy or waxy, and often of bright colour. The hypothecium is very strongly developed. The families included in this group are : Mollisieae, Helotieae, Eupezizeac, and Ascoboleac. Of these, all except the last con- tain parasitic forms. The Mollisieae and Helotieae contain also a number of lichen-fungi not con.sidered of sufficient practical value to be included here. The Ascoholcae live as saprophytes on animal droppings. MOLLISIEAE. The apothecia generally sit free throughout their whole existence on a close, firm substratum of hyphal tissue, or they may be sunk in the host and break out later ; they are at first closed and spherical (rarely tapering downwards), but after- wards open and expose a cup-like, saucer-shaped, or flat disc of asci. The disc is waxy and soft ; externally it is brownish and generally smooth ; exceptionally it may be downy or beset with short hairs or bristles. The sporocarps are brown and com- ^ Zeitsch. f. PJlaiizenkrankheiten, 1896, p. 76. ^ Ludwig, Oentrcdblatt f. Bactcriologie u. Parasitenkimde ; also, Lehrbuch d, niederer Kryptogamen. 254 AHCOMYCETES. posed of pseiidopareiichyiua, which, towards the luargiiis, becomes more elongated and prosenchymatous. Hypotliecium generally poorly developed. Mollisia. The sessile brownish apothecia on opening generally exhil)it a flat, saucer-shaped, transparent stratum of asci. The spores are unicellular, hyaline, and spindle-shaped or club-like. The paraphyses are hyaline or coloured, sometimes forked. Mollisia Morthieri (Sacc). The apothecia are developed on yellow spots of the lower epidermis of living leaves of Ruhns Schleicheri and B. fruticosus. The young apothecia are reddish- brown and spherical ; when open they form yellowish-brown discs with very delicate margins. The asci contain eight spores, arranged in two rows. The spores are unicellular, club- shaped, and colourless. The paraphyses are colourless or brownish, with slightly bent points. Niptera. Apothecia as in Mollisia. The spores, however, on com- pleting their development are two-celled. Niptera hypogaea (Bres.).^ Found by Bresadola in Southern Tyrol, underground on the roots of Adenostyles albifrons. The apothecia are massed togetlier on brown hyphae in blackened parts of the host-roots. The ascogenous disc is greyish-brown or whitish, with fine fibrous margins. The asci are spindle- shaped, and contain eight spindle-shaped colourless spores, which are at first one-celled, later two-celled. The septate colourless paraphyses are forked. Pseudopeziza. The members of this genus live as parasites in the leaf- tissue of higher plants and produce dead brown spots, in which the ascocarps are afterwards developed. The apothecia have delicate walls, and, after rupturing the epidermis, emerge as delicately-coloured saucer-like hymenial discs. The club- shaped asci contain eight spores, arranged in two rows. The ^Bresadola, Fiuuji trident, A. Lxxv. , Fig. 1. PSEUDOPEZIZA. 255 spores are ovoid or elliptical, colourless, and unicellular. The colourless paraphvses have thickened apices, rarely forked. Pseudopeziza (Phacidium) trifolii (Bernh.). Leaf-spot disease of the clover. This disease appears on the leaves of various species of clover in Europe and America ; its attacks may attain considerable severity, and inflict great injury to crops. The leaves become spotted, and finally die off. The apothecia occupy brownish-yellow discs on the surface of the leaf, and hence are not unlike pustules of a Puccinia. The asci are club-shaped, and contain eight ovoid, unicellular, colourless spores. The paraphyses have broadened apices, rarely forked. A coniclial form (Sj^haeivnema ijhacidioides Desm.) is generally allocated to this species. Ps. trifolii {var. medicaginis) (Lib.) is found on species of Medicago (Britain and U.S. America). Ps. bistortae (Lib.). This occurs on the lower epidermis of living leaves of Polygonum Bistorta, and P. viviparum, causing dark-brown swollen spots where the apothecia are developed. Juel ^ has transferred this species to the Phacidiaceae, and named it Pseudorhytisma bistortae (D. C). Ps. alismatis (Phill. et Trail) causes spots on leaves of Alisma Plantago (Britain). Fabraea. This genus is distinguished from PseudoiKziza by the spores, which, though at first unicellular, become two or four-celled. The species are parasitic in the leaf-tissue of higher plants. Fabraea astrantiae (Ces.). The mycelium lives in the leaf- parenchyma of Astrantia major and A. carniolica, causing dead spots. A form occurs on Sanicula europaea. F. ranunculi (Fries.) (Britain). The apothecia of this are very common on brown spots on tbe leaves of various species of Ramtnculus. F. cerastiorum (Wallr.) frequents leaves of Cerastiv.m (Britain). F. Rousseauana (Sacc. et Bomm.) occurs on leaves of Caltha palnstris. (A British species if synonymous with Pseudopeziza calthae Mass.). Beloniella. The gregarious apothecia are at first embedded, but break out later. Externally the apothecial discs are rough, dark brown, ^Mykol. Beitr. Vetemk.-Akad., 1894. 256 ASCOMYCETES. and striped, the margin being tibrous. The asci contain four to eight spores. The spores are generally ovoid or spindle- shaped, at first unicellular, but divided later into two to four cells by means of cross walls. The colourless paraphyses have thickened club-like apices. Belionella Dehnii (Rabh.).^ This parasite covers stems and leaves of Fut> iitilla norvegica, and is distinguished by its sharp, spindle-shaped, bicellular spores. HELOTIEAE. The apothecia are generally (|uite superficial ; less commonly they are at first embedded, and emerge later ; or they may develop from a sclerotium. In form they are spherical, cup- shaped, or top-shaped, and a stalk of some kind is generally present. On opening, they form a cup or flat plate, on which the hymenium lies exposed ; the cup is soft or waxy, and enclosed in a delicate wall, which is externally either smooth or hairy. The sporocarps consist of a pseudoprosenchyma (after Rehm). Sclerotinia. The sclerotia "^ give rise to smooth-stalked ascocarps with the form of beakers, funnels, or saucers. The stalks often produce rhizoids. The asci contain eight unicellular hyaline spores, elliptical or spindle-shaped, and of equal or unequal sizes. The paraphyses are thread-like. In several families conidia are formed before the sclerotia. Some forms are heteroecious. Most of the species are parasitic on plants. The Sclerotium diseases of the Vaccinieae.^ These are a well-known group of sclerotium diseases, and amongst them the following have been named as species. Sclerotinia vaccinii Wor. {Scl. Urnula Weinm.). The sclerotium disease of the cowberry. The young shoots and 1 Figures in Hedivigia, 1881, -Literature: Ue Bary, " Uebereiuige Sclerotien u. Sclerotienkrankheiten," Botan. ZtUiuui, 1886; aXso Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, English edition. Brefeld, Schimmelpilze, Heft. iv. u. x., and Botan. Zeilung, 1876. Saccardo, Sylloge, Vol. viii. ^Woronin,3/e'/n. deVacadem. imp4r. d. sci. d. St. Petersburg, vii. Ser., t. 36, 1888 f with ten plates) ; also Berichte d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1894. SCLEROTINIA. 257 leaves of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaca exhibit in spring a mould- like coating, consisting of chains of lemon-shaped conidia. Woronin thus describes it : " In the outer layers of the cortex, amongst the dying elements, a pseudoparenchymatous cushion is formed, from which simple or dichotomously branched hyphae grow out through the overlying cuticle. The individual members of the chains of conidia are separated from one another by a spindle-shaped piece of cellulose — ' the disjunctor.' " The disjunctor spoken of here is a spindle-shaped cellulose body found between the single conidia ; it easily breaks across and so facilitates the breaking up of the chains of conidia Fig. 135. — Sderotinia vaccinii on Vo.ccinium Vitis-Idaea. Mummified Cowberries in fresh condition and in the following May, after development of Pezizo.-cwps. A, Chain of conidia united by disjunctors. B, Germinating conidium after treat- ment with iodine ; the plasma has shrunk, but remains connected with the sporidia in process of abjunction. (After Woronin.) (Fig. 135). It has its origin as follows: The conidia at first lie closely end to end, enclosed in a delicate primary membrane ; the partition-membranes split into two lamellae, each of which takes part in the formation of a cellulose body which gradually becomes spindle-shaped. In the course of its growth this cellulose body — the disjunctor — ruptures the primary enclosing membrane, and, being released, becomes more elongated, so that the conidia are pushed away from each other and fall apart. The conidia have a strong characteristic odour of almonds, attractive to insects, which carry off the conidia and dust them on the stigmata of other Vaccinium flowers. Wind is also, in all probability, an agent in the distribution of the conidia. The 258 ASCOMYCETES. coiiidia germinate and give off long septate hyphae which, follow- ing the course of the pollen-tube, reach the ovary, and soon fill all four loculi with a white mycelium. The growth of this mycelium proceeds from the central axis towards the walls, and forms a hollow sphere open above and below. The diseased berries cannot be distinguished till ripe ; then, whereas the normal are red, the diseased are yellowish-brown to chestnut- coloured, and soon shrink up, leaving only the outline of the sclerotium. The dead or mummified berries fall prematurely, and lie over winter on the earth. In April or IVIay, the sclerotia give rise Fifi. l^G.— Sclerotinia oxycocci on Faccinivm Oxycoccvs. Young shoot of Cran- berry with mature conidial cushion and diseased upper leaves. A, Pfsira-cup developed from a sclerotial fruit ; numerous rhizoids proceed from the base of the stalk. B. Ascospores in stages of germination. C, Conidia in germination, with remains of disjunctors still attached. (After Woronin.) to several primordia or horn-like stalks, on the extremity of which an apothecium is afterwards formed. Ehizoids are pro- duced at the base of the stalk and attaching themselves to the ground act as supports and organs of nutrition. The apothecia contain both asci and paraphyses ; the latter are septate, dichoto- mously branched filaments, with club-shaped ends, and coated with a brown resinous substance. The asci have a canal at one end through which are ejaculated eight spores of almost equal size. These produce sporidia in water ; in nutritive solutions, however, they form a septate mycelium with conidia. The ascospores bring about infection by means of one or two germ-tubes which penetrate the outer membranes of young SCLEROTINIA. 259 cowberry shoots, the stomata being always avoided. In less than three weeks conidia are produced. The mode in which the germ-tubes attack the host-plant is very remarkable. Woronin says : " The germ-tubes developed from the ascospores grow inwards tow^ards the vascular bundles of the host-plant and enter them ; then they continue to develop, but now in the opposite direction from the interior of the plant towards the periphery. Here a peculiar phenomenon is exhibited, the fungus exerts its injurious effects on the surrounding tissues of the host-plant, then, having killed these, it utilizes Fig. 137. — Sclerotinia baecarum on Vo.cciniuin Mi/rtillus. Young shoot of Bilberry with deformed branch bearing white conidial patches on its lower side ; also a withered leaf. A, Conidial chains, and a portion enlarged. B, Shoot with an iipper healthy ripe berry and a lower mummified one. C, Peziza-c\ip develoi^ed from a sclerotium. D, Ascosijores ; the smaller incajjable of germination, another germinating and giving off sporidia. (After Woronin.) them as food-material." " Finally, the germ-tubes penetrate between the elements of the outer rind already killed, and there develop to a stroma-like mishion of large-celled pseudo- parenchyma from which the chains of conidia emerge through the ruptured cuticle." (Saccardo also mentions Scl. oreophtla Sacc. on leaves of Vaccinuim Vitis-Idaea. ) Sclerotinia oxycocci Wor, The sclerotium disease of the true cranberry ( Vaccinium Oxycoccus). The spores of this species are smaller than those of the preceding; each ascus contains four 260 ASCOMYCETES. larger and four smaller spores, the latter appearing to he rudi- mentary and incapable of germination. Scl. baccarum Schroet.' (Britain).' The sclerotium disease of the bilberry ( Vacc. Myrtillus). This varies from the other species in having round conidia incapable of germinating in water, in having more robust apothecial beakers, and in lacking rhizoids. The spores are similar in numlter and arrangement to the preceding species. Scl. megalospora ^^'or. The sclerotium disease of the crow- berry {Empetrum nigrum). This species is distinguished by the Fio. 138. — ScUrotinia megalospora on Vaccinium uliginosum. Partially withered leaf with a white conidial cushion on the mid rib. A, Conidial chains produced on a mycelium, resulting from an artificial culture of ascospores in plum-solution. B, Isokited conidium with remains of disjunctors still attached. (', Twig with upper mummified berry. E, Ascospores ; one in its gelatinous envelope, the other giving off a germ-tube and sporidia. (After Woronin.) form of its conidia, and the manner of their germination ; in the form of the sclerotium, and the absence of primordia ; in the absence of rhizoids ; and, particularly, in having large ascospores almost similar to each other. The " white berries " of the Vacciniaceae are distinct from the mummified berries caused by Sdcrotinia.^ Scl. aucupariae Ludw. The mummified fruits of Pyriis Aucuparia, resulting from this fungus, were first observed by ^Schroeter, Hedicii/ia, 1879 ; Woronin (loc. cit.). - Sclerotia of this species have been found in Scotland by Professor TrailL ^Magnus and Ascherson, Bei'ichte d. deutsck. hotan. Ges., 1889; also ZooL- botan. Ges., Vienna, 1891. SCLEROTINIA. 261 Woronin ^ in Finland, and later by Ludwig in the Erz mountains. The ascocarp developed from the sclerotia has no rhizoids. The ascospores infect leaves, and there the conidia are produced. Scl. padi Wor. Causes mummification of the fruits of Prunus Pacliis. Woronin regards Monilia Linhartiana Sacc. as belonging to this Sclerotinia. Woronin also considers the conidial form Monilia cinerea as related to the mummified fruits of cherry. Oimlaria nelans on Mespilus is probably also a form of some Sclerotinia. A Sclerotinia occurring on Cotoneaster nigra produces mummification of the fruit, and forms conidia on the surface. Monilia fructigena of the apple, pear, quince, plum, peach, etc., is in all likelihood a form of some Sclerotinia, although the ascus-form is still unknown (see also " Fungi imperfecti "). Scl. betulae Wor. (U.S. America). This sclerotium of the birch-fruit was discovered by and briefly described by Woronin in 1888. Nawaschin - has recently re-investigated it, and named it the " birch-catkin disease." It is found on the green catkins in June. The fruits containing sclerotia are obcordate in shape, instead of the normal elliptical form with both ends acute ; the wings are similar to those of healthy seeds. The sclerotium is composed of a very hard white pseudoparenchyma, which passes in the form of a horse-shoe round one side of the apex of the fruit (Fig. 139). The outer layer is black and very firm. Sclerotia placed on moist sand produced ascocarps at the beginning of May. Development in the open also takes place about this time. In the birch forests near St. Petersburg this disease is common, and birch-catkins containing sclerotia may be found abundantly amongst fallen leaves about the month of May. From each sclerotium there are produced one or two ascocarps, with rhizoids and stalks of a length varying with the depth of dead leaves on the ground. The apothecia are at first funnel-shaped, but later became saucer-shaped and l-4mm, broad, with a golden or fleshy colour. The asci contain eight spores which are forcibly ejaculated, and if a handful of damp birch leaf-mould is thrown up into the air iWorouin, Berichte d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1891; also Man. de Vacad. imp. d. sci. de St. Petersburg, 1S95. With five plates. ^Nawaschin, Sclerotinia betulae, Wor. Russian brochure with four coloured plates, 189.3. 262 ASCOMYCETES. a cloud of spores so ejected may easily be seen. Infection takes place on the birch flowers. It is possible to promote germination in water and on moistened leaves, but the germ- tubes soon die. This disease, on account of the small size of the birch fruit and the tiny sclerotia, remained for a long time quite un- observed, yet it seems to be common everywhere ; in Russia it has been found frequently, also in Germany, North America, and Japan. It possesses considerable economic importance, since diseased seeds are no longer capable of germination. Fio. 159.— Sclcrotinia betulae. a, Birch fruits with sclerotia, which have germinated and formed cup-like apothecial discs ; rhjzoids have developed on the stalks, b, Birch fruit, somewhat enlarged, with semilunar sclerotia. (After Nawaschin.) Hormomyia hctulac Wtz. often occurs along with the above. It causes the production of thick spherical fruits with little or no wing. Sderotinia adusta Karst. has also been found on birch leaves in Finland. Scl. aini ISTaw. Vforonin found this lirst on catkins of Alnus inrann. Xawaschiii has more recently investigated it.^ Scl. rhododendri Fischer.'- This was first discovered by Fischer in 1891 in fruits of the Alpine-rose {Rhododendron ferrugincum and B. hirsutvAii) in Switzerland. It has since been observed in various parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. ^Nawaschin, Berirhte d. deiit-tch. liotan. Ges., 1894; Maul, Hedivigia, 1894, p. 213. With two plates. -E. Fischer, Naturforsrh. Ges. Bern, 1891 ; also Berirhte d. schiveiz. hotan. Ges., 1894. With figures. SCLEROTINIA. 263 Fischer succeeded in obtaining stalked ascocarps from sclerotia of one and two years old. They resembled most closely those of Scl. vaccina, their stalk being provided with numerous rhiz- oids. The asci contain eight similar spores which germinate directly on ejaculation. They develop a mycelium and, later, chains of chlamydospores which separate by means of disjunctors. The little conidia found by Woronin on Vacciiiium are never produced. The paraphyses are generally unbranched and corre- spond in length to the asci. The mummified fruits are easiest found after the healthy capsules have dehisced, then the diseased ones remain closed. In winter the healthy capsules remain attached to the plant, the diseased fall off. Seeds of diseased capsules are completely overgrown by hyphae. Wahrlich ^ found sclerotia in capsules of PJwd. daJiuricum. from Siberia. They gave off a sclerotial ascocarp with a stalk devoid of rhizoids. The mummified fruits resemble closely those of Scl. rhocloclcnclri. Scl. heteroica Wor. et Xaw. = Scl. ledi Naw.' occurs on Leclum ivduMrc in liussia and Finland, It is very similar to Scl. rhododcndri, but is distinguished by the paraphyses being swollen and frequently forked at the end. In nutritive gelatine a copious mycelium is developed, and produces chains of ripe conidia with tiny disjunctors. Woronin found that these conidia are produced only on Vaccinium uliginosam, never on Ledum ; but the conidia so formed can successfully infect the ovary of Ledum. We have here the first known case of heteroecism outside the Uredineae. Scl. sclerotiorum Lib.^ (Britain and U.S. America). The sclerotia of this fungus are found in many various plants. They fall to the ground with the dead plants, hibernate under snow, and on the arrival of warmer weather in spring give rise to several stalked apothecia. The ascospores are ejaculated from the asci, germinate, and produce a parasitic mycelium, described thus by De Bary : " The ripe spores of Pcziza sclerotiorum produce germ-tubes on any moist substratum. ^ Berichte d. deutsrh. hotan. G'e.s., 1892. -Nawaschin, Berichte d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1894, p. 117. ^Brefeld, Srhimmelpihe, iv. and x. ; De Bary, Morphology and Biology of the Fungi ; and Botan. Ztitung, 1886. 264 ASCOMYCETES. These develop to strong mycelial threads if they reach any source of nutriment, such as disorganized bodies and particularly dead plants. On any other substratum the germ-tubes never pass beyond a rudimentary stage. The gerra-tuljes developed in water cannot make their way into living plants. If, however, grown in suitable nutriment, the mycelial threads are smaller and capable of penetrating as parasites into suitable hosts. This they are able to do because they give off a fluid which enters into and kills living plants. The dead parts of the plants serve as nutriment to the fungus, which makes its way into the tissues and causes death of cells in direct contact or im- mediate neighbourhood. The deadly tiuid separated by the fungus contains, as an essential constituent, an enzyme soluble in acid solutions and capable of dissolving the cell-walls ; also a number of imperfectly known organic and inorganic acids and salts, amongst which oxalates can certainly be proved. The mycelium generally penetrates parts covered only by cuticle or a thin periderm. It does so by hyphal branches which grow into the air till they reach some suitable host ; then, stimulated by the pressure, they give off characteristic organs of attachment, which secrete a cell-killing fluid and cause disorganization of the place attacked ; they derive nourishment from the products, and give off branches which penetrate into the plant." Conidia capable of germination are never produced, though rarely tiny spermatia or conidia incapable of germination are abjointed from the mycelium. A Botri/tis-stage is certainly never present in the life of this species. Scl. sclerotiorum is one of the worst enemies of cultivated plants. De Bary observed total or partial death resulting from it to the following plants : Fhascolus vulgaris, Petunia nyctcujinijlora and P. violaceae, Solamim fuhe7vsum, Zinnia elcgans, Helianthus tuberosus, and Daucus Carota. It has also been found on species of Brassica, Beta, Cichorium, Dahlia, Tojnnambur, etc., and on seedlings of numerous other dicotyledons. It is thus evident that many and varied plants, belonging to widely removed families, may serve as hosts ; on the other hand the fungus avoids certain plants, and is known to injure species in one locality, which it avoids in another. De Bary regards a destructive canker on hemp in Paissia SCLEROTINIA. 265 (Peziza Kauffmaniana Tichom.)^ as related to, or identical with Scl. sclerotiorum. Behrens, ho^vever, is inclined to ascribe it to Scl. Fuckeliana, which has occasionally a Botrytis-st^ge. This hemp disease has also been found in Alsace.- Humphrey ^ regards this species as the cause of a disease of indoor cucumbers ; he ascribes a Botrytis-stage to it. Scl. sclerotiorum is Ijest known by the conical funnel-shaped depression in the hymenial disc, not present in other species. Sclerotinia trifoliorum Eriks * (U.S. America).^ Clover is not attacked by the Sclerotinia last considered, but falls an easy prey to this species, which again derives but scanty nourish- ment from such food as fresh carrots. Scl. trifoliorum is observed wild only on species of clover, and is there fairly common ; many other plants, however, have been artificially infected by it. Host-plants are attacked through their green foliage, wdiich very soon becomes brown and shrivels up. If the atmosphere be sufficiently moist, the mycelium emerges on the exterior and spreads to neighbouring organs or plants. Sclerotia are not often formed superficially as with Scl. sclerotiorum, because the mycelium lives principally inside the plant tissues. This mycelium resembles that of Scl. sclerotiorum in its peculiar property, that successful infection only follows if the fungus has lived for a time saprophytically ; on this account direct infection by spores is harmless. In the secretion of an enzyme and of oxalic acid, and in the manner in which it destroys the tissues of its host-plant, this species behaves like Scl. sclerotioruTn just described. It is distinguished by its larger ascospores, and the absence of a central funnel- shaped depression in the hymenium. Spores germinated in water produce numerous bodies (so-called spermatia) which distinguish the species from Scl. Fuclceliaiia where this does not take place. Eostrup '' found in Denmark that Meclicago hqmlinct suffered ^Tichomiroff, BuU. soc, nat. de Mosrou, 1868. "Behrens, " Ueljer das Auftreten d. Hanfkrebses im Elsass. '" Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenlcranhheiten, 1891, p. 208 ; " Trockene u. iiasse Faule d. Tabaks," idtm, 1893, p. 82. •^ Humphrey, Af/ric. exper. station Mass., 1892, pp. 212-224. * Ktihn, " Die Sklerotieiikrankheiten d. Klees." Hedivir/ia, 1870. Rehni., Entirirkdunysgesch. ehies d. ^ Massee (British Fungus-flora, iv. , 1895). "There is no evidence of this species having occurred in Britain." ^Rostrup, Tidssh-ift for Landohonomie, 1890. 266 ASCOMYCETES. most from this l'uiigu.s ; red clover was less affected, though the disease often had its origin in that species ; while white clover was least often' attacked. He recommends keeping out Mcdicago from clover mixtures, and the addition of a large proportion of grass-seeds. Fields badly affected should be kept out of clover-cultivation for several years. English and French white clovers he found to be very sensitive, but distri- bution of the fungus did not take place by means of seed. Scl. tuberosa (Hedw.) (Britain and U.S. America). This on the rhizomes of Anrmone ucmorosa causes formation of sclerotia larger than filbert-nuts. The ascospores on germination produce groups of flask-shaped processes from which are given off chains of spherical conidia incapable of germination. Certain pycnidia which appear on the anemone-plants or on the sclerotia l)eloiig to a parasite (Pt/cnis sclerotivora Brefeld). Scl. bulborum Wakk.^ (Britain). Wakker observed this form on hyacinth, onion, etc. It is very similar to Scl. trifoliorum, but the hyacinth-fungus will not infect clover, and vice versa. The leaves attacked become rotten and the plants die.^ Eriksson describes, from Wermland (Sweden), a destructive appearance of biilij-i'ot (hie to sclerotia, which he attributed to ScL FuckeJiana De Bary. Scl. candoUeana Lev. on oak-leaves. Appendix. Sclerotia of Unknown Affinity. Scl. oryzae Catt. Eice plants {Or//z(i safiva) are often attacked by this Sclcrotium, and a disease called " Brusone " produced. The sclerotia are found during June in the sheaths and stems. The symptoms are blackening at the base of plants and withering of upper parts. Scl. rhizoides Auersw. occurs on living plants of Phcdaris arundinacea, and Calamagrostis ; also on dead leaves of Dcictylis glomerata. Scl. rhinanthi Magn.^ forms sclerotia on the roots and root- ^VVakker, Atlijem. Vereeiwj. voor BloemhoUencultur, 1883-84; also Botan. Centralblatt, xxix., 1887. ^G. Massee (hardener's Chronicle, Vol. xvi., 1894) gives description and figures. 3 Verhand. d. botan. Ver. d. Pror. Brandenbimj, xxxv. 1894. SCLEROTIA OF UNKNOWN AFFINITY. 267 neck of living Bltinanthus minor: these bodies begin their development in the cambium and bark, which they kill ; after- wards the wood itself may be attacked. Sclerotinia with Botrytis-conidia.^ Scl. Fuckeliana De Bary. This Sdcrotmia is distinguished from all preceding ones by its passing through a Botrijtis- conidia stage {Botrytis cinerca). If conidia are sown out on plum-juice gelatine, there appear within fourteen to twenty- one days round groups of sclerotia, which soon give rise to conidia. From such artificially- reared sclerotia I have never succeeded in getting the Bcziza-{xu\t, so easily cultivated from sclerotia gathered in the open-air {e.g. from vine leaves).^ Thus the actual proof that Scl. Fucheliana and Botrytis cinerca are FiixMkma.' m^lmt^oi stages in the life of the same fungus is not scTerotfa^^' (v.'^^Tubeuf reached by this experiment.^ The two forms ^^^'^ are, however, very frequently met together. The sclerotia of Scl. Fuckeliana are produced in the mesophyll of the leaves, also in the parenchyma and epidermis of the host-plants, but never in the wood. Fcziza-ixwit^ with flat apothecia are produced from them. Sclerotia are found in vine leaves and over-ripe grapes (Fig. 140), especially of the Riesling, Orleans, and Sylvaner varieties."^ Other plants and fruits may also be attacked. Diseased parts become brown from the effects of the parasitic mycelium, and die off. The mycelium can only live parasitic after it has been strengthened by a pre- vious saprophytic existence. Ascospores are thus unable to effect direct infection. The Botrytis-aouidm seem, however, capable of directly infecting a host-plant, at least I have always succeeded in infecting Conifers successfully with the conidial form Botrytis Douglasii. ^See also Botrytis amongst the "Fungi imperfecti." ^Brefeld, Heft iv., p. 129, and x. , p. 315; Tubeuf, Beitrdge z. Kenntniss d. Baumkrankheiten, 1888. ^Zopf. {Die Pilze, p. 742) states that Feziza-ivnits may be reared from these sclerotia after they have rested a year. ■* Muller-Thnrgau, "Die Edelfaule d. Trauben." Landwirth. Jahrhiich, 1888 (Ref. in Botan. Gentralhlatt, xxxv., 1888, p. 94). 268 ASCOMYCETES. Epidemics of j,aeat magnitude have been ascribed to attacks by the Botrytis-forms of this Sclerotinia. Thus on lilies in England,^ on yellow gentian,- on male flowers of Conifers, and on the twigs of Conifers and other plants. This is especially the case in houses under glass, where the fungus, favoured by the moist atmosphere, lives as a saprophyte on dead plant-remains, and multiplies till it becomes strong enough to act as a parasite. It is, however, quite possible that conidial forms of other sclerotia {e.g. Scl. sderotiorum) may be confounded witli this species. Fig. lil. ~}1'iI,-'ii:.s cuurra (■•Scl. Fucl-diana). Branch of Prv.nus triloba with two disuased shoots, withered and dead. (v. Tubeuf phot.) The presence of Botrytis and allied forms on the vine is the cause of a disease of great economic importance, because severe loss may be incurred through rotting of the grapes and the injurious after-effects on the "most." A decay of the potato-plant is said to be caused by sclerotia formed inside the stems, and also l^y a Botrytu? Smith'* has figured similar sclerotia, which he ascribes to Peziza postuma Berk, and Wil. iH. M. Ward, Annals of Botany, 1888. ^ Kissling, Hediviijia, 1889. ^ Fdtzema-Jios., Zeitsrh. f. Pflanzenkranhheiltn, 1894; 0. Kiichner, Wurtemhurg. Wochenhlatt f. Landwirth., 1893. ■• Woithington G. Smith, Diseases of Field and Garden Crops. London, 1884. SCLEROTINIA WITH BOTRYTIS-CONIDIA. 269 Sclerotia, along with Botri/tis-comdia, have been found fre- quently on diseased geraniums. During the summer of 1894 a withering of twigs of Prunus triloba occurred in several gardens at Munich (Fig. 141). A mycelium was found in the bark, leaf-petioles, and young ovaries, while Botrytis-coni(\.i?i were developed on the dead parts. With these I successfully infected young needles and twigs of spruce. Sclerotia were also formed on plum- gelatine in fourteen days. The parasite in this case had killed old twigs of Prunus, and also infected twigs of Conifers. Botrytis Douglasii is a parasite which I studied some time ago on account of its presence along with a disease on the Douglas fir (Pscii- dotsuga Douglasii)} I have since had reason to believe that it is allied to some form of sclerotium like that just considered, and my view is supported by Behrens." The disease as seen in various parts of Germany is characterized by withering, curling-up, and death of young shoots towards the sum- mits of young seedlings, and on the lower twigs of older trees up to about five feet above the ground. In autumn, black sclerotia about the size of pin heads, break through the epidermis under the old bud- scales, at the base of dead shoots, and on the needles. In addition to these, smaller masses of tangled hyphae are also formed. When sclerotia are placed in a moist chamber, tufts of erect conidiophores arise, and branch, forming numerous whorls of conidiophores, from which 1 V. Tubeuf, Beitrclge z. Kenntniss d. BaumkranMieiten, Berlin, 1888. -Behreiis, Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkrankheiten, 1895. Fig. 142. — Botrytis Douglasii on the Douglas Fir. The young shoots and apex of last year's shoot are dead. (After Tubeuf.) 270 ASCOMYCETES. oval liyaline conidia are abjointed. These germinate at once in water, and infect young developing shoots or needles of Douglas fir, silver tir, spruce, and larch. Death of these ensues in a few days, and finally tlie whole plant is killed. On the dead needles a copious development of Botrytis takes place, and the conidia being easily detached, spread the disease in damp localities. The mycelium and conidiophores are very sensitive to drought. The .sclerotia serve to carry the fungus over winter, and may be found in autumn and winter. I have found JvMvperis communis with its young shoots dead, and sclerotia similar to the above on the needles. Whetlier Sclerotinia Kerneri Wettst. found on needles of Abies pectinata is paiasitic or not, I do not know. Scl. galanthi Ludw.^ Ludwig observed this disease on snowdrops. In place of the flower a shapeless mass was pro- duced, completely covered with conidiophores of Botrytis. The sclerotia develop inside the tuber. Scl. pseudotuberosa (liehm). {Sd. Batschiana Zopf or Ciboria 2}scndotnb€rosa Uehm) (Britain). The cotyledons of acorns are sometimes found replaced by a firm sclerotium, from which a peziza-fruit (Ciboria) is produced. Nothing is known in regard to mode of infection or the parasitism of this species. EU-PEZIZEAE. The apothecia, at first closed, open out to form saucer- shaped or cup-like discs, with a margin. The discs have usually a thick hypothecium ; they are fleshy or waxy in texture, and are often brightly coloured. Dasyscypha. The waxy or membranous ascocarps are sessile or shortly stalked, and beset on the outer surface and margin with hairs of various colours. The asci dehisce by a round apical opening. The spores are ellipsoidal or spindle-shaped, unicellular, and hyaline. The paraphyses are thread-like. Most of the forms are saprophytic on dead plants ; the following species alone is known to be parasitic. ^ Liidwig, Lehrbuch d. niedtren Kryptogamen. DASYSCYPHA. 271 Dasyscypha (Peziza) Willkommii, Hartig.^ The Larch Canker (Britain and U.S. America). Everywhere in the mountains, the home of the larch, one finds, on young branches and old stems, depressed canker-spots, on which the sporocarps of Dasyscypha Willkommii are developed. Young twigs, when attacked, are already conspicuous in July and August by their pale and withered needles, and on them small canker-spots will be found ; these rapidly enlarge so that on older stems they may reach very great dimensions. Hartig easily succeeded in producing canker-spots on healthy trees by artificial infection. If canker-spots are examined soon after the death of the bark, the stromata will be found as yellowish- white pustules. Conidia are produced either on the free surface or in the internal cavities of a stroma ; they are tiny unicellular hyaline bodies, produced from little conidiophores. Hartig never succeeded in getting these spores to germinate. If the atmosphere be moist enough the apothecia make their appearance later on the same places ; they are externally yellow, and internally orange- coloured. The apothecial disc carries long thread-like paraphyses and cylindrical asci with rounded apices (Fig. 143). The asco- spores are oval, unicellular, and hyaline. They germinate and give off one or two germ- tubes which are unable to penetrate the periderm of a host-plant, and only find entrance through wounded places. Wounds are very common on larch as the result of hail, or injury to twigs by snow or ice, or destruction of needles by insects. For example, the Larch-moth {Cokopliora laricella) is well known to cause less damage on the mountains than in the lower regions, and in the same degree Dasyscypha is least injurious to mountain forests. The mycelium is septate and much branched ; it spreads chiefly through the soft bast, especially in the sieve-tubes and Fig. 143. — Dasyscypha Wiltk-ommii. Three asci and two paraphyses isolated from an apothecium. (After R. Hartig.) ^ R. Hartig, Untersuch. mts d. forsthotan. InMitut Miinchen, i., ISSO. M. Will- komm, Mikros. Feinde des Waldes, ii., 1868. 272 ASCOxMYCETES. intercellular spaces, but it may also penetrate the wood as far as the pith. The fungus only spreads during autumn and winter, never during summer, the vegetative period of the larch. The attacked tissues of the bark turn brown and shrivel up, causing the depressed canker-spots. Healthy parts continue their growth normally, and are frequently cut otf from diseased areas by formation of layers of secondary cork ; this isolation is, however, rarely effective, since fresh invasions of mycelium from the wood into the bast take place annually, and thereby the canker-spots keep enlarging for an indefinite time. The fungus develops reproductive organs only in damp marshy situations. On this account spore- formation is less frequent on mountainous slopes than in moist valleys and ravines. The larch, on its first introduction into the low- lying parts of Germany, Denmark, and England, was much cultivated as a pure forest in close damp localities, and with great success ; but now this parasite has followed its host from the mountains and causes ever increasing damage. As preventive measures may be recommended : larches in low-lying districts should be grown in open, airy situations, and never massed together nor placed in the neighbourhood of diseased larches. Lachnella. The reproductive organs are similar to Dasyscypha, but the apothecia are firmer and generally have no stalk ; the spores as a rule become two-celled at maturity. Lachnella pini Brunch.^ occurs in Norway on twigs of Pinus sylvestris, as a parasite which quickly kills young plants and twigs. It is rare on old plants. The apothecia resemble those of D. Willkommii, but are larger, externally brown, and covered with brown hairs and scales. The disc is reddish-yellow with a whitish margin. The asci measure about 100/x by 9ya, and contain colourless unicellular spores about 20yu long. Rhizina.- This genus contains the single species Rhizina undulata ^ Bfunchorst, Xoc/le norske skovsygdomme, Bergens Mus., 1892. - Rhhina has a position somewhere between the Pezizeae and the Helvelleae. Saccardo places the genus under Pezizeae, while Schroeter makes for it the special group of Rhizinacei, included under his Helvellinei. RHIZINA. 273 Fr. {Eh. infiata, Schaeff.). Eoot fungus, or Eing-disease.^ This fungus is found as a saprophyte on the earth, especially where forest fires have occurred ; also as a parasite on indigenous and exotic conifers. As such it has been observed in nurseries in various parts of Germany, and in woods of Pinus Pinaster in France. The fungus itself is known in Britain, though not as a parasite. Fig. 144. — Sporophores of Rhizina undulata. ) Tilletieae ( TUIetia, Entyloma, Melanotaenium, Schroeteria, Thecaphora, Sorosporhun), with non-septate proniycelia. (Schimmtl- ■pilze, Heft v., 1883, and Heft xi., 1895.) 276 USTILAGINEAE. the resting-spores are developed that deformation occurs. These spores arise by intercalary growth in the mycelium, which is generally completely used up in their formation ; they are produced in large numbers, and scattered after decay of the tissues enclosing them. As a result of the germination of the resting-spores, there is produced either a mycelium capable of immediate infection, or a promycelium from which conidia ^ are abjointed. In the latter case, conidia are generally formed in succession, and continue to be given off from the promycelium for a considerable time. They either give out a germ-tube capable of infecting a new host, or give rise to further conidia. The latter process is most frequently observed in artificial nutritive solutions, where the conidia continue to sprout in a yeast-like manner till nourishment is exhausted, when they germinate and form niycelial filaments. In the host-plant, chlamydospores alone are developed, conidia exceptionally (Tuburcima and Ent//- loma). The Ustilagineae are very dangerous and injurious enemies of cultivated plants, especially to the various cereal crops. The species are fairly easy to identify, because each is, as a rule, confined to one or a few species of host. The smut-fungi are best combated by sterilizing the seed of suspected cereals in a copper sulphate solution or in hot water shortly before sowing out ; (see General Part, chap, vi.) In this way any adherent smut-spores are killed, and where this preventive measure is regularly carried out, disease is less common and its effects considerably minimized. The Ustilagineae include the following genera : Ustilago, S2:)]iacclothcca., Schizondla, Tolyposporiiwi, Tilldia, Entyloma, Melanotacnium , JJrocystis, Tuhurcinia, Daossansia, Schmcteria, Thecaphora, Sorosporium, Graphiola, Schinzia, Tuhercularia. Ustilago. The vegetative mycelium makes its way through the tissues of the host-plant without causing any deformation. The spores are developed in certain parts of the host, and form a much- branched, compact, sporogenous mycelium, with membranes ' ' Conidia ' = the sporitlia of De Bary. USTILAGO. 277 which at first swell up in a gelatinous manner. Spores are formed inside the ultimate ramifications of the mycelium, and as they reach maturity, the membrane loses its gelatinous character, the cells break up, and the spores are set free ; they are dispersed as a dry dusty powder after rupture of the tissues Fio. 148. — Ustilarjo maydU. The head has been exposed to view by dissectino away the enclosing leaves ; it is beset towards the apex by smut-boils. (V. Tubevif phot.) of the host enclosing them. The spores germinate, giving rise to a promycelium (basidium), which becomes divided up by means of cross-septa into several cells, from each of which conidia are laterally abjointed. These conidia sprout yeast- like, and give off new conidia, or they produce a mycelium ; •278 USTILAlilNEAE. the former is the case when nutrition is abundant, as when under artificial cultivation, the latter under less favourable nutrition ; in ver_^ unsuitable conditions, the constituent cells Fig. 149. — Ustilago maydii. Diseased Maize-heads after removal of enclosing leaves. The heads are beset with smut-boils of all sizes, some iniptiired, others still unbroken, (v. Tubeuf phot.) of the promycelium may each develop directly into hyphae capable of infecting a new host. USTILAGO. 279 Ustilago maydis (D.C.)^ (Britain and U.S. America).'^ This smut of Zi:o. Ma'ix. produces large and conspicuous deformations on leaves, leaf-sheaths, stems, roots, and all parts of the male and female flowers. These are whitish, gall-like swellings and blisters, containing a mass of gelatinous mycelium, from which spores are produced. The swellings may attain to the size of a fist, or even larger. The spores appear at first as dark olive-green masses seen through the lighter- green outer tissues of the host- plant. When mature the spore masses cause rupture of the enclosing host-tissues, and escape as a dusty powder. The spores are dark-brown in colour, irregu- larly spherical in shape, covered with delicate spines, and measure 9-12,u in diameter. They re- main capable of germination for many years. On being sown from the host- plant directly into water, very few spores germinate at once, yet if sown in the following spring they readily do so. In a nutritive solution (^f.g. plum-juice gelatine) an abundant germina- tion may be obtained at any time. A delicate hyaline hypha is given out first, and after be- coming divided up by several cross-septa, it proceeds to abjoint conidia from various places. The conidia sprout in the gelatine Fig. Maize. 150. — Uitilago 'inaijdis (v. Tubeuf phot.) head of 1 American Literature: U.S. Dept. of Aijrindture Report, 18S9, p. 380, with description and recommendations as to treatment. Also Ohio Agric. Exper. Stat. Bulletin, Vol. in., p. 271, 1S90. -The principal authorities for the occurrence of the Ustilagineae in Britain and the United States are Plowright {British Ustilar/ineae, 1889), and Farlow and Seymour (Host-index of Fungi of U.S. America, 1891). (Edit.) 280 USTILAGINEAK. ill a yeast-like iiianner, hut on exhaustion of the nutritive materials, the i)riniary conidia, and even the constituent cells of the proiiiyceliuni, i^ive off jferni-tubes. Conidia are never found on the maize-plant itself, but iJrefeld's investigations have demonstrated their production on dung-cultures, so that conidia may possibly be produced on manure-heaps or manured soil, and young plants be infected by them. Brefeld has, by means of germinating conidia, successfully infected maize- FiG. 151. — UstilaijO maydis. Maize-hciid completely malformed into smut-boils, which have not yet riipt\n-ed. (v. Tubeuf phot.) Fio. ir)2.—Ustilago maydis. Smut-boils on stem and leaf of a Maize-plant, (v. Tubeuf phot.) seedlings as well as growing points and otlier young parts of older plants. Infection may take place on any immature part of the host. The mycelium does not grow through the whole plant, but only inhabits a part in the vicinity of the place infected. The heads are most frequently attacked, with the result that the grain fails to reach maturity, or is destroyed during the formation of fungus-spores. Owing to the danger of infection, grain mixed with smut- spores should never be used for sowing ; nor can such be safely used for feeding cattle on account of its injurious effects on them. USTILAGO. 