nek os Sa MS de A) ae : ott) a) ae ey AS » { Lanes JINIVERSITY ©. ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN NATURAL HIST SURVE’ Distribution, Habitat, and Zoogeography of the Plains Leopard Frog (Rana bairi) in Illinois Lauren E. Brown Michael A. Morris Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 136 May 1990 Illinois Natural History Survey, Lorin I. Nevling, Chief A Division of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources Printed by authority of the State of Illinois X05481-2M-5-90 US ISSN 0073-490X The photograph of a plains leopard frog (Rana blairi) from Spring Lake, Tazewell County, Illinois, used on the cover was taken by Dr. Douglas W. Whitman. A catalog of the publications of the Illinois Natural History Survey is available without charge from the address below. A price list and an order blank are included with the catalog. Illinois Natural History Survey Distribution Center 607 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820 Citation: Brown, L.E., and M.A. Morris. 1990. Distribution, habitat, and zoogeography of the plains leopard frog (Rana blair) in Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 136. 6 p. Manuscripts of high quality dealing with any aspect of natural history will be considered for publication in one of the Illinois Natural History Survey series: Bulletin, Biological Notes, Circular, and Special Publication. Authors who are not employees of the Survey are required to pay printing costs. Manuscripts should follow the recommendations of the third edition of the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual except that journal names in literature cited are to be spelled in full. The Survey expects to publish only one or two manuscripts by non-Survey authors yearly. Send three copies of manuscripts to be considered for publication to )ffice of the Chief, Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61820. Before a manuscript is accepted for publication in the Bulletin or in Biological Notes, two or more outside referees must recommend it. Distribution, Habitat, and Zoogeography of the Plains Leopard Frog (Rana Dlairi) in Illinois The early study of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens com- plex) in Illinois and elsewhere was hampered by several factors. Most important were (1) overlapping and confusing morphological and color pattern variation among the different species, (2) availability of a number of specific names coupled with a complex nomenclatural history (Brown et al. 1977), and (3) lack of knowledge about the nature of reproductive isolation and cryptic speciation in frogs. Consequently, little of significance was published on leopard frogs in Illinois until the appearance of The Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois (Smith 1961). Smith recognized two leopard frog taxa in Illinois: Rana pipiens pipiens in the northern one-third of the state and Rana pipiens sphenocephala in the southern one-third of the state. A wide zone of intergradation was thought to occur across the center of Illinois. Subsequent research (Brown and Brown 1972) revealed different “call types” in Illinois that were considered to represent distinct species. Other research (summarized by Brown 1973) supported this suggestion, and three sibling species are now recognized as occurring in Illinois (northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens Schreber 1782; southern leopard frog, Rana sphenocephala Cope 1886; and plains leopard frog, Rana blairi Mecham et al. 1973). A number of publications (Axtell 1976; Axtell and Haskell 1977; Brown and Brown 1972; Brown and Funk 1977; Mecham et al. 1973; Pace 1974; Vogt 1981) presented distributional information on Rana blair in Illinois but comprehensive coverage has been lacking. The objectives of this paper are (1) to present the results of an in-depth investigation of the distribution of R. blair‘ in Illinois, (2) to provide information on the present and probable past habitats occupied by the species in the state, and (3) to discuss the zoogeogra- phy of the species. Dr. Lauren E. Brown is Professor of Vertebrate Zoology, Department of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University, Normal; Dr. Michael A. Morris, formerly Assistant Research Biologist in the Section of Aquatic Biology of the Illinois Natural History Survey, is now Team Leader, Cuivre Island Field Station, Western Illinois University, P.O. Box 219, O'Fallon, Missouri. Lauren E. Brown and Michael A. Morris Materials and Methods Distributional records for Rana blairi were obtained through examination of preserved specimens and fieldwork. The collections of the following 17 muse- ums, academic institutions, and private individuals were searched for specimens: