k G MINERALOGY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. Prof. H. E. ARMSTRONa (United Kingbom). De. W. T. BLANFORD (India). Dk. J. BRUNCHORST (Norway). Dr. E. W. DAHLGREN (Sweden). Prof. Dr. J. H. Q-RAF (Switzerland). Prof. J. W. GREaORY (Victoria). Dr. Fr. Th. KOPPEN (Russia). Dr. M. KNUDSEN (Denmark). Prof. D. J. KORTEWEa (Holland). Prof. H. LAMB (S. Australia). Prof. S. P. LANGLEY (United States). MoNS. D. METAXAS (Greece). Prof. R. NASINI (Italy). Don F. del PASO Y TRONCOSO (Mexico). Prof. H. POINCARE (France). R. TRIMEN, Esq. (Cape Colony). Dr. O. UHLWORM (Germany). Prof. E. WEISS (Austria). Prof. J. SAKURAI (Japan). EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE. Prof. H. E. ARMSTRONG. Sir M. foster, Sec. R.S. Dr. J. LARMOR, Sec. R.S. Dr. L. MOND. Prof. R. NASINI. Prof. H. POINCARE. Dr. O. UHLWORM. DIRECTOR. Dr. H. FORSTER MORLEY. REFEREE FOR THIS VOLUME. L. J. SPENCER. INTERNATIOIs^AL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITElUTUllE First Annual Issue G MINERALOGY IXCLl T)IN<; PETROLOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHY PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCJL BT THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LONDON : Haekison and Sons, 45, St. Maktin's Lane. VOL. XI: 1903 (JANUARY). 2 /9ol PREFACE. The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, com- moncing- with the literature of the year 1901, is an outg-rowth of the Catalogue of Scientijic Papers relating- to the scientific literature of the nineteenth century, published by the Royal Society of London. The sug-g-estion to catalog-ue scientific papers may be traced back to Prof. Henry, of Washington, U.S.A., who broug-ht the subject under the notice of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at its meeting- in Glasgow, in 1855. The history of the incep- tion of the enterprise is recorded in the first volume of the Catalogue of Scientific Papers issued by the Royal Sociely in 1867. Twelve large quarto volumes have been printed in which the titles of papers published during the period 1800-1883 are an-anged under authors' names. A subject index, wdiich. will serve as a key to these volumes and also form an independent record, is in an advanced state of preparation. K catalogue of the scientific papers published during the period 1884-1900 is now being- prepared by the Royal Society of London. The possibility of preparing a complete index of current scientific literature by international co-operation was first taken into considera- tion by the Royal Society' about the year 1893. It had long- been apparent that the work was be^'ond the resources of the Society, or indeed of any single body. Moreover, it was felt that an authors' catalogue could not supply the required information, and that it was essential that scientific workers should l^e kept fully and quickly informed of all new discoveries by means of complete subject indexes. International co-operation appeared to be the only means of carrying out such a work with the necessary completeness and rapidity. The Society therefore sought the opinion of a very large number oi representative bodies and individuals abroad ; and, as the replies were almost uniformly in favour of the work being undertaken b}' international co-operation, steps were taken to summon an International Conference of Delegates appointed by various Governments. The Conference took place in London on July 14-17, 1896, and was attended by delegates from Canada, Cape Colony, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japau, Mexico, Natal, the Netherlands, New South Wales, New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A 2 It was unanimously i-esolved that it was desirable to compile and publish, by means of au iutei'national organisation, a complete Catalogue of Scientific Literature, arranged according both to subject matter and to authors' names, in which regard should be had, in the first instance, to the requirements of scientific investigators, so that these might find out, with a minimum of trouble, what had been published on an^- particular subject of enquiry. It was agreed tliat the mat(;rial should, as far as possible, be collected in the various countries by local organisations established for tlie purpose, and that the final editing and publication of the Catalogue should be entrusted to a Central International Bureau, acting under the direction of an International Council. It was agreed to establish the Central Bureau in London. Altliough tlio question of the method to be adopted in classifying the subject matter of the sevei-al sciences was discussed at great length, no decision other than one adverse to the Dewey system was arrived at. The Koyal Society was requested to appoint a Com- mittee to take this and many other (juestions of detail left undecided by the Conference, iuto consideration. As the result of the arduous labours of this Committee, complete schedules were prepared for each of the sciences to be catalogued, and a financial statement was also prepared showing the estimated cost of the Catalogue. Tlie repoit of the Committee was considered at a second Conference, held in London on October 11-13, 1898, which was attended by accredited representatives from Austria. Belgium, Cape Colony. France, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Mexico, Natal, the Nether- lands, New Zealand. Norway, Queensland, Sweden, Switzerland the United Kingdom, and the United States. At this meeting the conclusions arrived at by the first Conference were general!}^ confirmed, and nnich progi'ess was made in deciding the ))rinciples to be adopted in preparing the Catalogue. Full schedules for the several sciences, which had been prepared by the Committee of the Royal Society, were laid before the delegates. Ultimately, aftei- j)rolonged discussion, it was decided to adopt an arbitrary combined system of letters, numbers, and other symbols, adapted in the case of each branch of science to its j^articular needs. A Provisional Iutei'national Committee was appointed to settle authoritatively tlie details of the schedules. The financial positinn was full}- discussed, but no definite conclusions could be arrived at. The delegates attending the meeting were requested to obtain further information on the subject in their respec- tive countries, and to report to the Provisional International Committee. The Provisional International Committee met in London on August 1-5, 1899. The Committee had arranged f(^r the co-option of an Italian and a Russian member, and M. Th. Koppen attended as the representative of Russia. The reports received from various countries were considered. Schedules for the seventeen branches of science to be included in the Catalogue wei'c approved for adoption. The financial position was again very fully considered, especially in relation to the establishment of the Central Bureau ; and it was finally resolved to recommend that the Royal Societj^ be requested to org-anise the Central Bureau, and to do all necessary work, so that the preparation of the Catalogue might be commenced in 1901. Mainlj' in consequence of representations made by the German Government, in order to reduce the cost of the enterprise the Pro- visional International Committee agreed to recommend that the Catalogue should at the outset be of a more restricted character than was contemplated by either the first or the second Conference, that is to say, that the issue of a card catalogue should be postponed, and that the number of subject entries should be kept within narrow limits. A third International Conference was held in London on June 12 and 13, 1900. This was attended by accredited representatives from Austria. Cape Colony, France, German}'. Greece, Hungary, India. Italy, Japan. IMexico, Natal. New Zealand, Norway, Queensland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The report of the Provisional Inter- national Committee appointed at the second Conference was considered, and also a detailed scheme for the publication of the Catalogue which had been prepared, at the request of the Committee, by the Royal Society. The statements made by the delegates of various countries as to the extent to which they were authorised to promise contributions towards the expenses of the Catalogue being satisfactory, it was resolved to take further steps towards the publication of the C'atalogue ; and for this purpose, pending the appointment of an International Council, the Conference again appointed a Provisional International Committee. This Committee met at the conclusion of the Conference, and after- wards continued its deliberations through the agency of the Royal Society. All difficulties were finally removed by the Royal Society undertaking to act as the publishers of the Catalogue on behalf of the Internal ioual Council, thereby giving the necessary legal status to the undertaking, and also to advance the capital required to start the enterprise on the understanding that this should be repaid during the ensuing five years. The supreme control over the Catalogue is vested in an International Convention. Such a Convention is to be held in Loi:don in 1905, in 1910. and every tenth year afterwards, to reconsider, and, if necessary, to re rise the regulations for carrying out the work of the Catalogue ; but the approved Schedules are not to be altered during the first period of five years. In the interval between two successive meetings of the Convention the administration of the Catalogue is vested in an International Council, the members of which are to be appointed by the Regional Bureaus. The first meeting of the International Council was held in London on December 12, 1900, when it was decided to commence the preparation of the Catalogue from January 1, 1901. At this meeting an Executive Committee was appointed, consisting of the delegates of the Royal Society and representatives of the four largest subscribers — the United States of America, Germany, France, and Italy. The materials out of which the Catalogue is formed are to be furnished by Regional Bureaus. A 3 VIH Regional Bureaus have already been established in Belgium, Canada, Cape Colony, Denmark, Egypt, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary. Italy, India and Ceylon, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, New South Wales, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Queensland, Russia, South Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States of America, Victoria, Western Australia, Finland. The branches of Science to be included in the Catalogue are the seventeen following : — A — Mathematics B — Mechanics C — Physics D — Chemistry E — Astronom}'^ F — Meteorology (including Terrestrial Magnetism) G — Mineralogy (including Petrology and Crystallography) H — Geology J — Geography (Mathematical and Physical) K — Palaeontology L — General Biology M— Botany N — Zoology 0 — Human Anatomy P — Physical Anthropology Q — Physiology (including experimental Psj'chology, Pharmacology and experimental Pathology) R — Bacteriology Each complete annual issue of the Catalogue will thus consist of seventeen volumes. The price at which this set will be sold to the public is £18. Individual volumes will be sold at prices varying with their size fi'om about ten to thirty-five shillings. A Schedule of Classification and an Index thereto will be pre- fixed to each volume in English, French, German, and Italian. This will not only enable the scientific worker to study the system of classification in the language with which he is most familiar, but also in cases of doubt — e.g. as to the meaning of a word — will enable him to refer to the corresponding entry in another language. Should there be a marked discrepancy among the schedules on any point the English schedule is to be taken as guide, the schedules printed in that language being those which were approved by the International Council. The various headings and sub-headings throughout the Subject Index are given in English. Translations of the main headings can be found on reference to the schedules in the other languages by means of the registration numbers that are attached to them. Tiie entries in the Subject Indexes are in the language of the original paper when that is one of the following five languages : Latin, English, French, German, and Italian. These are the only languages used in the Subject Index, but in case of translation the name of the language of the original is inserted within round brackets. In the Authors' Catalogue each title is given in the original language. When, however, that language is not one of the five above raentioued, a translatiun into one of these five languages is added. In such cases the actual title is printed first, and is followed by the translation within square brackets. It was provided by the original scherae that the Catalogue should comprise all original contributions to the branches of science which come within its scope, whether these had been published in periodicals, or in the journals of societies, or as independent pamphlets, memoirs, or books. In order that a scientific investigator might be in a position to ascertain by means of the Catalogue what has from time to time been published concerning each particular subject of inquiry, it was held to be of great importance that not only the titles of papers but their subject matter also should be indexed. As stated above, however, financial considerations have led to the number of subject-entries being at present limited in number. But the expense of making subject-entries would be very greatly reduced if all periodicals adopted a practice already carried out by some journals, namely, that of indexing each paper at the time of its publication. Indeed, were this carefully done, the Bureaus preparing thi' Catalogue would no long-er have to study the contents of papers in order to pi'epare the subject-entries, and the saving thereby effected would make it possible to enlarge the scope of the Catalogue, until it include all original scientific communications. Seeing how necessary such a coaiplete subject catalogue is for the progress of science, it is hoped that all editors and authors will co-operate in so preparing- subject-indexes for all papers at the time of their publication. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CENTRAL BUREAU. 34 AND 35, SournAMPTON Street, Strand, London, W.C, Director. — H. Forster Morley, M.A., D.Sc. REGIONAL BUREAUS. All communications for the several Reg^ional Bureaus are to be sent to the addresses here given. Austria. — Ilerr Dr. J. Karabacek. Direktor, K. K. Hofbibliothek, Vienna. Belgium. — Monsieur Louis Masure, Secretaire-General de I'Office International de Bibliographie, Brussels. Canada. — Prof. J, G. Adami, McGill College, Montreal. Cape Colony. — L. Perinquey, Esq., South African Museum, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. Denmark. — Dr. Martin Knud?«eu, Polyteknisk Leeranstalt, Copen- hagen. K. Egypt. — Capt. H.J. Lyons, R.E., Director-General, Survey Department, Cairo. Finland. — Herr Hjalmar Lenning, Bibliothekar der Societat der Wisscnschafteu, Helsingfors. France. — Monsieur le Dr. J. Deniker, 8, Rue de Buffon, Faris. Germany. — Herr Prof. Dr. 0. Uhlworm, Enckeplatz, 3a, Berlin, S.W. Greece. — Monsieur D. Metaxas, Charge d'Affaires for Greece, Greek Legation, 31, Marloes Road, Cromwell Road, S.W. Holland. — Heer Prof. D. J. Korteweg, Universitiit, Amsterdam. Hungary. — Herr Gustav Rados, viii, Miizeumkorut, Muegyetem, Buda-Pest, India and Ceylon. — The Hen. Sec, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57, Park Street, Calcutta. XI Italy. — Cav. E. Mancini, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsiui. Lungara, Rome. Japan. — Prof. J. Sakurai, Imperial University. Tokyo. Mexico.— Senor Don Jose M. Vigil, Presidente del Instituto Biblio- grafico Mexicano, Bibliotcca Nacional, Mexico City, New South Wales.— The Hon. Sec, Royal Society of New South ^A'ales, Sydney. New Zealand. — Sir James Hector, K.C.M.G., Director of the Xew Zealand Institute, VA'ellington, N.Z. Norway. — Dr. J. Brunchorst, Bergenske Museum, Bei'gen. Poland (Austrian, Russian and Prussian). — Herr Dr. T. Estreicher, Sekretiir, Komisya Bibliograficzna, Akademii Umie- jetnosci, Cracow. Portugal. — Senhor F. Gomez Teixeira, Academia Polytechnica do Porto, Oporto. Queensland.— John Shirley, Esq., B.Sc, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Russia. — Monsieur E. Heintz, I'Observatoire Physique Central Nicolas. Vass. Ostr. 23-me ligne, 2. St. Petersburg. South Australia. — The Librarian. Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Sweden. — Dr. E. W. Dahlgren,' Royal Academy of Sciences, Stock- holm Switzerland. — Herr Prcf. Dr. J. H. Graf, Schweizerische Landes- bibliothek. Bern. The United States of America. — Prof. S. P. Langley, Smithsonian In.-stitutioij, Washington. Victoria.— Pro!'. J, W. Gregory, Royal Society of Victoria, Victoria Street, JNlelbourae. Western Australia.— J. S. Battye, Esq., Victoria Public Library, Perth. XII INSTRUCTIONS. The present volume consists of three parts : — (a) Schedules and Indexes in four languages. (b) An Authors' Catalogue. (c) A Subject Catalogue. The Subject Catalogue is divided into sections, each of which is denoted by a four-figure number between 0000 and 9999. These numbers follow one another in numerical order, but all the 9999 numbei's are not used, for it is intended to fill up the gaps by interpola- tion of such additional sections as may be required for additiouH to the system of classification in future years. To enable the reader to find these numbers quickly, the first or last number on the page is repeated at the head of the page. In looking up a subject, these numbers, which are called Registration numbers, should be used instead of the ordinary pagination. These Registration numbers serve to divide up the subject into sections, each of which deals with related matter. Thus 70 gives a list of papers upon meteorites, while 71 contains papers in which the structure of meteorites is discussed, 72 contains papers relating to minerals in meteorites, and 73 is an alphabetical list of meteorites. In each section the final arrangement of papers is in the alphabetical order of authors' names. In order to find the papers dealing with a particular subject the reader may either consult the Schedule or the Index to the Schedule. The numbers given in the index are Registration numbers, and can be used at ouce for turning to the proper page of the Subject Index. This is done by looking- at the numbers at the top corners of the pag-es. If the reader remember the name of the Author of a paper on a given subject, he will probably find it convenient to refer to the x\uthors' Catalogue rather than to the Subject Catalogue. In the Authors' Catalogue the numbers placed within square brackets at the end of each entry are Registration numbers, and serve to indicate the scope of each paper indexed. The meaning of these numbers will at once be fomid by reference to the Schedule. In case the abbreviated titles of Journals are not understood, a key to these is provided at the end of the volume. Topographical Symbols. Many of the sections are sub-divided into a number of sub-sections by means of topographical symbols. These symbols are letters printed in italics, and they are explained by the topographical classihcatiou contained in the Schedules. The topographical symbols are not intended to be used instead of registration numbers. NOTICE. On account of the difficulties met with in fully oi-ganising the work of the Keg'ional Bureaus, the collection of the material for the Cata- logue has been somewhat delayed. Those portions of the Literature of 1901 which are not dealt with in the first annual issue will be included in the corresponding' volumes of the second annual issue of the Catalogue. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. (G) MINERALOGY, PETROLOGY, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 0000 Philosophy. 0010 History. Biography. 0020 Periodicals. Reports of Institutions, Societies. Congresses, etc. 0030 General Treatises, Text Books, Dictionaries, Bililio- g;raphies. Tables. 0040 Addresses, Lectures. 0050 Pedagogy. 0060 Institutions, Museums, Collections, Economics. 0070 Nomenclature. MINERALOGY. 10 General Mineralogy. 11 Physical and Morphological, (^ee also Crystallography, 300-540.) 12 Chemical. 13 Modes of Occurrence, etc. 14 Alteration. (G-12777-02) A 2 15 Pseudomorphs. IG Artiticial minerals. 17 Minerals in Rocks. {See also 13.) 18 Economic Mineralogy and Petrclo.t^y, Mines. Ores, Building- Materials. {See also J 27.) 10 Precious Stones. :)0 Determinative Mineralogy. 31 Phj'sical and Morphological. 32 Chemical. {See also D 6000-6.500.) 40 New Mineral Names. {See also 0070.) oO Descriptive Mineralogy. (Alphabetical List of Names.) ^>0 Geographical Distribution. [Localities to be indicated by topographical symbols, as given in the Geography Schedule.] 70 Meteorites. 71 Structure, etc. 72 Minerals of. 73 Alphabetical List of. PETROLOGY. 80 General. 82 Igneous rocks (alphabetically arranged). 83 Sedimentary rocks (including those of organic or chemical origin). (See also H 2'6.) 84 Crystalline schists and metamorphic rocks. 85 Unclassified rocks. 87 Analysis (chemical) of rocks. {S<:e also D 6000-6500.) [Localities to be indicated by topographical sym- bols as given in the Geography Schedule.] CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 100 General. Geometrical and Mathematical Crystallography. 105 General. 110 Symmetry, Systems, etc. 120 Methods of Calculation, FormuUe, Notation, etc. 130 Projection, and Drawing of Crystals. 140 Theories of Crystal Structure. {See also C 0400.) 150 Miscellaneous. ^ G Crystal Structure and Growth. 200 General. 210 Irregularities iu Crystals, Variation in Angles, Vicinal Faces, Character of Faces. 220 Twinning, Gliding Planes, etc. Regular Grouping of Crystals. 230 Pseudosymmetry, including " Optical Anoniulies." 240 Growth of Crystals, Crystallites, etc. Artificial pro' dnction of Crystals. Physical (excluding Optical) Crystallography. 300 General. 310 Cohesion, Elasticity, Cleavage. Hardness, etc. (See also B 3210.; 320 Etching. 330 Thermal Properties. 340 Electric Properties. 350 Magnetic Propei'ties. 860 Other Physical Properties. Optical Crystallography. 400 General. 410 Absorption. 420 Refraction and Birefringence. {See also C 3830.) 430 Circular Polarisation. (See also C 4000.) 440 Other Optical Properties. Chemical Crystallography. {See also D 7000.) 500 General. 510 Isomorphism. 520 Polymorphism. 530 Morphotropy. 540 Stereochemistry, Optically Active and Raceniic Com- pounds. Determinative Crystallography. 600 General. 610 Gbnio metric Measurements. 620 Optical Measurements. 630 Apparatus. 700 Descriptive Crystallography. Inorganic substances, exclusive of minerals, arranged under formulas. {See also (D) Chemistry.) 750 Descriptive -Crystallography. Organic comp(nuids, arraugeil either under I'ormuUe or grouped, as in Chemistry, under Hydrocarbons, Acids, etc. {See also (D) Chemistry.) ((i -12777-02) A 2 INDEX (G) MINERALOGY. Absorption of light by crystals Addi'esses . . Bibliographies Biography Birefringence of crystals Building materials Circular polarisation of crystals Cleavage of crystals Cohesion of crystals Collections Congresses, Reports of . . Crystalline systems Crystallography . . Chemical • DescriptiTc . . Determinative Geometrical • Mathematical Optical Physical Crystals" Artificial production Drawing of . . Etching of . . Crystal structure Theories of . . Dictionaries Economics Elasticity of crystals Electric propei-ties of crystals Goniometric measurements Hardness of crystals History Igneous rocks Institutions Reports of . . . . Isomorphism , . . . 410 0040 0030 0010 420 18 430 310 310 0060 0020 110 100 500 700, 750 600 105 105 400 300 210 130 320 200 J 40 0030 0060 310 340 610 310 0010 82 0060 0020 510 Lectures . . Magnetic properties of crystals Metamorphic rocks Meteorites Mineralogy Economic . . Minerals, Artificial Minerals in rocks Mines Morphotropy Museums . . Names, New mineral Nomenclature Optical measurements Ores Pedagogy . . Periodicals Petrology . . Economic . . Philosophy Polymorphism Precious stones . . Pseudomorphs . . Pseudosymmetry. . Refraction of crystals Rocks, Chemical analysis of Schists, Crystalline Sedimcnfary rocks Societies, Reports of Stereochemistry . . Tables ,. .. Text Books Thermal properties of crystals Treatises, General Twinning . . 0040 350 84 70 10 IS 16 17 18 530 0060 40 0070 620 18 0050 0020 80 18 0000 520 19 15 230 420 87 84 83 0020 540 0030 0030 330 0030 220 G Catalogue International de la Litterature Soientifique. (G) MINERALOGIE, PETPtOGRAPHIE, CRISTALLOGRAPHIE. 0000 Philosophie, 0010 Histoire. Biographie. 0020 Periodiques. Kapports d'lusiitutions, de Societes, de Congres. 0030 Traites generaux, Manuels, Dictionnaires. Biblio- graphies, Tables. 0040 Discours, Cours et Conferences. OOoU Enseignement. OOGO Institutions, Musees, Collections, etc. Applications pratiques. 0070 Nomenclature. MINERALOGIE. iu Mineralogie Generale, 11 Physique et Morphologique. {Voi/. a»oo't Ciistallo- graphie 30U-o4U.) 12 Chnnique. lo Modes de Gisements. 14 Alterations. G 15 Pseudomorplioses. 16 Mineraux artificiels. 17 Mineraux clans les Roches. ( Voy. 1?).) 18 Mineralogie et Petrog-raphie appliquees, Mines, Mineraux, Materiaux de Construction. {Voi/. aiissi J 27.) 1 9 PieiTes precieuses. 30 Methodes de determination des mineraux. 31 Physiques et Morphologiques. 32 Chimiques. ( Voy. aussi D 6000-6500.) 40 Noms de mineraux nouveaux. {Voy.aussii)i)lQ.) 50 Mineralogie descriptive. (Liste alpliabetique des nonis. Voii. ((u.-i.^i (1070.) 60 Distribution geographique. [Localites a indiquer par des symboles topo- g-raphiques conformes a ceux donnes dans ki claasifi- cation geog-raphique.] 70 Meteorites. 71 Structure, etc. 72 Mineraux. 73 Liste alphabetique. PETROGRAPHIE. 80 Generalites. 82 Roches eruptives (classees alphabet iquement). 83 Roches sedimentaires (y compris celles d'origine organique ou chimique). ( Voy. aussi H 28.) 84 Schistes cristaUins et roches metamorphiques. 85 Roches non classees. 87 Analyses chimiques des roches- ( Voy. aussi I) 6000- 6500.) [Les localites a indiquer par des symboles topographiques conformes a ceux donnes danSj la classification geographique."] CRISTALLOGRAPHIE. 100 Ge'neralites. Cristallographie geometrique et mathematique. 105 Geueralite's. 110 Symetrie, systemes cristallins, etc. 120 Methode de calcul, furmules, notations, etc. 130 Pi'ojection et dessin des cristaux. 140 Theorie de la structure cristalline. {V. aussi 0 0^00.) 150 Sujets divers. I 7 a structure et mode' d'accroissement des cristaux. 2ii0 Geueralites. 210 Irregularites des cristaux. vai'iation des angles, faces vicinales, caracteres des faces. 220 Macles, Plans de g'lissement, Groupements reguliers des cristaux. 230 Pseudosymetrie. y compris les " Anomalies optiques." 240 Accroissement des cristaux. ciistallites, etc. Production artificielle des cristaux. Cristallographie physique, a rexclusion des proprietes optiques. ouO Generalites. 310 Cohesion, e'lasticlte', clivage. durete, etc. {Voi/. aiissi B 3210.) ■ ' 320 Corrosion. 330 Proprietes tliermiques. 340 Proprietes electriques. . . 350 Propriete's mag-netiques. • ■ 360 ■ Autres proprietes physiques. Cristallographie optique. 400 Generalites. 410 Absorption. 420 Refringence et birefringence. {Vo?/. aussi G SoOO.) 430 Polarisation circulaire. ( Vo>/. misst C 4000.) 440 Autres proprietes optiques. Cristallographie chimique. { Vo>/. aussi D 7(){)0.) 500 Generalites. 510 Isoniorphisnie. . . 520 Polymorphisme. 530 Morphotrophie. 540 Stereochimie, composes optiquement actifs et com- poses racemiques. Methodes de determination des cristaux. 600 Geueralites. 610 Mesures goniometriques. 620 Mesures optiques. 630 Appareils. 700 Cristallographie descriptive. S^ubstances inorgauiques (a I'exclusion des mineraux) classees par formule. {Vfl>/. atissi (D) Chimie.) 750 Cristallographie descriptive. Composes orgauiques, soit classes par formules, soit groupes conime en chimie par fonctions (hydro- carbures, acides, etc.). {Voi/. aussi (D) Chimie.) TABLES DES MATIERES MINERALOGIE (Q)- Absorption cle la lumiere par les ci'istaux Applications pratiques . . Bibliographic Biofjrapliie Birefringence ties cristaux Clivage des cristaux Cohesion des cristaux Collections Congres, Kapports de Construction, Materiaux de Corrosion . . Cours Cristallographie . . cliimique descriptive . . geometrique mathematiqup optique physiqvie Cristaux, Production artificiell des > . Dessiu des . . Structure des Theories de la structure d Dictionnaires Discours . . Durete des cristaux Elasticite des cristaux Enseignement Histoire . . Institutions Rapports d' Isomorphisnie Macles Manuels . . Mesurcj goniometriques . . optiques Meteorites . . Methodes de determination de; cristaux Methodes de determii ation des 410 niiocraux 30 OOtiO Mineralogie 10 0030 appliquee . . 18 0010 descriptive . . 50 420 Mineraux . . 18 310 artificiels 16 310 dans les roches 17 0060 Mines 18 0020 jVlorphotrojne 530 18 Mujecs 0060 320 iVouienclature 0070 0040 IS'oms de mineraux nouveaux . . 40 100 Periodiques . . 0020 500 Petrographie 80 00, 750 appliquee . . . . 18 105 Philosophic OGOO 105 Pierres prtcieuses 19 400 Polarisation circulaire des ' oris 300 taux 430 . Polyuiorphisme . . 520 240 Proprietes electriques des cris 130 taux . . 340 2G0 niagnetiques des cristaux.. 350 ? 140 theripiques des cristaux . . 330 0030 Pseudoniorphoses . . 15 0040 Pseudosjmetrie . . 230 310 Eapports . . 0020 310 Ketringence des cristaux 420 0050 Roches, Analyses chimiques des. . 87 0010 eruptives 82 0060 metauiorphiques 84 0020 non classees.. 55 510 sedinicnt aires 83 220 Schist es cristallins 84 0030 Societes, Rapports de 0020 610 Stereochimie 540 620 Systemes cristallins 0110 70 Tables 0030 Traites generaux . . 0030 600 Internationaler Katalog der naturwissenschaftlichen Litteratur. (G.) MIXEIULOGIE, PETROGRAPHIE, KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE. 0000 Philosophie 0010 Geschichte. Biographien. 0020 Periodica. Berichte von Instituten, Gesellschaften. Coii- gressen etc. 0030 Allgeraeiue Abhandlung-eu, Lehrbucher, Wurterbiiclier, Bibliog-iaphien, 'labelleu. 00-40 Festreden, Vortiiige. 0050 Pildagogik. OOGO Institute, Museen, Sainmlungen, W irthschaf tliches und Org-anisatorisches. 0070 Nomenclatur. MINERALOGIE. 10 Allgemeine Miueralogie, 11 Phvsikalisclie mid morphologische Mineralogie. {Siche audi " Krystallographie 300-540.) 12 Cheuiische Mineralogie. lo Avten de.s Vorkommens etc. 14 Um wand lung. 15 Pseudomorpliosen. 16 Kiinstliche Mineralien. 17 Mineralien in Gesteinen. {Slthe auch 13.) 18 Wirthschaftliche Mineralogie und Petrograpbie, Bergwerke, Erzgiinge, Bau-Materialieu. {Sielie aach J 27.) 19 Edelsteiue. 10 30 Determinative Mineralogie. 31 Physikalisch und inorphob.ig'iscli. 32 Chemisch. {Siehc 6000-6500.) 4(1 Neue Mineral-Namen. {Sieha auch 0070.) 50 Descriptive Mineralogie. (Alphabetisclie Liste der Naraen.) 60 Geographische Verbreitung, [Die Oei'tliclikeiten siud durch die topographischen Symbole anzuzeigen, wie sie iui Geographie-iSchema gegeben sind.] 70 Meteoriten. 71 Structur etc. 72 Mineralien in ihueii. 73 Alphabetisclie Liste. PETROGRAPHIE. 80 Allgemeines. 82 Eniptiv-Gesteiiie (alphabetisch angeordnet). 83 Sedimeutiir-Gesteine (einschliesslich soldier organiscben oder chemischeii Clrspriiugs). {Siehe auch II 28.) 84 Kiystalline ydiiefer und metamoi-phische Gesteiue. 85 Unklassitizirte Gesteine. 87 Analyse (cbemische) von Gesteinen. {Siehe auch D 6000- 6500.) [Die Oertlichkeiten sind durcli die topographischen Symbole anzuzeigen, wie sie im Geographie-Schema gegeben sind.] KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE. 100 Allgemeines. Geometrische und Mathematische Krystallographie. 105 Allgemeines. 110 Symmetrie, Systeme etc. 120 Methoden der Bereehuung, Foi-meln, Bezeichnurg etc. 130 Projection und Zeichneu von Krystallen. 140 Theorien der Krystallstructur. {Siehe auch C 0400.) 150 Verschiedeues. 11 G Structur und Wachsthrum der Krystalle. 200 Allo-emeiiies, 210 Unreg-elmassi^keiten der Krystalle, Variation in den 9->n 7 ^^/"keln Vicinal- Flachen, Charakter von Fliichen. 2J0 Zwillino-sbildung-. Gleitflachen etc. Regelmilssig-e Grunpi- ruuo- voii Krystallen. "" '^ 230 Pseudo-Symmetrie einschliesslich „ Optische Anomalien." 240 Uaclisen von Krystallen, Krystalliten ; ktinstliche JliFzeugung- von Krystallen. 300 Allgemeines. 310 Cohilsion Elasticitiit Spaltbarkeit, Harte etc. {Siehe .n,ch r> ')21().) ^ 32.0 Aetznng-. 330 Thermische Eig-enscliaften. 340 Elektrische Ei.o-enschaften. 350 Maguetische Eig-enschaften. 360 Andere physikaTische Eigenschaften. Krystalloptik. 400 Allgenieines. 410 Absorption. f?? K^fi-action und Doppelbrechung. {SieU auch C 3830.) 430 Circularpolarisation. {Siehe auch C 4000.) 440 Andere o])tische Eigenschaften. Chemische Krystallographie. {Siehe auch D 7000.) 500 Allgenieines. 510 Isomorphism us. 520 Polymorphismns. 530 Morphotropie. 540 Stereocheniie, optisch active und racemische Verbindungen. Determinative Krystallographie. 600 Allgenieines. 610 Gonionietrisclie Messungen. 620 Optische Messungen. 630 Apparate. 700 Descriptive Krystallographie. Auorganische Substanzen init Ausschluss der Mineralien, nach der Forniel geordnet. {Siehe auch (D) Chemie.) 750 Descriptive Krystallographie. Organische Snbstanzeii, eutweder uach der Eormel geordnet, oder, wie in der Chemie, gruppirt unter : Kohlenwasserstoffe. Siiuren etc. {Siehe auch (D) Chemie.) 12 INDEX ZTT (G) MINERALOGIE. Ablmudlungeu, AUgemeiue . 0030 Absorption cles Lielites . . 410 Aetzuug . . 320 Analyse von Gresteinen . . 87 Anomalien, Optisclie 230 Bau-Materialien . . 18 Berechnung der Krystalle 120 Bergwerke 18 Bezeichnuug der Krystalle 120 Bibliographien . . . 0030 Biograpliien . 0010 Cliarakter Ton Krystallfliichen . 210 Chemisclie Kry sfcallograpliie 500-540 Mineralogie 12 Circiilarpolarisation 430 Cohiision der Ki-ystalle . . 310 Congresse, Berichte von. . . 0020 DesL'riptiA'e Krystallograpliie 700-750 Mineralogie 50 Determinative Krystallographie 600-630 Mineralogie . 30-32 Doppelbrechung . . 420 Edelsteine 19 ElasticitJit 310 Elektrisclie Eigenscliafteu 340 Eriiptiv-Gesteine 82 Erzgjinge . . 18 Festreden . . . 0040 Formeln der Krystallograpliie 120 Geometrisclie Krystallograpliie 105-150 Gescliiclite . 0010 Gesellscbaften, Bericlite vou . 0020 Gesteinsanalyse . . 87 Gleitflaclien 220 Goniouietrisclie Messungeu 610 Hiirte 310 Institute 0020, 0060 Isomorpliisinus .. 510 Krystalldiiclien, Character von 210 Krystallgrvippiruug 220 Krystalline Schiefer 84 Krystallite 240 Krystallograpliie. . 100-750 Krystalloptik 400-440 Krystallstnu'tiir . . .. 140 200-240 Krystallsjstcme . . 110 Krystalhvaclistliiun 240 Krystallwiukel, Variation 210 Kiinstliclie Krystalle 240 Mineralicn . . 16 Lelirbiiclier . . 0030 Magnetische Eigenscliaften . . 350 Mathematisclie Krystallograpliie 105-150 Metamorpliisclie Gesteine . . 84 Meteoriten 70-73 Miueralien in Gesteinen . . 17 Kiinstliclie . . . . . . 16 Mineral-Nanien, Nene . . . . 4^0 Mineralogie . . . . . . 10-73 Morpliologisclie Mineralogie . . 11 Morpliotropie . . . . . . 530 Mnseeu 0060 jS^ouienclatnr . . . . . . 0070 Optik 400 Optisch active Verbindungen . . 540 Optisclie Anomalien . . . . 230 Messungeu . . . . . . 620 Organisatorisclies . . . . 0060 Padagogik 0050 Periodica 0020 Petrograpliie . . . . . . 80-87 Wirthschal'tliche . . . . 18 Philosophie 0000 Physikalisclie Krystallograpliie 300-360 Mineralogie .. .. H Polyniorpliismus . . . . . . 520 Projection von Krystallen . . 130 Pseudoniorpliosen . . . . 15 Pseudo-Symmetrie . . . . 230 Eacemische Verbindungen . . 540 Kefraction 420 Sammlungen . . . . . . 0060 Scliiefer, Krystalline . . . . 84 Sedimcntiir-Gcsteine . . . . 83 8paltbarkeit 310 Stereocliemie . . . . . . 540 Structur der Krystalle . . 140, 200-240 Synmietrie . . . . . • HO Tabellen . . Tliermisclie Eigenscliaften Umwaudlung der Mineralien . . Uuregelmiissigkeitcn A'ariationen der Krystallwinkel Verbreitung der Mineralien Viciualdaclien Vorkommeu der Mineralien Vortriige . . Waclisthum der Krystalle ■W'irtliscliaftliclies Wirtlischaftliclie Mineralogie . . Worterbiiclier Zeiclmen von Krystallen 0030 330 14 210 210 60 210 13 0040 240 0060 18 0030 130 13 Catalogo Internazionale della Letteratura Scientifica. (G) MINERALOGIA, PETROGRAFIA, CRTSTALLOGRAFIA. 0000 Filosofia. 0010 Storia. Biografie. 