DOMINANCE-SUBORDINANCE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN FIVE-LINED SKINK, EUMECES INEXPECTATUS TAYLOR By CLEO DUKE WILDER, JR. A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA June, 1962 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to the members of my graduate committee , Dr. Coleman J. Goin (Chairman), Dr. Archie Carr, Dr. H. K. Wallace, Dr. J. C. Dickinson, and Dr. Caspar Rappenecker for their valuable criticisms and suggestions, and for their patience during the long course of ray graduate program. For their aid and comments concerning statistical methods, I wish to thank Dr. Henry Wallbrunn, Dr. John Howell, and Dr. Vonne Porter (Department of Psychology, Mem- phis state university) . I am especially grateful to Dr. Franz Sauer, who contributed much through his critical reading of this paper. For his constant encouragement and stimulation throughout this research. Dr. Robert Haubrich receives my deepest appreciation. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES iv INTRODUCTION 1 THE EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL 10 MATERIALS AND METHODS 17 DESCRIPTION OF CATEGORIES 21 Aggressive Categories 21 Submissive Categories .... 23 Unclassified Category ........ 24 STATISTICAL METHODS 26 DISCUSSION 70 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 94 LITERATURE CITED 98 BIOGRAPHY iii LIST OP TABLES Table page 1-A Approaches — Females 29 1- B Approaches — Males 30 2- A Neck Arching — Females 32 2- B Neck Arching — Males . , 33 3- A Tail Vibration — Females 35 3- b Tail Vibration — Males 36 ; 4- A Touches — Females ..... 38 4- B Touches — Males 39 5- A Bites — Females . 41 5- B Bites — Males 42 6- A Tail-Waves-- Females ......... 44 6— B Tail-Waves — Males 45 7- A Movements Away — Females 47 7- B Movements Away — Males 48 8- a Retreats — Females ........ 50 8— B Retreats — Males 51 9- a* Unclassified — Females ..... 53 9-b Unclassified — Males 54 10-A Weights of Lizards During Observation Period— Females 55 - iv - Table Page 10-B Weights of Lizards During Observation Period — Males 56 11 Total Contacts for Each Category ....... 57 12 -a Rankings for Each Category of Aggression and for Total Aggression — Females ..... 58 12-b Rankings for Each Cagegory of Aggression and for Total Aggression — Males 59 13 Rankings for Each Category of Submission and for Total Submission 60 14 Rankings for unclassified Category 61 15 Kendall Coefficient of Concordance (W) for Rankings among Aggressive and Submissive Categories 62 16 Correlations of Rankings in Aggression and Submission between Sets 63 17 Frequency of All Contacts Compared by Sets 64 18 Correlations of Rankings between Aggression and Submission 65 19 Rank Correlation between Ranks for Total Aggression and Submission and Ranks for Each Unit of Aggression and Submission .... 66 20 Correlations of Rankings for Unclassified Category with All Other Categories and with Total Aggression and Submission 67 21 Correlations of Aggressive and Submissive Categories with Each Other 68 22 Activity Rankings of Isolated Females 69 23 Distribution of Bites According to Body Region 69 v INTRODUCTION Studies on aggression have been made with subjects from all levels of the animal kingdom. The majority of these have dealt with vertebrate animals and have been con- cerned with general or specific aspects of social relation- ships, including, in many cases, dominance-subordinance relationships. Such studies with vertebrates, from the pioneer work of Sch j elderup-Ebbe (1913) until the year 1944, have been an$>ly reviewed by Collias (1944) , and no attest will be made to give a general review of that period. Since the review by Collias, many more studies have been made on many groups of vertebrates, and also, an increasing number of workers are turning to the invertebrates. first evidence of dominance and subordinance in the Chondrichthyes was provided by the work of Allee and Dickinson (1954) with the smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis (Mitchill) , in which the most obvious feature was avoidance of head-on contacts by the smaller of two individuals. Investigations in the more widely studied Osteich- thyes were frequently of a much more specialized nature. Studies have been made of the relationship of social 1 2 organization with such things as territory and "leadership" in maze-learning (Greenberg, 1947) in the green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus, and with position in social hierarchy and amount of growth achieved (Allee, et al. , 1948) in the same species; with the effect of prior residence in the live-bearer, Platypoecilus maculatus (Braddock, 1949); with interspecific competition in two species (Salvelinus iQHfeiqalj.s and Salroo gairdneri) of trout (Newman, 1956) ; and with juveniles