281 Knowles,^ Cuoini,'^ and Wakker^ have investigated the anatomical changes produced 1)t this fungus. The latter investigator found that the xvlem -elements with unlignified walls remain incompletely developed, and have a peculiarly twisted course ; that normal sieve-tubes are absent ; that the cells of parenchyma undergo secondary division, and give rise to a new tissue provided with little fibrovascular bundles, and rich in starch-contents, in other words, a nutritive tissue to be used up in the spore-formation of the smut. The disease may be found wherever maize is cultivated, and often causes a very serious diminution in the harvest. It may be combated by early removal and destruction of the smut-galls. As a preventive measure, the treatment of seed-corn with copper sulphate solution* is recommended. The avoidance of fresh manure is also advisable, since conidia capable of germi- nation may be lodged in it. The following are the results of an experiment carried out at my instigation by Professor Wollny in his experimental plots at Munich. Three plots were selected distant from each other about 70 metres. On 2nd May, 1893, these were marked out in rows 40 centimetres apart, in which maize was sown at intervals of 50 cm. The grain was previously mixed with smut-spores obtained from the Tyrol in autumn, 1892. Plot No. 1 was left without manure, Xo. 2 was treated with old, No. 3 with fresh cow-manure. Maize had never been grown in the vicinity, so that no infection could result from external sources. The results were : Number of Plants. Plot No. 1, luimaiiured, - - 148 „ 2, old cow-manure, - - 124 „ 3, new cow-manure,- - 132 Ustilago Schweinitzii Tul. from Carolina U.S.A. is probably identical with Cst. maijdis. Ust. Fischeri Pass.'' This smut, observed in upper Italy, ^ Knowles, E. J., Atntr. Joiirncd of Mycology, Vol. i\., 1SS9. ^ Ciigiiii, " II carbone del grano turco," Boll. dell. stat. Ayrar. di Modtna, 1891. 3Wakker, Priwjshtwvs Jahrhuch, Bd. 24, 1892. ^See "General Part," chap, vi., and also " Vergleicheude Untersucliungen lib. Flugbrandarten." P. Herzberg in Zopf's Beitragen, 189o. ^Passerini, Jiist's botan. Jahrhiich, 1889, p. 123. bsol, Smutted. Per cent. 0 0 2 1-6 11 7-6 282 USTILACIIXEAE. attacks the axis of the maize-heads. Its spores are spherical with slightly granular coats, and measure only 4-6^ in diameter. It causes damage through shrivelling up of the grain. Ust. Reiliana Kiihn. This smut frequents Sorf/Imm ha/rpi and >S'. ruhjarr (Durra or Indian millet); also maize in various parts of Europe and America/ as well as in Egypt and India. It is called " Haniari " in the xVrabic lanijjuafje. Klihn ^ thus describes it : " This species causes the ears of Durra to become large smut-galls of roundish or ovoid shape, with a height of 60-95 m.m. and a diameter of 40-60 m.m. At first the smut is enclosed in a whitisli skin, which is ruptured into shreds to allow the escape of the black spore-powder. After the smut-spores are shed, there remains a stiff skeleton consisting of the fibrovascular bundles of the aborted ear." The spores are distinguished from those of Ust. Tnaydis by their greater size (9-1 o/x), and their almost smooth membrane with very small spines. According to Brefeld, the spores are capable of germination in nutritive solutions after eight years. In the fresh condition they germinate in water to a limited extent, producing multicellular promycelia which give off conidia. In nutritive solutions they germinate and produce thick promy- celia with three or four cells, from which multitudes of conidia (o-12y(x long and 3-5/x broad) are abjointed. The conidia fall off and sprout till the nutritive substratum is exhausted, when they give rise to thread-like conidia which do not coalesce. If kept dry the conidia easily retain their vitality for months. Kiihn distinguishes further Sorosporium Ehrenbergii Kuhn on Sorghum cernuum. Ust. cruenta Kiihn.^ Another parasite on the ears of Sorghum. It is described by Klihn as follows : " (3n the spikelets little reddish-brown protuberances of roundish or oblong shape are formed and enclose moderately-sized masses of dark-red smut-powder. If the pustules are very numerous they coalesce with each other, and the branches of the ear become more or less shortened, thickened, and twisted. Where 1 Norton, " Ustilago Reiliana," Botanical Gazette, 1895, p. 462. - Kiihn, " Die Brandfonnen der Sorghum-arten," Mittheil d. Ver. f. Enlhunrh zu Halle, 1877. •'Kiihn [loc. rit.) and Hamhurqer Garten- Zeitiuuj, Bd. 28. Brefeld, Heft v., p. 91. USTILAGO. 283 the pustules are fewer in number the parts of the ear retain their normal position, but all the floral organs contained in the glumes are wholly or partially converted into irregular greyish smut- masses. Isolated pustules may occur under the inflorescence, on the next internode of the haulm." Fir;. 153. — VstilAiiju craenta. Smut of Durra or Sorghum. The head has been divided up and the isolated branches photographed. The ovaries are transformed to long crooked sacs, and pustule-like outgrowths are also present on stalklets and stalks, (v. Tubeuf phot, from material supplied by Prof. Dr. Jul. Kiihn.) The spores are yellow to brown in colour, smooth-walled, and of very variable shape, 5-1 2/x long and o-9/u. broad. As a rule, germination in water results in the formation of a germ- tube composed of four or five cells, which elongate to long mycelial threads or, exceptionally, produce a single conidium. As a result of germination in nutritive solutions, a lively 284 USTILAGINEAE. formation of conidia ensues ; the conidia multiply in a yeast- like manner, and only grow out as hyphae on exhaustion of nutritive material. Infection takes place on seedling-plants. Kiihn oiltivated this species on Sorgimm saccharatum and S. vulgare, and suggests that a common disease of Durra in South Africa may be caused by this parasite. Ust. sorghi (Link.) {UsI. Tulasnei Kiihn) (U.S. America). This is another widely distributed parasite of Sorghum vulgare and S. mccharatiim. Its external appearance is described by Kiihn somewhat as follows : " Diseased plants attain to almost their normal size, and the flower-head is developed as far as the glumes. The ovary, however, is completely metamorphosed into a sac filled with spores, its outer wall forming a delicate Fig. 154 — UstHayo cruenta. Spikelet enlarged from a head of Sorghum. The ovaries are transfomied into long flask- shaped sacs, from slits of which the spores are emergring as a black jMwder. 4 natural size. (v. Tnbeuf del.) Fig. 165. — Ustilago cri'.enia. Germin- ating and sprouting conidia from a cultivation in plum-gelatine, (v. Tubeuf del.) whitish coat, which is easily torn, and, when the spores have escaped, a columella will be found to occupy the centre of the smut-mass. The stamens may also become filled with spores, and be externally more or less irrecognizable. As a rule, all the flowers of a head are smutty; if any escape, they remain more or less rudimentary." The spores, according to Brefeld, germinate onlg in nutritive solutions. They produce a four-celled promycelium, on which few conidia are formed. Ust. sacchari Eabh. Dust-brand of cane sugar. This fungus injures the stems and heads of Saccharum officinale, S. cylindricum, and S. Eriantki in Italy, Africa, and Java. Ust. sacchari-ciliaris Bref occurs on Saccharum ciliare near Calcutta. Ust. avenae (Pers.). The smut or brand of the oat occurs USTILAGO. 285 very frequently on Avena sativa, also on Avena orientalis, A. fatua, and A. strigosa in Europe and North America. So common is it that one seldom sees a field of oats free from the black smutted ears (Fig. 156). All parts of the flower are attacked, the ovary, stamens, glumes, and even the awns. The grains become filled with the black spore-powder, which shows through the transparent Fig. 15(3. — Ustilago avenae. The Oat-smut ou Avena sativa. (v. Tubeuf phot.) membrane of the ovary wall. The diseased ears emerge from their enclosing leaf-sheaths, and become exposed to wind and rain, under the effects of which the delicate membrane soon becomes ruptured and the spores are blown or washed away, till only the axes of the spikelet are left with a few ragged remains of the flower. As a rule every shoot of a plant and all the grains of an ear are attacked ; if single grains do escape, they remain poorly developed. The spores (5-8;a) have a smooth or slightly granular coat, and 286 USTILAGINEAE. retain tlieir capacity fur gerniinatiou for years. In water they germinate immediately, and produce a single (rarely two) proniy- celium consisting of four or five cells, from the ends or partition- walls of which oblong conidia continue to be abjointed for about two days. The cells of promycelia may become connected with one another by lateral branchlets. Delicate germ-tubes are given off by the promycelial cells, by the conidia, or by secondary conidia. In nutritive solutions, on the other hand, the spores germinate much more vigorously, the promycelium is stronger, the conidia are continuously abjointed from little sterigmata, and go on sprouting in a yeast-like manner till, on exhaustion of the nutriment, they germinate to form vigorous mycelial filaments. The fusion of the cells of promycelia never takes place in nutritive solutions. The infection of oat-plants takes place on the soil by means of the germ-tubes produced from the conidia, promycelia, or spores.^ These infect the first leaf-sheath — that one which on germination emerges from the ruptured seed-coats as a whitish or yellowish- green shining shoot, and continues to grow as a sharp-pointed cylinder till, pierced by the first green leaf, it dries up. In 36 to 48 hours after infection, mycelial threads were found to have pierced the epidermal walls, and to have branched freely in the tissues. The mycelium grows from the leaf- sheath into the first green leaf, passes straight through it into the second, and so on till it reaches the haulm or stem." The young mycelium grows steadily onwards, and the plasma of older hyphae passes over into it. In this way the fungus keeps pace with the host-plant, exhibiting externally no symptom of its presence till the flowers are reached, where the chlamydo- spores are formed. Sterilization of seed-corn by Jensen's hot-water method is strongly recommended.^ In America, steeps containing potassium sulphide, copper sulphate, or lime are also used. As preventive against infection, late sowing is advisable. This is founded on Brefeld's investigations, in which he found that oat-smut germin- 1 Wolf , Der Brand den Ge.treides, 1874. 2 According to Kiihii, and in Brefeld's infections (Heft xi., 1895), the majority of the germinating conidia are said to penetrate into the young shoot-axis. *" Treatment of Smuts of Oats and Wheat," U.S. Department of Agriadtitre, Farmers' Bulletin Ko. 5, 1892; "Grain-smuts and tlieir prevention," Yearbook of U.S. Dept. of Arirknlture, 1894. USTILAGO. 287 ated best at 10" C, and not so well above 15" C. This conclusion is supported by experiments of Kellermann and Swindle. Neither these investigators nor Jensen, however, aqree Fig. 157. — Ustilago perennans on Arrhenatherum elatius (Oat grass). The grains are transformed into black smut-masses ; the appearance of the infected spikelets is qviite distinct from that of the healthy one to the right, (v. Tiibeuf phot.) with Brefeld's view, that the fungus is introduced into fields with fresh farmyard manure. Kellermann and Swingle have found a smut on oat.s in America wliicli they distinguish as Ust. avenae var. levis. Ust. Kolleri Wiile. This is another species of oat-smut recently dis- tinguished ; it has smooth spores, and is said to cause even greater damage than Ust. avenae. 288 USTILAGINKAE. Ust. perennans lujstr.' This Hiuut or dust-brand occurs frequently in the Howers of Arrhenathervmi elatius (Fig. 157). The mycelium perennates in the rhi/ome. An Udihujo nearly allied to the preceding one occurs also on Feduca ^j/"«Y^^{'^ is found on Panicum frumen- tacrum, 11 cultivated Himalayan millet. Only isolated grains in an ear are attacked, becoming enlarged to twice their normal size. (Termination of spores takes place sparingly in water, but abundantly in nutritive solutions. Two-celled promy- celia are produced bearing numerous sprouting conidia. On exhaustion of nutrition, the conidia give oft' one or two filaments on the surface of the liquid, and from these other sprouting conidia arise. Ust. Crameri Korn. completely destroys the ovaries of Setaria italica, S. ri/'idis, and S. amhirjua, leaving only the outer wall as an enclosure for the spore-powder. The spores are brown, smooth-walled, and 6-9 yw broad, 10-12ya long. The promycelia consist of four or five cells, which, in water as well as nutritive solutions grow out into long threads without producing conidia. Ust. neglecta Xiessl fills with its black spore-powder the ovaries of Setaria glauca, S. verticillata, and >S'. viridis. The cells of the j^romycelium develop into a mycelium without pro- duction of conidia. Ust. Kolaczekii Kiiln:. Un Setaria genicvJata in Berlin Botanic Garden. Ust. bromivora Fisch, (Britain and U.S. America). This appears in flowers of species of Bromits, so that the ovaries become filled with a dark-brown or black spore-powder, l)ut the glumes or heads undergo no deformation. The spores are smooth, and on germination in water produce only a spindle- shaped one-celled (rarely two-celled) promycelium ; in nutritive solutions, Brefeld found they generally produced two-celled promycelia, bearing conidia fi'om which are produced further promycelia with conidia : yeast-like colonies are never formed. Ust. ischaemi Fuck, attacks Andro'jpofjon Ischaenium. The inflorescences remain almost completely enclosed in the upper- most leaf-sheath, and are destroyed except their axes. The spores are brown and smooth-walled. Brefeld states that in nutritive solutions they produce conidia which remain adherent to the promycelium and grow out into long hyphae without coalescing. Ust. andropogonis-tuberculati Bref. on Andropogon tuberculatum from Simla. Ust. andropogonis-annulati Bref. on Andropogon annvlatvm from C'ulentta. ' Brefeld, Scliinimelpihr', Heft xii., 181I.3. USTILAGO. 293 Ust. grandis Fries. lieed-smut. (Britain.) Thi.s frequents the haulms ot Pliragniites covimunis (also Typlia latifolia and T. minor) ; the internodes of the host in consequence swell out and appear as if the stem carried one or more bulrush-heads. The mycelium permeates the whole host-tissue and produces spores, which escape as a black dust on rupture of the epidermis. According to Kiihn, the spores are capable of immediate ger- mination and retain their vitality for a whole year. A four-celled promycelium is produced and becomes detached from the spore ; then follows an al;)j unction of oblong conidia from the septa of the promycelium. In nutritive solutions, Brefeld found that germination took place in the same way, but more rapidly and vigorously. Xumerous conidia are produced, but these only rarely give off secondary conidia, and then only a single one ; more commonly they produce promycelia, as the spores did, and conidia again arise from these ; yeast-like sprouting does not occur. The resting-spores may continue to give off promycelia in succession for some time. (In ex- haustion of nutrition the cells of the promycelium, as well as the conidia, develop into mycelial threads, to which alone Brefeld ascribes the capacity for infection. Ust. longissima (Sow.) (Britain and U.S. America). This forms elongated brown spore-patches on the leaves of various species of Glycerin. Brefeld states that the smooth spherical spores germinate in water, and give off a short unicellular promycelium which undergoes no further development. In nutritive solutions the spores germinate in like manner, but the promycelium becomes thread-like and septate, and gives off conidia laterally ; new promycelia continue to be given off from a cell which remains behind inside the spore, and the conidia ultimately develop into hyphae. Ust. hypodytes (Schlecht). This species forms dark smutty coatings on haulms and leaf-sheaths of Glyccria jiuitans, Dip- lachnis fusca, Agropyrum repens, Calamagrostis epigm, Psamma arenaria, Stipa pcnnata and S. ccqnllaris, Broimis erect us, Triticinn repens and T. vulgare, Elymus arcnarius, Panicum repens, Plirag- mites communis, Aruiulinaria, etc. The spores are brown, smooth- walled, and irregularly spherical or quadrangular ; they germinate in water or nutritive solutions, producing mycelia direct, without previous formation of conidia. 294 USTILAGINEAE. Ust. grammica I?, et P>. is reitoitcd on liaulins nf Aira and 0'h/r/>r>ii in Knj,'lanil. Ust. echinata Sihioet. inoduccs snmt-sti ijis on leaves of Phahirix (irnndiivdi'ii. (I'.S. Amer.) Ust. cynodontis Mcnn. On Cijnodon Dactylon from Sinda. Ust. arundinellae r>rcf. On Aritndinella near Calcutta. Ust. aristidae-cyanthae l>itf. On Aristida cyanlha from Himalaya. Ust. coicis JJii'f. On Coix li long, 1 0-1 5/u liroad, with reticulate markings on their coats. They easily produce in water four or five- celled promycelia from which eonidia are given otf, often followed by coalescence. In nutritive solutions development is much more vigorous, secondary eonidia may be produced, and coalescence always takes place. Ust. scorzonerae (Alb. et Schwein.) is at first sight very similar to Ust. fragopogonis. Its spores are found in fiowers of Scorzoncra humilis, Sc. purpurea, and cultivated species, e.g. Sc. hispanica ; while its mycelium hibernates in the perennial root-stocks of these. The spores are produced rapidly and in large numbers ; they germinate easily in water, forming a four-celled promycelium, and thereafter eonidia which do not pair. Ust. cardui Fisch. v. Waldh. (Britain). This is the cause of a stunting of the flower-heads of Cardmcs aeanthoidcs, C. nutans, and Silyhum Marianum, while at the same time they become filled with a brownish-violet spore-powder. The spores ^ Magnus, Htdwiijia, 1875. Fig. 162. — Ustilago tragopogonis. Development of spores: successive stages of development, in order of the letters, a, Sporo8:enou8 branch, just appearing on the surface of young corolla of Tragopotjon pro- tensis, and beginning to form a tuft of branchlets. b and c, Formation of .spores from the mycelium. i and Puccinia, which produce aecidia and teleutospores, but no uredo- spores, the aecidiospores are capable of reproducing aecidia when no perennating mycelium is present. Similarly with those few species which produce a very small number of uredospores. 332 UREDINEAE. host-Species. I liave previously showii,^ with regard to the mistletoe (Viscum album), that the different forms on Finns, Abies, and various broad-leaved trees, which some authors regard as distinct species, might equally well be regarded as forms of one species differing slightly on account of their different substrata. Magnus - designates as " habitat-races " these forms of heteroecious Uredineae whose aecidial generation has become adapted in some varying degree to each of their respective species of host-plant. Thus the various forms of Accidium convallariae, on its different host-plants, he regards as forms of one and the same fungus, the Puccinia of which occurs on Phalarvi arundinaccn. The manner in which such adaptations originate is indicated by my experiments with Gi/mnosporanyium. Thus G. davariae- forine can infect leaves of Crataegus and produce aecidia without failure ; whereas the same infection carried out on Sorbus and Cydonia results in incomplete development of aecidia (see Table, p. 385). In this way there might easily be pro- duced one form which infected Crataegus, and another confined to Cydonia. The same thing occurs with the various Pcridcrmia of pine-needles ; these, according to the investigations of Klebahn, are caused by one or other species of Coleosporinm from very different species of host-plant.^ The best examples of all, however, are presented by the cereal-rusts, as demonstrated bv Eriksson. This investigator .* . " . . . . believes that the forms distinguished by him as " specialized forms " (by Eostrup as " biological species or varieties ") are of common origin. In course of time these have taken on different biological characteristics in adapting themselves to the varied nature of their substrata, their various host-plants, so that in many cases they can no longer suit themselves to the host-plant of the original parental form. In fact, species were found with aecidia of similar shape when occurring on the same host-plant, yet completely specialized from the aecidia on another host. They thus present a stage intermediate to that of the " habitat-races " just mentioned. ^ V. Tubeuf, Botcm. Centralhlatt, XL., 1889, p. 312. - Hedivigia, 1894, p. 77, and 1895. •'Klebahn's views on this subject, along with further investigations on other fungi, will be found in Zeitschrift f. Pflanzcnhcinkhf^ittn, 189o, p. 153. UREDINEAE. 333 The eiiropeau Urediueae comprise the following families and genera : Puccinieae ( Uromyccs and Puccinia) ; Phragmidieae {Triphra/pnium and Phragmidium) ; Melampsoreae {Melampsora, Melam2JSorella, Cahjptospora, Coleosporium, Chrysomyxa, and Cron- artium) ; Gymnosporangieae {Gymnosfporangium) ; Endophylleae (UndophyUiim) ; also the genus Uredinopsis on Ferns. Uromyces. Teleutospores unicellular and produced in flattened sori. Only one teleutospore is abjointed from each sporophore. Teleutospores with a single germ-pore. Uredospores, aecidia, and pycnidia are not present in every species. (1) All forms of spore presc at on the same host-plant: Uromyces ervi (AVallr.) (Britain).^ Vetch-rust. The aecidia are produced on Vicia hirsuta in May and throughout the summer. Scattered amongst the aecidia are the sori from which uredospores are sparingly given off in early summer ; the teleutospores are given off abundantly from the same sori from July onwards. The aecidiospores germinate on the vetch plants, and produce therein a mycelium from which the aecidia and teleutospores arise. Infection by means of sporidia, derived from the teleutospores, results in the production of a mycelium which bears aecidia only. Pycnidia (spermogonia) are absent in this species and also in U. fahac. U. fabae (Pers.), [U. orohi (Pers.)] (Britain and U.S. America). This occurs on species of Vicia and Lathyrus. Sori are formed abundantly and give off both uredospores and teleutospores — ■ the latter being smooth-coated. Xo pycnidia have as yet been observed. U. trifolii (Hedw.). Clover-rust. Parasitic on various species of clover. Uredo- and teleutospores are generally produced ; aecidia have been found only on Trifoliiim repens (Germany and Britain), T. incarnatum (Italy), T. pratense (Denmark, Britain, and America). On Trifolium rep)cns both teleutospore and aecidium generations cause swelling and distortion of leaf-ribs and petioles, the deformation being most marked where the mycelium has hibernated and produced teleutospores in spring. 1 The chief authorities used for the occurrence of the Uredineae in Britain and North America are Plowright {British Ure.dineae, 1889), and Farlow and Seymour [Hod-Index for U.S. America, 1891). (Edit.) 334 UREDINEAE. U. appendiculatus (I'ers.), [U. pluiseoli (Pers.)]. On species of Phascolus. (IJritiiiu and U.S. America.)^ U. primulae Lev. On Primula hirsutn. U. limonii (D. C). On Armerut and Statice. (Britain and U.S. America.) U. polygoni (Pers.). On PolygoniLrn and Pi.umcx. (Britain and U.S. America.) U. acetosae Schroet. On Rumex. U. silenes (Sclilecht.). On Silene and Dianthus. U. euphorbiae (Schwein.). On UnpJiorhia Prcslii in Italy, and some other species in America.'^ U. geranii (I). C). On Geraniums. (Britain and U.S. America.) U. betae (Pers.). On Mangel Wurzel and Beta. (Britain and U.S. America.) U. parnassiae (D. C). (Britain.) U. salicorniae (I). C). (Britain.) U. Valerianae (Schum.). On Valeriana dioica (Britain). (2) Pijcnidia {sperinogonia) and aecidia produced on one host; the related urcdo- and tcleutospores on another host : Uromyces pisi (Pers.) (Britain) Pea-rust. The uredospores and teleutospores are developed in various species of Pisum, Lathyrus, and Vicia. The teleutospores are finely punctured. The aecidia appear on the under surface of the leaf of Euphorhia Gyparissias, and are preceded by pycnidia. Attacked plants of Euphorhia become completely changed in their appearance. The stems are much elongated, and as a rule remain unbranched. Flowers are seldom or never produced ; if so, they are permeated by mycelium and deformed. The leaves are short, thick, and rounded-off; they have a pale-green colour, and are distant from each other on the shoot. Their internal structure is also considerably modified. Wakker states that the cells of the mesophyll become enlarged, while no collenchyma is developed in the ribs. Fentzling^ gives the following changes : the epidermal cells become broader ; stomata are more numerous on the upper surface of the leaf, and fewer on the lower ; the laticiferous tubes below the upper leaf- 1 Description, illustration, and treatment in N. York Agric. Exper. Station. Bull., 48, 1892. 2 Magnus, Berichte d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1893. 3 " Untersuchung d. Veranderungen welche durch Rostpilze hervorgerufeu werden." Inaugural Dissertation. Freiburg, 1892. UROMYCES. 335 epidermis are reduced in number ; intercellular spaces are formed in the normally compact palisade parenchyma, and its cells become shorter and broader, while those of the spongy paren- chyma are increased both in size and number ; the fibro-vascular bundles remain unchanged, although the cells surrounding them may be more or less abnormal. Where thickening of the stem takes place, it is chiefly due to multiplication of the cells of Fig. 180. — Uromycei pisi. Comparison of liealthy flowei-ing plant of Euphorbia Ci/parissias, with a much-elongated, non-flowering plant bearing aecidia of Pea- rust, (v. Tubeuf phot.) corte.K and pith, while at the same time those of the cortical parenchyma become somewhat enlarged and altered in shape ; the woody portion is less developed than normally ; and laticiferous tubes are neither so large nor so conspicuous as usual. The aecidia of this species are found only on the lower surface of the leaf; they are saucer-shaped, and have a broad lobed white margin. 336 UREDINEAK. As a preventive measure, it would l)e advisable to keep down spurge-plants near fields or gardens where peas are likely to he attacked. U. striatus Schroet. (U. S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores on species of LotiiJi, Mrdicago, Trifolium, and sometimes Vicia. Pycnidia and aecidia are produced on Evphorhia Cy2xirissias ; the mycelium induces- changes in the tissues similar to the preceding species, but the Eiqjhorhia remains stunted instead of elongating as in attacks of U. ^;m. U. dactylidis Otth. Uredo- and teleutospores on species of Foa, Dactylis, Arena, and Brachy2:)odium. Aecidia on several species of Ranunculus (not on R. Ficaria). (Britain and U.S. America.) U. poae Rabli. Uredo- and teleutospores on Foa ; Aecidia on RaninicuhiH Firaria, R. bulbosus, and R. repcns. (Britain). U. lineolatus Desm. (U. maritimus Plowr.).^ Uredo- and teleutospores on Scirpus maritimus. Aecidial iorxas = Aecidium six latifolii on Slum and Aec. hipptiridis on Hippuris, also a form on Glaux maritima in Britain. U. junci Desm. Uredo- and teleutospores on species of Juncus. Aecidia on Fulicaria. (Britain and U.S. America.) (.■-5) Only urcdosjjores und teleutospores known ; they frequent the same host. Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schrank.)^ Carnation Piust. [This attacks carnations at all stages of growth. The mycelium extends inside the plant and forms spore patches which rupture the epidermis. Uredospores are produced first, then the teleuto- spores ; the former germinate at once, the latter only after a resting-period. The use of sprays of potassium sulphide or copper sulphate, and the cultivation of hardy varieties have been recommended.] (Edit.) Uromyces scutellatus (Schrank.). On species of Euphorbia. The mycelium is perennial in the root-stock and permeates the whole plant. Teleutospores developed in dark-brown spots on the under surface of leaves. Diseased stems are generally un- branched, and carry only small leaves and no flowers. 1 Plowright, Gardener's Chronicle, 1890. -Halsted, N. .Jtrsey Agric. Coll. Exper. Station Report, 1891. Atkinson, "Carnation Diseases," American Carnation Sac; with Illustrations. X. York Aijric. Exper. Station Bulletin, 1896. UROMYCES. 337 U. tuberculatus Fuck. On Euphorbia exigua. U. prbeminens Duby. On species of Euphorbia. U. sparsus (Kuiize et Schni.). On Spergularia, and Stellaria (Britain). U. Schroeteri De Toni. On Lychnis and Silene. U. cristatus Schroet. et Niessl. On Viscaria and Bianthus. U. ficariae (Schuni.). On Rammcuhis Ficaria (Britain and U.S. America). U. astragali (Opiz). On Astragalus (U.S. America). U. genistas (Pers). On Genista, Cytisus, Colutea, Galega, Garagana, Onybi -y cli is, etc. U. anthyllidis ((Irev.). On Anthyllis and Lupinus (Britain). U. lupini Sacc. (Jn Lupinus (U.S. America). U. trigonellae Pat. On leaves of Trigonella Eoenum-graeciim in France. U. glycyrrhizae Rabh. On Glycyrrhiza. U. cacaliae (D. C). On Adenostyles and Cacalia. U. rumicis (Schum.). On Rumex (Britain). U. alpinus (Schroet.). On Rumex alpinus. Magnus^ has recently sep- arated this as tlie single species of a new genus Schroeteriaster, allied to Uromyces and Puccinia. The uredospores arise from patches of sterigmata without peridia or paraphyses ; they are unicellular and have lateral germ-pores. The teleutospores are also unicellular, and form lentil-shaped patches composed of five or more layers of spores ; the spores have a somewhat thickened apex, but no distinct germ-pore. U. chenopodii (Dul)y). On Chenopodium and Schoberia. U. terebinthi (D. C). On Fistacia and Rhus (U.S. America). U. brevipes (B. et R.). On Rhus Toxicodendron in America. U. ambiguus (D. t'.). On Allium Scorodoprasum. U. acutatus (Fuck.). On Allizcm. U. veratri. (D. C). On Veratrum. U. alchemillae (Pers.) (Britain). This is a species which in habit resembles a Phragmidium, and is sometimes regarded as a representative of a separate genus — Trachyspora (Fuck.). It forms patches of reddish-yellow uredospores or brown teleuto- spores on the lower surface of leaves of Alchemilla vulgaris. Aecidia are unknown. (4) Pycnidia, aecidia, and, teleiUospo7'cs on the same host-plant ; uredospores unhnovm. Uromyces excavatus (D. C.) Magn. On Pujjhorbia Ger- ai^diana, E. verrucosa, etc. U. Behenis (D. C). On Mene. (Britain.) U. lapponicus Lagerh. On Astragalus in Norway and the Alps ; aecidia only in the latter locality. ^ Berichte d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1896, p. 1.30, Y .338 UREDINEAE. U. minor Scliroet. On Trifolium montanum (U.S. America). U. hedysari-obscuri (D. C). On Hedysarum in Europe and America. U. scrophulariae (I). V.). On Scroplndaria and Verhascum (Britain). U. erythronii (1). ('.). On LiUum, Muscari, Scilla, Allium, Fritillaria. (U.S. America). (5) TeleutosjJOi'es alone known; after death of tlie hod they undergo a resting-period, then germinate : U. solidaginis (Somm.). On Solidago virgaurea. U. ph3rteumatum (D. C). (Jn Phyteuma, accompanied by elongation of the leaf-stalk. U. scillarum ((4rev.). On Scilla and Muscari. (Britain.) U. ornithogali Lev. On Ornitliogalum and (Jagea. (Brit, their peridium. The aecidium marked p alone (without a) shows a peridium exposed in suiface-view only. II. Mature teleutospore-jjatch breaking through the epidermis, e, from the tissue, It. of a leaf of Triticum repens; I, teleutospores. x 190. III. Teleutospores, t, and uredospores, kc. The teleutospore has a germ-pore at its apex, the uredr^spores have four germ-pores at their equator. x 390. (After I)e Bary, from Sachs Uhrbuch.) few days. The uredospores are summer-spores, and spread the fungus during the vegetative period of the host-plant ; they may, however, hibernate. The teleutospores are more suited for hibernation ; they are produced in autumn from dark brown linear sori, distinguished from these of the uredospores by their darker colour and greater length. The teleutospores are two-celled and obovoid with smooth thick walls (Fig. 184); they are, like rucciNiA. 345 the uredospores, developed from long sporophores, and are in this way distinguished from those of Puce. ruhi{jo-vcra, which are very short. The teleutospores germinate in spring after hibernation, each cell giving off a single germ-tube. Both uredospores and teleutospores are injurious to our cereals, — wheat, oats, and rye. They may also be found on the following species of grasses : Anthoxanthum, Alopeeurus Phleum, Agrostis, Arm, Avena, Briza, Arrhcnnthcru-m, Poa, Dactylis, Festnca, Bromus, Triticum, Secale, Elymv.s, Hordeum, Lolium, Agropyrum, Andropogon, Bryzopgrum, etc. The disease may ruin a whole harvest of grain, and render the straw disagreeable, if not dangerous, for stable use (see also p. 84). Removal of barberry bushes is said to reduce the rust, although many believe that the barberry is not necessary for the existence of the fungus.^ Plowright, for example, found that sporidia from teleutospores infected wheat-seedlings directly, without intervention of the aecidiospore stage. It is also possible that the mycelium hibernates like that of Puce, i'uhigo-vera, in some wild grass, to grow again and produce uredospores in spring. No very effective measures against this fungus are known. Early sowing has been suggested; and certain varieties of grain, known to be less liable to attack than others, might be used. Eriksson and Henning,^ from the results of their infection- experiments, have provisionally distinguished the following varieties of P. graminis : A. Definite — (a) distinct varieties : 1. Var. sccalis on Secede cerecde, Hordeum vulgeire, Triticum repens, and Elynius ctrenarius. 2. Var. avcnae on Avena sedicei. Milium effvsvm, Aloptecurus prcdensis, JDacfylis glomercdei (and Arena clcdior). 3. Var. aiirie on Aira cacspitoscL (j8) somewhat uncertain varieties : 4. \q.\\ agrostis on Agrostis canina, and A. stolonifera. o. Var. poeix on Poa comprcssa (and P. p)r(densis). B. Xot sharply defined : 6. Var. tritici on Triticum vulgare. ^ An interesting discussion of this subject is given by Wor. G. Smith {Diseases of Crops, Chap. xxv.). (Edit.) -Eriksson and Henning, " Untersuchungen lib. cl. Getreiileroste,"' Zeitsrh. f. Pflair.enkrankhfittit, 1894. 346 UREDINEAE. Puccinia coronata (•oidu. (JJiitain and I'.S. America.) Eriksson, from his own experiments and those of Klebahn, distinguishes the following specialized varieties : ►Ser. I. Aecidia on lihamnus cathartica, Rli. elaeoides, llli. grandifolia, Rh. alnifolia {Puccinia coronifcra Kleb,). 1. Var. avi'nar on Avcna sativa. 2. Var. alopcciiri on Aliypccurns pratenais. 3. Var. fediicac on Feshica clatior (and F. ruhra). 4. Var. lulii on Lolium percnnc. In addition to these, Klebahn found a form on Avena elatior, and one on Uolcus lanahis, in regard to whose specialization nothing is known. Ser. II. Aecidia on Rliamnus Frangula {Puccinia coronata I., Kleb.). 5. A^ar. calamagrosHs on Calamagrostis arundinacea (and C. lanccolata). In addition : forms on Dactylis glomerata, Festuca sylvatica (? Puce. gibberosa Lagerh.), Agrostis vulgaris, Holcus lanatus {1 H. mollis), and Phalaris arundinacea. Ser. III. Aecidia on Rhcnnnvs dahnrica {Puce, coronata var. himcdcnsis, Barcl.). Indian forms on Brachgjyodium sylvaticum, {Piptatherum holciforme, and Festuca gigantea,) of which nothing more is known. Ser. IV. Aecidia unknown, probably do not exist. 6. Var. mclicae on Melica nutans. Amongst our cereal crops the oat alone is attacked by this species, and much damage may result. The uredo-patches have no paraphyses like the preceding species, and they form reddish-yellow spots and stripes ; the teleutospore-patches are black. The upper cell of the teleuto- spores is surrounded by a crown of six or seven blunt teeth. The presence of aecidia on Rhamnus is accompanied by thickening and twisting of young shoots, and blister-like de- formation of leaves, calyces, and ovaries. Wakker^ thus summarizes his investigations on the anatomical changes induced by the fungus on Rhamnus Frangula : " It causes the cells of every part to become abnormally enlarged, at the same time giving rise to an orange coloration of the cell -sap and an accumulation of starch ; there is no longer any formation of interfascicular cambium, and there is a partial or complete 1 Wakker, Prinyshehn's Jahrlnirh, 1S92. PUCCINIA. 347 suppression of secondary vasa, mucilage canals, and calcium oxalate." The deformation induced by P. coronata on Ithamnvs cathartica was investigated by Fentzling.^ The changes were relatively slight : the parenchymatous cells of the rind were enlarged and separated by large intercellular spaces ; so also the paren- chyma of the bast ; vessels were more numerous in the wood affected ; the epidermal cells in some parts of the leaf were broadened and those of the mesophyll enlarged, abnormally shaped, and with large intercellular spaces ; in diseased leaf- stalks the epidermal cells are thinner-walled and broader, while all parenchymatous cells become enlarged, thinner-walled, and with many intercellular spaces ; the fibro-vascular bundles are enlarged, chiefly from an increase of the wood-parenchyma ; this tissue, in normal petioles, occurs as single rows of cells running radially between the vessels, whereas, in diseased places, three parallel layers of cells may separate neighbouring vessels. P. dispersa Eriks. et Henn. Brown-rust. (Britain.) The follow- ing specialized varieties of this species have been distinguished : Ser. I. Aecidium on A7ichusa arvensis and A. officinalis (Aec. anchusar). 1. Var. scccdis on Secale cerealc^ Ser. II. Aecidium unknown. (Whether distinct varieties, somewhat uncertain.) 2. Yar. fritici on Triticum vulgare. 3. A^ar. hromi on Bromus arvensis (and Br. hrizacformis). 4. Yar. acirofyri on Triticum repens. P. rubigo-vera (D.C.) (P. straminis Fuck., P. striaeformis West.). (Britain and U.S. America.) This, in its uredo- and teleuto- spore stages, frequents various grasses, while the aecidia occur on Boragineae. A variety on species of Horcleum has been designated P. simplex. The teleutospore-patches are enveloped in numerous brown paraphyses ; the teleutospores have very short stalks. The anatomical changes produced in leaves beset with aecidia have been stated by Wakker as follows : The swelling of the leaf-petioles is due to enlargement of their cells ; the large intercellular spaces of the spongy parenchyma are no longer 1 Fentzling, Inawjural Difsertatlon. Freiburg, 1892. ^ Found along witli the Aecidium at Montrose (Scotland) by Prof. J. W. H. Trail. (Edit.) 348 UREDINKAK. present; the palisade layer is doubled, and rupture of the epidermis takes plaee ; cldorophyll-fonnatiou is suppressed, the cell-sap becomes yellow, and starch tends to accumulate. P. dispersa may cause serious damage to wheat and rye ; F. rvMgo-vcra, also on barley and oats. The spore-patches are found on stalks and leaf-sheaths more than on the lamina. The mycelium may hibernate in grasses, so that the fungus is not dependent on the aecidial stage ; for this reason the disease is not easily combated. P. glumarum Eriks. et Henn. Golden-rust. This species, hitherto generally included under P. ruhif/o-vera (D. C.) has been separated by Eriksson and Henning.^ Experimental infection on Boragineae gave negative results. Eriksson distinguishes the following specialized varieties of this species : A. Definite (and undoubtedly distinct). 1. Var. fritici on Triticum vulgare. '1. Var. hordci on Hordeiim vulgare (somewhat uncertain), o. Var. dymi on Elymns arenarius. 4. Var. agrupyri on Triticum repcns. B. Not sharply defined : 5. Var. Hccalis on Sexale ccrecde. The uredospore-sori are lemon-yellow in colour, and form lines on the leaf-blade wliich may run together and reach a length of 10 mm. The teleutospore-sori form long, tine, brown or black lines: the sori are divided into numerous chambers, each enclosed in a circle of curved brown paraphyses. The spores germinate in the autumn of tlie same year. The pro- mycelium is yellow till the spores^ are abjointed : in this way it is distinguished from P. dispersa. P. poarum Xiels. (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on Poa. According to Nielson, the aecidia occur on Tussilago, Pctasites, and Adcnostylcs. Fentzling (Joe. cit.) has described certain anatomical changes wliich accompany deformations due to the aecidia. P. phlei-pratensis Eriks. et Henn. This lias a hibernating mycelium wliich produces uredospores continuously on Phleum and probably also on Festuca. Aecidia have not as yet been observed. 'Eriksson and Heiiniiig (/oc. cit.). pucciNiA. 349 P. agrostidis Plowr.' Teleutospores on Agrostis vulgaris; aecicliiim = Aec. aquilegiae Pers. (Britain and U.S. America). P. festucae Plowr.' Uredo- and teleutospores on Festuca ovina and F. duriuscula ; aecidiiun = Jec. pericbjmeni Schum. (Britain). P. phragmitis (Schiini.). Uredo- and teleutospores on Phragmites. Aecidium = Jet-, ruhellum on Rumej crispus and other spec-ie.s of Rume.i\ also on Rheum. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. Trailii Plowr. Uredo- and teleuto.spores on Phragmites communis. Aecidium on Rvme.r Acetosa. (Britain.) P. Magnusiana Korn. Uredo- and teleutospores on Phragmites communis. Aecidium on Ranunculus repens. (Britain.)- P. moliniae Tid. Uredo- ami teleutospores on Molinia coerulea. Aecidium (according to Eostrup's out-of-door experiments), on Orchis repens, 0. mascula ; probably also on other Orchideae. (Britain.) P. nemoralis Juel. Uredo- and teleutospores on Molinia coerulea ; aecidium {Aec. melampj/ri Kze. et Schm.) on Melampi/rum pratense. P. australis Koi'n. Uredo- and teleutospores on Molinia in Tyrol ; aecidium {Aec. erectum, according to Pazschke) on Sedmn, S. acre, etc. P. perplexans Plowr. Uredo- and teleutospores on Alopecurus pratensis ; aecidium on Ranunculus arris. (Britain.) P. persistens Plowr. On Triticum repens. Aecidium = J t'r. thalictri (Britain). P. sesleriae Reich. On Sesleria coerulea. Aecidium on Rhamnus saxatilis. P. Winteriana Magn.^ {P. sessilis, Schn.). Uredo- and teleutospores on Phalaris arundinacea. Aecidium on Allium ursinum {Aec. cdliatum Rbh.). P. sessilis Schn. (including P. digraphidis Soppitt and P. paridis Plowr.) (Britain.) Uredo- and teleutospores on Phalaris arundinacea. Aecidium, according to Soppitt,* on Convallaria majalis, also on Majanthemum, Paris, Polygonatum, Lilium canadense and IStreptopus Smilacina. Klebahn's experi- ments confirm the relationship of the aecidium on Majanthenium, Convallaria, Polygonatum, and Paris. P. phalaridis Plowr. On Phalaris arundinacea. Aecidium {Aec. ari) on Aruni italicum and ^1. maculatum. (Britain.) P. agropyri Ell. et. Ev. On Agropyrum. Aecidium = . 4 ec. clematidis D. C. on Clematis Vitalba and C. recta, etc., in Europe and America. P. caricis (Schum.) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredospores and teleutospores on species of Carex. Aecidia, according to Magnus, on Urtica (Fig. 185). The same author also believes that the uredo-stage can hibernate. iPlowright, Grevillea, xxi., 1893, p. 109. - Klebahu (.^ej^sc/t. /. Pflanzenkrankheiten, 1892) confirms Plowright's observa- tions on this. ^Magnus, Hedwigia, 1894. * Soppitt, Journal of Botany, 1890. 350 UREDINEAE. Stems, leaf-stalks, and leaf-nervature often undergo one-sided thickening and curvature as a result of formation of aecidia. Wakker thus summarizes lii.s observations on the anatomical changes in these malformed parts of Urtlca : there is an en- largement of cells and an increase in the number of large inter- cellular spaces ; no formation of collencln-ma, interfascicular cambium, and chlorophyll ; a diminished formation of calcium oxalate ; an orange coloration of the cell-sap ; and a distension or rupture of the epidermis. Fig. 1S5. — Paccinia co.ricis on Stingiiuj JS'cttU. The aecidial cushions have caused swelling and distortion of stems and leaf-stalks, also swollen outgrowths on the leaves, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Klebahn and Magnus believe that there is a Fuccinia on Carex acuta and C. Goodenoughii related to an Accidium on Hibcs Grossularia, H. ruhrum, and B. aurcnm ; also a Fuccinia on Carer, riparia with an Accidium on Rdjcs nigrum. On this account Klebahn ^ distinguishes Fucc. caricis i., ii., and in., agreeing respectively with F. Fringsheimiana Kleb., F. caricis (Schum.), and F. Magnusii Kleb. P. Schoeleriana Plowr. et Magn.^ (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex arenaria ; aecidia on Scnrcio Jacohaea. ^Klebahn, Zeilschrift f. Pflanzenkrankhtitcn, 1892, 1894, and 1895. - Hedwigia, 1886. PUCCINIA. 351 p. sylvatica Schroet. (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on Carcx ; aecidia on some Compositae. Schroeter ^ regards an Aecidium on Taraxacum officinale and Seriecio nemorensis as related to the teleutospores on Carcx hrizoidcs and C. 'praccox. Klebahn - reared aecidia on Taraxacum after infection with teleutospores from Carex arenaria ; E. Fischer obtained aecidia only on Taraxacu'm officinale. Dietel ^ regards Aecidium Bardanae on Arctium Lappa as related to this species. Attacked leaves of Tarcuxicum are frequently much deformed, stunted, and twisted. Those of T. officincde have orange-red warts on the lower surface, and there Fentzling {loc. cif.) found both spongy and palisade parenchyma increased and more or less deformed, the cells being elongated and enclosed in hyphae. P. leucanthemi Pass. According to E. Fischer, the uredo- and teleuto- spores are found on Carex montana; the aecidia {Aec. leucanthemi) on Vhrysanthemum, Leueanthemum. P. tenuistipes Eostr. Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex muricata ; aecidia on Centaurea. P. arenariicola Plowr. et Magn. On Carex arenaria ; aecidia = Jec. cent- aureae on C. nigra. (Britain.) Ed. Fischer found that the species of Puecinia on Carex montana (one with its aecidia on Centaurea Scabiosa, the other on Centaurea montana), were specifically different. P. limosae Magn. Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex limosa ; aecidia on Lfislmachia tliyrsifolia and L. imlgaris.^ P. extensicola Plow. (Britain.) Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex extensa ; aecidia on Aster Tripolium. P. dioicae Magn. (Britain and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex dioixa and C. Davalliana ; aecidia on ('/;■.?» and Schroeter). P. firma Dietel. Teleutospores on Care.v Jirma ; aecidia on Bellidiastrum. P. vulpinae Schroet. Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex mdpina ; aecidia on Chrysanthemum Tanacetum.^ P. paludosa Plowr. (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex vulgaris, etc. Plo Wright gives Aecidium pedicularis as the aecidial form. The attacked plants of Pedicularis are often considerably deformed. P.