0020 Periodic!. Kesoconti di Istituti, Societa, Cougressi, ecc. 0030 Trattati generali. Libri di testo, Dizionari, BibliooTafie,. Tavole. 0040 Discorsi, Letture. 0050 Pedagog-ia. 0060 Istituti. Musei, Collezioui, Applicazioui pratiche. 0070 Nomenclature. MINERALOGIA. 10 Mineralogia Generale. 11 Fisica e morfologica. ( Vedi anche Cristallografia 300-540.) 12 Chimica. 13 Modi di giacimento, ecc. 14 Alterazioni. 15 Pseudomorfosi. 16 Miuerali artificial i. 17 Minerali nelle rocce. {Vedi anche 13.) 18 Mineralog-ia e petrografia industriale, miuiere, miuerali utili, materiali di costruzione. {Vedi anche J 27.) 19 Pietre preziose. 14 30 Mineralogia determinativa (Pratica). ol Fisica e morfologica. •62 Chimica. ( VecU anche D GOOO-6500.) 40 Nomi di nuovi minerali. ( Vcdi anche 0070.) 50 Mineralogia descrittiva. (Lista alfabetica del nomi.) CO Distribuzione geografica. [Le localita devono essere indicate con simboli topografici come qnelli dati nella Schedula Geografica.] 70 Meteoriti. 71 Struttura, ecc. 72 Minerali (delle). 73 Lista alfabetica (delle). PETROGRAPIA. 80 Generalita. 82 Kocce ignee (in oi'diiie alfabetico). 83 Kocce sedimentarie (compiese quelle di origiiie oiganica o chimica). ( Vedi anche H 2'^.^ 84 Schisti cristallini e rocce metamorfiche. 85 Rocce non classificale. 87 Analisi (cliimica) di rocce. ( Vedi anche D 6000-6500.) [Le localita devono essere indicate con simboli ropogTafici come qnelli dati nella Schedula Geografica.] CRISTALLOGRAPIA. 100 Geueralita. Cristallografia geometrica e matematica. 105 Generalita. 110 Simmetria, sistemi, ecc. 120 Metodi di calcolo, formole, notazioni, ecc. 130 Proiezione e disegno dei cristalli. 140 Teorie sulla struttura dei cristalli. ( Vedi anche C 0400.) 150 Miscellanea. Struttura dei cristalli ed accrescimenti.. 210 Generalita. 210 Irregolarita dei ciistaUi, Variazioiii negli angoli, Facce vicinali, Caratteri delle facce. 220 Piani di g-eminazione. Piani di scorrimento, ecc. Aggrup- pamenti regolari dei cristalli. 230 Pseudosimmetria, eon inckise " Le anomalie ottiche." 240 Accrescimento dei cristalli, cristailiti, ecc. Produzione artificiale dei cristalli. 15 G Cristallografia fisica (esfelusa I'ottica). 300 Generalita. 310 Coesione, elasticita, sfaldatura. durezza, ecc. (Vedi anche B 3210.) 320 CoiTOsione. 330 Proprieta teraiiche. 340 Proprieta elettriche, 350 Proprieta mag-iietiche. 360 Altre proprieta. fisiche. Cristallografia ottica. 400 Generalita. 410 Assorbimeuto. 420 Rifrazione e birifrazione. (Fec?i rmcAe C 3830.) 430 Polarizzazione ciroolare. (Ferf« a«c/^(^ C 4000.) 440. Altre proprieta ottiche. Cristallografia chimica. ( Vedi anche D 7000.) 500 Generalita. 510. Isomorfiemo. 520- Poliniorfi.smo. 530' Morfotropia. 540 Stereochimica, compo.sti otticameute attivi e racemici. Cristallografia determinativa (Pratica). 600 Generalita. 610 Misure g'oniometriche. 620 Misure ottiche. 630 Apparecchi. 700 Cristallografia descrittiva. Sostauze inorg-auiche, esclusi i miuerali, disposte secondo la loro fortnola. ( Vedi anche (D) Chimica.) 750 Cristallografia descrittiva. Composti organic!, disposti ciascuno .secondo la sua foruiola, o ag-gruppati, come nella chimica, sotto le denominazioni di Idrocarburi, Acidi, ecc. (Vedi anche (D) Chimica.) 16 INDICE PEK LA MINEEALOGIA (Q). Applicazioni . . . . . . 0060 Assorbimento della luce dai Cristalli 410 Bibliografia 0030 Biografia 0010 Birifrazione dei Cristalli . . 420 Coesione . . . . . . . . 310 CoUezioni 0060 Congressi, Resoconti di . . . . 0020 Corrosione . . . . . . 320 Costruzione, Materiali di . . 18 Cristalli, Diseguo dei . . . . 130 ■ Produzione artificiale dei. . 240 Struttura dei . . . . 200 Teorie della Struttura dei. . 140 Cristallografia . . . . . . 100 cliimica . . . . . . 500 descrittiva . . . . 700, 750 ■ fisica 300 geomctriea . . . . . . 105 iiiateniatica . . . . . . 105 ottica 400 Deterniinazione cristallografica, Metodi di 600 Discorsi 0040 Dizionari 0030 Durezza dei Cristalli . . . . 310 Elasticita 310 Filosofia 0000 Geminazione . . . . . . 220 Isomorfismo . . . . , • 510 Istituti 0060 Eesoconti di , . . . 0020 Manuali 0030 Meteoriti 70 Mineral i .. .. .. .. 18 artificiali . . . . . . 16 Minerali nelle rocce . . . . 17 Mineralogia . . . . . . 10 industriale . . . . . . 18 Miniere . . . . . , . . 18 Misure goniometriche . . . . 610 ottiche 620 Morfotropia 530 Musei 0060 Nomenelatura . . . . . . 0070 Nomi di nuovi minerali . . 40 Pedagogia. . ,. .. .. 0050 Periodici 0020 Petrografia . . . . . . 80 industriale . . . . . . 18 Pietre preziose . . . . . . 19 Polarizzazione circolare dei Cristalli 430 Polimorfismo . . • . . . 520 Proprieta elettriche dei Cristalli 340 magneticlie dei Cristalli . . 350 termiche dei Cristalli . . 330 Pseudouiorfosi . . . . . . 15 Pseudosimmetria. . . . . . 230 Eifrazioue dei Cristalli . . . . 420 Eocce, analisi chimiclie di . . 87 ignec . . • . . . 82 ■ metamorfielie . . . . 84 sedimeutarie . . . . 83 Schist i cristalliui . . . . 84 Sfaldatura 310 Sisteuii cristallini . . . . 110 Societa, Eesoconti di . . . . 0020 Stereocliimica . . . . . . 540 Storia 0010 Tavole 0030 Trattati general! 0030 17 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, I.— TOPOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION. [To be used in connexion Avitli Geography, Geology, Botany. Zoolog}', etc.] 1.— MAIN DIVISIONS. a. The Earth as a whole. b. Land as a whole. c. Ocean as a whole. cl. Europe and Mediterranean Islands. e. Asia and Malay Archipelago, Celebes and Timor inclusive. f. Africa and Madagascar. g. North America to boundary between United States and Mexico. h. Mexico, Central and South America, and West Indian Islands. i. Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, with New Guinea, Gilolo, and Moluccas to west, and including the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, and New Caledonia to east, i k. Arctic : Greenland and the area north of the Arctic Circle, or of the coasts of Continental America, Asia, and Europe, whichever is farther north. /. Atlantic and Islands from Arctic Cu'cle to Lat. 45' S.— the southern portion bounded on the east by the meridian 20" E. of Greenwich, south of the coast of Africa ; and on the west by the coast of South America. m. Indian Ocean and Islands hmited on the south by Lat. 45' S. ; on the west by the meridian 20" E. of Greenwich ; on the east by the coast of Australia and the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich. 71. Pacific and Islands from the Arctic Circle to Lat. 45° S., and between the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich and the coast of Scuth America. 0. Antarctic : the area south of 45° S. except the Falkland Islands and the southern parts uf South America and New Zealand; but including the islands of New Amsterdam and St. Paul. N.B. — As a general rule. Islands more than 100 miles from the continent to be classed as Oceanic, unless specially excepted. (g-12777-02) i>. 18 2. SUB-DIVIRIONS. d. Europe and Meditekkanean Islands. da. Sraudiiiavaa : Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Icelaud, Faeroes. db. Russia iu Europe. dc. German Empire. dd. Holland ; Belgium ; Luxemburg. de. British Islands. df. France and Corsica. dg. Spain and Portugal. dh. Italy : Sicily aud Sardinia. di. Switzerland. dk. Austria -Hungary (Bosnia aud Herzegovina included). dl. Balkan Peninsula (Turkey in Europe, Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, aud Greece). dm. Mediterranean and Islands (excluding Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica). dn. Black Sea. do. Baltic and Islands. e. Asia and Malay Arciiu'elago. ea. Asiatic Russia. eb. China and Dependencies : Tibet; Corea. ec. Japanese Islands ; Formosa. ed. Cochin China : Tonquin, Anuam. ee. Siani. ef. British India : Himalaya ; Burn^ah ; Ceylon. eg. Malay Peninsula from Isthmus of Kra aud Archipelago to Wallace's line, including Celebes and Timor, with the Philippines and China Sea. eh. Persia ; Afghanistan ; Bahicliistan. ei. Asiatic Turkey ; Arabia. ek. Caspian. eL Persian Gulf. /. Africa and Madagascar. Ja. Meditenanean States — Marocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli. j'b. N.E. Africa ; Egypt and Nile Valley to Lat. 10° N. Abyssinia ; African Coast of Red Sea. fc. Sahara and the French Sudan ; Darf ur, etc. /d. West Africa, from Marocco to the Congo. fe. Congo State and Angola. Jf. East Africa, from tlie Southern border of fb to the Zambezi ; Socotra. fg. South Africa — South of the Zambezi and of the boundary between Portuguese and German S.AV. Africa. J7i. Madagascar and Comoro Group. Ji. Red Sea and Islands. 1T-I^'DIE^^ ha. Mexiko. hb. Central-Amerika : Guatemala, Honduras ; Biitisch-Houduras ; Salvador ; Nicarag-ua ; Costa Rica. he. Westindische Inseln ; Caraibisches Meer : Golf von Mexiko. hd. Guyana : Britisch, Niederliindisch und Fre.nzusisch ; Vene- zuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. J^eru. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brasilien. hi. Argentinien ; Uruguav und Paragaav. hJ:. Chile. hi. Feuerland und benachbaite Inselu ; Falkland Inseln. hm. Die Anden. i. AUSTRALASIEN. ia. Neu-Guiuea, ncbst Inselu im Osten von SYallace's Liuie» ei'uschliesslich Gilolo. Amboina. Cerani. ib. Bismarck-Archipel (Neu-Focimern etc. bis Salomo-Iuseln) ic. Australien als Ganzes. id. Queensland. ie. Neu-Siid-\Yales. if. Victoria. ig. Siid-Australieu. ih. AVest-Australien. a. Tasmanien. ik. Neu-Seeland. il. Neu-Caledonien, Neue Hebriden und Loyalty Inseln. 24 /.•. Arktisciies Gebiet. ka. Do- Arktische Ocean. l-h. Gronland. kc. Archipel nurdlich von Nord-Amerika. Id. Inseln uordlich von Europa und Asieu. /. Atlantisciies Gebiet. la. Del- Nordatlantische Ocean mit seinen Inseln, soweit sie nicht anderweit eingereiht sind. lb. Azoren; Kanaren; Madeira; Cap Verde. Ic. Dor Siidatlantische Ocean mit seinen Inseln. m. Indisciier Ocean. ma. Ocean nnd Inseln niJrdlich vom Aequator. mb. Ocean und Inseln siidlicli vom Aequator, einschliesslich Maskarenen , Neu-Amsterdam und St. Paul. n. Pacifisches Gebiet. an. Nordpacifisclier Ocean (nOrdlieh vom Aequator). nb. Sudpacifischer Ocean (siidlicli vom Aequator), nc. Berings Meer, nebst Inseln (Aleuten-Archipel etc.). nd. Sandwich-Inseln und zerstreute Gruppen nordlich von Aequator und ostlich vom 180. Grad. ne. Ladronen-, Palau-, Carolinen- und Marshall-Gruppen, nebst andern Liseln nordlich vom Aeciuator und Westlich vom 180. Grad. vf. Fidscbi-Inseln, Freundschafts-Iuseln, Samoa, Ellice-Inseln, Phunix-Inseln etc., westlich vom Meridian 160° W. L. tig. Galapagos-Inseln. nh. Gesellschafts-Inselii, Niedrige Inseln, Marquesas- und audere Insehi des siidlichen Pacifischeu Oceans, ostlich vom Meridian 160= W. L. 0. Antarcktisciies Gebiet. oa. Der Aiitarktische Kontinent als Gan/es. 00. Siid-Georgien, Sandwich-Gruppen, und andere Inseln siidlich vom siidatlantischen Gebiet. oc. Prince Edward-lnsel, Crozer-Inseln, Kerguelen- und andere Inseln siidlich vom Indischen Ocean. od. Inseln siidlich und slidostlich von Neu-Seeland, und Gebiet siidlich des Pacifischeu Oceans. 25 Catalogue International de la Litterature Scientifique. CLASSIFICATION TOPOGRAPHIQUE. [Cette classification sera applique'e a la geographie, a la ge'ologie, a la bntauique, a la zoolog'ie, etc.] I.— GK ANDES DIVISIONS. a. Donnees d'ensemble i-elatives au globe terrestre. h. Donnees d'ensemble relatives aux continents. c. Donnees cVeusemble relatives aux oceans. d Europe et iles medirerraneennes. e. Asie et Archipel Malais, Celebes et Timor inclus. f. Afrique et Madagascar. g. Amerique du Nord [en prenant comme limite celle qui separe les Etats-Unis du Mexique]. h. Le Mexique, Ameriijue centrale et me'ridionale avec les Antilles. i. Australie, Tasmanie et Nouvelle Zelande avec la Nouvelle Guine'e. Gilolo et, les Moluques a I'ouest, les iles Salomon, les Nouvelles Hebrides et la Nouvelle Caledonie a Test. I: Kegions arctiques : Greenland et surface polaire s'etendant des coles americaiues, asiatiques et europeennes a I'extreme nord- /. Atlantique avec les iles comprises entre le cercle polaire arctique et le 45° de lat. S. Partie sud de I'Atlantique liaiitee a Test par le meridien 20° E. (Greenwich), au sud de I'Afrique ; et a I'ouest par le cote de rAme'rique du sud. ill. Ocean Indien avec les iles situees dans I'espace limitL- dans le sud par le 45° de lat. S. ; a I'ouest i)ar le meridien 20° E. (Greenwich): dans Test par la cote australienne et le meridien 147° E. (Greenwich). a. Le Pacifique avec les iles comprises, en latitude, du cercle polaire arctque au 45' de lat. S. ; en longitude, du meridien 147° E. (Greenwich) a ia cote de I'Amerique du sud. 0. Regions antarctiques : depuis le 45° de lat. S., nioins les Falk- land, la poiute sud de 1 Amerique meridionale et la Nouvelle Zelande. mais en y comprenant les iles St. Paul et Nouvelle Amsterdam. N.B.— En general les iles qui se trouvent a plus de 160 a 185 kilometres du continent sont classees comme iles oceaniques, a moins que le contraire ne soit stipule' specialemeut. 20 II.— SUBDIVISIONS. d. Europe et Jles mediteruaneennes. da. Scandinavie : Suede, Norvege, Danemaik, Islande, iles Feroe. db. Russie d'Europe. dc. Empire Germanique dd. Hollai.'de ; Belgique ; Luxembourg-. de. lies Britanniques. df. France et Corse. dg. Espagne et Portugal. dh. Italie ; Sicile et Sardaigue. di. Suisse. dk. Autriche-Hongrie (Bosnie et Herzegovine iuclus). dl. Penisule Balkanique (Turquie d'Europe, Roumanie, Bulgarie, Serbie, Montenegro et Grece). dm. Mediterranee avec ses iles (moins la Sicile, la Sardaigne, et la Corse). dn. Mer Noire. do. La Baltique et ses iles. e. AsiE EX Archipel Malais. ea. Asie russe. eb. Chine et dependances ; Thibet ; Coree. ec. Archipel du Japon ; Formose. ed. Cochincbine. Tonkin. Annam. Cambodge. ee. Siam. ef. Indes Britanniques : Himalaya ; Burma, Ceylan. eg. La Penisule Malaise depuis I'isthme de Kra ; et I'Archipel Malais jusqu'a la ligue separative de Wallace, j compris Celebes, Timor, les Philippines et la Mer de Chine. eh. Perse ; Afghanistan ; Belouchistan. ei. Turquie d'Asie ; Arable. eh Mer Caspienne. el. Golfe persique. /. Afkique ET Madagascar. fa. Pays mediterraneens : Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Tripoli. fb. N.E. Africain ; Egypte et la vallee du Nil depuis le 10° de lat. N. ; Abyssinie ; cote africaiue de la Mer Rouge fc. Le Sahara et le Soudan fian^ais ; Darfour, etc. Jd. Quest africain, du Maroc an Congo. fe. Etat du Congo et Angola. ff. Est africain, depuis la bordure sudde/iau Zambeze, Soco- tora. 27 fcj. Sne. c. L' oceano nel suo complesso. d. Europa e Isule del Mediterraneo. e. Asia e Arcipelag-o Malese, conaprese Celebes e Timor. /. Africa e Madagascar. y. America settentrionale fiuo al limite tra gli Stati Uniti e il Messico. h. Messico, America Centrale e Meridionale, e Indie Occidentali. i. Australia. Tasmania eXuovaZelandacolIa Nuova Guinea, Gilolo e MoluccLie verso Ponente, le Salomone, le Nuove Ebridi e la Nuova Caledonia verso Levante. jq-^ ^^^-.h\ k. Reg-ione Artica : Groenlandia e V area a Nord del CircoloiPolare, ovvero a Nord delle coste dell' America continentale, dell' Asia e d(iir Europa. /. L' Atlantico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45° S., limitato nella sua parte meridionale oltre la costa Africana dal 20° E. da Greenwich, ad Est; e dalla costa dell' America meridionale ad Ovest. m. L' Oceano Indiano e le sue Isole. limitato a sud dal 45° di Lat. S., a Ponente del meridiano 20° E. di Greenwich ; a Levante dalla costa deir Australia e dal 147° E. da Greenwich. n. II Pacitico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45^ S., e tra il 147° meridiano E. da Greenwich e le coste dell' America meridionale. 0. Regione Antartica : cioe I'area meridionale limitata dal 45° S., eccetto le Isole Falkland e le parti meridlonali dell' America del Sud e della Nuova Zelanda 5 comprendendovi peru le isole di Nuova Amsterdam e S. Paolo. N.B. — Come regola g-enerale, le isole lontane piii di 100 miglia ing'lesi (160 chilometri) dal continente devouo essere classificate come oceaniche, salvo speciali tccezioni. 30 2.— SUDDIVIS[ONI. d. EUROPA E ISOLE DEL MeDITERRAXEO da. Scaudinavia : Svezia, Norvegia, Dauimavca, Islanda, Pilr Oer. db. Russia Europea. dc. Impero Germauica. dd. Olanda ; Belgio ; Lussembergo. de. Isole Britanuiche. df. Francia e Corsica. df/. Spagna e Portogallo. dh. Italia : Sicilia e Sardegua. di. Svizzera. dk. Austria-Ungheria (comprese Bosnia ed Erzegovina). dl. Penisola, Balcanica (Turchia Europea, Rumauia, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro e Grecia). dm. Moditerraneo e Isole (salvo la Sicilia, la Sardegna e la Corsica). dn. Mar Nero. do. II Baltico e le sue Isole. e. Asia e Arcipelago Malese. ea. Russia Asiatica. eb. Cina e dipendenze : Tibet ; Corea. ec. Isole del Giappone ; Formosa. ed. Coccincina: Tonchino, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. India Britaunica : Iliuiala^'a ; Blrmania ; Ceylon. eg. Penisola Malese dall' Istmo di Kra e Arcipelago Malese fino alia linea, di Wallace, comprendendovi Celebes e Timor colle Filippine e il Mar delta Cina. eh. Persia; Afghanistan; Belucistan. ei. Turchia Asiatica ; Arabia. ek. II Caspio. el. Golfo Persica. /. Africa e Madagascar. fa. Stati Mediterranei — Marocco. Algeri, Tunisi, Tripoli. fb. Africa del N.E. ; Egitto e Vallatta del Nilo fino al 10^ di Lat. N. ; Abissinia ; Coste dell' Africa sul Mar Rosso. fc. Sahara e Sudan Francese ; Darfur, ecc. fd. Africa occidentale dal Marocco al Congo. Je. Stato del Congo e Angola.^ //". Africa orientale dal limite indicato iiifd al Zambesi ; Socoti-a fg. Africa australe dal Zambesi e dal confine tra 1' Africa Porto- ghese e 1' Africa Germanica del S.W. fh. Madagascar e Giuppo delle Comoro. fi. II Mar Rosso e le sue Isole. 31 fj. America Settentrioxale. ga. Alaska. (jh. II Canada in g'enerale. tjc. Dominiodel Canada occidentale (Yukon, Columbia Britaunica, Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, A. ssiuiboia), gd. Dominio del Canada orientale : Terranova. ge. I Lag'hi Lauren ziaua. gf. Gli Stati Uniti in generale. gg. Stati Uniti del Nord-Est, ad E. del Mississippi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire. Xew York. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania, Xew Jersey. Ohio. Michigan, ^VisC()nsiu, Illinois. Indiana). gh. Stati Uniti del Sud-Est, ad E. del Mississippi. gi. Stati Uniti occidentali, ad ^Y. del Mississippi. h. America Cextrale e Meridioxale e Ixdie Uccidextali. ha. Messico. hh. America Centrale ; Guatemala; Honduras; Honduras Britan- nico ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. he. Indie occidentali ; Mar dei Caribi ; Golfo del Messico. hd. Guaiana — Britannica, Olandese e Francese ; Venezuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. Peril. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brasile. hi. Argentina ; Uruguay e Paraguay. hk. Cile. hi. Terra del Fuoco e Isole vicine ; Isole Falkland. hm. Le Ande. i. Australia e Oceajjia. ia. Xuova Guinea colle Isole dalla liuea di Wallace, compreuden- dovi Gilolo (Halmahera) Amboina, Seram. ib. Arcipelago di Bismarck (N'uova Britannia, ecc. tino aile Solomone inclusivaraente). ic. Australia in generale. id. Queensland. ie. Nuova Galles del Sud. if. Victoria. ig. Australia meridionale. ih. Australia occidentale. ii. Tasmania. ik Xuova Zelanda. il. ouova Caledonia, Nuove Ebridi, e Isole Loyalty. I: Regione Artica. ha. Oceano Artico. kb. (Trueiilandia. kc. Arcipelag'o Nord Americano, led. Isole a N. dell' Europa e dell' Asia. /. Oceano Atlantico. la. Oceano Atlantico settentri(jnale e sue Isole, non iudicato al trove. lb. Azorre ; Uanarie ; Madera ; Isole del Capo Verde. Ic. Atlantico meridionale e sue Isole. m. Oceano Indiano. ma. Oceano e Isole a Nord dell' Equatore. mb. Oceano e Isole a Sud dell' Equatore, compreudendovi le Mascarene, Amsterdam e S. Paolo. 11. Oceano Pacifico. na. Pacifico del Nord (a N. dell' Equatore). nb. Pacifico del Sud (a S. dell' Equatore). nc. Mar di Behring e sue Isole (Aleutine, ecc). ml. Isole Sandwich e Gruppi sparsi a N. dell' Equatore e ad E. del 180°. ne. Isole dei Ladroni, Pelew, Caroline e Marshall, con altre Isole a N. deir Equatore e ad ovest del 180°. nf. Isole Fig-i, degli Amici, Samoa, Ellice, Fenice, ecc, ad ovest del 160° W. di Greenwich. ng. Isole Galapag-os. nh. Isole della Societa. Arcipelago di Low, Marches! e altre Isole del Pacifico meridionale, ad Est del meridiano 160° W. da Greenwich. 0. Regione Antartica. oa. Regione antartica in generale. ob. Georgia australe, Gruppo delle Sandwich e altre Isole a Sud deir Atlantico meridionale. oc. Isole del Principe Edoardo, Crozets, Kerguelen e altre Isole a Sud deir Oceano Indiano. Oil. Isole a Sud e a Sud-Est della NuovaZelanda e Regione a Sud del Pacifico. 33 AUTHORS' CATALOGUE. Abbott, G[eorge]. The concretionaiy types in the celliilar Magnesiaa Lime- stone of Durham. Geol. Mag., London, CS. Ser. Dec 4), 8. 1901, (35-36). [GOde 83J. 1 Cellular Limestone from the Permian beds at FulweU, Suther- land. London, Q. J. GeoL Soc., 57, 1901, (Proc. xcvi). [60cZe 83]. 2 Abraham, Felix. Methodische Wert- beurteiltmg der Witvratersrand-Gold- bergbaii-Unternehmimgen. Ein Vade- mecum mit 3 mathematischen und 125 statistischen Tafeln. Berlin (Boll & Pickardt), 1901, (128 -f- II). 25 cm. Geb. 10 M. [60 fg 18 J 27]. 3 AcMardi, D'. v. D'Achiardi. Ackermann, Eugen. Die Gold- Industrie an der Grenze des Staates Para im nordlichen Bi-asilien. ChemZtg, Cothen, 25, 1901, i'25-26). [60 hh 18 D 0150]. 4 Adams, Frank Dawson and Nichol- son, John Thomas. An experimental investigation into the flow of marble. London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, (Ser. Aj, 195, 1901, (363-401, with 4 pis.) [80] 5 Adams, George I. Oil and Gas Fields of the Western Interior and Xorthem Texas Coal Measures and of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Western Gulf Coast. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Int., BuU Geol. Sm•^^, 184, 1901, (1-64, with 2 pi.). [mgi IS H.35]. ' 6 Aichino, G. La Bauxite. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 15, 1901, (225-227, 243-214. 259-265, 276-278). [50] 7 Albrecht, E. v. Engler, C. Alderson, Matt W. tienesis of Ore Deposits. Min. Sci. Press, San Fran- cisco, Cal., 83, 1901, (4-5, 14, 24). [18]. 8 Allen, F. B. Telliu-ium in the Ores of the Hauraki Goldtields. Trans. Austral. Inst. Min. Eug., ilelbourne, 7, 1901, (94-98j. [18 60 ik]. 9 (G-10253) Allen, 0. D. and Comstock, W. J. Bastnasite and Tysonite from Colorado. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., 1880, 19, (390-391 ) ). [In con- tributions to Mineralogj- and Petro- graphy from the . . . Sheflaeld Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.j. [50 60 gi]. 10 Amerio, A. Sui cristalli liquidi del Lehmann. Xuovo Cimento, Pisa, (Ser. 5), 2, 1901, (281-297). [200]. 11 Ammon, Ludwig von. Die Malgers- dorfer Weisserde. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miincheu, 13, (1900). 1901, 1 195-208). [60 dc 83 H 90 D 6500]. 12 Ueber das Vorkommeu von ,,.Steiu5chratiben" (Daemonhelix) in der oligocanen Molasse Oberbayerns. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miinchen, 13, (1900), 1901, (55-69, mit 2Taf.). [60 Jc 83 K 85.1031 de 85.5431 85.0231 dc H 85 dc N 5431 j]. 13 Ueber eine Tiefbohnmg durch den Bmitsaudstein und die Zechsteiuscliichten bei Mellrichstadt an der Rhon. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miin- cheu, 13, (1900), 1901, (149-193). [60 c/c 83 H55c/c C>5dc K 55.2231 55.5431]. 14 Petrographische und palii- ontologische Bemerkuugen iiber einige kaidiasische Gesteine. In Gottfi-. Merzbacher, Aus den Hochregionen des Kaukasus, Leipzig. 1901, 2, (719-807, mit Taf.). [80 60 d6 K 70.1031 '/6 70.2231 dh N 1031 f]- 1-'' Amthor, Reiuli. Der Rliiitsandsteiu vom Grossen Seeberge bei Gotha. In ,,Xaturwisseuschaftliches mid Geschiclit- liches vom Seeberge", Gotha, 1901, (;i()-51i. 1 60 (7c 83 H 65 t/c]. 16 [Andru80V,X.I.] .\ll,q)y(.'OBl., H. II. 0 MlUailliOBblVI. pH'KlXI. Kep'KMI- Cluiro llO.n OCTpOIUl. [Leber die Bryn- zoenriffen "der Halbinsel Kertsch.] St. Peterburg, Daevn. XI Sj^zda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, (332). [83 60 db]. 17 34 Angelis (de), d'Ossat, Gicacchino. Escursione geologica alia miniera Mar- ganai, (Iglesias). Eass. minevaria, Torino, 15, 1901, (241-242). [CO dh]. 18 e iliUosevich, F. La miniera di Antimonio a Montauto di ^laremma e i suoi diutomi. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 15, 1901, (193-196). [IS GO dhl 19 Ansel, H. Die oolitliisclie Eisenerz- formation Ueiitscli-Lothringens. Zs. prakt. Geol, Berlin, 9, 1901, (81-94). [18 GOrZ," H 70 J 27]. 20 Antipov, I. A. V. Glinka, S. F. Archibald, Ebenezer Henry v. Richards, Theodore William. [Argentov, K.] ApreHTOBT>, K. Ot- 'leib 0 pa3irfe,^i,a\7. bi. vMacTK'fe, apeH^ycMOMij oapoiioML ohtj Bpencpiri). [Compte-rendn des re- cherches minieres dans le domaine arrente par le baron de Brevern.] V^st. zolotopromy^L, Tomsk, 1901, ^315-317, 331-333, 372-375, 417-419, av. carte). [60 db]. 21 Armstrong, E. Frankland. The application of the eqiiilibrium law to the separation of ci-ystals from complex solutions and to the formation of oceanic deposits. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (262-282). [500]. 22 Armstrong, H[enry] E. r. iliers, H. A . Arsandaux, H[enri]. Snr quelques mineraux des environs de Brassac (Tarn). Paris, Bui. Soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (428-432). [50 60 c?/]. 23 Sur un gisement de tour- maline ferrifere dans I'AvevroTi. Paris, Bui. Soc. franc, miner., 24* 1901, (433- 434). [50 60'//]. ' 24 1 Di' la variabilite de la composition chimique du magma-fondu d'une eruption, pendant le cours de celle-ci. 11 Interpretation de la com- position chimique d'lm. tel magma. Paris, Bui. Soc fran^. miner., 24, 1901, (466-472). [82 60 dl 87]. 25 Analyse de quelques miner- aux. Paris, Bui. soc. fi-anQ. miner., 24, 1901, (472-476). [50 60 df fa ef]. 26 Arsandaux, H[enri]. Sur un gisement de mineraux litliiniferes de Brassac (Tarn). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (235-237). [50 14 60 df]. 27 ■ Sur im gisement de tour- maline ferrifere de Cartailhac, canton d'Entravgues (Tarn). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (237-238). [60df 50 14]. 28 Arth, Georges. Conference sur la metallurgie du fer en Lorraine. C.-H. cong. soc. sav., Paris, 1901, (71-77). [18 60rJe]. 29 Artini, Ettore. Di una nuova specie minerale [Bavenite] trovata nel gi'anito di Baveno. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (139-145). [50 40 60 dhl 30 • Appunti di Mineralogia italiaua. Gal cite di Pradalunga (Val Seriana). Milano, Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat., 40, 1901, (269-274). [50 60 dh]. 31 Intorno ad alcuni minerali di Laorca e Ballabio. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (58-64). [50 60dh]. 32 Aschan, Ossian. Ueber die Constitu- tion des Kamphers. Eine stereochemische Studie. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 316, 1901, (196-241). [540 D 7000 1140 M 3120]. 33 Ashley, George H[allJ. v. Blatchlev, W[illis] S[tanley]. Baker, W. H. [Copper Crystals in] . . . Mine Timbers at Kawan, [N. Zealand]. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 33, 1901, (336-339). [60 ih 240]. 34 Bamberger, Eiigen und Schmidt, Otto. Ueber isomere Hvdrazone. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (2001-2017). [750 D 1630 7100]. 35 und Grob, Jac. Ueber Phenylazoathj'lidennitronsaureester und Phenylazoacetaldoxim. Berlin, Ber. D. chem". Ges., 35, 1902, (67-82). [750 D1720 1130]. 36 Barbour, Erwin Hinckley. Sand crystals and their relation to certain concretionary forms. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Rochester, N.Y., 12, 1901,(165- 172, with pi. 13-18). [60 qi 80 83 80]. ' 37 The unpublished meteorites of Nebraska. Lincoln, Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci., 7, 1901, (34-35, with pi.). [70 60 r/i]- 38 35 Baxet, Ch. Mineralogie des prodiiits iiidustriels. Xantes, BiU. soc. sci. nat., (ser. 2), 1, 1901, (453-494X [16]. 39 Barker, George F[rederick]. [Obituary notice of] Frederick Augustus Genth. Pliiladelphia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 40, 1901, (X-XXII, ■rtntJi pi). [0010]. 40 Barlow, William. Crystal Symmetry. The actual basis of the thirty-two classes. Phil. Mag., London, (Ser.' 6), 1, 1901, a-36, with 2 pi.). [110 140 C 3830]. 41 Die Synimetrie der Krys- taUe. Die wirkliche Grimdlage der 32 .'^vmmetrieklasseu. Zs. Krvstnllogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (1-36). [110 140]. 42 Miers, F. A. and Smith, G. F. Herbert. The structure of crystals. Report of the committee . . . appointed to report on the present state of our kuowledge concerning the structure of crystals. Parti. Report on the develop- ment of the geometrical theories of crys- tal structure. 1666-1901. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (297-337). [140]. 43 Barrois, Ch. Observations sur le poudingiie houiller de Xceux iPas de Calais)'. Lille, Ann. soc. geoL, 30, 1901, (26-36). [60 f// 83]. 44 Barron, T[homas] and Hume, W. F. Xotes on the geology of the eastern desert of Eg\-pt. Geol. Mag., Loudon, (X. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (154-161). [60 fh. 80]. 45 Barrow, George. On the alterations of the Lias shale by the Whin Dyke of (ireat Ayton in Yorkshire. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (654). [60 de S4]. 46 Bartalini, G. Studio cristallografico ed ottico sull'ortose elbano. Ferrara, Atti. Acc.med. nat., 75, 1901, (139-159) [.50 60 r/;,]. 47 Bassett junr., Henry. Note on the preparation of spherulites. GeoL Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4i, 8, 1901, (14- 16. [240]. 48 Bather, F[rancis] A[rthur]. Alleged prints of Echinoderms iu Triassic Reptiliferous Sandstones. CJeol Mag., London, (X. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (70- 71). [83 QOde]. 49 Baumhauer, H[einrich]. Ueber den Seligmannit, ein neues deni Bournonit homoomorphes Mineral aus dem Dolomit (G-1025S) des Binnenthals. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (110-117). [60c/i 50 40]. 50 Baur, Ludwig. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Mineralogie und Geologic. Mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigimg der geogno- stischen Verhaltnisse Wiirttembergs. Stuttgart (Muth), 1901, (MI -r 221). 22 cm. Geb. 2,70M. [003ii H 0030], 51 Beck, R[ichard]. Ueber eine ueue Xickelerzlagerstatte in Sachsen. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 10, 1902, (41-43). [18 60 ric J 27]. 52 und Fircks, W. von. Die Kupfererzlagerstatten von Rel:ielj imd Wis in Serbien. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901, (321-.323). [60 dl 18 H30 J 27]. 53 Becker, Otto. Die Eruptivgesteine des Xiederrheins und die darin enthal- tenen Einschliisse. Bomi (F. Cohen), 1902, (III -f 99). 23 cm. 2,40 M. [82 17 60 de H 20]. 54 Behrens, Th[eodor] H[einrich]. Over mikrochemisch onderzoek van Ceriet- metalen. [Microchemical research on Cerimn-metals]. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet.. 10, 1902, (6-8). [700 D 6100]. 55 Over morphotrojiie onder antimonyl-tartraten van aniline en zyne homologen. [Leber die !Mor])hotropie der .\jitimonyltartrate des Anilins imd deren Homologen]. Am.sterdam, Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. .\kad. Wet., 9, 1901, (372-373). [530 D 1630]. 56 Benini, RaffaeUo. La grotta dello Zolfo nei campi Flegrei. Roma, Boll. Soc. geoL ital.. 20," 1901, (470-475). [.50 60 dh]. 57 Bemmelen, J[akob] M[aarten] van en Reinders, G[eert]. Twee nieuwe vind- plaatsen van moerasyzersteen in en onder veen. [Two new occurrences o£ bog-iron ore in and beneatii bogj. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 9, 1901, (406-418) (Dutch). [60 dd 12 H95 dd]. 5S. ■ avec la collaboration de- [Copius] Hoitsema et E[duard] A[ugust} Klobbie. Les accumulations ferrugi- neuses dans et sous les tourbieres. Gisement. composition, formation. Haarlem, Arch. Xeerl. Sci. Soc. HoU.. (Ser. 2), 4. 1901, (19-91. av. carte geolog.). [60 cW 12 H95(W D 0320]. 59 f. Cappelle, H[endrik]Tan. 0 2 30 Benoit, Felix. Etude sur les Bauxites. Clnilon-sur-Saone, Bui. soc. sci. uat., (ser. -2), 7, 1901, (212-213). [GO df 50 87J. 60 Bentley, W. A. Twenty Years' Study of SuDW Crystals. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Agric, Mon. Weath. Rev., 29, inoi, (212-214, with pi.). [105 F 1270]. 61 Benz, E. Ueber die Thoriumbestim- mung im ilonazitsande. Zs. angew. Chain., Berlin, 15, 1902, (297-309). [50 D6100 0770]. 62 Berg, Georg. Beitriige zur Kemitniss der Goldlagerstatten von Raposos in Brasilien. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 10, 1902, (81-84). [18 60 hh H 30 J 27]. 63 Beitriige zur Kenntniss der contactmetamorpheu LagerstJitte von Balia-Maden. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901, (365-367). [60 cj 18 J 27]. 64 Bergeat, Alfred. Beitrage zur Kemit- niss der Erzlagei'statten von Campiglia Marittima (Toseajia), insbesondere des Zinnsteinvorkonunens dortselbst. N. Jahrl). Min., Stuttgart, 1901, 1, (135- 156, mit 1 Taf.). [18 60 dh J 27 H 28 dl{\. 65 Bergt, W[alther]. Lausitzer Diabas mit Kantenoerollen. Dresden, SitzBer. Isis, 1900, 1901, (111-121, mit 1 Taf.). [60f?c 82 H35 30]. m Berthelot, [Marcellin]. Sur les metaux egyptiens : presence du platine panni les caracteres d'lme inscription hieroclvphique. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 19U1, (729-732). [18 60 /?.]. 67 Bertolio, Sollmann. C'oltivazione delle miniere. .Milano (Hoepli), 1901, (VII -j- 284, con incisioni). 15 cm. [18 60 dh]. 68 Bertrand, C. Eg. Charbons gelo- fiiques et charbons humiques. Congres geologiqiie international de 1900, Paris, 1, 19 1, (458-497). [83 60 ic, elf, de]. 69 Bertrand, G. r. I\Iaqueune, L. Bertrand, L. Sur Page des roches erujjtives du ca]} d'Aggio (Alpes-Mari- times). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (182-184). [60 df 82], 70 Beykirch, J. Ueber den Strontianit des iliinsterlandes. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 13, 1901, (389- 433). [50 60rfc]. 71 Bibbins, A. VV. Occurrence of Zoisite and Tlmlite near Baltimore. [Mary- land]. Auier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 11, 1901, (171-172). (From notes by the late John \V. Lee). [50 60 gh]. 72 Biddle, H C. The deposition of copper by solution of ferrous salts. Chicago, ni., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (430-436). [12 18]. 1'.'. The reduction of copper by solution of ferrous salts. Baltimore, Md., Amer. Chem. J., 26, 1901, (377- 382). [12 D0290]. 74 Biedermann, ^[llhelm]. Ueber die Bedeutung von Krystallisationsprozessen bei der Bildung der Skelette wirbelloser Tiere, namentlich derMolluskenschalen. Zs. allg. Physiol., Jena, 1, 1902, 154- 208, mit 4 Taf.). [100 N 0215 2207 Q 8670 7961]. 75 Ueber den Zustand des Kalkes im Crustaceenpanzer. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 21,1901,(343-352). [700 N 2607 Q 8670]. 76 Billows, E. Su un rimarchevole isomoriismo moi-fologico e fisico delle sostanze Acenaftene e Acenaftilene. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (5-13). [750]. 77 Sulla forma cristallina e le jjroprieta ottiche di una nuova sostanza organica analoga all'ipnal. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26. 19U1, (91-95). [750]. 78 Ipnal. Studio cristallo- grafico. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 1901, (9-13). [750]. 79 ■ Zeoliti, Prehnite, Rodonite ed altri minerali dell'Agordino superiore. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 1901, (49-90). [50 mdh]. 80 Btrdwood, George. The etymology of cameo and the classification of "gems." London, J. Soc. Arts, 49, 1901, (177- 179). [19]. 81 Bischof, Carl. Gesammelte Analysen der in der Thonindustrie benutzten Mineralien mid der daraus hergestellten Fabrikate. LeiiDzig(Quandt & Handel), 1901, (VI + 165). 25 cm. 8 M. 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Cenni sui minerali della miniera di antimonio tlelle Cetine di Cotorniano. Proc. verb. Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 12, 1901, (232- 235). [18 60 dh]. 209 Geocronite di Val di Cas- tello presso Pietrasanta (Toscana). Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 18, 1901, (16 pp.). [50 60 dh]. 210 ■ Emimorfismo e gemina- zione della Stefanite del Sarrabus (Sardegna). Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 18, 1901, (32 pp.). [50 60 dh]. 211 Dabms, P. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Verwendimg des Bernsteins. Zs. prakt. Geol. Berlin, 9, 1901, (201- 211). [50 83 60 do H 85 K 85 0501)]. 