THE DISTRIBUTION OF SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER OFF THE CALIFORNIA COAST FROM SAN FRANCISCO BAY TO CAPE SAN MARTfN Lawrence Florian Diddlemeyer LIBRARY HA ,'AL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL v - JTEREY. CALIFORNIA 93940 NPS-58TX75121 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS SAN THE DISTRIBUTION OF SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER OFF THE CALIFORNIA COAST FROM y FRANCISCO BAY TO CAPE SAN MARTIN by Lawrence Florian Diddlemeyer December 1975 Thesis Advisor: S.P. Tucker Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Prepared for: Chief of Naval Research Arlington, Virginia 22217 T170838 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered; REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER NPS-58TX75121 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) DISTRIBUTION OF SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER OFF THE CALIFORNIA COAST FROM SAN FRANCISCO BAY TO CAPE SAN MARTIN 5. TYPE OF REPORT ft PERIOD COVERED 1 January - 30 Sept. 1975 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTH0RC«J 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERfsJ Lawrence F. Diddlemeyer 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Code 58Tx 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA ft WORK UNIT NUMBERS 61152N,RP 000-01-10 N0001475WF50001 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Foundation Research Program of the Naval Postgraduate School - funds provided by the Chief of Naval Research 12. REPORT DATE December 1975 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 106 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft ADORESSft/ different from Controlling Ottlce) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (ol thla report) UNCLASSIFIED 15a. DEC LASSIFI CATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol thla Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol the abatract entered In Block 20, It dlllerent Irom Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS 'Continue on reverie elde it neceeeary and Identity by block number) California Coastal Water Coulter Counter Monterey Bay, California Oceanographic Survey Particle Size Distribution Particulate Matter Suspended Matter Suspended Particulates 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reveree elde It neceeeary and Identity by block number) The distribution of suspended particulate matter in the 1.4 to 27.9 u range based on data gathered during four cruises off the California coast from San Francisco Bay to Cape San Martin is presented by means of iso- metric drawings as well as more conventional graphs. It was observed that pycnoclines set up particle "traps". In areas where a deep mixed layer existed particle concentrations were randomly distributed in the layer. Counts of larger sized particles decreased with DD , :°NRM73 1473 EDITION OF I NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014-6601 | UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Bntarad) UNCLASSIFIED ^LCUKITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS P AGEOWien Date Entered) depth; those for smaller particles appeared to remain about constant throughout the water column. Particle sizes and distributions reflected bottom topography and water depth. Shallow water stations exhibited higher particle concentra- tions, while stations over Monterey Canyon showed depressed counts over the entire size range. In localized upwelling areas higher concentrations around the areas' peripheries than in their centers were foiiad. Oat a were assumed to follow a distribution of the form M.j=K(l-2 ' )D. , where M. is count in Coulter counter channel i (i=0,l ,. . . ,13) , K and C are constants,1 and D. =27. 9x2 ' is diameter in y of channel i. C values generally occurred in the 2.4 to 3.1 range, but significant deviations were noted during upwelling. K values often fell in the 50 to 300 x 103 particles/ ml range, but extremely high values were noted for the Davidson Current period. Phytoplankton blooms appeared to be responsible for "knees" or "peaks" in many of the size distributions. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(TWi«n Date Entered) The Distribution of Suspended Particulate Matter off the California Coast from San Francisco Bay to Cape San Martin by Lawrence Florian Diddlemeyer Lieutenant , United 'States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1969 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1975 cl NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California Rear Admiral Isham Linder Jack R. Borsting Superintendent Provost The work reported herein was supported in part by the Foundation Research Program of the Naval Postgraduate School with funds provided by the Chief of Naval Research. Reproduction of all or part of this report is authorized. Released as a Technical Report by KNOX LIBRARY _rHOOL , POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL PEREY. CALIFORNIA 93340 FORWARD The present work, the first of a series of reports concerned with the distribution of suspended particulates in the 1.5 - 35 y size range in California coastal waters, is part of a broader continuing study of the factors influencing the optical properties of this region. Detailed cruise data for all the oceanographic stations of the four cruises which form the basis of this thesis are reported in NPS Technical Report, NPS-58TX751 22 , December 1975. Support for this work has come from several sources including Code 480 of the Office of Naval Research, the Naval Air Systems Command, and the NPS Research Foundation Program funded by the Chief of Naval Research. November 1975 Stevens P. Tucker Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School ABSTRACT The distribution of suspended particulate matter in the 1.4 to 27. 9y range based on data gathered during four cruises off the California coast from San Francisco to Cape San Martin is presented by means of iso-metric drawings as well as more conventional graphs . It was observed that pycnoclines set up particle "traps." In areas where a deep mixed layer existed particle concentra- tions were randomly distributed in the layer. Counts of larger sized particles decreased with depth; those for smaller particles appeared to remain about constant throughout the water column. Particle sizes and distributions reflected bottom topography and water depth. Shallow water stations exhibited higher particle concentrations, while stations over Monterey Canyon showed depressed counts over the entire size range. In localized upwelling areas higher concentrations around the areas' peripheries than in their centers were found. Data -C/3 -C were assumed to follow a distribution of the form M. =K(l-2 ) D • where M. = count in Coulter counter channel i (i = 0,1, ...,13), -i/3 K and C are constants, and D> = 27.9 x 2 is the diameter in u of channel i. C values generally occurred in the 2.4 to 3.1 range, but significant deviations were noted during upwelling. 3 K values often fell in the 50 to 300 x 10 particles/ml range, but extremely high values were noted for the Davidson Current period. Phytoplankton blooms appeared to be responsible for "knees" or "peaks" in many of the size distributions. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 12 A. BACKGROUND 12 B. MARINE CLIMATOLOGY 14 C. PREVIOUS LOCAL STUDIES 16 1. Yeske and Waer 17 2. Labyak 17 3. Shepard 17 4. Crews 18 D. OBJECTIVE 18 II. INSTRUMENTATION 20 III. OBSERVATIONAL PROCEDURES 23 A. STATION LOCATIONS 23 B. DATA COLLECTION 23 IV. DATA ANALYSIS 29 A. INTRODUCTION 29 B. DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES 30 1. Station Data Tables 30 2. Type 1 Graphs 32 3. Type 2 Graphs 32 4. Type 3 Graphs 35 5. Type 4 Graphs 35 6. Type 5 Graphs 40 7. Tables of Observed C and K Values — 40 C. CRUISE DATA DISCUSSION 44 1. 27 to 31 October 1973 44 2. 14 to 17 January 1975 52 3. 15 to 18 March 1974 71 4. 