in the Kamloops trout (Stringer and Hoar, 1955) . Other studies have dealt with the livebearer, platv- poecilus maculatus (Braddock, 1945), cichlid fishes (Baerends and Baerends-van Roon, 1950) , the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens (Braddock and Braddock, 1955) , and fourteen species of darters (Winn, 1958) . The Amphibia have revealed less information about aggressive activity than any of the five major classes of vertebrates. Martof (1953) demonstrated a primitive type of territorial behavior in the green frog, Rana clamitans, but saw no active aggression. Test (1954) described a challenge and definite aggression in defense of a territory that seemed to be a part of the daily life of the frog, Phvllobates trinitatis. Pearson (1955) observed possible avoidance re- actions around undefended home sites in the spadefoot toad. 3 Scaphiopus holbrooki. Haubrich (1961) demonstrated under laboratory conditions a loose type of hierarchical behavior with several levels of aggression in the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Lutz (1960) described fighting which implied an incipient territoriality centering around nesting holes in the male smith frog, Hyla faber. Grant (1955) observed territoriality in two species of salamanders. Bury— cea bislineata and Hemidactylum scut a turn in captivity. The The former defended its territory by intimidation and direct assault, while the latter used intimidation only, and those animals not establishing territories starved. Birds, especially domestic fowl, have been widely used in behavior investigations since the work of Schjelderup- Ebbe (1913) . Most such recent investigations have dealt with special aspects of the much-minded avian social hierarchy. Using domestic fowl as subjects. Potter (1949) con^ared dominance relations among different breeds; Guhl (1945) dealt with differences by age and sex; Douglis (1948) com- pared resident and part-time members of different flocks; Allee, et__al. (1955) studied the effects of testosterone propionate on lower-ranking individuals; Banks and Allee (1957) studied the effects of different flock size on agonistic behavior; and Banks (1956) , using the more 4 primitive red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus subsp. , studied general hierarchical relationships . Numerous other studies have dealt with other birds, both captive and natural popu- lations. Castoro and Guhl (1958) found differences in ag- gression and territoriality according to sex in captured pigeons. Sabine (1949) studied inter- and intraspecific dominance relationships in winter flocks of j uncos and tree sparrows. Thompson (1960) demonstrated social hierarchies in captive flocks of the house finch and found degree of aggressiveness and size of space inversely correlated in caged birds. Kilham (1961) observed interspecific aggres- siveness of myrtle warblers toward woodpeckers and other birds. Andrew (1957) , on the basis of work with buntings of the genus Emberiza, questioned the existence of subordina- tion of aggressive behavior to the tendencies to behave sexu- ally or to feed, and to certain other drives. Laskey (1950) described dominance struggles (without territorial defense) among both male and female cowbirds and considered this to be closely linked with the winning of a mate. Brain (1949) found a dominance order correlated with feeding station in male and female great tits, Parus major. Goethe (1953) studied social hierarchies in cage-raised herring gulls and found them to be more similar to chickens than to pigeons. 5 Jenkens (1944) descirbed an interspecific pecking order among geese. Boyd (1953) described both individual and family hierarchies in winter flocks of white-fronted geese with the former determined by the latter. Both -ield and laboratory studies have been concerned with aggressive behavior in mammals. Many of these have dealt with causes of aggression rather than with the nature Oj. social hierarchies, almost as well known in mammals as in birds. Scott and Fredericson (1951) studied the effects of hormones, hunger, and other factors on the fighting of mice and rats. Fredericson and Birnbaum (1954) found that heredi- tary differences were correlated with dominance in the social relations of mice. Denenberg and Bell (1959) found an in- verse relationship between frequency and relative intensity of aggression in mice. Clarke (1956) found male voles to be more aggressive than females and success in fighting to result in dominance. Chitty (1952) concluded that the most important factor limiting the growth of vole populations was intra- specific strife. Balph and Stokes (1959) found a straight- line dominance order in deer mice, Peromvscus maniculatus. ^®®bt (1948) found the degree of dominance to be inversely proportional