212 [Dalbloom] Ja.IbO.lOMt. 0 MiU- llHlUblX'h py^UblX'L MtcTOpOJK- ^euiflxi. II Hxi. pasBt^hii nyieMi. MaiHHTnbIX1> HaMtpeHiii. [Gisements de ier magnetique et leur ex- ploration an moyen de I'aiguille aimantee]. Gorn. Zurn., St. Peterburg, 1901, 1, (18-60). [18]. 213 43 Dana, E[dwarcl] S[alisbury]. On tlie C'oiuposition of the Labradorite rocks of Waterville, Xew Hampskire. (From Amer. J. 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Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (25- 34). [50 60/i/i]. 224 On the manganese ore deposits of the Queluz (Lafayette) district, Minas Geraes, Brazil. Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901,(18-32). [18 60 M]. --5 Dewar, James. Bakerian Lecture. — The Xadir of Temperature and Allied Problems. 1. Physical Properties of Liquid and Solid Hydrogen. 2. Sejiara- tion of Free Hydrogen and other Gases from Air. .3. Electrical Resistance Thermometry at the Boiling Point of Hydrogen. 4. ExjDeriments on the Liquefaction of Helium at the Melting Point of Hydrogen. 5. Pyro-electricity, Phosphorescence, etc. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1901, (360-366); Xature, Loudon, 64, 1901, (24.3-244). [340^ '226 Dieseldorff, Arthur. Sulvanit, ein primiires Vanadinmineral. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (421-422). [50 D 0820]. 227 Doelter, C[ornelius]. Die Dichte des fliissigen und des festen Magmas. X. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1901, 2, (141- 157). [S2 C 1820' H 20]. 228 Dresser, John A. On the petrography of Mt. Orford [Quebec]. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 27, 1901, (14-21). [80 60 rjd]. 229 On the petrography of Sheflford ilomitain [Quebec]. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 28, 190l, (204-213, with 1 pL). [80 60 yd]. 230 Du Bois, G. C. Geologisch-berg- manuische Skizzen aus Surinam. Das Prospectiereu auf Goldseifen mul die Abbaumethoden goldh:dtiger Seifen. Freiberg in Sachsen (Craz mid Gerlach), 1901, (VII -r 104, mit 2 Taf. imd 1 Karte). 25 cm. 6 M. [60 hd 18 80 J 27]. -'31 Ducamp, Roger. L'or dans les sables du Gard. Nature, Paris, 29,(1' semest.), 1901, (320). [60 df 50 18]. 232 Ducru, 0. Recherches sur les ar- seniates ammoniacau.x de cobalt et de nickel. Application au dosage de I'arsenic Ann. chim. phvs.. Paris, (ser. 7), 22, 1901, (160-238). [16 50]. ^ 233 u Dufau, Em. .Uuminate de magne- sium. J. 23harm. cliim., Paris, (ser. G), 14, 1901, (25-27); Paris, ]3ul. soc. chim., 25-26, 1901, (009-670). [10 50]. 231 ■ Alvmiiuate of magnesium. Chem. 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[50 GOr/r/]. 247 Edwards, T. Meteorites : their origin and comjjosition. Leicester, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc, 6, 1901, (5-15). [70]. 248 Eijk, C[ornelis] van. Eeue methode om kristaUen uit legeeringen af te zon- deren. [A method for separating crystals from aUoys.] Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Aid. K. Akad. Wet., 10, 1902, (859-862, with 1 pi.), (Dutch); Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 4, 1902, (758-761, with 1 pl.j, (EnglishX [240 D 0930]. 249 Ekbom, Alfi-. Ueber die Para-Nitro- benzolsulfonsaure. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35, 1902, (651-656). [750 D 1330 7100]. 250 Eldridge, George H. The asphalt and bitmninous rock deposits of the United States. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. Int. Rep. Geol. Surv., 1901, Part 1, (209-452, with 34 pi.). [18 00^/]. 251 Elich, E. Die vulkanischen Gebirge der Ost-Cordillere vom Pamba-Marca bis zum Antisaua [mit geolog. -topograph. Eiuleitiuig v. Wilh. Reiss]. [In : R e i s s, Wilhelm, Ecuador 1870-1874, Petrogi-. Unters.,Heft 1. Berlin 1901.] (1-116). [S-2 60 he J 27 23 H 20]. 252 Elschner, C. Die Asphalte mid bi- tuminosen Kalke Palastinas. Chem. Rev. Fettind., Berlin, 8, 1901, (159-160, 180-182). [18 iJOel H 28 J 27 D 1100]. 253 [Emeljanov, A.] E\l0.1bflHOB'l., A. 4oll^n6|J^ Kcuoe MttTopoH;,u*ni(> .w.ioTa B'l. 3ana,^iioii ABcTpa.iiii. [Le gisement d'or de Donnybrook, Aus- tralie Occidontale.] Yest. zolotopro- nivsl., Tomsk, 1901, (149-151). [60 ih 18]. • 254 Emmons, Samuel Franklin. The secondary enricluneut of ore deposits. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Ensin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (177-2f7\ [18]. 255 45 Engler, K[ail]. Vorkommaa von Erdijl in Baden. Karlsruhe, Verli. natw. Ver., 14, 1901, Sitzungsber., (39-40). [IS GO 'h: J 27J. 25G und Albrecht, E. Ueber die Petroleumeinschliisse im Muschel- kalk von Roth-Malsch in Baden. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 14, 1901, (913- 916). [60 c/c 18 D 6500 H 70 J 27 K 70 2211]. 257 Ermisch. Die Ku2ofererze der Siinik- gruben ini Gouvernement Elisabetpol, Transkaukasien. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 10, 1902, (88-89). [60m 18 J 27]. 258 Emi, H[enry] and Brown, A[mos] P[easlee]. Mineralogj' Simplified ; Easy Method.s of Identifying Minerals . . . 3d. ed. . . . Philadelphia (Bairdi; London (Low, Marston & Co.), 1901, XXVIII 4- 383, with pi.). 17 cm. [0030]. 259 Errera, G[iorgio]. Untersuchungen iilier gemischte Methenylverbindmigen. IV. Svnthese des o, j3-Lntidins. Berlin, Ber. t). chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3691- 3700). [750 D 1930 7100]. 260 undPerciabosco, F. Wir- kung der Halogene, sowie des Brom- cyauessigesters auf Xatriumcyanessig- ester. Berlin, Ber. D, chem. Ges,, 34, 1901,(3704-3717). [750 D1310 7100]. 261 Escb, E. Der Vulcan Etinde in Kamerim mid seine Gesteiue. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (277-299, 400- 417). [60 id 80 H 20 J 12]. 262 Evans, John William. A monchiquite from Mount Girnar, Jmiagarh (Kathia- war). London, Q. J. Geo]. Soc, 57, 1901, (38-53, with pi.). [82 50 mei 17]. 263 Everdingen Jr., E[woud] van. Over het verschyusel van Hall en deu weer- stand in en buiten het magneetveld by bismuth-ki-istallen. [On the Hall-effect and the resistance of crystals of bismuth within and without the magnetic field]. Amsterdam. Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 9, 1901, (277-281,448-462, with 1 pi.) (Dutch); Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 3, 1901, (316-321, 407-421, with 1 pi.) (English); Leiden, Comm. Phvs. Lab. Xo. 61 [1901?] (1-23, with 1 pi.) (English). [340 C 5670 5660 D 0190]. 264 Hall-Effekt, Widei-stand und Widerstandszunahme in Wismut- krvstaUen. Physik Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901, (585-586). [.340 350 C 567u 5660 D 0190]. 265 Exaer, Felix M. Zur iunereu Leitung von Quarz bei 100-150° und von Glas bei Zimmertemperatur. Berlin, Verh. D. lAysik. Ges., 3, 1901, (26-30j. [31U C 5660 5250]. 266 Exton, H[ugh]. Geological notes on the neighbourhood of Ladysmith, Xatal. Xo. 1 : On some igneous rocks. Geol. Mag., London, (X. ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (509-510). {mpj 82]. 267 Eyk, C[ornelis] van. Over de vormiug van mengkristallen van Thalliiminitraat en Thalliumiodid. [On the formation of mixed-crystals of Thallium nitrate and Thallium iodide]. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Xat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 9, 1901, (44-46) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 3. 1901, (98-101) (English). [520 D 7000 0790]. 268 Farrington, 01[iver] C[ununings]. The chemical composition of iolite. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., 1892, 43, (13-16). [In contributions to mineralogv and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, ed-s.]. [50]. 269 The structure of meteorites. Chicago, III., J. Geol. (Jniv. Chic, 9, 1901, (51-66, 174-190). [71]. 270 The constituents of meteor- ites. Chicago, 111., J. (ieol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (393-408, 522-532). [72]. 271 The pre-terrestrial history of meteorites. Chicago, 111., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (623-632). [70]. 272 • On the nature of the metallic veins of the Farmington meteorite. ^Vmer. J. Sci., X'ew Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (60-62). [72 73]. 273 • A century of the study of meteorites. Pop. Sci. Mon., Xew York, X.Y.,58, 1901, (429-433). [70 E6650]. 274 Fecliner, Hermann. Geschichte des Schlesischen Berg- und Hiittenwesens in der Zeit Friedrichs des Grossen, Fried- rich Wilhelms II. und Friedrich Wil- helms III. 1741-1806. Th. 1 : Berg- und Hiittenpolitik. (Fort.s.) Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (1-86, 243-288, 383- 446, mit 5 Taf.). [GO dc 0010 18 HOOlO J 27]. 275 46 [Fedorov, Ev.qraf StepanovicJ in. [Manuel de cristallograpliie.] 3ed. corr. St. Peterlnirg, 1901, (III + 438, av. 3 pL). [0030]. 276 Ke^aoeKHTi ii BiojaHii.. [Kedabekit iind Violait.] Moskva, Ann. Inst, agron., 7, 1901, (43-47 + res. allem. 47). [82 40 50 60 dl dh]. 277 IVo.iorn'U'CKiH ii:^'.!^- ^onaiiifi jliTOMi. 1900 r. [Geolo- gische Untersuchungen im Sommer 1900.] Jezeg. geol. i miner., VarSava, IV. 6, 1901, (135-140. mit. deutsch. Uebejsetz.). [82 60 m]. 278 lloBhiH npiiciiocorucnifi 1,1. no.!Hpu:iauiuiinoMy mhi.jx)- cKony. I IIoBbie iihkojh. II Mn- Vx\)0,\ II \ j)Oc Ko in. n pocit ii ma ro \('TpoiiCTl?a. [XouveUes adaptations an microscope de polarisation. I Les nouveaux nicols II Le microdicbro- scope de la plus simple construction.] Jezeg. geol. i miner., VarSava, IV. 6, 1901, (142-149, av. traduct. fr.). [630]. 279 Beitrage zur zonalen Krystallogi-apbie. IV. Zonale Symbole imd richtige Aufstellung der Krystalle. Zs. Krvstallogi-., Leipzig, 34,* 1901, (133-157). [120]. 280 Ueber lluiversalgonio- meter mit mehr als zwei Dreliacbsen. Mechaniker, Berlin, 9, 1901, (14.5-147). [630]. 281 Sur la nomenclature ]3etro- grapliique. 8* Congres international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (226-238). [0070 80 82]. 282 ■ Xikitin, V. V. et Stratono- vir, E.D.]— lliii.iiTHin., B. B., Cipa- ToiioiiU'ii., K. J. BorociOBCKJii ropiii.iii ()i.p\ri.. OnHcaiiie bi. oTiiomciiiii 010 T(»n()rpapeiiwprb, 11. K. ii Karaiii., M. II. lIo'iHeiiHHH H.jc.itjoBaniH 1900 r. in, OjUOBCKoil no. [Bodenfor- schungen im Jahre 1900 im Gouverne- ment Orel.] Jezeg. geol. i miner., Varsava, IV. 7, 1901, (169-173, mit deutsch. Uebersetz). [83 60 db]. .305 Frenzel, [August]. Leber den Plu- singlanz. .Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1900, 1901], (61-66, mit. Taf.). [50]. 306 Friedel, G[eorges]. Sm-la Termierite et la Lassallite, deux especes nouvelles de silicates. Paris, Bui. soc. frauc^. miner., 24, 1901, (6-14). [40 50 60 '//]. 307 Sur un silicate de litliium cristallise. Paris, Bid. soc. frauQ. miner., 24, 1901. (141-1.59). [700 510]. 308 Remarques sur les con- ceptions de Haiiy, de Mallard, et de M. Wallerant en cristallogi'aphie. Rev. gen. sci., Paris, 12, 1901, (572-577). [105 110 220 230]. 309 Friedlander, Immanuel. Leber Edel- steint'. Berlin, Verb. Ver. Gewerbfl., 80, I'JUl, SitzBer., (71-80. mit Taf.). [19 240]. 310 Frocliot, Maurice. Note sur les gise- ments de Tipuani (Boliviel Ann. Mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 19. lOOl, (146- 185). [IS eOhgl 311 L'etain en Bolivie. Ann. mines, Paris, 19, 1901, (186-222). [IS 60 hnl 312 Fiiliner, Hermann. Beitrage zur Gesciiichte der Edtlsteinmediziu. 1. Kephrit als Geburtsanmlet. 2 Sapliliir als Medikament. Berlin, Ber. 0. pharm. Ges., 11, 1901, (i.35-411). [19 Q 9000 P 27 W]. 313 4S Fiiliner, Hernianii. Beitrage ziir Oiesehichte der Edelsteimnedizin. 3. Diamaat. tt. Gagat. 5. Sniaragd. Berlin, Ber. D. phanu. Ges., 12, 1902, (86-97). [10 Q 9000 P 2700]. 314 Furman, H. van F. Gold mining in Alaska. Mines, Minerals, Scranton, Pa., 21.1901,(433-136). [GO ga 18]. 315 Futterer, K[arl]. Beobachtungen am Eise des Feldberges im Schwarzwalde im Winter 1901. Karlsruhe, Verli. natw. Ver., 14, 1901, Aliliandlungen, (46-132, mit 6 Taf.). [60 '/c '240 J 31 F 1270 1280]. 316 Gadamer, J[ohannes]. Ueber Tro- pinsauren und die optischen Funktiouen der asymmetrisehen Koldenstoffatome im Trojiin mid Ecgonin. Arch. Pharm., Berlin, 239, 1901, (663-672). [540 D 19.30 7.300]. 317 Leber Corydalisalkaloide. Ai-ch. Pharm., Berlin, 240, 1902, (19- 52). [540 D 3010 7300 M 3120]. 318 Gabert, C Die Erzlagerstiitteu zwischen Klingenthal und Graslitz im westliehen Erzgebirge. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901, (140-144). [60 dk J 27]. 319 Gagel, C. Die geologischen Verhalt- nisse tind die nutzbaren Lagerstatten der Gebiete, die von der grossen sibirischen Bahn durchschnitteu werden. Natw. Rdsch., Braunschweig, 16, 1901, (285-288, 299-303, 313-315). [60 m Rea I 27]. 320 Gamier, J. Sur la fluorine odorante a fluor libre du Beaujolais. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (95-96). [50 60 '//]. 321 Gascuel. Les gisements diamauti- feres de \a region Sud-Est de Pile de Borneo (Possession hollandaise). Ann. mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 20, 1901, (5-23). [19 50 COegl 322 Gaubert, Paul. Sur les faces de dissohition de la calcite et sur les iigxires de corrosion des carbonates rhomboi- driques. Paris, Bui. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (326-350, av. pL). [50 21p 320]. 323 Sur les figures d'effloi'es- cence. Paris, Bui. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (476-488). [320 50]. 324 Sur des echantillons de roches d'Abyssiuie rapj)ortes par M. Ch. Michel. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (27-28). [82 60/6]. 325 Gaubert, Paul. Mineraux nouveaux. Naturaliste, Paris, (ser. 2), 23, 1901, (35). [40]. 326 Gautier, A[rmand]. Production de riiydrogene dans les roches ignees. Action de la vapeur d'eau sur les sels ferreux. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (189-194). [87 82]. 327 Origine des eaux thermales sidfureuses. Sulfosilicates et oxysulfures derives des silicates naturals. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (740-746). [12]. 328 Produits gazeux degages par la chaleur des roches ignees. Action de I'eau sur les sels ferreux. Origine des gaz volcaniques. Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25-26, 1901, (402-413). [87] 329 Sur Pexisteuce d'azotures, argonures, arseniures et iodures dans les roches cristallinienues. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (932-938). [87 82 84]. 330 Gawalowski, A. Schlammkolbeu und Scldaummuss fiir die mechanische Acker- boden- und Thonaualvse. Zs. anal. Chem., Wiesbaden, 40,1901, (776-781). [18 82 87 D 6000]. 331 Geay, F. Sur mie serie de roches eruptives et metamorphiques de la Giivane. Bui. museum, Paris, 1901, (291-296). [82 84 50 60 hd]. 332 Geikie, Sh- Arch[ibald]. Recent studies of old Italian Volcanoes. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (10.3-106). [60 dh 82]. 333 Geikie, James and Flett, Jolm S. The granite of Tulloch Burn, Ayrshire. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (634). [60 de 82]. 334 [Gerasimov, Alexandr Pavlovic] ropaciiMOBi., A. II. Feo.iorH'iecKiH n:k'.rIj,ioBaniH bi. oacceunaxT. pp. Ba4n H Ha^a.iii bi. .Ichckomi. ro|)iioMi. OKpyrt bi. 1900 ro4\. [Recherches geologiques faites en 190O dans les bassins des rivieres Vatcha et Kadali, arrond. minier de Lena.] Ex- plor. geolog. reg. aurif. Siberie, St. Peterburg,I,1901, (1-27 -f- res. fr. 28- 29, av. i carte). [18 GO ea]. 335 Gerb, L. r. Werner, A[lf.]. 49 Gintl, Willi. Heiiir. Ueber die Dar- 8tellung krystallisirtei- Tlionefde im elektrischeu .Sc-limelzof'en uiid einige Nebenprodukte dieses Sclmielzjirocesses. Zs. aiigew. Chem., Berlin, 14, 1901 (1173-1179). [50 240 10 D 0120 7200]. 33G Girard, G. et Bordas, F. Analyse de qixelques travertins du bassin de Vichy. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1423-1426). [87 83 GO c?/]. 337 Glangeaud, P. Monograpliie du volcan de Gravenoire, pres de Clermont-Fer- rand. Bid. carte geol. France, Paris, 12, 190(3-1901, (145-184). [N<> 89 (1- 40)] av. pi. et fig. [82 84 60 cZ/]. 338 Glasenapp, M. Dolomitkalk fiir die Her- stellung von Kalksandsteinen. Thoniud- Ztg. Berlin, 25, 1901, (761-762). [18 D 0220]. 339 [GHnka, Koustantin Dmitrievic] r.iHHKa, K. 4- 0 3a.ie>Ka\i. innca (ajeGacTpa) bl JIckobckomi, \t,3.rl>. [Gisements de g\-pse dans le district de Pskov.] Pskov', 1901, (12). 2.j cm. [18 QOdbl 340 [Glinka, Sergei F. et Antipov, I. A.] r.iHHKa, C. 0. H AnTiirioin,, II. A. OCBHHUOBOML Ma.iaXHTfe WJb JltfT- iiocTH limuB-^ehy, CeMiina.ia- THucKoii o6j., KapKapa.iimciuiio OKpyra. [Sur ie malachite de jjlomb de localite Bichi-Cekxi, gouv. Semipala- tinsk,distr. Karkaralinsk.] St. Peterbnxg, Dnevii. XI Sjezda niss. jest, vrac., 1901,(468). [50 60 ea 40] 341 V. Tomebohm, A. E. GoodchUd, J[olin] G[eorge]. Simpler methods ia crystallography. Part I. Stereograms. Edinburgh," Proc. R. Physic. Soc, 14, 1901, (323-359, with pis.). [130] 344 The dolerite of Aljerdour, Gotzen (de), Giuseppe. Notizia sulla maggior durezza di talime varieta di Calcite. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (35). [50]. 342 [Golubiatnikov, D. V.] !'( ).l\ odTll H- KOBL, 4« B- Fii/iporeo.iorHecKifi n.'JCMt^^oBaiiiH bb ctBepnoii MacTH Mapi\ iioji.CKaro yt.Ma Ei.arcpH- HOCJaBCKOii ryoepilin. [Recherches hydrogeologiques dans la partie nord du district deMarioupol, gouv. d'Ekaterino- slav.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol. 20, 1901, (361-394 -f res. fr. 395-396). [60 dbl 343 (G-10253) with some speculations on the origin of ei-uptive rocks in general [abstract]. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900 [1901], (271-272). [GOde 82]. 345 Haematite on Arthur Seat. Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, 8, 1901, (1). [50 GOdel .346 ; The Scottish ores of copi>er in their geological relations. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (647- 8). [13 60 dc]. ■ 347 ■ A i-evised list of minerals known to occur in Scotland. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (648- ^<)- [60 del ' 318 Synonymic index to Scottish mineral localities "in M. F. Heddle's Mineralogy of .Scotland, 2, 1901, (21.3- 247). [GOdc]. 349 r. Heddle, il. Forster. Gordon, C^'harles] H[enry]. On the origin and classification of gneisses. Lincoln, Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci., 7, 1901, (90-96). [84]. 350 Gosselet, JiUes. Le metamorpliisme de I'Ardeuue. Reponse de M. le pro- fesseiir Jules Gosselet a il. A. Renard. Bruxelles (Hayez), 1901, (5). 8o. fr. 50. [84 60 dd]. 351 Observations geologiques faites dans les exploitations de phos- phates de chaux en 1901. Lille, Ann. Soc. geol., 30, 1901, (208-24.3). [18 00 dfl 352 Goyder, G. A. A South Australian meteorite. Adelaide, S. Aust., Trans. R. Soc, 25, 1901, (14, with pi.). [70 GO I'jl 353 Graafif, Cornelia J. de. f. Grutterink, Alide. Graessner. Vergangenheit, Gegen- wart III 111 Zukunft der deutschen Kali- industrie und ihre Beziehungeii zur Land- wirtschaft. [Vortrag.] Berlin, Jalirb. D. Landw-Ges., 16, 1901, (166-175). [18 H 28 -M 3060 D 0420]. 354 Grant, H. Mining in Eastern Tas- mania. -Vu^tral. -Min. Stanii., Mel- bourne, 19, 19ui; (667-668). [GO ii]. 355 50 Gratacap, L[ouis] P[ope]. Tlie Ward- Cooiiley collection of meteorites. Sci. Ainer. Sup., New York, N.Y., 1901, (21382-21383). [OOGO 70]. 356 Gregory, Herbert E. Andesites of the Aroostook volcanic area of Maine. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., <4), 8, (359-369).) [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientiiic School, 1901, Peufield and Pirsson, eds.]. [82 60 gg]. 357 Gregory, J[olm] W[alter]. Variation of Ores in Depth. Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (962-963, 1002- 1003). [13]. 358 Griffiths, A. B. et Bluman, N. J. Les Ijases azotees dans le j^etrole romnain. Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25-26, 1901, (725-726). [18 QO dl]. 359 Grimsley, G[eorge] P[erry]. Kansas Mines and Alinerals. (Lecture). Topeka, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 17, (1899- 1900), 1901, (200-207). [60f/ij. 360 Grob, Jac. r. Bamberger, Eug. Groom, Theodore T[homas]. On the igneous rocks associated with the Cam- l)rian beds of the Malvei-n Hills. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (156-183, withpL). [GOde 82]. 361 Grutterink, Alide und Graaff, Cornelia J. de. Ueber die Darstellung einer krystallinischen Harnalbumose. Hoppe- Sevlers Zs. physiol. Chem., Strassburg, 34^; 1902, (393-407, mit 1 Taf.). [750 Q 8440 1145 D 4010]. 362 Giirich, Georg. Edelopal imd Opal- Pseudomorphosen von White ClifEs, Australien. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 14, 1901, (472-483). [50 19 15 60 ie]. 363 Gunn, AVilliam. On the old volcanic rocks of the island of Arran. Glas,a;ow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900 [1901], (174- 191). [60 Je 82J. 364 [Gurov, A. v.] TypOBl., A. V. SajeHJH KaojHiia bl HMtiiin ea ciHTe.ii.CTim rpaa-nnH E. A. Boj)Oii- unnnii-,^;iiiii.()iii)ii, EKarepii iio- C.iaBCKOii r\6epiliH. [Gisements de kaolin dans les domaines de la duchesse E. A. Voroncov-Daskov, gouv. d'Ekaterinoslav.] St. Peterliurg, 1901, (1-80). 25 cm. [18 60 dh]. 365 Gutbier, A. Studien iiber das Tellur. [J. (vorl.) Mitt.]. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (2114-211.5). [700 D 0760 7000]. 366 Haag, F. Losung der Aufgabe 8. [Bestimmung des Minimmns von ^' (l+x) (1+x+y) fiir positives x und y. Bedeutung der Aufgabe fiir die Krystallograjjliie.] Math.-natw. Mitt., Stuttgart, (Ser. 2), 3, 1901, (83-87). [110 A 3240]. 367 Hapke, [L]. Nachtrap; zii den Bern- steinfunden. Bremen, Abh. natw. Ver., 15, 1901, (307-310). [50 60 dc K 85.6500 M 6500 f]. 368 Die Erdolwerke in der Liineburger Heide. Bremen, Abh. natw. Ver., 15, 1901, (311-317). [_mdc 18 J 27J. 369 Haussermann, J. Ueber d ie Produkte der Chlorwasserstoft'entziehung aus Siiurecliloriden unter besonderer Beriick- sichtigimg der Einwirknng tertiiirer Basen. Diss. Tubingen (F. Pietzcker), 1902, (60). 23 cm. 1,20 M. [750 D 1300 7100J. 370 Hagenbach, Rudolf v. Fischer, Emil. Hague, A. Les phenomenes volcani- ques tertiaires dans la chaine d' Absaroka (Wvoming). Congres geologique inter- national de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (364- 365). [82 mg'i]. 371 Hall, C. W. Keewatin Area of Eastern and Central Minnesota. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Rochester, N.Y., 12, 1901, (313-376, with pi.). [60 gi 80 H40 98]. 372 Haller, M. Bern;bau und Hiittenwesen Russlands im Jahre 1898. Riga, In- dustrle-Zeitung, 1901, No. 14-19. [60 dh cal ' 373 Handmann, R. Mikroskopisch-kry- stallinische Bildungen von stearin- mid palmitinsaurem Natron. Natur u. Oifenb., Miinster, 47, 1901, (441). [240 D 0500J. 374 Harker, Alfred. The sequence of the Tertiary igneous eruptions in Skye. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glas- gow), (636) ; Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), '8, 1901, (506-509). [60 de 82], 375 On a question relative to extinction-angles in rock-slices. Lon- don, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (66-68). [420J. 376 51 Harper, D. N. v. Peufield,'S[amuel] L[e\vis]. Harrison, J. B. [Auriferous rocks in British Guiana.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (Proc. Ixxxvii-lxxxix). [18 mild 82 50]. 377 Hart, F. Ueberdie Eiuwirkimg alko- liolischer Jodlosung auf Mineralien. ThonindZtg, Berlin, 25, 1901, (99-100). [12 D0230 0120]. 378 Hart, T. S. Notes on some mineral specimens exhibited. Vict. Nat., Mel- bourne, 17, 1901, (190-192). [60 if ih]. 379 Hartley, E[rnald] G[eorge] J[us- tinian]. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der natiirlichen Arseniate und Phosphate. 3. Theil. Plitmbogummit und Hitch- cockit. Zs. Krystallogr., Leij^zig, 34, 1901, (113-123).' 4. flieil. Beudantit. Ebenda, (123-128). [50]. 380 Hartley, W[alter] N[oel] and Hugh Ramage. Tlie mineral constitueiits of dust and soot from various sources. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1901, (97- 109) ; Chem. News, London, 83, 1901, (157-159, 173-175). [70 82]. 381 A simplified- method for the spectrographic analysis of minerals. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (61-71). [32]. 382 Harvey, Alfred William v. Pope, William Jackson. [Hasseibiatt, R.] Facce.iho.ian., P. MariiiiTiiaa py^a (Fc.Oi) »'■ lOiKflOM^ Vpa-ll). [Mag-neteisenerz (Fe304) im Sixd-Urah] Jezeg. geol. i miner., Varsava, V, 2-3, 1901, (18-20). £60 db 50]. 383 Hatch, r[rederick] H[enry]. The Kolar gold-field, being a description of quartz-inining and gold-recovery as Eractised in India. Mem. Geol. Siu'v., id., Calcutta, 33, 1, 1901, (1-72, with tables and pis.). [18 60 e/j. 384 The gold-fields of Wainad ; the Alpha and Phoenix Mines in the ■South-East Wainad. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (24-48, with2ijls.). [18 mef]. 385 Report on the auriferous Quartzites of Parhardiah, Chota Nag- pore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (68-71, with 1 pi.). £18 50 82 84 60 e/]. 386 (u-10253) Hauser, H. L'or. L'or dana le laboratoire. L'or dans la nature. L'ex- traction de l'or. Le traitement des minerais. La metallurgiedel'or. Paris (Nony), 1901, (593, av. 302 fig.). 31cm. [18 50]. 387 Hawes, Creorge W. On a group of dissimilar eruptive rocks in Campton. New Hampshire. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (3), 17, (147-151). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrogi-aphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [60 grj 82]. 388 The Albany granite. New HamjKhire, and its contact phenomena. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Comi., (3), 21, (21-32). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, ec/s]. [60.'/^ 82]. 389 Hayden, H[enry] H[ul)ert]. The gold- fields of Wainad ; historical, geological and economic asjjects. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, Cl-23, with 5 pis.). [50 82 60 ef]. 390 Some auriferous localities in North Coimbatore. ilem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (53-67, with 2 pis.). [18 50 82 84 60c/]. 391 Hayes, C. Willard. Geological rela- tions of the iron ores in the Cartei'sville district, Georgia. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (403-419). [18 60 gh H 35 98]. 392 Heddle, M. Forster. On the structure of agates. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900, [1901], (153-173). [50]. 393 The Mineralogy of Scot- land. Edited by J. G. Goodchild. Vols. 1-2. Edinburgh (D. Douglas), 1901, (Iviii -h 148, viii 4-247, with 103 + 17 pi.) 25 cm. [60 de]. 394 Hedstrom, HiMinau. Gahnit frdn Suuggens koppargi-ufva i Helsingland. [Galmite from the Suuggea copper miue in Helsingland, N. Sweden.] Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 23, 1901, (42- 44). [50 GOJa]. 395 Heflich, Aleksander. Stanislaw. Michal:.ki Heidepriem, W. v. Hofmann, K. A. u 2 52 Helm, Otto. Ueber die cliemische Zusammensetzung und Bikhnig eler Asphalte. Nairn-; Halle, 50, 1001," (316- 317). [18 D6500]. 396 Herman, H[yiiiaii]. r. Howitt, A. AV. Hershey, Oscar H. An unusual type of auriferous deposit. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 13, 1901, (869- 871). [IS GO gi]. 397 Metamorphic formations of North-western California. Amer. Geo]., Minneapolis, Minn., 27, 1901, (225-24.5). [60, ji S4]. 398 Herzfeld, J. und Korn, Otto. Cheniie der selteuen Erden. Berlin, 1901, (IX + 207). 22 cm. [50 D 0100 6000]. 399 Heucke. Die bergamtliche Frei- berger Gangstufen-Sammlung. Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1900, [1901], (16-44). [0060 60c/c H0060]. 400 Hill, James Bastian. (3n the cnish- conglomerates of Argyllshire. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (313-327). [(50 (?(? 80]. 401 Hillebrand, W[illiam] F[rancisJ. Some principles and methods of rock analysis. Chem. News, London, 83, 1901, (66-70 . . . 254-256). [87]. 402 und Stokes, H[enry] N. Notiz liber den Einfluss von Pyrit und anderen Sulfiden auf die Bestimmung von zweiwertigem Eisen. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (125-126). [87 D 6200]. 403 Hilton, Harold. A simple proof of the rationality of the anliannonic ratio of ioxiv faces of a zone. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (69-70). [1.50]. 404 Hinriclisen, W. v. van't HofT, Jacob Heinricli. Hinxman, Lionel \V. Note on speci- mens of spherulitic felsite from Glen Fesliic. Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, 8, 1901, (114-115). [60 de 82]. 405 Hofer, H. V. Muthmann, Wilhelm. Hoff, J. H. van 't. r. van 't HolT, J. H. Hoffmann, G. Clir[istian]. On some new mineral occurrences in Canada. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (149-153); 12, 1901, (447-448). [60 gb]. 406 Hoffmann, P. Untersuclmng der Moorerde von Bad Siilze und Goldenitz, sowie vergleicliende Tabellen einiger Moorerden. Zs. anal. Chem., Wies- biiden, 40, 1901, (22-23). [60 cZc 87 D65U(i]. 407 Hoffmaim, Peinhold. Ultramarin. Braunschweig (F. Vieweg & S.j, 1902, (VI -f 155). 23 cm. 4 M. [50 D 0120]. 408 Hofmann, A. Antimonitgange von Pfii-ov in Bohmen. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (94-97). [18 60 KllUKiii, H. ^I- K[)arKiii iijtc^BajjHKMi.iiLiil oiMerL :ta 1899 U\\h. [Compte-rendu pre- liminaire des recherches effectuees en 1899]. Explor. geolog. reg. aurif. Siberie. (Region aurifere d'lenissei), 8t. Peterburg, 2, 1901, i39-58 + res. fr. 59-60, av. 1 carte). [18 60ea]. 444 Jackson, H[en5y]. r. Solly, R. H. Jacoby, Richard. r. Meyer, Richard Jos. Jaeger, F. M. Ueber die kiinstlicho Darstelhmg der Mineralien im Lichte dor modernen chemischen Tlieorieen. Natw. Wochenschr., Berlin, 16, 1901, (335-338). [16]. 445 Janet, Leon. Compte-rendu de I'ex- cursion a Montigny-sur-Loing. S"" Con- gres geologicjue international, 1900, Paris, 2, 1901,(976-977). [60 J/]. 446 [Jarkov, Viac'eslav] flpKOBI., BflM. yKa.'WTtMi. MkropojK.ieiiiii mhiic- pa.iOBi., Bcrpr.'iaioiuiixt'K bi. ropiio- 3aB0,^CKH\i. <)i,p\ra\i. xpeGia Xpa.ii.cKaro. ^oiio.iiieiiie ki> .VKa.urre.iK) B. M. MajaxoBa. [Indicateur des lieux de provenance des mineraux connusdans les monts (Jurals. Suite de ITndicateur de feu V.-M. Malakhoft]. Ekaterinburg, Bull. Soc. Oural. nat., 22, 1901, (22-31, -f res. fr. 31-35). [60 dh]. 447 Jenkins, Henry C. Brown coal at Deans ^Marsli, Victoria. Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (628). [18 00 ;/]. 448 Some auriferous deposits [in Victoria]. Rep. Aiistral. Assoc- Adv. Sci., Melbourne, 8, 1901, (227). [18 60 ;/]. 449 Jenny, A. r. Hofmann, Karl A. Jevons, H. Stanley. A systematic nomenclature for igneous rocks. Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (304-316). [82 0070]. 450 Jotansen, Arrien. Natronsyenite und verwandte Gesteine von Miask. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1901, 2, (117- 127). [60 dh 82]. ■ 451 Petrographische Unter- suchung der Harzer Porphyroide. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagel^d. 14, 1901, (1-42, mit 1 Taf.). [60 dc 84]. 452 Joly, J[o]m]. On the pseudo-opacity of auatase. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, (N. Ser.), 9. 1901,(475-481). [50 440]. 453 On an improved method of identifjung crystals in rock sections by use of birefringence. Dublin, Sci. Proc R. Soc, (N. Ser.), 19, 1901, (485-494). [620]. 454 — Vitrified Quartz. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (102). [50]. 455 55 Joly, J[ohn]. ilemoire sur I'ordre de formation des silicates dans les roches ignees. Cougres geologique inter- national de 19(X), Paris, 2, 19U1, (689- 709). [17 82J. 45G Joly, P. R. Note siir aue collection de roches recueillie a Madagascar. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (198-200). [82 GO fh]. 4.57 Jones, T[homas] Rupert. History of the Sarsens. Geol. Mag., London, (ser. 2), [4], 8, 1901, (54-59 ; 115-125). mde 83]." 458 Jongh Hzn., D. de. Over de xiit- komsten der tinwinning op Banka gedurende de ontginningsjaren 1882/8.3 tot en met 1899/1900. [Ueber die Ergebnisse der Zinngewinnung auf Banka walirend der Aiisbeutuiigs- jahre 1882/83 bis 1899/1900 incl.] Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 29, 1901, (51-94, mit 10 Taf.). [18 (50 c'/ J 27]. 459 Jonkowsky, Etiemie. Sur les eclo- gites des Aiguilles Rouges. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (1312- 1313). [82 87 md;f]. 460 Jouve, Ad. Sur un echantillou de chaux cristaUisc. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (I117-1118); Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25, 1901, (710-711). [700]. 461 Judd, J[ohn] W[esley]. Note on the structure of Sarsens. Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (1- 2). [60r/e 83]. 462 Jiingst, Carl. Notizen, gesammelt auf einer im Sommer 1899 ausgefiilirten Studienreise durcli Frankreich. Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (447-470, mit 7 Taf.). [60 <]f I 27]. 463 Jung^eisch, E. L'industrie du soufre en Sicile. J. pharm. chim., Paris, (ser. 6j, 13, 1901, (497-506). [IS 60 '///]. 464 [Juskin, E.]. lOllIl.lIiri., E. 1I|)(»H3- HOAimMbiibid (•i;iia>KiiiiLi rpoaiicii- CKaro He«i>Tfl Hiiro paiioiia. [Sondages productifs du district naphtifere de Grozny.] Gorn. zum., St. Peterlnirg, I 1901, 3, (334-350). [18 60 db]. 465 ile.ieKeHci.oe He«J'THiioe MtcropoHJjeilii'. [Gisement de naphte deCeleken.] Neft. delo, Baku, 1901, (966- 973,1312-1319). [18 60 eo]. 466 Kagan, M. I. i-. Freiberg, I. K. Kaiser, Erich. Nordgriecliische Basalte, in Philippson, Alfred. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der gi-iechischen Insel- welt. Petermann's geogi\ Mitt., Gotha, Erganzungsheft 134, 1901, (169-170). [82 60 c//]. 467 [Karpinskij, jVlexaixlr Petrovic]. Kapnimci.iii, \. lino.ii()r|)a'J'ia oriiocuKMi.ii;) Mmie[)a.ii>iibi\i.()i)ra- rcTBl. (laxa.llllia. [Bibliographie des richesses minerales de Sachalin.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, proc.-verb. (110). [0030 60 ea]. 468 II.{C.it,iOBaiiio oopa.JUOBh raraia H3i. MtcTHOCTu liypiaiiiui.- xeBli, TlM'.IllCCKOii no. [Le jais des environs de Burianis-chevi, gouv. de Tiflis.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, proc.-verb. (133). [18 60c/fo]. 469 Notice presentee a la Com- mission de nomenclature des roches, reunie en seance a Paris le 26 octobre 1899. Congres geologique intenia- tional de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (238- 241). [80 70]. 470 Eaiil, H. Kaolin imd Thon. Thonind- 'Ztg, Berlin, 25, 1901, (1115-1117, 1561-1562). [18 H28 D 0120]. 471 Keilhack, K[onrad]. AUgemeine Versammhmg der deutschen geologi- schen Gesellschaft. [5.-7. October 1901.] Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (418-421). [0020 H 0020 J 0020 K 0020]. -172 Taschenbuch fiir Geologen, Palaoutologen und Mineralogen. Berlin (Gebr. Borntrager), 1901, (305). 16 cm. Geb. 3 M. [0030 H 0030 K 0030]. 473 Eenrick, F. B. v. van 't HofF, .lakob Heinrich. Kerfome, F. Etude de la region siluritjue nccidentale de la pre.squ'ile du Crozon (Finistere). Rennes (Simon), 1901, (234 -f 1 carte geol.). 25 an. [82 mdfl 474 Keyes, Charles R. Zone of maxinmm riclmess in ore bodies. Science, New York, N.y., (N. Ser.), 14, 1901, (577- 578). [18]. -175 Ore formation on the hypo- thesis of ( oncentration through surface decomposition. Amer. Geol., Minnea- polis, Minn., 27, 1901, (.355-362). [18]. 476 56 Keyes, Charles R. Origin and classifi- cation of ore deposits. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (32.3-350). [18]. 477 Kilroe, James Robinson and Alex- ander McHenry. On intrusive, tuff -like, igneous rocks and breccias in Ireland. London, Q. .J. Geol. Soc, 57, 11,01, (479-489). [150 c/? 82]. 478 Kinahan, G. H. Xotes on the Irish primary rocks, with their associated gi'auitic and metamorphic rocks. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (637- 9). [82 84 60 de 80]. Kitto, W. H. Feather ore (Plumosite). Douglas, J. Isle Man Soc, 2, 1901, (.33). [50 60 del -ISO Note on the history of the Foxdale mines. Douglas, J. Isle Man Soc, 2, I'JOl, (32-33).^ [60 de]. 481 Klein, C[ai'l]. Ueber den Brushit von der Insel Mona (zwischen Haiti luid Portorico). Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (720-72.3). [.50 40 CO lie]. 482 Optische Studien. II. 3. VervoUkomumung der Einrichtungen des Totalreflectometers. 4. Ueber Pennin uiid Klinochlor. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (104-119). [630 400 420 50 C 3090]. 483 Klobb, T. Etude cristallogi'aphique de quelques sels luteocobaltiques. Paris, Bui. soc. fi-any. miner., 24, 1901, (.307- 322). [700]. 484 De risomorphisme en cristaUographie ; forme cristalline du sulfate et du seleuiate luteocolialtiiiues. C.-R. cong. soc. sav., Paris, 1901, (184- 188). [510 700]. 485 Klotobie, E[duard] A[ugiist]. v. Bem- melen, J[akob] M[aarten] van. Knight, Nicholas. Some Iowa dolo- mites. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (244-246). [60 gi 83]. 486 Knight, Wilbur C. Potassium nitrate in Wvoming. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. .Ser.\ 13, 1901, (151-152). [50 60 g}]. 