''^><,»% V"-': TORONTO % METEOROLOGY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. Pkof. H. E. ARMSTRONG- (United Kixgdo:m). Dr. W. T. BLANFORD (India). De. J. BEUNCHORST (Nokway). Dr. E. W. DAHLQEEN (Sweden). Prof. Dr. J. H. G-RAF (Switzerland). Peof. J. W. QEEGORY (Victoria). Dr. Fr. Th. KOPPEN (Russia). Dr. M. KNUDSEN (Denmark). Peof. D. J. KORTEWEG (Holland). Prof. H. LAMB (S. Australia). Peof. S. P. LANGLEY (United States). MoNS. D. METAXAS (Greece). Prof. R. NASINI (Italy). Don F. DEL PASO Y TRONCOSO (Mexico). Prof. H. POINCARE (France). R. TRIMEN, Esq. (Cape Colony). Dr. O. UHLWORM (Germany). Prof. E. WEISS (Austria). Peof. J. SAKURAI (Japan). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Peof. H. E. ARMSTRONG. SiE M. FOSTER, Sec. U.S. Dr. J. LARMOE, Sec. B.S. De. L. MOND. Prof. R. NASINI. Peof. H. POINCARE. De. O. UHLWORM. DIRECTOR. Dr. H. FORSTER MORLEY. REFEREE FOR THIS VOLUME R. STRACHAN. INTERXiTIOXVL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITEEATUEE First Annual Issue. F ^^^ METEOROLOGY INCLUDING TERBESTRIAL MAGNETISM. PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LONDON : Hahkison and Sons, 45, St. Martin's Lane. VOL. VI : 1902 (OCTOBER). 2 /90/ PREFACE. The Ixternatioxal Catalogue of Sciextific Literatlee, com- mencing with the literature of the year 1901, is an outgi'owth of the Catalogue of Scientific Papers relating' to the scientific literature of the nineteenth century, published by the Royal .^ociety of London. The suggestion to catalogue scientific papers may be traced back to Prof. Henry, of Washington, U.S.A., who brought the subject under the notice of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at its meeting in Glasgow, in 1855. The history of the incep- tion of the enterprise is recorded in the first volume of the Catalogue of Scientific Papers issued by the Royal Society in 1867, Twelve large quarto volumes have been printed in which the titles of papers published during the period 1800-1883 are arranged under authors' names. A subject index, which will serve as a key to these volumes and also form an independent record, is in an advanced state of preparation. A catalogue of the scientific papers published during the period 1884-1900 is now being prepared by the Royal Society' of London. The possibility of preparing a complete index of current scientific literature b}' international co-operation was first taken into considera- tion by the Royal Society' about the year 1893. It had long been apparent that the work was beyond the resources of the Society, or indeed of any single body. Moreover, it was felt that an autli<.>rs' catalogue could not supply the required information, and that it was essential that scientific vrorkers should be kept fully and quickly informed of all new cUscoveries by means of complete subject indexes. International co-operation appeared to be the onl}' means of carrying out such a work with the necessary completeness and rapidit}-. "^The Society therefore sought the opinion of a very large number ot representative bodies and individuals abroad; and, as the replies were almost uniformly in favour of the work being undertaken by international co-operation, steps were taken to summon an International Conference of Delegates appointed by various Governments. The Conference took place in London on July 14-17, 1896, and was attended by delegates from Canada, Cape Colony. Denmark, France, Germany. Greece. Hungaiy, India, Italy. Japan. Mexico, Natal, the Netherlands, Xew South Wales, New Zealand, Norwav, Queensland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A 2 It was unanimously resolved that it was desirable to compile aud publish, by means of an international organisation, a complete Catalogue of Scientific Literature, ari-anged according both to subject matter and to authors' names, in which regard should be had. in the first instance, to the requirements of scientific investigators, so that these might find out, with a minimum of trouble, what had been published on any particular subject of enquiry. It was agreed that the material should, as far as possible, be collected in the various countries by local organisations established for the purpose, and that the final editing and publication of the Catalog'ue should be entrusted to a Central International Bureau, acting under the direction of an International Council. It was agreed to establish the ('entral Bureau in London. Although the question of the method to be adopted in classifying the subject matter of the several sciences was discussed at great length, no decision other than one adverse to the Dewey system was arrived at. The Koyal Society was requested to appoint a Com- mittee to take this and many other questions of detail left undecided by the Conference, into consideration. As the result of the arduous labours of this Committee, complete schedules were prepared for each of the sciences to be catalogued, and a fiuancial statement was also prepared showing the estimated cost of the Catalogue. The report of the Committee was considered at a second Conference, held in London on October 11-13, 1898, which was attended by accredited representatives from Austria, Belgium, Cape Colony, France. German3% Hungar}-, India, Japan, Mexico, Natal, the Nether- lands. New Zealand. Norway, Queensland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. At this meeting the conclusions arrived at b}^ the first Conference were generall}' confirmed, and much progress was made in deciding the principles to be adopted in preparing the Catalogue. Full schedules for the several sciences, which had been prepared by the Committee of the Eoj'al Society, were laid before the delegates. Ultimately, after prolonged discussion, it was decided to adopt an arbitrary combined system of letters, numbers, and other symbols, adapted in the case of each branch of science to its particular needs. A Provisional International Committee was appointed to settle authoritatively the details of the schedules. The financial position was fully discussed, but no definite conclusions could be arrived at. The delegates attending the meeting were requested to obtain further information on the subject in their respec- tive countries, and to report to the Provisional International Committee. The Provisional International Committee met in London on August 1-5, 1899. The Committee had arranged for the co-option of an Italian and a Russian member, and M. Th. Koppen attended as the representative of Russia. The reports received froni various countries were considered. Schedules for the seventeen branches of science to be included in the Catalogue were approved for adoption. The financial position was again very fully considered, especially in relation to the establishment of the Central Bureau ; and it was finally resolved to recommend that the Royal Society be requested to orgaui.se the Central Bureau, aud to do all necessary work, so that the preparation of the Catalogue might be coiumenced in 1901. Mainly in consequence of representations made by the German Goveran>eiiT. in order to reduce the cost of the enterprise the Pro- visional International Committee agreed to recommend that the Catalogue should at the outset be of a more restricted character than was contemplated by either the first or the second Conference, that is to say, that the issue of a card catalogue should be postponed, and that the number of subject entries should be kept within narrow limits. A third International Conference was held in London on June 12 and 13, 1900. This was attended by accredited representatives from Austria, Cape Colony, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India. Italy, Japan. Mexico, Natal. New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, The report of the Provisional Inter- national Committee appointed at the second Conference was considered, and also a detailed scheme for the publication of the Catalogue which had been prepared, at the request of the Committee, by the Royal (Society, The statements made by the delegates of various countries as to the extent to which they were authorised to promise contributions towards the expenses of the Catalogue beiug satisfactory, it was resolved to take further steps towards the publication of the Catalogue ; and for this purpose, peudmg the appointment of an International Council, the Conference again appointed a Provisional International Committee. This Committee met at the conclusion of the Conference, and after- wards continued its deliberations through the agency of the Royal Society. All difficulties were finally removed by the Royal Society undertaking to act as the publishers of the Catalogue on behalf of the International Council, thereby giving the necessary legal status to the undertaking, and also to advance the capital required to start the enterprise on the understanding that this should be repaid during the ensuing five years. The supreme control over the Catalogue is vested in an International Convention. Such a Convention is to be held in Loudon in 1905, in 1910, and every tenth year afterwards, to reconsider, and, if necessary, to revise the regulations for carrying out the work of the Catalogue ; but the approved Schedules are not to be altered during the first period of five years. In the interval between two successive meetings of the Convention the administration of the Catalogue is vested in an International Council, the members of which are to be appointed by the Regional Bureaus. The first meeting of the International Council was held in London on December 12, 1900, when it was decided to commence the preparation of the Catalogue from January 1, 1901, At this meeting an Executive Committee was appointed, consisting of the delegates of the Royal Societ}- and representatives of the four largest subscribers — the United States of America, Germany. France, and Italy. The materials i)ut of which the Catalogue is formed are to be furnished by Regional Bureaus. A 3 Regional Bureaus have already been established in Belgium, Canada, Cape Colony, Denmark, Egypt, France, Great Britain and Ireland, German}^ Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, India and Ceylon, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, New South Wales. Norway, Portugal, Poland. Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Sweden. Switzerland, the United States of Ameiica. A'ictoria, Western Australia, Finland. The branches of Science to be included in the Catalogue are the seventeen following : — A — Mathematics B — ]Mechanics C — Physics D — Chemistry E — Astronomy F — Meteorology (including Terrestrial Magnetism) G — Mineralogy (including Petrology and Crystallography) H — Geulogy J — Geography (Mathematical and Ph^-sical) K — Palaeontology L — General Biology M — Botany N — Zoologj' 0 — Human Anatomy P — Physical Anthropology Q — Physiolog}^ (including experimental Psychology. Pharmacology and experimental Pathology) R —Bacteriology Each complete annual issue of the Catalogue will thus consist of seventeen volumes. The price at which this set will be sold to the public is £18. Individual volumes will be sold at prices varying with their size from about ten to thirty-tive shillings. A Schedule of Classilicatiuu and an Index thereto will be pre- fixed to each volume in English. French, German, and Italian. This will not only euable the scientific worker to study the system of classification in the language with which he is most familiar, but also in cases of doubt — e.g. as to the meaning of a word — will enable him to refer to the corresponding entry in another language. Should there be a marked discrepanc}' among the schedules on any point the English schedule is to be taken as guide, the schedules printed in that language being those which were approved by the International Council. The various headings and sub-headings throughout the Subject Index are given in English. Translations of the main headings can be foimd on reference to the schedules in the other languages by means of the registration numbers that are attached to them. The entries in the Subject Indexes are in the language of the original paper when that is one of the following five lang-uages : Latiu, English, French, German, and Italian. These are the only languages used in the Subject Index, but in case of translation the name of the language of the uriginal is inserted within round brackets. In the Authors' Catalogue each title is given in the original language. When, however, that language is not one of the five IX above mentioned, a translation into one of these tive languages is added. In such cases the actual title is printed first, and is followed bj the translation within square brackets. It was provided by the original scherae that the Catalogue should comprise all original contributions to the branches of science which come within its scope, whether these had been published in periodicals, or in the journals of societies, or as iudepeudent pamphlets, memoirs, or books. In order that a scientific investigator might be in a position to ascertain bv means of the Catalogue what has from time to time been published concerning each particular subject of inquiry, it was held to be of great importance that not only the titles of papers but their subject matter also should be indexed. As stated above, however, financial considerations have led to the number of subject-entries being at present limited in number. But the expense of making subject-entries would be very greatly reduced if all periodicals adopted a practice already carried out by some journals, namely, that of indexing each paper at the time of its publication. Indeed, were this carefully done, the Bureaus preparing- the Catalogue would no longer have to stud}' the contents of papers in order to prepare the subject-entries, and the saving thereby effected would make it possible to enlarge the scope of the Catalogue, imtil it include all original scientific communications. Seeing how necessary such a complete subject catalogue is for the progress of science, it is hoped that all editors and authors will co-operate in so preparing subject-indexes for all papers at the time of their publication. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CENTRAL BUREAU. 34 AND 35, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.U. Director. — H. Forster Morlet, M.A., D.Sc. REGIONAL BUREAUS. All commuuicatioDS for the several Regional Bureaus are to be sent to the addresses here g-iveu. Austria. — Herr Dr. J. Karabacek, Direktor, K. K. Hofbibliothek, Vienna. Belgium. — Monsieur Louis Masure, Secretaire-Cxeneral de I'Office International de Bibliographic, Brussels. Canada. — Prof. J. G. Adami, McGill College, Montreal. Cape Colony. — L. Perinquey, Esq., South African Museum, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Denmark. — Dr. Martin Knudsen, Polyteknisk Laranstalt, Copen- hagen. K. Egjrpt. — Capt. H. J. Lyons, R.E., Director-General, Survey Department, Cairo. Finland. — Herr Hjalmar Lenning, Bibliothekar der Societat der Wissenschafteu, Helsingfors. France. — Monsieur le Dr. J. Deniker, 8, Rue de Bufton, Paris. Germany. — Herr Prof. Dr. 0. Uhlworm, 48 Enckeplatz, 3a, Berlin. Greece. — Monsieur D. Metaxas, Charge d'Affaires for Greece, Greek Legation, 31, Marloes Road, Cromwell Road, S.W. Holland. — Heer Prof. D. J. Korteweg. Universitat, Amsterdam. Hungary. — Herr Prof. Gustav Rados, viii, Miizeumkorut, Muegj^etem, Buda-Pest, India and Ceylon. — The Hon. Sec, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57, Park Street, Calcutta. Italy. — Car, E. Mancini, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini, Lungara, Rome. Japan. — Prof. J, ISakurai, President, Imperial University, Tokyo. Mexico.— Senor Don Jose M. Vigil, Presidente del Instituto Biblio- grafico Mexicano, Biblioteca Nacioual, Mexico City. New South Wales. — The Hon. Sec, Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. New Zealand. — Sir James Hector, K.C.M.G., Director of the New Zealand Institute, Wellington, N.Z. Norway. — Dr. J. Brunchorst, Bergenske Museum, Bergen. Poland (Austrian, Russian and Prussian). — Herr Dr. T. Estieicher, Sekretar, Komisya Bibliograficzna, Akademii Umie- jetnosci, Cracow. Portugal. — Senhor F. Gomez Teixeira, Academia Polytechnica do Porto, Oporto. Queensland. — John Shirley, Esq., B.Sc, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Russia. — Monsieur E. Heintz, I'Observatoire Physique Cential Nicolas, Vass. Ostr. 23-me ligne, 2, St, Petersburg. South Australia. — The Librarian, Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Sweden. — l)r. E. W. Dahlgren, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stock- holm Switzerland. — Herr Prof. Dr. J. H. Graf, Schweizerische Landes- bibliothek, Bern. The United States of America. — Prof. S. P. Langley, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Victoria. — Prof. J. W. Gregory, Royal Society of Victoria, Victoria Street, Melbourne. Western Australia.— J. S. Battye, Esq., Victoiia Public Libraiy, Perth. Xll INSTEUCTIONS. The present volume consists of three parts : — (a) Schedules and Indexes in four languages. (b) An Authors' Catalogue. (c) A Subject Catalogue. The Subject Catalogue is divided into sections, each of -which is denoted by a four-figure number between OCOO and 9999. These numbers follow one another in numerical order, but all the 9999 numbej-s are not used, for it is intended to fill up the gaps by interpola- tion of such additional sections as may be required for additions to the system of classification in future years. To enable the reader to find these numbers quickly, the first or last number on the page is repeated at the head of the page. In looking up a subject, these numbers, which are called Registi-ation numbers, should be used instead of the ordinary pagination. These Registration numbers serve to divide up the subject into sections, each of which deals with related matter. Thus the subject of Cosmical Relations (0450-0480) is dealt with iu a general section (0450) and sections on the influence of the sun (0460) and moon (0480) and on the relations of the sun-spot period to meteorological phenomena. In each section the final ariangement of papers is in the alphabetical order of authors' names. In order to find the papers dealing with a particular subject the reader may either consult the Schedule or the Index to the Schedule. The numbers given in the index are Registration numbers, and can be used at oace for turning to the proper page of the Subject Index. This is done by looking at the luimbers at the top corners of the pages. If the reader remember the name of the Author of a paper on a given subject, he will probably find it convenient to refer to the Authors' Catalogue rather than tp the Subject Catalogue. In the Authors' Catalogue the four-figure numbers placed within square brackets at the end of each entry are Registration numbers, and serve to indicate the scope of each paper indexed. The meaning of these numbers will at once be found by reference to the Schedule. XUl In case the abbreviated titles of Journals are not understood, a key to these is provided at the end of the volume. Geographical Symbols. Some of the sections in this volume are divided up by geographical symbols. These are one or two letters printed in italics and placed at the beginning of a line. Th(j meaning of these g-eographical symbols will be found in .the system of Topographical Classification which, in this volume, is printed in four languages and placed between the Schedules and the Authors' Catalogue. Thus de means " occurriug in Great Britain " or " with reference to Great Britain." NOTICE. On account of the difficulties met with in fully organising the work of the Regional Bureaus, the collection of the material for the Cata- logue has been somewhat delayed. Those portions of the Literatm-e of 1901 which are not dealt with in tins volume will be included in the volume of Meteorology which will form a part of the second aunual issue of the Catalogue. •^ International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. (F) METEOROLOGY (INCLUDLVG TERRESTFJAL 3IAGXETIS3I). 0000 Philosophy. 0010 History. Biography. 0020 Periodicals. Reports of lustitutions. Societies, Congresses, etc. 0030 General Treatises, Text Books. Dictionaries. Biblio- graphies, Tables. O040 Addresses. Lectures. 0050 Pedagogy. 0060 Institutions, Museums, Collections. Economics. 0070 Nomenclature. METHODS OF OBSERVATION AND COMPUTATION. 0100 General. 0110 Instructions for Observers. 0120 Tables for Pteductions. 0130 Computation of Mean Results. 0110 Analysis and Computation of Periodicity. OBSERVATORIES AND INSTRUMENTS. 0200 General. 0210 Observatories — Construction and Equipment. 0220 Self-Recording Apparatus. 0230 Barometers. 0240 Aneroids. (f-897o) 0250 Thermometers. See also C 12l0~12o0. 0260 Screens. 0270 Hygrometers. See also C \800. 0280 Psychromelers — Dew-point Instruments. 0290 Evaporators. 0300 Eaiu Gauges. 0310 Anemometers. 0320 Actinometers. 0330 Sunshine Recorders. 0340 Nepheloscopes — Cloud measuring Instruments. 0350 Electrometers and other Electrical Apparatus. 0360 Kites. 0370 Balloons. 0380 Photographic Appaiatus. 0390 Sundry, not specified. PHYSICS OF ATMOSPHERE. 0400 General. 0410 Gaseous Constituents. 0420 Impurities and Dust. 0430 Extent. 0440 Dynamical and Thermodynamical Theoiies. Cosmical Relations. 0450 General. 0460 Solar Influences. See also E 4110, 0470 Relations to Sun Spot Period. 0480 Lunar Influences. See also V 0480. 0490 Planetary Influences. Optical Phenomena. For Theories see C 3200-3260, 3640. 0500 General. 0510 Coloration of Sky. See also C 3::30, 0520 Polarization {See C 3250). Reflection. Refraction, Mirage, 0530 Rain Band. 0540 Halos. Coronee. Parhelia, ^ 0550 Rainbows, Solar. i> barometriqiies 0730 Evairorouietres . . . . 0290 Mesure de 1', par les observa- Grele . . 1260 tions thermonietriques 0740 G-elee blanche . . 1280 Anemometres 0310 Halos . . 0540 Aneroides . . 0240 Heliographes . . 0330 Anticyclones 1550 Histoire . . . . 0010 Appareils enregistreurs . . 0220 Humidit J . . . . 1020 pliotograpliiques . . 0380 Hygrometres . . 0270 Applications pratiques . . 0060 a condensation . . 0280 Arcs dans le broviillard . . 0570 Instituts . . . . 0060 en cicl lupaires 0550 Eapports d' . . 0020 solaires 0550 Isobares . . . . 0710 AtmospLere, Physique de 1' 0400 Isothermes . . 0810 Aurores polaii es . . 1650 Magn,;'tisme terrestre . . 3000 Periodicite des 1660 Manuels . . . . 0030 Bailons 0370 Mirage . . 0520 Baromeires 0230 Moussons . . . . 1460 Bibliographie 0030 Musees . . 0060 Biographic 0010 Neige . . 1270 Eoussole, Thcorie de la . . 3oyo Xepboscopes . , 0340 Brises de nier 1470 Nomenclature . . 0070 terre . . 1470 Xuages, Appareils pour 1 1 mesure Brouillard, Formation et distri- dcs . . 0340 bution du 1070 Formation des . . 1080 Cartes metcorologiqucs . . 1870 Observation, ^lethodes d . . 0100 synoptiques . . 1770 Observat'iires . 0200, 0210 Cerfs volants 0360 magnetiques . . 3010 Oiel, Couleur du . . 0510 Orages . . 1640 Climatologie 1700 ParhcUes . . . . 0540 Eelations avec I'agricult iirc 1710 Periodiques . . 0020 I'hygiene 1730 Perioflicites, Analyse et c ilciii des 0140 la phenologie. . 1720 Perturbations niagnetiqu 33 . . 3050 Coefficients ifomagnetique? 3020 volcaniqueSjVagues dues aux 0770 de G auss 3020 Philo.ophie . . 0000 Collections 0060 Pluie . . 1150 Conferences 0040 Baades de la . , 0530 Congres, Eapports de 0020 Compositi< n de I'ca u de . . 1160 Courants telluriques 307C ,4100 Pluviometres . . 0300 Couronnes 0540 Poussiere . . . . 0420 Cyclones . . 1550 Trombes de. . .. 1510 Dictionnaires 0030 Psychrometres . . 0280 Discours . . 0040 Eadiation solaire. . .. 0930 16 IRadiation terrestre . . . . 0970 Recueils d 'observations meteoro- logiques. . . . . . . . 1800 Eeduction des obserrations, Tables de 0120 Kosee, Formation de la • . . . 1060 Societes, Rapports de . . . . 0020 Soleil, Duree d'apparition du . . 0950 Tables 0030 Taclies solaires, Relations de la physique de I'atmospbere avec la periode des . . . . . . 0470 Temperature de I'air . . . . 0800 de la mer 0880 des rivieres et des lacs . . 0910 du sol 0850 a:empetes 1500 Temps Prevision du . . 1700 . , 1750 Prognostics du . . 17fi0 quotidiens, Bulletins du . . 1830 Relations avec I'agriculture 1710 I'hvgiene . . 1730 laphenologie . Therm ometres . . 1720 . . 0250 Tornades .. . . 1580 Tourbillons . . 1580 Traites generaux . . . . 0030 Trombes d'eau . . . . 1520 de poussiere . . 1510 Yariations magnetiques . Vent 3010-3040 . . 1300 Ycnts alizes . . 1410 Internationaler Katalog der naturwissenschaftlicheii Litteratur. (F) 3IETE0R0L0GIE (EIXSCIILIESSLICII ERD3IAGXETISMUS). 0000 Philosophie. 0010 Geschichte. Biographieu. 0020 Periodica. Berichte von Instituten, Gesellschaften, Cert gressen etc. 0030 Allgemeine Abhandlungen, Lebrbiicher, AVorterbiicher.. Bibliographien, Tabelien. 0040 Festreden, Vortriige. 0050 Piidagogik. OOGO Instate, Museen, Sammlungen. Wirtbschaftliches nnd Organisatorisches. 0070 Nomenclatur. BEOBACHTUNGS- UND BERECHNUNGS- METHODEN. 0100 Allgemeines. 0110 Instructionen fiir Beobachter. 0120 Reductionstabellen. 0130 BerechniiDg von Mittelv7orihen. 01 40 Analyse und Ecreohnung der Periodicitat. OBSERVATORIEN UND INSTRUMENTS 0200 Allgemeines. 0210 Observatorien : Construction und Ausstattunsr. 0220 Selbstregislrirende Apparate. 0230 Barometer. 0240 Aneroide. (f-897o) I 18 0250 Thermometer. {Slehe catch C 1210-1250.) 0260 Schirme. 0270 Hygrometer. (Siehe audi C 1890.) 0280 Psychrometer. Tliaupunkt-Instrumente. 0290 Evaporatoren. 0300 Regenmesser. 0310 Anemometer. 0320 Actinometer. 0330 SormeDschein-Registrirapparate. 0340 Neplieloskope — Instrumente zur Messuug- der Bewulkiing-. 0350 Elektrometer uiid andere elektrische Apparate. 0360 Drachen. 0370 Ballons. 0380 PhotogTaphische Apparate. 0390 Verschiedene, nicht specificirte Apparate. PHYSIK DER ATMOSPHARE, 0400 Allgemeines. 0410 Gasfcirmig-e normale Bestandtheile. 0420 Verunreiniguiig'eu und Staub. 0430 Huhe. 0440 Dynamisclie und tliermodynamische Theorien. Kosmische Beziehungen. 0450 Allgemeiaes. 0460 Solare Einfliisse. (Siehe audi E 4110.) 0470 Beziehungen zur Periode der Sounenflecke. 0480 Lunare Einfliisse. {Siehe audi F 04S0.) 0490 Planetarische Einfliisse. Optische Phanomene. (Theorie iiehe C 3200-3260, 3640.) 0500 Allgemeines. 0510 Fiirbung des Himmels. {Siehe auch C 3230.) 0520 Polaris.ition {siehe audi C 3250), Reflexion, Breclmng Luftspiegelung. 0530 Regenbande. 0540 Halos. Hufe. Nebensonnen. ^ 0550 Sonnen-Regenbugen. >(5/e/ie «wc/( C 3220.) 0560 Mond-Regenbcigen. J 0570 Xebelbogen. Der atmospharische Druck. {Siehe audi J 61.) 0700 Allgemeines. 0710 Vertheilung an der Erdoberfiiicbe. Isobaren. 0720 Vertheilung- in verticaler Riclitung. 19 0730 Hohenbei'echnuug- aus Barometer-Beobachtungen. 0740 HohenberechuuDg aus Thermometer-Beobachtungen. 0750 Variatiouen und Oscillatioueu mit Periodicitiit. 0760 Variationeu unci Oscillatiouen ohne Periodicitiit. 0770 Wogen in Folge vulkanischer oder anderer Storungea. TEMPERATUR UND STRAHLUNG. Atmospharische Temperatur. {Siehe audi J G2.J 0800 Allgemeiucs. 0810 Vertheihing an der Erdoberflache. Isotliermen. 0820 Vertheiluug in verticaler Riclituug. 0830 Periodische Variationen, 084 0 Siiculare oder nicht-periodische Variationen. 0850 Erd-Temperatur. Oberflache. 0860 Erd-Temperatur. Verticale Variation. 0870 Gefrorener Bodeu. 0880 See-Temperatur. {Siehe audi -'i A^i.) Oberflache. 089<» See-Temperatur. Verticale Variation. 090(1 Gefrorene See. 0910 Fluss- und Seen-Temperatur. 0920 Quellen-Temperatur. 0930 Sonnenstralilung. {Siehe auch E 4200.) 0940 Sounenstrahlung. Siiculare Veriinderuug. 0950 Sonnenschein. 0960 Atmospbiirische Absorption der Sounen-Wiirme, 0970 Terrestrische Strahlung. (Siehe audi C 4210.) WASSERDAMPF UND REGEN. Dampf. {Siehe audi J 63.) 1000 Allgemeiues. 1010 Dampfspannung. 1020 Feuchtigkeit. {Siehe audi C 1890.) 1030 Dampf. Verticale Verbreitung. 1040 Dampf. Periodische Variation. 1050 Verdampfimg. {Siehe audi C 1840.) 1060 Thaubildung. 1070 Nebelbildung und Vertheilung. 1080 Wolkenl>ildung. 1090 Verschiedene U^olkenformen. 1100 Wolkenhijhen. (F-897o) B 2 20 1150 Regen. x\llg-emeines. 1160 Zusammensetzung' des Regenwassers. 1170 Condensation. Deren wirkende Ursachen. 1180 Geographische Verbceitung-. 1190 Variation nach der Hijhe iiber der OberflUche. 1200 Periodicitat. 1210 Excessive Regenfillle. 1220 Diirre. 1230 Regen ohne Wolken. 1240 Regenfiille veiscbiedener Materia. 1260 Hagel. 1270 Schnee. Hagel, Schnee und Reif. ] 280 Raub-Reif . WIND. {Siehe audi J 64.) Wind. 1300 Allg-emeines. 1310 Circulation der Atmospbiire. 1320 Beziebung- des Windes zum atmospbiiriscben Druck. Gradienten. 1330 Gescbwindig-keit an der Erdoberflache. 1340 Gescliwindigkeit. Variation niit der Ilulie iiber der Ober- flache. 1350 Obere Strijmung-en. 1360 Wind- Druck. {Siehe audi B 2830.) 1400 Constante und locale Winde. 1410 Passate. 1420 Reg'ionen der Calmen. Periodische Winde. 1450 Allgemeines. 1460 Monsuns. 1470 Land- und See-Brisen. 1480 Berg- und Thai- Winde. Stiirme. 1500 Allgemeines. 1510 Staubstiirme. 1520 Wasserboseii. 1550 Cyclonen und Anticyclonen. 1560 Cyclonische Stiirme. Hire Gesetze. ]570 Cyclonische Stiirme. Ihre geographische Verbreitung. 1580 Wirbelwinde. Tornados. ATMOSPHARISCHE ELEKTRICITAT. 1600 Allgemeines. {Sie/ie audi C 5270.) 1610 Potential. Variationeu durch locale atmospharische Beding- ungen verursacht. 21 1620 Potential. Peiiodische Variationeu. 1630 Blitz und andere Eutladungen. 1640 Gewitter. 1650 Xordlicht. {Siche audi E 5400, 61)60.) 1660 Xordlicht. Psriodicitat. KLIMATOLOGIE UND WETTER. 1700 Allgemeines. 171u AgTikultur. 1720 Phlinologie. 1730 lijgiene. Wetter-Vorhersage. 1750 AUg-emeiiies. 1760 AVetter-Proguosen. 1770 Sjnoptische Karten. Meteorologische Register. 1800 Allgemeines. 1810 Register, welche stundliche Mittel-Werthe gebeu. 1820 Register. Tiigliche Mittel-AVerthe. 1830 Wetter- Berichte. Tiiglich. 1840 Wetter-Bericlite flir laug'ere Perioden. 1850 ^Meteorologische Log-Biicher. 1860 Aufzeichnungen, welche ohue Instrumente gewonnen siud. 1870 Meteorologische Karten. (Sie/ie aiich 1770.) Weun es iiothig scheint, konnen die topographischen Sjinbole, wie sie im (jeographie-Schema beuutzt "werden, den einzelnen Xummern beigefUgt und in Verbindung mit ihnen gebraucht werden. ERD-MAGNETISMUS. DER COMPASS. ERD-STROME. SOOO Allgemeines. 3010 Magnetische Observatorien. Methoden zur Messung der AX'erthe und Yariationen der magnetischen Elemente. {SieJie audi C 5440.) 3020 Magnetischer Zustand der Erdoberfliiche. Magnetische Vermessungen. Isomagnetische Curven und Gauss' sche Coefficieuten. 3030 Siiculare Aenderuugen. 3040 Tiigliche und andere periodische magnetische Yariationen. 3050 Magnetische Stiirme. 3060 Beziehungen zwischen Erdmagnetismus und Himmels- kurpern. 3070 Beziehungen zwischen Erdmagnetismus und Geologie, Erd-Strijmen etc. 3080 Theorien des Erdmagnetismus. 3090 Theorie des Compasses. Schiffs-Magnetismus. 4100 Erd- Strome. 22 INDEX (F.) METEOROLOGIE. Abliandlimgen, allgemeine Absorption der Sonnenwarme Actinometer Anemometer Aneroide . . Anticyclonen Ballons Barometer Beobaclitungsmethoden 0100- Berechnungsmctlioden . . 0100- Bergwinde Bewolkung, Messung der Bibliographien . . Biograpliien Blitz Brechmig, atmospliiirisclie Calmen Circulation der Atmosphiire CoeiBcienten, Gauss'sche Compass . . Condensation Congresse, Berichte ron. . Curven, isomagnetische . . Cyclonen . . Dampfspannuug . . Drachen . . Druck, atmospharischer. . 0700- Diirre Elektrieitat, atmospliarische 1600- Elcktrometer Erdmagnetismus . . 3000- Erd-Stralilung . . Erd-Strome Erd-Temperatur . . . . 0850, Evaporatoren Farbung der Himmels . . Festreden Fluss-Temperatur Gauss'sebe CoeiEcienten Gesebiclite Gesellscbaften, Bericbte Ton . . Gewitter . . Gradienten Hagel 0030 Halos 0540 0960 Hofe , , 0510 0320 Hobe der Atmospliiiro . . , , 0430 0310 Hohenberechnung.barometrische 0730 0240 thermometrische . . 0740 1550 0370 Hygrometer Institute . . 0020 0270 0060 0230 Instructionen fiir Eeobaclite r . . 0110 0140 Isobarcn . . , , 0710 0140 Isomagnetische Curven . , 3020 1480 Isothermen 0810 0340 Xarten, meteorologische 1770 1870 0030 Klimatologie 1700 -1730 0010 Landbrisen 1470 1630 Lebrbiicher (»030 0520 Local -Winde 1400 1420 Log-Biiclier 1850 1310 Luft-Feuchtigkeit 1020 3020 3090 Luftspiegelung . . MitteWertbe, Berecbnungeu ron 0520 0130 1170 Mond, Einfluss auf Atmospl liirc 0480 0020 Monsuns . . 1460 3020 Museen 0060 1550 IN^cbel 1070 1010 Nebensonnen 0540 0360 -0770 Xepbeloskope 2s'omencbitur 0340 0070 1220 Xordlicbt. . 1650 1660 -1660 Observatorien, magnetiscbe . , 3010 0350 meteorologische 0210 -4100 0970 Optik, atmosi^barische . . Organisatorisches 0500-0570 . . 0060 4100 Oscillationen des Druckes 0750 0760 0860 Piidagogik 0050 0290 Passate 1410 0510 Periodica . . 0020 0040 Periodicitat, Analyse der 0140 0910 Periodisebe "Winde 1450 3020 Pbiinologie 1720 0010 Philosophic 0000 0020 1640 Photographische Apparate Physik der Atmospbiire. . 0400 0380 -0440 1320 Planeten, Einfluss auf die Atmos- 1260 pbiire . . .• 0490 23 Polarisatiou, atmospliiirisc le .. 0520 Potential der atmosphiirisclu'ii Elektricitiit . . 1610 P.sychrometer 0280 Quellen-Temperatur Rcdm'tionstabellen 0920 0120 Retiexion, atmospharische 0520 Regcii 1050 -1210 Rcgenbande Regenbiigen 0550 0530 -0570 Regenmesser 0300 Regenwasser, Zusamniensetzung 1160 Register, meteorologische 1800 1870 Reif 1280 Sammlungen 0060 Sfhiffsmagnetismus 3090 Scliirme . . 0260 Schnee 1270 Seebrisen . . 14-70 See-Temperatur . . Seen-Temperatiir Selbstregistrirende Appar; 0880 te .. -0900 0910 0220 Sonne, Einfluss au£ die Atmo- sphare . . 0460 Sonnenilecke uud Atniospl liire . . 0470 Sonnenschein 0950 -Registrirapparat . . 0330 Sonnenstrahlung 0930 -0960 Staiib der Atmospliiire . . 0120 Staubstiirme 1510 Strahlung, terrestrisclie. . Stiirme 1500 0970 -1580 Stiirme, magnetische 3050 Stimdenmittel 1810 Synoptisclie Kartcu Tabellen . . Tagesmittel Teuiperatvir, atmospliarische 0800- Tliahvinde Thaubildung Tliaupimkt-Instriimente ThermodTnamik der Atmospliiire Thermometer Tornados . . Yariationen des atmosphiirisclieu Druekes . . . . 0750, der atmosphiirisclien Tem- peratiir .. .. 0830, magnetische .. 3030 Yerdampf uug Yerunrcinigiing der Atmosphiire Yortrage . . \Yasserdampf der Atmosphiire 1000 Wasserhosen AYetterberichte . . . . 1830, Wetter-Yorhersage . . 1750- Wind 1300- Wind-Druck -Cleschwiudigkeit . . 1330, Winde, jDeriodische Wirbelwinde Wirtlischaftliches AYogen des atmosphiirischen Druekes Wolken 1080- Worterbiicher 1770 0030 1820 -0840 1480 1060 0280 0440 0250 1580 0760 0840 3050 1050 0420 0040 -1100 1520 1840 -1770 -1580 1360 1340 1450 1580 0060 0770 -1100. 0030 y 25 Catalogo Internazionale della Letteratura Scientifica, (F) METEOPiOLOGIA (C031PPiES0 IL MAGXETISMO TERRESTRE). 0000 FilosoSa. 0010 Storia, Biografia. 0020 Periodici, Kapporti di Istituti, Socicta, Coiigressi. 0030 Trattati generali, Liliri di Testo, Vccabolari, Bibliografie, Tavole. 0010 Discorsi, Letture. 0050 Pedagogia. 0080 Istituti, Musei, Collezioni, Applicazioni prariclie. 0070 Xomeiiclatura. METODI D'OSSERVAZIONE E CALCOLI. 0100 Generalita. Olio Istruzioni per gli o.sservatori. 0120 Tavole di riduzione. 0130 Calcolo delle medie. 0140 Analisi e calcolo della pcriodicita. OSSERVATORI ED ISTRUME 0200 Generalita. 0210 Osservatori — Costruzione e Fornitura. 0220 Apparecchi registrator!. 0230 Barometri. 0240 Aneroidi. 0250 Termometri. {Vedi anche V. 1210-12.50.'i 2G 0260 Schermi. 0270 Igrometri. ( Vedi anche C 1890.) 0280 Psicrometri — Tstrumenti a piinto di rng-iada. 0290 Vaporimetri. 0300 Pluviometri. 0310 Aneraomelri. 0320 Actinometri. 0330 Registratori dello splendore del sole. ,. 0340 Nubiscopi — Apparecchi di misiira per le nubi. 0350 Elettrometi-i ed altri appaiecchi elettrici. 0360 Cervi volanti. 0370 Aerostati. 0380 Apparecclii fotogiatici. 0390 Diversi, non specificati. FISICA DELL' ATMOSFERA. 0100 Generalita. 0410 Costitnenti gassosi. 0420 Impurita e polveri. 0430 Estensione. 0410 Teorie dinaniiche e termndinaniiclie. Relazioni cosmiche. 0450 Generalita. 0460 Influenza del sole. {Vedi anche Yi WIO.) 0470 Relazioni col periodo delle macchie solari. 0480 Influenza della lana. {Vedi anche F 0480.) 0490 lufluenza dei pianeti. Fenomeni ottici. (Per le teorie vedi C 3200-3260, 3640.) 0500 Generalita. 0510 Color del cielo. ( Vedi anche C 3230.) 0520 Polarizzazioiie (vedi anche C 3250). Riflessione. Rifra- zione. Miraggio. 0530 Spettro di pioggia. 0540 Aloni, Coroni, Parelii. ( Vedi anche C 3220.) 0550 Arcobaleui solari. ( Vedi anche C 3220.) 0560 Arcobaleni lunari. ( Vedi anche C 3220.) 0570 Arcobaleni di nebbia. Pressione atmosferica. (Vedi anche J 61.) 0700 Generalita. 0710 Distribuzione sulla superficie terrestre — Linee isobare. 0720 Distribuzione verticale. 27 P 0730 Calcolo delle altezze per mezzo di osservazioni barometriclie. 0740 Calcolo delle altezze per mezzo di osservazioni teriiio- metriche. 0750 Variazioni ed oscillazioni — Periodiche. 0760 Variazioni ed oscillazioni noii periodiche. 0770 Ondulazioni dovute a vulcani o ad allre cause perturbatrici. TEMPERATURA E RADIAZIONE. Temperatura dell' atmosfera. ( Vedi unc/w J C>2.) 0800 Generalita. 0810 Distribuzione alia superficie della terra — Isoterme. 0820 Distribuzione coll' altezza. 0830 Variazioni periodiche. 0840 Variazioni secolari o non periodiche. OSoO Temperatura della terra. Superficie. 0860 Temperatui-a della terra — Variazione verticale. 0870 Terreno g-elato. (IS80 Temperatura del mare. {]^edi anche J 4:4.) Superficie. 0890 Temperatura del mare — Variazione verticale. 0900 Oceani glacial i. (t!il0 Temperatura di fiumi e laghi. i»'.)20 Temperatura delle sorgenti. O'JoU Radiazione solare. ( Vedi anche E 4200.) 0940 Radiazione solare — Variazione secolare. 0950 Splendore del sole. 0960 Assorbimento del calore solare per I'atmosfera. 0970 Radiazione terrestre. {Vedi anche 0 A2\0.) VAPOR ACQUEO E PIOGGIA. Vapore. ( Vedi anche J 63.) 1000 Generalita. 1010 Tensione del vapore. 1020 Umidita. (Vedi anche G l^'dO.) 1030 Distribuzione del vapore lungo la verticale. 1040 Variazione periodica del vapore. 1050 Evaporazione. {Vedi anche <^ 1840.) 1060 Formazione della rugiada. 1070 Formazione e distribuzione della nebbia, 1080 Formazione delle nubi. 1090 Varieta di forma delle nubi. 1100 Altezza delle nubi. 28 1150 Pioggia — Generalitii. 1 1 6() Composizione deli' acqua piovana. 1170 Condensazione — Sue cause. 1180 Distribuzione g-eografica. 1190 Variazione dovuta all' altezza sopra la superficie. 1200 Periodicita. 1210 Oadute eccessive. 1220 Siccita. y 1230 Piogg-ia senza uubi. 1240 Piogg'ia di sostanze diverse. Grandine, Neve e Gelate 12G0 Grandine. 1270 Neve. 1280 Brina. VENTO. ( Vedi anclie J 64.) Vento. 1300 Generalita. 1310 Circolazione dell' atmosfera. 1320 Kelazione tra il vento e la press-one atmosferica. Gradient!. 1330 Velocita alia superficie della terra. 1340 Velocita — Variazione coll' altezza dalla superficie. 1350 Correnti alte. 1360 Pressione prodotta dal vento. {Vedi anche B 2830.) 140(1 Venti costanti e locali. 1410 Venti alisei. 142(» Regioni di calma. Venti periodici. 1450 Generalita. 1460 Monsoni. 1470 Brezze di terra e di mare. 1480 Venti di monte e di valle. (Turbini) Burrasche. 1500 Generalita. 1510 Turbini (di polvere). 1520 Tronibe d'acqua. 1550 Cicloni ed anticicloni — Generalita. 1560 Cicloni — loro leggi. 1570 Cicloni — Distribuzione geografica. 1580 Turbini e tornados. elettricitA atmosferica. 1600 Generalita. {Vedi anche () ivIlO). 1610 Potenziale — Variazioui dovute alle condizioni locali dell' atmosfera. 29 1(520 Variazioni periodiche del potenziale. 1030 Scariclie luminose ed altre. 1640 Teniporali. IGoO Aurora. (Vedi ancfie E oiOO, GOGO.) IGGO Periodicita deir aurora. CLIMATOLOGIA E TEMPO. 1 700 Generality. 1710 Sotto il punto di vista agricolo. 1720 Sotto il puiito di vista fenologico. 1730 Sotto il punto di vista dell' igiene. Previsione del tempo. 1750 Generalita. 1 760 Previsione del tempo. 1770 Carte sinottiche. Registrazioni meteorologiche. 1800 Generalita. 1810 Reg-istrazioni che danno i valori medi orari. 1820 Kegisti'azioni che dauuo i valori medi diurui. 1830 Bollettini g-iornalieri del tempo. 1840 l^ollettiui del tempo per luug'hi periodi. 1850 Gioruali di navigazioue raeteorologici. 1860 Notizie senza appareccbi. 1870 Carte meteorologiche (vedi anche 1770). Se e necessario, i simboli topografici uisati nella scheda di Geografia verranuo aggiunti ad uno qualunque dei numeri e usati assieme a questo. MAGNETISMO TERRESTRE, BUSSOLA, CORRENTI TERRESTRI. 3000 Generalita. 3010 Osservatori magnetici. Metodi di misura dei valori e delle variazioni degli element i magnetici. ( Vedi anche C 5440.) 3020 Stato magnetico della superficie della terra. Rilevamenti. Coefiicienti isomaguetici e di Gauss. 3030 Variazioni secolari. 3040 Variazioni magnetiche diurue e di altri periodi. 3050 Burrasche magnetiche. 3060 Kelazioni tra il Magnetismo terrestre ed i Curpi celesti. 3070 llelazioni tra il Magnetismo terrestre e la Geolosria, le Correnti telluricbe, ecc. 3080 Teorie del magnetismo terrestre. 3090 Teoria della bussola. Magnetismo delle navi. 4100 Correnti telluricbe. 30 I N D I C E METEOEOLOGIA (F). Acqua piovana . . 1160 Gauss, Coefficient! di Actinometri 0320 Grandine . . Aerostat! . . 0370 Igrometri . . Aloni 0540 Isobare, Linee Altezze, Calcolo delle, per mezzo Isomaguetici, Coefficient! di osseryazioni barometr iche. . 0730 Isoterme . . Altezze, Calcolo delle, per mezzo Istituti di osservazioni termometriclie 0740 Eesocont! di Anemometri 0310 Letture Aneroidi . . 0240 Maccliie solari, periodo delle, Antieicloni 1550 Eelazion! eolla fisica deir Applicazioni praticlie . . 0060 atmosfera Arcobaleni hmari 0560 Magnetiche, Burrasclie . . solari 0550 Yariazion! periodiclie Assorbimento del calore solare Magnetic!, Element! per Tatmosfera. . 0960 Magnetismo terrestre Atmosfera, Fisica dcU' . . 0400 Manual! . . Aurora 1650 Mare, Brezzc di . . Periodicita dell' 1660 Miraggio . . Baleno 1630 IMonson! , . Barometri. . 0230 Muse! Bibliografie 0030 Xebbia, Arcobaleni di . . Biografia . . 0010 Eormazioue della . . Brina 1280 Nere Burrasche. . 1500 Xomenclatura Bussola, Teoria della 3090 Xubi, Appareccli! di misura per le Calma. Region! di 1420- Formazione di Carte meteorologiche 1870 , 1770 Xubiscop! . . Cerv! volant! 0360 Osseryatori .. .. 0200, Cii'lon! 1550 magnetic! . . Cielo, Colorazione del . . 0510 Osserrazione, Metod! di. . Cl!matolog!a 1700 Parelio deir Igiene . . 1730 Pedagogia. . sotto !1 punto di yista feno- Periodic! . . logico . . 1720 Periodicita, Analisi della sotto !1 punto di rista ■ Calcolo della agricolo. . 1710 Perturbazion! rulcaniche Ondu- CoUezion! . . 0060 lazioni doTute a Congress!, Eesocont! di . . 0020 Pioggia . . Corona 0540 Spettro di . . Diseorsi . . 0040 Pluriometr! Dizionari . . 0030 Polrere Elettrlcita atmosferica . . 1600 Turbine di . . Elettrometr! 0350 Psicrometri Eraporazione 1050 Eadiazione solarc Filosofia . . 0000 terrestre Fotografic!, AppareccliI . . 