17 to 21 January 1975 83 V. CONCLUSIONS 93 APPENDIX - SAMPLE COMPUTER PROGRAMS 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY 101 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 103 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 24 2. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 25 3. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 26 4. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 27 5. Sample Station Data Tables 31 6. Type 1, Station B-5, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 33 7. Type 2, Station B-5, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 34 8. Type 3, Station B-6, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 36 9. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 38 10. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 39 11. Type 5, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 41 12. Type 1, Station 1-6, Cruise 37 to 31 October 1973 46 13. Type 3, Station C-3, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 47 14. Type 3, Station 1-1, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 48 15. Type 4, Line A, 0 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 50 16. Type 4, Line B, 10 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 51 17. Type 4, Line I, 0 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 53 18. Observed C and K Values for Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 54 19. Station Data Tables 57 20. Type 1, Station E-l, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 58 21. Type 2, Station E-l, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 59 22. Type 3, Station A-6, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 60 23. Type 3, Station B-6, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 61 24. Type 3, Station C-3, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 62 25. Type 3, Station G-7, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 63 26. Type 4, Line A, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 65 27. Type 4, Line B, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 66 28. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 68 29. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 69 30. Observed C and K Values for Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 70 31. Horizontal Temperature Profile, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 72 32. Type 3, Station E-10, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 74 33. Type 3, Station B*25, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 75 34. Station Data Tables 76 35. Type 3, Station G-20, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 77 36. Type 3, Station G-25, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 78 37. Type 4, Line G, 0 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 79 38. Type 4, Line G, 10 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 80 39. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 81 40. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 82 41. Observed C and K Values for Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 84 42. Type 3, Station C-20, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 86 43. Type 3, Station A-30, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 87 44. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 89 45. Type 4, Line C, 0 m, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 90 46. Observed C and K Values for Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 91 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the many people who helped me. First, I wish to single out Stevens P. Tucker, who willingly spent long hours scheduling cruises, packing and unpacking equipment, and lending technical help and guidance to help me overcome the many difficulties we encountered while writing this report. Secondly, I wish to thank LCDR Walter P. Donnelly who cheerfully devoted many long nights and longer weekends to assist in the writing of computer programs which helped form the basis of the graphical presentation scheme. I also wish to thank the members of the "night crew" of the W.R. Church Computer Center for their professional performance in aiding me to plot large numbers of graphs with quick turn-around times. I would also like to acknowledge the professionalism of the Captain and crew of the R/V ACANIA and the long on-station times they endured during the collection of this data. My special thanks go out to Robert S . Andrews for demonstrating a real interest in helping me to turn out a product of which I could be proud. Finally, to my wife, Joanne, who cheerfully assisted and accepted the neglect of the author during the preparation of this report, I offer my profound gratitude. 10 To my father Frank J. Diddlemeyer 11 I. INTRODUCTION A . BACKGROUND In the past two decades oceanography has become one of the fastest growing sciences. Military, economic, and more recently environmental problems have indicated that a need still exists for much more data and detailed studies of the various properties of the sea. Because all life in the sea is directly or indirectly affected by the occurrence and propagation of light in sea water, optical oceanography is a field which can make a significant contribution to our knowledge of the oceans. The distribution and density of particulate matter (both organic and inorganic) are major factors affecting the transmission of light through seawater. Particles, and their ability to absorb, attenuate, and scatter light control the depth of the euphotic zone. This zone and the availability of nutrients is the basis upon which the entire food chain of the oceans is established and maintained. Areas of upwelling are perhaps the most important regions in the ocean; this is especially true with regard to fisheries. These areas of colder, nutrient-rich waters produce approxi- mately one-half of the world's fish supply although their surface area only accounts for about one-tenth of one percent of the total surface area of the oceans [14] . Joseph [9] among others has noted that during upwelling high particle counts can be expected. 12 The distribution of particulate matter is also of prime importance as the controlling constituent of the character- istic optical signatures displayed by seawater samples. Such signatures are used to help in the identification of water masses and the establishment of their boundaries. Although Sheldon and Parsons [15], Sheldon, Prakash and Sutcliff [17] , Jerlov [8] , and Bader [1] have completed several investigations on the distribution of particulate matter, the distribution patterns, especially in coastal regions, may be highly complex and variable under the influences of winds, currents, upwelling, topography and runoff. It is therefore appropriate to make further more detailed studies. Combinations of factors in a given area can produce "parti- cle traps" that show themselves as patches in which there are heavy particle concentrations. Particle count contours and observations based on one-time samples from these areas may be misleading. It is also to be expected that areas which undergo definite "oceanic seasons" (e.g., along the California coast) would display different distributions at different times of the year. The multi-channel Coulter counter, which allows shipboard analysis of samples within a very short time interval, has contributed significantly to the development of a large data base for distribution studies. Ultra filtration and weighting procedures also exist which make it possible to determine particulate concentrations, size distributions and total 13 counts, but these methods are very slow and tedious to use, or they give questionable results if the size distributions are to be used in models requiring the in situ size distri- bution such as those involving the scattering of light by seawater. In particle studies the direct counting method employed by the Coulter counter is also superior to the in- direct methods, such as particle information extracted by analysis of the behavior of light in the sea or in a seawater sample which involves large