Chicago Academy of Sciences, Eastern Illinois University, Edward O. Moll collection, Field Museum of Natural History, Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois State Museum, Illinois State University, Lauren E. Brown collection, Michael A. Morris collection, National Museum of Natural History—Smithsonian Institution, Principia College, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, University of Illinois Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, and Western Illinois University. The three species of leopard frogs in Illinois are distinguished by a combination of morphological character states: presence or absence of vestigial male oviducts, and dorsolateral folds continuous or broken (on one or both sides) just anterior to the thigh and displaced medially (Table 1; Brown and Brown 1972). Although displaced dorsolateral folds (Fig. 1) alone morphologically distinguish Rana blair from R. pipiens and R. sphenocephala, the possibility of natural hybridi- zation necessitated that we open the abdomens of leopard frogs to check for the presence or absence of vestigial male oviducts. Fieldwork was carried out from 1968-1989, primar- ily in central and southern Illinois, although a number of field trips were taken to northeastern Illinois. Nu- merous specimens were captured alive or picked up DOR (dead-on-the-road) and examined. Table 1. Distinguishing morphological character combina- tions for the three species of leopard frogs in Illinois. Dorsolateral Vestigial Species folds male oviducts Rana blain displaced absent Rana pipiens continuous present Rana sphenocephala continuous absent z Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes The species-specific mating call of males is an important isolating mechanism in frogs and toads (Blair 1958a, 1964). Consequently, listening for the mating call (Littlejohn and Oldham 1968; Brown and Brown 1972; Mecham et al. 1973; Dunlap and Kruse 1976) provided a means for us to locate Rana blain. The mating call (Fig. 2) has been described as sound- ing like “chuck-chuck-chuck” (Conant 1975). It usually is relatively low in volume and resembles the pounding of a nail by a single carpenter in the distance. In contrast, the mating call of R. pipiens is a “long deep rattling snore,” and that of R. sphenocephala is a “short Figure 1. Plains leopard frog (Rana blairi) from Spring Lake, Tazewell County, Illinois, showing broken dorsolateral fold that is displaced medially just anterior to the thigh. Photo- graph by Dr. Douglas W. Whitman. KHZ nyu OQ f ak oO : ~ - P rc — a Co 0) 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 No. 136 chuckle-like, guttural trill” (Conant 1975). Quantita- tively, the much lower pulse rate (average of less than six pulses per sec below 24°C—Mecham et al. 1973) of the mating call of R. blairi distinguishes it from the mating calls of R. pipiens and R. sphenocephala. Mating calls of Rana blairi were recorded at a number of locations in central Illinois using a Stancil- Hoffman Minitape M9 tape recorder with Altec 633A and Electro-Voice 644 microphones at a speed of 19 cm (7.5 in) per sec. Cloacal, air, and water tempera- tures were taken with a Schultheis quick-reading ther- mometer to the nearest 0.1°C immediately after re- cording calls. A Kay model 6061A Sona-Graph was used to analyze mating calls. Distribution Rana blairi has been found at 194 localities in Illinois. The species is distributed (Fig. 3) mainly in a wide band across the middle of the state with a southern extension along the Mississippi River to extreme southern Illinois (Alexander County). Smith’s (1961) zone of intergradation between the two leopard frog taxa he recognized in Illinois (R. pipiens pipiens and R. pipiens sphenocephala) shows considerable overlap with the distribution of R. blair across the center of the state. We found many of the specimens from this area that had been examined by Smith (1961) to be R. blair. Clearly Smith (1961) often considered R. blair as intergrades between R. pipiens pipiens and R. pipiens sphenocephala. (L.E.B. came to this conclusion as distributional data on leopard frogs in Illinois began to accumulate; P.W. Smith and M.A.M. independently came to the same conclusion [Morris et al. 1983].) 