to the amount of fighting on goats. Schein and Fohrman (1955) described a straight-line hierarchy in a herd 6 of dairy cattle, as did McHugh (1958) in the American bison in herds of which dominance was depicted as an adaptive ad- vantage, especially in severe winters. Miller, Murphy, and Mirsky (1955) studied the effects of conditioning on an established social hierarchy in a group of rhesus monkeys. Kummer (1957) found 70 elements of social behavior and studied the development of individual social position in the baboon, Papio hamadryas. Most studies of aggression in Reptilia have been with lizards, especially in the family Iguanidae. Greenberg and Noble (1944) conducted a definitive study under semi- natural conditions of the social behavior of the American chameleon, Anolis carolinensis, in which aggression was found to be related to mating and maintaining of territories . Gordon (1957) found that a similar situation existed in nat- ural populations of the same species, and further, that a reduction of aggressive behavior in the winter facilitated the formation of hibernating aggregations. Ruibal (1960) analyzed the different patterns of aggression in the terri- torial and sexual behavior of five species of Anolis in Cuba and found distinctive patterns of response among them. Stebbins (1944) described a mild intraspecific competition in the mountain swift, Sceloporus graciosus crracilis. Evans 7 (1946) described a social hierarchy which included vigorous fighting in the lizard, Sceloporus grammicus microlepidotus. ana another (1951) in the black lizard, Ctenosaura pectinata. in which aggression was primarily in the form of bluff and display. Lowe and Woodin (1954) described what they consid- ered to be "male type aggressive behavior" in the lizard, Pfarynosoma p. platyrhinos, which displayed extraordinary ag- gression toward any object introduced near it in captivity. Carpenter and Grubits (1960) described several forms of aggressive interaction resulting in the dominance of one male over another in the tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. Miller (1951) observed what he interpreted as a suggestion of terri- torial defense in the Yucca night lizard, Xantusia viailis. In the field and experimental studies of the six— lined racerun— ner' Cnemidophorus sexlineatus . Carpenter (1960) observed that in groups certain animals accounted for most of the aggressive activity, that smallest lizards were most subordinate, that dominant lizards tended to be more active, that subordinates displayed a peculiar submissive posture, and that aggressive behavior could not be related to territoriality. Fitch (1954) described vicious fighting associated with the breeding season in male five-lined skinks, Eumeces fasciatus. but saw little aggression in females or juveniles. Lowe (1948) 8 declared that territorial behavior is widespread among snakes and that what has frequently been called a "courtship dance" between male and female snakes was in most cases a terri- torial fight between two males. Lowe (1950) observed fight- ing, including striking, between two male sidewinders, Cro- talus cerastes, and stated that most aggressive behavior in snakes is due to competition involving territory, social discrimination, or sexual dominance. Raney and Josephson (1954) observed fighting between two snapping turles, Che- lydra serpentina, after the breeding season, but the sexes were undetermined. Parrish (1958) observed territoriality and some indication of a social hierarchy in cpative sea turtles in large tanks. Many of the earlier studies of aggression in verte- brates, as seen in papers discussed above, were concerned with social hierarchies. This has been especially true of Ameri- can behaviorists , some of whom (Allee and Dickinson, 1954; Haubrich, 1961) were interested (at least in part) in demon- strating such social hierarchies in certain vertebrate classes for the first time. European ethologists, on the other hands, have tended to make detailed descriptions of behavior patterns and to study the factors that underlie their causation, their genetic basis, their ontogeny, and the survival value and 9 evolution of these patterns (Baerends, 1958). This has been seen in the studies of releaser mechanisms (Tinbergen, 1942, 1948, 1953), social facilitation (Darling, 1938? Davies, 1953), displacement activities (Lorenz, 1941; Tinbergen, 1953) , and imprinting (Lorenz, 1952) . It is a characteristic of the latter group that they deal with behavioral units, most of which are highly stereotyped (Baerends, 1958). The purpose of this study is fourfold: to analyze the phenomenon of aggression in a family of non-social lizards in terms of aggressive units, to see if such aggression shows any of the characteristics of social hierarchies, to relate