0380 Eegistratori, Appareccli! 3020 1260 0270 0710 3020 0810 0060 0020 0040 0470 3050 3010 3010 3000 003t» 1470 0520 1460 006U 0570 1070 1270 0070 0340 1080 0310 021O 3010 0100 054d 0050 0020 0140 0140 0770 1150 0530 0300 0420 1510 0280 0930 0970 0220 M Kejiijtrazioui meteorologiflie . . 1800 Tempo sotto il punto divi sta igienifol730 Riduzione. Tarole di 0120 sotto il punto di vista fenolo- Eilevameuti magnetici . . 3020 gieo 1720 Rugiada, Formazione della 1060 Prcrisione del . . 1750. 1760 Istrumenti a punto di 0280 sotto il punto di ti sta agr i- Scliermi . . 02G0 colo 1710 Societii, Resocouti di 0020 Temporali. . 1640 Sole, Splendore del 0350 Termometri 0250 Eegistratori dello 0330 Terra, Brezze di . . 1470 Spettro di pioggia 0530 Tornados . . 1580 Stoi'ia 0010 Trattati general! . . 0030 Tarole 0030 Trombe d' acqua . . 1520 Telluric-he, Correnti .. 3070 4100 Turbini 1580 Temperatura dell' atmosfera 0800 Umidita . . 1020 ■ — - della terra . . 0850 Vapor acqueo 1000 ■ • di fiiimi e laglii 0910 Yapore, Tensioue del 1010 del mare osso Vaporimetri 0290 Tempo 1700 Tento 1300 BoUettini del 1830 "S'enti'alisei 1410 Carte siaotticlie del 1770 ^ International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. I,— TOPOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION. [To be used iu connexion with Geography, Geology, Botany, Zoolog"y, etc.] 1.— MAIN DIVISIONS. (I. The Earth as a whole. 1>. Land as a whole. c. Ocean as a Avhole. il. Europe and Mediterranean Islands. e. Asia and Malay Archipelag-o, Celebes and Timor inclusive. /. Africa and Madagascar. ;/. North America to boundary between United States and Mexico. //. Mexico, Central and Soutli America, and West Indian Islands. i. Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, with New Guinea, Gilolo, and Moluccas to west, and including the Solomcm Islands, New Hebrides, and New Caledonia to east. /.-. Arctic : Greenland and the area north of the Arctic Circle, or of the coasts of Continental America, Asia, and Europe, whichever is farther north. /• Atlantic and Islands from Arctic Circle to Lat. 45° S. — the southern portion bounded on the east by the meridian 20'' E. of Greenwich, south of the coast of Africa ; and on the west by the coast of South America. m. Indian Ocean and Islands limited on the south by Lat. 45° S. ; on the west by the meridian 20° E. of Greenwich ; on the east b}- the coast of xVustralia and the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich. V. Pacific and Islands from the Arctic Circle to Lat. 45° S., and between the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich and the coast of South America. 0. Antarctic : the area south of 45° S. except the Falkland Islands and the southern parts of South America and New Zealand ; but including the islands of New Amsterdam and St. Paul. N.B. — As a general rule, Islands more than 100 miles from the continent to be classed as Oceanic, unless specially excepted. (F-S975) c :54 2. SUB-DIVISIONS. d. Europe and Mediteuraneax Islands. da. Soaiidinavia : Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Faeroes. db. Kussia in Europe. dc. German Empire. dd. Holland ; Belgium ; Luxemburg-. ^ de. Bi-itish Islands. df. France and Corsica. dg. Spain and Portug-al. dh. Italy : Sicily and Sardinia, d.i, Switzerland. (//.•. Austria-Hungary (Bosnia and Herzegovina included). dl. Balkan Peninsula (Turkey in Europe, Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, and Greece). dm. Mediterranean and Islands (excluding Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica). dn. Black Sea. do. Baltic and Islands. c. Asia and Malay ARCiiirELAGO. ea. Asiatic Russia. eh. China and Dependencies : Tibet ; Corea. ec. Japanese Islands ; Formosa. ed. Cochin China : Toucjuiu, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. Biitish India : Himalaya ; Burmah ; Ceylon. i-g. Malay Peninsula from Isthmus of Kra and Archipelago to Wallace's line, including Celebes and Timor, with the Philippines and China Sea. eh. Persia ; Afghanistan ; Baluchistan. ci. Asiatic Turkey ; Ai-abia. ek. Caspian. ei Persian Gulf. /. Africa and Mada(;ascar. /(/. Mediterranean States — Marocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli. fb. N.E. Africa ; Egypt and Nile Valley to Lat. 10° N. Abyssinia ; African Coast of Red Sea. Jc. Sahara and the French Sudan ; Darf ur, etc. fd. West Africa, from Marocco to the Congo. fe. Congo State and Angola. f. East Africa, from the Southern border of fb to the Zambezi ; Socotra. Jg. South Africa — South of the Zambezi and of the boundary between Portuguese and German S.W. Africa. ///. Madagascar and Comoro Group. Ji. Red Sea and Islands. 60 fj. XOKTII AmkUICA. <)a. Alaska. (jh. Canada as a Avhole. €AT{. fa. Pays mediterrane'ens : Maroc. Alg'erie, Tunisie, Tripoli. fb. N.E. Africain : Egypte et la vallee du Nil depuis le 10" de lat. N. ; Ab^-ssinie ; cote africaine de la Mer Rouge. fc. Le Sahara et le Soudan franrais : Darfour. etc. fd. Ouest africain. du Maroc au Congo. fe. Etat du Congo et Angola. ff Est africain, depuis la bordure sud di'/Z* au Zambeze ; Soco-- tora. 43 fij. Slid africain — Au sud du Zambeze et de la limite eiitre lea possessions portug-aises et allemandes du sud-ouest de rAfrique. fh. Madagascar et groiipe des Comores. //. La Mer Roug-e et ses iles. (J. Amekiquk du Noni). f/a. Alaska. f)b. Le Canada dans son entier. (jc. Puissance du Canada de I'ouest (Yukon, Colombie Britanuique, Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assiniboia). fid. Tuissance du Canada de Test ; Terre neuve. (jc. Region des grands lacs laurentiens. flf. Ktats-Unis. ////. Ktats-Unis du Nord - Est, a Test du Mississini (Maine, Vermont, New Ilampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ehodo Island, Pennsylvanie, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana). ////. Ktats-Unis du sud-est, a Test du Mississipi. ///. Ktats-Unis de I'ouest, a I'ouest du Mississipi. Ji. A^IKKIQUE CENTRALE ET 3IERIDI0NALE ; InDES OCOIDENTAEES. ha. Mexique. hh. Amerique centrale : Guatemala ; Honduras ; Honduras britannique ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. lie. Antilles; Mer Caraibe ; Golfe du JNIexique. Jid. Guyaues britannique, hollandaise, et francaise : Venezuela ; lie de Trinite. he. Colombie. Ecuador. hf. Perou. ////. Bolivie. hh. Ere'sil. hi. Eepublique Argentine ; Uruguay et Paraguay. hi: Chili. ///. Terre de feu et iles voisines; les Falkland (Maloiiines). hm. Les Andes. i. Alstraeie. ia. Nouvelle Guinee avec les 3 les de la ligne separative de Wallace, en y comprenant Gilolo, Amboine, Ceram. ih. Archipel dc Bismarck (Nouvelle Bretagne avec les les Salomon). ic. L'Australie en sou entier. id. (Queensland. i<\ Nouvelle Galles du sud. if. Victoria. iSt. Paul. n. Pacifi<,>ue. na. Pacifique septentrional (au nord de I'Plquatenr). nh. Pacifique meridional (au sud de I'Equateur). jic. Mer de Jieliring- et ses iles (Aleoutiennes . . . etc.). nd. lies Sandwich, avec les gToupes situes au nord de I'Equateur et :i I'est du 180". »c. ]\Jariannes, Pelew. archipel des Carolines et de Marshall, avec les autres iles situees au nord de rE(|uateur et a I'ouest du 180°. lif. Iles Fidji, iles des Amis (Tonga, Samoa, Ellice, Phenix et autres) situees a I'ouest du meridien 160° 0. (Greenwich). laj. lies G^alapagos. nil. lies de la Societe, Pomoutou, Marquises et autres iles du Pacifique meridional a Test dii meridien KjO" 0. (Green- wich). u. Regions antakctiques. oa. Continent antarctique dans son entier. oh. Georgie du Sud, groupe des Sandwichs et autres iles au S. de I'Atlantique meridional. oc. lies du Prince Edouard,, Crozet, Kerguelen et autres iles au S. de rOcean ludien, oil. Iles au sud et an sud-est de la Nouveile Zelande et rf^gions meridionales du Pacifique. 45 Catalago Internazionale della Letteratiira Scientifica* I.— CLASSIFICAZIONE TOPOGRAFICA. [Dii usarsi iu rapporto con la Geo.£>Tafia. Geolog'ia, l^otaiiica, Zoolog-ia, ecc.]. 1.— DIVISIONI PKINCIPALI. a. La Terra nel suo complesso. h. Le terre emersie. V. L' oceano nel suo complesso. d. Enropa e Is< >le del Mediterraneo. e. Asia e Arcipelag'o Malese, comprese Celebi's e Timui-. f. Africa e Madagascar. y. America settentrionale fiuo al limite tra g-li Stati Tuiti e it Messico. It. Messico, America Centrale e Meridionale. e Indie Occidental!. •/. Australia. Tasmania e XuovaZelanda colla Nuova (luiiiea, (iilolo e Moluccbe verso Ponente, le Salomune, le Xuove Ebridi e lu Nuova Caledonia verso Levante. 1c. Regione Artica : Groenlandia e 1' area a Xord del Ciicolo Polare, ovvero a Nord delle coste dell' America continentale, deir Asia e dell' Europa. /. L' Atlantico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45° S., limitato nella sua parte meridionale oltre la costa Africana dal 20° E. da Greenwich, ad Est; e dalla costa dell' America meridionale ad Ovest. m. L' Oceano Indian© e le sue Isole, limitato a sud dal 45" di Lat. S., a Ponente del meridiano 20" E. di Greenwich ; a Levante dalla costa deir Australia e dal 147° E. da Greenwich. It. II Pacifico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45° S., e tra il 147° meridiano E. da Greenwich e le coste dell' America meridionale. 0. Kegione Antartica : cioe I'area meridionale liniitata dal 45' S., eccetto le Isole Falkland e le parti meridionali dell' America del Sud e della Nuova Zelanda ; comprendendovi pero le isole di Xuova Amsterdam e S. Paolo. N.B. — Come regola generate, le isole lontane piii di lOU miglia inglesi (IGO chilometri) dal continente devouo essere classiiicate come oceaniche, salvo speciali eccezioni. 40 2.— SUBDIVISION I. d. EUUOPA E IsOLE DEL MeDITERRAXI^O, da. Scandinavia : Svezia, Norvegia, Daniniarca, Lslanda, Fur (jer. db. Russia Europea. dc. Impero Germauica. dd. Olanda ; Belgio ; Lussembergo. y de. Isole Britanuiclie. df. - Francia e Corsica. dg. Spag-na e Portogallo. dh. Italia : Sicilia e Sardegna. di. Svizzera. dk. Austria-Ungheria (comprese Bosnia ed Erzegovina). dl. Penisola, Balcanica (Turchia Europea, Rumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro e Grecia). dm. Mediterraneo e Isole (salvo la Sicilia, la Sardegna e la Corsica). dn. Mar Nero. do. II Baltico e le sue Isole. e. Asia e Arcipelago Malese. ra. Russia Asiatica. eb. Ciua e dipendeuze : Tibet ; Corea. cc. Isole del Giappone ; Formosa. ed. Coccincina : Tonchino, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. India Britamiica : Himalaya ; Birmania ; Ceylon. eg. Penisola Malese dall' Istmo di Kra e Arcipelago Malese fino alia linea, di Wallace, comprendendovi Celebes e Timor colle Filii^pine e il Mar della Cina. eh. Persia; Afghanistan; Belucistan. ei. Turchia Asiatica ; Arabia, el: II Caspio. el. Golfo Persica. /. Africa e Madagascar. /(/. Stati Mediterranei — Marocco. Algeri, Tunisi, Tripoli. fb. Africa del N.E. ; Egitto e Vallatta del Nllo fino al 10" di Lat. N. ; Abissinia ; Coste dell' Africa sul Mar Rosso. fc. Sahara e Sudan Francese ; Darfur, ecc. fd. Africa occidentale dal Marocco al Congo. fe. Stato del Congo e Angola. f. Africa orientale dal limite indicato in/^ al Zambesi; Socotra jfg. Africa au^trale dal Zambesi e dal confine tra 1' Africa Porto- ghese e 1' Africa Germanica del S.W. fh. Madagascar e Giuppo delle Comoro. '/i. II Mar Rosso e le sue Isole. 47 (j. .\.y\YA\\QK SETl'EXTRrOXALK. ga. Alaska. gb. W Canada in o-enerale. 'jc. Dominio del Canada occidentale (Yukon, Columbia Britaunica, Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, A ssiuiboia^. (jCl. Dominio del Canada oiieutale ; Terranova. fje. I Lag'hi Laurenziaua. gf. Gli Stati Uuiti in generale. gg. Stati Uniti del Nord-Est, ad E. del Mississippi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Xew York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio. Michig-an, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana). gh. Stati Uniti del Sud-Est. ad E. del Mississippi. gi. Stati Uniti occidental!, ad \V. del Mississippi. //, America Cextrale e Meridioxai.e e Ixdie Occidextali. ha. Messico. Jib. America Centrale ; Guatemala ; Honduras ; Honduras Britan- nico ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. he. Indie occidental ; Mar dei Caribi : Golfo del Messico. hd. Guaiana — Britanuica, Olandese e Francese ; Venezuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. Peru. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brasile. hi. Argentina : Uruu'uav e Paraguay. hJ:. Cile. hi. Terra del Fuoco e Isole vicine ; Isole Falkland. hnu Le Ande. i. Australia e Oceania. ia. Nuova Guinea colic Isole dalla linea di Wallace, comprenden- dovi Gilolo (Halmahera) Amboina, Seram. ih. Arcipelago di Bismarck (Nuova Britannia, ecc, fine ade Solomone inclusivamente). ic. Australia in generale. id. Queensland. ie. Nuova Galles del Sud. . if. Victoria. ig. Australia meridionale. ih. Australia occidentale. a. Tasmania. ik. Nuova Zelanda. //. Nuova Caledonia, Nuove Ebridi, e Isole Loyalty. 48 /.-. Regione Aiitica. ka. Oceano Artico. kb. Groeiilandia. kc. Arcipelago Nord Americano. kd. Isole a N. dell' Europa e dell' Asia. /. OcEAxo Atlaxtico. ^ la. Oceano Atlantico setteutrionale e sue Isole, non indicate altrove. Ih. Azorre; Cauavie ; Madera; Isole del Capo Verde. Ic. Atlantico nieridioiiale e sue Isole. m. Oceano Ixdiaxo. ma. Oceano e Isole a Nord dell' Equatore. tnb. Oceano e Isole a Sud dell' Equatore, comprendendovi le Mascarene, Amsterdam e S. Paolo. n. Oceaxo Pacjfico. na. Pacifico del Nord (a N. dell' Equatore). nb. Pacifico del Sud (a S. dell' Equatore). nc. Mar di Behring- e sue Isole (Aleutine, ecc). nd, Isole Sandwich e Gruppn sparsi a N. dell' Equatore e ad E. del 180°. ne. Isole dei Ladroni, Pelew, Caroline e Marshall, con altre Isole a N. deir Equatore e ad ovest del 180°. nf. Isole Figi, degli Amici, Samoa, Ellice, Fenice, ecc, ad ovest del 160° W. di Greenwich. nr/. Isole Galapag-os. nh. Isole della Societa. Arcipelago di Low, Marchesi e altre Isole del Pacifico meridionale, ad Est del meridiano 160° W. da Greenwich. 0. Regioxe Antartica, oa. Regione antartica in generale. ob. Georgia australe, Grupv^o delle Sandwich e altre Isole a Sud deir Atlantico meridionale. oc. Isole del Principe Edoardo, Crozets, Kerguelen e altre Isole a Snd deir Oceano Indiano. od. Isole a Sud e a Sud-Est della Nuova Zelanda e Regione a Sud del Pacifico. 4'J AUTHOES' CATALOGUE. Abbe, Cleveland. [Biographical Notice of] Howard Shriver. Wasliing- inii, D.C, U.S. Dept. As;ric., Mon. Weath. llov., 29, 1901, (G7). [0010]. 1 — [Review of] Herbertson'.s (listributloii of rainfall over the land. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. xVgric, ^]nn. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (G7-C8). III. SO]. -' ■ [Biographical Xotice of] Alexander Ashley. Washington, D.C, l.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29,1901,(173). [0010]. 3 • [Biographical Xotice of] ■diaries Davis. W'ashington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (173). [0010]. -1 [Biographical Notice of] J.diin Blcdgett. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 190], (174). [0010]. 5 [Biogi-ajDliical Notice of] (instavus A. Hyde. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (220, with pi.). lOOlO]. 0 Cannonade against liail- f^torms. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. ^er.), 14, 1901, (738-739). [1260]. 7 The physical basis of long- range weather forecasts. AVashington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (.551-561). [1750]. 8 Fahrenheit's thermometer. Knowledge, Loudon, 25, 1902, (109). 10250 0010]. 9 [Adamov, N.]. AjaMODX, II. TcMncpaTNpa 'lepnc^eMa. (oKon^i.) £La temperature dn tchernosiome. (fin.)] Pedologie, St. Peterburg, 3, 1901, ( 157-172 + res. frani^. et allemaud 172- 174). [0860]. ■ 10 Aitken, John. The definition of a rainv dav. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37. 1902, (30). [1150]. 11 Alberti, Vittorio. Valori medi decadici e meusili e riassunto annuale delle .osservazioni meteoriche fatte nel R. (F-10481) Osservatorio di Capodimonte nell'anno 1900. Napoli, Rend. Soc sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901, (.39-40). [1840]. l'^ Alexander, W[illiam] H. The relation of raiul'all to mountains. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (0-8). [1170]. 13 The climatologj- of Antigua, W. I. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (165-167). [1700 Tic]. 14 • Reforestation and rainfall in the Leeward Islands. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (254-256). [1710 7/c M 3800]. 15 Climatology of St. Kitts [W. T.]. Comparison of l)arometers. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (257-258). [0230 1700]. II"' Algue, Jose, S. J. Relation entre quelqnes mouvements microseismiques et I'existence, la position et la distance des cyclones a Manille (Philippines'. Congi-es internal, meteoi-., Paris, 1901, (131-136). [1760]. 17 Amaduzzi, Lavoro. Pioggia di sabbia ed elettricita atmosferica. Riv. scientif. industr., Firenze, 1901, (61). [1240]. IS Sulla distribuzione e suU'- origine dell' elettricita atmosferica. Pdv. lis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 3, 1901, (137- 145, 224-237). [1600]. 19 Anderson, A. Jasper. Meteorological observations at Blackpool, 1900. Annual Report on the Health of Blackpool, 1900. Blackpool, 1901, (88-89). 24 cm. [1800]. 20 [Andreev, N. P.] .\n4peeBX, II. II. McTeopo.ioririecKia ^annbia ro- po.^a CnjioiipcKa 3a o^ .vfcn.. [Donnees metcorologiques pour la villo de Simbirsk pour 5i annees]. Simbirsk, Prot. Obsc. vrac., 1900, (1-17, av. courbes), 1901. [1800]. 21 50 Andrews, 0. W. Hand-book of public laealtli, laboratory ^vork, and food in- spection. London (BaiUiere, Tiudall and Cox), Portsmoutb (Cbarpentier and Co.), 1901, (292), 21 cm. Part III. Meteorology, (213-292). [0030]. 22 Anfosso, Ferdinando. Un ciclone di sciroccn. Xuovi Ann. agric. sicil., Palermo, 12, 1901, (110-118). [1500]. 23 Angot, Alfred. Sur la relation de I'activite solaire avec la variation diume de la declinaison maccnetiqiie. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132,^1901, (254-257). [3060]. 2i Snr la variation diume de la declinaison maguetique. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132,1901.(317-320). [3060]. 25 La variation diurne de la declinaison magnetique et ses relations avec I'activite solaire. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (19-26). [3040 30G0J. 26 Frequence de la pluie a Paris. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (42-44). [1180]. 27 La temperature a Paris pendant les cinquante amiees 1851- 1900. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (57-60). [0810]. 28 Arcbenliold, F. S. Der Sicilianische Blutregen und der Berliner Sandregen vom 9. bis 11. ilarz 1901. Weltall, Berlin, 1, 1901, (106-108). [1240]. 29 -; Die Dammerungserschein- ungen und das Sicbtbarwerden der Sterne. Weltall, Berlin, 1, 1901, (149- 153). [0520 E7000 0210]. 30 Otto Jesse. Weltall, Berlin, 1, 1901, (157-159). [0010 E 0010]. 31 Arctowsld, Henryk. Aper^u snr les observations meteorologiques de I'expe- dition antarctique beige. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (649-651). [1840 J 60]. 32 AperQu sur les recbercbes oceanograpbiques de I'expeditiou an- tarctique beige. Verb, intern. Geosr- Congr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (652- 656, mit 1 Taf.). [0880 J 40 44o]. 33 Sur les periodes de I'aurore australe. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (651-653). [1660].. 34 Exploration of Antarctic Lands. London, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (150-180). [0880]. 35 Arrhenlus, Svante. Deber die Wiirmeab^orption durch Kohlensaure imd ibren Einfluss auf die Temperatur der Erdoberflacbe. Stockbolm, Vet.- Ak. Ofvers., 58, 1901, (25-58). [080(J]. 3r> Leber die Warmeal> sorption durcb Koblensaure. An)i. Pbvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 4, 1901. (690-705). [0900 C 3850 E 5400]. ^ 37 0 npnMnoi no.iapHLix'L cianiii, nepeu. 4- HJopa. [Leber die Ursacben des Xordlicbtes, iiliersetz. v. D. Scborr.]. Vest, opvtn. fiziki, Odessa, 25, 26, 1901, (217-224, 241-249, 265-270, G-10). [1650 E 5400]. 38 Artom, Alessandro. La lormazione della gi'andiue dovuta a fenomeni rota- tori. Elettricita, ililano, 20, 1901. (115-116). [1260]. 30 Ashley, Alexander. Biogi'apLical notice of. v. Abbe, Cleveland. 40 Ashley, Alexander McC. Long rangf seasonal forecasts for tbe Pacific Coast States. Washington, D.C., U.S. Depr. Agric, Mon. Weatb. Rev., 29, 190]. (16-19). [1750]. U Assmann sen., Julius. Die atnios- pbari-^cben Begleiterscheinungen des Gewitters am 2. Jamiar 1902. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (41-42). [1640]. 4i' Assmann, R[icbard]. Die Ergebnisse der wissenscbaftlicben Ballonfabrten des ,, Deutseben Vereins zur Forderung der Luftscbifffabrt " zu Berlin. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (405-411). [0370 0400 0820]. 43 Die warme Witteiimg des December 1900 vmd die kalte des Januar 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901 , (1-15). [1700]. 44 Die Hitze und Diirre des diesjabricen Sommers in Deutscbland. Wetter, ''Berlin, 18, 1901, (161-168-. [1700]. 45 Der Aspirations-Meteoro- graph. Wetter, Berbn, 18, 1901, (241- 246). [0220]. 46 • Die meteorologischen Ver- haltnisse -wiibrend der Todesfahrt des Hauptmanns von Sigsf eld am 1. Februar 1902. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (25-32;. [1500 0370]. 47 51 Assmann, R[ichard]. Die moderneu -Methoden zur Erforschiing der Atmos- phare mittels des Luftlialloiis uud Drachen. Samm]. Schr. Urania, Berlin, 57, 1901, (1-36, luit Taf.). [0370 0300]. 48 Die moderneu lletlioden zur Erforschuug der Atuiospliare mittels des Luftballons uud Drachen. Himmel und Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (241-260). [0370 0360]. 49 Die nioderuen Metlioden zur Erforschtujg der Atmospliiire mittels des Luftballons mid Drat-hen. (Sclduss.) Himmel u. Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (306-319). [0370 0360]. 50 L'observatoire aeroEau- tique de I'lnstitut royal meteorologique a Berlin, et les dangers des cerfs-volants. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (255-262). [0210 0360]. 51 Augst. Siidost-Slurme. Allor. For- stztg, Frankfurt a. M., 78, 1002, (8-11). [1500 il 4150]. -yl Bachmetjew, P. Der gegenwai-tige Stand der Frage iiber elektrische Erd- strome. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 12, 3, 1901, (1-58, mit 6 Taf.). [4100]. 53 Klimatische, tloristische und lepidoptevologische Verhaltnisse in Bulgarien. Ent. Jalu-b., Leipzig, 11, 1902 [1901], (119-131). [1720 X 4427 M 8000 L 0080 J 60]. 54 Bacon, Ecv. John il. Scientific ob- servations at high altitudes. London, J. Soc. Arts., 50, 1901-2, (169-174). [0370]. 55 Exploring the thunder cloud. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (49-51). [0370 1640]. 56 On the capricious hearing of certain sounds at long range. Know- ledge, London, 24, 1901, (193-194). [0400]. 57 Balch, Edwin Swift. Evaporation uiidergromid. AVashington, D.l'., U.S. Deiit. Aorric, Mon. Weath.Pev., 29, 1901, (545-546). [1050 H 10]. 58 Barac, M. Red rain, March 10-11, 1901. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (2.39-240). [1240]. 59 Bardelli, F. Riassunto annuale delle osservazioni meteorologiche fatte al- r Osservatorio G. B. Donati nel seminario di S. Caterina in Pisa. Torino, BoU. (r-10481) mens. Oss. Moncalieri, (Ser. 2), 21, 1901, (2^). [1840]. 61 Barnard, E. E. A remarkable lunar halo. Nature, London, 66, 1902, (5-6). [0540]. 62 Barnes, R. H. Low relative hu- midities in ilav, 1901. Svnions' Meteor. Mag., London,' 36, 1901," (92). [1020]. 63 Baxoni, Isidoro. r. Liciti'a, Ajigelo. Barracchi, Pietro. Record of results of observations in meteorology and terrestial magnetism made at the Mel- bom-ne Observatory and other localities in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, from 1st Januarv to 31st December, 1900. :\Ielbourne, 1901, (47). 24.5 cms. (1800 3000]. 60 Barre, L. Les pluies en France. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 15. 1901, (143- 145). [1180]. 64 Barre. v. Banmgartner et Eschbacli. Barton, Edwin H. On the refi-aclion of sound by wind. London, Proc. Phvsic. Soc", 17, 1901, (534-542). [1300]. 05 Bauer, L[onis] A. The Physical de- composition of the earth's permanent magnetic field. Xo. II. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.U., 6, 1901, (13-24;. [3000]. 60 Summary of results of recent comparisons of magnetic instru- ments. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (31-41). ^[0350]. ' 67 Xote on the secular motion of the Earth's mean masnietic axis. Terr. Mag., Washington, DX"., 6, 1901, (73-75). [.3030]. 08 The origin of teiTestriai magnetism. ObservatoiT, London, 1901, (54-50). [3080]. ' 69 Baiungartner, Barre et Eschbach. Resume des observations centralisees par Je service hydrometriqne du bassin de la Garomie pendant I'annee 1898 sous la direction de 51. Eyriaud-Des- vergnes. Public par le Ministere des Travaux publics. Toulouse, 1901, (11 feuillets iion pagines). 2f> cm. [A ce resume correspondent les feuilles lithographiees publiees sous le titre qui suit.] [1150]. 70 Ponts et Chaussees. Service hydrometrique du bassin de la Garonne. Observations sur les coiirs d'eau et la jjluie centralisees pendant I'annee 1898, sous la direction de M. Evriaud-Desvergnes. Toidouse, 1901, (G feuilles et 1 carte). 43 cm. [1150]. 71 Bayard, Francis Canijiliell. Meteoro- logy of Surrey, 1900. Surrey County Council, Wedical Officer's of Health, Annual Report, 1900, (17-19 and table). [1800]. 71' • Report of the meteoro- logical connuittee, reprinted from Croy- don, Proc. Trans. Microsc. 2Sat. Hist. CI., 1001, (CO). [1180]. 73 Bayne, Thomas. " A Feeding Storm." London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (198). [1270]. 74 Bebber, ^[ilhelm] J[acob] van. Gegenwartiger Stand der Wetter tele- uraphie. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (25- 39). [1750]. 75 Der letztverflossene Winter [1900-1901]. Xatur u. Offenb., Minister, 47, 1901, (280-295). [1700]. 70 Becquerel, Henri. Sur une modifica- tion dans I'emploi du thermometre elec- trirpie j^our la determination des tem- peratures soiiterraiues au Museum dTlistoire Xaturelle. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (800-803). [0250]. 77 Sur ime modification dans I'emploi du thermometre electrique pour la determination des temperatures sou- terraines au Museimi d'histoire naturelle. Electricien, Paris, 22, 1901, (389-390). [02.50 0850]. 78 BeU, Arthur H. Rainfall in South Africa. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (54-55). [1180]. 79 The mechanism of a sunset. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (235- 237). [05.50]. 80 The alchemy of hoar-frost. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (258- 259). [1280 1060]. 81 Bell, Henry Mercer. The rainfall of Madeira. Symons' Meteor. Mag.. London, 37, 1902, (37-38). [1180]. 82 Belli, C. M. Ricerche chimiche, micro- scopiche e batteriologiche sulla grandine. Riv. scientif.-industr., Firenze, 1901, (129-133). [1260]. 83 Bemmelen, W[illem] van. Total Solar Eclipse May IS, 1901. Magnetic obser- vations at Batavia and Karang Sago (Sumatra). Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr., 61, 1901, (173-193 with 1 p'l.). [oOoO E 4350]. 84 Pulsations de la force magnetique terrestre. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. HolL, (Ser. 2), 6, 1901, (382-384). [3040]. ''' 85 Uitkomsten van onderzoe- kingen op aardmagnetisch gebied, die een nieuwe verwantschaja tussclien do verschynselen van de magnetische storing het noorderlicht en de seculaire variatie van het aardmagnetisme aan het licht brachten. [Xew relations between mag- netic disturbances, Aurorae Boreales and secular variation of terrestrial mag- netism]. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. 60, 1901, (400-407). [-3000 1050]. 8C. Benisclike, Gustav. Die Schutzvor- riciituiigen der Starkstromtechnik gegen atmospluirische Entladungen. (Elek- trotechnik in Einzel-Darstellungen, Heft 1). Braunschweig (F. Vieweg <.\: S.), 1902, (VlI-J-42). ^22 cm. 1,20 M. [1G30 C GOOO G820]. 87 Schiitzvorrichtungen gegen schadliche Ueberspamiungen. Yortrag. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (5C9- 571). [1030 C; 6820]. 88 [Bentley, R.] Extremes of rainfall, 1S73-1901 [at Upton]. Single sheet, 22 cm. Printed for private circulation, 1901. [1150]. 89 Bentley, W. A. Twenty years' study of snow crystals. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (212-214 with pL). [1270 Cr 105]. 90 Bergholz, Paul. The hurricanes of the Far East. English translation revised by Robert H. Scott. London (James Imray & Son Ltd. and Norie A Wilson), i901, (]6-f271, with 31 pi.). 24 cm. [1550 15G0]. 9L Berlin, Koniglich Preussisches Meteoro- logisclies Institut. A'eroSeutlichungen des Kiiniglich Preiissischen Meteorolo- gi.schen Instituts. Hrsg. durch W. v. Be- zold. Ergebnisse der N iederscldags- Beobachtungen in den Jahreu 1897 und 1898. Berlin (A. Asher & Co.), 1901, (LNXIX + 218, 231, mit 2 Karten). 20 M. [0020 1150J. 92 Berlin, Koniglicli Praussisclies Meteoro- loglsclies Institut. ^'e^uft'eutli^■lmngell des Koiiiglich Preussisclien ileteorolo- gisc'hcu Instituts. Hrsg. ihucli W. v. Eszokl. Ergebnisse der Bcijljachtiingen :iu den Stationen II. und III. Ordnung im Jahre 189G. Zugleicli Deutsches ^leteorologisches JahrlDUch fiir 1896. Beobachtungssystem des Konigreiclis Preussen . ." . Heft 3. Berlin (A. Asher), 1901, (XVI + 111-336 mit 1 Karte). 12 M. [0020 ISOO]. 112 VeroiTentlichuiigen des KoniglichPreussisclienMeteorologisclien Instituts. Hrsg. durch W. von Bezold. E r g e b n i s s e der Beobaclituiigen an <]en Stationen II. inid III. Ordnung im Jahre 1900. Zugleich Deutsclies ileteorologisches Jahrbucli fiir 1900. Beobachtuiigsystem des Konigreiclis Preussen . '. . Heft 2. Berlin, (A. Asher & Co.), 1901, (63-122). 3,50 M. [O02O 1800 1820]. 113 Berry, James. Methods employed in the distribution of weather forecasts. \\'ashington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1001, (U-1.")). [1750]. 93 Climats and croji service [for 1901]. Washington, D.L'., U.S. JJept. Agric, ilon. Weath. Pev., 29. 1901, (1-0, 52-51, 101-101, 1-19-152, 204-207, 241-2-18, 293-297, 347-350, 401-404, 449-452, 492-495, 542-545). [1710]. 94 Berson, A[rtur]. Eozwoj i cele Aeronautyki uowoczesnej. W: Odczyty o jiowietrzu. [Sur le developpement et les problemes conteniporains de la navi- gation aerienne. Dans: Conferences sur Pair]. Warszawa — KraJiow, [190lj, (76- 90). [0370 03G0]. 95 Bertaincliand, E. Sur les poussieres atmospheriques observees a Tunis le Id mars 1901 . Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (115.3-1155). [0420]. 96 Bertelli, Tirooteo. Alcuni appunti storici intorno all'antico ixso topografico della bussola. Roma, ilem. Ace. Xuovi Lincei, 17, 1901, (1-17). [0010]. 97 Sopra la recente ])roposta di un centenario deH'invenzioue della bussola. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 2' trim., (289-291). [3090]. 98 Ancora sulla recente pro- posta di un centenario dell'invenzione 'lella bussola. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 2" trim., (499-508). [0010]. 99 BertsUi, Timoteo. Sopra im nuovo documcnto risguardante I'invenzione della bussola nautica. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 4° trim., (283-287). [0010] 100 Discusslone della leg- genda di Ela\io Gioia inventore della bussola. Riv. lis. mat. se. nat., Pavia, 3, 1901, (529-541). [0010]. 101 Appmiti di fisica terrestre. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 3, 1901, (.3-11, con 1 tav.). [0870 1410]. 102 Berzieri, L. Potenza del sole e benc- iici eft'etti delle sue radiazioni. Riv. lis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (97-114, 193-207). [0930]. 103 Besson, Louis, ilesure de la direction et de la vitesse en ballon. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (16.3-165). [0370]. 104 Bettoni, Pio. [OsservazionI meteoro- logiche fatte all'] Osservatorio di Salo dal r settembre 1900 al 31 agosto 1901. Brescia, Comment. Ateneo, 1901, (356- 366). [1700 1840]. 105 Studio delle sesse. [Lago di (iarda]. Brescia, Comment. Ateneo, 1901, (368-370 con 1 tav.). [0700]. 106 II BenacQ. Saggio di monografia limuologica. Torino, Boll, mens. Oss. iloncalieri, (Ser. 2), 21, 1901, (7-12). [0910 1700]. 107 Bezold, "\V[ilhelm] von. Ueber die Darstellung der Luftdruckvertheilung diirch Druckfliichen uud durch Isoliaren. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. HolL, (.Ser. 2), 6, 1901, (-56.3-574). [0440]. 108 Die ileteorologie um die "VVende des Jahrhunderts. [Vortrag]. Xatw. Rdsch., Braunschweig, 17, 1902, (41-42). [0010 0010]. 109 Die ]Meteorologie van die Wende des .lahrhunderts. [Vortrag]. (Schluss). Xatw. Rdsch., Braunsch- weig, 17, 1902, (53-55). Weltall, Berlin, 2, 1901, (59-63). [0010 0010]. 110 Ueber klimatologische Mittelwertho fiir ganze Breitenkreise. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (1331- 1313). [0130 1700 J 00]. Ill BiancM, Andrea. Osservazioni meteorico-sismiche fatte all'Osservatorio di Chiavari nel mese di agosto 1900. liollpttino del (Jomizio agrario, Chiavari, 1901, (16). [1820J. 114 *li Blajzi, Ferruccio. Di udr probabile nuova causa di deviazione nella bussola di bordo. Eiv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 1" trim., (469-477 con 1 tav.). [3U90]. 115 Bidlingmaier, Fr. The work and equipment for eartli magnetism and meteorology of the German South Polar expedition, and suggestions for interna- tional co-operation during the time of the South Polar Research, 1901-1903. Scot. Geog. Mag., Edinburgh, 17, 1901, (467- 470f: [3020 0210]. 116 Bidston, Liverpool Observatory. Re- port of the Director to the marine com- mittee, and meteorological results de- duced from thf observations taken in the year 1900. Published by order of the ilersev Docks and Harboiir Board, Liverpool/ 1901, (42;. 24 cm. [1820]. 117 Bigelow, Frank H[agar]. [Note on Clavton's "Eclipse Cvclone."] Science, New York, X.Y., (N. Ser.) 13, 1901, (589-591). [0460 1550 E 4350]. 118 Birkemnajer, Ludwik. 0 stosmikach temperaturygJ(;bokichjeziortatrzaiiskich w ro^nych gl'^bokosciach i rozuych porach roku. [Sur la temperatiu"e des profonds lacs du Tatra a des profondem-s diiler- entes et en differentes saisoos]. Kra- kow, Rozpr. Akad., A., 40, 1901, (186- 411). [0910; J 53 dk]. 119 [Birkerunajerowa, Zofia, ilagierowski, Leon et Ha wrysiewicz, Julian]. Spostrze- zenia pojawow w swiecie roslinnym i zwie- rz^cym w latach 1897, 1898 i 1899. [Observations des phenomenes phenolo- giques dans le monde des plantes et des animaux effectuees en 1897, 1898 et 1899]. Krakow, Spraw. Kom. Fizvogr., 35, 1901, (198-218). [1720 dh]. ' 120 Black, W[illiam] G[alt]. Wind and waves. Svmous' Meteor. Mag., Loudon. 36, lUOl, (34). [1360]. 121 Bladen, W. Wells. Report of the meteorological section. Stafford, Rep. Staffs. Nat. Sec, 35, 1901, (126-129). [1800]. J 22 Blandford, S. M. Some features of the climate of Idaho. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Affi-ic. Mon. Weath. Rev. 29, 1901, (19-20). [1700]. 123 [Bliznin, G. Ja.] E.IDSUIIHT), T. H. HeKpo.lOri. [Xekrolog.] Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (338-340). [0010]. 124 Blodgett, Lorin.t r. Abbe, Cleveland. Bludau, Alois. Oberland, Ermeland, Xatangeu und Barten. Eine Landes- und Volkskunde. (Deutsches Land imd Leben in Eiiizelschilderimgen.) Stuttgart (Holbing & Biichle), 1901, (Xll'-f 339, mit 5 Kart.). 21 cm. Geb. 10,50 M. [1700 M8000 X 0227 J 01 de. P 4100 H .35]. 125 Boccara, Vittorio E. Sulle variazioni diurue della rifrazioni atmosferica. Sunto. jSiuovo Cimento, Pisa, (Ser. 5). 2, 1901, (204-211). [0520]. 12G Sulle variazioni diurne della rifi-azione atmosferica. Mem. Soc. spettroscop. ital., Catania, 30. 1901, (162-177). [0520]. 127 Bock, A. Die Regenverhaltnisse der Stadt Hannover und die Beziehmigen der Regenfiille zur stadtischen Entwasser- ungsaulage. Zs. Archit., Wiesbaden, 47, 1901, (285-312). [1180 1840]. 128 Borgen, C. Report on the magnetic observations made dtiring the total solar ecli]5se. May 17-18, 1901, at the Magnetic Observatory, Wilheknshaven. (jeriuanv. Terr. Alag., Washington, D.C., 6, inoi, (167-168). [3060 E 4.350]. 129 Bornstein, R[ichard]. Leitfadeu der Wet terkuudo. Gemeinverstiindlich bearb. Bramischweig (Fr. Viewes & S.), 1901, (VIII -h 181, mit 17 Taf.). 23 cm. 5 il. [0030]. 130 Wetterkmide und Land- wirtschaft. Festrede. Berlin (P. Parey), 1901. (18). 26 cm. 1 M. [0040 1750]. 131 Vom zweiten Berliner Wetterkursus. Herstellung gedruckter Wetterkarten. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901 , (250-258). [0050 1770]. 132 Der Brandenburgische Witterunasdienst im Sommer 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (265-270). [17.30]. 133 Wetterdienst. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (287). [0050 1750]. 134 Wetterdienst. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (24). [1750 0050]. 135 Wetterdienst. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (47-48, 71-72). [1750 0050]. 136 Bernstein, E[ichard]. Sur la marche du barometre peudaat le mois luuaire sideral. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (95-98). [0480]. 137 Wetterkunde und Land- wirtscliaft. Festrede . . . D. lumlw. Presse, Berlin, 28, 1901, (31- 3i', 4-5). [1710]. 138 Das W'etter.schiessen. Himmel u. Erde. Berlin, 13, 1901, (402-408). [1260]. 139 Bosch, H. Xebensonne. Wetter, Berlin. 18. 1001, (120). [0540]. 140 Bogglo-Lera, Enrico. [Osservazioni meteorologiclie fatte all'] Osservatorio deUa R. Scuola di viticoltura ed enologia in Catania, gennaio 1901, Xuova Rassegna, Catania, 9, 1901, (100). [1840]: 141 Siii miei apparecchi registrator! e segualatori del temporal! . Nuova Rassegna, Catania, 9, 1901, (467-474, 493-^97). Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia, (Ser. 4), 14, 1901. (Memoria XVII), (1-14). [0390 1640]. 142 [Osservazioni meteoro- logiche fatte all'] Osservatorio della R. Scuola di viticoltura ed enologia in Catania, prima quindicina novembre 1901. Xuova Rassegna, Catania, 9, 1901, (566). [1840]. 143 [Osservazioni meteoro- logiclie fatte aU'] Osservatorio della R. Scuola di viticoltura ed enologia in Catania, seconda quindicina novembre 1901. Xuova Rassegna, Catania, 9. 1901, (598). [1840]. 144 Apparecchio registratore per la segnalazione degli iiragani lontani. Riv.agric. industr., Roma, 1901, (.58-61). [0390T. 145 Bognor, Climatological Society. Annual report and results of the obser- vations made during the year 1990, at the Bognor Climatological Station, (4 and 2 long tables). 21 cm. Bognor 1901. [0020 1800]. 146 Bohn, J. Mechanik, Warmelehre imd Wittenmgskunde. Leitfaden der Phvsik fiir Wein- und Obstbau- und Laud«-irt- schaftsschulen. (Landwirtschaftliche Uuterrichtsbiicher.) Berlin (P. Parev), 1901, (VI ^ 106). 19 cm. Geb. 1,-50 M. [0030 B 0030 C 1000]. 147 Bolwin, J. Ergebnisse der meteorolu- gischen Beobaclitungen im Emdeu im Jalire 1899 und 1900. Emden, Jahres- bcr. natf. Ges., 85, (1899-1900), 1901, (37-38). [1840]. 148 Bombicci, Luigi. II lavoro gran- dinigeno e la* insufficienza dei vorticelli. Atti del 2° Congresso internazionale dei Consorzi di tiro contro la grandine. Padova (Penada), 1901, (245-270). 24 cm. [0040 1260]. 149 La forma zione della grandine do^-uta a moti rotatori ? Elet- tricita, Milano, 20, 1901, (.34-37). [1260]. 150 Bonaldi, Attilio. La meterologia nel secolo XIX. Riv. maritt., Roma," 1901. 1' trim., (435-462). [0010]. 151 Bongiovaimi, Giovanni. Risultati delle osservazioni meteoriche a Ferrara nell' anno 1900 e confi-onti con quelli degli amii precedent! e di alcune citta vicine. Ferrara, Atti Ace. med. nat., 74, 1901, (181-189). [1700]. 152 Bonnet, A. r. Ravaz, L. Bonney, T. G. Frost fronds. Lon- don, Q. .J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901 (159). [1280]. 153 Frost fi-onds. Xature, London, 63, 1901 (347). [1280]. 154 Boobbyer, Philip. v. Bvowa, Arthur. Borchgrevink, C. E. Snow conditions in the Antarctic. Xature, London, 64, 1901, '257). [1270]. 155 Bordiga, Oreste. Relazione sul 2' congi-esso grandinifugo internazionale di Padova. Xapoli, Atti 1st. incoragg. sc. nat., (Ser. 5), 2, 1901, (1-10). '[0020, 1260]. 156 Grandine e spari. Xapol!, Atti 1st. incoragg. sc. nat., (Ser. 5), 2, X° 1, 1901, (1-33). [1260]. 157 Boys, H[erbert] A[rnold]. Solar halo, and fine weather. Svmons' Meteor. Mag. London, 36, 1901, "(67). [0540]. 158 Brandenburg, F. H. Facilities for .Systematic Study of Corresponding Weather Types. Washington, D. C, U.S. Dept. Acrric., Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901,(546-547). [17.50]. 1-59 [Bravin, X. A.]. HpaBIIUL, 11. A. Kj)aTKiii otmotl o oapoMOT- pii'iccKOMT. iinHa.i.iiipouaHiii lOat- liaro .\'|)a.ia la 1900 r. [Kmzer Be- richt iiber die barometrische Htihen- bestimmuug des siidlicheu Oural im Jalire 1900.] Orenburg, Tzv. Orcub. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc., 16, 1901, (1-32). [0730J. 100 Brennecke, W. St. Elmsfeuer am 9. und 10. December auf dem Brocken. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (288). [1630]. 101 St. Elmsfeuer am 2. Januar 1902 . . . auf dem Brocken. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (20). [1030]. 102 Breusing, Arthur. Xautische HiiUs- tafelu. 0. Alii]. 2. Ausg.,lirsg. vonC. Schilling. Leipzig, (II. Heinsius), 1901, (III + 282, mit 1 Karte). 24 cm. Geb. 6,75 M. [3090 J 90 E 0030]. 163 Breusings Steuermamiskunst. Im Verein mit 0. Fulst und H. Meldau ueu bearb. u. lu-sg. v. C. Schilling. 6. Aufl. Leipzig (il." Heinsius Xachf.), 1902, (VIII + 460, mit 1 Taf.). 26 cm. 12 M. [-3090 J 90]. 164 Bridges, Guy J. The Zodiacal Light and Sun PiUars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-02, (439). [0540]. 165 Briosi, Tommaso. [Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte all'] Osservatorio di Brescia dal 1° settembre 1900 al 31 agosto 1901. Brescia, Comment. Ateneo, 1901, (334-340). [1700 1840]. 166 Brook, Charles L. The high pres- sure in January [1902]. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (23). [0700]. 168 Brooksbank, H. L. The climate of the Lake District. London, R. Med. Chir. Soc. Climates and Baths of Great Britain. 2, 1902.(195-229). [1700]. 169 [Brounov, P. E.] LpoVHOBl, II. II. K-L Bonpocy o oopbofe c^ rpa^oMi.. [Zur Frage iiber Hagelschiessenl. Met. Vest., St. Peterburu, 1901, (125-133). [1260]. ^ 167 Brown, Arthur and Boobbyer, Philip. The meteorology of Xottingham for the vear 1900, and rainfall registers col- lected from stations on the watershed of the River Trent, 1900. (0, with pi.) 34 cm. [Xottingham 1901]. [1180]. 170 ^ The meteorology of Xottingham for the year 1900, and rainfall registers collected from stations on the watershed of the River Trent, 1901. Xottingham, 1902, (7, with pi.) [1180 1800]. 171 Brown, Ernest W. Adams's un- published papers. Xew York. X.Y., Bull. Amer. Math. Soc, (Ser. 2), 7, 1901, (272-278). [3000 E 1000]. 172 Brown, S. R. Stawell. The great sun- pillar of March 6. [1902]. Knowledge, Loudon, 25, 1902, (84). [0540]. 