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 SEC Figure 2. Audiospectrogram (narrow band) of the mating call of a male plains leopard frog (Rana blair) recorded on 24 April 1970 in a farm pond 3.49 km (2.17 mi) east of U.S. Highway 51 and 0.87 km (0.54 mi) north of McLean County Highway 8 (SW kk, NW ‘4s, Section 2, T25N R2E), Hudson Township, McLean County, Illinois. Frequency (in kilohertz) is along the vertical axis; time (in seconds) is along the horizontal axis. The complete first sequence (first four notes) and the initial part of the second sequence (last two notes) are illustrated. Cloacal temperature = 16.1°C; air temperature = 9.4°C; water temperature = 16.0°C (the male was calling in the water). Snout-vent length = 68 mm (measured alive). Recorded by L.E. Brown; photographed by Gerald B. Liebenstein. May 1990 Rana blair is not panmictic in Illinois, and we have not found it to be abundant at any locality in spite of the large number of distributional records (greater than for any other state). Insufficient appropriate habitat (see the following section, Habitat) probably is responsible for this lack of abundance. In contrast, R. sphenocephala is numerous at many localities in south- ern Illinois where much of the environment is consid- erably less disturbed by humans. Along the northern edge of its range in Illinois, Rana blair is sympatric at some localities with R. pipiens. Sympatry appears to be more extensive between R. blairiand R. sphenocephala than between R. blairiand R. pipiens. Rana blairiand R. sphenocephala occur together along the Illinois River in west-central Illinois, along the Mississippi River in southern Illinois, and at some localities along the southern edge of the range of R. blair in central and eastern Illinois. Habitat Breeding sites that we found to be commonly utilized by Rana blairi in Illinois included roadside and drain- age ditches, marshes, rain pools, flooded areas, farm ponds, and sometimes lakes. Some sites were ephem- eral, and all were lentic. Outside the breeding season we found individuals near the breeding sites as well as on bottomlands, along creeks, in old fields, and in variable habitats that often showed past disturbance (nonagricultural) by humans. We never found R. blain a great distance from water. Two major types of environments in Illinois apparently are not occupied by the species. We never encountered the frog in mature upland forests or in tillable fields (e.g., corn, soybeans). One of us (L.E.B.) has carried out a number of herpetological surveys for the Illinois Department of Transportation in central and northeastern IIlinois. These surveys frequently involved traversing arable land, but Rana blair was never seen. Rana blairi was also never encountered in tilled fields by either of us over many years of other fieldwork in central Illinois. Moreover, K.A. Brown, L.N. Brown, and G.L. Paukstis (personal communica- tions) spent a great many days in several different years roguing and detasseling corn in central Illinois without coming across R. blairi (although American toads [ Bufo americanus] were occasionally seen, usually near the edges of fields). The absence of R. blain from culti- vated fields could be the result of alteration of the soil structure through tilling and/or compaction from heavy farm machinery, application of agricultural chemicals (anhydrous ammonia and other fertilizers [see Berger 1989], herbicides [see Hazelwood 1970], and insecticides), tiling of fields to reduce water content of the soil, seasonal aridity (particularly mid through late summer), lack of appropriate cover, or a combination of these and other factors. Brown and Morris: Plains Leopard Frog (Rana blair) 3 The devastating effect of the moldboard plow on soil structure was emphasized by the well-known agricultural conservationist Louis Bromfield (1955). The steel moldboard plow was of considerable signifi- cance in the establishment of agriculture in the midwestern prairies because it greatly facilitated the turning of prairie sod (Broehl 1984). Bromfield (1955) pointed out that the pressing action of the moldboard plow produces an artificial compacted layer (“hard- pan”) some 17.8—20.3 cm (7-8 in) below the surface of Figure 3. Distributional records for the plains leopard frog (Rana blair’) in Ilinois. Closed circles represent localities for preserved specimens we examined in museums and collec- tions and for frogs heard in the field, recorded in the field, DOR (dead-on-the-road), or caught, examined, and released in the field. A number of circles represent two or more records that are too close together to plot separately. Open circles represent five other literature records and two unpublished records (based on specimens we did not examine) that are believed to be valid. The closed triangle represents a record for R. blain (a museum specimen examined by us) with locality data that we regard as question- able. The entire known range of R. blair is shown in the lower left corner. 