the units to the whole of aggression, and to analyze the nature of individual differences in aggression in terms of units and the whole. Finally this study has been conducted with the hope that such analyses within different taxonomic groups might lead to a better understanding of the evolution- ary relationships of the groups as well as of the evolution of behavior itself. THE EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL The southeastern five-lined skink, Eumeces inexpec- tatus, was described by Taylor (1932) . It is considered by Taylor to be a member of the fasciatus group of the genus, and very closely related to Eumeces fasciatus and Eumeces laticeps. Eumeces inexpectatus is found from Virginia to the Florida Keys and west to Louisiana (Conant, 1958) . It occupies a wide variety of habitats, from mountain woodlands to dry, open, coastal islands. In addition to having a broad geographical overlap with E. fasciatus and E. laticeps. it also appears to overlap these two species ecologically, and the three may sometimes be found together in limited areas. However, E. fasciatus does not occur in most of Florida where the other two are locally abundant. In spite of this local abundance, it is difficult to collect large numbers of either species at a given time. For purposes of this study it was considered necessary to have a large number of specimens from which to select the experimental animals. Fortunately, there was available on Seahorse Key a large population of Eumeces inexpectatus . This island is located in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 10 11 five and one-half miles from the mainland and three or four miles from the fishing village of Cedar Key, Levy County, Florida. Seahorse Key is the most seaward of a group of five major islands (and numerous smaller ones) just off the Gulf coast of Florida and located almost equidistantly between the mouths of the Suwannee and Waccasassa Rivers. The island is approximately one mile long and comprises 104.86 acres above mean low tides (Wharton, 1958) . The topography of Seahorse Key is dominated by a long, curving, central ridge with a maximum elevation of 52 feet. The western end of the island flattens out into a broad peninsula which probably does not exceed 10 or 12 feet in elevation. There is no fresh water, even in the form of temporary pools. The vegetation of Seahorse Key, according to Wharton (1958) , resembles a mesophytic mainland habitat. However, it is very dry, and as Whatton points out, lacks such elements as magnolia, American holly, and hackberry. It does not pre- sent the classif picture of a self-perpetuating climax hammock which can be found on mainland Florida. Wharton classified the specific plant communities of Seahorse Key ass hardwood mesophytic and xerophytic forests, mixed hardwood forest, cherry laurel thicket, palm hammock, and saw palmetto. 12 Eumeces inexpectatus was found to be most abundant in the first two of these communities. Seahorse Key supports what has been described as a "depauperate fauna." Nonetheless, it has unusually lar-ge populations of two animals, the southeastern five-lined skink, Eumeces inexpectatus, and cottonmouth, Agkistrodon p. piscivorus. There are no amphibians. Other reptiles include the fairly common American chameleon, Anolis carolinensis, and the somewhat less common ground skink, Lygosoma laterale. worm lizard, Rhineura floridana. six-lined racerunner, Cnemi dophor us sexlineatus, red-tailed skink, Eumeces egregius, and crowned snake, Tantilla coronata. The only mammals which exert an influence on the island are the Norway rat, the gray squirrel, and man. One part of the island is seasonally in- fluenced by a large rookery of herons, ibises, and cormorants. It is also frequented by crows and other birds from the main- land. The population of the southeastern five-lined skink on Seahorse Key seems to represent a much larger concentration of skinks than would be encountered anywhere on the mainland. Because of the physical limits to dispersion and possibly the somewhat limited number of predators, the population is very high. These lizards also have an infinite number of 13 hiding places in the very heavy vegetation, the thick leaf mold, the porous, sandy, friable soil, interlaced with roots, and the numerous rotten logs. When the lizards are active, they can be heard scurrying through the leaf mold. On many occasions such activity was observed from one spot for as long as an hour. It was, in part, observations of this type which led to the use of this animal in this study of aggres- sion. When active on Seahorse Key, skinks are constantly foraging for food. They move among the leaves, sometimes under them for several inches, sometimes on top. At times when moving like this, they seem almost