173 Brown, W. V. A proposed classi- fication and index of Weather ilaps^as an aid in Weather Forecasnng, Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (547-548). [1760]. 174 Bruckner, Eduard. Ueber die Herkimft des Regens. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (412-420). [1150 J 63]. 175 Brunlies, Bernard. Observation de couronnes antisolaiies an Puv de Dome. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133. 1901, (1204- 1207). [0570]. 176 et David, Pierre. Sur la direction d'aimantation dans des couches d'argile transformee en brique par des coulees de lave. Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 133, 1901, (155-157). [3030]. 177 Bnmo, Carlo. [Osservazioni fatte all ] Osservatorio meteorologico del Semi- nario, Mondovi, febbraio-ottobre 1901. Bollettino del Comizio agrario, Mondovi, 35, 1901, (71-72, 92-95, 110-111, 122- 123, 1.3.5-136, 150-151, 191-192, 227- ■228). [1820].- 178 Bryan, G. H. Geometrical snow crystals. Sci. Gossip, London, (X. Ser.). 7, 1901, (269). [1270]. lid- Buchan, Alexander. Report on the meteorology of Scotland during 1899, and of obsei"vers' notes on the state o£ agriculture, public health, etc. Edin- burgh, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, 12, 1902, (45-114). [1800 1700]. 180 Fogs on the coasts of Scotland. Edinburgh, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, 12, [1902], (.3-12). [1070]. 181 Stonns on the coasts of Scotland. Edinburgh, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, 12, [1902], (12-20). [1300]. 182- Meteorological obser\-a- tions on Ben Xevis for 1900. Repoit of the Committee. S\nnons' ^^leteor. ilag., London, 36, 1901,' (160-101). [0020]. 183. Meteorological observa- tions on Ben Xevis. Report of the Brit. Ass. Committee. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (54-60). [1800]. 184 Buchanan, J. Y. Solar radiation. Nature, ]...ii(lou, 64, I'JOl, (4jG-4.j9). [0J3.J U'JiU]. 185 Cbeniical and physical notes. Reprinted from the Antarctic Manual, lUOl, Chapter 9, (71-175). '22 cm. London, 1901. [0110]. 186 Buitt, Theodore. Climate of Pemba. Svmons' ileteor. Ma J 87]. 207 Terrestrial magnetism and atmosi^heric electricitv. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (lol-153). [3(X)0 1600]. 208 Chuo Eishodai. ^leiji 34 nen 1 getsu zenkoku kisho gaikyo. [Weather review of Januarv, 1901]. Tokvo, Kisho Yo., 13, 1901, "(1-7). [1700]," 209 ileiji 34 nen 1 getsu zenkoku kisho tekiyo hyo. [Montlily mean values of meteorological elements observed at all the meteorological stations in Japan! Tokvo, Kisho Yo., 13, 1901, (8-13)." [1800]". 210 Cirera, E[ichard], S. J. Surquelques points relatifs au magnetisme terrestre dans les iles Philippines. Projet d'un avertisseur aiitomatique des perturba- tions maEjuetiques. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (222-^25). [3010]. 211 Cittadella-Vigodarzere, ^Vntonio. Ser- vizio di previsione del tempo e norme pratiche per I'attuazione del medesimo. Atti del 2° Congi-esso internazionale dei Consorzi di tiro contro la grandine. Padova, (Penada), 1001, (210-215). 2-1 cm. [1750]. 212 Clark, J[ames] Edmund. The birth of the storm. The Friend, Loudon, 41, 1901, (55i-556). 28 cm. [1GJ:0]. 213 Clericl, Enrico. Sidle polveri sciroccali cadute in Italia nel marzo 1901. Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 20, 1901, (CLXIX-CLXXVIII). [1240]. 222 Cleve, Astrid. Zum Pflanzenleben in nordschwedischen Hochgebirgen, einige okologische und phanologische Beitrage. Stockhobu, Yet.-Aii. Bih., 26 : III, 1901. Xo. 15, (105, with 5 pL). [1720^ M 3200]. 223 Coates, J. Y. H. Meteorological work for science schools. Nature, London, 65, 1901, (128). [0050]. 224 Cobbold, Paul A. Ilaiuhow phenom- ena. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (40). [0550]. ^ 225 CcEiirdevaclie, P. Contribution a I'etude de la variation dim-ue de la vitesse du vent. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (243-244). [1330]. 22G Variation des elements meteorologiques au Pic du Midi. Aunu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (244-246). [0750 0830 1040]. 227 Cohen, R. Waley. v. Shaw, W. X. Colborne, H[enr}-]. Annual report of meteorological observations for the year 1900 at Hastings. Published by authority of the Corporation. St. Leonards, 1901, (16). 24 cm. [1800]. 228 Colvile, E. L. M. Deiiuitiou of a rainv dav. S^^nons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (22, 36). [1150]. 229 Conger, Xorman B. v. Heurv, Alfi-ed J. Contarino, Francesco. Bollettiuo meteorologico dell' Osservatorio ai Ca- maldoli, ottobre-dicembrel900. L'Apeu- nino meridionale, Xapoli, 3, 1901, (18- Clayton's eclipse^ cyclone 22). [1820]. 230 BoUettino meteorologico Day darkness in the City [of London]. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (194-196). [1070]. 214 The Yorkshire thunder- storm of Avigust 10th [1901]. Sjmions' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1001, (132). [1640]. 215 Clarke, Wm. Eagle. Bird migration in Cireat Britain and Ireland. Fourth Interim Report of the Brit. Ass. Com- mittee. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (364-376). [1720]. 216 Claxton, T. F. Report on the mag- netic observations made during the total solar eclipse. May 17-18, 1901, at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mam-itius Island. Terr. Mag., Washing- ton, D.C., 6, 1901, (184). [3060 E 4350]. 217 Clayton, H[enr}-] Hehn. The eclipse cyclone and the diurnal cyclones, results of meteorological observations in the solar eclipse of May 28, 1900. Boston, Mass., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. Sci., 36, 1901, (307-318). Cambridge, Mass., Aim. Obs. Harvard, Univ.. 43, Part I., 1901, (1-33, with pi.). [0460 1550 E 4350]. 218 and the diurnal cyclones. [Reply to Bigelow.] Science, New York, N.Y., (X. Ser.), 13, 1901, (747-750). [0460 1550 E 4.350]. 219 The eclipse cyclone, tlie diurnal cyclones, and the cyclones and anticyclones of temjierate latitudes. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1001, (269-290). [1550]. 220 Clement, E. Defense centre la gi-ele an moyen de paragreles electriques. Lvon, i\jin. soc. agricxilt., (ser 7), 9, 1901, (1-36). [1260]. 221 deir Osservatorio ai Camaldoli gennaio- aprile 1901. L'Apennino meridionale, Xapoli, 3, 1901, (46-40). [1820]. 231 BoUettino meteorologico deir Osservatorio ai Camaldoli, maggio- agosto 1901. L'Apemiino meridionale. Xapoli, 3, 1901,(104-107). [1820]. 232 Cook, Frederick A. The Am-ora Australis, as observed from the " Bel^ica." Pojj. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y.,^59, 1901, (21-23). [1650]. 233 09 Cornish, Vaugban. Terrestrial sur- face waves. First report of the Brit. Ass. Committee. Loudon, liep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (398-399). [13G0]. 234 Ou the size of waves as observed at sea. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (773). [1360]. 235 The size of ocean waves. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (1-3, 55-57). [1360]. 230 The size of ocean waves. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (97- 100). [1360]. 237 • The size of ocean waves. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (145-149). [1360]. 238 On sand-waves in tidal currents. London, Geog. J., 18, 1901, (170-200, with 2 pi.). [1360]. 239 On the formation of wave surfaces in sand. Scot. Geog. Mag., Edinburgh, 17, (1-11). [1360]. 240 ■ On the occurrence of waves of exceptional size. Svmons' .Aleteor. Mag., Loudon, 36, 1901, (.!56-57). [1360]. 241 Sun - pillars. Xature, London, 65, 1901-2, (560). [0540]. 242 Cosyn, il[auritz] C[alixtus] F[rancis- cus] J[ohaunes]. Voorschrift voor het plaatsen van een Flindersstaaf. [In- structions pour ajuster une barre de Flinders]. Leiden (E. J. Brill), [1901], (26). 19 cm. [3090]. 243 De kompassen en de wyze van compensatie aan boord der pantser- ik'kschepeu. [Sur les boussoles a bord des croiseurs a pont cuirasse et la nianiere de les comjjeuser]. Helder, ilarineblad, Byblad verslagen Marine- vereeniging, 15, 1901, (1103-1108). [3090]. 244 Cozzaglio, Arturo. [Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte all'] Osservatorio di Desenzano dal 1° settembre 1900 al 31 agosto 1901. Brescia, Comment. Ateneo, 1901, (341-.352). [1700 1840]. 245 Crane, Alice Rollins. The Northern Lights. Xation. Geog. Mag., New York, X.Y., 12, 1901, (68-09). [1650]. 240 Creak, E. W. On a new form of instrument for observing the Magnetic Dip and Intensitv on board ship at sea. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (29-31). [3010]. 247 Cresswell, Alfred. Resulta of mete- orological observations taken at the Observatory, Edgbaston, 1900, (28, with 2 pL). 21 cm. Publication of the Birmingham and Midland Institute Scientific Society [1901]. [1820]. 248 Records of meteorological observations taken at the Observatory, Edgbaston, 1901. Publication of the Birminsfham and Midland Institute Scientific Society [1902]. [1820]. 249 Cristaldi, G. Bollettino mensile dell'- Osservatorio meteorologlco del R. Isti- tuto nautico. Riposto (Denaro), 1901, (4). 30 cm. [1820]. 250 Cros. Note sur les manifestations produites dans le voisinage de Tama- tave par un cyclone ressenti le 12 et 13 Janvier 1901 entre I'ile Maurice et la Reunion. Ami. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901,(103). [1520]." 251 Cummins, Major H. A. Meteoro- logical notes in South Africa. Gossip, London, (N. Ser.), 8, 1901, (161-166). [1800 1640 1510]. 252 Curtis, Richard H[enry]. An im- proved momiting for the lens and bowl of the Campbell-Stokes sunshine re- corder. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (63-65). [0330]. 253 The pressure of the wind. Synions' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (2-5, 17-19). [1360]. 254 On thunderstorms. Sy- mons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (128-130). [1640]'. 255 Da Cunha, A. L'Observatoire meteo- rologicj[ue de Trappes [pres Paris]. Cerfs-volauts et Ballons sondes. Nature, Paris, 29, (1-^ semest.), 1901, (179-182, av. fig.). [0360 0370]. 256 Dalgas, Chr. Om midl-og vestjydske Plantagers Indfiijdelse paa Nedbors- forholdene. [On the Influence of Plan- tations in middle and western Jutland on the circumstances connected with the Rainfall]. Aarhus, Hedeselskabets Tidsskrift, 21, 1901, (225-246). [1710]. 257 [Dannov,L.G.]. 4i^'l»-'0Bl>, A- T. rpo.ioiwji .vbaTCMhiiocTL lib oacceiiHt cpcAiieii Bo.ini bi, TCMcnin 1897 ii 1898 IT. (OKOH'l.) [Die Gewittertha- tigkeit im Bassin der mittleren Volga in den Jahren 1897-1898. (Schluss.)]. Kazani, Zap. Univ., 68, 5, 6, 9, 1901, (87-166, mit 11 kivrten). [1640]. 258 GO [Danilov, L. 0.]. MarunTIIblil iiscrBAOuaiiifi II. T. llaca.ihciuuo. [Die niaguetisclieu Uiitersncliungen von P. T. " Pasaliskij]. St. Peterburg, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 4, (119-11^0). [3000]. ri.j'J lIpnpoAa CnoiipcKaro AuTlimiK.lOIia. [Die Xatnr dor sibirisclien Anticyclone]. St. Peter- Lurg, Dnevnik XI Sjezda rass. jest, vrac., 1901, 4, (120-127). [15o0]. 2G0 Ivi. lionpofv 0 i'M'h- lueuiii uoiiT()<)ia A'bi't'Tniii ar.MOC- •I'epLI. [Surle deplacenient des centres d'action de I'atmospLere]. St. Peter- bursr, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vra^'., 1901, 8, (331). [1310]. 261 Danish Meteorological Institute. Nantical-^Ieteorological Annnal 1900. Kjobenliavn, (IMeteorologisk Institut), 1901, (XXVII + 202, with pi.). 31 cm. [0900 7i 0800 0880 1800 F 45]. [See also Nos. 533 & 534, p. 72). 262 Darboux, Gaston. L' Association inteniationale des Academies. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 15, 1901, (257-263). [0020]. 2(;3 David, Pien-e. r. Brnidies, Bernard. Davis, Charles, r. Ablie, Cleveland. Day, P. C. The Weather of the :\lonth [July, 1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept.' Agric, Mon. "Weath. Eev., 29, 1901, (318-320), [1840 gf]. 264 Dechant, J. Die Bestimmung der Horizontalintensitat des Erdmagnet- ismus mittelst der Wage. Zs. jshysik. Unterr., Berlin, 14, 1901, (293-294). [-3010 C 5440 0050]. 265 Dechevrens, llarc. S.-J. Sur les causes des variations accidentelles de la temperature de I'air. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (103-105). [0840]. 260 Tlie moon and rainfall. Svmons' ileteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (183-184). [0480]. 267 De Colong, I. P. v. Rykacev. il. A. De Giorgi, Cosimo. Rassegna annnale delle osservazioni raccolte nella rete meteorica della provincia di Lecce nel 1899-1900. Lecce, 1901, (19, con 12 tabelle riassuntive), cm. 32. [0130 1820]. 208 De Lorenzo, Cinseppe. La pioggia eel il Vesnvio. Nai^oli, Rend. Soc. sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901, (125-127). [1150]. 26'J [Demjanov, M. I.]. ^^eMl.nnoii'l., M. II. ()6[. o^noML civMat ocia- TOMiiaro cnij'ieuia Mo.miii. [Ueber einen Fall von Naclileuchten des Blitzes]. Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901,(19-20). [1630]. 2?1> DemtcMnski, Nicolas. A propos de rinlluence de la lune sur I'etat baro- metrique de ratmosphere. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (246-249). [0480]. 271 Denham, A. Fall of Mud or Dust. A curious storm. X'ature, London, 65, 1901-2, (317). [1240], 272 Denison, F. X'^apier. The seismo- graph as a sensitive barometer. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (293- 298), also Rep. Brit. Ass. (577-8). [0390 0230] 273 Derome, J. L'aiguille aimantee et la, nrevision du temps. Nature, Paris, 29, (2^- semest.), 1901, (122-l23j. [1750]. 274 Determann, Das Hoheiddima im Winter und seine Verwendbarkeit fiii- Kranke. Samml. kliu. Vortr., Leipzig, 308, 1901, (1-58). 0,75 M. [17.30 J 60 Q 0150]. 275 Di Paola, G. , Riassunto delle osser- vazioni meteorologiche eseguite nell'- anno 1898-99 all'Osservatorio meteoro- logico della R. Universita di X'apoli. Napoli, Boll. Soc. nat., 14, 1901, (5- 18). [1700]. 27a Dickson, H[enry] N[e\vton]. The (•irculation of the surface waters of the North Atlantic. London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, A. 196, 1901, (61-203, with 4 pi.). [0880]. 277 The mean temperature of the atmosphere and the causes of glacial periods. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, '(145-146); London, Rep. Brit. Ass. (722-723) ; London, Geog. J., 18, 1901, 510-23). [0800]. '^ 278 Dines, W[illiam] H[enry]. AVeekly death-rate and temperature curves, 1890- 18'.I9. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27,1901,(69-75). [0800 1730]. 27t> The element of chance- applied to various meteorological ])roblems. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (53-68). [0040 0140]. 280 Gl Dines, "V\'[illiam] H[enrT]. On a fallacy ■as to the diiirnal barometer -wave. -"Svmons' Meteor, ilag., London, 36, 1901, i Ja]. 282 Dodge, Richard E[lwood]. Diurnal \Vindd on Faint Gradient in Xorth- Westem Xe\r Mexico. Washincrton, I>.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. i;ev., 29, 1901, (299-300,). [1320]. 283 Dover, John. Totland Bay, Isle of Wight. Eeport of meteorological obser- vations for 1900, with extremes and :;veras:e3 for preceding; vears. East- Ouurne[1901], (16). 25 cm. [1800]. 284 Druce, Francis. Wanted, an Liter- national Glossarv. Svmons' ileteor. Marr., London, 37! 1902," (35). [0030]. Duchaussoy, H. L'annee meteoro- loLTiqiie a Amiens. Amiens, Bui. soc. linn., 15, 1900-1901. (23-31, 38-47, av. 1 carte, 50-55). [1700 1720]. 286 Duphil, H. Recherches chimiqties, inicrogia])hicj[ues et bacteriologiques snr Fair marin et Fair des forets de pin maritime. Arcachon, soc. sci., station zooL, 1900-1901, (51-57). [0420]. 287 Durand GrivUle, E. Les giains et les fausses depressions secondaires. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 15, 1901, (26.3- 1'09). [1510]. 288 La loi des gi-ains. Con- crres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (109- 119). [1500]. 289 Dvorak, V[inko]. Bemerkimgen zu 3 with pi.). [1700]. 310 Elias. H. „Xebelfa]r'. Wetter J3erlm, 19, 1902, (46-47). [1070] 311 Eliot, John. Discussion of the results of the hourly obsei-vations recorded at 29 •stations in India given in vohmies V, IX and X of the Indian Meteorological Memoirs. Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31-315, with 121 tables). [0750 0830 0850 0950 0970 1040 1080 1450]. 312 Ellis, William. Magnetic observa- tions dm-ing total solar eclipse. Xature London, 64, 1901, (15-16), and Observa- tory, London, 1901, (232-233). [3000]. 313 Elster, J., und Geitel, H. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der atmospharischeu Elektrizitat. (Vortrag von H. Geitel.) Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901. (142-149) [1600 C6810 6200]. 314 Emden, R. Beitrage zur Sonnen- theone. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzirr (4 Folge) 7, 1902, Regime pluviometrico in Catania. Agricoltura, Catania, 1901 (90-92). [1150]. 321 r. Mendola, Luigi. ■ V. Ricco, Annibale. Ernst, J. W. La description du tenip.s. Congres internat. meteor, Paris 1901,(12.3-120). [1750]. 322 Eschbacli. i-. Baimagartner et Barre. Eschenhagen, ilax. Report on the magnetic observations made during the total solar eclipse. May 17-18, 1901, at the Magnetic Observatorv, Potsdam,' Germany. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (169.170). [3060 E 4350J. 323 Ueber eine neue Form der Lloyd'schen Wage. Terr. Mag., Wash- ington, D.C., 6, 1901, (59-61). [.3010]. 324 Werte der erdmagnetischen Elemente zu Potsdam fiir das Jahr 1900, sowie der Sacidarvariationen fiir die zeit von 1890-1900. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 6, 1901, (424-427). [3020]. S25 03 Euler, Hang. Ueber den Eiiifluss der Elektrizitiit aiif den Sauerstoffgehalt der Oewasser. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzitr, 21, 1901, (1-G). [IGOO Q ISSl D65()0]. :i2V> Everett, J. D. Underground tem- 2oeratiire. Twenty-second report of the Brit. Ass. Committee. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (64-71). [0850]. 327 SoTinds associated -witli low teniperatui'es. Nature, London, 65, 1901-02, (512). [0800 0400]. 328 Ewaxt, Wm. Report on the Counties of London and Middlesex. Climates and Ijatlis of Great Britain. London, R. iled. Chir. Soc, 2, 1902, (1-80, with 2 maps). [1730]. 329 Exner, Felix il. Ueber den Gleicli- gewichtszustand eines schweren Gases. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folce), 7, 1902, (683-686). [0440 C 0200 2430]. 330 Exner, Franz. Summary of the results of recent investigations in atmospheric electricity. [Conclusion.] Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (1-12). [1600]. 331 Falb, Rudolf. Wetter-Kalender iind Verzeichuis der kritisclien Taee. 1. Halbj. 1902. Berlin (H. Steinitz i. Comm.), 1902, (84). 11 cm. 1 M. [1760]. 332 Farr, C. Coleridge. Report on the magnetic observations made in Clu-ist- church. New Zealand, during the total solar eclipse, May 17-18 1901. Terr. Mag., Washimrton, D.C., 6, 1901, (179- 180). [.3000 "E 4350]. 333 Fassig, Oliver L. The westward movement of the daily barometric wave. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (495-496, with charts). [0750]. 334 Fenech, Luigi. Riassimtodelleosser- vazioni nieteoriclie notate a Messina nel 1899. Torino, Boll. mens. Oss. Mon- calieri, (Ser. 2), 21, 1901, (13). [1840]. 335 Tinji, Giulio. Sopra un registratore dei temporali. Riv. lis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (15-19, con 1 tav.). [0390]. 336 Risultati della registra- zione dei temporali in Kalocsa. Riv. lis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (.396- 400). [1640]. 337 F^nyl, Giulio. Supplemento al regis- tratore dei temporali. Riv. lis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (534-535). [0390]. 338 [Fergola, Emanuele]. Osservazioni meteoriche fatte nel R. Osservatorio di Capodimoute 1901. Napoli, Rend. Ace. sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901. [1820]. 339 Figee, S[Imon]. Uitkomsten van meteorologische waarnemingen in Neder- landsch Indie gedurende het jaar 1898. [Results of meteorological observations made in the Dutch Indies during the vear 1898]. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr., 50, 1901 (307-369). [1150]. 340 Uitkomsten van meteorolo- gische waarnemingen in Nederlandsch- Indie gedurende het jaar 1899, verzameld door het Kon. Magn. en Meteor. Ob- serv. [Results of meteorological oli- servatious made in Netheidand's India during the year 1899, collected by the Rov. Magn. Meteor. Observ.]. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr., 61, (Ser. 10), 5, 1901, 51-111). [1150]. 341 Observations made at the Royal magnetical and meteorological (Jbservatory at Batavia. Containing the results of magnetical observations, made during the period 1882-1899. Batavia, Obsns. Magn. Meteor., 22, (Part 2), 1901, (XIV + 100, with pi.). 37 cm. [0020 3000]. 342 Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch Indie. [Observations of rainfall in Netherland's India]. Ba- tavia, Regenw. Ned. Ind., 22, 1901, (493). 27 cm. [1150]. .343 Findeisen, F. Ueber Gebaude-Blitz- ableiter. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (139-145). [16.30]. 344 Finsterwalder, S. Zur liosimg der Aulgalje I (betr. Netz eines Kugel- ballons). Zs. Math., Leipzig, 46, 1901, (251-253). [0370 A 8850].'^ 345 Flint, Earl. v. Henry, Alfred J. Foerster, [Wilhelm]. Die Erdstrom- Erforschung. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (331-333). [4100]. 346 Fox, W. L. Conspicuous Sun-pillar. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (34). [0540]. 347 and Kitto, Edward. Fal- mouth Observatory meteorological and magnetical tables and reports for the 61 vear 1900 ; also additional meteoro- logical tables for Falmouth for 6 con- secutive lustra, 1871 to 1900, and tables of sea temperature. Reprinted from Falmouth, Rep. R. Cornwall Polvt. Soc. 1900. Falmouth 1901, (28). ' [0880 1800 3040]. 318 Fracastoro, Giovanni. Osservazioni meteoriche fatte nell' Osservatorio me- teorico dell' Istituto tecnico jDrov. di Verona uel 2° semestre 1900. Verona, Mem. Ace. agric, (Ser. IV), 1, 1901, (97-102, con 6 quadri riassuntivi). I1S20 0130]. 349 Frankenfield, H. C. The vrork of the weather ):ureau during the fiscal year i?nded June 30 1899. Verh. intern, GeogrCongr.. 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (729-734). [1700 J 60]. 350 Franz, Jidius. Das Klima von Bres- lau imd das der Schneekoppe. Ein Ver- gleich. ln,,Breslau . . . Eine Fest- gabe", Breslau, 1901, (48-55). [1700 J CO 23]. 351 Fraser, H. A. Denholm. Report on the magnetic observations made at Dehra Dmi, Lidia, during the total solar eclipse of May 17-18, 1901. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (173- 176). [3060 E 4350]. 352 The Uuifilar magnetometer •of the magnetic survey of India. Terr. Mag., Washington. D.C, 6, 1901, (65- 69). [0350 3010]. 353 Freybe. Der Wetterdienst der Land- wirtlischaftsschule zu Weilburg im Sommer 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901,(262-264). [0060 1750]. 354 Fricker, Karl. Das Treibeis der antarktischen Meere. Verh. intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (348-353). [0900 J 31 40]. 355 Frltsclie, H. Apjjlications de la theorie generale du magnetisme terrestre etablie par Gauss. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (240-245). [3li20 .3030]. 356 Froc, [P. Aloys]. L'atmosphere en Extreme Orient pendant les six mois froids, son etat normal, ses perturbations. Avis aux navigateurs. Ami. hydrofrr., Paris, (ser. 2) ,"1901, (117-197, 'av. pi.). [0710 1300 1310 1.500]. 357 Fry, Agnes. Conspicuous Sun PiUar. Svmons' ^[eteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (35). [0540]. 358 Fry, E. Fall of Mud or Dust. Xatnre, London, 65, 1901-2, (317). [1240]. 359 Fry, Isabel. Iridescent cLmds. Sy- mons' Meteor. Mag., Loudon, 36, 1901 (140). [1080]. 3i;a Fiiller, Thomas. An uniisual rain- bow. Xature, London, 65, 1901-2, (273). [0550]. '361 Futterer, K[arl]. Beobachtiingen am Eis? des Feldberges im Schwarzwalde im Winter 1901. Karlsruhe, Verh. natw. Ver., 14, 1901, Abhaudlunaeu, (46-132, mit 6 Taf.). [1270 1280 J 31 G 240]. 3(i2 Gabbitas, W. C. Conspicuous Sun IDillar. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, "(35). [0540]. " 363 Gain, Iguazio. Atmidometro a livello costante. Roma, Mem. .Ycc. Xuovi Lincei, 17. 1901, (165-182). [0290]. 364 Gannett, Henry. Certain persistent errors in geography. [Forests ami climate ; origin of liords ; ocean cur rents and climate, etc.] Xew York. X'.Y., Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, 33, 1901. (259-264). [1700 J 0030 01]. SC:. [Gannot, S. Ja. und Kuznecov, V. V.] ranuoTi., C. H. 11 li\.3iK'noin,, B. 13. MeiK^Niia 1)0411 Li II ii3M'Iii)C-iiia hli- COThl, CKOpOCTII !I IIciniJaiUiMlill .IBiiiKouia oo.iai;oBX, npoii.iBo^cHUbia BT. 1896-97 r. bt, oocepBaxopin Ha IxIblO-ril.I.rt. [Internationale Messungen der llohe, Geschwiudigkeit and Zugrichtung der Wolken in den Jaliren 1896-97 im Observatorium Blue- Hill.] St. Peterburg, Ezenies. met. BiuU. clavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, 5, 1901, (2-6). lllOO]. 366 Garde, T. V. Die Verbreitung des Treibeises in den arktischen Meeren, nach den Arbeiten des Danischen meteorologischen Instituts. Verii. intern. GeogrCongr.. 7, (1899). 2, Berlin, 1901, (343-347). [0900 J 31 40]. 367 The state of the ice in the arctic seas, 1900 [in] Xautical-ileteoro- logical Annual, 1900. Kjobenhavn (Meteorologisk Institut), 1901, (VII- XXIII). 31 cm. [0900]. 368 65 Gardner, 11. D. AVeather ami the Horns of the Moon. Svmous' Meteor. -Marr., Loudon, 36, 1901 ,"(200). [1760]. 3Gy Garrigou - Lagrange, Paul. Les mouvements generaux tie I'atniosphere (hins leurs I'apports avec les positions till soleil et de la lune. Confjres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (158-163). [0460 048U]. 370 Garriott, E[dward] B. Classified weather types. Washington, D.C., r.S. Dept. Agric., ilon. Weath. Piev., 29, 1901, (548-549). [1770]. 371 ilonthlv statement of average weather conditions [January to July]. Washington, D.C., CS. Dept. Agric, Mou. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (21,' 57, 117-118, 163, 208- 209, 238, 307J. [1800]. 372 Forecasts and warnings [for 1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, liJOl, (1-4, 49-51, 99-101, 145-149, 201-204, 24.3-244, 291-293, 341-346, 399-401, 447-448, 489-492, 535-541). [1760]. 373 Garrison, F. Lpiwood. Some effects of deforestation in China. Philadelphia, Pa., J. Frank. Inst., 152, 1901, (141- 152). [1710 M3800]. 374 Gawalowski, A. Adaptiiimg eines gewohnlichen Wetterglases (Birue) zii einem Xormalbarometer mit einfacher Xullpunlitcorrectur. Zs. anal. Chem., Wiesbaden, 40, 1901, (645-646). [02.30 C 0060 D 0910]. 375 Gee, W[illiam]. Snow crvstals. Nature, London, 63, 1901 , (420). ["1270]. 376 Geinc, E. A. v. Heiutz, E. A. Geitel, H. Ueher die durch atmos- pharische Luft induzierte Radioaktivitat. 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An- nali idrografici, Genova, 2, 1901, (68- 70, con 1 tav.). [1450]. 388 Giovannozzi, Giovanni. II Clima del 1900. Anuuario scieutifico industriale. Milano, 37, 1901, (33-35). [1700]. 389 Giudice (Del), G. Correnti nella parte sud del mar Rosso. Annali idrografici, Genova, 2, 1901, (75-76). [1450]. 390 Glaisher, James. Meteorology' of England. Remarks on the weather during the quarter ending March 31, 1900. London, Meteor. Rec. R. Meteor. Soc 20, Xo. 77, 1900. Appendix (10). [1700]. 391 GO Glangeaud, Pli. Formation de nappes de glace, en ete, dans les volcans d'Auvergne. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133,1901,(170-178). [0870]. 392 Glazetorook, R. T. Kotes on the practical application of the theory of magnetic disturbance by earth-currents. Phil. Mag., London, (ser. 6), 1, 1901, (432-442). [3000 C 5440 StiSO]. 393 Notes on the practical application of the theory of uiaguetic disturbaiice by earth-currents. London, Proc. Physic. Soc. 17, 1901, (619-630). 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Temperature and rainfall at Kaikoura,Xew Zealand, Um. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1LI01,( 159-160). [0800 1150]. 421 Guzzanti, Corrado. Osservazioni meteorologiche all'Osservatorio meteo- rologico geodinan'ico in Miueo. Bollet- tino mensile, Caltagirone, (Scute), 1901, (1-3), 25 cm. [1820]. 422 Hapke. Der StaulifaU vom 10. und II. ilarz 1901 und dessen Eisengehalt. Bremen. Abh. natw. Yer., 17, 1901, (228-232). [1510 0420 J 64]. 423 Erlautei-ungen zu den \\ annwasserteicheuNorwegens. Himmel u. Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (472-475, mit Taf.). [0910 J 53]. 424 Haga, W. Report on the magnetic ob.servations made at the University of Groningeu, Holland, during the total solar eclipse of ilav 17, 18, 1901. Terr., Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (129, 172). [3060 E 4350]. 425 Halen, J. van. Was muss man von der Wetterkimde (Meteorologie) wissen? -Mlgemeinverstiindlich dargestellt. Ber- lin (H. Steinitz), 1902, (69). 21 cm. 1 M. [0030]. 426 Hall, Maxwell. Climatological data for Jamaica [for 1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (214^215, 253, 304-305, 352, 407, 497-498). [1840 he]. 427 The Sun -Spot period and the temperatiire and rainfall of Jamaica. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Arrric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (503-504). [0470 1700]. 428 (F-10i81) Hallock, William. Very on atmos- pheric ratliatiou. [Rei'iew.] Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Comi., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (230-234). [0970]. 429 Hann, Julius. Lehrbuch der ileteoro- logie. Leipzicr (Chi-. H. Tauchuitz), 1901, (XlV-f-805. mit Taf.). 26 cm. Geb. 33 M. (auch in 10 Lfs. zu je 3 M.). [0030]. 430 Wissenschaftliche Luft- fahiten. Geogr. Zs., Leipzig, 1901, (121-140). [0370]. 431 Hardwick, Arthm-. Newqxiay clima- tological station. Annual reix)rt of meteorological observations for 1900. Appendix to annual report on the health and sanitary condition of the town and urban district of Xewquav, 1900. Xewqxuav [1901] (8) 21 cm. [1800]. ' 432 Conspicuous Smi-pillar. Svmons' Meteor, ilag., London, 37, 1902, (34-35). [0540]. 433 Harmer, F. W. Influence of the winds upon climate during the pleisto- cene epoch : a palaemeteorological ex- planation of some geological problems. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (405-476), [1300]. 434 Hartl, Hans. Meteorological instru- ments. Sci. .Vmer. Sup., New York, X.Y., 51, 1901, (20962-20963 20978- 20980). [0200]. 435 Hartley, W. X. On haze, dry fog, and hail. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Sec, 9, 1902, (547-555). [1070 1260]. 4.30 Harvey, Ai-thur. The study of ter- restrial magnetism. Pop. Astr., Xorth- field, Mimi., 9, 1901, (467-468) [3000 E 4110]. 437 Magnetic and meteoro- logical observations in the Antartic. London, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (667-669). [1700 3000]: 438 Hawrysiewicz, Julian. v. Birken- majerowa, Zoliu. Hazard, D. L. The Magnetic work of the Xorwegian Xorth Polar Expedi- tion, 1893-96. [Review of "Xorwegian Xorth Polar Expedition, 1893-96. Scientific results. Ed. bv F. 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AVetter, Berlin, 18,1901, (251-256, 276- 2Sl). [1700]. 449 Henry, Alfred J. The Weather of the Month [1901 except July]. Wash- ington, D.C.. U.S. Dept. Aaric, Mon. Weaih. Rev., 29, 1901, (26-28, 76-78, 122-124, 178-180, 221-223, 269-271, 377-379, 424-426, 467-469, 513-515, 568-570). [1840]. 450 [Climatological Records of L^.S. Weather Bureaa Stations, January to December, 1901.] Washington, J).C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (28-47, 78-97, 124-143, 180- 199. 223-241, 271-289, 321-339, 379- 397, 426-445, 469-487, 515-533, 570- 589. With Charts.). [1840 he]. 451 Remarks on [" The Rednc- tion of records of rain gaiiges," by Mark S. W. Jefferson]. NVasliinstou, D.C., U.S. Dept. Aaric, Mon. Weath. Rev. 29, 1901, (500-501). [0100]. 452 [Biographical Notice ofj Dr. Earl Flint. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev, 29. 1901, ifil). [0010]. 453 and Conger, Xorman B. Meteorological Chart of the Great Lakes. No. 1, 1901. Washington, D.C., (U.S. Weather Bureau), 1901, (1-28 witli charts). 31 cm. [1870 g]. 454 Henry, E. Sur le role de la foret dans la circulation de I'eau a la surface des continents. C.-R. cong. soc. sav., Paris, 1901, (264-285). [1710]. 455 Hentschel, Paid. Pflanzenphanolo- gische Beobachtungen. AiJothZta, Berlin, 16, 1901, (272-273). [1720 M 3800]. 456 Hepites, St[efan]. Sur le regime des pluies en Roumanie. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (89-94j [1180]. 457 Hepites, St[efan], C. Leve magiie- tique de la Roumanie. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (237-239). [3020]. 458 Report on [the Magnetic] . . . Observations [made during the total solar eclipse, May 17-18, 1001, at the Magnetic Observatory], Bucharest, [Roimiania]. Terr. Mag., Washineton, D.C, 6, 1901, (171). [3060 E 4350]. Hepworth, il. W. Campbell. Atui.os- pheric dust. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (68). [0420]. 460 Herbertson, Andrew J. The distribu- tion of rainfall over the land (70, witli 13 maps and 1 pi.). 24 cm. Extra publication of the R. Geog. Soc. John Murray, London, 1901. [1180]. 461 69 Hergesell, [H.]. Moteorologische Zusamnicustellungeu von internationalen Balloufalirten. 111. aeron. Mitt., Strass- Imrg, 5, 1901, (61-63). [0400]. 462 Herrmann, E. Die Wittermig zu Tsingtau im Juli, August uud Septem- Ijer, 1900. Nach den Aufzeiclmungen •der K. meteorologiscli-astronomischen station zu Tsingtau. Ann. Hvdrogr., Berlin, 29, 1901, (27-29). [1800 eb]. 463 Herschel, W. J. Sun-pillars. Nature, London, 65. 1901-02, (512). [0540]. 464 Htrtzog, Aug. Der Colmarer Wet- terschiessversuch. Ftihlinss landw. Ztcr, iituttgart, 50, 1901, (542-u45). [1260]. 465 Herve. Xote sur des observations de mirage, faites a bord du croisenr Chasseloup Lauhat, le 27, mai, 1901. Ann. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, <34-35)." [0^20]. 466 Hesehus, X. A. v. Geseclius, X. A. Heurtault. Observations meteoro- logifjues faites pendant I'annee 1899. Gueret, Mem. soc. sci. nat., (ser. 2), 8, 1901, (11-24). [1800]. 467 Heywood, H[enry]. Meteorological •observations in the Societv's [Cardiff] District, 1900. Reprinted from Cardiff, Trans. Xat. Soc, 33, 1900-1901, (19 1. [1800 1180]. 468 Meteorological observa- tions in the Society's District, 1901. r;e])rinted fi-om Cardiff, Trans. Xat. Soc, 34, 1901-2, (21). [1800]. 469 Hildebraadsson, H[ugo] Hildebrand. Bulletin mensuel de I'Observatoij-e Meteorologique de I'universite d'U]isal. Vol. 31, (1900). Upsal, 1900-1901, <77). 33 cm. [1840]. 470 Moderna undersokningar .af atmosfarens hogre rnnder. [Modern explorations of the higher regions of the atmosphere.] Xord. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1901. (39-56, with pL). [0010 0820]. 471 Hildebrandt, Max. Untersuchungen liber die Eiszeiten der Erde, ihre Dauer Tind ihre Ursachen. Berlin (L. A. Kuntze), 1901, (XVI -f 128). 25 cm. C) il. [0840 H 15 E 5000]. 472 Hill, E[rnest] G[eorge]. Report on •cloud observations and measui-ements in the plains of the X'orth-Westeru Pro- vinces of India during the period, December, 1898, to March, 1900. Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 11, pt. iii, 1901, <(253-392. with 15 tablej). [1100]. 473 Hill, G[eorgo] H[enry]. Returns of the rainfall in the Glasgow. Manchester, Ashton, Dewsbury, Stockport, Halifax, Blackburn, Holme Reservoirs, Oldham and Batley Waterworks Districts, 1901. Printed for private circulation, 1902. [1180]. 474 Hoffmann. J. F. 1st die Bestimmuug des Feuchtigkeltsgehaltes der Luft von Wichtigkeit fiir die Praxis der Getreide- lagenmg, uud liisst sie sich leicht aus- f iihren ? Berlin, Jahrb. Versuchsanst. Bran., 4, 1901, (219-226). [1U20 M 3750 3040]. 475 Hoffmann, il. Meteorologische mid experimentelle Beobachtungen iiber Scliossriiben. Bl. Zuckerriibenbau, Berlin, 8, 1901, (1-7). [1710 M 3160 3650 4150]. 476 Holm, J. On Prof. Arrhenius' Theory of cometarv tails and aurora. Xature, London, 65, 1901-02, (415-416). 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[Pubblicazione mensile]. Agnono, 1901, (1-2). [1730]. 484 Horton-Smith, P. The climate of the Midland Counties. London, R. Med. Chir. Soc, Climates and Baths of Great Britain, 2. 1902, (119-180 with map). [1730] 485 70 Houdallle, F. Les orages h grele et le tir des canons. Paris, 1901, (244). 19 cm. [12G0]. 486 Les tirs centre la grele en Italic et les indications scientifiqnes qui en resultent pour la theorie de la forma- tion des liydrometeores. Congres intemat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (182-186). [1260]. 487 HUbner. Eiskugeln. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902,(22). [1260]. 488 Huglies,Luigi. Oceanografia. Torino, Bocca, 1901, "(VII H- 275). 21 cm. [0890]. 489 [Hunter, J.] Meteorological returns at Belper, 1891-1900. Derbysliire Couutv Council, Ann. Rep. M. 0. H., 1900, '(48-51), DeriDv, [1901]. [1800]. 490 Huntington, EUswortli. The Climate of Harpoot, Turkey in Asia. Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. ' Dept. Agric, Mon. Weatli. Rev., 29, 1901, (250-253). [1700 ei]. 491 Hutter, Franz. Wanderimgen imd Forschimgen im Xord-Hinterland von Kamerun. Braunschweig (F. A^ieweg u. S.), 1902, (XllI + 578, mit 2 Karl). 27 cm. 14 il. [1700 J 01 fd P 7600] 492 Hyde, Gustavus A. j f. Abbe Cleve- land. Inferrera, G. lutoriio alia foiTuola pluviometrica di Himiber. Rassegna tecnica, Messina, 1, 1901, (44-46). [1150]. 493 Ingham, W. v. Chandler, Alfred. Innes, R. T. A. Incendiary Light- ning. Symons' ileteor. Maar-, London, 37, 1902," (6). [1630]. " 494 Institut meteorologlque Danois. Les Colonies. Kjobenhavn, Meteor. Aurb., 1898, part 11., 1901, (1-99). [1800]. 495 Les Colonies. Kjoben- havn, Meteor. Aarb., 1899, part 11,1901, (1-97). [1800 da]. Kj6benha\ni, Meteor. Aarb., 1900, part 1., 1901, (1-139). [1800]. 496 Annales de I'observatoire magnetique de Copenhagne, 1897-1898. Copenhague (Gadj, 1901, (45). 33 cm. [3040]. 497 Instituts meteorologiques deNorvfege, de Danemark et de Su^de. Bulletin meteoroloeique du Xord IDUl. Copen- hague, 1901, (190). 21 X 26 cm. [1800] 498 Jabr, E. Untersuchungsergebuisse iiljer den natiirlichen elektrischen Erdstrom. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 23, 1902, (195-197). [4100 C 5680]. ^9 Janke. St. Elmsfeuer [am 11. Dez. 1901]. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902. (21- 22). [1G30]. 500 Janssen, P. J. C. ErofEuungsrede vom internationalen aeronautischen Kongress in Paris, gehalten am 15. September 1900. 111. aeron. ilitt., Strassburg, 5. 1901, (5-7). [0040 B 0040 2860]. 501 Jansson, ilartin. Sur la trombe de Boras le 3 JniUet, 1899 (1900). Stockholm, Yet. Ak. Bih., 26, I, 1901, X" 3 (9 with 4 pi.). [1.580]. 502 Uber die Wanneleitungs- fahigkeit des Schnees. Stockholm, A'et. Ak.^Ofvers., 58, 1901, (207-222 with pi.). [1270 C2020]. 503 Jaubert, Josejjh. Sur Forage du 29 Mai, 1901. Paris, C-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901,(1371-1374). [1210 1640] 504 JeflFerson, Mark S. W. The Rainfall of the Leeward and Windward Islands. Washington, D.C., U.S., Dept., Agric, Mon Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (56-57). [1180]. 505 The reduction of records of rain-gauges. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (499-500). [0100]. 506 Jersey, Observatoire St. Louis. Bul- letin des observations magnetiques et meteorologiques, viii'= annee, 1901. Jersev, St. Heliers, 1901. 4°. [1810 3000]. 507 Johnson, E. W. Rainbow before sunrise. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (11). [0550]. 508 Johnson, S. J. Conspicuous Sirn- pillar. S\'mons' ileteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, ?34;. [0540]. ^ 509 Judd, J. \Y. The recent " blood rains." Xatnre, London, 63, 1901, (514-515). [1240]. 510 Jtilius, W[illem] H[enri]. Le rayon yen. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. Holl., (Ser. 2), 6, 1901, (385-389). [0520 C 3850 E 5400]. 511 71 Jullien, Omer. Le climat de Bonne- ville et des environs. Annecv, 1901, (23). 21 cm. [1700]. " 512 Jungelaus, H. A. Magnetismus nnd Deviation der Compasse in eisernen Schiffen. Fiir den Unterricht in Xavi- gationssclnileniind znm Selbstunterricht. 3. Anfl. Bremerhaven (G. Schippen, 1901, (VIII + 218, mit Taf.). 21 cm. Geb. 5 M. [3090 C 5400]. 513 Kaiser, r[ieter] J[an]. Korte Ijesclirv- viiipr van de nienw ingevoerde naiitische instrumenten der Xederlandsche marine. Derde toevoegsel. [Description siir- eincte des instruments nautiques non- vellement introduits dans la marine de guerre Xeerlandaise. 3me supplement!. Leiden, (E. J. Brill), 1901, (29 av. 2 pi.). 19 cm. [3090]. 5U [Kaminskij.A. A.] KaMnUL'Kiii,A. A. OnptMt.u'HJe aoc^o.iiOTHLixx bbicot-l oapDMeipOBh MeTeopo.ioriiqecKnxi cTaHuiii B^ AaiaicKoii Pocciii. [Ceber die absolute Holie der Barometer auf den meteorologischen Stationeu des asiatischen Russlands]. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser 8), 12, 2, 1901, (II + 84, mit 1 Karte). [0210] 515 ntMjpo.ion. FaBpin.ia HhOB.ieBima Ri 113 mi Ha. [G. Ja. Bliznin.f] St. Peterburg, Ezemes. met. Biull. Glavn. fiz. Obs., 9, S, 1901, (1-2). [0010]. 51G HavHHbie no.ioTM rcp- MaHCKaro oouiecTBa ^.la coatiiciBia Boajyxon.iaBaniio bi liep.iiiiit. [Wissenscbaftliche LuftscbifEahrten des deutsclien Vereins zur Forderung der Luftschiffahrt in Berlin]. (Krit. Referat.) St. Peterburg, Ezemes. met. Biull. Glavn. fiz. Obs., 9. 10, (3-G). 11, (1-5). 1901. [0400]. 517 Kann, Leopold. Selbstregistrierender Apparat zur Messung der Elektrizitats- zerstreumig in der Luft. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (621-023). [0350 C GOlO GSIO]. 518 [Kapustin, F. Ja.] KanycTimx, G. IT. Out. oiipcjt.ieuiii MariiiiTiiWM. a.ie- MCQTOH^ Bl, r. TOMCK^ nOXOJIlblMl Tt'OJO.inrOMl. Bll.n.ja. [Ueber die Bestiiruiiung der magnetischen Ele- mente in Tomsk mittelst des Reise- Tlieodoliten von Wild]. St. Peterlnirg, Dne\-uik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, S, (330). [3020]. 519 Earlinski, Fr[anciszek]. WypaJki spostrzezei'i meteorologicznycb doko- nanych tv Galicyi w roku 1899, zesta- wione w. c. k. Obserwatoryxini astronom. krakowskiem. — 1. Cie2Jlota poAvietrza.— 2. Cisnienie powietr/a. — 3. Sredni kierunek wiati-u. — 4. Stan zaclmmrzenia nieba. — 5. llosc opadu. [Resultats des observations meteor- ologiques effeetuees en Galicie au couraut de I'aimee 1899, compiles a rObservatoire astronomique de Cra- coWe. — 1. Temperature de Pair. — 2. Pression atmospherique. — 3. Direction moyeune dn vent.— 4. Xebulosite. — 5. Quantite des precipitations]. Krakow, Spi-aw. Kom. fizyogi'., 35, 1901, \\o]- [191]). [1840'ft]. y20 Kassner, C[arl]. Ueber das Photo- ijrapbiren von Gewitterwolkeu. -labrb. ■pbot., Halle, 15, 1901, (17-21). [0100 1090 1100 1640]. ' 521 Uel)er die Xiederscbliige in -Mitteldeutsclilaud. Bl. Zuckerrii- benbau, Berlui, 8, 1901, (21-24). [1180]. 522 Ueber die wahre Wetter- lage bei dem Hocbwasser in Schlesien und Oesterreicb Ende Jidi 1897. Zs. Bauw., Berlin, 51, 1901, (453-46G, mit Taf.i. [1210 0710]. " 523 Eater, J. Regenboog met overtallige bogen. [Rainbow with supermimerary arcs.]