- uliginosa Juel.** Uredo- and teleutospores on Carex vulgaris ; ' PUze Schlesiens. -Klebahn, Zeitschri/f f. PJlanzenkranl'heiten, ii., 1892. ■* Dietel, Oesferreich. botan. Zeitung, 1889. ^ Magnus, Taghl. d. Naturforsch. Vereins in Miinchen, 1877. •''Schroeter, P'dze Schlesiens. ^Juel, Mycoloij. Beit. Vetenscaps-Ahid. FiJrhandl, 1894. 352 UREDINEAE. aecicUa {Aei: parnassiae Schleclit.) on I'arnassia jxiluatru. .Spermogoiiial pyciiidia are unknown. P. scirpi D. C. (Britain). Uredo- and telentospores on Sdrpus; aecidia, according to Chodat, = Aec. nymphaeoides on Nymphaea, Nvpltur, and Lim- nanthemum nymph rtonirfcK. Fio. 186. — Puccinia suavcolens on Cirsium arvense. The plants are abnormally elongated ; the leaves have remained smaller and simpler, and are thickly beset on the lower side with patches of chocolate-brown uredospores. (v. Tubeuf phot.) P. eriophori Thiim. Uredo- and teleutospores on Eriophorum latifolium in Siberia and Denmark ; Rostrup gives as the aeeidial form Aec. ciuerariae Rostr. P. obscura Schroet. Uredo- and teleuto.spores on Luzula; aecidia on Dellis perennis (Plowriglit). (Britain and U.S. America.) P. septentrionalis Juel. Uredo- and teleuto.spores on Polygonum vivi- parum; aecidia, {Aec. .Sommerfeltii) on Thalictrum alpinum in Scandinavia, PUCCINI A. 353 Iceland, Greenland, and Switzerland. Juel states that this is the only heteroecious Puccinia whose uredo- and teleutospores inhabit a dicotyle- donous plant. {2) Accidia are absent ; jjycnidia, v.rcdospores, and teleutospo7'es dndoped on the same %)lctnt. {Brachypuccinia, Schroet.) : Puccinia suaveolens (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). One form on Oirsium arvense, and a second on Centaurca Cyanus. Pycnidia and uredospores appear first, then teleutospores develop amongst the later-formed uredospores. The shoots and leaves of attacked plants are permeated with m}xelium and rendered conspicuous by their elongated shape, lighter colour, and smaller, less lobed, softer leaves (Fig. 186). Diseased plants bear no flowers. AVakker on investigating the diseased stems found : non-development of those sclerenchyma- sheaths of the primary tissues situated towards the interior of the stem, whereas those towards the outer side show secondary thickening ; irregularities occur in the interfascicular cambium, so that the phloem becomes abnormally developed and propor- tionately more extensive than the wood, it may also be divided by a band of sclerenchyma. P. hieracii (Schum.) (Britain and U.S. America). On numerous Com- positae, e.g. Carlina, Cirsium, Carduus, Centaurea, Leontodon, Scorzonera, Ci'epis, Hieracium, Cichormm, etc. Plowright distinguishes two allied species on Compositae, viz. P. centaure^^oeluced ; they hibernate in dead host- remains {Mieropv.ccinia, Scliroet.) : Puccinia fusca (Ptelhan.). (Britain and U.S. America.) Anemoue-rust. The brown spore-patches of this fungus occur on various species of Anemone, Thcdictrum, and Pulsatilla. Attacked plants of Anemone nemorosa (Fig, 190, 6 and 7) have their leaves much altered, the petioles being abnormally long and the laminae much thickened, with narrowed segments, and conspicuously pale- green. The teleutospore-patches form chocolate-brown spots on the lower surface of the leaf, and stripes on the leaf-margins. Flowers are rarely developed on diseased plants: Fentzling,- however, found flowering plants with aeeidia on the leaves ; three of the perianth-parts being stunted. The same investi- gator found a few anatomical changes in deformed plants ; in petioles the middle one of the three vascular bundles normally present was larger than those on each side of it ; in the dis- eased lamina the parenchyma-cells were enlarged, while inter- ^Dietel, Hedwigia, 1891, p. 291; also Zeltichrirt f. Pjlanzenkrankhdten, 1893, p. 258. PUCCINIA. 357 cellular spaces were more numerous and also larger. Other minor differences are also £;iven, but there seems to have been Fig. 190.— 2 and 3, Normal pUmts of Anemone 4, A'cidiuiii punctatuiii on Anemone ranuncuioides ; aecidia on the lower surface of the leaf; the plants are abnormally elongated, and the leaf -segments are smaller. 6 and 7, Pv.ccinia j'usca on Anemone nemorosa ; the plants rem lin small, 6 is completely deformed, 7 partially. 1 and 5, Aecidium lev.cosiwmum on An-mune nemorosa; the plants are abnormally elongated and the leaf -segments smaller, (v. Tubeuf del.) 358 UKEDINKAE. some confusion between plants infested with this Faccinia and those with species of Acculium. The changes induced on anemone by either Aecidium Icucosjjermwm D.C. or Ace. j)unctatu7n Pers. are quite distinct (Fig. 190). Fig. 191. — Paccinia ribis on Red Currant (/ii(/i.s rubruin). Teleutospore-patches on leaves and fruit, (v. Tubeuf phot.) P. singularis Magn. On Anemone ranunculoides in Austria and south-east of Europe. The teleutospore germ-pore is situated at the centre of the lateral wall of the lower cell, thereby distinguished from that of P. fusca. P. atragenis Ilaussnj. On Atragene alpina. P. thalictri Chev. On species of Thalictrum. (Britain and U.S. America.) PUCCiNiA. 359 P. Fergussonii Berk, et Br. On Viola pahcstris, etc. (Britain and U.S. America). P. alpina Fuck. On Viola hiflora. P. geranii-sylvatici Karst. On Geranium sylvaticum?- (U.S. America.) P. Morthieri Korn. On Geranium. P. Holboelli (Horn.). On Arahis Holboelli and Erysimum narcissifolium in Denmark and U.S. America. P. drabae Eud. On Draba aizoides. (U.S. America.) P. dentariae (Alb. et. Schwein.). On Dentaria hulbifera and D. enneaphylla, causing pustule-like outgrowths on the leaves. P. ribis (D. C.) Currant-rust. On Ribes rubnim, R. nigrum, R. alpinum, R. Grossularia, and R. petraeu7n (Britain and U.S. America). (Fig. 191.) P. saxifragae Schlecht. On Saxifraga. (Britain and U.S. America.) (P. Pazschkei Dietel. On Saxifraga elatior and S. Aizoon.) P. rhodiolae B. et Bi-. On Sedum rhodiola. (Britain.) P. sedi Korn. On Sedum elegans. P. aegopodii (Schum.). On Umbelliferae, e.g. Aegopodium, Astrantia, and Peucedanam. (Britain.) P. enormis Fuck. On Cliaerophyllum aureum. P. asarina Knze et Schm. On Asarum. (Britain.) P. rubefaciens Joh. On Galium boreale in Scandinavia and U.S. America. P. campanulae Carmich. On Campamda and Jasioae. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. conglomerata (Str.). On Homogyne alpina. P. expansa Link. On Adenostyles and Senecio. P. virgaureae (D. C). On Solidago. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. cardui Plowr. On Carduus lanceolatus., and C. crispus. (Britain.) P. Andersoni. B. et Br. On Carduus heterophyllus. (Britain.) P. bellidiastri (Ung.). On Bellidiastrum. (The aecidium on the same host belongs to Piicc. firma Diet.) P. adoxae D. C. On Adoxa. moschatellina. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. betonicae (Alb. et Schwein.). On Betonica officinalis and Stachys recta. (Britain.) P. Schneideri Schroet. On Thymus Serpyllum. (Britain.) P. scillae Lk. Ou Scilla bifolia in Hungary. P. tulipae Schroet. On Tulipa Gesneriana. P. Prosti Moug. On Tulipa sylvestris and T. Celsiana in Italy and France. P. Schroederi Pass. On Narcissus poeticus. (6) The teleutospores germinate on the living i)lants, and again produce teleidosjyorcs. All other forms of spore arc absent. {Lepto- puccinia, Schroet.) : Puccinia malvacearum Mont, occurs on various Malvaceae. 'Barclay (Annals of Botany, v., p. 27) describes and figures a rar. himalensis on Geranium nrpalense. 360 UREDINEAE. This rust is indigenous to Chili, and was introduced into France about 1868, whence it rapidly extended throughout the whole of Europe, and during the last ten years has made its appear- ance in the United States. In many places it has completely exterminated both wild and cultivated mallows, and rendered the cultivation of garden hollyhocks impossible. It ap])ears in Fig. 102.— Pvccinia inalvoxearum. Malluw lc:vf, with teleutosijore-sori. Three teleutospores, one germinating, (v. Tubeuf del.) May or June on the leaves, stems, and petioles of the host ; all are more or less deformed, and the leaves may in severe cases wither up long before the flowers appear. Sponging with a solution of permanganate of potash (two tablespoonfuls in one quart of water), has been found an effective remedy. P. Sherardiana Korn. On mallow in America. P. heterogenea Lager. On hollyhock in South America. P. anemones-virginianae Schwein. On Anemone. (U.S. America.) PUCCINIA. 361 p. thlaspeos Schub. On Thlaspi cdpestre and Arahis hirsuta P. spergulae D. C On Spergula. (U.S. America.) P. arenariae (Schuni.). On Alsineae and Sileneae, e.g. cultivated Diantlnis bia-hatus. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. chryosplenii Grev. On Chrysosplenium. (Britain.) P. circaeae Pers. On Circaea. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. buxi D. C On Buxus sempervirens. (Britain.) P. umbilici Guep. On Umbilicus. (Britain.) P. valantiae Pers. On Galium. (Britain and U.S. America.) P. asteris Duby. (Britain and U.S. America.) On Aster, Artemisiay Achillea, Cirsium, Scabiosa, Doronimm. Plowriglit regards P. millefolii Fckl. on Achillea as a distinct species. P. veronicae (Schroet.) (Britain). 1 P. veronicarum D. C. (Britain and U.S. America). !-0n Veronica.^ P. albulensis Magn. J P. glechomatis D. C. On Glechoma {Nepeta). (Britain and U.S. America.) P. annularis (Strauss). On Teiha-ium. (Britain.) Hemileia. Hemileia vastatrix, Berk, et Br. This occurs on the leaves of the coffee plant in Ceylon, Java, and Sumatra. It causes a very destructive disease. Sadebeck recommends as remedies : (1) Removal of infected leaves and their steiilization by dilute acids or Bordeaux mixture. (2) Spraying the beds with Bordeaux mixture, so as to kill the spores which have fallen there. Several genera which do not occur in Europe may be mentioned here, viz. : Uropyxis, Diorchidium, Chrysospora, and Sphaerophragmium ; also Masseella, Phakospora, aud Schizospora.-^ They contain but few species, and none of practical importance. Triphragmium.^ Teleutospores three-celled ; one cell is attached to the sporo- phore, and carries the other two ; each cell has one or more germ -pores. Triphragmium ulmariae (Schum.). (Britain.) Uredospores and teleutospores produced on the same plant, Spiraea Ulmaria. The teleutospore-patches are dark-brown, the uredo-sori reddish - yellow, while the pycnidia (so-called spermogonia) are yellowish 1 Distinction, see Magmis, Ber. d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1890, p. 167. ^Sadebeck, Forsd-naturwiss. Zcitschri/t, 1895. M. Ward, Sessional Paqjers"^ XVII., Colombo, 188 1. =^Dietel, Bcrichte d. deutsch. botaii. Ges., 1895, p. 3;^2. ■* Bibliography and Revision, by G. Massee, Grevillea, xxi., 189'S, p. 111., 362 UREDINKAE. points. The so-called aecidia are really a form of uredo-sori ; tliey occur as thick cushions and cause thickening or twisting of the leaves and petioles. T. filipendulae (Lasch.) (Britain). On Spiraea Filipendula. T. echinatum Lev. occurs on Meum ; tele utospo res alone are known (U.S. America). T. clavellosutn Berk. On leaves of Aralia in the United States. Phragmidium. Teleutospores multicellular, the individual cells forming a single series ; they show a variable number of germ-pores. The Fig. 194. — Phrut/midium subcorticium on a Rose leaf. The black spots are teleutospore- patches on the uuder- sm-face of the leaf. (v. Tubeuf del.) Fig. 103. — Triphragnuv.m v.lmarine on S/>iiv«rt Ulmaria. Germinating teleuto- spore, with promycelia and sporidia. (After Tulasne.) teleutospores are produced in loose patches. The aecidial patches have no covering, but are surrounded by club-shaped paraphyses. The genus frequents only Eosaceae. On species of Rosa : ^ Phragmidium subcorticium (Schrank.). Teleutospores, uredospores, and aecidia mi leaves of wild and cultivated roses. (Bi'itaiu and U.S. America.) Phr. tuberculatum J. Miill. All the forms of spore occur on Rosa canina. Phr. fusiforme Schrot. \PJu: rosae-alpinae (D.C.)]. On Rosa alpina (Britain). Phr. speciosum (Fr.). On North American roses. Phr. devastatrix Sor. On roses in Asia. ' J. Milller, " Die Rostpilze d. Rosa. u. Rubus-arten," Ber. d. deiUsch. botan. Ges., 1885. PHRAGMIDIUM. 363 On species of Potent ilia : Phr. fragariastri (D. C.) (Britain and U.S. America). Phr. potentillae (Pers.) (U.S. America). Phr. tormentillae Fuck. (Britain.) Phr. papillatum Dietel, from Siberia. Phr. nepalense Barcl. and Phr. laceianum Barcl. in Ind On species of Iluhus : Phr. rubi (Pers.) {I'lir. hidhosum Schlecht.) (Britain). Phr. rubi-idaei (Pers.). On leaves of raspberry. (Britain and TT.S. America.) Phr. violaceutn (Schultz) (Britain). Phr. rubi-miniatum J. Miill. Phr. albidum (Kiihn). Phr. quinqueloculare Barcl. Phr. octoloculare Barcl. Phr. Barclayi Dietel, from Hima- laya. Phr. gracile Farl., America. And other species. On Sanguisorha : Phr. sanguisorbae (D. (.'.). On Sanguisorha minor. (Britain.) Phr. carbonarium (Schlecht.) (Jjiitain). This species has also been placed in a separate genus Xenodochus. It occurs on San- guisorha. Uredospores are want- ing ; the teleutospores form firm black crusts ; the aecidiospores form chains ; and the paraphyses are club-shaped. Diseased leaves and petioles are thickened and bent. Wakker's investigation .showed : a slight enlargement of parenchymatous cells and rupture of epidermis on spore-formation ; a diminution in the intercellular spaces and in formation of collenchyma and sclerenchyma ; a suppression of all production of chlorophyll and calcium oxalate. Fig. 195.— Phragmidium rvhi from Rubm rrutirogui. One spherical immature te- leutospore, and two well-developed and germinating ones. (After Tulasne.) Melampsora. Teleutospores dark and unicellular, in some cases multi- cellular by formation of new walls, generally in a vertical 364 UUEDINEAK. direction ; tlieir sori form dark spots whieli break out from beneath the epidermis. The yellow uredospores have a coat beset with fine spines, and are given off from sori which may or may not be enclosed in a peridium. The sori of the aecidium-stage have no peridium, and are known under the generic name of Cdcoma ; they fre([uently occur on other hosts than those of the teleutospores. Pycnidia are produced in little yellow patches. Melampsora tremulae Tul. (Britain). The sori of uredo- spores appear as little yellow protuberances on leaves or young shoots of Popidus tremula. The dark -brown patches of teleuto- spores appear later on the under epidermis, and where they Fie. 196. — Caeoma piniiorquum. Section showing four pycnidia, from one of which (.tp) numerr)us conidia are being disch;irged. Cfnom/i-TpMches are developing beneath tlic cortical layer, as yet unbroken. (After R. Hartig.) occur in large numbers, an early fall of the leaf may result. The teleutospores hibernate in dead leaves on the ground. In spring the sporidia germinate and infect young shoots of Pinus sylvcstris, producing the disease known as Caeoma j^initcn'quvm} This disease attacks pine-seedlings, appearing generally on the needles. It is most frequent in plantations from one to ten years old, rarer in those of ten to thirty years, and not as yet observed in older. Finals sylvcstris is most commonly attacked, but it has also been observed on Pimis montana in Jutland. After formation of the C«fowff-patches, the young thin shoots generally die off, but thicker ones become twisted at the place attacked, whence the name " pine-twister " commonly given to this disease. If the leading shoot be attacked, the seedlings may succumb altogether. The disease develops rapidly, ^ R. Hartig, Wichtuje Krankhdtcn d. W'aldhiinine, 1874. mela:\ipsora. 365 particularly in a damp and cold spring, and may prove very destructive if it appears for several years in succession. The mycelium evidently perennates in pine-shoots, and prodnces new Cacoma--p(itches year after year till death of the host results. It grows intercellularly especially in the rind parenchyma, but also in the medullary rays of wood and bast ; the contents of the host-cells are absorbed by means of short lateral haustoria. Fig. 107. — Caeoma piiiitnrqiurii. Portion of C'/(0?)i'( -patch (enlarged). /, Cortical cells partially absorbed or nnich compressed ; !/, basidia from whicli spores (c) are abjointed in succession : the younger with delicate walls and separated by membranous lamellae, which disappear on formation of the spore-coats (d). (After R. Hartig.) The pycnidia are produced at end of May or beginning of June, between the epidermal cell-wall and the cuticle of green twigs ; before breaking out they may be observed externally as light patches on the shoot. The Ca^oma-patches develop later in the second or third layer of the rind-parenchyma (Fig. 196). In each patch the spores are produced serially from .short stalks to the number of twenty or thereabout, and ultimately escape about June, when the cells of the parenchyma and epidermis are ruptured. At first the spores are connected together by intermediate cells which are afterwards absorbed (Fig. 197). The mature spores are globose, oval, or polygonal 366 UREDINEAK, in shape, yellow in colour, aiul their outer coat is beset with spiny projections. The stalk-cells grow out into elongated tubes, after completion of spore-formation. In the vicinity of the scar of a C«com«- patch, the twig turns brown and its tissues become permeated with resin, while the tissues underlying the patch die even into the pith. Hartig's ^ investigations show that this same Melampsora causes Gaeoma laricis on the needles of the larch. Plowright - also produced a similar Cacoma-ioxm from Melampsora betulina, and Fio. 108. — MiUdiipxorn betulhin. Teleutospore-sorus, with many of the spores producing promj-celia and sporidia (x). i\ Mycelium ; p, parenchyma ; c, portion of ruptured epidermis. (After Tulasne.) succeeded in re-infecting Betula alba from Caeoina laricis. Eostrup obtained Cacoma mcrcuria.lis by infecting Mercurialis with Mel. trcmulae ; yet this may have happened because two different species of Mdamiisora occurred on the aspen leaves. Klebahn ^ was successful in infesting Populus tremula with Gaeoma laricis but did not succeed W'ith the birch. ^R. Hartig, Allef/em. Fo7:sL %i. Jar/d-zeiiung, 1885. -Plowright, " Impfversuche in. Rostpilzen, " Zeitarhri/t f. Pjlanztnkrankheiten, 1891. •'Klebahn, Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenh-ankhtiten , 1894. MELAMPSORA. 367 The patches of Cacoma laricis Hartig,^ appear as golden-yellow cushions on the underside of the needles, The sporophores from which the aecidiospores are abjointed, form the centre of the patch, the periphery being occupied by numerous sterile threads, which grow out as long paraphyses ; it may so happen that the whole cushion consists only of these last. The formation of Caeoma- patches is preceded by that of little pycnidia (spermogonia), which break out from under the cuticle. The mycelium lives intercellularly, and dies after the shedding of the Caeoma- spores. Melampsora betulina (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores occur on the leaves of the birch {Bctula alba). Plowright^ found from arti- ficial infection that this species produced Caeoma lai^icis on the needles of Larix curopea. A second form of Cacoma laricis was obtained by Hartig, both from infec- tion by Mel. tremulae Tul. from the aspen, and by 3Icl. 2J02yulina Jacq. from the black poplar. Fig. 199. — Mebimpsont M. populina (Jacq.)'^ (Britain and U.S. uredospore-LTus?'' (After America). Uredo- and teleutospores found ^uiasne.) on Pojjulus nigra and P. halsamifcra. M. po2mliiia and M. tremulae are probably identical, for Hartig has found the same Melampsora on black and balsam poplars as on aspen, and in each case he produced Caeoma laricis by means of the uredospores. Schroeter states that the Melampsora of Populns nigra produces Cacoma allii of Allium. M. aecidioides D. C. (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on leaves of silver poplar {P. alba and P. canescens). Plow- right connects with it a caeo7na-iorm on Mercurialis {Caeoma mercurialis). Schroeter states that the Melampsora of Populus tremula produces Caeoma mercurialis. The Mclampsorae of Willows were until recently grouped under a collective name, M. salicina ; several species are now recognized, others require verification. 1 R. Hartig, Wiclitige Krankheiten d. Waldhaumen, PL V. ^Plowright {Joe. cit.). ^'R. Hartig, Botan. Centralhlatt, XLVi., 1891; " The leaf-rust of cottonwoods," U.S. Dept. of Agricidhire Report, 1888, p. 390. 368 UREDINEAE. M. salicis-capreae (Pers.) (liritaiii and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores on leaves of Salix Gafrca and several other species. According to Rostrup, Caeoiiui cuonymi (Gmel.) is a staije of this.^ M. Hartigii Thiini.- {M. epitca Thlini.) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores on leaves of Scdw: |jr<< S. daphnoidcs, S. viminalis, etc. Eostrup regards C. ribesii Lk. of Bibes as a caeoma-form. Fig. 200. — Mi lampsoni salifix-caprfaf. Section through leaf of SaUx Caprea, with a uredospore-sorus on the lower epidermis ; on the upper side a teleutospore- sorus is in process of development, but is as yet completely closed over. (After Tulasne.) M. repentis Plowr.^ Uredo- and teleutospores on Salix repens. Caeoma on Orchis maculata. ' (The Caeoma orchidis of other orchids is probably identical with this one.) M. arctica Eostr. on S(di.i- lierhacea^ S. c/lauca, and .S'. groenlandica in Oreenland. M. mixta (Schlecht). (Britain). The related Caeoma is unknown. Thiimen also gives M. Castagnei Thlim. on S. amygdalina. M. vitellinae D. C. on Salix frag His is said by Schroeter to have its Caeoma on Galanthus nivalis (Britain). The rusts of cultivated willows are very detrimental to them ^ M. salicis-capreae {M . caprearimi D.C. ) is cUvidecl by some autliorities into M.farinosa (Pers.) and M. epitea (Kze. et Schni.). -See Thiimen, "Mel. salicina," Mittheilungen aus d. forstlich. Versuchswesen. Oesterreich, 1879. ^Plowright (loc. cit.). MELAMPSORA. 369 and cause great damage. The yellow sori appear in large numbers on the lower surface of the leaves, w^hich wither prematurely, especially towards the ends of shoots (Fig. 201). The teleutospores hibernate on fallen leaves, hence such should be raked together and burnt. Saliv pruinosa is found to be much more sensitive to attack than *S'. pruinosa X daphnoides, whose leaves are more hairy, a property which seems to protect them from spores. The following species have only uredospores and teleutospores, related Caeoma-iorms being unknown : M. lini (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). Flax-rust. The uredo- and teleutospores occur together on Li num. This may inflict serious damage in fields of cultivated flax. M. sorbi (Oudem.). On leaves of Pyrus Aucuparia and P. torminalis. Dietel ^ has recently placed this as the single species of a new genus Oclirospora. The light-yellow spores are at first one-celled, but before the death of the host-leaves they divide into four (rarely three) cells, each of which gives off a sterigma with a single sporidium. In these points the spores follow the develop- ment of Cohosporium ; the sporidia, however, are quite different, they are spindle-shaped, '21-2hix long and Syu l)road. 1 .^1 '?^ ,X Fig. 201. — Mdcmpsora Hnrtigii ou Salic pruinosa. The upper leaves have ab-eady vrithered atid curled up, the lower, though as yet un- changed, are beset with the point-like sori. (v. Tubeuf deL) 1 Berichte d. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1895, p. 401. 2a 370 UREDINEAE. M. ariae (Schleicli.). On h-avi-s of I'yrvs aria. M. padi (Kunze et Sdium.). On leaves of Prunm Padus. (Britain.) M. hypericorum (D.C!.). On Jlypericnm. (Britain.) M. pustiilata (Pers.). On Epilohium. (Britain and U.S. America.) M. circaeae (Schuni.). On Circaea. (Britain.) M. vaccinii (Alb. vt Sclini.). On leaves of Vncdnmm. (Britain and U.S. Anioiica.) M. pirolae (Gniel.). On Pyrola. (Britain and U.S. America.) M. sparsa Wint. (U.S. America). On Aretostaphylos alpina (also A. offii'liKih'a ace. to Rostrnp). M. carpini (Nees.). On leaves of hornbeam. M. galii (Lk.). On (iaVnini. M. (Thecopsora) agrimoniae (D.C.) On Agrimonia. M. vemalis Niessl. Teleutospores only on Sa.rifraga gramdata. M. helioscopiae (Pers.). On Euphorbia. (Britain.) M. euphorbiae-dulcis Ottli. Melampsorella. The unicellular teleutospores are developed in the cells of the epidermis and t'orui reddish patches. The patches of uredospores are enclosed in a peridiiim. Melampsorella cerastii (Pers.). Uredo- and teleutospores on species of Stellaria and Cerastimn. (Britain and U.S. America.) Calyptospora. The teleutospores are developed inside the epidermal cells, and are divided into four cells by vertical septa. The aecidia have large peridia. The pycnidia are small and precede the aecidia. Calyptospora Goeppertiana Kiihn.i (U.S. America). The common disease of cowberry {Vaccinium Vitis-Idaca) caused by this parasite is shown externally by a very marked swelling and elongation of the shoots (Fig. 202). Diseased plants elongate conspicuously above their neighbours, and in this way distribution of their spores by wind is facilitated. The mycelium hibernates in the cortical tissues, and maintains itself for years. It grows intercellularly, sending haustoria into the cortical cells. As a result of its presence, cell-growth is much accelerated, and a marked thickening of attacked twigs frequently occurs : iR. Hartig, Lehrhvrh cf. Baumlranl^Jieiten, i. Aiifl. p. 56 and PI. II. (The 2nd edition and the English translation are somewhat abridged.) CALYPTOSPORA. 371 intercellular spaces become enlarged, and the contents of all cortical cells, except those of the epidermis, takes on a red colour, whereby the young shoots have at first a delicate rose- red colour, though they afterwards turn brown. The lower leaves have a similar red colour, but shrivel and fall off early, while the upper ones develop normally and remain attached. Fig. 202. — Cali/ptospora Goeppertiana. Normal and malformed shoots of Vo.ccinivm Vitis-Idaea. (v. Tubeuf phot.) Shoots infected one summer show the symptoms in the following year. The swelling is confined to the basal part of a year's growth, and the apices of shoots remain normal to all external appearance, although permeated with mycelium. Hartig has explained this by assuming that the fungus-mycelium only 372 UREDINEAK. influences yoiuif; cells attacked by it duiin<,' their period of growth, whereas cells already in the adult condition remain unaffected. Inside the diseased shoots a well-developed mycelium will be found between the epidermal cells, and nourished by haustoria. Fig. •20i.—Calypto.*pora Gorpptrtiana. Section through epidermis and cortical parenchyma of a diseased shoot of Vo.ccinium. The mycelium is intercellular, but swoUen branches penetrate the cell-walls and become sac-like haustoria. The iiyphae under the epidermis become considerably swollen, and give off into the cells either haustoria {fi) or the sac-like processes (c, c), which become the mother- cells of the teleutospores. x 420. (After R. Hartig.) The spores originate from processes of the mycelial hyphae, which bore their way into the epidermal cells, and swell up inside to form spherical sacs. The cells thus entered turn brown, and are filled up by four to eight cells produced from the sac-like processes of the mycelium (Fig. 203). From each cell of this kind a four-celled teleutospore is formed and hiber- nates in sihc. In spring the teleutospores emit a process through the outer wall of the epidermal cell, and this, after division by cross-septa into four cells, becomes a promycelium with short sterigmata, from each of which a single sporidium is abjointed (Fio-. 204). The sporidia germinate, as Hartig proved, about the middle of May, on young needles of silver fir (Abies iicctinata). By the middle of June the mycelium is distributed through the intercellular spaces, and forms aecidia with long white sac- like peridia on the under surface of the leaf (Figs. 205, 206) The aecidiospores escape on rupture of the peridium and the CALYPTOSPORA. 373 host-epidermis, to germinate on the epidermis of another cowberry- shoot. The germ-tube either enters by a stoma, or forms an adhesion-disc and sends out a process from this through the epidermis. Fig. 204. — Dise.ised stem of Vnccintura in a later stage than Fig. 203. In each epidenual cell (n, (0 six mothei'-cells have been formed, each subdivided into four teleutospores. Proniycelia (6) have developed from many of the latter, and are in process of abjointing off the sporidia from lateral sterigmata. X 420. (After R. Hartig.) Fig. 205. — Co.b/ptospora Goeppertiana. Aecidia on the under surface of needles of Silver Fir. (v. Tubeuf del.) Fig. 206. — Aecidium in a needle of Silver Fir (much enlarged), b, Series of aecidiospores and intermediate cells. '•, Germinating aecidiospores. (After R. Hartig.) This aecidium is also fouud on Abies cephalonica in Upper Bavaria. Barclayella deformans Diet.^ This has been found in the Himalaya region on needles and young twigs of Picea Morinda (Smithiana). Teleuto- spore-sori are developed, accompanied by distortion of the host. Aecidia and uredospores are unknown. ^Barclay, "Oil a Uredo of the Himalaya Spritce-Jir." Hedwigia, 1891. Calcutta, 1886; and 374 UREDINEAK. Coleosporium, The teleutospores form a soft, reddish, waxy cushion, and germinate in situ producing four-celled proraycelia; in these respects they exhibit great resemblance to Auricularia. Uredo- spores are developed in chains. The aecidia, as yet known, have a distinct peridiuni. Many species infect the needles of pine trees and produce aecidia known by the generic name Peridermium ; other species also known as Peridermium and living on bark are really species of Cronartium. The species here mentioned with their Peridermium-i'orm on pine-needles, so much resemble one an- other as to be almost indistinguishable, and the question arises whether they are really species, or only varieties due to difference of substratum — habitat-races. Coleosporium senecionis (Pers.). (Britain.) The sori are produced on leaves and stems of various species of Senecio (without doubt on >S'. vulgaris, S. sj/lvaticus, S. viscosus). The uredospores are slied in June from yellow spots. The teleutospores follow later on dark-red patches, there they hibernate and in spring produce a four-celled promycelium, each cell of which gives off a sterigma with one sporidium. The latter germinate on needles of Pinus sylvestris. A mycelium is formed in the intercellular spaces of the needles, and, nourished by means of haustoria sunk into the host-cell, perennates and produces crop after crop of aecidiospores. Hyphae are produced in such numbers that the cells of the needle-parenchyma are tightly pressed together, and those adjacent to pycnidia and aecidia turn brown, secrete resin, and die. The needles tliemselves, although filled with mycelium, remain on the tree till the time of their normal fall. Pycnidia are developed by April or May under the cells of the epidermis. They are little obtuse cone-shaped enclosures appearing as brownish-yellow spots scattered over the inner faces of the needles. On attaining maturity they rupture the host-epidermis and give out their conidia. Fig. 207. — ColeoKporiuvi xnucioiii'i on a bifoliar spur of Fiiixis Ki/lveiitfis. Peridia and scars of the pycnidia are shown, (v. Tiibevif del.) COLEOSPORIUM. 375 The aecidia are produced amongst the pycnidia on needles two or three years old ; they have long white peridia and are known as Peridermium ohlongisporium Fuck. The aecidio- spores are yellow when mature, and originate in chains, which in the earlier stages of development consist of intermediate cells and spores, but the former gradually disappear (Fig 208). The spores have an average length of 30'5/x and breadtli of Fig. 208. — PerUb jiin'i (Coko-yioridm .■<• nirionix). Portion of an aecidium with basidia (b) giving off spores and intermediate cells (d) ; outside the peridiuni (p) other basidia (■ ) with club-shaped ends force up the epidermis ; II, the thick mycelium in the leaf-iiarenchyma. (After R. Hartig.) 20/tA; in form they are generally longish-oval, few being round; the spore-coat is moderately thick. Aecidiospores are capable of immediate germination, and produce ZJ/vrZo-patches on Scnecio by June. The uredospores have an average length of 28"0/u, and breadth 15"5ja; they are generally oblong, with a moderately thick coat beset with spiny warts. 37S UREDINEAE. Klebahn and Fischer^ assert that several other species of Colcosporium produce their aecidium-stage on Finns sylvestris. C. euphrasiae (Scluun.) (Britain). Uredospores produced from reddish-yellow, teleutospores from orange-red patches during July and August on various Rhinanthideae (Bhinctnthus major, II. minor, Bartsia Odontites, and Eiqihrasia officinalis). The spores from Bhinanthns germinate on needles of Finns sylvestris and produce an aecidium called Fcridermium Siahlii Kleb. The aecidiospores of F. Stahlii average 26/x in length, 19'5/a in breadth, and are round or shortly oval, with a coat and markings finer than those of F. ohlongisporium. The uredo- spores average 22/x x 15-5/>c; they are irregular and somewhat angular, with a thin finely marked coat. C. melampyri (Eeb.) (liritain). Uredospores on Ifclant- 2)yrum (certainly on M. jyrafensc). The aecidia — Fcridermium Soraueri Kleb. — follow after a year on needles of Finns sylvestris. The spermogonial pycnidia alone are developed in the summer of infection. 0. tussilaginis (Pers.) (Britain). Tliis ColcosjJorinm is found all summer on the underside of leaves of Tnssilago farfara, the uredospores forming yellow patclies, the teleutospores darker- coloured ones. Aecidia are produced on needles of Finns sylvestris, and are known as Fcridermium Flowrightii. Pycnidia and aecidia are formed in the summer following infection. The aecidiospores average 25"5^t x 19ya and are shortly oval or round, with coats and markings more delicate than those of F. Stahlii. The uredospores average 26 fx x 19/x and are roundish oval with somewhat firmer and thicker coats than those of C. euphrasiae. Klebahn's infections of Fctasitcs with aecidiospores from Finns gave no result. C. inulae Kunz. Spores of this obtained by Fischer- from Imda Vaillantii and /. Helrnium produced Fcridermium Klehahni Fiscli. on needles of Finns sylccstris. C. sonchi (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). Klebahn considers this as a provisional species including a number of imperfectly investigated forms whose uredo- and teleutospores ^Berichted. deutsch. hotan. Ges., 1S94; Znt-schrift f. Pflanzenkrankheiten, 1894, and 1895, p. 73. "Botan. Cenfralblatf, lix., 1894, p. 1. COLEOSPORIUM. 377 occur on various species of Sonchus (without doubt on S. arvcnsis). Aecidia are unknown. He relates it to Pcridcrmhim Fisclieri Kleb. on needles of Finns sylvestris. C. synantherearum Fr, A provisional collective name for aecidia on Adcnostylcs, Pdasites, Gaccdia, Senecio, etc., the life history of which is as yet unknown. C. campanulae (Pers.) (Britain). Uredo- and teleutospores on Campanulaceae {Camjjcmida and Phytnnna). The aecidial form is Feridermimn Rostriqni on pine-needles. C. pulsatillae (Str.). Uredo- and teleutospores on Anemone Ftdsatilla and A. pratcnsis. Aecidia unknown. C. ipomoeae (Schwein). Uredo- and teleutospores on species of cultivated Ij)oinoca. in United States. Aecidia unknown. Fischer ^ obtained pycnidia on needles of pine by infection with a Coleos.'poriuni from Campemula Trachelium. Chrysomyxa. The teleutospores are formed closely together in yellow sori ; each spore consists of an acropetal series of cells, the distal one of which, without leaving the sorus, germinates to produce a promycelium of several cells. Uredospores are not always present. The aecidia have well-developed peridia. Chrysomyxa rhododendri (D. C.).^ This is a common rust on the Alps where the Alpine-rose {Rhvdodeiulron ferrugineum and R. Mrsvtnm) occurs. Immediately after the break-up of the winter little dark-red cushions of this rust appear on the under- side of the leaves. These contain the sori of teleutospores already partially developed during the previous autumn, and now, after hibernation, ready to increase in size and to rupture the host-epidermis (Fig. 211). The teleutospores so exposed germinate without leaving the sorus, and produce four-celled promycelia, with sterigmata, from each of which a single sporidium is abjointed. The sporidia make their escape in June, and alighting on the unfolding needles of the spruce {Picca cxcelsei), they germinate at once and produce Aecidium ahictinum, the blister-rust of the spruce (Fig. 212). An intercellular mycelium is developed in the spruce-needles, ^ Botan. Centralhlalt, Lix., 189-4. ^De Bary, Botan. Zeitung, 1879. 378 UREDINEAE. and small yellow pycnidia are produced during July (jr August. The aecidia follow from August till September, occupying yellow zones on the otherwise green needles ; their white peridia project as much as 2 mm. above the surface of the needle, and dehisce by rupture of the apex. The aecidiospores are formed in large numljers and, carried l)y wind, reach leaves and shoots of alpine-rose where they immediately germinate. The resulting mycelium produces in September yellow clusters of uredospores on brownish spots on the lower epidermis of the leaves, and on the bark of last year's shoots (Fig. 210). Fig. •209.-^Chi-y«omyxa rhododendri. Twig of Rhododendron hh-xutinn with sori of uredo- Flo. 210.— CJi ryxomym rhododendr! on KUo- spores ou the lower epidermis, causing dis- doth ndron u i-i-iKj'ni'vm. Uredospore-.sori in coloured spots on the upper, (v. Tubeuf September as elongated white stripes on the del.) stem below the leaves, (v. Tubeuf del.) The uredospores are yellow and ovoid, with granular protuber- ances on their coats ; they are developed in series from the sori.^ The disease may be further propagated during the same year by the uredospores. In districts where spruce does not occur, it is probable that these spores hibernate, and in the following spring produce germ-tubes which infect other alpine-rose leaves. It frequently happens that whole forests of spruce are so attacked by this fungus that many of the trees retain only a few healthy needles. Diseased needles die and fall in the summer of attack, so that the trees may l)e almost wholly stripped, and thereby suffer considerable damage. Chr. ledi (Alb. et Schwein.)^ (U.S. America). This fungus 1 Raciborski regards the Uredo as a Caeoma-iorm. -De Baiy, Botan. Zeitnnrj, 1879. CHRYSOMYXA. 379 occurs on Ledum palustre. It is difficult to distinguish from the preceding species, and causes the formation of similar aecidia on spruces in Northern Germany and other parts where Rhodo- dendron is not indigenous. Its uredospores are also capable of hibernating and of propagating the fungus where spruce is absent. Ohr. himalayensis Barcl. occurs on leaves of Rhododendron arhorrvm in the Himalaya. Fii;. 211. — C'h ri/somyxa rhododfndi't. Teleuto- spore-sorus which has ruptured the lower epi- dermis of a leaf of Rhododendron hirsutuin. The teleutospores are jjluricellular, and one of them has germinated, giving a promycelium with sterigniata, from which little sporidia are being abjointed. (After De Bary.) Fig. 212. — Ckri/somi/xa rhododtndH on Spruce. The needles are beset with aecidia ; discoloured parts of them are shown black, the normally green being left white, (v. Tubeuf del.) Chr. abietis (Wallr.).i Xeedle-rust of spruce. Tliis is parasitic on the spruce {Pieca exceha), and is found on the Alps up to an elevation of over 1700 metres. About the beginning of May the hibernating teleutospores produce promycelia and sporidia. The latter germinate at once, and the germ-tubes make their way through the epidermis into young unfolding needles. The mycelium is well-developed and lives inter- cellularly, sending haustoria into the host-cells ; it contains yellow oil-drops, so that by the end of June needles contain- ing it exhibit yellow-coloured stripes. For the remainder of the year reddish-yellow elongated teleutospore-cushions are ' Reess, Botan. Zeitiuif/, 1865 ; Die Bostpilzformen d. deut$rhe)i Coniferen, 1S69. Willkomm, Die mikrosropisrheii Feinde dfs Wahles, 1868. 380 UREDINEAK. formed, and in this condition the fungus hibernates, to develop furtlier in the following spring. It is only in very dry cold winters that the needles dry up and fall off; as a rule they remain on the trees. About the l)eginning of May the spore- cushions break through the epidermis and give oft" multicellular teleutospores, which are as a rule branched. Thence arise the four-celled promycelia, with sterigmata, from which a single sporidium is abjointed. Diseased needles remain green except in areas inhabited by mycelium ; yet needle-cast soon follows liberation of the fungus-spores. Starch is laid up in large quantity in diseased needles during the first summer, but is com- pletely used up again by the mycelium for the formation of the teleutospore-patches. Spruces may suffer considerably from loss of foliage induced by this fungus, yet the risks are by no means so great as in the case of Chryso- oiiyxa rlwdodendri where the whole existence of the plant is endangered. Uredospores are unknown for this species and an Aecidmm stage has not as yet been discovered. lieess has shown experi- mentally that the teleutospores germinate directly on spruce without intervention of an aecidial stage. Chr. piceae Bare. On needles of Picea morinda in India. Chr. empetri (Pers.) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredospores on Empetnim //I'r/rum. Caeoma empetri (Pers.) is the aecidial form. Chr. pirolae (D. C) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleuto- spores on Pi/rola. Aecidia unknown. Chr. albida Kiihn. On Ruhus fruticosus in Germany and U.S. America. Fig. 'ilZ.—Chriisomyxa ahiclis on PiciKi cxcdsa. The sori occupy the middle portion of each needle, which is in con- sequence yellow, while the apex and base arc still green, (v. Tubeuf del.) Cronartium. Teleutospores unicellular and remaining attached together in tlie form of a long coiled process; they germinate in situ and give off sporidia. The masses of teleutospores arise on the place formerly occupied by a uredospore-sorus. The ovoid uredospores are abjointed from short stalklets enclosed in sori with a short peridium. Aecidia are developed on other CRONARTIUM, 381 host-j^lants, and several species produce blister-rust on the bark of species of pine. Cronartium asclepiadeum (Willd) (U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores occur on Cynanchum Vincetoxicum (perhaps Fig. 214. — Cronartium agcUpiadmoii on Cynanchum Vincetoxicum. The uredo- sori show as spots, the teleutospore-sori as processes on the leaves, (v. Tubeuf del.) also on Gcntiana asdepiadca). The aecidial stage, known as Peridcrmium Cornui Eostr. et Kleb. produces a blister-rust on the bark of Finns sylvestris. Fig. 215. — Cronartium asclepiadnnn. Section of a Cynanchum leaf. The leaf -parenchyma is permeated with mycelium, and sori are formed on the lower epidermis. A, uredo-sorus ; B, televitospore-sorus, many spores of which have germinated and given off promycelia with sporidia. (v. Tubeuf del.) Brown spots may be found on the leaves of the Cynanchinn'^ during July, August, and September (Fig. 214). On examina- tion of the spots with a lens, the leaf-epidermis will be found ^A very common plant in Europe though not indigenous to Britain. (Edit.) 382 URKDINKAK. pierced by a circular opening under which lies the yellow uredospore-patch of the Gronartium enclosed in its peridimn. The ovoid yellow uredospores have a coat beset with short spines and are abjointed singly from short cylindrical sporo- phores (Fig. 215). From the uredo-sorus there next arises a protuberance which lengthens till it forms an elongated slightly curved brown cone or column consisting of cylindrical teleuto- spores firmly built together (Fig. 215). The teleutospores germinate without becoming detached from the mass, and produce a four-celled promycelium with small sterigmata from which globular sporidia are abjointed. The sporidia on reach- ing the branches of Scots pine produce in its bark at first pycnidia, later aecidia. The pycnidia (spermogonia) give off yellow drops of liquid with a characteristic odour. The aecidia are yellow thick-walled sacs ; their spores are set free in spring and infect young plants of Cynanchum. Since the sporidia of the Cro?iarh'wm -stage are shed by September, the fungus would seem to hibernate only in the form of mycelium in the branches of pine. The effects of this fungus on the pine will be considered along with those of Feridermium pini, another blister-rust of pine closely resembling this species (p. 411). Cr. ribicolum Dietr. Uredo- and teleutospores are developed towards the end of summer on leaves of various species of Ribes (e.g. Ribcs nigrum, ruhrum, aureum, alpinum, sanguineum, americanum, rotundifolium, setosuvi, and Grossularia). The aecidium-stage {Peridcrmiuvi sirohi Kleb.) forms the blister-rust of the bark of Weymouth pine (Pinus Strohus). Pycnidia appear in the summer of infection ; the aecidia a year later. Externally this bark-rust resembles that of Ferulermium Corn III and P. pini on the Scots pine. It may cause con- siderable damage to Weymouth pine lioth in nursery and plantation.^ It is probable that other two forms of Aeciclimn are identical with this, viz., that on Pinus Lambcrtiania in America, and P. Cemhra especially in Russia. Cr. flaccidum (Alb. et Schwein.) (Britain and U.S. America). Uredo- and teleutospores on Paeonia, causing the leaves to dry 1 Magnus [Gartenflora, 1891) has pointed out that both the Gronartium and the Periderminm are unknown in America, the home of the Weymouth pine. CROXARTIUM. 383 and curl up. In some districts very common. Aecidial stage unknown. Gymnosporangium. ^ Teleutospores bicellular and furnished with .stalks which have gelatinous walls, so that the spores come to form part of a gelatinous mass.- The first-formed teleutospores are thick- o 1 \^ ^ ^ '^ 'i^ ''^o o ^'■"vf A 0=.s>.'^). 