487 Knorr, Edward, r. Koenigs, Wilhelm. [Kobeckij.I.]. KoGeUKJii, I. IllUltl- iicKoe MtcropoHueiiie iKe.i'fe.'Jiii.ix'i. JJ^4^ K\j)fi;()ii iNoepniii. [(iisement de mineral de fer d'lvnja, gouv. Kursk]. Gornozavodsk. list., Chari- kov, 14, 1901, (4765-4767, 4801- 4802, 4837-4839, 4869-4871, av. 3 pi.). [18 60f?6]. 488 Kobell, Franz von. Tafeln zur Bestiummng der Mineralien mittelst einfacher chemischer Versucke auf trockenem und nassem Weg. 14. Aufl. von K. Oebbeke. MLinchen(J. Lindauer), 1901, (XXIV 4- 122). 20 cm. 2,20 M. [32 D6000]. 4S9 Kobert, H. U. Das Wii-beltlerblut in mikrokristailogi-aphischer Hinsicht. Mit e. Vorwort v. R[ud]. Kobert. Stuttgart (F. Enke), 1901, (VII + 118). 25 cm. 5 M. [750 Q 5000 1150 0 0590 N 5207]. 490 KocMnke, H. MetaUausbringen beim Freiberger Bergbau- und Htittenbetriebe. Vortrag. Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1900, [1901],' (45-58, mit' 5 Taf.). ""[60 dc I 27]. 491 Koenig, G[eorge] A[ugustus]. Ueber Mohawkit, Stibiodomeykit, Domeykit, Algodouit und einige kiinstliclie Kup- ferarsenide. Zs. Krvstallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (67-77). [50 40]. 492 Koenigs, WiUielin und Knorr, Eduard. Ueber einige Derivate des Trauben- zuckers imd der Galactose. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (957-981). [750 D 1810 18.")0 Q 1422 1440]. 493 Konigsberger, Job . Die Minerallager- stiitten ini Biotitprotogin des Aarmassivs. X". Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 14,1901,(43-119). [18 82 60 c/i]. 494 Ueber ein ilikrophoto- J meter zur Messung der Absorption des I Lichts. Zs. Instrumentenk., Berlin, 21, 1901, (129-133). [630 410 C 3010 3850]. 495 J Koblmann. Ueber das deutsch-fran- fl zosiscli-luxemlKirgische Minettevoi-kom- ■ men nach den neuereu Aufschliissen. Berlin, Zs. Ver. D. Ing., 46,1902,(358- 359). [60 dd GO dc GOdf S2 J 27]. 496 Kohlschiitter, A'olkmar. Ueber das ^'orkomnlen von Stickstoff und Helium in Uranmineralien. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 317, 1901, (1.58-189). [12 D0490 0370 0810]. 497 Kolderup, Carl Fred. Einige Bemer- kungen iiber Ausscheiduugen von Titan- eisenerz inNorwegen. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (110). [18 82 60 da J 27]. 498 Kolderup, Carl Fred. Guldforekoms- terne i Alaska og tilgraensende str^g. [The existence of gold in Alaska and adjacent tracts of Canada.] Bergen, Naturen, 25, 1901, (361-3G6, with 2 fig.). [18 60 rja rjd 499 Eoninck, L. L. de. Bestimmung des Eisenoxydiils iuSilikatenundGesteinen ; Einfluss des Pvrits. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 26^ 19Ul, (123-liM). [87 D 6300 :. 500 [Konivisevskij, L.]. KonKjUieBChlii, J. reo.ioriiMecKiH ii.'Jc.itjoBamH bi. JiaKa.ibCKOMi. pyjooMi. paiiont. [Recherches geologiqiies dans la region miniere de Bakal.] St. Peterbiirg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, (397-409 - res. fr. 409-410). [60 dh]. 501 Eorda, D. Az elektromos kemencze- ben eloallithato femvegA'iiletekrol. [Ueber Metallverbinduugen, die sich im elektrischen Ofen erzeugeu lassen.] Math. Termt. £rt., Budapest, 19, 1901, (441-449). [16]. 502 Kom, Otto. V. Herzfeld, J. [KorsucMn, I.]. Koj);j\ \MH I., II. 0 pyjaxb Hti.oTopiiiM. .iaBtucnnx^ 4aHT. aaaajiHaro CK.iOHa cpejHHin y pa.ia. (Les minerais de quelques gisements du versant occidental de rOxu-al moven.) St. Peterljurg, Izv. Obsc. gorn. Inzener., 1901, 1 (4-13), 2 (1-16), 3 (1-13, av. 7 pi. et 1 carte). [60 dh]. 503 [Korvin-Sakovic, B. F.] KopBHUI.- CaKOBiiHi., 1). 0. Ooi OTKpbniii btj ToMCKoii ryoepiiiii CyjHieHtKaro KaMeHHoyro.ihiiaro MtcTDpoH^ueiiia BI, uacceiiiit pthii Ma.ja.ioBCKaro KlITaia. [Sur la decouverte du gisement de houiUe Soudgenka dans le bassin du fleure ilazalovskij Kitate (gouv. Tomsk).] St. Peterburg, r»uevn. XI Sjezda niss. jest. vraO.. 1901, (132). [18 mca]. 504 Eoss, M. V. Meyer, Richard. Jos. [Eovaiev, P.]. KoBa.ieBb, II. Ten- jonmecKitt H.ic.iijoBaiiia bi. LaKa.iht'KOM^ py,uio>n. j)aiion1;. MtcTopoHijeHifl ropbi IIj)Kyii.am.. [Recherches geologiques dans la region miniere de Bakal. Gisements du mont Irkouskan.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, ;411-434, res. fr. 434). [60 dh]. 505 Eoziorowskl, K. Procentowosc gal- manow krajowych i kilka slow o miner- alach posrod nicli uapotykauych. [Sur la composition des calamines de la Pologne. Remarques sur les minerais qu'elles contienneut.] Chem. Pols., Warszawa, 2, 1902, f217-222). [18 50 60 dh]. 506 Eramsztyk, Stani-Iaw. Wstep do nauk przrodniczych. \\ : ilichalski, St. i Heflich, Al., Poradnikdla samoukow. Cz. 1, '^^-yd. 2-gie. [Introduction aui sciences naturelles. Dans : Michalski, St. et Heflich, Al., Guide pour les auto- didactes. 2<*^ ed., 1"^^ partie, Warszawa, 1901, (28-47). [0050 0030]. 507 [Eraievskij.P.X.]. KpauieBCKiii, n. II. iJaMbTKa 001. OAQOii n04Bt CI. Vpa.lfl. [Notice sur ua specimen du sol de I'Oural.] Pedologie, St. Peterburg, 3, 1901, (287-294). [83 60 '^".]. ^ 50iS [ErasnopolskLj, Alexander Alexandro- vic]. Kitaciiniio.ii.ci.iii, A. Ba- Ka.ibCKia, llii3epcKiH, litioittnKia, AB3Hm>-IIt^Tp(»BfKifl 11 3iira.5iiHCi,ifl MtcTopo;K4eHia Hie.itiiiibixi. py,n' Bb lOHiHOMT, A pa.lt. [Gisements de minerai de fer de Bakal, d'Inser, de Beloretzk, d'Avzian et de Zigaza (Oural meridional).] St. Peterburg, BuU. Com. geol.. 20, 1901, (1-88 -^ res. fr. 88-89). [18 60 dh]. 509 Erause, Ernst. Vei-steinerte Walder [in Arizona]. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, (262-265). [60 r/i 50 K 35. 6500 M 65001]- ^^^ Eraut, K. Cum giano salis. Die Kali-ludustrie im Leine- mid Weserge- biete und das Gutachten der Kcinigl. Wissenschaftl. Deputation f. d. Medicin- alwesen iiber die Einwirkung der Kali- ludustrie-Abwasser auf die Flusse. Berlin (A. Sevdel), 1902, (IV ~ 73, mit 2 Taf.). 27" cm. 3 M. [60 de 18 Q 1881 D65O0 J 52]. 511 [Erotov, Petr Ivanovii]. KpDTOBl., II. II. 0 MOBOMi. M-kcTrtpO/Kjeniu B0.n;01H'i;i)ina. [Sur im nouveau gisement de wolkonskoit.] St. Peter- burcT, Dnevn. XI Sjt^zda russ. jest, vra.-.. 1901, (132-133). [50 60-/6]. 512 58 Krug. Beitrag zur Keuntniss der Braunkolilenablagenmg in der Provinz Posen. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 10, 1902, (53-55). [60 de 18 H 80 J 27]. 513 Krusch, P[aul]. Die Tellnrerze West- Anstraliens. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (211-217). [18 83 60 ih J 27 H 28 D 0760]. 514 Die Classification der Erz- lagerstatten von Kupferberg in Schlesien. Zs. prakt. Geol.. Berlin, 9, 1901, (226- 229). [18 60 dc J 27]. 515 Sinyt, Alb. C. Het yzer in Midden- Celebes. [Das Eisen in Mittel-Celebes.] 's Gravenhage, Bijdragen Taal-, Land- en Volkenkimde van Xederlandsch-Indie, (Ser. 6), 9, 1901, (148-160, mit 3 Taf.). [60 egl 516 Kubierschky, K. Ueber ein eigen- thiimlifhes .Salzvorkommen imsogenann- ten Magdeburg-Halberstadter Becken. Mit Nachtrag von J. H. van't Hoff. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (404- 415). [40 50 60 Jc 18 16 J 27 D 6500J. 517 [Kuitaiev]. KviraiiitMn.. HacTa- B.ienie hi. iijJiiMtiieiiiio TajKcibixi. }KH4K0CTeii Bi. MiiHepa.ioriii ii neiporpa-l'l'll. [Instruction pour I'em- ploi des liqueurs lourdes en mineralogie et petrographie.] Jurjev, Acta Univ., 9, 1901, I, (1-13, av. 2 pi.). [31]. 518 Eunz, G[eorge] F[rederick]. Les progres de la production des pierres precieuses aux Etats-Unis. Congres geologique international de 1900, Paris, 1,1901,(393-395). [19 60 gfl 519 Euss, H. L'industrie minerale de I'Australie occidentale. Ann. mines, Paris, 19, 1901, (47-69). [18 60 ihl 520 Kynaston, Herbert. Notes on contact metamorpliism round the Cheviot granite. Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, 8, 1901. (18-26). [GOde 84]. 521 On some tuft's associated with the andesitic lavas of Lome. Edin- burgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, 8, 1901, (87- 90, with pi.). [60 de 82]. 522 Xotes on the volcanic rocks of the Cheviot Hills. Yorks. Proc. Geol. Polvt. Soc, fX. Ser.). 14, 1901 , (183-188). [60'de 82]. 523 Lacroix, A[lfred]. Mineralogie de la France et de ses colonies. Description physique et chimique des mineraux. Etudo des conditions geologiques de leurs gisements. 3, l' fascicide. Paris (Berauger), 1901, (VI -f 400K 25 cm. [0030 13 80 60 df f he hd il ed mb]. 524 Sur I'origine de I'or a Madagascar. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132,1901,(180-182). [13 60 //;] 525 Sur un nouveau groupe de roches tres-basiques. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (358-360). [82 87 60 df]. 526 ■ Sur la province petro- graphique du X-0. de iladagascar. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (439- 441). [85 60 //i]. 527 Conclusions a tirer de I'etude de la serie des enclaves homoeo- genes d'mie roche volcanique. La Berie des enclaves homoeogenes des andesites a haiiyne du Mont-Dore. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (1033-1036). [82 QO df}. 528 Sur la forsterite et les pseudomorphoses de dipyre en forsterite et spinelle des contacts des roches Iher- zolitiques de I'Ariege. Paris, Bui. soc. fran?. miner., 24, 1901,(14-22). [15 50 60 df]. 529 Les calcaires a prehnite des contacts granitiques des Hautes- Pvreuees. Paris, Bui. soc. franc miner., 24, 1901, (22-27) ; Bui. Museum, Paris. 1901, (94-96). [84 60 df]. 5-30 Sur un arseniate d'alumine de la minede la Garomie (Var). Paris, Bui. soc. franc miner., 24, 1901, (27-30). [50 60r/f]. 531 X'ote sur les roches a lepidolite et topaze du Limousin. Paris, Bid. soc. fran^. miner., 24, 1901, (30- 34). [82 60|>- [Puits de sondage de la societe ,,Salachaj" pres de la station Navaga du chin, de fer du Ti'anscaucase.] Vest. oro5. i gorn. dSla Kavk., TiBis, 1901, 4, (3-7). [60 dh]. 561 Letorun. Note sm- I'indiistrie du sel daus le departement de Meurthe et Moselle. C.-R. cong. soc. sav., Paris, 1901,(94-100). [18 60 c//]. 562 Leclere, Andi-e. Ressources minerales et avenir economiq^ue des jDrovinces cliinoises voisines du Tonkin. Rouen, Bui. soc. geog., 23, 1901, (150-169, av. fg.). [60f6j. 563 Etude geologiqueetminiere des provinces chinoises voisines du Ton- kin. Ann. mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 20, 1901, (287-481, av. pi. et cartes). [82 83 84 60 eb]. 564 Lee, John W. r. Bibbins, A. W. Lehmann, O[tto]. Pliissige Krystalle, Entgegnung auf die Bemerkuugen des Hrn. G. Tammann. Ann. Phvsik, Leip- zig, (4. Folge), 5, 1901, (236-239). [200 D 7100]. 565 Lehnert, Georg. Das Porzellan. (Sanunlung illustrierter Mono- graphien. 6.) Bielefeld u. Leipzig (Velhagen & Klasiug), 1902, (152). 26 cm. 4M. [18 D 0120]. 566 Leidie. Sur nne nouvelle methode generale de separation des metaux de la mine de platine. J. pharm. chim., Paris, (ser. 6), 13, 1901, (18-23). [18]. 567 ■ Palladium, iridium, rhod- ium. Eucvcl. chim. de Fremv, Paris (Dunod), 1901, 3, 3^ fasc. (395). 24 cm. 5. [18 700]. 568 et Quennessen. Sur le dosage du platine et de I'iridium dans la mine de ])latine. Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25, 26, 1901, (840-842). [18]. 569 Lemiere, L. Sur la transformation des vegetaux en combustibles fossiles. 8"* Congres geologique international 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (502-520). [83]. 570 Leonard, Arthur Gray. The basic rocks of North-eastern Maryland and their relation to the granite. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 28, 1901, (135-176, with 5 pi.). [82]. 571 Leppla, A[ugust]. Ueber den soge- nannten Sonnenbrand der Basalte. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (170-176). [82]. 572 Leprince-Ringuet. Etude geologique aur le nord de la Chine. Ann. mines., Paris, (ser. 9), 19, 1901, (346-430). [83 mch]. 573 Le Roy, Osmond Edgar. Geology of Rigaud Mountains, Canada. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Rochester, N.Y., 12, 1901, (377-394, with pi.). [CO gd 82 J 01 (jdl 574 Levi, M. G. Sul potere rotatorio del quarzo alia temperatura dell' aria liquida. Venezia, Atti 1st. ven., 60, 1901, (559- 560). [430]. 575 [Levickij, Anton]. JeKHUKiii, Ani. Hhci.D.ll.KO CMC in. 0 KopOTKOBCKOM'L M'I)(no|)0)K4eniii HJt'jtiuii.ixb h Mt.,^llbl\'h py4'b. [Quelques mots sur le gisement du mineral de fer et de cuivre pres de Korotkovskoje]. VeSt. zolotopromygl., Tomsk, 1901, (12-13). [18 60 ea]. 576 Levy, A. G. On the Analvsis of Samarskite. London, Anal., 26, 1901, (64-68). [50 1) 6500]. 577 Lewinski, Jan. Wskazowki do kom- pletowauia zbiorow krajowych a) mineralogicznych, b) petrograficznych, c) geologicznych. W : Michalski, St. i Heflich, "A1., Poraduik dla samoukow, Cz. 1, wyd. 2-gie. [In.structions pour completer' les collections a) minera- logiques, b) petrographiqiies, c) geolo- giques. Dans: Michalski, St. et Heflich, AL, Guide pour les autodidactes, 2''*' ed., 1'' parcie]. Warszawa, 1901, (182-197). [0050 0060]. 578 Liebenam, W. Goldbergbau in Aeaypten. (Nach e. Vortr. v. Ch. A. All'ordi. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 10, 1902, (9-15). [60 fb 18 J 27]. 579 Die Kohlenfelder ini nor- dostlichen China. (Nach e. Vortr. v. N F. Drake.) Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 10, 1902, (43-53, 84-88). [60 cb 18 H 55 J 27]. ■ 580 Liebisch, Theodor. Die Synthese der Mineralieu und Gesteine. Festrede. (iottingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 1901, (28). 25 cm. 0.40 M. [16 80 H 28]. 581 (51 Lierke, E. Die Kalisalze,' dereii Gewinnuiig, Vertrieb luid Anwendung in der Landwirtschaft. Stassfiut (R. Weickej, 1901, {■22, mit 5 Taf.). 29 cm. 1,50 J[. [18 CO c7c J 27 D 0420 M 3000]. 582 Linck, G[ottlob Ed.]. Ueber die duiikelen Rindeu der Gesteine der Wiis- ten. Jeuaische Zs. Xatw., 35, 1901, (329-336). [80]. 583 • Tabellen ziir Gesteius- kuade fiir Geologen, Mineralogen, Berg- leute, Chemiker, Landwirthe uud Tech- niker. Jena (G. Fischer), 1902, (III, jiiit 8 Tabellen nnd 3 Taf.). 25 cm. 2M. [80]. ' 584 Lindgren, Waldemar. Metasomatic processes in fissure veins. Trans. Amer. Inst. ilin. Engin., Xew York, X.Y., 30, 1901, (578-692). [18 80]. 585 [lisenko, Konou IvanoviC-]. .IlIceHKO, K. 06'L onieyiiopHhixi. r.uinax'F. u 4|jvni\i. no.ie.jiibixi. ncKouaeMbivi. Bi. ohpecTHocTflXT, r. BopoiioKa. [Sur I'argile refractaire et les autres minerairx utiles des environs de Yoronez.] S. Peterburg, 1901, (1-21), 25 cm. [IS 60c?6]. 586 Liversidge, A. Crystalline stincture of unggets. Austral, ilin. Stand., ilel- bourne, 20, 1901, (380-381, 419-420, with 13 figs.). [-50 200]. 587 Lobel, Loicq de. Relation de voyage ail Klondvke. Bnll. Museum, Paris, 1901, (99-103). [60 ga 18 60 c]. 588 Loczka, J[ozsef]. A Botes-hegyrol valo tetraedrit chemiai elemzese. [Die chemische Analyse des Tetraedrits vom Berge Botes]. Magy. Chem. F., Buda- pest, 7, 1901, (7-10). [QOdk 50]. 589 Chemische Analyse eines Tetraedrits vom Berge Botes in Ungarn. Zs. Krvstallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (84-87).' [50 GOf/A-]. " 590 Ket maguesit chemiai elemzese. [Chemische Analyse zweier Magnesite]. Mag)-. Chem. F., Budapest, 7, 1901, (97). [5(1]. 591 [Loewinson-Lessing, Franz Julievic]. JcBmicoH'i.-.h'ccii II r I., . K). 4oK.ia4'i.,c,it>.iainibiii m. iiporpaMM- iiOMi. .uict^aiiin cciiniii rco-ioiin ii MHiiepa.ioriH \l (-i.t^ua I'ncci.iixi. EcTCCTBOHcnriiTaTe.u'ii ii BpaHcii no HOiipocy 0 iiocraiiOB.it'nijixi, \'I1I reo.ioni'iecKaro KonrjK'cca otho- cine.ibHO iierporpaa'HMecKoii iio- MeHK.iarypbl. [Conference, tenue a l;i seance de la section de geologie et de mineralogie du XI Congi-es des Xatura- listes et Medecins russes, sur la nomen- clature petrogi-aphique selon les resolu- tions du YIIl Congi-es geologique inter- national.] St. Peterburg, I>nevn. XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, (613- 616). [i.Hjlo IJ070]. 592 [Loewinson-Lessing, Franz Julievic]. Rapjjort de la commission intemationale de nomenclature des Roches. 8'' Congres geologiqiie international 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (215-218). [0020 0070 80]. 593 Xotice sur mi projet de nomenclature des Roches. 8" Congres geologique international 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (218-224). [0070 80 82]. 594 Lexique petrographique prepare par M. F. Loewinson-Lessing et public avec le concours de divers petro- graphes, sous les auspices de la com- mission iuternatiouale de petrographie du YIII" congres geologique inter- national. Congres geologique inter- national de 1900, Paris, 2, 1901, (1005- 1302). [0030 80]. 595 Longe, F. D. On the fonnation of flints in chalk. Xorwich, Trans. Xat. Soc , 7, 1901, (148-155). [83]. 596 Lotti, B. Sui deposit! ferriferi dell' Elba e della regione litoranea tosco- romaua. Rass. niineraria, Torino, 14, 1901, (54-55). [18 60 dh]. 597 Sul giacimento di i)irite di Gavorrano in Toscana. Rass. niine- raria, Torino, 15, 1901, (273-275). [18 60 (//;]• 598 Die Zinnober und Antimon fiihrenden Lagerstatten Toscanas und ihre Bezielimigen zu den quartiiren Eruptivffesteinen. Zs. prakt. (Jeol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (41-46). [18 60 dit J 27]. 599 I giacimenfi cinabriferi e antimoniferi della Toscana e la lore relazione con le roccie eruttive quater- narie. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14, 1901,(117-119,136-138). [18 00 dh]. (ilK) Sul giacimento sedimeu- tario cupro-])loml)il'ero di (."aji Garonne presso Tolone. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14,1901,(245-247). [18 60 ti/]. 601 62 Lotti, B. Die geschichteten Erzla- gerstiitten und das Erzlager voin Cap Garonne in Frankreich. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (281-283). [60^// H28 J27J. G02 Lownds, Lonis. The thei-momagnetic and thermoelectric properties of crystal- line bismuth. Phil. Masj., London, (Ser. 6), 2, 1901, (325-341). ^ [340 350]. 603 — Ueber das thermomag- netische nnd thermoelektrische Verhal- ten des krystallinischen Wismuts. Ann, Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 6, 1901, (146-162). [.340 350 C5710 D0190 7250]. 604 [Lucickij, V.]. JyMUHKiii, B. 0 MHKpocKoiiii'iecKOMi. CTpoeiiin nt- KOTopbi\T> TpeTH'iHbixi. necHaini- KOBl, lO'.KIIOii Poccin. [La structure microscopique de quelqnes gres du sud de la Riissie.] Kiev, Zap. ObSc. jest., 17, 1901, 1, (205-272, av. 1 pi.). [83 CO db]. 605 Ludwig, A. Die Schmelzung der Kolile. Zs. Elektroch., Halle, 8, 1902, (273-281). [50 16 D 0210 7200 7000]. 606 Liidecke, [Otto]. Eine neue Modifika- tion des kohlensauren Kalkes. Zs. Xatw., Stuttgart, 74, 1901, (125-126). [50 D0220]. 607 Luhmann, E. Die Magnesia-Cemente. Zs. Kohlensaurelnd., Berlin, 7, 1901, (595-597). [18 D 0460]. 608 Lunge, G. Zur Analyse des Schwe- felkieses und zur Schwefelsaure-Bestim- niung im Allgemeinen. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 15, 1902, (73-74). [18 D 6300 6500]. 609 [Lungwlc]. .I\ lirBlIUI.. ^io.lOTbIfl po.ffbiiiii HpniaiicKoii ruiaiibi. Ik'peBO^b U>p(MiMana. [Les placers auriferes de la Ciuyane britannique. Traduit par Freimann.j Vest, zolo- topromysL, Tomsk, 1901, (78-80, 99- 101). [IS mhd]. 610 [Lutugin, Leonid Ivanovic]. .lvT\- niH'b, J. M-fecToposK^enie KaMcu- iiaro \r.ui o.iii.n. m. IIuaiioBua, (liaBfliiO('('|»uL'Kar{) yt.ua, Ebaie- piIIIOCUlBCKDii r\0. [Gisement de houille pres du village Ivanovka, distr. de Slavianoserbsk, gouv. d'Ekaterinoslav.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, proc.-verb. (126-127). [18 60r/6]. 611 [Lutugin, Leonid Ivanovic]. .IVTV- rnH'b, .1. rea.iorii4ecKf)ecTpoeiiie OKpecTiiocTeii ce.ia ISIi.iaro, CuiBa- Hocep5cbaro yfe.^a EiwiTepHiioc.iaB- CKOii ryo. [Constitution geologique des environs du village Beloje, distr. de Slavianoserbsk, gouv. d'Ekaterino- slav.] St. Peterburg, Btdl. Com. geol., 20, 1901, proces-verb. (3-4). [QO db]. 612 Lybum, E. St. John. Prospecting for gold in Co. Wicklow, and an exami- nation of Irish rocks for gold and silver. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, (N. Ser.), 9,1901,(422-435). [50 60 de]. 613 Mabery, Charles F[rederic] and Hudson, Edward J. On the composi- tion of California petroleum. Boston, Mass., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 36, 1901,(255-283). [D6500 G 18 60 gi]. 614 Composition of Texas petroleum. J. Amer. Chem. Soc, Eastou, Pa., 23, 1901, (264-267). [18 60.7' DllOO]. 615 McCallie, S. W. Some notes on the trajj dvkes of Georgia. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Mimi., 27, 1901, (133-134, with 3 pi.). [82 aOgh]. 616 McHenry, Alexander. v. Kilroe, James Robinson. Mackie, W[illiam]. Seventy chemical analyses of rocks (chiefly from the Moray area). Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, "8, 1901, f 33-60, with pi.). [60 de 87]. 617 On differences in chemical composition between central and mar- ginal zones of granite veins, with further evidence of exchanges between such veins and the contact rocks. Edinburgh, Trans. Geol. Soc, 8, 1901, (98-113). [82]. 618 The occurrence of barium sulphate and calcium iluoride as cement- ing substances in the Elgin Trias. London, Rep. Brit. A.ss., 1901, (Glas- gow), (649-650). [50 60(7c 83]. 619 The occurrence of covellite in association with malachite in the sandstone of Kingsteps, Nairn. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow). (651). [50 60 de]. 620 03 Maclaren, J. Malcolm. The source of the alluvial gold of the Kildoilan Field, Sutherland. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (651-:;). [.jO 60 de]. 621 Field notes on the influence of organic matter on the deposition of gold in veins. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (652). [50]. 622 McMahon, C[harles] A[lexander]. Ko:es ou the tourmaline of the white granite of Meldon, Dartmoor. Geol. Mag., London, (X. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, lUOI, (316-319). [50 60 dc 82j. 623 Petrological Xotes on some peridotites, serpentines, gabbros and associated rocks, from Ladakh, Xorth- Western Himalayas. Mem. Geol. Surr. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 3, 1001, (303-329, with pis.). [82 60ef\. 624 Macnair, Peter. On the physical geolog}- and palaeontology of the Giffnock sandstones, and their bearing on the origin of sandstone rock generally. (Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 19()0 [1901], (199 231). [60 de 83]. 625 On the crystalline schists of the southern Highlands. Their phy- sical structure and its prol>able manner of development. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (633-4 1 ; Geol. Mag., London, (X. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (567-568). [60 (/e 84]. 626 McNairn, VC. Harvey. On a large i^ldogopite crystal. Aruer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn.', (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (398). [50]. 627 Mahrburg, Adam. Podziai i ukZad nauk. W. Michalski, Stan, i Heflich, Al., Poradnik dla sanaoukow. Cz. I, wyd. 2-gie. [Classification des sciences. Dans : Michalski, Stan, et Heflich, Al., Guide pour les autodidactesl 2'*<' ed., 1" partie, Warszawa, 1901, (XV-XLll). [0000 0050]. 628 Manasse, Ermesto]. Studio chimico- niicroscopiro sul Gabbro rosso del Romito. Proc. verb. Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 12, 1901, (160-167). [82 60 dh]. 629 Su di alcune rocce della crocetta presso S. Piero in Campo (Isola d'Elba). Proc. verb. Soc. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 12, 1901, (214-223). [82 60 dh]. 630 Mansuy, H. Xotice sur la jiierre de Bienhoa [silicate hydrate d'aluniiue avec Fe' 0^]. Bui. ^on. Indo-Chine, Saigon, 1901, 1006-1007;. [60 ed 83 18]. 631 Mansuy, H. La nature des roches employees dans la construction des monuments anciens de I'lndo-Chine. Bui. econ. Indo-Chine, Saigon, 1901, (1084-1086). [83 60 cd 18]. 632 Maquenne, L. .Svnthese et proprietes de I'erythiite. Ami. chim. phys., Paris, (ser. 7), 24, 1901, (399^12). [750]. 633 • et Bertrand, G. Sur les erythrites actives. Paris, C.-R., Acad, sci., 132, 1901. (1419-1421): Paris, Bid. soc. chim., 25, lOul, 1 740-74.3). [540 750]. 034 Sur I'erythrite racemique. Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25- 26, 1901, (743-745). [540 750]. 636 Mar, F. W. On the so-called perof- skite from Magnet Cove, Arkansas, (From Amer. J. Sci., X'ew Haven, Conn., 40, (403) ). [In research papers from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Uni- yersity, v. Gooch, F. A, ed]. [.5U 60 gi]. 037 Marino, L. v. Piccini, Augusto. Martens, F. F. Leber die Dispersion idtravioletter Strahleu in Steiusalz und Svlvin. Berlin, ^■e^h. D. physik. Ges.. 3,1901,(31-3.5). [420 C3030 3830]. 638 Mattirolo, E. Bauxiti italiane. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14, 1901, (229-2.30'. [50 60dhl 639 Maussier. Les filons metalliferes a gangue de spath fluor de la region de Langeac. St. Etienne, Bui. soc. indust. miner., 1901, (198-204 . [-50 60 df]. 640 [Meister, Alexandr Karlovicl. Meii- CTepi., .\. K. rco.iorii'iecKin h.k-.iI;- 40Baili(l BI. lOlKllO-ElllKTiicKDMl. ro|)iioMi, ()i;|)\ii; iti. 1899 nav (liaccciiiii.i j)iii;i. H. ii Al. .M}|)i;- HJHoii, Mojjiioii II Phioiiiuij. [Les bassins des rivieres Grande et Petite Mourojnaia, Tchernaia et Rybnaia.] Explor. geolog. reg. aurif. Siberie, (Region aurifere d'lenissei), St. Peter- burg, 2, 1901, (1-36 -f- res. £r. 37-38. av. 1 carte). [18 60 ea]. 641 Melczer, G. Pyrit a Monzoni hegAiiJ!. [Pvrit voii Monzoiii.] Foldt. Kozl.. Budapest. 32, 1902, (208-210). [50 60 dk]. 642 K u Melczer, ( i . Adatok a koruiid kristaly- tani es optikai ismeretehez. [Beitrage zur krystallographischeu und optischeu Kenntniss des Korund]. Math. Teruit. irt., Budapest, 19, 19U1, (470-497, mit 2 Taf.). [50]. 643 Mennell, F. P. The copper-beariug rocks of South Australia. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (665); Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4j, 8, 1901, (520-521). [60 ig 80]. 644 Meirill, George P[erkins]. Guide to the study of the collections in the section of Applied Geolog}' [U. S. National Museiun]. The Xonmetallic Minerals, Washington, D.C., Eep. Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus.. 1899, 1901, (155- 483, with pi.). [006U 18 H 0060J. 645 On a stony meteorite, which fell near Felix, Perrv County, Alabama, May 15, 1900. Washington, D.C, Smith- sonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 24, 1901, (193-198, with 2 pis.). Published as separate, 24.5 cm. [GO flh 73 70]. 646 Messmer, Hemiann. Bitimien und Asphalt. Natiir, Halle, 50. 1901, (231- 234, 244-246, 256-258). [18]. 647 Meunier, Stan[islas]. Le fer meteor- ique de N 'Gourevnia. Naturaliste, Paris, (ser. 2), 23, 1901, (105-107). [60 ic 70 73]. 648 Sur une masse de fer metallique qu'on dit etre tombee du ciel, au Soudan, le 15 Juin 1900. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132,1901,(441-444). [60 /c 70 73]. 649 Sur I'origiue et le mode de formation du minerai de fer oolilliicjue delorraine. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1008-1010). [60 de 83]. 650 Examen d'une meteorite tombee dans I'ile de Ceylan, le 13 avril 1795. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901,(501-503). [70 73 60 e/]. 651 Meyer, Otto and Penfield, Samuel L[ewis]. Results obtained by etching a sphere and ci^stals of quartz with hydrofluoric acid. (From Transactions of Connecticut Academy, 1889, 8, (158- 165). [In contributions to mineralogy- and petrograpliv from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School 1901, Penfield and Pirs- son, cds.]. [320]. 652 Meyer, Richard Jos. und Jacoby, Richard. Die Doppelnitrate des vier- wertigen Ceriimis uud des Thoriums. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (359-389). [700 D 0240 7100J. 653 Meyerhofifer, W[ilhelm]. Ueber reziproke Salzpaare. HI. Schmelz- punkte reziproker Salzjoaare ; Auf- schliessen und Synthese von Mineralien durch dopioelte Umsetzimg. Zs. phvsik. Chem., Leipzig. 38, 1901. (.307-325). [12 16 D 70.50 7200 6o00]. 654 r. van't Hoff, Jakob Hein- rich. Meyn, Ludwig. Anfang und Ende der .Salzgewinnung in denHerzogtiimem. Heimat,'Kiel, 11, 1901, (15-17, 34-37, 52-57, 91-93). [18 J 27]. 655 Michaelis, A[ug.]. Ueber Thio- und Selenoantipyrin und liber die Constitu- tion des Antipyrins. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 320, 1902," (1-51). [750 D 19.30 1940 7000 7100 Q 9180]. 656 Michalski, Stauislaw et Heflich, Alek- sauder. Poradnik dla samoukow. Czesc. I. Wydanie drugie, jDizerobione i uzupelnione. [Matematyka, Nauki przyrodnicze. [Guide pour les auto- didactes. 2''* ed., l" partie. Sciences mathematiques et naturelles.] Par : MM. WL Biegaiiski, W. Biernacki, 0. Bujwid, S. Dickstein, J. Eismond, E. Flatau, S. Kramsztyk, N. Kosta- necki, L. Krzywicki, A. Kuczynski, J. Lewinski, A. Mahrlnu-g. L. Mar- chlewski, .1. Morozewicz, Wl. Natan- Bon, J. Nusbaum, J. Peszke, W. Swi^tecki et E. Strumpf. Editeurs MM. Stanislaw Michalski et Aleksander Heflich. Warszawa, 1901, (XLII -f 728). 23 cm. [0050 0030]. 657 Micheli, F. J. Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatar auf die Dispersion ultravioletter Strahlen in Flussspat, Steinsalz, Quarz und Kalkspat. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (772-790, mit 1 Taf.). [50 420 C 3030 3830]. 658 Miers, H[enry] A[lexander]. Ram- raelsberg memorial lectui-e. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (1-43, with pi.). [0010]. 659 The Tamnaumineralogical endowment. Natxu-e, London, 63,1901, (453-454). [0060]. 660 65 Miers, H[eiiry] A[lexaiKlei]. Bemerk- ung iiber die vou Hartley analysirteii Miueralieu Hitclicockit, PJiunbogummit unci Beudantit. Zs. Krystallogr. , Leii> zig, 34, 1901, (128-132). [50]. 661 Yukon. A visit to the Yukon Goldfields. Letter from Hemy A. Miers [to the Hon. Clifford Sifton, Canadian Minister of the Interior]. [Oxford?], 1901, 1 (.32), 22 cm. [IS 60 ge]. 662 W. P. Wynne and H. E. Armstrong. Isomorphous Derivatives of Benzene. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901 I Glasgow), (78). [olOj. 663 V. Barlow, W. Milch, L[ud\vig]. Leber den Granit- gneiss vom Roc noir (Maisiv der Dent blanche, siidwestliches Wallisl. N. Jaiirb. Min., Stuttgart, 1901, 1, (49-88). [60 di 84]. 664 Miller, Willet G. On some newly discovered areas of nejjheline syenyte in central Canada. Amer. Geol., Min- neapolis, Minn., 27, 1901, (21-2.5). |S2 60 gb 84]. 665 Mlllosevich, Federico. Di alcuni giaciuienti di aluno^eno in provincia di Roma. Roma, BoU. Soc. geol. ital., 20, 1901, (263-270). [50 60 dh]. 666 Perowskite di Emarese in Val d'Aosta. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (209-211). [50 60 dh]. 667 Studio cristallografico dei perclorati di luteocobaltiammine pre- parati dal dott. Ugo Alvisi. Gazz. chim. ital., Palermo, 31, 1901, (285). [700]. G68 V. Angelis (De) d'Ossat, G. MingTiin, J. et de Bollemout, E. Gregoire. Sur le racemisme. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901,(1573-1576). [540]. 670 Minor, J. C. jr. v. Penlield, S[amuel L^ewis], Moesz, G. Baryt, antimonit, pyrargy- rlt es pyrit Konnocz lDauyar('»l. [Baryt, Antimonit, Pyrargyrit und Pyrit von lvonu()czbanya.] Fuldt. KozL, Buda- pest, 32, 1902, (39-46, 3 Taf.). [60(//> 50]. 671 (g-10253) Moissan, H. Nouveau traitement de la uiobite : preparation et propriete de la fontedu niobium. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci.. 133, 1901, (20-25). [50]. 672 Monod, (i. H. Contribution a I'etude geologique des provinces meridionales de la Chine. Le Charlion. Bui. econ. Indo- Cliine, Saigon, 1901, (227-234). 18 83 60 eb]'. 673 • Sur la presence d'un gise- ment d'antliracite devonien au Koui- tcheou (Chine). Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 132, 1901, (270-272). [CO eb 83 18]. 674 Morange. Terres tourbeuses de Cochinchine. Bui. econ. Indo-Chine, Saigon, 1901, (401-402). [83 60 edl 675 Morgaji, Conwy Lloyd and Reynolds, Sidney Hugh. The igneous rocks and associated sedimentary beds of the Tort- worth iuller. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (267-284, with pis.). [60 '/e 82]. 676 Morgan, Leonard P. and Smith, Edgar F. Experiments on chalcopyrite. J. Amer. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 23, 1901, (107-109) ; Chem. News, London, 84, 1901. (29-30). [12 50 D 0290 0320]. 677 [Morozevicz, Jozef.] M(»|iO:{eBli'ri.,I. Ot'R'ti. 0 3ar[)amiMiJ()ii komuiij- lipOBKlj. [Compte-rendu d'une mission a I'etranger.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, (521-572 + res. fr. 542). [0060 60 da]. 678 Tdpa MariiiiTiiaH ii rn 6.IlI}Kaillllill OiqjeniKX'TH. [Le mont Magnitnaia et ses alentours.] St. Peter- burg, Mem. Com. geol., 18, I, 1901, (I -^ 73 -r res. fr. 74-104, av. 6 pi. et 1 carte). [60.76 82]. 679 Mineralogia i geologia. W : Michalski St. i Heflich Al., Poradnik dlasanioukow, Cz.I,wyd. 2-gie. [.Miner- alo"ie et Geologic. Dans: .Miclialski St. et Heflich., Al., Guide jwur les auto- didactes, 2'"' ed., 1"' partie]. Warszawa, 1901, (152-181). [0050 0030]. 680 Moses, A[lfred] J. Miiieralogical Notes. .Vnier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12. 1901, (98-106). [50 60]. [Mercuric iodide from New- South Wales.] (98-99). [50 60 /<•]. [New forms on Bergen Hill jxH-tolite]. 66 (99-100). [50 60 r/;y]. [New forma on atacamite crystals from Chili]. (100-102). [50 60 hh]. [Realgar crystals from Snohomish Conntv, Washington]. (103). [50 GO gi\. [Vesuvianite from New Mexico]. (10^). [50 GO gi]. [Chrysoberyl crvstal from New York City]. (104-105). [50 60 fjg]. [A pyroxene crystal from the copper mines of Ducktown, Tenn.]. (105-106). [50 60 gh]. 681 Mourgues, Fernand. Contribution u I'etude des roches eruptives du midi de la France (region languedocienne). [These lac. sci.] iMontpellier (Delord- Boehm et Martial), 1901, (126 + 1 carte geol.). 25 cm. [82 60 df]. 682 Miigge, Otto. Krystallographische Untersuchungen iiber die Umlagenmgen und die Structur einiger niimetischer Krystalle. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 14, 1901, (246-318, m^it 4 Taf.). [230]. 683 Muller, J. A. Sur I'analyse des minerais d'ctain. Paris, Bul. soc.chim., 25-26,19(11,(1004-1007). [18]. 684 Mutlxmann, W[ilhelm], Hofer, H. and Weiss, L. Ueber die Darstellung der Metalle der Cergruppe durch Sclmielz- ■elektroivse. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig", 320, 1902, (231-269, mit 4 Taf.). [50 I)09U(J 0240 0910]. 685 Nakashima, Kenzo. Yoneyama, Zu. Chishito. Sets., Tokyo, Imp, Geol. Surv. Japan, 1901, (1-91, with pis. I-XIV.) [60 ec 82 ec 85 ec H 10 ec 35 ee 45 ce 60 ec 80 ec 95 et- QSec]. 686 Nangle, J. Notes on some well-known Australian building stones. Rep. Aus- tral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Melbourne, 8, 1901, (.350-351). [18 60 ic]. 687 Nason, Frank S. On the presence of a limestone conglomerate in the lead region of St. Francis County, Missouri. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (396). [18 60 gi]. 688 [Necaev, A.] Ilc'iaeiri., A. n])('J- liapiruMMibiii oi'ien. o roo.uMii- •locKiixi. M.KMli^oBaiiifix'i. ctisepo- liocTO'iiioii MacTU 130 .iHcia ^ecn- THHepcTiioii iu\[)TLi EBpontMiciioii Pocciw. [Compte-rendu preliminaire sur les recherches geologiques dans le gou- vernement d'()renbourg(feuille 130)]. St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, <173-196 + res. fr. 196-197). [60 db]. 689 Neuberg, C. und Wohlgemuth, J. Ueber das Verhalten der drei Arabinosen im Thierkorpcr. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1745-1 749). [540 Q 1430 7931 D 1840 8040]. 690 NeulDurger, Henry. Les gisements ]jetroliferes du departement d'Oran. Rapport adresse au Gouvernement general. Mustapha (impr. Algerienne), 1901, (99 -t- 1 carte). 24 cm. [60 fa 18]. 691 La geologie du petrole et son origine. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 16, 1901, (48-52). [18]. 692 Neumann, B. und Wittich, E. Natiir- liches Cadniiumoxyd. ChemZtg, Cothen, 25, (561-562). [,1o 60 dh I) 0230]. 693 Newton, R. Bullen. v. Conway, Sir [William] Martin. Nicbols, Henry W[indsor]. Nitrates in cave earths. Chicago, 111., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (236-243). [50 H 10]. 694 Nicholson, John Thomas, v. Adams, F. D. Nicolau, Th. Untersuchungen an den eisenf rdirenden Gesteinen der Insel Disko. Kjobenhavn, Medd. gronl., 24, 1901, (215-248). [60 hb 82 87 50]. (195 Niedenzu, Karl. v. Stobbe, Hans. Nikitin, V. V. r. Fedorov, E. S. Nolan, Joseph. Note on the volcanic agglomerate of Forkill, co. Armagh. Geog. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), 8,1901,(515-516). [60 (ie 82]. 696 Novarese, V. L'originedei giacimenti metulliferi di Brosso e Traversella in Piemonte. Roma, Boll. Corcitato geol., 32, 1901, (75-93). [18 GO ah]. 697 Nuttall, Zelia. Chalchihuitl in ancient Mexico. Amer. Anthrop., New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 3. 1901, (227-238). [50 GO hal 698 Nyholm, E[mil] T[lieodor]. Studier (if ver liuska natm'liga jordmaner. [Studien annatiirlichenfinlandischenBodenarten]. F. Forstforen. Medd., Helsiugfors, 18, 1901, i'205-2]S). [60 db 83]. 