4 Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes the soil. The depth is variable depending upon how deep the plow is set. Bromfield (1955) mentioned a minimum depth of 5.1 cm (2 in). The typical depth in central Illinois is 20.3-30.5 cm (8-12 in) at present (T.E. Alt, personal communication). Much agricultural land in Illinois has probably been underlaid with hardpan because of the extensive use of the steel moldboard plow for well over a century. The hardpan is 5.1-7.6 cm (2-3 in) thick and is not easily pene- trated by water and plant roots (Bromfield 1955). Con- sequently, penetration of this impacted layer by am- phibians (e.g., Rana blain, Pseudacris triseriata, Amby- stoma texanum) seems doubtful should these animals seek subterranean shelter (e.g., for winter hibernation or to escape desiccation). The distribution of Rana blair is primarily in the Great Plains (Brooks 1976; Dixon 1987; Dunlap and Kruse 1976; Hillis 1981; Lardie 1982; Littlejohn and Oldham 1968; Lynch 1978; Mecham et al. 1973; Pace 1974; Post and Pettus 1966), with an eastward exten- sion into the Prairie Peninsula (this paper; Axtell 1976; Brown and Brown 1972; Johnson 1987; Pace 1974). Prior to European settlement, this vast area was mainly prairie and was likely the predominant habitat occu- pied by R. dblairi. All of the range of R. blair as presently known in Illinois, except for areas along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, occurs within the borders of the presettlement prairie mapped by Anderson (1970). Much of the prairie in Illinois was notable for its poor drainage, which resulted in extensive marshes and potholes (White 1978); hence it was sometimes called “muck prairie” (Smith 1961). The Illinois prairies were mostly unoccupied by humans until the decade 1850-1860 when the precipitous establishment of railroads facilitated the rapid settlement of the area (Barrows 1910; Wyman 1988). As late as 1871, prairie was still common in certain areas of Illinois but by 1883 much had been converted for agricultural use (Ridgway 1889). The continuing advancement of agriculture, of course, destroyed nearly the entire prairie ecosystem in Illinois. The ability of R. blair to occupy areas peripheral to prairies and intense agricultural cultivation probably allowed the species to continue to survive in the state. Zoogeography Blair (1958b, 1965) was a foremost proponent of an influential Pleistocene zoogeographic theory, which suggested that southward glacial advances caused the displacement of many warm-adapted, terrestrial, vertebrate species into refugia in Florida and Mexico. Rana blairi (or its evolutionary precursor) may have been one of those taxa that withdrew to the south. However, the present northern limits of the range of No. 136 R. blairi (as far north as southern South Dakota— Dunlap and Kruse 1976) suggest that the species has considerable cold tolerance, at least in its northern populations. Thus, the retreat of the entire species into Mexico during the Pleistocene glaciations seems unlikely. After the Wisconsinan glaciation, it was possible for R. blain to expand its range northward in the Great Plains. Smith (1957) proposed that a num- ber of prairie-adapted species of the Great Plains moved eastward into the Prairie Peninsula during the subsequent Xerothermic Period. Rana blair probably was one of those species that moved eastward, as evidenced by its present distribution in the Great Plains and Prairie Peninsula. However, Pace (1974) suggested that R. blairi may have made this range expansion during or after the post-Pleistocene devel- opment of the Prairie Peninsula. The warm, arid climate during the Xerothermic would probably have been unfavorable for major amphibian migrations. Thus, it seems likely that R. blair moved eastward after the Xerothermic and after establishment of prairie. The present extension of the range of Rana blain south of the Prairie Peninsula along the Mississippi River in southern Illinois is somewhat puzzling because Anderson (1970) did not map presettlement prairies in that area. However, other evidence (R.C. Anderson, personal communication; Evers 1955; Gleason 1922; King and Allen 1977; Schroeder 1983; Transeau 1935) indicates the presence of some prairies along the Mississippi River in southeastern Missouri and south- ern Illinois during the Holocene. Thus, the ability of R. blairi to occupy areas peripheral to prairies, as well as the presence of scattered prairies, apparently allowed the species to colonize this area, most likely by an unusual southerly migration from the Prairie Peninsula in the mid-Holocene. Pace (1974) reported two apparently isolated localities for Rana blair in southeastern Illinois (“Wabash Co.: 2 mi N of Mount Carmel”) and south- western Indiana (“Warrick Co.: Scales Lake, near Boonville”). These localities are, respectively, ca. 1.2 km (0.8 mi) or less SW of the Wabash River, and ca. 17.4 km (10.8 mi) NE of the Ohio River. These popu- lations may have originated by dispersal