9, A germinating sporidiiim. (After Tubeuf.) walled, the succeeding ones are thin-walled. Uredospores do not occur. The aecidia have a thick peridium. The teleuto- ^v. Tubeiif : (1) Centralhlatt f. Bakter. v.. Parasite Jihmde, 1891; with a review of the current Literature. (2) "Infectionen mit Gymnosporangium." ForstUch- natunciss. Zeitsrhrift, 1893, p. 75. Woemle, "Anatomische Untersuchungen d. durch Gymnosporangium-Arten hervorgerufenen !Missbildungen," idem., 1894. American Literature, see p. 40L - The gelatinous substance is obviously well-adapted to absorb rain-water and so facilitate germination of the teleutospores in situ ; the sporidia pro- duced are then carried off by rain or liberated after the cushions dry again. 384 UREDINKAK. spores grow on needles and twigs of Coniferae, the aecidia on the leaves of various Eosaceae (Pomaceae). Five species occur in (rerniany, but there are many in America. Gymnosporangium clavariaefonne Jacquin. (Britain and U.S. Anu'rica.) The mycelium of this species perennates in twigs of Junijyeriis communis. Infection is brought about by aecidiospores. In the following year a swelling of attacked places is evident, and this increases till death of the host ensues. In spring, about the beginning of April, little light- yellow cone-like structures break out on the swollen places, Fio. 21".— Section through a swelling on a sixteen-year twig of Juniper attacked by Gvmnosporancfium iu its eighth year; three conical spore-cushions are indicated, also a cushion-scar with the scar-tissue. (After Woerale.) Fig. 21 S.— Longitudinal section of a spore-cushion of Gymnosporonniinn cUi- viirinrfornu. Somewhat diagrammatic. (After Woernle.) and during rain swell up into long club-.shaped sporophores, containing long-stalked, spindle-shaped teleutospores, some thick- coated, some thin. The sporophores swell and ultimately form a common mass in which the teleutospores germinate. The spores have four germ-pores, each capable of giving off a promycelium with pointed sterigmata producing sporidia, which are cast loose and distributed by wind. Germination of sporidia takes place on leaves, cotyledons, petioles, and shoots of various Pomaceae, where they may induce swellings or curvature, often to a considerable extent. GYMNOSPORANGIUM. 385 Experimental infection with teleutospores of Gymnospor- angium davariarforme from Jumpcrus communis gave the fol- lowiiig results : On Host-plant. Spore-form. Authority. Crataegus Oxyacantha, Pyrus communis, : :} (0 . . - Plowriglit. Crataegus tomentosa, - R. lacerata, - - Thaxter. Crataegus Oxyacantha, „ monogyna, Pyrtis communis, yR. lacerata, - - Roestelia (?), - - Eiitliay. Pyrus torminaUs, - pycnidia, )> Pyrus Mains, - Amelanchier, - - R. lacerata x. - Oersted. - Thaxter. Crataegus Oxyacantha, Crataegus grandiflorus, „ sanguinea, „ nigra, Cydonia mdgaris, Pyrus AuGuparia, Pyrus la ti folia, Cydonia vulgaris, Crataegus nigra, Crataegus Douglasii, Pyrus Aria, Pyrus Aucuparia, Pyrus communis. fR. lacerata aud aecidia "i J with long tube-shaped hTu [ peridia, beuf. -1 i-R. lacerata. little ) - only pycnidia, - only pycnidia, C pycnidia and [ aecidia, - - - ( [pycnidia and aecidia ^ - - with long tube-shaped ^Peyritsch. [ peridia, - - - I (pycnidia and little ] \ aecidia, - - - ( )) ?) )' » - only leaf-spots, - - „ - no result, . . - ,, ( pycnidia and aecidia with ~) ( a long peridiuni, J Note. — Before the relationship of the teleutospore-forms was known, the aecidia were designated respectively : Roestelia lacerata on Graiaerjus, R. comuta on Pyrus Aucujiaria, and R. pencillata on Apple. The most abundant germination of sporidia takes place on species of Crataegus, and pycnidia (spermogonia) may make their appearance within fourteen days after infection on little yellowish sticky spots on leaves and shoots. By the time conidia (spermatia) have made their appearance, deformation may be far advanced. I did not succeed either in procuring germination of the conidia, or infection by means of them. 2b 386 UREDINEAE. The aecidia are developed about the beginning of June, and on Crataegus their peridia in dehiscing split up into very narrow lobes so as to form a bristly tuft over the mouth of .2 * 5 5« tr O <^2 ~ c 2 a I. e I « ?5 each aecidium. Ou cultivating infected plants of Crataegus indoors, I found the peridia to develop quite abnormally ; they GYMNOSPORANGIUM. 387 may be as long as 10 m.m. and are bent like a horn (Fig. 219). A similar case is described by Barclay^ in which the peridia of aecidia on Rhammis dahnrica were very long if produced in dry weather, but short if in moist weather. ^ The aecidiospores are shed during the early part of June, and germinate at once on the bark of young juniper-twigs ; the mycelium growing thence into the spurs or branches to spread and hibernate. Teleutospores wdiich germinate on Pomaceae other than species of Crataegus have apparently a normal mycelium, but produce pycnidia only, or aecidia with Fig. 220.— Cross-section through a swelling caused by Gymnosporo/iunv.m on Juniper-stem ; parenchyma ^^^th large cells and thin walls is jjresent in abnormal quantity. (After Woernle.) peridia differing from those on Crataegus. My own experiments on the quince and mountain ash regularly produce pycnidia only. Wakker^ summarizes the anatomical changes induced in deformed shoots of hawthorn as follows : cork, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, and chlorophyll are not formed, lignification of the cells of medullary rays no longer takes place, and there are few intercellular spaces. Interfascicular cambium is not formed, while activity of the intrafascicular cambium is suspended at an early period, so that the vessels remain incompletely developed. The epidermis is irregularly formed and liable to rupture. All parenchymatous cells undergo enlargement in a radial direction. Starch is stored up in large quantity, and the formation of calcium oxalate is diminished. 1 " On the life-history of Puccinia coronata var. liimalensis,''^ Tran>i. Liiinean Soc, London, 1891. - This probably is the explanation of the long peridia obtained by Peyritsch and described by Magnus (fiericACe d. naturwiss. medic. Verein, Innsbruck, 1892-93). '^ Prmgsheim's Jahrbuch, 1892. 388 UKEDINEAE. The anatomical chanf^es induced in diseased plants of Jnaipcni^ communis by G. rlavariaffonne were investigated ijy Woeinle under my direction. His results were these: in vigorous branches, increased growtli took place in the wood, bast, and rind ; in weakly and poorly-grown branches, the wood increased less in proportion to the bast and rind. The most marked increase took place in the bast, and to an almost equal extent all round the branches. This abnormal growth absorbs so much -^^-y/i' ■M i! kQ#(g Q mm m m Fk;. 221. — Cross-section of a tmct of parenchyma in a malformed .limiper- twig. (After Woernle.) ill PA- " Fig. 222. — Radial longitudinal section through a zone of parenchyma similar to Fig. 221. (After Woernle.) water and plastic material that higher parts of the branch gradually die off, and dormant buds break out on the swelling. Increased growth results in increase in the number of medullary rays, while in the tangential section their height is increased from 2-10 cells to 10-20 and more; the wood parenchyma is also more abundant, and together with the rays frequently forms large masses of parenchyma in the wood (Figs. 220-223). The tracheae no longer follow a straight course, and numerous intercellular spaces appear between them ; the tracheal walls frequently become thickened and have an increased number of GYMNOSPORANGIUM. 389 fissure-like pores in place of bordered pits. The wood-eleraents iu cross-section are no longer round but polygonal ; the bast becomes very irregular, parenchyma grows rapidly, bast fibres remain thin-walled and have no longer a straight course. The mycelium fills the bast and rind, forming masses in the inter- cellular spaces ; it is easiest found in the tangential section. ()n the fall of the club-shaped sporophores, a scar is left and under it will be found a layer of cork many cells thick ; when new sporophores are formed iu later years, they seldom break through the cork layer, Ijut emerge through some new por- tion of the bark. Gymnosporangium tremel- loides Hartig ^ on Junipcrus com- munis. The sporocarps of this species occur on the branches and needles; its aecidia — Roe- stelia penicillata — on leaves of apple {Pyrus Mains), Pyrus Aria and P. Chamaemespilus. This Roestelia is externally very like that of G. davariacformc on Crataegus. The markings. on the cells of the peridium consist of somewhat wavy lines, not of short rod-like markings as in R. corniita; and the cells of the peridium are joined by a characteristic hinge-joint (Fig. 224, 19 and 20). The mycelium perennates iu the rind of Junipcrus communis and ./. liana, causing thickening of the twigs and a premature death of the distal portion above the swellings. The chocolate- brown velvety spore-cushions break out between the bark-scales on the swollen places, about the middle of April (Fig. 225, i). The teleutospores are two-celled, the earlier formed ones being short, ovoid, and slightly pointed at each end, while the later ones are thinner- walled and often more elongated (Fig. 225, 6-10). ^ Hartig, Disease.-i of Trees, English edition, 1894. Dietel, For-itlkh-natur- u-iss. Zeitschrift, 1895, p. .348. E. Fischer, Hedivigia, 1895, p. 1. Fig. 223. — Tangential longitudinal sec- tion thi'ough the parenchyma-zone of Fig. 220. (After Woernle.) 390 UREDINEAE. In May or June the cushions swell up and become large brownish-yellow gelatinous clumps, dotted over with dark points, the teleutospores. Proniycelia arise from one or more germ- pores in each spore, and give off basidia with sporidia (basidio- Fio. 224. — Aecidia and Pycnidia of various species of Gt/mnoxporangium : G. tremelloides — 1 and 3, aecidia on leaf of Pyrun Aria ; 0 and fi, aecidia on leaf of Pyrv.s Mains ; 10 and 20, portions of the peridium of an aecidium from Ci, showing the peculiar articulation of the colls. G. junlpitinuui — 3 and U, aecidia on Pyrun Aucuparia; 7 and S- aecidia on Amelancfiier vulgaris. G. clavariafforme — 9 and 10, aecidia on Pyius latifoUa; 11, 1'2, and IG, aecidia on Crataegus Oxyacantha, grown out-of-doors; lU, the same aecidia, enlarged; ti, I'j, and 17, aecidia on Crataegus Oxyacantha, indoor culture ; 18, deformed twig of Crataegus bearing pycnidia. (After Tubeuf.) spores) capable of immediate germination. The gelatinous mass dries up from time to time, leaving a bright yellow scar on the swollen part of the host-branch. The sporidia germinate most easily on species of Surhus (Fi/rns). Infections with GYMNOSPORANGIUM. 391 Gymnosporangivin juniperimim L. and G. trcmcUoides Hart, from twigs and needles of Juniperus communis produced : Ou Host-plant. Spore-form. Authority. Pyriis (Sorbics) Aucvparia, Rostelia cormita, - Tubeuf. Aronia rohuidifolia, short aecidia, Eathay. Pyrus Mains, ----- Pynis {Sorhus) Aria, Ipycuidia, )> Cydonia vulgaris, . . - - Roestelia ((), - )j Pyrus (Sorbus) Aucuparia, (?) - - - Plowright. Pyrus Malus, ----- pycnidia, Thaxter. Amelanchier canadensis, - Rostelia cormita, - )) Pyrus {Sorhus) Aria, R. penicillata, - . Hartig. Pyrus Malus, - - - - - R. penicillata, Nawaschin. Pyrus (Sorbus) Chamaemespilus, R. penicillata, Mespilus macrocarpa, spots, - - - - Peyritsch. Pyrus communis, - - - . thick spots, - It Pyrus (Sorbus) Aria, pycnidia and aecidia, )) Pyrus (Sorbus) Aria x Chamaemesp., thick spots, - ?? Pyrus Malus, - - - - - pycnidia and aecidia. 11 Pynis (Sorhus) Chamaemespilus, pycnidia only, 11 Pyrus (Sorhus) Aucuparia, pycnidia and aecidia. 11 Aronia rotundifolia. )) )» 11 Pyrus (Sorbus) torrninalis. pycnidia and spots only, )) Crataegus Pyracantha, )> ») 11 Cydonia vidgaris, - - - - )) )> 11 Pyrus Malus, ----- Rostelia penicillata. Eostrup. Formation of pycnidial spermogonia always precedes that of aecidia. This fungus is of practical import on account of its occurrence on leaves of apple-trees. Its attacks may be very virulent and widely distributed. Eriksson mentions that near Stockholm it is common on apples, and so virulent that many trees have every leaf studded with Roestelia. (American apple-trees suffer from Roestelia pirata, the aecidia of Ggmnosjjorajigium macropus and other species. See p. 402.) Gymnosporang-mm juniperinum (L.) {G. conicum Hedw.) (Britain and U.S. America). This species, also frequenting Juniperus communis, is distinguished by its shorter spores, which, as Dietel pointed out,^ have a colourless papilla over each germ-pore. The teleutospores are found on both twigs and needles, on the former, however, they are much smaller "^ Forstiich-naiuriciss. Zeitiichrift, 1895, p. 378. 392 UREDIXEAE. than those of G. frcmcUoidca. The aecidiospores — lioestdia cormita — occur on species of Pyrus {Sorhus); they are much smaller than those of Rocstelia pr/?-ict7/aerk. (Jii Cluiiiuuxjjpark tJujui(l<:n. The aecidial stage on Pifrvs Mains and P. arhutifolia. On red cedar (Junijjnws virr/ininna) : G. macropus Lk. The aecidia and pycnidia occur on Pyrus Malm, P. coronaria, P. arhiti/olia, Crataegus tumeniosa, C. Douglasii, and Amelanchier canadensis ; they are known as Fig. 237.— Spores of Gym. hiscptatuiii. (After Woernle.) Fig. 238.— Spores of Gyin. Ellisii. (After Woernle.) Fig. 239.— Spores of Gym. macropu*. (After Woernle.) Rocstelia pirata. This is one of the commonest causes of apple-rust and of the deformation known as " cedar apples " (Fig. 240), The anatomy of the latter structures has been described by Sanford.'^ G. clavipes Cooke et Peck, occurs on Junipcriis communis. Its aecidia and pycnidia are found on Pyrus Mains, P. arhuti- folia, and Amelanchier canadensis. ' Sanford, Annaln of Botany, i., 1887. GYMNOSPORANGIUM. 403 G. globosum Farl. Aecidia on Pz/rus Mains, P. communis, i'ljihyaia cuhjaris, Sorhus americana, and species of Crataegus. G. nidus -avis Thaxt. Aecidia and pycnidia on Pyrus Mains, Amclanchier canadensis, and Cydouia vulgaris. On the red cedar it causes the " bird's nest " deformation of the branch-system. G, speciosum Peck. On Junipenis ■oecidcntalis. G. Cunninghamianum ]jarcl. On Cyprcssus turulusa in the Himalaya. Aecidia on Pyrus Pashia. The following genera do not occur in Europe. Colcopuccinia, Bavenclia, AJcrolar ia , Ti ■ h-h ospo ) 'a . Ravenelia alone amongst these ■contains parasitic species of import- ance. They all occur on Leguminosae and Euphorbiaceae in the warmer parts of India, Africa, and America.^ Ravenelia Volkensii Henn. has teleutospore-sori which appear on " witches' broom " deformations of the twigs of an Acacia in Usambara. Rav. pymaea Lager, et Diet, produces its teleutospores on malformed branches of Phyllanthus in»'Ecuador. Certain forms of Aecidinm which cause deformation of species of Acacia should probably be included in this genus (see p. 410). Fig. 240. — Cedar Appks caused liy GJ/iiinoyiorangii'.m maci-opus. (v. Tubeuf del.) Endophyllum. Teleutospores originate serially on cushions which are enclosed in a peridium similar to aecidia ; on germination, a four-celled promycelium is produced.- Leaves of Euphorlia, Scdum, or Scmpcrvivuni inhabited by mycelium develop abnormally. Endophyllum euphorbiae-silvaticae (D. C.) (Britain). Accord- ing to Winter, the peridia are regularly distributed over the underside of the leaf of Eupliorliia amygdcdoidcs ; they have white fissured margins either erect or somewhat turned liack. ^Dietel, "The Geuiis Ravenelia," Hedwvjia, 1894. - The teleutospores of this genus might be described as aecidiospores which produce promycelia. 404 UREDINEAE. Spores yellow and polygonal. Leaves when attacked remain broad, short, and pale coloured. E. sempervivi (Alb. et Schw.)^ (Ihitain). 'J'he aecidium-like patches of teleutospores occur on wild and cultivated species of Srdvvi and Eschcrcria. The spores produce promycelia from which arise sporidia which germinate on the same host-plant. True aecidia are unknown, but orange-red pycnidia (spernio- gonia) may occur. Leaves of attacked plants are pale and abnormally lengthened.- E. sedi (I). C). Teleutospores occur on species of Scdvm. The genus Pncciniosiro. found in Ecuador contains few species, and none of them important parasites. Aecidium-Forms The relationships of I'-Jiich arc uncertain. Aecidium elatinum Alb. et Sehw. (Britain and U.S. America). The witches' broom of the silver fir.^ This Aecidium is widely distributed in forest's containing silver fir {Abies pectinata), and produces canker of the stem frecjuently accompanied by that deformation of the l)ranch system known as a witches' broom. In Germany it has also been observed on Abies Nordvianniana, A. ccphcdoniea, A. Pinsapo ; in North- America on A. balsa.mea.-y and in Siberia on A. Pichta. As a result of the presence of this fungus, globose or barrel- shaped swellings make their appearance on stems and branches of all ages and on all parts of the trees. A single stem may carry one or many of these, and they continue to increase with its growth. If, as is frequently the case, the bark covering the swelling becomes ruptured and partially detached, then the wood left uncovered becomes a wound, and falls an easy 'Leveille, Bnlhi. Science. I\\itnr., xvi., 1825. -Illustrated iii Kerner's Xatural Bistory of PlanL^, English Edition (Fig. 358). ^De Baiy, Botan. Zeitunn, 1867. Weise, " Zur Kenntniss d. Weisstannen- krebses," Mi'mdener Forsftiche Hefte, 1891. Heck., " Dtr Wei<^stanvenkreh^." Springer, Berlin, 1894 ; with Illustrations and Bibliography. The canker is common throughout Britain, but witches' brooms have not been often lecorded. (Edit.) AECIDIUM-FOKMS. 40r) prey to wood-destroyiug fungi. ^ The presence of such rotting spots renders the tree liable to break over in their neighbour- hood, while they, as well as the swellings on the trunks, cause a considerable depreciation in the value of the timber. The malformations of the branch-system known as witches' brooms are frequently induced by this fungus. They occur as a rule on the horizontal branches and form a richly branched busli easily distinguished, even at a distance, by a marked Fig. 241.— witches' B.oom oj Silvo- Fir (winter conditicm). The needles, with spores of Accidiurii ilatinum, have fallen off, but the normal foliage remains, (v. Tubeiif phot.) negative geotropy of its twigs. Tlie brooms not uufrequently start from a marked basal swelling. They may be found of all sizes, on young as well as old trees, on any part of the branch- system, and in all localities where the fir occurs (Figs. 241 and 242). The aecidia of Accidiiim datinum are developed only on the deformed needles of the witches' brooms. These needles are produced anew each spring, live only one season and are cast ^ Polyporus Harthjii and Agariciui adiposus in particular accompany this canker and bring about decay of the wood. 406 TKEDINEAE. the same autuiuii; they are small, oiie-poiiited, and pale from an almost complete lack of chlorophyll. In these respects they are quite distinct from the larger double-pointed normal needles with their dark-green colour and a period of growth extending over several years. All the needles on a broom are as a rule stunted in the manner described, yet single branches may be found with needles quite normal ; such contain no mycelium, or, if so, it has found its way in too late to have any effect on their growth. Fio. -112.- Witche.^' Bi'iOia or .'illvey J-'lr (summer condition). The nuu-kcdly negative geotropic broom has its origin in a distinct basal swelling, (v. Tubeuf phot.) The various tissues of the witches' brooms also undergo considerable modification as compared with normal twigs. A thicker and softer bark is present, due to the parenchymatous cells of both outer rind and bast having enlarged in size and increased in number ; the cork layers are also abnormally in- creased. The same changes may be observed in the rind of the swellings, and to this their increased size must be chiefly ascribed. The wood l)Oth in twigs and swellings is much increased; the year-rings however are very variable, sometimes they are broader than the normal, again they may be diminished or even altogether wanting; where however the wood decreases, there the bast increases in proportion. This lack of uniformity AECIDIUM-FORMS. 407 in the growth of the wood disturbs the elements, so that they are irregularly developed and more or less twisted.^ A mycelium inhabits the tissues of abnormal twigs and cankered swellings. It grows in the intercellular spaces of the rind, between the bast cells and outer parts of the wood, and derives nutriment by means of haustoria : these either bore through the cell-walls, or only press closely against them so as to cause depressions. Spore-formation takes place on the needles of the witches' brooms. The pycnidia (spermogonia) are produced on the upper side beneath the cuticle and emerge through it as little yellow points. The conidia (sper- matia) are tiny globose colourless bodies. The aecidia come later during June and July in irregular rows on the under side of the leaf. Their peridia break out as low dome-like structures, the apices of which rupture irregu- larly to allow escape of aecidio- spores. In spite of numerous infections, De Bary was unable to observe the penetration of a germ-tube into needles or twigs of silver fir. Weise believes that infection of the fir takes place on twigs which have just emerged from the bud. As a preventive measure, all witches' l)rooms should be cut off before spore-formation begms, and stemswith canker-wounds should be removed during forest-thinning, For further details the monograph of Heck may be consulted. .Sj Aecidium strobilinum (Alb. et Schw.)- (Britain). Spruce- Fig. 2i3. — A(cidiv.rii slyohilinv.m on n Spmce- cmic. (v. Tubeuf phot.) ^Note. — Further details of the anatomical changes induced in the tissues of these witches' brooms may be obtained in the German edition of this work (pp. 420-421), or in the original thesis by Hartmann, (Anatom. Vcnjleirhung d. Hezenhesen der WeAsatanne. Inaugural Dissertation, 1S92. ) (Edit.) -Reess, RostpU'.formen d. Coniferen., 1869. Oerstedt, Xaturh. for VidensJc. Medd., 1863, i. 408 UREDINEAE. cono This disease is I'ouud. on Llie cones oi' spruce. The aecidia are brown somewhat flattened spheres, and appear in lari^c ininibers on cones distinguished by their scales standing stiMly o})en even in damp weather (Fig. 243). The germ- tubes of the fungus find entrance in spring into the flowers or young spruce-cones, and the mycelium lives ]»arasitic in the green scales without causing any marked change in their growth, although the ovules are more or less injured. No mycelium has ever l)een found in tlie lower cone-axis, nor in the shoots, so that the disease must be the result of in- fection by spores only. j^a/" 3 Fio. 244. — Aie'alimii strobiliiiuia. 1, Cone-scalu of Spruce wiUi aecidia, those to left dehiscing their yellow spores, those to right still closed, (v. Tubevif del.) 2, Section through an immature aecidium. 3, Part of 2 enlarged — pi r, peridium ; sji, spores; ;?o, intermediate cells; uptr, sporophores ; m, mycelium; jurr, the scale-parenchyma. (After Reess.) The aecidia break out on the inner (rarely the outer) side of the bases of the cone-scales ; each is enclosed in a firm brown lignified peridium, which ruptures by a cross-fissure and becomes an open disc. The young spores are joined by small intermediate cells, which are gradually absorbed to form a layer of gelatinous lamellae on the spore-coats (Fig. 244). Teleutospores of this Aecidium are unknown. AECIDIUM-FORMS. i09 Aecidium pseudocolumnare Kiihn/ Occurs on needles of Ahics 2Kdinata in (.iermany ; in Britain, however, on this and several other species of Ahics. It is distinguished by its large white spores from the Arc. columnarc of Ccdyptospora (p. 372). Aec. Magelhaenicum Berk. This species occurs on various .species of barberry. The mycelium hibernates in the shoot- buds and causes them to develop as witches' brooms, Ijearing on the lower surface of their leaves aecidia with long, white, sac-like peridia. The allied teleutospore-form is as yet unknown. Aec. clematidis D. (_'. (Britain and U.S. America). On Clematis Vltalha, C rectu, and otlier s})eeies. It is related to Puccinia agropijri Ell. et Ev.- Aec. Englerianum Henn. et Lind.^ produces a peculiar antler-like branching of the twigs and leaves of a Clematis at Eriti'ea (Lytri) in the Grecian Archipelago. Aec. punctatum Pers. {Aec. (juadrijidum D.C) (Britain and U.S. America). This is a common species on Anemone (Fig. 190) and Eranthis. The aecidia have white peridia, wliich on dehiscence break into four lobes. Aec. leucospermum D. C. (Britain and U.S. America). On Anemone nemorosa (Fig. 190). Aec. hepaticae Beck. On Anemone Hepatica. Aec. ranunculacearum D. C. (Britain and U.S. Ameiica). On species of Ranuncuhis. A collective name for aecidia of several species of Uromyces (p. 836), and Puccinia (p. 349). Aec. aquilegiae Pers. (Britain and U.S. America). On Aquilegia vulgaris and other .species. (See Puccinia agrostidis, p. 349.) • Aec. actaeae (Opiz.). On leaves of Actaea spicata in Europe and America. Aec. barbareae D. C. On species of Barbarea (Britain). (See Puce. featiwae, ]>. 349.) Aec. circaeae Ces. On species of Circaea. Aec. grossulariae Schum. (Britain and U.S. America). On liibes Gi'ossu- laria and R. ruhrum. Klebahn believes it is related to a Puccinia on Carex. Aec. bunii D. C. On Conopodium denudatum in Britain. (See Puce. histortae, p. 355.) Aec. periclymeni Schum. On species of Lonicera. (Britain.) (See Puce, festucae, p. 349.) Aec. compositarum. A provisional species-name for a large number of aecidia frequenting Compositae, and by no means resembling each other. Aec. leucanthemi D. C. A European species with its Pnccinia-form on Carex montana. Aec. cyani D. C. On Centaurea Cyanus. Aec. ligustri Strauss. On Privet. ^ JIedw{itpihformen, 1869. -Rostrup, Videusl: Geld: Forhamll., 1SS4. /pir— j^er FlCi. 251. — Aecalium conorum-picmc. pf,; Peri- dium ; xj), spore ; ,:»!■, intermediate cells ; xptr, .sporophore ; m, iiiycelinni ; pros, in-osenchyma. (After Reess.) PERIDERMIUM. 4ir The soft hypertrophied shoots are eaten. They occur chiefly in Scandinavia, but recently were observed by Gobi and Tranzschel in the neio-hbourhood of St. Petersburo.^ Fig. 252. — Accidiuiii coruscans on malformed shoots of Spruce. The compact abnormal shoots thickly covered with white aecidia contrast strongly with the normal portions, (v. Tubeitf phot, from material presented by Prof. Fries, Upsala.) P. Engelmanni Thiim. On cones of Picea Smithiana. (U. S. America.) P. piceae Barcl. On needles of Picea Smithiana. P. Peckii Thiim. On needles of Tsuga canadensis (U.S. America). P. balsameum Peck. On needles of Abies halsamea (U.S. America). P. ephedrae Cooke. On Ephedra in U.S. America. P. cedri Barcl. On needles of Cedrus Deodara in India. P. Balansae Corn. On leaves of Dammara ovata in New Caledonia. ^Also reported at Haslemere (Britain), Grevillea, xix., 1890. 2d 418 UREDINEAE. Caeoma. Caeoma abietis-pectinatae Keess.^ The aecidiospores may be found on the lower surface of young needles of silver fir ; the aecidia are yellow elongated cushions situated on either side of the needle mid-rib, and are without peridia. Pycnidia (spermogonia) are pro- duced before the aecidia. The mycelium is septate and intercellular with few haustoria. I have found the fungus fairly abundant on the Alps and in the Danube valley near Passau. Teleutospores are unknown. Caeoma deformans (Berk, et Br.) Tubeuf {Uromyces deformans Berk, et Br.- or Caeoma Asanuro Shirai).^ This induces the formation of " witches' brooms " or of antler-like Fig. 253.— Cii'oma nl/atlx pnctinalat. Needle of Silver Fir showing Caco/Ha-patches on the lower surface, (v. Tubeuf del.) Fig. 254. — Cafoma dijonnang on Thxiiopxis dolabrata. (v. Tubeuf phot, from dried material presented by Prof. Grasmanu of Tokio.) 1 Reess, Rostpihformen, 1 869. ^Berkeley, "The fungi collected during the expedition of H.M.S. lenger.'" Jour, of Linnean Soc, xvi., 1876. •' Shirai, Botanical Magardne, Tokio, 1889. 'Glial- CAEOMA. 419 leafless shoots on Tlm.jopsis dolabrata in Japan, whence they were sent to me (Figs. 254 and 255). One example (not figured) was as large as a young child's head. The shoots of the witches' brooms are furnished with vascular bundles and possess a parenchyma rich in starch-content. Each branch of the deformed shoot termi- nates in a hemispherical saucer-shaped /.Y rhododendri on Rhododendron ferruginevm. (v. Tiibeuf phot.) A disease due to an Exohaddium is by no means uncommon on Vacdnium idiginomm (bog whortleberry ).2 Shoots of diseased plants are deformed, while their leaves become more or less thickened and assume a beautiful rosy colour. On Vacnnivvi Oxycoccos (true cranberry) the shoots and leaflets also become thickened and rose-coloured. Rostrup dis- tinguishes this as a separate species {Exobasidmm oxycocd). Ex. andromedae Peck, produces on Andromeda j^oHfolia symptoms .similar to those just described for the preceding species. (Britain and U.S. America.) ' Saclebeck (Bo/an. Ctntralblatt, 1886) records it in large quantity near Harburg. This is the host-species given by Massee (British Fiunjui-F/ont, 1892). - Tubeuf . " Mittheilungen." Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkrankheitfti, 1893. EXOBASIDIUM. 427 Ex, rhododendri Cram. (Ih-itain and U.S. America). This causes gall-like outgrowths on the leaves of the Alpine- rose {Iihododendron fcrrugincvm and Eh. liirsutvm). The swellings may be small and fairly hard, or, attaining the size of cherries or plums, they may be soft and spongy so that they shrivel up soon after the twig is cut; in colour they are yellowish- white, but on the side exposed to sunlight become rose-red : the Uxobasidium-galh may even be formed on the small rolled- up leaves caused by attacks of mites. Ex. Peckii Hals.^ [This species occurs in tlie flowers of Andromeda Mariana in the United States. It is confined almost entirely to the intlorescences, and causes considerable distortion. The l)ell-shaped corollas are replaced liy ones quite polypetalous, and the ovary becomes raised above the re- ceptacle.] (p]dit.) The following five species have been recorded on Ericaceae in America : Ex. azaleae Peck. On Rhododendron nudiflorum. Ex. discoideum Ellis. On Rhododendron viscosum. Ex. decolorans Hark. On Rhododendron viscosum and R. occidentale. Ex. arctostaphyli Hark. On Arctustaphylos pungcns. Ex. cassandrae Peck. On Cassandra calycv.lata. Otlier species to be mentioned are : Exobasidium ledi Karst. On Ledum jxdustre. Ex. Warmingii Eustr. (U.S. Amei'ica). This occurs on Saxifraya Aizoon, S. hryoides, S. aspera, etc. ; it causes marked hypertrophy of the leaves, and in tliis way. as well as by its many smaller spores, is distinguished from : Ex. Schinzianum Magn. On the leaves of Saxifraga rotundifolia, causing whitish spots which soon become brown and die. Ex. symploci Ellis. On Symplocus tinrtoria in North America. Ex. graminicolum Bres. On leaves of various grasses, e.g. Brornvs., Arrhenatherum, etc. Ex. lauri Geyl.^ is said to produce Ijranched outgrowths of over three feet in lencrth on Laurus nohilis and L. canariensis in the Canarv Islands. Urohasidiam rostruturn Ghgn. occurs on the "witches' broom," out- growths caused by Taphrina cornu-cerri Ghgn. on Aspidium aristatum in India. ^Halsted, Bulletin of the Torrey Club, xx., 1S93, p. 4.37. ^Geyler, Bolun. ZeitniKj, 1874, p. 322, PI. Yll. 428 BASIDIOMYCETES. HYPNOCHACEAE. Hypnochus. The mycelium forms a cobweb-like covering on living or dead parts of plants. The sporopliores take the form of superticial coatings composed of club-shaped basidia developed on a felted hymenial layer of fungal tissue. Each basidium gives off two to six colourless smooth-coated spores from fine sterigmata. Some species are parasitic, and cause disease. Hypnochus cucumeris Frk.^ In 1882 Frank found at Berlin, on the surface of withering and dying cucumber-plants, greyish coatings of the hymenial layers of tliis fungus. They occurred principally near the base of the stem, and caused its partial destruction. The symptoms consisted in leaves becoming rapidly yellow from tip to base, and dying off the plant, the lower first. Only cucumbers were attacked, and no further stages could be observed on the Ivilled plants. Hyp. solani Prill, et Del.- Fine grey crusts, consisting of the hymenial layers of this fungus, were found by these investi- gators on potato-plants ; there was, however, no injurious effect on the crop-yield. Aureobasidium. Aureobasidium vitis Viala et Boyer.^ The cause of a vine disease which has done considerable damage in southern France on several occasions since 1882. The grapes when attacked show spots, then shrivel up, their interior becoming completely per- meated by a colourless septate and branched mycelium. On rupture of the epidermis, a firm yellow tissue emerges, and thereon a hymenial layer is developed. The basidia are thick and club-shaped, with a varying number of short sterigmata ; these give of!" cylindrical unicellular light-yellow spores slightly curved in shape and with rounded ends. Leaves are also attacked, and fall off after gradually assuming a deep red colour. If this occurs in April, or early in May, the fruit never attains any size. 'Frank, HeAivirjia, 1883; and Berichte d. denfsrh. botan. Ges., 1883. -Prillieux and Delacroix, Bulletin de la Soc. myrol. de France, 1891. 3 Viala and Boyer, Compt. rend. 1891, p. 1148, and xix., 1894, p. 248; Annal. de VEcole nat. d'agric. de MontpeUier, vi., 1891. THELEPHORA. 429 THELEPHOREAE. Thelephora. The sporophores of this genus assume very varied forms, from simple incrustations to mushroom-like structures. They consist of two layers only, the middle one being absent. The basidia are club-shaped and produce four roundish or oval, hyaline or light-coloured spores. Thelephora laciniata I'ers. is not a true parasite, yet it is a dangerous enough enemy to trees. In damp situations, it is common and thrives, growing over young trees and so enveloping them with its sporophores that suffocation ensues. (Britain and U.S. America.) Th. pedicellata Schw. has been reported from America ^ as a dantferous parasite on apple, Qverctis coccinea, and a palm. Th. perdix Hartig, a parasite on oak-wood. (See Stereum frvMulosum.) HeHcobasidium Mompa. Ichik.^ This is injurious to the mulberry tree near Tokyo, Japan. It first attacks the roots, and in consequence the growth of shoots is arrested, the young leaves die ofi", and gradually death of the tree follows. The mycelium permeates the tissues of the host, and forms an external velvety coating of basidia. Stereum. Sporophores generally differentiated into three layers, and forming leatliery or woody encrustations, or flattened hemi- spherical structures attached by one edge only. Stereum hirsutum (W.) Fr. White-piped or yellow-piped oak. (Britain and U.S. America.) A very common fungus, occurring as a saprophyte on dead branches, on boards, and posts of various kinds of timber, as well as parasitic on living wood, particularly on oak. The sporophores first appear as crusts, later they become cup-shaped ; externally they are brown and roughly hairy with acute yellowish margins. The smooth hymenial layer is orange- red and marked by zones. Between the sterile leathery sporo- phore and the hymenial layer there lies a firm white intermediate tissue. ^Galloway, Journal of Mijcologn, vi., y>- H^. -Nobujiro Ichikawa, "A new hymenomycetous fungus," Jour, of College of Science. Imperial University, Japan, 1890. 430 BASIDIOMYCETKS. It. Hai'tig ^ has investigated in detail tlie phentnnena accom- panying the wood-destruction in tlie oak. This begins in the branches and extends in white or yellow concentric zones throughout the stem, so producing that appearance which has given rise to the name " fly-wood." Portions of the wood appear only white-striped, other parts have a more regular yellowish- white colour. In the white strips the wood has been transformed into cellulose and the middle lamellae of the walls dissolved out ; that of the yellow parts has not undergone this transformation into cellulose, bub the destruction has begun from the cell-cavity. WM^: Iff •111 I Fig. 2(50. — Slereum Jrustulosum. Destruction of Oak-wood. section showing the brown wood with isolated hollow spots containing white mycelium, (v. Tubeuf phot.) Stereum frustulosum Fries. (Thelephora perdix Hartig).^ (Britain and U.S. America.) The sporophores form greyish- brown plate-like crusts with concentric markings ; they are small, never exceeding the size of a finger-nail, but generally occur in numbers together. The hymenial layer is composed of club- shaped basidia beset with hair-like outgrowths ; some of the basidia produce four spores, others are sterile and grow on to form the hymenial layer for the following year. 1 R. Hartig, Zevfietzunr/ser-fchemnnfjcn d. Ilolzes, 1878, Plate XV-^III. - R. Hartig, Zersetzunfjsersckeinu7i(/e)i, Plate XIII. STEREUM. 431 ^It^-JJ The very characteristic destruction of oak-wood caused by this fungus was investigated by Ii. Hartig. The diseased wood has a uniform dark-brown colour, broken at intervals by white rounded spots or hollow cavities ; hence it receives the name of " partridge-wood." In the white spots the wood has by the action of the mycelium become transformed into cellulose, the middle lamellae and starch-grains being dissolved out. In the neighbourhood of old eaten-out cavities the process of decomposition is slightly changed, so that the cell- walls disappear without previous trans- formation into cellulose. CLAVARIEAE. Typhula. Sporophores iilanientous, and, as a rule, developed from sclerotia. Basidia, with four colourless smooth- coated spores. Typhula graminum Karst.^ This appeared on wheat plants in Sweden, killing them and forming yellow sclerotia {Sclerotium fulvum Fr.). Fio. ■2in. — SU fnigtulosum. Later stages of Oak-wood destnic- tioii. Loneritudinal section sliowing holes in the timber, (v. Tubeiif phot.) HYDNEAE. Hydnum. Sporophores very variable in form and structure. The hymenial layers are spread over teeth-like projections. The basidia bear four white spores. Hydnum diversidens Fr.- (Britain). The sporophores form yellowish-white crusts or brackets, with spiny outgrowths on the lower side. The hymenial layer consists at first of basidia only, later, however, hyphae grow up through it and build ' Eriksson, Landtbr. Akad. Hand. v. Tidskr., 1879. - R. Hartig, Zersetzungserschehiwir/en. 432 I5ASIDI0MYCETES. ovor it ii new hyuicniuiu ; tliis is continued for some time so that the sporopliore consists of successive layers, and the spiny outgrowths hecome much thickened. Infection, as was experi- mentally shown by Hartig, takes place on wounds. The wood-destruction, consisting of a white-rot, was studied by Hartig, chiefly on the oak and beech. It begins by the Fig. 262. — Poli/porus igniarius. Causiug death of a White Aider plantation at Petneu, Stanzer Thai, Tyrol. The stems bear sporophores, and die from above downwards, (v. Tubeuf phot.) appearance of yellowish longitudinal bands (not white as with Sterenm hirsv.fum), and extends gradually till the wood becomes uniformly yellow. The mycelium causes the inner layers of the cell-walls to swell gelatinously without previous transfor- mation into cellulose, and finally to dissolve out leaving the middle lamellae longest intact. HYDNUM. 433 iliuj^^m ■I I '' f ♦ Hydnum Schiedermayeri Henfl. (U.S. America). Sporo- phores fleshy, with a sulphur-yellow colour both outside and inside, and with a smell of anise. They occur on living- apple-trees, less frequently on other species of Pyrns. Accord- ing to Schroeter, Thlimen, and Ludwig, the mycelium spreads through the stems and kills the trees. Thlimen ^ thus describes the diseased wood of the apple: "It has a greenish-yellow colour, which passes over gradually to the normal colour of the wood : it becomes soft and friable, smelling, like the sporophore, faintly of anise." Sistotrema fusco-violaceum Schrad. (Britain.) This acconlin^ to Skiljakow- is parasitic on liviiii^ pines, entering by wounds, and carrying destruction throughout the wood. POLYPOREAE. Polyporus. Sporophores large and usually shaped more or less like a hoof or small bracket. The sporogenous layer is com- posed of cylindrical tubes, which generally occupy the lower surface of the sporophore. The substance between the tubes is different from that of the rest of the sporophore. Polyporus (Fomes) igniarius (L.).-^ (Britain and U.S. America). Sporophores on living stems of oak, alder, apple, willow, and other Fli;. 263. — Polyporus i(jnio.rius on Oak. At tlie upper end a wood-pecker's nest-hole. (v. Tubeuf phot.) ^Thumen, " Ein Apfelbaum-Schadling." Zeitsch. f. Pflanzknkrankhdten, 1891. -Skiljakow, Scripta botan. horti univei'sitatis PttropoUtanae, 1890. ^R. Hartig, Zersetzungserscheinungen, PI. XV. and XVI. 2e 434 decidi BASIDIOMYCETES. uous trees. Tliey are brown or grey in colour, or hoof-shaped, and continue to grow for several years ; the upper o s > 3 las- V.~o9~"^ ■ 9. u ■' o-^ -a-rsc'-^i. ^ "."Sll^ i s "•Si-? . 3 1 1 T3 P S I 0 S -^ = ^ S ca common Bntisli species. (Erlit, \ " iungub ^rig. _o_j. it is species. (Edit.) POLYPORUS. 435 side is concentrically marked, and has a stone-hard coating which is generally more or less cracked ; several zones and layers of tubes will be found when the sporophore is cut in section. This fungus produces a white-rot in the wood, and is one of the most common and dangerous of wound-parasites. The wood attacked by the mycelium is at first dark in colour, then yellowish-white and soft. According to Hartig, a delicate mycelium fills up the elements and eats away the inner layers of the walls ; then the middle lamellae are transformed into cellulose and absorbed by it (Fig. 264). Polyporus fomentarius (L.) (Fomcs fommtarius (L.) Fr.) ^ (Britain and U.S. America). " Tinder-fungus." Sporophores broad and shaped like reversed brackets or hoofs. Their upper side, at first brownish and velvety, becomes afterwards smooth, grey, and marked with broad concentric zones. The margin is rounded and uniformly grey. The pore-layer is smooth and greyish-brown. A longitudinal section shows a homogenous tinder-like mass, covered on its lower surface by layers or zones of pores. The tinder-fungus is parasitic on beech, elm, and mountain maple. It is particularly common in beech-forests, and was even more so at one time when the infected trees were allowed to remain standing. The sporophores may be found on living stems, on remnants of trees broken by wind, and on felled trees. For some distance above and below the seat of the sporophore runs a furrow on the stem, marking a tract where the mycelium has penetrated to the cambium and killed it, so that growth in thickness ceases (Fig. 266, a). The mycelium causes in the wood a white-rot of a light yellow colour. ^^Qiere the wood is still firm, though diseased, it will be found to be divided into cubical portions by white tracts of mycelium which run both radially and vertically. A very characteristic feature of the destruction consists of broad white leathery bands of mycelium, formed in a radial direction through the wood ; these are best seen on stems shattered by storm, or on wrought timber.- iRostriip, Tidsskrift pa Skovhurg, 1883. Tiibeuf, " Mittheikmgen," AUeg. Forst-. u. Jagd-Zdiuiuj, 1887. A commou British species. (Edit.) - Kriill (ScA^e.t. Ge.s. f. vaterland. Kidt., 1893) distinguishes a gelatinous mycelium and a cushion-mycelium. 436 BASIDIOMYCETES. Tinder, prepared from the soft central part of the thick sporophores, was at one time used, with the help of steel and Hint, for procuring Hame. It is very effective in stopping Fio. 265.— Scene in the Bavarian forest near Bischoffsreut. In the foreground, a living Beech with seven sporophores of Polyporus j'omentarius. (v. Tubeuf phot.) haemorrhage from cut blood-vessels, and is still used in surgery. The larger pieces can be manufactured into caps, gloves, vests, POLYPORUS. 437 and hose. The privilege of collecting the tinder-fungi was rented out and regarded as a source of forest-revenue, while the tinder-industry was formerly an important one in many districts, where sporophores were more frequent and larger than now. Measures against this fungus have already been considered in our General Part (§ 12). Fig. 2li/>oru.'< Ijoreo.lis. Later stage of destruction. The Spruce-wood is broken up into cubical pieces, and the mycelium has disappeared, (v. Tubeuf phot.) like pieces, particularly evident when the wood is broken (Fig. 271). The cell-walls are dissolved from the cell-cavity out- wards, the lignified wall being first converted into cellulose and disappearing, finally the middle lamella. Polyporus dryadeus Fr.^ (P. j^-^ciidoif/niarius Bull.) (Hritain and U.S. America). Sporophores, annual, large, shaped like tubers or hoofs, and generally situated towards the base of the ^R, Hartig, ZtrsetzuiKjxfrsrheinnngen, PI. XVII. A coiiiinon British .species. POLYPORUS. 441 steins of oak-trees. At first they are soft, later hard and brown with grooves on the upper side. The dark heart-wood of the oak exhibits white or yellowish longitudinal stripes of rotten wood converted into cellulose (Fig. 272). In the white portions Fig. 272. — Polyporv.s dryai-lfvs. Tlie m>celiuiu forias longitudinal stripes in the Oak-wood. (v. Tubeuf phot.) the destruction is more complete than in the yellow, where dis- solution of the lamellae has not as yet taken place (Fig. 273). A simultaneous destruction of the wood by P. dryadcus and P. iyniarius may occur (Fig. 274); in this case, the medullary 442 BASIDIOMYCETES. rays appear snowy white at the place where the two forms of rot meet ; this is due to an acciiniuhition of starch left after the cell-walls have; hcen almost completely dissolved. Polyporus (Poria) vaporarius (Pers.)^ (liritain and U.S. America). The sporophores are white, and have a pungent odour; they form crusts (never 1)racl< and Pol/i- porus iflniarms. Destruction of Oak- FiG. i'S.—Pohjporus dryadeus. Later wood under the combined agency of stage of decay of Oak-wood. The darker both fungi. The wood i.s yellowish and places still consist of firm brown wood ; perforated ; the medullary rays are the white, however, are soft cellulose. snowy-white, from the accumulation of (v. Tubeuf phot.) unchanged starch, (v. Tubeuf phot.) where this fungus does great harm. They are also found, how- , ever, on bark of living stems of spruce and fir. The destruction takes the form of a red-rot, the wood attacked becoming red- brown, cracked, and soft. The mycelium is found in stems and roots of trees ; in cracks in the wood and below the bark, and on the surface of timber in buildings, it forms fan-shaped strands of a permanent white colour. The mycelial strands of the " dry-rot fungus " {Mcrulius /acrpudus) differ from it in being ' Very common in Biitain on dead wood, less so on living trees. (Edit.) rOLYPOKUS. 