. Xed. Tijdschr. Meteor., Gronin- gen, 1, 1901, (lOG). [0550]. 524 Kenealy, James. The ileteorological observatory- of Saint Ignatius College, Cleveland, Ohio. Wasliington, D.C., U.S., Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (355).' [0210]. 525 KessUtz, WiUielm. Report o i the magnetic observations made at Pola. Austria, during the time of the total solar eclipse of Mav 17, 18, 1901. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, ,123- 125). [3060 E 4350]. ^ 526 Kih1tna.Ti, A. Osw. Xattfrostema i Finland 1893. [Les gelees de nuit en Finlaude 1893.] Feimia, Helsingfors, 10, Xo. 3, 1894-1901, (1-66 av. 4 pi.), [1710 1290]. 527 72 Kimball, H. H. Tlie seasonal varia- tions in the climate of Antigua, \V. I. Washin£;ton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (1G8-173). [ITUUJ. 528 Snn - spots and the weather. Washington, D.C., U.S. Deiit. Agric., Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (248-249). [0470]. 529 The general circulation of the atmosphere especially in the Arctic Eegions. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, 408-418). [1310]. 530 Some causes of the variability of earthshine. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric. Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901. (209-211). [0970 C 4210]. 531 ■ Ice - caves and frozen •wells as meteorological phenomena. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (366-371 with pi.] [0870 H 10]. 532 Kitto, Edward. v. Fox, Wilson Lloyd. Kjobenhavn Meteorolo^sk Institut. Verjkaart for 1901. [Weather charts lor 1901.] Kjobenhavn (Meteorologisk Institut), 1901, 28 cm. [1830 1770]. (Sec also No. 262 p. 60). 533 — • ilaanedsoversigi overVejr- forholdene [Weather reports — Monthly]. Kjobenhavn (Meteorologisk Institut), 1901. 42 cm. [1840 f/a]. 534 Klein, C[arl]. Resultate der Untcr- suchung der Proben des am 10. bez. 11. Marz 1901 in Italien, Oesten-eich raid Deiitschland gefalleueji Staubregens. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (012- ■613). [1240]. 535 Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die elljiihrige Periode der Sonnenflecke und der Cirrus- wolken. Sirius, Leipzig, 34, 1 901 , (204- 206). [0470 1080 E4110]. 536 Die Erforschung der hohen Schichten der Atmosphare und ihre Be- deutung. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (11- 22, 513-527, mit 2 Taf.). [0400 0820 1310]. 537 Strenge Winter. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (223-233). [1700 I860].'' 538 Ein neucr Wetterprophet [betr. die Prognosen v. A. Brotz]. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (351-354). [1760]. 539 Klein, [Hermann J.]. Jahrbuch der Astronomic und Geophysik. Enthaltend die wichtigsten Fortschritte auf den Geljieten der Astrophysik, Meteorologie und physikalischen Erdkunde, hrsg. v. Hermann J. Klein. Jg 11, 1900. Leipzig (E. H. Maver), 1901, (VIII + 379, mit 5 Taf.). 22 cm. 7 M. [0010 J 0010 E 0010]. 540 Klengel, Friediich. Uebcr das Wct- terschiessgebiet bsi Windisch-Feistritz im siidlichen Steiermark. Wetter, Ber- lin, 18, 1901, (217-226), (247-251), (270- 276). [l-Jmi 541 Knauthe, Karl. Gewitter imd Fisch- sterben. D. landw. Presse, Berlin, 28, 1901, (101-102). [1640 t^) 0150 N 5411]. ■ 512 Gewitter und Fischsterl)en. Zool. Garten, Frankfurt a. M., 42, 19(Jl, (153-156). [1640 N 5411]. 543 Knight, G. McKenzie. A triple rain- l)o\v. Knowledare, London, 24, 1901, (231). [0550]. " 544 Knight, Wni. A. The zodiacal light and .Sun-]iil]ars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-1.12, .1.39 ■. [0540]. 545 Knott, Stratton C. ifeteorological observations taken at Majunga, Mada- gascar, 1900. London, Q.J.R. Meteor, ttoc, 27, 19(11, (.306-308). [1800 17C0]. 54() Kncwles, H.- B. Sun-pillars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2. (536). [0540]. 547 Kniidsen, !\lartln. Hydroara])hical tables. Copenhagen 1901. (V + 63). 24 em. [(J 120]. 548 Koch, K. G. V. Sreznevskij, B. I. Koch, K. R. Untersuchungen iiber die Xatur des Blitzes. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (715-718). [1630 C 6820]. 549 Konig, Fr. Die Verteilung des Wassers iiber, auf imd in der Erde, uud die bich daraus ergebende Entstehung des (irundwassers und seiner Quellen mit einer Kritik der bisherigen Quellen- (heorieen. Jena (H. Costenoble), 1901, (VII -I- 159). 24 cm. 4 M. [1150 KJlji) J 50]. 550 Koenig, \\'alter. r. Ziegler, Julius. Kcerber, F[elix]. Das Wiirmegleich- gewicht der Atmosi^hiire nach den Vor- stellungen der kinetischen Gastheorie. Zs. i)irvsik. Unterr., Berlin, 14, 1901, (290-292). [0800 C 0200]. 554 73 Kovessi, F. Influence des conditions cliniatologiques sui' la vegetation des sarments de la vigne. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132. 1901, (857-859). [1710]. 555 [Kolmovskij, A. I.] Ko.IMOBCKiii, A. II. (IpeAiii.'i ci;ojM)CTii luuu- Maro ^Bn'/Keniji oo.iaiiOBi.. [Mittlere Oeschwindigkeit des sichtbaren Wol- kenzuges.] Met. Vest., St. Peterburcf, 1901, (-'07-212;. [1100]. 556 Eoppen, W. Flug eJnes ungefes- selten Hargrave-Di-achens. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (257-202, 273-276). 10360 0820 1030 B 28i0]. 551 Leber die Verwendung von Drachen zu meteorologischen Zv.-ecken imd die Drachenversuche der Deutsclien Seewarte. Hamburg, Verb, natw. Ver., (3. Folge^ 8, (1900), 1901, (XI-XIIlj. [0360]. 552 Zwei Bemerkungen zum letzten Novemberlieft der Zeitscbrift fiii" Luftschiffahrt. 1. Grosste gemessene Windgeschwindigkeit in Stiirmen. -. Segelnde Papier\-6gel. 111. aeron. Mitt., Strassburg, 5, 1901, (162-163). •[1330 B 2810]. 553 [Korostelev, X. A.] KopOCTO.ICBI., 11. A. Oi;paiii('iiii[>ie oca,u;ii cl nbi.ir.K), iiaG.iiOAaiiiiiieca bi. Mapit 1901 ro^a. [Gefiirbter Xiederschlag mit Staub, beobachtet im Marz 1901]. St. Peterbiirg, Ezemes. met. Biull. glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, 3, 1901, (2). [1210]. 557 [Kosac, M. P.] Koca-n., M. 11. IlcnpeiibiBiiLiii iiHTorpaTop'i. cu.ili jiliTpa 11 ero aiiepriii. [L'nunter- l)rocbene Registrifiiing der Windstiirke], St. Peterbnrtr. Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. je.st. vrac., 1901, 7, (291-292). [0220]. 558 Ki. Teopin rpaja. [Zur Hageltheorie]. St. Peterburg, I)ne^^lik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 1, (118-119). 1260]. 559 [Kotelov, I\.] KOTO.IOB'I., K. Ml- Tt'Ojio.iorii'iecKaa xapaKTopiicTflKa ]}ofTOi;a Pocciii :ja 1898 r. {Meteorologische C'haracteristik Ost- Russlands fiir das Jahr 1898]. Kazant, :iap. Univ., 68, 11, 1901, (81-110 mit 1 Curveutaf.). [1800]. 560 Krakdw, K. K. Stemwarte. Meteoro- logische Beobacktuugeu, angestellt an der k. k. Stemwarte in Krakau in den Jahren 1896-1900. Krakau, 1901, (6), 23 cm. [0020 1810]. 561 Resultate der an der k. k. Sternwarte in Krakau angestellteu meteorologischen Beobachtungen 1900. Krakau. 1901, (3). [0020 18l0]. 562 Krakow Towarzystwo Kopernica Przyrodnikow, Polskich. Odczyty o powietrzu, urzgdzone starauiem Krakow- skiego Oddzialu Polskiego Towarzystwa Przyrodnikow im. Kopernika, w marcu 1900 roku. [Conferences sur Pair, organisees par la Section de Cracovie de la Societe Copernic des X^aturalistes Polonais au mois de mars 1900]. War- szawa-Krak6w,[1901], (6 + 132), 21 cm. [UOIOI. [C, D, H, J, L, Q, R. 0010] 563 Kramsztyk, Stanislaw. Meteorologia. W : Michalski St. i Heflich Al. Poradnik dla samoukow, Cz. I, wyd. 2-gie. [Me- teorologie. Dans : Michalski, St. et Heflich, Al., Guide jDour les autodidactes, 2-de edition, 1-re partie]. Warszawa, 1901, (116-181). 0050 0030].' 564 Wstep do nauk jjrzyrod- niczych. W. Michalski, St. i Heflich, Al., Poradnik dla samoukow. Cz. I, wyd. 2-gie. [Introduction aux sciences naturelles. Dans : Michalski, St. et Heflich, Al., Guide pour les autodidactes] 2**= ed., 1" partie., Warszawa, 1901, (28- ■17). 0050 0030J. 565 Eranz, Iguacy. Elektrycznosc w atmosferze. W : Odczyty o powietrzu. [Sur I'Electricite atmospherique. Dans : Conferences sur Pair]. Warszawa — Krakow, [1901], (58-65). [1600 0010]. 566 Krassnow, Andreas. Die Stellung von Kolchis in den feuchten subtropi- schen Gebietender Erde. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (129-435). [1700 J 60 M 8000]. 567 [Krat, G.l KpaiT., T. K'l. Bonpocv 0 Beroiauioiiubixi. nepioAaxi.. [Zur Frage der Vegetations-Perioden.] Journ. exp. I^ndw., St. Peterburg, 4, 1901, (455-463). [1700]. 568 Krauss, Friedrich. Die Zimahme der Temperatur im Erdinnern. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 57, 1901, (CXVI-CXVIll). [0800 .1 10]. 509 71 Krebs, W. Anomales Aiiftreten von Nachtfrost, zusanimeiifallend mit dialy- tischen Bliithenanlagen an Convolvulus arvensis. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 72, II, 1, 1901, (50-51). [1720 if 1880 1500]. 570 Krone, Hermann. Der grline Strahl kurz vor dem Untei'gang der iSoime. Jahrb. Phot., HaDe, 15, 1901, (12-17). [0520 C3230]. 571 Kiihle. Mondhof. "Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (72). [0540]. 572 Kulecza, von. St. Ehnsfeiier. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (120). [1G.30]. 573 [Kuznecov, V. V.] Ky3HeH0Bl,,B- B. Tlojen, Ha BosAyiiiuoMi. map-fe „ FeHepa.n. SaooTKiiux" 8 Honojia H. CT. 1900 r. (X MeiK^ynapoAewii nO.lCTX.) [Ascension snr I'aerostat , .General Zabotkine" le 8 novemln-e 1900. (la X aso. intemat.) ]. St. Peterbnrg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 15, 2, 1901, (217-227, av. 1 pi.). [0100]. 574 V. Gannot, S. Ja. [Lacinov, D. A.] .la'nillOBX, 4- A. ()6t 3.ieKTpnepb]. [Ueber das electrisclie Feld der Atmosphare.J. St. Peterbm-g, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 4, (118). [1600]. 575 Lalime, Capitaine. Xiote sur le cyclone du 7 aout 1899 a la Gnadeloupe. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (301-30G). [1550]. 576 Lamb, Edmund. Climatological observations taken at Borden Wood, Chithurst, Sussex, during the year 1900. 26 X 32 cm. Printed for private circu- lation [1901]. [1800]. 577 Climatological observations taken at Borden Wood, Chithurst, Sussex during the year 1901. Printed for private circidation [1002]. 26 x 33 [1800]. r.78 Lampe, Eduard. Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen der Station II. (3rdnung Wiesbaden im Jahre 1900. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Xalk., 54, 1901, Anh., (1-51). [1840]. 579 Lancetta, Pietro. Pluviometro regis- tratore della durata e della interruzione della pioggia che pxib cadere nelle 24 ore dell'intera giornata. Riv. scientif.- industr., Eirenze, 1901, (161-163). Elettricita, Mihmo, 20, 19Ul, (775-777). [0300]. 580 Lancetta, Pietro. Elettrografo. Elet- tricista, Roma, 10, 1901, (61-63). [03501 581 ' Elettrotelhirografo, nuovo istrumento rivelatore e registratore delle correnti elettrotelluriche. Elettricista, Roma, 10, 1901, (113-114.. [OSoOy 582 Risultato delle osservazicni fatte nell'anno 1900 neH'Osservatorio meteorologico del R. Istituto tecnico di Girsenti. Gircenti, 1901, (30 con 2 tav.), cm. 31. [1700]. 583 Lang, H. von. Die Eiszeiten imd ihre Perioden. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 57, 1901', (219-239j. [1700 H 15 E 5000 J 60]. 584 Langley, S[amuel] P[ierpont]. Note [on solar changes of temperature and variations in rainfall in the region su)romuling the Indian Ocean, by Sir X^onnan Lockyer]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst, Rep., 1900, 1901, (183-184). Published as separate. 24 cm. [0460 1150 E 4070]. 585 Lapparent, A. de. La fossilisation de Fimponderahle. Xature, Paris, 29, 1901, (2<-semest.), (210-212). [3070]. 5SC. Larroque, F. Les ondes hertziennes dans les orages. Paris, C.-R. Acad. «ci., 133, 1901, f.36). [1630]. 587 Lazarus-Barlow, W. S. The climate of Xorthmnberland, Durham, and York- shire. London, R. iled. Chir. Soc. Climates and baths of Great Britain, 2, 1902, (230-285). [1730]. 588 Le Coispellier. Xote sur nne de- pression traversee le 5 Mars 1901 par le paquebot Armand Bfliic. Ann. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (104-110, kv. pL). [1550]. 589 Leech, D. I. The climate of North Wales. London, R. Med. Chir. Soc. Climates and baths of Great Britain, 2, 1902, (286-328). [1730]. 590 Legrand, Emmanuel. Anemometre electriqiie a indications a distance. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (323). [0310]. 591 Lemme, Walther. Ueber die Wirkung von lonen auf den Dampfstrahl und die Grosse der von ihnen mitgefiihrten Ladungen. Xatw. Rdsch., Braimschweig, 16, 1901, (621-625). [1170 C 4240 1840 6250]. 592 Lemoine, Georges. Les procrres de la ineteorolo.fiie en France dans la seconde moitie du XIX"^ siecle, Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 15, 1901, (321-327). [0010 OOJtO] 593 Les progres recents de la meteorologie en France dans la seconde moitie du XIX*" siecle. Amm. soc. meteor.. Paris, 49, 1901, (113-121). [0040]. 594 Lenz. Ergebnisse der magnetischen Beobachtmigen im Jahre 1903. Beilage zu GUickaiif, Essen, 37, 1901, Xo. 0. (13, mitl Taf.). [-3040]. 595 Die mugnetisclie Lan- Gliickauf, Essen, 37, 596 desaiifnaiime 1901, (234-2.35). [3020]. Lerebotrrs. Colonnes luniineiises observees en octobve 1901. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (308-309). [0520]. 597 Lespinasse de Saime. Xote sur un typhon essuye le 3 aout 1901, an mouillage de la baie de Sam-Sah, (cote orientale de Cliine), par le croiseur le Degcartes. ^Vnn. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (114-116).' [1550]. 598 Less, E[niil]. Meteorologisclie Beo- bachtiingen. Berlin, Arb. D. Landw- Ges., 62, 1901, (173-178). [1270 0810]. 599 Lewis, R.T. Double rainbow. Know- ledge, London, 24, 1901,(204). [0550]. 600 [Leyst, E. E.] .leiiCTT., 9. E. .l\lia II norOAa. [Mond and Wetter]. Zemlevedenije, iloskv-T, 1901, I-II, (70-84). [0480 E 4880] 601 0 pajyr'fe vh Pocciii. [De I'arc-en-ciel en Eiissie]. ilet. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901,(323-332,422-429). [0550]. 602 Ueber den Regenbogeu in Rn>slaad. Moskva, Bvdl. Soc. X'at., 1901, 1 and 2, (102-184j. [0550]. 603 Licitra, Angelo e Baroni, Isidoro. 11 discors'j meteorologico di Don Giobatta Hodierna. Astrofilo, Milano, 8, 1901, (119-123). [0010 0040]. 604 Lindemann, C. H. Bezieliungen zwibchen der allgemeinen Luftdruckver- theilung und den Witterungsverhalt- nissen in Sachsen im ersten Halbjahr 1901 uach Dekadeu. Dresdener landw. Presse, 22, 1901, (589-591). [1840). 605 Linden, H[endrik] van der. Irisee- rende wolken. [Iridescent clouds). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor. Groningen, 1, 1901, (61), (75-6). [0540]. 606 Lindner, 'Mux. Der Blitzscbutz. Praktische Anleitung zur Projektiermig, HersteUimg imd Priifung von Gebaude- Blitzableitern jeder Art auf Grtmd der neueren Anscliauungen iiber das "^A esen der Blitzentladungen. Leipzig (G- Leiner), 1901, (V + 176). 20 cm. 2 M. [1630]. GO I Linke, F. Ueber die Bedeutung aiif- nnd absteigender Luftstrome fiir die atmospharische Elektricitat. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (231-235). [1610J. 608 Linke, Franz. Eine Landung im Gebirge. lU. aeron. ilitt., Strassburg, 5, 1901, (93-95). [0400]. 609 Littlehales, G[eorge] \V[askington]. Residts of some recent magnetic in- vestigations in Italy. [Review of Italian publications]'. Terr.' Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (89-90). [3000]. 610 Lockyer, William J. S. X long period sunspot variation. Xature, London, 64, 1901, (196-197). [0460]. 611 The solar activity, 1833- 1900. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1001, (285-300). [0460]. 612 When clouds collide. The Roval, London, 6, 1901, (257-262). 25 'cm. [1630]. 613 Loevy, W. Ueber die Elektrlzitats- zerstreuung in der Luft. Physik. Zs., Leipzig, 3, 1901, (106-107). [1600 C 68in\ G14 London, British Balneological and Climatological Society. The Journal of Balueolog\- and Climatology, 5, 1901, (1-88). London (John Bales, Sons and Donaldson, Ltd.), 1901. [0020]. 615 London. Hydrographic Department, Admiralty. Li-t of oceanic depths and serial temperature observations received at the Admiralty during the year 1900, from H.M. surveying ships, Indian Marine Survey and British Submarine Telegraph Companies. London (Potter), 1901. 33 cm. [0890]. 616 76 London, National Physical Laboratory. Hejiort on the observatory department for the vear ending December 31, 1900. London,' Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1931, (i2l- 453). [0020 0210]. G17 London. Royal Medical and Chirur- gical Society. The climates and baths of Great Britain, being a report of a (•ommittee. Volume II. The climates of London and of the central and northern i^ortions of England, together with those of Wales and of Ireland. London, (.Macmillau and Co.), 1902, (1(3 -f 628 + 7 maps). 22 cm. [17301. ('.18 London, Royal Meteorological Society. The Meteorological Record. Monthly results of observations made at stations of the Royal Meteorological Society, ■with remarks on the weather for the quarter ending Mar. 31, 1900, bv William Mar- riott, ^^20, Xo. 77, (1-16). London, (E. Stanford), 1901. [0800 0860 09.50 1180]. 619 Quarterly Joui-nal of the Roval Meteorological Societv. 27, 1901, (7 + 320, and 2 pi.). London, (E. .Stanford), 1901. [0020J. 621 London. Meteorological OfiBce. Tem- 23?rature tables of the Uritir^h Islands. l)aily means for the thirty years 1871 to 1900, with diagrams and additional tables, (11+ 120, and 5 pi.). 31 cm. Published by the authority of the Meteorological Council. Official Xo. 154. London, 1902. [0800]. C<22 Hourlv means of the readings obtained fi-om the self-recording instruments at the five ol^servatories under the Meteorological Coimcil, 1897. Official No. 145. London, (Evre & Spot- tiswoode), 1900. (Xll + 240). 31 cm. {1810]. 623 Hourlv means of the readings obtained from the self-recording instruments at the five observatories epuaio B03Ayxa. [Uelier die lonisierung der atmosjjha- rischen Lxift.] ilet. "Vest., St. Peter- bmu, 1901, (129-432). [1600 C 5270]. 662 Malewski, B. Przyczynek do klima- tolop;ii i zdrowotuosci Naleczowa i jego okolic. • [fitude sur la climatologie et la sakdjrite de Xal(^cz6w et de ses envi- rons]. Zdrowie, Warszawa, 17, 1901, (758-768). [1730 clh]. 663 Malta. Results of meteorological olDservatious taken at St. Ignatius' Col- lege, Malta, by the Rev. J. F. Dobson, 1900; appendix to the Stonyliurst Obsns., (60-78). [1800]. 664 Mannelli, M. Ceiuii sulle isole Sey- chelles. Condizioni climatiche e sani- tarie. xVimali idrografici, Genova, 2, 1901, (122-129, con 1 tav.). [1700]. 665 Marchand. Meteorologie et clima- tologie Pyreneennes. Observatoire du Pic du Midi [decern bre 1900-fevrier 1901]. Bagneres de Bisorre, Bui. soc. Ramond, (serie 2, 6), 36, 1901, (126- 133). [1800]. 666 Marchand, E[uiile]. Sur les relations des ] )lienomenes solaires avec ceux de la physique du globe terrestre. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901,(148- 157). [0450]. 667 MarcM (De), Luigi. r. Cantone Michele. Maring, D. T. Weather Bureau Exhiljit at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, N.Y., [1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (259-262, with pi.). [0060]. 6G8 Markham, Christopher A[lexander]. Meteorological reports and observations for Northamptonshire, 1899-1900. [A collection of meteorological reports for each year from the Xorthampton J. Nat. Hist. Soc.]. Xorthampton, Jos. Tebbutt, 1901. [1800]. 669 Markwick, E. E. Smiset phenomenon. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (88). [0510]. 67U Marlborough College, Natural History Society. Meteorological report, 1900. Marlborough, Rep. Coll. Xat. Hist. Soc, 1900, (83-104). [0020]. 671 Marriott, William. Remarks on the weather over England and Wales for the quarter ending March 31, 1900. London, Meteor. Rec. R. Meteor. Soc, 20, 1900, (1-3). [1700]. 672 Aa account of the bequest of George James Sjonons, F.R.S., to the Roval Meteorological Societv. London, Q. J. R. Meteor.- Soc, 27, 1901, (241- 2GU). [0030 0010]. 673 Atmospheric currents. Aeronautical Joiirnal, London, 6, 1902, (7-10). [0360 1350]. 674 The special characteristics of the weather of March, 1901. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (185- 193). [1700]. 675 Lispection of [Royal ileteorological Society's] Stations, 1900. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, lOOl, (206-212). [0210]. 670 Marseille. Bulletin annuel de la Com- mission de meteorologie du departement des Bouches-du-Rhone. Marseille, 19, 1901, (X + 108, av. pi.). 28 cm. [0020 1800]. 677 Marson, Luigi. Sui gliiacciai del Bernina. Roma, Boll. Soc. geogr. ital., (Ser. 4), 2, 1901, (916-929). [0910]. 078 Martel. Typhon des 21 et 22 aout (1900) essm-e a Hoi-Hao, ile de Hainan, par le Kersabit. Ann. hydrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (111-112, av.pl.). [1550]. 679 Marvin, C[harles] F[rederick]. The measurement of sunshine and the pre- liminary examination of Angstrom's pyrhelioraeter. Washington, D.C., CS. liept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (454-458, with pi.). [0330 0950 E 4200]. 680 Mascart, E. Perturbations mag- netiques produites par les tramways electriques a 1' Observatoire de Nice. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. Holl., (Ser. 2), 6, 1901, (550-554). [3010]. 081 Mascart, Jean. Rayons limiineux divergents a 180° du soleil. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (480). [0520]. 082 Matliias, E[unle]. Etudes sur le magnetisme terrestre de la region tou- lousaine. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (226-23?) [3020], 683 79 MatMas, [Euiile]. iSurla loi de distri- bution reguliere de la declinaisou et de I'inclinaison maguetiques ea France an ler Janvier 189G. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. HoU., (Ser. 2). 6, I'JOl, (412- ■120). [3020]. 684 Calcul de la £ormule defi- nitive donnant la loi de la distribution reguliere de la composaute horizontale du maguetisme terrestre en France au 1' Janvier 1890. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (320-322). [3020]. 685 Sui- la loi de distribution de la composaute horizontale du magne- tisme terrestre en France. J. phvs., Paris, (ser. 3), 10, 1901, (116-123). [302(i\ 686 Mathias, F. Sur la distribution re- gidiere de la declinaisou et de I'in- clinaison magnetiques en France au l-- Janvier 1896. Paris, C.-Pt. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (864-867). [3020]. 687 Maurer, Hans. Meteorologische Beo- baclitungen in Deutsch-Ost-Airika. Th. 1. Aufzeichuuugeu der Registrir- apparate. D. iibers. met. Beob., Ham- burg. 10, [1901], (VI, 182, mit Taf.). [ISOO]. 688 Mawley, Edward. The ^veather of tlie past rose year [1899-1900]. The Rosarian s Year Book, London, 1901, (15-59). IS cm. [1710]. 689 The Aveather of the past rose year, 1900-1901. The Rosarian's Year " Book, Loudon, 1902, (13-58). [1710]. 690 Report on the pheno- logical observations for 1900. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. .Soc, 27, 1901, (117-139, and pi.) [1720]. 691 Report on the pheno- logical observations for 1901. London, Q.'J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (69-92, and pi.). [1720]. 692 Report ou phenological phenomena ol^sen-ed in Hertfordshire during the vear 1900. Hertford, Trans, yat. Hist. ■ Soc, 11, 1901-2, (53-59). [1720; 693 [Maydel, K] Maii.U'-It, 3. O'lCpKl. iiar.iIiAOBanifl arMOc^epbi no- cpe4CTB0M^ Bos.iyuiebixx iiiapoBi n SMlieBx, (nepeBOAT, ('^ iitM.) [Ceber die Erforschung der Atmosphiire mittelst BaUons & Drachen. (Uebers.)]. Morsk. sboru., St. Peterburg, 1901, U& 12. <69-78. 89-94). [0400J. 694 Meech, Levi W. The Moon and the weather. ^Vashington, D.C., L'.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (372). [0480]. 695 Meinardus, W[iLhelm]. Der Staubfall vom 10. imd 11. Marz 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (73-78). [1240]. 696 Einige Beziehungen zwi- schen der Witterung und den Ernte- ertragen in Xord-Deutschlaud. Verh. intern. GeogrCougr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (421-428, mit 1 Taf.). [1710 J 60 M 3200]. 697 Einige Beziehimgen zwi- schen der Wittening imd den Ernte- Ertrageu in Xord-Deutschland. [Vor- tracr.] ■ Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (114- 120). [1710]. 69S Uebersicht iiber die Wit- terung in Central-Europa. Wetter, BerHn, 18, 1901, (20-21, 45-46, 63-64, 88-90, 112-113, 132-133, 160-161, 183- 184, 205-207, 231-232, 258-259, 281- 283). [1840]. 699 Uebersicht uber die Wit- terung in Central-Eui-opa, 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (17-18, 40-41). [1840]. 700 Melander, G[ustaf]. L'influence du Vesuve sur I'air des environs. Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc, Helsingfors, 43. 1901, (148-160). [0420 1080]. 701 Meldola, R. Frost patterns. Xature, London, 65, 1902, (222). [1280]. 702 Mellish, Henry. The weather of 1901, at Hodsock Priory, Woi'ksop. (6 and Table). 22 em. Printed for private circulation [1902]. [1800]. 703 The weather of 1900, at Hodsock Priory, Worksop, with tables for the 25 years 1876-1900. Printed for private circulation [1901], (20). 22 cm. [1800]. 704 The seasonal rainfall of the British Isles. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (79-93). 11180]. "705 Mendola, Luigi. La pioggia in Catania dal 1865 al 1900. Sunto. Catania, Bull. Ace. Gioenia, 70, 1901, (2.3-24). [1180]. 706 e Eredia, Filippo. La temperatura atmosferica in Catania dal 1817 al 1900. Catania, Atti Ace Gioenia, (Ser. 4), 14, 1901, (Memoria XV), (1-42). [0130 0800]. 707 Andamento aunuale della differenza di temperatura 80 fra .cli Osservatori meteoiici della Jl. Universita di Catania. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia, (Ser. -1), 14, 1901, (Memoria IV), (1-17, con 1 tav.). [0830]. 708 Merz, E. L. A warm month [Jnly 11)01] at Newcastle. Svmons' Meteor. Man. London, 36, 1901, (U9)- [0840]. 709 Messeri, V. Annotazioni alle ossev- vazioni meteorologiclie del dicemlire 1900 [i'atte al R. Museo di fisica e storla natnrale di Fireuze]. BuUettino della R. Societa toscana di orticultnia, Firenze, 26, 1901, (.31). [1700]. 710 Meunier, Stanislas. Snr la plnie de sang ol)servee a Palerme dans la'mit du 9 au 10 Mars 1901. Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 132, 1901, (894-896). [1240]. 711 Meuse. Commission meteorologique de la Meuse. Compte-rendn des oh- t^ervations faites a Bar -le- Due et snr ilifferents points du department pendant I'annee meteorologic^ue 1900. Bar-le- Duc, 18, 1901, (X + 29 + d 74, av. pi.). 25 cm. [0020 1800]. 712 Michalski, Rtanistaw ex Heflicli, Aleksander. Poradnik dla samoukow. Czesc I. Wydanie drugie, przerobione i xizupelnione. Matematyka. Nauki ]irzyrodnicze. [Guide jDour les auto- didactes, 2*^" ed., 1" partie. Sciences niatlieniatiques et naturelles]. Par : MM. WL Bieganski, W. Biernacki, O. Bajwid, S. Dickstein, J. Eismond, E. Flatau, S. Kramsztj-k, N. Kostanecki, L. Krzynicki, A. Kuczynski, J. Lewinski, A. Mahrburg, L. Marchlewski, J. Morozewicz, WL Natanson, J. Mus- haum, J. Peszke, W. Swigtecki et E. Strumpf. Editeurs MM. Stanislaw Miclialski et Aleksander Heflich. Warszawa, 1901, (XLIl + 728). 23 cm. [0050 0030]. 713 Midgley, W[illiam] "\V[alIer]. Annual report of the museums and meteoro- logical observatory of Bolton lor 1900. Bolton, W. and J.R. Morris, 1901, (15). 21 cm. [1800]. 714 Annual report of the museums and meteorological observa- torv of Bolton for 1901. Bolton, (J. W. Gledslade), 1902, (10). [1800]. 715 [Mill, Hugh Robert]. The blood-rain jilant at Camden Square. Symons' J\Ieteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (33- 34). [1240]. 716 [Mill, Hugh Robert]. Demchiiisky's ■weather forecasts for April [1901]. Svmons' ^Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (o3-50). [1750]. ' 717 International investigation of the sea and air. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36,1901,(74-76). [08S0J. 718 The London thunderstorm of Julv 25th [1901]. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., "London, 36, 1901, (109-112). [1G40 1210]. 719 Meteorology on the British Antarctic Expedition. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (125-128). [0100]. 720 Deficient rainfall in Sep- tember 1901. Svmons' Meteor. Mag.. London, 36, 1901, (148-149). [1220], 721 Rainfall and storms in November [1901]. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (179-lSl). [1220]. 122 Dust-showers in the south- west of England. [Jan. 22-23, 1902]. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (1-4). [1240]. 72:! The high jiressure ii' .Tanuarv [1902]. Symons' Meteor., Mag., London, 37, 1902, (4-6). [0700]. 724 ■ Climate and the effects of climate. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27,1901,(169-184). [1700]. 725 Meteorolog_y and clima- tology. Hints to Travellers, Vol. II. 8ed. published by R. Geog. Soc, London, 1901, (1-51, with 5 maps). [0030]. ' 726 Extremes of climate in the British Empire. Natiire, London, 65, 1901-2, (318). [1700] 727 Rainfall and population of England and Wales in relation to water supplies. London, J. Sanit. Tnst., 22, 1901, (48.3-494). 1902. [11.50]. 728 The voyage southward of the " Discovery." I. London to Madeira. London, Geog. J., 19, 1902, (417-423). [0390]. " 729 The Ilklev flood of Julv 12th [1900]. Brit. Rain, London, 1900, 1901, (16-22 and 2 pi.) [1210 1640]. 730 81 [Mm, Hugh Ro1>ert]. Tlie develup- ment of raiufall measurement iu the last forty vears. Brit. Raiu, Londou, 1900. 1901. ' (23 15). [0010 03001. 731 [0010 0300J. 731 V. Wallis, H[erbert] Sowerby. Millot, C. Xotious de meteorologie utiles a la geographie phvsique. Paris- Naiicv, 1901, (VI- 287). 25 cm. [00.30]. 732 Milne, Jolm. Meteorological pheno- meiia in relation to changes in the vertical. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (9-17). [0720]. 733 Mitchell, Fev. J. Cairns. Results of meteorological observations taken in Chester during 1900. Chester, Proc. Soc. Xat. Sci., 1900-1901, (13-19). [1800]. 734 Mitchell, W. II. Cimiidus clouds formed by smoke. Washington, D.C.. U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (498). [0420 1080]. 735 Mohn, H. The Norwegian raiirfall service. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36. 1901, (SO-81). [1150]. 736 De hpieste luft-tempera- turer i Xorge. [The highest tempera- tures of the air in Xorwav.] Bergen, Xatiu-en, 25, 1901, (337-344, with 2 maps). [1700 0840]. 737 Klima-Tabeller for Xorge. Xlll. Xedl)(ir-Vindroser. (Wind-roses of the rainfall in Xorwav). Kristiania, Skr. Vid. selsk. L I. 1900, 1901, (43). [1300]. 738 Ercebnisse der meteoro- logischeu Beobachtungen der Norwegi- schen Polar-Expedition mit der ,,Fram" 189.3-1190. A'erh. intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (668-670). [1840 /:, J 60 7v]. 739 Moidrey, J. de. Magnetic observa- tions in south-east China. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (186). [3020]. 740 Reix)rt on the magnetic observations made at the magnetic observatory at Z-Ka-Wei, China, during the total solar eclipse. May 17-18, 1901. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (177-178). [3060 E 4350]. 741 (F-10481) Monne, A[lhert] J[au]. Overzicht der onweders in Xederland. [Siunmary of thunderstonns in the Netherlands]. Xed. Tvdschr. Meteor., Groninsen, 1, 1901, (179-181). [1640]. ' 742 Sneeuwstorm. [Snow- storm]. Xed. Tvdschr. Meteor., Gro- niugeu, 1, 1901, (154-155). [1270]. 743 AVeerktmdige waarnemin- gen te Utrecht, 1 Dec. 1848-1896. [Meteorological observations at Utrecht, Dec. 1 1848-1896], Xed. Tvdschr. Meteor., Grouiugeu, 1, 1901, (20-28). [0130]. 744 Onthulling van het monu- ment van Prof. Dr. C. H. D. Buys Ballot. [Inauguration of the monument in honoiir of Prof. Dr. C. 11. D. Buys Ballot]. Xed. Tvdschi-. Meteor., Gro- ningeu. 1, 1901, (17-20). [0010]. 745 Montezemolo, Carlo. Gli spari contro la grandine. Riv. Artig. Genio, Roma, 1901, 2° trim., (65-98). [1260]. 746 Monti, Virgilio. Esiste mi'influenza delle detonazioui \"ulcauiche sulla gi"an- dine? Riv. meteor .-agr., Roma. 22, 1901, (672-674). [1260]. 747 Suir intensita e fi'equeuza del tuono durante la caduta delhi erandine grossa. Riv. meteor. -agr., Roma, 22, 1901, (697-699). [1260 1630]. 748 Sulla distriljuzione delhi grandine in Italia a seconda delle stagioni. Riv. meteor.-agr., Roma, 22, 1901. (789-792). [1260]. 749 vSui temporali accompag- nati da neve. Riv. meteor.-agr., Roma, 22, 1901, (837-846). [1270 1640]. 750 ileteorologia e climato- logia (lella Grecia in Oniero. Roma, 1901, (21). 23 cm. [OOIOJ. 751 Moore, A. W. Has climate changed ? [1894]. Douglas, J., Isle Man Soc, 2. 1901, (237-241). [1700]. 752 Moore, Sir John W. The climate of Ireland. London R. Med. Chin. Soc, Climates and Iwths of Great Britain, 2, 1902. (381-577 with map.). [1730]. 7yo Moore, WiUis L[uther]. The Weather Bureau. X'ation. Geog. JIag., Xe'v York, X.Y., 12, 1901, (362-369). [0060]. 754 82 Moreux, I'Abhc Tli. Le minimiun actuel des taclies solaires. Cosmos, Paris, 44, 1901, (574-575, av. fig.). [0470]. 755 [Morozov, G.] Mop030Hl., Y. Kl Boiipocy 0 BjaJKHOcTu .rk'Hoii no4- Bbl (npOA.) [Sm- la question de riiiimi- dite des sols forestiers] (coutiu.). Pedologie, St. Peterburg, 3, 1901, (35- 59.). [1710]. 756 ITo noBojy ojhoio iic- iibiTaniii cTcneHii to'iuoctii iijjic- MOBi. onpejt.ieHifl B.iavKHOCTii nO'IBbl. [A propos dime verifiratioii sur I'exactitude des methods de la deter- mination de rinmiidite dii sol]. Pedo- logie, St. Peterburg, 3, 1901, (99-101). [1710]. " 757 [Morozov, G. F.] Mop030BL, T. Bopxuiixi. ClOflXI. aTMOCcpLI. [Dr. Ebert's Beobachtungen iiber Elektrizitatszer- streuung in den oberen Schichten der Atmosphare]. Met. Vest., St. Peter- lmr£r, 1901,(101-108). [1600 C 5270]. 783 Naegler, W. Eisnadeln. AVetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (72). [12G0]. 784 Nakamura, K[igoo]. Sur la marche •diurne de la temperature de I'air. Con- gres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901,(127- 1.30). [0830]. 785 Nansen, Fridtjof. The Xorweaian North Polar Expedition 1893-1890. Vol. II. Geelmuj-den, H. Astronomical observations. Steen, Aksel S. Terres- trial magnetism. Schicitz, O.E., Pen- •dulum observations. London, New York, and Bombay (Longmans), 1901, .(IIL4-136-fl96-f90, with ])1.). 29 cm. 30s. [3000 E3300 5000]. 786 The Norwegian North Polar Exiwdition, 1893-1896. Scientific results edited by . . . Vol.2. Geelmuyden, H. Astronomical observations (136 ^F-1048I) with 2 charts). Steen, Aksel S. Ter- restrial magnetism, (196 with 17 pL). Schiptz, 0. E. Results of the pendulum observations and some remarks on the constitution of the earth's crust. Krist- iania, 190. [3000]. 787 Naselli, D. Meteorologia nautica. Torino, 1901, (246), cm. 21. [0030]. 788 Neesen, F[riedrich]. Blitzschlage und Lehren aus deuselben. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (991-993). [1630 C 6820]. 789 Leber Crewitter und Blitza- bleiter. [Vortrag.] Himmel mid Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (145-163, mit Taf.). [1640]. 790 Nell, Chr[istiaau] A[nton] C[oruelis]. luvlofd van de zonsverduisteriug van 28 ilei j. 1. op de luchttemperatuur te 's Gi-aveniiage. [Influence of the solar- eclipse of May 28, 1900, on the tempera- ture of the air at the Hague]. Ned. Tj'dschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (11-12). [0960 E4350]. 791 Twee merkwaardige halo's. [Two remarkable halos]. Ned Tydschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (39-40). [0540]. 792 De bepaling van de ontwik- keling van halos. [Observation of the way in which halos are formed]. Ned. Tydschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901 (81). [0540]. 793 De halo's in verband met den toestand der hoogere luchtlagen. [On the connection between halos and the condition of the higher atmospheric, strata]. Ned. Tydschr. Meteor., Gron- ingen, 1, 1901 (168-169). [0540]. 794 Een eigenaardig gevormde raakl)00g. [Ein eigeuthiimlicligestalteter Beriihrungsbogen]. Ned. Tydschr. :\IeteGr., Groningen, 1, 1901, (171). [0540]. 795 Bydrage tot de kennis van de nntwikkeling van halo's. [Contri- bution to tlie knowledge of the develop- ment of halos]. Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., (h-oningen, 1, 1901, (181-182). [0540]. 796 De halo's in verband met den toestand der hoogere luchtlagen. [Halos in comiexion with the condition of the upper air strata]. Haarlem, Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres, 8, 1901, (332-338). [0540]. 797 F 2 Neovius, E[-79). [OSOOJ. 832 Temperatme and seasons 18S3-1901. Svmons' ileteor. ilac 36. 1901, (150-151). [0800]. 833 Paris. Congres international de M^te- orologie tenu a Paris du 10 an 16 septembre 1000. Proces-verbaiix som- maires par M. iVJfred Angot, secretaire general du Congres. Paris, 1901, (33). 26,5 cm. [0020]. 834 Paris. Congres international de Mete- orologie, Paris, J'.MJU. I'roci's-verbaux des seances et memoires, publics par il. Alfi'ed Angot, secretaire general du Congres. Paris, 1901, (272, av. pi.). 25 cm. [0020]. 835 [PassalisMj, P. T.] llacca.itcKiii, II. T. lleKpO.IOn.. [Xekrolog.] Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, ("147- 148J. [0010]. ■ 836 Passerini, Xapoleone. Sopra la l^ioggia nielmosa (pioggia di sangue) ca- duta in Firenze la sera del 10 marzo 1901. Firenze, Atti Ace. Georgof., (Ser. 4), 24, 1901, (137-1-53). [1240]. 837 .Sopra la pioggia melmosa (pioggia di sangue) caduta in Firenze la sera del 10 nuuzo 1901. Suuto. Riv. scientiE.-indiistr.. Firenze, 1901, (77- 80). [1240]. 838 Pastrana, Manuel E. Mexican clima- tological data [tor 1901]. Wasliington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1001, (15-16, 55, 11.5, 163, 212, 256, 30.5-306, 353, 405, 453, 496, 551). [1840]. 839 Paul, G. Sim-pillars. Xature. London, 65, 1901-2, (511-512). [0540], 840 Paulsen, Adam. Commimicatious prelimiuaires sur qnelques travaux de la mission danoise a Utsjoki. Kjoben- havu, Vid. Selsk. Overs., 1901, (115- 118). [1650]. 841 Resnltat de qiielques mesures faites par M. Scheiner de ]Darties correspoudantes des spectres de I'aiu-ore polaii-e et de la lumiere catho- dique de I'azote. KjobenhaATi, Vid. Selsk. Overs., 1901, (91-93> [1650]. 842 Recherches sm* ranalyse spectrale de I'auro're polaire. Congi-es internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (164- 168). [1600]. 843 Pajme, F. F. Phenological notes from Northwest River, Labrador. Mon. Weather Rev., Toronto, 25, 1901, (129). [1720]. 844 Peek, the late Sir Cuthbert E[dgar]. ileteorological observations, Rousdon Obsenatoi-v, Devon, for the vear 1900. Vol. 17. (58 and 3 pi.). 28 cm'. Printed for private ciiculation, London, 1001, [1800]. 845 Pellew, E. Variations of atmospheric electricity. Xature, London, 63, 1901, (491). [1610]. 846 Penck, A[lbrecht]. Ueber das Klima der Eiszeit. Verh. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 72, n, 1, 1901, (4.3). [1700 H 15 J 441. 847 Pennywitt, Hemy. Relative leiigtli of warm and cold seasons. Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (55-56, with charts). [0800]. 84.S Pemter, J. il. Damage by hail in spite of cannonading. [Translated from Meteor, ztschr., March 1901.] Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, i[on. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (117). [1260]. 849 Perrone, Eugenio. Fimne ilarta e Jago di Bolsena, torrente Miguone ed ahri nunori fra il Marta ed il Tevere. Carta idrografica d'ltalia, vol. 28, noma, 1901, (IX -^ 230 con 10 tav.). cm. 26. [0920]. 850 Perry-Coste, F. H. Blood rain. Xa- ture, Loudon, 64,1901, 55. [1240]. 851 Pes, G. Studio sulla bussola e snlle deviazioni magnetiche. Riv. maritt., iJoma, 1901, 3" trim., (227-252). [3090]. 852 Pestellini, Ij^polito. X'ote ed osser- vazioni sulla brinata deUa notte del 18 al 19 aprile 1901. Fireuze, Atti Ace. (leorgof., (Ser. IV), 24, 1901, (172-179). [1280]. 853 [Petrov, P. A.] IleTpOBT., II. A. H.iiaiiie Meieopo-iornMecKuxi. \- (MOBJii n B.ia'yKHOcin dohbm iia ypo- >Kaii caxapuoii cBeK.iOBUUbi. [Ein- fluss der meteorologischen Bedingimgen und der Bodenfeuchtigkeit aiif die Er- tragsfahigkeit der Zuckerriibe]. Ghoziaiu, St. Peterburg, 1901, 24, (775- 784), 25, (813-818 mit Fiy.). [1710 M 3160]. 854 PMllips, W. F. R. Recent papers Ijearing on meteorologj". Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (16, 64, 115-116, 163- 164, 215, 258-259, 308-309. 356-357, 407-408). [0030]. .s55 Publications of the United States Weather Bureau. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weatii. Rev., 29, 1901, (216-218). [0030]. 856 PMpBon, Thomas Lamb. Re- searches on the past and present history of the earth's atmosphere, including the latest discoveries and their practical applications. (XII -f 194). 19 cm. London, Charles Griffen & Co., 1901. [001 0 (MJ30]. 857 Pickering, Edward C[harles]. Spec- trum oF lightning. Cambridge,/Mass., Cir. Obs. " Harvard Univ., No. 62, [Reprint.] Cliicago, III., Astroph. J. Univ. Chic, 14, 1901, (367-369, with pi.). [1630 E 5400]. 858 Spectrmn of lightning. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (6-7). [1630]. 859 Spectrum of lightning. Astr. Xachr., Kiel, 157, 1901, (207-210). [1630 E 7600 8300]. 860 Pickering, Spencer. Sounds associated witli kiw temperatures. Xature, London, 65, 1901-2, (536). [0800 0400] 861 Pillet, F. J. Xote concernant la con- struction d'nn cerf volant pour re- cherches scientifiques, explorations atmospheriques et releves photo- graphiques. Aerouaute, Paris, 34, 1901, (131-140, av. pi.). [0360]. 862 PiltschikoflF, X. Xouvelles photo- graiDhie^ de I'eclair. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (143-144). [1630]. 863 ^ Sur la polaiisation spec- trale du ciel. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (145-147). [0520]. 864 Sm- les variations period- iques des elements du magnetisme terrestre dans les regions anormales. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (246-250). [3040]. 865 Plni, Edoardo. Riassunto delle osser- vazioni meteorologiche eseguite presso il R. Osservatorio di Brera nell'amio 1899. Milano, Rend. 1st. lomb. sc. lett., (Ser. 2), 34, 1901, (254-295;. [1700 1820J. 866 Pinto, Luigi. Rapporto sui lavori compiuti dalla R. Accademia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche nell'anno 1900. Xapoli, Rend. Soc. sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901, (6-14). [0020]. 867 Pittei, Costantino. Osservazioni meteorologiche fatte al R. Museo di Fisica e Storia naturale di Firenze, novembre, 1901. Bullettino deRa R. Societa toscnna di orticoltm-a, Firenze, 26, 1901, (376). [1820]. 868 87 Pittei, Costantino. Riassunto delle osservazioni meteorologiche fatte airOs- servatorio del R. Miiseo di Storia iia- turale di Fiieuze nell' nnno 1900. Bul- lettiiio della R. Societa toscana di ovti- coltura, Firenze, 26, 1901, {o'l). [1840]. 869 Osservazioui meteorolo- giche fatte al R. Museo di Fisica e Storia natui-ale di Firenze, dicembre 1901, Octobre 1901. BiiUettiuo della R. Societa toscana di orticoltura, Firenze, 26, 1901, (39, 58, 92, US, 160, 192, 224, 2.-.6, 288, 320, 352). [1820]. 870 Pittier, H. Climatologv of Costa Rica [for 1901]. Washington, D.C., r.S. Dept. A2:ric., Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901. (21-22, 64-6.5. 116-117, 162- 163, 208, 254, 305, 352-353, 405, 452- 453, 498-499). [1840 hb]. 