of R. blaini southward from the Prairie Peninsula along the Wabash River and/or perhaps even northeastward up the Ohio River from Alexander County in extreme southern Illinois. Anderson (1970) and Transeau (1935) reported scattered presettlement prairies in and adjacent to Wabash County, Illinois, but Lindsey et al. (1965, 1969) did not recognize any in southwestern Indiana in or near Warrick County (although presettle- ment prairies did occur not too far away in adjacent Illinois—Anderson 1970). May 1990 Summary Examination of museum specimens, fieldwork, and literature records revealed 194 distributional localities for the plains leopard frog (Rana blair) in Illinois. The species is distributed in a wide band across the center of the state with an elongated extension along the Mississippi River to extreme southern Illinois. Sympa- try between R. blairi and two other leopard frog species (Rana pipiens and Rana sphenocephala) occurs at some localities. The present distribution of Rana blairi in the Great Plains and Prairie Peninsula suggests that prairie was its main habitat prior to European settlement. Rana blairi presently occupies a variety of habitats (often showing disturbance by humans) that are peripheral to arable land. This distribution probably reflects the nearly complete destruction of the prairie ecosystem in Illinois by advancing agriculture, which R. blairi apparently cannot tolerate. We did not find the species to be abundant at any locality in the state. Rana blair probably colonized the Prairie Penin- sula in Illinois after the warm, arid Xerothermic Period during the Holocene. The ability of R. blair to occupy areas peripheral to prairies as well as the presence of scattered prairies during the Holocene apparently allowed the species to disperse along the Mississippi River into southern Illinois and southeast- ern Missouri. Acknowledgments We thank T.E. Alt, R.C. Anderson, J.R. Brown, E.L. Mockford, L.L. Osborne, L.M. Page, G.L. Paukstis, and J.J. Slack for critically reading all or part of the manu- script; T.E. Alt, R.C. Anderson, J.R. Brown, and J.J. Slack for enlightening discussion; R.C. Anderson, D.E. Birkenholz, and G.B. Rose for bibliographic assistance; R.W. Axtell (Southern Illinois University at Edwards- ville), W.J. Beecher and R. Vasile (Chicago Academy of Sciences), R.A. Brandon (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale), R.F. Inger, H. Marx, and H.K. Voris (Field Museum of Natural History), A.G. Kluge (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology), K. Livezey, J. Wanamaker, and D.K. Warren (Principia College), L.R. Maxson and D.M. Smith (University of Illinois Museum of Natural History), E.O. Moll (private collection and Eastern Illinois University), L.M. Page (Illinois Natural History Survey), J.R. Paul and J.R. Purdue (Illinois State Museum), J.E. Simmons (University of Kansas Museum of Natural History), G.R. Thurow (Western Illinois University), and G.R. Zug (National Museum of Natural History, Smith- sonian Institution) for allowing us to examine pre- served specimens under their care; R.A. Brandon and D.L. Moll (outside referees) for reading and recom- mending this paper for publication in Biological Notes, Brown and Morris: Plains Leopard Frog (Rana blairi) J.R. Brown, L.N. Brown, R.S. Funk, and D.L. Moll for assistance in examining museum specimens; J.R. Brown, J.T. Peterson, and G.B. Rose for help with fieldwork; K.A. Brown, L.N. Brown, and G.L. Paukstis for supplying information on the occurrence/absence of frogs and toads in corn fields; N.J. Doss for typing the manuscript; K.C. Kruse, K.S. Mierzwa, and M. Redmer for providing locality records from Vermilion, Will, and Effingham counties, respectively; G.B. Liebenstein for photographing Figure 2; and D.W. Whitman for taking the cover photo and Figure 1. Financial support for some of the fieldwork was provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation (Statewide Biological Survey Program) and the Illinois Department of Conservation. Illinois State University (Department of Biological Sciences) provided funds for photographic services and secretarial help. Literature Cited Anderson, R.C. 1970. Prairies in the prairie state. Transac- tions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 63:214—221. Axtell, C.B. 1976. Comparisons of morphology, lactate dehydrogenase, and distribution of Rana blair. and Rana utriculana in Illinois and Missouri. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 69:37—48. Axtell, R.W., and N. Haskell. 1977. An interhiatal population of Pseudacris streckeri from Illinois, with an assessment of its postglacial dispersion history. Natural History Miscel- lanea 202. 8 p. Barrows, H.H. 1910. Geography of the middle Illinois valley. Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 15:1-128. Berger, L. 1989. Disappearance of amphibian larvae in the agricultural landscape. Ecology International Bulletin 17:65-73. Blair, W.F. 1958a. Mating call in the speciation of anuran amphibians. The American Naturalist 92:27-51. Blair, W.F. 1958b. Distributional patterns of vertebrates in the southern United States in relation to past and present environments. Pages 433-468 in C.L. Hubbs, ed. Zooge- ography. American Association for the Advancement of Science Publication 51. Blair, W.F. 1964. Isolating mechanisms and interspecies interactions in anuran amphibians. The Quarterly Review of Biology 39:334—344. Blair, W.F. 1965. Amphibian speciation. Pages 543-556 in H.E. Wright, Jr., and D.G. Frey, eds. 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Frogs of the Rana pipiens complex in the northern and central plains states. The Southwestern Naturalist 20:559-571. Evers, R.A. 1955. Hill prairies of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 26:367—446. Gleason, H.A. 1922. The vegetational history of the Middle West. Annals of the Association of American Geogra- phers 12:39-85. Hazelwood, E. 1970. Frog pond contaminated. British Journal of Herpetology 4:177-185. Hillis, D.M. 1981. Premating isolating mechanisms among three species of the Rana pipiens complex in Texas and southern Oklahoma. Copeia 1981:312-319. Johnson, T.R. 1987. The amphibians and reptiles of Mis- souri. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City. King, J.E., and W.H. Allen, Jr. 1977. A Holocene vegetation record from the Mississippi River Valley, southeastern Missouri. Quaternary Research 8:307-323. Lardie, R.L. 1982. A preliminary checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of northwestern Oklahoma (excluding the Oklahoma panhandle). Bulletin of the Oklahoma Herpetological Society 7:36—78. Lindsey, A.A., W.B. Crankshaw, and S.A. Qadir. 1965. Soil relations and distribution map of the vegetation of presettlement Indiana. Botanical Gazette 126:155-163. No. 136 Lindsey, A.A., D.V. Schmelz, and S.A. Nichols. 1969. Natural areas in Indiana and their preservation. Indiana Natural Areas Survey, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. Littlejohn, M.J., and R.S. Oldham. 1968. Rana pipiens com- plex: mating call structure and taxonomy. Science 162:1003-1005. Lynch, J.D. 1978. The distribution of leopard frogs (Rana blair. and Rana pipiens) (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) in Nebraska. Journal of Herpetology 12:157-162. Mecham, J.S., M.J. Littlejohn, R.S. Oldham, L.E. Brown, and J.R. Brown. 1973. A new species of leopard frog (Rana pipiens complex) from the plains of the central United States. Occasional Papers, The Museum, Texas Tech University 18. 11 p. Morris, M.A., R.S. Funk, and P.W. Smith. 1983. An annotated bibliography of the Illinois herpetological literature 1960-1980, and an updated checklist of species of the state. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 33:123-138. Pace, A.E. 1974. Systematic and biological studies of the leopard frogs (Rana pipiens complex) of the United States. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 148. 140 p. Post, D.D., and D. Pettus. 1966. Variation in Rana pipiens (Anura: Ranidae) of eastern Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist 11:476—482. Ridgway, R. 1889. The ornithology of Illinois. Descriptive catalogue. Vol. 1, Natural History Survey of Illinois, State Laboratory of Natural History. Reprint 1913. Pantagraph Printing and Stationary Company, Bloomington, Illinois. Schreber [no first name listed]. 1782. Beytrag zur Natur- geschichte der Frésche. Der Naturforscher 18:182-193. Schroeder, W.A. 1983. Presettlement prairie of Missouri, 2nd ed. Natural History Series No. 2, Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City. 37 p. Smith, P.W. 1957. An analysis of post-Wisconsin biogeogra- phy of the Prairie Peninsula region based on distribu- tional phenomena among terrestrial vertebrate popula- tions. Ecology 38:205-218. Smith, P.W. 1961. The amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28:1—298. Transeau, E.N. 1935. The Prairie Peninsula. Ecology 16:423-437. Vogt, R.C. 1981. Natural history of amphibians and reptiles in Wisconsin. Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. White, J. 1978. Illinois Natural Areas Inventory technical report. Survey methods and results. Vol. 1, Illinois Natural Areas Inventory, Urbana. Wyman, M. 1988. Bloomington and the railroad—a look backward. Pages xv—xxvii in M.G. Matejka and G. Koos, eds. Bloomington’s C&A shops—our lives remembered, 2nd ed. McLean County Historical Society, Bloomington, Illinois. 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