oblivious to outside movement. Thus, on occasion, two animals may be seen almost making contact before either is aware of the other* s presence. When this happens one lizard usually darts quickly toward the other and pursues it for several feet. The second lizard retreats just as quickly, sometimes as far as twenty feet. Then each usually resumes its foraging activity. Fitch (1954) describes similar behavior for Eumeces fasciatus. In their daily movements the skinks also frequent logs and fallen trees with some using crevices and hollows as retreats. Most of their activity, however, is on the leaf -covered ground 14 In the field these animals react to either movement or sound of humans, sometimes from many feet, by racing up the nearest tree. If the tree is a cabbage palm, they might go all the way to the top and hide among the dried and broken fronds; if it is an oak, they might disappear on the top side of a limb high up. In almost every case they return to the ground in less than five minutes if the disturbance does not continue. Because of the agility and speed of the skinks, they were difficult to capture. Trapping by means of hardware cloth funnel traps set against a drift fence of the same material was not successful, so almost all the lizards were caught by hand. This was done in two ways. One method in- volved the use of numerous nineteen-inch squares of tar roofing scattered through the woods and left in place per- manently. A lizard under one of these pieces of roofing could be caught if the collector acted quickly enough. The second method was the more successful. If a lizard was seen on the ground, it was approached carefully and slowly. Usu- ally the skink dashed for the nearest tree, and there the collector attempted to grasp it before it climbed out of reach. Most of the lizards used in this study were captured in this manner. 15 Most of the contacts observed in the field prior to this study occurred during the breeding season between mem- bers of the same sex. In fact, except during the breeding season in early spring, these lizards are relatively inactive, with most movement occurring between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. In habits this animal is essentially solitary, spending most of its time inactive and under cover in hiding. Contacts seen in the field are chance contacts of short duration. In sev- eral contacts seen between females, one animal always moved away quickly at the sight of the other. However, among males vigorous chases and fights of short duration occurred before one animal retired from the scene. These exchanges were similar to those described by Fitch (1954) for Eumeces fasci- atus. The aggressive and submissive behavior would seem to strengthen its solitary habits. No evidence was ever seen of any territoriality. It should be lacking in this animal for the same reason that it is lacking in Eumeces fasciatus (Fitch, 1954) and Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Carpenter, 1960) : its habits would preclude the establishment of dis- tinctive territories such as are found in other animals, in- cluding lizards (especially Iguanidae) . The behavioral units, or categories (as described in a later section) , about which this study is organized, were 16 first observed in the laboratory. It was only after these laboratory observations that behavior in the field was seen in terms of units at all. A tail vibration was observed during several encounters between animals. Tail-waving fre- quently occurred as lizards were being pursued by the col- lector. Arching of the neck usually preceded the capture of food (most frequently beetles, some of which gave their cap- tors real battles before succumbing) and continuedaas the predator chewed upon its prey. Of course, the approach and movement away or retreat occurred during encounters between skinks. On two occasions skinks were observed fighting. They bit, clung, turned, twisted, and rolled, and each time, one retreated from the scene. It appeared that the combatants wereof the same sex. The beginning of neither encounter was witnessed. Whereas such field observations contributed to the total knowledge of the animal, this work is based entirely on laboratory observations. MATERIALS AND METHODS The twenty lizards used in this study were captured in the late spring or early summer of 1959 on Seahorse Key, Levy County, Florida. They were kept in captivity for at least one month before they were used in experiments. Each lizard was kept in a separate one-gallon jar in which a hand ful of leaves had been placed. They were fed from one to five mealworms (larvae of the beetle, Tenebrio sp.) each day and a little water was sprinkled in the jar every two or three days. Once a week each jar was cleaned out and the leaves replenished. During the observation periods each liz ard was weighed and measured every week or every two weeks. Throughout their period of captivity lizards were maintained in the animal room of the Department of Biology, University of Florida. This room was equipped with an air conditioner with thermostat which limited the room tempera- ture to a maximum of approximately 80° F. (26.5° C.). Ob- % servations on Seahorse Key had indicated that Eumeces inex- pectatus was most active between 75° and 90° F. (23.6° and 32.1° C.). 