699 Oclisenius. Carl. Die norddeutschen Edelsalze. Natur,- Halle, 51, 1902, (126-128,139-141). [60dc 18 J 27]. 70(J Krystalloide von gedie- genem Ktipfer, aus Kupferkies auf Holz in Salzwasser hervorgegangeu. 67 Zs. piakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, I'.UJl, (307- 368). [50 D0290]. 7Ul Oebbeke, K[oiira(.l] uud Schwager, A. BeitriiiTe zur Geologie des Bayerischeu Waldes. 1. Ueber eia Gesteiu vou Appmaonsljerg. Geogn. Jalireshefte, Muiicheii, 14, 1901,(2^7-250). [60 cZe H 35J. 702 V. Koljell, Franz von. Oechslen, R. v. Wedekind, Edgar. O'Farelly, A. v. van't HofF, Jakob Heinrich. Oldham, R[ichardJ D[ixon]. Eco- nomic Geology [of the Son valley]. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 1, 1901, (172-174). [60 ef]. 703 Olszewski, Stanislaus. Ueber die Aussichten der retroleuraschurfungen im Thale des Laborecflusses bei Rad- vanv (in Oberungarn). Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (.353-356). [60 df 18 H 85 J 27]. 70i Ongaro, G. v. Squinabol, S. [otockij,P. v.] OtoukIii, 11. B. 0 cua.iii Meaj^y BbicoToii M-fecTiiocTii ji xapiiKiepoMi. Mepno.iOMa B'b llo.i-- TaBCKOii rxo^'puill. [Sm- la correla- tion entre I'altitude de I'endroit et la qualite du tchernosiome dans le gouv. Poltaval Pedologie, St. Peterburg, 3, 1901, (197-206 + res. fr. 203-206;" av. 2 cartes). [83 60 db]. 705 Otsuka, Sen-ichi. Miyazaki Znfuku Cbisliitsu Setsumeisho. [Expkxnatory Text to the Geological Map of iliyazaki Folio]. Zu. Chishits. Sets., Tokvo, Geol. Surv. Japan, 1901, (11 -f 31). 22 cm. [60 ec 82 H 35 ec 60 cc 80 ec 95 ec]. 706 Pampaloni, L. Scorie trachitiche deir Avenio nei campi Flegrei. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. o), 10, 1901, (151-156). [82 60f?/(]. '07 Panebianco, R[uggero]. Accenno ad Tina pul)lilicazione italiana con la quale si preteude dimostrare clie devesi sopprimere la legge di razionalita degli indici o legge di Haliy e la notazioue (segnatura) di Miller. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 190l, (3-4). [110]. 708 Recensione del lavoro di WuUiiig sul movimento luminoso nella tormalina col quale si ristabilisce la nota saperficie d'ouda dei cristaUi (q-10253) uniassi, stata abbattuta dal Viola. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 190l, (1-9). [400]. 709 Paris. Congres geologique interna- tional. Comptes-rendus de la Vlll' Session [1900], en France. Paris (Impr. Le Bigot, Lillej, 1901, 1" fasc. (1-672, av. 11 pi.) ; 2" fasc. (673- 1316, av. 11 pL), 2{j cm. [0020]. 710 Paris. Ministere de I'lnstruction publique et des Beaux-Arts — Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiqucs — Comptes-rendus du Congres des Societes savantes de Paris et des departe- ments, tenu a Nancy en 1901. Section des Sciences. Paris (impr. nat.), 1901, (341) 25 cm. [0020]. 711 Park, James. Xotes on a Quartz mica-diorite from western flanks of Moehau. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 33, 1901, (339-341). [60 iA: 82]. 712 . . . Hypersthene an- desite . . . Waihi Mine, [X. Zealand]. Wellington, Trans. X. Zeal. Inst., 33, 1901, (342-343). [60 ik 82]. 713 Parkinson, John. Notes on the geology of south-central Cevlou. Loudon, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (198-209). [60 e/ 82]. 714 The hollon' spherulites of the Yellowstone and Great Britain. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (211-225, with pL). [60 de gi 82]. 715 Paschen, F[r]. Eine neue Bestim- mimg der Dispersion des Flussspates im Ultrarot. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 4, 1901, (299-303). [50 C 3030]. 716 Pearce, F[rancis] et Duparc, L. Sur les dounees optiques relatives a la made de la pericline. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (60-62). [17 50 220 60'i/J. 717 — V. Duparc, L. Peck, F. Preliminary notes on the occurrence of serpentine and talc at Easton, Penna. New York, X.Y'., Ann. Acad. Sci., 13, 1901, (419-430, with pL). [50 60;/!/]. '^18 Peckbam, Herbert E. On the bitu- minous deposits situated at the South and East of Cardenas, Cuba. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (33-41). [18 60 he]. 719 68 Peckham, S[tephen] F[anuua]. Con- cerning rt'tene, petrolene and asijhal- tene. Pliiladelj)hia, Pa., J. Frank. Inst., 151, 1901, (50-Gl). [18]. 720 On the classification of crude petroleum. Philadelphia, Pa., J. Frank. Inst., 151, 1901, (114-124). [18]. 721 Remarks on paper by Herbert E. Pecliham on the bituminous deposits near Cardenas, Cuba.] Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser, 4), 12, 1901,(41). [18 mhc]. 722 Asjilialtum for a modern street. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 58, 1901, (225-237). [18]. 723 Pegram, Geo[rge] B. Radio-active minerals [not hitherto noted]. Science, New York, N.Y., (X. Ser.), 13, 1901, (274). [11 C 4200]. 724 Pelloux, Alberto. Ap^wnti sopra alcuni minerali delle Cetine di Cotor- niano presso Rosia (in provincia di Siena). Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (10-14). [60 |)lIOMI, cpoiiu'iiiii a.ti.oina n. MiiKpoK.iiiiioMi. ii:ti. ai!i inoitaro rjjaiiin'a n. ii(i,uiTU. [Hypotheses sur I'ori- gine du naphte.] Neft. delo, Baku, 1901, (1131-1437). [18]. 782 Przibylla, C. Beseitigimg der Abfall- laugen der Kaliindustrie. (Vortrag.) Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, l5, 1902, (71-78). [18 D0420]. 783 Puchner, H. Ein Versuch zmn Ver- gleich der Residtate verschiedeuer me- chanischer Bodenanalvsen. Landw. Versuchstat., Berlin, 56, 1901, (141- 148). [87 D 6500 J 27]. 784 Pusch, Julius. Die Naphtareviere bei Baku. Cmschau, Frankfurt a. M., 5, 1901,(181-187). [60f?6 J 27]. 785 Quennessen. v. Leidie. Quincke, G[eorg]. Ueber unsichtbare Fliissigkeitsschichten und die Oberfla- chenspamnmg fliissiger Niederschlage bei Niederschlagmembranen, Zellen, Colloiden xmd Gallerten. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (631-682, 701-744). [240 C 0300 D 7150] 780 Ueber Oberflachenspan- nung imd flussige Niederschlage. Berlin, Verb. D. physik. Ges.. 4, 1902, (46- 54). [240 C 0300 D 7150]. 787 Rabe, W. 0. Ueber die physikalische Isomeric des Thallopikrats. Zs. phvsik. Chem., Leipzig, 38, 1901, (175-184). [520 D0790 7000]. 788 Babelle. Emploi agricole des mine- rais phosphates locaux. Lille, Ann soc. ceol.. 30. 1901, (187-188). [18 60 df]. 78y Raisin, Catherine A. On certain altered rocks from near Bastogne [Bel- gian Ardennes]. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (55-71). [60 dd 84]. 790 Perim Island and its rela- tion to the area of the Red Sea. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (tilasgow), (640- 641). [60 /O- 791 72 Bamage, Hugh. v. Hartley, Walter Noel. Randolph, Beverley S. [In discussion of paper by Charles Catlett, on " Coal Outcrops."] Trans. Aiuer. Inst. Min. Engiu.., New York, N.T., 30, 1901, (1005-1006,). []S]. 792 Ransome, F[reclerick] L[eslie]. A peculiar ckistic dyke near Ouray, Colo- rado, and its associated deposit of silver ore. Trans Amer. Inst, Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (227-23(i). [18 60 na[)o}K,u'iii)i\i. iicI'Th hooGiuc li B'L Hain.iyiii im. MannocTii. [Sur le gisement de Navtluga et les gisements de naphte en general.] Vest, oros. i gorn. dela Kavk., Tifiis, 1901, 21, (7-lOj. [18]. 803 Richards, Joseph \V[illiani]. " Mo- hawkite." Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (457-458); Chem. News, London, 84, 1901, (29). [40 50]. 804 The measurement of gold and silver liuttons in quantitative blow- pijie assays. J. Amer. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa., 23, 1901, (203-212j. [32 D 6200]. 805 Richards, Theodore William and Archibald, Ebenezer Henry. A study of growing crystals b}- instantaneous photomicography. Boston, Mass., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 36, 1901, (341- 353, with 3 pi.); Baltimore, Md., Amer. Chem. J., 26, 1901, (61-74, with pi.); Phil. Mag., Loudon, (Ser. 6j, 2, 1901, (488-500, with pis.). [240 D 7100]. 806 Richardson, Clifford and Wallace, E. C. I'etroleum from the Beaumont, Texas, Field. London, J. Soc. Chem. Indust., 20, 4901, (690-603). [18 60 3/ 1) 6500J. 807 Rickard, T[homas] A[rtliur]. The telluride ores of Cripple Creek [Colo- rado] and Kalgoorlie [Australia]. Trans. Amer. Inst. -Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (708-718): Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 19, 1901, (153 and 190). [18 60 gi ih]. 808 ■ Bonanzas in gold veins. Austral, ilin. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (182-183). [13J. 809 73 Blmatori, C. Dati analitici su alcuni campioai di manganese di Sardegua. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 19U1 I'^sem., (226-1^32). [18 m dh]. 810 Binne, F[ritz]. Alte und neue Wand- lungen der Erde. Prometheus, Berlin, 13,1901, (.3.3-37). [80 J 01 H lo]. 811 Kupferreiche Saude im Malaguitgebiet beiParacale, Luzon. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901, (387-389). [GO-^-y 18 J 27]. 812 Gesteinskunde fiir Teclmi- ker, Bergingenieure und Studierende der Katurrt-issenschaften. Hannover (Gebr., Janecke), 1901, (VII + 206, mit 4 Taf.). 28 cm. Geb. 9,60 M. [80 H30 28 J 27]. 813 Riva, C[arlo]. Sopra due sanidiniti delle isole Flegree con alcune consider- azioni intorno all' irapiego di liquidi a noto indice di rifrazione per la deter- minazione dei minerali coniponenti. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (21- 34). [S2 60 dh 620]. 8U I feldisjMti del granito di Cala Francese (Isola della iladdalena- Sardegna) e alcuni minerali clie li ac- comijagnano. ililano. Rend. 1st. lomb., (Ser. 2), 34, 1901, (128-144). [50 (JO dh]. 815 Robinson, H. H. On octaLedrite and brookite, from Brindletown, North Caro- lina. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (180-184). [50 liO'jhl 816 Roccati, Alessandro. Ricerche minera- logic'he suUa sabbia della Grotta del Bandito in val di Gesso (Cuneo). Roma, Boll. Soc. geol. ital., 20, 1901, (124-130). [83 60f?/i]. 817 Rogers, Austin F. ilineralogical Notes, No. 2. Amer. J. Sci. New- Haven, Comi., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (42- 48). [Calcite.] (42-45). [50 60 gg gi]. [Anew form on galena.] (45). [50J. [Pyrite crystals from Weehawken, N.J.] (45-46;. *[50 60 gg]. [A new locality forleadhillite.] (46). '[50 60 y;']. [Linarite crystals from California.] (46-47). [50 60 gi]. [Highly modified barite crystals from Kansas City, Mo.] (47). [50 i)Ogi]. [Caledonite crystals from Montana.] (47). [50 60 gi]. [Celestite crystals from iSalina Co., Kansas.] C48). [50 60 gi]. 818 RoUand, Georges. Des gisements de mineral de fer oolithique de I'arrondisse- ment de Briey (Meurthe et Moselle) et de leur mode de formation. Congres geo- logique international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (661-072). [13 18 60 df]. 819 A i)ro])os des gisements des minerals de fer ooiithiques de Lorraine et de leur mode de formation. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132,1901, (444-447). [18 83 60 de]. 820 Romberg, Julius. Vorarbeiten zur geo- logisch-petrographischen L^ntersucliung des Gebietes von Predazzo (Siidtyrol). Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (457- 460). [60 dk H35r?fc]. 821 Rosati, A. Studio microscopico e chitnico delle rocce vulcaniche dei din- torni di Vizziui (Val di Noto, Sicilia). Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901,(18-23). [82 60 dh]. 822 Rosenheim, Arthur und Cohn, Robert. Ueber einigeMetalldoppelrhodanide und iiiier die Eisenrhodanreaktion. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (280-303). [700 D 0210 7000 6300 7250]. 823 Rothwell, Richard P[ennefather] and Struthers, Josejjh. The Mineral Industry, its statistics, technology and trade in the United States and other countries to the end of 1900. Founded and edited by Richard P. Rothwell, and compiled by Joseph Struthers. New York and London (The Scientific Publishing Co. ), 9, 1901, (XXX 4- 918). 24 cm. [18]. 824 Riimpler, A. Ueber die Absorption von Kali durch Silicate. D. Zuckerind., Berlin, 26, 1901, (585-589, 625-630). [12 D 6500 0420 0710 M 3120]. 825 Rufif, Otto. Ueber die O.xydation der 1-Aral)inisaure und l-Xvlonsiiure. Ber- lin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901,(1362- 1372). [540 D1310 7300 7150]. 826 ■ Ueber das Fisenoxyd und seine Hytbate. Berlin, Ber. I), chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3417-3430). (13 D 0320 7000]. 827 Rutley, Franlv. On some tufaceous rhyolitic rocks from Dufton Pike (West- morlaml). With analyses by Philip Holland. London. Q. j'. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (31-37, with pi.). [60 dc 82]. 828 Rzehak, A[nt.]. Glasmeteoriten. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901, ((591- G'J6). [70]. 629 Sabatini, V. L'etat actuel cles reclier- ches siir les volcans de I'ltalie centrale. (."ougres geologique iuternational de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (36G-376). [82 60 dhl 830 Sabeck, Alexander. Reitrage zur Keuntnis der rationellen Analyse der Thone. Cheni. Ind., Berlin, 25, 1902, (90-99). [18 87 D 6500]. 831 Sacco, F. Essai d'une classification generale des roehes. Congres geolo- gique international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (377-379). [80 0070]. 832 Sachs, A. Kryatallographisch-op- tische Studien an syntlietiscli darge- stellten Verbindimgen. Zs. Krystallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (158-170). " [400]. 833 Ueber Anapait, ein neues Kalkeisenpliosphat von Anapa am iScliwarzeu Meere. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (18-21); Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 15, 1902, (111-112). [50 40 GO'//-]. 834 Beitrage zur Kenutniss der Ivrystallform des Langbeinits und zur Auffassung der Tetartoedrie im regularen Svstem. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902", (37G-379). [50 110]. 835 [St. Peterburg-. Comite geologique]. C. lIcK'iiuN j)i !.. rco.ioniMcci.iil lioMincn,. Or'K^Th o rofiofiiiiii ii jhfnc.ii.iiocTii reo.iorii'iefKaro Ho- MUTcra 3a 1900 ro^i.. [Compte- rendu des travaux du Comite geologique en 1900.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. ceol., 20, 1901, (91-156', av. 1 cartel [0020 60 dh]. 83(3 I'uTKafl reo.ioriuiecKaa IjHG.liOTtMia. [Bibliotlieque geologique de la Russie.] 1897, St. Peterburg, 1901, (IV + 280, russe et fran?.). [0030 60 db]. 837 Salle, E. Di alcune rocce verdi dei dintorni del Golfo delia Spezia. Proc. verb. Soc. tosc. so. nat., Pisa, 12, 1901, (209-213). [82 GOdhl 838 Salmoiraghi, Francesco. Steatite nella dolomia principals del Monte Bogno (Lago d'lseo). Milano, Atti Soc. ital. Bc. nat., 40, 1901, (115-128;. [50 60 dh]. 839 Salomon, W[ilhelm3. Essai de nomen- clature des roehes metainorphiques de contact. Congres geologiqiie inter- national de 1900, Paris, i, 1901, (342- 346). [84]. 840 [Samojlov, lakov F.]. CaMoii.TOin., Hi;. Ivi. Miuu'pa.iorin EaKa.ii.cuaro pvAiiaru MliCTOiiO/Kjeiiifi bi. k)H!hom'i> .\ Ija.lii. [Zur Jlineralogieder Bakalskij Erzlagerstatte (Siid-Ural.)] St. Peter- burg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser., 2), 39. 1901, (329-335, res. allera. 3351 J [.50 GOc/6]. 841 I ■ tj. Vernadskij, V. I. Sarasin, Fritz, r. Sarasin, Paul. Sarasin, Paid imd Sarasin, Fritz. Eutwurf einer geographisch-geologi- schen Besclu-eibung der lusel Celebes. (Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes, Bd 4.) Wiesbaden (C. W. Kreidel), 1901, (XI + 344 + 28, mit 14 Taf.). 32 cm. 50 M. [80 60 eg J 29 23 H 0030]. 842 SchaUer, W. T. v. Eakle, Arthur S. Scheid, Karl. Die Metalle. Leipzig (B. G. Teubner), 1901, (VI + 154). 18 cm. Geb. 1,25 M. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, Bd. 29.) [18 D 0010 J 27 Q 91L5]. 843 ScMasing. Recherche sur l'etat de I'alumine dans les terres vegetale^. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901. (1203-1212;. [87 60/70. 844 Scbmidt, C[arl]. Untersuchuugen einiger Ge^teinssuiten, gesammelt in Ce- lebes von P. und F. S a r a s i n. [Anhang zu P. u. F. Sarasin: Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes, Bd 4, Wiesbaden, 1901]. (1-28). [60 eg 80]. 845 Schmidt, Otto. v. Bamberger, Eugen. Schnabel, C. Ueber die Fortschritte in der ( iewinnung der Metalle (ausser (lem Eisen). ChemZtg, Cotlien, 25, 1901, (934-938). [18 D 0100]. 846 Schonrock, Otto. Theoretische Be- stimmung des Achsenfeiilers von Kry- stallplatten. Zs. Instrnmentenk., Berlin, 22, 1902, (1-14). '[400]. 847 Scholtz, M[ax]. Ueber stereoisomere a, a-Diphenvlpiperidine. Berlin, Ber. I), chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1616-1623). [440 540 D 1930 7000]. 848 75 Scholz, C. [In discussion of paper by (.'harles Catlett on " Coal Outcrops."] Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., Xew York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (1007-1009). [18J. 849 Schrader, F[rank] C[harles], and Biooks, Alfred H. Some notes on the Nome gold regions of Alaska. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N. Y., 30, 1901, (236-247). [18 60 go]. 850 Sclireiber, Rudolf. Methodischer Leilfaden der t'liemie und Mineralogie fiir den x\nfangsunterricht an lioheren Leliranstalten . . . Cassel (F. Scheel), 1901, (VI + 110). 22 cm. 1,80 il. [0030 D0030]. 851 Schroeder van der Kolk, J[acoljus] L[odewijk] C[oiiradiis]. Over hard- lieid in verband met splijtbaarlieid, voornamelijk bij mineralen. [On hard- ness in connection with cleavage, especially of minerals.] Amsterdam, Verb. K". Akad. Wet., 2 Sect., 8, No. 2, 1902, (1-21, with 12 pi.) ; Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 9, 1901, (692-696) (Dutch); Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 3,1901, (655- 658) (English). [310]. 852 Over de kleur der zooge- naamd ondoorschijnende mineralen in doorvallend licht. [The so-called opaque minerals in transmitted light.] Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 9, 1901, (158-159) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 3, 1901, (254-255) (English). [11]. 853 Staring en bet steenkolen- vraagstuk in Zuid-Limburg. [Staring and the coal-question of Southern Lim- burg.] Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 10, 1902, (731- 735, with 1 pi.) (Dutch); Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet., 4, 1902, (639-643, with 1 pi.) (English). [18 66 fM H 45]. 855 Mikroskopische Sfudien lilier Gesteine ausdenMolukken. Leiden, Saunnl. Geol. Reichsmus., (Ser. 1), 6, [1899], (1-39). [1900], (77-127). [80]. 856 De la determination du systeme cristallin d'un cristal micro- copique. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. Holl. (Ser, 2), 4, 1901, (341-345). [620]. 857 Schulten, A[iigust Benjumin, Barotx] de. Sviithese de la boronatrocalcite (ulexite). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1576-1577). [50 16]. 858 Reproduction artificielle de la monetite. Paris, Bui. Soc. fran^. miner., 24, 1901, (323-326). [50 16]. 859 Schulz, Fr. \. Die Krystallisation von Eiweissstofl'en und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Eiweisschemie. Jena (G. Fischer), 1901, (43). 24 cm. 1,20 M. [240 Q 1124 D4000]. 860 Scliwager, A. r. Oebbeke, Iv[onrad]. Schwarzmann, Max. Zur Krystallo- photogrammetrie. Exacte bildliche Darstellung, HiKstabellen, Instruments und Modelle. N. Jahrb. Min., Stutt- gart, 1901, 1, (9-17, mit 1 Taf.). [630]. 861 Seiflfert. Die Erdwachs- mid Petro- leum-Industrie Borvslaws. Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (87-96). [IS 60 dk J 27 (?/.•]. 862 [sejko, v.] IIIciiKo, B. OiK.m. C;iKTepio.i()iii'U'('i.aro iiaci-bj'-'Haiiifi IIOTH. [Experiences bacteriologiques ^ur le naphte.] Nel't. delo, Baku, 1901, (401-405, 658-662). [18]. 863 [Sepovalnikov, A.] IllonoiW.lI.- HiiKui!i.,.\. MaT('|tia.ibi ki. ii.iyii'iiiio Ity^nbiM. Mt)(TopoH;.i(Miiii T\.im- o3epcKoii,;a'in(),ionem;()iin6i'i)iiiii. [Materiaux pour I'etude des gisements de mineral de la pave du lac Tidmo, gouvernement d'Olonetsk.] Gorn. Zurn., St. Peterburg, 1901, T. (325-341). [60 clhl 864 Sevieri, Vieri. Analisi di alcuni minerali dell' Elba. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14, 1901, aOl-102). [^'0 <^'']- 865 Seward, A[ll>i'rt] C[harles]. On the structure and origin of jet. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (856). [18 60 de]. 866 Shenstone, ^^■. A. Vitrified quartz. Nature, Loudon, 64, 1901. (65-67, 126); ('hem. News, London, 83, 1901, (205- 207). [50]. 867 Siebert, G[eorg]. ' Lehrbuch der Chemie und Mineralogie fiir licihere Lehranstalteu. Tl 1 : Einleitung in die Chemie imd .Mineralogie. Tl 2 : Anor- ganische Chemie. Tl 3 : Organische 76 Chemie. Braunschweic: (F. Vieweg & Solm), 1901, (VIII +'lUl; VI + 144, mit 1 Taf. ; VI + 110). 22 cm. Geb. 4,25 M. [0030 D 0030]. 868 Sigismund, Pietro. I minerali del comune di Sondalo. Xoie descrittive Milano (Guidetti e Moiidiui), 1901,(32). 24 cm. [60 dh]. 869 [Simonovlc, S.] CilMoilOBilM'l., C. llo.ie.Mibia HCKonaeMhia KciUifKaio AiiUMi.ji. Oporoo.ioni'iecKiii ii rii- 4|)or[)aii Miiih'pa.iDriii OmciuUO yt:j4a. [Sur la'.mineralogie du district d'Omsk.] Moskva, 1901. (1-7). 25 cm. [60 m] 875 Slaus-KantscMeder, Joh. Chemische Zusanuuensetzung dalmatinischer bitu- miuoser Kalksteine. Chem. Rev. Fett- ind., Berlin, 9, 1902, (54-55). [60'//^ 83 87 D 6.500]. 876 Smith, Alva J. The americus lime- stone. Topeka, Trans. Kau. Acad. Sci., 17, (1899-1900), 1901, (189-193). [83J. 877 Smith, Edgar F. v. ilorgan, Leonard P. Smith, G[eorge] F[rederickJ Plerbert. Preliminary note on an improved form of three-circle goniometer. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (75-76). [630 J. 878 ■ V. Barlow, W. Smith, George Otis and Willis, Bailey. The Clealum iron-ores. Washing- ton, Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Imgln., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (356-3661. [18 87 GO gi H 80 98]. 879 Smith, John. The barite veins of south-west .Scotland. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. .Soc, 11, 1900, [1901],' (232-237). [50 60 del 8SU ■ Spango granite. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900, [1901]. (256-262). [GOde 82]. 881 Detached microliths from the jjitchstoue sill at Corriegills, Arran. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900, [1901], (275-276, with pi.). [240 60 de 82]. 882 Smith, Norman v. van 't HofE, Jakolj Heinrich. Sohle. Bericht iiber die im Anscliluss an den VIII. internationalen Geologen- Congress zu Paris nach den Kohlen- revieren von Commentrj- und Decaze- ville stattgehabten Excursionen. Natw. Wochenschr., Berlin, 16, 1901, (16-18). [0020 GO df 83]. 883 [Sokolov, Nikolaj AlexSevio.] Co- KiMoiii,, 11. MapranuoBbiH \)}M>i Tpt'TH'IllblX b0T.10H{tMliii KKaTCj)!! III)- ciaiicboii ryocpiiiii ii onpecTiio- fieii KpllRoro-Pora. [Die Manganerz- lager in den tertiiiren Ablagerungeu des Gouvernements Jekaterinoslaw]. St. 77 Peterburg, Mem. Com. geoL, 18, 2, 1901, (1-60 -:- res. allem. 61-7§, av. 1 carte et 1 pi.). [18 60 db]. 884 Solger, Friedrich. Ueber die Bemitz- img der Lichtfiguren geiitzter Krystall- flachen zur krystallographiiclieii Be- stimmung der Aetziiguren. X. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 13, 1901, (409-506;. [320]. " 885 SoUas, W[i]liam] J[obns(jn]. Ou the intimate structme of crystals. — I V. Crys- tals with octahedral cleavage. Loudou, Proc. R. Soc, 67. 1901, (493-495). [50 140 D0210 7100]. 880 Solly, R[ichard] H[arrison]. Xotes on minerals from the Lengenbach, Binneu- thal. Xatm-e, London, 64, 190l, (577). [40 50 60 ri;]. 887 Sulpharsenites of lead from the Biimenthal. Part 11.— Rathite. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (77- 85). [50 60 JO- 888 With analysis by H[eiiry] Jack?5on. Liveingite, a new mineral from the Binnenthal. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc, 11, 1901, (2.39-240). [40 50 no '/;]. 889 Somervail, Alexander. On the occur- rence of diorite associated with granite at Assouan, L'jjper Egvpt. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (663). [82 60 fbl 890 Sommerfeldt, Ernst. Thermochemi- sche iind thennodynamische Metlindeii, angewaudt auf den Vorgang der Bildung von Mischkrvstallen. X. Jahrb. ilin., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 13, 1901, (434- 408). [510 D 7200 C 2480]. 891 SommervUle, Joseph and Thompson, G. R. The rocks of the Clyde drain- age area. Fauna, Flora and Geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. Scott Elliot and others [British Asso- ciation Handbook]. Glasgow, 1901, (546-547). 22 cm. [60(/e"80]. 892 The minerals of the Clyde drainage area. Fauna, Flora and Geology of the Clyde area. Edited by G. F. Scott Elliot and others. [British Association Handbook], Glas- gow, 1901, (548-556). 22 cm. [OOfZe]. 893 [Sostak.M.] UIociaKi., M. llcio- pii'K'ci.iii o'R'pK'i. pa.iBiiTifl ropiiaro .Vli.ia lia KaBlul.'ji). .Apercu historique de rindustrie miniere au Kavkaz.] Tiflis, 190], (146). 25cm. [GO db]. 894 [SoBtkovBidj, 1.] ni()cii;()ULi;iii, II. Alia.lH.-JIiI CO.III llt)KOTOpI,l\l, M'bcTO- p(nK,UMiiii .\cTpa\aiicKoii r\oepiii» H .\ pa.II.CKOii OO.iaCTH. [Analyses du sel, provenant des gisemeuts du gouvernement d'Astrakhan et du pays de rOural.] Gorn. zurn., St. Peter- burg, 1901, 1, (83-85). [18 60 '7/0- 895 Souza-Brajidao, V. de. Ueber Krv-s- tall-vsieme. X. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1901. 2, (37-66). [110]. 896 Spencer, Joseph WiUiam Winthrop. On the geological and physical Develop- ment of Antigua. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (490-.)05, with pi.). [60 he 822. 897 On the geological and physical development of the St. Christo- pher Chain and Saba Banks. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc. 57, 1901, (534-543). [60 he 82]. 898 Spencer, L[eonard] J[anies]. A de- scription of the mineral sjjecimens brought fiom Bolivia by Sir W. Martin Conway, i-. Conway, Sir ilartin. The Bolivian Andes. Loudon and Xew York, 1901, (.34.3-366). [50 60%]. 899 Marshite, miersite and iodyrite from Broken Hill, Xew South Wales. London, Mineral. .Mag., 13, 1901. (38-53). [50 60 ie 230]. 90O With Analyses by (i[eorge] T hurland] Prior. Crystallised stamiite from Bolivia. London, Mineral. Mag., 13. 1901, (54-65, with pi.). [50 60 hg 22<:» 00 de]. 901 Spezia, G[iorgio]. Contribuzioni di Geologia chimica. Solubilita del quarzo nelle soluzioni di tetraborato sodico. Torino, Atti Ace. sc, 36, 190l, (031- 639, con 1 tav.). [50 12]. 902 [Spring, v.] (llipillin,, B. 0 Bo.ioiipoiiimaeMOtTii r.iiiiibi. [Quel- qucs experiences sur la jtermeabilite de I'argile.] Gorno-zavodsk. list.,Charikov, 14, 1901, (5252-5253, 5282-5283). [83]. 903 Spurr, J[osiah] E[dward]. Variations of textiire in certain Tertiary igneous rocks of the Great Basin. Chicago, 111., J. (ieol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (586-600). [f^2 60 'jil 904 Sqninabol, S. e Ongaro, G. Sulla Pelagf'site. Riv. min. crist., Padova,26, 1901,(44-57). [50 60 JA-]. 905 78 Stahl, A. F. lIe«!>T}lll0ii MllKpoG'l.. [Le microbe da naplite.] Neft. deln, 13aku, 1901, (825-820). [18]. 900 Stead, J[ohn] E[dvvard]. Crystals of carbo-silicide of mann'aiiese and iron, l^ondon, J. Iron Steel Inst., 59, (No. 1), 1901, (79-88;. [700J. 907 Steinvortli, H. Dr. Georg Heinricli Otto Volyer, genannt Seucken- herg. Ehreumitglied seit 1853. Ges- torben 1897. Liincburg, Jalireshefte iiatw. Ver., 15, 1901, (3-12). [0010 H 0010 C 0010 F 0010]. 90S Sterba, Jean . Cr istallisation de I'oxyde de cerium. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci.,133, 1901, (294-295). [700]. 909 Stevens, E[dwin] A[ugustus]. An occurrence of limburgite in the Cripple Creek District [Colorado]. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (759-764). [CO yi S2]. 910 Stirling, -James. Note on some horn- blende porphyrites of Victoria (Aus- tralia). London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (663-5). [60 i/ 82]. 911 Stobbe, Hans und Niedenzii, Karl. Die beideii stereoisonieren Benzaldesoxy- benzoine. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3897-3913). [5-40 D 1530 7000]. 912 Stoermer, .M. Untersiichungsmethoden der in der Thonindustrie gebrauchten Materialien, niit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der haufig anftretenden Fabrika- tiousfeliler, deren Orsachen und \'er- hiitung. 2 verb. Aufl. von ,,Die Fehler bei der Tlionwaren-Fabrikation und deren Abhilfe". Freiberg i. S. (Craz u. Gerlach), 1902, (VIII + 191). 23 cm. C M. [18 D 6500 0120]. 913 Stokes, H[enrv] N. v. Hillebrand, W. F. Strahan, Aubrey. On the passage of a seam of coal into a seam of dolomite. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (297- 304, with pi.). [OOrfe 83]. 9M Stratonovic, E. D. •;;. Fedorov, E. S. Straubel, R. Ueber Quarzprismen. Ann. Phvsik. Leipzig, (4 Folge),7. 1902, (905-908). [50 420 430 C 30340]. 915 [Strizov, I. N.] CrpiI'/KaiVI), II. 11. reo.iopii'iociiifi ii3t".riu()B;uiifi u COoSpaiKCllid 0 HO'MeHOCHOCTH c'hiK'poBOcTuMiioii 'laLTii ,|aR'naHa. [Recherches geologiques et considerations sur les ri%iona najjhtiferes dans la partie NE du Daghestan]. Neft. d61o, Baku, 1901,(844-848). [18 60 c76]. 916 [Strizov, P.] CrpH/KOBl,, II. ,^C- MOH.ia rare lii ii cepeGpo-fitii u uobli 11 py^HHKi. TepcKaro roj)Hi)!ip!)Mbiiii- .leiiliaro OoineCTBa. [La mine de ]ilomb argentifere de Denionzagatsk]. Gorn. zurn., St. Peterburg, 1901, II, (114-125, av. 1 pL). [18 mdb]. 917 Striiver, Giovanni. Azione chimica tra la hauerite e alcuui metalli a tem- peratura ordinaria e a secco. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (124-127). [12 50]. 918 Azione chimica del solfnri di ferro e del solfo native sul rame e snir ai'gento a temperatura ordinaria e a secco. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (233-230). [12]. 919 I giacuuenti minerali di Saidera e Rocca Nera alia Mussa in Val. d'Ala. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26,1901,(78-84). [13 GOdh]. 920 Struthers, Josejah. v. Rothwell, Richard P. Siidd, O. Edelsieine als Arzneiniit- tel. ApothZtg, Stuttgart, 42, 1902, (270-271). [19 Q9100 P 2700]. Suess, Edw. The chemistry of the Cygnian stars and basic rocks. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (629). [70 82]. 921 Sulzberger, N. v. Thiele, Johamies. S[vedmark], E[ugene]. Forteckning ofver skaiidinavisk eller skandinaviska forhallanden rorande geologisk, minera- logisk och paleontologisk litteratur aren 1899-1900. 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Fo'ige), 4, 1901, (524-5.30); 8, 19U2, (103-108). [2()0 D 7100 B 3210]. 927 [Tarasenko, V. E.] TapaCL'UKa, B. E. 0 MariieTUTOBoii rojjiioii iio- j)u,lt> ii.Tb c. MiixaiJ.iOHi.ii liiiiiiiu- UKaro yt.'ua lIojD.ibcKoii r\0('|)iiiii. [Siir la roche a magnetite dn village Micbajlovka, district de Viunica, Podolie.] Kiev, Zap. ObSc. jest., 17, 1, 1901, (411-LVI). [50 60 db S2]. Taylor, James v. Laudauei-, J. Teall, J[etliro] J[iistinian] Harris. The evolution of petrological ideas. [Presidential address.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (Ldi-lxxxvi). [80]. 929 (and others). Petrogra- phical work. Surum. Progr. Geol. Surv. U.K., Loudon, for 1900, 1901, (150- 166). [QOde 80j. 9.30 and PoUard, W The marbles of Assvnt. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. U.K., London, for 1900, 1901, (151-1.56). [50 60cZe 84 82]. 931 Tennier, Pierre. Sur lesmica-schistes, les gneiss, les amphibolites et les roc-hes vertes des schistes lustres des Alpes occidentales. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, (841-844). [82 84 60 df]. 932 Xouvelles observations geologiques sur la chaine de Belledonne. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (897- 900). [60 df 82 84]. 933 ■ Sur les trois series cristal- lophvlliennes des Alpes occidentales. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (964- 966). [84 60 c//]. 934 Theron, H. Note sur les gisements de phosphate de chaux du pic des Ca1)rieres, Faune et Flore des Lydienaes noires. Beziers, Bui. soc. etud. sci. nat., 22, 1899, (10.5-112). [60 df 83". 935 TMele, F. C. Ueber Te.^cas-Petroleum. ChemZtg. Cothen, 25, 1901, (17.5-176, 4.33). [18 60 7i DUOO 0660 J 27]. 936 Thiele, .Johunnes und Sulzberger, N. Zur Keimtniss der ungesattigten Verbin- dmigen. 18. Ueber das A'-ungesattigte Lacton der Benzoylpropionsaure. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 319, 1901, (196-211). [750 D 1910 1340 7100]. 937 TMes, F. Die Salz-Iudustrie Russ- lauds im -Jahre 1898. Zs. Berw., Ber- lin, 49, 190l, (471-473). [18 60 dbca I:'7 27]. 93S Thompson, George R. The microsco- pical examination of rocks, [abstract]. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900 [1901], (279). [80]. 939 V. Somerville, Joseph. Thomson, J. H. and Redwood, Bovertou. Handbook on petrolemn for inspectors under the Petroleimi Acts, and for those engaged in the storage, transjDort, distribution, and industrial use of petroleum and its products and calcium carbide, and suggestions on the construction and use of mineral oil lamps. London (C. Griflin & Co.), 1901, (xix+298, with 2 pi.). 23 cm. [18 D 6500]. 940 Thoulet, J. Xote relative a un atlas lithologique et bathymetrique de-^ cotes de France. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (653-6.54). [Presentation des 7 premieres feuilles de cet atlas]. [60 'h' 83]. 041 Etudes de fonds marins provenant du voisinage des A(;'ores et de la portion orientale de I'Atlantiqiie nord. .Monaco, 1901, (66). 36 cm. [Fasc 19 des Resultats des Compagnes scienti- liques d'Albert 1 de Monaco.] [83 60 la lb]. 942 ■ Carte lithologique sous- marine des cotes de France. Paris (Challamel), 1901, 22 feuilles grand aicrle (68 x 103 cm.) encouleurs. [60 ilf SOJ. 943 Thiirach, Hans. Ueber die mugliche Verbreitung von Steinsalzlagern im nordlichen Baveru. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Munchen, 13 " (1900), 1901, (107-148). [()0 dc 83 H 55 dc 65 28 D 65t>0 Q 9110]. 944 HO Tietze, Oscar. Krystallographisclie Unteisucluingen einiger ueuer cheiiii- scher Verbiiidungeii. N. Jahrl). Jlin., Stuttgart, 1901, 2, ( 1 05-1 IG) . [000]. 945 Timofeev, A. A. r. Deiibski, S. S. Tittler. l)ie Kolilenindustrie im Doiietzbeckeii. Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (477-4SO). [18 60 db I 27]. 946 Tomebohm, A[lfred] E[lis]. E;i blick pu den modenia petrogratiens iipp- komst och utveckliiig. [Origin and evolution of modern Peti-ologv.] Stock- liolm, Geol. For. Forli., 23, 'l901, (29- 41). [80]. 947 0 iu'Tj)i)r|)a. ()6:{0|n. paoDTi. no Miiii('|ia.i(>iiii Pocciii M 1897 11 1898 r.r. [Revue des travaux sur la mineralogie de la Russie pour 1897 et 1898]. Jtzeg. geol. i miner., Variava, IV 8-9, 1901, (49-136, av. trad. Ir.). [0030]. 978 Vemeuil, A. Sur les produits se- condaires formes par Taction de I'acide sulfurique sur le cliarboude bois. Paris, C-K. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1340- 1313). [750]. 'J79 V 82 [VersUov, X.] Bopcu.lOB'i., II. IhiMJirn Mn\aii,ia llorpoiMiMaMcih- HlIKOIUl. [.Micliail Petrovic Melnikov. Necrologe.] Gorn. Zuru., St. Peter- bnrg, 1901, I, (230-232). [0010]. 980 Villain, F. Conference sui- les miueiais de fer du departement de Meurtlie et Moselle. C.-R. cong. see. sav., Paris, 1901, (81-94). [18 83 60 dfl 981 Viola, C[arlo]. La legge degli indici razionali sempliei ed i cristalli liquidi. Proc. verb. See. tosc. sc. nat., Pisa, 12. 1901, (178-195;. [110]. 982 Sulla genesi dei niiiierali di Montepoui. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14,1901,(37-38). [13 GO dh]. 983 Snlle giaoiture minerarie di Monteponi. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14,1901,(277-278). [13 GO dh]. 984 Beitrag zur Lehre von der Spaltbarkeit der Krvstalle. N. Jalirb. Min., Stuttgart, 1902, 1. (9-22). [310 B 3210]. 985 Ueber das Glaukisiren verschiedener Feldspiithe. Zs. Krys- tallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, ^171-195, mit 1 TaL). [440 50]. 98G Vogt, J[ohan] H. L. Weitere Uuter- snt-hungen iiber die Aiisscheidiuigen von Titan-Eisenerzen in basisclien Eniptiv- gesteinen. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (9-19, 180-186, 289-296, 327- 340). [87 82 18]. 987 Das Bleigianz-Silbererz- Gangfeldvon Svenuingdal im nordlichen Norwegen. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 10, 1902, (1-8). [18 60f?a H 30 J 27]. 988 Volgt, W[olderDar]. Ueber die Para- meter der Krystallphysik und iiber gerichtete Grossen hoherer Ordnung. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 5, 1901, (241-275). [300 400 A 0840 B 3210]. 989 Ueber Pyro- und Piezo- magnetismus der Krystalle. Gottingen, Naclir. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. KL, 1901, (1-19). [350 C 5460]. 990 Beitriige zur Aufklaruue; der Eigenschaften pleocliroitischer Krys- talle. Gottingen, Nachr. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. KL, 1902, (48-91). [420 440 C 4030]. 