numbers of particles. The major disadvantage of the Coulter counter is that particle sizes are determined from relative pulse heights and an absolute measure of particle size is not obtained. Furthermore the method has not yet been adapted to in situ measurement. B. MARINE CLIMATOLOGY Skogsberg [19] was the first to describe the oceanographic climate of Monterey Bay in terms of three major seasonal features, namely a cold water phase, a warm water phase, and a low thermal gradient phase. Bolin [3] later described and labeled these phases as the "Upwelling" , the "Oceanic" and the "Davidson Current" periods. The Upwelling Period is the longest of the three periods, usually beginning in late January and persisting until Septem- ber. It is characterized by lower than normal surface tem- peratures (10 to 11 °C) with no clearly developed isotherms present. Upwelling off the West Coast is a direct result of 14 the coastal winds. In the spring and summer months the atmospheric circulation is dominated by the North Pacific High which produces northerly winds parallel to the coast. According to Ekman's theory, these winds and the Coriolis effect cause the surface water to be transported 90° to the right of the wind and offshore. The result is a vertical advection of cold subsurface layers from depths suggested by Sverdrup [22] as great as 200 m replacing the surface water. The upwelled areas will normally have steeply ascending shallow isotherms and large horizontal temperature gradients. An increase in the surface salinity is also a normal conse- quence. Since density structure closely follows the tempera- ture structure, the combined effect of the thermocline and halocline often produces a very strong pycnocline which can act as a particle trap. Upwelling is usually most intense in June and July . In late summer the strong northerly winds tend to become more intermittent, and the coastal upwelling is interrupted. These interruptions give the cold dense surface waters a chance to sink and set up areas of convergence. An offshore flow of warm surface water from along the coast and an incoming flow of oceanic surface water replace the denser water, and a sharp thermocline is established in the first few meters. The Oceanic Period is characterized by surface temperatures greater than 13° C and a continuation of the strong vertical gradients established during the Upwelling Period. Another characteristic is the calm wind condition which marks the 15 change between the northerly winds of the Upwelling Period and the southerly winds of the Davidson Current Period. Following the Oceanic Period in November the wind completes its shift to become southerly, and upwelling has ceased. The onset of the Davidson Current Period is often noted by a sharp decline in surface temperature. Now the Coriolis effect causes a shoreward transport and low density surface water is piled up along the coast. This has two prime effects which are characteristic of the Davidson Current Period. First, as a result of the coastal concentration of less dense water, a current is set up which flows parallel to the coast and reinforces the wind driven current. Secondly, a sinking of the surface water occurs, and the thermocline weakens to relatively isothermal conditions to depths from 50 to 100 m. The Davidson Current Period usually lasts until February and is marked by the only sharp change in the oceanic climatic structure. C. PREVIOUS LOCAL STUDIES For the past seven years the Naval Postgraduate School has conducted a continuing series of oceanographic cruises off the central California coast. Summarized below are the findings concerned with the observed particulate matter dis- tributions reported in a number of studies. All these studies deal with only the upper 100 m of water except Crews', which included depths to 250 m. 16 1. Yeske and Waer Using a Model A Coulter counter, Yeske and Waer [23] conducted investigations of two stations within Monterey Bay during the Upwelling Period in July and August 1968. The two stations were occupied on alternate hours for one 24-hour period per week over a span of some 5 weeks. The main thrust of this study was to determine the effects of various oceanic parameters on beam transmittance and to study their spacial and temporal variability. A relatively high correlation between transmittance and particulate matter was noted, especially in the areas of pycnoclines and thermo- clines where the highest concentrations of particles were found. It was also noted that particle size decreased with depth. 2 . Labyak Labyak [10] also used a Model A Coulter counter to conduct investigations at 79 stations between Monterey Bay and San Francisco Bay from 10 to 18 May 1969. This time frame is also part of the Upwelling Period, and Labyak' s findings corresponded closely with those of Yeske and Waer. 3. Shepard Another investigation during the Upwelling Period was conducted by Shepard [18] from 29 April to 5 May 19 70. Ana- lyzing 2 ml samples of seawater by means of a 15-channel Coulter counter along a track which ran from Monterey Bay north to San Francisco Bay, Shepard found total particle 17 counts ranged from 5000 in very clear water to 200,000 in turbid water areas. It was also noted that the linear rela- tionship (on a log-log plot of particle counts vs. diameter) for particle distribution in seawater as observed by Bader and Gordon [1,7] (the so-called Junge distribution) could be distorted in the 1.5 - 30 u range by high productivity in the surface water layer. 4 . Crews Another Upwelling Period investigation was made by Crews [5] on a single station over the Monterey Submarine Canyon from 16 to 17 June 1971. As in the investigation of Yeske and Waer [23] , the main aim was to collect beam trans- mission data and compare its temporal variability with that of other simultaneously collected data (i.e. phosphate, salinity, temperature and particle counts) . In addition to comparing his data with those of Yeske and Waer [23] , Labyak [10], and Shepard [18], Crews also made comparisons to the data collected by Baker [2] and Soluri [20] on cruises con- ducted during the Oceanic Period. It was found that the ver- tical distribution of particulate matter was dependent on both seasonal conditions and geographic location and that the largest concentrations of particles occurred in the upper 10 to 15 m of the water column. D. OBJECTIVE As was pointed out by Sheldon, Prakash and Sutcliffe [17] , the general distribution of particulate matter suspended in 18 the sea is fairly well-known and documented, but detailed information about distributions in specific areas and through- out the depth of the water column is quite scarce. Many investigations have been carried out in open ocean areas or along entire coasts in determining general distributions but these investigations ordinarily were characterized by single samples taken only once at widely spaced stations. The pur- pose of this research is twofold: first, to use a Coulter counter to determine particulate distributions for a large number of closely spaced ocean stations along the Central California coast during various oceanic seasons in such a manner that they may be compared with distributions deter- mined elsewhere; and second, to display this data in a manner which will allow a study of the particle distributions by depth and along sections (i.e., along lines of stations) for these different seasons. To accomplish this, data from 178 stations collected over a 15-month period are analyzed here. 19 II. INSTRUMENTATION A Model T Coulter counter was utilized in the analysis of the sea water samples. This instrument operates on the principle that a spherical particle passing through an elec- trical field that is maintained in an electrolyte will cause a change in the electrical properties of the field if the resistivity of the particle is different than that of the electrolyte. As the particle displaces its own volume of electrolyte, the current in the field is held constant and the change in resistivity is directly proportional to the change in voltage required to maintain the current. Through this method the height of the voltage pulse is linearly related to the particle volume. Sheldon and Parson [15] found this procedure can be extended to other than spherical particles with only a slight error, and the linear relation continues to apply as long as particle diameters are less than 40% and greater than about 2% of the aperture diameter. Utilizing a digital register, the counter records the height of each pulse in one of 15 discrete channels. A paper tape printout provides a record of the number of electronic counts in each size range. Particle size and volume are easily derived from this record. It must be recognized that the suspended particulates are not regularly shaped, and the sizes determined with the Coulter counter only furnish "signatures" which are representative of the approximate particle volumes. 