443 at first white but becoming grey, and in exhibiting an internal differentiation which those of P. vaporarius do not.^ The hyphae in the course of their growth do not seek out the pits, but grow straight through the walls and bring about dissolution of the middle lamella for some distance around. At the same time numerous short oblique fissures in the walls are produced vertically one over the other, especially in the elements vSr^Tsvr Fig. 275. — Polyporus sqiiamosus on Acer Negundo. The three upper sporophores are borne on a separate piece of wood, from which a fourth has been cut off. (v. Tiibenf phot.) of the thick-walled autumn wood. (Compare with P. sistotre- moidcs, Fig. 280). The phenomena accompanying destruction of wood by this fungus are so characteristic that Conwentz"' could distinguish it quite clearly in tree-remains enclosed in amber. Brefeld succeeded by artificial culture of the spores, in raising a mycelium on which basidia were formed, at first directly, afterwards from large sporophores. Polyporus squamosus (Huds.). (Britain and U.S. America.) ^ R. Haitig, De}' echte Hausschicamm, Berlin (Springer), lS8o. ■^Conwentz, Monographie d. baltischen Bernsteinhdume, 1890. 444 BASIDIOMYCETES. Sporophores annual. occiuTin;.( from spring to autumn ; at first tender and fleshy, later leathery or almost woody. In form they are short-stalked, flat, semi-circular or kidney-shaped, and attached by one edge ; they may also be stalked and circular or cup-shaped. Their upper surface is yellowish, with flat brown scales arranged in concentric lines. The hymenial layer is continued well on to the thick fleshy stalk of the sporophore; it is yellow in colour, and consists of short angular pores. --n »f ~- : .' :" / Fig. '270. — Polyporv.H hispidus on pieces of living Ash. (v. Tubeuf ishot.) The spores are spindle-shaped and colourless. The fungus is especially common on living hazel, ash, species of maple, beech, mountain ash, horse-chesnut, elm, oak, willow, pear, lime, etc. The wood of the specimen in Fig. 275 exhibited extensive white-rot, the inner parts being completely converted into a soft white spongy mass of mycelium. Polyporus hispidus (Bull.).^ (Britain and U.S. America.) Sporophores annual, soft and spongy, with a rough brown upper ^A very common form on ash trees in Britain. (Edit.) POLYPORUS. 445 surface, and a smooth yellowish hymenial surface. They are large and flat, the thickest part being at their insertion (Fig. 277). Several frequently occur on the same stem, especially if wounds or frost injuries are present. The spores are brown and roundish. Conidia are said, by Schroeter, to be formed on the upper surface of the sporophores. This species is a deadly enemy of fruit-trees, especially apple. In the vicinity of Munich the sporophores are common on ash. Schroeter gives elm and plane as hosts, and Prillieux _{:S-«=^.j3= — » m '" — ^'^'Yi^'i W ■'rtt',- — ""'•Mu^Bw,, Fig. 277. — Polyporv.s hl-j^ . L i.jitudiijal acction through a living stem of Ash, and a sporophore of P. hifjjcdux. The stem shows symptoms of wood- destruction, in that it becomes brown and has short white longitudinal and radial stripes, (v. Tubeuf phot.) and Delacroix state the fungus to be very dangerous to the mulberry in France. It causes^ brown discoloration of the wood accompanied by characteristic short white lines in both radial and vertical directions, so that the wood becomes marked out in squares. Polyporus (Poria) laevigatus Fr.- Sporophores dark-brown 1 Prillieux (Bullet, de la Soc. mycolog. de France, ix. , 1893), gives details of the destruction of the wood. -Mayr, Botan. Centralblatt , xix., 1884. 446 BASIDIOMYCETES. and forming crusts on the bark of birch. Spathulate cysti(Ua occur between the basidia. Spores colourless, and acutely ovate in shape. This is parasitic on birch. The mycelium kills and permeates the wood-parenchyma which forms the greater mass of the later-formed parts of each year-ring, with the result that the various year-rings of the wood separate from each other as concentric hollow cylinders. The mycelium varies according as its pabulum consists of cells just killed, or of wood, or of elements in the last stages of decomposition ; in this latter case it suffers from want of food. In woody elements in contact with air, or those destroyed by Polyporvs hctulinvs, the mycelium is brown and forms vesicular tyloses similar to Afiaricvji mrllcns. Polyporus betulinus Yi: (Britain and U.S. America). The sporophores are annual, and emerge as spherical structures from the unin- jured bark, or from bore- holes of Beetles, or other wounds. When mature they are hoof-like or semi- circular and short-stalked ; when dead they become soft and break off. The upper side is light-brown in colour, the pore-layer is white. A section through the sporophore shows it to be white and homogeneous without zones. Lanceolate cystidia occur between the basidia. The spores are rod-like. The pore- layer and the upper brown layer are easily detached, and strips of the remaining tissue are sometimes iitilized as razor-strops. This parasite frequents living birches, ultimately causing death. It is known to occur on both Bdula verrucosa and B. puhcsccns in Britain, America, and Europe. Its parasitism and injurious results were first demonstrated by Kostrup.^ ]\Iayr- investigated ^Rostrup, •' Snyltesvamper Aiigreb paa .Skovtraeerne," Tidssh'i/t pa Skov- huru, 1883. -Mayi-, Botan. Centralblatt, xix., 1SS4. Fig. 2"S. — Polyporus betulinus on Betula verrv.cosa. The sporophore was developed horizontally on a fallen stem ; it is here, however, set up vertically and photographed from the lower side. (v. Tubeuf phot.) POLYPORUS. 447 in greater detail the destruction brought about by its mycelium. He found that it penetrates lignified cell-walls, entering the living elements and causing their death; it spreads most rapidly in the vertical direction through wood, bast, and rind, growing through parenchyma and sieve-tubes, and even boring its way into the sclerenchymatous stone-cells; it absorbs the secondary tliickening by dissolving out first the ligneous incrustation, next the cellulose, while the middle primary lamella remains behind untouched. Polyporus (Fomes) fulvus (Scop.) (Britain). vSporophores woody and very hard, at first hairy but later smooth, dark, and cracked ; in form they are tuberous or triangular. In- ternally they show no stratification. The fungus is very common on living plum where it causes undoubted injury : it also occurs on hornbean and aspen. Polyporus fulvus var. Oleae Scop. In northern Italy may be frequently observed a peculiar splitting of the stems of olive trees into two or more portions ; the fissures occur generally on the lower parts of the tree, and may extend so deeply that the stem appears to stand on stilts or props. Hartig ^ ascribes this phenomenon to the presence in the olive stems of the mycelium of Folyporus fulvus causing rotten places which are cut out by the Italian cultivators ; the disease, how- ever, continuing to make progress, it may be necessary in course of time to cut so deeply into the stem, that tracts extending right through may be removed ; this takes place all the more rapidly if several diseased spots are being simultaneously operated on. The destruction of the olive-wood by this parasite is similar to that produced by P. igniarins on oak and other trees. The sporophores appear on rotten spots, but are gener- ally quickly removed by the cultivator. Infection takes place on wounds, hence it is advisaljle at once to apply tar after cutting out any decayed wood, and also to paint pruuing-cuts or other exposed surfaces with tar. Xeighbouring fruit-trees, liable to suffer from this same fungus, should be similarly treated, both for their own safety and that of the olive trees. Polyporus (Fomes) Hartigii AUescher- (P. igniarins var. iR. Hartig, "Die Spaltimg der Oelbilume." Forstlkh-naturn-iss. Zeitschrift , 1893. 2R. Hartig, Zersetziuir/sei-scheinunrien, PI. VII. Forst/ich-nafuririss. Zeit- schrift, 1893, p. 61. 448 BASIDIOMYCETKS. pinuiim Bresadulii or P. fulvus Scop, of II. Haitig). Sporopliores on silver fir, less commonly on spruce. Their form varies much, according as they occur on a branch (n- on the stem. In the former case, the sporophore forms a swelling below and on each side of the more or less horizontal branch. On the stem they are more or less bracket-like. The sporopliores are reddish brown with a smooth upper surface on which zones are only faintly indicated or altogether absent. Internally they are of a biownish or tawny colour, and exhibit concentric strata, which do not extend into the pore-layer; they are thus distinguished from sporophores of P. igniarius and others. The sporophores \ • h ■ • vV' WW '•'^'^ ^'^^T frequent on cankered stems of ?\ rt-' t' S'SiV fir where the canker-spots afford easy entrance for the spores. The wood-destruction consists in a white -rot. The wood becomes yellowish- W'hite with clear spots and fine dark lines, especially where in contact with healthy parts. The mycelium is yellow- ish, and consists of thick hyphae with lateral branches forming tangled masses which frequently fill up the cavity of the bordered pits. This mycelium gives off very fine branches which bore through the cell-walls and dissolve them in such a way that the middle lamellae disappear first and leave the remainder of the wall- thickening for a time isolated before it too is used up. In this way large holes are formed in the elements of the wood. Polyporus sistotremoides (All), et Schw.) (P. Schiveinitzii Fr. or P. mollu Fr. of II. Hartig)^ (Britain). Sporophores almost circular with a short thick central stalk ; while young they are light brown and spongy, luit when older become dark brown and corky. The upper surface is downy ; the hymenial layer extends far down the stalk, when young it is yellowish green, ' R. Hartig, Ztrsetzunystrtichtinnn'jen, PI. IX. Fig. -27 - r9. Brefeld, Srhimmelpih.e , Heft, in., 1S77. 456 lUSlDIOMYdiTES. uuiuerou.s branches like the runners of some hann;ing plant, e.g. Aaron's IJeard (S((.iifr(((ja mrmciUosd). The rhizoniorphs live as saprophytes and have been long known to emit phosphorescent light. Sporophores are developed directly on them, and if one sows the spores, a delicate hyphal tissue is produced, which, under suitable conditions, passes gradually over into the rhizo- morph-strand. Brefeld succeeded in raising rhizomorphs from spores in artificial nutritive media. ^'-^^ " Fio. 285.— Affarkus m(lleu>: near a Ueech-stool. (v. Tubcuf phot.) The /^r/«r/6'? ; c, isolated thread- like arrested basidia projecting above the hymenial layer. (After R. Hartig.) this fungus, I give directly the account by Hartig in his "Lehrbuch."^ "The pathological symptoms can only be ex- plained in the light of the peculiar organization of the mycelial growth that lives in the cortical tissues. The apex of the rhizomorphs consists of delicate pseudoparenchyma, which, elongating by the division and growth of the cells, produces delicate hyphae on the inside at a certain distance from the ^I found it on juniper in tlie pine-forests near Eberswalde. (Aiitli.) - The mycelium does not seem capable of penetrating uninjured broad-leaved trees, but R. Hartig {Forst/.-)iafu7-iri.s.s. Zeitschrift, 1894, p. 428) mentions attack and death of cut roots of healthy oaks. " R. Hartig, Lehrhuck d. Bamnkrankheifen, 1889. The translation given here is from Prof. Somerville's English edition of Hartig's text-book, p. 210. (Edit. ) 458 BASIDIOMYCETES. point, whereby a felted tissue, called the medulla, is produced in the interior. The outer parts of the pseudoparenchyma, on the other hand, coalesce to form the so-called rind, which when young gives off numerous delicate hyphae, and these, taking advantage of the medullary rays, penetrate the wood, and especially the resin-ducts, should such be present. In the wood the growth is upwards. This filamentous mycelium, which pro- gresses much more rapidly in the interior of the wood than the rhizomorphs which grow in the cortex, completely destroys Ficj. 2S8. — Aparicus melleus. Rhizomori)hs in the form of dark anastomosing bands, developed between the bark and wood of a tree. (v. Tubeuf phot.) the parenchyma that exists in the neighbourhood of the resin- ducts, and to all appearance this is accompanied by a partial conversion of the cell-contents and the cell-walls into turpentine. The turpentine sinks down under its own weight, and in the collar, where the cortex is withered, having been killed by rhizomorphs, it streams outward, pouring partly in between the wood and the cortex, and partly into the surrounding soil at places where the cortex has ruptured owing to drying. On this account the disease was formerly called ' Eesin-flux ' or AGARICUS. 459 ' liesin-glut.' In the upper parts of the stem, where the cambium and cortex are still sound, the turpentine also flows laterally, by means of the ducts of the medullary rays, from the injured canals towards the cambium and cortex. In the latter this accumulation induces the formation of large resin-blisters. When, during the summer, the cambium is forming a new ring, the plethora of resin has the effect of causing the production of numerous resin- canals, which are usually large and abnormally constructed, and these impart to the wood-ring formed during the year of sick- ness a very striking and characteristic appearance. " The mycelium gradually spreads from the cells of the medullary rays and from the resin-ducts into the vascular elements of the wood, where it produces a form of decay which may be termed a variety of white-rot. During the progress of the decomposition from the surface of the stem inwards a certain stage is reached, which is highly favourable to the development of the mycelium. While previously it was simply filiform and furnished with numerous lateral hyphae, it now develops large bladder-like swellings, and at the same time the hyphae change into a kind of large-meshed parenchyma, which, like the tyloses in the vessels of many dicotyledonous trees, completely tills up the luniina of the tracheides. On account of the mycelium assuming a brown colour when in this condition, it makes the portion of diseased wood which it infests appear, to the naked eye, like a black line. As this kind of mycelium soon dies off' and is dissolved, being replaced by a delicate filamentous mycelium, it seldom happens that the zone which it occupies exceeds the breadth of three to four tracheids. The walls of the elements of the wood afterwards display a cellulose reaction, and speedily dissolve from the lumen outwards. " On account of the trees drying up, after the rhizomorphs have spread from the point of infection on the roots into the stem, and again from the stem into the hitherto sound roots, decomposition of the stem usually ceases before the mycelium has advanced from the alburnum into the duramen. It is only in the stool and roots tliat decay rapidly spreads throughout the whole of the wood." Methods for exterminating this parasite are unknown, beyond removal of diseased plants and collection of sporophores. It would certainly be advisable not to plant young conifers on 460 BASIDIOMYCETES. cleared forest-land where the fungus sporophores are numerous on dead stools or I'oots. Agaricus (Pholiota) adiposus Fr.' (I'.ritain and U.S. America). Tliis is a conspicuous bright yellow or honey-yellow toadstool, with a glistening slimy cap which, as well as the stalk, is beset with concentric darker scales (Fig. 289). The scales and delicate annulus become indistinct or disappear on old sporophores or after much rain. The stalk is thick, fleshy, and stiff, and while growing so changes its direction as to keep the cap always in a horizontal position. The pileus or cap, at Fio. 'JSit. — Aijariciix o.diposax. A, A mature and a very young spurophore grown in the forest ; the other sporophores were raised on Fir-wood in a cellar. The latter have longer thinner stalks, and a basal swelling beset with white down, /i, Mature and germinating spores, (v. Tubeuf del.) first globose, opens out cone-shaped or tiat with a diameter of about 5 cm. Eemains of the velum adhere to the margin. The underside of the cap is at first yellow, later mouse-grey. The lamellae are of three sizes, the largest extending from margin to stalk. From the lamellae arise the basidia, with four sterigmata each giving off a single spore. The spores fall at maturity, and cover neighbouring objects with a brown dust. They are oval with a length of 7-1 0/x and a breadth of o-G/W. The sporophores spring up rapidly in large numbers on ^ V. Tubeuf, " F^ine iieue Kranklieit d. Weisstanue." Ziiltichr. f. Forsf ii. Ja;/'l- wesen, 1890. AGARICUS. 461 living stems of silver fir, beech, etc., and on felled wood.^ In the forest, on newly erected piles of firewood, the yellow stools may frequently be found in every stage of development growing from the cut billets, while they are especially numerous on the rotting useless timber left lying. In cellars or other moist Fig. 290. — Agaricv.s adijiosus. Destruc- tion of Fir-wood. The deeply-coiToded oross-fissures contain white mycelium ; the remainder of the wood is yellow, (v. Tubeuf phot.) .^. ^:.l Fio. 2yl. — Ayaricus adiposus. Uestruc- tion of Fir-wood. Later stage. The corroded fissures no longer contain my- celium, (v. Tubeuf phot.) chambers, the sporophores may be abundantly produced till Christmas, but out-of-doors, August is the time of fructification. The mycelium forms felted masses under the bark or in cracks of the wood, and thence tlie sporophores arise as little pale- yellow buttons, which gradually unfold and become differentiated into cap and stalk. While quite young, they show the darker 1 Previous to the publication of v. Tubeuf s investigation the fungus had only been observed on living beech and felled wood. 462 BASIDI0MYCETE8. scales arranf^ed regularly in concentric lines. Tlie stools break out from living stems through cracks in the bark or from wounds, e.f). those made by wood-peckers. The fir-wood, normally white, assumes, when diseased, a yellow or honey-colour, more or less like the sporophore, while here and there, parts may become light brown. The hyphae grow in all direc- tions, but especially as white strands up and down the year-rings, while others in horizontal and vertical direction break up the wood into irregular patches (Fig. 290). In the final stages of destruction the wood will be found laminated into its separate year-rings and very much broken up into irregular pieces (Fig. 2.91). The sporophores of this Arjaricus are not uncommon protruding from bark- cankers caused by Accidium elntinvm, and its mycelium assists in the destruc- tion of the stem. Fio. 2D2. — Agnricuii (idiposua and Poli/porus Hdrtigii. Destruc- tion of Fir- wood, the boundary of the regions affected by the two fungi is formed by a verj' dark line of demarkation. To the riglit the destruction is that produced by Poli/porov.s Hiirtigii, to the left by Agaricus adiposuK. (v. Tubcuf phot.) Agaricus (Pholiota) squarrosus (Miill.). On living and dead stems of broad-leaved trees. (Britain.) Ag. (Ph.) destruens (Brond.). On living and dead stems of poplar. (Britain.) Ag. (Ph.) aurivellus (Batsch.). On liv'ing and dead stems of broad-leaved trees. (Britain.) " FUNGI IMPERFECT!." The fungi placed here have life-histories which as yet have not been completely investigated, most of them being known only in the form of pycnidia or conidia. The number of species was at one time much larger, but it is gradually being re- duced as the forms are proved to be stages in the life of some species of definite systematic position in the other groups already considered. The group may be divided into the provisional sub-groups, the Spliaei'opsidcae, Melanconieac, and Hyphomycetes. FUNGI IMPERFECTI. 463 I. SPHAEROPSIDEAE. Conidia abjointed from conidiophores contained in clark- colovrcd pycnidia somewhat spherical in form. The various species are provisionally arranged in genera according to the colour of the conidia and the number of cells contained in them. The families here included are the Sj^haeriouh'ae, Ncc- trioidcae, Lcptostromaceae, and Excipvlaceae. I. FAM. SPHAERIOIDEAE. Hyalosporae. Phyllosticta. Fvmgi with colourless spores, and producing sharply defined spots on living leaves. They occur on all kinds of woody plants, Ijut as a rule the injury caused is too slight to be called a disease. From the long list given by Saccardo (Vols. III., IX., and x.) the following have been selected : Phyllosticta persicae Sacc. This produces on leaves of peach brownisli-yellow spots, frequently marked by concentric zones. The name " shot-hole fungus " has sometimes been applied to this and other allied forms, l)ecause the leaves become more or less perforated by the withered spots falling out. The pycnidia on reaching maturity rupture the lower epidermis of the leaf in a star-like manner. Briosi and Cavara do not regard this parasite as very harmful, because leaves attacked by it remain alive without serious prejudice to their function. Ph. pirina Sacc. has been observed injurious to pear-trees at Geisenheim (Germany). Ph. prunicola Sacc. is the cause of spotting of leaves of apple, plum, cherry, and apricot. (U.S. America./ Ph. cytisi Desm. On leaves of CytAsus Lahurnum in Britain and Europe. Ph. acericola Cook et Ellis. On various species of maple {Acer dasycarpum, etc.). It is described by Galloway - ^The chief authorities for the occurrence of the " Fuugi imperfecti " in Britain and North America are Massee {Br-ituh Fungus Flora, 1895), Farlow and Seymour (Host-Index for U.S. America, 1891), and Saccardo [Sylloge funqorum). Professor J. VV. H. Trail kindly revised the records for Britain. (Edit.) ■^Galloway, "Report of sect, of Veget. Pathology for 1888." U.S.A. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington. 4G4 FUNfJI IMPERFKCTl. as injurious, especially in nurseries and groves where the trees are grown in nunil)er. Ph. sphaeropsoidea E. et E. is another American species wliich has become prominent on account of its ravages in nurseries of horse-chestnut. The disease appears about the end of June, and Ijy August the foliage of attacked trees is almost entirely dead. Ph. grossulariae Sacc. On leaves of Rihes (Jrossularia in Italy and North America. Ph. vulgaris JJesm. A common species on leaves of species of Lonkera. (Britain and U.S. America.) Ph. sambuci Desm. On species of Santhucus. (Britain.) Ph. cornicola (D.C.). On leaves of species of Cornux in America. Ph. limbalis Pers. On oblong white spots on leaves of l)ox. (Britiiin.) Ph. tiliae Sacc. et Speg. On leaves of Tilia. (Britain.) Ph. maculiformis Sacc. is p,robahly a stage of SphaereUa maculiformis Auersw. It is a dangerous parasite causing a leaf-spot on sweet chestnut {Castanea) and other trees. Ph. violae Desm. A source of considerable damage to violets in America ; it also occurs in Europe and Britain. Ph. althaeina Sacc. has been reported as dangerous to hollyhock in the United States. ' Ph. phaseolina Sacc. appears occasionally as a parasite on leaves of kidney beans. (U.S. America.) Ph. viciae (Lib.). On Vicia sepium. (Britain.) Ph. cirsii Desm. On leaves of Cirsmm. (Britain.) Ph. apii Hals.' produces a leaf-spot on celery, and has caused con- siderable loss in America. Ph. tabaci Pass, occurs on leaves of tobacco in Italy. Ph. bataticola Ell. et Mart., and others, have been recorded on sweet potato in America. Ph. betae Oud. occurs on leaves of sugar beet and mangel. Ph. tabifica PnlL- Prillieux believes the disease of beet- root known as "heart-rot," to be due to this Phyllostida. It is probably a conidial form of Spliacrella tahijica Prill. The symp- toms of disease are withering of the outer leaves, followed by the appearance of whitish spots with withered ti.ssue filled up with mycelium. Thence the disease spreads into the younger parts and causes " heart-rot " of the root. Frank is of opinion that " heart-rot " is caused by SjJoridcs- ^ X. J. Af/ric. Exptr. Station Report, 1891. -Prillieux et Delacroix, Bullet, de la soc. mycol. de France, vii., 1891. PHYLLOSTICTA. 465 miuvi putrefaciens Fuck. This is probably the cause of the gradual blackening of the leaves, yet it does not appear to lose its saprophytic nature. Frank also gives Phoma hetac Fr. as one cause of the heart- rot of the sugar beet (comp. Phoma). It will thus be seen that the cause of the rotting of beet- root, sugar beet, and mangold is still very obscure.^ Ph. g-aleopsidis Sacc. On leaves of Galeopsis Tetrahit. (Britain.) Ph. atriplicis Desni. On leaves of Chenopodium and Atriphx in Europe and Britain. Ph. chenopodii Saec. has been found injurious to spinaeli in America. Ph. podophyUi (Curtis). In leaves of Podophyllum peltatum in America. Ph. primulicola Desm. On withering leaves of Primula. (Britain.) Ph. ruscicola Dur. et Mont. On leaves of species of Ruscus. (Britain.) Depazea. A provisional genus including species of which the spores or conidia are unknown, so that the forms included in it will probably 1)6 found to be related to various groups. They live in many cases on living leaves, causing discoloration. Some of them are : Depazea acetosae Op. On liv.mex Acetosa. D. impatientis Kirchn. On Impatiens Noli-tangere. D. geicola (Fries). On Geum urhaimm. Phoma. Conidia unicellular and colourless. Pycnidia black and em- bedded, but having a distinct pore. The species produce spots with ill-defined margins. Phoma abietina Hartig - {Fusicoccuni cibietinum Prill, et Delac). This parasite is a frequent cause of death to the silver fir. The branches become brown, yet retain their needles^ hence when they occur isolated amongst neighbouring green branches they are at once conspicuous. On close examination of the dead or dying branches, areas of shrunk or con- 1 According to Karlson (Peii-owsk. Akad. f. Landwirthscha/t, 1S90) and Hell- riegel {Zeitfch. des Verein f. Ruhenzuckerindustrie d. deutsch. Reiclies, 1890) insects take no part m it. - Hartig, Lehrbuch d. Baumkrankheiten, Ed. ii. (English Edition by W. Somerville). Mer, E., Journal de Botanique, 1893. 2g 466 FUNGI IMPEKFECTI. stricted tissue will be found extending quite round the twig (Fig. 293). At these places the bark and cambium have been killed, whereas the higher portions of the twig have continued to increase in thickness. Numerous small black pycnidia break out on the bark of diseased places and give of!" small unicellular spindle-shaped couidia, which convey infection to new hosts in August or September. Killed branches die and dry up without casting their needles.^ Ph. pithya Sacc. causes a disease similar to the preceding on the Douglas fir {Pscudotsuga Donrjlasii). The pycnidia of the fungus are found on dead constricted parts of twigs, and they, as well as other symptoms of the disease, closely resemble those of Phoma ahietina. Eostrup"'^ defined and de- scribed it as Ph. 'pitliya Sacc, ]\Iagnus also re- cords it on branches of Pinus syhestris in Berlin botanic garden. Other species of Phoma frequent other conifers and broad- Fio. 203. — Phoma ahietina. Twig of Silver Fir show iiig the constriction characteristic of this disease dotted over with pycnidia. (After R. Hartig.) ^ Buhm (Zeifsch. f. Forst- u. Jacjd-wesen, 1896, p. 1.54) describes .and figures an attack of this parasite on Pseudotstuia Donglasii in North GermanJ^ One cannot, however, avoid suggesting some confusion between this and Ph. pithya described next. (Edit.) -E. Rostrup Undersoeqtlser over Snyltes vampes Angreb paa Skovtraeer, 188.3-1888. PHOMA. 467 leaved trees, but details in regard to their parasitism are wanting. Ph. Hennebergii Kiihn.^ Brown-spot of wheat-ears. This produces, on the glumes of wheat, brown spots with projecting pycnidia from which unicellular conidia emerge. The grains of attacked ears shrivel up and become spotted, while the value of the chaff as fodder is much diminished. Whole fields may be attacked, showing marked discoloration, and producing but few healthy ears."' The fungus may also appear on the leaves and produce pycnidia. Ph. lophiostomoides Sacc.^ Lopriore regards this as a parasite on cereals, but Cavara looks on it as saprophytic on the dead plants. Ph. ampelinum De Bary {Sphaccloma amjjelinwm De Bary). Anthracnose of the Vine.* The mycelium of this fungus can penetrate into leaves, green bark, or fruit, and kills the tissues. Spots are first pro- duced, then enlargement of the neighbour- ing tissues takes place, causing the spots to appear as if sunk in depressions, and reminding one of hail-wounds. On leaves and grapes, the spots are sharply defined, at first dark-brown, later with greyish centres and dark-brown margins. In the later stages the dried-up spots may drop out of the leaves. Anthracnose, or " birds-eye rot," constitutes one of the dreaded vine diseases of America and Europe, so that it has received much attention, both as to its life-history and remedial measures ; as yet however with but partial success. Copper sulphate solutions seem to be fairly successful remedies, as shown from results of the many experiments recorded in the Journal of ^ Klihn, Jfedyju/ia, 1877, p. 121; also in 'Rahenhovst's Fungi europ. No. 2261. Frank, Zeitsch. fur PJianzenkrankheiten, in., 1893, p. 28. -Eriksson {Mitthl. dtr k. Landh. Akad. Stockholm, 1890) records a case of this kind, hut the conidia are drawn two-celled as in a Diplodina, whereas Klihn's original drawings have only one-celled conidia. ^Cavara et Eriksson, Zeitncli. f. PJianzenkrankheiten, iii., p. 23. * Goethe, MittJd. ich. den. schwarzen Brenner d. Rehen. Leipzig, 1878. Cornu, Bullet, de la Soc. botan. de France, 1878. Prillieux {idem), 1879. Eathay, " Der Black-rot," 1891. Scribner, Report of U.S. Amer. Dept. of Agricidlure, 1886. Fig. 294. — Phoiiia alnpeli- num. Brown concave spots on shoot and berry of Vitis. (V. Tabuuf del.) 468 FUNGI IMrERFECTI. Mycology and the bulletins and reports of the American experi- mental stations. ((compare also Gloeosporium ampcJojikdyum (Pass.) p. 484.) Ph. betae Frank.^ The younger leaves of well-developed beet-root become black, and the disease extends into the root. Mycelium fills the diseased parts and penetrates into healthy tissues. Pycnidia are developed on the diseased spots. The fungus is no relation of Sporidcsmium i^utrefacuns, a form to which a root-rot is ascribed by Frank. It is however probably identical with Prillieux's Phyllostida tahifica. Ivriiger found the disease so connnon, that in many localities as many as 80 per cent, of the plants were destroyed. Sorauer regards the root-rot of beet to be sometimes caused by Phoma, sometimes l)y Sporidcsmium, perhaps in some cases by both together. Ph. sanguinolenta Eostr.^ attacks carrot plants in their first year, causing greyish-brown depressed spots on the bulbs with- out however appearing to be very injurious to them. When the seedlings are planted out in spring, the mycelium extends into the stem and causes the umbel to wither at flowering so that no seed is formed. PyCnidia are developed from all attacked spots and give off conidia as red tendril-like bodies — hence the species-name. Certain varieties of carrot appear to resist attack by this parasite better than others. Ph. solani Hals. This causes damage to the egg-plant {Solanum melongemt).^ Young plants die off on the hot-beds, their stems dying near the earth and shrivelling up. The pycnidia of this Phoma appear on the killed parts. Ph. cydoniae Sacc. has been reported as injurious to quince trees. (U.S. America.) Many species cause leaf-spot diseases. Some of the more important British and American species are : Ph. pinastrella Sacc. On Pinus syJvestris and others. (Britain.) Ph. strobi (B. et Br.). On Pinus Strohus. (Britain.) Ph. taxi (Berk.). On yew. (Britain.) Ph. Candollei (Berk, et Br.). On box. (Britain and U.S. America.) Ph. sorbi (Lasch.). On leaves of Pijrus Aucuparia. (Britain.) ^ Frank, Zidtsch. f. PflanzenkrankhtUtn, ill., p. 90, and Deutftcht landw. Pr. No. 89, 1893. Kriiger, ZeitHch. f. Pflanzenkrunkheititn, iv., 1894, p. 195. ^Described and figured l)y Halsted in Bulletin 91, X. J. Aijric. Exper. Station. 1892. PHOMA. 469 Ph. malvacearum West. On mallows and hollyhock in Europe. Ph. longissima (Per.s.). In species of Umbelliferae and Clienopodiaceae in Europe and America. Ph. errabunda Desm. In stems of Verbascum. (Britain.) Ph. cucurbitacearum (Fr.). On fruits of various species of t'ucur- bitaceae in Europe and America. Dendrophoma. Pycnidia similar to Phoma, coniciiopliores however bearing several coiiidia either on 1 tranches or little processes Dendrophoma Marconii Cav. attacks Hemp (Cannahts saliva), causing dark oblong spots on the green stem. Tlie pycnidia are embedded and Itreak through the epidermis with a round pore. The conidiophores are branched, with swollen ends carrying little short rod -like unicellular conidia. In case of attack, which generally occurs towards the close of the vegetative period of the hemp, it is suggested to cut the crop somewhat prematurely, and thereby prevent maturing and spreading of the fungus. D. convallariae Cav. j^roduces dark elonoated spots on leaves of Con- vallaria majalis. D. valsispora Penz. is recorded by Penzig on living leaves of Citrus Limonujii (Lemon). Sphaeronaema. Pycnidia embedded, membranous, and long-beaked. Conidia ovoid or oblong, unicellular, and almost colourless. Sphaeronaema fimbriatum (Ell. et Hals.), {Ccratocystis fimbriata Ell. et Hals.). Black rot or black shank of sweet potato.^ The parasite shows itself as black depressed spots on the lower parts of young plants, and these may extend over the whole shoot. The disease is best recognized on the tubers, where it consists of dark, somewhat greenish spots, varying from ^ to 4 inches in diameter, and extending some distance into the tissue. These spots when once seen cannot be mis- taken, as they are sunk areas with distinct margins, like spots burned into the potato with a piece of metal which has left the skin uninjured. The mycelium consists of thick-walled olive-brown hyphae, which cause death and destruction to the ^ Halsted and Fairohild, Jour, of Mycology, Vol. vii. , 1891, with Figures. 470 FUNGI IMPERFECT!. cells of attacked tissues. There are three modes of spore pro- duction: (1) brown luacro-conidia inside the tissues; (2) colour- less micro-conidia on the spots ; (3) spherical pycnidia with long necks ending in a fringed opening. A sclerotial form is also strongly suspected, lieniedial measures recommended are, de- struction of all diseased parts, change of crop on diseased fields, and selection of healthy seed and strong sprouts. Several other species of this genus are recorded from North America, but details in regard to their mode of life are wanting. Asteroma. Fungi forming star-like, dark-grey, mycelial patches on the surface of plants. Pycnidia very small and containing tiny ovoid or short cylindrical spores. Several species frequent living leaves.^ Asteroma impressum Fuck. On Tussilago farfara. A. prunellae Part. On leaves of Prunella vulgaris. (Britain.) A. ulmi Klotscli. (Britain), and A. maculare End. On Ulimts. A. padi (D.C.) causes a leaf-fall on I'runus Padus. (Britain.) A. geographicum Desm. is found on the leaves of species of Crataegus. Prunus, and Pyrus in Europe and America. Pyrenochaeta. Pycnidia emergent or sessile, beset witli bristles. Conidia oblong, on liranched conidiopliores. Pyrenochaeta rubi-idaei Cav. forms l^lack spots on leaves of Ruhus Idacus. The pycnidia are spherical with a tuft of bristles projecting from their terminal pore. The conidia are little, oval, and with one or two cells ; they are produced from slightly branched conidiophores. Vermicularia. Conidia unicellular, rarely bicellular, generally spindle-shaped ; they are produced inside pycnidia, and are embedded amongst brown septate hairs. The species are a frequent cause of leaf- spot, but most of them have not yet been sufficiently investigated. ^ CicinobiiJiis Ccfafii l)e Barj-, allied to this genus, is a parasite on Oidiinn Tuckeri, the dreaded vine-parasite. VERMICULARIA. 471 Vermicularia trichella Fr. occurs on living leaves of ivy and other plants. (Britain.) V. ipomoearum Schw. On species of Ipomoea in America. V. microchaeta Pasc. On living leaves of Camellia japonica in Italy. V. circinans Berk. Onion rot in Britain and U.S. America. Placosphaeria and Cytospora are genera containing forms parasitic on living plants, but of little practical importance. PHAEOSPORAli:. Coniothyrium. Pycnidia brown or black. Conidia brown, unicellular, spheroid or ovoid, and borne on short conidiophores. Coniothyrium (Phoma) diplodiella Sacc.^ White-rot of the vine. I'his disease has a wide distribution in Hungary, and has also been observed in France, Italy, and America. It has caused considerable damage, especially in Xorthern Italy, where it was for a long time regarded as the black-rot. According to Mezey, this parasite is distinguished from Lacdadia (black-rot) in the following points : — The pycnidia and conidia are larger ; the mature pycnidia are greyish or light brown (never black), the mature conidia are brownish. The disease attacks the fruit only, causing it to fall ofi'. IJathay, however, states that it also attacks young shoots, infection taking place from the fruit. Diseased grapes become soft, rotten, and wrinkled ; the ridges are beset with pycnidial pustules, as in black-rot, but the grapes never become brittle and hard. Yiala and Eavaz- have recently succeeded in rearing perithecia from twigs and fruit-stalks set in sterilized moist sand. Xone could be found on grapes. The perithecia are globular, enclosed in a black covering several cells thick, and with a large crater- like aperture. The asci and paraphyses arise only from the depth of the perithecium, the latter being longer than the former and frequently branched. The asci are club-shaped and short-stalked, and contain eight spindle-shaped colourless or yellowish asco- spores, divided by one to three cross-septa. They germinate and produce one or more germ-tubes. iRathay, "Der White-Rot," Die Weinlaube, 1892. General description in Report 9, Xeio York Agric. Exper. Station, 1890. ^Viala and Ravaz, Compt. reml., cxix., 1894, p. 443. 472 FUNGI IMPERFECTI. A new genus Charrinia, belonging to the .Sphaeriaceae of the Ascomycetes, has been formed to receive tiiis species. Sphaeropsis. Pycnidia black and spherical, witli an aperture. Conidia ovoid or oblong, unicellular, dark-coloured, and on stalk-like conidio- phores. Sph. malorum Peck. The cause of a disease in America, known as the black-rot of apple and quince. The mycelium permeates and destroys the skin of the fruit, which, in con- sequence, becomes dried up and mummified. It also occurs in Britain. Other species attack plants of various Kosaceae. Phaeodidymae. Diplodia. Pycnidia, small, spherical, and dark-coloured ; the conidia are two-celled when mature. Diplodia gongrogena Temine.^ Temme discovered a mycelium and the pycnidia of this JDi^ilodia in aspen {Fojmlus tremulae) exhibiting hypertrophied outgrowths of wood and rind. As yet it has not been possible to artificially produce tliese malformations on the aspen, nor other somewhat similar ones which occur on the willow. Other species of this genus attack many trees, e.g. holly, lilac, horse-chestnut, mulberry, and various conifers. Hyalodidymak. Ascochyta. Conidia ovoid or oblong, bicellular, and hyaline. The pycnidia have a central aperture, and are embedded in discoloured portions of leaves or twigs. The following species are of practical importance : Ascochyta pisi Lib. (Britain). Briosi and Cavara state that 1 Teinnie, Landiv'trth. Jahrhnch, 1887. Thomas, Verhand. d. hotan. Verein. d. Proc. BrandenJmrg, 1874. ASCOCHYTA. 473 tliis fungus is injurious to Pisum sativum, Phascolus vulgaris, Vicia sativa, etc. It causes spots on leaves and pods, followed by drying up of the former and deformation of the latter. The pycnidia appear as tiny points on the spots, and give out bicellular cylindrical conidia. As. Boltshauseri Sacc.^ This species was first observed in Switzerland on bean {Pha- seolus vulgaris). Leaves of all ages become brown -spotted, and premature defoliation may follow. The spots are marked by concentric zones, and bear pycnidia. The conidia are two- to three-celled, being distinguished in this and by their larger size from the preceding species. The following species fre- quent living leaves : Ascochyta tremulae Thuiii. On the aspen. A. metulispora, B. et Br. On leaves of the ash in Scotland. A. armoraciae Fuck. On Annoracia rusticana (Horse-radish). (Britain.) A. periclymeni Thlini. On Lonicera Periclymenum. A. maculans Fuck. On Hedera Helix. A. Ellisii Thiim. On Vitis Lahrusca in America. A. brassicae Thiim. On Brassica oleracea. A. dianthi (A.S.). On Dianthus. (Britain.) A. pallor Berk. On Rubus Idaeus. (Britain.) A. viciae Trail. On Vicia sepium, etc. (Britain.) A. malvicola Sacc. On Malva sylvestris. (Britain.) A. graminicola Sacc. On various grasses. (Britain.) A. scabiosae Rabh. On Knautia arvensis. A. nicotianae Pass. On Nicotixina Tahaccum. A. digitalis Fuck. On Digitalis purpurea. A. fragariae Sacc. has been found injiu'ious to the strawberry crop in the United States. A. aspidistrae given {Gardener's Chronicle, xvii., 1895) as a parasite on Aspidistra in Britain. Fig. 295. — Ascochyta pisi on Pea. Enlarged section of pycnidia, and still more enlarged conidia. (v. Tubeuf del.) ^ Boltshaiiser-Amri.sweil, Zeitschri/t /. PJlanzenkranhheittn, i., p. 1.35. 474 FUNGI IMI'E[{FKCTI. Actinonema. Pycnidia siiiiiU and .situated on a gossamer net of mycelium. Conidia liyaline and divided by one or more eross-septa. Actinonema rosae Lib. {A.strroma rddiostim Fr.). Tbis pro- duces black radiating spots on rose-leaves, on vvbicli pycnidia vvitb ].)icellular conidia are developed. A premature defoliation takes place, vvbicli in turn causes tlie upper buds to unfold in autumn before tbeir time. Tbe mycelium is distributed botb inside tbe leaves and superficially. Timely removal of diseased leaves and defoliated slioots migbt be recommended as remedial measures. A. tiliae Allescb. sbows itself in spotting of the leaves and petioles of lime, and may bring aljout defoliation of the whole tree. A. fagicola Allescb. produces white spots with dark margins on living beech leaves, and causes gradual discoloration of the whole leaf. According to Allescher,^ this disease brings about premature defoliation of beech. As yet it has been observed only in U})per Bavaria. A. fraxini Alle.'^cli. On living leaves of the ash. A. crataegi Per.s. attacks leaves of Pyrui^ Aria, P. toi'minalis, and Vih^inmm Opulus. A. podagrariae Alleseh. On living leaves of Aegopodinm Podagrana, and Chaerophyllum hirsutinn. Darluca. Darluca genistalis (Fr.). On living leaves of Ci/tisus sagktalis. This may, however, be only a parasite on Uromyces cytisi with which it is frequently observed, just as Dar. Jilum occurs on several JJredineae. Diplodina. Similar to Diplodia, but having colourless conidia. D. castaneae Prill, et Delac." produces canker-spots on the stems of chestnut, and brings about death. Phragmosporae. Hendersonia. Pycnidia formed under the host-epidermis, which is later ruptured. Conidia brown, two- or more-celled. 1 Allescher, Iledwhjia, 1S94. '^Prillieux et Delacroix, Hull. ■•^oc. mycol. cle France, 1893. HENDERSONIA. 475 Hendersonia foliicola (IJerk.) (Britain and Europe). The black globular pycnidia are produced superficially on leaves of Jvnipcrus communis. The conidia are elliptical in shape, three- to five-celled, and abjointed from filamentous conidiophores. (This species is not identical with Podiosoma JunijJeri ^ minor Corda, which is more like the needle-frequenting form of Gymno- sporangium junijjerinum .y Several species are found on living leaves : H. cydoniae C et Ell. on quince in America. H. mali Tliiim, on apple. H. rhododendri Thiini, on Rhododeadron hirsv.tvm in Northern Italy and Germany. Cryptostictis. Similar to Hendersonia, but having ciliate spores. Cr, cynosbati (Fuck.). Sorauer" regards this as parasitic on Eosa canina, and causing death of portions of the rind. Stagonospora, Couturea, Asteromidium, and Camarosporium contain species said to frequent living leaves of various plants. SCOLECOSPORAE. Septoria. Spores generally multicellular and hyaline ; produced from short conidiophores, contained in lens-shaped embedded pycnidia. Septoria parasitica Hartig." This disease may be frequently observed in young plantations and seed-beds of Spruce. The symptoms are very like those following damage by frost, Ijrown needles appearing in May towards the base or middle parts of young shoots, and followed by a premature needle-cast. The disease is most apparent on lateral shoots, which become sharply bent downwards, the green needles hanging limply till they wither and fall as the whole shoot shrivels up, The pycnidia are little, black, and spherical : they are pro- duced during the summer, particularly towards the lower end ^ K. V. Tubeuf, " Generations-wechsel (Tymnosporangium-Arten," Cenfralbl. f. Bakteriolor/ie v. Parasilenkunde, 1891. '■^ Handbudi d. Pflanzeiikrankheiten , ii., 1S76, p. 388. ■'R. Hartig, Z]>lior('s. ^lycelium subcuticular. Dicoccum (Marsonia) rosae (Bon.) causes brown spots on living leaves of roses, and a premature leaf-cast takes place. Little mycelial stromata develop between the epidermal cells and thcar cuticle, and give off two-celled hyaline conidia. D. uniseptatum B. et Br. forms dark patches on twigs of Cleriiafi>i cifidha. (Britain.) D. lathyrinum Ell. et Gall. On living leaves of Lathyrus ochroleucua in America. Cycloconium. Mycelium subcuticular. Conidia one- to three-celled. Cycloconium oleaginum Cast.^ When this fungus is present, the leaves of the olive show roundish light-brown spots with dark margins, then becoming discoloured, they roll up and drop off. The mycelium grows in the walls of the epidermal cells, branching dichotomously ; branches of the hyphae break out through the cuticle as sac-like cells, which become the conidio- phores. The conidia consist of one to three cells. Kruch states that Crrcosiwra dadosporioides is often present along with this disease of the olive, and may take some part in causing it. Feglion states that this or an allied species occurs on leaves of Quercus Ilex. 2. Suhsect. Macronemeae. Passalora. Conidia oblong or spindle-shaped, two-celled, and borne on the apex of greenish pluriseptate conidiophores, arising from an olive-green mycelium. Passalora bacilligera >\I. et Fr. occurs on living leaves of Alnus glutinosa. (Britain.) P. microsperma Fuck. This frequently covers the whole lower surface of the leaves of Alnus incana with little tufts of 1 Kruch, Bulletin soc. hot. ilal., 1S92. Boyer, Jiecherches .sur les maladies de I'Olivier, Montpellier, 1892. PASSALORA. 