991 [Vorobjev, V. 1.] BopoGbCBl., B. II. KpHcia.i.iorpau'ii^ecKifi ii .3c.l■fe,^o- Baiiia T\ pMa.iHuacb I^eiLioiia ii M3b ut)KOTO|»i>i\'i. ^pyraxT. Mtciopo- /K^OIliii. [Krystallographische Studien iiber Turmalin von Ceylon und einigen anderen Vorkommen.] St. Peterburg, Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges., TSer. 2), 39, 1901, (35-328, mit 7 Taf.) - [50 60 ef gf hh dm de db]. 992 Vredenburg, E[rnest]. The rocks of Bi jawar type. Petrographical notes [of the Son Vallev]. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta,' 31, 1., 1901, (58-92). [60 e/ S3 82]. 993 The volcanic rocks of the lower Vindhyan series [of the Sou Vallev]. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Cal- cutta," 31, ], 1901, (93-108). [60c'f 82]. 994 A geological sketch of the Baluchistan Desert and part of Eastern Persia. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Cal- cutta, 31, 2, 1901, (179-302, with pis. and maps). [60 eh 82 H 20 eh H 35 ch J 20 chl 995 [VysockiJ, G.] Bl.li'OUKiii, F. H. CTeiinoii H.i.iKtuiJi h crpyKTyjia CrenilblVI. IIO'IBI.. [Illmion et structure du sol dans les steppes.] Pedologie, St. Peterbure, 3, 1901, (137- 156, 237-252, 349-354)^ [83]. 996 Waetoer, R. Lehrbuch fiir den Un- terricht in der Chemie mit Beriicksichti- gimg der Mineralogie vind chemischen Technologie. Leipzig (F. Hirt & S.), 11.01, (275). 23 cm. Geb. 2,50 M. [0050 D 0050]. 997 Wacker, Leonhard. Ueber das a-Azoxyuaphtalin. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 317, 1901, (375-385). [750 D 1720 5020]. 998 Walcott, Charles D[oolittle]. The work of the United States geological survey in relation to the mineral re- sources of the United States. Trans. Anier. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (3-26, with map). [60 ;//]. 999 Walcott, R. H. Additions and cor- rections to the census of Victorian minerals. Proc. R. Soc. Vict., Mel- bourne, (N. Ser.), 13, 1901, (253-272). [60 ifl 1000 Wallace, E. C. r. Richardson, Clifford. 83 Waller, George A. ^^■olfl■;lln near Pieman Heads, [Tasmania]. Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (049- 050, and 791). [50 00 it]. 1001 Wallerant, Fred. De la sj-metrie apparente des cristaux. Paris, C -R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (178-180). [2.30]. 1002 ■^ Etude sur la forme primi- tive des corps cristallises et sur la symetrie apparente. Paris, Bui. see. fran?. miner., 24, 1901, (159-267). [110 140]. 1003 Sur les variations de I'aiman- tation dans un cristal cubique. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (6.30-632). [350]. 1004 Sur I'aimantation des corps cristallises. Paris, Bui. see. fran(j. miner., 24, 1901, (404-422). [350]. 1005 Sur c£uelques conceptions en cristallographie. (Rq^onse aux remarques de Si. P'riedel.) Rev. gen. sci., Paris, 12, 1901, (671-672). [I'lO]. 1006 Ward, Henrj^ A. and Whitfield, J. Edward. The Veramin meteorite. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 12, 1901, (453-459). [QOeh 73 70]. 1007 Warren, C[harles] H. Mineralogical Notes. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Comi., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901 (309-373). [Anorthite crystals from Franklin Fur- nace, N.J.] (309-371). [.50 00 (/;/]. [Feldspar crystals from Raven Hill, Cripple Creek, Colorado.] (371-372). [50 00 gi]. [Crvstals of iron wolframite from South Dakota.] (372-373). [50 60 gi]. [Pseud omorphs of wolframite after scheelite from Triimbull, Conn.] (373). [15 60^^]. 1008 V. Penfield, S[amuel] L[ewis]. Washington, Henry S. A chemical study of the glaucophane schists. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (35-59). [84 87]. 1009 The foyaite-ijolite series of Magnet Cove [Arkansas] : A chemical study in differentiation. Chicago, HI., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (007-622, 645-070). [82 00 gi]. 1010 Watson, Thomas Leonard. The gran- itic rocks of Georgia and their relation- ships. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 27, 1901, (199-225, with 8 pi.). [82 80 00.9/*]. 1011 (G-10253) Watson, Thomas Leonard. The Georgia bauxite deposits : their chemical constituents and genesis. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 28, 1901, (25-45, with 1 i±). [50 60 gh]. 1012 ■ On the origin of the pheno- crysts in the porphyritio granites of Georgia. Chicago, 111., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (97-122). [82 80 60^7/^. 1013 Weathering of granitic rocks of Georgia. BuU. Geol. Soc. Amer., Rochester, N. Y., 12, 1901, (93-108, with pi.). [87 aOgh]. 1014 Wedekind, E[dgar]. Neuere Forsch- ungen auf dem Gebiete der optischeti Isomeric. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 15, 1902. (348-352). [540 D 7000 7300 C 3860]. 1015 Ueber die Additionsgrenzen tertiarer Amine. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 318, 1901, (90-110). [750 D1600 70.50]. 1016 Ueber das Verhalten von tertiaren Basen gegen Brommnlon- sauremethylester. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901. (2077-2081). [750 D1600 1930 1310]. 1017 Ueber einige cyclische quartare Anunonivnnsalze. (7. Mitt, iiber das fiuifwerthige Stickstoffatom). Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35, 1902, (178-185). [750 D 1930 7000 7100]. 1018 Beobachtungen iiber ein- fache und doppelte Dissociation bei cjuartaren Ammoniumsalzen. (8. Mitt, iiber das fiinfwerthige Stickstoffatom). Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35, 1902, (760-770). [750 D 1630 1930 1300 7200 7000]. 1019 \md Oechslen, R. Ueber tertiiire mid quaternare Tetrahydro- isochinoHnbasen, ein Beitrag zur Stereo- chemie des Stickstoffs. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901,(3980-3993). [540 750 D 1930 7000 7100]. 1020 Weed, Walter Harvey. The enrich- ment of gold and silver veins. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y.. 30, 1901, (426-448). [18]. 1021 ■ Types of copper deposits in the Southern United States. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y., 30, 1901, (449-504). [18 60 .7//]. 1022 84 Weed, Walter Harvey and Pirsson, L[ouis] V[alentine]. Geology of the Shoukiu Sag and Palisade Butte laccoliths in the High wood Mountains of Montana. Anier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901,(1-17). [82 60^;]. 1023 Missovirite, a new leucite rock from the Highwood Mountains of Montana. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (4), 2, (315-323) ). In contributions to mineralogy and petro- p-a)jhy from the . . . Sheffield Scien- tific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eJs.]. [82 60 gil 1024 [Weiberg, Sigismund]. Beiioepn., Ci!rii:jMyH47.. OT'ieri, xpamne.ia Mi!iii'pa.iorn4ec'Karo KaCmieTa o KOMaii,^npoi?Kfj na .vIiTiiia i;aiiiii.y.ii)i 1900 r. [Compte-rendu d'une mission du conservateur au musee mineralogique pendant I'ete 1900]. Varsava, Izv. Univ., 1901, VII, (1-4). [0060]. 1025 Weigert, Fritz. Ueber das geschwe- felte Dibutolacton. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3386-3405). [750 D 1920 5010 7000 7100]. 1026 V. van't Hoff, Jakob Heinrich. Weinberg, Ernest A. Copper lodes of New Caledonia. Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 19, 1901, (197, 493) ; Trans. Austral. Inst. Min. Eng., Mel- bourne, 7, 1901, (138-147), with 3 pi. and map). [18 60 il]. 1027 Weinschenk, Ernst. Die gesteins- bildenden Mineralien. Freiburg i. B. (Herder), 1901, (VII -f 146, mit 18 TabeUen). 22 cm. Geb. 5,60 M. [80 0030]. 1028 Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Polarisationsmikroskops. Freiburg i. B. (Herder), 1901, (VI + 123). 22 cm. 3M. [620 C 4000]. 1029 Memoire sur le dynamome- tamorphisme et la piezocristallisation. Congres geologique international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (326-341). [84]. 1030 Sur I'histoire geologique du graphite. Congres geologique inter- national de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (447- 457). [13 50 GOdcefdhl 1031 Weiske, F. Die Darstellung kiinst- licher Diamanten. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 17, 1902, (301-303). [50 19 240]. 1032 Weiskopf, Alois. Das Quecksilber und seine Gewinnung. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 14, 1901, (429-437, 465-469). [18 D 0380 J 27]. 1033 Weiss, K. E. Kurze Mitteilungen liber Lagerstatten im westlichen Anato- lien. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901. (249-262). [60 ei J 27]. 1034 Weiss, L. V. Muthmaim, Wilhehu. Wells, Horace L. Spenylite, a new mineral. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1889, 37, (67-70) ). [In contributions to mineralogj' and petro- graphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirssons, eds.] [50]. 1035 On the composition of poUucite and its occurrence at Hebron, Maine. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1891, 41, (213-220)). [In contributions to mineralogj' and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirssons, eds.]. [50 60 gg.]. 1036 and Penfield, S[amuel] L[ewis]. Gerhai'dtite and artificial basic cujjric nitrates. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1885, 30, (50- 57) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and i^etrographv from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [50]. 1037 V. Brush, George J., and Dana, E. S. Werner, Alf. Ueber stereoisomere Kobaltverbindungen. (1. Mitt, in der Serie : Ueber Isomerienbeiauorganischen Verbindimgen.) Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1705-1719). [540 D 2000 0260 7000]. 1038 und Humplu-ey, Ed. Uel^er stereoisomere Dinitritodiathylendiamin- kobaltsalze, (Co<^^'°2)2\ x. (2. Mitt. in der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei an- organischen Verbindungen.) Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1719- 1732. [540 D 2000 0260 7000]. 1039 Ueber 1.6-Cliloronitritodi- / /^^ \ iithylendiaminkobaltsalze, I Co>~ NO2 1 X. ^ \en2 ' (3. Mitt, in der Serie : Ueber Iso- merien bei anorganischen Verbindmi- gen.) Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1733-1738). [540 D 2000 0260]. 1040 85 Werner, Alf. und Gerb, L. LVher 1.2- ChJoronitiitodiathylendiamiiikobaltiver - binduiigen. (4. Mitt, iu der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei anorganischen Ver- (lindiuigen.) Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges. 34, 1901, (1739-1745). [.540 D 2000 02(;0J. 1041 Wesley, W. H. Fluor spar. Austral. iMin. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (18). [50]. 1042 Whitehead, Cabell, v. Chatard, T. M. Whitfield, J. Edward, v. Ward, Henry A. Wichmann, A. Sur Touralite de TArdeune. Bruxelles (Hayez), 1901, 8o. (3). [50 GO cZcZ]. 1043 Wickes, W. H. A Rhcetic section at Redlaad. Bristol, Pi'oc. Nat. Soc, (N. Ser.), 9, 1901, (99-103). [50 GO del 1044 Willis, Bailey, v. Smith, George Otis. WiUstatter, Richard. Synthesen in der Troi^ingruppe. I. Synthese des Tropilidens. II. Synthese von monocy- klischen Tropinbasen. III. Synthese des Tropans luid Tropidins. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzicr, 317, 1901, (204- 374). [750 D 1930 1140 1640 3010]. 1045 Winchell, Alexander X. Note on certain copper minerals. [Chalcopy- rite and boniite as furnace products]. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 28, 1901, (244-246). [16 50]. 1046 Winchell, N[e'.vton] H[orace]. The origin of Australian iron ore. Anier. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 28, 1901, (248-250). [18 60 kl 1047 Winter, K. v. Bomer, A. Winther, Chr. v. Fliuk, G. WisniowsM, Tadeusz. Zasady mine- ralogii i geologii dla Mas wyzszych szkol srednich. [Elements de Minera- logie et de Geologic a I'usage des classes superieures des ecoles secondaires]. Lwow (K. S. Jakubowski), 1902, (IV + 174, with 1 map). 21'5 cm. 2 kor. 50 hal. [0030 H 0030]. 1048 Wittich, E. V. Neumami, B. Wohlgemuth, J. v. Neuberg, C. Wolff, Jolm E[liot]. Leucite-tinguaite from Beemerville, New Jersey. Cam- bridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ., 38, 1902, (273-277). (Geol. Ser. 5, No. 6). Published as separate. 24'5 cm. [82 60 gg 501. 1049 Woodward, Horace B. Note on a phosphatic layer at die base of the Inferior Oolite in Skye. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1901 (Glasgow), (635). [60 ^/c 83]. 1050 Landscape marble or Cothara stone fi-om the Rhaetic beds near Bristol. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (Proc. xci). [QO de 83]. 1051 Woodward, H. P. PhiUips River goldfield. Austral. Min. Stand., Mel- bourne, 20, 1901, (295 and 335). [1-8 60 dil 1052 WroblewsM, A. Ueber eine Methode der Krystallisatiou von Substanzen aus ihi'en Losuugen ohne Krustenbildung auf der Fliissigkeitsoberfiache. Zs. physik. Chem., Leipzig, 36, 1901, (84- 80). [240 D0930]. 1053 Wiilfing, E[rnst] A[nton]. Ueber eineu vereinfachten Apparat zur Herstel- lung orientirter Krvstallschliffe. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgait, 1901, 2, (1-22). [630 C0060]. Ueber neuere mineralo- gische Untersuchungsmethoden uud ilire Anwendimg auf die Turmaline. Stutt- gart, Jalu-eshefte Ver. Natk., 57, 1901, (LXXXVIII-XC). [50 10]. 1055 Wynne, W. P[almer]. r. fliers, H. A. Wyrouboff, G. Sur im nouveau corps done du double pouvoir rotatoire. Paris, Bid. soc. franc miner., 24, 1901, (76-86). [540]. 1056 • Sur I'oxalate de chrome. Paris, Bui. soc. hant;. miner., 24, 1901, (86-92). [700 750]. 1057 Sur quelques acetates triples. Paris, Bui. soc. franc;-, miner., 24, 1901, (93-104). [700 750 230]. 1058 Sur la fonne cristalline de quelques sels de terres rares. Paris, Bui. soc. fraui^. miner., 24, 1901, (105- 116). [700 750]. 1059 Sur le racemate de rubi- dium. Paris, Bui. soc. frant;-. miner., 24, 1901, (354-357). [540 700 750]. 1060 Quelques mots a jiropos d'une experience de M. Meigen. Paris, Bxil. soc. frani,\ miner., 24, 1901, (371- 373). [31 50]. 1061 80 [Yaczewski, Leonard]. flMCllCliiii, .1. Ilo v'leSHbiMi. 3aBeAenifiMi. 11 MvaeHM'i. 3ana4Hoii EBpoiibi. [Les ecoles et les musees de 1' Europe occidentale]. St. Peterburg, Izv. Obsc. gorn. Inzener., 1901, No. 5, (47-05), No. 0, (13-22). [006U]. 1002 [Yavorovskij, Petr Kaziinirovie]. flB(>]»()i!(i;iii, II. h". ]\'(>,i()rii'U'ci.ia 113CMt),lOBaili}I Bl. 3lMI(i;uMI> .'{U.IOTC- HociioMi. paiioiit bi. 1899 ro^y. [Recherches geologiques dans le bassin aurifere de la Zeia en 1899]. Explor. geolog. aurif. Siberie, (Region aurifere de rAmoiir), St. Peterburg, 2, 1901, (1-22 + res. fr. 23-20, av. 1 carte). [18 00 ea]. 1003 Zaengerle, Max. Lelirliucli der Miue- ralogie und Geologie fiir den Unterricht an technischen Lehranstalteu, Real- schulen und Gj'muasien. 0. verb. Aufl. Leipzig (E. Haberland), 1902, (VIII + 124 + 54, mit 1 Karte). 23 cm. 2,20 M. [0030 H0030]. 1004 [Zajcev, A, M.] iJaiiucBi., A. M. Bi. AMmR'Ko-MiiiiytiiiicKoii Taiirt. [Dans la tajga de Acinsk et de Minou- sinskj. Vest. zolotopromvSl., Tomsk, 1901, (1-2, 41-42, .58-59, 77-78, 97-99, 115-110, 133-134, 148-149). [00 ea]. 1005 Zambonini, Ferruccio. Su alcuui mi'-erali della Rocca Rossa e Monte Pian Rea] (\al di Susa). Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10. 1901, (42-50). [50 00 n"i('iiii;iii, II. A. Ka.ii.miTi. n. rupi.i H nepBbie pyccKie lIlll.'O.lll. [La calcite du mont Forosse et les ijremiers Nicols russes]. St. Peterburg, Trav. soc. nat., 32, 1, 1901, (94-90 + res. fr. 130-137). [50 GO db]. 1008 0 .itiiCTBiii 10% CiKlililOii lillC.lOTbl lUl H'bKOTOpblO M II ll('pa.l bl. [L'action de I'acide chlor- livdrique (10%) sur quelques mineraux]. St. Peterbura:, Dnevn. XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, (73). [12]." 1009 Zerban, F. r. Hofmanu, Karl A. Zimanyi, K. Tetraedrit a Bote.s- hegvrol. [Tetraedrit vom Berge Botes]. Mag)-. Chem. F., Budapest, 7, 1901, (2-7). [50 eOc//c]. 1070 Ueber den Tetraedrit vom Botes-Berge. Zs. Krvstallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (78-83, mit 2 Taf.). [50 mdk]. 1071 Zuber, Rudolf. Ueber die Entste- hung des Flvsch. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 190i, (283-289). [83 H28]. 1072 87 0020 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. 0000 PHILOSOPHY. Mahrburg, Adam. Classification des scieaces. Dans : Miclialski, Stan, et Heflich, Al., Guide poiu* les autodidactes. (Polish). :^''* ed., l" partie, Warszawa, 1901, (XY-XLII). [0(350]. 0010 HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY. Barker, George F[rederick]. [Obituary notice ofj Frederick Augustus Greutli. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Atner. Phil. Soc, 40. 1901, iX-XXII, with pl.j. Boimey, Thomas George. [Bio- graphical notice of, with list of papers and portrait]. Geol. Mag., London, (X. Ser. Dec. 1;, 8, 1901, (385-400 l Fecliner, Hermann. Geschichte des Schleaischen Berg- und Hiittenwesens in der Zeit Friedrichs des Grossen, Fried- rich Wilhelms II. und Friedrich Wil- hehns III. 1711-18U6. Th. 1: Berg- uud Huttenpolitik. (Forts.) Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (1-86, 24:3-2SS, 383- 44G, mit o Taf. ). [18 60 Jc. H UOlO J -7]. Genth, Frederick Augustus. Obituary tiotice by George F. Barker. Philadel- phia, Pa., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 40, 1901, (X-XXII, withpL). Lacroix, A. Notice necrologic|ue sur il. de Limur. Paris, Bid. soc. franc,-, miner., 24, 1901, (369-371). Limur de, r. Lacroix, A. Melnikov, Michail Petrovic. Xecro- loge. Par X'. Yersilov. nisse). Gorn. Kura., St. Peterburg, 1901, I, (230-232). Miers, H. A. Rammelsberg memoiial lecture. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (1-43, with pi.). Penfleld, S[amuel] L[ewis]. History of the . . . development of minera- logy at Yale. [In contributioub to mineralogy and petrographj' from the . . . SheflBeld Scientific School, 1901, PciitielJ and Pirsson, eds.]. Rammelsberg, Carl F., v. Miers, H. A. Steinvorth, H. Dr. Georg Heinrich Otto Volger, genarmt Seuckenberg. Ehrenmitglied seit 1853. Gestorben 1897. Liineburg, Jahreshefte natw. Ver., 15, 1901, (3-12). [H 0010 C 0010 F 0010]. Treptow, E. Die Mineralbenutzung in vor- und friihgeschichtlicher Zeit. Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1901, (75-115, mit 4 Taf.). [P 3200]. Versilov, X. Obituars- notice of Michail Petrovic Melnikov. (Russe). Gorn. zurn., St. Peterburg, 1901, I, (230-2321. Volger, Georg Heinrich Otto, genannt .Senckeuberg, v. Steinvorth, H. 0020 PERIODICALS. REPORTS OF IXSTITUTIOXS, SOCIETIES, CiiXGRESSES, Etc. Amsterdam. Jaarboek van het Mijn- wezen iu X'ederlandsch Indie, uitgegeven door het Miuisterie van Kolonieu. Am- sterdam, 8°. Register ueber die Jahre 1882-1899 (Jahrgange XI l)is XXVllI). 's Graveidmge (Moutou & Co.), 1901, (132). 25 cm. [H 0020 J 0020 K 0020]. Berlin. Abhandlungen der koniglich preussischen geologischeu Laudesanstalt und Bergakademie. Xeue Folge. Heft 35, 36. Berlin (in Vertrieb bei S. Schropp\1901, (IV -1-11-^42. mit Karte; VI + 183i. 26 cm. [H rK)20 .T 0020 K iM»2it]. Freiberg. Jahrlnich fiir das Berg- und lliittenwesen im Kbnigreiche Sachseu, Jg 1901. (Statistik vom Jahre 1900). Hrsg. V. C. Menzel. Freilierg (Craz & Gerlach in Conun.l, [1901], (IX -t 131 -^ 302 -f 79 -h 98, mit 15 Taf.). 26c.n. 10 iL [H0020]. 0020 38 Nancy. Winistere de riiistruction publique et cles Bea ax-Arts. Comite des travaiix historiques et scieutifiqiies. Comptes-Rendus du Corigres des societes savantes de Nancy et des departements term a Nancy en 1901. Section des sciences. Paris (impr. nat), 1901, (341). 25 cm. Paris. Congres geologiciue inter- national. Comptes-rendiis de la VIII'' session [1900], en France. Paris finipr. Le Bigot, Lille) 1901, l' fasc. (1-G72, av. 11 pi.) ; 2<' fasc. (C73-1316, av. 11 pi.)- 2(5 cm. Rostock, ilittheilnngen aus der gross- herzoglicli mecklenburg. geologisclien Landesanstalt. XIII. Rostock (G. B. Leopold in Comm.), 1901, (Ill-f 26, mit 3 Taf. nnd 1 Karte). -JS, cm. 2.50 :\[. [H 0020 J 0020 K 0020J. St. Peterbuxg. Comite g^ologique. ComiJte-rendn des ti-avanx du Comite geologiqixe en 1900. (russ.) St. Peter- burg, Bull. Com. geol., 20, 1901, (01- 15(3, av. 1 carte). Stuttgart. Repertoriuni ziun Neuen Jalu'buch I'iir ilineralogie, Geologie luid Palaeontologie fiir die Jahrgange 1895- 1899 mid die Beilagebiinde 9-12. Ein Personen-, Sack- mid Orts-Verzeiclmiss fiir die darin enthaltenen Abhandlmigen, Brief e und Referate. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1901, (429). 24 cm. 12 M. [H 0020 K 002()]. Darboux, Gaston. L'Associationinter- nationale des Academies. Rev. sci., Paris, (ser. 4), 15, 1901, (257-2(i3). Keilback, K[onrad]. Allgemeine Versammlungderdeutsclienaeologischeii (Jesellschaft. [5.-7. Ocotober 1901.] Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (418- 421). [H 0020 J 0020 K 0020]. Loewinson-Lessing, F. J. Rapport de la commission internationale de nomen- clature des Roches. 8" Congres geolo- gique international, Paris, 1900, 1, 1901, (215-218;. [0070 80]. Sohle. Bericlit iiber die im Anschluss an den VIII. internationalen Geologen- Cougress zu Paris nach den Kolilen- revieren von Commentry und Decazeville stattgehaliten Excursionen. Natw. Wochenschr., Berlin, 16, 1901, (16-18). [83 60 c?/]. 0030 (iENERAL TREATISES, TEXT BO(JKS, DICTKJNARIES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, TABLES. Geological Literature added to the Geological Society's Library diiring the year ending December 31st 1900. Lon- don, 1901, (182). 22 cm. Kalender fiir Geologen, Palaontologen und Alineralogen. Hrsg. v. P. Knisch. (Begr. v. K. Keilhack.) Jc 5, 1902. Berlin (Gebr. Borntrager), 1902, (IV + 347). 16 cm. Geb. 3,50 M. [H 0030 K 0030]. St. Peterburg. Comite geologique. Bibliotheque geologique de la Russie. (iiisse et franq-.) 1897, St. Peterburg, 1901, (IV -f 280, russe et franc.). Baur, Liidwig. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Mineralogie und Geologie. Mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der geognosti- schen Verhiiltnisse Wtirttembergs. Stuttgart (Muth), 1901, (VII -f 221). 22 cm. Gel). 2,70 M. [H 0030]. Emi, [Henry] and Brov\"n. A[mos] P, ^lineralogy Simplified ... 3d ed. Philadelphia (Baird) ; Loudon (Low, Marston & Co.), 1901, (xxviii + 283, with pi.). 17 cm. Fedorov, E. S. Manuel de cristallo- graphie. (russe.) 3 ed. corr. St. Peter- burg, 1901, (III + 438, av. 3 pL). Hubert, R. Was muss man von der Mineralogie und Gesteinskunde wissen ? Allgemeinverstiindlich dargesteUt. Berlin (H. Steinitz), 1901, (118). 12 cm. 1,50 M. ' Karpinskij, A. Bibliographie des richesses minerales du Sachalin. (russe). St. Peterburg, Bull. Com. seol., 20, 1901, proc.-verb. (110). Keilhack, K[onrad]. Taschenbuch fiir Geologen, Palaontologen und Miner- alogen. Berlin (utal laboratory. Perth, West. Australia, Bull. Ceol. Surv., 6, 1902, (89 + 8 pL). [87]. Spezia, G. Contribuzionidi Geologia chimica. Solubilita del cpiarzo uelle soluzioni di tetraborate sodico. Torino, Atti Ace. sc, 36, 1901, (631-639 con 1 lav.). [50]. Striiver, Giovanni. Azione chimica tra la hauerite e alcuni metalli a teni- peratura ordinaria e a secco. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (124-127). [.50]. Azione chimica dei solfuri dl ferro e del solfo nativo sul rame e suU'argento a teinperatura ordinaria e a secco. Roma, Rend. Ace. Lincei, (Ser. 5), 10, 1901, (233-230). van't HofF, [.Jakob Heinrich]. Ueber das Anskrystallisiren complexer Salz- losungen bei constanter Temperatur unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der natiirlichen Salzvorkommnisse. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 14, 19Ul, (531- 537). [16 240 I) 7150]. van't Ho£F, [.Jakob Heinrich], und MeyerholTer, W[ilhelm]. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildungsverhiiltnisse der oceani- schen Salzablagerungen, insbesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXI. Ihe Bildmig von Kainit bei 25°. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (420-427). [1)7150 H28.] Hiurichsen, W. und Weigert, F. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildungsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzablagerungen, insbesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXII. Gips und Andydrit. 2. Der losliche Anhy- drit (CaSO,). Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (570-578). [7150 H 28]. Meyerhoffer, W. und Smith, Norman. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildungsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzablagerungen, insbesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXIII. Das Auftreten von Kieserit bei 25°. Absch- luss und Zusammenfassung der bei Sattigung an Chlornatrium bei 25° nnd Anwesenheit der Chloride und Sidfate vou ilagnesimn uud Kalium erhaltenen Residtate. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (1034-1044). [D 7150 H 28]. und Weigert, F. Unler- euchungeri iiber die Bildungsverhalt- nisse der oceanischen Salzablagerungen, insljesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXIV. Gips und Anhydrit. 3. Der natiirliche Anhydrit und dessen Auftre- ten bei 25°. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (1140-1148). [D 7150 H 28]. Meyerhoffer, W. und Cot- trell, F. G. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildungsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzablagerungen, insbesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers XXV. Die Bildung von Langbeinit und deren uutere Temperaturgren/e in den Salz- iafcrn bei 37°. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (276-282), [10 50 D 71.50 H 28]. und O'Farelly, A. Unter- suchungen iil)er die Bildungsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzaljlagerungen, ins- liesondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXVI. Die Bildung von Loeweit und deren untere Temperaturgrenze bei 43°. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (370- 375). [D 7150 H 28j. 03 15 van'tHoff, [Jakob Heiiirich], Kendrick, F. B. uud Dawson, H. M. Die'Bilduiig von Taclihvdrit. Zs. phvsik. Cliem., Lei]>zig, 39, J9(J1, (27-G3)/ [10 D 7150 H -'8J. Vemadskij, V. I. Zur Theoiie der Silikate. Zs. Krv.stallooT., Leipzig, 34, 1001, (37-60). [b 0710 .Si 0]. Zemiatcenskij, P. A. L'actioii de I'ac-ide elilorhydrique (10 %) stirquelqiies mineiaux. truss.) St. Peterburg, Dnevii. XI Sjezda russ. jest, vrac., 1901, (73). 13 MODES OF OCCURRENCE Etc, Ferraris, E. Sulla genesi del miiierali di Mi.nteponi. Rass. miiieraria, Torino, 14, 1001, (53-54). Goodcliildi, J. G. The Scottish ores of copper in their geological relations. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glas- gow), (647-8). [00 de]. Lacroix, A. ilineralogie de la France et de ses colonies. Description physique et chimique des luineraux. Etude des conditions geologiques de leurs gise- ments. 3, P fasc. Paris (Berenger), " 1901, (VI -h 400). 25 cm. [0030 80 tiO clj f he hd il ed mh]. Sur I'origine de I'or a Madagascar. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1001 , (180-182). [60 //;]. Launay, L. de. Excursion a quelques gitesmineraux et metaUiferes du Plateau central. Congres geologique interna- tional de 1900, Paris, 2, 1'.Ol, (938-970). [18 GOcZ/]. Rolland, Georges. Des gisenients de mineral de fer oolithique de I'arrondisse- ment de Briey (Meurthe et Moselle) et de leur mode de formation. Congres geo- h'gique international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1001, (604-672). [18 50 60 d/]. Ruflf, Otto. Ueber das Eisenoxyd und seine Hydrate. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3417-3430). [I > 0320 7000]. Struver, G. I giacimenti minerali di Saulera e Rocca Nera alia Mussa in Val d'Ala. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (78-84). Viola, C. Sulki genesi dci minerali di Monteponi. Rass. mineraria, Torino, 14, 1001, (37-38). Viola, C. Sulle giaciturc minerarie di lilonteponi. Rass. mineraria, Torino, Torino, 14, 1901, (277-278). Weinschenk, E. Histoire geologique du griiphite. Congres geologique in- ternational de 1900, Paris, 1, lOOl, (447-457). [50 60 dc cf dk]. 14 ALTERATION. Arsandraux, H. Gisement de miner- aux lithiniferes de Bi'assac (Tarn). [Tourmaline, Lepidolite]. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (235-237). [50 00 c//]. Tourmaline ferrifere. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (237-238). [60 df 50]. Brush, George J[arvis] and Dana, Edwai-d S[alisbury]. Fourth Branch- ville [Conn.] paper. Spodumene and the results of its alteration. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1880, 20, (257-284).) [In contributions to mineralogv and petrograjAv from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [50 60 gg}. Delkeskamp, R. Die hessischen imd nassauischen Mauganerzlagerstatten und ihre Entstehung durch Zersetzung des dolomitisirten Stringocephalenkalkes I'esp. Zechsteindolomits. Zs. prakt. GeoL, Berlin, 9, 1901, (356-365). [18 87 H55 J 27]. Holland, T[homas] H[enry]. On a j3eculiar form of altered i^eridotite in the Mvsore State. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 34, 1, 1901, (1-9). [82 60 efl 15 PSEUDOMORPHS. Currie, James. Scottish pseudo- morphs in M. F. Heddle's Mineralogy of Scotland, 1, 1901, (xxvii-1). Giirich, Georg. Edelopal und Opal- Pseudomorijhosen von White Cliffs, Australien. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 14, 1001, (472-483). [50 10]. ^ Lacroix, A. Sur la forsterite et les jjseudomorphoses de dipyre en forsterite et spinelle des contacts des roches Iherzo- litiquos de I'Ariege. Paris, Bui. soc. fran.^ miner., 24, 190J, (14-22). [50 00 dfl Sur quelques cas de pro- duction d'anatase par voie secondaire. Paris, Bui. soc. franc^. miner., 24, 1001, (425-428). [50 GO df]. 15 9i Waxren, ('. H. ]\Iineralogical notes. [Pseudouiorplisof ivolfi-aiiiite after schee- Jite from Trumbull, Conn.]. Amer. J. 8ci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901,(373). [60 . Keyes, Charles R. Zone of maximum richness in ore bodies. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 14, 1901, (577- 578). Oriein and classification of ore deposits. Trans. Amer. Inst, Min. Engin., New York, 30, 1901, (323- 356). Ore formation on the hypothesis of concentration thi'ough surface decomposition. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 27, 1901, (355-362). Kbnigsberger, Joh. Die Minerallager- stiitteu iui Biotitprotogin des Aarmassivs. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd., 14, 1901, (43-119). [60'f/n. Kolderup, Carl Fred. Einige Bemer- kungen iiber Ausscheidungen von Titan- eisenerz in Norwegen. Zs. prakt. Geol. , Berlin, 9, 1901, (110). [82 60 da J 27]. Erusch, P[aul]. Die Classification der Erzlagerstatteu von Kupferl^erg in Schlesieu. Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin, 9, 1901, (226-229). [60 de J 27]. Lindgren, Waldemar. Metasomatic processes in fissure veins. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., New York, N.Y.. 30, 1901, (378-692). [80]. Novarese, V. L'originedei giacimenti metalliferi di Brosso e Traversella iu Piemonte. Roma, Boll. Comitato geol., 32, 1901, (75-93). Van Hise, C[harles] R[ichard]. The Jj geologv of ore deposits. [Lecture at I Denver, Col., Aug. 26, 1901]. Science, * New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 14, 1901, (745-757, 785-793). [H 0060]. Some principles controlling the dejiosition of ores. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. 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[18 S2 84 COef]. Wincliell, A. N. [Clialcopyrite and bornite as I'm-iiace products]. Amer. Geol., Mimieapolis, Minn., 28, I'.JOl, (244-246). Bouraonite. Maussier. Les lilons metalliferes a gangue de spath fluor de la region de Langeac. St. Etieime, Bid. soc. indust. miner. 1901, (198-204). [18 GO df]. Breunnerite. Holland, T[liomas] H[enry]. On a jjeculiar form of altered peridotite in the ilvsore State. Mem. (ieol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 34, 1, 1901, (1-9). [14 CO efl Biitholite. Winther, Chr. [Britholite, a new mineral]. Kjobenliavn, Medd. Groul., 24,1901,(190-190). [40 60 7.-7j]. Broggerite. Hofmann, K. A. und Heidepriem, W. Eine Broggerit-Analvse. Berlin, Ber. D. chem.'Ges., 34,' 1901, (914-915). [D 6500]. Brookite. Busz, K[arl]. Mittheilmigen iiber Manganospharit, Schwefel, Brookit, Aiigit mid Pyrit. N. Jahi-b. Miu., .Stiittgart, 1901, 2, (129-140). Robinson, H. H. On octahedrite and brookite from Bri'udletown, North Carolina. Amer. J. 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Appunti di Mine- ralogia italiana. Calcite di Pradalunga (Val Seriana). Milano, Atti. Soc. ital. sc. nat., 40, 1901, (209-274). [60 dh]. Chester, Albert H[imtington]. Miner- alogical notes and exjilorations. New Jersev, Trenton, Rep. Geol. .Surv., 1900, 1901,' (173-188). [60 ggl Flink, G. (Jn the minerals from Narsarsuk . . . in Southern (ireen- laud. [Calcite ('24-26) ]. Kjobeulxavn, Medd. Groul., 24, 190] , (7-180). Gaubert, Paul. Sur les faces de dissolution de la calcite et sur les figures de corrosion des carbonates rhomboid- riques. Paris, Bui. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, v32G-350, av. pL). [210 320]. Gotzen (de), i riusepi^e. Notizia sulla maggior durezza di taluue varieta di calcite. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (.35). Hatch, F[re(lerick H[eiu-y]. Report on the aurifoi-ous quartzites of Parhar- diah, Chota Nagpore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (G8-7J, with 1 pi.). [18 82 84 GOe/]. 50 114 Hayden, H[eniy] H[ubeit]. Some auriferous localities iu KortliCoimliatore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta. 33, 2, 1901, (55). [18 82 84 00 ef]. The goldfields of Wainad ; historical, geological and economic aspects. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta. 33, 2, 1901, (10). [82 60 efl Micheli, F. J. Ueber den Einfluss der TemjDeratur auf die Dispersion ultra- violetter Strahleu in Flussspat, Steinsalz, Quarz und Kalkspat. Ann. Plivsik. Leipzig, (1. Folge), 7, 1902, (772-790, mit 1 Taf.). [420 C 3030 3830]. Penfield, S[amuel] L[ewis] and Ford, W. E. On some interesting develop- ments of calcite crystals. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn.), 1900, 10. (237-244). [In contribiitions to niiner- alogT and petrography from the . . ." Sheffield Scientific School. 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. Rogers, Austin F. Aliner a logical Notes, [t'alcite]. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (42- 45). [60 ;/,/, .//]. Wyrouboff, G. Quelques mots apropos d'lxne experience de M. Meigen. Paris, Bui. soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (371-373). [3]]. Zemiatcenskij , V. A. La calcite du mont Forosse et les ]Dremiers Nicois russes. (russ.). St. Peterburg, Trav. soc. nat.,' 32, 1, 1901, (94-96 + res. fr. 136-137). [60 dh]. Caledonite. Rogers, Austin V. iliueralogical notes. [Caledonite crystals from Mon- tana.! Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (47). [60 >/,]. Canfieldite. Penfield, S[amuel] L[ewis]. On canfieldite, a new salphostannate of silver from Bolivia. (From Amer. .1. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1894, 47, (451- 454) ). [In contrilmtions to mineralogy and petrosTi'aphv from the Sheffield Scientitic School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, <''^s.]. [(iO ;/f/]. Carnallite. Biicking, H[\igo]. Grosse Camnllit- krvstalle von Beienrode. Berlin, Sitz- BeV. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (539-542). Cassiterite. Brooks, Alfred H. A. A new ocur- rence of cassiterite in Alaska. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 13, 1901, (593). [60 gal Lacroix, A. Sur les gisements stan- niferes de Hin-Bonn (Laos). Paris, Bui. soc. ivanq. miner., 24, 1901, (422- 425). [18 60 ed]. Laimay, L. de. Excursion a quelqiies gites minerairx et metalliferes du Plateau central. Congres geologique inter- national de 1900, Paris, "1901, (938- 970). [13 18 60 f7/]. Spencer, L. J. . . . from Bolivia Sir Martin Conway, The Bolivian Andes. London and New York, 1901, f344, 364). [60 hfi]. Catapleiite. Flink, G. On the minerals from Nar- sarsuk ... in Southern Greenland. [Catapleiite, (93-103)]. Kjobenhavn, Medd. Groul., 24, 1901, (7-180). Celestite. Rogers, Austin F. Mineralogical notes. [Celestite crystals from Salina Co., Kansas.] Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (18). [60 ;/;]. Wickes, W. H. [Barytocelestite inl Rha?tic . . . at Redland. Bristol, Proc. Nat. Soc, (N. Ser.), 9, 1901, (99-103). [60 de]. Cerite. Muthmann, W[ilhelm] ; Hofer, H. und Weiss, L. Ueber die Darstellimg der iletalle der Cergruppe durch Scluuelz- elektrolvse. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 320, 1902, (231-269, mit 4 Taf.). '^[D 0930 0240 0910]. Ceruelite. Gaubert, P. Mineraux nouveaux. Naturaliste, Paris, (ser. 2). 