20 The size of the aperture through which the electrolyte and particles are drawn is an important factor in determining the range of sizes which can be counted. The upper limit on particle diameter is controlled by the size of the aper- ture^ while electrical noise effectively establishes a lower bound. With a 100 u aperture and threshold settings corresponding to a logarithmic scale of particle diameters as suggested by Sheldon and Parsons, channels 13 to 0 range in size from approximately 1.3y to 27y respectively. Elec- trical noise in channel 14 prevented its use for the smaller diameters. The mean diameter in microns corresponding to each channel (indicated in parentheses) is listed below: 27.66 (0), 21.96 (1), 17.43 (2), 13.83 (3), 10.98 (4), 8.71 (5), 6.92 (6), 5.49 (7), 4.36 (8), 3.46 (9), 2.74 (10), 2.18 (11), 1.73 (12), and 1.37 (13). Calibration of the counter was accomplished using divinyl- benzene polystyrene latex spheres manufactured by Dow Corning Chemical Company. The calibration adjustment is set to give equal counts in two adjacent channels. By this method the peak in the particle size distribution of standard spheres lies at the division between the two channels and provides a size reference point. An automatic timer was incorporated in the counter to allow a record of the counting time required for each 2 ml sample to be made. Comparison of these counting times provided an easy method to detect any obstruction of the orifice which may have invalidated the count. 21 A more comprehensive discussion of theory, operation and calibration of the Coulter counter is to be found in Sheldon and Parsons [15] and in the Model T Coulter manual. It should also be noted that the availability of a high speed computer is absolutely essential in order to deal with the large amounts of data provided by the Coulter counter. 22 III. OBSERVATIONAL PROCEDURES A. STATION LOCATIONS Station data were collected from four cruises conducted by the Naval Postgraduate School's R/V ACANIA during the periods 27 to 31 October 1973, 14 to 17 January 1975, 15 to 18 April 1974 and 17 to 21 January 1975. The first two cruises covered the area from Monterey Bay north to San Francisco Bay. Approximate locations of the 118 stations occupied during these times are indicated in Figures 1 and 2 Stations in this northern coastal region were the same as those occupied by Shepard [18], Baker [2], Labyak [10] and Soluri [20]. Positions while on-station were determined every 15 minutes using Loran, radar or visual bearings; exact positions and time are indicated on each station's particulate data table [included in Reference 6] . The cruises of 15 to 18 April 1974 and 17 to 21 January 1975 covered the area from Monterey Bay south to Cape San Martin. These stations were selected to coincide with the standard station grid adopted for this region by the Naval Postgraduate School. Locations of 58 stations occupied in this southern coastal region are shown in Figures 3 and 4. B. DATA COLLECTION At each station a hydrographic cast was made, and water samples were collected in teflon-lined Nansen bottles. All 23 m U CD o -p u O ro 0 +J CD w •H H U (0 o •H -P fd o o c o •H •p fd +J w (1) +J to g •H X o n a CD H Cn •H Pm 24 Figure 2. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 25 MONTEREY fll'l /BAY o X PT PINOS y E SAN MARTIN \ Co Figure 3. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 26 MONTEREY A-7 * ^ PlNOS rCAPE SAN MARTIN \ PT PIEDRAS BLANCAS A Figure 4. Approximate Station Locations, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 27 particulate matter samples were processed within 30 minutes after the samples were on board. STD and/or XBT casts were made at all stations. 28 IV. DATA ANALYSIS A. INTRODUCTION To depict the distribution of particulate matter in a water column with regard to depth, area, and oceanic season, data from four cruises along the central California coast were studied in some detail. Complete data tables and graphs for each cruise are presented in a technical report (NPS- 58TX751101) available from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 93940. In order to concisely display the observations a station data table and five types of graphs are employed. (Sample computer programs for the station data and the graphing schemes are included in the Appendix.) To compare the present data with previous studies such as those of Gordon and Bader [7,1], a formula was developed from the general equation for a Junge distri- * bution that could be applied to any data from a particular channel number (i.e. particle diameter) of the Coulter counter. Solving this equation, values for C and K, the Junge distribution constants, could be computed for any station and depth. Comparison of graphs and numerical con- stants at a single station or area during different oceanic periods provides an insight to the "typical seasonal" particle * See page 40. 29 distributions that existed in this highly productive and complex coastal region. B. DESCRIPTIVE TECHNIQUES 1. Station Data Tables The station data table (two sample tables are included as Figure 5) gives the station number, time, date, and loca- tion of each observation. In addition the number of particles counted in each of the 13 channels used is indicated for each depth. Below the particle count the total volume in cubic microns occupied by that number of particles in each size range (channel) is indicated. The mean diameter in microns of the particles in each channel is also shown. All counts were made from a 2 ml seawater sample. On the second line from the bottom for each discrete depth, the total cumu- lative volume in cubic microns occupied by all particle sizes for that depth is displayed. The bottom line for each depth is an uncertainty factor (±). This factor, in cubic microns, applies to the total cumulative volume figure for each depth. The factor is computed by multiplying the square root of the particle count for each diameter (channel) times the volume occupied by one particle of this size. By summing these factors for each diameter over the entire size range the total uncertainty factor of the cumulative volume for each depth is obtained. 30 CCU.TER CCl*TE« 0»T» SHIP R/V ICUII STATION B-S , J65S MIS 'SI. }6 OEG 50. * KIN N. 122 0E4 00.0 NIN M, 21 OCT 7} PARTICLE DIAMETERS IN NICAONSt VOLUMES IN CUBIC MICRONS PER 2NL SEAMATEA SAMPLE -7£0VjirV:-H-«c-H-H-t- "*• ° "mi* 8 -nni -run* ttjit 9 9 -tuit 8 -jrat ***•' l -md -tojJ -nfri -7T7ii -msr -nml -reno1 -reni1 — ss*4 -rmJ lT**3 * -TSS$8 -TJ??5 -TT0I7 -^Tii "77TT? *72T7? -TWB7 TJzH ~n*oJ TBtM "•" ' -m-ji? -rwiJ -T9?i! -wilt -mfi -7T>7iJ -nitt -ttbs? -hzI* -2T5^ ,0'M * tbM ~m8 'mil -™H -mlt -mfl -tjiH -mtt -?77t8 -jitH ••Tl 5 -i^H -ict« t«H -niK -nitt -ni» -nr« t«s« tw» -ntf* -wltt -nW -nitt -»♦« -wtt§ -noH -n7*4 -w»« -^Stf -n«« 4.92 0 W " -TTfH "«3»« T3«88 -77*1* tdJf -T>tH TSot! TjWi "55718 -?!»« -tHS. -*HH tHS* -TiJH tH« -to-!** -uiK -witt -dfe-H tHH -Titti -J«?J T«J« -rf?JJ -*B?i Ttftf -TSBI T«!i Tim -^! *•* l0 -din -»»H -rfHi -sWH -*3M! -rtt« -rfi!* -?ig?S t«H 4.34 • ).»