507 brown septate conidiophores, bearing long, two- celled, obovate conidia. Fusicladmm. Mycelium greenish and sparingly septate. Conidiophores in tufts, short, erect, and bearing terminal conidia. Conidia ovoid or clavate, and one or two-celled. The species are conidial forms of Vcnturia, and have already been considered. Some of the better-known forms are : Fusicladium dendriticum Wallr. (Britain and U.S. America). This attacks the leaves, shoots, and fruits of the apple (see p. 218). Fig. 312. — Ventv.rin (Fusicladium) dendriticum forming brown .spots on an apple ; those still in the earlier stages have a radiate margin and bear conidia. The enlarged section shows two rows of large-celled parenchyma of the apple, covered bv a stroma of pseudoparenchyma bearing conidiophores and conidia. (v. Tubeu'f del.) F. pirinum (Lib.) (U.S. America). This is a cause of " spotting " on leaves and fruits of the pear, also of species of Crataegus and Amektnchia\ The conidial patclies are brownish in colour. Peglion states that this parasite forms sclerotia in the bark of twigs. It is probaljly a conidial form of Venturia. ditricha var. 2^P'i- F. cerasi (Kabh.) attacks the cherry orchards with such virulence that the crop may be rendered quite unsaleable. F. eriobotryae Cav.^ Cavara states that this attacks the ^ Cavara, RiviMa di Pafoloyia Vegetale, 1892. 508 FUNGI IMrEHFKCTI. leaves of Mrspilus (Eriohot/\i/a) japonica causing theMi to become spotted and to wither. The hyphae live in the epidermis, and form a stroma from which conidia are given off. F. tremulae Frank. Frank ^ gives this as the cause of a disease (jf the aspen {Populvs tremula). The leaves turn brown and fall, the shoots in consequence soon drying up. Conidia are developed on the surface of dead leaves and ger- minate on living leaves of aspen, producing a germ-tube which, after forming an adhesion-disc, penetrates into the cavity of the epidermal cells. F. depressutn B. et Br. is found on living leaves of Angelica sylvestris. (Britain and U.S. America.) F. praecox Rabh. On living leaves of Trayopogon orientalis. F. sorghi Pass. On living leaves of Sorghum halepense. The following are North American species : F. caryogenum Ell. et Langl. On leaves of Carya olivaeformis. F. effusum Wint. On leaves of Carpimis araericana. F. destruens Peck. On living Avena satioa. F. fasciculatum C. et E. On leaves and stems of Euphorbia. Scolecotrichum. Mycelium greenish. Conidia oblong or oval, produced both terminally and laterally on the conidiophores. Scolecotrichum melophthorum (Prill, et Del.).- This pro- duces a melon disease in France known l)y the name " Xuile." It consists in the fruits and stems becoming spotted, the tissue being completely destroyed. Sc. graminis Fuck. Occurs on grasses, especially on the oat. Pammel^ reports it as also injurious on barley du-ring 1891, in some parts of the United States : the diseased leaves were marked with ])rown or purplish brown spots. Sc. fraxini Pass. On living leaves of Fnudnus cvcehior and F. Ornus. Cladosporium. Mycelium greenish. Conidia globose or ovoid, one to four- celled, and of variable form. The species are mostly sapro- phytes on substrata of all kinds. ^ Ber. d. deutxch. hotan. Gesell, 1883, p. 29. - Bxdletin de la soc mycolofj. de Fraiire, 1891. ■Jourjiai of Myrolofjy, vii., p. 96. CLADO8P0RIUM. 509 Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.). This species is found every- where on dead plant remains, but it is also common on livino' leaves of many plants. The first suggestion that this form might occur as a parasite came from Haberlandt ^ and Frank.- It possesses a dirty-grey, thick, septate mycelium, which may be colourless when young or growing inside a substratum ; it applies itself closely to the surface of plants and even pene- trates through the stomata or cell-walls into the tissues. The conidiophores are erect, otherwise variable in form : they give off conidia from the apex or from lateral processes. The conidia are oval and contain a variable number of cells. Organs of plants attacked show grey spots, and withered parts if they are still alive. The following are some of the papers describing Cladosporium herhcvntm as, in certain circumstances, a parasite. Prillieux and Delacroix,^ on apple-trees and raspberry-bushes ; Cavara,* on raspberry, cycads, agave, and other plants ; Sorauer,"^ on peas. Lopriore "" describes this fungus as the cause of a " black " disease on ears of wheat ; the results of infection were however somewhat variable. Ptitzema Bos reports it as producing disease, and in some cases death, in fields of oats. Kosmahl and Nobbe '' found that seedlings of Pinus rigida blackened and died suddenly in the beginning of May, apparently from the attacks of this fungus. Janczewski" states that this Cladosjjorium is a conidial form of Bpliaevdla Tv.lasnei, a new species of Ascomycete established l;)y him.^ CI. elegans Peuz. This causes on the orange a disease or " scab," which has been injurious both in Southern Europe and the Southern States of America.^ It attacks chiefly wild orange ^ Friihliiig's landicirth. Zeitunr/, 1878. ^Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, 2nd Edit., 1896, ii., p. 292. '^Bulletin de la soc. mycolorj. de France, vii. * Revue mycologique, 1891. ^ Handhuch d. Pflanzmih-ankheiten, 1886. ^ Berkhte d. deutsch. botan. Gesell, 1892 ; Landicirth. Jahrhwh, 1894. ^ Extraits du Bulletin de VAcademie des sci. de Cracovie, 1892, 1893, 1894. * Schostakowitsch (Flora, 1895 (ergzbd.) distinguishes Cladosporiuvi irom other genera. i^Scribner, Bidletin of Torrey Chd), xiii., 1886, p. 181. Underwood, Journal of Mycology, vii., p. 34. Swingle and Webber, "Diseases of Citrous Fruits" U.S.A. Dept. of Afjricidture Bidletin 8, 1896. 510 FUNOI IMPERFKCTF. trees, more rarely the sweet orange and lemon. The disease first appears as whitish or cream-coloured spots on leaves, young twigs, or fruit. If the spots are numerous the leaves become badly curled or twisted, and covered with wart-like eruptions. CI. viticolum Ces. is regarded as a dangerous parasite of the vine. CI. carpophilum Thiim. This species has been found para- sitic on plum and peach in the United States. Its mycelium creeps over the surface of leaves and fruit, causing pale-coloured spots which extend and run together, spoiling the appearance of the fruit. The disease as yet does not appear to have a very v^ide distribution, nor is it directly very injurious, but as cracking of the ripe fruit occurs when it is present, the way is opened for entrance of fruit-destroying fungi. CI. condylonema Pass, also occurs on leaves of the plum. It causes leaf-spot and leaf-curl. The mature conidia have fine spines on their coat. CI. fulvum Cooke. (Britain and U.S. America.) This is the cause of a disease of tomato. It attacks leaves and shoots of plants cultivated indoors, and soon causes their death. Prillieux and Delacroix ^ have described a somewhat similar disease in France, found, from artificial infection, to be produced by some species of Cladospormm, but whether this particular species, they did not state. CI. cucumerinum Ell. et Arth.- causes a disease of cucumber Frank ^ describes a disease which he found to be due to a Cladospormm (CI. cucumeris n. sp.). This attacked the fruit of both cucumbers and melons in cultivation under glass at Berlin, and caused great damage ; brown rotten depressions appeared on the fruits, and thereon the tufts of conidiophores. CI. macrocarpum Preus. causes a " scab " disease of spinach in the United States {N.J. Agric. Exper. Station Bulletin, 70, 1890). Other species that may be parasitic are : CI. pisi dig. et Mace. On living pods of Pisum sativum in Italy. CI. epiphyllum Mart. On leaves of Quercus, Platanus, Populus, Hedera, etc. (Britain and U.S. America.) CI. juglandinum Cooke. On leaves of the walnut. (Britain.) ' Bulletin de la soc. mycolof/. de Finance, 1891. -Description in ^fass. Agric. Exper. Station Report, 1892. ■^ Zeitschrifl f. PJlanzenkrankheiten, in., 1893. CLADOSPORIUM. 511 CI. Scribnerianum Cav. (Jn leaves of Betula populifolia in America and Italy. CI. hypophyllum Fuck. On leaves of Ulmus campestris. CI. tuberum Cooke. In the tubers of Batatas edulis in Carolina, U.S.A. 3. Sect. Phragmosporae. 1. Suhsect. Micronemeae. Clasterosporium. Conidia brownish, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, and consisting of three or four cells. Clasterosporium amygdalearum (Pass.) attacks the leaves of almond, peach, apricot, cherry, and plum. An intercellular mycelium has been found, and roundish dry spots with reddish margins are formed. Thereon tufts of short conidiophores are developed, bearing cylindrical, thick-walled, pluricellular conidia. CI. glomerulosum Sacc. {Sporidcsmium glom. Sacc, 1878, and Pleospora conglutinata Goebel, 1879). GoebeP first described this species as a parasite on Juniperiis communis. A colourless intercellular mycelium is present, and in consequence the needles turn brown, die, and fall off prematurely. On the upper side of the needle the mycelium emerges through the stomata, and forms dark-grey coils from which the grey, ovoid, pluricellular conidia are given off. Ceratophorum. Conidia brownish, spindle-shaped or cylindrical, three or more celled, cyu^ ^S^r'^S^'wi^^XL^d the upper cell with terminal S'n'kaget" &trtiXne'r.)"^*' "' bristles. C. setosum Kirch. Dark spots occurring on the leaves, petioles, and shoots of young plants of Cytisus Lahumum, etc., were found to enlarge and bring about death and defoliation. Kirchner found the leaf-tissue permeated by a colourless septate mycelium, which gives off conidia on both sides of the leaf. The conidia resembled those of Pestalozzia, but their cell-number ^ Wurtemlmrg natia-wiss. Jahreshefte, 1879. Zeitiichrift f. Pflanzenkrankhtiten, 1892, p. 324. 512 FUNGI IMPKRFECTI. was variable, and the terminal cells, although lighter than the median, were not quite hyaline. The terminal cell bore several very long bristles. C. ulmicolum E. et K. On living leaves of Ulmus fulva in America. Helminthosporium. Conidia brown, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, and pluricellular. Mycelium well-developed and brownish. "Distinguished from Cladoqjorium by the conidia being more than one-septate at maturity " (Massee). Helminthosporium gramineum (liabenh.) ^ This causes a disease on barley, both in Europe and the United States ; as yet, however, it is not very common. It attacks generally the lower leaves, producing long, narrow, dark-brown spots with yellow margins. The leaves so attacked gradually wither, but do not prejudice the yield of grain seriously. On the spots are developed the black septate conidiophores, each with a large black conidium with from two to eight cross-septa. H. turcicum Pass, causes long spots on the leaves of Zea mais both in Italy and America. The spots are yellow with indistinct dark margins, and from them arise patches of grey septate conidiophores. The conidia resemble those of the species last described, so that some authorities regard the two forms as one. Briosi and Cavara describe the mycelium as consisting of branched septate hyphae, the cells of which frequently become irregularly swollen. The young Indian corn leaves are killed, and the crop may, in consequence, be seriously injured. H, teres Sacc. This is a form of H. gramineum which Briosi and Cavara distinguish as occurring on oats. Infection takes place at the apex of the leaves, and the mycelium spreads through the parenchyma causing elongated dry spots, so that the leaf ultimately dries up and dies. The conidiophores are developed singly, not in tufts, and the conidia are smaller than those of H. gramineum. The conidia are greenish, thick-walled, pluricellular, and produced terminally. H. gracile (Wallr.) causes long margiuate spots on the leaves of Iri.-^ germaniea. 1 Eriksson, Botan. Centralhlatt, xxix., 1887. Kirchner, Zeitschrift f. PJlanzen- krankheiten, i., 1891, p. 24. CERCOSPORA. 513 Cercospora. Conidia elongated and slender, olive-green, and septate. My- celium greenish. " Distinguished by the vermiform sej)tate conidia " (Massee). Cercospora circumscissa Sacc.^ This is a parasite which occurs on cultivated almond, peach, and nectarine, as well as on wild Prunus serotina in the United States. The leaves are attacked while still young, and exhibit by reflected light a yellowish spot with a dark centre. The conidia arise on the spots as dark -green clusters, thereafter the diseased tissue shrinks, becomes detached, and falls out, leaving " shot-holes " not unlike those produced by species of Phyllostieta. Defoliation may occur in severe cases of attack. As a result of the injury to the foliage, the new wood does not mature well, and second growth may take place during the same season ; shoots of this kind will probably dry up during winter. The fungus may also directly kill the tissue of twigs as far as the cambium. The fruit is never attacked directly, but may be seriously affected through the injury to leaves or twigs. In order to minimize the disease, it is recommended to burn all fallen foliage, and to turn the earth thoroughly below infected trees. Pierce obtained a crown of very healthy foliage on almond trees treated with (1) ammoniacal solution of copper carbonate, and (2) modified eau celeste. C. persicae Sacc. On leaves of peach. (U.S. America.) C. acerina Hartig- appears on brown spots on the cotyledons, young leaves, and stalks of young plants of Acer. The conidia are grey, pluricellular, and slightly curved (Fig. 314). The mycelium inhabits the intercellular spaces of the parts attacked, and forms resting sclerotia in the tissues of dead leaves. C. viticola (Ces.).^ This fungus is found in Europe and the United States on Vitis vinifera and V. Labrusca. It causes spots on the leaves, and from these arise close columns of septate conidiophores which give off thick pluricellular conidia. C. beticola Sacc.^ inflicts considerable injury on cultivated 1 Pierce, Journal of Mycology, vii., jd. 06 and p. 232. ^R. Hartig, Untersuchungen aus d. forstbotan. Institut, i., Munich. ^Description and treatment in Neio York Agric. Exper. Station Report for 1890, p. 324. ■•Thumeu, Die Behiimpfung d. Pilzkrankheittii vnserer Kidturqewdchse, 1886. 2k 514 FUNGI l.Ml'KHFECTI. sugar beet and beet-root. It is easily recognized by the numerous sharply defined spots produced on the leaves. The conidia are very long and pluriseptate. In the United States this is one of the most serious of beet diseases.^ As preventive treatment, great care should be taken to destroy all infected material. A long rotation sliould also prove a good remedy. Fio. 314. — Ctfxonpora dccrinn. 2, Seedling of Acer, with a cotyledon brown and withered, and a leaf partially so. 4, Section through a diseased cotyledon ; the conldiophores (rf) emerge from the epidermis, and bear long tapering septate conidia ; < , sclerotia formed inside the diseased tissues for hibernation. 5, Ger- minating conidia. (After R. Hartig.) C. apii Fres. Common on celery (Ajniim gravculens) and par- snips {Pastinaca sativa) throughout all Europe and Xorth America. It causes leaf-spots at first yellowish then enlarging and turn- ing brown. The mycelium grows in the intercellular spaces of the leaf, and gives oft' tufts of conidiophores through the stomata. The conidia are long, tapering, obclavate bodies with an attachment-scar at their larger end.- C. asparagi Sacc. occurs on asparagus in Italy ; C. caulicola Wint. frequents the same host in America. C. Bloxami B. et Br. On Brassica in Britain. C. armoraciae Sacc, On horse-radish. iPammel. Iowa. Afjric. Exper. Station Bidletin, !.■>. 1891. "Description in Xev; Jersey Aqric Exptr. Station Bxdletin '2, 1891. CERCOSPORA. 515 C. resedae i'uck.^ This fungus is the cause of a garden mignonette disease very common in America and Europe. It causes little depressed spots with brownish or yellowish borders, which begin as reddish discolorations of the leaf. The leaves gradually wither and dry up, so that the flowers suffer. The mycelium grows inside the leaves, and gives off tufts of conidio- phores through the stomata. The conidia are elongated, septate, and spindle-like or club-shaped. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture was found to give good results. C. cheiranthi Sacc. produces roundish leaf-spots on wall- flower, and, if severe, causes death of the leaves and premature defoliation of the plants. C. rosaecola Pass. This causes leaf-spot on cultivated and wild roses in the United States. The first indication of disease is the appearance of black spots with reddish margins. The conidiophores emerge from the stomata in tufts, and carry long obclavate conidia. 0. angulata Wint. is one of the causes of leaf-spot on currant, and occurs often in company with Scptoria ribis. (U.S. America.) C. violae Sacc. occurs on leaves of Viola odorata. C. malvarum Sacc. On species of Malva. C. althaeina Sacc. On hollyhock in the United States. C. neriella Sacc. causes leaf-spot on Nerimn Oleander. C. Bolleana (Thlim.) produces olive-brown spots on leaves and fruits of the Fig, injuring the crop. C. capparidis Sacc. On Capparis spinosa in Italy. C. gossypina Cooke is given by Atkinson as a fungus frequently present on diseased plants of cotton. - Saccardo records over 230 species of Cercospora, most of which cause spotting of living or fading leaves of many plants, e.g. Phaseolus, Lupimis, Trifolium, Vicia, Gleditschia, Solanum nigrum. Datura, Riciniis, Ampelopsis, Liriodendron, Tilia, Rosa, Potentilla, Ruhiis, Cydonia, Ptelea, Rhamnus, Euonymits, Ailanthus, Rhus, Samhuciis, Viburnum, Olea, Syringa, Morus, Fraxinus, Coffea, Ligustrum, Mercurialis, etc. Heterosporium. Conidiophores simple or branched. Conidia olive, oblong, pluriseptate, and with a spiny or warty outer coat. ' Fairchild in Report of Section of Verjetable Pathology for 1889, U.S. Dept. •of Agriculture. -Botanical Gazette, 1891, p. 61. 516 FUNGI IMl'ERFEf'TI, "liesembling JIrhmnfJiosj)oriu7n in general hal)it and structure, in fact only distinguished by the minutely warted conidia " (Massee). Heterosporium echinulatum (Rerk.).^ (Britain and U.S. America.) The " fairy ring spot " of Carnations. This is a serious enemy of cultivated carnations, and causes great damage. It was first described by lierkeley in 1870 as a carnation pest. The symptoms are light-coloured spots on which are concentric rings of dark-coloured conidiophores. These arise from dark- coloured portions of the mycelium inside the leaf and give off conidia with three or more cells. The conidia are at first terminal, but after one has been formed the conidiophore branches laterally and produces another conidium, repeating this process for a considerable time. The spots are produced on leaves, leaf-stalks, and sepals, causing them to wither." In consequence the flowers do not unfold and the plants are rendered unsightly. Cultivation of the carnation in dry airy conditions is said to keep this disease in check. The following are British species occurring generally on fading leaves : H. variabile Cooke. On spinach. H. ornithogali Klotzsch. On Ornithogalum, Convallarut, and other species of Liliaceae. H. typharum C. et M. On Typha angustifolia. H. laricis C. et M. On larch needles. H. asperatum Massee. ^ Occurs as a parasite on Smilacina stellata. Napicladium. Conidia oblong, three or more celled, and produced singly on the end of short conidiophores. " Somewhat resembling HchnintliosiJorium and Brachysporium, but distinguished by the less rigid fertile hyphae and the large solitary conidia " (Massee). Napicladium (Helminthosporium) arundinaceum (Cord.). (Britain.) This lives parasitic on the leaves of Phragmites communis, and spreads rapidly from plant to plant. The leaves ^ Worth. (i. Smith, Gardener's Chronicle, xxvi., 1886, p. 244. Atkinson, ^^ Carnation Diseases" at American Carnation Society, 189.3. "Massee, American Journal of Microscopy, Fel>ruary, 1893. NAPICLADIUM. 517 become coated with conidia and assume a leaden grey colour, so that in many cases only the points remain green. Finally the attacked leaves die and dry up. 4. Sect. Dictyosporae. 1. Suhsect. Micronemeae. The forms included under genera of this group (e.g. Sporo- dcsmium and Coniotlucium) have as yet been little investigated in regard to their parasitic nature. 2. Subsect. Macronemeae. Macrosporium. Conidia grey, muriforra, and borne on the apex of simple or branched conidiopliores. Macrosporium sarcinaeforme Cav.^ Cavara describes a browning and death of a whole field of red clover {Trifolium 'pratense), and ascribes it to this fungus. Minute spots were produced, at first light-coloured, then brown, finally coalescing so as to cause drying-up of the whole leaf The short thick couidiophores were developed on the lower surface of the leaf, and gave off pluricellular terminal conidia. M. solani Ell. et Mart. This is described- as occurring along with the " black-rot " of the tomato in the United States. It is said to cause a rot in the fruit and a leaf-blight on both tomato and potato. Along with this species there also occur a Fusarium (p. 520) and frequently a Cladosporium ; as yet the relationships of the different forms, and the part they take in causing the diseases ascribed to them, is but imperfectly investigated. Sorauer^ ascribes a disease on the potato in Germany to this species or to an Alternaria {A. solani). He also believes that it is the cause of the " early blight " of American potato crops, but further investigation is still required. Many other species of Macrosporium have been described on plants of economic importance, yet most of them occur only on parts somewhat faded or languid, so that they cannot be regarded ^Briosi and Cavara, Funghi parasif., v. 'Report of the Section of Vegetable Pathology for 1888, U.8. Department of Agriculture. ■^ Zeitichrift f. Pfanzenkranl'heiten, 1896, p. 1. 518 FUNGI IMrHRFECTI. as important parasites. Amongst tliese are the following British and Xortli American species : M. brassicae Ik-ik. On cabbajre, generally soinewliat decayed. M. sarcinula Berk. On cucumber. M. nobile Vi/.e. On Dianthus. M. alliorum ( 'ke. et Mass. On onion. M. ramulosum Sacc. On celeiy. M. catalpae Ell. et Mart. On Catalpa Bignonioides. M. nigricantium Atks. is a semi -parasite accompanying other diseases of the cotton plant. Mystrosporium. "Allied to Macrosporium, but distingui.shed by the more rigid and darker-coloured hyphae and conidia " (Massee). Mystrosporium abrodens Neumann.^ This is described as the cause of a disease which destroyed one-tenth of the total wheat-crop in the Haute- Garonne of France. The fungus attacked the nodes and leaves, forming dark patches ; the nodes were weakened and frequently broke over, while the ears were badly developed. Alternaria. Conidia grey, muriform-septate, flask-shaped, and borne on short simple conidiophores. " Distinguished by the clavate or flask-shaped muriformly septate olive conidia being united in chains and connected by narrow isthmus-like portions " (Massee). Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) (Britain). This species causes on leaves roundish black spots marked with concentric brown zones. The mycelium lives in the leaf-parenchyma and gives off tufts of conidiophores through the stomata. Briosi and Cavara state that it causes considerable damage to Brassica oleracea, Cochlearia ojfficiiialis, and Armoracia. (Probably the same species as Polydesmus cxitiosiis Kuhn.) Other diseases have been ascribed to species of Alternaria. Septosporium. Conidia brown, and muriform-septate. Conidiophores of two kinds — short and fertile, or elongated and sterile. Septosporium heterosporum Ell. et Gall, causes a leaf- ^ " Un nouveau parasite de ble." Soci6te de Biolog. a Toidoii-se, 1892. SEPTOSPORIUM. 519 spot on Vitis calif arnica in California. The leaves become quite black on the lower surface, brown on the upper. The fungus has not as yet been reported on cultivated vines. Fumago. Conidia grey and two- or three-celled. The species belong to Capnodium (see p. 181). 3. FAM. STILBEAE. 1. Ser. Hyalostilbeae. Sect. Amerosporae. Stysanus. Conidia pale-coloured, more or less spherical, and developed on a dark cylindrical or clavate erect stroma. Stysanus veronicae Pass.^ This produces irregular spots on the leaves of cultivated Veronica, longifolia in Italy, and causes the plant to wither. The columnar stromata are produced on the lower surface of the leaves, and give off unicellular conidia. St. ulmariae M'W.^ On Spirca Ulmaria in Ireland. Isaria. Stroma erect, clavate, generally branched and bearing conidio- phores all over. The conidia are abjointed from the apex of the conidiophores, and are unicellular, hyaline, and rounded. Isaria fuciformis Berk.^ This disease, first observed in Australia, is described by Smith as occurring in England. It attacks grasses, especially Festuca, during summer. The stems and ears are "hied together bv the fungus-stroma, and conidia are developed on all parts of the plants. 2. Ser. Phaeostilbeae. Sect. Phrarpnosporae. Isariopsis. Conidia pale-coloured, cylindrical, and pluricellular. Isariopsis griseola Sacc,'* produces spots on leaves of living ^ Hedwiijia, 1877, p. 123. ^M'Weeney, Irish XafuralUf, 1S9.5, p. 273. ^ Worth. G. Smith, Diseases of Fir Id and Llarden Crops, London, 1884, p. 55. *Briosi and Cavara, Funrjhi parasit. 520 FUNGI IMPERFECTI. cultivated kidney bean. The mycelium lives in the leaf-tissues and forms stromata under the stomata, from which the conidio- phores arise in tufts. The fungus often occurs along with Uromyccs 2}haseoli. Other species of Isariopsis are recorded on the living leaves of various host-plants, e.g. Cerastium and StellaHa. 4. FAM. TUBERCULARIEAE. Volutella. The conidial patch or sporodochium is di.sciform, regular, and fringed, or studded over with elongated spine-like hyphae. Conidiophores simple or branched, and bearing elliptical or oblong conidia. The majority of the species of Volutella frequent only dead plant remains. Atkinson,^ however, describes and figures a widespread carnation-disease in North America, which is ascribed to a species as yet unnamed. Fresh cuttings are most commonly attacked, and exhibit dirty brown depressed areas, which soon ruin the cutting for purposes of cultivation. Fusarium. Sporodochium more or less eft'used. Conidia spindle-shaped or sickle-like, pluricellular when mature. The conidiophores are branched, and give off' the . conidia from their apex. Fusarium heterosporium Xees. Frank - found a field of rye near Kiel completely destroyed, and the ears quite over- grown by this fungus. I have found it on ears of Lolinm perennc and Molinia coeriilea in Bavaria. Species of Fusarium have been frequently described as causing injury to cereal and grass-crops,^ in some cases to a serious extent. While most of the species of Fusariinii are found only on dead or dying plant-remains, a parasitic mode of life has been ascribed to some. Fusarium lycopersici Sacc.^ The " Sleeping Disease " of ^ '' Caniation Diseases" in Keport of American Carnation Society, 1893. -Jahrbuch d. deutsch. landwirth. Gesell., 1892. =' Worth. G. Smith, Diseases of Crops, 1884, p. 208. Rostrup [Fusarium avenaceum on Oat) Landhoslcrifter, v., 1893. "•Massee, Gardener's Chronicle, xvii., 1895, p. 707. (Edit.) FUSARIUM. 521 tomatoes. This tomato disease has proved very destructive during recent years in Britain, particularly in the Isle of Wisht and the Channel Islands. Plants are attacked when quite young, but the disease seldom manifests itself outwardly till the plant is full grown. The first symptom of disease is drooping of the leaves, with or without discoloration. At this stage the roots of attacked plants will be found to have a yellowish brown colour in the wood region. The mycelium of this fungus will be found in the vessels and other elements of the root. They are believed to originate from resting-spores which have hibernated in the soil and given off germ-tubes by which young rootlets were infected. The mycelium makes its way up the tomato stem, discolouring the vascular bundles as it goes. The conidia are produced on all diseased organs as a whitish bloom on the epidermis. The earlier conidia {Diplo- eladium) are oval and one- or two-celled, but they are soon replaced by pale orange crescent-shaped conidia of the true Fusariuon type. The resting-spores are produced on the hyphae in the tissues of the decaying host- stem ; after hibernation, they germinate and produce hyphae which give off the Diplocladium stage. Massee found that only the germ-tubes from resting- spores were able to infect tomato planta The same author does not consider fungicides of much avail on account of the disease beginning from the roots. Careful removal and destruc- tion of all infected material, and a liberal application of lime to the soil are measures recommended. Fus. limonis Briosi {tusisporinm limonis Briosi). This is given by Briosi as the cause of " mal-di-gomma " of orange and lemon trees in Italy and elsewhere ; ^ Webber and Swingle ^ ascribe the disease of the orange and lemon in Florida known as " foot-rot " to the same fungus. In Florida the damage done is great and much more serious than that caused by any other disease of the same plants. It may be recognized by the exudation of gum from patches near the base of the tree. The patches enlarge and the disease spreads round the trunk and down"wards into the roots, passing inwards from bark to cambium and wood, killing the tissues as it goes. Other symptoms 'Briosi, "Mai di gomma," Memoria della R, Acad, dei Lincei, Rome, 1878. -Webber and Swingle, "Diseases of citrous fruits in Florida."' U.S. America Dept. of Acjricidture. Bnlletin, No. 8, 1896. (Edit.) 522 FUNGI IMPERFECTI. are sparse foliage, small yellowish leaves, and death of the smaller branches over the tree. Sweet seedling orange {Citrus avrantium) and lemon (C limonum) are most subject to this malady, the grape-fruit (C. decumana) is only slightly liable, and the sour orange {C. higaradia) is almost wholly exempt. For this reason sour orange stocks should be used on lowlands and flatwoods, and grape-fruit stocks on the higher lands. The most effective treatment is to remove the soil around the crown roots by using a jet of water. Diseased bark should also be cut away and the wounds painted over with carbolic acid or sulphur wash. Good drainage to promote root aeration and the avoidance of excessive use of nitrogenous manures are also recommended. Fus. vasinfectum Atks.^ A species found by Atkinson to cause a cotton-disease known as " frenching." This consists in a discoloration of the leaf from the margins inwards, at first pale or yellow, but turning to brown. A mycelium was found in the tissues of the stem, causing the vascular bundles to assume a light brown colour. The host-plants are either killed or so seriously affected that the crop is injured. The conidia formed are of the pleuriseptate slightly curved Fusarium type. Atkinson- in the course of his investigations on carnation diseases found a Fusarium present in all cases of the " carnation rosette." The stems remain short and stunted with their leaves small and crowded together. A mycelium was present in the tissues of the stem and caused discoloured spots. II. THE PATHOGENIC SLIME-FUNGI. MYXOMYCETES. The Myxomycetes^ rank amongst the lowest of plant-forms. They show so close relationship to the lowest animals that certain groups {Monadina) receive greater consideration from the zoologist than from the botanist. They exhibit in their ^Atkinson, "Cotton Diseases," Alabama Aqrk. Exper. Station BuUetm, No. 41, 1892. (Edit.) ^^^ Carnation Diseases" at American Carnation Society, 1893. ^The more important literature dealing with this family will be found in: De Bary, Morpholoi Jahrbuch, xi. , 1S78, p. 548. Eycleshymer (Journal of' Mt/coloijy, VII., p. 79) gives a good caccount of its distribution in America. Massee, Transactions of Royal Sockty of London, lvii., 1895. PLASMODIOPHORA. 525 decay, so that not only is the root itself worthless, but the aerial shoot is badly developed. The destruction is greatly favoured by moist rainy years. The malformations of the root are the result of hypertrophy of the host-cells due to a stimulus exerted by the plasniodium of Plasmodiophora, not only on the contents of cells inhabited by it, but also extending into the cells of the whole neigh- bouring tissue. The cells so influenced enlarge in size and y...?>-%^ ?' r Fig. 315. — Plasmodio'phoya brasslcae. Effects on Turnips grown in Scotland. (v. Tubeuf phot.) become divided up by new cell-walls. The plasmodium makes its way from cell to cell by means of the wall-pits, and by absorbing the contents it grows and fills the whole cell. On exhaustion of food, and without previous enclosure in a membrane, the plasmodium forms itself into spores, so that the tissues of attacked roots become completely filled with thick- walled spores, which are set free only after decay of the surrounding tissues and cell-membranes. The spores hibernate, and in spring niyxamoebae slip out, capable of infecting 526 T1II<; PATHOGENIC SLIME-FUNGI. young roots of newly germinated cabbage, turnips, etc. They do this by penetrating the cell-wall, probably that of a hair to begin with, and the malformation ensues. The myxainoebae possess a flagellum and pseudopodia, so that they are fitted for Fio. 316. — Plasmodio'phora hro^x^iccK. Effects on Tiiniip grown in Russia. (After Woronin.) different modes of locomotion. When entrance into a host-cell has been effected, a plasmodium is formed and growth proceeds as just described. Wakker^ describes, an enlargement of the attacked cells and an irregular growth of the roots, associated with a rudi- ^ Prinysheiyn's Jahrbuch, 1892. PLASMODIOPHORA. 527 mentary condition and twisted course of the vessels, and an accumulation of transitory starch in the tissues. [The methods at our disposal for combating this parasite all work indirectly. Its spores seem to retain their vitality for two, three, or more years, hence one very evident measure is not to plant the same crop in succession on land which has been attacked. As, however, all Cruciferae are liable to injury from this source, Fig. 317. — Plasuwdiojihora bra-uicm. on Turnip. (After Worouin.) neither would it be advisable to let say, turnips follow cabbage or kohl rabi on infected land. For the same reason weeds belonging to the order Cruciferae should not be allowed to obtain a footing near land where plants liable to " finger and toe " are under cultivation. In Scotland, where turnips are necessary in all crop-rotations, a four-year rotation does not give complete exemption from this disease, nor is five years 528 THE PATHOGENIC SLIME-FUNGI. considered quite a safe interval, but seven years is, and with good management the disease, though by no means uncommon, only then attains serious dimensions in moist seasons, Massee points out that the development of the fungus is favoured by acids and checked by alkalis ; this explains the well-known beneficial effects of dressings of lime or potash in keeping the disease in check. With a six or seven-year rotation, and the application of lime once in the rotation, the disease should Fig. 318.— Hypertrophied cells from a Cabbage-root attacked by Plasmodiophora brassicae. Several of the cells are filled with spores, (v. Tubenf del.) never be very injurious. The direct application of farmyard manure to the turnip crop should also be avoided, especially if the stock which made the manure was fed on diseased turnips ; this is necessary because it has been found that the spores are not killed when eaten by animals.] (Edit.) Plasmodiophora vitis Yiala et Sauv.^ This is said to cause a Vine disease known as " Brunissure," which within recent years has caused considerable loss in France, North America, and Southern Paissia.^ The early symptoms are light- brown star-shaped spots on the upper surface of the leaves between the ribs. The spots enlarge and cause a premature fall of the leaf, whereby the grapes are prevented from maturing. ' Viala et Sauvageau, Compt. rend., cxiv., 1892. -Cooke (Gardcnpyii Cliroyncle, 1893) refers swellings found by him on roots of the vine in England to the action of this fungus. (Edit.) PLASilODIOPHORA. 529 The above-named investigators found plasmodia in various stages of development in the palisade cells, and later in the spongy parenchyma of diseased leaves. On treatment with " eau de javelle " the plasmodia remained visible, whereas the contents of healthy cells disappeared. Spore-formation has not as yet been observed. The same parasite has been seen in vines in the Ehine district. Eecently Debray and Brive^ have, in consequence of their researches on Brunissure, removed the fungus from the genus Plasniodvyphora, and founded for it a new group Pseudocommis, with a position near VampyreUa and Mycromycetes. This same fungus they also found in a large number of plants from thirty different natural orders. Plasmodiophora californica Mala et Sauv.- is another vine parasite which causes greater damage than the preceding species. Eeddish leaf-spots are produced, and extend so rapidly that the leaves may drop early in spring. The parasite also affects the shoots to such a degree that an abnormal number of .shortened branches are developed, the wood of which exhibits brown stripes in autumn. It has not as yet been quite proved that the plasma observed in withered vme leaves really consists of plasmodia of the above two species of Plasrnodioiiliora, nor have spores been found. The true cause of the diseases has probably still to be explained. In cases of root-deformation in pear, Miiller-Thurgau^ obser^-ed a slime-fungus in cells of the root-parenchyma. Tetramyxa. Spores united four together as tetrads and enclosed in a delicate membrane. Tetramyxa parasitica Goeb.^ First found by Goebel in ditches of marshy meadows, causing tuberous balls of a whitish- green to brown colour on leaves, flowers, and stalks of Rvppia rostellata. Sections of the swellings showed the parenchyma to be divisible into a dark brown central part consisting of '^Compt. rendu., cxx., 1895; and " La Binmii d. PJlauzenkrmikheiten ; Noack, " Der Eschenkrebs," Zeif,- schrift f. Pjlaazenkrankheiten, 1893, p. 193. '■^'L\m\a,\x, ZeitHchrift f. Pjlanzenkrankheiten, 1894, p. 1. •*Sorauer, Zeitschri/t f. Pflanzenkraukheiten, 1891, p. 186, and 1892, p. 344. 534 THE pathogenic; TtACTKRIA. Bacterial Disease of the Mulberry.^ Cavities containing bacteria have been found in brown spots on diseased leaves and twigs of the mulberry. A form " Bacterium mori " was isolated and found to reproduce the disease when used to infect healthy leaves. I have myself observed, in the arboretum of the forest experimental station at Munich, most of the new twigs of an old niulljerry tree beset with brown spots over the whole green tissue. The leaves on such twigs were not spotted, but died off prematurely. The spots indicated cavities filled with bacteria and a slimy substance. " Mai nero " of the Vine. This name is given to certain diseases of the vine, the cause of which has never been satisfactorily explained. Baccarini^ succeeded in obtaining all the symptoms of the disease after infecting healthy twigs by grafting on diseased pieces. Prillieux and Delacroix^ describe a similar disease prevalent in Tunis and throughout France, with the name " Aubernage." The wood when attacked exhibits black points which rapidly enlarge and coalesce, causing it to decay. All diseased elements were found to contain a brown gummy substance in which a form of Leptothrix-hdiCteYiwYCi swarmed. Inoculation of healthy vines produced the disease in the following year. Certain diseases of the grape have also been ascribed to bacterial action, and investigations are at present in progress. Sorghum Blight. A disease of species of Sorglutm has been long known in America, especially on S. saccharatum, one of the sources of sugar. The symptoms are red or black spotting of the leaves and other parts of the plant. The disease may even be severe enough to cause death of the host-plants. Burrill in 1886 found a bacterial form present in the spots, and named it Bacilli's sordid. Kellermann and Swingle^ obtained pure cultures, ^ Boyer and Lambert, "Deux maladies du MArier," Compt. rend., cxvii., 1893. ^ Ma/pi(jhia, VI.; also Bullet . d. Soc. hotan. ItaL, 1894. ^"La gommose bacillaire d. Vignes," Comptes rend., cxviii., 1894. * Report of botanical department of Kansas State Agrie. College, 1889. SORGHUM BLIGHT. 535 and carried out successful experiments in infection of healthy Sorghum. Diseased fields should have the Sorgluim stubble burnt out, and other crops cultivated on them for several years. Bacterial Disease of Maize.^ From dark slimy spots on young maize-plants which had died from some unknown disease, Burrill isolated Bacillus secales. Pure cultures were obtained and minutely described, but no record is given of its use in infection-experiments. Red-coloration of Wheat. This is a phenomenon not uncommon on wheat-grain, where it may be epidemic. Prillieux- ascribes it to a Micrococcus which he found associated with it ; as, however, neither pure cultures were made nor any experiments in infection carried out, the cause of the disease is still doubtful. Examination of diseased grain showed that the starch-grains and even cell-walls had been dissolved. Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. This disease of the tobacco is well known in the Nether- lands. It makes its appearance as a mosaic-like pattern on the leaf, due to isolated spots becoming light-green, then dying. Mayer ^ ascribes the disease to the influence of bacteria, although infection-experiments have hitherto failed ; other observations on the disease do not confirm this conclusion. Potato-Rot.^ Kuhn described a dry-rot or tuber-rot of the potato which had been known since 1830. The disease appears generally after harvest and lasts till spring. The tubers shrivel up and become very brittle. ^Burrill, Agric. Exper. Station, Univ. of Illinois, 1889. ^Annale-f d. sci. natar., Ser. vi. , 8, 1878, p. 248. "* " Ueber die Mosaik-krankheit des Tabaks," Versuchs-slation, Vol. 32, 1886. ■* Kiihn, Die Krcml-Jieiten d. Kulturgeiruchse, 1858. The text-books of Frank and Sorauer. Reinke and Berthold, Die Zersetzunr/ d. Kartoffel durch Pilze, 1879. Kramer, Oesterreirli. landvnrth. Centralhlatt , 1891. 53G THE PATHUCJENIC BACTERIA. Another disease of potato-tubers quite distinct from the above is " wet-rot," which is widely distributed, and has been known since 1845. It appears on the field and shows itself by a putrefaction of the tubers. Kramer investigated tubers whose contents had liquefied inside the swollen skin. They contained unaltered starch-grains, remains of the protoplasm, and numerous bacteria. The mass in the earlier stages was acid, later it became alkaline, and smelt strongly of butyric acid. Kramer obtained pure cultures of the bacteria and infected potato tubers in various ways, obtaining in every case the characteristic rot. The Bacillus was obtained in the form of rods with rounded ends, or as long wavy filaments, or as spores. On nutritive agar-agar, the colonies form little dirty- white slimy drops with a distinct margin and a brownish centre. On gelatine the margin of each colony makes a groove or funnel in which the colony lies, and liquefaction of the gelatine proceeds rapidly. This Bacillus is aerobic, in this respect differing from Clostridium hutyricum Prazm, which is anaerobic. It also differs from Bacillus hutyricus Hueppe, in that it is able to decompose milk. It appears quickly on wounds of all kinds, and infection can easily be performed artificially by pricking or otherwise wounding the periderm. Infection also takes plae^e through uninjured skin, and in this case the Bacillus must enter by the lenticels of the tuber. The disease begins with the formation of a soft spot under the periderm of the tuber. This extends rapidly, the tissue being completely destroyed, and leaving great cavities containing the almost uninjured starch-grains. At this stage carbonic acid and butyric acid are formed, so that the reaction to lit- mus is acid ; later the decomposing fluid becomes alkaline from formation of ammonia, methylamine, and trimethylamine. Various putrefactive bacteria and fungi make their appearance in the later stages of decomposition after the periderm has been ruptured. A somewhat similar disease is reported by Halsted ^ from the Southern States of America. Diseases of a similar nature are also reported on tomato, cucumber, and melon. ^ Ztitsrhri/l f. PJlanztnl-rankheiten, 1895, p. .3.37. POTATO-SCAB. 537 Potato-Scab. The symptoms of this common disease consist in the formation of areas of dry corky tissue on the surface of the tubers. These soon fall a prey to bacterial forms, and rotting takes place, soon, however, to be cut off from the healthy tissue by a layer of cork. The disease continues to spread deeper into the tuber, till the reserve materials are used up or rendered viseless. Bolley ^ ascribes the disease to a particular Bacterium which he isolated and used to carry out infections on healthy tubers. Without doubt this Bacteriuiii is common in tubers exhibiting " scab," but other conditions may have caused the disease in the first instance. Thaxter^ believes that the scab-disease of both potato and beetroot is caused Ijy a fungus Oospora scabies (p. 497). Schilberszky ^ in investigating a potato-scab, found a fungus which he places amongst the Chytridiaceae ; its life-history has not as yet been followed out. Bacterial Diseases of Beetroot. Beetroot and sugar beet have shown themselves very liable to diseases which have been ascribed to bacterial agency. Thus in sugar beet which yielded a low proportion of sugar, Arthur and Golden * found the cells inhabited by a multitude of bacteria. These inhabited both roots and leaves, without, however, giving any external evidence of their presence. Hiltner^ observed that beetroot died in consequence of loss of its root-hairs. This loss was traced to bacteria, and, after these had been killed by disinfection, the same roots again produced normal root- hairs and grew well. More recently Sorauer " describes a disease of these crops in Germany. The lower ends of the plants become black, while from the undiseased portions of the surface there exuded a gummy fluid containing bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. He considers 'Bolley, "Potato-Scab."' Agricultural Science, 1890. - Thaxter, BcporfH of the Connertirut Agric. Exper. Station, 1890 and 1891. " .Schilberszk}', Vorlauf. Mittheilung, Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., 1896, p. 36. * " Diseases of the Sugar Beetroot." Indiana A{att, 1891 ; also Conspecttis algarum endoph/tarum, etc., 1891, with complete bibliography. THE CYANOPHYCEAE. 