17 18 The general plan of this study was built around the acquisition of data from a series of observations of paired lizards treated as described below. It had been determined in preliminary work that when two lizards were placed in the space used, they encountered each other often enough to pro- vide data, but still had sufficient room to "maneuver" and avoid aggressive action — at least within a short period. Thus, a series of observations of paired lizards allowed an accumulation of data without the danger of injury or death to experimental animals. The space used for making observations was a ten- gallon aquarium, 19-1/2" long by 10-1/8“ wide. Fitted in the bottom of the aquarium was a piece of masonite with the rough side turned up. This was done to facilitate the move- ment of the lizards, for they tended to slip and slide when crawling on the smooth slate bottom. A goose-neck lamp with a 75-watt bulb was positioned so that the bulb was approxi- mately 24 inches above the center of the aquarium bottom. Approximately seven feet above the aquarium bottom a 100-watt bulb in a photoflood reflector was suspended. In addition to producing a constant source of light for observations , these lights also provided a fairly constant temperature in the aquarium which was slightly above room temperature. 19 The temperature on the floor of the aquarium during observa- tions ranged from 26° to 29° C. All observations of skink activity were made with the observer seated in front of the aquarium. Because of the re- sponsiveness of the animals to outside movements and sounds, it was necessary for the observer to be shielded from them by means of a curtain. Observations were made through a small eye-level opening in this curtain. Two groups of lizards were used in this study. The first group was composed of ten females (No. 11-No. 20) , and the second group was composed of ten males (No. 31-No. 40) . Identification of individual animals within each group was easily accomplished because of the considerable individual variation in body size, tail length, proportion of regenerated tail, color pattern, and behavior. Because of these differ- ences and because they were maintained separately between observations, it was not necessary to mark them in any way. Observations with females were made in the late spring and early summer of 1959? observations with males were made in the summer of 1959. Ten observation periods of fifteen minutes each were made for all possible pair com- binations (45) of the ten animals in each group. Thus, each pair was observed for a total of 150 minutes. These ten - 20 - observation periods were conducted in two sets of five each. The first set of five observation periods was completed for all possible pair combinations before the second set of five was started. No lizard was ever paired with any other lizard more than once in a twenty-four hour period. Between the completion of the first set of observations and the beginning of the second, the animals were given a "rest period" of two weeks. The procedure was the same for each sex. The first individual observation period of a set started as the two lizards were released simultaneously in the observation space. (at opposite ends) . The remaining four periods of the set followed consecutively without the removal of the animals from the aquarium. With allowances for rest periods for the observer, maintenance of the liz- ards, and other necessary activities, it was possible to com- plete from two to five pairings a day in this manner. These pairings were generally made between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. which corresponded with the period of greatest activity by the skinks in the laboratory as well as in the field. DESCRIPTION OF CATEGORIES The recognition of the aggressive and submissive patterns occurred during a long period of preliminary ob- servations of the lizards. Specific behavioral traits began to be recognized as these observations continued. Aggressive Categories It appeared to the observer that there were five more or less distinctive and discreet actions which could be con- sidered as components of aggression. These were approach, neck arching, tail vibration, touch, and bite. The responses of the lizards were helpful in the