• « 2. It II 1.73 12 1.37 13 tHH -jfltt -rim -j«H tWI -riitt -t4!*8 -t«H -ifW -$tA -HtW -iBi-H -rfHi -i«tt ilM* -ittA* -rfJM -t*»H -??5t5 t»H -HiW -m« -f«m -«M? -itfS -ftlH -i?2» -JHH -^m -HW TOTAL VOL ICN 0-131 §90691 »97521 5013*9 728675 501267 29**8* 20246* 308006 **12I2 5026T3 IN 2NL S« UNCERTIJ) 92267 37135 532*1 76**6 5567* 39379 32725 «9178 36106 63*23 COULTER COUNTER 061* SHIP R/V ACINI* SIATICN 6-6 . 0800 MRS PST, 36 0E0 *6.9 NIN N, 122 DEC 00.0 HIN M, 28 OCT 73 PARTICLE CI6NETERS IN MICRONS. VOLUMES IN CUBIC MICRONS PER 2ML SEAMATER SIMPLE tWuW H »c g 8 D I t SAMPLE OEPTh IN METERS 0 10 20 30 *9 73 97 1*3 19* 290 2?::»c3' — g _m^ ^^ _^ni m^ — g — g — g — _g _77rii inii -im?8 _nwt — —8 n?3i? -nzst -ttobi -naif —ml --mi "Tiirf "nai7 liziS -?«i?I nB?7? -jwM -ttdb7 -35*$ tiitI Torii - ?7B^ "I5*j9 -noU -t»«4! JuilJ '1TB7? "H7f8 ~nii8 ~n7ii -jrrri - 157J -[66^3 -13166 "ii?** inf*2 -rT7?« "Tssli ~69i§ -tj»7! -vrtU —nH -naH -n?i? TJ?f! rojffS -ibiH -?jt8^ -tt?H n??ii -tt48! -TB57? -TO)« -Tsi8? "»■« 1jM8 "nAH T,7« "TTT^ Til?, -WJK -i*M -nil! -n^? -TJ858 -nlH -n.« -n«? -nt« -n4M -*7io7 -,iil ntH. -ni« -ui?8 -riiH -jiifl ttHS -nJ88 ism -^7 Toift -nH. -7o27i -n?7i t«t! t***8 -1H8. ^08 -rim "d?8! -73« -^848 -riisg -»«« -579*7 Mm -?«» -ri«i -itm t§8! HiM Hft. -rim -riW« -j!JH -ri«tl -jjjfl -ri?TJ -rf.H -i3!H 1.73 12 „3221 .T^i* .^SJi ..8462 ^18393 . 13.13 3 10.98 * (.71 3 S.*9 7 *.36 8 3.*6 9 2.7* 10 2.11 11 1.37 13 -ittii -rt72* -i»M 4?7?6 -rtWf -TittJ Ht8i -ttH -rf3il -$«« -i^? -«iu -mil -nm -&m -««f -+*»** -tim -hhj 707*1 VOL ICx 0-1)1 1**899 2163*9 3)2680 2S**6T IT09993 368079 293521 1*8709 180J31 «56)27 IN 2 ml i. UMCERTIll 27185 *29I9 579*1 *3)6* 133218 **268 1312* 23038 26874 52650 Figure 5. Sample Station Data Tables (from Reference 6) . 31 2. Type 1 Graphs The Type 1 graph depicts the logarithm (base 10) of the particle volume for a given depth and size as a func- tion of the logarithm (base 10) of the particle diameter. A sample graph is shown in Figure 6 . A separate curve is plotted and labelled for each depth increment. The straight horizontal lines indicated on most of these plots suggest the total particle volume for any given diameter (in a size range from ly to 30 y) is approximately constant. This agrees with the hypothesis presented by Sheldon, Prakash and Sutcliffe [17], i.e. total cumulative volume occupied by all particles in any size range from bacteria to whales is constant. Varia- tions at the large end of the size scale result from too few particle counts for these sizes (zero counts occurred fre- quently at the larger diameters, i.e., channels 0 and 1) and probably do not indicate true distributions. 3. Type 2 Graphs The Type 2 graph (shown in Figure 7) is similar to the Type 1 except that the logarithm (base 10) of the actual particle count for each depth and size, rather than the cumulative volume, is plotted as a function of the logarithm (base 10) of the particle diameter. Again each depth is labelled and corresponds to a specific curve. This log-log display also illustrates a straight line relationship which shows that as individual particle size increases the total number of particles of larger diameter must decrease in 32 20,50 M ,30,40, 60 M 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 LOG DIAMETER IN MICRONS Figure 6. Type 1, Station B-5, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 33 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 LOG DIAMETER IN MICRONS !r2 ♦ 0 M 15 M 70 M 10 M 5,20,30, -40,50, 1.4 60 M Figure 7. Type 2, Station B-5, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 34 order to maintain the total volume at a constant level as was indicated in the Type 1 graphs. 4 . Type 3 Graphs The Type 3 graph is a three-dimensional perspective drawing [13] for a single station depicting the logarithm of the number of particles counted (z-axis) as a function of the channel number (x-axis) and depth (y-axis) . A sample graph is shown in Figure 8. Particle diameter is plotted increasing from the rear (channel 13) to the front (channel 0) of the graph and depth is plotted in meters with the surface value on the left. For optimum three-dimensional displays the computer requires the values to be plotted along each axis to be scaled to equal orders of magnitude. In order to obtain suitable scaled values the particle diameter corresponding to each channel number was multiplied by 10 and the logarithm of particle count was multiplied by 100 prior to plotting. The view is shown at an angle of 45° between the x- and y-axes from an angle of 15° above the horizontal. A computerized hidden line suppression algorithm was used to eliminate lines which could not be seen from the viewer's position. Each completed graph illustrates the particle distribution by size and count in the water column to depths as great as 1000 m. 5 . Type 4 Graphs A second type of three-dimensional perspective graph (Type 4) displays particle information for one depth in a given section (i.e. along a line of stations). The only 35 O u u CO 00 O 2>e Figure 8. Type 3, Station B-6, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 36 change in the graphical presentation is that depth which had previously been plotted along the y-axis has been replaced by a station number. The station plotted to the left is closest to shore; all other stations are plotted as a dis- tance in miles seaward of this base station. Each graph represents data for only one depth; plots at depths of 0 and 10 m for the E section are shown in Figures 9 and 10 . All areas represented are plotted from nearshore stations toward the deeper offshore stations, except the A and B sections of the two northern cruises which extend across Monterey Bay from stations A-l and B-13 in the south to A-12 and B-l in the north. The vertical axis (log of parti- cle count) of both Type 3 and Type 4 graphs illustrates relative values of counts for each individual graph only; comparison of counts between different stations or sections may only be made by referring back to the station data tables for actual count values. These graphs represent a comparative view of the changes in number and size of particles as water depth and distance from shore increases. This type of display is use- ful in displaying changes in particle concentration as dis- tance offshore from coastal particle sources (beaches, cliffs, rivers) is increased. For scaling purposes the distance in n mi seaward from the base station was multiplied by 10 0 prior to plotting. 37 § o u 0) rH O •H 4-1 M CO PM 4-1 O 00 o r ^- Figure 9. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 38 r 5 - 4 - 3 o u o •H •U u cd 00 o Figure 10. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 27 to 31 October 1973 39 6 . Type 5 Graphs The final graphical display (Type 5 graph) plots the logarithm of particle diameter against the logarithm of the particle count per channel per depth. Plotted along a line of stations for a discrete depth this figure is basically an end view along the y-axis of the data that is plotted on the Type 4 graphs. A sample plot is shown as Figure 11. 7. Tables of Observed C and K Values A Junge distribution for data gathered with a Model T Coulter counter may be given as : M. = K'D.~C 1 l where -C/3 K' = K(l-2 ) M. = count in any channel i i = channel number D. = diameter in microns of channel i K and C are constants. If the logarithm (base 10) of the count in channel i is plotted as a function of the logarithm (base 10) of the diameter (in microns) of that channel (as are the Type 2 graphs) the slope of the graph is the constant C. Slopes 40 vO in — z o M H OS o w hJ ! -joiii "2TT7J -tib!^ -6^57^ -Tlii -ns8? "TS536 -1335? 11.(3 I njslfc TBirH TSlH n«+M -rotf -79T0J -two! ■rott Twtt -*& -rmi -72T76 -HT76 10.9* 6 xr.m -|j967 6750 9 tt*-*!! -rsii* -T83?6 -mil TI7o^ -jn« ~Tnbi -ni*» ^3T66 -n35> (.71 5 iwtti T7.$3* -nfti ikM -w«4 -732*3 -TO« "T539*1 -7T7ij -73788 -mil -TB7*8 -mil 6.92 * iv>m m¥ii HbM. rrfSS? mtt* -nrH -,5279 IJBTf TlKo -R*a -U332 "1-M -135*3 3.69 7 136 28 I nm wi4l$ witti nH« -JT3S8 -rst;? -nM? -nil! -nm laa 1628* 132 8835 12 OS J 6.3* ( -sii,! _Z2oi 993*9 -93903 ntttf niloJ -7-63|j -uiff -rr^of -wJJJ -noli 1*9*1 lit 9055 2.15. 