871 Pivet. Xote complementaire au siijet dii cvclone subi le 30 septembre 1900, sur la cote ouest de I'ile iliquelon, par Taviso - transport la Manche. Aim. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (113). [15.30]. 872 Pleyte, Merkwaardige halo. [Re- markable halo]. Xed. Tvdschx. Meteor., Groningen,l, 1901, (105). [0540]. 873 Plumandon, J. R. Les orages et la grele, avec une introduction sur le tir du canon contre la grele. Paris, [1901], (192). 19 cm. [1260 1640]. [Volume faisant partie de rEncvclopedie scienti- tiqiie des aide-memoire. Section des biologistes.] 874 Le tir au canon contre la gi-ele. Xature, Paris, 29, (P semest), 1901, (266-267). [1260]. 875 Les orages a neige [en France]. Nature, Paris. 29, (l"" semest.), (171-172, av. carte). [1640]. 876 Pockels, F[riedrich]. Weitere Beo- bachtungen iiber die magnetisierende Wirkimgvon Blitzentladungen. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 3, 1901, (22-23). [1630 C 6820]. 877 The Theory of the fonna- tiun of precipitation on mountain slopes. [Translated from Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, 1901, (4). Vol. III., pp. 459- 480]. Washington, D.C, U.S Dept. AgricMon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (152- 159). [1170]. 878 Sujaplementary remarks on the theory of the formation of rain on mountain slopes. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (306-307). [1170]. 87S> Pockels, F[riedrich]. Ueber die bei Blitzentladmigen erreichte Stromstiirke. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (306-307). [1630 C 6820]. 880 Zur Theorie der Nieder- schlagsbilduug an Gebirgen. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 4, 1901. (4.d9-4S0;i. [1170]. 881 [PodvysocMj, X.] IIo^BSjCOUKiil. H. B.iiaeie iuiii.MaTiiMeti;n.\i. (mc- Teopo.ioriiMecKiixx) aKTOpOB-L Ha ypO"epE)i B^ pa3HblX^ CTpanaXI.. [VeigleicL. ende Resultate der Erforschuug der S8 .A.tinos]jli!ii-e in verseliiedenen Lanikrii]. Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (133- 142). [0400]. ^ 890 Potinecke, [Iiicliard]. Die Tlieorie ilea Regeubogens. Wetter, Beiiiu, 18, 1901, (i>32-240). [0550 C 3220]. 891 Preece, W. H. Sounds associated witlilow temperatures. Nature, Loudon, €5, 1901-02, (4S7). [0800 040O]. 892 [Preobrazenskaja]. II |){'00|)a'.KeH- chaa. O lloiiOj)()cciiKi;oii oop'Ij. [Ueber die Bora in Novorossijsk.]. St. PeterbTiro;, Diievnilv XI Siezda russ. jest, vrac, 1901, 10, (4()l-462). [1500]. 893 Prestele. Wetterprognosen in Iriiheren .Tahrhnnderten. Xatnr u. Hans, Berlin, 9, [1901], (284-28();. [1760]. 894 Preston, Artlnir \V[aters]. ileteorolo- gieal notes, 1900. (From observations taken at Bradestone Honse, Brundall, Norfolk.) Norwich, Trans. Nat. Soc. 7. 1901 (204-211). [1800]. 895 Pringle, C. S. Definition of a rainy dav. Svmon's Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (22). [1150]. ' 89(; Proto-Pisani, Nicolangelo. Snll'ori- gine della Imssola. Portiei, (Delia Toi-re !, 1001, (XIV -r 5(5). 25 cm. [0010]. 897 Pullar, the late l'"red[er:ck] r[attison] f. .Murray, S'lr Jcilui. [Pullman, L A.] lly.IhMaill, II. A. ToMiiociiiii.T iiania iia ueob iia.vi. .itcaMii (J'l>c'!> iipe^cKa.'saTe.ih nc- pevitu'i. .uiMiicii noro^bi.) [Dunkel- blaue Flecke am Himmel iiber Waldern (Der Wald als Anzeiger des Wetter- wechsels im Winter)]. Met. V6st., St. Peterburg, 1901, (1-15]. [17(;0]. 898 Purely, R. J. Crowing of pheasants during thunderstorms. London, Q.J.R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901 (158). [1(>40]. 899 Quensel, Percy. SunsjDots and terres- trial temperature. Knowledge, London, 24, I'Mn, (108-109). [0470]'. 900 Quervain, A. de. Note sur les1)allons sondes lances en Russie. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), XV, 4, 1901, (395 398.). [0400]. 901 Quoniam, C. Th. Note sur un cyclone ressenti les 10, 11, et 12 Janvier, 1901, dans le voisiuage de I'ile Maurice, a bord du vapeur Caucn-'xts de la Cie. des Chargeurs reunis. Ami. hvdrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (100-102). "[15.50]. 902 [Rachmanov, Ci.] I'aXMailOBl., V. \\a6.\\o,\e\m iia,vi» pa.'JcliaHioMi. aioKipiiMecTBa iia lOiKiioMi. 6eper\ KpblMa. [Beobachtmigen tiber ^ie Zerstreimng der Liiftelectricitiit an dem siidlichen Ufer der Krim.]. Met. V6st., St.. Peterburg, 1901, (293-295). [1010]. 903 Beobachtungen iiber die Electricitatszerstreuung an der Steilen Siidkiiste der Krim. Terr. Mag., Washington, B.C., 6, 1901, (122). [1600]. 901 Raddi, A. Studi idrologici ed idro- grafici sidla natura delle sorgenti. Rivista tecnica pubblici servizi, Firenze. 1901, (81-84, 108-111, 129-134). [0920] 905 Radke, Louis. fDunkle Blitze]. Wetter, Berlin, 18, f'JOl, (201-262). [1630]. 906 Ralfaeli, G. ('. Le nubi temporal e- sche. Cienova, Atti Soc. lignstica sc. nat. geogr., 12, 1901, (15-34). [1080]. ' ■ 907 Raffo, Guido. Proposta di modifica- zione alio psicrometro. Catania, Bull. Ace. Gioenia, 71, 1901, (8-14). [0280]. 908 Intorno alia grandiuo straordinaria cadnta in Pavia A 3 settembre 1901. Catania, Bull. Ace. Gioenia, 71, 1901, (14-15). [1260]. 909 [Ramann, E.] Pa Main., d. llo'l- B(Mino - luinMaTiiMOChia ijoiiiii EBponbl. [Die klimatischen Boden- zonen Europas.] Pedologie, St. Peter- burs, 3, 1901, (5-12 -f deutsch. Res. 12-18, mit 2 karten.). [1710]. 910 Ramsay, W. The inert constituents of the atmosphere. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 59, 1901, (581-585). [0410] 911 Rankin, Angus. Note on the number of gales observed at the Ben Nevis Observatory. Edinburgh, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, 12, [1902], (20-22). [1500] 912 Raulin, V[ictor]. Sur les variations secidaires du magnetisme terrestre. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (760- V763). [3030]. 913 I 89 Rivaz, L. et B.^niict, A. ].i'< olicts 4le la foiidre et la geliviire. Paris, ■T.-R. Acad. sci.. 132^ 1901, (805-807). IC.yO]. ou Ravenstein, E. G. The climatology ■ 'f Africa. Tenth and final report of the Brit. Ass. Committee. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1901, (383-395). T1700]. 915 The climatology of Africa. Tenth and final rejaort. S^Tnons' Meteor. :\Iag., London, 36, 1901, {'li6-U7), and -Scot. Geog. Mag., Edinbursh, 17, 1901, <582-594)r [1700]. "^ 91(J The lake level of Victoria Xvanza. London, Geog. J., 18, 1901, <403-406). [1180]. 917 Rayet, G. Observations pluvio- metriqnes et tliermonietriques faites dans le departement de la Giroode de jiiin 1900 a mai 1901, Xote. Bordeaux, 1901, (68, a V. 1 carte). 24 cm. [1180]. 918 Rebenstorff, PI. Versuche zur Lehre ^om Barometer. Zs. plivsik. Unterr., Berlin, 14, 1901, (339-344). [0230 B 0050 C 0050]. 919 Regelmann, C. Trigonometrische uud barometrische Hohenbestinunimgen in Wiirttemberg, bezogen a\if den ■einheitlich Deutschen Xormaluullpuukt. Xeckarkreis : Heft 7. Oheramtsbezirk Ileilbronn. Bearb. v. C. Regeluiann. .Stuttgart (Statistisches Landesamt), 1901, (38). 20 cm. 0,50 M. [0730 J 81 21]. 920 Reichau, Walter. Das Brockenge- sijenst im Tieflande. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (33(jj. [0570]. 921 Beid, Clement. The recent fall of red 7-303). [H 0030 .T 0030 K 0030 M0030 N0030 P 00.30]. 938 [Rosenthal, Elmar]. Po.30UTa,II., 9. Il3M'Iipciiifl n.iOTHocni cutra bl IliiKo.iaeBci.oii r.iaBiioii (PnsHHe- CKOii OGcepBaTOpill. [ScluieedicLte- iressimgen im Pliysikal. Ceutral-Obser- vatoriimi.] St. Peterburg, Ezeuies. met. Pmll. Glara. Fiz. Obs., 9, 10, 1901, (1- 3). [1270]. 939 Rotch, A [bbott] Lawrence. A Meteoro- logical balloon ascension at Strasburg, Germany, [July 4, 1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. AVeath. Kev., 29, 1901, (298-299). [0370 0400]. 940 The exploration of the atmosphere over the ocean. Nature, London, 65, 1901, (4). [0300]. 941 Kite flying at sea. Symons' -Aleteor. Mag., London,' 36, 190l', (164- 10.'). F 0.300. 942 — The ^leasiirement of wind at sea. Science, New York, N.Y., 15, 1901, (72-73). [1300]. 943 Meteorological observa- tions with kites iu the United States. Verh. intern. GeogrCongr.. 7 (1899), Berlin, 2, 1901, (399-401). [03(50]. 944 The exploration of the atmosphere at sea bv means of kites. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc.,28, 1902, (1-0). [0300]. 945 The Use of Kites to obtain meteorological observations. (From Tecli. Q., Boston, Jnne 1900 revised;. Wasliington, D.C, Smithsonian lust. Rep., 1900, 1901, (22.3-231 with pi.) 24 cm. Published as separate. [03001. 940 On the systematic explora- tion of the atmosphere at sea by means of kites. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (724). [0300]. -947 The chief scientific use of kites. Loudon, Aeronautical Journal, 5, 1901, (56-59). [03(30]. 948 Eotch, A[bbott] Lawrence. The systematic ex^jloration of the atmosphere at sea by means of kites. London, Aeronautical Journal, 5, 1901, (09). [0300]. 949 Rothpletz, A[ugnsf]. Ueber die Jod- quellen bei Tolz. Miiuchen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., math.-phvs. CI., 1901, (127- 165). [0920 J al H 30 D 6^500 0891) Q 1881]. 950 Rudzld, I\I[aurycy] r[rawdzic]. O przepowiadaniu pogody. W : Odczyty o ])o\vietrzu. £Sur la prevision du temps. Dans : Conferences sur I'air]. Warszawa— Krak6w [1901], (44-57). [1750 0040]. 953 Riicker, xVrthur W. The dust of lilood-raiu. Nature, Loudon, 64, 1901, (30!. [1240]. 951 On the magnetic field pro- duced bv electric trannvavs. London, Proc. Phvsic. Soc, 17, 1901, (609-618). [-3010]. ' 952 Ruluner, Ernst. I'eber Haus-Tele- graphen-, Telephon- nnd Blitzableiter- Anlagen. Taschenbuch fiir Prazisions- mechaniker etc., Berlin, 2, 1902, (15- 90). [1630 C 6460]. 954 Russell, [Francis Albert] Rollo. Un- usual agitation of the sea. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (6). [0770]. 955 Further observations and conclusions in relation to atmospheric transparency. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 28, 1902, (19-23). [1000]. 956 ■ — — — — Smi - pillars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2, i512). [0540] 957 Russell, H[enry] C[hamberlaine]. Sydney Observatory meteorological service. London, Q.J. R. Meteor. See, 27, 1901, (155). [0210]. 958 MeteoroloQ-\' in New South Wales, 1901. London.'^Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (94;. [0020]. 959 Ryckevorsel, E[li] van. Valeurs moyeimes et valeurs uormales en meteorologie. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. HolL, (Ser. 2). 6, 1901, (367- 370). [0130]. 960 [Rykacev, M. A.] PblKa'ieBl., M. A. 11 Bam. llerpoBHH^ ^e-Ko-iOHri. (lieiCpo.IOn..) [Ivan Petrovic de Co- long (necrol.)] St. Peterbiu-g, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 15, 1, 1901, (Proc.-verb. I- VI). [0010]. 961 Ui [Rykacev, ^I. A.] IIo nOBO,iy 1\))XA II. Ma.iiouinmuiro : „i;[, Boiipocy o siiii'ieiiiii 3BanopoM0Tpn>iecKnxi. noi.aaauiii j.ia aaiipocoBi. ce.ibCKo- xo.jaiicTBeuHoii npainniin." [Be- iiierkung iiber die Arbeit des Hii. N. ]\I;ilui§ickij : Zur Frage iiber die Be- deiitung der Evaporometerangabeu fiii" die Anfordenmgen der landsvirth- schaftlichen Praxis]. iloskva, Ann. Inst, agron., 7, 1, 1901, (-32-34). [01^90 1000]. 962 0 MCiK^ynapo^Hbixi. iiDieiaxi. mapoB^ 7 4>eBpa.ifl n / Ma[)Ta 1901 r. [Sur les ascen- siuas intemationales des ])allons- soiides du 7 fevr. et du 7 mar.s 1901]. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 14, 3, 1901, (Proc.-verb. XXVI-XXVIII). [0400]. 963 0T4eTT> no lluKo.iacB- cKoii r.iaBnoii H3H'iecKoii Oocep- imTOpiu 3a 1900 r. [Compte-rendu de rObser\-atoire physique central Nicolas pour 1900]. St. Peterburg. Mem. Ac. Sc. (ser. 8), 12, 1, 1901, (H + 140). [0210]. 964 06^ opranHaauin na- o.iiOAeHiii Haji. npojo.iHiine.iL- iiucTfcK) II nuTt'iiciiBuocTbio oca,i- KOBT. DOMOiULK) oMoporpaa'OBi,. [Organisation der Beobachtimgen iiber Dauer und Intensitiit der Xiederschlage mittelst Ombrographen]. St. Peterbmg, E?em5s. met. Bitdl., Glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, 1], 1901, (6). [0100]. 965 HtO ULI.IO Cat.UlHO IIO npiiBejemK) bi. iicno.ineme uoh;i'- .laiiiii, BLicKaaanubix^ nepBbnn. -Mereopo.iorn'iecKUM^ Cbta^oMb. [\\ as zur Losung der von der ersten russischen meteorologischen Conferenz anfgestellten Fragen gethan worden ist]. St. Peterburg, DnevTiik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 3, (66-67;. [no 10]. 966 Rykatchef, [X.]. Comparaison des divers abris theniiometriques avec le thermometre a aspiration. Congres in- ternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (191-198j. [0260]. 967 Sa^^nac, G. Mode de production dp rayons lumineux divergeuts a 180' du soieil. Paris, C.-R. Acad. 6ci., 133, 1901, (703-704). [0520]. 968 [St. Peterburg', Society Imp. msse de geograpMe] C-IIerepG\ pn., IIm U. Pycrb. Teorp. Com. 4oK.ia.iir MeTeopo.ioni'iecKoii KOMncciH o paSoiaXl ^GM^DHCKarO. [Rapport de la counnission meteorologique sur les travaux de Demcinskij]. Met. Vest., St. Petei-burg, 1901, (483-498). ■ [1750 0020]. 969 Salvloni, Emico. Un'esperienza per dimostrare il decrescere della pressione atmosferica coll'altezza. .Messina, (Tip. d'.Vmico), 1901, (18). 23 cm. [0720]. 970 Sandstrom, J[o]ian] W[ilhelm]. Ueber die Auwendnng von Professor ^'. Bjerknes' Tbeorie der Wirkelbewegun- gen in Gasen und Fliissigkeiten auf meteorologische Beobachtimgen in den hoheren Luftschichten (1900). Stock- holm. Vet.-Ak. Handl., 33, 1901, Ko. 4, (40. uith 10 pl.j. [0440 1580]. 971 Satke, Wladystaw. Kierunek i szyb- kosc chmur, wedlug trzyletnich spost- rzezen w Tarnopolu. [Direction et vitesse des nuages, d'apres des observa- tions effectuees pendant trois ans a Taniopol]. Kosmos, Lwow, 26, 1901, (409-435). [1340]. 972 KieiTinek, droga i szyb- kosc wiatru w Krakowie. [Direction, espace parcouru et vitesse du vent a Cracovie]. Kralcow, 1901, (2-45). 25.5cm. [1300 1330]. 973 Kienmek, droga i szybkosc wiatru w Krakowie [Direction, espace parcouru et vitesse du vent a Cracovie]. Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., A., 38, 1901. (301-346). [1300 1330]. 974 Sauer, [Adolf]. Die klimatischen Verhaituisse walu'end der Eiszeit mit Riicksicht auf die Lossbildimg. Stutt- gart, Jahreshefte Ver. X'atk., 57, 1901, (CYl-CX). [1700 H 15 95]. 975 [Savinov, S. I.] CaBHUOB^, C. II. noAi>eMbi caMonnmymaio npaSopa iia B03,iyiiiubixT> a.Mtflxi. 6, 7 h 8 HOflopa HOB. CT. 1901 r. n3i. KoHCTaHTiiHOBCKoii OocepBaTopiu Bb lIaB.10BCKt. [Aid'stiege von Regis- trierdrachen am 6, 7 u 8 Nov. n. St. aus ii2 dera Konstnutlnov'sclien Ohserva- torimu zii Pavlovak]. .St. reteiljurp-, Ezemes. met. Biull. glavn. Y\/.. Oljs., 9, 12, 1001, (3-5). [Ol'OO]. DTG [Savinov, S. 1.] Vllloii mcsk.IN- iiapo.iiibiii iio^iCMi. B03jyiimbi\i. mapoii'i, H sMfeoin. j[.\n n3c.^i>,^onalliJI CB060,^ll0ii aTMOCI. [Der Alli'^' iiiteriiationale Ballon- iiud Drarhen- aiifstieg zur Erforsclraiig- der freieii Atmosphare.] St. Peterljiirg, Ezemes. met. Biull. o-lavn. Eiz. Obs., 9, I, IflOl, (1-4). [0400]. '.177 MojK,l\ iiapo.iiibia inc.iti- jOBaiiia CBOuo,uioii ai\ioi('pi.i. [Internationale Unternekuumgen zur Eiforschimg der freien Atmos])liai'e]. .Alet. Vest., St. Peterbmg-, 1901, (15-18). [0400]. " 078 Schaaf, Edmmid. Die Wiener Xornien mul die intermittirende Erwiirmmig hei den Eiiljensamen-Untersiiclmngen. Bl. Znckerriibenban, Berlin, 8, 1001, (05- 72). [1710 M 3750]. 97!) Schaw, II. [Atmospheric molioiis.] . . . ill the southern liemisjjhere. Wellinaton, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 33, 1901, 370-380). [1310]. !)80 Schenk, Tli. Witterung und Ernie des Jahres 1901. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (28.3-285). [1710]. 981 ScMller-Tietz. [Yerstiirkung und A'erzouerung der Xalteriickfalle]. Pro- metheus, P.erlin, 12, PjOl, (784). [170t)]. 982 Schmidt, August. Xeue Hilfsmittel der Wettervoraussicht. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzia-, 2, 1901, (497-498). [1700 1640]. " ' 983 Sclinippel, E. Ein Somieiuuitei'gaug in Yerliindung init Luftsiiiegeluug. Wetter, Berlin', 18, 19(11, (193-201). [0520]. 984 Scliokalsky, Jules de. Lake Ladoga from a thermic point of view. [Trans- lated from Comptes Reudus, Paris, June 1900]. Washmgton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1201, (63-64). [0910]. '.^S:] Le lac de Ladoga au point de vue thermique. Verh. intern. Geoor- Congr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (203- 268, mit 2 Kart.). [0910 J 53]. 980 Schubert, J[ohannes]. Der Wiirmeaus- tausch im f est en Erdboden, in Gewas- sern und in der Atmosphare. Vortrag. Physik. Zs., Leipzig, 3, 1901,(117-119). [0800]. 987 Zur Ermitteluug der Luft- fenchtigkeit durch Psychrometer. A'or- trag. Physik. Zs., Leipzig, 3, 1901, (120). [0280]. ltf>8 Vergieichende Tempera - tui'- mid Feiichtigkeitsbestimmimgeii. Bericht iiber meteorologische Beobach- tuugen der Hauptstatioii fi'u- das i'orst- liche Versuchswesen in Preussen. Berlin, Abh. met. Inst., 1, 1901, (307-320) [0210 1700 1840]. 9811 Tempera tur und Warmeaus- tauscli im freien und bewaldeten Boden und in Gewassern. Zs. Forstw., Berlin. 33, 1901, (474:-485). [0850 J 4410]. 990 Schuch, Karl. Das Gefiieren der Seen. Petermanns geogr. Mitt., (iotha, 47, 1901, (57). [0910 J 53]. 991 Schuck, A. Magnetische Beobach- tungen an der deutschen Ostseekiiste, 11. Mittlerer imd ostlicher Teil, sowie au der Kiiste des siidlichen Norwegen. Angestellt in den Jaliren 1898 mid 1900. Hamburg, (Selbstverlag), 1901, (37, mit Karte). 29 cm. 4 M. [3020 30301. 992 Schultheiss, [Christoph]. Uelier das sog. Wotterschiessen. Karlsruhe, Verh. natw. Ver., 14, 1901, Sitzungsber.. (21- 23). [1170 1260]. 993 Schuster, Arthur. On magnetic jire- cession. London, Proc. Physic. Soc, 17, 1901,(044-0.35). [.3080]. 994 Schwartz, F. [Beobachtmig eiues Mondregenhogens.] Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (544). [U500]. 995 Schwarz, L. St. Elmsfeuer am 2. .lannar 1902 . . . auf der Sehiiee- ko]ipe. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (21 ). [1030]. 990 Schweder, G. Leber Wetterprognn- seii. (Vortrag.) Riga, Korr.-blt. Xaturf. Ver., 44, 1901, (61-62). [1760]. 997 Scott, Robert H. v. Bergholz, Paul. Seeley, Dewey A. The temperature of the soil and the surface of the ground. Washington, D.G., U.»S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (501-503). [0850]. 998 [Semenov, T. r.] CeMeiiOBl., 11. 11. Il\lll (KipOMCTpiIMt'tKIIXI. MilKCn- M\\i()iii. Bb EBponi 3a 1889- 1^93 IT. [Les voies des maxima liarometriques en Europe en 1889-1S93]. St. IVteihurg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 11, :;. 1001, (I - 24, av. 15 cartes). [I. -,.10]. 999 Semmola, Eugeuiu. La fisica ter- ri-tn- e la ,geo,c;rafia iisica fi-a le scienze iiatuiali. Xapoli, Atti 1st. incoraguf. sc. Mat.. (Ser. .3), 2, n" 0. 19U1, (1-11). [iMM)U]. 1000 La pioggia ed il Vesuvio. XapoU, Rend. Soc. sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901, (Il'-^-125). [1150]. 1001 Seimagiotto, R. Sopra im argo ineiito di attualita. Autol. agr. ital., All)a. 5, 1901, (8-11, 28-30, 43). [1710]. 1002 Serrazanetti, Enrico. (Jsservazioni nifteoroloiiiche fatte ad Anzola della ILmilia dal I'' dicembre 1899 al 30 iK.vembre 1900. Bologna, Ann. ragg. I'll. prov. Agi-ic, 1900-901. 1901, (210- 213). [1800]. 1003 Osservazioni geotenniclie [fatte ad Anzola dell' Emilia dal 1° di- cembre 1899 al 30 novend^re 1900]. IMiitrua. .Vmi. ragg. Uff. prov. Agi-ic. 1900-901, 1901, (214). [0850]. 1004 Servus, Hei-mann. Die Stormigen der -Vmiosphare mid des Erdinnern durch Sonne xmd Mond. Xeue Grundiagen der Meteorologie. Teil 2. Wisseu- schaftliclie Beilage zum Jahr-esbericht des Friedrichs-Realgvmnasimns zii Berlin. Osternl901. "Berlin (R. Gaert- ner), 1901. (18). 25 cm. [0450 E4110 4S80]. 1005 Seyboth, Robert. An Instance of ball lightning at sea. Waskington. K.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29. 1901, (249-250). [1030]. 1000 Shackleton, W[illiam]. Antarctic ex- ploration. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (121-124). [0200 3000]. 1007 Sharp. Jacob. A flash of lightning at the Lambton Colliery, D and Lady .Vmi Pits, on October "2, 1900. New- castle, Trans. Inst. Min. Engin., 20, 1901, (259-261). [1G30]. 1008 Shaw. \V[illiam] X[apier]. Hail- storm artillerv. Natiire, London, 64, 1901, (159-161). [1260]. 1009 Shaw, \\[illiani] X[apier]. " La Lune maugc les miages." A note on the thermal relations of floating clouds. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 28, 1902. (9.J-100). [1080]. 1010 ■ Weather niaps. London, Ren. Brit. Ass., 1901, (725). [1770]. 1011 The circxdation of the at- mosphere. Nature, London, 64, 1901 (390). [1310]. 1012 Scientific l)allooning. Na- ture. Lniidou. 65, 1901-2, (224-220). [0370]. 1013 Meteorological work for science schools. Natui-e, London, 65, 1901, (128). [0050]. 1014 On weather maps. Sviiions' Meteor. Mas., London. 36, 1901,* (144). [1770]. 1015 Hailstorm artillei-v. Na- ture, London, 64. 1901, (1.59-161)- [1260]. 101 (•> The London fog inquiry. Nature. Lnudon, 64, 1901, (649-65()). [1070]. 1017 On the effect of sea temperature upon the seasonal varia- tion of air temperatm-e of the British Isles. Symons' Meteor, ilag., Loudon, 36, 1901," (145). [0880 0800]. 1018 On the effect of sea temperature upon the seasonal varia- tion of air temperature of the British Isles. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901. (500-501). [0880 0800]. 1019 Report on the work of the committee appointed by the Sanitaiy Institute of Great Biitain to practically test ventilating exhaust cowls. London, J. Sanit. Inst., 22. 1901 (201-452, with 5 pi. and 2 large tables). [0310 0390]. 1020 and Cohen, R. Waley. Sea- sonal variation of atmospheric temper- ature in the British Isles and its rela- tion to wiud-direction and sea temperature. London, Proc. R. Soc, 69, 1901. (61 85). [0800 1450 0880]. 1021 On the seasonal variation of the atmospheric tempera- ture of the British Isles and its relation to wind direction. I^ndon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901. (.558-560). [0800 08801. 1023 On the seasonal variation of the atmospheric temperature of the British Isles and its relation to- II wind direction. Svmons' Meteor, ilag., London, 36, 1901.' (142-144). [0800]. 1024 Sheward, R[icliard]. Annual report of the meteorological obseiTations for the year 1 900. Borough of Eastbourne. Published by authority, Eastbourne, [1901]. 24 cm. [1800]." 1025 SMogama, Ihei. Nihon Kinkai ni okeru Ichi Getsu chu no heikin Kion oyobi Kaion. [Mean temjDerature for January of the air and surface water on the neighbouring seas of Japan.] Tokvo, Kisho Sh., 20, 1901 , (227-231). [0880]. 102(3 Shrlver, Howard. Biographical notice .of. V. Aljbe, Cleveland. SlcUiani, Vincenzo. Sulle variazioni di livello delle acqixe dei pozzi in relazione colla pressioue atmosferica. Roma, Mem. Ace. Nuovi Lincei, 17, 1901, (19-45, con 2 tav.). [0700]. 1027 Sieberg, A. Das Photographiren von Hales. Natw. Rdsch., Braunschweig, 17,1902,(70-71). [0540 0380]. 1028 Einige Bemerkungen iiber Haloerscheinungen. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (207-212). [0540]. 1029 Mittheiliiugen iiber am meteorologischen Oljservatorium zu Aachen beobachtete Sonnenringe. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 72, II, 1, 1901, (51-54). [0540]. 1030 Silberrad, Chas. A. Extremes of climate in the British Empire. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2, (299). [1700]. 1031 Sims, Alfred F. Thunderstorms. ■[Reprint.] Elec. Rev., New York, N.Y., 39, 1901, (132-133). [1640]. 1032 [Sipcinskij, V. V.] Hlnn'miicKiii, B. B. BaMtTKao.io'yKiioMTjCo.iimt). [Notiz -iiber eine Nebensonnenerschei- mmg]. Met. Vest., St. Peterbnrg, 1901, (108 109). [0540]. 1098 Bpamaiomaacfl samma 4.1a TepMO^l)a<^a Pnmapa 11 npej- BapnTe.ihiioo on ii.Jc.itjoBaHio. [Aljri tournant poiir le thermographe de Richard, etude prealable]. St. Peter- burg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5). 15, 4, 1901, (441-450, av. 1 pi.). [0260]. 1099 Fposa 11 rpa^i 2(15) ilOJH B^ r. llaB.IOBChi. [Gewitter und Hagel am 2 (15) Juli zu Pavlovsk]. Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (358-359, mit 1 Taf.). [1640 1260]. 1100 Slade, Frederick. The weather : 1884- 1900. Resvuue of the Beckford meteom- logical observations for the last sevfu- teen years of the nineteenth centmv. EvpslJam [1901], (18). 16 cm. [170(j]. 1(J33 Smith, Rupert T. The periodicity of cyclonic winds. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 27, 1901, (261-266). [156ul. ] 03 [ [Smolenskij, A.] CMO.lt'ilCKiii, A. ()o:jopi. iioro,vi> 3a 1900 r. no iia- ruio.iciiifiMi. MOTCopciorH'iecivOii OucepBaropiii MocKOBciiaro cc.ii.- cKoxosaiicTBCHuaro HiicTHTVia. [Revue du temps pour 1900 d'apres les observations faites a I'Observatoire meteorolologicjue de I'lnstitut agm- nomique de Moscov.] Moskva, Ann. Inst, agron., 7, 2, 1901, (VI-XXV). [1800]. 1035 Smoluchowski, M[ar.] v. Leber die Atmosphitre der Erde \nid der Planeteii. [Auszng.] Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901 . (307-313). [0450 E 4000]. 1036 Snellen, Mauri ts. Report on the magnetic observations made at the de Bilt meteorological and magnetic obser- vatory near Utrecht, Holland, during the total solar eclipse of May 17, 18, 1901, Terr. Mag., Washington," D.C., 6, 1901, (129-134). [3060 E 4350]. 1037 ]\Ieteorologisch jaarboek voor 1898. [Annuaire meteorologique pour 1898]. Utrecht, Meteor. Jaarb., 50, 1901 (VllI + 300 -I- XXXI), 23 + 28. [0020, del, hd]. 1038 Meteorologisch Jaarboek voor 1899. [Annuaire meteorologique pour 1899]. Utrecht, Meteor. Jaarb., 51, 1902, (XXIII + 251), 32 cm. [0020]. 1039 Sokolowski, Stanislaw. Zlasow pod- olskieh. [Les forets de la Podolie]. Svlwan, Lwow, 19, 1901, (1-11, 39-47, 7(3-83, 133-138, 291-300, 324-332). [1710 H35 M0060]. Somigliana, Carlo, v. Cantone Michele. Soraner, Paul. Die Frostschaden an den W^intersaaten im Jahre 1901. Ini Auftrage der Deutschen Landwirtschafts- (jesellschaft, Sonderausschuss fiir Pflan- zenschutz bearb. von Paul Sorauer. 95 Berlin, Arb. D. LaiuhvGes., 62, 1901, r., Paris, 1901. i 187-190). [0220]. 1045 Sur un appareil autonia- ticpie pour hi nresure photogrammetrirpie des images. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (104-108). [0340]. 1046 Sur le nouveau telemetre ■de Carl Zeiss, d'Jena. Congi-es internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (140-142J. [0340]. 1047 Sur la duree de la pluie. Oongres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, <137-1.39). [1150]. 1048 [Sreznevskij, B. 1.] CpeSHCHCKili, E. II. H.iiaiiic K.iHMaTom. iia MC.iOldilui. [Der Einfluss der Climate iiui den ^lenschen]. St. Peterburg, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, ■G, (;239-240.j.' [1700]. 1049 Bo.JMO'rKIIOCTb To'iiiaro njii'^ci.a^aiiia iiokui. ci. iia\ 'uioii M o6ino<"TBeiin()i! TO'ieK'b aptnia (aKTOBafI l)t'IL). [Ueber die Moglichkeit genauer Wetterprognosen vom wissensc'haftlichen tmd socialen Standpiuikt.]. Actusrede: Yurjev, Acta Univ., 1901, 1, (1-28). [l"750 -0040]. 1050 uml Koch, K. G. CpCIJIieU- ci.in, 1). II. II Koxi., K. r. Tpviiii JHjflUACKoii ML'ieopoJorH'iocKoii <"J>TH. [Die Arljeiten des Livliindischen meteoroL )gischen Xetzes.]. St. Peterbuig, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 4, (104-105). [0020]. 1051 Stade, Hermann. Die neunte allge- meine VersamniLimg der Deutscheu Meteorologischen Gesellschaft zu Stutt- gart. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (101- 112, 121-1251 [0020]. 1052 Die neimte allgemeine Versammhmg der Deutscheu Meteoro- logischen Gesellschaft zu Stuttgart am 1. — 3. April 1901. Zweiter und dritter Tag. Wetter, Berlin. 18, 1901, (154- 159, 173-182). [0020]. 1053 Die meteorologische Hoch- btatiou Zugspitze. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (22G-231). [0210]. 1054 Die Xiederschlagsmessuc - gen auf Berggipfeln. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, i 201-205). [0300]. 10-55 [Stankevic, B. Y.] CiailueBiri I., K. B. Mariiiinibifl nao.iiojeHia iia IlaMupt .itroML 1900 r. [ilag- netische Beobachtimgen auf deui Pamir im Sommer 1900]. St. Peterbiu'g, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest; vrac., 1901, 4, (120-121). [3020]. 105G AKTHHOMeipHHecKin na- o.iiOAi^Miiu iia llaMiipt. .rhTOMT. 1900 roja. [Aktinometrische Beobachtmigen auf dem Pamir im Sommer 1900]. St. Peterbura;, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 8, f328-.330). [09G0 E 4200]. ' 1057 Stanoiewitcli, G. M. ilethode electro- souore p^)ur coniljattre la grele. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (373-3741. [12G0] ' 1058 Stassano, Henri. Demonstration geo- graphique de I'origine terrestre des aurores jjolaires. Paris, C.-R. Aca [Resultats des observations meteorolo- giques effectnees en 1900 sous les auspices d\\ Club Alpin de Tatra]. Pam. Tow. Tatrz., Krakciw, 22, 1901, (161- 169). [1840]. 1085 Sykora, J. Observations snr I'aurore boreale effectnees pendant I'hivemage 1899-1900 de I'expedition russe a Kon- stantinovka, Spitzljerg. I. Sm- la jAoto- graphie du spectre de Lanrore boreale. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8),, XI, 9, 1901, (I -f 1-7, av. 1 pi.). [1650 E 69G0]. 1086 Die Wellenlangen der 97 XoRlliclitspectruins. Astr. Xac-lir.. Kiel, 156, 1001, (325-320;. [10-30 E OyOO]. 1087 Symons, G. J. On barometric ioscillatious diu-ing tliuiiderstorms, and on the brontometer. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Men. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901. fl03-16.j). [Reprinted from l'r,,c. Roval See, 48, 1900.] [0300 n7i;0 1040]. 1088 Symons's Meteorological Magazine. Jan. 1901, 35, (177-192) Feb. and Mar. 1901, 36, (1-32). London (Edwanl :^tanford^ 1901. [0020]. 1089 i[eteorological Magazine. Eilited bv Hngh Robert ^lilL London i Edward' Stanford), 1902. 36, 190L S .L. 208, with pL). [00201. 1090 S3mions, W[illiam H[enry]. The -••limatic stations of Bath. Annual j-eport to the Bath Urban Sanitary -\uthoritv 1)V the ^ledical Officer of Health, ']906. Bath, 1901. [1700] 1091 The floods of the past century [at Bath], amiual report to tiie Bath Urban Sanitary Axithoritv bv the ]^redical Officer of"' Health, 1900, Jiaih, 1901. 21 cm. [1210]. 1092 Szalay, Ladislaus von. Elektrische .Signalapparate fiir feme Gewitter. (iaea. Leipzig, 37, 1901, (-316-552). 10350 C GOOO F IGIO]. 1093 Ein todtliclier Blitz>chlau- Aon forensischer Bedeutunrr- Wetter, .Berlin, 18, 1901, (71-72). [1G-3U Q 0180]. 1094 l^.lektrisclie .Signalajiparate iiir feme Gewitter. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901,(133-138). [0350 1040 COOOOi. 1095 Szulc, K. Gi-ady av Galicyi. [Ilagel- >ililage in Galizieu]. Krakow, Bidl. Intern. Acad., 1901, (408-410). [1200 dhGaliojal 1090 Grady w (ialicyi. [Les greles en Galicie]. Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., A, 41, 1901, (400-424, with 1 map and 1 plate). [1200]. 1097 Tabor, H. S. Atmospheric trans- 1 la rencv. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37,1902,(21). [0-500]. 1101 Talmage, James E. A " Sand- bow " — an unusual optical piieno- inenon. Science, Xew York, X.Y., >(X. Ser.), 13, 1901, (902;. (F-10481) [0500]. 1102 TedescM, Vincenzo. Variazioni della decliuazione magnetica osservate nellii R. Specola di Capodimonte nell'anno 1900. Xapoli, Rend. Soc. sc, (Ser. 3). 7, 1901, (114-121). [-3040]. 1103 Tein, Maximilian von. Das Main- gebiet. (Ergel)nisse der Uiiter- suchung der Hochwasserverhaltnisse iui Deutsclien Rheingebiet. Auf Veran- lassung der Reichskommission . . bearb. u. hrsg. v. d. Centralbureau fiir Meteorologie unci Hydrographie im Grossherzogtluim Baden. Heft 0.) Berlin (Ernst u. S.), 1901. Till - 145, mit 9 Taf.). 30 cm. 24 M. [1150 J 52]. 1104 Teisserenc de Bort, Leon. Variations saisounieres de la temperature a diverses hauteurs dans I'atmosphere libre. Annu. Soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (3-5). [0820]. 1105 Residtats jjrincipaux des lancers deballons sondes a I'observatoire de meteorologie dynamique. Congres iuternat. meteor., "Paris, 1901, (199- 203). [0820]. 1100 Sur I'organisation des Bondages aeriens a Tobservatbire de meteorologie dynamique. CVnigres iu- ternat. meteor.,' Paris, 1901, (109-172). [0300 0370]. 1107 Ueber die am Oberva- torium fiir dj'uainische ileteorologie in (hni Erforschnngs-Methoden der .\t- niosphiire erreichten Fortschritte. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (402-404). [0-370]. 1108 Studies on the atmosphere at Trappes, France. [Translated from -Journal de Physique, (3), Vol. IX]. ^\'ashington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric. 29. P.IOL i 20-21). [0400 d/]. 1109 Ten Broeck, H. H. An auroral- lunar halo display. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, :\Ion. Weath. Rev. 29, 1901, (551). [10.30]. 1110 Thomas, P. Beweiskraft von Blitz- ])hoto(rraphien. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (090). [1630]. 1111 Thompson, E. Symes. A comparison of the climate of Algiers with that of the Riviera. Bain. C'lim. J., Loudon, 5, 1901,(109-183). [1730]. 1112 Thompson, (r. Carslake. Effects of a lightning Hash. Cardiff, Trans. X'at. Soc, 32. 1901, (65-GGj. [1030]. 1113 o 98 Tlllo, A. tie. Sur la relation qui existe entre la reparation des elements magnetiques et la distribution generale des mers et de la temperature moyenne a la surface du globe. Verh. intern. GeogrCongr., 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (129-131). [3020 3070 J 10]. 1114 [ToUskij, A. P.j. To.IbCKiii, A. n. Ki. itoiipocy 0 B.iifliiiii TeMnei)a- Tvpbi noMiibi iia pasBniie Kopiieii, [Zur Frage iilier die Ein-\virknng ver- schiedeuer Bodentemperaturen auf die Entwickeliuig der Wm-zeln]. Jouru. exp. Landw., St. Peterburg, 6, 1901, (733-744 + deutscli. Res.). [1710]. 1115 ToJrwinsld, Gabryel. 0 meteorologii lekarskiej. [Sur la meteorologie medi- cale]. Zdrowie, Warszawa, 17, 1901, (327-341). [1730]. 1116 Tommasina, Thomas. Die Untersu- chung der Ferngewitter mittels des Elektroradiopkons. Phvsik. Zs., Leip- zig, 2, 1901, (277-278). [0350 1640 C 6600]. 1117 Sur I'etude des orages Icintains. Electricien, Paris, (ser. 2), 21, 1901, (23-24). [1600]. 1118 Sur I'auscultation des orages lointains et sur I'etude de la variation diurne de I'eleetricite atmos- pherique. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (1001-1003). [1620 1640]. 1119 Elettroradiofono. Riv. agric. industr., Roma, 1901. (61-63). [0350]. 1120 Toronto Magnetic Observatory. To- ronto general nieteoroloiiical register for the vear 1900. Toronto, 1900, 1901, (22).' [1800 3000]. 1121 Toussaint, 0. Influence des forets sur les phenomenes meteoriques, le regime des eaux, le climat, I'liygiene publique. Bui. coram, meteor.. Bar le Due, 18, 1901, (d 57-d 74). [1710 17.30]. 1122 Tojmbee, Henry. Daily weather re- ports and barometer comparisons. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 27, 1901. (156-158). [0700]. 1123 Trebeck, P. C. Cloud Photograph. Loudon, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, 41-42). [1090]. ,1124 Treitsclike, Friedr. Die Witterung in Thiiringen 1900. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (97-104). [1840J. 1125 Tyndall, William Henry. Meteorology, Oxford Road, Redhill, Surrey, for tlie vear 1901. Printed for private circula- tion [1902]. (16). 21cm. [1800]. 112i; Tyrer, Richard. Annual report upon the meteorologv of Cheltenham, l9(XJ. Cheltenham, 1901 (8) 24 cm. [1800]. 1127 Annual report upon tlif meteorology of Cheltenham, 1901.^^(8). 24cm. Cheltenham, "Echo" Electric- Press, 1902. [1800]. 112cs The meteorology of Chel- tenham, 1901. Large Sheet. [1902]. [1800]. 1129 Uhlich, P. LehrbuchderMarkscheide- kunde. Freiberg i. S. (Craz & Gei- lach), 1901, (IX -^ 402). 24 cm. [3000 J 70 1199 B0120 P3020 G 181. 11.30 Vandeyver. Action de I'eleetricite sur le brouillard. Cosmos, Paris, 45, 1901 . (595-598, av. %.). [1070]. 1131 [Vannary, P. I.] Baiinapil, II. II. 0 Ti'MiiepaTyplj Bo.^bi bi. ptirh »ItHlj. [Sur la temperature de I'eaii dans la riviere Lena]. St. Peterburt:, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 14, 5, 1901. (525-528). [0910]. 1132 Van Rijclrvorsel. Report on the magnetic observations made at Vlissin gen (Flushing), Holland, during th» total solar eclipse of Mav 17, 18, 1901. Terr. Mag., Washington,' D.C., 6, 1901. (135-143). [3060 E 4350]. 1133 Ventosa, V[icente]. La direction de> vents superieurs determiuee par les ondulations du bord des astres. Regies pratiques pour I'ai^plication de cette methode. Congies internat. meteor., Paris, 1901. (172-176). [1350]. 1134 Verde, Edmondo. Notizie meteorolo- giche. Boll. san. annuale, Spezia, 1901, (5-8). [1840]. 1135 Very, Frank W. The solar constant. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (.357-306). [0960 E 4200] 113(> Vescoz, Ch. La meteorologie au Grand-Saint-Bernard. Riv. lis. mat. sc nat., Pavia, 3, 1901, (27-35). [0060 1700]. 1137 Vicentini, Giuseppe. Sulla jDresunta efficacia degli spari contro la grandine. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 60, (parte 2), 1901, (1373-1391). [1260]. 1138 99 Vicentini, (Jiaseppe. Gli spari contro ]a graudiue. Venezia, Atti 1st. veu., 60, (parte 2), 1901, (13-19). [12(jJ]. 1139 Vidal, E. L'artillerie agricole et le lir des fusees paragi'elecoutre lesnuages orageux. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 1), 15, 1961,(753-755). [1260]. 1110 Viersma, T[eeke]. Merkwaardige lialo t'i Miiuuikebiu'en. [Ueinarkal)le Jialo at Muimikebiireii]. Xed. Tydschr. Meteor., Grouiiigen, 1, 1901, (12). [0510]. 11 U Viezzoli, Francesco. L'Adriatit-o. Morfologia. Coiidizioni fisiehe, climato- logiche. Parma (Battei), 1901, (200 con tav.). 22 cm. [1700]. 1142 Violle, J. Rapport siir la radiation, presente au comite meteorologique inter- national a Saint Petersbourg, en 1S99. .Vnn. chim. phvs., Paris, (ser. 7), 22, 1901, (329-370). [0900]. 1143 .Sur un eclair en bonle. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1537- 1538). [1G.30J. 1144 Vital, Artnro. Su di nna probabile nnova causa di deviazione uella bussola di bordo. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 1° trim., (12G-127). [3090]. 1115 [Voejkov, A. I.] IJociii.oin,, A. II. K'l. Bonpoty o iipiiMtiiiiMocni .i\ii- iiLixi. no.iOHiciiiii .\m\ npc.ici.a.^auiji noro^LI. [Zur Frage idjer die Anwend- barkeit der ilondphasen fiir Wetter- prognosen]. Met. Vest., St. Petei-biirg, 1901, (419-422). [0180 17G0]. 114G liad.iio.iciiifi HI. iio.rii ii HI. .liicy HI. l{()pone. [Ueber die ll-jahrigeTliatig- keit der meteorologischen Konnnission der Kais. russ. geogr. Gesellschaftnnddes Jleteorologiceskij Vestnik]. St. Peter- Inirg, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901. 4, (103-104). [0010]. 1151 De I'influence de rhoirune sur les terres. Ann. geog., Paris, 10, 1901, (97-114, 193-215). [1700]. 1207 Volger, G. H. Otto. Der Wasser- schatz des Erdreiches, die Verscliiedeu- heit seines Ursprunges, seine Bewart- schaftung und die iMoglicldieit seiner Vermelirung zuni Zsvecke der Bodenbe- wiisserung und der Bereicherung der Fliisse. Emden, Jakresber. natf. Ges., 85,(1899-1900), 1901, (49-59). [1000 J 50]. 1152 [Voznesenskij, Ar.] Uo.lllt'ceilCKiii, \[). lio.iLci.ie .111 HUM iia lorii BaiiKa.ia. [Jidi-Platzregen im Siiden des Baikal]. Met. Vest., St. Peterbursr, 1901, (480-482), & St. Pet., Ezem6s. met. IJiull. glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9,8, 1901, (1-2). [1210]. 1153 Waeber, R. Leluljuch fiir den Unter- riclit in der Physik mit Beriicksicliti- gung der pliysikalischen Teclmologie und Meteorologie. 12 Aufl. Leipzig (Hirt & S.), 1901, (318, mit 1 Taf.). 23 cm. 3,75 M. [0050 C0050 B0050]. 1154 Waldegrave, luui. Fall of mud or dust. Singular phenomenon. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2, (317). (1240). 1155 Waldo, Frank. The Blue Hill Meteoro- logical Observatory. [Milton, Mass.]. Pop. Sci. Mon., Xew York, N.Y., 59, 1901, (290-304). [0210]. 115G WaUis, H[erbert] Sowerijy. The mild December [1900]. .Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 35, 1900, (181-182). [0800]. 1157 0 2 100 Wallis, H[erbeit] Sowerbv nml ilill, Hugh Roliert. British raiufall. TJUO. On the distribution of rain over the British Isles during the year 1900, as observed at about 3,500 stations in Clreat Britain and Ireland, with articles upon various branches of rainfall -work. London (Edward Stanford]. 1901, (l^j4\vithGpl.). 22 cm. [0020 1180]. 1158 Wallis, Wm. F. Effect of altitude on the magnetic elements. [Review of liijckevorsel and Bemmelen's "Mag- netische Beobachtungen in der Schweiz . . . 1896 raid 1897.'"] Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (91-94). [3010]. ■" 1159 Sun-Spots and magnetic storms. [Review of Sidgroaves " On the connection between solar spots and earth-ma cnetic storms."] Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6. 1901, (95-9G). 3050 E 4110]. 1160 Walz, J. J. Sur les travaux du Weather Biu-eau des Etats-Unis. C'on- ures iuternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (204- I'OT). [0060]. IICI Ward, R[obert] De C. Ljhrbuch der ileterolcsrie. Von Dr. Julius Hann. Science, "Xew York, X.Y., 14, 1901, (966-967). [0030]. _ 1162 Some economic aspects of the heat and drought of July, 1901, in the United States. Xew York, X.Y'., Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, 33, 1901, (338- 348). [1220]. 1163 Uudergi-oraid temperature at Oxford. [Review of article pidj- lislied bv Radcliffe Observatorv]. Science, New Y'ork, X.Y., 14, 1901, (938). [0860]. 1165 Xotes on climatologj-. [Brief reviews of current literature.] Xew Y'ork, X.Y'., Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc, 33, 1901, (47-51, 150-153, 249-252, 350-352, 412-415). [0030 1700]. 1167 Watson, Albert E[dwar(I]. A review of ijast severe winters in England, with (leductions therefrom. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 27, 1901, (141-150). [1700]. 1168 Definition of a rainy day. Sj-mons' Meteor. Mag., Londuu, 37, 1902, (7). [1150]. 1169 Watson, W[illiam]. Description of a set of magnetographs designed by ^^ . Watson. Terr. Slag., Washington, D.C., 6,1901,(187-192).'' [0350]. " 1170 A graphical method of determiuing the 7 correction in the deflection experiment. Terr. Ma^., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (70-72). [3010]. 1171 Waugh, W. R.M. Sun-pillar. Svmons' yh'teny. M;,-., 36, 1901, (98). [0o40]. 1172 Webber, B. C January gales from the CJreat Lakes to the Maritime Pro- vinces. Mon. Weather Rev., Toponto, 26.1001,(12-13). [1570]. ' 1173 Weber, ('. L. Die Atifgabe, Kom- passablesungen zu iibertragen. Elektrot- Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (403-405;. [3010J. 1174 Weidlich, Th. Feuerkugel. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901 , (192). F 1640 [16301 1175 Weiler, W. Ueber Blitzableiter. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (22-26). [1630 C6820J. 1176 Weinrich Jr., Wm. Russian manual of the deviation of the compass. [Review.] Terr. Mag., Washington, D. C, 6, 1901, (88). [-3090]. 'll77 Wellington College. Meteorological rci>nit [1900]. Ann. rep. Wellington Coll. Xat. Sci. Soc, 1900. Wellington College, Thomas Hunt, 1901 (34-42), 22 cm. [1800]. 1178 • Meteorological repori [1901]. Wellington Coll., Ann. Rep. Xat. Sci. Soc, "1901, (37-42). 1902. [1800.] 