541 relationship. The manner in which tyijieal chlorophyllous plants gradually become shelter-parasites, and pass from this into the condition of true parasites, is well demonstrated amongst the algae. Few of the parasitic algae can be said to affect their host injuriously by causing death of its tissues ; PhyllosipJion is the most marked case of this kind. A. THE CYANOPHYCEAE. These, the blue-green algae, possess a homogenous bluish green plasma, with a colouring matter consisting of phycocyan and chlorophyll. Multiplication takes place only by cell- division ; sexual reproduction does not occur. Many of the forms are adapted to a symbiotic life, yet without prejudice to their ability to live as independent organisms. Numerous species form lichens. They are in many cases capable of long resistance to drought. The Cyanophyceae are common both as endophytes and epiphytes on other algae and on higher plants. Amongst them will be found examples of purely shelter-parasitism, of true parasitism, and all intermediate stages, yet no cases are known of real injury or death to host-plants resulting from members of this group. Amongst forms endophytic in Phanerogams may be noticed Nostoc gunnerae in Angiosperms, and Anahaena cycadearuin in Gymnosperms ; in Pteridophyta only Anahaena azollae is known, and in Bryophyta, Nostoc lichenoides. In every case the Nostoc penetrates as a shelter-parasite into fissures or cavities already existing in the host, and becomes as a rule entangled in a slime occupying the cavity. The Nostoc in GvMnera becomes parasitic at a later stage, and makes its way into the cavity of cells. The other species are never endophytic in the host-cells, though they may affect the cells surrounding a cavity and stimulate them to further growth, apparently, however, without any injurious effect on the host-plant. Nostoc punctiforme (Kutz.) P. Hariot ^ {Nostoc {Scytonema) gunnerae Eeinke).^ This occurs in various species of G^innera, natives of South Africa, New Zealand, and South America ; or cultivated frequently in Europe. The occurrence of the Nostoc is in every case the same, its presence being indicated to the 1 Hariot, Compt. rend, ex v., 1892. -Reinke, Morphologische Ahhandlungen, Leipsic, 1873. 542 THK I'ATHOGENIC ALGAE. naked eye by bluisli-green spots on sections of stems and rhizomes of the host (Fig. 319). These originate as follows : the species of Gunncra possess charac- teristic mucilage-secreting organs, in the form of fissures of the leaf-tip, collaters on the leaves, and glands on the stems. Merker ^ found that these glands originated endogenously in the growing point between each pair of leaves. The mature glands are covered only by the epidermis, and when activity commences the uppermost cells of the gland-tip, after swelling, become detached and converted into slime (Fig. 320). Ultimately the epidermis is ruptured by the pressure of the slime, and the remaining glandular cells are in turn rapidly transformed into the same substance. Via. 31'.i. — No.'0, 154 166 Aureobasidium, - 428 aureum, Synchytrium, - 111 Auricularieae, 421 aurivellus, Agaricus, - 462 australe, Rhytisma, - 246 australis, Peronospora, - 134 ,, Puccinia, 349 ,, Taphrina, - 150 154 Auteupuccinia, - 340 Autobasidiomycetes, - 421 autuninale, Rhytisma, - - 246 avenae, Ustilago, - 54 284 azaleae, Kxobasidium, - 427 azoUae, Anabaena, - - 545 B baccarum, Sclerotinia, - - - 260 bacilligera, Passalora, - - - 506 Bacillus, .... 532-538 bacteriospermum, Taphrina, 147, 149, 153 Bacteria, . . . . . 530 Bacterium, - - 101, 143, 534, 537 Balansae, Peridermium, - - - 417 balsameum, Peridermium, - - 417 PAOE balsamitae, Puccinia, - - - 355 banilnisae, Neovossia, - - - 31 1 barbareae, Aecidium, - - - 409 Barclayana, Neovossia, - - - 311 Barclayclla, 373 Barclayi, Phragmidiuvi, - - - 363 Bardanae, Aecidium, - - - 351 Bargellinia, 138 Barya, 184 Baryanum, Pythiuin de, - - 4, 116 Baryi, Puccinia, .... 354 basicola, Thielavia, - - - 182 Basidiomycetes, - - - - 421 Basidiophora, .... 127 batatas, Rliizoctonia, - - - 202 bataticola, Phyllosticta, - - 464 Batschiaua, Sclerotinia, - - - 270 Behenis, Uromyces, - - 337 bellidiastri, Puccinia, - - - 359 Beloniella, 255 berberidis, Aecidium, - • - 341 ,, Melasmia, - - - 479 ,, Microsphaera, - - 176 Berkeley!, Puccinia, - - - 356 betae, Phoma, .... 468 ,, Phyllosticta, - - - 464 ,, Rliizoctonia, - - - 202 ,, Uromyces, - - - - 334 beticola, Cercospora, - - - 513 betonicae, Puccinia, - - - 359 Ustilago, - - - 298 betulae, Hormomyia, - - - 262 Sclerotinia, - - - 261 Taphrina, - 148, 149, 154 betulina, Dothidella, - - - 230 ,, Melam psora, - - 366, 367 Taphrina, 147, 149, 152, 159 betuliniis, Polyporus, - - - 446 Beyerinckii, Ascospora, - - - 211 Coryneum, - - 211, 491 bicolor, Entyloma, - - - 312 Bidwellii, Laestadia, - - - 216 biennis, Endosphaera, - - - 555 biseptatum, Gymnosporangium, - 401 bistortae, Ovularia, - - - 501 ,, Pseudopeziza, - - 256 ,, Pseudorhytisnia, - - 255 ,, Puccinia, - - - 355 ,, Rhytisma, - - - 246 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 559 bistortarum, Ustilago, - Bivonae, Uncinula,- bliti, Cystopus, Bloxami, Cercospora, BoUeana, Cercospora, Boltshauseri, Ascochyta, borealis, Exoascus, ,, Polyporus, Bostrichonema, Botrytis, - - 4, boutelouae-humilis, Ustilago, brachysporum, Lophodermiuni, Brachypuccinia, Brandegei, Aecidium, brassicae, Alteruaria, ,, Asocliyta, ,, Chytridium, - ,, Macrosporium, ,, Olpidium, , , Plasmodiopliora, brassicicola, Sphaerella, - Breniia, . - - - - brexapes, Uromyces, brevius, Peiidermium, - bromivora, Ustilago, Brunchorstia, - - - - Brunchorstii, Frankia, - brunnea, Ramularia, bulborum, Sclerotina, bulbosuni, Phragmidium, Bulgaria, - . . . buUata, Puccinia, - Taphrina, - 148, 150, ,, Ustilago, - bullatum, Tolyposporium, bunii, Aecidium, ,, Puccinia, Burillia, - . - - - butomi, Cladochytrium, - buxi, Laestadia, ,, Puccinia, Byssothecium circinans, - cacaliae, Uromyces, Caeoma, calamagrostidis, Tilletia, calcea, Ramularia, - caleudulae, Entyloma, - PAGE PAGE - 298 californica, Plasmodiophora, - • 529 - 178 Calonectria, - . - . - 184 - 127 Calosphaeria, - - - - - 2-26 - 514 calospora, Tilletia, - - 310 - 515 calthae, Pseudopeziza, - - 255 - 473 ,, Puccinia, - - 341 - 158 Calyptospora, - - 370 439 Camarosporium, - 47.-> - 501 camelliae, Coryneum, - 491 267, 499 ,, Meliola, - - 182 - 299 campanulae, Coleosporium, - 377 - 233 ,, ^larsonia, - - 491 - 353 ,, Puccinia, - - 359 - 411 cancellata, Pioestelia, - 396 518 Candida, Peronospora, - 134 - 473 candidus, Cystopus, - 123 - 107 Candolleana, Sclerotinia, - 266 - 518 CandoUei, Phoma, - - 468 - 107 canescens, Entyloma, - 312 - 524 cannabis, Septoria, - 477 - 215 capensis, Ustilago, - - 294 - 131 Capnodium, - - - - ■ 181 - 337 capparidis, Cercospora, • - 515 - 415 carbonarium, Phragmidium, - - 363 - 292 caprearum, Melampsora, - 368 - 481 cardui, Puccinia, - 359 - 101 ,, Ustilago, - 296 - 502 caricicola, Puccinia, - 355 - 266 caricis, Cintractia, - - 301 - 363 ,, Puccinia, - - 349 - 253 ,, Ustilago, - 301 - 353 cariciiium, Leptostroma, - 480 154, 168 caries, Tilletia, - 306 - 288 carnea, Taphrina, - 148, 149, 154, 167 - 306 carneola, Ovularia, - - 501 355, 409 cameum, Myxosporium, - - 486 - 356 carpinea, Dermatea, - 253 - 322 carpini, Melampsora, - 370 - 114 „ Taphrina, - 147, 150, 153, 162 - 217 Carpoasci, . . . - - 168 - 361 carpophilum, Cladosporium, - - 510 - 201 carthanii, Puccinia, - 355 caryogenum, Fusicladium, - 508 caryophyllinus, Uromyces, - 336 - 337 Casparyana, Schinzia, - - 326 364, 418 cassandrae, Exobasidium, - 427 - 310 castagnei, Melampsora, - - 368 - 502 ,, Podosphaera, - - 173 - 312 ,, Puccinia, - 355 560 castagnei, Spliaerotheca, castaneae, Diploilina, ,, Septoiia, catalpae, Macrosporiuni.- catenulatum, Entyloma, - caulicola, Cercospora, cauliuni, Melanotaenium, ceanothi, Aecidium, oecidomophilus, Taphrina, cedri, Periclermium, celiulicola, Schinzia (Naegelia), celtidis, Ivaimilaria, celtis, Taphrina, - - 148, Cenangium, - ceuchri, Tolyposporium, centaitreae, Aecidium, - ,, Pnccinia, cephalanthi, Aecidium, - Cephaleuros, - Cephalotheca, cepulae, Urocystis, - cerasi, Fusicladium, ,, Puccinia. ,, Taphrina, 19, 147, 151, cerasina, Septoria, - cerastii, Aecidium, - ,, Melampsorella, - cerastioruui, Fabraea, Ceratocystis fimbriata, - Ceratophorum, cerealis, Gibellina, - cerebrum, Periderniium, Cercospora, Cercosporella, cercosporoides, Cylindrosporium, Cesatii, Tuburcinia, chaetomium, Coleroa, Chaetophoraceae, - Charrinia, cheiranthi, Cercospora, - chelidonii, Caeonia, chenopodii, Phyllosticta, ,, Uromyces, - Chlorochy triuni , Chlorocystis Cohnii, Chloropliyceae, Chlorosphaera endophyta, Chlorosphaeraceae, Choreocolax, - NDEX Ol ' I'AUASITKS. PAGE i>a(;k - 173 ohrysanthemi, Oidium, - 499 - 474 ,, Septoria, - 478 - 478 Chrysochytrium, - - 111 - 518 Chrysomyxa, - - - 20, 54 ,377 - 313 chrysosplenii, P^ntyloma, - 312 - 514 ,, Puccinia, - 361 - 314 Chrysospora, - - - - 361 - 411 Chytridiaoeae, 11, 106 147, 152 Ciboria, - 270 - 417 cichoriacearum, Krysiplie, - 175 - 32f> Cicinobolus Cesatii, - 470 - 502 cicutae, Puccinia, - - 355 149, 153 cinarae, Ramularia, - 502 - 251 ciuerariae, Aecidium, - 352 - 306 cinerea, Botrytis, - - 180, 267 499 - 351 ,, Monilia, - . 261 - 353 cingens, Melanotaenium, . 314 - 411 cingulatum, Gloeosporium, - - 485 - 552 cinnabarina, Nectria, - 8, 17, 71 185 - 178 cinnamomeus, Polyporus, 452 - 316 cinnamonea, Dermatea, - 253 - 507 Cintractia, .... 301 . 355 circaeae, Aecidium, 409 153, 163 ,, Melampsora, - 370 - 476 ,, Puccinia, - 361 - 410 circinans, Coleroa, - 195 - 370 ,, Leptosphaeria, 201, 221 - 255 , , Vermicularia, - 471 - 469 circinata, Uncinula, 178 - 511 circumscissa, Cercospora, 513 - 220 cirsii, Phyllosticta, - 464 - 414 ,, I'uccinia, - 340 - 513 citri, Capnodium, - 182 - 503 ,, Meliola, - 181 - 489 Cladochytriaceae, - 113 - 322 Cladochytrium, 114 - 195 Cladosporium, 508 - 551 cladosporoides, Cercospora, - 506 - 472 Clasterosporium, - - 511 - 515 clavariaeforme, Gymnosporangium, 384 - 419 Clavarieae, - . - . - 431 - 465 clavellosum, Triphragmium, - 362 - 337 Claviceps, .... 191 - 549 clavipes, Gymnosporangium, - 402 - 550 claytoniae, Peronospora, - 134 - 548 clematidis, Aecidium, - 349, 409 - 548 Clithris, - 248 - 548 Cocconii, Tolyposporium, - 306 - 555 cochleariae, Ovularia, 500 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 561 PACK coerulescens, Taphriua, 148, 150 154 167 coicis, Ustilago, - 294 colchici, Urocystis,- - 316 ,, Uromyces, - 338 Ooleopuccinia, - 403 Coleosporium, - 374 Coleroa, - - - - - 195 Colletotrichiim , 486 Colpoma, . - - . - 248 columnare, Aecidium, - 372, 409 comari, Doassansia, - 324 commune, Nostoc, - - 544 communis, Erysiphe, - 175 Taphrina, 147, 151, 152 157 complanatum, Peridermlum, - 415, 416 compositarum, Aecidium, - 409 concentrica, Pestalozzia, - 494 condylonema, Cladosporium, - - 510 confluens, Caeoma, 419 confusa, Taphrina, - - 147, 151 152 confusum, Gymnosporangium, - 401 congesta, Graphiola, - 326 conglomerata, Puccinia, - 359 conglutinata, Pleospora,- - 511 conicum, Gymnosporangium, - - 391 Coniothecium, - 517 Coniothyrium, 471 conorum, Aecidium (Peridermium), 416 consimilis, Septoria, 477 controversa, Tilletia, - 309 convallariae, Aecidium, - - 410 , , Dendrophoma, • 469 convolvulacearum, Cystopus, - 127 convolvuli, Puccinia, 341 coralloides, Urocystis, - - 319 Cordyceps, . . . - - 184 cornicola, Phyllosticta, - 464 ,, Septoria, - 478 cornu cervi, Taphrina, 29, 147 149 , 153 Cornuella, - . . . - 322 Cornui, Peridermium, 381 415 cornuta, Roestelia, - - 385 391 , 392 coronata, Puccinia, - - 346 coronifera, Puccinia, - 346 Corticium comedens, - 452 coruscans, Peridermium, 416 corydalis, Entyloma, - 312 ,, Perouospora, - - 134 coryli, Gnomoniella, 224 PAGE - 224 211, 491 - 475 - 292 - 312 - 474 - 476 147, 150, 153, 166 - 337 - 202 - 380 - 282 - 246 - 489 - 475 - 138, 170 - 134 - 510 - 510 - 428 - 469 - 206 - 204 - 188 coryli, Mamiania, - Coryneum, Couturea, Crameri, Ustilago, - crastophilum, Entyloma crataegi, Actinonema, ,, Septoria, - ,, Taphrina cristatus, Uromyces, crocorum, Rliizoctonia, - Cronartiura, - cruenta, Ustilago, - Cryptomyces, - Cryptosporium, Cryptostictis, - Ctenomyces, - cubensis, Peronospora, - cucumerinum, Cladosporium, cucumeris, Cladosporium, ,, Hypnochus, - cucurbitacearum, Phoma, Cucurbitaria, - Cucurbitarieae, cucurbitula, Nectria, Cunninghamianum,Gymnosporangium403 cupulatum, Synchytrium, - - 111 cyani, Aecidium, - - . - 409 Cyanophyceae, . . - - 541 cycadearum, Anabaena, - ■ - 544 cyclameneae, Colletotrichum, - - 488 cyclaminis, Septoria, - - - 478 Cycloconium, - - - - 12, 506 cydoniae, Hendersonia, - - - 475 Phoma, - - - 468 Cylindrosporium, - - - - 488 cynodontis, Phyllachora, - - 229 ,, Ustilago, - - - 294 cynoglossi, Peronospora,- - - 134 cynosbati, Cryptostictis, - - 475 cypericola, Schinzia, - - - 326 Cystopus, ... - 28, 123 ,, haustoria, - - - 13 ,, oogonia, - - - 47 ,, spore-germination, 47, 60 cystosiphon, Pythium, - - - 117 cytisi, Diplodia, - - - - 209 ,, Peronospora, - - - 133 „ Phyllosticta, - - - 463 Cytospora, - - - - - 471 N 562 D Dacromycetes, tlactylidis, Uroniycus, Dailuca, Dasyscypha, Decaisneaua, Schroeteiia, decipiens, Endomyces, - ,, Synchytriuin, - ,, Taphrina, ,, Tilletia, - decolorans, Exobasidium, deformans, Barclayella, - ,, Caeoma, ,, Peridenniuni, ,, Taphrina, 147, ,, Uromyces, - Dehnii, Beloniella, - Delastrina, Schroetei-ia, - Dematieae, Dematophora, dendriticum, Fusicladium, ,, Venturia, - Dendrophoma, densa, Plasniopara, densissima, Miciosphaera, dentariae, Puccinia, Depazea, depazeaeformis, Sphaerella, depressum, Fusicladium, Dermatea, Dermateaceae, Dermatella, desmodii, Kamularia, destruens, Agaricus, ,, Biunchorstia, ,, Fusicladium, - ,, Oidium, , , Ustilago, devastans, Myxosporium, devastatrix, Phragmidium, Diachora, dianthi, Ascochyta, „ Septoria, - ,, Sorosporiuin, Diatrypeae, dicentrae, Aecidium, Dicoccum, dictyospermum, Pythium, didyma, Septoria, - 147, 150, [NDEX Ol' PARASITES, PAOE PAOE Didymaria, - 501 - 422 Didyniosphaeria, - 21H - 3:^6 Didynidsporium, - 490 - 474 digitalis, Ascochyta, - 473 - 270 digitariae, Ustilago, - 291 - 328 digitata, Schinzia, - - 326 - 141 digraphidis, Puccinia, - 349 - 109 Dilophia, .... - 222 , 151, 153 Dilophospora, - 479 - 310 Dimerosporium, - 178 - 427 dioicae, Puccinia, - - 351 - 373 Diorchidium, - - - - - 361 30, 418 Diplodia, .... - 472 - 416 diplodiella, Coniothyrium, - 471 , 153, 165 Diplodina, .... - 474 - 418 diplospora, Ustilago, - 291 - 256 Dipodascus, - - ,- - 138 - 328 dipsaci, Peronospora, - 132 - 505 discoideum, Exobasidium, - 427 - 202 Discomycetes, - 240 218, 507 Discosia, .... - 480 - 218 discosioides, Pestalozzia, - 494 - 469 dispersa, Puccinia, - 347, 348 - 131 ditissima, Nectria, - - 186 - 176 diversidens, Hydnum, - - 431 - 359 Doassansia, .... - 322 - 465 domestica, Ustilago, - 298 - 215 Dothidea, .... - 230 - 508 Dothideaceae, 184, 229 - 253 Dothidella, ... - - 230 - 251 Dothiora, .... - 249 - 252 Uouglasii, Botrytis, - 4, 269, 499 - 502 drabae, Aecidium, - - 410 - 462 ,, Puccinia, - - 359 252, 481 dracontii, Aecidium, - 410 - 508 dryadeus, Polyporus, - 440 - 499 dryadis, Didymosphaeria, - 218 - 289 Duriaeana, Ustilago, - 297 - 486 Dyscomycopsis rhytismoides, - - 245 ■ 362 - 230 E - 473 echinata, Ustilago, - 294 - 477 echinatum, Triphragmium, - 362 - 325 echinulatum, Heterosporium,- - 516 - 226 Ectrogella, . - . - - 107 - 410 effusa, Peronospora, - 132 - 506 effusum, Fusicladium, - - 508 - 117 Ehrenbergii, Sorosporium, - 282 - 478 Elaphomyces, - 97, 183 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 563 PAliE PAGE elatinum, Aecidiuin, - 18 72, 404 eriophori, Puccinia, - 352 elegans, Clailosporiura, - - 509 errabunda, Phoma, - 469 Eleutheromyces, - 184 ervi, Uromyces, - 333 elliptica, Peronospora, - - 13o eryugii, Entyloma, - - 312 Ellisii, Ascochyta, - - 473 Erysiphe, .... - 175 ,, Entyloma, - - 313 Erysipheae, .... 7, 170 ,, Gymnosporangiuin, - 402 ,, liaustoria, - -9, 10 elymi, Puccinia (Rostrupia), - - 354 ,, remedies, - - 68 empetri, Caeoma, - - 380 erysiphoides, Oidium, - - 499 ,, Chrysomyxa, - 380 erythronii, Uromyces, - 338 ,, Melasmia, - 479 erythrostoma, Gnomonia, - 222 ,, Pihytisina, - 246 esculenta, Ustilago, - 294 eudiviae, Puccinia, - - 355 esculentum, Aecidium, - - 410 Endocloniuin polymorphum. - 548, 551 euonymi, Caeoma, - 368, 419 eadogenum, Melanotaenium, - - 314 , , Microsphaera, - - 176 Endomyces, - - - - - 141 Euj)ezizeae, . . . - - 270 Endophyllum, - 403 Euphacidieae, - - 241 Endosphaera, - - - - - 550 euphorbiae, Aecidium, - 24, 410 Endosphaeraceae, - - 548 , , Peronospora, - 135 Engelmanni, Peridcrmium, - 417 ,, Uromyces, - - 834 Eiiglerianum, Aecidiuni, - 409 euphorbiae-dulcis, Melampsora, - 370 enormis, Puccinia, - - 359 euphorbiae-sylvaticae, Endophy Hum, 403 Entoderma Wittrockii, - - 551 euphrasiae, Coleosporium, - 376 Entomophthoreae, - - 115 Eu-puccinia, .... - 340 Entonaosporium, - 4S0 Eurotium, .... - 178 Entonema, . . . - - 555 excavatus, Uromyces, - - 337 Entophysa charae, - - 548 Excipulaceae, - . - - - 482 Eutorrhiza, . - - . - 326 exitiosum, Polydesmus, - 221, 518 entorrhiza, Ustilago, - 297 ,, Sporidesmium, - 221 entospora, Basidiophora, - 127 Exoasceae, - - - 11, 41 , 52, 144 Entyloma, . - . . - 311 galls, - 25, 29 ephedrae, Peridermium, - 417 Exoascus (see Taphrina), 147, 152 Epichloe, .... - 190 Exobasidiaceae, - 423 epidermidis, Didymosphaeria, - 218 Exobasidium, - - - - / , 13, 423 epilobii, Plasmopara, - 131 ,, galls, - - '- 1, 25, 28 ,, Ramularia, - 502 exotica, Septoria, - - 478 ,, Septoria, - - 478 expansa, Puccinia, - - 359 ,, Sphaerotheca, - - 174 extensa, Taphrina, - - 148 epiloljii-tetragonii, Puccinia, - - 341 extensicola, Puccinia, - 351 €piphylla, Taphrina, 20, 147, 150 152, 158 Tilletia, - - 310 F €piphyllum, Cladosporium, - - 510 fabae, Uromyces, - - 333 epitea, Melampsora, - 368 Fabraea, .... - 255 erectum, Aecidium, - 349 fagi, Phytophthora, - 117 Eremascus, .... - 138 fagicola, Actinonema, - 474 Eremothecium, - 138 fallaciosa, Physalospora, - 218 ericae, Hypoderma, - 234 farinosa, Melampsora, - 368 erigeronatum, Aecidium, - 411 farinosum, Oidium, 173, 499 eriobotryae, Fusicladium, - 507 Farlowii, Taphrina, - 147, 151, 152, 157 564 I. INDEX OF J'ARASITES. fasciciilaris, Botrytis, fasciciilata, Tai>lirjna, - I4S, fasciculatum, Fusicladium, Fenestella, .... Fergussonii, Puccinia, festucae, Puccinia, ,, Urocystis, ficariae, Cylinclrosponuin, ,, Peronospoia, ,, • Uromyces, - fici, Uredo, .... ficuum, Usfcilago, - filanientosum, Peridermiuin, - filiciua, Ta2Dhrina, - - 148, ,, Uredinopsis, filipendulae, Cylindrosporiuin, ., Triphragmium, - ,, Urocystis, - filuni, Darluca, fimbriata, Ceratocystis, - ,, Gnomoniella, - ,, Mamiauia, fimbriatum, Sphaeronema, firma, Puccinia, Fischeri, Entyloma, ,, Peridermium, - ,, Tilletia, - ,, Ustilago, - Fistulina hepatica, - flaccidum, Cronartium, - flammulae, Cladochytrium, flava, Taphrina, - - 148, Florideae, - - . . flosculorum, Ustilago, foeda, Chaetophoma, foedum, Capnodium, foliicola, Hendersonia, - fomentarius, Polyporus, - 74 Fomes (see Polyporus). fragariae, Ascochyta, ,, Sphaerella, fragariastri, Phragmidiuni, Frankia, .... fraxini, Actinonema, ,, Aecidium, - ,, Hysterographium, ,, Scolecotrichum, - ,, Septogloeuni, ,, Septoria, I'AOK r)(»o 149 , 154 508 - 229 - 359 349 316 489 - 134 337 420 299 - 415 149 154 141 420 489 - 362 - 319 - 474 469 - 223 - 223 - 469 - 351 - 312 377 414 - 310 - 281 - 452 - 382 - 114 150 154 555 294, 295 - 181 - 181 - 475 , 84 435 473 - 214 - 363 - 101 - 474 410 232 - 508 - 496 - 478 fructigena, Monilia, I'AfiB 261, 497 fructigenum, Gloeosporiuni, . - 482 frustulosum, Stereum, - - 4m fuciforniia, Isaria, - - 519 Fuckeliana, Sclerotinia, - 267 fulgens, Synohytrium, - - 109 fuliginosa, Scleroderris, - - 251 fulvum, Cladosporium, - - 510 ,, Polystigma, - 190 ,, Sclerotiuni, - 431 fulvus, Polyporus, - 447, 448 Fumago, .... 181, 519 fumariae, Caeoma, - - 419 fumosus, Polyporus, - 452 funerea, Pestalozzia, - 493 Fungi, classification of, - - 105 Fungi imperfecti, - - 462 Fusarium, - - - 184, 189, 520 fusca, Puccinia, - 356 fusco-violaceuni, Sistotrema, - - 433 fuscum, Entyloma, - 312 fuscus, Protomyces, - 141 Fusicladium, - - . . - 507 Fusicoccum abietinum, - - 465 fusiforme, Phragmidiuni, - 362 Fusispoi'ium, - 521 Fusoma, .... - 504 G galanthi, Sclerotinia, - 270 galanthina, Botrytis, - 500 galeopsidis, Erj^siphe, - 175 ,, Phyllosticta, - 465 galii, Melampsora, - 370 ,, Puccinia, - 341 ganglioniformis, Peronospora, - 131 Gasteromycetes, - 422 geicola, Depazea, - - 465 genistae, Didymosphaeria, - 218 ,, Uromyces, - 337 genistalis, Darluca, - 474 gentianae, Puccinia, - 341 geographicum, Asteroma, - 470 geranii, Plasmopara, - 131 ,, Puccinia, - - 359 ,, Ramularia, - 502 ,, Uromyces, - - 334 ,, Venturia, - - 218 Gibbera, .... - 204 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 565 PAGE Gibberella, . - . . - 184 gibberosa, Puccinia, 346, 354 Gibelliana, Sphaerella, - - 215 Gibellina, .... - 220 giganteum, Peridermium, - 416 giliae, Aecidium, - 411 ,, Puccinia, - 355 gilvum, Lophodermium, - 240 githagiuis, Magnusiella, 148, 151, 154 gladioli, Urocystis, - 316 glaucum, Penicillium, 3, ISO glechomatis, Puccinia, - - 361 globosum, Gymnosporangium, - 403 ,, Synchytrium, - 113 Gloeosporium, - 482 glomerulata, Tilletia, - 310 glomerulosum, Clasterosporiuni, - 511 glumaruni, Puccinia, - 348 ,, Uredo, - - 420 glycyrrhizae, Ui'omyces, - 337 Gnomonia, .... 17, 222 Gnomoniella, ... - - 223 Goeldiana, Eamularia, - - 502 Goeppertiana, Calyptospora, - - 370 ,, Melampsora, - - 370 ,, Ustilago, - 298 gongrogena, Diplodia, - 472 ,, Pestalozzia, - 494 gossypii, Colletotrichum, - 487 ,, Uredo, - 420 gossypina, Cercospora, - - 515 ,, Sphaerella, - - 214 gracile, Helminthosporium, - - 512 ,, Phragmidium, - - 363 ,, Pythium, - - 117 gramineum, Helminthosporium, 221, 512 gi-aminicola, Ascochyta, - 473 ,, Sclerospora, - 131 graminicolum, Exobasidium, - - 427 graminis. Dilophia, - 222 ,, Dilophospora, - - 479 ,, Erysiphe, - 175 ,, Ophiobolus, - 222 ,, Phyllachora, - - 229 ,, Puccinia, 75, 341 ,, Scolecotrichum, - 508 graminum, Septoria, - 477 Typhula, - 431 grammica, Ustilago, - 294 PAGE grandis, Ustilago, .... 293 Graphiola, 325 grisea, Peronospora, - - - 134 griseola, Isariopsis, - - - 519 grossulariae, Aecidium, - - - 409 ,, Microsphaera, - - 176 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Guarinonii, Microsphaera, - - 176 Guepini, Pestalozzia, - - - 494 gunnerae, Nostoc, . . - - 541 guttata, Phyllactinia, - - - 178 Gymnoasci, - - - - - 137 Gymnoascus, .... 138, 170 Gymnosporangium, 48, 51, 74, 332, 383 ,, deformations, 18, 43 H Halstedii, Plasmopara, - - - 131 Harknessii, Peridermium, - - 415 Hartigianum, Septogloeum, - - 495 Hartigii, Melampsora, - - - 368 ,, Pestalozzia, - - S3, 491 ,, Polyporus, - - - 447 Harveyella mirabilis, - - - 555 hederae, Septoria, .... 478 hedericola, Sphaerella, - - - 215 hedysari-obscuri, Uromyces, - - 338 helianthi, Aecidium, - - - 340 ,, Puccinia, - - - 340 Helicobasidium, ... - 429 helioscopiae, Melampsora, - - 370 hellebori, Eamularia, - - - 502 Helminthosporium, - - 512, 516 helosciadii, Entyloma, - - - 312 Helotieae, 256 Helvellaceae, 275 helvetica, Puccinia, - - - 353 Hemibasidii, . . - . - 275 Hemileia, .... 32, 361 Hemipuccinia, .... 353 Hendersonia, . . - - . 474 Hennebergii, Phoma, - - - 467 hepatica, Fistulina, - - - 452 hepaticae, Aecidium, - - - 409 herbarum, Cladosporium, - 4, 509 Herpotrichia, - - - 61, 83, 198 herpotrichoides, Leptosphaeria, - 220 hesperidearum, Pleospora, - - 221 Heteropuccinia, .... 341 666 T. TXDKX OF I'AKASITES. I'AflK heterogenea, Puccinia, - - - 360 heteroica, Sclerotinia, - - - 263 Hoterosphaeria, .... 249 Heterosporium, - . - - 51") heterosporium, Fasarimn, - - 520 heterosponun, Septosporiuni, - 518 hieracii, Puccinia, .... 353 hiinalayonsis, C'hrysomyxa, - - 379 hippuriilis, Aecidium, - - - 33(5 hirsutum, Stereum, - - - 429 hirsutiis, Polyponis, - - - 452 hispidus, Polyponis, - - . 444 Holboelli, Puccinia, - - - 359 holostei, Ustilago, - . . - 297 hoi'dei, Horraodendron, - - 505 ,, Tilletia, - - . - 310 ,, Ustilago, - - - . 28S Hormodendion, .... 505 hottoniae, Doassansia, - - - 324 hyacinthi, Bacillus, - - - 538 ,, Pleospora, - - . 221 hyaliua, Theeaphora, - - - 324 Hydneae, 431 Hydnum, 431 hydrangeae, Septoria, - - - 478 hydropiperis, Sphacelotheca, - - 302 Hyinenomycetes, - - . . 422 hyoscyami, Peroiiospora, - - 134 hypericorum, Melampsora, - - 370 Hyphomycetes, . . - . 490 Hypnochaceae, . . . . 428 Hypnochus, ----- 428 Hypocreaceae, . - - . 184 Hypoderma, 233 Hypodermieae, . - . . 233 Hypodermella, - - - . 234 hypodytes, Ustilago, - - - 293 hypogaea, Niptera, - - - 254 Hyponiyces, 184 hypophyllum, Cladosporiuni, - - 511 Hysteriaceae, - - - - - 232 Hysterineae, 232 Hysterium, 237 Hysterographiuni, - - - - 232 I igniarius, Polyporus, 35, 433, 441 pinuum, 447 I'AOE impatientis, Depazea, - - 465 impressum, Asteroma, - - - 470 inaecpiale, Fusonia, - - 5(15 infestans, Phytophthora, - 7, 119 inflata, Pvhi/.ina, - . . - 273 inquinans, Bulgaria, - - - 253 ,, Pestalozzia. - ■ - 494 insidiens, Pestalozzia, - - - 494 insititiae, Tapliriiia, 147, 151, 153, 164 intermedia, Doassansia, - - - 324 „ Ustilago, . - - 295 intermedium, Pythium, - - - 117 interstitialis, Ovularia, - - - 500 „ Puccinia, - - - 341 inulae, Coleosporium, - - - 376 ipomoeae, Coleosporium, - . 377 Nectria, - - - 189 ,, Puccinia, - - - 356 ipomoearum, Vermicularia, - - 471 ipomoeae-panduranae, Cystopus, - 127 iridis, Aecidium, - - - - 411 ,, Cladochytrium, - - - 114 ,, Puccinia, . . - - 355 ,, Uredo, 420 Irniischiae, Paipalopsis, - - - 322 Isaria, ....-- 519 Isariopsis, - - - - - 519 ischaemi, Ustilago, - - - 292 italica, Urocystis, - - - - 319 italicum, Penicillium, - - - 180 Jamesianum, Aecidium, - - - 411 Jenseni, Ustilago, - - - - 288 Johansonii, Taphrina, 147, 150, 152, 157 ,, Urocystis, - - - 319 juglandinum, Cladosporiuni, - - 510 juglandis, Marsonia, . - - 491 ,, Microstroma, - - - 497 junci, Puccinia, - . - - 354 ,, Tolyposporiuni, - - - 305 ., Urocystis, - - - - 319 ,, Uromyces, - - - 336 juncicolum, Rhytisma, - - - 246 juniperi, Clithris, . - - - 248 ,, Stigmatea, - - -211 juniperinum, Gymuosporangium, - 391 ,, Lophodermiuni, - - 240 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 567 PAGE Kaufmanniana, Peziza, - - - 265 kentiae, Colletotrichiini,- - - 488 Kerneri, Sclerotinia, - - - 270 Klebahni, Peridermium, - 376, 414 Kmetiana, Urocystis, - - - 319 knautiae, Peronospora, - - - 132 Knyanum, Chlorochytrium, - - 550 Kochii, Strickeria, - - - - 205 Kolaczekii, Ustilago, - - - 292 KoUeri, Ustilago, - - - - 287 Koordersiana, Ustilago, - - - 298 Kriegerianum, Cladochytrium, - 114 Kruchii, Taphiiiia, - - 147, 150, 153 Ktihneana, Ustilago, - - - 298 Labrella, 480 laburni, Cucurbitaria, - - 6, 206 ,, Physalospora, - - - 218 laceianum, Phragmidium, - - 363 lacerata, Roestelia, - - - 385 Lachnella, . . - - - 272 laciniata, Thelephora, - - - 429 lactea, Ovularia, ... - 500 lactiicae, Bremia, - - - . 131 Laestadia, - - - - - 216 laetum, Synchytriuni, - - - 111 laevigatas, Potyporus, - - - 445 laevis, Tilletia, - . - . 309 Lagenarium, Colletotrichum, - - 486 Lagerheimii, Leuconostoc, - - 143 Ustilago, - - - 299 lamii, Ovularia, . . - . 501 lampsanae, Puccinia, - - - 340 ,, Ramularia, - - - 502 laneola, Myxosporium, - - - 486 lapponicus, Uromyces, - - - 337 laricina, Sphaerella, - - - 211 laricinnm, Leptostroma, - - - 212 ,, Lopliodermium, - - 240 laricis, Caeoma, - - 366, 367, 419 ,, Heterosporium, - - - 516 ,, Hypodermella, - - - 234 Lasiobotrys, 182 lathyri, Thecaphora, - - - 324 lathyriimm, Dicoccum, - - - 506 Laurencia, Taphrina, 29, 148, 149, 153 laureolae, Sphaerella, - - - 215 PAGE lauri, Exobasidium, 31 427 iedi, Chrysomyxa, - - 378 ,, Exobasidium, - 31, 427 ,, Sclerotinia, - 263 leguminosarum, Rhizobium, - 101 Leimbachii, Urocystis, - - 317 lemnae, Chlorochytrium, - 549 Cornuella, - - 322 ,, Olpidium, - - 107 lepidii, Aecidium, - 410 lepigoni, Cystopus, - - 127 leproides, Oedomyces, - 313 leproidum, Entyloma, - 313 Leptopuccinia, 359 leptosperma, Peronospora, - 134 Leptosphaeria, - 220 Leptostroma, - - - - - 480 Leptostromaceae, - - 479 leptostromiforme, Cryptosporiiim, - 489 Leptothyrium, - 479 Letendraea, . - . - 184 leucanthemi, Aecidium, - 351 , 409 ,, Puccinia, - - 351 Leucochytrium, - 112 leucogonium, Oidium, 499 Leuconostoc, - - - - 143 leucospermum, Aecidium, 409 lichenoides, Nostoc, - 546 ligustri, Aecidium, - 409 ,, Caeoma, - 419 liliacearum, Puccinia, 356 limbalis, Phyllosticta, - 464 limonii, Uromyces, - - 334 limonis, Fusarium, - - 521 limosae, Puccinia, - - 351 limosellae, Doassansia, - - 324 linariae, Entyloma,- - 312 ,, Peronospora, - 134 Lindemuthianum, Colletotrichum, - 486 lineolatus, Uromyces, 336 Linhartiana, Monilia, 261 lini, Melampsora, - 369 ,, Peronospora, - 134 lolii, Tilletia, - - - 310 longipes, Taphrina,- - 147 , 15 1, 152 longissima, Phoma,- 469 ,, Puccinia, - 354 ,, Sphaerella, - - 215 ,, Ustilago, - 293 568 1, INDEX OF 1'A11ASITE.S. PAOK lonicerae, Lasiobotrys, - - 182 ,, Microsphaera,- - 176 lophanti, Peronospora, - - 134 lophiostonioides, Phoma, ■ 4G7 Lophoilermium, - 235 lucillae, Sphaerella, - 476 Ludwigii, Saccharomyces, - 141, 143 luminatum, Caeoma, - 419 lupini, Uromyces, - - 337 lutescens, Taphrina (Magnusiella , 148, 149, 154 luzulae, Urocystis, - - 316 ,, Ustilago, - - 294 lychnicola, Ovularia, - 500 lychnidis, Septoria, - 478 lycii, Microsphaera, - 176 lycopersici, Colletotrichum, - - 487 ,, Fusarium, - 520 ,, Septoria, - 477 lycopi, Aecidium, - - 411 M niacrocarpum, Cladosporium, - 510 macropiis, Gymuosporaiigium, 391, 402 macrosora, Uredo, - - 420 Macrosporium, - 517 macrosporum, Aecidium, - 411 ,, Hysterium, - 237 ,, Lophodermium, ?4, 237 macrosporus, Protomyces, ?1, 138 maculaeformis, Venturia, - 218 maculaus, Ascochyta, - 473 maculare, Asteroma, - 470 maculatiim, Entomosporium, - 480 maculiformis, Laestadia, - 216 , , Phyllosticta, - 464 Magelhaenicum, Aecidium, - - 409 Magnusia, .... - 178 Magnusiana, Puccinia, - - 349 Magnusiella (see Taphrina), 146, 148, 151 Magnusii, Endomyces, - - 143 ,, Entyloma, - 312 ,, Puccinia, - 350 major, Ustilago, - 297 mali, Hendersonia, - 475 malorum, Sphaeropsis, - - 472 malvaceanim, Phoma, - 469 ,, Puccinia, - 359 malvarum, Cercospora, - - 515 I'AOK malvarum, Colletotrichum, - - 487 malvicola, Ascochyta, - - - 473 Mamiania, 223 mammillata, Puccinia, - - - 355 Marconii, Dendrophoma, - - 469 marginalis, Ustilago, - - - 298 marginatus, Polyporus, - - - 449 Mariae-Wilsoni, Aecidium, - - 410 maritimus, Uromyces, - - - 336 Marsonia, .... 490, 506 Martianoffiana, Doassansia, - - 324 martii, Erysiphe, .... 175 Masseela, ..... 361 Mastigosporium, .... 504 maxima, Tuberculina, - - - 328 maximus, Cryptomyces, - - 246 maydis, Puccinia, - - - . 353 ,, Ustilago, - - - 67,279 megalospora, Sclerotinia, - - 260 Melampsora, - - - 48, 53, 74, 303 Melampsorella, .... 370 melampyri, Aecidium, - - - 349 ,, Coleosporium, - - 376 Melanconideae, .... 226 Melanconieae, .... 482 melangeae, Gloeosporium, - - 483 melanogramma, Schizonella, - - 305 Melanomeae, - - . - . 200 Melanospora, - - - - 8, 184 Melanotaenium, .... 313 Melasmia, . . . . . 479 Meliola, 181 melleus, Agaricus (Armillaria), 6, 455 melophthorum, Scolecotrichum, - 508 menthae, Puccinia, - - - 341 menyanthis, Cladochytrium, - - 114 mercurialis, Caeoma, - 366, 367, 419 ,, Synchytrium, - - 113 Merulius lacrymans, - 40, 46, 442 Mesochytrium, - - - - 110 mespili, Entomosporium, - - 481 Morthiera, - - - 210 ,, Stigmatea, - - - 210 mespilinum, Oidium, - - - 499 metulispora, Ascochyta, - - - 473 microcepliala, Claviceps, - - 194 microchaeta, Vermicularia, - - 471 Micrococcus, - - - 143, 531, 535 Micropuccinia, .... 356 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 569 mierosora, Puccinia, miciospeiTna, Passalora, Microsphaera, microsporiim, Entyloma, Microstroma, Microthyrium, millefolii, Puccinia, minimus, Cephaleuros, - minor, Taphrina, - 147, ,, Uromyces, - minus, Cylindrosporium, mirabilis, Taphrina, mirabilissima, Puccinia, - mixta, Melampsora, modestum, Bostrichonema, moliniae, Neovossia, ,, Puccinia, Mblleri, Ustilago, - mollis, Polyporus, - Mollisia, Mollisieae, Mompa, Helicoliasidium, Monilia, monilioides, Oidium, monoicuni, Aecidium, Monospora, monotropae, Urocystis, - montana, Puccinia, morbosa, Plowrightia, mori. Bacterium, - ,, Cladochytrium, ,, Phleospora, - ,, Septogloeum, ,, Sphaerella, moricola, Gibberella, mors-uvae, Sphaerotheca, Morthieri, Mollisia, ,, Puccinia, Mucedineae, - Mucor, - - - - Muelleri, Uredo, mutila, Dothiora, - Mycoidaceae, Mycoidea, Mycoidea, Cephaleuros, - Mycomycetes,- myosotidis, Aecidium, - ,, Peronospora, ,, Synchytrium, PAGE PAGE - 355 myrtillina, Podosphaera, - 175 - 506 Mystrosporiuni, 518 - 176 Myxomycetes, 135, 522 - 312 Myxosporium, - 486 - 497 - 179 N - 361 Naegelia, . . . . - .326 - 553 Naevia piniperda, - - 238 50. 153, 164 nana, Taphrina, - 147, 149, 153, 161 - 338 napi, Pleospora, - 221 - 489 Napicladium, - - - 516 147, 151-153 neeans, Ovularia, - - 500 - 340 necator, Gloeosporium, - - 483 - 368 necatrix, Dematophora, - - 202 - 501 Nectria, - - - - - - 185 - 311 Nectriella, - . . - - 184 - 349 Xectroideae, - - - - - 479 - 298 neglecta, Ustilago, - 292 - 448 nelans, Ovularia, - - 261 - 254 nemoralis, Puccinia, - 349 - 253 Neovossia, . . . - 311 - 429 nepalense, Phragmidium, 363 - 261, 497 neriella, Cercospora, - 515 - 175, 499 nervisequium, Gloeosf orium, - 229 484 - 410 ,, Lophodermium, - 239 - 138 nicotianae, Ascochyta, - 473 - 319 nidus-avis, Gymnospoi-angium, - 403 - 340 Niesslii, Doassansia, - 323 - 231 ,, Sphaerotheca, - - 174 - 534 nigra, Herpotrichia, - 199 - 114 nigricans, Claviceps, - 195 - 478 ,, Polyporus, - - 452 - 496 nigricantium, Macrosporium, - 518 - 215, 478 nigro-maculans, Septoria, 478 - 184 Niptera, ... - - 254 - 173 nitens, Caeoma, 419 - 254 nivea, Plasmopara, 128 - 359 nobile, Macrosporium, - - 518 - 497 Nostoc, 541 , 546 4, 180 nuda, Ustilago, - 288 - 420 iiymphaeae, Entyloma, - - 313 - 249 nymphaeoides, Aecidium, 351 , 410 - 552 - 552 0 - 552 obducens, Plasmopara, - 131 - 135 obliqua, Ovularia, - 501 - 411 oblongata, Puccinia, - .354 - 134 oblongisporium, Peridermium, 37c , 414 - Ill obscura, Puccinia, - - 352 570 obscurum, Polystignia, - obtusa, Puccitiia, - occulta, Doassansia, ,, Urucystis, - ochraceum, I'olystigina, Ochrospora, octolocularc, Phi-agmuliuin, oenotherae, Aecidiuni, - ,, Puccinia, officinalis, Polyporus, Oidiuni, . - - . 144, oleae. Bacillus, oleaginum, Cycloconiuin, Oleina, - . . . . olida, Tilletia, oligociiaetum, Colletotrichum, olivacea, Ustilago, - olivaceum, Penicillium, - Olpidiaceae, - - . . Olpidiopsis, - - . . Olpidium, . - . . omnivora, Phytophthora, onobrychidis, Aecidium, ,, Diachora, - Oomyces, .... Ooniycetes, .... Oospora, .... Ophiobolus, - - . . orchidis, C'aeoma, - oreophila, .Sclerotinia, oreoselini, Puccinia, orientale, Peridermium, - ornamentale, Aecidium, ornithogali, Heterosporium, ■ ,, Urocystis, - ,, Uromyces, - ,, Ustilago, orobancbes, Urocystis, - orobi, Uromj'ces, oryzae, Piricularia, ,, Sclerotium, Tilletia, ,, Ustilaginoidea, - ossifragi, Entylonia, ostryae, Taphrina, - 148, Ovularia, oxyacantbae, Phleospora, , , Podospbaera, oxybapbi, Peronospora, - NDK.X ()!' I'AltASITKS. rAi;K PAGE 100 oxycocci, Exobasidium, - - 426 341 ,, iSclerotinia, - 259 - 3-24 oxyriae, Puccinia, - - 355 - 315 oxystoma, Valsa, - - 224 - 1!)0 - 300 P - 363 pachydernius, Protomyces, - 141 - 411 padi, Asteroma, - 470 - 355 ,, Cylindrosporium, - - 489 - 452 ,, Melampsora, - - 370 175 490 ,, Sclerotinia, - - 261 - 532 Paipalopsis, - - . . - 322 - 506 paliformis, Puccinia, - 354 - 138 pallescens, Thecapbora, - - 325 - 310 pallidum, Cblorocbytrium, - 550 - 486 X)allidus, Uromyces, - 338 - 294 pallor, Ascochyta, - - 473 180 paludosa, Puccinia, - 351 - 106 pandani, Melanconium, - - 188 107 ,, Nectria, - - 188 - 106 panici-frumentacei, Ustilago, - - 292 , 83 117 ,, -leucophaei, ,, - 291 410 ,, -miliacei, ,, - 289 - 230 pannosa, Spbaerotbeca, - 172, 499. - 184 papillatum, Pbragmidium, - 363 - 115 ,, Syncbytrium, - 109 - 497 parasitica, Botrytis, - 500 - 222 ,, Mycoidea, - 552 368 419 ,, Peronospora, - - 133 - 259 ,, Septoria, - 475 - 353 ,, Tetramyxa, - - 529 - 415 , , Tricbospbaeria, 10, 196 - 410 parasiticum, Fusoma, - 504 - 516 parasiticus, Cepbaleuros, - 552 - 316 paridis, Puccinia, - - 349 - 338 Parlatorei, Ustilago, - 298 - 299 parnassiae, Aecidium, - 352 - 319 ,, Uromyces, - - 334 - 333 paspalus-dilatati, Ustilago, - 294 - 503 Passalora, .... - 506 - 266 pastinacae, Cercosporella, - 503 - 310 Patella, Heterospbaeria,- - 249 - 311 Pazscbkei, Puccinia, - 359 - 313 Peckiana, Puccinia, 341, 419 1.50 , 154 Peckii, Aecidium, - - 411 201 500 ,, Exobasidium, - 427 - 478 ,, Peridermium, - 417 174 pedicillata, Tbelepbora, - - 429 - 135 pedicularis, Aecidium, - 351, 410 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. 571 PAOE Pellicularia, - - 181 penicillariae, Tolyposporium, - 306 penicillata, Roestelia, - 385, 389, 391 Penicillium, - - 3, 4, 180 pentastemonis, Aecidiiim, - 411 Penzigi, Meliola, - - 181 perdix, Thelephora, 15, 429, 430 perennans, Ustilago, - 288 periclymeni, Aecidium, - - 349, 409 ,, Ascochyta,- - 473 ,, Leptothyrium, - 479 Peridennium, - - 374, 411 Periphlegmatiuni, - - 551 Perisporiaceae, - 170 Perisporieae, - - 178 Perisporium, - - 179 Perouospora, - - 132 Peronosporeae, - 7, 13, 115 ,, remedies, ■ 68 perplexans, Puccinia, - 349 persicae, Cercospora, - 513 ,, Cercosporella, - - 503 Phyllosticta, - - 463 persicina, Tu-ljerculina, - - 327 persistens, Puccinia, - 349 Personii, Quateruaria, - 226 Pestalozzia, - 491 Pestalozzina, - - 494 petasitidis, Coleroa, - 195 Petersii, Aecidium, - 410 petroselini, Septoria, - 476 Pezicula (see Dermatea),- - 253 Peziza, - - . . - 271 Pezizeae, - - 253 Phaciiliaceae, - - 241 phacidioides, Sphaeronema, - 255 Pliacidium, - 241, 255 Pliaeopiiila, - 551 Phaeophyceae, - 554 Phakospora, - - 361 phalaridis, Puccinia, - 349 phaseoli, Phytophthora, - - 122 ,, Uromyces, - 334 phaseolina, Phyllosticta, - 464 phillyreae, Aecidium, - 410 ,, Uredo, - - 420 phlei-pratensis, Puccinia, - 348 Phleospora, - 478 phoenicis, Graphiola, - 325 PACE phoenicis, Pestalozzia, - - 494 Pholiota = Agaricus. Phonia, - - - - - 465 phomoides, Gloeosijoriuni, - 483 Phragmidium, - 362 phragmitis, Puccinia, - 349 Phycomycetes, - 106 Phyllachora, - - 229 Phyllactiuia, - - 178 Phyllobium dimorphuni,- - 551 Phyllosiphon arisari. - 553 Phyllosticta, - - 463 Physalospora, - - 217 Physoderma, - - 114 Phytaphysa Treubii, - 554 phj'teumatuni, Uromyces, - 338 Phytomyxa, - - 101, 524 Phytophthora, - 117 piceae, Chrysomyxa, - 380 ,, Peridermium, - 417 pic.ipes, Polyporus, - - 452 picridis, Entyloma, - 312 ,, Puccinia, - - 355 Piggotia astroidea, - - 230 Pilacreae, - 421 piliticum, Synchytrium, - - Ill pimpinellae, Puccinia, - 340 ,, Thecaphora, - 325 pinastrella, Phoma, - 468 pinastri, Lophodermium, - 235 pinguicolae, Ustilago, - 297 pini, Brunchorstia, - 481 ,, Lachnella, - 272 ,, Peridermium, - 411, 415 ,, Trametes, 38, 453 pinicola, Hypoderma, - 234 ,, Polyporus, - 449 pinitorquum, Caeoma, - - 364 pinophihim, Apiosporium, - 181 piperatiim, Gloeosporium, - 483 Piptocephalis, - 11 pirata, Roestelia, - - 391, 402 piricola, Septoria, - - 476 Piricularia, - 503 piriforme, Peridermium, - 414 piriformis, Mucor, - - 180 pirina, Phyllosticta, - 463 pirinum, Fusicladium, - - 218, 507 , , Venturia, - 218 572 I. INDEX OF PARASITES. pirolae, Chrysomyxa, , , Melampsora, pisana, Anthostoniella, - pisi, Ascochyta, ,, Cladosporium, ,, Uroniyces, pitliya, Phoina, pityophila, Cticiii-bitaria, Plaoosphaeria, plantaginis, Aecidium, - ), Kamularia, - Plasmodiophora, Plasmopara, - platani, Fenestella, ,, Fusarium, - Pleolpidium, - Pleonectria, - Pleospora, Pleosporeae, - Pleotrachelus, - - 1,"), Plowrightia, - Plowrightii, Periderniiuni. plumbea, Ustilago, poae, Uromyces, poarum, Puccinia, - podagrai-iae, Actinonema, ,, Phyllachora, Podiosoma juniperi, Podocapsa, podophylli, Pliyllosticta, Podosphaera, - polenionii, Aecidium, polygoni, Peronospora, - ,, Puccinia, ,, Uroniyces, polygonorum, Stigmatea, polymorpha, Bulgaria, - polypodii, Sphaerella, - ,, Uredo, - Polyporeae, - - - ', ,, action on stai'ch, ,, remedies, Polyporus, polyspora, Taphrina, 148, 1 Polystictis, Polystigma, Polythrincium, populi, Marsonia, - ,, Septoria, I'Aathogenic, 539, 547 Alisma, Cladochytrium, 114 Doassansia, - - 323 Pseudopeziza,- - 255 Allium, Aecidium, - 349 Bacteriosis, - - 539 Caeoma, - - 367,419 Cladochytrium, - 114 Macrosporium, - 518 Peronospora, - - 132 Puccinia, - 341, 355 Rhizoctoiiia, - - 202 Sclerotinia, - - 266 Urocystis, - - 316 Uromyces, - 337, 338 Vermicularia, - 471 Almond (see Amygdalus) Alnus, Corticium, - 452 Frankia, - - 101 Leptothyrium, - 479 Microsphaera, - 176 Mycodomatia, - 99 Mycorhiza, - - 99 Ovularia, - - 501 Passalora, - - 506 Polyporus, 433, 439, 452 Sclerotinia - - 262 Stigmatea, - - 211 Taphrina, 150, 157, 158, 166, 168 Valsa, - - - 224 Alopecurus, Pestalozzina, - - 495 Puccinia, 345, 346, 349 Tilletia, - - - 310 Alpine-rose (see Rho- dodendron) PAGE Alsineae, Puccinia, - 361 Althaea, Cercospora, - 515 Colletotrichum, - 487 Phoma, - - - 469 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Puccinia, - - 360 Amarantaceae, Cystopus, - - 127 Amelanchier, Fusicladium, - - 507 Gymnosporangium, 385, 391, 401, 402, 403 Oidium, - - - 499 Podosphaera, - - 173 Pvoestelia, 385, 391, 402 Ampelopsis, Cercospora, 515 Amphicarpaea, Synchytrium, - 109 Amygdalus (see also Prunus) Ascospora, - - 211 Cercospora, - - 513 Gloeosporium, - 483 Polystigma, - - 189 Taphrina, 150, 153, 165 Anbury, - - - 524 Ancliusa, Aecidium, - 347 Andromeda, Coleroa, 195 Exobasidium, 426, 427 Rhytisma, - - 246 Stigmatea, - - 211 Andropogon, Claviceps, 195 Puccinia, - 345, 354 Tilletia, - - - 310 Ustilago, - - 292 Androsace, Peronospora, - - 134 Anemone, Aecidium, 23,409 Coleosporium, - 377 Protomyces, - - 141 Puccinia, 356, 358, 360 Sclerotinia, - - 266 Septoria, - - 478 Synchytrium,- - 112 Urocystis, - - 316 Anethum, Puccinia, - 353 Heterosphaeria, - 249 Angelica, Fusicladium, 508 Puccinia, - - 340 PAGE Anthoceros, Nostoc, - 546 Anthoxanthum, Puccinia, - 345, 354 Tilletia, - - - 310 Anthracnose, Blackberry, - - 483 Cotton, - - - 487 Privet, - - - 485 Raspberry, - - 483 Vine, - - - 467 Anthriscus, Plasmopara, 128 Puccinia, - - 340 Anthyllis, Uromyces, 337 Apium, Cercospora, - 514 Entyloma, - - 312 Macrosporium, - 518 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Puccinia, - 353, 355 Septoria, - - 477 Apocynum, Aecidium, 411 Septogloeum, - - 496 Apple (see Pyrus Mains) -blight, - - - 531 -rot, - - - 482 powdery mildew, - 174 Appressoria, - - 9 Apricot (see Prunus) Aquilegia, Aecidium, - 349, 409 Arabis, Aecidium, - 410 Puccinia, - 359, 361 Ustilago, - - 297 Aralia, Triphragmium, 362 Arctium, Aecidium, - 351 Arctostaplaylos, Exobasidium,- - 427 Melampsora, - - 370 Arisarum, Phyllosiphon,553 Aristida, Ustilago, - 294 AristolocMa, Puccinia, 341 Armeria, Uromyces, - 334 Armoracia, Ascochyta, 473 Alternaria, - - 518 Cercospora, - - 514 Cystopus, - - 126 Ovularia, - - 500 Septoria, - - 477 Arnica, Entyloma, - 312 Arnoseris, Entyloma,- 312 582 II. GENERAL INDEX. TAOK Aronia, (Jymnosporangiuni, ."lOl Roestelia, - - .302 Arrhenatherum, Exobasiclium, - 427 Puccinia, - - 345 Tilletia, - - - 310 Urocystis, - - 316 Ustilago, - - 288 Arrowroot (see Maranta) Artemisia. Peronospora, 1.34 Puccinia, - - 361 Artichoke (see Cynara) ,, Jerusalem (see Heliaiithus) Arum, Aecidium, .349, 410 Caeoma, - - - 419 Ustilago, - - 299 Arundinaria, Ustilago, 293 Anmdinella, Ustilago, 294 Asarum, Puccinia, 32, 359 Asclepias, Aecidium, - 411 Ash (see Fraxinus ex- celsior) Ash-canker, - - 533 Asparagus, Cercospora, 514 Puccinia, - - 341 Rhi^octonia, - - 202 Aspen (see Populus tremula) Asperula, Phacidium, 241 Puccinia, - .341, .353 Aspidistra, Ascochyta, 473 Aspidium ) Asplenium Aster, Aecidium, 351, 411 Basidiophora, - 127 Puccinia, - - 361 Astragalus, Didymaria, 501 Microsphaera, - 176 Polystigma, - - 190 Thecaphora, - - 324 Uroniyces, - - 337 Astrantia, Fabraea, - 255 Puccinia, - - 359 Athamantha, Puccinia, 340 Atragene, Puccinia, - .358 Urocystis, - - 316 Atriplex,Cladochytrium,l 14 (see Ferns) PAOK Phyllosticta, - - 465 Atrophy, - - 22, 26 Aubernage, - 202, 534 Autoecism, - - 45 Avena, Cladosporium, 509 Erysiphe, - - 175 Fusarium, - - 512 Fusicladium, - - 508 Helminthosporium, 512 Phoma, - - - 467 Puccinia, 345, .346, 348 Scoleootrichum, - 508 Septorla, - - 477 Uromyces, - - ,336 Ustilago, - 284, 287 AzoUa, Anabaena, - 545 B Bacterial diseases or Bacteriosis, - - 530 Bacteroids,- - - 102 Bamhusa, Neovossia, 311 Puccinia, - - 354 Barbarea, Aecidium, 409 Barberry (see Berberis) Barley (see Hordeum) Bartsia, Coleosporium, 376 Batatas, Ceratocystis, 469 Cladosporium, - 511 Cystopus, - - 127 Nectria, - - 189 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Rhizoctonia, - - 202 (see also Ipomoea) Bean (see Vicia) ,, Kidney (see Phaseolus) Beech (see Fagus) Beet-root and Sugar Beet (see Beta) Beet, heart rot, - - 464 ,, -scab, - 497, 537 Bellidiastrum, Aecidium, - - 351 Entyloma, - - 312 Puccinia, - - 359 Bellis, Aecidium, - 352 Berberis, Aecidium, 341, 409 Didymosphaeria, - 218 Melasmia, - - 479 PAOB Microsphaera, - 176 Puccinia, - 340 Beta, Bacteria, - - 537 Cercospora, - - 514 Entyloma, - 313 Oospora, - 497 Peronospora, - 1.32 Phoma, - 468 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Pythium, - 116 Rhizoctonia, - - 202 Sclcrotinia, - - 264 Sporidesmium, - 221 Uromyces, - 334 Betonica, Puccinia, - 359 Ustilago, - 298 Betula, Cladosporium, 511 Dothidea, - - 230 Dothidella, - - 2.30 Hormomyia, - - 262 Melampsora, - 366, 367 Microsphaera, - 176 Myxosporium, - 486 Phyllactinia, - - 178 Polyporus, 446, 449-4.")2 Sclerotinia, - - 261 Slime-flux, - - 143 Taphrina, 149-154, 159-161, 167 Twig-galls, - - 532 Uncinula, - - 178 Bilberry (see Vaccinium Myrtillus) Birch (see Betula alba, etc.) Bitter-rot,- - - 482 Black-knot, - - 231 ,, -rot, Vine, 216, 484 ,, -rust, - 341, 419 ,, -shank, - - 469 Bladder-plums, - - 155 Blanc des Racines, - 202 Blight, a common name for diseases Boragineae, Erysiphe, 175 Puccinia, - 347, 348 Borage, Entyloma, - 312 BordeaiTx mixture, 69, 172 Bouillie-Bordelaise, - 69 Bouteloua, Ustilago, 299 II. GENERAL INDEX. 