9311 3.** 9 76 966 76289 -7609t 152166 nJ«i TiiJi -T5«« -11B8 -ism "175*4 -13^7 -7,0? ill 2.7* 10 i\m -*«a -sJ^i -rKif ".Wi -TiStf -TaM* -137? -rtt*t if?ttf -tim ~TSSf -B^ 2.1* 11 rHBI tUH -i?ii» "WW "76*811 -ifiJf -iiUi -mi -riV«^ jWH -T33HS -km ~riM 1.73 12 iH!?2 68660 S37d9 -*HH -SHit -18K. -W9 HiW -rf!K UfiH --*4oi -uu -Wl 1.37 13 am -HIK Tfttii ■9S96S row? -*BH 4«« -Mtt 4«Ht IN!** -MM! -Ml -ttSI T01AL VOL ICk 0-13) 1T1S396 11703*9 1077519 1502520 1239102 258205 21(921 161176 316125 3239666 219951 137266 166601 IN 2HL Sa 12(960 102657 95760 116(6* 93268 2(111 65797 58266 62325 69973 32082 26658 COULTER COUNTER DATA SHIP R/v ACANIA STATION E-l . 1515 HBS PST, 3* OEC, 67.0 KIN N, 122 DEC 16.7 KIN M, 16 JAN 75 PARTICLE 01AKETERS IN MICRONS, VOLUMES IN CUBIC MICRONS PER 2NL SEAVATcR SAMPLE -iW^S-f-^Wr- SAMPLE DEPTH IN METERS 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 200 300 600 500 OIA CM* 27.66 0 777TSS T7739^ "53«36 -S55731 -77r7^ -TT33^ — 8 -TT387 "n757 -337ST "33757 21.96 1 177 jis* I33B66 -66361 -T7T76 -556i — 8 "TTBS^ -??3;i -53d -3353 -TT3sf IT. 63 2 I5T5i5 -nrsi "33764 -777T8 "T5S30 -tjjjS -T5578 -777T8 -T7335 — 33T5! "7333? 13.(3 3 mill TT0I?9 -jjrf5 -3otI^ -3T373 — 573T* T37U TTT« -TSE3^ -72li6 -1376* 10. 9( 6 mi!5. -nm "ilia? -535i^ "THJ^ -hH -m« "72567 -nti T76i! "TSiJo (.71 5 mm -tffl -S5513 -77779 1Tn« -TTT-18 131 00 TnaJ -7J33J -T35?7 -uAl -mil 6.92 6 issHi mm T3iSif 1856^6 T*iM -TS7>!o -mil -73i5? -TTjft -T795I -157*6 5.69 7 T1378? vm vWJ nJH! ^5.8 -T73T? -T335? -77HS -nrS? -T«i« -I7ofi 6.36 ( iiHa* uM nittl nWI -379H -iM -d» 1**53 -T7531 -T66T6 -T39oi 3.66 9 -*m -,im um n»a -3i^3 -zim -T3?f -nJM -nJH -777^6 "T5li? <.T» 10 -ilM -&ioli -Aim liMl inn -rfW -Be2;? -T3?»f -rmt -1HI1 -157*3 2.16 11 iftH? -4iii -mi rf«3* -mii -3g?H -m -lilol TT^il -i»!j -xihil 1.73 12 MU -HIH -am iMH9 -itm -Btf? -HJi -mi -ii«3 -?3Jt -m 1.37 13 1VI963 -tm -Ml Kmi -mx -ms§ 49?^6 -inn -s4fSJ -HH3 -,oJ.i TOTAL VOL ICh 0-131 2323319 13979*1 1126790 1256031 650129 35UU 153672 296906 260*69 20603* 2*00*6 IN 2ml Sm 151996 126259 0-3IS 79075 69501 2993* 565(0 65735 *5307 *(727 Figure 19. Station Data Tables (from Reference 6) 57 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 l'.O 1.2 LOG PARTICLE DIAMETER IN MICRONS 1/4 300,400 500 m 100 m Figure 20. Type 1, Station E-l, Cruise 14 to 17 January 19 75 58 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 LOG PARTICLE DIAMETER IN MICRONS 0 m 10 m 30 m 20 m 300,400 500 m 50 m j— ^75,200 m 1.4 Figure 21. Type 2, Station E-l, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 59 r 5 Figure 22. Type 3, Station A-6, Cruise 14 to 17 January 19 75 60 r 5 tf^ ^ ^ ^ Figure 23. Type 3, Station B-6, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 61 4-1 c O o •H ■U u 00 o •J fr ^ Figure 24. Type 3, Station C-3, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 62 Figure 25. Type 3, Station G-7, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 63 size ranges corresponding to channels 11, 12 and 13 do not occur until 30 m. Very high particle counts indicated for the surface layer of station G-7 (Figure 25) are the result of a density trap caused by a very low relative value for salinity between the surface and 10 m. This anomaly was noted to exist at all stations along the G line and at stations C-2, C-3, D-3, and E-l. The cause of this phenomena is unknown but may be linked to the Ekman transport of less dense surface water shoreward which is characteristic of the Davidson Current Period. Graphs for stations C-3 (Figure 24) and G-7 (Figure 25) appear slightly different because a new scaling factor had to be introduced to allow plotting of depths down to 1000 m. As was pointed out above, these Type 3 graphs also seem to tend toward stable background count levels as a depth of 100 m is exceeded. Unlike the Type 4 section graphs for station lines A and B for the earlier cruise, the plots for the 14 to 17 January 1975 cruise do not seem to reflect the canyon topography or the shallow water at each end of the section lines (Figures 26 and 27) . However it is seen that the line A plots (0 and 10 m) show much more variability from station to station and for different particle diameters than do the line B plots. Reasons for this are unclear but a closer proximity to the shoreline and the discharges from the Salinas River, Elkhorn Slough, and Pajaro River are probably contributing factors . 64 Figure 26. Type 4, Line A, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 65 r 5 - 4 J o - 2 4-1 CO PM 00 o - 1 Figure 27. Type 4, Line B, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 66 Sections E and G do not appear to be very different for the two northern cruises, but there does seem to be a tendency for the seaward stations of the January cruise to have higher counts in the channels which correspond to larger diameters. The density anomaly created by the low surface salinity already mentioned may possibly be the cause of this condition. It is also interesting to note the large peak for channels 12 to 2 at station E-5; this is indicated by both the Type 4 and 5 surface curves for the E section. The Type 4 graph at 10 m completely lacks this feature and is a good illustration of how localized and variable particle distributions for this area can be (Figures 28 and 29) . Approximately 71% of the values observed for C fell in the 2.4 to 3.1 range, and all but two of the varient values were confined to an area extending parallel to the coast through stations E-7, F-l and G-l (Figure 30) . Four of the varient values are associated with stations E-7 and F-l, which show very large concentrations of particles at a depth of 30 m. Values for C and K at 30 m for these two stations were among the highest encountered during the four cruises . In general the average values for K observed for this cruise were similar to those observed for the same stations during the Oceanic Period but extreme values were signifi- cantly higher. Average values for K fell in the 50 to 300 67 Figure 28. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 68 o u o •H •U u PL. 00 o Figure 29. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 14 to 17 January 1975 69 Observed C and K Values for Cruise 14 to 17 January 19 75 Station Number Depth (meters) Slope (C) (count/micron) K value (xlO3) (particles/ml) A-l 30 3.08 113 A- 2 0 3.00 145 A- 3 0 75 2.36 2.66 91 85 A- 6 0 2.54 85 A-10 10 2.76 513 B-l 0 2.20 96 B-4 10 2.40 59 B-7 0 2.54 58 B-10 0 2.94 133 B-l 2 10 2.84 222 B-13 0 2.44 103 C-3 0 2.88 321 E-l 0 3.08 256 E-4 0 2.10 59 E-7 0 30 2.50 4.50 83 2890 F-l 0 30 2.00 4.48 48 1900 G-l 0 30 2.00 2.62 81 277 G-4 0 2.36 112 G-5 0 2.36 102 G-7 0 2.64 76 Figure 30 70 3 x 10 particles/ml region with extremes as high as 280 0 x 10 particles/ml. It is also to be noted that maximum values for K often appear below the surface at depths from 10 to 30 m. 3. 15 to 18 March 1974 Figure 31 is a sketch of the horizontal profile of surface temperatures encountered during this cruise. An area of strong upwelling is centered just off Point Sur, but unfortunately only one particulate data station (C-l) was located in this area. Station data tables and the Type 1 graphs seem to indicate an even larger number (and volume) of particles were present during this upwelling period cruise than were indicated by the two previous northern cruises conducted during the Oceanic and Davidson Current Periods. As has been noted by Margalef [11]/ largest concen- trations tend to be around rather than in the center of the most fertile (i.e. upwelled) spots. As was generally shown in the Type 1 graphs of the 2 7 to 31 October 73 cruise, the Type 1 graphs of this cruise also show that the thermo- cline is at a depth corresponding to the depths for diverging cumulative volume curves. XBT data confirm the thermocline location as generally varying between depths of 20 to 40 m. At the one station (C-l) centered in the upwelling region the water column was isothermal (9.2 to 9.5 °C) to the bottom (50 m) . Type 3 graphs were plotted for ten stations, E-10, E-15, E-20, E-25, E-30, B*25, G-15, G-20, G-25, and G-30 . 