recognition of these ac- tions. If one lizard reacted to an overt action of another, it indicated to the observer that some sort of aggressive behavior had occurred. These lizards may be able to recog- nize aggression that the observer could not detect. The evi- dence indicates that the five actions referred to above are five categories that show aggression. Approach A movement of one animal directly toward another was an approach, if it continued until the two animals were 21 22 approximately three or four inches apart. If the approached animal showed any kind of response, it was called an approach regardless of distance. Occasionally, one or both animals would move toward the other while climbing up or attenpting to escape from the container. Neither this nor any resulting contact was considered aggression. Neck Arching Neck arching was characterized by a sharp tunring of the head downward with the snout to the floor of the con- tainer. This resulted in a slight raising of the fore part of the body with a sharp flexure in the raised portion of the neck. It was always directed toward another lizard. Occa- sionally the animal would maneuver around, always facing the other lizard, while keeping the neck arched. Tail Vibration The vibration of the tail was accomplished as the tail lay extended straight behind the animal. It was shaken very rapidly (sometimes so rapidly that the tail itself was a blur) for a few seconds at a time and repeatedly. This was usually done by the approaching animal on its approach, but was frequently done by the approached animal. It seemed to be one of the first reactions to the discovery of another animal at close range. 23 Touch A touch occurred when one animal made physical con- tact with any part of another with its own snout. It usu- ally occurred following an approach and was a definite con- tact or push. Bite A bite occurred whenever one skink snapped at or bit another animal. Not all attempts to bite were successful. The misses were originally recorded separately, but since, as aggression, they all apparently represent the same thing, the total figures were lumped in the bite category. A record was kept as to whether the bite was made on the head, body, or tail. Submissive Categories There were three activities which were classified as categories of submission. It was recognized that these ac- tivities might be a part of the defnese or escape actions of the animal. However, because of the individual differences in performance when these were compared with aggression, it was felt that the general term "submission” is a useful one in this study Tail Waving The waving of the tail was not at all like the tail vibration. Instead, the tail was moved back and forth later- ally in a series of slow undulations while the lizard was otherwise motionless. It was usually accompanied by a twitch- ing motion near the tip. This was always done by the submis- sive lizard of a particular contact or pair. Movement Away If, following a contact, one of the skinks crawled away slowly, a movement away was recorded. Such movements away occurred not only after "mild" displays of aggression, but also after vigorous exchanges of bites. It represents a mild but obvious form of avoidance. Retreat The retreat represented a more vigorous form of avoid- ance than movement away. It was a sudden rush by one animal away from the other, and usually followed physical contact between the two individuals. Unclassified Category Not every contact between pair-mates could be inter- preted by the observer as either aggression or submission 25 For example, there were many physical contacts when the activity of the animal was directed toward escape from the container. Such contacts produced no response on the part of either animal to the presence of the other and were re- corded as unclassified. STATISTICAL METHODS Tables 1 through 9 show the row-column (frequency of category received compared with frequency delivered) rank correlation. This correlation is the Spearman rank correla- tion coefficient (rg) . The computation was made through use of the formula. s 1 - 6 E d^ N3 - H where rg = rank correlation, d » difference between rankings, and N = number of animals ranked. The significance level of the rank correlation was determined by consulting a table of critical values of the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (Siegel, 1956, p. 284) . The same basic formula was used for the correlations in Tables 16 through 20 and the significance of these correlations was determined in the same manner. The data contributing to Table 11 were used to com- pare the differences in frequency of contacts occurring in males and females. The test used was the Mann-Whitney U-test which is used to test whether two independent groups have been drawn