583 Brachypodium, Puccinia, - 346, .354 Tilletia, - - 310 Uromyces, - - 336 Bramble (see Rubus) Brand, Vine, - - 4S4 Brands (see Ustilagineae) Brassica, Ascochyta, 473 Alternaria, - - 518 Cercospora, - - 514 Cystopiis, - - 126 Macrosporium, - 51S Olpidium, - - 107 Peronospora, - - 133 Plasmodiophora, - 524 Pleospora, - - 221 Sclerotinia, - - 264 Sphaerella, - - 215 Sporidesmium, - 221 Briza, Puccinia, - 345 Tilletia, - - 310 Bromus, Exobasidium, 427 Puccinia, - 345, 347 Sphaerella, - - 215 Tilletia, - - 310 Urocystis, - - 316 Ustilago, - 292, 293 Brown-rot, - - 497 Brown -rust, - - 347 Brunissure, - 114, 528 Brusone, Rice, - - 266 Brussone, Vine, - 484 Bryzopyrum, Puccinia, 345 Buckwheat (seeFagopyrum) Buds, premature, - 20 Bulb-bacteriosis, - 538 Bunt (see Tilletia) Butomus, Cladochytrium, - 113 Doassansia, - - 323 Buxus, Laestadia, - 217 Leptostroma, - - 480 Nectria, - - 188 Phoma, - - - 468 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Puccinia, - - 361 C Cabbage (see Brassica) PAGE Cacalia, Coleosporiuin, 377 Uromyces, - - 337 Cactus, Phytophthora, 118 Caeoma, Tuberculina, .327 CalamagTostis, Puccinia, - - 346 Sclerotium, - - 266 Tilletia, - - 310 Ustilago, - - 293 Calatbea, Cephaleuros, 553 Calcium oxalate and fungi, 35 Calendula, Entyloma, 312 Caltha, Faljraea, - 255 Pseudopeziza, - 255 Puccinia, - - 341 Camellia, Cephaleuros, 552 Coryneum, - - 491 Meliola, - - 182 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Vermicularia, - 471 Campanula, Coleosporiuin, - 377 Marsoi:ia, - - 491 Puccinia, - - 359 Cankers (see under Hosts) Nectria, Aecidium, etc. Cannabis, Dendrophoma, - 469 Peziza, - - - 265 Septoria, - - 477 Caper = Capparis spinosa Cercospora, - - 515 Cystopus, - - 126 Capsella, Cystopus, - 126 Peronospora, - - 133 Plasmodiophora, - 524 Capsicum, Gloeosporium, - 483 Caragana, Uromyces, 337 Carduus, Puccinia, 340, 353, 359 Thecaphora, - - 324 Ustilago, - - 296 Carex, Cintractia, - 302 Leptostroma, - 480 Phyllachora, - - 229 Puccinia, 349-351, 355 Schizonella, - - 305 PAGE Tilletia, - - 310 Tolyposporiuni, - 306 Ustilago, - 27, 294 Carlina, Puccinia, - 353 Carnation (see Dianthus) bacteriosis, - - 532 fairy ring spot, - 516 rosette, - - - 522 rust, - - - 336 spot, - - - 477 Carpinus, Dermatea, 253 Fusicladium, - - 508 Gnomoniella, - - 223 Mamiania, - - 223 Melampsora, - - 370 Pezicula, - - 253 Phyllactinia, - - 178 Polyporus, - 447, 452 Slime-flux, - - 143 Taphrina, 150-154, 162 Carrot (see Daucus) Carthamus, Puccinia, 355 Carum, Cladochytrium, 114 Puccinia, - - 356 Carya, Fusicladium, - 508 Ramularia, - - 502 Cassandra, Exobasidium, - 427 Castanea, Diplodina, - 474 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Polyporus, - - 439 Septoria, - - 478 Slime-flux, - - 143 Urocystis, - - 319 Castration of flowers, 27 Catalpa, Macrospo- rium, - - - 518 Ceanothus, Aecidium, 411 Cedar-apples, - - 402 Cedrus, Peridermium, 417 Celery (see Apium) Cell-contents and fungi, 31 Cell-sap and fungi, - 33 Cell-walls and fungi, 36 Cellulose-destroying fungi, 35, 38 Celtis, Ramularia, - 502 Taphrina, - 149, 153 584 II. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE PAOE PAGE Cenchrus, Cherry, Bird (see Prunus Dicoccum, 506 Tolyposporium, - 306 Padus) Clover (see Trifolium) Centaurea, Chervil (sec Antlniscus ) Clover-rust, 333 Accidium, 351, 409 Chestnut, horse ( see Club-root, - 524 ruccinia, .340, 353 Aesculus) Cochlearia, Centranthus, Puccinia, SoG Chestnut, sweet ( see Alternaria, 518 Cephalanthus, Castanea) Cystopus, 126 Accidium, - 411 Chives (see Allium ) Ovularia, 500 Cerastium, Accidium, 410 Chlora, Piiyllobium, - 551 Coffea, Ceroospora, - 515 Fabraea, - 255 Ciiloranthy, 3.^ t, 90 Hemileia, 361 Isariopsis, - 520 Chloris, Ustilago, 299 Pellicularia, - 181 Melampsorella, - 370 Cldorosis, - 32 Raniularia, 502 Peronospora, - - 1.34 Chrysanthemum, Coix, Ustilago, - 294 Sorosporium, - - 325 Accidium, 351 409 Colchicum, Urocystis, 316 Ustilago, - 297 Oidium, - 499 Uromyces, 3.38 Ceratopliylluin, Septoria, 478 Colutea, Uromyces, - 337 Chlorochytrium, - 550 Chrysosplenium, Comarum, Doassansia, 324 Cereals (under Avena, Hor- Entyloma, 312 Compositae, Aecidium, 409 deum, Secale,Triticum) Puccinia, 361 Bremia, - 132 Cereal-rust, 82, 84 Cichorium, Cystopus, 127 Chaerophyllum, Puccinia, 353 355 Erysiphe, 175 Actiiionema, - - 474 Sclerotinia, - - 264 Peronospora, - 1,34 Caeoma, - 419 Cicuta. Puccinia, - 355 Plasmopara, - 131 Protomyces, - - 138 Cineraria, Aecidium,- 352 Protomyces, - 141 Puccinia, 340, 359 Bremia, - 132 Puccinia, 353 Cliamaecyparis, Circaea, Aecidium 409 Sphaerotheca, 173 Gymnosporangiu m, Melampsora, - - 370 Synchytrium, 109 401, 402 Puccinia, - ,361 Conifers, Agaricus, - 457 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Clrsium, Aecidium , - ,351 Botrytis, 268 Chamerops, Cystopus, 127 Diplodia, 472 Anthostomella, - 226 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Fusoma, 504 Giapliiola, 325, 326 Puccinia, 353, .361 Pestalozzia, - 494 Chamomilla, Cystopus, 127 Synchytrinm,- - 109 Phytophthora, 117 Champignon blanc - 202 Citron (see Citrus tnedi ca) Polyporus, - 450 452 Chara, Entophysa, - 548 Citrus, Capnodium , - 182 Rhizina, - 273 Cheiranthus, Cladosporium, - 509 Conium, Puccinia, 353 Ceroospora, - - 515 Colletotriclium, 487 Conopodium, Aecidium ,409 Cystopus, - 126 Pendrophoma, - 469 Puccinia, 355 Peronospora, - - 133 Fusarium, - 521 Conservation of Host, 21 Chelidonum, Caeoma, 419 Fusisijorium, - 521 Convallaria, Chenopodiaceae, Meliola, - - 181 Aecidium, - ,349 410 Peronospora, - - 132 Penicillium, - - 180 Dendi'ophoma, 469 Phoma, - - 469 Pestalozzia, - 494 Heterosporium, 516 Clienopodium, Pleospora, - 221 Convolvulaceae, Cladochytrium, - 114 Sphaerella, - - 215 Cystopus, 127 Piiyllosticta, - - 465 Sporidesmium, - 221 Convolvulus, Puccinia, 341 Uromyces, - 337 Claytonia, Peronospora 1,34 Thecaphora, - 324 Cherry (see Prunus avium Clematis, Copper salts as Fungi- and Prunus Cerasus) Aecidium, ,349, 409 cides. 66, 69, 1 22, 1 7 1 ,467 II. GENERAL INDEX. 585 PAGE Coralliorliiza,Mycorhiza, 97 Cork (see Wound-cork) Cornus, Cryptomyces, 2-iS Erysiplie, - - 175 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Septoria, - - 478 Corydalis, Aecidiuni,- 410 Caeoma, - - 419 Entyloina, - - 312 Peronospoi'a, - - 134 Corylus, Gnomoniella, 224 Mamiania, - - 224 Phyllaotinia, - - 178 . Polyporus, - 439, 444 Septogloeiim, - - 496 Cotoneaster, Sclerotinia, - - 261 Cotton (see Gossypium) ,, frenching, - 522 Cottonwoods (see Populus) Couch-grass (see Triticum) cowberry I (geeVaccmium) Cranberry J Crataegus, Asteroma, 470 Fusicladium, - - 507 Gy miiosporangiuni , 385, 391, 397, 401-403 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Phleospora, - - 478 Podosphaera, - - 174 Polyporus, - - 450 Eoestelia, 385, 397, 402 Septoria, - - 476 Taphrina, 150, 153, 166 Crepis, Puccinia, - 353 Synehytrium, - 109 Cress (see Lepidium) ,, water (see Nasturtium) Croton, Aecidiuin, - 410 Crowberry (see Empetrum) Cruciferae, Cystopus, 124 Erysiphe, - - 175 Peronospora, - - 133 Plasmodiophora, - 524 Pythium, - - 116 Cucumber (see Cucumis) Cucumis, Bacteria, - 536 Cladosporium, - 510 Colletotrichum, - 486 PAGE Erysiphe, - 175, 499 Hypnochtis, - - 428 Macrosporium, - 518 Peronospora, - - 134 Pythium, - - 117 Scolecotrichum, - 508 Cucurbita, Bacteria, - 536 Colletotrichum, - 486 Peronospora, - - 134 Cucurbitaceae, Phoma, 469 Sclerotinia, - - 265 Sphaerotheca, - 173 Cupressus, Agaricus, 457 Gymnosporangium, 403 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Cupuliferae, Mycorhiza, - 93, 94 Cycads, Anabaena, - 544 Cladosporium, - 509 Cyclamen, Colletotrichum, - 488 Septoria, - - 478 Thielavia, - - 183 Cydonia, Bacteria, - 531 Cercospora, - - 515 Entomosporium, - 480 Gymnosporangium, 385, 391, 401, 403 Hendersonia, - - 475 Ovularia, - - 500 Phoma, - - - 468 Roestelia, - - 391 Sphaeropsis, - - 472 Taphrina, 150, 154, 168 Cynancbum, Cronartium, - - 381 Cynara, Raniularia, - 502 Cynodon, Phyllachora, 229 Tilletia, - - - 310 Ustilago, - - 294 Cynoglossum, Peronospora, - - 134 Cyperus, Schinzia, - 326 Cjrtisus, Ceratophorum, 511 Cucurbitaria, - - 206 Darluca, - - 474 Diplodia, - - 209 Microsphaera, - 176 Peronospora, - - 133 PAGE Phyllosticta, - - 463 Phj'salospora, - 218 Uromyces, - 337, 338 D Dactylis, Entyloma, - 312 Epichloe, - - 191 Puccinia, - 345, 346 Sclerotium, - - 266 Tilletia,- - - 310 Uromyces, - - 336 Dahlia, Sclerotinia, - 264 Dammara,Peridermium,417 Damping-off, - - 116 Dandelion (see Taraxacum) Daphne, Sphaerella, - 215 Datura, Cercospora, - 515 Daucus,Heterosphaeria,249 Phoma, - - - 468 Plasmopara, - - 128 Polydesmus, - - 221 Protomyces, - - 138 Ehizoctonia, - - 202 Sclerotinia, - - 264 Sporidesmium, - 221 Desmodium, Microsphaera, - 176 Ramularia,, - - 502 Dentaria, Puccinia, - 359 Dianthus, Ascochyta, 473 Bacteriosis, - - 532 Botrytis, - - 500 Fusarium, - - 522 Heterosporium, - 516 Macrosporium, - 518 Puccinia, - - 361 Septoria, - - 477 Sorosporium, - - 325 Urocystis, - - 319 Uromyces, 334, 336, .337 Ustilago, - - 297 Volutella, - - 520 Dicentra, Aecidium, - 410 Peronospora, - - 134 Digitalis, Ascochyta, 473 Piamularia, - - 502 Digitaria (see Panicum) Dill (see Anethum) Diplachne, Ustilago, - 293 586 II. GENERAL INDEX. PAOE Dipsacus, Peronospora, 1.32 Disposition : Cliap. V. Doiiiatia, - ():i, 99, 540 Doronicum, T'lictinia, .361 Doubling of B^lowers, 2S Douglas Fir (see Pseudo- tsuga) Draba, Aecidium, - 4i(i Puccinia, - . 359 Dracaena, Ustilago, - 299 Dry-rot = Merulius. Dryas, Didyjnosphaeria,218 Synehytrium, . m Durra (see Sorghum) E Eau celeste, - . qq Echeveria, Endophyllum, - 404 Echinocystis, Peronospora, - - 134 Echinospermum, Peronospora, - 134 Ectotrophicmycorliiza, 94 Egg-plant (see Solanum Melongena) Elder (see Sambucus) Eleagnaceae, Mycorhiza, 99 Elm (see Ulnnis) Elodea,Chlorochytrium, 550 Elymus, Puccinia, 345, 348, 354 Ustilago, - . 293 Empetraceae, Mycorhiza, 98 Empetrum, Caeonia, - 380 Chrysoniyxa, - - 380 Melasmia, - . 479 Podosphaera, - - 175 Rhytisma, - . 246 Sclerotinia, - . 260 Endophytes, - - 8 II Endotrophic, Mycorhiza, 93 Enzymes, - - 35, 37 Epacrldeae, Mycorhiza, 98 phedra, Peridermium, 417 Epilobium, Melampsora, - - 370 Plasmopara, - - 131 Puccinia, - . 341 Ramularia, - - 502 PAOE Septoria, - . 478 Spiiaerotheca, - 1 74 Uredo, - - . 42() Venturia, - - 218 Kpipliytes, - - 8, 10 Epipogon, Mycorhiza, 97 Equisetum, Pythium, 116 Eranthis, Aecidium, 409 Urocystis, . . 316 Ergot (see Claviceps) Ergotism, symptoms, 193 Erica, Hypoderma, - 2.34 Leptosphaeria, - 221 Venturia, - - 218 Ericaceae, Exobasidium, 423, 427 Mycorhiza, - . 98 (see also Vaccinium) Erigeron, Aecidium, - 411 Basidiophora, - 127 Entyloma, - . 312 F>rikssoa on Cereal-rusts, 82, 332, 345 Eriophorum, Leptostroma, - - 480 Puccinia, - 352, 354 Eryngium, Entyloma, 312 Puccinia, - . 340 Erythraea, Phyllobium, 551 Eucalyptus, Didymosphaeria, - 218 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Ustilago, - . 299 Euonymus.Caeoma, 368,419 Cercospora, Microsphaera, Venturia, Euphorbia, I Aecidium, Endophj'llum, Fusicladium, - Leptostroma, - Melampsora, - Peronospora, - Ravenelia, Uromyces, 334, 336, 337 Euphrasia, Coleosporium, - 376 Tuburciuia, - - 321 Exoasceae, parasitic, 144 Fagopyrum, Pliytojihchora, - II7 Ramularia, - - r)02 Fagus, Actinonema. - 474 Agaricus; - . 461 Hydnurn, - . 432 Myxosporium, - 486 Xectria, ■ - - 186 Pestalozzia, - . 493 Phyllactinia, - - 178 Phytophthora, - II7 Polyporus, 435, 444, 4.30 452 Quaternaria, - - 226 Slime-flux, - I43, 144 Fennel, Rhizoctonia, - 202 Ferments, - 2, 16, 35, 37 Ferns, Cryptomyces, 248 Sphaerella, - - 215 Taphrina, 29, 149, 153 Uredinopsis, - 141, 420 Urobasidium, - 427 Festuca, Isaria, - - 519 Puccinia, 345-349, 354 515 - 170 - 218 24, 410 480 370 135 403 Tilletia, Uroc5'stis, Ustilago, Ficus, Cercospora, Uredo, - Ustilago, " Finger and Toe," - Fir, silver (see Abies) Flax (see Linum) Flower-hypertrophy, Flowering, premature, Flux of Trees, - Fly-wood, - 403 I Forests, close and mixed, 80 508 Fragaria, Ascochyta, 473 Peronospora, - - 134 Ramularia, - . 214 Sphaerella, - - 214 Synchytrium, - m Thecaphora, - . 325 Fraxinus, Actinonema, 474 Aecidium, - . 4l(> Ascochyta, - . 473 Bacteria, - - 533 310 316 288 515 420 299 524 26 20 142 4.30 II. GENERAL INDEX. 587 Cereospora, - 515 Cylindrosporium, - 4S9 Hysterographmm, 233 Pestalozzia, - 493 Ph3'llactinia, - 178 Polyporus, 439, 444, 445, 452 Scolecotrichum, 50S Septogloeum, 496 Septoria, 478 Fritillaria, Uromyces, 338 Fiuit-i'ot, - 58, 115 179 Fungi, pathogenic, 104 ,, classification, - 105 ,, heteroecious, 45 , 74, 331 ,, in fodder, 85 306 ,, sexuality, 104 135 Fungicides, 68 Fungus-digesting plants, 9-2, 97 ,, - -galls, 15, -lo, 32 ,33, 40 300 ,, -roots, - 93 ,, -traps, - 9: 2,97 G Gagea, Puccinia, 356 Synchytriuni, 111 Uromyces, 338 Ustilago, 299 Galanthus, Botrytis, - 500 Caeoma, 368 Sclerotinia, - 270 Galega, Uromyces, - 337 Galeopsis, Phyllosticta 465 Galium, Melampsora, 370 Melanotaenium, 314 Phacidium, 241 Puccinia, ,341, 359 361 Synchytriuni, 113 Gaultheria, Synchytriuni, 109 Genista, Didymosphaeria, - 218 Ehizobium, - 101 Uromyces, 337 Gentiana, Botrytis, - 268 Cronartium, - 381 PAGE Heterosphaeria, - 249 Mycorhiza, - - 97 Puccinia, - - 341 Sclerotinia, - - 268 Geraniaceae, Sphaerotheca, - 173 Geranium, Botrytis, - 269 Coleroa, - - 195 Plasmopara, - 130, 131 Puccinia, - - 359 Ramularia, - - 502 Stigmatea, - - 210 Synchytrium, - 109 Tuburcinia, - - 322 Uromyces, - - 334 Venturia, - - 218 Geum, Uepazea, - 465 Peronospora, - - 134 Gilia, Aecidium, - 411 Puccinia, - - 355 Gladiolus, Urocystis, - 316 Glaux, Aecidium, - 336 Glechoma, Puccinia, - .361 Ramularia, - - 502 Gleditschia, Cereospora, 515 Glyceria, Cladochytrium, - 114 Claviceps, - - 194 Ustilago, - 293, 294 Glycyrhiza, Uromyces, 337 Gnaphalium, Entyloma, 312 Golilen-rust, - - 348 Goodyera, Mj-corhiza, 97 Gooseberry (see Ribes) -mildew, - - 173 Gossypium, Cereospora, 515 CoUetotrichum, - 487 Fusarium, - - 522 Macrosporium, - 518 Ramularia, - - 502 Sphaerella, - - 214 Uredo, - - - 420 Gourd (see Cucurbita) Grain-smuts, - 65, 221 (see also Ustilagineae) Gramineae, Ascochyta, 473 Claviceps, - - 191 Dilophia, - - 222 Dilophospora, - 479 PAGE 191 175 427 520 519 504 499 222 229 -349 508 477 306 Epic?doef Erysiphe, Exobasidium, Fusarium, Isaria, - Mastigosporium, Oidium, - 175, Ophiobolus, - Phyllachora, - Puccinia, - 341 Scolecotrichum, Septoria, Ustilago, - 288, Grape (see Vitis) Grape-fruit (see Citrus) Grasses (see Gramineae) Grass-mildew, - - 175 Gumming, 211, 491, 538 Gunnera, Xostoc, - 541 H Habitat-races, - - 332 Hail-wounds, - 61, 78 Hallimasch, - - 455 Hartig's, R., chief works, 37 Haustoria, - 8, 10, 12 Hawthorn (see Crataegus) Hazel (see Corylus) Heart-wood, antiseptic, 5, 76 Hedera, Ascochyta, - 473 Bacteria, - - 533 Cladosporium, - 510 Septoria, - - 478 Sphaerella, - - 215 Vermicularia, - 471 Hedysarum, Uromyces, 338 Heleocharis, Claviceps, 195 Helianthus, Plasmopara, 131 Puccinia, - - 340 Ramularia, - - 502 Sclerotinia, - - 264 Helichrysum, Entyloma, 312 Helleborus, Ramularia, 502 Urocystis, - - 316 Helosciadium (see Apium) Entyloma, - - 312 Hemi-parasite, - 3, 4, 6 Hemi-saprophyte, - 3, 4 Hemp (see Cannabis) 588 II. GENERAL INDEX. PACE Hemp-canker, - - 'iOS Hepaticae, Nostoc, - 547 Seliizophyceae, - 546 Heracleum, Heterosphaeria, - 249 Protomyces, - - 138 Puccinia, - - 340 Taphrina, - 151, 154 Heteioecism, - 45, 331 Hieracium, Entyloma, 312 Puccinia, - - .353 Hippuris, Uromyces, 336 Holcus, Puccinia, - 346 Tilletia, - - 310 Hollyhock (see Althaea) Holosaprophytes, - 3 Holosteum, Ustilago, 297 Homogyne, Puccinia, 359 Honey-dew, - 181, 193 Honey-fungus, - - 455 Honeysuckle (see Loni- cera) Hop (see Humulus) Hop-mildew, - - 173 Hordeum, Erysiphe, 175 Helminthosporium, 221, 512 Hormodendron, - 505 Phoma, - - - 467 Puccinia, - 345, 348 Tilletia, - - 310 Ustilago, - - 288 Hornbeam (see Carpinus) Horse-radish (see Armor- acia) Hottonia, Doassausia, 324 Hot-water sterilization, 66 Humulus, Capnodium, 181 Oidium, - - 499 Sphaerotheca, - 173 Hyacinth (see Scilla) Hydrangea, Septoria, 478 Hjrpericum, Melampsora, - - 370 Hypnum, Scotinosphaeria, - 550 Hypochoeris, Ramularia, - - 502 Hypopitys, Mycorhiza, 93 J PAGE Iberis, Plasmodiophora, 524 Ilex, Diplodia, - - 472 Impatiens, Depazea, 465 Plasmopara, - - 131 Puccinia, - - 356 Imperata, Ustilago, - 299 Indian Com (see Zea) Individuation, - - 87 Infection methods, 53, 56 Insect diseases, - 8, 115 Inula, Coleosporium, 376 Ipomoea, Coleosporium, 377 Puccinia, - - .356 Vermicularia, - 471 Iris, Aecidium, - - 411 Cladochytrium, - 114 Helminthosporium, 512 Puccinia, - - 355 Schinzia, - - 326 Uredo, - - - 420 Isopyrum, Synch j'trium, - 112 Ivy (see Hedera) Ivy-canker, - - 533 Jasione, Puccinia, - 359 Jausch, - - - 484 Jensen's method, - 66 Juglans, Botrytis, - 180 Cladosporium, - 510 Entorrhiza, - - 326 Marsonia, - - 491 Microstroma, - - 497 Penicillium, - - 180 Septoria, - - 478 Juncus, Puccinia, - 354 Rhytisma, - - 246 Schinzia, - - 326 Tolyposporium, - 305 Urocystis, - - 319 Uromyces, - - 336 Ustilago, - - 294 Jungermanniaceae, Trentepohlia, - 551 Juniperus, Agaricus, 357 Botrytis, - - 270 Clasterosporium, - 511 PAGE Clithris, - - 248 Dothidea, - - 2.30 Gyranosporangiura, 384, 389, .391, .395, 401-403 Hendersonia, - - 475 Herpotrichia, - - 199 Lophodermium, - 240 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Pleospora, - - 511 Polyporus, - - 450 Stigmatea, - - 211 K Kalmia, Synchytrium, 109 Enautia, Ascochyta, 473 Peronospora, - 28, 132 Ustilago, - - 294 Koeleria, Puccinia, - 354 Kohlhernie, or Kropf, 524 L Labiatae, Erysiphe, - 175 Puccinia, - - 341 Laburnum (see Cytisus) Lactuca, Botrytis, - 500 Bremia, - - - 132 Puccinia, - - 340 Septoria, - - 477 Lamium, Ovularia, - 501 Lampsana, Puccinia, - 340 Ramularia, - - 502 Larch (see Larix) -canker, - - - 271 Larix, Agaricus, - 457 Caeoma, - 366, 367, 419 Dasycypha, - - 271 Heterosporium, - 516 Hypodermella, - 234 Leptostroma, - - 212 Lophodermium, - 240 Nectria, - - 188 Peziza, - - 20, 271 Polyporus, - 439, 452 Sphaerella, • - 211 Trametes, - - 453 Lathyrus, Diachora, - 230 Dicoccum, - - 506 Peronospora, - - 132 Thecaphora, - - 324 Uromyces, - 333, 334 II. GENERAL INDEX. 589 PAGE Laurus, Exobasidium, 31, 427 Leaf-cast, - - - 236 Ledum, Chrysomyxa, 379 Exobasidium, 427 Sclerotinia, - 263 Leguminosae, Erysiphe, - 175 Mycodomatia, 101, 524 Mycorhiza, - 99 Ravenelia, - 403 Lemna, Chlorochytrium, 549, 550 410 126 133 401 86 Chlorosphaera, - 548 Cornuella, - - 322 Eudoclonium, - 551 Olpidium, - - 107 Pythium, - - 117 Scotinosphaera, - 550 Lemon (see Citrus) Lepidium, Aecidium, Cystopus, Peronospora, - Lettuce (see Lactuca) Libocedrus, Gymnosporangium, Lichen-symbiosis, Lignificationof cell-walls, 37 Lignin-destroying fungi, 38 Ligustrum, Aecidium, 409 Caeoma, - - 419 Cercospora, - - 515 Gloeosporium, - 485 Lilac (see Syringa) Lilium, Aecidium, 349, 410 Botrytis, - - 268 Peronospora, - - 135 Sclerotinia, - - 268 Uromyces, - - 338 Lima bean (see Phaseolus) Lime or Linden (see Tilia) Limnantliemum , Aecidium, - 352, 410 Stomatochytrium, - 550 Limosella, Doassansia, 324 Linaria, Entyloma, - 312 Melanotaenium, - 314 Peronospora, - - 134 Linum, Melanipsora, - 369 PAGE Peronospora, - - 134 Liriodendron, Cercospora, - - 515 Cylindrosporium, - 489 Leptosphaeria, - 221 Lithospermum, vSynchytrium, - 111 Lolium, Fusarium, - 520 Ovularia, - - 500 Puccinia, - 345, 346 Thecaphora, - - 325 Tilletia, - - - 310 Ustilago, - - 288 Lonicera, Aecidium, 349, 409 Anthostoma, - - 226 Ascociiyta, - - 473 Didymosphaeria, - 218 Lasiobotrys, - - 182 Leptothyrium, - 479 Microsphaera, - 176 Nectria, - - - 185 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Venturia, - - 218 Lophantlius, Peronospora, - - 134 Lotus, Ovularia, - 501 L'romyces, - - 336 Lucerne (see Medicago) Lupinus, Cercospora, 515 Cryptosporium, - 489 Erysiphe, - - 175 Pythium, - - 117 Thielavia, - - 182 Uromyces, - - 337 Luzida, Phyllachora, - 229 Puccinia, - 352, 354 Urocystis, - - 316 Ustilago, - - 294 Lychnis, Ovularia, - 500 Puccinia, - - 340 Septoria, - - 478 Sorosporium, - - 325 Uromyces, - - 337 Ustilago, - 27, 297 Lycium, Microsphaera, 176 Lycopodium, Pythium, 116 Lycopus, Aecidium, - 411 Lysimachia, Aecidium, 351 Phylloliium, - - 551 Synchytrium, - 111 M Magnolia, Pestalozzia, 494 Mahonia, Aecidium, - 341 Maize (see Zea) Majanthemum, Aecidium, 349 Malachium, Ustilago, 297 Maladie digitoire, 524 Mal-di-gomma, - 521 Mallow (see Malva) Mai nero, - - 202 534 Malva, Ascochyta, - 473 Cercospora, - 515 Phoma, - 469 Puccinia, - 359 360 Mandarin (see Citrus) Mangel Wurzel (see Bel a) Mangold (see Beta) Manure and Fungi, 67 279 ,, Plasmodiophora, 528 Maple (see Acer) Maranta, Epichloe, - 191 Matthiola, Plasmodiophora, - 524 Medicago, Peronospora, - 133 Pseudopeziza, 255 Rhizoctonia, - 201 Sclerotinia, 265 Tilletia, - 310 Uromyces, 336 Medlar (see Mespilus and Amelanchier) Melampyrum, Aecidium, 349 Coleosporium, 376 Melica, Puccinia, 346 Melon (see Cucumis) ,, water (see Cucumis) Mentha, Cladochy trium 114 Endosphaera, Puccinia, Menyanthes, Cladochy trium, Mercurialis, Caeoma, - Cercospora, - Synchytrium, Mespilus, Fusicladium, - 551 341 114 367, 419 - 515 - 113 - 508 590 II. GENERAL INDJiX. PAOK Mespilus, Gyiuuosjjorangium, 391, 397 Mucor, - - - 180 Oidium, - - - 499 Ovularia, - 261, 500 Penicillium, - - ISO Podospliaera. - - 174 Meum, Triphraginium, 3(32 Mignonette (see Reseda) Mildew, powdery (see Ery- sipheae) ,, false (see Perono- sporeae) Milium, Puccinia, - 345 Tilletia, - - - 310 Millardet's vines, - 82 Millet (see Panicum and Sorghum) Mint (see Mentha) Mistletoe, - - 18, 64 Molinia, Claviceps, - 194 Fusarium, - - 520 Neovossia, - - 311 Puccinia, - - 349 Monotropa, Mycorhiza, - 87, 93 Urocystis, - - 319 Monoxeny, - - 45 Morbe bianco, - - 202 Morus, Bacteria, - 534 Cercospora, - - 515 Cladochytrium, - 114 Diplodia, - - 472 Gibberella, - - 184 Helicobasidium, - 429 Nectria, - - - 185 Phleospora, - - 478 Polyporus, - - 445 Septogloeum, - - 496 Sphaerella, - 215, 478 Mountain Ash (see Pyrus [Sorb us] Aucuparia) Mucilage flux, - - 142 Mulberry (see Morus) Mulgedium, Puccinia, 340 Mummification of fruits, 29 Musa, Physalospora, - 218 Muscari, Urocystis, - 316 ■A(JE 338 299 Uromyces, Ustilago, Mycocecidia, Mycodomatia, - 93 Mycorliiza, - 32, Myosotis, Aecidium, - Kntyloma, Peronospora, - Syiichytrium, 111, Myosurus, Peronospora, Myrica, Ramularia, - Frankia, Myricaceae, Mycodomatia, Myricaria, Didymosphaeria, Myrrhis, Puccinia, N Narcissus, Puccinia, - Nardus, Claviceps, Narthecium, Entyloma, Nasturtium, Oystopus, Nebbia nera, Needle-cast, 211, 236, Neottia, Mycorhiza, - Nepeta (see Glechoma) Nephrodium (see Ferns) Nerium, Capnodium, - Cercospora, - Nicotiana, Ascochyta, Bacteria, Erysiphe, Oidium, - Peronospora, - Phyllosticta, - Nucleus-parasites. Nuile, Nuphar, Aecidium, 352, Nutricism, - 88- Nyctaglnaceae, Peronospora, - Nymphaea, Aecidium, - 352, Entyloma, O Oak (see Quercus) Oak-root fungus, - 200 , 99 , 93 411 312 134 113 134 502 101 99 21S 340 359 194 313 126 484 481 97 181 515 473 535 175 499 134 464 32 508 410 , 92 135 410 313 PAOK Oat (see Avena) Oenothera, Aecidium, 411 Peronospora, - - 134 Puccinia, - - 355 Synchytrium,- - 109 Olea, Cercospora, - 515 Cycloconium,- - 506 Polyporus, - - 447 Twig-galls, - - 532 Oleaceae, Hysterograpliium, - 232 Oleander (see Nerium) Olive (see Olea) Rogna or Loupe, - 532 Onion (see Allium) Onion-rust, - 341, 355 Onobrychis, Diachora, 230 Thielavia, - - 183 Uromyces, - - 337 Orange (see Citrus) foot-rot,- - - 521 mal-di-gomma, - 521 sooty mould, - - 182 Orchideae, Aecidium, 349 Caeoma,- - 368, 419 Gloeosporium, - 485 Mycorhiza, - 97, 99 Ornithogalum, Heterosporium, - 516 Puccinia, - - 356 Urocystis, - - 316 Uromyces, - - 338 Ustilago, - - 299 Orobanche, Urocystis, 319 Oryza, Piricularia, - 503 Sclerotium, - - 266 Tilletia, - - - 310 Ustilaginoidea, - 311 Ostrya, Taphrina, 150, 154 Oxalis, Sphaerella, - 215 Oxyria, Puccinia, - 355 Ustilago, - - 298 Paeonia, Cronartium, 382 Palms, Colletotrichum, 488 Graphiola, - - 325 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Thelephora, - - 429 II, GENERAL INDEX. 591 PAGE Pandanus, Cephaleuros, 553 Nectria,- - - ]88 Panicum, Pythium, - 116 Tolyposporium, - 306 Ustilago, 289, 291, 293 Papaver, Entyloma, - 312 Peronospora, - - 133 Papilionaceae,Ei'ysiphe,175 Peronospora, - - 132 Parasites, - - 1-3, 7, 14 classification, - - 3 mode of life, - - 7 Paris, Aecidium, 349, 410 Mycorbiza, - - 32 Tubnrcinia, - - 321 Urocystis, - - 316 Parnassia, Aecidium, 352 Uromyces, - - 334 Parsley (see Petroselinum) Parsnip (see Pastinaca) Partridge-wood, - 431 Paspalus, Ustilago, - 294 Pastinaca, Cercospora, 514 Cercosporella, - 503 Heterosphaeria, - 249 Pea (see Pisum) Pea-rust, - - - 334 Peach (see Persica) -curl, - - - 165 frosty mildew, - 503 -rot, - - - 497 Pear (see Pyrus communis) -blight, - - - 531 Pedicularis, Aecidium, - 351, 410 Penicillaria, Tolyposporium, - 306 Pennisetum, Neovossia, 31 1 Pentstemon, Aecidium, 411 Peplis, Endospbaera, 551 Peridermium, Tuberculina, - - 327 Persica (see also Prunus) Cercospora, - - 513 Cercosporella, - 503 Cladosporium, - 510 Clastcrosporium, - 511 Gloeosporium, - 482 Monilia, - - 497 PAGE PAOE Pbyllosticta, - 463 Picea, Aecidium, 377, Puccinia, 355 379 , 407, 416 Spbaerotbeca, 172 Agaricus, - 457 Taphrina, 150, 153 165 Barclayella, - - 373 Petasites, Aecidium, - 348 Chrysomyxa, - 379, 380 Coleosporium, 377 Herpotrichia, - - 199 Coleroa, - 195 Lopbodermium, 237, 240 Petroselinum, Mycorbiza, - 95 Heterosphaeria, 249 Naevia, - - 238 Plasmopara, - 128 Nectria, - - 188 Puccinia, 353 Peridermium, 416, 417 Septoria, 477 Pestalozzia, - - 493 Petunia, Polyporus, 440-450 Pbytophtbora, 122 Septoria, - 475 Sclerotinia, - 264 Trametes, - 453 Peucedanum, Tricbospbaeria, - 197 Puccinia, - 353 , 359 Picris, Entyloma, - 312 Taphrina, - 151 , 154 Puccinia, - 355 Phalaris, Pilea, Phytaphysa - 554 Cladochytrium, 114 Pimpinella, Puccinia, - 346 349 Puccinia, 340, 356 Sclerotium, - 266 Thecapbora, - - 325 Ustilago, 294 Pine (see Pinus) Phaseolus, Ascocbyta, 473 ,, Cembran (see Pinus Bacteria, 539 Cembra) Cercospora, - 515 , , Mountain (see Pinus CoUetotrichum, 486 montana) Isariopsis, 520 ,, Scots (see Pinus Pbyllosticta, - 464 sylvestris) Pbytophtbora, 122 , , Weymouth (see Pinus Sclerotinia, 264 Strobus) Uromyces, 334 Pine-twister, - 364 Phegopteris (see Ferns) Pinguicula, Ustilago,- 297 Pbillyrea, Aecidium, - 410 Pinus, Agaricus, - 457 Uredo, - 420 Brunchorstia,- - 481 PWeum, Epicbloe, 191 Caeoma, - - 364 Puccinia, - 345, 348 Cenangium, - 251, 481 Phlox, Aecidium, 411 Cladosporium, - 509 Puccinia, 355 Cucurbitaria, - - 210 Phoenix (see Palms) Elapbomyces, - 183 Phrag-mites, Claviceps, 194 Gymnosporangium, 396 Helmintbosporium, 516 Lopbodermium, - 240 Napicladium,- 516 Melani psora, - - 364 Puccinia, 349 Mycorbiza, - 96 Ustilago, 293 Peridermium, - 376, Phyllanthus, Ravenelia 403 382 411-416 Phyteuma, Pboma, - 466, 468 Coleospoi'ium, 377 Polyporus, 449, 450 Uromyces, 338 Rhizina,- - 273 692 II. GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Pinus, Sistotrema, - 433 Trametes, - - 453 Twig-galls, - 532, 533 drying up of twigs, 481 Plnus Cembra, Cucurbitaiia, - - 210 Nectria, - - - 188 Perideriniuni,- 382, 415 Flnus montana, Herpotrichia, - - 199 Hypoderiuella, - 234 Melampsora, - - 364 Peridermium,- - 411 Pinus sylvestris, Agaricus, - - 457 Caeoma, - - - 364 Hypoderma, - - 234 Hypodermella, - 234 Lachnella, - - 272 Lophodermiutn, - 235 Melampsora, - - 364 Peridermium,- 374, 376, 377, 381, 411, 414, 415 Phoma, - - 466, 468 Polyporus, - - 450 Trametes, - - 453 Pinus Strobus, Agaricus, 457 Hypoderma, - - 233 Peridermium, 382, 415 Phoma, - - - 468 Polyporus, - 449, 450 Tuberculina, - - 328 Piptatherum, Puccinia, 346 Pistacia, Uromyces, - 337 Pisum, Ascochyta, - 473 Cladosporium, 509, 510 Erysiphe, - - 175 Peronospora, - - 132 Pythium, - - 117 Thielavia, - - 183 Uromyces, - - 334 Ustilago, - - 297 Plane (see Plataniis) Plantago, Aecidium, - 411 Peronospora, - - 134 Eamularia, - - 502 Synchytrium,- - 111 Tilletia, - - - 310 Platanus, Calonectria, 184 Cladosporium, Fenestella, Gloeosporium, Pestalozzia, - Polyporus, PAGE 510 229 484 494 445 Plum (seePrunus domestica) Plums, pocket, - 154, 156 Plum-rust, - - 355 Poa, Claviceps, - - 195 Entyloma, - - 312 Epichloe, - - 191 Puccinia, - 345, 348 Tilletia, - - - 310 Urocystis, - - 316 Uromyces, - - 336 Pock of Vine, - - 484 Podopbyllum, Phyllosticta, - - 465 Podospermum, Puccinia, 356 Polemonium, Aecidium, 411 Polygonatum, Aecidium, - 349, 410 Polygoneae, Puccinia, 355 Polygonum, Bostrichonema, - 501 Ovularia, - - 501 Peronospora, - - 135 Pseudopeziza, - 255 Pseudorhytisma, - 255 Puccinia, - 352, 355 Rhytisma, - - 246 Sphacelotheca, - 302 Stigmatea, - - 211 Uromyces, - - 334 Ustilago, - 298, 299 Polypodium (see Ferns) Polj'xeny, - - - 45 Poplar (see Populus) Poppies (see Papaver) Populus, Agaricus, - 462 Ascochyta, - - 473 Capnodium, - - 181 Cladosporium, - 510 Didymosphaeria, - 218 Diplodia, - - 472 Dothiora, - 218, 249 Fusicladium, - - 508 Marsonia, - - 491 Melampsora, - 364, 367 PAOB Mycorhiza, - - 96 Polyporus, - 439, 447 Septoria, - - 478 Slime-flux, - - 143 Taphrina, 150-154, 157, 166 Uncinula, - - 178 Portulaca, Cystopus, - 127 Potamogeton, Uoassansia, - - 324 Endosphaera, - - 550 Potassium sulphide, 1 73, 483 Potato (see Solanum tuberosum) -disease,- - - 119 early blight, - - 517 -rot, - - - 535 -scab, - - - 537 Potato, sweet (see Batatas) Potentilla, Beloniella, 256 Cercospora, - - 515 Cladochytrium, - 114 Coleroa, - - - 195 Marsonia, - - 491 Peronospora, - - 134 Phragmidium, - 363 Synchytrium, - 111 Taphrina, - 151, 154 Pourriture of Vine, - 202 Powdery mildew (see Erysipheae) Prenanthes, Puccinia, 340 Primula, Ovularia, - 500 Phyllosticta, - - 465 Puccinia, - - 341 Tuburcinia, - - 321 Uromyces, - 21, 334 Primulaceae, Peronospora, - - 134 Privet (see Ligustrum) Proserpinaca, Aecidium, 410 Prunella, Aecidium, - 410 Asteroma, - - 470 Pruning, - - - 77 Prunus, Ascospora, - 211 Asteroma, - - 470 Botrytis, - - 269 Cercospora, - - 513 Clasterosporium, - 511 II. GENERAL INDEX. 593 PACE PAGE PACE Coryneum, 211, 491 Melampsora, - 370 Gymnosporangium, Dermatella, - - 252 Monilia, - 261 385, 391, 396, 401 403 Gloeospoi'iuni, 482 Polystigma, - 190 Monilia, - 497 Monilia, - - 497 Sclerotinia, 261 Morthiera, 210 Oidium, - 499 Taphrina, 151, 152, 154 Mucor, - - 180 Phyllosticta, - 463 Psamma, Ustilago, - 293 Penicillium, - - 180 Podosphaera, - 174 Pseudotsuga, Agaricus, 457 Phyllosticta, - - 463 Puccinia, 355 Botrytis, 269 Plasmodiophora - 529 Septoria, - 476 Phoma, - 466 Plowrightia, - - 231 Sphaeronema, 253 Polyporus, 450 Podosphaera, - 174 Sphaerotheca, - 172 Trametes, 453 Polyporus, 439 444 Taphrina, 150-157 164 Psoralea, Aecidium, - 410 Roestelia, 385 396 Uncinula, 178 Ptelea, Aecidium, 410 Septoria, - 476 Prunus avium and P. Cercospora, - 515 Sphaerella, 216 476 Cerasus, Ascospom ,211 Pteris (see Ferns) Stigmatea, - 210 Calosphaeria, - - 226 Pulicaria, Uromyces,- 236 Taphrina, 150, 154 168 Clasterosporium, - 511 Pulsatilla(see also Anemone) Venturia, - 218 Coryneum, 211, 491 Puccinia, 356 Pyrus Malus, Bacteria, 531 Cjdindrosporium , - 489 Urocystis, - 316 317 Cladosporium, 590 Fusicladium, - - 507 Pyrola, Chrysomyxa,- 380 Fusicladium, - 218 507 Gnomonia, 222 Melampsora, - 370 Gloeosporium, 482 Monilia, - 261, 497 Pyrus, Actinonema, - 474 Gymnosporangium, Penicillium, - 180 Asteroma, 470 385, 389, 391, 402 403 Phyllosticta, - 463 Bacteria, 531 Hendersonia, - 475 Plowrightia, - 231 Gymuosporangium, Hydnum, - 433 Podosphaera, - - 174 385, 391 402 Monilia, - - 497 Polyporus, 439, 449 452 Hydnum, 433 Mucor, - - 180 Puccinia, 355 Melampsora, - 369 370 Nectria, - 186 Taphrina, 151, 153, 163 Nectria, - 185 Oidium, - 173 499 Prunus domestica, Pestalozzia, - 494 Penicillium, - 180 Calosphaeria, - - 226 Polyporus, - 445 452 Phyllosticta, - - 463 Cladosporium, - 510 Poestelia, 385, 391, Podosphaera, - - 174 Clasterosporium, - 511 392, 397 402 Polyporus, 433, 445, 452 Cylindrosporium , - 489 .Sphaerotheca, 174 Roestelia, 385, 391 402 Dermatella, - 252 Pyrus (Sorbus) Aucuparia, Slime-flux, 143 Didymaria, 501 Cucurbitaria, - 210 Sphaeropsis, - 472 Monilia, - - 497 Gymuosporangium, Sphaerotheca, 173 Mucor, - 180 385 391 Thelephora, - 429 Penicillium, - - ISO Melampsora, - 369 Venturia, 218 Phyllosticta, - - 463 Phoma, - 468 Plowrightia, - - 231 Podosphaera, - 174 Q Podosphaera, - 174 Polyporus, 444 Quercus, Agaricus - 457 Polyporus, - 447 Roestelia,38o,389,391,392 Aglaospora, - 226 Poly stigma, - 189 Sclerotinia, - 260 Bulgaria, 253 Puccinia, 355 Pyrus communis. Capnodium, - - 181 Taphrina, 151 -154 164 Bacteria, 531 Ciboria, - - 270 Uncinula, - 178 Entomosporium, 480 Cladosporium, - 510 Prunus Padus, Asteroma,470 Fusicladium, - 218 507 Clithris, - - 248 Cylindrosporium . - 488 Gloeosporium, 482 Colpoma, - 248 594 II. genki:al indkx. l'A(;li I'AIlK I'AOE Quercus, Corticium, - 452 Raphanus, Cystopus,- 126 Scleroderris, - 251 ('ycloooniuin, - 50G Peronospora, - 133 Septoria, 476 Deriiiiitea, 253 Raspberry (see Ru l>us) Spliaerotheca, 173 Diaporthe, 226 Red lot (due to Po lyporeae) Rice (see Oryza) Kistulina, 452 Reed (see I'hragnii tes) Ricinus, Cereospora, - 515 (Juoiiionia, 223 Reseda, Cereospora, - 515 Ring-scale, 453 Hydnum, 432 Peronospora, - 133 Robinia, Aglaospora, - 229 Marsonia, 491 Resin, 62 , 75 Uothiorella, - 229 Microsphaeia, 176 ,, collecting, 78 Nectria, - 185 Microstroma, - 497 ,, -flux. 44, 458 Polyporus, 439 Myxosporium, 486 Rhamnus, Rhizobium, - 102 Pestalozzia, - 494 Aecidium, 346 ,349 387 •Strickeria, 204 Pezicula, 253 (;!ercospora, - 515 Root-hypertrophy, 26 Pliyllactinia, - 178 Microsphaera, - 176 ,, tubercles, 99, 101,52 S,544 I'olyporiis, 433, 439, 440, Rheum, Aecidium 349 Rosa, Actinonema, - 474 444 450 452 Rhinanthaceae, Cereospora, - 515 Rosellinia, 200 Scleroderris, - - 251 Cryptostictis,- 475 Sclcrotiiiia, - 266, 270 Rhinanthus, Dicoccuni, 506 iSlime-llux, 142, 143 Coleosporiiim, 376 Gloeosporium, 483 iStereuin, 429, 430 Sclerotium, - 266 Leptostroma, - 480 Taphriua, 150, 153, 167 Rhizoctonia, 200 Marsonia, 506 Thelephora, - 429, 430 Hhizomorphs, 210, 457 Peronospora, - 133 Ureilo, - - 420 Rhododendron, Pestalozzia, - 494 Quince (see Cydonia) Ajjiosporium, - 181 Phragmidium, 362 -rust (see Roestelia) Chrysomyxa, - 377, 379 .Septoria, 478 leaf-blight, - - 480 Exobasidium, - 427 Sphaerotheca, 172 black rot, 472 Gloeosporiuni, - 485 Rosaceae, Oidium, 499 Hendersonia, - 475 Peronospora, - 134 R Pestalozzia, - 494 Phragmidium, 362 Radish (see Raphanus) Sclerotinia, 262 Sphaeropsis, - 472 Radish, horse (see Synehytriuni, 109 Sphaerotheca, 173 Annoracia) Rhodophyceae, Rose-Mildew, - 172 Ranunculaceae, Entonema, - 555 Rost of Vine, 484 Erysiphe, 175 Rhus, Cereospora, 515 Rowan (see Pyrus Plasmopara, - - 130 Marsonia, 491 Aucuparia) Ranunculus, Sphaerotheca, - 174 Rutaiaceae, Phacidium 241 Aecidium, 349 409 Taphrina, 151, 153 Rubus, Ascochyta, - 473 Cladocliytrium, - 114 Uromyces, - 337 Caeoma, 419 Cylindrosporiiim, - 489 Ribes, Aecidium, 350, 409 Cereospora, - 515 Didyniaria, - 501 (/aeoma,- 368, 419 Chrysomyxa, - 380 Entyloma, 312 Cercospora, - - 515 Cladosporium, 509 Fabraea, 255 Cronartium, - 382 Coleroa, - 195 Ovularia, - 501 Gloeosporium, - 483 Gloeosporium, 483 Peronospora, - 134 Leptosphaeria, 221 MoUisia, 254 Stigmatea, 210 Microsphaera, 176 Phragmidium, 363 Syncliytrium, 112 Phyllosticta, - 464 Puccinia, 341 Urocystis, - 316 Plasmopara, - - 131 Pyrenochaeta, 470 Uromyces, 336 337 Polyporus, - 452 Septoria, 476 Rape (see Brassica) Puccinia, 359 Uredo, - 420 II. GENERAL INDEX. 595 P.^OE PACK PAGE Rumea, Ustilago, 299 Didymosphaeria , - 218 Sedum, Aecidium, 349 Rumex, Aecidium, 349 Nectria, - 185 Endophyllum, 404 Chlorochytrium, 550 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Puccinia, 359 Cladochytriiim, 114 Sanguisorba, Septoria, 478 Depazea, 465 Phragmidium, - 363 Seed-control stations. 65 Ovularia, 501 Sanicula, Fabraea, 255 Seed-sterilization, 65 Puccitiia, 355 Puccinia, - 341 Seedling-diseases, Ramularia, 502 Saponaria, Sorospo rium,325 Fusoma, 540 iSynchytriuni, 113 Ustilago, 28 297 Peronosporeae, 116 ,117 Uromyces, - 334 ,337 Saprophytes, - 1-3 Selection against dis- Ustilago, 298 Saxifraga, Caeoma , - 419 ease, - 81 Venturia, 218 Exobasidium,- 427 Selinum, Puccinia, 353 Ruppia, Tetramyxa, - 529 Melampsora, - 370 Sempervivum, Ruscus, Phyllosticta,- 465 Puccinia, - 359 Endophyllum, 403 Rust or Uredineae, - 328 Syncliytrium,- - 112 Phytophthora, 118 Rust in Australia, etc. , 85 Scabiosa, Peronospora, 1.32 Senecio, Aecidium, 350 , .351 Rust, white, 123 Puccinia, - 361 Coleosporium, 374 377 Rye (see Secale) Synchytrium,- 110 Ovularia, 500 Ustilago, 294-296 Puccinia, - 356 359 S Scilla, Bacteriosis, 538 Ramularia, - 502 Saccharum, Pleospora, 221 Thielavia, 183 Thielaviopsis, 183 Puccinia, 356 359 Seseli, Puccinia, 353 Trichosphaeria, 198 Sclerotinia, - 266 Sesleria, Puccinia, 349 Ustilago, 284 Urocystis, - 316 Tilletia, - 310 SaflFron, Rhizoctonia, - 202 Uromyces, - 338 Setaria, Sclerospora, - 131 Sagittaria, Burillia, - 322 Ustilago, - 299 Ustilago, 292 Doassaiiia, - 323 324 Scirpus, Cladochyt riun" ,114 Ustilaginoidea, 311 Sainfoin (see Onobrychis) Claviceps, 195 Shelter-parasitism, - 540 Salicornia, Uromyces, 334 Puccinia, 352 354 Shepherds Purse (sec Salix, Capnodium, 181 Uromyces, 336 Capsella) Cryptomyces,- 246 .Sclerotium-diseases , 29 256 Shot-hole fungi, 463, 461 ,513 Didyniosphaeria, - 218 Scorzonera, Cystopus, 127 Sicyos, Peronospora, - 134 Didymosporium, - 490 Puccinia, 353, 356 Silaus, Cladochytrium, 114 Leptostroma, - 480 Ustilago, - 296 Silene, Peronospora, - 134 Melampsora, - 367 368 Scropliularia, Ovularia 501 Puccinia, - 340 361 Melasmia, 480 Peronospora, - 134 Sorosporium, - 325 Ovularia, 501 Ui'omyces, 338 Uromyces, - 334 337 Pestalozzia, - 494 Scropliularineae, Ustilago, 297 Polyporus, 433, 439, 444, Plasmopara, - 131 Silver Fir (see Abies 452 Secale, Claviceps, 191 pectinata) Rhytisma, - 245 246 Dilophia, - 222 Silybum, Ustilago, - 296 Scleroderris, - 251 Dilophospora, - 479 Slum, Aecidium, 336 Septoria, 478 Fusarium, 520 Cladochytrium, 114 Trametes, 455 Hel m inthosporiu m , 221 Slime-flux of trees, - 142 Twig-galls, 532 Leptosphaeria, - 220 Slime-fungi, 522 Uncinula, 178 Puccinia, 345, 347, 348 Sloe (see Prunus) Salvia, Puccinia, 341 Tilletia, - - 310 Smilacina, Sambucus, Aecidium, 411 Urocystis, 315 Heterosporium, 516 Cercospora, 515 Ustilago, 289 Smilax, Aecidium, 411 596 II. GENERAL TNDKX. VAG t Smuts or Ustilagineae 275 Smuts, stinking (see Tilletia) Smymium, Puccinia, - 356 Snag-pruning, - 77 Solanum, Cercospora, 515 I'liytophthoi-a, 120 Solanum Lycopersicum , Bacteria, 536 Cladosporium, 510 CoUetotrichum, 487 Fusarium, 520 Gloeosporium, 483 Macrosporium, 517 Phytophthora, 119 Septoria, 477 Solanum Melongena, Botrytis, 500 Gloeosporium, 482 483 Nectria, - 189 Plioma, - 468 Solanum tuberosum, Alternaria, 517 Bacteria, - 535 537 Botrytis, 268 Entorrhiza, - 326 Hypnochus, - 428 Macrosporium, 517 Oospora, 497 Peziza, - 268 Phytophthora, 119 Pythium, 116 Rhizoctonia, - 202 Schinzia, 326 Sclerotinia, 264 Soldanella, Puccinia, - 341 Solidago, Aecidium, - 411 Basidiophora, - 127 Didymaria, - 501 Puccinia, 359 Uromyces, 338 Sonchus, Bremia, 132 Coleosporium, 377 Puccinia, 355 Synchytrium, 113 Sorbus (see Pyrus) Sorghum, Bacteria, - 534 Cintractia, 302 Endothlaspis,- 302 PAOE Fusicladium, - - 508 Puccinia, - - 353 Uredo, - - - 420 Ustilago, - 282, 284 Spergula, Puccinia, - 361 Spergularia, Cystopus, 127 Uromyces, - - 337 Spermatiaand Spermo- gonia, - 55, 137, 32S Sphagnum, Tilletia, - 310 Spinach (see Spiuacia) Spinacia, Cladosporium, 510 CoUetotrichum, - 487 Entyloma, ■ - 313 Heterosporium, - 516 Peronospora, - - 132 Phyllosticta, - - 468 Spinifex, Ustilago, - 299 Spiraea, Cylindrosporium, - 489 Podosphaera, - - 174 Ramularia, - - 502 Sphaerotheca, - 1 73 Stysanus, - - 519 Triphragmium, 361, 362 Urocystis, - - 319 Spore, distribution, - 53 ,, germination, - 46 Sporobolus, Tilletia, - 310 Spraying of Plants, - 69 Spruce (see Picea) Spiirge (see Euphorbia) Stachys, Puccinia, 356, 359 Septoria, - - 478 Starch and fungi, - 33 Statice, Uromyces, - 334 Steeps for fungi, - 65 Stellaria, Isariopsis, - 520 Melampsorella, - 370 Sorosporium, - - 325 Synchytrium, - 111 Uromyces, - - 337 Ustilago, - - 297 Stenactis (see Erigeron) Stiftia, Protomyces, - 141 Stipa, Ustilago, - 293 Strawberry (see Fragaria) Streptopus, Aecidium, 349 Struthiopteris, (see Ferns) I'A(;K Sugar-cane (see Saccharum) Sulphur for Mildew 68 ,170 Sulphur-purt', - 171 Summer-rust, - - 341 Sunflower (see Helianthus) Sunflower-rust, - - 340 Sycamore (see Acer Symphoricarpus, Aecidium, 411 Symphytum, Cladochytrium, 114 Entyloma, - 312 Ovularia, - .501 Uredo, - - 420 Symplocos, Exobasii um ,427 Syringa, Bacteria, - 533 Cercospora, - - 515 Uiplodia, - 472 Ovularia, .501 T Tanacetum, Puccin a. 355 Taraxacum, Aecidium, 351 Fusoma, - - 505 Olpidium, 107 Protomyces, - 141 Puccinia, - 353 Synchytrium, - 22. 108 Tare (see Vicia) Tarring of Wounds, 77 ,201 Taxus, Capnodium, - 181 Phoma, - - 468 Sphaerella, - 215 Teucrium, Puccinia 361 Thalictrum, Aecidium, - 349, 352 Entyloma, 312 Puccinia, - 356, 358 Synchytrium, - 112 Urocystis, 317 Thesium, Puccinia, - 341 Thlaspi, Puccinia, .361 Tilletia, - 310 Thuja, Polyporus, 450 Thujopsis, Caeoma, 30 419 Thymus, Puccinia, - .359 Tilia, Actinonema, 474 Cercospora, - - 515 Nectria, - - 185 II. GENERAL INDEX. 597 Pestalozzia, Phyllosticta, Polyporus, Tinder-fungus, PAGE - 494 - 464 - 444 - 435 Tobacco (see Nicotiana) Tomato (see Solanum Lyco- persieum) Sleeping disease, - 520 Topinambur,Sclerotinia,264 Tragopogon, Fusicladium, - - 508 Puccinia, - - 356 Tstilago, - - 296 Trientalis, Tuburcinia, 319 Trifolium, Cercospora, 515 Erysiphe, - 175, 499 Macrosporium, - 517 Peronospora, - - 133 Phacidium, - - 255 Phyllachora, - - 229 Polythrincium, - 229 Pseudopeziza, - 255 Pythium, - - 116 Rhizoctonia, - - 201 Sclerotinia, - - 2Go Sphaeronema, - 255 Synchytriuni, 107, 109 Uromyces, 333, 336, 338 Trigonella, Thielavia, 183 Uromyces, Triticum, Bacteria, Cladosporium, Dilophia, Dilophospora, Erysiphe, Gibellina, Leptosphaeria, My strosporium , Ophiobolus, - Phoma, - Puccinia, Pyroctonum, - Sclerotium, - Septoria, Tilletia, - Typhula, Urocystis, Ustilago, Trollius, Puccinia, - 337 - 535 - 509 - 222 - 479 - 175 - 220 - 221 - 518 - 222 - 467 345-349 - 114 - 431 - 477 306, 309, 310 - 431 - 316 - 28S, 293 356 Tropaeolum, Pleospora, 221 Tsuga, Peridermiuni, 417 Trichosphaeria, - 197 Tulipa, Botrytis, - 500 Puccinia, - - 359 Sclerotium, - - 500 Ustilago, - - 299 Turnip (see Brassica) Turritis (see also Arabis) Urocystis, - - 319 Tussilago, Asteroma, 470 Coleosporium, - 376 Puccinia (Aecidium), 348 Ramularia, - - 502 Twig-galls, - - 532 Tyloses, - - - 76 Typha, Heterosporium, 516 Ustilago, - - 293 U Ulmaceae, Taphrina, - 149 Ulmus, Apiosporium, 181 Asteroma, - - 470 Ceratophorum, - 512 Cladosporium, - 511 Dothidella, - - 230 Nectria, - - - 185 Pestalozzia, - - 494 Phleospora, - - 478 Phyllachora, - - 496 Piggotia, - - 230 Pleospora, - - 221 Polyporus, 435, 444, 445, 452 Septogloeum, - - 496 Slime-flux, - - 143 Taphrina, - 149, 154 Uncinula, - - 178 Umbelliferae, Erysiphe, 1 75 Heterosphaeria, - 249 Phoma, - - - 469 Protomyces, - - 138 Puccinia, - 353, 359 Umbilicus, Puccinia, - 361 Uredineae, Darluca, - 474 Tuberculina, - - 327 Uromyces, Darluca, - 474 Urtica, Aecidium, - 349 Ramularia, - - 502 PAOK Rhytisma, - - 246 Septoria, - - 478 Thecaphora, - - 325 Urticaceae, Peronospora, 1 35 V Vaccinium, Calyptospora, - 370 Exobasidium,- 423, 426 Gibbera, - - 204 Melampsora, - - 370 Podosphaera, - - 175 Sclerotinia, 256-260, 263 Synchytriuni,- - 109 Valeriana, Puccinia, - 356 Uromyces, - - 334 Vanilla, Gloeosporium, 485 Veratrum, Heterosphaeria, - 249 Puccinia, - - 355 Uromyces, - - 337 Verbascum, Phoma, - 469 Ramularia, - - 502 Uromyces, - - 338 Veronica, Ovularia, - 501 Peronospora, - - 134 Puccinia, - - 361 Schroeteria, - - 328 Septoria, - - 478 Sorosphaera, - - 530 Stysanus, - - 519 Vetch-rust, - - 333 Viburnum, Actinonema, 474 Cercospora, - - 515 Microsphaera, - 176 Plasmopara, - - 131 Ramularia, - - 502 Vicia, Ascochyta, - 473 Cercospora, - - 515 Erysiphe, - - 175 Peronospora, - - 132 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Uromyces, 333, 334, 336 Vinca, Puccinia, - 356 Vine (see Vitis) bird's eye rot, - 467 black rot, - 216, 484 false mildew, - 129 598 ir. GENERAL INDEX. Vine, mildew, - root-fungus, - vine-epidemics, white rot, - 176 - 20'2 SI, 84 - 471 Vines, American iiybrid, 81 Vingerziekte, - - 524 Viola, Aecidium, - 410 Cercospora, - - 515 Gloeosporium, - 485 Ovularia, - - 500 Peronospora, - - 134 Phyllosticta, - - 464 Puccinia, - 340, 359 Synchytrium,- 112, 113 Urocystis, 16,21, 31,317 Violet-rust, - - 340 Viscaria (see Lychnis) Vitis, Ascochyta, Aureobasidium, Bacteria, Botrytis, Cercospora, Cladochytrium, Cladosporium, Colletotrichu7ii, Coniothyrium, Dematophora, Gloeosporium, Laestadia, Leptosphaeria, Oidium, - - 1" Penicillium, - - 473 - 428 - 534 180, 267 - 513 - 114 - 510 - 488 - 471 - 202 484 216 221 499 180 482, PAOK Phoma, - - 216, 467 Plasmodiophora, 528, 529 Plasmopara, - 81, 128 Pseudocommis, - 529 Sclerotinia, - - 267 Septosporium, - 519 Sphaceloma, - - 467 Sphaerella, - - 215 Uncinirla, - - 176 Uredo, - - - 420 W Wallflower (see Cheiranthus) Walnut (see Juglans) Weinstockfaule, - 202 Weymouth Pine (see Pinus iStrobus) Wheat (see Triticum) White-rot of timber (due to Polyporeae) Willow (see Salix) Witches' Broom, due to Aecidium, 18, 24, 72, 88, 404, 410 Caeoma, - - - 418 Exoasceae, 19, 24,52, 145, 158, etc. Ravenelia, - - 403 Wood-destroying fungi, 5, 34, 36, 62, 72 (see also Polyporeae, Agaricus, Nectria, etc.) I'AOE Wound-cork, - 42, 76 ,, -duramen, - 76 ,, -infection, - 75 ,, -parasites, 5, 17, 72, 75, 142 (see also Polyporeae, Nectria, etc.) ,, -treatment, - 75 Wounds from animals, 78 X Xanthoxylum, Aecidium, 410 Yeast (see Saccharomyces) Yew (see Taxus) Zea, Bacteria, - 5,35 Helminthosporium, 512 Puccinia, 353 Pythium, 116 Tilletia, - 310 Uredo, - 420 Ustilago, 279, 281 282 Zinnia, Sclerotinia, - 264 Zizania, Ustilago, 294 Zizyphus, Cephaleuros, 553 Zoocecidia, 25 THE END. i8m 97 ^•-<. ..^;■■''■^V■.>■■ ■■■' ^"."V^ ■■•lx " utu - 3 fttb'U • V :•.:• ■■■•'.,. - > ^'''. 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