71 MONTEREY CAPE SAN MARTIN \ PT PIEDRAS BLANCAS Figure 31. Horizontal Temperature Profile, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 72 In general these graphs agree quite closely with those presented for the October 19 73 cruise. Large particle counts are indicated for the full size range of particles at depths which correspond to the pycnocline depth (Figures 32 and 33) . As before the number of large particles per unit volume decreases with increasing depths. Counts for smaller diameter particles usually peak at or above the thermocline depth and are relatively constant below that level. High particle counts for large diameters indicated at shallow depths for stations G-20 and G-25 are probably indicative of a phytoplankton bloom (Figures 34, 35 and 36). Figures 37, 38, 39 and 40 are Type 4 graphs for sections E and G for depths of 0 and 10 m. The most notable feature of these plots is the increased particle count in channel 0 (largest diameter) . Every one of the stations at both depths for both sections illustrates an increase in the number of largest particles in channel 0 over the count for channel 1. This is quite opposed to the normal occurrence of particulate matter in the ocean and may have been caused by a large concentration of phytoplankton of a size very close to that of channel 0 existing in this oceanic section. Also of note is the generally stable particle count for each size range for all stations in the section. These are some of the most uniform spacial distributions encountered during any of the four cruises. 73 De o y •H 4J S-i 60 o ^v Figure 32. Type 3, Station E-10, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 74 o o a •H 4-1 t-l to 00 o Figure 33. Type 3, Station B*25, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 75 COULTER COUNTER DATA SHIR R/V ACANIA STATION G20 , 1745 HRS ROT, 35 0E3 3?. 8 MIN N, 121 DEC 39.8 MIN tf, 18 «PRH 74 PARTICLE DIAMETERS IN MICRONS, VOLJiFS IN CUBIC MICRONS PER 2NL SEAMATER SAMPLE SAMPLE OEPTM IN METERS 0 to 20 50 100 ISO 200 300 ♦00 500 OK CHf 5553^ '37t^8?J l3H7%t TT3BT21 "33T7^ '11387 -ttbsV "?2I7^ "BBS?? ^,•,6 ! msil 2J35^ SBStJ? j«t?» "77StJ "TC633 —3 -rob^ -rssii -5B979 ,T'*3 * -«7b* rw«^8 miH snl$ "5JE5? -T3B5? "sn3; "5«§ -27lW -5jsil l3-" 3 -5750? ">)J8^ rsjji* mktt -«9bU -T95bJ " 55$3 -rJ859 'UsM "Hltf l0-''8 * -wiK "776*0 mM ibsbH -zmH thH ""3??;* -ntt "J37li -TIB?I 8'71 ' "53iS2 -SB«! notf* -nJH -wttf -TK7& -5t45 "137^0 -mH -iwM *.'* * -„ttj -ntt* tobStI -KiiJ -T!»B -nrfi — 177064 175326 651797 1170357 93788 4*514 25434 35524 48646 76904 COULTER COUNTER DATS SHIP R/V ACANIA STATION G25 , 1553 HRS POT, 35 OEG 29.7 MIN N, 121 DEG 44.5 MIN w, 18 APRIL 7* PARTICLE DIAMETERS IN MICRONS, VOLUMES IN CUBIC MICRONS PER 2ML SEAWATER SAMPLE 10 20 SO 100 ISO 200 300 400 500 01A CH« 79Bjl? 8334^! 373S3^3* 129639^9 595?lf? 8 "TIBST" "3317$ -mil -17387 21 -96 1 „„J3 ™.2 IBZ^il T533H "943i{ <«9af? 33174? "377rl "S5XJ ~ 5553 T6S3B 8 "943^t -77sfo -E37iT; 313?^ T375^ — B3T? "085? "rmo -VXl} "J7t} -8T761 "43963 "r3?7? Hlis! 11887? ~97fff _TT5BT "3771? "177? -"377? "*7tSS "4lS^ -373?? 1355?? "755B? "TOji? "TTOB? TB?!? ~ K&l ~?T5f -?rH2 -w«8 -rao-fi r?7si& -75^7 ~?sil — s^fl -nill -1555 -sit? 6-92 6 -7^5 -7r!iB -tsi?3 r?osi? -irfft -nil -rrfl -r«M -j,» -58^3 s-*9 ' -!bS?J -kI« -ni?i -77j?B -ssMi -iW -wll -7«!i --5577 -?ii? 4-56 e -a«js -si??* -n«96 -»Wi -w»i -tbI! -tJ» -ni« -rfH -a?» 3-*6 * -3i88! -13 Hi -r5^i -7H7I -3^?o -7lM --7iW -»Mf -rfM -iHB 2-'* ,0 -liBJ7 T»?8 -I3889 "iftt! -3B?3? -lf0? ~li3? ~l«73 "JoSi -^?2 2-'8 " -riHJ -43H1 t$H4 tH?1 -T9?6l —113? -TB?a -9&B — *i?l -dfl >•" »' -4»U ,«?4J -,11*J -MJiS -.35*1 -i8»4 -i}2J --42? 17. 4J 2 13.83 3 10.98 4 1.37 13 i^ 1I343? -Mi -kim -Mi -HH -iji5 -IH! -ttft ~w* "8^38? j^g«? -30&53- -!?!H -58?Bi t8«?7 "iflil "tsM? "Toi?^ "T?!?! TOTAL VOL ICH 0-131 1625284 2254470 4076398 14668683 6909922 131855 125393 184699 163754 68182 IN 2ML '.« UNCIKTljl 171853 166777 255765 498068 345389 29293 34921 43996 53324 21615 Figure 34. Station Data Tables (from Reference 6) 76 4-1 c d o u o •H ■u U cd 00 o .J Figure 35. Type 3, Station G-20, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 77 Figure 36. Type 3, Station G-25, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 78 Figure 37. Type 4, Line G, 0 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 79 Figure 38. Type 4, Line G, 10 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 80 c o o •u u o Figure 39. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 81 Figure 40. Type 4, Line E, 10 m, Cruise 14 to 18 April 1974 82 The table of observed values of C and K is presented as Figure 41. These values probably represent the most distinctive feature of this upwelling period cruise. Values for C were the lowest encountered for any cruise with 50% of them falling in the 1.58 to 2.28 range. All but one of the remaining values fell in the range observed by Gordon [7] (i.e. from 2.4 to 3.1). At 11 stations two values were computed for C, and in every instance but one (station C-15) the shallow water values were in the 1.58 to 2.28 range, and the deep water values were in the 2.4 to 3.1 range. This cruise also exhibited the lowest average values for K. Ninety-three per cent of the values fell between 3 3 10 and 73 x 10 particles/ml. The highest value of 137 x 10 particles/ml was far below the previous maxima. As noted before K values showed a definite decrease with depth. 4. 17 to 21 January 1975 Prevailing oceanic conditions for this cruise were found to be unaltered from the 14 to 17 January 1975 cruise. A deep mixed layer at approximately 11.5 °C was present at all stations to a depth of at least 50 m. The Type 1 graphs generally follow the horizontal line-constant volume hypothesis for all but the largest particles (which may not be represented by a statistically accurate count anyway) . High particle counts are still indicated by the data tables, but overall levels appear to be somewhat less than those of the previous Upwelling Period 83 Observed C and K Values for Cruise 15 to 18 April 1974 Station Number Depth (meters) Slope (C) (count/micron) K Value (xlO3) (particles/ml) B*l 0 2.04 64 B*2 0 45 1.94 2.20 73 30 B*5 0 70 1.72 3.00 70 34 B*7 0 20 1.58 2.56 64 53 B*25 0 100 1.88 3.04 20 16 E-l 0 1.80 67 E-5 0 200 1.90 2.64 24 18 E-10 0 2.54 32 E-15 0 200 2.10 3.80 42 41 E-20 0 300 2.40 3.06 53 23 E-25 0 2.76 124 E-30 0 2.50 137 G-10 0 100 1.74 2.16 25 25 G-15 0 400 2.14 2.78 44 21 . G-20 0 400 2.16 2.82 42 14 G-25 20 2.86 19 G-30 0 400 2.28 3.00 38 10 Figure 41 84 cruise. At several stations anomalously high particle counts were observed at relatively great depths (A-5 at 300 m, A-7 at 100 and 300 m, A-20 at 1000 m, A-30 at 300 m, C-10 at 200 and 400 m, C-15 at 200 and 400 m, C-20 at 200 m and E-2 at 100 m) , but close observation of the vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen, salinity, density, temperature, phos- phate and silicate as well as water depth failed to reveal any plausible explanation for these occurrences. Graphs for particle distribution with depth (Type 3) were plotted for stations A-10, A-15, A-20, A-30, C-10, C-15, C-20, C-25, C-30, E-10 , E-15, E-20, E-25, and E-30. Five of these graphs illustrate the large count anomaly already discussed (Figures 42 and 43) . The remaining graphs show characteristics very similar to those for the 14 to 17 January 1975 cruise. One significant difference was noted in the STD records; all deep water stations (bottom depth exceeding 100 m) for this southern cruise displayed a salinity minimum at the surface which remained constant and extended to a depth of 50 m. As noted for the 14 to 17 January northern cruise this condition sets up a density trap where large numbers of various sized particles may collect. All the Type 3 graphs for the 17 to 21 January cruise illustrate this phenomenon. Most of the stations (excluding those with anomalous spikes) continue to indicate a fall-off in the count for larger particle sizes (channels 0 and 1) at depths below the mixed layer. 