from the same population. This is considered to be one of the most powerful of the non-parametric tests (Siegel, 26 27 1956, p. 116) . The significance of the results of this test was also determined from the table of critical values for U. The Kendall coefficient of concordance was used to compare the rankings among aggressive and among submissive categories. These correlations and the levels of significance are shown in Table 15. The Kendall coefficient of concord- ance is expressed as l/12k2 (N3 - N) where rj « sum of ranks, N » number of animals ranked, and k= number of sets of rankings (the numerator is usually ex- pressed as s, which, as inserted in the formula above, is the sum of the squares of the observed deviation from the mean of Rj). The significance of the confuted W is determined by the formula, ® = k(N - 1) W, with df • N-l (Siegel, 1956, p. 236). Chi square was also used in comparing the location of bites received (Table 23) with the expected distribution of random bites 28 TABLES 1-A AND 1-B Tables 1-A and 1-B indicate the number of approaches made by the lizard numbered in the row across the top toward the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of approaches made; at right, number of approaches received. TABLE 1— A 29 r-l O v -column (totals) rank correlation* -.79 (p 30 m i H 1 £) H O V cu CM CO CO <3 o •H 4J ID H a) to U O O (8 M TABLES 2 -A AND 2-B Tables 2-A and 2-B Indicate the number of neck arches made by the lizard numbered in the row across the top toward the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of arches made; at right, nuntoer of arches received. 32 1 (N 9 3 * Row-column (totals) rank correlations -.58 (P .05) 40 TABLES 5 -A AND 5-B Tables 5-A and 5-B indicate the number of bites made by the lizard num- bered in the row- across the top against the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of bites made; at right, number of bites received. TABLE 5-A 41 Row-column (totals) rank correlations -.25 (P y .05) 42 CQ a Row- column (totals) fank correlation: -.44 (P .05) TABLES 6 -A AND 6-B Tables 6-A and 6-B Indicate the number of times tail-waves were made by the lizard numbered in the row across the top when in the presence of the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of times tail waves made; at right, number "received." TAIL-WAVES 44 f vO f I Row-column (totals) rank correlation: .58 (P <. .05) 45 CQ I vO 3 h -column (totals) rank correlation: -.54 (P .05) TABLES 7 -A AND 7-B Tables 7-A and 7-B indicate the number of movements away made by the liz- ard numbered in the row across the top when in the presence of the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of movements away made; at right, number made in presence of lizard at left. 47 f 6 Row-column (totals) rank correlation: -.65 (P .05) MOVEMENTS AWAY — MALES 48 Row-column (totals) rank correlation: -.90 (P .01) 49 TABLES 8 -A AND 8-B Tables 8-A and 8-B indicate the number of retreats made by the lizard numbered in the row across the top when in the presence of the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of retreats made; at right, number made in presence of lizard at left. 50 f oo a Row-column (totals) rank correlation: -.74 (P .05) RETREATS — MALES 51 Row-column (totals) rank correlation: -.44 (p .05) TABLES 9 -A AND 9-B Tables 9-A and 9-B indicate the number of unclassified movements made by the lizard numbered in the row across the top when in the presence of the lizard listed in the column at the left. Totals at bottom indicate number of unclassified movements made; at right, number made in presence of lizard at left. 53 f m a s s -column (totals) rank correlations -.61 (P <. .05) 54 03 I 0\ *3 % -column (totals) rank correlations -.29 (P .05) 55 f o H § 1 vO m CN 01 VO <3* o • • • • • • • IN rH IN CM CM IN IN IN rH rH rH rH H rH H H CN CM in 00 CO 00 Cl • • # • • • • II rH CV O O 01 o Ov OV rH rH rH o VO CO rH OV 00 CO • • • • • t • H r- CO 00 01 o CO 00 rH in cv 00 in OV in r- • t • • • • • rH CO CO c* 01 o OV Ov rH u 4J •0 T3 £ Xi Ov c j ffl c 5H HJ •SJ ■U > S c H CN CO m vO < 00 VO co in IN e'- en \ & 56 57 TABLE 11 TOTAL CONTACTS FOR EACH CATEGORY Females Males Approach 1,200 1,414 Neck Arching 417 259 Tail Vibration 619 757 Touch 949 949 Bite* 685 1,283 Total Aggression 3,870 4,662 Tail -waving 160 152 Movements Away 1,045 1,057 Retreat 191 377 Total Submission 1,396 1,586 Unclassified 1,812 1,199 TOTAL CONTACTS 7,078 7,447 *Difference is significant to 5 per cent level (Mann- Whitney U-Test) . 58 ? (N 3 3 0> G T-I C >1 S* m in in m O ■— • • * • CO CO 00 CO 00 in CM £ ra 1 « H CO H CO rl CO CM 2 o 4J •H « € g a ■H 4J 18 18 IH M t 0> «a CO co m VO in VO CM in oo m 00 m o r- 1 in co CM ov vo 00 in oo CO vo CM OV CM CV CO 00 o H m vo lO CO CV CM m oo CM CO H m vo H 00 r-4