23, 1901, (35). Chalcedony. Hayden, H[enrj-.] H[ubert]. Some auriferous localities in North Coimba- tore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (55). [18 82 84 60 (•/]. 115 50 Krause, Ernst. Versteinerte Walder [in Arizona]. Prometheus, Berlin, 12, 1901,(262-265). [K 35.6500 M6500t]. Chalchihuitl. Nuttall, Zelia. Chalchihuitl in an- cient Mexico. Amer. AnthroiJ., New- York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 3, 1901, (227- 238). [60 ha]. Chalcolamprite. Flink, G. On the minerals from Nar- sarsuk ... in Southern Greenland. [Chalcolamprite, (160-166)]. Kjoben- havn, Medd. Gronl., 24, 1901, (7-1801. Chalcopyrite. Hayden, H[enry] H[ubert], .Some auriferous localities in North Coimba- tore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (62). [18 82 84 60 e/]. Morgan, Leonard P. and Smith, Edgar F. Experiments on chalcopyrite. J. Amer. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa', 23, 1901, (107-109); Chem. News, Loudon, 84,1901,(29-30). [12 D0290 0320]. Wincliell, Alexander N. [Chalcopyrite and bornite as furnace products]. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Mimi., 28, 1901, (244-246). [6]. Chalcostibite. Spencer, L. J. ... from Bolivia . . . Sir Martin Conway, The Bolivian Andes. London and New York, 1901, (358). [60 %]. Chalybite. *--. Siderite. Chiastolite. Brown, A. Selwyn. Chiastolite [from South Australia]. Austral. Min. Stand., Melbourne, 20, 1901, (44). [60 i/]. Gahnite. Brush, George J[an-is]. On gahnite from -Mine HiU, Franklin Furnace, New Jersey. (From Auier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1871, 1. (28-29) ). [Li contributions to mineralogy and petro- graphy from the ... Sheffield Scieut"itic School, 1901, Penfield and Pirssou, L'ds.]. [60 -j'j}. Hedstrom, Hermauu. Gahnite from the Snuggeu copjjer mine in Helsing- land, N. Sweden. (Swedish). .Stockholm, Geol. For. Fnrh., 23, 1901, (42-44). Galena. Flink, Lr. On the minerals from Nar- sarsuk . . . in Southern Greeidand. [Galena, il5j]. Kjobenhavn, Medd. (h-onl., 24,' 1901, 1,7-180). Rogers, Austin F. Mineralogical notes. [Anew fonn on galena.]. Amer J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12 1901, (45). Ganomalite. Penfield, S amuel] L[ewis], and Warren, C. H. Some new minerals from the zinc mines at Franklin, N.J., and note coucermug the chemical composi- tion of ganomalite. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1899, 8, (339- 353). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrogi-aphy from the .... Sheffield Scientific School, 1901 , Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [50 60 jj]. Garnet. Bombicci, Luigi. Sui probabili modi di formazione dei cristalli di Granato. Bologna, Mem. Ace. sc, (Ser. 5), 9, 1901, (597-640, con 1 tav.). [210]. Hayden, H[eury] H[ubert]. The gold- fields of Wainad ; historical, geological and economic aspects. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (10-16). [82 60 c/]. Gaylussite. Pratt, .J[oseph] H[yde]. On northu- pite ; pirssonite, a new mineral ; gay- lussite and hanksite from Borax Lake, San Bernardino Coimty, California, (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1896, 2, (123-135). [In contributions to mineralog}- and petrography fi-om the . . . Sheffield .Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, cds.]. [50 60 yi]. Geocronite. D'AcMardi i liovanni. Geocronite di ^'al di Castello presso Pietrasanta (To-\ 10, 1901, (124-11^7). [VJ]. Hectorite. Eakle, Arthur S. Mineralogical notes: Avith chemical analyses bv W. T. Schaller. Berkeley, Uniy. Cal., Bull. Dept. (ieol., 2, 1901, (315-31T), with J pi.). Hematite. GoodcMld, [-1. ti.]. . . "11 Arthur Seat. Edinimrch, Trans, (ieul. Soc, 8. 1901, (1). [GO del Hayden, H[enry H[ubert]. Some auri- ferous localities in North Coinibatore. Mem. Ceol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (55-G2I. [IS 82 84 t>Oef\. Herderite. Penfield, S[amuel] L[e\vis]and Harper, I). X. On the chemical composition of Herderite. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 188G, 32, (107-110) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petro- graphy fi'om the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, cds.J. Hitchcockite. Hartley, E. G. J. Uebcr die Znsam- mensetzmig der naturlichen Arseniate und Phosphate. 3. Theil. I'lmnbo- gummit und Hitchcockit. Zs. Krystal- logr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (113-123). 4. Theil. Beudantit. Ebenda, (123- 128). Miers, H. A. Bemerkung fiber die yon Hartley analysirten Mineralien Hitchcockit, Plumbogimimit tmd Beu- dantit. Zs. Krvstallogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (128-132)'. Hornblende. '•• Amphiliole. Hortonolite. Brush, (ieorge J[arvls] and Blake, John M. On hortonolite, a new member of the chrysolite group. (From Amer. J. sci., New Haven, Conn., 18G9, 48, (17-23) ". [In contrilxitions to minera- logy' and ])etrography from the . . Shefiield Scient Hie School, 190L Penfield, and Pirsson, c/.s-.]. Humite. Penfield, S[amucl] L[e\vis] and Howe, W. T. H. On the chemical composition of chondrf)dite, humite, and clino- lumiite. (l"'rom Amer. .1. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1894. 47, (188 20G) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petro- grai)hy from the . . . Sholfield Scientific School, 1901, I'enlield and Pirsson, cds.]. 50 I2:i Hyalophane. Solly, R. H. . . . froiu . . . Jiiiinentlial. Xatiirt'. Loudon, 64, I'JOl , (577). [40 ()0 ./;]. Ilmenite. Bluman, Nicholas J. On a titani- ferous iron (ire from Norway. C'liem News, London, 83, 1901,(181). [60A/J Chester, Albert H[iintington]. Miuera- logical notes and exi^lorations. New Jersey, Trenton, Rep. Geol. Sury., 1900, 1901,^(17.3-188). [(JOf/f/]. Hayden, H[enry] H[ubert]. Tliegold- iiekls of Wainad ; historical, geological and ecououiic aspects. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901. (10). [82 00^/]. Lacroix, A. Siir quelques cas de pro- duction d'anatase par voie secoudaire, Paris, Bui. see. fi-an9. miner., 24, 1901. (425-428). [15 (30 J/]. lodyrite. Spencer, L. J. Marshite, miersite and iodyrite from Broken Hill, New South Wales. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (38-53). [60 ie 230]. lolite. Farrington, Ul[iyer] C[ummings]. The chemical composition of iolite. (From Amer. J. Sei., New Haven, Conn., 1892, 43, (13-lt')). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eda.]. See also Clilorophyllite. Iron. Nicolau, Th. Untersuchungen an den eisenfiihrenden Gesteinen der Insel Disko. Kjobenhavn, Medd. Gronl., 24, 1901,(215-^248). [QOU 82 87]. Jamesonite. Spencer, L. J. . . . from Bolivia . . . Sii- Martin Conway. The Bolivian Andes. London and NeAv York, 1901, (359). [60%]. Sec also Plmnosite. Jasper. Hayden, H[enry] H[id3ertJ. Some auriferous localities in North Coimba- tore. Mem. (teol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (55). [18 82 84 60 c/]. Jet. f. 18 (Coal). Kainite. van't HofT, J[akob] H[einrich] und ]\IeyerliofTer, W[illielm]. Untersuchun- gen liber die Bildiuigsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzblagerungen, insbe- sondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXI. Die Bildung von Kainit liei 25°. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (420-427). [16 1) 7150 H 28]. Kalgoorlite. Camot, All. Tellurures d'or et d'argent de la region de Kalgoorlie (Australie occidentale. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1298-1.302) ; Paris, Bui. soc. frauQ. miner., 24, 1901, (357-367) ; Ami. Mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 19, 1901, 530-540). [60 Ih]. Kaolinite. Lacroix, A. Sur la kaolinite cristal- lisee de Nossi-Be. Paris, Bui. soc.frang. miner., 24, 1901, (34-35) [60 fh]. Launay, L. de. Excursion a quelques gites mineraux et metalliferes du Plateau central. Cougres geologique inter- national de 1900, Paris, 2, 1901, (938- 970). [13 18 60 df]. Samojlov, lakov F. Zur Mineralogie der Bakalskij Erzlagerstiitte (Siid-Ural). (russe). St. Peterburg, Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges., (ser. 2), 39, 1901, 329- 335, res. allem. 35). [60]. Kieserite. van't Hoflf, J[akob] H|einrich], !\Ieyer- hoft'er, W. und Smith, Norman. Unter- suchungen iibei- die Bildungsverhaltnisse der oceanischen Salzablagerungen, ins- besondere des Stassfurter Salzlagers. XXIII. Das Auftreten von Kieserit bei 25". Abschluss imd Zusanunenfassung der bei Sattiguug an Chlornatrimn bei 25'^ imd AuAvesenheit der Chloride und Sulfate yon Magnesium und Kalium erhaltenen Resultate. Berlin. SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1901, (1034-1044). [D 7150 H 28]. 1-Si 50 Kyanite. v. Cyanite. Langbeinite. Sacbs, A. Beitrage zur Kemitniss der Krystallfoi'm des Langbeinits iind zur Auftassiuig der Tetartoedrle im regularen System. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (376-371)). [110]. van 't Hoff, J[akob] H[einrich], iJeyer- lioffer, W. luid Cottrell, F. C. Uuter- suchungen iiber die Bilduugsverhaltuisse «ler oceanischen Salzablageruiigen, ins- besondere des Stassforter Salzlagers. XXV. Die Bildung von Langbeinit and dereii untere Teniperaturgrenze in den Salzlagern bei 37". Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss.,1902„ (276-282). [16 12 D 7150 H28]. Lassallite. Friedel, G. Sur la Termierite et la Lassallite, deux especes nouvelles de silicates. Paris, Bui. soc. franq^. miner., 24, 1901, (6-14). [40 60 rf/]. Lazurite. Hoffmann, Reinhold. Ultramarin. Braimschweig (F. Vieweg & S.), 1902, (VI + 155). 23 cm. 4 M. [D 0120]. Ledouxite. Richards, Josejolx W. " Moha\vkite." Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (8er. 4). 11, 1901, (457-458)]. [40]. Lepidolite. Arsandaux, H. Gisemeut de miuer- aux lithinileres de Brassac (Tarn). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (235-237). [14 GOdfl Sur quelques mineraux des environs de Brassac (Tarn). Paris, Bvd. soc. fraoc. miner., 24, 1901, (428-432). [60 df]. Lacroix, A. Note sur les roclies a lepidolite et topaze du Limousin. Paris, Bui. soc. franv. miner., 24,1901, (30-34). [60 fZ/ 82]. Leucophoenicite. Fenfield, Samuel L[ewis] and Warren, C. H. Some new minerals from the zinc mines at Franklin, X. J., and note concerning the chemical composition of ganomalite. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., 1899, 8, (339-353). [in (Contributions to mineralogy and petro- graphy from the . . . ShefHeld Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, cds.]. m 'J'jl Leucosphenite. Flink, G. On the minerals from Xar- sarsuk ... in Southern Greenland. [Leucosphenite, (137-146)]. Kjoben- havn, Medd. Gninl., 24, 1901, (7^180). [40]. Limonite. Hayden, H[enry] H[ubert]. Some auriferous localities in North Coimba- tore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (55, 62). [18 82 84 00 efl Rolland, Georges. Des gisements de minerai de fer oolithique del'arroudisse- ment de Briey (Meurthe et iloselle) et de leur mode de formation. Congres geologique international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (664-672). [13 18 60 df]. See also Ochre. Linarite. Rogers, Austin F. Mineralogical notes. [Linarite crystals from Cali- fornia.] Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn. (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (46-47). [60 ;/i]. Liskeardite. Lacroix, A. Sur un arseniate d'alu- mine de la mine de la Garonne (Var). Paris, Bui. soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (27-30). [(iO df]. Lithiophilite. Brusli, (ieorge J[arvis] and Dana, Edward Salisbury. . . . New species [of minerals] occurring at Branchville . . . Connecticut . . . First paper. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., 1878, 16, (33-46) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [66 ;/;/]. Liveingite. Solly, li. H. and Jackson, H. Live- ingite, a new mineral from the Biimen- thal. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc, 11, 1901,(239-240). [40 60 c//]. ft 50 124 Loweite. Kubierschky, K. Ueljer eiii eigeu- iliiiiiilii-hes >S;ilzv(irkoniinen im so- .ueiiamiten ilngdebing-Halberstadter Becken. i[it Naclitrag von J. H. van 't Hoff. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (404-11;")). [40 00 IS 16 J i'7 L) (i.JOO]. van 't HoflF, .J[aknb] H[eim-Ich] unci O'Farelly, A. Unteisnchungen iiber die Bil.^ 50 Mica. Bodenbender, W. (Iliiiimer ans Aroentinieu. Zs. pnikt. Lleol., Berlin, 9, 1001, (55-50). See also Biotite, Muscovite, Fhlogo- Ijite, Ziiiuwaldite. Microcline. Popov, Boris .\iiiirovii:-. Ueber gesetz- luassige Verwaclisungvoii Mikroklin imd Albit aus dem Augit-Granit voni Berge Tchagwe-iiaiw ill Laplaud. (Russe.) St. Peterbm-g, Trav. Soc. uat., 32, 1, 1901, (54-55). ' [220 82]. Microlite. Flink, ( i. On the minerals from Xar- sarsuk ... in Southern Greenland. [Microlite, (171-172)]. Kjobenliavn, Medd. Grunl., 24, 1901, (7-180). Miersite. Spencer, J.. .1. [Marshite, miersite and iodyrite from Broken Hill, Xew South Wales. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (38-53). [60 le 230]. Mirabilite. Trechmaim, C. ". . . . a British occurrence of mirabilite. London, ^line- ral. Mag., 13, 1901, (73-71). [GO dc]. Mispickel. '■. -\a-senopyrite. Mohawkite. Koenig, G. A. Leber Mohawkit, Sti- biodomeykit, Domeykit, Algodonit imd einige kiinstliche Kujoferarsenide. Zs. IvrystaUogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (07-77). [40J. Richaxds, Joseph W[iUiam]. "Mo- hawkite." Aiuer. J. Sci., New Haven, Coim., (Ser. 4), 11, 1901, (457-458); Chem. News, London, 84, 1901, (29). [40]. Monazite. Benz, L. Ueber die Thoriumbestim- nnmg iju .Monazitsande. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 15, 1902, (297-309). [D 8100 0770]. Bl\unan, Nicholas J. Monazite from New Granada. Chem. News, London, 84,1901,(175). [00c/«]. Monetite. Schulten, A. de. Reproduction artili- cielie de la monetite. Paris, Bid. soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (323-326). [10\ Mooraboolite. Pritchard, G. B. Gu a new zeolite [mooraljoolitej. Vict. Nat., ilelbourne, 18,1901,(0.3-05). [40 coif]. Mordenite. Pirsson, Louis V On mordenite. (Frcim Amer. .J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1890, 40, (232-237) ). [Li contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Peufield and Pirsson, cds.]. Muscovite. Hayden, H[enry] H[ubert]. The gold fields of VVainad; historical, geological and economic aspects. Mem. Geol. Sur\ . Lid., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (10, 17). 82 60 ef]. See also Fuchsite. Mussite. Chaignon, de. Sur la presence de la mussite dans la serpentine de Thezu-la- Gandree. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 14, 1901, (C.-R. 57-58). [60 df]. Narsarsukite. Flink, Cr. (Ju the minerals from Narsarsuk ... in Southern Green- land. [Narsarsukite, (154-160)]. Kjo- benhavn, Medd. Grdul., 24, 1901, (7- 180). [40]. Nasonite. Penfield, .Sanniel L[ewis] and Warren, C. H. .Some new minerals from the zinc mines at Franklin, N..L, and note concerning the chemical composition of ganomalite. (From Amer. .L Sci., New Haven, Conn!, 1899, 8, (339-353 ) ). [In contributions to mineralogy- and petrography fi-oni the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. [60 (j'j]. Natrolite. Flink, G. On the minerals from Narsarsuk . . . in Southern Green- land. [Natrolite, (107-108)]. Kjoben- liavn, Medd. Gronl., 24, 1901, (7-180). 50 12(1 Neptunite. Flink, G. On the minerals from Narsarsuk ... in Southern Green- land. [Xeptimite, (120-130)]. Kjo- Ijenhavn, Medd. Groul., 24. 1901, (7- 180). Niter. Knight, Wilbur C. Potassium nitrate in Wyoming. Science, New York, N.Y. ( X . S'er . ) , 13, 1 90 1 , (1 5 1 - 152) . [GO gl ] . Nichols, Henry W[indsor]. Nitrates in cave earths. Chicago, 111., J. Geol. Univ. Chic, 9, 1901, (23C-243). [H 10]. Northupite. Pratt, J[ose23li] H[yde]. On northu- pite ; pirssonite, a new mineral ; gay- lussite and hanksite from Borax Lake, San Bernardino County, California. (From Amer. .1. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1896, 2, (123-135;. [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pii'sson, ecZ.s.]. [50 60r/i]. Ochre. Chester, Albert H[untington]. Mine- ralogical notes and explorations. New Jersey, Trenton, Kep. Geol. Snry., 1900, ] 001, '(173-188). [60 r/;/]. Octahedrite. Joly, J. On the pseudo-opacity of anatase. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc. (N. Ser.), 9, 1901, (475-481). [440]. Lacroix, A. Sur quelques cas de ])ro- duction d'anatase par yoie secondaire. Paris, Bui. soc. franc^. miner., 24, 1901, (425-428). [15 60 c//]. Robinson, H. H. On octahedrite and brookite, fi-om Brindletown, North (Carolina. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (180-184). [60 ://,]. Opal. Giirich, Georg. Edelopal und 0]«il- Pseudomorphosen von White Cliffs, Anstralien. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd 14, 1901, (472-483). [19 15]. Plummet, John. Australian opal and opal mining. Sci. Amer. Su]j., New York, N.Y., 52, 1901, (21505-21506). [111]. .Sec alfto Tripolit '. Orthoclase. Bartalini, G. Studio cristallografico ed ottico suU'ortose elbano. Ferrara, Atti Ace. med. nat., 75, 1901, (139-159). [GO dh]. Ozocerite. '•. 18. Parisite. FIItiTt, G. On the minerals from Narsarsuk ... in Southern Green- land. [Parisite, (29-42)]. Kjoben- havn, Medd. Gr^inl, 24, 1901, (7-180). Pearceite. Penfield, S[amnel] L[ewis]. On pearceite, a sulpharsenite of silver. (From Amer. ,T. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 189G, 2, (17-29). [In contributions to mineralogy and jjetrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. Pectolite. Moses, A. .1. Mineralogical notes. [New forms of Bergen Hill pectolite.] Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Coim., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (99-100). [60 f/;/]. Pelagosite. Squinabol. S. e Ongaro, G. Sulla Pelagosite. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901,(44-57). [60 (?/>•]. Penninite. Klein, C[arl]. Optisclie Studien. IT. . . . 4. Ueber Pemiin mid Klino- chlor. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (104-119). [6.30 400 420 C 3090]. Perovskite. Mar, F. W. On the so-called perof- skite from Magnet Cove, Arkansas. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 40, (403). [In Research Papers from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale I'liiversitv, IDOl, Gooch, F. A. ed]. [60;/;]. Millosevich, Fcderico. Perowskite di Emarese in Val d'Aosta. Roma. Rend. Ace. Lincei. (Ser. 5), 10. 1901, (209- 211). [60 r///]. 127 50 Petroleum. Petzite. 18. Camot, A. Telluruies d'or et d'argent de la region de Kalgoorlie (Australie occidentale). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901,(1298-1302) ; Paris, Bui. soc. franr. miner., 24, 1901, (.3.i7-367) ; Auu. mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 19, 1901, (530- 540). [10 GO ih]. Phlogopite. Chaignon, de. Xouveairx gisements d'oxyde de ckrome. Siir la phlogopite de ilesvres. Auttin, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 14, 1901, C.-R. (226-227). [fiOJ/]. McNaim, W. Harvey. On a large phlogopite crystal. Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Comi.', (Ser. 1), 12, 1901, (398). gimimit und Hitchcockit. Zs. Krystal- logr., Leipzig, 34, 1901. (113-123). 4. TheU. Beudantit. Ebeuda, (123-128). Miers, H. A. Bemerkung iiber die vou Hartley analysirten Mineralien Hitchcockit, Plumbogummit mid Beu- dantit. Zs. Krystallogi-., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (128-132). Plumosite. Kitto, W. H. Feather ore (plmnosite). Douglas, J. Isle Man Soc.. 2, 1901. (.33). Plusinglanz. Frenzel, [A.]. Ueber den Plusinglanz. Jahrb. Bergw., Freiberg, 1900, [1901]. (01-06, mit Taf.). Picrolite. HoUand, T[homas] H[eiiry]. On a peculiar form of altered peridotite in the Mysore State. Mem. Geol. Surv. Lid., Calcutta, 34, 1. 1901. (1-9). [14 32 00 ef]. Pirssonite. Pratt, .l[oseph] H[yde]. On northn-. pite ; pirssonite, a new mineral, gay- lussite and hanksite from Borax Lake, San Bernardino County, California. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Conn., 1896, 2, (123-135). [Li contri- l)utions to mine^alog^' and petrogi'aphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901 , Pinfield and Pirsson, eds]. 60 rii 40]. Platinum. Day, David T[albot]. Notes on the occurrence of platinum in Xorth Amei'ica. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin., Xew York, N.Y., 30, 1901. (702-708). [D 0610]. Gascuel. Les gisement diamantferes de la region Sud-Est de I'ile de Borneo (Possession hollandaise). Ann. mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 20, 1901, (5-23). [19 00 ecjl See oho 18. Plumbogummite. Hartley, E. ('<. J. rel)er die Zusam- mensetzung der natiulichen Arseniate und Phosphate. 3. Tlieil. Phmibo- Pollucite. Chabrie, C. Contribution a I'etude du ciesiimi. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (295-297). Wells, Horace I-. On the composition of pollucite and its occurrence at Helirou. Maine. (From Amer. J. Sci., Xew Haven, Comi., 1891. 41. (213-220) i. [In contributions to mineralogy and jDCtrography from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Peufield and Pirsson, eds.]. [00 f/f/]. Polylithionite. Flink, fi. Ou the minerals from Xarsarsuk . . . in Southern Green- land. [Zinnwaldite (Polylithionite, (110-115) ]. Kjobenhavn, Medd. ( honl., 24, 1901, (7-180). Prehnite. Billows, E. Zeoliti, Prehnite, Rodo- nite et altri mineral! dell' Agordinn superiors. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 1901, (49-90). [60 dh]. Geay, F. Sur une serie de roches eruptives et metaniorphiques de l:i (iuyane. Bui. iluseum, Paris, 1901. (291-2901 [82 84 60 W]. Lacroix, -V. 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Ind.; Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (55, 62, 64, (;5). [18 82 84 60 e/]. Melczer, C. Pyrit von Monzoni. (iinoarisch mid deutsch.) Fiildt. KiizL, P,ui]ai)est, 32, 1902, (208-210). Moesz, (i. Baryt, Autimonit, Pyrar- "vrit and Pvrit von Kormoczbiinya. Fijldt. Kdzl., ■ Budapest, 32, 1902, (39- 46, 3 Taf). Eogers, Austin F. Mineralogical notes. [Pvrite crystals from Wee- hawken. N'.J.J. Auier. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., (Ser. 4), 12, 1901, (45- 40). [60 ;/assallite, deux especes nouvelles (h- silicates. Paris, Bui. soc. fran(;'. miner., 24, 1901, (6-14). [40 (JOdf]. I 2 50 132 Tetrahedrite. Chester, Albert H[untington]. Miiier;i- logical notes and explorations. New Jersey, Trenton, Rep. Geol. Surv., 1900, 1901," (173-188). [GOgg]. Loczka, J[ozel]. Cliemisclie Analyse eines Tetraedrits vom Berge Botes in Ungarn. (Hmigarian). Magy. Cliem. F., Budapest, 7, 1901, (7-10) ; Zs. Krystal- logr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (84-S7). [60 c/A-]. Zimanyi, K. Ueber den Tetraedrit voni Botes-Berge. (Hungarian). Magy. Chem. F., Budapest, 7, 1901, (2-7); Zs. Krvstallogr., I^eipzig, 34, 1901, (78-83, mit 2 Taf.). [60 t//c]. Thaumasite. Penfield, S[aniuel] L[ewis] and Pratt, .)[oseph] H[yde]. On the occurrence of Tliaimiasite at West Paterson, New •lersey. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1896, 1, (229-233) ). [In contributions to miueralogy and petro- graphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.] [50 60 gg]. Thulite. Bibbins, A. W. Occurrence of Zoisite and Thulite near Baltimore. [Mary- land]. Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 11, 1901, (171-172). [60 gh]. Tiemannite. JPenfield, Samuel L[ewis]. Crys- tallized Tiemannite and Metacijmabai'ite. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1885, 29, (449-454)). [In con- tributions to mineralogy and petro- graphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific .School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. Titanite. Hayden, H[enry] H[iibert]. The gold- fields of Wainad ; historical, geological and economic aspects. Mem. Geol. Surv. 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[60 df]. ■ Sur un gisement de tour- maline ferrifere dans I'Aveyron. Paris, Bui. soc. fran^. miner., 24, 1901, (433- 434). [60 dfl Gisement de mineraux lithjniferes de Brassac (Tarn). Bui. ]\Iuseum, Paris, 1901, (235-237). [60 d f 14]. Tourmaline ferrifere. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1901, (237-238). [60 c7/ 14]. McMahon, C. A. ... the tourmaline of the white granite of Meldon, Dart- moor. Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (316-319). [60 82]. Penfield, S[amuel] L[ewis]. On the in- terpretation of mineral analysis : a criti- cism of I'eceut articles on the constitution of Tourmaline. (From Amer. J. Sci., New Haven, Conn., 1900, 10, (19-32) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petro- graphy from the . . . Sheffield Scientific School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, ed.9.l [12]. and Foote, H. W. On the chemical composition of Tourmaline. (From Amer. J. ScL, New Haven, Conn, 1899, 7, (97-195) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrogra])hy from the . . . 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[821 df FRANCE. Arsandaux, H. Analyse de quelqnes. niineranx. Paris, Bnl. soc. franc, miner., 24,1901,(472-476). [50 (iO fa ef]. Bertrand, C. Eg. Charbons gelosiqnes et charbons humiques. Congi-es geo- logiqne international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901,(458-497). [83 GO ic de]. Boyer, J. L'etat actuel de I'uidnstrie clu marble en France. Rev. sen. sci., Paris, 12, 1901, (781-790). [18]. Charlon, A. Recherche dn petrole en France. Xatnre, Paris, 29, 1901, 2'- semest. (81-82). [18]. Friedel, G. Snr la Termierite et la Lassallite, deux especes nouveUes de silicates. Paris, Bui. soc. fran(^. miner., 24, 1901, (6-14). [40 50]. Gosselet, J. Observations geologi- qnes faites dans les exploitations de ])liosphate de chaux en 1901. Lille, Ann. soc. ceol., 30. 1901, (208-243). [18]. Jiingst, Carl. Xotizen, gesammelt auf einer in Somuier 1899 ausgefiOirten .Studienreise durch Frankreich. Zs. Bergw., Berlin, 49, 1901, (447-470. mit 7 Taf.). [18 J 27]. Kohlmann. 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Pitchstone Smith, John. Detached microliths from the pitchstone sill at Corriegills, Arran. Glasgow, Trans. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900 [1901], (275-27G, with pL). [60 de 240]. Porphyrite. Deprat, J. Etude sur les roches erup- tives de la serie ancienne dans le Jura Franc-Comtois. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, (ser. 4), 31, 1901, (216-221). [60 df]. Geay, F. Sur une serie de roclies eruptives et metamorphiques de la Gu,yane. Bui. Jluseuni, Paris, 1901, (291-296). [84 50 QOhd]. Kerfome, F. Etude de la region silurique occidentale de la presqu'ile de Crozon (Finistere). Rennes (Simon), 1901, (234 + 1 carte geol.). 25 cm. [60 dfl Lecl^re, A. Etude geologiqne et miniere des provinces chinoises voisines du Tonkin. Ami. mines, Paris, (ser. 9), 20, 1901, (287-481, av. pi. et cartes). [83 84 60^6]. Stirling, James. . . . some horn- blende porphyrites of Victoria (Aus- tralia). London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (663-5). [60 if]. Termier, Pierre. Sur les mica-schistes, les gneiss, les amphibolites et les roches vertes des schistes lustres des Alpes occidentales. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (841-844). [84 60 df]. Vaffler, A. Etude geologiqne et paleontologique du carbonifere inferieur du Maconnais. Ann. univ., Lyon, (sciences), 1901, (1-159, av. pi.). " [84 60 (//]. Vredenburg, E[rnest]. A geological sketch of the Baluchistan desei't and part of Eastern Persia. [Diorite-por- jjhyrite with (?) sodalite.] Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 2, 1901, (179-302, with pis. and maps). [60 eh 35 J 20]. Porphyry. Deprat, J. Etude sur les roches eruptives de la serie ancienne dans le Jura Franc-Comtois. Feuille jeunes natural., Paris, (ser. 4), 31, 1901,' (216- 221). [60 dfl Hague, A. Les • phenomenes vol- caniques tertiaires dans la chaine d'Ab- saroka (Wyoming). Congres geologiqne international de 1900, Paris, 1, 1901, (364-365). I 17^ 82 Hume, W. F. Sur la geologie du Sinai. V. notes additi()nn(41es. Les roches ignees du Sinai oriental. Con- gres geologique international de 1900, Paris, 2, 1001, (929-932). [84 60 ei]. Vaffler, A. Etude geologique et paleontologique du carbonifere inferieur du Maconnais. Ann. univ., Lyon, (sciences), 1901, (1-159, av. pi.). [84 mdfi Pyroxenite. Duparc, I., et Pearce, F. Sur les voches ei-uptives du Tilai-Kamen (Oural). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (.o96- r)98). [87 60 db]. Haydeu, HCem-y] H[ubert]. Some au- riferous localities in North Coimbatore. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 33, 2, 1901, (61). [18 50 84 60 j/]. Lacroix, A. Conclusions a tirer de I'etude de la serie des enclaves homceo- genes d'uue roche volcanique. La serie des enclaves homoeogenes des andesites a liaiiyne du Mont-Dore. Paris, C.-Pl. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (1033-10.36). [60 clfl Rhyolite. Parkinson, John. The hollow .spheridites of the Yellowstone and Great Britain. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 57, 1901, (211-225, with pL). Rutley, Frank. On some tufaceous rhyolitic rocks from Duftou Pike (West- morland). With analyses by Philip Holland. London, Q. J. Geol.Soc, 57, 1901, (31-37, with pi.) [87 60 de]. Sanidinite. Riva, C. Sopra tlue sanidiniti delle isole Flegree con alcune considerazioni intorno all'impiego di liquid! a noto indice di rifrazione per la determina- zione dei niinerali componenti. Kiv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (21-34). [60 dhl Serpentine. McMahon, C[harles] A. Petro- logical notes on some Peridotites, Serpentines, (Tabbros and associated rocks from Ladakh, North-Western Himalayas. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 3, 1901, (303-329, with pis.). [60 ef]. (G-10253) Syenite. nink, G. Boeggild, 0. B. and Winther, Chr. [Investigations of minerals from Julianehaab, South Cireenland]. Kjobenhavn, Medd. Gronl., 24, 1901. (1-213). [40, 50, 60 kb]. . Hogg, Evelyn, G. The petrologj- of certain Victorian granites. Proc' R. Soc. Vict., Melbourne, (X. Ser.), 13, 1901, (214-224). [60 if]. Holland, T[homas] H[enry]. The Sivamalai series of Elaeolite-syenites and Corundum-syenites in the Coim- batore district, Madras Presidency. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 30, 3, 1901, (169-217). [87 60 ef]. Vredenburg, E[rncst]. A geological sketch of the Balucliistan desert and part of Eastern Persia. [Hornblende- and augite-syenites]. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., Calcutta, 31, 2, 1901, (179- 302, with pis. and maps). [60 eh H 20 35 J 20]. See also Nepheline-syenite. Teschenite. Choffat, Paid. Sur Page de l.-i teschenite. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (807-810). [60 %]. Tinguaite. Prior, Ct. T. [Cancrinite-fegirine- tiuguaite (" Sussexite "), from Elfdalen, Sweden. Riebeckite-segirine- tinguaite from the Rupbachthal, Nassau; com- pared with similar rocks from Abys- sinia and the Canary Islands.] Loudon, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (86-89). [50]. WolflF, Jolm E. Leiicite-Tinguaite from Beemerville, New Jersey. Cam- bridge, Mass., Bidl. Mus. Comp. Zool. 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Note on a phosphatic layer at the base of the Inferior Oolite in Skve. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, "(Glasgow), ;635). [60 del Sandstone. Amthor, Reinli. Der Rhatsandstein vom grossen Seeberge bei Gotha. In Naturwissenschaftliches und Geschicht- liches vom Seeberge. Gotha, 1901, (36-51). [H 65]. Bather, F[rancis] A[rthiir]. [Stmc- tm-e of Triassic Sandstone]. Geol. Mag., London, (ser. 2.) [4]. 8, 1901, (70 71). Btirckhardt, Rudolph. [Structure of Triassic Sandstone]. Geol. Mag., Lon- don, (ser. 2), [4], 8, 1901, (3-^, fig.). Howitt, A. W. Report on the exam- ination of thin slices of rocks from the Walhalla district [Victoria]. With a report on the Walhalla gold field by Hyman Herman. Vict. Spec, Rep. Dep. Mines, Melbourne, 1901, (56-58). [60 if]. Jones, T[homas] Rupert. Histoiy of the Sarsens. Geol. Mag., London, (ser. 2) [4], 8, 1901, (54-59, 115-125). Judd, J. W. . . structiue of sarsens. Geol. Mag., London, (N. Ser. Dec. 4), 8, 1901, (1-2). Lucickij, V. La structure micro- scopique de quelqiies gres du sud de la Russie. (russe.). Kiev, Zap. Ob§c. jest., 17, 1901, 1, (205-272, av. 1 pL). [60 dbl MacMe, Wm. The occurrence of barium sulphate and calciimi fluoride as cementing substances in the Elgin Trias. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1901, (Glasgowj, (649-6.50). [50 60 de]. Macnair, Peter. . GifEnock sandstones, and . . . origin of sandstones . . . Glasgow, Traus. Geol. Soc, 11, 1900 [1901], (199-231). Mansuy, H. La nature des roches emijloyees dans la construction des monuments anciens de I'lndo-Chine. Bid. econ. Indo- Chine, Saigon. 1901» (1084-1086). [60 ed 18]. Soils. Freiberg, I. K. und Kagau, M. L Bodeni'orschimgeH iui Jalue 1900 ini Gouvemement Orel, (iiiss. mid deutsch ) . Jezeg. geol. i miner., Varsava, IV. 7, 1901, (169-173). [60 d6]. Krasevsldj , P. Notice sur un speciimn du sol de rOural. (russ.). Pedologie, St. Peterburg, 3, 190L (287-294). [60 dbl Nyholm, E[inil] T[heodor]. [Natiir- liche linlandische Bodeiiarten]. 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Ueber das Auskrystallisiren coraplexer Salz- l()sungeu bei constanter Temperatur unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der natiirlichen Salzvorkommnisse. Zs. angew. Chem., Berlin, 14, 1901, (531- 537). [13 D 7150]. Weiske, F. Die Darstellung kiiiist- licher Dianianten. Natw. Wocheuschr., Jena, 17, 1902, (301-303). [19 50]. Wroblewski, A. Ueber eine Methode der Krystalllsation von Substanzeu aus. ihren Losungeu ohne Krustenbildung auf der Flussigkeitsoberflache. Zs. ])hvsik. Chem., Leipzig, 36, 1901, (84- 86). [D 0930]. PHYSICAL (EXCLUDING OPTICA L) CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 300 GENERAL. Voigt, W[oldemar]. Ueber die Para- meter der Krystalljjhysik mid iiber gerichtete Grossen hoherer Ordnung. Aim. Plivsik, Leipzig, (4. Foltre), 5, 1901, (241-275). [400 A 0840 B 3210]. 310 COHESION, ELASTICITY, CLEAVAGE, HARDNESS, Etc. Schroeder van der Kolk, J[acobus] L[odewijk] C[onradus]. On hardness in comiection with cleavage, especially in minerals. (Dutch), .\msterdain, Verh. 189 350 K. Akad. Wet., 2" Sect., 8, No. 2, 1902, fl-2I, with 12 pi.); Amsterdam Proc. .Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 3, 1901, (T)55-658) (English); Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Xat. Aid. K. Akad. Wet. 9, 1901, (692-696) (Dutch). Viola, C[arlo3. Beitrag zurLehrevon der Spaltbarkeit der Krvstalle. N. Jahrb. Mia., Stuttgart, 1902, l,'(9-22). [B 3210]. 320 ETCHING. Gaubert, Paul. Sur les figures d'efflor- esceuce [gvpse]. Paris, Bui. soc. franc;', miner., 24; 1901, (476-488). [50]. Siu' les faces de dissolution de la calcite, et sur les figui-es de cor- rosion des carbonates rhomboidiques. Paris, Bui. soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (326-350, av. pi.). [210 50J. Meyer, Otto and Penfield, Samuel L[ewis]. Results obtained by etching a sphere and crystals of quartz with hydro- fluoric acid. (From Transactions of Connecticut Academy, 1889, 8, (158- 165) ). [In contributions to mineralogy and petrography from the . . . Shef- field Scientific' School, 1901, Penfield and Pirsson, eds.]. Solger, Friedrich. Ueber die Benut- zung der Lichtfiguren geatzter Krystall-" tiiicheu zur krystallogTaphischen Bestim- niung der Aetzfiguren. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd. 13, 1901, (469- 506). 330 THERMAL PROPERTIES. Burmester, L. Kinematisch-geomet- rische Theorie der Bewegung der affin- verauderlichen, ahnlich-veranderlichen uud starren raundichen oder ebeneu Svstenie. [Thermal expansion of crys- tals]. Zs. ilath., Leipzig, 47, 1902, (128-156^. [B 0440 A 8080]. 340 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES. Dewar, James. Bakerian Lecture. The Nadir of Temperattu-e . . . Pyro- electricitv. Phosphorescence, etc. Lon- don, Proc. R. Soc. 68, 1901, (360-366); Nature, London, 64, 1901, (243-244). Everdingen jr., E[\voud] van. On the Hall-ellect and the resistance of crystals of Insmuth within and without the magnetic field. Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K." Akad. Wet. 3, 1901, (316-321, 407-421, with 1 pL), (English) ; Amster- dam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 9, 1901, (277-281, 448-462, with 1 pi.), (Dutch) ; Leiden, Comm. Physic. Lab. No. 61 [1901?] (1-23, with 1 "pi.), (English). [C 5670 5660 D 0190]. Everdingen jr., E[wond] van. Hall- Effekt, Widerstand imd Widerstauds- zuuahme in Wismutkrvstallen. Phvsik. Zs., Leipzig, 2, 1901,* (585-586j. "[350 C 5670 5660 D 0190]. Ezner, Felix M. Zur inneren Leitung von Quarz bei 100-150° und von Glas bei Zimmertemperatur. Berlin, Verh. D. physik. Ges., 3, 1901, (26-30). [C 5660 5250]. Fellinger, Robert. Bestimmung der Dielektricitatsconstanten von Krystallen im homogenen elektrischeu Felde. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (333-357). [C 5250]. Lownds, Louis. Ueber das tlrermo- niagnetische mid thermoelektrische Ver- halten des krystallinischen Wismuts. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 6, 1901,(146-162). [350 C 5710 D0190 72.-50]. The thermomagnetic and thermoelectric properties of crystalline bismuth. Phil. Mag., London, (Ser. 6), 2, 1901, (325-341).'" [350]. 350 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES. Everdingen jr., E. van. Hall-Effekt, Widerstand imd Widerstandszunahme in Wismutkrvstallen. Phvsik. Zs., Leip- zig, 2, 1901," (585-586). '[340 C 5670 5660 D0190]. Lownds, Louis. The thermomagnetic and thermoelectric properties of crj-stal- line bismuth. Phil. Mag., London, (Ser. 6), 2, 1901, (325-341). [340]. • Ueber das thennomagne- tische imd thermoelektrische Verhalteii des ki-ystallinischen Wismuts. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 6, 1901, (146-162). [340 C5710 D0190 7250]. Voigt, W[oldemar]. Ueber Pyro-imd Piezomagnetismus der Krystalle. Got- tinoen, Nachr. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. kC 1901, (1-19). [C 5460]. Wallerant, Fred. Sur les variations de I'ainiantation dans un cristiil cubique. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (630- 632). Sur Taimantation des corps cristallises. Paris, Bui. soc. fran^. miner., 24, 1901, (404-422). 400 ]90 OPTICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 400 GENERAL. Klein, C[arl]. Optische Studien. IL .3. VervoUkomimiung der Einrichtiingeu des Totalreflectometers. 4. Ueljer Peiiiiin \md Kliuoclilor. Berlin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (104-L19). [630 420 50 C 3090]. Panebianco, R. Receosioue dellavoro di Wiilfing sid movimento luminoso uella tormalina col quale si ristabilisce la nota superficie d'onda dei cristalli uniassi, stata abbattuta dal Viola. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 1901, (1-9). Pfluger, A. Priifimg des Kirch- hoffschen Gesetzes an der Emission und Absorption gliihenden Tiirmalins. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (806-817). [50^ C 4210]. Sachs, A. Krystallogi'aphisch-optische •Studien an synthetisch dargestellten Verbindungen. Zs. KrystaUogr., Leip- zig, 34, 1901, (158-170); Schbnrock, Otto. Theoretische Be- stimmuug des Achsenfehlei-s von Kry- stallplatten. Zs. Instrumentenk., Berlin, 22, 1902, (1-14). Voigt, W[oldeniar]. Ueber die Para- meter der Krystalliibysik imd liber gerichtete Grossen hoherer Ordnimg. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 5, 1901,(241-275). [300 A 0840 B 3210]. 410 ABSORPTION. Dufet, H. Etude cristallograpbique et optique des sulfates de neodyme, de praseodyme et de samarium a 8 H^O. Paris, Bid. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (374-403). [420 700]. Koenigsberger, J [oh]. Ueber ein ilikrophotometer zur ilessimg der Ab- sorption des Lichts. Zs. Instrumen- tenk., Berlin, 21, 1901, (129-133). [630 C 3010 3850]. 420 REFRACTION AND BIREFRINGENCE. Comu, A. Demonstration et usage des formiiles relatives au reiractometre. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 133, 1901, (463- 469). [620]. • Determination des trois cristal, en grandeur et en direction, par le refractometre. Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 133, 1901, (125-131;. [620]. Dufet, H. Etude cristallographique et optique des sulfates de neodyme, de praseod\Tne et de samarium a 8 H'O. Paris, Bui. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (:373-403j. [410 700]. Harker, AKred. On a question rela- tive to extinction-angles in rock-slices London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (66- 68j. Klein, C[arl]. Optische Studien. II. 3. Vervollkonnnnung der Eiiirichtungen des Totalreflectometers. 4. Ueber Pennin und Klinochlor. Bei'lin, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 1902, (104-1191. [630 400 50 C 3090]. Martens, F. F. Ueber die Dispersion ultravioletter Strahlen in Steinsalz und Sylvin. Berlin, Verb. D. physik. Ges., 3, 1901, (31-35j. [C 3030 3830]. Micheli, F. J. Ueber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Dispersion ultra- violetter Strahlen in Flussspat, Steinsalz, Quarz und Kalkspat. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (772-790, mit 1 Taf.). [C 3030 3830]. Rendtorff, E. J. On differential double refraction. Phil. Mag., London, (Ser. 6), 1, 1901, (539-548). Straubel, R. Ueber Quarzprismen. Ann. Phvsik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7, 1902, (90O-90S). [50 430 C 3030]. Voigt, W[oIdemar]. Beitriige zur Aufklarmig der Eigeuschaften pleo- chroitischer Krystalle. Gottingeu, Naclir. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., 1902, (48- 91). [440 C 40.30]. 430 CIRCULAR POL.yRISATION. parametres optiques principaux d'lm Levi, M. (t. Sul poteie rotatorio del quarzo alia temperatura delTarialiquida. Veiiezia, Atti 1st. ven., 60, 1901, (559- 560j. Pocklington, H. C. On rotatory polarization in biaxial crystals. Phil. Mag., London, (Ser. 6), 2, 1901, (361- 370). Straubel, R. Ueber Quai-zprismen. Ann. Physik, Leipzig, (4. Folge), 7» 1902, (905-908). [50 420 C 3030]. lUi 530 440 OTHER OPTICAL PEOPERTIES. Czudnochowski, W. Biegon von. Durch Kathodenstralilen erzeugte Far- benringe an Krvstallplatten. (2. Mitt.). Phvsik. Zs., Leipzicj, 3, 1901, (82-85). [C6840]. Joly, J. On the pseudo-opacity of anatase. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, (X. Ser.), 9, (175-481). [50]. Scholtz, M[ax]. Ueber stereoisomere a, o'-Diphenvlpiperidine. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1616-1623). [540 D 1930 700(3]. TscliugaeflF, L. Ueber Tribolumi- niscenz. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1820-1825). [540 C 4220 D 7300]. Viola, C. Ueber das Glaukisiren verschiedener Feldspatlie. Zs. Kits- taUogr., Leipzig, 34, 1901, (171-195, mit 1 Taf.). [50]. Voigt, W[oldemar]. Beitrage zur Aufklarung der Eigenschaften pleo- clu-oitisclier KrystaUe. Gottingen. Xachi-. Ges. Wiss., math.-pbvs. KL. 1902, (48- 91). [420 C 4030]. " CHEMICAL CRYSTALLO GRAPHY. 500 GENERAL. Armstrong, E. Frankland. The application of the equilibriiim law to the separation of ciystals from complex solutions and to the formation of oceanic deposits. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1901, (Glasgow), (262-282). Dawson, H. M. The crystallisation of salt solutions. Nature, London, 64, 1901, (3.36-338). 510 ISOMORPHISM. Bodman, Gosta. On isomorphism between salts of bismuth and some of the rare earths (Swedish). Stockholm, Vet.-.\k. Bih., 26: II, 1901, No. 3 (28). [D 0190]. Ueber die Isomorphie zwischen den Salzen des Wismuts imd der seltenen Erden. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (254-279). [D0190 0100 7000]. Foote, H. W. On the mixed crystals of copper sulphate and zinc sulphate. Baltimore, Md., Amer. Chem. J., 26, 1901, (418-428). [7(Xt D(i290 0880 7100]. Friedel, G. Silicate de lithium cris- tallise. Paris, Bui. Soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (141-159). [700]. HoUmann, Reinhard. Ueber dio Danipfspannung von Mischkrystallen einiger isomorpher .Salzhvdrate. Zs. physik. Chem., Leipzig, 37. 19<»1. (193- 213). [C 1920 D 7100]. KLobb, T. De Pisomori^hisme en cristallographie ; forme cristalline du sulphate et du seleniate luteocobalti- ques. C.-R. cong. sac. sav., Paris, 1901, (184-188). [7(j(j]. Miers, H. A., W^-lme, W. P. and AiTustroug, H. E. Isomorphoiis deriva- tives of Benzene. London, Rep. Brit. Ass. 1901 (Glasgow), (78). Sommerfeldt, Ernst. Thermoche- mische imd thermodynamische ]iIetho- den. angewandt aiif den Vorgang der Bildimg von MischkiystaUen. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart. "Beilagebd. 13, 1901, (434-468). [D 7200 C 24>0]. Tutton, A. E. . . . double sele- nates R,M(Se04)2,6H20 [M = Ma]. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1901, (322- 323) ; Chem. News, London, 83, 190], (280); London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, (Ser. A) 197. 1901, (255- 284, with jdI.) [700]. 520 POLYMORPHISM. Eyk, C[onielis] van. The formation of mixed-crA-stals of Thallium nitrate and Thalliiuu iodide. Amsterdam^ Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 3. 1901. (98-101) (English); Amsterdam, Ver^l. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet.. 9, 1901, (44-46!. (Dutch). [D 7000, 0790]. Rabe, W. 0. Ueber die j^hysika- lische Isomerie des Thallopikrats. Zs. phvsik. Chem., Leipzig, 38. 1901, (175- 184). [D 0790 7000]. 530 MORPHOTROPY. Bebrens, Th[eodor] H[eiurich]. Ueber die Morphotropie der Antimonyltartrate des Anilins [der Toluidinen mid Xy- lidinen] (HoUandischi. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet.,. 9, 1901, (372-373). [D 1C30]. 540 19- 540 STEREOCHEMISTRY, OPTI- r'ALLY ACTIVE AND RA- CEMIC COMPOUNDS. Aschan, Ossian. Ueber die Constitu- tion des K;nnphers. Eine stereochemi- sche Stndie. Liebigs Ann. Chenu, Leipzig, 316, 1901, (190-241). [D7000 lUO M3120]. Fischer, Emil und Hageubacli, Rudolf. Spaltung raeemisclier Aininosiiuren in ■die optiscli activen Componenten. V. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (37n4-.3767j. [D 1300 7300]. Gadamer, J[ohaiuies]. Ueber Corj-- dalihalkaloide. Arch. Pliarm., Berlin, .240, 1902, (19-52). [D 3010 7300 M3I20]. Ueber Tropinsauren mid ■die optischen Funktionen der asym- metrischen Kohlenstoffatoiue ini Tropin xmd Ecgoiiin. Arch. Pharm., Berlin, ■239, 1901, ajG3-672). [D 1930 7300]. Itzig, Herrmann. Ueber die Einwirk- nng von Molybdaten und Wolf rama ten auf die specifische Drehmig von wein- «auren Salzen. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901. (1372-1380). [D 1310 7300 04S0 0S40]. Maquenne, L. et Bertrand, (i. Sur les ervthrites actives. Paris, Bui. see. <-him.; 25, 1901, (740-743). [750]. Sur I'erythrite racemique. Paris, Bui. see. chim., .25-26, 1901, (743-745). [750]. Minguin, J. et de BoUemont, E. Greg- oire. Sur le racemisme. [Benzylidene- camphre brome actif racemique, Anisal- camphre actif racemique]. Paris, C.-R. Acad.sci., 132, 1901, (1573-1576). Neuberg, C. und Wolilgemuth, J. Ueber das Verhalten der drei Arabinosen im Thierkorper. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1745-1749). [Q 1430 7931 D 1840 8040]. Pope, William Jackson and Harvey, Alfred William. Optically active nitro- gen compoimds and their bearing on the valency of nitrogen. d- and J- a - Benzyiphenylallylmethylannnonium salts. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (828-841). [750]. Riiff, Otto. Ueber die Oxydation der 1-Arabonsaxire und l-Xvlonsiiure. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., '34, 1901, (1362- 1372). [D 1310 7300 7150]. Scholtz, M[ax]. Ueber stereoisomere a, a- Diphenvlpiperidine. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1616-1623). [440 D 1930 7000]. Stobbe, Hans und Niedeuzu, Karl. Die beiden stereoisomeren Benzaldesoxy- benzoine. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (.3897-3913). [D1530 7000]. Tschugaeff, L. Ueber Tribohuninis- cenz. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1820-1825). [440 C 4220 D 7300]. Wedekind, E[dgar]. Neuere For- schungen auf deni Gebiete der optischen Isomeric. Zs. aDgev\-. Chem., Berlin, 15, 1902, (348-352). [D 7000 73tK.) C 3860]. und Oechslen, C. Ueber tertiare und quaternare Tetrahydro- isochinolinbasen, ein Beitrag zurStereo- chemie des Stickstoffs. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901,(3986-3993). [750 D 1930 7000 7100]. Werner, Alf. Ueber stereoisomere Kobaltverbindungen. (1. Mitt, in der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei anorgan- ischen Verbindungen). Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1705-1719). [D 2000 0260 7000]. Ueber 1 .0-Chloronitritodi- / /^M^ lithylendiaminkobaltsalze, [ Co^NOj iX. \ \eii2 / (3. Mitt, in der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei anorganischen Verbiudimgen.) Ber- lin, Ber.' D. chem. Ges. 34, 1901, (1733- 1738). [D 2000 0260]. und Gerb, L. Ueber 1.2- Chloronitritodiathylendiamiukobaltiver - binduDgen. (4. Mitt, in der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei anorganischen Verbin- dungen.) Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34.1901,(1739-1745). [D 2000 0260]. mid Humphrey, Ed. Ueber stereoisomere Dinitritodiathylendiamin- kobaltsalze,(Co<^^'^^2^-) X. (2. Mitt. \ ^eiu / ^ in der Serie : Ueber Isomerien bei anor- ganischen Verbindmigen). Berlin, Ber. b. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (1719-1732). [D 2000 0260 7000]. Wyrouboflf, ( i . Sur un nouveau corps done du double pouyoir rotatoire. [Sul- fate d'hvdrocinchonine]. Paris, Bui. soc. fi-aii? miner., 24, 1901, (76-86). Le racemate de rubidium. Paris, Bui. soc. franc miner., 24, 1901, (354-357). [700 750J. 193 700 DETERMINATIVE CRYSTAL- L 0 a R A P H Y. 600 (tEXERAL. Tietze, (Jscar. Krystallogi-aphisclie Untersuclmugen einiger ueuer chemi- scher Verhiiiclimgen. N. Jahrb. .Min., Stuttgart, 1901, 2, (] 05-110). 620 OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS. Comu, A. Demonstration et usage (les fonnnles relatives au refractometre. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sei., 133, 1901, (163- 469j. [120]. Determination iles ti'ois parametres optiques priucipaux cl'iui crista!, en grandeur et en direction, par le refractometre. Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 133, 1901, (125-131). [420]. Joly, J. . . . identifying crystals in rock sections bv use of birefringence. Dublin, Sci. Proc. R. Soc, (N. Ser.), 9, 1901, (485-491). Riva, C. Sopra due sanidiniti delle isole Flegi-ee con alcmie considerazioni intorno all' inipiego di lic^uidi a noto indice di rifrazione per la determina- zione dei minerali componenti. Ri\^ min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (21-.34). [82 60 dh]. Scliroeder van der Eolk, .I[acobus] L[odewyk] C[oiu'adus]. De la deter- mination du systeme cristallin d'lui cristal microscopique. Haarlem, Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. Hell., [Ser. 2\ 4, 1901, (.341-345). Weinschenk, Ernst. Auleituug zum Gebrauch des Polarisatiousmikroskops. Freiburo- i. B. (Herder), 1901, (VI -f 123). 22 cm. 3 M. [C 4*300]. 630 APPARATUS. Fedorov, E. S. Nouvelles adaptations au microscope de polarisation. 1 Les nouveaux nicols. — ^11 Le microdicliro- scope de la plus simple construction, (russ. et fr.) -Jezeg. geol. i miner., VarSava, IV. 6, 1901, (142-149). Ueber Universalgoniometer mit mehr als zwei DrehacLsen. Me- chaniker, Berlin, 9, 1901, (145-147). Klein, C[arl]. Optische Studien II. 3. VervoUkonunuimg der Eiuriclitimgen des Totalreflectometers. 4. Ueber Pemiin imd Klinocldor. Berlin, Sitz- (G-102U.3) Ber. Ak. Wi^s., 1902, (104-119). [400 420 50 C 3(J90]. Koenigsberger, J. Ueber ein Mi kro photometer zui- Messmig der Ab- sorption des Lichts. Zs. Instriunent- enk., Berlin, 21, 1901, (129-133). [410 C 3010 .3850]. Schwarzmann, .Max. Zur Krystallo- photograuimetrie. Exacte bildliche Darstelluug, Hilfstabellen, Instrumente mid Modelle. N. .Jalirb. Min., Stutt- gart, 1901, 1, (9-17, mit 1 Taf.). Smith, G. F. Herbert. . . . Im- proved form of three-circle gonio- meter. London, Mineral. Mag., 13, 1901, (7.5-70j. WUlfing, E[rnst] A. Ueber einen vereinfachten Apparat zm- Herstellmig orientirter KrvstallschlifEe. N. Jahi-b. -Min., Stiittgart,'l901, 2, (1-22). [C 0060]. 700 DESCRIPTIVE CRYS- TALLOGRAPHY. ELEMENTS AND INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, (r. also 50). Behrens, Th[eodor] H[einrich]. Micro- 'chemical researches on Cerium-metals. (Dutch.) Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet., 10, 1902, (6-8). [D GlOO]. Biedermann, W[ilhelm]. Ueber den Ziistand des Kalkes im Crustaceen- pauzer. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 21, 1901, (34.3-352). [N 2607 Q 8670]. Brunck, 0. Die Krystallform der Tellursaure. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (27.3.5-27.36). [D 0760 7100]. Dufet, H. Etude cristallographique et optique des sulfates de neodyme, de praseoclyme et de samarium a 8H-0. Paris, Bui. soc. fi-anc^. miner., 24, 1901, (373-403). [410 420]. ■ Notices cristallographiques. [Fluosilicate de fer.— Diphosphopenta- inolybdate de sodium. — Ferrocyanure de calcium. — Chromicyanure de potassium. — Rhodocvamu-e de potassium.] Paris, Bui. soc. franc, miner., 24, 1901, (118- 140). [7.50]. Foote, H. W. On tiie mixed crystals of copper sulphate and zinc sulpliate. Baltimore, ild., .Amer. Chem. .J., 26, ItlOl, (118-428). [510 D 0290 0880 7100]. 700 194 Friedel, G. Silicate de lltliium ciis- tallise. Paris, Bui. soc. fraiK;'. miner., 24, 1901, (141-159). [510]. Gutbier, A. Studien Tiber das Tellur. [1. (vorl.) Mitt.]. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (2114-2115). [D 0760 7000]. Hofmann, K[arl] A. xuid Jenny, A. Neue Isomerieftille bei den Kobalt- tetramraineu. [Disulpliitotetraminic acid salts]. Berlin, Ber. D. cheni. Ges., 34, 1901, (.3855-3173). [D 0260 7100 7000]. Hopkins, Arthur Jolui. The crystalli- zation of copper sulphate. Baltimore, Md., Amer. Chem. J., 25, 1901, (413- 419); Chem. News, London, 84, 1901, (42-44). [420 D 0290]. Jouve, Ad. Sur im echantillon de chaux cristallise. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 132, 1901, (1117-1118); Paris, Bui. Soc. chim., 25, 1901, (710-711). Klobb, T. Etude cristallographique de quelques sels luteocobaltiques. Sulfates luteocobaltiques, seleniates luteocobaltiques, cldorosulfates luteoco- baltiques, chloroseleuiates luteocobalti- ques, sulfates doubles luteocobaltiques. Paris, bill. soc. fran^. miner, 24, 1901, (307-324). De I'isomorphisme en cristallographie ; forme cristalline du sulfate et du seleniate luteocobaltiques. C.-R. cong. soc. sav., Paris, 1901, (184- 188). [510]. Leidi^. Palladium, iridium, rhodium [mineraux contenaut ces metanx, sels de metaux]. Encycl. chim. de Fremy, Paris (Dunod), 1901, 3, 3" fasc. 1901, (395). (24 cm 5). [18]. Meyer, Richard Jos. unci Jacoby, Richard. Die Doppelnitrate des vier- wertigen Ceriums tmd des Thoriums. Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (359-389). [D0240 0770 7100]. Millosevicli, Federico. Studio cristal- lografico dei perclorati di luteocobal- tiammine px'eparati dal dott. Ugo Alvisi. Gazz. chim. ital., Palermo, 31, 1901, (285). Piccini, 2\[ugusto] und Marino, L. Ueber die xVlaune des Rhodiums. An- hang : Trennung des Rhodiums vom Iridivmi. [Uebersetzung.] Zs. anorg. Chem., Hamburg, 27,^1901, (02-71). [D 0640 7100]. Rosenheim, Arthur und Colm, Robert. Ueber einige Metalldoppelrhodanide und iiber die Eisenriiodaureaktion [Rhodanide of cobalt]. Zs. anorcr. Chem., Hamburg, 27, 1901, (280-303). [D 0210 7000 0300 7250]. Stead, J. E. Crystals of carbo- silicide of manganese and iron. London, J. Iron Steel lust., 59, (No. 1), 1901, (79-88). Sterba, Jean. Cristallisation de I'oxyde de cerium. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci.," 133, 1901, (294-295). Tutton, A. E. ... double selenates RjM (Se 0^)^, 6 H^O [M=^Mg]. London, Proc. R. Soc, 68, 1901, (322- 323) ; Chem. News, London, 83, 1901 , (280); London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, (Ser. A), 197, 1901, (255-284, with pi.). [510]. WyroubofiF, G. Forme cristalline de quelques sels de terres rares. [Sulfates cle ceriimi, oxalates de cerium, oxalates de lanthane, nitrate cerico-jDotassique, oxalonitrate de potassium, sulfate de thorium, sulfate de thoriimi et de l^otassiimi.] Paris, Bui. soc. franc miner., 24, 1901, (105-110). [750]. • Le racemate de rubidimn. Paris, Bui. soc frang. miner., 24, 1901, (354-357). [540 750]. Oxalate de chrome. Paris, Bui. Soc. franc;', miner., 24, 1901, (80- 92). [750]. Sur quelques acetates triples. [acetates d'uranium, sodium et cuivre ; acetates d'uranium, sodium et nickel ; acetates d'uranimu, sodiimr et manganese ; acetates d'uranivun, sodium et cadmium.] Paris, Bui. soc. franc;-, miner, 24, 1901, (93-104). [750 230]. 750 DESCRIPTIVE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Hydrocarbons. Billows, E. Su uu rimarchevole isomorfismo morfologico e fisico delle sostanze Acenaftene e Acenaftilene. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (5-13). 195 750 Alcohols. Maquenne, L. Syuthese et pro- prietes de rerythrite. Arm. chim. phys., Paris, (ser. 7), 24, 1901, (399- 412). ^ et Bertrand, G. Ervthrites actives. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sc'i., 132 1901, (1419-1421). Surles er^^:llrites actives. Paris, Bui. soc. chim., 25, 1901, (740-74.3). [.540J. Sur I'ervthrite racemiqiie. Paris, Bui. soc. chira., 25- 26, 1901, (743-745). [540]. Organic Acids and their Salts, Esters and Lactones. Bomer, A. (Referent) uud Winter, K. Beitrage zur Analyse der Fette. VI. Ueber einige Ester des Cholesterins und Phytosterins. Zs. Unters. Xahrgs- niittel, Berlin, 4, 1901, (865-888). [D1250 1350 6500 Q 1540 M 3120]. Bollemont, Gregoire de. Action de ranunouiaque et de Tauiline sur les €thers oxymethene-cyauacetiques et leurs •derives alcoyles. [Anilidomethene- • cvanacetate d'ethyle]. Paris, Bui. soc. ■chim., 25-26, 1901, (39-46). Briick, 0. Zur Constitution der Dibromphtalsaure. Berlin, Ber. D. ■chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (2741-2747). [D 1330 7000]. Ekbom, Alfi-. Ueber die Para-Xitro- Ijenzolsidfonsaure. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35, 1902, (651-656). ,[D 1330 7100]. Errera, G[iorgio] und Perciabosco, F. Wirkung der Halogene, sowie des Brom- cyauessigesters auf Natriumcyanessi- gester. [Dicyan-trimethyl-tetracarbonic acid salt]. Berlin, Ber. D. cliem. Ges., 34,1901,(3704-.3717). [D 1310 7100]. H^iussermann, J. Ueber die Produkte ■der Chlorwasserstoffentziehung aus Saurechloriden imter besonderer Beriick- siclitigung der Einwirkung tertiiirer Basen. Diss. Tubingen (F. Pietzcker), 1902, (60). 23 cm 1,20 M. [D 1.300 7100]. Itzig, Herrmann. Ueber die Ein- wirkung von Kaliimicvanid auf Kupfer- rhodaniir. [Kaliumkupfercvaniir]. Ber- lin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35,* 1902, (106- 110). [D 1310]. (g-1025.3) Thiele, Johannes und Sulzberger, X, Zur Kenntniss der ungesattigten Verbin- dungen. 18. Ueber das A'-ungesattigte Lacton der Benzoyl propionsiiure. [Acetate of phenylbromoxyljutyrolacton]. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 319, 1901, (196-211). [D 1910 1340 7100]. Verneiiil, A. Produits secondaires formes par Taction de I'acide sulfurique sur le charbon de bois [acide benzeiie- pentacarbonique]. Paris, C.-R. Acad. sci., 132, 1901, (1340-1343]. Weigert, Fritz. Ueber das ge- sclnvefelte Diljutolacton. [Trithiodibuto- lacton]. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34 1901. (.3.386-3405). [D 1920 .5010 7000 7100]. WyroubofiF, G. Sur quelques acetates triples. [Acetates d'm-anium, sodium et cuivre ; acetates d'uranimn, sodium et nickel ; acetates d'uranivun, sodiimi et manganese ; acetates d'uranium, sodium et cadmiimi. Paris, Bui. soc. fi-auQ. miner., 24, 1901, (93-104). [700 230J. Forme cristalline de quelques sels de terres rares. [Oxalates de cerimn, oxalates de lanthane, oxalo- nitrate de potassium]. Paris, Bid. soc. hanq. miner., 24, 1901, (105-116). [700]. Le racemate de rubidium. Paris, Bui. soc. franc^. miner., 24, 1901, (354-357). [540 700]. Oxalate de chrome. Paris, Bui. soc. frang. miner., 24, 1901, (80- 92). [700]. Amines and Hydrazines and their derivatives. Bamberger, Eugen und Schmidt, Otto. Ueber isomere Hydrazone [o-Benzoyl- formaldehvdrazon]. Berlin, Ber. 1). chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (2001-2017), [D 16.30 7100]. Dufet. Xotices cristallographiques. [Phenylhydrazone de jjyruvate ethylique (a et P)]. Paris, Bid. soc. fi-an^. miner., 24, 1901, (118-140). [700]. Pope, W. J. and Harvey, A. W. Optically active uitrogen compounds and their bearing on the valency of nitrogen. J- and I- o-Benzylphenyl- allyhnethylammonium salts. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (828-811). [540]. N 2 750 196 Wedekind, Edgar. Ueber das Ver- halten von tertiaren Basen gegeii Bi'om- malonsauiemethvlester. Berlin, Ber. D. c-hem. Ges., 34, 1!)01, (2077-2081). [D ICOO 10.30 1310]. Beobachtiuigen iiber ein- fache Tuid doppelte Dissociation bei quartiiren Ammoninmsalzen. (8. Mitt, liber das fiiniwerthige Stickstoftatom.) [Ammoniumessigester]. Berlin, Ber. D. cheni. Ges., 35, 1902, (760-776). [D 16.30 19.30 1.300 7200 7000]. ■ Ueber die Additionsgren- zen tertiarer Amine. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 318, 1901, (90-116). [D 1600 70.50]. Azo. Azoxy, and Diazo compounds. Bamberger, Eug. nnd Grub, Jac. Ueber Phenj-lazoathylidennitronsiinrees- ter iind Phenvlazoacetaldoxim. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. (!es., 35, 1902, (67-82). [D 1720 11.30]. Wacker, Leonhard. Ueber das a-Azoxynaphtalin. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 317, 1901, (375-38.5). [D1720 5020]. Carbohydrates. Koenigs, Williehn and Knorr, Eduard. Ueber einige Derivate des Trauben- zvickers xind der Galactose. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (957- 981). [D 1810 1850 Q 1432 1440]. Camphor and its derivatives. Forster, ^I. O. Studies in the Cam- phane series. Part IV. the isomerism of a-benzoykamphor. [l-hvdroxy-2- benzoylcamphene (Enolic a-Benzoyl- camphor)]. London, J. Chem. Soc, 79, 1901, (987-1002). Alkaloids and Organic Compounds with closed chains containing carbon and nitrogen. Errera, G[i(_irgio]. Untersnclumgen iiber gemisclite Methenylverbindungen. IV. Svnthese des a, j3-Liitidins. Berlin, Ber. b. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3691- 3700). [D 19.30 7100]. Michaelis, A[ug.]. Ueber Thio- mid JSelenoantipyrin nntl iiber die Constitu- tion des Antipyrins. [Thiopyrin]. Lie- bigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 320, 1902, (1-51). [D 1930 1940 ' 7000 7100 g 9180]. Rappeport, Theodor. 1. Ueber einige Pyrimidine und Kyanidine aus dem Paranitrobenzamidin. 2. Versuch znr Darstellung des Orthonitrobenzi- midoatbers. [CijHijNgOs]. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (198.3-1992). [D 1930 1660 1630]. Wedekind, Edgar. Ueber einige cyc-li^:clie qiiartare Ainmoniumsalze. (7. Mitt, iiber das fiinfwertluge Stick- stoffatom.j Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 35, 1902, (178-185). [D 1930 7000 7100]. und Oechslen, R. Ueber tertiare und quaternare Tetrahydro- isochinolinbaseu, ein Beitrag zurStereo- cheniie des Stickstoft's. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges., 34, 1901, (3986-399.3). [540 L) 1930 7000 7100]. Willstatter, Pichard. Synthesen in der Tropingruppe. I. Svnthese des Tropilidens. II. Svnthese von mouo- cyklischen Tropinbasen. III. Svnthese des Tropans imd Tropidins. Liebigs Ann. Chem., Leipzig, 317. 1901, (204- 374). [D 1930 1140 1640 3010]. Proteids. Grutterink, Alide und Graaff, Cor- nelia J. de. Ueber die Darstellung einer krystallinischen Harnalbumose [Animal proteids]. Hoppe-Seylers Zs. phvsiol. Chem., Strassburg, 34, 1902, (393-407, mit 1 Taf.). [Q~8440 1145 D 4010]. Kobert, H. U. Das Wirbeltierblut ill niikrokristallographischer Hinsicht. [Proteids (Blood).] Mit e. Vorwort v. R[ud]. Robert. Stuttgart (F. Enke), 1901, (VII + 118). 25 cm. 5 M. [Q 5000 11.50 0 0590 N 5207]. Organic Compounds not further classified. Billows, E. Ipnal. Studio cristallo- gratico. Kiv. min. crist., Padova, 27, 1901, (9-13). Sidla forma cristallina e le proprieta ottiche di mia nuova sostauza organica analoga all' ipnal. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (91-95). Boeris, G. Sopra ima rimarchevole somiglianza di forma cristallina fra composti organici. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (65-77). Tacconi, Emilio. Studio cristallo-- grafico di alcmie sostanze organiche. Riv. min. crist., Padova, 26, 1901, (14- 20). 107 LIST OF JOURXALS WITH ABBREVIATED TITLES. 6 U.3. Albany, N.Y., Mem. Miis. Nat. Hist. Univ. Amer. Anthrop., Xew Yorh, N.Y. Amer. (leol., illnneapoUs, Minn. Amer. J. Set., New Haven, Conn. Amsterdam, Proe. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Verh. K. Ahad. Wet., 2« Sect. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Aft. K. Ahad. Wet. Ann. chim. phys., Paris .. Ann. mines, Paris ... Ann. Physik, Leipzig Arch. Pharm., Berlin Atti Soc. tosc. sc. tiat., Pisa Austin, Trans. Tei.as. Acad. Sci. Austral. Min. Stand., Mel- bourne Aututi, Bid. soc. hist. nat.... Md., Amer. Baltimore. Chem. J. Bergen, Naturen JierTieley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol. Berlin, Ber. D. chem. Ges. Memoirs of the Museum of Natural History-. University of the State of New York, Albany, X.Y. American Anthropolocrist, Xew York, N.Y. American Geologist, Minneapolis, Mimiesota. American Journal of Science, Xew Haven, Conn. Proceedings of the Sections of Sciences, Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- scliappen, Amsterdam, 8vo. ^'erhandelingen der Koninklijke Akad- emie van Wetenschappen, 2^ Sectie (Xatuurhistorische Geolo- gische en Medische Wetenschappen), Amsterdam, 8o. ^ erslagen der Vergaderiugen van de Wis- en Xatuurkimdige Afdeeling der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Amsterdam, 8o. Amaales de chimie et de physique. Red. MM." Berthelot, Friedel, Mascart, Moissan. Paris, [mensuel.] Annales des mines, ou recueil des memoires sui- I'exploitation des mines et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rattachent. Paris, [mensuel.] i\juialen der Physik, hrsg. v. Driide. Leipzig, [monatl.] Archiv der Phai-macie, hrsg. vom deutschen Apotheker-Verein. Berlin, [monatl.] Atti della Societa toscana di scienze naturali, Pisa. Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin. The Australian Mining Standard. Mel- bourne. Bulletin de la societe d'histoire natureUe. Autxm (Saone et Loire). American Chemical Joiu'nal. (Johns Hopkins Lniversity), Baltimore, Md. Xaturen, Bergen... L'niversity of California. Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Berkeley. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, Berlin. [20 H. jiihrl.] 11 U.S. 14 U.S. 17 U.S. 3 Ho!. C Hoi. 7 Hoi. 44 Fr. 66 Fr. 44 Ger 81 Ger 26 It. 2S U.S. o Vic. 915 Fr. 31 U.S. C Nor. 36 U.S. 165 Ger. lys Berlin, Ber. D. [jharmJ'Cs. Berlin, Jahrh. D. Landic Ges. Berlin, SitzBer. Ah. Wiss. Berlin, Verh. D. inJiysih. G'es. Berlin, Verh. Vcr.GewcrhJl. Berlin, Zs. Ver. D. Ing. ... Ber. Vers, scichs. For.stver., Tharandt Beziers, Bui. soc. elwL sci. nat. Biol. Centralhl., Berlin Bl. Gymn.Scliuhr., Miinclien Boll. Assoc, min., Ljlesias Boll. Naturalista, .Sioia ... Bologna, Mem. Aec. sc. Boston, Mass., Proe.Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. Boston, Mass., Soc. Arts Tech. Q. Bremen, Ahh. nat a-. Ver. ... Bristol, Proc. Xat. 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Proceedings of the Royal Society of ' Victoria, Melbourne. Processi verbali della Societa toscaiiadi scieuze naturali, Pisa. Prometheus. lUustrirte Wocheusclu'ift tiber die Fortschritte iu Gewerbe, Industrie uud Wissenschaft, hrsg. v. Witt. Berlin, [woch.] Rassegna mineraria, Torino Report of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science. Rerue generale des sciences pures et appliquees. Dir. L. Olivier. Paris, [bi-mensuel.] Revue scientifique de la France et de I'etranger. Dir. Ch. Richet. Paris, [hebdomad.] Revue universelle des mines, de la metallurgie, des travaux publics, des sciences et des arts appliques a I'industi'ie (Liege). Mensuel. Rigasche Industrie Zeitung. Riga Rivista di mineralogia e cristallografia italiana, Padova. Bollettino del R. Comitato geologico, Roma. • Bollettino della Societa geologica itali- ana, Roma. Rendiconti della R. Accademia dei Liucei, Roma. Bulletin de la societe normande de geo- graphic. Roi;en (Seine-Inferieure). 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Stockholm, Geol. For. Fork. Stockkohn, Vet.-Ak. Bih. .. Stuttgart, Jalireshefte Ver. Natk. Sikld. ApotliZtg, Stuttgart.. Summ. Frogr. Geol. Siirv. U. K., London TkonindZtg, Berlin Tpy4i>i IlMnepaTopcKaro C.-IIcTep- oyj)rcKaro OomecTBa efiecT- BoiicnbnaTcicii, C.-IIeTepoypn> [Travaux de la Societe Imperiale des naturalistes de St.-Petersboiirg], 3anncKn II.MnepaTopcHaro C- IleTepoyprcKaro MUHepa.iorii- MecKaro oomecTea. C.-lIeiep- SyprL [Verhandlungen der rvissi- sclieii mineralogischeii Gesellschaft. St.-Petersbourg]. Sauuiilung chemisclier und chemisch- techrdscher Vortriige, hrsg. v. Ahrens. Stuttgart, [luonatl.] Scientific American Supplement, Xew York, X.Y. Science, X>w York, X.Y... . Der Seifenfabrikant, Lrsg. v. Deite. Berlin, [wock.] De Ingenieiu", Orgaan Aan liet Konink- lijke Institunt van Ingenieiirs, van de Vereeniging van Delftsclie Ingenieurs, 's Gravenhage, 4o. Geologiska Foreningecs i Stockholm for- liandlingar. Stockholm. In-8:o. Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Yetenskaps- Akademiens Haudlingar. Stockholm. In-8:o. [Published in fonr separate series, viz.] Aid. I. Matematik, astronomi, mekanik, fysik, meteoro- logi och beslagtade iimnen. Afd. II. Kemi, mineralogi, geog- nosi, fvsisk geograli och beslagtade amnen. Afd. III. Botanik, omfattandebade lefvande och fossila foniier. Afd. lY. Zoologi.omfattande bade lefvande och fossila fomier. Jalireshefte des Yereins fiir vaterlau- dische Xatnrkunde in Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart, [jiihrl.] Siiddentsche Apothekerzeitung, hrsg. v. Kober. Stuttgart. [5 woch.] Summary of the Progress of the Geologi- cal Survey of the United Kingdom, London. Thonindustrie-Zeitung, red. v. Cramer etc. Berlin. [l^O'Xrn jahrl.] 284 Rus. 290 Rus. 970 Ger. 400 U.S. 402 U.S. 1000 Ger. 65 Hoi. 23 Swe. 39 Swe. 1021 Ger. 1024 Ger. 413 U.K. 1047 Ger. 207 Topeka, Trans. Kan. Acad. Sci. Torino, Atti Ace. sc. Trans. Austral. Inst. Mhi. Encj., Melbourne Umschau, Frankfurt a. M. Varsava, Izv. Univ. 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Bulletin of the United States Geological Sur- vey, Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society, Halifax. Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Physiologie. hrsg. V. Max Verworn. Jena, [uubestimmt.] 420 U.S. 220 It. 14 Vic. 1068 Ger. 3.31 Rus. 235 It. 350 Rus. 361 Rus. 18 Vic. 19 Vic. 490 U.S. 449 U.S. 447 U.S. 527 486 U.S. 430 U.K. 1279 Ger. 208 Zs. anal. Chem., Wieshaden Zs. angeic. Chem., Berlin .. Zs. anorg. Chem., llamhurg Zs. Calciumcarhidfabr., Berlin Zs. EleJitroch., llallc Zs. Inslriimentcnh., Berlin Zs. Koldcnsdurel nd., Berlin Zs. Krystallogr., Leipzig Zs. Math., Leipzig Zs., JVatif. Stidtgart Zs. plnjsdi. Chem., Leipzig Zs. prakt. Geol., Berlin Zs. Unters. Nahrgsmittel, Berlin Zn. Cliishits. Sets., TdJujo. Zeitschrift fiir analytisclie Chemie, hrsg. V. Fresenius etc. Wiesbaden. [2 monad.] Zeitschrift fiii* angewandte Chemie, hrsg. V. Fischer u. Wenghoffer. Berlin, [woch.] Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie, hrsg. V. Lorenz n. Kiister. Hamburg. [12-18 H. jahrl.] Zeitschrift fiir Calcium car])id-Fabrik- ation und Acetylen-Beleuchtung, red. V. Ludwig. Schoneberg - Berlin, [woch.] Zeitschrift fur Elektroohemie, hrsg. V. Nernst u. Borcliers. Halle, [woch.] Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde, red. V. Lindeek. Berlin. [monatl.] Nebst Beiblatt : Deutsche Mechaniker- Zeitiuig. Vereinsblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Kohlen- saure-Industrie, red. v. Wender. Berlin. [^ monatl.] Nebst Beibl. : Die Industrie comprimirter Gase. Zeitschrift fiir Krystallographie und Mineral ogie, hrsg. v. Groth. Leip- zig. [12-18 H. jahrl.] Zeitschiift fiir ilathematik imd Physik, begriindet v. Schlomilch, lu-sg. v. Mehmke u. Cantor. Leipzig. [2 monatl.] Nebst Suppl. : Abhand- liuigen zur Geschichte der ilathe- matik. Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Tliiiringeu. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie, hrsg. Y. Ostwald u. van't HofF. Leipzig. [^ monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir praktische Geologie, hrsg. V. Krahmann. Berlin, [monatl.] Zeitschi-ift fiir Untersuchmig der Nahrungs- uiid Genussmittel, hrsg. v. V. Buchka etc. Berlin, [monatl.] Zufuku Chishitsu Setsumeisho (Explan- atory Texts to the Geological Maps). Japanese language. Tokyo, Japan. 1155 Ger. 1156 Ger. 1158 Ger. 1172 Ger. 1177 Ger. 1197 Ger. 1201 Ger. 1203 Ger. 1210 Ger. 1214 Ger. 1225 Ger. 1228 Ger. 1237 Ger. 42 Jap. The nujnhers in the right hand column are those used in the deneral Lists of Journals. Ka PHOTOGOHT OR BJLADXm F USE ^^i-'-. NOT FOR rjr^cULATTON Z 7403 R882 Biv.G 1901 Interna Lional catalo;jue of scientific literature^ 1901-19U STORA>GE