85 r 5 - 4 - 2 4-1 3J (U iH O •H 4J M «d ■- 1 00 o Figure 42. Type 3, Station C-20, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 86 ^ SPe Figure 43. Type 3, Station A-30, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 87 Section plots (Type 4) for station lines A, C, and E appear to show fairly uniform distributions at all stations along the lines except at C-15. Unlike possible phyto- plankton blooms indicated for channel 0 at the surface for stations C-l, C-2, C-7, E-5, and E-15, the elevated counts at station C-15 extend across the entire size spectrum and do not appear to be a result of a change in any physical or chemical property of the water. Surface plots for sections C and E are shown in Figures 44 and 45. Tables of observed values for C and K are included as Figure 46 and are comparable to those computed for the previous Davidson Current Period cruise. Approximately 60% of the C values occurred in the 2.4 to 3.1 range, and the majority of the varient values were only slightly outside these limits. As was previously observed, values for C seemed to increase with depth. Two extremely large values for C were observed for the surface for stations C-15 and E-5. These correspond to localized areas having very large particle counts and led to values for K in excess of 1800 3 x 10 particles/ml. Shallow water values for K normally fell 3 in the 39 to 276 x 10 particles/ml range, while values for 3 depths exceeding 100 m ranged from 8 to 28 x 10 particles/ml for all stations except A-20 (at 400 m) . Very low values 3 for K in the 8 to 11 x 10 particles/ml range which occurred at great depth may be indicative of the background value that can be expected for the area. 88 4J a O o ■u u PL. 00 o Figure 44. Type 4, Line E, 0 m, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 89 Figure 45. Type 4, Line C, 0 m, Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 90 Observed C and K Values for Cruise 17 to 21 January 1975 Station Number Depth (meters) Slope (C) ( count/micron) K Values (xlO3) (particles/ml) A-30 30 2.74 57 A-25 0 400 2.76 3.28 123 18 A-20 0 400 2.48 3.86 67 85 A-15 100 3.00 26 A-10 0 300 2.00 3.16 74 26 A- 7 0 2.44 76 A- 5 0 2.66 101 A-l 0 2.84 200 B-l 10 2.76 164 C-l 0 2.24 72 C-5 20 3.00 64 C-7 0 200 2.36 2.74 39 11 C-10 0 300 2.34 3.16 43 15 C-15 0 3.80 1836 C-20 0 400 3.20 3.20 79 8 C-25 0 2.96 86 C-30 0 3.32 276 D-30 0 2.28 56 E-25 50 2.96 32 E-20 0 200 2.20 2.80 49 10 E-15 100 2.80 Figure 46 91 Station Number Depth (meters) Slope (C) (count/micron) K Values (xlO ) (particles/ml) E-10 0 50 2.72 2.72 74 30 E-5 0 30 4.80 3.00 1933 51 E-l 20 3.34 442 F-2 0 2.70 50 G-l 0 2.70 65 Figure 46 (Cont'd) 92 V. CONCLUSIONS This study has provided detailed information on the occurrence and distribution of suspended particulate matter along the California coast. The identification of small- scale temporal and spacial variations of particle distribu- tions was made possible through the use of a relatively fine-spaced station grid and by collection of data during several oceanic seasons. Pycnoclines occurring during oceanic periods provided "traps" where particles of all sizes collected. When a deep mixed layer was present particle concentrations were randomly distributed in the layer. It was also noted that concentrations and counts for larger size particles exhibit a definite fall-off with depth, but both appear to be constant throughout the water column for small size particles. At almost all stations particle counts appeared to approach stable "background" levels at depths in excess of 200 m. Because of the fertile waters along the central coast it is not surprising particle counts were generally higher than previously reported by Gordon for the Sargasso Sea [7] . Particle sizes and distributions also reflected bottom topography and water depth. Shallow water stations were found to have higher particle concentrations, especially noticeable for larger diameter particles, than deep water 93 stations. Smaller particle counts along the entire range of particle sizes were observed at stations over the Monterey Submarine Canyon during the 27 to 31 October 19 73 cruise. During the 14 to 17 January 19 75 cruise this condition was not observed and may have been altered by river discharges. Observations during the Upwelling Period indicated that increased particle concentrations occurred around the periphery of the upwelled area rather than in the center. Localized areas of extremely high particle counts were believed to be the result of phytoplankton "blooms", but a species identification was not conducted. Three-dimensional isometric graphs of the logarithm of the number of particles counted as a function of the parti- cle diameter and depth (Type 3) provide a method to depict the distribution of particulate matter vertically in the water column. A further refinement of the computer program which plots these graphs [13] to permit the particle counts (the vertical axis) for all stations to be plotted on the same scale would provide an excellent tool which would allow a quick visual comparison of particle distributions. The comparison of distributions for adjacent stations, or for the same station at different times, for various oceanic periods will clearly show patterns of spacial and temporal variation. In a second three-dimensional type of graph the logarithms of the number of particles counted are plotted as functions 94 of the particle diameter and the station locations. This Type 4 graph provides a visual display of the horizontal distribution of particulate matter for lines of stations or sections at any given depth. This is valuable for studies of the variations of horizontal particle distributions, but more sectors from the same areas and different time periods must be completed before patterns can be clearly established. Data were assumed to follow a Junge type distribution of the form M. = K'D. , where M. = count and D. is the mean -C/3 diameter in Coulter counter channel i and K' = K(l-2 ' ) . Values for C were similar to those found by Gordon, but K values were considerably higher with much higher but localized values noted during the Davidson Current period for some stations. The lowest average values for both C and K were noted during the Upwelling Period. The values for K show a definite decrease with depth, often tending to background values for depths in excess of 200 m. 95 APPENDIX Sample Computer Programs ro •» a ■•0 LUX CC X LU-.I— -4 0 m 1— (\J< •" w »■ •i <» z r\IXLU •> t— 1 ZI ro LUmH-X CO 1—1 1/1 — < z h- *<0 0 Z ► >— 1— 1 < roO— 1 0 h-ro 2: — > 2: o< * •» <— CO a c •> *m 2: — +j t-O- m >-* «— , •i CD ►xz ► 0 a 3 0 -P C •H <—• ro X "J — .-0 LU Lumi-Hi^o -1 -IX —4 00 * - a O 2: -s:< 0 CO »(/) «»* ■> t-H O-1-1 v HCtZi^ > II t- ► h- vO ~«» -•X X i- •— >»-« LU •«• X •— <^- S) CD •> »in O O 111 •+- z # 00 LU t-Q- ad LUXZ » z rrj -P rrj Q Si JU 1— 1 — . * SL <-• X Q— t>-i(M I-* O u LU O ~ »- -. 4- t-H OX m z »z< -J 00 ro 0 — » 0 a H- CO •» Oroi--< 00 O ••LU •* >*• V m i-i O QC ► X _ifr^» vt OO -^ t <-l 3 —o h-LU H- OiO #00 1-1 ^- 11 0 ► •■ <•*!-< ►-iCL i— 1 TJ (MO ccv- a. LU> 01- X a^ -> OJ X _|<<— 4 or LU 0 «J--« << LU Oh • Ol 00 LU-^ m» a: a. p- *MJ » < K u CO || O-O Q z - 4-t: OX -^ UJi-< •k O ► *x LUOO s: CU oo •» •> •» O — - ~.0 ro •■r-l-J-* H-X • LUXLU'-O —1 ct ►cd -*x-< -»H *>J- * V.Z Q. -^» »■ ••-"^ _|CO-^ -ZL o~«2: •« Or* 0 e oo • vJ-f-LU roa #-» — ^-fci'O — • ►— • t— «vO MX O «sf O- -1— •.!— I>f 1—1 LU < rrj - _j Vh >oo »-uj-i fOQQ«OZ •— CJ»-« >-H •• 1-ZOc^vC • 1— t »• <3 —HI- ► <3S • *■ a 0 •>cd ^ ► .IZOSJS^ tt CT> -< 0.^.— km -XX 1— 1- - Oh — *cc xz>-< < ►OZoOX/)- • Q J— • ZDCDX — ^0 ^.M-^ro- ^. t.w|— rooO^ -~ M/5« ~vOOCM r-l« — cm -^Oi-SnOCOOcDK^X co.-oz— x— Z -1 •» r-t «.co ♦•CM ».2!oO ••«-» «-^ rox OrsiO 9* O »-r- cmq. 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