1179 Wengler. Mittheilung iiber den A'er- lauL' eines Blitzschlages. Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1901, (74). [10.30.] 1180 Wesendonck, K[arl] v. Zur Er- kliirung des Phanomens der blauen Sonne. Xatw. Rdsch., Braunschweic;, 16, 1901, (573-574). [0510 C 3640 3220.] 1181 West, Jul. H. [Ueiier den Staubregeu voui 11. Marz 1901.] Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (464). [1240.] 1182 Einfaches Verfahren, die Holie der Wolkendecke zu messen. Pro- metheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (401-402). [1100.] 1183 Wliitaker, W. Some notes on science. Crovdon, Proc Trans. Microsc. Xat. Hist. C1.,"1901, (48-59). [0040.] 1186 WMte, A. Silva. The sandstorm iu Cajiri. Scot. Georg. Mas,'., Edinljuryh, 17, 1901, (196-197). [lulO.] li84 WMteley, J. Meteorological tables for the vear 1900 [Halifax]. Halifax Xat., 5. 1901, (122-123), [1800.] 1185 iDl Whitton, Jas. Meteorolo.irieal notes ami remarks upon the weather during 1839, with its general effects n|X)n vesretation. Glasgow, Trans. Xat. Hist. Soc, 6, 1901, (141-lo3!. [1710.] 1187 Wiebe, H[ennann] F. nud Hel)e, P. Ueber das Verhalteu der Aneroide bei tiefen Temperaturen. Z.. Institimen- tenk., Berlin, 21, 1901, (331-3.33*. [OlMO.] 1188 Wierzbicki, [Daniel]. Wyniki spos- trzezeii magiietvcznych dokouaiiych w Krakowie w roku 1899. [Resultat? des observations magnetiques effectuees a C'racovie en 1899.] Krakow, Spraw. Kom. Fizvo^r., 35. 1901, (21S-l'19i. [3020.] ■ " 1189 Grady w Galicyi w rokii 1899. [La grele en Galicie"e:i 1899]. Krakow, Spraw. Koui. Fizvosrr., 35, 1901, (192-198). [1260.] " '^ 1190 Pioruny w Galicyi w rokii 1899. [La foudre en Galicieen 1899]. Krakow, Spraw. Kom. Fizvogr. 35,1901, (198). [1030]. ' 1191 Wilks. Si?- Sydney. Th- histoiy of Fahrenlieit's thermometer. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (29). [02.30]. li92 WiUamae-Jantzen, V. Vejrforholdene i Landbrugvaaret 1900-1901. [The atmos])heric CDnditious of the agricul- tural Year 1909-1901.] Kjobenhavn, Tidsskrift for Landokonomi, 1901, (.500 514). [1710]. 1193 Williams, ('[hailes] Theodore. Tlie climate of Norway and its factors. I^mdon, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27,1901, (10.5-115, with pi.). [1700] 1194 The Climate of Soutli AVales. Loudon, R. Med. Chir. Soc. Climates and baths of Great Britiin. 2, 1902, (329-380, with 2 maps). [1 7301. 1195 Wilsingf, I. Ueber die Erhaltung der Eneririe der Sonnenstrahlung. Astr. Xachr., Kiel. 154, 1901, (429-4.36). U.I40 C 2400 E 4200 7140]. 1196 Wilson, Albert. AYhirlwind <>r thun- derljolt. S\^nons' Meteor. Masr., London, 36. r.;01, (149-150). [1580 1640]. 1197 Wilson. C. T. R. On the ionisation f atmospheric air. London, Proc. R. > c.,68. 1901, (151-lOlj. [IGOO]. 1198 On the ionisation of at- UKjspheric air. [From Proc. R. Soc, 68. 1901, (151-lGl).] Washington, D.C.. U. S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (159-162). [0410]. 1199 Wilson, E. R. Ths effective tempera- ture of the Sim. London, Proc. R. Soc, 69. 1902, (312-320). [0960]. 1200 Wilson, Svdnev. A hot dav in north- west Lancashire [July 20, 1901]. .Sy- mons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36. 1901. (1.30-132). [0800]. 1201 Wilson-Barker, D. Clouds. Know- ledge, London, 25, 1902, (104-109 and pi.). [10.90]. 1202 Iridescent clouds. Symons' :Meteor. Mas., London, 36, 1901, (183). [0510J. ^ 1203 Wirtz, Carl W. Photographisch- photometrische L'ntersuchungen. Astr. Xachr., Kiel. 154, 1901. (317-362). [0500 E 240(J 7030 76rX) 3350] . 1204 Wislicanus, [Hans]. Ueber eine Waldluftuntersuchung in den sach- sischen Staatsforstrevieren xmd die Rauehgefahr im iVllgenieinen. Vor- trag . . . Freiberg i. S. (Craz & Ger- lach), 1901, (26). 22 em. 0,75 M. r0420 Q 6024 D 6500 M 4150]. 1205 ■ WaldluftuntersTichung. Ber. A'ers. siiehs. Forstver., Tharandt, 46, 1901,(105-138). [0420 Q 6024 D6500 M 41.'30]. 1206 Wolbling'. Berthold. Die Wetter- vorhersage nnd die Landwirthschaft. Vortrag . . . Dresdener landw. Presse, 22. 1901, (378-379). [1700]. 120S Wolf. Eine eigeuartige optische Himinelserscheinimg. Prometheus, Ber- lin, 13, 1901, (16). [0540]. 1209 Wolfer, A. Freqnenza delle macchie solaii neir anno 1900 e confronto dell'andamento coUa variazione mag- netica. Traduzione. Mem. Soc. spettro- scop. itaL, Catania, 30, 1901, (213-215). [3060]. 1210 Woollett, C^. C. Tables of monthly rainfall at Acrise, Kent. Svmons' Metpor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (79). [1150]. ' 1211 Woringer, B[enedict]. Ein neues Lalii.rat' liumsbarometer mit automa- tisclier XuUeinstellung. Zs. ])hysik. ("hem., Leipzig, 38, 1901, (320-330). [0230 D0910 C 00001. 1212 102 Wragge, Clement X. Les observa- toires de Kosciusko. Merimbula. Coii- t(i-es iiiternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (208- 210). [0210]. 1213 Wrangell, F. von. Methods ziir be- <|uemereii Messuug von Serial-Tempera- tnren. Verli. intern. GeogrConcr. 7 (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (SGT-Sdu). [0890 J 75]. 1211 Wren, H. B. Climate and corn. \Va>lLlagton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agaic, -Mou. Weatli. Rev., 29, 1901, (8-13). [1710 M3800]. 1215 Relations between climate and crops. (Abridged from U.S. Dept. Agric. -Mon. Wtatli. Rev.) Xatiue,-. London, 64, 1901, (49.3-495). [1710]. 121(; Zettcwch, Giuseppe. Ricercbe siil bleu del cielo. Spoleto, 1901, (44 con Itav.). 28 cm. [0510J. 1217 Ziegler, Julius und Konig, Walter Das Klima von Frankfurt auvilain. Eine ZusammensteUung der wiclitigsteu meteordlogiscben Yerhaltnisse von Frankfnit a. M. nach vieljiilirigen Bei >- bachtungeu im Auftrag des Physikali- schen Vereins bearb. X'achtras. Frank- furt a. M. (C.Xaumann), I'oOl. (XXll - 08. mit 2 Taf.). 29 cm. 4 il. [184<' 1700 .TOO]. 121 -^ 103 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. 0000 PHILOSOPHY, Geolocrv' and meteorologv. Nature, Luudou,"65, 1901, (32-33). " L'av venire della meteorologia. An- uuario astro-meteorologico, Venezia, 20, 1901, (120-123). Ekholm, Nils. On the meteorological conditions of the pleistocene e}X)ch. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 58, 1902, (37- 4.5). [0400 0800]. Semmola, Eagenio. La fisica terrestre e la geografia fisica fra le scienze uaturali. Napoli, Atti 1st. incoragg. sc. nat., (Ser. 5), 2, n' 6, 1901, (1-11)'. 0010 HISTORY. BIOGR-VPHY. Meteorologisclie Beobachtungen voin XIV. bis XVII. Jabrhimdert. (Neu- drucke von Scluifteii imd Karteu iiber ileteoroloEcie undErdmasriietismus, lu-sg. V. G. Heilmaun, No. 13.) Berlin (A. Asher u. Co.), 1901, (128). 2G cm. 18 M. [3000]. Jahrbuch der Astronomie nnd Geopkysik. Enthaltend die wichtigsten Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Astro- pliTsik, Meteorologie und physikalischeu Erdkunde. Hrsg. v. Hermann J. Klein. XL Jahrg, 1900. Leipzig (E. H. Maver), 1901 (VIII - 379 mit 5 Taf.). •22 cm. [E 0010 J 0010]. Jakrbucli der Ei-findimgen mid Fort- sctritte auf den Gebieten der Physik, Chemie wad chemischen Tecliuologie, der Astronomie und Meteorologie. Beginindet von H. Gretschel und H. Hirzel, lu-sg. von A[dolf] Berberich, Georg Bome- mann und Otto iliiller. Jg 37. Leipzig (Quandt & Handel), 1901, (VI -f 400). 19 cm. 6M. [EOOlO COOIO DOOlO]. Abbe, Cleveland. Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (109). [0250]. [Biographical Notice of] Alexander Ashley. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (173). Abbe, Cleveland. [Biographical notice of] Howard Shi-iver. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (67). [Biographical notice of] Charles Davis. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev.. 29, 1901, (173). [Biogi-aphical notice of] Gustavus A. Hyde. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (220 w-ith pi). [Biographical notice of] Lorin Blodgett. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath Rev., 29, I'.iOI, (174). Arcbenhold, F. S. Otto Jesse. Weltall, BerUn, 1, 1901, (157-159). [£ 0010]. Ashley, Alexander. [Biographical notice of, by Cleveland Abbe]. Wash- ington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (173). Bertelli, Timoteo. Discussione della leggeuda di Flavio Gioia inventors della bussola. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 3, 1901, (529-541). Alcuni appunti storici intomo all'antico uso topografico della bussola. Roma. Mem. Ace Nuovi Liucei, 17, 1901, (1-17). Aiicora siiUa recente pro- posta di im centenario deU'invenzione della bussola. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 2" trim., (499-508). Sopra un niiovo documento risguardante I'invenzione della bussola nautica. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 4^ trim., (283-287). Bezold, Wilhelm von. Die Meteoro- logie mil die Wende des Jahi-lumderts. [Vortrag.] Natw. Rdscli., Braimsch- weig, 17, 1902, (41-42). [0040]. Die ileteorologie um die Wende des Jahrhimderts. [Vortrag,] (Schluss.) Nat«'. Rdsch., Braunsch- weig, 17, 1902, (5.3-55). Weltall, Berlin, 2, 1901, (59-03). [0040]. 0010 104 Bezold, Willielm vcii. [Biogrnphictil Notice of]. Terr. iJiig., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (144). Bliznin, G. Ja. Xekrolog. frui-s.)- :\Iet. Vest., St. Petci-buro-, 1901, (8.38- 340). I Xecrologne par A. A. Kaniinskij. frusse). St. Peterburg, Ezemes.met. Bhill. (ilnvn. Fiz. Obs., 9, S, 1001, (1-1^). Blodgett, Loriii. [Biograpliieal notice of, by Cleveland Abbe]. Wasli- ington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (174).' Bonaldi, Attilio. La meteorologia nel secolo XIX. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, l"" trim., (435-402). Davis, Charles. [Biographical notice of, l)y Cleveland Abbe.] Washington, D.C, L'.S. Dept. Aaric, Mon. Weath., Rev., 29, 1901, (173). De Colong, Ivan Petrovic. (necrol.) par M. Rvkacev. (russe). St. Peterbnro-, Bnll. Ac" So., (ser. u), 15, 1, 1901, (Proc.-verb. I-Vl). Ekholm, N[ils]. History of meteoro- logy and hydrography in Sweden (Swedish), v. Snndbarg, G. Sveriges land ocli folk., 1901, (434-436). Ellis, AVilliam. [Biographical notice of]. 'JVrr. Jlag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (45, with pi.). Eschenhagen, Max. [Obituary notice of]. Terr, Mag., Washington, D.C, 6. 1901, (185, withpL). — - [Oljituary notice liy] Xijipoldt, A. Flint, Earl. [Biographical notice of by] A[lfred] J. Henry. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev. 29, 1901, (67). Giintlier, S[iegmnnd]. Leopold von Buch als Jleteorologe. Verb. Ges. 1). Xatf., Leii3zig, 72, 11, 1, 1901,(42-43). Henry, A [If red] J. [Biographical notice of] Dr. Earl Flint. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (G7). HUdebrandsBon, H[ugo] Hildebrand. Modern exiJorations of the higher regions of the atmosphere (Swedish). Xord. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1901, (39-56, with pi.). [0820]. Hyde, Gustavus A. [Biogra]5hical notice of, by Cleveland Abbe.j Washing- ton, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (220, with pi). Jesse, Otto. [Olntnarv notice bv] Arc-henhold, F. S. Kaminskij, A. A. Obituary notice of (i. Ya. Bliznin, (liusse). St. Petersburg. Ezemes. met. BTull. Glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, S, 1901, (1-2). y Klein, Hermann, J. Jahrbuch der Astronomie uud Geophysik. Enthaltend die wichtigsten Fortschritte auf dea Gebieten der Astrophysik, Aleteorologie und pliysikalischen Erdkunde, lirsg. v. Hermann J. Klein. Jg 11, 1900. l.eip- y.is (E. H. Maver), 1901, (VIII 4- 379, mit 5 Taf.). 22 cm. 7 M. [E OOIO J 0010]. Lemoine, Georges. Les progTes de la meteorologie en France dans la seconde moitie du XIX'^ siecle. Rev. sci., Paris,, (ser. 4), 15, 1901, (321-327). [0040J. Licitra, Angelo e Baronl Isidoro. If discorso meteorologico di Don Giobatta Hodierna. Astrotilo, Milano, 8, 1901. (119-123). [0040]. Marriott, William. An accoimt of the be(|iiest of George James Symons, F.R.S., to the Royal Meteorological Societv. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 19'ul, (241-260). [0030]. Mill, H[ugh] R[obert]. The develop- ment of rainfall measurement in the last fortv years. Brit. Rain, Loudon^ 1900-19(11, (23-45). [0300]. Monne, A[lbert] J[an]. [Report con- cerning the] inauguration of a monmnent in honour of Prof. Dr. C H. D. Buys Ballot. (Dutch). Ned Tydschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (17-20). Monti, Virgilio. ileteorologia e climaliilou'ia della Grecia in Omero. Roma, 1901, (24). 23 cm. Nippoldt, A. Max Eschenbagenf. Xachruf. Xatw. Rdsch., Braunschweig, 17, 1902, (62-63). [J 0010 C 0010]. Paesani, Giovanni. Flavio Gioia- neH'invenzione della bus-sola nautica. Xatura ed Arte, Milano-Roma, 1901, 1° sem., (613-618, con 1 tav. ; 659- 664). PassalisMj, P. T. X^^ekrolog. (Russ.). Met. ^■cst. St. Peterburg, 1901, (147- 1481. Phipson, Thomas Lamb. Researches, on the past and present history of the earth's atmosphere, including the- 105 0020 latest discoveries a-id their practical applications. (XlI-J-lUl). 19 cm. London (Charles LirifTen & Co.), 1901. [U!)30J. Polls, [Peter]. Ueber den gegeuwar- tigen Stao'l der meteorologischen Wissen- schaft. Vortrasj. Berlin, Zs. Ver. D. Ing., 46, 1902, (OO-Gl). Proto - Pisani, Nicolangelo. SuU' origins della liiissola. Portlci, (Delhi Torre), 1901, (XIV-J-56). 25 cm. Rykacev, 'M. A. [Obituary notics of Ivan Petrovic de Colong]. (Russe). St. Petersburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (Ser. 5), 15, 1, 1901, (Proc. verb. I-Vl). Was zur liOSung der von der ersten russischen meteorologischen Conferenz aufgestelltsu Fragen gethan Avorden ist. (Russ.). St. Peterburg, Dnevnik XI sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, :], (6(3-07). Shriver, Howard. [Biographical notice of, by Cleveland Abbe]. Wash- ington, D.C., U.S. Dapt. Agric, Mo:i. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, ((57). Steinvorth, H. Dr. Georg Heinrlch Otto Volger, geuaunt Senckenberg. Ehrenmitglied seit 1853. Gestorben 1897. Liineburs:, Jahreshefte natw. Ver.. 15, 1901,(3-12). [G(J010 H 0010 (■ OOIO]. Strachan, Richard. Narrative of the labours of Pascal and Perrier in relation to the barometer. Horol. J., London, 44, 1902, (.J3-.39). [0230]. Voejkov, A. 1. Ueber die ll-jiihrige thiitigkeit der meteorologischen Coniis- sion der Kals. Russ. (leogr. Gesellsch. nnd des Metsorologiceskij Vestnik. (Russ.). St. Peterburg, Dnevuik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 4, (103- 1(J4). • Uebersicht der Fortschritte der ileteorologie von 1898 bis 1901. (Russ.). St. Peterburg, Dnevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 3, (07-68j. 0020 PERIODIC.VLS. REPORTS OF IXSTITUTIOXS, SOCIETIES, CONGRESSES, Etc. Die Fortschi'itte der Physik im Jahre 1 900. Dargest . v. d . Deutschen Ph ysi ka - lisclien (iesellschaft. oO. Jg. Aljth. 1. Phvsik der .\hiterie. Redicrirt von Karl Scheel. (XXXVl -f 3.j7;. 15 M. Abth. 2. Physik des Aethers. Redigirt von Karl Scheel. (LII + 794). 27 ^L Abth. 3. Kosmische Physik. Redigirt von Richard Assmann. (XLVIIl -f 472). 18 M. Braunschweig (F. Vieweg & S.). 1901. 23 cm. [C 0020- B 0020 E 0020]. Dautsches Meteorologisches .Jahrliuch fiir 1899. Meteorologische Station I. Ordn. in Magdeburg. Jahrlnieli der meteoi-ologischen Beobachtungeu der AVetterwarte der Magdeburgischen Zeitiing im Jahre 1899. Hrsg. voa Rudolph Weidenhagen. Bd. 18 Jg. 19.. Magdebui-g (Druck von Faber), 1901. (Vi + 94). 31 cm. [1800]. Internationale Erdmagnetische Co- 0)3eration. Prograuun .... ■wiihrend der Zeit der Siidpolai- - For- schung ill den Jahren 1902-1903. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 1901. (49-58). [3000], Jahres-Bericht des Centrall)urpaus fiir ^Meteorologie und Hydrographie im (irossherzogthum Baden mit den Ergeb- nissen der meteorologischen Beobach- tungeu und der Wasserstandsaufzeich- lunigen am Rhein und an seinen gros- seren Nebenfiiissen fiir das Jahr 1900' und mit den Mittehverthen fiir die- Zeitniume 1896-1900, 1801-1870, 1871- 1880, 1881-1890, 1891-1900. Karls- luhe (G. Brami), 1901, (IV -}- 130, mit Taf.); 31 cm. 8 M. [1840 J 50]. Bar-le-Duc. Commission meteorolo- gi(pie de la ileuse. Compte-rendii de.s. observations faites a, Bar-le-Duc et sur differeuts points du departement pendant; I'annoe meteorologique 1900. Bar-le- Duc, 18, 1901, (XV 29 + d 74, av.pl.). ■25 cm. [1800]. Batavia. Figee, S[imon]. Observa- tions made at the Roj'al magnetical ancl meteorological observatory at Batavia. Containing the residts of magnetical oljservations made during the ]5eriod 1882-1899. Batavia, Obsns. Ma£jn. Meteor., 22, (Part 2), 1901, (XIV - 100, with pi.). 37 cm. [3000 ej]. Berlin, Koniglich Preussisches Meteorologisches Institut. X.-i-ulfeut- liclxungen des Kouiglich Preus-^ischen -Meteorologischen Instituts. Hrsg. d urch W. V. Bezold. E r g e Ij n i s s e>- der Niederschlags-Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1897 und 1898. Berlin (.\. Aslior & Co.), 1901, (LXXIX -^ 218^ 231, mit 2 Karteu). 20 M. [1150]. 0020 106 Berlin, Kdniglich Preussisches Meteorologisches Institut. ^'e^oiTelltlicl^- uugen des Kouiglicli Preussischeii Meteorologschen lustituts. Hrsg. durch W. TOii Bezold. Ergebnisse der Beobachtungen an deu Stationen II. und HI. Orduiuigiui Jahi-e 1900. Zugieich Deutsches Meteorologisclies J a li rb u c li fiii- 1900. Beobachtimgsystem des Konisfreichs Preusseu . . ' . Heft 2. Berlin (A. Asher & Co.), 1901, (63-122>. 3,50 M. [1820]. Verofientlk-lnmgen des K. Preiissischen ileteorologischen lustituts, hi-sg. dui-cK W. V. Bezold, 1900. Ergeb- nisse der Beobachtungen an den Stationen II. mid III. Ordnimg im .lakre 1900. Zugieich. Deutsches Meteorologisches Jahrbuchfur 1900. Beobachtungssystem des Kgr. Preussen und benachbarter Staaten. H. 1. Berlin (A. Asher u. Co.), 1901,(62). 33 cm. 3,50 M. [1800 cZc]. • YerofEentlichungen des Kiiniglich Preussischeu Meteorolo- gischen lustituts. Hrsg. durch W. v. Bezold. Ergebnisse der Beobachtmigen an den Stationen II. und III. Ordmuig iui Jahre 1890. Zugieich Deutsches Meteorologisches Jahi-buch fiir 1896. Beobachtungssystem des Konigreichs Preussen . . . Heft 3. Berlin (A. Asher), 1901, (XVI + 111-.330, mit 1 Karte). 12 M. [1800]. Bognor Climatological Society. Annual report . . . lUOO (4, with 2 long tables). 21 cm. Bognor lUOl. [1800]. Bordiga, Oreste. lielazioue sul 2° congresso grandinifugo internazionale di Padova. Xapoli, Atti 1st. iucoragg. sc. nat., (Ser. 'o), 2, 1901, (1-10). [1260]. Buchan, A[lexander]. Meteorological observations on Ben Xevis for 1900. Report of the committee drawn up by Dr. Buchan. Svmons' ileteor. Mag., Loudon, 36, 1901', (160-161). Chandler, Allied and Ingham, W. Xiueteenth report (third series) of the committee on the climate of Devon. Eeprinied from Plymouth, Trans. Devon. Ass.. 33, 1901, (77-91). [1700]. Darboux, Gaston. L'Association inter- iiationale des Academies. Rev. sci., Paris, ( HopTrins, (teorge M. A few meteoro- logical instruments. Sci. Amer., New York, N.Y., 85, 1901, (312). Shackleton, W[illiam]. Antarctic px|il'inniiiii. Loudon, Knowledge, 24, 19U1, 1 121-124 . ^30110]. Southport, Fernley Observatory. (Borough Meteorological Department.) Report and results of observations, 1900 l)v Joseph Baxendell. Southport (Koljert .Jolmson & Co.), 1901, (28). 25 cm. [1800]. 0210 OBSERVATORIES — CON- STRUCTION AND EQUIP- MENT. Assmann, R[ichard]. L'observatoire aeronautique de ITnstitut meteorolo- giqiie a Berlin, et les dangers des cerfs- volauts. Congres internat. meteor., Paris 1901, (255-262). [03G0]. Bidlingmaier, Fr. The work and ecpiipuient for earth magnetism and meteorology of the GeiTQan .South Polar expedition, and suggestions for intei-- national co-operatiou during die time of the South Polar research, 1901-1903. Scot. Geog. Mag., Edinburgh, 17, 1901, (467-470). [3020]. [Glazebrook, R. T.] The aims of the National I'livsical Laboratorv. Nature. London, 64.'l901, (290-29.3).' [0040]. Kaminsldj, A. A. Ueber die absolute Hohe der Barometer auf den meteorolo- gischen Stationen des asiatischen Russ- lands. (russ.). St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 12, 2, 1901, (II ~ 84, mit 1 Karte.). Kenealy, James. The Meteorological Observatory of Saint Ignatius College, Cleveland, Ohio. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weatli. Rev., 29, 1901, :.3.">). London. National Physical Labora tory. Report ou the oljservatory de- jiartment for the vear ending Decenil)er 31, 1900. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1901, (421-453). [0020]. 0210 111' London. National Physical Labora- tory. lOhservatdi'v departnieut) l!icli- auuiid (Surrey;. 'J'ests and Certiiicates Issued by ' the National Physical Laljoratorv committee of the Roval .Society, July, 1901, (27). 21 cm. London. Tlie National Antarctic Ex- pedition. London, Geoo-. J., 18, I'JUl, (154-U;0). [0110]. Marriott, W[illiam]. Inspection of [Roval ^leteorolopical Society's] sta- tions 1900. London, Q. J. R! :\Ieteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (206-212J. Mossmann, R. C. Xew Hiohlnnd aiietcnrnlooiea.l station. Svmons' I\Ieteor. Mag-, London, 36, 1901, doT-loB). Omodei, Domenico. L'Osservatoriu geolisico del R. Istituto idrogralico [Geno\a]. Amiali idrografici, Genova, •2, l'.:01, (81-97, con 17 tav.). Eussell, H[eury] C[hamber]aine]. iSyduey Observatory Meteorological Ser- vice. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (1.55). Rykacev, ]\1. A. Compte-rendu de rdiservatoire physique central Nicolas ]3our 1900. (russe). St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 12 1, 1901, . [J 87]. Xarrative of the hiboiu's of Pascal and Perrier in relation to the barometer. Horol. J., Lonchsii, 44, 1902, (53-59). [0010]. Woringer, B[enedict]. Ein neues Laboratoriumsbaronieter niit anto- matischer Kulleinsteliimg. Zs. physik. Chem., Leipzig, 38, 1901, (326-.3501. [D 0910 C OOUO]. 0240 ANEROIDS. Chree, Charles. Aneroids. Horol. J., London, 44, 1902, (121-122;. [J 87]. Strachan, R. Ajieroids. Horol. J., L.mdon, 44, 1902, (108). [J 87]. Wiebe, H[erinami] F. und Hebe, 1*. Ueber das Verhalten der Aneroide bei tiefen Tempera turen. Zs. Instru- mentenk., Berlin, 21, 1901, (331-333). 0250 THERMOMETERS. Abbe, Cleveland. Fahi'enheit's ther- mometer. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (109). [0010]. Becquerel, Henri. Sur une modifica- tion dans I'emploi du thermometi-e electrique pom* la determination des temperatures souterraines aii Museiun d'histoire naturelle. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (800-803). Sui- une modification dans I'emploi du thermometre electrique pour la determination des temperatm-es souterraines au Musemu d'histoire naturelle. Eleotricien, Paris, 22, 1901, (389-390). [0850]. Hecker, 0. Untersuchuug der Kun- stanz von Siedethermometern aus dem Glase 59'''' Zs. Instrmnentenk., Ber- lin, 21, 1901, (133-138). [0 1250]. Wilks, Sir Sydney. The history of Fahrenlieit's thennometer. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (29). 0260 SCREENS. Rykatcbef, [N.]. Comparaison des divers abris themiometriques avec les thermometres a aspiration. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (191- 198). (F-10i81) Sipcinskij, \'. \'. Abri tournant pour le thermographe de Richard, etude prealable (russe.). St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. .'>), 15, 4, 1901, (441-150, av. IidL). 0280 PSYCHROMETERS — DEW- POINT LNSTRUMENTS. Guglielmo, Giovanni. Tntorno ad ^m luetodo per determinare od eliminare la costaute psicrometrica e ad un psicro- metro assoluto con 3 termometri. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 2" sein., 1901, (193-202). Raffo, Guido. Proposta di modifica- zione alio psicrometro. Catania, Bull. Ace. Gioenia, 71, 1901, (8-14). Schubert, J[ohannes]. Zur Ermittel- ung der Luftfeuchtigkeit durch Psy- clrrometer. Vortrag. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 3, 1901, (120). 0290 EVAPORATORS. Galli, Ignazio. Atmidometro a livello costante. Roma, ilem. Ace. Nuovi Lincei, 17, 1901, (165-182). Ryka6ev, M. A. Bemerkmig fiber die Arbeit des Hrn. N. Maliusickij : Zur Frage fiber die Bedeiitung der Evaporo- meterangaben ffir die Anforderimgen der laudwirthschaftlichen Praxis, (russ.) Moskva, Ann. Inst, agron., 7, 1, 1901, (32-34). [1000]. 0300 RAIN GAUGES. Lancetta, Pietro. Pluviometro re.gis- ti-atore della durata e della interruziono della pioggia che puo cadere neUe 24 ore deir intera giornata. Riv. scieutif. industr., Firenze, 1901, (161-1(33). Elettricita, Milano, 20, 1901, (775- 777). Mm, H[iigh] R[obert]. The develop- ment of rainfall measurement in the last forty vears. Brit. Rain, London, 1901. r.'0i,".23-45j. [0010]. Reuscb, Hans. A new rain-gauge. (Norw.) Bergen, Naturen, 25, 190], (377-378, with fig.). Stade, Hermann. Die Niederschlags- messuugen aiif Berggipfeln. Wetter, ]5erliu, 18, 1901, (201-205). u 0310 111 0310 ANEMOMETERS. Kosac, M. P. Unmiterbroclieuc lle- ,ij;istrienuig der Windstarke. (russ.). St. Peterburg, Djievnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 7, (291-292). Legrand, Enuoaiiuel. Aneiuometre t'lectriqiie a indicatious k distance. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132. 1901, (323). Shavr, W. X. Report on the work of the comnuttee aj^pointed by the Sani- tary Institute of Great Britain to jiraf- (ioallv test ventilatuig exlumst cowls. London, J. Sanit. Inst., 22, 1901, (201- 452, with 5 pi. and 2 large tables). [0390J. 0330 SUXSHINE RECORDERS. Curtis, Richard H[enry]. An im- ]jroved moimting for the lens and bowl of the CampbeU-Stokes siuishine recorder. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 27, 1901, (63-65). Marvin, C'[harles] F[rederick]. . . . Angstrom's pyrhelionieter. Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mou. Weath. Rev., 29. 1901, (454-458, witli 111.) [0950 E 1200]. 0340 XEPHELOSCOPES— CLO L:1 > ME AS URIXG INSTRUMEX TS. Sprung", A[dolf]. Sur un appareil antomatique pour la mesure plioto- grauunetriqne des niiages. Cougi-es in- ternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (104-108). Sxir le nonveau telenieti'e de Carl Zeiss, d'lena. Congresiuternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (140-142). 0350 ELECTROMETERS AXD OTHER ELECTRICAL AP- PARATUS. Bauer, L[ouis] A. Summary of results of recent comparisons of mag- netic instrmnents. Terr. Mag., Washing- ton, D.C., 6, 1901,(31-41). Fraser, H. A. Denholm. The imifdar magnetometer of the mag-netic survey of India. Terr. Mag., Washington, IJ.C, 6, 1901, (65-69). [3010]. Kann, Leopold. Selbstregistrierender Apparat zur Messimg der Elektrizitiits- /.erstreuung in der Luft. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (621-623). ' [C 0010 6810]. Lancetta, Pietro. Elettrografo. Elet- tricista, Pv.una, 10. 1901, (01-63). Elettrotellurografo, nuovo> istrumentorivelatore e registratore delle correnti elettrotelluriche. Elettriclsta, Roma, 10, 1901, (113-114). Szalay, Ladislaus von. Elektrische- Sigualapparate fur feme Gewitter. Wet- ter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (133-138). (iaea,. Leipzig, 37, 1901, (546-552). [1640 C 6000J. Tommasina, Thomas. Die Unter- siiclimig der Ferngewitter mittelst des J''Jektr()radiophons. Phj^sik. Zs., Leip- zig, 2. 1901, (277-278). [1640 C; 0600]. Elettroradiofono. Riv, agric. industr., Roma, 1901, (61-63). Watson, W[illiam] . . . Magneto- gi'ajjhs designed by. Terr. Mag., Wash- ijigton, D.C., 6, 1901, (187-192). 0360 KITES. Assmann, Richard. Die modernea Methoden 7a\y Erforschung der Atmo- s[)h!ire mittels des Luftballons imd Drachen. Sanunl. Schr. Urania, Berlin, 57, 1901, (1-36, mit Taf.). [0370]. Die moderneu Methoden ziu' Erforschimgder Atmosphiire mittels des Lid'thallous mid Drachen. Hiraniel und Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (241 260, 306-319). [0370]. L'observatoire aeronau- ti(pie de ITnstitut royal meteorologique u Berlin, et les dangers des cerfs- volants. Congres internat. meteor., Palis, 1901. (225-262). [0210]. Berson. .V[rtur]. Sur le developpe- jnent et les problemes contemporains de hi navigation aerienne. Dans : Con- ferences snr Pair. (Polish). Warszawa— Krakow, [1901], (76-90). [0370]. Da Cunha, A. L'observatoire me- teorologique de Trappes [pres Paris]. ( lerfs-A'dlants et ballons-sondes. Nature,. I'aris, 29, (P semest.), 1901, (179-182, av. fig.). [0370]. Eoppen, W. Flug eines ungefesselten Hargrave-Drachens. Prometheus, Ber- lin, 12, 1901, (257-262, 273-276). [082a 1030 B2840]. Leber die Verwendmig von L)rachen zu meteorologischen Zweckeu und die Drachenversuche der Hi 0370 DeiitM-lieii Seewarte. Hambiu-g, \'eili. iiatv\-. A'.'!-., (3. Folge), 8, (1900), 1901, (XI-XllI. Marriott, William. Atmospheric cur- rent-. Aeronautical Jom'n., London, 6, 1901', 7-10). [1350]. Pillet, F. J. Xote concemant la con- "tnu-tiond'imcerf volant poui- recherches scientifiques, explorations atmospher- iques et releves photograpkiques. Aerouante, Paris, 34, 1901, (131-1-40, av. pi.). Rotch, A[})bot] Lawrence. The use iif kites to obtain meteorological ob- seiTaiions. (From Tech. Q. Boston, Jime, 1900, Eevised.) Washington, D.C., Suiitiisonian Inst., Eep., 1900, 1901, (223-231, with pi.). Published as separate. 24 cm. • The exploration of the atmosphere at sea bj- means of kites. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (1-G). On the systematic exi^lora- tiou of the atmosphere at sea by means of kites. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, 724). Meteorological observations with kites in the United States. Verh. iuteru. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), Berlin, 2, 1901, (399-401). The exploration of the atmospliere over the ocean. Nature, London, 65, 1901, (4). The systematic exploration of the atmosphere at sea by means of kites. London, Aeronautical Journal, 5. 1901, (69). Kite flvingatsea. S}Tnons' ileteor. Mair., London, 36, 1901, (164- IC.ll — The chief scientific use of kites. London, Aeronautical Journal, 5, 1901, (.jG-59;. Teisserenc de Bort, L[eon]. Sur I'organisation des sondages aeriens a I'observatoire de meteorologie dyna- mique. Congres intemat. meteor., Paris, 1901, il09-172j. [0370]. 0370 BALLOONS. Assmann, Richard. Die modemen -Meihoden zur Erforschung der Atmos- phare mittels des Luftballons und brachen. Himmel und Erde, Berlin, 13. 1901, (241-260, 306-319). [0360]. .K lUlSl) Assmann, iJiuliaid. Die moderneu Methoden zur Krfoi-schimg der Atmos- phare mittels des Luftballons und Dracheu. Samml. Sclu-. Urania, Berlin, 57, 1901, (1-30, mit Taf.). [0360]. — » Die meteorologischen Yer- haltnisse wiihrend der Todesfahrt des Hauptmaniis von Sigsfeld am 1. Februar 19( 12. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (25-32). [1500]. • L'ie Ergebnisse der wissen- .schaftlicheii Ballonfahrten des ,,Deut- schen A'eroius zur Fordenmg der Luft- schifffahi-t" zu Berlin. Verh. intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899j, 2, Berlin, 1901, (405-411). [0400 0820]. Bacon, Ilev. John M. Scientific observations at high altitudes. London, J. Soc. Arts., 50, 1901-2, (169-174). Exploring the thunder cloud. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (49-51). [1640]. Berson, A[rturJ. Sui- le developpe- meut et les proljlemes contemporains de la navigation aeriemie. Dans : Con- ferences siu- Fair (Polish). Warszawa — Krak6w, [1901], (76-90j. [0360]. Besson, Louis. Mesure de la direc- tion et de la vitesse en ballon. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (163-1G5). Da Ctmlia, A. L'observatoire meteoro- logiqae de Trappes [j)res Paris]. Cerfs- voiants et ballons-sondes. Nature, Paris, 29, (l-- semest.), 1901, (179-182, av. fig.). [0.360]. Diunont. Santos Dumonts Versuche und Erfolge mit einem LuftschifF. Prometheus,^ Berlin, 13, 1902, (262-267, 279-284'. [B 28401 Fmsterwalder, S. Zur Losung der Aufgabe I (betr. Netz eines Kugel- ballons). Zs. Math., Leipzig, 46, 1901, (251-253). [A 8850]. Hann, J[ulius]. Wissenschaftliche Liiftfahrtea. Geogr. Zs., Leipzig, 1901, (121-140). Pomorzev, M. M. L'aerostation a r Exposition imiversello a Paris (russe). Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (o5-65) Riedinger, Eugen. Drachenballo mit Anemometer und Registrirapparat. 111. aeron. Mitt., Slrassbiirg, 5, 1901, (60-61). Retell, A[bbott] Lawrence. A meteoro- logical balloon asci;u.siou at Strasburg, Germany. Washington, D.C., I'.S. u 2 0370 lie. Dept. Agi-ic, ilon. Weatb. Rev., 29, 1901, (298-299). [0400 dc] Shaw, W. N. Scientific balloouing. Xature, London, 65, 1901-2, (221-226j. Teisserenc de Bort, Leon. Ueber die am Observatoriujn f iir dynamiscbe Meteo- rologie in den Erforschimgs-Methoden der Atmospbare erreicbten Fortscbritte. Verb, intern. GeogrCongi-., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (402-404).'" ■ Sur rorgauisation des Bondages aeriens a robservatoire de meteorologie dynainique. Congres intemat. meteor., Paris, 1901, 1 1(J9- 172). [0360]. 0380 PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS. Sieberg, A. Das Pbotograpbiren von Halos. Xatw. Rdseb., Braiinscbweig, 17, 1902, (70-71). [0540]. Stolze, F. Die Pbotograpbie als Erforscberui der Bewegiingen. Atel. Pbot., Halle, 8, 1901, (15-20, 30-33j. [L 0400 E 3240]. 0390 SUNDRY LN'STRUMENTS NOT SPECIFIED ABOVE. Boggio-Lera, Enrico. ApiMreccbio registratore per la segnalazione degli uragani lontani. Riv. agric. indnstr., Roma, 1901, (58-61). Sui miei aijpareccbi regis- tratori e segnalatori dei temporali. Nuova Rassegna, Catania, 9, 1901, (467- 474, 493-497). Catania, Atti Ace. G-ioenia, (Ser. 4), 14, 1901, (Memoria XVII), (1-14). [1640]. Denison, F. Napier. Tbe seismo- grapb as a sensitive barometer. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (577-578). [0230]. Tbe seismogi-apb as a sensitive barometer. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, lyOl, (293-298). [0230]. Ebert, H[erm.]. Aspirationsapparat zur Bestimmung des lonengebaltes der Atmospbare. Pbvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (662-664). ' [ICOO C 6200 6810]. F^nyi, Giulio. Sopra lui registratore dei temporali. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (15-19, con 1 tav.). Fenyi, Giulio. Supjjlemento al registra- tore dei temporali. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (534-535). GheUini, G. L'awisatore registra- tore Squarzanti. Conegliano, Riv. R. Scnola vit. end. (Ser. 4), 7, 1901, (202- 203). Mill, Hugb Robert. Tbe voyage soutbward of tbe " Discovery." 1. London to Madeira. London, Geog,'J., 19, 1902, (417-423). Sbaw, W. N. Report on tbe Avork oi tbe committee appointed by tbe Sanitary Institute of Great Britain to practically test ventilating exbaust cowls. London, J. Sanit. Inst., 22, 1901, (201-452, uitb 5 151. and 2 large tables). [0310]. S3mions, G. J. On tbe brontometer. [Reprinted from Proc. Royal Soc, 48, 1900]. Wasbington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, ilon. Weatb. Rev., 29, 1901, (463-465J. [0760 1640]. PHYSICS OF ATMOS- PHERE. 0400 GENERAL. Ekbolm, Nils. On tbe meteorological, conditions of tbe pleistocene epocb. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 58, 1902, (37- 45). [0000 0800]. Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die Erfca-- scbung der boben Scbicbten der Atmos- pbare und ibi-e Bedeutung. Gaea, Leip- zig, 37, 1901, (11-22, 513-527, mit 2 Taf.). [0820 1310]. Liiike, Franz. Eine Landung im Gebirge. HI. aeron. Mitt., Strassbui'g, 5, 1904, (93-95). Nippoldt jun., A. Eiu Satz iiber Fourierscbe Reiben und seine Anwen- dung in der Geopbysik. Pbvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (363-365). '[A 5610]. Pomorcev, M. Vergleicbende Resul- tate der Erforscbung der Atmospbare in verscbiedenen Landern. (niss.). Met. V6st., St. Peterbui-g, 1901, a33- 142). Siiring, R[einbard]. Scbicbtbildungeu in der Atmospbai-e. lU. aeron. Mitt., Strassburse.). St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5, 15, 2, 1901, (217-227, av. 1 pi... Maydel, E. Ueber die Erforschung der Atmosphaie mittelst Ballons imd Drachen. u■u^s. i. ilorsk. sbom., St. Peterburs, 1901. 11 and 12, (69-78, 89-91'. Quervain, A. de. Note sur les ballons sondes lances en Rnssie. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5). XV, 4, 1901, (395-398). Rotcb, A[bbott] Lawrence. . Balloon ascension at Strassbui-g, ( ;erniauv [July 4, 1901]. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mou. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (298-299). [0370]. Rykacev, JI. A. Sur les ascensions interuationales des baUons-sondes du 7 fevr. et du 7 mars 1901, (russe.). St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 14, 3, 1901, (Proc-verb. XXVI-XXVIII). Savinov, S. I. Der VI1I'« inter- uatiouale Ballon- imd Drachenaufstieg zur Ih-forsclumg der freien Atmosphare. (russ.). St. Peterburg, Ezemes. met. Biull. glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, 1, 1901, (1-4). Aufstiege von Registrier- dracheu am 6, 7 luid 8 Nov. u. St. aus deni Konstantinov'schen Observatorium zu Pavlovsk. (laiss.). St. Peterburg, Ezemes. met. Biull. glavn. Fiz. Obs., 9, 12, 1901, (.3-5). Internationale Unterneh- mmigen zur Erforschimg der freien Atniosphiire. (russ.). Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (15-18). . 0410 GASEOUS CONSTITUENTS OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Casali, Adolfo. L'ammoniaca delle acque meteoriche e la pioggia sangui- naute. Bologna, Ann. Soc agr. prov., 41, 1901, (187-199). [1240]. Cliassy, A. Sur la formation de I'ozoiie. Electricien, Paris, 22, 1901, (395-390). [1600]. Ekholm, Nils. . [Variations in the quantity of carbonic acid in the atmos-- phere, the principal cause of the great climatic variations during geological ages]. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (20-27). [1700]. Ramsay, W. The Inert constituents of the atmosphere. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 59. 1901, (581-595). 0410 118 Wilson, C. T. li. On tlie ionisatioji of atmospheric air. [From Proc. Royal Soc, 68, 1901, (151-101).] Washing- ton, D.C., 11.8. Dept. Agric, .Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (159-1G2). 0420 IMPURITIES AND DUST IN THE ATifOSPHERE. Bertainchand, Vl. Sur les poiissieres atniosplieriques observees a Tnnis le 10 Mars 1901. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1153-1155). Dinklage, L. E. StaubfiiUe im Passat- gebiet des Nordatlantischen Ozeans. Netie Folge. Aim. Hydrogi*., Berlin, 29, 1901, (30-37). [1510 J Oi la]. Duphil, H. Recherches cliimiques, niicrograpliiques et bacteriolugiques sur Pair marin et Pair des forets de pin maritime. Arcachon, soc. sci., station zool., 1900-1901, (51-57). Grehant, N. .Vnalyses de Pair du Metropolitain. Paris, C.-R. soc. biol., 53, 1901, (1059-1061). Hapke. Der Stanbfall \om 10. und 11. Marz 1901 imd dessen Eisengehalt. Bremen, Abb. natw. Ver., 17, 1901, (22S-232). [1510 J 04 d, fc] Hepworth, M. W. t'amphell. Atmos- pheric dust. Lo^idon, C^. -J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (68). Melander, G[nstal]. L' influence du Vesuve sur I'air des environs. Givers. F. Vet. Soc, HelsingiVirs, 43, 1901, (148-160). [1080]. Mitchell, W. H. Cumulus clouds formed by smoke. AVashington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. AVeath. Rev., 29, 1901, (498). [lOSOJ. Orlig', J. Neuer Stanbfall. Wetter, Berlm, 19, 1902, (46). [1240]. Palmieri, I*. Sui jmlviscoli telluricie cosmici e le sabbie atfricane. Analisie considerazioni. Napoli, Rend. Ace. so., (Ser. 3), 7, 1901, (154-173). Stocking', George C. CHimulus clouds above columns of smoke. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (26). [1090]. Wislicenus, [Hans]. Ueber eineWald- luftnutersucliimg in den siichsischen Staatsforstrevieren mid die Rauchgefahr im AUgemeiueu. A'ortrag Freiberg i. S. (Craz ^V Gerlach), 1901, (26). 22 cm. 0,75 M. [Q 6024 D 6.')ij0 M 41.50]. Wislicenus, [Hans]. Waldluftmitcr- suchung. Ber. Vers, sachs. Forst\er., Tharandt, 46, 1901, (105-138). [Q (K)24 D 6500 M 4150]. 0440 DYNAMICAL AND THER.MU- DYNAMICAL THEORIES.^ Bezold, W[ilhelm] von. Uebor die Darstellung der Luftdruckvertheilmig durcli Druckfliichen und durclilsobaren. Haarlem, Arch. Ncerl. Sci. Soc. HolL. (Ser. 2), 6. 1901, (563-574). Exner, Felix M. Ueber den GieicL- gewichtszustand eiiies schweren Gases. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (68.3-686). (C 0200 2430J. Sandstrom, J[olian] W[ilhelm]. Ueber die Anwendmig von Professor V. Bjerknes' Theorie der AVirbelbewcgmi- gen in Gasen und Fliissigkeiten avif meteorologische Beobachtungen in den hoheren Luftschichten (1900). Stock- holm, Vet.-Ak. Handl. 33, 1901 , No. 4 (46, with 10 pi.). [1580]. COSMICAL RELATIONS. 0450 GENERAL. Marchand, E[mile]. Sur les relation- des phenomenes solaires avec ceux de la physique du globe terrestre. Congres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (148- 157). Rogovsky, E. On the temperature and composition of the atmosj^ilieres of the planets and the sun. [Revised and translated fi-om Transactions of the Russian Astronomical Societv, Part Vll, 1898 and VIII 1899.] Chicago, 111., Astroph. J. Univ. Chic, 14, 1901, (234- 260). [0800 E 1830 4000]. Servus, Hermann. Die Storungen der Atmosphare imd des Erdimiern tlurch Sonne undAIond. Neue Grundlagender Meteorologie. Teil 2. Wissenschaft- liche Beilage zmn Jahresbericht des Friedrichs-Realgymnasiums zu Berlin. Ostern 1901. Berlin (R. Gaertner), 1901, (18). 25 cm. [E 4110 4880]. Smoluchowski, M[ar.] v. Ueber die Atmosjjhiire der Erde und der Planeten. [Auszug.] Physik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (307-313). [E 4000]. 1.10 0480 0460 SOLAR INFLUENCES. Blgelow, Frank H[agar]. [Note on da\-ton's " Eclipse Cvclone.'"] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 13. 1901, <.5S9-591\ [1550 E i350]. Clayton, H[em7] Helm. The eclipse cyclone and the diivrnal cyclones . . . Boston, ilass., Proc. Anier. Acad. .Vits Sci., 36, 1901, (307-318). Cambridge, Mass., -Vnn. Obs. Harvard Univ.. 43, Part I., 1901. (1-33, with pi.). [15.30 E 4350J. Clayton's eclipse cyclone and the dim-ual cyclones. [Reply to Bigelow.] Science, New York. N.Y., (N. Ser.), 13, 1901, (747-750). [1550 E 1350]. Emden, R. Beitrage zur Sonne n- theorie. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (176-197). [E 4010 B 2460]. Beitrage zur Soimentheorie . Miinchen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., math.- phvs. CI., 1901. (339-363). [E 4010 B 2460]. Ganigou-Lagrange, Paid. Lesmouve- ments geueraux de I'atniosphere dans leurs rapports avec les positions iln soleil et de la lime. Cougi-es internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (15&-163j. [0480]. Langley, S[amuel] P[ierix)nt]. Note [on solar changes of temperatui-e and variations in rainfall in the region surrounding the Indian Uceau, by Sir Norman Lockyer]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian 'Inst., Rep., 1900, 1901, (183-184). Published as se^Darate, 24 cm. [1150 E 4070]. Lockyer, William J. S. The solar activity, 1833-1900. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68,1901, (285-300). 0470 RELATIONS TO Sl^' SPOT PERIOD. Eredia, Filippo. Relazione tra le macchie solari e la pioggia in Sicilia nel periodo lSSl-1900. ifem. Soc. spettro- 8cop. ital., Catania, 30, 1901, (186-192). [1150]. Hall, Maxwell. The sim-sjwt periotl and the temperature and rainfall of Jamaica. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. •Agiic, Men. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, <503-504). [1700 hcl Kimball, H. H. Sun-siX)ts and the weather, Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901. (248-249). Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die eUjahrige Periode dor Soimenflecke nnd der Cirnrs- wolken. Sirius. Leipzig, 34, 1901, (204- 206J. [1080 E 4110]. Lockyer, William J. S. A long period simspot variation. Nature, London, 64, 1901 196-197). MacDowall, Alex[ander] B[aird]. Stui- spots and winter. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901. (156-157). Moreuz. VAbhe Th. Le minimimi actuel des taches solaires. Cosmos, Paris, 44, 1901, (57^575, av. fig.). Quensel, Percy. Sunspots and ter- restrial temperatiu-e. Knowledge, I^ndon, 24, 1901, (108-109). 0480 LUNAR rS'FLUENCES. Bbmstein, R[ichard]. Sur la marche du barometre pendant le mois lunaire sideral . Congre.s internat. meteor. , Paris, 1901, (95-98). Dechevrens, ^larc. S. J. The moon and rainfall. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36. 1901, (183-184). Demtchinski, Nicolas. A propos de rinfiueiiip de la hme sur I'etat baro- metrique de I'atmosjjhere. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (246-249). Garrigou-Lagrange , Paid . Les moiive- ments uenermi.\; de I'atmosphere dans leurs ra]ii)orts avec les positions du soleil et de la lime. (2ongres internat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (158-163). [0460]. Leyst, E. E. Mond und Wetter, (mss.). Zemlevedenije, Moskva, 1901, I-II. (70- 84). [E 488<3]. MacDowall, -Uex[ander] B[aird]. The moon and wet days. Nature, London, 64, 19IJ1 (424-125). The moon and thunder- storms. Nature, London, 65, 1901-<_12, (367j. [1640]. The moon and raiutdl. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (16;>-166). Does the moon affect ram- fall ? Knuwleilge, London, 24. 1901, ■27i;). 0130 120 Meech, Levi W. The moou and the weather. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rer., 29, 11)01, (.372). Poincax^, Antoine. Mou^ement, en ehaque jour synodique, de I'axe ixxstan- tane de symetrie des ecarts baronietri- ques. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1155-1157). Voejkov, A. I. Zur Frage iiber die -Vufl'endbarkeit der Mondphasen fiii' Wetterprognosen. (Russian). ilet. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (719-722). [1760]. OPTICAL PHENOMENA. 0500 GENERAL. Ekama, H[eiiri]. . . . optical phenomena, etc., in the Netherlands ... in 1900. (Dutch). Unwed, opt. ver., Utrecht, 21, 1901, (48-99, with pi.). [1640]. Maclear, J. P. The zodiacal light. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2, (416). Oddone, Emilo. Sul coefficiente medio di trasparenza dell' aria per grandi visuali terrestri. Sunto. Nnovo Cimento, Pisa, (Ser. 5), 2, 1901, (2C4r- 208). Sul coefficiente medio di trasparenza dell'aria per grandi visuali terrestri. ililano. Rend. 1st. kmilj. sc. lett., (Ser. 2), 34, 1901, (511-532;. [Will of the wisp]. Steinvortli, H. Nachtage zur Lrlich- tor-Frage. Liineburg. Jahreshefte natw, Ver., 15, 1901, (ll)-44). Stentzel, Arthur. Leuchtende xmd selbstleuchtende Nachtwolkeu. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (97-106). [1090]. Tabor, H. S. Atmospheric trans- parency. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (21). Talmage, James E. A "Sand-bow." . . Science, New York, N.Y., (X. Ser.), 13, 1901, (992). Wirtz, Carl W. Photographisch- photometrische Untersuchungeu. Astr. Nachr., Kiel, 154, 1901, (317-362> [E 2400 7080 7600 3350]. 0510 COLORATION OF SKY. ■ Wesendonck, K[arl) v. Zur Er- kliiriuig des Phanomens der blauen Sonne. Natw. lidsch., Braunschweig, 16, 1901, (57.3-574). [C 3640 3220]. Wilson-Barker, D. Iridescent clouds ; Svmons' Meteor, ilag., London, 36, 1901, (183). Zettcwch, Giuseppe. Ricerche sul I lieu del cieh). Spoleto, 1901, (44 con 1 tav.). 28 cm. -^ 0520 POLARIZATION. REFLEC- TION. REFRACTION. MIRAGE. Extraordinary mirage. London, Q. J. R. ifeteor. Soc, 27, 1900, (158-159). [Twilight]. Archenhold, F. S. Die Daromeruugs- erscheiuiuioen im.d das Sichtbarwerden der Sterne'^ Weltall, Berlin, 1, 1901, (149-1.53). [E 7000 0210]. Boccara, A'ittorio E. SuUe variazioui diurue della rifrazione atmosferica. Stmto. Nuovo Cimento, Pisa, (Ser. 5), 2> (204-211). ■ SuUe variazioui diume Markwick, E. E. Sunset phenomenon. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (88> della rifi-azione atmosferica. Mem. Soc. sjiettroscojj. ital., Catania, 30, 1901, (162-177). Herve. Note siir des observations de mirage, faites a bord du croiseur Chasseloiip-Lauhat, le 27 Mai 1901. ^Vnu. hvdrogi-., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (34-35)." Julius, W[illem] H[em-i]. Le rayon ^ert. [Explication fondee sur la dis- persion anomiale]. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. HolL, (ser. 2), 6, 1901, (.385-389;. [C 3850 E 5400]. Krone, Hennaun. Der griine Strahi kurz Aur dem Untergaug der Sonne. Jahrb. Phot., HaUe, 15, 1901, (12-17). [C 3230]. Lerebours. Colonnes liunineuses obsers'ees en octobre 1901. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (308-309). Mascart, Jean. Rayons lumiueui divergent '' a LSO^du soleil. Paris, C.-R. Acad".~.sci., 133, 190], (480). Nijland, A. A. Ueber den griinen Strahi bei Auf- und Uutergang der Sonne. Astr. Nachr., Kiel, 158, 1902, (93-96). [E 6960]. Piltschikofif N. Sur la polarisation spectrale du ciel. Congi'es intemafc. meteor., Paris, 1901, (145-147). 121 0540 Sagnac, G. Mode de production du iMviius lumiueixx diverg'ents a 180^' du >nl,il. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, UMil, (703-701). Sclinippel, E. Ein Somienuutergaiig i u W'fl )indung: mit Laiftspiegelimg. Wetter, lirilin, 18,1901, (193-201). 0540 HALOS. CORON/E. PAR- HELIA. 'i'iie sim-pillar of Marcli Oth. ri002j. Sviuoiis' Meteor. Mag., [iOiulon, 37, 1!IU2, (33-31). Barnard, E. E. A remarkaljle lunar lialo. X a tm-e, London, 66, 1902, (5-G). Bosch, H. Nebensoune. Wetter, Prrlin, 18, 1901, (120). Boys, H[erbert] A[rnold]. Solar Imlo and tine weather. Symons' Meteor. :\Iag. London, 36, 1901, (67). Bridges, Giiy J. The zodiacal light ami sun-pillars. Nature, London, 65, 1 '.II 1 1-02, (4.39). Brown, S. R. Stawell. The great sun- ].illar of March G. [1902]. Knowledge, l-niidon, 25, 1902, (84). Cornish, Vaughan. Siui - pillars. Natiu-e, London, 65, 1901-2, (560). Fox, W. L. Conspicuous .sun-pillar. Svinous' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, cii). Fry, Agues. Conspicuous sun-pillar. •Svuiuns' Meteor, ilag., London, 37, lii02, (.35). Gabbitas, W. C. Conspicuous .sun- jiillar. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, J '.102, 1.35). Graham, W. H. Sun-j)illars. Nature, L.m.l.m, 65, 1901-2, (465). Grandmann, G. Sonuenriug. \\'itter, V»' villi, 18, 1901, (240). Hardwick, A. Conspicuous .suu- jjiihir. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (34-35). Herschel, W. J. Sun-pillars. Nature, Loudon, 65, 1901-02, (512). Johnson, S. J. Consjjicuous sun- ]iillar. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (34). Knight, Wm. A. The zodiacal light and suu-jDillars. Nature, Loudon, 65, 1901-02, (439). Knowles.H. B. Suu-pillars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-2, (536). Kuhle. MoudlKjf. Wetter, Berlin, 13, 1901, {1-2}. Linden, il[endrick] van der. [Obser- \atiou ot] iridescent clouds (Dutch). Ned. Tydschr. ileteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (61, 75-6). Nadein, T. R. Griine ilondringe. (russ.). Met. V6st., St. Peterburg, 1901, (212-218). Nell, Chi-[istiaan] xV[nton] C[ornelis]. [Ubservation of] two remarkable kalos. (Dutch). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., Gro- ningen, 1, 1901, (39-40). <)1)servatiou of the way in which halos are formed (Dutch). Ned. Tydschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (81). On the connection between halos and the condition of the higher atmospheric strata (Dutch). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (; 168- 169). — — Contriijution to the know- ledge of the development of halos (Dutch). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., Gro- ningen, 1, 1901, (181-182). Halos in connexion with the condition of the upper air strata. (Dutch). Haarlem, Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congress, 8, 1901, (332-338). [Beobachtung] eines eigen thibidich gestalteten Beriihrungsbogens (Mnllandisch). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (171). Paul, G. Sim -pillars. Natui-e, London, 65, 1091-2, (511-512). Pleyte. [Observation of a] remark- able halo. (Dutch). Ned. Tydschr. Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (105). Roger, E. Note sur im halo solaire remsrnual)le observe le 15 Septembre a ( Ihateaudun. Aimii. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (263-264). Russell, [F. .V.]. Siui-plllars. Nature, London, 65, 1901-02, (512). Sieberg, A. ilittlieilungen iiber am nieteorologischen Obserxatorium zu Aachen beol)achtete Sonnenringe. Verh. Ges. D. Natf.. Leipzig, 72. II, 1, 1901, (51-54). Einige Bemerkungen iiber Haloerscheimingen. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (207-212). ■ Das Photographiren von Halos. Natw. Rdsch., Braunschweig. 17, 1902, (70-71). [0380]. 0540 122 Sipcinskij, V. ^'. Xotiz iiber eiue Mehrnsoiuieuerscheinuug. (rnss.). Met. Vfet., St. Peterburg, 1901, (108-109). Stevens, C'ntherine, (3. The great sim-])il]iir oi ^larch G, 1902. Know- ledge, L.mk1(.ii, 25, 1902, (8-1-85). Siui - pillars. ;^Catlu•t^ Loiuloii, 65, 1901-02, (512). Viersma, 'r[eeke]. Remarkal)le Lalo [observed] at Miuuiikelnu-eu. (Dutch). Ned. Tvdschr. Meteor., Groaiugeii, 1, 1901 (12). Waugh, "W. R. M. Sim-pillar. Sy- moiis' :\leteor. Mag., 36, 1901, (98). Wolf. Eine eigeuaiiige optisclie Himmelserscheinung. I'rometheus, Berlin, 13, 1901, (16). 0560 LCNAR RAINBOWS. Schwartz, F. [Beobaclitiuig eiiies Moudregeuljogens.] rrometheiis, Berlin. 12, 1901, (544j. 0570 FOG-BOWS. Brunlies, Bernard. Observaiioii dr couxonnes antisolaires an Pny de I)oine. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (1204-1207). Mussa, Em-ico. Fenomeno ottico sul Roeciamelone. Torino, Riv. mens. Club alpino, 20, 1901, (355). Reicliau, Walter. Das Brockexi- ..■es]ienst iui Tleflande. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901,(336). 0550 SOLAR RAIXBOWS. Bell, Arthur H. The mechanism of a rainbow. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901,(23.3-237). [Cadman, W. H.]. Tlie Rainbow. •Science (Jossip, London, (X. Ser.), 8, 1901-2, (255). Cobbold, Paul A. Rainbow pheno- mena. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (40). Fuller, Thomas. An umisiial rainbow. Xature, London, 65, 1901-2, (273). Johnson, E. W. Rainbow before sunrise. Knowledge, Londiui, 25, 1902, (11). Eater, J. [Observation of a] rainbow with siipermunerary arcs. (Dutch). Xed. Tvdschr. Meteor., Cironingen, 1, 1901, (lOG). Knight, G. Mc.Kenzie. A triple rain- bow. Knowledge, Loudon, 24, 1901, (231). Lewis, 11. T. Doulile Rainbow. Knowledge, London, 24, 1901, (204). Leyst, E. Ueber den Regenljogen in Russland. Moskva, BuU. Soc. Xat., 1901, 1 and 2, (102-184). De I'arc-en-ciel en Riissie. trusse.). Met. Vest., St. Peter burg, 1901, (323-332, 422-429). Lynn, W. T. Rainbow before smu-ise. Knowledge, London, 25, 1902, (34). Fotinecke, [Richard]. Die Theorie des Regenbogens. Wetter, Berlin, 18, ICOl, (232-240). [C 3220]. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 0700 GENERAL. Bettoni, Pio. Studio delle scssi-. [Lago di Garda]. Brescia, Conmuut. Ateneo, 1901, (3G8-370 con 1 tav.;. Brook, Charles L. The high pressure in January [1902]. Symons' IMeteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (23). [Mill, H. R.] The high jjressnrc in .lanuarv [1902]. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (4-6). Siciliani, Yincenzo. SuUe variazioni di liveUo delle acque dei pozzi in relazione colla pressione atmosferica. Roma, Mem. Ace. Niiovi Lincei, 17, 1901, (19-45, con 2 tav.). Toynbee, Heiuy. Daily weather reports and barometer comparison>. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (15G-158). 0710 DISTRIBUTION OF AT- .MOSPHERIC PRESSURE AT EARTH'S SURFACE- ISOBARS. Froc, [P. Aloys]. L'atmosphcrc cu Extreme-Orient 'pendant les six juois froids, son etat normal, ses pertur- bations. Avis aux navigateurs. Ami. hydrogr., Paris, (ser. 2), 1901, (117- 197, a\-. pL). [1300 1310 1500]. Kassner, C[arl]. Ueber die wahic Wetterlage bei dem Hochwasser in Schlesien mid Oesterreich Ende .lull 1897. Zs. Bauw., Berlin, 51, 19(ll, (453-466, mil Taf.). [1210]. 123 0800 O720 VERTICAL l)lS'I-j;iBUT10-\ OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Dvorak, Y[iiiko]. Bemerkungeri zu den Schiilversucheu liber die Ahnahine ■des Luftdmckes mit der Holic. Pliysik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (l'Ji'-493). [0050]. Milne, John. ^leteorulogical pheno- mena in relation to chniiges in the vertical. Loudon, Q. J. R. ^leteor. See., 28, 1!)U2, (9-17). Salviooi, Enrico. Uu'esperienzu per ilimostrare il decrescere flella press^ione iitmosferica coll'altezza. Messina, (Tip. d'Amico), 19U1, (18). 1^3 cm. 0730 COMPUTATIONS OF ALTI- TUDE BY barometric; OB- SERVATIONS. Brayln, N. A. Knrzer Beiicht iiber die barometrische Hoheiibestininuing des siidlichen Oural im Jahre 19U0. (rnss). Orenbiirg, Izv. Oreub. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc., 16, 1901, (l-3l^). Mclnt3n:e, J. T. Some notes on dif- ferential barometric levelling. Ind. East. Eugin., Calcutta (X. Ser.), 8, 1901, (20H-207), and 9, (8-10). Regelmann, C. Trigouometrische nnd barometrische Hohenbestimmmigen in Wiirttemberg, bezogen ant' den ein- heitlich Deutschen Nonnabiullpunkt. Neckarkreis : Heft 7. (^beramtsijezirk Heilbronn. Bearb. v. C. Regelmann. Stuttgart (Statistisclips Landesamt), 1901, (38). 20 cm. 0,-70 M. [J 81 21 de]. oscillation pp. 243-278. Epochs and amjilitudes of the first four components of the Besselian resolution of diunial oscillation pp. 278-315. [08.30 0850 0950 0970 10-10 1080 1450]. Fassig, Oliver L. The westward movement of the daily barometric wave. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (495-49(5, with charts). 0760 NON-PERIODICAL VARL\- TIONS AND OSCILLATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURi:. Grohmann. Die klimatischen Vci- hiiltnisse des Konigreiches Sachsen in ilu-er xVbhangigkeit von Lnftdruck nnd WindursiDrnng. Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (1-13, 32-39, 53-04). [1700 '/■• 1300]. Richter, Adolf. Barometerdepression in RiQ-a am 15 Jannar 1901. Riga, Korr-blt. Naturf. Ver., 44, 1901, (45- 46). Symons, G. J. On liaronietric oscilla- tions during thunderstorms. ... [Reprinted from Proc. Royal Soc, 48, 1900]. W^shinsiton, D.C, U.S. Dejit. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev. 29, 19n|, (463-465). [0.390 1640]. 0770 WAVES DUE TO VOL- CANIC OR OTHER DISTURB- ANCES. Russell, [Francis Albert] RoUo. Un- usual agitation of the sea. London, Nature, 64, 1901, (6). O750 PERIODICAL VARIA- TIONS AND OSCILLATIONS IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Coeurdevache, P. Variation des elements meteorologiques an Pic du ]\lidi. Aium. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (244-246). [0830 1040]. Dines, W[illiam] H[enry]. On a fallacy as to the diurnal barometer wave. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, "(93-95). Eliot, John. Discussion of the results •of the hourly observations recorded at 29 stations in India . . . Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31- .315). Actual or imresolved diurnal TEMPERATURE AND RADIATION. ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERA- TURE. 0800 GENERAL. The severe frost of January 8th and 9th [1901]. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (7-8). II freddo deH'inverno 1901. Torino, Riv. mens. Club Alpino, 20, 1901, (95). The cold February of 1902. S3Tnons' ileteor. Mag., Loudon, 37, 1902, (17-20). 0800 124 Arrhenius, Svante. Ueber die War- meabsorption durcli Kohlensaiire uiid iliren Einfluss auf die Teiiiijeratur der Jirdoberflache. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Ofvers., 58, 1901, (25-58). Cave, Charles J. P. Somids associated with low teniperatures. Nature, Loudon, 65, 1901-02, (512). [0100]. Danish Meteorological Institute. Nau- tical .Meteorological Annual, I'JOO. Kjo- benliavn, (ileteorologisk lustitut), 1901 (XXVIl + 202, with pL), 31 cm. [0900 k OHSOda 1800 (7« F 45 c/a]. Dickson, H. W. The mean tempera- ture of the atmosphere and the causes of glacial periods. London, Hep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (722-723; ; Symons' Meteor. iJag., London, 36, 1901, (145-146); London, Geog. J, 18, 1901, (516-523). [17U0]. Dines, W[illiam] H[enry]. Weekly death-rate [England and Wales] antl temperature curves 1890-1899. [Green- wich, RoA-al Observatory]. London, Q. J. R. Aleteor. Soc. 27, 1901, (69-75). [17.301. Ekholm, Nils. On the meteorological conditions of the pleistocene epoch. Loudon, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 58, 1902, (37- 45 !. [0400 0000]. Everett, J. D. Sounds associated with low temperatures. Nature, London, 65, 1901-02, (512). [0400]. Gunn, Jolm St. C[]air]. Temperature and rainfall at Kaikoura, New Zealand, 1900. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc. 27, 1901, (159-160J. [1150]. Koerber, F[elix]. Das Wiirmegleich- gewicht der Atmosphiire iiach den Vor- stellimgeu der kinetischen Gastheorie. Zs. phvsik. Unterr., Berlin, 14, 1901, (290-292). [( ' 0200]. London, Meteorological Office. Tem- perature tables of the Biitish Islands. Daily means for the thirty years 1871 to 1900, with diagrams and additional tables (14 + 120, and 5 pi.) 31 cm. Published by the authority of the Meteorological Council. Official No. 154. London 1902. [1820]. London, Royal Meteorological Society. The Meteorological Record. Monthly results of [temperature] observations. . . . 20, No. 77, (1-16). London (Edward Stanford), 1901. [1180 0950 0860]. Lucas, W. iV warm December day [Dec. 30, 1901]. Svmous' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (199). Mendola, Luigi e Eredia, Filippo. La temperatura atmosferica in Catania dal 1817 al 1900. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia, (-Ser. 4), 14, 1901, (Memoria XV), (1-42). [0130]. Parbury, A. F. Mean temperaiure (Southern Counties) 1885-] 900. Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901 (78-79). Temperature and seasons 1883-1901. Svmous' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (150-151). Pennywitt, Henry. Relative length of warm and cold seasons. Washing- ton, D.C., U..S. Bept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (55-56, with charts). Pickering, Spencer. Soimds associated witlilow tem2>eratiu-es. Nature, London. 65, 1901-02, (536). [0400]. Preece, W. H. Sounds associated with low temperatures. Nature, London, 65» 1901-02,(487). [OlOit]. Richarz, F[ranz]. I'elier Temperatur- uiiterschiede in auf- und absteigendeo Luftstromen. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 72, 11, 1. 1901, (21-23). [C 1450 1640]. Rogovsky, E. On the temperature and composition of the atmosjjheres of the planets and the sun. [Revised and translated from Transactions of the Russian Astronomical Society, 7, 1898, & 8, 1899.] Chicago, III, Astroph. J. Univ. Chic, 14, 190l, (234-260). [0450 E 1830 4000]. Schubert, .J[ohannes]. Der Warmeaus- tau.schim festen Erdboden, inGewassem und in der Atmosphare. Vortrag. Physik. Zs., Leipzig. 3, 1901,(117-119). Shaw, W. N. (Jn the effect of sea temperature iqion the seasonal variation of air temperature in the British Isles. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (560- 561) ; Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901', (145). [0880]. and Cohen, R. Waley. On the seasonal variation of the atmos- pheric temperature of the British Isles and its relation to wind-direction. London, Rep. Bj-it. As.s., 1901, (,558-560) ; Symons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36,1901, (142-144). [0880]. Seasonal varia- tion of atniosi>heric temperatiu'e in the ll'o 0830 Britisk I«les, and its relation of wind- directiou, with a note on the efEect of sea temperature on the seasonal varia- tion of air teniiDeratm-e. Loudon, Proc. R. Soc, 69, 1901, (Gl-85). [0880 1300]. Wallis, H[erbert] Sowerby. The mild December [1900] Svmous' Meteor, ilag., London, 35, 1900. ' (181-182). Wilson, Sydney. A hot day in north- west Lauca.shire. [Jiily 20, 1901]. Symons' Meteor, ^lag., London, 36, 1901. (1.30-132). 0810 DISTRIBUTION OF AT- MOSPHERIC TEMPER.VTURE AT EARTH'S SURFACE- ISOTHERMS. dc German Empire. Weekly Lsothermul Charts. Die Frostschiiden an den Wintersaateu im Jahi-e 1901. Im Auftrage der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, Sonderausschuss I'iir Pflanzenschutz bearb. von Paul Sorauer. Berlin, Arb. D. LandwGes., 62, 1901, (IX -f 205). [1270 M4150]. Less, E[niil]. Meteorologische Beo- bachtimgen. Berlin, Arl:). D. Landw- Ges., 62. 1901, .173-178). [1270]. df France. Angot, Alired. La temperature a Paris ])endant les ciuquante annees 1851-1900. Amiu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1201, (57-(;0). dc British Islands. Monthly table of rainfall and tempera- ture. 1901. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36. 1901, 1902. [1180]. 0820 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERA- TURE. Assmann, R[ichard]. Die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Ballonfalirten des „Deutschen Vereius zur Forderung der Luftschiffahrt" zu Berlin. Verh. intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, <405-411). [0370 0400J. Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die Erfor- schujig der hohen Schichten der At- mosphiire und ihre Bedeutung. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (11-22, 513-527, mit 2 Taf.j. [0100 1310]. Koppen, W. Flug eines ungefesselten Hargrave-Drachens. Prometheus, Ber- lin, 12, 1901, (257-262, 273-27Cj. [0360 1030 B 2810]. Polls, P[eter]. Die Temperatur-Um- kehrung iui Gebiete des Hohen Yenns und der Eifel am 17. \md 18. December 1900. Wetter, Berlin, 18, 1901, (115- 15L 109-173). Siiring, R[einhard]. Schichtbildungen in der Atmosphiire. III. aeron. Mitt., Strassburg, 5, 1901, (97-101). [0100 1030]. Teisserenc de Bert, Leon. Variations saisonnieres de la temj^erature a diverses hauteurs dans ratniosphere libre. ^\jmu. Soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (3-5). [08.30]. Resultats principaux des lancers de ballons sondes a I'observa- toire de meteorologie dynamique. Con- gres internal, meteor., Paris, 1901, (199-r- 203). 0830 PERIODICAL VARIATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERA- TURE. Coeurdevache, P. Variation des ele- ments meteorologiques au Pic du Midi. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901,(241- 246). [0750 1040]. Eliot, John. Discussion of the results of the hoiu'ly observations recorded at 29 stations in India . . . Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31- 315). Causes and discussions ... pp. 5(5-59 i\jmual variation ... ... jjp. 60-71 Diiirnal ,, ... ... pp. 71-87 Constants of the harmonic formidffi of Besselian re- solution to four terms ... pp. 88-113 [0750 0850 0950 0970 1040 1080 1450]. MacDowall, Alex[ander] B[aird]. Re- currence of cold and warm Mceks. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901 (21). The present summer [1901]. Symons' Meteor. Mag., 36, 1901, (98- 99). 0830 1 1'() Mendola, TAiigi e Eredia, I'ilippti. AiKlamento aiiiniale della diti'erenza di tenippratiu-a fra gli Osservatori meteorici della R. Universita di Catania. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioenia, (Ser. 4), 14, I'JOl, (ilt'iaoria IV), (1-17, coa 1 tav.). Nakamura, K[igoo]. Sur la marche iliiirue de la temperature de I'air. Con- nies inteniat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (127- 130). 0840 SECULAR OR XON- PERIODIC VARIATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERA- TURE. Dechevrens, Marc. S. J. Sur les causes des variations accidentelles de la tempe- lature de I'air. Annn. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, I'JUl, (103-105). Hildebrandt, Max. UntcrsncLungeu idjer die Eiszeiten der Erde, ihre Dauer uud ihi'e Ursachen. Berlin (L. A. Kmitze), 1901, (XVI + 128). 25 cm. n M. 1180. [H 15 E .5000]. MacDowall, Alex[anderJ B[aird]. tiradnal change in our climate. Kjiow- ledge, Loudon, 24, I'JOl, (39-40). Merz, E. L. A warm month [July, I'.lUl] at Newcastle. Syraons' Meteor. •Mag., London, 36, 1901, (119). Mohn, H. The highest temperatures of the air in Xorwav. (Xorw.) Bergen, Xaturen, 25, 190i, (.^37-344, with 2 maps). [1700]. 0850 EARTH TEMPERATURE. SURFACE. Becquerel, Henri. Sur mie modifica- tion dans I'emploi du thermometre elec- triqiie pour la determination des tem- peratui-es souterraines an Museum d'histoire natureUe. Electricien, Paris, 22, 19U1, (389-390). [0250J. Eliot, John. Discussion of the results of the hourly observations recorded at 29 stations in India . . . Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31- 315). Dixrrnal variation j^P- 51-53 -Vnnual variation jjp. 5.3-54 Temijerature for hot season pp. 54-55 [07.5(» 0830 0950 O07O 1040 1080 1450]. Everett, -1 . 1 >. L'nderground Tempera- ture. Twenty-second Report of the Brit. Ass. Committee. London, Rep. Brit. vVss., 1901, (04-71). Heath, Thomas. Observations of the Edinburgh rock thermometers. Edin- burgh, Trans. R. Soc, 40, 1901, (157- 180, with 4 pi.). Oddone, Emilio. Ricerche sulla tem- pera tura chepossono assimiere le laijaiere di ferro variamente verniciate esposte ai raggi del sole. Politecn., .Milano, 1901» (204-272; 322-229). Schubert, J. Temperatur und War- meaustausch im fi'eien und bewaldeten Boden und in Gewassern. Zs. Forstw., Berlm, 33, 19U1, (474-485). [0880 J 44 10]. Seeley, Dewey A. The temperature of the soil and the siu-face of the gi-ound. Washington. D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weatli. Rev., 29, 1901, (501-503). Serrazanetti, Eurico. Osservazioni geotermiche [fatte ad Auzola dell'Emilia (hd 1" dicendire 1899 al 30 novembre 1900]. Bolotiiia, Ami. ragg. UfF. prcv. AgTic, 1900' 1901, 1901, (214). 0860 VEirncAL VARIATION OF EARTH TEMPERATURE. Osservazioni scientifiche nel traforo del Sem]ii(iuc. Riv. geogr. ital., Roma, 1901, (198). Adamov, X. La temperature du tcheruosiome. (tru.) (russe.). Pedologie, St. Peterlnirg, 3, 1901, (157-172, -f- res. franc, et allem. 172-174.). Krauss, Friedrich. Die Zimahme der Tempeiatur iui Erdimierii. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 57, 1901, (CXM-CXVIII). [J 10]. London, Royal Meteorological Society. The ileteorologieal Record. Monthly results of [earth temper atm-e] observa- tions ... 20, No. 77, (1-16). London (I'Mward Stanford), 1901. [0800 118U 0950]. Oxford, Radclifife Observatory. Results of meteorolngieal observations made at the Radclitt'e 01)servatorv, Oxford, in the eight years 1892-1899. Edited by Arthur- A. Rambaut. Vol. 48. Pub- lished by order of the Radcliffe Trustees. Oxford (J.Parker & Co.), 1901, (245, and 5 pi.). 20 cm. [1820]. I 1: 0900 Ward, l{[obert] De C. Uuderground teiupeiaiia-e at Oxford. [Review.] Seieacv, New York, X.Y., 14, 1901, (U38). 0870 FROZEN SOIL. Bertelli, Timoteo. Appuuti di fisica terre^tre. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 3, lilOl, (.3-11, con 1 tav.). [HID].. Glangeaud, Ph. Formation de uappes (U' Lilari' en ete dans les voleans d'Auvergiie. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sei., 133, I'.liil, (17(')-i78). TTimhan, H. H. Ice caves and frozen Avells as meteorological pheno- mena. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agi-ic, -Men. Weath. Rev., 29, 1001. (3r.U-371, with pi.). [H 10]. McGee, W. J. Ice caves and fi-ozen wells.. Geog. Mag., New York, N.Y., 12, 1001, '433-434). [Review of article by H. H. Kimball in Monthly Weather RevieAv]. 0880 SEA TEMPERATURE. SURFACE. The cnrrents ui the Gnlf of St. Law- rence. Nature, London, 63, 1001, (001- Arctowski, Hem-yk. Aperiju sm- les recherclies oceauographiques de I'expe- dition antiu-ctiqne lielge. Verh. intern. (.leogrCongr., 7, (l899j, 2, Berlin, 1001, (G5iM;.5G, niit 1 Tat). [J 40 o 44 oj. Exploration of Antarctic Lands, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (150-180). Danish Meteorological Institute. Nautical - Meteorological Annual i'.tO(J. Kjobenhavn, (Meteorologisk lustitnt) I'.iol. (XXVII 4- 2i)2, with pi.). .U cm. [0900 /v 0800 c/a 1800 da K 4.1 da]. Dickson, H[enry] N[ewton]. [Atlantic, North. Distribution of teniperatm-e ami salinity in sm4'ace waters ; current systems, their seasonal and other variations.] London, Phil. Trans. R. .Soc, A. 196, 1901 (61-203, mth 4 pL). Fox, Wilson Lloyd and Kitto, Ed- ward. Fahnouth Observatorj-. ileteor- iilogical and magnetical tables and reports for the year 1900 ; also addi- tional meteorological tables for Falmouth for 0 consecutive lusti-a, 1871 to 1000, imd tables of sea temperatiu-e. Re- printed from Falmouth, Rep. R. Corn- waU Polvt. Soc , 1900. Fahnouth, 1901, (2S). [1800 3040]. [Mill, Hugh Robert.] International investigation of the sea and air. Symons' ileteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (74-76J. Shaw, \V. N. On the effect of sea temperature upon the seasonal variation of air tempei'atm-e of the British Isles. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (560- 561); Svmons' Meteor. -Mau., London, 36, lODl", (145). [0830J. • and Cohen, R. W'aley. Seasoiuil variation of atmospheric teuii)erature in the British Isles and its relation to wind-direction and sea temjierature. London, Proc. R. Soc, 69, 1001, (61-85) ; London, Rep. Brit Ass., 1901, (558-560). [0800 1300J. Shiogama, Ihei. Mean temiDerature for .lauuary of the air and siu-face water on the neighbouring seas of Japan. (Japanese). Tokvo, Kisho Sh., 20. 1001 ( 227-23 h. ■ • 0890 VERTICAL VAIHATION IN SEA TEMPEILVTURE. Hughes, Luigi. Ocean )gi-aiia. Torino (Bocca), 1001, (VII -I- 275). 21 cm. London. Hydrographic Department, Admiralty. List of oceanic depths and >.erial temi)erature observations received at the Admiralty during the year 1900, from H.M. Surveying Ships, Indian .Marine Survey, and British Submarine Telegraph Companies. Loudon (J. D. Potter), 1001. 33 cm. Wrangell, F. von. Methode zur hequemeren ilessung von Serial-Tem- peratureu. Verh. intern. GeogrCongi-., 7, (IS'.IO), 2, Berlin, 1901, (367-3)9). [J 75]. 0900 FROZEN SEA. Arctic. Danish Meteorological Institute. Nautical Meteorological Annual, 1000. Kjobenliavn, (Meteorologi.sk lustitnt), 1901, (XXVII + 202, with pi.). 31 cm. [0800 fZa 0880 '?« 1800 '/a F 45 dnl Garde, T. V. Die Verbreilimg des Treibeises in den arktischen Meeren, nach den Arbeiten des Diinischen meteorologischen Instituts. Verli. intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1890), 2, Berlin, 1901, (313 347). [J 31 40]. 0900 126 Garde, Y. The wtate of tiie ice in tlie Arctic seas 1900, [in] Nautical Meteor- nlogical Annual 1900. Kjobeuhavn, (Meteorologisk Institiit), 1901, (VII- XXIIl). 31 cm. Antarctic. Flicker, Karl. Das Treibeis tier antarktischen Lleere. Verb, intern. (JeorgrCougr., 7, (1899), (.348-353). [J 31 40]. 0910 RIVER AND LAKE TEMPERATURE. Vattnets temperatur vid Stockliolms slxiss aren 1895-1899. [Temperature of the water at the sluice in Stockholm 1895 - 1899]. Beriittelse angaende Stockholms kommimalforvaltning ar 1899, 32, 1901, (10). Bettoni, Pio. 11 Benaco. Saggio di inonograiia limnologica. Torino, Boll, mens. Oss. Moncalieri, (Sn\ 2), 21, 1901, (7-12). [1700]. Birkenmajer, Ludwik. Sur la tem- ]ierature des profonds lacs du Tatra a des profondeurs differentes et en diiler- entes saisons. (Polish). Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., A., 40, 1901, (186-411). [J 53 dk, Galicia]. Cantone, Michele, Somigliana, Carlo e ifarchi (De), Luigi. La temperatura nel lago di Como. ililauo, Rend. 1st. lomb., (Ser. 2), 34, 1901, (045-656, con 2 tav.). H3,pke. Erliiutei-ungeu zu den Warm- wasserteichen Xorwcgens. Hinunel u. Erde, Berlin, 13, 1901, (472-475, mit Taf.). [J 53 dal Marson, Lnigi. Sui ghiacciai del Bernina. Eoma, Boll. Soc. geogr. ital., (Ser. 4), 2, 1901, (916-929). Murray, Sir John, and Pullar, the late Fred[erick] P[attison]. [Tempera- ture of the fresh-water lochs of Scot- land]. London, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (273-295, with 4 majDs) and Scot. Geog. 31ag., Edinburgh, 17, (113-128, with 4 maps) ; 17, 1901, (169-175, with 3 i±). Schokalsky, Jules de. Le lac de Ladoga au point de vue thei-mique. Verh. intern. Geogi-Congr., 7, (1899 >, 2, Berlin, 1901, (263-268, mit 2 Kait.). [.1 53 dbl Schokalsky, Jules de. Lake Ladoga from a llieiniic jwint of view. [Trans- lation.] Washington, D.C., U.S. De])t. Agric, ilou. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901. (63-64). Schuch, Karl. Das Gefrieren dor Seen. Petermanns geogr. Mitt., Gotha, 47, 1901, (57). [J 53]. Vannary, P. T. Sur la temperature de I'eau dans la riviere Lena, (rtsse.). St. Peterbiirg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (ser. 5), 14, 5, 1901, (525-528). 0920 TEMPERATURE SPRINGS. OF Giorgi (De), Cosimo. Le terme sid- furee di S. Cesaria sull'Adriatico. Leece (Tip. editrice salentina), 1901, (V-|-26, con tav.). 26 cm. Perrone, Eugenio. Fiume Marta i' lago di Bolsena, torrente j\Iignone eil altri minori fra il Marta ed il Tevere. Carta idrografica d'ltalia, vol. 28, Roma, 1901, (IX -f 2.30 con 16 tav.). cm. 26. Baddi, Amerigo. Stiidi idrologici ed idrografici sidla natura delle sorgenti. Riv.' teen., Firenze, 1901, (81-84, iOS- 111, 129-134). Rothpletz, A[ugust]. Ueber die Jod- quellen bci Tolz. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ak. \\'iss., math.-phys. CI., 1901, (127- 165). [J 51 dc. H 30 c/c D 6500 0890 J Q 1881]. 0930 SOLAR RADIATION. Berzieri, L. Potenza del sole e bene- lici eft'etti delle sue radiazioni. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (97-114, 193-207). Buclianan, J. Y. Solar radiation. Natur(% Londoji, 64, 1901, (456-459). [0940;. CMstoni, Giro. Herschel (John) ed il metodo dinamico nelle misure attinome- triche. Mem. Soc. siDettroscon. ital.. Catania, 30, 1901, (32-40). G[lazebrook], R. T. Measurements of solar radiation. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (352-353). Maggi, Pietro. Sidla temperattua solare. Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia, 4, 1901, (446-449). 12'J 1000 0940 SOLAR RADIATIOX- ULAR CHANGE. -SEC- Buchanan, J. Y. Solar Radiation. Natuiv, London, 64, 190L (^56-459). Wilsing, J Ueber die Erlialtuns der Energie der Sonnenstralilung. Astr. Xaclir., KieL 154, 1901, (-129-430) [L 41^00 7140 C 2400]. 0950 SUXSHIXE. Eliot, John. Discnssion of the results of tiie honrly observations recorded at 29 stations in India . •. . Ind. ilet. Mem., Calcutta. 12, part 2, 1902, (.31- :n->). Results of observations tabulated, ])]). 33-34. [0750 0830 0850 0970 1040 1080 1450]. London, Royal Meteorological Society. The Meteorological Record. ilontlily resultsof[Suns]nne] observations . . . 20, Xo. 77, (1-lC), London (Edward Stanford), 1901. [0800 1180 0860]. Marvin, C[harles] F[rederick}. The measurement of smrshine . . . Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Ajrric., ^lon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (454-458, wit]i ].l. ). [0330 E 4200]. I Okada, Takematsii. On a certain re- ^ lation of tlie hoiirs of bright siuishine to ilie amount of cloud. (Japanese). Tokvo, KishO Sh., 20, 1904, (172-175). 0960 AT.MOSPHERIC ABSORR- TIOX OF SOLAR HEAT. Arrhenius, .Svante. Ueber die Warme- . li^or)-jtion durch Kohlensaurc. Ann. I'hvsik, Leipzig, (4. P'olge), 4, 1901, 1)90-705). [C3850 E 5400]. Nell, Clir[istiaan] A[nton] ('[ornelisl. I Influence of the solar-eclipse of May 28, 1900, on the temperature of the air at the Hague. (Dutch). Xed. Tydschr. -Meteor., Groningen, 1, 1901, (11-12). [K -J 350]. Stankevic, B. V. Aktinomeirische I'jcobachtungeu auf dem i'amlr im S')mnier 1900. (russ.). St. Peterburg, 1 inevnik XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, 8, (328-330). [E 4200]. Very, Frank W. The solar constant. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, ]\Ion. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (357-360). [E 4200]. (F-10481) Violle, J. Rapport sur la radiation ])resente au comite meteorologicpie inter- national a Saint Petersbourg en 1899. Ann. chim. phys., Paris, (ser. 7), 22, 19(»1, (329-370). Voejkov, A. I. Actinometrie in den hijheren Lnftschichten. (russ.). Met. Vest., St. Peterburg, 1901, (218-221). [E 4200]. Wilson, E. IL The effective tempera- ture of the sini. London, Proc. R. Soc, 69, 1902, (312-320). 0970 TERRESTRIAL RADIA- TION. Eliot, John. Discus.'-ion of tlie results of the hourly observations recorded at 29 stations in India . . . Ind. Met. Mem. Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31- 315). Results of observations tabulated, pp. 35-48. Comparative data of cloud aqueous vapour pressure, humidity, and grass radiation differences, pp. 48-50. [075O 0830 0850 0950 1040 lOSO 14.")0]. Hallock, William. Very on atmos- ])heric radiation. [Review.] Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (230-234). Kimball, II. H. Some causes of the varial)ility of earthshine. Washing- ton, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (209-211). [C 4210J. AQUEOUS VAPOUR RAIN. VAPOUR. AND 1000 GEXERAL. Konig, Fr. Die Verteilung des Was- sers iiber, auf und in der Erde, und die sich daraus ergebende Entsteliung des (irundwassers mid seiner Quellen mit einer Kritik der bisherigen Quellen- tlieoricen. Jena (H. Costenoi)le), 1901, (VII + 159). 24 cm. 4 M. [1150 J .50]. Russell, IJou. F. A. Rollo. Further dbseivations and conclusions in relation to atmosjilieric transparency. London, Q. J. K. Meteor. Soc , 28, 1902, (19-23). I 1000 ISO Rykacev, M. A. Bemeikiuig iibef die Arbeit des Hrn. N. Maliusickij : Zur Frage liber die Bedeutiuig der Evaporometerangabeu fiir die Anforder- ungeu der landwirthscliaftlicheu Praxis, (russ.)- Moskva, Aim. Inst, agron., 7, 1, 1901, (32-34). [0290]. Volger, G. H. Otto. Der Wasserscliatz des I'jrdreiclies, die Yerschiedenbeit seines Ui'si^ruuges, seine Bewirtscbal't- ung uud die Mogbcldieit seiner Yeruieh- rung zrun Zwecke der Bodenbewiis- serung luid der Bereicberungder Fliisse. Emden, Jakresber. natf. Ges., 85, (1899/1900), 1901, (49-59). [J uOj. 1010 VAPOUR TENSION. Strachan, Richard. A'apour tension in relation to wind. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (197-198). 1020 HUMIDITY. Barnes, R. H. Lou- relative humidi- ties in ibiv, 1901. Svmous' Meteor. Mag., 36, 1901, (92). Hoflfmann, J. F. 1st die Bestimmung des Feuchtigkeitsgebaltes der Lnft von Wichtigkeit fiir die Praxis der Getreide- lageiimg mid liisst sie sich leicht aus- fiihren ? Berlin, Jahrb. Yersiichsanst. Bran., 4, 1901, (219-226). [M 3700 3040]. Oishi, Wasabiiro. On the metliod of calcidating the deficiency of saturation (Japanese). Tokyo, Kislio Sh., 3, 1901, (10.5-110). 1030 YERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF AQUEOUS YAPOUR. Koppen, \Y. Fhig eines ungefesselten Hargrave-Drachens. Prometheus, Ber- in, 12, 1901, (257-262, 273-270). [03G0 0820 B 2840]. Siiring, R[einhard]. Schichtbiklnn- gen in der Atmosphare. lU. aeron. Mitt., Strassburg, 5, 1901, (97-101). [0400 0820]. 1040 PERIODICAL YARIATION OF AQUEOUS A'APOUR. Coeurdevaclie, P. Variation des elements meteorologiques au Pic du Midi. Anuu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (244-246). [0750 0830]. Eliot, Jolui Discussion of the results of tlie hourly observations recorded at 29 stations in India. . . . Iiid. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31-315). Causes of actvial variations pp. 114—125 Annual variation pp. 125-128 Diurnal variation . . . pp. 128-150 Discussion of variations and their causes ... pp. 150-157 Comp)arison of aqueous -^ vapour pressure with causes pp. 158-159 [0750 0830 0850 0950 0970 1080 1450]. 1050 EVAPORATION. Balch, Edwin Swift. Evaporation underground. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. \Veath. Rev., 29, 1901, (545-546). [H 10]. 1060 DEW FORilATION. Proposed observations on de^A'-pond^. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (76-77). Bell, Arthur H. The alcheuiy of hoar-frost. Knowledge, London, 24, 19U1, (258-259). [1280]. 1070 EOG FORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION. Fog formations. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (43).- The study of London fog. Symond^^' Meteor. Mag., London, 36, 1901, (158). Buchan, l>r. A. Fogs on the coast -^ of Scotland. Edinbm-gh, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc, 12, [1902], (.3-12). Clark, J. Edmimd. Day darkness in the citv [of London]. Svmons' ileteor. Mag., London, 36, PJOl" (194- 190). Elias, H. „Nel3elfall". Wetter, Berlin, 19, 1902, (46-47). Hartley, W. N. On haze, dry fog, and hail. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, 9, 1902, (547-555). [1260]. McAdie, Alexander G. Fog studio- on mount Tamalpais [Cal.]. (Nmnbii- 3-5). Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (24-25, 61-63, 104-106, with pi.). Fog studies on moimt Tamalpais [Cal.]. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y.. 59, 1901, (535-541). 131 1100 MagiU, (\ipt. H. Oil the approaches to XewfouucUaud and adjacent banks, with remafks re currents, ice, and fog. Loudon, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (315-310)': Shaw, W. X. The London fog en- quiry. Xatiu-e, London, 64, \'M)\, (OlD-GuOi. Vandeyver. Action de I'electricite siir le brouilhird. Cosmos, Paris. 45, lUOl, (595-598, av. fig.). 1080 CLOUD FOILMATIOX. Comish, Yaughau. [Formation of rippled clouds]. Scot. Geog. Mag., Edinburgh, 17, 1901, (8). Fry, Isabel. Iridescent clouds. Svmons' Meteor, il.ig., London, 36, 1901, (140). Groneman, H[endrik] J[an] H[erman]. P'ormatiou of caps on the top of cumuli. (Dutch). Xed. Tijdschr. ileteor., Gronin- gen, 1, 1901, (2-1). Eliot, John. Discussion of the results of the hourly observations i-ecorded at 29 stations in India . . . Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 12, part 2, 1902, (31- 315). Suimnary of causes ... pp. 160-lGl Seasonal variation in the aniomit of cloud , IGl-lOG Annual variation in the amount of cloud ,, lGG-167 Diurnal variation in the amount of cloud „ 1G7-19G Comparison of diiu"nal variation with causes .. ,, 19G-201 [0750 0830 0850 0950 0970 1040 1450]. Klein, [Hermann J.]. Die elfjahrige Perlode der Somieuflecke und der Cirrus- wolken. Sirius, Leipzig, 34, 1901, (204-20G). [0470 E 4110]. Melander, G[ustaf]. L' influence du \'esu\(- -iir fair des environs. Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc, Helsiugfors,43,1901,(148- IGO). [0420]. Mitchell, W. II. Cimmlus clouds fciruK.MJ l)V smoke. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (498). [0420]. Overhoff, H. Formation of caps on tlie top vi a cunudus. (Dutch). Xed. Tvdschr. Meteor., (ironingen, 1, 1901, (46-47). (F-10481) RaEfaell, G . C. Le nubi temporalesche. Genova, Atti Soc. ligustica so. nat. geogr., 12, 1901, (15-34). Shaw, \V. X. " La lune mange les Ullages." A note on the thermal rela- tions of floating clouds. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (95-100). 1090 VARIETIES OF FORM OF CLOUD. Kassner, C[arl]. Ueber das Photo- graphireu von Gewitterwolken. Jahrb. Phot., Halle, 15, 1901, (17-21). [0100 1100 1G40]. Ritter, Charles. Le nuage et son rule dans la ]H-oduction de la pluie. Annu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (137-159, 203-234). [1170] Stentzel, Arthur. Leuchtende imd selljstliMiclitende X^'achtwolkeu. Gaea, Leipzig, 37, 1901, (97-106). [0500]. Stocking, George C. Cumulus clouds above columns of smoke. Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (2G). [0420]. Txeheck, P. C. Cloud Photograph. London, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 28, 1902, (41-42). Wilson-Barker, D. Clouds. Kuow- ledoe, London, 25, 1902, (104-109, and pl-)- 1100 CLOUD ALTITUDES. Cloud observations at Toronto. Loudon, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc, 27, 1901, (195-196). Gannot, S. Ja. mid Kuznecov, V. V. Internationale Messuugen der Hohe, Geschwindigkeit und Zugrichtung der Wolken in den Jahren 1896-97 im Observatoriimi Blue-Hill, (russ.) St. Peterljurg, Ezemes. met. BiuU. glavn. Fiz. 01)s., 9, 5, 1901, (2-6). Hill, E[rnest] G[eorge]. . . Cloud observations and measurements . . plains . . . North-Western Provinces of India . . . December 1898 to .March 1900. Ind. Met. Mem., Calcutta, 11, pt. iii, 1901 (253-302, with 15 tables). Kassner, C[arl]. Ueber das Photn- araphiren von Gewitterwolken. Jahrl). Phot., Halle, 15, 1901, (17-21). [0100 1090 1640]. 1100 132 Kolmovskij, A. T. Mittlere Geschwin- digkeit des sichtbaren Wolkenzu.cres. (riiss.). ilet. Test., St. Peterburg, 1901, (207-212). West, Jul. H. Eiufaches Yerfakren, die Hobe der Wolkeiidecke zu messen. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (101-102j. 1150 RAIN. GENERAL. Rainfall of December [19011 Sy- mons' Meteor. Mag., Loudon, 36, 1901, (19G-197). Aitken, John. The definition of a rainy day. Svmons' Meteor. Mag., London, 37, 1902, (36). Baumgaxtner, Barre et Eschbach. Pouts et Cbaussees. Service hydro- metrique du bassin de la Garonne. Ob- servations .sur les cours d'eau et la pltiie centralisees pendant I'aunee 1898, sous la direction de M. Eyriaud-Des- vergnes. Toulouse, 1901, (6 feuilles et 1 carte). 4.3 cm. Resume des observations centralisees par le service hydrome- irique du bassin de la Garonne pendant Pannee 1898 sous la direction de M. l-^yriaud-Desvergnes. Pulilie par le ministere des Travaux publics. Tou- loiise, 1901, (11 feuillets uon pagines). 2C cm. [A ce resume correspondent les feuilles lithographiees publiees sous le titre qui suit.] [Bentley, R.] Extremes of rainfall, ] 873-1 901 [at Upton]. Single sheet, 22 cm. Printed for jjrivate circulation, 1901. 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Direction nioyenne du vent. 4. Xebn- losite. 5. Quantite des precipitations. (Polish). KrakoAv, vSpraw. Kom. fizyogr., 35, 1901, ([3]^[191]\ Krakdw, K. K. Stemwaxte. Meteoro- logische Beobaclitxnigen, augestellt an der k. k. iSternwarte in Ivrakan in den Jaliren J 896— 1900. Krakan, 1901, (i>), ■23, cm. [0020]. Resiiltate der an der k. k. Sternwarte in Krakau, angestellten meteorolocisclien Beoliaclitunnen 1900. Krakan, 1901, (3 ulb.). [0020]. Swierz, Leopold. Residtatsdes obser- Aations meteorologiques effectnees en 1900 sons les auspices dn C'lul) ^Vlpin de Tatra. (Polish). Pam. Tow. Tatrz., Krak6w, 22, 1901, (161-169 . 'j'' Canada. Canadian Meteorological Service. Monthly Weather Rev., Toronto, 25, parts 1-4, 1901, (55). 35 x 67 cm. Mon. Weather Rev., Toronto, (parts 5-12), 25, 1901, (30). Mon. Weather Rev., Toronto, (parts 1-3), 26, 1902, (30). llonthlv Weather Charts. Jiily 1901 April 1902. Toronto, 35 x 67 cm. [// United States of America. Day, P. C. The weather of. the month [Jnly 1901]. Washington, D.C.. L'.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (318-320). Henry, Alfred J. The weather of the month. [1901, except July]. Wash- ino'ton, IXC, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (26-^28, 76-78,, 122-124, 178-180, 221-223, 269-271,. 377-379, 424-426, 467-469. 513-515, 568-570). [Climatological records of U.S. Weather Bureau Stations, Jau.- Dec. 1901.] Wasliington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, igt)! , (28-47,78-97, 124-14.3, 180-199,223- 241, 271-289, 321-339, 379-397, 426- 445, 469-487, 515-533, 570-589, witk charts). [1840 he]. Jia Mexico. Pastrana, Manuel E. Mexican clima- tological data [for 1901]. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (15-16, 55, 115, 163, 212, 256. 305-306, 353, 405, 453, 496. 551). ill Central America. Pittier, H. Climatology of Costa Rica [for 1901]. Washington, D.C.. U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev , 29, 1901, (21-22, 64-65, 116-117, 162- 163, 208, 254, 305, 352-353, 405, 452- 453, 498-499). i^'c West Indian Islands. Hall, ^Maxwell. Climatological data for Jamaica [for 1901]. Washington. D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (214-215, 253, 304-30.".. 352, 407, 497-498). Henry, Alfred J. [Climatological records of U.S. Weather Bureaii Stations, Jan.-Dec. 1 901 ]. Washington,. D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, 1901, (28-47', 78-97, 124-143, 180- 199, 223-241, 271-289, 321-339, 379- 397, 426-445, 469-487, 515-533, 570- 589, ^vith charts). [1840]. 7; Arctic. Mohn, H. Ergebnisse der meteoro- logischen Beobachtuugen der Noiwegi- schen Polar-Expedition mit der ,,Fram" 1893-1896. Verb, intern. Ceogr.Congr., 7, (1899 >, 2, Berlin, 1901, 668-070). [J Ob]. 165 3000 «'/ Sandwich Islands. Lyons, Curtis J. Hawaiian tlinia- tological (lata [1901]. Washiiigtcju, D.C, U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Kev., 29, 1901, (15, 55, UG, 164, iMl, 1'57. 307, .351, 405, 453, 496, 549). ;/ North America. Henry, Alired J. and Conger, Xor- luan B. Aleteorological chart of the Great Lakes. Xo. 1^ 1901. Washing- ton, D.C, (U.S. Weather Bureau); 1901, (1-28 with charts). 31 cm. u Antarctic. Arctowsld, Heurj-k. Aperou sur les observations nieteorologiques de I'expe- •lition antarctique belae. Verh. Intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (649-651). [J 60]. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM THE COMPASS. EARTH CURRENTS, 1860 NOX-IXSTR UMEXT A L RECORD.S. 3000 GEXERAL. Klein, [Hemiann J.]. Strenge Winter. Gaca. Leipzig, 37, 1901, '(223^2.33). [1700]. Renou, E[niilien]. Resume d'un inanuserit de Bertrand sur I'etat du ciel ii Paris de 1698 a 1706. Aimu. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (299-301\ 1870 METEOROLOGICAL CHARTS. and Observa- toiy, Loudon, 1901, (232-233.). Engelenburg-, E[du;ird]. The present status of the pi-oblem of terrestrial niagnetism. (Dutch). Amsterdam. Tijdschr. K. Xed. Aardr. Gen., (Ser. 2', 18, 1001. 7ri8-800j. Glazebrook, Pi. T. Magnetic obser- vations and traction disturbances. Elect., London, 46, 1901, fl06;. Xotes on the practical a]i- ]ilicatiou of the theory of magnetic ilisturbance bv earth-ciu-reuts. Phil. -Alag., London," (ser. 6), 1, 1901, (-432- 142). [CollO 5680]. Haxvey, Arthur. The study of terrestrial magnetism. Pop. Astr., Xorthfield, Minn., 9, 190l, (4G7-168). Heintz, E. A. Liste systematique et alpha betique des travaux meteorolo- giques jjtdilies par I'Academie Imjj. des Sciences de St. Petersboiirg et I'Ob- servatoixe Phys. Centr. Xicolas depuis 1897 jusqu'en 1900 inc. (nisse et frang.) St. Peterlnirg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 11, JOOL !lV - 39). [00.30]. Jersey. Observatoire St. Louis. Bid- letin des observations magnetiques et meteorologiques. viii"' annee, 1901. Jersey, St. Helier, 1901. 4°. [1810]. Uhlich, P. Lehrbuch der Mark- scheidekmide. Freiberg i. S. iCraz & Gerlach). 1901, (IX-f 402). 24 cm. 14 M. [J 70 H 99 B 0120 G 18]. ''<■ Gennan Empire. Hideling, G. Ergebnisse zelmjahriger maguetischer Beobachtimgen in Pots- dam. Berlin, Abh. met. Inst.. 1, 1901, (329-380), mit 2 Taf.) [.3040]. de British Islands. Stonyhiorst College Observatory. Eesults of meteorological and mag- netical observations, with reix)rt and notes of the director, Rev. W. Sid- gi-eaves. 1901. Clitheroe, 1902, (6 + 78 >. 19cm. [180(J]. dh Italy. Littlehales, G[eorge] W[ashington]. Residts of some recent magnetic in- vestigations in Italy. [Review of Italian publications.] Terr. Mag., Washing- ton, D.G., 6, 1901, (89-90). _^' eg Malay Peniasula. Figee, S[imou]. Observations made at the Royal Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observatory at Batavia. Cou- taining the results of magnetical ob- servations made during the period 1882— 1899. Batavia, Obsns. Magn. Meteor., 22, (Part 2), (XlV+lOO, with pi.). 37 cm. 1901. [0020]. 'jh Canada. Toronto Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, (ieneral meteorological regis- ter for the vear 1900. Toronto, 19U0, 1901,(22). "[1800]. if Victoria. BarraccM, Pietro. Record of results of observations in meteorology and terrestrial magnetism made at the Melboru-ne Observatory and other localities in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, from 1st January to 31st December, 1900. Melbourne, 1901, (47). 24 5 cms. [18001. 1: Arctic. Steen, Aksel S. Terrestrial Mag- netism [in Polar Regions], (1-196 with 17 pi.). [In Xausen, Fridtjof. The Xorwegian Xorth Polar Expedition, 1893-1896]. London, Xew York and Bombay (Longmans;, 190J, (111-^136-}- 196-f-90i. 29 cm. 30s. 0 Antarctic. Harvey, Arthur. Magnetic and meteorological observations in the Antarctic. London, Geog. J., 17, 1901, (667-669). [1700]. Internationale Erdmagnetisclie Co- operation. Progi-anuii. . . wahreiid der Zeit der Siidpolar-Forschmig in den .Jahren 1902-1903. Terr. Mag., Wash- ington, D.C., 1901, (49-58). [0020]. Sbackleton, W[illiam] Antarctic ex- jiloration. Loudon, Knowledge, 24» 1901, (121-124). [0200]. 16i 3020 3010 MAGNETIC OBSERVATORIES. -METHODS OF MEASURING THE \ALUES AND VARIATIONS OF THE MAGNETIC ELEMENTS. Cady, W. G. Wild's new method iiT deteriiiiuing the variations of mag- netic inclination. Terr. Mag., Washina- ton, D.C., 6, 1901, (0.3-134). Cirera, R[ichard], S J. Sur quelques l"'iats relatifs an magnetisme terrestre dans les iles Philippines. Projet d'un avertissenr automatiqne des perturba- tions magnetiqnes. Cougres internal, meteor., Paris, 1901, (222-225). Creak, E. ^^'. On a new form of instrument for observing the magnetic ili|i and intensitv on board ship at sea. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (29-.3I). Dechant, J. Die Bestimamng der Horizontaiiutensitat des Erdniagnetis- nins mittelst der Wage. Zs. phvsik. Unterr., Berlin, 14, 1901. (29.3-294). [C 5440 0050]. Ebert, Hermann. Magnetisclie Mes- Minaen im Ballon. 111. aeron. Mitt., Striissbiu-g, 5, 1901, (137-146;. [3020 C 5440]. Eschenhagen, M. Leber eine nene lUrm der Llnvdschen Wage. Terr. Mas, Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (59- Gl). Fraser, H. A. Denliohn. The imifilar jiiagnetometer of the magnetic snrvey III intlia. Terr. Mag. Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (65-f)9). [0350]. Mascart, E. Pertiirbations mag- netiqnes pi-oduits par les tramways electriqnes a I'Observatoire de Nice. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. HoU., fSer. 2), 6, 1901, (550-554). Moureaux, Th. Influence des conrants raijfthcmds sur le champ magnetiqiie terrestre a I'observatoire du Pare Saint .Alaur. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1 90 L (999-1001). Le nouvel oliservatoire magnetiqne du Val Joyeux. Ann. soc. luo'teor., Paris, 49, I90i, 1 27-28 «. Amort issement des efl'ets de-< courants industriels sur les mag- lu'tometres. Congres internat. meteor.. P^iris 1901, f2.3.3- 2.301. Riicker, A. W. On the magnetic iickl produced l)y electric tramways. London, Proc. Phvsic. Soc. 17, 1901, ((•.09-018). Wallis, Wm. F. . . . Effect of altitude on the magnetic elements. [Review of Rijckevorsel and Bemmelen's -Magnetische Beoljachtungen in der Schweiz . . . 1890 und 1897."} Terr. Mao., Washington. D.C.. 6, 1901, (91-94). Watson, W[illiam]. A graphical method of determining the y correc- tion in the deflection experiment. Terr. Ma a., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901. (70-72 . ^ Weber. G. L. Die Aufgabe, Kom- jjassablesungen zu iiljertragen. Elek- trot. Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (403-405'. 3020 -MAGNETIC STATE OF THE SURFACE OF THE E-\RTH. SURVEYS. ISOMAG- NETICS AND GAUSSIAN CO- EFFICIENTS. Carlheim-GyUenskoeld. Sur 1 etat octuel de ]lo^ couuaissances des varia- tion^ seculaires du magnetisme de la Terre. Congres internat. meteorol., Paris. 1901, (251-254). [.3030J. . Ebert, Hermann. Magnetisclie iles- simgen im Ballon. III. aeron. Mitt., Strassbnrs, 5, 1901, (137-146). [3010 C 5440]. " . Fritscbe, H. Apj^lications de la theorie generale du magnetisme terrestre etablie par Gauss. Congres internat. meteor.. Paris, 1901, (240-245 l [3030].' Lenz. Die magnetische I..andesauf- uahme. (Hiickauf, Essen, 37 1901, (234-235). MatMas, E. Distribution de la coai- pcsante horizoutale du magnetisme terrestre. -L phvs. Paris, (ser. 3), 10, 1901. aiC.-123 .■ Neumayer, ( <. Ucher die Ergebnisse neucrer erdinagiietischer Beobachtungen in den Po]ar-(}pbieten. Verh. Ges. D. Natl.. Lfi]i/ig. 72, IT, 1,1901,(47-50). Tillo, A. de. Sur la relation qui existe Piitre la repartition des elements magnetiqnes et la distribution generale des mers et de la temperature moyenne a la surface du glolDe. Verb, intern. GeogrCongr., 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901. (129—131). [3070 J 10]. 3020 1G8 -1!)00 [Chart]. Terr. Mag.. Washingtoji, D. C, 6, 1901, (62). Raulin, Y[ictor]. .Sur les variations seculaires du magnetisme terrestre. Paris, C.-U. Acad, sci., 133, 1901. fTGO 7G.3). Schtick, A. ^Magiietische Beoljach- tmigen an der deutschen (3stseekuste, II. Mittlerer imd ostlicher Teil, sowie au der Kiiste des siidliclieu Xorwegen. AngesteUt in den Jahren 1898 und 1900. Hamburg, (.Selbstverlag), 1901, oT, mit Xarte;. "29 cm. 4 il." [3020]. 3040 DIURXAL AXD OniElJ PERIODIC ilAGXETIC VARIA- TIOXS. Calendario del R. Osservatorio astro- uomico del Collegio romano. Roma, (Salviucci), 1901, (50), 18 cm. Magnetische Beobachtimgen zu Bo- •chum [fiir die Mouate des Jahres 1901]. Gliickauf, Essen, 37, 1901, (132, 219, 311, 419, 509, 590, 695). Magnetische Beobachtungen zu llerms- dorf., Bez. Breslau [fiir die ilouate des Jahres 1901]. Gliickauf, Essen, 37, 1901, (.396, 442, 531, 612, 695). Angot, .Vlfied. La variation diuriie de la declinaison magnetique et ses relations avec I'activite solaire. Annu. Soc. mettW., Paris, 49, 1901, (19-20). £.3060]. Bemmelen, W[Lllem] van. Pulsations de la force magnetique terrestre. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. .Soc. Holl., (Ser. 2 1, 6, 1901, (^-382-384;. Fox, Wilson Lloyd and Kitto, Edward. Falmouth Observatory, ileteorologieal and magnetical tables and i-e^xirts for the year 1900; also additional meteoro- logical tables for Falmouth for G con- secutive lustra, 1871 to 1900, and tables of sea temperatme. Reprinted from Falmouth, Kp]d. R. Cornwall Polyt. Soc. 1900. Falmouth 1901, (2S\ [18ttll 0880]. Institut meteorologique de Dajiemark. Aunales de I'observatoire maguetique de Co]3enhagne, 1897-1898. Copenhague (Gad>, 1901,(4.5), 33 cm. Lenz. Ergebnisse der magnet ischeu Beoljachtimuen im Jalu-el900. Beilage zu Gliickauf, Essen, 37, 1901, Xo. C. (13, mit 1 Taf.). Liideltng, G. Ergebnisse zetnjahriger ma guetisclierBeobachtiuigen in Potsdam. Berlin, Abh. met. Iust.,1, 1901, (329- 380, mit 2 Taf.) [3000]. PiltschikofF, X. Sur les variations ])eriodiques des elements duma.guetisme terrestre dans les regions auormales. Congres iuternat. meteor., Paris, 1901, (240-250). TedescM, Mucenzo. Yariazloui della declina/.ione magnetica osservate nella li. Specola di Capodimonte neU'auno 1900. Xapoli, Rend. Soc. sc, (Ser. 3), 7, 1901. 1114-121). 3050 .MAGXETIC STORMS. Wallis, Wm. F. Sun-spots and mag- netic storms. [Review of Sidgi-eaves, " On the connection between solar spots and earth-magnetic storms."] Terr. Mag.. Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (95-96). [E 4110]. 3060 RELATIOXS BETWEEN TER R E.STR I AL MAG X ETISM AXl) THE HEAVEXLY BODIES. Angot, Alfred. Acti\-ite solaire [ct] variation diin-ue de la declinaison mag- netique. Paris., C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, J 90 1, (254-257). La variation dim-ue de la declinaison ^magnetique et ses relations avec I'activite solaire. xViuui. soc. meteor., Paris, 49, 1901, (19-20). [.3040]. Sur la variation diurne de la declinaison magnetique. C.-R. Acad, sci. Paris, 132, 1901, (317-320;. 3060 170 Bemmelen, ^[illeni] van. Total solar eclipse, May 18, 1901. Magnetic observations at Batavia and Kai'ang Sago (Sumatra). Batavia, Xat. Tvdsclir., 61, 1001, (173-193, ivith 1 pL). [E 4.350]. Borgen, C. . . . ilagnetic ohsei-- vations made during the total solar eclipse . . . at Wilhelmsliaven. . . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, ri07-168). [E 4.350]. Clazton, T. F. . . . Magnetic ob- servations made during the total solar eclipse ... at Mauritius Island. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, ]'.)01, (1S4). [E 4.350]. Eschenhagen, Max. . . . ilagnetic observations made during the total solar eclipse . . . at . . . Pots- dam. . . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (169-170). [E 4350]. Farr, C. Coleridge. . . . ilagnetic filjservations made in ... Xew Zealand during the total solar eclipse, . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C. 6, 1901, (179-180). [E4350]. Fraser, H. A. Denholni. . . . -Mag- netic observations made at Dehra Dun, India, dui-ing the total solar eclipse. . . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C., 6, 1901, (173-176). [E 4.350]. Haga, W. . . . Magnetic obser- vations made at tlie Lniversity of (li'onin.gen . . . during the total solar eclipse. . . . Mag., Washing- ton, D.C, 6, 1901, (129, 112). [E4350]. Hepites, Stefan C. . . . [ilagnetic] observations [made during the total solar eclipse at] Bucharest. Terr. -Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (171). Kesslitz, Wilhelm. Eeport on the nia.srnetic observations made at Tola, Austria, during the time of the total solar eclipse of May 17, 18, 1901. Terr. :\Iag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (123- 12.j:. [E 43.jO]. Moidrey, J. de. . Magnetic iiljsei-vations made at . . . Ji-Ka- Wei, China, during the total solar edijDse. . . . Terr. Mag., Washing- ton, D.C, 6, 1901, (177-178). [E 4.350]. Moureaux, Th. . . . ]\Ia,gnetic oliservations made at . . . Val- •Toj'eux, France, during the total solar eclipse of May 17, 18, 1901. Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (125- 128). [E 4350]. Snellen, Maurits. . . . Magnetic observations made . . . near Utrecht, Holland, during the total solar eclipse. . . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1901, (129-134). [E 43.70]. Van Rijckvorsel. . . . Magnetic observations made at \'li3singen (Flushingj Holland, during the total solar eclipse. . . . Terr. Mag., Washington, D.C, 6, 1001, (135-143). [E 4350]. Wolfer, A. Frequenza delle macchie solari neiranno 1900 e confronto deH'andamenlo coUa variazione mag- uetica. Traduzione. Mem. Soc. spet- troscop. ital., Catania, 30, 1901, (213- 215). 3070 REJATIONS BETWEEN TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM AND GEOLOGY, EARTH-CURRENTS, Etc. Earth Current measurements. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (230-231). Cancani, Adolfo. Effetti magnetic! di alcune fulmiuazioni. Elettricista, Roma, 10, 1901, (17-18). [1630]. Lapparent, A. de. La fossilisation de riiiijjonderable. Nature, Paris, 29, 1901, (2^- semest.), (210-212). TiUo, A. de. Snr la relation qui existe entre la repartition des elements magnetiques et la distribution generale des merset la temperature moyenne a la surface du glo))e. Verli. intern. Geogr- Congr. 7, (1899), 2, Berlin, 1901, (129- 131). [3020 J]. 3080 THEORIES OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. Bauer, L. A. Tlie origin of terrestrial magnf'tisni. r)bservatorv. London, 1901. (51-.-56). Schuster, Ariluir. On magnetic pre- cession. London, Proc. Phvsic. Soc, 17, 1901, (644-055). Steen, .VkselS. Terrestrial magnetism. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-1896.' Scientific results, edited by Frithjof Nansen. Vol. 2. Kristiania, 1901, (196, Avith 17 pi.). 171 4100 3090 THEORY OF THE COMPASS. iLVGNETISM OF SHIPS. Bertelli, Timoteo. Sopra la receute jjmpdsta di un centenario deiriiveiizione dflla bussola. Riv. maritt., Roina, 1901, 2° trim., (289-291). Biazzi, Ferruccio. Di una probabile imiixa causa di deviazione ncUa bussola di bordo. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 1" trim., (409-477, con 1 tav.). Breusing', Arthur. Nautische Hiilfs- talfln. (t. Aufl. 2. Ausg., hrsg. rou C. Scliilling. Leipzig (M. Heinsius), 11)01, (III - 282, mit 1 Karte). 24 cm. del). 0,75 M. [J 90 E 00-30]. Breusings Steuermamiskunst. Ini Vereiu mit 0. Fidst imd H. lleldau iieu bearb. u. lirsg. v. C. Sciiilling. 0. Aufl. Leipzig (M.' Heinsius Xaclif.), 1902. (Vm + 460, mit ITaf.). 20 cm. 12M. [J 90]. Cosyn, il[aurits] C[alixtus] F[rau- cisjus] J[ohannes]. Sm- les boussoles a l)ord des croisetu's a pont cuirasse [de la marine de guerre Neerlandaise] et la nuuiiere de les compenser. (Hollaudais). Heliler, Mariueblad, Byblad verslagen Marinevereeiiiging. 15, 1901, (110.3- UO.S). Instructions pour ajuster uue ijarre de Flinders [pour compenser les lioussoles a bord des vaisseaux de la marine de guerre Xeerlandaise]. Hol- laudais). Leiden (E. J. BriUX [1901], (20). 19 cm. Gelcicli, Eugenio. La scieuza Jiautica nel secolo XIX. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 1° trim., (253-280). Jungclaus, H. A. Magnetismus und Deviatiiiu der Compasse in eiseimen Scliiffen. Fiir den Unterricbt in Xavl- gationsschulen und zum Selbstunterricht. 3. Aiifl. Bremerhaven (G. Schipper), 1901, (VIII -^ 218, mit Taf.). 21 cm.' Geb. 5 :\I. [C .5400]. Kaiser, P[ietcr] .J[an]. Description succiucte des instruments nautiques nouvellement introduits dans la marine de guerre Xeerlandaise. 3me supple- ment. [Le deflecteur d'apres A. Gareis]. 1 Hollaudais). Leiden (E. J. Brill), 1901, (29, av. 2 pi.). 19 cm. Lyons, T. A. . . . Electromag- netic phenomena and . . . the comjiass and its deviations aboard ships. . . Vol. I. Xew York, X.Y.,(Wilev). London (Chapman & Hall, Ltd.), 1901, (XV + 551). 23.5 cm. [IO.jO C 5400]. Pes, G. Stiidio sulla bussola e sidle deviazioui maguetiche. Riv. maritt., Homn, 1901, .3° trim., (227-252). Vital, Artiu'o. Su di ima probabile nuo^■a causa di deviazione nella bussola di bordo. Riv. maritt., Roma, 1901, 1°, trim., (120-127 1. Weinricli, Wni. Jr. Russian manual of the deviation of the compass. [Review.]. Terr, ilag., Wasliington, D.C.. 6, 1901, (SS). 4100 EARTH CURREXTS. Bachmetjev, P. Der gegenwartige Stand der Frage iiber elektrische Erd- strome. St. Peterbm-g, Mem. Ac. Sc, iser. 8), 12, 3, 1901, (1-58, mit 0 Taf). Foerster, [Wilhehu]. Die Erdstrom- Erforschimg. Elektrot, Zs., Berlin, 22, 1901, (;.331-33.3). Glazebrook, R. T. Xotes on the l)ractit'al application of the theorj- of magnetic disturbance by earth currents. London, Proc. Physic." Soc, 17, 1901, (019-0.301 Jahr, E. Untersuchimgsergebnisse liber den natiirlichen elektrischen Erd- strom. Elektrot. Zs., Berlin. 23. 1902, (195-197). [C 5080]. 173 LIST OF JOURNALS WITH ABBREVIATED TITLES. Afireale, Aftl Ace. Zelanti Acronaide, Paris ... A'jncoltore, Catania Ally. ForslsUj, Fmnhfiivt a. .1/. Amcr.J.Sci., New Tlaven, Conn. Awiriis, I'id. soe. Hun. Ain.^trvdam, Tijdsi-hr. K. Ac'c/. Auvdv. Gen. Anil, eliiin. jilujs.. i'avis ... Anil. Ilii'lroiji:, BevVni Ann. Iii/ilroiji:, Pari.^ Ann. P]tij.^il;, BeihI., Lcipzirj Anmi. Hoc. meteor.. Paris... Antoh arjr. Alba ApothZt(i, Berlin ... Arcaclion, soc. sci. -station zol. Aslr. yarlir., Kiel... Atti Jeir Acadeiuiii deyli Zelaiiti, Acireale. Aerouaiite (1'), bullet iu ineusiiel illustre de la societe frau^-aise de navigation aeiieuue. Dir. Hureau de Villeueuve. Palis, [niensuel.] L'Agricoltore calabro-sieula, C'atania ... Allgeineiue Forst- uiid Jagd-Zeitiiug, ]u-sg. V. Lorey. Frankfiiit a M. [mouatl.] Xebst ISu]5plement : Jalu'es Ijericht iiber A'eruffentlicliuugen nud wichtigere Ereigiiisse iin (leljiete des Foi'stwesens etc. American Journal of Science, Xew Haven, Conn. Bulletin de la bociete liniieeniie du nord dela France. Auiieus(Somme). [nieusnel.] Tijdsclu'ift van liet Kouinklijlv Xeder- laudsch Aardrijkskuudig Cienoot- scliap, Amsterdam, So. Amiales de cliimie et de. pliysique, lied. MM. Berthelot, Friedel, Mascart, Moissan. Paris, [mensuel.] Amialen der Hydrograpliie \\\\d niari- timeii Meteorologie, hi'sg. \. d. deiitsclien Seewarte. Berlin, [mouatl.] Xelist Beilieften. Amiales hydrograpliic|ues. iliiiistere de la Marine. Paris, [auiniel.] Beibliitter zu den Annalen der Pliysik, hrsg. V. Wiedemann, Leipzig, [re- ferirend, monatl.] ^Vnnuaire de la societe meteorologique de France. Paris, [trimestr.] Antologia agraria Alba. ... Apotliekerzeitung. Organ des dmitsclien Ajjotheker-Vereins. [^ wncli.] Xehst Beibl. : Repertoriiun der Pharmacie. Societe scientifique et Station zoolo- gi(jue d'Arcachon ((iironde). Tra- vaux des Lnhoratoircs. Paris, [annuel.] Astronomische Xachriclitcn, hrsg. v. Krentz. Kiel, Ilambnrg. {I'l Xrn jal.rl]. 1 It. IJ Fr. 3 It. 25 Ger. 17 U.S. 28 Fr. 1 Hoi. 44 Fr. 4.J Ger. 54 Fr. 45 Ger. 97 Fr. 15 It. 50 Ger. 106 Fr. 1)4 Ger. 174 Atel. Phot., Halle Bagneres de Bigoii-c, Bui. soe. Ihimond. Bain. Cl'im. J., London Batavia, yat. Tijdsclir. Batavla. Ohsns. Magn. Meteor. Bergen, Xaturen Berlin, Ahli. met. ] iist. Berlin, Jahrli. Vcrsnchs- anst Brail. Berlin, SitzBcr. AI-. ^yiss. Berlin, Zs. Ver. D. Ing. ... Ber. Vers.siichs. Forstver., Tharandt Biol. Ccntralhl., Berlin Bl. Zuclxcrr'uhenhau , Berlin Boll.san. annuale, Spezia ... Bologna, Ann. Bagg. Uff. prov. Agric. Bologna, Ann. Sor. agr. prov. Bremen, Ahh. nalir. Ver. Brescia, Comment. Atcneo Budapest, Magy. Mr. or- szdgos met. fuldmagn, int. evk. Das Atelier des Photographen, red. v. Miedie. Halle. [nionatl.] Xebst Beibl. : PhotograiDliische Chi'onik. [woch.] Bidletiu de la Societe Ramond. Bag- nei'es de Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrenees) Toiiloiise. [trimestr.] Balneological and Climatological Jmmial (Journal of the British Bal- neological and Climatological Society), London. Xatmirkinidig Tijdschrift voor Xeder- landsch- Indie uitgegeven door de Ivonintlijke natuurkundige Vereeni- ging, Batavia, 80. Ohsei'vatious made at the Royal iiag- netical and Meteorological Observa- tory at Batavia, Batavia, folio. Xatnreu, Bergen ... Abhandliingen des kgl. preussischen meteorologischen Instittites. Berlin, [/.wangles.] .Jalu-biich der Versnchs- iind Lehran- stalt fiir Branerei in Berlin, red. v. Windiseh. Berlin. [j;ihrl.]. Sitznugsberichte der kgl. ]?reussischen Akadeniie der Wissenschaften. Ber- lin, [woch.] Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenienre. Berlin, [woch.] Bericht iiber die Versammlung des siichsischen Forstvereins. ■ Tharandt. [jiihrl.] Biologischcs Centralblatt, hrsg. v. Rosenthal. Berlin, [i monatl.] Blatter fiir Zuckerriibenbau, hrsg. v. Hager. [^ monatl.] Bollettiuo sanitario ammale, Spezia Annali e Ragguagli dell' Ufficio provin- i ciale per rAgricoltnra, Bologna. Annali della Societa agraria jjrovinciale, Bologna. ' Alihandlungen, hrsg. v. naturwissen- | sehaftlichen Verein zii Bremen. Bremen. [1-2 H. jiilir].] Comnientarii dell' Ateneo, Brescia. A magyar kiralyi orszagos nieteorologiai es foldmagnessegi iutezet evkonyvei, Budapest. [Jalu-buc'her der koniglichen imgarischen Reichsanstalt fiir Mcteorologie imd Erdmngnetik, Budapest.] 95 Ger. 159 Fr. 19 U.K. 11 Hoi. 12 Hoi. G Xor. 155 Ger. 172 Ger. 182 Ger. 202 Ger. 147 Ger. 22G Ger. 2.35 Ger. .35 It. 40 It. 41 It. 253 Ger. 45 It. 0 Hun. 17o liul. comm. meteor. , Bar- le-Duc. liul. comm. meteor., Mar- seille Camb ridge , Ma ss. , Ami. Obs. Harvard [Jniv. Cardiff, Trans. Xat. Sor. Catania, Afti ,lcc. < Hocnia Chester, Vroe.Hor. Sat. Sci. Choztain. St. Pcterhurg .. Conegliano T?ir. li. .'-^mo'a vit. enol. Congr&s internal, meteor., Paris Cosmos, Paris C.-E. eong. .sor. sav., I'aris Croydon, Free. Trans. Microse. Nat. Hist. CI. D. l.andic. Presse, Jicrlin ... Dorchester, Proc. Dorset Xat. Hist. F. CI. Douglas, J. Isle Man Soc. Dresdener landir. Prcsse ... Dublin, Sci. Proc. R.Soc ... D. uhers. mcl. Deoh.. Ham- burg Edinburglt, J. Scot. Meteor. Soc. Edinburgh, Trans. It. Soc. Elec, Rev., Xeu- Yorl; x.y. liulletiu de la coininisslon meteoro- logiqiie de Bar-le-Duc-. [F Bulletin de la conimission de nieteoro- logiedes Boucliesdu Rhone. Marseille | (Bouches dii Rhonej. [annuel.] Annals of the Harvard University Astronouucal (Jbservatory, Cam- Ijridge, Mass. Transactions of the CaidilV Naturalists' .Society, Cardiff. Atti deir Acoadeinia (iiucuia di suienze natiu'ali, Catania. Proceedings of the ( 'hcstcr Society of Natural Science and literature, Chester. Xo.innm.. C.-Uercpdyprr. [Le pro- prietaire riu-al. St.-l'etersbourg]. La Rivista. Organo delhi R. Scuola di viticultura e di enologia, Conegliano. Congres international de meteorologie tenu a Paris [en] f'JOO. Cosmos, revue hehdoimidaire des sciences et de leurs apf)lications, fondee par M. I'ahbe Moiguo. Paris. Comptes-rendus du congres des societes savantes de Paris et des departements. .Section des Sciences. Paris, [annuel]. Proceedings and Transactions of the (Jroydou Microscopical and Natural History Clulj, Croydon. Deutsche laudwirthschaftliche Presse, red. V. Muller. Berlin. [^ woch.] Proceedings of the Dorset Natural His- tory and Antiquarian Field Club, Dorchester. Yn Lioar Manninagh, Douglas, 8vo. ... Dresdener laudwirthscliaftliche Presse, red. v. Platzmann. Dresden, [woch]. Scientific Proceedings of tlie Roj'al Dublin Society, Dublin. Deutsche iiberseeische meteorologische Beobaclitungen, gesanunelt u. lu-sg. V. d. deutscheu Seewarte. Hamburg, [zwanglos.] Journal of the Scott isii .Meteorological Society, Edinburgh and l^ondon. Transactions of tl Edinburgh. Royal Society of Electrical Review. New York, N.Y. 912 Fr 213 Fr. 73 L'.S. 55 U.K. 48 It. CO U.K. 29 Rus. .50 It. Fr. 300 Fr. 283 Fr. 66 U.K. 348 Ccr. 70 UK. 71 U.K. 417 Ger. 77 U.K. 378 C!er. 91 U.K. 109 U.K. 135 U.S. 1715 Eh'clricien, Paris ... ElchtroL Zs., Berlin Elcltricista, Roma ... Emdcn, Jahrcsber. natf. (tCS. Enqin. Neics, Xeic i orl;, X.Y. Eitf. Jahrh., Leipzir/ Fcvrava, Atti Ace. mc CJer. MO U.S. 4.39 Ger. CO It. 8 Fii). Gi It. 470 Ger. Greifnicald, .l///f. nati Ver. Gncrcl, Hem. soc. sei. nat. Haarlem, Arcli.Xeerl. Sci ■ ^oe. Roll. Electricieu (I'J, revue iuternatiduale de 325 Fr. I'electricite et de ses apjjlicatious. Red. J. A. Montpellier. Paris, [hebdomad.] Elektroteclmisclie Zeitschrilt (Central- 4.34 Ger. lilatt fiir Elektroteclmik). red. v. Kapp 11. West. Berlin, ^liinclieu. [woch]. L'Elettricista, Roma. Jalu-eshericht der natiirforsehenden Gesellscliaft in Eradeu. Eniden. [2 jaln-.] Engineering News and iVmericau I!ail- way Jonrual, New York, X.Y. Eutomologisclies Jahrbiicli, lirsg. v. Ej-ancher. Leipzig, [jakil.] Atti deir Accademia di scienze mediclie e natiu'ali, Ferrara. Feimia. Biilletin de la Societe de Geo- graphie de Finlande. Helsiugfors. 8 : o. Atti dell' Accademia dei Geoi-gofdi, Firenze. Fortscln-itie der riivsik, krsg. n. Assmann n. Bornstein. liiaun- schweig. [referirend, der Jg zu 3 Abth]. Forstwissenscliaftliclies Centrall)latt. ki-sg. V. Fiii'st. Berlin, [monatl.] Fiililiug-s landwirthschaftliclie Zeitung, insg. V. Fischer. Stuttgart. [5 monad.] Atti della ocieta ligustlca. di scienze natui'ali e geografiche, Genova. Geogi-aphie (la), bulletin de la societe de geographic, i^ar Hulot et Ch. Rabot. Paris, [meusuel.] (ipographische Zeitsclirift, hrsg. a-. Hettner. Leipzig, [monatl]. Transactions of the Xatiu-al History Society of (ilasgow, Glasgow. Gliickauf. Berg- und huttenniiinnische Wochenschi-iit, red. v. Engel etc. Essen, [woch.]. ; ilittheilungen ans dem natin-wisseu- 535 Ger. schaftliclien Yerein fiir Xeu-Yorpom- I mern mid Riigen in Greifswald. I Berlin, [jahrl.] ilemoires de la societe des sciences i 3G9 Fr. naturelles et archeologiques de la ' Creiise. (Tueret (Creuse). [annuel.] | Ai-cliives Xeerlandaises des Sciences ! 22 HoL exactes et naturelles publiees par la | 8ociet<^ Hollandaise des Sciences, ' Haarlem, 80. 4GG Ger. 489 Ger. 76 It. 362 Fr. 512 Ger. 142 U.K. 526 Ger. 177 IIn1 }/„.,• X, It Tl.e Halifax XaturnliM and Reoord of 147 U.K. the Srientific Soriety, Halifax. Hnmlinrfj,Vi'rh.nnlu-.Ver. Verhanclluiifjen des uatnrwissensehaft- ! oyO fler. lichen Vereius in Hamburg- Altona. Hambiu'g. [jiihrl.] I Ilandl. Ked. yat. Gcnecsk. Haudelingeu van het Xederlandseh 2C Hoi. Conqres. Xatnnr- en Geneeskundig Concves, 80. Hertford, TrnnK.'Snt.lItst. Transactions of the Hertfordshire 148 U.K. Soy-. Natural History Society and Field Clulj, Hertford. IJ'immel u. Erde, Berlin ... Himmel mid Erde. lUustrirte natur- .jSo < London, Meteor. Ree. T?. I Meteor. Hoc. I London, Phil. I'rnns.R.Soe. i London, Proc. Physic. Soc. ' London, Proc. L'. Soe. ...\ London, Q. d. (ieol.Soc. ...' London, Q. J. R. Meteor, j Soe. I L^ondon. Rep. Brit. As-?:. ... LJinehurg, Jahrcsheffe natu: Ver. ■ I Lyon, Ann. soc. agricidt. ... Mantova, Boll. quijidic. Coviizio agr. Marlborough, Rep. Coll. Xaf. Hist. Soe. Mem. Soe. spettroscop. ital., Catania. Meteor. Off., London Met. Vest., St. Peterlnrg .. Kosmos, czasopismo Polskie^o Towa- rzystwa przyrodnikow iin. Xnpernika, red. B. Radzi^zew>iki, l.w.Wv, S^ [montldy.] Bulletin International de rAcadeniie de.s Sciences de Cracovie, classe des Sciences niathenjatiques et naturelles ; red. J. Rostafinski, Cracos'ie, 8" i [monthly.] ; Rozprawy Wydzialu llatematyczno- Przyrodnic/.ego Akademli Umiejet- I nosci, Dziai A, nanki matematyczno- ' fizyczne, Krakow, 8^ [monthly.] Sprawozdanie Komisyi fizyograficznej, | obe jmnigce pogl^d na czynnosi i doko- nane \v ciagii rokn . . ., oraz Matei-yaiy do fizyografi krajowej, Krakow, 8° [annual.] i Geographical Journal (Royal Geo- | graphical Society), London. Journal of the Sanitary Institute. London. Journal oi' the Society of Arts, London. I Meteorological Record of the Royal ' Meteorological Society, London. Philosopliical Transactions of the London Royal Society. Proceedings of the Phj-sical Society of j London, London. j Proceedings of the London Royal Society. { Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London. Quarterly Journal of die Royal ileteoro- logical Society, London. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. Jahreshefte des naturwissenschaftllchen Vereins fiir das Ftirstentlnun Ltiue- burg. Liineburg. [.3 jahr.] Annales de la societe d'agrlculture de Lyon (Rhone), [triniestr.] Bollettino quindicinale del Comizio agi'arlo, ilantova. Report of the ilarlborough College Natural HistoiT Society, Marlborough, 8vo. Memorle della Socleta degli spettro- scopisti Italian!, Catania. Meteorological Office, London ... MeTeopo.ioriiHCCHifi BiiCTHHKx. C.-IIeTepGypri. [Messagermeteoro- I logique. St. Petersbourg.] 21 Pol. 11 Pol. 14 Poi- 17 Pol. 218 U.K. 243 r.K. 244 U.K. 458 U.K. 254 U.K. 203 U.K. 267 U.K. 272 U.K. 27.-'. U.K. 270 U.K. 703 trer. 443 Fr. 93 It. 315 U.K [10 It. 330 U.K. [20 Rus. 170 Milano, Ecnd. 1st. lomb. ... Morsk. Shorn., St. Petcr- biirij. Moiuovi aunali di agricoltuia siciliaua, '■ 122 1ft. Palermo. II Nuovo Cimeuto, Pisa ... ObseiTatoiy, London Ofversigt af Finska Veteuskups-Societe- tens Forhandlingar. Helsingfors. So. llsBicTifl OpeHoyprcKaio ()T4'kia IlMnepaTopcKaro pyccKaro Feo- rpafoqecKaro OomecTBa. OpeH- 6yprL [Bulletin de la Section d'Oreu- bourg de la Societe Imperiale russe de Geograijhie. Orenbourg]. Pami^tnik Towarzystwa Tatrzai'iskiego, Krakow, 8° [aimual.] 1 Comptes-rendus hebdomadal res des ' seances de I'acadernie des sciences. ' Paris, [hebdomad.] Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des j seances et memoires de la societe de ! biologie. Paris. IloTBOBifeA'feHie. (!.-ileTe|H)\ pn>. [La Pedologie. St. Petersbourg]. Petermanns geographische ilitthei- luiigen aus Perthes' geographischer I Anstalt. Gotha. [monatl.] Xebst I Erganzmigs-Heften. ' Journal of the Franklin Institute, Phila- delphia, Pa. I London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philu- I sophical Magazine, and Journal of I Science. [ Physikalische I Riecke u. monatl.] I Report and Transactions of the Devon- I shire Association, PljTnouth, 8vo. , 11 Politecnico, Milano I Popular Science Montldv, New Yurk, I N.Y. Prometheus, lllustrirte Wocheuschrift iiber die Fortschritte in Gewerbe, Industrie xuid Wissenschaft, hrsg. v. Witt. Berlin, [woch.] Revue generale des sciences pures et 1 appliquees. Dir. L. Olivier. Paris. I [bi-mensuel.] ' Revue pratique de I'electricite. Paris. : [bi-mensuel.] j Revue scientilique de la France et de I'etrauger. Dir. C'h. Richet. Paris. I [hebdomad.] 353 U.S. 372 U.K 920 Ger. 376 U.K 151 It. 369 U.S. 938 Ger. 693 Fr. 899 Fr. 749 Fr. 181 liuja, Korr.-Ut. Naturf.- IVr. Ii'ic. agr'ie. induslr., lloma liic. Arlig. Geiiio., liuina Riv. fis. mat. sc. nat., Pavia lilt, geotjr. ital., L'oma liiv. markf.. lluma Riv. vieteor.-aijr., Roma ... Riv. scicilbif. - iudustr., Firenzc Riv.tccn., Firenze ... Roma, Boll. Soc.fjcogr. ital. Roma, Boll. Soc. gcol. ital. Roma, Mem. Ace. Nuovi Lined Roma, Rciid. Ace. Lined ... St. Pctcrhurtj, Bull. Ae. Sc. St. Pclerbunj, Dnecnik X[ Sjezda runs. jest. vrae. St. Pcterburg, Eicmes. met. Biull. Glavn. Fiz. Obs. St. Pcterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc. Samml. hliii. Vortr., Ldi>' ziy Korrespoudeuzblatt des XaturZorscher- Vereius zu Ri^a. Rivista agi'icola industriale, Ruma. ... Rivista di Artiglieria e Geuio, Roma. Rivista di fisica, matematica e scieiize uaturali, Pavia. Rivista geografica italiana, Roma Rivista marittima, Roma Rivista meteorico-agraria, Roma Rivista scieutiiico-iiidustriale, lireuze Rivista teciiica dei pubbllei servizi, Firenze. BoUettino della Societa geografica itali- ana, Roma. BoUettino della Societa geologica italiaua, Roma. Memorie deU' Aecademia poutificia dei Nuovi Liuoei, Roma. Rendiconti della R. Aecademia dei Liucei, Roma. IIsBtcTJa IlMiiepaTopcKOii .\Ka- jeMia HavKf.. C.-lIeiepoyprh [Bulletin de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersboiirg.] ^HeBHiii.i. .\I Cbfaja j)ycci.uxb ecTecTBOiuiibiTaTc.ieii h apaueti. C.-lIeiepoypri, [.Journal XI of the conference of Russian natural- ists and physicians. St. Petersburg.] Ea;eMljCflMHbiii MeToopo.ioiUMtri;(»H Gio.i.ieTeHi) ,ua EBpoiuMUKoii PoccIm, H34aHic llHKO.iaencKoii IjaBHol! n3HMC(-Kon OOccpBa- TOpiH. C.-lIeTep6ypri. [Bulletin meteorologique mensuel de I'Observa- toire physicj^ue central pour la Russie d'Europe. St.-Petersbourg.] ^ailMCKH IlMUL'paTOptKOii .\Ka- .K'mIh llayKL iio«t'H3ni;o-MaTeMa- THHeti;oM\ 0T4i.ieuiK). C.-lle- TOpoy pri> [Memoires de I'Academie Imperiale des sciences. Classe des sciences physiques et mathematiques. St.-Pctersbourg.] Saimniung kliiiischer Vortriige, hrsg. V. V. Bergmami etc. Leipzig. [30 H. jahrl.] 213 Rub. IGO It. 1G2 It. 104 It. IG5 It. 170 It. 172 It. 178 It. 181 It. 1% It. l'J7 It. :.'0I It. i'U'J It. 2.3 L Rus. Rus. 2j5 Rus. 260 Rus. y72 Ger. 18? Samml. Schr. Urania, Berlin Sci. Amcr.Sup.. Xcw Yuri:, N.Y. Science, Xeic Yuri:, X.Y. Sci. (Jogsip, London Scot. G'cog. Hag., Edinhurgh Simhirsh, Frut. Ohsc. vrac. Sirins, Lcipzi'j Stunyhiirst, Obsns. StuUgart, JalircsJicfte Ver. Natk. Sniuons^ Meteor. Mag., London Terr. Man., Washington, B.C. 2'dkijd, Kisho Sli. ... Toltyu, Kisho Yd Torino. Atli Ace. se. Torino, BolL vicns. Oss. Moticalieri Torino, L'iv. mens. Club alpiyio TuyoGak. Z., Tokyo. Ti'openpflanzer, Berlin Utrecht, Meteor. Jaarh. Venezia, Atti let. ten. Samuilung popiilarei- Scliriften der Ge- 974 Ger. sellsc'liaft Urania. Bei'lhi. [Ji'li^'l- i" zwaugl. H.]. Scieutific Americau Supplemeut, Xcw 4()ij U.S. York, N.Y. Science, Xew York, X.Y. Science Gossip, London Scottish Geographical Magazine, Edin- burgh. IlpOTOKO.ILI OoilU'CTBil BJ)aMeH B1. CnM6ll]KI,i>. ClIMOlipcKI. [Proces- verbaiix de la. Societe des medecins de Simbii-sk]. Sirius. Zeitschi'ift fiir populare As- stronomie, hrsg. v. Klein. Leipzig, [monatl.] Stonyhurst College Observatory, Residts iif Observations. Jahreshefte des ^'ereins fiir vaterland- iscHe Xaturkuude in Wiuttemberg. Stuttgart, [jahi-1.] Symons' Monthly Meteorological Maga- zine, London. Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, Washington, D.C. Kisho .Shfishi (Journal of the ileteorolo- gical .Society). Jaixmese language. Tokyo, Japan. Kisho Yoran (Monthly \Veather Review '62 Jap. of the Central Meteorological Ob- servatory of Japan). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. Atti della 1>. Aicademia delle scienze, Torino. BoUettino mensuale dell' Osservatorio ceutrale del R. Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Torino). Rivista niensile del Clid) alpino, Torino. Toyo Gakugei Zasshi (The Oriental Science Journal). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. Der Tropenpflauzer. Zeitschrift fiir tropische Landwirthschaft, hrsg. v. Warburg u. Wohltmanu. Berlin, [monatl.] Xebst Beiheften. Meteorologisch Jaarljoek xiitgegeven i 53 Hoi. door het Koninklijk Xederlandsch i Meteorologisch Listituut, Utrecht, So. Atti del R. Istituto veneto di scieuze, j 235 It. Lettere ed arti, Venezia. I 102 U.S. .398 U.K. .399 U.K. 239 Rus. lOOi Ger. 411 U.K. 1021 Ger. •416 U.K 417 U.S. 31 Jap. 221) It. 22.5 It. 2.30 It. 40 Jap. 05S Ger. 183 Venezin, Mem. Tst. ren. ... Vcrh. GVs. 1). Xnlf., Leij)- zhj Verona, Mem. Ace. H3III.II 11 iMeMcmapuoii MaieMaTHKM. O^ecca [iMessager dp physique ex- perimentale et de matlieinatiqne ele- inentaire. Odessa.] Bulletin. U.S. Department of Agri- culture. Division of Chemistry, AVashiiigton, D.C". Smithsonian Institution. Annual lie- port of the Board of Regents, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of Botany. Contributions from the U.S. Xational Herbarimn, Washington, D.C. Monthly Weather Review. (U.S. De- jiartment of .\griculture. ) Wash- ington, D.C. 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Cliem., Leipzig Zs. physik. Uiiterr., Berlin Zpitsobrift fiir Instruinen1eiikini(le, red. 1)07 Tipr. V. I.indeck. Berlin. [raoiiatl.] Nebst Beiblatt : Deutsche Mechani- ker-Zeitung. Vereinsblatt der deut- schen Gesellschaft fiir Mechaiiik mid Optik. Zeitschrift fiir Matliematik nnd Physik, 1210 Ger. begriiDdet v. SchJomilch, hrsg. v. Mehmke \\. Cantor. Leipzig. [2 monatl.] Nebst. Suppl. : Abhand- i ^ hmgen ziir Gescliichte der ilathe- I matik. i Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, [ 122") Ger. hrsg. V. Ostwald r.. van't Hoff. Leip- zig, [i monatl.] Zeitschi'ift fiir den physikalischen iind 12'2C} Ger. rhemischen Unterricht, hrsg. v. Poske. Berlin. [2 monatl.]. Tlie iivmhers in the rirjht hand column are llio.^e used in tlte Cenernl I.isl of .lonrnnl^. ? !'';'^^^nsf ^I)X.a HOOK NOT FOR CIRCULATION Z 7403 R882 Div.F 1901 International catalo^^ae of scientific literature 1901''19U ' Blolo^'cal & Mcdcai STOR/IGE Reference